Castle Super Beast - CSB 097: The Nintendunk Shamedown Power Hour

Episode Date: December 8, 2020

Download for Mobile | Podcast Preview | Full Timestamps The Stegosaurus of Regression will not be stopped this day. Do not say the words "Xbox LIVE" or "PSN" or you will upset the Stegosaurus. You ...can watch us record the podcast live on Outro: GunGrave - Here Comes The Rain Go to to start your 100-day trial today! -- Go to to get Honey for FREE! -- Go to to get 20% off and free shipping!   Nintendo cancels Splatoon2 Tournament because of #FreeMelee support Nintendo trends on Twitter as Etika Joy-Con ban fuels fan frustration Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game - Complete Edition releases on January 14 Brok the InvestiGATOR Persona 5 Strikers is releasing in the West on Feb 23rd for Switch/PS4/Steam El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron coming to PC Street Fighter V: Champion Edition – Unlock ‘Skullomania’ costume for G via ‘Extra Battle’ from December 8 to 23 Fortnite adds character outfit Kratos from God of War Casey Hudson and Mark Darrah leave BioWare

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Music Hello and welcome to the Nintendunk Power Hour. Oh, yes. Is that? Yes. You're weekly your weekly podcast ready for all the layups, windmills and NBA Jam style half-court dunks on the decisions of Nintendo and their continued stegastora status in the video game industry. How's it going? Now, I know what you're I know what you're thinking, Woolly, person who started calling it the Nintendo Dunkey Hour. You're thinking how how could we have a podcast named after that after we make fun of Atlas being the most stegosaurus like of companies? To
Starting point is 00:01:24 which I say, well, they are going to localize Persona 5 strikers. So the one of the backplates of Atlas's stegosaurus has fallen away. Exactly. That the fact that that's happening on the same week as the rest of this is quite telling because, yes, we did get the confirmation of the localization of strikers, which is nice to be wrong that they were, you know, well, there was no news. Now there's news. So it's wonderful to hear that. That's great. And it's on steam. So to give it two of the backplates of the stegosaurus have fallen off. But the thing about the Atlas stegosaurus is that it wears a tie and
Starting point is 00:02:05 it continues to wear human suits as if it were conducting business. And it's trying. It's almost as if it were a stegosaurus trying to become a human. Whereas I feel like the Nintendo dinosaurs have long shaken off their humanity and are attempting to go full on Triassic, Crayassic and Jurassic periods, because the this level of stubbornness this company puts out and their ability to stand unrelenting in the face of common sense. Astonishes me. Hey, it's not to mention good taste and tact. If if the Atlas stegosaurus is wearing a suit and tie and attempting to assert some form of
Starting point is 00:03:05 humanity, I look over at the metaphorical image of the Nintendo stegosaurus and or stegosaur I don't know how many they are now. And I see it sharpening their tail spikes. Eyes a frenzy licking their chops saying to each other, boy, I sure would like to find some mutagen ooze in order to further stegophy. Yeah, I think it's I think it's just kind of eating at its at its in its cut and looking around frantically for predators, hoping that it can get a meal in before procreating. Doing what it does now also using yes, putting out a game console and some games every now and then they do that sometimes on occasion. Now
Starting point is 00:04:06 we're using a lot of dinosaur based terminology right now, which I like because I like dinosaurs. How I even like the stegosaurus. I think it's cool. I like the image of the stegosaurus. It's very particular to the feeling of like oldness. Yes, because you look at like a T Rex. And you're like, well, that's just not around anymore. And yeah, but also we've seen the T Rex in too many modern situations these days. Yeah. And you look at like a triceratops and you're like, that's a bull, right? That's a bull with the with the nose. But you look at a stegosaurus, you go, wow, that's ancient. How could any animal be so ancient and
Starting point is 00:04:52 out of touch with the modern world with cars and Xboxes? Then a stegosaurus, which I just now realized is actually an even better analogy for Nintendo. Do you remember the fucking article that came out that said that when they brought in that online guy to help them with their online shit with the Wii U, they actually told them stop saying the words Xbox live. Right. Station. They don't know what that is. What those are. Exactly. Oh my God. That was that's the most out of touch shit ever. What is internet? What is what is a sign? You received that clip of good morning, America. 1990 fucking five, maybe six. And it's it's really good. And
Starting point is 00:05:41 I think it's I think it's just, yeah, they're all they're staring at an email address and they're like, but what is internet? Oh, man, that's pretty good. Violence a at g gma calm. I and then someone actually says something that really was pretty apt for at the time in that clip. They say one of their off camera people goes, it's a it's a computer billboard. And it's like, oh, shit. Yeah. A website is a billboard on your computer advertising a thing. And then people go look at it. That's that's a really good way of cutting through it. And then they kind of go and a bunch of schools are connecting to each other through a phone
Starting point is 00:06:29 line. And you're like, yeah, okay, that does work, you know. Anyways, now, now woolly, you may say, but how could they be so out of touch? You can't be you could actually say literally in a direct quote, which I'm quoting right now. They can't be out. Sorry, it's not out of touch, because they're a part of cars and consoles. But I say to you that a whale does not need to be in touch with the automotive industry to be literally oil based part of your car's automatic transmission fluid until 1973, when it was banned by the Nature Species Act. Well, all it is is sustenance for the car.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Okay, that's a long way to go. And I got a little lost along the journey. You're dealing with big brain, low brain fast pat today. Okay, well, I will take that that being lost and say that it's fine, because this lost world is where the dinosaurs roam and queue your fucking Jurassic Park theme, because Nintendo is basically half of the goddamn docket. And it's insane that when I start adding to this list and preparation for what we're going to go through, it just kept updating. And I'm like, what the fuck is wrong with this company? We were talking about there. We generally there's been an ongoing theme for many years now of
Starting point is 00:08:13 just how fucking slow on the uptake they are, how overall it feels like you're trying to teach your grandma the difference between a right click and a left click, you know, and and we're now at a point where they're clearly they understand what a tournament is and what sponsoring an event is, and they understand what YouTube is to a degree because they know how to attack people on it. And, you know, there's all these little things that are like, okay, they're aware that when they help and or are nice to people that like and support their products, that this builds a goodwill that is otherwise you can you can to be
Starting point is 00:09:06 on in strictly corporate terms, it builds a goodwill that is a currency you can spend down the in the future. So a lot of people don't know this, but companies are evil. But on top of that, sometimes companies will do good so that they that you you don't get as mad at them when they're more evil. This was I think my most favorite version of this ever was when Stephanie McMahon, I don't know if you remember this specific instance, Willie, got up at some fucking shareholder meeting, and started openly talking about how all the WWE charities are explicitly so that they can rip people off and fuck over the workers and do like
Starting point is 00:09:53 give money to political candidates and just do crimes so that people won't be as mad at them. What that's the only reason I think the only reason WWE does charity, I seem to recall a story about her doing a speech about building goodwill as a brand. And everyone in the room is like, are you seriously saying this shit out loud? Now none of it will work. You dumb dumb idiot. Because we all know that you're literally just doing it for brownie points. But that's besides even the point of this, which is if you at least extend an olive branch or at the very least just treat the people who spend money on your company
Starting point is 00:10:42 nicely, like generally speaking, that will probably pay off in the future, as opposed to making everybody upset and trending on Twitter for your bad decisions. Usually, when you're dealing with a situation, you go, there's two things that you do. First, you show some people a delicious snack in one hand, and you go, wouldn't you like this delicious snack? And they go, I don't really like that snack. And you go, okay, well, instead of this delicious snack, we can have the gun where we shoot you. Right? Yeah, you like your delicious snack again. And they and people go, Okay, however, Nintendo's general modus is
Starting point is 00:11:41 to just look at you and think about showing you the snack and then just shooting you. They don't even show you the gun. They just go bang, go blamzo. All right. Now, what's important to note, of course, is anyone who gasps or goes, what the hell are you doing when Nintendo produces the firearm gets immediately shot as well. On the sidelines, any spectators have got to go as well. So the whole room, really, the whole room is tainted. They all have to go. So here's what what is, you know, what you need to understand, I suppose, of the backstory here is that Nintendo came up in the news like two weeks ago
Starting point is 00:12:33 because of the free melee situation, the free melee hashtag, more or less awkward situation where they were mailing people COVID syringes and telling them to insert it into their penises. If they play melee, it was very awkward. Something like that. I believe the way it went down was such that a large smash tournament was unable to have in person event because clearly everything is in lockdown. Thus, Fizzy came to the rescue with Slippy, the melee rollback, perfect platform where people can play flawless games. And that was where the melee event was going to take place. That's what how it was going to go down. Nintendo saw
Starting point is 00:13:21 that as obviously infringement of their product and you guys are using piracy to play melee. It's like it's not piracy, actually. I'll kill you. Well, again, it's it's, you know, the it's it's not just the usage of the ROM on an emulator, but it's also the modified version of that. And we know that back in the day when the when there were events that were like, you know, Project M related and things like that were, I mean, shit, there was there's mods of people that like involved them using a real copy of the disk, a real disk and a real GameCube and putting a memory unit into the GameCube and having that like soft mod the game. So, you
Starting point is 00:14:07 know, they were they're not happy about anything like that. But in this case, emulated game, whatever, as rollback, all that shit. But they shut it down. The tournament organizers go like, we don't want to do that. We don't want to do that. We like the readers were running this event for a reason. And then Nintendo goes, bye, fuck you. Everyone goes hashtag free melee because Nintendo, what are you doing? Come on. This was a pretty harmless, reasonable thing to do. Given the circumstances, they said, no, we don't care. All right, cool. You know, I was asked about that situation just a few days ago. And the
Starting point is 00:14:42 question was, Pat, why does Smash Brothers, why does a Nintendo hate Smash Bros. And I had a moment, an ignorant, silly moment of momentary compassion, in which I said, well, Nintendo never really cared about the the state of that community back when it was relevant. And now it's less relevant. And then all that shit happened. So I can, I can definitely understand people over at Nintendo being like, I don't care, I don't care, fuck it. But they still shouldn't kill tournaments and possibly endanger people's lives. Cuz well, nonsense. Thank you, piracy.
Starting point is 00:15:29 Thankfully, the people organizing these events are not stupid enough to go make real in person events. So the life endangering can continue to be a you know what, they should have. You okay? Well, that now melee coughing party. And now I made the mistake gets their ashes sent cornering me a moto. I've cornered Pat on his on his his narrative. And I forced him to dig into the ground and borrow a new hole. He has to eat the ashes. I forced a hole to be borrowed because his position in the corner can no longer be held. Listen, what happens is they then go on, right? To, yeah, to
Starting point is 00:16:21 create this trend where everybody's like, come on, you know, essentially to Nintendo and Nintendo's like, we don't budge. Now, we know that for a long time and whatever there's been, I have to stop you right there. That description is so I don't know how like it's you just said it as an offhand statement, but you so perfectly encapsulated the emotional feeling of everyone looking at these stories, which is come on. Yeah, that's it. That's pretty much all people are asking for because it's like it's, yes, it's obviously something that they can be asked. They can be dickish about based on what it is and based on what the
Starting point is 00:17:00 thing is. But ultimately it's like, look, just come on. That's all people want. So we know that we know that in a lot of cases when you hear a story like this, Japan will look at it. Okay. All right, catch, catch that air. Get that, get that oxygen. Oh, no, it's because the image in my head is like a stegosaur. It's like slowly eating your legs. Come on, man. Come on. You're not even carnivorous. You're a f***ing herbivore. You're a f***ing... Come on. It's just like
Starting point is 00:17:44 slow chew, slow chew, eyes, eyes darting about, not even looking at you. You know, you're, you're, what the f***, and you're holding out, you're holding out some leafy greens and the f***ing thing just won't stop. Totally, dude. You know, so usually when you hear about these stories, you kind of, it's become an assumption many a times to go like, well, what's likely happening or what might be happening is there is a boardroom of execs in Japan that look at a situation and go, whatever the f*** this is, just stop it and shut it down. No negotiation. We don't care. And then it comes over to America and they go, well, maybe we can, and then Japan goes f*** off. Nope. Don't care. Shut it down.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Right? In this case, in particular with Nintendo, you can even have a situation where like Shigeru Miyamoto is like a noted hard ass and they kill like all sorts of shit. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So in this type of instance, we're now looking at a f***ing dumpster fire that has consumed the entire neighborhood block and you're getting it to a point where Doug Bowser should probably be on the phone going, hey, guys, actually, this is really bad if you don't budge from your position right now. Nintendo's making my job really hard. I don't like it. It's been, we've seen Nintendo not budge for years on things ever. They're f***ing stubborn. This is like a perfect storm of like a ton of things happening. And it would be ridiculously
Starting point is 00:19:22 dumb for them to just continue down the path of censor it, ignore it, pretend it's not happening. So what happened, what we're referring to though, go ahead. I was about to say it, but Willie, I mean, we're talking a lot about how Nintendo won't stop eating our legs with their herbivorous dinosaur mouth. But I mean, shutting down that melee tournament. I mean, that's not the end of the world, right? Like, what else could they have possibly done in the span of a seven day period? Well, it turns out that of all the people that continued to show solidarity with melee getting shit on in that way, Splatoon 2 had an event going down that was an official tournament
Starting point is 00:20:13 that was, you know, scheduled to happen. Yeah, right around the squid kid. So the Splatoon community, which has been, you know, doing its thing, they basically got together and about 30% of the top teams in the SPL 2 North America Open decided that they wanted to support what was happening with melee by changing a lot of their team names to include free melee and or variants of that, that word. So melee nation, free melee, two on one, free melee, hashtag, element like element, free melee, a lot, a lot of names got changed. I mean, I would assume that there is like, not just legitimate literal overlap of like, some of those people might literally be the same people. It's possible. Like it's they are adjacent
Starting point is 00:21:17 fan communities. So of course, they are at least somewhat aware and or involved. They're used to hanging on. Yes, exactly. They're used to the same people in the same groups and such. And it's not a stretch to imagine a tournament organizer for a smash event would also run a Splatoon event. But who knows? But what I'm saying is, well, I'm sure Nintendo is very stupid and told them to change their names, right? And everybody's mad that their names got changed. Well, the problem is, is that the team names are made by the teams who are the players, not the event. So it's not up to Nintendo to tell anybody to change anything, because the the teams can do whatever the fuck they want. So of course, Nintendo versus, which officially
Starting point is 00:22:08 was sponsoring this event, then sees what's happening and decides that what's best for the situation is to cancel the live stream entirely and not run that event of the finals of the of the online tournament of the finals. Exactly. So they might as well have just canceled the tournament. So they basically just went, Yeah, no, that's no good. Can't have that happening. Shut it down. The flavor of the flavor of pant leg and shoe tastes way better than the grass. That's much worse than the kind of facetious example I gave before, because I knew that this is what would happen. That is maybe the most definitive easy to map on to the expression
Starting point is 00:23:08 cutting off your nose to spite your face event I've seen in years. Usually when you use that expression, it's kind of like, I mean, they didn't really, it's just, no, they actually damaged and or killed their own event. Now, the last time a major tournament name caused a disruption. Let's say that the incendiary nature of free melee is nowhere near the same as free Hong Kong. Those are two massively different subjects and with massively different gravities associated with and in this case, just by relative comparison, how fucking petty do you look? I want to make it very clear before what I'm about to say that I'm in no way defending Blizzard, because I think Blizzard's a bunch of coward shithead companies. But at the very least,
Starting point is 00:24:08 when they did that stupid Blitzchung shit with the free Hong Kong, there was a stensible external pressure from a foreign nation and its market, which you can say that is a terrible decision, but at least it's a decision that has a reason. That's kind of that you got, yeah, no, that's you. You've worded it. That's what I was trying to get to is that like, there are, there's a political implication that should not be a moral quandary, but some people still treat it as such that gets introduced. That's an external factor here. It's not just talking about fucking video games and video games. Blizzard, had they done nothing, might have lost some money. I think that would have been a worthwhile goal and probably smarter
Starting point is 00:25:01 long term, but whatever. Nintendo is dealing with their own game and their own community. It's an entirely internal force that they could just make it not be a problem with a snap of the fingers. And you know, it's not like the team names came back like eight equals equals equals D the channel lover 42, you know, like, it wasn't like the name was free melee hashtag all hitlers, you know, sure, sure. Yeah. Yeah, why not? And, and, and, and it doesn't, it doesn't quite, you know, like, so you have a situation where they're like, it's not even like there's anything in that regard. It's literally just the word free and melee being a part of the name to put it in a different context. Blizzard looked at a
Starting point is 00:26:10 situation and said, this is a problem. What are the solutions and chose a terrible solution? Nintendo looked at the situation and went, is this a problem? And everyone around them said, no. And Nintendo said, no, it is a problem. Let's workshop a terrible solution to not a problem. But wait, there's more. So they go on to cancel the event, which pretty much obviously leads to everyone within fucking arms reach and or eyesight of the situation being rightfully horrified and disgusted at how stupid and shitty they're being. Oh, can you give me a second, Willie? Yep. Go ahead. Do what you got to do. I need, I need to check on something. Okay. Yes. Hold on. Apologies for that short break and instance of creepy dog penis is ruining
Starting point is 00:27:17 four pages day. We got to get that dog's balls out. Okay, that's what the explanation was about. Because you got to get those balls out. Okay. Well, I believe, yes, what I was saying was that's not all there's more. And we then move on. We then look at a step three of the scenario in which all the players of Splatoon who were then basically booted out for making their statement proceeded to drop out and create a community organized tournament immediately on a fucking lark. And they got more than 7000 viewers and raised and got over 21k for a prize pot in support of what's going on with Smash on their own. There's a little golf clap for you, for you folks without Nintendo support. So,
Starting point is 00:28:19 you know, already you go, all right, well, that says that successful run event by the people who actually, you know, again, buy these games and support them and are, you know, generally willing to support your company if you're not a fucking shit. Yeah, they just got together and said, fuck it, we'll do it ourselves. So that goes down. Meanwhile, Meanwhile, not content with chewing the pants leg of the community in front of them, that spiky tail behind it is not doing enough damage. It's time to start swinging it around. And where are we going to land? Oh, I don't know. Let's say we blow up Joy Conboys.
Starting point is 00:29:22 So I like, I like to think that that's not actually the series of thoughts. I would like to think that what they said is, you know, I feel really big penis right now after canceling that's that's, you know, a Splatoon event. Is there any way that we can directly damage the health of young people? I see what you're doing here. Okay. Is that like, right? You got a vaccine sent to the man. We take that felt good. Okay, so we take damage to mental health of the youth. Got it. I see I see directly. I see exactly how your paradigm shift works here. You take the exact same level.
Starting point is 00:30:15 Uh, and you just, you just swap the ingredients out. Gotcha. Okay. Uh, right. Uh, all right. Well, here we go. Now this is a story that I read about. And as I opened my mouth to say more about it, uh, very many, uh, very, very many people are saying, hold on a second. This might not be what it appears to be. So let me say, let me say what I was told the story is, and then we can, uh, update after the fact whether there are new details. So what we can do, what we can do is we can say that we're reading the story off of and that if we get anything wrong that you should just blame polygon.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Well, uh, I mean, I was actually reading it. I was going to grab it. It's, uh, you're a gamer, but you know, I mean, I just typed it in and that was the first one. Yeah, I'll go to the Eurogamer one. Why not? Okay. Well, what I saw initially was a tweet, uh, from, uh, and it's, uh, from an account basically saying, um, yes, uh, uh, it's a post on the Etika Reddit network. Um, uh, Etika, who, uh, had, uh, no, um, the YouTuber who, uh, the live streamer who, uh, unfortunately passed away, um, not too long ago. Joy con boys is, uh, the slogan that thing that's been around and has, uh, taken on quite some life, uh, especially among, uh, the fan base. And my understanding is that on the Etika Reddit network, uh, there were Etikons, which are
Starting point is 00:32:00 essentially joy con skins that were created, um, in memory of Etika and that were for, uh, charity, uh, fundraising purposes. So yeah, the profits or at least some of the profits would go to a mental health foundation known as the JED foundation. Exactly. Um, charity for teens and young adults in the U S. I think they're, uh, they're just shells. I think they're, they are shells. Exactly. They're just shells. And apparently the initiative had raised over 10 K for charity. This is the story as it goes. Uh, so with that, that sounds overall like a way to turn, uh, an incredibly, uh, tragic thing into, uh, a very slight positive. And, um, you know, it sounds like a very, uh, noble and admirable endeavor. So the, yeah, it makes sense. Etika was, uh,
Starting point is 00:33:01 unfortunately the victim of suicide as, uh, and result of a long history of mental health issues. And so it makes sense to do a charity thing that would help other young people with mental health issues. Right. Like that seems like a, like a A to B. Okay. And you know, he was a big Nintendo fan. So, okay. There's the C, right? So, you know, this seems like a win-win for Nintendo to get in on this and to contact the family and, you know, et cetera, et cetera. Nah, shut it down. They're using the word joy con. That's a copyrighted trademark. Stop it. Oh, all right. So, um, this is what the story as reported was and piecing this all together alongside the story about Splatoon alongside the story about Melee. Uh, to me, all I could think of was the ever brilliant
Starting point is 00:34:08 Miles Edgeworth line, you're not a clown. You're the entire circus. Oh yeah. Okay. So now then, what is it that people are live concerned about when it comes to this story, uh, that is possibly not the truth or possibly misleading. This is what we need to find out. A little hard to do when we're running it live, but I'm seeing some folks basically argue about the, the ratio of the gentleman's donations to charity versus a profit margin. Okay. Stuff like that. I'm seeing, uh, someone mentioning that the story apparently is that Nintendo requested that the words joy con be removed and that they can still sell them as long as the word joy con is removed because it's trademarked and that the rest of the story is an exaggeration.
Starting point is 00:35:09 Okay. To this, I say to you, now that might be true, but do you know what else might be true? That the board of directors at Nintendo is looking at a copy of the DSM five and they are jerking off onto it and go on. Okay. So, uh, uh, and with that, a couple others chiming in about, uh, this possibly being just something in the wake of the current Nintendo hate wave kind of latching onto it and, and trying to take it in another direction, which you don't got to do that. Let them do it themselves. That's not necessary. If the story is in fact, not what it appears to be, or at least not according to the way this was written. So all right. Uh, nice little controls, uh, a Z on that one then. If
Starting point is 00:36:09 it's in fact not what's going on, nevermind guys, hold on. I'm on Twitter right now. I'm, there's a new, there's a new announcement. Nintendo has just announced that if you own a switch console, they will take your first born. Okay. So, uh, yeah, if these are shells and if it's just a matter of removing the word joy con from the situation, then that doesn't, that's not that bad. Apparently this was a C and D from months ago. Okay. And, uh, if this is in fact, you know, raising money for a good cause, then that all makes perfect sense and checks out. So, uh, that seems fine. So yeah, whatever's not true about this story then, uh, well, fuck that. I legitimately, okay. So I'm, I'm an adult now ostensibly and I have not understood
Starting point is 00:37:10 fanboyism for many, many long time years. Willie, I think you remember that guy we knew in, in college who was just all about that PlayStation. He was crazed about that PlayStation. Um, and that was silly. I don't remember you being a, a, a console warrior. I fought and grew up with people like that. I don't remember you being that. I remember you just, you had an irrational hatred for the Dreamcast, which you still do, but that was, that's the only one. Right. So, but there are those people out there and it has become increasingly bizarre, not the people that love Nintendo games because they're, they're a specific type of series of genres and they're really good. But those who are like, man, huh, I love Nintendo.
Starting point is 00:38:12 So that has become a weirder and weirder point of view over time, over many years because they are about as out of touch and bad mean to you as any video game company could possibly be. Yeah. But I guess the sentiment depends on how up to date you are with what's going on. For example, if you haven't been following the news to know about a lot of this stuff and you're saying it the way, for example, my brother would have remarked like, Oh yeah, I love Nintendo because we grew up with tons of great games playing on old consoles. Then that statement remains intact. So you got to remember you're talking to people who are following the news and are aware of current events and aware of the goofiness of Nintendo's online even being
Starting point is 00:39:10 a problem as opposed to those that might not necessarily. So it depends on who you're talking about when it comes to saying that because, you know, as someone whose job it is to follow current events, there have been an over there have been more blunders than victories in the recent years of Nintendo. And overall, that has turned my positivity into a sort of like, well, I will accept like, I'll just I'll pick and choose, you know, I feel like I used to feel a lot more positively about the company. Two generations ago, three generations ago. And nowadays, I kind of am just like, Well, I like what I like specifically about it. But yeah, the overall like, yeah, they do generally pretty good stuff is certainly a little bit what I love. I just
Starting point is 00:40:07 realized so we have all these and this is like mid December. So the news is going to stop like in a couple weeks, like there's going to be nothing going on because nothing's going on. But in January, maybe February, I'm not sure on the exact date, we're going to get to talk about Nintendo again. Because that's when part two of an earlier Nintendo story will come back up, which is, hey, fuck you, you're not allowed to buy Mario Sunshine anymore. Right. And the and the other artificial rarities, right underneath all of this and all this trademark shit is that Nintendo is the only company that I can think of that has not just defended their trademarks aggressively, but has introduced the concept of like a digital shelf life to decade
Starting point is 00:41:02 old games. The vault. Yeah. You know what you know what this is gearing up for? They're all they got to kill all this melee online shit so that when the next Smash Brothers comes out in six years, you can get rollback melee as a preorder bonus and only a preorder bonus. I don't even think they'll modern warfare it. I thought about that for a while, and I really don't believe that. I mean, this might blow up in the future because you're betting against Infinity and we're making hard predictions about things never happening is just a losing game. But it seems unlikely based on the way they think about games these days, because Smash is there's no like melee existing alongside the new Smash. The new Smash is meant to crush and destroy every copy of melee. If they
Starting point is 00:41:58 could have those physical discs evaporate, they would. If they could literally go to your house and smash your disc with a hammer, they totally would. Like whatever the anniversary that comes up for Smash Brothers is their anniversary celebration will be here's the new game. Now go and delete your old one. In fact, installing this requires you to have deleted it. Oh my god, somebody actually pointed out in the chat, wait, Nintendo did invent preorder exclusive games with the Gamecube version of Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask or Wind Waker that literally already happened. The Master Quest. They literally already did that. Yeah. So yeah, the modern warfare playbook. Yeah. Again, it's just like if Nintendo if they were not so angry about there being a second Smash Brothers
Starting point is 00:42:57 in existence alongside the new one, then maybe but I feel like they're just like nah, the new babies all that matters murder the old child. More than anything, I'm really upset at Nintendo because I've been having to defend melee a lot lately. And that's not as fun as the other thing. Yeah. And and I don't I don't like it. Clearly. I just want to I just want to like grab a fucking like meme template and slap the phrase melee players are pedophiles on it and no effort meme it to a million upvotes. Yeah, I can but I can't do that right now. No, I can. Yeah, I communities being hard fucked by their parent company. I can I can see that you melt a little bit every time you have to step up to the bat for the community. You know, that exists that
Starting point is 00:44:02 are basically just fucking, you know, getting getting handled in this way. I can see that. But yeah. Pat yourself on the back, I suppose. Because you will you will continue to report on the story while taking your jabs everywhere that you can take them. So, you know, those shots are not going unchecked. I mean, you just took one. Don't worry, you're getting it done. It makes me sad. It makes me sad. What a hero. It's it's it's it's tough to be this heroic standing on the line calling out what needs calling out and also turning around every once in a while to remind the people that you're defending
Starting point is 00:45:03 that their pieces of shit too. You guys smell stay farther back away please or facing forward with your shield as you Reinhardt forward, but you your ass is out shitting really hard spray back at the team that you're defending. How about that? If I could get every melee player to promise Nintendo that they will take a big shower, do you think that this will end? Do you think that that is the crux of the situation? Can we get somebody who can talk to a human being at Nintendo to confirm that all of this behavior is because stinky stinky melee? Get behind me because says Pat with the shield up
Starting point is 00:45:53 up. Moving the payload. I just well anyway. Yeah, that's a that's a pretty that's a pretty shit week for now to Nintendo game communities. Let's see. Let's see how this keeps going. Let's see if they'll, I don't know, just find a way to triple down who's not who's not up to anything arms is the arms community currently involved in any controversy. I know no offense to I mean I don't particularly like arms but no offense to the arms community but I never got the feeling that that was like large like the smash or no but I'm just saying while you're taking shots, you know, the arms community
Starting point is 00:46:47 and poke and tournament need to be dragged to the bottom of the ocean while we're at it. Let's find ways. Let's do it. Yeah. And you I know I know you're thinking what community but I'll have you know that when I did the arms for glory episode, they fucking came out. They popped out of the sewers and the hidey holes and they let me know, yo, this game is for real. There's tech though and sent me a ton of material and we went over it and it was kind of nuts. They showed up. I'm going to imagine that there's a signal. I mean, there's a good amount of people that listen to this podcast and I would imagine a certain percentage of those people have a decent sense of humor and understand that for example, I'm
Starting point is 00:47:36 joshing them and don't take it too personally and like melee or like arms or likes platoon, there's yeah, there's probably, you know, a couple of people that are in those communities listening to this right now and I cannot possibly imagine the emotional baggage state. I don't know what to call it of being like way in a splatoon or way into melee or whatever and talking to your friend and they're like, Hey, I was thinking about getting into it and thinking about, should I tell them to just not and pick something else that will not have all of this nonsense associated with it? Right? Can I not tell them to play Shrek Super Slam because at least Dreamworks isn't like DMCA, a DMCA takedowning fucking Shrek tournaments. Personally, I think telling people
Starting point is 00:48:35 to be part, to not be part of a community of a game that you don't play is a shit move. If you, if the person enjoys it for whatever reason, if they're into that thing, then let them be into that thing. You know? No, no, no. I mean, like, like, hey, I was thinking about getting in a melee, should I? It has to come with the caveat of you, the old hat melee player, not you, but the world, you know, going, Oh, it's a great game and it's really fulfilling, but oh yeah. Okay, sure. Sure. Right? Like, but like, then you have to explain all this stupid shit. Yeah. And it, but it all sort of depends, right? Because here's the thing, like, I mean, and I say this as somebody who fucking, you know, has a show called Get Into Fighting Games and, you know, go, we go over it. Like,
Starting point is 00:49:19 I get messages from people who are just like, Hey, I'm playing some games, picked up Street Fighter 5, checking it out, having some fun with it. What's up, right? What do you think? Or like, what should I do? Or what's next or whatever the case is? And, you know, this is one of those things things where it's like, okay, this is someone who is potentially just going to enjoy this completely separate from all of this community close to it shit that's going down. You know, if you're not, you can definitely have a fun time playing the video game. And if there's decent netplay playing online with people or so, just ignoring this shit. And if you go further into it, then you do find out about it. I think you have to kind of gauge whether the person is looking for that or not.
Starting point is 00:50:08 If you're someone who's in this community, you know, if you're like, if the person is looking at something as if like, they want to go in all the way and kind of like really, you know, find a way to like hang out, make friends, play a lot and put them put their time into a thing, then like, yeah, you do them a disservice by not bringing any of that up. But like, what I'm saying, like, there's times when I'm talking to the wrong person about like, the problems with the problems with Street Fighter or Samurai Showdown, for example, where I got a friend of mine who is like super, like not even a gamer in any kind. Like he just, he picked up like one or two consoles over the last 10, 15, and, you know, just jumps in and whatever. And he's like, hey, man,
Starting point is 00:50:52 I heard good things about Samurai Showdown. You know, what do you think or whatever? And I kind of was just like, yeah, like, if that's what caught your eye, you know, seems pretty cool, you might, you'll probably have fun with it. You know, playing online sometimes can be a problem, but in the end, I'm not going to offload all this baggage that he doesn't give a fuck about to him. You know, I don't know. I feel like it's like, because the reason I say smash in particular is because so much of the smash community now because the game, the game's ancient and getting into that community kind of ostensibly implies being involved with these events to some degree. That you're probably going to run into this stupid shit.
Starting point is 00:51:39 Like if you got into Melee right now, right? Certainly. I mean, Melee right now is slippy. That's it. Yeah. Like there's no other that's that's what that is, you know, like some games have other ways or other community or some games have enough going on that you can't ignore what's happening. But in this case, it's like, no, it's, it's just slippy. You definitely have no choice. You know, so yeah, it depends on the person depends on the game. That's, that's the reality. Feeling of like, say I was, say I'm a big Smash Brothers fan. I'm in this scenario and you are getting into Melee right now and I have to look at you and I would feel immoral of me to not look you directly in the eye and say, woolly, this is a cool game. There's a lot of
Starting point is 00:52:32 cool stuff happening. I just need to warn you that there is a one in 20 chance every day of the rest of your life that Shigeru Miyamoto and A. G. Aonuma are going to ring your doorbell. And when you answer the door, they're going to throw a bucket of AIDS. Take a little dig, take a little dig, dig, dig. And then they're going to laugh at you. And then they'll both jump up and high five the ghost of Gunpei Yokoi done. Doug Trio and then not release a Metroid game. Doug Trio, Doug. Now, realistically, of course, someone who is getting into Smash Brothers starting at a outsider's casual level is probably just going to go play Smash Ultimate. Yeah, probably. There's not much reason to assume they're going to wind up through the fucking,
Starting point is 00:53:31 you know, maze that leads them to Melee. They'll probably just go grab the latest Smash on the eShop and buy it and play that way more likely. Yeah, that's much more likely. So if people are trying to get specifically into Melee, it's for a particular reason that that person is aware of slash a flavor they're looking for. And they can't be completely in the dark at that point. They were they were they were in the Home Depot. And they were they were going they were going to the Home Depot to get box cutters because you want a box cutter. It's a good thing to have. And then they passed by the the shower section where they have all the faucets and they became very uncomfortable. And a gentleman nearby saw that they were uncomfortable and said, Hey, man,
Starting point is 00:54:21 have you ever heard of Smash Brothers? And they went, Yeah, I've been playing a lot of Ultimate. And they said, Let me let me tell you about this shit. Stinky. Well, fuck that guy. But anyway, yes, you standing there were enthralled by this man's stank going, this is this is the kind of community I can get into. Who smelly? Yeah, like, at what point do you run out of things to say? And you just start getting to the fucking the bullet point. You're the bird on stage flipping through your fucking cue cards right now. What do we what are we doing here? What's what's on the next cue card?
Starting point is 00:55:16 I just I my brain just wanted to keep going, but it had nothing left. So I just ended up just blurting out stinky boo get more material stinky. Oh, all the cards say stinky. All right. Got it. Yeah, so this is this is, you know, every every, every community, every every community is fucking taken taken hits left and right. But like this is one of those ones where you're like, man, you couldn't even throw them a bone. You couldn't even fucking give them, you know, the least of a decent fucking thing here. And in the end, what was going to happen? Right? Here's the thing to think about. What would have happened was the Splatoon tournament would have had a bunch of free melee things. And that would have been a little bit of an
Starting point is 00:56:11 embarrassing, but oh, well, moment as people go, ha, look at that. Yeah, cool. The Splatoon players know what the deal is. Anyone who doesn't know, can I guess go look it up? But for the most part, then the night ends and none of us are talking about Splatoon today on Monday. You know what I mean? Like, that's all that would have happened. But instead, no, you do this, you strize and affect it. And now you're trending. And now everyone is like, holy shit, fuck you guys. Like you're getting ridiculous over nothing. You know? So yeah, just just flush all that goodwill out. And keep it up guys, you know, push people that otherwise didn't have opinions about this or otherwise didn't care to kind of be like, well, fuck you, Nintendo Splatoon had no reason
Starting point is 00:56:59 to hate Nintendo or have issues with them really. You know, Splatoon was just doing its thing as far well, you know, I can't space for sure because I'm not paying attention to the Splatoon community. But, you know, for in my head, it was like, oh, yeah, they'd have the Splat Fests and all this cool art of, you know, everything related to that and then whatever. But now it's like, oh, no, now there's a reason for Splatoon to have beef with Nintendo where there was none. You know? All right. Hold on. Look at this. Yeah. I'm fully expecting to be sent a picture of just stink lines on their own. No, shut up. Oh, yeah. Look, hey, look at, oh, wow. Wow. Wow. Would you look at that?
Starting point is 00:57:47 It's literally exactly what I just said it would be. It is 1000% exactly the thing that I said it would be. Look at that. Huh? Yeah. No. Yeah. Okay. Well, anyway, he just, he just tweeted out a picture of Smash with the stink lines on it and it's just, oh, yeah. Okay. Right. It says you stinky on it. Never stop subverting expectations. Oh, Foxkate liked it. Thanks, man. What'd you do this week? All right. I played so much like a dragon this week that I'm almost like burnt out on it. So I'm not going to stream with this week because of cyberpunk. So I'm going to stream
Starting point is 00:58:53 next week. That game's incredible, but those games tend to have two endings. There's the ending at the 80% mark, which is like the emotional ending. And then the final is like the, the, the wrap up of all the plot elements that they've left hanging. So I got to the emotional end of like a dragon and I was exhausted and I cried a little bit and it was incredible. That game's incredible. Let the record show that apparently this is the, how many, how many? Yeah, because the games have made you cry now. A lot. Not the first one and not the second one and not the third one. I was pretty sad in the fourth one. I did cry a little bit during the fifth one. I regret crying during the sixth one. Boy, do I regret it.
Starting point is 00:59:53 Okay. Yakuza, Yakuza six has the only example I can think of in any game. Oh my God. So if you, if you go to my tweet about the Smash Brothers thing underneath it, Foxgate posted that weird baboon with the lipstick and the dog hates it. The dog is freaking out. Oh God. Okay. I'm like, what the fuck is happening over there? Sounds like, I'm like, sounds like something really bad is happening to Zangief. He hates it. He's going to fight that baboon with the lipstick. Right. That one.
Starting point is 01:01:04 Buddy, buddy. Hey, hey, hey, it's okay. It's okay. I clicked away. I clicked away from that. Was it all of, was it on the big screen? Yeah. Oh, you put it on the big screen. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. All right. No. He does not return to Monk. He does not want it. Oh, he does not like monkey. No. That is not, I don't know what I thought was going to happen today, but I sure didn't think that I would discover that my six month old bulldog fucking hates monkeys or lipstick. I got scared. He's protecting you. That's really sweet. I mean, it's like, he's, I've seen, I've seen footage of dogs freaking out at the TV when there's a character select screen for whatever, for the game where the character charges at the screen, makes the dog panic and freaks out. So
Starting point is 01:02:02 it's like, okay, yeah, it thinks a person's running at them. That's fine. This is just a fucking dumb monkey. Zangief. Wow. Zangief. Hey. The new apex character. Good job. You protected us. That's real good. All right. Oh my God. So what else did I do? I was going to play Project Wingman and Call of the Sea, but I had a horrible migraine, so I didn't play those. I played a little bit of Dragon Quest 11 s just for comparison, just for comparison. That that is a really frustrating game. That is a really frustrating game. So there are a million features that that game has added. Well, yeah, you're playing the one of the biggest franchises ever that's been quality of life over the course of decades, like no, no, no, no, I mean Dragon Quest 11 s in comparison to Dragon Quest 11.
Starting point is 01:03:06 Because I had already played DQ 11 a year ago. Oh, okay. Right. No, no, no. That has that game is the switchport. It's the version that came out on switch later with extra content. It has so much extra content and a lot of them are very nice little quality of life. So you now have like auto advance on dialogue, which the original version didn't have. There's a million little things you can do with the menus. You can change all sorts of options. There's like a 2D mode. There's all sorts of nice additions, etc. But did you hear about like the weird shit about the way this game was released? Well, the last thing I heard about Dragon Quest was the smash character and that witch with the checkerboard clothing.
Starting point is 01:03:52 Okay, so here's the thing. The game came out on the PS4, the Xbox and the PC like a year or two ago. Right. And then they ported the that game to the switch. And because the switch release was really late, they added lots of extra content, like lots of extra content to which people said, wait, are you talking about wait, star ocean? You're talking about star ocean. You're talking about stars in the second story, double doubt, double doubles down the point. Yeah, no, I don't. I don't know anything. So it's the typical Japanese second version of the game has all that extra shit, right? And then everybody who had the PC version or the Xbox version or the PlayStation version, well, can we get that extra stuff? And originally,
Starting point is 01:04:34 Square Enix said no, probably not. And I said, you know what, fuck it. You guys can get the fancy version, which also includes like a real orchestrated version of the soundtrack, which was previously only synthesized because of the dickhead war apologist composer of the Dragon Quest series was like, I don't want my fucking music to be in America. Oh, God. Yeah. Okay. I remember hearing a little bit about that. Yeah. Yeah. So it's like, it's got the music. It's got what a twist. What a fucking plot twist. A million quality of life features. It's got except it's a much better version of the game, except the PC, Xbox and PlayStation versions are not your version with the new stuff added in.
Starting point is 01:05:21 They're the switch version ported up. So the game looks way worse. Looks way worse. Man, you ever just randomly find out a music composer just full on crazy racist out of nowhere? Yeah, that shit's wild. Not to fucking completely swerve on it. But I'm just, yeah, it's it's a that story. Full, full on like 90 year old man that you're like, hey, what do you feel that you guys feel bad about World War Two? And he's like, yeah, we didn't go far enough. And you're like, all right, I'm gonna get out of this conversation as fast as I possibly can. You want to talk about Dragon Quest? No. Let's just put the old man in the corner, please. Hey, man, how you feel about Eric Clapton?
Starting point is 01:06:18 You like his music? That is. Oh, really? Clapton? That sounds familiar. Layla? My, my mom probably listen to Eric Clapton. Tears in heaven. You got me on my knees, Layla. Okay, there it is. There it is. There it is. Yeah, right. Yeah, would you know my name if you saw me in heaven? Right, that guy. Yeah, so soft songs, usually little ballads, overall pretty known. Oh, here's a nice quote. And I'm like, and I'm like, oh, yeah, that's that guy that makes the soft ballad songs. And it is what it is. And then, uh, you know, uh, he unfortunately lost a son and, and, and you're like, man, that, that's a sad thing. And then that was the extent of my, my knowledge and overall
Starting point is 01:07:09 awareness of this. And then someone's like, Hey, by the way, did you hear what he said into a, to a crowd in England back in the seventies? And I'm like, what did he say? And they're like, Oh, some not great stuff. I was gonna, I was gonna read out this embarrassed. Oh, yeah. No, by all means, though, then I, no, I'm good. How bad the second half of it. I'm like, bad. Can it be any of that? How could be pretty bad? You know, uh, like, it can't be that bad. Like it's just there. A lot of people were not sensitive back in the day and they kind of said stuff and it was what it was three instances in this quote of the phrase, get the blanks out. I mean, of England. Listen, listen, we all,
Starting point is 01:08:11 everyone had their moments and there were sometimes taken out of context and perhaps there's just some depreciated language. So you find out, you find out about that and you go, Hey, man, it was a long time ago. What's the big deal? You know? Anyway, so yeah, Dragon Quest 11 s is a really complicated version of the game because it is mechanically superior, but it is very graphically inferior. And I spent like a little while messing around with like back end, you know, when you go to a game's options and you go into the, any, do we have any foreigners in the audience tonight? If so, please put your hands up. So where are you? Well, wherever you are, I think you should all leave. We'll not just leave
Starting point is 01:09:05 the hall, leave our country. I don't want you here in my room or in my country. Listen to me, man. I think we should send them all back. Stop Britain from becoming a black colony. Get the foreigners out. Get the wogs out. Get the Coons out. Keep Britain white. You're very brave to have read that. And I am very scared for not having read that. You get it, Eric Clapton. Clapton, you get it. It's good. It's good. Do your thing. I just want to speak your truth. Say it with your chest. Say it off your chest. Oh, fuck. Yep. Sorry. It just, that would hit me like he's all in. He's on, he's in big. So when you brought up the composer, this was on, this was on
Starting point is 01:10:02 like a stage. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, totally. Right on live event, like not back room recording with someone going, oh, fuck, what? Like to the crowd. And, uh, yeah, you know, you just kind of go like, wow, the fucking Layla guy. Hey, man, as long as we're talking about big stars that do a very big sudden heel turn, I don't think anybody's ever going to beat Liam Neeson ever. Oh man. Ever. Well, hey, nothing. No, nothing. No. Now you hold on. You wait. All right. Liam Neeson was a, he's a fine gentleman and he was just upset about recent events. So he needed to find himself a blockbuster. So he was saying, no, no, he needed to find a blockbuster. And that's, and that's all he wanted. That he was, that was, so people don't know. And so
Starting point is 01:11:12 what it was is that a friend of him had been the victim of a crime by a black person. So Liam Neeson's response as a young man was, I, so I went around to a bunch of bars and started shit in the hopes that I could just kill a black person. I was looking for, he was looking for some trouble. He was feeling a little bit wayward and he was looking for a blockbuster. And I think the weirdest thing about the story is that he told it really recently. Because he told that like two years ago. Yeah. Because he was talking about how he confronted his own issues and how he had to come to terms with his feelings one time. So he basically, he put that out there himself. He did. And, and, you know, he just let the world know.
Starting point is 01:12:05 He let everybody know. And I don't watch that interview. Oh, I sure did. And I'm like, there is, there is nothing wrong with letting people know how you feel. Let them know. There was, there was a, there was a really bizarre, the, the, the bizarrest moment was not that he casually admitted to, yeah, you know, I thought about hanging around for a couple of weeks, committing a, you know, a hate murder against a random person. But he's telling the story in, in the context of like, well, you know, no one's perfect. Everybody's had their, their hang ups in their past. I mean, I as a youth briefly attempted to commit a series of hate crimes and was unsuccessful. Everybody's got their stuff and like that you, you watch the interviewer just start to
Starting point is 01:13:03 and recede and just like, what? No, that's not true. That's not part of the chair. Listen, listen, man, I, I, I hear you and you can say what you want. I fully encourage, endorse and absolutely support anybody who just, who has those feelings, who has it sitting inside just you gotta get it off. You gotta get it out there. You know, don't, don't walk around every day pretending that everything's all right. It's therapeutic. Get it out there. You know, and then once you say it, you, you just, you can breathe your lighter, you know, your sinuses get cleared up. Just let it out. Let it out. Let's hear it. Let me hear all of it, baby. Bring it to me. I love it. You know, I mean, yeah, it's just, it's the, it's the best,
Starting point is 01:14:06 you know, Liam, Liam Neeson, I'm more than well, I could have been that black bastard. I could have been that guy and I would have loved to have heard the, the opinions. It's, you know, anyway, let's not, let's not discourage people from speaking their truth. It doesn't look as good, but you can go into the any and you can, you can turn on better foliage and better anti-aliasing. So if you actually want to do that, I'll just retweet the any thing that I used. What else? What the fuck else did I do this week? It was, it was mainly like almost all like a dragon. Like I played a lot of that game. Um, yeah, I'm not a whole else. I'm not, I mean, taking care of that stupid dog.
Starting point is 01:15:04 Did you combo break it? Did you combo break your explanation of your crying in Yakuza 6? Maybe I did. Was that a deliberate move? No, but I'm in no desire. So well, let me explain this to you because you, you may not have had this happen to you, but I know that you can empathize with the frustration. Imagine, if you will, a story that has a really genuinely fantastic relationship between two characters over a long period of time. And then they sit down and they give like an incredibly well written well written heartfelt like speech or letter. And it's very, it's like, it's tear jerky, right? It's really sweet. You don't even have to go into the heart details of it,
Starting point is 01:15:52 but you can just say essentially there's a strong moment that gets undone or ruined in some way. No, no, no, we're going to the details. Okay. And well, I'm not going to name any names, but and you're like, this is a really sweet send off to this great relationship. And then you get to the end of the letter and realizing that they're not writing it to the character you thought they were. They were writing it to the worst character in the series that every fiber of your being. And, and you realize that the thing that you've been tearing up over because of its like saccharine sweetness and its emotional resonance was actually something that if you knew what was happening at the beginning, you would be screaming at your television that
Starting point is 01:16:34 this is the worst thing that ever happened to the story. Gotcha. Okay. The game literally tricked me into crying for a character that I despise. Okay. And it's that moment that I knew man, people who make these games are crazy. They are not in touch with humans. So it's almost as if like a really awful, awful person, a horribly abusive, manipulative and sexually abusive for that matter, character in a show like Gundam Seed, eventually gets blown the fuck up and offed and gets the death that she deserves. But then she gets to come back as a ghost to say, Hey, everything's going to be okay. And there's a nice big slow dramatic ghost message as she gets to fade up into heaven with all the purity that a fucking abusive piece
Starting point is 01:17:35 of shit would have. You know what it is? I'll give everybody an example they can all appreciate. What if Shinji was on the phone and Shinji's on the phone talking to Masato and how thankful he is to all for all of her support over the years and how that he has grown as a person and that he will always endeavor to keep them in his heart. And then on the other end of the line, Gendo answers. Yeah, man, cool. Yeah. And you go fucking what? Yeah. Like, so Gundam Seed is a redo of 0079 in a lot of ways. Deliberately so. And uh, you remember Lala? Yes, I do. And the impact of that moment with with. Yes, that that ripples the fuck out. Yeah. So that's like the cause of most events in Universal Century. Imagine if your
Starting point is 01:18:44 Lala like you're good. Imagine if your goodbye Lala scene was replaced with like, I mean, oh, fuck it. We don't even need to do this. Go back and watch the end of Live in the Dream, the NBA fucking. No, no, no. Yeah, yeah, Big Van Lier. No, so yeah, Big Van Lier is that, right? But I was going to say, imagine if you're fucking watching the scene and Amaro, instead of goodbye Lala, it's fucking goodbye Luca Blight and Lucas make it in space. Really made me just go in like, oh, it's going to be okay, man. You know, it's going to be good. No problem. When you said Die Piggy, that was a good one. Yeah, those are the good days. And then the light of heaven opens up and you know that he's got an afterlife waiting for him. Oh my God, it is. Yeah. And
Starting point is 01:19:52 Live in the Dream actually does that. That is true. That is fucking true. The audacity of giving horrible people a fucking ghost scene to somehow rectify their wrongs as if like that makes a difference when the actions in life were what mattered, you know? Anyway, I can accept like I will accept that moment if the main character is hallucinating it and then their grounded friend slaps the shit out of them and goes, what the fuck are you talking about? That person was awful. They had it coming. He was the coolest guy. What is that from? He was the coolest guy. He was the coolest guy. He was the coolest guy. Oh, Bito. Oh, man. The coolest guy. The source of fucking, I think they might have counted it at 100,000 bodies in the Great Ninja
Starting point is 01:21:02 War, the fucking source of all the problems alongside Madara, the coolest guy. Yeah, right. Yeah, totally, totally. Anyway, so yeah, another example. I don't like Yakuza 6 very much. I don't think it's very good. So another example of a moment in Japan where a character that is otherwise piece of shit on Forbegivable Garbage gets some sappy treatment. Got it. Hey, how you liking Yakuza 0? So far, fucking excellent. Did you pull it up again? What? No, that's not cool. I need it. Stop. I need it to know. No, stop. Now you're, no, no, stop it. Now you're, now you're bothering Zangief. That's not cool. Don't do that. Don't do that. That's not
Starting point is 01:22:02 cool. Stop. You're very brave. Don't agitate the dog on purpose. He's protecting us. If you're putting fucking cucumbers down to fuck up your cat, that shit sucks too. Don't do it. Oh, you never trolled your dog before. Don't get imaginative. Zero so far is pretty good. I think it's a fucking great introduction. Went through the first little bit there. Got a feel for things. And yeah, overall, I'm really enjoying that even with the early limited combat options, they give you a second style to switch to right away and you start building out that moveset nice and fast. So let me guess, you like rush style, of course, but it doesn't hit very hard. No, it doesn't. So that's the thing,
Starting point is 01:23:08 right? I love evasive maneuvers, but when you trade off as damage, you really want to not, you really want to switch back and forth. So I'm not going to, I'm probably going to end up, you know, mixing it up just cause damage is important too, you know, but, but yeah, so that was really good. And you know, in a game where you're going to be doing a bunch of mini games, a bunch of social stuff and whatnot, you want to make sure that like the combat, which is going to be constant all over the fucking map is going to be fun too. So that's really rad. The heat system, all of that's cool. Yeah, you know, like so far, it's fucking excellent, engaging. And that first part's linear, but it makes sense. It's slowly introducing you to a big world. I would say that
Starting point is 01:23:58 like that's a much better way of how to railroad the beginning of a story that is going to open up with its map compared to something like P4. P4's railroad is brutal by relative comparison. You know, like people, I remember people falling off of that, like punch mom fell off of it and had to had to reengage a second time. So that was cool. And yeah, lots of lots of lots of really detailed faces that have very awesome voices. Cousin is a good old piece of shit. Nice, hateable fucking name. There's no series that draws very immaculately detailed, kind of ugly looking old dudes like the Yakuza series. And I'm just looking at like, what's that dude? I think it's it's one of the one of the bosses. Maybe the guy who rolls his arms a lot. Is it a Wano? Oh,
Starting point is 01:25:08 the guy in purple. Amaro. Yeah. Amano. Amano. He's basically the Silvio of the crew. Right. He's the he's the that dude's a comedian. Yeah, it's a Wano. There we go. Incredible. Like just you're looking at these faces and it's like, man, the lines in detail compared to the NPCs. You guys must be important. Fucking cool. Fucking great. Mr. Shakedown has been shooketh down and hand. I saw that second. Mr. Shakedown also handled. So that was cool. The rhythm game fucked me up and then it fucked me up again. But then I got it. But it fucked me up for a good bit because like, there's a couple of things happening with it that I didn't understand what it what was going on. And I or rather, there's a couple of sub steps that made it harder for me to like
Starting point is 01:26:06 just just ignore what else was going on and just hit the beat. But yeah, it was great. It was fucking great. How's your search for CP going? My search for Compo is that that's your yeah is taken a second but we're getting there. I intend to fully I got myself some I want to get my money expansion first because money equals literal moves alongside everything else. And then what was the other one? There was another really cool sounding quick change clothes, quick change, quick change. Yes, hitchhiker. That's the one hitchhiker. Let me know quick change is the deal. And uh, running without getting out of breath is going to be nice. Yeah, they they event that like they took that out in seven and I was really happy because Jesus
Starting point is 01:27:02 Christ is annoying in all the games that have it stamina, which I think is like like it's all the games, but it wasn't bad in the first two. But like is it like once they moved to like a more realistic game that was like, Oh, but is it just to have a like I'm running from these thugs, but then Oh, no, they caught up to me. Is that all that's for? No, it's it's it. No, it's literally movement speed. You do a lot of running. No, but I mean the limitation on it. Like what's the point of making him get tired gameplay wise? So that I'm going to say because when you get tired and have to walk, you can look around at the pretty graphics. Alternatively, well, I mean, it's hard to run for forever.
Starting point is 01:27:53 I mean, pick your poison. Yeah. Uh, I was interested in and I still I'm interested in seeing how this game develops. You know, the, the, the characters that I've heard about and that I'm, I'm, you know, familiar with through Osmosis, but I was quite surprised or rather, um, not surprised, but I guess I was like, Oh, huh. Uh, in that, uh, Kiryu, I was like, Oh, how is Kiryu going to become the Kiryu that we know and that we see later on? And it's like, he's already that guy. Kiryu's already just Kiryu. Kiryu. There's a flashback in like Yakuza one to like when he's like 15. Oh, there's one in this too. And he's like already most of the way there. Yeah. The flashback. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No,
Starting point is 01:28:47 there's no, this is, this is, this is him starting out and he's already that flavor. He's already the badass. He's already what we're calling affectionately crime Ryu. Yeah. He's crime Ryu. And, and, uh, there's no other explanation necessary, you know, at some point he was an orphan and they orphanage and then that's that. Uh huh. So his dad loves murder and, um, he grew up to love his dad, but hate murder, which, you know, Yakuza one is actually the least confusing about this, but all of the others are very confusing and Yakuza zero might be the most confusing, which is, okay, you hate murder and you don't like extorting people and crime is evil and a moral lifestyle is imperative and you would never do anything dishonorable.
Starting point is 01:29:54 So why are you a career criminal? Yeah, it's, it's moral within the context of the life I've chosen and I was kind of wondering if they were going to go for a thing that's like, hey, you know, this game would never encourage anyone to go out there and be a delinquent that becomes a full on Yakuza. However, for those of us that have already fallen, this is what we do and this is how you make the best of the situation, but don't go do it kids. I kind of was wondering if that's the flavor they're going to go with, but it's really, it's, it only got more confusing over time because like you run into literally 100,000 gangsters, which here you goes, man, you guys are scum and they're like, we're criminals, dude. Well, like we, like, you know, this real estate
Starting point is 01:30:48 scam we have going on, that's a, that's a criminal. Like we're making money by a crime. Well, hey, look, Giorno wants to end Bruno for that matter, wants to fucking clean up the drugs and take care of the old people like a real street gang, you know, like a real mafia. So, yeah, it's just, it's, it's one of those things. It's one of those bits, the flavor of the, of the, of the job or the, this is, I mean, it could, it might as well just be like a replace it with Pokemon master or whatever else, except the flavor happens to be criminal, you know, but, you know, but, but hey, what's a pirate? What's a pirate by definition? A pirate is a cool friend that you go on adventures with.
Starting point is 01:31:45 And you make a big old merry group of, of buddies and you sail the seas and everybody's like, yeah, friendship. A pirate is just a Nakama you haven't met. Right. Hey, stop that. So we're not, you know, like, what do we, what do we fucking do in here? Like, where you, we're, we're have, we're a band of roving happy pirates, but you just kind of dismiss the rest of that, you know? Does the one piece crew even steal things? I don't know. I don't know. You know, you could always be like, um, oh, well, we're going to throw a date out there, but king of bed, it's Jing who is, he's an anime and he's an anime and he steals the things. And when he steals the things, there's usually a really good reason for it,
Starting point is 01:32:41 or he steals like a concept, you know, instead of stealing an actual physical object. So you mean like, you mean like JoJo Leon stand almost like soft and wet. Yeah. And he uses Kier and then he fucking, you know, and then he steals the thing, but it's stealing for good. Well, have you kept up with JoJo Leon? I'm not up to date. No, I'm far from it, but I've restarted and reattempted. I'm working my way back through it. Because I'm not up to date, but I was blasted a couple of weeks ago with what might be the grandest out of context JoJo panel of all time. Okay. Well, yeah, I know that shit's popping off, which is specifically why I started rereading it. And I don't want to know. So, um, oh, it's, it's,
Starting point is 01:33:38 but anyway, uh, yeah, read that one day. That shit looks dumb. Um, the, uh, the, the, the weirdness of, of Kiryu pursuing this lifestyle, uh, which even though his peers are probably collecting protection money, I doubt we will ever see him doing so. Actually, that's literally the first thing you do in Yakuza one in zero. It starts with you collecting money that is owed to a debtor, which is different. That is not protection money. A loan shark is if you're getting the money back from someone, you are getting money that they borrowed that they now owe versus walking up to a business that has done nothing and taking their money from them. That's right. There is a difference morally between the two. I'm not talking
Starting point is 01:34:36 about collecting loan shark money. Yeah. I feel, I feel as if one has that like, well, you know, the amount is the amount type of thing that, that he can get away with thinking in his head versus walking into a storage is running their business and going, well, now it's time for you to give us what you've earned for nothing. Yeah, you know, Yakuza zero to Yakuza one has like a very bizarre feeling to it because they're actually in, in time, they're like a couple years apart. But in our time, they're like over a decade apart. And even though they're the closest chronological games possible, Kiryu is like the most different between them out of all of them. Because in Yakuza one, he's actually like less of a saint. Like that's where the Yakuza one is
Starting point is 01:35:36 where you get the gift of him like smacking Harka in the face, like just to the small child. Well, his upgrade is clearly going to be the hair. Although I thought it was really dope that he took his shirt off and we saw the tattoo wasn't finished yet. I thought that was really cool. Yeah, that is a pretty cool nice touch. Hey, there's a, there's a fun little Easter egg that you can look at when, when you see a, you know, Nishiki, he's been hanging out with you for a while. Yep, long hair friend. So they have a lot of scenes together. And one of the things that you should look out for is that they are not the same height, but there are scenes in which for the scene, they have to be the same height. So be aware that they have teleported Nishiki like,
Starting point is 01:36:23 like a foot up off the floor. I mean, you just can't see them. You can't see under their knees. Dude, I'm already getting used to three budgets of cutscene of which there is. It's wild, isn't it? Full on. Then there's like, like in game and then there's still animatic with voice acting, like, um, um, ride to hell, shit. It, it will, it will get to the point. I had this happen in, uh, Yuku's a seven just the other night where a conversation started out in like the text box and then it moved to like the animatic with voice acting and then it moved to the expensive cutscene. And, and I became unironically overwhelmed with anxiety because I was certain that that progression meant that someone in the
Starting point is 01:37:26 scene was going to die. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Cause yeah, you're like every time a moment like it fades out and into like a higher budget thing, something's going down. Yeah. Totally. Very important is going to happen. The moment you're playing any P any persona game and like your in game conversation is happening and it's, it's, it's, it's tilted. And then suddenly someone goes, huh. And then it fades and then an anime cutscene starts. It's like, Oh shit. You know, this is, this is budget for a reason. Things are going down. You know? Yeah. Yeah. Who could it be? And then like fades out into like a CG or anime cutscene. You're like, Oh no. Gotcha. It's going to be them. Gotcha. Gotcha. Yep. Uh, pretty right so far. That series is so
Starting point is 01:38:17 fucking weird. Hey, let me ask you because I didn't look at the clip because Yuku's zero has probably the slowest opening of all of them. Um, but it also has the most definitive end to the prologue, which is totally not killing that guy by drop kip, by drop kicking him out that window. He's, I expect that this is supposed to be like a JoJo where they're just not showing us how many weeks he spent in the hospital. That's all you need to do is every time someone is in a back in the next scene, anytime someone is in a fatal ass encounter, you just go, Yeah, they were in the hospital for the next year. You know, and you're, Oh yeah. Okay. All right. Got it. That guy is literally just back the next time you see the fucking rat face. Yeah. Yeah. And he's
Starting point is 01:39:16 got like bruises, but you're like, you got drop kicked out of a fourth story window so hard that the guy who dropped kicked you almost died. I would like to see the, you know, like how fucking wrecked people get or not get for that matter so that you can be like, you know, that fucking baby stand got off scot free. Sure. It had to eat the poo poo, but then at the end of that, it just grows up to still be a super evil baby. Hey, this might sound a little bit, this might sound a little off topic, but Willie, do you like the X men? I I've been known to like a an X man or two. Are you a fan of the Wolverine? I mean, he is the owner of the X men. After all, I would have to be a fan of Wolverine if I like his X men. Do you think that his healing factor is
Starting point is 01:40:12 really cool? I think his healing factor has been used for some cool moments that young young woolly has appreciated, like, uh, like him in the bathtub. Then you'll be fine playing these games. Okay. Injuries pertain to the scene in which they arrive only. And as long as you drink a strongman, then you drink a stamina X stamina and excuse me, excuse me, then you'll be all good. Yeah. Yep. No, it's great. It's great. Uh, the, the, um, I, I, I, my hard call. I made a hard call on fucking, uh, I'm just like the silliness that is, uh, Mr. Shakedown, then immediately leaning into it where he's like, no, no, no, I do want to be the strongest organ. I'm like, you're Jiren. I'm like, you're really just trying to be Jiren. Oh, did he tell you why he needs money?
Starting point is 01:41:12 Yeah. He needs to work out hard because it's expensive to become the strongest living organism. And I'm like, I literally just cracked a joke about you crossing the ocean, punching whales. And here we are. I don't want to be the strongest man. I need to be the strongest living creature in the world. And that's that one guy. That's just that guy. Yeah. There's other ones. Yeah, that's just that guy. So yeah. Anyway, um, it was, uh, it was, it was, it was good. It was good. We'll see. I'm looking forward to getting into Shogi very shortly. Those games are incredible. They're, they're really something. There's an option that's on by default that, um, limits the frame count on cutscenes. And I guess they're going for like a cinematic look, but throwing
Starting point is 01:42:08 that shit on just makes them look fucking great. Oh, what version are you playing? PC. Okay. I played on the, the PS4 didn't have that. I'm not familiar with that option. Yeah. I mean, I'm like, might as well take the fucking car for a drive, right? So. Yeah, absolutely. Um, yeah. It's a good PC report too. It's, it's, uh, it's got an option that basically has, um, the expensive cutscenes on like a limited frame, uh, uh, frame rate by default for, I guess, like again, like a cinematic look or so, but you throw it, you throw that shit up or you turn that off and then it fucking looks great. I want to see all the creases in Kuzae's face. You know, just a couple of years ago, I was sitting around going,
Starting point is 01:42:57 I wish people cared about Yakuza and Monster Hunter, but nobody cares about Yakuza and Monster. Oh man. Look at that. Oh, that worked out. Okay. Yeah. Fucking put biking in that shit. Damn. What a mod. Oh, they put everything in those games. Well, yeah, I know, but it's a really good mod. Some communities are much more advanced than others. The Monster Hunter modding community, the Dark Souls modding community, fucking through the roof with the quality of what I see people putting in those games. For sure. Uh, yeah, but, uh, so that was Yakuza zero. Um, the other thing I did was, um, I had a
Starting point is 01:43:51 birthday and, uh, happy birthday. Thank you. Um, good old punchbomb through a birthday con. A good time was had. We hung out. We took some pictures. We did some arts and crafts. We did Perlers and we, uh, we played Icaruga and all in all, it was fun. It was very nice. Um, she even printed out these like full-on lanyards with like the lamination and everything. It was crazy. I was like, wow, that's, that's, and rearranged every section of the, of the place to be like, you know, different areas of a con. It was very cute. And, uh, yeah, like I feel like a very, uh, special boy. So once again, on this occasion, I am reminded that you are actually older than I am and I'm freaked out. Yeah, that shit don't really make sense,
Starting point is 01:44:48 but not by much, you know. Yeah, not by much. I'm the baby. You know what? That does make sense. That does make sense. It don't crack, baby. It don't crack. Hey, quiet you. Gotta get some fucking trade-offs for these stats. Stats are all right. Yeah. Not saying I would re-roll, but, you know, you kind of know when you're a little under the minimums, you know, and nothing's hitting the soft cap anytime soon. So speaking of soft caps, um, I can, yeah, I'm, I continued working my way through desks and, uh, I'm having a really good
Starting point is 01:45:46 time with that. And it's, I am, I am straight up like, I'm like, man, boy, that, uh, unintentional pause button in the form of the photo mode is bullshit. It is completely nonsense, abusable. And if I did not already know what was upcoming and what was going on, it would be like, just peak every corner, every single fucking corner, right? Not just that though. It legitimately lets you make safe drops like infinitely easier. So when you're dropping down to fight Flame Lurker or when you're dropping down, or when you're dropping down after, um, the fucking, what, with the butcher girl on, uh, one, one white world tendency on the left. Yeah. Yeah. You drop an eye to get the color to get the colorless, the colorless soul down there.
Starting point is 01:46:52 The colorless demon soul. Yeah. So when you're, when you're doing drops like that, if you just fucking pause, you just photo mode and line the camera up below you and then move it above, it's free. It might as well be playing pool. Wait, really? You can change your characters like, like, um, uh, a fucking direction. No, no, but you can verify that you are 100% standing above the drop. Oh, so you can stand at the ledge where you would drop and then photo mode, peak the camera down and zoom out and then back in and see that it's 100% lined up. It annihilates any of the fear of missing a drop. If you abuse photo mode, it's really like, oh boy, yeah, that's, that, there's a reason, there's a reason why, uh, that needs to stay,
Starting point is 01:47:47 uh, in the fucking, in the fucking dark from new players. Cause yeah, it'll, not to mention the fact that you can stop the game, obviously. That should be a new game plus unlock. It should. I totally agree. It legitimately changes the balance of the game in a lot of ways. And you wouldn't, and again, I saw it there, but I didn't think of its applications until it was brought up and then I was like, oh fuck, yeah, okay, no, you can abuse everything. Again, minus invasions, but you know, um, I'm fucking trying to keep my tendency up. So that's not happening. Um, but yeah, uh, it is, uh, yeah, it's really, it's really nice and pretty to play through those areas and just see how they, how they improved in their looks. Even if the,
Starting point is 01:48:37 even if some of the designs are not as weird and interesting as they used to be, the environments are fucking gorgeous. That's one of the things that I feel like I didn't actually properly hit on, which is like, yes, some of the character designs are a little off, but the environment designs, which is like 90% of the game is a stark improvement. It really is like, um, interesting to see little things like just like the, yeah, the, the saturation in certain areas, it like they added color and life to zones without making it feel like it's alive though. Like if anything, no, Willie, it's supposed to have no color at all. So they made, for example, um, the Shadowman fucking for a four one feel a lot more vivid and
Starting point is 01:49:30 like art, like creatively, like just like, there's a lot more going on with the colors and the brightness and the, you know, the, what they're playing with, but it's still a fucking dead muck shit zone where everyone's fucking trash, you know, it's, it's the thing of like those zones had primary colors and by primary colors, I mean, like, I think there was a, it felt like there was a fucking filter on those areas that was like, this is the green one. This is the orange one. When you walk past the first roller, um, in the old game, did the lightning strike happen? No. So in this, they added a moment of just like jump scare lightning striking a tree and lighting it up, um, right behind the first, uh, Black Catana skeleton.
Starting point is 01:50:18 And I'm like, Oh shit, look at that. That's a fucking look at her. You know, you're putting little things in there and yeah, it got me, you know, but, um, I'm like, yeah, no, that didn't feel cheap. That felt good. I liked that. So little, little, little, um, little decisions like that are like really going a long way. And, and I find, um, not enough people are talking about just like the environmental upgrade being like fucking stellar, you know? Yeah. Like you'll never be able to make an even semi accurate version of the value of defilement that doesn't look like an absolute nightmare, dark ass shithole. But you can totally add details and a couple of gross colors to it that you couldn't have possibly seen before you got screwing up the, the, you know,
Starting point is 01:51:08 the, the tone. What have you, you can see more of the prison of hope, but it doesn't make it any less scary when the pitch black zones are there. You know, you can see prison of hope has like a detail that like I, it might have been there before, but I never noticed, which you can see the zone above you a little bit, which like really makes it feel a lot better. Oh yeah. The upper tower is like part of the upper tower. Yeah. If you look straight up through the hole in the ceiling, you can see a lot of the, the spider web kind of catacombs. Interesting. Okay. Um, yeah, it was a, it's, it's, it's really cool to like notice those little things. And there's a bunch of times where I catch myself just staring at even like the soul form little trails that are
Starting point is 01:51:58 following you around and stuff. And you can see that there must have been tons of iterations of like, what is the right mix of like ghostliness and little spirits following you and particles and things. But they, they struck up a nice balance where you feel like, yeah, it looks, it looks obviously much better. But I like, I like the fact that like the other world players that are running around are, they look more in your world as well. Like they're not as transparent as they used to be. They're much more like present. So yeah, just, you know, fucking like awesome, awesome experience going through a new desk. I want to also give a big shout out to whoever the fuck was responsible. Those backstab and Perry animations. Yeah, really good. Yeah, man. I've been running around with a
Starting point is 01:52:53 fucking axe and just the level of like, just how visceral it gets where you have like, there's one where like the weight of the axe drops the person to the ground and then you pull back and just double slice them in half. It's fucking like, wow, they got they have like a tiny little bit of camera shake on jostling movement. Oh man, it looks real good. Really, really cool on that. Yeah, no, so so far just, you know, enjoying that run. I'm also getting to feel some of the stuff that was like, like some of the build stuff we talked about but didn't quite do back in the day. I'm finding out firsthand why the the fucking the meat cleaver or the whatever the adjudicator sword, I'll call it. Yeah, the meat cleaver you were right the first time. Yeah, like why that is so
Starting point is 01:53:51 much infinitely better than the the Vanguard axe. Oh, it's it's like the second best weapon in the game. It's and it's unbelievable. It's crazy because I made myself a vanguard at the Vanguard axe there. And you're like, Oh yeah, look at that big number. That's cool. It weighs what? The dozer axe coming in at like 22. You know, and you're like, well, fuck whatever build I was attempting to have a roll on, you know, yeah. So yeah, just, you know, fucking around with that stuff of my own accord is nice. And yeah, just doing doing shit I didn't get to do last time. Like I like having the option to enchant, you know, the blades as well. Like I always wanted to play around a bit more with that, but didn't end up going for those builds last time. So this
Starting point is 01:54:48 time around, it's pretty cool. Because it's the first one of those that they made. There is like that game is terribly balanced. You can break that shit open in 100 different ways. What if I stacked this thing on top of this thing and then lit it on fire? Oopsie. And it's incredible. A very important change has been made. Sticky white stuff is now known as sticky white slime. Don't care for that. And they specify that it comes from snails. So there you go. Now you can't make fun of it anymore. I can do what I want. Anyway, um, yep, great. Just fuck those stupid world tendency icons forever. Just tripling down on how stupid that shit is. Just fucking put a number next to it or
Starting point is 01:55:53 make them distinct from each other. What is the point of making it obtuse? It's already obtuse. The system itself is obtuse. Why make the information obtuse as well? No, well, you see, if you want the lava bow, you really, what you need is a plus seven of any type of bow, but it can only be plus seven, you know, but if you want a sticky bow, you need to have that at plus six, like, like that. It's, it's, yeah, like I made a fucking, I'm like, I take a plus six axe and go fucking turn it into the dozer axe, which ends up being worthless. And then, or you take a plus zero club and get yourself a fucking meat cleaver. What the, you know, like, yeah, anyway, whatever. So I want to be a fire weapon. Well, it's got to be plus three and only plus
Starting point is 01:56:46 three. God damn it. Fuck you if you upgrade up plus four. Upgrade. There you go. Nope, you got it. Hey, man, I'm doing my best here. Do you know if like they kept in like bugs like the, the role to the role to the judicator four, one to the boss. Yeah. So that bug was the, the, the example of these bugs are we are keeping them in. They literally called that bug out specifically as one that they were keeping in. Okay. Because it is in the strategy guide that comes with the PS three game. Okay. Okay. Like, like it is so part of that game that it might as well be an intended one. The bugs that they removed were stuff like sprinting firestorm, which is the ability to sprint while casting a spell that kills people everywhere and does like, you know, right. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:57:47 I remember that. And little stuff like that. But they kept all the non fucky bugs. They added one in which was give yourself infinite luck by popping a gold coin and talking to the maiden. Okay. Infinite luck. So you just get. Yeah. So luck is a stat. Yeah. Yeah. It affects item drops. Yeah. And there's a item they added to the game. It's a new item called a gold coin, which improves item drops. But it doesn't increase your item discovery. Instead, it increases your luck. And for a temporary period, right. And people discovered that if you go talk to the maiden in black, when the effect is on, your luck scales infinitely. So you get like, like eight, nine, 10,000 points in luck.
Starting point is 01:58:48 When you pop the temporary item and then talk to her. Yeah, because then you back out and the game saves the stat as. Oh, wow. Okay. And the number doesn't change. The number does change. Whoa, your luck. So what it does is it makes your item discovery infinity minus one, which means all drops are 100% guaranteed. Yeah. Which is really nice and convenient. Now, luckily in demon souls, there's nothing that scales with luck other than item discovery and a very popular end game weapon that becomes a one hit kill super weapon. Oh boy, called the blue blood sword. The blue blood sword. Yeah. Okay. All right. And it scales its damage with luck and it becomes possible to one shot literally
Starting point is 01:59:44 everything in the game. Wow. Okay. Including other players. So that's gonna get fucking patched. Here's the thing. So yes, they will patch it, but it's not the disaster that you think it is, because when you use this bug, the soul level calculation for PVP includes the new fake number. Oh, your soul level does go up. So the only people you can fuck with are the other people who fucked with fucked with it. Okay, okay. So the game turns into Bushido blade. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. In addition, do you get the other stat changes of soul level going up? No. Oh, the the if you D level yourself, which you can do in that game, there's characters that can D level you, but you can also if you invade somebody and kill yourself, like by falling off
Starting point is 02:00:44 something, you actually go down a level. Okay. When you do that, it puts your stats back to normal. Oh, you can turn it on and off if you like. Is it only if you kill yourself or if they kill you? You have to you have to be killed by not combat other player interesting when you when you invade. But here's where it gets really crazy. There is the final boss of one for does a soul suck move, right? D levels you D levels you, but it takes the souls that it would have taken to level you up to that luck and puts them into your blood stain for real. Which means if you use the luck trick and give yourself infinity luck, get soul sucked and then go fight Alan, it becomes pick up. You be you get the ability to give yourself maximum stats
Starting point is 02:01:44 in every category. Oh my God, it's fucking okay. All right, it's real and it's busted. There's a there's a video of a gentleman that likes to break apart games showing off how you can beat demon souls PS five bare handed with no weapons using a very like a variety of these exploits. Now, if you were to see what's the thing is that when they patch this out, like I would say that like if they were able to do some things such as like, oh, every profile with fake luck on it gets that part removed, that'd be fine. But once you convert it into real souls, that gets way harder if not impossible to untangle. So here's the thing. Again, when your level goes up like that, it changes your soul level, which makes you only eligible for PVP with people
Starting point is 02:02:39 with that fucked up soul level. Yeah, so there's no like danger to the game. No, but the game itself in single player context is busted and that's that. Oh, it's been busted since forever. Yeah, fair enough. Fair enough. You'll never have you'll never get it's also wrong warping in the game. Couldn't you then though use those infinite souls to give a real character like some crazy shit that leads to them still? No, no, no, okay, no. Yeah, no matter what happens, no matter what happens, there are they end up being in the impossible tier. Yeah, okay. Yeah, because the soul, the PVP formula is literally the your soul level plus or minus 10 and 5% of your total level. So if you're level 8000, there's no goddamn way in hell,
Starting point is 02:03:39 you're going to be able to match with anybody less than 71 90. Okay. Well, shit, it'd probably be fun to make a little like busted tourism character just to run around and oh yeah, you know, fucking see the world and basically debug mode. Also, if you if you're worried about new characters being fucky, there's nothing to stop, say, I don't know, me getting a completely maxed out meat cleaver plus five, and just giving it to your brand new level one character. That's true, too. Wow, okay. So yeah, no matter what the this whole conversation leads eventually to the question that starts at the beginning of almost every soul's game,
Starting point is 02:04:33 which is what is the level people have decided is the PVP level. Right. So for demon souls, it's 120. Do you want a PVP? You have to be within the 120 range. Because that's where everyone's going to live. Apparently, you can set passwords that ignore soul level. Well, yeah, but you still have to set a password. Well, yeah, but but you're choosing you're choosing that part. Yeah, exactly. That's that's voluntary. That's not the same as invaders coming in at any soul level. And yeah, okay. Um, well, yeah, that's a that's a fun little tidbit. I'm going to
Starting point is 02:05:22 yeah, keep note of that. The other thing, lastly, I did was I went back to and decided to take everyone along with me on a journey where I told everyone that we were going to be playing KOF maximum impact to and KOF maximum impact regulation A and I lied because the truth is I brought everybody in and I locked the door behind them and I said, welcome to SNK 202. We are going to be reviewing SNK class history. I hope you brought your textbooks because when you pop it, when you look at the full unlocks of maximum impact to which you might recall, because I think you sat in on at least one or two extensive one of these before we went. I went down the list and I showed everybody all the references of all the costumes and the history
Starting point is 02:06:16 with Falcoon and all that fun stuff. So if you want to check out a really good time, I think Solidus has got it down to about two hours and a little bit. It is a full SNK history, almost in form of the character select screen of maximum impact. And then we jumped over to regulation A. That sounds like an absolutely excellent feature to do now that we're never going to play SNK games ever again. So look forward to that happening. And yeah, there's, and then of course you get your, for everyone who is missing, who missed out on the Falcoon era of things. There's an artist who came in, took over the franchise for a little bit, and it was a, it was a time. It was a time. It was a good and bad time to be a fan of that
Starting point is 02:07:26 shit, because all of the habits, good and bad, came along with them. So yes, on the one hand, you get your, you know, your new heroes, your Ash Crimson, your Shenwu, your Duelon, and those fun guys. But then you also get your self-insert Falcoon as a descendant of Hattori Hanzo from Samurai Showdown guest character, Nanase, with the same hair and glasses and colors. I really don't care for Falcoon's art. I like Falcoon's art. I got used to it, especially over the years. I followed it as a fan when he was not working on anything officially. I thought it was really cool to see, like he was one of those, he was one of those really good artist accounts where you're like, yeah, this guy does a lot of fighting game fan art.
Starting point is 02:08:18 It's a fun account to follow. So when he started getting official recognition, I was like, oh, shit, that's super cool. Good job. A little, it's, it's almost exactly like Stanley Lau, Art Germ, who did the best Capcom fan art ever, period, on his deviant art for years, and then eventually Third Strike Online was like, oh, yeah, no, get in here. Do the official art. And if you go back to Third Strike Online's official art, you look at it and go, oh, that shit? Well, yeah, I remember that amazing art that never really came back anywhere else. It's because Art Germ did it and Art Germ's got like the best Sakura render you've ever seen, the best Chun Li, like the best everything. I root for the fan art that the fine artist that gets
Starting point is 02:09:04 in there officially. I think that's great. So yeah, I'm down with Falcoon, but appreciating Falcoon is kind of like appreciating Kojima. You got to know what's going on. Shut up. That's fucking terrible. Falcoons. That's awful. Falcoon has his strong points and his not and his weak points. Kojima has his strong points and his weak points. And in both cases, there's something there. Yeah, they both breathe air. What I like. Oh, that's terrible. No, there are as there are moments of like, fuck, yeah, nailed it. That was awesome. And there are moments of God fucking damn it. Why do I know your style so well? It reminds me of that because that's the exact feeling you get when you're going through a game
Starting point is 02:09:55 that he has full control over. It reminds me of when you're going through Death Stranding and you're seeing the little Kojima isms and going, Oh my God, yes, of course, Kojima did that with Heartman. When you see the alt costume that has the same little ombre hair hair things and the little design choices. Or when you see Terry Bogard get an alternate costume, that is exactly like what he used to put on his blog when you're looking at Falcoons art blog. It's a it's a direct analogy. Oh, you mean like when I'm doing that thing that I literally never did in my entire life once? What do you mean? When I'm looking at Falcoons art blog? Oh, yeah, sure. Yeah, I know. But that's why I know. But that's why I'm saying you're at your statement of like, what the fuck you
Starting point is 02:10:41 talking about? What comparison is that? I'm explaining why the comparison makes sense. Oh, no, I get it. I resent the comparison. That's fine. Because I don't care for Falcoons art. That's fine. That's fine. I think it's very good. But it's it's a similar thing of like when you when you when you've when you've stared at some of this shit long enough and you see the little isms, you're like, Oh, yeah, that's a trademark right there. He always goes for that. You know, here's the best trademark badness. That's how I. Alright, well, you know, I dig it. It's kind of let's be clear, a billion times better artist than I am. But like, he's done some hot shit. And he's done some he's done some some really good Jojo renders as well
Starting point is 02:11:31 of some of some characters back in the day. I remember. Yeah, I was I was a huge fan of like his daily like fighting game and Jojo character designs. And then he would also do a lot of alternate costumes and casual versions of characters. That was really fun. Like he'd basically take the KOF vising of characters, where you'd see them like change their clothes and look real like we see like we like with E orientarian and E orientarian Keo and shit like that. He would do that with like tons of characters. He'd take them and, you know, just do some casual clothing versions of them and shit like that. That was pretty fun back in the day. You know, so. Oh, yeah, Shinkiro's better. Of course, I'm not I'm not even bringing Shinkiro
Starting point is 02:12:11 into the equation here. I mean, Shinkiro is is is employed as an official artist for a fucking reason. I'm not no one's making that comparison. I'm just saying that if you're looking at this dude's style and you're seeing the little habits and fun isms, it's you can see the telltale marks and be like, I've seen that shit before. I know you're going for the checkerboard look. You've done the checkerboard race car look before or oh, look, it's another alternate costume that involves a Native American headdress on a character that is not even remotely Native American. I don't know why, but he digs it. He's into it for some weird reason. He just loves that aesthetic. You know, is what it is. Yeah, some artists love the Hugo boss, Nazi uniforms. Some people
Starting point is 02:13:02 like drawing Native American headdresses. It is what it is. Anyway, all of that and more enjoying time on the Woolly versus channel on Twitch and on YouTube coming up 13 Sentinels. I have a piece of news that I forgot to tell you last week. Sure. It is a it came in as a sub message from a gentleman or gentle lady possibly named All Salt on a stream that I did last week or two weeks ago now. They work in retail and they wanted to give us an update on the situation with the Xbox Series X name. Oh, okay. So I will just that we're doing emails early, I guess. Hypat still in retail and have some info that you may already know jokes on them. I didn't know this before I read it. While the X bones name is confusing
Starting point is 02:14:06 already, its full list name in product inventory is not just the Xbox Series X. The full name is open quote Xbox One Xbox Series X and Xbox One Xbox Series S and quote Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So remember when people were getting sent the wrong X boxes. Yep. Yep. No shit. On on some people's fucking screens, I bet it literally doesn't even show far enough. I wish there was some way the distinction. I really wish there was some way for them to get anti dollars when one of these stupid fuck ups goes down just to like, Oh, well, I mean, there is if you buy an Xbox and have to return it to the retailer, I suppose so, but because
Starting point is 02:15:20 because it's the wrong one. That becomes like a used or refurbished copy that they probably have to deal with with the retailer. Hopefully the person who made the mistake in that instance doesn't get fucked over by the place they bought it where, you know, they go too bad. Yeah. Some places are like all sales finals. Some places are like, I don't know. It looks like it's not, you know, it's it's in a condition that we can't use or whatever the fucking case. There's a million shitty reasons why someone would not take a refund in that circumstance. So it looks like you peed on it. You know, not allowed. Yeah. Yeah. That's even more absurd than we anticipated. Yes. If you are someone who's out there and you are or you want to hear about Attack on Titan. No,
Starting point is 02:16:10 because there's nothing to talk about. This is not the place. Fuck off. We're not going to talk about it. It's back. It's good. It's done. There's nothing to get into here. I'm not going to talk about Attack on Titan in which a situation is occurring where people can type things within my field of view. Exactly. So this will be said once as the season just started. We're not going to be talking about any Attack on Titan in future episodes, perhaps until it is done, then there will be a discussion. But otherwise fuck off. You're not going to hear it here. All right. Good. You should know better than that. Come on. Come on. You should know. You know already. You know. So let's take a word from our sponsors. I'll take this time to run away
Starting point is 02:17:00 and empty my bladder if you'll all excuse me. Okay. Well, if you do that then I'll come back for the ad read. I'm just saying this is a breakpoint where I can pee. Okay. Well, then yeah, because unless you want me to pee here, I can see your couch. Do what you want. All right. Here we go. I'm not going to do that. All right. I'll be back. So this week, the podcast is sponsored by away. Hey, away. What's up? So I could use a luggage. Yes. Away suitcases are goddamn fantastic. It's the best, the best suitcase I've had the pleasure of using. Obviously, it has been a while since I've had to use it to travel. However, knowing
Starting point is 02:17:56 that they are sturdy and good for a lifetime use is fine by me because when that time comes around again, I will have a cool little suitcase that fits in wherever I need it to. It's got the battery charger. It's got the good wheels. It's got the good zip. Got the clothing compressor in it. It's amazing. Good ass suitcase. What can I say? So just it does its job. I've had to replace bad suitcases more every couple of years really, you know, back in the day and once I had to handle on a suitcase come completely off and I was in the airport and I was like, I can't believe you. I've had. I can't believe you do this to me. Yep. For me, it was the wheel. The wheel started facing like backwards and it never fucking turned anymore. And once the wheel stops turning,
Starting point is 02:18:48 then what are you going to? You just then now it's a handbag, a really heavy handbag. So that sucks. That has not happened with anything from away. And yeah, so far it's been incredible. And yeah, not only that, but you get to try it out with a hundred day trial in case you want to find out. A hundred day trial. Indeed. So you get your away suitcase, you get a hundred day trial, take it on the road. Well, maybe not now, but take it around your apartment and take it for a spin, see how it feels. And when the time is right, when everything's good, then you can see how good your away suitcase can be. Free shipping and returns in the contiguous U.S., Europe, Canada, and Australia. So yeah, good ass suitcases. None more to say. Start your hundred day trial
Starting point is 02:19:52 and shop the entire away lineup of travel essentials, including their best selling suitcases at away travel dot com slash beast. That's away travel dot com slash beast. Thanks, away. Thank you, away. This week, we're also sponsored by Honey. So check it out. Holidays are coming. Shopping for Christmas gifts to send to people that you care about is also around the corner. And what better gift than giving someone a large jug of honey? They can eat like an animal. No, not that. Oh, Poo Bear. No, no, not the real honey. Honey as in money. When you think honey, you can think of money,
Starting point is 02:20:54 because that's what you're saving. So basically when you go shop online and you buy your gifts, honey is going to show up and save you cash on whatever you're buying in tons of carts. So basically, you know, that little box at the end of a, if a checkout online, that's a promo code area, that's the area where you put in the secret secret password and you get the free money. And honey is basically going to search the internet for whatever can get you the best deal and fill that box out and save you some cash. There's a lot of codes out there. There are. And if you're buying nice and early for everybody, because, you know, it's December, you want to get in there with the shipping time. You've got to account for all the holiday chaos
Starting point is 02:21:47 of shipping. You want to start getting in there nice and early. And yeah, honey's there to save you some cash when you do that. So honey uses only the smartest bees to find you your coupons. It's kind of amazing how they've found a way to repurpose out of work bees currently not making honey to code. The bees have learned to code and very difficult to teach bees to do this. And they learn how to seek out promo codes and then they send them to you. It's kind of amazing. It's a little bit like Shigetchi's harvest, you know. So there you go. So yeah, all you got to do is you download honey, you make an account and then you throw some holiday gifts on your drop list. And there is, oh, there is a promotion going on where they're helping to pay for a million
Starting point is 02:22:42 dollars worth of gifts. So the same as a lot of gifts. Yeah, you can make a list of all the holiday gifts you want to get from certain stores and they will email you with a price drop when the price drops for anything on your list. And yeah, when you throw some holiday gifts on your drop list, you get a chance to win. So honey will randomly select winners and give them money to help them buy something on the list. So it's just that simple. No purchase necessary. You need a PayPal account to redeem the prize, only valid in the US and the giveaway ends on December 21st, 2020. So keep that in mind. You can get honey for free at slash superbeast. That's slash superbeast. Thanks, honey. Thank you, honey.
Starting point is 02:23:35 And of course, Christmas is coming. Are your are your balls clean? Nothing says, I'll admit, you, you, you actually swerved me on that. Like you got me. You got me. Nothing says Christmas morning like some clean balls. I don't agree with that statement even a little. Hey, hey, people are already in agreement that a fresh pair of underwear on New Year's Day feels extremely fresh. This is fact. We've already been over this. It's established, right? If Josuke said it, how could it be a lie? Yeah. Okay. Josuke, wait, he's an idiot. So adjacent to that is a clean pair of balls on Christmas morning. It's just that simple airtight logic. You know, you're so obsessed
Starting point is 02:24:46 with shaving your balls, but I don't think you have mentioned one time about shaving your penis. Well, I don't think you have mentioned that even a one time. That's because you have never, you have not yet beheld the power of clean balls and extremely hairy shaft. That's a powerful combination. It's kind of like a, it's kind of like a bat. It's like an upside down coconut tree. Well, I was going to say an upside down bat with chain around it, you know? What? You know, when you, you know, when you take with wings, no, you know, when you take like a baseball bat and then you're, and then you, oh, a baseball bat. I thought you meant like a bat, like a, like, like a, no, it's when you put barbed wire around a baseball bat.
Starting point is 02:25:51 All right. So it's like that, but it's like upside down with a pair of testicles. Why does the hair curl around the penis? Wouldn't it stick straight out? Well, the, the, it approximates the hair growing off of the shaft. Let me see. Just your body's disgusting. Get rid of the hair part. That's one of the worst parts. Some people, some people have hair that grows off the balls and up into the areas that you wouldn't want it to be. Some people have it growing up the shaft. It's true. It's true. You want it growing up your body, not growing down the shaft, you know, but this happens and you don't want it growing up your body either. Well, no, but it's a normal for your pubis to be haired. It's normal. It's a regular
Starting point is 02:26:40 thing. It happens. Yeah, I know. But the way you described it, it's like it's crawling up towards your like nipples or whatever. That's, it's got to go. Well, that's exactly what I'm describing. I'm saying the ball is the origin point and then the hair grows from the balls all the way up and then it hits the pubis area, but then it also might grow down the shaft, you know, and if it starts working up to the belly button and you got trouble because that treasure trail ain't great. I'm sorry. Can I rewind? Did you just say that the balls are the origin point of all body hair? The epicenter. So how does it get to your armpits? It jumps. Oh, it's not internal. It's not hiding under the skin. It jumps when it needs to. It makes, it makes a couple of leaps.
Starting point is 02:27:22 There's some safe spots. Oh my God. When you're not paying attention, it'll, it'll move up the body slowly, you know. So what you got to do is you got to keep that hair in line with, you know, the lawnmower 3.0. This is what you want. You want the weed wacker. You want the nose, hair, air and nose, ear and hair trimmer. You want the skin safe technology so that you don't nick yourself. You don't want to get hurt in preparation for a clean ball Christmas morning. Clean ball Christmas is the goal here, everybody. This is what we're working towards. And if you're not planning how your balls are going to be clean on Christmas morning, then I don't know what the fuck other priorities you got going on in your life right now, but you need to wake up. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:28:10 You need to wake up. What you do is you get manscaped involved. All right, they're going to hook you up. Manscaped gets you that crop preserver. So you got the ball deodorant, the crop reviver, the crop reviver, the ball toner. It's good. They got the crop cleansing body wash. They got the ball wipes, the crop mop. All your options you got. And you know what? Don't just keep it to yourself. You got these are Stucking Stauffers. Stucking Stauffers. Yes. That's correct. It sure are. You can get everybody a Stucking Stauffer. Oh boy. Folks, that sounds fucking nefarious. Folks, that sounds awful. People
Starting point is 02:28:58 support the podcast. Just buy the fucking ball shaver already. What are we doing here? Can you buy the ball shaver and support the podcast, please? It's not hard. Listen, you know what this is. I know at least a significant segment. Many of you have hair on any part of your body below the armpits. Get this product and fix it. Manscaped is a company that has products for removing the hair from your body. This is what you should do. And when you do so, I encourage that you go to get 20% off and free shipping at slash super beast. That's 20% off and free shipping when you go to slash super beast. Get yourself shaved balls. Christmas morning. Everybody's happy. And then once you've shaved
Starting point is 02:30:07 off all of your body hair, you can reapply it as you would artisanally to your partner's preference. A little known fact that artisanally little known fact that on on on the 24th, when Santa comes to get those cookies and milk, you should also leave out Santa a pile of pubes. Thanks, manscaped. Thank you, man. So this week in the news, we've got a couple stories here. You know, I talked about this on a recent stream about how ads literally work. And the end of that story is somebody who works for manscaped must listen to that. Yes, they are required. Yes, to listen to the whole thing. Correct. And I could only imagine other people's ads are like 45 seconds long. And they're like,
Starting point is 02:31:24 right. And they go through them and they're like, done. Checkmark, checkmark, checkmark. You'd be surprised. You know, they get they get to ours and it's like 400 megabytes. You'd be surprised. There's a yeah, yeah, there's some wild ones out there, but it's real simple. We try to keep it direct and straight to the folks. Anyway, so in the news, the first not Nintendo, the first yes, so just delete the first half of the fucking docket, because items one A and one B through two A and two B are all fucking just that stupid horseshit. So fuck off stegosaurus back. Let go of my leg. But you think if you bop a stegosaurus on the nose, it'll like if you boop it on the snoot, it'll stop. No, I think it'll fucking kill you. Yeah, probably.
Starting point is 02:32:31 Really. Real slow like though. I don't think it's in a hurry. Well, anyway. All right. Scott Pilgrim versus the world is actually getting re-released on January 14th. And it's going to be on all the last gen stuff. Not none of the new stuff. None of the new stuff. It's all last gen. What? Oh, all right. But it's it'll work on the next gen. So whatever. But yeah, it's oh, it will. Yeah, you're right. Yeah. Wait, no, wait, you say last, you mean not the not the gen it was released on. Okay, see, that's the confusion.
Starting point is 02:33:25 That's the confusion that I was going. No, it's coming out for X bone ps4 and switch. So, okay, that makes sense. Yeah. That game's all right. That keeps soundtrack is better than like that game. The the the sum of its parts is inferior to the parts. Yeah, it's less than the sum of its parts. Oh, Paul Robertson and and fucking Adam and a Gucci and Scott Pilgrim. I need to I need to borrow your brain for for three, four minutes. Well, damn, hold on. Fuck. Sorry. Is it Paul Robertson or Robert Paulson? Oh, shit. Paul Robertson. Paul Robertson's baby cabana street. Yes. Okay. Paul.
Starting point is 02:34:16 Robert Paul is by club. Yes, exactly. Yeah. Easy. Easy fuck up. I need to borrow your head because I'm a little sleepy. So I'm having trouble focusing. So I forgot to actually talk about the game that I beat this morning. Oh, shit. I beat. I beat LDK with Virgil this morning. Oh, cool. You got to you got to fly on your controller. I can't stop staring at it. It's right. It's right there. There you go. Get out of here fly. That one fly has been bothering me all week. I feel like a breaking bad episode. But I beat that and I now more accurately understand what you were talking about when you were talking about beating it. Okay. I will reiterate again. Oh, man, that
Starting point is 02:34:57 console cannot handle what that mode wants you to do. Like I was able to get that game to crash. By getting the frame rate low enough. I'm playing it on X sex. So it's different. I haven't. I haven't tested it, but I remember you were bringing it up for it. But more than anything, man, Virgil is like overpowered compared to the rest of the cast. So I'm going to go ahead and guess that you did not play him since three SE. I have not played him since three SE. Yeah. Okay. Okay. You are correct. I actually know I played him for about 25 minutes on one stream in four SE like two years ago.
Starting point is 02:35:46 Because he's been this way for a minute now. He's been, you know, self-contained, fucking ridiculous for all situations because he plays the whole, he plays every stage by himself. He does every, you know, yeah. And he can do, you do multiple nukes in a row and it's really weird. As long as you don't fuck up, but I will, I will say that transplanting him into the existing stages reveals just how much some bosses were built for the characters they were built for. Because some, and I would say in fact many bosses can't deal with what you have for them. They just have nothing that can deal with you because they were built with like Nero's movement. So, or, you know, V's movement. Melting burial inside of the church is a very feasible thing to do.
Starting point is 02:36:49 Yeah. I was like, the part where you have to fight the three V bosses in a row, like, I forget the name of the flying one, but I got it down. Goliath, not burial, but you know what I mean. Yeah. Yeah. Like just, like I never hit the floor and I just killed it and it was dead. And Dante is way easier to beat than Virgil is. Like, I literally beat him on my first try. Like he is not, like it's kind of funny, honestly. I did not beat him on my first try. So, Kudos. However, yeah, no, the challenge is quite different.
Starting point is 02:37:36 It's not the same. You've got. It's not. It's not the. He's has, the thing about Virgil is that he's the character with less tools, but better tools, you know, they're better. They are better. He's limited by comparison to the, you know, like the others in, in, in just the volume, but the tools themselves are fucking strong, you know, and that's, oh, and the thing that that's how it was warned me about Royal Guard. What? Yeah, Royal Guard. You remember? Yeah. You mentioned Royal Guard when you're fighting Dante. Yeah. Dante can't Royal Guard out of his own moves.
Starting point is 02:38:10 Um, so like, I would literally just back up until he did a stinger. Oh, and, and, and counter hit just. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Yeah. He, um, fair enough. But yeah, like Virgil's moves are better moves. Like his stinger is a better stinger. Yes. This is, so this is, four SC gives you all of this, like it's been, it's been the thing. It's like you, you're able to, um, and, and, and, and three, you're just, it's just a direct comparison with Dante, but, uh, in four SC, you're comparing to fucking Dante, Nero, Lady, and Trish.
Starting point is 02:38:46 And you get to fully see like, yeah, he's got, um, he's just, he's got the good shit. Um, and he's got the best. Well, it's not, he's got like the best in terms of practical application of, uh, his gun. He's got the best gun. Because summon swords, which is, it's a character with no gun. He's, yeah, he's got the best gun because summon swords don't care what you're doing. They don't care if you're taunting or attacking or setting anything up. They're independent entirely of him. So you can keep firing as you wish. I was, I was in this situation like, man, I got, I kept getting that to Kata taunt where it
Starting point is 02:39:27 lasts like 10 minutes where he's doing this really slow. I'm like, how are you supposed to do this? And then I realized that you can kill enemies 100% sword while you're doing it. So you just, you just shoot the last enemy and then Virgil just keep doing the whole little dance that he wants to do. Yeah. Um, you're not getting anywhere near the raw damage of like any of the really powerful guns, obviously, but that's not the point. The point is the function to keep shooting during anything he does. You know, well that and the fact that you can choose to put a million damage into the rapid fire or force a knockdown on anything.
Starting point is 02:40:11 Or slow time on an area of enemies with like a two second press. Yeah, no, summon swords, blistering swords, raining, you know, every formation has a functional difference that is very useful that, you know, when you're fighting him, that's not as big of a deal because they all just hurt you. But now that you're using it on enemies, they all need to do something functionally different and they absolutely do. You know, it's a very worthy use of one stock of DT to throw them out there and get whatever you need done. Also, his DT is better like his sin devil trigger is stronger than Dante's and you don't need to be asked to just turn it on and off. Have you? Well, you don't need to be asked to
Starting point is 02:40:59 turn on Dante's either, but it's to preserve it. You need to know, but to turn it off without losing any means to preserve it, you do quadruple S. Yes. But you could just spend it and burn it. If you, um, have you, have you fucked with the, uh, the doppelganger settings? No, well, I did at the beginning and then I'm like, this is, this is a little goofy. This is, this is a little much for me. You can turn gen agin into seinbu. So you can make the after image attack super tight, simultaneous, slightly loose or big lag and big lag is for big brain combos. Uh, yeah, it sure is. I focused more on fucking around with doppelganger because doppelganger
Starting point is 02:41:49 always uses Yamato, but you don't have to. And like, if you do a stinger, he'll do a, I forget the name of it, but the, the EI slash and you'll stinger your guy into the doppelganger furthermore feels great while you're doing other style, other, when you have other weapons out, you can continuously judgment cut with the doppelganger. Oh, I did not know that. That's, that's weird. Yes. Um, and also the new input on, uh, like down trick is great. It's not new. Get away from all sorts of shit with that. It's not new. Oh, that's not new. No, that's from four. Yes. But it is, it is really handy because I'm thinking of three SC. Yeah, exactly. Um, the, the one part of that campaign as Virgil
Starting point is 02:42:38 that really felt bad, like terrible in terms of like, man, this was not built for Virgil, actually two parts. One is getting that fucking blue orb. Hold on a second. I think I'm wrong. Hitchhiker says it's definitely new. Uh, I thought there was an input for a back down trick for a back, back trick in four SC, but maybe I'm, I'm, uh, misremembering the input, but there was a different anyway. Uh, you remember that blue orb you have to get with punchline surfing as Nero? Yes. Yes. Yeah, that sucks as Virgil. That app, that is absolutely terrible because they added grim grip points and you're constantly like falling and your models like, like fall, jumping constantly. It sucks. And, uh, Nidhog. A plus back BT only. That's true.
Starting point is 02:43:41 Yeah. True. True. True. Back trick was, uh, in four SC was a DT only A and back. Yeah, you're right. I completely, I forgot. Um, uh, he, he, he, he nullifies boss fight is like the hardest fight in Virgil's campaign because he's not fucking calling in phantom to just do the thing. You know, uh, uh, you're not getting to fork it. Uh, yeah, you've got to, you got to, but it, but it's still very doable. You just have to like make sure when you're committing to anything really big that nothing's coming at you. Oh, it is doable, but I fat, I literally died more times on that boss fight compared to all the other boss fights combined. How's your, uh, like every other boss fight I instantly melted, including Dante,
Starting point is 02:44:32 both forms and Nidhog took me like 25 attempts. How's your, how's your dress frame judgment cuts? Terrible. Why would it be better than last week? Cause, uh, those will fucking do damage to whatever you're fighting, including the Nidhog. Like, you know, when, uh, when need be, it's a, it's, it's a very reliable. No, bad. I'm bad at it. Don't even talk to me about it. I'm very not skilled. Um, um, uh, not Nidhog, but, um, Dread, uh, fucking not Dreadnought. Dreadnought is the, uh, uh, God, what is the fucking name? You're thinking of, uh, Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh. Thank you. Cause you know why. Yes. You thank you for connecting the dots backwards there. Gilgamesh. I'm not saying anything. So I really have no idea what you're saying.
Starting point is 02:45:29 But I put my hands crossed like this and I said Dreadnought and you knew exactly what I was talking about. So that's correct. Gilgamesh fight. Gilgamesh fight with Virgil, uh, is really fun as well, because just like you're snatching the knees and body to fly up to the top, in this case, you're just tricking and that sense of momentum is still incredibly fun. Getting really high up and, uh, doing a Starfall onto the, onto the weak point is really fun and, uh, dig that shit. So yeah, he's a lot of fun. I see all those new taunts. There's a lot. Shall I entrust it to him? I know what must be done. Yeah. And I like how you can fuck up and then do the taunt where he grabs his head and it almost like call himself out in some cases. It's fun. He'll just be like,
Starting point is 02:46:37 yeah. I'm a dweeb. Cool. Uh, yeah. LDK is a weird difficulty because it actually got way easier the farther I went into the game. Well, I mean, like the first problem is the fact that you don't have your full move list. Yeah. I had my full move list by like mission three. Um, and I think the thing is, is aside from a couple spikes, um, like the, the set, the second mission is like the hardest mission in the whole game in terms of enemy layout. Like once you get that room that has eight furies in it, there's nothing that's going to be your room is the furior. I told you, I told you about the furior room, bro. Warned you about the fucking stairs. The furior, the furior room is absolutely
Starting point is 02:47:32 the hardest thing Virgil has to do. There's nothing else on that level as it's as you would imagine, right? It's kind of like the double blitz. It's like, Oh yeah, no, you're going to have a fucking hard time. You're going to have a bad time with a double blitz. It is what it is. You know, um, so that, that tradition of sorts continues. What I do need to do is find a better strategy against them, uh, which, uh, I have been given a heads up. So I need to go practice, uh, basically, um, using, using, uh, um, uh, the, I forgot the name of the attack, but when you, when you switch over to gauntlets and you jump using that to clash with them on their swings, instead of trying to, uh, catch them on the recoil or catch them
Starting point is 02:48:23 charging up a teleport is the best way to like stagger them up. And, um, what I, what I liked doing and what I prepped for with, um, uh, with, uh, Nero, Nero had a way out because, uh, if you, if you rack just DT and then just grab them and you're done. Oh, well, I would, I wouldn't even go, I would rag time. Um, and then while, and then while they're staggered off the rag time, then grab them and do the full animation with the dodge swing, pull, you know, like uppercut and like, uh, that fucking melts them nice. If you catch that, uh, twice or so. Yeah. The, the rag time fucks them up. I didn't pick it up from hitch. He did recommend it, but I picked up from somewhere else is that
Starting point is 02:49:10 when they dash in on you as Nero and you hit DT, you're invincible and it knocks them straight up and you can grab them and then you can throw them. Um, so you, it's free. Yeah. Um, get, get your buster in on them when they're staggered and like Nero and eliminates them entirely, but, uh, he's the only one that gets that obviously. So yeah, Virgil, what I was doing is I was switching to Gil and not fucking Beowulf and I was jumping straight up over and over flush until I clashed them and then I would stinger them. And then if I knocked them down, I would do like the dragon punch and hope they died. Yeah. Uh, I don't, I like, I don't imagine you could, yeah, you clearly,
Starting point is 02:49:51 based on the way things work in this, you can't really DRI the same way, but you can definitely get that fat damage increase for just doing it. Um, for just DT and then charging it and then getting the fucking, uh, uh, reppa anyway, but it can't, you can't do the same on off, uh, damage I imagine you could previously. So I, uh, I loaded up bloody palace for a bit and I don't know. I didn't get that far. I got like 30 floors or whatever before I stopped, but I had this feeling of like, Oh, I bet I can beat bloody palace with this fucker. Cause it, it was a, like the, cause I had spent an entire playthrough going through the LDK version of the enemy like combinations. And now giving me like regular enemy layouts
Starting point is 02:50:45 had me laughing like it is a joke compared to when you're fighting 70 enemies at once. And, um, if you, and you can, when you're, if you're having a hard time, I don't know if you are, if your concentration is staying high, I'm having, uh, both, uh, easy time and a hard time. Okay. When it's going well, it's going great. When it's going not as well, it sure isn't. Uh, he's, they gave him a free concentration solution in the form of DT, uh, and, um, just fucking, um, uh, uh, rapid slash continuously continuous rapid slash will just build your concentration free. Um, and then at the end of it, you're, you know, pop out of it wherever you want to just hit level two, basically, and then you're good to go. You know, so, uh, yeah, no,
Starting point is 02:51:44 he's your best shot. I found out at the end of this morning that if you have absolutely no regular DT, but you have a sin DT gauge and you do one of his, um, one of his nukes, it gives you a full DT gauge. If you have no DT regular, you have no DT regular DT, but you have a full sin DT bar and you blow it on like a one of the three. Yeah. Yeah. It fills your regular DT bar. Okay. Um, try to remember which you can then dump into sin DT because I remember the, the pattern of it was, um, yeah, I don't know. I don't think so because you empty yourself out. You end up keeping your concentration. Concentration stays high after you're finished doing one of the, the nukes, but I don't think you keep your DT. Um, I believe you dump out of, uh, the only, you
Starting point is 02:52:49 dump out of that might be because I hit so many enemies in LDK. So what I think what's happening is no, you, you, um, you, it costs DT bar to do the, those nukes and you keep your concentration and the world of V costs only concentration. So that's the back and forth exchange, but they don't, but it's not going to throw you up regular DT. Yeah. I think people in the chat are, are surmising that the reason why I got a full bar is because I instantly killed like 40 enemies while doing that and that damage number kicked up your DT. Yeah. I, I, I'm, yeah, I'm an SDT bar, right? That's what I meant. Yeah. Um, and like if you want to, uh, uh, you know, go into, uh, multiple sequences of them, then yeah, you want to make sure you have enough DT to, uh, do one and then come out of it
Starting point is 02:53:42 and, um, uh, rather blah, Jesus. Uh, you want to do, you want to do one, come out of it and then you can back and then you can, if you want to clean up, you can go right into world of V afterwards at the cost of both bars, you know, essentially. Yeah. That's how I beat the fury section, by the way. I literally, uh, I literally did judgment cut end and then jumped straight up in the air and then tricked up and then did world of V and it killed five of them. Yeah. No, no, I got to do the rest of the fight nullifying those fights is still, I think the optimal way to deal to deal with them. Yeah. Um, I was able to get, I did the judgment cut and then I did psycho crusher, uh, in, in one of the stages in the, the recent, um, practice I was doing where you can, yeah. So,
Starting point is 02:54:32 so no, there's, there's, there's delete the stage, spend them, spend the meter, delete this nephew moves that you can pull off. You know what's really fun is that LDK mode is like free S ranks. Pretty much. I mean, you're hitting enough things that it's pretty consistently high. Uh, like, no, I mean, like I didn't, I beat like every stage by the time I actually beat it. It was always S. Yeah, I think, um, you're hitting so many people and styles so easy to maintain. Yeah, I'm, I'm thinking like I got a on like, there must have been like one or two where I died. Uh, there's somewhere, there's literally somewhere you, you continue from checkpoint and you know, there's, there's one where I died and continued from checkpoint and still got an S.
Starting point is 02:55:23 But, um, oh, there's, there's a couple that I continue from checkpoint like six times and I still got an S. So what I was going to say is, uh, if you, uh, another, another fight that's notable in LDK mode that I would say is like, okay, you've got the fury room, but, uh, the fucking sliding house with the Angelo's, the house of Angelo's. Oh, that's really hard. That fight is fucking real. That fight was super legit. Everything blocks you. That's a motherfucker of a room that you have to stop and like, okay, hold on. How do I approach this? Um, in the end, I just kept swinging in the end. If for me, it was all about drive, like drive blows the motherfuckers away. Um, but the, the ridiculous amount of Angelo's they throw at you is stupid.
Starting point is 02:56:18 It's absolutely stupid. You get constantly, the way that I handled it was that, um, I used Yamato and Beowulf and force edge in a way that I would knock them up with Yamato and then do like two full rounds of combo and then they would get a killer bee or a stinger possibly jump canceled into another killer bee and a stinger. I say anytime anyone went up, yeah, they were not going to come down. They were going to die. Well, and you want to be in the air where they're not getting at you anyway. Like you want to launch and stay up and safely do damage when they're not going to run up and armor swing on you. The fucking proto's or even the proto's and scooters are you know, uh, uh, doing their thing. So yeah, that is a, I'd say probably the second
Starting point is 02:57:08 noteworthy like fuck room in LDK mode. Now that I've played, uh, LDK, I'm very excited that when Virgil comes out on the PC to cheat engine, like a billion points for him and then beat DMD with him because that seems like it'll be very interesting. Should be fun. In fact, I think, I think every mode with Virgil becomes very fun and very different. Um, yeah, I think Son of Sparta is probably way too easy. Take a crack, take a crack at, uh, at the bloody palace and see what happens. Cause, you know, that was the thing with, uh, with four SE, like, uh, wasn't able to, to eke out Dante, but was able to get there and was able to do, to get close. So I'm like,
Starting point is 02:57:50 the path is in sight. Uh, in this case, yeah, I was able to make it to floor 82 with Nero. Um, so I'm pretty sure with just a little bit of practice, Virgil will be more than ready for that. Yeah. And you're right, by the way, I do like the black costume, but the blue coat looks much better. You're going to go back to it. It's just what it's, it feels right. It feels right. You know. All right. Sorry. Back to news. I'm sorry. Not at all. Not at all. That's a fun detour and I, um, I, you know, the black, it just, it thematically matches, it matches V. It, it, it creates a distinction from Nero. They have every reason in the world to have him wear that black jacket, but I don't care. He's supposed to wear the opposite color of Dante.
Starting point is 02:58:44 Yeah. Also, man, doing the, doing the post credits battle with Dante sucks when you can't see how much meter you have. Oh yeah. You can feel, just feel your concentration. Actually, there's a visual cue you should, you can look for when it, when it hits. Yeah. Yeah. He glows a little bit when it hits level two, there's a nice little feedback you get. Um, it like, it vibrates and it gives you a whole like pop and I, I have a stupid question for you. So, you know, the PS five has the fast load times, right? So one of the loading screen tips is, hey, man, when you get extra concentration, Yamato gets increased range, Beowulf gets a third level charge and force edge gets the level is loaded and I couldn't
Starting point is 02:59:36 pass enough. Well, wait for one where it literally don't know what it, what it gives you wait for one where it tells you to press a to continue and then don't press a. Yeah. I disabled that feature. So I actually don't, I just tell me what it is. Okay. Cause some loading screens require a prompt and you can just read them there. So, uh, you also want to read the one that Dante has his own screen as well, where it's like, Hey, don't just go willy nilly take Dante seriously. But it's like, yeah, loading screens are loading screen tips are gone. But what is, no, I'm asking you, what is third level concentration get you with force edge? Um, isn't it multiple hits?
Starting point is 03:00:23 Is it, is it more hits? It's more hits. If I remember correctly, it's more hits with force. Yeah. Yeah. I finished that, that whole thing and it's like, I spent maybe 80% using Yamato. Like I, I much prefer that weapon to the other two. I, I switch, I, I, you always want to be on it, but, um, yeah, I rotate through while the combos are going. Yeah. Um, but yeah, you know, it's, it's definitely the handiest in terms of just like a rapid slash into launcher from a distance, you know, um, it's your go to for like nice for getting that good floaty launcher and into the, you know, uh, aerial aerial rave, um, with the extender. And then now that he's got the, now that, you know, now that Yamato, uh, has its own helm splitter,
Starting point is 03:01:15 you really can just sit on it for a lot longer than usual. Cause in a lot of cases, yeah, you'd switch over to force edge and help split to drop down and finish something off. Um, but now you don't really have to. Yeah. You've got your own here. So it also makes sense that Yamato has that huge wide sweep, which explains that in LDK mode, I would be using it more often because it just hits so many more. It does. It absolutely does. Uh, certain, yeah, no, but it's, it's, it's for the card control situation. Absolutely. Um, but like I said, though, uh, um, drive, drive, drive over drive, you know, you want to fuck crowds up with that. You want to, uh, you want to use, um, back forward Yamato slash as well, the, the, the
Starting point is 03:01:58 time stopping one, uh, forget the name of the, but that thing has really weird inconsistent rules. There's a range to it. Like if I switched to a, if I switched to a different weapon, the time stop goes away. Like, uh, does it? I'm trying to think. I know when you do it with the doppelganger, it's fine. When you switch to a different weapon, uh, I'd have to test it either way, though, just do, um, like I kept wanting to do a thing where I did the, the, the time stop slash into like, uh, the revolving lunar lunar phase. Um, and like the instant I switched over, the enemy would start moving at regular speed again. Well, whatever the, if that time stop is not doing it for you, then just do reigning the reign of, uh, summon sorts. Yeah. That's why I ended up starting
Starting point is 03:02:48 to do it. It's fucking full ass, you know, wherever the enemy is, it's a full screen slowdown. So you're good. Um, eager to play that in on the PC in the, on the 15th array. Yeah. I, I, I love fucking talking virtual tech. It's, it's, it's a fun boy. He a fun boy. Uh, okay. So back to some stuff that was announced. Scott pilgrim is coming out at January 14th. Uh, we talked about persona five strikers being confirmed for release in the west on, sounds like a soccer game. Uh, February 23rd, which previously was fighting game February day, but, uh, that's dropping. Uh, they're bringing back, and this is interesting because I straight up will admit that I threw this on the shortlist of like weirdo LPs.
Starting point is 03:03:48 I have my list of like stuff to LP that's no one's really asking for it, but it would be an interesting pick and it would end up getting middling views, but it would be like, yeah, you got that one done though. That's an, that's a, that's a curiosity pick. Uh, and for me as well, L should die. Ascension of the metatron, uh, has always been something I wanted to go check take a look at with the journey of Enoch because it's a fucking Bible game where they wear jeans and yeah, and the devil talks on a cell phone and I've never touched it. I bought it on 360, but I never actually played it back in the day. And, uh, I always was super curious to find out what the fucking deal would be. So now they've just announced that they are re-releasing it
Starting point is 03:04:37 and that's fucking perfect timing because I was legit digging up my 360 to figure out how I would LP this with the current setup. You were thinking to yourself, man, I sure love the Bible. I sure would love to play more Bible. I would love to play more Bible. I absolutely, you know, it would be a really good time to play more Bible. Um, hey, and, uh, just because it's, it's the elephant in the room, uh, Jordan Welty, indecisive Jew has gone on to get a full ass career in animation for real reels. So, uh, that's where woolly versus God has gone because he's working on real shit sound indecisive at all. No, he got a real job working in the animation industry on, uh, Netflix, uh, cartoons
Starting point is 03:05:33 and cool shit. So yeah, like that's where that's why like woolly versus God is pretty much a rap, you know, so, um, and, uh, on that note, I think we can say, uh, same, uh, for, um, quiet Viking who has wrapped up his, uh, uh, Castle Super Beast animated run with that, uh, finale that you must have seen by now. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. How fucking crazy was that? He good. That's not what I expected. It was very fancy. Hitchhiker, uh, excuse me, quiet Viking, uh, was, uh, fucking incredible on that. And so the, uh, yeah, quiet Viking is going on to focus on 3D animation as well. So that is the end of that
Starting point is 03:06:23 for now. So yeah, these little, uh, I want to give a shout out to the new Remerai animation. That was a good one. Mm-hmm. I liked the shocking use of continuity. I, I, I was legitimately like staggered by the twist. It blew, like I was like, what? It actually super got me. Did you catch the little Easter egg at the very end? Uh, maybe not. Okay. So, so in the original clone from Mars episode, you had a little, little suitcase that's in case of better clone, right? Okay. And then you pick it up and you leave because, you know, the clone from Mars replaced you. There's like a 10 frame shot of what you keep behind that box and it is a gun that says in case
Starting point is 03:07:19 of evil pat slash superior clone. And when I yell woolly, you got to get out here to chase the monster. You run behind and move the box over and that's where you get the continuity continuity. It's crazy. These art people are crazy. You love to see it. That's good shit. Uh, yeah. Well, anyway, uh, the Bible would set me up for some good times. Any Bible content is a good time. So, uh, El Shaddai is dropping on PC. Um, who fucking made this? Like, I, yeah, Ignition is the publisher. Oh God. That's right. Shane Bettenhausen's company. But who the fuck made it? It's Japanese, isn't it? Yeah, I think so. Yeah. I mean, looks very Japanese. Okay, that did not bring up the video game.
Starting point is 03:08:35 That did not bring up the video game even a little. Uh, it was made by Ignition. Sawaki Takayasu. Okay. Okay. There we go. Uh, no release date yet, but it's coming. Yeah, it was made by a company that made such classics as they made a bunch of SNK games, a bunch of SNK ports. Like a ton. Holy shit. But yeah, um, so that, that should be coming sometime. And, uh, as far as when I would ever take a look at this, obviously fucking close your heart to it because we got some koozies and desks to get through. So, you know, priorities, but yeah, that would be a fun thing. Uh, there was that. There is a pretty fun looking new beat-em-up that got announced.
Starting point is 03:09:40 BROK, the Investigator in which you love those kinds of stupid names. It's great. And again, nice animation, uh, cool style to the art. You basically look like characters from Tailspin. The alligator, the lion, there's a little, uh, there's a little, like, buddy that you're hanging out with. BROK, the Investigator. Oh man, somebody wants to fuck that alligator. Yeah, they have, they have them, the bear and the little, uh, like, otter thing. These are all daddy animals. These animals are all very, very daddy. Yes. Big old, big old daddy furry style. I'm scrolling through this. That's, yeah, somebody wants to fuck that police cat. But they're, they're definitely coming from the Tailspin, uh, style anthropomorphization. Oh, you mean the, the show that
Starting point is 03:10:40 everybody wanted to fuck those animals? And by everyone, I mean everyone but me. I didn't. Nope. Well, what is even tailspin? You had to watch Tailspin to get that sensation. You had to sit, I'm thinking of a different to fuck those animals. You want, you had to watch sitting. So you have to sit through the show. So, uh, you know, I'm thinking of a different one, which was good. I had the gadget mouse. Oh, chitchat chitchat chip and Dale rescue Rangers. I'm thinking of, I'm thinking of gadget from Chippendale. I'm not thinking of tailspin. Definitely didn't want to fuck that mouse. That's really is no place too big, no place too small. When you need help, just call chitchat chitchat chip and Dale. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:11:27 So that was a weird one because chip and Dale were originally not rescue Rangers. They were just the two little chipmunks that would hang out in Disney things. And my mom is a huge fan of chip and Dale. She liked, she had like a, I think like a t-shirt with them from when we went to Disney when I was a kid and she liked them as just cute little characters. She liked chip and Dale and she liked Tweety Bird, uh, for some reason. And, uh, so later on when it got like adapted into a, um, into a like kids adventure cartoon, she was like, oh, well, I prefer when they would just be cute little chipmunks hanging out. This plane and gadget stuff is a little bit too much, but, uh, you know, either way, uh, I, I, me and my brother used to watch the rescue
Starting point is 03:12:17 Rangers and got a, you know, those are, that was fun. Yeah. Dude, I'm, you know, this just makes me miss old Looney Tunes. Is there a way I could just watch all of old Looney Tunes? Well, yes, but, uh, you got to pop in lunatics and marathon it first. You got to watch all of Looney Tunes. You got to marathon lunatics and then you unlock the pre-order bonus that is classic Looney Tunes. Cause like, I used to just blow like a whole Saturday watching fucking Sylvester chase that fucking bird. That's good shit. So, uh, for Canadians, there's a channel called Teletune and, uh, they make Teletune has like a solid fucking four hour block of Looney Tunes programming, or at least they did along to a while ago before the cable cutting era. And you could just turn
Starting point is 03:13:15 that on if you wanted because they are, they had a mandate that was like, uh, you play all cartoons, but, uh, over 50% have to be Canadian content and, uh, anything that's really old, that's like, I think part of the Canadian film board or something, there's a weird loophole where really, really old American cartoons can be considered Canadian by weird legal definition. So like, you'd catch a bunch of old shit on there because how many fucking Canadian cartoons are there? You know, from that era, I think it's zero. Well, that's the thing. So you would see, I remember someone explained to me once that it was like, yeah, the Canadian mandate on this meant that you're going to see a whole lot of, uh, Angela Anaconda, uh, Yvonne of the Yukon and, uh,
Starting point is 03:14:08 Redwall and Martin the warrior were all Canadian as well. Um, Angela Anaconda ruined that kid's parents marriage. Uh, John Callahan's quads, uh, you know, there were some weird things in there that got mixed in, I think Captain Star perhaps as well. And then they would get, and then if you get that, then you're allowed to put on undergrads and, uh, um, uh, Clone High and the shit people actually wanted to watch, you know, uh, sticking around was Canadian too. Uh, but that was a YTV thing, I think. Anyway, so you would pretty much have to, uh, they'd had a loophole so that they could get more loony tunes on to fill their airtime, uh, because that was the style at the time. And then we wore an onion on our belt. It's true. Where was I going with this? Anyway,
Starting point is 03:15:01 Twee bird. I gotta, I gotta hold off on a second. I, this is a legitimate apology. I may need to take a small break because my headphones are yelling at me that they're about to die. So I only have about two minutes. So I need to charge these for five minutes at which one I can finish the podcast. All right. We will take, I'm sorry, everyone. We'll take a break. I have ruined Christmas for him to charge and we'll be back in about five minutes then. BRB. Okay. All right. So, uh, there we are. All right. So we're just going to wrap this up. We got, um, talking about El Shaddai, that's going to drop. I wanted to give everybody a heads up if you were interested in grabbing
Starting point is 03:15:53 a skullomania costume in Street Fighter five for G that currently that's going to be available in December. And if this were not pertaining to scholar mania, uh, I'd probably just not bring it up, but it's fucking skullomania. So that's cool. So you, if you want that, go, go get that. Um, Casey Hudson and Mark Dara leave Bioware. Good. Bye. Have I played it? I don't think I know if I played anything that is specifically involving them. You played Mass Effect one, didn't you? One. Yep. Yep. Okay. Casey Hudson used to be the,
Starting point is 03:16:47 the studio head of, uh, the Mass Effect studio and is credited by me as personally responsible for most of the ending shit show. Uh, the only thing he retired from Bioware and then came back and the only thing that shipped in the entire time he was back was Anthem. Oh wow. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. So, okay. Bye. And just because we need to expand the grand unified theory every once in a while, Kratos in Fortnite. Oh yeah, he'd do in a dance. Did they get, um, Mr. Judge to do any voices? I don't know. Cause I saw the trailer and there were no voices. Kratos just made a big mean mug and scared them away. So I was like, okay, but if you're getting
Starting point is 03:17:51 him in, unless it's shovel night, he should probably Kratos loves have the voice. Well, oh yeah. People are saying master chief was also there. Oh, did they? I didn't see that. I only saw a trailer for Kratos is, is master chief in fortnight too. Master chief in fortnight. What to expect? Oh boy. Okay. So truly that is that those are your mascots then if in case there were any questions that is 100% it Kratos is Sony man, master chief is X box man and, uh, crash bandicoot is nothing by crash. I mean, for a while it had to be an animal, didn't it? Yeah, it was the law. It was the law. And yes, it had to be an animal. A short fat Italian plumber.
Starting point is 03:18:48 You beat me. Hey, I'm a fucking animal over here. You ever see those fucking nightmare Mario animations where he's like a fucking caterpillar and shit? No, but I can imagine it. Oh, they're horrible. They're just horrible. Luigi, what is this? Is this air? Ah, it burns. Pull me back in. I'm not done. So if Nintendo was like, uh, if Nintendo was a modern game company, then their mascot would automatically have been link. No, it'll have been Mario, man. Oh, no, you can't do Mario because he's the wrong size.
Starting point is 03:19:44 No, it like matching thinking, thinking about Kratos and master chief, it would have went to Zelda instead. It would have, what Zelda would have got top billing for the serious warrior mascot classification. That's true. Yeah. Uh, let's take some mail. All right. Hey, oh, also, uh, there was a different thing I want to say. There was a news. And it's gone. That's good. Okay. Hey, Kirby little Mac and and Samus are great choices that I would love, but that's not what would happen. Right. Think about how many Metroid games have come out recently. Think about how many Zelda
Starting point is 03:20:38 games have come out recently. Just if you're a modern game company, matching up to the stylings of Microsoft and Sony in the, uh, sixth generation and such of video games, you're, you're talking, you know, you're talking Zelda. I remember what it was. The Monster Hunter movie has ruined itself. Did you hear about this? I heard about the, the Chinese. Yeah. So they made a weird, they made a really bizarre joke in the script that makes no sense. That makes it, it is saying it to who, what is the context of it? It is, it is some guy on the back of a truck that goes, Hey man, you see these knees and the guy goes, yeah, Chinese and it's like,
Starting point is 03:21:38 like literally what I don't understand. Is it because Paul W. S. Anderson just thought it was hilarious and couldn't stop trucking to himself. No, it is very unclear. So soldiers, it is soldiers on the back of a truck going somewhere. Yeah. So what you're saying is it's, it's, it's like the third line in the movie. So then this is the 2020 version of slack jawed friends. Couple of maybe, I don't know. It's a bunch of, it's legitimately slack jawed friends up in this helicopter says Jesse the body Ventura. Well, China doesn't like it. Okay. And as a result, the movie's been banned from China. Wow. And every ticket that was ever sold
Starting point is 03:22:33 was forcibly refunded. Oh, how tragic. And while the movie looked like shit worldwide, they were like, don't worry, we'll make our money back in China. Damn. How about that? Now it's a disaster. The party will never reach Rathalos this way. Oh, somebody, somebody in the chat confirms that the translation into Chinese was actually much more racist and overt. Oh, was okay. Well, that's, that's an important detail. What's going on here? Apparently it was a little song about various Asians and knees that I don't get.
Starting point is 03:23:26 Like I read what was written and I still don't understand because I feel like I completely lacked the context, but it was translated into something worse. Apparently it's a reference to some song. Is it a bad song? Like I'm missing infinite context. Apparently a bad racist song. Okay. About sex workers. Okay. So wow, getting here is that a really stupid in joke. Okay. Okay. About Chinese people was put into the first line of a movie. Wow. Explicitly marketed towards China. Wow. Is that what I'm getting? You opened your, you opened your cinematic universe with, with a song with lyrics about not being dumb and going for a ride on daddy's bum. All right. So I have, I have a clarification from a friend of mine. Okay. The line references
Starting point is 03:24:30 the playground chant Chinese, Japanese, this is a quote, fuckers, Chinese, Japanese, dirty knees, look at these. The rhyme has ambiguous origins, but is known as a racist schoolyard jingle, jingle towards non-agent, wait, sung by non-agent children who's, oh God, I'm not reading the rest of this. It's bad. It's not good. And they decided to put their, that in their movie as the first thing. Can we just replace the song with Eric Clapton? Yeah. Just put Eric Clapton's back. Just put Layla. Just edit Layla right in there. And then you're good. Wholesome. Send it to Woolly Hill. Read it. Oh, Woolly will read anything. Layla. You got me on my knees. Hey, Layla, you got me on my knees. What kind of knees?
Starting point is 03:25:34 Layla. Layla. Layla, you there? No, did you leave? Did you leave the country? Good. That's the way I like it. We want none of those over here. This is legit baffling. Like this is like the first dialogue scene in the film. Again, it's extra hilarious when you consider not this the beginning of the movie, but the beginning of a cinematic universe. Oh yeah, no. I kind of love it. It's kind of great. It's kind of great. Good job, Paul. And it's for the audience that the movie is specifically being marketed towards.
Starting point is 03:26:33 Like I saw a goddamn ad the other day, somebody posted, which was a five minute music video by a singer from China who was doing the trailer, but he also had a pop song over it. Sure. They were pushing it. Oh, people are pointing out that the movie is also co-produced by other Chinese studios, which makes it even more confusing. Amazing. Hell yeah. What's going on? Can we just get what are you guys doing? Can we just get like war bond style 50s propaganda posters to fucking to advertise the thing as while we're at it? Are you are you are you also high on being found technically not legally liable for almost murdering that lady during that stunt? I mean, there is that part of it that you feel invincible. There is also this is in gaming news. This leads
Starting point is 03:27:24 to Monster Hunter world being review bombed because it has a movie tie in quest right now. Oh no. Damn. Should have put a Palico in. I think there is a Palico. Oh, well, then good. It's so stupid. You know what? Okay, here's the here's the one thing I will say. You know what I care about? I like Tony J. And I heard about how he kind of like he went a little laywall for a while. And did he just walk off the set of one of his own movies and disappear into the woods? And apparently he then was in a cave going through some sort of wild religious thing for a while. He might have been in the cave with Alan Moore worshiping the snake god. I'm not too
Starting point is 03:28:19 sure. Yeah, that's possible. But he was hanging out there for a while. And then I heard eventually that he he's he's okay now. But and I was like, Oh, cool, Tony Joss back. And then and well, you know, yeah. But also apparently he doesn't do that many Tony Joss things in the movie either. Like he's kind of just really? Yeah, he doesn't he has like to have like one little action scene where they he fights Milia and then like whatever or something. I don't know. I don't really know. I don't really care to find out. That's where we're at. But I will say part of that monster hunter movie trailer is really starting out in a cinematic universe on racism. Yeah, that's my favorite part. Yeah, my favorite part of the trailer for the monster hunter movie
Starting point is 03:29:13 is that the big action scene that they you know, at the end that they showcase in the trailer is Mila Jovovich fighting Rathalos with dual blades that are on fire. Oh, okay. The one element it's strong to right, right, of course, the only element it's strong to, of course, of course, a weapon that would literally hurt it more if it wasn't on fire. Exterior shot. Nighttime. Shadow Moses Island. The camera pans down to Poe. Dressed as a snake hiding behind a box, staring at two guards. He's listening to their conversation.
Starting point is 03:30:07 The first of the guards talking to the second one starts singing the house next door to me was sold to Snake. Are you there? Come in. Is that you? I don't know what that is, but I'm using my context clues to fill myself in. Oh, good times. Good times. You wait long enough. You know, you might even might even switch it up to that. You know, the good old mine I have seen the glory of the cleansing of the zoo. I think I'm not doing this. I think that I am excited to see Oscar Isaac play four different people in one movie. Yes.
Starting point is 03:31:15 That's fun. That's a good time. Metal Gear Solid movie. I, uh, you know, I did see, I did get, I did get a, um, a bit of like some people are like, Hey, man, you hear about the Metal Gear? What's going on? How are you with that? And I was kind of just like, I don't know if everyone has been following this, but if you have, it's a little bit like the reboot reboot. It's, it's, there's been so much nothing about the Metal Gear Solid film since I've been in high school that I don't care. I've literally been listening to this since 1999. I don't care about any news related to the Metal Gear Solid movie. I've been told that they're totally making it every single year, twice a year since 1999. It is just completely irrelevant to me. So when I hear that,
Starting point is 03:32:15 Oh, current star from recent thing is now attached. It's like, yeah, that's the 2020 version. Let's see what happens in 2025 when whatever is hot then gets attached as well. None of this matters until it actually happens until footage is shown, until a trailer is shot, until something exists tangibly. It's irrelevant news. And if you're new to the game of Metal Gear Solid movie updates going nowhere, welcome aboard. Hope you enjoy your stay. Nothing's gonna happen. Yeah, I see some, some people are like getting excited by this. Sorry, if you haven't been around long enough to see the fucking nothing of the last 21 years, why the fuck would I care about Oscar Isaac getting attached? None of this means anything. Directors have come and go,
Starting point is 03:33:09 people have come and gone. The goddamn thing's been in development hell for longer than half of my life. That uncharted movie though, that's gonna be great. Oh boy. Oh boy. Watching, I don't think anything will ever be uncharted in that there was literally an actor born to play the main character in Nathan Fillion. And you got to watch as he just aged right out. They waited too long. Same for Donald Glover. They just waited too long and then they couldn't do it anymore. Yeah, it's crazy. And the dumbest part is like when the reference person is like actually still around, but you just didn't do it in time, you know? We went from the era that Kurt Russell could play Snake to him being too old to play Big Boss.
Starting point is 03:34:20 I mean, I think I talked about how like Simon Pegg is in the boys as the main character's dad, despite the fact that the original comic had the main character looking like Simon Pegg deliberately, you know? You know my favorite one of these is, is you ever watch interviews with Sam Jackson about Jango Unchained? Oh, where he's talking about the fucking N-word parts? No, no. He's furious that Quentin didn't make the movie earlier. When he could have been Jango. Because he's like, well, like 20 years ago, I would have been fucking Jango, but now I'm gonna play this goddamn like house slave villain.
Starting point is 03:35:13 True, true, true. He's like pissed that he asked to play Steven instead of Jango. He absolutely could have. Fortunately, Nick Fury, it doesn't really matter how old he is, so he got in there. Fucking Ultimates Nick Fury was a million years ago, and like he could still just like, yeah, fine, you're gonna sit there with the eyepatch and say the stuff. You don't got to worry too much about the action scenes. Nick Fury's not ripping his shirt off and showing his pecs on in the MCU anytime soon, so he'll be fine, you know? You know who that reminds me of? I've gained a great new, we're kind of rambling here, I've gained a great new appreciation for, what's his name? Robert Pattinson.
Starting point is 03:36:03 As the Batman? The Twilight man who has become Batman man, in which they're like, dude, you need to work out more for Batman. And his response was like, no, I don't want to. And they're like, we'll fire you. And his response was okay. I mean, listen, when you hear these superheroes talking about what they have to go through to get their bodies toned for movie shooting, it sounds torturous. You know, yeah, it sounds legitimately torturous. I remember Olivia Wilde was talking about how she's literally, she's thankful that Tron Legacy never had a sequel because fuck that to fit into the leather suit. She's like, I'd have to go back to eating tofu powder as the only meal of the day.
Starting point is 03:37:08 I was like, that's that's fucked up. This might sound like a weird poll, but apparently the directors common, sorry, the actors commentary version of the original Twilight movie with Robert Pattinson is like a legitimately fantastic film. Oh God, that's because it is it is him going, I don't remember the scene. I didn't know they were filming me. This is the part where they told me to smile. And they passively aggressively underlined every part of the book where he smiled and gave it to me. Oh, he hates it. And then I underlined every part in the book where he frowns and gave it back to them. Oh, that's fucking great. My, my emotion during the scene was being bored and wanting to be done
Starting point is 03:38:08 with the shoot. Wow. He fucking hates Twilight, but he had to record the voice over the commentary. That's beautiful. Yeah. When how late a whole how much later was it recorded? Was it like immediately after? I believe it was right after like he hated it right away. Oh, that's fucking beautiful. But they offered him like an infinity dollars. I think Kristen Stewart also doesn't like it. Oh, that rules. Oh, so that's probably why they went out. Yeah, they're like, I hate this movie. I also hate this movie. Want to go make out for real? Yeah. Okay. Well, damn. That's, that's, that's great. I didn't know. There needs to be more of that like actors who do like a big role and then they're like, what do you think of the movie? What do you think of the movie? Oh,
Starting point is 03:38:59 it sucks. See, but you can't, though, because if you want to keep working, the best you can do is make Daenerys face or sit around the last Jedi chair and just go, you know, and then once you're fucking done and done and out and out and out, then you can just John Boyega that shit and torch it all behind you, you know, but sitting in the fucking chair when people are like, they got the movie poster right next to you and they're asking you questions about the final season or how excited it was. You were to work on the third movie and you, what are you going to fucking do? They're off camera with the gun pointed at you. You got to just, it's part of the contract. You know, so there's a lot of folks pointing out that like Alec Guinness, Harrison
Starting point is 03:39:56 Ford and Ian McDermid all very famously didn't give a shit about Star Wars. And with with Alec Guinness makes a lot of sense. Like that guy got knighted for acting in a million war movies, like that and Shakespeare Harrison Ford was a fucking guy working on the set. He was not an actor. Yeah, it makes that makes sense too. Why would he give a shit? Supposedly Ian McDermid says he hasn't seen the movie yet. Oh man. Yeah. Yeah. No, fuck it. That's absolutely. Fuck it. But you know, fuck it. And here's your context clues. If you're ever listening to an interview or someone's doing the press junket and you know that they're dead from doing like the 13th one that day or whatever, just listen to how often they use the word excited. Right. We're very excited.
Starting point is 03:40:49 Excited is your key word into absolutely nothing. It means there's nothing to say about any of this. I'm not attached to it in any way. I did not like it. I did not enjoy it. None of it is cool, good, interesting, compelling or worthy of your time. But you are excited to work with these other good, really talented people. That's all. If that's what the core of what they're talking about is, get big excite. You know, it's absolutely nothing. It's dreck. Maybe this is a bit of a dead horse and we're already way off topic, but I did want to bring something up because I talked to some people about it yesterday. Alright, well, let's wrap up on this. So Star Wars, people are generally unhappy with the last couple of movies as the Star Wars, right? People are still talking about
Starting point is 03:41:35 Star Wars. People are probably always going to talk about Star Wars. Yeah, it's huge. People weren't that happy with the Hobbit movies, but I mean, Lord of the Rings is the Lord of the Rings, right? It's a cool universe with lots of, like, hooks, so it's going to be around forever. That lost season finale, like, series finale was like a mess, but I still see people, like, fondly remember lost, right? I've talked about Battlestar, man, I'm all over the place, say, Battlestar, Galactica, and that it has a terrible ending, but I still really enjoyed watching it, right? People pretend Game of Thrones didn't happen. Like, they straight up pretend that the last, like, five or six years didn't exist and that no one ever watched it.
Starting point is 03:42:25 Yep. It's fucking evaporated completely. And it would be a lot easier to ignore if the fucking book was on a shelf and could be read, but because it cannot, it's very easy to pretend it doesn't exist because it fucking doesn't. And it has not existed for, like, over a decade now. I legit have never seen, I can't think of anything that, like, people, like, people would rather pretend that it just didn't, that it wasn't real than complain about it even. People don't even complain anymore. Now, now here's where we make the bet interesting, right? We get some cash money out and you start talking about, will we hear news about this spin-off Targaryen show at some point in time, or will we quietly nothing? Will we go quietly into that good night?
Starting point is 03:43:41 I have one for you. I, I have the vilest of all predictions for you. Because I know of a series that made their show before the book was done, and it too ended in a way that many people were unhappy with. And then later, once the book was done, they went and redid the whole thing and finished it the way the books did. Full metal alchemist? Full metal alchemist. Yeah, full metal alchemist. Yeah. So is it, are we gonna see in 30 years Game of Thrones Brotherhood? No really Game of Thrones for really this time. We are already getting no really Lord of the Rings on HBO. Oh, are we? They're making a Lord of the Rings TV show for HBO as we speak because fantasy is hot and Lord of the Rings was a long time ago,
Starting point is 03:44:51 despite the fact that it doesn't feel like it. So they're doing that already. So yeah, fuck it, all in, as long as we end it out. By then, do you know what we'll have? We'll have the the CG technology to run all the same actors through to make them look just like they did 30 years ago, including the dead ones, which I assume much of that cast will have died in 30 years because many of them are old people. I mean, they did it for Mr. Potato Head. They had to grab his lines from all the previous works, movies and games for the last Toy Story. So then the Iron Throne will in the end go to a couple instead of a person and it'll be Tupac and Miku. Okay, but if it ends with a Game of Thrones,
Starting point is 03:45:58 the Conqueror of Shambhala movie that goes fucking nowhere, but then actually has a short with a bunch of kids in an alternate reality, watching the whole thing go down, I'm super here for it because I don't care what anyone says that true real real ending to the original Full Metal Alchemist after Shambhala. I loved it. It's super down for it. Whatever. I'll take that fucking hit. Modern day. Absolutely. They have a there's a there's a crazy ass fucking reality shift at the at the at the end of the original Full Metal Alchemist anime universe where the where they like they end up in the real world and it's it's why it's it's weird, but I liked it. It's totally fine. See, I haven't I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm an old tad at this point. So
Starting point is 03:47:00 Brotherhood came and went while I was, you know, already a boomer. But when the original when the original FMA was hot, I was on that every week, getting my fan subs. I was in there. And then, of course, you finish it and then you go, all right, let's go see what's different in the manga. Oh, wow, it's like, oh, way better. Oh, wow. Check out better right away. Check out that Hoennheim, though. And then, um, yeah, you know, and then and then other stuff happens. It's fine. At least it's not a PS2 game. You know, it's all good. I don't even know about that. There's a PS2 game. Yeah. Is it like no, it's not. Oh, put it on the shelf next to the shampoo PS2 game and the cowboy bebop PS2 game.
Starting point is 03:48:02 What about the Gitz PS2 game? That one's not even that bad. That one's not that bad. It's not that. But the ghost, the Gitz Sack, the fucking standalone complex PS2 game, ain't even that bad by relative comparison to those other ones. Where does where does Gungrave sit on it? Gungrave is next is where ghost Gitz is. Gitz, Gungrave, um, uh, Gantz is pretty bad, but not godawful in the way that, uh, full metal shadow of, uh, whatever reminiscence cowboy bebop and I think it was like summertime sessions or whatever the shampoo thing was super terrible. Um, or where do we, where do we put, um, Evangelion sound impact? What is that? It's a fucking rhythm game because it's son impact
Starting point is 03:49:02 because it's Nissan, but it's sound impact. Yeah, no, it's a 3DS rhythm. No, no, no, there's an Ava N64 game. We played it. Oh yeah, it's the worst. It's the worst ever. That's what you, for Ava you go with the N64 game. And if you're bringing up the Ava N64 game, then you bet your ass we're going to be talking about tri-gun, the planet, gun smoke, the MMO that got announced with a trailer that never went anywhere. Did you ever play the, uh, the, uh, what's it called SMT imagine, which was like the persona of the two sequel MMO. Wow. It came out. It's like beta. Yeah, I played it. Yeah. Full thing or beta. It's terrible. I think it came out. Damn. They even tried. I played it in open beta, which is right before release. That's crazy. That's crazy. It fucking sucked. It was crap.
Starting point is 03:50:01 See, in my head, little young wooly was thinking about wandering the desert between two settlements, coming across a train with brilliant dynamite's neon on it, and maybe even encountering a gung-ho gun. And I got super excited at the prospect. But that's not what that game was going to be. Dude, tri-gun is like unadaptable. You have a main character that doesn't kill people. But he's also the biggest, strongest, the most unstoppable badass ever. But only when shit gets serious though. Yeah. It's tri-gun shit. No, it's great. Cause like whenever it's described, it sounds like garbage. No, it's great. Tri-gun's great. But you know what's better. What's that? Tri-gun maximum. Yeah. That's what's up.
Starting point is 03:50:54 Tri-gun's good. Tri-gun maximum is excellent. It's just, I find, I find a fascination with like something that you try and explain to somebody and there's no way to tell them what it actually is about making it sound like complete garbage. No, it rules. The soundtrack rules. This anime was great. It's totally, you know, Johnny Young Bosch and everything. Apparently there's a line of dialogue that I haven't seen in like a dragon that Mr. Fields is complaining about that is Johnny Young Bosch like begging to lick someone's shoes. And it's like a completely clean rip that you can use for your purposes.
Starting point is 03:51:45 Just for the children out there, because I saw a couple questions flying by, the tri-gun manga consists of the tri-gun first volume, which is like thick. There's tri-gun number one and tri-gun number two. They're pretty thick volumes. And then those are the intro to the world. And then immediately after those stories wrap up, you get into tri-gun Maximum, which is the real meat and potatoes of that world. And yeah, that shit's fucking sick. It's super good. Anyway, tri-gun always has a weird, bizarre, uncomfortable place in my heart, because one of my exes had wolfwood in college, had wolfwood all over goddamn walls. Yeah, totally. And he was always looking at me.
Starting point is 03:52:36 I mean, I liked, I remember I really enjoyed tri-gun because it was like, you know, the idea of the pacifist main character in a world that's aggressively not pacifist was a pretty cool one. And the struggle to like basically be like, hey, it's the whole Batman no-kill rule or the Supes no-kill rule. But in a world that's just like, no, that's not gonna work. In a world where it's exactly. And the people who create the scenarios do a much better job than the shitty ones that fucking Bruce and Clark get set up with in many instances. Hey, Willie, that reminds me of something that I will give back to you, a gift that you gave to me. I will now re-gift to you now that you are playing Yakuza Zero.
Starting point is 03:53:29 I have brought up many times that I have laughed myself silly over, El Fuerte, you're wearing a mask. I don't like masks. I'll kill you. This has been the source of never-ending joy in the Yakuza 7 playthrough. And I remind you of it as you go through Yakuza Zero with just how many times you will hear variations of it. It is an ever-present theme of what series? You won't let me steal your pants. I'll kill you. You won't let me burn these children. I'll kill you. You won't let me piss in the river. I'll kill you. As in what a tough guy thinks they're saying to cure you. All scenarios will boil down from a trivial moment to I guess I'll pull a knife and stab you.
Starting point is 03:54:40 Japan is a very violent country. So anytime you're talking about like delinquent behavior, you know, with the rolling Rs and the pompadours, you get a lot of that. You get the whole like, you know, the like, what? Huh? I'm sorry, what did you say? You talking shit? And then like you got to end your exclamation on I'll kill you with your mouth open really wide. Yeah, okay. Look, yeah, I'll keep an eye out. I think my favorite in Yakuza seven is you found out we are running a fake cancer donation scheme and helping and and and instead are helping a little girl get pennies for her brother in the hospital.
Starting point is 03:55:29 The guy just instantly pulls a knife and goes, I need money for dinner. Oh, man, like it's it's oh man, it's almost everything. It's so funny. I wish those Montreal fucking grifters would just resort to that when you called them out like those basketball kids or that that lady. Oh, I hate them. Those basketball kids and they and the and that that Atwater lady with the with the box, you know, the laminated box. It'd be great if you could just be like she might be dead. I haven't seen her in a long she was pretty young looking. I think she's okay. You know, but I hope not. You call them out and they just pull a knife on you and you could at least be like, thank you. Thank you for just getting it out of your system. You know, we can
Starting point is 03:56:23 start the aggro. No need for this fucking need more need need need new uniforms for the team. Dude, you're like 25. I also saw you here when I was in high school. I was here years ago and you were walking around with this kid. His dreads were shorter and you were asking for basketball money. What the fuck are you talking about? All right. You know what? I remembered that we actually skipped out on emails last week and some people were very upset. All right. Let's read one really good email. Okay. So it's on the onus of this particular person who sent in their email to castle super beast mail at to have one extremely high quality email. Okay. Hello, Woolly and Pat's existential nightmare. This one comes from Rackenshin says I've always had
Starting point is 03:57:29 an appreciation for fighting games. Oh, by the way, you can send an email to castle super beast mail at Always had an appreciation for fighting games, especially through you, Woolly, but I never had the skill or inclination to actually get down to play any the closest I got was P4A because I love the franchise and I was watching compilation videos. I saw Guilty Gear Revelator and it was very fun looking with zany attacks and animations. Dizzy and Faust looked really interesting. I then looked at Tekken Tag 2 and Miharu has a grab where she pushes her opponent over and takes a selfie with them as they're falling down. So I guess my question is, do you find this sort of thing a distraction or a negative as a competitive slash professional player?
Starting point is 03:58:14 Or do you wish there was more of that for people like me? The more the better makes me want to get into the games, but this is an outsider's view. Thanks for taking the time. Well, all right. Well, this email is about fighting games. So it's a bad email. First off, not professional. So that ain't true. But oh no, we're pro gamers, Woolly. At fighting games, I definitely don't want to say that. But as far as competitive, it's like I've entered a tournament or so. But anyway, the labels aside, labels aside, let's be real. Those things rule and I love them and they're exactly what attracts not just you, but me to characters with style and fun and flair. I mean, the example that comes to mind is the first time you see Zappa in Guilty Gear, you go, what the fuck is that?
Starting point is 03:59:10 And the more he does, character ever, you go, whoa, everything about him is wild and crazy and interesting. So it's the best when you have these little interesting things and these little weirdo designs and cool things that are like unique in that way. You don't necessarily need it to be traditional and boring at all. Like these things make Guilty Gear's character designs stand out for sure. What I will say is you have to pick a balance though when it comes to cinematic moments that take time because you're going to see these things thousands of times. So if you're going to do a cinematic ultra or you're going to have a clash injustice system, you don't want it taking up like 10 seconds every single time you land it because that's 10
Starting point is 03:59:59 seconds for thousands of matches. Oh dude, the grab supers in Street Fighter 4 vanilla are so my god. So like time being wasted in a way is the only exception to that where you're like everyone gets a little tired of the same animation, but that's not fighting games. That's everything. That's literally God damn grab with the slide. Oh, yeah, oil coaster. I mean, like any any anime with too much stock footage gets really annoying to look at like a huge complaint of the initial runs of like any given Gundam show will be like, yo, what's up with all the stock footage guys like fucking come on man. Fucking original condom has so much stock footage. They even have stock footage of animation mistakes like the ones where the cells are
Starting point is 04:00:53 overlaid on top of each other in the wrong order. So like pieces that he's like rotating into pieces of the gun and you see that like four or five, six times. I mean the like the RX 78 is made of plastic. It's bending in such nonsense ways half the time. But um, yeah, no, you you really feel it in shows where they use too much stock footage. So it's the same feeling if you're playing a lot of games where you're forced to see a slow mandatory animation every time, an unskippable cutscene of some kind or whatever. So oh man. Yeah, like God bless it. But Knights of the Round, FF7, everybody felt that. Oh yeah. When you put on a fucking X eight, you know, you got to fucking sit through multiple like it's like guys. Alright, somebody in the in the chat
Starting point is 04:01:46 made a good example. So in 14 you have limit breaks, right? And everybody has a big fancy different one. So like machinists have like a little robot come in and blow stuff up and black mages have a meteor. The red mage one literally people don't want to use it because it blinds every player. Oh, it is like it is an explosion that is so large that it literally makes you not able to see what is happening for like 10 seconds. I got to mention Super Robot Wars because those attacks will sometimes actually be 30 seconds and it's 30 glorious seconds of anime faithful, crazy final attacks where they blow up whatever you're targeting 300 times in a row. But if you press start, you just skip right to the end and see the damage number so that you
Starting point is 04:02:34 can get on with your life. So what's funny is that there's one game I can ever think of that fixed this problem. And I've never seen it done ever again. And it's Final Fantasy nine. The first time you do a summon, you get the full animation. Every other time you do the summon, there's a one in eight chance it does the full animation seven and eight chance it does like so you know, remove will show. Yeah, like I hold up my staff. Yeah. Yeah. Instead it turns into just the part that throws the staff. Brilliant. But and you have a chance of seeing the full one if you want sometimes. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Perfect. Perfect. It is a perfect solution for this. I have no idea why other shit doesn't do it. Eight was like, no, if we make you play a mini game while the cut
Starting point is 04:03:16 scene is going, then you'll love it more. No. No, man. Yeah. Anyway, all right, I'm going to answer the question I thought this email was going to ask, which is, are there other genres that you look at but never got into because you wished you were better at them because they were too intimidating. And that's real time strategy games. I am so terrible at those games. But I love them from afar. But like I I sat down and spent like the multiple weekends on Starcraft and Starcraft 2. I'm terrible. I'm just terrible. I'm so bad I can't properly enjoy them. So I just look at them from a distance. Hard same. I considering how much I love turn based strategy. And I get really into those games. I get addicted to the few that I play. RTS just fucking terrifies me ever since
Starting point is 04:04:12 World of Warcraft. I'm going to do it forever. I'm going to do it forever. And I'm sorry. You just have to live with it ever since I just want to point out. I don't think you understand just how soul damaging that mistake. I do. I do because I remember when Warcraft one and two were around and out and three dropped and all that. I know I get it. Also that actual Warcraft adventure game that that was previewed in a magazine I had that eventually did drop where they fucking got a full on Don Bluth style team to animate a Warcraft that never really came out wild. Then they threw it away. Anyway. Yeah. Warcraft three scared the shit out of me. I never recovered from that damage and every time every time I go and I see footage of like people playing competently like I was
Starting point is 04:05:11 watching someone play fucking age the other day and I like Age of Empires a lot. It's very fun game. I enjoyed it when I was a kid and no one was watching me. But I saw someone grown ass playing it the other day and I was like oh Jesus oh Christ oh God no no no no none of that. I can't I would not be able to keep up. You know. APM is just it's terrifying and you know I guess that's probably what it feels like when someone does a fucking ridiculous Marvel touch of death. But it's just yeah RTS is super super scare me competently to see them play competently. If you if you're down with seeing them played slow and stupid then that's a OK. You know. But I can say that the ones where you don't have to manage a base and the squad of heroes if it's one or the other I'm a lot
Starting point is 04:06:09 more OK with that. Hence why I like Commandos hence why I like Syndicate. You know. I like I like games where you got the war hammer to on record and have never made it past 15 turns. I have I have literally on installed gone through the tutorial and played through dozens and dozens of starts because that game is so cool. I bring up and I fucking it looks red. It looks red. I bring up this every once in a while. It's been a minute. But do you remember sacrifice on the PC. Sacrifice was an RTS where you played a commanding unit on the ground with them and you basically ran around and guilty gear overtured your units at other bases and did the whole RTS thing. But you were on the ground as a unit with everybody.
Starting point is 04:07:14 That sounds cool. It was cool. It was a lot. It asked a lot of me and I did enjoy it. But boy being competent at that type of thing is a skill that I just don't I just don't have. And I want to say that to me the final boss of this. Well yeah. Total War is a nice final boss. But the other direction is and this is this is how bad it is because I don't even the name just slept for me. But you're going to know what it is. No. Here we go. Homeworld. Homeworld 3D space ships spinning in spheres rotating around the 3D battlefield ships in all directions going everywhere rotating as if you were putting your hands out to fucking manipulate the camera to see what's happening. My brain can't. It just can't. And
Starting point is 04:08:13 it looks amazing. And I admire from a distance. But holy fuck am I terrified. If you want to vomit in fear play Sins of the Solar Empire. What was that? Sins of the Solar Empire is a turn based like you know like Civ game in space that is progressing in real time because it's actually a real time strategy game. So it's not turn based at all. Yeah. Okay. It's like it's like every anxiety inducing part of this conversation put into one game. Can I optionally make it turn based. Can I like can I ATB. No. Okay. I said no. Okay. Yeah. I thought that game was going to be so cool and then I had like an anxiety attack like going through the tutorial when I was younger
Starting point is 04:09:10 and I was like okay we're not doing this. I would be legit before with before leave the podcast there's a news story that I need to bring up because it has to do with people's legitimate safety. It's about Cyberpunk. Game and Fomer just put up an article about one of their editors suffered a series of seizures playing Cyberpunk because it doesn't give a shit about your epileptic conditions. Oh fuck. And will just brain flash like every conceivable combination. Oh my god triggers at you. Yo there has not been a fucking polygon moment in a minute. Most games have had. Yeah. Wow. Okay. This lady is the associate editor at Game and Fomer named Leanna Rupert or Ruppert rather has written the guide to playing Cyberpunk if you suffer from epilepsy
Starting point is 04:10:15 or seizures. Fuck. Which I have just retweeted so be aware if you are in into Cyberpunk and can or have suffered from seizures in the past do some prep or some research. I it's like we're in a world where we're going like man games should have more accessibility options as opposed to none and every once in a while a game comes along comes along that's anti-accessibility that's just like nah fuck you. I still cannot believe I sit here in Incredibles 2. I can't believe that movie came out. I felt sick watching that. It is so absolutely over the top for such an extended period of time as a main plot point of the movie that happens over and over again. It's it's and it's from Disney Pixar. It's crazy. I felt ill. You know the scene where she gets
Starting point is 04:11:18 trapped the first time. Absolutely. Yeah. It's like I almost vomited and I don't have the same here. I have none of those issues and I'm watching this going and it's what the fuck are you doing move like they did eventually fix it right. No. Did they just put a warning. They just put the warning up and that was it. Yeah. Holy fuck that was insane. Like I don't I don't it's it's the full screen is flashing alternating black and white in stripes every half second for multiple minutes like how on God's green does a test audience not give Disney Pixar something on that. You know. I mean fucking like anime and video games from Japan have all done this thing that's now overcorrection where anything that's even slightly bright like electricity or a power glowing
Starting point is 04:12:20 will dim the screen. Porygon's been dead since the 90s. And you're the worst part. I mean there's Pikachu's the one that caused that explosion. Yeah. Porygon too exists but you know it's fine. But there's a dimming of the screen on tons of games and media just out of overcorrection for that. TV broadcasts. Yeah. And it's not a flashing thing. Right. And I remember specifically that Nintendo for all the fucking diarrhea they deserve today there was they were the only studio hardware manufacturer that had a compliance guideline that made sure that games were not allowed to flash with certain intervals. And they had a whole document about this is the exact
Starting point is 04:13:15 range of color and speed that cause epileptic seizures in people. And if you slow it down to at least this interval or bring the colors this close together there won't be a problem. So all games had to be tested against flashes. And we you will not cause a news article to be published called Nintendo console kills children. So we did test every game against that and you had to get out a stopwatch to fucking time it in some cases or like record the footage and then play if you had to record the footage footage and then frame count it was already too fast. Basically it's way too close exactly. Yeah. So you stopwatch by hand would be more than fine. But like that was a legitimate lot check that we had to go through you know. So yeah legit all of you folks that
Starting point is 04:14:10 hear this podcast before cyberpunk comes out if you know anybody that suffers from epilepsy or any other seizure conditions that I mean I don't know I usually just say epilepsy but well there's probably more right. And they're going to play cyberpunk tell them that the game might kill them. So be aware of that. Fair enough. But also there's nobody wants that. But even if you don't like again Incredibles 2 proved that like no even without those conditions you can still be made massively uncomfortable by some wild ass decisions. Like it upsets me how aggressive that scene is in Incredibles. You know fuck. All right. All right. I literally only want to say one last thing. Oh my God. That is we live in a world that the virtual boy wasn't pulled off shelves.
Starting point is 04:15:02 I never encountered a single person that did not have splitting stabbing migraines after playing that thing for like 20 minutes guaranteed every single time. Yep. Every single person every time 100 percent. It just died of its own economic failure. It was not a health warning certainly. That's all right. Well that's the podcast. Goodbye everybody. I saw you. I mean that just have to have you here forever. Girls say we will never come on against me. Oh come on.
Starting point is 04:16:47 He never leaves. He has a love, he will have to love what's left between us. It's a long to see the light that shines. Got to have it lost. Don't look for light. Rain, it comes and it comes to me. Rain, it comes and it comes to me. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
Starting point is 04:17:50 Straight from the distance I found you. I knew that time couldn't help but change love. Lights were thin as, and how, springs and shadows and stars. Rain, it comes and it comes to me. Rain, it comes and it comes to me. Rain, it comes and it comes to me. Rain, it comes and it comes to me.

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