Castle Super Beast - CSB 093: Don't Edge My Size Problem

Episode Date: November 10, 2020

Download for Mobile | Podcast Preview | Full Timestamps The Kar98 would kill in one shot no matter the location hit, even if it was someone's toe. It had pixel perfect accuracy. But being a bolt a...ction rifle it had very slow rate of fire. On the other hand the Garand could fire quite fast, about as fast as the BR in Halo without the burst fire. Would one shot on hits to the head or chest, anywhere else took two. It wasn't super accurate like the Kar98. You can't reload until you run the gun dry, I think you know the iconic ping of a Garand running out of ammo. You can watch us record the podcast live on Outro: Spark the Electric Jester OST_ 13 - MiniBoss 4 Visit to get Honey for FREE today! --Go to to start your 100-day trial today! DevilMayCry 5 Special Edition launches THIS WEEK digitally on Next Gen consoles Last Guardian DISC version only has 60fps on PS5 compatibility Yakuza Creator Nagoshi Apprehensive About Putting Kiryu In Fighting Games: “Fighting games generally have female characters, and personally I don’t really want to see Kiryu beating up women.” Mass Effect Legendary Edition arrives Spring 2021 VARVARION's First Trailer is Out! Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate will allow custom variations in tournament play and Kombat League The dream of 60 FPS Bloodborne is dead Capcom game developer hit by the Ragnar Locker ransomware gang: In a ransom note seen by BleepingComputer, the attackers claim to have stolen 1 TB of unencrypted files Sega Sells Its Arcade Business

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Starting point is 00:00:00 YEEEEAK! Hey, how's it going? It's going alright. The best thing in my life has come home after many days away. That would be my wonderful lady Peach Saliva, who I can see wobbling down the stairs, with the aid of her cane and five, count them five, different types of pain medications of escalating power.
Starting point is 00:00:57 Yeah, mobility is back though. Yes, mobility and the ability to go to the bathroom at all has returns. That's important. Which is great. That's important. The only downside that we seem to be able to find, aside from the fact that I mean she's walking with a K right now because her back's still hurt,
Starting point is 00:01:21 is she seems listless, kind of sad, and we couldn't figure out why, until I realized that upon coming out of the hospital, my wonderful lady is no longer chasing the dragon every three hours for eleven days straight, and is probably straight kicking it right now. Yeah. Right, there's that part of it too, isn't there?
Starting point is 00:01:52 Mmm. Like going from three hours a day, what, what is that, twelve? No, God, oh no, that's bad. Eight morphines a day to zero. I mean, how many till you get that good old dependency like synapse? Well, it depends. The people that I've known on morphine are Paige and my dad, and the answer can be as low as one.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Dad, dad had his heart operation, and then when they blasted him with the morphine, he remarked to me, I can see why people steal this. But he had like a fucking torn open, sawed up rib cage, like heart operation, so that's different. But regardless, my life is starting to come back in order because I now have peach saliva to hassle me with the cane. However, apologies to those of you at home,
Starting point is 00:03:01 particularly the live viewers who are now listening to this at 6pm, because the people fixing the cracks in my house, the leaks in my house are digging up my yard all day with robots and jackhammers and pickaxes and yelling and listening to rap music. Terrible, terrible French rap music in my backyard. Oh yeah, definitely get back. Okay, all right, because France is all right. As a result, it is not a workable scenario up until about 5.30pm,
Starting point is 00:03:46 so you all will be getting your live podcasts later in the day, and probably your regular ass recorded podcasts in the Tuesday area, which is actually the real podcast day that everybody likes to forget. Yeah, possibly a little later than the usual, but everything moves a little bit. So they disappear into the night, do they? Well, let's start the shit right now. Unless they want to set up floodlights, I don't see how they can do yard work.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Yeah, that's also probably violating, like, OSHA. Also, they started at 8am, so like, they definitely put in a whole day of hard working man. My yard looks like a, it doesn't look like a yard anymore. It looks like someone is digging for gold. Well, the topic of construction in Montreal tends to never be one of, hey look, they put in an honest day's work, so... Well, it's different because I asked these guys to come here.
Starting point is 00:05:01 Right, fair enough. I was like, hello, can you please come to my house and fix the part with the water? And they went, okay. Can't do a no-show on like a requested job, I suppose. It's also, it would be very difficult to really fuck the dog on it as I can turn my head and just see if they're working or not. It's not like it's in a hidden area of the house. Like, I can look out that window and see them.
Starting point is 00:05:32 But you know that if they were smoking the reefer and doing nothing at all, I would see it. But you know that like, sometimes if they're taking jobs at Grand-Mama Etienne's house, they might be like setting up the whole watcher to stand around and watch the whole. Well, you gotta have a guy to watch the whole. So. You gotta, it's important. And I'm watching that guy watch the whole. It's important.
Starting point is 00:06:05 Whole watch supervision, absolutely. So what's going on? I had a, you know what's, hey, Willie, did you know it's new console week? Yeah, I suppose it is, isn't it? Yeah, people are talking about new consoles. We have acquaintances and friends that have a hold of the new consoles. And then I look at my Amazon order that I got and I'm like, hey, wait a second. That said it was going to be delivered on Friday.
Starting point is 00:06:35 And now it says, I don't know law. What's up with that? And then one long conversation about, and I even, I even, I don't know if you remember this had a like, contacted Amazon chat the following day and was like, hey, man, is am I definitely going to get it? And I had a really like nice consumer interaction with the Amazon man and I tweeted like photo of it because he was like, oh man, I tried to get one. I couldn't get one. I'm like, oh, thanks guy to confirm that I was in fact ordering and had been guaranteed to get one on the Friday after the things launch. And then I talked to a nice lady.
Starting point is 00:07:17 He's like, yeah, never says in your file that you had, you were on the first shipment. I'm like, what first shipment? We're like, well, it's possible that the manufacturer didn't send us the allotted amount that we had told them we needed to be sold. Like, wait, they didn't send you enough or you oversold? The manufacturer didn't send us the allotment that we had attributed due to the, it's like, oh, you oversold pre-orders massively. Great. Okay. When's the second batch lady? We're arguing with the manufacturer now and we'll let you, thank you.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Thank you for nothing. It's the game. We're literally nothing. It's the same game. It's always been, you know, nothing changes under the sun. Like, I, game retail has been so fucked up ever since ET. Like everyone is so fucking terrified of sitting on even one extra unit or what have you. Well, it's not just that, but it's like, if you do a massive increase to your production upfront and then you end up making a bunch to satisfy demand on launch.
Starting point is 00:08:38 When that inevitably drops off very sharply, you have way too much production line and that's pretty expensive. So that's true. It's more beneficial to have the scarcity occur upfront and then have demand last longer and keep things overall big, big grubby, grubby, hand excite. And the buyer's market doesn't start occurring until way down the line and it stays a seller's market for a very long time. Like that's just better for them as a company. That is 100% on point. However, I retort with, I bought that console off Amazon before the listing even went live. So how many people got those goddamn, how many people got notified that, uh-oh, like your shit didn't actually count or whatever?
Starting point is 00:09:35 Like it must be most people who, like they must have massively oversold those things. Like, maybe I'm not some kind of genius, but if you don't have an item, you shouldn't sell it. That's my non-genius take. Yeah. If you don't have things, you shouldn't sell it. Sure. But, you know, the, the, as, again, as discussed, pre-orders give you that quantifiable number beforehand. Get, let's them show that number off.
Starting point is 00:10:07 You can get the big old, uh, uh, investors high off of that. You get lots of benefits to, to basically going, hey, look, we can, uh, we can basically at treat it as if we've made sales before the sales exist. It's just, it's true. There's no, there's, there's few downsides except for the frustration that you feel right now. That's the only real downside and that's a downside to you. That's not a downside to them. I have a better solution. I have a better solution.
Starting point is 00:10:35 You take those investors and you kindly imply that they should in fact go be dumped in the ocean and have a swim in the ocean. So yeah, I saw buttons, got his hand on some buttons and, uh, tried out the controller. Oh, I'm going to get the controller. No problem. Those have no problem. Um, sounds good so far. The, uh, the trigger concerns might be alleviated. So this is nice.
Starting point is 00:11:08 I'm happy about that. I saw people playing, uh, doom music through the haptics. Sure. Sure. Um, bizarre. Saw some KOF 12 gameplay, which was, which was fucking wild. 12. You played 12 with it.
Starting point is 00:11:24 Like, uh, what a nut. Yeah, exactly. That's why he must really love those sprites. And, uh, you know, he must really, really love those sprites. So that, um, obviously, uh, uh, you know, Gene's doing his thing and a couple of, uh, you know, confirms things that were, uh, question marks are now hard confirms with it. Right. So, um, you know, a bunch of it is still runs like shit. A bunch of it's on the docket, but you can see that bloodborne is not going to, uh, be the dream 60 FPS version.
Starting point is 00:12:03 And, uh, not only that, but the weirdest one being the last guardian will get 60 FPS on PS5 backwards compatibility only if you use the disc version. Yeah. Cause it's not patched with an FPS lock. Exactly. So the downloaded digital version has a patch on it that completely locks the FPS to 30. So another, you know, instance of, um, like there's things about digital that, that are, that are not great. Um, it's such a weird ass outcome in the end that's unintended. And, uh, yeah, it's, it's just, I can't believe that's the case, but it's like when it launched, they didn't have a frame rate cap on it.
Starting point is 00:12:53 And then they patched one in and now the raw version of the game will play better and look better than the patched version. Fucking crazy. I want to give a shout out to the source. The shop former we know as Radio Shack. Because they, when you pre-ordered your PS5 there charged you outright immediately and that shit disappeared right quick. And I inquired with them, Hey, if my order says it's in process and you charged me and ladies like, Oh no, you're going to get it. Like we don't, we don't charge people for stuff that we don't have in stock. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:39 Great. Thank you. And like, could you have the shipping go faster? Cause it's only going to show up on the 19th and she's like, no. And I'm like, man, then I was sad. But hey, shout out to the source. So right now they're on track for you. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Yeah. Thanks Radio Shack. You saved my channel. And it really, but it was all over otherwise. Cool. I wanted to play Demon Souls. Yeah. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:14:14 On the channel. You see that character creator? Yeah. Who cares? Looks fucking incredible. Creating a character stupid. Take two seconds. Take, take one of the defaults that looks kind of like you and then change the hair color to match yours and you're done.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Right. Okay. So to everyone else on the planet, how cool did that shit look right? The faces are so much better than they used to the details are way improved. I'm really happy about the character creator improvements. That looks great. Demon Souls doesn't have any glamour options. If you want to see your character's face, you'll have to wear an open face helmet guarantee.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Like your character is 99 times out of 100 going to wear a helmet. You won't see it. Yeah. Anyway, so that's cool. Like a monster hunter made more sense because you could take your helmet off as a visual option. But in Demon Souls, like it's not a, it's not a thing. In all the Souls games, it's not a thing. The hell in Dark Souls, they even made fun of people who created their character by turning you into a big hamburger man.
Starting point is 00:15:18 You remember hamburger man? No. You don't remember being turned into a hamburger when you started Dark Souls one? Oh, undead. Yeah, sure. Yeah. Right. You're gross.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Yeah. And then you, and then you get it back and you're like, hey, there, that's what I was supposed to look like. Yeah. Then you put a helmet on and it's gone forever. All right. Now let me know where I, where I check my, my schedule to see what the hell I played this week because I can't remember. As my memory fades with time more and more and more. Oh Christ.
Starting point is 00:15:52 I beat Doom this week. The, the Doom DLC. Um, how'd you feel about the base game's boss fights? I liked them. I liked them. I, I, I, I always like a, like one-on-one encounters. Um, but in both 2016 and in this case, I, I, I did enjoy them. The, um, the final boss of 2016 was the weakest by far.
Starting point is 00:16:24 Uh-huh. But, but I didn't mind the, um, uh, um, I forgot what it was. The, the, the Cyber Demon and, uh, Icon was more of a, like, challenge room than it was a boss fight really. You know? Yeah. Well, what if I told you that the final boss of the Doom DLC looks at all the bosses that the, the modern dooms have had and said, Let's do Icon of Sin in a room half the size with, uh, electric floor moving lasers everywhere. And also fill the room with two super heavies that are empowered to be immune to all of their weaknesses.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Which room? And half the size of the first room or the second room? Of the Icon of Sin second room. Second room. Okay. It's like a 20 by 20 foot room. Have lasers going everywhere that you have to jump around and have, uh, two super heavies be empowered by those spirits that make them twice as fast and shoot twice as hard. And when you kill one, you have to use the microwave beam to stand in place and detonate it while all the other enemies in the room, uh, stomped you to death.
Starting point is 00:17:37 Um, and you have to do it over five phases. Yeah. Okay. Hazard bullshit sounds terrible. It's woolly. You could literally go to a part of that stream and I was on that fight for like an hour and click to any random part in that. And that boss fight and just be seeing me get killed from lasers coming from behind me that I couldn't see or getting a dive bombed off of like by double fast enemies that I couldn't see. Or, or some of the enemies in there are temporarily invincible unless you hit weak points after they start attacks.
Starting point is 00:18:09 It's everything wrong with the game's systems combined into one boss fight. It is, I would say the one part of doom eternal that is just genuinely terrible. Yeah, that sounds. I mean, just not on paper, uh, with those details, like a hazard room should not represent the peak test of your abilities that, uh, while also allowing you to play the game at its funnest. Uh, you know, you should be allowing the player to like do the most they can while overwhelming them with the boss, if anything, and hazards, uh, if used could be, you know, temporary attacks. They could be parts of a boss sequence. For example, uh, there's there's the cyber demon skipping rope sections. You know, yeah, which was cool.
Starting point is 00:19:03 That's fine. It's a, it's a segment of the fight, but to, uh, turn the whole fight into that is a really bad idea. Yeah. It's, it's a slog. It's so miserable. Um, and then you get to the end and there's a to those who think to those who automatically think get good. I ask, uh, it does. Is the result always fun though?
Starting point is 00:19:33 Let's say you're good and you managed to complete it. That doesn't necessarily equal a fun time. These two things are, I was miserable the whole time. These are divorced concepts from each other. So yes, you must get good to succeed, but that doesn't answer the discussion of whether or not the thing was fun. These are two separate miserable, two separate discussions. Absolutely awful. Um, and then your reward for beating that boss is the story takes what I would call a turn.
Starting point is 00:20:03 Um, which I didn't expect. And it seems like the kind of turn that would be just tailor made for you and I for the doom storyline. Like, hey, Pat and Willie, you know that thing you guys like in those games. Here's one of those. Hope you'll enjoy it. And my, my feeling instead was that seems really stupid. Oh, that just seems really dumb. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Okay. So I'm getting the impression that you're left this game. I'm getting the impression that you were, uh, disappointed with it. I was very dissap... That DLC starts strong and gets weaker as it goes. Hmm. Which is like kind of the opposite of the base game, which just kept ramping up. Um, it's just, it's just not as good as the base game.
Starting point is 00:21:03 Like it's, it's like if the base game was a nine, then this is like a seven and a half. And what about 2016? I would put 2016 in eternal as the same. They're just very different. They're, they're, they're different flavors of the same. They're, they're different meals at a good restaurant. Whereas this one is the knockoff restaurant down the road. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:21:33 Okay. Kind of a bummer. I do plan to take a look at it though. So I'll find this. You should. Uh, what was not a bummer was, did you play disc room? No, um, but it's that, uh, it's that like eight bit looking thing, right? It's that devolver joint.
Starting point is 00:21:56 That's like a top down meat boy. Hmm. Yeah. No, I don't really know what it is. It's really actually kind of confusing. It's like, it's like, you look at it like an Isaac kind of perspective or like Smash TV. Um, and, uh, you're just, it's just like a room will just fill with a million saw blades and you have to dodge them.
Starting point is 00:22:20 And as you progress through these rooms, you'll get, uh, you'll get a criteria like get killed by different 15 different types of saw blades or finish or live 20 seconds in 10 different rooms, uh, or shit like that. And you'll eventually get, uh, uh, upgrades that would allow you to move faster or clone yourself or teleport a little bit to like bullet hellish. Yeah. Very bullet hellish, but the bullets are gigantic. It's really weird.
Starting point is 00:22:48 It's very charming. It's incredibly difficult. Uh, the music, if I remember correctly, was great too. Unfortunately, when I played it, my brain was just fried and all I could say was disc room. I was in, I was in that nappy state where all I could think about was being asleep. And so the all time LP crutch of just finding a word that is fun to say and just repeating it where you showed up during real nap time hours. That's correct.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Do you do that? Well, I do that when my significant other's in the hospital and I have a dog that I can't watch while I'm streaming. Okay. When I, when I, when, when there's nobody to watch the puppy and I have to figure out a time that I can stream when the puppy is, is put to bed in, in the puppy room, then yes, that is, that is why. So disc room, so do maternal DLC kind of a bummer, disc room, not a bummer.
Starting point is 00:23:56 You know what is unfortunately kind of a bummer? Did you play ghost runner? Not yet. Ghost runner has incredible stuff in it, but it also has annoying shit in it. I feel like I'm probably going to strongly disagree with you just on the surface of what ghost runner appears to be, but let's find out. I love the surface of what ghost runner appears to be. My issues with ghost runner are when it is not, when it appears, what it appears to be.
Starting point is 00:24:36 Because I have made, I've cleared shelf space in my brain for, and in my heart, I should say, I've cleared shelf space in my heart for when I get to this game. Yeah, it's a, it's a wall running, speed running, style, first person, neon ninjas, neon samurai game. All that stuff is incredible, is the best. All the stuff in that game that is not that, is not incredible. In between most levels, you go to the cyber void, which is a massively slowed down platforming sequence where you do puzzles, while some, some narrator nonsensically talks to you about
Starting point is 00:25:25 the cyber future, and they're just really slow and really dull. Okay, I don't hate that at all on its surface. I'll have to see how it's executed. I didn't hate it on its surface until I realized that characters literally never stop talking in ghost runner. Like when you're on a, when you're on a good run, like a good clip, there are characters talking to you 100% of the time in the game. Like retrying things?
Starting point is 00:25:58 Like no one ever shuts up? Like even when you're retrying missions? No, no, no, no. Not when you're retrying. In between? In between. Like say you're having a good solid run, they never shut up. And it was one of those things where when I was wall dashing, sorry, well not wall dashing,
Starting point is 00:26:14 that's not a thing. When I was wall running and doing the jumps and doing the grapple and doing, you know, doing the air, the sideways air dash that gives you bullet time to dash in the guys and cut them up. Dude, that game's incredible. And there's even melee guys that show up for area denial, and that was a lot of fun too. Sweet. Machine gun dudes that you have to give a wider berth and you're jumping around and all
Starting point is 00:26:39 sorts of stuff. So you're saying it should have super-hot it, but it didn't super-hot? My biggest problem with it is one that I wish it was like, I wish there was less story. There's zero story. And the levels were just like continued. Super hot, super hot. With no filler. Go.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Yeah. Another thing is there is a mechanic they introduced that I can't stand, and they introduce it right away. And it is the mechanic that is, you go into a room and like half the guys in the room are protected by an impenetrable shield, and the only way to kill them is to platform your way up to a shield generator and slash it. Pop the shield generator. They're usually on the sides of walls, so you'll like wall run and like slash it.
Starting point is 00:27:32 And then all the enemies unlock, and it gave me this feeling of, they give you these like, I wouldn't call them wide open areas, but there's like this path, and this path, and this path. There's like three, four ways you can go, but you have to do the shield generator first, and so there's actually only one path through the stage. That doesn't sound too bad either. It just killed my momentum on it. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:28:03 I remember like, yeah, shield generating enemies in a bunch of games are a thing, you know? I mean, Doom had those popping up in Eternal, right? Buff totems are terrible in Eternal. I hate them. I hate buff totems. They're annoying, but like they, at the end, I kind of just felt like it was just additional sweat for me. When you come across them in dead cells, same kind of thing, but you eventually get good
Starting point is 00:28:39 at like, be lining for it. You know, I guess, yeah, darkest dungeon as well. It gets really annoying in darkest dungeon, but in the end, it's just, yeah, that kind of, I don't know. I'll have to see how it's done. But again, on paper, that doesn't seem that bad. Enemy buff generators or whatever? Like in every game that they're in?
Starting point is 00:29:06 A shield generator, yeah, yeah, yeah. I find them to be like pacing killers and annoyances. They can be depending on how hard they are to kill, certainly. But if it's not too long, I don't mind. So I actually didn't, I don't usually do this, but I did like an hour or two of Ghostrunner and then I got to a stage that had a lot of the shield guys. All right, I'm out of here. Fuck it.
Starting point is 00:29:31 I'll hop over to Apex. Because Apex just came out on Steam. So is that, okay, that's why. So the most important thing to mention about Apex coming to Steam is that you don't need Origin to launch it. You just need your Origin login to launch it. Which makes all the difference in the goddamn world. If I get it on Steam, I wonder, will I be able to transfer my login progress?
Starting point is 00:29:56 You can transfer your progress if it's on the same platform. So your PC progress will transfer over. I had a lot of PS4 progress that did not transfer over. So yeah, if you played on PC, you should totally be fine. Nice. And dude, Apex had a lot of stuff added to it. A whole lot of stuff. Characters.
Starting point is 00:30:18 There's now three maps. Maps. Yeah. A lot has happened. Lore. I've been passively paying attention. Yeah. But that's all very nice.
Starting point is 00:30:29 And actually, the controller support on PCs is really nice. Apparently, there's advantages to even using a controller against messing keyboard people. It's something to do with the auto-aim when you peek around corners. Is it like Titanfall's? Because Titanfall had some really strong auto-aim that was. It's not nearly that aggressive. It's when you're doing that little peek back and forth shit around two corners, the controller players' aim will actually snap to the PC player,
Starting point is 00:30:56 whereas the master keyboard will not. So in that one situation, controller players have an advantage as opposed to all the other situations that master keyboard do. Well, I was running hybrid, so. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:31:14 It felt great. Yeah, sure. The most important thing that I could say about Apex is that I just want them to put a solo mode in the game. And everybody says, like, but the characters aren't balanced for that. And I go, I don't care. Just put a Titanfall character in there. I really don't like give me a default jump man. But that being said, did you play duos?
Starting point is 00:31:40 I didn't play duos. Duos is a lot closer to solos than I thought it was. Okay. Compared to three man teams. But you hate three man teams. I hate three man teams. I like three man teams. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:58 So I have no problem with the default mode. Okay. Okay. How I do is for those of everyone who out there that would have liked solos, but it's never going to add solos. Duos is pretty close to that experience. See, here's what I'm immediately going to imagine, though. Like what I one thing I like about three man teams is the range of abilities you have on your side. You know, I'm reminded of three on three like fighters where you have three types of assists to work with on your team that can cover you.
Starting point is 00:32:36 I like the fact that, you know, having Gibraltar and Mirage or whatever, you know, whatever your diversity of character set is, you have three unique abilities and ults that are all going to heavily help you. And if you're less than you're not going to be able to take advantage of those things, you know. Oh, I totally agree. The only thing is that in my experience playing in three man teams was that you never ever got to play in a three man team. Is that the you would be dropping and one guy would split off immediately to go to the ass end of the map. Right. And now what you were actually playing is duos against everybody else who is playing three man. So I'm also referring to three man teams with people you know in discord, right?
Starting point is 00:33:28 Yeah, like in that kind of controlled setting. I don't tend to play apex with people in discord. I tend to just hit match make. And in that particular scenario, three man teams was almost exclusively miserable. Because even if even if we all touched down at the same location, I'd be standing there and watching guy number one and guy number two do 180s from each other and run in opposite directions. And I got to pick which teammate I wanted to actually play with. Yeah. Again, I feel like playing with friends nullifies that problem and you just get the good parts of it.
Starting point is 00:34:08 And I got my first taste, I think before apex of like three man teams with that sort of like composition. Special ability idea when overwatch had many battles with the three man three versus three right overwatch three v three was a was a wild different take on the game and I really enjoyed those games. So, yeah, I don't know. I think the coordination thing is a fixable problem and that it's pretty fun when you get, you know, three characters that can cover each other's weaknesses pretty well. So here's the thing. You're completely right. However, when I play warzone, I don't have to fix a problem when I queue up because I can play solo. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:35:02 Like, like that. That's the whole reason that I like, yes, I could hassle a bunch of people to get into apex and then we would all want to play for different lengths of time. And we could only play for the length of time that the person who wanted to play the least could play with. Hmm. And when it's 530 a.m. and I'm like, oh man, I sure would like to play apex. Oh wait, no one's awake. Hmm. Like.
Starting point is 00:35:25 Yeah, I guess. I mean, I've kind of after tasting like what doing, you know, a comp and overwatch or teams in these games is like, I definitely have it as a strong preference and I would only go back to solo queuing when I can't find anybody or anything. And I want to play, but my preference would always just be to like go for playing with a team and go for playing with someone on mic and coordination. I mean, I'm not, I'm obviously not, what do you call it, a verse or unknown to playing with teams. I play with my friends and 14 every single Sunday. I was about to say, I imagine 14 is one of these games where like you can go off and do your own thing, but it's much more immensely fun when you're with people. No, it's not fun. It's required.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Do you want to play seat of sacrifice? You can either sit in party finder finding a group of morons for an hour or you can say everybody show up at 7pm on Sunday night and we'll join the party finder with the password and we'll just bang these runs out. When I want to play apex, it's me going, Hey, after this podcast ago, I'd like to play one match of apex. I'm not going to grab people in and convince them to download and play apex so that I can play one match of apex in a three man team. Yeah, that's not going to that that use case is not going to work out. So with all that said, duos is a lot closer to what I want, because at the very least, even if your teammates are moron, you can at least follow the one teammate. Like that that singular difference. Also, it's a lot easier to win a 1v2 than a than a 2v3 with dumbasses.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Like, I after having solo queue matches, like when no one was available, it definitely feels way shitter. But yeah, I don't know. I guess I'll just be like, if I can, you know, like play mostly when other when I can get people to play with, I can enjoy it as much as possible. And then when I want to get games in and no one else is around, those will be minimal. But anyway, that's besides the point. The point is, I guess, is it duos is a great addition. Okay, so is it the same number of players in the total in the map total, though? Yeah, it's 60 ish people, but just in teams of two.
Starting point is 00:38:15 Okay. So it must be way more aggressive and way more encounters. Overall, you're running in a peak. You're running into just loot shit shows constantly where I'll look, they're looting kill them. Oh, now you're looting get killed kind of thing. It's really cool. Yeah, I'm really happy that they I don't know when they added duos, honestly. But I'm glad that they have it because it actually makes me want to play the game again.
Starting point is 00:38:47 I still don't understand why they won't add a solo mode. They have said because the characters they have would not be balanced for it. But you could just make a new character. One new character? Yeah, and it's called pilot. And you can only use that character? Yeah, solo mode and it would be and it would be a Titanfall BR. It's just a different video game.
Starting point is 00:39:17 Yes. So just do it. It's just literally a different video game. Hell, I mean, you could you could actually make it you could you could make it easier where you would just say, hey, this week on solos only everybody can only play Lifeline. Or or Bloodhound or what have you. I'm not going to say, like, no, we want less features. But I do understand the the fact that like, yeah, characters are not all made to be as self sustaining. Some characters are like objectively terrible as solo.
Starting point is 00:39:57 Like they have they have abilities that only benefit their team. Like, yeah, that makes obvious sense that they're no they're not balanced for solo. But I just. I mean, how do I put this? The devs understand the problem that I have. And I know they understand that problem, which is why the game has such a lavish ping system and a button to mute your entire party before you even drop in. They're aware of the reality of the matchmaking. I just wish I could match make only with those I would like to kill.
Starting point is 00:40:45 There is a unique tension to solo Battle Royale that. You don't get with with a teammate that I can definitely understand just in terms of, you know, like the the feeling of the the tension and then the fun. Yeah, well, it's fascinating me because like I'll talk about warzone or I'll talk about PUBG and I'll encounter people that like exclusively play the team modes. And and and are baffled that anyone would ever play a battle royale in anything but a four man team like in warzone, for example. And I look at that and I am baffled. I'm I like there's nothing there couldn't be anything about that less appealing. I just know that when when games have an intended mode that like or an intended like sort of like. Yeah, like an intended mode.
Starting point is 00:41:53 You know, you kind of anything and they kind of come out somewhat bare bones. It's reasonable to expect that they're just going to focus on mainly developing up that thing and emphasizing that thing. And like other features would kind of be like, yeah, eventually we'll get to that, but it's not the priority, you know, when. Yeah, like again, I'm using the Overwatch comparison and Overwatch and a battle royale game are not the same thing. But the point in being that like when they eventually did roll out the the PvE in Overwatch or the 3v3 stuff, you know. And even those wacky things like Lucio ball, it was like many, many seasons later, you know. People of are bringing up a genuine point, which I didn't know quite how to articulate, but it was that like a solo battle royale is basically a horror game. Sure.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Like it is terrifying. Right. Yeah. What the fuck was that noise? Who's that? What 90 degrees of vision and everything around you is death. I don't know. But duos is great.
Starting point is 00:43:03 And I'm glad they added it. Did you play any of the new characters? I did not because they're not unlocked. Yeah. Right. And I wanted to play more of it and see how enjoyable it actually was before I actually spent any money on it on an internet. And one of the confusing things that I'm seeing people mention now is they're making a distinction between ranked and unranked, which I didn't even see a ranked option on the main menu. Oh, you can do unranked matches?
Starting point is 00:43:41 How? What do you mean you can do unranked matches? Wait, like what do you mean ranked and unranked? Can you explain what you mean? Sorry. I mean, I just hit the match make button and hit go. There was no, I did not earn a ranking as a result. Okay.
Starting point is 00:44:03 I earned some XP. So what was, sorry, so the first thing you said was there is a difference between ranked and unranked? Yeah, apparently they added ranked matches or some shit, which I'm now loading up the game to check because I'm so confused. Okay. Because I have no idea what the fuck that is. I hope it's not ranked matches in the same way that fucking Overwatch has ranked matches in which it's a good way to just ruin the game by balancing around this nightmare shit meta that the devs don't know what to do. Yeah, I mean, it's been a very long time since I've played it, but like, I don't remember there being any options back when I last touched it. So that must have been one of the updates.
Starting point is 00:44:48 Yeah. Back when I last played it, there was, do you want to play or not? Same. Yeah, exactly. It was literally start, start gun, go gun. Probably the weirdest thing I encountered. You remember the Mastiff shotgun that you would get out of like gold care packages? And you remember the Peacekeeper, obviously?
Starting point is 00:45:11 Yeah. The good shotgun you would get? There's the Mastiff. There's the good shot. And then there's the Mozambique, which is garbage. Yeah. They inverted the Peacekeeper and the Mastiff. They were like, wow, actually the Mastiff isn't as good as the Peacekeeper, so they just switched the two as to which is the fancy weapon and which is the weapon you find everywhere.
Starting point is 00:45:31 Oh, the drop rate? Yeah, like the gun that used to be the big fancy reward is now the gray gun you get out of everything. And the gun that everybody used to run around with all the time is now the big fancy one you'd get out of a care package. I remember reading about a change to, might have been like Lifeline's alt or like the guaranteed gold equipment. There was something about that that they made a huge change to as well so that you couldn't. They changed to like body armor worked, which was really weird. Body armor now levels up when you do damage. Levels up when you do damage.
Starting point is 00:46:18 Yeah, so say you have a gray armor and you like kill two guys, it will level up into a blue armor. Whoa. I think that is to fix the problem of like just going your whole game and just finding nothing. Just finding nothing. Your default will upgrade automatically. Yeah, it's nice. It's genuinely nice. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:46:49 And they also, you remember Mirage was just like his thing sucked, like everything about his shit sucked. They made it so all his like clones are controllable now. Interesting. I don't remember them sucking, but I remember them not being as good as some of the other abilities that you could get on your team. Ranked 35 days. What is ranked? What am I looking at? What does it do?
Starting point is 00:47:14 Compete against similarly skilled players. Okay. Oh, and of course ranked is only three player person teams. Great. So it's worthless. Awesome. So he can control his clones? Yeah, he can control clones.
Starting point is 00:47:35 What method does he use to do that? Don't know. I don't have them unlocked. Okay. Yeah, I was actually very happy to go back to Apex. I'll probably be putting more time into it. It seems cool, especially now that has duos. And last but not least for my week, I played Visage.
Starting point is 00:48:02 You ever heard of Visage Wolves? I have not. So if you if you pull up like a single screenshot or like a trailer, you will see that Visage is a indie horror game that's been in early access for a couple years. And it is a game that started being made when the devs saw PT and went, that's cool, man. Let's do that. Let's just do that. There was another PT inspired horror game with a different name. Yeah, I can't remember the name of that one.
Starting point is 00:48:35 Okay. So I played that and Allison Road. Allison Road, that's right. Yeah, you're right. So I played Visage and it's really good. It also caused me to bark out tiny baby bitch screams consistently for a couple hours. Spooky. Excellent.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Good, good horror game gives gives the the baby man the bitch scream. That's my review. That's my review of Visage. Big spooks. Extremely. If you want to check it out, you check it out on Steam. It's very scary. It's the first person.
Starting point is 00:49:33 It's first person. It looks, it looks like it's PT in a different location. It looks just like PT. All right. The only difference is that the house is way bigger in that it's not a hallway. It's like a gigantic like rich person's house. And there's an inventory. Like, you know, do you want to lighter?
Starting point is 00:49:53 Do you want to candle? Do you want to sledgehammer to break down windows or stuff like that? The inventory is terrible. Like it's a horror game. So you're supposed to be all like, you know, solving puzzles occasionally. The inventory is just so bad. They went for this weird. Are you holding an item in your left hand?
Starting point is 00:50:13 Are you holding an item in your right hand? If you want to put something away, you have to hold it in your right hand and then hold it and then go in your inventory and click up on this place on the D pad and then it stocks there and but you and it's terrible. It is easily the worst part about the game. Is it meant to be obtuse in a manner that makes you? No, no way. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:37 It's just bad. Okay. It's definitely like you have a limited inventory. So that's that. But like the just constant. What button do I hit to put this in my hand? Cannot possibly be intentional. So I felt that with phasmophobia last week and the fact that the there is a pick up the
Starting point is 00:51:00 object button, there is a place the object down button and then there's drop the object like a motherfucker button and they're right next to each other feels intentional. Like in in in Invisage is hold B to bring up the drop item button and then hit the trigger for what item you want to drop. And it's like that. That's terrible. It's just and okay. So you you like hold an item in your in your in your hand either right trigger or left trigger
Starting point is 00:51:35 to put it in your inventory. You have to hit start and then use just the D pad to move over to the item spot and then you have to hit the trigger button associated with the item to put it into your inventory. Boy. Okay. Yeah. It's it's terrible. It's just awful.
Starting point is 00:51:50 I don't know what the fuck they were thinking. Right. And and and phasmophobia at least. Yeah. At least has a VR mode where you can hold two objects. So it simplifies a lot of that that interaction. Again, I feel like horror games want to make easy things hard specifically to make it easier for you to die and for you to bubble.
Starting point is 00:52:10 So I've played roughly one million horror games and your statement that horror games want to make easy things hard to scare you is a hundred percent dead on the truth. Let's go back to Resident Evil down to moving your character across the screen. Yeah. Is difficult because that's scary. Bad controls are a feature. This has occasionally been abused to hand wave real problems where you go hey this part sucks and what comes back is it's supposed to suck.
Starting point is 00:52:51 That's what makes it scary. Right. Right. No. There's no basement. There's no fucking bottom floor on how bad it can get if you just kind of go like it's to make it hard though. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:05 No. No. Like fucking knowing what item to use is one thing being unable to figure out how to pick up an item is not for scares because that is the opposite of horror. When you're immersed and there's an evil old lady ghost and there's all these creepy mirrors around you and there's creaks and groans in the house and you're fully immersed and you're spookified. The last thing that adds to that is you going how do I how do I use the gear on the on the
Starting point is 00:53:37 on the on the puzzle. Do I do I hold B and then drop the compass so do I and then like all I can think of is just like a game designer staring at the scene in any movie where they drop the keys trying to open the car and just trying to gamify that or even David Cage fucking trying to gamify that of like oh God get the keys in the door. Nope. That's the wrong key. Find the right one.
Starting point is 00:54:07 Oh God. And it's just you've made a basic task harder because of the fear and just apply that to the entire game essentially. It would be more convincing if you had a state of mind that made things harder. But when your state of mind was OK that you were able to move and do things fine. But then it would deliberately get hard because then it's showing off that hey we did this on purpose. We're not just bad.
Starting point is 00:54:36 You know. Yeah. It's it's this weird thing where the game looks incredible and is kind of immaculate except for the inventory. Just screams like early access. This was made by an early team as well as when you go pick up mission critical objects the game auto saves. But if you pick up the mission critical object and then get into a cut scene it will try
Starting point is 00:55:00 and save in the cut scene and at the bottom of your scary cut scene giant text comes out says could not save the game automatically please save the game manually at your next convenience. And like in the middle of like a ghost trying to spook and it's like oh man that's rough. That's really really rough. That's not. Oh geez. That's not supposed to be like that.
Starting point is 00:55:27 But other than that shit game is incredible. My brain is aggressively fighting the pronunciation that I'm sure you thought upon reading it first because of the French word visage why would I say visage it's not French so that would make any sense but I just yeah it's visage of course it just it's what why do you always pronounce things in French because first when I see them in your first language no but I live in a world that has always been primarily that and that's what I'm surrounded by so it's just where my brain goes also visage is an English word yes I know but you don't see it as often as you do in French that's all that is that is actually very accurate
Starting point is 00:56:24 yeah that's it you do you just you see is commonly used you see those letters put together in French often and you don't see that often in English so you know it's just habits of being in Quebec. The weirdest thing is that I'm the one with the French last name and I never encounter this this scenario but then again I am always like French I hang out with a lot of French people well that's your mistake what can I say yeah you know that's what it is you chose to hang out with a lot of French people whereas I was born into it perhaps yes but that was pretty much it for my week a lot of ups and downs a lot of weird weird shit this week
Starting point is 00:57:12 I was originally supposed to play a visage on Halloween which would have made more sense but I really didn't feel like playing a spooky game on Halloween with the lady in the hospital possibly suffering some horrible back related fate I just wasn't up to it that being said if you want to check out more good ass streams on slash Pat stairs at I hate to disappoint you but it's all garbage but if you also enjoy garbage I'm going to be playing Yakuza 7 this week it's coming out the new Yakuza it's going to be out it's the role playing one like a dragon great name for that nice to name for it's nice to know that after all those horror games you've played that some of them can still scare you well here's
Starting point is 00:58:01 the thing and this is you know what a lot of people don't get this I don't like horror games and I never did ever okay I like survival horror games there's a really clear difference a horror game is supposed to spook you a survival horror game is a game that you actually play and have player input on what's going on that has a horror theme so did you just want to did you just get pushed down into into horror games from from the the nature of your job yes a hundred percent okay if you want to break it down to like a singular item as to what determines a game that I would like be more interested in playing can you fight back that I wouldn't be is can you fight back if the answer is yes I'm a hundred times
Starting point is 00:59:00 more interested mm-hmm okay and then if the answer is no and here's the thing I played a lot of horror games over those years and guess what I I achieved no immunity to scares I am an astonishingly easily startled person I cannot take a shower and be interrupted without almost dying of fright poor page has tried everything she has tried yelling from outside the room she has tried knocking she has tried sneaking in and being like hey nothing if I am in the shower and I hear a noise I will freak okay if somebody talks to me hold says my name in the back 120 degrees of vision directly behind my head I will jump okay what about if the lights slowly start to dim as a heads up no no I am easily spooked therefore boy
Starting point is 01:00:13 have I never I have never toughened up to horror games not even a little and if you want to see proof positive that and you have the time to waste you can go back and check out some of the shitstorms from six or seven in which I am literally sitting there going I'm going to turn this corner and there will be a ghost and the ghost will jump out of the mirror and then the ghost jumps out of the mirror and I go ah because it doesn't it it doesn't matter how much prep there possibly is if you have a fast moving loud noise near my face I will freak out ever played in VR I don't really like VR the more I use VR the more I am like this is stupid everything is limited from this perspective would be pretty fucking effective at spoop stuff yeah
Starting point is 01:01:11 obviously yeah okay but yeah hey well let me ask you a question this is a genuine like work feasibility question that I've been wrestling with for weeks and I'm gonna put it up to a vote but I would like your opinion before I do so I'm going to be streaming yakuza 7 yakuza is obviously a very very Japanese video game series however in the courses of me streaming these games both six and kawami and all that I've had a long long back and forth with people who are asking can you please use the dub instead of the subtitle Japanese oh just so much goddamn dialogue uh-huh and if anybody is doing anything oh boy but watching the screen at the whole time yeah they're gonna miss it yeah and on top of that I don't like this on top of that last night or two nights ago
Starting point is 01:02:20 I saw a take that I had never considered which was I live in Australia I literally can't read the subtitles because I watch your stream at 360p like it's just not an option okay so with yakuza 7 coming out and I don't know if you saw but like they got met Mercer to do Majima he does a pretty decent Majima they got Kiryu's original yakuza one voice actor back wow which is crazy um I'm like do I take it easy on the people who would otherwise not be staring ahead and paying attention but I say this and then the blowback comes but it's yakuza so so okay here I've been through this a couple times uh I've been through this with obviously Danganronpa I've been through this with Naruto I've been through this with um you know 13 Sentinels even most recently yeah it is
Starting point is 01:03:30 a constant debate and it is a very very hard one now what I kind of have to do is put it to a series of questions because the answer is honestly depending on like almost like a little flowchart so first question is is this a new entry in a franchise that you have been into for a long time right and if so have you experienced the franchise in a particular way for yourself personally right because if you have played every other yakuza game and your personal experience in every other yakuza game has been to play it in Japanese then that to me immediately overrides any other questions because you experiencing the game for yourself for the first time should be the way that you would enjoy it all right well let me take that point and nullify it because I'll be honest I'm curious
Starting point is 01:04:38 okay step genuinely curious step two is if that doesn't exist if it's not that game if it's not if you don't have a history that matters to you with it then second is is it a good dub right can you can you confirm whether or not the dub is good or yet or better yet was excellent uh 13 sentinels is impeccable right a plus so a plus for sure what I have ended up deferring to is if the dub is good I will and it's the first time we're all experiencing this I will go dub unless I have personal history with the franchise in Japanese in which case that matters more to me and if the dub is shit then we just don't do that all right so I have I have this this this solidifies the decision that I had already made prior to this which was I will put it up to a vote so if you
Starting point is 01:05:46 want to vote on the the the language options and the yakuza 7 LP show up to my stream tomorrow at around 7 30 7 o'clock and I will use the twitch poll feature which I discovered a few weeks ago where you can just pull people in the twitch chat however it will not be a 50 50 poll I have a mental number that subs have to clear that is not 50% for me to put subs on and keep them on because I genuinely believe that in almost every situation playing a game in English which is the default language of 99% of the people who are going to be watching me is probably for the best stop the count woolly I hate to break it to you but I brought this up a couple days ago when I originally started this thing that joke was made you you're too late oh boy I promise that no matter
Starting point is 01:06:56 what happened that I would abide by the legal votes cast in my twitch poll subs won by a lot unless it went against the way that I wanted at which point I would stop the count and just declare the winner immediately click here to find out about twitter's integrity of subs versus dubs hey um listen it's it's a rough it's a rough one because you know uh whenever it's gone either way there's been just anger on oh boy oh they're either side right oh man I and I've seen people say um you know basically yes I know you're playing it for yourself for the first time and this is a series that you're into but you're playing for an audience therefore that should matter more and I just disagree with that I think that like the way if I have a personal
Starting point is 01:08:02 history with something and I'm going into this like that's a part of what I'm streaming this for what I'm recording it for and I think that change the energy of you in you lose something personally with your connection if I have to listen to um accio who's amazing instead of David Hader who I am connected to through this franchise so it just you know and I had to explain this exhaustingly to the point that I got pretty annoying about it probably to a lot of people with Naruto because when I popped in Ultimate Ninja Storm and went straight to Japanese a lot of people were like what the fuck right because they had watched and grown up with Naruto dubbed on to Nami a weeaboo about this ninja anime and like they're like what because they'd all
Starting point is 01:08:59 watched it on on on Cartoon Network and I'm like I don't know I watched it in Japanese as it came out and that's the sounds that I'm associating every character with it's always been that way to me I've I've I caught memes of the English stuff but you know me bothering to go back to this series is I have a connection to the Japanese voices that's what I know you know and um I'm you just can't really win either way but that flowchart I think is the most reasonable thing you can do and if people are still upset with the results then eh so I'm actually in a place where my I'm very curious about the dub like I'm like on an almost academic thing okay I have I have I have heard these voice actors for a long time it will not kill me to hear a different take on them
Starting point is 01:09:49 especially since if you are a person who played the Yakuza games from the beginning you played the first one in English with a dub a hilariously overcast dub that was absurd and kind of terrible Mark Hamill Mark Hamill and Michael Madsen right and right tons of A-listers um but we're like you know what I mean by overcast like you didn't need Michael Madsen you really didn't no definitely not yeah yeah um I actually so like we can take me out of it because I could go either way uh for me it's just like I just want to know what would actually be best for the audience and I am concerned that when you ask the people the people don't actually know what they want they'll tell you what they want but I'm always reminded of the comment
Starting point is 01:10:48 you and I got on some hey guys what LP do you want to see only to say like I'm the totally the guy who would have voted for this game and then watched one episode and then never watched it again because that went off to get it yeah um you do have to also you take into account that like um some people want dub because they just uh so most most of the people that would want dub I would imagine would want it to just be easy to minimize uh but some people do want it because they just prefer that in their in their media um there there is um there is a legitimate reason to go dub from a functionality perspective in the yakuza series that I'm very tempted to and this was background background idea that made me think right away crowds and it's crowd yeah yeah crowds there are
Starting point is 01:11:39 so much untranslated dialogue in those totally yep there's so much fucking background chatter that is just not now I bet the dub doesn't actually translate most of that and uh it's actually just just background Japanese people and as the guy who was sitting there assessing whether or not uh three could translate the crowd chatter I made a decision that no it it would not be possible without ridiculous ridiculous uh uh upsizing of the team I just I walked down the street and went yeah fuck that that's not that doesn't seem possible you know so yeah I'm I'm I'm torn it's it's tough this is the toughest one because 13 sentinels I felt nothing like it was like oh yeah dub no it all dub all the way vanilla wares voice acting people that they get they're always great
Starting point is 01:12:34 there's a visual novel so fuck playing a visual novel in a language that I don't speak that's ridiculous um but yakuza is like literally the most Japanese series that exists it is it is the one that would lose the most je ne sais quoi from being divorced from its original language how rad would it be if you could uh pull a like set your characters by character by language by character and just have all the main characters talk Japanese but the crowd speaks English that would be so weird it's also it's also fascinating to me because the dub for judgment was apparently quite good but the dub for seven is going above and beyond do you see the um the the interview with the the the localizers where they had to change that english translation cut scene
Starting point is 01:13:24 to make sense in japanese uh in english I didn't hear about it so it was it was really interesting it was there's a side quest where Ichiban's walking down the street and sees a white guy and the white guy appears to be like a german or maybe an american tourist and he's asking him in broken he's asking him in english hello what way to the train station and uh in japanese Ichiban goes oh i'm at a cadets or you know a guy oh shit english and in english Ichiban stops looks at the camera goes oh shit english gives a really slow thumbs up and then and then and then turns back to the scene and i'm like okay they're putting that level of work into this they're putting the level of work in which they are recording the voice actors singing the goddamn karaoke songs
Starting point is 01:14:21 in english all of them that's impressive i kind of want to check that out yeah you would you don't want to miss out on goodbye yeah you don't want to miss out on that you don't miss out on the yakuza zero one which was a boy it's like what's that's supposed to be english like british english oh god holy shit shit oh you know you need you need those you don't want to miss out on gary buster homes is broken japanese but at the same time it's tough it's really tough this this is a very interesting problem that only exists in this incredibly specific niche of content i think again that your personal history is weighted towards the result here and um you know it is a it is a one of those things where you just
Starting point is 01:15:25 got a kind of i mean i ended up i remember there was a point in Naruto where i ended up switching it midway just to see yeah and then i switched it back you know i messed around in uh Sekiro nope nope not Sekiro ghost of Tsushima and ghost of Tsushima okay that's pretty funny uh i started different and then switched and tried it out and then we rolled with english for a bit you know and then rolled back so i definitely was uh willing to like just see how it felt and see what the mood was and you know in that it definitely was a um i think a case of like oh yo the voices is are pretty good here you know they're doing a good job but um yeah i definitely think that it matters a lot less if you have no attachment and you're playing a game
Starting point is 01:16:21 for the first time you know you can go either way you feel on that and give the dub a chance if it's a good one especially um but you know when there's when there's a history to me at least that takes precedent hey let me ask you a different question and this is this might be specific to me um so i'm playing i'm still i haven't finished judgment i should probably finish judgment uh but judgment i was playing with the sub in in the japanese language and i ran into a very serious problem which was um in my personal time when i play a game that's subtitled and it's in japanese oftentimes i don't actually hear 80 of the dialogue because subtitles come up instantly and i read those immediately and i almost always cut the characters off with the x button
Starting point is 01:17:22 once they're finished saying the first sentence uh i don't do that at all i i listen to the japanese voice acting i listen to it because like all i can think of is like yeah i already know what you're going to say for the rest of the sentence yeah i just just fit just get to the next one no no personally i i like to hear the rest of the line also like i like catching little um verbal things that they do like if they're using an old school you know type of language if the character has particular verbal habits that are not coming through in the translation there's been a couple times where i've been listening and regi's pretty good at this too because he he's um he he's pretty good at uh uh you know basic japanese and um we'll hear things and go like oh that's not what you
Starting point is 01:18:19 said at all you said something very different from what the translation is there and and when i when i like catching these little bits and details when i played persona on stream it was the same thing it's like you know persona persona dialogue boxes are usually like two sentences one shorter sentence and one longer sentence like i never heard the last five words in what anyone said because it was like yeah i like the instant the box came up i i saw and knew the whole sentence i now i'm just sitting there like just get on with it man yeah no for me there's multiple reasons man it's like it's not just like hearing a good voice actor um and like i want to hear someone doing good job i like to hear how they how they record it but it's also just like um for
Starting point is 01:19:12 example uh so one of the characters in 13 sentinels is someone who speaks with uh an old style japanese that is not modern parlance and um it doesn't come through in english but it would pick you would pick it up in japanese you know and uh the eras i think like are things where like where you can hear the difference between those things if you can catch them i think are pretty interesting i like that stuff you know i'm tempted to just start turning subtitles off on any game that's in english i've even paused the scroll to go back to a line or two to hear them say it again you know so i'm i'm tempted to just turn off subtitles entirely because if the subtitles aren't there and i don't know what they're gonna say i'm way more interested in them actually saying it
Starting point is 01:20:16 but when i can see the whole sentence then i don't need you to actually say it i think that's a bad idea for two reasons i think that's bad for two reasons well one you've played the whole franchise with subs on right yeah yeah i think that's bad because and again like you are not me certainly so you know uh we're all different with this but i think even though you're better at like catching things or you're better at not missing things you would probably still end up missing some things if you have a thought and i should mention to those uh i would never turn subtitles off for anything that i would broadcast because yeah y'all need it just if you're streaming a game you put you put the fucking subtitles you have to especially if you're going to make a comment
Starting point is 01:21:12 over someone that's talking oh yeah it's yeah it's absurd it's totally absurd you mean personally and you're off time i mean personally like i i absolutely adored near automata and the way that they spaced out their text it made such a big deal to me it was such a big difference that there was no reason for me to ever skip ahead because the subtitles never like jumped ahead to the ends of conversations um and that's a good example soma did something very similar near as a series that is english to me you know um in both cases with the fucking phenomenal dubs so now the history to me with that franchise is english um yeah but not every game is going to have that care for how the subtitles are displayed i feel like even though we're decades out of like
Starting point is 01:22:16 the origin of us arguing about subs versus dubs it's actually gotten way more complicated i did not realize the era we hate when dubs became average decent because yeah my era of anime was just these are always unwatchable don't bother don't bother at all that's how much of an an old head you know i'm coming in with the no we just don't do that it sucks period and then yeah the like tunami era kind of came and we hit that level of like no no no they've been importing and dubbing and putting on tv a bunch of shit for a while now and they've been getting talented people to do it and like that came and went because obviously you know like i'm not watching that in canada so i just continued on the like yeah you know watch watch the original shit as it gets
Starting point is 01:23:10 released pattern um so much surprise you know yeah it's it's just it's just so frustrating me because like you're you're you're playing a game and your look at your subtitles are on and most games the subtitles are like entire what i would i guess i would call a conversation block they're not a sentence they're not a phrase they're like three or four lines of text which represents maybe a full minute of talking yeah i it's so weird it makes me feel like i'm um like i have the script to a play and i'm just waiting for the actors to get to the good parts and you're not like you don't really care about how they're delivering it no not most of the time anyway and like you know big i i do so that's that's i guess the diff you know um but with anime though outside of with
Starting point is 01:24:12 outside of video games it feels so weird to be in a place where like because of when i watched a lot of these shows like stuff that has come and been incredibly well dubbed in my brain is now different from what most people have heard because uh for example i agree like one key is cowboy fucking bebop to me is japanese that's how i watched it and that's how everyone i knew watched it and we all talked about it and we're into it in japanese at the time not airing on tv it was not on tv everyone that knows it now a lot of this generation that listens to us that we're talking to have all watched it on television so they've all heard i really i really don't think that that is a discussion of then versus now because i saw that almost immediately after it came out
Starting point is 01:25:12 dubbed uh the the steve bloom job is like one of those amazingly uh is one of those like classics where it's like he did a fat a fucking great job with it that uh people to this day still talk about but i only watched the original as it was and you know um that that's those are the characters in my head i hear the whole thing in japanese i hear vicious as norio wakamoto you know um always with norio aureus with norio wakamoto yeah well it's he did i really feel like like hey do you do you want to know whether or not woolly prefers the sub or the dub no no i i i i i questioned whether or not i should even bring it up just because of this but whatever he was in it he did a good job that's not the point um try gun do you love him do you kiss on him on his bum
Starting point is 01:26:06 try gun uh had um johnny young bosh absolutely killing it doing an incredible job as vast as stampede and yet still my first time watching the series was in japanese you know uh so it's weird but like i'm definitely i'm definitely on the outside with a lot of these older shows now that are like synonymous with a lot of the audience with the dub and i definitely realize that i'm not trying to fucking you know start any any any arguments about what versus what i'm not trying to say that i'm just telling people what i happen to start a fucking argument i'll start an argument right the fuck now an argument that no one will have i'm just saying what i did it's fully coolly doesn't exist in languages other than english
Starting point is 01:26:58 um i would say uh golden boy is fucking better in english i should probably watch golden boy golden boy is better in english it's just just that's you know there's there there are occasionally dubs out there where you're like yeah no you took the crown you know ghost stories is better in english way better um i've mentioned it before excel saga is such a commendable effort that it's worth your time to catch the english on it because the difficulty of the show is all rambling nonsense and it's full of pop culture jokes that are very japanese and they actually figured out how to translate it and the jokes to be relevant in english they they figured it out
Starting point is 01:28:10 yeah so you know shit like that is is you know and yeah of course and and so the and then third on that list of like classics that are are known in english another steve bloom joint samurai shampoo is japanese in my head i that's how i watched it that's the show i know i know japanese mugun i know i know the whole i like that's it's not it's not a dubbed thing to me you know so hey does this mean if i play yakuza 7 in english that i can divorce and and and wash myself of some of your ambient weeaboo stink stinky smell well will some of it come off look man i'm not out here saying that the way i did things is the way other people gotta do things so you know the indignation at me hearing it differently from you
Starting point is 01:29:06 from the way other people have i don't i don't care that's not not trying to tell you to go change the way you did things in the past i'm just saying it's what i did you know i think the irony of that woolly is that i am always literally doing exactly that i don't give a fuck about like trying to convince someone to go say all the japanese brother that's not what i'm saying at all i'm just relaying the fact that i happen to watch it that way i'll really early ass time ago so also it really helps to be in the wall of cobec where you're not even gonna accidentally one day turn on to nami and catch a random episode of something dubbed not even a once because a lot of the time even if you didn't watch the thing or you already did watch it
Starting point is 01:29:56 you'd see a thing on tv at some point you'd be like oh look it's some english anime we don't that that's not a thing that was happening here so i didn't even come across it that way so you know i watched it as it came out and then i moved on and uh and didn't catch tech man blade in english when it was called techno man mm-hmm that shit was terrible but i fucking love tech man blade but yeah it's it's it's like old-head anime you know i don't know what to say it's like we're fucking you know like started trying to get i had to had to track down good shit and watch it a decade before you know like tv caught on to what was worth watching so a whole lot of the time hey you want to get you want to get fucking you want to get super controversial
Starting point is 01:30:51 i genuinely believe that the dub is far superior in sailor moon than it is is the then the sub i think me fall head and serena's like dumb shit sass and sailor murkery yelling at fucking uh one of beryl's henchmen to go bleach his roots and all that shit is fucking killer and it's not accurate it's crazy inaccurate it's like a different story yeah the characters it's awesome characters get straight gender swapped uh i don't even know the japanese on sailor moon i feel like i've seen again the clips and then the pegasus and all that weird shit but uh i couldn't put together the sounds of their voices i because all i hear is english in my head i was totally sold on it when i saw comparison between uh when when
Starting point is 01:32:01 serena slash slash usagi finds out that who the identity of tuxedo mask in which he goes i'm tuxedo mask and in japanese she's like you know the equivalent of like oh my god i can't believe it it's he really was tuxedo mask all the all along wow and in in english it starts with no way and then he he just pulls the rose out and is hit with this deadpan like oh my god he really is tuxedo mask i can't believe it like almost teen girl squad it sounds like it should have been next to sabrina the teenage witch on fucking prime time on abc the weird incredible the weirdest one to get used to i think was english street fighter english street fighter took some fucking time i never got used to it i'll be honest and thank god the options to change you know the cast where they
Starting point is 01:33:06 should be exist um because look man we all grew up hearing those like well like what it it's it's weird it's weird but you know i think it kind of just comes down to a like um character by character basis you know you know what you know what series like kyle is is doing a good job uh but i i kind of just want for you to be japanese because that's what i've you know grown with we're talking a lot about subtitling and languages and dubbings and i want to give a big old golf clap to a noble effort that achieves the worst of all worlds in this conversation and that is tekin a tekin is the best tekin achieves the best and worst of all permutations of this argument i was it's incredible i was waiting to finish talking about street fighter to then move into the fact that tekin
Starting point is 01:34:10 nails it by having a canon language spoken canon by the character and that's what they speak and this is it if you're from a place you speak their language yes and they're they all they speak one language we all they all just talk to each other in it they all have a babel fish in their ears but they speak the language of the country they come from in fights with taunts aces in anything else it is a nightmare dream skit it is so baffling dude i so i i like the fact that shaheen is there you know what i mean doing his thing and and it's not just like um what's his name um um rashid is is is cool a great character yeah but like everyone's speaking their own language i i feel adds a lot to it it adds a lot of like international personality and flavor
Starting point is 01:35:12 it makes it has this bizarre situation in in tekin where it makes everyone look like an asshole nationalist because the only way any of the any of it works is that they can all speak like 10 languages they just refuse to answer anyone in anything but their native language i don't interpret people speaking their languages in that way like that at all i like i do not like that's a weird way to see it and i completely don't at all see that because i worked with uh french boss french bosses and and people on my team that were french where i spoke english and they spoke french and we communicated just fine i've done that totally and that is almost unique to montreal that is a really bizarre situation but as someone who has done that and who has regularly
Starting point is 01:36:11 flipped on the switch and just we both are going hey i'm going to speak what i'm comfortable you're going to speak your comfort and then we're just going to do it and i've and like it was fine seeing that in tekin it's like yeah it makes no sense that they all understand everybody but it doesn't seem like there's a weird intention behind it yeah lars is like i'm going to speak swedish god be gods be damned that no one i'm talking to in this room may or may not be able to speak swedish yeah yeah i'm going to bork it up i love it i love it i think it's great it's it's a weird it's a weird weird place it's a it's a land where it's a land where everyone has a babel fish and that's that's what it is you know oh god lars does speak japanese why does lars speak
Starting point is 01:36:56 japanese wasn't he like adopted though oh i can't remember tekin's such a mess with the story is there a story anymore buddy there was a whole movie and you know i know i watched it yeah i think we recorded us watching it i don't remember come on buddy anyway i'm i'm um yeah i'm i'm i'm down with tekin's like international uh voice acting i think that's fucking sick i love it and it's unique oh did you uh no one else does it did you see uh did you see negotiate finally talking about kiryu and tekin yeah that's on the docket docket okay okay i'll talk about that later well that's my week if you want to see the ongoing shit show that is subs versus dubs you can check out my yakuzy seven playthrough over slash past errors at i'm also despite not having a playstation five
Starting point is 01:38:02 going to be playing devil may cry five dash s e on thursday for a few hours if that doesn't make any sense to you come on and check it out it'll be cool okay um yeah so for me it was uh not not much to talk about um in terms of just games i've played uh i pretty much spent a good amount of time with uh accent core and then uh we got to do a little get into fighting games episode with kizzy k it was a good time came on we played some matches we uh set up a room people came in you know ran some sets it was a whole lot of fun and uh man it's just so crazy to go back to like the the version of a game like it's the st of the guilty gear franchise right so what that means is like uh super turbo and street fighter is considered like the peak of like the classic
Starting point is 01:39:14 street fighter two games in this case guilty gear are acting for plus all right is the peak right and it uh it is just it's just wild it's a it's a it's a a blast to get thrown into a world where the they didn't give a fuck about making anything particularly easy or forgivable and they just they are their systems that are like yeah it's hard to use deal with it and just how it is um you know they were kind of iterating this thing off of like the japanese arcade scene which at the time was getting incredibly good at you know all uh uh features that they were using that they were implementing into the the guilty gear xx over over time yeah it's like is this too hard well i mean the guys at the arcade don't seem to think it's too hard totally yeah so you know
Starting point is 01:40:08 you just so you're you're i'm in uh uh uh you know uh plus our like doing these blue roman cancels with strict timing and and um a specific type of uh uh uh not faultless defense but a specific type of parry block that like lets you recover faster for a little bit of meter and just like all this all this stuff going on system-wise that is um yeah hella intimidating to to new players and and under you know you can understand why they'd why they'd be like okay let's try to throw this and start from scratch a little bit here um but ends up being a fuck ton of fun regardless of whether you end up using those things or not um and going back to a world where biken was just fucking terrifying like super ridiculous abilities um and and you know where
Starting point is 01:41:08 every character kind of just had everything and were given broken shit and it was just the name of the game everyone's a little bit broken and the people who are broken the hardest get to uh uh bs here it's um yeah it's just a little it's a little nostalgia single character marvel sure sure i i uh i got to experience i'll never give i'll never give biken that goddamn uppercut back though yeah well i mean so here's the thing if you're good enough you can do it on the ground anyway and and you just instant air it instant air version of it and it's instant overhead so it's better it's better to do it as a grounded thing that is instant air version of the the uppercut because you if they're crouching it'll blow them up at which point you then roman cancel and then
Starting point is 01:42:00 continue the combo so but you gotta just get better at executing so that you can do that reliably you know um the uh yeah going back to see like what justice was like when it's like even with this nerfed version of of her just absolute screen pollution and nonsense and bullshit to get through um testament being a character that is like oh man i sure hope they bring testament back for the new what you don't want you don't want it you want testament i don't know testament's cool you want the idea of testament from a lore perspective maybe or standing around in the background i believe is what kizzy said he can be in the game standing around but do not make testament playable because oh man i i you mentioned justice and i was like i haven't seen justice play
Starting point is 01:42:57 in a million years and i just loaded up attorney match like i forgot how much just it's really obvious how this character became uh new 13 in blaze blue just flood the screen with shit um and again you're looking at the toned down version of the character but uh they uh yeah like the idea of testament coming back like even toned down it would still probably just be night marriage with the amount of bullshit you have to navigate to just walk up and get a hit in much less like or even just touch uh a testament invisible traps that you have to pay attention to like um naoto not naoto yeah naoto in yeah naoto yeah in p4a testament brought brought his his legacy forward into naoto absolutely now naoto in p4a uh was my favorite match to fight as akahiko
Starting point is 01:44:00 because like that particular matchup allowed me to navigate the traps and weave around them i had you had to be like really on point but it was fun to play it it was fun to do you could get in there and you could absolutely make them hurt uh when you when you stayed in but testament has way more shit to just get the fuck out and uh yeah it's it was it was just a nightmarish reminder like my god this game doesn't care about being fair at all i would really have to say that strife looks gorgeous obviously that'd be that that game looks cool and accident core r seems to be doing really well i picked it up i would i would cancel strife right now to have a rollback ultimax on modern systems and pc i would literally kill strife in order to get ultimax
Starting point is 01:45:11 back boy boy that's aggressive man that's a that's spicy i i love how you're sitting but you're not saying oh that's ridiculous i would never you're like oh that's that's redo that's spicy that's a lot and in the back of your head you're going like no that's uh well you're saying i'm mouthful right there yeah i am saying it and i uh you know i will continue to not indicate either way how i feel about that oh man that hmm boy maybe one day well i mean look there is a there is a new story that i threw on the docket right before we went live i saw that yeah that involves atlas talking about porting more shit to steam so maybe just maybe we don't have to sacrifice anything at the altar
Starting point is 01:46:26 maybe they'll actually wake the fuck up and catch some money maybe maybe not i have some things to tell you about the nocturne re-release did you catch any of that um no i suppose not so nocturne hd came out and don't you dare stream it motherfucker yeah of course but uh the vert that it is terrible it is a terrible release the audio is still compressed uh cutscenes and menus are randomly switched between 4x3 and 16x9 and a lot of the cutscenes just horribly break like you know when matador pops in okay like he bamps in that little desert cutscene like the game slows down to zero frames and hangs because the the hd version doesn't know how to handle the particle effect on his entrance really yeah it's it is a shitty shitty
Starting point is 01:47:34 i was gonna say is there any footage out there of it choking but like i don't know if anyone's risking their fucking their streams and you have to pay 10 extra bucks you know what i fucking found the clip here just watch this shit i just found it you can personally watch that it's eight seconds a clip that fucking sucks man okay there we go wow that's oh boy oh that frame rate yeah dude it's just it's just falling apart so like great that's the type of shit that's the type of shit where you like they like in in testing they clearly saw that and just went like well flag this and then they went well it runs it doesn't crash let it rock you know they just kind of let it go um man that's it
Starting point is 01:48:38 bummer here i will uh hey you know every week i talk about clips that you guys at home can't see so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna retweet it again on my twitter that's at pat stairs at and y'all can y'all can check out my twitter do you know what that was running on though which version that was ps4 okay and um so i imagine switch must be like way worse considering how frame rate shit has been on that on the switch that was switch okay well that's not fucking surprising then because yeah the switch frame rate shits itself on on every other game that gets ported good good job switch hmm okay oh the people are saying in in our chat that the ps4 actually runs worse than the switch
Starting point is 01:49:36 woof woof woof bark come on come on come on okay well atlas like there's money on the table for you but like it's conditional you have to actually put in one ass cheek in can you at least half-asset please everyone no all right well anyway um yeah so most most of the most of my my uh uh time uh on on video games was just like getting some rollback matches in um again feels great you know uh had some bad matches but like uh i was i was a bit more liberal with the um with the input delay and uh you know i i would
Starting point is 01:50:31 i'd see sometimes would recommend one and i'm like your ping's looking a little high let's set that to two you know and and it would it would work out so um yeah i again in those in those cases i always set it to two no matter what because i'd rather have the one extra frame than have to switch it back and forth and and like you know get the the weird yeah you have to get you have to get used to whatever you set it to you know like it it does affect the feel slightly um so uh yeah but i want to again let people know that on you can go get it for three bucks so like that's a fucking sweet ass deal on on on guilty gear right now plus um plus rollback uh so yeah that's going to be coming out shortly on the youtube channel as well and
Starting point is 01:51:28 uh of course we continue along with uh infinite warfare and our mario galaxy and 13 centinals which um continues to just fucking crush it and then there's not much else to say okay i am that's a high quality video game very high quality video game uh i am going to uh take this week to work on ma projects uh particularly the obvious i need to put some time on that guilty gear so uh i'm going to take this week uh off from streaming so uh there's still videos coming out on youtube of course that all that schedule will continue but uh yeah for the remainder of this week i'm going to uh pretty much be offline on twitch so um i i kind of let people know for the last couple weeks that i was planning to do this
Starting point is 01:52:36 so i've been i've been kind of giving everyone a heads up so now now is the time we're going to do that uh and then yeah i'll be back with all the regular stuff uh as of the week after but i i definitely do need the time to to uh get some progress and this is the best way for me to do it so if you're sad that woolly's not streaming this week you could always check out my stream over at slash pat stairs and i'll be playing yakuza there you go you know also though the anime continues so support the anime please do uh and yeah i believe sometime this week i'm slated to receive the beast i'm getting my my alerts from the delivery that say it's on the way we're going with the term absolute unit zero one for now
Starting point is 01:53:34 uh so my computer should be arriving at which point i will take some pictures i might have to i'm a little jealous of your computer i'll be honest yeah yeah it's it has a much stronger cpu in it than mine yeah the specs are kind of meant for me to not have to ever think about specs ever again yeah you're gonna you're gonna oh man well i'm so excited for you you get to have one of the one of the most miserable but smuggest experiences you can have in video games where you can definitively tell that the port is shit if you if you boot it up and it runs anything less than immaculate at max settings you just
Starting point is 01:54:26 get to go well this port sucks yep looking at you injustice just yeah absolutely absolutely looking forward to looking looking forward to uh running shit on stupid settings and seeing if it indeed can run crisis nothing can run in crisis it's like isn't it like the most poorly optimized infinite max setting one is single core it's the reason why nothing can run crisis it's why can it run crisis was the thing because the only way you could get it to run well is you'd have to my insanely like cryogenically overclock your fucking single core cpu i can't nothing runs crisis the benchmark continues i love it the impossible benchmark it's so stupid and there's like a bunch of crisis games none of them have that problem
Starting point is 01:55:33 no just the first one like the first one yeah just the first one um so yeah uh you know woolly versus on youtube woolly versus on twitch all that fun stuff and uh we'll be back with some good with some good shit uh the week after and i've got some i've got some fun ideas for some upcoming content too so uh yeah stick around i'll i'll have to confirm because i'm pretty sure the week will continue to we'll continue with videos at the very least i think i have enough backlog for there to be you know yeah you probably do above enough coming out but uh yeah for twitch we're gonna be down cool uh let's take a quick word from our sponsors let's do that this week castle super beast is sponsored by a way once again i've let you know about it
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Starting point is 02:01:37 stuff but just to i suppose uh formalize it the exact statement was that sega reiterates plans to release more ports of atlas games to various platforms during their march 2021 fiscal year second quarter briefing so they're waking up i would really like more atlas games please ported well ported well please the p4g one wasn't perfect but it was pretty good it's getting pretty hard for people to play your games these days it'd be nice if they could play the ones that you know they would like to play that are really good thank you sega is really bizarre it's really weird because sometimes they're really just the worst other times they're surprisingly progressive probably the goofiest
Starting point is 02:02:35 thing is like uh remember we were laughing because yakuza 7 is delayed horribly on ps5 and only on ps5 yeah you remember that yeah like the pc version though does come out day and date and that'll mark the first time ever that a yakuza game comes out day and date with the the localized version like that's weird sega owns a disproportionately large number of shit that i care about and they're keeping it dead it's kind of frustrating it's not even sprinkled across a bunch of companies that are all handling things differently they got a whole bunch of them it fucking sucks um please save daytona usa that's yeah that's anything with the god damn am2 logo on it needs saving
Starting point is 02:03:30 anything with the am2 is there a single developer that has a like a better track record of just fucking bangers and not not to use the zuki logo specifically the am2 palm tree sega am2 like you see that you're like yeah mm-hmm it's good it feels good see and i have that feeling and i know you don't and i don't care i have that feeling when the dreamcast logo spins up that's nice when the dreamcast logo spins up i'm like awesome good shit's coming we're about to play something fun unless unless it's unless the the the fucking machine burns itself out and it actually just dies on you and also uh i was i was actually going through recently for one of the videos i was working on i was going through a a um a history
Starting point is 02:04:30 of capcom logos and there is a lot of good feelings associated but there is nothing like that ps2 era with the with the blue sky like oh really because my my capcom logo choice is the all the little the cubes yeah yep that's true too that's the um that's your your x4 your your megaman x4 and like your your your alphas and yeah re2 and all that stuff anyway it's it's capcom logos illicit a good feeling for sure uh oh my god this fucking dog is such an asshole today anyway hopefully they hopefully they come out of its sheath earlier was awful that's not we don't need that setting it was like flopping around like a little disgusting red rocket or a
Starting point is 02:05:30 hated it the ps5 designer says when i started drawing it was much larger yeah what it was supposed to be bigger so woolly i'm sure you you took a tape measure to your to your house and went where can the ps5 go no i've got room but it's just silly okay because i did and i discovered that the ps5 will just barely fit with like one inch of clearance in my entertainment center and all i could think of is this thing is absolutely the maximum they could make this thing before it wouldn't fit in people's stuff like you know they must look at average you know it's shelf space or whatever the fuck i mean i feel like they're kind of edging the generation a little bit and and and possibly
Starting point is 02:06:37 getting us ready for a future where it's like look we don't care about your size problems we're making it as big as it needs to fucking be and that's it figure it out too bad damn we'll see but it's a fat boy and uh it was supposed to be even fatter says don't edge my size problems sony jeez yujin morisawa um yeah i'm scanning over this engineering told him it's too big so he shrank it down from the original drawing so what we have now is the engineering shrunk version that's ridiculous and it's still as large as he'd sink ever
Starting point is 02:07:37 i mean it's again it's for good reason it's not for not it's not for bad reasons we understand exactly why it's as fat as it is ever since this tear down you know yeah digital foundry actually did a like a thermal breakdown apparently it's it's really cool inside that machine like it's it's thermally efficient it runs really well this it may have some kind of horrible hardware flaw but it will not be a heating hardware flaw so yeah we talked about the last guardian uh disc aversion compatibility blood board ain't gonna happen uh well not not the original game at least and yes the definitive word on curio showing up in fighting games not from harada but from
Starting point is 02:08:32 uh negotiate negotiate this time says he's apprehensive about putting curio in fighting games because generally fighting games have female characters and personally i don't really want to see curio beating up women question mark again as someone who's played this franchise i can answer this question not once not once asterix all right so the only reason curio can be said to have never beaten up any women's is because the only women's he ever slapped in the face was in fact a little girl which classifies her as a child type first so if you look up curio slaps haraca you will see a big fucking open hand
Starting point is 02:09:36 like slap just cabal because she was freaking out and he was like shut up so he disciplines a child yeah he doesn't fight he had just met that child also it's it should be noted that was in uh yakuza one where curio was more of a scumbag uh um however if so here's the thing right curio okay curio has not beat up the women's however there is another popular uh yakuza character that you could put into a tecan the did beat some women's and that's majima majima totally slapped around his uh ex-wife do you find that out in uh yakuza five okay now here's the question as excited as the as everyone would be would there not be an overwhelmingly angry sentiment that it's majima and not curio no they're they're they're player one
Starting point is 02:10:52 and player two now they're they're they're daunton virginal they're they're people people people would be cool with it in fact a lot of people would be like great because majima's got the knife interesting okay i didn't realize that people people will be be stoked they wouldn't care that the poster boys is got looked over instead no and in fact you could have majima like crawl out of a garbage can or like god damn well i mean yeah i mean tecan already has akuma so that like we didn't get re you and we didn't get rick you know yeah so that makes sense and we didn't get terry but we did get knocked this oh my god when you said rick i'm like like stroud uh grimes and like no you mean you mean rick of rick and coral grimes so uh yeah the poster boys
Starting point is 02:11:51 don't have to make the cut this is already hard confirmed so that makes sense but majima is also just as much of a poster boy nowadays like he was a boss and then he was a big character and then he was a bigger character and then he was a bigger character and like and then you hit zero where it's he's he shares 50 of that game with kiryu so by that logic you'd yeah there you go you can fit him right in but then if you do you don't get to have him and kazia having the big suit match you know that's true that's true so but but majima's dialogue would be way more interesting with all the other characters than kiryu's would be interesting twists however i'm going to go ahead and say that this is a deacon firm yeah if it was going to happen it would happen and the
Starting point is 02:12:51 the hbo executives are much further away from the namco bandai offices than it's true uh sega you know maybe they're saving majima to be a guest character in in virtual fighter right right so next story um hard confirm bioware says spring 2021 mass effect legendary edition they they neglected to actually show the game that trailer was it new stuff that trailer was like a bunch of faces like models moving around yeah it wasn't actually you know what so it's like because one of the reasons that this took so long is they they apparently cleaned up mass effect one and like are they just slapping new models on because i don't know how familiar you are with mass effect but if you just slap new models on some of those old
Starting point is 02:14:02 animations it'll be hilarious uh i i assume that that trailer was showing off the assets that you know are going to be used in the new thing yeah but it's not just assets it's also animation it's also all sorts of shit i'll say there's a lot to be done um i think companies like blue point existing put remasters to shame constantly and they set a bar that uh is probably not one that these kind like i don't think ea and bioware are are rather spyware like i don't know if they're willing to go that hard on remastering something you know what i mean they should blue point does as a what other companies are not willing to do in many cases probably because they're like an entire studio that gets handed the work that let's say from soft didn't want to do
Starting point is 02:15:05 you know so they really should because alongside the official announcement of uh the first trilogy with uh you know as a remaster came game spot accidentally leaking out that there is totally another mass effect game in development for a couple years from now uh oh um that has nothing to do with andromeda which andromeda was the do over um and that was a massive failure so now they have to do another do over which means that what they're building off of is this goddamn remastered trilogy of games so yeah they should put a lot of work into this so this is one of those okay you can justify yeah you can justify the expenses by saying we'll take this as the baseline for some new content afterwards yeah i
Starting point is 02:16:05 the only place they have left to go it's funny because they went to a whole new galaxy and botched it they botched a whole galaxy in setting what an astonishing achievement for like your your your ip um and there's literally nowhere that the story can go after mass effect 3 in our galaxy so the only location left and you can probably see people saying it right now is something called the first contact war which is a prequels you know prior to shepherd right the stuff that you get told about in the games that probably have yeah totally and if they botched that there's nowhere to go like they they like they will have ruined it
Starting point is 02:17:07 and it won't there won't be anywhere you can place it in time or space that anyone will care about you could always crazy you could always just like make a game and override andromeda if they're gonna do that they should override the fucking mass effect 3 ending you can override anything is what i'm trying to say yeah they should they should have in fact and a lot of franchises are getting way more willing to just step in and say yeah you know what all the terminators you didn't like didn't happen only the ones you liked happened and then this one i don't believe that we should go into the halloween vacation of video game plots
Starting point is 02:18:14 i don't think that's a good idea however if they put if okay don't fuck it up to start with how about that how about that however let's say let's just say this fucking legendary edition comes out out and changes the ending again because dude i have read essays on this i've said it people are saying it you could fucking redo the last 10 minutes of that game into 10 different better endings right like it really is the last 10 minutes okay it's crazy well we'll see um but that is next year April a spring rather
Starting point is 02:19:22 hey you you're familiar with squall is dead ff8 theory i am do you remember the indoctrination theory uh which one was that so in mass effect three this this gentleman made this video series that i i i didn't pay attention to anything related to two or three because i didn't play them uh so it was all i know is that there's colors it was this giant video thing that was a different rendition of the ending that basically posited like a squall is dead style sure theory abstract to save it yeah that made the ending way way better if a little far-fetched and a little ridiculous and bioware had the dumbass audacity to come out when everyone was still mad about the the game and go wow that was that's pretty funny but it's super wrong it's totally not like
Starting point is 02:20:24 just just leave it just leave it yeah yeah okay like just i'm reminded oh my god i'm reminded of like cotor stuff you know it sounds similar vibes to a lot of cotor feelings about like loose ends and characters and things and yeah well people create a fan fiction rendition of your ending that makes people happy let them why would you stomp it why it's so stupid oh that that squall is dead shit though is like like there's a point at which you've left the planet entirely and oh yeah it's now just like about this as a unique work of its own fiction uh i i would say the matrix within a matrix thread back before reloaded came out is similar energy where someone basically wrote a novel about how and why the end of uh no no
Starting point is 02:21:41 between reloaded and revolutions excuse me between two and three they had a novel and these movies were months apart like it was like a it was like a single year or less mind you but it was a crazy ass trip and in the end of course it was better than what we actually got uh but anyway that's what's happening there so like squall is dead is insane but like i enjoyed reading it you have to accept it was it was interesting you've you've left the planet but this is a fascinating self-contained rant as is you know let's keep going back to that screenshot of the hole in the face yeah that's cool uh yeah so we got this trailer for some brand new fucking hot shit uh called uh vivarion and it is that with an eye or a why the a var varion
Starting point is 02:22:57 the var varion and here we go this looks really interesting oh it's this thing that's what it's called it is uh an anime arena-based fighter and it has really cool hit stop i'm gonna compliment it on its hit stop first the sense of impact is good i'm gonna compliment it on its legally distinct orc design sir sure yes that's really that is an orc ass orc um and these characters look cool there's some anime girls there's some anime boys uh they're juggling and hitting lady with big old tenos looks like a plague of gripes creation it looks in the rhythm of it feels like a funner version of what the
Starting point is 02:23:53 kill a kill game was going for uh there's some really nifty like dodges that you see uh and like the the system is this whole thing is being made by one guy right again really impressive var varion is the name if you want to look this up uh and yeah it is it is one japanese indie developer um is showing off as well there's a there's a like pve mode with a crowd of like you know enemies to beat up so it's not just uh it's not just a multi uh a fighting game but like out of nowhere looks really really cool yeah i saw this blown up all over twitter and like animated gifts are showing up like i was like i saw a quote from the dev it's like i would like uh when the air battle to happen that it feels like an anime yeah or something along
Starting point is 02:24:53 those lines so like looking at i'm like yeah it looks like a god damn anime and the accompanying video to that is like you're seeing uh um oh the guy's the director of dragon ball fighters interesting uh oh well okay that's cool not the producer she's the director yeah okay all right so the um yeah you're seeing as he says that you're seeing like dodges that like have big anime speed lines and then like someone else swings and then you get a big old huge dodge animation for that too so there's a nice little back and forth and um yeah it has tons of juice you know tons of juice the person clearly knows what they're doing and the model quality is high and again uh the hit stop is is when i see that i go yeah okay you know you get it
Starting point is 02:25:44 when you see games like this that just like you know random anime fighter for example anime arena fighter for whatever franchise they slap this shit together and oftentimes like little things like that will be lacking and the impact as a result will suffer for it but uh var varion looks fucking cool and i i it that looks that looks really cool we will watch your progress with great intrigue hey if you'll excuse me i'm not going anywhere i just need to get up and turn on the chili go ahead you turn that chili on so i can eat the chili later chili good nothing wrong with no chili uh so yeah that's var varion uh now let's take a look over here at the new this is this is pretty cool i don't know why they
Starting point is 02:26:40 didn't announce this when they dropped melina but uh mortal combat 11 had one more significant change in the pipeline that they only brought up well after uh the new characters and and and shit they've decided to make it fun to play yes custom variations in tournament play that's actually a lot closer to the stupid shit i said that is exactly what they added it but it's exactly it they added custom variations so all the all the band moves that you couldn't use they've made them they've made them one balanced and two quick selectable in tournament mode when you pick the character so that you can basically that's great so you can pick the character and then quickly scroll through a bunch of those customizable moves that
Starting point is 02:27:42 you want and make yourself a custom variation real quick and that opens the game up like fucking crazy because every character now has like all sorts of stupid a bunch of new grooves essentially yeah um on a on a technical level they almost just like quadrupled the roster you know if you're just that's great if you're just thinking about functions not every move got accessible like they have they've example they've explained that like stuff like for example terminator has a has a this crazy armored move that um he could you could put on in the original that the terminate move would allow him to be like armored up and always uh ignore block and hit stun and uh yeah they're not letting that happen
Starting point is 02:28:32 but anything that is balanced and viable will be selectable uh and quick equipable on the character select screen so yes they've opened up the game drastically and made it a lot more fun and people have already started lapping some crazy shit and it's like thank god you know what a great little final thing to i don't i don't know if they're gonna touch it anymore but no wait ed boon did talk about wanting to keep things going but um that's a huge one that's really big for the game i just want to hold back to block man yeah i hear you it extra hurts after we played injustice and it showed that it could be totally done at this point at this point it's just tradition you know and it's stupid but like
Starting point is 02:29:23 every tradition in the world is stupid put my foot down all of them i mean most of them are so you're not even mostly wrong but uh i would go ahead and say that like they started designing moves around the fact that you do have a block button and designing the the system around it as well so it's at this point like it's come too far into the realm of like there's a button for this and when you're not pressing it there's you can get like for example uh you can get thrown if you're blocking low but if you are not blocking but you're just crouching the throw will whiff so weird so it makes it so that the intent to block is what's getting punished in that situation there are moves there are fireballs that you
Starting point is 02:30:30 can crouch underneath if you're not blocking they'll go above your head but if you do hold block then they'll you'll block them and get pushed that's so goofy so it's been designed at this point around that system you know it's not as easy as just throwing it in the function and i was holding crouch when i stood up how come reuse high kick hit me in the face well because for one frame you were standing dipshit oh yeah like the fighting games have moves that are like called like forced standing you know like they force your character into a standing position and like that stuff's really important and uh yeah this game plays with high lows highs and lows in a way that is um unique because it doesn't have left right cross ups don't exist right well they exist
Starting point is 02:31:26 but it's not like the guessing game is there when someone comes from behind so instead it plays with high low that there's i there i there's a game i like that has a block button and when you're blocking low you can get hit with a mid and that'll crumple you or you can get ground you can get thrown out of your crouch state with a crouch throw so if you're tech it if you're if you're playing tech if you're playing you're bloated by a mid you're playing if you're playing wolf and and you hit the knee when the guy's crouching then fox you mean and you can you can do you can do the shoulder charge you mean fox into the steve fox yeah he's got good mids dead or alive forward forward punch with wolf is also a mid and it has a follow-up that
Starting point is 02:32:24 does knock down you mean ionic is the sega arcade stuff in the docket this week i'm getting conflicting versions of this story so it's so confusing but it seems really important yes it is and i don't know um i i don't quite know i got i got a new story earlier the week that's like straight up sega's arcade operations are bankrupt sega's arcade operations are shutting down and then someone said it's not like um all of them it's just like the akihabara one and then like i i'm here let me see what's going on someone said it's not as bad as it seems and then
Starting point is 02:33:21 but uh so sega's selling its arcade business after shutting down its famous akihabara arcade it's withdrawing from the arcade business uh due to the impact of the pandemic okay that sucks yeah they're selling sega will no longer be in the arcade business an arcade company which is uh to be end of an era and of decades long era so yeah sega and and again yeah more specifically sega sammy holdings was the uh the company that that they kind of formed um you know what that means though right sega just got access to the free time of a lot of killer developers i mean if that's not the most wishful-ass thinking i don't know what the fuck is dude it means that it it means that you remember they did the virtual fighter esports do you
Starting point is 02:34:21 remember that that thing well it can't be an arcade thing now because there will be no arcade so it has to be it has to be a new virtual fighter for home consoles you know what you're right the only reason why sega's been ignoring all these brands we want for so long is because they've been too busy focused on their arcade division that's the only thing that's been holding them back all this time yeah they like it i like arcades sega sammy has sold 85.1 of the company and it shares to genda ink an arcade rental company sega will continue to make arcade machines and the like genda can then purchase those machines which will continue to bear the sega branding this is why the story was confusing oh because they're still going to make arcade
Starting point is 02:35:12 cabs but they're not an arcade company anymore in terms of managing the arcades someone else owns it and someone else will be buying their machines and well that means that they they need the money to spend extra time to make really good virtual fighter six cabs so those same developers continue to be just as busy as they were yeah but they'll put they they now they can spend the money from the arcade division and deporting the the arcade i just really and then when they finish it and then when they make it and they go hey look we've made a new virtual fighter game genda ink can look at it and be like now we don't want that maybe take it back and make it a pachinko and then sega's gonna be like okay i don't know whether or not it makes it like legit harder
Starting point is 02:36:05 to deal with dead ass virtual fighter or makes it like gives me a smile that they're in the yakuza games like i like i genuinely don't know if it makes it easier or worse to me that kira you can play a mean akira i mean it's objectively better because it exists in some format without having to dust off an old console and and plug it in uh however it absolutely does so with disrespect and it gives it like i said the least amount of of of uh importance you can possibly give a game by shoving it in a menu with puyo puyo called mini games you know so anyway uh so that's what's happening i would say that virtual fighter five final showdown may in fact be the closest thing to a macro game since chess possibly the ur game i mean that's pretty that's a pretty ridiculous
Starting point is 02:37:15 statement considering that go is more complex than chess how about you take that and go out of here you know say what you want you know i should i should have said take that and go but i wanted to make it extra awkward so i added the go out of here so it's very awkward now good good like i could have said why don't you take that and go out of my face with that yeah so you know chess is uh is definitely the most popular uh however if you're looking for uh strategic complexity like go fucking is like like literally like you can you can um it's exponential there's exponential outcomes by comparison go doesn't have an eight frame low punch i don't give a shit okay but what about go does go have an eight frame low punch
Starting point is 02:38:37 and it's good you can follow it up with down forward kick and then punch to get knocked down and get into his floor grab so uh huh yeah well look it's pretty rough for sega right we can all agree it's obviously not good we can all agree it's pretty bad but can we also not agree that it could have been worse for example they could have had a terabyte of their data encrypted by hackers and sold up for ransomware so i talked about this very briefly on my stream and i it's a very complicated upsetting situation particularly for people like us that cover news about video games because from a practical soulless bordering on nefarious point of view this is great for news and consumers because
Starting point is 02:39:46 capcom should not pay a ransomware demand to get their shit back right which means people will find out about a bunch of games that they're developing that you know they didn't know about before however holy shit that's so terrible for capcom it's not just source code to games it's not just game announcements it's also personal information who worked there did you did you read the description of exactly what's in there i did not um yeah it's personal information it's banking information it's sales numbers it's literally everything sensitive and private that you could possibly be worried about beyond just projects and games and leaks um awesome so just these are sarcastic awesomes by the way so the story is that capcom uh you know as everyone has been
Starting point is 02:40:47 working online due to the pandemic capcom's online security was not that great it would seem everybody's security took a hit and it's uh i mean we watch dogs got hit by the same thing uh ubisoft got hit by the nearly identical thing oh dead sack uh and that's yeah and that's how the watch dogs legion source code came out and people discovered that the reason why the game runs so terribly is that it appears to have been coded by children the irony of watch dogs getting leaked through hacks is not lost on me that's kind of once we're done with the capcom thing i actually have a programmer friend of mine that i contacted to get a statement on the on the watch dog shit that's incredible uh okay so uh they got straight up uh capcom got straight up uh thrown
Starting point is 02:41:43 a fucking like old school war as style ascii read me that was like hello capcom if you're reading this it means your network has been penetrated and all your files and data have been encrypted by ragnar locker you have to contact us via live chat immediately to resolve this case and make a deal um second warning do not modify rename copy or move any files or you can damage the encryption and decryption will be impossible do not use any third party public decryption software you may also damage files do not shut down or reset your system it can damage files there is only one possible way to back up your files contact us via live chat for a special decryption key uh for your guarantee that will decrypt two of your files for free to show you
Starting point is 02:42:38 that it works don't waste your time the link to contact us will be deleted if there's no contact made in the closest time you'll never restore your data but if you contact us within two days of getting penetrated you'll get a very special price and then they go on to talk about how they've breached a terabyte of total uh sensitive data including accounting files banking statements budget revenue uh confidential tax documents ip business info literally absolutely everything and then they show some screenshots so the obvious the obvious thing is do not negotiate with terrorists any money well no don't negotiate with terrorists but as obvious for all the same reasons you always would but here it's double obvious everyone's still working from home your
Starting point is 02:43:28 security is still shit there's absolutely no reason why people couldn't pull the same shit on you two weeks from now if you paid them unless they overhaul their security but unless which they most assuredly would like there's no question that this is like this is the type of security breach that happens that like you shut down operations to figure this out like straight up um we've whenever security breaches happened at places i've worked in the past they've been uh physical so we've had breaches where someone has uh walked out of a place with something they should not have or you know and in which case it's just a matter of like catching that person we haven't had anything of like a digital breach variety that i can think of
Starting point is 02:44:25 or if we have like i can't really remember it's been really long time but when these things do happen like you go through every you don't you you stop at no lengths to to make sure your shit is airtight and you 100% are axing your security team as well like they have one job and this is a you can't do the job we need someone who can so um this could theoretically you know be stopped if they went through like some kind of crazy procedure after this uh that was more secure but what sucks is you have no guarantees about like i don't know like literally like if they're ransoming this shit you know um who's to say that they don't have copies of it who's to say they don't like they could they could be lying about any obvious detail in that
Starting point is 02:45:16 ransom message thanks for the money idiots you know so like there's no even starting to play along goes down a path that reaps no rewards you know yeah it's a fucking shit situation um and again like you know fuck the the game leaks and and and news and data whatever like people's personal fucking doxxed info are at risk absolutely that's you know but then then it becomes what is our per and this is a genuine question because i'm not sure because it's complicated what is our genuine um responsibility as uh influencer slash taste makers to discuss the product leaks that will occur as a result of this because they are also associated with uh straight up crimes you know right and it's like because at some point it will become like let's imagine
Starting point is 02:46:22 i'll let's say street fighter six is something that gets leaked as a result of this right yeah how long do we pretend we don't know what street fighter six is right well because it's going to be really weird right away it is uh here's the thing you and i both know that we're used to pretending we don't know things a lot of the time what what are you talking about what are you i would never so why are you especially not about something like street fighter six i could never pretend to not know about that so so this is not uncharted territory in terms of what we discuss publicly and and such that's not uncharted territory it's not a question of that um what i would say is that um if there's obviously some stuff that ethically there's no reason for you
Starting point is 02:47:16 to talk about things that can affect someone's private life if any of that data goes in that direction or like linking to go be like hey look at these files over here it also happens to include some addresses but never mind those stuff files look at the cool shit or the art or whatever the fuck that's like imagine imagine that's disgusting like a like part of the leaks was like as as a result of these leaks and photos that that people on capcom servers maintained it's been discovered that uh an employee at capcom actually in fact has the world's largest penis um that wouldn't be appropriate to discuss because that's private yes even if good for them yes sure uh why did i throw you yeah yeah i just not where i thought it was going but yeah okay
Starting point is 02:48:17 yeah um packing a real yeah um a real capsule yeah yeah yeah listen here's what i would say is i think that other when leaks have occurred in the past um they haven't necessarily they might have included this type of information we or not we don't know and i think in most cases what ends up happening is the information gets disseminate god i fucking can't speak the information gets spread in such a way across the internet that um you will see news stories uh reporting on like rumors of this leak or that leak or whatever the case is that uh eventually just make it a public topic um and i think that in the past there have been leaks about things that you're new've known or i've known and
Starting point is 02:49:15 then and then like the official announcement hasn't dropped yet but the public topic occurs and uh at that point i think it's coverable as a story but again this is a yeah there there's there's a definitely a discussion to have about it i think once something is being covered in that manner and what you're covering is not uh anything that we are talking about with the sensitive information and it's about as much as a news site would report on or a journalist would write about then you're just discussing the news yeah i guess that makes sense as long as we don't break any news associated with this uh criminal nonsense uh we're probably in the clear because i don't want to reward people for essentially kicking down the door to somebody's
Starting point is 02:50:06 computer and just stealing it of course that's immoral but but the internet is also not going to universalize that standard and collectively agree yeah to hold the the the door shut on that it's just really annoying because like this isn't how leaks are supposed to happen right the way leaks are supposed to happen is in one of three ways one your friends with somebody on the dev team and they just tell you and you're an asshole and you just tell everybody two a dev gets drunk at e3 or packs or three you're chatting with a developer and they deny something in a weird way that actually confirms something that's how leaks are supposed to happen for an employee's cousin or nephew films himself playing through some oh man on a black
Starting point is 02:51:05 and on a crt so that every time it cuts to a black loading screen you can see his face as he's filming it and then he goes oh man i can totally see my reflection oh shit oh yeah or as people pointed out or another one which is literally just walk up to a an actor in a double may cry game and go hey is dmc five happening and daniel south where it goes yeah i'm gonna play virgil in it hey daniel why'd you change your facebook profile photo to the dmc five logo no no reason bro yeah so uh yeah yeah there's those you know there's that and this is different from that for sure uh but yeah i think i think there's a certain point that you can just go like uh an aspect of this because it gets discussed as just you know news uh people
Starting point is 02:52:02 were bringing it up and it's true think about the last of us too think about how that went down and how that was affected and how effectively uh it kind of that was it nuked that game in a way that i've never seen any other game get nuked yeah um i created an incredible meme with the ms paint drawings i just don't think any game of that high budget of that level of triple a quadruple a possibly could uh yeah like has ever been through that level of a fucking ringer with a leak and and and the way it all played out and then the level of like uh stifling it and just everything was just absolute dog shit um but no matter what happens when the information came out there was no stopping people from talking about it there was repercussions for those who did
Starting point is 02:53:07 in in large in high places but for the most part the internet still discussed well there's no repercussions for me ha ha except sonny won't respond to my emails anymore hey what are you talking about they found an extra code yeah but not now they would now they won't anyway i i spoke with somebody i spoke with a third party influencer and i'm like hey i talked mad shit about last of us on my podcast and then they sent me a code and i still talk shit about it and they're like dude i used to work with sonny they are never gonna talk to you again i'm like oops oh well oopsie doodle oh well uh i liked ghost of shima i thought it was a very fun video game yeah the ghost she was great um but um
Starting point is 02:53:59 it's funny because i mentioned mass effect three earlier and mass effect three was uh the victim of the entire script leaking out way ahead of time like like games not even close to done and the whole script leaked out um and one of the reasons why the the ending is so bad is because the way that the way that those game stories were originally written were they would they would have the main writer write it and then they would have everybody on the team all the leads would sit around and they'd all kind of argue about it right um and then the leak happened and then kasey hudson grabbed the writer kasey hudson was the director and they like disappeared in his office and came out with this is the new ending that didn't leak and that's kind of why
Starting point is 02:55:04 the ending is so terrible because it was actually like a last second rewrite because you know what's more wow okay it's way more important than uh having a good story subverting expectations it's way more important to surprise Jesus that it is to have a good story so straight up on some game of thrones finale slash lost finale level shit yeah just like keep him guessing that's all that matters yeah keep him guessing and it's like that like the the first script had problems the original writer was not super happy with what what like you know how it worked out and they were workshopping it at the time so which explains why they were so ready to just be like fuck it let's go something totally different but anybody that's taken a 10 second
Starting point is 02:56:07 glance at that script will tell you what they had before was a hell of a lot better than what they had afterwards uh yeah when you write a good story you write a good story and it's more important that the story remain good than it than you fucking like tanking it just for the sake of shocking everybody when they get there that's that's any fucking anyone competent can tell you that obviously star wars similar kind of deal right um yep wow that's a stupid reason for things to turn out the way they did huh okay didn't know that uh well i i certainly do hope that i don't i don't like this is one of those things we're honestly like i imagine the first move here is capcom consult consult a digital security firm and you'll just get their take on it because
Starting point is 02:57:06 that sounds like i have i have no idea how you even play this you know but there's more details um step two start getting some trailers ready i suppose so activision is a bunch of stupid stupid evil fucks but when kotaku leaked the entirety of modern warfare three including all the levels and a bunch of the shit they fucking had a info blast the next day yeah and killed that story yeah by saying instead get fucking hype for this shit no get everyone it was the only it was the only option get everyone together get matt get street writer get all the fucking capcom people put together a uh captivate 2020 out of nowhere and just announce like whatever the fuck ahead of time you know just in case just in case you know anything goes bad because yeah
Starting point is 02:58:17 heading it off at the pass is in fact a nice fuck you for at least the public news but um well you know what you know what you have to do when you're uh dealing with a hostile situation the hostage taker is unreasonable right shoot the hostage you gotta shoot the hostage the only it's the only way make a point kaiser sose not only did we announce all the games we've put them online right now live you can play them early access they're busted they're real they're real fuck but they're up in early access right now yeah just kaiser sose all of it you know that'd be crazy i mean don't you think like wouldn't there be some level of sympathy across the industry if oh absolutely you know if that were to happen i feel like everyone would be
Starting point is 02:59:13 like a lot of you know super let's take it easy on that yeah i think so i i legitimately think so trying to make the best out of a garbage situation but yeah that's a fucking weird weird story happening you know and um that sucks that don't fucking do that so before we get too far away from this the watchdog's legion source code got leaked out basically as a direct result of the exact same thing happening to ubi soft and ubi soft correctly did not play ball and thus the source code for legion came out um however uh there was some very interesting technical data in this that uh as like the programming like how the game is actually built um and uh i was sitting in discord with uh some
Starting point is 03:00:16 friends of mine uh one of which has been a qa lead for decades and has also a programmer and two other career programmers and not none of them like my friend in qa is done game dev right but the other two haven't right but we're sitting there and they're all just staring at these programming blocks and they start to swear and go oh no and what the fuck is this and i as not a programmer not a person who understands even the rough explanation that was given to me had to ask for many explanations i actually had my friend type it out for me but basically some screenshots came out of what the the the watchdog scripting language looks like and it is bordering on very similar to a programming language called scratch
Starting point is 03:01:18 which is a programming language to teach children how to program it is a basic ass programming language and with that i'm actually just going to quote my friend who knows a lot more from me than i do uh from what the leaks show the programming language for watchdogs is written in a scratch like language or some other kind of block based programming language these coding languages are essentially designed to do one of two things teach introduction to how to code or provide a somewhat easy to digest visualization of the code the second is really common depending on the department the code is from and the tool being used for example riot uses in-house thing for their animation tools such as uh when this starts here's the code
Starting point is 03:02:02 sequence of animations played based on certain circumstances however in this watchdog's thing that doesn't appear to be the case the code snippet in question is the damage ai multiplier logic aka something you'd want on the back end and want optimized the code snippet probably runs on every single damage hit based on the melee dot is in bare knuckle line so they have their back end coders writing in a basic level introduction to coding script on top of that the code seems to be a sequence of if statements not even if else but just if essentially every single hit they're checking multiple cases to correct this damaged multiplier value if statements are costly for optimization and are probably bogging down the resources every time this trigger is called every single if statement
Starting point is 03:02:56 needs to be checked and every time the function is called every time damage is calculated and this is only one function so ubisoft's games uh ubisoft's fucking uh watchdog's legion and um uh valhalla run like goddamn shit on pc and this code link seems to explain that the reason why ubisoft games run so badly on many platforms is because they're in fact not optimized at all and they're just brute forcing like probabilities of did you shoot them if so check 100 different factors yeah yeah um right now it sounds like a mess yeah that is uh i have i i do not uh uh uh code at all the closest thing i ever had towards coding was mugan and my understanding of that was based on mugan specific um uh formatting and such but uh that to me the first thing that comes
Starting point is 03:04:06 to mind and this is just raw third-ass chamber pull so i have no idea but that sounds to me like it's directly linked to the way uh ubisoft hires specifically in montreal and toronto where we have ubi school and ubi school is where people here can go directly from uh a post high school program into game training game programming level developing like what a level designing all these different things that are like parts of a of a of how to make a game they have a school specifically that teaches you in the ubisoft way of of uh you know making games and it teaches you their specific style and flow chart at which point then they you know poach from that class whatever they need for the year because they have a very large list of employees and a rotating door
Starting point is 03:05:07 so they just pull in new people straight from ubi schools and throw them on projects regularly because they basically are like you know training their own new people up and uh that leads to a lot of new talent that is not fully experienced being you know on these teams it also leads to a problem where a lot of these classes would create a situation where now you have let's say they hired you know i don't know seven out of a class of 30 people that all graduated in level design uh you now have 23 people that have you know know where to really go get hired and then they all go out and make that level design job that's available at that one other small studio at the moment really really insanely competitive and of course this drops
Starting point is 03:05:58 down the the rate at which you have to pay these people because it becomes a you know a higher hiring market uh but yeah that sounds like something that could be directly tied to the fact that they're pulling people out of ubi schools that's a piece of context that's actually really important because like the the the long and short of it after talking to my friends for a while is like they're like this stuff needs to be on the back end and you need to optimize the shit out of it and if you don't every part of it is going to run like shit and this is like a single function for like firing a bullet yeah now that doesn't explain why um senior programmers and senior team members wouldn't be uh doing things more efficiently and better that doesn't explain
Starting point is 03:06:46 that at all but who knows how stretched thin the teams are you know who knows where the juniors are taking full control and responsibility uh while the seniors are are managing some other aspect of the game entirely are putting out some other fires you know wild that's a wild one it's not often that's crazy that you get a story in fact i don't think i there i can't think of yeah perhaps the only other time something similar has happened was with uh uh yandere simulator i guess right where it's like something leaks and then people look at it and go oh this is made really really inefficiently it's made bad uh you know like this not you don't often get a sony crack it you don't you don't you don't you don't often get a crack at source code criticism
Starting point is 03:07:42 in video games yeah you know the sony leaks showed off like just dude why did you build your store like this why did you build your security like this what crack were you smoking why would anyone do it like this was there ever did anyone have anything to say i wonder about the source code for mario 64 because like you know that shit fucking came out right yeah i know that they found i'm gonna get the details wrong here but i remember there was a case where there was a game on uh there's a game on the we wear shop and it might have been majesco or some other company like that or infogrames or something where um the game used an emulator it actually used a like i think it was a gameboy or an or a snes emulator and you could see the usage of it in the in the source code for
Starting point is 03:08:43 the the we wear game and like after they found that it was like a huge like what the fuck nintendo's using emulators and this whole like you know crazy thing went down and it was like no it turns out that that this producer or this publisher ended up using like a small team somewhere to port this game and this small team did it and then the whole thing it was it was a gigantic mess but essentially um someone found like a a emulation code in a we wear game once and like that led to a whole thing that you know was like is nintendo fucking using emu like what is this but then it turns out it wasn't if i if i had to pull out a single game that people were able to criticize directly for every decision that they made at every point it would be the original version of
Starting point is 03:09:36 final fantasy 14 where every single thing that happened in the game was a script and it would pull the server off of every button press in every menu that's insane that's fucking insane jesus christ like it wouldn't it wouldn't pull the server for did you choose to say yes delete that item it would pull the server for you mousing over the item and damn clicking the item and like oh my god um why would you do it like that the game i was talking about is not the cooking mama uh a scam with the with the fucking with the uh the mining that the data mining and all that that was that was another thing i'm not talking about cooking mama i'm talking about another game way older years ago um i don't unfortunately i don't remember the name of the game or or the
Starting point is 03:10:37 company that it was oh my god yeah somebody in the somebody in the chat points out i don't know if i may i can't confirm this but they say that monster hunter world updates their flags in cut scenes which is why you're not allowed to skip cut scenes it doesn't you don't you don't get this often you know or just like the people who are like where the programming itself is not doing but here's the other thing right well you don't get it often in a public setting yeah yeah yeah you and i have heard tons of people complain privately about i can't believe this fucking shit works like this but that's not exactly the same something else i've learned about programming to over the years again especially since the mugun days has been that um even when your shit is clean there's always
Starting point is 03:11:28 someone who can come along and look at it and get it way cleaner so there's always someone who's just way better that can look at it and be like what the fuck is all this what are you doing and then just do a way better job you know there's a reason why john carmax a genius straight up there's and you will see uh help forums when people are looking for help on like uh you know how to how to write arguments out properly or how to do certain how to code certain things and then people will come in with multiple solutions and then like you will just see like the different skill levels at play coming in it there's always someone that can clean it up more even a little bit you know um yeah it's it's uh it is exactly like codes and art it's art it's exactly like art you know so
Starting point is 03:12:16 there's a point at which you kind of look at it and go that's acceptable for you know for shipping go ahead so what you're saying is that einstein could have really optimized the shit out of some anime titty game um that's what you're saying i mean if his if not his brain then who's you know if not his brain then who's the most accurate and realistic jiggle physics we've never seen you know you brought it up a million years ago and i think about it every time i think of them showing off some technical thing no i think about dead or alive extreme beach volleyball too where they showed off the independent boob physics as like characters' hairs were like clipping directly through their torsos yes yes that that was the the one priorities
Starting point is 03:13:25 let's take some letters hey if you want to send in a letter you can send it into castle super beast mail at that's castle super beast mail at however if you have a cute dog or cat and you want to send me a photo of them because i love them you can send that to at pat stairs at not as cute as this dog or my cat but the pretty cute i bet r slash dog tax hey hey you smush face when you mention your dog you got to pay the dog tax by posting pictures so there's a whole subreddit for it yeah pretty much every time somebody says hey me and my dog are watching you and i go send me photos of your dog on twitter because it's dog um you know what i'll i'll i'll i'll i'll say uh well let me get the exact name of it
Starting point is 03:14:21 i'm so excited for the end of this podcast because when the podcast ends then i can get to eat chili you did hit the chili button didn't you i hit the chili butt i've been eating chili pretty much non-stop for like three days i'll be really real it's bad in here it's uh it's not great are you i mean chili has its trade-offs welcome home welcome home honey yeah i no fuck's given huh yeah yeah she made the chili it was one of the first things she did when she came home well sweet lady
Starting point is 03:15:15 if you follow acoustic trench on youtube or on instagram it is it is digital happiness because it is someone playing very nice soothing music and they always have a picture of their are they always they always film it with their dog and they're always in a peaceful location and it is just it's digital serotonin uh so i'm gonna bump acoustic trench out of nowhere if you see like wow that is that's a good channel yeah if you watch i'd say for starters watch the one with the weird like with the yellow flowers and the dog staring at him and then he's got the little finger plucker thing just watch that one for starters and uh feel the feel the serotonin it is it is bar none the most wholesome thing on the internet like with a i don't know about
Starting point is 03:16:16 with a bullet i don't know about wholesome but if we're if we're just telling people youtube channels that we like probably my favorite youtube channel that you might not expect that i would like is a guy called primitive technology primitive technology rules fuck yeah i'm gonna go out into the woods so it turns out i'm gonna use my hands to build everything a single tool it's a little shit it's little digging thing and i'm gonna build an entire hotel room out of the ground fyi so it turns out where is he digging up all this shit in the jungle he bought acres of land so he's walking on his own property to different parts of it and just making rooms in the ground or pools and listen i'm gonna i'm gonna run through about 400
Starting point is 03:17:06 years of industrial technological advancement in about a 22 minute youtube video the funniest part is whenever he's done at the end and he just like if he makes a bed he'll just like lie on the bed for a while and like stretch out for like two seconds to just be like oh look at me relaxing or look i'm putting water on me i'm in my pool look i'm swimming and enjoying it all right time to get out and dig another hut you know time to time to get out and probably leave this thing to be destroyed by the elements yeah and not maintain it at all no that man would have been a god uh in the bronze age like easy easy but yeah acoustic trench fucking just 12 on 10 uh let's take a letter over here from from robin says hey woolly and pat rob from pennsylvania here hey man what's up
Starting point is 03:18:10 hell of a state the question is more for pat as i believe he played dod in the past uh but now that woolly has some fps experience under his belt he should be able to chime in in day of defeat which weapon is better the car 98k or the m1 garand some info for getting woolly up to speed the car 98 would kill in one shot no matter the location hit even if it was someone's toe it had pixel perfect accuracy but for being a bolt action rifle it had a very low slow rate of fire on the other hand the garand would be quite fast and about as fast as the br in halo without burst fire would one shot on hits to the head and the chest anywhere else took two it was wasn't super accurate like the car 98 you can't reload until you run the gun dry
Starting point is 03:19:08 i think you know the iconic ping of a garand running out of ammo yeah which is better well i have a feeling on that statement without any info on the game i'm gonna go ahead and say that based on the fact that the downside of the garand or rather the dark the downside of the car 98 you've described is that um the accuracy is if any the player would be the issue i would say higher skill ceiling makes sense for that to be considered the better gun because in the hands of someone playing properly you can do more damage with it now before i continue on in this i'm actually gonna go with what i consider to be probably the most hipster answer i could possibly give which is my actual favorite uh uh gun on the one button is the end field on jagged
Starting point is 03:20:12 but uh be it's identical to the k98 but i prefer the sound effects for it um why did you grab your head because this is tough i had that argument for like 200 hours okay um so the the k98 is objectively better than the m1 garand if you can guarantee that you will hit the shot exactly this is the m1 garand you can get three shots out before the the k98 will get the second one the definitive answer to this question is based on the skill level of the person playing it's it's a hard it's you can't ping it because you can't pick it to a certain spot because it's like if your accuracy is shit then you better go for the one that'll compensate for bad accuracy you know it's it's asking how much of an assist you want you know my old screen name snapshot king
Starting point is 03:21:26 was specifically earned from playing with the k98 or the end field in maps that supported it and coming around a corner because the thing was is that yeah they both had melee hits but if you had the k98 or the end field it was just as dangerous within a couple feet as it was at long ranges because if you got a person's body entirely over the bloom of the reticle it was just a death machine like you would if you pointed directly at them from close enough they would just die and they would die in one frame so if you were really really good about taking corners you could turn a bolt action rifle into like a hallway crawler like you just go in the little hallway parts of maps and just hug the corners and just pop people the instant you saw them
Starting point is 03:22:27 you would often run into situations where you and you an m1 guy and a k98 guy would be at the ass ends of the map plunking away at each other and when you're that far away it's hard to hit somebody in the spot that you want your their their dots on the horizon and if their dots on the horizon it's way more likely that you're going to hit their foot or their arm or whatever part of their body doesn't instantly kill them with the garon versus the k98 which is ice them instantly so i'm sure day of defeat like any other video game had a meta that was determined by the best players in the game right absolutely so the best players in the game in any game will represent the you know the peak of the skill you can apply excuse me and um they will you know
Starting point is 03:23:24 like things that go beyond where they're at get into what if you're a human aimbot right then yeah yeah what what does this even apply and it's like well no no one's a human aimbot right but what if you're a human aimbot became a really bizarre problem in the very first version of day of defeat because the sniper rifle didn't have any unscoped sway to it so you would just take a sharpie and then put a dot on your screen and it would be a rail gun it would be an infinite range yeah okay um and and and then they they changed that everything was hit scan yeah it's all hits yeah okay so the way they the way they did it in day of defeat and the way that it shook it out is that the k98 was dominated the uh the the long range encounters because
Starting point is 03:24:14 it's one hit kill but in general the allies had better automatic weapons uh except for the huge machine gun ones which would be the mg uh uh 42 for the for the nazis so the uh allies tended to excel at all the medium ranges whereas uh the the nazis excelled at the longer ones yeah so i would these these are like five percent differences they're not like the end of the end of the world but i think it's i think you can just say though that like you know um there's there's this discussion always happens but like you can't really make a statement on but you can't like the skill level of the people who are at the top of the meta are the ones that can pretty much call out what is uh best when it comes to user error versus like perfection at all times
Starting point is 03:25:17 um there are games there are there are you know competitive games of just about every genre genre where certain races or or certain cards or you know or styles of play are like unstoppable if flawless but execution is like impossibly hard or approaching it and you can what someone can say that on paper in theory if every single time you landed this you would win and it would just be like a complete game over then you'd be the best and someone plays the game enough to get to that point when that person exists then the meta changes you know yeah it's what happened with uh the the bar on the allies it would be that big machine gun that's almost always uh depicted with the tripod on it um that thing kicked like a fucking
Starting point is 03:26:13 mule but it did a ton of damage and was otherwise accurate it's just the recoil was out of control and once people started to get good with that oh my god that thing dominated all the automatics but until that person exists you can't that person existed very quickly you can't you like there's no point it doesn't it doesn't apply you know you can't you can't bring it up that that person that was in the heyday of counter strike and uh david v being new those people just spontaneously came into being like right away it was really weird um like just immediately people started to get real good at this style of first person shooter it's funny because the talk about the k98 actually allows me to talk about my most disappointing game i have ever played in my
Starting point is 03:27:06 entire life and that is day of defeat source and it is the fastest i have gone from the most hyped game ever to a game that i played like one match and never again day you remember counter strike source came out i was excited because we see a source well day defeat source came out and oh my god i was so excited and i i loaded into god what god damn match was it i loaded into avalanche of course it was avalanche and i picked grinadier pressed one played the access role got my k98 pointed it at a motherfucker shot him it hit him in the arm and he didn't die and i fucking turned off i exited the game and i fucking uninstalled it and i have never played it again like
Starting point is 03:28:11 that gun right was just like i don't know what you guys think you are doing to this game but you took a you took a gun that's entire lifespan and identity was it kills you no matter where it hits but it has a really long reload and it's a rail gun and you turned it into a shitty whatever i don't want to play this game i don't want to play this game anymore i'm going to go back to old day defeat thank you i want to walk out of a corner and instantly die and watch the kill cam and not be able to tell who shot me and where they are man fuck brood wars i'm going back to starcraft original i don't think anybody ever said that i don't i don't think that's these lurkers very that was actually yeah i did i do remember that
Starting point is 03:29:10 fuck these god damn dark templars oh my god oh man people are so mad dark archons yeah it's like you fucking patched street fighter 2 and the shoryu didn't have any invincibility on it anymore or it didn't knock you down it didn't knock you down or if you the shoryu didn't knock you down and you're like this game is pointless this game has no value yeah there there i am out there there are about 8 000 fighting game similarities that i deliberately opted to not bring up in that conversation on purpose yeah just just um like the the desires of the devs are so far away from what i actually
Starting point is 03:30:12 want that i am done james says uh dear csb i'm literally sending this email after seeing an ad on youtube that said this is buying an unskippable ad rude maybe i don't know anyway i'm teaching a class on watch dogs legion click the link what are some of the worst ads you've had to suffer through um that sounds pretty bad that sounds really bad i am like i've been railing against this but there is a pattern to like shitty news sites now and ad sense where the entire marketing plan seems to be grossing you into clicking so i've talked about the weird mouth shit in the ear wax but it's not just that there's a lot of times where you'll go to a news site for example you'll be reading an article then you get to the bottom and then they've got to show you um like four
Starting point is 03:31:23 screenshots of fake articles that are just an ad for some other bullshit site and the screenshots are all like questions that are stupid but it'll show you something like it'll be like anti-aging cream does amazing things right or whatever but the picture is just a really zoomed up weirdly saturated version of an old lady's face so that the the lines increases look unnatural and weird and like cracks you know or they'll just zoom in on like um i don't know like almonds but they'll zoom in on the almonds in a way that makes them look like shit and it'll just be made to gross you out for a second and then stare at it and go what is that and then go oh they're just almonds but what the and that whole moment got your attention
Starting point is 03:32:17 this is it's a new form of of fake out gross advertising there's real gross advertising that still exists and fuck all that shit but the fake out gross shit where you know where they're like they're playing with your your basically your brain's like recognition of shapes and faces god fuck that and and i guarantee you it is a matter of years before we start seeing um deep dream like ai generated images of things that don't exist but for some reason data has proven that people will click on them like leffenbach style shit where it's just like you don't know what this is but the shapes of this thumbnail look like things that you kind of recognize and it has gotten the most people to click on it so we're going to start showing you that
Starting point is 03:33:12 it's coming for sure so i don't see a lot of ads on the internet for whatever reason but what i do see often is promoted posts on twitter ah yeah that's that's that's come up a bit you if you want to have a good time i have a recommendation for you block go through the trouble to block and mute every single promoted post you ever see on twitter and eventually they will like start diving deep into the weirder ads that are technically in their their thing and you will get fucking goofball out of your region not your language shit that is like night marriage and hilarious okay like i got a goddamn ad for like a fucking um i think it was like a pakistani like lawn mowing service yeah like just just they're the only buyers you didn't
Starting point is 03:34:25 they're the only auction buyers you didn't kick out of the room yeah yeah yeah because i only yeah it's like yes did you want to do the xbox yeah you're getting blocked this one weird trick cop hates it what i you know the adiata but like no give me give me the weird ads from countries i don't live in all yeah i'll i'll look at that also shout out oh my god damn thing just the annoyingness of reddit doing a um trending video now thing where like it's not necessarily ads it's just here's a live trending video that people are watching that's gonna pop up every couple of posts and you can't really get rid of it forever you can turn off a lot of shit you can't really turn that off permanently uh always always always comes back on uh i i i oh
Starting point is 03:35:21 there's a new there's a yeah there's a new story we missed which one there's a new story we missed from customer reportedly receives xbox 1x instead of xbox series x i did see that yes i triple checked the order and quote triple checked what is the store that they that sent them that tell straw in australia after contacting the company they were reportedly told to go through the return process oh my god oh my god it gets worse than parent confusion marketing yeah now it's store confusion oh retailer confusion how could anyone have seen this this thing that every single person saw coming oh god
Starting point is 03:36:28 and yeah they're not on your side when it's their fuck up oh fuck amazon send me my ps5 i bought it you mean this ps3 and this ps2 taped together that's that would be pretty funny i would laugh for that i see i could turn that into twitter content but i mean but no seriously give me my ps5 i bought it i bought killer naming convention good good nomenclature all right incredible that sony was able to make the best sounding console by literally just putting a number on it that's stupid i can't wait for the mid generation upgrade oh the the do you know what it's going to be fucking called it's going to be access x box series x s x s of course it is we we know that it's just putting the two together no question
Starting point is 03:37:29 or xl xl would be really stupid oh man the new xbox series x series plus how are those things doing on on the um the pre-order hell i have no idea people aren't complaining quite as much that they aren't getting theirs so probably better than the ps5 do you imagine you'll grab one eventually i have uh uh xbox uh no phil spencer confirmed that i will never buy an xbox he uh actually in an interview of like two weeks ago said that every xbox exclusive will come to pc oh so my xbox is in the mail then just straight up yeah your xbox is in the mail it's actually
Starting point is 03:38:24 all shit yeah okay but no there but there okay every exclusive will come to pc but not console exclusive games for example like special edition uh dmc4 that's that's why you have a ps5 yes but there's there there will but there will be stuff that yeah there will be stuff that'll go one way or the other way on it yeah okay yeah thanks microsoft i might just grab one i might i might still grab one you know we'll see all right that's it for the podcast hope you all enjoyed it you all have a good weekend wait oh my god it's it's monday it's monday but i will i will wish everybody a good weekend because i will not see you this week i will see you all next week so that works for me uh but you need to get your affairs in order
Starting point is 03:39:51 so so so so

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