Castle Super Beast - CSB 111: He Loved Boner

Episode Date: March 16, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 ["Into the Cloud"] ["Into the Cloud"] Hey, hey. Well, you won't believe it. I just got the hottest banger DM ever. Do you want to hear it? Yeah. Hello.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Hope all is well. I'm down to follow each other if you are. Sub, follow for follow. Sub for sub. Sub for sub. Damn. That's sick. We're still running those in 2021.
Starting point is 00:01:03 It's not a scam. It's just it doesn't work. But it has to work somewhat if so many people are still doing it. It works at a small scale. If bots are still doing it and it's like an ongoing thing that just won't quit, there's got to be some benefit to someone somewhere, no matter how marginal. I mean, if you have one follower and then you sub or you follow for follow and you get a second follower, that's a 100% increase.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Yes. But even getting that sub and then converting that or monetizing that in some way, shape, or form, I don't know. I'm thinking back to... Twitter follow. How are you going to monetize that? There's got to be some way. There's got to be something selling accounts with numbers that mean nothing.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Who knows? You know, unleashing an army of bots somewhere. I mean, look, I remember back in the day when the thing to do for multiple people I knew was have your computer open, running one of those ad click browsers for as long as possible. Do you remember those? Do you remember ad browsers? You could say I remember them. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:34 All right, here we go. Here we go. You could say that. Come clean. Come clean. Let's go. What'd you do? How far did you go?
Starting point is 00:02:42 Did you get the mouse moving program to keep it from idling for two cents? I knew a guy who wrote all his own stuff, and we had a bunch of tabs that were running like 24-7. And then the company was like, these are fake numbers. We're not paying you anything. And we were like curses. It was such a thing, dude. Everyone.
Starting point is 00:03:15 And that's why, and that's why when you go on Twitch and YouTube and all that shit, it's like, don't tell people to click on the ads straight up. Part of the part of the hidden in there is like, don't tell people to click on the ads. Don't click on the ads on your own stuff yourself even to a degree. Right. Yeah. I mean, look, there's engagement, and then there's all that bullshit. But somewhere along the line, I guess the thought process is the people who are going
Starting point is 00:03:49 to be sending you the check don't care where your engagement comes from because they're taking it from the ad buyer, and it's the ad buyer whose dollar that's getting suckered out at the end of the day. It's the same as robbing a bank in that the bank has your money insured in almost every country, your money is insured by the federal government, right? You're never going to lose any money if your bank gets robbed. Who they're actually robbing is the insurance company that has to pay out for the loss of dividends.
Starting point is 00:04:22 And people fucking hate insurance companies. Sure. So if you're in a bank, yeah, let them rob the bank. Fuck it. Ah, here's all the money, whatever. And same thing with ad people. Ad people aren't even human. Sure.
Starting point is 00:04:36 They were formed in the miasma of a dungeon long ago. But the assumption that your stupid computer sitting on with a mouse moving program that would auto click on 50 tabs as you left it running to get that, like, I guess, I don't know. I think it was like two cents every six hours or something. It was not all. It was not good. And it was like, how much are you paying for your electricity?
Starting point is 00:05:01 How much are you paying for your fucking Internet? Well, so fun fact that you mentioned that I should really have taken that electricity and put it towards mining. Yeah. So that I could get myself one of them hot new NFTs. Yeah. Go fungible on it. The.
Starting point is 00:05:25 No, don't go fun. Go non fungible. Yeah, dude. Like I remember a dude from our church was like all about this lifestyle and like he would flex these like checks, you know, that would come every couple of months for like maybe 15 or $16, you know, and it was a humongous flex. It was wild. And it was like, damn, get on his level.
Starting point is 00:06:02 He's got the best like mouse moving tech. That's the stuff right there. And that's why that shit is literally why everything asks you if you're a robot. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because the mouse moving technology cannot figure out how many bicycles are in the scene. I mean, it's also to like save humans from, you know, scalping bots and bullshit like
Starting point is 00:06:34 we would hope for in certain situations. And that works really well. Yeah. Hey, let me ask you as a side, you ever do those, you're not a robot and it's like put a click on every one of these boxes that has a stop sign in it. And then one of the boxes has a slight corner of the stop sign. And it's like, well, that box has a stop sign and you click on it and it's like failed. And I'm like, you liar.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Yeah. Stupid asshole. Yeah. You're the robot. That's the problem. You're the robot. That's the problem with the robot. That is in fact the problem with the robot.
Starting point is 00:07:07 It's lying. It doesn't know how many, how many of these have bicycles in them. Okay. Well, that one has like a corner of the spoke of the back wheel. What now? Yeah. That's a bicycle. Captcha.
Starting point is 00:07:25 I guess they started figuring out the weird fonts at some point. So they had to go with image recognition. Oh yeah. The fonts, the font stuff is weak shit. The font stuff existed for a while. It existed long enough to create all of those, you know, memes and need tomboy and all that stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:45 So that was powerful for at least a minute. But like now we just have to get into abstract concepts, I suppose. I want a robot that can tell me how many bicycles it's looking at. That's a good use for automation. Sure. But like at what point does it just start getting like, like metaphysical or like hypothetical in its, in its, in its questioning? At what point does it ask you, for example, how many of the people here are having a good
Starting point is 00:08:22 day? And then you have to look at the boxes and decide who's having a good day. You're like, well, and there is a right answer. This appears to be in Spokane, Washington. So I'm going to put a zero. I mean, at some point the, the capture is going to have to fucking update. It's, it's, it's, you know, it's security. So.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Oh, we got breaking news going on right now. Breaker, breaker. Like prop like renews just popped. You remember devotion? Yeah. That's not breaking. That's on the docking. Oh, well, it's breaking.
Starting point is 00:09:01 It got broken to me. Never mind. Yeah. We'll get there. I got broken. Um, well, damn it. Why don't you break into your week? Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:13 Non-fungible tokens are fucking scam. And I view it as a genuine moral imperative to be like, guys, it is literally a pyramid scheme before you get swept up in this crypto fucking bullshit. Like, go look up the criteria for a pyramid scheme. It's a pyramid scheme. A couple of people are going to make a bunch of fucking money. You're not, you're going to lose money. You're going to trade real money for fake money and you're going to trade fake money
Starting point is 00:09:47 for fake receipts of fake items. It's interesting to see or it'll be interesting to see what, uh, or like rather like who will be left holding the bag in some of these cases. Uh, cause this might be something that like initially comes out in this way and is exactly like, as you described, it's like it's value over essentially nothing. And then there's a bunch of, uh, you know, people with stolen tweets and stolen textures and stolen everything getting put on the blockchain. Uh, but it might come back around like after a cool down period for a completely different
Starting point is 00:10:31 purpose of like permanently recognizing something on blockchain. You know, that might come back around in some way, shape or form. So, uh, I don't, I don't have time to explain the blockchain to, to the average viewer. Um, but what I do have time to say is that you can break it down for us. It's, it's, it's complicated. You don't have time. Time is what's stopping you. I got you.
Starting point is 00:11:01 Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I could, I mean, I could try. Like, do you want me to? No. Um, is that, um, like just this morning, I'm like watching a guy, uh, complain that he has like a shit ton of his NFTs stolen out of his people account.
Starting point is 00:11:19 And he knows who has them because the blockchain has a permanent. It tells you where it goes. Yeah. You can't get them back because the, the people who run the blockchain are like, no, it's unregulated. Correct. It's theirs now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:34 And it's like, oh my nothing tokens that I paid with nothing money that I paid for with real money were fake stolen by somebody, but then they really get to keep them. Yes. Um, and then the other thing that really put it in a perspective for me was, uh, talking about it cause people are stealing art all over the place and turning them into these NFT tokens and then selling them without the, the knowledge of the original artist. And the distinction between there is an unbroken chain of possession. So you always know who made it, who, who sold it, who sold it, who sold it, but there's
Starting point is 00:12:09 no way to authenticate it. There's no way for the, the actual token to contain the information. I am really the artist who made this, uh, I think this is a real, no, I think it's it has to just match up with the, um, no, I think there's an ID for the wallet of the initial creator. And then there's a way for you to match that ID down the line so that whoever's wallet it transfers to, you can see the original person's wallet. Oh no, you can always see the chain of possession, right?
Starting point is 00:12:43 But the first person who possesses it, I mean, most of these artists don't have NFT wallets or Bitcoin wallets. Okay, if the first person, yeah, assuming, assuming that the first person who possesses it is in fact the artist and it's not, um, a bot that just scanned your tweets and converted them. Yeah, but like you'll, you'll get back and it's goes, oh, it's the bot and it's like, does the bot own it? The bot will say, yeah, I totally own it, bro.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Yes, yes, yes. It's, it's just, it's just stealing art with more steps and more invent, oh, environmental shit. Like, um, yeah, but like, and like everyone can make their own bots and like, and then obviously like anything that is, uh, like identical versions of the same thing can get then, uh, converted as well and like authenticated by separate different bots that went to go find the thing. So in the end it's like, yeah, assuming that the, the, the, the, they literally have the
Starting point is 00:13:43 artist saying, Hey, I'm working with this. Then it's on their wallet, but in every other instance, there's literally no proof of anything. I'm going to assume most instances. I did see, I did see a, um, uh, someone that like one of the first, because this is all super new and like one of the first things I saw was like a post about, uh, people going like, Hey, uh, these accounts are literally like, it's almost like you downloading vid accounts where you just type at whatever and then it'll come in and then it'll like NFT, the, the tweet that you sub tweet, um, and the, the bot says, um, yeah, and then
Starting point is 00:14:22 it's just like, ban this account. If you don't want to block this account, if you don't want it to, to, uh, work on your Twitter. So effectively like, okay, so keep up with a feed of these bots being created and then block them all as they, as they're unleashed. My favorite is that I was actually talking to some crypto gangs this morning, uh, and yesterday and it's like, well, it's very easy for the, the, for any artists to authenticate their art by through NFT and like, well, what if they're not part of NFT?
Starting point is 00:14:54 And they're like, well, it's very, it's very easy for the artists to authenticate their shit through NFT. And it's like, if you don't want us to steal our, your, your shit, why don't you just join our weird little cockamamie circus of nonsense. It's the only way to protect yourself is by playing the game that we all forced on you. Uh, uh, I feel like there's a, uh, there's something to be said about, I think just like, you know, this, the, the, the economic state of affairs that leads, that leads to like, you know, like these types of, uh, uh, things going down.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Cause, um, yeah, it, it is, you know, between this and between, uh, uh, uh, GameStop to the moon and between like everything, everything that's pretty much happening. There's just like a very clear, like, uh, desire for people to figure out their financial shit because it's not going great. And you know, I feel as if the government can't tax fake money. Certainly. Um, but, uh, I think that like there's certainly the environment is, is, is ripe for these types of things to continue.
Starting point is 00:16:19 And this is not the beginning nor the end. You will just see one form after another as you know, we're all extremely online and extremely digital. It's like there will be ways of making digital investments because we have to try and get some cash somehow. Yeah. It, it, it reeks of just like, well, maybe this is the get rich quick scheme that'll work this time.
Starting point is 00:16:42 And, and usually a get rich quick scheme is usually associated with a scheming, you know, entrepreneurial idea like, ah, I'm going to know, I'm going to get it. But lately what with the, the pandemic and the recent economy and the whatnot, it's like, haha, I better get rich quick so that I don't fucking die. So the response to the discovery that money is bullshit. Nothing is real is then either, uh, holy fuck, holy fuck, what do we do? Okay. I want me some of that nothing money, right?
Starting point is 00:17:22 There's different ways to, there's different ways to take that. If you're talking about like speculative, uh, funds being like pretty much what the stock market has been for our entire lives, then it's been that way in a, in a, I mean, going back to the days of printing paper fucking stocks and bonds, it's always been not real. You've been off the gold standard forever. The whole thing is nothing. So new versions of nothing are just new versions of nothing. And as long as someone is willing to put perceived value on something, then this will continue
Starting point is 00:17:59 to exist. So get ready for this to get ready to point at a whole lot of perceived value, nothing's in your lifetime because like it's always been that and it's only going to get worse for sure. Yeah. The slight difference, however, is that, um, I have like, I'm not indifferent, but I'm like, I'm ambivalent about, let's say the Canadian government and its management of things.
Starting point is 00:18:31 They're okay. They could be better. Right. I sure do trust the Bank of Canada with the, the, the safety and legitimacy of a fucking dollar more than trading in fucking invented crypto stocks. Right. Yeah. Also, like, they're like the cryptocurrency can go up bust because there's no central bank
Starting point is 00:19:13 behind it. Certainly willing to bail out the money, um, it can get stolen from you and you can know who stole it. And then it's just shrug because there's no laws for this. Yes. There's no laws at all. It can get stolen from you by someone who fakes their death. And then takes the entire exchange with them.
Starting point is 00:19:34 And then everything that was on that exchange is now no longer yours. Yes. This does happen. And there's nothing you can do about it bonus. Of course. Is that, Hey, man, I would like to buy your meme of a dog, uh, you know, looking out the window with the funny caption on it. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:19:58 I burn four barrels of crude oil and pissed all over the forest so that I can do that. And also tank the video card market all for what so that I can have a it's lower in value than an IOU your friend gave you in elementary school. So the wild part is that, uh, like the way the, uh, the way the, the, the cryptocurrency in general sort of shakes out, um, with countries that like actually have economies where the national dollar or whatever they use is like becoming nothing. There are places where people are switching their value over to crypto to preserve it and to then like actually use it as a alternate economy.
Starting point is 00:21:03 And that ends up being something kind of wild because that could preserve people's ability to have anything in a hypothetical like state where the country goes worse and worse and worse over time. So we're currently, uh, we're currently broadcasting live. So there's a chat in front of me, which will answer my question because I can't remember the country, but there is a country that it's economy. It's in South America is basically being propped up by runescape classic. Like runescape gold is just fucking valuable because farming all it's Venezuela.
Starting point is 00:21:45 Got it. Having runescape gold all day and then selling that for sweet, sweet USD is a, is a better option than you can get in most scenarios. So we should all put our shit into runescape gold. Yeah. I remember two reading an article about, um, I think there was a point when, um, a country in Africa was have what had a huge spike in crypto usage as well because of like economic troubles with the official fiat currency of the country.
Starting point is 00:22:27 So, uh, it might be, I think it was Zimbabwe. Yeah, exactly. So these types of things existing is kind of wild in the sense that like, uh, it also can act as a counterbalance against massive political instability. And the likelihood of one of the nations of this planet, uh, hitting a point of instability where it would need, or most of its citizens would then want to switch over to something like that only increases as time goes on, you know, yeah, so it's, it's, it's complicated when you're dealing with, uh, an economy where it's, it's, it's real economy.
Starting point is 00:23:12 I'm using air quotes here is actually more fucked up than this fake economy, right? And like, at the end of the day, yes, things are only worth what people are willing to pay for them. That's true. But the crypto thing does have one interesting caveat, which is basically perfectly exemplified by the NFTs. Uh, I want to thank, uh, uh, I think it was commander claw who sent, who, who pointed this out to me and it, it unlocked the NFT in my head.
Starting point is 00:23:41 And that was, okay, say you got, uh, say you got a nice painting, right? You want to sell that painting for a hundred grand and you put it up for auction. Some dudes there are going to be like, I'm going to buy that painting and then that motherfucker is going to die because he's a drug addict. And then I'm going to sell that painting for a million dollars because it's a good painting. They're famous artists. Yeah. That totally happens.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Um, hold up a sec. Do I need to change my camera? I might have to. Yeah, I was going to, ah, there we go. Uh, all right, what the fuck was I talking about? Sorry, I did not realize that my camera is so far over. Can you give me a second? Sure.
Starting point is 00:24:29 I actually have to go and watch the stream to check the camera, which is, okay, I fixed it. Okay. There we go. All right. Anyway, what I was saying, so drug addict painting man sells it for a hundred grand, right? Or it could go to some guy who likes paintings and thinks paintings are nice and wants to put a painting in his, in his house, right?
Starting point is 00:24:55 There are people that are looking to buy art for its own value, not necessarily for resale value. Right? Mm hmm. In the crypto NFT market, all art is for resale. Yes. No one, no one's sitting there going, oh yeah, this sweet receipt. Oh, I'm so glad I have it.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Fuck yeah. No, everyone's buying it to sell it. That's pretty much the only reason. That's why it's established. Yes. Some people, some people are going to be looking to sell their $69 million meme or whatever the fuck that guy bought it for and go, oh shit, I can't sell this stupid fucking thing because nobody actually really wants it.
Starting point is 00:25:41 Well, that's, that's the part where the bots stepping in and creating things is very confusing because it's like, what is the set initial value, right, of the art that you just stole from somebody? Like what, how do you, how do you even begin to, you know what I mean? Because I feel as if like, if your work, if you have the artist that's deciding the worth of whatever they want, you're starting at a place that comes from at least like, again, the person who made the thing, but if you just grab it and then you set something arbitrary on that, like, yeah, how does that actually get reflected in any way?
Starting point is 00:26:20 And again, what does it mean when someone else has a slightly modified version of the exact same thing, you know, even with that, that initial signature? So I was, I would think I was calling it like all supply, no demand. It's a bunch of suppliers selling to each other at higher and higher prices, hoping that, oh man, when that demand hits, it's going to be for real. But again though, like, or not again, but whatever verbal ticks, the concept of something on the blockchain is likely going to come back around in the future in some way, shape or form.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Oh, I'm sure. And we don't fully... I mean, we're... Think about how unpredictable this entire timeline has been about a lot of this stuff. And the idea of the non-centralized currency existing is something that, again, it has... There's too many functions and too many purposes that it serves in the end that are like future proof that that will continue to exist a hundred percent. Not to mention, of course, fucking the black market usage and unwind.
Starting point is 00:27:44 Yeah, I was like, money laundering and illicit things is great. But the thing is, is that there has to be, like, people need to be able to buy, like, in order for you to buy out, right, you need people that are willing to buy in. And if they're looking to buy in and they're all just looking to buy in to just make a bunch of money, like, it's a bubble waiting to burst. And I feel bad for all the people that I'm sure are listening to this, that are in that bubble and are about to be bursted. But as, like, you can look in, though, and see that, like, there are countries with even
Starting point is 00:28:25 more volatile bubbles that are even less real. Like the idea of the cryptocurrency ain't going anywhere. That's sticking around. That has its purposes. The NFT bubble, we will see how the bag holders react once this initial phase of, like, super hype pops and boils over. But yeah, I'm looking at it as one of these things where just, again, the mere concept of the decentralized blockchain, the trackable transfers and, like, unique signature identity
Starting point is 00:29:01 that has a possession is ownership that has a purpose and it might not end up being art. It might it might end up being something else, but it absolutely has a purpose to serve. And in the meantime, the currency side of it is already serving its purpose. You're completely right on at least one thing, which is, like, yes, people's NFT market is a fake economy run by who, right? And that doesn't seem very trustworthy. But if I were, say, I don't know, somebody looking to invest the into the German mark in 1934 with an average inflation of 1000% a year, I would gladly take that weird fake
Starting point is 00:29:49 bubble over my for real ZS disastrous burning down nightmare society. Yeah, it's a it's a weird combination of like hyper useful technology and and weird applications of it. And and it's pretty fucking impossible to call where this all shakes out, especially considering again, the security angle of it, where I think for the longest while, the biggest problem with because, like, I know, like, as more businesses are like, we accept, you know, crypto as our as a form of currency becomes normalized, then, you know, that increases confidence in it.
Starting point is 00:30:40 But the part where shit can just get stolen and there's nothing you can do about it, or the new stories that have been written have been about how people are dying, not faking their deaths, mind you, like what happened here, but legitimately dying and they're dying with their passwords secured and no one can get in and everything money just it's gone. That's never accessible again. It's it's it's like it's like when it's if I die right now, you would come to my house and burn everything down and then go to my bank and then take all my money and burn it. Yeah, that is like that's not never accessible again.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Exactly. You know, that's the of the like it's like that story about the guy who had the hard drive with like like millions and millions in Bitcoin that like was lost in the dumpster or whatever, except in this case, it's just like, no, like people are legitimately like keeping because there's hyper secure ways to keep your money and safe and shit like that. And there's just no recovery when someone passes on. You know, I do have a I do have a quick question. And this this comes both from a place of suspicion, but also from a place of genuine
Starting point is 00:31:52 like ignorance, because I don't know. But you just got you just you said that the blockchain technology is useful. How I how is it like actually useful? I think the idea of open transaction that can be traced and untouched from outside influence serves some future purpose. Some form of authentication. Yes, I absolutely believe in that in a in a in a in a place where it is again, transparent for everyone involved, right?
Starting point is 00:32:32 At the moment, when you talk about like, because as far as I understand, I mean, the way it was established was kind of keeping that in mind. There's a lot that I certainly could be getting wrong about it. When you when you even look at the way that like stock market things happen where, you know, like when it comes to like, I believe when it comes to like options trading, hedge funds have the ability to like basically belong to a special group that's very expensive to be a member of that can see the transactions and who makes them for other options, calls and puts that are being put out
Starting point is 00:33:11 into the market and your average Joe cannot do that. Your average Joe is literally not allowed to see that information. You can see volume size, but you don't know which way it's going or who's making it, right? So already there is a like backroom or, you know, maybe even boiler room level of you are not allowed in here, normal person. This is literally only for hedge funds type of thing that happens with that. OK, so blockchain is completely separated from this fucking Bitcoin nonsense. It just happens to be the blockchain is used for this Bitcoin nonsense.
Starting point is 00:33:49 It is used for it is like it is used as a currency. And then it is used for NFTs and like the technology itself is going to have its place in the future, for sure, because like it has its own separate actual uses in terms of transaction and verification. I believe so. I believe so. Yes. And I believe that that like, you know, as we head into a future that's again like more and more online and as we head into a place where, you know, there's there's startups that are inventing ways to handle authentication
Starting point is 00:34:21 on your side as opposed to, you know, on the server side exchange. That's going to that's going to serve its purpose, you know. I remember, yeah, like from, you know, pretty much from the jump, like the the the the whole thing about the way it was founded by like a Satoshi fake last name, but it's not a real person. It's a group of people that all wanted to make the whole thing open, you know. Yeah, that that serves its purpose from, you know, what you have with the current stock market, for example, we're like there's literally
Starting point is 00:34:59 legal insider trading, you know, when you have the what was it? I want to say, like a I think a senator was married to like the chairman of the New York Stock Exchange or something along those lines. And like right as the pandemic was starting, they were making wild humongous moves, you know, going into the fucking March day, like it's crazy, right? I wish I could get in on some insider trading, man. Insider trading seems super low.
Starting point is 00:35:37 Yeah. You wish you certainly wish. But like the level of fucking evil in that is is is it's just like you can't even wrap your head around it, right? And this is the way it exists. And this is the way it is established and is set up and has been for a while. So like at the end of the day, something that comes along, that is essentially like outside verifiable, can and will serve its purpose.
Starting point is 00:36:07 I believe that, you know, and I think Bitcoin can and can serve its purpose being transparent in this way. And as we see, like we are not quite in as stable a world situation as you as governments are still shaky in different places. It can get it can get kind of nuts, you know. So I just saw somebody in the chat say that they tried to get me to buy something called Ethereum and I told them to fuck off and it was a scam. And I assume they're trying to tell me that because Ethereum is up or some shit.
Starting point is 00:36:47 Bitcoin and Ethereum are still a scam, dumbass. Bitcoin and Ethereum are the two most valuable. So that would be that's that's your your your number one altcoin there. Yeah. But I think. Yeah, I don't know. Oh, man, it's just it's so frustrating because there are a lot of people that have fully like bought into this, this, this way of life, this crypto thing.
Starting point is 00:37:25 It's complicated. There's more. I think it is complicated. And it's but it's just like it I I've become very frustrated with, dude, you just don't you just don't get it. You just don't get it. And it's like, yes, I'm aware that you invented a currency that people are willing to pay money for and that if I had bought it earlier, I could currently
Starting point is 00:37:50 sell it to people that are still for some reason willing to pay for it. However, it's still a bubble. It has no real actual value. It has no backing by any governmental body. It's a bubble waiting to burst. And if I held onto it long enough, I would be left with nothing. And I'm not super interested in buying up a product so that I can sell it to other people later so they can be fucked over when that bubble bursts.
Starting point is 00:38:20 I bought a house. My investment of choice. My investment of choice is a home. I own this land. I own this house. I will sell it later in my life. It will have a crude value. I will then probably buy a nicer house and so on and so forth.
Starting point is 00:38:41 I have an RSP that is technically tied to the stock market, but it's guaranteed against losses by my bank. Yada, yada, yada. Yeah, the, uh, the level of risk, uh, associated with it as it stands is literally infinite because as, you know, we mentioned earlier, like 100% of it can be taken with, uh, no repercussions whatsoever. And, uh, you know, that's why like multiple like banks and institutions are still not fucking with it.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Uh, but some are, and some are slowly rolling it out. And I think like, um, there's even, so there's a, there's a, there's even a, a way for, and this is, this is to me is like, like a fucking double scam, but you can invest in crypto through, uh, day trading apps and they don't actually give you the crypto itself. They buy it and store it for you. And you just put the money in their account, essentially. So you're twice removed from it in those situations.
Starting point is 00:40:04 And like that is, and again, it's like, uh, there's, there's concepts of volatility and then there's, and then there's sheer like, no, this can literally all be gone tomorrow on an extreme luck. You have zero control over it. Security is absolutely nothing. Um, as you mentioned, like people tend to put their retirement towards things that, you know, are more physical and real and reliable so that you can count on it, you know, in the, in the future.
Starting point is 00:40:30 Um, putting your life savings on crypto is absolutely nonsense. That's some batshit crazy news. I've, I've dealt with a couple of people that are, they're, I would call them like true believers, um, and in fact, I can see some of them right now. And my brother's a true believer, like for sure. And it's, it's this interesting thing because they go, well, you just don't want to explain it and you go, okay, explain it. And they explain it.
Starting point is 00:40:56 And I go, that doesn't change the point that I was making. They go, well, this more and you go, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh. There's no backing body here. If it goes bust, it'll just go bust. I think, yeah, but it can't, it's the future, dude. Yeah, I think, so I think with that, like there, when there is no backing body, it just comes down to trust and the larger the group or organizations that play into that trust and begin, you know, using it, um, the more secure other people
Starting point is 00:41:31 feel using it as they give, as they get tied to it. Yeah, I mean, we use fiat currency, right? We use fake currency. We're off the gold standard. It's not currently tied to- Multiple depressions have occurred. It, it's, it's, it's tied to your faith in, uh, your bank slash your faith in your personal government to fix that bank.
Starting point is 00:41:52 If the bank's about to go completely fucking busted and take all your money with it. Right? Um, like a lot of people listening to this live in the US. You guys bail out banks so they don't go bust quite often. Canada has a more regulated banking system. I don't think that's going to go bust. The Bitcoin, uh, Ethereum banks, I guess they have banks. Like they're, they're dudes.
Starting point is 00:42:17 They're not going to bail out the world's Bitcoin owners of their speculated value. If the fucking market starts to crash, cause people start to stop buying in. Not when you can't, not when you can't fucking, uh, buy groceries or medicine or cigarettes with it, eat like, yeah. I also, somebody just pointed out, and I can't believe it and think of it. It's not even actually fiat money. It's not because you have to mine it, which means it's worse fiat money by default. It's being treated as like a digital or that you're pulling out of the ground
Starting point is 00:43:05 because you have to expend energy to use it. Yeah, there's a, it gets, uh, increasingly complex, uh, as time goes on. And then eventually it hits a, an infinity point of like, or like a cap where it stops. Um, yeah, I think, uh, you know, I think in, in, in all likelihood, it's probably going to crash a couple of times and bounce back a couple of times. Oh, he has crashed a couple of times and bounce back. Um, you know, similar to your, your great depressions and your, and your housing crashes and your other like market inflations that then explode and then, and then
Starting point is 00:43:50 come back in a way. Um, but I just, to me, I'm like, I don't like, I, I, I'm not the kind of person that's going to look and see the way that like things have shaped up in this, in, in, uh, in society. And I'm, and I'm looking at it and going like, I'm not betting against the future on this. I don't think that you're ever going to see this type of, again, this type of technology just evaporates simply because, um, that's it.
Starting point is 00:44:17 It's a pop. And then, and then, uh, there's a, there's, there's no, there's no, there's no real value behind it, but the perceived value has been enough for enough, for enough economies to roll for a long time on fucking nothing. There's been less confidence or more confidence in less certain things for longer periods of time. And like, I'm not an economist, certainly. I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about, but, uh, I feel as if you're just
Starting point is 00:44:48 going to see it go the same way that other massive economies have where they tank, but then some people hold on and then some people still want to use it and then they still do, and they still find uses for it in some way. And it continues to exist in the background as time goes forward. But I think it'll always can, I think it'll continue to be a persistent thing that ain't going away anytime soon from here forward straight up. Oh, I feel bad at all the people that are going to get scammed through this. And no, I'm not creating end coin fuck off.
Starting point is 00:45:28 Oh, some, some guy already has his official printed fucking passes on Twitter as you, as you all have seen and have letting me know. Man. So we have a like a ton of like true, true believer, Bitcoin people in our chat that think we're absolutely insane. Dude, I, well, I don't, well, I guess that's fine. I think you're too, I think you're too far in the, on the exaggerated side of it myself.
Starting point is 00:45:55 I don't fully like, I think it's going to exist and it's going to serve its function way more than you do right now. I believe, I think your concept of it being like super air is like, it is, it is air, but I think there's so many other. How much do you have invested in, in, in digital coin NFT shit right now? No NFTs. Uh, I did buy some back when my brother told me about it a couple of years ago. And I expect it's going to be, uh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:38 Like I said, I expect it's going to be present like in our lives going forward. So I think, I think the, the core difference here, uh, is like, I'm seeing some folks in the chat saying, I let dude, I literally made money off of it. It's not a scam. It's like, no, you scammed the person you've made money off of. At the end of the day, there will always be somebody holding the bill for this probably eventually useless or at least deprecated currency. See, but that's the thing is I don't know if that's the end state of it.
Starting point is 00:47:14 With, I, I think the end state money by just trading money is a scam. That's why the stock market's a scam. But, but, but it, but it get it, but yet it is, but yet it's here in this way. Right. Like I, like in the sense that like, yes, it's a scam. Yes, congrats. You've correctly agreed with me that the stock market is a scam. And it ends up, it ends up being like essentially interest in a given company
Starting point is 00:47:41 and it's, and it's value and like what it's going to, uh, like what it's going to produce in any given quarter or in any given year. Um, yeah. No, making money by moving money around and creating no value is either gambling or a scam because it means somebody's going to get ripped off. If you work and create value either through art, uh, writing, uh, the production of a useful good, uh, the pro pro providing a service, yada, yada, yada. Great.
Starting point is 00:48:22 But to game a system to finagle money out of people's pockets, just to do it is a scam. Someone's getting fucked somewhere. Hey, we're going to, we're going to move this money around and do this blah, blah, blah. I mean, you're either screwed over the government, which would mean in some cases you're your fellow taxpayers, you're screwed over whoever you're buying it from. You're the one getting screwed by your broker.
Starting point is 00:49:01 Yeah, I think, um, I think a lot of a lot of this market ends up being like like error, like you said, like speculative in this way, um, I'm trying to think about the case of like a company that makes money and then in the end, like the shares that they sell when they go open become more, uh, like profitable as the company becomes like more whatever, you know, successful in which case then like the company, whatever they're doing is creating that value. And then that value is like, there's no necessarily, there's no necessary like end bag holder there.
Starting point is 00:49:55 There's the company that is making the thing as long as I guess that continues. But I, and the idea that at some point it can and will come down if something happens, I think that's always a possibility. But I guess I'm just comparing it to the metrics of like all business and the risk that it might like come crashing down in a way. Uh, let me, let me try and explain my point of view slightly more clearly. And this is one that I fully understand. Many people are not going to agree with me on, say I'm currently, um, got a lot of
Starting point is 00:50:33 stock in, uh, Microsoft, right? Got a lot of stock in Microsoft and I feel in my gut. It's not an insider trade, right? It's, it's genuine. Just intuition or reading the reading of the signs, or maybe I just felt like it. I decided to cash out all my Microsoft stock at eight AM this morning, right? Mm-hmm. And at eight 30 PM, sorry, eight 30 AM this morning, after all my stock was sold,
Starting point is 00:51:06 some, uh, some other person, it crashed. Ah, it's down 50% right? I scammed that person. I made money off their direct misfortune. I didn't create anything. I literally just ripped someone off because I was able to play the game better. Are you currently invested in RRSP's and like Canadian's tax free tax free savings accounts for like retirement?
Starting point is 00:51:44 I'm currently invested in both, but I've chose the plans that were guaranteed against loss. Okay. But those plans, even the ones that are guaranteed against loss, are currently what they're doing with that money is using it on investments into companies of a diverse portfolio and they don't tell you what they are because they each have their own specific things that they do as a business, but your own retirement, your own future is being used in the stock market and in investments for your
Starting point is 00:52:18 eventual return. The differences is that they can look at the gathering of like things they're going to invest in and go, these are super secure industries that don't tend to change that much and they will put them there and say, we know for a fact, because for this long, it's been this, you know, low level of volatility and shit like that. Yeah. But like, so like, even when you just go through the bank and like invest in your
Starting point is 00:52:45 own retirement, they're still, that's what they're still doing with your future. Like that's what your retirement account is. And what's, what's your point? It just, it's all participant and what you're doing. Yeah, it's all a fucking racket. Yes, we should improve society somewhat and yet I participate in society. Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:53:03 Agreed. No, that's, that's all right. Yes. Well, you're very intelligent. No, not, not at all. No, I just, I just, I hear what you're saying, but it's like, I don't really, I thought you were proposing, you know, that there was like a way the, where your, your future was disconnected from this entire fictional.
Starting point is 00:53:23 I propose that we abolish stocks. That's my proposition. I hear you. What happens to your retirement? Right now, I mean, the bank will guarantee me my money based on my losses because that's the agreement I took. So I'll take the, I'll get my money back. Right.
Starting point is 00:53:50 Then I'll just put that into a savings. But they're guaranteed or put it back into my mortgage. They're, they're guarantees and even, and even a mortgage is literally taking the money that you put in, borrowing it, putting it into the market and then hoping for returns. No, it's not. Uh, when you, my mortgage is not on the stock market. No, when you're, when you're talking about, excuse me, uh, when you are, uh, when
Starting point is 00:54:19 you were, again, when you're investing in, in, in your retirement stuff, not, not your mortgage, excuse me. Um, yeah, I, I, I have an agreement with my bank that if the whole stock market burns down, they still have to give me my money back at the, at the, at the end of the five year plan or whatever the fuck it was on, like, and as long as my house doesn't burn down or, you know, what have you. Like, uh, it's like, I still have my house. What I'm saving the economy by destroying the economy.
Starting point is 00:55:01 You just got to get rid of all the stocks. Goodbye, honey. So, so what happens then? What happens when? When all of that goes away? Well, hopefully all those Wall Street bankers will have to get real jobs. Ideally, making cabinets or plumbing or something that actually provides value for society.
Starting point is 00:55:35 What? Okay. Well, that's nice. Oh my God, you're a dumbass. Bye, honey. I love you. Tell, tell, pay, tell Paige. I asked her to state her positions.
Starting point is 00:55:59 Oh yeah. No, she's gone. It's too late. No, I don't know. I don't think it's, I don't think it's outrageous to think that people whose entire lives are about moving money around and, uh, playing on loopholes, making a shit ton of money at the expense of people who actually work for a living. Like, it's very controversial.
Starting point is 00:56:27 No, I don't think so either. I think they can go, they can go fuck themselves and that entire industry has grown completely out of lockstep with its actual real importance with the world. But I do also think that our lives are literally already tied up into this entire market and that like, even if you're just, even if you're not on the, even if you're not investing on a business level, there is a, um, there is a, a financial exchange. There is a, uh, uh, like literally just dollars versus yen, you know, that is
Starting point is 00:57:00 going to also exist between countries and like this concept is something our lives are already tied up into and there could be better systems. And also, yes, confidence is the only thing that creates value. Yeah. That's, that is the number one. Yeah. Like everybody feeling like my, that's why you get the really weird shit. Like, uh, Nintendo shows off like a great Nintendo direct or like breath of the
Starting point is 00:57:30 wild sells like eight million copies and then their stocks go down because they thought it was going to sell 15 million copies. And then we get another proof that the system is completely broken. We also get some insane, um, uh, hilarious investor takes from, from those, which is always fun, uh, at the meetings, the questions at the end of the day, of course, things are only worth what people are willing, willing to pay for them. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 00:58:00 But, um, like having confidence, Pete, the primary factor in economic viability is absurd. It is. Um, then again, especially when that confidence can be exploited. Yeah. Um, but it's, and it, but it's, I would say it's equally as absurd as, uh, you know, go, going off of some sort of, uh, well, even gold as a concept is fucking arbitrary and nonsense to begin with.
Starting point is 00:58:31 But even if, but, but to go as far as slightly, but, but, but gold is different cause gold does have value, but it's, no, but it's whatever the value you decided though, you had to decide, but it, no, gold has real value. I'm wearing gold right now, but gold is also used for a shit. There are industrial real applications for gold. Yes. Yes. And same, same as, as, uh, silver, although maybe not as much like diamonds,
Starting point is 00:59:02 but there are, there are applications in these cases, precious metals and things like that. But what I, but, uh, more so what I was going to say is the idea of taking your currency and separating it from that value and creating it as its own independent thing that no longer represents an ex an amount of physical amount is equally as absurd to me. Um, and, uh, these absurd steps have continued and have, have existed before we were born and, and, and continue to exist after, I feel as if the, uh, yeah,
Starting point is 00:59:39 the entire concept of inflating the bubble more, so to speak is a goofy one. And I would also say privatizing the, um, privatizing the, the, the place that literally prints your money and makes it and handing that to, uh, not the government, but to a specific private organization is fucking wildly irresponsible and crazy, but like these crazy ass things exist and have been the case prior to now. Uh, I do have two things to say, which are actually direct responses, not just to you, Wolves, but, uh, to the community at large, that I'm seeing, but yeah. Number one, gold, like it's just a shiny rock.
Starting point is 01:00:24 No, it's also an incredibly useful superconductor. It's superconducts at room temperatures. It's, it's great. It's a million times better than copper. That's why you have those depressing ass PC fields out in China and other countries where people are like digging through old PCs to find like literal microns of gold off wires. Fucking this super depress conversation must be, must be unbearable to anyone who
Starting point is 01:00:49 even remotely understands this in a competent manner. Oh, it's not a superconductor. That's a good conductor. This must be poison and I apologize for it because I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. People are saying that I'm an idiot for buying a house because I'm a fucking buying a house because the house is a safe investment, but the housing market crashed like my housing market didn't crash guys.
Starting point is 01:01:14 I live in Canada. I'm sorry. I legitimately apologize. This is nowhere near anywhere close to the domain of my understanding or expertise, and I have spent the entire 35 years of my life deferring to the better judgment and understanding of people who know finances better than I have, and I have deferred to their wisdom for just about every decision. So I can only imagine.
Starting point is 01:01:52 The only thing economists are doing my taxes for me because the government's trying to scam me, but all the rest of them are hacks and possibly criminals. You got the reins, bro. Tell us where you want to go with this. Yo, so I beat Kotor over the last damn. I was hoping for the building blocks of the revolution. I'm not going to lie. Oh, well, building blocks of the revolution.
Starting point is 01:02:24 I mean, what do you want me to say? We got a burn down Wall Street. No, I'm not going to advocate for any kind of violent changes ridiculous, but recognizing that everybody is like trying to fuck you and trying to get theirs. Yeah, no, you'd be fucking naive to not think that the financial institutions that you deal with are trying to get theirs over you. What?
Starting point is 01:02:49 You think your bank is looking out for you? Are you fucking crazy? All right. Speaking of Sith Lords. Is that a decent fucking segway over? It was the worst one ever, but here we are. Yeah, here we are. Speaking of evil, consuming maws of damage.
Starting point is 01:03:18 That provide no value to the galaxy at all. I'm going to start adding a stock ticker to this podcast. I'm going to throw a stock ticker up on the feed and just have it scroll right by so you can keep an eye on your investments in your future and your futures. All right. So I beat Kotor to the second time, but it's been many years. You played light side later, but you got the light side ending, right?
Starting point is 01:03:51 Well, yes. Yes, we stayed. Okay. Did V tell you or did anybody tell you about the dark side ending? He did. I don't remember how much, but I did get a thorough explanation from him and from Asuna. So here's the dark side ending. It's not there.
Starting point is 01:04:21 It's literally just not there at all. I played full dark side, maximum evil, killed everybody I could, did everything evil I could, just sithed out to hell. I got to the end of the game. Hey, what'll happen to my allies? Oh, they're going to have a bright future ahead of them. They're corpses in the other room, dude. What happened to this planet?
Starting point is 01:04:44 It will prosper in a new beacon of hope. I killed everyone on that planet and went for the worst outcome in every quest. Like they're just literally like the game starts, her dialogue doesn't change of the future. There is no dialogue for dark side. It's just not like it's just not there. So I'm getting the light side answers to all these questions and like things. And it's not what I remember on top on top of that. I'm having to have people in the chat explain plot details to me,
Starting point is 01:05:16 because when you go dark side, certain conversations that explain what is happening in the game, don't happen. What I was told, they just don't occur. What I was told is that when you go dark side, she just chastises you for being a disappointment and ends up basically looking at you as a failed experiment, you know, or a failed potential. And just choose and ends up chewing you out. Right. That's what happens with big meeting, right?
Starting point is 01:05:52 However, then when you go to Malachor and do the end game, all that shit didn't happen. Shut up. And she's talking about you as if you were a Jedi and as if you were doing the right thing all along. Like there's just no dark side ending sequence at all. Damn. It's just not in the game. And so the ending is just like screamingly confusing. Even with restored content.
Starting point is 01:06:18 It's more confusing now as dark side with the restored content than it was when I did light side like years and years ago. Weird. Like if you play Kotor 2, please, please do yourself a favor and play on light side because. A lot of people are saying that you experienced a bug. I, so people in this chat are saying that people in my chat that were watching it who were experts at the game were like, no, it's just not there. The same people who had been like remarking on what was in every room before I got there
Starting point is 01:06:59 and how to go through every single encounter to get every single piece of dialogue for literally 13 streams in a row. We're like, yeah, no, it's just not there. It's the when you play dark side, this conversation doesn't happen and that conversation doesn't happen. I gotta go back and check the videos as an assent me because I think they included some of what you are supposed to see, but maybe there were like fucked triggers for it. I like how I like how people are posting experts in quotes like I'm supposed to believe
Starting point is 01:07:35 the people that I don't recognize here over the people that I did 13 streams with. It was too long ago. Yeah. Okay. Well, that sucks because I thought at the very least it sounded like restored content meant that there was still a an ending. It was just a less satisfying one. And I walked away from that kind of hearing like, yeah, you're better off going light
Starting point is 01:08:02 side because the dark side ending is not as fulfilling. Yeah, the dark side ending is like, I beat it twice because the first time was like, I didn't know what happened. Like I fought the final boss and then it just ended and I'm like, I don't know what happened. And then I replayed it and went through for more dialogue and instead what I got was like, I got like, what will happen to this planet? This planet will be a beacon of Narsha. That's what I got.
Starting point is 01:08:35 I got I got that. This is what will happen to every place in person. Yeah, it'll be a beacon of hope and it'll be it'll be stronger. I'll have a heart that wasn't there. I'm like, I killed every person on that planet. I fucking got Hanhar instead of Mira like broken or unfinished. Like it's kind of sad. It's it's a bummer.
Starting point is 01:09:03 It doesn't. It's like, I mean, though it's not like one where, okay. Well, I guess now we're just talking coach or spoilers, by the way. So if you do the game came out in 2004, I know, but just on the off chance that you've been waiting and you haven't played it and you want to not have anything spoiled, now'd be the time to tune out while I get into specifics. Okay, so the other thing too is that like one was a little more complicated in that like you could specifically go and off your individual party members.
Starting point is 01:09:37 Whereas here it seems as if some of them are meant to be alive no matter what outcome. I killed every single party member, but one and was getting ending discussions about how they were going to live on into the future and be heroes. Okay, yeah, that's super weird. And yeah, and like, and that they would be noble Jedi, even though most of them, I had made sure despite evil. No, no, no, they were evil. They were my friends and they turned evil.
Starting point is 01:10:13 Okay, I killed them for fun because that was the other thing is that I remember hearing that like they were like now fuck you and we're going against your your influence towards the dark side and we're going to become light side. Not the only one that ended up going light side out of spite was bow durr and he just disappears. Yeah, bow was so cool. I'm so sad that like he has to just vanish. Oh, that game's like really unfinished after the after the factory. He just fucking doesn't exist anymore.
Starting point is 01:10:41 And I'm like, man, I know fucking closure there. I feel torn about Kotor two because like Kotor two has some of the highest points of like Bioware games in it. And it is it has some of the coolest Star Wars shit in it ever. But it is peaks and valleys like for every like cool last conversation with Kreia on Narsha Da about stealing people's experience and by helping them. There's like literally 30 minute fucking enemy gauntlets through just the shittiest areas ever. And whatnot.
Starting point is 01:11:20 Like Kotor Kotor one feels like an eight that's like a straight line. And Kotor two feels like it's like oscillating wildly between tens and sixes. 400 a moment 425 days. Yeah, of development. Yeah, it's it's crazy. Like I also ran into a lot. There's it's not just the ending. There's a lot of situations where while there is a dark side option, like, you know,
Starting point is 01:11:54 I'm evil, I'll kill you. Like the dialogue for the light side is like long and has all sorts of stuff. And the dialogue for the dark side is like a truncated version of the light side dialogue. And it's it's just not ready for it. What what what version of the of the council meeting did you get? I got the empty where Kreia just tells me I'm a loser. Okay, okay. Yeah, she's like, man, you're a stupid loser.
Starting point is 01:12:25 Yeah, that's placid. You are you are a total failure and I hate you and you're a massive disappointment. And then I meet her in the final boss room and she's like, I love you. You're the my greatest achievement. Yeah, that's weird. You're incredible. And I'm like, really? Like it's just like it's working correctly.
Starting point is 01:12:44 Yeah, if it had, it just isn't the conversation written. If they had the fucking time to get those branches properly in there, you know, because, dude, like that meeting. I mean, yeah, you did it right the first time on your own, right? Going through it the proper way. But like, I still think about it. I still like the impact of that moment is just like shivers down my spine, dude. The establishment of like just setting everything up in this way where you are
Starting point is 01:13:18 a thousand percent on her side. But killing is still bad, though. Killing bad. Don't don't do that. But every order is okay. But where's the lie? Don't kill. But where's the lie?
Starting point is 01:13:34 You know? Yeah. So yeah, great game. It's like that. You do play it. It's almost like a play. I like your moment, right? It's almost like kind of.
Starting point is 01:13:46 It's almost like a punisher moment where you're like, damn, that's. He ain't wrong. But oh, Frank, you know, come on, calm it down, Frank. Yeah, that that sort of feeling. Yeah. So I put that in the books. And yeah, again, if you're if you're going to play Cotor 2 again, play it light side.
Starting point is 01:14:07 It's a much more fulfilling experience. Keeping with Star Wars. We watched the final episode of The Mandalorian last night. Season one. Two. Okay. Okay. So that went places.
Starting point is 01:14:28 Yeah. Um, do you want to discuss in specific in which case we would again put another spoiler warning up? Not even all I really want to say is, man, I'm really, really happy that people's terrible hair was able to be kept real. Sometimes when you have characters and they have awful hair, their hair gets improved in later parts. But sometimes you got to keep some awful, awful haircuts.
Starting point is 01:15:01 Do you see what I was what I was saying about the eye of Sauron and circle strafing to avoid it? Stay in the dark. Stay under the ass. Don't let the boss see you. Yeah. Yeah, that was a lot of fun. Also plowed through the entirety of Wanda vision in a single sitting.
Starting point is 01:15:26 Just before you jump, how great was Mayfield? Burr. Which one? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Burr's great. There's that. The cafeteria, dude.
Starting point is 01:15:41 The cafeteria. Yeah. I was about to say there's something really great about a scene in which the scene is four minutes long, five minutes long and 10 seconds in, you know what's going to happen. And it's it's it's the Hitchcock Ian. There's a bomb under the table and the audience knows it, but the characters don't. I would. I would.
Starting point is 01:16:03 I might even say Tarantino esque in its casualness into non casualness. That being said, probably the weirdest thing about Bill Burr's character in Star Wars. Is that it's Bill Burr playing. Yes. Bill Burr in Star Wars. Correct. And it's the only way you would do that role, you know. It's so weird.
Starting point is 01:16:27 It's the only way you do that role. Driving around going, eh, the empire is trying to everybody trying to do what they're trying to do. But but right while that's exactly it, while he shows up to just be him. Um, that calf scene, you know, specifically and like the camera gives it away, but that moment is like where he's like, I'm going to not be Bill for a second or better yet. I am going to be. I'm just going to put my brain. I'm going to be I'm going to transport Bill in a different, a different history bill.
Starting point is 01:17:00 Yes. I'm going to transport my brain back to Philadelphia about 15 years ago. And he puts himself back on the stage in Philly and then his face just goes, you know, that's how he, that's how he did it. But, um, yeah. Yeah. No, very happy with, with Mandalorian. Very unsure as to what the hell they're actually going to be doing with that show in the future.
Starting point is 01:17:28 Hopefully dodging the eye of Sauron. And did you also catch the stinger in the trailer? In the credits, there's more than one show. That's a different thing. That's a different show there. So I don't know how to describe it, but like I've never seen a piece of an expanded media franchise where every single time they decided to tie it in with some older piece of perhaps more famous media, they just give you the little taste and you're like, oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:18:06 That's that. Oh, that's a cool little reference. And then the reference starts to get closer to the camera. And I'm like, no, they're not going to. That's not going to. Oh, it is. And that happens like five times, like just surely. Oh, they're going to walk towards the camera and wave and then run away.
Starting point is 01:18:31 No, they're a main cast member for three episodes. Okay. All right. Sure. Okay. I want to say too that. Yeah, no, Bill Burr definitely also he gets the arc Finn should have gotten. Right.
Starting point is 01:18:51 He gets. Yes, he does. He gets most of that in there in way less time, you know. Um, you could have been so interesting in how you explore X storm trooper, right? To go into the idea of an X fucking storm trooper and what that means and like how you're broken in and all of it, all of it, all of it, you know, um, there's so many places they could have gone with that. And, and I think that like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:25 And just like even just like sort of, uh, uh, like I, they might have wanted Phasma to kind of be the space, uh, Arley, Arley, Emirate. Is that am I getting that right? Or I was early Emery Emery. Excuse me. I always messed the name up there. Um, problem with early Emery is that people try and imitate early Emery, but there's only early Emery.
Starting point is 01:19:46 There's only early Emery. Exactly. And the reason why is because he's actually a for real drill instructor. If you got a real ass different drill instructor in, yeah, you could have that character. But early Emery's claim to fame is that when they were filming full metal jacket, he was the military, uh, specialist. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:05 And, uh, they were shooting the scenes with Kubrick and them, uh, the boot camp scenes and he'd be like, that's bullshit. Like every fucking two seconds. And Kubrick goes, well, can you do it? And he goes, hell yeah, I can. And just walks on set and starts improving like a psychopath. Yeah. He's a real person with a movie happening around him.
Starting point is 01:20:25 100%. Yes. Um, so, so that's it. It really is, uh, it really is just like a shame because you're like, man, I, I, I, I still love the promise of what Finn's character could have been. You know, um, every, yeah, all the dominoes set up by the force awakens, all the dominoes could have been fucking. It's sorry.
Starting point is 01:20:48 They're Ermey or Ermey, not Emery. I feel, I feel like kind of, I kind of feel like, like they're in this fucking awful place and like there's no way to fix it because they've reestablished huge portions of the expanded universe, right? Like Thrawn exists, Blue, Blue Admiral Thrawn, he's around, he exists, he's out there in Rebels and shit like that. And since they've reestablished some of that stuff, the, the, the new movies have a weird problem and that is like Hux and Kylo are fucking losers.
Starting point is 01:21:31 Like they're fucking idiots and dumbasses and chumps. And I compared to the fucking winners of just a couple of years ago. And I thought that was the point and that's why I loved it so much from the jump. You know, walking out of Force Awakens going, what a fucking fanboy. What a fanboy this Kylo is, you know? But then yes, of course, you have to create the trilogy around that. Now, I think they're going to be fine because they've landed this and they're going to continue massaging the beast.
Starting point is 01:22:14 And I think you're still, you're going to, you're going to have mainline schlock and under like indie, not indie, what's the word? Not mainline, but fucking spinoff, perhaps spinoff quality because, you know, the state, even though we haven't been paying attention to it, Clone Wars and, and Rebels, you know, I hear good things, right? And I, from what I watched, there's some good episodes of Clone Wars that were like, yeah, that's solid. So they're, they've been telling some good spinoff stories in the background this whole time.
Starting point is 01:22:50 I think it'll kind of kind of just continue to be that, if anything, unless a really great director helps. I definitely, I definitely want to be out from under the eye more. The eye kind of glances at Mandalorian for like 11 minutes. It's just kind of turns its eye over to it. And then it looks away and I'm glad for it to look away for the remainder. Because shenanigans in Star Wars seems way more interesting than the big moving and shaking. Rebels is not as good as Clone Wars.
Starting point is 01:23:26 I was told Rebels is good for what it is. But yeah, I don't know. I guess taking us, yeah, taking it, taking us hit or miss then, I suppose. I, I couldn't tell you. I don't know. I'm just relaying what I heard. So yeah, that's Mando. Good.
Starting point is 01:23:42 Good Mando. Excited to see more, excited to see more Mando shoot people with gun in Star Wars. Enjoyable. How about that Rosario Dawson? I had a moment where I was sitting there and like my eyes were like narrowing because like she's under a lot of makeup. Like is that fucking Rosario Dawson?
Starting point is 01:24:06 Because that's them. Yeah, they announced it early on that they were casting her. As, as she was standing there preparing to like not do anything or preparing to not, not particularly take any responsibilities under her belt. I was like, is there a reason? Is there a, is there a, yep, there's a reason. There's a reason why she's saying what she's saying. Yep.
Starting point is 01:24:31 There's a reason why she's active that way. Got it. It's a good reason. Yep. Apparently, apparently there's a very good reason for why she's like, no, uh-uh. Not doing this. Fuck no. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:45 Yeah. So, uh, so that was good. But I got to say, I'm, I'm torn as to which I liked better. Probably Mando over WandaVision, even though I thought WandaVision was excellent because there are parts of the WandaVision ending that I don't super care for. Oh, easy. But easy. I say easy Mando wins that.
Starting point is 01:25:05 But, uh, the WandaVision, WandaVision has the problem for me is that the first four episodes were twice as good as the remaining ones. That's, that's, that's what you, that's what I'm saying is, is like the premise is strong. Then you have to still work it back in to the universe. And like it was a, it was a very consistently enjoyable thing. But whereas when it was like weird and surreal and a kind of a mystery. Yeah. That was much more appealing.
Starting point is 01:25:36 And, and again, it's very easy to figure out, but, um, the question is, is where you take it. Oh yeah. It's super obvious within like a, like 20 minutes, what's going on. And the question is just where do you take it from there? So I like, uh, what, um, Mando was doing, uh, stronger, even though it's a weird comparison to make, but I like it as a movie spinoff series because it stands better on its own. Um, it stands better on its own two feet. And, you know, they do absolutely bring those tie ins in, but the tie ins are way less, uh,
Starting point is 01:26:15 chained than they are in WandaVision's case. Yeah. I want to give WandaVision a lot of props. One cool, having a show about grief, like that's literally all, like it's, it's about grief. Second, all the aesthetic shit was top notch, like just really, really fantastic. The meme line is a good line. Like I saw it. It's decent.
Starting point is 01:26:39 Yeah. I saw it as, I saw it, uh, like on Twitter first and I was like, God fucking damn it. I can't wait a day between releases on this thing. In context, it's, it's much better. And then I watched it in context and I was like, that's strong. That's it. I like it. Um, I find it very interesting that like every single piece of MCU movie or whatever that comes
Starting point is 01:27:03 out is like no age of Ultron was actually super good though. Like, like, like they keep going back and like adding more to that movie in like insinuation. And it's kind of funny. Now, um, did, did, did the, did the theme of doing, uh, wildly inappropriate things in the name of love, uh, land strike a chord with you? Yeah. Okay. Um, there, there's, uh, there's a lot of part of my problem with the ending is that the
Starting point is 01:27:43 ending doesn't go hard enough. How the ending is like a MCU thing. Everything gets wrapped up in a nice night little package. How did you feel about, about putting the hoodie up and taking a nice little stroll while avoiding eye contact? That was pretty good. Um, I, I, I think I was, I was genuinely expecting like a vicious mean depressing ending from that show.
Starting point is 01:28:21 And I didn't get one, which kind of made me sad. Ironically, um, no, and I think maybe I want to give, and I think that's maybe because I think that's maybe because, um, a thought was given towards a potential season two somewhere down the line. Oh, no, they've actually said that these, these shows are not seasons. They're just white. They're their own thing. Awesome.
Starting point is 01:28:50 Fantastic. Happy to be wrong on that. Um, nice. I want to give a huge, so I'm going to tell, I'm going to say right now, there's a plot twist in, in, in Iron Man three that I actually thought was kind of funny, but I don't have any really intense love for any characters in that. Uh, but I genuinely think that in terms of meta, in terms of fucking with your audience, Wanda visions, supporting cast list of actors might be the funniest goof ever played.
Starting point is 01:29:31 I think it's great. There is an actor that is cast as a specific fucking thumb in the eye to me personally. And in terms of me trying to guess the plot that I thought was just great. Oh man. Yep. Also cat Dennings was back. Hooray. Thor girl.
Starting point is 01:30:00 Hooray for cat Dennings. Yes. Thor girl. It's cat Dennings. Come on. Well, yeah, but she was in Thor. And Jimmy Woo escaped from agents of shield into a real, into the real MCU. And I like the character of Jimmy Woo.
Starting point is 01:30:17 And, uh, uh, the, uh, what should we call it? So, uh, uh, uh, so yeah, you talk, as you talk about those, those, those funny ass like, supporting cast and things like that. Uh, yeah, I'm immediately reminded though of like one of my, uh, fucking subtraction points for the show is as I said, when supporting cast is solid sneaking and for some reason is just doing the punch that armed guard really hard. We've escaped, you know, and, and, and just fucking like, really, we got to do this sit now. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:56 Can't you just find a better way to bring this together? It doesn't matter much anyway. They leave and they overpower like the two guards. Got to hear with that guards. It's really obscure. It's really weird. It's dumb TV prime time shit. And I'm just like, this is that.
Starting point is 01:31:13 So sure. But you could have just wrote it away where it didn't have to go down that silly. You know. Yeah. Um, anyway. Oh yeah. Oh no, I liked it. I liked the weirdness where it's going.
Starting point is 01:31:26 Uh, it's probably my, even with the issues that it has, I think it's probably my favorite MCU thing in quite a while. Like it's, it's just so much when, when a weird looking beekeeper crawls out of a storm drain and it's shot like a horror film in black and white. That is legitimately so much more interesting than anything they've done in like the past three or four movies, including like end game and all that. Yeah. No, the, the, the weirdness puts it up there for me as well.
Starting point is 01:32:01 And the willingness to not just explore like a weird theme, but commit to it for a while. Right. And then at a certain point you're like, okay, we understand what's happening here as we go through with each episode. We know what's up. And then it kind of throws a couple of like thematic twists in where you're like, well, where are we going with this weird? I love Lucy honeymooners kind of vibe.
Starting point is 01:32:30 And then like it pulls a couple where you're like, oh, shit. Okay. Didn't expect that. You know, that's a fun way to like update the timeline, so to speak. I do want to, I do want to actually talk about something that is like, it's a more explicit version of what I was talking about before, but I would like to talk like an open spoiler for a second if we can do a spoiler wording here. I mean, I think we've already said a lot.
Starting point is 01:32:59 So yeah. They totally get away with it. And that's not, that's not okay. Yes, it's not like, and, and, and, uh, um, like, I hope that's building for later in which they're like, dude, you totally got away with it. No, like she taught like, and, and spectrum is super a okay with it because she's about to go join Carol in space, but they absolutely have her walk out on and away from a group of people, including fucking kitty from that 70s show saying, please kill us then.
Starting point is 01:33:41 Kill me, kill me, literally end my life instead. And it's like, save my children. My children are dying. Yes. So one would hope that they don't then simply have her steer into just being the perfectly good guy, protagonist joining, you know, Dr. Strange in Dr. Strange two coming soon. So that's fucked up. I would not have, I would not have a problem with this if there wasn't an audience character going,
Starting point is 01:34:14 man, you're going through a lot, huh? It's really hard. And it's like fucking no one cares. Like it's like, like Billy trapped in his Billy trapped in his basement on the edge of town, unmoving and starving to death. Exactly. Exactly. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:34:34 Doesn't care that you're going through a bad time. Yeah, the ease with which that moment came together and also the fact that those people looking for their revenge was framed in a zombie camera. Like, uh oh, the angry people are approaching the protagonist. They're going to, they're going to get the hero, the hero. And you're like, you mean the people that are fucking justified. You know, it always reminds me of your discussion of the camera in Man of Steel, which the camera is like literally, literally screaming to you out loud.
Starting point is 01:35:15 Superman is Jesus. He's Jesus guys. In this, the camera is framing our protagonist as a heroic force in a scene in which they are not a heroic force. They are somebody who's like desperately trying to convince their kid that they didn't break their arm after they threw a drunken tantrum. Like, no, no, no, it's fine, Billy. We'll just tape it up.
Starting point is 01:35:42 We'll just tape it up. No, you can't just tape it up. And on a second note, I want to say prior to, excuse me, prior to Captain Marvel, my only exposure to Monica Rambo was reading Next Wave, Agents of Hate. And in that, she is the leader of the bunch. You don't know her well, but she is, doesn't strike me from what I remember. It's been a long time ago, but that wacky ass ragtag group, she would not put up with that bullshit.
Starting point is 01:36:24 The Monica Rambo of that comic series would look at Wanda here and go, what the fuck is wrong with you? She would go off on her super hard. I genuinely hope that this is the start of a very interesting MCU villain, which they've had kind of trouble with. Like, I can see the breadcrumbs for the future, and I just hope that they don't like shy away from it. That's a hell of a marathon, though, getting them both in there.
Starting point is 01:37:04 Yeah. Well, Mando was over the past two weeks, just here and there, but then Wanda was just like, dude, what's going to happen next? Like, it's so much more sequential than Mando is. Now, are you primed and ready for Bucky and Falcon? I don't, like, I literally watch it because I'm bought in, and I'm literally up to date, but I am so disinterested. I can, I can hear it. I can see it. I can just imagine. Like, yeah, no, I'm more than willing to give it a chance, dude, but like,
Starting point is 01:37:47 I know you're going to watch every second of that dying a little bit, you know. I watched Thor 2, man. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. You know, Thor 2, oh man, Thor 2. You know what the funniest thing ever is about Thor 2 that I recently found out about? They were going to have the elves from Thor 2 who were not defeated by the end of that movie show up in Endgame, and then they just went nah. Sure. They, like, that was, that was the decision process.
Starting point is 01:38:23 They described like we were originally going to have them in because we want to bring everybody back, and then we just said nah. Not like we're going to save them for later. Not like we don't think they'll fit. Just, nah, let's just not, uh. I mean, they didn't, they, they, they didn't get Idris to show up. That's true. So, you know, assumedly he was somewhere in the background there somewhere, maybe. Man, Thor 2 is like the worst. It's like so boring. It's so fucking boring. Oh man. Compared to 3.
Starting point is 01:39:02 But, uh, yeah, the, the, the stage is set, like, and Loki is probably going to be great, probably going to be fine. He's got the charm. He's got the, you know. I believe in Tom Hiddleston's ability to Tom Hiddleston his way all over a movie, sorry, TV set. And that's all he has to do. But, uh, yeah, I don't know. Let's see a fucking bucky and bucky and falcon. You know, soldier it up. Explosions and shields. Yep. If they, you know what, if they lean into that, if they, if they, if they do more double team hyper combo finishes, that'll be sick. If they do shield combos, like, like that one scene,
Starting point is 01:39:46 like, why are they beating up Iron Man? If they make that happen a lot, you know what, then we're good. So here's my, here's my problem with bucky and the winter, wait bucky and the winter soldier, sorry, uh, uh, falcon and the winter soldier. It's a pretty simple problem. Well, you ever play an RPG in which you fight a bad man and then the bad man joins your party and he's like a weak ass bitch? Thanks, Megas. That's winter soldier and bucky. Winter soldier? Oh shit. Yeah. Bucky, whatever. Yeah. Totally. Like, uh, that red star comes off the arm. Who gives a shit? Well, yeah, because when you're willing to just murder for your raw ambition, then you're doing everything a hundred percent.
Starting point is 01:40:31 But if you're worried about innocent people and ethics and morals, then you pull your punches and soften your blow. And also falcon falcon is a black widow with wings. He has a drone. Who cares? He has a drone though. Like falcon exists in a really weird state of my interest in which he's a tech hero. Yeah. Oh, you mean like Iron Man where he builds stuff? No. Yeah. Oh, like what? Like a gunman. He has a drone, but and why? And he gets to say, hey cap on your left. Like I, I got to say it. Like I want, like I need, I need a bunch of cool wing moves. Give me cool wing moves.
Starting point is 01:41:38 I dude, I don't know. Like I actually recently for, for funsies just went back and watched like that scene in Ant-Man where a Paul Rudd. I don't remember the character's name. Paul Rudd fights Anthony Mackie. Like the Avengers base. Oh, you mean, oh, wait, that's, that's a Captain America Civil War. Oh, okay. Right. The cameo in it. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Sorry. Yeah. Sorry. And I'm like, wow, this is such a fun little thing from the perspective of I'm watching an Ant-Man movie. Sure. Sure. Also, remember the members fighting the loser of the group. Also the fun, remember the fun little make out like smile with cap where they're in the car and they're like, huh? That's great. Yeah. Because cap is great. When cap's not there.
Starting point is 01:42:28 What are you smiling at? Oh man. Yeah. I'll tell you what, if they have, if they make a, a, a, a, a Bucky and Falcon show in which at the end of every episode they sit by a fireplace and look at a picture of cap together. All right. Now we're talking because that's pretty fucking funny. But, but like, oh man. Do you think they'll have, do you think they'll have the balls to like go see the old man at some point for like two seconds? Yeah, they will. Absolutely. Final percent finale. Yeah. Yeah. Probably the finale. They'll be like, did I do okay? Ah, you're all right. I'll get the fuck off my lawn. You know, back in my day, dude, that was like last year.
Starting point is 01:43:21 Hmm. It needs it. It kind of needs it. It's the only thing that, yeah, you can really point to. No other cameo would really matter there. I'm interested. I'm interested in seeing what these strange and Spider-Man things are going to, how wacky they're going to be. I assume there will be a level of wackiness that I will find enjoyable. I like strange. I like strange. I definitely look forward to seeing where that goes to. Yeah. But I mean, it's more specifically, I'm a big fan of, I'm a big fan of you, like especially now after WandaVision of using acting, casting choices to mess with your audience. Yes. Sure. Yes. I think, I think, I think there is a, there is a wide open place. Yes.
Starting point is 01:44:15 For Patrick Stewart and David Hasselhoff. Let's call it what it is. All sorts of stupid shit. Pat, let's call it what it is. Spike casting. Spike casting. Yeah. The MCU can spike cast a whole lot of people for a whole lot of dumb shit. Like I want Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman sitting in a coffee shop having coffee, just being regular dudes and they're like, what's your name, Jimmy? This is Sam. Into the Spider-Verse didn't do it. It didn't do the most obvious thing. So it's up to, I guess, this next movie to do it then. Yeah. And if they, if they cop out on it and just cash and just like turn them into other people, like fuck off. What do you mean? If they show up to not be what you obviously want them to be,
Starting point is 01:45:22 which is, oh, I want that. Oh, oh, you want, I want, I want Patrick Stewart to walk onto the screen and just be some old man. No, I want Patrick Stewart to walk onto the screen and then somebody goes, oh man, I love Star Trek. And he's like, yeah, I see, I see, I see. Gotcha. Gotcha. So you loved Boner, huh? Yeah, you know what? If you can, if you can take one thing away from today's podcast is that Pat is here saying, I loved Boner. He loved Boner. I loved it. I thought Boner was a great surprise. Thank you for the formatting. I couldn't have gotten enough of Boner. There you go. Established. Those are those other two were for you guys. You have fun with that.
Starting point is 01:46:28 Mm hmm. Last but not least for my week, I have played a little, oh man. Oh, satisfactories. It's got its hooks in. It's got its hooks in real bad. Yeah, how bad? I left it on last night. Doing what? Automating. Like I turned the game on, turned the sound off on my computer and then went to bed so that it would automate more concrete and steal beams and reinforce plates so that I could upgrade my belt network this morning. But was that stuff that you actually, like did that time need to be invested to accomplish the
Starting point is 01:47:21 goal of getting the shit to space? Yes. I built a big, I spent like literally all of yesterday building like this fucking nightmare factory that I could leave on overnight. Were you crypto concrete mining? Yes, I was. Yes, I was. But in expected normal play, did you just kind of, I guess, fast forward some idling steps that were mandatory? Basically what you would normally do when you're stuck waiting for just an absolute shit ton of materials to process is you would explore the map and make like baby, you would expand your infrastructure out to this, this, this and this and then start that process up. But like I'm currently in the process of building like a mega factory and it's like I just want to
Starting point is 01:48:22 upgrade my fucking belts. Okay, but how much of this is mandatory and how much of is it a flex? I don't know. Okay. I don't know. I don't know. Because you don't know how much of what you're making you're going to use for your final shit later. Yeah. Okay. All right. All right. Like it's like I need, I need 700 steel beams to upgrade this two kilometer path of belt network that I created and I'm making 60 a minute. Right. Like I could just have the slow belt network, but there's only so far I can go here in it as well as like basically the progression in that game is such that
Starting point is 01:49:16 you so you may like say you you need to send like you know a fucking what's called a smart plate to the space elevator to get to your next tier, which is like essentially your boss fight of automation. Well, the thing is like say you say you're you're you're mining from like one particular node and you're like using the maximum amount of of factory to to manufacture it as fast as possible. You're like, okay, so I'm mining 240 from the node, which makes 240 in gets a minute, which gets turned into 120 plates a minute, which gets turned into 30 reinforced plates a minute. And then you feed a reinforced plate into a rotor stator at like six play at six of those a minute and you need like 100. So like every step of the process, you're going from a massive
Starting point is 01:50:15 input to exponentially smaller and smaller and smaller input outputs, but there's no cap on your on your like stored resource. No, well, I mean, the only cap on your stored resources, how much of how much of a storage you're leaving it to sit in. So then you make storage containers. Okay, okay, because this grinding effectively is not mandatory or necessary, but you just want to have to not think about that stuff later on. I mean, you you could just make a single bad you could just make like the bare minimum to make the part. But like you need a shit ton of these high end parts. Like, I got to the point where I was doing the math where it's like if I if I was just making like one assembly line that had just a single one of these parts at five a minute, it
Starting point is 01:51:11 would take me like an hour just to get this one piece. And that assumes that I'm not using any of the component parts to upgrade any of my miners or my conveyor belts or my power or whatever. So you're incentivized to just go as wide and as big. Because eventually, I'm going to like say, take steel production, right? Steel production needs iron production. And like, I use a lot of steel now, like I need to have a shit ton of iron getting pumped out at all times, so that I can make it into a comparatively smaller piece of steel. When I'm using steel to make something bigger than beams, I'm going to need to double the iron output so that I can double the steel output so I can get a decent output on that third thing. And then when I'm on the fourth thing,
Starting point is 01:52:04 I'm going to need to quadruple the iron output quadruple the steel output, etc, etc, etc. So basically, every time you get to the point where you're like, I'm only making five of these every 10 minutes or whatever, right? I'm only making five of these a minute and I need a thousand, right? So you build up, build up, build up, build up, build up. Okay, now I'm making like 100. Okay, great. Done that. And then you get to the point where it's like, now that 100 a minute is the component for something that at my maximum production, I can only produce five a minute. So now I'm building up, building up, building up, building up, building up, building up somewhere else to feed into something. And then you have to infrastructure it together. And it's a whole
Starting point is 01:52:47 fucking process. It's great. It's great. It's great. I am paving this goddamn planet into shit. Like the, the, I've taken a bunch of screenshots in this massive Twitter thread of like, the lake before the lake afterwards, the lake before was very pretty. I feel like afterwards is a coal powered shit show. I feel like I could enjoy this game in a completely different way from you. How so? I think I could enjoy this game by playing it in a linear fashion in which I create exactly what I need to do exactly what I need to get the final steps completed in as few steps as possible as efficiently as I could. You would have to leave the game on overnight every single night to do that. Otherwise, like if you, if, if, if you don't scale up production, eventually
Starting point is 01:53:50 you'll get to the point where it's like it wants 100 items from you and you're making one item every 15 minutes. Okay. So what are you supposed to do in the game when you're at the point where all you can do is wait on production? What, what is your go out and find more, go out and find more shit. So there is two aspects. One, you can explore and fight aliens to unlock, like to, basically, there's a bunch of hostile wildlife that is guarding like either paths out of your zone or certain resources, right? Go kill them, get rare materials out there that you can use to scan and do like a upgrade thing. So like if I, if I scan some more Caterium or Caterium, I'll eventually be able to make like a jetpack and like faster running speed. But there are,
Starting point is 01:54:40 there are fun things to do while your production is taking place and you're waiting on that. Yeah. You can, the number one is explore and the number one thing that you're exploring for is to discover more resources. Okay. And new types of resources. So for example, where I am right now, I'm on like say the east end of my little map, where I found a bunch of iron and copper and limestone. But on the west end of my map, there's also a bunch of iron and copper of my and my limestone, as well as something called Caterium, which I don't know what that is, that I have not expanded to at all. Like it's completely open. And I would go build baby factories out there and build that whole thing. But your goal is not to be the biggest, most,
Starting point is 01:55:26 most high, your goal is not to be the biggest, most profitable company, series of factories or production line. Your goal is to get a series of important components into a space elevator. Yes. But in order to get those components, you are going to need to build up like the scale. You remember that, you remember that giant spreadsheet I showed you? Yes. Last time? Yes. So that enormous, complicated diagram was to create 60 items a minute of the desired item. There were like 60 different factory parts in that, as well as like four nodes, just to create 60 of them. Eventually, you need thousands of these fucking things. Like if you were making only the minimum amount of part of moving parts to
Starting point is 01:56:24 manufacture an item, it would literally take an hour, 10 hours, 50 hours to get the amount of parts. You need to build up as big and as massively as you can. Okay. So all I'm trying to really get to, the heart of what I'm trying to get to is that you leaving the game on overnight to do what you did satisfies your approach, but that's not what everyone needs to do. Yeah. Well, the reason why I left it on overnight is pretty simple. You can only get resources as fast as the conveyor belts that you're using can literally bring you those resources, right? So my mining shit is doing 240 a minute, but the belts are only doing 60. Okay. So they're stopped. And I'm like, I have literally eight miles worth of conveyor belts that I want to replace. That will take
Starting point is 01:57:27 3,000 steel beams. I am currently earning them at a rate of 45 a minute. I'm going to turn this off, turn this on, and go to bed. And then when I woke up and replaced the steel, the conveyor belt that fed the steel, I'm now getting steel at twice the rate. Number go up. So now, now I can make the number go up. Yes. Yes. Number go up. It is, it is the absolute most number go up thing ever. But also figuring out how to feed these things into each other is fascinating because you're, you know, you're building up like 16 constructors in a row, right? And you're like, I need to figure out how to fit these in a space and have them all connect to each other and actually spit shit out. And after that, and that's, this is something that
Starting point is 01:58:29 I'm currently not the best at is you have to try and figure out the math on it because this machine eats 60 a minute and 120 a minute of these, but each of these only kicks out 10 a minute and these ones kick out 15 a minute, assuming the same input and the numbers don't all quite line up. So you don't want to have things that are just like being fed too much so that they choke or fed too little so they aren't working in 100% capacity. And to answer an earlier question, Wolves, as to stuff to explore and find out there, I think the best example of what this game is about is there is one big cool collectible in the game. Like the game has a series of collectibles that are like the best thing in the game you could possibly achieve. And that is big green alien
Starting point is 01:59:20 slugs. And the reason why you want to explore around and find these big green alien slugs, which are unique and like placed, you know, they're like actually like unique items, is that when you get a big green alien slug, you can turn it into a into a turbo charge that you can plug into any machine to kick it up to 150% or 200% or 250% efficiency. Are they always in the same place? Even the exploration, yes, they're all in the same place. So even the exploration is literally just the best thing that you can get is something that makes your factory go a little bit faster. It's a good game. It's fun. I like it. It is. Oh, it's so good. Like looking down at like this fucking monstrosity of anti nature that you've created that is spitting
Starting point is 02:00:15 out like fucking all these steel pipes, and you're like, dude, I could build a big fucking, the fucking tube with that pipe. What is your steam? What does your steam number say? What does your steam hour say? So the steam hour is between two different saves, one on the grass lands and one on the rocky frontier. And it says 53 hours minus the seven that I had it on last night. So 46. Okay. And will you be doing more of that this week? Yes. I'll be streaming that this week as well as some other shit such as audios and moondown. It's a weird looking horror game. And it's parent games factorial this week over at
Starting point is 02:01:14 slash pat stairs at do an evening hours again now that I'm going back to bed at five a.m. Fucking daylight savings. We're back to evening hours. So show up around seven p.m. in the EST. There's an update for satisfactory tomorrow. Do you know what they're adding? They're adding gas. They didn't have gas before? No, like the last big update was liquids. Okay. Now they're gonna have gas like nitrogen and shit. Cool. I don't know what that's going to be put into. I got to use the bathroom. Yeah, me too. Honestly. All right. BRB. BRB now.
Starting point is 02:02:03 All righty. Sure. I will take it over at Woolly versus take the baton. Yeah, I had a bit of a week. Some highs and some lows and some, you know, in between. So, well, for starters, I am happy we got to celebrate our anniversary last week, which was pretty cool. And there were plans that we that were made and those plans were pretty red. The plans were made. We set up an appointment to go north and go dog sledding. Oh, really? Yeah, because that's a thing you can do.
Starting point is 02:03:00 Okay. How to mush. How to mush and how to do the thing. And sometimes you have to kind of encourage them by running alongside them, you know, and then like you go uphill and downhill together and shit like that. And yeah, was super looking forward to it. And then the snow started to melt and it got too warm and then we had to cancel. So our reservation got borked and that sucks, bro. The day of we had rented the car, we had bought the equipment, got the snow gear. I got my fucking little head cover and my goggles ready. I was ready to go mush and just didn't happen.
Starting point is 02:04:09 We got to call the morning of to say that nope. And we waited specifically to like allow there to be a cancellation at least the night before because we got everything ready spent the night before knowing that could happen. Yeah, but they called the morning of to cancel it. So that fucking sucked, you know, do you want me to do you want? Do you want to get a wagon and we could give up to the wagon? Oh, that fucker. That fucker's not going anywhere. I'm strong. I'm dragging him. That ain't that ain't happening. He's going in. He's going in the wagon. And I'm in I'm up front mushing. That's how that goes. That's, you know what, Willie? That's a thing. That's a thing people with bulldogs do is you get yourself a wagon because then they stop moving and you got to put
Starting point is 02:05:04 them in the wagon to bring them home. Even if you had like eight of him, the fuck is going to make them like what you're gonna, I'll tell you what, you put it. Yeah, you shake that and then you put it on a carrot on a string. Yeah. Yeah. Straight up. Okay. Okay. This mother, he will go fair. This motherfucker will do anything for food. Have you seen? Have you seen that that gift of like they pour the chow into the bulls and then the dogs come running out? But one of them is so stupid. It just starts scoffing its own and it spills it everywhere so that it immediately just 180s over to the second bowl. And the normal dogs are just like, what the fuck is wrong with you, man?
Starting point is 02:05:48 Why are you like this? I'm gonna, well, I'm gonna tell you this right now. Assume I have seen every dog video you've ever heard of. Gotcha. Well, if you want to, if you want a really good dog video, you go look at dumb versus smart wiener dog test in which they put a like a circle of Coke cans. Oh yeah, I saw the cat version of that. I saw the cat version of cat one, cat two, kind of nimbly navigating through the cans. One of them knocks over a few at the end and three just fucking swanton bombs. The one that just flies through them is a cat that has Sarabelle or Herbal Plasia like Elmo does. But like you put certain dogs inside like any kind of ringed surface, right? Some will just go, oh, I'm trapped. I can't escape. I can't do it. And
Starting point is 02:06:38 others will just walk right through that shit. This fucking stupid idiot woke us up the other night because he discovered there's a mirror in our bedroom and thought there was another dog in it. So he just looked over and started barking like an idiot and then licking the mirror compulsively. There you go. Because he's stupid. Yeah, he could totally, he could totally drag you. Well, he's very strong. But yeah, so I think it's not going to get any colder. I think we're going to be shit out of luck for the time being. So maybe next year, maybe next time, next cold. Is it the spring of deception, though? Maybe, but there wouldn't even be enough time to make a new appointment then. Well, that's the thing, because they told us that like our trail specifically
Starting point is 02:07:35 started melting and got wet, but there were other trails that were still fine. Shut up. Yeah, terrible. Yeah, come on. Not great. That's cursed. So so that sucks. But that's a fun ass cool activity that I gotta say I'm like surprised to hear about this late in the game. Like it's been it's been here the whole time and just never really knew that was a thing. So shout outs to Punch Mom for discovering that. And yeah, hopefully we can get to it next time. So we had everything rented though. So we had to pull a little bit of an audible and kind of change our plans last minute. So, you know, instead we took all of our like picnic gear and lunches and everything and just drove up and hit up the town
Starting point is 02:08:34 of Rougemont, where there's one or two, there's a couple of trails for cideries. So you can go check out some cider places, you know, so we kind of just drove by and and, you know, browsed and enjoyed the the ciders and the apple, the ice cider like vineyards and things like that. And it was nice. Got to I'm a huge fan of apple based beverages and alcohols. So in particular, it was really cool to go up to one of the places that makes one of my favorite types of iced, iced ciders called Michel Jaudoin. You might recognize the label if you ever saw it, but it's an SAQ, which is our local government booze hut. And yeah, it was hot. Yes. Yeah, so they I went there, I got to sample a few different flavors. And they had some like apple
Starting point is 02:09:41 brandy, which was quite pleasant. So I ended up taking a bottle of that. And it was one of those like I got I got me like an aged bottle of it, which was quite nice and smooth. And the guy himself came out from the orchard and signed the bottle. It was very cool, you know. And then there was one or two areas where usually they would have cabana sucre going on. But now, obviously, like they don't have the fucking snow and things going on because, yes, safety and security and whatnot. So it's kind of just like, yeah, we got the shop open, you just kind of what you distance you walk in and you can browse some of our maple based products for those who don't know cabana sucre is basically a sugar shack. Yes, we have
Starting point is 02:10:36 areas up here in Canada where you can go and they have maple maple syrup that is tapped straight from the trees. And then you put them on snow, you use them for like maple butter, you have all kinds of cool products and tasty things you can make with it and snacks. And yeah, you kind of just go enjoy that. Traditionally, you would go with your school. You can lick the trees up here. Yeah, you can. The sap itself, you might want to wait till you properly convert instead of just look in the tree. But what we would do is a school trip up here in high school or an elementary with more elementary would be to go up, do the sugar shack, get the horse ride, and then everybody goes to the calf and eats a big old like syrup ham,
Starting point is 02:11:24 Quebec wild breakfast, you know, yeah, those breakfasts are fucking out of control. Yeah, no, that's like feeding a class or a school full of kids ham and syrup and then having them feed on more syrup and then it's going to be a slow fifth and sixth period, man. Just insanity, absolute insanity, you know, but that was the local trips. So yeah, we did, we did it this time around, just went up and, you know, just enjoyed the little drive and the sites and things like that. And it was fun. In the end, I've been getting crunk off of apples for the last couple days. I've been enjoying it. It's nice. If you've never had apples, if you've never had an apple brandy, I highly recommend it. They got an apple yesterday. Yeah, they got that shit 80 proof,
Starting point is 02:12:20 bro. Like they got you in the fuck you. I could prove to you that it was a regular apple. And yeah, so that was that was what we had to do. And maybe, maybe when it gets cold again, we'll, we'll get to the dogs. If it ever does, it'll get cold again. Who knows? It's the first time I'm like actively looking forward to it getting cold again. Yeah. So the first time I think of it, like, I'm like, oh, I wish it was cold is the very first night in like April where I go to sleep and put my covers on and it's, and then I start sweating because it's too hot. And I'm like, damn it, damn this motherfucking temperature.
Starting point is 02:13:17 The earth. I had a couple of questions about this, about this process too. Because, you know, when you call in and they're like, oh yeah, so come on down, we can head to the kennel, you can meet everybody and do everything. And it's like, cool, cool. It's like, now I'm what you call a big fella. And I don't know how you guys usually plan this out, but you know, and they're just like, hey, yeah, we can add more dogs, man. It's no problem. Like we can just throw a couple more dogs on before that. Yeah. Because the last thing you want to do is show up and get on the thing. Yes. And they got the eight dogs. And then a guy comes out, we're going to need four more dogs for this
Starting point is 02:14:02 guy. But fortunately, it really is just that simple. You know, if you there is a pound to dog ratio and all you have to do is adhere to it and everything will be fine. You know. Yeah. I mean, look, last time I went go karting, my car didn't go very fast. I learned that for reals, you know. So, but yeah, so we'll see. We'll see about that in the future. Sure. Need more dogs. But in the meantime, if you're in a cold area and you're looking for an original fucking outing idea, look into that shit, huh? I don't know if being in a cold area is actually the requirement here. Because snow,
Starting point is 02:14:56 like if you're in a snowy area, you could. No, woolly. There's a lot of places in like the Midwestern United States that are getting a bunch of snow right now. I don't think they have access to dog sleds. Well, yes, that's why I'm though. I mean, like the real snow, not a couple of light powdering powderings. No, woolly, other places get lots of snow. Yes, but it's the other side of the planet too. What if you were in the Russia, the places that get enough snow probably have the dogs around? You know, no, that's not true. It's you have to be within a certain distance of the Arctic Circle. Okay. Well, our Alaskan friends, if you're out there, you probably have some access nearby. Yeah, they would. Yeah, totally. So there you go. Also, if you happen to be
Starting point is 02:15:50 coming across the Siam gap over the ways by Kamchatka, you might have a chance of some dogs mushing or you live in the Finland or the the other borks. Bork. Yeah, like a dog. There you go. But also like the Swedes. Yeah. So sure, we are on. We are in the right hemisphere, and we are high enough above the equator that we have access. Yeah, we're in the right hemisphere. High five. Northwest. Woo. Well, anyway, contact your local dog sledder and see if you can you can do that because it's a fun out of the ordinary little date experience, I think so. So yeah, we did that instead to celebrate. And then, yeah, some video games. So
Starting point is 02:16:50 I've been spending a lot more time diving into fights in tight spaces. I was gonna I was gonna load up to slay the Spire, but then I kind of just wanted to like see if I could beat tight spaces and the current version of tight spaces. Yeah, and it's pretty hard. I did not. It takes a while because effectively your yeah, your run starts from scratch every time. And as you unlock further environments, you can start them underpowered with a default deck, but you stand zero chance, you know, you know, it's funny because this reminds me of a recent hard drive article, which was like a rogue like fan struggles for hours to determine if a new game in that genre came out or something
Starting point is 02:17:43 like that. Like the rogue light genre has completely dominated all talk of that whole thing. Because like it's just so much more popular to gain some kind of progressive upgrade, even if it's choices. Yeah, it's it's taken over for sure. But in this particular case, you always you unlock default decks that are different. But like your your upgrades are not permanent. Once you die, you start from scratch each time. But you get you get more choices, at least when you're low and you're unlocking shit, you're unlocking more like card choices to start. One of four decks. Yeah. So balanced, defensive, offensive, and then trickster. And I yeah, I had a couple times where I did a really good I had was on a really good run.
Starting point is 02:18:50 But like I forgot one rule or I forgot one thing. Yeah. And my calculation just fell apart. Because it was like I had the perfect play set up. But I forgot that this type of enemy always turns to face you. And a risky moment in the play got me pushed the fuck out of a train, you know, or some shit like that. That sucks, but also cool. Yes, it is. And it's a very it's my mistake to own. And I'm like, damn, never making that again. So like always highlight your enemies and check your moves and make sure you you know, then that that whole little status button where like you can press like X on the controller to display all the like health damage positions movements and like conditional features that each character has or each
Starting point is 02:19:38 enemy has it all displays it in one. If you just press that button and you get used to checking it pretty quickly and often. But I did I was able to make it to like the third zone or like technically fourth if you count the tutorial, you get some really cool late game moves, as you would expect almost in the kind of hybrid Haven sense, where the whole time you're just looking for ways to not just knock people out or block, but like manipulate where they are, you know. And I finally got a card that was like suplex, grab the motherfucker and drop him on the skewer behind you, you know, and I was like, yes, like this is where you can start setting things up. And again, fights and tight spaces, it's an early access game. They're still working out some
Starting point is 02:20:32 of the kinks. But there is a really nice feeling when you start picking out because you call every time you add a new card or upgrade your cards, you can pick from a set. So you can start building a particular style. And I had a chance to, you know, build a style up that was like all about absorb big damage and then feeding it back, you know. And then I had a chance to like develop a style that was stunning. So there's a couple of ways where you can stun the opponents, you can throw like stun darts at them, you can do like a throat punch. In some cases, you can do like a tackle to the ground and all these different things kind of stagger. And then you have cards that are specifically made for stagger state, you know. So you kind of like
Starting point is 02:21:21 have a whole bunch of like really good conditional uses for your cards. And then it's an interesting game that like, even though I don't like it, it does have like what I would call strong bones. Like it's got a strong foundation there. It's not for me, but it's clearly going to be something special. So it doesn't quite address completely the problem you have with the cards being random, because that does continue to be an issue. And there are times when you're like, I sure hope I get what I need now that I'm surrounded. Nope, I'm not. I'm a fuck. I just have to take damage here. Right. Yeah, one of the things I liked to inspire is that like, when I was playing the poison guy, as time went on, I actually started to refuse new cards and
Starting point is 02:22:04 sell existing cards. So then I went from like 20 or 30 down to like 12 and you draw like five or six. And it's like, I'm going to get a poison proc in this deck. Discarding cards is absolutely a part of the strategy here. If you have too many or if you have too many specific conditionals or things that you just don't want to use or things that are overlapped by better ones, you know. And yeah, so you can balance that out. But like, you can though, like you're always, I know that there's a guarantee that you're going to get some movement and some attack cards. I think like you're never going to have all of one kind. So I don't know the full balance of that yet. But what I did notice is that there's some cards that you can get that
Starting point is 02:22:54 will stay in your deck and allow you to keep them every turn until you use them, you know. So there are like emergency cards or conditional cards that are like, this is going to be here for your free usage. And then you use it once and then it's gone, you know. But something really cool was kind of like a super that I got where you get a card called flow state. And it's like a specific green card that's different from all the rest. And it just basically makes everything in your hand free. It makes everything like cost minus three momentum or so. And what that ends up and what that ends up being is a you have a turn where you can play all of them, all of your cards for free, you know, and you can set up some really
Starting point is 02:23:43 sick plays with that. So yeah, all in all, really fun. And like they introduce some pretty complex enemy types towards the end. But before I go on, where are you going to say? I was going to say like, next time we talk about this or if we talk about this next week or just for your own purposes, like, dude, I'm literally tell you like literally go watch like 10 minutes of Slay the Spire. No, I got it. I didn't I didn't get I didn't get that far into it because it's not like it is just like it is like insane how every single thing you have just said, we could have actually removed the words fight in tight spaces and just said Slay the Spire. It's like I dig the grid and I dig the art style. But man, like it it's it sounds like
Starting point is 02:24:41 much more derivative than I anticipated when I was originally messing around with it. Like this is this is like a fatal fury. Yeah, to your street fighter. So I like I said, I did intend I did intend to go check out Slay the Spire and I just decided to stick with this to get as far as I could. But I do have to say that like that comparison. While it may be true, it still is talking about an RPG style battle system versus like you described the grid. And and that's a huge difference to me. You know, that's a huge difference of genre there. Like I'm I don't I don't mean to understate that. But like, I enjoy that that grid, you know, I enjoy it in into the breach, as I described last week. And then Darkest Dungeon kind of comes in and scratches a similar
Starting point is 02:25:31 but different itch. You know, it's not a grid, but it's it's got positions. You know, like it's you move around. Yeah. But like, like into the breach and fights in tight spaces, games like that are like the you know, the isometric grid is is like literally live or die. It's like in one turn this tile is going to become a death pit, push the enemy onto that death pit, push them in front of their opponent so that they knock someone else over and create a little game of fucking mousetrap so that your final enemy is pushed over the ledge or whatever without you having to do anything. You know, that's the part that's very different, right? Like Slay the Spire, Darkest Dungeon, RPGs, you're still like your team, their team fight, you know. And here,
Starting point is 02:26:25 sometimes you can just position yourself into. Well, I mean, in Slay the Spire, you're not a team. It's it's just you. Sure. But but I mean, like, yeah, you can the positioning is a huge factor in the play, you know, in this case, a lot of those movement cards are like not there's like step there's dash in multiple directions or slip past an enemy, you know, like move around them like a lot of stuff like that. So I will I will say about Slay the Spire and it's kind of a bummer and fight in tight spaces has it like beat handily. Arts a little weak in STS fight in tight spaces looks slick and hot, super hot. In fact, I would say. But STS is it's like it's okay. I would it would be nice if like they took another art pass on it, but that game's been
Starting point is 02:27:23 out for a long time. Yeah, the style goes far. The style goes far. It's it's a it's a certainly a part for me as I described last week, but it's not the end. I'll be all you know, like I can I can get past that if the core game mechanic is fun. I played Bumbo for hours like I unlocked Bumbo like almost every mess. I unlocked almost everything in Bumbo. I love it. Like the way that Bumbo has been treated, I would like very highly recommend that you be careful in the future, not you, but like everyone you of like supporting like McMillan in the future, because like that game got dropped. Like that game did not get an update for like a year. And of course, what happened updated. What is this shit? What do you because
Starting point is 02:28:22 what is it always like this? Yeah, what do you what exactly are you talking about? I mean, I honestly uh, Edmund reached out and sent and sent me a code. Thanks to him. I was able to play it. Literally, it was literally not updated for the longest time and people thought it was abandoned. And as soon as I decided to say that out loud, it's been updated and it's being supported again. This god damn it. Why is it always got to be like this? But well, enjoy your update and Bumbo guys. I'm glad I was able to do it for you. I was glad I was able to make it happen. Okay. Um, well, even before that claim, I still super disagree with you because I mean, the game that I like was playing, I played it for a very long time. I have not unlocked everything
Starting point is 02:29:16 in it. And I got a I enjoyed the fuck out of the hours and hours and hours that I put in. So I wasn't even thinking about an update. I was just kind of playing what was there and I got a lot out of that. So I don't really think I don't know. I think it'd be a pretty wild stretch to say don't support his games. Yeah, that's what I get. Like that's a release. I was talking to somebody about Bumbo two weeks ago. Okay. God damn it. Well, as someone who is fucking spent the time, got tons out of the original unupdated game even. I would, I have no, you know, I would not say that that's not worth the like it picked like playing like it's yeah, no, man, it is a shame they canceled Elden Ring from its
Starting point is 02:30:21 original release date of next week and that now it'll never come out. Okay. Well, anyway, all I was trying to say is that the style of fights and tight spaces is not the the the end all be all it's really cool. But I've played but like Bumbo is literally moving bones and shit tiles around, you know, and the Isaac of the aesthetics to pick. It's been a weird one, but it seems consistent. It's all baby poo poo, piss and shit. Yes. So and I was able and I enjoyed the fuck out of that just on a system level, you know. So yeah, anyway, like that that that type of game is really fun to me. I like I'm gonna be certainly all about it. And and again, it's it's a less I find that it's like turn based is a stress reducer, you know, it's
Starting point is 02:31:20 an it's a way to just idle and like kill time while you're like, you know, resting or something like that. So fights and tight spaces. Yeah, super, super good. Continue to Hey, before we move on in case Macmillan is actually listening to this, I would like to apologize. I was poorly informed and thought that the work on that game had stopped or been dropped. And I was literally checking the updates for steam like a couple days ago, because it was on sale. And it said the game's still buggy and hasn't been updated like a year. I was not aware that it was getting updates or had in fact recently been updated. That's my bad. Good form.
Starting point is 02:32:03 There definitely were bugs when I was playing, certainly. But again, I still hardly say that that's a good ass game worth your time. And we're checking out. So yeah, that's what I was saying about fights and tight spaces. I also started strikers P4 of P5 strikers with dude, I dropped that I got to get back to that. Yeah, started with punch bombs. So might take a while to get through it because we're playing it together. But it is a really I know that you mentioned earlier that it's really just secretly P5 to but it's like I've played three hours so far. And I fought for about 10 minutes. Yeah. Yeah, that's a persona sequel.
Starting point is 02:33:03 There is so little mooso happening in this mooso game. It's startling. It's like, and even when you get to the fighting, it doesn't play like a mooso game at all. Yeah, I mean, it does in the sense that there's a crowd that you're slashing at. No, because that's the first big fight that you did, right? And the second and third. Yeah, but after that, it's going to be all little groups like a normal encounter in persona. Yeah, well, you the big fights are like mini bosses. Well, what it what it seems like it is at least again from doing the initial couple of fights is that big group area is the tutorial. And then you enter a dungeon and then the dungeons are P5 dungeons that lead to a big
Starting point is 02:33:53 room with a bunch of enemies that spawn in on it. So you fight a group in a big room full of dudes. Yeah, per per dungeon, I want to say I fought like three groups, three of those big groups, and they were all like mini bosses. So like at you're still ultimately one dude swinging at a crowd of 50 or whatever. And then, you know, but it's not the open field of, you know, dynasty warriors or even Hyrule warriors. No, like you're getting into random battles with like five guys in 95% of your your stuff and you're using your skills on them like you usually would. Also, those fights end in like seconds. Very fast. So you're really not in this for the fighting. You're in it for the extended persona plot. It's get to that boss. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:34:51 Though the boss fights are fucking crazy, crazy difficult. I've had one so far. And you did. Yeah, the bunny. No, the the the horse. I forgot it's deep in there. Nope. Not that's not a boss. Oh, I'm talking about the I'm talking about the end of dungeon shadow. Okay, then yeah, right though. Those those things are fucking crazy. They're very, very difficult. Okay. And they're not the end of the world. Like, you know, it takes like, you know, eight, nine tries or whatever. But compared to everything around them, it's a fucking jump. Okay. Yeah, but anyway, my only point is that my expectations were not this. My expectations were very different. You know, I was expecting Hyrule warriors or
Starting point is 02:35:54 Berserk. And this is not what happened. Like it's a completely like it genuinely feels like they just moved the camera over and had the fights play out in real time instead of turn based. Also running around familiar environments, you know, in Shibuya and young Genjaya and stuff, like while the camera is trailing you is it's really weird, but it's cool. It's cool to be able to like 180 some static camera moments and be like, Oh, that's how this looks from that side the camera in Joker's room. Yeah, just super bizarre. And I was like pointing that out to punch bomb and she's like, I don't see the difference. I don't remember. And I was like, yeah, it's fine. Yeah, just it's a lot more free. The camera's floating behind your shoulder. And
Starting point is 02:36:44 it's yeah, it's kind of weird. But it's cool. I so far the story is definitely doing the mooso thing, though, of introducing the new OC who's going to come hang out with the main characters. That's not even the mooso thing. That's also a persona thing. It is a persona thing too. Yeah, it's it's a or rather a I believe it was the Atlas like custom character or the arxist custom character. Excuse me. It's an arxist thing. It's it's the poochy system. Hey, let's let's break it down. Okay, persona three. Who's your new character, the female main character? Oh, that's pretty cool. Persona four. Who's your new character? Oh, sorry. No, it'd be three was Mitzi. That's right. It was Mitzi the robot from answer the answer. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 02:37:40 Yeah. Okay. For who comes in? It's Marie. Arena. Who is it? It's labris. Ultimax. It's show. So labris and then I think labris is coming from the same folder as Android 21 where it's it's it's the arxist thing to labris is great. But like the weirdest thing about Ultimax, then royal and then fucking strikers is that the the poochy of the day will be a redhead. Sure. Yes. Yes. Yes. It's it's actually that's three in a row. And Kasumi and Kasumi and Sophie are like the art style and the hair color make them look alike also. Okay, so multiple companies do the poochy because you know, Hyrule Warriors added Sia, right, including Atlas.
Starting point is 02:38:49 So yeah, new character shows up. How do you feel about Sophia the poochy? I mean, it's pretty I feel like I can guess what it what they're doing. And, you know, seems pretty fine and inoffensive. Her code names dumb. But you know, I'm upset that the choice of code name provided a significantly better one than the one you end up being forced to use. Mm hmm. Should have been Sophia is great. Should have been mochi. Her her like, I think that character is fantastic. She's my favorite of the additional poochies they have added by far. In fact, I'll be honest, I like her better than some of the p five cast. Okay, I've got to spend more time but so far seems fine.
Starting point is 02:39:45 Uh, I like I like her better than I guess. Wow. Damn. That's that's a lot. I like I guess that's that's wild. Well, I liked I liked labris better than I like labris too. That's what I like labris. Oh, labris is super good. Labris is really cool. So you know, let's uh, let's see where this goes. But you're I mean, I had her introduction scene and then one or two beyond that. So it's, you know, all I'm really judging is a character design at this point. Let's see where let's see where the plot goes first. You know, dude, you used you played a couple hours. Could Makoto stop being like a narc for like two seconds. Fuck off. Makoto's rules. She's such an awful buzzkill. I like her.
Starting point is 02:40:32 Horrible buzzkill. Terrible. I like Makoto. She's she's she's definitely always going like, okay, guys, come on, let's get serious, but she's still very fucking cool. Anyway, um, it's also really, and I guess I don't know how it was in royal, but here you could where you can set it to like high frame rate mode and just play it optimized on, you know, PS five, seeing everything higher fidelity and no loading screens and shit, just jumping back and forth is also a bit of a wild experience because there's cut scenes that happen when you pick frame rate mode in, in, in, uh, on the PS five version, does it still also give you a higher resolution
Starting point is 02:41:22 or does it just go like 1080p 60? I think it's 1080 60. Okay. But I haven't, I haven't done a full like test cause my first, my first time playing was on the, um, through the Elgato and then afterwards I plugged it directly into to see a little bit and I was like, Oh yeah, there we go. But I think it's just 1080 60. Um, but, uh, yeah, no, it is, uh, it's cool to see, um, the like same, almost the same talking assets coming in smoother. You know what I mean? Like the same. Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. Yeah. The same UI elements, the same talking bubbles, the same like pause, not no new pause screen, new, new UI designs, but like everything is just moving smoother. You know, it's, it's really cool. Yeah. Um, uh, I'm playing it on the PC and it's just like,
Starting point is 02:42:14 please put Royal on PC, please. Yeah. Like these assets scale up real good. And I'm also the, one of the main things I would say that I'm happy about with this being a real sort of like a sequel that's kind of being taken seriously as a sequel is that, uh, you're not having this ridiculous version of the characters that you got with, um, um, the fucking, uh, Etrian Odyssey game. Oh, Q, Q. You don't have the weirdness of Q where it's like, these are not the characters. These are just the she be spin off like, or it should be spin off, um, cute, like hyper exaggerated versions of the characters. Yeah. You want to eat meat. You want to, yeah, you're. Yes. Akihiko. You need your protein. Yadda, yadda, yadda. One note. Yeah. You know,
Starting point is 02:43:16 meat, meat, protein, protein. No, these are the real characters with one meaningful issue. I don't know what to call an issue is that none of them fully completed their arcs in the, the persona five that predates this because they're all using their starting personas. Well, yes. But there was a couple of lines or at least there's a point in the beginning where you're hanging out with the group and then like futabas like, Oh man, people way too much big crowd. What the fuck. And then, uh, and then, uh, I think Mona's like, Hey, I thought you said you were like, okay, with people now with school and stuff, getting you used to it. And she's like, yeah, but this is still way too much. And I'm just going to chill over here. And I was like, what kind of
Starting point is 02:44:06 assholes would drag her out here to begin with? Um, you know, but I feel as if like that's, that's the, that's the ranked 10 futaba, you know, so, um, we'll see where it goes late game. But it feels as if, yeah, these are the real characters hanging out and talking and not just weird, uh, uh, exaggerated, you know, jokey versions of them for spinoff purposes. They let, they let Ryuji say fuck. So, no, that, no, that, he says, he says f in and he says shit all the time. Woolly. Look at your camera. They let Ryuji say fuck. Okay. So there's a count. So there's a count. Okay. There's a count on it. Yeah. So you can, we can all, we can all reorient are allowed to say fuck charts or knows the word, but does not say it.
Starting point is 02:45:00 So far in the, in the intro sequence, he says f in a bunch of times. Mm hmm. Cool. Okay. Uh, but yeah, uh, you know, pretty, pretty fine so far. I wish like the combat seems fine. I'm waiting to experience more of it, but like it feels like you can, it's got the same, it's got the same introduction they all have, man. It's crazy. Like four hours. I don't get to play. Mm hmm. You can use environments and shoot your gun and call in spells and use your person like, you know, it's all there. It's all there. Yeah. I just realized something. Persona games always have to have such a slow start, even the fighting game. It was hours before you got into a real fight. Story mode,
Starting point is 02:45:59 shit. Dancing, dancing all night too. You know, like they had the, oh my God. Massive, massive. Yeah. Which again is preferable to the queue alternative of look, it's the face. Look, it's the line. Say the thing. G a acahiko. You know, every other remember the number of the cast and three and four say the line. Yay. Yeah. Anyway, so far so good. We'll, we'll see where that goes. I'll prepare for difficulty on those boss fights, but if they're rare, then yeah, why not? We, they're pretty rare. It's, it's like you're coasting through the dungeon and then you get to the boss and it's like a fucking smack in the mouth by comparison. Um, we, uh, we, uh, yeah, like we also took a look at, uh, the, the hot topic of the week in
Starting point is 02:47:04 the FGC, which is the King of Fighters 13. Again? Is it because of those incredible, incredible sprites? Uh, no. Also, I was playing it for fun a couple weeks back when I was talking about it. I was planning to come back around to do an episode of it because I just felt like, hey, let's, let's pop in some KOF 13 and fuck around. And boy, those sprites are dead. Siri are gorgeous. Aren't they? Uh, but no, there was a, there was some stuff that was happening as well. So as, but I plan to get back around to this game and then a little bit of FGC drama went down. So then, uh, FGC drama, a little bit of FGC drama went down. So then I was like, yeah, let's play it. Let's play it this week. You know, uh, we elaborate fully in the episode,
Starting point is 02:47:53 of course, and go into the, the whole bit, but, uh, the, the TLDR of the situation is, there's a couple of things people know about the KOF 13. Uh, they know it has some very gorgeous sprites as we've talked about beautiful, beautiful sprites. Although you will find tweets clapping back against that saying sarcastically, uh, KOF 13 has gorgeous art. And then they show you hyper exaggerated characters, like that super dumb big buff guy or like super big forehead girl and like whatever, because, uh, you know, some of the, some of the, uh, uh, proportions are pretty wacky, like, uh, Mai and, and, and Yuri's faces. Yeah. You know, and it's true. It's, it's stylized, but at the end of the day, yeah, I'm like, yeah, that doesn't, that doesn't mean like, you know,
Starting point is 02:48:47 the game's not gorgeous. Like I, they have some style, they have some, uh, uh, exaggerated choices, but I don't, I don't find them offensive considering, you know, the, the, over the years, like they've exaggerated a bunch of things and we've seen like Athena's face go crazy in some of her iterations. So, you know, I, uh, I don't, I don't give that much water, but that aside, the real discussion topic is the trial mode, because the game became a little bit infamous for its trials. When it first launched, it had a series of missions that were really, really hard and this again, always with these trials, always with the trials. So that, uh, basically a tweet came out, uh, where someone, uh, gathered a bunch of the
Starting point is 02:49:40 like videos that like FGC content creators had made. So it had like Max, Kizzy, uh, Jay Wong, and a couple of other people in like a list where it's like thumbnails of them going, man, K, like KOF 13 trials so hard with the, with the thumbnail face going like, holy fuck, you guys weren't kidding, you know, and all that stuff. Um, and basically saying, uh, don't do this, this sucks because, um, this is shitty because it hurts the fan base by putting out the perception that this game is, is super difficult to get into and it scares people away by, uh, going into these, the KOF 13 hard trial meme, right? And, uh, and then that got really like that, that quickly did basically, uh, degenerated into people going like, you're ruining our
Starting point is 02:50:37 community. This is our game, you know, to which Max is like, yeah, okay, sure, our game. Uh-huh. And then it got weird and gatekeepy. And, you know, and then like Jay Wong is weighing in on that too, going like, like what the, what are you, what are you people talking about? Right? That explains a series of tweets that I saw a few weeks ago. Is this a couple of weeks old? Is this like an ongoing thing? About one week, honestly. It happened last week. Okay. Okay. Cause then, cause it's funny cause like this, I saw people talking about this like a month ago. And it was, it was your friend in mind who loves King of Fighters 13 going, I don't know why people say these trials are even hard and it was like putting up videos of him just like effortlessly
Starting point is 02:51:23 busting them out and then showing off a bunch of completely fucking dank 2002, nameless garbage that's way harder and going, this combo sucks. I hate the execution on it. And I go, Oh, I guess the trials aren't that hard after all. And none of that is a really, really funny follow up to that. Yeah. And honestly, none of that matters in the end cause drop kick, you know, just, just whole drop kick. But, um, so it was, but it was particularly, it was interesting to see because people have different takes on it. People have different sides. So yeah, uh, uh, what you're just, so you're describing exactly like, yeah, uh, you know, buttons went in and was, and was talking about like how
Starting point is 02:52:01 that wasn't much of a thing, but also, um, doesn't like the game, which is more than fine, you know, that's, that's, that's, that's his opinion. Um, but they're allowed to be wrong. They're prerogative. That's not the point. The point is, is that this particular thing was about how the trials are creating a perception of difficulty that would scare, that scares away new players and that it memes the game into being impenetrable and it's like kind of like virtual fighter. People just kind of go, oh man, that thing's too hard and are not willing to try it as a result, which is a perception that people can have and is something that will definitely, uh, we can look back and say, yeah, there's probably been some people that heard
Starting point is 02:52:44 about this and went, nah, I'm not going to try it because of what I heard. But, as somebody who's like way into virtual fighter, um, it's been my experience that, um, the problem with people getting into virtual fighter has nothing to do with its reputation as a hyper complex 3D fighting game because Tekken is also like super complicated, but maybe not quite as. It's always been the fact that VF presents itself very plainly. So it's not as exciting to look at. So people just aren't as initially drawn to it as they are with the flashier and in many cases better looking fighting games. Yeah, I would say the VF difficult like meme is mostly like people that know about it are a part of the FGC that play
Starting point is 02:53:36 other games. I don't think it's really echoed out there. Yeah, casually. Like the, the individual virtual fighter character, it might be like, I don't know, 10, 15, 20% more complicated than a Tekken one, but virtual fighter adds one or two new characters per game in the entire series. They're like 55 Tekken characters now. That matchup shit is fucking nightmarish. Yeah. And, and, uh, so what, what, what, what gets talked about there is the fact that Akira is more complicated than most of the cast. So, you know, some people that, uh, and he's player one. So, yeah. So, so, so, so people that, that perhaps are in the FGC, but that don't know this game might look at it and go like, Oh, that's too complex. Right. So there, there, there's that perception argument.
Starting point is 02:54:20 Now, the, what sucks obviously is when it gets into this sort of like, um, yeah, this weird gatekeeping attitude about this is our game and our community and whatever, especially when it's like this game is fucking a decade old and it's pretty much where it is. You know, I have a, I have a opinion about that, which is that it's our game. And yes, it is absolutely your game. Everyone who ever bought a copy of the game, it is their game. And they are just as valid and valuable in that community as anybody else. So if Max bought a copy of KOF 13 one day, it is totally within his right to meme all over that shit as much as he pleases. He is just as important to that community as the people who've been playing it forever.
Starting point is 02:55:13 Furthermore, nonsense, correct. Furthermore, um, his, uh, point was that the combo discovery process and working through a lot of that stuff, even showing that like, uh, showing the trials and all of that is a fun and, uh, exciting thing to watch that people that, uh, people enjoy seeing like what this game has to offer at its nuttiest. And like that, that's worth showing. That's worth showing content for. That's worth people tuning in. Like people want to see that stuff. So it makes sense. Um, so that whole thing leads to this kind of, and now to be fair, the tweet got deleted. And then in the end, you know, the individual kind of said like, Hey, I just wanted to, like, I want to keep things positive. I didn't mean for it to get
Starting point is 02:56:02 into this like whole dramatic, uh, mess and stuff like that. Um, so, you know, all's well, that ends well. Uh, but, uh, there was certainly time for Guna to come in and he made a video in his traditional way of being like, all right, boys, we already said it about the tier lists. Don't retweet, ignore tier lists. Don't talk about KOF 13 trials. Ignore the trials. You know, he, he came in, he came in on the troll wagon, uh, doing what he does. And I made it, made a little funny video there. Um, but, uh, yeah, I decided I was like, okay, well, let's take a look at this and see what's going on. Because effectively the takeaway is when you play the game competitively, even, casually or competitively, the combos you're going to need to do or that you're going to want to learn
Starting point is 02:56:52 are not at all represented, represented by the super hard trials. The super hard trials are kind of just a extreme, um, showcase take on what's possible. But when you see them at their wackiest, like that's not necessarily what you're going to be trying to do as a regular player picking the game up, you know, doing your bread and butters. So, uh, the perception of these insane trials as the things that everyone has to do is, is not the case. Now, uh, in most games, I feel in a lot of fighting games, they'll show you the first couple trials will be practical. And then, um, the last couple will start to get into the wild, less practical, but you know, pretty extreme for whatever purposes. Um, I would say that, uh, is the question is, do trials necessarily always have to be
Starting point is 02:57:54 practical to end game? And I say, no, you're allowed to and should showcase wild and crazy shit just for the hell of it. You know, the trial doesn't implicitly imply that it's going to be a demonstration, but you do usually learn from them. And I think we kind of got into this, this weird space because it can be just for fun or it can be to teach you about the character at the same time. And you know, and if you take, if you decide to interpret it in the worst possible way, then you're going to look at like the stuff that's just for fun as like, no, this is just going to scare away players, you know, and a lot of the super street fighter four trials were like complete trash. You know, so it's not to be used there to show off. And thankfully five introduced
Starting point is 02:58:38 the trials and the demonstration mode where they literally put a paragraph on the screen and talk to you about your move. And they literally just tell you what the character does with each move and why. So it's more than just a trial will teach you, because if you don't know what you're looking for with the trial or how to read information or extract information out of the trials, the demonstration mode will cover that for you, you know. Um, so all this to say, I made a, uh, I basically said, all right, let's take a look at the game and let's try to learn from the community resources from the wiki, from the combo videos on YouTube instead of the trials and see how that goes and see what we learned from it. And, you know, and I had a good time doing so.
Starting point is 02:59:24 Reggie joined me as well, although his take on the situation is more like um, it's stupid to exclude the trials, because what you should do is look at them and see a part of a string that could be educational to you or interesting and just go back and use that, right? Take parts and pieces and put something together on your own. Cause like, that's the type of player he is. And he likes to lab monster and, you know, go practice what the game shows you in like different out of context ways. So, uh, yeah, blah, blah, blah, blah, all this, all this to say that, um, you know, you, you, you, the attitudes you want to have is not one that says, Hey, um, like this, this perception is scaring people away from our
Starting point is 03:00:13 game in this, in this way and that you, like you're not welcome to, to like sort of make this kind of content and stuff. Because again, like I do think that people that have people that are, are like, once you touch the game in many cases, you touch tech end, you touch virtual fighter, you touch Marvel even all these things big, like hard or not. Like there is a basic point where you start to discover for yourself that like, okay, I can't do much, but the couple of things that I can do allow me to be at least this successful, right? You kind of, you know, and, and if the game is early on in its life cycle and you have other competition that is fairly new and everyone's learning together, you'll, we had, we talked about this a little bit with killer instinct,
Starting point is 03:01:01 but you'll have a better chance of running into someone that's around your skill level. But like, I think that like you can't really account for people's perceptions and the way they react to seeing something like that. It's, it's hard to say that like just posting something that looks complicated in a game, like just posting the most advanced replays of something mean that everyone is going to play this way. And if you can't play this way, you're not welcome here. Why even bother? You know? I don't know, man. Like I'm of the opinion that if my game, if it was, if, if Max and, and Sejam and those guys and Jay Wong were putting out fucking videos of like, oh, this bullshit one frame knee in Virtua Fighter, my reaction wouldn't be
Starting point is 03:01:50 how could you make Virtua Fighter seem complicated? I'd be like, I can't fucking believe they're covering Virtua Fighter. Well, there's that. KOF 13 came out 11 years ago, has bad online play, and is not the most popular game. They should be fucking thrilled that people are making KOF 13 videos. Yeah, like, what is the problem? People might see those trials and go, Oh, cool. That game looks fun. I should try it out. It's like five bucks on steam probably. And if you're inclined to look at it and think that doesn't look fun, I don't want to do that. I don't want to touch that, then there's very little you can say about that. There's very little you can do to stop that. That's kind of just going to be their, the perception of it. And hopefully, you know, something will
Starting point is 03:02:47 strike, they will catch their interest, you know, further along in the down the line in the future. But I think there's a reason why those trial videos were very popular and fun to watch, you know, and finding out, of course, that like, you can play the game just fine without doing those things is a bonus. That's great. That's cool. That's, you know, so yeah, so it was a little bit of a little bit of nonsense popping up there. And, you know, so we had an episode doing that. And yeah, I had fun. It was fun. We did some basic bitch combos. We learned some simple ass strings with the characters we wanted to, you know, workshop. And then we took the single one or two combos with each character, very short and sweet.
Starting point is 03:03:34 And we went into some matches and played and had a good time. And that's all that you really need to think about, you know, you don't have to get all caught up. Let me ask you a question, because you would know better than me, because he keeps showing up on my timeline. Is Seijam cool? Seijam's cool. Seijam is very cool. I'm going to follow Seijam. Seijam recently watched. Seijam is one of the best fucking fighting game commentators in the biz. Like he does practice streams where he does like commentary over matches and kind of just like tightens up on his commentary game, you know, and he kind of shows you like, yeah, if you're if you're into commentary, how to go about it and things like that. And I've absolutely tuned in
Starting point is 03:04:23 and learned from his approach to things. And besides that, he's a super chill guy at tournament, like dude's fucking great, man, because I've seen two things of him in the recent past. And I was like, Oh, this guy seems cool. I should follow him. One was you probably saw it was he put up a video of him making like a multiple minute long breakdown of how fucking stupid a YouTube comment was guilty gear. That was a great one. And he's like a comment that's like, you can't get out of this situation. And he's just showing off for like multiple minutes, the 35 different ways you can get out of it. Yeah. Bandit bringer is an escape inescapable in true plus R back in the day. These new games are bullshit. And he's like, No, you can six P it, you can jump back P it,
Starting point is 03:05:10 you can do a reversal, you can do air throw it, you can do like eight things. You're literally just lying. What are you talking about? Yeah, he doesn't take shit. Other thing. The first time I ever saw him was do you remember last week where I was like, I don't like David Sirlan. Okay. Somebody sent me the video of Sageham playing fantasy strike in which Sirlan throws like a fucking tantrum over the fact that Sageham didn't absolutely adore it and acts like a stupid baby. Oh, I haven't seen that. It is like legitimately embarrassing. That sounds like like Sageham is like, yeah, it's pretty good. It's a little simple, though. And then it cuts to like Sirlan and discord going, I have many more years of tournament wins. And you know,
Starting point is 03:06:03 if the game's so high level, maybe they just don't understand it. And it's like, Jesus Christ, you fucking are like a child. That doesn't sound good. That sounds like a bad look. Okay. And is that where is that? Did you see that a while ago? Yeah, somebody sent it to me a Monday night after last week's podcast. Okay. I will tweet it. Well, I mean, you know, yeah, that's that's that sounds pretty shit. I don't like that. But yeah, I will tweet it. I'm one of the few well Sirlan. I'm one of the few that that enjoys fantasy strikes. So, you know, I know that that puts my opinion into shit here. But yeah, no, I like it. I like stuff about it.
Starting point is 03:06:56 I like its idea more than anything about its execution. I think it I shared the same on the early build, but then like when it got a lot better in later builds and they added more to it, I had a lot a lot of fun, you know, I basically like I like how they add I like the new characters and the ideas of them. And I like how it, you know, kind of works out. But what was I saying? Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, no. So yeah. SageM is also known for being one of the like, you know, like forefront of the rollback people that as a rollback advocates. In fact, as a hazard. Well, so we have been nonstop, non shut up constantly going on about rollback. But we are like this podcast, I would
Starting point is 03:07:58 say is FGC adjacent. So a lot of people in that in the FGC have no idea that we've been talking about this for to the point that people complain. And as far as directly in the forefront goes, SageM and Max are the ones that are known in the community for pushing it as hard as possible. The rollback Ian's exactly. Meanwhile, over here on the outside to the more casual fan base, we've been, we've been just pushing it as hard as possible so that, you know, anyone with an earshot will hear. But like I said, there's a the overlap now we're pushing Blitz netcode. So it's going to be a whole thing. Of course. Of course. The overlap over the years, though, over like the this fan base and like,
Starting point is 03:08:45 um, like FGC type stuff has always been present, but like more so on the minimal side, I think it's grown with like, um, I hope I feel like, you know, a cool side effect of playing a lot of fighting games has been like bringing a lot of people in. But the core, uh, the core survival horror, uh, gang is still the, the bedrock, you know. Um, and I would say to a lesser degree, uh, Yakuza's is also survival horror slash Yakuza's gang. I would say I have a strong foot in the door as a Yakuza man. I don't know. I don't know where that is. It's actually kind of confusing because I don't know any other content creators that are big on the Yakuza's. Like I literally don't even know.
Starting point is 03:09:46 But I know I got at least one foot in there. Yeah. No, it's just, I remember how surprising it was to discover, um, talking about fighting games and then being greeted with, uh, the number of people going like, uh, I don't enjoy hearing about this. I don't know what this is. What are you talking about? This sucks. And I remember being really disheartened initially, um, because I was like, oh man, the audience here is coming from that. And it's, well, it's coming from two best friends place. So it's, it's based on, you know, what you guys brought in there. So I, I'm definitely not pulling in as many raw fighting game fanatics out of the wild. Have you ever thought that maybe fighting games are bad? I have. In fact, I've thought about it many times.
Starting point is 03:10:44 What if, but the science says, what if though, the science says they're good. Science says inconclusive needs more data, needs more data. Probably good though. Probably good. I don't know, man. I just, I have a whole lot of like, super, um, what's the word, um, anecdotal fucking evidence to, to, to submit and that ain't worth shit in the court. I'm like, well, your honor, uh, when I was a kid, no, okay. Uh, when I was in college, no, okay. Uh, when I was, uh, in, uh, the Montreal scene and no, all right. Well, I went to Eve. Okay. Nope. All right. Well, your honor, when I was a child, I went into my local arcade and the mortal combat three machine was so loud. I think I have tinnitus from standing near it. Oh wow. Confirmed fighting games. Great.
Starting point is 03:11:55 Yeah. I might have tinnitus from some of those arcade machines. They were, they were, they were very, very obviously not safe to stand next to. But I, but I do want to make sure that it's clear that I'm not, uh, like the positive note that it ended on was the discovery of initially, uh, how few other people from the, the, the raw fan base were into the, into the same thing, into the fighting games. And like over the years, there's been lots and lots of conversions or at the very least like interest, you know, and like the amount of people that have adopted it or at the very least been like, Oh yeah, I'm giving this a shot or so, you know, every now and then has
Starting point is 03:12:44 increased and increased and it's become really, really cool to see that. So like initially I thought there would just be like, I don't know, a group of people that were like aware of and then had an understanding of this thing and we're into it in the same way that there's like, we don't necessarily play a whole lot of like first person shooters, but there's a bunch of people here that do and they know about them and they're in there, you know, and the same for like RTSs and, um, card games, for example, like none of these things are things we're super hard into, but they exist. Don't worry, buddy. Nobody, nobody's into RTSs anymore. Oh boy. Well, uh, I mean, damn, what's current?
Starting point is 03:13:31 I couldn't even tell you. I literally, I literally don't even know. I couldn't even tell you. Um, but yeah, but yeah, the happy ending has been the, the conversion and then the realization that like, oh shit, like there's an opportunity here to act as a bridge or a conduit to teaching this information and, you know, guiding, shirping people over if they're interested and then that's become the role and that's become a fun unexpected twist on things. So, um, yes, I've come to enjoy that. Anyway, KOF 13, that stuff happened and it was whack, but then it was funny. And in the end, game's still fun. Is it? It's got pretty sprites. It's got really nice sprites. That should be the meme really. Yeah, it really should be. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:14:31 Um, yeah, played some more Neo, not much to say, just, you know, continuing along that, that road. Uh, but yeah, you can tune into Woolly versus if you'd like to see, uh, Arkham asylum currently going down. Um, turns out all that music is copyrighted. Turns out there's nothing you can do. So yeah, we're just going to upload every episode and what we muted it and started playing for like 30 seconds and immediately backed down because it sucked and it felt weird and I didn't like it. Um, so then I was like, well, let's weigh our options here. And, uh, in the end we were just going to, we're just going to play it and we're going to get flagged on every video and they'll all get blocked in certain countries and demonetized and that'll just be it
Starting point is 03:15:27 and we'll just, you know, we'll just take the hit. It'll be fine. I don't want to play it with muted music. That would suck so much. Yeah, don't do that. No, no, I really don't. Um, so thanks YouTube. Thanks Twitch. Well, mainly YouTube to be honest. Um, yeah, we'll, we'll just continue and then it's going to get flagged and, uh, and yanked and, you know, it doesn't seem like there will be any like strikes or major damage to the channel for putting it up there as like with the just run some weird ads on it. They will. Um, no, they won't. It can't be monetized once it's once it's flagged. Yeah. That's, that's it. So, uh, so that's what we're doing. Um, no, I see this. Where could they check out more of that stuff if they want to see more of that stuff?
Starting point is 03:16:19 Uh, over at Willy versus. We're also continuing with Yakuza like a dragon and it continues to be fucking aces. Uh, we have now, uh, been demoted to hobo guy and that's rad. Living that homeless life, getting those cans. I really, really enjoy that the game is aware of and directly addresses Ichiban being someone who goes, dammit, can't these fucking homeless people just get up and get a goddamn job? And then your dude's like, what the fuck dude? No, no, it's not that simple idiot. The fuck is wrong with you? And then he just, you go get a job and then he fails to get a job. Oh, well, I'm sorry. It's like, yeah. And it's like, you can almost feel the game yelling at the player, uh, perhaps, you know, the player in Japan that might be looking
Starting point is 03:17:24 uh, at somebody in that predicament with disdain and trying to convince them, Hey, it's not that simple. Fuck face. There's other factors at play. You know, yeah. Um, so doing good work there. Yakuza are doing good work. Good shit. And, uh, yeah. Sekiro also continues. We went, we went headlong into the ending bullshit and boy did we get hit with it. So yeah, gotta unload some saves, gotta fucking cloud download and fix our progress and fun times ahead. So, uh, all of that continues on woolly versus on twitch and youtube. Thank you. Oh, also, I forgot to talk about mortal shell. It's like a souls like it's like a really janky ripoff, but it's cool. It's got good stuff. You should check it out. It's more shell.
Starting point is 03:18:20 Mm hmm. Mm hmm. It's, it's, uh, been sitting there. I've been meeting highly jank, but it's got good stuff in it. Yeah. I remember the trailer looked pretty, pretty pretty. Yeah. It's there. There's something there. I would like to apologize for rambling incoherently. I think during that KOF 13 segment because linking, thinking back on it, I was struggling to get to a point and I didn't know how to make it. And I feel like I literally just talked filler words for like five minutes straight. I'll be honest. I was listening to you the whole time. I really actually don't know what you were talking about aside from gatekeeping bad. I was trying to effectively say gate, I was trying to
Starting point is 03:18:59 say gatekeeping bad perception of long combo. Uh, can't be helped is real problem, but also those people will do that anyway. And yeah, people who care will care. And I kind of listen as somebody who's made a lot of excuses to thousands of people about why I'm not going to get into this particular fighting game. Unless they fixed like really core issues, even if they fixed those excuses, like at the end of the day, like I don't play skull girls cause I just don't care for skull girls. Like I think big band is cool. So I messed around with them, but like I'm never going to be in love with skull girls cause I just, I'm just not. So when people go, ah, I can't get into KOF 13 cause of the combos and the trials or KOF in
Starting point is 03:19:55 general. And then all that shit changes. A lot of the times underneath that it's just like, I don't, I just don't really like King fighters. Like all the way on the underneath all as long as we get there chasing after those people is often a waste. Yeah. As long as we get there. Um, but I'm aware that I do that a lot, but I feel like that one was particularly bad. So, uh, in the end, although I highly recommend you check out some Seijam commentary, uh, cause he fucking kills it. Super good. Um, that's, that's the, that's the fucking, the four heavenly kings right there. You know, um, James Chan, ultra David, tasty Steve and, uh, Seijam are like the guys, you know, and then you got, uh, Yipes
Starting point is 03:20:45 as the, just the wild card drop him anywhere and he'll, he'll hype that shit up with Chris Matrix. All goats. All goats. I have a story to tell you before we leave. It's a quick one. It's about sponsors. You've been, you've been contacted by sponsors for your channel, right? We all have a bunch of business emails. I was recently contacted to be a sponsor for a particular company and they're like, Hey man, just checking out your content. Want to see your cool. Glad to sponsor you this, this, this and this. And I was like, Oh, that's cool. Hey, I just, I'm glad to take the sponsor. I just got to let you know that I have talked some mad shit about your company in the past. And they were like, Oh yeah, like what? And then I told them and they were
Starting point is 03:21:29 like, Oh man, that's great. I'm going to have to check with my boss to see if this thing still open. And that was last week. Oh, yo, full disclosure, huh? Damn. I was like, he's like, Oh, like you complained about this or that. I'm like, no, I called your CEO a scum sucking bitch, coward, liar, asshole and a bordering criminal. Quoted. Quoted. He was like, uh-huh. Uh-huh. Quoted in the email. No, this is not an email. This is a discord chat. Oh, straight up. Wow. In print. Okay. Damn. And, uh, well, it was over text and, uh, and it was like, Oh, well, what about the company? I'm like, I said that you guys were cowards and that you ripped everybody off on this one and on this one and, uh, that the developers of this game were
Starting point is 03:22:32 being fucked over by your management. Uh, and he was like, Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Well, I, I, you know, I'm just in PR. I don't know any about that stuff. Uh, oh man, good talk. And then we shared dog pictures. Okay. And talked about feeding our dogs. Okay. And I think the funniest part of this story is that even with all those details, man, that fits a lot of companies in the game space. Yeah. I'm going to go. At first I was, I was going to make a joke about a quantic nightmare, but then I was like, wait a second. No, let's talk about, no, we did that. No, no. Yeah. Yeah. And then I was like, no, no, no, hold on. We might be talking about a box, a box full of gears. Here. Well, they all tell you what it was. Okay. That, that it does apply to quite a few things.
Starting point is 03:23:29 Hmm. Yeah. I did not see that coming. Wow. Yeah. Me either. Damn. But I was like, oh, I should like there. I, before I take this deal, I really should because they're going to find out all that shit. I said, oh boy. Wow. That's, yeah, that's way spicier than I thought. All right. That's fun. That's a fun, that's a fun one. All right. Well, yeah. And who ain't, ain't, ain't guys, guys, it was, it was Cliffy B. He wanted me. It's not, not who I thought. Lawbreakers too. Oh my God. All right. Well, anyway, um, on that note, I'll let you know, I'll let you know once the deal is 100% guaranteed to
Starting point is 03:24:30 have fallen through. How about that? Right now, if it does go through, I will compliment them for still accepting my sponsorship, even though I talked all that shit. Well, how about this? That's proof positive that they do not do their research thoroughly. Not at all before reaching out at all. At all. They literally, they go down the list on like Twitch tracker or something. And they go like 3,800, 3,801, 3,802. Is the language right? Is the region right? Oh, let's send off the email. Well, let's take a quick word from our sponsors then, shall we? Let's do it. This week, the podcast is brought to you by Raycon. Hey, Raycon, what's up? Wires are bad. I need
Starting point is 03:25:29 stuff without wires. Could you help me, Raycon? Yes. Wireless earbuds. They're a thing of the future. You do not need to be tripping up all over that old bullshit of the past. You do not need to have bunches up in your pockets and all the garbage. We've extolled the virtues of the wireless earbuds many times in the past. And I continue to do so. The Raycon wireless earbuds are coming at you with basically like everything that you need for a comfort. And as I've mentioned in the past, Punch Mom has been using her pair all over for hours. You got charges up to six hours, no problem. There's a microphone in there. You can take your calls. And yeah, I know she takes her naps as well, listening to some white noise. So it's been pretty much a thing to see her using them
Starting point is 03:26:30 everywhere around the apartment. And yeah, of course, you're talking about seamless Bluetooth technology that pairs quickly and easily. Enough battery life for that six hours of playtime. You can unplug for a while. And these quality earbuds are coming at you starting at half the price of other premium brands. So get yourself out of the wire life and get into the wireless. Listen, you know what you can't do with Raycon earbuds and thank God, when I was younger and I had like piece of shit $10 wired earbuds, and I'd be waiting for the Metro, I would grab those earbuds and I would spin them around in my hand. I'd be like, I'm bored. I'm spinning them. And a couple times literally more than once, they let go of them and they spun out of my hands and went into
Starting point is 03:27:25 the fucking train tracks in the Metro. And that was that and they were gone. Yep. Can't do that with earbuds. What are you gonna swing nothing the air none of that stupid shit. Because God forbid you don't swing your your shit around like an idiot. That's not going to happen. So get those impulsive get those wires out of your life. Raycon's offering 15% off all their products for our listeners. And what you got to do is go to buy slash Superbeast. That's it. You'll get 15% off your entire Raycon order. So feel free to grab a pair and a spare that's 15% off at B U Y R A Y C O slash Superbeast by slash Superbeast. Thanks Raycon. Thanks Raycon.
Starting point is 03:28:21 Podcast is also sponsored by Freshly. So as you know, dinner time can be chaotic with Freshly. It's very easy. The chef takes care of your meals a few nights a week and takes the pressure off of you. It's that simple. They help you eating right with this dish. Blah with delicious meals designed by nutritionists and cooked by chefs. So it's made easier to eat better. So basically Freshly offers chef made nutrition packed delicious meals straight to your door. Pretty much is about getting healthy meals straight to you as you wish. And yeah, you're pretty much getting them every week. So you can keep your fridge stocked
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Starting point is 03:30:17 And last but not least, the podcast is sponsored by Honey and we've talked about it in the past, but it's real simple. You shop online. You put your stuff in the cart. You go to the cart. You go to checkout and then you see that promo code box and it's like, Hey man, if you know the secret code to put in here, then you just get to save money. Don't have to pay a couple dollars. But if you don't know the codes, then you're not allowed. Well, not allowed. You need to know the secret codes. Well, you don't know them, but honey does because basically that's that's that's that's their whole gig. Their whole gig is searching for and finding all the best promo codes on the internet and applying them to your cart right before you checkout so that you can save money. Supports over
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Starting point is 03:32:09 super beast. That's join slash super beast. Thanks, honey. Thanks, honey. Whoa. Hungy. Hungy. You can hear that. Oh yeah. No, he playing, he playing with his toy and he wanted to throw it, but then he doesn't want to give it to me. That was a, like a frisket growl. Yeah. He's, uh, he's a big dumb baby and he seems very scary, very scary dog. We had a situation, uh, a couple of days ago where a lady saw him and was like, oh no, I'm scared of dogs. And then Paige was like, no, but he's friendly. And then the dog laid down on his stomach and wagged his butt and she was like, oh okay. And then she petted him and then they were friends. There you go.
Starting point is 03:33:00 We're going to get him little, uh, we're going to get him little stickers like that we can put on his harness that say friendly. You know, he will eventually stop being a big dumb baby. He will eventually grow into a big dumb man. No, that's not true. This dog is going to be a big dumb baby for 10 to 15 years and then transition straight into skeleton. There will be no maturity. There'll be a, a bonnet and a sus just to ensure consistent baby hood. Well, uh, hopefully this is not a visual bit, but Pat has gotten up and walked away. Um, he might be retrieving a binky of some kind. Again, it's really just a visual bit, but you can see all of this over on Pat's Twitter. I'm sure, um, there's, well, you've seen it on stream. He's got a binky,
Starting point is 03:34:01 likely some, some visual bullshit for you, but don't worry about it. MP3 folks. It ain't a big deal. That's okay. Well, anyway, I don't know where the binky is. No worries, Paige. The point is the dog does have a sus. Yes. All right. Cause he's a baby. Uh, let's talk news. Not a whole lot of it, but there's a couple of bangers in there. Ah, where to start? How about news this week? Let's start with, um, the hashtag EA gate then. Let's, let's go right to that. What EA in trouble for why? Leaked DMs appear to show a company employee selling icon cards and packages priced at $750 to $1,000 a pop for the football. Wow. I'm getting scammed on my scam. Wow.
Starting point is 03:34:56 Fell off the back of the truck loot boxes. Yeah. FIFA 21 has, I mean, is it like, I can't remember cause it comes up so often, but I feel like every single FIFA release, there's a story of some bullshit like this or surrounding the card rarity player bullshit system. We've always had some sort of fucking illegal thing at some point to talk about at least once a year. I don't know. Well, every single year, there's a news story that hits my timeline when FIFA comes out and as people who buy FIFA and go, wow, FIFA fucking sucks this year. I can't believe I bought it again. Again. And yet you keep buying it. Which is, it's, it's the same story every year and I'm, I'm, I just, and then there's always like a
Starting point is 03:36:03 criminal part. There's always a part that's like, FIFA now manages to make ultimate cards out of orphan blood. I legitimately record sales. So is it just like, cause here's the thing, right? I, I, I know people and I've spoken to people cause as some, I used to, you know, buy a Madden games all the time and play the football back in the day. And the, there's a level of like, it's just a tradition. We're always going to buy it. That's not a question, right? My cousins used to buy NBA live as well, right? Like it was, it's not about it as a game, like product as much as it is just a regular tradition that goes hand in hand with my sports fandom. So it's, it's a different group of people that are not necessarily choosing between this other game or that, or
Starting point is 03:37:11 that FIFA purchase, you know? Yeah. So when it falls into that kind of category, it just ends up like nothing they do is going to mean you're not going to buy it. It's just you're, it's going to be extra bullshit and you're going to be like, well, fuck that extra purchase. I'm not going to go buy those cards or whatever the infraction is. But the idea of not owning the, the annual FIFA game is that it's not going to happen, you know? Yeah, of course. I mean, like the average sports fan is not a discerning customer for their content. And I mean, you knew that already because they watch sports like it's, I mean, that's just how it is. Like, oh, wow. I buy, I buy Madden every year because I love football. Okay. All right. Yeah, I got it. So what I did see happening
Starting point is 03:38:15 is it feels like people who used to do that with wrestling games eventually hit a point where they went, fuck this 2K19 bullshit. Yeah. I'm actually done and they tapped out. Yeah. It you're, you know what? I had never really put it together, but you're completely right. I was a person who played a lot of wrestling games and every kid I knew in high school played wrestling games because every, every boy was way into wrestling in my high school. And even by the end of high school, like they're like fucking WrestleMania, not wrestling, no mercy came out. And then everything that came out after that was like fucking kind of trash. Yeah. And I saw people dropping off. People would bought like garbage like attitude. And then as I went through
Starting point is 03:39:07 college, people were just dropping off, dropping off, dropping off. And even like on the line, you see people that like the diehard wrestling fan that buys every wrestling game that comes out has like fucking vaporized. So annualized, the annualized sports fan purchase for wrestling has gone because the quality dropped, which means there is a bottom threshold. There is a point that it, that it can hit, you know, but scummy practices on like microtransactions is not going to be what scares people away. In the case of the wrestling games, it was a buggy shit mess. Yeah. The, and it's not just the like, it's interesting because the wrestling games had an issue that the soccer game or the Madden game or the hockey game, man, whatever don't have.
Starting point is 03:40:01 And that is when, when your wrestling game is a buggy pile of trash that looks terrible, it no longer resembles wrestling at all. It like, you know, when Booker T comes out and you're like, who the fuck is that? Like, is that, is that supposed to be Booker T or Triple H's hair is like shooting straight up off his fucking body and you're like, oh, come on. And everything looks like trash. No matter how bad Madden is from across the room, it still looks like a broadcast football game. Like the baseline for quality in terms of visual like disgust is higher on your average sports game. Yeah, it's what if the FIFA game is ever rushed and a buggy fucking mess and then the next year they do the same, but even worse, that is probably going to wake people up,
Starting point is 03:41:04 but it just, it's not going to be the micro, you know, it won't be the scam. Yeah, like wrestling, like sports games are bad and they've been bad for a long time, but man, wrestling games are terrible. Like they're fucking terrible. We played them on our channel as a goof because they are so bad. And when we did WrestleMania, it was absolutely eye-opening that like I knew that the N64 wrestling games were great. And you guys had heard about the PS1 ones, but never really touched them and you were like, oh, there's some good stuff in some of these PS1 games. Like you still preferred the N64 ones, but yeah, the PS1 SmackDown games are good. And some of the PS2 stuff was good too. And then like as we would go forward in time, like after the PS2 onwards,
Starting point is 03:41:56 like every single game was worse than the one before it, over and over and over and they become like fuck, just awful. And it became easier and easier to find the high note bug to end on because you know that 20 minutes of play will lead to some nonsense bullshit. Yeah. Every time. Like it was wild. And it's like, for better or for worse, the sports games have been mostly unchanged for like 15 years. But like they're bad, but they're not getting like way worse super fast like the wrestling games were. Like every wrestling game had that moment in its reveal where you could see it was noticeably worse than the game that came out the year before. So the 2K19 bugs were like, I heard them like on the radio, like radio morning shows
Starting point is 03:42:56 talking about how fucking bad it got, you know, like it it absolutely hit mainstream like holy fuck, look at this ref duck walking, you know, and everything go. Yeah, it was it. Boof. Anyway, so FIFA bullshit. Has EA responded? Seems like they're waiting on official comments. They probably said some bullshit. Who cares? They're liars. Whatever they say, it's a lie. No, they did. They did respond. Hold on. And the response was fucking crazy. Oh, let me find this. Oh, different launching investigation. Investigation is we want to be clear. This type, if we identify in proper conduct,
Starting point is 03:44:00 we will take swift action. We want to be clear. This type of behavior is unacceptable. And we in no way condone what is alleged to have happened here. We understand how this creates concerns about unfair balance in the game and competition. We'll update the community as we get more clarity on the situation. That part about the balance and competition is the funniest part because there's no concern about Jimmy blowing 10 grand off his mom's credit card to get these players in their FIFA ultimate team naturally. But there's a huge concern to balance if you get it via a shady car boot sale from an employee. There's no difference. The only difference
Starting point is 03:44:48 is one is a much money getting paid to EA and the other is an employee stealing profits from EA. And it's only unacceptable because EA didn't get their cut because it's like you've because now this is this is a two there's a two layered story here because the system, the bullshit system in place allows for an employee to exploit in this particular manner. You know, and the fix of course would never be to not allow that system to exist. It would of course be to punish that employee for profiting on what they were doing. But I mean, if I'm not mistaken, the last version of the story was about drop rates for like Ronaldo and Pele and whatnot being like completely impractically impossible to get.
Starting point is 03:45:48 Yeah, they're like 1%. Anyway, thanks football. To anybody who wants a perfect example of this that I just thought up, will you ever play paintball? I sure have many times. You remember, you remember going down to the paintball shop and you rent your paintball equipment and you get the equipment you fucking pay for because you have your starter pack and then you have the fucking like airsoft rifles that have been modified into paintball guns.
Starting point is 03:46:24 Yeah, and what if what if you were friends with one of the employees and he let you take out one of the fancy guns for 50 bucks and then the management of the paintball resort says we can't believe that our employees would influence the balance of the paintball game here at the park by offering these kinds of goods illicitly yada yada. You're supposed to pay $200 to rent that goddamn airsoft variation. Guillaume has been disciplined. Yeah, yeah. The dude, I love paintball.
Starting point is 03:47:03 I want to play that like once a year tops because man, I was all fucked up. Well, here's the thing about play paintball. You play it twice and then you realize that you're gonna play more often than that. And then you stop renting equipment and start buying your own shit. So my brother and I customizing your own rig. Exactly. So my brother and I started buying paintball guns and getting our own shit because it was like fuck fuck renting this garbage where you can watch your bullets drop
Starting point is 03:47:33 as the air the compressed air gets weaker and weaker after like 10 shots. You know, yeah. I remember the last time I think I don't know if you were with me the last time I went and played paintball. You might have been. Did you ever come up with me way up to the north? I don't remember. It's been a very long time.
Starting point is 03:47:52 Yeah. But I was playing with the pieces of shit guns and in the setup period, like three guys walked by head to toe like leather biker like motorcycle gear with what looked like actual machine guns that happened to be paintballs. Mm hmm. And like it's almost like you could hear the screams from the direction they walked off into. Oh yeah. Like the real motherfuckers, the dudes that have the gloves, the gauntlet gloves that can deflect
Starting point is 03:48:29 the balls as they walk forward and fire like beast mode. It's like we're we're here to kill the vacationers. And we spent our money to do so. Yeah. Good times. Yeah. You could also the place I ended up liking there was a you could rent a helicopter. If you wanted to play on the big field in the large matches,
Starting point is 03:48:57 you could literally rent a helicopter and fire from it. They were crazy. Anyway, we're incredibly disappointed that our employees offered the ability to fly a helicopter over the paintball game, thus ruining the balance for lower than the stated price. In the meantime, your boy is back in the mean. Who's that?
Starting point is 03:49:29 Your old friend. Who's that? D to the E to the N to the U to the V to the O. Dinovo undead arises to join exclusive PlayStation five tools in middleware programs offering anti-cheat technology to game developers. Dinovo lives again. Quite frankly, it never left if you really want to be serious. Dinovo has been around this whole time.
Starting point is 03:50:04 And it continues. So I don't I don't understand this. As usual, the quick rundown for anyone who doesn't know. Dinovo is an anti-cheat system that fucking sucks. It's a garbage anti-tamper that requires you to have a hold on, hold on, hold on. Dinovo anti-cheat and anti-tamper are two completely different things. Excuse me. The tamper is the night is the fucked up one.
Starting point is 03:50:36 Okay. So it is a form of DRM that requires you to be connected to the internet to validate your purchase. And then once your game begins, it runs some fucking heavy CPU usage that effectively ruins the games that it's put into. In particular, if you're running your game on an SSD, it kind of kills your fucking hard drive. And yeah, no fucks are given. They just they put this in and it makes the games run worse and it's been shit for years.
Starting point is 03:51:25 I'm trying to look up the difference between the two because they are they're very significantly different. Well, anti-cheat is to stop people from running aim bots and things like that in online and multiplayer environments. Anti-tamper is to stop people from pirating the game. That's the difference. Yeah, the one you're thinking of is anti-tamper. Anti-tamper is the one that's super fucked and requires the online
Starting point is 03:52:00 verification. PS4 games did use anti-cheat. Already. Okay, I see. Sorry about that. Yep, this this story, this story is particular. This story is particular to the anti-cheat console usage. Yeah, because anti-tamper is the one that is constantly running extra shit inside the EXC,
Starting point is 03:52:39 which is what is constantly overriding your SSD. Anti-cheat doesn't do that. Like, Dunevo is like not great. It is a form of DRM, but anti-cheat is kind of inoffensive. The anti-tamper, however, is like a huge problem. And the fact that no one can tell the two apart means the Dunevo fucking sucks at letting people know which one is which. Because I still make the mistake when I'm not looking at the PC gaming wiki to check.
Starting point is 03:53:16 Well, this story I'm reporting is specifically, again, about PS5 usage of anti-cheat. Yeah, it's not the end of the world, I guess. All right, non-story. If you said anti-tamper, then like, holy shit. Because that's just straight up garbage. But it would also be like, why even bother putting that on a console, right? Like, how many people are fucking ripping early copies of digital console games off, you know?
Starting point is 03:53:48 Like, that'd be weird. Yeah, and I remember the stories would always be that like, versions without it would then just immediately suddenly run better. Yeah, like, I've had the experience of games that I have had review codes for, had anti-tamper that was removed in the day one patch, and there was like a performance uptick. Like, as soon as it was removed. Yeah, Tekken 7 had it. Yeah, Monster Hunter had it implemented badly.
Starting point is 03:54:28 And that's one of the reasons Iceborne was like, ran so fucking shit for a lot of people. Oh, very excited. Oh, hey, did you play the MagnaMalo Rise demo? Nope. Oh, man. Dude, fucking no chance against that dude. Like, holy shit.
Starting point is 03:54:55 Fucking ran up against him like five, ten times, like not even close. Just complete fucking beat down. That's a sw- Holy shit. That's a topic switched to Monster Hunter there, by the way. Yeah. Yeah, I don't haven't. How long is that up for?
Starting point is 03:55:19 Forever. Okay, cool. But the game's out in like 16 days. Well, speaking of Switch, apparently, if you're playing Apex Legends on Switch, you're- Oh, man. You are getting thrown into cross-play matches and you're dying.
Starting point is 03:55:55 And- Yeah, with people that can literally see farther than you. The only- And you're pretty much fucked unless you go and turn cross-play off. So cross-play is on by default. And, you know, cross-play is good. I always am championing more people being able to play together on the same servers. But the Switch version, yeah, you see a shorter draw distance, blur your textures,
Starting point is 03:56:25 and your frame rate is locked at 30. And if you play it on hand- You can get PC players. Yeah, and if you're playing on handheld mode, exactly. PC people can literally see you from further than you can see them. Then they can snipe you and kill you in situations in which you are looking at them and you can't see them. So go turn cross-play off if you're playing on Switch.
Starting point is 03:56:52 Because- Right, like that is- Yeah. No. I appreciate the option. Man, that is a problem. Like, that is a real problem. Quick Dreamcast.
Starting point is 03:57:07 There was a- Man, oh man. There was a situation in 14 where if you were playing a certain raid on the PS3, fucking monsters would not load into the encounter in time. Oh, Jesus. Because it just- it just couldn't handle it. And so like, I think there was a raid tier that was like actually incompletable on PS3. Did you just de-sync or disconnect?
Starting point is 03:57:37 Did I just de-sync or disconnect? No, did the PS3 player- No! It would just- You would be fighting and then you'd be being attacked by invisible enemies. And then after you had died, the models would load in. Yeah, cross-play needs to be tested. There's growing pains.
Starting point is 03:58:09 Still, better existing than not existing. But you need to- Yeah, if it's not a fair- If it's not a fair situation, then you need to find- You need to have a filter in place. Oh, I'm seeing people say that like destiny would lose sound during raids on the 360. Like the- Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 03:58:32 That's good. That's good. So they just dropped a teaser for Doom Eternal, Ancient Gods part two. The full trailer will be coming a little bit later. But- There's a bit of a spoiler there if you didn't beat Ancient Gods part one. One would assume, yeah. There's some cool shit happening.
Starting point is 03:59:01 I don't know what I'm looking at, but it looks cool. There's a certain bad man in a robot suit that looks really, really familiar. Yeah, I don't think too hard about it. But yeah. Actually, really don't like- Like the game is don't think too hard about it. So yeah, not a full trailer, so not much to really say, but there's like, they just show you like a couple seconds and then they go,
Starting point is 03:59:30 real trailer coming on the 17th. So yeah, this week later. Not much to say there. So I'm not a hundred, but I think this story was found by the subreddit. But at the very least, it's the first place I saw it reported, and then I saw quote tweets linking back to this thread. But Deathstroke in the Snyder League movie has a fucking halo emblem on his sword, because that's what shows up when you Google Razz Al Ghul,
Starting point is 04:00:12 or Rache Al Ghul, excuse me, Rache Al Ghul. Because that halo symbol was used in a fan-made wiki crossover comic world, and it originally came from a halo like clan icon. So I think it's a brute symbol. Someone went all the way through the efforts, because that was also available in a full-sized PNG, and then they 3D printed it and made a metallic emblem and put it on a sword seen in the movie. Like literally, the very first image is they pulled it and printed it out,
Starting point is 04:00:58 because it's even the same color. It's like they just literally grabbed the first thing. And the craziest thing is when you type in Rache Al Ghul's symbol into Google, all of the symbols are different. Yep. Like the whole page is wildly different symbols all over the place. You had choices. But they picked the first one, which was also, again, the highest,
Starting point is 04:01:25 I think it was also because it was the one that was available transparent in full-quality PNG. The others were small. So when I saw this, my jaw fucking dropped because, and I shit you not, Woolly, back when I played Halo 3. That was your icon? That was my profile icon, and it was in that color. A lot of people are saying they used that icon back in the day. It was one of the best ones.
Starting point is 04:02:05 And like, I'm glad Deathstroke thinks my Halo 3 play was lit, because damn, damn, thanks Deathscroat. That's right. I went down that Pokemon fucking shithole fanfiction thing a while ago, and all I can say is like, if you do an insane enough job of making your shit prominent on the internet so that it becomes the first Google searchable result, whatever bullshit you find, if someone's doing official work and relying on Google searches, you might get your fanfictions into the real shit. Or at the very least, the Snyderverse.
Starting point is 04:02:55 I think I was saying like, when you look up Yui Ikari, I don't know if it's still there, but at the time, when you look up Yui Ikari, it leads you to a wiki page for this stupid Pokemon verse first, before it leads to anything official Ava related. Is that still the case? I don't know if it's still the case, but it was when I went down that. Okay, the first response right now is Evangelion. Okay, the second, the second result. The second is Sumo first.
Starting point is 04:03:30 Yep, that's the one. That's the one. Sino characters, female characters. Yep. She's, she's from Tokusan city in Hoenn. It takes a second to because you see the full profile. You see the little blue text, Gendo and Shinji. And you go basic information, Kaoru, Rei, Ava, yep, all is normal.
Starting point is 04:03:57 You know. But it's only when you start getting around to the childhood, where it says that she was a prominent researcher in Hoenn for the Galactic Corporation, that it starts to get a little bit sus. You know? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyway, I don't know, I don't know what it takes, but I suspect it's just a sheer grit
Starting point is 04:04:27 and willpower to just fill up a wiki with your own stupid bullshit for long enough. And the internet will not be able to deny it. Google will collapse in the result of your sheer unending fucking willpower. And this is what Metal Gear Solid 2 was about. Uh, yeah. So League of Shadows confirmed Halo. Good job. Good job, Slater.
Starting point is 04:05:00 Was this the society that Joker was referring to? The society of fan fictions? Apparently that line is straight up not in the movie. Oh, it was just a trailer tease. It was just to get memes out. Yep. That's that's infuriating. That is infuriating.
Starting point is 04:05:27 Absolute cowardice of the highest odor. I have no respect for it. I have zero fucking respect for that shit. You're going to cloud bike shot your stupid line that you use as the stinger for the trailer just to get meme reactions. Fucking cowardice of the highest order. At least if you're going to do that dumb shit, have the balls to commit. It was dumb when it was in, but have the balls.
Starting point is 04:06:02 You fucking cowards. God damn it. And Lito knew it the whole time and hand it up anyway. Let's just let's just remove Virgil's fedora. You know what? Let's just let's just go ahead. Let's just go ahead and remove that Virgil fedora. All right. Well, a couple other stories, not that many, but just to get around to them.
Starting point is 04:06:28 One 13 Sentinels has sold 400,000 copies, shipments and digital sales. Not good enough. Should do better. Could do better. Not good enough. One for a friend. So here's where we're at. Right.
Starting point is 04:06:41 This is definitely in the realm of like, okay, it's not a million, but it easily could be. But based on everyone's replies, feedback and in general, the comments underneath the reports on the sales. People are, uh, one pretty much like, yeah, it needs to be ported to switcher PC. A lot of folks are just like, at least switch and PC. Ideally fucking both because I don't think this game is going to have a problem with technical limitations. It's a whole lot of gorgeous 2D art.
Starting point is 04:07:25 But yes, the number one complaint or at the very least response is I would have bought it if it was ported to another platform. But the fact that it's on PS4 and PS5 is means I can't get it. Then, uh, beyond that is like, you know, uh, yeah, I was thinking about it. I should get around to it slash, you know, the obvious word of mouth stuff that we've been, we've been trying to get going, but the inability to fully talk about it in a way that doesn't spoil things or at the very least doesn't, the grip shit is also the spoilable shit, as we've said many times, but porting would be the big thing.
Starting point is 04:08:05 The problem, of course, is that when was the last time vanilla where ported a game? Oh, they ported dragons crown to the Vita. Yeah, that's it. They should fucking port dragons crown over too. They should fucking port dragons crown over too. Um, I've been playing dragons right now on the personal computer. God damn it. Yeah.
Starting point is 04:08:37 Muramasa. That's pretty much it, huh? Yeah, they did. Muramasa. Also ported from the Wii to the Vita. Mm hmm. Vanilla where's, uh, they just go PlayStation pretty much the whole time. They're like Atlas, but more almost with, uh, with very few exceptions, you know, so
Starting point is 04:09:00 I would not hold out for a PC anything. I feel like they just, they've, they would have done it by now, but maybe the sales would encourage them to look into that, you know, because God damn it. This thing could fucking do numbers if, if that was the case. I really thought it was a lot more about word of mouth and just on awareness. I didn't realize how many people just didn't have PlayStation 4s that were, uh, among the, well, I know a lot of people are have PCs specifically this generation rather, but I mean in the feedback, I wouldn't have attributed that to most of the folks that wanted it,
Starting point is 04:09:41 but couldn't get it. You know, I would have put that at a smaller chunk than that. So yeah, they got to fucking, they got to get this, they got to get this out to the people somehow, you know, uh, it's the best fucking thing you haven't played last year. Um, asterisk for like a dragon cause we're figuring that out. I felt really, really torn as to which one of those was my favorite game of last year. Well, fortunately, 13 sentinels by a hair just because it was a newer idea.
Starting point is 04:10:21 Fortunately, you don't have to feel torn cause it's an arbitrary value that doesn't mean anything. What are you talking about? I'm an important man. You don't have to rank your anything in your head. They're both good games. They're fine. There's, there's no fun. There's no battle to be had if you don't want there to be, um,
Starting point is 04:10:42 dark horse appears to have canceled the arms graphic novel. Hmm. Sucks, but I also really can't blame them. Because it was going to be a arms graphic novel. And, um, I don't think it would have picked up a ground swell, but the world of arms, the world of arms is something that I would have, I would have been down to see more of. The preview pages they showed seemed interesting and you know, I think the world of arms might have the least depth of anything I've ever seen.
Starting point is 04:11:25 Remember when we were reading up on it and it's like one day we woke up with arms. One day, twintel. Ship it. Yeah. And that's, that's the honest truth is that like as much as I'm like, damn, this would have been a cool thing. I probably would have forgot to pick it up. I absolutely, I probably would have forgot.
Starting point is 04:11:51 You know, I, uh, I picked up a couple of things like that over the years that like, if I see it, I usually see it like, like what, like here, yeah, I've got, this Captain Commando manga, uh, that came out that Udon put out some years ago. And I remember I was like, oh, cool. That's interesting. They're actually translating that. Wow.
Starting point is 04:12:20 And then completely forgot about it until I saw it at a con, you know, like a while later and then I'm like, yeah, okay, let me grab it there. But catching this stuff on release is, I'm not exactly putting on an alert in my phone for its purchase, you know, when it drops. So anyway, oh well. That Captain Commando manga is probably a lot better than anything we could have gotten out of arms.
Starting point is 04:12:51 Oh, I, I didn't finish it. Does he do a Captain Corridor in it? I didn't finish it. But I, it's, if he does a Captain Corridor, man, it's drawn. It's an, it's all in like a very early nineties art style though. So it resembles like, um, kind of like that golden boy art style. You know, so that's fun. And Macross, that style.
Starting point is 04:13:21 Anime was better in the nineties when everyone had pointy little noses. But what about Escaflonay? Escaflonay's noses are like out of control. They rule. I love them. I love the Escaflonay noses. Yeah. The big schnoz, the big schnoz is great.
Starting point is 04:13:43 Don't knock it. Teenage, new me, but Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shredders Revenge announced by DotMU, an original game using old sprites, new sprites, a combination in between, and, uh, capturing the spirit of turtles in time. And, um, you know, the classic Ninja Turtles games. Fuck yeah. I really gotta say, uh, you know, I was being, I was being wary initially, but DotMU has completely, um, turned it around.
Starting point is 04:14:21 They have sprites that look old school, but there's, but they're clearly new. The four unique running animations of the turtles you see, uh, they're still throwing your foot soldiers into the screen, but everything is like embracing the whole, um, you know, Sonic Mania style, new game, old school style. You know, uh, that's. I really hope it's better than the god. That last turtles in time thing, the 3d one that was just goddamn awful. It was called resheld.
Starting point is 04:14:50 Yes. The one that got deleted from three, six from Xbox live arcade. Oh, did it? Yeah. Oh shit. That sucks. They redid, uh, they redid turtles on time resheld, I believe. And then it eventually got removed from XBLA straight up.
Starting point is 04:15:07 Like, um, fucking good. Like rocket night. That came, that came as trash. Kill rocket night too. Oh man. I think it did get killed. No, they, they got, I think they both got delisted. Oh good.
Starting point is 04:15:23 Uh, excuse me. Tribute games is making it. Dot emu is publishing. Okay. So. Dot emu, uh, also, you know, involved with, uh, the, um, Windjammer's 2 stuff going on. And, um, I believe, uh, Streets of Rage 4 as well. Uh, yeah, they've been, they've, uh, in the publishing role, that's it.
Starting point is 04:15:44 I was, uh, I, I, I talked about it a while ago, but like the work they did on the fucking Neo Geo ports was the worst I'd ever seen. Like literally the most trashed here, got awful PC ports of Neo Geo games that literally You going into the files on that to find like the broken emulators found the ROM set dumped from the Neo Geo emulation sites, literally the same zip files. And then they just made their own emulator and that emulator ran it worse than Neo Rage X or Final Burn or Cowax, any of the bigger ones out there, like their proprietary emulator, the one thing they contributed made the game run worse.
Starting point is 04:16:37 It was kind of insane. Um, and, and, you know, you're charging for that. Like so, yeah, that was, that was a couple years back and, and it seems like, uh, the stuff they've published since has been pretty solid. I hope this is because the trailer looks fucking good. Um, yeah, the, the, the, the market for Sonic Mania style, hey, we just made a new one, but it's like the old ones you liked. Never goes away.
Starting point is 04:17:13 That, that, especially when it comes after long periods of it's a new one and it's not like the old one, also it's bad. That's part of the formula that works really well. I still think bad battle toads should have followed that route. I also agree. I did not, I didn't even care to check out that new battle toads. That thing looked like shit. I didn't think it, I didn't think it looked like shit, but I, but it should have
Starting point is 04:17:45 just gone with the sprites right away. It would have been an easy way to just like nail the look and the feel and then just work on the sprite content, you know? Yeah, I don't know, maybe, maybe Microsoft thought it would just, it wouldn't land, but it's like, you know, Mega Man nine did it, Mega Man 10 did it. Like as long as it's good, it's going to be fine. You know, the people you want to sell this to care about those sprites, just go for it. Uh,
Starting point is 04:18:18 Battletoads is overrated anyway. Well, that's pretty hard. You know, it's not fucking battle toads double dragon. That's a fucking cool game. That's a hard one too, but it is good. It's, it's weird because I actually don't particularly care for battle toads and I don't particularly care for double dragon, but I fucking love battle toads and double dragon. What's up with that?
Starting point is 04:18:37 I think it's cool. That's it. That's the whole thing. I was like six years old, dude. I don't, I don't want to give you. I have not played it since like 1993. No, you're not wrong. That's, I guess that's a shit.
Starting point is 04:18:56 What, you didn't play it at, uh, at, uh, um, Game Buzz when it existed downtown? I did not because there was a store called Game Buzz back in the day that was like, they had a, they had a nest set up and it, the only game in it was battle toads double dragon for pretty much the entire couple years that shop existed before they fucking ran out of business. Yeah, I did. I didn't, I didn't see it there. Uh, anyway, that place was such a fuck.
Starting point is 04:19:27 I knew it. He took the bait. Ladies and gentlemen, we got him. I'm like, I can't bring up Game Buzz without you fucking go on off on it. They stole my deadly premonition. Yeah, they fucking do. They're the worst. That's the place where they ripped off where the, where the fucking, uh, uh, the Neo Geo,
Starting point is 04:19:49 um, I think it was the MVS system or the AES system rather was sitting up there for like almost a thousand, pretty much a thousand dollars for years. Yeah. That's the place that was, that was with the ripoff, uh, fucking, uh, third, uh, second impact giant attack prices, you know, they leaked the Pokemon. This is part of the story that like I really wish I had told at the time, because do you remember the story I told on the podcast that got everybody mad about me tricking that super street fighter copy out of that employee?
Starting point is 04:20:23 That was a game buzz. The place that like ripped us off constantly and was fucking filled with assholes who leaked out the fucking Pokemon games, all sorts of shit. When that screenshot of someone going, Hey guys, I got Pokemon in hand like a week early where he had his receipt. Which one was it? It was heart gold. It was, but whatever became before X and Y.
Starting point is 04:20:48 Yeah. It was the one before X and Y where, uh, they, they fucking just sold it like as soon as it came in and Nintendo fucking nuked them and that's part of the reason why they went under because they were never able to the fucking carry Nintendo games ever again. They're also the ones responsible for locally being the first to round up that extra 10 bucks for street fighter for and never round it back down for any other game. They put the $10 premium on street fighter for and kept it that way. Even when shit went back to normal with the, when the dollar went back to normal, you know,
Starting point is 04:21:30 fucking gross. I want to say they had a copy of, I don't remember which one, but one of the Phoenix Wright games that was rare or more rare than the others was sitting on their shelf for like $200 or some shit like that. And I'm like, Oh, I remember what fucking like, I forget who, I forget who was in there, but they came in and might have been Matt went in to sell like a copy of like third strike for second impact. That's what that's what I was just saying.
Starting point is 04:21:56 Second impact, second impact. Yeah. And then like, It's like, I could, I could give you 10 bucks for it. And then pointed to like the fucking $300 copy that was right behind the guy. And he's like, Hey man, I got a business to run. And then the employee walked away. And then the employee outside take goes, Hey dude, I'll take it off your hands for
Starting point is 04:22:15 like 30 or whatever, like a litter price. And he was like, Fuck off. Yeah. You know, it, it was just, that was the spot. It all went down at fucking game buzz. That place is a shithole fucking game zone. And Verdun was great right up until the owner fucking died. And then it was not as great.
Starting point is 04:22:38 And then the new owner basically stopped paying people from what I can tell. Yeah. And ran and ran into the ground. Yeah. Yeah. Hey man, the infamous fucking Marvel story started there. Shout outs to game. I think, I think one might be the weirdest thing about that game zone was that the owner
Starting point is 04:22:59 was on the, the like, Hey, call us answering machine. Like press one for English press two for French. Hey, these are our orders of operation and they never changed it. Like you were calling a ghost to find out when the store would open. Man, it's, it's fucked up, but it's like support your mom and pop game stores, except the only other two that are not fucking games. Game stop here. Or best buy.
Starting point is 04:23:31 We're fucking just trash. Terrible. Like, like by the end, I was glad they both went out of business. Yeah. They weren't, they were great at first and then they became fucking trash. There was, there was literally only one reason to go to game buzz. And that's because the employees there didn't give a fucking shit. And would sell you shit early.
Starting point is 04:23:53 The, the, the same guy that I, uh, that sold me super street fighter for early sold me Bayonetta over a month before release. And he knew he didn't give a shit. He just sold it to me. He didn't give a fuck. So I, I was friends with, uh, the guy who became the first manager within the, like he was there for like two, two, three years or so. And, uh, he was really chill.
Starting point is 04:24:16 And I remember his whole thing was just like, he was laid back because he knew the owners gave less than zero fucks essentially, you know, and, um, but like he was, yeah, I think he was only there for like the first two years or so. What'd he look like? Uh, black guy. Oh, that, the, the taller black guy. No, not tall. No.
Starting point is 04:24:38 Okay. Well, it's tough for me to actually, because he was taller than me, but he, he worked at the one in the basement before going to the one and onto the movie theater. I will type his name into the chat. I don't remember his name. Oh, okay. Because I remember then as being the guy at game buzz.
Starting point is 04:24:55 Okay. Well, then, um, because like I played through halfway of Halo three with that dude at the, at the movie store. He was, he was, he was in the indoors one. Yeah. That wasn't him. Oh, it was a different guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 04:25:13 He worked the guy I'm talking about, uh, worked the outside store. Oh, the, I never went to that outside store once after I met the fucking owner. Okay. The owner is such a fucking piece of shit. Not great. Not great. Yeah. Um, it was, it was so nice to have a, like a mom and pop style game store show up out of
Starting point is 04:25:39 nowhere downtown and be like, you know, decor and it had a lot of rare games in it. And it had that like nineties spray painted walls store look where you had some ugly ass, like some ugly ass art of some video game characters, you know, same thing for game zone. Actually, they both had like both at the same aesthetic, like, uh, like super weird metallic spray painted walls and like ugly solid snake, ugly cloud. Oh dude, the game zone had that 15 year old fucking solid snake statue from the MGS2 launch. It looked like shit, you know, goddamn awful.
Starting point is 04:26:22 I will say, man, like I've been to, I've been to local game stores and other cities in, in America and in, uh, Ontario and like every city has one of these stores, one of these mom and pops with a bunch of ugly ass, like marquees out of place, you know, like maybe even like a graffiti wall with just like ridiculous out of proportion Pikachu, you know, yeah, like a super walkie Mario always, always, always. But yeah, it's always unlicensed. Rest and rip. No one gave a fuck that worked there.
Starting point is 04:27:09 And, uh, hopefully you didn't get ripped off by those fucking second hand prices, you know. I think I remember, you know what, I fucking remember why I started buying games at GameBuzz and it was because a Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare came out. Uh, but for some reason the GameStop, you know, the EB in the, in the mall, like it came out. I'm like, is it in? They're like, nah, maybe next week. I'm like, why? Yeah.
Starting point is 04:27:41 No, that's exactly it. And then, and then, and they'd be like, I don't know, just maybe next week. And it literally wasn't even there the next week. And then I went over to GameBuzz and they had a copy and I'm like, do you know what fucking happened with EB? And they're like, I have, they're like, don't know, our shit came in on time. Every, every SNK, um, collection that came out for PS2, I ended up buying from GameBuzz because the EB would promise it.
Starting point is 04:28:10 And then you'd show up and they'd go try next Thursday indefinitely, because that was what they were told to do. You know what, you know what the worst part was? Part of that, like, hey, is Call of Duty 4 in? Question one, did you pre-order it? I go, yeah. And he goes, no. What?
Starting point is 04:28:31 What is it? Like, what is, like, yeah. Question one was, did you pre-order it? And then he checked and was like, well, no, it's not in. Like fucking, like, and I was like, give me my fucking money back. He's like, okay, fine. And then I went and bought it at the GameBuzz. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 04:28:55 What was kind of wild was seeing that the, there was, there was two guys that were like the EB guys that were, you know, and they ended up at GameZone before they closed. So there's like, yeah. They were, last time I went in there in the, in the later years, um, when they were trying to open up the, uh, the, the net cafe in the basement, those guys were there too. So similar faces end up in, in, in these, uh, GameStop, GameStores in Montreal. It says a lot.
Starting point is 04:29:33 Well, are you aware that the EB games in the Eaton Center of downtown Montreal is the highest, traffic EB games in the entire country? Would that be because it's the only one in the, the only game store besides Best Buy in the downtown core? Yep. And it is dead center of the downtown core. Whereas if you go to Toronto, there's a bunch all over their downtown core. Yeah.
Starting point is 04:29:57 Montreal, it's this one. There's one. It's the one. So it is, so it is the highest traffic most sales of any EB games slash GameStop in the entire nation of Canada. And yet it, and yet it is. The shittiest store I had to constantly go to that I have now not bought a retail game in like eight years.
Starting point is 04:30:25 And like it with the most foot traffic in the entire country, uh, three or four walls are still apparel toys and Funko pops. Uh, one wall is games and, uh, whatever you buy. Of course has already been opened and then they hand you their discs from behind the counter as they put them back into the case. Because, you know, God forbid there's any, um, car, any pieces of paper in there that you're not supposed to see with any digital codes on them that you're not supposed to have. Well, the last time I was in there, I just wanted to buy a red controller.
Starting point is 04:31:05 And it, I'm not going to say it almost escalated into like a fight or even an argument. But do you know that level of, of uncomfortableness when you're talking to a retail employee where you are going to snap, like not snap, like yell, but like just be like, just give me a fucking thing, you know, that kind of snap where it's just like the transaction took like five, six minutes of just constant. Hey, do you need this? Hey, do you want this? Hey, do you have this program? Hey, do you have this? Hey, do you have this? And every single time was just a deadpan. No, no, no, no, I don't want it. I don't want it. I don't have it. No. Like, oh, on and on and on. And I'm just like, oh my God, the guy has to ask that shit for his numbers, right? It's required.
Starting point is 04:31:59 And nothing could possibly drive me further away to Amazon or even to Best Buy. Right? Like, holy fucking shit. You don't want the warranty disk cleaner and optimum card? No. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, um, fucking ripped to that life. The only thing that that comes close is the fucking source asking you for your email so they can sign you up for some bullshit mailing every time. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's part of the purchase process. Well, and it's not even like, hey, it's not even, hey, can we email the receipt to you or, um, you know, any, or would you like to sign up? It's literally, I'd like to buy this.
Starting point is 04:32:49 Okay. Beep. What's your email? What's your email? And the answer is why? Like, what part of the purchasing process? And then they tell you and you go, no. Yeah. And they go, are you sure? And you go, yeah, I'm sure. But the, but like the fact that it's brought up in that way where it's like, no, this is part of the purchasing process now. You didn't know. Like it's, it's wild. Like all these retailers were like, oh no, digital is going to eat our shit. Let's double down on like everything that makes brick and mortar or worse things. I remember a shoutouts to whatever, wherever it was, but I remember seeing someone screenshotting a thread where, uh, someone described how they used their GameStop as a bank by making pre-orders,
Starting point is 04:33:39 putting money in and then never really buying anything before the games came out, just refunding it to get the cash. Exactly. Like fucking, wow. You know, um, I mean, uh, uh, Schmupgott Pat would often bring bags full of old games and just do the work, do the deals, add up this number, put that together with that, get a massive discount on this, get this for free, trade in for a console, whatever the case is, he did all of that. You know, I never, like I said, I don't want to get rid of any of my old shit. Um, but fucking turning it into a bank is like next level. Anyway, that story was weird because like part of it was like, I don't trust myself to keep money in the house. So I, I say, I keep it safe for myself at GameStop because I have to go down there to get it out.
Starting point is 04:34:40 Is that why you would pre-order? No, not me. I'm talking about the story you were just talking about about using GameStop as a bank. Yes. Yes. Right. Yes. Sure. Um, let's take some letters. Before we do that, by the way, devotion can be now bought on its own store. Oh shit. Yes. Sorry. Last story. I actually did have that here. Red Candle has, uh, released devotion to their own e-shop and, uh, it will be DRM free. And yeah, we talked about this story back when it first happened, but, um, this was what, this was the game that got censored by China basically, uh, for its, um, I forgot the exact phrasing of it, but it made fun of, uh,
Starting point is 04:35:37 Z. Yeah. And they didn't like that very much. Made fun of the Winnie the Pooh man. Mm-hmm. So, uh, they then said, fuck it, made their own, made their own, uh, PC e-shop. It's just like literally like, fuck you, we'll make our own store. So apparently to, uh, what I'm hearing is that like the game is actually, um, even more so critical of like, uh, like people's and the history and people, um, figures from Taiwan itself and that, and it makes more direct references to them. So it's actually in the end like it would have been even more pro-China than you would think. Yeah. But the, the, the detention was the same way. But the joke in the end just was like, nope, too far, fuck you.
Starting point is 04:36:41 Even though the rest of it was like, um, yeah, like, like taking, uh, taking the piss out of like Taiwan. Yeah, it's absolutely wild that the Chinese government had such a fucking horrible knee jerk reaction to it because the, the two games they've made shit all over the Taiwanese government and they're horrible handling of like various issues and which is in a, in a, in a way kind of pro-China, but like, no, they call me Winnie the Pooh. I don't look like Winnie the Pooh. Oh, bother. I mean, you got to love the fucking Streisand effect on, on that though. Like, oh yeah, absolutely. Yeah, that, uh, that blowback was quite nice. So yeah, devotions available, um, self, self-published if you'd like.
Starting point is 04:37:38 All right, let's take some letters. All right, it's letter time. If you want to send in a letter, send it by email and send it to castlesuperbeastmail at You see that fucking picture of Mads Mickelson and his net worth being eight dollars and 23 cents? I do not see that. I don't know why, but, uh, it just gets me. Anyway. This email is coming to us from Fantastic Dan says, hello, Aunt Walma and Aunt Patty. Ooh, that's actually surprisingly close. Good job, buddy. Some useless pieces of trivia that have been embedded into my mind since childhood, is the fact that you cannot read in dreams. I learned this from an episode of Batman,
Starting point is 04:38:41 the animated series, when Batman was trapped in some dream-like state and realized that after noticing the newspapers and other forms of written text were jumbled. Um, the reason that is reading comprehension and dream manifestation are an opposite hemispheres of the brain. Some 20 year, 20 odd years later, I've always been able to recount dreams I've had. Um, I've either tried dialing phone numbers or reading and never making sense of them, but subconsciously understanding that the numerals, what they were, what the numerals were trying to communicate. You ever had some tidbit of information that dropped on you that just made its nest in the back of your brain and comes up from time to time? Uh, yes, because exactly what you're describing,
Starting point is 04:39:22 I remember I saw the movie, uh, Waking Life, which is Linklater's early, uh, movie with Ethan Hawke, and in it, uh, the characters describe like how dreaming is like you can, you can always test for when you're lucid dreaming, because in a dream, a light switch will not work. It'll keep, it won't, you won't be able to update the lighting situation of the room that you're in. And also it brought up the jumbled, uh, brought up the jumbled clock and it said you won't be able to read the time if you ever look at a clock. I have thought about those things for years ever since I saw that movie and I remember trying to do them, but a lot of the times I would forget, but over the years, because it's been stuck in my brain, I have attempted to do both of those things
Starting point is 04:40:14 and to my surprise, I was able to do both in a dream and I remember waking up going, well, that's bullshit. Cause not only did I absolutely flip a light switch on and off in a dream, but I also totally read a clock. So I'm like, I don't know what to think of that, but those are two things in that movie that apparently were, you know, something everyone experiences, but then when I tested them myself, I did, I, they weren't a problem. Maybe you're a dream genius. Or maybe the, maybe they're just lying as possible. So a piece of information that like has nested in your mind like way in the back. Oh, I think that the number one thing that I've been holding onto for a couple of years and I can't get it out of my head and I always think back to it
Starting point is 04:41:07 but as an interesting little factoid is that rats can't swim. As I was growing up, I assumed that most mammals that had like arms and legs could swim, but I was shocked to discover that rats can't. Anything else on those cue cards, Raven? Is that what? What? Do you have anything else on those cue cards? No. Okay. Raven? Yeah. The Raven with the cue cards looking through his jokes.
Starting point is 04:41:57 Oh, what are you talking about? We got one coming in from just mild lilac says dear mind goblin mission control and abruptly cut off voice lines. Your discussion last episode about messing up sequences in from soft games made me noticeably less noticeably less cool remind making them noticeably less cool reminded me from experience that I had with yak is a like a dragon without going into details. There's two times I messed up some boss fights in the game one when I killed a boss with poison damage on their turn making them immediately come crumple to the ground. The other I accidentally skipped an
Starting point is 04:42:45 animation for a skill summon and I was greeted with the boss just flailing over from the damage and ending the fight in the limpest possible way. It didn't I didn't find it worth it to reset either of these boss fights but the lingering disappointment of missing the cool finish definitely stuck with me. What were your biggest botches that you've experienced in your own games when you technically accomplished what you needed to do but the in the least climactic way possible? Yeah, I mean anybody who's fucking who's poison gas old old Dolan knows this knows the way knows the pain of that of that. Killing bosses via poison actually sucks in a huge amount of games. They just kind of fall over and it looks terrible.
Starting point is 04:43:37 I would say that like instead of that because it's happened many times there's been many occasions where I would save a big final attack for the finish and then fuck up and then there's a little bit of life left I've definitely done a fucking judgment cut end on Dante and it wasn't enough to kill and then you're like now I gotta fucking do some stupid like summon sword oh he got hit with that okay now the slow fall you know those are the those are the brutal ones in Devil May Cry 5. I think I think I recently played through the end of co-tour 2 and if you go Sith Lord in that game you get an ability called force crush which even if they save it still picks the character up and throws them down and against one of the final bosses I literally just spammed
Starting point is 04:44:34 it on every turn and they were not allowed to act and I just picked them up and slammed them down for like three or four straight minutes and took almost no damage and it would and they're like the dialogue was like oh it's an epic battle it's like no it's not yeah but that rules though I'm ragged I'm just ragdolling you around the fucking room so in in co-tour 2 and 1 force lightning gets louder the more people you zap with it oh does it ever so when you have a room full I was going through of droids I was going through rooms and giving people like volume warnings it was great it's super hype um also when you uh when you're walking with uh the gang into the bar with the poison in it and like you've got the the Jedi shields up to not get fucking poison but
Starting point is 04:45:31 they get infected anyway and you keep hearing Atten going poison poison poison poison poison poison poison anyway um I would say that the best protection against anti-hype climaxes is Metal Gear Rising Revengeance where after you get the life bar into the final threshold it initiates the final QTE sequence which is always hype which is mandatory cool and the music and the lyrics kick in during that part yeah so if you want to make sure no lame outros happen or no lame finishes happen make it mandatory it's great every time you never get sick of it it fucking rules um let's take one more uh Brad T says hey willy and pat last last question more observation related directly
Starting point is 04:46:34 into um fighting games and other games how do you follow the following observations that high level play tends to give deeply skewed versions uh of what novice players think the game should be they think their own gameplay should look like this high level play but nothing could be further from the truth at first anyways I think that contributes to burnout frustration and people learning the game's quote unquote wrong three brief examples uh combos are too hard these KOF trials are gatekeeping me meanwhile the traditional advice I grew up with is you should be able to win a game with nothing but normals I'm terrible at combos but mostly win because I like win in neutral and even uh in games like guilty gear starcraft is too fast I can't handle micro
Starting point is 04:47:24 meanwhile most prominent teacher of the game vibe has people literally making armies and just throwing them at the enemy with zero micro um not even looking at looking at any fights at all even when it leads to bad engagement it's just far more important for the new player to learn to make more stuff three any presentation of chess in media no one talks about mate in 12 all that shit from uh paul mophie games are from the 1850s or whatever uh most games between high level players are decided by who drops a piece first um or aka who gets hit first uh it goes on a bit but in general it's the perception versus uh high level play and yeah it's just do you observe that in different games there is a feeling of like needing to execute on a high level that
Starting point is 04:48:21 you see the you know strong players executing at versus what you really should be focused on as a beginner absolutely and I think part of that reason is like let's say let's take uh daigo fighting games right you're looking at daigo playing daigo is fucking killing it he's doing super good and you go I want to train to get good like daigo what you're basically doing is looking at 1990s michael jordan annihilating people on the court and going I want to get good like michael jordan now you won't get as good as michael jordan not unless you get those special shoes like wow wow right and you're gonna go well that's okay because you know I didn't start training since I was a little baby and I'm not seven feet tall and I'm not physically you know gifted etc etc right um
Starting point is 04:49:14 but then they go well with video games with uh daigo well I mean daigo is like a normal looking dude he's not like a super buff dude he's like a like a normal guy and I mean he wasn't playing fighting games is like a little baby so I should be able to learn how to do that and they ignore the like decades of practice that goes into it and they get frustrated that they can't catch up to michael jordan in like three weeks so um yeah that's definitely the case and it shouldn't be there's so much else that they're doing that you don't need to be worried about when you're just touching buttons and getting used to things um which you know as we talk about on get to fighting games is part of why it's like hey if you think that looks cool just boot it up start pressing
Starting point is 04:50:07 buttons doesn't matter don't think about anything else don't think about who's doing what wear how just look at what looks cool you like that character pick them go into a round one start pressing buttons see how you feel about it don't doesn't matter who wins or loses is it fun are you enjoying it you know um I'm wondering uh because after this question I was thinking about how I remember I often described when I played warcraft 3 I was overwhelmed by the hero feature and uh I wasn't looking at replays of top players doing stuff and then going oh my god I can't do that I was just following the in-game tutorial for the hero feature and as it was explaining it I felt like oh boy I can't I'm not able to keep up with this or at least I wasn't when you know all those
Starting point is 04:50:58 years ago as a kid um so that's a play that's a case where I wasn't trying to emulate pros I was just following the the instructions um but in the end if it turns out all these years later that you could ignore that system and be fine I will have had a bad beat on that game yeah you can damn you absolutely can damn I would take I would take my heroes and I would well because also in a lot of those missions the death of the hero meant like instant fail of the mission so I would take my heroes and just fucking jam them in the back of my fucking base and and play 3d warcraft 2 but as someone that's using their hero not like wiping your your grunts out I don't care I'm not playing online okay I'm playing that I'm I'd fuck what why am I gonna
Starting point is 04:51:55 have a fucking bad day by playing warcraft 3 online why don't I just fucking piss all over myself save save me some fucking trouble fair enough yeah uh yeah there's we talked about it a little bit earlier with the KOF conversation but I don't know how much you can do about perception of like expectation you know where like the uh I forgot the name of it but there's an exact name for the thing where the more skilled a person is at a thing the more effortless they make it look there's a word there's a descriptor for that and it's like I'm done in Kruger not not Mount Stupid because that's a because that's that's about knowledge and no no that not mounts no that's Mount Stupid I'm not talking about that it's it's a thing where like like there's a thing
Starting point is 04:52:49 that is just like yeah like you you make it look easy because of how skilled you are and there's so much happening in the background that you don't even begin to to realize as a beginner you know yeah high fights video breakdowns of high level matches is a perfect example because like you watch the match without the commentary or the the text and it's just ah he's wiggling around I jumped into the shore you can I could do that and then he slows it down to like buy you know 10% speed and it shows off like the amount of per frame mind games going on throw wake up flash kick no wait for throw wait for tick no tick all right the reversal step back hard kick check reversal no check meter jump back get out you know and like every couple of seconds what are
Starting point is 04:53:43 that what's the thought what's the idea what are you worried about what are you confirming um what's also interesting is some some fighting game players have started doing eye tracking on their on their streams that's very interesting so if you if you tune in you can see literally where they're looking as they fight most of the time it's at the spacing between the characters occasionally over to the life bar occasionally down to the meters then to the time back to the characters you know um but there's these moments of like yeah there's five things happening in this one second you know and like it doesn't seem apparent it might like just look like oh they stood there staring at each other and someone threw a fireball but like there there's three or four
Starting point is 04:54:32 little exchanges that were micro you know um you definitely it's don't need to worry about that starting out it's absolutely fascinating to compare that to like high level like brood war play in which fighting game a million things going on but it looks visually simple whereas with an rts thing i like i'd look at people play brood war and i'd be like i literally cannot do that you know like like with my with like my mouse and keyboard and what not physically yeah yeah yeah yeah like i like if i tried to do that i would not be able to do so yeah don't worry about your nirburg ring lap times or your ability to drift when you're learning how to drive this is the gas pedal this is the brake this is the clutch you know like you're literally learning
Starting point is 04:55:28 how to operate the vehicle you're not there's there's no race yet you know yeah uh i would say that that's generally a true observation and uh and yeah the idea that chess in movies is like click click click click click click click click checkmate you know like i can i guess i can see what you're saying there um it is it is interesting though to again look at the the uh the perspective of like perception of things if like movies have a certain thing look a certain way or you know if the argument for the the kof trials is this is similar to uh but look at chess in movies you end up thinking that it's some way but it isn't actually that way and you know all i can really say is like just if you um hopefully the person will like try something and find out for themselves
Starting point is 04:56:22 very quickly how much what they were worried about doesn't apply if they if they decide to step in the water you know um or if they're watching something where the you know the person they're watching straight up tells you hey yeah don't worry about that you know but anyway um if you got a letter send it in castle super beast mail at gmail dot com and that'll do her uh hey yeah you did it indeed so this week what's going on again oh man i'm gonna be playing mundown audio satisfactory in factorial over slash pat stairs at it's gonna be evenings this week and it's gonna be a bunch of weird days because it's got a bunch of shit going on cool come hang out um willy versus uh batman arkham asylum yak is a like a dragon and uh seki roe continue
Starting point is 04:57:21 and then on saturday get into fighting games um thinking about a couple things but it'll it'll be something fun it'll be something fun something we haven't we haven't done yet that that you'll enjoy so come hang out all right

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