Castle Super Beast - CSB 103: MEDIOCRATES

Episode Date: January 19, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 ON THE BE Area I'm going to assume you're referring to my Twitter messages for the past 8 hours being Japanese name followed by the phrase 100%. The funny part is I more or less was expecting this to happen. In fact, I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner, but I knew that at some point suddenly you would explode onto Twitter because it's not live and just go holy fuck what the fuck I can't believe it, what was I waiting on and then at which point you'd probably accelerate up until completion.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Yeah, you've known me for a long time, so you pretty much know exactly how it goes. Now the reason why I'm posting the 100% is actually because I think that the video descriptions of the percentages you're putting on your videos for 13 sentinels is perfect. I think that's an incredible way to write that down, part wise. But also, have you hit a 100% with the character? Many of them. Like it's always a huge pop. Yes, it is.
Starting point is 00:01:56 On every single one. Yeah. So we're talking about 13 sentinels, but we're not spoiling anything and I'm... Oh no, I will not. I'm nearly done the game and Pat has sounds like he's caught up and blew past where we were at because... I'm at 95% of remembrance, I'm at 67% battle, like I have to do the whole third wave. Yeah, so we, again, we're doing this on an LP schedule, so we're expecting to be done
Starting point is 00:02:31 within two sessions from now, but we're almost there. So yeah, I think once that wraps up, we can talk about it and it's great because it'll be fresh in your head and stuff. The only thing I want to, I guess, again, while we're talking in circles and not discussing the content but just the structure of the game, did you find that binging it made your brain hurt at all? I actually want to talk a lot about 13 sentinels and nothing to do with the plot, everything to do with the structure.
Starting point is 00:03:09 So I checked the, because the save file gives you the in-game date, right? So I was able to see that the last time I played it was 10, 24, 2020, which would have been fucking October. Dubbed? Right. So I had really, like, followed off of it. I had not played it in 10 weeks, which if anybody watched the original thing that we did or the talk about it, I was like, you got to binge this or you got to play it consistently
Starting point is 00:03:44 because there's so many little bits and pieces flying around. Oh my God, you're going to forget everything. And so then once I finally did get back into it, I've been waking up like super early lately. So I've done both binging and non-binging. So I played it every day this past week, but like Tuesday to Sunday, I played like one hour in the morning. And it was like, you know, maybe two scenes per person. So like the really drip-fed, like just the taste.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Yeah, 24 hours apart between sessions is still like fairly close, but ultimately, as long as you get a chance for your brain to process the holy fucks, you know? And that worked fine, obviously. And then this morning at I woke up at 5 a.m. and my Reggie hit me with a dank meme yesterday making fun of me for not having finished the game. So I got to get past that. I have to. I have to get there.
Starting point is 00:05:02 Yeah, he doesn't know that that's the type of spite fuel that creates this here. Yeah. That meme was spicy. It hurt my feeling. Put me on the back of the box and said, Oh, I better get on 13th Sentinel so you don't like look like this guy. Oh, so I sat down and binging it is it has a pro and a con, like a really dedicated pro and a con, right?
Starting point is 00:05:35 So the obvious, obvious pro is there are certain there are like, like, there are certain character storylines that are kind of separate from the others. And there are other characters, storylines that are just intertangled constantly, right? So like, Nenji's story is completely by himself almost entirely, like he almost doesn't interact with anybody. Meanwhile, Ryoko is like every scene in her whole story has like five different people in the room at the same time. A lot of stuff.
Starting point is 00:06:07 Yeah. Don't don't drop me. You can avoid it. But yeah. Okay. Regardless, the point being is that the characters that intertwine their events are interspersed with all the other characters so often that it becomes a lot easier to follow where they're looping in and out when you are binging it and seeing everybody.
Starting point is 00:06:31 So such and such shows up here and then here and then here and then here and then here. Now if those were like two weeks apart, I might forgot that this sequence of events took place before this one and this took place before one because sometimes they're happening like minutes apart. And I would argue that there are some characters who are who they're they're the structure of the game like almost makes their story benefit if you kind of forgot a couple things because it makes some of those surprises hit you hit you a little harder in some ways. But thankfully and I really do stress this in the LP that once you once you are playing
Starting point is 00:07:13 the game, the mode selection is putting just as much emphasis on analysis as it is on remembrance and destruction. So you're looking at a game that's like here's your gameplay, here's your story, and here's your files of what happened to look at. Here's your folder of events and it puts as much emphasis on you replaying and revisiting those things to remember what happened as it does on actually playing the game. Yeah, the the downside to binging it nonstop is that the game is constantly dropping bombs on you and some of the bombs that it drops on you are anti bombs to bombs that it dropped
Starting point is 00:08:02 earlier. Yeah, lots such as like this. And so you'll be playing a character and you'll be like, is that true? And then you'll play the next character and get to all the way at the end of there and they'll be like, no, it's not. But this character is working through that and it like all the different I'm like going which one of these is even the reveal at this point? It's it's it's quite interesting how yeah, the the Wikipedia in the game is is treated
Starting point is 00:08:30 as like you're going to want to get familiar with this thing. Oh, yeah, because you mean I went through maybe, you know, four hours in a row got like four or five characters to 100% and then just stared at the analysis screen for a good half hour just be like, OK, what parts of what time part did that fill in? This happened there, then they ran over here, then this person did this. Yeah, no, they've they've they've thought this whole structure through incredibly well. They've gated off progress where they needed to. And they also really did a great thing by
Starting point is 00:09:08 giving you the ability to sort of see the branch of each character as you go through them. And so in the end, just structurally, you know, it is unlike anything else I've ever seen any other game I've ever played. And I can't believe like this is what Vanilla Ware has been secretly doing, you know, ever since Dragon's Crown or the latest or Boromuramasa, rather. I'm super, super impressed at the visual novel.
Starting point is 00:09:38 Progress gating. Mm hmm. Like mm hmm. The there there are so many spinning plates, like I look at this story as a story about spinning plates. Every single character has a different type of story, and they're all focused on a different piece of the larger grander hole. So they're all like figuring out their own crap at different speeds
Starting point is 00:10:04 and occasionally interacting with the others. And the game forces you to go, oh, wow, I've got a big piece of the new mystery for so and so, right? Wow, that's crazy. And then it goes, ah, that was a pretty big reveal. Huh? Locked. Mm hmm. You must now go and play with all the other characters. And they're not ready for what's beyond this point.
Starting point is 00:10:29 In many cases, the character that you just locked, the one you're excited desperately to get back to is locked for hours and hours. Like they're locked forever, and they'll be like, there's there's one in particular. It's like you have to do the victims of poison event. And I'm like, this is locking like six people. It's great. What is it? It's great.
Starting point is 00:10:54 Um, yeah, man. So to that, I have to like the thing that I really want to talk about is the experience of going back to it 10 weeks later because I figured that would be impossible. I was about 30 percent through when I stopped playing it. And then I came back 10 weeks later and I was like, oh, man, I'm going to be so lost. So like everything in the game is perfectly
Starting point is 00:11:21 amazingly designed to make it so that you can go back to it. When you mouse over a character at the top of the screen in the remembrance, it tells you what happened last time. What was the big like plot push of last time? When you click on them and play in their scene, you can hit square and see the the the every part of their route that you already saw and what cut scenes played and what occurred in those cut scenes like a one line description
Starting point is 00:11:49 of every single big reveal that ever happened in their cut scene. The battles you can go back to the first stage. You can beat on those first couple stages. They're jokes, man, like they're no problem. And remember how you fucking played with your sentinel, how, oh, man, I really like the the interceptors on the on the gen fours, for example, right? And then you just go and say, you know what,
Starting point is 00:12:17 I'm going to spend 40 minutes and read every single mystery file. And once you're done with that, OK. You're good to go. You can jump right back in and I jumped right back in. And it was no problem. Like you can it's funny how like brain overloading is such a thing that like it's happening to you as you're going through this where you're just like, OK,
Starting point is 00:12:46 what was that again? And then the game helps you remember what you've already seen, lets you revisit it, lets you fast forward through text you've already seen in the zero escape kind of way. So that you can get right to anything new that you want to perfect like perfectly like a clear out or remember. Oh, yeah, it's it's great. Like you start up a new character, you're not a new character.
Starting point is 00:13:08 You start up like halfway through a character I haven't played in in six weeks, right? And you start up and there are eight thought bubbles on the screen. OK, just listen to all of them, listen to the thoughts I'm up to date. OK, great. I remember what all this was about. It's it's really, really amazing with that. Like it's the visual novel advanced, you know, I don't like my my understanding of visual novels is super dated. So I'm sure they've come a long way since, you know, when I last saw them.
Starting point is 00:13:38 But like this type of shit makes it like really amazing with quality of life. I also want to give them a big shout out for everybody that would be worried about spoilers, but still want to talk to their pals about the game. It they have done work in making it easy to talk to your friend about it. All you need to do is say, OK, percentage character and then event name. And I went through them to check on this. The event names almost have no
Starting point is 00:14:14 there's no ability to discern what the event is about. Yeah, because the context is is nice and vague. Um, and like every every one of those is like it's like the oh, it's the biggest reveal ever. And it's called going to the video store. I mean, yeah, no, like I like I when when it came time to do this LP. And I was like, OK, so we've been named, excuse me, we've been naming all of our episodes recently.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Right. How do we handle this? And it's just like just say the mode character and percentage. What do people need to know going in that? And you're solid, you're solid, you know? There's only there's not only. But like there's a there's a complaint I do have about the Wikipedia. And that is that select scenes are not available in the characters that they belong to.
Starting point is 00:15:09 They're only available in the all timeline. And you when you want to like quickly browse for those scenes just to jump around a bit, it gets a little bit hard because you basically you have to stick to all, you know? And I'd love if I could like further subdivide. But there's I notice like more. I've noticed pretty much every character has a few scenes that don't fit into their own, you know, subdivision.
Starting point is 00:15:39 I haven't looked that closely. And I usually just skim it for a bird's eye view. Usually what I end up doing is going and like because, you know, a lot of the character stories are told out of order and they're flashbacks within flashbacks. And I'll go like, OK, I know that was before because the story takes place over like a month, mainly from the controllable perspective.
Starting point is 00:15:58 Like, did that happen before this guy did this? Did that happen after this guy? Where? Because the flashbacks aren't like dated per day. They're always 1985. So this is that and such. But like the again, I think there's something to be said about like when all of these things take place relatively like, you know, when they take place relative to each other.
Starting point is 00:16:23 But there are there's a couple of flashbacks some characters have that only fit into the all timeline. When you go searching for them individually, they're not there. You know, so that's there's just a little bit of a subcategorization issue there. But beyond that, it's it's fucking incredible. And yeah, I mean, you know, the other things, there's so much to say, but they all require going into detail about the actual events.
Starting point is 00:16:45 So I will say, like, you know, might as well leave it off there. But the combat's very fun. Yeah, it's really good. I like the combat a lot. I'm I'm based. I'm starting to really like find my way with or not find my way. But I'm starting to really find myself attached to games like this,
Starting point is 00:17:08 games like FF seven are games like Phantom Brigade, which is coming soon, which is that sick ass mega game where it's a combination of real time and turn based, you know, where it's essentially like stop time, pick your actions and then proceed. And transistor kind of hits on that a little bit, but it's not quite the same thing, you know, this is a like this is a different way of doing it. And the first three games I mentioned there are much more in step
Starting point is 00:17:39 without works here. I like it. I really do like that ability and as someone who got overwhelmed with, you know, some of the like the more the RTS games like I told you about like Warcraft when the hero system came in, Warcraft three, and I just got overwhelmed with it. This is like if I had this kind of system in it, an ability to like pause and make some decisions, it I would have been able to wrap my head around it and get a little bit better,
Starting point is 00:18:11 I think, but what's goofy is like I'm making those decisions like super fast in the 13 Sentinels battles, but the fact that I don't have to make them super fast lets me make them super fast. If I if I had to actually make them in real time, they would be panicked shit decisions, even if they took the same amount of time. Hmm. I just because I have the ability to sit and look at it for one second, I can go. Oh, OK. Boop, boop, boop, boop, boop.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Well, you know, it's no it's no secret that like I'm I get really hooked on turn based strategy things and that ability to stop and assess and think is just it's it's incredibly relaxing to me. And it makes me enjoy it so much more, you know, the ability to like tactically plan and you still make mistakes and you still get overconfident and you still think, oh, I'll just go do this. And you're like, oops, I anticipated wrong. I fucked up. But, you know, it just again,
Starting point is 00:19:12 things that remind me more of like a board game in the in that procession are always a ton of fun. And the more you know, it's a ton of fun finding out that there's a limit to how many centuries you can put on the battlefield. Oh, damn. There is totally a limit. Yeah. Interceptors, too, I imagine the the well, the interceptors you put out as many as as you put out like each person has the max.
Starting point is 00:19:36 But centuries like you hit like a limit, it's like 30 or something. OK. And when you when you when you hit that limit, it's like a goddamn like auto battler. It's like auto chess. It just like just put the fucking controller down. Yeah. I mean, this this game, like it really for the unit types you get to control and like the abilities you get to use with them, like if you want.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Whatever archetype of of like Mecca, you're looking for with like if you if you like your punch boys, they can become super hyper turbo punch boys. If you like your ranged missile shooters, they can become god level fill the sky with missiles like missile rain is, you know, like everything just the rain deserves like a huge clap because it's like it's a really a zoomed out abstract art style. But because the missiles that you fire give the circle of their radius and missile rain throws so many down that the the fucking floor becomes white
Starting point is 00:20:45 with tracking lines like holy shit. The combat system is is is a lot of fun. And the game definitely knows that as you're getting used to it and it's like changing things up and introducing new aspects and elements and enemies and things like that. You know, you you eventually get a point where like your customization options blow wide open. And once you kind of see that, it's like, oh, fuck,
Starting point is 00:21:18 you go from having, let's say, I don't know, 30 things to spend your money on to like a hundred. I have barely touched like the raw Sentinel upgrades. Like I bought all the moves and I upgraded all the best moves that I liked. But then you get to like how much of you upgraded your Sentinels generators? I have like I have how much of a difference does it make? Well, to me, the things I personally wanted was I wanted the ability to sort you them more often.
Starting point is 00:21:54 And I wanted them to be able to do more to do more moves. You know, so it's like it's like pumping endurance in a way. And and and then pumping, you know, whatever your your ability to go out more than more than twice type of thing. So like those are those were my main priorities. But yeah, like if you build money in this game, they they open up the things you can spend them on quite nicely to. So anyway, let's let's move on from I remember.
Starting point is 00:22:26 I will say one one last thing about the spinning plates. Eventually, some of those plates get put down. And so far, all the plates that I've seen been put down have been nice and neatly placed at the table. Like the game can't keep up its pace. Like it has that that reveal like crazy concept reveal pacing for like 90 percent. And it can't keep that up forever. And as it's slowly putting them down, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:22:57 like I read a couple of reviews that were like, oh, the the the reveals start to slow down at the end. And it's kind of a bummer. I'm like, I'm like, thank God, like I can't. I literally can't deal with the mid game pacing level of reveal the whole time. Yeah, it's like what it has to it has to land. It has to like when I got to about 90 percent. I'm like, I want a couple loose ends taken care of.
Starting point is 00:23:28 I want an answer to the big question. Like they're always in any good mystery. There's always the truth in quotes. Like give me the answer to the truth. But but this is some bitch in for a lot to the landing zone and stick the gears out and, you know, let's roll it in. Absolutely. Yeah, I agree. That game's great.
Starting point is 00:23:56 It's it's incredible. It's absolutely incredible. And you know what? It is destined to be a game that can not be really talked about for the purposes of like viral advertising in a way. Like this is going to have to be word of mouth. And oh, absolutely. It's already a sleeper hit.
Starting point is 00:24:20 It's already under the radar under the radar. It's already on sale in a couple places. So many people are hearing about it and kind of a little bit aware, but don't quite know how much of a banger this thing is. And, you know, I feel it absolutely needs the word of mouth to spread the word to get for people to pick this up because you can't quite show them something from it. Like Hades is incredible, but like you can show a couple of things from Hades
Starting point is 00:24:50 and people be like, holy fuck, OK, you can show like a start to finish run of Hades in like a half hour and some and like people will sell themselves on it just by seeing that. And most games that thrive on word of mouth will have that kind of like sell tweet, but this game, there's so little of it you can show. I mean, when I'm tweeting out that I'm going live with it, my screenshots are the most nondescript. Just here is a child and here is a robot.
Starting point is 00:25:19 And except for that one, there is one that I that I actually saw when you tweeted out like four or five days ago that I had literally seen 10 minutes earlier in game, which is one of my favorite scenes of the game. But it's it's the way they will frame scenes is they'll put characters in like a building with floor to past your eye level ceiling of glass. Yeah, with like a valley of skyscrapers. I'm like, I bet something cool is going to happen right next to that window. And sure enough, it does.
Starting point is 00:25:55 Yeah, but but it does. It does. DUD is my term, but it definitely like without context, you're looking at pretty art and that's the best I can hope for, you know, incredible, super cool. Please, please, please go grab 13 centinals. It is my game of last year already. I just I need to I need to need to see how it sticks the landing, but it's all but, you know, a wrap on that.
Starting point is 00:26:29 And I still I it's going to need it's going to need it's going to need some word, some some some people pushing it out there, you know, if you're not totally sold, I have an explain explanation for you of just how ambitious the plot is. There are at least a couple situations in which characters are everyone's going through their own sci-fi story, right? And two characters are frustrated that they're saying like, oh, man, no one I would tell would believe this.
Starting point is 00:27:00 Hey, man, what's up with you? And just a blunt 100 percent clear explanation of their storyline hits the screen and characters go, yeah, whatever, that's stupid. Yeah, yeah, what's up with you? And then the character responds with their 100 percent blunt, clear explanation of what's going on in their storyline. Yeah, responds with, yeah, OK, if you're just going to make fun of me with this stupid shit.
Starting point is 00:27:31 So between the last session I played in now, because so Punch Mom has caught up, right? She was like looking for something to go through and she decided to start watching because she hears how excited we're getting and she likes a good narrative story. So because she's caught up, we are able to like discuss things. And so she's observed some stuff that like I missed out. And by having it all fresh, we were able to have some really productive
Starting point is 00:28:00 interesting conversations. And one thing that happened was like, I just went back to go rewatch a scene now. Revisiting scenes when you get later context is so great in this game. But in particular, like the greatest anti just talk in all media I've ever seen occurs in this game. And I'm going to point it out the next session we start at because just revisiting moments and taking the full context in and now putting that to get like I can't believe the anti just talk.
Starting point is 00:28:37 The technology is through the roof. It's it's a man. This is happening. I don't believe you. Why would anyone ever believe the thing that they just heard when this character said it? Furthermore, that's not what's happening. This is what's happening.
Starting point is 00:28:54 Yeah, I don't believe you. Yeah. No, I'm incredible. So we'll leave it there. And I'll be sure to revisit that. There's a couple of really cool things to revisit. Then I'm going to start the next session out on. I can't wait to get back to it.
Starting point is 00:29:10 So we will do that. But oh, I would like to say one last thing, which has another plot. It's just really, really funny to me. Because it's now burnt into my brain. And I don't know if this is because the game is originally a Japanese language product or because it's the way that the writer decided to write it. Or if it's a trick to help you remember a shit zillion different characters. But the amount of fucking times that people will walk up to somebody and go,
Starting point is 00:29:46 Hey, do you know full name of character? Do you know not snow Minami? I'm looking for not snow Minami. Oh, I was good friends with not snow Minami. Is this where not snow Minami could have been like always, always, always, always, always the full name almost every single time. Yeah. And it is like burning their names into my head.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Oh, it works so well. I started, you can go back and listen to me in the first session. Struggling, right? Reggie's really good with this. Reggie's great at picking up like long Japanese names right away. I was struggling and then three in. You're like, yup, that's that, right? Not snow Minami.
Starting point is 00:30:29 It's all together characters that are all all have like long Japanese names, which are I'm not super familiar with either. And by the end of like, yeah, a couple of hours, you got a Higiyama. You know, all of it. Takatoshi, you got Kintara Mira. You got Megumi. Yes, yeah, Kishiji. Yeah, you're there.
Starting point is 00:30:49 They're burnt fucking like, yeah. But I also find it funny after going through everybody's story. Like, I think the words, not snow Minami, like are the single most spoken out loud words in the entire game. But they also like when I was saying it, they just come together in a nice, pleasing way, not snow Minami, you know, it's got that. It's got that nice sound effect connection together. Anyway, it's great game, incredible game, super good game.
Starting point is 00:31:20 And now everybody should play it. And now we now we move on, but I will continue. Now we move on from the 13th set now, but I will I will absolutely continue to push the rogue agenda of like telling people, you know, go fucking play this thing. No one else is going to tell you to like other like people on the internet will tell you to play it, but like this is the only real marketing it's going to get, you know, um, yeah, yeah, cool.
Starting point is 00:31:46 It was on sale recently. If it was, if you ever see it, just buy it. This is going to be my now Titanfall situation of like, hey, grab, grab a couple bucks. It'll be worth it. And like this time I can absolutely promise you will get endless hours of, of diving for your appreciation, you know, like there's so much game here. Anyway, I am tempted.
Starting point is 00:32:13 I am very tempted once the game is complete and in the bag to go to that cutscene viewer and watch every event in chronological order. I was thinking about the movie, you know, the movie as it were. Yeah, they were there. Absolutely is the ability to do that. Anyway, um, and shout outs to vanilla world beast continuing to have their food porn obsession. They love food and they will draw the most animal like highly detailed
Starting point is 00:32:44 renders of, of, of food porn in a Miyazaki Eskway. Um, so that was your week. Uh, that was one of the things you did. And I was one of the things I'm glad you did. Uh, I think regi baiting you like again, it's, uh, he will, he will learn the circumstances of, of poking the, the tiny spike dragon. Um, but in the end it's worth it because now you get to appreciate and enjoy some quality that was not there.
Starting point is 00:33:18 But I feel like it must have pushed some things out of the way. Kind of, uh, I had actually, uh, so like in personal time, yeah, it ate up all the non stream hours. Um, in terms of stream hours, yeah, Kotor two is the shit. It's great. If you want to find out why there's a million places you could go to find out why Kotor two is incredible. Well, they did an LP of it.
Starting point is 00:33:48 It's really great. Um, sorry. The, the, uh, I saw, uh, I saw a YouTube comment which summed up the writing of Kotor two perfectly, which was an assassin droid calling a sit as the Sith killing the Jedi cultural suicide is a level of depth that we will never get from any Star Wars movie ever, ever. Unfortunately, as far as I've been able to see, um, you know, maybe something amazing in rubbles or clothes or as approaches it, but hey, this
Starting point is 00:34:25 thing is to me next level. Uh, I saw, like someone just asked about, and I think he said he's going to release the Reggie notes at some point because Mr. Research himself, uh, you know, why, why put it to waste? So yeah, I think, I think he said he's going to put them out once we're done. Anyway, um, yeah, what if the whole, what if the whole, what if all the notes are just pictures of more and more as, but her, but then I would be pleasantly surprised that it wasn't other parts of her body.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Anyway, you know what? I'm going back to 13th Sentinels for a second. It's really funny because Mori Mura is your big titty nurse slash big titty, big titty leather lady that like is mandated by, you know, Mori Mura, Mori Mura, Mori Mura, Mori Mura, Mori Mura, Mori Mura, Mori Mura, Mori Mura, Mori Mura, Mori leather lady that like is mandated by vanilla ware or possibly George must exist that must be in the game, must exist, but it's it's the first time that characters in that universe will look at that character and go, geez, this Christ.
Starting point is 00:35:41 Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's true. You kind of, you kind of walk by them in every other vanilla ware game and they're just part of the world and here it's like, fucking hell, man. Really? I mean, there's a character that like meets her and goes, is she a teacher? How are the boys supposed to pay attention in class? Like, OK, OK, I'm I'm going to go out on a limb and say that like everything
Starting point is 00:36:07 about this game has been very delicately crafted and very delicately laid out for maximum enjoyment and minimal, you know, spoiler revealing things too early. But I say that same level of attention to the plot was paid to how cosplayable they want things in this game to be. Oh, it's so like the cosplay maximum is through the roof. Like, hey, hey, kids. I bet you can cosplay a character in 13 sentinels. Guaranteed.
Starting point is 00:36:46 So if you fit any of the following criteria, do you have glasses put on either dark glasses, thin rim bookish man glasses or the under rim red glasses? Whatever you more. And I pointed out to already to a friend of mine that's just like if you are out there putting your costume together, you absolutely have not only have you got like your full school uniform, bait and whatnot, but you've got your, hey, look, I'm in the I'm naked in the cockpit with this technology, like tastefully surrounding my naughty bits.
Starting point is 00:37:29 And if you want to get one of those photo sets done, that's free. That's free content right there. Just put a little put a lily in your hair if you're done. Just put the wires and the machine parts right in front of the bits and you're good to go. Anyway, I don't why don't goto's glasses come off in the robot. Why do thing?
Starting point is 00:37:55 Why do why a lot of things about the robot? A lot of questions about about the Naked's. But anyway, where do the clothes go when they're in the robot? Is there a hamper? I don't you know, anyway. You know, like LCL is one thing. But like plug plug suits were kind of like. Made to be that sort of bait.
Starting point is 00:38:27 While also looking like there's a reason for them to wear them. And like, I feel like this game just kind of goes. Yeah, fuck all that. Just take it all off that. Well, it's it's it's the pose. They're all they're all riding like like low to the ground, like like Asian style motorcycles where their whole body is like draped over. Hockey initiative, hockey initiative, like neck turned backwards,
Starting point is 00:38:54 you know, type life filled shit. Though the the thing comes to mind is like any time there's like an anime where you have to get now a plot based like nudity and like kill a kill or or fucking piloting the ass comes to mind. What's the fucking one with the darling in the Franks darling in the Franks? Right. No, no, no, darling in the Franks or whatever. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that one. Right. It's like it's tactical plot nudity.
Starting point is 00:39:30 You have to understand. Anyway, I'm shocked. I went through that whole game and there was not a single part of the whole game that somebody was like changing and we're like, oops, my titties fell out. Oh, no, they fell out everywhere. Like there is no there is no on scene in that game. It needs to still be legal. The game needs to still be a legal video game.
Starting point is 00:39:58 So anyway, sorry to swerve back into it, but it was on the mind. Yeah, that's going to be the case for a while. I have a feeling it's a very good game that deserves that. But yeah, get on it, get on it, get on it. It's worth your time and attention and also get on Attack on Titan. You should get on that, too. It's a good good good time to get on it. Hey, where are you?
Starting point is 00:40:17 Attack on Titan current on the where on the anime. Yeah. Yeah. The most recent episode was like last night. Where are you watching it? Oh, where am I watching it? Sorry, I thought you meant like, where are you? So I was no, no, no, no, no, no, no, crunchy roll.
Starting point is 00:40:43 OK, crunchy rolls. Got it. OK. Yeah. What part are you at in Kotor? I just did Dan to ween, which people were making fun of me in my chat, looking at me saying Don to ween. And then I met two characters back to whack that said Don to ween and Dan to ween, which I thought was really funny that there's no consistent fucking description of it.
Starting point is 00:41:06 I discovered so because because I'm playing with in with people in my chat that watch your whole LP, I discovered things about that game that I did not know. Oh, and the number one thing that I did not know is so that game has an influence system, right? And if you're if you influence your party members by getting your party members to like you, they will share your alignment, right? And there are benefits to
Starting point is 00:41:33 like having their influence above like 90 or whatever. It's a hidden number, but like really like you. They'll tell you a bunch of stuff. What I didn't know. And I I I swerved my whole play through to do it was there are also rewards for hitting zero on a line on influence. So instead of being a good ass Jedi
Starting point is 00:41:59 and teaching your pals to be good ass Jedi, if you're a fucking prick and dark side to the max, but make your parties hate you, they will become spiked Jedi. Yeah, we talked about this last time a little bit. You can push things the opposite way. I remember trying to understand this because like for most of the LP, I thought the last week. Oh, no. Yeah, we did.
Starting point is 00:42:27 Despite Jedi and spite, Seth, we did. Oopsie. Yeah, I thought for most of the LP, I thought that like they simply just followed you wherever you went. But it's a little more complex than that. They they they they go in a direction and it's been so long now that I don't remember the fully the full details of it. But like there is a magnet effect, essentially, that can push them away from you or pull them towards you aggressively
Starting point is 00:42:54 as you progress. Yeah. Anyway, I know I'm losing my memories. I better take my pills. Um, all right. So never mind Kotor then. Sorry, guys. I forgot. It hurts. I that we will have.
Starting point is 00:43:11 I know, I know. I'm talking about that. I know, I know. Don't worry, it should stay. I know, I will trust me. First, I'm already terrible. All right, one bad one. Hey, anyway, we've already taken to having a little thing.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Like we've already had a moment in this house of like, hey, do you want to, I don't know, let's say, take responsibility for throwing out this garbage? Oh, my head, it hurts. Oh, just walk away. What? Who just get both palms in on the temples? No, like every time I get to those parts, all I can think of is like my mind.
Starting point is 00:44:01 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. Um, yeah, there's a there's a wild system in Kotor. It's pretty crazy. What, uh, but yes, we did talk about all of that last week. We did. It is. Oh, all right. Here's what we can talk about this week. So I beat Baio two for the first time in six years, seven years, whatever.
Starting point is 00:44:23 However long it was, we talked about that too. But now you can complete where we talked about how, how you think it's aging badly. Yeah. And so I beat it. I had only played like four missions or five missions the last time. Um, yeah, I think Baio one's like actually considerably better. Now upon replaying both in a row, like Baio two has a lot more color and a lot more spectacle. But like the course is some stuff.
Starting point is 00:44:48 This is three weeks in a row now, actually. Sorry, I just it legitimately is the same thought. All right, here's one. You know what I forgot playing Baio two. What? Do you remember that terrible afterburner level in Baio one that led to the really great Jan birth boss fight and how annoying it was going through that.
Starting point is 00:45:08 OK, Baio two's final mission is that the final boss fight has you have to do an afterburner mission to get to the final boss fight. I mean, I didn't hate I didn't hate it. You know, I did because the final boss fight is terrible. It's bad. So I was going to say like I was going to ask you how you felt about the Lumen sage battles direct comparison to Jean.
Starting point is 00:45:33 They're not as good. They're way better looking. But they're not as good. Interesting. OK. You can't hit you can't hit the the sage out of which time. All right. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I just where I'm this is my third time saying it in a row where I'm like,
Starting point is 00:45:51 I think I disagree with you, but I'll have to revisit. But that's about it. We're going to we're hitting Requiem. Absolutely. You were turning around. We're getting punched with Giorno. I'm I'm genuinely baffled how I could have been talking about the bad final boss fight from last week.
Starting point is 00:46:08 If I had no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, not that part. It was the Lumen sage part because I asked you about it again. Because I because I I keep going to the Lumen sage because I love it so much that I'm whenever you go, I didn't like Bayo to my brain goes. But the Lumen sage is so cool. So I just keep going like, yeah, but how it's it's a lot easier to it's a lot easier to see like the annoyances when you play it like back to back against the Jean fights and the the Balder fight
Starting point is 00:46:35 from the first one. OK, like I still think like the biggest bummer about Bayo to is that Rodin and the Lumen sage are totally playable in that tag mode, but not in like the Bloody Palace equivalent. So that's where I was actually about to go next is let's hit a topic that hasn't been touched on. How much of that co-op stuff have you investigated and checked out? I played a couple of hours of it. Um, and God, I wish you could just play it yourself.
Starting point is 00:47:07 Like it's a really, really cool mode that playing with the CPU is just constantly annoying because the CPU is constantly interrupting what you're doing on the enemies that you're fighting. And also because there's the CPU, you can't switch weapons. Like, I wish that exact mode was there just solo. You can't switch weapons. No, because the because the memory constraints mean that the CPU is is taking up the memory for their set of weapons.
Starting point is 00:47:43 OK, OK. I didn't remember that part. Like, and also I also really wish you could play that mode by yourself because I tried to play it online and fucking no one is playing that thing. Well, I wouldn't imagine. But I do. I think obviously it came way earlier than the DMC three
Starting point is 00:48:11 co-op introduction, but like years and years. Yeah, but like I think I would like to hope that Bayo three includes something fun like that, where you can just go take the the what's it called the cameo system, you know, to the next level and just full on integrate co-op because you've already got, you know, that experience with Mission 17 or whatever it is, right? Like. Let's just let's just go all the way with it.
Starting point is 00:48:43 Yeah, just just put Bloody Palace or whatever it's called, like Angel Muspelheim challenge or whatever the fuck. And have you select from single or co-op? That's all people really want. And then we can get Don Goody videos where I've been playing with both characters. Well, I was going to either that or Don Goody and Sun High Legend both connect to the same game and we all just cream our pants.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Look at this cool thing you will never, ever, ever, ever do ever yourself. God. I mean that dude, like I don't know if it counts as a career, but like whatever it is that Sun High does where it's just like my job is to make cool combos in all video games and tweet out gifts, high quality on Twitter or videos. I'm like, that's a career.
Starting point is 00:49:37 If I can fucking do that as a job, I would die doing. I'd love to do that. Do that over this in a heartbeat. So stylish. Seems like the kind of thing that is very tedious. Yeah. And we never see all the takes of the effort it put into like setting something up.
Starting point is 00:49:56 But I mean that motherfucker put out a tweet where Virgil is doing his sword Ayajitsu Kata and while the taunt is going he's controlling a doppelganger to deflect a fucking riot from attacking him and he's fighting off with the doppelganger as the taunt continues. It's like it's next level shit, man. I wish I was good at video games like that, but I'll never be. Never ever. I just kind of look at that too.
Starting point is 00:50:35 And I this is another one of those moments where you're like, man, the people on the ground are more in touch or infinitely more in touch than the people in the tower because it's like, how does a company not immediately hire that dude to just make their footage? I know he did official work for for a special edition, but I think that's the first time I heard of him being involved with like, you know, official game combo videos or whatever capacity because it's just like this dude's doing the best to show off your game.
Starting point is 00:51:09 And that shit goes viral because it looks incredible. Please hire them and make your game look good at the same time if the combat engine is, you know, capable of doing it. Like it's kind of wild. Dude put up like a fucking Final Fantasy 15 thing like yesterday that was like fucking awesome. Right. And I was like, I don't remember ever doing anything like that and
Starting point is 00:51:33 found the game. He got even one time. He has done more to reignite my interest in visiting, revisiting Monster Hunter than literally anything I've seen or heard from. Oh, I can't wait for Rise to come out just so I can look at them animated gifts. Like his Monster Hunter ones in particular are just like, God, you make this look so good.
Starting point is 00:52:00 Yeah. And it's always it's always like totally wild shit. The Monster Hunter ones are like some of the most incredible to me because they're always like I'm looking at it. And in the back of my head, I'm taking off all the special conditions that would have had to have been met for these things. So like doing like a like a series of emote backflips until eventually do a little slap to knock out like Basil Goose from
Starting point is 00:52:23 the dive bomb in the air into a knockdown state. I'm like, OK, so you had to hit this thing within like a frame of its knockdown state, then leave it alone, then watch it do the dive bomb, then figure out exactly where it was going to dive bomb and then start dancing like 30 seconds ahead of time. Like Jesus fuck. Getting midair, jump off the cliff, charge up the sword swing come flying down right as the clash is about to hit like.
Starting point is 00:52:53 And then if you fuck that up, you got to go set the whole thing up again, you know, and then after you land it, don't freak out and go, yeah, land, turn your character towards the camera and slowly walk towards it and away from the raven beast. You know, absolutely. It's incredible. I love it. It's great.
Starting point is 00:53:16 You try that rise demo, by the way. Not yet. I'm just going to grab the full thing. Oh, it's good. It's times two, so get on it. Yeah, I'm honestly a little too busy right now, but I'm more than content to just pick it up as soon as it drops. OK.
Starting point is 00:53:34 That's pretty much it for what's going on with me. You want to see more of my streaming stuff, you can go take a look at slash Pat stairs at. That's that's where I'm going to be streaming more coater. And maybe I got it. I'm going to be streaming that. I'm going to be streaming the gameplay thing for Resident Evil 8 on Friday.
Starting point is 00:54:00 So if anybody wants to hang out with me and talk about the big giant vampire lady, we will. That's a topic you can you can talk about it. And I'm like, I don't care. I got. Doesn't quite take your. I don't get it. You don't get it.
Starting point is 00:54:23 Sounds like fucking cowardice to me. What? How? How? Explain. I saw I did see the three words just like someone was like, oh, yeah, I can't wait for all these giant lady stands to re fans to fucking 180 as soon as they see her monster form.
Starting point is 00:54:44 And there's just like, no, they're down for both. They're down for both. They love both. What are you talking about? Yeah, you don't get it. What do you not get? Why would I get it? Everyone's like, oh, wow, what if a girl was really tall,
Starting point is 00:54:59 like every girl is tall? I'm five, two. What if she's even taller than that? No, literally every woman I've ever known say for like two or three, but even taller crazy though, like super tall. Yeah. Also, also more on point, um, weirdly middle aged and southern bell energy.
Starting point is 00:55:31 Oh, that's that's the vampire creases. The virus only does so much. So, so the weird middle aged southern bell energy is also very unexpected and interesting because who does that? Who picks that? You know, that's a very interesting. I don't know, man. There are like three mutuals on my timeline that just post the
Starting point is 00:55:59 word milk every single day. I, if she sounds anything like she looks like, you know, a whole ass woman, as they say, um, yeah, this is going to be a very memeable, powerful character that's going to stick around in the Capcom library and Al's for a long time. Because I'm wondering. Dude, if that's nemesis character we already know. Tyrant nemesis, other big threats in the, in the franchise.
Starting point is 00:56:38 Um, weird lady who looks like she'll be kind of polite to you before she crushes your skull. There's. If that, if that lady has a British accent. No, no, not British Southern. Oh, let me finish. Sorry. Let me literally finish.
Starting point is 00:56:59 Not British, but like New England's kind of a posh accent that I know who that person is. Okay. I have my suspicion. About what's going on with that game. And it's weird title. Because that lady looks a lot like a grown up version of an evil character from a different game.
Starting point is 00:57:23 Okay. Do you ever, do you know about Alex Wesker? Uh, I can't say I know anything about anything really. Okay. Because remember when they were like, you remember when they were saying that Resident Evil eight is not Resident Evil eight and everyone's like motherfucker. It says R. E. Village and you fucking.
Starting point is 00:57:50 You put the word. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, guess what? That can also mean R. E. V. For Revelations three. Oh, you fucking. Oh, you fucking.
Starting point is 00:58:02 Wow. Conspiracy theories. Okay. Okay. I see. That would be really good though. That would be very good. I think so.
Starting point is 00:58:17 Is it just, is it, but is that about the eight those that the end of the thought is okay. Well, no, because of the end of Revelations to the bad guy totally gets away with like a new clone body. Okay. Um, someone just said it takes place in Europe. Woolly. Um, is that true?
Starting point is 00:58:33 Is it not taking place in America? Of course it's taking place in Europe. It's taking place in like Romania. Okay. Vampires. Werewolves. Well, you know, vampires can show up anywhere, but all right. It's taking place in Eastern Europe.
Starting point is 00:58:49 Remember when, remember when Resident Evil four took place in Europe? Hmm. Okay. Is this no, it's Europe. Well, then maybe she won't be a Southern Belle, but I still, I hope she did. She is. It would sound cool, but I guess if the setting is right now,
Starting point is 00:59:10 she's not going to be a Southern Belle because the last game was Southern. Okay. Okay. All right. And she'll have some kind of accent perhaps. She's either going to have like a New England British, she like posh accent, or she's going to be like Romanian. And the characters are going to be like, dude, we're totally not in Romania at all.
Starting point is 00:59:34 This is Europe. Okay. Well, whatever she sounds like, um, just on, on appearance, I'm like, that's cool. That's a cool idea. Oh, it's a really cool design. I think that's a really cool thing. I'm like, I like that character.
Starting point is 00:59:48 That looks great. What a nice threatening. The coolest thing about that character is that we saw her in an earlier trailer, but the shots we saw in the early trailer, um, had no, no one for scale. No one for scale. Yeah. No birds for scale or, or, or servants, servants for scale. And, uh, I think, I think it was Susie who put up the first tweet,
Starting point is 01:00:11 which had like a screenshot. It was like, whoa, that lady's huge. Yeah. Yeah. And it's like her towering above the other characters. Yeah. Yeah. It's like, whoa.
Starting point is 01:00:24 I hope, I hope what people expect is that she is a Mrs X where like instead of a stomp, stomp, stomp, it's like the clack of heels, clack, clack of the heels of your teacher coming back down the hallway, uh, uh, as everyone's in class. So you hear nothing but the click, click, clack, clack. People saw those, those mods. Capcom saw those mods of Mr X and Bikini. And they're like, oh, we know what people want. And then like when she gets to a door, one of those like heels just blows the door off
Starting point is 01:00:55 the hinges. Yeah. And the leg comes through, you know. So I'll be taking a look at that. I'm super weirded out by that gameplay reveal thing because Capcom like reached out to me. They're like, Hey man, are you going to be co-streaming the, the, the, the, the gameplay thing? I got that.
Starting point is 01:01:19 I got that. I got that email. You want to work with. And I'm like, and I replied like, yeah, sure. Why? And they just never come back to me. And like, what, what are you going to do? What is the, what is the collaboration?
Starting point is 01:01:32 Yeah. I'm going to do it. In most cases, I kind of assume it, it amounts to like, Hey, we might retweet you or something. I assume that is. Which is fine. I assume that is the thing. Yeah. I was like, eh, you know, I'm the wrong one for this one, but maybe on the next one,
Starting point is 01:01:48 you know, we'll see. But cool. So that's, that's, that's coming up over on this end. I'm, yeah, I'm not going to lie. So time is about to disappear again because I'm once again returning to the guilty gear rabbit hole. No, start lying. Why not?
Starting point is 01:02:14 Just, just, just, just make it up. Just make up a couple innocuous lies for no reason. Yeah. Okay. Right. Um, Bridget was put into the game to get the heat off of soul and Kai being, being, being, being paired totally. Oh, I see.
Starting point is 01:02:37 That's a good lie. I'm going to, uh, I'm going to, I'm going to be returning to the rabbit hole and I've, I've already started. So most of my spare time again is going to be putting this all together. Um, it's going to be, going to be a good one though. Got some fun topics to cover in the next point. But as a result, yeah, like I'm going to, I'm going to just become boring mode again because I'm not going to have any real spare time.
Starting point is 01:03:01 What do you do this week, man? Work that you can't see yet. Yep. But I did squeeze in a little bit of other stuff before I started in particular. Um, oh, by the way, whenever you get to Vruck, I don't know if you fully remember. Oh, he's dead. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:03:24 He's dead in the ground. Okay. So Hey, here's what I remember about Vruck and Asner. Wow. Cool. And as there's great. Um, Vruck is like the actual worst Jedi ever. I hate him.
Starting point is 01:03:40 Yeah. Okay. All right. All right. Good. Good. Just like, I can't believe that like, like in the first game, you're like, oh, you're, you represent the worst of what I hate about your fucking dismissive asshole types.
Starting point is 01:03:57 You know, they took that scene where, um, all everyone sitting around the council goes, oh, hey, Anakin, do you care about your mommy? Get him the fuck out of here. You're too old. You fuck. Get out of here. Out of our neighborhood. Right.
Starting point is 01:04:16 They took that scene and just juiced it up even harder. And they put that Asner in it and like, yeah, he was pretty hateable in the first game, but boy. Oh man. The second wild. Now we're going back to Kotor two because one of the big story elements of Kotor two is the Jedi were like, don't go to war. It'll lead to bad things.
Starting point is 01:04:41 What bad things? I don't know. Premonition. Oh, bad. And then you, they talk to your character like they're a fucking child. Like, yeah, see, we told you going to war would be bad. And like, you actually get to have the answer of, yeah, what were you going to do? Sit on your asses and feel good about yourselves while trillions of people got blown up.
Starting point is 01:05:07 And then you are able to like poke at them with that to the point where every person you run into starts having like a pissing their pants tantrum. Brooke is like, like again, realizing latching onto the, the epitome of old boomer energy. Right. And making it so purely like brick wall. There is no negotiation. And anytime I corner you, you just, what about ism your way into another argument where you dodge being cornered? Like you just scurry to another corner because you have no points.
Starting point is 01:05:47 And like seeing that and dealing with it at its worst and then going like, fuck this, you leave it alone. Only to see that attitude take over the rest of the council and the people who are more reasonable. When you want on one conversation with them, just give way because one strong bullheaded asshole can just plow through. And I'm like, this is real life. This is what happens in real life. Reasonable people just don't want to resist an asshole. So they just take control because their ego inflates the room and they steam ahead and everybody just goes, yeah, I guess we'll just go with you. Even though you know that if you talk to these people individually, they are much more reasonable about things.
Starting point is 01:06:39 You know, and like, they don't believe in their reasonableness as much as this asshole believes in being an asshole. So the extremes, right? The extremes of the spectrum take over and start speaking for everybody. And suddenly you have this world of like, okay, the reasonable group here is still in the majority, but this extreme asshole on the end of the spectrum controls the discussion. It's the most infuriating thing, dude, because it's real life. I got to say, like going back to like Cotor 2 has like kind of ruined so much Star Wars for me. Like so much of what I would call mainline Star Wars, because like Jedi outcast to a smaller degree, but Cotor 2 is like this Sith Jedi thing is the stupidest fucking shit in the world. Like it is absolutely the dumbest fucking thing ever, and it's terrible for everyone as the worst.
Starting point is 01:07:44 And then you get to like the movies and they're like, ah, the good ass Jedi here, they're going to save the day. I'm the last Jedi. I'm the bastion of peace in the future of the galaxy. And like, man, that's fucking stupid. Say what you will about all of it. The Luke coming back and basically agreeing to do the movie. If he was allowed to give it tired, fuck this energy. You know, that's part of the, you know, that's why he agreed, right? Like, oh yeah, he's like, I don't want to do anything the hard like the idea that it's like, no, I'm going to come back and be like, fuck all this bullshit.
Starting point is 01:08:26 You got to love that because that tired, tired Luke is what we all want to feel and see here. I like voice acting. I don't got to move around. I just sit in the chair and I do the Joker. You know, so, so I feel as though he hated, he hated all that really. Oh, he hates, he hates that movie. Yeah. But he hated the negative aspect. Yeah. He's like, Luke, he talked about how like, I don't know who this character I'm playing called Luke Skywalker is, but he's not Luke Skywalker. Okay. No, I'm sorry. I stand corrected. I didn't know that. I thought that would be, I thought that was his, that's what he would have been like in real life after all this time.
Starting point is 01:09:13 And I just kind of jumped to the assumption there. Mark, my mistake in that position had like, he could do anything. There's literally nothing you could do because like the movies filmed and they're like, what do you think of the movie, Mark? I think it sucks. Oh, I was like, what are you going to do to him? Make him not be Luke Skywalker anymore? Too late. You had, you had like 25 years to do that and you didn't. Oops. Well, the idea that the main character of the franchise becomes very, very tired down the line is an idea that I like and I think could have been done better, but it's not worth throwing out that.
Starting point is 01:09:57 Well, then you should keep playing that Yakuza series. Yeah. Yeah. I like big tired energy and I did appreciate the step in that direction, you know. I fucking love how many characters you talk to in the Yakuza series that just sit in a chair and just like point their head at the ground and go, I'm so tired of this crime. Shit. So, so exhausting. So, oh boy. Like, if he just, if he didn't throw the lightsaber away and just accepted it and went, yes, of course, come let us begin the training. How boring would that have been?
Starting point is 01:10:33 It would have been super boring. The fact that he chucks it is like, yeah, okay, let's go somewhere with this. Not there, but, you know, anyway. So we are, we're making our way in the world today. It takes everything you got. But yeah, we are currently, shit, what game was I talking about? What the fuck was I talking about right before you brought up? You're talking about Guilty Gear.
Starting point is 01:11:05 Yes. And then you mentioned Kotor and Vruck. Yeah, okay. All right. Well, anyway, it doesn't matter. Throw all that out. Working on Demon's Souls. We're getting through it, you know, Reggie's coming into his own and the backseat has expanded to school bus sized.
Starting point is 01:11:27 I expect it to continue building until we eventually get a double and triple decker with the, with the bendy, with the bendy middle parts. So we can get a whole lot of people in the backseat of this bus. I'm a little confused as to what your analogy actually means. A lot of people are getting in the backseat of this Demon's Souls. Okay, a lot of people. Okay. Because I thought you were saying that you are back seating large. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:11:50 A lot of people are getting in the backseat. I know that makes more sense. And, you know, do you remember how, there's something I forgot about, right? Where we would have a session playing a Souls game where you like, we'd get through, you know, something that was a pretty hard area or like there's some tribulations to overcome some hurdles to get past. And then you kind of deal with them and you suck and you then you get better and then you get through them. And then you hit the boss and then you do that pattern and then eventually you come out the other side and go, yeah, cool. And then you go home like, all right, that was a struggle, but we got there, we did it and everything was great.
Starting point is 01:12:26 Right? Yeah. Then you cut it up into episodes and people get. Oh, no. The middle part where they see you start in the middle of the struggle and you end still struggling. And then they start going, oh my God, it's all going wrong. You need to change everything you're doing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:43 Not realizing that if you just chill out and give it to episodes, it's all going to be fine because it works out in the end. But it's like, oh, this is over. Two days from now, Willie, I need it now. And you went to the wrong place and this whole thing is over and it's like, oh, God damn it. I forgot. I forgot that people are like this and I don't know why I forgot. It does protect you from one guy though. It does.
Starting point is 01:13:03 It does. It does. It does. But the like seeing Reggie struggle and learn in a way is creating some panic attacks in some folks, especially when it's like an area like, you know, say 401 where there's a lot to learn. Oh, you can bang your head against 401 for like an hour. You could. But in the end, it ends up being super worth it.
Starting point is 01:13:25 And I know it's super worth it. Who saw it knows it's super worth it, but there's just a level of like, this is the worst. And it's like, all right, we'll get past this in a couple of days. I gotta tell you what, man, there was a real, there was a real, a real weird thrill to streaming Sekiro because it was a soul's ish. I'm not going to call it a soul's like, right? A soul's ish. But the back seating on that was like, do it better.
Starting point is 01:13:58 Like there's no tip. Yeah. There's like, jump it. Jump that move next time. Idiot. Yeah. I've been thinking about Sekiro and I'm not going to. And the masochist inside of me has been thinking about Neo and specifically Neo two and all
Starting point is 01:14:16 the cool shit going on in that game. You know, but I know that like taking that on is something that requires me to just be like, all right, realize that you're going to be in the fire and everyone that is like as much as everyone will show up excited to watch it, there will be those that will, will be just there to fucking beat you into the dirt. You know, and tell you you're doing it all wrong, no matter what you do. So but right now also, I'd say for Neo two, like there will absolutely have to be like lots and lots of offscreen time because the way that game's leveling and stats and
Starting point is 01:15:03 like equipment shit and the way it wants you to replay levels. I imagine it would be it would be a very. Yeah, I've been thinking about it for a while now. But yeah, it is time. It is all it is all consuming and it does require homework. Right. I do categorize some games that like require going back and doing a couple of things. Like for me, I don't know about that grinding stuff, but I do know that like revisiting
Starting point is 01:15:33 the same areas to do the modified versions of the missions might be something best suited for offscreen. Some of those are like hard as shit too. Maybe. Like super hard. Well, here's news that just showed up in my fucking face. Send this to you. Okay.
Starting point is 01:15:54 News part of the podcast. Yeah. But but you know, things are coming along in a in a very entertaining manner and the rewards for, you know, taking the taking a rough path are now reaping and he's he's surfing through some or some early areas, you know, like the tower tower of Latria is going, going quite fast, going quite fast, I do have to say, although I was pleasantly surprised to see Reggie get to the bottom of that staircase and just hook a left right up into the fool's idle room without taking care of business, so to speak.
Starting point is 01:16:48 So. Oh, sick. Let's let's see how long this lasts. Oh, awesome. Anyway, um, so desk continues. Another thing this week was I decided to pop back in and check out the new season characters in Dragon Ball Fighters, because I hadn't gone to take a look at them. So I was just messing around, pressing some like I need my daily dose of Goku, please.
Starting point is 01:17:21 And I noticed something very weird and I don't know if this is only with me or if anyone else has had anything like this, but PS4 games allow PS4 sticks to work. As far as I've been able to see online, that's that's kind of the thing. It's like a PS4 game, you plug in a PS4 stick and it should work just fine. I don't. I didn't try using it in a PS5 game. It would be pretty mean if it locked you out as an entire accessory just because of that. That would be mean, but I didn't test it.
Starting point is 01:18:04 But I did notice that for some strange reason, there was input lag using the stick. And I don't know what to make of it. I need to do some more testing. I need to see, like for a second I thought it was, I was playing Dragon Ball Fighters and I plugged in my Kanba, my Obsidian specifically. And then I was like, oh, maybe it, I don't know if it was, maybe it was like using a bad extension wire or something like that. So then I switched like a better one and then I still noticed that.
Starting point is 01:18:39 And then I was like, this is really weird, but I'm getting input lag on my stick. On, on my stick inputs. And I don't really know what to make of that, right? So I need to like, and unfortunately, like that's the only PS4 stick I have because the, the, the Dragon I have broke. So I do need to find out more and I do believe that like there's PS5 sticks that are, you know, plug in, obviously would work fine with whatever. But yeah, like this is just a unique issue.
Starting point is 01:19:12 I'm going to do more, some more investigating, but if anyone else out there with a PS5 has noticed this, let me know. Cause it's a weird one. It's a, it's a strange issue and I can't imagine, I don't know why it would be that way, but it's like a, a last gen peripheral for some reason, just having very noticeable input lag and then in particular worse on the like directional inputs for some reason. But yeah, might be, might be nothing, might be something. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:19:43 We'll have to look into it. And obviously my TV is, is configured and all that stuff is set up. So it's, yeah, it's not the TV. But anyway, I was messing around. Baby, just mechanically has some pretty interesting dirty things. I don't know if you ended up. You're saying he's a dirty stinky baby? Is that what you're saying?
Starting point is 01:20:03 Stinky baby. He's got some 50 50s. So that's there. I don't know if you ever ended up. No, no, no, not the 50 50 stinky baby. Did you, did you end up ever looking at the move lists for like master Roshi or any of them? Yeah, man.
Starting point is 01:20:18 So, um, yeah, just it, uh, master Roshi is, is pretty like interesting in how they implement him because he doesn't have a super dash. So instead he just has like a really high jump and like, uh, you can change the arc that you can jump at with it. And then that's weird. You can kind of like do these like shallow or really far moving jumps to kind of control your screen momentum. And then you can do a Kamehameha to blast yourself in any eight directions.
Starting point is 01:20:51 Right. So that is your movement, so to speak. So you can just, yeah, you can use a Kamehameha to just like shoot fault. He shoots it backwards and down and then you go diagonal up in a way. So he ends up being a very different character momentum wise from everyone else on the cast and it's interesting. And it makes me kind of wish that like you could let, you know, like other characters might have that kind of fun built into them.
Starting point is 01:21:19 Um, cause yeah, like unique movement options, uh, make for a more diverse game in a way, you know? So he ends up being fun because of that DBZ fighters. Like if it has one problem at all, I'd be like, man, a lot of the cast is really similar. There's, there's, I guess that's a dragon ball problem. So there's the part of it where it's a dragon ball problem, but there's also like Arxis is doing their best to do manga faithful recreations of the moves these characters do. You know, like everything, every normal, every button they have is usually attributed to a
Starting point is 01:22:02 frame, you know, if you, if you go back to some of those early reveals with like trunks or Frieza where they break down every single attack source, you know, so if dragon ball did it, then the game is going to do it to keep it accurate. And that might affect the way the character plays. And just like the show, it focuses too much on Goku. Hey. Hey. Um.
Starting point is 01:22:26 Suck it. That being said, uh, Goku, uh, ultra instinct is, uh, doing all of those dodges and weaves and cool walking through the projectile movement things that are stylish and fun. And, um, they're like the same reason why I like playing as hit in a way where you can just hit that counter button and, um, like legitimately again, just, just on a mechanical level, it's, it's cool when the roster shakes up to kind of play more differently to see when you see diversity in the roster. And I think like, uh, uh, he also kind of has that, you know, going for him, like a
Starting point is 01:23:07 very different style of character from the way the others played. Um, Broly is, uh, in there as well. Broly's a little bit more of the same. He's, he's. He's another big man. He's a heavy. He's got a shoulder tie tackle. He's got a command grab.
Starting point is 01:23:25 He's got a couple other things that are similar to some of the other characters. But yeah, um, in the end, I tell you what, you know, you know what would save that whole roster for me? Like I would shut up and say it's the greatest roster ever. They put a Raleigh in. Hmm. She fought and beat up Vegeta. Hmm.
Starting point is 01:23:48 That's canon. I'll take that. I'll take a Dr. Slump cameo any day. Yep. For sure. Um, I think, uh, yeah. So all, all this just to say that it reminds me a bit of like season three of, uh, Street Fighter five, for example, where like the later characters coming to the game have more
Starting point is 01:24:11 stuff going on, like move list wise, you know, and they're a bit more than they're kind of like getting creative with some of this stuff that, uh, and it's, yeah, it's worth, worth taking a look at. I think, I think when we might revisit that, uh, sometime soon as well, just cause it's shaped up into movement on the net code on that game. Uh, no movement on the net code on that game. No movement on the net code. Uh, I do believe people are looking at, uh, parsec options.
Starting point is 01:24:44 But it is what it is for the moment. Still nothing. I want to be for DBZ fighters ZZ. And, um, something else that, uh, kind of forgot about since it's been a minute, but like, yeah, the introduction of select your assist type really does open up team combinations and oh man, I super forgot that was there. Now, like you pick one of three assists just like Marvel and, uh, you get, uh, opened up diverse cast as a result.
Starting point is 01:25:19 Now it doesn't have to all be, you know, one character, one function in that way. So, um, all of that, all of that is still in there and like a lot better now. The game is way better for it. Just, uh, it's still the best. No, there's some incredible ones. Cause, cause like even Vegeta in that game is the assist that taught me why assists are great person who doesn't know, doesn't know anything about assists. Cause holy shit, but he's locked down.
Starting point is 01:25:56 But like, I mean, having a, uh, Gohan DP is also incredible for get the fuck off me purposes. So, uh, Vegeta is not the end all be all, you know, there's, there's a lot of incredible multifunction assists and in many cases you want to have a good, you know, you have a good beam, you have a good extender, whatever the case is, um, that looks cool. And yes, I did see that hyper DBZ the God updated and I'm going to take a look at that very shortly. So, um, in fact, I might do that upcoming real soon. So, um, in the, but, but what I did look at this week was, um, super Naruto, super
Starting point is 01:26:38 Gekito Ninja Tyson for, uh, which is a weird unique thing, uh, because it is the fan. I remember that game. That game is great. It's the aiding fighting games, the Naruto aiding fighting games, the ones that I, I, they're really fun. Yeah. Totally. So I, I, and I did a little bit of a history lesson, um, to everyone when I, when I was
Starting point is 01:27:09 kind of explaining like, okay, so the Naruto fighting games that everyone knows now are the ultimate Ninja storm series, but those came back from the cyber connect games that go back to narrow ultimate hero back in the day, which were bad smash clones with really great cinematics, terrible to play, but the moment you hit somebody with a super, it's fun to watch the cool things happen. Yeah. I would, I would compare the narrow ultimate hero series to be like closer to like Onamusha blade warriors than anything.
Starting point is 01:27:45 Interesting. I've never even played it. Yeah. We, I think, God, I feel like you, you, you wanted to do Onamusha blade warriors. I did because Mega Man and zero in it. Yeah. And I was like, I'm telling you, it is so not worth it at all. It's not like it's bad.
Starting point is 01:28:02 And then you asked somebody, I think, and they were like, also, yes, it is bad. No one cares. Also, it's a massive fucking hassle to unlock zero in that game. Like you would have had to play it tons or just get a fucking save file online. But yeah. Okay. Go do that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:20 Find that. I was, I was looking into it actually. The, uh, Neuro ultimate hero was my first exposure to cyber connect and the super high quality style, not high quality gameplay, mix and match, you know, what a great thing to be known for, huh? And, oh yeah, as time continued, like I kind of feel like that became more and more cemented in a way. Although when they refreshed the entire series with ultimate ninja storm, like they did step
Starting point is 01:28:57 it up. They made, they made it way better than Neuro ultimate, um, to play, but it still was not as fun of a fighting game as the clash of ninja games were, you know, uh, so they came out as clash of ninja one and two in America. And then they went to revolution for the Wii versions, which were something else. But in Japan, uh, get to ninja Tyson continued to three and four and, uh, I was fucking grabbing all of them because they were, yeah, they're really fun fighting games as you, as you recall. So it turns out that the fourth game on Gamecube, before they went into the Wii things that,
Starting point is 01:29:37 uh, got weird, um, the fourth game, uh, had a following of people that were like, you know, playing it regularly as a community, having tournaments and fucking getting in there, you know, um, and they played it enough that they went like, why don't we just mod this like to be more, you know, tournament viable for good or yeah. So they kind of created their own little project M in a way by, um, adding some stuff to the game by tweaking some things, changing frame data, changing a couple of bits here and there, rebalancing it and adding like features like wake up moves, for example, because, uh, supers are unblockable.
Starting point is 01:30:21 So you could have characters that could like meet you with a super and just, you just eat it. Fuck right. So now they kind of have like full reversal wake up things to like stop, uh, that from happening and they rebalanced it, you know, um, and so we took a look and it's called yeah, super gnt for and it's fucking, it's just as fun as I remember, man, like, because aiding knows how to make a good ass fighting game and like aiding and dimps. These are the background companies that are just going to chill in the cut.
Starting point is 01:30:53 You call them in when you want them to help you make your fighting game legit and fun to play and they'll show up and do it and then they'll go back to being in the background, you know, uh, but it was really like fun revisiting some of the, the, um, the, the particulars of this game where when you get back turned, it takes, turning around takes a second. It's slow. Oh yeah. And I remember that. And you end up getting fucked if you're back turned for like, you know, like in a lot of
Starting point is 01:31:23 situations, if someone jumps over you or if you, um, with a move and shit like that. So then you have to do this really unique thing of like getting used to fighting backwards and then when you get an opening, you use that opening to turn around instead of attacking. You know, it was, it was all, it's a really specific thing. Like in Tekken, a lot of characters can attack with their back facing you. So it ends up being fine. But like in this game, it's like, yeah, like you have a lot of weird scenarios where you're like, Oh my God, my back is turned and that person's using Kiba.
Starting point is 01:31:59 So they've got Akamaru charging, which can attack you from sideways on the camera on the screen and then he can blank a ball in at the same time and blow your ass up. And I was just like, my God, this shit gets ridiculous. It gets super goofy at times, but underneath all of it is a like really, it's just a solid fun fighting game, you know? And I just, I remember like being like, I forgot about me pushing for this to be like, I was like, I remember like, this is the better fighting game and the cyber connect games were taking over and getting more popular because they had shinier, flashier graphics,
Starting point is 01:32:36 but also they were on PlayStation. So it was easier to get your hands on it, you know, for imported games, like people were just fucking burning them and stuff like that. You know, so it was also, let's be real, people who play anime games don't care about the games being good. Well, there's that part of it too. And I just remember, I remember I got, I just, as I popped it in and started playing it and we were having fun, I remember just being washed over with memories of like, oh man,
Starting point is 01:32:58 I was trying to tell people that this was a funner game and you know, the, the, the, what is it? The cutscene supers are temporary, but, but motivation is forever. No, but, but like, you know, but these games were like absolutely more worth your time, you know? That franchise just kind of got died out and got eaten by, well, one, by the cyber connect games, but two, by themselves because they made the Wii games that just ended up going way off base.
Starting point is 01:33:30 And I never bothered with any of them, but I hear awful things. So it's, it's, I just realized something like persistent anime game fans are just like slightly less mainstream football game fans. Like it's literally the same exact thing. Hey, the game's trash. Yeah, but it has the football man slash anime football man in it that I like. Yeah. I mean, I think, I think Xenoverse tells you everything you need to know.
Starting point is 01:34:03 Oh yeah. Xenoverse is the Madden of anime. And I mean, you know, it's not surprising that that's the case. I mean, look, look at what it takes to really get to a point where you can appreciate what, you know, like an ARCS is doing with, with, with a particular fighting game of some kind, you know, like, I don't know, man. I remember being like a little kid and being able to play a game and like jump in a game
Starting point is 01:34:33 and be like, this game feels bad. Like, I don't like. I was I was fighting for, you know, like the better Naruto fighting game of the two back in the day years and years ago, you know, but it still is something that it's not surprising that the thing that is easy to see be pretty will just travel further. It's what it is. The substance is not evident. You don't see it with your eyes.
Starting point is 01:35:05 You have to feel it with your hands, you know, and, and what the fuck? Look at this amazing cutscene. And I really want to just point out the jump force failed even that criteria by looking just hideous. Well like I said, that's the let's make an unreal, let's, let's take the unreal engine videos and turn that into a video game. So they they made that so that people would stop saying hire this man, you know, it didn't work.
Starting point is 01:35:41 It's still good. It's still going. Still going. Yeah, I bet. Yeah, so people still buy wrestling games, dude, and those are like the worst of all worlds. So the narrative game, the community came out. They fucking we had some online matches on parsec. We had a really good time and that video should be dropping soon.
Starting point is 01:36:03 So shout outs to the get to Ninja Tyson for community. I have mad respect for like you guys just hanging in there over these years and sticking with it, sticking with the last one and, you know, just you like you balanced it yourselves and you're just doing it and the games, the games there, they put a fucking GameCube level into the game. They hacked in a custom level of Dragon Ball cell games. They're doing some wild shit. It's kind of it's kind of nuts.
Starting point is 01:36:33 But the game is this makes me think so deserves it. So you remember back in the day when you get a wrestling game, it would always be like laughably out of date. It'd be like six months behind at best. And like you get an anime game and if you had the English one, it'd be like like hilariously out of date. It'd be like years out of date with the actual manga release because they'd want to keep it like up to date with the fucking English release of it.
Starting point is 01:37:00 So like Gekto Ninja Tyson, like I don't think three or four even came out in English. No, they didn't. That's what I said. Clash of Ninja was one and two. And I didn't even know like I remember when I was like when people like I learned through this channel when I brought up Gekto Ninja Tyson, people are like, well, what are you talking about? And then that whole fight over calling it Clash of Ninja happened or like, well, you stupid
Starting point is 01:37:20 hipster. Why would you call it the English thing? And I had to explain that it's because I literally didn't know what it was because like when it came over here as that, it was so much later came out super late. It was so much later. And I wasn't paying attention to any of that because I had been following my own shit online and the adults are to Nami era of translation. Things was so far down the line that I like, oh, yeah, I guess they eventually translated
Starting point is 01:37:48 it. That's cool. But it was just I was in a different world at that point, you know, um, so like and think about it right? Think about it this way. Okay, so like what they should have done is release them at the same time as the Japanese ones so that they'd be viable when the show caught up, right? And then I started to think, what if the wrestling games did that too?
Starting point is 01:38:15 What if they went, what if they went to wrestlers and said, what's your new gimmick going to be in six months and then they put that that gimmick in and then that gimmick didn't happen and you'd have wrestling games that had tons of what if gimmicks that like got shot down after one one night. So the game puts the fiend in before break becomes the fiend. Yeah. But like they put in like the bad man, like the version of the fiend that he thought up before he came up with the fiend as long as a weird alternate.
Starting point is 01:38:53 What if? Well, as the day one patch would correct it back into the fiend, but maybe if you state, but if you stayed offline, maybe you could, you could see all the material and costume work for the prototype. I always felt really strongly about speaking to prototypes, shout outs to the shogun of the row. I always thought it was messed up how like a wrestling game would come out and it would be crazy out of date.
Starting point is 01:39:23 Like it would then you go customize it yourself. Yeah. I don't know. It's like, it was way worse when you couldn't change the music yourself. But I remember like the one that got me was like when Godfather came out in God was an attitude, but at the time he was part of like right to sensor. Mm hmm. And I'm like, this is that what?
Starting point is 01:39:46 Why is Godfather still? What the fuck? That's stupid. I mean, shout outs to the era of like showing off your cause where you updated the roster to look more current with the with the events happening now. People would do that because you could, you know? Yeah. And the other thing too is I'm getting a memory of like there were arcs that were not
Starting point is 01:40:08 fully animated yet when these, when the Ninja Tyson games were dropping and like they put Itachi playable, for example, in like this, it might have been the third game, I believe, because I think this first game was like like the basic nine characters plus Rockley second one was all the tune in exam characters. And then I think the third one brings in some of the adults, right? And so third one had the sound village and shit and it brought in. It brought in Jiraiya and Orochimaru and stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:42 So you get Itachi, right? For the first time in a game playable before we even really know what this character can do and what his moves are and what's going to happen. And I remember being like, oh, my God, like, is the game going to spoil Itachi's deal, you know, in some way, because we literally don't know it yet. And no, they they just they took it and they made a version of him that is just exactly what we had seen up to that point where he just stands around with his arm sticking out of his cloak the way he does in that one piece of art.
Starting point is 01:41:21 And everything is a very subtle, soft, demure movement. And he has lots of fakes and teleporting clones sticking their ass out over around the place. And when he does line to super, he just puts you on the cross and he does the knife stab thing. So like they they made a whole move list out of like the two appearances he had out of like three pages, three pages, like maybe four, you know, he turns and he looks back at young Sasuke in those flashbacks, he grabs him and he shoves him on the wall. He does the move, the knife stab to crucify Crossified Kikashi. And that's about it.
Starting point is 01:41:58 And I think maybe like Kisame gets dynamic entry in the face. For like a second and he does the ring thing, but I was like, that's he had no moves and they found a way to build the whole character out of that. And I was like disappointed because it didn't show anything new, but also like, but what are they going to do? Invent it, right? So whatever, they did it accurate, good on them. They found a way and in the end it was fine. Meanwhile, that ultimate hero has Lee opening up nine dates.
Starting point is 01:42:30 Yeah, you're like, what? Don't care. Don't care. They have like fake, crazy shit. Like inner Sakura is coming out and becoming a stand that creates like an inner Sakura realm that they got like total creative freedom plus on that. They went fucking ham and no one stopped them. No one's weird.
Starting point is 01:42:55 They invented what Lee opening extra gates would look like. They like that you see a bunch of sigils appear in the sky. You they go, you know, I'm like, what? Um, they were the first ones to show. I remember they they brought Minato in and they had the fucking moves with him where he's not talking because he has no dialogue at any point. But like he he he has all the poses he does. And then they improvise a move set for him and his and his
Starting point is 01:43:27 his special kunai there. And then they also improvised a bunch of shit for the first and the second as well with the tree growth. And so, you know, and I mean, they're cyber connect. So those those moves were really hype. But like, oh, yeah, on the one hand, you have one group of people trying to be as accurate as possible. And then these motherfuckers just not giving a shit.
Starting point is 01:43:49 And like both were allowed, you know, they somehow approved it. Oh, there's value in that. There's value in having a thing be like, yeah, do whatever. Because if it's really great, the the person of the original work can just like steal it, just be like, oh, yeah, no, I totally plan that. I told them I told them for real, right? And on the other hand, you could be grim and be like, don't worry, everybody.
Starting point is 01:44:17 That no, I would never it would never be like that. Oh, I just I'm trying to remember. But I feel like they created like intermittent steps to for like like a number like if if Naruto had like a number of tails out that weren't really developed into a style like they did, they found a way to make it a thing. Like there's a bunch of a bunch of wild shit that just never was canon. But they, you know, improvised. Yeah, I suppose there's a space for it. But either way, that that was a fun time.
Starting point is 01:44:56 I would love if, you know, wait, maybe I wouldn't because I was about to say, I would love if like more people who got the rights to shit just got told, do whatever. But then I'm like thinking about how badly ArcSys wanted to make Nanako a playable fighter in. Yeah. Fucking. Persona 4 Arena. That ends up being the fucking example.
Starting point is 01:45:17 Nanako and Dojima as a tag team. Yeah. Fighting together. They became Ken and fucking Kormaru. So Kormaru would have been little feral Nanako. Yeah, she's like you running around on all fours. Going back. I'm changing it back. Yeah, that would have been great. Shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:44 Looks like a bumper crop. I think. It was yeah, it was a good time. You can go check that out when it drops soon. And that's yeah, that's pretty much my week. I mean, not much else to it, really. But if you would like to tune in for more thirteen Sentinels, which is drawing near its epic conclusion.
Starting point is 01:46:11 And I say that in the true meaning of the word epic, by the way. And or tune into Reggie versus Demon's Souls and Yakuza Zero, which does resume this week. We had to take a pause, but we will continue. Then yeah, please check out Woolly Versus on YouTube and Woolly Versus on Twitch. And that would remark a great time for me to get up and go to the bathroom and take a break.
Starting point is 01:46:43 Hey, I hit the part in that I hit the part in Yakuza Zero where the game was like versus Chinese men. Oh, you got it? Yeah. Yeah. Supply that for racist gameplay. What's up with that? Why do I have to be versus Chinese men? What's the problem here?
Starting point is 01:47:04 Because you're a Japanese hero and you're going to get them. You're going to get them. Anyway, reading those subtitles is quite interesting because again, those characters are not voice acted, but the subtitles say what they say in the tense they want to be said in. So read it, read it. They put it on you, the viewer.
Starting point is 01:47:31 You read your accents. Do it. So imagine if you would you're playing a game and there's no voice acting, but the subtitle box says, Oh, Lord, Massa, what's we goes do? And you're like, oh, read it. You have to read it for the people. You.
Starting point is 01:47:52 Do it. Hmm. And then you got to shoot them. All right, let's take a break. Yes. Oh, no. My fatty pig dog ran away. This week, Castle Superbius is sponsored by. Yes, honey. So folks, hey, what's up? Listen, it's real simple.
Starting point is 01:48:19 We buy things online. We're inside lots of online buying, lots of big purchasing being happening. I know I bought some stuff. I expect things to come in the mail. Something came just today, even in the mail. So there's lots of filling out
Starting point is 01:48:37 the usual cart. And as always, in that cart before you check out, there is a little promo code section where you can put in gibberish, but nothing happens. However, if you have access to the right words and the right codes, you can save money. Honey is here to give you those codes. It's real simple.
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Starting point is 01:50:58 Thank you, honey. This week, the podcast is also sponsored by a way. These are the folks that make the amazing suitcases. I can tell you because I absolutely stand by and still rock mine to this day. I have two of them. They're wonderful. And I have those charge batteries for my phone that I regularly use.
Starting point is 01:51:25 And they're incredible. Obviously, traveling ain't what it used to be. In fact, it's not. It's practically nonexistent, considering the nature of things. However, I can tell you that earlier this year, when I went with Punch Mom and we did our little cabin quarantining, I did grab my away suitcase and pack everything into it. And it did a great job storing my console, my sticks, my clothes,
Starting point is 01:51:56 all that shit and a little laundry bag for my dirty clothes and underwear and socks, separate compartments, space saving ability, wheels that turn and work and are reliable that don't bust off like your old cheap suitcases. And I keep pimping it out because it's that good. The portable charge battery for your phone slash USB that can charge my headphones, whatever you need with you right there on the outside of the of the suitcase.
Starting point is 01:52:25 It's incredible. So listen, if you're in if you're in your house, you turn on the news and you see the news, whatever it happens to be. It's all great lately. And you go, man, stuff that. And you want to just drive somewhere and then stop the car on the side of the road and just walk straight into the woods until you don't think
Starting point is 01:52:54 any human being could ever find you. You would probably do well to have a decent piece of luggage to put some supplies in. I concur. All of a weight suitcases are designed to last a lifetime. A lifetime. Think they'll never find you if you don't want it. Durable exteriors that withstand the roughest of baggage handlers or nature. And yes, suit organization,
Starting point is 01:53:29 interior organization system, built in compression, pack more in, hidden removable laundry bag, 360 spinner wheels. TSA approved combination lock keeps your belongings safe, not only from the TSA, but from deer. Yeah, deer are horrible. Worse than the TSA sometimes. Let me set the stage for y'all. It's 2038 hikers traveling through the wilderness.
Starting point is 01:53:57 Find your skeleton being nod on by horrible deer. But what's that? Your way suitcase is immaculate, despite the elements. And that's crazy. Now, one of those backpackers can themselves use your perfectly kept supplies and clothes to survive whatever's going on in 2038. I'm sure it'll be lit.
Starting point is 01:54:25 That's like finding a storied hero's soul right on your body. It is the highest value item you can pick up. You do you want to be found with garbage? You want to be found with something amazing, right? This guy died with a bunch of nice stuff, but clearly wasn't the nice stuff that got him. Must have been these deer eating him. That's probably what got him.
Starting point is 01:54:52 Deer like bones. There's a hundred day trial only able to hide your bones inside your way suitcase. The deer wouldn't be able to get you. Don't take our word for it. Try it yourself. A hundred days is all you need. More than you need to find out
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Starting point is 01:55:40 Thanks away. Thanks away. My skeleton is happy. Oh, do you think advertise? You think you think a corpse next to the product is not good advertising for it? I just know I just I desperately I desperately want like to see a billboard that has like you giving a thumbs up in front of an away suitcase.
Starting point is 01:56:13 That's just got the text tired of deer chewing your skeleton. Yeah, well, get away. It's for somebody. Yeah. So a couple of things. Oh, Jesus, coffee spill. Saved it. Dangerous.
Starting point is 01:56:44 I'm getting out. I'm putting these cut. I'm putting this away. Yeah, you put you put that shit away. You put you fucking you put that shit away. Jesus. Yeah. All right. Well, anyway, I was going to say that unexpected apropos of nothing in the middle of a little general ass promo,
Starting point is 01:57:06 they showed off like one whole second of Space Jam. Did you see this shit? I did not see this one whole second of Space Jam. So Space Jam, there's about two seconds of it in this Warner Brothers trailer that's just advertising their like streaming service or whatever. It's what's the video called? It's called Same Day Premiers.
Starting point is 01:57:35 And you can see basically the first you see two shots. You see one shot of LeBron with Bugs Bunny behind him. And then in another shot, you can see someone advancing into a a god ray of light. And when you look at the characters surrounding the ray of light, you can see the Animaniacs on one side and Space Ghosts on on another. All right.
Starting point is 01:58:12 So OK, Space Ghosts and the Animaniacs and Tweety Bird confirmed for Space Jam, too. I only have one question. Will they let bugs say fuck? No, because Bugs Bunny totally says fuck, but LeBron will say fuck. Yeah, absolutely. OK, in fact, I hope they do it
Starting point is 01:58:42 emulating that meme shot of him turning backwards to talk shit with his mouth open. Big dog style. Yeah, I'm not sure what to make of it, but expect the cameos to be through the roof because fucking Space Ghost is there. And also one of those dinosaurs from the Flintstones. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:12 So shit's about to get wild. This might know nailed it. Not not not Dino, not Dino, someone with a much longer neck than Dino. Name name this dinosaur. It is not named. It is a purple dinosaur that carries rocks on its head. OK, are we ever going to get like the cast of the dinosaurs? Oh, no, they died.
Starting point is 01:59:39 They died. Yeah, they're fucking horribly dead. Oh, man, Mama. No. Oh, they're they're they froze to death. That's canonically, canonically super-duper dead. Well, anyway, hilarious how dead they are. Expect that this is probably going to be a bit of a wreck at Ralph's situation with just wild cameos
Starting point is 02:00:03 in every single shot, then if they're bringing back space. Yeah, it's probably what I want. Yeah. Because maybe I'm not a basketball man. I don't know if you guys could tell, but I'm not a basketball or sportsman. And I know LeBron James is like a pretty, pretty big deal. I don't think he's Michael Jordan, big deal. Fucking piping hot takes.
Starting point is 02:00:31 Here we go. Pat weighs in on the LeBron versus Jordan controversy. Do tell, go on, let's hear what he has to say as if this war has not raged for the last 10 years. Break it down. What do you got for us? All right, I have a really easy way to sum this up. When I was growing up and Michael Jordan was the hottest basketball player,
Starting point is 02:00:58 even though I didn't give a shit about basketball, I could not escape him. He was literally everywhere. Now LeBron James is a pretty popular basketball player and I could easily escape him. That's it. That's that's my whole train of thought on this. OK, well, allow me to inform you that like you just casually waltzed in and made a statement that people have been killing each other over for two decades now.
Starting point is 02:01:28 And it's the biggest, craziest, nonstop, endless discussion that like the people involved themselves are so sick of having the conversation go in places. Well, there's no conversation. Jordan was way bigger in his time than LeBron in his name. Well, yes, there's a there's of course the nature of the the the. But you see the discussion then evolves into OK. But what about the expansion?
Starting point is 02:01:57 No, it doesn't. That's the end of it. But I'm telling you what exists. I'm not telling you what I'm telling them that those people are stupid. And if they're going to get killed over it, then I can guess they can just die wrong. Anyway, so then you get the the of course, there was the the layers of the conversation that evolve into OK, but the game has evolved and the game is now a much more complex one where if Jordan in his prime
Starting point is 02:02:22 were still on the court now, he would be facing much different competition that has been that has been groomed off of not only his tapes, but everyone else that has been great in that time. And so you're looking at a future version of things. Yeah, sure. Whatever. You know, here's the that's not happening now. So you get this whole. I can't stand that.
Starting point is 02:02:46 I fucking write greats of different eras. Muhammad Ali would have been able to he'd have to like Tyson. Well, what about Jack Johnson, though? Right. Yeah. When Muhammad Ali was boxing, he was undoubtedly the greatest without any competition at all. So he was bigger than that. He would then the new guy is now like, but it's so.
Starting point is 02:03:12 But but that whole discussion is like, yes, in the end, it ends up being completely dumb and pointless and it's not worth having. But I'm so fucking like, man, I'm telling I'm telling you, dude, like it's been raging mindlessly and stupidly for 20 years now. It's it's and it's so fucking stupid. Hell, man, you know, Kubrick's sorry, a fucking Hitchcock's not that great. Man, you compare him to Kubrick's work.
Starting point is 02:03:40 Kubrick's movies are way better. But do you know what movies used to look like before Hitchcock made movies? And shut up. So that's and that's. And the other thing, too, is you're having a different discussion, too, as well, where you're effectively just bringing up like the athletic phenomenon that is like Michael Jordan in the world. And then the LeBron effect that that the effect LeBron has on the world
Starting point is 02:04:09 where it's like being based on the world being a different place at the time and the limits of the building being much smaller and whatever the case was. Michael Jordan took up way more space in the, you know, whatever sphere then, yeah, LeBron does, despite like without even getting into the competition of the player versus the player discussion. But yeah, this this this conversation is fruitless and pointless and it's stupid to have. It's it's a fucking it's a trap.
Starting point is 02:04:44 It's like it's you can even do it. You could do it like fucking what do you call it? Um, objectively, too, you could like what was the what was the most popular year of such and such as career and literally just search for how many newspaper articles about that person were had their name in the title for that year, like with Michael Jordan, like every single fucking thing Michael Jordan did, even his horrible failures were newsworthy. That guy got to fucking play baseball and golf and fail out of both
Starting point is 02:05:21 and still be a huge sports star. Fame, fame wise, the discussion of just like the impact culturally, not getting into what they would do on the court or what would be the the actual, you know, a competition of the players just in terms of fame wise. Yeah, absolutely. There's just no comparing it. Michael Jordan, if you were alive during the era of the bulls, it was it was the planet, it was everything and everyone everywhere.
Starting point is 02:05:51 It was nonstop, all encompassing, at least from the perspective of someone growing up in, you know, North America and the Caribbean. I can't speak for being on another side of the planet, you know. But yeah, there's just there's just all sides of it where, you know, people do that and then people also bring Kobe into the discussion. And then this goes into this whole thing. Like it's it's just this massive like endless debate along the same as like what's your top five and hip hop, you know, along the line.
Starting point is 02:06:25 Like there's just all these, these, all these, these, you know, who's the goat of every like it's all genre. I have always found that everyone having those arguments ever is always stupid. Like, I feel like there's like a general consensus that is like extraordinarily obvious to even the most casual viewer. And then there's the people who really like somebody and are just going to take every possible fucking step to convince you that no, actually, they were actually the best or that album was actually the best or this band was the most popular
Starting point is 02:07:03 or fucking whatever. Yeah. And then you and then you end up going down this nonsense road with some asshole on Twitter, putting out a thought that's like, oh, man, the Paul brothers would destroy Floyd Mayweather. You're just like, yes, child, I'm sure they would. You know, like it's like you just it leads to this thing where it's like because you were not alive then you have no possible context for what this might be. But this new thing represents your world.
Starting point is 02:07:31 So your perspective on it is highly limited. And this is the world we live in. But it ends up being a pointless discussion. And the people involved most of the time will tell you it's pointless because there's again, LeBron on the record going, yeah, I based, you know, I looked at the greats, I looked at Jordan coming up. And I obviously based my game on the things that he taught us. And then I went my own way with it.
Starting point is 02:07:57 And this discussion is just it's just it's just a tired thing to have, you know. And he effectively does the same thing that people do where you go, yeah, I stood on the shoulders of giants and that's why I can see further. You know, like you look at it like time is linear. You're coming down a pathway that like you can play based on the foreknowledge of the people who push the limits before you. So because they push those limits, you know where they are. You can do things that they didn't have access to.
Starting point is 02:08:29 And then you have to get into hypothetical alternate realities if they did, what would you have done if the limits were further back if and you were handed a different circumstance at the time? I remember my dad arguing with a friend of his. They were just hanging out watching baseball and they were arguing about whether like the fucking 78 Astros could beat the fucking like the fucking Red Sox and like 94. And it was like it was like it was the most pointless fucking
Starting point is 02:09:04 like it sounded like my dad was arguing about death battle. No, what it is is it's it's Sosa versus McGuire trying to out home run each other like and the world watches screaming at every single one that gets batted out of the park. And in the end, they're all cheating. They're all cheating. Who are all she backed up on huge drugs? Oh, man.
Starting point is 02:09:35 Yeah, it's one of those things I forget who I was talking to. But they were talking to me about sports and I was just like, man, I don't care. Wrestling's more honest than sports, because at least they'll tell you it's rigged. Man, I need to go watch it. But a punch mom watched. There's a documentary that showed up that was on Netflix
Starting point is 02:09:58 a short while ago called Icarus, where it just kind of breaks down how Russia just cheated on every single sport in the Olympics forever for years now and just like kept it going. They got kicked out recently. Yeah, they were like exactly. You can't fly that you can't enter under the Russian name under the flag if you're a Russian athlete unless you cleared as a non-cheater in which case you could enter under the Olympic banner itself,
Starting point is 02:10:30 but you can't enter under the Russian flag, you know? And there's just a point where one of the guys involved with like just like finding ways to like hide all the the the Royds and drugs they're giving everybody because they're just giving everybody everything like, oh, what are you doing? Fucking the ski shooting thing. Yeah, let's just take some just in case you can you can right up your ski shoots a little bit. And they're like, is there anyone you didn't give it to?
Starting point is 02:10:56 And they're like, yeah, the gymnasts, because they got a little it didn't help them. They got a little too big and hefty and it didn't help them move better. In the end, it was a it was a hindrance. They needed to stay light. Yeah, the way that you want to cheat with the gymnasts is you want to falsify their ages. Yes, so that you can get you can get gymnasts
Starting point is 02:11:19 in that you're like this gymnast totally 18 years old. And everyone's like, that's a fucking 12 year old. You ain't fooling fucking nobody here. Yeah, so there's I need to go watch it. But like, there's a whole thing about that and and just the wild level of cheating. And then apparently there's also a discussion about like what happened in in a site and bicycle. Fucking marathon races were like, so Lance Armstrong, greatest ever.
Starting point is 02:11:52 Yes, but cheated all the time, totally. But still greatest ever, even without it. Yes. OK, and shit, the second place guy was also cheating. So was third. Damn it. What is the first position ranking that did not cheat? Fourteenth place, I guess the guy in 14th place is now gold. The winner at this point, you go, why don't you even have the stupid Olympics anymore?
Starting point is 02:12:19 Yeah. And don't worry, guys. East sports is totally clean, except for all the performance enhancing drugs everyone takes all the time. Yeah. So there's that. And also, I believe the guy who directed it, he made a new movie that's about the killing of Jamal Khashoggi and Netflix is not airing that shit. So you got to track it down elsewhere.
Starting point is 02:12:48 So, hey, check that out, I suppose. Right. So that is. Oh, that's the Saudi Arabia murder. The the. Oh, OK, I do know what that is. The guy who was killed in the console. That's me. Oh, cool. A lot of nice behind the scenes of everything breaking that down. So, yes, a subject matter of both of those stories is relevant.
Starting point is 02:13:17 Uh. What was yes, there we go. OK, so pretty. Not a pretty normal Newsweek. We had a couple of announcements, a couple of things. There's a couple. Yeah. Do you want one big news that I want to hit the breaking the breaking news? Oh, no, not the breaking.
Starting point is 02:13:42 I just want to fucking tell everybody how the CEO of cyberpunks of fucking stupid asshole. OK, well, we can talk about that again. We're hitting that week where you know how when a game sticks around, you know, a game with problems has like a series of months of problems. I'm so tired of talking about it. I'm I'm I'm really tired of talking about cyberpunk. In this particular instance, they came out, they gave the roadmap. The guys the spoke about the problems with it.
Starting point is 02:14:12 And through QA under the bus a little bit there. The line it was essentially implying that our testing team did not show a big part of the issues you experienced while playing the game, which is fucking horseshit because it's the biggest lie ever. There's zero chance that they didn't flag those issues. Zero way to like I like I can't unless they did not do testing at all, right? The only way this statement to me rings true is if they did not hire a team and just had people that were doing other tasks,
Starting point is 02:14:49 also do testing when they had spare time. Because believe it or not, that's a that's a thing that happens on games is sometimes they'll want to save a corner, cut corners here and there. And you'll just be like, don't hire a team for this when we need one. Just you yourself, the dev can do your own QA on it when you get some free time. And if that's what they did, then sure, it might not have turned out results, but I disagree massively with even that because that that would work for certain situations. But it's a lie. Either way.
Starting point is 02:15:18 Yeah, like you the game crashes. Apparently it crashes every two hours on PS4, like 100 percent of the time. Yeah, it's it's like it's like shut up. You didn't notice the the again, like the only again. Yeah, it's like if you did not hire a team, but then that's not what you're saying. You're saying it didn't show in our tests or whatever. So yeah, throwing throwing QA under the bus, not fucking cool,
Starting point is 02:15:43 especially in the same sentence when in the same statement, when they say, don't play with anybody specific, you know, so whatever except these guys. And then the only other thing of note in that statement was we're going to do this road map. We're going to make the game better and we're going to not crunch anybody in the process. And it's like no one believes that. No one believes it.
Starting point is 02:16:05 I will say like that it's like it's really it's the same corporate apology every single time and more than more importantly than anything that is ever said in these things is the timing. So it's like, did this thing come out like two days after the game released and it was like blowing up? No, did it release when they were getting delisted from Sony? No, it got released the week after they got sued by their investors and two days after the Polish government
Starting point is 02:16:39 threatened them with regulatory action if they didn't patch the game fast enough. Oh, that's who this apology is for. Immediately after shit got real. Yeah. And also noteworthy with that was the. Yeah. So. I think where did it come from? I saw, quote.
Starting point is 02:17:06 Right. It was Shrier. What went wrong with Cyberpunk 2077 interviews with more than 20 current and former CD project project staffed, paint a complex picture, unchecked ambition, technical woes, unrealistic deadlines and above all, one belief, quote, we made Witcher 3. It'll work out. That sounds very believable. Yeah. So this is where I get to point of a direct finger at somebody named
Starting point is 02:17:31 Adam Bikowski, but who came out and said that the thing about the 200 employees there are the five. Yeah, it's the lead. He's the lead on the team, which as far as I'm concerned, he's the captain of the ship, which means everything that goes wrong is on him. Came out and made this. Series of bitchy little statements that were like, like kind of like almost one about ism of like, well, you, I mean, you talk to 20 people and they're all anonymous. So like we have like 200 people here.
Starting point is 02:18:04 That's like, I mean, come on, that's stupid. And it's I think it was Jim that pointed out in his recent video. This is the exact same thing that Bioware did when Anthem happened. Bioware magic where no, not just that, because there's that it's like, oh, don't worry, it'll be, it'll be great. We'll pull it through. It was, it was, we'll contact the company for comment with the whole article. And they'll decline comment.
Starting point is 02:18:35 But then when we post the article, they will be snide and bitchy about it and kind of play the victim. It's like, if you had a comment, make your fucking comment. If you don't have a comment, shut the fuck up like this. Let's try and pick and choose shit where like your, your, your statement where you, you cry about it, like is ready, like 30 seconds after the thing goes live. So it shows that you totally had a comment ready, but it would hold up to shit ass scrutiny.
Starting point is 02:19:06 If it was anywhere other than like a, like a stupid social media platform like Twitter, like, oh my God, management of that company sucks so much fucking ass. Yep. So that's the fucking clock reset of the week. Josh, the Sawyer actually came out and wasn't talking about, he wasn't talking about cyberpunk specifically. He was talking more in general about like fucked up game development. Josh Sawyer is a guy over obsidian. And he talked about like the, the, the, the what crunches hidden cost is talent
Starting point is 02:19:46 drain because people will stick it out to the end and ship a great game and then fucking leave and then on your next one, that happens again and again and again, and then you get to like game three or four people are like, oh, the magic will happen. And it's like the magic was all the people you drove away. And that happened to Bioware that happened to CD Projekt that happened to every single time you see this. It's like, why would you stick around for this shit?
Starting point is 02:20:21 Go look at the CEO's fucking face right now in that video and go look what he looked like before Witcher 3's development started. Oh, these, that's the before and after dev photos of franchises are wonderful. They're great. Yakuza. What was the other franchise? Was it? Was what was the other?
Starting point is 02:20:52 There was another game where like Witcher, it was like, it's the, the CEO is all cracked out. Oh yeah, dude, he aged like 25 years in, in like five or six. Right, right. It's crazy. Speaking of people aging as they do their video games, it's true. That does happen. Established in 2021 oatmeal games.
Starting point is 02:21:26 Oatmeal games, but where are the raisins? Toma Nobu it a gaki establishes it a gaki games. After all this time, wild, didn't expect, didn't see that coming. Didn't see that. This feels, this feels like an elaborate plan so that it a gaki can work. And an office that has women in it that are directly subservient to him in a professional context. This is the first, second and third thing that I thought upon the announcement.
Starting point is 02:22:03 We'll wait to find out if this is in fact the case. If they announced that their structure will be mirroring that of, I don't know, let's say clamp. For example, except clamp, but it a gaki's on top. Then yes, large, huge cause for concern. So those of you who don't know Toma Nobu it a gaki is in fact the former director of the dead or alive franchise. Infamous for his wild, crazy interviews, including one time when he was swinging a samurai sword
Starting point is 02:22:44 around in one hand and a bottle of tequila in the other. And of course later on for a huge, big creeping on his employees to which they were made massively. Uncomfortable and legal things were, legal things were charged, charges were pressed or whatever. To be fair. He was judged innocent of sexual harassment in 2007 by Tokyo court. However.
Starting point is 02:23:14 The, the idea of people inside a Japanese company like actually throwing their employer under the bus for this shit is so outrageous and it's like, I don't know, I'm not even sure if I'm going to be able to get a job with the company. I'm not going to be able to get a job with the company. Like actually throwing their employer under the bus for this shit is so outrageous and crazy that I cannot possibly think it was made up. Yeah. Well, the, I think what happened is people get away with. Well, I think the story came out and everyone went, wait, who is this guy?
Starting point is 02:23:56 What games did he make dead or alive? Oh, he's fucking guilty. You know, and it kind of just didn't, the resume didn't quite help in that circumstance. Also, also infamous for the legendary interview where they asked him what his most hated games were upon which he replied, Tekken one, Tekken two, Tekken three, Tekken four and Tekken five. And honorable mention made was Tekken six, I think. So there you go. Itagaki loves tag tournament.
Starting point is 02:24:36 I wish all the best to everybody who works there. According to itagaki in this interview he did with Bloomberg. He says, for the past four years, I've been teaching to foster juniors, but now I feel like I want to make games again. I'm sorry, did you have a problem with the terminology? Oh man, I was falling, come on. You have a problem with the wording here? It's a problem.
Starting point is 02:25:14 Listen, the man made a statement and he said, for the past four years, I've been teaching to foster juniors, but now I feel like I want to make a game again and just establish the company for that purpose. The name of the new company is Itagaki Games, which, nah man, nah. Are you sure? Kojima gets to do it. Not you. I mean, clearly he thinks that that's the move and that it's fine.
Starting point is 02:25:59 And you know, he's the dude wears his sunglasses and he has the character and he's doing he's doing Harada without Harada. Oh my God, Harada with the sunglasses as well. That's funny. Think about that relationship right there. Well, it's like sunglasses are like a fucking built in cool look for almost any person's head. But like he's doing the Rockstar gimmick, like fully, truly, actually believing it.
Starting point is 02:26:26 Harada tells the story about when that came about was because he needed to be more of a character to rival Ono in the cross-tech end days. So for him to be the villain, he started wearing shades instead of glasses, you know. And look where they are now. Yeah. Harada still got his sunglasses and who the fuck is Yoshinori Ono? I don't remember. I genuinely don't know.
Starting point is 02:26:50 And then you got, I mean, I feel like Suda acts kind of like a character a little bit too, but he's, you know, at the end of the day, he sits down, he makes a game. It is what it is. Yoko Taro is a treasure. All of this continues to be a whole lot of fun. And there is something worthwhile about developers kind of, you know, going down this road of like taking on the spotlight and embracing it in a way. But Itagaki, again, on and off the record in front of and behind the camera, unfortunately,
Starting point is 02:27:26 never stopped being that character. And yes, it at some point wound up in court, as we said, but do, do, was there, I don't know what the extent of the other, there was more than one case. So if that happened and that happened, but listen, all I'm saying is that the instant I heard about it, I believed it without any evidence at all. That's all I'm saying. I don't even know what to say. I'm just saying, yeah, I can't think of anybody in the games industry that was giving off
Starting point is 02:28:15 such intense sex criminal vibes. Like in every single aspect of their work personality, it was the way they comported themselves. The energy was, was there. The light under the door was very bright the whole time. Yeah. Yep. It tracks. It certainly does.
Starting point is 02:28:35 And luckily now, like all you need to know whether or not somebody's a sex criminal is see how high they made it in the Ubisoft corporate ladder. You go, oh, hey. Did you make it high enough to work on the new store? Work on the new Star Wars game. Maybe because hey, Ubisoft and massive entertainment announced a new open world Star Wars game. The first non EA major game in eight years. Are you a big enough sex criminal to get to work on the new Star Wars game?
Starting point is 02:29:15 I don't know. Segways, folks. So yeah, the people behind the division. Massive entertainment have entered into a partnership with Lucasfilm to make an open world Star Wars game. And yeah, this is the first non EA thing. That's that I suppose shows that their licensing is no longer fully exclusive. EA horribly botched that deal. Like horribly botched it.
Starting point is 02:30:05 Like they didn't put out that many games and then like a couple of those games were fucking disasters. But like on the other hand, what's the other option fucking Lord of the Rings? You know what I mean? A game every year for no reason. Like, no, it's like give it to anybody who wants it that you trust with it like LucasArts used to do. Well, yeah, but no, you take it so that no one else can do that because you want to hold on to it because there's cash and holding on to it though. Denial is is a revenue, a form of revenue, you know. Like ever since I feel like when you hear about how like giant social media companies that are like literally like they're not making any money, but the denial of any competitor arising is worth it for them to take the cost.
Starting point is 02:30:52 Yeah, because eventually they'll make money and they'll be the only ones making money. So no one gets to make Star Wars while we hold this. I don't know. I'm of the opinion in nearly all things that the all boats rise with the tide. I think that zero sum games all for me, none for you is often short-sighted. Yeah, but that's the game that EA and Activision have been playing for years. A very different version of the industry from, you know, what you're describing. But Fall in Order came and went and, you know, that did that did well enough. I think we're probably, depending on how this does, they might just go back to the way they used to and just be like, yeah, OK, pick and choose and approve based on the project as opposed to handing the whole thing off.
Starting point is 02:31:49 Right. But you also have to look at it and remember too that like what is the state of Star Wars in terms of the way Disney treats it. Like everything's a loss. We got to make all that money back. Everything on Star Wars is about catching up to what we bought for it, you know. Yeah, it looks it seems like everything they don't directly make is a success. So why not? It's all about it's all about staying in the blind side of the beast. Don't get its attention. Stay under the butt, side strafe, circle strafe and don't let it. I really learned why 1313 got killed. It's the most depressing thing imaginable.
Starting point is 02:32:28 Oh God, don't remind me, man. Do you know why it got killed? I remember the initial and then I remember the story about it getting killed and then I remember a story came out about the truth about it, but I forgot what it was. So the deal was is it was going to be a completely original Star Wars game where you played as some guy. Like a month, no, like a month before their E3 thing, George comes in and goes, you guys have to make it about Boba Fett now. It's going to be a Boba Fett game. And they're like, fucking fuck. Oh, was that? Yeah, okay, so wait, it wasn't going to be that?
Starting point is 02:33:10 Yeah. Okay, that's like, you should make it a Boba Fett game. Right, okay. And they were like, Jesus, shit. Okay, slap together this fucking demo out of nothing and we'll fucking work on it. And then they had to change a bunch of shit to make it Boba Fett, which means they started to miss milestones. Oh, okay. Are you sure? Is this confirmed? Is this accurate?
Starting point is 02:33:42 Because I don't remember things going that way. I remember the game being a nod to Boba Fett already because 1313 is a direct nod to him based on that number being used elsewhere in Star Wars reference to Boba Fett. So the title of the game already implied some sort of connection that was not 100% confirmed at the time. I'll fact check this right now. Coruscant development decided to pre-production by the time. All right, by that, Lucas staff decided to reveal the game at E3 2012 during the pre-production. By that time, it had several drafts of the story done and the levels mapped out and hired Wilson Bevel to play the protagonist. Then two months before the convention, George Lucas mandated that the game star young Boba Fett.
Starting point is 02:34:42 Then followed a hiring freeze. Lucas sold the company to Disney. Staff worked on it. Limbo then got canceled. Yeah, so George Lucas literally walked in and killed it. Literally just walked into a room and just demanded like he was like a one man publisher. Um, yeah. I wish I could find what was written about this back in the day, but I remember they're saying that like level 1313 of Coruscant was like
Starting point is 02:35:25 something about that linked to him and in some way that was being implied, but it wasn't hard confirmed. But if he walked in and just went their friends and then that's their friend, then that's a bummer. That sucks. They're friends. It's a Boba Fett. George, we already have like the whole story done and we're great boxing novels. It's a Boba Fett. I fucking hate George Lucas.
Starting point is 02:36:11 All right. What else we got on the news? Sorry, I'm just there. There's something I know I'm forgetting that is that is relating to all of this that is crucial, but what are we going to do? Don't worry. You tell me the new news story, then I'll start talking. Don't listen to me and then try and remember it there. No, I can just wait and then someone can come out and correct some sort of detail that you mentioned.
Starting point is 02:36:39 Because I'll make sure to say I'll make sure to be really uninteresting and you just use this. I'll make sure. No, I'll just make I'll put my caveat down right now and say there's something else to this story, but I don't remember what. Anyway, so we've got that game announced or at the very least. Not announced game, but announced project. Something that else that's kind that's interesting sparking a discussion is samurai showdown is launching on the X sex in March, right? And it's coming. It's coming with, you know, a bunch of stuff, including all the characters, the full package, the full DLC, all that shit.
Starting point is 02:37:42 But what's interesting here is it's also shipping with a 120 FPS mode. And this is a first high spec mode will allow the game to run at 120 frames per second. This is very noteworthy because fighting games don't do that and that changes a lot of how a game feels. If a game is running with a higher frame rate, then in theory, input lag should be reduced and it might be more responsive feeling overall. But it changes like literally frame data of the game. It changes lots of aspects of like how things feel, the timing of how you play. It's going to be really weird and interesting to see what this does. I can't, I don't know what effect it'll have on netcode.
Starting point is 02:38:55 I don't think we can know until we're looking at it. But the Sam show netcode was always dog shit to begin with. So, you know, they're not putting in rollbacks. They haven't announced that. So it is what it is like whatever. But regardless of that part of it. Yeah, there is now a bit of a discussion happening as a result of this where it's like hold on. So is this something that we can expect to start see start happening more and more often?
Starting point is 02:39:28 And what does it mean, right? Because it affects the game in a way where if someone's playing a non 120 FPS version of the game, they're getting a very different experience on their hands that you're learning, at least on a, you know, like somewhat competitive level. And not everyone has TVs that can support that right now or things that can output it. So then the discussion kind of comes to be like, Well, other games that are about this tech get to get people, companies like Nvidia and ATI interested because now they can directly market to those fan bases to sell video cards.
Starting point is 02:40:14 And we're now wondering whether or not fighting games are going to have a like, you know, video card push phase if there's enough games pushing for 120 FPS. And also how exclusionary is it going to be if a lot of people that don't have a setup will not be able to participate in a game that's running in high frame rate mode. I think the funniest part about this whole conversation in the back of the head, the whole time you're talking, I'm thinking Sam's show, huh? Does that mean if you kick up the game speed to 120 FPS, you can see awesome 32 frame delay counter in the upper right corner of the screen. I don't do trash ass netcode.
Starting point is 02:40:57 I don't know what this means for, for netcode dude. I have no idea. Like, well, on the frame rate, same delays, double, double, minus 34 frames. Fuck it. Not, not, not ATI AMD. AMD. Thank you. Fucking ATI rage. I'm going back to the old days.
Starting point is 02:41:20 Yeah. Anyway, the, the idea is, is it's interesting because it'll obviously make like games will look better. But this, this problem of like when a game is on the bleeding edge of what tech can do, but like it leaves some players behind, where do we fall on like what is acceptable and what is not? You know, should we push the envelope or should you be like World of Warcraft and keep running on whatever you can? I used to play fucking counter strike and day to feet in fucking 1997. And that shit was like, do you want to win? Go spend some dollars.
Starting point is 02:42:07 Do you want to fucking kill? Get a better mouse, get a bigger monitor. You put a fucking fat video card in there. Hmm. See, you're not going to cut it on your fucking g force too. On the one hand, you know, keeping things, keeping things open and inviting for people is always, is always a good idea. On the other hand, like you're always going to want to, you're going to have games and companies and people that are interested in pushing the envelope to make things look as good as possible. And two, it is inevitable.
Starting point is 02:42:41 Eventually, if the tech exists, it's going to start to become more and more regular. It's just, do they have enough or is there enough access to that tech out in the world at the moment? You know, and I think like there was an important thing is if you put a shit baby mode, bad hardware level settings in there. Right? It's like my computer sucks. Can I run it 120 FPS? Yeah, if you turn it into stick figures. But the problem is like that.
Starting point is 02:43:18 But you can't really, right? Like it's not that simple because like if I'm not mistaken, if I'm not mistaken, like doesn't 120 FPS also require like a monitor that is special enough to be able to. Absolutely not. To see it. Yes. To use it. No. Okay.
Starting point is 02:43:44 So it'll display a scaled down version, a downscaled version of it, but it'll be running it correctly hardware wise. Yeah. But game speed should be the same at 60 FPS. So it should have no real problem. Like this doesn't seem to be an issue. Like if it's game time on 120. Like if I run, if I run it like 90 FPS on my TV, I can feel a little bit of a difference compared to 60. Okay.
Starting point is 02:44:15 I limit everything to 60 because I just want it to be stable, but. So then, okay, that's not, then that's not as bad as I thought then. Then it's a little bit less of an issue. Okay. I thought that it meant people had to get new screens. No. No, you thought it was like die pours a little bit. What you should have worried about way more is about tournaments where they have to now get 120 Hertz fucking setups.
Starting point is 02:44:47 Yeah. I mean, but the tournaments, but dude, tournaments are used to the struggle at this point. Like at the end of the day, you kind of need to have. You know, if you watch TOs, dude, they're fucking resilient in getting a community together and getting funds together and just doing it. Like they've. And it is for Samurai showdown from generation. So they need like four TVs from generation to generation. The issues that arise from swapping over to setups and getting shit together is like they've surmounted higher challenges than replacing all the TVs.
Starting point is 02:45:28 I mean, getting a bunch of CRTs these days is fucking crazy, but they find ways to do it. I'm like, I don't, I don't mean to blow you up and I don't mean to cause a stink. I'm really torn about like, cause I don't want to get into that code thing again. So I'm going to try and keep it short. I'm torn about even talking about new fighting games in the COVID world with bad net code. Like the games might as well functionally not even exist in a lot of cases. Like we're talking about Sam shows fucking like 120 Hertz. And while that's pretty interesting, like for fucking who?
Starting point is 02:46:11 Okay. Well, no tournament. The games online is trash. It's a single player training. Now. Okay. Well, one, the Sam show community does meet and play through Parsec. So that exists.
Starting point is 02:46:25 Does that do it? They do it. And what's what's Parsec's like viability on that? Like viability is, is good. It's, it's working. People are able to play and they're using setups that are like host neutral by having a host server that both players connect to and get a decent enough connection and are basically having viable tournaments.
Starting point is 02:46:51 They're running it. Shout outs to Angela Pickles and Andy OCR. They're running their weeklies. People are doing, you know, regular meetups for that and Marvel are getting played on Parsec on the regular basis. That is like so impressive for Parsec. Yeah. And like so embarrassing for a company that makes their own net code that is worse than
Starting point is 02:47:13 this hacked solution. But just to let you know before you jump down there that this exists and it works and it's active in the community is alive and using Parsec to play against each other. And Parsec is wonderful. So, you know, everyone be aware of this please before misinformation spreads. But I bring my computer right now. But I, but, but the second thing is I bring this up because yeah, this is on a console. So it's not going to have that accessibility.
Starting point is 02:47:46 However, I mainly bring it up to talk about the 120 FPS gateway issue. But that's, that's the main thing. Like the main reason why included it in the docket. That was because Samsung was getting ported, but because I was like, Oh, 120 FPS fighting games. That's a discussion. Hey, everyone's going to call me a boomer with small eyes. I think 144 Hertz shit is nice, but I think it's massively overrated.
Starting point is 02:48:15 I think it's dramatically overrated. Like people are treating it like it's the fucking second coming and it's like, yeah, it's a little more responsive. But it's not, it's not the fucking be all and all. Like, especially when like the main thing that I am constantly still, still fighting on everything is like, can we please please get a fucking like I would rather instead of raising the ceiling, I would like to raise the floor please and get 60 as a default or at least easier to hit.
Starting point is 02:48:52 Like there's games. It doesn't matter how much fucking power I throw at them. I still can't hit a fucking lock 60 because the game's optimized to garbage. We're going to keep, we're going to keep that like games have always like been scattershot in that way where some things are reaching for the moon and others are barely running on a potato and it'll, it'll continue to be that way as the tech continues to grow. Right. I don't think we're ever going to get like everything that should to run a locked 60.
Starting point is 02:49:23 I just think some devs are not capable of doing that work. They're not capable of optimizing at that level. They won't do it. It's been years like just just like like I see people just bragging about their 144 hertz set ups and all this shit and all this game so incredible at it. It's like go play fucking Age of Calamity. Like would you rather have some games run at 144 or everything run at 60 because holy shit. Oh my God.
Starting point is 02:49:55 What sucks is entering a generation where like when I use the Elgato to play something on stream, I'm getting a worse version of it. And when we're done with the stream, I got to go plug it into a regular HDMI input because the Elgato can only... That's one of the reasons why I got like a new Avermedia. You should get an Avermedia fucking thing. That thing's great. Does it actually do 120?
Starting point is 02:50:21 It does 120, no problem. I don't know about... Don't remember if it does 120 but it does HDR properly. And it passes through? Which is why I picked it up. Oh yeah, it passes through. It looks nice. I can't tell the difference.
Starting point is 02:50:33 Really? And I'm like asshole about this stupid shit. I have the HD60S, I have the external and PCI express one, and then I have an Avermedia that I capture the channel video to but what's the one that actually does 120 because... Or that does HDR? It does not do 120. Okay. It's the only thing it doesn't do.
Starting point is 02:51:03 But it does do a 4K HDR. That's still nice. And I find that it has less latency than the Elgato because the Elgato still does have a little tiny bit of latency. That's called the Avermedia Live Gamer 4K. Oh yeah. I ran into this issue when I got the Elgato that does HDR and its HDR support fucking sucks ass.
Starting point is 02:51:30 The pass through works well, but the actual recording had terrible fucking tone mapping was awful. Okay. And so now after many years of loyal Elgato-ing, I'm now just like Avermedia all the way. So yeah, that's basically the one upped version of what I had got there. Although wait, hold on. This is the PCIe. Yeah, that's the PCI Express card.
Starting point is 02:51:57 Okay. All right. We're gonna run into more limited options running at the portables. USB. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Okay. Well, for now, I'm unplugging between sessions and just going back into the...
Starting point is 02:52:10 Well, yeah, okay. Because if you're using the portable, then that unplug is a lot less of a pain in the ass than me over the back of that PC over there doing that. 100%. Yeah. The artesian builds PC I'm using is it has the Elgato PCIe capture in it, but I don't capture to that computer, you know? So the setup is more based on the portables I've got.
Starting point is 02:52:38 All right, I'll look at that for next time. But if it had 120 pass through and HDR, then I would fucking... 120 pass through is a fucking ways away, I think. We're not there yet, no. But if it done, then I will 100% go swap up my setup, you know? Because as is, I don't want to have to get up for this shit if I can avoid it. But it's fucking worth it because those colors coming through that... Well, like watching Demon's Souls going through the capture, it's still gorgeous.
Starting point is 02:53:14 But man, does it look that much nicer when I'm just by myself playing it properly, you know? I remember having the portable Elgato setup on my old TV, and I had it set up through the PS4 for two years. And then I unplugged it and put it back in for whatever reason. And I was like, oh, holy shit. I should really unplug this fucking thing when I'm not using it because holy crap. But FF7, FF7, it punched me in the face how much color I was missing and how much more beautiful the game was than I even thought
Starting point is 02:53:51 because I was playing it through my capture device, you know? Like, ugh, anyway. Yeah, give it maybe two years or so. We'll see where things go. I do expect, though, like with everything. And I remember when we were in QA in compliance we were basically doing tests for like the, you know, the idea of like, okay, next gen is around the corner.
Starting point is 02:54:14 HD TVs are the new thing. 16.9 is the new video game resolution. 4.3 is going away. Like, you know, composite cables, component cables, like all this stuff. We're still a part of our test on the test floor. And it was always a matter of just like one by one every year with each revision to the guidelines. It would just slowly become more and more about the next,
Starting point is 02:54:39 the cutting edge shit, you know? But you could also see what wasn't going to be the priority because on the PlayStation guidelines, I remember there was a set of rules about 3D TVs because 3D TVs were a slight push back in the day. And we had some guidelines and a couple of games that actually used it including some truck game. I forget which one it was.
Starting point is 02:55:06 And it was like, okay, go test out this 3D TV in the corner. We have one of them. Go fucking make sure that everything displays properly. And you're like, you can just keep track of are these guidelines going to expand or retract? And then within a couple versions they started getting smaller and it was just eventually a non thing because it's like, oh, false alarm.
Starting point is 02:55:28 We thought the tech was going in this direction but it didn't actually go this way, you know? Fucking 3D TVs was just a fucking stupid joke. Yeah, no, not excite truck. That is a Nintendo game anyway. Yeah, 3D TVs represented like sometimes new tech comes out and it represents a potential but you can't go all in on it because the market might not adopt it.
Starting point is 02:55:53 And in this case, fuck no, did they not adopt it and curved TVs, they didn't adopt that. I mean, there's a bunch of shit where these manufacturers just had to abandon it because people were not biting, you know? So yeah, it's going to be a little like that. I was tipped off by the chat and I checked out on the website myself. Your max pass through and record resolutions
Starting point is 02:56:20 for the Live Gamer 4K GC573 is 2160p60 or 1440, 144 and 1080, 240. Okay. So on a PlayStation 5, there will never be a fucking game that runs at 4K 120. I think Devil May Cry 5 kicks you down to 1080p when you do 120 Hertz. Well, so that would probably do it.
Starting point is 02:56:53 I'm not that bothered in the sense that at the end of the day, it's going to have to fucking crunch itself onto Twitch and YouTube anyways. And YouTube bitrate does what it does. So we're not going to see... Dude, the day that Twitch increased the available bitrate from six to eight, I was just like, oh my God. Yeah, you don't care about YouTube bitrate anymore, right?
Starting point is 02:57:17 You're just on the Twitch mode. See, I'm still paying attention to that shit on both sides. Well, Twitch's bitrate is comparable to YouTube's now, so it's not that big a deal. But because of what happens at the end of the process, it doesn't end up... To me, at least it ends up being... Also, in addition to that, it goes through an extra step
Starting point is 02:57:45 because Min has to actually process the video. So you're losing a little bit each time anyway to some degree. But for me personally, it's just like, oh yeah, it would be nice to fucking get as much of that going through as possible. Well, this is a fucking inside baseball conversation that didn't expect it to go this way. But anyway, you talked about the RE showcase a bit,
Starting point is 02:58:12 I suppose we kind of covered. I want to respond to something that I've seen a complaint or like a Pat's an insane person many times where people, specifically people that I can see right now, have gone like, I don't understand Pat, he's so insane. He buys the most expensive video card so that he can play on a 60 FPS TV, right? Why isn't he pushing the bleeding edge?
Starting point is 02:58:39 And it's like, I don't want the highest highs. I want the lows to go away. I think, God, what was it? A friend of mine called me mediocrities once because I don't want any more weaknesses anymore. I don't want to improve any strength. I just want to remove weaknesses. That's funny.
Starting point is 02:59:09 If I could make almost every game I ever played look like shit, but it would always run at 60, I would press that button. Christ, you know what? You know what's actually really infuriating? Well, if you ever played a PC game where it has like a 30 FPS cap and you turn it on and it just stutters like complete garbage and it doesn't feel like a 30 FPS game does on a console. Injustice was not running properly to maybe injustice.
Starting point is 02:59:42 If anybody played Last of Us Remastered on the PS4, you can set it to 30 FPS because you can be like, oh, I want it to play like how it did on the PlayStation 3. And the 30 FPS that they instituted there is terrible because they cut the vertical refresh in half instead of actually just limiting the frame rate. And it's like, Christ, man, like 60 FPS, we can't even get games that run at 30 for fuck's sake,
Starting point is 03:00:15 or a good 30. It's fucking terrible. It's fucking... Have you good frame limiter in there? Question, have you ever tried, and probably not, but have you ever tried the direct streaming from the PlayStation shit? Yes, once. Actually, no, three times. The very first Final Fantasy XV streams were that.
Starting point is 03:00:42 How's the output? Especially PS5 now, I'm questioning. No, I don't know about that. I don't know. But PS4 was like trash. Because I'm wondering if now, if it possibly might go much smoother than our capture cards even. No way. Absolutely. No, it's 720p.
Starting point is 03:01:06 Oh my God, what? Okay, all right. All right, abandon ship. Fuck off. Never mind. I'm like, I don't know. Maybe they are like, oh, it's the fucking next gen and streaming is the big deal. Let's advance all of our...
Starting point is 03:01:22 Well, no, because it's got to run with all the back... It's got to run with the leftover UI juice that games aren't using. But there's so much power in the next gen that... No, shut up. It has the... Well, fuck that. That's fucking trash. I said it. I think the podcast where I was playing Demon's Souls
Starting point is 03:01:46 where like almost every single game I've been playing on the PS5 has a performance mode. And I really desperately hope that all those publishers are getting back to, you know, the user data that they always look at and going, hey, everyone picked the performance mode. Like, please. Please. Please.
Starting point is 03:02:16 I mean... I'm playing Valhalla on the PS5 because it runs way better on that than it does on my PC. Well, Lude, I never expected console games to start bringing over PC graphic options. Like, I expected us to continue down the road of what you see is what you get and that's what it is. So I'll allow...
Starting point is 03:02:37 It's nice to see it, right? It's nice to see it and multiple games are giving you the choice. You know? What the fuck did I... Yeah, like even fucking like KOF 13 had a variable or static frame rate option to take, you know what I mean? Like from however long ago.
Starting point is 03:02:59 Anyway, so that's SamShow 120 FPS. That was a winding path, wasn't it? It was a very winding path, but again, like it got into something interesting, which again, yeah, if the monitor will just bottle cap what the actual game is spinning out, then everyone can continue to play together, at least for the foreseeable future,
Starting point is 03:03:27 as like if we go in this direction, so that's good. Off topic, I guess. I just saw somebody mention it. Have you turned on Ghost of Tsushima in your PS5? No. Do that. Do that. It's fucking nuts. Does it ask you if you want to do that version? No, no, no. It just...
Starting point is 03:03:52 When you go to like a fucking performance resolution mode, the frame rate's unlocked. And it runs at lock 60. And it looks fucking incredible. Well, I was investigating the legend shit, and Min was looking into it, so like, yeah, I'm probably going to end up seeing what's going on over there very shortly.
Starting point is 03:04:12 Yeah, no, it looks like an X-Gen game. It's fucking crazy. Nice. Resident Evil, and then... Oh, yeah. Bowser's Fury trailer. Big, angry, bad Godzilla Bowser. I hope it's not just that one level. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:04:32 Yeah, that'd be nice. Knowing Nintendo, it might be overhyping something that... I'm like super afraid it's just that single level. It seems as if Bowser Jr. is hanging out with Mario because he's too scared of his dad now. Like, maybe. But yeah, Bowser's Fury is showing off something, something, something.
Starting point is 03:04:59 Not much to it, though. Man, even if it is just that one level, man, there are a million fucking levels in that game. It's incredible. That game's great. That game's super good. I'm going to LP that. I'm super fucking excited to play that game on stream
Starting point is 03:05:16 and just hang out and jump on shit with Mario. Yeah, it's very good. But that's not going to be going away in March, right? It's not. That's a real game. It's the collection that's going away. It gets to exist. Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 03:05:37 Bethesda and Machine Games announce Indiana Jones. Man, Indiana Jones is going to viciously kill some fucking Nazis in that game. So it's going to take place in 2021? Well, I don't know how vicious Indy can manage 2021. Pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew. Shit, you know, Harrison Ford puts on the hat and somebody hands him a gun and says,
Starting point is 03:06:15 you're Indiana Jones. And then they just push him into the street and that's the game. Unkempt, unshaven. Yeah. I was in Firewall. How come people keep asking me about fucking Star Wars?
Starting point is 03:06:35 Did you see Firewall? Nobody saw Firewall, Harry. And then Inland Empire goes, you're Indiana Jones. You know what you're doing. Yeah. Sure. Sure.
Starting point is 03:06:52 Actually, what was the new ones? Like, was he already old and tired in the newer ones? Like Nuke fridge and all that shit? Cause I didn't, I didn't see those either. There's only one dude. Okay. Was he already old and tired of that? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 03:07:09 He's an old as shit. He's super old. Okay. Yeah. He's like, I'm old and shy of the buffers there and it's a son. Literally. Oh, really?
Starting point is 03:07:19 Yeah. Yeah. Then again, this is a game. So this could take place anywhere. Oh, yeah. I could do anything. Okay. You could even shoot an enemy as unrealistic as a Nazi.
Starting point is 03:07:40 Well, there's an important detail about this game though. What's that? It will be executive produced by Todd Howard. That's actually really interesting. Because Todd doesn't seem like the kind of guy to work himself to death on multiple projects, which makes me feel that like Starfield and ES six might have less Todd Howard in them, which might be good, might be really good.
Starting point is 03:08:24 Well, let me take a look here because my understanding or my guess had always been that as Mr Bethesda. Oh, yeah. Okay. No, let's see. His credits are after Skyrim produce executive producer on fallout shelter game director fallout for executive producer fallout 76
Starting point is 03:08:52 executive producer did a great job there, Todd. Okay. So he's been doing EP. He's been taking EP role for fallout 76 might be the most damning credit I can imagine. Yeah, it's fine. Ship it. That was his job.
Starting point is 03:09:15 Holy shit. Shit. Is he is he not the CEO? No. Hell no. Really? I don't know shit. No.
Starting point is 03:09:38 Head of the studio. But the studio is like owned by Bethesda games or softworks or whatever the fuck. Interesting. I didn't know that. I thought he was hands on and then eventually got promoted out of actual create. Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 03:09:58 No. No, no. Okay. I mean, I don't like this is one of those things where I'm out of the loop. I've been out of the loop on Bethesda forever. So I've just been watching these stories come in for years. You know what disappoints me about Todd Howard that he gets to do
Starting point is 03:10:26 interviews and the interviewer doesn't go. But how do we know you're not completely full of shit, Todd? You don't. That should be every single question. But oh, I guess you got to you got to do the like, I don't know. But Pat, you don't accept. Oh, we'll get blacklisted. Oh, we're going to get blacklisted.
Starting point is 03:10:49 Pat, you don't accept interviews with people who will ask you those questions. The people who will ask those questions don't get it. Don't get the interview. It's really. That's why I don't get those interviews. This is 1000% why you don't get those interviews because you've applied for your press credentials to take to interview some people.
Starting point is 03:11:08 I'm sure that's what's the top of your list. You don't want to play the games. You want to sit and talk to the people making them and have conversations. Uh-huh. No, actually, I just want to tell them they're full of shit. Yeah. I actually have zero interest talking to people who make games
Starting point is 03:11:26 that I like. I just want to tell dumbasses that they suck ass. Like if somebody was like, Hey, man, do you want to interview Yoko Taro? I'd be like, not really, but I guess I should take it. Pat stares at the roaring flames of the bridges all around him cooked to cinder. You know, I will say one thing.
Starting point is 03:11:52 Something that I really, really, really like is that when you're when you're warmed by your bridge fires and you're very, it's very hot and sweaty, occasionally you'll discover that people saw your bridge burning and were inspired to build a bridge to you. And I like those people. I really, really like those people. This is true.
Starting point is 03:12:18 When, when I get contacted for like, like a publisher thing or like a, like a whatever. And then somebody's just like, and I just do the thing that I do the same time. Like it's, it's really funny because like, I'll get like a business email and I'll start replying to it and Paige will be next to me and she'll be like, you're not going to say that. Are you like, hell yeah, I'm going to say it.
Starting point is 03:12:43 And then I say it and then they respond back like a human being like, Oh yeah, it's a bunch of bullshit. The embargo is this like, Oh nice. I like you now. Let's laugh at this other place that I burned the bridge at. Oh, that place sucks. I was talking to, I was talking to a social media manager influencer thing person.
Starting point is 03:13:09 And we were like complaining about Sony for like 40 minutes. Nice. And what a bunch of assholes, a bunch of people over at Sony are. See, well, the fun part about the fun part about when people build that bridge over to you as a result of the fires is that you now have more wood to light on fire. When the time comes. I don't think I could respect anything more than somebody
Starting point is 03:13:37 offering me a code to their game. And I do a stream of it and be like, Oh man, this is really rough. And then they contact me again. And I'm like, aren't you mad that I bur like said that game sucked ass? And like, I don't care, dude. Oh man, that's laudable.
Starting point is 03:13:58 Not giving a shit is so good. Oh, oh, it's great. Okay, but but then you don't get to ask questions when you you don't get to be like, Oh man, what? It doesn't work out. You got to stick to your role. Well, I don't. You got to stick to your role.
Starting point is 03:14:21 You don't get to be like, Oh, I actually find it like really hilarious. Mm hmm. I think I think like getting blackballed by people after I burn that bridge down is the funniest fucking thing in the world. I'm gonna put on my tap dancing shoes. Hey guys, do you want?
Starting point is 03:14:45 Hey, do you like my business email is like it's like non stop hilarity. Like it is genuinely fucking awesome. Yeah. My like there's a there's the last email I sent this morning was Red Bull being like, Hey, so just wanted to make sure you still wanted to get that regular case delivery of the sugar freeze.
Starting point is 03:15:09 And I'm like, oh, yeah, that's good. Look it up. Love it. Let's go. Oh man. It was really great. You know, it's like really, really great. Rebecca Ford over digital extreme.
Starting point is 03:15:24 She's the warframe mom. I was on a stream with her and shy and DK and like she was there for like two seconds. And I was like trying to trick her into talking about how trash destiny was. And she kept like she kept like being like whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on. Oh, we're both big fans bunch you over to like the PR thing.
Starting point is 03:15:49 And then I just started shitting all over warframe because warframe like sucked ass at that current moment. And she like laughed it off. And then I showed up at her personal stream and gave her a hat and then she wore that hat for like an hour because she doesn't take it personal because she's really cool. Yeah. She's a very nice lady.
Starting point is 03:16:08 That's cool. That's cool. That's great. In the meantime, I'll take my free shit. Oh, you're. No. Thing is. I have a I have a stream intro made by the incredible and
Starting point is 03:16:24 talented quiet Viking, by the way, where I have like a shedding tear that becomes like the phrase give me your money in sparkles. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 03:16:39 And now I have like all. Now I have to now I have to lean further into this opposite to the anti-pad approach by going for a hard sell out turbo speed. Right. Yeah. And so it's like I will I'm like I will like beg for dollars from the people.
Starting point is 03:17:02 And I'll I'll fucking take any deal that anybody offers me on the business email, but like I won't play any of their stupid games like their little their little friendly fucking social networking fucking bullshit. I have no time for this. You have any idea how many emails I've responded with like they're like, oh, do you want us to send you this? And I'm like, no, I don't care.
Starting point is 03:17:29 Can I stream it when to give me a code? And then they never get back to me. I'm like, I guess it was never to be. Yeah. Well, you know, what can I say? Don't you shake my your head at me. I sell out my way. That's fine.
Starting point is 03:17:49 In the meantime, if anyone out there is in the market for a custom computer, why don't you check our teaching pills if you're looking for. Well, dude, I got I have a I have a fucking I have a thing email right now, which is genuinely really weird. They want to pair me up with other streamers that I've never heard of for like a big group thing. Okay.
Starting point is 03:18:20 And I'm like, man, that's going to be super weird. What if they don't like me? I did that for like among us. And a couple, a couple times, actually, I've done like two among us streams with people I didn't know. And it was it was all right. It was very awkward at making new friends. So I'm worried.
Starting point is 03:18:45 I'm worried. What if they don't think I'm funny? Well, the trick is to push the envelope as hard as possible and hopes that one of the seven will be like, yeah, I like the cut of your jib and that the rest, you know, fucking leave you in the dirt. But at least you get one lasting person out of that. Yeah, I mean, it's it's pretty easy.
Starting point is 03:19:13 All you got to do is you got to scan the room. You got to check. Okay. Like, is anybody in here? Like are they any British people in here? Yeah. Okay. Are they Italians?
Starting point is 03:19:25 No. Great. Got it in. Done. Hey, you guys ever have a pizza? Man, it's made by people to poop their pants. Nailed it. Everybody like you.
Starting point is 03:19:42 Yeah, I feel like I've watched this in action at multiple conventions and and at rooster teeth and like all over the place as a room full of strangers has to figure out what to make of the situation that you've just brought upon them. Yeah. It's a tactic. It's a way of getting through life. I will admit.
Starting point is 03:20:04 You can at least use that to get this far, you know, if people are taking notes, use your personality as a sieve to sort through the chaff being people that don't want to deal with this bullshit right now. Right now being ever. Hey, so someone is working on a bloodborne PlayStation one D make. That looks cool.
Starting point is 03:20:32 I legit were super cool kind of am in love with what they're doing and really, really, really want to play this. There's a link in the description, but it's being made by bull botster on Twitter. Lily Meister. And yeah, there's a dev thread with a couple of different clips of like the hunter walking around taking out some of the the giant doggos and then waking up in the hunter's dream.
Starting point is 03:21:07 And yes, it does give off a nightmare creatures vibe. It's true, but it's specific. Yeah, that there's a reason for that nightmare creatures is really similar to bloodborne in tone. It's just that it's trash. You get to see a repost and and a pass shotgun parry. Fucking looks really cool. It looks really cool.
Starting point is 03:21:31 So yeah, take a look at this project. Obviously, it's early enough that, you know, the levels are not done. There's a lot of textures that are still need to be laid out and stuff. But, you know, the like more emulating of this era. And then once you've perfectly captured it like this, I feel like it does like the draw distances exactly as shit as it
Starting point is 03:21:54 needs to be, then do like ultra kill and make the crispest version of it ever. So it's like you. No Pauly high res. Have you seen the trailer for signal us? What was that? That name rings a bell. So it's a signal.
Starting point is 03:22:13 This is a survival horror game. Is that the one with the Brienne? Brienne. Or the lady that looks like that. I don't know about that. But it is like a PS one looking D make, but is also like a million times better looking than a PS one game could ever be.
Starting point is 03:22:37 But it's still like rock solid in that style. And it is like it is so my shit. The signal is like the best looking aesthetic I have ever seen in a game. Did I talk about this? Hold on a second. Let me look this up real quick. No, you're thinking of Returnal, dude.
Starting point is 03:22:59 I'm thinking of Returnal with the with the. You're thinking about. Oh yes. Oh yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. Is that not just like the absolute just pimping this all the way?
Starting point is 03:23:10 Yes. Yes. Retweeting, following, bumping, signal is all day and night. One of the coolest art styles. Absolutely. Gorgeous. Gorgeous. Yes.
Starting point is 03:23:21 Yes. Yes. I am thinking of Returnal because I saw that thing and I was like, is that Brienne? That looks like Brienne. Anyway. What the fuck is Brienne and what are you talking about? The singer?
Starting point is 03:23:35 What do you like? Brienne of Tarth is the lady from Game of Thrones. Is that some stupid Game of Thrones shit? It's the it's she also plays Captain Phasma in Star Wars. How dare you bring up Game of Thrones on this podcast? I'm like people know what that is on this podcast. Everyone forgot. Everyone forgot.
Starting point is 03:23:56 This podcast will discuss Game of Thrones. It will discuss it. Are you talking about Game of Thrones? Why don't you take your pills? Take your fucking pills. Yeah. Time for me to follow you around. See what the fuck you're up to.
Starting point is 03:24:22 I actually brought we I had a discussion with a punch mom about like that vibe because like recently just because of how a good attack on Titan is right now. What what happened? I saw some stupid shit in the chat and the idea of you saying hey remember Game of Thrones I got my head. It hurts. Oh god we're going to be laughing about this for years and no one's going to get it.
Starting point is 03:25:02 The colors start fading out from the corner of the screen. Oh no. Oh this sucks. This is already a joke for no one. Oh god damn it. Pills pills podcast Game of Thrones pills Game of Thrones. Oh fuck. Ironically enough I actually do have a vicious headache.
Starting point is 03:25:25 I feel horrible. We I was discussing Game of Thrones recently because like I had a moment of going oh my god I forgot about some of how fucking trash it was because we just we were lamenting not lamenting. We were just remarking on how incredible it is that this late in the game attack on Titan is so fucking good like incredibly good and just going like man remember when we got this far into Game of Thrones and it just started shitting the bed like how much relief do you have that each of these new final season episodes is dropping and we're just walking out of there like oh it's still good it's better than it ever was and the momentum never stopped as opposed to like how sad and empty you are
Starting point is 03:26:22 when you watch the fucking final the finale of all of oh man I the only good thing about that the only good thing about that is that it's like I have described the fear of your series turning to garbage for like 20 years like I've always been afraid of it right and I think the first time it really hit a lot of people was like lost like that lost an alley I saw a lot of sad people but they were still like oh those first couple seasons were great right now walking dead now like society got to feel the fucking fear and so like I hope I hope that a lot of people are a little less are a little more cautious about their excitement because man see it's interesting though because if it bleeds out enough like walking dead people just tune out and stop watching right but like the mystery
Starting point is 03:27:23 and the questions and the how's it gonna go down Game of Thrones set up meant that you had to stay in the whole time you know but yeah fear fear of the series shitting the bed the longer it goes on is grounded because so many things fucking can't deliver on the follow-through do you know what was an incredible incredible experience sitting down and watching Breaking Bad over the course of two weeks that's nuts but that's how a lot of people did it actually a lot of people binged it like that after they after they got told were after word of mouth went was like oh my god no one was gonna shut up about Breaking Bad then people went alright and then they binged the whole thing so yeah do you know what I did that I did that the day after the fucking series ended and everyone's like wow that was one of the greatest
Starting point is 03:28:18 finales ever right right it makes me think do you know what the greatest fictional tragedy would be congrats to one piece for hitting a thousand chapters what if one piece just became terrible for a thousand more chapters I and then I did I would feel so bad for the fans I I could I don't even know if I could find it in my heart to laugh at that I would feel so bad but but but I'm a monster that would be really terrible and sad then again I mean fucking guts on a boat so you know it happens I ever I just thought of something about one piece and I thought it wrong but I think it's funnier this way the thought that hit my head was hey if I read one page of one piece every day will I die
Starting point is 03:29:26 and what I meant in my head was like you die before you finish it but but no if I read one page of one piece every day will I die you might it's possible I you know there's got there's someone out there that that reads every single Captain Tsubasa thing ever there's someone out there that follows it religiously there's there's a precedent for this one piece is is stepping into existing footprints alright so yeah check out the Bloodborne D make then I want to give a quick shout out to another cool indie game of victory heat rally
Starting point is 03:30:23 I'm gonna bump this I retweeted it recently but this essentially just looks like lots of fun love and all the things you you want to see you know the things that I was attracted to about like drift stage these games gonna come out well this is a new one this is another thing this is another thing drift stage there's nothing else to say I mean you know rip my own made his music he did his he did his job it was incredible I just you know the game the project went the way it went and fucking I don't know I think I think yeah people just fucked off on that but here's another racing game being made called victory heat rally by some different people and it looks charming and fun and 3d and colorful and I'm very excited to see and play this I know that it's it's like the curse of one might feel like it should extend beyond to the others but this is a
Starting point is 03:31:24 different thing by different people so I give it renewed hope it I am attributing like a magical association with this genre art die yes because you're thinking of drift stage and a nineties arcade racer and the tragedies associated with trying to capture this there could be an association I mean it could be that like people who like make nineties classic arts kid style racer with like a polygonal thing just like there's an overlap of liking this genre and being addicted to math and it's hard to make a game when you're feeding for math but that's probably not what's happening I mean there are the ones that came out though yeah power drive 2000 did come out distance did able to temporarily kick their meth habit I can't even follow my own internal logic anymore that doesn't make any sense that power drive 2000 that where is that I just looked at it on steam and I couldn't find it is that like
Starting point is 03:32:38 like a indie indie power drive 3000 no I mean it's a Kickstarter that last updated February 21st 2017 to come out demo did not come out wait did not come out no oh what's the one I'm thinking of I'm not oh my god that's another one that died I wasn't even thinking of power drive 32 I just said it I was thinking of a dove oh god what was it there's another one that's incredible fuck oh what's the what's the game will he's thinking of where is horizon chase turbo horizon chase turbo the one that had that actually came out okay no I'm thinking I'm not thinking of hot shot I'm thinking of horizon chase turbo which actually has top gear music in it oh that's cool oh yes and it and it and it has top gear vibes and we played it oh my god that looks so much like top gear on race wars that's fucking crazy how much like top gear yes yes yes like usually a lot of the other ones are trying to do like Daytona or like
Starting point is 03:34:26 like fucking Ridge racer yeah okay like to that's that's just fucking top gear god I just fucking my brain just yeah so anyway it is fucking cursed but you know the ones that come out need to be championed for existing so these are horizon chase turbos is made by Brazilians Brazilians that explains everything honorable mention to sonic robo blast to cart that thing was crazy all right I can't believe your fucking shot in the dark found a different cancel one of those it's so crazy so crazy I pay I got I'm had I there's a great my own vinyl with some awesome music on it that says drift stage and I think we both own drift stage shirts I had to throw my drift stage shirt out yeah it became tattered
Starting point is 03:35:40 okay well I still got mine and I and I and I do still appreciate that style I actually wore it too often and too many washes there you go look at that right anyway hey in an interview Yoko Taro on stream implies that if you want Papa near to come to near replicant then they need to sell enough copies of near replicant how many at least half of what automatic sold if near replicant version one point two two four seven four four eight seven one three nine sold about maybe half of what near automatic did they consider adding Papa near replicant more like replicant do Yoko Taro that isn't actually crazy at all that works out to about two point five million copies that is a little crazy not a fan have as many giant asses in it's not going to happen not a fan of ransom ransom features who says it doesn't look different hey who's stopping the giant asses from coming in with Papa near just slap a germ on there you got a problem with that
Starting point is 03:37:14 no okay good why would you think I have a problem all right give daddy a dump but that's the worst that's the worst term I've ever heard for that holy shit because it's supposed to be dump truck right but like a dump or fuck that's terrible holy Christ for what are you fucking Jim Norton now yeah basically yeah that of that whole crew that's the oh fuck that's pretty much been my role from day one if you think about it that's just minus the glass tables no glass tables holy shit god damn it I said the word Jim Norton and now my brain just fucking teleports you saying the phrase yeah if you want to waste it into my head and I want to fucking throw up you told that fucking story so many times and now it's fucking I hate it anyway so Papa near held ransom at sale of replicant
Starting point is 03:38:34 so I'll give Yoko a pass on this because when Capcom does it and they're like it's they try and paint it as like a real thing like an official thing where they're like oh man maybe if you buy these reasonable games will make a cool new Wii game and it's always it's literally always a lie or they put up those polls for what characters you want in Street Fighter 4 even though the fucking characters had already all been decided like a year beforehand but Yoko Taro is like straight up just being trying to trick you to buy more copies like it's way more overt see but what if he's already working on Papa near though well then that's cool we're friends now it's the objectively better story fucking give it give it
Starting point is 03:39:27 but it's not just a model swap they need the voice to yeah I want to hear Kaine we are friends now aren't we friends so fucking stupid and also like they gotta edit the lines to save dad and you know everything so yeah yeah I'm glad a lot of people are gonna get to experience that though that jumped on an automata working backwards is a little weird but it'll still be interesting I mean that's just so different you can you can totally go either way not as different as it used to be
Starting point is 03:40:18 right it looks a lot more similar now so you know anyway let's take some letters yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna like vomit from this headache so that's really good good that's I feel so good right now that's a lie I don't know if you could tell if it was lying so if you want to ask me a question about lying while your brain is exploding go ahead and send that to castle super beast mail that's castle super beast mail got one coming in Adam says hey Pat but most likely Willie the GameStop roller coaster isn't over
Starting point is 03:41:04 update my entire life savings is now in GameStop stock oh fuck the doubling in price this week wasn't because of a short seller closing their positions it was because of a large number of retail investors that bought shares citation below my guess is because of this tweet by mad money fucking Jim Kramer huh Wall Street has you know that guy like a total hack shit fraud
Starting point is 03:41:35 he's the nuts so dude that fucking does these dude yeah so Wall Street has bet on GameStop going bankrupt in a few months and it cost them just under a billion dollars this week well if the short squeeze happens the ridiculously high price is still to come I expect the current price 35 bucks is gonna stay after everything calms down also Blackberry's doing great too like it's 2008 again wish me luck on my YOLO damn alright this sounds like somebody who eats sleeps and breathes Wall Street bets yeah if you're if you're coming from Wall Street bets then this is exactly the flavor you hear talking about YOLOing life savings into something yeah Wall Street gambling is gambling for people that are
Starting point is 03:42:26 that need the rush of betting their entire life on a single roll at the roulette table WSB in particular though is a special it's a special flavor of investor that's just stonks always go up no matter what happens doesn't matter shut up facts are useless we invest fuck your bull economy gotta buy the dip man fuck your bear economy we go bull all the way what if the dip is actually a crash buy the dip ride that rocket all the way to Mars let's go go yeah just fucking scam it is it is it is it is a glorified is a glorified casino you know yeah and and the best part is when people like fucking when it pays off and then someone shows off
Starting point is 03:43:41 what they fucking got and then everybody goes and just gets the smell of blood and then rushes to do the same and I have to admit I am surprised that GameStop is still alive I'm kind of eating my words on that I really thought they'd be dead by now same for Stadia oh Stadia is like incredibly alive the results incredibly I mean astonishingly yeah you know I guess you you can never underestimate like how much bleed money the parent company has right yeah Stadia will never actually run out of money they'll just piss off Google to the point where they pull the plug and get tired of running out of money exactly but they could continue to exist that way it reminds me of when was it Yamauchi who said Nintendo has enough money to lose profits for 40 years straight yeah
Starting point is 03:44:48 like no one you see that article that came out where it was described that in the early aughts no before that in the 90s before the GameCube came out Microsoft sent Steve Ballmer down to fucking buy Nintendo Ballmer lick my balls and they fucking walked into the room and pitched them be like well you guys aren't a technology company but you make great games so how about we make the Nintendo and like the fucking dudes on the Nintendo side of the meeting just literally sat there and like laughed at them for over an hour as they kept trying to do the pitch and then they wouldn't stop laughing so they just left I'll I'll I'll always remember that like there was a fake IGN article way back in the day
Starting point is 03:45:45 that was about that meeting and it quoted Yamauchi as saying Ballmer can lick my balls and that was that was when I like learned his name and grew to remember it and it was it was I think it was a screenshot I was like what an early Internet Photoshop I believe of just like back when it was or possibly even I'll never forget it yeah I found the direct quote Steve Ballmer oh it wasn't Ballmer himself Steve Ballmer made us go meet with Nintendo to see if they would consider being acquired Bakas recalls they just laughed their asses off like imagine an hour of somebody just laughing at you that's kind of how the meeting went Bob McGreen had a business that the pitched to Nintendo was that their quote hardware stunk compared to Sony PlayStation it did listen you're much better at the game portions of Mario and all that stuff why don't you just let us take care of the hardware
Starting point is 03:46:55 I mean McGreen recalled but it quote didn't work out did he try singing them the developers song maybe that would have worked so straight up this was after they tried to buy EA and after they tried to buy Square Enix and all and after they tried to buy Midway but before they tried to buy Bungie not which while they did oh sure but this was clearly not working with Nintendo let's take our business to Sega yeah are you putting a timeline together yeah that that exact pitch was so much better suited to Sega we'll make a hardware was terrible you guys work is on the work on the rest no you don't want to do that okay we'll make the software we'll put a little sticker on the bottom
Starting point is 03:48:10 of your thing that shows you the Windows CE logo and how about this console games for controllers memory units yeah everything good to go okay by ours now it's ours fucking history a lot of Sega games on that original Xbox jet set radio future somehow ready to go on launch interesting how that was ready to go on a on a Microsoft console title for a new Sega console huh bunch of Sega games sitting there ready to go on launch very interesting hmm four four ports memory units yep okay hmm interesting well anyway coinkie dink is a coinkie dink right that's crazy that's a weird one wild wild coincidence huh
Starting point is 03:49:30 Nintendo fucking like that's the smartest silence you've ever heard or not heard for that matter it's wild to me how Xbox is still made no penetration in Japan after like 20 years it's fucking crazy I'll never forget that picture of the those two Japanese dudes laughing at it in a display case from the reveal event straight up laughing at it yeah pointing and laughing and then Jamsey I'll always remind the Internet about Jamsey the the Japan Xbox mascot who came and went he got a he got a logo carved into his haircut is what it is um anyway anyway uh yeah good luck on that Adam Jake says Seventh Day Adventist slaps grenade out of midair dare eternal brownface champions I recently watched the movie hacks I like that no
Starting point is 03:50:52 don't like that one starring Andrew Garfield Spider-Man and directed by Mel Gibson Jesus Christ it's your standard World War two movie with Andrew Garfield playing the role of a Seventh Day Adventist who signs up as a medic but refuses to use weapons due to his religious beliefs he upholds the belief just use weapons anyway he upholds his belief throughout the movie however in the final act Andrew Garfield's character slaps a grenade out of midair and kicks it back to the attacking Japanese forces in horrible slow motion action sequence this move is based on a true story so I'm wondering does that count as using a weapon is this World War two hero burning an SDA hell technically he just kicked a grenade in self-defense but it still ends up hurting people can you think of any other dumb religious loopholes that are like this yes I can I talk about the Shabbat man all the time with the Judaism he he parried a grenade you say interesting this story well one he's not burning an SDA hell because there is no such thing as SDA hell because hell is not a place it's a time
Starting point is 03:52:12 hell is only when the earth is on fire and everyone is being cleansed of their sins hell will end when the last sins are burned away so it's not a place another dimension of infinite damnation but I would go ahead and say based on my upbringing that this does not count as breaking the law this parry is acceptable because I was raised to believe that God is not one who you can trick on technicalities and if it's reasonable and understandable then this is in fact in the clear so yeah yeah I would I would make the distinction from my extraordinarily not seventh day Adventist perspective that the intent is all that matter was he slapping it out of the air to save his bros or was he slapping it out of the air to kill those dudes well that's the idea right and this is where we get into the convoluted area of like saving lives versus taking them and taking them to save them and in and in some cases there's religions where they're like we don't believe in a blood transfusion so if someone gets into a car accident there's nothing we can do you know yeah that's stupid so um that's that's stupid and you you should probably go to jail if you yeah that's not great um but in fact you totally do go to jail if you deny that
Starting point is 03:53:51 get that service but for for what it's worth I was I was raised to see these types of situations where if there's some sort of technical loophole or some bullshit the answer is no because exactly the intention and where you're at and what you're doing is what matters and if you're nefariously attempting to skirt through something for you know less than honest purposes then that's bad enough on its own so uh no string to keep us indoors around the uh the outside of our houses you know uh Christian from Western Australia says hey woolly big fan love your work a couple of times on the podcast Monsanto has been it's long fuck you Monsanto has been mentioned in particular the most recent podcast you referred to something about Monsanto um I think it was a reference to the idea that Monsanto blames farmers for accidental seed contamination as someone who also seems interested in cutting through bullshit um rumors and hysteria I thought you'd be interested to learn that this trope about Monsanto is completely unfounded in a similar way to claims about election fraud accusations against Monsanto have been repeated endlessly in such quantity that many people take for granted that they must be true they're not it feels bad defending a greedy giant corp who certainly aren't saints but personally I find it fascinating how much Monsanto has been turned into boogeymen without substantiation
Starting point is 03:55:39 uh here's a link to a recent podcast episode where the issue from an academically referenced and independent source comes up you can listen to it it's only 15 minutes our skim the transcript I'll repeat the pertinent part for suing farmers here it's a common belief it's such a common belief and it's absolutely false it's easily verified Monsanto has publicly stated that it has never committed um it never will sue if our patented seeds or traits are found in a farmer's field as a result of inadvertent means uh this was put to a judicial test in 2011 when Monsanto was sued by organic seed growers and trade association to make them stop suing farmers who held who had seeds actually okay I'm gonna be really honest I I've actually stopped listening to this like as soon as they said this was easily researched I literally typed in is Monsanto evil and found like dozens of articles saying that they are and a couple saying they're not that evil and it's like that's not the questions okay it's about the specific of the blowing of the the the seeds into the wrong farmers fields and then and then farmers getting sued as a result of it uh they're legally prevented from okay I'll skip ahead but he says they're legally prevented from ever doing so and uh they haven't and never planned to not raging or calling you out or anything dumb like that I'm a biologist with a master's degree in science communication my area of expertise expertise is public misunderstandings of science so it's a topic I find fascinating to talk about essentially he just wrote in to say that there is a common uh belief about Monsanto and I didn't know that was not true so if that's the if that's the case then uh yeah interesting
Starting point is 03:57:26 well the fuck's this guy just writing in to defend this fucking hyper evil corporation like I genuinely I'm baffled yeah I think I thought like that it's this video game podcast we we often mentioned ha ha Monsanto is fucking evil yeah I think uh it's I think it's the specifics of that fact and I get it because I do recite that fact and I have done so many times I've talked about how Monsanto has sued farmers for um crops accidentally blowing into their fields and if that is something that is not in fact true then I'll stop bringing that up not that there's not other things and reasons certainly with them but uh yeah alright I legitimately don't understand why anyone would defend any company ever well I don't I think it's about hating for the right reasons and not for ones that can be shut down as false
Starting point is 03:58:39 that's important to me I don't want to be like talking some bullshit that's not true when it turns out you know there's something else entirely I mean you just skip that step in but like Monsanto is evil yeah you can definitely um that seems simpler last one coming in here um Mute says Dear Hitmon Lee and Hitmon Top
Starting point is 03:59:08 I watched Detective Pikachu recently and being the idiot that I am decided to check TV Tropes on the site I saw a certain discovery made by a bright individual once subscribing to Willy's School of Thought it was since deleted but luckily nothing gets out of wiki-style sites so without further ado deleted from the TV Tropes Detective Pikachu article Tim's status as a mixed race child is actually a clever reference to Pokemon breeding mechanics in the games you could breed two Pokemon of different species as long as their egg types are compatible with the resulting offspring being Pokemon of the same species as the mother in the movie Tim is closer in appearance to his mother while his father Harry looks nothing like him
Starting point is 04:00:00 fuck off Ryan Reynolds makes perfect sense if you carry if you put forth the idea that this follows the Pokemon breeding rules alright that's enough isn't it? that's enough
Starting point is 04:00:24 you sure? yeah I'm sure you you you you

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