Castle Super Beast - CSB 086: The Cuckquisition: Egg It Up

Episode Date: September 22, 2020

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Starting point is 00:00:00 [♪れ Northern Heide edits by the g my first fuck it will do it live wedding procession pardon i saw i witnessed
Starting point is 00:00:49 uh-huh my first fuck it will do it live quarantine almo almo uh... hey almo brain says what's really i'm glad that you love my my wonderful almo cat brain
Starting point is 00:01:08 says words after sent to your brain uh... i saw i saw a wedding procession quarantine style except not really because they just didn't give a fuck and everybody was a big group march in down the street doing their thing and making sure
Starting point is 00:01:26 to yell who loud enough that the uh... the particles would be shared amongst them uh-huh knows that there it is share ever share all the particles and what the fuck are you talking about there's there's there's not much else to describe there was a when you say will do it live the first thing that i thought of
Starting point is 00:01:52 was that you were witnessing a situation where people just decided to get married on the spot uh... no more like not i'm okay what i'm trying to describe is there were people that decided we're gonna just have our big wedding thing even though these gatherings are not going to happen right now and they do the reason why we slid from yellow to orange yes yes do you
Starting point is 00:02:14 understand what i'm saying right now yes a page will he got to see the actual moment that uh... what went to the shitter in terms of covid big ass wedding just going down the street yell and who all over each other yeah shits rad bro particles that's that's what i that's there you go exactly
Starting point is 00:02:37 same so and uh... a in the future we will instead of throwing rice or anything for the pigeons you'll just go over and cough everyone in the procession will just cough on the bride and groom this is how you show your love this is how you show your to your health
Starting point is 00:02:56 so uh... yeah and it was just one of those things where you get to just watch it go down and you're like okay so here is like uh... just a parade of zero fucks given you know so the thing that it's it's it's tragic and it's ironic and it's all sorts of things
Starting point is 00:03:18 but every single time one of these events of people go uh... bucket i don't give somebody in that group dot hundred percent of the time hundred percent hundred percent of the time yep and then and then you get to feel great about uh... your celebration being the end of someone else so that's always a fun thing to hold on your conscience for the rest of your life uh... wall depends
Starting point is 00:03:43 uh... there's two types of people yes sure there's the type of person goes oh no like there's a lawyer down south in the states that like had a case like covid's a hoax party and then he killed everyone's grandparents like directly and he wrote this big article about how bad he felt and then there's other people who are like well i'm gonna live my life man
Starting point is 00:04:04 i'm not gonna be held hostage and to end to be fair disease if we have one data point on the on the chart to use to judge the quality and character it's the data point that says we threw the wedding anyway so that's one point to judge them on based on whether or not they'll end up giving a fuck about the
Starting point is 00:04:24 the consequences so the the the where it's it's kind of funny because this was i remember this pop it off in my reading about it and like it ha ha mean back in like october november before covid even existed right and it was the
Starting point is 00:04:41 i think it's like a four chain green text and it is the shopping cart uh... base uh... the shopping cart rule of morality yes we talked about this you could we talked about everything about something about somebody based on whether or not they put the shopping cart back and i got instant real replace by mask wearing
Starting point is 00:05:01 essentially and it's it's it's become so weird because people are getting covid all over but the first question in your head is how'd you get it and the answer is usually i got it from work
Starting point is 00:05:19 right the the mask but sometimes the answer is like the mask i just decided to go down to the bar the mask doesn't seem like a shopping cart because like people don't know don't realize that the mask is about other people and it's not about yourself right it's not it's not because it seems like the mask is you put it on your face to protect you but that's not exactly what's happening and it's not a it's not an obvious
Starting point is 00:05:42 it protects you a little yeah um... it's definitely your shopping cart mentality uh... and it's it's it's interesting but uh... they yeah and then the uh... all i could think about too
Starting point is 00:05:55 was um... and i didn't i didn't this one i'm not sourced on but reggie was kind of telling me that he was reading about uh... how some languages are more covid susceptible than others
Starting point is 00:06:09 and english is high up there because we have a lot of plosives that's why we gotta have these pop guards yeah english is bad for the spread here's my thought if
Starting point is 00:06:26 this is just a thought if you want to have your big no mask wedding with big group you should be forced at the end of the wedding to also stand in a field while somebody with a blindfold empties one full clip of handgun and ammunition into random directions that's possible that's possible
Starting point is 00:06:51 you never know where it'll end up because it is basically the same thing um... if i had to take a guess at what that list would look like would look like i uh... of languages with the worst uh... a carrying rates for viral load uh... oh no russia and germany russia
Starting point is 00:07:11 germany uh... arabic probably probably really bad and really high up on that list at the top of the list absolutely would have to be kikongo that's correct that's obviously kikongo has to be at the top of the list so was it kikongo for everybody? everybody
Starting point is 00:07:37 okay that's okay because if it wasn't and it was a bunch of real languages then everyone would walk out of there what are you trying to say about x-language man and i was like no no no there's no i'm trying to say that the supervillains of the world
Starting point is 00:07:52 hate it and it needs to be protected you can't pick you can't pick uh... a random language and then not let people know that that was randomly chosen otherwise they'll think like the language they got was a deliberate statement but yeah
Starting point is 00:08:10 i'm not done with this shit kikongo is uh... a pick that i think i'm not sure if anybody that speaks kikongo decided to got upset about it or not but i don't imagine i'm about done with this covid shit can we just
Starting point is 00:08:30 can we just stop well the problem is that a lot of people are saying that but the difference is you're saying that and just sighing mentally while they're saying that and then kicking the door open so there's two actions that follow
Starting point is 00:08:48 i'm done with this shit but yeah i think my favorite reaction i have seen is guy on the street yelling at people who are wearing masks to stop wearing them oh yeah there's that
Starting point is 00:09:11 which is like the wildest invert i could imagine i mean i saw a lady hop up on a counter at uh... at whatever like a kfc pull a knife out and just say i'm really hungry gimme food and they're like we can't serve you without a mask and she's like i'll
Starting point is 00:09:31 fucking cut you gimme food i'm hungry and give me a two-piece and it's like what do you saw so you know hey uh... yeah just about done with this shit
Starting point is 00:09:49 well anyway going down to the dog park recently quite often page going more often but i go down about two three times a week with the boy and uh... it's really weird to be around groups of people it is a very bizarre situation
Starting point is 00:10:13 like everybody has their big long leashes and is just staying the fuck away from all the other dog owners well the dogs are off the leash anyway right but it's like everyone's talking from far away and you know most people are wearing their masks and you're outside this big open space and it's just like it's like group agoraphobia it's fucking weird
Starting point is 00:10:39 there's um... i mean like uh... uh... the few times i've had to run outside and see what's going on and stuff there's been different uh... you know there's different levels of like some people are are like mask up all the time outside some people are you know only when the crowd is around and whatnot but yeah you always definitely spot the
Starting point is 00:10:59 uh... the very large gathering that is like you are not all from the same household oh man that's all a group of twenty something's just carousing down the street and pile into a house about a hundred feet from our door
Starting point is 00:11:17 with a with a you know with a not a keg but like a bunch of beers and i'm just like man i hate all of you all of you are at fault well very bitter in any case uh... we've had a very very busy newsweek so uh...
Starting point is 00:11:43 yeah it's crazy let's let's get on to the weeks and then start start covering the shit because there's a lot to talk about okay walls what did you do with your week well uh... i'm gonna say that uh... off the off the top i popped in star renegades
Starting point is 00:12:05 oh yeah and i played the first what i should what i'll call i guess slice you know you know how games have a very deliberate like first arc to them now but there's an intro there's always a prologue and then there's a prologue and then there's a first couple whether it's like mission or our whatever the first thing that leads to a
Starting point is 00:12:26 boss fight and then you go that is your intro to the game yep right uh... so it's it's almost like your perfect one off length if you're gonna do that uh... yep we did that
Starting point is 00:12:40 and boy that just ticks a lot of boxes and scratches a lot of itches that i have for many many things uh... star renegades as as discussed last episode is the rpg roguelike uh... what rules immediately is the art style very nice pixel of a boy does it rules really really clean nice
Starting point is 00:13:07 pixel art style uh... but like with i guess three d applied to it so it's the sprites are being lit by explosions and particle effects and things like that looks like a high-end octopath very very nice yeah things like that uh...
Starting point is 00:13:25 i'm reminded of like how kof handle this uh... it's lighting in in such as well uh... you get uh... the actual battle system which is uh... fairly in-depth and complex
Starting point is 00:13:40 to me at least uh... rpg where you have your uh... your timeline you have your your set turns and then you have a lot of your actions and then you've got you have energy she you have energy shields you've got armor you've got h p
Starting point is 00:13:57 uh... you've got a lot of debuffs and stats and and and things that can affect your your damage output slash your your your you know damage intake uh... who cares about that shit it's about pushing the turn and then you've got the push turn exactly right you've got the the moves that might do less damage
Starting point is 00:14:19 but they slow you down or they slow the enemy down you stagger the opponents uh... you can delay people by stunning them but the main system seems to be one where the uh... the turn display the turn order like instead of just showing you a bunch of portraits of who's gonna move when
Starting point is 00:14:36 it actually shows you a timer of sixty seconds and then it's gonna move when in in what order in that minute uh... and it'll and it divides into these little like ten second chunks and you can see exactly on the on the timer when this move comes out you know and so uh... if you
Starting point is 00:14:58 plot your heavy move to come out it'll usually be slow and the enemy's like basic shot might come in faster but if you take a second upon a second team member and delay that enemy with uh... a stagger attack like a pushback they will then possibly get pushed back just behind that first
Starting point is 00:15:20 heavy attack that you set up and now it's hitting them preemptively and everything that hits early is basically it's a crit yeah it's like a counter hit system so what would be a counter hit uh... you know in other genres in this case it's a a full on crit which gives you extra things that it does it might activate an extra
Starting point is 00:15:42 uh... uh... effect and and like it's just a really awesome system where because the timer shows you what they're about to do it reminds me of into the breach because you've got perfect information for what the enemy is going to attack you with and there's no so far there have not been
Starting point is 00:16:03 uh... miss rates are any chances of of like whiffing or anything like that i play to the end of the second planet and didn't have a single thing missed in either direction so then it's perfect information and thus you're fighting the battle but really you're solving the puzzle and i fucking love that i have so much fun with that uh... same like into the breach kind of like we know what's about to happen
Starting point is 00:16:29 plot your move perfectly and set it all up you know let the dominoes fall uh... and then of course there's uh... darkest dungeon like moments of camping between nights and day so that you can sharing affection with your affection cards buff your team up and then build their relationships to go up
Starting point is 00:16:49 and if their relationships get high enough you get access to dual tech so they have split attacks if they get even higher you can get progeny units i don't even know what that is i'm going to assume it's new units that are basically their babies like if you fuck that robot
Starting point is 00:17:07 oh what because progeny means like baby spawn yeah okay huh uh... one of them is things one of them is i mean i had two partners one was not human and the other robot was birthed in a van
Starting point is 00:17:27 that's right so yee wow the robot have a baby okay just do it well in any case um... it also
Starting point is 00:17:41 helps that you're fighting a bunch of rad robots uh... really cool like you know story so far is is doing its thing lot like lots of like you know setting up of the story cut scenes characters introduced uh... but yeah more than anything like you just kind of feel like you have a lot of options you know and and throughout the first mission that i did
Starting point is 00:18:02 uh... and it was to the first major boss the first uh... behemoth you had the ability to you level up you get cards and and or you level up and get new abilities and i feel like you know you get to kind of play this how you want to this different ways you can probably you can you can
Starting point is 00:18:22 approach it but i was able to i preemptively fought the behemoth and i was able to just squeeze out a victory uh... it was it was a pretty hype nice tight fight uh... i i i i i clutched it from the jaws of defeat and uh... in the end i was left very very
Starting point is 00:18:43 impressed with situations where you can preview info to see the next turn and the next turn says this boss is dropping a murder beam that's gonna wipe your party gonna die it says kill shot to kill it now it says kill shot on everybody and
Starting point is 00:19:02 this is gonna happen unless you can change the future you know so you start working you start uh... putting your fury points to use you know and and yeah like it was it was just a fucking incredible game i got uh... so i ended up getting to the end of the second boss and uh... you get party members every planet you beat nice so by the end of the game you'll be rocking like a six-man party that's what it looks like every extra planet is
Starting point is 00:19:31 like uh... order of complexity higher uh... the story is pretty it's it's pretty light but the the one thing about it that that caught me off guard is that it terms of rogue like considerations like an isaac it's like when you die it's just like that didn't happen this is the real run or whatever right in gunjan it's like all you get shot by the bullet to the past you go back in
Starting point is 00:19:56 time right in this it's your whole reality gets annihilated and you just jump the little baby robot to a similar one and give it another shot like every failed run is an entire dead galaxy yeah it's it's it's a bummer uh... i mean into the breach right warped back warped back and and and
Starting point is 00:20:20 help the next reality i remember like i like talking about how like that's an interesting device for roguelikes because it obviously plays right into the repetition but it's also like if you have access to that technology that's a very benevolent thing for someone to do to be like well this is all fucked before i go that the very least i can tell my neighboring reality
Starting point is 00:20:48 hey watch out you know yeah quite quite nice quite nice yeah the games great uh... there's only one thing that i would say it might be a downside i played the game for almost four hours and i got to the end of the second planet roguelike
Starting point is 00:21:05 and roguelike runs are usually measured between half an hour to an hour a full run of this would be like six hours yeah like like that's crazy that's like a whole video game it is and for your winning run and i'm okay with that like if you're gonna take some losses
Starting point is 00:21:28 you know take them take them early take them hot and then get to the place where you understand the system but uh... yes so far uh... so good and
Starting point is 00:21:43 i do like that uh... there's you know how there's always got to be a there's always got to be something that uh... that uh... that diminishes over time that is harder to replace you know so that like the further you go you can't just like always be tip top shape
Starting point is 00:22:01 uh... in darkest dungeon it's stress stress management is really hard even if you keep your life high and in this uh... i mean in in in a persona game it would be your and your manner right your mp ends up running out a lot of the time in this
Starting point is 00:22:19 it's your life but only your h p you can keep your your energy shields replenished fairly easily your your armor is from what i can tell so far not coming back and your h p is only a camp or like when you get a nice pickup
Starting point is 00:22:42 armor and health you can find pickups are camp it up yeah it's not going to come back automatically your shields are gonna be your regenerating health yeah most of it so that was like okay i understand this is the flow a really bad run will have you like crawling to the boss with very little h p
Starting point is 00:23:04 uh... but you might have your energy and armor intact you know you'll get you'll start with that fall shield so uh... that's cool i also like to touch where there's certain effects that happen immediately at the beginning of the timeline so uh... you get to like essentially like change your calculations
Starting point is 00:23:25 you know uh... uh... by just applying uh... uh... a step right away you know uh... yeah like the uh... the like the the fucking stun that the the rogue gets blitz yeah it's like do you just this need to stop now like that fuck that thing yeah yeah so that is really really cool and uh... i'm i'm gonna be going back to star in the gates on my own time for sure big big
Starting point is 00:23:51 thumbs up on that recommend what else did you get on uh... i also decided to take a look at and irons perfect wealth can you type that into discord so i can look it up because i don't know how to
Starting point is 00:24:11 spell that you don't even need to but if you want it to it uh... it is it is basically the third akatsuki blitz camp came oh so uh... excuse me akatsuki blitz camp so that is a uh...
Starting point is 00:24:30 that's it an old fighting game by subtle style uh... played it back in the in the day and love it really really cool it's got an old man named fritz he's got a sword and i like that character a lot it's the it's the game with all the nazis in it but uh... turns out that that might not be the case so it had it had an update once called off oush
Starting point is 00:24:53 and then there was a uh... second update into the into the though the most recent version of the game called uh... basically one perfect world in german uh... and nine perfect world uh... it is still pretty still cool lots of uh...
Starting point is 00:25:13 new stuff going on new characters dropped it seems like it never got ported anywhere so it's only in japanese arcades so you basically not even getting real results for this title yeah you remember getting like books put it this way remember the blitz tank yeah it's the series that the blitz tank comes from that's all you really need to found screenshots
Starting point is 00:25:38 of this game uh... yeah that's one of those it's one of those and it's not a sigil fighter it's it's very it's very it's not it's very much not that it's it's not an anime like fighter in terms of like mechanics and whatnot it's not doing arxist double jumps and air dashes well there is a double jump but it's a lot more like you know kinda normal in that regard but it's a very fun system
Starting point is 00:26:04 three buttons abc and parry so uh... uh... yeah that's all cool but we had uh... so someone that messaged me about this game that is a huge fan of it basically was explaining that uh... you know in according to the lore these are not a bunch of nazis necessarily
Starting point is 00:26:26 they might have been perhaps at some point in their origins but uh... things get a little bit more complex you see like the main character might uh... he was undercover slash not actually working for the the the imperial army and and all these things and i'm like the more it goes on the more i'm just like okay so
Starting point is 00:26:50 one hundred percent of this roster is wearing hugo boss uniforms and one and and and i don't know man and a non-zero a non-zero amount of them have win quotes that are literally hile hitler are seek hile in the game is the game is called one perfect world but we're gonna just say hey no when you look into the fine print
Starting point is 00:27:17 there's little asterisks that say not all they're not they're not nationalist socialists though it's okay they're fine leave it alone and you're like all right sure subtle style whatever you say uh... we all totally believe you
Starting point is 00:27:39 it's not like there's an unlockable character named wacker that throws a burning swastika at you all that's true that is that game but no no that's another game that's a different you know oh it's uh... oh yeah that's the shittier this yeah this one's actually pretty fun
Starting point is 00:27:56 uh... but no anyway the game was fun it was good uh... i enjoyed it but like i definitely don't like so i like that it's one of those things where there's some changes to direct you to read any literature on the website afterwards it did not okay but it did uh... change the character i like in some ways that i don't like and um... community wise it seems like those who uh... play
Starting point is 00:28:20 blitz camp series prefer the first game so this is not the the version that people really have a bummer yeah but it's just that's what happens sometimes sometimes the changes are not really uh... changes that people appreciate so they just kind of stick to
Starting point is 00:28:35 a version of the game that you know they like a k a melee and uh... this is one of those so in keeping with that theme of you know let's play the not
Starting point is 00:28:51 chosen version we also popped in second impact oh boy is that not the chosen version uh... second impact man dude just there are a lot of people who don't even know what game you're talking about because you're not saying the full title street fighter three second impact
Starting point is 00:29:12 right because like street fighter three third strike that's the title right that's it's called that's three three three that's the one street fighter three third strike is the third version of street fighter three the second out the first version of it is called new generation and the second version of it is called second impact uh... when they package them together
Starting point is 00:29:34 they called it giant attack and then after that we got third strike that's a great name giant attack giant attack is wonderful i love it so uh... street fighter three second impact was before the game went hip hop that was before it started listening to the rap music
Starting point is 00:29:53 and uh... that was before it turned orange this is uh... a very different aesthetic and it was just cps three doing what it does you really do have to go back at least to appreciate some of the the design aesthetic choices the the uh... life bars are gorgeous they have those like portraits of the eyes at
Starting point is 00:30:18 the top that look really nice the uh... menus and the music and like the mood is it like again third strike is the best but like there's some really it's got a completely different feel a really different feel and it's a very fun you know it's very nice it's a very uh... uh... video gamey feeling
Starting point is 00:30:39 uh... vibe i i don't know how else to put it you know but like you get these feels much more at home in an arcade in the nineties yeah yeah sure yeah it did come out in the nineties i mean new generation had the globe on the character select screen so that you know you'd like fly around the map as if you were a world warrior back in the day and then uh... second impact had the uh... yeah it had stage intros where
Starting point is 00:31:03 if your character and uh... and the stage had an interaction together like yun and yang yun would be skateboarding over a car crash and land and then the the board rolls away and then he fights you or yang is on the top floor of uh... the restaurant they work at and he jumps down and fights you
Starting point is 00:31:23 akuma comes down from the mountaintop uh... ellen a stage the bridge falls between rounds you know like lots of little fun things that happen on the stages that you can just let me like yeah man that's just great and then of course mechanically uh... parries are easier and dudley has his thunderbolt attack
Starting point is 00:31:45 where he jumps up up top the screen and corkscrews downwards and she's not so she is so goofy uh... you somebody played dudley in in third strike first seeing that move it like from what i thought was a grounded boxer character it's just so weird it's hilarious it and what it went away but like at the time i was like what the fuck uh...
Starting point is 00:32:10 yes you got shawne with a real sure you can that's urgent to a which uh... i loved to see it was just it was wonderful and it was in fact it was too good in in in capcom's eyes they have to take it away but he had a sure you can that had a slumped on the worst character that ever wants
Starting point is 00:32:30 you know i mean look man shawne was not like shawne was still still had his problems but having a real uppercut with a nice little like bam at the end was sick uh... and then of course there was uh... a bookie who used to have
Starting point is 00:32:46 a super that was more or less on the level of what chudley ended up with like it's just a teleport forward combo that you can just activate to punish all kinds of shit very very fun uh... yeah
Starting point is 00:33:02 shawne was shawne was really cool with that that that all these little changes were were just like man back in the day before they kind of went crazy alex with a different voice it's just it's just an interesting thing to i don't like his old voice yeah i don't like it escape eddie's loses like very very michael jackson ish uh...
Starting point is 00:33:26 akuma and shawne rolling past each other you know and uh... what and i want to say as well there was like uh... yeah well a lot of voices were different like yon and yang too like they actually had way high more high pitched like the uh... you know like the wrecker
Starting point is 00:33:47 sounded different and uh... you know it's like that's a kind of a they they they were basically like fourteen year olds and then i feel like they they their voices aged them up a little bit in third strike you it's cool it's cool so uh... i i uh... yeah i i i like going back to that every once in a while just being like this is where it came from
Starting point is 00:34:06 this is cool uh... and on the whole version you could switch super arts between rounds which was kind of crazy that was so it was crazy because it was like what did you anticipate you would need each round start with this then go to that then go to that
Starting point is 00:34:26 usually there's a best super art that you just stick with the whole time because why the fuck not anticipating that like uh... oh final round time to switch it up from uh... whatever uh... you know from essay three to essay two or for whatever you're anticipating
Starting point is 00:34:44 it's kind of nuts you know i imagine if you have a uh... uh... strategy that revolves around filling your meter up and then perhaps busting it out at the end you can probably use that wait you keep the meter even if you change your super well you change it you keep the meter between rounds like that's how the system works yeah you change whether you want one two or three you pick you basically you pick your
Starting point is 00:35:08 character and then you pick your super art and then it'll you pick your super art three times and it'll be round one round two round three so yeah uh... like that's that's kind of but that was the console version uh... only the original arcade you just picked with one yeah that's that's that's crazy that was only in giant attack
Starting point is 00:35:28 second impact had shinakuma in it that was never playable there is a boss akuma version that exists and i don't know that if i only played like a total of like ten matches of of giant attack there is a crazy there's a you know
Starting point is 00:35:48 like street fighter three uh... akuma that is shinakuma and uh... there's a there's a whole sequence for like how you go about to fight him in arcade mode but uh... yeah that was never made unlockable so uh... no yeah because that would be busted but i enjoyed that
Starting point is 00:36:07 i enjoyed that so that was getting to fighting games ffs for fuck's sake uh... yeah so we are gonna be popping those up on the channel and we are also going to be uh... you know
Starting point is 00:36:28 going on with uh... the new lp's this week so yeah you can check of course all that out on twitch dot tv slash woolly versus and on youtube dot com slash woolly versus we are uh...
Starting point is 00:36:44 firmly in between games right now because paper mario's done and halo reaches done so it's time to start some new shit so please look forward to a schedule of new shit uh... starting this week
Starting point is 00:37:01 jb for a how about you i beat transistor i feel like the people who love transistor love it so much i felt let down my transistor that's okay i felt that
Starting point is 00:37:27 well the biggest problem is that i don't like the way the combat works yeah that's a big that's a big part of it that's what you're doing for most of the game that's why i i i i i felt off of it uh... the first time uh... when i started playing way back i got to the first boss at the you know the girl with the hat the her
Starting point is 00:37:47 uh... and i was like i don't like this and then i recently went through it and it's like i really really love everything about the way the functions interact i think that's fantastic and i think the way that forces you to vary it up to get all the lore pieces on all the characters
Starting point is 00:38:07 to be super cool but actually using the vast majority of them i felt was kind of lame like i ended up at the end of the game like i only really liked three or four functions and i was constantly having to pull those off in order to put new ones on to get the the background
Starting point is 00:38:33 information on the new ones and i would get stuff like oh hey it's paying fucking hate paying but i have to use it three times in order to get like the background on it and it's like if it wasn't mask or charm or call or crash like
Starting point is 00:38:55 i always feel like i was being how do i put this felt like i was being punished for wanting to learn about the game by not being able to use the moves i wanted to use uh... and then i felt i don't know how i feel about the end sequence because on the one hand i think it feels super rushed
Starting point is 00:39:17 like that final area is like a joke like you only fight one enemy type and you just like steamroll them super fast and the final boss is a joke but at the same time the guy talking to you is gold blooming the fuck out and i wish he was in the whole game like the final antagonist that's talking to you at the end of Royce like why isn't he just talking to you the whole game
Starting point is 00:39:47 you didn't like you did so good yeah he's really cool you didn't enjoy the uh... the fight i beat him in like forty five seconds so like uh... like i would have enjoyed the fight but like i didn't get to do most of it because i just iced him in like a second
Starting point is 00:40:15 uh... i also think the ending is actually just terrible like the the the the the solution at the end of the game is like awful and i don't i very strongly disagree with the the games theme badly did i disconnect myself? no okay
Starting point is 00:40:50 no i'm just listening to your review from the art perspective and the presentation perspective is like immaculate but like i don't like the story and like man i did not care for the gameplay either so i kind of feel i feel like i was oversold on it yeah i... people around me going it's the best game ever it's my favorite game ever
Starting point is 00:41:16 i mean uh... i don't know why you're speaking in such a like indirect term obviously i'm someone who loves the game and has you're not the only person okay okay fair enough then uh... yeah like that's why i'm speaking indirectly because you are not the only person who has been like oh my god transistors the best
Starting point is 00:41:38 well and i'm like uh... uh... uh... uh... that's that's alright there's a lot of things that you know we don't feel the same about and i i was not bothered by the gameplay i enjoyed it and uh...
Starting point is 00:41:52 in the end i had a very different impression you know like for like if you do want something that is targeted towards you woolly i can say that i wish the game didn't take place in a computer because the fact that it takes place in a computer means that you of course it will be your favorite game ever because it's kind of like reboot no that's stupid that's not true that's not the reason why at all it's it's it's the setting
Starting point is 00:42:20 not it has nothing a computer look it's like reboot yeah fuck off that's not the reason why i like it on a character level i like what's happening with the combat i think the design aesthetics i think the sound i think a lot of what's going on is my
Starting point is 00:42:38 it's it's it's to my liking to my taste but it's not the computer part of it the fact that it's in a computer is cool it's but it's not just oh it's similar to reboot thus i like it and thus anything because that implies that anything that takes place in a computer is going to automatically be like oh woolly loves it because it's in a computer and that's not true
Starting point is 00:42:57 that's why sword art online is your favorite anime right so on that aspect fuck off that's not it at all but with everything else yeah the it's it's fucking firing on all cylinders for the type of shit that i like looking at that i like playing um for the types of characters that i enjoy talking to um i have i really like the way the
Starting point is 00:43:21 the the dialogue plays out and i love the way the sword talks to you i kind of love a lot of the the i like the narrator from trans not trans bastion way better yeah um well that's it it's a different tone you know it's a different tone like he's going for a a more like southern sort storyteller kind of vibe you know like almost a johnny cash talking to you sort of energy whereas and he's telling a story as opposed to
Starting point is 00:43:51 talking to you character that going hey red are you okay you know like a lot of that is uh it's noir it's it's going for a different energy entirely but um you know and like that that comes down to genre ultimately but yeah no no it's not one of those things where i'm like um i'm gonna line up with the the the the the thesis and and this and that it's this ultimately a lot of it is is uh taste you know do you like the ending
Starting point is 00:44:22 uh i remember i remember not i remember like i remember being fine with it yeah i remember being like yeah that's cool like it played out in a way that i wasn't particularly bothered um but at the same time like full disclosure like i played it so long ago that like the point-to-point things are not fresh in my memory there's a lot about what this about uh the story right now that's not fresh so i can't really bring up that or the characters or the the weapons and things like that it's
Starting point is 00:44:51 from i don't know how many years ago my my main complain about the ending is something that i'm sure you remember and it's the decision the main character makes at the end of the ending um can we can we talk about that are we far enough away from transistor that we can talk about the ending i think so i mean what what game is the year from a long time ago came out on the 360 um yeah let me just uh 2014 okay yeah that's that's a bit okay we're
Starting point is 00:45:30 spoiler cast for transistor starting now i can't i can't really join you because i i'd have to go back and read read read read read what happened and stuff i know you there's only one thing i need to talk about and i'm certain that you remember it okay and that is the end of the game is we could fix everything but instead we'll commit suicide and we'll go to heaven and live with our loved ones in heaven which i think is gross i think i think endings or or stories that are like
Starting point is 00:46:06 we should all just kill ourselves so we can go to heaven are like legitimately terrible almost on the point of being immoral yeah i i don't i i would have to go back and refresh on everything that happened i i don't have that in my immediate memory you don't remember that they kill themselves no so i have to go back and refresh on everything pretty much but i remember when i got to the end i remember what i felt when i played the game but i don't remember the specifics at this point
Starting point is 00:46:45 i'd have to go back and catch up well shit no wonder it's your favorite game you forgot all the things that sucked about it all i can tell you is at the time what i remember feeling was like enjoyment i don't remember being bothered by the things that you mentioned but again it's i don't know what to tell you dude i am i'm sorry i don't have the i don't have the fucking memory you know all right that's all right i'm super okay i'm baffled by that
Starting point is 00:47:20 like uh all right uh in better news how much time or let me change this question how much time have you put into hades i didn't beat hades i put enough time in that i was able to make it to um i guess the third area i fought the minotaur and i got past him and i kind of i'm somewhere in the area past him so oh you got to the area pet wait the minotaur or thesius in the minotaur the minotaur boss yeah because there's the minotaur that you can fight as a mini boss
Starting point is 00:48:05 and then there's thesius in the minotaur which are the boss to get out of lesium no not that just the minotaur okay okay so um i've been playing that just non-stop since 1.0 uh i haven't once did you put a lot of time into it like relatively recently not not recently i all my time was spent early early early access um and then i came back for the um the nicks update i believe it was i did a couple runs then but like that was pretty much it um i spent heavy heavy heavy amounts i was playing it every day
Starting point is 00:48:51 back in early access as yeah i think the last time i put a good amount of time into it was the update that added minotaur so i am like six months out from 1.0 jesus christ they changed so much between updates like just like but even beyond that so i finally beat it the other night and was that so it's a rogue like and it you know they want you to do extra runs so i beat it and was wondering well how the fuck can they possibly just oh okay they actually
Starting point is 00:49:29 justified it extremely well as to why you would keep doing runs and then i spoke to a friend of mine who had hit credits and i was confused because i couldn't figure out how you hit credits and the answer is beat 10 runs like the the actual end of the game is beat 10 runs um which is a lot easier than it sounds because once i actually like got to the top and beat it the first time like i have played so i played it what i don't know like four days and took me
Starting point is 00:50:13 all that time to beat it once i beat it seven times since in like a day well obviously the just starts to go faster faster yeah the the way you you melt things uh that you've already beaten i would assume continues all the way to the point where when you're good enough to get through the whole game like the first time you beat meg each time after that you're like okay she's not an issue so the i imagined that just ends up being the entire game is not an issue because you're so it's it's not it's not just that but you're also building up
Starting point is 00:50:46 like permanent power so like you you earn the ability to like say uh like the sword you can upgrade it so it does like i think 30 or 40 different 30 or 40 extra on like certain types of attacks so you're actually getting like like straight up more powerful like i just unlocked an upgrade where uh when you choose an ambrosia room which eventually become useless because you don't need any more ambrosia it gives you a random power up to a boon you have like every time and if you pick a darkness room then your
Starting point is 00:51:21 hp goes up by five like when you finish it so those get easier and easier and easier and i was starting to worry about like what the like how how is this game just not going to become a total cake walk and then the game adds the pact of punishment did you ever fuck around with heat in the earlier versions of the game heat i don't know what that is so it heat used to be something that uh you would just unlock from like the from nix you would just give you the heat system and it what it is is run modifiers
Starting point is 00:52:02 um in hades 1.0 it's unlocked once you beat the game once and the way that it works is so you when you unlocked when you got through the first three you got like titan blood and you got a diamond right yeah so you notice that you get a titan blood and a diamond for meg and uh uh the hydra but then uh that's per weapon and then never you never get them again right but you have upgrades that require like 15 titan bloods or uh fucking you know 10 diamonds or whatever
Starting point is 00:52:46 and the way that it works is you go okay i want more titan blood and diamonds i'm gonna pick the sword which i totally beat the final boss with and i'm going to make every enemy do 20 more damage that resets all of your rewards so with the sword at one heat you can earn all those rewards again and then after that you can earn all the rewards again at two heat and so as you are building up yeah as you are building up permanent upgrades the only way to get more materials for more permanent upgrades
Starting point is 00:53:24 is to make the game harder in some format okay so there's like prestige basically that you apply to think think of it uh somebody in in in chasa it's it's like using a bonfire aesthetic right okay to repop the boss you can get the rewards again okay um one of those is something called extreme measures which is the the coolest one which changes the boss fights i've only done one but it changes the mega boss fight to be all three
Starting point is 00:53:58 furies at once wow holy shit okay and i think that one counts as two heat uh there's so much in that fucking game i i feel like uh usually there is i what i remember is at whatever i'd get really far in on a run i would feel like it's because i have a broken build yeah no yeah you're you know and uh and then i imagine the game will rise to the occasion to be like no that broken build is kind of needed to deal with this threat but they're there
Starting point is 00:54:42 there's some there's some times when i'm like i get uh a zoning ability and an amazing dash that are just unfair the only complaint i have about the game the game is beautiful it has the most amount of dialogue i've ever seen it's a great roguelike it controls amazing the only thing i don't like about it is that the distance between bad builds and perfect synergistic builds is the largest i have ever seen in a roguelike like have you ever seen those videos of people playing isaac
Starting point is 00:55:22 in in in which like isaac is the whole screen and just shooting black holes everywhere and yeah yeah yeah totally and like nothing can do anything you can totally get to be that busted um the the first the first time i beat the game i beat it effortlessly because i had uh i was using the bow and it was i would fire the bow and it would cause a huge explosion and poison everyone for massive poison ticks yeah and then i would drop my cast and it would the cast would like just
Starting point is 00:55:59 shoot lightning constantly and every time you were infected with poison you would also get hit by lightning and then the lightning would change lightning to other people yes yeah right and so it was it was like i i could stay at the at one end yeah and just take hot shots at the boss i had like four dashes each dash was a bomb the bomb would explode it would go through armor uh it would deflect bullets you know what i mean and then like there's yeah you just you just stack like eight things on top of one ability and then it just becomes the melter uh the
Starting point is 00:56:37 one of the cooler parts that i never got to in the old in the beta version have you unlocked any of the new weapon aspects mm-hmm yes you can change them to like the spear can be the spear of of of um not Troy of Achilles Achilles you know and like other different aspects yeah i did i did start seeing that in the new so there's a lot to that system some of them are minor differences like the chaos shield throws two shields if you do the charge right mm-hmm
Starting point is 00:57:14 the bows are really interesting where the one of them is it fires less specials but they track um and the third bow is super nuts where instead of firing your cast you load up your cast into your shot so that you you press b three times and then you fire off a power shot and all three casts hit the enemy at the same time okay with the arrow okay but i unlocked the fourth spear aspect which changes the spear into a completely different weapon so the fourth weapon aspects are new
Starting point is 00:57:53 weapons they're not variations it's just like completely new and the fourth weapon for spear is the spear of guanyu and it is a chinese like slashing spear okay and in the description it says that the person who wields it doesn't exist yet cool and it comes with a special quest to bring it and leave it at the surface so that it can one day like make its way to china i guess cool um and it puts your health to 30 maximum and removes your spin attack
Starting point is 00:58:36 but it gives you a a spin attack you can throw that heals you like a round trip yeah like a round trip okay and instead of stabbing super fast like the spear does it it's like super slow hits that do like massive damage so you can't like stun lock them anymore no because like the big thing with the spear lock them with it was just like pop up up up up up and they're like they're not they're not moving everything's unlocked yeah those those things are super weird
Starting point is 00:59:12 they're they're all really bizarre the the sword one puts a field around you that slows projectiles hmm like they're they're fucking goofy it's it's so weird because like i feel like this is pretty common to be said about a lot of these types of games but the game actually legitimately starts once you beat it the first time and i don't even mean like in terms of haha now let's do some runs i mean the story starts once you beat it the first time that's crazy to hear because doing so many runs to get
Starting point is 00:59:52 not through the game yet like involves getting exposed to wild amounts of dialogue there's so much conversation to go through and again i haven't beaten it but i've done enough runs to to hear what i thought was the exhausted limit of some of these and it seems like no not yet you know i can't believe how much dialogue there is i i got a special piece of dialogue from a god that only shows up after you beat the game once
Starting point is 01:00:35 okay i got a special line of dialogue for nix that only shows up when you get a boon from a god that only shows up after you beat the game and probably after you beat the game like five or six times and you need to get them in the first room jesus it's like okay beat the game five times so that you this god is unlocked then get them in the as the you're starting upgrade and then die and then go talk to nix about what you learned from that character yeah it's kind of that's
Starting point is 01:01:11 considering it's so ridiculous because it shows you like the heart system to be like hey build build up favor by giving gifts and then you can max that out but like just because you max it out doesn't mean you're done you know like well yeah max it out and then you get the final lock and then the final lock is give them a goddamn ambrosia which only comes from beating theses in the minotaur which means you need a ton of them yeah so you know again a lot of what you're describing is shit like
Starting point is 01:01:45 i have not even fucking witnessed but um i feel like i've gotten a healthy healthy dosage of game just doing the amount of runs that i've done and it's considering the development story of this game is we're going to do it over time because we have a smaller staff working on it like just the voice acting alone i just like how so much how long are those sessions you know like yeah it's crazy it's crazy but i mean it's weird that that's developed in this way because it's a super giant game through and through
Starting point is 01:02:29 you know um it feels like their whole team could have been working on this but yeah in any case uh fucking incredible yeah it also gives you like super super long-term goals so uh like after beating the game so in order to upgrade an aspect to its absolute maximum you need like 15 titan bloods which means probably like 10 ish well yeah eight runs assuming you just kick up the difficulty every time and you have to have maxed one of those out in order to
Starting point is 01:03:10 actually finish a quest and unlock something else and it's like beat the final boss eight times and increasing difficulties to do this one thing and i said it before but i'm gonna uh triple down and say the way that the art depicts these gods is my favorite version of those gods period yeah it's pretty ridiculous so i'm getting distracted by this fat dog i got he's adorable okay i love him uh aside from hades man i've been playing
Starting point is 01:03:54 hades like that game's great i was playing it like right up until the second we started the podcast but that's pretty much it for me i'm going to be doing more roguelikes this week i'm going to be doing that over slash pat stairs at if you want to check that out we got to get to news because holy shit yeah um let me just take a look here yeah so uh let's just take a quick word from our
Starting point is 01:04:26 sponsors and then we will discuss all the shit that's going on this week castle super beast is brought to you by door dash hey door dash what up what up is dinner i had food from you earlier today it was great what up is breakfast lunch or dinner then let's let's let's say any meal anytime anywhere straight to you uh you just it's we've been we've been we've been letting you know about it but it's really simple it's it's the way you get
Starting point is 01:05:06 your food when uh you need it from your favorite places any joints that you like in your neighborhood places you want to support local favorites big chains a whole bunch over i believe the number last time we checked was 300 000 partners in the u.s port of rica canada and australia um and yeah you just you hop on the app you grab your your your favorites and you pop them in there i am very happy that the with the with the level of contactless
Starting point is 01:05:45 delivery that we've uh been enjoying i continue to enjoy the fact that i get a knock on the door i go to the door the food is there waiting and the person is just already walking away just going all right you know you take care yeah the old the only variation that i have on that is sometimes they're standing there with the stuff and then they do the the universal like look down at the at your door frame and they're like do you want do you want it down right you go yeah yeah down there they go cool occasionally thumbs up and then they run away yeah
Starting point is 01:06:19 yeah it's uh do you remember do you remember um fantastic mr fox i did not see it so i can't remember it okay well there's a really cool scene where someone in the distance sees someone else that's far away and from a distance that character just holds a fist up like hey yeah i'm in solidarity and i'm just like yeah it's a little one of those it's like from a distance i see you i respect what you got going on thank you very much fist up so uh right now listeners can get
Starting point is 01:06:58 five dollars off and zero delivery fees on their first order of fifteen dollars or more when you download the door dash app and enter code castle that's five dollars off and zero delivery fees on your first order when you download the door dash app and on the app store and use code castle don't forget code castle for five dollars off your first order with door dash thank you door dash i recently had a situation with door dash in which the the delivery person forgot my soda and i complained
Starting point is 01:07:29 and they gave me a refund on the whole order that's crazy wow yeah i i didn't i didn't even want that i was like hey they forgot the soda can i get a refund on the soda they're like we avoided your order here's your credit and i'm like okay whoa that's pretty okay that is an extreme amount of of stuff for that situation but hey that's really that's rad cool um thanks door dash yeah get some food support the show to your thing okay well this is a weird one but the place that i get the notes
Starting point is 01:08:11 for this stuff is not working oh no and it ain't working so i don't have the exact numbers to give you on who you should on on what codes to use and such uh okay well gonna have to move on and possibly take care of this in post that's unfortunate rut roe onto the news onto which there is a hundred one good news sorry one bad news and 35 good news is
Starting point is 01:09:00 yes let me just make some notes for editing purposes later if you don't mind while you do that i'm gonna flop my dog's ear while he somehow doesn't wake up i don't know how this dog don't wake up i can punch this dog in the face and smush his cheeks don't do that had his butt don't do that don't don't smush his cheeks don't punch him in the face oh yeah just give him a little punch punch punch punch punch punch punch punch okay don't even care well it's fine you say that but
Starting point is 01:09:38 like i grew up with some crazy motherfuckers who were not very nice to their pets yes but woolly i'm a human yes they were not i would not i would not actually punch my dog i just pretend like this uh all right he love he loves it so first order of of business uh shall we bury the light no all right i'm not allowed okay so with this obviously we have to uh talk about the announcement and what sucks and i don't know which is overtaking you
Starting point is 01:10:27 more so at the moment uh but with the announcement of devil may cry five special edition comes some bum news for pc owners that are not being given a choice a chance to get it on special edition on pc uh that sucks and there's no real good reason for it we've the reasons they're giving are just like outright lies it's really funny they're like well we're optimizing the version for the next gen consoles so it can't go on pc and you're like the pc's that have had ray tracing for like over a year well traditionally um i remember the
Starting point is 01:11:07 thing was that what was it uh ldk mode legendary dark night mode aka um pc mode i what i called it was hardware must die uh is the mode that was yeah available only on pc so it seems like a weird decision to go against it in this way i mean i i i can tell you what the decision is when why yeah i was talking with hitchhiker and he has a variation of legendary dark night mode working right now we saw the video of of it of a million monsters well for the guy working on a ray
Starting point is 01:11:44 tracing mod right now well for the and virginal has been playable for months yes so for the story there is the special edition that's going to drop on playstation 5 and the xbox series and uh it will be coming out with what the what you just mentioned ray tracing with uh playable virginal with uh legendary dark night mode and um uh up to what they said was a couple of variable options for for display where you can go up to 120 fps uh or you can or uh go down to 30 down to 30
Starting point is 01:12:27 with 4k or 1080p 60 so you can go yeah 1080p 60 4k 30 fps or 120 fps and whatever resolution accordingly uh so that's that's one of the things as well um and then for those this is the the next gen version of the game and uh for current gen there will be virtual dlc so you can uh get a dlc pack to add virtual playable but the other features listed will not be coming to ps4 and x bone and pc uh but pc will also have the virtual dlc
Starting point is 01:13:13 so uh yeah you can it's a you know you can take your guesses um i think it is reasonable to assume part of capcom's like not putting special edition on pc at least right away at least right away is due to the heavy modding that we've been seeing i think that like there's been two ways that capcom have treated pc in the past there's the stuff that's been simultaneous release and there's the monster hunter worlds and this might be a monster hunter world situation
Starting point is 01:13:49 or one where they just don't even do it at all but i think that the fact that pc modding in devil may cry 5 has brought out all these features and more crazy shit like what hikers doing pvp you know like like wild level of like of new shit um i think part of that is possible uh possibly the reason why capcom would look and go like we don't like that that happens with these games so that that's not it at all okay um this did happen in the past uh you you bring up the alternative being monster hunter world
Starting point is 01:14:25 but the more specific one is the last devil may cry game which would be uh for special edition c4 s e no dmc for s e and uh dm sorry i misunderstood my own fucking sentence uh and definitive edition for dmc um definitive edition for dmc never came to pc either and that was the situation in which definitive edition dmc was based off pc mods like people modded the original version to uh like ignore the red blue stuff and all that crap and changed into the gameplay stuff
Starting point is 01:15:02 and then some of that was included on the console version considerate i'm of the opinion that because capcom is just directly lying about why pc's not getting the s e you're free to make up your own reason and it's just as valid um the reason is because this should be a free update but they don't want to spend the time or money because they can't charge pc players again like the virtual stuff that should be probably paid
Starting point is 01:15:33 but there's no reason why the s e stuff wouldn't just be a free update especially considering you can make some of it a free update right now so when you said that's totally not it it's this other thing you replace they made up reason with a made up reason i'm not saying it's not a valid guess but we're both just speculating here well when when the person you're talking to sees fit to lie to you you should assume uh ill intent okay but i'm just saying i thought because you said no that's not it and then you came in i thought you
Starting point is 01:16:11 were gonna say something that was well because the way you're phrasing it pointed as like well pc players if you had modded it then you would have gotten it that's not okay i'm not saying they shouldn't have done them like obviously modding is going to happen if your take from what i said was hey pc modders it's your fault that's completely not what i meant what i was saying was it might be capcom being salty about those mods which is very different from they shouldn't have done that
Starting point is 01:16:42 if they're salty about them i would say it's because they i'm not agreeing with with with that potential salt i'm just saying that they might have been salty about that i disagree with that as a good reason to not do anything on pc though yes but what i'm saying is that salt is not over the mods it's over the fact that tricking pc players into buying the game a second time would be harder because of them they would have free alternatives if someone decided to let's say mod in special edition to the original
Starting point is 01:17:17 game as a mod and they just and throw it all in there yeah the weirdest one is turbo mode because turbo mode is like a single line in a notepad file that was in there from the beginning it would happen it would totally happen they would be there would be a mod so that you could just they would just grab stuff i mean there's already caught you can cosplay the characters in whatever you know in in in different costumes and shit like that there would absolutely be a mod that just makes special edition a thing that is on the original
Starting point is 01:17:53 yeah that is a likely likely scenario honestly i have to say that let's ignore the pc and all the mod stuff to a degree uh virgil coming officially and his track is amazing that's really cool this is a really shitty special edition compared to the other two so the thought process that made sense i saw someone make a post and again this is also we're all guessing right we're all just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks here but someone made a tweet that was basically describing that so far from what you
Starting point is 01:18:31 look at it seems like outside of like these the the lighting changes and such what you're getting asset wise is pretty much the same right what you're seeing with virgil is all pre-existing assets he's not switching to beowulf or to force edge we're seeing the exact moveset that you fought him with and even when he stabs himself obviously that's from the cutscene so the the idea is then like we're getting a special edition that's made from what already exists
Starting point is 01:19:09 as opposed to previous special editions where they added playable trish and lady where they added uh you know extra campaigns for them and they added like virgil and they added all this extra stuff you know uh so the virtual thing that the really crazy one is like you know the the big move that he shows in the trailer where he stabs himself and then v comes out screen clear like floats and does a screen clear with all the the summons going up yeah that move is in dmc five yes
Starting point is 01:19:41 it is an unlockable move that you can find in the code that v does where he floats off and says something like i'm done with this or whatever and he's floating in the air and the whole screen just gets nuked yeah and like the current version looks really busted because the there's no effects on it the demons don't do anything but it's like this feels really really lackluster like they they took a character with all his moves and like there's no reason we couldn't have gotten a
Starting point is 01:20:15 virgil dlc like a month after the game came out okay so what i'm going to say is i'm not going to jump to that conclusion just yet because there's a very possible uh there's a possibility that oh shit whoops sorry dropping things on myself over here by leaning uh there's a possibility that uh there are uh there's content that we haven't seen that will be in the game that we haven't seen in the trailer right so far i don't think that is true they would have told us about that it's possible
Starting point is 01:20:51 but it is more it's more of course it's most likely that anything that you see is what uh is what they're going to advertise but um in terms of like what the full for example what i said was like beowulf and force edge not being there is something where i'd like to see what the full kit looks like if there's anything else on that move list to um i guess makeup for that or if it just ends up being the doppelganger uh but yeah if if it is exactly what it what we saw and that's that's
Starting point is 01:21:26 what there is to it then it's definitely less new shit than any other special edition that they've put out in the past for sure if there's more that we haven't seen then we'll have to wait for that i'm hoping there is i'm optimistic that there is but i don't i don't know i really wish that this announcement could have been like a happy one i'm still very thrilled with the you know the fucking the the amazingness of that theme and the coolness of like finally getting the
Starting point is 01:22:04 fucking playable virginal i'm happy to know that like the thought that hey where's five special edition plus virgin is uh was something that you know well there was reason to believe before this announcement that that was a plausible rumor and um i think like part of that is also why uh the drop of the trailer happening was a bit less of a a big ol pop-off where people were looking for the woolly handstands and and screams and mic peaks
Starting point is 01:22:38 when i was kind of like internally just like there it is you know um yeah uh but it does i've been waiting for that trailer to drop for like a year and when it did i'm like that's it and not even for me i uh like i hope there's more i don't know i certainly they have been doing i hope there's more but it really is it is it is definitely a bummer that you you have a really positive piece of news go hand in hand with like uh i guess exclusivity politics you know uh
Starting point is 01:23:19 where just some people that own the game get some things and other people don't uh or some people that are like on one platform all that stuff whenever that happens you don't want to be messing it's like you don't want to be this late in the game still kind of going like pcs and afterthought and in some games cases capcom seems to think and support it that way some games get fine pc treatment other things don't and you don't really get a clear reason so one of the reasons why i'm so
Starting point is 01:23:55 tilted about this was that i got a review code for dmc five right way back on pc and i went you know what so i didn't buy dmc five on the pc right but i still want to support capcom for putting it out on the pc so i bought copies of it for my friends which i guess means i'm stupid because they didn't want that game to sell on pc you bought pc you bought pc customers aren't aren't good enough for their games
Starting point is 01:24:36 the copies you bought were pc copies of course they were well i mean depends on what your friends would have no what anyway um woolly i got the code on pc why would i buy my friends ps4 copies to show capcom that i supported it on pc rewind let me explain what just happened you said you got the code therefore yeah you still wanted to support it
Starting point is 01:25:15 so you bought copies for your friends this step so why would i buy it the step of buying copies for your friends to me could be hey what what do you own okay what do you want it on woolly no no no stop stop okay woolly i said i got the code for pc so since my i didn't buy it on pc and i wanted to show capcom that i supported it on pc i bought copies for my friends okay so why would i have bought ps4 copies i thought i thought to support it on pc i thought what you said was you bought copies
Starting point is 01:25:51 for your friends after you already got your code and i you didn't say and i thought you were just saying you would have got it on whatever they had or i assumed that was unstated all right anyway point is uh everyone involved in this is a liar and i will probably be at adding matt walker until he says something more specific than we're we're we're specializing it we're optimizing it for next gen consoles
Starting point is 01:26:25 which is a lie like it's a de facto lie because that is not a thing that makes sense and is true yeah the um the part where there is a virtual dlc that exists for current owners is like it is a if it is it is a way to if they okay if they did not have that then i think you would have heard a much more negative backlash in terms of just like people getting shafted for being
Starting point is 01:27:15 current owners that don't want to buy a second copy and for the people who looked at it and went um i don't want to buy a second copy that's you know that's that's too much for me i find that an extremely reasonable take i think that uh much like persona five royal you know when you are someone who like if you just if you feel like i don't want to buy a second version of the game uh with some chains with some slight changes or whatever the case may be that is
Starting point is 01:27:47 very very fair so i don't i don't think anyone should feel like they have to get a second copy if they don't want to um but uh offering the or offering the virtual dlc is almost like a like hey let's kind of smooth the situation over a little bit by giving you something but yeah it should it should definitely have been a like upgrade to the version a la any other fighting game where you get a full-on like here it is it's a big content dump you drop it on top of your original game and you get the new shit
Starting point is 01:28:21 uh for existing owners or if you want to get a next-gen version of it here's that version as well you know mm-hmm i think that uh yeah i don't understand why like the weirdest thing people would have um universally been hype and positive about the whole story from front to back if everyone that currently owns it could have bought up an upgrade for it and if anyone that wanted it next gen would have had the option to do so as well um it it's one of those
Starting point is 01:28:57 decisions where i think they'll end up seeing like a lot of people that are going to get their next gen stuff early will be grabbing a copy um but like a whole lot of people that i guess could have gone either way will just be like i'll just wait you know i already got it before i'll just i'll be fine to wait um and you kind of lose out on some kind of like you could have forced a situation you could have forced a hand a little bit by by you're forcing the hand rather by limiting what they can get
Starting point is 01:29:32 but yeah it would have been a universally positive announcement if they said available for all platforms upgrade pack or fresh you know i don't understand why they don't just put it to to um pc and charge like 20 bucks for it like an expansion instead of like not having to rebuy the thing entirely or nothing at all like that's that's weird we've seen large expansions for other games you know we know that it's a it's a absolutely viable thing i i understand the timing of a new
Starting point is 01:30:09 generation right like i think i think so to answer what you mentioned earlier about um this could have come out a couple months later i think the gen update is partly responsible for the push i think the the the whole like let's wait for it to launch is okay you know as well yeah so they can sell full copies instead of expansions and not just that but we we also are very familiar at this point that anything that releases on launch window of a console
Starting point is 01:30:43 gets super duper inflated in its sales uh because people are buying for the sake of buying anything on their new machine yeah um red steel is only a thing because it came in as the sword game that was out at launch on your fucking we it's a huge benefit to be out in that window so the decision to take what they could have put out sooner and delay it to this window is also to get those extra sales it's it's just so frustrating to be like if capcom came out and said we don't we just don't want to put it out on pc
Starting point is 01:31:27 that would be one thing but the the lie is what is really tilting me like well we're optimizing it for next gen and you know ray i mean to be uh i to me that actions quote the actions say we just don't want to put it out on pc like that the actions say that then you know yeah but lying is an action you could have just said nothing forever right the the part where it's like we're optimizing it for next gen ray tracing the day that 3080s sold out like that was the day and date of that quote
Starting point is 01:32:04 which is like the ray tracing video card of the of the future or whatever like it's so absurd so what's worth mentioning uh that we haven't talked about is the part where the uh the very high level fucking skill scene the crazy crazy scene of of of character action game people are looking at this to going like no inertia and there was a mod that put inertia back in on pc as well and uh all this i think those people should be really tilted because now hitchhiker has to spend his time
Starting point is 01:32:46 recreating ldk mode instead of working on strive well something something that's really clear right well like i said the the like when you have yeah when you have a a special edition coming out with the way the content was in previous versions even though although remember how late four se came out compared to four right which i don't even think late is the right term that was like a decade dead in the ground by the time it came out a decade later four special edition dropped right so keep in mind this is
Starting point is 01:33:21 really really really close to the launch of the original by comparison uh so all that new shit was whatever made in the in the whenever they decided to re resurrect the franchise uh but i think what you're going to see is a pc mod that more or less attempts to recreate whatever comes out anyway i think you're going to see the the almost like the spiked special edition for pc that the community is gonna probably build themselves just to see like hey look it's doable and here it is
Starting point is 01:33:57 and yeah um if especially if you consider that this special edition if it is only existing assets then that means there's nothing the modders won't be able to do it's the attack the ray tracing thing is like uh is more technical yes okay okay yeah the lighting pass change the the the different yes that is a bigger deal um but you will get the virtual mode you'll probably be able to get uh you'll get that attack in there if they see that's what's going on
Starting point is 01:34:31 like they've already put newer attacks in the game too as well and new abilities in terms of just like combat and yeah nothing we we don't know we don't know what's going to be there but like if Dante ends up not having any new weapons for example or something like that then he won't have any new weapons yeah so then that's there's nothing the modders won't be able to do because they already have the same pieces that this special edition is made out of you know it's it's really bizarre
Starting point is 01:34:59 like everything about dmc fives development is weird because you look at like bloody palace which came out later right that was probably supposed to be there in there at launch probably but they usually it usually is work out right yeah um so it's the situation of like and a lot of the pieces of this se were totally in the game the day that came out so it's just the concentration meter as well like the the new the $40 version of this game is a
Starting point is 01:35:33 fucking ripoff like that's that's the second part like there's the there's the part where i'm like pissy that it's not coming to the pc but like if i was a if i was a person who just had the console version like dude that is a ripoff especially since some companies are allowing you to just you know upgrade your version to the next gen version for free you mean like all of this shit should be free you mean as of the existence of
Starting point is 01:36:03 this announcement yeah yeah okay yeah um it it's it's a it's a nasty fucking game when you don't like when you don't play nice with the consumers that you know just spent money on your on your stuff because of all the groups of people you're pissing off in this case it's people that literally like and supported your shit so you really really really should be nice to those people because they're the ones that will stick around
Starting point is 01:36:47 if you do it well you know it's it's just an obvious thing that you're burning goodwill whenever you decide to take the cash in route and that's yeah and it marrs the otherwise what would have been universally positive of an announcement i still want to give a huge shout out to casey edwards and berry the light for being such a fucking incredible incredible banger of a theme and the fact that people are digging into it and finding references to
Starting point is 01:37:24 multiple pieces and things about virgil over the the years because he's had those boss themes but he's never had a theme you know like not a vocal theme so uh now that this is the first time it's ever happened you're getting uh references to the line that arkham says a storm is approaching i am the storm that is approaching you're getting references to um like uh uh the instrumental parts of virgil two uh coming back in in light motif form
Starting point is 01:37:58 you're getting uh devil triggers uh uh bridge later on in instrumental form and you're getting the lyrical opposite where um uh embrace the darkness that's within me is mirrored by berry the light within me you know so like in terms of just paying attention to the source material and trying to get something super appropriate for a theme this song's existence could not stomp subhuman any deeper into the ground oh man i forgot
Starting point is 01:38:34 i fucking forgot about subhumans it's so crazy it's so crazy how good this is and how far it stomps subhuman into the ground it is wild um i'm i'm i'm like you know overall just like hyper impressed by the attention to detail and and uh kasey tweeted out to say that like hey someone found a reference there's many many more so the idea that you know there's a lot to to dig that is referential to everything from the past is a fun thing and i hope i hope we can find them
Starting point is 01:39:17 bury the light to make sense it's what he's trying to do you know and uh i like as well that the version we got is the 10 minute like full uh uh you know the full version of it where you get to hear what it's going to be like on every style meter until you get to the s-rank the that version of the tracks weird because it the the i don't know what the the the intro like the lead up is like a minute and a half long it's crazy crazy long
Starting point is 01:39:53 like i thought i thought it was fucking busted for i thought i had found the wrong version for a second and before you like if for a second you start thinking that you're gonna take this too seriously they start screaming my family crest is a demon of death at the fucking chorus and you're like oh this is so dumb and it's perfect it's so stupid it's perfect levels of dumb and you're like oh this is because now that we know that just be cool poetry nerd yeah
Starting point is 01:40:29 you're saying oh that was it that was it that was the whole now that we know that he's a dumb now that we know that he's dumb poetry nerd they're like yeah like and then you finished it it can't just be cool and i also like if you think if these are the if this is what he thinks of himself in his head you know what i mean like this is what's going through his mind you're like oh you fucking dork yeah he's a dweeb yeah yeah very very just because we couldn't we on point so ideally this this in in my head it's like
Starting point is 01:41:05 so we got to hang out with Dante 99 percent of the time so we got to see all the stupid things that he was doing by himself to show he's cool so we didn't see in dmc3 Virgil doing a bunch of like edgelord slashes on like a rock and then practicing his sword sheath and and saying all sorts of weeb ass shit well he gets to he gets to feel good about practicing those things though because it's what father would have wanted is it are we at the point where we're like you never want to see sparta talk
Starting point is 01:41:42 ever or do you still want to uh i i i have faith that like story wise when he does talk it would be i i feel like it could be it sooner could do it properly to make it feel like uh uh uh as appropriate and possibly as hammy as we we would hope it would be like i don't i feel like prior to five existing i would have been possibly worried about it being ruined but at this point it's like now fuck it just pull the pull the pull the trigger on that let's see how it go you know we actually got to see ava last time
Starting point is 01:42:26 mm-hmm like talking to you you know for a second before a roof got her so i feel as if uh what i always have to judge it on is like hey there's a thing that hasn't been touched yet in this timeline and the further we go without touching that the more i'm like worried that you know it might not be done well but if you show me that like you're gonna that the step before this you know what you're doing then i'm like yeah you've got you you've got this you're fine you know um it's it's when you see
Starting point is 01:43:04 the boss goes down the way it does in snake eater and then you're like please don't touch this character ever again and then peacewalker comes along and you're like fucking hell you know like it's it's it's definitely a a just you have to you have to judge whether you want more information based on how much your your faith is planted in the current incarnation of what's happening and five to me did enough and kept the story like fun and dumb so i think if they approached
Starting point is 01:43:38 sparta and made it fun and dumb it'd be fine or just give us a sparta game just say fuck it and just give us that first like zero all right because context is important uh whatever peace peacewalker the game aside i'm talking about the robot with the boss in it the robot with the boss in it stum it's fucking stupid never mind the game if you enjoyed the game that's fine talk games fine talking about about a
Starting point is 01:44:18 robot with the boss in it all right thank you we're moving on i'm just like now my my current hope for uh dmc five se and hopefully no one at capcom is paying attention to me but when se comes out people are able to because people rip console games it's just a little tougher um and find uh the parts where they totally cut ladies night dlc from this and this shit is just cancelled is that the course of events
Starting point is 01:44:58 what do you mean you said ladies night was cut yeah okay an existing thing was removed yes okay that sucks oh no no now i understand what you mean no it wasn't supposed to be part of the se it was supposed to come out afterwards before the se and then it got cancelled and i thought it was going to get rolled into the se and guess not
Starting point is 01:45:43 okay i'm not going to cite my sources why the fuck would i do that well that that sucks too all right well that's done what else we got this week final fantasy 16 how obvious was it that that was the ff 16 trailer one that started i mean considering we were glancing at it during a rooster teeth panel it was i was 50 50 on it and and then of course the chocobo seals the deal yeah um the reason why i wasn't sure i guess is
Starting point is 01:46:37 because it was clearly going back to a much more traditional fantasy sort of looking sound um and i didn't expect that i kind of expected things to continue being in this sort of like modern fantasy like environment and take so and theme ff 16 i don't know is the weird so yeah it's it's very going old fantasy and and and i'm not just using 15 as the the the only thing to inform that oh no you mean like 7 8 13 13 as well you know like they were going in this very contemporary direction with their
Starting point is 01:47:22 fantasy so i yeah the the return to to old and older style threw me off a little bit the the the the lead up to 16 has been really weird for uh ff 14 players specifically because uh there have been like four interviews now where people ask yoshi p hey yoshi p are you working on a single player final fantasy game and he would go i am not directing a single player final fantasy game this may be an over and over this may be an actually
Starting point is 01:48:05 actually he was telling the truth because he's not he's producing it he's producing it which like it's yoshi p of course he's producing it um this game is really weird did you know that this is made combat is being handled by a devil may cry staffer and uh a dragon stagma person yeah the guy who who made the combat for dragon stagma is the one doing it for final fantasy so that's sick there is a very clear moment in the trailer
Starting point is 01:48:45 where protagonist does a back step into a fireball and it looks probably like that fireball into teleport slash is canned but immediately after the teleport slash he does an air side dash so that tells me minimum three actions happened there potentially four that's a lot of control in a in a very action oriented way for fighting that fighting the beholder thing i forget the name um and uh if final fantasy is just going down this action road
Starting point is 01:49:31 it might as well go down the road of good action yeah i think it was a buttons that said right if they're gonna keep making them into action games they might as well be good action games and i and if ff7 is anything to go off of um they can do it yeah that wasn't the best action game but it's a pretty good action rpg i but this this action game like this this is like described it already but i adore the um the way atb was implemented in that in it it it made it it's the the thing i what what clicked with me so much in
Starting point is 01:50:10 that was the fact that um it uh turned a turn based thing okay what your brain or what my brain assumes turns are is what seven did when a fight is happening in real time i get what you mean yeah and then the moment a video game or a dnd campaign says stop next turn what are you doing that is the pause mid fight so having that moment in the fight makes me really enjoy you know what i assumed was happening for all these years every time i would
Starting point is 01:50:52 mentally process what a turn in a fight looks like it would be this you know looks very cool man um setting i find the the develop go ahead i find the development of this game to be actually way more interesting than the trailer that we saw because the trailer is old fantasy and it's it's not it's almost like evil east yeah yeah in terms of location totally um british accents and you know that trailer fantasy hit once i got to hear it that trailer
Starting point is 01:51:27 hit two different types of people and it was really really funny to watch the average person's reaction to it because the instant you watch it you're like oh this is made by the people who left ff 14 during heaven's work so 14 players more than one 14 player has drawn lots of comparisons to 14 and this well the characters look like they do in 14 i saw clumps posting that the shiva character looks identical to his character and the main character even looks like the main character 14 but even beyond that the the music like the instant you
Starting point is 01:52:12 know how you can always tell the like a final fantasy composer like i don't know if he's doing the whole game because doing an mmo soundtrack is time consuming but that is a soken piece of music alex mukala you know the music reducer amazing shout out to my channel he went through the whole track he reconstituted the track and was like this is something that soken uses this is the background violins that are in three or four different 14 tracks like that is soken loves all male choirs he likes this kind of progression
Starting point is 01:52:43 like it's it's absolutely soken doing it um it even so who's soken the soken is a masahori wait what's his first name i forget but soken is the composer for 14 okay um and it's very obvious that he worked on that the cutscene direction and then you read up and you discover that the writer of heaven's word is the guy who is writing this story massive yoshi soken thank you guys um it's it's all just little bits and pieces of the 14 staff with yoshi p at the helm which means that it's it's pretty much staff that have not worked on final
Starting point is 01:53:24 fantasy since 12 uh the only connective tissue is like uh 12 and like tactics and 14 so great protagonist oh and dmc five man uh forget that guy's name but uh com dragon's dogma combat man protagonist is uh got young spry and dirty aged tattooed forms um childs and summon and the there's a that it's so and the logo just give me m rating the logo is just two summons fucking scrapping it out
Starting point is 01:54:16 oh that was the other thing that i forgot to mention the ifrit design is literally the same one is from 14 yeah okay it's the same okay like you know how they always look very different they just lifted it it's the same one okay it's really actually weird oh let me let me grab a photo for you for you personally uh walls because hmm there we go what about the phoenix is that uh phoenix something is that phoenix phoenix okay
Starting point is 01:54:49 yeah i'm very excited for this hopefully like a lot i've seen a lot of people saying it didn't look very good it also looks very early it looks about as early as they could possibly show it like it looks like it probably needs like two more lighting passes i mean again it'll it'll it'll likely be more than fine um when it drops and um i want more details on that battle system i really want to see what they're what they're going for
Starting point is 01:55:25 how like is it going to have any traces of uh non-action or is it just going all in you know like yeah like what is the what is the structure when does it when does it just become final fantasy in theme but but gameplay is just a fucking action game and that's all there is to it because i i feel like there's three different genres it could be it could be devil may cry but it tells you its final fantasy yeah um it could be uh fs7 remake and or it could be
Starting point is 01:56:03 like a more open world like dragon's dogma 15 kind of thing uh i would actually really really really really like it to be like more like an open world or dogma like but i i i imagine i imagine they'll never really get rid of um paused pause time cast spell you know like i think that's what he's talking about that dude's firing off like like fireballs like it's a gun he he does the fight he does the fireball on like a yeah okay um perhaps like larger spells perhaps bigger deals perhaps summons
Starting point is 01:56:45 maybe i think the weirdest thing this and this is just coming from somebody who's like just a big ff nerd i think the weirdest thing in the trail in that whole thing is that the character is a summoner right and he's he's got a sword in his hand like something about that just makes me go no summoners are magic nerds they can't be big armored chads also and then of course if so then what is the point of the other classes then of course the other issues uh are not issue but
Starting point is 01:57:25 it'll be like what's the what's the party play gonna be like you know i bet it's gonna be what you saw in the trailer hmm i i seriously doubt that that level of control is being given to your character as well as a whole party your character and your summons yeah maybe control your summons but man i'm so excited for that game i hope yoshi p doesn't work himself to death though because he's he's full steam on the next expansion
Starting point is 01:58:07 and the patches and he's doing this and he's like the the head of like he's got some new business position that's like head of creative quality final fantasy something like you know the final fancy the role that they created in the company well hey he's producing i don't know he can produce yeah but producer doesn't mean the same thing over there like over here i traditionally think of a producer somebody who micromanages the uh the day-to-day in terms of like like i've watched it in
Starting point is 01:58:45 action yeah i can tell you what it is yeah it's it is it is it is managing the chain of production and providing um people were needed because like i yoshi p definitely makes a lot more creative decisions than the producer role would have you suspect very generally like generally speaking producer means very few creative decisions and it means picking the person who will make the creative decisions like uh one of the things that is the most obvious is uh when you look at this and it's like old
Starting point is 01:59:22 final fantasy hey why is that it's because yoshi p doesn't like the techno future final fantasies he likes the old ones okay so that's why this that would explain that okay okay dude that game was great uh so that was the big drop at sony's event as well um and then there's a couple other things but just going in terms of like the biggest news uh the next story should probably be the one that fucking popped right before we
Starting point is 02:00:01 hit the button uh and i right before and i i found this out by uh when i woke up i scrolled over to my to my trending tab and saw todd howard was trending and i'm like why on god's green is todd howard trending and what i was saw was a moment described where uh he was basically saying that when he got a lifetime achievement award that he said a joke uh that was like i wonder how many achievement points that's worth and then offstage microsoft was like
Starting point is 02:00:42 hey we'll have to look into that for you and then later they uploaded a game like it's not like a not a game but like an actual like gameplay holder that was private to only his account and uh it listed a life and it had a thousand achievement points and so he was like oh that's a good stuff that's a good time and i'm like that's a little wholesome story from todd todd howard what's the point of this and yeah immediately underneath dumbass story that goes nowhere Todd
Starting point is 02:01:16 and it's like well no it goes somewhere because uh the entirety of Bethesda has been acquired by microsoft it's actually even bigger than that it's like zenamax it's like their parent company so microsoft ate the whole plate so uh all right now didn't this or something very similar happen the last time microsoft was about to jump generations didn't they make yeah they bought obsidian right so this is the move then right it's a it's not just an acquisition but it's a
Starting point is 02:01:57 pr time thing that says going into this next gen we have bought a studio whose games you want to play so we're gonna have that it's it's a pr buy it's ours now yeah did they do it a third time prior to this i don't know about that but i definitely remember that happening on on xbone i i'm gonna put on my uh uh speculation hat and i will clarify what parts are not our speculation and not rare i have rare they fucking brought rare for the 360 dude right
Starting point is 02:02:38 rare they do it every time they wait for the turnaround and they make a big buy that's gonna get people like oh fuck this is where we go now yeah they do it every time rare fucking obsidian and now Bethesda it's a pattern totally it's it's uh that's nuts that's every it's the equivalent of an october surprise you know they would have bought sega before the xbox launch if they had them on if they had the will to do it well you know i mean there's maybe's and maybe not's depends on how sega feels about it
Starting point is 02:03:22 yeah so that's kind of where i'm going with on this so the the Bethesda or zenamax board of directors has been told to me verbatim as a bunch of piece of shit scumbag venture capitalists um by a friend of mine who works at Bethesda okay and uh that they am they are the reason that the engine never gets updated nice uh straight up every year uh every single year uh the the talk goes up to the board and is please we need
Starting point is 02:04:06 money to build technology for a new engine people are quitting people are quitting because they don't want to work on this fucking engine it's bad for their cv it's bad for the resume please there's only one guy working on technology on the Bethesda team right now you know that there's one or i rather that was a year ago so a year ago there was only one and they go yeah but the game still sell so fuck you hmm you don't need your new engine right it's it's the same thing that happened
Starting point is 02:04:43 to tell tale right just um and then like i believe it was like last uh it was quite recent that one of the people on that board of directors uh one uh robert trump passed away and then all of a sudden this deal goes through interesting which makes me think that that was a foot in the door yeah yeah yeah and then the foot in the door literally died so they're kind of i mean they didn't they yeah like it's the game it's the gaming wing
Starting point is 02:05:21 is one part of this otherwise like we don't give a fuck about any of that major corp and um now they get a little bit more inch by inch it's it's um it's interesting because i'm and i'm wondering i just want to add one more which is uh saved a click just uh posted an article saying that Bethesda has come out to say that the engine has had the its first total overhaul since oblivion wait uh trumps brother that passed away the other day it's the same guy mm-hmm yeah oh wow okay i didn't know the
Starting point is 02:06:07 interesting huh and so it's like microsoft buys them and management changes and all of a sudden okay fine there's money for an engine i would not imagine with the history of microsoft releases with master chief collection notwithstanding that they would let Bethesda games come out the door the way they have been lately well um here's what i assume this means i assume this means that your elder scrolls your doom and your dishonored
Starting point is 02:06:45 are now locked in oh they had a they had a picture that was like all the games that that like are covered by this it's a bunch uh wolfenstein ones though the pray pray if they ever make more of those fall out oh we even care well except now that Bethesda and obsidian are now sister studio evil within ghost wire tokyo um did you see the obsidian tweet in relation to this no it was actually really funny it was somebody added obsidian
Starting point is 02:07:26 asking them if fall out new vegas could happen now and obsidian just posted like an ascii emote of a guy shrugging with his hands out with a smiley face uh everything star trek related oh they have a star trek apparently so wane gretzky's hockey well now watch out they've also pointed out that uh all the Bethesda games will be coming to game pass on the day of their launch which means that for pc owners that Bethesda games are maybe free now
Starting point is 02:08:07 game pass uh it's really really sticking around i don't know how they're making money on that it just gives you games it's just for free it just hears games like fucking what it's gotta buy they're i mean it's gotta be like ps plus in its scheme where like they're buying a certain amount preemptively on behalf of everyone who owns a pass that will buy it and then they get a discounted rate because every yeah but everyone i know pays a dollar a month for it
Starting point is 02:08:43 yeah i i don't maybe it's that maybe it's at a loss but it's worth the oh that they uh they they they kicked it up to ten dollars just now oh okay that's that's still really cheap okay yeah um i mean again we talked about the the uh the Netflix of games idea and some have tried and i feel like game pass in the background has kind of continued to still be the closest thing to that working you know um not to mention that you get it on both platforms
Starting point is 02:09:20 yeah that's that's actually that's the wildest part of it is you get it on your computer as well um but yeah uh pray and everything that franchise is doing death loop what was death loop again oh wait it's supposed to be a ps4 game that's the yeah i remember the trailer for that now yeah the one where it was kind of like um 70s uh uh um jackie brown colors right right right huh okay that is that is all x-bone no it's not the x-bone anymore it's the
Starting point is 02:10:10 x-series whatever it's the sex um it's the sex the acquisition oh my god it is the sexbox isn't the acquisition the series x was for seven point five billion dollars is that a lot of money that's a lot of money i can't even tell what it comes to these companies it's a lot of money companies have been sold for not a billion dollars it's true
Starting point is 02:10:51 because microsoft has a lot of money if they wanted to they could buy like up like half the industry well uh speaking of that in the last two years if you want to uh there's a reminder of who they did buy they got obsidian they got compulsion they got double fine the initiative in exile ninja theory playground and undead labs i feel like most of those companies haven't put out games recently and i assume they're they're building stuff for the sexbox double fine always has stuff out that i didn't know it was them
Starting point is 02:11:29 double fine loves to waste money too so double fine good on microsoft like there'll be a game that i've been hearing about forever and i'll boot it up the first time and be like wait what and i'll see their logo on it but yeah they announced all that psychonaut stuff though so there that's coming um yeah uh this is your this is your turn of the generation regular acquisition pattern acquisition totally totally let's see i would love i am so excited to possibly play
Starting point is 02:12:11 a fucking elder scrolls game that went through like microsoft polishing processes like the the period where they say it's good to ship and then microsoft goes no it's not if there's anyone assuming that still happens if there was anyone out there that was uh perhaps planning on anyone that cares about let's say like doom that was planning on dodging the uh the xx well now that's gonna that choice is kind of taken away from you
Starting point is 02:12:53 yeah if you're on the console yeah well maybe not outer word wait hold on when did okay microsoft owns obsidian right when did that happen says within the last two years but wasn't it further than that okay that was november 10th of 2018 it was exactly two years ago outer worlds came out on the playstation 4 in june of 2020 so actually no those games could still come out on the ps4 they just might come with the microsoft studios logo
Starting point is 02:13:34 in them fuck that by the way whatever that happens it's one thing oh i'm sorry it was it was june of 2019 okay okay well then like let's just that seems hold on hold on beyond absurd like i i talked about last i talked about last week how i'm like doom 64 is already like of 2019 64 is just a number but we're like we're just gonna pretend we don't know what that number means you know when you boot this up on the wrong
Starting point is 02:14:16 console technically but uh yeah that's it's getting it's getting uh todd howard is apparently quoted at saying they'll still be releasing their games multi platform really really what what what is the point of what did you give them seven billion dollars for no wait uh what phil spencer that's correct that's insane that's madness that's a lie phil spencer tells dina bass that the xbox plans to honor the ps5 exclusivity commitments for
Starting point is 02:14:58 death loop and ghost wire to you fine fine yes so microsoft is gonna publish some exclusive ps5 games fine all the their logo will probably not be on it because the those things are in progress already but the it it's just those projects it makes no fucking sense talks about how p how Bethesda will still be publishing their games not microsoft okay uh todd howard also indicated that the developer will potentially
Starting point is 02:15:34 continue to bring its games to other platforms too quote we share a deep belief in the fundamental power of games their ability connect blah blah blah blah blah and a belief that we should bring that to everyone regardless of where you who you are where you live or what you play off i just got hit regardless of your like what i just got hit with the weirdest feeling where i felt bad for microsoft if they paid seven point five billion and they didn't get exclusivity which i don't
Starting point is 02:16:05 like but like i felt bad like wait no lie what did you pay for so what they paid for is they want the profits off elder scrolls and starfield and whatnot but it's still like i guess they like it seems this what is this ntr acquisition that they think they can make more money off of the the margins on those games than they can over get it selling perhaps perhaps the numbers actually work out in that favor that they'll get paid enough on the on the maybe
Starting point is 02:16:47 but so so i want i want the ultimate nightmare which is xbox game pass coming to ps5 and you go into the your playstation and you load up the xbox app so of all the companies that are super on board for that of course microsoft would be they'd be very on board for having their store be anywhere at all times you know they they've they i think they've stated as such too didn't they actually have a statement where phil spencer came out like some time ago
Starting point is 02:17:26 and said like we are we want to have it's the same time they talked about the whole shared platform information thing where there were like there was a whole like we want to work with other competitors together and there's a whole thing about that you know um so we know there are they we know they're on board for that ridiculous scenario that makes no sense but yeah i that's so weird if if but like no i'm i'm i'm guessing it's exactly what you said like it's going to be about the profits and
Starting point is 02:17:58 they'll make some stuff but let's be real like most of what they make and things that people care about are going to wind up being exclusive this is the only way to make that money make sense i want death loop to have a microsoft logo on its title screen because you can't play it on an xbox i wanted to have an xbox logo on the title screen on the game you can't play xbox like i want this to get as weird and as confusing as at the month before the game launches
Starting point is 02:18:33 they officially roll out a branding change that turns the xbox publisher logo into a big ad for the console it's a big picture of the x series and then like a baseball happening and a crowd cheering and then forza and then a million other little things all happening and xbox just get that in at the last second so weird with a website so baffling jump in the all-in-one this is i eagerly await some so this is it's weird i have
Starting point is 02:19:18 suddenly turned around my opinion of my excitement towards Bethesda games Bethesda developed games that is because the last batch have been a fucking mess right um but that has been a management issue uh the dev team has been screaming up against technical and budget and time limitations that management just never gave them a single shit about now with new management maybe we could see those games get good again wouldn't that be nice
Starting point is 02:19:57 i mean is there any side that's going to happen or they're just going to let shit go the way it is the fact that they they're even talking about overhauling the engine is a big move huh well do you remember what they you remember that this uh yeah maybe maybe or uh that's a lie because they said that fallout 76 had a big overhaul on the engine too now who's now who's wishful thinking it is you i'd like to play a good Bethesda you are the
Starting point is 02:20:33 you are the wishful thinker now it is your turn okay i'll you know what i'll i'll find out whether or not to be depressed soon enough so everyone pay attention to how excited i am for the coming Bethesda games i know nothing right now and am excited so um yeah if this really is the the open relationship that he says it is
Starting point is 02:21:12 then congratulations to god howard this is a god howard move and he and the the todd coward move has been defeated it goes one way or the other this is a god howard move i don't like todd howard yeah but would you leave gerent to him no yeah you would no what no i wouldn't what what what do you mean what do you mean yeah you would what high rule warriors age of calamity
Starting point is 02:22:08 it's boy nintendo sure is happy with koei tecmo aren't they it's not uh randoms mashup high rule warriors expansion which i swear to god i thought it was i thought they were announcing a late stage high rule warriors dlc pack turns out it is a full high rule warrior sequel game but more importantly it's not a sequel to high rule warriors even though it's called high rule warriors it's a sequel to breath of the wild but did everyone forget how to make names but breath of the wild two is also coming out so this is a prequel to breath of
Starting point is 02:22:51 the wild but it is a full in canon breath of the wild high rule warriors game about before the fall so we get to see everything and everybody and urbosa urbosa we get to urbosa this this uh it's it's just halo reach zelda yes that's what the game is but with a complete genre switch yeah and into an existing other genre that they already have a game for like what's really crazy about this game is that you already you saw the final mission of this game in breath of the wild yeah you know what's gonna happen
Starting point is 02:23:39 but now and it's gonna be survive until zelda casts the spell but now it's going to give you extra reasons to cry that you didn't know like mifa is going to show you her like family pictures oh i thought you were gonna say something i thought you i thought you were gonna say that mifa was going to show you her fish parts or whatever and that's why you have to cry because she dead now everyone's gonna get to give you more context for sadness
Starting point is 02:24:20 oh i'm laughing at this dude yeah mifa's gonna show you her egg pile and just leave you in a room and you're gonna have to you have to just you're just gonna have to egg it up and then then like stop pause stop stop stop pause you can find that the modified egg pile nope um you're gonna you're gonna you're gonna you're gonna elaborate on egg it up you're gonna break that term down and define it what did i even say that egg it up what
Starting point is 02:24:54 define egging it up uh he's gotta inseminate the egg pile this is egging it up yeah how does that work well you did it's how fish does it they dump the eggs on the floor and then you dump your your goo on the eggs that's how nature works read a book about fish one day that's what's up with the zoras see but how do you know that link won't get fused into mifa's thigh slowly what until all of link is gone oh yeah until link it's just like a hat coming out the side of her head it's usually until
Starting point is 02:25:53 the balls are hanging out you don't know that that's that's what it is the fish gets complete you get dissolved entirely until the balls are hanging out yeah until you're just balls and then then uh it can use the the balls to make it sex and and you know so reproduce so the question is egg it up or scrote it down scrote is that is that what i mean it's it's not even vor at that point because it's just you're fusing into because it's through the side side no eating you're fusing in through the side until there's just the balls hanging out with a little hat on them
Starting point is 02:26:37 it's like yeah because so yeah yeah egg it up egg it up it up so yeah hyrule warriors yeah calamity it looks cool you're gonna get to play as all of them and i want move lists yeah um hyrule warriors was a good game it was hopefully hopefully hyrule warriors is a good game but but like i do i say this every time and i realized that it's just it's been so long in
Starting point is 02:27:23 this franchise that it's not it's never it's a thing that i have an issue with that is never going to be changed because if they changed it then it would cease to be uh uh you know a warriors game um a muso game but it's it's the big worthless crowds like the spectacle of hitting a million people in a wave uh uh back is the whole point and they have to kind of be useless in order for that to work yeah that's literally the whole game like that's like saying i just i'm so sick of all these guns in this i know i know like it's the whole point i realized that but i just you just want it to be a character action game i know it's not even that i have no problem with the actions that the player character can do your move set right there you can do a lot
Starting point is 02:28:17 of things it's i have no issue with that i i have an issue with the fact that the crowd is not real they just kind of stand there a lot of the time um so what do you want them to do uh i guess be more active well then you'd fucking die in like one second you probably would wouldn't you you would die instantly do you so i i what i feel okay wait what i feel like you're you're trying to get across is you would prefer like because there are those like i wouldn't call the mini bosses but those uh yeah though you have to fight them you have to pay what are what are those they're they're they're a leader commanders or whatever generals yeah just just more of those but also less total enemies and something in between total fodder and that little bit i mean
Starting point is 02:29:15 legendary dark knight is kind of batshit at moments there's some rooms legendary dark knight changes the whole balance yeah there's crowd control changes to the to be every there's some rooms you walk into where you're just like fuck this whole thing like okay we're just gonna sit here for 10 minutes in crowd control that's not what i'm necessarily saying but yeah something in between raw fodder numbers and like real people you gotta fight you know but i realize what i like i said at the outset what i what i'm saying is the antithesis of the entire franchise the whole point is to have your sauron moment where you knock a bunch of people into a crowd and they go wow like a wave so you know but one million troops exactly when one million troops is is the point
Starting point is 02:30:06 and uh how will you feel powerful if you don't kill one marion troops the things the things you do are pretty powerful and over the top how would you feel powerful unless you see one million troops summoning the the majora's mask moon to crush everything in front of you is pretty powerful regardless of who's getting hit yeah but if what if it if it only kills 20 guys that doesn't feel as good as if it kills one marion 20 guys that are strong 20 guys are strong i'll i'll take that over one marion damn it i've tainted my own brain with my own term that i made and forgot about you're also not you're not dragging troops long enough oh it's troops was it is it true one million
Starting point is 02:31:12 because i'm just thinking i just had this thought which was what if what if the egg pile was too big for link okay and and then he turns previous bit i and goes i it's i'm i'm just one man i need a marion troops to egg it up that's his first spoken words it's egg it up muso you won't believe how many eggs we can display what is that a a fucking spit off of galgoth and as you hit the eggs they go flying back like giant waves just like the the marblins this is a this is a stupid bit oh man no no that's uh elie's fault for sure i bet
Starting point is 02:32:23 he had nothing to do with that he's the first person ever mentioned fish eggs in this context to me so yeah okay it's my fault just find this find the screenshot where nief is fighting and there's just a just a couple of balls just hanging off her thigh you know it's late you know it's late game if you see them dude now you're making it gross oh too far i'm sorry now it's gross come on have some class young fish woman goes behind the door emerges and there just happens to be a big pile of eggs i see so the the they'd be covered up that there'd be a a little like a little pouch classy a little pouch we're not or maybe some like dudley do right pants
Starting point is 02:33:29 we're not doing a fucking interspecies egg laying fucking scenario here which was an episode do not pursue the eggs oh no it's hey hey the dumpty has entered the battle it seems like breath of the wild is going to be a full-on like trilogy game at this point i guess right selda's just kind of stopping right here for now and hitting the brakes as far as it was a very popular game as far as laura's concerned um then people were attributing this to bring me to life but i don't really i don't know i feel like
Starting point is 02:34:35 long before me many many many people wanted some battle puppers and they got their battle woofers finally in monster hunter rise i just i'm just the latest voice that came in with fresh eyes to the series and went hey why can't i why can't i get a little woofer and then they're like yeah we've been wondering that for a long time but now on the new switch game there's gonna be not only will you have your doggie but you can ride it and you can have two what a what a great so that so this is monster hunter rise this is the monster hunter world spin-off game i guess i would call it that's on the switch that is transplanting all the world goodness into a game made for the switch and it's like what a good decision to take the the part
Starting point is 02:35:32 where you ride random crappy animals in battle and turn that into but what if it was a cool dog and then the dog also hung out with you it's the thing i wanted the most it also changes the way um uh the balance of the game is because uh so you'll have your dog and your cat or two dogs or two cats and in multiplayer it was always like well if you had a team of four there'd be no dogs or cats but now they're gonna have you be able to bring one in so it's gonna be a little party of eight also riding your dog replaces your own sprint right so mobility goes up so there's a whole other asset well no no no that's just gonna that's probably just going to be the same as the the tracking feature that's already in world
Starting point is 02:36:26 but you don't think boss fights are going to be really different with your the ability to jump on something you are not going to be right at you you're not going to be riding that thing in a fight you're going to be riding oh really oh yeah oh because you probably so in world you unlock that feature like that that is oh wait people are saying you can control it I didn't see I mean did the trailer show that off it did not because but they I thought you just ride it whatever the fuck you want and and and you do what you want with your crew huh you can manually control it but it is for out of combat okay
Starting point is 02:37:14 I you know what I bet because the current's implementation in world is the instant you attack your character jumps off okay imagine it will be like that so what is it in world right now world right now is you do a whistle and then a dog sized support animal shows up and you get on it and it will run towards the monster that you have tracked automatically and but it's while you're doing that you can you can eat any of your items you can show up in your weapon and okay do a jump it's a taxi and you can do things while you're riding the taxi all right I just have a link thank you Joe who pointed out that you can in fact control where they go but they are still for out of combat oh because the dog will fight by themselves
Starting point is 02:38:08 when they're in combat they have knives in their mouth yeah they'll fight in the battle but you can't ride them in battle oh okay well that's a slight damper on my expectation I thought I thought it was a full-on thing but it's still really cool that they're in battle with you I like that and I like that they can fight um I hope I hope they're able to actually do damage because the the fucking cats never did shit for damage I hope that like you can make them have different functions and you know get them out individually to make them like serve unique purposes I think that's probably going to be more for the cat because the cat is now just straight up the support one I think that the way they say that the dogs are for fighting is that they're
Starting point is 02:38:57 going to have the dogs have like probably different weapons how many games I want to put a great sword in a dog's mouth how many games do mounted combat like in depth in general well some of those muso games have characters on that's true that's true there are mounted combat characters in girtheth has a fucking mounted combat form um astral chain has that that dog weapon yep you can fight on you can fight mounted mm-hmm mount I'm sure mount and blade mounted combat yep doggie con country that's true yep yep yep any game that you play as a centaur unless that doesn't count hmm does does being a centaur count as being a mounted fighter no it doesn't
Starting point is 02:39:57 it doesn't um because half the fun is jumping off when you want to mix it up yeah you're right um yeah technically v v is mounted that counts oh yeah I guess it does I uh I yeah I think I think mounted combat is cool and I don't think we see it super duper often a lot of the recent games have been you know jumping off the horse to do your attack that's uh sushima for example but uh yeah it would have been fun to fight mounted in monster hunter would have changed things up pretty drastically that would probably I would say that would probably do better as its own new weapon oh right balance it like that hmm because I'm because I'm just thinking like if you could if you could mobility have the dog's movement
Starting point is 02:40:57 and but also use like a bow and arrow yeah that would probably melt it yeah I see I see that makes sense that makes sense because like isn't the um uh what is it called the uh the thing that makes you anime through the air uh insect life yeah like weapons that add mobility are balanced for that right so that's where it actually gets weird because the dog thing is cool but the other thing they're adding is a wire bug which is a jump button and also which is crazy isn't that and isn't it a fucking zip like uh it's also a wall run and a grappling um um what's uh freedom wars right oh yeah that the grappling this the the zip it's not a grappling hook it's a zipline like the the footage of your character like kind of like running straight up a cliff
Starting point is 02:41:58 is the weirdest thing like movement in this game is very quick fast the trailer showed a lot of climbing gameplay too like traversal like climbing really fast so traversal is gonna be a big part of the wild but like yeah I want to say that this is a test game for some new shit like the new shit that we'll see in world because like you see the environment like when they're jumping around the environment doesn't look anything like world's environments it doesn't look anything like the other ones before but like it's very hilly there's lots of places that you would ostensibly need to climb now with the turn of the generation and this being the same company as dmc se don't you think it's likely that we'd see a next gen monster hunter before we saw another update to
Starting point is 02:42:58 world oh when I say when I say more stuff for world I mean world too or whatever they would call it because the this this is getting announced like a week before I think it's a week but before the final update for world and they've literally said like this is it it's done um so yeah dog crazy environmental travel which looks different a jump button I mean new monsters is is for the is par for the course though that that bird wyvern that is actually multiple monsters looks really cool the one that's like one big bird wyvern and two smaller ones and they all attack at once that looks super radical now this is a switch game um can you go in with the same number of people and your and your buddies says well okay all right so yeah yeah monster hunter games comes
Starting point is 02:44:03 in parties of four every time and now four plus four four plus four plus animal of choice okay um there's a couple other little details in this trailer that um uh are kind of a bigger deal for like old timey people there's moves that I don't recognize which look like they might be like generations like style power moves are you like like I don't know if you ever saw any of those but those are ridiculous they're like super moves that left with world um can't say I have the there is the craziest super I've seen was amplified elemental discharge yeah uh there is a bug monster called nercilla in there which is basically a big spider and it's one of the ones that they said they would be unlikely to get to world because it has a unique skeleton
Starting point is 02:44:59 which if they're if we're on to the point where we're adding monsters with unique skeletons that means that some of the real weirdos could come back like I'm sure you actually saw the fucking um god what's it called the the the queen insect the queen celtus that like latches on to the baby celtus and becomes like a robot oh yes oh you never saw that with the gat the gat tie yes I did see that I did see that like that that's one of those ones that it's like uh they were like don't expect it it has a totally unique skeleton that is not applicable to anything but itself right so seeing nercilla gives a lot of hope and the most interesting thing about this from a dev perspective is that this is on a new engine
Starting point is 02:45:49 this on the resonant evil engine uh not the monster hunter world engine because that engine is terrible is this the first use of the re engine on switch I want to say yes because we haven't seen it running on switch before I don't think the version of re seven on switch is actually a cloud game if you remember that it was a japan only cloud game weird so the re engine has I don't know what how much experience you have with it outside of DMC five but just really well yeah it it runs really really really well it scales really well oh and I played the re seven but yeah and you played re too yeah okay see so it's a good engine
Starting point is 02:46:52 it's very solid it's very easy to work with and it performs well um the world engine sucks dude um it it's terrible so I hope to shit that world two or whatever the fuck the next one you know the next gen one moves it keeps on this engine which I imagine it would and runs better because that would be nice I'm are you motherfuckers really telling me that the re engine stands for reach for the moon engine is that why it's a moon um hey that is stupid as fuck I yeah well first of all anything that is a just the first two letters of a word that's treated as an acronym is fucking dumb and that needs to stop that's oh my god that's terrible it's the worst but second I'm also very I'm happy to be on from the to move on from the empty
Starting point is 02:48:03 framework engine uh considering the namesake never came to be yeah fuck you it was named after mega man legends we never got mega man legends fucking move on that sucks I uh I think this game looks super good uh if you want woolly uh I would gladly uh hop in some matches with you if you ever plan on streaming it I'm I'm I'm definitely curious about them doggos and I'm curious as to whether or not I will be able to online set up a um I don't know some kind of like looking for group filter by pet what just to see who else is uh got a sweet popper with them so you won't be able to do that because you you'll be able to change your dog or cat in the match I suppose that's true so you you could have you could you could filter it by dogs only but then they could just
Starting point is 02:49:09 change to cats under your nose they could they could and they that yeah yeah and they could do that on purpose too if they're like ah we know you filtered it so you want to hear a fun fact monster hunter world was originally going to use the phanta ray engine panta ray yeah panta panta ray and then and then that didn't happen because that engine was apparently a disaster wasn't that ono's baby it was yeah um and then they had to jury rake some bullshit well the bunch of people don't know how to work on next gen systems which is why that and it's probably why that world engine sucks ass because it was put together by a bunch of people who were doing their best but you know weren't engine creators so now that they're going to be using our I hope capcom just uses the re
Starting point is 02:50:00 engine for literally every game I imagine street fighter six will be using the re engine yes I imagine that also yes it's a very reasonable assumption I say that is a reasonable assumption that street fighter six would use the re engine yeah so monster hunter rise looks super cool I hope this jumping stuff is not a one-off mechanic because there have been monster hunter games that have had like goofy one-off mechanics that have not come back this stuff looks really good last time they gave spencer a jump button he never got it back yeah because he died it is interesting because um so you didn't play gu or generations right no world only
Starting point is 02:51:08 so in in generations ultimate they had a system called styles where you had like you had a you had a style where you could just straight up jump called aerial style you had a style which gave you a perfect dodge that would get you have a counter you had a default style which was normal but it had lots of super moves etc right and when world came out those styles were gone but some of the moves from them got incorporated right so it was like we had a hundred moves and we paired them down to 10 but we integrated them into a generalized moveset this is just aerial style the the rise stuff it is it is just the aerial style uh turned into like a in-depth thing and integrated the moveset so hey maybe we'll get perfect dodges back that would be that'd be they
Starting point is 02:52:06 were broken you can't bring those back but something oh no wait the longsword you never played the longsword huh uh i played um i played big big fucking guts played great sword okay because longsword has a couple moves that just make it you 100 invincible and require the enemy to hit you during your invincibility to trigger like counter oh well um charge blade has some stances that have moments like that too yeah so i i got i got a feeling for that with charge blade it's goofy man you ever see footage of monster hunter one or two no it's bad it's bad it's like it's weapons have two moves if what we're watching is just a really gradual like passing of the old content through the world filter that's that's cool that'll keep them alive for a while that's a lot
Starting point is 02:53:10 of shit well actually there's more new stuff in this trailer than there is old stuff oh yeah huh uh almost every monster they showed was brand new oh uh the only one that you see that i recognize being old is uh arzaros the bear but he's not even given a title card he just fights somebody in a cutscene i have every time a monster shows up i just assume this is an old legacy monster coming back i assume it 100 of the time okay so uh every monster that gets a title card in that trailer is brand new okay um the the the presentation had one of the weirdest things i've seen in like a thing where they said listen guys the the the flagship is called mega lamano or whatever but we can't
Starting point is 02:54:07 show you the whole monster just yet it's a secret and then like five minutes later they're like here's the amiibo and it was the amiibo of the monster yeah in its totality and it was like there it is oh there it is like i could see it it's right there it's kind of what it's kind of crazy getting to recognize the monster hunter theme through teppen more than anything like that's the place that oh that's weird kicks oh yeah because it doesn't play that often in world it doesn't but every time you fight uh uh fucking rath earner it uh it plays so that's where i'm used to hearing it so then when i hear the real version of it it's like oh fuck yeah right that okay hey walls uh you were right the dogs will have abilities because i went
Starting point is 02:55:11 through the i went through the trailer and there's a dog that has what looks like a club with blades on it in its mouth and it slams it down into an open shielded umbrella yeah the umbrella comes out yeah sick now what's this about amaturas dude well i mean that'll be the that'll be the first event quest probably right also there are totally new moves because there's one where somebody like swings a rat what the fuck weapon is that even so there might be a new weapon in this trailer hey did you play monster i think there did you play monster hunter stories no because i uh was not really paying attention to it as you'd imagine but like at the end of the direct they kind of played some footage and stuff and i was like oh wow this game is very pretty
Starting point is 02:56:18 yeah monster hunter stories uh is a pretty game for sure uh and monster hunter stories too so that first game was kind of a massive failure um but now that now that westerners know about monster hunter maybe maybe people will care about this one i care about the palomutes palomutes are you familiar with so that's their they're like uh what do you call it so it's palomute and palico yeah palico is the job and feline is the race right yeah and the race of the dogs is canine with a y correct same as feline with a y i oh man i hope it's it's it's it's it's it's not palomute well it's mute yeah so it's mute but it's but it's probably it's probably pronounced palomute
Starting point is 02:57:23 now why would they do that it's your mutt it's because japan besides like mutt's kind of insulting man dogs are nice mutts i hope there are different dog types that like different shape of dog because i want to ride a bulldog looking dog that'd be cool for obvious reasons i think so it's a big we need just a big tanky wrinkly boy i need to be able to go out into the battlefield with amatorazu on my left and john tailbane on my right standing straight up this is how it go none chucks at all
Starting point is 02:58:11 yeah fucking basil geese ain't ready for that shit just god paint brush fuck you it's also it's also coming out like really soon like march like bam uh march 26 yeah okay there you go yeah and they announced it in english which means that's actually march 26th i'm so glad those games are coming out at the same time now dude it used to be like a year off or more cool so it would feel bad something new to stick on my switch
Starting point is 02:58:57 um or maybe your switch hd whatever the new skew is no i think i'm gonna yeah probably put it on my existing switch thank you what if the switch hd has an ethernet for uh just release that's no no no okay here's why everything can fuck off okay if that is actually what happens just release a new dock you pieces of shit it's a piece of fucking plastic it's super duper not that like you know it's not that fancy just release a piece of plastic to replace my dock yeah
Starting point is 02:59:56 huh be nice all right well there's five minutes of demon souls and in it the lighting is fucking different uh yeah that the side-by-side is like whoa this is going way way way uh uh in a completely different direction from the like it's a remake but like they're changing some of this shit like almost entirely on its head uh it's gorgeous yeah and i think they're just leaning into like reimagining it more than remaking it i so i want to give props to blue point this might be my favorite trailer ever the demon souls
Starting point is 03:00:55 trailer there is no bullshit in this trailer at all it shows you a little about a minute of little flavor and then cuts to three minutes of gameplay and then another little trailer at the end um the backstab i'm watching it now the that's how you that's how you sell that's how you sell this game in particular to people who like these games is you just put some gameplay in and you fuck off with everything else yeah um i this i would say is like the next this is what next gen looks like you know there's always the the game it's always like oh man this is the first time that i'm going like wow and a lot of it's
Starting point is 03:01:50 due to the animation um i there's i have a i have a stupid worry for this game this game looks smooth and well put together and not janky at all all unlike from software games and part of me is you think they might over polish i think it might be over polished oh no and then the the next from software game comes out and it goes back to the back to the jank oh no blue point ruins it they went too hard and and you're gonna be like but why don't it look like demon souls i mean already like again if if blue point is being given the green light to like make changes as it were um yeah like
Starting point is 03:02:52 they're setting a bar for every souls game from this point forward uh i also want to they're setting a bar for elden fucking ring with this sure are i will say this is a very is a perfect game to show off the because you you watch in the thing the load times are instantaneous like there are no load times um i'm hoping that's real and that's not trailer fucker right uh but let's assume it's real boy you played through demon souls what a great game to use to show off faster loading times yeah because holy shit that game has a million loading times you're constantly teleporting to new locations and you have to endure a load you like it sucks i gotta say too that um this trailer also makes me kind of really want to experience
Starting point is 03:03:54 hudless gameplay yeah you know like the feeling of like like this like it makes it look really fucking sick just doing all of this clean with no HUD i don't think you'll get hudless gameplay but you'll probably have the HUD that they've been doing lately which is if you're not taking damage or almost out of stamina there won't be any HUD or just the option to turn it off you know like that would be very dangerous hit a box yes it would option to turn it off and maybe fade out when nothing's happening yeah um no really really cool and the and then the other thing is would you have in a fucking million years imagined there would have been a reveal an announcement and gameplay and then in your hands a souls game before we got more elden ring
Starting point is 03:04:55 i would not this game will exist and be done before we get more elden ring i will probably beat this on stream before a new trailer for elden ring comes that's unbelievable yeah what is that's super crazy to me you know what else is super crazy you know how we know people in the industry and occasionally you'll hear things i have literally not heard one thing about elden ring from any no whispers no whispers which is worrying which is like genuinely pretty worrying not even uh uh as my grandmother would say she'd flick her teeth um yeah well you're gonna get some hot shit is what you're gonna get a fucking incredible looking trailer incredible looking job by blue point that three minutes or so is pretty much
Starting point is 03:06:03 everything people wanted to see um i wonder if it's gonna play any different i mean i was looking at the you know like the the parry and then like you know the the back stab things like it still locks in but it's happening it still takes the same amount of time yes but it's happening much smoother so it really might be a weird thing to go back to a jankless version of this or a janked up oh i version of this i mean like are they gonna change like are they gonna change like the way weapons scaling works or numbers like there are parts of demon souls that are massively fucked up like how it's impossible to get like certain upgrade materials or the tendency system changing things for the visual and or making changes for the the like i guess for the the
Starting point is 03:06:59 the way levels are kind of like uh revealed to you is one thing i imagine blue point is probably scared to go too crazy on the numbers because that would make a lot of old heads really upset if you fuck with the math underneath i don't know i'd like the ability to get a pure bladestone right well what about just quality of life quality of life yes things that were stupid because they were impossible drop rates and and shenanigans and anything that was busted by its age yes um returning the broken area uh uh fucking what it was called the um you know that that the zone that had to be fucking cut content yeah the the giants yes returning that into the game as well uh probably making it completely feel different from the rest of the
Starting point is 03:08:02 game uh most assuredly um yes all of that i can see but actually attempting a rebalance deep down with like everything people are saying you could see it in the trailer uh that the art stone uh that the art stone is still broken oh okay hmm that feels that feels like the most obvious piece of content that you'd add into the game yeah okay well then again that piece of content became stuff in later games well um like every piece of content that ever got cut showed up in a later game as a remixed area what was the problem with uh equip load again it sucked out i don't remember how it worked it also didn't show you what percentage you were at so you had to manually eyeball it test the roll so just just putting a percentage number on the
Starting point is 03:08:52 screen would would do would do a lot okay yeah i mean it all came to like that was uh a big single stream or multiple streams but you might be thinking you might be thinking of item load item weight which went away after yeah that's a very that's what the fuck you doing item weight no no you need infinite pockets yes that's crazy that's insane that's yeah so no i can see quality of life to to to touch those things but uh rejiggering the numbers too much on everything is is getting into a slippery slope that would probably upset some people you know and the last thing you want is a uh an hd remix kind of reception listen i trust blue point a lot more than fucking serlan i think uh the attempts to wait a second i'm an old dm demon soul's head
Starting point is 03:09:55 fuck those people make some parts of it better it's just it's one of those groups though that you realize like you you you will never gracefully exit that twitter thread it they it will keep going indefinitely with more who cares fuck them right yeah well yeah quality of life take out take out world tendency i don't like it it take it out nobody liked it if you liked it you were lying should should should old monk be exactly the same yes oh man old monk with like reliable internet i almost never ended up fighting the real old monk i almost always ended up fighting the generic
Starting point is 03:10:54 ai one and i only got to play as old monk once it's a bummer uh okay so toby fox made a post really candid actually strangely just legit blog post about delta rune chapter two and um yeah basically just kind of throwed some screenshots up got to see a couple of uh you know uh shots of the party wearing nurses outfits and uh more or less explained that delta rune is in progress and that what you got at the time was all that uh he had and that to make more it takes a lot of time and he suspects that he's going to need staff to help him make the rest of it um it's it's a very big job for just him and temi
Starting point is 03:12:05 and like two or three other people so if you've got a resume and you're good at making games and you're good at bullet patterns then hit me up say say say hi uh but yeah it did just pretty much confirm that like what you got in that delta rune sort of test chapter announcement was just sort of like i'm gonna figure it out once this is out and did you see the alarm clock dialogue uh of the three screenshots i saw no no which one okay so along this there was also an undertale concert and there was also like a bunch of undertale stuff that he talked about one of which was uh plans that happened for a undertale alarm clock that had fallen through
Starting point is 03:13:01 uh with a bunch of dialogue from the characters wow and a lot of it is really weird but the number one is undyne talking about fucking sans doing the fortnight dance at her and then i was telling him to stop being cringe yes i did see a screenshot of that i didn't know what it was but i saw that so that is canon that is real so wait the alarm clock has a screen on it i guess because i'm like they don't have voices so so sans doing the fortnight is canon well the product didn't come out though yeah well he put the he put all the dialogue up on the website officially so so it's new canon does that mean that sans and thor are on the battle bus together
Starting point is 03:14:04 with palpatine well i hate it they already were like you act like thor and palpatine are not part of the same thing that's not even a stretch it is what it is more importantly what is what is yeah like what what the fuck kind of alarm clock is this i'm like what are you hold on i'll go find it under tail alarm clock fifth anniversary alarm clock winter dialogue it was originally intended to debut in the under tail alarm clock an app that would
Starting point is 03:14:54 have served as the vehicle for various humorous monologues from the characters development on the app was halted due to various circumstances including asking the app developer to help with delta rune instead damn toby needs help cool so that's going along and it's ready whenever it's ready i suppose is the uh yeah i wouldn't even think i would try not to even think about that game if you're really excited about it because that like we're in the part of the indie process where they just ask for more staff doesn't that make it seem like it's far away uh it does but he has a different method of development from most he just kind of makes it like he was talking about maybe we should not use
Starting point is 03:15:51 rpg maker or whatever our game maker rather at one point maybe and then it's like no we went back to it you know really yeah so it's like okay you know this this incredible fucking massive thing is just like yeah you know whatever it works game maker it's doing its job um this might be a little bit weird but hey we should take another word from our sponsors because it's working again hey let's do that all right this week castle super beast is sponsored by ray con hey ray con hey glad to have you back there you go you already know the deal
Starting point is 03:16:54 wireless earbuds half the price of premium earbuds on the market sounding just as amazing you don't gotta worry about breaking your bank just to get some wireless earbuds and and and if you're not already doing it you need to you need to get wires out of your life everywhere wires exist you should be eyeballing that shit and going how the fuck can i get rid of these wires i'm looking at some wires right now i'm looking at some wires right now you know and i'm i'm i'm i'm giving them the stink eye i'm like you know you're here for now you should be grateful that you're here for now because we're getting rid of wires it's the first thing that's going to fucking go when the revolution comes but
Starting point is 03:17:40 no there's other things that are going to go no there are other things but wires suck we'll be on the list somewhere wires suck and they and they they're they're going to be on that list so what we need to do is embrace a future without wires and what better way you need to get into some wireless earbuds uh everyday e25 earbuds best yet six hours of playtime seamless bluetooth pairing more bass compact design noise isolates it does everything you're looking for a comfortable pair of wireless headphones um also uh perfect for your podcast listening or your conference calls whatever you need to do i know that uh they're comfy enough that punch mom wears them to sleep as she dozes off listening to whatever you know and they stay in place and
Starting point is 03:18:34 she's able to you know comfortably uh get some rest so they're good for the long haul sturdy um and right now you can get the latest and greatest from raycon uh you can get 15% off your order at slash super beast that's slash super beast for 15% off raycon wireless earbuds slash super beast support the show get some good earbuds and uh yeah thanks raycon thank you raycon we're also sponsored this week by manscaped and it's just it's what it is it's just it's just what it is this life is not one where you can afford to walk around and ignore the state of your genitals you can't do it we would be we would be it would be nice if you
Starting point is 03:19:41 could it would be nice if the state of affairs happening under your trousers was not something that needed your constant attention but that's not the world we live in we live in a reality where your balls get hairy and uncomfortable and they start smelling and they just need to be absolutely cared for if you are not doing so with regular fashion uh someone is not telling you the truth about your situation this is where manscaped of course we'll step in because you can trim you can you can apply you can wash you can you can make things smell good you can do all the instead of the other way instead of the other way instead of returning to monkey we can we can rise above by trimming but we're primates man we are but we can be primates that feel good
Starting point is 03:20:48 about the way we walk around we can be comfortable primates there's nothing wrong with you know feeling comfortable while also embracing a return to what nature is well you can be comfortable in nature before i bet if a monkey could shave its entire body it would they you see how buff and jack they look when you shave a monkey they look so wait what monkeys without hair dude what do you mean when i shave a monkey if you see a picture of a monkey shaved you're gonna see some intimidating shit they're super buff they're jacked man they're diesel diesel monkeys intimidating everybody is a real thing am i on the same podcast the point is this returning to monkey is rejecting modernity but there's no reason you cannot embrace the
Starting point is 03:21:49 ideology while also not embracing comfort and the modern things that technology can provide this might sound hypocritical but i assure you it's not i'm trying to tell you to shave your balls folks i'm trying to tell you to shave your balls and i'm trying to tell you that manscaped has an engineering team that is working around the clock to design the greatest ball trimmers you've ever had the pleasure of feeling the lawnmower 3.0 waterproof led light skin safe technology no nicks and cuts it's delicate because your balls are delicate and you're delicate and you need to not have the the the the raw aggression of some other shitty razor that might leave your shit bleeding and worse you want to make sure you can travel with it i don't like my genitals to
Starting point is 03:22:45 don't bleed use the lawnmower 3.0 and then you can put it in the perfect package kit where you've got a perfect travel bag that it's a very nice travel bag it's real clean you got anti-chafing boxer briefs that i'm wearing right now no chafe just i'm testing the chafe there's no chafe whatsoever feels good so there's your proof in the pudding or not in the pudding for that matter hey uh you got you got you got all of that and you get you get to the satisfaction of a clean smooth enjoyable situation in your in your in your pants i'm telling you anyone who has access anyone who has access to your junk will thank you whether that be yourself or others everyone will be grateful all right look everyone it's it's just can we just the point is the point is
Starting point is 03:24:00 shave your balls and do it with 20 off your doctor will thank they everyone will thank you you know when you got to turn your head and cough they'll be like oh this is you might get a compliment who doesn't like it i don't want a compliment well in that scenario i'll tell you one thing dudes tend to remember compliments and store them in little treasure boxes in our hearts from 20 years ago that is accurate that's great we never let compliments go because they almost never happen so if you get one while you're coughing you're gonna remember it shave your balls and do so with with a good product that supports the podcast and supports your your comfort get 20 off in free shipping go to use the code super beast that's 20 off with
Starting point is 03:24:53 free shipping at with code super beast you got to use the right tools for the job if you don't want to suffer and more importantly if you want to live a nice comfortable life do it with manscaped thanks manscaped thank you manscape i just every time you do the manscaped ads you just go on for multiple minutes about how everyone should shave their balls i feel like that's less ad and more you personally yelling at everyone to shave their nuts well you're like stop it stop having hair on your genitals creepos return to monkey everywhere else except for your balls wait what does that mean we should be taking it off our balls and adding it to our body reject modernity everywhere except for your junk where you should
Starting point is 03:25:59 embrace the future an at field of future tech happens around your dick while the rest of you returns to monk and people asking no i don't shave my balls i don't need to well ain't nothing down there they do need to no they don't i can tell you in good authority that they don't well i'd be shaving a couple stray hairs it's weird well they they they they need it or they know someone that needs it how about that oh yeah no there's definitely people out there so yeah but you got to be careful shaving your body because then if the doctor gives you a compliment while giving you a prostate examination and you come on the floor you got to shoot them with that's not great did you but florida would tell you otherwise
Starting point is 03:26:57 but also that story and it which and it's so crazy that it's not real oh because upon reading that story i immediately sourced it and dug and it's some bullshit so don't you well it's up to us to make it worry about that um you ruined my day that's hey that's what we're here for listen man i'm just trying to show some ball shavers they know what it's about they understand just your shilling is so intense on the ball shaving specifically but i feel like there's an ulterior motive yeah there is it's to get them to shave them it's very clear here it's also to make sure that uh it's interesting to listen to hey
Starting point is 03:27:53 did you have any feelings about the village trailer yeah looks good that's pretty much it i got some questions but i don't want to ask them until i actually get through seven yeah i mean you can ask them like why is chris shooting that seven is chris shooting that lady i mean i know why that's the question that's the question i know why but why you know because because he's a bad man well that's the question isn't yeah because me as a jerk i suppose uh because uh because they saw how the dmc4 trailer was really popular because it made daunte look like a bad guy and they're trying to recreate that feeling
Starting point is 03:28:48 i mean even though you know what's up the tone of four was still one where the first half of the game neuro neuro was super angry at daunte like you spend that whole game really mad at him for a while it's not just trailer and then the pope was like hey so i'm alive i'm a demon so you know um all right well you know they dropped one of those and alongside that was the look at miles morales so seems like uh the tinkerer is going to be the direction this go the story is going to do that is and uh it showed off a big old set pc you know trailer fight on the bridge
Starting point is 03:29:46 he's doing electricity he's he's using that that he's using that charge to fuck people up and uh it looks yeah that's some spider man you know what a what a good enemy faction to fight the guy with electricity powers the one that are all using robotic technology the one it's almost as if the spider man for this exact challenge has the right tools for the job yeah almost it's always it's always what is the downside to miles's powers he compared to peter he doesn't have the experience that peter has like is he just a straight upgrade yes pretty much there is none whatsoever his the downsides of miles is he's
Starting point is 03:30:41 young and has to learn oh you mean besides the obvious that's not what i mean chat is chat is being very bad uh-huh bad what's the downside of yeah yeah no but seriously like he's just a like the invisibility and electricity is for free yeah like he doesn't have shitty or spider sense he doesn't have less strength or anything like that so it just it balances out you know every build well that has a number of points you can put into stats
Starting point is 03:31:33 mm-hmm some builds have hidden points that you can't see where they went mm-hmm let's assume that peter has a whole bunch of hidden points that we can't see that we can't yeah they you see i think the the the south park game the fractured but hole uh-huh showed you a hint of where some of those points could go okay yeah a so they just uh like while we were talking they put up like the pre-order for like the the ps4 version of this game and all that crap but they also put out a statement saying that uh when you get the full game like the spider man plus the miles morales expansion
Starting point is 03:32:29 that your save file won't transfer over uh it's like oh that's kind of a bummer but then they also announced a full remaster of the original game didn't they yeah that's that's what i mean like your save file from the ps4 original will not transfer over to the the ps5 okay yeah the saves don't work yeah okay um i mean it's it's cool that they're doing that but also yeah that that's uh you know what are you gonna yeah i mean dude they're shitting that's yeah there's it that's like dlc campaign content that might not be you know what i mean like yeah well i assume the remaster is gonna include actually like game of the year edition the the dlc's yeah that's a reasonable way to play it um
Starting point is 03:33:22 um but yeah uh it's but but but it's coming to both though so there will be a ps4 version of viles morales too so you can you can go either way on it uh that's right around the corner it's gonna drop in november hey i forgot to ask you what's the ps4 a ps5 situation over the the so i heard the situation uh at the boiven household and did you get three emails from uh in your inbox telling you hey these might not be real no oh because some people got emails saying hey these preorders might not be real no minor minor oh wow i had to cancel one in fact oh yeah yeah i originally got one off like the us one and uh i then got two others one from amazon and one from the source thanks to the
Starting point is 03:34:33 source um and uh though i was like oh well now i have three i don't need three i'll i'll see if anybody from uh was from the us wants the american one and i'll just change the i'll change the address for it right and then they'll just pay pal me the difference right so i'm like okay so i asked around and uh i was gonna send it to a guy at rooster teeth and then when i actually tried to change the address started to go crazy oh um it does not like when canadians with canadian accounts buy american products to send to america with canadian credit cards oh um every time i would try and change it it would go what are you doing stop that and it would break uh and it was like okay it it thinks i'm scam somehow it thinks i stole somebody's right okay okay um so i ended up getting
Starting point is 03:35:37 one from and one from the source uh now people are asking pat why would you buy three ps fives because i need one on day one and if i don't if one of those fail falls through i'll have the other and if they both come in i'll just go woolly do you want the other one and woolly will probably go yes sure it's good okay because woolly doesn't play this pre-order nightmare game that i don't do it i don't do it i've been i've been hurt i've been hurt i don't want to get hurt and if you didn't want it i'd sell it to my pal fuggins and it's like like problems all i've uh right i hate how the the yeah the canadian and us amazon accounts are like they don't they don't uh accumulate their data together so when i go looking for
Starting point is 03:36:33 order histories and and things like that like like changing the flag on the store like we'll fuck up something where like in some cases i expect a shipment from here but it's not listed and i've had many problems with switching back and forth between the stores it sucks it's not fun hey i have a quick i i would like to actually respond to a chat comment if that's all right with everyone nameless chat person says that baby needs shiny to shiny toy on day one no dumbass its guy needs his work equipment to go to work moron how am i supposed to stream the demon souls remaster on the first day if i don't have the fucking system i'd have to steal somebody else's footage and pretend and that'd be awkward oh you
Starting point is 03:37:35 know it happens what happens someone steals footage and pretends yeah but yeah yeah it nightmare is is not even enough of an accurate word to describe it they really i don't know if that counts as news but like the way sony handled that shit is like a joke they they put out i saw tweet where they said hey that wasn't great let's be honest but i don't know did you see what their resolution was from the day before okay so what happened earlier was there i think was jeff kealy talking to their marketing man and a marketing man was asked by jeff kealy hey man so when are pre-orders going live we're gonna know right and then he said oh don't worry we'll give you guys plenty of time before pre-orders go live and as he was saying that with his mouth
Starting point is 03:38:35 the pre-orders had already gone live at some retailers and sold out within five seconds so people went to bed that night hearing all sony'll tell us and at midnight like amazon went live walmart went live everything sold out and when people woke up they were all gone there it is this is and it's like wow wow this is this is the game this is what it is go fuck yourself you thought that's and that's why they put out the thing it's like clicking the but not a website and going thank you your pre-order is confirmed and you go ah and then you get an email and you go there it is and then later on you click on that email and open it and it just says from sony no you thought
Starting point is 03:39:39 so that's the worst that's that that's the worst so the source i know i'm getting that because i already paid for it like they charge up front and the amazon one seems legit i haven't heard any i haven't gotten any emails that are like no no dumb ass um but every everything about this sucks like the the 3080s went on sale yeah um and i woke up at 830 to get that at 9 and the 3080 defies belief with how fucked up its its pre-order system was because it appears that no humans actually got a hold of that that was a story so we might as well go right into it because yeah it really is it's really is it's it's it's a tale in two parts step one is fuck this stupid pre this stupid 3080 uh uh uh bullshit the only people that got them
Starting point is 03:40:49 were scalpers and everyone posted screenshots people using robots people and everyone posted screenshots of numerous auctions where the uh the video cards were on sale for no fewer than 12k yeah prices sorry 1200 prices shooting uh no no no they were going into the thousands dude oh yeah they were going into the tens of thousands but at first it was 1200 which is the markup that they could get away with because the the card above it would be 1500 right but eventually and then later in the day the five digits and kept climbing so everyone's like this is the most absurd scalp situation we've seen in a long time it's always bad but holy fuck who are these people and how bad is it that they're actually willing to pay these amounts
Starting point is 03:41:42 and then we get the tweet where uh dudes like yeah so i was so mad that every single card got scalped before a human being could actually acquire them so i then wrote a bot that would go to every auction and inflate the prices to a point where no one will buy them thus defeating every single scalper auction because fuck scalpers yeah all the scalper auctions are now worthless which is great um uh i would like somebody pointed out i would like to give people uh some there are some scalpers out there that are legit geniuses and i can only respect this level of hustle uh did you see the people selling the ps5 and 3080 paper editions what uh they were they were selling uh ps5 pre-order paper edition and if you read what it the description actually
Starting point is 03:42:43 was it was a photo of a playstation 5 oh my god there you go and it was actually described as this will be a photo of a playstation 5 uh how about how about your playstation 3 taped to your playstation 2 that's good i like yeah you got to think outside the box um so i asked around a lot i talked on twitter i cannot find a single human being that was able to purchase them they apparently were universally actually 100 bought by robots and scalpers yeah the people high demand high demand and low supply always creates this but everyone 100 the people there the people that do have them there are people that have them but they're all people that were sent it directly from invidia there was a and apparently one guy in our chat i spoke with multiple people who managed to get
Starting point is 03:43:38 through the website and order them only to be told five minutes later that their order didn't count uh which is great it's the same thing you're talking about ps5 or it's like yeah i did it no it didn't count it didn't it didn't count um well the the actual the actual experience of this was so frustrating because just saying they all they all sold out is one thing but actually trying to buy it and seeing what happened is another thing entirely so what happened was is that people would wake up at 8 30 am eastern time and at 8 59 you go to the invidia website and say new egg right and amazon if you're in the states and it says coming soon on the page right and then you refresh the page at 8 59 consistently and at 8 59 and 59 seconds the page loads in with the phrase
Starting point is 03:44:39 out of stock and i i can't find anyone who even saw the add to cart option like it just it just didn't happen and i think bots were going through like web zone apis it's a web zone website apis instead of so even by how do you fight bot scalpers with bot anti scalpers well the honestly what you should be doing um with stuff like this is what you do for stuff like hockey tickets is you have a phone number have to be associated with a real account that you confirm and you then do it by lottery right invidia actually just put out a a fucking response to this literally just now um what happened uh four times the unique visitors to our website 10 times the amount
Starting point is 03:45:45 of peak web requests per second more than 15 times the out clicks to partner pages they're just saying they tried to beef up their website but it died always um and part of the reason why that is is that oh what makes us worse by the way is that people who do uh a fucking cryptocurrency crap were able to tell from reviews that this thing would kick ass for cryptocurrency uh oh my god the miners the miners came out again oh god yeah okay well then that's a whole other group of people that are not even the the fucking gaming uh crowd yeah oh Jesus so uh the demand was unprecedented we underestimated our 50 global retailers had inventory the day of launch our retail partners recorded traffic traffer in many cases succeeding black friday this caused
Starting point is 03:46:39 crashes and delays blah blah blah we knew it would be popular but no one expected that much traffic on the first day that's a lie um that's a blatant lie the this happens every time maybe not these numbers but considering the miners and the demand and all that like come on what's the stocks you know what would solve this just allow back orders with with production timelines you'll get one when we make it allow well allow me to buy one and have an estimated time of arrival on it yeah uh the problem with that is you cannot control the unreasonable uh people and you cannot control when somebody decides i've waited long enough this has taken too long i'm i'm i'm angry give me one you know and so on like if you do a back order yeah but you have
Starting point is 03:47:32 and you don't have an eta then are you really gonna be comfortable just going like hold my money for whatever do no do a back order and put an eta and then what if the person's like oh shit i got an opportunity to buy one second hand from somebody cancel that will be and that will be an insignificant factor on demand for things like this because it seems it it seems like a good idea but i feel like there might be maybe maybe that's the way i don't i don't know why does the availability always start with such low inventory it's typical for blah blah blah blah what changes are you making on the store uh as with many other retailers the nvidia store was overrun with malicious bots and resellers to combat this we've made the following changes
Starting point is 03:48:21 we've moved nvidia store to a dedicated environment with increased capacity and more bot protection that won't work we updated the code to be more efficient we integrated captcha to the checkout by the way there's no captcha on these websites oh nice no shit the bots can crush it so easily when when they put out new cards though does this mean that there are no like there's they they put out their cards for sale but there's no separate store shipments so the way that it works is nvidia sells the nvidia version of the yeah right off their store they will also uh uh there's also uh all the third party card manufacturers like asus and evga they sell on their own stores but they also sell to uh third party websites like amazon new egg and all the retail partners
Starting point is 03:49:14 and nvidia will also sell their own cards to some retail partners like i think you could you might be able to get official nvidia cards from like best buyers yeah so so then there is a stock that is not the site stock that will be on a truck somewhere yeah but i mean everybody put up their pre-orders simultaneously so they're all okay all of them the the nvidia nvidia can only change the stuff on their own personal store it's up to everybody else's store so best buy like they don't give a shit they're not going to overhaul their whole fucking website just for this stupid bull crap it's one of a billion right products for sure so new egg what the fuck new egg of any cut if of any website i would expect to understand how video card demand works it would be fucking
Starting point is 03:50:03 new egg right that's all they sell they sell pc parts for crazy people um why did it go from notify neda out of stock because it was hit by a billion things i saw individuals using bots and scripts celebrating the purchase of multiple gpu's did bots get all the available supply no nvidia has canceled hundreds of orders manually before they were able to ship 99 percent of it was totally got by bots will they have any preventative measures blah blah blah and here's here's the my favorite part so they went out of stock at 8 59 59 am right nvidia's automated system sent out an email at like 2 p.m in the afternoon saying hey guys they're in stock come to the website and the splash page had gone live and you clicked on it and they were
Starting point is 03:51:02 all sold out because of course they were uh even though although i just the the what comes to mind when you say that a solution would be the sports tickets lottery i'm just thinking about how many times i've heard people who do that sports ticket lottery thing complain about how shit the system is it's better than this it's better than no one getting anything no like when you have when you nintendo does this too right they just hand scalpers free money they just they just give it over to the gray market entirely why it doesn't make you any more money to have scalpers selling them for 500 600 dollar doesn't make them any less
Starting point is 03:51:57 yeah it does because they have a competitor amd isn't quite as good but if amd cards are in stock and nvidia cards aren't not uh then well yes yes but i guess just on the basic level of every card we make is purchased by someone or something then you know they're selling through their inventory regardless that's a that's a bad long-term it's a very bad long-term scenario for sure because what they did there was a moment uh during i forget i think it was like three cards ago where every single card got bought up by bit bitcoin people right and there were suspicions that nvidia was basically just making enough for the bitcoin market because they would all sell out right and they're like well why don't they just make it for that and it's like that's not sustainable
Starting point is 03:52:57 because those people are buying it for this hyper specific reason that if anybody else creates anything that would beat it they'll dump you in a second and then if you have just burned the bridge you know on everybody who buys your video cards for their actual intended usage right does this video card have a new big cg mascot on it i don't know can we check to see if it's someone with a hard hat and a pickaxe just the fucking big future cyber miner i don't know why they they don't just put out a video card that literally just i mean that's i'm kind of that's what i was trying to like i'm like can i build up to can we workshop an idea where they're just go hey look it's the fucking mining card buy it it mines yeah they should just make versions of the cards that
Starting point is 03:53:51 don't have a video out you know it just sits there and it does the thing um they do will not have this card they should have put one out of this card and also the the uh what was it like i i remember reading something a while ago that said that like the energy used for the currency gained is massively uh disproportionate and like the cost of like the amount you're burning through is just like like almost unethical but uh uh yeah it's it's a fucked up situation because like everything about it's stupid like best buy and uh new eggs splash sites only went live once everything is sold out so it's like you have the situation where you're running your website you're like okay cool put the launch page for the new uh oh everyone's mad because we were basically
Starting point is 03:54:56 just rubbing it in their noses um so now we're in the situation where hey do you want to get a 3080 open up a tab with now in stock dot net and just hold that tab in the background and if the fucking tab alarms at you what is that site now in stock dot net are you not familiar with that at all i personally use it for video cards but you can use it for almost anything like hand sanitizer is and it's just like you find the this sounds like something you find that you might have kept to yourself until now it's on the podcast and it's out there no i've mentioned it what is it on my streams it's it's a it you it's all sent it to you so you can take a look at it because that'll make it a lot easier uh hey do you want hand sanitizers or webcams or weights that are rare
Starting point is 03:55:54 or consistently out of stock plug the specific uh store listing into your tracker and they will set an alarm to go off or they will even text you if that item comes back in stock at that okay i was waiting for you to say they will go and buy it for you at which point i'm like like a bot okay all right all right no no no no okay it's never been a secret site people have been using this thing forever never heard of it now all of you who want a 3080 have to wait until i get mine before you use the site though for sure that's what the because mine give totally no you're you're ahead of the list whatever man if we're all gonna fight over it it might as well be fair
Starting point is 03:56:56 and lastly there's two stories here they're the same story but there's the story you want to hear and then there's the story uh huh of what happened all right so what happened is michelancel is leaving the video games industry but what pat wants to hear is beyond good and evil two is dead i don't need to hear it i said it so michel people are asking who that guy is is the creator of rayman and beyond good and evil that was a name that people knew some years ago i guess it's been a while yeah yeah like when was rayman legends quite a bit ago probably like almost eight maybe seven
Starting point is 03:57:59 damn okay the the chilling i don't think that game ever existed well it there's a there is footage of a thing what like defined exist defined exist i don't think that game i don't think that game was ever in full production and no some people some people made and then they some people made some stuff well they they put out a fucking fan thing that was like hey send us art oh yeah so we can put your art in the game there was a yes there was prior to that a bunch of false start non announcements a bunch of teases with her there was leaked footage of a game by the way there was leaked footage of her running around in a world that that of a game that never happened so there was a team making a thing or a group of people however small making something that eventually
Starting point is 03:58:58 stopped existing then we got the airship monkey and and dread girl game uh play footage with the persistent online thing they mentioned so people would like me to determine sorry to define what i mean by full production so in terms of production on your game you have your pre production you have your full production in your post production full production is that your pre productions over everybody has their job you're fully staffed up and you are in the process of making the game i do not believe that has ever happened on this game i believe there is a vertical slice and maybe some prototypes and some concept art well what you're saying they they never left pre alpha that's possible you could have a vertical slice slice while everything else is still in
Starting point is 03:59:49 pre alpha um but yeah like there is evidence of existing thing it's just uh yeah he's leaving and he said that with him leaving the game will continue yeah sure um i mean you know what are you what are you gonna say like it's it's it's this ongoing forever like non-project for a while that is just kind of dick teasing everybody and it sucks but i guess at some point however many years down the line something will drop and it'll be a bit of a too human situation and it'll be there but whatever the troubles are that this game has um i don't know if they'll ever see the light of day i don't know if we'll ever find out why this thing took 20 plus years to make that's does that's what that's not true
Starting point is 04:00:52 is that true well it might be bg and e i want to say was uh xbox original bg and e was era of xbox original so that feel i don't know man i feel like michelle on cell was like you know what ubi soft seems like a bad look for everyone to work at right now i'm out of here i'm gonna go take care of animals 2003 so yeah 20 years in 2023 which is probably what it'll drop sure um if this game does come out i bet it will have zero relation to anything they have already showed something will drop it's just gonna happen
Starting point is 04:01:54 whenever and um yeah who knows what form it'll take but i don't think like we've had this kind of argument like a couple times and i feel like betting on time is like like there's times when they well they when they just go this is dead and it's over or they say nothing about it and uh in this particular case i think it'll happen i just don't think it'll it'll like happen anytime soon it's just too weirdly quiet i don't know this is the same company that put out like two or three beat g and e2 trailers when the game was actually literally nothing like remember the the the the trailer that was like the the pig guy peach yeah working on a car
Starting point is 04:02:50 and that and like then you go and look at interviews you're like oh yeah that was literally she was just a cg yeah and then there was but then before that was the the leaked gameplay that was like her crot climbing up through a wall and going into like an area um yeah and then now we've have this this like surfing airship gameplay stuff and who knows um and yeah they wanted the community like i i bet i'm guessing i'm guessing that you're what what you're seeing will probably be uh slowed down by a move to next gen you know it's like it took a long enough that they might as well just just migrate it i think that it has been very slowed by next gen and then it'll be so slowed that next next gen they'll be like oh we're porting it to next next gen we're also so we're also as we
Starting point is 04:03:51 go farther into the future we're getting so far we're getting farther and further away from um the the group of people that care about the original and and that's the biggest if anything the time to put this out was in 2006 man you know um it's over the part where we brought this up and uh a bunch of people went who is that to michelle ansel the the reaction to michelle ansel's name was who are you talking about is kind of proof that we're moving past the point there are people born in the year the game came out that are 17 in our chat right now wondering why we're even bothering to talk about this and i'm kind of there with them like why are you bothering to make a
Starting point is 04:04:49 sequels to games decades later is stupid it's stupid you just you want to put your grave on that hill or sure shenmu is stupid teffel may cry decades i mean what are you talking about three to four and then four to five four to dmc dmc to five okay we're gonna count that all right yeah we are it was it was ninja theory i mean it was coming like doom doom three came out
Starting point is 04:05:39 in 2004 doom 2016 this is a battle dude you have to you're fighting the entire industry right now is that a sequel it no it's not a sequel it says doom one right on it it's doom it's the next doom game if you're counting dmc double doom doom one if you're using dmc devil may cry in your argument then you're counting whatever's in the franchise so doom yeah it's doom doom one it's the start of a new franchise called doom okay fuck off you're you're being disingenuous am i kingdom hearts no okay can i can i actually change it you can change it because this is a thing for fuck off you can always change it forever
Starting point is 04:06:28 well that's why i'm asking yes for years well why wait why wait why does that upset why does no i am i am saying with exclamation mark that anytime you say something you do have the option to change it instead of tripling down no no no you don't you know unless the person gives you permission to change it you have to stand by your position until you have permission i'm asking you for thank you have permission you always have permission to change it okay making sequels to narrative games that have cliffhanger endings 20 years later is fucking stupid like one of the read a lot of people who cry because most people didn't even play beyond good and evil now is that the reason why people want to sequel so bad is it ends in a cliffhanger
Starting point is 04:07:20 kingdom hearts i don't i don't care about that cliffhanger anymore what about king cancel half life wait what no hold on what about didn't kick that one's more kingdom hearts 3 isn't that a kingdom hearts no kingdom hearts had a game a year for like the whole time there are so many kingdom hearts games there is a fucking ton of them but uh weren't there just re-releases on like compilations that were yeah but there are there were a ton of new games like every year or two what's the timeline between deadly premonition one and two 2000 i just think i think that you're getting your your your hypothesis is well that's why
Starting point is 04:08:15 i changed it to include cliffhangers your your hypothesis is a wild exclamation even with cliffhangers that will absolutely if you dig hard enough find you with a series that you care about being brought into the the discussion shadowrun is happening yeah that came out final fantasy remake i mean that's not a sequel that's well yeah it is but um come on now come on now that is stupid come on now be honest there's a lot of time between some of those games a lot of time is that is there hold on a second metal metal gear is the one that that because that's the most story one of all right so metal gear solid what do we got we got uh metal gear solid is 98
Starting point is 04:09:19 the sons of liberty is 2001 uh snake eater is 2004 and mgs4 is to that is is 2008 and that's the end of the metal gear series gotcha gotcha right right but even if you do include the others uh peace walkers 10 zeros is 14 and phantom pain is 2015 so like there's never been more than a four-year gap so does the cliffhanger aspect even matter if there's a bunch of games that come out that don't answer that because then it's an ongoing franchise even though there's a cliffhanger like why does the cliffhanger even matter if there's games that don't fucking affect the cliffhanger you described if we're counting those which games are you're saying like if metal gear solid comes out and then has an ending that you're waiting on or has something else that's going
Starting point is 04:10:17 to go down in the next game but there's or like kingdom hearts has something that you're waiting on in the next game but like there's a bunch of games that come out that don't address that directly are they still storyline games yeah then what's the problem okay well megaman legends 3 is a bad idea clearly well what did we say just before that one people why are wait why are people talking about near near didn't have a cliffhanger near near is is is completely different shit from game to game that why is there a guy talking about yakuza zero and one none of those games end on cliffhangers um and also there's been a yakuza
Starting point is 04:11:06 game every year since like nine uh since 2004 uh what the fuck is final fantasy seven i don't know a trick uh an aberration it sure is weird isn't it very much so honestly according to my own logic i have to agree with myself that is stupid everything about the way that game is is fucking glad it's here though yeah worth it anyway the point is this i think be i think nobody cares about beyond good and evil 2 anymore including the the creator i think blanket statements are stupid because under the microscope they fall apart like a fucking brick shithouse i think putting every statement under the microscope is cowardly just say your dumb thing and move on say what you mean and mean what you say
Starting point is 04:12:11 yeah like we need to re monkey our bodies except for our balls that's a blanket statement is don't you think there are some people that shouldn't re monkey their bodies no i think i think returning to monkey is a call out to the entire human race oh man i also think we got some fucking ball razors to wait did you say fall apart like a brick shithouse like a house of cards i was i think no no early i think i misspoke yeah that's the opposite of what you meant to say if my shit falls apart like a brick shithouse that means it's unfortunately durable and smelly man which does now the brick shithouse is bad for saying things are sturdy i was just thinking this in my head like i was thinking i was like wait did i say the wrong
Starting point is 04:13:10 thing probably anyway but then i was like why do we say brick shithouse then i was thinking is it because the bricks are bricks but the mortar is shit it's a it's a it's a it's a outhouse made out of of bricks so that your poop can be protected from the elements oh it's a house for shit again it's not a house made of brick and shit yeah no no no it is a it is a highly durable structure filled with shit it gotcha okay when you say somebody is built like a brick shithouse it means they look tough but are awful well hey guess what i'm gonna do i'm going to edit what i said and say i said the wrong thing because we're all i thought you i thought you met i thought you met like cut the part of
Starting point is 04:14:03 the podcast to make yourself sound smarter no no i'm i'm going to make reference to the fact that we can we can change what we say instead of tripling down on it admittedly a house made of bricks and shit for mortar will probably kill anybody who enters it i think that if you want to make a sequel you have to do it within three years that is and if you start to make it after that someone shoots i can give it five three i i can give it all right let five i can say five i can live with that some games take three years to make yeah that's right well no you just announce it also also no no hold on hold on um fuck that for every game where something that nobody expected a sequel to come from where you go and you go like hey there's a good idea here i'm gonna dig
Starting point is 04:15:00 this up to use it like if somebody decides to revisit something down the line out of interest for the source material that's fine too no they have to make something new it could be exactly the same just instead of Dante it's baonetta yeah sure ba ba bao yes i don't know i just all joking aside the tendency of game companies to go remember this yeah we're not gonna do anything don't you like us for this period of time like is the i know and that's why we get is the i knew when you do it for too long you get a bomb rush cyber funk yeah well aware like tron woolly like yes exactly like tron exactly like the the the the hey maybe we'll make this if you like the old days of the capcom test
Starting point is 04:16:13 like just the worst just the absolute worst that movie was visually gorgeous it had an amazing soundtrack and it had some good ideas but then it ended up being eh you know uh overall but then you're like yeah but the original tron was not a better movie than the sequel the the sequel was you know pretty middling but the original tron was not better than that the original tron was worse than the sequel was the sequel was fucking better even though it came out to be middling i think we live in a weird time because i would have said way back in the day if if you saw like bg an e2 footage right you'd be like well maybe it doesn't have the resources it needs or whatever right but somebody over there is working it can't all be a work right and then
Starting point is 04:17:10 i remember that microsoft commissioned a cg trailer for a game that they had already canceled just to show it off at e3 do you remember that that card game that was like a remake of an original xbox game oh oh oh uh uh a quantum what the fuck was uh fucking phantom dust phantom dust like that game had already been long cancelled and killed but they hadn't told the devs and then they decided to commission a cg trailer for a game that was already dead on the books put the cg trailer out so that they could get a add a boy at e3 then went and fired all the devs so like companies are willing to waste money just for temporary optics so now anything is possible yeah um i guess it depends on it's a dot on a dev to dev case
Starting point is 04:18:24 and we're looking at ubisoft here so you know that's probably the craziest thing ever like why bother because you're trading in goodwill now for badwill later what if deep down though i god i would love to get a hold of somebody at capcom and be like dude how badly did ono fuck up every project in the past five years what if deep down every single thing that had his name on it fucking died except for sf5 like the fucking engine and the game that was supposed to be about that engine wasn't that a ps4 like launch like reveal game it was going to be no but i mean wasn't that like one of the first games that was ever showed for the
Starting point is 04:19:24 well i don't remember when it was shown but i remember when it was pitched as like this is using some crazy this is the next level of tech we're shipping out um mirror's edge skates in eight years apart and i'm that sequel is not i i'm glad catalyst exists i i i liked it it i also liked it but like it was no mirror's edge one it wasn't it wasn't but i feel like mirror's edge can be a franchise if given the chance that would end up in a really fucking amazing place if it had the opportunity to iterate it's not gonna because it's yeah we uh i believe we know what we we we know a thing or two about
Starting point is 04:20:27 a bum sequel followed by a banging third game so metal gear you want to say i mean you can go with dante's awakening but quite frankly deus x fits the bill oh man oh that's just okay woolly you more than i are fucking in the position to answer you which is a worse sequel dmc2 or invisible war wage war as you choose as alex d a covert anti-terrorist operative you are thrust into the hornet's nest of conflict conspiracy and deceit when a terrorist attack occurs in chicago you must decide whether your choice of allegiance is the right one
Starting point is 04:21:33 use bio mods to customize and upgrade your character intense shooter stealth gameplay in a world of paralleled interactivity unparalleled interactivity there it is sequel to the game of the year sequel to the game of the year winner deus x right there can you uh can you describe the boxed copy situation as in why i have this yes that's correct well you'll notice that i'm holding a boxed copy of this game sealed at the top of course with the uh the unopened uh uh uh uh seal and a barcode there uh this uh was given to me by an office manager who was walking through the aisles with a stack of them so high that he needed to get rid of the copies because the inventory closet was full
Starting point is 04:22:37 and needed space so we had to make space by getting rid of some copies of invisible war and uh before i knew it there was a copy on my desk yeah it says everything doesn't it top 10 eat three show stoppers game pro magazine and it's oh man it's it's wild because deus x much like dmc is like the invention of a genre and is also incredible in its own genre that it invented and then the sequel is just like holy shit yeah well anyway let's uh let's let's get out of this discussion because it can go on forever
Starting point is 04:23:39 kind of like the development of beyond good newville too hey i get it by the way there is lab zero news there's two pieces of lab zero news i don't know what's going on uh new uh new uh fucking uh studio has been created in the time that we've been i did not hear this like literally like actually it's called future club okay what's uh what's the deeds uh it's made by lab zero devs that's what i got okay future club
Starting point is 04:24:34 here we go x lab zero members for it's currently 15 people with francesca equinez acting as both ceo did we did we miss the news because you said it was announced while the podcast was going yeah four hours oh okay cool so it probably went live like 10 minutes before uh uh it is a co-op so that's interesting uh no project's announced also people are now like now that everyone's out and what not they're really putting the heat on z and they're like leaking like internal emails oh really and it's oh yeah it's awful uh uh yeah no uh
Starting point is 04:25:21 i mean the docket was no short of a bunch of stuff i didn't hear anything about this so there's more stuff coming out um okay well that is good news for those people and that team shoutouts to them having jobs and yes and whatever they're going to work on and yeah okay i can't i can't be just scrolling through this article scanning for uh uh points while we talk here but is there anything else of note about the story that comes to no not really all right just that it exists now cool that's good news all right emails
Starting point is 04:26:18 hey if you want to send an email send that over to castle super beast male at that's castle super beast male at i'm having a fun in the background experience where uh there are 30 80s in stock at a website but the website is down hmm this is such a shit show this is such a stupid what about the 3ds dying what about it 3ds is dead what long live the 3ds is there is something to talk about here it's dead they stopped production cool it's it is officially over the nightmare has subsided
Starting point is 04:27:14 all right yeah old consoles no longer being made uh don't care for the 3ds anyway news hmm let's take one from gabe hey gabe what's up man gabe says hey welly and the pat guy i've been watching the halo playthrough and replaying them myself it's kind of funny that halo reach has uh similarities in terms of mechanical choices to destiny but he got me thinking about how bungee is obsessed with the hidden object with lore
Starting point is 04:28:01 thing bungee is loved yeah they're crazy about it they put tons of stuff into into their games that are basically small novels hidden in them since halo 3 sometimes really important bits of storytelling making them kind of inconvenient to get like destiny has raids that are considered part of the mainline story of the universe some raids have lore items comparably annoying to get compared to legendary terminals uh it's absolutely ridiculous so uh pat you have experience with destiny with lore tabs and collectibles woolly i know you're piecing things together with data pads and terminals and halo do you like this do you think this storytelling is ineffective also i know that bungee isn't the only company to do this soles for example has read your lore tabs
Starting point is 04:28:45 uh but it's the most relevant here because of watching woolly's halo lps i find it fun going your way to explore things going out of your way to explore things that you wouldn't normally do for games i guess novel reward as well as sometimes i think that a lot of narrative flavor in lore bits can be hidden or and how they're unlocked uh in where they can be hidden and how they're unlocked thanks from gabe so uh destiny is probably the worst example of it ever because the destiny story is bad and the lore is actually somewhat interesting but the lore is like they take all the interesting parts of the story and hide it from you and on top of that there is lore tied to seasonal activities that disappears if you don't get it and will never ever be like achievable
Starting point is 04:29:33 by your character ever again i have two minds about it because on the one hand like i end up feeling a lot of times that it's like it is the cheapest and most inexpensive way to expand your universe uh without actually like you know showing with you tell telling instead of showing but because of that i also am aware that we could be looking at instances where it was text or nothing and when the choice is text or nothing there's been many many times when i'd read that text and be like oh my god this text was great i it's better that this texture than there's nothing there but i still prefer showing instead of telling so take that stuff and now hide it right great every every interesting part of this game story is hidden away from you so this is this is where i
Starting point is 04:30:24 kind of come to a compromise where i say if you have shown me a sufficient amount of of interesting things and what's happening in front of me is very like it's a living world and it's dense and it's interesting and i'm paying attention uh it's compelling i should say then anything that i'm satisfied by that and the flavor text is all amazing when i'm not satisfied by what i'm what's happening in the present but it's only flavor text uh for all my my depth that bugs me when i think about mass effect i think i remember enjoying what was happening in the main game and i would go read the codex for extra and the codex was wonderful it was a wonderful gravy to pour over the already interesting gameplay that i was playing uh lost odyssey
Starting point is 04:31:24 is a very different version of that where the bonus text outshines the game itself by orders of magnitude yeah it's kind of weird uh like why is the writing so much better in those stories than it is in the regular dialogue doom is great and you don't expect there to be much lord of doom so then when it turns out there is i was like whoa okay it was unexpected depth to a story that i remember being pitched to me specifically um by you guys were saying uh he starts out by the the game puts the story in your face and and doom guy moves it out of the way to get back to shooting things so from that first impression i remember thinking oh this game is going to be like ha ha lol what story and that couldn't be further from the truth it's totally
Starting point is 04:32:24 there and your doom guy absolutely has a bunch of shit that happens to him and and there is a narrative that matters uh but like yeah you just despite your expectations it goes way and more in depth than than you'd think you know um and it's some of the coolest shit when you find out what that story is uh mirror's edge as we just talked about catalyst has some of its best lore locked in completing bonus objectives and reading text dumps i wanted that to be in the game i wanted that to be like you know presented as i was playing not discovered in fucking terminals and shit like that so it really just comes down to does it feel like your game is lacking and this text is the only thing making up for it
Starting point is 04:33:19 or is this gravy on top of an already satisfying story yeah i think i think the way that you're describing it is a perfect way for um destiny because in destiny they describe oh this cool shit happened and then this guy did this and he had this big war and there's a cool battle and all these people were there and i'm like cool i would love to be in one of those ever and they're like aw did it gives it went when when the in-game story is lame but the lore is cool it gives this feeling of everyone but you is cool right everything that was ever important happened right before you started and the stuff you're doing is just this lame in between but that's the shonen anime starting line that's what that's the shonen anime fucking start line is
Starting point is 04:34:16 the coolest shit happened with the generation before you you kind of suck hope you don't embarrass us too hard yeah and then you have to get there yeah hopefully yeah that's it's it's really it's really just you know how i take it is in relation to the the the shit that you're doing outside of that you can't put a hard fast rule on it because it does it can feel lazy and it can feel amazing depending on what's happening outside of it you know uh thanks good question Gabe good question here's one coming in from fabio says greetings lords of castle super beast fabio from brazil here on twitter i saw a post about how a person got banned for giving some tips tips on twitch chat he was watching a streamer do a blind run of
Starting point is 04:35:17 metal gear solid and when the streamer asked for tips on how to find merrill the person said look at the soldiers to see which one moves their hips like a girl and follow them to the bathroom he then got banned for inappropriate behavior so i ask what are the weirdest tips that would get you ignored at the least or banned at the worst that are totally real i don't know i mean that's i don't know about like the consequences being that extreme but ignored at the least i would definitely say uh how about this shoot the fucking parrot and eat it to piss him off the boss is gonna hate it when you shoot and eat his parrot what's the one in four like stare at them with the camera until they start making sex noises so
Starting point is 04:36:09 you can stare at them until you unlock the photo shoot mode and then they'll start walking the runway and doing sexy poses and dances and then you can go oh yeah as you take your photos it's always kojima it's always kojima hey how about this uh shit and piss so that you can throw it at the monsters to make them hate it what game is that kojima oh of course oh genius kojumbo oh that's distraining oh man idiot games are stupid if you piss you'll make a mushroom and if everyone peas together it can actually give you crypto biots that's true pop on pop on pop
Starting point is 04:37:21 all i can remember about this stranding is roads eu dana and ziplines uh okay shoot the cyber demon until it dies oh right so the website finally loaded in and the video cards are out of stock welcome to a succinct experience of what it's like to buy this video card and the website is now down hey nice it's good it's good it's good it's good um okay this fucking bullshit is so stupid oh my god uh henry says hey
Starting point is 04:38:13 chur beast ciders with the middling release of avengers which devs do you think could do these characters justice i was thinking of a multi-player character action by capcom or i'd leave i'll leave i'd even settle for dr strange bayonetta i mean you know which the answer to we got these questions tended to always end up the same way where it was more or less just question asking bait for us to say capcom or platinum or way forward or or yacht club and it was like you you know the answer right um and you know but i have a different answer than those things for this oh yeah who should handle these marvel characters and who would do a good job and who can we trust with it i don't know insomniac
Starting point is 04:39:06 yeah yeah that's actually a much better pick they're already familiar with sony spider man they did such a great job with sony's character i'd say on the anime side of things arc system works actually does a really good job you know like capcom did a fine job in marvel you know that was that was cool too but well minus that last outing but um yeah yeah just you know the one that we just talked about today where it was a pretty good thing and the story in in in spider man was great and the the characters like i like it was a good game good ass game that's that's more than enough for me huh
Starting point is 04:40:05 so you said now in stock dot net okay yeah what are you looking for anything yeah pretty much i'm a do i hand sanitizer or webcams well actually uh i i can hear that well don't worry about it did you test the alarm on this podcast what no what are you talking about we just heard the alarm go off what alarm oh it was my alarm did your alarm go off it did i was clicking around to see if other things would work and then i clicked on webcams and the webcam is in stock so it did the alarm and it was very loud so i'm basically hearing phantom alarms but i thought it was you
Starting point is 04:41:10 you don't worry about it jesus christ yeah uh there's a couple well there's a couple things i saw that i wanted to buy that i was like oh that's gonna take a while so there's and i did put them in a like text file to check up on later and then i'll forget about so um anyway we'll we'll leave it there okay good podcast you okay no i want my video okay can it fit in your tower it's mine yeah it could fit my tower because i'm at a state where i can't even look at it without first looking at a brand new everything so i won't even be considering this until the actual tower is fucking i'm honestly thinking about that as well but that'll be later when the AMD processors come out so
Starting point is 04:42:11 i'll just buy the video card and then transfer that over all right let's get out of here okay have a good day everyone don't buy any video cards i want one you don't do it it's mine so yeah yeah Out of temptation. Takes over my mind. Condemned.
Starting point is 04:43:33 Falling awake on my knees. Some industry. Of mayhem. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. For it's. Yeah.
Starting point is 04:45:35 In here is a night. There is a roundabout thing. Can run away. Keep walking the line. Between the line. Let us drink. We're taking hold of one's surrender. The truth reveals the nights of ember.
Starting point is 04:46:11 We fight through fire and nights forever. The souls once lost and now they remember ember. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 04:47:45 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 04:49:03 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 04:50:41 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

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