Castle Super Beast - CSB 090: Revengenetics

Episode Date: October 20, 2020

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Starting point is 00:00:00 ... Welcome to Castle Super Beast. I'm Woollie. I'm Pat, and we are here to bring you a podcast of video game news, occasionally other things, and mostly just rant and talk about what's going on in our lives and such. I promise that on this Zoom call of a podcast that I've muted my penis. Does your penis make noise that needs to be muted? Oh no, oh sorry you're not familiar. With the noises of your dick? No, some reporter dumbass just got suspended from his newspaper in New York because he was on a Zoom call with a shit ton of other news people. He just walked away and moved his robe and his dick fell out, and his explanation is, I thought I muted the video, and everyone's like,
Starting point is 00:01:37 what the fuck are you talking about, you old man? Yeah, okay, so this is becoming a phenomenon. There's been a clear, massive uptick in Zoom calls and people using them, not understanding when they're live or not, and boy, I'm hearing tons of stories about embarrassing shit happening. There's more than enough clips of kids going to school and then just a naked mom walks by and the teacher's just like, what the, who put that away? What's that naked mother away please? Yeah, because there's that stuff where it's like, okay, if you're in a household where the mom is used to just waltzing around, flopping out everywhere and everybody else is doing that. I did not have that household. I didn't have that household either. I know it's a thing with, I would say, the exception of, I don't know, if she's running later or something
Starting point is 00:02:38 and we're kids and she's like, oh fuck, I gotta get out of here or whatever. She'll run to the kitchen and whatever, but the whole thing where people casually are just flopping around with their family, I'm like, I don't know about that. That's a little bit not what I had. I don't want to see any part of any family member of mine flopping ever. So you can't know. You can't avoid it, right? You're gonna see flop. Family flop is happening. No, you can avoid it. You can avoid it. Okay, in a lot of cases, just basically exchanging places in a bathroom, trying to get in, squeezing past each other. If you're all preparing to go to church on a Saturday morning and everyone's trying to fight to use the iron to steam their clothes, everyone's fighting to get in and groom in the bathroom and it's just a quick rotation and there's lots of hurry up in there.
Starting point is 00:03:30 You're using up the hot water. There's just some basic flop interaction will occur. So what you're saying is that the only way to stop the flop is to stop church? Well, no, it's more just like there is a degree to which people you live with. It's gonna be what it is. But obviously, if you're on a Zoom call going to school and the flop happens to spill over onto the stream, then there's way more flop happening than average household flop if the Zoom call happens to catch it. Yeah, that's casual flop. Casual flop. Casual flop. That's the issue. No one's gonna get mad at you for the expected margin of regular flop. Now, you gotta be careful because if there's casual flop, then the river might fuck you, huh?
Starting point is 00:04:28 Hey, not bad. I liked it. I liked it. Cards. Yeah, the joke is poker. But that's been happening and I heard one story of, I mean, there's been multiple, but I heard definitely the story of a group of people having a meeting and then old, probably 50s or 60s dad just turns the camera off but not the microphone, pulls a little bit of a, pulls a little DSP in the corner, comes back on live. Oh, no. And then everyone's like, the fuck? And the dude's like, hey, how's it going? Y'all, what's up? Anyway, so where were we? How you doing?
Starting point is 00:05:22 What are you talking about? Just where were we? And you're just like, oh man, we all heard it. It's really showing off just how much of society doesn't even understand the most basic computer interaction. Yeah, I think between hearing it and seeing it, it's equally as bad. I would have put seeing it as worse, but depending on how bad it gets, hearing it can really burn in. Oh, because the imagination. Yeah. The imagination.
Starting point is 00:05:55 Yeah, portrait of the mind is really powerful. Like we got, I got a camera that's basically pointed at me 24 hours a day if I'm sitting in this spot. So we have, we have like a fucking bandana warframe thing a friend of mine gave me that we just tied up and just drape over it. Like just in case, like just in case, I forgot that I'm somehow broadcasting live and my penis fall out. I mean, extra precautions are always good. See this right here? It's this is a visual. You want to know what this does? Don't.
Starting point is 00:06:36 No. Look, I'll tell you what it does. It's pretty impressive. Yeah. Look at that. Oh, wow. I still don't know what you're doing. Yeah, it was it was a mute button.
Starting point is 00:06:51 I, I intentionally don't watch Wally's camera because that gives me the feeling of an audio podcast. Yeah, that's the right move. I don't just, I don't, I don't disagree with that. And besides, we want to appreciate our MP3 friends out there. We outnumber the video people by a factor of like something to whatever. Certainly. What is going on in your week? What's going on with my week?
Starting point is 00:07:29 I don't know. I'm hanging out with this fat dog. He's fat, stupid, but that's every week. That'll be every week ever till the end of time because he done. Game wise and internet wise and entertainment wise and all that crap. The only thing that I really have to say is to talk about your favorite game in mine. That's right. There was a Final Fantasy 14 update.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Yeah. It's called the Bajan Southern Front. It's basically a gigantic area that's supposed to evoke the feeling of Final Fantasy 11, in which like it's a big open area that has like a less like quest oriented fucking like objective. So lots of people like giant groups of people wandering around that kind of thing. Bookmark. What is the difference in feeling of an average wandering through the field in FF 11 versus 14? Okay, that's a decent question.
Starting point is 00:08:38 So the main so FF 11 has quests, right? But the average enemy in 11 is way more dangerous. By the way, I'm this is all second hand because I don't have any experience with 11. The average enemy in 11 is much more dangerous and FF 11's zones are gigantic by comparison. And when you're wandering around in the overworld in 11, you are wandering with a party nearly all of the time and everything is dangerous. So you're constantly freaked out. And you are out there to fucking grind mobs.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Like you are out there to get a pack of dudes and we're going to go kill these fucking dogs or moral boroughs or farm this boss or whatever the fuck. You're always in a party. You're not really soloing. You're almost always in a party because the shit's dangerous. And so you have to be wary of dumbasses who are training fucking mobs everywhere. And a train is when you pull a mob and then in your run from that mob, you pull another mob and another mob and then you just create a choo choo train of fucking infinite death,
Starting point is 00:09:59 which if you pull it to the zone wall can actually make the zone impassable for a time because people will zone in to the fucking group of fucking mobs and just instantly die. And added to that fear is the danger and the goal is the fact that if you die, you lose experience in 11. And in 11, you can fucking de-level by losing experience, which in some like edge cases can cause every piece of gear to unequip itself from you because you were barely able to equip it at all. I remember you telling me about this years ago and it sounded fucking infuriating. Yeah, so in FF 11, the overworld is the content area and it is stress, right?
Starting point is 00:10:57 In 14, when you're wandering through your overworld, it's to get to the location you need to go. Or you're running a side quest, which is kill these eight dogs over here and you hop on your mountain, you go over and you kill them. Original Andrewborn? Wow-ish. Yeah. Okay. It's wow-ish.
Starting point is 00:11:20 There's nothing out in that overworld that is going to nightmare eyes you. Wow-ish. You won't de-level. It's a quest hub. It works like your normal ass video game. Something like, did you ever play Kingdoms of Homilore? Yes, I tested it extensively. That.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Okay. That's your standard MMO template. So when they make a zone like this new Baja zone, it's gigantic and everything in it is super dangerous and you lose experience when you die. Wow. But it has its own separate leveling system. Okay. So it's not going to pull levels off your character.
Starting point is 00:12:05 It'll pull levels off the middle rank, which is the rank unique to the zone. And it has its own quest lines, it has its own different mechanics. There's a giant 48 man instance that you can queue into if you're in there for long enough. That kind of thing. And overall, it's actually been really successful. I've been playing it all week. It's a ton of fun. I've run Castrum, which is the 48 man thing a bunch of times.
Starting point is 00:12:29 Getting in it and organizing that is occasionally a pain. But yeah, it's been really, really successful. What's way more interesting than anything about Baja is that this is the god seventh attempt at this kind of content in FF 14. And this is the first one that has been a success. They have wanted to do a fucking, like, hey, what if we did an old style MMO kind of thing? You know, like 11, right? You know, a big, wide open, non, what do you call it? Non 0.8, 0.3, etc.
Starting point is 00:13:25 Non linear thing where everybody's running around and doing all sorts of shit. And like it has bombed almost every single time and been a trash fire. And they'll spend like, you know, an entire patch cycle doing the live letters going, oh man, we're working really hard on this one. It's going to be so good. And then it comes out and you're like, we lost out on a dungeon and a new feature and these bug fixes so that you could do this, this thing. And it sucks. They did something called Diadem, which was basically this idea but with a lot of flying. And it was so bad that and so disliked by the community that they took it down to completely rework it for the next for two patches later.
Starting point is 00:14:23 And then they put it back up. And it was so bad that it died just instantaneously like people got the rewards they wanted and just dumped it and it remained completely dead. So it was like seven months of work for something people blew out in a day and a half and hated. And then they fucking just gave up on it and later on ended up folding it as like it has now become a dedicated gathering zone for a side quest about building houses. Like it doesn't even have its old content anymore. They're just like, if you want to do this, this side quest series about building homes for the poor or whatever, you can you can go to this zone where you fly around and gather all these cool materials. Isn't that zany? And you're like, this is just Diadem part three.
Starting point is 00:15:18 And you don't know what to do with it, but you don't want to make new assets. But instead of instead of iterating on the same version to make it better, they just make it new content instead. So then comes in Stormblood something called Eureka, which was attempt number three. And Eureka was where you would get your relic weapon, which is the big basic distinction in 14 is if you want to get the strongest weapon, you can either raid for it. And if you're good enough, get it immediately. Or you can fucking grind for it. And that's your relic. Right.
Starting point is 00:15:58 And there are, you know, fancy weapon models, lots of lots of fancy weapon glows. And they did Eureka and they're I think I want to say there are three Eurekas. It's animos, which is wind pyros, which is fire and hydratos. There might be one I'm forgetting. Well, people in the channel will let me know which one I forgot. But there were four, huh? Okay. Pagos.
Starting point is 00:16:25 I forgot about Pagos. Okay. And then it comes out and these were each patch would come out with one animos comes out and you're like, Hey, this is cool. Um, there's, you know, it's it's a lot closer to what you're going for. What do you got to do? And the answer is you have to grind on boss monsters. And then it turns out nobody knows how to spawn them. And then it gets discovered that the fastest way to actually do anything in this zone is to load into the zone with 72 people.
Starting point is 00:17:05 And get into one big giant group and literally AFK until somebody says a boss is up and then go Zerg it to death and then go and just chain everything else in the fucking zone. That was fun. So it was fun for a bit to go around in a big group and everyone's talking shit. And then, you know, it's a big community thing. Uh, but it was really, really, really, really, really fucking grindy. Okay. And the rewards were bad. And then Pagos comes out and it's a little better, but still bad.
Starting point is 00:17:40 And then Pyros comes out and it's a little better and it's still bad. And then fucking Hydrotos, which is the final one has all these new mechanics added to it. And it's actually kind of fun, but you have to go through the other three shitty ones to get to it. Pagos was the worst. Okay, regardless, you get to a weird problem where you discover that it was designed wrong. And the weird problem is, is they go, okay. 72 people can do this whole thing at once, right? And if you hit a 73rd person, then it starts a new instance and then people file in.
Starting point is 00:18:23 And then the bosses in the area will scale to how many players there are, right? And then you discover they only scale so much. And then once people have gotten through the first and second and third one, and they're all in the final one and you go, Hey, I'd like to start this. You end up in a situation where you go into animos and there's like six people in the whole thing. And you can't kill anything. You can't kill anything. I had a friend of mine even test it where he went to the weakest of all the bosses with a full party of four people.
Starting point is 00:19:05 And the boss has moves that have like a floor for how much damage they do that kills you outright every time. So the scaling broke. So the scaling is just broken. And it's like, Oh, great. This is now so unpopular that it's uncompletable unless you're playing on like Sunday nights. And then you get all the way to the end. And this is my favorite part. And you get the final weapon glow that you've you've worked on for six months. You get the fanciest sword and the fanciest weapon glow.
Starting point is 00:19:44 And the glow they add to it is so bad that it looks like it's removed the texture from the item. And it looks like a work in progress 3d model. And no one wants it anymore. It's good. It's good incentive. It's good. Like hold on a second. I better see a reward before you go into something though, because you're seeing like not not when it's a relic item because they take so long to fucking to grind out.
Starting point is 00:20:18 So what happened was is that a couple people got it like really fast and then everyone went, Oh my God, is that what they really fucking look like? Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ. Here, yeah, you know what? I found a video. Well, you can just watch it skim around at any point where you can see any of these weapons. Okay. The glow is so bad.
Starting point is 00:20:44 It actually looks like it burns the texture off the items and they look terrible. Like they look fucking terrible. Oh, yeah. That was your reward for like eight months of grind. I mean, it's not terrible, but it's just dated. It looks really dated for what this is. Like I'll compare it to it's not going to match with anything. That like anything you're going to wear, though, that's going to look awesome standing next to whatever.
Starting point is 00:21:27 For example, Wolves, here's a video of the fucking final thing you got from the expansion prior that you can take a look at. It's called the Cronus Lux. It's the Dark Knight sword that I got. And it's like that looks like a thing that you spent a lot of time working on and it's fancy and it glows nice. The lighting, the lighting is, yeah, it's more consistent. So just Jesus Christ. And so Baja comes out, which is attempt number seven and all the gear looks great. It's really easy to do.
Starting point is 00:22:01 All the problems I described are fixed. There's a couple new ones, but all in all, hey, good job. Seventh times the charm. It kind of reminds me of the golden weapons and overwatch where I was just like, I don't want these. Why is this a reward? This looks terrible. Oh, yeah. The golden weapons look like terrible.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Do you remember the pre-order? The collector's edition of Gears of War three had like a solid gold blancer. And it looked horrible. And it even made you stand out from a distance. It's like at the very minimum, just design something that'll like match the costume aesthetic that you've got going on. I think for most people, they want to match what they've got going on more than a big, shiny, glowy, legendary thing. Yeah. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:22:58 I don't know. I have no way to fully tell. So it's funny because in 14, what you see is that everybody earns their relics and you have four months of every single character that cares is running around with a lightsaber equivalent. Right. And then after that, people tend to start using the versions that are the same weapon model, just no glow. Man, like, yeah, Apex had some really nice skins. Let's say they Apex did a wonderful job showing you like lots of different weapons skins that you, you know, can like find your to your liking and then you kind of take a look at them and like, oh, check it out. This one turns a shotgun into like a zapper, you know, like little, little fun, fun skins like that that I feel the variety of a couple of different textures again to match your look way more important than the single one that just looks.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Super duper like artwork, legendary mountain toppy, especially if like, I don't know. I don't get the impression that like that weapon would look less out of place in Wow. Whereas in 14, I've every screenshot I've seen has people looking significantly less big, glowy Wow armory, you know. Yeah. Now the game the MMO has been out for so long that there's like a really wide variety. Everything from I am wearing a coat, or I'm wearing a sweater, and I have a stick to like the weapons you get from the hardest fucking raid in the game are glowing so brightly you almost can't see the shape of the weapon anymore. Because there are so many effects on them. I know I have I have multiple friends that play 14 that just they just take screenshots of their characters like and like post little candidates.
Starting point is 00:25:01 And most of the time they're kind of just wearing normal ish fashion and just posing in these like locations like Instagram in a way, but it's like, yeah, I'm not seeing a ton of over the top ridiculous armor. I'm seeing pretty tone down people. People people who tend to Instagram up their characters are usually like casual in it. It says a lot that one of the most popular glamour items in the entire game is for paladins. It's an item that makes your shield into an invisible. Nothing. So you just don't have a shield anymore at all. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:25:44 What's your interest on matchmaking etiquette? Matchmaking etiquette. I mean, I'll tell you what, like it's nice when it's there because when you when you when you pair up and you have a good match with somebody and you both leave feeling good about the way it went. And you kind of have a little connection with the person. I've added people to my friends list just because I had a really good set with them and then sent them a message afterwards about it. And they replied going like, yeah, that was great. I'd love to spar some time. So that's not even what I mean.
Starting point is 00:26:25 I mean about the perceived right to match make. Let me explain. Please do. So remember, I said in the Boschian thing, there's a 48 man thing that you can do. So the way that you actually get into it is everybody in your 72 man zone, there needs to be, I think it's like 24 or more people that are high enough rank to do the big rate, right? And then after one hour of the instance being up, the thing will pop and allow people to cue it. Right. This leads to a bunch of problems.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Number one, because you lose experience when you die, if you go in with a bunch of shitheads, you're probably just going to wipe a bunch of times and end up getting nothing and losing out more than you have. However, if you see that only eight people are queuing and you go, well, I'm not going to queue until there's more people. Guess what? It never fills up. And so you're fucked. You're like, no, it'll actually time out and it won't even start. Okay. So there's your first problem.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Your second problem, somewhat unique to North America is the first fight is two different bosses that should ideally die within the same five minutes span. But if you have 48 people and 35 of them go to fight one boss and it dies 10 minutes before the other one, everybody wipes because no one listens. So the solution to this is, okay, guys, there's a discord. Here's what you're going to do. They're going to call out. Hey, I want to run a cast room run at 2 30pm. If you want in, talk to the fucking guy running this party. They're going to do four parties.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Okay, you talk to the guy, you get in a party finder. Then all four teams go stand outside the instance and all try and sync up when they enter the instance so they can all get into the same instance. If they don't, you all have to back out and try it again. Okay, you spent the 10 minutes getting 48 people into the same instance. You now have to kill an hour until the thing can pop. All right, you've killed an hour. The thing popped. Now you all have to queue up instantly because if the other groups in the instance actually queue in and beat one of your groups,
Starting point is 00:29:17 now you're going in with two of the groups and a bunch of randoms and everyone's going to argue over who goes where and who does what and all this. And it's a fucking mess. You just invented kryptonite that I didn't even know I hated. Uh-huh. That is, that's, oh my, yeah, that's a, I'm closing the game. I'm not playing that. So here, so here's the thing and here's where it gets really crazy. That's all pretty awful, but it's actually been relatively smooth.
Starting point is 00:29:48 I've done a bunch of runs. I literally go into the discord and go, hey, I want in this one. And the guy goes, okay, join the party and I go in, I spent an hour and I do the thing. This is the, the new content's biggest problem. Right. Is that it can be very annoying to get into a lot of people don't do it. This is just more efficient. You can, as a normal player, ignore that, ignore it, but you're way less likely to get in and you're much less likely to get into a group that beats it.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Right. Right. It's, it's if you're trying to like get a competent run going. Yeah. Right. If you want to be, if you get a good group, everybody knows what they're doing. Everybody gets all their rewards within 15 minutes. Right.
Starting point is 00:30:32 Okay. If you get a bad group, you can wipe and blow an hour. Right. The Eureka thing that I mentioned called a hydratose. It had a version of this called BA. I'm not going to bother with the full name. It's called BA. And this fucking thing was the matchmaking nightmare that I can't believe they even thought it up because BA would say, Hey, you're in the zone.
Starting point is 00:31:02 Everyone's in the zone. The 48 man thing is coming up. Get ready. It'll pop according to criteria that I don't fully understand. And the way that you enter into it is not by queuing up as a party. It's by 48 portals will spawn at various points of the map and whoever touches them first gets in. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:33 Yeah. Yeah. Oh, it was 56. My bad. That's fun. And here's the control that exert your discord control over that. And here's the best part. If you wiped in that raid, which was actually very difficult, it would kick you out.
Starting point is 00:31:52 You couldn't run it again. You couldn't raise people off the ground. Okay. So a design decision like that to me says that we intend for you to not have control over this. We want you with strangers. We want you out of your element. That's what that speaks. That's a great idea.
Starting point is 00:32:14 But in the reality of the situation, that makes it uncomfortable for nine out of 10 attempts. Massively unfun. Sounds interesting on paper, but yeah. And so you got into this very bizarre situation where people would be hovering around the teleport spots and then random people would just happen by and walk in. Oh, cool. And then the people that you're not part of the group. What are you doing in here? But like, what if you're, you're, you are a group of competent people, but you're like your makeup of classes is not balanced, right?
Starting point is 00:32:59 Like, yeah, it's that sounds. Yeah, that sounds in the, in the, in the, in the new one, when you, when you queue up, you're allowed to change classes into whatever. Okay. If you don't have the classes that are that you would, you know, if you, if you only have a DPS, but they're like, dude, we need a healer. You can actually use an item to turn you kind of into a pseudo healer and use like cures that you essentially pick up off the ground. Consumable. So they've made it, they've made it like flexible in this new one. And I'm sure that for the next iteration of this, they will look at these kinds of problems and be like, okay, and it's only a problem in certain regions.
Starting point is 00:33:45 Japan doesn't seem to have a problem with this matchmaking because the way that Japan looks at doing content, people that don't know how to do it or aren't confident in doing it, don't run into the portal. Out here. Oh, cool. I got a shot. I'm going to walk in. Hopefully the other people are good enough. How is square with like responding to emergent gameplay patterns that the players create? Let me answer that with.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Okay. So when Stormblood came out, Dark Knight players were really unhappy with their class. And they said, can you please change Dark Knight, please? And they said, it might take a bit. And then they buffed Warrior four times and then said at the 4.1 patch, maybe on the next expansion, we'll fix the class. Does that answer your question? So no, then just, they don't, the answer, the answer for, so you, I told you about Eureka. The answer to complaints in Eureka was we'll improve it in the next stage of Eureka.
Starting point is 00:35:18 Okay. One step, one step away from, we nerfed what you wanted actually. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. All right. Cool. Monk has been bad for like four and a half years.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Because I've heard about like smaller MMOs pre-wow about how, yeah, like a live service team that like finds a way to, you know, like flow with where the players take the meta can be a really fun experience. And I've read stories of not just like Eve, but like other games where like, yeah, unintended things occur, unexpected behaviors end up with the dev team just leaning into it and going like, okay, yeah, let's iterate around this or let's give people that or whatever the case is based on how they're playing and stuff. It's, it's a, it's a really, it's a really fun, like it's, it's almost like it's, it's like, it's, it's become like genuinely enjoyable to me how funny it is. Square Enix is a Japanese company and they're very cautious with balance. For sure. So you'll get, you'll get an MMO community. Cautious is one word to use.
Starting point is 00:36:32 It's really, really great at, at mapping out just how effective certain things are. And so you'll have three classes that are very similar. Then you'll go like, wow, Bard's like just straight up 10% behind the other two of its type. You know, like it just does 10% less damage and the buffs that it gives, it's just, you know, and then they're like, we hear you, we're going to look at Bard. And then they put out the patch notes. I think some, I can hold on a second. Someone's at my door. Give me a second.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Oh, someone's at your door. Oh, have you got that? Okay. Cool. Nevermind. Just a little door dash. They, they'll put out a patch note and goes, guys, we looked at Bard and we have one of their moves do 10 more damage. And then within, you know, 10 seconds, somebody goes, that's a 0.002% damage increase.
Starting point is 00:37:38 That is actually nothing. That is, that is, oh, you remember when we talked about how Call of Duty games can create placebo nerfs? That's the attempt at a placebo buff. Okay. But it doesn't work because the player base has too much information. It's, it's, it's funny. We made the bang louder. Yes.
Starting point is 00:38:09 Like legitimately. Um, so yeah, uh, if there's something in, in, in 14 that drives you absolutely crazy and it's anything less than a total disaster. Learn to live with it. You could probably wait up to a year for it to be fixed or changed. Okay. Um, when Stormblood came out and I didn't like what they did to Dark Knight, which is the class that I play the most, I ended up switching classes for the entire expansion. Like it was just, just fuck it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:43 Okay. Just they're, they're not going to do it. I don't like, Monk players have it so bad and I feel so bad for them because like three and a half years ago, they, they changed the class to be just not fun to play. Like it was technically effective, but no one had any fun playing it anymore. And they kept complaining, Hey, we want to hit buttons fast. And they went, we hear you. So we changed the damage on this. And you're like, no.
Starting point is 00:39:16 And they're like, we hear you. We hear you. Fix it. Please. I want to hit fast buttons. And then as of like the last live letter, they're like, so we're going to rework Monk in the next patch. So in about three months. Yeah, I don't, I don't, I can't say for certain, but it definitely sounds like a lot of these things you describe over time.
Starting point is 00:39:43 There are things where like the issue is equally. Well, it's the game is the game and the dev team is the dev team, but there's a part of it where you're just like, but also there's like a sort of a way that Japanese companies tend to handle these things that is very, very apparent. And this is no exception. You're going to see a level of, again, you said, you said, I forgot what the word you used, but stubbornness is a thing, you know, there's a enormous feeling when you, when a feature comes out in 14 and people start to complain about it, that your complaints are heard. But the next three months of work have already been decided on. Right, right, right, right, right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:31 So it's getting slotted in as first or second thing to start on in 14 weeks. You know, and there's no, it's, it's a real slate. It takes a real long time to turn the ship kind of feeling. And like they don't ever talk about like staging servers or like stuff like that, right? Or like if people talk about like pipeline. Oh, test servers? Yeah. No, they're not going to do that.
Starting point is 00:40:59 Okay. They're not going to do that because they don't want the story spoiled. Right. Yeah, right, right, right. That makes sense. Because it's an MMO that actually the story actually matters. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:41:14 Okay. All that being said, and yes, I'm aware that I make the game sound like shit, but these are just the irritations of somebody who's played it for a long time. Because the stuff that's good is always the same stuff as I like hanging out with my friends and playing these kinds of encounters and I enjoy the story, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. When a piece of content like this comes out and they finally nailed it, hooray. I'm now excited for this type of content to be iterated on. You want to feel cool with your friends and barely make it past the finish line? Yes. This is the goal.
Starting point is 00:41:50 Yeah. Specifically, I want to barely make it past the finish line as I turn to see other people trip and fall. Sure. And you can ask the risk that last one. Yeah. But yeah, I've had a ton of fun in that new content. It's just a lot of hanging out with your pals in Discord and just run around sniping mobs. It's fun.
Starting point is 00:42:17 Okay. That's been pretty much it for my week. If you want to check out my streaming crap, you can check that out at slash pat stairs at. It's amnesia and doom this week. They're both coming out tomorrow. Okay. Over yonder on this side of things. Yeah, I had a week.
Starting point is 00:42:44 Some stuff happened. I guess what's on my mind is the process of finally getting back into upper ranked teppen. I saw you made it to 682. Yeah. I made it. Now I'm at five something. I'm crawling. I'm trying to get back into that top 500.
Starting point is 00:43:07 And basically, I found the style. I found a new deck. I found a plan. I was really experimenting with a couple of different things. I ditched the zero that I mentioned that got nerfed. And Nero is kind of in the dust, unfortunately, right now. For a while, I was playing a morrigan deck that would you say he's dead weight? He is, in fact, dead weight or at the very least, the deck I was running him with was dead weight.
Starting point is 00:43:37 It might be different now that new cards have come out because they've introduced the Okami cards. They've introduced Sengoku Basara to the game, but I switched over to morrigan for a while. I was getting some good matches with morrigan. Basically, her whole style or the deck I built was based on causing cards to get dizzy. And she plays a lot of cards that'll make the opponent won't be able to attack. And then she has a super, which anything that's dizzy gets killed. So that was working pretty well. Anyone who tries to come in building up one big super card, it's like,
Starting point is 00:44:23 alright, you're either going to get it killed or it's going to get stolen, so that's a dumb move. So everyone has to kind of play in a passive and patient way. And that was working, but the win rate wasn't fast enough. I was getting like, at first it was like 50-50, and then I made a couple tweaks, and then it was like, I was winning like, you know, every two for one loss per se. Then it became like, yeah, like 66% and stuff like that. And I'm like, okay, but like, you'll be moving, but you're not going to get like to that upper echelon. You're not going to get to the real players where you find the single move you made lost the entire match.
Starting point is 00:45:05 And that's what I was having fun with and got used to back in the day with zero. So I made the switch over to Akuma, and I started fucking around with Akuma, and I finally found a game plan that was pretty good. Akuma's got two supers. One, the main one is obviously Raging Demon. What that does is, if you have a card that can, certain cards have like multiple levels to them. So for example, any monster hunter cards that are like monsters that have two forms will have a second form that they level up into, right? Or Dalamadur will be like at levels one or at level zero.
Starting point is 00:45:50 It's just, it has, it does no damage and has a ton of life. And when you level it up, it gains, it kills everything on the board, for example. So that's about right. Yeah. So, you know, that was, that was working for a little bit. Again, about the same win rate as Morrigan though. And then I finally found the beauty of Ashura Senju, I believe. It's the Akuma second super.
Starting point is 00:46:20 What it does is, it makes a card that you put down invincible and switches it to another slot, right? So that right there is wonderful, because a lot of people will, if you make like a really annoying card show up on the board, you know, someone will put something strong down in front of it to block that damage. And if you just kind of wait until the arrow is about to touch and then switch board, drop that super on and then it'll switch lots. They'll have no way to react to it.
Starting point is 00:46:53 And then you're getting that damage. So again, seems infuriating. Well, again, like Tepin at basic level ends up playing like a card game where you just take turns back and forth. But to win, you have to capitalize on the non-card game aspect of it, which is the timer line. Like that's the inches between the timer line are where you get to champions or you don't get to champions.
Starting point is 00:47:21 You know, that's the dividing factor. So, yeah, it ends up being pretty fun because like if you play a card with that, with that in particular, like for example, Tyrant T103, right? Tyrant comes out on the board. It's pretty expensive. It's a six point card and out of 10, that is. And like it attacks, you know, pretty weak, but does decent, it has decent staying power.
Starting point is 00:47:54 The problem is that its attack is really slow. Yeah, when it dies, which it most assuredly will, it replaces its spot with a super Tyrant. Yeah, which does same attack a little bit more life, but it goes from a really slow attack to a really fast one. Right. So this is an example. Like it's a really good card in Black Dex.
Starting point is 00:48:18 A lot of people do end up using this card a lot. Oh, man. I just, I looked up the card and I'm so happy. The super Tyrant card is the one from the original game and not from the remake. Oh, with the mask on? What? It's got like, oh no, it's not a mask. It's like a, you see.
Starting point is 00:48:39 It's got double claws. Double claws in the veins. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. Yeah. Sorry, it looked like a mask because of how different the face is compared to the rest of the game. Yeah, it does look like a mask. But yeah, that's a really, that's a standard example of like a Black Dex card that you use that comes out really good.
Starting point is 00:48:55 So like, you know, that works out. And it's one of these things where that strategy has been in the game for a while now. That's not particularly a new season strategy, but for anyone who doesn't play the game, I'm just explaining what it is. Anyone who plays Tepin is rolling their eyes because they're well aware of what this is. But yeah, you just kind of use that and in combination with some of the newer cards, like Demon Serpent Orochi shows up, which is last boss of Okami, obviously. And a card like that is pretty interesting because it's got, it costs eight points to play it.
Starting point is 00:49:33 It's got eight damage and eight health and everything you do to it does one damage. And every time it takes damage, it drops its attack as well. So it's the Orochi. So every time you kill, you touch it, it loses a head. And then it also splits that damage, the damage it does across units on the board and the actual user. So, um, no, not, not, not, no, Yami's the last boss, never mind. Sorry, my mistake. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:04 That's the last boss of Okami one. Yes. Yes, sir. Sure, sure, sure. Yami is the right one. Anyway, um, so yeah, you, that ends up being a nice resilient card to stick around on your board as well. And then you just kind of combine this with resurrection cards, you know, um, and, uh, yeah, you end up basically filling your board up with a bunch of annoying shit that lives twice, occasionally turns invincible.
Starting point is 00:50:35 And if anything particularly threatening comes out, if anything particularly threatening comes out, you can use, uh, Fate of the Unworthy, which is a card with, um, the girl from RE5 on it. Um, I forgot her name, but. Exceligion. Yep. Where she's getting all like ripped apart and just kill cards on in front of you. Um, I like that. I like that you can tell what person the cards are in a lot of cases.
Starting point is 00:51:04 If you're familiar enough with the goddamn, uh, property. Hmm. Yeah, I saw more RE characters that I had. I just completely didn't recognize that I'm just like, there's a lot. It's crazy how far this, but this fucking rabbit hole goes. It's kind of nonsense. Um, you know, and, uh, yeah. And in the meantime, another thing going on to in the background is like, you always need to have like, I guess, like a sort of a second strategy for what you're doing.
Starting point is 00:51:29 Um, and I think I've mentioned it before, but like Sigma is a card that has infinite revenge, meaning he's not that strong as a card, but he comes back forever. Unless you put a seal on him or something that makes his abilities no longer work, whatever he dies, he will come back stronger indefinitely and he'll cost less. So Sigma is as annoying as he is in the Mega Man X franchise, you know, that's our boy. Yeah. Um, when you combine that, but you're only allowed to use one of them. Right. A lot of the best cards you can only use one. Um, if you, in this case, if you combine it with, uh, another Sigma card called possessing malice, it, it kills you that card.
Starting point is 00:52:20 And, um, in theory, like you use it on and replaces, it kills a card and replaces it with a fresh version of itself. So you use it when a really strong card is about to die by just refreshing it in a way. And it does the damage that the cost of the card is to play, but in some cases it's really worth it. Uh, with Sigma, however, killing him and replacing him on the board theoretically means sending him to back into your deck and replacing a new one on the board. So then you've just exploited the situation to create two Sigmas. And then if you do it again, you get three and then you get towards the end of the game where people are using their last biggest cards. And you have three Sigmas and they're all really cheap to play and they just keep coming back and it's just bullshit. That doesn't sound like much fun to actually play against.
Starting point is 00:53:13 No, it's not. Um, you know, but that's, that's some of what I'm using to kind of like make my way up there just to straight up spill it out for people and whatnot. Um, and then there's a couple other really good cards where you can just like attack immediately and shit like that to help modify this whole situation. But yeah, all in all, using the right cards, but also having a really good control over like getting in certain actions right as that line is about to touch you. But it's not touching you yet. Uh, that's the secret. That's that's the key, you know, mastering that little arrow timing is everything. Which again, I've described as scrubbing the phone as fast as you can in some cases from where your super is to the card that you want to touch, you know, or shit like that.
Starting point is 00:54:03 Um, so that's to happen. I finished there are so many goddamn reasonable cards. Yeah. I've been going through them in the background and it's like, Oh my God, there are so many. I wish I could pull up the card. I saw that I didn't recognize, but it was really just this like, like who in the grand fuck is this person? And you know, I look like, you know, I got a, I think I got a, yeah, I got to take screenshots of it next time because Manuela Hidalgo. Uh, I don't think it was.
Starting point is 00:54:41 Um, it was somebody who upon death, like cause damage to hurt everybody on the board. So I guess it's like someone who like died and blew up and that's probably Mikhail. Uh, how would you spell that one way when played explore for ammo? No. Yeah, he died like that. I don't know. I don't know. Sanjiri device.
Starting point is 00:55:10 Who the fuck is there? There's a lot of cards in here that say Resident Evil on them. I actually did find a character. I don't know who they are. A character named Tweed. Okay. Day of nightmares. Day of nightmares is just the, yeah, that's one of the packs.
Starting point is 00:55:26 I legitimately don't know who Tweed is. Okay. Um, who is this? Who's Josh Stone? Josh Stone is, uh, Sheva's commanding officer in five. Wow. That when does he, does he have a model? Uh, so, okay.
Starting point is 00:55:50 Well, you played. I played five. I have played five. You played five. Okay. Do you remember when at near the end of the village before you go into the mine cart, a bunch of, uh, Majini's on motorcycles show up and try and kill you. And then the good guys show up and shoot all of them.
Starting point is 00:56:07 Barely. Okay. Josh is running that. Okay. Do you remember when in the oil refinery, you get trapped, uh, and you have to escape from the inside of a building and you're like running on all these catwalks? Yeah. Josh helps you there as well.
Starting point is 00:56:22 Okay. Okay. Okay. Uh, when you, right before you jump onto the boat to fight the big whale boss, Josh is the one driving your little boat. Huh. Josh is also the co-op partner of Jill in the DLC campaign, uh, final escape. Is it called final escape?
Starting point is 00:56:40 Okay. The last escape. I forget. Enrico Marine. Oh, Enrico? Yeah. What about Enrico? Is that like, he's the head of the stars Bravo team and already won.
Starting point is 00:56:54 He gets shot in the chest by Wesker when you find him in the caves. All right. Well, yeah. It really does just blow my mind how many people with guns show up on these cards. Uh, that are like, I had no idea. Oh man, they got the fucking umbrella core fucking assholes in this game. Who even cares? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:19 Who even gives a single shit? Um, but yeah. Anyway, wait, one more Shona Shona Shona. Is she a Chinese? No, it is a dude. He's got a shaved military man head and he looks like a big old military dude. How do I spell it? S H O N A.
Starting point is 00:57:49 Is that guy from I'm going to try to show you a shave head. I'm showing you a picture if I can. That guy's got to be from Operation Reckon City then. Okay. Yeah. Shona. I don't know. All right.
Starting point is 00:58:06 Well, okay. I have that. I have it all good authority that Shona is the medical expert from Spec Ops, uh, Operation Reckon City. Fucking white. Yeah. Okay. Sure.
Starting point is 00:58:20 Let's make sense of that. Um, anyway. So yeah, no, that's, that's, that's, you know, I'm crawling back up there in Tepin and I hope to continue to, you know, make it up there. But this time around, um, I'm definitely feeling like everyone who's in like top 100 anyone with double digit rankings that I'm fighting sees my deck and within seconds are like, yeah, fuck you, buddy. Like just they like have the perfect strategy to counter it.
Starting point is 00:58:52 And, uh, yeah. You know, this reminds me of something you said a long time ago when we were talking about Smash in which you just, we were talking about the potential Capcom All Stars game in which you describe Capcom as having a roster character roster of characters second literally only to Nintendo. And I'm scrolling through this list of literally who's from one franchise and like, man, they have a million characters. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:22 Yeah. Yeah. Like the, everything that we think of when you think of the Capcom logo are like you're thinking of like 50 poster boys and girls, you know, you're not really thinking of like the ridiculous extensive expanded universe with hundreds. Yeah. Mega Man and Ari alone in terms of just like, you know, robots and PN and random soldiers that fight zombies, there's fucking hundreds of them.
Starting point is 00:59:51 And then there's even like, you know, like dozens or if not hundreds of characters that are like, uh, there's a level of obscurity in which anyone who played the game knows that character and really likes them, but anybody who hasn't played that game will literally never see that character ever because they're one layer deep. So if I said something like good job doodle, there's a, there's a portion of the audience that will go, oh man, that character would be great to see in anything, but it would mean nothing to literally anyone else. Like do you remember, uh, in Okami, like an old couple living in a house that were like,
Starting point is 01:00:31 butchering? Oh yeah. Mr. and Mrs. Orange. Yeah. Uh, and she does a shungoku satsu to you. Wait. No, no, no, not, hold on a second. That's not who I'm talking about.
Starting point is 01:00:44 Oh, okay. Um, there's Mr. and Mrs. Orange, but there's another couple that are like getting weird, strange meats. Uh huh. Um, what the fuck were their names? Mr. and Mrs. Cutter. I don't remember them. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:04 So Mr. and Mrs. Cutter are this creepy couple from Okami and every night the sound of blades being sharpened can be heard from inside the old shack. These two are getting ready to carve up some lost souls for the cooking pot, right? And I'm just like, I'm like, who were these again? And then when you, when you play that card at level two, they transform into Crow Tengu. You know, like they turn into crow demons and it's like, oh, so that's what that was about. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:38 And I'm like, oh my God, that vague memory from the game comes up where like that was a part of a place where you, you know, you, you end up meeting them and they're just in the skies as these humans. And like, like, oh, like they pulled that shit out. You know, like they're absolutely, um, pulling, yeah, they're going to pull that shit out. They're grabbing everyone. And it's not, and again, it's really nice art too, you know, but they're, they're, they're all in there.
Starting point is 01:02:03 It's, it's, it's fucking impressive, man. Um, but yeah, uh, sadly, I can report no God hand in the game. Not yet. Not yet, but for some reason, I tell you what, you know, it'd be a great card. Poison Chihuahua. Poison Chihuahua would be great. That would be a great card. Yep.
Starting point is 01:02:26 Yep. You're not Alexander. That's a great card. Or even, or like, like honestly, Gene could like, there's enough going on that he should be a character, not a, not a card. Gene should absolutely be a car. Oh yeah. And you just, you just have like 20, 20 cards that are just his moves.
Starting point is 01:02:44 You just have his moves down, you know, yeah, devil hands, every one of those characters, Elvis. Yeah. Yeah. That would be fun. Good, uh, man in guerrilla suit. Ball buster. Um, anyway, uh, yeah, Tepin goes, I finished ODST, uh, ODST is easily the best music in
Starting point is 01:03:13 the Halo franchise. Um, it's actually, there was a bit of a, of a weird blessing in the skies in this, in the fact that like, uh, when the game fucked up on PC and I replayed it, uh, and I got back up close to where we were on heroic, it was a struggle, but in doing so alone, I had to kind of replay these missions as the, the rookie and got to enjoy the atmosphere of the game. And, um, yeah, like it is got the, it's got the best soundtrack. It's easily got the best soundtrack of, of Halo.
Starting point is 01:03:47 Um, and I think in the end, we kind of had a little discussion. About like how things go down. And now without having played four or five, I feel like two is just standout best two anniversary at the very least. Um, when I think about Halo and, and, uh, when I think about what I would love to revisit and just think about and have good memories of it specifically that two anniversary is just an absolute banger from top to bottom, um, a perfect like spread of level variety. Some of the funnest weapons in the game, in the franchise, the, the, the battle
Starting point is 01:04:23 rifle and that is just a joy to use, switching to Arbiter, the plot threads, everything about it is just incredible. Um, and then I put, uh, reach second for the feeling of rolling with a squad and the change up to the flavor, like two represents to me the best of what a master chief adventure can be and should be. And, uh, reach kind of represents like what an alternate take on that with like non master chief characters can be at its best. And, and ODST is a really good version of that too, but like it reached just hits all
Starting point is 01:05:05 these notes that are, um, I don't know, that just felt extra great. So, uh, that's kind of where things sit for me right now with my halo retrospective, uh, so I've heard a lot of weird things about four, a lot of arguing. Yeah. I have not heard any arguing about five. Yeah. I've heard your universal derision. Correct.
Starting point is 01:05:27 About five. Correct. And then like, I think it was last week where, uh, four, three, four, three came out and just Yeah, we're not going to bother adding five to the MCC. We're just not, we're not going to do it. It's too hard. It's very technically weird. So we're, we're just going to not do it.
Starting point is 01:05:44 And everyone was like, okay, five was like, man, I really want to play five. I mean, and here's the play. And it wasn't even that long ago. So they have a good reason for it, you know, but yeah, no, it's, it's fine. It's fine. I'll say this. I watched, I watched like the, the big pivotal cool story cutscene out of five, completely out of context.
Starting point is 01:06:07 And I'm like, I can immediately see why people fucking hate this game. Cause holy shit. Oh, did you like, uh, did you cutscene and wiki dive the halo games? I, I, I did not cutscene or wiki dive it. I was just like, I will, people, people kept talking about because when you were going through all the halo games, there was like this halo osmosis in your, your field of influence. And everybody kept complaining about a fight scene in halo five. There's, they're like, there is a fight scene that is just like the worst thing that has
Starting point is 01:06:39 ever happened to halo. I'm like, okay, I'll go watch this. I'm like, whoa, that's terrible. Wow. You know, just right out like even like outside of everything, just wow. Yeah. That sucks. I mean, walking away, walking away from everything I've played that's been bungee,
Starting point is 01:07:06 you know, uh, everything has been at worst pretty fucking good, you know. So, uh, now we, everything after that is the three, four, three era. So, um, but yeah, I'm definitely also like, you know, I'm, I'm, I'm haloed up. I'm nice and I'm, I'm, I'm chiefed up. You are haloed up. So, uh, we can definitely, uh, you're all chiefed up on a Monday. Yeah. We can, we can put that, put that over there for a sec.
Starting point is 01:07:37 You know, be, be, I got what I needed out of that and got some other stuff coming. But, uh, it's a really interesting situation with the halo series because despite the arguments about the quality, because it was a total development shift, like you can just be like, no, it stopped, or I can stop there. I'm fine. Hmm. Right. Imagine they kept making Metal Gear games after five with a different, with a different studio.
Starting point is 01:08:05 Yeah. Like there, there would be a number of people, possibly me included that would be just like, no, I'm fine. Yeah. Mentally, right? Mm hmm. I can see that. Um, so in, in this particular case, knowing that four is at the very least, uh, divisive
Starting point is 01:08:21 and at best, it's something that people love. Uh, I, I do want to know, but like, I can, I can come back to that. There's no rush. I, I waited all this time. So, you know, that's fine. I got some other stuff I'd like to do. So yeah, I'm gonna, gonna swerve away from halo and bring something else out. Um, some other stuff that people might have some fun checking out though.
Starting point is 01:08:42 So don't worry about it. If you want it to see for, uh, there's some other ideas and some other fun LPs you'll be enjoying new LP starting this week, of course. Um, then, uh, yes, we've got that. Uh, I went and popped in, took a look back at bloody roar three. You don't hear about bloody roar often when it comes to fighting games these days. It's a really, I do in my own mind.
Starting point is 01:09:12 It's a game. It's a franchise that everyone has touched and has enjoyed, but it kind of just exists in a space that is like almost like they're like FGC separate in a way. Like you're not really hearing as much about it. Love bloody roar three. Yeah. So that's the one I went to because I only know I, I know like the demo of two is what I spent the most time on.
Starting point is 01:09:37 And then later on when, uh, primal fury and four came out, people were like, fuck, go back more so on four is four is like how much time do you put in a four? None. Okay. Cause you know, the girl that was on the cover, the lobster girl that has like the, the, the fucking, uh, sure, like, uh, sword hand. Sure.
Starting point is 01:10:09 Her jab is so fast. I think it beats out like all, but like two moves. And you just do it. So you didn't have, uh, an Xbox or, or, uh, a Nintendo. So no, not at the time. No, they got a completely separate separate game instead of four. They got primal fury slash extreme, which was an entirely different bloody roar game from four. And people, people didn't enjoy those.
Starting point is 01:10:37 People didn't enjoy that. But in general, the love is, is at three. It seems that's where it kind of has the consensus. So yeah, I'd say so. Went back to that, um, had some, some fucking, uh, excuse me, dumb, like technical foibles and stuff. But like, once it got going, really, really fun. I, you know, considering I know, I know stun the insect and I know long the tiger, uh, from
Starting point is 01:11:04 just again playing those demo, the demo disc back in the day, uh, uh, I didn't really know that, um, you go poster boy Wolf Wolf kid was like this sick ass rush down boxer that had, they're all cool man. Yeah. That had like Dudley step in and chains. I, I, I didn't, I didn't know everyone on that roster is cool. I forgot that entire like thing, you know, um, stun. Godot the lion.
Starting point is 01:11:34 Gato is great. Gato is great. Yeah. Yeah. Nah, dude. Um, and, and, and, and. Buses Zima, the chameleon back through the mold. They are all great.
Starting point is 01:11:45 Don't forget about she on the unborn. Are you ready to be unborn for the, for before. So four started to go in a really bizarre ass shit, but three has the one character that's the weirdo. And I feel that worked fine. Weirder than Buses Zima was the villain. Well, he was a chameleon. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:12 I always felt that, that, um, the half beast, the cat girl was just lazy cause it's just like just me necko, just fucking Yuriko. That's just, just admit she's a cat. Stop with this half beast shit. They won't, they, you know what I say to that. Wally. Nyaw. Cowardice.
Starting point is 01:12:34 They should have just went for it. Anyway. Um, bloody war three. Yeah, man. Like that's a franchise that absolutely. I don't know about the, I don't know if it has the, the, the, the, the, the, the groundswell to get a new entry yet, but there's no reason why a collection doesn't exist. If you don't know anything about bloody roar and you only have tangentially,
Starting point is 01:12:59 you know, whatever knowledge of it. That game's big success wasn't even, hey, you can turn into furries in the middle of the fight. It's no game has ever given me the feeling of I am beating this motherfucker into this wall. Put it in that game. Yeah. You're doing combos on people and they're slamming against the wall and they are trapped and they are fucked. I will, I will put it.
Starting point is 01:13:30 I will say there's a competitor in that in fighting vipers. Fighting vipers is also about blowing the wall away and, and knocking them through it. But yeah, the replays on KOing someone as they go flying through the boundary are as wild in bloody roar, especially the stages that are just a hallway with like five walls in the way. Um, yeah. Yeah. We need, we need to, we need to drop a trilogy, drop a bloody war collection. Right.
Starting point is 01:13:57 Maybe even bloody war quad trilogy. Does Hudson even still exist? Hudson. Didn't they get acquired? Right. Hudson soft got bought out. I don't want to say they got bought out by Konami. Yeah, they, because all the bomber man stuff became Konami.
Starting point is 01:14:15 Does Hudson even still exist? Um, no. Because that logo from old bomber man. By Hadasan. You have that, that shit's not around anymore. Uh, I want to say we get, we get bloody roar crud trilogy one to four slash primal fury. And then you need to make a new game eventually with the grounds. Well, bloody roar, five beast, a riser, and you just go the full.
Starting point is 01:14:46 Well, like Konami won't even make Metal Gear games anymore. What, why the fuck do you think they're going to make goddamn bloody war games? Just take existing code. Put a shitty fucking DVD menu on. They won't even put out the fucking HD collection on a modern platform. Like what are you talking about? I forgot it was Konami owned. It's Konami.
Starting point is 01:15:09 Yeah. Beast a riser though. That shit, that shit was dead even back when Konami made games. Um, I, I also, uh, took a look at Kirby Fighter two and I do have to say I got to apologize because I put that game off for two weeks and you know, it's a Kirby game. So immediately all my mentions blow up and everyone's like, dude, you got to play. And I'm like, yeah, I know. So we get around to it.
Starting point is 01:15:39 And I'm, I'm expecting a 20 minutes at best spent on essentially Kirby as, you know, the arena or the Coliseum, like a Kirby boss rush. Because I played Kirby Fighter one and kind of just treated it that way. But sitting down playing it with Reggie and, um, it's got stuff. It's a, it's a smash like, but it was a lot of fun from a competitive angle at the very least a basic introduction to it. Um, and some people showed up that were like, yeah, we're from the discord. I'm here to show you some Kirby fighters to tech.
Starting point is 01:16:21 I'm like, okay. And, um, yeah, like the new character in it, the new Kirby is a wrestler Kirby. And my favorite Kirby power over the years, uh, was, um, basically it's one day they kind of modified and it was original. It wasn't in the original game, but it's like a suplex Kirby suplex Kirby would be like blue headband and would just dash in, get into a grab stance. And then from that grab, you can go into multiple back throw, power bomb, rack, you know, whatever you want it, right?
Starting point is 01:17:01 Suplex was incredible. I was such a ton of fun because it was basically just like land a rushing command grab and then do whatever the fuck you want. Um, wrestler just brings suplex back and adds versatility to it. So the dash attack is the same grab that it used to be with all the follow ups, but now you've got like chest slaps. You've got an uppercut that launches and then you've got like a rising rush that like can catch you out of the air and then from that position land and go into a command grab stance
Starting point is 01:17:36 or from the air to aerial throws. So imagine if Kirby had a B button from the ackee wrestling games. Okay, fucking great. I can imagine that fucking great, um, has a immensely hard time making it past a roster full of people that are throwing bombs, spears, swords, yo-yos, and every other zoning tool at you, which Reggie made sure to use to the fullest. So I had to earn it. Oh, I can imagine I had to earn it, but you know, you kind of work your way in slowly.
Starting point is 01:18:10 You got a drop kick. You got a little burning dive that you can do and like when you land the throws, you make sure it counts, you know, but, uh, had had a lot of fun with that. So Kirby fighter two is actually quite legit. Uh, I was very happy to see that. And this is, and like, unfortunately though, it's one of these games where it's like you started off and you have four characters unlocked of what will probably be like 60. And you just have to actually slowly get everybody.
Starting point is 01:18:38 And I'm like, man, I really wish that the shovel night showdown quality of life could be applied to everything. Cause yeah, I get that. I understand the progression point, but for the purposes of obviously showing off a game on stream, you want to be able to show off the variety too. So temporary unlock codes, please keep that, keep that as a thing. I feel like we're enough decades in that if it has not changed, it's not going to. It's not going to, but, but some games have a games that I've, I've, I've like shown off.
Starting point is 01:19:17 There's been a couple of indie fighting games that have had those features that have been like, Oh yeah, just go here and do this thing. Uh, one step from Eden, you know, um, dude sent me a message and was just like, yeah, here you go. It's a little debug thing. Unlock everybody. Cause QA purposes, you generally have that in the game anyway, right? In a lot of cases for QA, you're going to have, uh, unlock everything because you can't
Starting point is 01:19:39 just be like rely on a save file if you're trying to test the, the, the saves out and whatnot. So if the feature exists and it's, and it's there for QA, um, why not just kind of have a little thing where you can go temporary unlock or, you know, up to you if you want to save or permanently unlock or whatever. Shovelight should not give you the choice. I think it's great to have those options. Um, but yeah, that, that was that.
Starting point is 01:20:03 Um, and, uh, you know, I guess, uh, yeah, this week, uh, last night, four a.m. I hit a button. I published a video. Why four a.m. Well, two things. One, I had been slapping the shit together and going over and doing a bunch of edits and things on this. And I just was about at that point where I was like, fuck this, just get out of my
Starting point is 01:20:39 face. Right. But also four a.m. Happens to be, uh, middle of the day in Japan. So you can book them time. So prime prime, you can book them time overseas. So you want to hit that prime time. You want to hit those real V2 bowers.
Starting point is 01:21:00 Middle of the night is the perfect time for it. So will alive has launched and, um, well, I'll be really honest. I watched, I skimmed around that video. I don't know what it is. That's correct. I legitimately can't tell what it is. That's correct. It's a video that starts that has a cursor on the screen in the first frame of the video.
Starting point is 01:21:35 I didn't catch that. There's a cursor at my feet immediately. It's good. It's good. Yeah. Everyone has had lots of thoughts. Everyone has had lots of opinions. Everyone has had lots of feedback.
Starting point is 01:21:53 And everyone is correct. Is this, is this the beginning of an ongoing series? What is this? Who knows? If I had those answers, then you would probably have answers by watching it. But the lack of answers you get by watching it is the exact state of being that I can talk to you about. Is the exact state that this entire thing is in.
Starting point is 01:22:22 It is whatever it is and it is, I don't fucking know, but there it is. It's out there. Sometimes you just make things and you just throw them online and then you walk away and then you stop thinking about them. And then you, then you check out the reactions and be like, more memes. Yeah. Needs, needs 10% more meme sauce. I mean, at the very least, like, you know, the, the, the, between, between the, the,
Starting point is 01:22:58 the last one, the, the original V2 woolly thing and, and, and this one, like, you know, people were like, Hey, what's going on with that? And I was like, yeah, I don't know. But whatever. Here's, here's a thing. Um, and yeah, I don't know. Not much else to it, but we'll see. Just wanted to get it out of my brain, out of, out of the, the, the queue of things.
Starting point is 01:23:24 Just throw the project out, see what sticks and then fucking whatever. Most importantly, it exists because I want it not in my head anymore. I need, I need that real estate back. Is that how that works? Yeah. Kind of. I need that real estate back. So I need to get it out of my head.
Starting point is 01:23:47 So here we'll alive. It's up. Um, don't think too hard about it. If you have, you know, and don't, uh, and that, not, that's not just you. That's to everybody. Don't, don't, don't overthink it. Don't, you know, don't go too far down the rabbit hole that it encourages you to go down.
Starting point is 01:24:12 Yeah. Like it demands questions. It does. It, it's, it demands confrontation, but I assure you, and I promise you, you will get no answers from me and what few answers you do get will not be satisfactory. Oh, that part I knew. So. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:36 Anyway, so that, that went up. Um, and, uh, yeah, that's, that's pretty much, that's pretty much the week. Nice and summed up. Um, I forgot something that I will mention after the end of your week. Okay. Well, um, the, the, uh, that's pretty much the week summed up last night, uh, was pretty fun. I, for the first time, uh, was, uh, basically it was a punch mom's birthday.
Starting point is 01:25:10 We had a little hang out. Happy birthday, punch mom. And, uh, yeah. One of the, one of the things we did was I kind of got, uh, her some, like tie dye sets and some, some white clothing. And we did some tie dyeing and, uh, that's, uh, that's one of those things where you're like, damn, that's a, that's a timeless fun activity. And I've never done it.
Starting point is 01:25:36 I've always seen videos of people doing it. And, uh, it was always like that shit looks ridiculous and magic. How does it even work? And then after doing it and then seeing the results this morning, I'm like, oh my God, it's super easy and it looks great. And that's a lot of fun. So yay for tie dyeing. And, you know, that's, uh, one of those fashions.
Starting point is 01:25:59 Throw some paint on some white t-shirts. You're done. Yeah. Nailed it. She was, she wears tie dye. So it works out. Um, yeah, I'm not going to say much about, I'm not going to say anything about 13 sentinels except it continues to be perfect.
Starting point is 01:26:12 So that's pretty perfect. So yeah, uh, if you want to tune in over on woolly versus, you can check us out. We've got Mario galaxy two going right now. We've got 13 sentinels. You know, I will say about 13 sentinels. Uh, 13 sentinels has a unique feeling that I've never seen in a game before. You know how we make fun of, uh, David Cage's indigo prophecy for shitting its ass at the exact 50% mark.
Starting point is 01:26:45 13 sentinels gets to do something where it blows you away with the grandest revelation that could ever happen in a video game. And then you back out of the character's chapter to see the number 12%. Yeah, yeah, I know exactly that feeling. Yeah. And you're like, yeah, that happens over and over and over again. Yep. And you're just like, what, how can, how can there be more?
Starting point is 01:27:11 Like there are literally, there are literally parts, there are chapters I've, we've played where we're like, you know what time to just run away from this character and everything over here. I'm going to go start this other one. I can't handle what's happening on this timeline anymore. It's too, it's just, it's fucking, it's, it's over. It's exhausting. But anyway, it continues to be perfect.
Starting point is 01:27:35 So yeah, uh, woolly versus on YouTube, woolly versus on Twitch. We are playing Mario galaxy two right now. We're playing 13 sentinels, um, starting a new LP, uh, this week of on Wednesday. Of course, get into fighting games continues. We will continue to, uh, enjoy the quality and, and, and, and scrape the poverty. And, uh, this Tuesday will be a special stream. Actually, um, it is a min birthday stream. So, uh, min is going to be, uh, playing some games.
Starting point is 01:28:12 45 years old. I can't believe he's 80, 80 years young. Um, he'll be coming over. So we'll be doing some more birthday stream with men playing some, some men favorites that, you know, I, uh, that we both enjoy and that stuff that we can, you know, just have some fun with. And yeah, that'll be the Tuesday special. So, um, please look forward, uh, this week to some, some fun new shit. I have one last thing to talk about because I forgot that it was this week.
Starting point is 01:28:49 Mm hmm. Well, I'm going to utter a name that I'm sure you're familiar with, but I'm going to probably be disappointed that much, much of our audience is unfamiliar with. And that name is Tim Rogers. Oh, I love Tim Rogers, dude. Tim Rogers. I learned about Tim Rogers from you and your roommate when you explained the review scale of time to crate.
Starting point is 01:29:16 Yes, Tim Rogers. I mean, introduce it like you bring explain that Time to crate is an incredibly simple review scale. It's the amount of seconds after pressing start that you see a generic crate asset in the game. And that's the review score. It represents the moment that the people making the game gave up utterly and entirely on a creative choice. When you see a goddamn crate. Tim Rogers is, uh, a pretentious mad genius game reviewer.
Starting point is 01:29:57 I, I fell in love with and discovered the work of Tim Rogers through his catamari damashii review, which was probably 12 pages long back in the day of which maybe three or four paragraphs had to do with catamari damashii and the 11 and a half pages had to do with coming to visit him at his flat in Tokyo and just what a what an experience that would be and what it's like and also rolling stuff up maybe sometimes. And boy, it's it's great. It's just great. Tim Rogers has turned the seemingly unrelated non sequitur into a legitimate art form.
Starting point is 01:30:46 I it's free. It's been well over a decade now. And you know, there's been different incarnations, action button, five red coins, I believe. Um, and yeah, currently just at 108 on Twitter. I want to say what just the number one. Oh, I want to say 108 on Twitter is Tim fucking Rogers. God bless. What a champ.
Starting point is 01:31:10 So glad he asked you, woolly. Yes. Are you aware of the current status of the action button YouTube channel? No, I am not. I have not been following. So Tim, who according to his recent video has actually been doing quite unwell caught corona twice. Whoa, um, fuck has been putting a lot of time in. I'm going to send you a screenshot of the current action button.
Starting point is 01:31:44 Catalog. Tim has a Patreon up and is doing monthly at least one hour long video reviews, all of which are over three hours. Yeah, these are insanely huge. Okay, me, plague and peach saliva watched his doom review in which maybe 25% of that review has to do with doom. Yeah, it's still going. As he waxes poetic about the creation of doom, how doom got created, etc.
Starting point is 01:32:24 And then dives into stories of him at his lunch table in high school. How he was a doom poser in exhaustive detail in his college years. Bless bless. It is three hours and I want to say 15 minutes long of actual content. And then he's got the 15 minutes. It's like, I thank you, this person, you know, the, the Patreon stuff. Um, never stop talking about the thing. Legitimately one of the best videos I have ever seen on YouTube.
Starting point is 01:33:01 Wow. So I've been familiar on and off with Tim Rogers and one page was started watching. She didn't know who Tim was. I'm giddy. And I'm giddy now. Her first question was who's Tim Rogers? And all I could say was he's this guy who's been crazy forever. Um, and at that point in the video, we got to him describing his method for reviewing doom
Starting point is 01:33:33 because he wanted to review doom. But how could one review doom without reviewing all of doom? So he played all of doom on multiple difficulties on every single commercially released version that has ever existed. Hell yeah. Hell yeah. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:33:53 I see. Which is a lot of doom. And, uh, as he, he starts to describe levels in such absurd detail and you're like, how did you figure this out? And then he starts throwing down the scientific notation structure atlas of every second to second moment of every playthrough of his doom runs on each platform. And he, Jesus Christ, this is so crazy. This is Tim.
Starting point is 01:34:30 This is so crazy. You're describing peak Tim. Absolutely. That's the shit. Man, I'm giddy. I haven't, I haven't seen the newest stuff. I have like, again, it's just memories of the text reviews back in the day and a couple of video things in between, but I'm very excited to go watch this.
Starting point is 01:34:50 And, and, and like the, the, the culmination of that massive amount of work of going over every version of doom that's ever existed is to actually just tell a story about him hanging out with American McGee in Tokyo. Yep. Yep. Sounds good. Sound like it is like what is hyperbolic. It is nonsense.
Starting point is 01:35:15 It is genius. It is incredible. I, I fucking love it. There's just, there's just this like, it's like, it's so entertaining in its like meander and pretentiousness. And at the same time, just, I don't know. Like I said, I remember trying, yeah, I was trying to pitch you on it and like, uh, uh, yeah, Schmup God Pat was the only other person who was like, oh yeah, no, I'm in there.
Starting point is 01:35:49 You fucking read that shit. That's some good shit. There's no one else writing like it, you know? I, I, I don't know if like being like Hunter S. Thompson is is like an intended thing or not. I don't know. I can't say for sure. All I know is, uh, I fucking super, super, very much enjoy.
Starting point is 01:36:14 Someone in the chat asks, is he self aware though? I would describe Tim as almost cripplingly self aware. Yes, yes, yes. Yeah. No, you don't. And one of the reasons his stories are so bizarre is because apparently in, he describes in the doom video that he suffers from a rare neurological condition, which gives him a perfect idetic memory of events, which explains why he can't help but ramble on into nonsense,
Starting point is 01:36:48 non sequiturs at every opportunity. Like, I don't know how to describe it when you're reading a review about something and then you get caught up in the journey and then like seven pages later, the game comes back up and you just fucking pop off like, yeah, yeah, there it is. We made it back. There is a 232 to there is a 28 minute long section of this review of doom, which is longer than most YouTube videos. That is nothing but reviewing edge magazines review of doom.
Starting point is 01:37:30 Okay. All right. So this is, this is the action button doom review. So he's doing one of these a month. And the funniest thing is that we watched doom review first and then we immediately, the night that we finished it, the three of us hopped on to the FF seven remake review because he's got three out. He's got FF seven remake.
Starting point is 01:37:57 He's got last of us and he's got doom and he says he's got 37 more planned and they will be one a month. And the FF seven remake review, he describes how because the review of the remake is so complex and involves not just that new game, but the old one as well. It's going to be uncharacteristically long and that future versions will likely not be as long, but he guarantees at least one hour reviews a month. And then all three of them blast through the 180 minute mark. Okay.
Starting point is 01:38:32 Okay. Yes. I, I, I, the, the doom one was written while on while sick from Corona and it's three and a half hours long. I mean, it's kind of crazy to think about like, I don't know, like the era of insert dot com was like so long ago. But like if you like this, people nowadays, people that we're talking to right now being introduced to like content from that fucking yesteryear of video game, like like literally 15 years ago, I was told by you about 10, I'm very, I'm very happy for people to get a chance to take a crack at
Starting point is 01:39:19 this. Cause yeah, games in the games in the, what would you call it? Gaming during the, the, uh, the Clinton administration, right? Yeah. It's a, it's a fucking mood, man. It's a mood. So anyway, yeah, there's, there's something about that too, by the way, where you're saying like he played every version of doom on every single person and on every version possible. And then I'm thinking about how, um, uh, Adam played or rather watched every fucking Kimba the
Starting point is 01:39:57 lion thing that he could. And then that other video where the dude was like, yo, I fucking went through everything Kirby related ever. And you're just like this, this current trend of people on YouTube killing themselves to do the most complete review ever. Hold on a second. I can get this from a primary source. Hey Paige, how much time did it take Adam to go through all that Kimba? Oh my God. Just hours and hours. We, we, he and I watched it for four days straight. 24 hours a day. 24 hours a day Kimba.
Starting point is 01:40:37 Like, I don't know. He said months in the video. He said months of his life. And that was just with me. Yeah. And that was at what a film festival? Oh my God. It was like, oh, we hung out for three weeks straight and it was 24 seven Kimba. 24 seven Kimba. I know everything about Kimba the lion. Now suspicious. Amazing. Amazing. But like you just, and you just like absolutely deteriorating your life
Starting point is 01:41:07 in order to get the most complete statement out, which is in his case at the end, this is not a fucking, the line, the Lion King comparison is not what you think it is. And this shit is, it's fucked, you know, this entire narrative is wildly different and crazy. Yeah. You, you, you finished the Tim Rogers review of doom and you get to the end and he's like dooms really good and it's important. Yeah. I'm glad we had to go on this journey to understand that or, or I read every halo book and now I'm the master chief of loneliness. You know, you know, like it's like these, these, this, this new found like
Starting point is 01:41:59 just destroy your life for your craft. You know, well, think of how much research and rewatching had to have possibly gone into like the plinket reviews. Right. Right. Right. Right. Like just editing that together, like holy shit. That last one, just to give a full credit. Uh, shit.
Starting point is 01:42:33 One second. Lost in the links. Oh God. Okay. Well, Brian, David Gilbert. So yeah, I, I, I have the utmost respect for like reviews that like take a chunk of your life bar away, you know, permanently. Incredible.
Starting point is 01:43:00 Incredible. Very excited for the new Tim Rogers joint, that new heat. And it says a lot about the, I don't know what to call it. The following, the Tim is amassed that action button, the YouTube channel is the type of YouTube channel that is completely failed by the algorithm. It has 26, it has 27 K subs and each of those reviews tops out at about 170, despite being like four months old. So 170 K, but his Patreon is crushing it at like 12 K a month.
Starting point is 01:43:41 Yeah. Cause people want to see that shit. Yeah. No, welcome to mega 64 on YouTube, having a fraction of what they should have because they were too early to the game and they fucking crushed it too hard in the pre YouTube days. So by the time things came back around, it was like, yeah, people were already familiar, but they were just doing it through their own website. You know, I want to say same thing for Fensler films as well.
Starting point is 01:44:12 Like these things that just too big, Fensler should be a millionaire too big, too early. And it's, it's criminal. It's fucking criminal because like, yeah, mega 64 is just like that should be an empire. You know, uh, the, the, the, the timing of what they were doing and when they were doing it. And everyone fucking knows them. They just, they just didn't have that algorithm. They didn't have the YouTube.
Starting point is 01:44:41 They didn't have that spread in the, in the way because you just have to go to their site and click their videos, you know, um, but yes, uh, all of that is, is great. But yeah, anyway, so you can check our shit out, um, too. I guess it's nowhere near as good as what we're talking about, but, uh, that is our weeks. Yeah, that's the week. Let's take a quick word from our sponsors. I've lost my fatty pig dog.
Starting point is 01:45:16 This is the part of the podcast where I pretty much just point back to, uh, how effortlessly, not too long ago, uh, meal showed up right at the door, just like that. You want to have your meals showing up safely to your door where the delivery is silent, quiet, safe, distant, and door dash is where you want to go for that. So I like door dash because I'm hungry and then I hit a button on my phone and then about 20 minutes later, I'm less hungry. There you go. Uh, I've noticed that, uh, you know, due to the way the year has progressed as time has gone on,
Starting point is 01:46:03 more and more restaurants are showing up on door dash and there's more, uh, uh, selection becoming available and, uh, some new places and some places that I'm like, Oh, what's that about? You know, where I try them out and I'm like, yeah, I find, I found some new favorites that were nearby that I had no idea were around. But hey, thanks to the delivery, uh, you know, showed up and, and, and I got, I got a new place that does a perfect keto meal. Like really just exactly what I'm looking for. Carbless and wonderful.
Starting point is 01:46:37 Um, and, uh, yeah, you, you, you want to basically use this to support your favorite restaurants and your favorite podcast. What, what, what, um, keep them, keep them open during our quarantine time. So yeah, you can jump on the door dash app. They've got over 300,000 partners in the US, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Canada, Australia, uh, all your local go-tos, all your favorite chains, your mom and pops. It's got a whole bunch of selection on there. So take a look and see what's around.
Starting point is 01:47:15 Uh, you can order at, um, at ridiculous, ridiculous times. Uh, I forgot what did I describe it as gross o'clock. I believe you can get your food dropped off at gross o'clock. No problem. So, uh, the person dropping that food off won't care that you're smelly behind your door because they're not going to go anywhere near it. There it is. So right now our listeners can get $5 off and zero delivery fees on their first order
Starting point is 01:47:45 of $15 or more when you download the door dash app and enter the code castle. That's $5 off and zero delivery fees on your first order. When you download the door dash app from the app store and enter the code castle, don't forget code castle for five bucks off your first order with door dash. Thanks, door dash. Thanks, door dash. This is the part of the podcast where I yell at you to shave your balls. Okay, I'm going to go, I'm going to get a soda.
Starting point is 01:48:17 That's okay. You can go do that because I assume that your balls are nicely shaved. But you're not. I don't need to shave my balls. How many times did I tell you that you never grew in? Okay. Well, that is a condition that you have to deal with. I have to do a shift.
Starting point is 01:48:38 Listen, not everybody has the egg-like texture of Pat here. Some can only strive to achieve it. And if you do, you're going to want to do it in a non-painful, no fuss, no must method. Manscaped is the way that you do it. You can achieve absolute hairlessness, nicely groomed hygiene, where you can safely take this tech to your nuts and not worry about nicks, scratches, weird tugs. You don't want any of that.
Starting point is 01:49:18 Anybody who's attempted to use some awful dollar store razor on the balls has absolutely regretted it. They've discovered some things they didn't know. And yeah, Manscaped can step in and save you from all that. Grab the crop care kit. It's got A plus ball care. You got all the hygiene you're looking for. You got your crop preserver. Get your ball deodorant on.
Starting point is 01:49:47 Your ball toner, your crop reviver. They got it all in there. I'm sorry. Did you say toner? Yeah, ball toner. That's correct. It's a spray on toner. Give your balls a little, you know, little pep.
Starting point is 01:50:00 Crop cleanser, a body wash. They got the crop mop, ball wipes, all of it. Listen, you don't know how nice your balls can feel until you take Manscaped and have them fix the situation up for you. Telling you, there's, you don't realize because your brain autopilots the discomfort you feel, but when that discomfort is gone, then you're just going to be like every once in a while, every like, you know, a couple of minutes, you'll just be like, oh yeah, yeah. You know, and that, that makes a difference.
Starting point is 01:50:37 It's a little bit of positivity where there originally was none because your shit was gross. So this is what we're saying. We're saying you can get 20% off and free shipping at slash superbeast. Just, just go get, go do the thing. Go get the ball shaved, get the stuff. Feel good in your testicles, clean, clean up down there. It is what it is. At the very least, make sure that your balls are not coated with a thin layer of slime.
Starting point is 01:51:13 You don't want that. A thin layer of hair is worse enough. We don't need to upgrade it to slime. Keep it all off. Keep it smooth and clean. 20% off plus free shipping at slash superbeast. All right. How many times I got to tell you, thanks manscaped.
Starting point is 01:51:37 Thank you, manscape. Last on the list over here, we've got Raycon as a sponsor. And that means I'm going to talk about the earbuds that happen to comfortably fit into the ear sound just as amazing as other top wireless earbuds. And also costs not nearly as much as the ridiculous prices you're going to pay for some wireless headphones out there. I know that Punch Mom goes to sleep with the comforting Raycons in her ears as she listens to you know, podcasts, whatever it takes to wander off to bed.
Starting point is 01:52:24 And the newest model, the everyday E25 earbuds are the best ones yet because you got six hours of playtime, seamless Bluetooth pairing, more bass and a compact design. It noise isolates. It gets you out of this world of wires that we so desperately, so desperately are escaping from. There's a wire right next to me right now and I'm, I'm irrationally upset at it. I'm super. I'm directly in front of a wire right now. I wish it didn't exist too close.
Starting point is 01:52:55 I wish it didn't exist. I'm very upset too close. So get these wires out of my life, get them out of your life. Check out some wireless earbuds from Raycon. And yeah, of course you can use them during your video calls as well. And you want to get them down over at slash super beast. So yeah, now's the time. Get the latest and greatest from Raycon.
Starting point is 01:53:22 15% off your order at slash super beast. That's slash super beast for 15% off your Raycon wireless earbuds. One more time, slash super beast. Thanks, Raycon. Thanks. All right. All right, so got some news, not a ton, but a couple of things happened. And I think we should start with Old Faithful.
Starting point is 01:53:58 Oh, Old Faithful. What's Old Faithful in this context? We have a couple. Well, NBA 2K1 just came out. Oh, and the community of NBA 2K1 players was shocked, shocked and odd as they booted their games up to discover that after paying full price for their video game, they were greeted with commercials and ads thrown into the loading screens and basically just trying to try to get as much as you can out of that in-game
Starting point is 01:54:44 advertising a month after release when you've paid for the full price of the game. That's pretty funny. So Jeff, that's what the game Jeff Gershman was talking about on Twitter, because he pointed out that it's extra crazy to see this kind of advertisement show up right before we're about to go into a console generation that's going to be defined by super fast loading times. Interesting. That's pretty funny.
Starting point is 01:55:14 Because like on PS5, say they continue this, it'll be like people will find out very quickly that the game loads the level instantly, but you have to wait until the ad is over. And you know, there's stuff where I remember the discussion about how in some cases the ads and the sponsorship is like it's part of the identity of the thing. Like they'll be like, oh no, the build... On the stands. On the stands, the billboards around, on the sides. Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 01:55:38 Or like if you're watching a fucking race car, it's going to be stickered out, you know what I mean, like decal to shit. So like there's all that. But this is just, no, this is loading screen ads, loading screen commercials. And of course, they come in just like they did on UFC. They come in a month after release. So, you know, now that things have died down a little bit, everything's come out. The reviews have dropped, certainly.
Starting point is 01:56:06 Bar goes up and now you get to quietly get this extra little monetization button turned on. And you know, yeah, like the delay on it says everything you need to know about what they think it is. The delay, the fact that they waited tells you everything. It speaks volumes in and of itself. I have to say, like, I'm sorry person. I didn't catch your name, but I have to echo the thought that I saw in the chat a few minutes ago, which is sports game buyers or habitual sports game buyers are literally the dumbest consumers in this industry. Like there is not a single genre that fucks you harder than this.
Starting point is 01:57:02 Because on top of all the the it's a re-release of the last year's game with roster updates. Maybe the features are actually broken this year. It's literally painted over and there's the the fucking ad shit. There's every possible thing on top of all of that. These games also contain and in many cases invented loot boxes and gacha mechanics. It has literally everything bad that you can money up a video game in them. And they suck year after year, but the success is contingent on the sports being so widely appealing that no one really gives that much of a shit to look too hard into it.
Starting point is 01:57:54 Like you will have those who are playing it like to death on their seasons competitively with their friends. You will have, you know, the people who are like they play other games that are also like what the fuck is this. This is horseshit compared to what video games that you pay $60 should be. And then there's just the the wave of malaise that they can count on that will, you know, re-up every 12 for some trash treatment. But it's got the license at least if and they've successfully shut down all competitive sports games with at least when I gotcha in Genshin impact, I'm going to get a cute anime girl or boy.
Starting point is 01:58:40 I'm not going to get like a four star LeBron James. I mean, think about this, right? We actually grew up in an era where there were competing sports games for each sport. Yeah, and sports games were awesome in that era. We remember a time when there were literally multiple choices for your football or your hockey or your basketball, and they got to compete by being different at their gameplay. And in some cases, you'd be like, oh, man, quarterback club sucks compared to Madden. Therefore, I'm going with Madden this year, you know.
Starting point is 01:59:15 Well, do you do you have the Genesis or Super Nintendo? I had a Super Nintendo the whole way. OK, so I had a Genesis. And so I missed out on a lot of classics in their time like Mega Man X. I played it at a friend's house, but it's not the same as having it yourself, right? Yeah. But even though the Genesis, so it's one of those things where you look back at the Genesis versus the Super Nintendo library and you go, how could they even compete?
Starting point is 01:59:40 Look at this number of of incredible games that on the Super Nintendo that just lasted the test of time, right? And look at the admittedly good list on the Genesis, but it's way smaller, right? And then you go, yeah, but Genesis had every single good sports game. Yes. Genesis won in the end because EA was crushing it. And they there were so many good fucking sports games. I played most of them. All the way up until 98.
Starting point is 02:00:18 Wait, 97, 96, 96. When they went to the PlayStation. And HL 93, 94 and 95 are legitimately incredible hockey games. Yeah, I played Madden back then because it was a fun game. Mutant League hockey, Mutant League football. If you all the fucking bit like they were great. If you wanted to play basketball, you could play NBA Live, but you could also play Jam or Hangtime or one of the crazier arcade style games, you know, there was like
Starting point is 02:00:50 a overall you had God, what the fuck was it called? You had FIFA and then you had ISS, you know, you had a bunch of there's competing sports games. You had competing sports games. And even though I didn't care for it, I'm not going to sit here and tell you that NFL Blitz is anything other than fucking kick ass. They and in many cases, these competitions, they didn't have the license, right? So whoever got the license would have the official names and the players and the teams and the logos and the others would just have to say it's Dallas.
Starting point is 02:01:33 And yeah, it's a blue and silver logo that it's just says Dallas. And those are the colors, you know, NHL has a weird history. And it's because NHL 93 is distinct because it's not NHL 93. It's NHL PA 93 players association, the players association license. And that's why the game has fucking blood in it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And then in 94, they got the real license for the real teams. But then you couldn't you couldn't cause people to bleed after fights.
Starting point is 02:02:06 And that was like the tipping point of the start. I remember when the Dreamcast dropped NBA 2K and NFL 2K and we saw those games and they were fucking leaps and bounds ahead of everything else at the time. Fucking NFL 2K and Madden of that year was the year that sports games died. The technological leap was incredible, but they still had they still were still competing, right? And the license was going out to each of these games. There was a point in at which EA said we're buying this license, but we're making it exclusive, meaning. So that is not actually what happened.
Starting point is 02:02:51 It's actually a little weirder than that. Okay. So it was in this situation where Madden came out and NFL 2K came out. And that was the second game. And I think it was a pretty common sentiment that the 2K the 2K games were way better than Madden. Yeah. And they were half price. They were $20 Sega sports was crushing it with that. I remember that like it was fucking unbelievable.
Starting point is 02:03:20 And then the fucking NFL was the one who came forward and said, we are tired of having to negotiate these rights with everybody. Right. One of you step up and buy it. And despite the fact that 2K was Sega was making way better football games. EA just had infinity billion dollars. So they locked it in and bought the license. And that's what killed football games forever.
Starting point is 02:03:50 And then it was the NFL that killed sports games. And then it just became the standard to be like, okay, well, well, you are going to now sell this to people who the people who are buying this. It's not even though back then it was about like these different gameplay options and what was more fun. It very quickly became what's the current roster and what's the current logo and what's the current season. And I want to do a simulator of, you know, my team and everything like that.
Starting point is 02:04:19 And that kind of replaces a lot of it. And then, yeah, it just kind of annihilated the entire competition thing. So nowadays, most sports have a single game entry and you guys are used to a world where you don't have a choice in the matter, you know. It's so weird because wrestling games acted like sports games, but they never had this problem because by the time a wrestling game would come out, the roster was always hilariously out of game. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:04:48 It was, it was in some cases like a full year out of day. I remember one of the SmackDown games came out and Godfather was on the roster. And I'm like, Godfather hasn't wrestled in like 10 months. He's part of like a right to censor now with Stevie Richards. But yeah, but what was this game being made? You know, like, yeah, exactly. And so the wrestling fans would all be like, well, how's it play? Mm hmm.
Starting point is 02:05:17 And that's why where the obsession over the no mercy came from because it was just better than almost all the other wrestling games. I mean, who cares about the roster? It's quite obvious that like roster updates are the easiest, simplest, dumbest thing that could be patched in of all the things that you can patch into a new game. But like that is the bank that EA is making year after year, like giving people a roster update like that is the antithesis. It's it's really just like we need a meaningless update.
Starting point is 02:05:55 We need a reason for you to buy this again. It's like we're making a new iPhone with no features on it. Just fucking shut up and buy it, idiot, you know. So anyway, not content with that complete lockdown and utter monopoly over the situation. Of course, we've got to have these things where thanks for your money. Here's some more ads. So it's it's. It's complicated.
Starting point is 02:06:26 Because it really does seem to be that, well, one Americans love football. I feel this is an uncontroversial statement. I like football. People in the US of A and even people up in Canada and some sprinklings down there. They like American football. I have positive feelings about football. And there is a large contingent of people in the US in particular that want to buy a football game and they're going to buy the football game.
Starting point is 02:07:03 And EA is aware of that. And they're basically just seeing like just how far can they push it? Because you have the reason why that's. Complicated to me is because football itself. Is also made for ads like the real structure of the real game with the constant stops and starts is also made to sell ads and bullshit. At this point, like it completely has worked into their, you know, their their strategy. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:07:45 The the thing is, though, is again, and this is like kind of the take home between like the take the takeaway, excuse me, from when you go like, why are suckers just eating this year after year is just, you know, think about how many people are playing this game in a way where it only exists as an activity when your friends pop over to play some games and kill some time before you go do something else. Or alternatively, it is a community that bonds certain people, you know, together in and of itself. Yes, it can be.
Starting point is 02:08:23 Again, if you have a season going or whatever the case is, you know, or you could say that football players can't make good decisions because they have the brain damage. Well, CTE sucks. But the years of me, my brother and my neighbor all running a season. I remember my cousin as well was in one time and like we would just it dominated our lives sometimes in a way that was like, we're going to simulate your game. If you don't, if you don't play tonight, we're going to simulate your game.
Starting point is 02:09:04 And it's just like, I'm out. I'm busy. I have shit to do. And it's like, we don't care. We will simulate the shit out of your fucking game. I have to say that there's a part of the football that makes me a little irked. And that is the same kinds of dumb ass, jock moron idiots that would make fun of me for playing video games and other people for playing the Dungeons and Dragons.
Starting point is 02:09:38 Couldn't love football enough. And then in the off season discovered, what if we played Dungeons and Dragons football and called it fantasy football? Oh, yeah. No, they're the dumbest. There might be the actual nerdiest jock stupid shit. Like so fantasy football is so fucking blame. I can't believe it.
Starting point is 02:10:06 So hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, I will say this, right? One of my brothers in law, so to speak, is someone who is like looking to work as a sports manager and like is actually like it's the type of thing where learning how to manage teams in that context for like hockey games and stuff is directly relevant to the profession. Right. That being said, yeah, I know exactly what you're talking about. It doesn't, but the thing is, is that there's no real blankets anymore, right? In a world of just jocks and nerds, then it looks ridiculous.
Starting point is 02:10:51 But what the real world ends up shaking out to be is one where there are nerds that happen to be into sports and there are jocks that happen to be into like tabletops and things are complex and mix and match. And you know what I mean? Like we've grown up in an age where like you can't make an assumption based on what a person's like career choices or whatever, what type of personality you're going to get because we're finding out about like, yeah, if you're a nerd, it's into sports, you're going to get super into these, these fantasy versions of the game.
Starting point is 02:11:28 And I hear all the time about how the people who are the most dangerous killers that are super good at Brazilian jujitsu are the nerds who study the moves that memorize it and have like tons and tons of like textbook tech in their head of how to counter every throw and what every movement is and has nothing to do with being a big strong guy. If you can memorize all this, all the, all the ways to roll, you can absolutely crush people who are bigger and stronger that theoretically should win, you know? So it's getting more complex out there. I remember I was playing
Starting point is 02:12:14 Virtua Fighter II on my Saturn and I was doing training mode and my dad walked in and saw that and I was like, I don't know why you spend so much time trying to learn that stuff. That's just dumb video games, right? Yes. And I look at my father and all I can think of is, dad, you literally memorized 40 years of baseball statistics and can mention any players hitting average at the drop of a hat and you watch golf on TV. Like you watch golf on TV, dad.
Starting point is 02:12:58 Yeah, but for fuck's sake. Yeah, but that's what the men did and that's what, that's what the peers did. So it's reinforced as a, it's that activities fine, but this one isn't. It's, you know, you know what it is. I'm aware VJ Singh is killing it right now. He's like eight under par and honestly that was a pretty good putt. But Jesus Christ, dad. Yeah, no, everyone, that's 100%, like that's it, like every time you catch, you know,
Starting point is 02:13:29 someone going in on like, like, first of all, there's just a low quality bait tweets that are just like, oh man, who play video games, whatever, like, oh, like, you know, what is, what is your virgin, like, I don't even know, like just like dumb, like virgin jokes or whatever. And you're just like, like, are you seriously like trying to pull this off in an age where like people are living in mansions based on their video game skill? Like what, like, what do you, it's, it's such a, it just, it's so ridiculous to try and hold to like that old thing when like de facto, like you're looking at like, oh yeah, remember when Jay-Z couldn't buy the mansion that the Minecraft guy had, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:14:15 I do remember that. Like, what, like, what are you fucking on? Like, it's just, it's, it's so, you just ignore it. It's silly. Hey gamers, you want to play a Call of Duty? Why don't you enlist like your grandpa did? Yeah, of course. Exactly.
Starting point is 02:14:28 Exactly. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh my god. And anyone who is, you know, you're just, you're from an age where things don't change, right? You weren't prepared for the world to change, which is also why so many older people are doing really rough this year with the general state of things because they live the life where they didn't have to change.
Starting point is 02:14:47 Things were pretty much set in their way and what was their experience growing up was going to be yours and that's all there is to it. Nevermind like even like the corona situation. I mean just the fact that like you're looking at fucking average incomes from like 30, 40 years ago to now and all that shit is just, it's nonsense, right? So like they're just, they've been handed a very particular way of being that worked their entire life for them. So there was no reason for them to necessarily change or update or notice that things don't
Starting point is 02:15:25 work the same way anymore. So the same as perception is going to be held for things like, like video games are just, it's just Pac-Man, but shinier and more expensive. I've told this story before, but I've just realized more context in the, in the, in listening to you here of like, I remember being like eight or nine and a friend of mine would come over and we'd play games, right? And my mom would say to me, I don't get it. Why do you kids stay inside plays video games?
Starting point is 02:15:54 Why don't you go out and play baseball or something? And I remember looking at her like she's insane because the first thing I would ask is like, with who? She'd go with the kids at the park and I go, what, what kids? What are you talking about? And she'd go, ah, right? I'm like, oh yeah. Back in boomer time, there must have been tons, oh kids just hanging around at the baseball field
Starting point is 02:16:20 because the fuck else are they going to do when their parents tell them to get out so they can shoot drugs? Hey, let me introduce you to a filter that should be running at all times when you are in these circumstances. Parent leans forward open quotations and just you put the filter on and here's what you hear. Hey, why don't you go be me for a while? Why don't you go do, go do what I did? A version of the world that no longer exists.
Starting point is 02:16:51 Like, I know you're doing, you're doing you right now, but why don't you go do me? Just be me, be me for a while. I don't know why you're always in here being you, wasting all your time on you. When, frankly, back in my day, I was me. So what you should be doing- And I was the shit. Is you should be being me. Go out and be me.
Starting point is 02:17:12 And you're like, okay, cool, got it. Yep, thanks. But dad, I don't want to pick up smoking. Fucking. Yeah. Smokings for losers, dad. No, my dad never told me to pick up smoking. In fact, he was like, God damn it, you start smoking, I'll kick your ass.
Starting point is 02:17:32 Yeah. As he would puff away because it's horribly addicted to nicotine. I was just having a conversation with with punch mom yesterday about like the fucking weirdness of every like everyone that has an obsession with using their kids as New Game Plus for their own lives. Oh, yeah. And like whether it's and again, it's and it's everything, right? It like at first we were just talking about one aspect of it because language is a huge deal here.
Starting point is 02:18:05 So language in Quebec is like what you what you choose to speak, what school you end up going to. And just and the level of just like, no, no, I'm going to fuck your life up to force you to try and learn in a French immersion in a situation where you're just going to get horrible grades and lose confidence in your ability to do anything. But whatever, too bad. Go deal with it, you know. And you're just putting this whole like like language battle because you've got your own thing that you're, you know, your own struggles that you're holding on to that is like, yeah,
Starting point is 02:18:41 I need my kids to carry this forward. Go forth and be that be the bearer of my torch. And it's the same for every ideology, everything that you just grow up with that you see is the most important thing in your life. Like the fucking hubris to put that on your kids and to turn them into the continued torch bearers of your own shit is so fucking just it's so I know at least one person who is literally designed to be good at sports by their parents, right? It's such a fucking like, you know, and it's just like you see it at its worst when you're
Starting point is 02:19:22 looking at a fucking weirdo child pageant, right? Oh, man, you're seeing it at its worst when you're watching a fucking. What's the show? The fucking show with the jump in a fucking the thing for the toddlers in tiaras. Okay, that's enough. And and and you're like what with the the the the the mom and the the the kids and you're just with the honey boo boo with the honey boo boo and you're just like this is horrifying and it's it's clear.
Starting point is 02:20:01 The reason why it's a TV show is because they know that most people are going to see this and feel that fucking like what are you doing? What is this? Hey, can I right? Can I ask a question here? What's up with child pageants? You all need to stop that. Okay, well, this is this is what I'm in the middle of saying, right?
Starting point is 02:20:27 You yeah, you just need to not it's quite it's quite clearly what it's about what it's about. It's about I need my child to new game plus my failures. I never got to be the the whether it's prom queen or just the hottie or the the homecoming queen or what? You know, I didn't get my life to travel down the road that led to me being a beauty queen. So I need to take that and continue it by turning my child into what I wanted my personal successes to be because I'm that vapid, right? Yeah, so I kind of dodged a bullet on that because there's two ways to go about it.
Starting point is 02:21:12 There's you will succeed where I failed, which is what we're what you've been talking about quite a bit. And then there's the what I find to be more positive is please don't fail where I also fail. Which was the majority of the the commandments that came down for my parents weren't you have to be a doctor or you have to go to church all the time. They were like, hey, I'm going to tell you a story of some stupid shit that fucked up a piece of my life. Don't do that.
Starting point is 02:21:47 That'll get you. And you know, right? And like, I think that's a fairly helpful point of view. And generationally, obviously, if you just look at history, you can see that we have very little control over like the wave of where a generation goes because they tend to be not interested in what the immediately prior generation was pitching at them. So if you have a hyper strict, overly controlling button up your fucking collar and tighten up your tie, 50s parenting generation, you're going to get some hippies out of that.
Starting point is 02:22:26 Yeah. And then after some loose tried nothing and we're all out of ideas, man. And then a bunch of kids that were raised by hippies will then be like, fuck this structuralist bullshit. I'm going to figure my own shit out with organization and like, you know, and return to a kind of whatever structure of sorts. But it's there's a there's an ebb and a flow to it in either direction. But the direct like I'm instilling this child with the mission to make me live out vicariously.
Starting point is 02:23:00 What I never got to is fucking gross and disgusting. And it doesn't and the pageantry, the pageants are the worst example of it that everyone can relate to, but it really follows down like it goes into everything. There's so many weird things that your parents will sit you down and fucking try to put into you that are like, OK, this is not just like a here's a life lesson that'll help you. This is a you want me to be this or to like carry forward that. And, you know, again, language is one of those things. You know, people can be zealots about culture in things.
Starting point is 02:23:37 You know what I mean? There will be family members that like will will definitely like it like you it can go anywhere from whatever from the language you're speaking to like literally like, hey, you know, like I don't know about those white girls. I think you're not doing what you should be doing. You know, it can travel in all kinds of weird directions and go places because it's like, OK, so thanks for, you know, trying to lay down. Are you are you are you?
Starting point is 02:24:11 It's like, are you putting the framework down for a discussion about like ethno purity right now? Like you showed them, you know, it's kind of wild because I don't know if you know, but you kind of are laying the tracks down, you know, and it goes and it goes all over the place, you know, I've seen from personal example, both sides of this equation. So on my end, it ranged everywhere from don't start smoking, I'll kill you to listen. Don't crash your car at work to get out of a shift. You know, shit like that.
Starting point is 02:25:01 It'll backfire on you. And then on the other hand, I am very familiar with pages stories whose mom was a great swimmer and God damn it, you'll be a great swimmer, too. And that's why I went and made sure to get the best jeans for your swim. There you go. And create the super swimmer. There you go. And you will swim.
Starting point is 02:25:25 God damn it. I mean, just think about how many play, you know how you can refer to a nice collection of the planet as the old country. You know, like not every country can be considered the old country, right? But there's a collection of countries that can and any country that can be considered the old country tends to have somebody from there that will have at some point something to say along the lines of what you need to do is find yourself a nice girl from the old country, settle down and have some good kids.
Starting point is 02:25:58 Man, I had. So I never dealt with that. I had tons of friends. Well, actually, no, I did deal with that. I did deal with that. But I had tons of friends who were like, well, you got to find a nice Jewish girl. You got to find a nice find a nice insert Russian girl, insert culture girl and continue the bloodline, Chris.
Starting point is 02:26:22 I remember Leon, my grandfather sitting me down and telling me that if I ever got involved with anyone, be it business or love, that it had to be a white Protestant Anglican Anglophone Montrealer. And I remember just staring at him not blown away by the racism. But like, I don't even know one of those, man. Yeah. Yeah. No, like I'm the only one I can think of that fits that definition.
Starting point is 02:27:07 And I remember when I told my my my grandparents that I was dating an American. They had this look on their face and they I saw the the transformation and all I could see in their eyes was as long as it's not a French girl. Amazing. Like Americans are fine. They're not the French. Shout outs to Anglican divorcing your wife and creating your own branches of religion. I'm the Pope now.
Starting point is 02:27:40 I mean, listen, if you have a person who's family, like if you if you're like, oh, you've got a fucking super white, like, like, like traditional family. And then you find someone and then the parents meet them and they look identical to you. But there's beef because they're Protestant and you're Catholic. Holy fuck, man. Oh, it it it irked my great. Oh, boy, my last name is buvang. You're just there's no hope there.
Starting point is 02:28:11 I'll never forget the first not even a different color. The first thing my grandmother said to my mom after meeting my dad was had to be a little fucking Frenchman with a mustache, didn't it? And you're right. It's not even my dad. You've met my dad. He barely even has an accent. Like if like if you if you couldn't tell on site that you had a reason to hate.
Starting point is 02:28:43 What the fuck is wrong with you? You know, even but anyway, it's it's just nonsense and bullshit, right? And so like it gets even fucking more insane when you see studies popping up where they're like, by the way, like it's nice and all that you're trying to turn your kids into whatever the fuck you need to fulfill your your creepy shit. But children are born with personalities like babies have their personalities from the jump. People will be louder, quieter, introverted, extroverted, you know, just all the full spectrum of like things you can you can attribute to a person.
Starting point is 02:29:28 You you're born with those things and and like a lot is nurture, certainly, but like trying to force your will on somebody that might have nothing of interest whatsoever in their bones to do whatever you want them to do is just it's just the most selfish shitty thing ever. You know, I have come to think of it to piggyback off the story. I just told and what you're saying is like telling your kids what to do. Have you ever encountered, you know, all you might have. I used to have a friend. I'm no longer friends and the story will become a little clearer in the near future.
Starting point is 02:30:13 Who was always told by her parents over and over and over. You got to find a nice Jewish boy. And that was the only thing they would accept, right? And over time, this morphed into a discussion in how happy she was with her new boyfriend, who was I want to say he was Indian or maybe Pakistani. They're madly in love very quickly. And I'm like, oh, you think things are going to go well? And the the line that comes back is I'm so excited.
Starting point is 02:30:53 Our babies are going to be like super humans. I can't wait to breed the white out of my family. And as the discussion continued, it became clear that this was her idea of like the perfect future and the biggest fuck you to dad ever is to just like, oh man, I'm going to have the most mixed kids I can get my hands on. And I'm like, I'm going to just back away from this whole I'm out of here. I'm just pat. I'm out.
Starting point is 02:31:37 This this is troubling. Sometimes some people that have those traits and or ideologies don't reveal them immediately. And sometimes you find out a couple dates in that yeah, I believe to use a term from a decade ago that they had the drums playing the whole time and you're sitting there in the background of their minds. You're sitting there having a nice meal and you're enjoying a good time. And little did you know that the person sitting across from you is staring at you and they're hearing the drums and listen, listen on a on a certain level.
Starting point is 02:32:42 It is it is I believe the ballot of the sad cafe has the quote that said, you know, in every relationship, there's the lover and the loved. And it is it is a good thing to want to be desired. But there is a point where that gets really weird and unhealthy. You know, and I look. I look back in time and and I've had time to think about this. And I remembered a detail that you wouldn't think was important. Right.
Starting point is 02:33:18 About my former friend. The the gentleman in question was not. I never met the guy. He was not Indian or Pakistani. He was in fact Iranian. And the reason why this matters. Is because I should have seen this in advance. And it was.
Starting point is 02:33:37 Oh, where is he from? Oh, he's Persian. Like what? That's not a that's not that he's do you mean he's Iranian? No, no, he's Persian. And there was like this romance to it. And it's like that's not a place anymore. Why is this why are you why did this conversation become weird?
Starting point is 02:34:02 Over oh, where is he from? So I should have seen it coming. Maybe maybe. But but then just like bam. Like, oh, your liberal ass is going full eugenics despite your death. OK, OK. You know what? A fetching bachelorette from the Orient, you say.
Starting point is 02:34:25 All right. Yeah. Yeah. Listen, you you you enjoy that again. It's just there there are times there's been more than one occasion, more than two, actually, where you, you know, again, you meet somebody and and you discover whether it's delayed or immediately that it's like, hey, listen. You happen to be the right shade to get what I need to get across.
Starting point is 02:34:58 You got the chart on the door that right there. It's the reverse of the Family Guy Airport. Good to go. You're good to go. And it's like you got some stuff you got to work out. You got you got to work out some stuff. I can't help you work that stuff out. You know, it's a thing.
Starting point is 02:35:20 It's not constant, but it's a thing and it has existed. And sometimes it's been like, yeah, within, you know, hours. And sometimes it's within a couple of dates. And you're like, oh, boy, did I not see that power level. Is that like because like you and I have the variation of that fear, right? Yours is where is this coming from? Right. And then you do describe like, uh-oh, only a couple of dates in.
Starting point is 02:35:51 Like what if like I can only imagine the fear is what if it was way more than a couple of dates. This is the issue. Of course. Yeah. And I have had the opposite fear, which I've tried to, you know, as I as I got older, just nipping the bud just as fast as possible and just like, what if. Do you remember, do you remember the Seinfeld episode where Jerry is convinced this dentist converted to Judaism for the jokes?
Starting point is 02:36:18 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Do you remember what the final punchline of that episode is? No. He's talking to his new girlfriend that he's been dating for a while. And he's like, oh, dentists, can you believe him? She goes, oh, yeah, and don't get me started on the blacks and the Jews. And then it has a freeze frame of Seinfeld's laughing face, right? Like that's, that's, that's a fear.
Starting point is 02:36:45 Yeah. I remember working retail. There'd be people that would come up to me to bitch and just on the assumption that we were on the same team, like, I don't want to be on your team, man. Yeah, yeah, I don't, I'm, no, don't, no, it's, um, no. It's that it's the clip of Dwight. No, it's that it's the clip of Dwight staring at something like, yeah. And then what's her name?
Starting point is 02:37:10 Little blonde, the girl that he's that he, that was a thing with him. Pam? No, no, no, the weirdo. I forgot her name, but she's behind him. And then Dwight turns around and goes, uh, because it's like, you're not on the same team. Get the fuck away from me. It's, you know, it's absolutely that Angela. Yeah, Angela.
Starting point is 02:37:28 Yeah. It is, it is, it is a thing, man. And, and, and like, okay, listen, like, uh, you gotta be real too. Like you do, there's nothing wrong with some of that in there. You do want some of that, right? You want, you want a, a, a degree of the person you're with to be like, hey, I'm into you and what you are. That's healthy.
Starting point is 02:37:53 Okay. That's what you mean by some of that. Not Seinfeld, not Seinfeld, because I'm like, I'm like narrowing my eyes very deeply and like, cause we talked about many topics. Yeah. Yeah. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. We talked about you Jennings.
Starting point is 02:38:05 We talked about you. You, you, you definitely want, you know, the person to be into you. That's cool. Cause in the background of my, are you saying you only want one drum to be playing in the back of their, yes, yes. One, one drum is fine. One, one drum is acceptable. And there's other instruments.
Starting point is 02:38:25 There's other instruments there. I believe, I believe there's one drum playing in this house at all times. Okay. I believe one, you know, it might be a Gembe, but it is being played, but it's only one and that's fine. I have no, that's okay. Right. But there's a, there is a distance between like that and what you're describing
Starting point is 02:39:00 that can only be called spite Jennings. Yeah. You, what you don't want is for the climactic scene of the film drum line to be playing in the back of someone's head. At all times featuring tea. Drumsticks in the air. Yo, we marching. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:39:29 I watched that whole movie. That's movie sucks. That movie has no plots. Like, oh man. Ti's character can't read music, dude. Oh, who cares? Who gives a shit? You just, yeah.
Starting point is 02:39:45 Cause like there's a point, there's a point where as, as, as, you know, you, you described earlier, it's just like, okay, there doesn't even need to be a person, a person attached here. Like I need my vengeance. Oh, it's Nick Cannon. Whatever. I always get Nick Cannon confused. I need my vengeance and, and this quest involves parts of you, but quite frankly,
Starting point is 02:40:12 you can go either way. I will have my revenge. My parents will suffer. You know, um, yeah. Anyway, all right. Well, what, what happens when you eugenics your family to spite people and then those people eventually die? Like, do you now know I don't need you children.
Starting point is 02:40:33 Your, your purpose is over. Well, hopefully you're, you're okay with them being around in a, you know, hopefully you don't actually have a problem with it. You know, because if you, if it turns out your hatred of your parents was like only dwarfing, uh, uh, your hatred of the person you're with and then thus your kids, then yeah, we have a problem. You're, you're, you're, you're kind of a broken person. God bless.
Starting point is 02:41:06 Mission accomplished. Mission all over. Scatter to the winds. Listen, everybody's got standards, but, uh, revenge genetics. Holy fuck. But revenge genetics should not enter into your standards. Maybe. Hey, listen, revenge.
Starting point is 02:41:27 Enix. That's it. That's it. You did it. You've created. Listen, you've created a new word. Listen, all I'm trying to say is take the ads out of NBA to Kate to K 21. Oh my God.
Starting point is 02:41:42 That's what we started talking about. Take the ads out of NBA to K 21. That's all take them out. That's all I'm trying to say. Take them out. Get it out of there. All right. All right.
Starting point is 02:41:54 How do we, I don't even care. I don't even care. What else we got in the news? Not to be out Sean by SNK. Arc system works says fuck that. Guilty gear. Accent core plus R. Roll back.
Starting point is 02:42:23 Confirmed. You know, it was a really core plus rollback to hear that Accent core plus a version of guilty gear that we all know everybody, but everybody knows that game is great. Okay, not everybody, but that game is great. Has good rollback net code while we simultaneously learned that everything about strives online is fucking stupid. So if they're doing rollback as well in strife,
Starting point is 02:42:51 thank God, yeah, so you'll be able to play it. They've got this. Yeah, the plan is to have a non traditional ranked system where instead you have lobby rooms that represent skill levels and you've got a taste of it in the demo. And I think it's basically like there was a cap that you mean the thing that didn't work. Correct. And there's a cap to, well, there's, there's the, there's the avatar
Starting point is 02:43:20 system where you're playing as the little 2D avatar, which, you know, good luck finding a way to consistently get a match. But no, the lobby system of the tower of Babel that they kind of had going where you're able to get into a certain level of floors and then by getting above, and by, I think like winning a certain number of matches on a certain level, you get access to floors above it, but like you kind of choose where to put yourself in a way. Once you get past these thresholds and it's like, well, you're going to have a bunch of people that are comfortably aware and being comfortably, comfortable being
Starting point is 02:43:59 self aware that'll put themselves on the levels that they think they're good enough to be at, but you're going to have an overwhelming number of people just sitting on the top level trying to vie for the, whatever that is. So it's going to be lopsided no matter what, I can't imagine a way to avoid that. There was a good ass tweet that I don't know who did it, I'm feel sorry. Somebody can find it, tweet it at me and I'll retweet it. They basically decided, said, I don't know what the fuck is wrong with fighting games. Every other goddamn genre, you load the game up, there's a massive gigantic play the game
Starting point is 02:44:36 button. I think I retweeted that. And then fucking fighting games is answer my fucking riddles three. It was a screenshot of like the, the lobby bullshit from DBZ. Yep. Yep. Navigate, find the right dude. Uh-huh. I like fucking fall guys play. Why the fuck? Like, god damn it. It's pretty like, I found the tweet.
Starting point is 02:45:02 I had re, I had retweeted it before. I will retweet it now if you want to go to my Twitter and find it. It's, it's just a lot of like, again, design ideas that are like not quite fully baked and I don't want to hang out in a fucking lobby and bang my fucking plastic sword against some person. And hope I get a match. I want to hit the ranked match button and wait 10 seconds and get no match. Yeah. God bless K.I. You just, you, you press start, you go right to online, you play a match, you go.
Starting point is 02:45:38 Like it is, it is goofy that they have that. But, but all things considered with that, that's the separate from that though. Just like, yeah, the, the ranked system, like I think it's again, it's coming from the same place where Strive really wants to like not have, um, like they're doing a lot that they think is going to make people that are not familiar with fighting games more comfortable. And like, I, I don't think that stuff matters as much as we think it did because we've seen it's making people who do play fighting games uncomfortable. We've seen so many examples over the years of like, you know, misdiagnosing the problem
Starting point is 02:46:15 with interest, you know, and, and, and if I, if fighting games is a, it's a complicated thing where you just like, you keep thinking that it's this problem or that problem inputs, uh, uh, HUD, leniency, you know, speed, but like people are willing to learn to play things if they're having fun with the process. I mean, no matter how basic, no matter how complex, like people are doing way more complicated things when they're playing a MOBA, uh, people are playing a game like Rocket League and not really thinking twice about driving down the field and hitting the ball. But then discovering like an infinite fucking cavern of depth to fall into and are embracing
Starting point is 02:46:57 that, you know, um, a lot of these things I think are mixed misdiagnosis. Yeah, but, uh, as far as being able to play a fucking decent match of a goddamn game goes, uh, Accent Core is, is the latest and like between that and KOF 2002, I think this fucking rollback everywhere system needs to continue. And a lot of retro, I can't believe I'm calling it that, but a lot of classics that, oh my God, are like otherwise called Accent Core plus retro. I know, but it's like the version, it's the best version of Guilty Gear prior to Exord, but Exord was fucking a very long time ago. You're going a decade past, like what do you, anyway, um, these are games that are
Starting point is 02:47:55 fucking awesome and worth it. So yeah, like take your best old category, uh, catalog game, throw some rollback on that bitch and set it loose, you know, so that's gonna be dropping. Uh, October 29th. And I fucking love, like the Guilty Gear XX series, like those games are just great. And of note for being the first fighting games of note to have 800 by 600 sprites, very pretty. Um, I'll see where this goes, but right now SNK and ArcSys doing it, right? Um, and you know, and in the, oh, the, the, the place it was going to go is, I just wanted to say, but you know what game has way better sprites, Woolly? King of Fighters? KWF 13. Yeah, King of Fighters. Those sprites are gorgeous, man. I mean, god damn.
Starting point is 02:48:52 Oh man. You're such a shit. All right. What gameplay? Look how beautiful those frights are. Oh no, this is so pretty. You can change the colors. Um, man, it's so worth it. Well, anyway, uh, so, so, uh, I don't know what this, uh, means, but right now Korea has rated something called Mass Effect Legendary Edition. And the rumor has it. Oh, that was, uh, that's, that's the trilogy. Remaster Trilogy. Rumor has it. That's what, uh, that's what that means. Uh, they were, they were talking about the, they, they, they talked about this a while ago at some
Starting point is 02:49:46 point where it was supposed to be coming a little while ago, uh, but they ran into the issue that when they fucking like upscaled everything, that ME1 looks like shit compared to the other two games. So they wanted to go back and spend more time on juicing up ME1 so that it, it, it didn't look like such a trash pile next to the other two. Okay. So then it's pretty much then more than rumor at this point then. That's like likely what it's like. It's, it's been leaked out like a dozen times now. Okay. Uh, previously planned for a late 2020 release delayed to early 2021. Yeah. Okay. Well, um, the rating was for PS4, X-Bone and PC safe to assume that's going to be expanded. Yeah. Um, but yeah, that's cool. Uh, did we talk about the backwards compatibility list last week?
Starting point is 02:50:54 We did not, but I was going to bring it up so we can jump right over there because we got a list of, uh, publishers talking about what will and will not be backwards compatible and, uh, fucking surprise, surprise, obviously PT will not work on your PS5. They actually got a word from Konami who asked if people could play PT on the PS5 to which they said fucking no. Who cares about that shit? Did you see the real deal? Afrosamurai two, one of the only games not playable on the PS5. Oh my God. Confront the sadness of not being able to play Afrosamurai two. It's, oh my God. What a shame. That's that PS5 backwards compatible. This is actually pretty good. There's only like
Starting point is 02:51:48 12 games on that whole thing that aren't man. Sure. I guess like Fury really was the palette cleanser, huh? Seems like it. Like that came along and kind of like righted some of those wrongs, but I still have such weird feelings about Afrosamurai. It's just, there's not many things where I'm like, okay. And then you look closer and you go, ah, you pull back and then you're like, no, keep it on the surface level, make it a concept. I want it to be an album cover, an art book, maybe I want some, some cool poses, but I don't want to actually see what's happening here. Yeah. So they had that release on, they had that on the release list. They also had a bunch of shit that they talked about where they explained that one, the PSN store will be
Starting point is 02:52:49 dropping all PS3, PSP and Vita games off the mobile purchase option. That's the weirdest thing, because it's like, why? They're making some crazy new version of the store that does not want you to be able to buy old console games on your phone. Do you think they'll be able to make a version of the store that doesn't lag horribly? I hope so. And if the video they showed is anything to go off of, yes, because they said in that video that, so we saw the teardown and then the next PS5 video they had this week was the UI, right? So they showed off what the new cross media bar replacement will be. And essentially it's a cross media bar, but smaller in the top left. And now there's cards. And these cards are anything from in-game trophies that are incomplete,
Starting point is 02:53:50 to tips, to news announcements, to sessions that you can join in on, to ads for different games from the same publisher, I'm sure. And they even mentioned in some cases, and this actually, I'm like, that's, you know what? That makes sense. The thing with our publisher or developer implemented tips where you just don't have to go to Google, where people would be like, if you're going to pause and go to Google to look something up, they're like, we want you to be able to do that on the console anyway. And I'm like, okay, I get that, because that is a thing that happens often enough. Because they mentioned specifically that jumping on YouTube, going through spoilers, to find exactly what you're looking for is not a great experience. So yeah, now they'll be able
Starting point is 02:54:36 to spoil you right there. How to beat the final boss for Dad. Never press down on day one. Never press down on the PS4. PS4, I will never forget. Dark Souls 3. The day it came out. I hit down and saw the final boss just right there and fucking in front of my face. And it sucks. I couldn't believe that the alternative or that the the fix for that is for from soft to take those areas of the game and make them unrecordable. Because that's what Sony would say is just make it so that you can't record those parts of the game. Then they won't be spoiled by anything. See, developers should be using our block recording feature to not spoil other gamers. And it's like, fuck off, design it in a way where that doesn't happen to you. Where the live stream isn't the first thing that you see when
Starting point is 02:55:32 you hit down. Don't just have it be at the bottom of the list. Don't have a shit design and then make it so that like the developer can choose to opt parts of the game out from being recorded. Just don't put it in a place where you could accidentally fucking see it like that, you know. It's anyway. So yeah, we got cards now. But they're saying in that video that the store will be part of that entire front end. So if the store is running, like right there and you're not going off to some shitty website, I assume it will be better. But who fucking knows? Who knows? That would be nice. But yeah, that's all getting pulled down on what did they say like within a couple days. 29th or something like that. I guess you still be able to buy shit through their respective
Starting point is 02:56:36 through the game itself. Yeah, through the console itself. If you have a PS3 Vita or PSP, you can go to the shop and buy it, but you can no longer do it remotely through a website exactly. So you got that going down. Then yeah, just a couple other little things. There's a cool kick starter that popped up. And again, Kickstarter alerts. So check it out, support if you feel like it scratches your interest, but read it obviously and judge accordingly. But Eagle Knight Paradox is something that I thought looked pretty. And it's described as a side-scrolling action mecha platformer with a unique slice of life twist. When I saw the gameplay, it looked and reminded me much of like Banguyo where you are navigating a lot of enemies tracking,
Starting point is 02:57:29 you're dashing, boosting, slashing, shooting, and then at one point popping off with a big body explosion. And it looks rad. It looks nice. It's obviously classic sprite style, but really beautiful backgrounds. Check out the Kickstarter for it. Again, it's called Eagle Knight Paradox. Knight as in K and I. And you got... Let's take a look. And then there's a slice of life angle to it, which involves a scruffy-nosed kid and some western designs that are very... That looks hot. Very sci-fi. Yeah, take a peek. Painterly backgrounds. Looks good. That kid is not who I would expect to get in that room. Yeah, for sure. For sure. The character...
Starting point is 02:58:28 Those look like two completely different games. The character wandering around with his dog on crutches and kind of just looking cute is not at all what I expected from the gameplay, which I first saw in a gift form, which was like fucking high-octane mecha action shit. Even the color palette is completely different between the two sections. That's really interesting. Yeah. So, you know, see what you think. Right now, I'm looking at the Canadian prices, obviously, but it's at 12.8 K of a 22.5 requested. So that's what's up. Investigate and see how you feel. Never played it, but Phantom Breaker Omnia, a new anime fighting game, announced straight to get into fighting games, quite frankly, because this looks like some rad shit
Starting point is 02:59:24 to check out. And I had no idea... I don't think I ever played the original thing this was based on, but... This is based off of Dojin. But it looks like some fucking... Yeah, that's some anime-ass... That looks like Meltyblood. Apparently it was... Yeah, since 2013, and I'm like, I don't know how this missed the radar, but by all means, let's take a look at that, see what's going on with it, see if it sticks. And then Sega had a couple of announcements. So let's go in order here. Sega announced Streets of Kamurocho out as of yesterday. It is a beat-em-up. Apparently, 10 minutes long. It is a beat-em-up featuring Majima and Kiryu,
Starting point is 03:00:24 just doing beat-em-up things, 2D sprites, apparently one level, and enemies just spawn forever. So not really a big thing. It's already gone. Wow. Huh. When they said limited time, holy fuck, they weren't kidding. I thought you would have had more than a day. I'm... I'm sure you'll be able to get it somehow. It came out on the 17th. Today is the 19th. That's ridiculous. Okay. Well, anyway, so there's that. Then they also had Armor of Heroes, which was another thing. And I think Sega's celebrating an anniversary where they changed all the artwork on their Steam games to be like classic Sega style and things like that. So yeah, just, I guess, these games, if these games came and gone, then fucking whatever. But I'm not going to skip ahead,
Starting point is 03:01:33 because most importantly, is Golden Axed is a part of this. And Golden Axed is a Golden Axe vertical slice pitch that was made for a game that was supposed to happen, didn't, and it too is a part of this... Yeah, one of the devs who made it was like, it's kind of fucked up that this prototype they crunched out of me and my team is just being put up without our knowledge as like, isn't this cool when they were just like crunching us into dirt saying they wanted a God of War clone? So Tim Dawson on Twitter came up and basically spoke about Golden Axed and said, woke up to the surprising news that Sega is releasing the Golden Axe prototype I coded in 2012 under crunch conditions. At least I'm not alone. This appears to be a surprise to everyone
Starting point is 03:02:29 I know who actually worked on it. The project was my personal nexus of nightmare hours, inept management and industry realizations and heroics achieved with a small team under unreasonable conditions. So it's an odd feeling to see it surface eight years later without context. Cool. And really bringing out that goodwill Sega. With a joke title sequence. It exists because link to Santana Mishra and I had delivered the Castle of Illusion prototype that was maintaining the studio. A producer we trusted asked us if we could make a polished gameplay prototype for an internal Golden Axe pitch in about two weeks to land a second project. Step one, two fucking weeks. We agreed because we were assured management wanted us to development
Starting point is 03:03:21 develop it our way, i.e. another miracle please, but did mandate a darker bloodier Golden Axe with splatter and decapitations and two button combat. We tried to combine all of that with the spirit of the original game. This would be this would have been a difficult line to walk at any time, but we had two weeks and no time to iterate. So we made do and just really attack the design without knowing what we would without knowing blah, knowing that we wouldn't be able to course correct as much. But luckily we had a talented team of artists, animators and sound designers. Much less like much less luckily, we also had the lead designer who thought he was designing it and sometimes Santana Mishra would have to physically block him from reaching my
Starting point is 03:04:08 workstation or he'd start explaining insights he'd received while playing a mobile port of the game on his train from the way home from work to work excuse me. He took to inventing arbitrary challenges like management wants to see an attack animation playing in game by the end of the day or they'll think the project is in trouble. While I was busy coding enemy AI and all the softlock combo systems simultaneously. A week or so in the lead campaigned for branching the prototype and making a streets of rage pitch concurrently because to him they were the same game. It took me sending a 2am email to the studio head and a let's go for coffee and chat the next morning to get it stopped. But the biggest gut punch came while a week and a half in combat was working. It was all on track. I was
Starting point is 03:04:57 called into a meeting in the big room and I put the latest build on the network and we went to see what was up. All of management was sitting around the big table. I showed the game grave faces. There was a pause. Where's the wow factor? Someone asked the lead designer once again complained it wasn't a god of war like 3d brawler that he wanted. Someone said maybe it would have been better if it it had been pre-rendered video where you could see the barbarian fighting a monster. I experienced the moment of clarity either they couldn't see what was in front of them or wanted me to feel bad because it's the only way they knew how to manage and I was the guy who made playable prototypes. I had over delivered and if they didn't want that then they had screwed up.
Starting point is 03:05:36 I had been working 14 days and I wanted home and I went home on time that day. I laid my bed staring at ceiling. They didn't want it. They wanted something else entirely. Came to my conclusion it didn't matter. I'd continue doing what I intended to do and deliver what Santana and I had planned from the beginning. It and so I did. If X and Polish were added, sounds implemented, combat timing sped up, input windows and things to make combos execute friendly, finished the build and it was revealed but the same management team that negged me earlier now lined up to tell me how good it was. I felt dead inside not just because of a long seven day work weeks and the start of RSI in my right arm that would go on to jeopardize the development of
Starting point is 03:06:21 another game called Android Cactus but because I had no trust left in the people who ran things. From the Steam page description, golden axed may be a janky, may be buggy, may be an artifact of its time but it offers a unique glimpse into the prospect of a project that could have been. Go fuck yourself, parasites. Yes, that gets a bunch of assholes. So that's Tim Dawson who made it basically going what the fuck? Yeah. Really, really bringing in that goodwill by putting that out.
Starting point is 03:07:01 Um, I assume nobody involved in putting that onto like, you know, public release um, had any knowledge of any of that shit and just said, oh cool. You guys, I found this golden X prototype in my drawers. Yeah, well, I mean, there's a reason why they threw these things up for 48 hours. Like, that's the most ridiculous window of time I've heard for a release of anything. That's a, we don't want you to see this release. Enjoy it if you're paying attention, but if you're not paying attention, then man, don't look too hard, you know.
Starting point is 03:07:41 Um, yeah. Also, Neo added punch fist weapons. It's pretty sick. Neo continues to be rad. I'm, I, why is that game got to take forever to come to the PC? Makes me sad. Anyway, Sega, come on. They're not going to stop.
Starting point is 03:08:10 They're in with the Yakuza. Are you fucking kidding me? Yeah. Well, listen, I, I, um, I like, well, it's just, it's, it's funny how like, you know, the game kind of drops as this thing that's like, ha ha, check out our prototype. Never came out, but whoa, look at this weird Jackie shit, huh? And then dude comes out and goes, fuck you. I died for two weeks making this thing and got shit on for it.
Starting point is 03:08:44 Like it just takes all the wind out of that dumb joke sale, you know? Um, so that's what we need to see. Anyway, let's take some letters. Oh, before we go at one last piece of news, uh, coming hot from one Mandalore's Twitter, there are rumors that one Hideki Naganuma of Jet Set Radio fame will be composing for Smash Brothers in the future. All right. So that's going to be very interesting if those tracks do come to smash.
Starting point is 03:09:24 Now, now hold on a minute, because as an avid follower of Hideki Naganuma aka Skankfunk on Twitter, I have been very, very aware of his daily posting habits, which consists of pretty much being horny on main 24 seven. And when he's not horny on main, he lets you know by tweeting out, I am not horny tonight. Okay, uh, then, uh, whenever someone cute sends a message going, will you be my funky uncle? He sends the heart eyes out and he can eat. He gets mad thirsty and he doesn't hide it. Um, so God bless.
Starting point is 03:10:11 He is a genius behind the ones and twos and his Twitter is a wild ass ride because he's basically like, I am a weird Japanese composer man having fun with American kids on Twitter. Also, I like Family Guy. And it's just like, what? Um, but yeah, what he, what, where is this based on? Where is this coming from? What does Mandalore have as a, I sent you the tweet. It's in your discord chat.
Starting point is 03:10:48 Ah, yes. Okay. Okay. Well, I didn't see where you were going with this. You're right. He does like to have fun with American kids on Twitter. Hey. Yep.
Starting point is 03:11:09 If you've got a letter, you can send, if you got a letter, you can send it into castle super beast mail at Where's that wolves castle super beast mail at Your letter might sound something like the one woolly is going to read in just a moment. Uh, Marcox says, dear castle super, we only read emails with witty names. Beast recently after much talk about card games. I decided to give Pokemon the TCG, um, the TCG. That's, that doesn't make sense.
Starting point is 03:11:52 What, what a training card game. Uh, a tribe because the theme decks and formats allow you to buy just a deck and play with it instead of gambling with card packs and it's pretty fun. However, you can't actually buy packs or decks with real money. You have to start gathering with fun poke bucks in a single player mode and, uh, or playing with versus a shitty free deck. Uh, so to buy a theme deck or individual card packs, if you want more, you have to buy a real physical deck, uh, that comes with codes that get fed into the online game.
Starting point is 03:12:29 So since I only want to play it online, my options are to go to Amazon and buy e-waste that I'm never going to use or buy codes from online resellers that are significantly cheaper than buying packs 25 or 50 online codes versus five us for real card packs. Um, excuse me, 25 us for 50 codes versus five us for one pack in real life, Nintendo or whoever that manages the online system just refuses to sell their own online game. So my question is, what are the worst cases of money left on the table? You've seen where the people just refuse to make money regardless of how easy it would be. Atlas porting things.
Starting point is 03:13:07 That was my answer. Ding, ding, ding. Number one survey says Atlas. Having the biggest anime franchise in video games and you don't want the money from it. Cool. Sounds good. Yeah. Good.
Starting point is 03:13:29 Yeah. Got what? Who would want to buy this game? This game's a year old. So much ground swell for something that no one can play. This reminds me. Have you seen, uh, criticals fucking card videos? No.
Starting point is 03:13:54 I always read it as, I always read the name as critical. Uh, it's, it's just like he'll, he does these fucking, uh, fucking card opening where he opens like TGC cards, like in the foils. Uh, and like the names of the videos are opening up some cards, got lots of cards. It's totally fine. I don't have a problem. I can stop whenever I want and the thumbnails are just him coming into his room with just like eyebrow amounts of fucking playing cards.
Starting point is 03:14:31 I mean, look, if it, like, I could just sit there and, and, and make a teppen deck on stream and, and see who would want to watch that shit. Um, you know, but I also like teppen is my downtime thing. So like I turn it on to relax and not be on, you know? Um, yeah. Uh, we got one coming in from Acabane 101 says, hello, Willie and Pat. Hey, my name is Acabane 101 aka Dalton longtime fan, uh, from way back in the day.
Starting point is 03:15:14 And I listened to your podcast where I'm working, uh, dairy in a grocery store in Ontario, being in such an environment, I have to turn on the podcast many times on and off throughout the day to assist customers. So I sometimes miss the games you two are talking about. I start getting really engaged with your discussion, wondering what the game is, only for you to move on to another topic. And, uh, without mentioning the title, would it be possible to bookend your discussions by giving the games another mention?
Starting point is 03:15:39 So whenever I get the chance, I sub I intentionally do this as much as I can. I like it. I might not do it every single topic because that's a very hard thing to do in a podcast that sometimes lasts five hours, but, and we talk about a lot of things, but whenever I can, as we're wrapping up, I do my best to say, and so that's whatever the thing is. And, and, and to be honest, that's about the best I can give you. Um, and beyond that, there are timestamps that are available the night of the podcast day of on the website.
Starting point is 03:16:18 So if you go to, uh, the castle, you can, you can see the timestamps right there alongside the episode in case you need to help with it, uh, whatever the case may be, if you can't find the part. But, um, yeah, as much as I can help with that, I try to mention it at the end of the topic. And there are timestamps available. It's no, it used to be a week later. Now it goes up the exact same time as the episodes do. So yeah, timestamp man is a real hero.
Starting point is 03:16:46 Absolutely. Real champ. So just in case you were not aware of that, you can catch those on the, on the official site. Um, I'd like to make a correction to an earlier joke I made. Apparently poor Hideki Naganuma is the victim of him telling a terrible Charlie Chaplin joke amongst multiple tweets over several hours, which highly confused what the fuck he was actually saying on Twitter. Sure.
Starting point is 03:17:32 Uh, last one over here from, uh, Woden says, Dear halfling druid and barbarian mind flayer started playing pillars of eternity recently and discovered a genre specific annoyance. Any guides or discussions I found online about this or similar games have been very reluctant to ascribe any actual best outcome for in game events. Instead of giving advice to just do what makes the most sense for your character. Um, but what if the thing I want, uh, that makes the most sense for the character is to be completionist and aim for the best outcomes in every event.
Starting point is 03:18:11 Baldur's gate three discussion specifically troubled me because I knew I would lose my mind with the knowledge that a command, uh, that a command that my stats should guarantee success can fail anyway, even outside of battle. I really want to like this genre because while I do enjoy the general gameplay and usually the stories, I find these janky tabletop role player experiences and mechanics frustrating at the least, even though I know that is a major draw for a lot of the fans of the genre. I have to wonder if there's any hope for me enjoying this type of game. Have you felt this type of frustration towards Azure's Conor genre's core component?
Starting point is 03:18:48 There's a lot of situations in pillars one that don't have cut and dry best solutions. They don't even have cut and try best solutions from a gameplay perspective. Yeah. Uh, if you have a 19 and something and you roll a fucking fail on that, then all I can say is like it sucks, but part of the experience is living with that. Like you have to kind of go into it. No, but expect like, I mean, uh, uh, like, uh, there's a fucking pillars has a really good example where there's a boss that you can kill and he's a really tough boss fight and you get tons of gear and experience from him and you put his cousin on the throne as a result.
Starting point is 03:19:31 But doing so makes you have to fight an even tougher boss at random. Well, not at random, but it's like a surprise encounter much later in the game and it can fuck your ass up. Whereas, uh, that actually leads to a, like that's good for gameplay purposes, but leads to a negative ending, despite what you may think. And, uh, just letting him do whatever actually ends up being more positive overall and has its own benefits. So yeah, there's a lot like these types of games almost never have cut and dry. The best, what I was going to say is like, if you've got a mind goblin that needs to have the best route, then like that sucks because you can't really get around that problem.
Starting point is 03:20:12 But mentally, I got to go, I look at this as the same type of thing where like a roguelike, you're, you're going to get past a bunch of stuff, not seeing all the permutations, right? You're going to have a bunch of cool things that could have happened to you that don't in your run. It's the nature of the genre. And I don't think you get to the end of a roguelike being like, Oh shit, like I didn't see every single permutation in a way. Like I think you have to kind of just put it almost in a pseudo category like that, where you go, my experience is meant to be unique here. And if I replay it, I'll get a different one, but it's not meant to be like a normal game where you actually get all 12 endings of shadow of the hedgehog.
Starting point is 03:20:54 Shadow of the hedgehog has 12 and that's correct. Why? Because he's not sonic. That's a weird answer. He is all that he is all he is. Anyway, okay, we'll leave it on that. All right. Are they else left to plug walls? I mean, you never know what's going to show up on Willy versus. So, okay, that's obviously true.
Starting point is 03:21:50 Stop trying to figure it out. I promise you you won't you will never get you have a podcast named will you'll figure it out. You can't tell people to stop trying to figure it out. Okay, we'll stop trying. You won't be like, I don't know what's coming up on Willy versus. So you won't know. Okay, that's all right. And you can check out my crap over at slash past stairs at as always. Hope to see you there. And before we end, I just have to tell all of you that of course dogs can talk. Sure. Good night, everybody. Good night. So So
Starting point is 03:25:15 you

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