Castle Super Beast - CSB 134: There's No Solving Live Action Vicious Wig

Episode Date: September 28, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Song Good evening. Hello. Good evening. Okay, does evening start at 5 p.m. or 6 p.m.? To me, it starts at 5. I mean, yeah, okay, I can live with that. It's like, to me, it's been evening all day because it's like cloudy and... It's been gray. Moody. But in my brain, evening starts at 5. Let's see what Google says. Yeah, I can do that. It's probably one of those bullshit things where it's like it actually starts at 8 p.m. and no one abides by that shit. Google says 6 to 9. That, see, yeah. Yeah, okay, it's evening starts at post sunrise. Sorry, yeah, post sunrise. I mean, that's technically accurate. Post sunset.
Starting point is 00:01:19 The thing is, is my Fridays used to be very, very centered around the dusk. It was very important to know what time the sun was setting because that was when the fun had to go away. Oh, is that like you got to go home before sundown kind of thing? Yeah, or if you were home, you had to stop having fun. Shabbat, Sabbath can't be doing ungodly things Friday to Saturday. Right, okay. So the sundown... So does that include like... Okay. Yeah. How broad is the lack of fun? Well, that's my way of looking at it, but it really is about... It's supposed to be about doing like God-related activities and or not working and not doing things just for your own pleasure. Okay. So broad vague... Say you're married. Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Which you are in fact married. Correct. Again. And you've decided that the best way to honor God is to have a bunch of kids. Does that mean that Shabbat time can be like impregnate your wife hours? Missionary that not explicitly for the sake of procreation and saying a prayer in between each each pump. Yeah. I'm sure someone did it. I'm sure I'm sure it fits in somewhere. It's not exactly resting though. It's not what I would call it. It's not exactly a day of rest. Yeah. What? Okay. Let's let's move off. Let's move off this. What if you... I'm involved. What's up? Hey, decide that you're worshiping the Lord through football. No. Football is a godly sport. No, no. Doesn't work. What you can do is you can have like songs that are kind of like Bible games
Starting point is 00:03:39 or you can do things like let's say you're playing like Mad Libs and it's like oh first person to like quote to remember the to fill in the Bible verse or you know what I mean or like oh what book did this come from Ecclesiastes? Oh yeah, that was you. Okay. You know, you have to... What's the authority on the rulebook of prescribed activities on this? Well, that's it. We're not in the electricity as band camp. It's more of just the day of rest camp and so but the point was TV's going off unless you're watching a like church channel. What about like like a nature documentary? Yeah, no, that works. That works. That's and that's a nice little like I wouldn't say loophole but that was the time. Yeah, because it's like I mean that's good for you. Yes, but
Starting point is 00:04:34 that's the type of thing that I would get into would be like I'm gonna watch the shit out of some nature related things and enjoy that because you do what you can with what your limitations are but either way the point is that the sun would go down at a different time across the year and we'd pay attention so for me it was like okay the sun starts to go down you can get the last couple games in you can run a couple more sets you know but as long as you're kind of looking at it risen even if it's peeking out it's like okay you're still you're still good you're still good and then once the the sky is orange but you don't see the sun anymore it's sunset I have I have a question the so in the rules it's very specifically sundown yes yeah
Starting point is 00:05:25 now how does living within the polar circle affect this yep yep yep yep yep I you know or even like I'm sure no that just have much longer day Iceland in the summer right um northwest territories I'm sure there are some Adventist people out there who uh live in those zones and they've got to figure it out somehow and you know I don't know um maybe there's like a time in the polar circle under the system rules but night time seems like unmanageable infinite Sabbath yes non-stop infinite Sabbath I feel like they would probably have a schedule of like average times to just you know think that it's like okay about now would be the time to start it but on a technicality level you are in a place
Starting point is 00:06:37 where there is no sundown that's a really good you would yeah you would you would be good at that that's solid I'm sorry I'm like I'm laughing at something totally different Paige just came home from errands and both of the pets were dead ass asleep until she walked in the door and she's trying to make herself a salad and both of them are just screaming at her that's correct non-stop as soon as I started the podcast yes yes get screamed at um yeah no uh that's you know good good good technicality good question I don't know that that that one's for you guys never did any of that like you can't pick up a phone or turn off the oven no none of that none of that um eating food and living a your life and doing what you have to do normally is is fine it was just
Starting point is 00:07:34 you know on the seventh day god rested therefore we should have a day of rest too and that's kind of the end of the thought um anyway it's been gray all day could you could you have like written into the bible like no but go on the seventh day god uh shit posted dank memes all night and that would like I mean you can't write anything in however if you're making memes that encourage people to turn to the good book and to give their lives to christ then that would be allowed if it's dank but also encouraging that they that they kneel at the cross then yeah that would totally be allowed god memes is is definitely okay oh man I just typed in christian memes that I'm getting very good memes oh yeah no facebook has been that
Starting point is 00:08:42 facebook has been a bunch of like but they're all really snarky you know they're all really like you know y'all atheists say this but then this doesn't make any sense whatever I don't know a picture of a banana yeah just exactly you know explain this then without god and it's just it's that kind of energy which is not the same thing are you familiar with the old-fashioned the banana the australian guy the atheists nightmare video in which he like just holds up a banana and then shows off like perfect fits the hand yes delicious yes yes nutritious yes it's even got a peel a pop to top yes and like I always thought that was funny for one reason because like it's ridiculous the and then I learned the second reason why it's ridiculous is that every single part of the
Starting point is 00:09:41 banana is manmade it is a completely manufactured not real fruit in fact the original banana is completely dead of like a fucking plague oh we just yes we're stuck on tier two bananas the dull banana is the only one because the plague wiped out all the rest in the 70s yeah but I have recently discovered the third reason why that's hilarious because you know when you have a banana and the stems at the top and you peel the stem off mm-hmm that's the wrong way to peel a banana I was not aware that monkeys monkeys they do it backwards bro yep with bananas just pinched the bottom way easier and the fucking thing unfolds like a flower and I ate a banana that way and I was like oh man yeah those monkeys know what they're doing like these banana this banana shit every
Starting point is 00:10:35 peel of a banana is like an extra step that you don't need because when you pinch the bottom and oh split it it immediately opens the whole thing totally um but I was present I remember a big what you call revival is when you have a large connected group of like a weekend that's planned would like a pastor will come and have like a you know in this case it was a broadcasted program meant to go to a number of churches like hundreds of churches around North America and it's all watching the same program in order to get the numbers up and whatever and the big thing there was they did a an anti-evolution episode and that was one Saturday where we sat down and the pastor was basically like I have a list of like definitive proof that says like this is why
Starting point is 00:11:25 evolution can't exist and I remember I remember the examples he gave and like um one of them was the um the the the the big well before the the big before the big closer there was the eyeball which was a uh it was introduced as a single perfect seeing uh a machine that if you take away any of the rods if you take away any single element of it it falls apart and doesn't work but you can't have useless evolution therefore the eyeball had to be created perfectly did he uh bust out the Darwin quote or Darwin's like oh man the eyeball could never have been probably yeah you know um and then like there was a whole thing about like you know there's there's adaptation but there's no evolution and it's like for example the salt water crocodile
Starting point is 00:12:21 and the freshwater crocodile adapted in our in in the last couple hundred years and we saw it happen so that happens but over the long term no way and then the eyeball was used um showing the exactly each each element which you then later can go find out it's like yeah it it obviously doesn't start that way there's bumps and light sensors that then you can go through iterations on like i my favorite thing of like humans as like the evolved apex is like problems with our organs that are congenital due to our bipedal nature useless tales like like our our fucking assholes being right next to our fucking reproductive organs like that's gross and bad for contamination like appendix our fucking eyeballs are shit by the way um they can fail in a hundred different
Starting point is 00:13:20 ways so the that was these the other example was the octopus um or the squid where same thing like if you take away any of the parts of the squid then it would just fall to it wouldn't be able to swim or survive it would just be immobile but the whole structure works in such a perfect way that it all had to be created intelligently and designed as such what you could hack off like six octopus arms and it'd be fine it's no you take away one thing and that's that's what they said you know um or was it might have been the jellyfish but it was something like that something along those those uh uh lines where it was the whole thing had to exist otherwise it couldn't work um and then the closer the big one was the bomb blast beetle which is the beetle that spews
Starting point is 00:14:13 burning acid okay and basically that's pretty wild didn't know about that one it spews burning acid that's like it reaches a ridiculous temperature that can like melt through a through uh its enemies and shit like that and um it is something that it can't have grown the corrosive acid it spews without the proper layering but it wouldn't have the layering if it didn't have the acid that was there to cause that to happen and the whole thing was a was a big setup to say that there's no way this beetle could have existed with that inside of it without the protections and the and such step by step it had to be created all at once perfectly without killing itself you know oh on the wiki article there's straight up uh the bezels unusual defense mechanism is claimed by creationists
Starting point is 00:15:07 to be an example if they call it irreducible complexity there we go well you found it yeah that's irreducible complexity that's it that's exactly what it was totally it could never be less complicated than this i don't know man irreducible complexity is is definitive proof that's what that's and like i remember after that it was like it was like a fucking banger album just dropped like everybody was hype they were like oh shit i can't wait to take this to the water cooler and talk to my friends on monday and be like did you know no you didn't because now i've got some definitive shit and it was just completely and utterly wrong but how are we supposed to know yeah yeah you know i'm shocked i'm shocked that you did not bring up my personal favorite uh
Starting point is 00:16:02 like attack point which is but were you there though which is my all-time favorite i'm like yeah but dinosaurs and the fossil we're going were you there did you see the dinosaurs mm-hmm yeah i mean though though the common one too was like um everyone would get really excited i was trained to get really excited about whenever someone would go but carbon dating though because then you could go aha but carbon dating is proven bullshit look at all these wrong examples we can't rely on that it's been inconsistent in all these particular cases what the fuck is that you know and then you and then it's like yeah because you don't follow up and go but also it's been replaced with tons of other methods that are similar and
Starting point is 00:16:54 more accurate and also you can go look at like drill sec cross sections of ice in the world where you can just see the layers and go like it's clearly longer and been more than 6 000 years but whatever don't talk about that part you know i think i think my favorite part of all this is that even like even as like a like a like a child like a nine i want to say i was nine because i was in cub scouts and the cub scouts was associated with our local church and so every now and then you had to go to we would have events in the church there'd be preacher or rat that kind of thing and i wasn't talking to the preacher i was just talking to another kid and i was like well but the scientist says the the dinosaur yada yada yada right dinosaurs on the earth well you're just
Starting point is 00:17:47 believing the scientists just like i'm just believing my my reverend like what's the difference right and i'm like well i mean at that point i'm a child so yeah i am taking it on faith but scientists gave me the internet and my playstation yeah you know like like science is just another religion is a huge talking point that's still used it's a huge one you get things because it's basically it's like yeah but you have faith in things you don't understand you don't understand how the camera that's shooting you now works but you just believe what they tell you about how it works therefore it's like okay sure i guess but if the catholic church had invented the xbox things would be looking good
Starting point is 00:18:41 yeah no instead they invented some fucking wildly radical ways to torture people insanely creative on that yeah a lot of brain a lot of a lot of brain energy going into the into the repentance box well because there was a thing i i i learned about that was like you know the period of time in which people believed that the more you suffered the the more holy you were getting the more divine you were getting and the more pure it would be when you died meant that people would get super hyped for you into like the Protestant work ethic and all that shit after so like public torture would happen and people would get way hyped on it but they'd also be like so happy for you that you're suffering so much because your payoff would be that much
Starting point is 00:19:32 greater yeah because like beatdowns in the real world count like a hundred times ease that of purgatory or what have you so you're basically just skipping the line by doing it before you die getting crushed by the wheel you're so fucking lucky you know oh dude yeah oh poggers there were people were podchamping at public executions back in the day they were i just thinking like like i'm just thinking that like i mentioned if the catholics had invented the xbox and i'm like halo's pretty blunt actually with john halo 117 gotta deal with the covenant and the the flood and all that shit that's yeah it's pretty blunt i was i was sitting waiting for the arc like that's you know
Starting point is 00:20:32 yeah and you got it and you get it only on xbox the device that's those only made available if you explicitly did not believe or at the very least if you had a system of questioning and upgrading you know so anyway well do you remember the halo at three ad campaign yeah talk to that old man like a veteran what was what was that old man's lesson to you wasn't it that like oh never forget that he saved us all it was believe believe believe believe that was the ad campaign yeah yeah believe in john halo 117 the jesus yeah yeah ah what is john i'm gonna look that up
Starting point is 00:21:28 the what is john 117 i mean i don't uh for the law was given by moses but grace and truth came from jesus there is always it's not yeah it's nothing particular um there's always uh a whole bunch of like different takes on like what does it mean when we find dinosaur bones and everyone's got their own thing on it i you know i remember there's a point where my brother went to join a excavation crew to dig up dinosaur bones and like like see it for himself type of thing and yeah and like it just that everyone has different takes on it because there's no there's no major consensus on what this big problem of uh oh these skeletons don't make sense
Starting point is 00:22:21 in or the narrative what do they mean um there's no there's no consensus on what that is but some people i remember were just like no they're putting them together wrong that's not the shape they're supposed to be in oh yeah yeah it's no there was this big one piece all yep totally no you're just putting them back together wrong yeah that was that was one of them i've heard two competing ones i've heard um devil put them in the floor to fuck with you which is awesome and uh my preferred one is uh that's uh the leviathan uh the leviathan was a dinosaur and uh they that that's proof that they were actually mentioned in the old testament and whatnot and um uh they were all over the place they're just not a big part of the biblical story okay
Starting point is 00:23:12 okay the other one they just all died out in the flood yeah yeah that that okay so the other one that i was gonna say is like um they were they were evil animals that were not allowed on the ark yeah they weren't allowed on the on the ark yes yeah they were they did not heed the call to go in once it was built you know so who knows who knows really they didn't eat the the yeah so like in that in that in that like piece of art of like the the t-rex looking at the stegosaurus at the meteor coming down and he goes oh no the economy in the background what you don't see is is moses on the ark going god come on get in giant boat 300 cubits by 50 sitting on the mountain waiting for you and you're not sitting it's not yet anyway because the
Starting point is 00:24:12 flood hasn't started so there's no cyanide landing but um yeah they're not fucking they're not heating the call he he tried his best you know but they wouldn't do it i love it i love it it's good all right it's good stuff what you do with your week man um okay so yeah a couple things i guess uh hopped back on the stream and uh i started delta rune chapter two how do you like the delta rune chapter two didn't finish it didn't finish it but so far so good uh it's pretty fantastic it's hilarious i love toby's sense of humor and timing like there's some bits that just land really really well um in particular the the one where you the npc that you meet that's just like um hey got any advice for someone who's really depressed sad and
Starting point is 00:25:17 isolated you know so for a friend that someone that looks and it kind of sounds exactly like me but not me though just for a friend and then the door opens up and some guys looked right there that looks like it was like it's for me and he's got like a goofy face you know like that shit's hilarious um the the queen and birdley fucking totally steal the show they're great they're great yeah the queen has some of just the absolute just best pops i've seen in a game ever and her her all caps single spaced method of speaking worked really well for me as i've watched a shit zillion quiet shy jokes that's our quiet shy videos and i was able to just just transplant that robo voice and attitude directly onto the character there's something don't eat that
Starting point is 00:26:12 there's uh yeah it's it's it's caps on each word no punctuation just even spaced kind of like yeah robotically delivered uh uh attitude i feel as well like i forget but in each game there's been one of those moments of just like i get no punctuation character just kind of suddenly floating off screen going bye you know like those those moments are great um and the impression i'm getting considering how much focus so far has been placed on uh noel and birdley it makes me think like oh seven chapters is more than enough time to spend finding out about and hanging out with all these new overworld characters that were we were introduced to in chapter one except in the delta rune underworld of them you know yeah so the classroom has the undyne cop all of the you know
Starting point is 00:27:14 like like flout gardener dad all of them i feel like we're gonna have a moment or a chapter for each to see what they look like when they go into that other world yeah and you're gonna go through like every single kid in that classroom mm-hmm like a hundred percent did you run into the boss fight that crawls out of a dumpster yes oh man yeah spampton g spampton weird shit don't know what that's about the best you don't know what that's about that is like the fucking like id of the internet it coming at you it's it's internet energy yes but like i'm just i mean i just mean to say like if i'm curious to see if that goes anywhere or if it if it uh if it doesn't but it does yeah as long as you're a big shot mm-hmm are you a big shot that was great um
Starting point is 00:28:15 not to and as well as uh birdly just having that falco energy all about his costume i i was talking to page right before we start our stream and we were both like chuckling that he looks like falco but like in the classroom only to start the fucking thing up and have him just literally become falco yeah yeah yeah yeah so that's that's great so far we still got to finish it off but you know um charming is all hell and uh you know like that's and that that the the system is still is still pretty interesting and you're just like walking into area after area and you're hearing like banger track after banger track so mm-hmm it's it's it's we're gonna finish it off this week but yeah so far fucking amazing i i feel remiss in not mentioning to you woolly as i know you
Starting point is 00:29:13 and you will probably want to go through it a second time to see because the first one had no variation of anything no matter what it was almost comical and how much it didn't allow you to change anything this one has a significantly different series of events that have unique gameplay so i've been told um yeah i heard that there is three or so unique runs you can do and there's also unique stuff that comes on whether or not you continued your save file from chapter one or whether you started fresh so that's that's there is there is a couple callbacks a couple little extras if you brought in an old save data also intelligently they've designed a like um outer heaven like fulton subsystem that is like an incentive to say to spare people
Starting point is 00:30:11 which like we got all the way to the end and didn't see a single like like tangible result from that which makes me think that it's going to be one of those things that builds up over like six chapters exactly exactly yeah they're planting the seeds for a giant cool town that is going to be either you're doing or not and you know obviously you that that makes it more of a personalized story because if you decide to have a completely empty town you know you made that decision and now you know exactly what what it's going to result in so um i mean there's a hint of that energy with like you know i think the the end of chapter one with like the overthrowing and stuff so that's cool um more to more to more to say once it's done um i also played uh some good old
Starting point is 00:31:13 amogus arena what oh you did you use the announcer of that guy who hates among us memes it did not because there is no announcer in the game oh it must have been a recent update but uh that is a really fun simple ass game in which you have a giant character select screen of colors and it's just colors and all the changes is your taunt you know okay but everything else is the same so it's got perfect five five matchups all the way around all the way through some taunts actually create like hit hitboxes though so maybe there's a slight balance on that whoever has the most useful taunt maybe you know um but yeah uh we we did we did play a bit of that tried to make a room called woolly very sauce and uh couldn't get any connections unfortunately
Starting point is 00:32:18 that's highly sus there you go sassy back uh um but the game's fun it's it's fun and it reminds me of a couple other simplified one character kind of matches we've had in some other games recently we played um uh uh uh head to head which was like a kind of similar thing we played a game called bare sus not long ago and it's just like one character a whole bunch of tools you can use to like be tricky and be you know um aggressive if you want to be or defensive if you want to be and then you just fucking play it out you know and then you then it just becomes about like reading the mind of the opponent as it were so uh yeah among us arena it's pretty fun I would like to see like it's I'm surprised at like how it just kind of came out of nowhere
Starting point is 00:33:09 in such a semi-complete state only thing I I think that you'd need to really do at this point would just be like maybe add some supers just for fun you know um but though the the essential bits are all there and uh yeah it's pretty solid I just think it'd be cool to have like some supers or you know again a universal system for the characters but maybe you can like throw it on a vent and then hop into it to teleport you know let someone out the airlock actual imposter system or whatever it's just everybody has the imposter ability exactly exactly yeah yeah yeah and uh yes I know I know that's the second time I've seen uh dash zero coming in going I don't know about supers but I think you can do it in a way that
Starting point is 00:33:54 wouldn't ruin everything I think you can do it in a way that it just adds a little bit of fun and it just adds a little bit of like ooh a little bit of spice to the fun of the game that's already there you know you don't have to go crazy with it it doesn't have to be a balanced ruining shinku hadoken or something like that just a little a little spice you can do once per round to have a fun finisher or something like that you know that'd be cool because yeah the the the things you think of with among us are like the airlock the emergency button the vents the tasks you know it'd be fun to like find a way to implement that in some non-intrusive way somebody in our chat is uh pointing out that apparently was made in a single week by one person
Starting point is 00:34:36 yeah I that's crazy very impressive I remember all I remember is the tweet that said um hey I may have made an among us fighting game I don't know lol and then like just put out an that's like here it is you know I tell you what by the way this is a bit of an aside dog wipes not just good for dogs also pleasant to wipe your face with there you go baby wipes not just good for babies yeah just make sure you don't get the um alcoholic ones that burn you if you're not careful like that no uh yeah so among us arena worth a gander um and I believe it has rollback to I believe it has like the rollback stuff has become like upset like I don't want to go into it but like the game made for no money in four days having rollback
Starting point is 00:35:39 but this shit zillion dollar thing not having it has become like it's a meme parody yeah absolutely um played some of that um hopped back on to strive just to warm back up a little bit because you know didn't get uh like jacko came out just as we were like pretty much leaving for the the wedding and uh I got to see a little bit and I've been eyeballing some footage but didn't get to touch the game so jumping back on to strive is nice to just get the feel of it again and uh warm back up um she's got some pretty uh interesting stuff like she doesn't seem like she's a beast of a character but I've seen some tech and sonic fox has posted some really dirty mix ups she can do and it's and it's it's cool to see I like like I think there's a couple different ways that a
Starting point is 00:36:32 DLC can drop for a fighting game and um what you don't want or what I don't want is the Mortal Combat style every time a piece of DLC comes out that is going to dominate the meta and it's going to be the strongest character in the game bar none and too fucking bad and then we'll wind it down later I hate that I have to say so I'm torn actually about that because there's two issues with that one is uh it's really hard to perfectly balance a fighter before their actual release and it's way easier to make them stronger than it is to make them shittier yes I remember when Alex came out for Street Fighter V and I was so excited and he was just not good and it was a massive bummer because it took like months for him to get like some buffs
Starting point is 00:37:31 and the other thing is like good way to have everybody buy your new character well that's the that's what I was going to say is like so you have tech in with yeah with all the DLC that came out that was really strong compared to the rest of the cast you have that happening to some degree in Dragon Ball you had that happening again Mortal Combat being one of the the most outrageous examples um Yen and Yang back in AE you know Street Fighter 4 2012 like there's a bunch of these examples where you're like tinfoil hat says buy the new character if you want to win and then they'll get nerfed later you know so I don't think that's tinfoil hat I'm pretty sure if we dig for five maybe ten minutes we'll find a direct quote from somebody
Starting point is 00:38:22 going we like to make the characters ah Eeyore with the power of flames they straight up said they made him super strong so that people would buy him because Eeyore was already in the game there was another example uh 13 and I think Yen and Yang as well were actually they actually specifically I think it was Odo who said like yeah we wanted them to be strong so good so it would be exciting you know and then it would create some feelings about the game like it was a deliberate thing they they did mention that there too so um yeah I don't I don't like that approach to it and the approach where the character is useless obviously sucks don't do that you know um but between the two like for example when um Gold Lewis came out he was interesting but
Starting point is 00:39:13 underwhelming to a lot of people and I would I'll take that and then see him get some stuff that he needs later over the game destroyer until next patch you know well game destroy because it's always it's it's always weird because it depends on how far apart your tears are in your game anyway so let's take guilty gear as an example a character can come out and be really really really good like possibly overpowered as long as they're not the most overpowered character in the game I can't see too many complaints yeah right so as long as like Jaco didn't come out and was also another brain dead ungebunga hit triangle character so like couldn't see too many complaints I think a nice nice medium there is for example like samurai showdown has had dlc from its launch that has been
Starting point is 00:40:16 all of it has been like oh there's some really strong characters here or normal characters that have a thing that could feel like it's busted you know but then otherwise you can you can fight them it's there's there's there's like a feeling of like oh this this new thing has been introduced to the game that wasn't there before and you have to take a minute and go holy shit wait how do I deal with that but then once you learn how to deal with that it's back to being normal you know Shizumaru came out and was like super duper strong fightable manageable but really really fucking strong and then similar like Warden came with a bunch of the the guard stance cancels um I forgot his name um with the with the pillar that would
Starting point is 00:41:03 cross you up like bike in now as well like tons of examples of like okay this is a this is character is going to be normal but they have one thing that you need to be afraid of and if you don't learn about how to deal with it you're going to eat it and and fucking die um I think uh uh in in fighters in Dragon Ball um Super Saiyan 4 Gojita or it might have I heard people complaining like he has an instant kill thing where it's like literally doesn't matter like there's a there's if you let him build up this kind of like taunt meter it there's a there's a just built in touch of death you know so it's just like learn how to deal freaks like like Bayonetta and Leroy yes yes yes yes Bayonetta yeah smash had that though every smash character DL DLC wise was
Starting point is 00:41:53 dominating I remember from the moment um Piranha Plant came out and people were like oh my god Piranha Plant's really strong you know and then it just it felt like yeah like and then the weekend that hero dropped and people were just looking at the random abilities and freaking out at like how quickly you could die if the hero gets lucky on those it's in it's in smash players' nature to become you know excitable um I remember there was a couple of them Joker uh Joker and then uh um even when when Ryu dropped when Cloud dropped you know a lot of these characters came out and were like all like it was it was the it seemed to be from an outside point of view the topic of conversation for a while you know um if Piranha Plant ended up being bad then I I again I don't know I'm just
Starting point is 00:42:46 talking about what I was observing from the outside you know uh yeah but anyway so that's that's how it feels with uh with Jacko we'll see what what becomes of the rest of this list but so far I you know I enjoy this like this this thing don't like you don't have to worry about like the destruction of the of the the balance there and just make sure you learn what this character does and and like learn how to deal with it we're gonna have a really fun discussion about balance and not next podcast and not the podcast after that but on Monday the 18th we're gonna have a really fun discussion about balance because after that is when the 14 14 character changes like get known in like in detail and it's fascinating when I think about the
Starting point is 00:43:42 balance of say a fighting game character versus something like this where they're like super super super long running classes and how like like I the way that like a shooter or a MOBA or an MMO can get balanced compared to something like a fighting game is fascinating because like I've seen classes go through full-scale reworks on every release of a new retail product like Monk has never been the same class ever it's changed every time and like if you did that to like Ryu people would lose their fucking minds you'd have to put them in a new game so technically that does happen to Ryu but it happens through the system of the game the system of the game makes Ryu stronger or weaker a lot of the time um although sometimes yeah all the same buttons
Starting point is 00:44:38 it's just now sure Ryu's aren't quite as good but also there's that patch not long ago where they literally just made Ryu a beast so you know it it it it does happen um but yeah I would say like with what just happened with Strive 1.09 they successfully did flatten the tier list you know they did move things closer together and created reasons to be afraid of like people who you know weren't really tearing it up like Eno is is insane with her flight and Axel's annoying but now he's got that ability to combo into one vision time stop you know all that little stuff is there and um I would say that that's a successful balance patch and what they and they said that there's more that's coming with 14 though I would assume that you're not just balancing classes against
Starting point is 00:45:27 each other you're balancing them around like how will raid functions the upcoming two years of encounter design 18 months of which have not been made yet so that's the thing yeah it feels like for an MMO like like you're factoring in so much more than just a PvP element oh PvP they finally gave up um I want to say with Shadowbringers might have been a little earlier they just straight up gave up on the attempt of unified PvP balancing and the the classes in PvP are completely different like yeah it's a paladin and it has the same moves but they all have completely different numbers effects and things okay and attached to them like because they ran into the issue that balancing them simultaneously is impossible it's a problem that destiny has had as well
Starting point is 00:46:27 where destiny will take a gun that's really dominant in PvP and nerf it and people that don't play competitive multiplayer in destiny go but that was the gun I used for the raid and now it sucks for the raid why the fuck did you nerf it I don't care about multi but I don't care about like you know trials or whatever the fuck so um that yeah if you went through a lot of trouble to build your character a specific way and then those abilities you have our garbage in the PvP uh that would be really annoying um because I'm thinking about how like Pokemon like stadium for example they'd be like hey here it is everyone's level 50 or so play with a character that play with a cast that's everyone's around that level and they have more or less the default abilities
Starting point is 00:47:19 and you know that's that's the flattening of like every pokemon that you can fight with type of thing but you didn't have to suffer to build to get a particular gun or a particular build going you know uh that has now been handed to you that's useless so I had what might be like the most like one of the one of the big bullets in my heart of playing destiny was that I decided to go get a gun called the last word which was a hip fire revolver so no aim down sights you just fire from the hip like an old-fashioned shooter big show uh and uh I went down the quest line and I you know worked on it for four or five days and I got the last word and I went and played some multiplayer matches and it was a ton of fun and I was like fuck yeah and then I went on twitter
Starting point is 00:48:09 and said dude I just got the last word this gun's a blast and the first reply was they're nerfing it tomorrow and I went what I'm like yeah they're toning it down so that you have to hit with four bullets instead of three to kill and then I played it tomorrow and it like literally just wasn't the same and I was like I can't believe they'll do this in a game that also requires you to spend this amount of time to get the fucking item in the first place I was so upset and like I'm I'm sure a lot of folks will say like it's still good like that's not the point I got to experience what it was and I worked for the version that it was what it was and got to play with it for two
Starting point is 00:49:05 matches before it got nerfed into the dirt yeah good job idiot you fucking yeah just punishing you for all that time I feel like um uh uh so there was a really interesting thread that popped up on the subreddit uh not too long ago that was maybe like yesterday or so that was like um I think it was like oh I think woolly might dig halo infinite and it was footage of a dude just using the grappling hook and then sniping in midair and then grappling and then coming down with the fucking hammer and I was like oh that tingles that tingles all the right feelings in my brain um I and I don't know how to feel about halo infinite because to my knowledge uh that team has never made a good halo game hmm uh uh it's just kind of a problem wait what did I play did I play
Starting point is 00:50:02 what did I play that they made no I didn't I yeah you didn't they started at four right yeah yeah I didn't play any of theirs yeah four is like middling and then five is so bad that they are when they said we're bringing every halo game to pc they're like including infinite they're like yeah except for five we're not even gonna bother yeah um shit but what I like the thing about that though is that like one first of all the first thing that comes to mind is um bianna commando 2009 multiplayer because that was the last game I remember that like not the last game rather that was the first game I remember where like swing to sniping to midair snipe was like a thing that was super sick and then of course titanfall came and just like it that was the end
Starting point is 00:50:53 all be all you know um but uh the the there was an interesting discussion that was popping up because uh some people in the comments were describing how like playing halo the the hammer was a very rarely situationally useful thing that would be like you know worthless most of the time but in this particular instance it's great to have it on you and experts could use it but now by adding grappling it changes it to something that's very useful because you have vectors of attack that you otherwise wouldn't have the grappling is very limited you don't have a ton of infinite you don't have infinite grapple but it turns the whole setup into a viable one but it's one that departs from what halo is and becomes more titanfall
Starting point is 00:51:38 essentially you know so there is a discussion about like yeah it's cool and yeah it's fun but is this what you want in your pure halo multiplayer experience and I'm like I don't give me the fucking grapple hammer snipe shit I want that bill you're gonna get a pure multiplayer I'm sorry a halo multiplayer experience because like like I remember watching footage of people like like reaction stuff of people to the infinite reveal and like the instant that a sprint button got hit yeah just like just immediately we're like fuck it I don't care oh and I liked it so much playing the campaign of reach I uh I really are odiant odiant no reach yeah the sprint and reach I was like this feels great I really enjoyed
Starting point is 00:52:22 it I I can completely understand why people don't like sprint in those games even though sprint is a fun button to hit it does particularly in multiplayer make it so that you need to adjust map sizes for faster movement and then that changes like the shape of the way maps work in a way that I personally don't feel strongly one way or the other but if you really like that old halo classic map feel then yeah it's a it's a total bummer although just out of curiosity doesn't the fact that vehicles exist that are always faster than you on foot no then because indoor maps and whatnot okay all right yeah I unfortunately just I can't say I don't know enough about that but I feel as if um you know if there if there is if there is shit that's
Starting point is 00:53:20 faster than you that you can mount and hop on and then ride that in the battle then you know then it wouldn't be too bad but I yeah I guess there's areas where it's on foot only yeah well um I'm interested in checking that out once it finally comes out and then playing on it and being like wow I guess I like halo and just like me just I guess this is what I've been missing the whole time man halo really was good all along and just just having people in the background just be like you know yeah I I mean you know that that clip got my attention and if it didn't have what it had then it wouldn't get my attention so as someone who doesn't have any the full attachment and from going through all the halo games now I've done very little to almost none of
Starting point is 00:54:12 the multiplayer like I've only had a lore attachment you know made well competitive multiplayer you've you've played through all the campaigns of co-op right yes yes but no but I mean yeah I mean I mean competitive multiplayer like I've only got like memories of playing it back in the day with like you know nephews and shit and then like the couple of matches we did that one or two days on on the stream but that's a whole side of the game that's you know very very important and and you know it I'm the kind of person that feels like even if it affects the balance in a way if it feels cool I like the idea of a sprint I think you should design around it you know make the thing that feels cool be there and then design around it is what I would want the the multiplayer
Starting point is 00:55:04 adaptations of these things to to look like you know there's a jetpack there's a fucking shield there's all these cool abilities that are like I have a question for you and I'm going to use the word sprint specifically because I want to try and like engage you emotionally more than logically would you feel the same way if we were literally just talking about street fighter okay and saying there's no dashes anymore it's all sprinting um that turns it into KOF that changes a lot of what street fighter is but street fighter ex exists and I think that okay good that's the exact point I'm making yeah yeah yeah yeah and it's like it's like because I can understand why people look at that and go yeah that but that's no that's not halo but but also also picking an snk groove in
Starting point is 00:56:06 cvs2 you could feel a little bit of what it would be like to play street fighter with a run you know that was weird it is but it was bizarre but it's not if but it doesn't shut the whole showdown for me you know it's a change that is like okay if you're doing that and that's a deliberate thing then let's see how we build around this idea you know if we're willing to and and of course every street fighter that departs from the I mean every street fighter that departs from whatever it was before is going to be complained about and then the last game that everyone hated is going to be loved when street fighter six comes out everyone's going to talk about how great five was in the same way that everyone's going to talk about how great four talks about our great four was even though
Starting point is 00:56:48 they hated it compared to three was how great two was it is an unending series of well no it ends there nobody was sitting around talking about how great one was no but uh but but the versions st into into you know champ and all that shit um i i'm i'm fascinated by halo infinite because i've never gotten more warning signs that a game is going to be a mess uh for a big budget thing than this like the the delay after delay after delay to like their campaign and multiplayer shipping like six months to a year apart and stuff like that and 343 is making it like oh man um last thing on the run is um if it's something that you can choose to have access to as like a kit loadout thing for example um exism didn't have air blocking in alpha three
Starting point is 00:57:55 but you can you if you want to do that if you want to give different loadouts to characters and choose what you like the feel of so you want that dash fine you could have it then that's another way of approaching it too you know they did that already that was in reach uh you could pick sprint or you could pick stuff like armor lock yeah that's jetpack that's what i'm that's what i was making reference to yeah um you absolutely had you replaced your sprint with other abilities and like i remember i'd be like i did there's a lot of cool ones and i loved armor lock because the animation is fucking sick and you can tank a hit and it's super cool but um yeah i'd love running back to sprint just it just feels nice you know anyway um
Starting point is 00:58:43 that's uh that's that with balancing um and uh yeah you know i mean got some kiting in yesterday had a good time it was pretty fun i got to try out some of the ones i didn't get to uh got to experience some of the control of the the real hefty the hefty lift kites the power kites and such um it's a big of a difference is that huge so let's say um i'm using i mean i was using for example a trainer kite that was like uh like a 220 grade and then i switched to like a 250 and the the the 220 is like a full body pull when the wind is strong right i went out to the park it was a windy day it was nice clear skies and it was it was a good strong pull where i'd like i'd have to like you know put my muscles into it at the at the zenith
Starting point is 00:59:48 of where it was pulling me but when i switched to the 250 it was partially lifting me off the ground like i had to lean full body you know to get it like where i want it to go at times so you can choose the larger ones because the larger ones it's essentially a parachute right yeah you're basic and it has the same tech as a parachute as well so um i mean a cloth in the wind it's not just a cloth in the wind so uh parachute there is a string i am aware it's more than just a cloth and a string it's actually inflating itself there's two layers of of fabric an event in between that fills up with air so it's actually more like a little flat balloon like a like an air like a float you know it's not just one layer of fabric and strings attached
Starting point is 01:00:44 when you have the two layers and the air in between it has so much more strength and power and resistance um so the the you know the the trainer kites had those on them and like you really got a good like yeah like you have to fight the the wind at at some points and there's and when you crash it hits the ground fucking hard and you hear a loud thud um and i was originally having some trouble with it because i didn't i knew how to use the regular kites but those ones were again they're the they're the kind that kite surfers use so we were we were kind of like using it and doing it improperly and just some nice some nice dude just comes out of nowhere and goes hey guys do you need some help and i was like oh yeah sure we don't know what we're doing you
Starting point is 01:01:29 know it was really my my first time trying out this kind of kite and he's like yeah no no worries i'm a kite instructor that went that at at a kite school i can help you guys figure out how to do this and i'm like yeah so we met a little random kite angel that just showed up out of nowhere and he gave us uh uh some some key tips you know one really important one is for this kind of kite we were using you don't get to semi uncoil the the the the string you have to fully unwind it so you have to be at max distance and then it starts to make sense you know i was trying to keep it shorter to avoid you know possibly hitting anybody around because you're in a park but there's still people out and about so you want to just keep a nice radius away from everybody
Starting point is 01:02:24 but like he was like none enough for this you have to fully unwind it you know um so we basically we had to switch parks and go to a larger one where we could make space um so you know we kind of we were able to do that but um yeah you there's a couple we got some tips from him about how to get a nice figure eight going how to get some nice tricks and it was really cool you know like he really helped us out and then he just walked on his way and had a good day and i'm like a fuck what are the odds that a kite teacher just wanders in shows us some tricks and how to do it and then wanders out you know i'm gonna say actually more likely than you would then you would expect from a similar kind of activity because if you're in a you you were in a nice open
Starting point is 01:03:09 park i assume mm-hmm kiting is highly visible yes yes from a really far distance i definitely like you know a couple hundred feet easy i definitely don't expect to run into people that are like into kiting as much as people that are into kite surfing which is much more popular and then they can give me some of the tips so that that works because that's what i was using you know i also got my whale going up and man that thing is beautiful it really has uh it's frameless so it just kind of fills with the air and floats and it stays up never crashed once the whale went up it stayed up until we wanted it down um can't believe how fucking solid that one is and uh yeah i've already i have a i have what might be like a silly question mm-hmm you described the 250 as
Starting point is 01:04:00 like bordering on lifting your fucking feet off the ground at the height of it yeah right say the wind is like just really killing it that day um 16 kilometers per hour oh uh you you can control it so you steer it either to so um okay imagine this is this is specific to power kiting too imagine you have a sphere in front of you right the area right right so the area when you're when you're holding on to the kite and it's out in front of you if you go straight out in front of you at eye level and then go 45 degrees up that is the like that's the zenith that's the power zone where you're going to get the most pull and the most resistance right and if you control it and try to keep it there you're going to get a constant pull
Starting point is 01:05:00 if you pull it straight above your head 90 degrees then it gets soft again it gets weaker the wind is not going to be blowing okay into it at that let at that basically put it directly above your head put it directly above your head and you can you can relax it for a little bit or if you're trying to land it then you want to steer it um so eye level and then like 45 degrees right or 45 degrees left like then you can steer it down there and then you can get a soft landing but you know because it's a beginner i'm just crashing it basically and that taking that as the landing you know um it's great it's super cool as long as it doesn't fly away that i'm sure that's a victory no and and it won't because um again these ones that are not just like hey look
Starting point is 01:05:50 at the pretty thing in the sky these things are like sporting things like you got a body workout there's footage of a dude like leaning back like d.o. style getting dragged a little bit using his you know his his like full body to pull it so um but what happens is if you ever completely lose control of it and you're just like this is too much i can't handle it there's a there's a wrist strap attached to it that is attached to the bar and the moment you let go of the bar the whole thing just falls so there's a safety feature that essentially means like it's pulling you you can't control it it's too much you just let go of the bar and that'll lopside the strings and cause the whole thing to just come straight down but the wires will tangle themselves and you'll spend the
Starting point is 01:06:32 next like half an hour untangling the wires you know but more importantly it's not going to drag you off say a cliff no so first of all you'd be an idiot to do it near one but if yeah but it'd be really cool okay so that there's a second layer of emergency as well so the first layer of emergency is let go of the bar the strap will be on your wrist it'll fall down you can go retrieve it no problem the second layer is if you are being personally dragged in a direction that you can't let go of and that you can't resist or whatever you can pull a tab on your wrist and it'll detach the whole thing from you and then it'll just fall off and go elsewhere but like you don't want to risk anyone else obviously it'll go on its way and become a villain in that Miyazana in that
Starting point is 01:07:22 Junji Ito uh fucking nightmare story with the balloons sure so you don't want to pull the tab unless you really really give up on what's happening you know but just letting go of the bar letting the safety hardest kick in is is enough you know but that same kite teacher did tell me about how he got a kite came down on the back of his neck and he got a huge bruise across his his shoulder and neck because like yeah it lands with force you know like it's it's not a joke so those kites you gotta you gotta be those kites and like a couple of the others that are that fast and two-handed you gotta really be careful with so i'm gonna be learning about that stuff i got some stuff on the mail come in some better reels i got a stunt kite on the way and some cool tails i can't wait for it
Starting point is 01:08:10 really really excited so so this gentleman explained to you a situation in which he was struck by a kite yes and earlier in an earlier conversation you described battle kites that essentially are kites with knives attached to them so there's a non zero percent chance that you may come into this podcast with a self-inflicted kite based stab wound well first of all first of all i don't have the confidence to get into kite fighting just yet not ever if ever but secondly uh after talking about them i've learned from various places about the different uh customs and the different ways they go about it like again lots of countries have cool kite traditions and some places do it way more dangerously than others
Starting point is 01:09:13 i found out about the wow kites in malaysia which are larger than a car that make huge noises and they launch them into the air and they're fucking crazy massive massive things you know if something like that comes down on you you're gonna take you're gonna take a lick or two you're gonna take some beatings um but the one that most people let me know about was in brazil how they so the kite fighting is different there's some places where the kite itself has the blade and there's some places where the string has the cutting and so the string will be coated with glass and fine broken powders and sharp things to make the string as sharp as possible right and when they play they fight and go for a string on string cut and that's the shit that gets insane because apparently in brazil
Starting point is 01:10:10 a kite got cut during one of these battles and then the string came down on a motorcyclist and killed him um right in the head near decapitation um cool so that's the shit you don't want to do and then they banned it and then people had to you know like i heard about someone that's underground which is ironic considering kiting doesn't work very well underground i mean someone described a helmet that has like a thing sticking out that that's like a like an antenna to stop anything that's like that like obvious if you're doing it where someone might be on a motorcycle with the string being that dangerous to me that's crazy that's fucking insane you know what i mean sounds cool though but but it's just like yeah i
Starting point is 01:10:55 wouldn't like never in a million that's like that's like it's cool though yeah so you know that's like hey you know what's cool fighting games but like there's a gun attached to my arcade stick and it's pointing at you that is cool like just i'm not i'm not you know what i mean like i'm not here to fucking have the fun with my kite and then also there's a gun attached like i'm not here for that like fuck off um if i'm gonna if i'm gonna ever try any of the the dueling kite things it'll be the kite itself and it'll be empty field with literally nothing or anyone around in the vicinity of where the kites themselves are you know because fuck that it's great about an empty field with no one around no one can see what really happened i see in the kiting duel
Starting point is 01:11:48 there you go how did the body get here it was a freak accident dude my kite it just had a control stabbed him 35 times um yeah no and the thing is if you were to combine the power of like the two handed kites with and the speed of that with like a blade that's just a weapon it's not a kite anymore it's like if i can show you like so i found so there's a there's a guy that has a shop here in montreal and he's got some footage of him out in the fields he's like he's he's he's an older dude and he's trying to make it look cool so he's got his shades on and he's doing these little like hand gestures that are like like he's trying to make it look really like coordinated and shit and it's it's some goofy old shit but but the shit he's doing is making it spin in a really
Starting point is 01:12:39 fast circle he's doing quick figure eights and then you're doing something that's called a sweep right and a sweep is when essentially you make the kite go really high up and then it bought it nose dives to the ground turns 90 degrees at the last second sweeps as far across the horizon as you can go and then goes back up like creating a u shape when it's sweeping across the horizon it's like i don't know how fast i don't i don't want to give it like a kilometers per hour but it with a blade that's like murder you fast like easily you know um so yeah don't like that's a weapon there's no reason for that we don't need to go there i just want to enjoy my whale in the sky like my my pizza listening to you like in episode one
Starting point is 01:13:35 of the downfall arc that ends with you as like one of the ninja scroll antagonists i mean listen i've spent the entire week hearing and watching and reading people that are trying to turn this into something it's not a lot of people are trying to turn me into something you know they're trying to turn it into like some kind whatever they're trying to run people are trying to figure out what the lore angle is should he become kite man should this become a death sport what's that what's the lore angle given but one's just but there's no lore angle it's just a it's just a simple fun thing that begins and ends with there's the there's no lore angle than the only remaining option is to descend into complete fantasy you're correct you know this you're correct
Starting point is 01:14:26 because it begins and ends with the pretty thing in the sky is moving and now i can control it um yeah good kiting day by the time i got back home i was definitely like i got a good workout going you know it was uh it was pretty physical strenuous at its strongest there's no lore angle says the man who i can directly quote not two minutes earlier saying if you were able to combine the power of the two-handed ones with a knife you would have a killing weapon which i will never do ever but it would be insanely dangerous yeah um so that was me that sounds good hey if anybody wants to check out more of your stuff where should they go you can head out to woolly versus on youtube and on twitch uh as of this week
Starting point is 01:15:32 gone in 60 seconds part 10 is uh now back uh that'll be coming out once a week uh until the season is done and uh yeah i hope you guys enjoy it's uh it's a fun little thing it's been a while but obviously it's back and i i figured you had been watching some hunter hunter considering your new love of kite yeah well that's the thing so now i know that the chimera arc contains some character named kite who's got a a hat and some long hair on it and i don't know whatever that's the joke we'll find out about this kite character yeah i got i have no feelings about it i have nothing to say and we'll we'll we'll see you know whatever that happens um but what i will say is uh you know as far as anyone is good is this there's there's three camps of people
Starting point is 01:16:27 there's people who uh just enjoy the ride and then there's people who are enjoying the ride but concerned and enjoying the ride but are definitely upset about the infrequency of how often this comes out um to which i say yeah well why do you think that is right so that's just because you used to watch it clearly on your own because you're a baby clearly um so you know if you're like i wish it would it would happen more often it's like well it should be obvious why it doesn't and there's nothing we can really do about that so you know that's that's fine that's what it is and in the third camp and this is most important it's just gonna stop being a baby guys in the third camp um i'll say there are those who are uh combining the the above feeling with the
Starting point is 01:17:21 oh man they're never gonna get through it this way it'll be 2035 before they even get to guys guys we're just having fun it doesn't even matter listen there are literally i there are episodes that like we've discussed and possibly even done stuff with where the show is not even mentioned okay listen you're oh if you're worried about the pace of things just enjoy the ride who cares who fucking cares if you are worried about the long form pacing of a piece of content on woolly's channel i don't know what to tell you what who do you think you're watching there you go right so that's it that's it i remember sitting with some friends and calling down to the to the week when you'd finished disco elysium back in like march and they were like there's no
Starting point is 01:18:23 way i'm like you fucking watch and sure enough i paid math it out i mean you you are a long game crushing machine on your stream you you crank them out in in a couple days by like gunning through with the super long hours on it um depends on what lost judgment really taught me a lesson on that because yeah it just like our schedules are just really different with how we record and do shit you know um but if it's you know i mean and sometimes i feel the pain of like something that lasts too long obviously but you know um sometimes i'm like yeah but i'd rather do it than not do it you know so i'm still i'm still figuring out that but but all this to say that you know and we said it last time too it's just like if you're concerned about that if you're
Starting point is 01:19:17 concerned about like oh but what about the real review of the episodes and stuff it's like guys wrong energy we're just having fun you know and and and you should you shouldn't be thinking too seriously about that either i don't i don't think there's like a lot of fun to be had in like episode by episode reviews of like anything that's not an hour long pretty much it's absurdity like you i could do like episode and we kind of did when me and uh page and plague watch uh t and g and nine episodes like me and Eli are talking shit about the episodes and we come to like a judgment at the end because those are long those are 42 43 minute long things right but particularly for like a manga adaptation in a 22 minute episode like each particular episode i mean they're not
Starting point is 01:20:07 being made for television they're just pieces of what is actually an eight hour story yeah you know what have you so it just it like i don't you know it's something that you don't really it's something that i feel should be self-evident when you watch how silly the shit i'm doing is but it you should clearly see the absurdity and then not go and type i'm deeply concerned with the pace at which this is going because it's like that's the wrong attitude to have if that's your takeaway from the insanity you have the wrong attitude i don't know there is one thing that is highly accurate and that if we're talking about a hunter hunter piece of media the phrase i am highly concerned about the pace this is going is something that would be said often and allowed right okay
Starting point is 01:21:02 well that's not the goal here if it's not you know if it was the goal i'd have done it differently but clearly the goal is to just do some wild shit and that's it so end of story anything else is unimportant um that's over on woolly versus as well so please enjoy and uh yeah we'll um i'll you know schedule plans etc gonna finish off delta rune probably this week um not gonna promise all all runs obviously but definitely gonna finish likely yeah um but um that and again like you know punch mom does like have a day day job so i can't just be like hey come over here let's do like you know what i mean like it's like when she can if she can we'll figure that out plus she's doing the voices amazingly and uh fucking killing it on the ralsey um but that plus uh uh smt we'll be back
Starting point is 01:22:07 so we'll let you guys know how about you woolly have you ever this is a rhetorical fake question by the way have you ever heard of a story about a delinquent older man who through a various series of hijinks ends up becoming a oh he's walking away walk ends up becoming a teacher at a local high school i sure have heard of great teacher onizuka well i've been playing lost judgment and what i initially thought was a superficial similarity became like overt homage very quickly thank you for the dog treat does he start by peeking up the skirts of his 16 year old students holy shit i didn't even put it together the answer is kind of what the answer is actually kind of wait what let me break it i can't believe it so
Starting point is 01:23:35 the impetus for the reason why you are going to this is chapter one or two in judgment the reason why you are going to the school in lost judgment at all is because the local principal wants to find out if there is a bullying epidemic at the school i recall yes therefore you are walking around and you discover that the best idea you guys have is to just plant hidden cameras all over the school to surreptitiously monitor the students including the boys bathroom and near the end of your camera placement you put it at the at the middle point of some stairs and amasawa the head of the mystery research club looks at you and goes this mother fuckers putting cameras out here to look up our skirts that dudes a pedo get him and you have to run away
Starting point is 01:24:46 from guards and the gym teacher oh my god okay because well at least it's a misunderstanding as opposed to literally the opening sequence of the story yeah as as i went through it the moment that i i it fully clicked in my mind that it was gto was not beating up the same group of students to hell and death five times in one day only for them to be fine or that it was when i discovered the smart girl who had quit school because she was too smart and had been shun last week oh really came back to school to read all the mystery novels and the only club i could convince her to get into was the robotics club and i'm like oh man this is just like when onizaka kanzaki uh was her name kanzaki kanzaki or the plan whatever yeah yeah kanzaki hang out with the
Starting point is 01:26:03 Gundam nerds on the island wow yeah that's pretty fucking direct so i'm going so uh i originally started my streams going let's do everything in judgment and after three four days of that um i'm like we're not going to be doing everything in judgment we're going to be doing just the main storyline only because the yakuza series or i'm calling them rgg now because there's black panther and kenzan and yakuza and judgment and it's like it's like the souls born situation but like there's too many spinoffs it's become actually complicated and confusing ryu got gto that's pretty good so they've always had like a lot of extra content like they've always had like a kind of insane amount of extra content this one has the most insane amount of extra content
Starting point is 01:27:08 that it's ever had and it is a huge amount of it is put into the school stories like side quest chain okay which is you're you become an advisor at the school because delinquency is up and there's a nair duel and there's a secret plot and there's a mastermind yada yada yada yada but it is basically an excuse to go down to various clubs and ingratiate yourself so and you know have that storyline go so i'm good like do they is there a like um school festival planning mini game that replaces the landlord like collecting you know uh no uh what so i have not even unlocked so i stopped i last played the game on stream on friday i have played the game for multiple hours a day every single no i played the game for about maybe 15 hours more than i have on stream
Starting point is 01:28:14 with just the school stuff and i'm not even halfway through it there is there is legitimately a full extra yakuza game just made out of this school section oh my god um so so far i have learned that uh the dance club has a sugar baby that is scamming uh older patrons and we're worried she might get murdered so i gotta go teach the dance club and get them to regionals in order to find out about the sugar baby the robotics club is uh doing robot wars shit at a at a regional tournament but they're also suspected of using like a boston dynamics like dog bot thing to rob people on the street and i gotta get to the bottom of that okay um the uh skateboarding club is having a graffiti tag war and i have to do sick tony hawk tricks
Starting point is 01:29:22 in order to get them to trust me i have recently found out that there are students patronizing an underground casino that i will have to infiltrate uh i have i can't even remember uh there is a boxing gym because one of the students is theorized to have become the payback boxer in town and i have to infiltrate this boxing gym for criminals and then i went in and thought it was going to be using the regular combat system it's not it uses its own boxing game that's completely new and really good wow um and the school is not the whole game no it's completely optional what the fuck and i just found out that some of the kids have gotten into a biker gang uh and the way they're describing it is that they're a biker gang that is going through the streets
Starting point is 01:30:25 doing crazy tricks and there's no rules between the racers you can even hit your fellow racers in the middle of the race and i'm like oh man this is going to be a road rash once i load it up but there's nothing that has competed with the absolute genius and production design and joy of going down to the fucking esports club because you go to the esports club because the head of it has been accused of cheating and beating was essentially daigo with no prior practice so you walk into the esports club and go hey kids what's up and a guy walks up to you and says what the fuck do you know about virtual fighter for me goes that's where the dude says you're 10 years too early huh and they go check out this old man well we're we're practicing for a final showdown tournament
Starting point is 01:31:33 oh wow so you need to fucking get good and the mini games associated with are beat the dudes in final showdown matches oh wow okay okay and the esports club president looks like sekita sanchiro and his voice actor is doing a sonic the hedgehog impression wait like the president that's a student yes the president of the esports looks like sekita sanchiro looks like sekita sanchiro eyeball uh it is oh lost judgments i'll grab a it is like it was because you know there was the the topic about like a little while ago like oh kratos is reusing this fucking boat animation yeah sure people were but heard on twitter about it and it was just this this thing of like this is so stupid and so absurd like who gives a shit and then i'm playing lost judgment in which
Starting point is 01:32:35 i just i discover that's like these guys are reusing every part of the buffalo like every single asset or mechanic or clip or animation is just held on to for the absolute maximum length of time possible to be reused and put into something new there are animations that i like i was able to point out on stream that have been around since 2004 like the pouting animation and the people like clenching their fists in front of them that have literally never changed the conversation animations you mean yeah like the yeah like the mini the side quest stuff people people throwing the right fist down and their right leg swings around and their head bows to the left as they pout and stomp and all that shit and it's like why why make a new one it's still good it's still
Starting point is 01:33:33 there it's fine it's completely fine um and i've been doing all this and i've been talking about it and people routinely ask whatever time i talk about on social media isn't there a murder to solve who cares like who cares these kids need to learn that even if you were an art prodigy and you got a hand injury that's no reason to give up and i'm gonna teach you that by hitting sick 900s are you even a detective slash like lawyer guy anymore it it so i mean we've talked at length and we talked even last week about like the the the tonal dissonance of this series is the absolute maximum it goes from like cartoon loony tunes cartoon shit to high-end melodrama like serious crime shit i feel like this one is the farthest they've ever been apart in which i would describe
Starting point is 01:34:35 but not even as melodrama but as like hyper drama okay and the cartoon shit is like a different universe okay entirely okay um i was walking around and discovered a detective dog that just walked up to me okay all right all right yeah and all right and yeah one of my co-workers said oh this is the famous crime-solving dog of yijin show got it got it just wanders around and solves mysteries okay only for me to instantly get a text from the head of the mystery research club going have you seen my dog he likes to sneak out of the house and solve mysteries so um i have a question uh since and before you go on in the same session that that happened we saw the most graphic on-screen murder that's ever been in the series as well as
Starting point is 01:35:47 interviewed a the victim of a uh of sexual assault on a subway groping and went into graphic detail in total sincerity these things were one half hour apart and that was the serious part of the game yes okay and a rooftop discussion about bullying that was like legitimately tear jerking like it's it's as far apart as they've ever been um okay so uh since uh yak is a seven clearly is going you know it's it's the full rpg system and all that stuff and this is now the series that keeps the action have they built upon the action stuff and like oh absolutely yeah it's a huge improvement from the first game the first game had some balance problems particularly it had two styles but one of the styles was terrible okay so there was one styles uh now there are three
Starting point is 01:36:54 and they're all a lot more viable and it's the typical um rgg thing of you kept about half of the moves you earned in the last game as default abilities okay okay okay and um which i'm interested in seeing how they do that with with youtube on like are you gonna start those games with like six classes available i mean if you're if it's an rpg and your experience always starts you know at a low level then yeah you don't have to carry over that much you just earn it back again um and the other thing i'm wondering is like do they take the same well i mean uh seven is so clearly backed by a crazy budget down to the fact that like the voice acting you know what i mean is is all is like george decay and shit like that like did they acting in uh judgment too is not it
Starting point is 01:37:46 doesn't have the the budget but it's it's similarly fantastic okay using the dub again yeah and it's great it's it's great i'm not going to play them in subtitles anymore is there any bread biting on it no okay but uh at the same point in judgment too where you would have gotten the bread bite they go for super super high-end maggot tech oh like highly highly detailed uh mega tree okay feel the corpse that that's a super dead body yeah okay got it um what's interesting is that like lost judgments plot and this is like outside the game like you're looking at it and you're like it's a shame that yagami is going to be hit by a car and die 30 seconds after the end of the credits
Starting point is 01:38:49 of this game i wonder which one of these characters will become the new main character and the car needs to needs to drive off into the fucking into the night and the only thing you see is a license plate that says snap yeah i'll turn it like like i would love for them to turn in on it and and have the third game be about the murder of the character yagami like i think that would be a great way to handle it could be interesting yeah could be huh okay his face was totally destroyed game game is a plus excellent game is incredible i love it there's only one problem i found with the game only one the robot club is the worst mini game they've ever put in the series it is it is atrocious you said it was super robot wars like or not super okay not super robot wars as in
Starting point is 01:39:55 like super robot wars but robot wars robot wars yes yes exactly uh it's it's the worst it's it's it's incredibly terrible and um the problem is that the the default actual action it's it's about area denial you're running over to get tetris blocks to put them on the board and you're fighting dudes in order to stop them from getting your tetris blocks the problem is is that you there's a shit ton of mandatory fights and the enemies are always more upgraded than you and you have to grind materials to upgrade your thing it's it's it's roughly equivalent to like pocket racer except way less fun than even pocket i fucking love pocket racer yeah and super grindy and they constantly surface these materials that you can't buy and it includes the only games soft lock that
Starting point is 01:40:50 i can uh find where uh warning to anybody playing uh lost judgment if you get to chapter six and there's an objective called kill some time don't go do the robot club because if you get to the story event where you go eat ramen it will lock you in as well as your autosave and you will not be able to escape hmm okay you can soft lock and kill your fucking save file i mean i have you know zero i was running into a wild item bugs a nonsense like just playing the game normally so i think that's limited to the pc version but that's all that's surprising considering the lack of experience they have with uh with pc development okay that's that's that is interesting and um i i i guess it's like yeah like
Starting point is 01:41:51 the franchise even though all that johnny's shit has happened like the split between full rpg and full action is a smart thing and they can sell two of these games on a regular basis if they if they have the teams for it so i feel like sega's gonna want to figure out some solution to keeping a secondary franchise going you know i have gotten i finally managed to scrub through youtube video and i have gotten a screenshot of the esports president's head okay for you okay yeah okay it's young fujioka yeah like a hundred percent yeah i see it no i see it the eyebrows are there got it yeah that's cool that's cool okay um i do i mean to watch golden girls
Starting point is 01:42:54 but hey did you know the golden girls is incredible you know i i i i never really watched it as a kid but i i do understand it the the the energy because it's been on the air constantly and you know but i just yeah i wouldn't actually sit and watch it a ton um are you watching it on anything in particular or did you just get the whole thing my yeah on my on my tv screen okay well okay well you know that's fine uh it's there's something about like a well-written older show from the olden times because we've gotten through about two seasons and there's no reason to think that it's going to stop because but it's just like you know ronnie dangerfield is kind of incredible because he has one joke mm-hmm golden girls has like
Starting point is 01:43:50 some characters in which there is one joke blanche is going to come on to the screen and she's going to tell a little story mm-hmm and the punch line is that blanche is a whole she's a whole she's a raunchy raunchy dirty girl that's the punch line yes every time one like six seven eight times an episode yeah and they're killing it on every single one we've probably seen like 200 instances of somebody looking at the camera and going blanche is a whore in some kind of jokey way sure sure and they're just writing around it over and over and over and over i've uh i've wanted to and i think i think i'm gonna um go back and watch the wonder years because that used to be my favorite tv show um and i don't know how it
Starting point is 01:44:49 will have aged but i'm curious to find out if there's any anything that's just like it doesn't land the way it did because i really really really liked it um the the atmosphere and the feeling that show would give you back in the day was like fucking great um but then i heard that apparently there there's like a spin-off that's in the works are gonna come out or something and i was planning to go watch it anyway but apparently there's like yeah some i think it's like i heard it's like about a black family in the same town on the other side at the same time or something along those lines i don't know the full details but um yeah um you know i had a similar kind of like let me go back to old tv for a second and see how this how this was
Starting point is 01:45:41 you know i'm trying to think about like interesting shit that i did with my week this week and the only other thing i can think of and i don't know if it's even we're talking about it but it's like i decided to go back and play the Diablo 3 on the console because i just felt like that kind of game and i was playing it and i had this feeling of like is this still like the better game in this genre because like i asked people about path of exile and they say that it's a bunch of crap and then grim dawn has its problems and it's just like like good thing i bought this back before i knew blizzard was evil so i can still enjoy it to my heart's content because the that's long past that decision but it's it's weird it's it's just a weird
Starting point is 01:46:30 thing and it also i'm looking at it and i was playing it i was like is this a pachinko machine am i just running around and hitting buttons to kill enemies on mass so that a shiny thing drops and then i can put the shiny thing on like it i'm it feels less steps removed from cookie clicker than i thought it was when i was younger but is your goal to beat the game or to max level i want to see what shiny thing's gonna fall out of that enemy over there but what's what's the what's your goal i just told you so hitting credits doesn't matter oh yeah not in diablo diablo has i want to say it has like 20 difficulty levels
Starting point is 01:47:33 okay it has like eat it has normal hard very hard hard insane and then something else and then it has like 50 torment one through 15 okay and it's it's literally just did you make your character broken enough to stomp through torment one take him to torment two where the the money and the gear drops are a little better are you stomping through torment two just roll on to the next one and so on and so forth sure so you know sol's new game plus plus plus plus you're you're it's playing till you get tired yeah more than then till you beat it roll your character over and just keep buffing okay all right cool all right it's it's weird i've been enjoying it but it's also like this feels like
Starting point is 01:48:24 one of the most popcorn things i've like played in a long time i i yeah i've never played diablo i i i it's i always thought it's right mm-hmm couldn't yeah for a while yeah aggressively never played diablo i always just so my in my impression of it from a distance was like oh it's like a gauntlet legends with a story kind of thing i mean i mean that you're not incorrect that's what the that's the impression of buttons to push to make you know fancy things happen but you're not really wrong hmm but yeah all-in-all pretty slow week for pit all right well check out a slightly less slow week for pit
Starting point is 01:49:22 and go to slash pat stares at outer wilds dlc comes out tomorrow cool and then i'm going to play mass fact and uh no more heroes and judgment at the end of the week woo um so do you do you uh do you usually like for example like no more heroes you've started right yes so then you stopped it and then you went back to it and now you're gonna finish it so you yeah so i've been paying no more heroes has been in a like ping-ponged around the worst of everything in the the current schedule um basic deals i've been doing mass effect trilogy for like three four months yeah i'm like 60 through mass fact three and i'm like i would i that i need to finish it is a priority because i've done mass effect one i've done mass effect two it'd be
Starting point is 01:50:21 ridiculous if i didn't finish the third one uh and then the judgment thing came out and i want to play a full week of judgment and then i discovered that there's so much more judgment than i thought there was and so i'm like oh i'm not going to finish judgment anytime soon so i might as well just parcel them back out instead of trying to rush through one okay okay because that's what i was kind of wondering is like you know with me you know a lot of the times i just i'm like well we're gonna go as long as we can until it's done um but like yeah i was wondering because i'm like no more heroes is also gonna be a you know that's not a super short game like that's gonna take some time to get the shortest of all the ones i just mentioned by far yes yeah but it's like you know
Starting point is 01:51:06 within but like i don't know how you'd like get through all all of those hit credits and um you know not and like keep them in rotation so so yeah you put them on break and then come back to them later i see yeah i pretty i pretty rarely do that honestly it's just the timing of all this shit is i mean i but usually when i'm doing this it's in september it's in october because that's when the fucking deluge begins and it is beginning like i saw people saying did asking me to do like a full thing at tales of a rise and i'm like that's just it's just not gonna happen right so you tales of a rise came out in august yeah maybe so how much of that did you play uh i played it on stream for one session and then i played it
Starting point is 01:51:57 for about 10 hours after that okay i'm at the part where i'm about to go into the ice town it's really good and i intend to keep picking away at it okay um if but like not on stream no okay and like for example i made a i made a judgment call ha ha uh at the end of like thursday going okay i'm not going to be doing side quests on camera anymore even just the main plot of judgment is gonna take me like weeks um but i will show off at least one of every single of the types of side content so i'll show off whatever this fucking road rash shit is okay okay interesting yeah and i showed off the skateboarding crap last time because i definitely um like ever since you know we made the decision to like not do like quick looks and quick looks and one offs uh as
Starting point is 01:52:57 a regular thing anymore than like it was very much like all right we're committing to some like long lps that are going to be like you know bat down the hatches bunker down we're going through it um and and uh i've been you know time to from time to time questioning like whether that approach is is going to make sense in the long run and i think it just kind of depends on the game but i know that like um some games it's cool to crab it take a look see where it goes and then you know it's fine if you just kind of leave it there but there's other games where yeah like depending on you know how well it gels and how well everything feels um and how much people are enjoying it the feeling of like looking into something that is clearly a huge commitment
Starting point is 01:53:38 and then stopping at like episode three or so is something that like a lot of people told me they didn't really like so yeah yeah for me uh the the big deal is that like like i think one of the very first things i said when i started playing rise is hey we're starting our look at a rise yeah i think um it's it's the one time i'm gonna look at it and i might continue afterwards but the schedule does not allow i think i think um not shadow runner um that uh first person ninja ass game that's um whoa that's not clear wall running mirrors edge killing people cyber cyberpunk ghost runner ghost runner yeah um ghost runner like was was yeah that was when it was like okay
Starting point is 01:54:37 look i have to play this because it looks super cool but i'm not going to commit to like saying we're going to hit credits on it and you know that was cool but it was and ultimately it was fine to to leave that but all right gotcha um let's take either a break or a quick word for my sponsors let's do both of those okay um um so you want to you want to take five and then come back yeah i'll take five all right cool beer back everybody all right quick word for our sponsors as i've mentioned there's a little bit of a traffic jam build up of uh these so we're going to have one more than usual today well that's fine because i love our sponsors
Starting point is 01:55:24 hell yeah for example uh this week the podcast is sponsored by away suitcases away which i can say uh i recently went on a honeymoon in which you did both myself and the mrs used our away suitcases and it was fucking amazing as a way suitcase as per use we were you know going from uh uh from kebek city to iceland to ireland back and forth hauling we were hauling these things all around the world and um they were you know not just getting shoved into um airplane overhead compartments but they were rolling behind us in the you know the gravel on the lava rocks everywhere we took them with us and they were amazing still the best goddamn suitcase i've ever had so you know i was able
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Starting point is 01:58:18 informative is well you went to kebec city ireland and iceland and huge whirlwind tour yeah and that was like less than half of 90 days yeah and this is 100 days we're talking about so wow that's 10 more than even what i was saying so much time um so yeah you can get in on that plus uh free shipping and returns to any order within the contiguous united states uk europe and canada start your 100 day trial shop the entire away lineup and travel accessories essentials all their best selling suitcases at away travel dot com slash beast that's away travel dot com slash beast thanks away you made my honeymoon way easier more like a way easier that pop pop pop podcast is also sponsored by express vpn
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Starting point is 02:06:14 is sponsored by honey we've talked about them it's the name that makes you think wait is it literally just the thing that you eat with your pancakes and no it's just the thing that you put in the promo code field to save you money at checkout when you're shopping online money scours the internet for all the codes that you don't have puts them in and you save the money over 30 000 stores online i'm sure likely you're gonna encounter one that honey will save you some money on uh like it's done for uh over 17 million other members with two billion in savings so uh get yourself in wait did you say pancakes you can put honey on pancakes is that a thing some people yeah well syrup is better but i know some people that put honey on their pancakes huh i prefer i prefer syrup but you can
Starting point is 02:07:14 you can do it all right yeah do you not believe me i i guess i do believe you i mean it's not that outrageous it's just like for a second there i'm like wait a second the sponsor's not named syrup it's honey no yeah i mean look i must have heard mistakenly like syrup and honey are not they're interchangeable in a lot of circumstances but if not the circumstance of saving you money no certainly not but i think i prefer syrup in in most instances it's it's tasty food instance yeah probably i got some sugar free syrup that is wildly tasty it's crazy it doesn't make any sense to me because syrup's like 85 no sugar it makes no sense but it tastes really good and i don't get it but it works and i'm not going to argue with that when i'm doing my keto thing
Starting point is 02:08:08 anyway um save money use honey installs in a few seconds and you can use it on all those shops get it for free at slash super beast that's slash super beast thanks honey thank you honey yeah uh let's let's uh i was what did i have recently i i was eating i was eating something and i put some of that sugar free syrup on it and it was like yeah it was crazy i was like this makes no sense like my mouth is fooled you know is it meat no fuck ew you can you can put syrup on meat no thank you you know what else i had too i got some um uh uh uh it's like a it's like a uh sugar free
Starting point is 02:09:08 cereal as well it's a magic spoon who are not a sponsor but i know they sponsor a lot of other podcasts i got a bunch of their cereal and it's like it tastes like fucking cereal i haven't had cereal in years and i was like oh shit they kind of figured it out not every flavor is great but at least two of them are pretty solid well that's nice yeah although the problem is you're still drinking milk which is fucking loaded with sugar so that doesn't save you but you save on the strong bones though you save on the sugar anyway um all right so this week there is news oh there is oh there is so we've got two varieties so you want as well start with the nintendo direct variety bayo three after infinite time has finally been shown off announced and this is something
Starting point is 02:10:11 i have to figure something out i'm gonna i'm gonna decide how to approach this going forward channel wise because um one thing is clear right is uh the the good people who who tune in and check us out and and enjoy the stuff we do love uh when we watch what good people you talking to the shitheads that watch our shit that's correct uh they're subhuman garbage and they know it well like it when you dump on them you know eat the poop you losers so they like when we watch live events and i understand that it's because you're rolling a game of like gacha dice hoping that a cool thing that we care about will land and you'll get a live reaction to that but or maybe you're gonna watch a fucking guardians of the galaxy gameplay walkthrough again and then you're or
Starting point is 02:11:08 nine out of ten times it'll be something you hear there are indifferent towards or don't care about so when the racing power hour comes on and i'm like look i don't care about these games it's like i'm forced to either be just disinterested for an hour or talk shit about them which i don't want to do because i understand some people like them but it's just not my thing anyway i i i have i've settled on talking shit about stuff that i really don't does think it sucks to um at the very least i've ingratiated a new attempt into my brain which is like i hate this but the people that like it seems like this will be good for them now the other thing is i plan my schedule you know very specifically around what time i have to make everything work in a given week and when things
Starting point is 02:12:05 get bumped and pushed and such it makes it pretty difficult especially since i'm icky i'm always coordinating with someone else when i'm when i'm recording right and on top of that i'm just coordinating with the state of my balls exactly right and on top of that um a lot of the time i'm not paying attention to when set events are going to go down and such so this leads this leads to a continuous thing which is a very often like hey like are you going to watch the director you're going to do is like swatch of the thing and it's like no because i usually don't do those and then it's like okay but then when it's going on for example you missed the big one yeah so while delta rune is going people are coming in to talk about like all the events going down and i'm like
Starting point is 02:12:47 that's cool i like no matter how exciting it is including a bayonetta three trailer in my mind if i'm playing delta rune or doing whatever i'm doing on stream i do not give a fuck until i'm done and i'll go watch the trailer on my own i'm just it's just not in my my my wheelhouse at the moment like i'm focused on this i don't want to give a fuck about that really they announced street fighter six and it's out right now awesome i'll find out when i'm done that's a lie that's a lie that one i'm i you know what i mean like that's the thing is like it just if the like the podcast is something for example where we can interrupt it with a trailer dropping and talk about that because that's what the format is and boy can we but if i'm let's playing something if
Starting point is 02:13:33 i'm playing a game and and i i'm not like i don't want to pump the brakes and go see the thing and then go ah and then you know and then come back to like i hate that that annoys the shit out of me also most of the time i'm just not into like the other shit happening at these award show not award shows at these uh shows you know when it's just like yawn whatever someone's talking tv tv tv blah blah blah sport sport sport like i just you know so i've been trying to think about i've been trying to think about how to like you know handle this and i'm like maybe there's a way maybe i should just like record like almost like because i know max does this for example maybe like it's let's say me and reggie finish recording or whatever we can go watch the trailers minus the show
Starting point is 02:14:17 and maybe put something like that out there you know and i think i might just do that because the whole like let's watch thing yeah because i know people want it and they've wanted it the entire time i've been on the internet and i don't want to give it it's not i don't want to give it to them but i don't care about the watching the show but this is a decent compromise i think you know because this show had a lot of really cool announcements and i understand why folks are like damn what does woolly think does he know about bao three does he know about kirby and stuff so bao three i'm gonna tell you this right now this will solve none of the issues you just described because it will not be live at the end of at the end of um the the delta rune stream i just put
Starting point is 02:15:02 up text on the fucking frame that says don't care about nintendo direct news so when people are jumping in to go has he seen that don't care oh man it sucks that you don't care about being a three i figured you would like that care not while i'm not while i'm doing this i'll deal with that later you know and i definitely bao three did get a trailer let's skip on back to that yeah and they faked us out good because of the um the military stuff like so one of the things actually in in the legitimate realistic argument of watching things live is that moments that are meant to fool you yeah don't work no it's go watch the bayonetta three trailer here yes i clicked on a thing that said bao three and then i saw a military for for a couple seconds and i was like
Starting point is 02:15:54 okay comes through and it's all i see the platinum logo hidden in a billboard in the upper right corner i go okay it's platinum and i think it's bao three and then i see that fucking dog from astral chain and i'm like oh you bitches and then baonetta showed up and i'm like oh you got me now that only works in the live reveal context that one time and then forever it's just a really long intro with a bunch of stuff in it we're like what what are we doing why is it taking so long yeah yeah they even had to put like a things that said like not actual gameplay footage while the military shit was happening yeah in case anyone thought that this was going to be that you know um it looks good but much more interesting than the fact that it looks good it looks like a
Starting point is 02:16:42 completely it looks like a game that got rebooted looks like they went hey so how about that scale bound which no longer exists can we use anything off of that if scale bound was still going to exist it would have been weird but because it's it seems like it's just not happening at all fuck it wicked weave control your giant scale bound buddy right um her design looks rad looks really good it's clearly got the cereza twin tails going that looks cool um you know why right uh we don't have confirmation but a lot of theory crafting has said like oh this is going to be the game that explains how she gets the beauty mark because it'll take place as a either alternate universe baonetta from two or it'll be younger baonetta
Starting point is 02:17:44 i think that's a i think that is a this is my personal thoughts but i think that is a different baonetta it's like not just younger it's like literally the one they sent back a couple people yeah people again the theory crafting is going pretty wild and of course there's a lot of stuff it's it's not just like the makeup it's like the dance in particular like baonetta whenever she did the the summoning dances it was always like a sexy pole dance whereas this one is not that it's like an idol dance also um she uh uh uh uh what should we call it um so that well there's the obvious where uh it's not hell in a tailor anymore right and it was like if it was going for a younger like i guess teenaged version of her or something then it would be a bit more clear as to like why
Starting point is 02:18:39 they'd be like well we wanted a younger person to voice her but it sounds like she's doing whoever it is is doing their best hell in a tailor impression so it's not clear why they didn't go with her hell in a tailor was like she's under nda and can't talk about why she's not going to be playing baonetta yeah which makes me think that she's playing baonetta she's just not going to be playing the baonetta you spend most of the game playing as baonetta but like do you think that she okay if that were the case then what she did would be a fuck up because it makes it seem as if there is like a a beef between her and platinum that's quite possible yeah and that would be a bad play to just be like haha i was in it anyway but there's no there's no bad blood here but the way
Starting point is 02:19:28 she was phrasing things short and terse and like sorry can't speak nda sounded like it wasn't exactly a pleasant relationship you know i think what we're looking at is uh the nero vacation of baonetta it could be but because i think that the the character at the end of that trailer with the samurai sword is also baonetta i originally thought it was jen until somebody pointed out that it has the cheshire cat doll hanging off the sword huh okay interesting the thing is though is that the idea of her secretly because i've seen a couple people talking about her secretly being cast as a different character slash an alternate bao slash the original bao or whatever i don't think she would have tweeted that out in that way
Starting point is 02:20:27 if she was in the game participating as an original bao like if she as we've discussed voice actors are the leakiest people in the game's business and i'm taking that into consideration but i just feel that like again like if she is a part of the game and this is just a bit of a play as to her not being the main thing why would it sound so antagonistic like it legitimately created an energy that people are all going like oh what the fuck where's hell in a tailor why she not reprising the role and then on top of that the thing you did here is not clearly something different it's similar you know so it's almost like well you could have just got her to do that let's say kefir sutherland showed up and started doing his best david hater impression then it would be like
Starting point is 02:21:19 what the fuck why even bother you know but he didn't he just did kefir you know so if but like in this case what you're hearing is someone attempting to sound like that's similar style so that's where i get confused by it you know i games called bayonetta three because they're going to be three bayonettas i don't like whatever that theorycraft thing stuff is i just i don't imagine like it'll involve her if that's the way she's talking about it you know and if she is then she did she shouldn't have done that because right now people are like kind of coming to her defense going what the fuck at her not being in it you know anyway other stuff though the reason i say that is because the bayonetta logo literally gets sliced into three moons okay
Starting point is 02:22:12 i mean we saw one of them die in the first reveal right i don't know if that game still exists but like that meant something i don't think that game still exists it meant something right there's not even like a smidgen of a hint of any of that i'm curious one thing i'm curious about is seeing all that like scale bound play happening is you're controlling that and doing that while she's running around but like will you be able to beat shit up and combo while simultaneously controlling the giants because she's not ever fighting anything while you're seeing the giant control you know i'm wondering if they're actually going to keep it in a way where you'll have to do versus controlling both at the same time because like it feels like a natural thing because the camera is staring
Starting point is 02:23:00 at her staring at the monster i don't know lol yeah the way it's um because then i'd feel like if it was not going to do that then you'd put the camera on the wicked weave and just follow that fully you know but her running around in the foreground or or or so is what makes it like feel like scale bound and what's makes me and it's what makes me think you'll probably have to fight some shit too that's cool i like the updated design uh sort thing yeah i mean not much else to say really but i guess the one thing is like it's nice that like the um like it's nice that the existence of this has taken all the anger that existed with the thought of bayonetta 3 prior to that trailer drop and is now just people going like yay excitement for new game i wouldn't even call it anger i'd call
Starting point is 02:24:01 it like a like a sigh and like a throw your hands up and let them drop kind of just like come on they you know i've said it a million times they fucked up by announcing it too early um but like it just like it's so i hate that it like when you do that when you fuck up by announcing something too early you create frustration that leads into anti-hype you know yeah um it's such a a a fucking like mistake to make but if the biggest mistake you can make but uh it seems like what they showed has everybody you know pretty uh pretty happy for it i'm pretty excited to see what this what this is going to break down into it's like like every single day from from announcement expectations become higher just and and at a certain point they either become so high
Starting point is 02:25:01 they're unattainable or uh they like invert on themselves and people go oh it's either never gonna come out or what it's been in development so long when it comes that'll be trash yeah um would you rather have nothing yes unironically and honest and straightforward 100 i would rather be like i hope a bao three happens someday and then be happily surprised last week you know um so uh there's that and then of course alongside it came the statements where kimia basically came in and said hey this new guy that's directing it um he's a young pup but he's got you know a lot of potential and i'll be around but this guy is kind of crazy he's crazy because he works harder than me you know and he's more obsessed with get with like getting this right than like i would have imagined
Starting point is 02:25:55 so he seems to be talking up uh pretty big praise so that's that's you know we'll see we'll see i mean platinum can't just be the kimia company right we've seen a couple other directors stepping in and doing cool shit he's too busy making soul cresta takes all of his time i just got some breaking ass news on topic uh not on this topic okay but on video game topic uh the u.s. employment watchdog sues activision blizzard over discrimination claims and that was posted at 6 27 p.m. eastern daylight time uh that a remedy fell through in dealing with the watchdog uh organization uh the lawsuits paint the picture of the company as a frat house blah blah female employees were verbally and physically harassed yada yada yada etc that's not all that
Starting point is 02:27:06 surprising what is surprising is that 19 minutes ago 40 minutes after that news broke activision blizzard a pay agrees to pay 18 million dollars to settle the eeoc proof so in the in the one hour since that news came out they settled it for 18 million dollars how yeah we're guilty we just pay a bunch of money how many weeks are we from activision blizzard picked up by the local beat cop for offering to suck dick for coke on the street corner probably at least one summer one summer away probably probably a lot of folks in the chat are saying that 18 million is not that much and it's not but we're looking at a death by a thousand cuts here not monetarily but in terms of talent
Starting point is 02:28:18 and in terms of of publicity this is like the news is way worse than the cost um in a lot of cases over the years whenever something hits the um good will of a company it's a it's the logo and then everyone feeling bad about that logo but in it um in this case and it doesn't happen often but every once in a while it does it's not just everyone feeling bad about the logo it's the people working at the logo also going fuck this place yeah so like overwatch two is hilarious because the only news that ever comes out about overwatch two is that their lead is quitting the company that's happened twice the game's never been shown and it's already burned through two leads
Starting point is 02:29:20 breaking news activision blizzard caught taking a shit between two parked cars cops have to come in and you know push him away like he falls in it get out of here blizzy yeah yeah uh what's the over under on them finding like like a dead hooker in the building like in a wall well over under in this case would we need a number to to guess on what okay what what that would exactly end up being but um what are the odds photo of bobby cota what are the what are the odds i uh i mean i'm gonna say i'm gonna say uh 90 that it exists but okay but not that they're gonna find it they'll find it yeah okay not that they're gonna find it
Starting point is 02:30:25 it definitely exists did we talk about yeah we did mention last week the diablo two lead was just like do whatever you gotta do guys i think they're also leaving the company again those those are the words of those are the words of someone like browsing linkedin you know yeah brain drain is the worst thing that can happen because that's the single biggest hit to your bottom line is oh everyone who knew how to work these jobs is embarrassed and left you know what often happens too is like all the fun people that you liked working with and hanging out have formed a new company do you want to go hang out with them and work there it's called ghost dad
Starting point is 02:31:16 i don't know if i want to go work there there what the oh oh jeez hit the button by accident careful on that oh no um see i thought you were gonna say like um it's called glacier no my the point i was making is like all the really fun dudes left the company to make their own company called cosby studios right sure okay oh right right that was that was a couple steps that was a couple steps yeah i want to yeah that's uh yeah yeah it's called riot actually i mean straight up that's the future club it's literally that's literally both jokes together
Starting point is 02:32:21 it's future club it's um it's isn't that is that not also respawn is that not also like you know a bunch of yeah anyway uh okay so bao three uh then we got um curbie automata which yeah you know even takes place in seattle um i like i i said this a while ago during the um the curbie star allies stream that i did but you could see in the way that they built star allies that they were testing the waters of 3d curbie because while the game itself was traditional and still doing the 2d thing they were putting 3d gameplay on the maps and over worlds yeah you just weren't fighting enemies but you would fully control curbie fully hop around and fly and jump and do stuff or fly
Starting point is 02:33:28 on the star and traverse but you just would go to the next game level location so that was a kind of like a like a testing ground of sorts and it felt great it definitely felt like you know they figured that out of course yeah the last boss as well void terminal was a fully 3d uh boss fight that you got to feel so like they they they let it kind of slip in their intentions that like hey this is what we're working on and that also makes sense as to why star allies was such a celebration of the franchise because it is the last big 2d hara as far as it you know we can tell especially now that there's no like separation of handheld and and console um to to have like a oh there'll still be ds curbie games or something you know it's all switched now so probably gonna say goodbye to
Starting point is 02:34:21 2d curbie um with star allies you know uh this thing i mean that's a bummer i mean like this game looks good like it like legitimately looks like a lot better than i would have thought of like an open free moving 3d curbie game is but like curbie's like for as much as i've made fun of it it has maintained a pretty rigid identity for longer than most people listening to this have been alive and despite my pointing my finger at it and saying it is a baby game for children and idiots those games have overwhelmingly been at least pretty good so like perfect even no but i played canvas curse that's not a perfect game um
Starting point is 02:35:29 yeah i just i just hope that like they knock it out of the park with this first 3d one the same way they did with like a lot of the older ones so um i mean i'll say this like the clear um kumazaki directed franchise that we've gotten here every time they've attempted something new every time he's attempted something new it's been amazing like they he's nailed it on every single one of those games for the last like fucking decade practically um i have supreme faith that this is gonna be incredible it i have to ask when you say something new like how new do we mean because like i've at least seen every curbie game that's come out in the past 10 years and they've all looked way more similar to each other than this does to any of them well so at bare minimum
Starting point is 02:36:34 curbie running around and fighting um wispy woods at some point is going to be like a thing that you're like oh yeah that's i know what that is you i recognize it but like the stuff going on in robobot is legitimately unique to that game um and the way uh again to some of the stuff you're doing the 3d aspects of star allies are you know unique to that game um the friend uh the the subsystem as well that you're pulling in there's a lot of stuff that is like built on something that was introduced in a previous game but like adds a lot more complexity to it um is some of the the stuff that was going on in um uh uh what should we call it the uh the one with magalore shit uh nightmare and dreamland even you're you're seeing like
Starting point is 02:37:26 the introduction of like big supers in some cases that are like our big forms that were not used prior in prior games they they're they're see they're introducing ideas and kind of like not necessarily taking them forward sometimes it's the game has like one thing and it's a specific thing to that one game and then it's you're not going to see it again you know one thing that has gone forward and been kept is like the expanded move lists which is really cool uh return to dreamland excuse me not nightmare and dreamland my mistake um the the move lists have kept all of the things they've added to them and that's been uh probably my favorite aspect of it has been like now when you get like spear or fire or judo you know you're seeing like three or four pages of
Starting point is 02:38:10 moves that you can go through and that's it's really great um but yeah i i feel as if like he's just uh the the last the games have been really really solid at at these whatever new approaches they went for so i yeah i have i have confidence that like this is probably gonna land and work pretty well um my only question is like because it's a new style because it's a new platform it's a new type of game will it have to build up the like powers and the momentum and such to get to the size the answer to that is yes yeah is it you know will it have the smallest number of powers in recent years probably right it's the start of a new type let me ask you a question that i'm asking you in total sincerity because if Kirby's gonna be moving to to the 3d openness
Starting point is 02:39:10 that uh that means that for the time being in the modern era whatever you want to call it 2d Kirby is kind of over and done with at least and unless this one bombs or they want to do like a revival or a split series or something if i were to say give Kirby another shot should i just go to star allies or is there well that's like this is the one well there's uh don't just say Kirby superstar or because that's the one that you personally spent the most time with that's not the reason why i say it when you go look if you were to go look up the like where do i start flow charts you're gonna see a consensus that i i feel a lot of other people agreed on i'm gonna say no because i don't do where do i start because if i have to ask that question i already know okay no i do i'm
Starting point is 02:40:09 gonna play one okay so you want to know so the thing is the the when they when the chart and the where do i start kind of stuff comes in and i'm gonna check i'm taking like you know uh uh you're asking me personally so obviously you're gonna get some of my bias on it but like you're when you feel like i'm doing one the thing with that is the games do different things so what you might like or dislike might change according to which one you play right no just tell me what the best one is well star allies is fantastic but planet robobots fantastic too but going back to robobot you'd have to get your 3ds out which you probably don't want to do if you play oh i'm not doing that yeah so you'd love star allies if you just popped it in and played it you'd like it it's good
Starting point is 02:40:54 none wrong with that star eyes is the best one got it it's it you know it ain't that simple but at a shot yeah and they you know but they do different things that's so that's what it is there's if you like what you see there you can go and enjoy more in other forms in other places you know but hey right i'm also having that current experience with metroid in that like i bounced off super metroid like a brick like incredibly hard which was weird because i had been super metroid has been talked up probably more than any game ever like it has been held up as like a holy grail but the the experience i had with that in the beginning was that i just don't like how it feels see but here's the other thing with this conversation pat that you're doing um
Starting point is 02:41:40 which one's the best one steel ball run should i start there eh probably not got it steel ball run best one i'm doing one right like no i mean that it is if i had to read only a single part of jojo which would you recommend and the answer that you would give would probably be steel ball but so much of what makes steel ball run so good to me is based on the foundation of the previous parts like the reason why i love steel ball runs so much is because it's a celebration of everything that came before so it's to divorce it from that creates a weird thing that i don't know how to approach or recommend to people it's a payoff that's so fucking good to me that i'd like i i don't know what that would be like in an isolated world you know um anyway aren't you a guy who
Starting point is 02:42:36 looked me dead in the eyes and said the castlevania starts at symphony of the night as a fucking gag but fine i also said resident evil starts at four and it got you good but no but a but on a serious note um kirby is something that yeah if you if you did enjoy star allies and all the shit in it like you'd have a lot of fun that'd be fine but uh people talking about that star allies is also like absurdly gigantic in terms of content the dlc added to it makes it one of the biggest kirby games ever made if not the biggest that seems that seems like a that seems like a safe bet you'll excuse me is everything okay yeah go ahead
Starting point is 02:43:24 hey we're back okay let me tell you guys a story our dog is fat and page is currently trying to eat some food so the dog is putting his hand he's tall enough to climb up put his hands on the table and look at things on the table well there's a box cutter on that table and he was able to knock it to the floor which then popped open the blade compartment oh Jesus which shot all the random box cutter blades onto the floor and then he ran over to check it out at which point my fiance gassed and i looked over and saw what was happening and ran over to clean up the knives off the floor piece was never an option yes the dog is attempting to to get a hold of weapons so on occasion that must supersede what i'm currently doing i i said it before and
Starting point is 02:44:32 i'll say it again a slobbering geef with a box cutter is not quite sif it's not quite it's not quite sif but it is a problem now i saw somebody point out you got to teach him to stop table looking i think the funniest thing about this is that the dog does not even attempt to table look if i'm sitting at the table the only time he does it is when page is there and that's because he's strong enough to fight her when she goes to push him down he is aware that he can stay up there for a while if she's pushing on him so what happens is if he were to be doing that and i were to stand up he would immediately drop and leave i don't even have to go over there well um combination complete one day one day
Starting point is 02:45:33 uh yeah but to but to close that point off like star allies is going to have the most shit in it but there's stuff that you know is another stuff for example uh if you like like something i love is power combining but you got to play 64 to get that for example um i i remember being there with you when we played 64 at some point and that is cool yeah um and but beyond that that's you know that's fine it's still very enjoyable and if you like that then you go like oh maybe get more of this more of that the but then what you see in the flowchart is it tells you if you enjoyed this aspect go here if you enjoyed that aspect go there uh so there's all that and yes castlevania starts at symphony of the night and resident evil starts at four as long as it
Starting point is 02:46:19 elicits that reaction from you every time then those words hold true um the castlevania starts at symphony of the night is like way more outrageous than resident evil starts at four i'm sure there's a couple others we can get in the tank but like those are the two big ones that come to my persona starts at three yeah i want to yeah fucking freak out um the silent hill starts at three yeah so that's terrible more like yeah jojo starts at three is the one you're gonna hear more likely more than anything um like i'm not even like that makes sense like i get why someone would say that that somewhere on this planet at some point someone said street fighter starts at two and someone got really mad that someone got vex no one said that uh so hey the obvious is
Starting point is 02:47:29 Kirby's jumping around and looking at abandoned overgrowth that um red 13 and his pups have probably jumped on top of and ellie's there yeah so what are the lore implications who the fuck knows because they do some wild shit every time kumasaki's nuts he fucking goes hard on the on the eldritch and then probably has to get it dialed back from the rest of nintendo and and how at approval i again say go look at his art when he's on his spare time the type of shit this man like has painted and draws is just straight up nightmare fuel and he's in charge of the kirby franchise so this is why it's becoming what it is but um we will we will see and if there's anything to report you know i'll be the first to let you know in fact i may or may not do a little
Starting point is 02:48:28 some something to explain it to you but we'll have to see what that is when we get there you know the abandoned earth has already been discussed in the form of shiver star so we'll have to see what else does like an abandoned city is nothing compared to the abandoned planet that we're on so whatever it is we'll find out but it looks fucking cool um yeah kirby in the forgotten land you uh do you you a fan of act razor you an act razor kid no okay because i never this new one looks bad i never played act razor but i always saw it at the rental store and i always saw it high up on the rom list because it starts with a and i've been told by people that i used to work within qa that uh it's really good and i've been told about like you know how cool it was but i never
Starting point is 02:49:30 ever actually went and tried it but this looks like one of those um xbox live arcade remakes literally the first thing that came out of my mouth as soon as i saw it it looks like an xbox it looks like the rocket night rocket night tmnt yeah exactly it's like we took it we made it 3d and it's not that pretty um i get i don't have a connection to the franchise so i you know i i don't know what i should be looking at but uh that that's um unfortunate that i'm seeing people like really bummed out because that's a franchise that you know has been gone for a fucking long time there should be excitement at it coming back but i guess not when it looks like that um all right fair enough it looks it looks terrible
Starting point is 02:50:25 yeah maybe it plays maybe it plays better than it looks but it definitely looks like a place pretty much exactly the same as the old one which take it or leave it if that's your thing but the the yeah my brain thought xbox live arcade when i saw it for sure 100 uh we got that and then uh chocobo gp which i'm gonna bring up for one simple reason chocobo kart racing style game whatever cool okay it seems like a no-brainer yeah but here's the thing it bothers me and it bothers me for the same reason that sonic riders bothers me what does sonic represents a fast character right speed why what does sonic do that makes him fast he runs real fast okay so when you put him in a car
Starting point is 02:51:25 yeah does that still embody that idea do you know what the actual canon reason for that is because he had to be slower he's taking it easy on everybody else yeah i know and that's that shit stupid so okay when i see a chocobo racing game but the chocobo is like skating and then there's vehicles next to it i'm just like right but the chocobo running is the whole reason why the chocobo would race to begin with woolly chocobos aren't cars no they're not they're still animals but i guess i would expect a chocobo racing game to be about the running chocobo because that's what they do as opposed because chocobo is a brand in and of itself well this is what we're seeing serious dungeon etc etc yeah yeah yeah but that's sonic r stuff
Starting point is 02:52:13 you know like like you this would make sense if the chocobo was in a car it's on skates but they have chocobos running next to other people in little carts and stuff yeah i said i said sonic riders but i meant sonic r um the car game but that's that's it like when i see like the chocobos is the character or the mascot that is the running fast thing but we're doing a race and it's not running it's it's right it's skating against people in cars and i'm like oh well okay you know but it's cute it's fine it's just the whole thing is that it runs you know the feet go like this character list can be just super huge especially since they got like steiner and vv and all that shit what and when when you're doing when you got a really strong crazy fast chocobo then the feet
Starting point is 02:53:06 go really fast they go you're like god damn that chocobo runs really fast strong fast chocobo they can fucking fly so this this this kind of falls apart right there i guess but it just makes me think of the sonic thing you know it makes me think of the like the characters known for it's quick feet and then we're doing something else here but yeah sure chocobo gp um and then of course we hey we where would we be if not for chris pratt shout outs to that person on twitter who i do want to credit so i'm gonna go get it um back a couple years ago 16 months ago okay do you have the name i don't uh s the general says i'm calling it now in may 2020 the mario brothers movie will not have
Starting point is 02:54:13 charles martine play mario for no reason and cast someone like chris pratt i mean the the reason why he made that joke is the same reason chris pratt got cast is because he's the new hot man in hollywood correct now um i was i was talking to a punch mom about this but basically had to explain i'm like here's what's gonna happen right there's the fact that i saw that cast list and then it still had charles martine but it didn't say what role he's playing it tells you exactly what you're gonna get here you're gonna get one of two things possibly a third thing but it's something in this line chris pratt is mario charles martine will be the mario on the tv that is like the mascot goofy one that is in on the tv in the world and and chris pratt's gonna be like
Starting point is 02:55:14 what the hell why does he sound so weird i don't talk like that right as the gag i figured i figured he was gonna be jump man or chris pratt will be or rather chris pratt will be mario junior grandson and charles martine will be old man mario and this is a generational thing where you have to pay homage to it and show that you're not stepping on the old shit but you still respect it and maybe even team up with or involve them in some way like cranky kong is the donkey kong of the past and new donkey kong is the new donkey kong or shaft the movie from a couple years ago where the second shaft movie where samuel l jackson is shaft's son but he has a grandson in it and then and then in the movie he's got to go meet richard roundtree as the old shaft and the old
Starting point is 02:56:14 shaft is now back to kick some ass as an old man so like this cast list for the mario movie is it's a weird one and i think it's the reason third shaft yes is because it is simultaneously the most cynical casting conceivable in that they just went for like like big mario big star big star right without considering it at all but two or three of the picks are like perfect so like charlie day as luigi is perfect that works he's even italian you know what i think though i'm looking at this list right and and since we haven't actually addressed it um if anyone hasn't read it it's chris prod is mario uh ania taylor joyus peach charlie day as luigi jack black as bowser keegan michael kiya's toad seth rogan is donkey kong
Starting point is 02:57:23 kevin michael richardson is kamek fred armazin is cranky kong and sebastian menis calco as spike which is like what the fuck at that red um as toad and armazin as fucking cranky kong is the picks i would never have been able to even interpret like fred armazin is cranky kong like ki is toad makes perfect sense because toad is a freak and i can easily see ki playing like whatever fucking weirdo version of toad they want to go with but fred armazin as cranky kong is so fucking weird to me okay but i'm assuming do you know who sebastian menis calco is no so that's 10 times weirder than fred armazin that's the thing the only reason that that would hit you less is because sebastian menis calco is this comic
Starting point is 02:58:33 he's a comedian that is like for like people that are like boomer aged and he does a lot of like like my old like my old wife and family kind of jokes and it just it makes no fucking sense to have a dude like that come in and be like like play himself but just apply mario shit to it he's the kind of guy that talks like seriously this is you the princess got kidnapped again what why would you do what is this weird comic from fucking i just well i just watched 20 seconds of his shit while you were talking this guy should be playing mario it's the weirdest thing for him to be in as like it that's so much crazier than than fred this is like this guy sounds like the dude that vomited on chris pratt shoes why would you do that speaking with the hands up you know
Starting point is 02:59:42 and he sells out arenas and and shit like that but yeah yeah chris pratt hates that guy that guy fucking can't believe i was in new york and this fucking italian just walked out puked on my shoes i hate new york that's controversial that he used a 240 character tweet back in 2012 yeah set a couple things there too um yeah so so that list to me yeah i know it wasn't no no don't no don't don't no don't leave it leave it let it sit if they're that dumb leave it leave it alone um i i think this is gonna be the type of casting that you look at and in the end in the long run as soon as the trailer comes out it'll be like sonic the hedgehog where you're like oh what the fuck okay what are they going for and then it comes out you watch it and you go oh
Starting point is 03:00:42 that was fine there was enough time and money and thought put into this and the script is gonna be really really combed over to make sure that it doesn't suck probably and it's against it's the despicable me people which uh you know is is that's that's what they did in the minion stuff i think illusion but uh i bet you it's gonna make sense when the trailer comes out but because there's nothing to see it like applied to you just have these names it makes no fucking sense it's the is really weird they announced this and had no trailer yeah like it like i feel as if it's like uh you know again it's just one of these like it seems incredibly baffling this is probably the dumbest way you could have done it because it's it's such a jarring list that like seeing the trailer
Starting point is 03:01:31 would probably make it sort of make sense but we don't have that to go off of so your imagination can only run wild and my imagination is only seeing horrible dumb bad things like it's already gonna take a while to get used to the idea of a mario that is not sounding like mario you know that's just cross prat talking just our lord being like i don't know luigi what are we doing i don't whatever you know like is he even gonna try to do an accent is he just gonna be himself i think i'd like i like it's gonna be fucking weird like the idea of a mario that doesn't even have the the strayest hint of an italian accent is bizarre like let's be very clear mario in 99 percent of of mario programming or game or whatever is so absurd to not even qualify as
Starting point is 03:02:33 an ethnic stereotype like he's a fucking weirdo freakazoid right but when you talk about okay well i mean there was bob huskens there was lu albano mm-hmm and they should have just gotten they should have gotten lu and i know people keeps telling me that he's been you know they're both dead but it's who they should have gotten maybe they're going for brooklyn long island new work style italian you know in the sopranos kind of sense where they've got the cadence but doesn't actually speak any italian and uh you know again charles martinez is there to provide the the the old generation that also didn't speak italian but made italian sounding noises i'm just i'm just like kind of worried that we're gonna get to mario and it's gonna be chris pratt doing chris pratt voice and
Starting point is 03:03:31 that's gonna be jarring the whole way through it might be it's gonna be real bad it very much might be because that's the other thing is when you get an all star cast like this they're kind of here to be themselves to some degree right like jack black is not cast as bowser to just put on his best bowser impression he's cast to also kind of sound like jack black because hey look we got a celebrity you know somebody in the chat asks why not get mark walbert to play mario i can think of a reason why nintendo would want not not want somebody that's been convicted of a hate crime to play their most famous character yeah no i think they're gonna have to settle for like bad twitter takes and and extreme religion stuff as opposed to full on stomping out an asian dude
Starting point is 03:04:22 until he can't see i think they'll take that controversy you know um why is it liam neeson playing bowser i went out looking for a fat italian bastard did you ever find that black bastard liam i don't know i hope we find out i hope we find out oh there he goes it makes me lightheaded i just i just love the way he said it i just love the way he said it black bastard thanks i always think about it like you know that camera's on right man he went out looking you know you're saying this shit out loud right yeah people can people can hear you i'm and i'm so happy that he specifically chose the words black bastard like it's great it rings off the tongue you got the accent behind it you know and yeah
Starting point is 03:05:41 anyway so that that's that casting choice drop like unless they deliberately wanted to like discombobulate everybody they really they really should have dropped a trailer instead yeah um and we might get a trailer that's like also gonna have like weird design changes that everyone's gonna hate and then it'll go through a round of sonic updates again i'm expecting things to feel a lot like sonic the hedgehog that's gonna happen you think they're just gonna you think they're just gonna keep it faithful 100 yes then mario bigger than then mickey mouse then mario is going to if he looks like mario then whatever charles martine is playing is gonna have to look like something else like and maybe yeah maybe jump man you know maybe that's
Starting point is 03:06:27 what they do what they do but um this is clearly not the entire cast list this is just everyone saying this is the full list of your mains yeah there's there's definitely a bunch of other you know shit to figure out i mean what are we just not doing wario we just not doing waluigi well actually is that sequel shit that that's uh martine also voices wario mm-hmm so he could just be what he could be in the movie as wario or waluigi but that would be weirder to have all these new would be characters being the new versions of these classics but wario and waluigi are the same but it would really solidify just what a bunch of fucking horrible freaks wario and waluigi are if charlie day and chris pratt were like hey do you want to go to the italian food store and
Starting point is 03:07:23 then they got there and wario was just like yeah yeah yeah um yeah donkey kong can you know confirmed in there donkey kong is seth rogan i see i hear it and yet i hear it yes i did screw up and say donkey kong as seth rogan and not the other way around but that's how seth rogan plays his characters so i feel i feel like i can stand by that get ready for uh a very strangely performatively black sounding toad get ready for a toad to be like mario i don't want nothing to do with it you know it's i like i'm not he's not gonna gravel up his voice he's just gonna be key that's gonna be weird yeah yeah get ready for that you know a bunch of a bunch of a bunch of random like comedy moments that hard cut took toad going
Starting point is 03:08:35 oh hell no i would like it if he put on the toad voice that horrible fucking freak rasp they have toads are awful wow captain and mega man mario where are you going oh boy that's a pretty good toad yeah we did paper mario i had some practice oh yeah yeah that makes sense fuck anyway we'll find out this is the moment where i now i'm compulsively forced to check like did a mario trailer come out i just like no because it's it's obviously you know they're gonna wait till early next year and then you're gonna see it for the first time and stuff but like yeah i really think this is one
Starting point is 03:09:30 of those ones where once it drops it's gonna be a whoa weird what holy shit but like it'll probably make sense in context but for now we just get to stare at this list of names and getting way confused the the audio cut where people use movie footage and parks and rec audio yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all of that all of that yeah and just cut together their own goddamn movie with the existing performances they've they've already taken clips from the donkey con country show and just replaced it with like pineapple express dialogue and yeah it works but like i was like no that's terrible and then i saw it like i see it doing the doing the stoner laugh you know mr roken i just okay okay just and they they slowly pinched the the reefer out of his hand
Starting point is 03:10:27 and replace it with the banana in the vo booth correct go go correct um have you seen despicable me no okay neither of us so no idea i heard someone i forgot who someone told me that they liked it or they liked the first one and then all the sequels and spin offs were were pointless or dumb but i but i heard that the the first one was good or something along those lines that person a child no then their opinion doesn't matter here this is going to be a movie for babies i heard it was yeah i was i was basically told it was in the realm of the 3d kids movies that that aren't that didn't suck sonic i feel like did you ever see the sonic movie yeah
Starting point is 03:11:26 yeah i did you like it yeah i feel like this will not be as good as the sonic movie because mario is more respectable like mario has has like like when you know when the crazy guy in town holds up the photo of the sonic that he saw and it's the gotta go fast mm like child's drawing like that got a guffaw out of me no i think it'll be fine because i feel like wreck it ralph kind of sold the idea um and any movie like the like sonic had a way steeper hill to climb because that is a cg hedgehog in the real world whereas i'm expecting this to be a fully like 3d world exactly so you don't have to buy him standing next to live action people um i think it'll be fine this just made me excited for the possibility
Starting point is 03:12:28 low as it may be but possible nonetheless of tail seeing something shocking in the new sonic movie and them zooming in on his fucked up face sure i i uh i think that like we've seen a lot of these movies and like i spent like now it's been things are so carefully packaged and produced right like it's gonna have so much care put into like trying to really make it not be this horror show but there's still a blindside that that these movies have and that is the space jam to slash ready player one slash hyper product placement approach of not realizing how creepy and weird that feeling is um that is always a part of that fucking clip from free guy uh yeah yeah yeah yeah exactly exactly cringe yeah like there's like they still have a blind
Starting point is 03:13:31 eye towards that weird dystopian all properties are owned by these two companies feeling so that's gonna take a couple years before hollywood realizes everyone hates that um but not everyone hates it though that's the thing some people are especially with that free guy clip there's a lot of people in the comments going like y'all just hate fun that was great you know so it's gonna it that's always a risk i think is big universal um um crossover energy coming in where it's not just like oh that's an interesting funny nod but like oh god it won't stop oh god they keep going oh god you know anyways um there you go and then uh well this is more not quite nintendo direct but um definitely not but
Starting point is 03:14:33 there was the announcement that the resident evil for vr edition is coming out october 21st exclusive to oculus quest 2 um yeah i was wondering because it's like you know that exclusivity thing for like a vr game it's like eh you're cutting out so many people that don't want to buy a second headset if they happen to have a psvr or something you know like everything facebook does with that machine is fucking sketches shit and the game looks like trash now yeah i haven't i haven't taken a look i was curious because um i do have an oculus though wait i don't think it's a two i don't remember i don't think it's a two um um but like yeah vr exclusivity is a really dumb game to play because this is already so niche and
Starting point is 03:15:38 like limited in in your audience appeal to begin with you know i feel like like anytime you're investing if capcom is putting work into remaking an entire fucking game like this why not go you know all they're not remaking the game well i mean they probably are but they're not remaking the game for this they're using the existing assets and just dumping your vrs in it but isn't it like a completely different like like it's the same assets of the world but isn't it a completely different like control and player scheme of like that's the vr control yeah i think it's a shoot guys as they come towards you um it seems closer to be like a light gun shooter than it has to be risen before it could have been like re re seven engine like recreation but
Starting point is 03:16:39 then there's no way it would be exclusive if they're putting that kind of money into it so uh all right then we got a bunch of stuff that is off the game's topic have you seen the opening credits of netflix's cowboy bebop yep interesting so still no way to tell what this is gonna how this is how well this is gonna work but you know i remain cautiously optimistic the the the trailer rather the intro shows you a bunch of stuff that kind of tells you what episodes you're getting it's interesting many of which are episodes i did not think we were going to get at all so the moment the first thing you see is pierrot i was like oh shit okay that that's what you picked you know um yeah you see you see the
Starting point is 03:17:41 clown you see obviously vicious and the shot from ballad of the fallen angels kareem abdul jabbar abdul hakim but yes kareem abdul jabbar correct um you see uh azimov and catarina like the the red eye first episode couple uh you see the animal rights terrorists and the and the old lady yeah you know uh i'm confused because they said that it wasn't gonna be a retread of the show they were gonna do something new so that the joke could exist by itself and that seems like an fuck out of here bro um they are the reason why i'm not used is because they show us the intro and they show us a bunch of the classic shots and aside from vicious who looks terrible like embarrassingly cosplay looks like cosplay i i um we'll talk about that in a second finish
Starting point is 03:18:54 of thought the rest of it looks like pretty good to decent in a style yeah but they made the mistake of like directly copying the original intro which means i get to look at it and go that looks pretty good that looks better than i thought and then i go look at the original uh huh uh huh yeah but it doesn't look as good as that yeah yeah so why would you do the exact same thing so i think it's like it's like a perfect example of why adapting animation to live actions really hard because you're trying like the like the shots of them running yeah look awkward because they're constrained by the size and dimensions of their real human bodies and real humans don't run like that you know they can't get the dynamism that you could get in a black silhouette animated shot so you also see
Starting point is 03:19:51 like the you know you see the bebop taken off and you're like oh that's a pretty big cg thing uh it's in the intro okay it's not the silhouette font nick you gotta get that that little like all right we'll see how it lands um but the end of it when you see the three of them appear and you're just like dear god there has never been a more gaping hole in that bottom left hand corner like i can't believe how gaping that hole is right not at all not at all oh then then fuck it you know um like the my favorite fucking episode is default cut which i didn't think was gonna be a big deal because i didn't think they were gonna do all the like you know i didn't think they were gonna be doing the same fucking episode so when they say we're doing something different i think that
Starting point is 03:20:44 is a way of it's a way of covering your ass so that whatever isn't faithful is like yeah well we said we do something different right yeah we're doing something different by reusing the same characters plots exactly dialogue yes and direction so even if it's 80 similar the 20 that has to change so that we can write ed out slash um you know just do something completely like like variance from from what the original thing was it gives that coverage it lets you go like oh well yeah i wasn't saying this would be a frame for frame remake like sin city you know but expect a lot of it to still do that for sure um i mean it ain't it ain't death note right so far it ain't it ain't fucking netflix death note but um if that's what we're getting and it's i don't did they say
Starting point is 03:21:38 how many episodes it would be no because i'm assuming it'll be like well at least i don't know i'm assuming probably like 10 or so like the netflix 10 episode mini series type of thing and they pick a bunch of those that's just enough to kind of introduce the the vicious story and like you know maybe have them show up like twice um he god he looks like fucking cosplay so much worse than the others do because the others i'm like fine that's fine like the cast shot i'm like yeah no that's fine that's what like looks looks like it'll be okay you know he looks really fucking cosplay but i'm also going but how do you avoid this problem with a design like that i have a suggestion to you is it don't do it don't do it that's that's the solution because like like
Starting point is 03:22:35 but like vicious is like vicious is astonishing because like the others look like cosplayers on a movie set acting out their roles yeah okay vicious looks like a cosplayer who snuck onto that set by comparison there's i think like we can expand this problem out quite a bit further i would say which is be shown in in general in live action are really fucking tough to do to land that energy and not feel like that's just some cringy cosplayer kid is rough the hair well doesn't feed it doesn't lend the same energy in real life it just looks like a weirdo with this wig on with a sword spinning it around and you're like that's just you're a fucking cringelord like it doesn't feel though the same this is important i think this
Starting point is 03:23:37 is actually really important because the excellent visuals of the original cowboy bebop do blind you to the fact that vicious is cringe in universe like the only reason the fights with with with spike kind of go his way is because he's using like 10 goons as like bullet shields is it the voice then you with his samurai sword is it just the voice that's selling it so hard you know the dude's gotta go i got a big crow that hangs out on my shoulder and i i cut people but like it's he's fucking cuz that shit landed for me man i was like damn that's a rival look at that rival sword boy you know uh i just like and i think about how if there ever had to be a live action alan schizar how awful that would be how awful that
Starting point is 03:24:46 would look a live action sephiroth you just cringe and die like it would be the worst shit ever it has to be that goofy anime shit you could you could do a live action alan or or um sephiroth but you'd have to go k-pop i i'd have to see it i don't know i can't i can't it just doesn't seem like it seems like it's always gonna have that cosplayer energy you know um um fucking live action vega you know claw from street fighter like it it just the hair is always gonna not carry the anime like suave like in the wind cool guy vibe that it does which it already kind of doesn't land anymore in anime like you said you're kind of saying it i i don't know how they could have done vicious
Starting point is 03:25:41 i don't know what what they could have done you know i will say there is there is one thing about the the the netflix adaptation intro thing that i saw that i actually really dug and liked was that uh all the text in the background has been changed japanese uh instead of english because it's american production working on a japanese property as opposed to a japanese production working on a ostensibly american property yeah the logo has japanese in it it like it's it's a it's a cool little thing um yeah and i expect you know them to show that off especially with the whole with the setting and the influence of um like uh using like chinese currency and things like that you know um i imagine the um
Starting point is 03:26:35 um uh uh uh uh like what was it oh yeah that's what i was gonna say the witcher is an interesting example of like here's it's not anime but it's big and it's not but it's basically like a like a european bishonen right kind of it he's got long silver flowing hair well okay well hold on like depends on what version you're looking at because henry cavill is gonna look like that gerald is canonically like kind of like a busted looking old man so because going off of like what i see what like i'm just again the having not actually gone through it looking at like the games and stuff i kind of see like you know that like uh uh he's got the the the half shave he's got the five o'clock shadow and the grizzled jaw and chin and face but like he's got that
Starting point is 03:27:30 elvish kind of hair right um yeah and then seeing henry cavill like with it the first impression i had seeing that that had him in costume was oof that wig well he's just doing favio really right so uh then everyone said it was it worked pretty well and in the end like it it ended up being fine but i remember the first impression i i had of that wig upon seeing it on henry's head was that looks like cosplay you know it does so did the show then like make that better did it surpass that initial impression looks fine okay it's not very accurate because it's like it's supposed to be like the fucking weird-looking grizzled old man so then the performance can surpass the cosplay it's possible so vicious could possibly nail this no not this one what
Starting point is 03:28:37 no but i thought we just established this just looks a hundred times worse than henry cavill which as gary like it's not even close like it's it's like the others look the others look about the same as like garyl tenry cavill vicious is like a hundred times worse than all of it it's crazy it's fucking nuts it kicks you out of your enjoyment of watching that intro if you to go oh shit who's that loser it's the primary antagonist like i'm just i'm i'm wondering if like thin normal long hair would like would you just have to change it to another hairstyle completely like you know lando bloom pulled it off yeah yeah leggy did the leggy the he did no he did that's true i's gotta be super pretty
Starting point is 03:29:40 legolas is a good counterpoint to like creating a live-action fucking bishy bish yeah hmm or lando bloom could have been sephiroth uh but then but could you do the same you can't do the dummy front hair thing though the like you couldn't do the same hairstyle in real life with that that would look terrible if if agent smith could get by with his little hair tassels i still remember hey you just started screaming and laughter because you had had the mental thought of elrond's little hair tassels just being stapled to agent smith in the matrix and you were losing your fucking mind that was like 15 years ago i still think about it from time to time you
Starting point is 03:30:34 know what it is here's the thing right um so uh john show is going for the most spike like hair he can have using his own hair he's puffing it up and it's it's wild and and unkempt but it's still his hair it's not a spike afro right so by that kind of token you're looking at it going like okay well we can make this work as long as um the attempt is still using his own hair and making it kind of work but it's not 100 the same vicious it feels like they tried to make it too accurate you know um anyway anyway well because they want they want the shot of him looking down in the hair going exact yes and and the you know the the ballad of fallen angels right the knife to the sword and the the knife sorry the sword to the gun and then you know you already see him
Starting point is 03:31:35 falling out the window so you know what that's gonna be um you know you know i think we i think that was julia in the in the intro as well yeah okay so all right uh so you had that moving along real quick the the rebooting uh quantic dream lost one of its libel cases and uh won the other one because limon would not cite their sources to the court great so they would have lost that one too but limon was protecting the employees that that snitched on quantic dream um so we got but oh yeah um this is i mean this is probably more you can probably chime in here they're rebooting
Starting point is 03:32:31 bablon five i don't care don't know anything about bablon five you would think i would don't know really i have no faith in this however i thought you are bablon five guy zero episode scene damn okay so just battle star galactica all i know is that people used to compare it back to deep space nine back in the day yeah i guess between between bsg and and star trek i i thought that might have just landed in your wheelhouse but all right fair enough it probably has but i just never seen it okay um cw is doing it so get ready for your fucking dawson's creek riverdale energy yeah like like the cw stuff is just it's turned dawson's creek into a genre and just it's unbelievable like the cw vacation of like superheroes and archie and sabrina and all this is wild
Starting point is 03:33:31 it's uh yeah anyway all right there's that uh there's a trailer for a sandman which is a good ass comic oh it is a good ass comic fucking amazing comic um i will have to see you know if like the trailer seems like it could be cool but that is a high high bar to to to match if you're going for the fucking the sandman comic it's it's it's great shit um classic i always say the name or series a netflix series okay and uh i always say the name wrong so you know i'm i'll option select it but uh neil geiman slash gayman you know it's uh it's it's a fucking just amazing example of him writing comics like whoa super good shit um trailer for that's out we'll see uh and then we also got to take a peek actually no
Starting point is 03:34:49 do you remember in 2014 when uh the joe shuster estate tried to sue dc for the rights to superman i do well now marvel is having the exact same thing for the rights to avengers spider man iron man and doctor strange ant man hawkeye black widow falcon thought like all of it i'm gonna i'm gonna fly through this as fast as i possibly can i was arguing with people about this over the weekend wild the this is a court case that disney should lose by default because they have been pushing the use of copyright and all this shit and stealing rights away from creators but marvel in in particular has stolen characters away from creators for decades and decades and decades i think it started with mickey mouse as the extending the hundred year um uh rule yeah uh
Starting point is 03:35:49 but the absolute embarrassment of some people looking at this of uh the for example the dick co estate is trying to kill spider man they're gonna take spider man away and make it so there's no spider man things anymore it's like okay one even if that was the case the family's individual rights to their dad or grandpa's creation that was probably taken from him by extra legal means is more important than the enjoyment of your video games or your comics and two that's not what it means at all it just means that disney or marvel or whoever what subsidiary will have to pay the licensing fee for the most popular character that has ever existed that's made them 100 shit zillion dollars so they specify a licensing fees to everything that they don't completely own
Starting point is 03:36:42 so they specify in the in the in the report that um it is uh it's not for an exclusivity of ownership it's for a shared ownership yeah so it's like the it's like people hating on this because like well no this the disney has to keep it so my my toys and my movies it's like no it's you're just arguing that the family of somebody who created the most popular character ever or some of the most popular characters ever don't get their legitimate fair share as part of their estate because disney makes a movie that you like or marvel makes comics that you like it's absurd it's one of the things that we've come back to on this show like time and again it's like movies are great books are great video games are great they're entertainment products
Starting point is 03:37:30 they don't supersede people's well-being lives or rights so the um the the thing with yeah so one as you mentioned disney has started and pushed forward that hundred-year rule on things becoming public property basically after the that point with mickey mouse and they keep extending that i do know uh again it happened with superman and uh they fucking lost like dc won and and stomped that out so people are uh expecting this to go in a very similar fashion um yeah they're gonna lose super hard but uh what this does bring up is the story of the marvel method which has been discussed a couple times in the past when it comes to a great way to steal characters from everyone who works for you the way characters are created and they used to be created back in the day
Starting point is 03:38:19 where it would just be like as they're describing in a series of loose discussions with the artists about like what if this guy had this or what if someone had that and then more or less the lion share is then done by you know um the artist at that point to create and flesh out and design the character or like the writer or so but there would be a a initial spark kind of quick conversation that um allows marvel to then uh be like hey no so we own this completely because that initial sentence that you fleshed out came from us you know um yeah uh probably yeah probably gonna get stomped out but it is definitely crazier and higher stakes than the dc one was because this is everything uh important at marvel like post mcu so this type of thing happening now um is
Starting point is 03:39:16 how many billions like yeah they didn't even get a full estimate on it but just say one should zillion dollars um and according to the usual termination provisions of copyright law they would have to give up the rights as of june 2023 unless they're able to extend them with the courts in some particular oh somehow i think they'll manage we'll see somehow we'll see it is interesting though literally everything that you care about to most degrees should be in public domain already it is it is a main what used to be automatic after 30 years it's interesting that the uh this is happening um like now considering what imagine what this lawsuit would have been like if this was pre mcu you know if this was back when like i would have been same but but the no the size scale
Starting point is 03:40:21 and like volume of the money involved you know what i mean oh yeah it'd be be a little different yeah avengers was not the biggest marvel property you know back before these movies started like it would have been a very different uh case uh but it just so happens that the 2023 is the year that this is supposed to expire so anyway um let's take some letters and get the fuck out of here uh let's take one letters yes one letters you want to send that letter in send it to castle super beast mail at and this will be the one letters we'll be reading for this week okay uh this one comes to us from Richard who says dear battle booper beast played through mass effect le recently uh listen to the audiobooks of the three canon novels
Starting point is 03:41:20 written by drew karpashian or karpashian excuse me because fuck my life and i can resoundingly anti recommend these books for even the hardcore fans of the series they're dull as as dusty dish water i finished the third novel all caps underlined retribution in red i thought i would share more the continued embarrassment of that that is piss stream sam so the continuing explosive adventures of kai pussy lang he's described as a nasty sick cyborg ninja um because i guess they hadn't worked on his character design yet but he's still told and presented and the narrative as the most cool badass trained in every form of combat best of the best of the best of the best fearing for his fucking life like a mexican police officer etc kai is principal character
Starting point is 03:42:10 so we get to see the world through his perspective of course this deep and respected character can be concisely summarized in every scene is always angry for no reason love murder is racist no really is really racist like to the point where he's disgusted by the presence of any aliens and negotiations uh with aria the elusive man has to write him a script because he knows kai will fuck it up just like mb3 no matter how much they tell you he's cool he still fucks up and constantly only survives through sheer luck first thing we see him do is half botch a kidnapping because he didn't check if anyone else was in the apartment despite the narrative first thing he's the most patient and skilled assassin ever after this kai eminently stabs and kills an unconscious woman
Starting point is 03:42:54 or a sorry whore as he would say this one is one of the few fight seal win in the story and perhaps the most agonizingly pathetic part lang is captured by anderson held at gunpoint and there's also a severely injured kid the same kid kai tricked into helping him yes he literally hides behind children in this story and anderson tells kai to stop how to help to stop the bleeding um kai smugly of course says anderson will have to let him go and he helps the dying if he wants to help the dying kid and anderson just shoots kai in the leg and goes to help the kid so one of the last things we see of kai is him describing is him prophetically crawling on his belly in immense pain to slowly escape after fucking up and being captured for the second time so anyway in the audio
Starting point is 03:43:41 book the guy who reads it gives him the winiest voice possible so what he says things like this badass is on your side it's a squeaky simpson's team in mass effect three anderson references that event but references it like i shot the guy in the legs and that still didn't even stop him like it's played for badass points ps double s thing on the cake according to the mass effect wiki lang is chinese for cold or in this case isolated and merciless all right that's enough good shit kai lang fuck it sucks good shit kai pussy lang rides on

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