Castle Super Beast - CSB 138: Upskirt Burst System

Episode Date: October 26, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Don't forget to like my video and subscribe to all my接ound content! Okay, we're starting. Did we start it? Start. Big start. Hey, did Darkest Dungeon 2 sneak up on you two? Uh, that trailer snuck up on me because I was keeping an eye on the initial announcement back when it was just a couple of visuals that did not indicate how fucking cool the game was about to become. Yeah, they had that trailer. It was like a pan shot and you could see that they were 3D models but like it was like they tilted it like. It was you know it but it was like it was like yeah this is more of what we got in a little you know some visual fidelity here and there but no no I mean we'll get to that but yeah that fucking oh my god that looks so sick
Starting point is 00:01:19 like much to say but um yeah here we start okay what's what's up hey what's up what you I don't know I'm uh hey this is gonna be one of those podcasts where I'm aimless and confused because I got the no sleep so just a heads up on that one just a heads up all right back to back to nonsensical Italian uh what happened with you this week uh pizza spicy meatball did you know that like every hour of sleep that you deprive yourself fucks up your brain in a million ways says a million scientists I mean yeah I'm pro I'm I yeah infinite studies have proven that not sleeping is the worst thing in the world I've known that since I was sitting
Starting point is 00:02:18 you know you ever have one of those moments where you just want to like run across a you ever have one of those moments where you just want to like grab somebody by their lapel and just slap them in the face and just yell shut the fuck up I remember being told this by a university professor in a 9am stream it's the 9am streamed you 9am class that I had to wake up at like 6 30 in the morning to get to at my university and he's like you know loss of slack of sleep is like the worst thing you could do for your body especially for kids your age and and we're like every single person in the class is just where where I'm uh fuck you no we all know everybody knows and it's just a a a continuous fucking like yeah we're all just going to ignore that
Starting point is 00:03:20 and take damage together um I feel like uh our bodies are not adapting to modern life fast enough yeah like the fact that touch grass is now a thing that you say to people because it's like it is very very possible that they have not touched grass that it's it's that that's that's insane to think like not long ago that wouldn't have really been very possible uh touch grass is again one of those things that's ancient and uh I learned about that in again in university and they were they were talking about studies that had happened five years previously out of what I want to say Japan where uh one of the uh commonly prescribed things for anxiety and stress relief would be to like mandate what was called like green rest I forget the exact name or whatever
Starting point is 00:04:24 but it was like go to a park go to a forest go go somewhere rip a hikikomori out of his apartment and and fucking like breathe good air and be near a tree and shit and that'll make you feel better and then watching that like very slowly trickle out to touch grass yeah but it's more so that like it's become increasingly increasingly easy uh and and likely that more and more people you're dealing with are people that may not have done so and it's because it's becoming a lot easier to not touch grass in life and listen and and the problem too is that like um social media for example is not um it's not evenly representative of like everyone that's using it people who are on it the most that might have touched grass the least are going to show up the most it's a
Starting point is 00:05:27 disproportionate amount of attention because that's where you're spending your time instead of the the grass touching you know so it's it's it's it's interesting how that's that's come about well will he not ever a listen not everyone has the ability to touch on grass some people live in concrete hellscapes when which there is no grass for 30 miles and that's that's actually a rude thing to say to people no it's not that's a lie that's that's a lie i i live in a city where there's a mandate that there must be grass on just about every block um however i still myself have not touched grass in a very in a while so i say this as part of the group that has also not touched grass you know i've touched grass i touch grass constantly i don't because my
Starting point is 00:06:26 but the the the the caveat you got to walk a pooch that is that uh usually the grass that i touch is covered in dog poo yeah yeah no i don't and it's and i'm touching it through a plastic bag mm-hmm and i'm like mmm nature kite flying is the only like grass touching activity i currently have so gonna need to amp that up um but wait but no but kites are in the sky but you have to stand on the grass to fly them what you don't you don't fly your kites in a concrete parking lot i tried once oh yeah really it wasn't very it was it was cool but it was also dangerous one of the one of the be careful the helicopters well it was at um when i was in iceland i went to the the godfoss which is the god falls and there's a big there's a parking lot next to them and
Starting point is 00:07:35 there was some good wind because of the the falls so i was like i had the car i had the kite with me so i was like fuck it let's get let's try this out and we got some good shit got some good wind but it was a parking lot and there were cars trying to enter and leave and i was like i can immediately see how this is a bad idea within like the first minute that's a bummer yeah uh uh listen if somebody hey go outside sometimes it's good for you yeah i generally agree with that you go outside and you breathe some fresh air and you're like yeah but i think the moment that like you know how like the there's the old days of like parents yelling at you to get outside and like stop whatever you're doing right get off the tv
Starting point is 00:08:31 i was outside way more than i am now exactly same here and it was still like you're still inside too much and you know um and i know that like my father-in-law is the type that is very very like really like get get off the tv get off the stuff go outside do things you know but we should have we should have seen from then that it's like uh oh like it's very much it's it's the becoming the thing to not be outside so let's let's adjust for that in whatever ways we can i mean we're talking about like your parents telling you to do this for your own good but let's be like let's be real i'm gonna guess four out of five of those times was your parents being like we gotta get this kid out of here because uh we can't screw with
Starting point is 00:09:26 the kid in the house so go go play baseball with the neighborhood kids fucker you need fresh air you're into video games no no that's not my experience my hyper divorced parents were not kicking us out of the house for that purpose um have you ever have you ever lived in a oh no well you've pretty much been like yeah you pretty much like had your house and and family and such so yeah i had the i had the nuclear family but i had half siblings who did not have the nuclear family right or house bouncing exactly so you you didn't have the experience of bouncing around apartments with with single parents but um when you do that you come across some places that are much better than others and i don't know if you've ever seen or had friends that had an
Starting point is 00:10:17 apartment that had no or like a room without a window yeah like rooms without a window are yeah suck shit yeah those are bad it's kind of in my basement there's a fucking couple windows in here yeah no that i could see green out my fucking window right now i look at it i don't know when when that was figured out but there's clearly a point at which you know architecture and and house design realized that like oh you have to you have to have a view of the outside like if you don't you're in a prison cell you know and even then like a bunch of prison cells have that attention yeah cells have windows some some do some do oh that's nice that sounds so bad i remember a story about someone who was talking there's someone who was uh telling a story about
Starting point is 00:11:16 like they're wrongfully accused and they were in jail for for many many years and like they're talking about how like one of the worst things is how you'd see the top of a tree but you couldn't see the whole tree oh that sucks and it'd just be like yeah the trying to mentally complete the picture or whatever i thought that you were going to say that one of the worst things that is about being in prison is that uh you get spoiled on all the hot marvel movies that come out because the guards tell you spoilers and you can't do nothing what what story is this no i just made that up in my head it's just like i it's just percolating in the back like right before this right before um coming in i was reading an ap article about the recent uh rust slash bald wind shooting
Starting point is 00:12:08 mm-hmm and uh the the fucking uh the fucking takeaway from that from the studios is that they're gonna ban any they're gonna ban like all types of guns on set mm-hmm to prevent this future accident when what actually happened was uh they were in a union dispute and decided to go forward anyway with a bunch of fucking idiot scabs who didn't know how to do anything safely mm-hmm and then that traveled back to remember every time marvel has like some kind of labor dispute all these fucking psychopaths start coming out going i bought this better not delay the next guardians galaxy movie i don't care about these you lost me you lost me i mean okay like i don't know where that jail spoiler thing came out of and i was hoping there was a thinking i'm just
Starting point is 00:13:05 thinking of some weirdo asshole in jail going god i hope i don't get spoiled on the next avenges yeah my appeal's coming up and that's uh but i need some people got it don't scab yeah okay i that you i don't know where you sort of to but um yeah that that thing sounded pretty stupid and shit and i i was just scrolling past the thing that was describing that the apparently the reason why the gun was loaded was because uh they were using it for recreational shooting off off hours so like like so the person who was the weapon handler uh she was apparently with some other people possibly loading up some of the guns and shooting them for fun off off hours and so that's why the bullet was in there okay so now we have two direct people at fault we have
Starting point is 00:14:08 the person who did that the armorer you just said yeah and then you have the person whose job it was to check it right before handing it to somebody that's the same person that's the armorer same person yeah she her job fuck that asshole her job the the whole point of when you have like um firearms props on a movie set is you have an armorer whose job it is just to handle all firearms to check them to make sure that the blanks in there are blanks and then to not let anyone else touch them except for the professional who then hands it to the people right before they shoot and says it's a clear it's a clear gun go ahead oh man so that's that's what i was reading about that super super stupid super stupid fucking outcome on that what a what a what a dumb scenario but
Starting point is 00:15:03 regardless back to you served i'm just i'm trying to roll with yeah i'm trying i'm trying to go back i'm trying to go back to what we're talking about it was grass okay well i was just gonna say that like i've i've been in rooms with no windows and uh it it's really really fucking detrimental to your mental state and it and it feels like uh yeah you you i remember too as well like this high school that was next to mine i've talked about this but um we had our normal high school and like whatever there'd be like fights with the the nearby friend school it would always be a thing that like it was a thing where like their school in particular like they were always angry and shitty and dumb and like we'd get into fights but like the ultimate was that their school used to be a
Starting point is 00:15:59 basically a prison bomb shelter style setup so it had no windows so all of their mad too so all of their classrooms were windowless so everyone's miserable that goes there and it was so bad because uh sorry no i was just gonna say like yeah it's a miserable state of affairs and no wonder they had such a chip on their shoulders whenever they'd come and like start shit because they were pretty much like one block away from us but their conditions were garbage and uh i remember that my friend who went there used to tell me that like anytime someone wanted to get out of class uh if they wanted to they could sneak through to the back area and then like jam a branch in the central fan and that would stop the ventilation and they'd have to
Starting point is 00:16:51 shut the school down and evacuate everybody because air not going through means there's no air for anyone and you're all gonna fucking yeah you know so like there's no system there's no windows it's just it's all for central circulation and it's like i'm just because in my high school we had the everything on the first floor in the basement had those very specific kinds of windows that were covered by like not bars but there were like window protecting metal things that weren't like prison bars it was like more like a mesh uh maybe a centimeter thick but it was so like narrow that like unless you were looking straight out the window it was functionally windowless because at any angle it would just look like a gray thing so you couldn't see outside
Starting point is 00:17:46 and like as a result the first floor and basement ones were just like fucking miserable my art room had no windows in it i remember that vividly which was like it's astonishing in hindsight because it was the art room where we're supposed to feel all creative and good and shit but it was like this dank hole in the basement it's awful so do you remember in college uh how when you enter the main area there was the section where like um mech tech and like all and other like uh uh tech programs would go downstairs yeah that'd be the left and right you go to the you turn left main entrance you turn left and then you take the elevators downstairs right so we uh what in illustration uh design we would go down there specifically for like all 3d like stuff we did
Starting point is 00:18:42 3d projects and whatnot and then there was a point in time when our full weeks were dedicated towards just working on our 3d projects all day so yeah we'd go down there with mech mech tech students and you're you're just there's yeah there's you're in a basement there's no there's no nothing that's that's that's just like the part of the the school the head like the the gym and the weightlifting rooms exactly exactly that area yeah and you're just down there at least those rooms were huge and wide and open whereas the fucking well i was at a no i was in a computer lab yeah you know this is computers and honestly like you like if you're not constantly looking at a clock like you just you just don't know what's happening and then you come back outside and it's
Starting point is 00:19:25 like there were days i remember in the like third year um you know back when they were illegally loading us up with um like higher course loads um and i would enter early so that the sun didn't rise and then leave so that the sun was already set and it was like i saw no daylight today it was dark when i arrived and it was dark when i left and you're just kind of oh that yeah it was just a moment every time it's good stuff man yeah yeah so windows are important sunlight god forbid you get a case of the sads didn't get that unfortunately but i know people who do a lot of people get the sads apparently but not like not bad enough that they get the sads they're just like oh the winner oh bummed out do you think the first person to think of that acronym
Starting point is 00:20:23 like fuck it popped off when they did they're literally two psychological conditions that i am aware of that are both named the sads well seasonal affectation disorder yeah and then there's uh social uh social anxiety disorder okay also known as sociophobia anyway i think they popped off yeah when you got a good a good background um what if you get what if you get like a school that has like tons of windows but you're like in the uconn oh like the sun window is is showing 24 seven daylight 20 hours of daylight or 20 hours of night mm-hmm yeah well i mean if you're already living in that circumstance like because uh iceland had uh there's there's a thing where they had
Starting point is 00:21:16 like a couple days like that you best you have to like already mentally prepare for that to to realize that you're like oh you're way tired because it's 11 p.m and it's bright outside yeah that's why you got to use good curtains and or those little glasses that you wear the blast you with the uv lights you know those little glasses i had no are they blasting the lights right into your eyes no they blast them like along your eyeline like your eyebrows so that it feels like you're being hit by light hmm interesting no i've never seen those why did you just hand me a bag of dog treats i have trees okay yeah i don't know what's going on what's going on i'd say i have a secret pouch now
Starting point is 00:22:14 yeah you do it's not very secret though uh it's the secret okay um let's get a little structure going how was my week i yeah what yay uh i had a week that started with a couple of things so dokapon has resumed and uh it's it's going swimmingly uh there is a very clear um returning sensation of dread that comes with each session that we sit down to play and it's become clear that like uh while this is the kind of game that probably needs to be played twice a week we also really are not mentally capable of handling two days in a row so it has to be spaced out no no you can't do that yeah then then you don't have a cooling off period yeah we so we unfortunately had to do a two in a row last week and boy did it
Starting point is 00:23:13 feel bad to just wake up the next day and just right back into it and um i don't know like it it's i don't know it's it's i'm to to to have a full seven or so hours of or six or seven hours of just full on hatred to then just turn it off and go back to normal and then wake up the next day and then turn on and then turn on the hatred again feeling yeah yeah yeah it's it's very very fuck it it's fucked it's so fucked and i like some things there's something happening in the background mentally with all of us and i'm not sure what it is but it's absolutely happening you know um i think when uh uh we switched back to like raito one day or whatever the door that's good the day after or something and it was just like oh there was some bleed
Starting point is 00:24:11 through there was a little bleed through or something where we were just we kind of were just like okay so i don't remember what happened yesterday it was just just dead time whatever don't worry about it you know it was wow got blackout drunk it was nuts wild um anyway that's going and uh is is you properly immediately destroying our us a little bit so uh please enjoy because if you don't then it's all for nothing so i really hope i really hope our suffering brings you entertainment because if it isn't then uh that yeah i uh you know what you know what you guys need to do you know what you need to do woolly you need to you need to hey guys we've had you know doka ponds really rough you know like halfway through a session let's all take a break
Starting point is 00:25:02 and then you should just like hey everybody i made you you know a nice dinner yeah make a mistake yeah right yeah everybody and then you can just you set the plates for reggie and men and then you go ahead and you pick up your plates and you pick up their forks and then you don't pick up their knives correct just walk back yes to the kitchen yes and just continue the rest of the session thus so really satisfied and fed on a nice big steak dinner um you know but it might be nice it might be nice to take uh it might be nice to take a a moment in the middle of everything and just enjoy enjoy some some cute gifts you know uh before we go back into into the the trenches hold hold hands do a kumbaya the hate void is very strong it's a real place and you have to you
Starting point is 00:26:03 have to push in and then rip yourself out of it every time we sit to play uh and this game is a remake of an older one so it's a lot more primitive and therefore brutal because what we're discovering is that the difference between this and journey the journey and kingdom is that kingdom was actually the newer one that was friendlier oh friendly kingdom was less less divorce kingdom was nicer to you on a regular basis and we had no idea that that was happening journey is the true unforgiving brutal game because kingdom had some like pseudo rubber banding mechanics that would happen and it would have a little bit of like you know like just a little something to kind of keep you feeling a little bit uh in the game for example um when
Starting point is 00:26:58 someone takes your very expensive equipment and throws them out and you suffer for the rest of the week you can't fight anything especially if you're in a really strong area or you can't defend anything so what would happen is you would die and then you'd wake up at the castle and then the king would be like hey i see that you're pretty like naked here's some starting gear you can get back on your feet and get out there and here it's like no fucking die naked exactly and then you wake up naked and then it's like back to the game except you don't even have the starting equipment you did when you first started go kick and punch things slowly to make the money to buy a shit starting weapon that you started with and maybe you'll get enough money to then buy back something
Starting point is 00:27:50 approaching what you had you know and like things like that i did we didn't know at the time that kingdom would just provide you with that stuff because it was like hey you need to have something right and here it's like no no no that's actually a quality of life change that was put in you know um a couple other things too yeah like like uh you know there's there's huge changes to the way like the darkling system works you know we that was the one where like the person who's losing for a few for like three or four weeks in a row can then become a super powered evil player yeah um and sacrifice everything to like have a power period you know and even that has like again much more brutal ramifications and you're you're essentially like leaving so much more of this game
Starting point is 00:28:40 up to the dice gods you know oh good goody i don't know if that's better or worse though because like i remember when you were telling me about the original run through i believe the the the the comparison you made was like mario party will make you fucking mad because the dice just rolls some bullshit and goes you lose but in doc upon the dice roll is just enabling somebody to fuck you over yes yes so allowing putting more back into the dice it might actually like take some of the edge off of the betrayal um it it it's still you still have to manually betray people but like it's much more direct in that way um but at the same time it feels now the the but what happens is it feels more hopeless because when you get fucked over like your way back
Starting point is 00:29:34 is so much longer and more painful that you might you kind of just have to give in to despair you know and like like we've all had these moments of like well fuck it i guess we'll just wait and see what happens fuck you you know because you just there's just nothing to do but like sit and fucking pout you know because it just you things just can't go your way so yeah it's it's it's a more hopeless incarnation of doc upon uh truly so uh please it sounds horrible please enjoy that on the woolly versus youtube and twitch coming at you uh we've also what a perfect setup to the fucking darkest dungeon which is the second game is going to focus on those types of mechanics oh yeah i mean oh well so again we'll we'll we'll get into that um probably next week honestly
Starting point is 00:30:39 what else did we do well personally um just let me ask you a question did you see dune no but i hear it's great great because i didn't hear it's really good now we we got to dodge the awkward moment of like oh yes i was uh i didn't see it fuck the spice i'll get to the spice when i feel like it no i'm gonna go i'm gonna i'm gonna check it out soon um yeah i'm probably gonna check that out yeah um and like how what's it what's it gonna be like without the lynchie and touch you know probably less lynching less lynching uh i might understand the movie maybe so i'm uh also i spent a bunch of my time uh doing some homework in that i have been working back through uh dark souls remastered personally oh yeah uh huh and so does that game not feel like
Starting point is 00:31:43 a joke after going through some of the later ones yeah it's kind of interesting how um you know it's really it is funny how like yeah like especially going through the things that you know i'm like oh yeah let's hit that blight town and then you're just like oh this is nothing you know just kind of walk through it now to be fair to blight town specifically was dramatically eased up by playing it on something that could run it at a decent frame rate no but a lot of that game lives in people's memories that's that much is clear but what i can oh man ornstein and smoke oh man it's like wow i i one shot them every time on every subsequent run like they are not a problem but like you can appreciate what these things represented you know um there's some shit
Starting point is 00:32:33 that like is there's some stuff that just doesn't change that much in terms of like you go down to new londo and ghosts are a bitch unless you use a consumable or curse yourself so you know and then even then like or like the first time encountering like um getting cursed to begin with and all that and all these little things and going like oh man the pet the pet the petrification stones are super expensive at that point early in the game so there's still a lot of things in there that are like oh yeah um this is going to be you know you can you can still feel the annoyance of this uh but a lot of it a lot of it is is not at all the challenge it once was when you just kind of you go yeah you think about the rest of the franchise and then look backward at some of these
Starting point is 00:33:19 you know um i'm having it's an interesting thing though looking going through it this way again and just kind of trying different shit and messing around um i'm i'm particularly like i'm going with like a faith build because i haven't done that since literally the first time i touched the it's one of the only games that you can still run a faith build and and it's decent but even then i know i'm noticing like i was like oh but you really don't get the the ability to just like be powerful up front in the way that you can in the other games you know so i didn't do anything like that uh since like literally ds2 first time i ever touched a souls game and now trying it here it's it's interesting because like there's some cool shit you get down the line
Starting point is 00:34:11 but to make yourself viable using faith as a big stat early on you either have to know where to run into future zones to get stuff need a break no no i'm good okay just trying to covertly have a dog conversation in addition okay um yeah so you basically if you're starting if you're going with like faith and as i'm doing here um you have to either like know where to run to get like good things for that stat right away yeah there's a there's a way less faith spells overall and you and a lot of them are so much later like if you're trying to get anything good before you ring the bells like it's it's it's rough you know let me there's one where's lightning spear so where's like lightning spear is lightning
Starting point is 00:35:04 spear is bottom of sense fortress fuck off really that's pretty that's like mid game yeah um the the dragon slayer spear you gotta obviously you get it off of uh ornstein you know um i mean uh the the really good uh b scaling like axe you have to get it off of patches after he comes back as a merchant you know um and then there's the um the artorias swords which are also good faith scaling but you have they're like those are later you know what i mean like early game um there's a couple things that you are uh that you're kind of struggling with it seems like if you're going with that route of course and then uh you know i remember hearing about like the original uh lightning um spear the spell yeah that's what i was referring to which
Starting point is 00:36:01 was why i was so confused oh no no no no no i thought you met the lightning spear the literal lightning spear the literal lightning spear the physical thing is at the bottom of sense fortress the spell i gotta say is you run you run up to the sun the altar the broken um altar of the of the nameless king and and you have to get but then you have to have 25 faith at that point right yeah but like going going through because i'll i'll i'll go through these games now and then just because you could fucking fly through them nowadays if you know what you're doing and what really stood out to me as the cinders mod that i've brought up a couple times is the number one change i don't know but one of the better changes is that the covenant items
Starting point is 00:36:48 will just drop from regular enemies which they do in three at like a 0.1 percent rate but like you get in the situation where you're playing like dark souls remastered which i think is the version you're probably playing right and it's like i want to get great lightning spear or just regular lightning spear and it's like well how do i do that i gotta get fucking 20 sunlight medals from doing co-op and it's like that is no longer viable so yeah in this case it's like you get 25 faith and every time you do a co-op you it drops the requirements by five basically so that but like if you happen to be doing it the way we do it which is like you know pvlp for the most part it's just a different experience and so you're gonna be like yeah
Starting point is 00:37:35 you gotta get that number um i also got a um like yeah i got a random drop from one of the um you know the bird ass the ornifexes in the painted world this motherfucker yeah like i got one of them dropped um a i think it was like the dark moon talismans or the dark moon like covenant item you know and i was like oh you can get them you know if you feel like like really grinding this out but for the most part you're gonna have to jump on and and do some of these uh these pvps so um yeah the ears exactly anyway so so it's just it's kind of interesting like you know taking a look at this now and seeing like okay that the the mistakes you can make in building in this game for sure you know are just like uh hope you hope you want and or hope you like
Starting point is 00:38:33 everything you do with your stats you know you're not gonna respect them you're not gonna distribute them in a smarter way deaths and dark souls have no respect and i remember when i played deaths originally just shitted up my fucking character just like made a terrible fucking piece of garbage that sucked i because i and i made that mistake too like even this time around because i started pyromancer and then decided on faith afterwards you know so that's fine that's not the end of the world pyromancer shirts it's all level one yeah but like but like the um faith was at like eight you know and uh which was like much lower than it would have been if you went with like a cleric outright or so you know but anyway um that's that's all there
Starting point is 00:39:23 and it's but you know it's still it's still fun to see like the the parts that are universally bullshit and the parts that are just not even remotely like bullshit at all now that you know everything about from soft's favorite tricks over and over and over again you know and it's also been long enough that uh like there's there's details i don't remember so like i'm coming back through this you know trying to to um uh reacquaint and stuff as such you know uh in general though i mean remastered is like it's pretty looks looks nice you know like uh i i haven't um there's some miscellaneous minor issues but honestly it's not the end of the world like it's fine i haven't felt any like thing i haven't come across anything where i went like oh my god
Starting point is 00:40:18 that's so much uglier than i remember you know so far um but but uh i'll let you know as uh as we go so far as we as we get further in uh boy though is there like there is yeah it does feel like the it does it does feel like the um uh hey wills just a heads up every time you touch your mic it it's blowing out like a very large amount of static oh shit sorry hold on let me see if i can fix that okay just quit touching it yeah but it's also a problem to fixed yeah okay um so yeah gonna be getting into that soon um i don't think i'll be able to uh uh make it all the way through by the time we start i like i was hoping to yeah but that's that's i mean all the way through by the time you start that's not necessary right no but it did it helped a lot for desks because um even
Starting point is 00:41:23 long-term decisions down the line were like you know things i could like be like oh yeah here's this and that and for and just be relatively aware of in this case i'm like refreshing on npc decisions because those are the those are the real things that matter what really matters is npc decisions um knowing what moment is going to be triggering what and then build decisions you know everything else is like yeah whatever the fuck you want dark souls ones npc layout is before they decided to lose their fucking minds with the hyper obscurity of the npc quest lines like dark souls three is like completely absurd like i feel like um you know uh uh uh there's the the the multiple larentus traps right that you that you get where it's like hey uh
Starting point is 00:42:23 multiple times should i go fucking kill myself at the bottom of light town and you gotta be like no no he's like are you sure no you know it's it's just hey that's some cool fire shit did you where'd you find that i don't know man i just i just found it whatever do you think do you think i'm unsavory oh okay but then you get every buy everything off of him is like should i go down there anyway and it's just it's all you know there's so many moments whoa hey oh no thanks honey you just hit the camera okay we're having a weird we're having a weird week folks oh now i'm too short oh boy it's all right we'll figure this out can you give me five minutes to fix this i'll be right back mm-hmm so yeah dark souls uh coming soon
Starting point is 00:43:20 um what's up with it other things this week i don't know if you saw tweets some time ago with some crazy ass racing game where uh you could hit some ramps and grind on guardrails and it was kind of like outrun style it i remember seeing that a little while ago so the game's called buck up and drive and it's really um made by fabio fontez it was just a bunch of like wild tweets and i remember i was like oh man this game looks crazy you can speed boost and jump and then when you jump and you flip in the in midair sideways you can land on a guardrail and then flip off of the rail and then land back on
Starting point is 00:44:08 the road and it was just tony hawking it down the the the the road you know and then um one day dude was like so i was in the shower and i thought fuck it let's put a versus mode in this thing so it's a it's a racing game where you have two life bars and you're driving side by side down the road and you can slam into each other jump air dot air bomb um and do other kinds of wild shit you have to kill each other essentially um and uh you pause the game and go to the move list and you're seeing half circles and quarter circles and like flash kicks a half circle in a driving game seems like one of the most bizarre inputs possible so in this case it's half circle while drifting so hit the drift button uh peel sideways and then while you're and when you build up enough
Starting point is 00:45:12 meter and you're going like right then do a half circle left back to right and then you do you do a spin you know or if you're going left you reverse the input uh and then like other moves you know like again like you can do like a quarter circle and your drift meter is basically your ex meter that determines like the strength of your moves uh or you can let the drift go and then get a boost which also slams into them from the back and then there's a whole basic like game of um racing ahead and trying to attack coming backwards or going on to the side slowing down and then trying to position behind them and you have tons of air mobility and it's just it's a car fighting game and it works is it any good it's amazing it's really fun buck up and drive is what it's called
Starting point is 00:46:02 and we played it on fisticuffs and uh not fisticuffs on get into fighting games and it was incredible oh shame and uh it's almost as embarrassing as the time i gave the wrong email almost uh yeah i think um i think you guys should check this out it's it's fucking it's just it's amazing that this hasn't been done um sooner and that there aren't more and of course you're looking at this and going all right i know the point of this game is not the versus mode i know the versus mode was just a shower thought that became a reality but god damn if i wouldn't want to see this get developed as a thing that was like okay so we got a car a grappler it's a four by four and when you get close to it he can slam you you know but he can't go as fast or we've got a nimble car that can
Starting point is 00:47:00 speed past you and can like side switch on you and and is and is more of a glass cannon and can do setups maybe leave an oil slick and then all of the all of the things that you would love in car combat you know i think you i think you know when you play any car combat game or kart racing game you touch on some of that stuff twisted metal of course man there is still not a better car combat game than twisted metal black yeah i mean you know there's there's a what's the vigilante eight um that was good but it just didn't have the right you know but but the thing about this that's fantastic is that it's it's car combat but it's like you're not on a map kind of driving around the arena in battle mode you're racing finish first you're no no no no no
Starting point is 00:47:57 it's not finish first it's destroy your opponent it's oh there's no real no there's no race it's just a fight but it's down a road it's down a straight or a straight away and you're always engaged with each other okay so that is closer to something like road rash then i guess yes no you're gonna keep looping but road rash also has like um again that kind of like racing aspect to it a bit right um we're here you're locked on camera with your opponent it really is like no fucking fight and that's why it's like i compare it mostly to a fighting game instead of a car combat game because in a car combat game you can drive away from your opponent and like run somewhere else on the map hide and regroup grandma whatever exactly and in a in a
Starting point is 00:48:45 kart racing game you can just you know ignore you can get the items and just race and you know lap your opponent and win that way here you're on the same screen and you're not stopping till one of you dies you know so um that i really really like and it makes it a really really fun mode and you immediately just want to like brainstorm ideas you know give a car a double jump and and let it float like dalsim if it needs to and just all the all the little things you can take from existing fighting and just put it into this type of system it'd be unbelievable you know so i highly recommend it it's it's uh again i haven't played anything like it only similar things in in these ideas but nothing that actually plays out like a car fucking fighting game
Starting point is 00:49:34 you know this reminds me how to play the the mutant league hockey or mutant league uh football i haven't so those were obviously uh based on ah what if you're hockey your football players were monsters yada yada and you could like kill players you just kill them like you check them hard enough they would explode and you could like attack them in various things and i would play with my brother and we like very quickly discovered that like these were uh hockey and football games in name only right right right because uh we played it for multiple weekends and did not get a single game that ended with a point total victory it was always you have killed so many of the opposing team that they cannot they cannot keep playing live man yeah yeah or what have you
Starting point is 00:50:28 on the field and so it was actually like a hockey or football flavored murder game and this is kind of it's like it's a racing game but it's really just car murder yeah you know what actually might come closest of all these these games do you remember destruction derby yeah destruction derby might come closest because you're in a that destruction derby is you're in an arena with 30 cars hit them and blow them up until you're the only one standing i'm gonna do it destruction derby yeah i remember playing a bunch of that i had the demo for that and i played the demo a lot that's what it was i didn't even have the game i had a demo disc and i played the fucking the the sample on it uh that might be that might be the closest you know but even then you could still
Starting point is 00:51:22 run away um buck up and drive that was really solid then uh i played a game called combo babies off to the youtube i go now combo babies is a fighting game that has a little little little that's not a game about making irish twins not quite it's little cute sprites doing some some fights and uh you know they're kind of just like little little pixelated characters um in a fighting game not not dissimilar to a bunch of the other um simple fighters so like um not pocket fighter pocket rumble for example is comparable um arkis chroma is comparable just one guy making a fighting game and and and you know putting the ideas in and in this case uh you know you can tell within basically five minutes that it's like oh this this guy really likes guilty gear huge fan you
Starting point is 00:52:30 know there's a there's a doctor that tosses items or a bag man that tosses items there's a big heavy grappler with a rush and then again and then air grab and then you know there's a character who runs up the walls and and stuff um but all in all it's a pretty fun game with a um a fairly simple to learn system i just i just i'm watching footage of this while you're talking right and you right when you say oh you can tell he really loves guilty gear i see somebody get a counter hit and the one of the biggest counter words i've ever seen just comes on the screen in pure white counter it's like down to the yeah no this guy likes guilty big fan clearly a big fan of of of the guilty gear and the strive so um yeah it's it's it's pretty fun and and uh you know everything
Starting point is 00:53:24 in it is is is like well thought out i'd say the characters feel like their move sets are well placed and whenever there was a character that like i didn't that i i didn't gel with reggie was like all in and whenever there was a carry that read a character reggie bounced off of i was all in you know so like there's definitely a nice like um variety where it just kind of it's it appeals to you know different styles of players and stuff uh but the main notable thing all in all pretty pretty fun but the main notable thing is that this is someone who clearly plays fighting games and understands quality of life and i will argue about this till i'm blue in the face but it's just the most annoying thing that individual games and developers can come up with
Starting point is 00:54:10 solutions to make the players life easier and then the next person right over that puts out the next fighting game will just completely ignore everything this person did you know it's weird because in a lot of popular genres like features are just actively stolen constantly right but not in fighting games so the fortnite having its eye of sauron to steal apex from under apex's nose thus they had to stealth release it is such an incredibly different world from one where it's like in a fighting game it's like please copy our homework make it so that when you set your buttons the button you touch is the one that you want it to set and not have to scroll through the list please copy our homework and then you know whatever developers like nah
Starting point is 00:55:03 nah we're already doing this thing you know hey can we make it so that the game doesn't pause as soon as you hit the start button because every time we have an event no it's happening no constantly and causing problems nah you keep talking to me yeah you know no so that quality of life thing is a real a real fucking um you know thorn in my side with with how there's problems and then you want solutions but if no game has a solution it's somehow um easier to swallow than if someone already solves it and everyone else is ignoring that solution 100 that's so much worse and that's why the rollback thing is as is as bad as it is because 13 years ago we saw it work where you're like this is a problem and then you get to look at five different game solutions to the problem
Starting point is 00:55:58 and you're like none of these are perfect a couple of them are like good but they introduce problems of their own and you're like ah maybe it's an unsolvable problem maybe there are parts of this design issue that ah you're just gonna have to take your lumps in some way with these it's like nah problem solved problems just solved it's done you know and then there's stuff where it's like okay so this can be implemented but it's probably really tricky or um it was easier to implement in an older game and now in a newer one you have to kind of plan for it from the ground up so it takes a lot more time and like that is that is understandable but I mean at the very least especially when you have things like you know the developer's backyard like if you discuss some of
Starting point is 00:56:47 these things on a roadmap and go like okay like we know these two things exist it would be nice to to at least be aware of the fact that like something is coming along down the pipe to to you know just add something that people enjoy so I'll get into the specifics of this because combo babies is fantastic with quality of life and it is clearly made by it's made by one person who knows the the pains of like a fighting game that doesn't feature simple quality of life things a lot of that going around hey I made this thing that just fixes a bunch of bullshit so um the game itself like I said very very straightforward and and fun the training mode is immaculate so one you train you go to training and uh you pause the screen and as soon as you
Starting point is 00:57:40 pause the screen the first thing you see is the move list it's just it's just there you don't have to go it's just it's a part of the pause screen right and um and it ends up being like universal but like you're just you don't have to think twice you just you're looking at the list you go oh yeah okay that's what I want all right back in right um and then there's obviously like hold start to pause that's wonderful um and then also tapping start like resets the position so it's the same button you know uh then you can you know obviously display hitboxes whatever the the frame data like little bar is there so that like if you want to see the timing of how fast or slow an attack is it's it's all there for you information is nice whatever that's fine um you
Starting point is 00:58:26 know and indeed didn't have to sell it to you as a part of a dlc pack um and then you do the trials right so there's combo trials for each character and the combo trials when you select them uh first thing is as soon as you do one and it fails as long as you're in combo trial mode the moment you fail it just resets the position immediately there's no pretty nice yep every like the whole the whole position resets instantly no time wasted you get to just focus on the thing you're trying to do no pause restart trial no that it had no no wasting time right into it right secondly and most importantly uh this is something that I saw uh on twitter as an idea this is the first time I've seen it implemented into uh an actual fighting game the combo while you're doing it
Starting point is 00:59:24 as soon as you start the buttons are on the laid out on the right side of the screen like a rhythm game note chart and you can see them coming down and the moment you should input and if you follow the rhythm game input note chart you can do the combo because it's just like a rhythm game you do combo like that's pretty good it's beyond pretty good it's unbelievable combos are hard to do I don't know the timing what should I do hey do you like guitar hero or beat mania here fucking play any bimani game here it is you can follow that input you can do the combo trying to do like sf4 and sf5 trials the head was like link heavy
Starting point is 01:00:15 and some of them are you know let's say it's a five frame link right like that's like not a hard but it's not free right because you need to know when you're doing it but it's not a link it's actually a delay but the fucking input list doesn't say it's a delay and so it was the same thing every time I do them okay and then I get to one fucking combo and I'd be like I don't know when the fuck I'm supposed to hit this button exactly and then you'd look at a youtube video it's like well actually you have to do a micro walk and then hit the button and like how am I supposed to know that from this fucking note button notation yeah also the button notation might be giving you the move names instead you got to go pause and switch that over also to find out the solution
Starting point is 01:01:00 you don't have to go to youtube all the time but you do you go you pause and view replay and then the replay will show you what's happening also let's say you position badly because you fuck up the first attempt then suddenly you move further to the side and you're not in the same starting position you're supposed to be in so then when you're doing a jump in you don't realize that it's supposed to be a neutral jump as opposed to a forward jump and then you walk them to the corner and then it's like wait this combo is meant to be for the corner or not for the corner but I've repositioned the dummy and it's so fucking just all these little things you know that are like no no no no we don't need any of this you don't need to do any of this you can just have the
Starting point is 01:01:39 position set and then rhythm game note chart it's so fucking brilliant um so when you end up um yeah and and so and and then you you know when you talk it's interesting because you mentioned like oh some games come up with their own half solutions and things and it's like yeah there were right uh for example under night um does a I believe it does a like a beep system so that when you're kind of doing the the the trial and like the or the demonstration you hear like a beep beep beep okay yeah okay that's that's better and that's good right it's better than nothing it's a nice little like rhythm assist uh you got a metronome to help you with your combo um that is much more helpful than not having that at all um blaze blue um why did you just say blaze excuse me blaze blue
Starting point is 01:02:34 has that has that uh who cares I'm doing finger guns right now because I took it to you blaze blue fans fight the power so so the little beeps are are are are a nice little half solution right but but this is it the note chart the rhythm the rhythm note chart it's gonna you know it would take you some time you'd have to program it you'd have to set it up and it would you know it's not a priority feature but that is the definitive answer to this problem and to teaching people how to do combos and how to solve that it like this is it you don't have to half step it anymore anyone who wants to make combo trials better just has to do what combo babies did but who the fuck is gonna do that oh good old combo babies you know um and then you know uh and I
Starting point is 01:03:22 mean and then there's like I understand when to reiterate like let's say you know remember when um um uh uh Guilty Gear uh Accent Core got updated the other day it got rolled back and then when it got rolled back it also got a really sick feature which is replay interruption where you can watch a replay and then stop it where you want and take control of the replay right awesome unbelievable unexpected feature holy shit right and the nature of the code in the game allows them to do this and I don't think every other fighting game can implement that if they could it would be it would be great it seems hard it does um even because and you know what even rewinding is hard because a lot of fighting game replay systems are just input recordings right so it's an input recorder
Starting point is 01:04:17 that will start round one fight and then it plays out the recorded inputs but if you have to rewind it doesn't always keep positional information it it just knows to play out a normal game in forward moving regular pace time and you can fast forward the inputs and fast forward all of that but to rewind and go backwards it's not really planned for that because it's actually playing a live match allowing you while while dropping the inputs in so you understand that right but this is one of those times where like they came up with an amazing feature that you know just happens to work here I'm not going to ask that every new fighting game has a replay interruption system it would be amazing if it did you should it'd be amazing if it did um but like it seems
Starting point is 01:05:03 something that seems like something that uh uh was like a a fucking just a miracle feature born from the the work they were doing with rollback but something like this combo notation rhythm input you know uh style and just simple resets simple ways to learn quickly displaying the movement like just little just things like that I'm like man this little indie game fucking killing it with the quality of life so um here here's another one that we have where it'll be ignored forever until it eventually isn't and it'll take a long time for you know bigger games to notice that this was a thing and to start implementing it you know I really that it just it hurts so much in the genre how little other games copy each other's homework no don't worry you'll never
Starting point is 01:05:53 see this thing again ever ever well the thing is is some studios are more likely than others to implement them usually western ones right them's fighting herds might implement something like this because they actually do that kind of shit right if ki was still being developed they might implement something like this but you know the the the guilty gears and the and the street fighters of the world probably not sadly it's just not in the in the in the the the cards it's not in the the list of quality of life features and there's bigger fries to there's bigger fish to fry there's bigger things to tackle and to fix like getting the press start screen to go from three minutes to 45 seconds you know so anyway combo babies um uh fun fun little indie fighter fantastic
Starting point is 01:06:49 feature set for quality of life and I'm gonna be pointing to it and then people are gonna be like what the fuck is combo babies and it's gonna be like a game that you should go take some lessons from got the you got the combo babies shirt on during your next interview with like harada or something and you're like when are you gonna step up to combo babies and then he gets mad and fights you I don't know what to tell you man just the the mishmash you know the online salt mines from Dems fighting herds the the the monthly killer bracket system for online from from killer instinct you know well just fully listen you see the neural net of the super ai force in tech and eight will teach you the combos naturally
Starting point is 01:07:45 sure you know and and and and the various other features that um I've put out into the ether for free such as shaming you for your lack of of reversals when the time was right or for your wake-up supers when the time was wrong and telling you what you fucked up um anyway no I I think I think like it's all out there in a way right now where it's like man if someone cared to just bring all of this together into one package you know and and at this point it clearly feels like developers that are working on these games always have more important things to to to work on which I understand if there's like crashes if there's major b-class or a-class issues then why would you want to um dedicate time to some c-clash polish you know but if someone on the team was a dedicated
Starting point is 01:08:38 polish person uh uh on uh you know that basically was just there to make the whole thing feel better it would just it would overall be a much more inviting experience you know you know what you know what the fighting game like genre is I'm listening to you say man if somebody could put all this into a package and this like mind bomb went off in my head I'm like it's going to happen that there will be a game that takes all of these things together and it's going to go all into a package and it's going to be arcana heart for let's all go to the beach and no one will play it and you'll be like oh no it has all the features and everyone's going to be like uh uh no no the combos are you the uh the the combos are displayed rhythmically you just have
Starting point is 01:09:43 to ignore ignore the upskirt system the upskirt burst system just ignore that don't worry about it it's not you describe it's not a big deal you use them's fighting herds a little bit ago as an example because the online salt mines like a really cool thing and there is like a majority of fighting game players particularly casual fighting game players who will look at that and it could be the second coming of our lord and savior jesus christ they're not going to play it i mean i i i love that you mentioned arcana heart specifically because that game and aqua were the ones where we were sat down by like good players like big fucking like like real you know i remember arturo satchas came and he was like nah you guys don't understand this game systems are
Starting point is 01:10:42 so sick you know it was just like art i hear you but i can't do it man there's the famous thing where we did the fisticuffs i'm like oh wait there's like a real fighting game yes and so i'm downloading it and i got caught downloading arcana heart and you laugh as hard as i've ever seen you in your life i never booted the game up like i'm like what am i fucking doing i gotta get this thing off my hard drive it's so you know that's it it's just there's there's just it's all gonna come together but the person's gonna just decide to go that route on it and this you know um or the more depressing version of that um they'll make a bunch of robots and people will be like i don't like robots i don't care about this and then no no here's the really rising thunder gets
Starting point is 01:11:37 forgotten it's it's gonna be project l or whatever the fuck it is from uh riot and it's gonna be the greatest fighting game ever made and you're gonna be playing it and you're gonna be like wow this is incredible and you're gonna find out that like four babies were eaten at a pizza party during the development and they're listed in the special thanks yep as extra delicious dev babies yeah yeah yeah the dev the development babies section will be like no we ate them we ate them for their you know and and and it's it's just it's hilarious because it's like all it really requires is an ear to the ground and for someone to just be like you know playing what comes out if you're a fan of the genre and you play what comes out you see these things and
Starting point is 01:12:36 you go oh okay yeah this would be smart this would help this would be good there was a recent interview about 14 during the media tour with asman gold rich and yoshi p in which they try very hard not to talk about world of warcraft but at one point yoshi p just straight up says the equivalent of i get the feeling that a lot of developers in this space do not play their own games and a big laugh was had by all because he's like top of the board like one of the best black mages in the world of his own game and the reason he got that job was because he was the mmo dweeb in the company that wouldn't stop yelling at them that people in the mmo division had to play world of warcraft because people who made
Starting point is 01:13:29 the original version of ff 14 did not play world of warcraft and didn't know what the ff market was like yes and you get the feeling that like a lot of fighting game devs play their game like it a gaki famously did not play tecan maybe he should have played a little bit of maybe he should have yeah and hey and here's the thing you know there's we have the matches of when uh daisuke went to the salty suite and fucking went to the anime suite and got some matches in you know like he yeah there's there's there's that those times happened like he plays you know and we know sakurai plays uh plays smash and stuff but no it is though it is clear that there is a feeling from some teams in some games where there's not enough people that are just like
Starting point is 01:14:31 not just playing their game but paying attention to what else is happening and what people like about those other things mmo's are interesting though because once upon a time there was wow and wow was god and wow was with god and there was nothing else to say and prior to that there was ever ever quest the aoc now they were god and now there is 14 and only 14 but what's what's interesting is like does that affect that genre's ability to like improve quality of life and it's funny because one way of phrasing it is improving quality of life and another way is you can say poach features right if you know but like how does that competition or lack thereof affect what gets pushed so mmo's are weird because they have the longest lead time of any genre
Starting point is 01:15:27 it takes the by far the longest to ramp up to a new game they're always like a couple of years behind the smash success mmo's i'm i will likely forget a couple of these but uh there was ultimate online there was ever quest there was world of warcraft and now there's 14 and these were the big like explosions and each of them was definitively based off of what do we like about the last smash hit and what do we not like let's try to mitigate as much of the stuff that we hate and then put our own spin on our own stuff for each of them so world of warcraft like was designed very strongly in the realm of ever quest with the idea of what if we just took everything out of ever quest that sucked shit what do we just took it all out and then put
Starting point is 01:16:30 our own good stuff in but the important thing was to take the parts out that suck shit okay 14 the distinction is much much more obvious because it's what if we took the part of this game that sucks shit and removed it and that ended up being literally everything like all of it and starting over does games that games that didn't focus on that tended to be licensed or try like a dramatic new thing that in many cases did not work out very well the one that pops into my head is um uh fucking the matrix online was just like a subpar wow clone same thing i was thinking of star wars star wars galaxies um star wars galaxies did get a community of its own because the it had unique features that were unique to it but the original
Starting point is 01:17:32 job system and jedi system yeah but the jedi thing like obviously skated the fact that it did have an interesting class system because there were a bunch of completely non-combat classes right that like entertainer and merchant and that was a cool idea no one else does that now currently do they not really okay like usually have your battle classes your crafting crafting classes um wild star gets a special special note for uh promising looking but the management of that game killed it wild star yeah wild star um god what was it it was they had some kind of data loss uh and discovered that there were no backups oh okay so it was like a loss loss it reminds me of like black desert in russia uh the company that they contracted out to run it
Starting point is 01:18:48 just didn't run server backups at all oh and so there was a there was some kind of catastrophic failure on the servers in the russian client of black desert and it was just like well it's gone it's gone you know and i was gonna you're done yeah no future yeah no you just you you destroyed everybody's shit um i would say i was gonna think of black mentioned black desert as well because like there's a bunch of these games that i didn't know were a thing where it's like um complete rip off combat amazing mmo's that are just like do like like actual really like 15 yeah really i didn't know it was a thing and it was and it's bait every time it's bait every time where it's just like the the combat is amazing and the and it's very stylish and pretty and you're supposed to grind for
Starting point is 01:19:44 the fucking months to get anything out of it so in general in general the the it has been an overall improvement particularly in quality of life um but it's really slow it's really really really really slow and games that focus more on quality of life in their own development tend to do well so that's what i was going to ask about 14 one of the things wow had uh when it started out was that had an extremely comprehensive auction house system okay that just worked okay worked if there was no trouble with it buying and selling your shit was no longer the nightmare of setting up a shop or going hey is anyone a fucking buy this thing which would eat up like a very significant part of
Starting point is 01:20:35 your mmo time because it's once you're and the thing is too is like once you are like you know the the fortnight of your genre once you are the the 14 you can just have a team that's like okay we listen to player requests and we prioritize them into shit that we should implement or not you know so there there comes a time when you can just be a like you know a quality of life wave that just washes over your updates there there is um i forget the exact amount but they actually talked about this um they talked about this relatively recently uh like maybe six months ago where there is a portion of development resources for 14 patch content that's maybe i want to say it's 15 percent that is not dungeons not class stuff not armor and weapons not updates to existing
Starting point is 01:21:38 features it's some new thing that people would like and this would range anywhere from uh aquariums and an aquarium system where you can put fish in an aquarium to apartments for people that can't buy player housing to uh you know a little minion game where the you know just little extras little bonuses that are not part of the core of the thing and the idea is that there will eventually be a lot of stuff for everybody and there is a lot of miscellaneous shit for everybody in that game right now one of the more recent ones was like they added a new type of clothing item which is like it's currently exclusively used by umbrellas but they're like hey here's a new type of item that you can have that is just a cosmetic that you can hold in your hand and
Starting point is 01:22:43 here's some fancy umbrellas and parasols that will likely be expanded in the future but it's just this tiny little thing for the people that would actually like it yeah like like and i think about two in times when it's like an unintended feature it you know possibly becomes like the inspiration for a whole new genre you know when when it when it builds out so it's nice to have those things um i kind of wonder uh though like is the majority like if you i feel like people requesting like there's always going to be like hey i want to have stuff to do in my house i want to have an easy way to hang out with my friends and do things it makes sense and in that regard a lot of people's requests are kind of just be like uh i want a faster horse but instead of requesting
Starting point is 01:23:35 the existence of a car you know yeah um so but but number one thing is always to remove something that is a negative experience so the best example i can give for that is that it used to be that you could not queue up for a dungeon if you were in a party because you're queuing by yourself you're doing a roulette you have to do it by yourself the problem was that your chocobo counted as a party member in the game system so if you were leveling and doing side quests as a dps with your chocobo out you couldn't have your chocobo or or you had to choose to have your chocobo out or queue up and do stuff while you waited and it sucked so eventually in the back end they fixed it so like okay the chocobo is no longer being counted as a party member for the purposes of this thing okay that's
Starting point is 01:24:22 not a feature add but it is a negative experience removed removed yes um how the thing is is what i'm trying to get at though in this this direct thing is like how many times are players directly gonna ask for something that doesn't exist at all for example like pinging in apex right which is rarely that's because that's the kind of feature that is like oh that applies to the whole game it's revolutionary and it changes the way you have to communicate um or you can communicate but like you wouldn't necessarily it wouldn't be a thought that people would be like hey add this major thing in this way you know to me the equivalent of that would be like um like you like you mentioned with galaxies like oh classes that are non-combat right i want to be a shopkeep
Starting point is 01:25:13 in an mmo like what's the likelihood that you can implement that into something like 14 without having to completely zero yeah you'd have to redesign everything it wouldn't it would just wouldn't work you know so that's where i think like some games like existing to compete that like get to play with ideas like that could lead to more interesting developments you know um but yeah like you look at you look you know the the history of the mmo has been a history of steady improvement with some dips and valleys the history of the fighting game is not you could there are people that i could talk to right now that are like super turbo still the height of the genre and it's literally never going to get any better than the super turbo
Starting point is 01:25:56 and there's an argument to be made yeah but those people also are are fucking full of shit because when somebody shows you a touch of death combo in your favorite classic perfect fighting game they got nothing to say you know there's going oh yeah well you know lol you know there's like every all the all the beloveds had bullshit in them too you know but um there's people out there that would argue that a certain smash brothers game is better than all of the others despite it being very old and outdated but yeah it is it is very much the case that um i would say like first person shooters are copying each other's homework all the time um i would particularly the multiplayer ones yeah i would say uh i guess it sounds like mmo's have been doing so slowly
Starting point is 01:26:49 but really it's been more of a like one one person like it's more of a lebron coming after jordan situation yeah because the the amount of time like because this is an iterative process that happens per game but mmo's take six years to develop live for 10 so it's like there's really only been like five jumps and and fighting games are just sitting in cubicles and when someone comes along and and perhaps suggests an idea some cubicles decide to take out a a fifth wall and put it above the cubicle to further lock themselves in away from the rest you know uh ah yeah yeah um well interesting it's an interesting thing and fighting games sound like they suck ass they really don't they're something so great fighting games truly are
Starting point is 01:27:48 something so great it just it has so many growing pains that you know the closer you are to the genre the the the more frustrating it gets it's in its 30s it's time to grow up agreed agreed still love them more than anything just yeah get out there and get some work but you know what the problem is though not the problem okay that sentence okay fuck that sentence fuck that sentence but when you put it that way right if i were to tell you that but all 30 of those years have had the same board of directors and decision makers deciding to not do anything then what are you supposed to say it's like no this company has decisions made from the top down and there's individuals that come on and take on these projects and usually
Starting point is 01:28:48 you know they can influence things strongly but there's overwhelming decisions that aren't this that aren't going to budge because that group of decision makers has not budged since the time you and i were kids so why would anything change and the other thing is like i i think using the mmo as an example is a good one but we can use fps like the the you can it's interesting to look at genres and find out like how much has it improved over its lifetime right so like fighting games are similar to platformers in that like if you're gonna keep it in this style there's only so much you can improve the core of it right like let's take extraneous features out yes like let's compare street fighter 2 turbo to alpha 2 to third strike to sf4
Starting point is 01:29:47 you know to sf5 current right like the core of like i want to play this and i'm having fun they're of relative similar quality right some are better some are worse you look at mmo's and it's like yeah i'm not hopping on to play fucking ultima online any day soon yeah it's a completely different game significantly worse experience than any contemporary of it today whereas you look at a platformer i'm like mario 3 you could still have a nice argument that that's just as good as odyssey right because the core of the platforming is such so what do you do you you you pretty up the out the the the outsides right mario games get better graphics they get a 3d uh that now there's the the baby mode that comes and helps you if you're a child
Starting point is 01:30:44 or you're terrible at video games the music is better uh not composed but better uh orchestrated etc right fighting games have gone what if it looked nicer and what about this feature this feature this feature and then the technical jump on fighting games would have gone into online play but then it didn't yeah the rollback discussion well because the world because the world the world moved to got itself in a goddamn hurry and uh they weren't ready for it you know now now it things move too fast and the became it became too online too quickly um but it's an interest but it's a difficult comparison though because um whereas fighting games have that same core that you're discussing that can be shared by them by most of the games um mmo's are unique are
Starting point is 01:31:37 are mainly about the fact that they have a whole lot of players connecting to the same server playing the game with each other but that's the similarity and that's in some cases where the similarities end ultima yeah is a completely different game from wow and 14 the the easiest way to describe it wow and 14 have one extraordinarily core similarity they're about a group of party they're about a group of people that tackle battle content that will either roughly or strongly fall into what's called the trinity which is healer dps and and tank right sure there are mmo's in which the trinity just doesn't exist yeah eve online doesn't have the trinity guild wars doesn't have the trinity i play well i was gonna say like to put that in the same genre as grawl you know which is the the
Starting point is 01:32:29 link to the past mmo where you walk around and just attack things and you just you're just an you're just in an online environment and it's very large and you're not doing raids you're not looking for groups you're not planning out any um you know uh patterns or learning how to fight boss patterns and things like that you're just swinging your sword in an online environment with a fuck ton of other people connected to you and that is still the same genre right so that is so that that is a widespread categorization um versus fighting games which are a much smaller more precise thing and and what if i thought a guy but it was in 3d and i could sidestep yeah yeah wow like that's that's the variation we're talking about and i would also say that like games like
Starting point is 01:33:17 siege and tf2 versus games like call of duty uh you know and and and other fps's are all really really functionally different as well you know um but it still is it fits it all fits under the the large banner that is fps um so so the the the comparison between like how you expect things to grow i would say that the scope for fighting games is much more limited by design and by nature of it being a limited definition you know um anyways i'm glad we could come to this conclusion fighting games bad mmo's good we did it we solved it yeah the more you love something the more you see the the fucking pimples and flaws oh yeah that's why everyone asks me when i talk about 14 why do i hate 14 so much i'm like you have any idea how much 14 i have played over the past six
Starting point is 01:34:17 years yeah a lot and it's it's why the best player the best fighting game players in the world would be like lol this game's ass and like they and like they know more about it than they know about their own families you know what i mean like it's just and it's like yeah i play it every day train constantly i spend 20 hours a week grinding out these matchups games ass though you know it is it is what it is um the other the final point i want to bring to this uh uh analogy here is the thought process of again it's 30 years old it's time to grow up okay so uh what has been hold it why can't the wwe fix all its problems and finally step up you know and do all the things because kan raw runs the company continues to shuffle the mortal coil what are you supposed
Starting point is 01:35:11 to do about that you know so that's it like you're looking at the product of one man's ego and business decisions and thought process the successes and their failures and you can't expect changes until that's gone i sure am excited for the future of street fighter six now that a certain someone is no longer working on it much more interested in that game that we know nothing about now that a certain someone isn't working on it well listen all i gotta say is you know i i give credit to uh yoshinori ono's melty blood it's quite an incredible product it's a very fun fighting game sure it sure is and i really enjoy it and i do recommend people play it it is melty blood
Starting point is 01:36:13 anyway combo babies has some lessons we should learn from and there's a larger video game genre discussion that we can have about about learning lessons as we just did uh beyond that you know not much 98 ultimate matches out it's got rollback it works it's good that's a good god damn king of fighters game it is very good and uh for a while there was some issues where apparently doing command grabs would crash the game fuck you clark players eat shit that's that's a real ass issue but i didn't run into it and apparently it might be okay now so it's fine um anyway uh i mean that was a like it was weeks but it really got into just podcast discussion but anyway since we're bookmarking it uh here check out the willy versus channel if you'd
Starting point is 01:37:06 like to see doke upon kingdom dark souls gone in 60 seconds uh another uh fun ideas coming up down the pipeline as well as get into fighting games every saturday come hang out we got some fun stuff ones get out of fighting games every single day except for sunday except for saturday okay even then right before and immediately after all right so let's see i'm pat what did pat do with this week i had to look at my schedule i had to look at my vods to tell you what i did this week uh okay number one uh shut up phone it just thought i was asking to set an alarm or something number one me page and elie that'd be plague of gripes took a look at uh the old stargate movie because uh we've gotten into the
Starting point is 01:38:03 situation where we've been watching a shit ton of star trek together but it's the context that people want to watch us watch star trek so elie does like a drawing stream but sometimes he doesn't want to do a drawing stream so then we don't watch star trek so my oh why don't we watch sg1 which is a of a similar feel and genre but to do that you got to watch the old uh ox or nineties star trek uh stargate movie which is fucking weird it's so bizarre i remember thinking the anubis were super cool and scary they super are you're completely right i that's what i remember kurt russell's in it and i don't know how it was marketed but because kurt russell is there i assume it was marketed as like a egyptian alien action you know military
Starting point is 01:38:55 rolls in on on the egyptian gods and it's not like there is little to no action in that film like the massive ending set piece is a fist fight between kurt russell and some guy that's it the vast majority of the movie is a much more interesting uh how does this thing work how does this space travel thing work we went to a weird desert planet what's up with these people it's weird here are there aliens huh like that's maybe 70 80 percent of the movie's runtime before like a conflict occurs so then it wasn't too much of a stretch when they had to like bullshit it into a tv series uh then bolshing it into a tv series was not that much of a stretch it's really weird because i've you know i watch these types of shows all the time
Starting point is 01:39:58 it's like explicitly what if we use the stargate license to make our own next generation mm-hmm like that's what it is um and like they're not gonna like they got a very similar guy to the guy who played daniel in the movie but who was a tv actor and wasn't going to cost them a shit zillion dollars of course right but they're not getting kurt russell for a 10 season yeah like sci-fi original fucking tv show well now you could if it was netflix but not in 1990 fucking four uh so they go and get richard dean anderson who is mcguiver yeah and the most interesting thing is that in the pilot they have the unenviable task of turning kurt russell's character from the movie into a completely different character that has the same name
Starting point is 01:40:59 who happens to be played by a different actor in the course of the 90 minute pilot wait they don't treat it like a recast they treat it like a recast but richard dean anderson is not kurt russell and is not good at acting like kurt russell richard dean anderson is good at acting like a smarmy shithead richard dean anderson okay so over the course of the pilot they go from the brooding miserable quiet stoic kurt russell and they have to just drag that character over to smarmy smart alec like captain man who is cracks a joke and no one takes some serious like it's it's such a fucking weird process okay it's it's pretty impressive and also kratos is a character on that tv show not the movie the voice actor uh
Starting point is 01:42:02 yeah christ judge plays teal who's the muscle of the gang well and is basically kratos i mean look terrence howard is not don cheetle right they have different energy you know so and it's and you know it's fine um but like stargate the movie is actually really good it's a lot better than you oh yeah okay it is so it holds up it's fun it's a fun adventure it's more adventure than action i would say because it was definitely you know it's weird i got a free poster for that when i was a kid and i'd never watched it and i just and i had the poster on my wall because it was just a free poster and i was like whatever so i had this giant stargate poster like huge sized that would just sit there and like it and it it moved with me from apartment to apartment
Starting point is 01:42:56 and it was ripped and destroyed um and uh uh but the whole time you're totally right it was billed as the military it was billed as what a monster hunter is right now as a movie yeah that's what it was built that's how it was advertised like that they send the military goons through but like there's literally a half hour in the middle of the movie which is like them hanging out with a bunch of people who don't speak a language they understand and doing that culture shit yeah movies where they're like oh well huh oh you took my hat oh ha ha right i'm that shit i have a lot of memories of like sexy brown people with mascara lots of sexy brown people with mascara that that's also what i'm thinking when i think a stargate
Starting point is 01:43:46 movie you're right that's also the show a lot of that um one of the funnier things that i can think of very few things this would actually apply to um i always thought that stargate sg1 was punching above its weight because it was clearly a very cheaply made show but whoever was running it on production did a great job hiding that right like tv shows tend to yes 95 percent of planets they landed on happened to look like that forest a half hour drive from vancouver where they shot mortal combat conquest yeah yeah like like yes that was the case but they they did a pretty good job of not making it look cheap what i'm watching the movie had me burst out laughing was how much of the movie's high end special effects were stolen and reused for 10
Starting point is 01:44:54 years straight on the show oh really the the opening credits to stargate is like a pan of this high and like alien looking king tutt uh burial tomb that was the series's intro sequence for like four years and the animation of the stargate turning on and spinning around and doing that is the same down to the part when they lock the chevron in the bottom right corner you can see the paper like the cardboard it's made out of wiggle when it locks because they pushed it too hard and it's the same in every shot of the show ever and it's from the god damn movie anime stock footage and i'm looking at this i'm going whoa they really just cannibalize this shit for everything they could fuck yeah lea parton will defeat the enemy with the same attack every week
Starting point is 01:46:03 it's it's it's great it's it's great i think they reuse some of the sets too because the sets just look like the same sets okay um was there like cheaper ways to do anubis like i'm seeing like oh you're you're thinking of the the the jaffa with the robot helmets there's the robot helmets and then there's the dude in the hood yeah where you just don't have to you don't have to see a dog face a big cg dog face yeah well the dude are you thinking are you actually typing in stargate anubis yes okay that's the final villain of season eight okay that they uh so 99 times out of 100 your your alien villain man is a dude with mascara on okay who's wearing a costume and the guards will be wearing big snake heads big dog heads big whatever but the way they save
Starting point is 01:47:05 money is though they don't do the transforming thing okay ever again okay okay uh the transforming thing was for the movie and it was obviously very expensive in this your goon with the snake head on is a goon with the snake head on and any guard captain or anybody with a speaking role well they don't wear that because they're important instead they're gonna have a little plastic uh icon glued to their forehead uh to denote the yeah important the horror you the little he had the little thing on the forehead had the little horns on it yeah yeah i remember yeah i remember uh it's it's wild but yeah that movie is fun uh as for other shit that i did i didn't watch anything else but i did play a bunch of video games one of which is going to be a nightmare to talk about spoilers i played
Starting point is 01:47:59 inscription spoily it's a game so easy to spoil i stopped streaming it what because i looked over and saw did you get to the thing yet and i went i don't know what that means and then went oh i cannot stream this whole thing oh because like there's like too much there's just it's it's too it's like don't talk about it okay just don't talk about it so i'm gonna talk about it a little this is a kryptonite to our jobs and yeah like it's no fault of the brilliant design of a game that it's very nature is to be like secretive and that's i want games like that to exist it just happens to fall on our laps in a weird way so yeah if you do so responsibly and tell people to go check it out that's that's fine you know but outer outer worlds right out of wild
Starting point is 01:49:10 excuse me a situation while i'm streaming it is that it's quite difficult uh and progress is made in big steps when you finally achieve like essentially beat a boss and it's tough it's really tough um so i'm going to talk about it a little uh when you load up inscription you are given a very fascinating uh roguelike card game in which you are playing cards in a dank ps1 cabin against what appears to be satan on the other end of the table uh and uh it is very slay the spire ish you're going up a little path that you know you go left to get the treasure or you go right to buff your cards but maybe something bad will happen and there's a merchant you would find on the pet etc etc and there's a multitude of bosses you would fight along the way in order
Starting point is 01:50:03 to beat the devil at cards and uh the big mechanical uh shenanigans is that your cards start to talk to you and they start to talk to you like immediately like within five minutes of starting the game and then uh upon playing it a little bit more the devil says that oh i forgot to put your your your player piece on the map right and says could you get up and go get it and you get up from the table and realize that you can walk around the cabin at your leisure and as you walk around the cabin you discover oh there's a clock on the wall that i can move the the stuff around there's a locked chest that has a code there's this over here and it there's an escape room that is built around the card game hmm and solving some of those puzzles will help you
Starting point is 01:50:59 in the card game right so one of the earliest examples what an interesting premise is that you uh there's a uh there's a situation where you're losing and you are given a knife and i did not know what the knife would do so i clicked on the knife and my character stabbed out their eyeball and placed it on the weighted hit points scale and one at which point he offers to give you a new eyeball one of which in the in the pack allows you to see secret messages scrolled around huh right so little stuff okay right at what point did you decide to pull out what what do you mean did i pull out did you did you go i can't stream this oh the the point where i was getting i was getting good at the runs i was getting about
Starting point is 01:52:01 halfway through and i saw people asking about shit okay i didn't know about and i was like i need to get away from this yeah so i see roguelike escape room card game right yeah so and to those of you who think that's a large spoiler keep playing the game and that is maybe the first hour of the game um the game goes and that's all i'm gonna say about it the game goes and it's much longer than it appears um i had a really fun time talking to uh uh my friend who works over at devolver clara do you know clara i don't so we were having a real laugh about it because i was pointing out that like the how long to beat on that game is a lie is a lie just had that i just had that with doc upon it's doc upon said it was five hours yeah the the how long to beat on on inscription
Starting point is 01:53:11 is six hours yeah i saw people i saw people that were uh posting streams that were like we beat the game and i'm like watching it i'm like no you fucking didn't uh that's good like no you didn't that's good that's good and the more i play it the more i want to talk to somebody about it and the less that i can nine nine nine ending a something like that yeah uh it's fascinating and it's really really fantastic and i have one problem with it is that it's something that i run into a lot with these games that are very spoilery that are very interesting that are very uh unlike what you would have expected is that when you get really really really deep sometimes the game will change a little bit or they'll throw a twist in there the changes the way the game works right
Starting point is 01:54:22 and you end up i kind of liked playing it more at the beginning okay when it was simpler okay like i can understand like this is a fun twist on the formula right or i get a new type of card that varies things up i actually liked the pure experience at the beginning better so i think and that's kind of where i'm at well remember how we were talking about Returnal and how roguelikes tend to like but there you hit a point where you can just almost guarantee you're going to have an amazing run by like the more you unlock the more incredible things you progress there's going to be a point in every like oh all at least the decent roguelikes where like you do get such strong shit that you're starting out really OP in many cases and that's
Starting point is 01:55:16 how you get your good runs towards the end of the game i think it's almost like a necessity of the genre you know to have that sense of progress absolutely but at the same time it's just like i can't think of uh i can't think of uh what uh what i could compare it to um but it's as if uh how do i put this okay imagine you were playing Metroid Dread right and you really didn't like the control feeling of the way the storm missiles worked right i personally love it and think it's great but let's say you preferred the classic missile gameplay or the classic uh uh charge your shot gameplay but then the storm missiles come along and that's just a million times more effective than everything else but it replaces what you had
Starting point is 01:56:12 it yeah okay something like that you're like oh i kind of like the way this game felt before i see okay that's my only knock against it it's a very it's a fantastic game it is a fascinating game its art is incredible i don't know if you've seen what it looks like i did but uh it's one of the most distinctive interesting looking games i've ever played and we should note its inscription with a y crypt yeah in the middle that is but the more i play it the less excited i am to finish it in particular i'm in what i assume most players would refer to as the third act uh and i really strongly dislike it twist i i really really dislike where it where it went in the third okay so it morphs into something and you're not as fat a much a fan of that as you were
Starting point is 01:57:14 how it started uh are you going to finish it probably okay um um okami is the best example okami two okami in this case inscription one is the best one okay and then inscription two is the second best one yeah so on and so forth you know i caught some uh i caught uh a little bit just a little discussion about like the okami flock over the years that like we've had or uh some folks were were you know thinking that like two isn't the best okami no they're thinking that like we're wrong no they're thinking that we over exaggerate the length of the game and that it was it was fine in the end they're crazy and i all i can think of
Starting point is 01:58:10 is like i don't know if you if you know folks who didn't have a game that was that long were like mainlining it and ignoring side things but i felt that like doing the mainline plot while also doing whatever side things came at a leisurely pace still resulted in a rpg sized save file uh the each okami part is absolutely a full length classic legend of zelda game yeah yeah so like uh like at main story only on how long to beat it is 33 hours and which is three 11 hour games and but that is also rushing the fuck to the ending yeah to get 33 hours completionist is 53 and a half which is closer to what i got you know i i feel i feel like you can't hit uh uh 30 to 35 unless you're just ignoring everything and just mainlining you know as fast as you can so you know okami's
Starting point is 01:59:19 really good yeah inscription is fantastic i would invite everyone who has been uh intrigued by what i have said yeah today yeah to check it out and to check nothing else out no that's a curious ass sounding situation um and now that you say like you dislike what's going on i am spent i'm now i'm really curious to know what the fuck so it's no it's not that i dislike what's going on i dislike how the game plays later in the game okay okay like there there's a mechanical change that's like oh cool we're mixing it up so that it's not like boring right and i'm like i really wish you would have rather just fleshed out the first series of mechanics first i'm asking you a question in chat okay the answer to that is no okay okay all right i will answer your question
Starting point is 02:00:24 because this sounds do you understand now oh yeah okay i get it i get it yeah mm-hmm that makes sense but how could we how can i possibly get that across to somebody without spoiling it i can't interesting okay yeah i'm curious i'm very curious inscription with a why it's a great game you should play it there's a free demo by the way okay and the demo is good cool all right let's move on let's move on down the list i played sands of aura that was a very sponsored stream it's the first sponsored stream i've ever
Starting point is 02:01:12 done where they asked me to stream for four hours and i did it because that game is actually pretty cool it is top down dark souls clone like like diablo perspective okay um and the aside from that mechanical twist uh it has wind waker sailing on a sea of sand and instead of instead of like just naturally going along like a dark souls integrated worlds it is a big god damn sand ocean that you're rolled your you're boating around different islands uh it's an early access and part of that early access is rough it has a few control issues that i'm sure they'll mash out the next two years or whatever the fuck it's gonna take uh but it's definitely pretty interesting how sailing don't sailing is very easy it's definitely more for the visual spectacle and the level
Starting point is 02:02:15 select are you are you not actually like controlling the boat you're controlling the boat like it's like it's a car okay um but obviously take my opinion with a grand assault because they did pay me money to stream the game sands of aura yeah which i like i like that i like it when people pay me money to stream games i was gonna say do you like the game or do you like the people paid you money to stream it i like both of those things okay obviously you can like like i'm not gonna say here and like i would lie to you if they paid me the money but obviously i'm gonna have a more favorable some idea of something if it's sponsored right go watch titans also i straight up i i legitimately forgot to mention during my inscription stream that it was also sponsored
Starting point is 02:03:05 they didn't pay me they sent me a code okay but i was gonna buy that fucking game anyway and i put uh it's sponsored on the vods okay well there you um and i'm friends with some of the people at devolver who like do that shit but i mean i don't think that matters all that much uh yeah sands of aura school i played celeste have you played celeste woolly i have played celeste did you beat celeste i'm gonna use air quotes because they added more celeste i did i did beat celeste you got to the top of the mountain sure did that is an so that was part of the mind goblin series you remember the strawberries yep um there's a couple things about the mind gobleness of that i started off going i'm gonna
Starting point is 02:03:55 avoid every strawberry which was actually really easy and somebody pointed out that me avoiding all strawberries is the same as collecting all strawberries in terms of compulsion and urged me to get one strawberry at which point it hit me like a brick to the chest if you avoid all strawberries it's the same nice clean zero it's the same as collecting all strawberries because it's perfect yeah so i got one and as soon as i got one it was legitimately like a brick to the chest i couldn't believe it um and then i was accidentally i was like busting through hidden walls and accidentally touching strawberries nice so i wasn't even getting them on purpose and then i hit five and i had to push myself off of five because
Starting point is 02:04:50 i'm comfortable with the number five five's a happy number and no quit no quitting out are restarting right right uh so i around the fifth level i broke myself of this thing and started to play it uh goblin free beat it that game's great it is an excellent platformer the platforming in particular is excellent um the art is great i love the way everything looks and man oh man i don't like the story okay i aggressively dislike the story huh interesting and i by the end of the during the ending i was like mashing through their dialogue because i'm like i am done with you people i don't care was was it a little too uh art school confidential no that's not my issue and my issue is going to be relatively specific and it's a
Starting point is 02:06:02 broader topic okay which i'm glad that the game gives me an excuse to talk about so oftentimes you will see games that have a theme about it and that theme will be some form of personal struggle they will be in this the case of celeste about anxiety or they can be about dealing with persecution be it racial sexual identity based regional cultural etc right and these have value obviously but when you get to a story and all it has to say is this is a thing that exists and then adds nothing else to the to the conversation or theme it is like the dullest thing in the world and in this particular case celeste is about overcoming anxiety right i and someone who has spent my entire life in an ongoing battle to overcome anxiety
Starting point is 02:07:14 and so when the characters are discussing panic attacks and then the feather thing and then the alternate self which is negative self talk it's the most basic bitch exploration of these themes possible and it's like this is something i would have thought was in depth 20 years ago maybe okay and i would have been like i'm glad to see a game deal with these issues but it doesn't actually say anything okay and it just feels weak and patronizing so i think that's that's fair but do you think that if someone who was the age and awareness of you 20 years ago were to play it now and enjoy that because they weren't familiar with these ideas that would be valid
Starting point is 02:08:13 i'm sure i i think i said this is like i'm sure there are people out there particularly those who are younger yeah i'm thinking of i'm thinking of like the audience being like kids for this game sure but let's let's let's say is that um who who are going through anxiety or personal issues and feel like oh it's nice that i'm playing a game with a character that just straight up has a panic attack right um and it works through that in a in a gameplay sense and that they can feel validated and part of it is a normalizing effect it's like ah you're not crazy it's just yada yada but that's it it's really basic there's a lot of stuff out there that deals with the same thing it doesn't say anything like the core theme of the game is like you can't just
Starting point is 02:09:07 reject these feelings you have to internalize them and embrace them and deal with them and that's it it's like uh like a it's not a meditation on the subject and it's not going to look what you would get out of like a disney movie yeah it's a 101 and it's and it's and you know and it's not it's and it's not going into the you know uh anything beyond the freshman year i suppose of it the question is is of course there is always the option to try to take it a bit further until you unlock the achievement that says you can't always save everybody right um you know so there's there's more to that it's like you said the audience is kids guess what kids aren't playing celeste it's an old school pixel platformer game in the genre of games that we grew up with when we were kids
Starting point is 02:09:56 that doesn't appeal to the children um but more than that is that it takes so many minutes to deal with this very simple theme like every single main level has like half an hour to 40 minutes that is just this slow plotting fucking thing and like it only really shows off like in the final level where you get the you know the double jump mechanic uh and the the grab your shadow self mechanic um but it's just it's like the further it went on i i got like this overwhelming experience of like i i understand what you're trying to tell me from like literally the second cutscene in the game shut up and let me get back to the good platforming well i guess i i didn't i didn't that i didn't really have that kind of take with it because i sort of saw it as a
Starting point is 02:11:04 simple i sort of saw it as a like yeah a simple touch on the topic if anything um would you have i guess you your your preference would have been for it to to like go further into solutions for people it's just it has nothing insightful to say whatsoever it's just introducing the idea it's just like anxiety is hard you got to deal with it yeah okay well like that's that's it that's the whole that's the whole story in in two in two fucking sentences i think uh it's like okay sure the fucking moving on like it's it's weak basically sure yeah okay no it's it's fair i mean i i i i don't disagree in
Starting point is 02:12:01 that it's not particularly going hard um and and complex with it um but i you know i felt it was attempting to be light and i felt like i also felt like the game was um going out of its way to be ironically anti anxiety inducing despite you playing it on mind goblins you know um i felt as if their goal was to create like a enjoyable stress-free experience for like what i assume would be uh what i took to be a younger up perhaps audience and then like it would be like hey climb the mountain feel accomplished enjoy the little enjoy the view type of thing um so i at the same time i know there's more content to it in the in the extreme hard difficulty stuff that i didn't get to so i don't know how much more there is beyond there there's no more story really
Starting point is 02:12:56 all the b sides and c sides are just pure uh platforming goodness uh i've been told okay and then the and then the the final final super challenges same thing no extra story behind i don't not believe i know the extra stages have something but uh and i want to make something really clear i'm not saying celeste is a bad game or even that its story is particularly bad i'm saying i couldn't stand it because it was this like it was the absolute most boring treatment of a topic i am expertly familiar with right i i think there's i think there's place to like um go into something with like i guessed uh uh uh an intention of like perhaps keeping it modest or keeping it you know a
Starting point is 02:14:00 surface i don't i don't think that there's no place for that but i i suppose if if it's the difference between um let's say the way a david cage game handles race i was trying to avoid that genuinely but but let's right not fair but that's not fair but the way a david cage game handles race is it starts out with what you're describing and then it becomes cringe to the opposite degree where it's like oh you're you're just completely super insane races going the other way around um i don't think this goes that far but um the idea of like oh what if people were treated differently is very uninteresting to me given my personal experiences on things but yeah i guess i'm just uh i'm just thinking though as well of like a friend of mine who
Starting point is 02:15:03 played it that isn't like someone that plays games very often and so it was one of those things that was just like oh okay like this game touches on something i'd unexpected and it was just a bit of a like it was it was just a simple thing you know it was just a simple takeaway it wasn't there wasn't much to it was just like oh that was charming and then that's the end of it in a way um but i get it especially if you're coming from it with an experienced point of view of where you're like looking for a bit more from a story that might i'm either i either wanted something more or i wanted something less or nothing at all genuine i genuinely think that uh my other issue with the uh dialogue uh is that it's a pacing annihilating uh particularly in the hotel like
Starting point is 02:15:51 you'll do like 10 15 minutes of like cool ass platforming and then you'll run into the ghost of the hotel guy and he's like ah oh the hotel don't you want it and it's like oh we're talking it's about confronting people and it's like no just god damn it stop stopping me from having platforming flow like i was right in it i was like yeah i'm doing it i'm i'm doing the jumps i'm fucking platforming the hell uh now i gotta stop and listen to this guy about this thing i don't care about okay yeah i guess i mean the hotel definitely felt like a whole side ass side story and everything that that was just completely not not really directly relevant in the same way that a lot of the other stuff was but um i other but i yeah i otherwise didn't really have that experience
Starting point is 02:16:44 i i thought you know they it works it works together really well and i liked the quote unquote boss fight um into power-up sequence the boss fight was really long it was like i i i flew through it pretty quickly but i was shocked that it made up like half of its own level yeah i'm trying to remember because it's been a while but uh i would say the final boss of that game is the mountain it's the endurance run against through all the levels mechanics yeah and that thing fucking it's awesome it's fantastic no that but like and this and i like the lead up to that sequence where again like boss fight into power-up that you use for the final you know challenge which is just pure was really really enjoyable
Starting point is 02:17:48 i don't know i just like uh also like this is really weird i really like the pixel art of the game i hate all the other art in the game oh the portraits like like the portraits i fucking can't stand them compared to the pixel art okay yeah i think it just doesn't land in your like your taste and and purview you know yeah it's it's it like i i will not even attempt to give an objective opinion because like the game's narrative seems specifically designed to make me bored like explicitly um so uh i'm glad that i beat the strawberry aspect of it i still think they should tell you that before you spend four hours on the first level i think that should be one of the first loading screen tips you get instead of the second one four hours on
Starting point is 02:18:44 the first level yeah and then my clear time uh for the actual game was four hours so i once the strawberries were defeated uh flew right through it i remember getting that message about the strawberries very quickly so i i don't on the second level loading screen but if you never if you never go to the second level because you're scraping the first one for all the collectibles you will not get it until you go to the second level and also i don't know what to say you know what i'm gonna roll no hold on i'm gonna roll back because the game's about anxiety it actually deserves more ire for this specific decision if the game is literally about anxiety
Starting point is 02:19:44 yeah right anywho moving on uh last but not least uh didn't stream this but i started playing it um uh yesterday the day before is something that i would not usually look at because from an art slash presentation perspective uh it looks like indy trash it looks like asset flip garbage i'm gonna go and grab the uh fucking uh art for this game for you walls um because it sucks okay i play a game on steam called the rift breaker what you can see the the art of on uh on your discord yeah okay which looks like generic trash um this is a there's a there's a lady and a robot and yeah some some photoshopping one
Starting point is 02:21:13 it's one of the best games i've played all year okay so rift breaker is one of them gumbo games that takes three or four genres and just mashes them into a stew uh it is a top down uh dual analog shooter action game where the robot can shoot guns and such uh that has an exploration upgrade etc mechanic similar to a diablo but the number one thing is that you are actually building a base to defend yourself against a hostile alien populace similar to something like factorial or a starcraft defense map okay and it is like perfectly balancing all of its different genres you are building up a little rts base and then you are you know stacking it with defenses so that a giant horde of enemies can run into your walls like you would see on one of
Starting point is 02:22:20 those mobile game ads where the defense is just shreds right out of them right and some sniper with a huge ass is cheering yeah but maybe there's too many so you go out and you fight your ass off in a diablo slash twin stick shooter action game that actually feels really good and once you have successfully set up your base for proper defense you go out to take out nests or find hidden items or get rare materials so that you can go back to your base and build it up to the next layer of development which will cause a more aggressive alien response and then you start hopping between different biomes that have different mechanics wow that is a gumbo game defense map that is gumbo now now is this fun or addictive it is a blast it is a ton of fun okay because that's an important
Starting point is 02:23:19 distinction it is an absolute blast to build up a base and see a bunch of zerg it's not zerg it's fucking zerg smash themselves on your walls just like it used to be when you would do those goddamn like 8v computer matches in starcraft multiplayer and everyone would just build a shit zillion bunkers and photon cannons right and just see this massive horror just get cut to goddamn bits oh you didn't specify that this is the rift breaker yes i did it says the rift breaker it's the rift it's not just rift breaker the game it has a real it's it's so goddamn weird so the art and voice acting is bad it's just bad and specifically it's just on the south side of bad so like it is a voice actor and they are voice acting and it's like it's not like terrible which
Starting point is 02:24:31 would be fun it's just kind of bad so it's just like every time they talk you're like shut the fuck up dude this game art looks like generic as it gets this game looks like 2007 it looks like the year 2007 crushed up and and snorted it looks like a fake video game it looks like a fake that people play on on in movies or that's in a mobile ad and you're like real game doesn't look at all like that does it all these like big old like environments with the the the dramatic lighting and sparks everywhere and just huge map grids that yeah this yeah big big 2007 in vibe the monsters and the robots and your base the art on them is totally generic but the effects and the hit sparks and the explosions are immaculate so it's this weird tradeoff where you're like when
Starting point is 02:25:36 you're just looking at it it performs well and it looks fine but when you're fighting like literally two three thousand zerg and there's a million turrets going off and lasers and your own machine gun it looks sick because like it's the it's the feeling very few games get of when you use a minigun to tear through a bunch of grunts and they fucking fly to pieces so it's awesome so if only mobile games didn't lie about what they were and actually delivered the quality that they show in those big-ass sniper trailers yeah we'd be happy yeah yeah it's it's it has a few issues with like some annoying build stuff but it just came out it's got one of those devs that constantly patches it and updates it cool it's fantastic i had tons of fun with it
Starting point is 02:26:33 it's really good and it's also pretty cheap i think it's like 20 bucks uh that's the rift breaker i was when i looked at it i thought like oh maybe this would be a good goblin stream nah man because you don't have to worry too much about your base when you have a big robot and you just go out and be like essentially a super strong hero unit and solve that problem yourself are you already seeking out new goblins because i thought you would have had an extensive oh i have a huge list of goblins yeah there's always the search for more okay um and you know what i forgot because this is on page a stream but last but not least i played little hope the second game in the dark pictures anthology oh yeah yeah and uh until dawn now i lot man of madan was
Starting point is 02:27:24 definitely not perfect it had some issues but i really liked it and so did page i'll give you the short review and then a slightly longer review for little hope yo that game fucking sucks oh no super massive here's the slightly longer review and i'm going to spoil the entirety of little hope right now really it was all a dream uh and let me tell you woolly the reason why i felt very confident i know i know just no stop the reason why i feel extraordinarily confident of that is that me and page are sitting there unironically within the first 10 minutes of the game going i cannot believe they expect us to not understand that it is all a dream from the opening 10 minutes of the game it is the most
Starting point is 02:28:38 obvious and poorly telegraphed twist i have ever seen in a piece of media bar none i am not joking okay let me explain to you so first of all it's a game like get everybody there to the end alive anyway as long as as long as folks have a chance to rip headphones off in time i don't i don't care but like no no i am saving you i am saving you don't get to decide i do get to decide oh now let me i know look i said that i'm no i'm done that's that's you know like i'm done no you will listen because p look at the chat everyone's telling me how i'm fine no i'm done i'm done i'm not i have nothing else on it that's fine here's how it works the beginning of the game is a 1970s flashback of a family dying horribly in a house fire right the skit for to modern day where he is
Starting point is 02:29:44 a bus driver who crashes his car because he saw an evil little girl in front of his bus right pretty typical silent hill yeah we now load up and our five playable characters are bafflingly the same actors that were just in that 1970s house fire that all died okay and the bus driver in his 40s is suddenly disappeared and we can't find him where could he have gone and then the very first character you talk to within 10 minutes refuses to speak to anyone but the character with the visible head injury okay and they and characters play a game of darts and when you leave the camera slowly pans to but the darts never moved this is the first 15 minutes of the game okay okay and like you're sitting there can i going i can't believe they think i am this stupid can i just
Starting point is 02:30:53 take a minute to say that i personally believe what you're saying and have no interest in the shit that you've discussed about how bad this is and then going in on my own and i'm not talking about this from my perspective i'm just saying i'm literally only talking from oh no i get it i'm talking from a hypothetical podcast listener perspective of someone who might care i don't i'm talking about the person who might that's it don't misunderstand where my intentions are coming from i just want to put that out there you're sitting there and like everyone everyone gets the twist within 15 minutes okay okay and then it's four and a half more hours of of a bunch of pilgrim ghosts are touching you and transporting you back to which time and there's a subplot about
Starting point is 02:31:49 like witches and shit and burning people the stakes and all the actors in the before times are the same actors that you're dealing with and they're all going how come that looks like me how could that happen and in the back of your head you go none of you are real this is because the character we saw lives in this town that had this witch thing and is literally wandering around town with a head injury being guilted by oh i couldn't save my family okay and like it it like annihilates every single scene to the point where during the cataclysmic house fire the one survivor our main character runs out and gets stopped by a passerby right and the passerby goes what did you do because he thinks he's guilty right that dude happens to be
Starting point is 02:32:48 an asian dude right now we go back in time to the vision of 1793 in which that asian guy is a judge in a puritan colony judging witnesses witches and i'm like yeah are you are you okay kidding me okay okay it's obviously the dude saying that because the dude judged yeah at the house fire got it and like so all the scenes where there's like a monster you're like my character doesn't exist how can i possibly be scared and then you have get to the end of the game and it does the hey let's go through the decisions you made and see who survives me and page had half the characters live and half the characters die and they're like oh god i can't believe so and so die is so tragic and then it just pans to the bus driver and goes i wish we could have all made it out
Starting point is 02:33:44 he says to the people who aren't real and then it ends and it was the bus driver because of course it was and it's like like what was the point of 95 percent of the game's mechanics to save these people that aren't real and saving or not saving any of those people doesn't affect the real ending which is chosen only by whether or not you do like two decisions and here's the kicker and here's why it here's why i get mad and i'm like do you think i'm stupid when the twist happens and you find out oh my god it was all on the bus driver's head it was all guilt oh my god the game has the audacity to go back and show you here's what was really happening in this scene and it's just the bus driver talking to one guy alone in a room acting like a crazy person
Starting point is 02:34:39 here's what really happened in that scary time on the bridge and it's like the dude walking across the bridge looking around going uh uh and it's like fight clubs do you get it do you get it it was all it was all on his head do you understand okay yeah yeah okay i i understand like the game legitimately thinks you are stupid i've never encountered this before it's wild so because supermassive's approach here after until dawn is uh the anthology and the way they're handling it is you know a series of different short stories this is one case where i imagined you can directly go and said hey who wrote this were they the same person that wrote man of mid-end you know i seriously doubt it i seriously because you can now look at each anthology and go like yeah the writing is
Starting point is 02:35:27 what's going to make a the biggest difference in the world for all these horror stories i also have i also have two things page just messaged me and i saw people talk on the chat there's two more things one in the original uh 1970s thing of how they all unfortunately tragically died in the house fire uh next to the little girl you see what looks like uh um what's his name rook from death note you see like satan standing next to her okay a character doesn't see that that's the camera and that's a lie it's just a a straight lie it's a third person shot it's a third person shot of like through a window and it's not like a character looking yeah it's just like a quick cut of like oh the devil may be behind her no that's a lie that's not real that's just not real that's not true no
Starting point is 02:36:17 the main character who does survive doesn't see that doesn't see that character it's literally the camera just puts a devil there to lie to you okay but the kicker and i don't know what happened with the writing of this game when you're talking to the pilgrims in the time periods or whatever they're speaking with irish accents because they're puritans in 17 whatever the fuck right the first time the character sorry for bumping my mic guys the first time the characters encounter these old-timey pilgrims they'll be like oh i can't believe there's a fucking ghost or whatever the fuck it is right and then they they they come out of the vision and they look at each other and they go oh my god what was that what were they speaking was it even english i couldn't understand
Starting point is 02:37:02 it at all like what what what was that language i it's it i don't understand and it's like they're talking like it was like brogue or like Celtic or some shit but it's literally the same actors doing kind of okay irish accents i i laugh what it's so hard is it like unsubtitled and like meant to be it is unsubtitled but it's literally it's literally no they don't say english they go was that even american i couldn't understand them at all and it's literally the same actor is going oh hello there oh it seems you have a witch problem and like i was laughing hysterically okay like what the fuck is going on like so i mean not to bring him up for the third time today but this is sounding kagian yeah it's wild okay it's absolutely wild okay it's one of the shittiest
Starting point is 02:38:14 games in this genre i have ever played man damn that's total failure on every level bonus some of the accessibility options don't work i encountered we encountered a bug where we turned on the hold to tap accessibility option for handicap people where instead of mashing a button you hold it we failed multiple qte's because it doesn't do anything that yeah i i told you about what happened to me in until dawn right like two of my like the two biggest problems i had with that game one being you're punished for exploration and two being the qte's didn't fucking work and it told me to hold still and multiple times when i held still it said you moved yeah including the last one being like putting it on the table
Starting point is 02:39:15 and then watching it say you moved yeah okay that's uh that's uh that's unfortunate i see some guys saying man it's almost like if you aren't constantly exposed to an accident you might not be able to identify correctly no this is a light irish accent and specifically the characters remark of i couldn't understand that at all what were they saying was that even american is the funniest shit ever not even was that even english was that even american a language that doesn't exist well at least this botch makes it um one out of the five so far being a miss and one being okay and apparently house of ashes which came out relatively recently is pretty good i've been hearing that it's much better and so it doesn't have to and it's not
Starting point is 02:40:13 like it was a full uh 60 dollar full-on multiple release you know that was like we committed a team to this big old thing yeah okay okay oh double bonus something that i did not know apparently man of madame does this there was a very bizarre series of cuts in which uh we were doing a quick time event to hold the door closed only to turn around and two different characters said i'm next i just saw a vision it's gonna be me and we're like what what turns out the game expects you to play online with your friends so that scenes end up getting split so if you play it in local co-op or single player there are scenes in the game that just don't exist for each player yeah okay okay uh success i remember that's how um yeah there there were building of the multiplayer
Starting point is 02:41:09 features actually as a as a big deal for this the um for this series uh the dark pictures anthology huh okay wow um rare miss it's the first game in like two years that i've just gone to social media to just go that game is terrible don't play it that's super massive i generally am like you know i like i like what they do but that's yeah that's unfortunate yeah hey do you want to check out more i got streams this week what do i got i don't remember i gotta go look at my schedule because i'm not paying attention oh tomorrow's darkest dungeon fucking god damn it that really snuck up on me yep uh so be aware everybody if you are going to jump in on this because darkest dungeon coming to egs earlier than anyone expected and such it's
Starting point is 02:42:10 early um act one of five for yes and and i you know and i took this on knowing it would it would be the case but it's like when i played darkest dungeon in early access and i kept playing it and a bunch of stuff was not there and then as newer stuff came it was like okay um you know are you gonna restart your save are you gonna what are you gonna do you know and i think you talked about uh balder's gate three i talked about balder's gate three which is actually i was just thinking of this i got about five hours in and i'm like ah i'm gonna save it because i must be near the end of the uh the early access build only to find out this week that apparently the early access build of balder's gate three is like 40 45 hours long whoa and is
Starting point is 02:43:01 act one of three okay uh balder's gate three is doing an interesting thing though where uh you can only hit level four and you hit level four within a couple hours and then you just never level up ever again and the whole game is based around that because they don't want to spoil the mechanics and abilities and shit you get later yeah okay all right um well in this case with with a game like darkest dungeon you can spend a lot of time on a save file of an early version of the game that may become obsolete as they update it and as it drops later on into the final version uh so early access on on on uh epic game store and i don't know if it was funded by epic or not like that it's coming early to only the epic game store is a a soft confirmation that epic they
Starting point is 02:43:56 must have gave them some money yeah yeah i just thanks for bankrolling the development of darkest dungeon two epic games is very kind i'm not sure how to because you know sometimes you can think about it like hey they paid for this game to be made versus they paid for the guaranteed sales of a game that was going to come out anyway right so there's well the the early access thing is kind of the most genius way around it because the exclusivity appears to start from the day it hits the store yeah so they get to go well one point i was gonna come out on everything else so don't worry about it which is definitely gonna be the case here but i remember when we were having that discussion for uh when samurai showdown was was uh uh in the discussion and i remember when
Starting point is 02:44:40 they were saying like there was a point where there there was them and it was another game where they're like they're offering us too much money to say no when we're a small team and then and then we kind of found out that essentially like they're looking for stuff that's already on the way out they're not necessarily looking to you know bankroll something like uh nintendo going make more bayonetta you know they're looking for stuff that's like mostly towards it's it's it's uh gold uh release date and then going like hey come put it on our shit for a while um um anyway but yeah the the the the warning of course is just start it and enjoy it but know that your save might be lost in the future or yeah know that you might be locked out of new
Starting point is 02:45:23 features without having to start without restarting your save so just don't don't don't you know be too upset in the future when you when you lose that commitment of time mm-hmm there's also the thing of like you you don't necessarily want to put like a thousand hours into like the version of the game that's point 19 because it can sour like when the full game comes out and maybe the beginning is more or less the same with some tweaks it can be like i've literally done this beginning a thousand times before there's that possibility as well i that that happened with hades where i played a ton of it and then i'm like i have to stop playing this because it's the lesser version of the game and if i put a hundred hours into this when the full release comes out
Starting point is 02:46:10 i'm gonna basically be tired of half the shit already and uh someone point what was after i was expressing like how fucking hype i was for the game and also um boo epic game store you know i did get someone going like oh well steam games used to get shit whenever they were coming to steam and no one was happy with that uh it was only a while after everyone got used to it and things settled in that you know that's that that that that became the status quo so this is just the same shit now with egs like you know being like don't be a baby about it and it was just like well uh no egs is still actively miserable to use i never had a situation even back years ago when i booted up steam where it opened up and i literally could not use or see anything on it
Starting point is 02:46:58 and i haven't seen it too and i never had a situation where i tried boot where back in that they had boot a game up that was on this surface and that it would literally just not boot it and i couldn't navigate to anything and i couldn't do shit and there was no real way for me to interface with this besides like finding another computer to install it on and trying it there or like fucking with the window size at a certain point would make some things appear like literally it didn't work or allow me to play the game so it's a huge difference and i know that steam was probably a lot rougher early on too i'm not saying it there is not going to be growth for both but as it stands my annoyance with the epic game store is predicated on it literally not
Starting point is 02:47:41 working but being the only place to go play these games i'm excited for yeah so just watch my stream tomorrow and wait for the steam release uh this week what do i got this week i got a good life from sweary we're me and page are gonna play back for blood and then i'm gonna do a fatal frame near the end of the week that's gonna be seven p.m weekdays slash pat stairs at so go look at that it's good stuff all right i got a p i also really have to be real bad okay all right we are back and with that let's take a quick word from our sponsors oh man i love our sponsors especially this first one uh this week castle super beast is sponsored by dordash who are dordas who are in the business of bringing you food when you are
Starting point is 02:48:45 either unable or unwilling to get it yourself i am starving right now and are you willing to get your own food no exactly nor should you i have two options i can hit a beep boop on my phone or i can yell at the person currently in the kitchen and one of those is decidedly ruder than the other you've earned the right to not have to do shit you work hard and then you've got to fucking go and feed yourself yeah it's wild so why not let dordash take care of that for you get yourself um in on whatever kind of meal you're in the mood for they've got you covered because you know as we've let you know before they got the 300 000 partners you can support
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Starting point is 02:53:22 know about the box of awesome which is a seasonal lineup of basically uh small businesses getting together putting some unique goods together and shipping them to you with a collection of fun things that are based on your tastes whatever kind of things you like as an everyday part of life if you want some uh cozy threads if you want some autumn craft beers if you want some camping gear essentials i want all those things then you can get in on the box of awesome the way you figure out what's suited for you is by taking a quiz at and then your answers help them pick out what's right for you there's new boxes each month with tons of different categories so you got to find the one that suits your tastes you're getting over 70 dollars worth of gear inside
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Starting point is 02:55:08 as well in one of the the boxes so there's some good stuff go to enter code super beast to check out and you'll get 20 off your first monthly box uh once again that's uh get 20 off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter code super beast at checkout that's code super beast for 20 off your first box thank you bespoke post thanks bespoke post one of my favorite sponsors i love you guys all right so uh there's a couple stories we got this week and let's try to get through them in a reasonable uh manner or fashion time because you know that was a uh very fruitful discussion about our weeks which good week for media yeah i don't mind talking about the everbrown
Starting point is 02:56:08 except for little hope because that shit sucks ass so just want to make sure everybody knew uh what else sucks ass a lot of things yeah oh no all right you want to uh you want to tell us about why it sucks ass to sell raid boosts and wow oh no i'm so happy i said this to you as soon as it happened it's the only thing i want to talk about this together podcast so the president of blizzard mikey barra put out a series of tweets describing that he was gonna hop on stream and start broadcasting him selling raid boosts and wow now to describe what that means there every MMO is going to call it something different
Starting point is 02:57:09 in ff 14 you would call it selling a run and what this is is you take a player who perhaps is not very good maybe doesn't have the best gear or what have you and you either take their character either by taking their account or if the or if the encounter is clearable with um you know one person less than maximum and you get paid in game or out of game funds and you drag their fucking ass through a high level difficult encounter now this is bizarre i play a game in which selling runs of extremely high end content is common it usually has to do it usually includes account transfers because you need to have a good player play on all eight roles but regardless people who buy their clears in follow fantasy 14 and to my
Starting point is 02:58:11 knowledge most MMOs are pretty universally shamed for buying their clears okay so the practice is practice is not a normal part or rather it is but it is still frowned upon collectively by MMO players right okay in this case the wow community upon me talking about this and going this seems fucked up has a genuinely different outcome because selling runs selling boosts selling whatever you want to call it has been a feature of the game's community for its entire lifetime and has never been against the rules and has been a way that high end rating guilds make money off of players who um don't have the time inclination skill etc in game money or real money shrug i'm doing a big shrug here pick pick one okay which which do you want to talk about okay
Starting point is 02:59:20 um both either uh by their runs and this has been viewed uh when i talked about how fucked up this was i was responded to by a lot of people that this has been the case for wow for a long time and that rating resource wise in wow is so expensive that this is a real need by people who rate all the time to subsidize their gameplay wait so like at a certain point the rating scene in modern wow was designed to be prohibitively expensive and the best way to get the resources you need to do so is by selling boosts to shitty your players which means that it did design was somewhat embraced consumables are expensive when you say you say expensive um like in in-game gold okay literally expensive so the consumables you need to clear a raid
Starting point is 03:00:30 are going to cost a lot of money before you start every time and raiders will subsidize by selling runs to rich okay okay okay which means it's been kind of embraced in the design but here's where it gets from let's say game ethically nebulous right within the rules or society of the game to legitimately ethically nebulous because you can buy wow game time within game gold oh okay it's in game gold a real dollar value yeah your subscription can be paid for with your actions in game and raiders that are excellent pay their subscriptions with running these things right okay and this is where it's like it's like it's right on the cusp oh wait you can buy gold shut up you can just buy gold i mean a bunch of rm to through mirror real money
Starting point is 03:01:37 transactions but i don't know if buying gold is directly uh ability every fucking game on your phone is like go to this screen and spend money on oh you can oh okay so you can just you can pay blizzard for for for gold okay with cash and so the president of the company is running a scam in a game that his company developed to incentivize this okay and is essentially having wales pay him direct to run them through to run them through their raids things for them it's awful like even if you can make the argument that it's not a moral problem for the average player which i don't personally believe it's the guy plays the game for free for sure he owns he runs the company what i'm trying president of blizzard saying put money in
Starting point is 03:02:46 my pocket and i'll get you past this boss so i'm because i'm trying to understand like the perspective here right like i so from his point of view i'm guessing then that like this action is such a normal common occurrence that it's like it's part of the culture and so i'm going to do something that's part of the culture and advertise hey everybody come check it out it's gonna be exciting come see as we're doing a thing that is like encouraged and otherwise like not even not negative at all it's just like this is what we do in this game and and it's and you get more cred by being more legit and more part of the culture that's why he would not see this the way i am from the outside it's unique to wow right like and
Starting point is 03:03:41 it's it's like bordering on a pyramid scam like it's it's screwed up okay i like i know i am arguing against the subculture that i am not part of when i talk about selling runs but the game dramatically incentivizes selling runs to pay for your own gameplay so and and and like just just giving people things they didn't earn it's a violation of like the core principle of the ideal of an mmo which is the ideal of a massively multiplayer online game is that's a small society that is a legitimate pure meritocracy okay you can buy fifth you can spend $15 to get a consumable in game that gives you 30 days of game time or you can sell that item at the auction house for gold oh yeah sorry yeah okay yeah um wow okay there's like there's a there's like a minor
Starting point is 03:04:44 oh god uh what was it somebody a friend of mine who plays 14 was just telling me about like like interpersonal drama with some of the the clear groups for certain content because uh people noticed that uh you can see people's achievement timing on their profile and oh is it how fast it happened when at what minute they achieve this this fucking achievement yeah and you'll see you see like hey the guy who is bragging about this somehow miraculously cleared all three ultimates on the same day okay okay that's that's wild huh so so now i remember early on like you would always tell me about like the the plagues of like um gold farming in games and how that was always a a part of the economy that becomes common and unavoidable um and that uh yeah i guess and i never and i always like you know
Starting point is 03:05:59 heard about that type of shit but like i don't really know um what the average cost of just playing the game regularly is you know so i didn't realize that like 14 and wow it's 11 to 14 dollars a month okay but what i mean but that's not what i mean i mean in game currency right i didn't realize that to just to do adventures or to do raids and in wow that you act you didn't just have to meet up with your friends and go do them that you have to spend a certain amount of cash getting the prep together you don't have to but consumables provide a significant numerical boost that would definitely smooth out some rough edges so there's in ff4 in ff14 there's a similar thing where players can create raid food in order to bump their stats for a half hour period
Starting point is 03:06:51 and nobody's trying to do their first clears without their raid food on uh but the solution to that is usually hey one of you motherfuckers learn how to make the raid food okay and make raid food for the gang i thought you see i thought like a a support class would have the job of casting things that would do what you just described that were not consumable consumable items yeah well that's what i'm saying the like i thought you would have somebody in charge of just doing those buffs and and and debuffs and such to uh specifically not have to like waste real resources so somebody points out correctly in the chat that this becomes the reality of grind for a dozen of hours in order to get the resources to get your raid food or sell one
Starting point is 03:07:45 clear i mean this this story is like sounds like absolute garbage but yeah it sure does but it makes me like just feel extra like ugh at the economy that you're describing that has to exist that way for people that have to spend on these consumables you're just you know like this whole thing just sounds so like a lot anti fun it sounds so incredibly anti fun a lot of this is is going to be determined by rarity so and wow apparently these consumables cost a shit done in 14 they don't or you can learn to make them yourselves and personally i really liked leveling my crafters that was a fun experience to me however the the the wow that this is like this is this is design creating built-in toxic bullshit
Starting point is 03:08:51 like the wow numbers have been tweaked to the point where you have people engaging in dubious behavior to play the game because it was designed that way but if you design a game that like has an infinite treadmill anyway whatever i mean there's at a certain point again we're talking about like what an mmo is right and earlier we're talking about how an mmo is like it's just a thing that a bunch of people get to connect to connect to but like whether or not it is an rpg where you go on raids with your friends or is like and i mentioned grawl which is a completely different kind of experience is game game to game specific and stuff but like i don't know i'm just trying to like like in a situation like that where i feel like the economy is such that i have to work this
Starting point is 03:09:40 this like grind to get like you know a certain number of clears so that i get enough gold so that i can keep playing the game because otherwise my subscription goes goes goes away or whatever like that sounds like and like it would be not it sounds gonna be more anxiety inducing yeah actually enjoyable i have what i would call a trusted wow player in the chat uh who points out that it has become so common that there are add-ons you can install to exclude raid clear sellers from your chat wow that's amazing okay um because i have i have a design thing that is between these two that is less obscure than this that you're probably more familiar with to really nail home like toxicity by design are you familiar with that video of that crazy guy
Starting point is 03:10:33 screaming 50 dkp minus so yeah i think so okay so what more dots more dots more dots more dots yeah it was uh it was dkp was a system created uh long time ago dragon kill points popular again in wow dragon kill points you kill you do x amount of raids you earn the right to buy your drops because drops are rare there are two drops per uh you know 40 man group right which creates a intense violent competition between co-operative party members right in final fantasy 14 during your raids things drop and they're specific per class and it's unlikely to have more than one or two of that class in any encounter but you also get a token that after enough clears you can just buy the item after eight to ten clears you can go up my thing never dropped i'll just go and spend
Starting point is 03:11:42 my tokens on it and in the really high end content they will drop a coffer that says whatever class you open this on will give you the thing that you want so you do eight runs everybody gets their coffer they open it on the class they want they get the weapon they want it right so it incentivizes hey everybody let's get the same group together and run this over and over and then we'll all be able to buy our stuff with our tokens no problem right with wow as soon as something drops either people are fighting to ninja it from each other or they're creating this labyrinthine extra game point system to determine who earns what i remember friends of mine playing classic wow and them going from guild to guild to guild because the guy who was running the fucking point system
Starting point is 03:12:40 was saying well this guy needs the gear because he's the frontman tank and the thing and well this guy needs the gear so he gets to skip the line and it always happened to be the friends of the guild leader who happened to be the ones at the top of the list for who gets what gear when it drops like it's just like we're just built for abuse like we're just so far away from the reason that i enjoy video games like it's so far from that distant shore that is like why i like having fun in a video game you know um i know folks are saying that that changed in wrath of the lich king and that's old wow and thus doesn't apply except old wow is currently a different mmo that currently exists and this problem is happening literally right now people are arguing about that right now
Starting point is 03:13:47 in classic wow so i know i know like yeah min mentioned that he was feeling really really happy because like he just cleared something really significant i'm gonna assume it was it was either the final rate here or an ultimate ultimate ultimate that's the word he cleared an ultimate yeah good for him i don't even bother with that shit he cleared uwu it's yes it is called uwu okay ultimate weapon ultimate okay but uwu it is uh good for him damn god fuck i just uh i'm just i i like i know that there's this story and then there's this story within the system it's behind and i know that the system it's behind is fun for some people in fact a whole lot of you out there and you right now and the people
Starting point is 03:14:57 listening know how to find the fun within this millions and millions and when i stare at a group of uh however many people dodging floor patterns really intricately during the 14 grades that i saw i was like wow that looks pretty cool but everything else about that just holy fuck get it away from me woolly the thing about mmo's is that they're very similar to capitalism they're the absolute shittiest genre you can play except for all the other genres i i just like i'd like to know what percentage of enjoyment versus duty is occurring in like your gameplay time in some of these cases my personal gameplay time uh i would say it's about 85 90 percent is enjoyment and about 10 percent is
Starting point is 03:16:08 oh that's fantastic okay that's great that's that's that's higher than i expected and and there's and this is the core of it this is really the core of it that's changing between every individual person right like so if you hate crafting don't learn crafting it's a lot and you'll be miserable i don't like crafting right i like ff 14's crafting i think it's fun but even when i'm bored out of my shit grinding if i'm hanging out on discord with my other friends who are doing the same that's an enjoyable activity and it becomes a social thing yeah and it becomes more complex when these are friends that i have been doing this with since 2014 right right like i right now i'm super mad i am a fucking huge but hurt today because i don't
Starting point is 03:17:17 like what they did to my class and i'm going to end up changing probably to warrior despite the fact that warrior will likely be much more fun and the fact that it will be a similar experience to what i have just better i'm fucking but hurt because it's not my class that's it that's the only right it's the equivalent of like yeah i could play evil re you it's just better re you you but i have been playing re you for five years i want to play re you and that is a factor of time that is a factor of nostalgia when i go to the patches where i don't do anything and then i come back after a couple months i have nostalgia for a game i was playing two months ago i uh that is a factor of time yeah i just you know so when i think about
Starting point is 03:18:17 the the cases here of somebody who like doesn't have the money to keep a subscription going um but is able to do so through this this run scheme and um you will never convince them that this is wrong well and for them it's not it legitimately isn't well it's too ingrained at this point right how many users would you lose how many how much you know bad bad blood would you fucking a loss so like by just going okay we're officially cutting this type of activity out you know it's like you did a better design from the get go would avoid this but at the same time a quote unquote better design would not be a more profitable design it's like you're you want people playing longer you want people more engaged you want so whatever they do in this type of situation means more people
Starting point is 03:19:09 playing the game playing the product spending time that's a benefit gay blizzard you know yeah anyway all right it it just you know you're just yeah i'm endlessly like just like i'm like hearing about the alien world and and and such but like this is this is bad but like the fact that the system needs it in place is so much worse with this story in particular it means it was designed wrong because yes i can yes yes exactly i can tell you exactly how it ended up this way encounters are tuned to more or less require these consumables acquiring the consumables requires a certain effort time played right if you want to raid guess what you have to play x extra hours a week which means that you become committed and you are spending all of your time playing wow
Starting point is 03:20:09 so people find a way around it which is sell clears which is fine because selling clears keeps the people who don't want to do the hard shit playing the game and so like from a business perspective keeping the amount of hours spent high is great but from an actual i want to play this and have fun it's fucking miserable and morally dubious like i i i what i think about these types of things and i and i kind of imagine what what i would enjoy and the thing i would enjoy would be completable and thus like terrible for business because you would be able to beat it and then like be like all right it's done and then you'd have no reason to keep paying a sub because you're done so 14 is closer to your ideal and that's why they have they literally every single year they
Starting point is 03:21:06 got to keep deal seeing it yeah if they're like listen if you don't feel like playing cancel your sub and come back when there's stuff you want to play it's fine we're just going to keep making this game good and you'll come back probably but we're not going to try and and and you know fuck with you or make mechanics that mandate constant play so for example every odd numbered patch in final fantasy 14 is a catch-up patch yeah it is you mentioned that you can spend way less time like way less to catch up to the player power people who went super hard on on the even numbered patch we're at right and then if you're on the next even numbered patch that catch-up stuff still viable and then when the new expansion
Starting point is 03:22:07 comes out they take so n walkers going to come out when n walker comes out all the shadow bringers quests will have their experiences rates juiced like crazy and they'll start giving you gear that you wouldn't get otherwise so that when you finish shadow bringers you'll be ready to just walk right into n walker you will have to like grind and earn your way into n walker because they want you to get to the stuff that you were wanted to get to so rather than just include increase your hours i mean i you know i'm playing teppen right now and i'm satisfied i've i've now i have a deck that i feel satisfied with that i've been using for fucking ever now a while and like three events have come and gone with new characters new mechanics new things and i'm just like and i
Starting point is 03:22:58 don't give a fuck i have no interests in any of the new shit i i learn what the new system is and i don't care i'm not getting those cards i'm not even i have a but i have like literally like i have like dozens and dozens of free packs sitting there that i just don't even bother opening because i don't care i have a deck i like and i'm playing with it and i still know how to use it and i can still get high rank with that good deck um and i kind of realize that like oh this kind of is almost like where i was before where um this game is trying really hard to push a bunch of new things my way and wants me to go dive into them and i'm not doing so because i'm enjoying what i have so eventually they're gonna have to start doing the the back end phase where they go oh well now
Starting point is 03:23:44 these era of decks are now no longer playable and they force you to move forward in a way you know so um i i like the reluctant progressor in an mmo like i i assume you can still have fun but 100 percent there's absolutely an entire subsection of people that when the new expansion is coming out they play through the current expansion all the way through easy okay yeah so because that that just you know interesting all right so uh yeah uh that's mike yabara and then and get on blizzard you know there's something about scamming your players as the CEO of a company but then there's like personally scamming the players in your spare time when you go home off the clock okay and of course that ain't the only blizzard news there's always more blizzard news um but in
Starting point is 03:24:54 this one let's talk about uh coal cassidy mccree has been renamed he's now gay porn actor uh no i mean the cowboy that says it's high noon did you not hear the story you mean the gay porn actor that they named the new overwatch character after oh was the name taken yeah well should have googled that then a little bit beforehand they're uh blizzy hmm well one of those he's one of those gay wrestling guys is he like oh i'm gonna wrestle you but then they do butt stuff is he any good dude i don't know this is second hand knowledge okay hope hope hope it doesn't uh affect his business i'm sure it'll be fine well congrats everyone with coal cassidy being mccree's new name the problems at blizzard have disappeared yeah yeah exactly so
Starting point is 03:26:09 um they introduced the change and they put it in a lore to to you know talk about moving forward and and and uh you know all of that as as more or less expected they literally should have just named him cowboy well what was the other one john john or there was like a there was like a weird uh concept art name that he was not called something mcclaw like i forget dave dave whatever i think it was dave and then they just went like all right no they're gonna go with that yeah there you go so coal cassidy very cowboy name um my my my when i look at that uh so one thing that i was told as well is that like this it was a change that came not from the execs but from the devs um so i look at i look at that and i go well it's a token gesture doesn't deserve applause
Starting point is 03:27:07 but it's better that it happened than it not happening but um yeah that's that's a you know please don't look at that and then go like yeah fuck yeah let's go whoo awesome you're doing it it's like you probably you probably should do that well at the very least it'll take attention away from the fact that blizzard just got uh rejected in their attempt to pause their lawsuit from two competing government organizations that are both simultaneously suing them yep it's it's almost like every single time there's bad news about blizzard something new happens with overwatch
Starting point is 03:28:11 yeah uh i don't think there's many wins that they can get at this point so i don't i don't think this should be framed as a win in this regard in that this is and this is understanding that it's coming from devs and not execs but uh the cosby suite came from devs too yeah wasn't there something about um wasn't there something in wow that needed a name change as well you mean the area named after mccree okay okay well then Jesus christ and yeah something like that so yeah so the policy about you know like you know not not doing that going forward probably probably a good idea as well Jesus christ yep yep yep yep yep
Starting point is 03:29:12 ah good times uh what else going on well you got you got your jill and chris in fortnight aren't you happy about that unironically yes i'm going to buy them as soon as this podcast is over you know what it looks like it seems as if capcom is like yo re you and shun lee blew the fuck up get us in there let's go let's go let's go and fortnight's like yeah sure whatever we got ripply we'll we'll put resident evil in there and then it makes me wonder like is it gonna get to the point where fortnight stops answering capcom's texts
Starting point is 03:30:01 because capcom's like hey we got uh we got monster hunter yeah no fortnight will never stop answering everyone's texts i wonder because it doesn't seem like i mean you get guests that show up but they're not quite uh it's not it's not a constant thing that i at least hear news about it seems like oh hey that's because you don't care about the batman who laughs oh shit did he come to fortnight yeah he's gonna be the villain of the fortnight extended universe wow the batman who laughs that's that's a crazy pull damn i heard from a friend who reads regularly that that run was fucking terrible yeah and that that's like the shittiest character i've i had that character described to me and was like that sounds like the shittiest thing i've ever heard in my life
Starting point is 03:31:06 yeah he said that shit was garbage um but no i i mean to i mean like i remember like yeah you i heard about like yeah ripply and i heard about um you know Thanos and and the star wars and a bunch of the marvel ones too um but yeah anyway there you go uh resident evil joins and i saw there was a fan render of like yori yagami in fortnight and it's like get the fuck out of this internet that's great get off this internet go away you will never you will never on no planet is yori yagami in the running for recognition oh my god seriously it's like yeah anyway like if you made a cameo in no anyway you gotta be i think i think triple a game royalty is probably who fortnight
Starting point is 03:32:21 is interested in i think so or movie royalty for that matter but you know maybe it shouldn't prove me wrong if if there's uh if there's more obscure getting in there specifically from a japanese series at that yori from fortnight say the kids yeah surprise me um whatever anyway so that's going on we talked about darkest dungeon early access starting fucking tomorrow god of war coming to pc january 14th the best game ever as voted on by idiots uh so this is support being handled by jetpack interactive uh who did plants versus zombies they also worked on ports of uh dark souls and nba live stuff so you know they did some stuff here um support i it's nice that this trend is continuing horizon zero dawn god of war sony you know
Starting point is 03:33:27 goes yeah all right we're not threatened by you anymore and besides if we've got a hot sequel coming maybe we can get more people interested if we can pull them in on steam you know like forbidden west and ragnarok both scheduled you know for like to drop on on playstation in a way that like the steam game of the original just kind of advertises it a little bit and then there's gonna be bloodborne and there's not a fucking thing to be said except for the fury that was everyone's reaction to this not being bloodborne which is the most understandable because god damn is that game fucking on a desert island trapped and they know it and maybe we're gonna be looking at it like demon souls was before the remake where years down the line
Starting point is 03:34:30 it'll finally have something announced but not anything in the top for the time being you know would you whoa yeah whoop mate there you go there's a dog-based earthquake which is more likely a remastered port or a sequel uh remastered port dan a sequel trick question the answer for both is zero you got me you tricked me good uh we got a couple other things going on um speaking of bloodborne uh just a cool thing real simple go check out uh i retweeted this video um it's a little a little animation
Starting point is 03:35:34 by anthony burrado and it's just what if bloodborne was an animated series in gandy tartakovsky style and it's awesome i just really like it uh it not much to say just check this thing out it's about a minute long and it's real fun you get to see gendy style you know gas coin and and hunters and monsters and beasts and it just it's a lot of fun it's a lot of fun big fan of that i'm gonna go look at that right now oh that looks great super cool so much fun it's uh it works like incredibly well you know especially uh now that like you've seen like like the way like primal feels and flows and some of those other stuff uh some of that other like a little more darker things that he's done it's like yeah no it totally lends itself to
Starting point is 03:36:35 this style real fun so check that that little video out um kudos to anthony burrado for that little fun video uh what else is going on we have got uh a fucking uh an a a warning coming out because uh mario party uh superstars is coming and it's got a bunch of the old minigames from the classic n64 mario parties including the spin the stick one god the worst one the one that the game that was respired uh respired the the game that was um renowned for breaking n64 sticks where you play tug of war with bowser and you fucking put your palm on the stick and you spin it in a circle and then not only do you break your controller you fucking get second degree burns because one and and then the new york attorney general says that one
Starting point is 03:37:40 could have to get a tetanus shot because people were playing the game spinning their hands and fucking damaging themselves so now they're porting this game back on the switch and they have not changed it at all they've put a warning that says don't use your palm to avoid irritation to your skin but they still put the same fucking control exactly do you want to win if you want to win then fuck your palms get those burns it's it's the dumbest and it makes me think now now that i'm seeing it here where they're like they're porting the exact game and they could have changed the control to be any other form of rapid activity but in this case it's this damaging one where no one that wants to do it fast is going to do it with their thumbs they're going to use the palm
Starting point is 03:38:32 um it makes me think about what we talk about with sakurai and and um kid Icarus uprising it makes me think about um just wrist breaking games you know uh uh world ends with you and stuff and how there needs to be there should be there absolutely should be something that is like in place to be like hey your game's inputs shouldn't break your fucking hands monster hunter are hurting children monster hunter claw like just something like compliance they're that that is the job that I would do would be to like be like hey hey hey developer how do you actually intend for people to play this game and control all of these things at once right what do you expect an optimal thing right looks at you with his body in a full cast go I don't
Starting point is 03:39:32 know get good I saw somebody point something out that I didn't even think of that the warning to not use your palm will let people know that didn't think of it that they can use their palm exactly exactly even if it was just like wiggle the stick left and right which is also terrible for your stick like you can at least like maybe grab your index and thumb and do that manually but the grinding force of ripping your skin off now on a joy con which they want to preserve with this fucking tug of war game it's so insane that they didn't change it you know that that game was the the biggest offender that I can remember it's it's being ported to a system with notoriously weak sticks horrible weak sticks with drift yes correct also d-pads that snap in the wrong
Starting point is 03:40:32 direction when you fucking try to play tetris properly so um yeah no it's about time they put in they put in compliance checks to stop flashing from being at a seizure inducing rate they should put in checks to make sure that the intended design for playing a game here is not like actually damage inducing you know and and and legitimately you put a thing in a game like show us what the player is supposed to do what you expect this to be um we got that uh grasshopper just got bought by net ease i which one's that um i guess no more heroes it's the um chinese uh various mobile games and i know they also what it does they bought something else oh yeah so they bought they bought it they bought grasshopper from gung ho that's what happened
Starting point is 03:41:42 um how did no more heroes three do sounds like it was a really good game and sounds like people liked it uh i don't know oh shit i don't know how it's sold i gotta i gotta change what time my stream is tomorrow tim's gonna stream the cyberpunk review the tim roger's review tim's gonna stream it on twitch tomorrow at 6 p.m eastern that's wild jeez christ can't just put out the video well have you seen him fighting with it uh i've seen this year i seen some tweets where there seems to be some conflict but i didn't i didn't go through them so i don't know what the problem is the process okay which means it's probably like 78 hours
Starting point is 03:42:34 long Jesus fucking christ dude um wow all right uh what else you got going on you got a rumor that wu tang themed action rpg codenamed shaolin is in the works in partnership with xbox that sounds cool i'm excited for that um i don't know if you knew this but apparently uh shaolin style which we know and love was called uh feel the pain in in pal so that was i i didn't i didn't realize there was a name changer but anyway it's but we've been long overdue for a wu tang game i say bring it the fuck back why not and and if any if the new show is anything to go on i would like it to be exactly uh a retelling of how they came together full with the insane murders and shootouts in the streets and wars that the members had with
Starting point is 03:43:36 each other before they united to become the world for the children man i don't know if you heard about the the show wu tang an american story but like it's it's a semi dramatized retelling of how the wu tang clan came together and apparently it's full of like straight up like gun battles in the streets between between factions that then came together to start rapping like like it is like yeah like straight up insane levels of of uh uh uh front loaded in uh uh fictional shit because and then in the end they they made they got together and then they got and then they started fucking you know entering the 36 chambers um that's cool there's a fun game called grapple dog look it up it's cute it's got grappling hooks and dogs have a dog in it oh yeah there's a dog
Starting point is 03:44:36 when the dog grapples really good he beats the stage and then you and then you get he gets pet bite invisible hand oh that's good it's really good i'm looking at it it's cute look at grapple dog i'm looking look i'm looking at it all right we're that's good we're good you're done okay good do you want to do a letter you i want to do that let's take a letter okay let's take one letter it's send it into castle super beast mail gmail dot com that's castle super beast mail gmail dot com uh all right we got a couple here but let me pick this one kaiser knuckle says their uh dear will heir of cash dora and salt starved beast i can do that this is a more the more of woolly question but recently in your get into fighting games episode for fight
Starting point is 03:45:32 angel it shows that above all else with a very much a send up to the aesthetic and interface of vanilla street fighter five it goes it includes noticeably larger icons used on the character select screen seeing this made me think of a larger presentation of uh rosters in games that end up looking far more expansive than street fighter five did on release how much would you say size based presentation of visuals could artificially increase the amount of content your brain perceives the game to have so i guess what you're asking that is like the size of the character select screen making you think like oh a bunch more characters are coming um personally cvs one is my favorite example as the arcade character select is uh that i so dearly love has an illusion of an impossibly
Starting point is 03:46:17 expansive roster that uh gets revealed when you when you go to pick and it's again an infinite scroll um i mean i've seen enough games that change the the the layout of the screen entirely when it comes to like the expanding roster so like i know it's always a lie i don't really look at a game and go like oh man i'm so excited for all the blank space on this screen because all these characters are coming like um i think samurai showdown was like one of the most ridiculous fakeouts because they have a circle they have um what is it maybe like a five by or like a four by three grid of like the 12 or 13 characters um and then the last button is a page change that then goes to page two and replaces all the icons with the dlc characters so it was just like
Starting point is 03:47:08 they it was like the most inelegant way to do the to do this on a character select screen but they just had a next button to scroll to the next set you know um i think uh when you look at like some of the the way that yeah like Street Fighter 5's launch or even Street Fighter 4 which no one really not many people got to play the original vanilla arcade edition where you're literally you're just looking at like um eight boxes you know uh i think all that design is like it's fine but what i but to answer your question with like cvs one i would say the one that probably got my brain the most like jogged was when i first walked in and i saw marvel versus capcom 2 and then the big sphere appears and you see the grid with the portraits on them
Starting point is 03:47:58 and i see all the question marks and then i go oh my god will this entire sphere be filled up with characters and then rotate to get to the ones you want holy shit this game's insane unfortunately not but it's still quite a few but the promise of that idea was unbelievable like a full sphere you know i don't know does that is there anything with that with you uh nothing nothing that jumps out at me right now i got nothing all right well um cool we can we can we can say we did it we did do it all right everyone have a good week bye good uh jesus goodbye

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