Castle Super Beast - CSB 106: Glamurai: Mentor Meth Kid For Jordans

Episode Date: February 9, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 My name's Alright, I'm playing with fire here. I'm going to start this episode feeling that I might need to run to the bathroom, but I don't think I actually need to. So more like you're playing with water. Am I right? Yeah. So we're going to see how this goes. But I think it'll be okay. It's it's currently in that. Oh, yeah. 5050 state, which are not odds. I like about that Super Bowl, huh? Football happened. Did you hear that? Yeah, that Tom Brady is the greatest athlete of all time. You know, all other athletes in every other sport that history has ever bore witness to. He is the greatest athlete. Who what dumb ass
Starting point is 00:01:32 said this? It was an article that popped up on the Atlantic, I believe. If I'm not mistaken. And it was like of all the goats is he the goat of goats? And it's just like, I fucking children like good. So you got people to rage click. Good job. You did it. There might be there legitimately might be some Americans who don't like what I'm about to say. So get ready. I don't think the greatest athlete is allowed to come from a sport that is really only played in one country. Let me double down on that as a fan of football that likes playing the game and enjoys the mechanics of it. Any game that has athleticism that is broken up into constant breaks to edit the game plan and then reexecute back and forth
Starting point is 00:02:36 through a strategic strategic play is not going to be the greatest athlete of all greatest of all time athletes. Like you can call someone the greatest at the thing they do without saying it dominors over a billion other infinitely more athletic things. Like if you want to break down the greatest athlete, like there's a couple criteria we could go for you could easily make the the fucking statement that it might have to be a soccer player, right? Like because of its wideness, and it includes nearly every country in the world, or you could say like the only people who are even allowed to enter into that conversation are like gold medalists in the Olympics that claimed golds in multiple different sports.
Starting point is 00:03:26 I mean, or events. Yeah, you can go. There's a couple places to go like that. But personally, I think to me it's like like a sustained singular individuals like athleticism that persists over an extended period of time is what should be considered. Like if you're if you're gonna like things that are like people that are triathlon fucking participants, right, people that's tough. Yeah. Like fuck it, fuck a thing where you do the thing for a bit and then you stop and then you come back in and you do it really good. Like the things that last a long time that require high amounts of control and and and fucking like mental conditioning as well. Not to say that like all these other sports don't require that, but to make that
Starting point is 00:04:17 kind of statement at the bare minimum, you want to introduce a sustained period of athleticism as your your, you know, your basic consideration point for who would be greater than all the greats as it were, right? So like athleticism, that's conditioning. Conditioning is a part of it. No, but like the period of time that you have to execute matters here. It's not just conditioning. You're talking about shorter and shorter periods of time that you have to put that athleticism on display, right? At the end of the game, sustained activity, how much cumulative time was spent being athletic? That is a part of it. I think I think that's a that's a viable path. I don't know. Weightlifting is shortened and explosive, so
Starting point is 00:05:09 it's not like everything is about time. Time is one metric, of course, but it should be a part of the discussion. Like so a lot of people, I'm seeing a lot of Bo Jackson's. I'm not actually familiar with Bo Jackson at all, but apparently he was like doing all sorts of shit for like decades. The one that I do know about is Mario Lemieux, who is from my old shitty neck of the woods, the Villa Mard, as a hockey player, Super Mario, was the patron sponsor of the Delalos Burger Joint. But like I think the the the argument for a person of this type is summed up by the wiki pages breakdown. It goes early career, which is 84 to 88. And 88 to 92 is like a ton of points. The 92 to 97 is cancer return
Starting point is 00:06:03 retirement 97 to 2000 post retirement. And then 2000 to 2006 is out of retirement. Yeah, like the dude got cancer and quit and then came back in like his almost fifties and was still one of the best hockey players. And that is again, a particularly enduring sport when brought into the equation. I personally I would throw my hat and I would throw a hat into the ring with with this with this discussion. I would throw I would say no, not me. I would think you know, no, no, no, not me, not my hat. I would throw a hat into the ring. I would. Yes, the greatest athlete of all the greatest athletes. Well, it's right in the name right there. You know, I'll have you know that that football trophy I got for that
Starting point is 00:07:02 year where I got it was yeah, one of the greatest I've ever got. It was the I'm I'm secretly John Madden, woolly Madden. Yeah, I wonder what happened. I had I had like two or three. I don't know where they went, but oh, I thought you were going to ask what happened to John Madden and what's the fucking time age and fear of flying happened to John Madden. If you're flying, yeah, he takes his giant Madden bus everywhere because he doesn't want to fly. Oh, I mean, yeah. Oh, okay. So anyway, flying scary. Yeah, I get that. Yeah, I have I have a feeling about I have a suggestion and there's a lot of big name, huge celebrity athletes that are being listed here. And none of them are like, you know, wrong suggestions
Starting point is 00:07:52 like you can you can throw out your your your Mike Tyson's and your, your, you know, Serena Williams and your just crazy examples out there, right? For me, I'm going to go with Alex Honnold, the fucking guy that free soloed El Capitan, the mountain climber that climbed the side of a literal death drop mountain with nothing but his body and just did it. And so that's cool. It like, I don't know that any other human is going to accomplish that while we while we're still alive. John Madden still alive. No shit. Insane, huh? That fucking yeah, free soloing as an activity is already the most bullshit insane nonsense
Starting point is 00:08:46 ever. And when it comes to just everything you need to be to execute that, the amount of practice, the amount of understanding of like, like keeping your entire body, keeping yourself alive through balancing off of your thumb and a pinky finger and then sometimes jumping and hoping that like the tips of the tips of your fingers land in a crevice so that you don't fucking die is just the most insane shit ever. I feel, I also feel it's incredibly stupid. I think that ultimate warrior ninja, I'm going to go that I'm going to go free solo. I'm going to go fucking the El Capitan guy. That's that's my god damn it. I you ever start saying something and then you immediately realize it's the same said
Starting point is 00:09:35 thing you've said a hundred times the minor variation. I was about to say, man, this free climbing shit makes me think about ultimate warrior ninja and how it's for pussies and how that shit should be on the side of the mountain. And if you fall, you die. And I'm like, Oh, check your bingo card of Pat starts talking about blood sport. Here's the thing. I'm also actually describing a blood sport, except I'm doing it. Yeah, you are describing a real blood sport. I'm like with all considerations taking into account. This is someone who's doing an activity, a sport, a fucking physical thing that if they fail, they die. The penalty of failing is death here. So this is this is the closest to what you're looking for.
Starting point is 00:10:16 No one's forcing them to do it, but they do it anyway. It's actually a blood sport. Uh, I have two hats to throw in the ring on who on the greatest athletes. All right. Hat number one. Any random Australian. Okay. Just any of them implying the entire life is a sport then. Yes. I think, uh, it was Paladin Amber. Are you familiar with her? She does. She's funny. Uh, she put up a video, one of those things like tell people you're from Australia without actually saying it. And it was like the biggest fucking spider I've ever seen calling on her car and then like some kind of asshole bird killed it and ran away with it. And it's like, man, yeah, that's, that's not that. Oh man, I don't,
Starting point is 00:11:14 I don't like that. I liked that the bird killed the spider. That's, that made me excited. But shit in another number two and, and, uh, somewhere else, uh, not too far from that area is the exact same scenario, except a spider lands on the bird and takes the bird out in reverse. Yeah, that's correct. Depends who, depends who sees the other first is like call of duty. Um, and the second greatest athlete in the world is of course me because I capitulated to my stupid dog's whims and picked him up and put him on the bed this morning and fuck he is heavy. That is a heavy dog. You should be on that list. Yeah, I should. Um, yeah. Well, I mean, gamers are athletes
Starting point is 00:12:09 too, right? Absolutely. Because esports. Oh man, you know, oh man, I want to see like greatest athletes of all time. And it's like Mike Tyson and Muhammad Ali and Bo Jackson and Jim Thorpe and Wayne Gretzky and all these fucking people. And at the end it's like fucking fruit seller from Stark from the brood war circuit or faker or some shit like that. Everybody lose their mind. Everybody go nuts. The problem is, is that like as inherently ridiculous as that, as that goes, we immediately come to a place where someone writing an article for a website will realize that that would be a wonderful way to get people to rage click and they will put that big banner up with all those athletes and Olympians and then
Starting point is 00:13:04 just put faker on the side, as you said, you know, and have that like be upfront and just put and like just get people to show up and do what they do because you've made your pay. You know, you fucking you figured it out. I will say there is a metric where you could talk about greatest athlete in which I definitely for real not joking around believe you could put like a athlete or a sportsman in and the metric is the athlete in a mature sport that is so dominant in their era that they literally ruin the sport. So like there is a point where like I remember if Michael Jordan was not playing in a game like people wouldn't bother watching. Oh, okay. So that's like Muhammad Ali for had a streak in which he
Starting point is 00:13:56 just couldn't. Okay, those are different. I hear what you're saying, although like the people not watching is a more is the business side of it. Like if we're talking about like yeah, bending the rules like or they have to change the rules of play, then like, yes, there is some people where you can look and go like, yeah, this person played in such a way that they had to change what was allowed and what was not allowed because of how dominant they were. Oh, I don't necessarily I don't necessarily mean like requiring the rules to be changed. But like, do you did you ever watch golf? Not really. But I do know that Nicholas and what's Palmer, some of those old guys Palmer, right? So I did not watch
Starting point is 00:14:42 golf. However, my dad watches golf. And when Tiger Woods showed up, Tiger Woods fucking ruined golf. Because there was no fucking like one of the actual interesting things when you watch golf is that like one really fucked up shot can like tank your position from like the light first to like negative 10, because it's like 10 people tied for second place, right? That doesn't work when the guy in front is in front by like 14 fucking strokes. And like you're watching a three day tournament for second place. Like I mean, I get like the it sucked like there there there is something to be said about insane black parent that decides that their child will be the robot that dominates this particular
Starting point is 00:15:44 corner of the world, you know, be it tennis golf or pop music. There's there's something about that that regimen. And in many cases abuse that just results in like results in results. There's there's a God, what was it? Do you remember epic rap battles of history? Do you remember that? There's a line in the fucking Michael Jackson versus Elvis that always like sticks with me, which is talking to Michael Jackson, which is your daddy beat gold records out of you like it was alchemy, which you don't remember that. Wow. Yep. Yep. Because like, man, that's that's totally what happened. Mm hmm. I'm reminded of the the the statistic about soldiers who were trained to who did who who learned how to shoot through
Starting point is 00:16:50 hunger, where if you land the bullseye, you get food. And if you don't, then you don't. And how quickly that results in sharpshooters of all kinds. Mm hmm. Yeah. Yeah, when the stakes are, hey, everything, audio listeners at home, just imagine, I'll use some audio. Actually no, I won't use some audio. I'm holding I'm reaching behind myself and pulling up a bag of doggy treats. Why? Because hunger is a strong motivator and it acts as mind control. Given enough hunger, I have a fat dog. Therefore, having this thing of treats next to me means I have actual mind control powers over that dog. It's just but it's like it's even a step further than mind control, though, because it's like cause to not just do whatever they
Starting point is 00:17:46 say, but like do things that you otherwise wouldn't be able be wouldn't be motivated to do accomplish things that you otherwise wouldn't be able to accomplish on your own motivations or probably likely not, you know, every facet of your being is, you know, requires survival based on accomplishing this thing. So anyway, um, yeah, so Super Bowl though, right? Yeah, totally. Anyway, that did happen. Apparently it was terrible. I heard people talking about the commercials heard they were pretty bad. I saw a clip of a Samuel L. Jackson talking to gamers moment and I was like, Yeah, okay. Oh, that was I felt I felt gamer represented by that Verizon game represented. That's good. I literally clicked on that commercial scrolled
Starting point is 00:18:45 down one tweet and saw don't let don't everybody don't forget that New York City had to fucking sue Verizon for like six years because they wouldn't actually install any internet they would. They said they would. The commercial was for 5G. And it was just saying stop complaining about, you know, your your connection with your bad results and when your gameplay use this better wireless and it's like, Hey, assholes, how about you fucking tell people to plug it in? Like stop. Don't stop telling your phone. No, so they'll never do it and I don't think no, obviously not. But it's like it was really rather it was rather frustrating to see the the solution to your problems is better wireless here. Like fucking assholes. Anyway,
Starting point is 00:19:35 maybe when we get to 6G, we can just ignore this whole shit. It's a whole thing. I mean, I don't think it's going to be where it needs to until it looks like like forced lightning is being cast from your modem to your device. Like until you're seeing the line between your console and your router is a forced lightning beam of information being streamed in, then there's just no there's no way we can trust it. Yeah, I agree with that. I remember I saw a there's a there's a discussion about like wireless charging of things from a distance, like like a remote electronic charging and things like that. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:20:25 I was wondering if that's yeah, I was wondering is is that what it's going to look like? Is it going to look like a zap bolt from across the room into your device and like, wait, hold on, hold on. What? You don't know, obviously not see a lightning bolt, not but I'm flying across the room when you wirelessly charge something. But I remember when I was like, what would that look like? And I also remember when I was like, what happens if you stand in between it? What if your heart is like right where the charge signal has to go through? Are you going to fucking, you know, like get a murmur? No, because you don't have magnets in your body. Well, I don't. I think probably the biggest eye opening that I ever discovered, like in terms of the modern
Starting point is 00:21:19 application of technology is that literally, literally all electricity generation is passing a wire over a magnet and it creates a little electricity. And that's it. What about that's all of it? What about the type that comes from flying a kite with a key attached to it? I'm getting struck by lightning. Okay, well, that's that's God. And solar power is different. Yeah, there's wait, is it? I don't know. Yeah, you there's there's different. There's different kinds of electricity. Anyway, at the time that I learned this, it was just wires. Tesla is rolling in his coil, as we speak. Like, I think the part that weirded me out was that a nuclear reactor, despite all of its complicated shit is actually just heating water. Oh, yeah. It's just a big
Starting point is 00:22:12 steam. Yeah, yeah. No, that like what like what it's it's just a big fucking steam engine. Holy shit was probably the wild the the most interesting part of Chernobyl was like watching the breakdown and of like how it actually works and going Oh my God, that's how a nuclear okay, that's a nuclear power works. Huh? It's it's just a really hot steam engine. It's much more it's much simpler in like idea idea than it seems. But of course, the execution is infinitely more difficult than we could ever fathom. So a person in the chat just asked, I thought nuclear plants were about like splitting atoms. No, nuclear plants are about fusing atoms. But doesn't even matter. Because the reason you fuse them is so that it gets really hot. And then it boils water and then the steam
Starting point is 00:23:04 off the water pushes a turbine rods. That's it. Yeah. That's all. That's literally the whole thing. Ah, fishing, whatever they split it. I don't care. Whatever it's water. Just use water. If you piss in a in a lake, you're creating electricity somewhere. Remember that time that guy learned how to hack into pacemakers and then he got killed mysteriously. No, but I mean, that's fine. I guess some my dad has a pacemaker. I don't want people to hack in it was why yeah, he was going to do a security talk to to warn people about the dangers of this possibility. And then he died mysteriously. Anyway, hey, I have a guys I have, I'm going to tell everybody this. So it's on the record right now. I will never die mysteriously. It will be very obvious.
Starting point is 00:24:10 And if it is not obvious, just pick the next most obvious reason. Ninjas are trying to compromise your legacy. And they hung you they hung me and took my hands off in the closet to discredit me to get the ultimate ultimate revenge. It's the ultimate revenge. You know why they did that to me? Because I because I fucking leaked the cell to Netflix. I had to go. What's going on? All right, let's see. I have to this is so well, how do you do this as well, right? You literally just go to your channel and like look at it. No, well, and be like when I don't have
Starting point is 00:25:09 anything else going on. Then I go, what did we what did we play? And then yeah, what do we look at? Not a whole lot going on with me. I'll be quite honest. I played some video games, but even that was like, like, okay. Like, Neo 2 came out on the PC. And I was really excited for that. And I asked somebody and then somebody sent me a code yada yada. And then I fucked around with Neo 2 on the PC and Neo 2 on the PC is kind of fucky. What's wrong with it? Like the first one was a little bit fucky, right? In that the first one like didn't run as quite as good as it should or like there was a stutter here there. So many like options that I thought you could ultimately optimize for something decent. Well, in the in the first game, if you didn't have a
Starting point is 00:26:13 controller connected, it would stutter because it would constantly check for a controller. And there was terrible massive keyboard support. But overall, if you plugged a controller game in, it was fine, right? Though there is a bit of a micro stutter on PC that is like not on the console versions or the remaster. So I started up the the the the Neo 2 on the PC. And it has like every time it loads something in, it drops frames, like it stutters very annoyingly. And the performance is not optimized for Nvidia cards, which is like the most popular brand of video card. It is much better optimized for AMD. I'm going to assume that is because AMD is the one powering the consoles. And I got an email with the code that I was set,
Starting point is 00:27:13 which was basically like, don't worry, we're working on fixes to change the fact that you can only see PlayStation button prompts. Like the first game only had Xbox button prompts and the second game only has PlayStation ones. And we're working on a patch that implements the DLSS technology from Nvidia, which means, oh, man, you guys just straight up didn't finish the optimization at all. Okay, so what you got here is a team of people on Neo that are clearly the ones making the game itself for the primary consoles versions are incredible and doing everything they can to make it a seamless experience, quality of life out the ass. But the PC team might not be as good and are struggling to get console team is not forward
Starting point is 00:28:05 thinking either with their port needs or whatever the PC, I guess, you know, you got to hire the right people to or have the right people on your team to like, make sure that that should just laid out from the get go. That's a shame because I mean, it's so fucking good on consoles, you know, somebody, somebody reports to me, Pat, it has both Xbox and PlayStation controller options. Are you referring to the button prompts? Because if so cool, tell that to the CoA Tecmo representative that told me that that was broken like two days ago. Also, key mouse and keyboard support is like just completely broken. So are you going to go back to console? So I actually did grab it on console, because I had the Neo two on the ps4. And they just free upgraded it for me.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Okay, cool. Right. Well, actually, each of the DLCs cost one penny. Right. So, okay, that's three cents. It cost me three cents. And I also picked up Neo one remastered as well, because I never got through that. You know, that shit runs flawlessly on the on the new ps5 shocker, big shocker, totally flawlessly, very fun. It uses haptic feedback. It uses the the have the haptic vibration shit. I wouldn't say it's quite as good as Demon's Souls, but it's like 80 90% of the way there. And man, it makes a big difference. You mean the haptic implementation? Like, yeah, the haptic implementation, just blocking shit feels good. It's great. I like it. What else I want to say about it. Do you feel the pulse?
Starting point is 00:29:57 Yes, nice. And it is a pulse. I also got in touch with, I'm not touching my dick, I'm scratching my ankle, idiots. Don't you know where a dick is? It's not on your foot. I mean, degenerates. Anyway, if we're talking about Modoc, does it make a difference? Anyway, I don't know. I finally got in contact with somebody, a person who's been watching my stream for years. So I knew to trust them because they have great taste. And I was like, you got to explain me what to deal with the weapons and Neo is man. Like, you got to have fucking help me here with the builds and shit. And I got like a series of blunt pieces of advice that I really genuinely wish the game
Starting point is 00:30:51 would tell you. The game tells you game gives you I mean, you played at least the demo and you picked up all a million pieces. More than the demo. I got ours into Neo one. Oh, you did? Okay, because you were drowning in fucking 800 goddamn swords with every conceivable fucking stat in the world. And the advice I got, which oh, this is actually a much simpler game, was all those stats aren't really important or they're kind of negligible until new game plus. So literally just look at weight and attack power only. Well, it's up to you like it's a dark soul. How much you want to pay attention to the micro details on it. Also, the fact that you can use extra weapons to do to feed your weapons back at the at the Smith, you know, like there's a lot of you can use
Starting point is 00:31:54 excess weapons in a bunch of different ways or like transcribe abilities and things like that. So, you know, like it's up to you how much you want to care about it. If you do give it that much thought, then there's stuff for you. The reason the reason why it was recommended was because it is negligible compared to just the raw damage upgrade. Like the customizable shit will matter less than hey, it added like three more points of damage or three more points of armor. And then when you get a new game plus and all the fucking values are capped. Okay, now you're going to be fucking around with maximizing the little bonuses or whatever. But yeah, new game is like built. Yeah, just hit the bigger number. I'm like, oh, I think I think it's in there. It's crazy. The impression I got
Starting point is 00:32:48 because I was drowning too. But I remember the thought was that like, okay, you can care as far and as hard as you would like to you and like, or you can pick a point at which you go, I don't give a fuck about smithing and then just, you know, tap out at that like level or you can just dig and dig and dig if you want to and there's something there for you. Which yeah, I'm like, I look down the I look down the tunnel, I see it and I go, I respect it, but I'm going to stay here. You know, but you got to you got to take you know, like you want to jump off. I I feel like I could grab like an interface designer on that project and shake them and be like, literally make the fucking like the substats or whatever you would call it,
Starting point is 00:33:38 like smaller on the goddamn description so that it is more obvious that the big thing that matters is attack power. I'm getting deja vu. We've had this conversation or a variation of it. Have we? In which you were talking about the Neo. You're talking about the problem of caring too much about things. And I was trying to say that the answer is for you to stop caring about those things or pick the level to which you are comfortable and our and yeah, so stop. I'm having deja vu. I am now I am now remembering that conversation. And I'm now able to focus in on the exact difference because just don't care isn't enough, right? Because it's like, well, I have a stick and it could be one, but what if it was five, right? The the change of you can care,
Starting point is 00:34:44 but it will only give you a five percent increase. Like it is negligible. That is enough because there's no there was no understanding of how much time it was actually wasted. Like I remember Bloodborne Close was a point of topic where after the first couple really don't improve your your stats. Oh, man, they don't do kind of figure it out and go, oh, all right, these are meant to just be small pushes in or away from, you know, the stat rebalance here and there, but mild as fuck. And you kind of figure it out by looking at two or three of them, you know. Yeah, Bloodborne. Actually, I absolutely hate a lot of the stuff about its equipment because it lies. Well, they wanted to kill that aspect of
Starting point is 00:35:45 min-maxing specifically. Yeah, but they didn't actually remove it. They just lied and said it wasn't there. Like I think the one that is the most frustrating is when you put the lantern on your belt, it like significantly decreases your stamina regeneration, but it doesn't tell you that it's doing that. So people only found that out through trial and error. I will say that no matter what version of this conversation we have, I will always be like in favor of the game explaining things mechanically or at least giving you more. Oh, do you guys not know that? Oh, everybody's shocked about the fucking lantern. Yeah, if you put the lantern on, it's like taking off of stamina ring in Dark Souls. Oh, they removed that? I don't know. It was patched out. Oh,
Starting point is 00:36:30 good. Thank goodness. Because that was stupid as shit. Yeah, don't care. Don't care less doesn't work unless I'm given a reason to not care less. No, right. To care less. Does that make sense? Okay, if caring, yeah, that makes sense. But like I would have a similar goblin if caring would result in a massive difference down the road, you know, like if there's something huge that you're denying yourself by not caring, then yeah, exactly, right? Yeah, then that that there's consequences to that. Ultimately. But if it ends up being the difference between, I don't know, like if it's never the difference between one more swing or one less swing, you know, it's almost like, all right, well, yeah, absolutely. What are we worried about here? Exactly. I thought by staring at those
Starting point is 00:37:30 goddamn substats or random things in the regular ass game that it would be the difference between like, literally life and death and boss fights. And it turns out, no. But you know what the like when you're doing the super hard shit at the end of the game? Yeah. But no, but also, as with all these games, there is a there's still a limit that exists outside of the game, which is you can do it with your inferior equipment if you were better. There's the one where it's like, yeah, well, next time roll to avoid that attack. I don't know about that with Neo, because the stats in Neo skill really hard. Like really, really aggressively. Like I remember going back to the first area after doing the first whole region, and I was killing enemies in single strikes.
Starting point is 00:38:30 Whereas earlier than that, it was like four hits. But I just mean to say you can't nerf flawless play. Right. So like that idea will always be the final discussion point in a build where you can go hyper micro focus. Why don't you just be better? Why don't you just be good or idiot? Uh huh. Why not? Anyway, I still I just get happy thinking about how free that game is with its fashion and how transmog verification. Oh, it doesn't give a shit. So it doesn't care at all untethered. I love it. Like one of my favorite things to do legitimately one of my favorite things to do now is think about how much I hate destiny. And destiny is finally adding transmog to their game. They're they're finally doing it like eight, nine years in the world. And it'll
Starting point is 00:39:32 Oh my god. The word is glamour I glamour I that is so fucking good. Oh, that's wonderful. What a good ass word. Yes. No, that that's pretty. I mean, they really like let you feel and put together the character you want to without restrictions because what's the point? Why bother restricting people? Let them enjoy it looking the way they want to look at your playing well in game. I mean, you know, because because it costs money to implement the the transmog certainly, but like all development. It's so much it's so much nicer to have that freedom in a game. Yeah, I agree. And you've already put in the work of so implementing the models, you know, like just take it a step further.
Starting point is 00:40:27 I think that almost every game of this type should have glam or transmog or what have you. And then I think about so they I was just saying that destiny to after like nine years is finally going to add like a real transmog system. They're going to let you turn like whatever armor you want into like what's called a universal ornament, which is just like a you paste it on and it looks how it was. And it's like, you'll be able to unlock the ability to do that with in game effort or money. Oh, yeah. Unlike everybody else ever. Real cash bucks. Oh, yay. Like, oh, it's not a value add. It's another monetization strategy. Great. Way to double confirm that I'll never play that game again. Like, holy shit.
Starting point is 00:41:31 If you want to read a much smarter person than me be much more frustrated with destiny than even me. You can go check out Doc Squitty's article called the last one about destiny, where he describes that game just completely fucking falling apart. We're still talking about it. It is still alive. And I still hate it. And it is yet to die. That's what it means to make it is long tail games that are that are meant to exist for a decade mean you're going to be complaining about it for a decade. I have unironically been listening to people be like disappointed more and more every single year about World of Warcraft than the World of Warcraft was good. World of Warcraft was good for six years. World of Warcraft came out in 2004.
Starting point is 00:42:22 That means that we've had we had six good years of WoW and 10 shit ones. I know six is generous, but still, I mean, I was when back when multiple roommates and friends were all, you know, rating together talking about how torrents are unfairly despised and something, something blood song Gulch, something, something. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. They seem to be having a lot of fun with it. But they were like, I think at least with one of those friends, I saw the like, I saw the fun giveaway to just dailies. You know what I mean? Like where from boot to completion of daily or rate or whatever to reward to finishing off for the night, not a smile was cracked. Not a single moment of joy was expressed. You know, it was just a wrote fucking completion of
Starting point is 00:43:37 tasks for the day. I did see that occur within the time frame I was watching. There's a real like these long tail games, like be it an MMO or Destiny or Warframe or whatever, people complain, people love to complain. In fact, and that this counts for fighting games or like everything, right? You the more you know about your, your, your lifestyle game, whatever the fuck you want to call it, the more you're going to complain, right? And the more in depth that complaining is going to be. But like, like I'll use 14 as an example, my time with 14 is 80% either enjoying it or being like, Oh, that's cool. And about 20% like rabid, vicious complaining, 80 to 20, I can live with that. That's pretty good. Destiny what went from like
Starting point is 00:44:26 destiny. I don't know if you remember, Willie, when the week destiny came out, it was like all complaints like the day it came out. Why is this game so fucked up? Why is the story so screwed up? Why is it so hard to level up your character? And it's been like at best like fucking overall like 50, 50, it's entire lifetime. Like everybody that I know who plays destiny has had like at least a year where they're like a fucking hate destiny. Cause hitting the ranked ladders in, in a, in a fighting game are you're going to get real, you know, you're going to get those salty losses, but you're also like one good round or a good match away from, you know, walking away,
Starting point is 00:45:17 winning or losing against somebody who like, you're like, yo, you did some sick shit. I respect what you did there. And that feels good, you know, and you're going to, and that's, that's going to illicit actual enjoyment in that moment, you know. Yeah. But at the same time, as you get better, you'll become more frustrated by whatever is real problems. Right. So like if I'm going to use SF5 as an example, I don't know anything about SF5 right now. Sayakuma is like busted and he's like so busted that it like, it sucks. As you get super good, that's going to like hurt your feelings like more than when you're climbing up. Yes, yes, because you'll feel it. In fact, that would describe what's happening in, for example,
Starting point is 00:46:05 teppen, where I, you know, I haven't really been checking in on the updates regularly, but I continue to be ranking highly in those games and I'm now at a point where uh, someone shows up and like within the first like, I don't know, within the first like five or six cards they play, I'm just like rolling my eyes. I'm like, oh, you're one of these. You know what I mean? Like I'm immediately classifying you and just going like, all right, let's see. And like there's a, the window of play that I respect gets narrower and narrower. Oh yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Exactly. And I, and that's why I always roll my eyes to people and teppen these days. That's, that's why whenever I talk about 14 and I complain about other people and
Starting point is 00:47:00 people say, oh, Pat, sounds like you hate this game. It's like, no, I've just played so much of it that the, the stuff that annoys you, you can recognize it in a millisecond. You just see it instantly. You see, uh, like you, like you wrote, you load into an eight man, right? And you have a white mage and an astrologian, they're healers, right? They, the astrologian can switch between shields and regen and white mage can only do regen. All right. And the astrologian goes, I want to do regen. And you go, well, no, dude, we have a white, just switch to shields. Just, that's, it's, it's, it's, it's, don't stack. So just, so just switch to shields. I don't want to. All right. It's going to be, all right. It's going to be one of those, you know, like I, I,
Starting point is 00:47:48 I might as well just leave right now when, uh, nowadays, whenever I fight somebody who's in the top 100 rankings, uh, the, my first thing is let's see if you actually deserve this or not. Right. Show me like with your understanding and skill that you deserve this spot and, uh, a number of times, most of the time I'll walk out of there kind of being like, you didn't fucking earn that. You don't, you don't have it. You absolutely are not like, I'll, I'll, you know, like, like if I, well, especially if I walk away winning with something that like, I'm just like, okay, I see the bullshit you're doing and you're fighting against people that don't know how to stop that or are not prepared for it. Um, and then you give the benefit of the doubt to like the
Starting point is 00:48:40 possibility that they just drew a bad order, you know, in their, in their hand or whatever. But, um, when you do fight somebody and like there'll, there'll be people you fight that are like, let's say like someone that I fought someone last night that was rank 11 and like every single thing I played, they countered and the match ended up being like 30 zero and I was like, yep, you, that's, you deserve that spot. You know what you're doing. You recognize what I play as I play it and you have a counter play and ready in mind and I 100% don't question your ability to be there. But when you see things that like the less and less you see the less and less of that they have, the more they're just kind of floundering and, and, and, and like mirroring people who are not in
Starting point is 00:49:25 that top 100, but they just happen to be there. You're just like, yeah, fucking I'm judging the shit out of you, you know, I should be there. I'd like to actually rescind my earlier statement. I, I fucking misspoke because I don't play Astro. Um, actually white mage and, and diurnal Astro is fine. Scholar and nocturnal Astro is fucking dog shit. That because shields are the things that don't stack my mistake. Uh, here's a better example. Turn on tank stance, please. No. Okay. Well, okay, all right. Okay. When, uh, when I'm about to lose to one of these brain dead players and I don't respect their play, I fucking rage quit out of there because they not getting my points. You don't earn my points. You ain't taking my points.
Starting point is 00:50:17 You didn't earn that shit. But so like everybody, I assume everyone listening to this plays a game to the point where they can recognize the shit that drives them crazy very quickly and how much of your experience is recognizing the shit that drives you crazy. Is it like half of your entire time with the game? You should probably stop because it sounds like that game sucks or at the very least that you don't enjoy it. Like I had a, I put, when I play like League of Legends, for example, I play it very casually. I still haven't even unlocked ranked, right? And I'll play like two matches in a row and I probably get my ass kicked. I'm like, Oh, that was pleasant. But everybody else that I know who plays League of Legends really, really wants to win. And so
Starting point is 00:51:10 their trash teammates ruin their evening. So you probably shouldn't play League of Legends because they're your trash teammates will ruin your evening because they're Garbo. But do you know, I guess you wouldn't have this unless it was PVP as I'm like the experience where again, you just, you have a really good match against somebody and like you respect it, you know, because I had that again. Again, last night I came back from a 20 to like two like loss and like just won't like clutched it out and brought it back for a victory. And I was like, that was a fucking amazing set. And I respect the guy I'm playing against and you end up feeling good about that exchange. But if you're co-opping against the
Starting point is 00:52:04 raid boss, I don't really know if you can feel that if everyone's succeeding is just good job, you did your job. The best you can hope for is you did your job, right? You, you, the, or there are the, the saves are always saving somebody else from their mistake. Right, right. Someone fucked up and the cool guy covered for it. Yeah. Okay. Somehow ran in and switched positions on the fly and it was all great or the healer like just did the math perfectly and raised somebody, but still had enough MP to heal you, right? Heroes are almost always the heroes of the raid encounter because they, it's also why they're so grumpy. It's because all they do is fix your mistakes. That's all the healer does is look at, look at the health bars
Starting point is 00:52:56 ticked down unnecessarily. Like you didn't need to stand in that. You didn't need to stand in that. You should have been over there. You should have been over there and then, and then fix it. And yeah, I suspect, I suspect carrying is not as satisfying as a close one on one. I did have there is you want to hear the most toxic recipe ever. There is a fucking roulette in 14 called the mentor roulette and the mentor roulette, if you get like, Oh my God, I want to say you got to get like 10,000 completions or some absurd shit. You get like the most exclusive rare ass mountain the game. I think like two people in the game have it, right? But the thing about the mentor roulette is that when you hit it, it cues you up into every activity in the entire
Starting point is 00:53:45 game. So you could just end up doing something and whatever supposed to do. No, no, you have to have unlocked everything in the game to unlock mentor roulette. So you hit mentor roulette and you load in to minute 48 of trying to clear like a fucking real ass raid. And you do a poll and realize that the tanks don't know what their cooldowns do. What's a poll and the DPS a poll, a poll is a run. And when you pull the boss, you, you hit them and then the encounter starts your, your, your 30 seconds of the poll and you're like, Oh, the tanks don't know what the cooldowns do. And this DPS will not move ever, ever, he won't move. And he dies at the 37 second mark every
Starting point is 00:54:40 single time. And the other healer appeal appears to be asleep. And I'm not going to get credit unless we clear it. So I am now tasked with the mentor little symbol above my head to fucking sit here and try to drag these motherfuckers through this encounter. But don't you only choose to be a mentor if this is what you're kind of mentally prepared to deal with? Well, this was a mistake the game made because the big mistake the game made is that if you become a mentor, it puts a little crown next to your name. That's all they had to do. Yeah, which might have been the actual stupidest decision I have ever seen in this game. Well then, fuck that. Everybody I got, I got a flex. You're saying
Starting point is 00:55:39 new flex. Okay, in there. I hate everybody go and mentor that. Yeah, the little crown has led to a situation where most mentors are terrible. Like like most mentors are worse than the average person. My God, what a study in the human psychology of a bit of like, what a fucking fascinating just every little thing about the implementation of this design is the the the fucking coin flip between disaster and success. That's that's some it's amazing to put a little crown. And now that changes everyone's perspective of this activity. So there's a second problem. So one, you do have to qualify. It's too easy to qualify. You just need
Starting point is 00:56:41 like three characters that like cap or three crowds that cap basically. So most mentors are terrible. However, many of the remaining mentors are actually like decent or at least like average, right? But MMO players and nearly all players who are grinding for some kind of, you know, item or whatever, they want to do things efficiently, right? So what happens? Well, okay, we're doing a fucking Sophia extreme and somebody left. Oh, no, what do we do? Oh, cool. A mentor joined the mentor sees that it's Sophia ex sees that more than five minutes have elapsed and leaves because they correctly into it. Oh, this is going to take like an hour at least. It would be faster to take the 30 minute penalty, then queue up and hopefully get something easier
Starting point is 00:57:41 than try and drag these guys through and possibly fail. So the thing will sometimes send you into a lost cause. Yeah. And you'll go now. Okay. So like the mentor system is like the worst. It's like it's the it's the shittiest thing in the game. It shouldn't send you into a lost cause, but also the people signing up for it should be like mentally prepared to do what the job entails. Like if if you fucking had a system where you could be a mentor to kids or you can go sign up at the YMCA, you know, and like specifically do this thing that you go out of your way to like work with people that are like, yeah, of guidance. But you get a little crown when you when you do it though, and everybody gets to see your here's what it here's what it is.
Starting point is 00:58:37 Sign up to be a big brother. Exactly. Right for the big brother organization. Hey, we'll give you we'll give you a fucking exclusive para fucking shoes Jordan's like some fancy shoes. Jordan's we'll give you Jordan's and then you put on your Jordan's and you walk in and hey, this is Timmy. You're going to be tutoring Timmy with his math homework and Timmy is like fucking snorting meth. Yeah. And you take your fucking shoes off and hand it to the man and walk home in your socks. You have one week to go. I'm done to fucking to pass the the SATs to pass the his fourth grade math test. So here like you say that it shouldn't send you in a lost cause or if you are signing up, you should be signing up for lost cause the way that these mechanics work, you're almost guaranteed
Starting point is 00:59:29 to be sent into a lost cause because most players can't clear most shit. The average player is pretty bad. And the average party finder group is really bad. There is a thing in that game right now where they have repurposed raids from six years ago, raids that were like mechanically like a hundred times simpler. Like I get to explain them to you on a napkin, right? And just bumped up the item stuff so that hey, run them again like they're brand new, right? These things have been solved for five plus years. Everybody knows exactly what to do. Nobody can clear them in party finder because everyone is actually shit. Is the mentor system queuing you up with only beginners and people that need or request the help or is it putting you with experts sometimes too?
Starting point is 01:00:30 If you're no experts, you will never ever go into a group with experts because experts have the party that they always run with every single week. And if one of those people doesn't show up, then they'll get a replacement or they just want to do such thing as an opening. So it is it is skewed towards beginners. And even then it's skewed towards parties that some for some reason don't have a person in them, which means somebody dropped. Why is someone most likely to drop? Oh, because they realized we're not going to be able to do this. Okay. Yeah. Right. It's it's it every part of it is fucking geared towards like the likelihood of getting like something you can't like you won't be able to make it. It's the dragging boat rowing team
Starting point is 01:01:21 that bothered to go out on the water with two men short. Yeah, you're going to be ending up in that in that boat, helping them out. Right. Um, yeah, that is that is why you tell me I'm bad. I can clear Titan EX, but I got buddies going through a party finder furious every week because nobody can avoid fucking rocks like a second doesn't league or Dota have a mentoring system implemented as well where an expert can help guide a beginner into like some sort of co-op situation where they can help them out because I remember stock talking about the implementation of this thing where it's like anti toxic where there was a way of like having a coach help you out in the beginning stages and you both get a reward for doing so. I want us. I want to say Dota Dota Dota two has
Starting point is 01:02:20 something. Yeah. Dota has coaching. I don't know what you get for it. And I remember being like, that's brilliant. That's really cool. Um, and it's very important that, you know, it's nice to have that in the game. It's very important that you don't offer the coach a fucking pair of Jordans for doing it so that the people who sign up are the types of people who are good for being coaches. You know, not every good player is going to be a good coach. And you just you balance the incentives properly and also make sure that on both sides, the equation is again, can be dealt with. Don't send in the Coke snorting for great fourth grader and don't give out Jordans, you know, and you might end up with decent matches of people that could actually, you know, benefit. It was
Starting point is 01:03:14 it's wild because like, I remember when they announced the mentor system and then they showed off look, you'll get a little crown like everybody, everybody in the English speaking world went, Oh, no. No. Don't give them a crown. No, don't don't make it visible to other people. Yeah. No. But destiny eclipses all this shit. Like I like I have nothing but complaints about destiny. I think the funniest thing is that content creators about destiny who have turned destiny into their job are like, I don't think I'm gonna I'm dumb dumb. What you do is you hand out Dr. Scholl's insults and you make sure that the the the mentee is at least averaging, let's say like 55 to 70 on their on their grade score. Right. And if they're in that 55 or even let's say 50 to 70 range,
Starting point is 01:04:18 you go, All right, we're working with something here. You know, and the reward is some insults. There is there is like a legitimate like weird mechanical problem with 14 and that it's not enough of the main content is difficult enough to force people to learn how to play. Like you can theoretically clear nearly the entire game dead on your face as the remaining seven people like care like literally carry your dead body through mandatory eight man content, which leads to people hitting level cap and like have zero idea what like a single one of their buttons does. And like that would be fine if it was a single player game, but I have to play with those people.
Starting point is 01:05:11 It makes me sad. It'd be great to see an actual implementation of like Street Fighter had like a dojo thing, but it really just amounted to like, you know, little private groups and multiplayer. It'd be great to have an actual dojo idea implemented into a fighting game where a mentor could watch someone's match, give feedback, and then like, I don't know, perhaps by being part of some sort of shared like collection of stats, you could have a thing of like, you know, average matches against this character or against this house or whatever, you know, like you can get your numbers up by helping give the good advice. And you could also like have specific exchanges covered where you're
Starting point is 01:05:58 trying to train a certain match up, you know, there's things you could do to kind of like go like, all right, let's hit the lab and lab properly and then see if we get results where the game could track those things and then give you some sort of rewards and stature for, you know, improving your, your, your clicks results. I wish the game had that because like right now, like they straight up like, uh, don't allow, like the TOS does not allow for programs that monitor your DPS even like you have to break the TOS and use an external program to even figure out exactly how much damage you're doing. And the reason for that is because they don't want people shaming
Starting point is 01:06:39 shitty players with their parses. But it has led to a situation where like an average player who wants to improve, like doesn't have a lot of resources to actually improve. Yeah, that's, that's, that's a fucking system wide problem with a lot of games, sharing that issue. Yeah, I would like to clarify something and this is actually legitimately important. Like, I see a comment in here that I remind somebody of a jackass multiplayer person that yells at anyone worse than them because they have normal jobs and just want to relax.
Starting point is 01:07:18 No, I'm not. Do you know what, do you know where the yelling happens? The yelling happens in the voice chat with your buddies as you fucking piss and moan and complain about the dumbasses in your instance, but you don't take that out on the people in your instance. That'd be rude as shit. You just gripe to your compatriots. You'd be toxic in private. You'd be toxic as shit in private. Like I remember getting into a fucking weeping city and just being like, they should ban everyone who plays this game. Like that, that phrase came out of my mouth. They should just ban every single person who fucking plays this game. That is the more respectable route to go.
Starting point is 01:08:09 And one of them asked me, I'm like, Pat, everyone. I don't even care. Beds. And then I started going, that's like, if you wipe twice on Osmo, they should lock your account for a week. Like I was so mad. But like, you don't type that out into the fucking or yell that into the voice chat like an asshole. You just gripe in private. So this week should we throw a 13 Sentinel spoiler cast at the end of the episode? Yeah, we'll throw that. So we will tell you when we're going to start talking about 13 Sentinels full spoilers towards the end. Cool. And I have one last thing to say in response to that attitude, which is just, of course, people don't want to devote their lives to some game or practice heavily or whatever.
Starting point is 01:09:10 Same thing with RTS or fighting games or anything, right? But the the only nobody gets mad at new players ever. People get mad at new players who lie. People who people get mad at new players who come into something and go, yeah, I almost beat it with my friend. It's like, no, you didn't. There's no fucking way you did. You're a liar. Oh, no, I'm super good. No, you're not. Say you're a beginner. Say you don't know how to do it. Someone will explain to you how to do it. But that's fine. Like, oh, it's so frustrating. Well, I had no week. I just didn't have one. I do anything else. There's nothing
Starting point is 01:10:01 that comes to particular mind. Did you? Not really. Yeah. Same here. I mean, I've just, you know what it is been working on the vid. So, please look forward to that, which of course, there's going to be some what's up. I just, I'm sorry. I'm laughing at the at the situation that is so perfectly encapsulated both sides of people complaining. One is, I can't believe how toxic elite players are. I'm just a beginner. Why would they do this? And it's like, fuck off, die, noob. And it is, you put up a party finder and the party finder says, hey, we're going to run Xerven. Please know the fight. Please have cleared at least once. At least once.
Starting point is 01:10:59 Know how to do the fight, please. This is not a learning party. It's not a clear party. This we're all going to sit down and we're going to blow three hours on a Sunday and we're going to run them 10 times, right? And then you load into the instance and a little piece of text comes up that says, uh, one of the players in your duty is new to this instance. You'll receive a bonus if you clear and people start to fucking go crazy because the reaction is usually like fairly extreme, but someone lied to get in there. Someone is a liar. And then like the witch hunt starts. The witch hunt starts and then it becomes, okay, everyone in here put the title on that you get when you beat this fight. Yeah. And then invariably is like, no, like I beat it on my alt. I beat it
Starting point is 01:11:51 on my alt character. No, you didn't get out. Yeah, dying. Anyway, well, that, I mean, that's fun if you have a means of like finding the liar. That's great. But anyway, yes. So guilty gear is, uh, you know, as, as I continue to work on that, uh, really cool to see the exact, some of the exact things I'll be covering in this episode being a part of the news this week as, uh, they showed off some more gameplay and some new specials and some new shit. And, uh, Kai has a fucking dragon install and everyone's like, what the fuck? And I'm like, I am on that shit. I'm exactly going to talk about, or at the very least give, uh, the starting mentions as to what and why that exists, which is very cool. I'm happy that this ties in.
Starting point is 01:12:51 Uh, and simultaneously I'm happy that all the meat, did he get it from banging? You see, so everyone meming about Kai catching a gear STD. I also love how wrong everybody is because I get to go like, Hey, so you weren't paying attention. That's cool. That's what this video is for. And I'm going to set the record straight. I would, I would, I would not describe myself as not paying attention. I would describe myself as actively, actively ignoring is fine. Actively ignoring is fine. Yes. We are going to touch on, on exactly that. But the answer is no, it's not a fucking STD from banging dizzy. Is he pregnant with dizzy? Not pregnant with dizzy's baby. The short version of it is that it has to do with sins. I
Starting point is 01:13:36 was dizzy's baby. And, uh, that also canonically has to deal with, uh, also, uh, addresses why his hair is so long, why he suddenly has such long hair. It's not just because he became a king that it, that like that, that the, the, the, he stopped cutting his hair, right? I grew it out, man. Yeah. But, uh, again, that has to do with sins. I, so no, he just, he just didn't cut his hair. So we're going to be like, he stopped going to the barber, couldn't get a royal barber in time. Oh, sure. But anyway, uh, yeah, should be fun. Uh, that's going to obviously continue. That's always wild to me. That, that shit is always crazy to me because like, like, I assume what you're implying is that his hair started to grow like crazy because of some
Starting point is 01:14:44 knots. Yes. There's something exactly. So like, you know, there, there's, uh, there's a moment that like they kind of hinted at in the excerpt story prior where sort of like something was up with Kai's eye and then it allows him to do something fucking incredible. Uh, he gets a fucking, a res off of it at a point. Um, and like, you're like, what is this? Why did this happen? When was this even a point of discussion? And the answer is like, well, that goes back to like overture. They, they hinted at it before in a way. Um, but like when you see a soul go full dragon install and like prior to the form coming out where his hair just grows out and it's all wild, it's like having part gear and you kind of does that same sort of thing. Um, you know, that's why testaments got
Starting point is 01:15:30 such pretty beautiful, beautiful hair. You should see the Afro version of it. Well, uh, it's great. Um, I just think, I think all that stuff is wild because it's like, I look at that and I go, Hey, woolly, I know why Kai's hair is longer because they were like, dude, Kai would look cooler with long hair. Like that's always like, that's always really like weird to me where like there's this massive in universe explanation and you're like, they made that after they just want to put long hair. Yeah. They just thought, they just thought, why is there a fucking whole order version of soul? Because he looks cool wearing the uniform because it looks cool. Man, he looks good in the uniform. Shut up. Yeah. Um, so that's, that's, it's cool to see how they're, they're,
Starting point is 01:16:27 they're going to be implementing that and some of the other details and changes as the, the lore continues and expands. Um, and, uh, yeah. And it's also, it's, it's, it's also, I'm just noticing in putting this, this whole thing together how like no fewer than I want to say at least five times in the story, maybe four or five times the villain of a side event of the villain of an audio CD side story novel, whatever will always invariably pull out a black tech gun and shoot somebody with it as the ultimate sign of evil. When the villain gives up on whatever their task or quest is, they will have pulled, they'll pull out a gun and just use it and everyone goes, why do you have a gun from the old world? What is going on? It happens so many times. It's great.
Starting point is 01:17:34 Uh, yeah. So, uh, there's, there's, there's some good meme into pulling out a regular ass gun and shooting somebody doesn't seem very guilty. Well, that's the problem is that world is, is gone, you know, and that technology is supposed to be a relic of the, of the past that we never touch or look at ever again. And then it happens again and again and again. And it's always the same, like the bad guy goes, Oh, well, how about this then? And everyone goes, Oh, he's got a gun. Uh, yeah. We have like giant living dragons that fall from space and, and pulling out a gun is still a problem in this world. Oh shit. I got my Beretta. You know, as long as it's a magic one, like L felt, there's no problem. Oh yeah. Of course it's got magic.
Starting point is 01:18:34 There's magic versions of ultrasounds, dude. You can do it for it. You can use it for anything. Anyway, all that and more to be touched on in the upcoming hefty ass episode of guilty gear lore. Um, beyond that, um, Reggie, uh, has made it to flame lurker and I was very, uh, pleased with the, with watching that go down. It was shocking how having the skills to address like a unique one on one challenge gave him such an initial advantage. He almost crushed it on the second try. Yeah. Flame lurker is like, once you've like downloaded him or whatever, he's a, a fucking joke, but there was a moment of every second before that working out really well. And then
Starting point is 01:19:33 it worked out horribly and the results end up going the way they're supposed to where it's like, Oh no, the wall still exists here and flim lurker. There it is. Flame lurker is no longer what it first represented because, you know, bloodborne exists now and he's just one of those bosses. He's just one of the wild flailing, you know, quick moving ones that, that you just end up getting used to in some of the later games, but, um, yeah, except because it's demon souls, he has like four moves and he, he's to any staggers on the hits as well. Anyway, it ends up being very interesting and like, you know, um, that fight teaches you a lot about the player, teaches you a lot about yourself, you know, um, what you prioritize,
Starting point is 01:20:25 how you prioritize it, how much panicking you do, how much panicking you can allow for and, uh, if you preemptively plan to panic, how you can assess to like counter that in a way, you know, so it's, it's a really, it's a really, uh, fun session that we, uh, we just went through. So that should be dropping real soon over on the channel. Um, Yakuza continues and now that we're done with 13 sentinels, we're going to be doing some extra sessions of, um, demon souls. So we're just going to be playing it more often to get further in before starting up the next, uh, the next game. You want to detox after fucking 13 sentinels? Indeed. So, uh, yeah, that's pretty much it, you know, over on the channel, woolly versus on YouTube, woolly versus on Twitch.
Starting point is 01:21:25 I remembered something. Somebody in the chat reminded me, I played bug fables this week. Hmm. Well, did you heard about bug fables? Super good. It's, uh, it's, it's, it's a reference to this game called super paper Mario RPG. The thousand year door. I was playing that. People were saying, if you like this, you should play that. Um, this feels like a sequel by a team that lost the rights. Like the kick, like the kickstarter spiritual successor. Yeah. Yeah. It feels just like that. Uh, but bugs. Cool. It's real good.
Starting point is 01:22:16 I feel like that's about as blunt and simple as I can possibly make it. It's not made by anybody involved in that old shit. Okay. But it feels like the, the regular team, like it feels like the bloodstained to Castlevania kind of thing. Like just, um, but books. Yeah. I'm curious. Also, not that anyone gives a half of a fuck, but, uh, I decided to take a look at Art of Fighting three last week. Because Art of Fighting is a franchise that exists that nobody ever thinks about, but it is the SNK fighting series that right alongside, you know, everyone knows like Sam shows in there, fatal furies in there, real bout KOFs, last blade, all loved and respected, but Art of Fighting is not, and that's because
Starting point is 01:23:16 I'm watching this shit right now because it's not very good as a fighting game. Yo, this game is trash, dude. I now remember that this game is trash. Like an archeologist, I love to go back and look to see what happened because in particular, the third game, like the, okay, so it has interesting things about it, like outside of the gameplay and within the gameplay that are worth like cracking open and exploring. And like one of those things is the fact that, um, it, it in the canon takes place in South Town and that SNK world, but during the seventies, so it's 20 years before the fatal fury games pop off. So that means in like the second game, young geese Howard shows up.
Starting point is 01:24:08 Right. Then how does Rio Sakazaki hang out at the King of Fighters? Because in the King of Fighters universe, it's a different universe. Yeah, KOF universe is terrible. That's just KOF universe canon is a different canon from the individual fighting game series canon. That's fucking stupid. That's actually like astonishingly. That's, that's how they solved the problem all back in 94. Just went, this is another reality where the multiverse of these things, these characters exist all in this KOF one. And that's it. You know, I just realized it's also really stupid that they did name the games from 94 to 2003, which means that the characters like must have aged
Starting point is 01:24:55 at least five, 16 years. The times they stated are, are the times that these things occurred. You know, like it is de facto 1997 is when the Orochi tried to take over like this. This happened in that year, you know, that did happen. I remember their amazing video games were coming out. The Orochi tried to take over. Do you guys remember when the Orochi tried to take over in 97? Yeah. So who the fuck is this motherfucker? Carmen Cole. Holy shit. Carmen. This game is Carmen Cole is the suit wearing douchebag that worked his way up to middle management, has horrible breath and won't leave you alone at the water cooler. Carmen Cole. You're just finding a fucking bellboy in a goddamn or like a doorman, a train.
Starting point is 01:25:50 He's that guy that drives his fucking convertible. He's got an ex-wife that left him up in Tampa and he hangs around the receptionist way too much at the office. That's Carmen Cole. Dude, that dude sucks. Oh, he's such a character type. Yeah. So we break down who he is exactly. But no, this is a weird franchise because, you know, it has that going for it. It has a very strange, stiff feeling that results in it feeling almost like a 3D game when it comes to the way juggles work. It has a very Tekken-esque way of like carrying juggles to the corner and shit like that, as opposed to a lot of the more free flowing 2D games at the time. And the third one in particular is interesting because
Starting point is 01:26:46 it actually goes heavy on sprite detail and quality. And there's some really interesting stages, music and, you know, animation choices that are like really pretty. They put the work in. But unlike the other times they did that, which were Last Blade 2 and Mark of the Wolves, in this particular case, the gameplay just fell flat. But it's still very smooth and pretty. And the sprites are bright and colorful. Some of the character designs are really fun. But yeah, it just didn't have the gameplay to carry the work that the rest of the team put together, you know. And I'm watching the final boss fight, Wyler or Sinclair. And oh, holy shit, this character sucks. It's great. Like these are some fucking losers, dude. And these are some losers. And I love
Starting point is 01:27:41 how like at the wind poses, you can see the 3D model that they kind of rotoscoped the sprites off of, really like showing its blockiest form, you know, they're drawing over untextured surfaces to get some smooth animation going. But then like I'm pretty, it looks like that's what they did. And it would make sense because that's the same technique they then later used for KOF 13, where they were as 3D untextured models were then drawn over to create sprites with like computer calculated tweening, you know. So the whole thing ends up just being like this history lesson. And yeah, we took a look at that this week. So never forget, man, fighting. There's a real, there's a real like romance in my heart for like an entire decade of fighting games
Starting point is 01:28:42 where you can like literally walk like, I don't put this, I can't think of many genres of game, particularly competitive games, that you could walk by in an arcade, look as you pass it, and in that three second look be able to tell if the game is trash. Like you can, you can just like, you can see it just the feel, the sound. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like, oh man, it's just the thing though. And this is like what I find like the most staggering is like all the lack of creativity put into Rio as the main character was doubled down upon for Robert, who is one of the best Shodos to ever exist. Robert's a great original character that is that is the, you know, the can of the game. And everyone loves him because he's his own thing. He's not, you know what I mean,
Starting point is 01:29:43 he's his own unique thing. And like, it's wonderful in contrast to Karate Geeman. Anyway, Art of Fighting 3, get into fighting games this week. Yes, sir. You know, like the most interesting thing they do for Rio is change his stance from a super boring fists up, bobbing up and down into a karate stance with the open hands, whereas Robert can change his clothes and put on a dress shirt and grow a mustache. And everyone's like, fuck yeah, you fucking playboy. Get it. The Garcia concern. Invest. Dude, we got breaking ass news coming to this podcast right now. How breaking? I'm just gonna send it to you and you can you can you can lump it in with the rest like breakers revenge breaking.
Starting point is 01:30:45 No, not fucking breakers revenge, Willie. Why would I ever talk to you about breakers revenge? EA to decide the fate of Anthem this week. Interesting. Okay, that's breaking news. We'll crack that nut open in a second. First, let me use the bathroom and then we'll take a. I will also use the bathroom. Hey, isn't that going to work out? And then we'll take a quick word from the sponsors and then we'll get into the news. Sound good. All right, bathroom time. It's imagining us peeing. Okay. So, uh, yeah, sponsors this week. What do we got?
Starting point is 01:31:47 Bombus. Hey, Bombus, I'm not wearing socks, but I probably should because my feet are falling apart. Wait, they're actually falling apart. Like not your feet. No, my feet. Yeah. Yeah. It's gross. Like I'd show them to you, but you don't want to see it. Flakes. You wish. Damn. I got dry feet, dude. You got those crusty ankles. Yeah. No, it's not the ankles. It's all the bottom part. I use a I use like a like a cheese grater type thing. Oh, yeah, there we go. In the shower. Nice. Looks like Parmesan when I'm done. Yes. It's really thick too. The loofah thing. Yeah. Okay. All right. It's like a pumice, but it's like a it's like a it's like a grinder. Don't abuse your feet. Keep your feet in good condition and you can do that with a good
Starting point is 01:32:46 pair of socks. You don't want to think about your socks. You just want them to do the job and feel good so that you can ideally forget about them. And then when you have a long day, you take them off and then you feel that air hit and it's really nice and soothing. But if you have a good pair of socks that breathe, you don't have to get that stifled situation going in the first place. Bombus. That's what they do. They reinvented the details that make socks more comfortable. And on top of that, they're giving out a pair for every pair that you buy. They've donated over 40 million pairs of socks and counting through their nationwide network of 3000 plus giving partners. So that's pretty cool. It's quite simple. You get the good quality sock.
Starting point is 01:33:38 You feel good about it on your foot. You support the podcast and it's and it's not uh it's one step closer to not having to crust out your feet like this kid over here, you know. Hey, hey. Avoid it's not entirely because I don't wear the socks though that can't possibly help. Avoid the tragedy that of of of crusty ass feet with a good pair of socks. I mean the the main thing that the bomb is socks would help me do right now is comfort my feet which are cracked and actually quite a lot of pain and also a poor page over there won't have to see my like Saharan desert gross gross feet. Please help. She doesn't like looking at it. One time a friend of mine was at my place in high school and we were like playing games on the computer
Starting point is 01:34:32 and then his feet just started bleeding. Oh yeah that happened. Out of nowhere they just he just a whole bunch of blood just start shooting out of his foot and I was like dude are you okay? And he's like no I gotta go. I was like all right and then he just left. I don't know which one of those is funnier and then I was like okay yeah and it's like you'll look okay that's that's pretty funny but also no. So that's what happened because he wasn't wearing a pair of bomb of socks. You know what you should have done? You should have you should have cleansed and bathed your friends feet like Jesus. Oh you mean like L from Death Note? I'm sorry did you miss the anime exclusive scene where L washes light's feet like a Jesus allegory? Yeah I missed the anime exclusive scene of literally
Starting point is 01:35:28 the whole anime. Yeah the foot washing and the manga. They added a foot washing scene man. That's that's when you when you're making a foot washing reference make it contemporary. Anyway listen. Jesus is always contemporary Willie. Give a pair when you buy a pair and get 20% off your first purchase at super beast that's b o m b a s dot com slash super beast for 20% off your first purchase slash super beast. And like we can we could keep talking about Jesus but let's just let's just get get the call to action in there. Hey. Yeah okay fair enough.
Starting point is 01:36:21 Raycon wireless earbuds. Real real nice. Raycon good. Wires are bad. Wires bad Raycon good. Listen without wires this is what it do no stems in the way nothing to trip over what if you what if you're reaching into your pocket to pull out your headphones and you're dangling the wires and you're trying to sort them out and then as you're doing that you trip over the wires and then you know they call them trip wires and then you fall and then like bam that's it that's your unfortunate end embarrassing because when they roll over your rigamortis body they find wires. Frank it's the wires that did it man. You can avoid a horrible fate by just getting the wires out of your life and getting a good pair of headphones while you're at it the Raycon wireless
Starting point is 01:37:19 earbuds as you know they're coming in with the high quality sound the comforting fit and the six uh battery hour play time so you can get lots of time in there with the usage and of course they're coming in way less expensive than premium wireless earbuds on the market so why waste when you can just get something affordable and quality and you also don't die. Here's the thing say you got a dog and your dog's a moron did you know the tiny wireless earbuds could theoretically pass through your whole dog's digestive tract and be safely used again but if they had wires you know what's likely to happen they can get tangled up in the asshole and then you try and pull the wires out and the dog's whole asshole falls out and then your dog's dead.
Starting point is 01:38:11 Furthermore what if you're just playing with your dog and you've got wires all over your body because of your headphones you're trying to listen to your music and play put the dogs all getting distracted by the wires and next thing you know bam corpse that's it. I like how little elaboration there is. Get the wires out of your life. I don't know who's the corpse in the situation I don't know how it happened. Friends don't let friends. Raycon's offering 15% off all their products and our listeners can now get if you go to slash superbeast that's it you get 15% off your entire Raycon order so grab a pair and despair that's 15% off at slash superbeast
Starting point is 01:39:08 b-u-y-r-a-y-c-o-n dot com slash superbeast. Thanks Raycon. Thank you Raycon. Okay so not a not a big game well I was gonna say not a busy week for us but that's not true like I'm very busy just I didn't have time to play anything we're talking about but a lot of stories a lot of things that are going down of what do we got man so hot off the jump I mean we can go right into yours which oh god damn it I left my phone over there I'm gonna go get my phone but you can introduce your story what's my story EA oh the EA one okay well I mean I didn't write it all right here we go Bloomberg's reporting that EA is going to hold a meeting this week to determine whether or not it will continue trying to create a new version of the failed
Starting point is 01:40:18 game anthem according to three people familiar with the matter uh blah blah blah blah blah now the head of the anthem next team had left a few months ago we were talking about the anthem story and resetting the clock back when they were basically putting out a message that they were committed to fixing it over time and staying with it yeah and not fucking over people who spent their money that was a long time ago too and uh when we talked about that uh we both laughed because uh there are like 30 people on that team that was exactly two years ago February 2019 yep well well no not that part of the news that that was probably like a year ago right anthem next was was the second part of the news yeah yeah anthem next and like we're gonna save it
Starting point is 01:41:18 I'm like you haven't put out a single update and there's only 30 people on your team you're not gonna save shit you're probably barely maintaining the fucking game you have so a spokesman and for EA says they don't comment it was big committed on rumors and speculation so this is not hard confirmed I'll fuck off EA hey I have a prediction they're gonna super cancel that game I mean two years of silence you do have to kind of wonder I think so it's interesting again to talk about like normal game under normal circumstances that fails normally just quietly goes away normally right that's how the industry like has goes uh but like long tail um whatever the life is lifestyle game whatever you want to call it but like games that are planned for 10
Starting point is 01:42:19 year plan yeah 10 year plan right 10 year plan games means like failures last longer reworks last longer commitments last longer everything you over anticipated down the line you know is is and planned for um all the all the all the the the uh the new wing you built just to house the anthem team that was going to be hired for the next 10 years you know you got to figure out what to do with all that space uh but yeah you have these messier failures where if the first thing just doesn't launch and land the way it should it can't go away as quietly as any other project would yeah it's it's wild because we've seen like so there are so many now every MMO falls under this games as a service thing right like every MMO to ever exist and ever will exist
Starting point is 01:43:13 it's like the definition right but now you have uh destiny anthem fallout avengers um well all this gas aspect of avengers the whole fucking things a gas since there's like battle passes for every character I didn't pay attention to how it launched really it's it's it's got like a shitsillion costumes but it's just you're supposed to get updates but it's still a single player story mode that you do a couple missions and then it's over right yeah but then you grind for gear for your avenger hey you know what the hey let's put anthem aside for a second do you remember them saying that hawkeye was going to be like the first uh a character to come to the fucking the dlc no okay so hawkeye'd be the first character to come to the oh hold on one second
Starting point is 01:44:09 okay one second one second all right it started the dog just knocked over the woman in the kitchen literally jumped into the back of her knees and knocked her ass to the floor well everything okay I guess she's getting up there all right so chunky oh he's he's like 50 pounds now okay okay 45 but it's in the it's in the body of like a 15 pound dog it's like a brick very muscly dog yeah right okay so I wasn't sure what was happening so I got to break real quick and now we're back so it's okay oh we're not live no we are now but I wasn't sure what was going on so okay yeah no the page got knocked down by the dog because he was excited
Starting point is 01:45:21 oh no worries okay so like I was saying about what not anthem fucking Avengers Avengers right so they were going to be you remember that bruhaha about the spider man um I just remember a hawk voice and Avengers sucking I didn't listen I didn't pay attention to any of its service shit it all right here's the order of events the game comes out and it's like super embarrassing but also people are mad because spider man's exclusive to the PlayStation yes I remember that and everybody loves spider man so that's like a problem okay then the first DLC was supposed to be Black Panther and then Chadwick Boseman died like like a month before it was supposed to come out right okay so they they pushed that back and they're like okay it's gonna be Hawkeye no it's gonna be Kate Bishop
Starting point is 01:46:21 who is Hawkeye and then Hawkeye right as the first two DLC characters right right right and everyone was like what why okay and those never came out hmm still okay none of it has come out right okay like none of it so so what should have just been a single player cinematic adventure game Kate did okay Kate did that came and went decided to go down the gas route again and yeah then the stomach stomach started hurting and now you got to take yeah and now the game is like in a mess and it needs to be lovely like retooled a little bit and then we don't know when the Hawkeye come out and the part that I thought was was was funny is that I was talking to like buttons and
Starting point is 01:47:29 feels and all that and there was like this sentiment of like is spider man even going to come out at all like like we're six months out and they haven't even gotten to the second DLC character yeah so um spider like but in conclusion service length games cannot fail with dignity it's always can't fail fast they have to fail really slow and protracted and there has to be meetings and shareholder meetings they're public yeah when ff 14 1.0 went down there was like a shareholder in like Square Enix that pulled out like 11 percent of the company stock or some shit like absurd he was like he's like I'm so embarrassed by what you have allowed to happen to the Final Fantasy brand and with Square Enix I assume the only reason ff 14 got its reboot
Starting point is 01:48:36 was because they had put the name Final Fantasy on it and Final Fantasies aren't allowed to be catastrophic dismal failures so you're saying we're not going to get Nazgoth a realm reborn anytime soon no no no you are an asshole I'm I had to stare at it up close yeah you didn't care you didn't care no not at all dark sun looked okay it sounded even better but yeah so um I think the takeaway from this anthem thing is that like do you remember guys when like a year ago and two years ago EA was like we're super committed to anthem that was complete bullshit and everybody knew it was bullshit but they're unable to escape that it was
Starting point is 01:49:39 bullshit which is the interesting part because EA will assuredly at some point try to make another live service game and like they will be unable to escape that like hey remember when anthem like horribly bombed because you guys made it garbage and then you just ditched it in like a second the lesson will never be learned because the like the prospect is too good a success is such a runaway money train that it's worth it to keep trying to do this every time instead of a no like a normal successful video game that just creates a franchise establishes a brand people like and are willing to put you know invest time into and and are willing to return to and spend money on and just establishing that it's it's a thing and then leaving and
Starting point is 01:50:39 coming back later on with another thing is no longer good enough that's not a good enough success it's it's you have to blow it the fuck out of the park in one and make it the the again the difference in revenue between a runaway service game that works and a single serving one is just not comparable like there's no yeah but way to disincentivize it even if it results in these horrible disastrous failures every time that's completely accurate but there's a piece of data that you're not going into which is most of these are failures no but that's what i'm saying like it is still worth it for that it's it's the feeling of it is when it's when the the the the new york state lotto is like fucking 100 million dollars
Starting point is 01:51:35 you know where it's like okay well fuck it i might as well for that kind of money you might as well and then everybody jumps in on on these yeah it just is not worth it yeah of course it's not it's nonsense of fallacy but it's when the number goes up to a ridiculous amount and you just go like okay well at that amount i have to play you know yeah that's the mentality because it's like look how much money they made with anthem oh no wait they actually wasted tons like avengers is like a massive financial disaster for idos or squaring ex-muntree whoever fucking made the crystal diamond who was squaring ex behind crystal d owned owned by c by squeenix um they took all the money ff 14 made in like a year or two and then just burned it just burned it in an oven
Starting point is 01:52:26 um see did i don't know because i didn't play it but did you see or touch the tell tale gardens of the galaxy game nope okay no interest okay that was after i tapped out on tell tale fair enough all right well that was one pathway of like discussing marvel's approaches to to a couple different things now but i do know that like the the the gas bug will not leave squeenix anytime soon because it's so worth it and when they look at their projected like you know uh uh uh like levels of failure or whatever they're just like yeah but if we can make it and it kind of floats by but we still find a bunch of whales it's still super duper good to do this you know like it's it's i think it's they're using mobile charts practically
Starting point is 01:53:35 looking at it you know it's so frustrating because squaring ex already has a gas that has been a runaway success beyond its wildest expectations which is 14 and they use the 14 money to fund these projects which then burn and it's like why don't you just let the 14 money stay with the thing that made it and just put more into it because the team they have working on that is so successful they're just stealing some of them to put them on the mainline games yep yep and there was a really bizarre moment uh we'll talk about it a little bit later during the squaring ex announcement for endwalker where the fucking like there's been rumors that yoshi p would leave uh uh the ff 14 team just just because he's working on a lot of projects
Starting point is 01:54:26 and like him and the ceo came out and we're both like no he's never leaving he will never leave he will die making this game will he we will not let him will he keep saying it it's so it would be so fucking worth it but it clearly eventually is not worth it obviously don't argue with him he's paraphrasing real human beings that he has met and worked with i'm telling you why they're making the decisions they're making i'm not describing the hypotheticals that i believe it believe me i know it's stupid i'm telling you what they're doing as the action has already occurred it's not what they're going to do i'm telling you why they're doing it because this is what they believe it's it's it's a silly stupid thing that keeps going over and over and when you go
Starting point is 01:55:24 what are they doing this for the answer is because this is what they believe you know dude we could make like a billion dollars with this game let's try it well you just lost 250 million dude we could make a billion dollars with this game you've now lost 500 million okay but if we still have two shots right like that's that's the mentality anyway it'll only it'll only be it'll only be a disaster if we fail so many times we can't recoup it on one it's like not if your studio goes under you dumb idiot every time a story like this happens in reality and you look and go what why why there is an answer for the decisions that led to this place and more often than not it's based on the role the bowler the boulder that was pushed 10 years ago that we're
Starting point is 01:56:25 still seeing roll through you know um anyway yeah so uh i'm trying to what besides cyberpunk like because i completely forgot about that like were there what other games was Fallout 76 in a place of we're gonna make it better and fix it don't worry yes okay that was because i'm like all these clock resets we were tracking that were no longer tracking because they all went like time to put your head down and work i guess you're like okay well hope you get that that no man sky result that you're looking for you know i'll believe it when i fall 76 has significantly improved but it will never be good like it's still a mess okay because like is it just not coming up thus uh we don't talk about it
Starting point is 01:57:23 but it's fine it's not burning down you can now play in the rubble i see okay all right well that's that's good that's good if the fallen fans are happy with that then that's good they're not if they're happy then that's good i i feel i don't often do this i feel very comfortable speaking for everyone who likes fallout no not happy with Fallout 76 so it's not good then no i feel very very qualified to speak for the fallout fan community in saying that no bad bad game okay all right well anyway uh best of luck anthem at the very least i hope those cool flight mechanics make it into a better game somewhere
Starting point is 01:58:36 i just had like the darkest thought about anthem possible is and that is it won't even leave a pretty corpse like even battleborn which died last week is leaving a better looking corpse than fucking anthem i think we need more like i liked the iron man flying and i want more things with that type of flight that's that's what i think did like do you remember laughing at at battleborn
Starting point is 01:59:19 no you did i promise you you did you did laugh at battleborn and battleborn was just not popular so little about everything around everything with that it was it was just not as popular as uh overwatch that was its thing and it was the funniest joke of the season and like it went like battleborn lawbreakers radical heights i remember the porn and then and then fallout 76 or the attempt to make the porn a thing yeah and started the the process of games are coming out in the most broken states they have
Starting point is 02:00:05 ever come out in the history of the medium all right well anyway um speaking of the porn maybe you could break this down because i can't i can't say much um mass effect the fish deposits it in a big pile and then link comes over and goes uh mithra and then just goos on the pile mifa mith me what yeah mifa that's mifa yeah so we just done with ruto then yeah do we just go act like ruto don't exist anymore yeah okay
Starting point is 02:01:01 all right all right you're talking about the mass effect shit aren't you mass effect legendary edition is announced there is a a remaster that is coming and alongside the uh launch of the game came some other information and interviews and things like that so uh yay for big remasters two stories in particular alongside the announcement of the game itself um one uh the folks involved with andromeda or did an interview and forbes is reporting here that andromeda never really even had a chance quote unquote no i know didn't and essentially from the jump they were limited in size and scope and were not able to really
Starting point is 02:02:06 ever deliver uh something that would have done the name justice so the writer now paulner says we were only given a budget for two new species plus the remnant not to mention we couldn't even include all the milky way species and we were only gonna we weren't gonna be able to let you travel through the galaxy this meant we had to develop the story around some pretty glaring inorganic limitations so not only did you get something that felt and was much smaller than what you got before almost everyone playing the game probably had something they really liked about mass effect that wasn't there i don't know what the fuck they were thinking like the fucking mass effect was so high budget and then they they span off the the fucking spin off to a new team and
Starting point is 02:03:00 then gave them shit to work with and then didn't check in on them for like yeah and and that's and that's the thing is like so the fire that was just like how it looks and all the weirdness that just like you know the the the ocean of sea class shit that was going on um was just again the the result of them from the jump not having any money and having massive limitations on what they were gonna be able to do anyway it was a low budget mass effect so that's what they delivered they delivered a low budget mass effect game well we're gonna get a higher budget remaster yes which is kind of fascinating and seeing people's reactions to it so the one the the big thing everybody talking about all right is that um so we can talk about it i mean i break down look
Starting point is 02:03:56 let's just get this out of the way right out right out of the gate okay i like asses let's yeah let's start there i i i'm a fan of butts uh huh uh huh that's my statement okay all right so are you aware okay you ever play mass effect too no you know Miranda Lawson is uh she's the girl with the black hair yeah so Miranda Lawson is based off an Australian uh i think she's Australian a model you're a very pretty lady uh and they sized up some of her assets for the game and then uh when you talk to Miranda she's supposed to be like a sexy lady that's like trying to you know convince Shepard that like kind of like Bond villainess i guess a little bit um but they don't
Starting point is 02:04:48 do that with like a like a character that's like written really sexy or like moves around or does anything uh they do it with like camera angles like the one i just sent you on discord uh where you're talking to her and the camera just like zooms up her ass oh yes yes yes yeah this this this this is me wasn't it yeah and you just burst out laughing because all you can think about is like is is like the fucking cameraman in like a movie like just crouching like just get in there um so i didn't think i don't like i i thought it was really funny and hilarious and like the character i felt like the character didn't work and this was their attempt to make it work of course not it's not um and then by how's he how does he already
Starting point is 02:05:44 know he didn't even play Mass Effect 2 um play Mass Effect 1 you played yeah you played enough you should play Mass Effect 2 that's a good game um anyway so uh they came out and they said we might edit some of the camera angles to de-emphasize some of the the sexuality of the camera yada yada and everybody immediately knows what that means it means hey guys we're not gonna zoom in to Miranda's butthole on these camera angles anymore um i'm pretty indifferent because i always thought the originals were like really really unprofessional not unprofessional not tacky but like they were stupid like it was it was like it was like a kid with camera like that shot you sent me was that meant to be a moment of like ooh shepherd yeah but like but no shepherd's
Starting point is 02:06:34 staring at her ass yeah but like is is it like part of the romance quest line that you're going through in that context no it's that you're talking to her about saving her sister from death okay and it starts zooming in on her ass it's super weird okay so it was it's cringe that's what it is it was it's cringe okay now it so you didn't select a dialogue option that was like how about that junk you'll let me see that ass that space junk yeah no no now you're talking about serious shit okay okay so so here's the thing right so you would expect for me to go who cares uh anime titties everybody mad etc but there is a piece of context here that actually matters a lot more and that is it recently came out that a party member in your squad in mess effect two named jack she's like a
Starting point is 02:07:29 punk girl she's got her she seemed spoke she was supposed to be pan she was supposed to be romanceable by both genders okay and they cut that specifically because of the fox news mass effect one of that story yeah and as a result the alien orgies like the gay and lesbian options for mass of a characters were terrible and kind of stayed terrible interesting right okay i didn't know because a lot of boys want to kiss garris on his weird bird mouth his beak thing right his beat his exo skeleton yeah you can figure it out right you can work it yeah there's a woolly there is a in-depth straight up for real conversation with a character in mass effect about the fucking mechanics of sucking garris's dick nice i am not joking that is real it is a
Starting point is 02:08:30 health hazard well if they're gonna break down how it works when you get within a sorry then it would make sense to break down how it works when you get with other races so that's within context yeah because there's biologies that are goofy and you know you're like you're not wondering what the blue alien butt is is is doing without wondering what the other aliens are doing too it is kind of a genuine shame that you didn't play mass effect too because i have a feeling that morden would speak to you as one of like your favorite characters in anything there's a character named morden who is a doctor okay and he is the best um but yeah so like when when they say oh we're gonna clean up this stuff to be a little more classy
Starting point is 02:09:22 it's like well what some of you guys also thought was classy was removing gay people from your game right like so that is less of a class and more of a we don't want to deal with the fight yeah but the point remains that this is your point of action of course yeah you know what it is right it's a very terrible like side by side but how do we get more points though right we're trying to maximize our points if we maximize our points over here but then we maximize our points over here maybe we can get a net positive where you both don't hate us right yeah it's it's honestly hey it's embarrassing honestly i uh as an outsider on this looking at it it's just like yeah make do what you want it's your game you know go nuts if you want asses if you want less
Starting point is 02:10:08 asses if you don't want to do it if you do want to do it okay it's fine it can be it can be fine either way um there's definitely like uh a tone that like you can feel when like if you're going for sexualization in a particular moment where it's like well that's fucking out of place versus oh no that's perfectly in place and as this is a game where you can have from pursue romantic interests with people and things then like my brain automatically goes well there could be a context where that's you know more than okay or whatever and i haven't played the game so i don't know it but i'm inclined to basically go like yeah uh you do what you want with your game i don't i don't care i don't think it's like a big deal either way i don't think it's a big deal i think a much
Starting point is 02:10:55 bigger deal was the the news that like oh they removed gay options because of ooh people will be mad yeah i mean that's on some stupid like um i roll female assassin shit you know like you just yeah yeah but um there are there are two other things one good and one bad well good neutral whatever the to be said about this remaster collection which is uh they're they're retooling like one of the things that they're visually updating a bunch of the stuff they're moving some graphics around and whatever and everybody's making fun of it because almost every single fucking screenshot they put out has like a gigantic fucking photoshop lens flare in it like it's like legitimately kind of hilarious how many photos of the game they released have a
Starting point is 02:11:40 enormous lens flare and on the one hand it's pretty crazy i don't think some of those are in i think they look so similar i think they are actually photoshop's but um people are pretend you played mass effect one i know you did i remember you you beat it on on xbox i said that seven minutes ago yeah i know i know but that game had lens flares everywhere anyway all right i just as opposed to the thing that was mentioned uh seconds ago in the conversation you're like i remember because of long time exactly i said hold on hold on i i said uh how does this guy know if he didn't even play me too which implies that i already knew you played me one right and then you said i played me one and i said that's enough that's enough
Starting point is 02:12:41 so what um anyway point being that shit had lens flares all over the place i do recall the de japon's happening over saturn yeah yeah the normandy was like very dark with lots of light sources you know as you walked around it um and and the bar and some of those other areas like yeah it had lens flares they it wasn't like crazy over the top star trek yeah but i think i think what's more interesting about any changes to this game is that no one who works there made any of these games like all those people are gone they're all gone what's the name of the ship normandy okay right why are you asking about the ship all of a sudden i did i did i not did i did i not say that i thought i said the normandy okay uh well anyway what um this ultimately means is
Starting point is 02:13:47 to me i thought the biggest discussion would be around whether or not any of that dlc shit would be fixed because i remember for the longest while the only thing i'd hear about with mass effect too was the dlc steam problem and how stupid that was yeah no the so i'm just like our is this the fix is everyone able to finally yeah they fixed it by it'll be a single game so yay it'll all just be in there yay uh still have to like i'm gonna play that and it's gonna be wild like just getting oh man this is really good this is really good oh no the ending is coming oh no oh no did you see that pc gamer retweeted their like five-year-old article about the ending of a game doesn't ruin the whole experience like the day after the mass effect remaster got
Starting point is 02:14:42 announced they retweeted it yeah everyone's like this article sucks and it's like it's from 2015 guys and i think it's about life is strange yeah and and like no it does the ending of a thing can actually totally ruin the whole thing well that is a real thing yeah um yeah it's it's it's it's it's weird how well i get it when it's a game like mass effect and any anytime anything gets touched in any way shape or form like it's gonna become this type of subject i mean we were just discussing how the demon souls characters the demon souls bosses and and monster designs ended up being inferior to the originals game is
Starting point is 02:15:32 still fucking phenomenal either way but yeah um you're gonna you're gonna have to it's it's hard to not notice these things and then like uh watch the story hyper focus in on them personally i think it'd be phenomenal if they added more at shots to the game and just went full on and just made sure that you could see everybody's low angle booty right across the woolly yep i have a good news for you what's up if you play this game on pc yeah because they took some of the ass shots out this means someone will make a version that puts more ass shots in oh yeah and then we get like then the mod that is like nothing but ass shots on every conversation yeah that's the weird thing because they moved it away now they've guaranteed that there will be a
Starting point is 02:16:25 super ass version it's good it's good i wonder if they will change i don't yeah i know it's old but i don't want um the mass effect three photograph there is a fucking infamous horrible photograph i would in that game i would that i would unironically play through the entire game with a mod that made every conversation nothing but ass shots that would probably be like super disorient i would i would go right in i am just thinking i am just thinking about the very first car conversation with sovereign and when it cuts to sovereign it zooms in on his on his ass yes i mean i'm imagining if i'm imagining the final conversation of of one where you get the
Starting point is 02:17:36 option to tell the guy to fucking do the thing in the final boss fight or just before it and just focusing on the booty as the bad guy does his thing but but terrians don't they really don't got a lot going on man it's like a straight shot down says you you know you know i don't know what a terrian looks like outside of their suit like at all yo we talking to a volus drop that shit on the floor or drop that shit to the worm angle hey now that you've played so much cotor cross-reference your memory of cotor right with uh with mass effect one and the l core are just an entire race built out of hk-47 speaking again absolutely yes
Starting point is 02:18:42 that was one of the first things about hk that i uh that i brought up and thought was incredible which is the whole stating your emotion before you drop the line thing yeah with a lore reason for it is is amazing yes 100 makes good for a robot but even better for like a slow ass weird smelly emotion monster and like the reasons given are equally fascinating our planet sucks we die if we don't pay attention thus everything is about being careful and paying lots of attention you fall into a fucking crack and die if you go running around yeah and their whole body structure is like an arch so just so that they don't tip over it's great really cool like it was they dropped that on you in like the first 10 minutes or 15 or whatever
Starting point is 02:19:37 and like that was one of those like oh this is a nice world establishing thing like this is candy you know that i like i like to fucking that uh that like first turn left in that office where the main story tells you hey go left oh sorry yeah it says go left to go talk to the the council and instead you turn right and you go to the l core and volus office that's like the best moment in that entire game because you're like oh i just want to talk to weird aliens about weird alien shit and it unfortunately doesn't do more of that you kind of meet a couple others and then that's what it is but i would have been so down for meeting these races with these interesting ideas for them yeah it was a very strong premise from the jump that uh didn't quite keep it going
Starting point is 02:20:28 man you know what mass effects spent money on that it didn't have to spend money on and it's spent a lot of money on the fucking codex being completely voice acted was it yeah not in not in one voice yes absolutely i don't remember that in one i remember just reading it on my own the whole wow all the important stuff it was super good didn't need to have that weird it wasn't in two and it wasn't in three weird yeah that's super unnecessary in fact i would rather oh man i'm reading it on my own they they they recently came out like as part of this and we're talking about like oh making the game and it's like the biggest writing error i could imagine now i'm not a writer so take it take my word for it as a non writer man um but they said oh we had an idea that you
Starting point is 02:21:35 could save a character's life but we accidentally wrote his lung condition to be incurable and so we couldn't figure a lower reason to cure it so he died and you're like that sucks you shouldn't have written your shit like that like you should not write yourself into so deep of a corner that you can't do the stories that you want to tell weird hey catch well anyway uh that's what's being discussed with mass effect right now and the conversation has been hijacked by giant asses instead of the game itself being uh remastered oh well dude the romance options in two are so bad except for the two that are the best romance options in the series i mean so is like it's lose lose lose best i i i don't know but i i i i i feel
Starting point is 02:22:38 like uh i've kind of heard that it's like isn't dragon age kind of the fix for all that in the sense that dragon age just went okay this is fantasy but you can romance anything in everyone yeah that's not true actually no okay can't you romance a whole lot more than you than you could in mass effect yeah you can like in three there's like freddy prince jr is there um and he's like dude dude you want to play with cox or whatever and you're like yeah yeah freddy prince jr okay well i guess i was under the wrong impression well anyway um so there's mass effect uh next there's something i don't quite understand uh i
Starting point is 02:23:38 guess there's not enough real details here but um so that game terraria uh has canceled their stadia port uh which wasn't announced because uh the developer got an account banned by google and tried to get it working for three weeks and hit walls and basically just got frustrated and went fuck this and uh fuck this and fuck y'all and there goes the stadia version of terraria um weird kind of but uh yeah it's wild that it's wild that even people who have the ability to call a human being at google still can't get anywhere when that should happen well i mean i just like at the same time you do have to kind of wonder it's like okay so the account of andrew spinks got banned uh and he's not sure why and this led to uh him using access to thousands of dollars of
Starting point is 02:24:48 purchases and things of that nature um and then it's like that's it i'm i'm i'm cancelling stadia terraria and it's like hey man are you sure you weren't gonna just do that anyway because they just fucking killed the platform and was that hey man was that was that tweet not already drafted in your phone ready to go you know down like if you if you stubbed your toe if you stubbed your toe or or fucking you know just had a bad sandwich were you not also gonna go fuck it i'm cancelling stadia terraria yes yes you were okay well that being said it feels like a way to like he was probably super fucking pissed about his fucking gmail account and i was like mind's well fucking combine these two make it extra spiteful well the tweet says um
Starting point is 02:25:50 yeah my phone lost access to thousands of dollars of apps on google play i bought lord of the rings 4k and i can't finish it my google drive data is completely gone i can't access my youtube channel worst of all is losing access to my gmail address of over 15 years i have absolutely done nothing to violate your terms of service so i can take this no other way than you deciding to burn this bridge consider it burns terraria for stadia is cancelled my company will no longer support any of your platforms moving forward i love it okay love the spite i think it's great yep that's that's pretty rough i'd be pretty fucking pissed off too although like do they really not give you a reason that's kind of where my brain
Starting point is 02:26:47 now it really goes no like what's because it was a robot who's a robot that did it it was a robot that looked at his appeal hmm because that's an extreme ass thing that could happen to just about anybody and you know you would want to know what the fucking why like because yeah you would yeah hey woolly we got a channel strike right fence but and it's fucking uh it's frivolous right but the extension from the strike into uh and your g drive and your gmail and your literal entire account you know um what do you think happens to the email associated with your youtube channel
Starting point is 02:27:46 when it gets fucking banned off youtube for strikes does it kill every other service that you have i am under i'm under the uh the the the is that confirmed the inclination that yeah it does i didn't know that uh getting banned uh as a channel for strikes led to your entire because they they it's the email address that they kill huh so hope that was a separate email you used for your purchases wow that could literally fuck up your life if you've got sure can actual yeah major government things going to your email important documentation um financial reports that are using that email since most people are getting rid of paper
Starting point is 02:28:42 and only doing digital reports now like that could 100% fuck up your life mm-hmm that's crazy that's fucking crazy to me that you wouldn't you that that your you could have that happen to you and not even get a reason behind it i mean i'm sorry i just i if this is i i seem to be looking around at a room full of people that are just not a little bit out of the loop on this one slowly and i'm like where was the last major story like this that came up because i don't feel like i've hit this has hit my desk at any point like i've never seen this come up at all so i'm this is news to me well now because everybody
Starting point is 02:29:27 it happens to doesn't have a youtube channel so i can't play it i mean at the end of the day like your your channel having whatever infractions on it is like like that's a separate thing that's fucking crazy wow okay uh okay big discomfort with that i don't like having that all linked up then in that way that sucks well um all right so yeah for many people google account ban is an online death sentence it's also punishment doled out without much recourse for the victim uh how would you even begin to dispute a google ban
Starting point is 02:30:15 when the first thing that happens is your gmail stops working um um we've asked for comment on the account and we'll update if they ever respond i see holy shit that's like people like this gentleman have the um the the visibility that they can make enough noise that someone will see it the average person doesn't i mean it feels again like like it's a human being being involved in the ruining of your life should be a thing at some point in that chain that costs too much money
Starting point is 02:31:13 all right well there's no other information therefore there's not much else to say about the story forza horizon is coming to steam who those games are great i'm gonna play that drive a car vroom vroom um that's the story story yeah those fours of games are i i prefer them dramatically over the gran teresmo if personally at least it's not the fucking like windows store or something like that just yay as least it's not
Starting point is 02:32:13 anything but the windows store i it's a it's a broken record but it's like i can't believe microsoft has made like i want to say like three stores back to back and they've all been like literally the worst thing ever like yeah they've also made like three browsers back to back and they've been literally the worst thing ever but they fucking stop it are they all right i just think back to oh come on try edge out come on come on no edge get out no come on like fucking give edge a chance uh so oh anyway christ i never told you did i tell you about what happens when you uninstall genshin impact
Starting point is 02:33:17 what happens when you uninstall genshin impact it shows like the cute bunny girl like the amber shows her like crying oh hey we you know we have so many adventures we can go on together yes yes yes yes and it's like yeah way to make sure i never install this thing again holy shit yeah yeah and i think i uh i always tell the story about um the ps2 save icons and how there's some really good ones out there but the one for uh bleach for the bleach ps2 game creates a little um bear of uh is it gone the bear bond i think it's gone um whatever little stuff teddy bear and like he's just kind of standing there doing like a happy little walk or whatever and when you go to delete the save con when you go to delete the save he suddenly gets
Starting point is 02:34:13 really scared and starts like crying and it's like please don't delete me so they make you feel like you're murdering con by deleting your save i well the problem is the con sucks and you should die yeah but the point but the point is also that they guilt you into maybe not deleting it because he's too scared and you don't want to feel horrible by erasing your progress no i feel good and basically nullifying the interaction to kill con okay well you might want to have that checked out um nah nah yeah so guilt guilt uh uh uninstallation and or guilt deleting sucks and i hate it don't do that it's cute and manipulative i hate that ass i remember watching bleach and being like i'm miserable and then con would show
Starting point is 02:35:19 up on the screen and be like oh my god what am i doing we might uh hit a point where the uninstall prompt just pops open uh an ai vr experience where you have to sit at a table and break up with the program face the face oh hey woolly what's the worst uninstall process ever norton antivirus because you can't you literally cannot that's pretty good i have a better one uh mist two is the worst uninstall what does mist two do by far are deletes the folder that mist two is installed to no matter what folder that
Starting point is 02:36:24 was not recycling bin there are people who's there are people whose pcs were like oh man that is a lazy fucking job wow lazy or fucking spiteful damn i don't know man but if you install it to like your c drive by itself like it just it just the whole partition goes until it yeah if your uninstaller is a batch file you should maybe consider not using it like if you see uninstall dot bat maybe don't click that shit fuck oh did i miss read is that myth two instead of mist wow sorry myth two wow
Starting point is 02:37:38 myth two soul blighter i always thought it was mist i've been repeating that incorrectly for years i don't know what the fuck myth two soul blighter is it's a piece of shit made by bungee ah wow this is so much better damn how fucking far we've come holy shit wow that must have been right before they started working on halo one uh marathon you mean no because it came out in 97 oh boy oof
Starting point is 02:38:36 full circle to lead destiny oh it's been gone for ages um so that's fucking bonkers anyway there was a act oh uh ea is not going to uh continue forward with anthem oh so the non statement now has a statement so that is my interpretation of a different piece of ea news because ea just literally now bought glue mobile a leading global developer and publisher of mobile
Starting point is 02:39:24 games uh which is the top live service mobile game developer so you are converting that through pat filter into the cancelling of anthem next yeah uh huh okay mm-hmm oh they have the kim kardashian hollywood game it's important that you let us know the sources on on the stories that break i did explain as they break from your brain logic as they as they break from your brain you need to let us know that's where the story comes from in the meantime activision blizzard had a financial call on which they discussed upcoming plans and diablo four and overwatch two were discussed in it they stated that apparently both of those projects are being uh skipped there's both of
Starting point is 02:40:26 those projects are skipping 2021 cool sounds good in fact overwatch can skip as many years as it would like i think it would only benefit to take all the years off before jumping back into the spotlight can't say much about diablo four i don't even know how to take blizzard news anymore because like literally no one that is what i think of as blizzard is still at that company it's all activision now and so it's like okay man sure once upon a time blit discussing that company was like talking about how they had infinite money to take as long as they wanted on their games to come out super far apart but always really good that our industry changers every time they drop
Starting point is 02:41:39 up they had a better track record than fucking nintendo jesus christ wow yeah a fewer numbers but you put up hitters there was not a there was not a single blizzard game that came out from fucking warcraft on to fucking world of warcraft that was anything other than an a plus slammed up if you're batting a thousand you're batting a thousand yeah uh they canceled warcraft adventures and two versions of fucking starcraft ghosts so that they could keep a perfect record man when did things go wrong when activision when you when you go out with somebody that kind of destroys you and you watch the slow degradation over years you know
Starting point is 02:42:38 like it's always funny to me because i remember when bioware got bought by ea and ever people like me were like oh well that company's fucking done great and then people was like oh well you don't know for sure and it's like well the industry was younger than it is now older we have now seen many acquisitions of big companies into bigger companies and they have literally all disintegrated into garbage always trust the fly bees like without without a single exception yeah it i think the nature of what video games are in the triple a space makes it kind of impossible to go untainted for any extended period of time
Starting point is 02:43:31 like you have a couple of years of innocence at best but at some point to join the game and play along you're either gonna uh get compromised in this kind of way or uh you're not gonna get what you want and then you're gonna get shut down and killed as they gut you yeah so let's take your pick um and it's this non-stop thing of like people who make like games do correlate their quality with sales that that is like they they have the strongest uh correlation between those two of any entertainment medium so thank god it's like making a good game is seen as a financially smart decision so the people who can consistently put out good shit will always find a spot it's just they'll build up a company they'll they'll make an indie game and then they'll build
Starting point is 02:44:31 up their company and then they'll put out some bangers and then that company will get real big and like hey maybe we should think about like you know and then the the owner of the company will look at the bullshit they're putting out and go i quit being a doctor to be broke and make rpgs and now the rpgs we make sucks shit i'm gonna go review beer and disappear from this world aim for not the top aim for triple i aim for the best indie games you can make and if your studio climbs above 50 members you have to have a death game lottery to determine who needs to go so that you can keep the number at 50 somebody says uh sounds like a real story and yes the real story is of course the doctors i think is greg and chuck there's a third doctor
Starting point is 02:45:30 earlier on in bio where these three guys had a medical practice and a medical company and they were fucking doctors and guess what doctors are good and safe in every economy ever doctors do make bank they're out in fucking vancouver i think and then they said you know what let's turn our medical company into making nerd games for rpg idiots and maybe we'll all go broke and let's put all of our doctor money into this shit and that's why it's called bio where because we're originally a biotech company wow fucking and so the plot is revealed right and so very very early it becomes hey what's more important making good ass shit or money well if they wanted money they would
Starting point is 02:46:31 have just stayed doctors right more so what do they do they made fucking balder skate holy shit and then that started and then the activision and the dragon age two happened and then all of a sudden greg and ray are leaving don't worry guys most of the most of the team is still there just the founders that made the company because they valued quality over money are getting the fuck out of here in the middle of the development of the mmo are just running away from the company they made it started to chill out guys it's fine it started with sacrifice yeah for belief in the product in the dream yeah okay and then they got big and big and big and they're like i maybe merge out and make a bunch of money and then it was like oh well the companies
Starting point is 02:47:28 were in out by yeah i want to say now this industry has come to adopt the worst characteristics of like the music industry where finding true talent and draining it to a husk is an ongoing requirement of major publishers and they need to find them like batteries um the the second part of the bioware story is uh for mike laidlaw we did a we talked about him a few weeks ago with the ubisoft thing i recall and i might have told the story then but mike laidlaw was the creator of dragon age he's like i want to make an rpg like balder skate because i work at fucking bioware we make good ass rpgs out here he made us do studio and dragon age went a little bit over budget and the pre-orders were a little wonky and so the fucking news comes down during
Starting point is 02:48:30 the finishing touches of bioware of dragon age one hey this is what this is what dragon age two is going to be and he went into one meeting and saw the timeline and fucking money they were offering for the game and like the like we wanted to be pick up and play for the console players because the console sales are better and he fucking quit he immediately left i'm friends with people like i'm not like our friends with him and uh they have described him as a uh very very principled individual so yeah that's like i believe it like the creators like from the top down got to see like oh this is a bunch of bullshit and then the the creatives in the the current projects like a bunch of them saw the writing on the wall and were like oh i'm getting the fuck out of here
Starting point is 02:49:27 dragon age two is like see the funny thing unbelievable the funny the funny thing though is that like when you like we're breaking when we're looking at like these results and we're describing like what the industry is and how it does and how it moves and what it what it what it always grows to be we're really just describing two major publishers and then some smaller ones underneath it but and like a thousand different indies but if you were to avoid the activision EA monster you're you're dodging most of this evil oh the bloat is really really concentrated i uh i talked about this a while ago god i forget what it was about like i think it was about um um oh somebody asked me if i was gonna boycott EA over um like battlefront two
Starting point is 02:50:38 and i was like i'm already boycotting them by default by their game so by following your own purchasing interests right that's like a you be soft i keep getting suckered in like maybe i'll finish this assassin's creed like no i'm not what am i stupid yeah i'm stupid like oh yeah i'm gonna fucking boycott Bethesda yeah that's easy to do when they don't put out a fucking new game for six years in a row right like well anyway um um going to talking about the bloat activision oh wait yeah so so uh blah the the the the what am i saying we just covered the story um don't worry about it words aren't important
Starting point is 02:51:32 that's okay is any any anything on Diablo for or is it just like is it is it just written off is that is that done with kazo who who the fuck knows all right the the guy i'll go what was his fucking name the fucking creative who was the creative director on Diablo three no not no not it was not the fucking dumb ass who who was like i fucking love the auction house more importantly who's the creative director on the mobile game i don't know okay uh in fact i actually just took that up couldn't find it but that guy got shit canned when the fucking auction house thing turned into a disaster j wilson that was him the guy who fucking ruined Diablo three to fucking push auction house sales for like a year
Starting point is 02:52:38 would you like to and argued with everyone under the sun how it was actually good uh would you like to talk about end walker i would like to talk about end walker though there isn't that all that much that they showed that sounds like a very fine end walker it is end walker is the uh final i see 14 expansion that will be coming out this fall which is a delay they usually do it in the summer but covid right um end walker we're going to the moon the fucking art is on the moon the trailer puts you on the moon uh and i do appreciate that even somebody who doesn't play Final Fantasy 14 can see that title and go that seems really final and it is the definitive end to the storyline
Starting point is 02:53:33 they have had since 1.0 like when shadow bringers came out like it was like oh we're making a lot of progress in this plot like questions answered dudes killed problem solved and this is just that little kick over the end and after that they're going to start a new storyline that will go somewhere different that i don't i wouldn't even fucking hazard a guess but this healthy um online video game making money will not be going anywhere anytime soon yoshi p literally stood on the stage and said i think i'm going to be making ff 14 for the rest of my life okay we're we're wrapping up this particular chunk of plot okay yeah um uh and then this then the squarer next ceo came out and held a gun to his face and said you're gonna keep making Final Fantasy 14 for the rest of your
Starting point is 02:54:36 life um new things are adding a new healer i am actually really excited to play sage yeah yeah and uh we're going to the moon so i guess it's appropriate that they just made a Gundam with funnels though they're called new lifts do you have to be level 90 they're new lifts uh no you'll have to be level 80 to get okay so from 81 to 90 you can you can you can make while you're on the moon mm-hmm okay or perhaps in actually you'll prop you'll you'll probably have to be like level 88 to be on the moon because it'll probably be the last zone not uh thavenir no oh you you you have you have notes in front of you or garlomal no uh garlomal yeah no garlomal
Starting point is 02:55:32 will probably be the first zone and thavenir will probably be the second zone and then after that you'll probably go to a third one which they haven't shown and then two demun rads at hat um yeah that's the city i had a i had a fun moment where they showed off a piece of concept art and i was like that's not the moon that's rats at hand and i had people in the chat are going how do you know that like because i play the game because because people talk about locations in the game um stuff there the some of the stuff they're adding is like so hilarious it is one of my favorite things and this is one of my favoriteest in a while where something gets announced for a long time game and the crowd cheers and other people who are not into it go i don't get it
Starting point is 02:56:22 i don't get it so like one of the changes they announced is that starting with 6.0 all belts will be removed from the game and everyone cheered there will be no more belts in the game and that is the hottest shit that is legitimately like the most exciting part of the whole thing sure yeah to explain that to the normies belts are part of your equipment but they're the only piece of equipment that does not show up on your character and so they pollute the loot pool you'll be going through old content trying to get a cool coat or boots or whatever for a glamour and a belt drops and the belt is like a level 40 belt and you're like this is worthless and you can't even see it yeah fuck that shit so they're just gonna remove all of them
Starting point is 02:57:17 how flat uh they're also doing something how fast are you gonna clear nice where they're gonna allow how fast are you gonna clear pandemonium you think you think you can do it uh pandemonium normal like the day it comes out yeah okay pandemonium savage i'm not gonna bother man this is gonna this is gonna include some fuck off this is gonna include some minor spoilers for the ff 14 story but they showed the splash screen where like the new raid is pandemonium and the character on it is the most killed character i can think of it is a character that has been atomized into dust like three or four times and has been like persistently for real dead for like four years
Starting point is 02:58:17 and there he is just sitting on the the the slide for your fucking raid card you're like i cannot believe it i literally cannot believe this motherfucker you catch that they're uh they're updating the golden saucer too did i catch it i full yes they're gonna update the golden saucer people people think they're gonna add blitzball i i hope that that's that would be that'd be cool that would be really because they added triple triad which was a decent big deal they added um mazhong like a very very fully functional mazhong game in there which has like which you can ruin
Starting point is 02:59:03 you can now enjoy on your island sanctuary yes i think that so that's gonna be like a stardew valley thing for sure it's also going to be a way to show off your minions you know little pets that you have because you can let them out of your fucking inventory and just have them run around and then we got uh the fucking arca sodara showing up them blue boys the what the arca sodara the new tribe oh the fucking elephant fucking them blue elephants i literally don't know the word you're saying like i i they're they're called matanga in game
Starting point is 02:59:51 so yeah the arca sodara matanga that's that's yeah okay they're in it yeah okay they look like that fucking blue elephant from star wars yeah they look like shit yeah they look like complete garbage uh one of the actual changes that matters that not like the beast tribe that's what who cares is they are the way that the game is structured right now is you have like a data center which has like 12 servers and there's like two or three data centers per region they're going to allow you to play with people not just per server but hop data centers as well without having the server transfer like just just like go into the launcher and just go i would like to go to this data center
Starting point is 03:00:42 which is another barrier like split so the ability to play with almost everybody will be upon us small scale pvp good shit yeah nobody not nobody has much faith for that i don't have much faith for that pvp in that game is terrible it is terrible i have a friend of mine who uh who pvps in that game and like got all sorts of fancy titles like rank number fucking top 100 and shit like that uh in the feast and they said well if this casual pvp thing is fine then maybe we'll just kill feast and he's like yeah fucking who cares nobody cares about feast anymore like fucking pvp in this game is terrible crystal stay home yeah they're they're no longer going to be quarantined
Starting point is 03:01:32 you don't want to talk about final fantasy 14 news that's way more interesting than the expansion there's a bot on the lewis swath server that has ruined that server's economy the entire single robot the whole server it fucking checks the price of every item and then fucking undercuts it by one gill the instant it's posted wow it makes wow it makes eight million gill a day and it has been running since september damn it has been like the most overly reported oh this thing is a piece of shit thing ever in the history of the game and it's still not banned i heard uh jenova's about to die i don't know what that is the server i think they're talking about the jenova server
Starting point is 03:02:34 yeah i think the jenova server is about the herd i heard it's about to die yeah somebody in the chat said it i saw it won't yeah and walker looks good i'm excited i hope i hope they give us a pirate class i would like a pirate class i don't want to i don't want a new class with uh scythe i think scythe's are kind of lame i don't like the way they revealed it they showed us some stuff and then said come back in may and i'm like i don't care just tell us what both classes are anima is in anima's great everybody loves anima anima's one of the best and we're gonna you're gonna find anima on the moon for sure that feels like appropriate
Starting point is 03:03:19 i wonder whose mom animal will be you don't like scythe's i don't think they're and they're okay scythe i just think it i just think it i just think it's like kind of limiting in the way you swing it what the fuck is this man does your business email just get filled with garbage certainly absolutely just like tons of trash just like we have a hot offer for you is it a hot offer is it a hot fucking offer it doesn't seem like it there it is true that scythe's are a farming tool more than anything um and i think it would probably be cooler if it had the arm rotation point so that you could swipe properly with it because
Starting point is 03:04:17 they're supposed to have that taunfa little extension to get a nice sweeping arc cut instead of just holding it like death but it ends up being you know it ends up being more generic so like you there's already a scythe in the game uh it's a a cosmetic item only and like dark knights can replace their like longsword with it and it looks terrible like the animation for it is just terrible i have one final thing to say about uh edgewalker i think the title is cool i think it uh continues the ongoing issue for a long number of time now that man that subtitle is terrible abbreviated because it's like are you excited for ff 14 you that's good that's good
Starting point is 03:05:29 like also the last expansion was shadowbringers the one before it was stormblood which means they were both sb like uh you i'm so excited on stage when they announced the sage they were like they were like pretending they didn't know what Gundam was like they were like what's a Gundam why do you guys keep saying it's like a Gundam i don't know what you're talking about it's a fucking Gundam you catch what's going on with um estonine worm blood my shit i hate this that's the worst one that's the worst one i hate it i knew it was going to be this one i knew it was going to be this one did you catch it you mean what's going on with estinian yeah
Starting point is 03:06:27 yeah he's getting an additional trust system yeah he's joining yeah it's a very popular character that'll be fulfilling a a single player role to it for like an ai party but like finally the trust system part after all this time i hate it i hate it i hate it so much this is so much worse than any oh oh i hate it oh oh this is really good you're getting me really good i hate it all right fine yeah i don't really have anything else to say until like may because they they showed off like like they'll do a thing where they show off like a three minute cg trailer and you're like this is half of a six and a half minute one and all the really juicy shit is in the three and a half minutes that you're not showing us yeah bad trailers need to stop there's a trend of bad non showing
Starting point is 03:07:28 trailers that are happening more and more it's a good trailer but we know that it's literally half of the trailer you know it's uh in the meantime good news everyone everyone what's that news after what's up multiple attempts and failures finally the us patent and trademark office has released an issue notice on february 3rd stating that wb games has successfully patented the nemesis system from middle earth shadow of mordor boo they're not even using it that's the weirdest part they're patenting this system and they started that patent when shadow of mordor came out and they've been fighting to get the patent the whole time but they're not using it they're not putting out any games to use it
Starting point is 03:08:44 it looks like they want it just to have it like the fucking namco minigame shit but will you forget what was what happened to my eye because i never will i will always remember what you did to my eye what the fuck you talking about you cut off my hand in battle i will never forget that day okay there it is all right all right okay okay okay there's a second there um the patent office apparently you know the weirdest part of here's the thing right eventually granted it to them and and i can only think of one go go ahead go ahead i only think of one game which is warframe but in the terms of
Starting point is 03:09:42 them trying to get this patent other games have already included kind of nemesis systems warframe has one sure so what happens now well here's the thing uh hopefully nothing and then nothing continues to happen all the way through to the year 2035 when the patent is up and then they no longer have it because they didn't use it between now and then they have they have 15 years to use it otherwise it's gone uh it goes into effect as of this month specifically so yeah i don't like like this this companies patenting game features is never used in a responsible way in fact the the the infamous examples we hear about are always the exact opposite it's what holds people back from doing things like putting mini games on
Starting point is 03:10:47 loading screens or putting or navigation directional controls over your character's head yeah so fuck that entire thing but here we are with this particular version going through uh so we shall see um and they do include a we should we should what we should burn it down man the patent office we should fucking we should burn every patent and then then you can you can you can steal all the Sherlock Holmes ideas you want wait is that even patenting or is that copywriting um patents copyrights and trademarks are all different from each other so the language is very are they uh they're all especially in canada okay well pee on them then that'll get them
Starting point is 03:11:47 you see what's they include a a an example with their submission uh that lists that shows you a hierarchy and i think even whatever whatever you're saying warframe is doing um it doesn't specifically perhaps call into example the idea of soldiers being promoted to captains who can then become a war chief and eventually an overlord which is included in the specific figure so luckily enough that is much more specific than you initially would think but still bad don't do that don't like it a player avatar and an npc event both lead to uh an i identifying activation of the affected npc which can branch into world events and npc involved or not involved npcs
Starting point is 03:12:54 and then changes occur promotions occur and then the npcs are reactivated in the enemy pool system you know what the you know the absolute worst part about this is it's so vague is that yeah it really is uh what the worst part about it isn't even how vague it is it's the shadow of war games are clones of other games the shadow of war games are batman clones now granted wb makes the batman games but like what if somebody had not made the batman like like everything in that game other than the nemesis system is stolen from a different better game oh they also steal a bunch of different assassins create thanks guys so like like it's so short-sighted it's like ha ha we got
Starting point is 03:13:47 the patent for gameplay uh-oh no ubisoft has the patent for this gameplay uh-oh now uh little little now uh now super giant games has the patent on good games uh that's what i'm that's what i'm saying is like is like did telltale go and try to patent like narrative storytelling you know like probably as as a product because at the end you know any like you we were talking about mass effect any game like that had it any of the early point and clicks has that type of thing but like it's just a particular episodic flavor that they put out like do you see like like does any studio that puts out a good new uh innovative idea then well i guess it depends on like whether you're like inventing a genre and then seeing imitators come up versus like
Starting point is 03:14:35 um wholesale lifting an idea hey hey guess what dude i hey look it's me i'm gonna patent i'm making this game it's called warcraft uh i'm gonna patent uh selecting a unit with uh the left mouse button in a box and then right clicking somewhere and make that unit move and on that fateful day every other rts and moba became a twin stick controlling game where you had to click on a unit and then use the sticks to walk them over through the map like pikmin like this is this is absolutely like this is going to make it if if this starts like a patent bid war whatever this is going to make games so trash so that's what went through very a couple of quick announcements uh we talked about forza horizon windjammers too
Starting point is 03:15:41 also dropping arcade mode it's got rollback and steve miller's back in it there's little training rooms where you can practice dodging and defending so yeah it's it's it's a featured game pc demo coming out uh tomorrow so as of the ninth is what is windjammer two's rollback good it's not out yet we'll find out tomorrow oh uh yeah tell me if it's what you don't do you mean right now actually technically i guess right now on the mp3 yeah the demo is right now okay um i'm downloading it right now windjammers is a game that you know was fucking amazing with the most bare bones arcade uh mode ever so any features uh to add to that are
Starting point is 03:16:45 pretty cool there also was uh a reveal i touched on this i think uh on i think yeah i know it was on my stream but uh svc match of the millennium coming to switch february 17th so the neo geopocket color snk versus capcom game um which is often forgotten about because there's the deal for the major releases you had uh cvs one cvs two and then svc chaos and then cardfighters clash were the two uh respective snk and capcom developed crossover games but in addition the neo geopocket color also had snk versus capcom a match of the millennium which is a fun fighter that like had the style of sprites that pocket rumble eventually adopted so uh yeah i i'm someone that likes a good handheld fighting game uh they're cute and i like to see how they simplify
Starting point is 03:17:45 and or like try to adjust these systems and i remember playing a bunch of that back in the day when um i first got access to my ngpc and uh i remember that fucking yeah fucking it's a i think it's a it's a fun little fun little little thing so that's coming out this month i'm gonna grab it i'm gonna play it it's the game that sakura and kio are playing as they're linked up over by the the the overpass and he's he's getting bodied and she's she's happy in that artwork there's also some guilty gear strive deets that dropped in particular uh i talked about like does whatever that plot plot stuff but uh the open beta is coming out um on the 18th to the 21st i believe pre-orders get access to it a day early and then the the no longer cbt it is now obt
Starting point is 03:18:57 exactly you're safe are you yeah sure oral ball torture no stop that stop that try to stop it you stop anyway uh yeah so it's gonna be open beta test anyone can jump on from uh the i think it's the the uh the 19th forward but oh no from the 18th forward but uh on the 17th if you pre-order it you'll have access to that and it's gonna have uh 13 of the 15 characters so that's a lot the only people missing will be uh angie and the 15th unannounced whoever's left which i have a good hunch yeah i bet you have a good i have a good hunch
Starting point is 03:20:02 in fact i directly asked the man in front of everybody down at the arc revo event if it was going to be this so uh we'll see if my hunch was correct and if it was then i can go back and fucking like all those people who were mad at me for quote unquote wasting a question can eat shit we'll see who did you ask i asked if asco was gonna be playable because um the the the whole thing with that man is that like he actually showed up in and did moves and fought in overture he has a look and move list you can pull from you can actually create a character there raven as well was in overture and then became a playable version of himself that you know took on a bit of a different form
Starting point is 03:21:11 but based on the story and the way things go based on the plot and where it ends and based on this being the uh quote unquote conclusion to soul bad guy's story that man being the final playable character here would be the smartest move and would make the most sense uh i'm watching a boss fight and it doesn't even look like what i thought guilty girl he turns it into a schmup oh my god this looks like he turns his fight turns it into a schmup i i oh man but um but then again if you go look at like you know chi or soul in that system it's a whole different system anyway but uh yeah the the the there's literally a a confrontation that is that is uh that rev two ends on so it's like it would make perfect sense for him to show up as the
Starting point is 03:22:06 last of the main that would be that'd be crazy because even i know about that man it'd be it'd be it'd be a nice a nice thing to drop it off on and if not because here's the thing he could be part of the dlc but that would be way less exciting in a way yeah it would be a much more dramatic mic drop holy shit moment to go that man is now playable asca our cruise i do is that his name and why they keep calling him that well now they call him asca our cruise oh okay that was that made uh the guilty gear xx story mode like way more confusing than i had to be because it was not even clear to me for a while that they were speaking about a specific person it because the the text just makes it sound like they're talking about
Starting point is 03:23:02 unnamed people like it's capital t capital m very confusing you know and and in japanese that's specifically referring to like that like it's yeah it's referring to that dude that guy you know so an otoko is is is what keeps coming up um and then whenever he's talking to dizzy uh not dizzy to you know and shit he's like where is he where the fuck is he what's going on so yeah it would be that it would be the right move it would be the right move you know um and what would really be cool uh not to go off on a fucking lore hole but angie shows up angie's here in the story and he's he's played a minor role recently um if they actually follow through on one of angie's major plot points from guilty gear xx where he meets that man and then
Starting point is 03:24:04 actually like asks him questions and then that man offers him to like come with him it would be interesting to see if him and that man are both appearing after that meeting and you know this is a post enlightened angie situation for the story we'll see he just wants to know shit well let's do what's to do with guilty gear man um dude feels bad for punching his wife uh okay you should feel bad but she was trying to kill everybody uh with the hat but then technically it wasn't really super her fault what what the hat wait wait what are you talking about that stupid thing that stupid lie where uh enos hat
Starting point is 03:25:08 is possessing her mind you told me that like 10 years ago some stupid bullshit that's not real that was josh who was going on about fan fiction things that never happened in the story and and and bringing them up from fucking probably i'm gonna guess green text threads and treating them as if they were canon we should blame moron josh and and he showed up in an episode or two of uh will he will figure it out so technically he exists now and can be blamed by name for his for his oh no oh no shit i specifically yeah there is that one and there was like i just need to check my bus schedules dude there were like there were like two or three other major guilty gear lore lies that i like i'm
Starting point is 03:26:03 like dude what the fuck was that about anyway um moving along uh that's gonna be dropping so check it out we're gonna be doing a get into fighting games obviously because it falls on saturday so why the fuck wouldn't we and um i look forward to it i think the new so kai's dragon install seems like it lasts forever it looks like you use it when you're about to die yeah that's weird you use it when you're about to die and it just lasts the rest of the round because in theory you're low life so you know hey uh meanwhile hey you stop that uh which makes again it makes sense right it's like you're in a danger situation so like the how well you play is how well it works he's on um hyper mode if you if you would and uh soul is actually uh
Starting point is 03:27:06 he does technically dragon install but he does so in the form of a pre-canned super animation now particular so um it is not just uh it's not just a transformation he does a move called heavy mob cemetery where he oh that's what that is that's his dragon yeah heavy mob cemetery looks like a super where it might be a grab or a hit but either way he rushes and grabs you transforms and then dunks and uh it looks like that's what they're and then he's and then i think he he untransforms right away um and his dragon install changing forms is actually part of the lore too like it's an evolving thing that like the more he uses it the more something happens
Starting point is 03:28:01 so like there might be cool plot reasons why they're going they're they're doing it this way too although gameplay wise he doesn't need one at the like ultimate like even if the like it's like goodbye to you know the song and the transformation he doesn't actually fucking need one because wild throw is like a pot buster and he can do faff near five times so he's more than fine wrecking your life bar well they i play fighting games and i've played guilty gear and i have no idea okay when kai sorry when sol does his command grab on you usually he runs up to you you do dragon punch with kick he'll reach out and grab you and then turn around and slam you on the ground and you bounce off the ground and then you can do a follow-up combo right they've changed that so
Starting point is 03:28:56 that now you just land flat on the ground with no follow-up but instead the the damage is as if you did a follow-up combo already oh that's fucked so they just cranked it way the fuck up so the follow-up combo all the damage from that is just baked into the one throw and then you just stand on so he's a grappler now it's a really good fucking real grab exactly um he's a pseudo and then also he has that rushing like the burn knuckle kind of move right where he's he just it's almost like terry bogard where you just fat it's called fafnir you can just do it over and over and over and if he splats on the wall like it's a real combo and then you breaks through it so um all that makes him a very good character that doesn't need a dragon install super to get better because he's
Starting point is 03:29:49 already fucking dangerous you know it's a high it's a high pop off so if they're smart what they'll do is make it so that if you kill the your opponent when he's doing the um heavy mob cemetery he'll just stay transformed for the wind pose like that would be the right move is just make it so that he stays transformed and then you get a nice little like you know try to drag an install pop off a wind pose moment hope so all right oh yeah fucking out of nowhere a sequel to the movie versus 47 minutes sequel to the movie versus coming out why that's crazy detected by hedeos I love it starring taxa kaguchi kenji matsuda uh it's called violence muso subliminal war 47 minutes so it's a short
Starting point is 03:31:03 but that's happening it's like so I I saw I remember like not that but um what was there was a movie that tack himself directed that was at uh fantasia that was almost like another versus in a way I forgot what the fuck it was called but it was like a a similar kind of energy thing but it was just not not but it was like tack directing instead of acting in it himself um I want to go see that and it was fucking over the top and goofy dumb shit um but yeah violence muso subliminal war so stupid here's a trailer all right let's uh death trance thank you death trance that's what it was uh let's uh check
Starting point is 03:32:05 some emails hey before we do that they also announced total warhammer three that's coming out it's got orcs and stuff actually the the only like really interesting thing about warhammer three honestly it's coming out this year and they're adding a character sorry a a a a a a a a fucking nation called cathay to it which doesn't exist in any form other than on paper like it is it is like a a footnote in some games workshop book uh and the only thing that anybody knows about it is that it's china so games workshop will have free reign to make warhammers china class sorry china china country and as a result it is now the number one preordered
Starting point is 03:33:03 oh number one preordered game in china i'm seeing some doodles but most of these are just maps yeah there's a land called nipon i don't know man they just they just went for it okay i don't know man yeah i don't know nothing about warhammer go ahead go bug moth man he'll tell you cafe known as imperial cafe or empire of the celestial dragon uh is a populous nation of humans located to the far east beyond the dark lands and the mountains of morn to the north the great bastion border lies the eastern steps and the hung and kurgan territories with the chaos wastes
Starting point is 03:33:56 to the east are the island realm of nipon and the far sea so beyond that are the boiling sea and nagaroth and to the south is the kingdoms of ind and the hinterlands of kuresh so a whole bunch of fantasy creation here and they just they just they couldn't get anything more like indirect than nipon that's like you kind of just went for it well the the russian analog is called kizlev but like is that a real is that a real russian term for something i believe so because nipon is actually nipon you know yeah i'm aware okay i mean at least neo had that moment where they called it the zi pangu
Starting point is 03:35:03 which is that where is that a thing was that made up i think it's like early mispronunciations that come together to eventually be pronounced the way we know it wow that's way off but i'm not a hundred on that i i think i think it was a one of those like yeah we're just gonna call it this because we can kind of pronounce it and this roughly sounds like what they're saying like uh campuchia for example okay here we go as mentioned the english as word japan has a circuitous derivation linguists believe it derives the portuguese recording of mandarin chinese which is sipan and which is sun origin and then it could be rendered as sipan go
Starting point is 03:36:02 and then it becomes gang nido then it becomes zepin then sipangu then english into chip hangu jip hangu zip hangu japan or zipan and then specifically zi pangu is an obvious get a name for japan that recently come into vogue for japanese films anime video games etc so yeah the portuguese recording the chinese word for japan no wonder it has no like relation at all so um there used to be a place that was the democratic state of campuchia and in the modern parlance it is now called cambodia and you can you can see the language connection you can see the sounds become one another
Starting point is 03:37:07 get that kapusti shit out of here idiots i i like that stuff like infinitely fascinates me when you can you can see the the the the fucking uh like the etymology of etymology of the language it's not even the right word to use but you can you know like you can just see how it how it how it fucking goes you know god be with you god bewee god bewee goodbye i don't know about that literally where the word comes from that seems like one of those things your mom told you and you fact-checking will ruin the podcast oh i didn't say i didn't believe you i said i don't know about that what's the difference
Starting point is 03:37:55 one is you're wrong and i think you're wrong the other is i don't know man okay uh goodbye goodbye or god bye uh from the 1570s is a contraction of god be with you late 14th century see what the correct response is i don't know about that man and then we move on oh i was checking my twitter what's going on okay uh mails is going on so if you got a letter send it in a digital letter though no no real letters please got one coming in here you said down you uh you uh let them know yeah
Starting point is 03:38:57 yeah well we really wound down i don't know where i'm waiting i'm like i'm throwing balls at you and they're hitting your head and bouncing on the ground yeah like right now for example is me waiting for a response well i just said i just made a noise yes all right are you not are you not yes i made a noise uh that's uh castle super beast male at dear csb i love the free demos for games if a game has a demo i'm almost guaranteed to try it and in many cases it makes me like the game a little more having tried the demo probably my favorite is dragon quest 11 s lets you start the game like normal and even start on hard mode it goes about 10 hours into the game doesn't fully end but it just prevents you from
Starting point is 03:39:50 going further you can excuse me you can still play around the area you end on for as long as you want and of course your save transfers what are some of your favorite demos yakuza 6 demo because uh yakuza 6 demo had an exploit where you could uh get to the part where we're supposed to stop you and get past it and then it was just the whole game oh well okay unintentionally i suppose sure uh in the same vein dragon's dogma had a demo that lets you transfer your save to the full thing that's cool i always respect that um yeah you got to spend as much time as you wanted creating a character and fucking around i think honestly any game where one the save
Starting point is 03:40:52 transfers over uh two um it doesn't like kick you the fuck out but it lets you like spend the time you want in a limited area um and three gives you like again like a playground or you know or something to like get a feel for something with so in monster hunter going over to the weapons area and just trying out the different weapon sets to get the move list down uh any any fighter that gives you access to training mode you know like something that lets you get accustomed to and then like attached to the game without time restrictions uh is the smartest way to go about it and games where there's a timer from the moment you press start can fuck off i can tell you what the worst demo ever is resident evil 2 one shot you get one shot
Starting point is 03:41:50 that was it how novel people fucking figured the way around that real quick but still uh i remember when street fighter fives early beta came out and uh you couldn't play local you could play online for stress testing and you could do training mode so mother fuckers just went to each other's house put on training mode to player uh put life to limited it's played infinite infinite matches in training mode and when the life depleted that was one round same thing for dragon ball uh for a while actually but because the initial dragon ball demos were like yeah no local so you know is what it is god bless i i you know i i i i i get it i get it but uh yeah doing anything like that where you give the player a chance to you know get used
Starting point is 03:42:51 to the game grow to like it and then keep their progress is brilliant uh dragon quest 11 is quite like astonishing in its scope it's like the demo is about as long as some smaller games um yeah strives gonna have its training mode there you go there you go practice i went when i went back to the the fucking playstation one demo discs with austin like a while ago i remember the omega boost demo was fucking super cool i was very impressed by that but then again it's omega boost is just cool so oh i just remembered what my favorite demo is it's pt yeah there you go that was a legitimately good demo for doing what it wanted to do for being a scary video game yeah that was a legitimately fantastic way to do it made everyone really excited
Starting point is 03:43:58 the only thing is if you're completely lost by the game you can end up kind of just looping forever until nothing happens so yeah it was there was a like fail state to it where you could lose interest if after a really long time you're not actually looking at the things and then you just kind of get stuck you know so they're needed if there was a like a loop i got super stuck yeah if there was a loop cap to also end it that would have been good like a high one but yeah mm-hmm like 50 you know something like just just start triggering apparently there is a look at 100 oh is that true okay well then well then fair enough higher than i thought yeah that's a good demo thanks james we got one coming in from uh ellen says hi uh
Starting point is 03:45:18 from the nightmare that is alberta just wanted to say thanks to all you do and let you know that even though we don't have a government mandated curfew we do have environmentally enforced curfew polar vortex is bringing nighttime temperatures to minus 40 and it feels like minus 50 with the wind with only a high of minus 30 at daytime too damn that's wild i've been in that weather once in my life yeah i would not recommend it i remember when it was minus 50 here i remember that it was just like this is that this is the death temperature don't do it this is just don't do it this is where humans were not meant to be here at this time we were meant to migrate the stakes were made by my ancestors they were extremely extremely made mistakes
Starting point is 03:46:17 there's that one where is that it's a fucking photos of like that village in cyberia where like dudes eyelids and and beards are just turning to glass as they stay outside for more than a little bit of time anyway what's the best winter gear in video games i'm fond of the winter uniforms in valkyria chronicles for um i'm gonna say lost planet has some really cool winter gear oh are you including the robots yes that's cheating i don't know what is the best winter gear not the gombi what's the new one the ice uh the fucking reindeer what's that dumb guy bunbaro there it is yeah the bunbaro armor from fucking uh monster had a war iceborn
Starting point is 03:47:38 that shit is great i will now get a photo of it and send it to will it yep i was just about to look it up all right he will know no this will save you this will save you many time good i've now sent it to you on discord that's it's great oh yeah oh yeah that's really cool especially the dude the girl version is it comes the beer the girl version as usual is kind of fucking stupid that's right oh god i'm on french twitter no wait german twitter how do i get out of here i forgot for a half second about the stupid girl armor variations and monster hunter
Starting point is 03:48:30 it's it's so silly ah all right um it's a it's a it's a little silly some of them are cool but like at that point just give it two looks and and and you know pick how you want to go about it but just like the restriction on some of them where it's like it just looks so stupid for the girls and it looks so cool for the guys and that's the end of it too the brachydios the brachydios armor for girls is like my most hated in the entire game it looks so fucking bad they actually have glamour now but they still won't fucking let you mix and match your your your armor like i'm gonna find i'm gonna send you the link because it is just the worst
Starting point is 03:49:32 and when you're starting from the ground up and you're like you know making specific outfits to match specific skeletons and to match specific animations like yeah just just literally fucking do the work oh there you go there's the brachydios male female armor that's the one it is the actual worst do you want cool bug armor shoulder pad mecca man armor or a dumb dress of bug blades with an ugly helmet but some night and day big old shoulder and cleave just give the option just give the option it's fine maybe next time maybe next time like i like for example like the fucking kirin armor looks looks great no problem there um the the you know the rathalos armor looks fine no problem
Starting point is 03:50:32 there but just give the option no no i will not i'm capcom okay uh axl says low super beast infections uh do you feel like the xbox 360 would have failed if the ps3 didn't insist on l1 and r1 for aim and shoot a generation of shooters are kind of unplayable because of this and if you don't believe me fire up any ps3 shooter on ps now and it's even worse than i remember what do you think caused this generational mistake well axl first of all what you're describing was a mistake but to attribute the console losing or are fucking failing entirely in the market due to the mechanics of a particular genre of
Starting point is 03:51:31 shooter is a gross overstatement and naively stupid that there are six there are six words that you can use to describe why the 360 like annihilated the ps3 in the north american i have less than that go ahead that is 500 599 us dollars so yeah that is six words i was going to say three numbers like what the fuck are you talking about man yeah that sucked and it was and it made two hundred dollars more really two hundred dollars more that's just a product of them not figuring it out uh until later when better examples came along and paved the way a lot of games didn't know what the fuck to do in 3d until better games cemented it uh nintendo did a lot of work establishing what a 3d camera should feel like when mario 64 came out
Starting point is 03:52:28 zelda did a lot of work establishing what a lock-on system we should feel like when you want the player to not be like swinging at the winds at everything in the environment because your turning radius is too tight or too loose and they can't get accuracy on what they're trying to target create a targeting system the ocarina of time to establish that you know a lot of things were really just rough because people were trying to figure out how to move in 3d spaces until someone made a good example and that they could copy i think l1r1 is just an example of that those mushy triggers are terrible they're really good if you think for a second that the fucking price was not the biggest problem uh then you're fooling yourself solid snake with the gun in his
Starting point is 03:53:20 mouth like 599.gif like what are we doing here like so so ridiculous okay and our last question will lead us right into the spoiler cast as it is 13 sentinels related holy shit i completely forgot well that's fine i don't have i'm gonna have to pee i'm gonna have to pee in between uh it's okay i don't think it's gonna take that long to be honest because i got out most of my thoughts uh we can just exchange a couple of notes on it but the the ending of that game uh conversation i lasted about two and a half hours on my uh on the LP so i got everything i wanted to say out yeah i only want to i want to only want to touch base so this isn't gonna take too long folks so we're gonna do the spoiler cast
Starting point is 03:54:19 and uh yeah i'll give it a 10 second countdown for anybody who does not want to be spoiled on 13 sentinels ages rim all right and you don't want to be spoiled on this is a game that would be a very bad idea to spoil so you should leave the chat to not get spoiled because that's pretty much the game yeah the surprises of the game are the game so 10 hot surprises eight seven six five four three two one okay so uh i'm free they they nailed the ending by making it all make sense uh that's good shit so there are a lot of spinning plates that we're going places that i'm like the what so this email says 13 sentinels details you may have missed i'm sure you'll get a lot of this
Starting point is 03:55:36 coming in from uh metroid prime rib good name um you might you'll get a lot of these but here's some interesting facts you might have missed i'm fairly certain at least woolly missed oh you're fairly certain all right let's find out mm-hmm one in murah's story chihiro makes a dent in the foundation of the carabi house in 1945 when murah is introduced in the carabi house in 85 he notes the dentist missing it's an early clue about sectors yes in fact i believe i said this directly when it became an entry so i knew that and that's the point so the goofiest thing for me that happened after i already had completely figured sectors out interesting like like because the order that i played in that was late okay that was super late now the weird thing about this game
Starting point is 03:56:27 to you though or at least your style of figuring things out is that you're the scattershot plot gun approach of guessing a million things means that like one of them lands and the others all miss and then you go there and then you do it again well i became highly suspicious of the entire time travel conceit once uh you played through murah's section and the destruction of 1944 doesn't affect anything and that's a really good clue for example yes that that when i saw that i was like um oh yeah so that's that's a big one for me i remember i was just and then to this and to today i still am yelling about the graphic of the clock going backwards when you switch sectors i'm like fuck you you liars that is a lie stop showing me a clock spinning backwards
Starting point is 03:57:35 that is not there for any reason other than to lie to the player um so fucking bullshit that goddamn little stupid clock uh the the moment that i i i made the the connection with the the time travel was when i had filled up about half of the total events and i was like oh man 21 88's the first one haha that's crazy because we keep going back in time but then 1945 breaks the rules sorry 1944 breaks the rules and then i'm like looking at it and i'm i'm looking at it and like and none of the events were concurrent like there was no overlap and i'm like and the the timing and they're all the same ages and i'm like this is acting like these are just locations i spent most of the game thinking that they were in uh us uh divided sectors that
Starting point is 03:58:39 were floating in a space station in orbit of earth like i thought they were i thought they were in pods very like yeah but it was a new planet it just wasn't earth so yeah because i remember like there was like that point with natsunomonami's story comes up but then it keeps like cutting back to the logs and in the log where um murah 88 describes the sectors as almost ready like the fourth one yeah that that tricks you into thinking that things are in sync with the with the with the current game you're playing the way he says that sentence part of me almost expected that like the the real versions of these characters would be outside of the events that are taking place as adults yeah yeah yeah no certainly you know um but that line leads leads you down a path
Starting point is 03:59:38 of thinking like okay these could be simultaneous and now you're getting all caught worked up in that idea and what that could mean and stuff you know um because you taught the the errors are fake i was also yelling at the game's log screens for not dividing or subdividing it with enough information because i was like now that you told now that we know about loops fuck you tell me what loop we're looking at on this fucking flashback and then it uh they do after you beat the game and not only does it tell you that it divides it by sub character as well not just a playable list because i was also really like damn it i want to sort by okino you know but i can only sort by playable characters and then they do it at the end thankfully you know but all of that was just like
Starting point is 04:00:30 completely like oh my god this is painful um up front because a bunch of 2188 scenes are hidden in memories of other scenes someone watching a log on dj is not a unique scene from 2188 it's a scene within another one and you have to remember where that was to go find it you know i have to say that um i basically just want to talk about the ending it's the only part that like right like there's some other things here in this email you can't talk about anywhere else yeah oh right i forgot we were reading email sorry i'm just thinking about um they're gonna about in one of the 28 2188 scenes murah 88 verse refers to the front line receding at this point in the story it would seem that it's likely a reference to the kaiju
Starting point is 04:01:22 but what he's actually talking about is the nanomachine incident in the 2180s nanomachines emulating a virus to extreme degrees propagating like covid would meaning the fall was fast and brutal in the final days are the small details we get referred to as a deeply nihilistic and horrific end to the human race when mira talks about the front line he's probably referring to the borders of what humanity managed to quarantine before the end right yeah uh the last surviving human like uh oh the virus made it through the the u.s border yeah and i mean like the log of um yuki arrived 88 arriving is like i was on the last ship like and also like it also even gives you a little a little smidgen of like that it kind of does make sense that every character in the game
Starting point is 04:02:14 would be from one country because this would happen to be the one country and it's an island nation japan that would be like the safest for the longest if they shut everything down yeah so nanomachine apocalypse doesn't necessarily turn the world into metal gear survive uh last surviving human was ryoko shinanome in her one log um in the last remaining incident we are left to imagine that what the incident was but clearly left ryoko in a very bad mood so the interview with uh george does cover that so yes we covered that in the ending as well yeah she is not the last surviving human yes um uh the second gahara kills morimura and that explosion causes the meeting between ogata and the rest of them to go sour which ends up at gunfight
Starting point is 04:03:07 and so almost everybody on the fucking thing is the craziness of that gunfight though is that like so ogata shows up with his dude's armed which was the mistake right they stated but yeah um it says so and then once uh okino goes down hijiyama just goes into blood drunk mode and that makes perfect sense yeah but like is juro shot okino first and that's the part that makes so much little that makes no sense to me because juro 88 appeared to be a good person beyond being in love with mora morimura so why would he shoot okino first you know listen so in the the timeline of events in 88 are almost like immaterial all that we really need to know is that they all fucked up and it escalated and and the end of humanity was pathetic the adult versions of these characters
Starting point is 04:04:04 ruined every single step it was the most human thing ever that like the final survivors of humanity just fell into a fucking monkey tribe murder yeah you know um uh the george kamatami interview describes that the whole the whole genesis of the game is because ito would not kill himself with yes exactly who wanted to kill herself and she's like i can't believe he would betray me like this which which feeds into her like obsessive exactly and thus she sabotages uh the fucking that is the darkest fucking motivator for making humanity suffer forever that i like holy fuck the darkness that you feel in that moment where it's like i won't even end it with you kind of thing um what's interesting is that it states that she was the last surviving human
Starting point is 04:04:59 therefore maybe she killed either he said she killed either said fuck off and she did it anyway you know yeah um and that results in so a calculation of approximately uh four thousand five hundred dead babies per planet that gets seated at least before the before the like on average at least for the loop before the loops are up yeah so um i'm thinking about this two other little things sorry just universal control is apparently i'm a garbled mess right here what apparently i'm a garbled mess yeah your voice is getting killed by discord oh well it's sorry man it's coming through just fine on audacity uh you see is a similar
Starting point is 04:06:03 to the black iron prison in the philip k dick novel uh valice it's described as a place where everyone who ever lived was literally surrounded by the iron walls of the prison uh they were inside of it and none of them knew it okay and hijiyama is fond of yakisoba pawn because he was originally supposed to be fond of just noodles but they needed a model for something he could hold in one hand yes this too i we read the interview so anything coming from the interview we know so thank you uh that's fine um i did already catch most of that so when when the conclusion comes out you like the at the end of the lp i we pull up the interview when we read through the whole thing so uh we address all of that so uh thank you anyway so
Starting point is 04:06:53 like the game does something so smart where it first of all the mostly the character the game lies to you a couple a couple times the clock is probably the worst one the characters are the ones who are doing most of the lies and they don't even lie on purpose they like lie based on their own stupid assumptions the limits of their knowledge that are usually your assumptions as well yeah so time travel of course and it's like it's not until someone says time travel to somebody who knows better who goes what that's fine you never trust not to know because she you you can see her fan ficking in the beginning way too hard oh she's just being unreliable oh yeah 100 so the the big fear that i have was something like this and almost any sci-fi story
Starting point is 04:07:39 in my opinion since the matrix but i mean before that it was it was a dream is terrified of that it was just a dream was all simulation yes terrified and they did something really great with it where the the you you are supposed to time travel is not real wow that's crazy okay so then i think the natural ex uh understanding is then that the sectors are pods or orbit or because they talk about stuff that's in orbit of the planet it's the satellite and so it is to be understood that there are colonies something right and then comes also time travel is too ridiculous of a concept but like let's keep it within the grounded basics of technology like teleportation right and it's like okay and then you're like teleportation is pretty crazy too and
Starting point is 04:08:33 it's like oh hold on a minute so okay they're in orbit and then you're like okay then you do around the world in 30 kilometers in which okay no hey there you go they're small they're very very small areas there's a reason why that like the kaiju aren't attacking the us they're always attacking fucking tokyo or whatever right okay fine and there's a detail in around the world in 30 kilometers that i didn't pick up on at all and i feel stupid for not picking up on it and it's the edge of the yeah city isn't a sealed bulkhead it is a computer it's an infinite of data and computers that then wipes your mind and tells you what you need to think but what i mean is like when uh when they get to the the fucking edge and it's a circle like all
Starting point is 04:09:30 those pillars as opposed to a dome and an edge in and the rest of the world yeah and it goes forever and i'm like is this open to space like what the what the fuck this this design makes no sense it's like oh because it's not a real fucking location and then the smart thing that they do is they've recontextualized the kaiju threat they have they have removed civilian death as a problem which was really weird like like literally only these characters even exist and then they re-establish it at over and over and over and then go okay but you're still all gonna die if you don't fix this problem and by the time you get there you have become attached to these characters and whether or not the kaiju are real even doesn't matter because they're all gonna die if you don't fix it
Starting point is 04:10:20 i i remember like looking at the city limits issue and and like wondering if it was just like a mass of like um like if the if the cities were like technically buried in walls of tech inside of the ship or something like that you know like my brain was just like look you don't know it could be that whatever move along right at a certain point you can't answer these questions you just have to put them aside and keep moving forward which is something the game gets really good at training you to do is going i've made an assumption that assumption no longer works with what this person just said but i don't have anything to replace it with so i'm gonna put this idea in limbo so and the thing looking back on it that i find to be the um
Starting point is 04:11:13 amazing but equally like kind of goofy in retrospect is it's like you said the that it was all a dream is one of the worst and scariest things you can do to your story because nothing has consequence right and in this particular count the context not only did it have the ultimate consequence um you had been preparing for this kind of headfuck in a way but when they got to it when they hinted at it with okinawa and hijiyama i that was the last break you saw us have on stream where i was like i can't handle the none of this is real right now because there's too many vectors of how it is real playing out that we're worried about um yeah and i i remember thinking back to when we talked about 13 sentinels the last time on the podcast and it was not a spoiler
Starting point is 04:12:16 and i accidentally figured out a huge portion of the story because i said if goto is being teleported into the goddamn robot and he loses all of his clothes why does he still have his fucking glasses on and the answer is is he doesn't because it's not fucking real sure uh the the concern of like in the end it's fake so none of this matters they find they make it so that it's like well no it does matter because the interconnected relationships were real also the stakes go from kaiju are attacking earth and they're going to destroy all humanity and then the stakes then become smaller but more dire which is like dude they're like fucking 10 people left ever and if we do not fix this fucking bullshit and then like it's gonna
Starting point is 04:13:17 be game over for everyone ever credit's roll and with you still going hold on why did morimura think this was the last loop it what was the detail and then you go looking down all the final logs that open up and you get to the one about the replicator in the in the pod and it says the lifetime is meant to last five thousand uh five thousand years i believe or five thousand loops or something like that i forget the exact special thing but then you look at it and you do some quick math and you go oh fucking hell they're already at 4800 of 5000 this is about to wrap up like 5000 years was almost spent entirely with loops and loops and loops and loops like these were the last nano machine babies that could have made it out yeah and and you're looking at it and
Starting point is 04:14:24 you're like oh man we've made like no progress on this problem like this has repeated almost identically because everyone involves me would have to in 16 years get up to speed and like carry forth the data that would prepare them for like all eventualities and then fight through what is essentially impossible when okino hits a point where she goes where he goes um we've lost statistically it's over and he's like i'm not going to tell anybody like you still need that to occur and line up the way it does and have a number of people who don't fully know what's going on consent to them dying but converting their brains to digital backup modes that can then show up and kind of inform you on what they were able to crack in the meantime like the level of like the state of this
Starting point is 04:15:22 pod where only four people were around to help explain things at the last second is like so fucking dire for 5000 years so it it it brings me to the ending which i think is like a a fucking triumph games do really badly with their endings really badly games almost always do badly with their endings and when you have a a fucking ending that is this convoluted i was kind of scared of getting to the end that there's a lot of plates they got to sit down and they do something i have i i don't want to say i've never seen it but i feel like it's the first time ever seen it and they take the character who was absolutely the worst person in the story by every metric so at fault for almost every scenario and actually successfully go man he was the coolest guy
Starting point is 04:16:26 what they do with juro from the prior loop is so astonishing i went through it in my head you get to the end of this story and he actually for real did nothing wrong and it's incredible well this dude was shooting children in the face and it's okay because they fixed the consequences of it they fixed it but his goal and his determination to do that was still the bad thing to do as with baby mura as with ida as with um uh everyone that that state that came over from sector zero they all had their own like motivations to do what they were doing and they were misguided but they were still doing the wrong thing so here's the thing i really really went through all the four two six events because the game sweeps it and like he ends up being like
Starting point is 04:17:43 the hero that saved the world by the end and multiple characters are like we wouldn't have been able to get here without four two six and you know i'm like okay hold on let's check let's check because i remember one of the earliest flashbacks in the game is him walking up to a bunch of teenagers and blowing away okay step one we have we saw the end of the world we got to save it we're going to go cyberdine it and terminator two we're going to kill all these people at the factory at the fucking but all the innocent people totally worth those people right they weren't real none of those were real people they were not actual people okay moving on step two okay i figured out it's the interlocutor
Starting point is 04:18:35 how do i solve it i'm going to shoot all these kids i'm going to i'm going to shoot them all okay because the intervention of four two six with the meta chips and all the shit that happens in the in the game are the only reason that they succeeded those people were all going to die for sure no matter without his hand and if he and if he had managed to shoot all of them it may have actually solved the problem how at least from his perspective no it would have ended the loop and it would have been done and they and he would have just started over no no no it would have been done that was the final loop five thousand we're done we're out of here we got three hundred loops our time is up no because
Starting point is 04:19:32 his loop is the point i know his loop the one but what i'm saying is coming in all the events loop immediately afterwards exactly right now what's interesting too and he wouldn't cross over him fucking up uh and then mori mura shows up and then takes him out and then they jump forward a loop and he's like backed up to the last moment before that went down so he's like i don't know why or how i failed but if i'm here i did so that doesn't work anymore yeah so what else are we doing now you know yeah okay uh just uh fuck the nanomachines up like did like create a virus that that breaks the nanomachines like would that have worked i don't know right like it it fucks shenanoma i'm really bad right but it does create the basis for the meta chips now here's a
Starting point is 04:20:36 which is the which you needed you needed the gamification of the quote unquote meta chips to succeed yes did he have to act like such a chode in cat and cuta form was there a reason hold on everyone everyone's saying everyone's saying that d eda made 426 dd 426 i was 100 certain it was actually juro 426 juro made dd 426 eda used it okay there it is um and then later on eda after eda uses it and and then they have a scene where um godo sees the flashback or the the the logs and then okina was like whoa transferring brains with nanomachines i didn't even know you could do that and eda's like chillin yeah anyway um did 426 need to be such a penis when he was a cat or as a best friend
Starting point is 04:21:47 no tyler dirton i think the craziest eda of fucking 426 were dicks i think i think like he's obviously very tired so i understand that right and him stuck in his own clone's brain must be very weird and frustrating um but i think a dramatic amount of frustration could have been solved if he told megami that he was actually putting the right memories into juro yeah like he makes he never actually confirms it or like it does anything other than be a snide asshole second part of this too which leads to another thing is um the game wants you to be confused by the fact that juro kurabe has a true identity of juro izumi but juro izumi has more than one meaning and we're not going to tell you what that is so which juro is me are we talking about
Starting point is 04:22:49 here so this is what it is when you get to the conclusion and you see the results and you get out of the maze it's like a glorious horizon it's a new future everything was worth it in the end yay right but when you look back at the maze that they made you crawl through it looks so stupid to see how many world revelations occurred on the way to the final one because it was oh yeah a virtual headset every step and just but you had to go through all these stop gaps of fake right reality that oh yeah just silly to look back in hindsight and go why just keep stopping me because the game had to last a long time i think that like one of the first things i saw once i opened myself up to the spoilers and the
Starting point is 04:23:39 memes was one was oops all chihiro morimura and like a serial like oops all cookies and then the second one was the spongebob thing of like he's juro izumi he's juro izumi he's juro izumi i'm juro izumi who else and then it just it's the fucking cat goes me out like yeah yeah so so you gotta look i'm like the whole i'm definitely looking at things where i'm like like the attitude and callousness that uh fluffy displays at times you know i'm like i when i see his personality shift back into adult tired juro who's like talking to ogata on the train going hey man i seen some shit trust me this is what we gotta do and i'm like that's the person i believe in because i see that guy and i know he thinks he's doing the right thing but he's
Starting point is 04:24:43 fucking worn down by what he had to do to get there and switching back to him like seeing him on the train was a real switching back to the the like the plotting fingers of cuta shiba and the plotting paws of fluffy with their like laughing at your suffering kind of moments and i go but that's not what the grown juro would be doing here i don't know he's tired dude he's so tired i don't even want to go down this road with you but we're gonna do it anyway because we have to i remember the way this ended with fucking koichi and i don't want to have it happen the same way again but there are two healthy relationships in this entire fucking video game and the rest of them are horrifying and toxic and maybe even start out okay but get into some weird shit where
Starting point is 04:25:42 boundaries get crossed the only relate it's true the only relationships where boundaries are respected are ogata and fucking tomi and at the end miura and natsunomonami every other relationship involves crossing someone's personal boundaries and not respecting their wishes and in the end it works out but what why do you never tie the guy up and stomped on his penis say again show him how gay he was there was no problem with the okino and hijiyama route until okino strapped him in to a brain reading bdsm torture sesh that was the moment i had a problem that because he did not want to be there and do that and okino was taunting him while reading his brain that's fucked up there's there's a real there's a really really fucked up part of that and you can argue a certain point
Starting point is 04:26:50 that i'm going to point out and then he liked it but did not consent to that he the fact that he was like exposing what he liked while going i can see that you like this and he's like oh please stop that that that's fucking crazy it's it's really because like you i need to see what's on the screen because i feel like the screen is just showing the giant well all caps talk to the ceiling to the floor boners uh i feel but okino is an asshole i feel like and i don't think the story i don't think the story goes out of its way to tell you that okino is not it doesn't because he is it definitely doesn't uh like i think it's it's it's um that you if you look at the screen it's okino uh dressed up as um what should we call it uh the the the cover
Starting point is 04:28:00 Kiriko Kiriko doji with a giant yaki soba pond between the legs i think that's what's going down there um that relationship is fucked i saw even though it has a perfectly healthy basis to start it goes down some fucking dark territory and then you take a step there's there's a really you take a step to the right and you get um he still loves me somewhere deep down so i'm going to stalk him and feed him until he sees the truth and in the end he's like i'm not the same guy but i still can remember the feeling so i guess this will work and that's fine you get your happy ending but stalking your fucking ex and never saying no is totally okay and i had to sit next to reggie who justified every fucking megumi wik moment because she was wait for it she was feeding him
Starting point is 04:29:06 and because she was feeding him it was okay wait hold on hold on hold on hold on we need to i want to go back to okina for a second before we get to make me okina there's a lot of fates and like genealogy and like who you're you're upbringing shit in this she here a more and more original is a fucking manipulative bitch that destroys the human race like straight up she is awful she and she thinks she's so much smarter than everybody else brought back a leering super villain that is ok that is oh god his dad right okina is absolute despite not being raised by her at all is absolutely his mother's mother son because he is a manipulative fuck he is emotionally manipulative to her to her defense though um mori 88 doesn't want to come back to life just to be
Starting point is 04:30:06 alive she wants to come back to life because they need somebody who can who knows what's going on she's in her anti-defense mori 88 killed yes totally totally she doesn't get this is why at the end i said hey um if any of you want to be let out of the fucking virtual world you're in we can consider it we'll just put you in a fake world and see how you behave there for a bit and if we can trust you then we'll let you out of 200 300 years the parole board we'll let you out on bail after seeing how you react in another so anyway uh okina is consistently like emotionally manipulative like the the strapping uh he's you know i'm down so he can play with his penis and convince him these gay or whatever that is 100 consistent with the way he is acted like the whole
Starting point is 04:31:07 way he dresses and drag specifically he dresses and drag on different days to mess with his yama he uh fucks with him with the the the confession that is a cover for like a secret plan like he's always fucking with them that is actually not a very healthy relationship and i saw somebody talking about how upset they were that uh the one like gay relationship just didn't really go anywhere in the five years in the epilogue and it's like that relationship started off really fucked up and in a really fucked up place and one of those guys is from 1940 so it kind of makes sense the teasing and the dynamic they have as uh seme and uke to use the terms is totally fine when you pick but the uke's the manly one when you picture it like you can picture
Starting point is 04:32:04 it playing out in a way where that's how it kind of goes and hijiyama will blush off indefinitely but at some point like uh okino has to kind of like grab him and go like all right man come here we're doing this you know and that's sort of what the ending implies by going god you don't even know how to go on a date with someone properly come here right and as long as okino comes true with his feelings there they can totally have a relationship that works it's just that you can't get over the fucking violation of someone's brain you can't well i mean okino was also totally cool with throwing fucking giro and yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah like true true true so like that i'm looking at that relationship going like the there's a bit
Starting point is 04:32:55 with nenji it's like we're gonna keep running this until you fucking find it yeah you die yeah like um and i remember i was trying to figure out like i'm like who told okino all this shit and i was like no okino's just that smart like they're what like yeah he's just figured it out on the way you know in in one loop got as far as he did so prove props on that um so you sit next to reggie who defends uh megamy john wicking all over the planet because she's feeding giro and defends the stalker like i'm in your house living with you even though you don't want it behavior because according to reggie as long as someone feeds you and cooks you dinner she can fucking be as abusive and awful as she needs to be it doesn't matter food though all right well i have a counterargument
Starting point is 04:33:52 for that one megamy is shooting all those people because a cat told her that they were witches and that if she does it her true love will come back from her perspective her motive oh like right i i think the so like i i am gonna i am gonna meet you on like level reasonable ground but before that i want to say one of the things about megamy's story that is wild it might be the wildest thing in the whole game is how late she questions what's going on yeah storyline she shoots like five people before she goes wait what am i doing is this even working and then and then you have to confront yourself seen to kind of
Starting point is 04:34:54 i guess they didn't want to animate a persona moment you know where she shoots herself yeah but like she has to get through the entire cast in what i would describe as reapers alt clearing the area shooting everybody and then she goes wait one thing one thing okay it's true love and that cat's gonna bring her true love back so she's gotta do it now two she is cooking for him that's nice gunslinger uh much more much more importantly than that fucking giro's grandma totally signs off on tamau is a good person who recognizes that this relationship was based on something that was real and she feels sorry for her and allows it to happen totally like she gets she gets explicit um not permission but
Starting point is 04:35:55 she gets explicit like uh acceptance of the plan or whatever to fix him and buy his direct direct blood you know fake but his guardian but whatever his guardian yeah right and the owner of the house like giro thinks that she stalked him and moved in like she is actually a real tenant of that house giro just doesn't know it it it feels also giro no finish your part feels where it's all right also giro does like her and in his memories not for not real though he knows it and she knows it and the grandma knows it but he's all fucked up because of the murder memories and the and like if he wasn't so horribly fucked up from the memories that actually would be fine the old giro does the old personality does the new giro doesn't but it still requires her to go
Starting point is 04:36:59 above and beyond him saying no him saying stop it and him getting straight up outright mad at her and running away from her in school because she won't leave him alone like his way of displaying karabe's way of displaying his disinterest is is is visibly like uh uh enacted you know and she persists nonetheless because nah the true love though and in the end it works out fine no but here's here's she it's it's complicated because he's getting away from her not because he doesn't want to be around her but he's scared something will happen right right he actually does like her like for real deep he does have again the residue of the of the feelings is there and like it's enough to make that ending be like yeah you know what this was here the whole time so this does make
Starting point is 04:37:56 sense um but like her steamrolling past what appeared to be someone's wishes of rejection on the way i still am like that's a like there was many points at which the backing off point should have occurred here and but okay wait it's not it's not residue even current personality giro karabe does like her so does prior personality giro isami like that is no the final scene he says that he has memories of being in love with her and he still feels those things yes and that cancels out the fucking um what do you call it the the murder memories but at the start of the story he does like her and is afraid of hurting her but he doesn't have those battle memories yet those are being inserted over the course of megami and karabe's story that's why
Starting point is 04:39:02 he's not seeing them some of those tapes are not giro is me no some of them are they're actually in fact the the uh yeah no no giro is me prior personality but what i'm saying though is that like it still has a point that again it's it's a story so there's only so much that you can like expect things to to to play out like in a quote unquote healthy way or whatever but like there's the point at which if someone is going through that and there's parts of this that are like involuntary in that way you still do have to respect what they're asking you to do while trying to support them coming back to who they are are finding the truth in a way i i i'm not gonna see like him asking her to leave him alone and multiple times being like oh god here she is
Starting point is 04:39:58 again oh god what is this and her kind of barging into his life and doing this in this way where no but the cat said we'll get back together though as stepping over a boundary even if at the moment that boundary is is based on confusion okay and that links so that links to the same thing happening all right no no hold on with no we're not moving on all right like you're like this person is trying to fix a problem with her old boyfriend right megamy is trying to fix the memory problems with her old boyfriend yes well from four to six is the db four she's doing what she thinks will will cause that to happen okay she has been given explicit confirmation from the person who is his guardian and created his new personality that this is cool and that she lives there more more
Starting point is 04:41:06 more tells him tells her don't talk about the previous personality let him be yeah but but tamau is the person who actually created his fucking new personality okay but tamau in this instance is like well you're talking about the uh hold on a second wait tamau in the loop is just the is just the the granny tamau version that ends up not existing because of the redundancy of the other tamau coming but that person is not the person who creates that personality the personality comes from uh uh when uh mori mura and ida are are there plotting about the whole no that's not true tamau is the the robot tamau is absolutely the one who has the fucking tamau character from 88's fucking shit and fixes the personality because ida and mori mura wanted to
Starting point is 04:42:12 turn him into a clone of four two six mori mura tells megamy not to talk to him so she can turn him into four two six okay so so tamau puts them together tamau puts tamau creates the new personality to fix his old bullshit puts them together tells him that she can live with him if she treats him like his new individual because i hope she i guess she doesn't want his brain to fall apart a magic cat tells her that she can fix his memories he does love her he both prior loved her is attracted to her in the moment and then gets brainwashed you want to talk about the fucking consenty shit let's talk about the fact that we're implanting memories and characters that's really fucked up okay that's that's way worse than any of this shit when you're fucking
Starting point is 04:43:07 with people's brains by giving them new more old memories okay and she cooks and she's the hottest character in the cast fucking piece of shit you spent all your time just to get to that listen um no no but i knew it was gonna be the last thing i said okay anyway uh the way the way i'm the way i'm looking at it is when you're playing as her and you're going forward with the knowledge dude i i straight up i have to take a second i'm gonna piss myself all right okay uh so all right you're getting in the way of true love all right so first of all first of all uh we we we literally cannot sit on the point because we do have to fucking get moving forward to this but here's what i'm saying when i'm looking to look at the magumi akashiji situation with uh
Starting point is 04:44:03 with the goalposts firmly planted where they are the reasoning behind the way i feel about her actions is coming from the perspective of how she's acting with what she knows so she's still a kid first of all so she's making 16 year old decisions but she is not aware of all of the final circumstances that will make these actions make sense she is simply moving forward because juro right and there is a point where it's like you what you know of the situation is new personality and what you know of the situation is not the other things you mentioned but she has to push past what juro is actually asking her to do to get at the the inner izumi and that resistance reads uncomfortable to me so um juro is not by the end of the story juro is not
Starting point is 04:45:09 juro izumi he is still juro kurobe that is a synthesis personality i think his final speech i'm not that guy anymore i think he literally says so the words yeah that's one of the first speeches actually because it's the order is weird and it's like the second battle where megumi meets him on the field and somebody calls him juro izumi he goes no i'm not juro izumi i'm juro kurobe and juro kurobe the character is the one who's like hey megumi i love you and yada yada but like her boy gets amnesia right gets a new personality the person who built that personality says hey you're good for him go live in my house he's like bitch get out of here you freak me out no you're she's like dude i live here i've asked to be here and i house and also
Starting point is 04:46:01 yes yes exactly no you're retreading the points and it's the same thing all but it uh oh like i said it's coming from the point of view of not having the command dot com overview of the entire situation just acting the way she is i think that if she were not 16 if you were talking about someone who was much more um older and later in their life and handled relationships they would perhaps in this situation treat it like someone who was like okay i have to go at their pace i still love them they might not love me anymore i have to go at their pace and that i think would be a move where you're like all right i would like to be your friend and i'd like to help you come back to who you were but i think you have to respect where and how this shapes up if they end up never coming
Starting point is 04:46:53 back to who they were if it never works out then you're still being forceful in a place that's not respectful of who they are at the moment so you can hope for the best while still supporting them trying to get it back to that situation but you gotta pump the brakes a little bit to get there and that but that's some you gotta pump the brakes way older than talking about somebody would make that decision you're talking about somebody running around shooting people at the whims of a cat exactly like but that's but that's like now that we're like you if you're pumped if you're hitting the brakes and saying stop let's zoom in on this relationship this is that we're getting to this granular level that's my that's my call on it right okay woolly yes this 16 year
Starting point is 04:47:41 old high school student who had her entire planet exploded in front of her and saved by this person totally said she's 16 why would she make that decision of course not i'm but there's no way to expect that she would she's young and like totally going falling in love they all are in fact we i was gonna talk about in a second um love at first sight yori you know so it totally makes no sense to expect her to act that way and that's not i'm saying that someone that did have more um experience in life would perhaps approach that situation in that way that i'm just putting that i'm just putting that up there i i guess but that's but that's not the characters we're talking about no the the character that we're talking about we're looking at a person who will cook for her
Starting point is 04:48:31 man every day even though he says get away from me you're ugly i know you know what i mean when you have someone who um like has us an an an accident and has amnesia and then has to like recuperate who their personality like you don't fucking leave them like an asshole that's you're a piece of shit um but you certainly do take it at their pace and so i think that like that is kind of well this is tough because because most people who lose their memories don't get fully formed new personalities yeah like that's a little more complex but you but you get you get what i'm what i'm getting at you know um yeah so when you look at um here when you look at okay what's happening across the street uh uh uh with um uh what should we call it with shoe where he's just like
Starting point is 04:49:31 hey gotta put on a fucking show for yuki-chan okay i have to that that's it the only thing i want to talk about with shoe is that one line that's the only thing i want to talk about okay but but but like because it's the it's holy shit we're saying get punch mom on put uh punch mom agrees with me we've had this discussion you can see her you can see her opinion when we get to the conclusion in the final episode and me and pager over here seeing koichi and what's her fucking face as the true love that they always are yeah of course is it like this is gonna this is gonna this is gonna split every which way punch mom and i both did that both kate like we're like whoa please respect the person more than that anyway shoe here's the thing here's the way that i i see it in a legitimate
Starting point is 04:50:16 like like not hyperbolizing way um megami is a dumb 16 year old and totally does not respect sure i was bound uh jurors boundaries you're right she doesn't she pushes super hard because her ex-boyfriend is literally right there but it's a different person and it's a whole fucking thing and also magic cat right gun what is established what is established is that she is desperately in for real love with this person it's not like a passing infatuation because we get to see a time skip later that no that was a real real for real thing kill the witches but also that this is a person who is so in love with her boyfriend that on the flimsiest justification will go out and shoot people without knowing what the gun even does yeah that's not okay
Starting point is 04:51:12 hey right that's not okay no listen you're not gonna hear me say that megumi yakushiji is the smartest or best person because she's an idiot and she's reckless and sure her actions did technically save the world but she didn't know that at the time what i am saying is that that is evidence of true love i'm saying it's evidence of um possibly having the type of relationship where she might end your life if things don't work out the way she has them in her head no it's more likely that she'll end many other things don't go out the way right there's a lot of psycho killers out there but i would not i would not argue that a girl that kills the bully at my school because he's hassling me that bitch loves me a lot yandere sure sure well she she's a little
Starting point is 04:52:18 she's a little calmer she's me she's more like irresponsible but there's inner yandere to be unlocked yeah yeah so um yeah so that that that that level of just like it doesn't matter the world like all of it for him like anyway so uh that that fucking i put my hands up on that and i wasn't the only one and and reggie never even made any of those points he was just like but look at the food she cooked for him and that was the end of that's a sign of love literally just a corial sign of love look how much work she put into it yeah totally you know all right moving on it's not like i know people who have cooked meals for people and then went and abused the fuck out of them immediately after cooking those meals of of course that happens woolly but she doesn't do that does
Starting point is 04:53:16 she certainly not the certainly not the the the the hill to die on being food but anyway that no that comparison only works if then she goes and abuses juror she doesn't no i'm just saying i'm just saying everything on the line on the opposite end but this dinner though and you're like all right all right it's a piece of the puzzle woolly it's not the whole thing to reggie it was the whole thing i don't know but yeah it went on but it does come down to like like you said that that uh respecting of juro uh karabe in that moment based on what she knows and like the and the willingness to you know shoe like like if if tamau didn't exist i would i'd be more on your team but she she does like get explicit permission from like the guardian the universe the universe
Starting point is 04:54:12 there isn't the people that know more about the universe want to facilitate that the universe conspired for their true love because it was fate you know it's not fate better put a show on for yuki chan that is the cringiest line read i that should they should have done another take they should have done another fucking take it's so bad it changes how i feel about the character i like shu amiguchi i like his casual laissez faire attitude i like the fact that his shoes and shirt are untucked i like his hair and his very smooth talking ways i overall respect especially when i saw him respond to being what he thought was asked out by someone else on the roof and he goes to megumi oh hey sorry uh i didn't think you felt that way
Starting point is 04:55:14 not to lead you on or anything sorry you know and he he lets her down in a very nice reasonable manner shu amiguchi absolutely is chill he does not understand the concept of not interested but there is an archetype of character from yesteryear that is like that that knows that hey the way to get grandma is well you know he wore me down just ask her out for a date 10 times he wore me down just ask her out for a date every day and eventually i gave in and well you learn to love you learn to love you get married first and then you learn to fall in love you know and i'm just like dude she actively tells you stop she doesn't just say no she says no a couple times and around the fourth time she says stop it and he doesn't stop it i have nothing else and i like him but
Starting point is 04:56:21 fuck dude come on all right i'm noticing it i'm noticing a trend with this with this japanese video game the deals of romance hey guess what are you know hey guess what are you noticing a trend hey guess what yeah they get together in the end so it all works out great so i you know what i think that my favorite part is that like that one is not true love because shu comes out so fucked up that that that relationship seems like shit like the the little snippet you get on it yoko it looks like garbage and on top of that the weird like the weird like through line of like the way their past lives went with this one like yuki yuki's like only defining character trait in 2188 is that she's divorced sure sure we don't so like it it looks like they're going towards like
Starting point is 04:57:20 oh they're gonna get divorced for sure um we don't know anything about like goto and ryoko's dating but they had a weird relationship that then ended it also and it's not even like for sure if anything happens there it got me to realize that high school japan stories never have people with x's people don't tend to break up they either fall in love and that's the plot credits roll or they don't or they fucking die or or they don't and it then die exactly but no one ever has a relationship that ends and i'm like in my high school tons of relationships ended all the time um well shinanome and ida definitely had at least two relationships that ended yeah well so there's your next uh unhealthy for obvious reasons uh that one's actually written to be unhealthy on purpose there's no
Starting point is 04:58:15 dissent between us and the author certainly not like but in the modern version of it where his his responses child get away from me not because child but because wrong child and then she's like no let me smell your dick my pills are my pills in your dick let me smell them it's not it's not it's not child get away from me it's the the wrong one you know yeah the wrong child um well he is supposed to be kendo right yeah right um and i think that's all of them it is all yeah there you go not snow and and yura have a wholesome thing they do but at the same time that that one feels like extra like faded because it was one sided until the end you know she was just not so it was just a bubbly girl and miras like yeah in her shine
Starting point is 04:59:13 and trying to oh well you know do his best i we we forgot one we straight up forgot a and a yuri oh fucking hell i did mention it earlier you know why we do you know why we forgot it because he's hot we forgot it because that because that story is i'm a hot man oh man that guy's hot are you cool i'm pretty sure i just murdered some people i'm actually not dude i'm so wet i'm the furthest thing from so into that there are 10 people left and one of them is an assassin by trade i'm just a murderer i have zero fucking empathy i can turn it off and on when i need to to get the job done yeah cool but you're hot though get on my bike all right are you sure you killed my teacher no maybe it's okay but but here's the thing right
Starting point is 05:00:14 she's 16 which is why she gets the same hand wave that everyone gets for making 16 year old decisions you know yeah she's making a fucking 16 year old decision i know people i went to high school with people that did the same thing it's he's hot he's a piece of shit and you know that he got physical with his last girlfriend what are you doing he's hot wait wait which no no real people real people oh okay you kind of you kind of spiraled there a little hot guy complete garbage that like got physical with his ex got more girls because he continued to be hot despite them knowing what here's the thing about here's the thing about a second car right he's really hot and he has a motorcycle and he might be a murderer but god why does
Starting point is 05:01:15 it why do people why are people so i'm all i'm saying is that like being hot on its own in an isolated it's i'm not saying what was the question you were actually asking okay okay you were saying why does everyone just and you didn't finish your your question because this happened when i made the comparison on the last conversation and then again now when i bring up an analogy of a different person who did a different thing that is another that is a bad thing in some way the point is not to say that the action that was bad is being put on this fictional character we're discussing the point is just to say that the trait that allows them to like get away with this or whatever we're discussing is something that can in circumstances be bad and like here's an example
Starting point is 05:02:09 of that being the case so love at first sight with no substance to it is something that often doesn't necessarily work out we don't know but trusting just you're the person being hot as the only metric is is a bad idea that's not much to go on okay well i that i agree with you however i will say that when you were talking about that it became very unclear as to who you were okay i'm sorry i could have been more clear about it that's not that's not yeah i the way i talk and think and try to get these things out why is i'm saying them is might not be clear i'll try to be more specific about any time i do that in the future but um literally i'm just saying like i'm not saying like therefore a seki gahara beat his ex i'm saying that like the shallowness is not good
Starting point is 05:03:04 yeah that's the end oh no it's it's it's like it's hilarious because like a loses his memory and him losing his memory gives you the the gives fuizaka the the fucking benefit of the doubt to maybe he's a good guy because he's hot morally great right like no it is the actual fucking joke we've been making for like a year now he's hot did he kill my teacher yeah it turns out no actually um uh but you know yada yada but he's hot and he seems good special right mention before we go to the single worst cop i have ever seen from someone who had the best first impression to being absolute trash garbage um uh actually the cop in yakuza zero is not much better he's pretty fucking garbage too but mr stop and search oni onishi the ogre is such a fucking
Starting point is 05:04:13 scumbag when you see him and you see the way he looks and the gray and you go oh man look at this guy he's been on the job forever he's such a cool old guy he's probably got a picture of his wife and kids in the wallet and you know that he's out here on the beat because everybody knows him and he probably is just a stand-up fucking pillar of his community maybe i don't know and then he shows up a couple times to harass the the truants as it were of the story and then the one time before the previous loop he's called into action he shows up as fucking uh um the bully crew are trying to corner iori and the girls and fucking jump them and he just lets it go he like he's like hey you what's going on over here and then lets them fucking on about their
Starting point is 05:05:17 business and you're like bitch did you just not an assault in pro stop an assault in progress gonna raise my hand here one you're criticizing a 60 year old japanese man working as a police officer in 1985 you're not gonna run into the morals that we want to yeah he's like an asshole yeah he's a he's an asshole three i don't really know why you're complaining so much because the person you're complaining about isn't a real person that's not gonna work in the conversation that's not gonna work if we're just gonna say in the end they weren't real then we're then let's just tap out of every discussion of every anyone including miwako which is fucking crazy because miwako is wholesome listen i'm not gonna say in the end they aren't real i'm going to say in the
Starting point is 05:06:19 end the people that aren't real aren't real and i'm gonna say because they're not real people but intended that's a cop out fuck you that's a bullshit answer they're not real we don't need to fuck off they're they did things in the story we're talking about them onishi yeah but like who are you angry at the fucking computer the character in the fictional video game 13 sentinels ages rim of onishi the ogre let the fucking dudes go and all i can think of is off camera they went to go assault some other npc girl because he just let him run anyway you mean who you know another npc girl who's not a real person that doesn't merit the discussion anything it does how mad do you get when a gta 5 pedestrian runs over another in their car
Starting point is 05:07:24 you know what dude i'm just gonna leave this one to the air because i don't clear i'm not gonna get any further conversation about it that you that is interesting from you if you don't want to talk about npcs like that and i think it should be pretty clear that like yes they're not real in the finality of the story but to use that as a means of saying therefore nothing they do should be discussed or matters is a shitty cop out i don't think they should be discussed like they're not real they're fucking chairs that walk around and talk all right i i'm not gonna get any further with you in this so i'm leaving it alone you're fucking that that's a silly ass take on it that's ridiculous i was gonna talk about miwako next but why bother miwako is great i like her she's the
Starting point is 05:08:12 only reason miwako matters is because she matters to the characters and they're willing to do some weird fucking ghost in the machine bullshit to manufacture a real person out of that have you ever cried watching a movie yeah why they're not real okay do i think i live in the movie no but we're having a discussion on a podcast and i'm talking about onishi being a shit cop who let a bad guy go in the fictional context of the video game son like yeah and i said yeah who he's an asshole and his his fucking basis is probably an asshole you're saying your first point about him being a cop from the the 80s in japan the 80s
Starting point is 05:09:04 totally a real point that i'm like yeah fair enough let's go and then the second one being therefore why even bother npcs like well then why are we doing any of this you know anyway like though the one thing about the story that i actually genuinely don't understand that ties into this is what does it matter that they evacuated all the fake people because then they kids would not think people were dying which at the time i remember being really concerned by because it was like oh yeah now that we look and we see um the way mori 88 baby mora is acting she goes this is so stupid uh anyway attention all sentinel pilots i've evacuated the city and she's like thinking this is dumb because i should just be able to loop in this deal with
Starting point is 05:09:55 goro's dumb but goro makes the most compelling fucking statement to her and and ultimately says you'll win anyway just let us prove our point so she goes fine and then she does that and then that effectively makes them think that there's not casualties while they're defending and fighting for their lives on that note holy shit goto is such a badass i can't believe how fucking cool he is he is the type of character that you should hate because i knew he'd be your favorite character he's not my favorite at all okay he's not even in my top three oh okay the way you talk about him seems like you like him a lot more than the rest don't put words in my mouth but he is super cool when you play his story because you expect him to be a i'm tucking my glasses up at you kind of
Starting point is 05:10:48 person and i'm gonna be like um the the typical like holier than thou talking down to how stupid everyone is kind of guy but then it turns out that like he actually has uh a full understanding of like okay no i i want to make a bargain with you i know that you killed more mori mora i know that you did these things my whole thing is cornering you and then going at the end of the day so what are you gonna let me walk away what are we doing here and his whole thing is just like no let us prove a point i'll let you win anyway if we fail do what you gotta do but let's work let us fight you know i was so fucking like man you sold me dude he was great i didn't expect his storyline to be arguing with like a six year old for the whole thing like that was those and it's the
Starting point is 05:11:42 last thing i expected i will say uh you did have like a value add to goto that i didn't have in that you had mini goto with the actual fucking for real ass notebooks sitting next to you like uh uh reggie with the notes yeah yeah he did have that that is a one to one and he does say the line these world changing revelations don't phase me anymore and i was like man that's talking right through the fourth wall you know so goto in the end i'm like really impressed by that character as someone who didn't turn out to be what the first impression of the archetype trope would have been you know um uh shit uh there was one thing i was holding on to in my brain uh i think it's gone oh yes i remember you know what's unfair the fact that people from 1945
Starting point is 05:12:43 who don't really know what's going on and literally i think at one point he jammers on his knees almost crying going please can someone tell me what's happening i don't get it have to get out of their pods alongside people from 2100 and they both have to lead society forward together the people from the 40s are not prepared for any of this shit and they have two years to get adjusted before they have to lead you well that sucks luckily luckily miura's smart luckily but hijiyama is gonna suffer and it sucks yeah hijiyama has like uh you're gonna have a real rough exclamation process miura took a while to get used to the swing of things too though he's smart but it was rough you know like yeah the fact that people from earlier dates are getting out
Starting point is 05:13:39 and now have to take a get accustomed to the world in two years is that's so unfair man and i know why it had to be fair oh the the the world they live in like actually live in is so far beyond and weird and alien compared to all of their time periods yeah that it's like the the adjustment from the most modern person to the world is a much bigger jump than the jump between the time periods because well it's exponentially in real life right so if you think about it yeah like the idea of a nano machine to someone from the 2100s it's like oh yeah those things uh-huh whereas to yeah we got you know to someone from um like 85 it's like oh those things from sci-fi movies that's crazy wow to 45 it's like somebody uh somebody just made a really good what are you
Starting point is 05:14:36 talking about which was people people in the in the 2100s are used to like future shit but like we don't know how fucking ghetto their farming and living situation is yeah it could be looper it could be horrible but also futuristic but i just mean mental preparedness for the world you're about to get is like the technology is in 20 is advanced to 2188 that's what this world is going to be and we now have to lead them and it is unfair to those who came from too far back in the past it just sucks because those nano machines are still there and they're still capable of making babies you know now to be fair the the clones of the people in the 40s and 80s by that metric did decide to send their clones to those periods they chose those periods they did on purpose
Starting point is 05:15:37 and thankfully um tamal explains in that in that thing that they had enough genetic data to create a diverse system of people flora and fauna because if it was just those kids making babies over and over we would run into the fucking noah incest problem problem real quick also they would all be japanese yeah yeah well for a while anyway um the final scene uh the final final scene it's it's it's perfect all your all your fan fictions are canon this is happening forever that's not how that's not how i interpreted it i interpreted it as it's initially like dire that this disaster is propagating like everywhere right like that's horrific but at the same time it's very hopeful that even if the people that we spent time on
Starting point is 05:16:39 fuck up and destroy themselves humanity lives they're still like hundreds if not thousands if not millions yeah of possibilities for a real success but the horror of that same story is the guaranteed successes that like might literally encounter each other as parallel realities if they develop in the same way wouldn't that be crazy and oh that'd be cool and humanity as the virus expanding through the galaxy it's a literal brat overflow yeah it is an overflow of brats expanding infinitely as as they replicate into into everything but only the really cool batches get out of the pod yes but some of those batches will get out billions of years before others ah that's fine you're gonna fought space is space faring planet group will eventually
Starting point is 05:17:35 fly by a planet that has a dead system of fucking babies on it that were that ran out of batteries after 5000 years and go oh well that one didn't work and that's going to be dark yeah well yeah but hey some of them will succeed some of them in infinite possibilities in infinite realities it it it's also tough because you are rather you use you start from the darkest possible start which is everyone is dead like everybody yep it's all gone so like literally anything is an improvement yeah it's all uphill from here I suppose yeah that's the optimistic look on it the problem is is that like there's a possibility of going uphill way too far into oh god oh no fuck oh shit and now we have again like parallel rate like like people that are that are like
Starting point is 05:18:37 light years away from each other you know god I hope they don't meet mm-hmm the the thing that surprised me the most about the ending wasn't like a plot thing it was its tone the game's really dark mm-hmm like consistently dark and it only gets more dire the more it goes on right like for me the revelation that most of the people were AI and that was actually down to like 15 16 real humans was like terrifying because like like that's it that's literally all that there is that holy shit like the stakes as it went down the stakes got higher for me but then when we get to the end end end it's like they did something I didn't think they'd be able to do which is the ending is really positive it's astonishingly positive no one died not even the
Starting point is 05:19:32 fakes like no not even the fakes even people who died in some cases came straight back to life ita was given and punishment that he had to atone for by the by who he loves which in the end inaba loves him anyway and he still gets his happy ending once he atones for yeah everybody literally everyone got a happy ending and the visual is adam and eve waltzing into the garden of eden yeah and like I think the the part that got me wasn't that it was so happy is that it managed to justify it just enough that I was like yeah I'll allow it because like often like if berserk ended with like and everyone got married and and and guts and kaska had a bunch of kids and they made us a chair out of griffith skeleton and then griff and guts
Starting point is 05:20:34 became the king and it was all happily forever after i'll be like shut up yeah except bullshit except uh oh can go for no reason oh goth's dad gets dropped in at the last second to be the one ultimate guy who is just nefarious for the sake of being nefarious I don't give a fuck I just want to live okay and ends up being a major catalyst while also being the most in seconsequential inconsequential thing in the world he's a he's a secret antagonist that is in one scene in the entire game and he was literally supposed to be apparently a bigger part of the plot that got cut but uh you could feel it I think as he exists now he is only there to give morimura some some forgiveness so that she can show all
Starting point is 05:21:33 so that the blame can be shouldered onto a non-human entity that sits in a hard drive somewhere I I I looked at it a little bit more thematically where Ogata is like running the show essentially but then he dies obviously and considering the the death of humanity is concurrent with his death he kind of feels like all the worst parts of earth like following them because like his involvement and wanting to be in AI and all that crap can go are part of the reason yeah can go are part of the reason that causes stuff on even the ship to deteriorate that's and that's the thing is like I give mori 88 like the the the benefit of her saying like I only exist because of what is needed for these for this group of people in this new reality here whereas
Starting point is 05:22:33 can go was like I get to live forever lol you know and you're like yeah that that's the fucking humanity right there that you you you need to fucking watch out for you know so um anyway yeah it's it's shocking that we got a happy ending that I didn't think was like complete bullshit um if you if you had told me like halfway through the game that everyone survived happily ever after I'd be I'd fucking stare at you like you're an idiot so uh let's wrap it up who are your faves my favorite characters yeah uh I asked I answered this a couple times on twitter I can tell you who my favorite character to play in a fight is and it's ryoko shinanome every day of the week okay um my most hated character to play as in the story
Starting point is 05:23:26 is ryoko shinanome okay because uh of my pills the pill mechanic is really annoying and her fucking story is the most it's the widest in terms of timeline and I I had trouble figuring out who she thought she was right at each branch I will but I said at the end I felt really sorry for her with her um ultimate fate before the final battle oh it's right it's depressing it's fucking depressing which is so and then think about how perfectly that mirrors 88 ryoko though the mirror of that super dark conclusion coming back in this version is the one instance of like hey you know what it was like poetry it did rhyme yeah um people are bound by the destiny of whatever the the their 88 versions were there are things and decisions and even grudges
Starting point is 05:24:32 that hijiyama and ogata are gonna have with each other simply because their 88 versions already did and sonochino satome is real in 13 sentinels universe you you can't escape it or you can but you're gonna have a hard time fighting it you know if I had to pick uh who's my favorite my second favorite character in a fight is not tsunami nami and my favorite character in the game is not tsunami okay all right her her travel through time as it were sees what I believe to be the single biggest bomb drop which is time travel isn't real this isn't earth all right uh folks let's try this again there are things that the people in 88 do that mirror into their versions in the future and in some cases its relationships in other cases its personality decisions that
Starting point is 05:25:30 are very rash that end up leading to them being the same types as it were um but those connections were deliberately drawn as to like why for example uh me um um um megumi would be so obsessed with gyro it's because he literally saved her life as a child in this version and it doesn't necessarily have to carry forward with that strength but it was done so intentionally so there are things in the story you know the the game even really echo directly points not every character has that like a baby megumi didn't go shooting everybody not everything has that you don't know i'm just saying that some instant you don't know that 88 echo forward into the alright go ahead uh they actually go directly into that where like when shu like starts arguing with ida like and ida is
Starting point is 05:26:21 smart enough to realize that they are essentially the same person split down the yes based on their experiences that was great and the version of him that fucks up ryoko is the womanizing manipulative piece of shit that is willing to go through whatever it takes and do anything to get his way that also is gonna put on a show for ryoko chan until i won't get the fuck away from me and shu is the romantic idealist right down the middle the worst of both worlds yeah that's really good um but uh yeah natsunos like her bubbliness in the in the face of like the game's fucking depressing a lot of the time and her character is like it's so much more lighthearted than the rest of them for a lot of the time and she's hopping all over and she's finding out shit she's
Starting point is 05:27:15 going on adventures i absolutely loved her part of the story uh and missile rain fucking kicks ass i separate battle from from character i was asking just well that's why that's why i am separating it battle in battle you need because i have to because of you know you need you need that fucking twin um thing but uh character wise so that bubbliness i agree for me it was miwako i thought miwako is like she's not she's not a character no not allowed anyway i thought miwako okay now i'm being a jacka um and and her and the fact that she's also boy crazy was just like holy fuck girl chill but it was fun i like i like the facets of her that are like you know um cutesy and and and just nervous and you know just a nice wholesome girl but also just like super boy crazy you know
Starting point is 05:28:14 she's ridiculously boy crazy uh she's ridiculously yeah it's it's absurd so 16 you know like um like there's a there's a the bit in oh god whose story is it it's ryoko's where you're like i gotta get away from goto yes call it in miwako yes goto's over here you can smell this dick i can run away she jumps in like a striker and just keeps him occupied um for me uh ogata um nenji is just a stand-up dude he i like a lot of what he um i like i like his the way he approaches problems i like the fact that like he's like look man i'm a brawler right i'm kind of an idiot but i'm emotionally intelligent you know like he is uh uh just a character that i really liked that ended up like i mean i'd phrase you see the pompadour and you go ha ha you make your um
Starting point is 05:29:14 your fucking josuke joke or whatever but throwing that in the garbage like he's someone that's really emotionally intelligent and i remember like the way he talks to tomi he's a very similar archetype that joke is on point but then you you see the um the way he talks to tomi uh in the in the ground hogs day right the final version of it where he's just like hey i know what's up and i'm sorry that this is gonna i like i know i like i'm sorry that i've got to leave you for a second but i care a lot about you do you trust me i've got to go over there and take care of something and she just kind of goes oh yeah sure you know and you're just and it's like yes that's it man you know and then later when you're having your final moment where he's like to the final battle
Starting point is 05:30:04 and he like just has that like very not shy open moment of like yo i love you i'm doing this to protect you with the whole thing he says it with his chest you know and i'm like that guy rules like i fucking love the fact that like he he he's treading enough water to keep up with what's happening plot wise but mostly like it's his emotional intelligence that like catapults him forward and then he's like i'm gonna try to say a cool line here and everyone's like you fucking nerd shut up he's like oh this is terrible as you're fucking it up don't do this you know um yeah so he was uh he was my my boy and then in the fighting as well i ended up just beefing him to the infinite limiters off oh now i'm really mad you know i don't give a shit about
Starting point is 05:30:53 my limits like that was great uh he was yeah he was super fucking useful on the battlefield um and um yuki as i see i think the funniest thing is that your favorite relationship the only one you didn't we didn't actually talk about uh fucking tome and enji at all okay i talked about them a lot in my in my in my playthrough so it just kind of but it's fine it's just like the like they hate each other's guts and the only reason they got together is because they were forced to by fate like you're the you're like the only relationship you didn't the only relationship you didn't complain about is the two characters that shit all over each other your classic antagonistic couple that teases each other but has a solid thing underneath that that i felt was pretty good
Starting point is 05:31:46 i have a i have a i have experience with this this this type and but it's just it's funny the fact that they had the teasing and the counter teasing and the like oh someone cares about me shut up go fall in a ditch like you know like that type of thing was legitimately fun to see i love it you fucking you love to see it but the only reason they they worked through that is because they were forced into a life or death situation like if they had to just like hang out they would have just been like whatever bitch you're ugly and your pigtails smell like far except that like she says even in the loop before that she likes the tough guy type which is why shu becomes shu you know like ita starts trying to basically turn himself into the the bad boy
Starting point is 05:32:37 but the actual truth of what she likes is ogata so like you know that part was in there as already and and dare i say while while we're throwing out uh these uh you know meaningless fucking points as far as fast forwarding to the future version goes ogata wins in my opinion because uh tomi plus time is fucking is still blonde choice ogata wins that one that was that was fucking great um you get that pop off every time you see the older version of characters i loved it it was really great uh juro in particular was like yo look at that action hero main character you know but when when they showed you told me late future told me i was like wow okay she's fucking striking so good on ogata good dude anyway um yeah that's uh that's that's the
Starting point is 05:33:47 character i liked uh yuki was very cool as well people pointed out by the way uh people point out that um josuke's voice actor actually does straight up voice oh god oh my god i didn't even fucking catch that in english and that's one of the magical girls the magical girl from madoka with the gun is the one who voices make me like these dub choices were on purpose um these these were absolutely on purpose uh yuki we didn't really talk much about but i like yuki as well she's a cool skeban type tough girl so she you know just on the archetype of being the tough girl with this with the slab squat like she checks she checks a lot of cool about cool girl boxes that i find pretty dope i should go ask laura if she beat the game yet what because the last time i spoke to laura
Starting point is 05:34:32 i just go ask laura posed uh if she beat the game yet because the last time i talked to her she had recorded all of yuki's lines and i'm like do you know what's happening in this game she's like not even a little yeah so because she like think about that now that we beat in the whole game she only knows yuki's life she's ryuko from kill a kill so that oh is she again see there perfectly lines up um yeah so i liked her a lot uh she was cool the fact that she's minami's mom is like the weirdest thing but um yeah it ends up it ends up you know playing out in this interesting like fucking kind of weird way of like yeah whatever you you can't control what your clone is gonna become you know um but i liked her i i i in the end i um i like that you have to ditch
Starting point is 05:35:20 tamau you know like who's like yeah i didn't like us following you around tamau if i if i had to pick like the top three it would be it would be a not so no definitely it would have been magumi because i think her i think i can identify with her story uh not it not what she does but like the desire i'm gonna help my loved one but it just it goes off the rail so fast it's hilarious like like it's it's it's the it's the story i least expected to be having in 13 sentinels which is the cat is telling me to shoot witches with a gun like it's so it's wild um and huh i'm trying i actually really liked tomie's story like stuck with the gang in the future
Starting point is 05:36:17 like we're fucking stuck guys like we're fucking and also like this is what the dead world would look like right if we saved the world and got stuck here it would be this this is our survival forever uh tomie's was good um yeah to me uh miwako ninji um and uh yuki are again like they're up there but uh to throw on another um hijiyama for self-explanatory reasons is a great i don't i didn't like his story much at all i i i i no i'm saying characters oh character yeah because some of them have not interesting arcs but i could say there are interesting characters right i'd say um some are better than others but hijiyama uh needs to be on my list of like some of my favorite characters in the in the story um he's he's a fun person to follow
Starting point is 05:37:15 and you know that like no matter what or where he's interacting with the world his one track himbo point of view is uh predictable and funny but then also he's sharp at times when unexpected you know i i got real tired of him by the end of the game genuinely like he is very one track he is i want to yaki so bapan dude i'm from the 40s what is this wow uh i'm totally not gay no for real no and and i and i don't know what is going on super sexy okino right like like every time i played as as hijiyama i was like annoyed that i wasn't playing as okino i a play i really wish we could have yes i agree but uh you're not even not even with the whole like yaki so bapan angel that's your fucking nah with your your your megumi over the hijiyama is right she is the
Starting point is 05:38:15 best girl but still man our taste our tastes are so terminal it's it's unbelievable like you are guaranteed to love the girl i hate the most in like every time god it's every time opposite every single time anyway anyway no and and and um but i i not that doesn't necessarily like ask is cool when she's cool she's just fucking she's just fucked but who is it but i like it when she does the roundhouse kick and says arst you know yeah i don't the evangelion argument is so done because now that i'm an adult i'm like man i don't want a piece of any of that i don't want i want nothing to do with any of them man all right get get me out here get me the fuck out of here all right let's let's actually get the fuck out of here all right goodbye
Starting point is 05:40:44 so you

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