Castle Super Beast - CSB 096: While You Caught Syphilis, My Controller Was On The Floor

Episode Date: December 1, 2020

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Starting point is 00:00:00 No. Yeah. Hello, everybody. What's up? Welcome to the late edition of Castle Super Beast. Just in time to, uh, to hear about, I don't know if you heard about the breaking news, Pat. We have breaking news. Yeah, there's breaking news. Apparently Castle Super Beast shirts are now on sale for, oh my goodness, a crazy 30% off. So that, that, uh, that them their Thanksgiving thing the Americans do big old things, big old things and thanks and things are, are happening. So if you want to get yourself a shirt, you can go. I actually have
Starting point is 00:01:13 it at slash Castle Super Beast shirts just to see them all right there. And uh, yeah, get yourself a shirt with a deal. So that's cool. Um, and I believe it's the season of savings and stuff, but at the very least right now that's what's happening and anything else going on. I'll let you guys know, but that's, that's the breaking news. That's good. Hey everybody. Hey Americans. I'm thankful that you are listening to, um, oh, that's good. I like that. Our big dumb jokes and that you find them funny enough to sacrifice five hours of your week. Well, the trick is you listen to it on double speed and then because you listen to it on double speed while you were playing Xbox, you have
Starting point is 00:02:06 to go to Twitter or subreddit and be like, well, what's the name of that thing that we're talking about for like an hour? I can't remember the name of the thing. It's much easier for me to just ask a thread here than it is for me to just literally scrub back in the audio podcast that I have or check the timestamps, which are now up on the site on Castle Super You can see the timestamps on every episode as it's posted right away. So there's that help too. Um, pretty, pretty useful. I did not realize until it was pointed out to me how much though our natural pace of conversation requires pauses to process and or think of the next bit. We take a lot of like pauses sometimes as a pregnant pause for, for, for humor, but
Starting point is 00:03:00 other times if we're deconstructing, there's a stop to consider where to go next as you pass the ball back and forth. Absolutely. And I didn't realize just how long some of those gaps were until someone pointed out that there's too many silences and then that it's, it's, it's an issue. At which point I thought of how there's like, there's definitely the cut all the space and breath out of your speaking style editing on YouTube. And I think, I don't mind it when it's a short video. If it's a five minute video, then it's not a problem. But if I were to sit down and listen to a conversation like that, like, yeah, I'd get anxiety. It'd get way too, way too dense. I feel that I very much agree with you on this in that, yeah,
Starting point is 00:03:53 you watching a two, three minute video jump cuts make a lot of sense. It's a quick video. It's like, hey, bro, here's where you get this thing. Go here, jump on the thing or whatever. But I have watched like 30 minute films, 30 minute dissertation videos that is literally one edited jump cut of line to the next. And I can't do it because it makes me like, I'm waiting for the natural break in the thing so that I can think about the words that are being said. I need the words. Hey guys, what's up? So anyway, today we're going to be unboxing this product. It's a pretty cool product. I just want to thank my sponsors for sending us this product. It's called Loot Crate. No, wait, that's gone. That's dead. That died. Oopsie. The only thing that remains
Starting point is 00:04:43 of Loot Crate is a single shirt that I own from it. This is the Christmas shirt. Pet break. Check out Fluffy. Fluffy. Oh, the cats here. Check out everybody say hi to Fluffy. All right, get out here, Fluffy. So anyway, hey, you joke. Hey, you joke. But I mean, the cat is literally over. But it's like a smash cut teleport of it being in your hands to it suddenly being not in your hands or possibly being tossed violently behind you as its camera usage has been obtained. Don't throw your dogs and cats. That's my advice, you know. Yeah, so it is and it's already a sped up thing. But again, in concentrated form when you're planning to when you're asking the person for five minutes of their time tops, I don't mind that.
Starting point is 00:05:25 I think people's time is to be appreciated and valued, believe it or not. However, I do think in the form of conversation, it does get like, yeah, anxiety inducing when it's too dense. I remember one of the first problems I ran into in the guilty gear lore videos was the solidest is helping out with the like timing of the cutting out the spaces of, you know, the audio to make it tighter because this is a video with a goal in it. And I remember one of the first things I like looking at it and putting gameplay footage while I'm just dumping all this shit about the gear project to you and about soul and that man and everything and their college fucking dissertations. And I'm just like, I can't handle how fast and heavy this information is coming at
Starting point is 00:06:19 you. It feels bad to listen to, I'm not processing any of it. And it just tires me out like I'm sweating paying attention to this, you know, so I really like, I think that you can the moment you're asking, yeah, a longer period of time and that and yeah, that video was well over five minutes. So you get like 10 into that less, you get just a little bit and you just kind of take the headphones off and pause it and go, okay, fuck all of that. I got nothing. And it was annoying to listen to because it was just too dense, you know, I think that what we should do. Okay. Well, I'm glad I brought this up. Because here we are. Because here we are. This is where we are. We're at the point where yep, this is happening.
Starting point is 00:07:20 I'm thinking now, hold on a second, it's going to be a good thought has Pat thought he actually has not frozen. It's merely it's funny that you mentioned that because I will when I when I stop to think of the next thing to say like really big brain drill down, I tend to lock into a position. I tend to completely stop moving entirely. And it often leads people to think that the stream has broken because I will go and I'll just like sit there with my like looking up at the sky with like my finger out in a specific pose, but not move at all for maybe 10 seconds. Yeah. That's where all the really good jokes come from. Well, that's what I'm that. Well, that's the thing is, is that though, like I so I do that, but I feel like I do that for
Starting point is 00:08:10 just like basic humor. Because again, I feel as if I've always I feel like I've always been the slower car on the road in terms of like the wit, the repartee, the ability to that bit, that boom, you know, but like, if I can, if I can charge and buy my time, I can release a good one every once in a while. It just takes me a second to get there. I was recently talking to a friend of mine, and I started to make a gag. I started to make a funsy goof, if you will. And I got four words in and then came to a dead stop as the rest of the joke had never formed. It just never arrived. And they said, dude, why didn't you just wait two seconds, finish it in your head and then just say it. And all I can respond with is I
Starting point is 00:09:07 literally don't have time. Almost everything I say, the end of the sentence is not there. By the time I start talking, so you start talking, you so you start talking and you're hoping that the speed of the joke writing will complete itself by the point that the words have to be. Yeah, okay, I got it. I got it. So yeah, I don't I don't have enough confidence to throw those out there. I have to let it I have to let it percolate for a second and then eventually get to it. But in some other cases, the delay is when, let's say you are talking or establishing something, such as I'm doing right now as you are receiving the information if we're getting meta. While you're in the reception mode, your brain gets to start processing.
Starting point is 00:09:53 One, how you feel about a situation or what your response is, and then two, what the funnier version of what you feel is and how to angle yourself there instead. So you have to take some travel time to go from where you actually are to what to what what what works best. And then you travel and then you go and there it is and you attack from that angle. Yeah, there's a there's a real feeling of like on occasion that'll that'll trap you however, because you get into the situation where the the the subject you're talking about will shift tones. But I prepped for the starter tone. And now that now that the tone is sad, my my clown fucking joke is no longer appropriate. But God damn it, I'm going to see if it still
Starting point is 00:10:44 works. I think the the the most unfortunate reality of I saw somebody in the chat just say building the road as you drive, so to speak, is that occasionally you build the road wrong. And that ends up with the I would say three times a broadcast word salad nonsense statement that means nothing to anyone where you end up going oh man that's really good when the money pocket man go and just just complete failure. Yeah, so I don't because you see because you're racing so close to the draw distance of your of your joke of what if you're trying you have your point like you can trip over it and fall out of world and then again and then crash the whole thing. I give it time for it to load up. But what happens to me is occasionally
Starting point is 00:11:48 I'll have to pull something from far in the past or from in the recent past but super deprioritized and then I fucking stagger and I'm like oh my god my memory what's that thing you know the thing that I really talk about that I enjoy that I shouldn't have a hard time remembering well it's gone now because I've been processing something else entirely you know and then that data that's like I know this I should know this how do I not know this yeah it's gone but if yeah I need to roll back exactly I need to roll back in those moments but if you want to if you want to enjoy like what like comfort you have in developing the ability to like do this entire tactic over time if you sit down with someone who's brand fucking new to it like Reggie and who
Starting point is 00:12:41 finds himself like lost and then he lights a match and then it turns out oh no I'm under a bus when did I get here yes and he's trying to find his way out of the bus and it's like okay well if no one's gonna drive this bus to continue moving so that he cannot escape it then I guess I'll get in and stuff I didn't put the bus here but now that it's here and I see Reggie trying to leave or crawl out from under it I'm gonna drive it so that he stays underneath it no matter where he crawls to because why look at you now you know now you drive the school bus now I drive the bus when you said bus I'm literally at every word that you said I was modifying the first two words of blah blah you drive the school bus now yeah because it's that Simpsons thing and now that
Starting point is 00:13:37 we're doing word jokes I'm going few word do trick from the office thing throw that in there because you got to get it in and then right away segue to something a little more on point is coin keep do big minute speak go word that's good why use why use big word when small word do good which actually might be just as long to say as the real person I think I think my favorite variation of this is that when you when you are hitting the the edge wall either of your own personal memory or of the speed of your brain mistakes happen and occasionally those mistakes can be deeply embarrassing or illuminating the number one of which that I will never live down I think is like 18 months old now where I was thanking people for subs and I just straight up look directly
Starting point is 00:14:34 at the camera and went oh thank you money and went mmm I mean thank you all for your generous support mm-hmm yeah and page had one where she couldn't remember what the concept of money was so she said thank you for number mm-hmm mm-hmm yeah because I can see that her brain just goes well you do the stream and then the people are nice and then the number yeah number go big number it really it really is outrunning the draw distance as it were have you ever had people my favorite variation of this is a people who remember that gag will put change their donation name to thank you for money x subs and the message will be as if I were reading a generic non-message sub in an asshole way I have to appreciate I have to
Starting point is 00:15:44 appreciate the goo ah comedy is hard and I should know I'm not a comedian and if you tried to be and I was thinking about this if you tried to be it would cease to be even remotely amusing to anyone not ankle to like waste deep in video games and and anime in general no no the references are crutches we require the framework of our of our humor to be based on that which japan has given us let's not pretend we're gonna stand on our own two feet here I'm afraid of poop on my pants that doesn't have anything to do with video games no but but z targeting a colostomy bag absolutely does and it's it's a way funnier place to go with it it's true you're right this is what this is what it is you know um I've heard the stories
Starting point is 00:16:52 about uh vine kids going up on stage at a at an open mic oh and it's not the same it's not the same it ain't it ain't it ain't and the thing is uh what the comedians have had to say is it always fucking sucks because they will at their first couple they always have a ton of fans that come out that really just want to take a picture and chill that are gonna not necessarily represent what actual comedy is it's just you're established audience in a way but that's not really universally funny you know and those people are gonna like it's like your family coming out to your first show you're gonna have a weird artificial reaction and if they decide my mom would clap on any stage that I was on and if you if you decide to stick around long enough
Starting point is 00:17:43 that they don't care about you being on stage anymore then you get to feel the real heat or lack thereof and you bomb in the truest sense of the word the kind that like you go to sleep with and it stays on your chest you know and uh yeah you gotta feel those we live a very bizarre like variation of an entertainment lifestyle because bombing on stage is so damaging as to be physically damaging to viewers of the event like I have almost ratched in anxiety watching people bomb on stage yeah it is so uncomfortable I can say I can't believe it I can say that uh with great uh pleasure and privilege that uh every time I've physically been on a stage addressing a crowd of people that I've never had to have a please clap moment um usually uh if anything I find that
Starting point is 00:18:46 there is the the timing of IRL delivery especially to like a large room is such that you get a lot of time to come up with the next punchline or bit or whatever the case is and it makes it a lot easier and then like you just gotta you gotta drop one and have it be you know pretty alright and then it'll and then while that's happening you can just work on the next thing in your brain I just while you were talking about that I decided to test and I watched four seconds of that girl oh yeah oh yeah but I almost threw up oh yes I just skipped to the what is the name of my favorite video I just looked up girl ventriloquist cringe I'm tapping out I'm tapping out I'm tapping out I'm freaking out I'm freaking out and and I it was prior to the it was prior to the upset
Starting point is 00:19:49 and I just they're not laughing like I just like gagged a little and it's mm no that one see now that here's the thing though right there's other there's other factors because that one she is at a school auditorium you can hear her friends are there in the front trying to cheer her on um so there is some support but also because it's that high school thing it's exponentially worse because it's good that's a sagat scar being slowly cut in over the course of two minutes social situation it is a slow sagat scar being burnt in and it takes a while for it to happen but um I think the older you get the you know like the less those moments damage you but like that one is a rough one because you know it's going to stick around for a while
Starting point is 00:20:45 brutal brutal yeah it's you want to you want to know if you want to know if somebody's like a complete psychopath have them watch people bombing on stage and if they're just totally chilling sipping their drink no problem you need to get away from that person because it's so they're disconnected that I feel I feel sick just I'm thinking of every oh oh it's bad like you know what all you know oh man here's a direction I didn't think I was gonna go for choker was aware of when he bombed on stage yeah anyway you know what I'll give props to those those young men who are now probably our age hanging out in their local parking lot reenacting their favorite moments from the acclaimed hit game kingdom hearts journey to the parking lot mm-hmm that is highly cringe
Starting point is 00:21:50 but you don't take the same kind of like wretched like diseased wound damage from it because they had a good time and maybe they're a bit embarrassed afterwards exactly in the moment it was a private filmed event it was a cinematic masterpiece and it was not anything that they regretted and perhaps when they did eventually it was way after the fact with some distance and perhaps even the comfort of oh god look at my old self uh as opposed to in the moment live in front of an audience and and then the follow-ups afterwards right you you didn't have to suffer immediately totally totally I uh I think we're in a very unique position because you and I have both on many occasions had bits gags jokes goose anecdotes and stories
Starting point is 00:22:55 completely fail outright just crickets mm-hmm however because of the wonderful nature of the fact that I am looking at a tiny little light and a roughly cylindrical microphone and not uh what 2000 people actually standing in front of there you can take that non human damage a lot more easily therefore your embarrassment can be played for laughs instead of making people want to bomb it yes this is again any any uh of the the best comedians I know will all have the skill of acknowledging the bomb and using it to further dig down the path of of like failure and embracing the fact that like yep we all have to acknowledge the absolute anarchy and and damage that that bomb left you know who's a really good uh comedian in that it's the only time I can ever
Starting point is 00:24:01 think that he put a bomb into his set to make the rest of his bit work it's bill burr when he was talking about rihanna getting smacked around by chris brown mm-hmm he starts to segue into the bit where he goes I wonder what they were talking about I wonder what she could have possibly said to him yada yada and the crowd just starts to recede mm-hmm and just pull back from him so that he can go look how comfortable everybody is right now and then goes on to the next part of his bit yeah that's that's scary but don't forget that this is the same man who bombed hard enough that he eventually said fuck the entire set and turned it into 12 minutes of telling philadelphia to go fuck itself and making fun of the entire city like off the cuff and did his entire time and it
Starting point is 00:25:03 was legendary like sometimes you turn the bomb into the greatest victory ever if you have that skill he's also the man who I believe has never gotten a second advertising spot for his podcast ever because every time he does one of his podcast ads it might be the worst podcast ad read ever oh I've heard some bad I don't know I don't know why he have you heard him read podcast I have and I've heard others I don't know why he even bothers there are some podcasts out there with really really awful ads and the people that basically sign up to send them sponsors are like thank god the sponsor is a fan of the show because holy fuck there's no way you know I mean anyway we we I I learn I learn from some of the shows I listen to but yes um the the the the legendary
Starting point is 00:25:59 fucking 12 minutes is one of those great stories because yeah technically he wasn't bombing in any other like usage of the word except for the fact that they hated him and they didn't like the material and they were being too aggressive on that entire tour there's a whole you can go listen to the backstory of it from their perspective but um Phillies uh yeah but uh sure but uh what I was going to say before that was um you see those all these great moments we talk about all those you know the the parking lot or um um for Frodo you know that's that's another classic uh oh man dude does the full for Frodo speech as people are getting ready to write their exams silently at their desks in what has to be at least university if not college and then looked like it looked like
Starting point is 00:27:00 and then after yelling for Frodo he then just slides quietly to his desk and starts writing and no one is the part of the where we go down the video yeah in my mind in my mind's eye he runs out the door but he doesn't does he no he has to write his exam he said I thought my I thought my classmates could use some motivation so I'm gonna go give them the the return of the king's speech and then he goes and then he does it and then he sits down to write his exam um and everyone just has to hold that they have to feel it and it has to stay in the room for the entire time that they write it's great so all this uh makes me like roll my eyes extra hard whenever I see people using cringe is just a way of saying I didn't like what you did because it's like that no
Starting point is 00:27:54 cringe is that's not it flavor if someone says something and you just and you disagree with it and you go oh cringe it's like that's fucking stupid I hate that and I know that like that's almost a a a it's happens enough that it's a basically a modern parlance it's the opposite of based but it still is like nah I much prefer cringe when it specifies the feeling you get from watching those videos yeah the the the experience of cringe is a burning sensation that goes around the ring of your face flooding out to the rest of your body in a kind of stabbing anxiety that I don't know why people seek it out I say as I'm literally typing I don't feel I don't feel it in my face I feel it in like my sternum it's a feeling in the sternum and it it's it feels solid
Starting point is 00:28:53 it feels like um like like just spherical and impenetrable but it's also wrapped and in the laughter I get personally of just enjoying how bad it gets you know yeah so I'm do I'm running a test as to what the exact feeling in my body is as I cringe uh I'll get back to you in one second sure soul down oh you're right it's in the chest it's in the chest you're right yeah soul damage is hard to describe but it is oh it's quite difficult I opened up a video and it was paused and I literally just hit space bar for one second and it was enough which one it's I have never made it through foam adventure foam adventure I have never got through the whole thing I get like I want to say the law I've gotten 50
Starting point is 00:29:56 seconds in foam adventure is just like parking lot kingdom hearts foam adventure they're having their own time and again there's no live audience for it let foam adventure be let them be you know it's it's it's not it's not the same as uh live on stage puppet show girl like that is I wouldn't want that is my champion pat hanging out uh auditorium ventriloquist girl is my that is my champion I bet on that horse every single time that's that's the fucking winner blood covered in the in the gladiators arena undefeated you and you and page are are blow me away because you're the type of people who like will sit down and go yeah I feel like some cringe I need to see it it's it's feel it recent years it hasn't been as much of a thing you know I'm
Starting point is 00:31:02 you know I'm definitely talking about going back to the old fucking the old internets you know and when uh and when this was a it was a new form of like I I just I didn't it was so unique you know it's not a it's not a funny ha ha video it's not a world star fight it's not any it's just it was just something else and it and it it elicits such a like revulsion despite there being nothing like gory or graphic or horrible yeah you know I just remembered when this started so we've talked about in the past that you and I were the types of morons who would go specifically to websites to see horrible things to prove to ourselves yeah I could die I am yeah it's nothing to me I'm I'm cool and after a while that just I remember watching two girls one cup
Starting point is 00:32:07 and feeling nothing nothing and going I okay that's enough that this is my soul has been damaged it's I've been ruined but you no longer getting the kick from horror heroine switched to cringe cocaine now you need to feel bad in your heart now it it it definitely elicited a different new reaction that I had not experienced and that I I quickly quickly yeah I can say I became addicted to the the feel you know the the new the new sensations that have brought me as you tie off the belt but but I would like to specify though that in many cases like it was not there's a distinction I think between like uh hanging out and talking to people that are just like holy fuck look at this and yeah that was very common as opposed to um that that dude I knew
Starting point is 00:33:17 who went out and actively spent hours just going through like gore compilations and shit like yeah no I that's and I'm like never fuck that right and and you know so just the butterfly the modern equivalent of the way that woolly and I used to act was the as if it was as if we were 20 years ago friends with current modern day Justin Wang and instead of making a video about the sally acorn love doll with a skeleton in it he would go dude check this out and you'd go and he was like do you want to see another and I go yes I do I will watch the whole playlist Justin it's someone in the back of class holding out their phone and showing you some shit and you're trying to you're over here and you're like what the fuck are you
Starting point is 00:34:17 oh my god and then you just keep watching you have some more you keep and you watch some more yeah that's crazy it's that friend absolutely um I I'm happy to follow Justin Wang on twitter I hate his twitter it is the worst twitter I follow I cannot mute him or unfollow him I need to see everything it is it is it is the twitter that makes me the most legitimately upset that I make sure that I see every tweet yeah every shitpost yeah there's a there's just a picture someone I saw of like someone with just like a little cartoon of like a really reviled face just being like ugh and then just holding out a heart to be like I clicked like on this while looking absolutely disgusted with it and it's like yep sometimes you need those I will check out this
Starting point is 00:35:21 kid's haircut here we go here we go back in the classroom back in the classroom oh god oh god okay yep yep back in the classroom teachers turn towards the blackboard what do we got here oh man oh just retweeted it if you guys want to just fuck that top of his head fuck those parents fuck him I can't I can't just do you want to check out what I'm talking about you can I check out Justin Wang's twitter he retweeted it or or yours yeah yeah there's a 7 40 p.m. on one day horrible the fucking negligent just oh anyway so yeah this this is the this is the experience this is the experience back in the day there's one person over on the computer the computer that somehow we've acquired in either
Starting point is 00:36:38 a laptop that somehow has internet access or we're in the computer lab or we're adjacent to a computer and somebody goes y'all man check this out I finally got it to load it took 10 minutes to to buffer this google video yeah and this is the part oh you didn't even there's a fucking rear shot on it too anyway oh what there's if you go to the the full thing there's a oh it continues um yeah no this is this is the part where I chastise you and then turn away for 30 seconds and then send you a link to a kid doing a fucking tiktok dance with his terminal grandfather in the background on a bed and the kids like whatever like some looks like he couldn't be older than
Starting point is 00:37:34 like 17 or 16 and he's and he's trying to like turn it into a moment where he's dancing for the the grandparent and it's just like why why would you do this which would you put up higher than that because I've seen like I've seen the selfie on like like leaning over the hospital bed selfie with like haha nana's dead uh yeah yeah there's a couple of rip and piece nana it's like oh I hope a ghost haunts you doing it for music howly yeah um anyway speaking of soul damage I haven't laughed like that in in like 20 years that's a that's a specific laugh for specific emotions speaking of soul damage mm-hmm how about that demon souls I beat it twice now so uh have you got a handle handle on it
Starting point is 00:38:46 in anticipation of what's to come I've been playing and uh I've been refreshing no no no no current new one you got the ps5 yes okay that's a piece of information that helps yes I yes I I did manage to get a a a discless ps5 okay nice yes uh uh thanks to a very kind person who had an extra one I was able to acquire that and so and then you traded a few of your influence points no cold hard cash actually well no the influence points is for the offer sure walks the merchants yes but but either way uh uh absolute thanks to jack for reaching out and and uh you know being like hey that can I can help you out there that was that was fucking very very kind of him and um
Starting point is 00:39:54 and yes thanks to jack we are now good to go on on on all the next gen plans on ps5 content on the channel yes so um what what I did was I set it up and I downloaded the things and I did the transfer and then uh I booted it up and I saw that weird GPU glitch where you booted up and the screen is all split across and I'm like hey that's not good oh I've seen that problem on other people's twitters sick and then I rebooted it and then it went away and I was like okay and then I played and that didn't happen and then I played and then um I was playing uh uh uh in the in the intro area and then the game froze and then locked up completely and I was like oh that's sick and then I rebooted it and then I got that that multi GPU screen issue again
Starting point is 00:40:57 and I'm like okay panic time panic time good panic time what's the what's the what's the what's the warranty process on I bought it from a dude well looking up what everyone else has been saying uh you can contact sony and they do have a thing where they will basically uh send you a new one and a box to return the old one in so that they can repair it but they send you the same as it ever was huh right but but like you see Nintendo used to take your old one and send you back the same one which was terrible uh and it took a while obviously in this case it seems like Nintendo uh well I mean I think Microsoft is doing it with the red rings as well like they send you a different one um yeah while you you send yours back however um I've been keeping an eye on it
Starting point is 00:41:48 and in fact I switched over to like playing a full session of 13 sentinels and then I played a bunch more desks on it and it's been okay it's been fine for now but I'm not holding my breath because I've been I've seen a couple of instances of fucking trouble so far maybe one of those general stability patches fixed your issue maybe in the meantime I am not putting it into rest mode because I've read about people on online getting bricked for going into rest mode and any other thing that's happening uh I'm trying I'm trying to avoid in general I've turned off all suspend timers and all that shit um I just what you know power the fuck down um I got a weird problem yesterday too where I think there might be like just too much like too many
Starting point is 00:42:41 signals or too much noise in my living room because there's a lot I my controller was having a hard time like registering inputs at a point it was taking inputs and lagging them and then sustaining some of them and it just it made it like impossible to play for a couple seconds and then it went away and then came back and like I think yeah I just think there's too much shit so that happened to me when I was playing DMC five if you remember it um there there's it turned out that the distance I was sitting was just far enough to cause like the wireless signal on the controller to get fucky for whatever reason you have an ungodly amount of wireless interference in your living room specifically yeah so which is confusing to me because I have the same amount or more devices
Starting point is 00:43:33 of similar wireless shenanigans than you do the only thing that I can think of this different is that I'm in a basement and uh there's only so much encroaching wireless from nearby now it has decreased in in uh since then because there was like I had the wireless mics at the time I'm not using those anymore um and a couple other systems are not in use anymore but either way the problem was happening and I was like fuck this is happening with the with the you know ps5 now like I gotta yeah I gotta find a way to fix that issue um in the meantime though like this is on a entirely new living room essentially because um prior to uh so yeah first there's there was that I got the xx prior I told you about that last week uh the computer arrived and all of this
Starting point is 00:44:24 shit was just kind of sitting in a weird place where I'm like okay I have to rearrange everything for this to work and the last piece of the puzzle was the television which uh has arrived now as well what tv did you get is this samsung uh lg oled 65 and oh man that's it that's the good one it's the one with the least amount of input lag possible for 65 I think it's got like nine frames or something uh no sorry nine milliseconds like sub one frame um on game modes it said the responsiveness was like at like I think it was at like 13 I think yeah I think you have the one that is like number one rated on display lag dot com that's exactly where I went to and I clicked on that button yeah yeah I mean shout out just if if anyone doesn't know display
Starting point is 00:45:15 lag dot com that's where I go that's where you go and you see what size tv do you want and then sort by lowest latency and then just buy the thing that's there because I I ran into the the black friday slash sub or monday thing where I'm like should I upgrade my tv and discovered that I would love to get the tv that you have but I can't because I use it as a pc monitor and use an any oled tv as a pc monitor is a quick trip to destroying that television is it because of the oh yeah so because uh oleds are not a problem if you watch varied content and burn in does not show up as a problem but if you're using it as a pc monitor your taskbar is gonna be more or less the same 60 70 percent of that tv's lifecycle okay uh I do require it as a monitor
Starting point is 00:46:21 for the way my setup is currently because I basically reusing it as your primary computer um it is it is for because that's what the the new gaming pc is plugged into but the stream computer is what's in front of me that I can use for like basic quick browsing and shit like that but like when I'm playing pc games or if I need to pull up any like video footage or watch anything I'm using that pc instead yeah so I would highly then recommend you uh switch to windows dark mode and dark mode for apps okay I also hide well as I hide the taskbar by the as well too because yeah there's a lot of times we play desktop shit that I want it to be you know borderless windowed and I just need this taskbar out so but yeah in general I would
Starting point is 00:47:13 also recommend to no shit start using a screensaver again hmm okay burn in is an issue to worry about here that that should mitigate all of those problems okay I also went back to my my my uh my old faithful tron legacy wallpaper with uh with the lid that I used to use back in the day with Olivia on it so good stuff um that's all set up that that tv has variable refresh rate uh yes 60 I'm interested to hear your experience or 122 um and you can well at least on the xx you can go in and set it directly on what you want the console to to be at and um I fucked around with it on that patch for the the ps quintuple okay yeah it I noticed that um and apparently there was some there were some issues with dmc 5 like not like not having a if you switch to 120 uh
Starting point is 00:48:22 to it would then lock everything to 60 in high frame rate mode on on dmc 5 se for xbox so like they had to patch to fix that shit there was some weird bugs happening with it um but yeah all that all that fun stuff is is there and uh 120 rather not 122 I'm I'm I'm stupid um so you've been playing demon souls yes um and blah what was I was sorry you threw me off there I was in the middle of just just saying that like the full the full living room setup is all changed and everything's in different places now and uh I ended up like I ended up um like I had a a a a a chest of like I had a like a shelf that I would put all my consoles on and I literally rotated it sideways and made that the new tv stand um the tv itself is fucking weird because of how crazy thin it is and like
Starting point is 00:49:18 doesn't weigh like 40 pounds like almost like almost nothing no it it's heavy the base is fucking hefty it's it's absolutely heavy but it's super thin and it's so thin that the we sensor bar that I'm currently using for Mario galaxy cannot balance on the top of the fucking kid it's way thinner than that think about how thin a we sensor bar is it's too thin to put the fucking thing on it it's crazy it's wild um so that is now it's like sitting on the bottom you know uh and and and this is where we're at we're at a point where we sensor bar tech is now fucking uh obsolete for for this this level of television I suppose um it's sitting on the sound bar in front of the fucking thing because that's the best I can do with it uh and um I mean I guess yeah uh uh the the I would like a
Starting point is 00:50:25 it's a unique thing but like you know how like some tv's have like the whole uh they have their hdm hdmi inputs some are on the rear panel some are on the side but like some are underneath yeah and some are on the left or the right and I'm just like god fucking hell like I didn't realize until it got here that the that the the side panels were on the left instead of the right where my last one was so like I had to rearrange things again based on not even catching that part of the equation and it's like ah I just kind of wish there was more you know and if you didn't want more then just allow there to be a way that I could like use these ones on this side instead of that one it's such a like weird thing but it's like the as these things are getting bigger it's it's a lot harder
Starting point is 00:51:14 you know anyway whatever um I I picked it's a big upgrade for your tv it is and I'm very happy with it and I mean you got OLED now OLED's crazy and I did I did a big old peel of the of the the plastic and I didn't post it but if I ever feel like karma farming I can get some big old reddit karma for that peeling feeling you get you oh you get some big karma because we got a nice big peel nice big two-handed peel going feels good to see the peel you know uh yeah so that's great um desk I am refreshing and I'm currently uh at two one I want to say I decided I didn't go I didn't go um one one one two and then straight to three or four I went one one one two two one I would say that is like not going so deep into them is pretty recommended because those
Starting point is 00:52:20 levels get much harder as you go down them um but like it feels like the first level of each world is pretty similar in difficulty well it's it's quite interesting to like go through it and then after um tower night jump over to the the quarry instead of the the the prison and shit because like um so yeah some of those dudes you're you're swinging at are just fucking like clearly meant to be approached while you're at a higher soul level than you would be after tower night um magic obviously nullifies some in in those cases but I feel like piercing too oh yeah okay yeah that's that's the secret is that um depending on what you go in with uh piercing weapons completely bypass all their defenses because I feel like them and the fat ministers were just like I'm like
Starting point is 00:53:23 man I gotta work on each one of you really really hard so I uh I ran through it twice recently and had a uh with two different builds and had a really good appreciation of how they really want you to be able to go to any particular zone in any order because each zone gives you something that helps you in the other ones right so right for example four one uh gives you the crushing falchion which does magic damage which tears those dudes in two one up uh and five one gives you a blessed mace which is incredible against the skeletons in four one right and I imagine two one you get that crushing axe which is your first strength weapon and you get it for free uh two uh two one also gives you um uh oh no wait two two I'm at two two not two one I'm at two two
Starting point is 00:54:23 excuse me you're at two two yeah two two gives you the um the dragon a long sword I believe dragon long sword so which ices everything in the fifth uh because it's fire so like yeah so that'll that'll absolutely come in handy yeah that makes sense okay so you're mega manning it it really feels rewarding and that there's just enough in each of them that if you clear it early you'll have picked up something that will go oh this will be a big help on the other thing okay I remember I was referring to those archstones as like mega man fucking select screen things and like yeah that's actually more accurate than I thought um because yeah it really is because I realize in that like you know um my run obviously through that is like the type of experience I had and I'm expecting
Starting point is 00:55:08 uh you know like Reggie to kind of just go about his own way on things and and you know I'll I'll like I said I'll let let him wander um but yeah I just I want to be equipped enough to you know answer a question that is important and uh be be be be decent at the at the role so I need to make sure that I understand a couple more things than just my run get that wiki up on your phone yeah it'll be there because there's no way you can remember where all that shit is no definitely not noted by the pad is wrong about dark souls spreadsheet definitely not but uh you know this is this is just it's it's a thing where like yeah I I'm not unlike you know like you and spy and everyone like I'm not the person who's jumping in here who's done like new game plus plus plus
Starting point is 00:55:54 runs with different builds to see how it all goes down you know but um but I don't think that's what net reggie necessarily needs I think at this point he just needs to touch it and see what this is about anyway he just needs somebody to tell him to kill himself in the in the nexus every time and try and let him understand why you have to kill yourself in the nexus so in so in order to understand that I have been not killing myself in the nexus oh no I've got to feel it I've been playing human and uh yeah I caught me a nice you feel it huh I caught me a nice invasion in two one after activating the the elevators it was a good time um and uh you know I I also I'm like yeah I'm just I wanted to because I wanted to just see like exactly how bad it would be but you can also
Starting point is 00:56:46 password up right so if you password up I imagine that'll make things I don't think that uh doesn't that saves you for invasions I think it just makes it easier to co-op interesting okay um so some things I'm wondering about though with the new setup in this is like of the things they were changing um is it still really hard to or is it still not impossible to max upgrade a weapon with all the given upgrade stones you get in a single run no it is no longer bordering an unimpossible okay so remember the the change I mentioned to you last week where lizards can't kill themselves yes cliffs yes disappear that ends up giving you way more materials overall yes because you can actually just go get all the crystals they also just straight up juiced
Starting point is 00:57:40 the drop rates okay on the the pure items the like the pure moon blade a pure moon stone and pure spider stone stuff like that okay because they they were like one in a thousand drop chance okay so for example like that room underneath uh two one where two two with their seven crystal lizards in that in that yeah behind the two red uh phantoms yeah it used to be don't go there because most of them will kill themselves and you won't get the goddamn items now it's go there whenever the fuck you want and get what you can get and you can keep doing it until they're all phased out yeah yeah okay absolutely so that's perfect um yeah they made it so that like pure sharp stone which was the one uh that the game straight up didn't give you enough in the you
Starting point is 00:58:35 need two to max out a weapon and the game only drops one and so you had to farm it from the black katana skeletons yes which are not they're not a joke yes they're not a triviality to farm but the the the drop rate has become instead of taking four and a half hours to get one it will maybe now take half an hour and and the other thing was like is obtaining pure white tendency actually as bad as it was before because i remember there being something about that where the fact that the servers were around for so long affected how difficult it would be and now this is this is fresh so that's what i was talking about last week but because you didn't have the context you probably didn't internalize it and it was that what used to happen
Starting point is 00:59:27 is when you hit load game on demon souls it would check the the global server average for tendency on every level and and set and like move your world tendency towards that by some percentage so if you had pure white and the rest of the world was literally anything other than pure white it would come down and same thing with pure black so it was a pain in the ass to to manage so everybody played offline if they want to manipulate that there's no longer a nonsense server averaging crap you did you put it up here white it'll fucking stay pure white until you decide to remove it okay so yeah so it shouldn't be too bad or too hard then still killing yourself will ensure that you don't lose it but it's not that hard to get back there if need be
Starting point is 01:00:21 and i will remind you or remind you i don't know if you ever knew there is a significant big ass advantage to playing in pure black tendency yes the stage is a million times harder but if you've already like say you beat all of the the quarry right you end up beating dragon god and you're done with it right there's a significant advantage to going back there and killing yourself there every time you get body form to push it towards pure black because every level every level of blackness that you push the world towards gets you better rewards so every time so you notice you you kill those dudes that have the sacks and they drop like the shards like they'll have like 10 shards of various different items or maybe you'll get like a shard of spider stone off
Starting point is 01:01:10 those guys in the tunnel right the workers the workers yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah those will be in pure black tendency most of those will be chunks instead okay so you go through it again okay yeah but instead they won't be dropping any healing items anymore they'll be dropping upgrade materials and if you want to push it towards white you just have to be human and reload the area right no pushing it towards white is a way so the reason why everybody pushes it towards pure white is there's only two things that you can do to push your game towards pure white kill a boss or kill an invader those are the only ways it's the it's the only two ways okay and the killing a boss you can do but there's only three yeah and killing an invader is doable but if they kill you
Starting point is 01:01:59 then you actually move down so the the way to you wouldn't be able to do this back in the day but you can do it pretty easily now if you were say hey pat i would like to manipulate my world tendency for reggie stream you could say pat uh are you busy at six we will set the password and you invade me and i'll just kill you and you can you can force it up to pure white okay okay um someone's saying co-op also works in some way with that co-op co-op this is so confusing co-op will not push the world tendency towards white co-op will push your character tendency towards white of course of course right there's there's invading pushes it towards black and then it's it is such so now that you
Starting point is 01:02:57 can free me freely manipulate it and uh now that you can freely freely manipulate it and the online doesn't screw it up anymore it's a much better system it's much more interesting it's so complex for like it's and they they one of the changes they made to the game i don't know if you take it look at the tendency uh tab in your menu uh they changed all the icons to be easier to read they're even harder to read now well i was staring at it let them like i don't know i before i was it was the color of the shape of the middle of the shape and i'm staring at it now going i don't know what that is yeah so i just i just sent you in discord a picture of all seven states yeah can you fucking do you tell the difference between zero and one because i literally can't
Starting point is 01:03:49 yeah it is it is the slightest encroaching of a shadow on on the right side of it yeah and for me the difference between one and two is worse but yes okay it's just that it's just that bad all right well yeah so yeah that's it so i was going through it and i and i and i am and i want to also like you know i wanted to be able to see what it was like when like areas are cut off and like i was like right so that left path in in one one is is unavailable or um there's an area right downstairs and the with the rocks that's also cut off and you know all these little things that i wanted to kind of just be like yes okay i'm i'm making note of these bits and pieces so that uh we can not miss too much content but in the end if we do end up missing some content
Starting point is 01:04:40 i'm i'm gonna we're just gonna have to live with it you know you are guaranteed to miss content in that game unless you like dramatically manipulate the world state i mean we're gonna see how he does with like ostrava but i'm not i mean i don't hmm i'm anticipating it won't go too well but uh obviously the think it's the the problem to avoid is losing his drop wherever that happens it's not not helping him right like if he so that doesn't happen anymore thank god his drop will never get lost no so it used it used to be oh my god it used to be that if you tried to pick up an item and you couldn't pick it up and it hit the floor and it said well you you can't you know you don't have enough storage and you left that item would disappear it would be fucking gone now it's
Starting point is 01:05:49 in the nexus pick up an item no now if you try and pick up an item and you can't pick it up you hit start to send it to storage yes yes yes right yeah yeah yeah that which i've done already when we're when i was carrying around a bunch of rocks and that's it's great um you know and i remember there was a ring that was like specifically for picking up heavy items just to you know whatever you don't got to do that anymore um what is it that causes items to appear behind you in the nexus i have no idea i don't think i've had that happen okay because i started i started up one time and there was uh something right behind me and i was like oh that must have that that might be what you're talking about something must have gotten lost and returned to me you know cool okay that's
Starting point is 01:06:37 a significant improvement if that's the way that works i i assume that's what it was you know but yeah uh it it was quite uh it's interesting it's dramatically improved by the low times oh yeah yeah absolutely um also i would say the um the depth of like color especially like hdr allows you to actually decipher what's in the darkness from what's not darkness which was a humongous kind of annoying problem in the prison it's kind of by it's prison was it's by design i know but like the the prison was bad but nothing compared to five two five two that big ass swamp like it had it didn't have a very good frame rate and it was a poison swamp and you move slow but the
Starting point is 01:07:35 biggest problem was that it was visually almost impossible to see if you were even moving forward that is no longer the case it's still a deep dark dank shithole with low visibility but they they have added a couple light shafts way in the distance on one side and you can see the little fires on the wall on the other side so that at the very least you can go i'm still moving in the same direction or not yeah it's a huge improvement no if this is one of those this is this is one of those bits where it's just like oh the technology that is current has improved this aspect because even if visually the game were the same you know having a broader range of color and and of darkness in particular is a massive step up and you don't have to just like
Starting point is 01:08:24 bullshit your brightness up to a to a degree that you don't want to that makes things look bad you know to get around the problem either the valley also had like a bad draw distance so there you actually couldn't i'm looking for just now you actually could not see past a certain point so there are areas in that swamp that are just like literally like pure darkness in every direction from your character like fuck that's tough um yeah so that's uh that's pretty interesting uh i know i i noticed um the the messaging i found a like a bug or two where like you can pull a message up not dismiss it and then do some cut scenes and have it stay there the whole time and and shit like that oh yeah um but in the old game you could rate a message
Starting point is 01:09:16 that you left behind a while ago whereas in this one you i think you got to still be standing next to it so that's a bit of that's the most minor of of like you know um downgrades for for that aspect um you know the game has a pause mode photo mode oh my god i didn't even think of that you can pause the game you can pause it now it does not stop invasions eh if you get invaded it knocks your ass out of photo mode oh but as long as you're in you continue to be wow that's fucking hilarious because they did they did not want you to be able to pause but now by necessity it's there yeah and it's it's goofy as well i i genuinely think that like any game that from soft themselves make will never have a photo mode
Starting point is 01:10:19 because more than the pause feature is the ability to look around corners you shouldn't be able to see okay okay like you can you can you can walk like i don't know like 30 feet away from your character and just look photo mode zooms out and lets you like manipulate like a full oh yeah yeah okay right that's no good that is no good because i'm talking to uh um fucking what's his name uh the shopkeep from the from the mines there uh the dude you meet right away when you're talking to him just beneath the patches area like i remember it's like wally the conversations going you're hearing the buzzing of the lava flies coming up behind your ass oh yeah and you better be fucking like listening and noticing because you can start taking hits
Starting point is 01:11:06 and the thing won't even kick you out you'll just take damage and die mid conversation in the middle of the conversation sleeping you know so uh yeah yeah okay that's interesting hmm well so it's it's one of those things like playing through it now because you you've you you know you fucked around with bloodborne you've you've seen at the very least like the latest game which would be dark souls 3 i think and i'm starting to actually understand like i've made fun of of uh plague uh in the past for uh disliking bloodborne and disliking the style that uh the the newer games want to because they're too fast and i always thought that he was like overdoing it going back to playing demon souls after watching page play dark souls 3 the night
Starting point is 01:11:56 prior they're bordering on different genres at this point it's crazy like well it's hyper 3 is is like an action game yeah well it's like a comparison it's hyper versus like like traditional slow right like yeah yeah yeah you you got your you got your street fighter 2 you got your marvel you got your sam show like my my my personal preference is is i actually like all of them but like i can i can see exactly what he's talking about in that like demon souls how do i put this demon souls is not an action game enemies have massive massive vulnerabilities and will stop attacking you for long periods so that you can get up behind them and backstab them and just leave themselves open constantly you can shove them but if they touch
Starting point is 01:12:49 yeah but if you touch if they touch you you're going to die right like and then you get to dark souls or a bloodborne and like you're trading hits and it's it's it's an action game but it's also genre uh refinement in the sense that any game starts out one way and as people get good at that thing the challenge has to increase so we've seen it with kart racing games we've seen it with obviously with fighting games we've seen it with like just about every genre where people get highly uh uh specialized and good at specific things so that the system has to keep making room uh for higher demand and so it makes sense that the games ended up being faster you know the the demon souls equivalent to that is uh what you running
Starting point is 01:13:43 character using a shield yeah is it a parry able shield yeah is parrying not a complete joke in this game yeah it's pretty fun it's it's like trivially easy compared to the way that it was in later games and that just kills enemies outright most of the time in a lot of cases it's pretty fucking strong uh you you get to the final boss of the of world five and he's you know it's a garl with that big hammer that huge overheads really easy to parry you do that three times he's dead and that's the boss fight and that was a problem that gwin had in dark souls one where the easiest way to beat him was to just parry him with your hand though um now i've now i'm now feeling it as well uh backstabbing still is uh less
Starting point is 01:14:34 like snappy than it used to be in the later games so yeah that they they've been messing around with that over every game has had a slightly different backstab yeah but like the the but because of the parry and backstab change you're better off face fucking a couple of enemies than you are trying to get around them in some instances yeah you know it's it's interesting i wonder i assume elden ring will play like a uh like more like securo honestly i wouldn't be surprised fun yeah i wouldn't be i wouldn't be surprised i mean there's a there's an overall like game feel that is like locking on to things in the environment not being told what's around every corner and not being allowed to make too
Starting point is 01:15:27 many mistakes that is gonna be maintained obviously but yeah the securo proved that they're willing to depart pretty far from soul's expectations especially if they're like fuck it we want to make tenchu again but tenchu is a dead franchise let's just do this you know demon cells are so weird because it's like there's there's there's things in it that are so different that they feel like the kind of ideas a sequel would add like the the world structure is probably the best one breaking breaking it up into into separate areas like do you want to start here do you want to go here do you want to go here you want to fight this boss but boss do you want to like it's great um looping it all back to one
Starting point is 01:16:14 bonfire technically instead of you know uh yeah that that's crazy going through it uh page was watching me play and she's like when do you get to another you know checkpoint i'm like there's one per level yeah yeah and it and it's the boss that gives it to you exactly that's it and if that boss happens to be 10 feet from where you started then the second checkpoint is right there and you can see them that's it you know um mm-hmm but no i'm fucking loving it and having a blast and i also like have not played one of these games in a long enough period of time that like i kind of you know felt and i haven't went back to pop one in to revisit either so like i'm just enjoying the overall like leveling up process and building up the character and
Starting point is 01:17:04 deciding how to how to how to play it and you know and i'm and i'm making mistakes i might be you know like putting things into dumping stats into the wrong place and finding out the hard way what some of these um some of these decisions lead to but that's also how i kind of i guess internalize why we should be going one way or another you know hey now that you got a ps5 and you've been playing demons souls let me ask you how you feel about this controller fucking fantastic really good uh the only non-issue there's two non-issues i'm having and i'm labeling them as non-issues because that's exactly what they are uh the first non-issue is every time i want to either go to the home menu or pull up the not home menu i'm getting the
Starting point is 01:18:00 opposite because they've reversed what holding a long press and tapping oh they totally have you're 100 right so that's fucking me up every single time it used to be hold for for short meant for small menu tap for long menu and now it's the other way around so god damn it at that i just have to get used to it um and the second one is i'm used to sweeping my thumb up from the bottom of in between the analog sticks in order to hit that ps button but now when i do it i hit the mute button on the mic instead so that secondary button placement in the location under the ps button is accidentally causing me to hit that when i mean to hit the ps button non-issues super duper minor will get used to them with time but nonetheless those are the closest things i
Starting point is 01:19:00 have to complaints about it i love that microphone button i absolutely love it if i played games that use the microphone i'm sure i would love it too so here's why i love it when you go into the settings and you can do this if you like and set the microphone to literally always turn off second you log in to your playstation the fucking button glows orange to let you know dude don't worry you're muted nice which man so when when you when you are muted it glows which good because i want to be muted i don't want to be playing the apex legend and have the default setting be you know mic talk and me like be talking shit about whatever and people like oh my god is that pat why are you talking shit about whatever like no that's embarrassing i want
Starting point is 01:19:58 to privately talk shit about my teammates and scream at them in a constructive way in that you get toxic where no one can hear you uh i would like it if i put more than that by the way it records you when you get your trophies oh that thing yeah sure so it records your voice as well as your video when you get trophies having a big gamer moment going yeah look we did it it's totally what's gonna happen i'm sure yeah um it'd be nice if we can get an option to uh you know change those press functions it'd be nice if um i could do a particularly long press to go straight to a turn off the controller type thing or turn off the game turn off the system etc because like um or even just changing the usage of the power button because now that i'm not
Starting point is 01:20:53 using rest mode every time you press the power button on physically on on its face it automatically goes to rest mode so the only way to power it down is with the controller option manually selecting power off i did not know that yep touching the button sends it to rest mode um sucks but this is what it is i also miss themes i you know maybe we'll get them one day even though don't worry even though you'll get them yeah i like a good theme although right now it's like the game you're highlighting takes over the whole theme technically so yeah um so that's all cool demon demon souls is great um yeah uh you know so i'm doing some of that uh i did a couple of other things of note uh in particular uh the other bit was uh yeah set up the office played
Starting point is 01:21:48 some demon souls and then on saturday i got a toy that i had a lot of fun with right here tell me about your toy this toy that i'm holding up is the mario kart live home tour uh toy and it is a rc that has a camera built on top of mario's head right over here and you control it using a switch game that is mario kart and then it basically creates an ar environment wherever you drive by putting up these cardboard gates as parts of the track it's really cool and it's the kind of game that again the 10 year old inside of me would have freaking freaked out to have when i was younger because it yeah that would have blown my mind right it's your toys in real life playing along it's the next it's it's it's the same thing that like uh the skylanders kids would have fun with
Starting point is 01:22:52 except in this case it's it's literally driving through your house you know um and punch mom was like like super fascinated and like recording it and like sending it to friends and and family and stuff being like look at this cool thing you know um it seems like a pretty awesome christmas gift for people legitimately that you know that you that like any kids you know that have a switch or that or whatever like this i'm like this is a perfect type of thing especially given quarantine because yeah i basically got to spend a little bit of saturday putting together um this little obstacle course to drive through in in my house and it was fun to do so what was not fun was discovering that the way the system works is it does not use wi-fi to connect to the internet uh at all
Starting point is 01:23:48 it uses your wi-fi to connect to the car and thus the car must be within five feet of the switch at all times if you are playing uh if you're playing at home and you have the switch undocked with you and you happen to be either sitting in the middle of the course that you set up or want to walk around it or behind it that's not that big of a problem but it sucks because you have to walk around the fucking thing right so uh it it it the thing that you want to do is set it down on your tv and drive your thing throughout your house but if it goes more than a couple feet away the signal gets weak and it stops fucking working so it sucks in that respect because like it's the main draw you know so for example uh you you know the way
Starting point is 01:24:47 my house is set up is uh the switch is uh next to the tv which is in the living room on the right corner right um yeah so the range that the car could drive to was basically the entire living room and then it would round the corner and get to just about where my couch is from uh the the old podcast setup and it would die right around there right around the couch you know so like basically where these uh uh uh where my my my um shelves are sucks so then i'm like well this is gonna be a fucking problem for uh recording because obviously if you want to record yourself playing this game you gotta be docked because how else are you gonna fucking hook into your capture device so this led to me running out to uh basically solve the problem with 60 feet of hdmi cable
Starting point is 01:25:50 that will solve the problem so i went kind of to a store give you a new problem and unfortunately i forgot that it was black friday weekend so oh you dumbass i was not paying attention to that part and there was a line uh spaced and socially distanced and and such so that's nice however it took a while and i was waiting in the cold and that sucked but i did get in and i did get myself technically 120 feet of cable really because i want it to be safe because i didn't know if i'd have to run it why or anything back uh but yeah i then took a 60 foot hdmi cable and ran it from my kitchen table to the living room and then had the switch in the living room and uh we were able to race around the middle part of the house relatively fine um so there was a there there's a
Starting point is 01:26:50 not great solution but it it worked and thankfully the range that you can use the wireless controllers at is much greater than five feet which the car is limited to so we were able to do it and it was fine so yeah uh through the gates down basically took a bunch of shit off the walls and off my shelves and just threw it on the ground and created a little track where you had to drive through the the the apartment drive up into the kitchen and do some stuff um it was being called an unintentional apartment tour and i guess that's kind of what you get out of it although mainly just driving around like punch mom's feet and shit like that uh and it was a good time and i and i and i would absolutely recommend this um if you are uh not excessively competitive
Starting point is 01:27:43 you should be okay however reggie unfortunately uh uh kind of uh kind of ended up breaking himself due to sheer salt at his inability to catch up to my record on time trial and uh we both choked but he just choked so hard that he kind of died that night and and he literally he was like he tapped out and he's like i don't want to play anymore i don't want to do anything i need i just need to sit here and i need my water and it was quite it was quite a legendary choke that's sad because that's a toy that's a toy that destroyed his heart a toy a toy did in fact destroy him thoroughly uh but you know it's okay uh i said you know what you sit there i'll take over and then um for the last half of saturday i popped in uh five s e and i did some virtual bloody palace
Starting point is 01:28:44 now i did it a little earlier than i wanted to because i'm i want to stream a proper run when i think i have a chance of beating it but i know that like considering i haven't done a full run yet that i that i'm not there yeah so i kind of was in the middle of like floor 20 so then i just popped it in to see how far i'd go because i'm like all right let's just show the people a little premature you know let's show the people a little premature uh uh uh bloody practice and uh i got to floor 62 that's a lot farther um yeah but like and i and again it was just like i was like okay i know what killed me here it was just uh a bad play against um uh uh uh you know like a a floor that's otherwise handleable if you prioritize your your your shit so uh i think
Starting point is 01:29:34 i think it'll be you know i think it'll be a clean run to 99 when uh i'm hoping i'm hoping to to get ready and be able to do it before the end of the new year but we'll see and in the meantime i was just like introducing him to devil may cry mechanics and like how fucking cool it is to see what in his brain is a marvel character being uh oh being like you're seeing the source of all of these moves in its original context so yeah that was fun i've been i've been playing uh dmc five s c myself and uh going with virtual straight into ldk mode is kind of miserable for a couple levels before you are able to buy all of the moves oh yeah basic virtual needs some time well basic everyone needs some time it's you have to really like
Starting point is 01:30:29 pick your shots and and like you're you're limited uh but you can't really like concentrate and style as hard as you want to without a lot of your stuff it's also really funny because uh virtual seems custom built for the mode with the huge he has four screen clears as he was in four yeah but like still it's like like i i i'm going into fights and i'm like god i hope i have enough concentration and meter to just do judgment cut as the first move so that i can turn this into a regular devil may cry fight instead of this the it's it's the riots it's the it's the lizards like the giant groups of the lizards yeah that fuck me up it's like oh my god i can't yeah you're gonna run into um again not riots what's the fucking the red ones called the teleporters
Starting point is 01:31:27 um the few you're gonna run into a couple fury rooms that are the no you don't you delete this fight now or your or or this is the end um and yeah what's what's interesting too is that like there is a a a pattern that you can follow to where you uh you can feed dt in to your judgment cut still have your and and like keep that going and it's and then end off with world of v to clear off all the concentration essentially but if you have a you know and and so like you can kind of you can get to basically in a lot of cases don't start with world of v that'll blow don't start with it no but like you can delete fights if you want excuse me if you want to i think i think the funniest thing about it and i don't know if it's the case on the xbox series x but do you remember when
Starting point is 01:32:21 the press release was like we're bringing the special edition legendary dark night mode because the the power of next gen is required to fully appreciate legendary dark night mode and all its glory and like i'm playing through it i'm like dude i'm able to crunch this game's frame rate down if i want to like you ldk mode you can fucking get that i got it down to like 15 fucking frames uh you want to hit that small room in the second area of the of of the uh the streets level and then when like the when the 20 or 30 guys in the small room spawn in do world of v in there so the what though the way that i got it to just fall apart is that you know the mission one when you're on the bridge what you do is you stand in a spot so that the burning car is like
Starting point is 01:33:16 right in front of the camera so that all the enemies are seen through the heat oh yeah yeah yeah okay okay and uh and then you do like world of v or judgment cut and the game just it's like yeah right power of next gen fuck off interesting i'll see what it's like now granted if it was the old version the game probably crash if you did that instead i'm curious to see that on between ps5 and next series because uh i don't know if it's the same on both cases or not like that's worth that's a worthy test um yeah that's that game specifically did you practice your judgment cuts it's really hard it's really hard it's it's it's so hard it's so satisfyingly difficult i'm i love it i love how hard it is and it's been so long since i've done a judgment cut that i had to go to twitter
Starting point is 01:34:12 and be like are the are the second third and fourth ones taps or secondary tertiary holds they are holds and then once i saw that i'm like okay and so i can't just frame the first one ever but you can't no i can't yes yeah if you just frame the first one then you're getting three if you do it after if you if you do regular and then just frame you're getting the four if uh so i can however always just frame the second one yep that is the easiest one and then i and then i can't do the third one at all yes this is about right yeah yeah yeah yeah so that's that's like in terms of like the the most obtainable the second one is the one you can get it's the cleanest the others are just go fuck yourself the the animation is the easiest to
Starting point is 01:35:17 actually feel the change um that being said even a a default judgment cut followed by a just frame judgment cut is still like that that that's doing fine by me very very powerful very good yes now try doing it in the air now try doing it here i can't do it the animation is so goofy that i can't do a sequence in the air and then in between them do a trick down and then a trick back up uh no no i don't want there's a dude there's a dude on twitter styling in that way trick down aerial judgment cuts just frame and i'm like go shut up fuck yourself and your entire family that is the sickest raw shit i've ever seen i need a new tv to do that i don't have a good tv it was glorious it was fucking glorious input lag so i can't do it that's why i can't and for the record
Starting point is 01:36:16 you got a trick down which is not just tapping the trick button in a direction but you got a up you got a back forward specifically to trick down back because trick down back requires that input every other trick direction is manual the trick down input in that game is bizarre it was it's four s e it's four s e it still it was weird there too well so it's really bizarre to do back forward button to teleport backwards four introduces like the weird inputs that three didn't have right like four introduced back forwards and 360s into into play and um i mean because pandora kind of called for it in a way so like and but then you know like maximum bet and shit like that they just went like what else have we done we already have hold we have
Starting point is 01:37:15 lock on hold we have lock on rare lock on rear hold you know so they're just like all right we got a we're not going to ask you to do a fucking quarter circle because your back is towards the camera but what's the equivalent of doing a quarter circle if your back is towards the camera i guess back forward and we imagine that there's a like an l3 down in there you know it's it's i don't you get used to it i don't mind it it took it took a second but i got used to it in four so that it felt a lot natural a lot more natural in five um if anything that's a good game if anything i would say that um getting used to 360s uh took me more time because uh you didn't have to do them that often in four and it meanwhile playing as v you're going to royal fork
Starting point is 01:38:06 often so you better fucking land it and you want to do it like you know more than just a single 360 because i feel like a lot of times it would come up a little shallow i feel like doing like a clean gif 360 doesn't land it when i want it but if i go i do i do 540s for world of v yeah okay exactly right like i feel like i gotta go more than a 360 just to get a hundred percent confirmation on it yeah um so five s c ballin um very cool the is balling yes uh did you see those new cutscenes yet at all or uh i watched them yeah yeah okay right yeah we well we talked about that last week um so that that was on stream and then uh yeah i got into fighting games went into uh we revisited arcus chroma which is a really awesome indie fighting game by gx grain
Starting point is 01:39:02 sun i highly recommend uh everyone go check it out it's on his uh itch i o so it's a gxgrain sun dot i o i believe um it is a uh neat little fighting game where you have uh these very like very like you it's like a fun art style that's very much his own with a lot of colors that are very much his own and a style and a just an a mood and an aesthetic that i really dig um and the game feel is fantastic because it's essentially a simple fighting game in the sense that it's got a light medium heavy uh burst and dodge and a throw rather and there's no jump so all aerial movement is completely denied and it's all about uh bobbing and weaving back and forth with a nice little dudley style ducking or well can i ask you to hold that thought for a bit
Starting point is 01:40:07 i have to take a quick break do what you gotta do quite quickly hey we're back what happened so to video viewers of the live variety this will be a little more clear but i'll break down what happened over the last five five minutes the wonderful cat elmo a fluffy boy that i love very much came over and i was a petting on him and then i picked up the cat and as i held the cat i thought to myself does this cat have an entire log of shit stuck in his butt hair and they put down the cat and i stared at him and sure enough he had a grape sized dingleberry dangling off of his butt which i just handled personally no no so i had to call down peach saliva so she could
Starting point is 01:41:16 help hold the cat as we extracted the poop from his butt i love that cat he is a little old so occasionally he doesn't do the best job with the pooping so we have to help him i will take a million piss stain couch fucking moments over that i uh oh that's the one about wiping a dog's butt you ever wiped a dog's butt before i mean as long as that's the only place you have to focus on you don't want a crime scene yeah because because because because bulldogs their their their butts are weird so you gotta wipe their butt that's fine just as as long as the crime
Starting point is 01:42:10 scene like they're a baby as long as it's localized entirely to the the the source if you would the spawn point you know don't don't don't let it escape don't oh god all right well you did a very good job uh at at hiding thank you that and uh i feel as if you're continuing to um i didn't want to hide it per se i mainly just didn't want a bunch of cat shit to fly out onto the screen well so far yeah so far as the as the um the the pet excretion issue has increased in frequency um there has been a uh a healthy lack of visual uh horror um and you've kept it off camera so that's good so i'm i'm glad about that i'm almost getting a little older so sometimes he do the the the you know uh and geef however is getting older and he doesn't have accidents anymore
Starting point is 01:43:18 okay well he's uh he always goes to the door and goes and we let him out the he tries to eat apple cores off the street but then he pees the venn diagram of the age problem is is not overlapping at maximum anymore no okay there was a there was a very short period there was one day where the cat like pooped and like peed and got pee on his paws and then the dog shit all over the bathroom at the same time and that was the day all right well you know that was the day that was the nom level pet ownership level level one alert is uh oh fuck brb level two alert is when i can see the reason for the brb and level three is you can smell it level three is is they can hear it on the mp3 that's you know that's that's level three i i never thought it would
Starting point is 01:44:24 happen like this but the day we got zangief and he was the tiniest little baby puppy he took the steamingest diarrhea ever directly out of our bedroom floor and it made like the splattered butthole flapper noise for like 20 seconds and i couldn't believe it i was in awe it's good it's like he was firing it out of a backed up squirt gun it's good like that hippo farting video but he was a tiny little baby puppy he was so small hey if you ever feel like ruining your day go go youtube hippo fart all right i'll go ruin my day right now don't don't you well you you know i'm still like that oh i'll look wait why why is the auto complete explosion
Starting point is 01:45:23 why is the auto watch this i'll watch anything yep now i gotta skip to the part that gotta get to the good part i mean it it it goes it's got it's that's pretty funny it's got some that's pretty good yeah yeah good for him yeah um well anyway um there's uh there's some length on it hey i would like to apologize to gx grain son for interrupting me talking about his great video game with detour into pet and eventually hippo farts that's not the respect your game deserves that's fighting games that's fighting games right there that's not where i never know what you're gonna get and did this discussion to go but here we are
Starting point is 01:46:17 and uh no the game is better than that and it deserves uh to have some respect put on its name so uh arkis chroma is is what it's called and i i i recommend you check it out it's got we played it um back in the day we also played uh hyper hitboxing the game it was based on in which you are again no jump button you're just your jump is replaced with a dodge that is a nice uh uh ducking uh dudley kind of weave uh also similar to a steve fox albatross very cool and you have a spot dodge on like if you press it normally you spot dodge if you press it with the tilt you dodge backwards or forward and through the through the person you're fighting so that's how you can kind of get cross up situations happening uh there is like congrats
Starting point is 01:47:10 on being the top two results for when you search arkis chroma it's into youtube hell yeah that's cool uh if you hit uh i think up in medium there's a universal overhead you know so third strike style with that so that is a little aerial move but for the most part you're playing a game of really fun um like just ground based footsies and dodging and rolling and weaving and throwing and block strings and it's all the shit i like it's like playing little mac mirrors in smash you know how fun a little mac mirror is it's the best it's the best like you're playing a different fighting game it is little mac mirrors rule and this is very similar to that playing a little mac mirror lets you for just a second think that maybe the guy next to you with the meetup might not be
Starting point is 01:48:05 a pedophile the game's name is arkis chroma for just a second and uh yeah it was pretty so when i first played it it had four characters we then went back to it and uh now there's eight so there's a no 12 excuse me uh eight characters were added so now there's a roster of 12 including hyper hit boxer who was the boxer from the first uh game that gx made so there is a fucking sweet ass boxing character that has the the rush down abilities the moves the counters all the stuff i love and uh yeah it's it's a fun way to see like some character archetypes sort of stripped down to their most essential um there's a there's a big heavy character that is uh essentially puts a slow fireball on screen that acts almost like yoga catastrophe and then can walk forward with it
Starting point is 01:49:04 and also can um like dawson poke you through the ground or use like extended uh hit boxes on you and things like that so poke you into him from far from full screen so it's like zoning in that kind of way um you've got some like characters that are like almost like abuki throwing out kunai but like teleports with the kunai and then the kunai stays on the ground and then they can mix you up by teleporting to where the kunai is or throwing out another one in front oh i like that right lots of big fan of i threw an object and now i can teleport to that object yeah cool thing about 15 it's it's the it's the it's the the the fucking early ass uh Naruto Zabza moment where the spinning wind shuriken turns into a Naruto behind him it's that uh uh over and over
Starting point is 01:49:54 again if you want um really really strong character really fun there's a slow uh but very hard slashing samsho-esque frog in in in a full uh samurai outfit that has a parry um just really fun cast really great stuff and uh yeah i think i think it deserves some attention especially seeing as it's got like a much bigger roster now and he's continuing to build it up and the pictures seem to indicate that he's going for a huge roster like the full size of um the cast is one of those like you know like the skull girls like here's all the concept characters like he has one of those out and it's like oh yeah this is going to like maybe like 30 or something like that so uh keep an eye out for arcus chroma go look at it you can play it now on uh gx grain sun um is his twitter and on
Starting point is 01:50:49 his itch itch dot io uh so we played that and then we before you go on i have a quick question that is not technically related it's just you jogged my mind and it reminded me of a conversation we had many years ago because you mentioned yoga catastrophe which is an incredible name for a move it's it's absolutely fantastic and it conjures up all sorts of mental images that are not what the actual move is yeah it's a slow-moving fireball like the events like the events of the bickering movie anyway uh and i it also made me think of the other street fighter super move which name i think never made you fail to giggle at least a little which is tiger genocide
Starting point is 01:51:48 yeah that one's pretty good too which which one you actually prefer uh tiger genocide is a very visual it's a much stronger visual so i'm gonna go with that one um shout outs to shout outs to jaguar revolver uh that's that's all right that's not too bad but uh it's because it's supposed to be a tiger committing a genocide yes gonna kill you but it never reads like that no it reads like so god's gonna do this deep kick to every tiger all of them in the world every single one um yeah and it also reads like another episode of fucking it reads like an update to the carol baskin story really yeah um
Starting point is 01:52:54 it just i just just sprinkled it in my mind about oh man woolly loves to laugh at tiger genocide and then i started laughing there was a there was a fucking one of the best threads ever on the subreddit was like just awesome move names and and uh it was just it was yeah i i fuck it anyway whatever good move names are underappreciated i feel like uh there was the first version of that was okay after everyone did the whole like um it's your dick but it's the nickname for your dick but it's a movie you know yeah of course that's the obvious one and everyone goes through those and i'm like nah okay and then i did i remember had like like maybe 15 years ago like on facebook like nickname for your dick but it's a fighting game move yeah and then it's like okay now you gotta
Starting point is 01:53:44 reach in big you know now you gotta now you gotta actually uh yeah so i love it all right sorry i'm sorry for that aside it's i needed i needed to talk about tiger genocide that's fine um what else you got cycle crusher yep cannon drill correct the power geyser obviously power guys is pretty good you know buster wolf it's it's in there uh huh yep you know what it is gigantic tiger thank you yep just let it let it you know give it its time let it do it reging demon is is uh you know you can so someone in chat asks what is ify's big grab move called it's called summon suffering ivy's big grab is summon suffering that's correct exactly dynamic entry good candidate oil slide yep okay they're all good they're all great
Starting point is 01:54:54 they're all great enjoy time enjoy time whose move is enjoy enjoy time is uh birdie drinking the fucking hot sauce oh geez and getting all lit up i played birdie i didn't even know that yeah enjoy time enjoy time is is a strong strong candidate it's good it's good um what what the fuck was i even saying yes it's a good uh uh uh check out arcus chroma it's good that's that's pretty much it um and then i just wanted to let people know that uh that wasn't the only game we revisited we uh popped in and we took a nice little detour to the side of town labeled fate are you familiar with fate
Starting point is 01:56:00 i am familiar with my own tweets about fate did you were you aware that fate was going to be a topic of discussion on this the 96th episode of castle i was actually genuinely aware in fact here's how it went down i was streaming and then or maybe page was streaming and then somebody said well he's playing fate and i went fuck yes that's what i played then i went on november 29th at 12 43 am after discussing the topic with buttons i said fate is bad and i do not like it in all lowercase i played fuck yeah oh yeah that is the acronym isn't it how's fuck fuck is good fuck is fun fuck was uh you know it was fun the first time i remember and then i got to i got to play it
Starting point is 01:57:12 again a couple other times i got to play fuck it magfest and then uh i remember we we did uh we did an episode on fuck a while ago and i always wanted to revisit it so uh i i did and uh yeah it's just as fun as i remembered and uh it was it was it was great it was especially fun this time around because we got to uh do it with a bunch of other people some strangers came in and showed off some crazy crazy new advanced tech well not really new but some some tech i had never seen before and uh they styled pretty hard so all in all um would recommend good times of course you'd recommend playing fuck to everybody yeah well it's playing fuck you know getting some strangers to show you what's up is always dope uh the only problem you're doing this on purpose the only
Starting point is 01:58:14 problem is when everyone starts coming in with all the fuck lore and they start wanting to give you all the lore about fuck that's where you're like okay i don't care about the fuck i'm not i'm not here for the lore i'm not here for the backstory i'm not here for the the extensive details and i don't i don't care transformations what your name is i don't care how you got here i don't care about your backstory i'm here to play i just want to know if you're fun to play in fuck i'm here to play yep and that we did and it was good fate unlimited codes is uh one of those one of those games now the thing about it is i i tell the story every time it's not really a story it's more just like i remember when it when i first heard about it and i was like oh shit um well here i remember
Starting point is 01:59:10 hearing i remember i learned about sukihime the visual novel and then i learned that there was a game called melty blood uh that is a fighting game that uh it was based on that world and i was like this is cool and it was fun and it's a good fighting game it was by french bread and everything was really nice then i heard they announced then there was the anime which i did go and watch and i was like all right we'll put that over there but cl is cool and then i heard that um you know the uh the nasu verse was expanding and they had a new series coming out coming out called fate stay night fate slash stay night or so and i was like well that's sure i guess you know sukihime finished and and you want to make a new story so here it is and they showed off the new protagonist and it
Starting point is 01:59:58 was this blonde girl and she had a wind sword and some big armor and i was like okay cool that's a new that's their new thing and then uh i was like well i'll get around to that at some point but whatever uh and then i remember all my friends were watching it and everyone was like yo fate stay night it's cool check it out and stuff and i was like oh yeah it's that the second thing they did they are not the second thing but the the newer their new thing is good okay cool uh but i never bothered and then i was always then i saw more character designs from it and then um at whatever point uh unlimited blade works occurred it exploded in popularity and everyone was quoting it and it was suddenly a big old deal and friends on like what whatever message it was i know it wasn't
Starting point is 02:00:51 messenger it wasn't that old but like friends on like perhaps their facebook's were like making references to it and putting it on their profiles and things like that and it was it was becoming a thing um and then everyone was talking about archer and i was like okay and then i wondered as i saw some of these character designs if the uh you know the melty blood folks would ever take a crack at this series and then they didn't but eventually capcom did and i was like oh that's cool or that's big that's capcom they make the fighting games that's a that's a big old step up and then they made uh this and it was like 3d and i was like ah they went away from sprites oh well but whatever let's try it and it is kind of wacky kind of jank kind of busted
Starting point is 02:01:42 but very fun in that it's really loose and if you want a fucking touch of death somebody you pretty much can uh they have they have their bursts so why not just make it like insanely busted and and and aggressive and and mean if you get good enough to do it um it's it's it's fun jank and i and i and i legitimately enjoy when the crazy shit starts happening because um i remember always really liking how fast it was and how kind of like things would combo in situations where you're like there's no reason that should have hit but fuck it i guess i'll take it and uh then we play on parsec and then we get uh some connections where some pros come on and i and i love it because like when i tweet out hey i'm playing some game
Starting point is 02:02:34 and i'm gonna play on parsec and some fgc fucking some people sitting in the darkest corners of the discords of these games will like the light will shine on and on their their statue and the statue will crack open and they will then they'll free themselves and fucking be like let's go blow someone up on stream then shall we you know and uh so someone jumped on uh right rise from my slumber indeed to go there goes to blow someone up on stream for one night and validate validate the game you know so we got to see some crazy ass fucking uh combos with um lancer who ended up being my main and uh then we got to see what a proper archer looks like and i have to say just because of the way his mechanics work it's fucking sick when he's doing his system properly because
Starting point is 02:03:32 archer's whole deal is you do the unlimited blade works prayer right i'm sure you've seen the meme i've heard it i'm sure you've heard it named it it's ingratious fuck you know i am the brand of my spy whatever he says um you have to do every line of it and each line of it is a super input and it cancels out of whatever you're doing and it takes its meter and it builds up his little extra sword meter uh and it's the and it never can't not be ingrish it has to be the hardest ingrish ever no matter how high budget it gets including that super recent one where they put so much money into it but the dude is still good guy i'm the bone of my son he's he's geeseing all over uh with all the money so he's comboing the shit out of you and every couple of hits he
Starting point is 02:04:30 cancels into the next line of the prayer to build the full thing up and as he cancels he can resume the combo so it doesn't get dropped and if you don't have the meter to burst out of it he can do every line of the prayer into the and so i pray unlimited blade works activation and before you drop he hits you with it and you get impaled on all the swords and come and completely wiped in one string and it's kind of magic to see it happen that sounds cool it's sick it's fucking awesome and i really really wish fighting games had more of that kind of fun in them where you just style in these crazy ways it's it's fucking awesome and i'm so glad it happened on stream this week on the end of the episode sounds like somebody needs to start watching
Starting point is 02:05:25 a bunch of animes to get more of that anguish blade works well of course the game play just because you play fade unlimited codes and you sing the anime song in the in the intro or in the title screen it doesn't mean you're gonna get the answer to why little japanese boys can turn into large black men but this the answers lie in in the heart of fate there's only one place to go for those you know um how cute did your fame did your favorite historical figure turn out what form of waifu did they become there's only one way to find out and more importantly if not most importantly once you discover who that waifu is and how cute they look as a historical figure how many stars are they worth when you pull them
Starting point is 02:06:22 i don't know woolly i don't know so yeah fate was fun fuck in particular and as long as i play it with a a stick a distance in between and i keep it on that level and i'm like oh yeah there's archer he did the thing and she's got the wind sword and that's the guy who says people die when they're killed and i know that in context it means it makes more sense but out of context it's hilarious even though people are probably tired of it at this point and so on and so forth and now everyone's gonna argue about this versus
Starting point is 02:07:04 that or whatever the case is and oh well hey look they have the priest guy and he's got the long coat and he's got pretty much the same voice actor and moves as nero chaos who was in sukihime so that's a cool like thing that's kind of similar between those worlds yeah yeah and their names are hidden because they're just giving classes instead because you have to keep it a secret what your true form is or your true name is or something anyway yeah what fate what's the like what like he's he's an archer but he's not he's true he's not that's not his name that's his class and lancer is a class and berserker is a class but their real truth is like sabre is like is just because i guess she has like a sabre or so
Starting point is 02:08:05 but you know because if anyone found out that i guess if she was king arthur then they'd be able to i don't know wait a second you just said archers got the unlimited blade works thing doesn't he i believe he does yeah what about it and that uses swords it does but but he's an but he's an archer but if you switch into his archer mode he pulls out a bow and arrow and he uses the bow and arrow to fight so you can switch to the bow and arrow that's stupid that's a dumb class the class shouldn't be able to use swords well you see because he's he's got sword mode but then he's got art like
Starting point is 02:08:59 archer mode does his name change to sword mode i don't i don't think it does but i don't know hello i'm sword mode yeah please to meet you um and i guess again they have to he's got to hide his true identity as um the main character that little japanese kid who goes through some shit the guy that says that people die when they are killed something like that he goes he turns into that somehow i don't know that kid i don't know that kid turns into that or he also turns into a big black man and it's it's not a hundred percent clear how and why but hey how about that xerxes right he got a girl with the hair and the red looks cool i guess he he he was behind um leonidus that one time
Starting point is 02:10:00 stuff i don't really know i'm not i don't really know but that's the point so here we are you know what you know what i'm going to determine via a very scientific process whether or not fate deserves to continue to exist okay can i bring one more point to the table yes i would like to present exhibit b b stands for basette and the first time i popped the game in and saw that i was like oh fuck yeah and then when we played it each time i was like fuck yeah type that so you might you might remember last time we played this i went right over to that part of the character select screen of course of course it's just a chicken a suit and you can install her punches for big strength i see so she has nice big rock them sock them fucking combos
Starting point is 02:10:58 i'm gonna type something into and if you do back forward button then she ducks in and then just does a body body body body body body upper well google youtube has failed me i guess fate is bad now a i'm looking for okay yeah i saw german suplex they did they did an anime at some point okay where they had a german suplex happen in the fate show okay so it can continue to exist as long shock that actually works as long as it has one of those yeah okay it was a good one it it blew up the floor but does it save the entire franchise or just that specific entry because no i'm just saying wait what entry no stop stop it there's
Starting point is 02:11:51 only no this no i refuse this oh i'm sorry are you unaware this fate stay night i'm not unaware fate stay night is step one no you can you can you can you can you can you can also got your know your fate hollow either aaxia your tiger coliseum fate unlimited codes i will stop fate extra fate grand orgner fate x delia no zero you know are you looking at me in her prisma ailea fate apocrof apocrof apocrofia fate strange fake the case of lord l melloy the second today's menu for the amia family no okay no no this is this is how i'm gonna live my life oh people are into that fate huh there's one show called fate and it's just really long and inconsistent oh that i was just talking about the video games and print media if you're talking
Starting point is 02:12:58 about the tv show in the anime then you got fate stay night zero what fate kyleade inner prisma two-way you got uh unlimited blade works fate apocrypha fate today's menu for the amia family fate last encore again with the menu yeah it's the anime version this time uh fate rail zeppelin grace note fate absolute demonic front babelonia hey that's a pretty cool name then you got fate vow in the snow fate heavens feel presage flower lost butterfly spring song while you continue to do this i will have a dance party with my dog we're done we're done
Starting point is 02:14:04 are we done fate carnival phantasm i knew it i knew it hey i have a question this this shit sounds super cool what should i start with okay well i here's this without any form of understanding or guide whatsoever i am going to guess based on nothing on just osmosis that fate stay night is where it started so you should probably start there and then the other one people talk about is fate zero and then everyone hates granddaughter but it seems to also be important so then there's that so i've my guess with no fucking anything out of my ass out of the fourth ass chamber i'm saying stay night and then zero and then go but beware that go is bad this is what i think is the or the watching
Starting point is 02:15:24 order for fate all right so to my knowledge the actual route if you want to watch a fate anime is you must first play and beat all routes of the 2004 visual novel because every single anime after that is an adaptation of various parts of varying quality which means hey i'd like to watch anime okay let me just crack out this completionist 99 and a half hour end yeah no thanks see but i will also tell you with a straight face to go play yoko taro's bullshit because it's alternate endings of other things developed into their own worlds you know i will with the straightest face to go tell you to go fucking experience all of that shit
Starting point is 02:16:33 learn about the draken guard ending that leads to the fucking world you love i would rather watch fully coolly in its entirety 198 times original fully coolly then play through that goddamn visual novel okay but how when i see what i don't know is is when the mobile game steps into the picture and takes over your life the mobile game steps into the picture once you've decided that you don't have a life left to take over now to be i had to be for i was in japan watching my dear friend pop in yen after yen into the machine and then find and then it would print out cards and then the characters you would draw from the machine would fight in the game but then you'd
Starting point is 02:17:39 get a physical print of the card to collect and then it would somehow feed back into the mobile game and i don't know exactly what was going on but all i know is that she got a lot poorer but she was very happy about it that's how it happens all right well all those i think i think we've done a good service to the fate community by engaging with them about their their thing agreed in fact i i think this can be a reference point for any future fate discussion if anyone wants to know um i have a legitimate question actually this i have a real question um you can respond to me on twitter and if i get a good answer in the near future i will bring it up on the podcast i'm going to assume there is more context
Starting point is 02:18:33 than nonsense when that dude says that people die when they yes i've had hard confirmation i've had a hard confirmation that that has a perfectly reasonable context in the moment yes okay totally what is that i don't know okay see that's the question i don't know the context but i did get told that it does have context also is that the same guy who fucks that fish hmm see that i can't help me let me hold on hold on let me check it's a image of i will um i will now proceed no that's code that's code gas uh yeah those are the weird big i clamp people with yeah it was i will now proceed to pleasure myself with this fish right which might be a fake subtitle i don't really care oh i don't i don't care yeah that's okay that's the
Starting point is 02:19:38 one where it's um it's big old chess and lelouch and mecca and uh were a lot of people swear by it as potentially being one of my favorite things ever if i would just sit down and give it a chance so yeah people trying to tell me that it is in fact a joke i don't think you hear me right now i don't care i want it to be real and since i will never watch the show it's as good as real to me that dude fucks the fish afterwards uh yeah yeah fate that's it's it's so there's a there's a bit of a weird feeling in seeing um how insanely popular this franchise turned out to be and how it became just this bankmaker for them because like i remember at the time knowing only sukihime that like i saw i thought fates day night was gonna be the next thing and then after that
Starting point is 02:20:42 there he was gonna just or they were gonna make like some other brand new thing and just you know keep that going but it's like nah this shit blew up in the right way so everything has that word in front of it with the slash and the lower case f and yeah i'm a little confused as to why fate in particular was the one to really explore i don't know i don't know but i seeing it from the ground floor it seems like the band that you were like that you liked then like the some of the people went on to make a second band and then that that version of the band went fucking stratospheric you know because like the really the really frustrating answer that when you ever asked somebody hey i wonder why this thing got really popular and the answer they give you is because
Starting point is 02:21:29 it's just so much better than everything else you're like wow that is an incredibly well unsatisfying answer that tells me nothing well a lot of people say porn and waifus but sukihime had porn and waifus in fact they had to put it's one of those things where like they're like yeah this had ecchi in it because it was a way of getting it made because this is a market that we want to write a full visual novel for but if we want people to spend money at comic at it better have some fucking ludes in it or or full on h scenes so you know they they did have porn in their games before um i guess this time around it just leaned harder into the waifu situation because but you know by that metric sukihime should have been the fucking like the crazy big
Starting point is 02:22:22 fake franchise right well anyway oh that's stupid what happened oh that's really i got the answer to my question earlier as to what the deal with that line is oh man that's really stupid what is it oh apparently it's a big spoiler so i'm not supposed to i think i already said that the the kid turns into a big black guy and that's a spoiler so no is it yeah and apparently apparently i dropped a couple of them so apparently uh the the guy got a a Excalibur's sheath put in him and that's why he died it doesn't die in the series and when they're talking about taking out the sheet of him he's like well they're supposed to die when they're killed so you you should take it out
Starting point is 02:23:32 because it's not fair or whatever that i don't die when because i have a sheath in it oh so i was killed but i didn't die yeah i see i see and and like so the the reason why i laughed is that i don't know if this Excalibur's a sword or a person and he's talking about a sword sheet okay well someone lied to you so whatever like a guy who knows well you set him off uh you set him off there so uh you know whoever said that is it like expose expose if you expose the person who told you that how about that let them if i'll all is it like i'll die if you pull it out is that what he's talking about oh boy that's in that situation don't pull it out man i'll die damn okay well yeah i mean there's there's been a couple games where there's like we i pop it in
Starting point is 02:24:33 that have like a visual novel and like a character on the character select screen is like hey if you are interested in this franchise watch out because that's a huge big ass spoiler the last bosses you know we got that from um um golden fantasia the other day and uh yeah apparently one of the characters on the select screen in this game is is a huge like oh no so um yeah oh that's fine you got to tread lightly if you if you if you're trying to get into that stuff i suppose that's that's that's okay in the realm of someone who's more than content to find out about all these crazy things through osmosis uh yeah viewer beware um yeah black saber sure what uh that does is takes us to um
Starting point is 02:25:26 yeah hey if you want to check out more of that we got all of that on uh uh woolly versus and we got uh some we finished off call of duty uh infinite warfare it was amazing Ethan is on the list of greatest fucking robot buddies ever easy he's up there in the pantheon with bt i like robots yeah yeah uh good robots too because i was kind of giving cortana shit for being the wrong kind of witty you know she's fine but i just don't really feel uh like i'm like i don't i'm like i'm not connecting i don't really care that much about her attitude but bt and ethan are fucking absolutely the type of ai i want to protect and uh yeah ethan goes up there so we are given uh uh him all of our respect and uh that game is finished so with that we'll begin
Starting point is 02:26:24 yak is a zero uh this wednesday and uh we're continuing oh mario galaxy and as soon as that's done we'll be moving into demon souls i will tell you right now that my last thing that i want to actually tell you about yakuza zero that game has a glacial start mm-hmm i'm more mm-hmm it takes like two hours three hours to really get to get to the part in there uh and it keeps flipping around different cutscene styles it's actually really bizarre i am prepared uh and uh 13 centadoles continues to be the fucking game of the year and uh more to say once that's done so woolly versus on twitch woolly versus on youtube what i do this week that i didn't actually already talk about i think i actually talked about all of it yeah well i mean we shared we shared the dmc five we
Starting point is 02:27:25 shared demon souls demon souls mm-hmm i was on two podcasts this week mm-hmm sorry i guess three because i also did this podcast i was on the kajima frequency i was invited by uh my good pal and musical helper uh fingers who who provides some of the music for my stream uh to a kajima based podcast where we talked about a potential uh mgs one remake which i don't think is going to exist and uh since they had me on they're like dude how fuck does snatcher and not snatcher police knots police knots is fucked up police knots is this is fucking and then i was on a level cleared gang it's great cool no it's okay i'm somebody else's daughter no you're not oh man that you're super not that photo forgot that no i didn't no i didn't i remember but
Starting point is 02:28:31 it's the photo fake out moment yeah it's the photo looking at it it's the fake out it's uh yeah all right um and i was also on level clear with uh nick and salty and uh tough and those good to hang out with those guys again they're very british though yeah it's not their fault especially argue with tough oh of course we all argue with tough at some point such a shit he's you uh no he's not it's that it's that it's that fucking it's that opinion that will not back down on a take that is crazy out there and you're like okay his where is it takes a while yes they are we argued for like for like i want to say like 40 minutes about destiny too and at the end of this massive argument i play it for like half an hour a day i
Starting point is 02:29:25 don't know what your problem is like oh my god of course you don't have any problems with it you're playing it for 20 fucking minutes a day and i'm like he goes who has time to grind out weapons and destiny it's like that's the game yeah that's what the game is yeah no like you're gonna jump on don and the boys are gonna are gonna be very cordial very nice and then tough's gonna come in and you're gonna be like all right we gotta we gotta stop there we gotta stop there and break that down and and argue about this point however long it takes and that's how the pot actually really love i really love arguing with him yeah no he's great i i absolutely love arguing with people who drive me nuts that's why i'm medley in love with peach saliva uh here you go good good
Starting point is 02:30:18 good fun times why are there fries in the bed honey i don't know mm-hmm how could they have arrived but if you want to so the other thing i mean i'm basically been playing a lot of yakuza seven or like a dragon it actually just got a patch today that i'm shocked because there was a feature in the game that was straight up bugged that i didn't know was even supposed to be there which is weakness indicators for your moves like in persona or octopath where it tells you if you're using a cutting attack or a blood attack or a fire attack that the enemy will be weak to it uh the english versions of the game did not have that until today weird it was it was just a text display error where the icon wouldn't show up so the game is actually
Starting point is 02:31:05 even better now that game is incredible that game is incredible it's probably my favorite yakuza game with the maybe exception of zero like and it's a fresh start for the franchise so that's that's an awesome thing for it to be like super beloved and also like hey where is it gonna go from here you know it is i hope it goes to more stories with ichiban kaseka because he is the best he is a relentlessly positive dumbass himbo who everyone tells him he is stupid he goes hell yeah i'm stupid fuck you and you're like yeah yeah i was i i mean i i really i said it last week about like you know liking the new thing but uh i also i just remember when there was that point in time there was a there was a window where um there was some anger at large about nero being the
Starting point is 02:32:06 protagonist of dmc4 i never felt that once but i remember seeing i remember some tangible outrage at a new protagonist being there and at daunte not being there and i remember just being like what the fuck like are you is that is that seriously it it's just no this is not this is it's it's basically a little bit of that right this is the daunte games it's the it's the right and sitch you know and uh boy boy oh boy was i pleasantly pleasantly um um surprised with how much i love nero i i was like more than willing to give it a chance at the time and but when i ended up finding it like more fun i'm like yes absolutely do the new thing you know but yeah right in i feel the right and bait and switch on people
Starting point is 02:33:06 might have sullied the gamers of 2008 against nero i'm looking through the list and ichiban didn't have that feeling not even when he was revealed a long time ago it was instead like trepidation it was like uh oh maybe you know uh oh maybe he's not as gonna be as fun as uh as curio um but uh the main character of judgment soften that blow and curio's been the main character of like 13 games like like when yakuza zero lets you play half the game is majima holy shit you're just like oh finally right so yeah it was it's very much time for a new new character to to hold the series on his back
Starting point is 02:34:06 okay okay soul caliber five did not land but i still respect the attempt personally i respect the attempt to move time forward and let a new generation of combat kids step in and represent where the franchise would could go you know it didn't land but i respect it because i like i just said the combat kids are wonderful then the new generation street fighters are wonderful like this is a thing that is on the other hand you know it is a good thing in many instances it's it's funny because sometimes the new generation is great i think the combat kids and mk10 were actually pretty cool fantastic fantastic um other times even kumjin shut up other times the new generation is patrocolas or yonsung
Starting point is 02:35:11 in tech uh in tech in crisis soul caliber in which all you can feel like is fuck go back please and i'm really happy to have seen one of our news stories this week now in direct response to that feeling now i am not uh i'm not as upset at that roster again like i don't you know but the execution of like the story and the reasons and the things and overall like you have to make people love the new kids when you bring them out right it's not enough that the new kids show up you have to give us a reason to like them and that's what they failed to do um they did such a great job in tech in three i was about to i was about to say jinn less we forget jinn kizama and huarang or how wrong oh represent
Starting point is 02:36:15 the new kids in tech in don't forget you might be gone but here is a way better version of kazia yeah so um shit's dope uh very cool uh so then shall we you want to check out yakuza seven you i'm gonna be streaming more of it this week at slash pat stairs at not streaming on tuesday i'm actually getting a casper mattress and uh delivered yeah whoo hopefully hopefully it'll help each his back um uh but i will be streaming uh wednesday to saturday which will be mostly yakuza i might do a variety day i might do a day where i'm literally like whatever i feel like playing i'm literally just gonna sit and play which might be like ldk for like uh dmc or a fucking empire of
Starting point is 02:37:15 sin if that game's any good or you know what have you fuck there was a really good example of the new generation that i had that uh i forgot gah really yeah because mkx comes to mind there's tech in their soul caliber napgo does that quite a bit actually um i forget street fighter i forget i forget well so you know um well yeah okay obviously mark of the wolves obviously obviously mark of the wolves yeah mark of the wharves yeah yeah is yeah you gotta wharf it up in here uh and then comics we're all about that right like i mean at this point it's the it's things are are comics are in a weird place where they're um pretty much like they were for a while they were on the way out and then it's
Starting point is 02:38:08 like now it's like okay no can you build it up to movies and things like that but uh yeah but like cable coming in was a new generation of x-man and then x-man coming in was a new generation of x-man you know and uh there are these moments in in comics where they would like be like here's the new um i hope they're as good as the old's or what you know what i forgot to talk about a game that perfectly encapsulates this miles morales and that's that's what i was trying to i'm like fucking miles obviously nailed it loved it was super duper great and took them forever to fucking get around to it but now finally you can probably go back and hear me upset about why the fuck nobody knows who miles is yet because they won't give
Starting point is 02:38:57 them a chance in the spotlight and it's like now there's the movie now there's the game now people are aware and that's yes thank you good he's he's so he's real and he's got the swagger of a black team did you feel the swagger of a black team uh did you see the the uh video i posted on my twitter last week yes yes i did i did i did feel it you felt the moment i did feel it that that swagger comes to a halt i wish more than anything people could have seen the look on my face as a cop walked up to me and started glitching the gun into miles's mouth so i noticed that was not recorded with any camera so i guess that was just a live offline feature that was an offline moment yeah that was me just fucking around okay like i like just mouth a gape just
Starting point is 02:39:58 um so i 100 completed Miles Morales uh i have 100 completed Spoderman prior to that like eight hours right um no no it is it is about 65 percent the size of Spoderman 100 closer yeah so i'd say 20 25 okay still fair it's just as good as Spiderman i i don't i don't fully agree with people saying it's much better i think the reason why people are saying it's much better is because they're playing it on a new system where it runs at 60 fps and the web swinging mechanics are dramatically improved by the controller because you can feel the tension of the fucking uh uh him grabbing it release when he lets go of the of the web nice like it feels really good um it's it's just as good his Miles the story is just as good the fact that
Starting point is 02:41:04 peter looks like a tiny baby child with the new head is actually really bad i don't like Peter's new head at all it's really bad he looks he looks like 10 years younger than i don't know why they just why they decided to do that either like because he looks more like tom holland now they said it was to get a better performance out of the vote of the motion data that's bullshit that's complete nonsense that's bullshit it's it's because he looks more like tom holland and sony sony spiderman you know um they want to have that the the brand synergy there um um yeah it's really good there's a really good sequence of collectibles that you will knock after you've completely beaten the game that are that are really nice little end cap on the game
Starting point is 02:41:46 the only thing i really dislike about the game and it is a tiny nitpick and only applies to people with a relatively large social media presence is the name of Miles's electricity powers he decides him and ganky come up very early with the name venom and it is a venom punch it is a venom rush etc because it stings haha electricity like a spider does well i went on twitter and said because i assume you're gonna play us both in the next game i wonder what they're going to do to peter to help him compete with my house's venom powers in miles morales right which got a couple people going you you've what come on of course yes i haven't played the game yet what are you doing right which obviously i had to clarify no it's did you capitalize the v
Starting point is 02:42:59 he does capitalize well shit yeah to beat now that is on them because that's a bad choice because i saw that i saw the venom boosting as a thing and i was like oh they're going with the electricity as as venom is the name but like yeah that is absolutely a massive confusion point that they that they should have been clear to dodge now especially that fucking they're pushing venom as its own universe yeah and especially since if you beat uh it's a minor spoiler but if you beat the spider-man original venoms the stinger venoms the sequel stinger so big dumb so shouldn't have done that it is it is to be assumed that the character of venom will be in the next game which means that miles will get to hit venom with his venom staying and probably yeah no in in the comics i
Starting point is 02:43:52 don't think they should have done that in the in the comics they should have made it you know because i mean yeah you can you can go places with it but anyway um that game's great thumbs up good game you know what's funny about that game did you play spider-man original yeah fantastic you remember you remember how weird that started to get with like how much of the game is spider-man hanging out with the police mm-hmm like it's constant and you're putting up the surveillance towers mm-hmm so the police could crack down an nyc because oh man and then the private and then the PMC's come in that became much more awkward over the past year i i think the miles talks to a police officer one time in this game and they are otherwise
Starting point is 02:44:53 just disappeared they are background elements well i mean is there not a blm banner in the game there is yes that's not surprising to hear and uh there are there like but also where but also miles morales but uh there's like two little missions where you have to like gather evidence and sneak past the cops yeah they're pretty rude to you when you when you actually get in there yeah they do they do everything short of telling you to get the fuck out of here you're like mm-hmm so what if his dad was a cop that's that's not those that's yeah those two games well he was trying to change it from the inside really a line that is actually literally spoken aloud in the game mm-hmm those two games will stand as the perfect before and after of maybe a public perception
Starting point is 02:45:58 i mean again it doesn't it also is very clear that like you are playing as a black teen with over exaggerated swagger it's true it is not just the times but it is also the role you are you are stepping into here that i and listen mm-hmm i don't know i mean correct me if i'm wrong you might know better than i but i was under the impression that hoodie spider man mask or no cops have a real sixth sense for this kind of thing and they can feel it they can feel the swagger from a distance not our spider man yeah i mean look one of the best bits ever in my opinion at the very least in my predictable opinion is when uh uh peters in court and he's talking on the stand and jonah's there and he's like jonah you just hate me because i'm black
Starting point is 02:47:08 and everyone's like oh and jonah's like oh no i what and he's like this kid okay i can okay i got you it's great it's fantastic i can wear a mask this is i love it yeah i can just imagine i don't know how long that that panel goes but i can just imagine him turning to like robbie it'd be like help me and robbie's like no i'm not gonna help you reverse time to kill them you know every once in a while you gotta do that to make your point imagine a horrible victim a young girl horrible victim of all the worst crimes ever okay now imagine that little girl was white oh my god innocent innocent end of a movie none of you have seen but it's a good movie imagine that little girl was very early you got a you got a matthew mcconaughey in there you got
Starting point is 02:48:14 sander bullock you got uh you who uh you got jack bower what's his name the the snake man uh the voice of the jack go down the list of all the things yep yep i follow i understand yep checks out okay keifer keithersall and of course you got sam jackson just killing it but now you ever you ever watch a movie again no seriously you ever watch a movie again and it's it's you know you've seen it a couple times and so you're you're kind of distanced and you were looking at it like the plot to this is kind of bad but man these actors killing it oh there's nothing like a good movie where the actors carry a bad a bad script forward absolutely because like a time to kill is totally like that like the actual plot of this little
Starting point is 02:49:02 but like oh man mcconaughey and and fucking uh uh uh sam jackson to killing it um is there anything approximating the uh task master missions yes nice there is okay and it and it uh has a it's not at you at the end you don't fight task master but you do fight a nice little remix of something that i wasn't expecting okay uh more more than anything this game feels like miles needs its own game so that people don't bitch when he's 50 percent of the playtime in the sequel oh oh oh dude that her oh my god oh
Starting point is 02:50:03 oh my god i totally see it holy fuck because peter parker spider-man has like 800 million years worth of fucking but osmosis right uh but there was god picking up spotter man too going what that guy from the ending of the last one i i don't he's not a spider man so we do a game that is literally the same as spider-verse that goes no but he's a good spider literally hashtag not my spider-man exactly in real life mind you the exact issue and i i and i well you you joke but the a big part of the the the emotional through line of the game yes is people literally walking up to miles and going it's really great to have our spider-man yes no i know that and that whole thing of him not being accepted or and being treated differently in in whatever way
Starting point is 02:51:03 is part of his him in the comics as well like that's a thing people know that it's not the same guy so because he peter died you know um but well i mean whatever but the uh the the whole bit about like people in real life being like nah fuck this is like of course that would happen it's the most popular superhero on the planet earth it's the most popular superhero in the in the history of humanity it's like there would be an overwhelming amount of unreasonably upset people just because it's not the same thing you know and boy would i not want to fucking have to swim through that yeah yeah while i'm sitting here going god damn it when are we gonna get like you know who needs to be one of the guest spotermans for spider-verse to Ben Riley
Starting point is 02:52:00 to have a real role scarlet spider italian spider-man okay and needs to be the guy not cg sure just just photoshop them in there fucking love italian spider-man that shit is so bad i love it i like scarlet spider scarlet spiders okay um spider-man a superhero so popular he accidentally invented sentai and calmon rider that's correct and mecca i mean let's not go that far but they jump in the robot we'll give him toku we'll give him toku we're not going to give him yeah yeah toku sauce yeah
Starting point is 02:52:54 um cool i love the emissary of hell change liya part on right he's gotta be there right so my pal fuggins actually watched the whole of italian spider-man drop drop drop the liya part on fact that has to be dropped every time we bring it up they lost liya part on four episodes in they lost the robot yeah so that's why they use the same shots over and over and over which kind of became a staple of the shot so how do you lose a robot um when you really couldn't give a shit and a fart about what you're doing yeah fair enough all right let's move on to sponsor yes this week castle supervision is sponsored by um hey
Starting point is 02:54:12 doordash hey doordash what's up your dinner i'm hungry or lunch or breakfast or whatever i i actually uh did some early orders too i i ordered i ordered food i ordered breakfast uh the other day that's cool just that's madness some places will do that you got some options there's some there's some joints around and you know i was able to pick out some some some foods to my liking and uh be like yo bring that over here right now and uh i'll eat that and have a coffee and have a morning and yeah that's that's that's that's what's up so you can it doesn't just have to be about dashing dinner to you it can also be about dashing breakfast or lunch or brunch or any meal of the day absolutely you can even dash yourself for 3 a.m oh my god i'm a piece of
Starting point is 02:55:06 shit i don't care you absolutely give me a candy indeed and uh you know this is the way to get your food uh contactless delivery so whatever you feel like whenever you feel like it right in front of your door a little knock knock and bam there it is there's almost a little uh almost a little like guilty pleasure and like you like oh the bag's here it's like a little i got oh my dinner's here it smells good and uh i like experimenting and trying out new stuff on the menu and it's funny i actually got like uh had a like punch mom's more of an old faithful i like what i like it's the one thing and i will have it till i die and i'm like but how will you know if you don't like the other things if you never try them and she's like no but i like this though but i like this
Starting point is 02:56:00 though exactly and like i like there's a place i ordered from that does like greek fried cheese uh was incredible excuse me and i was like i had no idea what this was until today but here it is it's delicious and amazing and then she tried it and she's like yeah this is amazing and i was like so if you don't try the unknown how would you discover how amazing this cheese is that i'm gonna get from now on and then it became a whole thing about it's like yeah but it's like a it's a primal feeling inside where you're like you know when the animal goes up and sniffs the food and goes i don't know though you know yeah or like the you know what the funniest part about that is you're explaining
Starting point is 02:56:38 this to me and all i can think of is like you you're going like see it's good and she goes yeah it is good and you know so you're gonna try more stuff now just no exactly and i'm like how does this how many times do i have to show you something that until it rewrites those parts of your brain so that you're like no new thing is not always bad new thing can be cool and good and now can even be favorite so i can i can solve this for you very easily because it's a personal preference it's a personal uh a tolerance and that is negative food experiences yeah are much more powerful exactly positive yeah they're one of the biggest reinforcers in our brains and it's why like sense and smells and things like that always come back to haunt us but even just like it's like there have
Starting point is 02:57:21 been there was such a limited choice to that to what those choices would be and i've expanded them massively over the years but still within there is a bit of a fear that it's just like no i want to order old faithful uh and and and i'm like but but but what if it's like but what if it's what if it's bad though what if it's a waste and i'm just like but i've it's just it you can't it's the it's the little poly it's a cracker well it's the bird being like ah and then you feed it the cracker and it goes give me that cracker and oh oh oh this is nice question for you what if what if like so that's that's the the the the fear minor or not you know what if it's bad of the new thing but what is your fear of ordering old faithful because you know it's going to be the
Starting point is 02:58:06 same oh i always go back to old faithful i always go back to old faithful yeah but i usually order old faithful with something else to mix it up so that's that see that makes sense yeah that's that's the best way i i i get what i want and i also get a little like oh let's try some of this and that's what yeah you know what you know what i actually like i would like for restaurants to have some kind of taster thing or i'll pay you sixty dollars i want one bite of literally everything on the menu yo i one thousand percent feel that christ fuck it i'll put it i'll get i'll pay you a hundred bucks every single time there is a taster's choice option or something like that i will absolutely go for it and a couple places do but not many do yo door dash see if you can get
Starting point is 02:58:56 that going but in the mean i will i will eat at your restaurant so much more often yeah if i could just in one meal determine everything i like and dislike at your restaurant the problem is of course that it is way more expensive to prepare a good version of one bite of everything than it is for you to actually order those things and fucking you know split the cost the only way to do it is if you were like cooking for like 60 people exactly you're you're asking for a catering essentially but anyway um uh what you what you can and and and and do want to do is uh check out door dash for you know all of these uh food adventures and more if you've got any kind of craving if you've got any kind of needs or meals they've got something for you because that list of partners is over 300
Starting point is 02:59:51 thousand that's more possible that's a lot of food think about one restaurant think about a restaurant you love in your head now think about got it think about a hundred of them okay got it okay now think about three times that amount there's a lot of wendy's out there is what i'm telling you okay now that you've got that number think about got it think about three thousand more of that amount of that amount that's you know humans are bad with big numbers exactly and that's how many partners plus more are available when you go to door dash um 300 thousand including u.s. Puerto Rico canada australia local go to his favorite national restaurants all the places you could be looking to get a bite so that's the door dash app go check it out right now our listeners can get five dollars
Starting point is 03:00:49 off and zero delivery fees on their first order of fifteen dollars or more when you download the door dash app and enter code castle that's five dollars off and zero delivery fees on your first order when you download the door dash app in the app store and enter the code castle so don't forget code c a s t l e for five dollars off your first order with door dash thanks door dash thank you door dash we're also going to dedicate this next couple of minutes to the art nay the necessity of a clean shaved ball have they been sending you the phone i got people reached out and told me how it was going oh that's someone someone did send me some walnuts as a descriptor of the situation but uh i got i got
Starting point is 03:01:55 quite a few people talking to me about the state of their balls and um it's not what i signed up for but i accept the weight it is totally what you sign up for i accept the weight of this responsibility because people out there are not shaving their balls and they're not they're not getting themselves into you know what i would call fighting condition i don't know if you're familiar but when you're in fighting condition it's when you're in tip top shape it's you're when you're in the peak of your game there's a there's a window of opportunity you know where you can you can accomplish anything and when you are encumbered by uh your your your pubic hair burden um
Starting point is 03:02:49 you just you know that's how you get like a fat roll you know like you don't your your your shit your it's too high you want to get that you want to get that number nice and low you want to keep everything smooth and sleek because too much hair is bad and it affects lots of things it affects your um your general day to day feeling it affects the the the in so for some people's the the odors for some people it affects the aesthetic in such a way that is uh you know not presentable pat i believe you should be someone that extols the virtues of less hair more or less okay well i think i think that every part of your body is disgusting and the more of it that you can
Starting point is 03:03:54 safely remove with no consequence the better there has been if you could get such a thing as you know some high quality grooming kits to safely remove that shit the bed expeditiously that would be good you know it's better than becoming an orb becoming an orb with two other orbs i'm talking about my tits but honestly your whole body should be orbs you should just be like fucking vector man you know okay you should just be like balls like rayman just just fucking orbs all over and what better way to do it all right then to shave with manscaped because manscaped is out there with the perfect gift the perfect uh uh uh grooming kit the performance package it's the ultimate men's hygiene bundle you've got all
Starting point is 03:04:59 kinds of tools for keeping your shit where it needs to be off your body you got the weed whacker ear and nose and hair trimmer waterproof uses a 9 000 rpm motor it's ridiculous listen to that that's crazy more than enough to deal with the the dankest of forests and and and you know oh the statistics apparently 79 of partners polled admit that long nose hair is a major turnoff how about that it's not just about the balls it's about your face and your nose as well orb become orb of course there's the lawnmower 3.0 trimmer the best from around the market for your balls for your butt for your body and yeah all the all the good stuff that comes in the liquid formulations the crop preserver the ball deodorant crop reviver ball toner i've talked about these
Starting point is 03:05:57 those are great i've i've i've i've personally uh decided to endorse the quality of the ball deodorant and they give you a pretty gangster bag that's really nice actually a very nice little kit to hold all of these tools in that i've uh used as my personal like bathroom kit it's awesome what's going on talk to me there's something about describing the bag as a gangster yeah a gangster bag yeah that makes me think of somebody going yo avon what's in the bag oh it's my ball trip yeah man scape we got that man scape over here man scape hey yo hey yo pat how my hair looks yeah thanks to man scapes my hair looks great
Starting point is 03:07:10 bang kaboom boom that scene would be very different just pat out and the logo appears you know there you go there you go uh well anyway uh um you can get 20 off in free shipping at slash super beast that's 20 off with free shipping at slash super beast so what are you waiting for go take care of it wrap your corner by using uh the promo code so slash super beast for 20 off and free shipping thank you manscaped thanks man scape
Starting point is 03:08:06 all right so yeah this week but wait there's more i forgot to talk about super liminal i beat it in three hours the game's name is super liminal perspective game yes the trailer for super liminal looked absolutely fucking interesting it's a head fuck it reminded me of it looks like the next in the not related but kind of still in the same vein series as uh let's say portal and then um anti chamber anti chamber and uh stanley parable and like those kinds of first person fuckery games yeah so uh it does one thing much better so it's it's quite short i beat it in three hours because um turns out i'm really really good at spatial perspective puzzles i had absolutely no trouble with almost anything in the entire game um but i assume others might have significant trouble
Starting point is 03:09:07 it's a game about perspective you move an item far away so that it's the same size in your perspective that means it gets big uh doors can become enterable or not depending on the perspective that you look at them etc it goes a lot of crazy places with that trick and uh portal had the portal trick which was great but it used that that one trick to do a lot of cool in-depth puzzles right uh anti chamber had a bigger focus on non euclidean geometry or impossible space or non linear progression through space which was really really cool right up until the game became actually about doing these weird block puzzles on the wall which had about the 50 mark which was actually really frustrating um super liminal keeps doing new weird perspective
Starting point is 03:10:09 shit the whole time okay and and based on the length i'm based on the length i'm going to assume that it doesn't overstay its gimmick no it doesn't and um what's really really cool is that it you know the game had you know most games have a difficulty curve right um the difficulty curve on super liminal is like the a normal like you know diagonal line of complexity and teaching you new types of ways to use it uh new types of ways to look at things in perspective but then you get to the i wouldn't call it a level i'd call it the final sequence which took me about a half hour and it is a straight line up like it is a rapid fire series of much harder puzzles that um like feels like a gauntlet like you're you're no longer moving from room to room
Starting point is 03:11:20 like you are moving from hallway through the the hallways puzzle solution to the floor that hallways floors puzzle solution and if you have integrated the game's lessons you fucking fly through that and you sound you feel like the smartest person in the world now you hit a wall in the witness didn't you yeah uh i hit a wall in the witness where i was learning some of the rules and i couldn't find a location where i i i i must have just missed a spot but i i was i missed a i missed where i was to learn a rule that i needed for all remaining areas okay like i i felt like i was missing every puzzle that i could access i felt like i was missing a piece of information that i should have acquired somewhere else okay um and a lot of the
Starting point is 03:12:25 thing that frustrated me was the witness's incredible presentation means that it actually takes a while to get between puzzle to puzzle and i had no idea where to go learn the thing that i needed to learn i see okay yeah i was trying to remember what it was exactly but yeah super liminal is incredible you should buy it it's great two mellows uh on the soundtrack did a remix apparently yeah cool yeah i skipped the credits only for people to tell me dude two mellow did the credits track and i went well oh well just another good reason for you all to beat the game yourselves there you go all right now i'm done with my okay yeah no that thing looked feel bad if i did not give it its props yeah that thing looked really cool um
Starting point is 03:13:23 and and also kind of scary because it's like well looking at an object up close and then suddenly it becomes a giant thing in the horizon that can squash you and i'm like well that would be terrifying so you know can you die when things fall on you that are giant you cannot die okay hmm i'm still really horrified of a giant giant thing falling on me oh is it is it one of those things were like the the the the change in realistic perspective fucks with your head in a certain way no it literally is like i think the end of the trailer is like a donut or something or some object yeah it's really big it just falls and becomes like like fucking birds for scale sized and i'm like oh god i don't want to get crushed by that that'd be horrifying and uh that's that's then you
Starting point is 03:14:20 should not check out the game god what's it called giant police man oh yeah yeah that's that hits all the wrong ones yeah that hits all the bad ones man i don't think that's the name of the game no but it's that giant cop staring at you and he keeps moving away you have to stay out of his line of sight because he'll keep picking you up and putting you back into the space yeah yeah no that thing is fucking scary dude like big thing that comes to yeah no totally no uh and he always has his eyes on you from way in the distance yeah it's really it's really upsetting i mean it's it's honestly like part of what i thought death stranding was tapping into when the fucking titan appeared maybe but it didn't go that way but it's a little of that though you know there's something super terrifying about
Starting point is 03:15:14 just the the name is of the game we're talking about is uh millett millett schinner what a weird name millett schinner yeah i'll retweet a trailer for it so that everyone can get upset yeah no hostile things or inanimate objects being kill you sized and and they're falling towards you is very very bad um so no no no to that non hostile things like fun times are more than welcome stop it stop it uh this week in news step one one when huang is not in soul caliber everyone should be asking where's huang actually i think a better version of that is like congrats namco you finally found a really fun way to announce fighting game characters by giving them straight up wrong names so that the goddamn
Starting point is 03:16:25 announcement trailer does not spoil it i'm so happy that trailer is called soul caliber six gets an unknown soul i didn't even catch that because i just saw it playing on twitter i didn't see that i caught it auto playing in a tweet so the the the youtube video and like the subreddit thread that we had a hold on unknown soul soul i want i want the actual name so i mean what's what's probably extra effective there is this motherfucker looks nothing like huang well with one problem what he's got huang's sword yes certainly as but the in the instant you see that sword and his face is obscured you're like i know who that is well what about
Starting point is 03:17:21 especially since he's saving sung mina in his initial well i was going to say but like the what was the um what was the mirror soul for uh huang again the other guy character that like yun song yun song character i shit on earlier yun song exactly yeah there you go um fuck that bitch so so he shows up with a fucking blood-borne hat and a nice little trail behind it that's all like to me i got remind i got reminded of all the like aztec fighters i like when i saw that and i was like this design fucking rules so i've never even been a huang player i'm not even a big huang guy but uh that fucking redesign is awesome i like tremendous really really really good design for for for the old boy
Starting point is 03:18:12 i love him he's great you like the new costume him yes i also like that he uses magic now and you know costume b is gonna be the old one so it'll be fine but yeah that's that's sick um i'm very glad that he's back i really like this this trend this is the so soul caliber did it and uh tekken did it with a kunomitsu yeah where a kunomitsu showed up and uh there are two levels to that right and depending on how much you care about kunomitsu level one was oh dude it's gonna be kunomitsu and dude two is that's not the same person yep that's totally her gonna be her daughter face exposed and then bam and uh same thing here with like you see sung mean in the trailer and then you see a guy with a chinese sword and people like
Starting point is 03:19:12 me who liked playing as him in soul soul edge go i know who that is and then the rest of the trailer starts to establish establish establish and then oh his face of course it is oh shit voiced by pro zb no less sick yo that's dope yeah go get it man hell yeah that's awesome i enjoy that um yeah i i continue to appreciate the soul calibers soul calibers willingness to drastically redesign established characters i'd say more so namco is willing to go further than anyone else's on their designs well with soul caliber they get a pass because with soul caliber you can change literally every single part of that character including the person that it is as long as they're still holding the same weapon their hands like we went from rock to asteroth
Starting point is 03:20:21 and whereas they were well they have different moves but they were they be they became different but starting off no no no no so soul caliber one he was a different slot he's a different character he was wasn't that because rock was like the the echo fighter of the day i mean if you're going back to soul edge then you're you're talking i can't answer but soul caliber one he was a second slot up top in the same what's the difference between rock and asteroth asteroth is better rock doesn't have the full charge when you do the the the back ab grab asteroth has a charged up version that grabs you and rock it's just a hit that doesn't have a full charge for example um yeah it was it was a second one uh the echo fighters in soul caliber ended up with
Starting point is 03:21:14 with their own slots in many cases and we're going to retroactively use the image has been created paul well you wanted it no the balls image oh okay here you go i sent it to you sure it's been made we are now beautiful everyone remembers balls panasonic yeah i uh i you so you pointed that out as if to say that like tecan was doing something bad almost no no it's just like when the characters don't have a weapon in their hands to differentiate themselves there's only so much you can actually fuck with their design before they become unrecognizable but i think that like even when it is that way though like think about every version of yoshi mitsu across the franchise he's special you know why because he has a sword in his hand yeah
Starting point is 03:22:13 he gets the fucking so even if you any of it he looks like a squid man or an alien robot or a or a or a or a doll oh he's the guy with the sword i know which one that is mm-hmm yeah i um i dig it i dig it character is changing clothes you know just getting a little more stylish or getting drastically different i'm a fan what game is it that that horang or how wrong has the jacket that he's not got his arms through the sleeve oh uh was that four uh five i want it i want to say it's yeah he's got the floating jacket totally seven it's yeah there you go he's got the jacket cape that's i i want to wear a jacket but i don't want to wear the jacket um i i like ken with the black shirt i dig that i've wanted
Starting point is 03:23:14 the showedos to get distinction between themselves for years so anything leaning towards that i'm way in favor of and considering ken is all about the money i'm like yes please lean into make him make him look different like there's no reason for them to look identical at this point seeing how we know they're they're about that different lifestyle give them some bananas and i just if anything they just the the real botch is just not committing to hot ryu yeah he should have had that beard that's the cowardice ken was fat was fine but ryu needed that beard um also uh more cowardice someone fixed akuma by giving him that big lion mane with a goddamn moustache and full beard and it makes the design work that'll that totally
Starting point is 03:24:05 make sense i retweeted it uh a couple maybe last week or so but you just take that lion mane akuma face and give him a big old moustache and it fucking works flawlessly that'd be that'd be under media it probably would be you know cowards too scared to change the look because why is he meticulously shaving his face but not trimming his hair yeah yeah he should actually look like filthy like akuma should look like a filthy homeless person that's dedicated to the fight absolutely um yeah okay here we go i'm gonna retweet it again so that it's it's it's updated yeah yeah after the podcast just go to our twitter so that you can see all the good
Starting point is 03:25:02 stuff we're talking about as always here this is also a good way to drive interaction of course it is i just sent it to you social social media akuma if the character designer wow that is way better wasn't a fucking coward it's it's dope that is way better super cool the the battle the battle between street fighter should be about the homeless versus the non-homeless agreed those who choose to fight at sacrifice of having a roof versus those who do not you know what i do you know what yeah yeah you've got the homeless like ryu you've got the home ed the home owner yeah like ken and then you have the landlord like bison sure no bison is the nimby
Starting point is 03:26:00 no he's not vega is the vega is the nimby all right all right get these ugly people out of my neighborhood uh so there's that and you know what not only that uh i would like to just take a moment it's it's less news and more of just a if you haven't watched max's marvel lives tournament fucking go check that shit out because he did an incredible job putting that together and massive shoutouts to max million uh working with twitch rivals to get a real marvel tournament going he he got uh tasty steve and uh yipes on commentary he got gods to come back he got um parsec involved to make sure everything would run smoothly and it did and it was just a
Starting point is 03:27:09 fucking joy to get this whole thing going in a in a fgc quarantine situation because nothing's going on and everybody's pretty sad with the with the lack of tournaments but you know it was a fucking breath of fresh air was awesome really well run and while you're running the event why not take the opportunity to celebrate assist me and have the reunion of everything that show was over the years and have a big old assist me throwback at the same time as all the events are going down it was a perfect like just max night you know um so hey what's uh what's the gentleman's name that plays wesker on assist me um i forget why do you ask because he looks great yes like i saw his tweet about getting into shape one of those guys mike like it's like he he aged
Starting point is 03:28:06 so good oh man when you're around when you're a handsome enough gentleman to play wesker then it uh i'm waiting for my turn to age good it's gonna happen yeah i don't think the character designer is gonna let that one's gonna happen no akuma redesigned for you i'll show you like i personally i can't wait for silver dreads i can't wait gray jeds are gonna be awesome yeah because you don't have to die them they just came in like it's gonna be sick i'm very excited i look forward to it highly i'm uh you know uh the sooner the better but um yes the assist me uh reunion was pretty cool and the tournament was incredible and it was all in all just a fucking amazing event and like yeah max has pointed it out a couple times but like
Starting point is 03:29:05 the fact that twitch rivals which is you know usually a like what's hot right now what do people care about kind of thing was willing to get a game that is fucking dead into the mix and give it the love that like the community wants to give it i i'm i'm just really really happy with that and i thought it was super dope so huge shout outs to that event go check out the the stream or you can check out the highlight video max point posted um and it's just yeah it's a throwback to all the fun all the good times and all the best commentary and uh all the best players and everything about that game that you love you know it's a shame marvel has this kind of sound really weird but i'm sure you understand what i mean it's a shame marvel versus capcom has marvel characters it's
Starting point is 03:30:05 uh so the way the way max described marvel is like it's the last universally it was the last universally loved fighting game like that when it came out everyone was like yeah this is fucking sick you know it is taking what it's supposed to be in the genre just the the peak of like hyper insanity and um it's staying true to it you know and and and like it managed to do a really good job of picking an interesting roster uh that's that's new while it wasn't like they didn't have like a marvel 2 situation where they had a like five or six games prior in the versus series to build up to and go off of it was just all new shit but they just they did it they threw in fucking phoenix right you know what i mean like they they had fun with the roster in a
Starting point is 03:30:59 way that like we still go games roster is so goddamn ghost writers in the game like there's such fun picks that they went with and you know that it feels super fun to play and um dante showed up and he was faithful to all his moves and it's all the shit you were like oh my god yes yes yes you know like it was really really dope um i was more than happy to see spencer obviously um you know and and it was great it was just a really really good time that you know unfortunately they never were able to sort of capture again due to many clear reasons and and many unclear reasons and yeah i think marvel that's a good way to put it you know uh i i still see despite the fact that uh he and i and you have all been clamoring for a capcom versus capcom uh the the popular sentiment
Starting point is 03:31:56 for many people is still when's marvel 4 and i think a lot of that is just like when's more of the cool thing and i think some of that a lot of that is also like i like these marvel characters i remember when reggie was describing how um his biggest problem and this thing about infinite that made that turned him off the most was the lack of x-men he says like i saw no x-men and that fucked me up because i love the x-men the most you know and i was like okay so there's for some people that's just a huge huge huge deal um it's it's just it's i would love to see like an actual breakdown like go out and ask every marvel player ever like what which ones do you care about and i bet it would actually be like 70 marvel characters um i mean it's hard like i like
Starting point is 03:32:49 i think a lot of i think a lot of people are like yo i love these marvel characters and that plays a big role into it for like for sure but i think that like at at the end of the day for us speaking as people who like buy and play a lot of video games as a fighting game all it really needs to be for us to be all up in it is just the same style of of of hyper fighting yeah you know what i come to think of it i think it would actually be um the x-men and spider man power gap every capcom character power gap the rest of the marvel cast perhaps so perhaps because the x-men and spider man have always felt more popular than marvel um cap and iron man avengers are also pretty fucking big though you know like less we for you do less we forget uh but on the other hand
Starting point is 03:33:47 right let's be real um and this wasn't a fair comparison because of availability but it's not like shit popped off with doran joe and yatter man either people weren't i appreciated them i did too but i'm a fucking keras mark and you love teca man blade and we all agree that uh uh he's gotta finish the fight in 30 minutes where he goes crazy i saw the that volt teca was a pretty fucking strong attack man people dug it people enjoy tatsunoko versus capcom joe the condor showed up he had a toad we were here for it but it didn't quite hit the same with most people i don't think tatsunoko was bringing out the crowds man i don't think people were going yeah friender
Starting point is 03:34:49 you know cashier and sins did you watch it no no you know what are you like i'm aware of cashier and but i've never actually seen well that's it so it would have helped if it was not a fucking we exclusive but either way man you know it's it's yeah but it was a very fun game it was a very fun game um anyway i'm just saying that uh the marvel lives tournament was incredible it was really really good and uh going forward it's it's to me i feel like yeah the the marvel side of the situation is what will likely create problems and get in the way and i don't think the state of affairs with the mcu being as big of a deal as it is i don't think it'll get any better from where infinite went in terms of just the involvement the control the roster picks the
Starting point is 03:35:47 the all the all the downsides you know even though the infinite system was a fuck ton of fun you know the 2v2 hot tank it was very fun marvel's gotta take you know with infinite they were very stringent and a harsh task master on on on the development of that game and as to who could show what and all that and then they said no you know what we're gonna do we're gonna give idos slash square enix the marvel license so they can do the avengers game and then we'll all make a shit zillion dollars how's that doing walls uh a shit zillion you say how many um i did say that shit zillion is a pretty high bench mark to set for your investors
Starting point is 03:36:45 i don't think that's how it performed um i but i heard that it performed really well um if by really well you mean significant losses disappointing uh in the last quarter for square enix what then that's what happened oh no wow hey you came ready with that doing your own bits i see that's that's all right yeah um apparently the stales have slowed down uh really really really really really really badly and um i saw that on steam they've lost 98 percent of their play i believe that was the number i'm not sure where the i said god there was an article that was like pretty much showing you the slope but it was rough and essentially
Starting point is 03:37:52 they're looking at saying um apparently they want to add uh additional content to make up for the slow sales they want to juice it back into the into the you know the the minds of the people um but i do believe as do a couple others that the uh word of mouth being really buggy fucking tweets wasn't doing it any wonders and that the game essentially shipped unfinished that i it's been a long while since i've seen a game that you can tell from the instant you look at it go man this needs like a year like usually you would say like i'll push it back six months needs more time that thing needed a year um the the thing that cracked me up the most was at the beginning of a quiet shy's video where she'll play these games and they just fall
Starting point is 03:38:52 apart in her hands is uh you go to that goddamn captain america costume the the the the classic winter uh captain america costume and the characters face and eyes just start going crazy on the buy screen like the eyes literally roll off the character's head oh nice and the and the lips start coming right off the fucking model and and it is that is the purchase this costume screen agreeable grunt oh yeah there there you did you see that yes oh to those you don't know they got hulk smashing all over and somebody's talking to him and then the subtitle comes up and and hulk just says in a robot voice agreeable grunt
Starting point is 03:39:52 which is clearly like the closed caption directions for the voice actor like oh my god oh my god yeah so anyway that's not happening um Avengers that is Avengers is not happening uh they're delaying the next gen versions i assume they're going to try and relaunch it and pretend that a year didn't pass um and you know i've said this every time and i'll say it again everybody wants to copy destiny's success right because destiny was the big live service game that everybody seems to be chasing destiny's a mess i was about to say that you say that sentence but i can't make sense like i've been exposed to it through you talking about how bad it's been for years now so that's not at all the impression i got destiny is such a mess
Starting point is 03:40:56 the company that makes it bought their way out of their publisher agreement like the reason that i say this is because the the direct quotes that come out of these shareholder meetings and shit like that are literally we want to have a live service game like destiny um and they're like why i told you i was there in the meetings literally at Square Enix when they came out and they said gas is the future gas is everything everything we're doing right now should be dedicated to gas the money is too good to resist the the the the potential is too high to make bank and 100 of what we're working on should be either steering towards or fully gas ready and it was a it was a moment in time that they said from here on out this is
Starting point is 03:42:07 the focus and that was the nozgoth years that was the triad wars years um oh man that's great because like nothing says the money's too good we have to gas it like getting so far along in development on dark sun and nozgoth and just releasing nothing the money's so good we had to throw years of dev down the toilet and release nothing that's how good the money is essentially like people love these franchises enough that they're willing to pay for them monthly let's get that cash and um never mind the hand up with the excuse me but what is the reason that people love these franchises so much never just fuck you shut up why do people gravitate towards these and spend a lot of money fuck you shut up that's not the point the point is is this is what we have
Starting point is 03:43:12 access to and this is how we can turn it into more you know i think the funniest thing about this is that every four years you and i have the same conversation every time every time and it's not always about gas it's about trend so if i had known you in the mid 90s we would actually be talking about fighting games street fighter two came out holy shit we need to make a fucking fighting game those things print money why is street fighter two print money because it's incredible because it's a fighting game then came call of duty then came world of warcraft then came gas slash fortnight uh hero shooters in in there was hero shooters and cs counter strike and starcraft see how fucked it is that fortnight takes that instead of pub g
Starting point is 03:44:25 well pub g dropped it pub g just dropped the crap they handed it over they didn't it got took it got took let's be real fortnight was a different video game entirely that swerved into stealing that crown yeah just they they took it uh and it is it is wild uh mobas was one as well league oh my goodness uh halo oh my goodness right and so what is the legacy of these things street fighter continues to exist but it itself almost died world of warcraft took 16 years to get a viable competitor and it killed every game that came out during that period nothing has ever touched counter strike in its own field nothing ever touched starcraft in its own field nothing is going to unfortnight fortnight and call of duty is forever have you
Starting point is 03:45:34 seen the washington post review of call of duty cold war the headline is called duty black ops cold wars plays fine and it's the new one that's enough you asked the question what is the legacy oh and halo of these trends yeah the legacy is that in the moment when they got to announce their clones the investors were not upset because they were able to see the money came from over here and now we're going to do our version of the money and that was the end of the thought yeah yeah hey woolly we're gonna play that game that we play every year and it gets funnier every year what is the name of the electronic arts canceled mode oh Jesus why every year and i remember i think i have it i think i have it war war it was warface wasn't it that's a
Starting point is 03:46:45 different that's a cry tech game it wasn't warface no that's a different and it was definitely not battleborn it's no not battleborn um no because that's yeah war there's no word war what yeah it's dawn gate i was i'm like i'm like i like let i need to yeah i'm like looking away from the fucking chat here what the what are the words that they ripped out of the ether of like five choices and just hit the slot machine this is wild you know i've never actually seen footage of the game it is indistinguishable from league of legends it like i'll send this to you i'm good i believe you i believe you i am it it's indistinguishable the color palette the look of the like wow
Starting point is 03:47:49 but most importantly when the came time to answer the investors and say how are we you know what it is dude this is what it looks like when a water doesn't stand up to them yeah this is what it looks like when a water goes you know what you're right we'll get on it immediately that's it that's it guy walks in because his kid plays destiny and he saw the kid put giving destiny expansion money he goes wow we have a game like that and they go well we don't really have any teams that are good at making that kind of game uh the team that made that used to make halo which is literally the biggest game in the world at the time my kids spending all my money on that game and not and he should be spending money on one of our games so that i'm getting those returns
Starting point is 03:48:38 yeah by humbug you know it's that simple uh but i think halo might be the funniest one but here's the thing right now the investor straw man is a fun thing to burn every time but it is oversimplified in the scenario right because it is very clear and we've seen it many times like a bunch of people that don't know what the fuck they're doing have to come in and yell at the people making the games and and force them to make things that are bad okay but let's not pretend that one though some of those studios are making bad this are not making bad decisions on their own anyway right i have an old authority that a lot of the most predatory micro transaction evil shit has come from the director of a game and so that they can impress
Starting point is 03:49:24 their publisher boss one and not and like some studios have the the the micro guy i described but not everyone has that um but like yeah some places are making those decisions on their own and two and this is more important as to why these things actually come to exist there are enough clones that are successful in these genres for other studio to go well fuck it let's give it a shot yeah well they're they're successful enough for a time but look at like in each in these cases there's usually at least one other and this is um where i think it was cliffy who said it where like you know he's right about the fact that you know there are two there's room for two champions and one alternative in any given genre yep champion number one champion number two and then the guy
Starting point is 03:50:22 eating the scraps around the edge the alternative pick for those who want something like that those things but a little different and yeah absolutely that's real so you want to you got call duty you got battlefield and then you got whatever the fuck else is going on who do you want to grab what do you want to do today yeah you know and and that space is something that is winnable at least in the moment so they're gonna go for it it's not always that but woolly no one's gonna dump 300 million dollars into third place well like so this is where that's like this is where you know you get to hear about the the you know the the internals of i mean look a titan project titan switched over to become a hero shooter full-time and they made their money you know they they went
Starting point is 03:51:20 you know what no we're going this direction instead uh obviously i i mentioned earlier that pub g couldn't hold the crown and that literally cost them that pub g is is the most astonishing botch i've ever seen they had they had the potential to literally be the most popular video game and they they they botched it they dropped it they they they had that shit unlocked for like a full year and they never got the game to not fall apart when you played it now i don't really know but i feel from through osmosis as if i have not seen anything properly stay in second place under minecraft oh i have not seen anything that is a minecraft like stay there those things come and fucking go
Starting point is 03:52:19 minecraft gets the number one and two spots there is only third place see roblox and terraria our names that float but i don't feel like i've heard them approach that spot my nephew ain't playing terraria yeah i feel as if minecraft you know there's we said there's the one and two and then the the weird third minecraft has the power gap and then the others come in it just it's not anywhere near it terraria would be the third one i would say and then deep in fourth is uh is dragon quest builders probably roblox is somewhere on that list but but but i i don't know what that is it's big but i'm literally done but but the point the point is that it's like it's not like those other genres where you can clearly just go bam that thing you
Starting point is 03:53:10 know um and so this is all to say that like there are enough like clone successes and the potential for stealing the crown as epic did is very possible that the attempt that's true to to lean into the trend and like take it over will never go away because the gamble is worth it to them it's it's just so frustrating because you can point to every clone success and you can point to exactly why that one is a success because it's not just a clone or it's just straight up better or the guy who invented the genre went to that company and made it you know like like look look at pubg and fortnight as a really good example right pubg had the battle royale fortnight had the battle royale as well but also had the building thing but more than anything is you started playing pubg and
Starting point is 03:54:06 you're like wow this concept is incredible and then you start playing fortnight and you're like wow this concept is the same as pubg but this feels like a real video game that i'm supposed to play like every single part of fortnight's presentation technical prowess controls is 10 times better than pubg and i hate it i fucking hate that stupid building shit but it's a way better game and that's why they were able to take that crown but also oh and it's free also instead well it's free and they've got the money to iterate harder and faster than anybody can keep up with you know there's also when you make these clones there's a there's a business strategy that fortnight and blizzard sorry epic and blizzard have been able to employ and i have
Starting point is 03:54:59 not seen any other company being able to employ this because it requires a type of game and a really really really specific dev team that can implement this kind of stuff for years wow and fortnight does it too they will watch their competitors and their competitors will announce features and then they will implement their features in their own game before those games even i was literally waiting for you to finish that to bring up the fact that i was i was waiting to say never forget that apex had to be developed under the cover of night lest the watchful eye of sauron fall on them and take their shit apex was a game fully fucking out of nowhere because if anything about it came out it would completely get invalidated prior to launch day and the ping
Starting point is 03:55:51 system which of course ended up in the in in in fortnight seconds later would have just been annihilated you know they they they they absolutely are are able to um out iterate everybody you know so pub g slipping meant it had no chance like pub fucking fortnight was drafting in the wind gust behind pub g you know like they were building they were taking their other game their building game and turning it into a battle royale using the wind cut drafting from the speed of the of the car up ahead so if it fucking slips on a banana peel well then they're they're taken off it's it's just and i don't i to this day i that's that's continues to be how it is you know anyway um do you remember um the the fix pub g campaign i remember you bringing it up i think
Starting point is 03:56:51 so the fix pub g campaign was in 2018 and they now set august 8th of 2018 and it was hey guys we're gonna stop content update oh yes yes yes and we're gonna we're gonna do nothing but bug fixes stability cheat protection etc and it didn't do that it didn't fix it so holy shit they were never going to hold on to that crown if epic hadn't come along somebody else would yeah yeah but but they but you see pub g by comparison to the fucking zombie survival servers was leaps and bounds ahead of those so it oh it's sure god damn was oh man so pub g felt like it was already on the throne not knowing there was a bigger throne to sit on you tell me i don't have to mod arm anymore oh god thank the lord it thought you know but yes exactly we would have
Starting point is 03:58:08 been living in a world of radical heights anyway we were never we were never gonna live in that world you say that i disagree you say that i am saying it uh i did set it well okay i was i was going to segue uh originally from now that we got all the fun fighting game news out of the way it's time to go to the sad fighting game news but i could all oh no but i can also segue it by saying speaking of investors uh-huh oh uh when i told punch mom this story she turned to me and said yo fighting games have had a fucked up year yeah and i just like i took it like a bullet
Starting point is 03:59:11 because it was so on point it was so on point a fucked up year this is really really shitty upsetting and um what are you talking about well context right in before you support things that are bad you hypocrite hypocrite that you are right in before that because it needs to be said that there will always be the person um you know perhaps the shit bag that will uh preface this kind of story by saying hey are you enjoying talking about that while you use your your phone made by uh uh practically slaves in another country and while you sit on your laurels enjoying uh uh you know the fruits of capitalism in its latest in its latest stage that crushes people and oppresses
Starting point is 04:00:17 yes yes we're all aware there's no ethical consumption under capitalism yes yes continue okay therefore when you bring about the story such as uh snk has been sold once again uh this time not uh from this time not to a chinese company but in fact to an organization i believe that goes by the name of the electronic games development company which is saudi arabian which happens to be 33 percent of this percent stake in in snk at the moment and then the details revealed that it was option to go up to 51 percent so a controlling percentage uh was like okay snk is being sold again and then a little bit of research not much really the instant the story came out revealed that the e gdc the company buying them
Starting point is 04:01:20 is owned by uh muhammad bin salman the crown prince of saudi arabia aka uh the guy pretty much responsible for a bunch of fucked up shit including the murder of kashogi and uh massive oppression of uh lgbtq and anything pretty much homosexual being uh jailable at best execution at worst um while also there being a a a movement recently to i guess i believe the term is sports washing where uh if you can associate with um if you can associate with something like sports then the image will change and uh things like uh you know the ability like women were allowed to drive recently um so that's seen as a progressive positive thing and uh wwe had its first show over there and um there was the first comic con so things were seen as a progressive uh thing and
Starting point is 04:02:31 and this is just one of those things where i'm like they own snk now and it just fucking sucks don't forget all that shit in yemen that's too complicated for me to even consider going into but is a thing i'm glad you're aware the war with yemen is beyond fucked up um and and so yeah this is this is one of those things where uh and and and here's i i i again i've already seen the fight being taken out i've already seen people um like coming out to fight this for you know again the ethical consumption reasons and i've seen people coming out to fight this from the i click on your profile and you're actually posting from the country in which case i don't even know if you can disagree here i'm not too sure
Starting point is 04:03:30 but let's not take have this fight online you know um but just you know it's just yeah full disclosure this is entirely based on the fact that like um these progressive moves that he he makes come hand in hand with some absolutely fucked up shit on the world stage and being directly involved is just a shitty feeling for a company that you like making products that you like that are fucking video games you know and um i don't know how to there's a much straighter line on this than usual not buying a telephone you know what have you i mean nearly all consumer great electronics are manufactured in china the only way to avoid that problem for example is to kind of ludidite yourself ludidite yourself um and significantly alter your life so it's it's
Starting point is 04:04:26 more complicated is it bad of course it's bad however you look at kof 15 for example which represents essentially you handing i don't know 15 dollar check to uh fucking asshole robber baron like in his hands and then he's like cool this will be a good bullet to shoot a gay with and you're like ah see this is this is this is the thing right it understands right it's just it's not it's not the same equivalency it's a false equivalency it's just not the same thing there's there's absolutely multiple versions of this uh uh ethical consumption issue but this is yeah the most direct version of um the the woman i'm in love with could theoretically in an alternate reality be killed for being who she is if we lived in those
Starting point is 04:05:30 circumstances that is a very difficult thing to separate from uh the the ownership of of this of this company and these and these products funding that or theoretically being in any way involved in that that you cannot you cannot separate that that is a deeply realistic and personal issue that at the very least happens to land right on the mark in this in this particular example um and i just don't really have the um i don't really have the patience to kind of hear that other shit about it and that's that's about it man all right so i got a question for you you're gonna ask what what someone just asked right there what's that oh go ahead go ahead i literally don't uh i was going to be a shit and be like
Starting point is 04:06:38 but what if that oil money gets us those sprites back what if that oil money gets those sprites back if it's 60 frames per second oh okay yeah no um this but yeah i don't i like i didn't really like kof 14 and this might be the the worst thing i could have ever heard about kof 15 in terms of me being interested in it whatsoever because i will not be able to distract myself from the bad taste anyone even remotely interested in kof has been eagerly anticipating kof 15 as a follow-up to a really good reboot of the franchise um and uh yeah the fact that it's literally already like being worked on by the same people and continues to be a product by the same devs and everything about it is the same shit the only difference is where that money is going to go
Starting point is 04:07:48 at the end of your purchase and i don't know how to fucking parse that and make it not an issue i don't think you can um someone much smarter than me i would love to hear break down this kind of topic but to me it seems really fucking cut and dry i see that story and i go well that's fucking done i i would like to uh uh point out what may or may not i don't personally think it's a reasonable uh comparison but i'll i'd like to talk about it anyway where somebody points out that i'm currently playing yakuza 7 which they purport is literally funded by gangsters who sell people into slavery which i assume would be referring to the yakuza who have always had a hand in sega in general um i don't think that there is a through line between those two things
Starting point is 04:08:53 but i understand the association however yeah everything sucks ass most of the food you buy has some kind of horrible nightmare component somewhere in the world there is there's not much you can do to actually avoid this problem and if you would everyone has to make their own little lines and if you would like to uh be the guy that pops out and says aha but yet you participate in society then be my fucking guest my my favorite part is actually the the the start of that is is not we should improve society it's never anything controversial it's it's usually we should improve society somewhat it's like we should improve things a little bit aha but you are in society that's i'm sorry i don't have the libertarian compound
Starting point is 04:10:05 that i can retreat to and form my own perfect moon society we're not there yet we're just not there yet i believe you the moon society that would be of course ruled over by me as king the wise king pat would you adhere to the non-aggression principle everything is perfect what's that would you adhere to the non-aggression principle uh the the moon non-aggression principle yeah yeah as long as nobody talks shit when would you agree that moon taxation is moon theft am i wait am i on the moon you're on the moon yeah yeah earth yeah yeah taxation is theft from the moon yeah sure and you'd you'd audit i know where you're going you'd audit i know what you're doing you audit the earth fed okay i kind of lost you on that one but yeah sure let's say
Starting point is 04:10:58 okay then zigzion yeah see i know i know but yeah you skipped a couple parts in there well i know i was i was going for the full list of yellow yellow things there's a couple others in there you're correct there is making sure you can own all your your guns and your businesses and i believe um fuck driver's license is is another one i think i think booing driver's licenses is one of them i think you know what i wouldn't do really i would not have my moon civilization hit the earth with a big moon rock that's good in a terror attack that would destroy australia that's good that's good yeah i can say right now that the wise king pat will not commit moon-based terrorism
Starting point is 04:12:08 man that fucking john snow in the call of duty he's all like mazetanem and then he's like committing huge space crimes yeah it's always the way and you're just like at the end of it you're just like do we get to fucking glass the entire planet of mars because fuck mars now it's like well no it's just that one guy that's how it goes that one guy in his shitty army were shits but now you're like yeah no but fuck mars though yeah whole planet let's just go out yeah fucking i met a martian once so no one can live there ever get you know telling your grandkids you stay away from the martians i met one that one time fuck that place i don't want to hear about no goddamn orbital frames usually you shut the fuck up we got leves out here man uh anyway um i can't believe
Starting point is 04:13:14 that i'm thinking this much less saying it but boy am i looking forward to uh last blade and mark of the wolves continuing to stay dead for the foreseeable future you're gonna be a real shot in the arms for fighting games mm something that you may actually have some form of effect on mm you know how fighting games sometimes show up at tournaments big fancy tournaments because the publisher suddenly has a lot of money to promote them yeah that could get really legitimately uncomfortable in the very near future dude like it's the KOF community is one thing
Starting point is 04:14:19 the sam show community that has come out of that games resurgence is a super cool tight-knit group of people uh honestly just incredibly friendly and legit with nothing but love and they fight hard for a game that doesn't really fight for them and they go out of their way you know and uh the fucking just like profound sadness in the literal sense of the term that just spread with this news was tangible um it's just fucking dog shit man and and if if you wanna if you want if you're if you're already in the middle of typing up your piece about woolly i think you are mistaken about your views on the situation and we have already seen mbs has apologized for the thing that he didn't have anything to do with it went out of hand and but
Starting point is 04:15:24 like just spare yourself spare yourself i don't i really don't want to participate or hear it just oh my god who cares when corporations apologize what who gives a shit like what what are you talking about who gives a shit what corporation you just but you just said mbs yeah mbs is in mohammed bin salman oh well i suppose he's a corporation who cares when rich people apologize okay well i mean i i would say i would draw the line a little bit more specific than that and would say like murderers but you know okay whatever um neither here nor there yeah you just can't you just can't you can't get around this and just be like oh yeah well
Starting point is 04:16:18 you know i just there's there's shit that just doesn't fucking it doesn't parse it doesn't work out and at the end of the day it's like that stuff is too fucking it's it crosses an unethical line in a way that is immensely immensely um unignorable i suppose but that's that's that's my thoughts on the matter i think i've made my point yeah literally executed dude well that literally like that's it i also uh do have one last thing to uh bring to the but this thing is also bad table and that's that snk didn't used to have to force you to engage in these kinds of moral questions they
Starting point is 04:17:19 were just a regular ass company that made video games so do you remember who the last person was that did force you to engage in these kinds of discussions let me give you a clue riot yeah and do you remember how that resulted they pulled out of the fucking deal and said we moved too fast sorry about that that's true all right still a bunch of assholes but they untethered them said their assholishness from uh uh fucking the murder of of jamal kashogi oh by the way uh kudos to holo live for dodging the insane bullet that is china's new streaming restrictions ah they got out of that shit right on time you see that shit uh i caught that there
Starting point is 04:18:25 was a yes some sort of contract thing happened because i saw there were graduations you need to have occurring and that's basically you need to have fucking uh government sanctioned moderators in your stream oh what you need to have your your full name you need to apply to the government to become a streamer uh fucking uh uh what do you call it all donations have to be delayed and you can be uh you can be fired from the government by uh not upholding moral standards and if you don't uphold those moral standards and get fired all the money goes back to the people who donated everybody who donates has to give their name photo uh social credit score to the thing and then they have a cut off like
Starting point is 04:19:18 like it's about as draconian as you could possibly expect well on that note i would like to give a shout out to v show joe the new vtuber talent company uh created by um uh mountain dew actually buddy the boy he's the he did it and um and and did smoke that weed every day out there putting in exactly and and and from from smoke weed every day to v show joe and uh that's a fucking step up in a half and i'm like yo i see that i see you getting in there on those bucks smart strike while the iron is nuclear right now you can't be like oh what we're about to there we're talking vaccines yo now now absolutely people are watching vtubers because we are stuck inside and now is the time to debut
Starting point is 04:20:22 something like v show joe so uh fucking now is the time to replace all of our disgusting meat streamers with adorable anime girls so there you go um that's i didn't hear about that china stuff that's crazy but uh but wow wow at that i don't know who most of the people in v show joe are but nanners is cool sorry neander what i say nanners jesus i'm an idiot um and melody she's cool she did the porn right is that a thing melody did the melody did the the deludes melody did the deludes and every she still do the i'm pretty sure she does the deludes and everybody shows up because they're like damn yo it looks like yeah of course the fuck you're gonna do not show up when i become a vtuber i will be a toilet and then i was i was
Starting point is 04:21:16 made aware that um um damn hold on don't mess it up don't mess it up you're doing it you're doing a great job um super good job yes killing it hana macchia excellent mac hana as well is is is aware of the existence of the thing that is oh yeah i saw that uh our content so like yo stuff's out there wires cross anyway um this is the world now can't beat him join him that's what i say anyway i'm gonna ride out the meat space till the last second oh sure i'm gonna i'm gonna have one foot in the meat space and the other foot in the digiverse ready to go because we keep it moving and i ain't gonna get fucking caught blown up done in remember how we were like damn
Starting point is 04:22:37 yo slow beef you're like the godfather and he's like nah i'm just an old fuck hired to do some wet work and we're like dude you started this gangsta shit this is the mother fucking thanks you get it's like yeah but i'm old now and no one said no one no one's got time for this and then we talked about dsp and had a good time well it's always a good time hanging out i'm not gonna let that happen i'm gonna hold on to the future and it's gonna try to run the fuck away from me and i'm gonna grip it like that food that gets really upsetting to look at and never let it go you know yeah see i can't do the vtuber thing in the near future because uh i need to exist in the in the meat space so that i can distract people with adorable dogs and cats fair enough it's gonna
Starting point is 04:23:44 be if i become a ascension toilet i can't exactly pan to the dog how fucking sick would it be if slow beef comes back and just combo breaks this entire trend by inventing a literal functioning hologram and becoming like a 5d form of let's player that can actively let's play in the space around you in some ridiculous way and just like it's like this is what he was working on he fell into the background so that everyone would forget only to re-emerge in the future and create a problem kind of like the sanctus maximus populi ah that was for me and me alone shut up yeah i don't know what you're talking about what the fuck are you talking about
Starting point is 04:24:44 i can't hold on hold on solidus solidus knows he knows it's for nobody i got one i got one how long is it nobody how long until we get a ptuber uh mm-hmm where you get the the robot to shoot mountain dew out at you all right let's get some shit out of the way here and then rain me with your booze it's different bombing up here it's bombing up here just it's different uh let's it's a tickle let's let's get to the let's get let's get through it a couple of quick things not much um i gave a shout out to uh uh the agency i also have another shout out to give for um buddy zavier woods aka austin creed for getting the gig at g4 it's kind of a slam dunk like gimme because it's like yeah
Starting point is 04:25:57 what are you gonna do not pick the fucking tag team champion like yeah there you go out of here of course you're gonna pick slam dunk stuff as you describe what are you gonna do not yeah so yeah g4 is coming back and uh austin creed got in there and uh that's fucking that's it's an obvious pick nailed it good job um i got a leg cramp this sucks i see i see uh uh up up down down making moves doing things and i feel like he is having a well of course they are they're they're moving up and and and they move down again all right there you go um random ass uh PSA but apparently after five years today is the last possible day and that is today as in uh the 30th uh today's the
Starting point is 04:27:15 last possible day which only lasts for 26 more minutes to export your rock band three songs oh no oh shit so if you wanted to go through rock band and export all your songs forward to the new platform today is the only day or the final day you can do that you had five years to do it you had to get the export tool and then do that but you can no longer do it after today so there go your songs well you'll have to plug in the other plastic from the old days and use that shit if you want to play those songs no um super nintendo world opens at usj next year uh on a date that's probably too soon for you to be at usj so who gives a fuck about this news hey 90 percent of people listening to this in the us you won't be allowed to go anyway
Starting point is 04:28:32 you could look at the pictures though the rest the rest of you listening to this you really shouldn't go anyway check out the pictures yeah apparently it's it opens in april and uh you can see the little mario kart live thing and the statues of the bowser and the the mushroom kingdom you know what i say to that i say sure whatever man whatever you say whatever i say no not you nintendo land oh yeah whatever you say usj yeah no that's that's what it is opens at nintendo man that theme park got fucked by i mean everything park did really it's true but that one had just finished right so it's like oh slippy's revenge
Starting point is 04:29:33 hey you big fan of saga frontier no i think those games are terrible oh well saga frontier which was uh from that era of 1998 the good fucking years and not just oh you know okay damn it you realize that talk it's talking about how good 96 and 98 were is going to eventually just become boomer talk even though those you fucking mean eventually okay but they really were though what do you mean eventually that was 25 years ago but they really were that good though it's not just like talking about the summer of 69 i'm not just singing fucking no no shut up it's exactly like that because when people were talking about the summer of 69
Starting point is 04:30:41 it was 1986 those were the best days of my life and it's like yeah yeah we get it 69 ruled whatever but you don't get it though 96 and 98 were fucking awesome you know what man fuck the baby boomers man 1998 was so incredible fucking oak reed at time and and metal gear solid came out what's so big deal about the summer 69 dude i had so much unprotected sex at every music festival because diseases basically didn't exist and then we did the aids oopsie doodle thanks boomers that's a pretty succinct summary of how it went down while you were out there catching syphilis i was putting my controller on the floor oh
Starting point is 04:31:57 that's the worst comparison if ever i hate it oh my god i hate it mm-hmm well anyway saga frontier is getting remastered for summer 2021 let's give her trash never never played him good you're a better person it was in that era though there's why i assumed they ruled because they came from 1998 that's literally what what my my my brain yeah guess what i also assumed that in 1998 because i went to the store and a guy said hey man do you like ff7 suck frontier man this made by the same company it'll be just like ff7 and it went wow cool and i brought it home and it was shit so it does have one really cool part where you're playing as red and you're trying to kill your
Starting point is 04:33:11 brother blue and then you get to the final boss fight against blue and if blue wins and beats you blue becomes the new main character whoa that is pretty cool and then and then you then you finish the rest of that guy's campaign as blue that's fucking incredible damn yeah it's that part's actually really cool i mean was there anything about 1998 that didn't rule ocarina of time tech and three half life metal gear solid resident evil two street fighter alpha three starcraft pranzer jagoon saga banjo kazooie balder's gate grim fandango is s nfl blitz zeno gears to rock two unreal okay well the ice storm happened f0x earthquake an earthquake in afghanis skin killed 5000 people
Starting point is 04:34:21 uh oh was that the year of the referendum i guess it might have been yeah okay i hear that but jet tornadoes in central florida destroy 2600 structures and kill 42 people okay january 12th marvel versus capcom clash of superheroes devaluation of the ruble loses 70 of its value against the us dollar in six months february 26 tenshu stealth assassins and x-men versus street fighter kebek demands independence from canada march 19th real bout two fatal fury the newcomers need for speed hot pursuit kof 97 parasite eve starcraft
Starting point is 04:35:24 armageddon came out that year oh american godzilla came out that year commandos behind enemy lines france won the world cup brave fencer musashi and radiant silver gun one pokemon stadium a oil pipeline running through a village in nigeria explodes killing 700 people with the resulting fire burning for nearly a week rainbow six spiro the dragon pokemon yellow sweet coden you're right sweet coden pushed it over man that game's great
Starting point is 04:36:28 shogo medieval fall no you don't have to fall out to code so good age of empires age of empires oddworld half life oh it was a good year you say tekin already i sure did mario party one six you say tribes rogue squadron i did not say tribes tribes came out akujie the heartless oh get fucked hey daddy snowboarding you're just like what the like boulders gate one did you not hear me oh man were you just were you just
Starting point is 04:37:18 shutting it all out were you i was looking at people getting blown up in oil fires thank you okay well well i mean i was looking at a list of bad things that happened yeah so anyway can you like like it's funny how you know what's not on that list kof 98 yeah that's actually that's but look at that like i'm not talking about no fucking summer of 69 shit man when we talk about how good 98 was that's a fucking receipt that is a receipt you know what the difference you know what the difference is between the summer of 69 is in 1998 in video games you can go play the video games that came out in 1998 you can't track down
Starting point is 04:38:16 and screw all those old people that got syphilis in 69 or if you can you shouldn't it's gross some of them are probably skeletons okay it's closed oh you

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