Castle Super Beast - CSB 137: Go Larboard Not Starboard

Episode Date: October 20, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Some boring background music with British Hey, hey. Good morning. Hey, Willie, I have a question. Why can't Metroid Crawl because she didn't get that power up yet. But once she gets it, not only can she crawl, she can fucking shine, dash, slide, wall crawl, ceiling crawl, everything, every direction. And yes, you can call her that. I want to talk to you about Metroid Dread. I heard you beat it. Yes. I also beat it. Yeah. What'd you think? I have never played more than two hours of a 2D Metroid game before, to the point where I even tried Axiom Verge, everybody was telling me was great, and it was very similar to Super Metroid and didn't like that game either. So I was a little
Starting point is 00:01:31 nervous that I wouldn't like it compared to the Prime games. And I'm like, wow, that's probably my favorite Metroid game easy. Like easy. That Metroid Dread seems extremely high quality, good, good, good game. So then. Do you think? Does it? Do you get it? Or is it just OK? OK, because I if this is a game that because this is because Dread Dread is fucking excellent. And I don't know what that does for like the previous games you've tried and not liked. But clearly this effort, you didn't miss like the quality number one thing compared to every other game in its series that is the 2D Metroids that threw me off was like, I don't really feel crazy about the jump. Don't really feel crazy about the way it feels when you aim or shoot or whatever, right? Whereas this one,
Starting point is 00:02:43 it's like, boy, I love hitting the jump. Well, I love doing the wall bounce. So the shooting, I can understand the difference because as I think we talked about last time, the shooting system is completely different from classic Metroid, with the exception of the previous Mercury Steam game. 360 aiming instead of eight directional car. However, I would say that the one of the standard staple recognizable things is the feeling of jumping in every Metroid game is this kind of weightless, floaty, full control thing. And I would say that like the feeling of the jump in this, I like it because of how much it feels like the previous games jumps. So the jumping was always great. I think you're nuts. Infusion, particularly when you introduce the ledge
Starting point is 00:03:42 grabbing and that aspect of the game that wasn't around prior. It adds a really cool feeling to traversal that just feels really fast, you know, and I should mention that I'm comparing this only to Super Metroid. Okay. So then that's, you should specifically say that then, because, you know, like Old Nest Metroid is Old Nest Metroid, and it's kind of floaty, but yeah, you don't have that ability. And then Super has that kind of floatiness too. But fusion and zero mission, like you definitely have very similar feeling jumps to what you just got. By the way, I did tell you last week that I only played Super Metroid. Yeah. Well, but just to say that that feel the jump feeling in the 3D games is at this point,
Starting point is 00:04:40 I feel like it's a staple that they've accurately recreated in 3D, you know, while the shooting is completely different. I want more games like this. In particular, I want more games that have the weird power up fucking order that this game has. Yeah. Yeah. That was an unexpected way to unveil everything. And I like, you know, not to repeat the entire conversation, but I really liked how you got a lot of mobility fast so that you end up just kind of like getting more powerful towards the end, but you can still feel mobile and agile early on, you know. So now that you've wrapped it up again, spoiler free talk here, but like I would say that the amount of like little backstory here and there and the amount of like little
Starting point is 00:05:40 escalation in terms of what power Samus gets overall or overall kit in this game is pretty satisfying. There is one thing that like I had me chuckling during that final sequence, which is I'm not a Metroid lore hound, right? I didn't scan everything in the prime games and I didn't play most of the 2D ones, but I've been in talking to you and talking to other people over the years. I've picked up like the basic events of fusion, for example, or the SAX and all that stuff. This game sums it up by saying, you know, she got the Metroid vaccine, so she got a little bit of Metroid juice, and that's why the X parasite doesn't act like this. Yada yada, right? Thank you. And I'm not sure if it's always been like this with Metroid games, but there was a real
Starting point is 00:06:36 feeling of, hey, do you remember that backstory that you've had the whole time? Well, two rooms over, this was happening at the same time. And then you go, oh, okay, cool. And then they go, and on the end, two rooms over from that, this was happening at the same time. And I'm like, like every time there's a new thing, it felt like it just everything had all taken place within one three week period when she was a little baby, Samus. Yeah. They'll just add more and more of them over time. Well, but here's the thing is that like, what you have to understand is like, or what you should understand is how little her origins are mentioned in other games. Like, it comes up a bit, but most of the stuff you're doing about your most of the stuff you're doing
Starting point is 00:07:28 relating to Chozo and stuff is just like finding those statues and getting tidbits here and there. The Prime series is the stuff that goes into the Chozo the most, you know, which is what a lot of people enjoyed in terms of just like, oh, shit, we can finally scan and learn about this race and, and, you know, the origins of the word and everything. So this was one of the first times that they just kind of went out of the way and went like, bam, here is a full like real flashback to multiple moments of like ancient, like Samus history. And then yes, you did off to, if you wanted to go for extended reading, you could always go check out the the manga and then other stuff outside of the games. But I just like, like, I love it and it's, it's great,
Starting point is 00:08:22 but there is part of, I would call it, I guess the final reveal that had me like burst out laughing in, in how seriously it wants me to take this character that I don't know what I guess what I guess what the main thing I'd say here is like, it's not a case where there's a franchise where there's been a lot of twist is twists and turns and backstory, like for example, right? I don't know what your what you're supposed to know about the umbrella corporation as of say RE2, but I'm sure that as of RE2, you're supposed to know, like, I mean, did it the the intro actually just says like the umbrella corporation was behind events of RE1. And yeah, I think they gave you like the little exact flat and I think I'm pretty much under
Starting point is 00:09:25 I feel like I'm under the impression that I get the the evil corp vibe there, you know, from what I've seen. But like by the time it gets to seven, I'm sure there's so many ridiculous little details about the creation of the company and the people on the board of directors and the family members and all the stuff you you lasered in on like the worst one. Congrats. Well, that's what I feel like. Yeah, super right. Yeah, the actual relation of like, like, did you know, like Hitler was on the board of directors this whole time and he was alive? I mean, I mixed if I had to guess just not knowing anything about like what they would this would be like that would it would be exactly like that one like one they employed Hitler and he was on the board of directors
Starting point is 00:10:17 and to there's there's some still part of the story, I would just be like, yeah, once upon a time, umbrella was going to be a really good company that was going to do good things to change the world. But then the guy who wanted to do that got killed and died and the evil person took over or some you know, I don't know, you know, I have like if you want the absolute like bullseye on absurdity, I can just tell you about Albert Wesker going from some guy who worked at the lab all the way to being the founder of umbrellas star pupil in the Uber mench Wesker training program for mutants. There you go. Exactly. Of which he was number one. And all of them died except for number 13, who's his evil looking sister. Well, I was about to say,
Starting point is 00:11:13 I saw a card pop up in Teppin that was like Alex Wesker. And I'm like, what? Oh, fuck off. You know, she's the villain of revelations, too. Yeah. So that's like I saw that and I was like, oh, this stupid shit is going to be like, like it's straight up like we're going into the cousins and the step cousins of the evil people, you know, to make this make sense. Anyway, but that's not the point. The point is that like the analogy here though is just that like umbrella as a company in the background is probably this ridiculous absurd thing so that if you had to now come about with a new game and build on top of that with something that was like not just like new, it would be like what space could you possibly shoehorn it into? We have more than we need
Starting point is 00:12:03 about the umbrella timeline and it none of it and congrats. You have successfully described what happens in Resident Evil eight. Okay, there you go. There you go. Right. In which they go to some asshole planet out of nowhere that happens to have some actually it's exactly the same as Metroid Dread. You go to some asshole out of the way location that seems to have very little to do with any existing plot line at all, only to discover that the one individual there remaining was actually involved in it at the beginning all those years ago. Oh my god. Yeah. So, so what I what I what I look at that I go like, yeah, that's a good good luck finding some way to take to get past the baton here and go like, well, write a story about umbrella and make it work.
Starting point is 00:13:02 Right. With the Chozo, they're super instrumental in the backstory of Metroid. But fortunately, all those Metroid games left a lot of empty space for Chozo filling. There's a lot of empty vacant space to write about and do things with the Chozo because they really everyone just kind of went add you to mention them a little bit, but don't go to, you know, and this is like the most they've gone in, you know, I also got to say going through because I beat the game like, wow, that was amazing. And some stuff happened. And I'm like, how is this stuff going to affect the the Metroid Prime for only to in the course of that question discover one, it's not, it's not going to affect it at all. And to the ordering of Metroid games in time is really confusing as to as to what is taking
Starting point is 00:14:09 place before Fusion and what isn't. So my problem with even getting into timelines here is that there's nothing I can say that won't set off a particular group of people because it's a big fight on the internet. Oh, is it? It's a big fight about the timeline and the cannons and what's not canon and whatever. And some of it is based on some mistranslated interviews from the past and shit, which actually someone wrote in a letter about that we can talk about later. But like, there's a basic thing that is like, you've got the numbered games, those are always canon and important and mainline. And then you've got the primes, which all take place prior to Fusion. But after Super Metroid. Yes. And and Samus returns.
Starting point is 00:15:05 And then Federation Force, I don't know, fit it in wherever you want. Am I wrong about that? Is that incorrect? Okay, well, if I'm wrong about that, then you know, let's let's look it up. And I'll just I'll just I'll learn right now. I'll fix that. It has to be before Super Metroid, because there are Metroids. And then all right, all right. Let's just let's just let's just get this correct. Let's just get this correct. So Metroid timeline. Radio so Metroid, while you're fact checking, I'm going to poke my dogs Metroid volume one and volume two, the manga Metroid zero mission. Prime one, prime hunters, prime two, prime three, Federation Force,
Starting point is 00:16:06 Return of Samus, Super Metroid, other am fusion dread. So like, just put put numbers on these. Come on. The number there are number the numbers are on that. So the so when you first boot up fusion, the first thing you see is Metroid four. Wait, what's Metroid three? So Metroid one would be Metroid Metroid two would be Super Metroid. No, Metroid two would be Samus returns. Metroid three would be Super Metroid. Metroid four would be fusion. Metroid three Super Metroid. Yeah, because Metroid two was called Samus returns on the Game Boy. That's crazy. Yeah. So
Starting point is 00:16:58 anyway, the more I talk, the more stupid wrong things I'm going to say. So whatever, fuck it. Timelines there. Look it up if you want. How are you going to make a Metroid game with no Metroids in it? Yeah, I know. That's wild. Well, if if lore, if they're supposed, if they're extinct in the lore, then they're extinct in the lore, right? Yeah. It's a good ass game. And I'm yeah, well, I'm glad you liked it. It's stellar. I saw your reaction to the ending. I went and checked it out. I saw the planet explode in the background, which I think might be the weakest spoiler anyone could ever say about a Metroid game. Yeah. And you go, Ah, it's the best one. Yeah, I felt no, I felt that this was this is my favorite Metroid game. It gave me
Starting point is 00:17:45 all all the things I love to in spades. And then it gave me stuff that I don't look for when I play Metroid. So when I play Metroid, I want some great time. Excuse me. Yeah, careful. Easy. Easy. There you go. Drinking liquids is hard. I don't know how people do it all day. Well, I'm sorry about what I'm looking for in these games is just some great isolated space cave exploration, shooting and, you know, and jumping and stuff, right? And, you know, then we you get cool shit like like shine sparks and, and, and, you know, power bombs and like all kinds of fun stuff that you get. And absurd, absurd requirements to do like a five room run into three shine sparks. So get like one missile pack. So fusion, fusion introduced the speed runs and the slopes
Starting point is 00:18:58 that were like for retaining your, your, your, your speed off of a shine spark. So, but what I'm trying to say, though, is that like I was looking for everything that I enjoyed about fusion and everything that I enjoyed about, you know, zero mission. And what you get is all those things, but then you get other things that are incredibly rad that you never would have expected to see in a Metroid game like flash step. I would have never expected flash stepping as a thing. And when Samus Returns came out, like I never would have expected, I never would have expected parrying to be a thing. And then not only did it become a thing, it became an instrumental game mechanic. Yeah, I, I feel like I, I'm interested in going back to Samus Returns
Starting point is 00:19:50 to see like the prototype, the evolution of this game. Yeah. But like now that I, I look back at like all like, oh, if it's, it's a very different game without that Y button to parry. Samus Returns has, has parry. You know, I'm talking about the other one, the previous ones. Yes. Yes. All the other ones don't have it. Not only it's because it feels like vital. It feels like a really core standard piece of the kit. Exactly. That's what's so shocking to me is like not only is parrying such a vital part of the game and such a vital part of the enemy patterns and they take attack you and you look for that little opening, but it's also a melee button, which you didn't have. There was, you know, there's no melee button in the old games like that. So,
Starting point is 00:20:37 you know, you're, you're introducing this whole new thing and it, and it becomes like a new thing that is central to the game design is very risky. You know, but they pulled it off so well. And I fucking love how like Metroid now has like a melee element that is significant. Same thing for sliding as well. That was not always a thing, you know, and now implementing it so that you're sliding underneath bosses, you're sliding underneath little openings when, you know, the creature like maws up and things like that. It's stuff that I was not expecting, but just completely adds and makes it feel really, really fun, you know. And then of course, yeah, the Emmys and so on are all fantastic. So, yeah, I feel as if
Starting point is 00:21:27 I'm going to stand by what I said in that, like, if you're going to go back looking to enjoy other things in the way you enjoyed this, you, you unfortunately only have one other game. And that's the last game that they did, you know. There's one thing that I want to say that's a bit out there because I just feel like not many games actually account for this. I ran into a very interesting thing going through the game because you get, you basically get laser upgrade, missile upgrade, laser upgrade, charge shot upgrade, missile upgrade and back and forth, back and forth, right? So it keeps changing as to like what's doing like comparable damage to what. And in that process, I discovered upon, I think it was getting the green beam or whatever,
Starting point is 00:22:11 that this is one of the only games I can play that has a, you know, tap button to shoot on a button, not on a trigger, that will shoot as fast as you can hit that button. Yes. And discovered that you can melt, like, you know, the mini bosses that are like the, the Chozo guns and spears? Yeah. Like sub 15 seconds. Yeah. If you can mash it out at hard enough. No, the speed you can shoot at in this game is like really, really high, especially, yeah, compared to older. It's astonishing. As fast as it allows you to go. Yeah. And I remember like, I remember times in prime when I would mash like that, you know, in prime, I'd be like, ah, you know, a couple times, but like never, not much in the, in the older games, but like here, yeah, yeah, they really
Starting point is 00:23:07 give you the ability to just make a string of bullets. It feels like they, they were not only, they made that the case and knew that, but that's why some of the bosses are regular shot invincible. Like have to be dealt with with missiles. Otherwise you would just melt the absolute piss out of them. I mean, a bunch of old bosses are like that too. All right. A number of classic Metroid bosses are like, you hit the missile in the right place, watch them change color. And yeah, the rate of fire on missiles is much more controlled. Exactly. It's a, it's a much more of a precision game. You also, I mean, I think if I'm not mistaken, going back to the like the first game days, it's kind of like a Mega Man situation where there's a number of bullets
Starting point is 00:23:56 allowed on screen. So the rate is determined not by like how fast you press, but how many other bullets are displayed. So if you have three back to back, good old, good old 16 bit consoles where if you mash the shoot too much, your character would start flickering in and out of fucking existence. Yeah, I might be getting this wrong, but my memory was like, you could go mash, mash, mash and get three bullets right behind each other, but then you can't shoot until those bullets are off screen or are despawned, you know, this conversation always makes me think that level in Mega Man X where you ride in the little cart and you go through that cave portion and a bunch of the bats blow up. Armored armadillo, the best fucking thing and the coolest
Starting point is 00:24:42 slowdown you want going down the mine car and then you charge up a full shot and right as the bats and the birds are coming through and you jump out of the cave, you let loose the full blast. So you have your full shot traveling next to you going full speed in the fucking mine cart and then the enemies flashing out and the whole game, the SNES falls apart and it's beautiful. It's one of the coolest things in that game. There's one moment in this game that that happens. I used one of the later game power-ups in an area and remarked that this shit feels like it's going to crash like a Super Nintendo game and it felt awesome. The last mandatory power-up. Yeah, well, your fucking full screen, your power bombs are always a thing, you know, and
Starting point is 00:25:40 when you, I want the whole game, I'm just like, I need the whole screen to fucking feel the impact of laying one of those because that's how it was back then. The whole screen just, you know, like I want that impact and yeah, it delivers. Fantastic. I gotta say, I really, I can't think of a single game I've ever played that did this where I managed to bullshit my way into a room that maybe I was doing it ahead of schedule or whatever, but I managed to get, oh cool, I got that ammo upgrade and it just says you don't have this yet and just put an ammo counter with a fat question mark on my HUD. Yeah, you don't know what this is yet. What the actual fuck are you doing? That's an interesting one because in games where the speed running and
Starting point is 00:26:36 sequence breaking were unintended, you, like it's a type of thing where if you got the ammo for something you didn't have yet, you would accidentally just get the thing. But yeah, that's a fun thing to be like, oh, you don't know what this is yet, but we expected you could have sequence broke and gotten this, so whatever. Going back to the bombs too, actually, I'm realizing like the noise I made, this is very telling, like I have such a fond feeling about the effect of a white power sphere exploding out the middle of the screen and that's specifically because of three things and there's tons more, but the three that like all overlap together are the bombs, yeah, the bombs in Super Metroid,
Starting point is 00:27:24 the luminaire, I was just thinking, the fucking luminaire in Chrono Trigger, and the visual and the noise of bombs in Super Contra. Oh, that one doesn't ring a bell, I have nothing to... In Alien Wars, Super C Alien Wars, you'd press the fucking bomb and it goes Byrrrrrrrrrr and it's so cool. The noise is incredible and like you never forget it you know, and i'm like that's how I want a screen wipe to look and sound and feel everywhere, every time, y'know, specifically the Super Nintendo Contra game. I might have gotten the name wrong though, I think... I'm but like Super Nintendo Contra, bombs in that...
Starting point is 00:28:16 Contra 3, the Alien Wars. Contra 3 Alien Wars, there we go, there we go, yes. I always want to say Super Contra and Super C, but it's like no, it's not, but Super games or Super Nintendo, anyway, whatever. Man, you what's the fucking shame that's trapped on the 3DS? Contra 4, man, that game fucking... That game's trapped. That game's trapped, for sure. Um, shout outs to the soundbombs from Star Wars Episode 2 as well. Oh yeah, those were fun, weren't they? Oh man, they're the best. They made such... I couldn't stop talking about them, like as soon as I saw it, like, just walked out like,
Starting point is 00:28:56 man, those soundbombs though, y'know, anyway. Let's not talk about anything else in the movie, please, god, but... I was really happy when they came back, they brought them back. Oh, I'm fucking dying out here. So aside from the absolutely incredible Metroid Dread, which, by the way, does signpost its invisible walls and ceilings quite well... It does, uh, in fact, and not to say that there weren't moments where I got stuck, but for the most part, it's like, yeah, if you see stuff above a thing, it would make sense to shoot in that direction. I didn't always do that. I'm, like, I'm gonna be 100%, everybody saw, but it seems like most other streamers did shoot past, um, towards enemies
Starting point is 00:29:48 that might have been blocked off by destructible walls. There was one wall early on that was over lava that, like, I don't know why, my brain just went, oh, I need the lava. But after that, I just, like, once you internalize walls or lies, ceilings and floors or suggestions, no problem. So every time I got stuck, that's my knowing Metroid, that's my first thing, is, like, all right, so I've gotten, y'know, the power up in this area and nothing has become immediately apparent. Yeah, time to start, like, just looking for shit to shoot, and that's always it, like, backtrack to the limits of where your map took you, and just the walls or lies, y'know, that's,
Starting point is 00:30:29 that's kind of it. You have that one, though, that I, and, y'know, and I, it's funny because, like, people were being cheeky and I didn't know why, and it turns out, like, it's because there's this one spot that, like, Max also struggled on where it's a, it's a, a, you have to ball spark across a pit, across an opening, and, like, if you just run and ball spark straight, you end up being one block too low for the opening. Do you know what I'm talking about? I don't think I, I don't think I encountered this. Okay, so there's an opening... Is this mandatory or is this for, like, a missile upgrade? Completely optional. Completely optional. Okay, then I probably miss this one.
Starting point is 00:31:18 Okay, so you have to ball spark across this gap into, and then go, land in a little, like, y'know, opening, and then your momentum carries you up to the missile upgrade, but you're too low whenever you try to, to just do it straight on. So it turns out that, like, way, way back at the, at the beginning of the, the, the run, there's a discolored block which you can shoot and hop into, y'know, but I completely didn't see the discoloration, and I was stuck on that for a good bit and just approaching it the wrong way. I'm, I'm being told that I, uh, did it instantly and thus don't remember. Gotcha. Okay. So there was one that was, there was a discolored wall bit that, like,
Starting point is 00:32:04 I just didn't notice and I was like, oh boy, and I just came at the, the solution the wrong way for a bunch. And then eventually it happened and I was like, all right, y'know. The thing that really messed me up is there were two different things that included the shine spark that after I completed them, I was told that you or someone else, usually Max, had actually gone through them from the other set. Yes. Yes. Backwards. Yes. Or I had done it backwards. You can solve them. Kind of insane. Yes. You can solve those puzzles in different ways with different paths because all you have to do is get to the wall that requires you to shine spark through it in any manner possible. And shine spark retention is something that you
Starting point is 00:32:55 can do in many different ways, you know, so you can come from the top in some cases, the bottom, wherever you have enough leeway. And if you can wall jump in such a way that like you make it to where you need to be, the game's like, yeah, fuck it, you know, um, that happened a couple times. But yeah, you know, I mean, everyone, everyone, uh, uh, get stuck or, or like see, has different stresses with different things. Um, the most surprising thing to me I, I, I'm reading about is how much people struggled with the Emmys. Whereas I had the same experience. I found them to be such a, you know, fun and like pretty tight thing, but they weren't this torturous experience at all. And, and I just didn't find it on that level. It would, they kind of
Starting point is 00:33:45 just went by at the pace of the rest of the game. They didn't leave the burning impression that a lot of people got from them in terms of like this kind of like swatting down of, of, of your, your, your progress, you know, I think that, um, part of the experience with the Emmys that we genuinely did not experience. I saw the videos of you, uh, just subconsciously bouncing the Emmy off you when it grabbed you the first two times, first two times. Yeah. Uh, and I, I assume it wasn't a 100% success rate, but it was pretty close. No, but then later Emmys, like there was at least two where I'm like, Oh, I got this. And I like, and I, and I just, I would, I would relatively consistently parry it off. I think that I hit the part where I had done four out of seven
Starting point is 00:34:44 or something like that. And at that point, I, uh, which maybe 60, 70% through the game, I parried every single attack they hit me with. Okay. Like I had learned, I had learned the timing on seeing the flash hitting the button and they were no longer any threat at all. Yeah. And you get two chances, right? You get the, the initial flash and then the second one. Um, and not on, on top of that, like they also give you, uh, you know, an entire meter that's dedicated towards Emmy evasion. Yeah. Right. Like you've, you know, you have so much, uh, if you get, because there's some of them, they start shooting at you, you get the freeze, you get the other stuff, but yeah, there's a, there's like, okay, turn invisible, okay, climb the wall, do this,
Starting point is 00:35:29 do that, you know, like fucking shift out of there. So that being said, if you can't parry all of Sean's basketballs, Emmys are considerably more threatening. Um, yes. Also, there are parts of the end game that also will, you know, be a little tricky if you don't get those. Yeah. That final boss is for real. That's a real, and that's a final boss. That's a Metroid final boss that is nothing like any other final boss in any other game. You know, um, I mean, the closest thing I can compare it to would be fighting the SAX, but even then that wasn't really the final and it also had a completely different flavor to the fight. You know, um, yeah, you really, there's not much like that. That's a very different style game
Starting point is 00:36:31 added here. And again, like going against what the formula would be, trying something different, and it works incredibly successful. You know, so there was fantastic ending, like a, a pang in my heart that like genuinely hurt me, but it was like the, the like, I had a little smile, which was when I'm doing the final boss, I'm like, oh, there's the part where he turns into a Dracula. That's the, that's the part where the Dracula happened. And this is as good as I'm going to get it for maybe 10, 15 more years. Like, oh, fuck. Yeah. Now, man, I, for something that was so quiet in its development that just suddenly got announced and was out within month. Like it was like, what, two, three, like it feels like two, three months after it was announced,
Starting point is 00:37:36 it was out almost. There's a lot of things that I like to complain about Nintendo, but the thing that they go games out in six months, we'll show you one new trailer two months from now. Okay, games out. Yeah. Is the best thing about that company. Yeah, it was kind of, it's kind of crazy how much we're talking about Metroid right now. Considering, yeah, four months ago, there was not even a thought. There was just a like, oh, Prime Four is happening somewhere somehow, I guess. And that's it. But you just don't think about it because otherwise it's decades, you know. Yeah. Yeah. Fucking excellent. Make more of these. Please, please, please do. You have the assets. Like, you know, do you remember way back in the day from the Super Nintendo to like the PlayStation
Starting point is 00:38:33 2, you'd have this situation where a game would come out and it'd be a sequel. And it was more or less like a kind of lost level situation where it was like a new game, but the graphics were almost all the same and they may be added like a new type of jump and like we took all our cut stages and put them into this other thing. And then they and then they put out like, you know, and it was like it was more fun because they had better design, but it was basically like a like a sequel made from the same bits. Yep. And there was just tons and tons and tons of complaining about that for a long, long time is sequels need to really innovate and they need to push the envelope. And fuck that. Make another Metroid Dread game that is like this one that is as good as just
Starting point is 00:39:24 bang that out. Don't even make new assets. I don't even care. Just rearrange the rooms and add one more power up. I don't care. Well, now also keep in mind what your feelings were about the RE3 remake, right? Yeah, it was too different. Okay. That was that was my that was the I'm not going to speak for everybody, but the Resident Evil three remakes problem is that it is a completely new game with a Resident Evil three shell on top of it. So if they made it just as like simply on top of the RE2 engine or on top of the RE2 system, but it was more accurate, then that would have been fine. Oh, it would have been much better. Okay, I got you. So like, I'll give you a good example, because you played FF seven remake, right? And the comparison of original RE2 to FF seven,
Starting point is 00:40:25 sorry, original RE2 to RE2 remake versus original FF seven to FF seven remake is pretty accurate. You're going through the same types of locations, it's the same feel, it's the same structure, it's the same order, etc, etc, etc. But stuff is remixed, stuff is improved graphics, perspective, etc, right? Resident Evil three's remake has, aside from the police station, maybe four or five rooms total in the entire game that actually cross correlate between each other. Hmm. Like it is functionally a completely new game. Wow, okay. Well, fair enough. In this case, yeah, I agree. I'm saying like, you've got all the work you've done for Dread here that exists. Just build, build more, build, build more. And I mean, you also, I feel like
Starting point is 00:41:21 admittedly each entry in Metroid has, you know, had some significant like uniqueness to it and significant feeling elements. Like I wouldn't want like just a DLC campaign kind of feeling to this. No, no, no, I don't want a DLC campaign. I'm telling Mercury stream to bang these out like they were GBA Castlevania. Right, right, right. Well, we'll get into Mercury stream in a little bit. Six Castlevania games released in like 10 years, and they are almost functionally identical. I remember. I don't care. They're really good. I remember how they're all really good. I remember how often like at Castlevania advanced games would come out and I wasn't paying attention to them, but it would just be like, oh, Jesus Christ, there's another one. You know, like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:42:17 there was a period of like high frequency back then. Remember fucking order of Ecclesia came out and the big, the big fucking twist on that was, hey, you don't go through levels in a set order and they're a little smaller, but there's more of them. And then secretly at the end, you unlock Dracula's Castle again, you're like, holy shit. That game is incredible. I just play word of Ecclesia again. Oh, well, besides that, how's your week? Aside from that house my week. Well, I beat a beat. I finally beat all the mass effect. It's all done. And I don't want to go too in depth on it because it's a tired point. But even after all that I read saw watched and complained about
Starting point is 00:43:09 during the ending upon going through even the extended cut of the ending. It's actually, there's parts of it that are actually way worse than I even knew even after all this time. It is, it is, it, it absolutely deserves the award of biggest wet fart ending to any game ever. Now are you talking about the, the updated ending or the original? Yes. Okay. I'm taught. So the updated ending, I want to make it really clear is way better. It's also like five or six times longer than the original ending. Like it is, it is, it like, holy shit. But the original ending, let me give you like a tiny piece, a tiny piece of how bad the original ending is, but is the updated ending also bad? Is that what you're saying? Oh, it's also terrible. Okay. I'm
Starting point is 00:44:11 just saying, I'm just trying to put it into, it's a scale in the original and in Mass Effect 2, there's a DLC where you blow up a mass relay, right? It gets blown up. And what that causes is the essential, essentially a supernova, right, which eradicates all planets inside the star system, right? In the original ending of Mass Effect 3, it stated, doing this will blow up all the mass relays. And you had no ability to ask any clarification. And so the, the only conclusion you could draw from that outside of producer interviews was if I choose this option, will it destroy every planet in a system that has a mass relay, including Earth? I guess, I guess it'll just kill hundreds and thousands of trillions of lives.
Starting point is 00:45:15 And then they literally in the extended cut, they changed it to the mass relays broke, but we could fix them. The extended cut is terrible. It's embarrassing. And it's extra embarrassing compared to all the DLCs that came right after it. Because Mass Effect 3 was supposed to be developed in one year. And they got an extra four months. And then you got the original like six minute ending that was like nothing and you hit guy hit with a splash screen. This is by more shepherd adventures coming soon. And turns out those shepherd adventures are actually the best things they ever made because they didn't have to rush them. But now when you go through it in the legendary edition, you go good, good, good, huge dip in quality, which is basically Kai Lang time, right?
Starting point is 00:46:16 Good, good, Kai Lang, good, great, great, the worst. So you go from the worst, sorry, the best thing Mass Effect has ever done, which is a heist followed by a party with every character you've ever met that lasts like three hours, followed by the final duel with Kai Lang, which is momentum whiplash. I know, I know this is going to speak to Woolly real bad. Kai Lang does a Naruto run with his sword behind his back because he's a ninja. Of course he does. There are times where the Naruto run is not embarrassing. Most of that is context, right? What is the worst thing you can do to a character who is Naruto running? How do you make it look as shitty as possible?
Starting point is 00:47:14 What is the worst thing you can do to a character that's Naruto running? Yeah. Well, how, what is the way to make the Naruto run look the worst? By not leaning forward? Ah, no, our brains are... I'm not, I don't know where you're going. Make the arena small enough that the Naruto run is slow. Okay, okay. So dude is slowly Naruto running at like a jogging pace over to light cover.
Starting point is 00:47:51 It looks terrible. It looks so bad. It's a Naruto jog. You know, I have to say like Naruto running was a thing before Naruto, but at the... It was. It's in the Evangelion movies. Yeah, yeah, exactly, right? Rushing the, that straight up like beast moment, the way a unit one runs. But like, but ninja running was also not that to me in my brain. Ninja running, I'm thinking of Ninja Gaiden animation and I'm thinking of
Starting point is 00:48:35 like when you would see someone leaning forward, probably one hand in front of like them with the sword or the other hand in the back and your legs are doing the like, like pins and needles, you know what I mean? There's also the version where it's like a knife and their forearm is in front of their face. That's the one I mean. I'm sorry, you can't see it. I mean where your forearm is in front of your face. I was trying to not block my mouth in front of the microphone,
Starting point is 00:49:02 but the original shinobi slash strider kind of like, you know, just yeah, dash forward with strider, you know what I mean? And you see that kind of hop where they lean forward and defeat. That's a ninja one in my brain. And it's like it has been completely replaced with the Naruto run, unfortunately now. But like, that's a goddamn shame. You know, ninja scroll, absolutely a bunch of that. It's crazy because like the legendary edition includes like a lot of like thumbs up,
Starting point is 00:49:30 but because the timing of forgiveness is gone, whereas your last impression is going to be the strongest. Now the, because it used to be, if you were talking about the old series, your last feelings of the game were either the ending and you never played it, or you stuck around for the DLC, which was immaculate and the multiplayer was good. So your like gut feeling about it was like tainted, but oh man, there were some good memories we had along the way. When you play it now in the full package re-release,
Starting point is 00:50:03 you go from like, man, this series is great to I can't believe I ever liked it at all. Jesus Christ. Within the span of like an hour. Man. It's unbelievable. It's so unfortunate, like learning. I mean, I've heard so much about everything Bioware related over the years. And you know, so obviously I got the sentiment,
Starting point is 00:50:31 but like now actually going through and seeing it. So of those flagship franchise, like of the flagship Bioware names and titles, I've experienced Mass Effect 1 and both co-tours. And just with that little sample that excludes all of Dragon Age, excludes Jade Empire, and excludes Mass Effect 2 and 3. Like just with those three games, I can see exactly how it's like, oh my god, so much potential for good storytelling, but also just why would you do this mistakes, you know, or like release issues like with two where they like,
Starting point is 00:51:14 you can edit it back into being a good game, you know? It's, it's, so I was talking to people and I was going over their history and that out of their entire catalog of games ever, Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, which is the opening salvo of the company. And that was back when all of Obsidian was inside Bioware, right? Dragon Age Origins and Kotor 1 are the only games that were not rushed to shit. Everything else. Every other game they ever made, including Sonic the fucking Dark Brotherhood.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Was absolutely rushed to shit. If anybody doesn't know why the music is so bad in Sonic the Dark Brotherhood, there was some kind of technical or licensing issue with the music that was composed. So all the music had to be rewritten and remade from scratch in like one week before it went gold. Man, I don't know how like after the first rushed fucking problem, you just continue to think, no, we have to keep doing this for everything else we're going to make. Guess what that has a name Bioware magic word is Bioware magic.
Starting point is 00:52:40 Yeah, but I just know what but I mean the like, like after that happens and it clearly doesn't work out to just keep doing it until now everyone just thinks and goes, oh, that's so sad. We're on Anthem. One of the most telling things is the quote from devs at Bioware that wouldn't be named. And it was Dragon Age Inquisition doing well selling well and winning awards was the worst thing that's ever happened to this company. Huh. I don't remember that.
Starting point is 00:53:15 Inquisition was the moment where the team was like being crunched into like broken bones. And they were all just I can't fucking I want to quit. Okay. And then and then it paid off game bombs. They'll finally change things and then it fucking paid off. And then it did. See, at what point in this timeline equation does EA pressure become a factor? The minute they were bought, which was I will go and get that.
Starting point is 00:53:51 EA buys Bioware pandemic October 11th, 2007. Circa after M Mass Effect One, Dragon Age Two. Mass Effect One came out November 16th, 2007. So they bought it one month before Mass Effect One came out. Okay. Dragon Age Origins was wrapping up its development. And plans for Dragon Age Two came down. And the plans for Dragon Age Two were do it in one year.
Starting point is 00:54:29 And make it explicitly for consoles and cut this, this, this, this and this. Yeah. Side note when Mark laid law. Saw the the GDD for it and quit before Dragon Age Origins even came out. Because he didn't want to touch the DA two at all. And that's also the same decree that they gave Aspire, right? For Kotor two, Obsidian and Aspire. Weren't they the ones that they got?
Starting point is 00:55:11 No, they that was under Lucas Arts. Because then I like Kotor two was also given 14 months to make the whole fucking thing. Hold on. Kotor two, I don't think they even got, I want to say it was 14 to 16 months. And the part that is extra astonishing is that after it came out in, God, what year was it Kotor two really came out for the holidays. And I believe, yeah, it came out December six.
Starting point is 00:55:47 And it was mandatory that it came out back that year. Like that was the hard deadline. It must be out 2004. And I remember reading up that in January, Obsidian wanted to put out a patch. And Lucas Arts stance was no, the game is done. Insanity, it's fucking insanity. Yeah. So it just, you know, all of these things, like even though we're not even talking about
Starting point is 00:56:16 Bioware anymore, but it's still just that level of like just ridiculous crunch and stupid development. Like in the end, it's a, again, it's a miracle that the quality that is here is even here. It always, it reminds me of the opposite situation that not a lot of people actually get to talk to unless they speak to devs that have worked on shitty projects or people who've QA terrible projects, which is stuff like, you know, some piece of shit shovelware comes out. And it's like, you know, a three out of 10, and it's the most uninspired World War two shooter garbage, right? But it hits like the 360.
Starting point is 00:56:57 And you know, oh my God, who made this? And then you get ahold of those guys and they go, oh man, you have no idea how hard it was to get this thing to a state in which it ran at all. And we're actually incredibly proud that we were to turn around this shit in form. In the four months we were given. We were given. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Side note, Dragon Age Origins is just Dragon Age one, right?
Starting point is 00:57:22 That's correct. Okay. It was there like a re-release where they put the word origins on it? No, the reason was called Dragon Age Origins was because its big marketing point was that you would start out as depending on whether you picked a wizard or a dwarf elf, human, etc. You would have six different prologue acts before you entered the main game proper and that it would significantly affect the story, whether or not you were like a dwarf or like
Starting point is 00:57:52 a human noble or like a wizard or what have you. But the first game to ever come out had the word origins on it already. Oh, wow. That's rare. It's that is the name. Okay. So I just assumed because of the way origins is used in every other piece of media that ever that it's a prequel.
Starting point is 00:58:09 It's it's or a prequel or a re-release of the first thing, but you can't use the word one. So you just say, oh, yeah, that's, you know, whatever origins, the Marvel versus Capcom origins. Yeah, the naming convention for Dragon Age right now, by the way, is origins to Inquisition 4. Okay. Yeah, it sucks, huh? Um, origins was supposed to be their next shot at making a game like Baldur's Gate, which was also one of the reasons why I had the origins tag on it. Oh, wait.
Starting point is 00:58:57 Awakening is just DLC. Oh, so that's not another game. Okay. All right. Yeah, I know nothing about fucking. Yeah. All right. It's good.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Takes place in the Mass Effect universe. Excuse me. Not joking. Yep. Oh my god. Did they they canonically did a fucking Indiana Jones sees Han Solo's bones moment or other way around Han Solo sees in these bones. There's a museum in Mass Effect 2 that has a statue of a Dragon Age enemy with a plaque
Starting point is 00:59:35 that references that it's from some planet. They can't resist. They can't resist. Such a nonce, like, uh, yeah, all right. Because you can either do that for like a ha ha or you can do that for like a no, no, no, for real. Right. You know, uh, and the one that really gets me is that Warhammer and Warhammer 40k are happening simultaneously.
Starting point is 00:59:59 Well, that's what I was about to say. I was about to say if you're going to do it for real, then like Warhammer is probably the best example of that for that. I understand because it's like, you're no, you're legitimately pushing these two things to the fullest and you can see the connections and they're doing all this shit. But what the fuck that what do you mean simultaneously? Oh, the planet that Warhammer takes place on is surrounded by the warp. So you can't get to it via spaceships.
Starting point is 01:00:30 But that's where it's at. Wait, wait, hold on. Oh, somebody people are telling me that's not canon anymore. Unfortunately. Oh, bummer. What the fuck? Hmm. Okay.
Starting point is 01:00:47 Well, I was about this. Hold on. This might be the most bizarre reaction I've gotten out of this, which is. Unfortunately, that's not true anymore. Old canon. Pat's wrong. And that was never true. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:06 She might be like, okay, I don't know. Yeah. That's confusing. That's very confusing. Because my assumption was the like the obvious, which is there is an old fantasy setting and there is a future sci-fi setting and that future sci-fi setting takes place in the far flung 40k future of whatever the time was during the original Warhammer. Yeah, that would make sense, wouldn't it?
Starting point is 01:01:39 It's like you take the Warhammer and then you jump 40,000 years into the future. And then now this is what's happening. Is that not what is happening? Because, you know, is Spider-Man 2099 not in fact just Spider-Man advanced to the year 2099? You know what, you know what, I'm going to invent something right now and we'll see if I accidentally figured out what Marvel's explanation was. No, Spider-Man 2099 isn't the future of the Spider-Man you know and love. It's actually an alternate Earth where time passes slightly more quickly.
Starting point is 01:02:27 So that the year 2021 would actually be approximately 2099. Okay, well, I bet they call it Earth 2099. It's definitely a multiverse that has its own canon, but it's not 2099 of Earth 616. But I don't think time goes differently, I think it's just... Oh, was I close? Apparently I was close. It is its own thing. It is not 616 2099, yes. But like franchise and then franchise plus future date, it's reasonable to assume that we are moving into the future and following a story
Starting point is 01:03:18 in the far-flung future. We want the characters to have laser guns. That's what it actually means. Because I just really like, why wouldn't that be what Warhammer plus a futuristic date it is? Why wouldn't it be Warhammer plus all this time has passed and now we're in this pipeline? No man, what if it was robots? What if it was robots? That's it. That's as far as the brain goes on this. Okay.
Starting point is 01:03:43 Well, so yeah, Mass Effect 3 is in the bag. Boy, that game would that release pack? Okay, no fuck off. Batman Beyond is 100%. Oh yeah, no, it's yeah. Because that leader Bruce is right there and he's old. He's standing right there. The same guy. That's one 6B for Beyond. Anyway, go on. Mass Effect 3 is in the bag.
Starting point is 01:04:19 They should have put out a version of that game that edited out the garbage. I was going to ask actually, because the content restored mod made me think, has no group of fans gotten together and said let's fix this and just write our own thing and then make it. The original Mass Effect 3 had a mod that shuffled around the last 30% of the game so that it wasn't as shit and that Citadel was in fact the ending now. Oh, so it was like the ending would happen and then it would be like, oh thank god that's all over let's go chill and then you do the heist and then you hang out with all your buddies and then it ends and apparently like I've never played a game where just like
Starting point is 01:05:19 going to the DVD menu and shuffling scenes could have made a bigger difference than Mass Effect. Like it's astonishing. Just take this and also you know content restored. I bet you could do a lot to this game with a content removed mod. Like a lot of good. God, what are the examples we always have? Kingdom of Heaven was just like literally the difference between the difference between like a four and an eight as far as movies go in just the editing on the director's cut.
Starting point is 01:06:03 Beyond Two Souls being told chronologically, if you remember. Yeah, Beyond Two Souls being told chronologically is great in one way but also like a train wreck in another because you discover that like scene motivations persist through scene chronology but not real chronology. There's no overall feeling. Leave a scene as a child with an emotional state and then continue that emotional state into a scene as an adult which only makes sense in the in that order of events. But when you put them chronological, it's just a giant fucking mess.
Starting point is 01:06:42 But at least the plot makes sense. Yeah, the you know the ability to but you see the problem with a lot of these discussions too which sucks is like you can if you fix it, then you have to question like well one like who's like is the fix going to be so that other people's first experience can be this modified thing? You know, like I like I'm like I reminded of the the discussion about Star Wars, the different orders, right? I hate the discussion that has created because now there's a bullshit watch order for everything that's always the watch the modified watch order.
Starting point is 01:07:30 Yeah, so God I'm trying to remember what it was. I think it was like was it like four, five, one, two, three, six? Yeah, I don't remember. I think the most the most insane one I ever saw was watch the all nine Star Wars movies chronologically four, five, two, three, six, four, five, two, three, six. That's what it was and skip one. Yeah, and you just get the the Luke story. The God that sucks so much ass.
Starting point is 01:08:06 The Luke story, the Anakin story and the conclusion of both. Right. That's so that means you're going from the best movie in Star Wars to the worst movie in Star Wars back to back. Well, you have to you have to get through them somehow in some way. You don't. And then the other thing. The other thing is that there's the the Phantom edit, which we did watch.
Starting point is 01:08:37 And it was the Phantom edit deserves credit because it like, yeah. How much does it chop, dude? All of Jar Jar and like most time wasted. And I think it brings it. I remember correctly. I think it brings it down to like us like 40 minutes or so. I think it brings it down. I might I might just be misremembering it.
Starting point is 01:09:03 I think it brings it down to like 40 minutes to an hour tops. And it just chops liberally. And you're like, yeah, got it. Understood. Move on next, you know, you know, it's if because editors. I really feel like in film editors don't get the the fucking editors occupy the same world that the mixer does in the music business where their involvement to the average person is completely invisible because they're not the one directing the shot or composing the tune or
Starting point is 01:09:43 whatever. But they're just as vital as anybody else. And man, if you watch a movie with a bad edit and then watch it with a good edit, you really get that intense like, oh my God, you can save some films and editing. And you can sure as hell destroy them. It's it's life and death. It's every it is. It really is everything.
Starting point is 01:10:07 Yeah. Okay. Well, if it were like me and like knowing and hearing everything I've heard about Mass Effect, like I would absolutely be willing to play a modified fan fiction version of the conclusion. Yeah. And and experience that and then go back and see what the originals were and go, oh man, wow, OK, you know, but but have that better experience. But that's because I know what I'm getting into.
Starting point is 01:10:39 What's the wildest thing to me is let's I'm going to go to how long to be because Citadel is Citadel is the cherry on top that while excellent is so good makes the whole rest of the shit Sunday taste worse by comparison. Right. So you get to see, oh, this is what they were able to make when they had no deadline and the resources they needed. It makes you feel actually much worse about the bad. So it ends up evening out.
Starting point is 01:11:06 So how long to beat Citadel? Side note, Phantom edits 119 minutes. Okay. Yeah, no, they it was not 40 minutes. I was exaggerating. So Citadel DLC is main plus extras is five hours and completionist is six and a half. It's a $10 DLC that is halfway to being a full game by the standards of the seventh generation. And it is the best Mass Effect thing to ever come out.
Starting point is 01:11:38 And it was made in like a couple months. But all existing assets aside from some levels, right? And you look at that and you go, God, damn it, if you made three Citadel DLCs with that small scope, you only go to like 10 rooms that would have been like a nine out of 10 game easy like that. Like that. You know, the way you're describing it, it keeps making me think of the after party in Age of Ultron. Yeah, that's what it is.
Starting point is 01:12:17 Because it's like, and it's like, oh, that was even though Age of Ultron was the weakest, this was one of the best scenes in the entire MCU. That's literally exactly what it is. And it's a bummer. There's a fucking arena fighting minigame in there. That's the most in depth minigame the series ever had. And it's just tucked away in a room as part of this $10 DLC. It's basically Space Yakuza.
Starting point is 01:12:52 Okay. Like in its structure. Okay. It's literally like, hey, somebody called you at the bar, go down to the bar. Oh, no, there's mischief happening. And then mischief happens. And then you fucking leave and go do other mischief. There's no stakes.
Starting point is 01:13:11 Well, that's it. Yeah, low stakes, hanging out with your friends and establishing their characters, you know, like that's that's even the even the heist thing. Yeah, that's the last I'll say, even the heist thing has incredible high moments in particular. It is the only mission ever in the history of that game that every single party member can come along. Okay. To the point where they go, okay, who are you going to pick? And it's show and every single person over three games that is still alive
Starting point is 01:13:48 is actually standing in front of you. And it's like 15 people. It's a huge cast. And you go, who are you going to pick to go? And you get to go, no, everybody, fuck it. And you do a mission with the whole fucking gang. There you go. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:02 And then I go do the ending, which includes saving earth. And they go, who are you going to pick? And I owe you and you and the rest of them leave. Because that was made before. So it's it's whiplash. It's terrible. I love oceans 11. They even they even wrote in dialogue for every character based on your total choices
Starting point is 01:14:28 over the whole series, the two characters that went on the least missions with you ever complain about not getting picked. Oh, wow. Nice. Okay, okay. Like it's, oh man, it's such a bummer. Oh, well, that's it for Mass Effect. Okay.
Starting point is 01:14:51 As for much better news, I completely, I talked about goblin and vomiting a week or two ago about dishonored. I've beaten dishonored one. I've beaten it. It's done. I stabbed many people and I just completely got over that fucking mental hurdle and it's in the bag. That's a good game and it stays true to the immersive sim formula of the first code on the door is four, five, one.
Starting point is 01:15:24 And the last boss is terrible. Oh, I couldn't believe it when I got there. The last boss is some dude sitting in a room going out, whatever, just kill me. I guess I don't even care. Is that you did it? Does that depend on your chaos choices? No, it's always going to be some loser in a room. It's always going to be lame.
Starting point is 01:15:48 The last level can be cool, but the actual final confrontation and ending are terrible. They're fucking lame. Though it also does the other immersive same thing where the level at the 80% mark is the best level in the game. And this is of particular note because I had this happen to me and I knew I needed to tell you and anybody who hasn't played Dishonored on the podcast about it. Now, Dishonored came out in the seventh gen. I think we're a little bit past the spoiler moratorium on a boss fight.
Starting point is 01:16:23 That's not even the end of the game. The game sets up an antagonist for you that you don't actually get to meet very often. He's essentially your rival character. Is assassin has the same kind of blank powers? Is the person who does the assassination that gets you in trouble in the first place? Captures you, tosses your gear. There's an optional objective to actually go retrieve your gear, which is an entire half of the level you don't need to do.
Starting point is 01:16:53 You go get your gear back, you sneak up on them, and you find them talking with one of their goons in a room. And they're going, oh, dude, Corvo's like, tear an ass over here. He's totally going to get here. I don't know what to do. I don't know who that is. Don't worry about it. What's that?
Starting point is 01:17:10 I don't know who that is. Corvo's your main character. Okay. Dowd, your antagonist goes, don't worry about it. I'll handle him when he gets here. And you get a bunch of conditions that pop up, which is take revenge and kill Dowd or incapacitate Dowd or rob him and leave to send him a message to punk him out.
Starting point is 01:17:33 Right? So the first thing I do is I hit him with a tranq dart. Happens to be immune. Get into a fight. I lose. Okay. Second thing, try and choke out the other dude. Take him out.
Starting point is 01:17:49 He summons like five more dudes. Get into a fight and lose. And I go, okay. I know what I'm going to do. I know how to choke this guy out and rob him. No problem. Dishonored has an upgradable power, which has been time. And it is a bullet time, essentially.
Starting point is 01:18:09 You move fast. Everybody else moves slow. Right? You can upgrade that and it's the most expensive upgrade in the game. And it is stop time and you get eight seconds of stop time. And in those eight seconds, the rules apply as you would expect. Anything you are touching is removed out of the stop time, but anything you are not touching is stopped.
Starting point is 01:18:31 Right? You fire a gun. Actually do stop time. Okay. You fire a gun four times. Time resumes. Four guys drop dead. Okay.
Starting point is 01:18:41 That sounds identical to the world though. In the second game, you can pull people's bullets out of the air. Like stop time. Okay. Like it's exactly the same. So I go, okay, I'm going to teleport over here behind him on a little perch. And I'm going to stop the time. I'm going to drop behind him and choke him out like I've done to everybody else.
Starting point is 01:19:00 And I do it and he looks at me and goes, I see you. And starts to move towards me in normal speed. And it is the only game ever that I finally know what it felt like. When Dio thought he saw him move. That's fantastic. That's great. I wonder how much of that is intentional. I don't know, but it like, because what you're describing, and you said eight seconds.
Starting point is 01:19:39 I mean, it's, if it was nine, it would be right on. But still like everything about you, what you're describing sounds really on the money to the point where I'm like, that sounds intentional. Just instantly turns and looks at you. And then when the stop time like resumes. Yeah. After the eight seconds, he pulls all the, all the other dudes in with him. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:01 And then stops time himself and says, now we're going to have a duel that only we can fight. And you start having a fight in between your time stops. And that's an optional way to go about that. And that's an optional route to take. Yeah. If you don't have it, you won't see that. That's amazing. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:20:23 That's super hype. Fuck. Yeah. It's great. And then the whole game just crashes into a toilet as soon as you leave that room. The fact that that's even missable and is not even the way to go like by default. That's like, you're fucking missing out if you don't do that. That's incredible.
Starting point is 01:20:47 Yeah. That's great. Wow. Wow. Yes. It's one, it's one of the coolest moments I've ever seen in a game. And I feel extra happy that being able to get through this mental block. Let me actually get to see it.
Starting point is 01:20:59 I've been trying to play this game for five years. Hmm. Yeah. It's pretty cool. It's pretty good. Okay. Yep. So honestly, after that fight, you can just stop the remaining level and confrontation is like
Starting point is 01:21:13 fucking weak. Okay. And did you get over your shit? Just like Deus Ex. Fairly quickly. What's that, sir? Did you get over your shit on like fairly quickly? After I did two streams of it, the first stream, I was near vomiting all over myself.
Starting point is 01:21:27 And the second stream was completely fine. And after that, nothing. Okay. No problemo. And that's pretty much it for my week, I want to say. I might remember something later, but I don't think so. If you want to check out more stuff, you can go down to slash past stairs at doing variety crap.
Starting point is 01:21:45 Now that I'm done with Mass Effect, it took me 32 streams to finish Mass Effect. That was, that's a, that's a long thing. That's a lot of streams. I'm going like hard variety until November. Like every single fucking day is going to be like a look at something different. Wow. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:06 I know the feeling. Over on this side, uh, finished off Raido. Kuzunoha. Hey, how about that shit? Yeah. That game, the final section of that game fucking goes. It picks. It, it picks the fuck up right in the final dungeon.
Starting point is 01:22:32 The Arakana corridor is incredible. Um, I didn't quite know what we were heading down for. I had some assumptions about Raido. And I, like I said, I was very confused about what I was going to get for one. I confused it with, um, uh, I confused devil summoner and, and devil survivor. So I thought I was getting, uh, uh, a bit of a, uh, uh, uh, uh, highly different. Yeah. I thought I was getting in a fucking whatever, uh, isometric, um, uh, turn based game.
Starting point is 01:23:06 Um, turn based strategy game, uh, a little bit. But then I also thought Raido was going to be a like, not a silent protagonist. Um, and both of those things turned out to not be the case, but he's still very cool and everything was, uh, uh, great along the way. Uh, the final section of that game is where the, the SMT flavor comes the fuck out. And it's been there the whole time for sure demons and you have your fusion and that's nice, but the 1920s vibe is so overpowering. Uh, and, and you, yeah, you, it's, it's, it's, so it's definitely exactly its own thing.
Starting point is 01:23:47 And then you're entering the, the, the dark world, which is just like 1920s shadow version, you know, it's purple. Yeah. But then you get into the fucking the corridor and it's like now we are in a weird polygonal fucking time space corridor, like air arena. Resworlds. Yeah. You know, and like you're encountering these like souls and these spirits that are just
Starting point is 01:24:19 like some of them are people that are from time that are trapped in the wrong place and have no place to go. And others are like time tourists that are just like coming from a world where you don't understand their slang, but they're just like checking out like, Hey, cool. Look at this timeline that shouldn't exist. You know, and it's like, wait, what? And it's like, yeah, like your whole wild, you know, and it's a fucking great thing where it's like, yeah, your whole timeline, your whole weird tie show 20.
Starting point is 01:24:52 It's like in the real world, that shit went to 15 and switched over to hero hero. You shouldn't exist. Why are you here? What is this? You know, I don't worry about it. Yeah. And you're, and then you're connected to like this, this larger thing. And as you go through each room and it's so cool because it's like it's not, it's becoming
Starting point is 01:25:11 compelling without being expensive in any way, shape or form. Like the stuff. Go ahead. The biggest pop in that whole section is you walk over to what I believe is essentially a time window and stick your head in and go, what's going on over here? And you see like four lines of text describing three guys and like a hill. Yeah. And you go, am I looking at what I think I'm fucking looking at?
Starting point is 01:25:39 So, so, so even before that, like you land and you're in the 20s and each step forward you go through, you're now in the 30s and you're in the 40s and you're meeting people. And some of them are saying things. And, you know, at one point you get some quotes and I'm like, this is perfect timing because I just went through all of that, that, Dan Cor, Dan Carl and Hardcore History World War II stuff where I listened to a full, you know, thing about like that whole era and learning about the Japan and that and during the war. So you're getting quotes and stuff and I'm like, oh shit, okay, that's literally Truman
Starting point is 01:26:20 right there. That's him speaking, doing his speech, giving his, his ultimatum, you know. And then a couple of other things and then some tourists are like, hey, yeah, I don't know. I come from my world and we just, you know, it's like, oh, what are you doing? You're, if you're in your, you're in the wrong body, you can get, you know, like some, some bad things can happen, whatever. And yeah, as you hit the 70s, 80s, and then you get to the 90s and you meet somebody who's like, oh my God, the missiles, the nukes, they're coming.
Starting point is 01:26:46 The ICBMs have been fired. Tokyo is going to be at this rate. And it's like, oh, oh, that's straight up. Yeah, that's SMT one going down right there. This guy, you know. And then like fucking like 10 feet over from him is another dude who's like, oh, something about the floods and the, and the, the church and that gets built and shit. And you're like, that's straight up like the 20 years later after the Tokyo get Tokyo gets nuked,
Starting point is 01:27:15 then the floods came and the messian, the messian cult and shit like that. And I'm like, oh my God, okay. So you were kind of just enjoying the timeline aesthetics that you were traveling through in a, in a, uh, righto world. And then you realize like, no, and your, your theoretical corrected future in this corridor is heading straight to those games, you know, which are all apocalyptic nightmare disasters. So like horrible.
Starting point is 01:27:44 So it's a weird thing where you're like, okay, this could be considered canon because it is canon in that it's the wrong timeline. Right. Do you know what I mean? Like it, well, yeah, the logic is just SMT's two timelines over from now. All, all that changes is, uh, at some point in the past demon summoning was discovered to be easier than it is here. Yeah, it's not knock on effect so on and so forth.
Starting point is 01:28:16 Exactly. It's not like this thing of like, oh, there's just another world and we don't explain it. And that's that. And that's nothing like Dino, you know, uh, versus devil may cry or something. It's like, no, no, no, like it is acknowledged that this timeline is off and who doesn't where the fuck it's supposed to go. The people upstairs are not a fan of when the timeline goes off, you know, and then you get to the villain and they're like, do you see this shit?
Starting point is 01:28:42 You see how bad this sucks ass? And you, the player with foreign knowledge of just how bad it actually sucks ass and SMT two onwards goes, oh yeah, I kind of get it now. Yeah, it's actually really bad. It's like a global Holocaust. It's a fucking nightmare universe. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:00 No, you'd be upset. Yeah, I got it. And also just like, as if it's not badass enough that goddamn Rasputin just shows up, beats your ass and is like, like the ultimate. He's the ultimate fucking Gary Oak in that he's just like, I'm so much better than you at what you do, you know, and then the layers of confusion where it's like, oh yeah, well, he's also part robotic and no weight. I think he might be full robot.
Starting point is 01:29:33 Okay, no way. No, he's a robot. He's a terminator. And, and, and then like it's like, and what the fuck. And like he, and he's so casual, you know, as you're like watching your world practically come to an end, you're like, what the fuck is what this dude, you know, and then it's like, yeah, so he's actually a T 100 straight up, sent back, came down the timeline to a wrong alternate reality, took a left and hit Taishou 20 and pops out.
Starting point is 01:30:01 And that's why he gives no fucks about what's going on. And also gives no fucks when he grabs you and throws you one timeline over where you can meet your alternate self because he's like, your whole reality is wrong. Who gives a shit, you know, and he just, and he just didn't do his job is incredible. It was fucking great. Yeah. Um, you can, you can see why like people had always had fun with the whole SMT multiverse thing.
Starting point is 01:30:28 But when Rydo one came out is when the charts started getting made. Well, it's the reason why it's so fun is because I expected it to be, you know, again, like you go into it going like, yeah, this is its own thing. Don't think too hard about it. And then, but like when it acknowledges its own outsideness, I enjoy that so much more, you know, um, you know, it's, it's a little bit of that, um, that first to Star Trek reboot thing where it's like, Oh shit. Okay.
Starting point is 01:30:58 There's old Spock and that would, that places us in a completely different place where you know, canonically the old universes over there, all that up. Yeah. I don't, I didn't watch them. So I don't know where it goes, but, but just that initial, that initial thing, which I still think back on and I'm like, Oh, that's cool. I like that. It's like, Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:17 You know, portal over there. That's the other stuff. And this is where we are. And that's what they, what they relate to. Um, so that was a whole, a really fun thing. And in the end, um, yeah, I, I felt the weight of the, the age. I felt the weight, the date. I felt that the game like, you know, it's old.
Starting point is 01:31:37 There's some, some clunky stuff. It was, there's the stuff that's clunky in that game was clunky. The day it came out. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Like it's not just like it actually aged pretty well. It's just the stuff that was like, Oh man, I could movement. Sometimes it's a little, yeah, I know.
Starting point is 01:31:56 I could see people bouncing off of it. And it, it's at its weakest when you have to do solo demon stuff, because once you have to do, once you have to switch over to control the demons directly, they move at the same pace that the enemy moves at, which can't be too fast. Otherwise they'd be overpowered. So they're just slowly traversing the map, getting into fights that are in some cases like kind of unwinnable, you know, and then you go, and yeah,
Starting point is 01:32:21 they're just like definitely not as smooth there. But, um, again, I still, I still very much enjoyed it. You know, um, that fucking dog you meet, I don't know if you remember, but like you meet this dog over at, uh, the amazing science laboratory. And you, when you read its mind, like, well, he, because he looks like, yeah, he has something to say. And then you read his mind and he's talking and then he's like, Hey, you look like the kind of person that has a dream.
Starting point is 01:32:49 It's important to always remember your dreams. And like, he's just this really chill, cool, friendly pupper for no reason. And then he asks you, do you have a dream? What is it? And you have to type it in. And you literally, you have to type in your dream. And he goes, okay, I will remember that. I won't forget.
Starting point is 01:33:14 And it's important to keep that in mind, you know, when he gives you a little pep talk and every time you go visit him, he's like, yeah, I remember, you know, whatever. But it's just this random NPC dog in the corner of one, you know, area of the game and you can just run by him the whole time. And then as you make your way through the fucking time corridor and you're dealing with all that shit and you get past the SMT references to everything, you approach like 20XDX walking into the light to obviously time to go fight a god,
Starting point is 01:33:50 time to go kill a god, right? That's what we're about to do. And like who's you have to do every time you got to go kill a god. And who's waiting for you at the end of the entrance to the light to go kill a god, the fucking soul of the dog that you met way back when and he's the, and that dog has seen some shit because he's at 20XDX after every other date. And that dog is like, well, I've seen it. It's fucking terrible.
Starting point is 01:34:21 Guess what, dude? Humanity sucks. You guys are awful. You're the worst. You ruin everything because he's seen past the entire franchise, right? He's seen past the 90s. He's seen past the 20s. He's gone all the way to the past three, four and five in different timelines.
Starting point is 01:34:42 A hundred years after the nukes went off, he got to watch how horrible it went. And he's like, I fucking hate you guys. I change my mind. You suck. This is, I can't believe it's all your fault. This is the worst, right? And then he's like, I bet you don't, I was like, I remember you, but I bet you don't even remember your own dream.
Starting point is 01:35:03 And then the game asks you, type in your fucking dream. What did you write? You know, what did you say with punctuation? Don't spell, don't capitalize incorrectly. Don't use anything you didn't type it in exactly as you did. You know, and if you do, if you don't, then he's like, yeah, you're just like them. Fuck humanity.
Starting point is 01:35:25 You know, but if you do, then he's like, oh my God, oh, you totally did. And then he like takes you to like a secret area and it gives you some final buffs before you fight the final boss. It's the coolest. It's so dope, you know, like, damn, that dog is the best, you know. Yeah, never forget your dream. And a totally random optional thing, you know, like it was, it was a great, it was a great adventure, man.
Starting point is 01:35:53 What a good game. Um, and in the end, you know, you also have like little moments where it's like, okay, well, we got to go stop this giant blood mecca and that means we got to go to space. Yep. But you're not going to space. Pick one of your demons that you trust to go to space and fight for you. And then you send your favorite demon up, usually your strongest, to go fight a space boss.
Starting point is 01:36:23 And then it sacrifices itself, you know, and you're like, damn, you fucking did it alongside your cat. And then you just go back to the devil summoner fucking goma den. And then you just buy back the demon. You just sacrificed because you fucking care. It's literally cost me 30 K who gives a fuck, you know. Um, yeah, no, but it was great. I hear incredible things about the sequel.
Starting point is 01:36:51 I hear you can summon two demons at once. I hear it's faster. The, the, the number one thing is that it feel, uh, got it. So it's funny because if you'd ever played Yakuza one, this would be a much easier thing, but Yakuza one controls very similarly to devil summoner one in that they're really stiff. Okay. And the sequels to those games were like, oh no, oh, thank God, I can fucking move Jesus Christ. And you can also, I fucking shoot your gun.
Starting point is 01:37:23 Okay. Yeah. Well, you can pull out your pistol and just shoot people. Well, you can shoot your gun here too. Yeah, but it's a tap in, uh, in two. I forget what the difference is, but it's like, I think you can switch between some gun and sword. Just you can do that here. If they were, yeah, you can do that here.
Starting point is 01:37:40 What am I thinking of both in, in, in, you could as a gun, there's a sword button and a gun button and you can switch your ammo to different elements. And that's how you capture things. Huh. Infinite ammo. Remember there was a change with the gun was. If it's infinite ammo, that sounds amazing. Cause.
Starting point is 01:38:01 Oh yeah, it's definitely infinite ammo. Okay. Cause bullets are super limited in this and you have to constantly buy more. You know what? I'm just going to send you this 30 second, uh, 13 year old clip of new moves. Right. Oh, two has where he's got like all sorts of fucking judgment cut shit that you can manage to do. Okay.
Starting point is 01:38:25 As a good. Wow. Combat. Holy shit. Yeah. Okay. No. And he just did a stinger.
Starting point is 01:38:33 Yeah. Yeah. You could, you've got the old stinger before, but it goes into follow ups cry, but it's like approaching. Like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I mean you had to stick. The old stinger was great, but now he's actually doing, ha, ha, ha, ha, breakdown. Like, damn. Okay.
Starting point is 01:38:49 Well, that's cool. Uh, well, yeah, I don't, uh, yeah, I, I, I, I don't imagine, um, the, the, blah. I don't imagine the, the, the, if they just continue what they did here, build off of it, that, you know, there'd be anything I would dislike. Cause like it fucking, even, even this aged in such a way where I'm like, I still had a great time with it. So. Did you, uh, emulated?
Starting point is 01:39:17 Did you play it, uh, on the original console? I played it in its up res state. Okay. Can you, cause I never beat two. Could you, uh, send me whatever steps you took to up res that? Sure. Sure. Not necessarily right now, but just in general.
Starting point is 01:39:39 Yeah. There's a couple of the, there's a couple of visual things that can go on to do that by, by accident. Like I was talking to people about Metroid Dread on the weekend and people were talking about running it in 4k and I'm like, I would never want to infringe on Nintendo's copyright. So I asked people to send me a detailed guide on how you would do it so that I would make sure to not do that by accident. Um, so yeah, that's, that's a, that's the first official, uh, SMT LP that's been,
Starting point is 01:40:19 that's that I've ever done. Oh, finally banged one out, huh? Got one out. No, I haven't done one either. Yeah. Tokyo Mirage Sessions is, is its own thing. That's not, I'm not going to count that. I mean, it says it right there on the fucking box, doesn't it?
Starting point is 01:40:34 It's TMS, not SMT. So, oh, that was after the era of them just slapping the SMT pentagram on every single game that came out from Atlas, no matter what or not it was SMT or not. And the one time they really needed it to be, they really needed it. Well, anyway, uh, yeah, super, super, super cool. Um, and, uh, what else? Well, I did, uh, start and complete squid game. Oh yeah, nice.
Starting point is 01:41:13 Did you finish it? Oh yeah, I finished it when I talked to you about it last week. Oh, true. Right. Yeah. Yeah, no, it good. You know, not much to say, uh, enjoyed it. And, uh, that's one of those things that, uh, yeah, I, I, you know, I'm, I'm definitely
Starting point is 01:41:34 reminded of like some of the, the, the, uh, the desperation in, in, uh, old boy, you know, some of the, just that grime of like, Oh yeah, man, when shit sucks here or when shit or in, um, Parasite as well, just when you, when your protagonist is just a fucking, just a bum, you know, when your protagonist is a bum and all three of those, you know, or, and the other Shenmue Park movies, actually a bunch of them, like, I'm like, Oh yeah, I remember this. This, this always feels bad. Um, it was, it was good.
Starting point is 01:42:09 It was good. It's pretty good. I, I, I liked, I liked what it did for the most part. Uh, I like most of how it wrapped up. Um, I kind of, you know, we'll see whatever, uh, they decide to do with this franchise. Um, it could, it could have, it could be one and done. It could be more, but I saw an interview with the, uh, writer who said that he's in no hurry to get a second season out because it took him like eight years to write this one.
Starting point is 01:42:40 Okay. Well, there you go. That's what I like to hear. Yeah. So when you hear that, and then you hear like, Oh, and the sequel is being made and they took a year to make it and it's just like, well, fuck this, just, you know, you just, it's not, there's no way it's going to be as lovingly crafted. You know, so yeah, um, that's really cool.
Starting point is 01:42:59 And the only other thing I suppose is just to some, there's a little, I, I, I'm not, I'm glad they fixed the subtitle so that they don't have the, the dub title problem when I went by the time I saw it. And I do kind of think I'm like, yeah, it, going into this hearing the premise and all of that, if think, like, I think about like how it would have felt if you just kind of randomly stumbled across it. Yeah. You know, I feel like you would, like, if you just stumbled across, you would have been like,
Starting point is 01:43:26 Holy shit. Whoa, whoa, what the, you know, versus kind of coming in with, unfortunately, some expectation based on, uh, you know, it being the, the number one thing on Netflix. Uh, uh, but, uh, but in the end, yeah, I don't have much to say in review, except have you, uh, have you listened to any of the English dub? Not at all. No, it turned it off right away. It, I saw a comment that spoke to me dramatically, which was that it feels like
Starting point is 01:43:52 watching MXC. Oh yeah. Like just like, I don't know how to say this. You know, there's Jackie Chan movies that are dubbed like very well with the actual standout weirdness being Jackie Chan himself. Dubbing himself is actually much more off putting than all the actors around him. Sure. Um, this is, this is like every second of watching it is like, Oh, this is a dub of an
Starting point is 01:44:26 Asian thing. Just strong, strong dub energy. And they did a really good job matching the mouth movements, which they focused on a little bit more than making this the dialogue natural. Make it makes exactly, exactly. Yeah. I just, I fucking, I've told the story many times about lending my friend, old boy, and she just popped the DVD in and then it played the dubbed version by default.
Starting point is 01:44:58 And thus she had the movie ruined because the dub ruins the entire movie through its like terrible translation and liberal changes to the script. So that like it spoils what the whole movie is about, you know, it ruins the movie. It doesn't, it doesn't just, when I say it ruins it, I don't mean it like it makes it a bad experience. I mean, it literally spoils itself through its dub. They changed the script in such a way that like things are said that shouldn't have been said, you know.
Starting point is 01:45:29 So in the end, she was like, yeah, wasn't that great. And I was like, oh, no. And then she kind of described that part. I was like, oh, fuck me. It was literally because of that, you know, so. You know, it's a wonderful feeling. That feeling of like intense confusion where what do you, what are you talking about? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:47 That's not, that's not how that scene happened. So, so having watched now all of this with like, you know, right on the, the the subtitles with, with Korean, I, I really, I know, especially for something being the number one thing and also for parasite, you know, getting the reception that it did. I know that we'll like people that are our age and younger, we're used to seeking out our own shit that we want to watch. And if it's from other countries, then we don't give a fuck. If it's good subtitles, fine, we just watch it, right?
Starting point is 01:46:24 And so for the most part, going forward, I think like younger generations and stuff are going to be fine because we don't, we don't care what language it's in. If it's subtitled, you want it to the original performance. You want to enjoy whatever it is that the director put out for, you know, if my, like my, I don't know, like my older like family, my auntie, if she's going to sit down and watch Squid Game and stuff and is going to watch it with the, the, the dubs on, she's like, there's just the thing where, whether it's like, I don't feel like reading or what, you know, we've been over this whole like thing of just the reasons are,
Starting point is 01:46:58 I don't know. Have I ever mentioned my father's point of view on dubs versus subs? I don't think so. Because it's, it's, it might be the weirdest one I've ever encountered. So my dad, Mr. Boivin, Mr. Boivin, right? He's perfectly bilingual and hates subtitles. He hates subtitles so much that I have walked in on him watching movies in German and Italian with no subtitles because he would rather ballpark it with his shitty knowledge of
Starting point is 01:47:43 German and Italian, then actually turn them on or turn the subtitles on. That's so insane. That's so insane. Jesus Christ. Just raw. Like he only knows as much German and Italian that his dad taught him from like five to 15. And I've never heard him speak at once. But the choice to just fucking deal with it is so like hardcore that it goes the other way
Starting point is 01:48:15 in terms of like, he hates the subtitles, whatever, but he's still watching it. It's insane, but he's doing it. The whole thing about like, no, fuck this. I just don't care. If I have to read the, like the whole thing about like, no, I just won't watch it then. I just don't want to read this. I'm going to miss out. Like, yeah, it's lazy and stupid and I hate that.
Starting point is 01:48:38 Like, I know that everyone has different circumstances. I know for some people, the reading speed is just, it's slower. So it makes things less enjoyable. I know people might, you know, have their own like things. If you're like, I don't know, if you have like dyslexia or something that's affecting your ability to, you know, keep up with what's being said, it can make it a less enjoyable thing. But outside of these circumstances, for the most part, if people are just being like, ah, I just don't feel like reading and being lazy or whatever, then I'm like,
Starting point is 01:49:05 yeah, well, then fuck off. Don't enjoy the thing then, right? Now I, I just had a thought about it's even weirder than I thought because I was like, oh, maybe it's, he doesn't want to put his glasses on. But no, my dad's glasses are for near as far-sighted. He could read those no problem. He's just stubborn. I realized, I realized that for that generation for the, you know,
Starting point is 01:49:31 and for people who were just grew up not used to it and for the entire like, like, I remember multiple sitcoms were, and cartoons were the joke was, ugh, subtitles, you know, like, I remember that being a gang in multiple things, right? So knowing that that never goes away because people are just scared of what they're not used to and they just, I can't enjoy this. It's not what I, ah, right? It's, it's stupid. That mentality is never going away.
Starting point is 01:49:57 Fine. I accept that. And with, in this game was, in this case with Squid Game, I accept that, right? This is the number one show. There's a lot of people that have just, they're just babies and they just, they're just like, I just want to hear it in English, even if it sounds terrible. I don't care, right? Fine.
Starting point is 01:50:14 Okay. I realize this. My only thing is at this point, if we have to do this, at least make it so that when you press play by default, it's in the original language. Yeah. That's not going to happen at the very minimum. You know, I just, you know, so that it's like, it's, it's not that same thing that happened when I loaned the, the, the DVD out, you know, so that you're like,
Starting point is 01:50:41 can we acknowledge that you're getting a compromised quality here and that if you don't want to deal with the, the reading fine, but you know, you're getting the shittier version. So, you know, it's wild to me. And I think Squid Game is a really perfect example to take place, sorry to take this conversation about, because I mean, the sub dub thing for movies and whatever, it's, it's a very, it's an old argument, right? But Squid Game's plot is really simple. Very.
Starting point is 01:51:10 It's, it's almost like there's just like no twists at all. It's exactly what it says it is in episode one. There's actually one, there's one twist. I really didn't expect that changed my whole perspective of the whole thing. But it's primarily being carried by some really intense, miserable, naturalistic performances, which no shame on the people who, who did their best dubbing these people in English are butchered outside of the actor's actual original portrayals. And it's like, I feel like we're talking about two different fucking shows.
Starting point is 01:51:56 Yeah, I, it's just, you know, like if, if we, if we, if we can just at least be like, hey, the version that's going to be good is good or not even good. Like I'd like the, the recommended version is the one that's closest to what the fucking director made, you know, that's all. Just press the play button and hit that. Because here's the thing, if you're not used to like any of the shit that like, if you're not used to downloading and watching stuff or like finding your own things or just watching foreign things at all, you know, watching things that are not just like regular North American media,
Starting point is 01:52:35 you wouldn't think about changing languages, right? So my friend, who I, I, I, you know, loaned that DVD to, she doesn't consume that much like, you know, imported shit. So she didn't, wouldn't have thought like, oh, let me change the language here. She just pressed the button and I'm sure it'd be the same thing for, you know, for punch wife and for, you know, if I were to be like, oh yeah, here, just check this thing out. She wouldn't think about like the language and stuff like that. Like it's just, you know, I don't know when you're normie, normie brain doesn't think
Starting point is 01:53:04 about like stuff like that. It just, it's like, yeah, you just, you just play the thing, whatever, you know. So that's, that's, that's kind of how that, that turned out that way. When you talk about twists and stuff, like again, just not, not going into details. It's so funny because you're right in that the show really doesn't have like, I mean, there's, there are, there, there's no real twists. There's more just like information, but like the, yeah, but I'll use an example, a non-spoiler example of this, of how like untwisted the, the, and, and clear the show's narrative is
Starting point is 01:53:39 in episode two or three, a character looks at the camera and goes, I'm going to get you. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And the framing of the scene is such that you instantly go, oh yeah, no, that's gonna happen a hundred percent. I don't know how it's gonna happen, but that I believe it. Yep. There's no doubt in my mind that, that might as well be a prediction of the future. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:05 No, I would say, and sure enough, I would say, I would say the biggest twist is the first episode, literally like the, the end of the first episode is like, oh, okay. And then the rest of it just plays out, you know? So, um, yeah, that was good. Whatever they do going forward, I hope they don't ruin anything. And also, I'm telling you right now what's going to happen. I'm telling you right now what's going to happen.
Starting point is 01:54:37 They're going to, Netflix is going to be like, we're going ahead with season two. We contracted a season two, write it. And the writers are going to be like, I don't want to. And they're going to be like, okay. Someone else. So the, here's the squid game season two subtitle baseball. And it'll be the squid games that take place in America. Of course it will.
Starting point is 01:54:56 Of course it will. Yes, exactly. And then we just, yeah, yeah. I, God fucking, the Uraburos can't stop itself from devouring its own fucking tail. I just hope for good things for the Pakistani Korean speaking actor. That dude ruled. That was so awesome. That was just like, okay, I don't know how many roles there are for you,
Starting point is 01:55:35 but I hope that a lot show up now because Ali is great. And it's like, yeah, I'm like, oh dude, you're, yeah, like, I don't know how much tea, how much K drama and K pop and, you know, K TV, there is that's looking to cast a Pakistani dude, but I sure hope he gets a lot of work after this. That was great. That was super cool. You know, that's what I'm, that's what I'm, I'm hoping for as a result.
Starting point is 01:56:08 And I don't think there's much work left for that old guy because that is one of the oldest men I've ever seen in media. It's pretty fucking old. Pretty, it's like 95. Yeah. Yeah. Good stuff. Good stuff.
Starting point is 01:56:24 Uh, and also worth mentioning, uh, as we, as we start our, our, our, we can recap the last that the return of Dokopon has occurred. Are we serious? Dokopon is back. Oh no. It has started and it's, it's going great. It's going great already. Um, I was, um, it's a new, did a new game release.
Starting point is 01:56:54 You just guys just going to decide to escalate it again until you stab each other. So it's a different game. Okay. I was keeping my eye on, well, everyone male was, as soon as it got announced, Dokopon up was the, um, Dokopon cross, uh, Uwara to, um, whatever, another, uh, Japanese thing. And it was a crossover game that came out on switch and it was like, cool. Is this going to get translated?
Starting point is 01:57:22 Not officially ever. And I hear that fans are working on something or that something might exist, but I was like, okay, I'll just, Could be a bit. I'll just keep an eye on it for that, whatever, you know, but, um, it's absolutely just one of those things where I'm like, yeah, no, I know there's a new thing here. But it was just like, there were some people that were kind of insane in going like,
Starting point is 01:57:41 yeah, just start another one immediately. And I'm like, are you out of your fucking mind? Jesus Christ. You cannot do that. You know, uh, you got to give it. So I'm like, I'm not, I'm down to return to this concept, but we, it's got to be one, have some time and two, it's got to be something right. We got to figure out something else.
Starting point is 01:57:59 I just hitting the same mode again. I, I'm not as excited about, but, um, I was doing some digging and, uh, you know, as we wrapped up with, uh, with Raito, I was just taking a look and I saw, I was like, oh yeah. So I remember after Dukapan Kingdom came out, there, I was that, um, DS game, uh, the Dukapan journey that I was told about, but I was mislead in that I was told that was a single player adventure for DS. And it turns out with a little more research, it's not.
Starting point is 01:58:30 It is a past the DS around multiplayer game. How the fuck are you going to, are you going to Uprez it? Yeah. So we are passing the DS around. Yes. And that sounds like a complicated recording setup. It's not bad at worst.
Starting point is 01:58:47 All it means is, uh, when you're fighting, you're not allowed to look at the TV. You know, that's it. All right. So you can't see what the DS is. That's what there's is broadcasting. You really, you're, you're adding the honor system to this fucking powder keg. Well, it's not the honor system because whoever is, whoever is, is, is eligible, eligible to cheat has to make eye contact with the person who's not playing.
Starting point is 01:59:14 Yeah. That's so needlessly aggressive and intense. Well, do it like that. So when it's, when it's Reggie's turn to play and do some, make a decision, Min has to look me deep in the eye and then Reggie plays and then, you know, the hot seat. Yeah. So that's the only difference really. And then, uh, but otherwise the game and the map and the system, it's, it's its own game.
Starting point is 01:59:43 It's just its own thing. You know, it's similar in the, in the basics and just, but we're discovering that there are some things that are very, very different. And, uh, yeah, one session in and boy, boy, it just brings out anyways. So that's going to be, that's going to be continuing. We started it last week. And, uh, also I'm going to try to just make sure that we don't like, I know, take too long getting through it.
Starting point is 02:00:09 So we're going to be doing two sessions of it this week. Um, and the plan is to, you know, yeah, keep up, keep up a decent pace. But if you enjoyed Doka Pawn Kingdom, then be sure to tune into Wili versus as we now have Doka Pawn journey. And, uh, it is just as I like, I don't know. I mean, just the worst in all of us just comes out and goes away as soon as you, as soon as the night's over, you know? Um, and, and there's one thing that I remember, uh, from the last time that we did this and
Starting point is 02:00:49 it is when you leave the session on a note where you're in shit or fucked over in some way, that hatred will stay in your heart the entire week. And you just have to learn how to deal with it. So please look forward to, uh, Doka Pawn journey. So we got that going down, um, this week on the channel. And, uh, now that we've cleared the space, because, uh, yeah, we've, we got some room for some salt party going on with Doka Pawn. We got some room.
Starting point is 02:01:26 We've cleared off Ride-O. So we got space to, to do some other stuff. And, uh, I don't mind, I don't mind, uh, popping under the, uh, was the lid a little bit and letting you guys know. So the plan this week on the channel on Wili versus, we're going to be doing Doka Pawn for, uh, uh, two sessions and then some fun, getting to fighting games on the weekend. Uh, and then starting next week, well, there's two things I want to do. One, uh, I want to take a look at, there's a really cool thing I mentioned before I left.
Starting point is 02:01:58 I wanted to, to possibly consider Jet Set Radio. What I want to do is there's something that just dropped and it's awesome in VR chat. There's something called Jet Set Radio Festival and it is an amazing recreation of multiple levels of Jet Set Radio future in VR chat. And you can dress up as the multiple characters and jump in and start grinding and spraying and doing all of, and playing the game essentially in a giant Tokyo toe. It's unbelievable footage of this and this is the high end. It's incredible.
Starting point is 02:02:42 It is incredible. So, uh, it is, it is a celebration of Jet Set Radio and Jet Set Radio future. And I'm absolutely going to, like, uh, we'll have to like possibly like, I'll, I'll see when I'll get the free, you know, slots to take a look at the actual, to go through the future properly. Cause we did at the old Jet Set Radio play through back in the early, uh, 2019. But I'm definitely going to do a special thing of just like jumping in there, checking out this, this love letter to the franchise and, um, yeah, just appreciating
Starting point is 02:03:15 like, like the level of work put in is just something that, you know, Sega would never do. So that's what bomb rush cyberfunk is for. But in the meantime, we'll enjoy it. And while we enjoy that, I also would like to take the opportunity to enjoy, uh, two mellows, memories of Tokyo toe future and just bump that while we play. So we're going to have a nice little Jet Set Radio afternoon come in, uh, in the near future. Cause why the fuck not?
Starting point is 02:03:45 We're going to celebrate it with two mellows music. We're going to celebrate it with this amazing VR chat project. And, uh, yeah, you know, look forward to that. I'll, uh, I'll, I'll announce when that's going down. Um, and with that, we still have another open slot. So why the fuck not? Put a controller in Reggie's hand and see what he thinks of orange Dean and smoke. Oh, oh, enjoy that.
Starting point is 02:04:25 Reggie versus Dark Souls one. We do it. So I'm going to, I'm going to tell you this right now. I have one big piece of advice. Make sure that no matter what the person you're playing with says that you don't let them use a weapon that's boring for the audience. I don't care what they have to say about their personal preference, but you dodge that bullet. Okay.
Starting point is 02:04:48 I am doing things as with Demon Souls very differently. A very, I have a very different style of going about this. I'm much more laissez-faire and, uh, let him do, let them let him do whatever he wants and have fun however he wants, you know, um, you know, just taking a going back and reacquainting myself and taking a look, got that fucking partisan again. And I was just like, damn, I love this move set. It's great. I love it.
Starting point is 02:05:23 No one can make me not love it. I don't care. So yeah, have fun. What I'm going to do is, um, what I'm going to do is I'm going to, uh, probably give the key, you know, the key things to keep in mind about like, you know, I just know this, like if you go magic, some of these bosses, same ideas, Demon Souls, like magic, you know, that stuff, if you go lightning spirit, you just know that this is, you know, like this is what you, you trade off for it and such.
Starting point is 02:05:56 But if he wants to go and build and play it however he wants to, then I don't want to stand in the way of that because the most important thing is that you have fun with the character that you are playing yourself in the way that you want to play it. Um, and anything that's time wasting, we can do off camera. Magic and Dark Souls one, I think is probably as good as it ever got. Like there are maybe half of the game's bosses just don't know what to do to you. If you're casting spells, they don't know how to handle it. So that's, that's what it is.
Starting point is 02:06:33 And I fully, you know, I know that stepping into this, and you know, it's, it was with Demon Souls, it was there too and such. And, and I know how, I know how things go. I know how people can get and I understand and I'm prepared for it. Um, but it's funny because even as, even as the, like even right now, just mentioning the partisan already, some people just went like, oh, let it go. Wooly. Like they still went right back to that place of like, you're no, you're not, you're draw.
Starting point is 02:07:02 And it's just like, yep, that'd be crazy. That's you. That's you. You're the one. You're the problem. If you have that, that's your problem. It's the ultimate re, you know, so anyways, um, whatever you say, but I just put, I picked it up and I was looking at it again and I was like, oh yeah, right.
Starting point is 02:07:30 I remember, I remember what this was. And I remember the difference between the, the numbers and then the, the little stagger animation on the, um, on the, the Hallbird, I believe it was. So, and I was just like, yeah, you know, I suck, I suck in a way that I think, uh, I'd, I'd end up choking with that. So, um, but no, it's, it's, it's, I'm looking forward to it and it's going to be fun. And, uh, I just need to definitely refresh because demons was, um, hot in my brain. I was playing through and, and, and playing through the remake and everything was right
Starting point is 02:08:06 there. Um, DS, it's a little further away in the memory. So I'm, I'm in the process of reacquainting myself, but like, I know that, um, there's, it's a much bigger game. There's a lot more I can fuck up. So I'm trying, I'm going to try and be as careful as I can. Um, I was, I didn't ring totally got fucking delayed. Yes, we'll get there. Um, the, the, at the, when Reggie start, when he started desks, I was intimately familiar
Starting point is 02:08:35 with the gate with, with that's back to front. And, um, at this point, I have pretty good memory of a bunch of DS one, but I, I, it's, it's still, I still need to go refresh. So, um, I'll put that out there for now. But yeah, that's coming. That's coming next week. So please enjoy. Um, and if you're, if you're going to be a shit, which I know you're going to be,
Starting point is 02:09:09 at least be funny about it. I'll try. Yeah. No. Uh, yes. How's Reggie with left and right? Mm hmm. I think he's that.
Starting point is 02:09:24 No, that was, that was. I asked you a question. Hey, how is he? Uh huh. What does that, what does that mean? That means I see what you did there. Anyway, I don't think, um, I don't think he'll have the same problems that I did, which were like, I'm so fucking cursed.
Starting point is 02:09:49 Well, like I ran all those games with you with the left, right thing. And that was funny enough. And then I read that I started running the same games with page and fuck left, right, like page. It's right in front of you where spring the camera. Like I can't get away from it. I really like, especially in retrospect, like I can't describe how much of a confluence of problems that whole thing was because like it, what it boils down to
Starting point is 02:10:21 is there's multiple things, right? And I remember the, and like, and it would go, and there was different iterations and explanations and everyone, you know, wanted to like come at it as hard as they could. But the reality is like, I did absolutely have a phase of my life where growing up, I had like fucking problems with that, um, you know, and, and a bunch of other things because I skipped grade one. And so that it's a form of color blindness. So that like the stuff that I just, the stuff that, that fucked me up, um, with that
Starting point is 02:10:51 and with handwriting and a bunch of other weird things were just like, they stuck with me for a long time, right? So I always know that there's a little bit of that. And I, and I did get over that and I've, and I do now, especially I'm like, okay, no, like that's more or less sorted, but there was that little slight delay. But when you compound it with the fact that it's when a game goes horizontal, inverted, vertical, inverted, and I'm like, I don't know what it is that I want. I just have to feel it.
Starting point is 02:11:20 And that makes it so that like, because I don't know, I then have a moment of like, wait, hold on, which way am I trying to look when I turn the camera this way? And like, I have an extra moment of thinking about it that otherwise doesn't apply when I have to, you know what I mean? So it's like, it's just those two things that lead to it. Lead to it. It was horrible. I'm going to, I'm going to do something for the people who are watching this live
Starting point is 02:11:44 because they keep mentioning something, which there is one moment in my life where I felt exactly the same way you did. There's a encounter in FF 14 called a Omega 11 in which you fight Omega and he has an attack called that are designated as star bird or lar bird. Okay. Because lar bird is the old name for port. Right. Okay.
Starting point is 02:12:14 And Koji Fox is a fucking linguist asshole. I see. And it is like, like doing that the first time and the 10th time was like seeing that come out was like a suicide button because you're like, I cannot for the fucking life of me. Remember what fucking direction lar bird is supposed to god damn you. What the fuck? That is terrible only to find out later that lar bird was the original name of, you know, the side of the boat and was changed to port because it ended up killing too many sailors.
Starting point is 02:12:52 Because in a storm you go lar board. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:13:02 And they would fucking die. So, you know, I, I, uh, yeah, that's one of those things where when games came out that were like, Hey, choose your setting inverted or not X or Y. And I'm, Oh, that's the worst because what the game decides is inverted is sometimes different from reality. So that always fucks me up. And what I want is when the game says, Hey, look up. And then you choose naturally what your finger does.
Starting point is 02:13:31 And it goes, Okay, cool. That's what you want. Hey, look to the left. And then you choose naturally what your finger does. And it goes, Okay, that's what you want. Or is this what you want to do? And it confirms it. And I'm like, Yes, please.
Starting point is 02:13:42 Every time I load up an Atlas game, I remember that Atlas for whatever reason has the opposite belief of what left and right on an analog stick mean for a camera. And so they go, Do you want to invert it? And I go, No, I'll use normal controls. But their controls are inverted compared to every other game that exists. So it's only one game that I can think of that did this correctly. And it was bad company to where they put you in a ditch and they say, look up at me. And whatever direction you hit on the stick becomes up.
Starting point is 02:14:15 Yeah, there you go. Exactly. Perfect. Such a good way to do it. Anyway, no, Reggie was pretty much okay with a lot of that navigation stuff. And if anything, he was just, you know, it's like, Hey, will you see a level once? You don't have it committed to memory yet or twice. You know, you just take a couple of times and we would move at a pace where
Starting point is 02:14:36 sometimes like coming back to that zone, you know, a little, a couple of days later, it's like, Oh yeah, shit, I forgot what was over there, you know, or here. But it was, it was fine for the most part. So, Hey, this is a bit of an aside, but you want to hear absolutely like we're talking about analog sticks and inversion, you want to have a good laugh, go look at the reviews for Quake two on the PlayStation one. And that game uses something very similar to the modern controls of like left, right, is strafe on the left stick and cameras on the right.
Starting point is 02:15:11 And all the reviews are like, Oh my God, these controls are terrible. It takes hours to get used to them. They're so awful. And there's an alien game that did it slightly before it that has the same thing where it got like terrible, bad controls because no one had twin stick. Navigation down yet. Yeah, because they were the first two twin stick games before that. All you were doing is D pad to strafe and L and R to rotate or even what the left analog
Starting point is 02:15:43 stick would work like the arrow keys, right? And left arrow would be turned instead of strength and strength is a different button on your keyboard. That's what I just said. Yeah. So Mega Man Legends or a fucking what do you call it? What do you call it? Gold Nye also did that as well, I think.
Starting point is 02:16:01 But the C stick buttons were like a better place for that. Yeah, it's interesting because it then goes on to become the fucking the gold standard. Anyway, that's that's that's coming down the pipeline. So please look forward to some cool shit over on, you know, Willy versus we try to bring banger after banger if we can, while also taking the time to prostrate ourselves and suffer for your enjoyment. So that's over on Willy versus on Twitch and on Twitter, rather on on on YouTube, not to mention the latest God in 60 seconds also dropped.
Starting point is 02:16:47 So that was on Sunday. And yeah, please enjoy the the upcoming schedule should be a good time. Let's take a quick bathroom break. I will. Okay. Quick word from our sponsors. I got a chip. This week, the podcast is sponsored by Manly bands who do.
Starting point is 02:17:23 Yeah, maybe if I had gotten a Manly band, I wouldn't have broken my ring in a door. Yeah, that's the problem with that's no good. That does that's dead, you know, that's that's a scary ass occurrence. Well, fortunately, that hasn't happened. I got my manly band over here. The record producer is what it's called. And it's the one that has cool, smooth black. Ebony on the outside and gold on the inside.
Starting point is 02:17:54 It's a pretty slick design. I'm a fan of that one. But yes, they are basically a simple and easy and painless way to go about getting yourself a wedding band. And there's a lot that goes into the process and a lot you want to think about when it comes to picking out the right ones. Listen, you're getting married. You already have plenty to worry about.
Starting point is 02:18:19 Don't let your ring be something to worry about. Yeah, save that that anxiety for all that other shit. And you know, like and when it does come to the ring, you're probably, you know, you're focused a lot on the ring you're getting for them. So the one that you're getting for you, you just, you know, whatever. Afterthought, how are you going to get, how are you going to, how are you going to get the job done? Just whatever.
Starting point is 02:18:40 What can you do? Well, Manly Bands has a ton, Manly Bands has a ton of pretty cool options available in terms of style, fit, size, all of that. What they do is they send you a ring size so that you right off the bat get the perfect fit. Once you know your size, then they've got a huge selection of material to choose from. You can pick whatever you want. Goldwood, antler, steel, dinosaur bone, and even the meteorites that killed them. These are all materials you can work with.
Starting point is 02:19:16 I mean, I think I saw one that was like, like Jack Daniels barrel oak. So you can, you can get creative with it. Yeah, they got a whole, yeah, there you go. Whiskey barrel. You got the whiskey barrel Jack Daniels collection as well. If you happen to life making you get back on the wagon, just suck on that ring, a little bit of that memory that you can just suck on. She's like, what are you doing?
Starting point is 02:19:37 Be like, I just love you so much, darling. So, you know, that's, that's, that's, you got a lot of, a lot of wild choices out there. And of course, you've got a free shipping worldwide 30 day exchange policy and a free warranty. So yeah, check out Manly Bands when you need to get that wedding ring sorted out. Remember, while there's a 50% chance of your marriage working out, there's a 100% chance you're going to love your band. Once again, on the copy itself. That's so sad.
Starting point is 02:20:17 So check them out, order Manly Bands to order your Manly Bands to get to, and get 21% off plus a free silicone ring. Go to Manly slash super beast. That's Manly slash super beast for 21% off Manly Bands. Best damn rings around. Thank you. Thanks Manly Bands. The podcast is also sponsored by
Starting point is 02:20:47 sponsored by uncommon goods. So if you want to be pretty clever about your gift giving, if you want to start figuring out, you know, how to shop for people in your life and how to, how to, you know, be a little original about it, uncommon goods. Yeah, uncommon goods is good, is good. You can, a lot of people, okay, look, personally, I think I'm a pretty solid gift giver. I think I'm pretty good at making picks and nailing things that are a little bit,
Starting point is 02:21:24 a little bit like unexpected, but still handy to what the person needs. And I feel as if I can appreciate a service that, you know, is all about that type of, getting people that type of thought, because you don't want to be that person running around the Walmart the day before going, oh my God, oh my God, what am I going to do? What am I going to get? I've seen that look on people's faces. It's not fun. Uncommon goods is basically about getting you original gifts, you know, for birthdays or
Starting point is 02:22:02 for the holiday season or just whatever other needs you need, what other needs you have for getting people gifts. Personally, I was looking around and I'm trying to think of like, you know, what's the type of thing that Punch Wife could use considering, you know, there's, it's been a couple years and a couple of gifts under the belt. And you know, here's something I noticed. I noticed that every time that she's interested in plants and greenery around the house and having, you know, a little bit of, a little bit of life and such.
Starting point is 02:22:36 Unfortunately, every time a plant enters her clutches, it fucking dies. God bless her. God bless her. She cannot raise anything for shit. It just, and I mean, I got, I peeled it back, you know, we went from the most like, the most the greenest of little growable greens to the simplest of like a cactus. And it's like, oh my God. Wait, no, no, you are not telling me she killed a cactus.
Starting point is 02:23:09 She killed a fucking cactus, bro. So then I discovered that uncommon goods. Yeah. Yeah. No. Sort of got what I'm talking about. Punch Wife kills all plants in her vicinity. Death aura.
Starting point is 02:23:36 What is going on? It's the death aura. Right. So get this, turns out, turns out uncommon goods has a selection of self watering plants that even have little pods and stuff that you can customize. And you said, and you don't have to worry about it. And it takes all the murder out of the equation. You don't know that.
Starting point is 02:24:04 You have to go out of your way. You have to go out of your way to fuck up with these ones. So we'll find out. We'll find out how it goes, you know, but I think it'll go well. And yeah, it's going to burn down. I think it'll be OK. And you know what? It was a big hit.
Starting point is 02:24:27 It was her birthday just yesterday and she loved it. So there you go. I think I think as long as the house doesn't burn down, it's a win-win. Happy gifts, no burning. And then we can just I'm telling like, anyways, death field. So there you go. I would consider that a personal story about how well this works and how useful this can be. Uncommon Goods is what you want to do.
Starting point is 02:25:04 And with every purchase you make, they give a dollar back to a non-profit partner of your choice. So they've donated more than two and a half million dollars to date. If you want to get in on this, get 15% off your next gift. Go to slash SuperBeast. That's slash SuperBeast for 15% off. Don't miss out on this limited time offer. That's UncommonGoods. They're all out of the ordinary.
Starting point is 02:25:32 There you go. Thanks UncommonGoods. Really appreciate it. Yep. And lastly over here, the podcast is sponsored by HelloFresh. We've talked about the measured ingredients you want to get. And they got seasonal recipes, all that stuff. Skip in the grocery store, straight to your doorstep.
Starting point is 02:25:58 Make cooking easy, simple, prepackaged. You don't have to worry about it. You get to feel like a big chef fancy pants. Listen, HelloFresh is the difference between me making a nice meal, I think it was curry with rice, right? Or me just eating half a bag of completely uncooked pasta. Which can literally kill you. No.
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Starting point is 02:27:43 in the seasonal recipes. It's just... It's... There you go. Right? No... Paige brought me this coffee. There you go.
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Starting point is 02:28:52 14 free meals, that's at least three days. At least. Of meals. I'm doing two a day plus intermittent fasting. So I could get a solid week out of that. Yeah. That's slash SuperBeast14 using code SuperBeast14 for up to 14 free meals, including free shipping.
Starting point is 02:29:17 There you go. HelloFresh America's number one meal kit. Thank you. Thanks, HelloFresh. All right. So what's going on in the news? Hey, let's talk about news. I'm worried about Tim Rogers.
Starting point is 02:29:32 I think Tim might have finally lost his fucking mind this time. What's going on? You remember how he did the action button reviews back in the day? So the Tokameki Memorial one was actually nine months ago. Mm-hmm. You remember that? Mm-hmm. And that was six hours long.
Starting point is 02:29:55 Yeah. And he put that one out a couple months after the Pac-Man one, if you remember, right? Sure. And then he said, I'm going to do cyberpunk. And then worked on that shit for like a year, right? Mm-hmm. And he uploaded it like four days ago after an export process that took like eight days. And it's hit 360p as of like an hour ago.
Starting point is 02:30:26 Mm-hmm. This motherfucking thing is going to be like a fucking full season of a TV show. I'm just glad that he took to video like a duck to water after the incredible writing from over a decade ago back on Insert Coin. You see his Kotaku stuff? The video series? I saw there was a short video series. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:30:55 I did check out some of that. He's, there's a playlist somewhere that's like just every video Tim's ever made. There's 127 of them. Mm-hmm. And they're all bangers. They're all fantastic. My personal favorite is how to avoid spoilers. In which he describes all the things that could be a spoiler and describes going to see Endgame
Starting point is 02:31:19 without knowing what the movie's title is and just to be absolutely certain to not be spoiled, going to go get an eye exam the day beforehand so that his pupils are too dilated to read. Good. So that he didn't get just last second spoiled by early viewers. Good. That's good. Strong. Um, yeah.
Starting point is 02:31:54 No, that's a good reason to be concerned. You're worried about Tim Rogers. I'm worried about yay. Who yay? Who would that be? That would be yay. That's his name. Who would that used to have been?
Starting point is 02:32:16 The artist formerly known as Kanye West has officially changed his name to yay. No last name. No middle name. No first just yay. Does that make it easier to live in the stadium and float outwards? Perhaps maybe even though it's not actually you, someone else, and you're standing to the side. I think that at some point if you are doing that thing where you change your name, your legal name into something else as a performer,
Starting point is 02:32:55 that's the point at which you probably were already gone and out of touch with reality. But like that is where you're so gassed up on your own juice that there's just no saving you. And the artist formerly known as Prince also went through similar troubles. I'm going to give you my arm chair analysis here. Uh, Wolves? Prince might be the absolute, like put his fucking face in the dictionary or encyclopedia of narcissism. Like he should have changed his name to Narcissus at some point.
Starting point is 02:33:38 Motherfucker was just high on himself forever. Sure. That's very understandable. Kanye's ill. Kanye is clearly visibly ill. I'm not going to sit here and tell you what he's got. Well, he's talked about it. He made an album talking about it too.
Starting point is 02:33:56 Right. Like dude's not doing well. That's why he's having the shenanigans and the fucking the stadium and all that shit. Yeah. No, this we know. We are aware he has talked about his bipolar and he has talked about other things that he's out in the, oh yeah, because I would have guessed bipolar, but I didn't know it was like commonly known.
Starting point is 02:34:21 Well, the cover of one of his albums is it's just a screen, it's a picture of a mountain and it says, I hate being, but no, I hate being bipolar. It's awesome. Right. Okay. Yeah, that's and then in the and then on the album, he there's a verse where he goes off and basically says this, it's my superpower, you know, and it feels that way.
Starting point is 02:34:46 No. So I'm, this is not news. This is well aware that being said, the legal name change is always the place where you're like, yep. It's the ultimate. It's the ultimate like it's a identity tattoo. You know, like, oh, I never heard that term before. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:35:08 Okay. That's a good one. Well, I just, I just made it up, you know, but like it, that's what it is. I hope you don't regret it. I hope you're, you know, I hope that's what you, that's what you really, really want. And in particular, if it's like, you know, I'm not talking about like, like a, a, a Cassius clay or something like that word. It obviously has a purpose that you understand.
Starting point is 02:35:33 I had a completely different, that was a moralistic. Exactly. You know, no, exactly. And, and, you know, I mean, yes, in Bay as well. Like that's, you know, that's, that's, that's most death. Most death. He's a rapper. Okay.
Starting point is 02:35:54 I'm remembering him from something else. He was time. I was like, that dude's a rapper. He was an hitchhiker's guy to the galaxy. There it is. Oh, what a weird fucking role for him. Yeah. I remember being weirded out at the time.
Starting point is 02:36:07 Yeah. There you go. So like definitely not that kind of stuff. Um, I'm pretty sure Snoop lion for that phase that he went through. That was just a real name change. No, it wasn't. It doesn't count. So like it does.
Starting point is 02:36:23 That's not the same thing. If you change your performer name, like when puff daddy became P Diddy, he didn't have to legally go change his name at a fucking court. You know, to go call me P Diddy now, Sean Puffy combs. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. His name is Sean combs.
Starting point is 02:36:41 Yeah. It's just he just said, Hey man, I'm changing my nickname. I'm changing my tag. Exactly. No, this is not. That's me going. Hey guys, don't call me whatever. Just call me pasta rat from now on.
Starting point is 02:36:52 Yeah. No, it doesn't count if you're changing your your gamer tag. Okay. Like say the same shit. But if you change your real name other than your normie tag, woolly. Well, if I change my name legally to the warrior, I might not be okay. You know, that's true.
Starting point is 02:37:15 That might be a good example to choose. So yeah, that's, that's, that's, that's what it is. And you're just like, well, I mean, you know, there's always the thought of like, I hope he's got people around him. But clearly that's, that's not the case. If, you know, the shit that happens happens on a regular basis. But yeah. Yay.
Starting point is 02:37:47 Oh god, I thought you were, I thought that was like a sarcastic like gleeful shout about the, the, the upsettingness of the situation. I had completely forgotten that that was what he's going by now. Yeah. No, that's, that's what it is. And, you know, for what it's worth, I mean, it definitely, there was once upon, I remember when I first heard about him was when college dropout came out actually.
Starting point is 02:38:14 And when I went to go check, and when I, when I went to check it out and I saw the name and it, the first couple of times I was, my brain just auto-corrected Kate to Kane. I thought it was just a misspelling of Kane, you know. Oh yeah. You know, you had the fire and his dad, Paul was there. Well, not with an I, but with a Y, you know, I thought it was, I thought it was a fucking elite spelling of the name Kane.
Starting point is 02:38:46 And he actually, and I think he like, he actually says like, some of my plaques still say Kane or something like that. So like other people misspelled his shit early on too. And he has clearly surpassed that, that mistake ever being made again. So, you know, there's that. But, uh, yeah. Always, every, I, these types of stories with the name change, you always just go like, oh man, I don't, I don't know if Madonna did or didn't.
Starting point is 02:39:16 Oh, who gives a shit? But yeah, it's always just to like, there, there's a, there's a thing where you're like, you should, you should have your life as a person, as an individual, as a civilian. And then you should have your entertainment slash entertainer thing. And if you, if you have a gamer tag, hold on, hold on, hold on. The way you just read that out implies that being a musical entertainer is on the same level as being a part of the armed forces. No, I, I'm just like, like, it's just, again, when you're, when you,
Starting point is 02:39:57 the idea of being gassed up on your own shit, right? If Lady Gaga changed her name officially to Gaga, it'd be like, I guess, you know, but like, don't you, don't, you know, I'm like the name your mom gave you, you know, if you, if you, if you care about that, you know, that should be a thing in this particular case. Like the man is, well, anyway, if you care about the name Donda gave you, you know, anyway. Uh, yeah. Other stuff going on. One Elden Ring delayed one month from January 21st to February 25th.
Starting point is 02:40:44 Uh, whatever. It's, you know, it's a month. That's fine. That's, that's a last second mistake. Yeah. Let him, let him fix it, polish the shit out of that thing. Alongside the announcement comes that a, um, closed network test is going to be happening as well. So, yay to that.
Starting point is 02:41:07 You might get a chance to touch it sooner than expected. When in November, specifically November 12th to 15th, there will be a closed network test going down on, uh, all consoles. So PS4, five X bone and X X. What about the switch? Yeah. PS4, PS5, X bone, X X. So there you go.
Starting point is 02:41:37 So the weirdest part is that if you're in Europe, you need to sign up to get a code, but there's no mention of that for North America or other regions, which makes me think. I spoke to somebody about that and in the past when they have done, uh, these kinds of network tests in the different regions, the reason why some use codes and others don't is the regions that don't use codes, put the fucking server download up and just let X amount of people in and they shut down logins. Yep.
Starting point is 02:42:12 First come, first serve, get velvet roped and that's that. So if you actually really want to try and get a hold of that, you'd probably better off making a European account and trying to get a code. Um, little bit of a little footage popped out of nowhere as well and showed off a character walking around on a mountain and then jumping a bit. Yeah. The jumping fucking threw me. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:42:42 I know it's like, it's a video game man did a jump, but like, well, more specifically looking. Well, to me, I saw it and I was like, Oh yeah, Sekiro was the last thing. Right. But at the same time, seeing a Dark Souls man just leap off the ground straight up. Yeah. Not after a pitched sprint is bizarre. Yeah, it is.
Starting point is 02:43:06 It is. Takes a second, you know, what was hilarious is of course, because I'm looking at that. I'm like, all right, so, you know, there's going to be the frame by frame breakdown and it's like, what are people going to focus in and zoom in on? And this footage of nothing pretty much happening. It's just a cliffside jump, walk, jump, camera turn, very, very just innocent. And then it's like, Oh God, panic.
Starting point is 02:43:29 Seconds long panic and fear because the position of the sword is tilted downwards in his idle animation and that's DS2. Whereas in DS13 and Bloodborne, it's tilted upward. Yeah. Well, guess what? The tilted down is better. I mean, it's less stress on the wrist. It makes sense.
Starting point is 02:43:58 But it's like, Oh shit. Oh no, it's the DS2 animation. Everybody panic. Also, you can see a poison swamp in the background. So God damn it. We're going to do that again. Mandatory every time. And there's a Skyrim compass.
Starting point is 02:44:18 I mean, to me at this point, it's almost as if, dude, like poison complaining, like the poison swamp, swamp shit. It's like, yeah, and guess what? You're probably going to see a fire and an ice level to this video games. Get the fuck out. It's what we do. Get the get out of here. God damn it.
Starting point is 02:44:34 What are you going to do without those things? Think of something else? You fucking crazy. Invent elements doesn't make any sense. Who makes things up? That's hard. That is coming in November. Other things going down.
Starting point is 02:45:00 We talked not long ago about the fact that Sega had to shut down the arcades that have been open for 25 years in Japan in Ikebukuro earlier. Classic club, Sega's. But silver lining is it looks like they have confirmed they're opening up a new arcade center. There's a it's being called volume one of an Ikebukuro project where they're opening up a five floor arcade center. So everyone was thinking that that marked the the closure marked the end of an era and that there was all fucking over for the arcades and we're starting to hit the decline in Japan too,
Starting point is 02:45:50 because, you know, the decline happened everywhere else worldwide. But across the street, they're opening up a place and it seems like, you know, they might keep it alive for a little bit. The crane games totally pointless. I mean, look, the crane games and the the purikura are going to absolutely encroach and the the the actual machines will be relegated to like, you know, like less and less space. I have no doubt, but I still I'm happy that something exists. You know, even if you got to fight for it a little bit.
Starting point is 02:46:24 Um, so just a little update to that story. Then we got the latest from Nickelodeon All-Stars Brawl. There was a big tournament that had to ban Michelangelo. Oh, no. And it looks like across many other events, Michelangelo might be banned. Banned already. But why?
Starting point is 02:46:59 Because it was discovered that when you do his down special spin shell attack in midair, you can regain his jump without spending his second jump. And that effectively allows you to float forever. Anywhere you want, recover forever. And if you want to stall the game out forever. So the game being broken and just go hang out in the corner. Yep. So, you know, they did tell us, hey, that shit's busted.
Starting point is 02:47:37 Shit's busted. Crack it open, have fun. Well, they're taking spirit and facts another. They found it. They fucking found it. Yeah, you can just, you can just bum the fuck out and spin and jump forever. If it, and it's funny because the video that where it was discovered, the guy who put it out was like, so this is in the game.
Starting point is 02:48:02 This is what we found. It could be a problem, you know, you could stall with it or whatever. Please, please, please don't take it out completely. You can just change it so that it actually uses the second jump or, you know, but it's a very fun thing to have. Just fix this, but just get rid of the stalling opportunity. But please, please, please don't take it away completely. And we'll see what the response will be.
Starting point is 02:48:26 But as it stands for now, you know, Nick All-Star Brawl is getting its first taste of metanite fever. I figured this would happen. I didn't think it was going to be as blunt as like a character just flying up into the sky and timing shit out. Like that's always the lamest way that these can break. Yeah. And it's also like in certain, like in Marvel,
Starting point is 02:48:54 there's ways to stall the clock out completely as well. And like if you, if you get caught doing that, like you're, you're, you're bad. Yeah. Like that shit's, you know, it's just, you're, when you see these techniques, you're just not allowed, you know? So, um, oh, and what, is there a, is a, yeah. Okay. As of yesterday, it's been patched.
Starting point is 02:49:11 Well, that's cool. There you go. Update seems like it's been patched. They did say break the shit and, and sure enough, people did. I gotta say, Nickelodeon All-Stars is a title that I will be saying the entirety of every time I talk about this game. You don't want to say everything about it makes me nervous. Sure.
Starting point is 02:49:42 You can just say Nazba. Did you ever, did you ever see that fucking, uh, audio from their Halloween promotion, like from 10 years ago? I heard, I heard. What the fuck are they thinking over there? They gotta, they gotta get that shit in order. Oh my God. Uh, right.
Starting point is 02:50:06 Other things, speaking of, well, more than fucking 10 years ago, if you want to take a blast back to 2003, I doubt that you're sucked. Okay. Well, if you want to, and if you've got a couple, a couple, uh, geez, um, you can purchase your very own Infinium Labs Phantom, get the fuck out, prototype console, because someone has found the physical console. I can't believe this and has put it up for auction. It is currently at 3100 bucks.
Starting point is 02:50:54 The ultimate steel in vaporware. I've sent you the link, the ultimate in vaporware. They found the hardware. It exists. It runs when you turn it on the front. There's actually like something in the box. It's not just a shell. So you can look at the shell.
Starting point is 02:51:12 It's a shell on a PC is what they describe it as, right? Oh my God. Of course it is. And this is what they initially had, uh, back from 2003. You boot it up and the Phantom logo glows and lights up. All right. Once it does, it then actually boots to, um, some kind of OS and, uh, it, there's nothing to run on it.
Starting point is 02:51:38 There's nothing to use or play, but it does boot and you can turn it on and take a look. For anyone who has no idea what the fuck we're talking about. Back in 2003, this company came out of nowhere called Infinium Labs. And they proposed to introduce the world to the first, uh, all digital console. And 2003, can you fucking believe that? I mean, that's the thing is it's definitely something that the future would have in store, but this was trying to do it like what five years after fiber internet didn't exist, like, come on, five years after like the hottest game, the hottest year for
Starting point is 02:52:30 video games ever, you had like, all right, let's go all digital. And also they talked about how they had dozens and dozens of AAA developers on board. And it was this insane campaign on their website that was built on just lies and foolishness. And if I am not mistaken, I want to say Penny Arcade were the ones that kind of broke the story. Yeah, they, they decided to try and have some interviews and that those got denied. And then they tried to find like the fucking office and they found the physical store. They both could and could not find it.
Starting point is 02:53:08 They found the location that was listed as the office. Yes, they found the empty building. They found the empty building that was listed as Infinium Labs headquarters. That's correct. And the commercial, you know, and I'll never forget that voice. The Infinium Labs, the phantom coming soon. It's yeah, it's the ultimate in vaporware. It eventually like, you know, it disappeared and then reemerged in 2004.
Starting point is 02:53:39 And then they said like, no, it's going to be the slim model that we're going with. And they started showing that off. And then like they said, oh, no, we changed owners. And it went, it disappeared and came back again in 2005. And people are like, are you still fucking doing this? And they're like, what developers? Who, who's working with you? And various other developers are like, yeah, we have no idea.
Starting point is 02:53:58 We haven't heard shit about any of this. And then it actually went vapor, you know. So now as we fast forward 18 years later, any money from anyone in this scam? Like I never understood the purpose. I don't, I like, I think the purpose was similar to when mainframe was, was gassing up the reboot reboot and nothing would happen. I think it was a scam trying to get an angel investor to show up and shell out cash.
Starting point is 02:54:35 You know, you talk up a big thing about the nothing that you have under the, under the, the, the, the, in the mystery box. And then if someone comes along and goes, I'll invest, that sounds amazing. Then you, you did it. You, you won. You, you successfully scammed. This is going to take over the industry. I'm going to be a hojillionaire.
Starting point is 02:54:55 Yeah. So all of that was, it's an empty fucking PC. But they were hoping that I'm sure someone would come along and get on board and angel invest the whole project. Well, didn't happen. And it turns out that, yeah, I don't know where they track, they got this. What did they say here? They found, there's a breakdown.
Starting point is 02:55:23 You can, you can read, you can read about it. But anyway, for a mere $3,000 currently, when I first looked at it, it was a, a coffin that washed up from sea. Considering that the Nintendo PlayStation was also discovered, I feel like anything can be found. I think the Nintendo PlayStation's discovery is my favorite way any of these could possibly be discovered, which is I went into my uncle's attic and it was there. It was just sitting there from a fucking like empty auction or just like, yeah,
Starting point is 02:55:59 do you want all this shit? I don't know what's in it. Yeah, sure. Throw me a number for all of this shit. Imagine the look on someone's face. Because I can only imagine that the Infinium Labs prototype console passed by many people that looked at it and go, I don't know what this piece of shit is before somebody's eyes let him go.
Starting point is 02:56:23 Is that the fucking Phantom? Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. No, I definitely, you know, and you need to make sure too that it's like, it's not that it's a digital only proposition in 2003 that is like the main problem here. I mean, it's a ridiculous proposition to make considering how nothing was digital then, you know, but it's just, it's the entire scheme and lies and empty parking lot story that followed with their announcement. And it was brought about similar to the Ooya and the fucking the Amazon,
Starting point is 02:57:00 what, fire thing or the whatever it's called. I don't even remember the name of the Amazon console. Luna, Luna, Luna, Luna, Luna, Luna. That exists. That's new. And send me updates on that thing. And the God, what the fuck was the Stadia and shit that just comes out and is like, hey, we're real.
Starting point is 02:57:29 We're totally, totally, totally real. And you're like, you're not, you're not real. You're, don't pretend you're not real. How are you real? And like, no, we're totally real. And as time goes on and a year goes by and it's like, okay, if you were real, then other developers would be talking about you, but they're not because they're not working on anything because you're not real and they'd be a trade.
Starting point is 02:57:48 They'd show up at trade shows and swear up and down that they were, you know. So anyway, you can auction on that if you want to. I don't want it. Okay. Well, that's, you probably shouldn't. You know who else doesn't wanna? That is vague as shit. How the fuck am I supposed to guess off that?
Starting point is 02:58:20 That everybody, the collective human race has said, I don't wanna in response to Nintendo's Switch online expansion pack. Oh man. So I'm going to have to go like disable my Nintendo online thing that I buy so that they don't automatically upgrade my bullshit to charge me more or something. I don't know what you're going to need to do. But what I can report on is that as of recording, the Nintendo Switch online plus expansion pack overview trailer has 16,000 likes on it and 78,000 dislikes.
Starting point is 02:59:11 Fucking everybody disliked that. If you haven't seen it, they talked to not long ago about how they'd be expanding the Switch online thing, which is 20 bucks a year to include N64 and Genesis play. And then we're like, okay, what's the detail going to be? And the details came out and to get Genesis and N64 games as a part of the expansion pack, that will cost you $50 a year. So solid 150% bump up on that price. Now $50 a year sounds kind of similar because it's like, oh, that's kind of like Xbox Live and PSN.
Starting point is 02:59:59 But oh, what's the difference? The difference is their service fucking sucks ass. Well, when you get on PSN, you get, well, first of all, there's an online thing that there's actual the ability to talk to people and chat and actually play online in the complete sense of the word. Yeah. So anyway, games too that you get to keep, you do get them even after you on sub. Are you sure?
Starting point is 03:00:33 No, not after you on sub, but don't worry. Nintendo will change this in the future and just disable all of these anyway. Because yeah, I'm pretty sure those are only playable as long as you are signed up. And so alongside this expansion comes the Animal Crossing New Horizons, what's it called? Whatever. The new shit for animals. The new shit, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 03:01:02 So that is included free if you are signed up to the expansion pack. Of course, you no longer own it with you ever cancel your sign up. Although I think it said that the items that are on your island will stay or something along those lines. Yeah, so I wish they had just gone ahead and made Animal Crossing like a terrible MMO instead. Having the expansion content only be an MMO subscription thing is like the worst of every world possible. It sucks ass. So yeah, Games with Gold, you get those games even after you stop subbing.
Starting point is 03:01:46 PSN Plus, you don't get access to the games, I'm pretty sure afterwards. But I think based on the fact that both of those examples are things that people sign up for and get the stuff with them. And plus, you know, Game Pass, we've talked about how Game Pass is like a thing that is also like pretty solid and you can play on both PC and your Xbox if you do. With this and with the Nintendo and the price upgrade here, it's like if what they were actually offering was a robust online suite for numerous games that would then like, you know, be a similar online experience that you could have.
Starting point is 03:02:25 You'd go, sure, whatever, I guess. You would understand that and people would be willing to do it. But it's going up to the same price as the others without offering a smidge of what they do in terms of actual online gaming and multiplayer match capability. Here's the thing, right? The only reason I have the Switch online thing at all is that I could play Monster Hunter and Smash with my friends, right? And I have a family account and I share it with like, you know, the maximum amount of people to
Starting point is 03:03:02 get that cost down, right? The Smash online experience is universally terrible, even between people that all have the Ethernet adapter and all that. Monster Hunters is fine, but it's not as good as the Monster Hunter experiences I've had on every other platform ever. And it's like, this online service that was by far the worst, even at its old cost, is now more than doubling it with no changes. Oh, they'll have N64 games.
Starting point is 03:03:41 Oh, wow. Like, yeah. So in terms of just being, it is the most out of touch thing they've done in a very long time. It's not out of touch at all. I can tell you why too. Just a few months ago, they tested time limited how much people were going to be willing to pay Mario or a couple old GameCube ROMs. And the answer was they'd pay full price for some poorly emulated ROMs.
Starting point is 03:04:21 The takeaway here that I've seen is that if you are interested in the Animal Crossing DLC, you can just buy it for 25 and then it's actually yours to own. And then you don't have to worry about whether or not you are persisting with the online expansion pack payments. So just do that if that's what you want. Also, I saw someone talking about how the switch emulation is not as bad as you're thinking of like Wii U stuff and that the switch emulation is actually improved from the Wii U. Wait, are you talking about emulating switch games?
Starting point is 03:05:06 No, emulating the switch emulating on the switch. Yes. The specific bad port that I refer to is Super Mario Sunshine was like it had a bunch of bugs that were present in the original. Yeah, no, I'm speaking of the old classics being played on the switch. Um, so there was that. The Wii U and Wii emulation was like embarrassing. It was so, so terrible.
Starting point is 03:05:40 Over here we also got... Oh yeah, so do you remember the story surrounding Aeon Must Die? Yeah, the devs say that the publisher stole most of the game away from them and had a bunch of scabs finish it off and that they own it and that the publisher is ignoring them. Exactly. So last we talked about it, we mentioned all of that stuff and effectively I believe kind of said, hey, well, everybody, this game looks really stylish and cool, but unfortunately the publisher has basically stolen it from the dev team
Starting point is 03:06:19 and people have not gotten paid and it seems like they will never get paid unless a court forces them to. So in the meantime, that staff has, you know, obviously left the company and whatever. And I remember saying something to the effect of like, well, I sure hope that these talented individuals get together and do something cool that is, you know, in the vein of the cool shit they've done already, except this time they can own what they've worked on. And that's exactly what happened. So the former Aeon Must Die staff have basically won, they put out a statement because the game
Starting point is 03:06:57 came out and they just put out a statement to effectively just go, hey, guys, just so you know, still haven't gotten paid, publisher still stealing everything, whole situation is still super fucked. But also here's some footage of a game that we've been working on called Immortal and yeah, very stylish, very cool, trailer looks dope. Just a nice little like, well here on the day that the game that was stolen from us is released, here's a first look at the project that the rest of, you know, the, the, the screwed over developers have been working on together and they're making their own game and it looks fucking fantastic. What a fucking mess. Mishura Games is the, is the name of the studio and yeah,
Starting point is 03:07:45 you can check out what they're working on. It is a fucking mess and it's all you can, I mean, but like they're doing it, they're doing the thing where they're like, yeah, we made our own thing, fuck it, looks great. It's got, you know, a very unique aesthetic and style that looks, you know, again, like it's, it's, you know, similar to the type of shit that they were doing before, but again, this time it's not legally fucking being ripped from their hands. And hopefully as legal processes take a whole long time to sort out, at some point in the future, Aeon must die. We'll also, you know, have to pay up for what the fuck was taken. And then everyone can just ignore that and look at a mortal instead.
Starting point is 03:08:34 So yeah, just an update to that one fucking mess. Reminds me of the sinking city shit. Exactly like that. Exactly like that. Yeah. Or cooking mama where that one was real confusing, you know, because Majesco owns the license and a studio can look and, you know, borrow to rent out an IP and make a thing, but the publisher and the developer at the end have like arguments over who owns what and what was owed at what date. And if they disagree on what was delivered, then, you know, the publisher can just take the work so far and then the developer doesn't get paid. It's a whole fucking thing. Well, the developer and publisher are at each other's throats over shit like that. And it's always trash because essentially it comes down to a
Starting point is 03:09:20 publisher, you know, just taking the work that people worked on in many cases and just be like, yeah, well, and then, you know, you just, you don't get paid for what you did. You know, it's like, Hey, Hey, Hey devs, how many lawyers do you guys have on call? Is it zero? Because we've got five. Yeah, it's like great. No, of course, just hope this works out. Go check out misura games immortal and fuck the rest. Can you imagine a world without lawyers? I mean, I don't know what you think of when you think of lawyers. Yeah. Yeah. But I think of the only thing that might like keep me alive if I if I were ever shoved in the back of a patty wagon for no reason. So you know what I mean? Like that whole thing
Starting point is 03:10:37 is the lawyer going to be in there with you? No, but having them as present as possible immediately in those types of situations is kind of where my brain goes. My brain goes, huh, the law is stupid, huh? Well, who's going to help you navigate the intentionally overly complex system that we made to give ourselves a job without a lawyer? Yeah. Yeah, if that's your if that's what you're if that's the concern, then that's great. That's a great place to be just dumb legal foibles. But that's not it's not the first place my brain goes, unfortunately. Anyway, also, my experience with lawyers is like, hey, don't worry, man, we got this, we'll handle it. And then they didn't. They didn't handle it at all.
Starting point is 03:11:25 There is that. All right, so we covered all of that. What we speaking of legal, of course, the other thing we can we can talk about when lawyers get involved is so there was this company that came out and I forget we might have talked about it very briefly, but right when the PS5 launched, there was a company that came out that started making their own custom PS5 cases. Oh, yeah, the dark plates, dark plates. Exactly. Right. So so they were threatened with a lawsuit for putting out these plates that were replacement plate PS5 shells and their response at the time from the Canadian based device customization company D brand
Starting point is 03:12:24 was go ahead sue us. The fucking do it you pussies is what they have what they literally got a lawyer. I got two lawyers right here. You want to see him? So then Sony did. It's okay. Yeah, you know, and they got a letter threatening legal action called the bluff. Oh, what are you going to do? You know, you did it. You did it. And upon doing so, they then had to delist their dark plates and could no longer sell them because, you know, what are you going to do? Stab me? Last words from person who was stabbed. So the follow up to the story is that they are after, you know, shutting down their their dark
Starting point is 03:13:29 plates. They're back in business because they've revealed a brand new design for their plates called the dark plates 2.0. And they say that it successfully closes the loop on the dispute and neutralizes any future infringement claims because it seems like these are uniquely shaped in such a way that should not conflict with any existing design patents that Sony has. Because at the time, they the reason why they were talking so much shit is because they didn't have a design patent for the exact shape of the PS5 shell. And they thought that they could never get that. But then Sony went and totally got it. So then they went shit. So yeah, they've shaped some new ones. They got their own dark plates now that are not reminiscent too much of the copy, right? And it even adds
Starting point is 03:14:36 some extra ventilation. That's nice. Yeah. So for now, I wouldn't spend any money on your PS5 plates, guys, because you know, they're just going to be coming out with a PS5 Pro next year. Well, the what dark plates officially says is, you know, check it out. It's got extra ventilation. It should be legally fine. And most importantly, it makes your PS5 considerably less ugly. So still taking shots. I can't see my PS5 right now. My coffee tables blocking it. So, you know, you got to say the kids got moxie. You know, I think of like that. All I think of that wood paneling for the ace plate for the 360. You remember that? No, look like look like a fucking old Chevrolet. I barely do. I just look at your photo of it.
Starting point is 03:15:41 All I'm I just remember the ugly awful Master Chief green legendary 360 that was so ugly. Oh, yeah, I got an image of this fucking thing right quick. What a fucking stupid piece of shit. Come on. Give me that. Yeah, there it is. That's the stuff. Here you go. What's it called so people can Google it? Just type in Xbox 360 faceplate would face plates. Yeah, you know, I'm not even it's the thing is that at the end of the day, the 360 face plates were just the front. So it's not even that bad. But it's when the whole thing though gets surrounded. Anyway, I some of the nicest arcade sticks I've ever seen are made of like perfectly lacquered wood and oak. So I ain't
Starting point is 03:16:41 going to shit on the old car interior design. I can dig that aesthetic if it's done nicely. Wow, the dark plates website is great. Have you seen this? I did not. When you go to the website, it's a picture of a regular PS five. And when you scroll like the new faceplate attack. Oh, it's a symbiote. Yeah, okay. Yeah, that's good. So yeah, if you go to D brand their website and you scroll down the symbiote of the dark plate takes over. That's really good. And then it reshapes itself to the new look so that they can talk more shit about about Sony's Sony stuff. That's hilarious. Avoid and it actually talks about avoiding the lawsuit. Wow. Okay, there you go. Yeah,
Starting point is 03:17:34 from Canada apparently. That's hilarious. I mean, look, like if your entire business is based on making accessories for a company that doesn't want you to make them and then goes out of their way, have some trouble. Yes, but also if you can then which I need to take a quick break. My lovely fiance is making dinner and that dog is screaming to go piss. So okay, I'll just finish the thought and say if you if you can talk shit about the company you're dependent on, that's a pretty badass way to go. All right, we're out. Be right back, everybody. There we are. Thank you. That thank you was for my lovely fiance who brought me yet another cup of coffee.
Starting point is 03:18:27 Why are you throwing me the middle finger? I'm thanking you. What's your problem? Well, don't worry. I'm what am I doing? You ask just checking out some Brian battler combo videos. Oh, shit. Which one's that? Is that the football man? That's the football man. Is that the football man that I keep seeing the silhouette spinning in every KOF 15? Yeah, that's the football man. He spins. He can fly right out of the screen and come back. Strong. He plays the football. Well, anyway, we got the that shit and then yeah, two other little things real quick here. One, the teaser for a teaser trailer that's essentially
Starting point is 03:19:23 basically a promo for cowboy bebop live action dropped the lost session. It's called it's about three minutes of, you know, not non episode footage put together to just kind of show you the flavor and how things feel and sound. And I now understand exactly what they're trying to do here. This entire marketing campaign has been actually when you really think about it, it's actually pretty smart because this is the most trepidation and scared I've ever seen marketing handle a franchise. Everything that they've shown from the first shots to like a little bit more, a little bit more is a process of getting everyone warmed up and used to this thing because they know that if they just drop the whole thing right away
Starting point is 03:20:24 and nobody expects it and knows what's coming and they just hit the full whiplash, they're going to get the full negative brunt of all of it. But this is slowly turning the pot up, up, up, up to cook the frog by by the set release photos, then well, I mean, there's the announcement, then there's the set release photos, then there's the intro. And now there's this thing, which is not showing footage from the show. It's just shot. It's a completely unique three minute thing where they're playing with the frames and the borders. And it's showing you the characters now in action, talking and like, and, you know, playing off of each other and stuff to give you the feel for what it's going to be like while it's not actually
Starting point is 03:21:08 from the show yet. And it's just, yeah, it's this disarming process. It reminds me of that interview that a pitch. Yes, it does. And it reminds me of that interview that that Reggie did after the revolution became the we when he kind of went like, we know, you think it's a funny name, get it out of your systems now, laugh and get used to it now. And then soon it'll become normal and everything will be like, you won't think twice about it. Right. And he was totally right. Like they gave you the name first before you even saw. I totally disagree. The name we and we you are still terrible. They no, no, no, no, no, no, it doesn't make the name better. It just disarms it. It's it dulls the blade. Okay. When you hear
Starting point is 03:22:02 the word we now, it doesn't sting every time because you've just heard it because it's just a normal console name. It's terrible, but it dulls the sting by wearing it out nice and early, you know, that you get ahead of it and you get people used to it. And then when it drops, it's like, you know, oh yeah, sure. Yeah, that's just the we whatever. So I think that's what they're doing with cowboy bebop here is they're really trying to slowly ease you into it. So by the time you actually press play on the first episode, you already know what it's going to look and sound and feel like and you've had the trailers and you've had all this and that and it's all been set for you. So you're just like, okay, it will not because this pitch trailer thing really kind
Starting point is 03:22:45 of confirms how much it's like this is not going to be an attempt to make it like the anime. It's doing its own thing. Right. And this this card confirms that so they're easing into it. It's, it's much better than I thought it was going to be by default. It feels a little awkward, in particular, the part where Faye cuts off her own swear instead of having the edit cut off for her is really, really weird. But I assume that's a function of like mass market trailer that they can't or they don't want to swear show blood or whatever. Vicious had a British accent. Yeah. Because he was British, don't you remember? Yep, totally.
Starting point is 03:23:42 Well, anyway, I suppose if he's running around like a Targaryen, then that his shitty hair stings less with the British. Thank you. That's what I'm trying to say. It's like, it does. It's suddenly is like, oh, you're that lame kind of. Okay, you're this weird fucking this weird Brit man. And I get it now. You're one of these fucks. Yeah. It's for some reason here. I don't know. I don't know. And, you know, if you're from, if you're from the England, England, fuck you. I don't care. No. No. Yeah, look, we're part of the Commonwealth, whatever. Leave us alone.
Starting point is 03:24:39 I I something about hearing the voice come out in British and I went, oh, okay, I get it. You're one of those fucking guy. You're you're that kind of fucking lame weeb with the sword. I get it. I get it. It's super not the same character. See this spark. I got more. Okay, Tiana gonna cut you up for me, mom. I is I is. That's that's my that's my favorite extra flavor flourish. You could see could do all the fucking cockney you want. But no, it's that it's the double repeat of the of the active verb at the end there. Anyway, so we got that little thing that dropped and Netflix, they know what they're doing. They're really easing it in nice and slow.
Starting point is 03:25:35 Someone at Netflix knows what they're doing with this. I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna say the Netflix knows what they're doing because boy, whoa, but they're they're letting the air out slowly. They're not just twisting off the top of the two liter, you know, they're letting it that's they're really defizzing it. And lastly, fucking chest out of nowhere. Awesome story that just dropped. New spin off of Jojo's bizarre adventure officially announced. Oh, yeah, this was the last day, huh? Focusing on Josuke and Mario. Fuck, yeah, boy, shenanigans. Fuck, yeah. Fuck, fucking fuck, yeah. Holy shit. Yes. Because good old Rohan spin offs are for fun and wacky.
Starting point is 03:26:42 But oh my, why those are made? Yes, despite whatever lies he'll tell you. But fucking Josuke side story, let's go. I'm I'm that's of all the people I wanted to revisit over each of those parts. This is the number one for me easily. So yeah, part four, guidance, basically announced. Now here's the thing important to note. This will be this is not Iraqi. It's being worked on by the mangaka behind boogie pop. And I've said it a couple of times, but boogie pop is one of those like it was pretty it was all right. I liked it, but its intro is one of my favorite anime intros of all time. I fucking love the the the specifically the music. Just awesome song that I love for from boogie pop phantom,
Starting point is 03:27:51 which is like that's some you want to you want to hear fucking 90s weeb shit, you know, you y'all new fan dangled crunchy roll kids don't know shit about that. Going back to the era of finding our own anime and subbing it ourselves and all that all that boomer shit. That's when that's when boogie pop was going down with I believe the same same team as serial experiments lane. So the art style looks similar to whatever. We will see how that goes. And this is apparently going to be starting in December. So yeah, spin off manga. And if there's a spin off manga, then we all know that David production has no problem animating that shit, even while working on the full parts,
Starting point is 03:28:48 because we know part six is coming. Watch it. I will read it. I will look at this. Hell yeah. So Pearl Jam saves the day. What? Like that's the thing. It's like all of Mario has a great just cast a character as we would love to see again. You know, what the fuck has he been up to? What's been going on? You know, and and and like, I guess more specifically, like what is happening circa the time frame of Stone Ocean? You know, are we gonna right? Right? You ever remember Kevin Smith's like fucking idea for a Green Hornet movie?
Starting point is 03:29:35 What was it again? I have this. I remember him. I remember I watching where he talked about it, but I forget what it was going to be a single shot on a car with Green Hornet and Kano just hanging out talking about bullshit for 90 minutes. Kato. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And they would they would fucking like, Oh no, there's a crime and they'd like walk off screen and deal with a crime in like two minutes and then walk back on and go back to talking about bullshit. Okay. That's what I want for more part four. I want like Josuke and some idiots going to work and like having some picnics and just hanging out and like use it. I want more coupon stealing. Yeah. Basically. Agreed. Less anything worrying at all. Now, knowing the spin offs, it is possible that
Starting point is 03:30:27 this will be a kind of a one shot thing. This could end up being very short, maybe one volume or or or so. And that would be cool. I'd be still happy with that. I just love me some, some, some Josuke and yeah, whatever the whatever is going on over there would be interesting. I'm seeing some people talking about it being a prequel, but the the official announcement I'm looking at doesn't have that mentioned in the article. So I don't know where that confirmation is coming from. But if so, that's fine too. If it is in fact a prequel, I'm down. I just I love that boy. I want more. That's great news. It's great news.
Starting point is 03:31:26 It's best. Best Jojo's best best fucking people saying whole horse over and over and over and over. I don't know, but because I was literally just thinking like, you know who survived part three whole horse. It could just literally be and then whole horse rode into town and was like, hey, current. I mean, it's nice to know that it's Oh, is that okay? So look, I don't know where these new details are apparently he's in it. That's awesome. Okay, I don't know where these details are coming from. I'm going to have to look up the updates, updates to the story. The thing I'm talking about, the what I'm looking at here is just talking about the announcement itself and the people behind it. But none of
Starting point is 03:32:13 those details about characters or timelines. And we're going to have to ask you a question about part three. Did whole horse end up doing anything of consequence? Like, yes, anything he do matter. Um, in the sense that it caused a long detour. Yes. But no, but like he shot after all, but he didn't, but he didn't, but it didn't take. Yeah. But it caused a huge detour to occur. So not he's kind of like a kuma in that he tried hard to make things happen, but he really sucked at it. So nothing of consequence really occurred. And he, but the time wasted still got wasted. And he was going to shoot the, uh, did he kill anybody in the background? Like any, like anybody? And he, he got Jay Guile killed if you want to. Yeah, but fuck that, dude.
Starting point is 03:33:16 Exactly. So, man, fuck that piece of shit. No, man, you know, came back probably be saved. He came back. He was supposed to be a fucking stardust crusader. You can go see promotional art of the, the, the lineup of the heroes, including whole horse. You know, he was going to turn and they just decided not to. So yeah. Yeah. Well, you know, anyways, um, for everyone who is a fan of, of whole horse and his, his types of shenanigans. And in general, uh, that, that overall theme, I ask you to please, please look forward to steel ball run. If you like whole horse, you will probably like steel ball run. I mean, it's, I mean, it's a little ways off, bro. It is, but you're going to love it.
Starting point is 03:34:26 Cause it's a bunch of fucking cowboys being shits and they're amazing. Anyways, um, yeah, I, I don't know what the source is on these various, uh, facts that people are reporting in about, about whole horse and this and that and whatever, but I will confirm what I've, what I'm reading in front of me, which is starting in December, uh, Josuke, side, side story. Uh, good shit. Good shit. Good shit. Good shit. I'm possibly no, I'm okay. I don't know what JoJo lands is going to be, but like this news is very
Starting point is 03:35:15 exciting for now. And I think we'll have to see what the fuck lands is going to be, you know, um, but it'd be, it'd be, I'd be happy if it was very different from everything before that came before. And if it was very different from part eight, let's take some letters. Hey, if you want to send in a letter, send it to That's castlesuper We've got one might read your letter. I might. Uh, here's one coming in from Noah says, heard you guys talking on the podcast about potential future projects and Silent Hill. Uh, however far fetched they may be, it made me curious what Pat thought about siren, team silent spiritual successor for everything. I really
Starting point is 03:36:15 enjoyed about it. I couldn't help but notice it's already difficult. Uh, notice how absurdly difficult it got, uh, with escort missions, stealth, no margin for error and the same bad controls to back it all up. All right, siren, uh, kind of sucks. Uh, it's really cool and it's very scary, but yeah, no, it's, it's like weirdly difficult and there's a ton of escort missions and like the whole game is like one color, uh, color gray and you got to repeat levels with slight variation to do stuff. Uh, it kind of sucks ass. Uh, blood siren for the PlayStation three is excellent. It's fucking incredible and it only exists on the PlayStation three. It was never ported. It never went anywhere. It has no PC release.
Starting point is 03:37:19 Uh, fuck follow up. Um, how do you feel about difficulty in survival horror games? Uh, certain kinds of difficulty is fine. Certain kinds of difficulty is not, uh, survival horror games, despite their genre tend to have a weird overuse of escort shit. Like dealing with enemies and juggling your resources is literally the name of the genre. So that's fine, but like escort stuff or completely unkillable enemies that follow you persistently can be a problem. It's really funny. So you know, never, everybody loves Nemesis and everybody loves Mr X. Uh, Silent Hill four has like maybe the shittiest version of the pursuer ever in which there are ghosts that can clip through the environment that just follow you everywhere. Oh God. Um,
Starting point is 03:38:13 and you can't do anything to them unless you find like special items to pin them to the floor. And if you don't deal with them in one level, they will follow you to the next one. Oh God. It's unbelievable. Jesus. Um, so this is something interesting, I guess, because as someone who doesn't really know survival horror, um, I realized over the course of all the, you know, shit games you'd look at and the good, the ones that were good and such that there's obviously a delicate balance because at some point, you know, early on in games were like, you know, it should feel good to play. And then the theme gets dropped on top of that later or whatever. And eventually games got to a point where it was like, okay, no, you're supposed to feel helpless.
Starting point is 03:38:59 You're supposed to feel weak and scared and, uh, from, and you have to feel like, you know, the thing that's going to kill you is super, super terrifying. So that helplessness can go a lot of ways. It can make you either play and feel like shit or like an escort mission, for example, is a nice way to, you know, an annoying, a nice annoying way to make sure you have to move slowly and like, you know, spend more time in an area when you otherwise wouldn't. But, um, I guess what I'm wondering is it is like, are there games where you do feel completely helpless that like are still enjoyable? Or like, that's a, that's an ongoing argument. Um, because being completely helpless
Starting point is 03:39:54 is not survival horror. Having, having the ability to deal with a threat somehow, usually through the use of resources is the actual genre. I've been trying to figure out what to call the new genre, which is you have absolutely nothing you can do to the enemy force. And the closest thing I can come up with is panic horror in that it's very jump-scary, it's very hide-and-seek, and there's nothing to be done. And niches like that, outlasts like that, etc. My only frame of reference here would be shattered memories, but you do have a flashlight. You do, no, shattered memories doesn't even count. Shattered memories, you have your flashlight, you have firecrackers, you have, uh, lockers you can hide in, you have the ability to throw
Starting point is 03:40:52 lockers down behind you that'll trip up enemies. So all of that counts as like, yeah, still survival horror. Your ability to deal with enemies is hide and hope they don't attack you or run away. In amnesia, you have, the only resource you have is light, which doesn't even deal with enemies and matches, which also doesn't deal with enemies. Okay. So zero actual resources, yeah. Okay. And the thing that I've been saying for like a really long time is that one of the biggest issues is that panic horror without any defensive tools at all actually ends up becoming way less scary over time in most cases, because without the ability to defend yourself, you're going to be scared right up until the moment they catch you. And then you die and it
Starting point is 03:41:52 reloads you a checkpoint. And then the fear just fucking evaporates. Whereas survival horror allows you to survive a situation badly, which then gives you anxiety towards the next situation. See, I thought you were going to say that like, um, the fact that you can, yeah, the fact that you can affect what's happening to you here, but you can do so poorly. Exactly. Yes. So panic horror, hide and seek horror, you have a binary state. Did you get caught or not? If you get caught, it's a game over. If you don't, you did it, right? In survival horror, you can have a wide variety of things such as, Oh, I got through without using a lot of ammo, but I used every healing item I had. So now I'm worried because now I don't have any healing items and even small encounters will
Starting point is 03:42:42 make me kind of worried about healing. Um, the only game I can think of ever that has done panic horror and has been able to be scary the whole way through is PT. Okay. Yeah. And then we had game overing is rare and not the end. And it was a slice of what that game would have been game. PT's game over isn't even a game over. You go forward through her catching you. Yeah. Um, I feel like there was a point in time when you were complaining about like shitty survival games on steam that would just come out and be like asset flips, you know, and like all you did was run around from a monster and did nothing. And I was just kind of like, okay, so like, when is this a successful thing? What does it look like? You know,
Starting point is 03:43:40 now I know a lot of people watch me play visage and stuff like that. Uh, and said, Pat, you were terrified during that to which I say, yeah, I'm a pussy or like scary games terrify me because I have an exaggerated startle reflex. And if you went boo in my face right now, I would freak out. Paige and I have been going out for many years. And if I'm taking a shower, there's no way for her to enter the bathroom without scaring me. Yeah. Yeah. Every single we've tried everything. She's tried yelling from downstairs before, like I, but before she comes up, she's tried knocking. She's tried just walking in quietly. She's got ham coming in no matter what. I go, oh, shit. Oh, yeah. There's somebody outside. Yep. Same with punch wife. Nothing I can do.
Starting point is 03:44:32 We've just accepted that like going about life, she'll get startled on a regular basis. And there's just nothing we can do about it. And like even in the most predictable scenarios, we're just like really like I telegraphed her and just like, yeah, I know it just, and this is, you know, you can't help it. So it's why it's why I describe it as panic horror because you're the definitive emotion in a horror is dread. The definitive emotion in these games is panic startle. Right. Jump scare. Somebody clapping right in front of your face when you didn't know they were there and you are right. Which if that is similar to like movies that are like scary in
Starting point is 03:45:22 concept versus a bunch of jump scares, the latter fucking sucks. It's cheap and shitty and requires nothing, you know, versus like an actual setting that is horrifying and like scary to think about being in. So alien is probably the best example. That's exactly what I was thinking of. It's like there's film classes that talk about alien where it's the it's the before the the first alien kill is the guy's looking for Jonesy the cat in the weird industrial part of the ship. And it's creepy and it's anxious and it's like, oh, he's going to the locker. Oh, Jonesy the cat jumped out. Oh, right. But then the camera pans like, oh no, something could be there. And then all the tail comes and suddenly he's dead. Right. And then later when they're going through the vents and
Starting point is 03:46:22 the alien jumps out at them in the vents, the alien in the vents, that's like a 10 minute sequence that ends with the jump scare and the whole thing is building up to it. It's not like you go to open a door and a monster goes boo, I'm going to get you. Jonesy the cat survived the alien franchise. Let's take one over here from Jason says with the majors, hello, Woolly Aaron and Pat Lee, with the major success of Metroid Dread, one question comes to mind. Do you feel the Emmys are just as if not more popular than Mr. X and Lady D? Mr. X was intimidating the first time mostly because you always felt he knew where you were and was tracking you your footsteps. Lady D
Starting point is 03:47:14 is popular for cosplay, but was also quite quite a great adversary during her segment. The Emmys have made me the most nervous and afraid since Nemesis and RE3 original often feels helpless with the cannon powerups, even with the cannon powerup to kill them. Sad thing about this is Metroid Prime 4 has even more on its shoulders now. Yeah, Jason, I completely disagree with you. I don't think it's going to be a very common opinion that they're up there. The Emmys in particular, their design is reminiscent of like high sci-fi lab technology. Aperture Science designed them. You're basically being chased by Apple brand syringes. I just see fucking portal turrets with a body, you know, absolutely just like, yeah, the clean
Starting point is 03:48:09 sterile, not that kind of vibe with the Mr. X, like specifically the Mr. X introduction is like, oh yeah, okay, no, that's that's a fucking that's a bop. That's a banger right there. You just coming at you, you hear the footsteps. The Emmys like they don't they don't fit the right profile because they're all the scariest shit in Metroids biological. They're not. And I think that like, maybe this is good to go off of what we said earlier. I think of the people's experience with this game and what the Emmys was probably affected by how much they were progress blocked by them. And because from what again, I didn't have that problem at all. And it sounds like you didn't either. It doesn't leave as lasting an impression,
Starting point is 03:49:07 you know, because they're not persisting you across the entire map that would change the entire game. They're just those designated areas, you know. Yeah, like I bet you there was a version of the game where each Emmy was in its entire zone. And they were like, nah, this sucks. Yeah, that would know totally, totally. You couldn't explore properly until you dealt with it like it wouldn't be fun. Or if you did do it that way, you would have to have some kind of like this deactivation period, you know, and then like, oh, it's back and up and running again. And you'd have to see saw between deactivation and the active threat. But the way they did it with the other, I mean, the other thing about the Emmys is despite them being completely factually
Starting point is 03:50:00 invincible until you get a power up. The first encounter you have with them is you killing one and discovering that if you find a power up, you can kill them. Yes, they vote they they Mr X and Lady D are completely not just functionally literally invincible until the story decides that it's time for one big last throwdown. Like they function more similarly to Pacman ghosts than they do like nemesises. And I like the description about Mr X as well that you you said how he's a test to make sure that you know this fucking police station. Yeah, you know, and the less confident you are and how to get somewhere safely, the more you're gonna have to deal with him versus the Emmys when I would enter the gray zone. I'd be like, Oh, well, we don't know what's
Starting point is 03:50:53 on the map. It's uncovered. Just run to the right until you find the door. Hope you find a door. Exactly. You know, so it's a very different experience there. Yeah. And one other thing coming in over here from dizzy says dear shine spark enthusiast and goblin slayer. Have you ever heard of something as to scrap to someone that was totally false, but you believed it because you disliked them for some reason or another. This question is prompted by the recent discussion of other M that sparked back up due to Metroid Dread. A lot of people are wild, bringing up the completely fake Sakamoto interview where he said he hates the Metroid Prime series. Now this is widely accepted as a
Starting point is 03:51:45 rumor, but it began on 4chan from a poorly described interview that says shortly after other M's release, he said that Metroid Prime was non-canon and fusion was non-canon and he was jealous of the Prime series success. In the actual interview, he merely states that the Prime games and the guidance don't affect the numbered games. If you played both variations, this should be very obvious. Dark Samus and Faizon don't affect anything in the games after them. Yeah, like Super Metroid or Fusion. However, because other M was so bad, many people believed the unsourced rumor for over a decade. So yeah, there you go. When you don't like somebody, you're not jumping at the, you're not chomping at the bit to believe that them being an idiot
Starting point is 03:52:38 is actually a mistake. If somebody said, hey, Pat, that guy you like, you know what? He's fucking stupid. I'm like, yeah, okay. Yeah, sure. I'll believe that whatever. That's that's funny because yeah, no, this is one of those ones where like, I vaguely, I might have heard someone say this back in the day or something along those lines, but definitely like, I feel like there's a lot of shit that has been a lie in the games industry where it's like, oh yeah, there was an interview in Japanese somewhere and someone said this. And it's like, that's where the biggest dumbest lies always come from, you know? So that you gotta, you gotta gotta be careful. It came from a 4chan post is basically like some kid on the playground
Starting point is 03:53:35 told you just say like, his older brother told the side, you know, that guy that made those PS2 action games, those big giant button prompts, he did those because he was too stupid to remember what the buttons were. He said this in some Japanese interview a couple years ago. You remember the one? Yeah, you remember that one? Yeah, I've seen it. Now to be fair, QTEs did exist. That's true. So you gotta, you gotta remember those. Do you remember, do you remember that big guy back in the college days at the club spaces? Here, let me just actually, okay, yeah, okay, yeah, let's just do this. This is much faster than a description. You remember that guy?
Starting point is 03:54:28 Ooh, barely, barely, real barely. Is he very tall? Yeah, yeah. You have glasses? Yeah. Was he skinny? No. Okay, then I don't remember this guy. Okay. Well, anyway, he was, he was very, he was one of those guys that he was a one upper. He was a fabricator. He was a just, everything you say and do, he either has a better story or a better fucking anecdotes or whatever it is. And it was just like, and the one that he could just never back down from. And you know what? To this dude's credit, I learned about vagabond from him. So yeah, he gets that. But like, there's some shit where you just, you build up a fucking tower and you can't get back down. And the one was that like, he knew at the time what the plot
Starting point is 03:55:34 of the next Metal Gear game was going to be. Oh my God, I don't remember the guy. I remember you telling me about this guy. And the reason why he knew the plot, it was because there was a dev or two or no, there was like two or three dudes that came from Konami Japan to our college to take, to learn some English. And he was in the same class as them. And he was talking to them about what was going to be in the next Metal Gear. And it was going to be specifically about Raiden as he has young Sonny, the baby, and he's surviving the Patriots or he's being chased by the Patriots or whatever. Now, I didn't know at the time. Now it turns out that that kind of story actually ends up happening
Starting point is 03:56:49 in the background of MGS4 and it was in the wiki. It's not like you could have foreseen that based off of the ending of the last game or the sketch artwork where Yoji Shinkawa draws right and holding a baby with a sword in his other hand. You know, but back then, during those times, not everyone saw everything and it was easy to just, yeah, so he went off on this whole thing and like it was, it was one of the most blatant ridiculous things, but he just built it and built it, you know, and it was like, really? Some Konami devs came to fucking go to Seijep in French Canada. Some Japanese adult citizens came to an English college in a French province in a bilingual nation that's not England or the United States to learn English.
Starting point is 03:58:00 Correct. And I was in their class. Anyway. Did this ever escalate to what class was this? What is the teacher? I mean, it was literally what class this is. Oh, it's my English class, you know. Which one? Yeah, it just, it didn't escalate. It didn't escalate because it was just, you know, we know, and the other person who was there just like, we just are like, here we go, you know, that's the worst I've heard in a while. Oh, but to his credit, he is the first person that handed me volume one of vagabond and said, hey, dude, you should read this.
Starting point is 03:58:44 So yeah, and he told you, hey, I know how it's going to end. All right, let's get out of here. All right, y'all have a good week. See y'all real later. Plug your shit. Plug your shit. Oh yeah, go to slash Pat stairs at tomorrow and the day after and whatever. I'm doing an inscription tomorrow. But today, if you're listening to this live on Tuesday, the 19th, you can go to slash peach saliva at about 10pm. And me and Paige are going to be doing some of little hope, a little bit of it. Ha. And on the during this week, Wednesday and Thursday, del Capon journey continues. Come sign up and come sign up. Come come witness.
Starting point is 03:59:36 I don't sign my guest book. Come come come view the fucking come watch the Christians being fed to the lions file in, that sounds lit, file in and enjoy the lion feeding. Good night.

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