Castle Super Beast - CSB 142: San.D: D.N.A.s - A Hideo Kojima Film

Episode Date: November 23, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh Oh I Feel like I've traveled back in time Willie back to the far-flung year of 2005 Where everybody I know is talking about Halo and cowboy B pop It is weird it is weird I'm not seeing any Halo talk personally in my while you wouldn't I guess my life sphere Yeah, I
Starting point is 00:01:08 Don't know the circle of things around me that talk about things social circle or yeah, well, it's it's it's a sphere There's it's it's it's an all directions Um Yeah, no, I'm I'm waiting for excited news about the latest Metal Gear solid game and I don't know What I'm not going to your classes. No, I went to my client. I fucking I went to my classes I did my shit like you couldn't afford to
Starting point is 00:01:45 the ditch most of those Art classes the extra shit that was not art could go fuck off. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I remember I Remember Yeah, did you actually watch cowboy beep up? I Watched many things this week busy week actually a lot going on this Surprisingly busy week and I think the weirdest thing is that I had to change my entire week schedule because shit was stealth dropping over and over But I why I sat
Starting point is 00:02:23 One piece alive it down one noted having never seen before any cowboy bebop and we watched the first episode of the new Slash live action Redo all spin-off whatever she hasn't seen the original Zero Okay, so I was like I'm so what I was like for the podcast I'm gonna do is that I'm gonna watch one of each Mm-hmm back to back and I know the first episode syncs up
Starting point is 00:02:54 Mm-hmm and And I'm not gonna watch anymore because I already had friends of mine who are watching it and just like I Would check the discord general chat and they'd be like I just finished episode three god damn it god god fucking damn it Okay, well, I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna waste my life Like watching something that I already probably know I'm gonna hate But what I am gonna do is sit down and do a compare and contrast off of one episode Well, you would be joining a shot You would be joining the good ranks of one Hideo Kojima
Starting point is 00:03:31 Who also tweeted out that he watched one episode and then decided to continue watching the other thing he was looking at hell bound Yeah, I Saw I didn't I didn't watch any I wanted to squeeze some in but I was too busy. I Saw a tweet last week that was like hey hate watching idiots Try this just don't watch it And it's like, you know, I Have to know at least something when I come on this show, so I'm gonna watch one Yeah, but I have no intention to go back to it unless I had walked away with wow
Starting point is 00:04:08 That was really incredible. I was thinking about forcing it to forcing one as well but I just you know, there was other things going on and At the same time consider it don't watching it like I Still have not seen any of Reboot the Guardian code Well, I mean, that's just visibly damaging, but I I'm I'm I have like I haven't even done the curiosity Don't you have footage of it in your video from the trailers? Yeah, perfect
Starting point is 00:04:45 So let's let's kick it off there. All right So I'm gonna just walk you through the the the the event of watching it because I think the context adds a little something Which is sit page down pages never seen either So I say, okay, if we're gonna watch one and then the other back-to-back compare contrast We should watch the live action one first So that page who has no knowledge of any of it has the best possible first impression right so we start watching the first one and
Starting point is 00:05:19 I'll give you the second hand peach saliva review in which she was done and when she was like I was really bored the whole time is The the the peach saliva review of the first episode of cowboy bebop just bored Not even anything mean to say other than just bored Now for my take I have it on good authority that the first episode is one of the better ones So it's a good one to do this
Starting point is 00:05:49 The first red flag for me was when I went to the Netflix the Netflix the net multiple Netflix there we go and Wally do you know how long these episodes are I would assume half an hour. They're 60 minutes long Really yeah, how many are there? Like 10 there are there an hour each really Some are like 45 ish
Starting point is 00:06:24 But they're so in an episode so then by default They have to add half of the content From whatever the source episode was unless it was a multi-parter No You're on the right track by default they have to add More than half the content because they don't have the budget to do everything that was actually in the show So episode one of cowboy bebop live action is about getting Asimov who is smuggling the bloody eye with his girlfriend
Starting point is 00:07:09 right mm-hmm My number one takeaway from everything to do with this is the word pacing Pacing is vital to any creative work Your shit needs to flow from scene to scene and not drag What you have with the cowboy bebop? live action is you have the Asimov story with bloody eye taken from 22 and a half minutes and Is now ballooned into 60 minutes
Starting point is 00:07:44 There is not 60 minutes worth of that story so What we're gonna do is We're gonna add a bunch of stuff and by a bunch of stuff. I mean people talking in a room Okay So You know when you know when people talking in a room can be good or bad You know, you know when jet and spike are like talking about how they're broke and that they have no beef for their bell peppers Yeah, and then they go we got to go to Tijuana. I
Starting point is 00:08:24 Rewatched the the real version after this and that scene is about two minutes long mm-hmm What if I told you in the live action cut? It's like nine minutes long and has two parts and includes parts in which jet starts to complain that because spike Broke a bunch of stuff on their last job that he doesn't have enough money to buy the new fancy doll for his daughter mm-hmm, and The whole time I'm watching this I'm like this scene is going nowhere And I'm pretty sure they invented him having a daughter so that he would have something to complain about
Starting point is 00:09:02 To spike in this scene to add two or three more minutes to the scene Like everything feels like filler do you remember when Naruto had a full-year filler and Then bore then Naruto came back and then within the first episode they started inserting filler in between real scenes Yeah, they started stretching it out. This is what that feels like. Okay, this feels like here's the scene from cowboy Bebop that's been extended Here's a bunch of shit that doesn't matter or is lame Here's a bunch of so a really good example is they want Faye to be in the first episode so
Starting point is 00:09:46 As Mom's girlfriend is no longer His just girlfriend. She's a rich girl that's running away from her rich rich dad and Faye is there on a bounty to get her Okay And the story still goes the same way where they die yada yada, but like it's Well Faye needs to be here. Well, what possible reason could we have Faye to be here? aha Well add a subplot that goes nowhere that the girl is the rich When Jet and Spike are in a room by themselves talking to each other
Starting point is 00:10:26 It's alright Like it's like it's I would say you could totally be like, yeah, okay. Yeah, this is fun Steven Cho and I forget the the gentleman's name who plays jet They're they're they they have a lot of good chemistry and They do a good job talking to each other and riffing on each other and and giving you that feeling of like Begrudging old pals that kind of worked together. Oh John show not Steven show my mistake but
Starting point is 00:11:04 The banter is important it needs to be it needs to be enjoyable, but when Faye is on the screen It's Bad It's not It's bad. It's not good. It's not good. The sass energy from the trailers is Is is Exactly what you get then it's it's exactly what you get
Starting point is 00:11:36 It's it's it's Okay, it feel it feels like Olivia Munn's Psylocke started to make jokes Okay, I Understand I understand that if that I actually I actually do understand what you mean Yeah, okay It's I I don't know just her man. It's it doesn't translate for shit
Starting point is 00:12:11 Whatever they've done with this character also So do you remember the dynamic? Fight that Asimov and spike have where he's wearing the poncho. Yeah, and they're like rolling around the table Yeah, it's the first time you get to see like oh shit spike can do stuff so when we watch the Anime version I was really impressed because there's they're rolling around the table and the and like the shot is tracking them
Starting point is 00:12:40 And then you have a shot of the girlfriend like Amy and Gunn at them when they're in the like the far background and it's really interesting and Instead you have a fight between Faye and spike and It's just shot flat like from a side angle, okay I Have nothing more to say that's that's what you get instead So just a less it's just less of a thing going on And then you know when they get in the in the in the cars and they do the little chase
Starting point is 00:13:11 That's only like a minute long. Yeah, what if instead we had a boring shootout in a parking lot Because because the budget for the chase would be ridiculous. Yeah, because it's a really short scene Um, but the the so I'm sure there's a lot of people at home who have watched at least the first episode and particularly people in the live Action who have watched the first episode. There is a shot That where Faye like the gunfight is over and Faye picks up like a rifle and runs Directly at the camera in direct center flame frame with a empty parking lot behind her That's it's like a two-second cut. It's really simple that is so bad and amateur that I burst out laughing
Starting point is 00:14:00 It looked like something we would have filmed like it's Terrible like it's it's like there's a bunch of random shots that just look There's some stuff that looks really good and there's other cuts that are just God awful So is this a case of like? Everything referenced is solid and everything not as bad in a Game of Thrones kind of way no because the stuff that they do that is
Starting point is 00:14:34 The same is usually done in a way where they're having to cut corners So you know when spike bumps into her and gets and she drops her groceries and then turns out he picked up like five groceries instead what if we had a little monologue where he lights her cigarette and Talks about how he was in love once and then woke up for a dream as The camera then holds on him as he stares in space for about 10 seconds and here's here's where I decided to just really never watch it because
Starting point is 00:15:11 everyone's opinion seems to be the same on at least one thing and Every time I saw it. I was like, I'm gonna die hate this There are five Flashbacks slash cuts to spikes past in the first episode Including vicious being in the first episode Wow Julia Being in the first episode Wow, okay, and like you can't get away from it
Starting point is 00:15:50 Like you like every time you're like, oh, yeah, I had some off. He's he's like I was in love Like over and over and over okay, I'm seeing you Victor vicious and Julia are in every single episode great Okay, okay, okay, okay, and I know that I don't I don't I I don't enjoy that being that constant. It's better when it's sporadic and unexpected Yeah, and the other thing is that vicious I'm sure his actor is doing the best that he can with given what he was given Mm-hmm is like a a bomb on your enjoyment Like his his the one scene that I've seen with vicious is
Starting point is 00:16:37 Like abysmal the casting is horrible the wig is hilarious Like how's the music it's It's Yoko isn't it Well, let me ask you a question as a longtime consumer of media and adaptations if you have a Perfect soundtrack, but you can't figure out a way to get all the sounds that you want into your thing How do you force the soundtrack into a scene? I don't understand your question so in in Asteroid blues there's a harmonica solo that is the theme of the episode. Yeah, right
Starting point is 00:17:24 But there's no harmonica solo in the actual soundtrack, so and there's no place to put it So what do you do in your eyes? Spike sitting on the couch in the bebop listening to it on his head, okay? Because they can't figure out where to put it. Okay But so the soundtrack is Passable and in some cases it uses the old soundtrack But it's not there
Starting point is 00:17:53 For much of the the show. It's a 60-minute run time so most of the scenes have No music, okay, and the music that is there is kind of understated is kind of hiding out in the background I Went when the action scene of the shootout in the parking lot starts in the live-action cowboy bebop I can't remember if they played music or not Okay, which when we watched the
Starting point is 00:18:28 Net of the the anime version. I remarked a page I'm like this feels like a band is hiding behind the background set and is striking up When that when the director tells them that the action is starting mm-hmm Like I'm thinking of like Stray Dog struck like when the chase starts. Yeah, like the band strikes it up It just feels Totally It's totally pointless like I don't understand Why it is existing here is I'm not gonna watch anymore, but no
Starting point is 00:19:07 Okay, I Mean there's this the sounds have been coming in like over the course of the week about the rest of the episodes And if you're saying that's one of the better ones. I'm curious to know what the best one is But the thought that it's like on the one hand, I was like, okay There's it's a shorter series, so they're gonna have to compress everything Which means by default you're gonna have to get all those vicious related episodes sooner But then in terms of minutes, it's actually almost the same It's but that's the thing when you find out it's 60 minutes and it's like oh, then they took
Starting point is 00:19:39 10 episodes and doubled their length So the most tripled. Yeah, so then you have to add a bunch to them and there's that and then Okay, so yeah, it's a that's a weird thing. That's a weird way to go about it. Um, I Mean, I think you'd think that like especially since the director has said like this is Cowboy bebop We don't want to fuck this up, you know, and like there's been a lot of There's been a lot of statements about that and like once I read that I was like It's clear from the way it was marketed that they were nervous about its reception and about the person and about fucking it up
Starting point is 00:20:17 Because you wouldn't do this like here's a photo of the cast. That's it. Okay. Now. Here's a little bit of the set Okay, now here's tank and just like the little the little drop drip feed is Done in such a like cautious way to warm people up to the idea that that's how it's felt, you know So when he says like, yeah, we know this is cowboy bebop. Let's not fuck this up You're like, okay Like the press he feels the pressure of this decision. You would think that with that idea you would want to take the weight off by making each episode a half hour and Relying as much as you can on the source material, you know that choice of phrase is really
Starting point is 00:21:06 Really a Good coincidence Because you know that thing they say about weight Yep What if the quote in the live-action version was the actual direct opposite of the quote You got to take your weights off you got to drop them on the floor I'm not gonna you got to leave them behind Ignore them So I I don't have to carry nothing
Starting point is 00:21:41 Yeah, that's pretty much actually what it is actually like not even joking I have a good friend of mine who is watching the whole thing this cowboy bebops his favorite show And he's a really laid-back guy who tries to see the good in everything Mm-hmm. I've never I he's one of those guys Who when you say you when you watch like the worst movie ever and you go? Oh my god, that was garbage and he saw it also. He'll be like, yeah, it wasn't great You know that kind of yeah positive person Yeah, and he got to the end of what I think is the third or fourth episode and was like
Starting point is 00:22:14 I can't believe what they did to Julia. Why do they hate these characters? Okay So here's a question and this is this is one that I don't know if we'll be able to answer But it's the one that I'm I'm the most curious about How is this received? by Someone who has no idea what the your source material was and B, how is this received by someone?
Starting point is 00:22:45 Who likes the source material and remembers it 20 years ago? But it is not sharp and fresh in their memory now So shot-to-shot moments and conversations are just gone Going off because the first watch rewatched cowboy bebop in about 10 years Okay, I only rewatched the the anime afterwards Page was bored. She's bored tears. Okay Like like it was the moment it took us it's 60 minutes episode took us two and a half hours to watch it I think
Starting point is 00:23:16 Okay, because we would pause it and just start talking about something else because I feel like I feel like If you had to look by the numbers there's gonna be Some people who are gonna like do the thing like you just said like where you're like, okay Let's go back and make the comparison and see how this holds up and there's gonna be a lot of people who are Coming off of just like I remember sort of but not every a single episode You know and are just gonna like I tell you what if I if I did not if I did not had ever watched cowboy bebop at all and
Starting point is 00:23:51 Was seeing this I would be a lot more open to it. I would think that Fish this is wig is terrible. There's no escaping that there's no escaping that it's like I don't know who is running the the wig department at Netflix But like did you see any of the witcher shit? Like Geralt's wiggler Terrible. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, like capital T awful But my number one takeaway would be that I don't like Fay as a character because she is cringe. Hmm. I Mean you could that that was felt from the trailer and that was felt from some of the clips. I saw a
Starting point is 00:24:32 Clip where someone added a laugh track to Yeah, I'm having like a Seinfeld booth scene. Oh, yeah, I saw that and I was like, oh boy. Okay. Yep I'm picking up that kind of energy Olivia Munn silock is Is a very particular and it's like yeah, that's about right Jokes. Yeah girl boss There's that and then What else there was a I
Starting point is 00:25:03 Mean there was a couple things that like I saw that were like later episode Stuff that people were like they did what to what? Oh my god, right? Oh, I've I've seen the changes to grin and it's like not it's not good. Okay There's a yeah, there's I've seen there's a bunch that that have just been flowing by the timeline and I was like Yeah, I might I might I might actually watch the the whole thing at some point It's on my list of things I want to do but It's gonna take time to do the episode comparison of both is the original on Netflix Cuz can people
Starting point is 00:25:44 Kind of just click off. So I found my own way of watching that somehow Can people just click off and yeah, okay, they can and go there people are saying yes, okay, that's good. That's good Oh and to add it by the way Page people are asking after we watched the original We watched sorry after we watched the live-action page and I watched the original in which she was like Not edge of her seat Right, mm-hmm, but like very much enjoying it and was like surprised at some of the changes in which the
Starting point is 00:26:21 Ending of the anime of Asma's plot is way more tragic than the version We'll version we get in the live-action. Well, do you get the fucking the the the belly pregnant belly scene? No, yeah, you get all that it's not bad. Okay. It's just okay The the big difference is that in the live-action Asma gets shot in a in the gunfight in the parking lot and dies in space And that's why she kills herself with the my police. Okay, whereas in the anime She just goes fuck this and just murder suicides them, which is We're so much worse
Starting point is 00:27:05 What okay, here's it now this is this this is the this is the the times where like my brain starts going where it's like What would you do if someone was like? Okay, we want to do this we want to adapt it, you know, you got to get the right person for the job We got to get the cast and do they do they line everything up and it's just like, okay, what how do we go about this, right? Would you What what if they just did like Let's say for some weird reason you just do knocking on heaven's door by itself All right, yeah, okay. Okay. Yeah, and see how that goes
Starting point is 00:27:47 Well, Willie, I have good news for you And then if it works out go backwards and if it doesn't everybody good job good business Not really take care go our separate well Willie. I have good news for you Now there is knocking on heaven's door in the live-action cowboy. We have knocking on heaven's door at home Yes, there's two parts one the opening of the show the initial like opening scene is A variation on the opening scene in knocking on heaven's door but instead of a Convenience store robbery that takes a total of maybe 120 seconds to go through it is a
Starting point is 00:28:31 11 to 15 minute scene which is a massive gunfight and Set piece on a space casino But more importantly than all of that The moment that I was the moment. I knew I was doomed watching this show Was in the convenience store robbery in the cowboy bebop film there's a protracted maybe 45 second bit in which Spike pretends not to hear people with guns because he's wearing his headphones
Starting point is 00:29:00 And uses that to gain the upper hand on them, right? And it's a nice little bit guys pointing a gun at him He's just kind of not looking the guys like take your headphones off in the live-action one he walks out of an elevator Into a you know a gun battle room where people are dead on the floor With his headphones on and looking around the guy yells at him to take his headphones off And he takes his headphones off
Starting point is 00:29:25 And he goes what are you doing here? And that's it and that's it and it's like that is the ultimate of like Catering to the The text rather than the spirit The spirit is that he's a laid-back idiot Who is willing to do a stupid little joke with his headphones to get the upper hand Whereas here he just looks like a bum and Also like an idiot that he doesn't he just takes the headphones off and just pretend whatever I
Starting point is 00:30:01 I You know what we should really get Would your earlier question because I've seen people talking about this. This is a way better idea What we need to do is start giving the rights to American live-action shows to Japanese Animated rectors and seeing what happens. I saw I think it was mr. Jean Park friend of the show. Yeah, you said you should give Breaking Bad to Hideaki Anno with a sentence description and not let him watch the show Yeah, no, I'm down. I'm I'll watch that. I'm absolutely down. I Mean it's just gonna it's gonna be the same thing every fucking time and and and
Starting point is 00:30:52 Unless you're watching speed racer That's the one right That's the one Yeah, no, it seems it seems over time That's that that always comes back up as like damn. They actually did it Also for real like genuinely for real Like can let's let's not even take speed racer. Let's take a different example. That's less obvious Can you adapt?
Starting point is 00:31:23 Animate into live-action and the answer is yes their speed racer by the Wachowskis which acclaimed directors creators of the matrix billions of dollars on it But if you can't get that what you can do is get the Wachowskis and give them a shit zillion dollars and make the matrix which is a
Starting point is 00:31:50 Live-action adaptation of Ghost in the Shell and Dragon Ball Uh-huh, like straight up. They Alita Alita worked Alita is a like half CG thing So a CG adaptation Blurred because we because CG adaptations have worked before you know Alternatively you can get Guillermo del Toro and give him a budget and a bunch of robots to play with so like You can do it. You just need to give it to real ass directors
Starting point is 00:32:25 Shinichiro Watanabe presents the Sopranos Let's see it Tony why you got to be a gun zombie Oh Tony you backer I Do you just cut but but chop but channel but bacchano bacchano I mean, how do you even say how do you even say guma? At that point like yeah anyways Well This is gonna continue to happen for the rest of our lives. I hope everyone's ready for it
Starting point is 00:33:07 I'm gonna sit down and watch and see what I think of the rest of it But we live we live in this world where it's like it's worth capitalizing on the nostalgia even if like one out of 30 or 40 50 not even not even like I can think of two One that's a direct adaptation out of like all Because then there's but here's the thing right? There's live action Japanese movie of the anime or of the
Starting point is 00:33:40 There was kenshin I've seen I've seen bits of kenshin. Yeah, it was it was it was all it was all right, um 20th century boys worked That was about the live action on that like I was I was quite surprised at how much of that GTO worked GTO worked, right? So really really like the GTO Drama um and like even giving the benefit of the doubt to like what all the all the shit in JoJo in That one weird fucking thing part four movie like we talked I talked about it before but it's like even there I'm like you added a couple of things that I don't hate
Starting point is 00:34:25 you know um but When it comes to the western adaptation, I guess you're just it's a different beast entirely and you're going off of like everyone's memories of the source material and then the and the director's choices and then this new writer and this new directors interpretations of some of that subtext and
Starting point is 00:34:51 How to expand upon it, you know and that really just sounds like D&D working on Game of Thrones Like it's it's a recipe for failure Um A speed racer the only one as far as Western goes and like again elitist EG if we Lude if we include manga you could say Had Tom Cruise in it edge of tomorrow edge of tomorrow Yes, but that becomes a completely different property with the core concept of being The same all you need is kill like
Starting point is 00:35:33 vastly differs Yeah Man, no Meanwhile, I just looked over and saw an all caps phrase of old boy and I'm just like oh man Meanwhile like adaptations of like comics Um There's a bunch of good ones that have been fine. Obviously. I mean Sin City. I've listed as like yo, we're just filming the panels, right?
Starting point is 00:36:01 and Road to perdition Worked out quite well History of violence You know, I didn't know that was a No, they're based on comics. Yeah. Oh, you know It's It's doable in
Starting point is 00:36:21 Just that like and I'm thinking specifically of like almost like graphic novel into Into film kind of things as opposed to more so like like comic stuff, but yeah dread, you know It's it's it's can be it works a lot better in those examples, but the The cross the the international adaptation seems doomed All right, well more on cowboy bebop when when more is watched from woolly later That's me that I've said my piece I was like I was like I went from like oh, that's okay to bored to cringe like that's
Starting point is 00:37:06 It's not it's not worth watching because the one thing one thing that I was I was definitely concerned about From like those previews was just the the the amount of time compressed means and also the temptation to Blow your wad by getting fans of the original excited for things that happen later You know like showing too much of your hand giving it like have you seen the clip of Ed? Of what Ed no, I Haven't It's so that's a thing It's the stinger so that you get excited for the second season, okay
Starting point is 00:37:50 Because clearly they're like I mean the way that they framed the in the like tank intro Was like we are putting a blank spot here and We just didn't do it and it's like okay. I guess this is a world with I'm the dog and that's it then But yeah blowing blowing the wad too early, you know what well They just just take just take two seconds and watch and watch this crap Do you want to you want to talk about how not to adapt Things to live action. I have the the three I have it for you here What
Starting point is 00:38:38 What if you didn't adapt it at all What if you just didn't change anything at all Yeah By the way, those of you at home those of you at home for listening to the audio version you'll obviously awful Shit oh, they fucked up Wow, they fucked up. Oh Wow, okay. All right. Oh, no. Yeah, no, what?
Starting point is 00:40:00 huh Oh Page when she saw that may it said that it reminded her of going to get foam for a foam Yeah, no, no, that's a con. We went to a con for a second there that oh, oh Man, yeah, no big fucking flashback to the anime club in college. Oh Oh That's bad, but also like you can't you kind of can't do no, but oh You can't do it. There's no winning on that. No, no, no, I've watched this scene over and over
Starting point is 00:40:45 About There's three things that you could have done there's four things what I have a list of four things I'm gonna lost enlighten me. Okay, four things one Ed's goggles are not necessarily meant to be robot screens. They just look that way due to the way they shaded the glass To her hair is just supposed to be messy Just supposed to be messy doesn't have to be in this weird side drills It's supposed to be if it's supposed to be my hair right now, but less bald Just messy
Starting point is 00:41:30 Okay And Then the final two are about the casting do you know how Ed would work in live-action? They had to cast somebody who was like eight to ten years old Because Ed is eight to 12 years old like a literal child Which is why like what an abe was talking about Ed's gender Ed's gender is meaningless and
Starting point is 00:42:03 When Ed meets her dad It's Francoise right but doesn't it was my son was it my daughter. I don't care who cares so you can't cast an adult Playing a kid. No like to be androgynous. You're supposed to be plenty. I mean That's the kids so so that's the kids So the first thing that comes to mind is what Western movie style adaptation stuff would do with the character like that is Just make them an AI inside of their heads a Cortana right just like this is too goofy to be a real person
Starting point is 00:42:41 Just make it a mascot thing jump in around the screen and it'll be a it'll be a v-tube virtual Cortana or Miss minutes from Loki, you know and that and then that's that a Lot a lot of the people in the chat right now are confirmed Yes, Ed is a girl obviously, but that's not the point the point is and this is number four You cast What I think is a 25 year old woman to play a 10 year old And as such she is doing that bad acting thing
Starting point is 00:43:15 that shitty actors trying to appeal young is is She is falling into all the child acting pitfalls to try and act sound like a child that kids don't Do and make the noise is deep and faces in the back of her throat to Kids don't actually Yeah, and then and then like also bringing out just Like that energy from people you've met in real life who try to act like anime in real life Yes
Starting point is 00:43:54 You know like the dark side of the con That you that you try to just blot from the memory it brings all of that back foam adventures in it in full goddamn 4d I think yeah, you know what that's you need an actual child. That's the only way You ever hear the silent hill to voice acting comparisons between the character of Laura who's a 10 year old girl and in one It's I don't know if it's Laura Bailey, but it's one of that that ensemble cast doing a little girl voice Versus the original that voice actor for Laura who was a girl that looked just like that that they just grabbed off the street
Starting point is 00:44:37 Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. There's a there's an obvious vocal difference between adult doing child voice and Real child's voice now the thing is is we all know and have for the longest time like been afraid of the awful child actor that Yeah, is Intolerable child actors on screen right and then you know over the last recent years. We've had like oh shit It's in Logan you got x-23, right? Oh, yeah, she's great kills it you got and then like hit girl blew up You know and you got all these little examples of like, okay, it could be done
Starting point is 00:45:16 Right also that I mean the child actors and stranger things. I thought they did they did pretty good and and in this case like Yeah, this massive cringe energy The only way to avoid it not even go into the positives But just to get neutral would for them to be young enough That they would have to be to say those lines and then you're just like and then a child genius is on the ship
Starting point is 00:45:44 You and hanging out with the crew it down because that type of cartoon energy doesn't work in a live setting Yeah, and then it would be completely fine. Yeah, I Can't like that's you actually solved it. I because I'm like I saw that and I'm like oh god just burn it It's over like there's it can't be done But child actors are more expensive than regular actors. Yeah, but if you're gonna if you do we're gonna then fuck up cowboy bebop then oh Yeah, okay Sure, oh wow and
Starting point is 00:46:19 Like I saw and like what the context I've seen is like she's Dancing around spike so Talking about hey, do you want to go to the plot of the movie? Yeah, oh boy. You're excited for the second season You guys really like that cowboy bebop movie, huh? Okay, so really if we're getting down to brass So find a ten-year-old actor with ADHD you can't remember their line sure that'd be perfect So really like The problem is actually that like the director
Starting point is 00:46:57 Has no cringe detector Yeah, that's that's correct. That's the problem with a lot of people They can't detect cringe because they're so cringe that they can't see it outside themselves Like I'm cringe. I have a good portion of my body and soul like a good third of my brain over here It's all cringe out here. Yeah, but the rest of it sees that cringe and goes god god damn it Yeah, that's can detect it in others. Yeah, no, I I like consume it like fuel when But when the mood is right, I can sit and watch some good cringe compilations and just like just ingest it like galactus But that fucking that caught me left field like
Starting point is 00:47:42 That was a fucking gutter punch man, oh my god Yeah, so I'm not gonna be watching this show. It's it's it's it's a you need a healthy cringe detector Especially when you're adapting old properties when you're adapting Shit that yeah, like might contain, you know, like I said subtext and a lot of other things. I Don't know if there's any part of this where they're like, oh, so we went and sat down with Wat Nabe and you know talked about how to do this or if there's any kind of like blessing or whatever the case is but I Haven't seen any of that
Starting point is 00:48:23 Well Man it's probably well anyway more more to say more to say later than I suppose but it's probably just rougher that like some of the casting works really well because like It's not a no salvage, but it just means that like No one will ever touch cowboy bebop again, then and that'll be that Yeah All right
Starting point is 00:48:53 Yeah, so like the screen like the screenshot of the of the the clip It looks like a screenshot of like YTV the zone in between commercial bumpers, you know what I mean like or I don't know what the American equivalent would be but like just one of those old low-budget shows where Like someone in a goofy costume would lean up to the camera and go. Hey kids. Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah You know coming up next Doug So You would not believe it
Starting point is 00:49:39 But I don't know if people have been asking you this week Willie But if you have taken a look at your chat during your streams or this Streams chat you would notice that every time you talk about watching something like 10 people Show up to ask you if you've watched arcane Yes It is the single most common question I have gotten over the past like 10 days in fact last week someone
Starting point is 00:50:14 Every 15 minutes 10 to 15 minutes on the interval Would send a direct message go bumping to make sure that they were seen asking if arcane was watched So before Before I start to talk about arcane I would like to talk about the evil elephant in the room Which we'll get to in a more detail later when we talk about mr. Codex week Arcane is a
Starting point is 00:50:49 TV show on the Netflix made by a production company whose name I can't remember an association with a riot about League of Legends characters We've been talking a lot about how Activision Blizzard lately is basically pure evil and their CEO is we're gonna have more news about that later We've talked about how EA is evil You know what there's a lot of evil companies that make video game crap Mm-hmm a lot of sex abuse a lot of working abuse etc and
Starting point is 00:51:24 When I sat down to watch arcane and particularly after I had seen earlier in the day the gameplay demonstration of project L By the cannons mm-hmm also an association with riot Project L is based on the Runeterra universe by the way, so they're all based on the Runeterra universe But that's the name of the that's the name of the universe Oh, okay Because when you cuz I was surprised to see that as opposed to League of Legends because I was like wait is it now That's that's that's their way to distance themselves from their own big property
Starting point is 00:51:58 Because when you say the Runeterra universe you're picking the card game So why would you pick the card game instead of the big thing? No, they're talking about the background and the stories and not the toxic shithole that you stopped playing a couple years ago Okay, so so Yomi is Part of the fantasy strike universe there Yomi is the card game fantasy strike is the original. Yep. Got it. Okay, so In riot's case in particular people that are implicated in the blizzard abuse have gone over to riot and worked on Runeterra for example the card game and
Starting point is 00:52:36 in talking about watching arcane and running ads for arcane and doing streams about the other League game that came out this week called Ruined King It's inevitable that I would have to actually talk about the fact that I am covering stuff or we're talking about stuff that is run by scumbags and I was sitting there watching people Who are playing the King of Fighters 14 beta that weekend? 15 say that they weren't going to play project L Because the people who work at project L are
Starting point is 00:53:17 directly supporting sex abusers To which I my brain does the mental connection of but King of Fighters supports murderers To then I go well at least there's DNF and guilty gear Sorry 15, it's 15. Sorry King of Fighters 15 There's DNF and guilty gear and whatnot except they capitulate to the Chinese erasure of Taiwan and the cover-up of the Muslim genocide in that country Uh-huh, and then I'm like, oh right
Starting point is 00:53:50 It's everybody enough enough knowledge of wrongdoing has hit critical mass for every business that If we were to like there it's there. There's no ethical consumption under capitalism yada yada
Starting point is 00:54:12 But no seriously even on a micro level of like do you want to play a fighting game? well There's the three I just mentioned plus Multi-blood is associated with Oh, no plus Five Capcom just caught plagiarizing Artists on their texture work for a bunch of their games of Resident Evil 4 literally everything
Starting point is 00:54:43 Everybody some point. Yeah, and And then I then I fell down the rabbit hole where I think it was a longtime friend of the show on A watcher and subscriber guy named spider-man sent me the chart of shit Nestle owns The chocolate company No, the everything company the everything company Okay, and like I Am I I wish it had happened to me
Starting point is 00:55:15 Because it would have been such a perfect example. Hmm. I wish I had talked about arcane on social media and Then had somebody asked me how I could watch that when it's associated with the company run by abusers and then have like an Iron Man avatar or something Because Marvel's owned by Disney, oh, right, right, okay own A fucking anti-semitic fucking slavery goddamn conglomerate which Giganto Corp rabbit hole Do you want to dive down as you're coming from one and yelling about the other okay?
Starting point is 00:55:56 I see what you're saying, and I was talking to a friend of mine where the we were talking about project L and about stuff like that and The the the personal distinction that they made was that the project L team The cannons and their guys. Yeah as far as they know currently are cool But they work with riot and that level of abstraction is too close whereas SNK is
Starting point is 00:56:30 Cool, but they're only partially tangentially owned by a murderer and then that distances now That's everyone's own particular Mm-hmm like choice to make and more to talk about that No line yes in particular my favorite example when I was talking about this on social media was somebody said That's why I only support indie games and luckily you could play you could just play skull Right and so this and when we were looking at the project L footage Right after we looked at King of Fighters. I'll add and more again more to discuss on that a little later Um
Starting point is 00:57:10 When that came up and Reggie was like, oh, yeah, you know riots doing good stuff Like I have faith that they're gonna make this a good game, you know, and I was like well more like radiant right more like the guys that made Rising thunder But if you want to get but even then if you want to get super like specific like like even if you want to zoom into that level We're and you know, they invented ggpo and all these great things you can also go Yeah, but they were working with mr. Wizard back with the whole Evo ownership thing ownership thing and that obviously on its own level is
Starting point is 00:57:50 Had its issues on that small scale as well So it really is everything that like the impression I'm getting from what you're trying to say here is that it's just about everything It's it's inescapable and the lines are Muddy and everyone has to draw their own thing Mm-hmm, and the reason why I bring this up so strongly about our king is that I saw a comment that really rang out to me Which is the reason why? Activision blizzard is so easy to dump on now compared to riot, which is I'm gonna say guilty of all the same things allegedly Even though some of the people involved are the same
Starting point is 00:58:26 It's that one riots been under constant federal and state litigation for five years Mm-hmm, and also no changes Sorry just to continue building that thing because that's that build can keep going forever Right, and this again. This is a one hell of a fucking week for that Oh, yeah, right you're talking about everything you're talking about all these companies you're talking about like I said Hey, no on it like everything and this is also in the exact same seven-day period in which now we have tech talk Yeah, we had we were on to talk now check it out. So Pat stairs. That's the tick tock I got a guy that's smarter than me at tick tock to run that thing because I don't know how to put the captions on the thing
Starting point is 00:59:08 Well, let's be real like we the same person is just doing all of those Yeah, you want to have this happen? Well, it was like goddamn it tick tocks fucking the thing and I went Yeah, I made a tick tock super fast Like soon as I saw that pose as soon as I tweeted out like goddamn it and then the next thing was Pat like L. O. L. Amow And then I was like hey, well, you know, it was specifically. Hey, can you retweet my video? I didn't work very hard on it. Yeah, and you went what and then you went. Oh you have one And then you contacted the guy who was already running the CSB fan account and Just turned it into the CSB account. Yeah, and I was like
Starting point is 00:59:55 Can that guy do it for me too and you were like, yeah, sure sure can Anyway, so but just just to you know Completely Fill that nut before you crack it open. Oh the US government's been spying on every foreign citizen for years Certainly, but does their camera app add to one that helps identify Uighurs as they check in on a weekly basis Yeah, probably I probably all do. I don't know Yeah It's you know, so which is also a bit of like when I when people are going oh old old boomer old man
Starting point is 01:00:33 And yells at cloud and it's like yeah, it's a little different little different and I will he and I I'm a boomer that's got pushed on social media in a circle of maybe a hundred and fifty people that we knew the dead last people to get Facebook and The reason why we didn't get Facebook is that we were uncomfortable with all of our information being up on Facebook And we only got it once stuff started passing us by because people started to use it Exclusively I told the story many times my friends started making events and not telling me when and where they were happening and They said get make your account and you'll get the invite to know when we're going to watch the movie or whatever And it was literally my own like they pushed it into happen to be missed out unlike two parties in a movie
Starting point is 01:01:23 Could hang out because they're like no, we're not gonna tell you, you know And and every other social media platform has been like yeah this kind of reluctance, which people often go like you know for someone that has a career that is based on social media and internet and like being a Present like you sure do like fucking kryptonite yourself Everywhere by not being on top of these things and I I you know I sleep in bed at night with my eyes open sometimes thinking about that thinking about how I don't do everything I can To maximize all of that because I don't want to and that makes me bad at the thing
Starting point is 01:02:04 And that's why I'm unable to you know Grow in the ways that I could or whatever like trust me. I know I'm well aware You can't criticize me any harder than I criticize myself, but All this to say that like with all of these platforms that I got I got pushed on too late and reluctantly like I Feel as if that was always a bit that was yeah, that's a big boomer cloud mentality this one There's other shit going on That's a little different, you know But yeah, the whole thing this week has been a lot of abysmal for that
Starting point is 01:02:38 Sorry, you're gonna go on about arcane, but I want to talk about it. That's okay right after that okay, so The the the I have seen a sentiment that is accurate Accusing people I've retweeted. I think it's called the soy jack. Is that the meme soy jack face? Yeah, where it is sexual harassment at Blizzard and it's the grumpy man and then it's successful show and sexual harassment at riot and it's the Yeah, okay, um and that actually like legitimately gets to the root of it It's very easy for everyone to feel high and mighty and shit all over how evil Activision Blizzard is and Say that they're boycotting their products because they're not making anything anybody wants
Starting point is 01:03:24 You get to see like you get to see the absolute direct line because Riot is making products that everybody wants and is just as bad Okay, and it's been just as bad for just as long It's the old it's the old Blizzard boycott of there's nothing Blizzard is actively making I want to play it right now. So but it's a boycott him. Yeah type of thing. Yeah It's so easy to boycott things you weren't gonna buy anyway. Yeah It's funny how like literally give it another like we could I This this has come up before but it's like also we're currently broadcasting on Twitch, which is owned by Amazon, which is owned by Bezos
Starting point is 01:04:08 You know like this Hey, if you work at an Amazon factory you fucking do everything you can to get your union going buddy I support you John did it but John go the John Deere employees got some fucking So, you know why the John Deere employees got their shit so fast because they collectively all got it No, is it because wait. Oh, is it because they called in people that were supposed to do The job and then they all failed because one hour into the scab work Two ambulances had to be called hmm to the John Deere main factory. Hmm. There's no such thing as unskilled labor You call in just they were you know who they called in to scab for the factory guys
Starting point is 01:04:55 Dudes from the accounting departments like office workers. Wow. Okay. I didn't know that and within within hours There were back-to-back-to-back-to-back ambulances So me and like guess what? You can't just replace factory workers to work with dangerous equipment like that So right in the middle they die and then you got to pay them work comes calm Right in the middle of Dark Souls Message came in going hey woolly I work at Amazon and I Just made my first piss bottle
Starting point is 01:05:28 Yeah, congratulations, and you're just like oh You know anyway, um Yes So within that reason I bring all this up is that hey, guess what here's another one for your moral quagmire arcane's fantastic. I Assume so it wouldn't have been that heavily recommended if it wasn't I have to watch the first episode of arcane and like I Cannot overstate this enough
Starting point is 01:06:01 The artists and animators who worked on this are so talented That I would be watching this show if it was the most boring thing in the world Just to see it now. Is it the same people that have been making the music videos? I don't know I want to say yes Okay, because those things have been and the backstory videos. I've seen of the characters have been unbelievably pretty and well executed So I would believe that it would be the same people they've been incredible like every single one of them There's just nothing else to say. It's some of the best animation work currently pop it off. Yeah, I believe it
Starting point is 01:06:45 Which is why every ten minutes arcane guy is probably like no, but really every ten minutes. Don't have you seen it yet? Okay, so okay, how long do you think arcane episodes are? Half an hour they're 46 minute episode Jesus Netflix. I don't know. I don't know what's going on. I don't know what's going on with that But yeah, no, I'm gonna watch the rest of it How much did you watch? The first episode, okay? I saw I Saw I keep getting
Starting point is 01:07:21 Vi and Jinx mixed up But I saw a clip of one of them fighting And I was the redhead jinx is the bluehead Anyway, I saw a clip of one of them fight what do you not know red and blue anymore? No, I do but I it's the rest of the design. That's kind of not clear because I'm like I am this uh But she would vise holding the big rock the big weapon, right and
Starting point is 01:07:58 No, and no device the puncher. Yeah, right. Yeah. Yeah vise stands for violence, right? Jinx is the one with the big rock. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Got it, right? It's yes, there's yes, there's colors, but I'm saying but it's like the rest of the the design is literally red and blue I know, but it's the rest of the event not not just the colors that I'm also I also get confused by It's fine. I haven't seen them enough for them to fully cement in my brain is Whatever Anyway, I saw a pretty fight. That's all I was trying to say. Yeah, was it with a girl with a robot arm? I Don't think she had it in that clip. Okay, but
Starting point is 01:08:35 Yeah, but yeah, no. Yeah, no, it's animated. It looks immaculate. It's like what the fuck and I Mean I'll give a really short Rundown of ruined King ruined King came out this week. Do you even know what that is? No, I've heard a way. That's I think that was project R Okay, so those valorant there's L and then there was the other one Yeah, and then there's the other one was to the choose your own adventure story. Okay
Starting point is 01:09:09 um Fucking a ruined King is did you like battle chasers? Night war. Oh Yeah What if Yeah, played battle chasers. Yeah like literally literally just battle chasers But it was ill a yoy illowy and and braum how do you study? How do you say that one? I've said I'll allow you apparently allow a parent people make fun of me when I try to say it
Starting point is 01:09:41 So I don't know what to say Allow me. Okay, and Yasuo's there. Yeah, like Yasuo. He's Samurai. He's on your team Yeah, and I mean to be fair the battle chasers was already aesthetically close to what League does anyway It's probably one of the reasons why like the Joe Madd artwork just fits really perfectly really really well and I played a couple hours of that and What a miserable game to stream because I was really relaxed and chill the whole time and didn't want to say anything I just wanted to like enjoy it music and and just kind of yep. It's it's it's not exciting. It's just like yeah So that looks looks fantastic plays well
Starting point is 01:10:22 They have a RPG system. That's very similar to battle chasers night war, but there's lanes There's a lane system You can make things go faster if you go top or go bot Interesting in the in the single battle Yes, it's when you when you pick a spell you can make the spell a top lane a mid lane or a bottom lane And that affects its speed and power. Okay Yeah, you got to work in the the recognizables sure And it's and like all of these things are solid
Starting point is 01:11:01 I've been play play rune terra To varying degrees of intensity from time to time rune terra is a lot of fun You you had some experience with it and I think the funniest thing about arcane Was the I want to say PC gamer article, which was hey, you really liked arcane Don't play League of Legends Oh Yeah, don't let it don't let it trick you okay, but that's what let it But that's what it's trying to do now
Starting point is 01:11:32 That's why we're talking about rune terra now the the world of rune terra So arcane episodes don't end with a link leading right back to a download now in in fact I think the weirdest thing about riots expansion into all these genres is that League is by far the shittiest one Interesting like no question people seem to like Valorant. I Don't know anything about Valorant dude I'm If it hasn't already happened or been discussed
Starting point is 01:12:10 We are heading for a place where upon completion of arcane You will be emailed direct to your Netflix email address account a Link to a promo for tons of free hours in League of Legends Bucks or three Costumes or whatever the whatever the promo would be upon completion of the show Because why can't we do that Netflix knows your email address and this show can fucking do that You know what the worst part is you know what the absolute like I was watching Val was watching Valorant. That's actually part of it. I was watching goddamn fucking
Starting point is 01:12:54 Arcane and arcane has Victor Jinx singed Vi and made probably Caitlyn in there as well and My brain went to I Wonder when they're gonna make it. Yeah, it's got Heimerdinger and echo in there And I was like I wonder if Heimerdinger Heimerdinger decks are more viable in Ruin Terra and it'd be cool if Vi had been in Ruins King and maybe I should Load up and then you wait. Oh, no, and then you know, no, and then it worked
Starting point is 01:13:35 you know Yep And I did not I did not but you got close League No, you know, I didn't load up League because I'd rather play Ruins King, which is their other fucking game Okay, well you fucking you spent you played one either way. Yeah, all right Yeah, and also. Hey, guess what? Vi's gonna be in the goddamn project L. Yeah. No, you I could tell you the list of that for games roster like now Well, I threw out my list last time when the one looking over the footage and I threw it out a while ago
Starting point is 01:14:09 But and but to throw it out again. My list was Riven, Udyr, Blitzcrank, Volleybear, V, Vi, Leeson, Thresh, Master Yi, and Illaoi. They're not they're not gonna put Thresh, Nautilus, or Blitzcrank in the same game Okay, they're functionally identical. Oh, they just have a fighting game perspective. They just look like they're all they're all hookers They look like they belong. Yeah, okay Fiddlesticks would be there That's a funny name. He's an evil scarecrow. Okay. That's a good name for a scarecrow. Yeah Yeah, hookers, why are everybody laughing? They throw hook out and grab the hook. Yeah, hook character. They hook them. Yeah Yeah, like like a Roadhog. Roadhog, hooker or scorpion hooker
Starting point is 01:15:01 Yeah, it's a hooker But yeah, I know the whole the whole thing's the fucking Like I I Okay, I'm gonna really really break it open for people like as Somebody who has worked in the games business to some degree over the past while and so have you woolly Right a little bit here and there you you you more directly solid 20 fucking years of my life
Starting point is 01:15:33 Let's let's take all The public evil right and then there's what I'm gonna call Functionally assumed evil where EA hasn't been in the news much lately But I don't believe that they're not just as guilty of everybody else. No, they will be right. They will be right and then you have I Know a guy who's willing to tell me shit that I can't confirm about X company It being evil. Yep, and that's like a big chunk That's like a lot of it and it's for any of the ubi shit was public people in the in the it was public
Starting point is 01:16:21 And people in the Montreal gaming, you know and and and other places offices Gaming circles all fucking were hyper aware of that and it was discussed and it was just it was a thing, you know Yeah, and it's like For my own personal purposes, but also for my professional purposes and also for all of you at home Just wanting to have a decent Saturday evening You can't play the game of well, I haven't found anything out about them yet Cuz You will or you might not know but it's there
Starting point is 01:17:02 Like let's take Hades. I'm sure everyone on Hades is a wonderful person. It's a small team They're anti-crunch and they make fantastic games over it's super giant unbelievably great 15 people fantastic games One of them might be a cannibal In fact, I have my bets Oh, yeah, no Right like yeah You can't and also yeah bluntly you are probably listening to this on your handheld slave computer It goes forever in the pad it goes. Yeah, no you can't you can't the point has been hyper established
Starting point is 01:17:45 And it goes forever, and I mean the only thing I can say is It feels as if most people kind of understand this and All I can really say is like For I don't know for me at least I feel as if Knowing about that It's still there's still a situation where it's like well at best let's talk about it right and
Starting point is 01:18:21 Let's not not talk about it, and that's kind of always been my thing and so that that you know even with the with everything with like SNK which is most Relevant because yeah, I looked at KOF 15 this weekend and Because they put out they put out the free demo And so using ggpo, and it's like what's gonna what's going on well We can we'll talk about that in a little second, but it's like the first thing is like okay Well, what's happening right because I mean SNK his thing as a company There's been other there's they've been you know code mystics has been updating their old games
Starting point is 01:18:54 There's been DLC coming to Sam's show. There's all this stuff, but like KOF 15 is is like The center fulcrum piece of the story because it happened to be like the next big game in development that has and so we were discussing it every time whenever a piece of news came up with that game was like, okay, what's happening with the the stuff with MBS and and Saudi Arabia and so What I can tell because there certainly were Well, anyway, there is there was some some some people that obviously came in heated Wanted to know things about like oh, so you're playing the game after all or whatever and
Starting point is 01:19:34 With SNK What we know is nothing has changed nothing new has come out nothing new has been publicly Announced right so There was the the whole story about like what was happening with them in Last year or not not last year, but no, yeah, it was 2020 the whole story was basically that
Starting point is 01:20:06 they were potentially going to be bought out by a A company that was the the the eG DC which was owned by Saudi Arabia and by Mohammed bin Salman and They were looking at buying out and owning the majority of SNK and thus it would then become there would become their company It would become his company The initial thing that happened that started this news story was that originally another company
Starting point is 01:20:41 That I think it's like Shanghai based or so but little millennium owned a solid like 81 percent or so in shares and they Directly sold 33 percent to the eG DC Right, so the main thing about that which came about which was discussed At length I'd say last year or so and the main thing people brought up to me was that there's very little SNK can do about that when someone Sells the sales the sales shares from one hand straight to the other in that way But either way that's what happened. They bought a third of the company So a third is currently owned there was talk about them then trying to move to buy more and then take over the company
Starting point is 01:21:21 And then that didn't happen. So as it stands, they currently own a third of the company and the rest and then it's still owned by SNK's, you know original owners, so Um That's it. That's all we know the takeover didn't occur the deal didn't go through and For now, that's it. That's all we know It's the reason why I I jumped so hard on this particularly this week is like one this week has been like tons Unbelievable of tons of active vision blizzard. Yeah, it's like an awful focal point everywhere. Yeah, but for for weeks now As people talk about arcane specifically
Starting point is 01:22:05 I have seen the absolute like Capitalist nightmare that is I can't believe you people support riot and arcane and then people go but It's a good show and everybody bad basically to which the response is usually well, none of the games I buy Have X people at them, but they never Describe the games they're talking about and I feel like part of that is If I were to say out loud, I Only support Namco Bandai Because they don't have criminals
Starting point is 01:22:47 Someone will fucking appear To tell me about how 11 years ago. They had this massive fucking Horror story trafficking ring running through their office Or well, you know, I don't I don't truck with riot. I only buy Sega games Right who are in bed with the literally Or I only buy Nintendo games which have illegally tracked spied and intimidated people for decades Yeah, literally showing up that that dude's house. Yeah, right Um
Starting point is 01:23:26 the the the discussion point that comes up a lot too is There's a point where someone will say well like Also Well, and this is going this is coming from the opposite side. They would say You know, if there's a team of like talented people that like Like a team of people that are working on something that is good Should they be punished for their work based on? You know the outside factors of what of their producers or what's happening in their corporation in their company should all the studios that ea bought
Starting point is 01:24:00 suffer because ea owns them now so that comes up a bunch and um And that's where i'm like, yeah, I don't know But that's why I don't know But that's where to me. It's like well then just Like discuss the thing Don't not discuss the thing to whatever odds and ends they are
Starting point is 01:24:24 whatever odds and ends are Make sure that you're at least talking about whatever that thing is And that that's out there and that it's not being You know weirdly quieted and suppressed and stuff So, you know if stuff's happening with any of these companies that are making things that we are currently talking about and or enjoying Discuss the thing that's going on that's going badly with them as well. Um, like they're um I mean look they're like
Starting point is 01:24:50 There is I'm wearing a fucking snk t-shirt right now that I bought before that happened Am I supposed to burn this? Um, some of the more insane dealings I've had with people recently have been people who have um been like They like woolly is the leading the snk boycott march and And is the you know, just the biggest piece of shit hypocrite and like And it's like
Starting point is 01:25:26 I feel like I've been very clear with my words and where my comforts and where my limits are and I'm always going to want to say let's discuss whatever's happening with this thing. I didn't tell you what to do with your money I didn't tell you what to do with what you choose to play I'm not the person that's going to dictate What you should or shouldn't do or how you should or shouldn't feel I'm just going to talk about how I feel because not until the halfway mark of this podcast when we take a break But I'm just going to talk about how I feel because this is a recording pot This is a podcast about our what we want to talk about and I talk about how I feel uncomfortable about certain topics
Starting point is 01:26:00 But I'm not I'm not marching You know, I'm not doing that. I'm not leading. I'm not that person So some people who not some people specifically two people who like Like we're really really angry about that because they're ultimately like, well, I don't care. I'm pro You know continuing to support or whatever, but I was just rubbing those people the wrong way with there were just there There's some insane act outs, you know, which led to I think this is a good time Yeah to have this conversation about just the level of um
Starting point is 01:26:31 How impossible it is to navigate these waters and how the best I think you can do is Even if it's something that you're interested in into our playing or talk or whatever regularly streaming Talk about the shit that is happening And don't don't hide that shit. That's the best I think you can do Like I played if there's better answers. I'm not I'm an idiot and I don't know what else they would be But that's all I got, you know I played ruin king and and watched arcane which are Made in association with a bunch of sex abusive scumbags
Starting point is 01:27:07 I played some smt 5 which is made by a company that I on a professional level despise Despise professionally. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I had to explain to punch mom the the dinosaur mentality Uh, which then led to me explaining the insane johnny's SMAP censorship I'm Yeah, I'm playing fucking halo, which has like Its own fucking problems is run by antitrust king microsoft I like and then I'm playing some ff 14 to prep for n walker and I'm like
Starting point is 01:27:46 Come on you should be don't be a criminal, please Hey, you know, let me let me have one. That's just morally uncomplicated. God damn it You know, maybe the casuals who just recognize the game They like every time it comes out and don't think about anything else or follow game industry news Maybe they were right Maybe that distance is good. Maybe you just enjoy the thing I play the the annual football and I like it and that's it and then I go about my life They might have a point. You know football leads to death, right? They might have a point
Starting point is 01:28:30 You should obviously consume media in a critical fashion and ignorance is not the answer and complaining helps But like now fuck that ignorance is the answer return to casual just like return to casual come Join me Stop caring about any of this stop caring about the horrors and the truth Seek shelter and ignorance return to casual The riots in particular the overwhelming emotion that I get is less Less like genuine desire for social change and more like well, I don't like riot anyway And this will help me feel morally superior
Starting point is 01:29:12 As long as we don't dig into this Yeah, fuck those people a little bit more Yeah, it's been a very tiring week for examining my moral stances on consuming media Uh, I think the one that stood out to me is if you try and consume nothing But unprobable unproblematic media you will find yourself drinking rain water and living in the gutter Uh And I it stuck with me because I'm like well, why would why not use rain?
Starting point is 01:29:44 Why not use tap water and I'm like, oh right because municipal services Have not always been dealt out egalitarianly across different communities Depending on their ethnic makeup. Oh great. Yeah, that's right. Sure didn't sure didn't All right. Okay. Cool tap waters out. Yep. Got it You know what red lining is You know what gerrymandering is I know I know what red lining is but there's like five different red linings Well, basically when you have a bunch of neighborhoods with people that you don't want to sell
Starting point is 01:30:21 Uh, your houses too You can uh, you can just For the most part Just go yeah We're not selling to anybody who will you know cause Um, basically we just we don't trust you and the bank doesn't trust you and your ability to purchase a house You're the wrong shade. So uh, no no houses for you And then you can draw
Starting point is 01:30:47 You can draw voting lines alongside some of these divisions and then you know in some cases the the water might work a little bit better In some places it depends on how the you know where the money is coming from and you know anyway um So, um Yeah, so that was my week. Yeah. Yeah. Do you know what and you know what I found out? I actually got to talk about halo after this I found out that you well, no, it was just like Well, um, when you make when you when a tick tock profile is created on the desktop computer
Starting point is 01:31:21 Boy, it wants your phone number so bad. You are able to make the account and Uh, just put a name and whatever like it, you know sign up or whatever But you cannot edit your page in any way. You cannot change your picture profile. You cannot do anything Oh, yeah, I had the same experience All you can do is sign up and then the rest of your account settings Require you to install it on your phone So they know They know
Starting point is 01:31:51 so well What they need from you and you're not getting around it on on a desktop at the end of the database and chip me I don't even care anymore I'm so fucking I like this weekend this week. Don't care had Come had me exhausted of being cynical Like absolutely exhausted. Yeah No, um, I mean Reggie and punch mom both like
Starting point is 01:32:21 Caught an earful of just You know, um, yeah All right. Anyway, so I played more halo last week. I spoke. I played two three matches of halo, right? I was like, it's good I've come back after 25 more hours of halo infinite Halo infinite is extraordinarily fun to play There's a couple little design issues Like a couple guns aren't quite balanced very good
Starting point is 01:32:56 They need to put collision back on melee because sometimes when you go to melee somebody You actually pass through their character model and end up hitting their back which causes an instant kill. It's a little weird And the playlists are currently I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the interruption. I apologize Yeah, just Do you remember When after nine long years
Starting point is 01:33:22 devil may cry five was announced Yeah, and then In the leading up excitement for this awesome thing that we have to some degree fashioned our entire lives around It was discovered more than nothing. It was discovered that the the the daunte theme song Was problematic Yeah, and it was It really was too like like
Starting point is 01:33:52 Just just just just remember that that happened For a second Do you remember what allowed us to escape the moral cynicism on that? They replaced the song sucks the song sucked And then they replaced the vocalist Like But just Oh, like
Starting point is 01:34:16 Like it wasn't it wasn't devil trigger No, it wasn't it was the bad one. It was the bad one But just that's that's it like it it of you know just a spark in my brain just went. Yeah member dmc five member subhuman member that fucking thing Anyway, hey daunte, what do you think about the aliens? Ah, you know what let's let's just not do that Let's just not huh. All right
Starting point is 01:34:49 Um don't get shot So yeah, there's some stuff for halo's gameplay they gotta they can work out that's it's it's Uh, I've I've played the halo multiplayer's I played two I played three I played a lot of three I played some reach I haven't played the recent ones. It's fun. It's a really fun halo game the maps are a lot of fun good. Um They do need to put collision and there's some some issues with some of the weapons, but like yeah, okay um The playlists are like awful It is it is like
Starting point is 01:35:23 It is the worst playlists for a first-person shooter. I have ever personally encountered you four playlists bot match which is bots you you know team of four human people against bots which is uh Includes every single map and match type in the game in a single playlist So you have oddball you have uh capture the flag you have one flag You have slayer you have strongholds And you have one where you uh, I forget what the other one is
Starting point is 01:35:57 Then you have quick play. Mm-hmm, which is not against bots and includes every single map And every single game mode In the entire game Which includes all of these Then you have big team battle Which is 12v12 instead of 4v4
Starting point is 01:36:16 Which also includes Every single map and every single possible game type And then you have ranked Which is uh, you know, they turn your radar off and it's 4v4. That's a little more serious. You start with slightly different weapons And it is most of the maps and most of the modes in the game and Um Most people who play halo Load up halo and they want to play what in halo is called slayer
Starting point is 01:36:50 And what in every other game is called team deathmatch Just i'm gonna be on one team the other guys are gonna be on their team. I'm gonna shoot them Right. Mm-hmm. It is that is I would say 80 percent Of all total desired matches in from a halo player or slayer I played the game for six hours On the monday and tuesday after the game came out and got like Three matches of slayer. Oh, shit the only mode i want to play
Starting point is 01:37:23 Well, can you do custom playlist like uh titanfall? Yeah with you with your friends. Okay only Ah I got I shit you not like nine games of oddball in a row Followed by one slayer followed by three stronghold and five capture the flag now. I'll play oddball I'll play ctf. I think ctf and halo is a lot of fun But god damn it. I just want to fucking play team deathmatch that sucks And there's clearly not gonna there would be enough people to do it in a public Custom list if you wanted it. Why not let you prefer a certain game mode and then hit the playlist
Starting point is 01:38:06 So that like unpopulated modes master chief has that yeah collection totally pick your mode that you want You select the games they want you you want a qn for and yeah sign up. Yeah, that's why It feels like this is the thing for their beta rollout Right to to force everybody into map that types that would normally play because we have to find out how they yeah And if that's the case Okay fine I can understand that less popular modes need testing to
Starting point is 01:38:37 What I can understand is you have a typical uh macro transaction problem with halo infinite In which the customization options for your character are way lower than they used to be And hey, do you want to buy this $10 skin? That's horribly overpriced right pretty typical you have your battle pass which uniquely
Starting point is 01:39:01 You pay $10 for and you keep it forever. There's no end time on it. I heard So you saw you talked about how awesome it was because it's a permanent battle pass But I have seen the uh further Elaboration on what this means That was that was day one of that discussion. Yeah Yeah This you know that have you ever heard the expression of no plan ever survives contact with the enemy? No, but sure. I I mean similar. It's an old world war two thing. Um, everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face
Starting point is 01:39:35 Is the version I like right? This is uh, this is what happens is that you're like, okay, that battle pass is reasonable and then you go into a game Uh, and you play a 45 minute capture the flag match or big team battle and you get nothing Zero literally nothing yes, um Apparently a lot of it makes a lot of Sorry after you. Sorry. Apparently it makes the progression problems of the original for honor system
Starting point is 01:40:05 Like a joke in terms of like how much you would get Because halo is like you let you have this battle pass forever. You get no rewards for hours of play All right, so I'm gonna I'm gonna I find progression systems to be fascinating So I'm gonna like break this down as as deeply as I can because it's broken on every level You have a battle pass which is 100 tiers of the free version of the battle pass 60 levels are xp boosts
Starting point is 01:40:35 And challenge swaps which are to swap a weekly challenge around Of the remainder you have to hit level 80 before you get a new piece of armor Wow for the free battle pass wow, okay Okay, if you buy the battle pass for ten dollars and last forever You run into the issue that they've decided on a core system where this is the mark five spartan and this is the mark seven spartan Dyes are specific to cores and so are accessories And in some cases they'll give you an armor kit where hey, you can dress up as a dorge from halo reach But he can only be equipped on the armor core that he doesn't wear
Starting point is 01:41:18 in halo reach And you actually need to progress 20 more levels to get the color for the other armor core Wait, if there's a free battle pass, why isn't that just the game Isn't that just the game? If if if there's a free battle pass why even Like why isn't that just like the video game has this progression system in it? Like because a battle pass is there's a purchase that's
Starting point is 01:41:46 In addition to changing so that rewards come at a different rate It's On top of that you have your daily win tracker, which is uh, I think three quests which is Play one game of pvp then win one game of pvp and then win three games of pvp, which gives you experience And then once you uh exhaust those they don't give you anymore And then you have your four weekly challenges out of a pool of like 25 and they're gonna be shit like Hit three guys in the back or stick five guys with a grenade You know typical halo stuff or kill three guys with x right?
Starting point is 01:42:23 um, all of these Give very very very very little experience um The bigger problem Is that you could hit zero On the daily pass thing very fast. So what they did they changed it. They went, okay Instead now every single moment of every day you always have a daily challenge that will reset every time you get it Which is play one match and it will give you 50 points out of the 1000 it takes to gain a level
Starting point is 01:42:54 So play um 200 games Win or lose You get uh, you get a level. Okay. Well the weekly passes give you 200 to 500. Okay. Well, what happens when I get Through the easy ones and then I get to the part Where it says Kill three players with the oddball Right, you pick up the oddball and you you keep it. That's the the the use of that's of that
Starting point is 01:43:25 Uh, you're everybody's fighting over at the hot potato essentially. Yeah, yeah And when you when you have the oddball you can melee people to to kill right right? And you get something that says Kill three people with the oddball right And then you go, okay, I'm gonna hit quick play and then you play for an entire night and never see the oddball mode once And then the next day you do get your three oddball kills and what fills in that next weekly challenge Win three games of oddball and you go what why weren't these all running concurrent? They don't stack
Starting point is 01:44:06 No, only the four active ones Okay, okay because one of the big things you get out of the battle pass or you can pay for is what's called a challenge swap Where you can take your weekly challenge and go, I don't want to do this weekly challenge I would like to roll the dice and get an easier one and on top of that On top of that You get challenges some of which have been removed and some of which are still in the game And these are absolutely outrageous
Starting point is 01:44:34 I had a Challenge that was destroy one scorpion, which is the tank that you remember. Will they and it was kill 20 Spartans with a banshee. I want to say it was it might have been a rave Or banshee with the flying coveted. Yeah. Yeah And um the scorpion and the the banshee or the wraith I can't remember I never So the reason I can't tell you which one it is Is because I've never seen A banshee or a wraith once ever. Okay. I played hours and hours and hours of big team battle
Starting point is 01:45:09 Turns out the scorpion and the the covenant flyers only spawn If the match is almost at like sudden death So if the one team actually tries hard and wins They'll never spawn in the fucking map ever So the natural progression of playing the video game does not give you an opportunity to even fulfill the challenges that are asked of you Willie I have 25 hours played. I have never seen a covenant flying vehicle And I'm supposed to get 20 kills with it There's another thing happening right now on the spot behind all of this, which is just um because I
Starting point is 01:45:47 I like to zoom out sometimes and just take in the situation if possible and We are now at a place where um, we are critiquing The bullshit of this battle pass system and how badly it's implemented In a world where once upon a time the concept of a battle pass was already like wait, you're charging us for what? right
Starting point is 01:46:12 Yeah, and in the same way or like gacha things and like the rollout of the change of the industry Has been so successful In every mini-bice kind of situation This actually feeds back into the old conversation that we now We're hyper used to like Getting fucked over and we're now critiquing the method of flogging That we're like, oh at least be a little nice on the flog
Starting point is 01:46:43 Do you do you remember the number one thing that people would say when you would complain about Oblivion's horse armor and it was vote with your wallet with your wallet. You know what? I fucking did And guess what it didn't mean shit because the average consumer is a fucking uninformed moron And they will buy their god they will steal their parents credit cards to buy their fifa cards So here we are We're critiquing the systems that The very implementation of these systems was originally the issue a couple years ago and now you're like well, we're in it
Starting point is 01:47:23 At what the fuck at these requirements on the daily? Yeah, but it's actually it's super weird because like you could easily fix these with a bunch of number things The biggest problem the biggest problem with halo infinites. Um The all these challenge things Right because if it was just progression, who cares? Yeah, right? It was just cosmetics Again, I agree with sterling cosmetics are part of the game shut up. It's not just cosmetics But let's say it's just cosmetics. That's fine. Guess what you're playing a game in a team And guess what after I was given
Starting point is 01:47:55 the fucking Like 35th oddball game in a day and I had one challenge to go for my week and it was Kill people by hitting them in the back with a melee Yeah, I'm gonna run around and ignore the fucking ball and hit people in the back in the melee And you know what else? Two other team members on my team were also clearly just doing challenges because they didn't want to play oddball And the one guy on the fucking match that was holding the ball Figured out a way to type in the chat and said play the objective to which I responded. No, I don't want to
Starting point is 01:48:33 I saw that screenshot And I took a photo of it and I put it up. I saw that Because guess what? It's not just me You go into you go. It's the playlist thing and this yeah have combined To create your playing capture the flag and no one cares about the flag Because everyone's trying to do their fucking weapon specific challenges that they can't get into the modes they need for If all the challenges ran concurrent, this would be significantly mitigated
Starting point is 01:49:08 But the biggest try the thing I don't understand They have a finish a game get 50 experience. Why the fuck isn't that win a game get 200? Right, you know what I'm seeing in games, you know, I'm seeing games right now See this controller. What if I were to just put a rubber band on this fucking stick? Yeah, so my character runs forward the whole time so you don't idle Yeah Get your experience They're everywhere
Starting point is 01:49:37 Because the only way to fucking get experience after your fucking weekly challenges are done I have a question And perhaps the fact that And perhaps this might be indicative of uh All these problems we're discussing this week, but you know what I want to know What How does the battle rifle feel?
Starting point is 01:50:03 great Because that's a really good gun I fell in love with the foreburster And I hope it I hope it continues to feel good because that was a really That was a sexy gun and it felt really good to shoot it. I hope it feels good this time around too And when you uh, when you get a foreburst, uh, a little icon, sorry, a man tells you perfect Yay, that's good. That's good. Uh, the alien weapons are all terrible And one of them was nerfed so bad right before release that you cannot complete its own weapon challenges Jesus
Starting point is 01:50:35 Like if functionally doesn't work There's there's there's three there's three challenges. You can get three stars on each right, uh in like a little academy thing, right? um, and uh, the there's uh, there's a ravager gun that shoots like red lasers that got nerfed right before release That you cannot get three stars on its final challenge. You can't wow the the weapon can't do it. Okay um They they they nerfed it too hard Yeah, the uh, no the br is one of the few times in video games like I'm
Starting point is 01:51:11 I'm sure this happens to a lot of people but uh, for me, it's it's a rare occurrence We're like, I'm playing a first person shooter and I pick up a gun and I shoot it and I immediately go Oh, I like this like this is just yeah Felt oh, you know, I take that back the knee learn the mangler great. Oh, okay. There's kneelers good mangler good But uh, the energy alien weapons are aside from the other goddamn awful. How's the hammer? Ah Like you don't move any faster and the slow is really swan really slow The sorry the swing is really slow. Oh, uh, it is a very poor man's energy sword
Starting point is 01:51:50 Which by the way is now completely uncontested because they don't have a one-hit kill shotgun in the game Oh, if somebody so if somebody with an energy sword gets within uh, about five feet of you You're going to die and there's nothing you can do about it Brute shot used to be pretty good Brute shots no longer in it's been kind of replaced by the mangler. Oh There um It's a it's a really weird feeling because I'm not even the you know I said last week that I was the biggest halo fan ever. By the way, that was that was lying. I was like, um
Starting point is 01:52:23 I was lying for fun. Um, but I actually do miss the uh, the brute shot the the spiker Like the handgun that had the two like curved blades. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I really like that gun Uh, so it's with this being a long-term lime service game I assume they're going to rotate in and out like pretty much every halo weapon that's ever existed to some degree Oh But yeah, it's fun fun to play halo wish uh The progression the progression is so bad that even if you don't care about the progression
Starting point is 01:52:55 Your teammates will and it'll fuck up your game sometimes Which ruins the entire experience one way or the other right well because people aren't trying to win. They're just trying to do their challenges Yeah, okay So this is yeah, this is this is the test and learn period, right? It's it's an early seems like so I um I spoke I I spoke to a ghost earlier today In which they described there's a lot of emails going around about the progression and that they are very committed to Figuring this out as fast as possible before the goddamn full release
Starting point is 01:53:34 It's kind of amazing how you can put all the pieces in place to have a really fun multiplayer game But if you fuck up the incentives, it just turns everyone's Like motivation to shit and then ruins the the play Uh too many things in the pot Like let's let's let's really like examine it Let's say you took this game and removed all customization whatsoever outside of like do you want to be red blue green yellow, etc Yeah, it would be a more fun game to play right now
Starting point is 01:54:09 Because people who would be playing it would be trying to win every match And it wouldn't just be about booting the fucking game up, right? Yeah, yeah That's my week you want to see more crap this week Um, I'm gonna play halo at some point probably. I don't know Uh over slash pat stairs. I don't know what I'm gonna stream this week. I have no idea. I'll figure it out Whatever it is. It will probably be Ethically dubious at best. Yeah, it'll be ethically. Yeah, it'll be ethically dubious. Yeah I'll only get my video games from uh from uh from a no kill studio
Starting point is 01:54:50 I Wow, I just invented that as like a as a run on like a no kill shelter and I realized like I was I was Accidentally dead on you can actually say this week. You can actually wow. Wow. Okay. Good excellent That was an accident um Okay, what's going on Fuck video games, man Dude, uh, dude, I've been saying it
Starting point is 01:55:23 I've been saying it Return to casual Yeah, let's just play our footy manager. Let's just play Hey, dude, they got the dorito guy, you know, they got a space game with the guy in the doritos Now Ruto's running with with rick and morty and kikashi is is dancing next to ryu But what else do you need in life? And they're all observing martin luther king jr. Day. Well, he deserves it. We need to teach these kids
Starting point is 01:56:02 Just return to not giving a fuck. It's the only way Uh It's like norm core remember norm core Yeah, norm core was the movement of people that would they had become So extreme in their like hipster clothing styles That you go so far out that the coolest thing you can do is not do the hipster style clothing and just return to being normal again So just wearing like boring um
Starting point is 01:56:33 Polos and t-shirts and you know regular jeans and you know, no just nothing written on them norm core Like background characters in a sitcom Because that's the only way to be cool Do you remember when a bunch of people in the games industry wanted to make games that were really Like sweet and like cute and cuddly And they made them and then people started to term them wholesome games and then people started to make wholesome games that part of their marketing was to Morally evangelize themselves over all those other games with violence in them and come off like complete scumbags Uh, like what I don't remember
Starting point is 01:57:14 All of them are games that I looked at and couldn't remember the goddamn names of but this was like a couple months ago Hmm. I guess I didn't see that I didn't see that But yeah, um Well Okay, so my week. What did I do? Uh, first things first. Uh, I just played a fuck ton of smt 5 Yeah, um probably young man young man
Starting point is 01:57:45 Like you call me whatever you want. Oh god me. You're fucking dope. You're super cool Goddamn, he's great. Look at that hair though, man Yeah That hair is one full generation of graphical power past everything else in the game. Yeah, I'm uh I'm down with the proto fiend um Nabohino is a nahobino is a weird word to say it's a Anything with a bean in it is just gonna come across weird coming out of our lips. I don't know
Starting point is 01:58:20 Um This uh, this game is uh, a joy. I I'm more like nabo himbo I mean he can be a himbo if you want him to be but we don't he's not emotive enough to put any of that on him Really isn't Startlingly blank even for an smt protagonist insert your own everything Um With yeah, no, I know Anyways, um, the the game is a joy to play. It's very fun. It's really really cool and I enjoy
Starting point is 01:58:59 uh, yeah, I enjoy the The the places where uh, you feel as if you talked about it a little earlier But like it's where you would think um, you know a persona game might pull some punches and in this case it doesn't um and Although admittedly like not spoiler, but just full disclosure You're like you leave the school and you never go back again. I'm like until you go back Oh, I haven't gotten that far. I would be fair. It was like 12 hours in and I hadn't gone back yet
Starting point is 01:59:28 Yeah, I'm in the 20s somewhere and uh, and yeah, I know you do but um It's but it's interesting because um I have a thing I bring up a lot of the time with with um the over forgiveness right of of like heinous acts in games like this sometimes or in anime or in
Starting point is 01:59:55 Stuff where it's just like it's okay. No matter what you did at the end If you if you feel bad about it and you have a tragic backstory We can play the Naruto swing song and then everyone's gonna call you the coolest guy um, then your daughter's gonna ask you if you're a war criminal and you're just gonna stare at her and and Emotionally neglect her mother. You know, it'll be fine something like that but in this case like I I um You're well one
Starting point is 02:00:23 Like you get there's a scene that like you there's stuff where that kind of plays out in a way where You're like, okay. You're feeling bad for someone um and Well, let's just let's just say that like You know, it does its take on like I mean here. How about this if you're interested in zero spoilers For like what are you talking about? Just fucking say words. I I know. I'm just putting up
Starting point is 02:00:47 I'm giving everyone an opt out if they want to tap out and not hear anything about smc 5 So I'm gonna start talking about it now. You can come back on the next time. Yes. Well, it's probably what's gonna happen Talking about specifics. I'd rather give the choice than not at all anyways So the game deals with bullying Like and and persona deals with bullying in its own ways as we see and you kind of figure out what to do there In in smt 5's case with bullying. It's like there's a girl who's getting bullied For because shitty stupid kids are stupid and shit. Yeah, okay
Starting point is 02:01:14 So in a very like a Kamen Rider monster of the week kind of way Given to the power of of demons and evil and now you can get revenge on your bullies, right? awesome First order of business murder the fuck out of those bullies And it's like Kill them. Whoa kill them like Bullying is bad
Starting point is 02:01:41 Homicide is worse That's bad They're never gonna bully anyone again. Yeah, so like fucking off You know and I was like, okay We're not even doing the like mental prison or like, oh, they're not like No persona plots would be those games would be real short Yeah, if they had an smt protagonist, but that's it, right? So so like they just get fucking
Starting point is 02:02:10 homicided and um, I was like, oh, okay and before that there's like the discussion where it's like, okay, so um, you know This we try to save this girl. We have to beat the demon, but what if we have to get them both? What do we do? and Then that goes down and then uh fucking proto fiend is like
Starting point is 02:02:32 So just you're going to butchered your daily you're doing your missions and you're saving the day and proto fiend is like, hey, so That girl like murdered the fuck out of those students And I know you want to save her because of friendship and stuff, but Is that really the right move? considering, you know, like The big death And and you have to pick your answer and I'm like, yeah, that's an order or chaos choice I'll take that because holy fuck
Starting point is 02:03:01 Right. Yeah, I you asked me he asked me exactly what I was thinking as I'm going about the mission like are we Should we really try to save this person? He goes, hey, is that okay? And I was like, thank you for acknowledging that al-gami. You know It's fascinating because I got pretty I mean I got like I kept saying about 12 13 hours in and I didn't feel like the chaos law thing was Surfacing much at all. The only time I felt like it did was the the argument between lian shide and absaara's yes, where that that's the classic Do you want to rise to your own strength or that's the first one? Survey into somebody else. Yeah, usually it's like every single time somebody talks to you you go
Starting point is 02:03:47 Kill them or I'd like to find out more and one of those is law or chaos So it seems like every large zone of the game is going to have one of those pick one of pick an order or a demon Or in order or a chaos demon Pick their side and eliminate the other one type of thing. So it seems like that's going to be like a repeating bit um But a couple of questions pop up that are like, hey, which way are you going on this? How do you feel about this? You know and uh, my understanding is also and this is just like helpful to know is that like They're in there, but also don't sweat too hard about it because it's not doing the smt4 thing
Starting point is 02:04:27 Where it's not no because um smt4 like required you to like if you're trying to get your true neutral for example Sometimes smt4 tracked every single fucking thing you did and ping ponged you aggressively If you tried to stay in the middle with a plus one or a plus two and it was pretty rough for trying to get the results You wanted so my understanding of I want to raise my hand and point out just how bad the smt4 system was because there was a pivotal choice at the 70 mark of that game that asked you if you were wanted to be Law or chaos and the meter was if you were at plus eight Or minus eight
Starting point is 02:05:10 you would Jump into one of the other and if you were in that 16 point range in the middle you would be true neutral right And the choice you made Gave eight points so that if you came to that conclusion with zero You would choose either decision and end up on opposite ends of the spectrum and could not Be neutral even though you came in at a perfect neutral number. Yeah, which is what happened to me I somehow came into zero
Starting point is 02:05:46 And was like, oh, I picked law and now i'm stuck in the law thing. Oh, okay. I'll back out and do chaos You're too neutral and ended up in the and like this is bullshit. Yeah, that sucked um And especially considering like the neutral ending is like obviously the best one um That was uh, uh, so that it seems like this time around There is a somewhat like an there's like I think there's like a spinning icon indicator That that'll let you know a bit of where your alignment is but for the most part even though answering questions does
Starting point is 02:06:16 Uh, actually get tracked in that way it for your ultimate outcomes You will be able to just decide In terms of Yeah This is this is finally gave up on this stupid shit It's it the system is in there, but it's but to but you can pick which ending you're going for based on what you want Um, so that's nice to know so with that play real Answer true and be honest, you know
Starting point is 02:06:47 You don't have to fucking dance with your your ups and downs Do every chaos action the whole game like I was going to oh, yeah I'm going I'm going chaos, but I'm not doing every chaos I'm doing the chaos is that I agree with and I got dude Like I don't know about you, but like the the chaos law thing in smt has always been like Like the law outcomes are just so much more nightmarish than the chaos outcome And the enforcers of the laws are all stuffy and shit You talking to these angels and they're like, yes, we need a boring world of god
Starting point is 02:07:23 This is like, oh, yeah, I'm talking to Raphael and he's like, oh god's law and everything perfect And then you're like, okay Well, who am I going to talk to on on the fucking chaos side and you got belfagore sitting on the toilet next to mara the penis chariot Go, why don't we burn it all down? You're like, okay. Well, I know who I'm going to hang out with You know, I used to really hate the soul caliber for ending And with time I think I've grown to appreciate
Starting point is 02:07:50 It's like it's message Which is like if you let the soul edge win It just engulfs the world and burns everything and destroys it all because chaos chaos But if you let the soul caliber win It just freezes the world and preserves it because if nothing moves then nothing can be evil or sin Right, yeah, so just freeze everything forever, you know Um, and it's like, yeah, you know what actually I think that works as an idea Fuck that
Starting point is 02:08:24 um Anyway, so you have you have these choices playing out and you get to pick your picking choose how you want to go about it and that's really great And um demon management is you know as it is it's fun As you get great you can you can micromanage with essences Even though you'll reverse demon compendium is incredible reverse so I mean the the demon compendium the fusing system in four was great
Starting point is 02:08:52 Because they figured out how to like just smooth it over and now the next part where you are picking out Like I want this that has this that has this was and now it's smoothed out in ways I didn't even like know that I wanted Which is like you can choose between grabbing two things and sticking them together Uh grabbing the result that you look for of the things you're holding Or just grabbing the results of anything you own in the compendium with anything else you own And then paying the money to automatically summon infuse both Reverse demon compendium solves the single biggest
Starting point is 02:09:26 So the single biggest problem in smt was always I want to pick my fucking skulls. God damn it and then they solve that back in Four or four golden or whatever. Yeah four right and I okay I could pick my skills great And now the second biggest thing. That's like, okay, wait, I need a demon. That's like Strong the physical Do I have that's like a compare do I have that? Fuck okay, well if I go to and then you would start fusing ever you would try and fuse everything You like here. It's just like here's the list of everything you could possibly make
Starting point is 02:09:59 Yeah, and some people go as hard as to like memorize the rankings and then like know That this Arcana plus this Arcana equals this and I'm like fuck. I will never be able to do that But making it safe and just showing me like here's the cost of pre summoning infusing these two for the result you want Is beautiful love that also keep in mind that anything you you power up becomes super fucking expensive So, you know the cost goes up. I gotta say, uh, the thing that that blows my mind the biggest is When um I look at the way that they have decided to increase or decrease the power of these things
Starting point is 02:10:44 Where you are this this demon is strong at buffs This demon strong in electricity instead of the buffs being stronger or lasting longer or the abilities doing damage Them costing less or more resources to cast is a great solution Uh of the um the mp cost Yeah, so like if if you have a character that is like plus three to buff Like the the the decan uh rikunda, which is the the enemy defense down instead of costing 10 now costs fucking six Right, um, that's a big goddamn deal You save on the mp. Um something else that's really good here, too is
Starting point is 02:11:32 like For lack of a better term builds are viable It feels like because what I used to do in every other game, uh was like I would just play a character that could all round. I want to have a big powerful physical attack I need to have all my spells to have the weaknesses ready so I can you know start the press turn rotation And if I have slots for something specific, I will you know, maybe it'll just be like a meteorama or something, but um They had the way the game is set up now is uh, you can
Starting point is 02:12:08 You can actually really pick a Character that is about like let's say you want to debuff things as you just mentioned you can really like uh Land a lot of those debuffs on bosses too in a situation where previously I'd feel like what's the point You know, oh the debuffs have always hit on these guys in smt I feel as if I feel as if like I would I would have so many whiff situations or like resistances or I'd be like Ah, fuck it. It's not worth it, right debilitates the best skill in the franchise for a reason
Starting point is 02:12:44 ailments the impression I got with ailments was ah, you know like let's just go for Magic I didn't understand you were talking about ailments like confuse or mirage or one of the yeah No, those are those are more likely to hit now. Sorry. Sorry. Not not debuffs. I mean, I mean to say ailments I mean, that's that's the correct word. Sorry. Um ailments. Yeah, not the kundas and the kajas You know, um The ailments, excuse me. So but like now they're they're landing They're working and you can see I mean you can see the ones with that like the bosses resistant to when you like you scan them
Starting point is 02:13:18 but um Even in cases where like there's resistance. I've had a couple where it's like, oh no, it broke through anyway, you know um, I was able to like handle the first the first major boss um by Getting it put to sleep a couple times and just having him miss his turns You know, and I was like damn that actually slept straight really Not um, um Not drake
Starting point is 02:13:45 Oh drake you don't count drake as the first major boss Uh, I was thinking of um, um, um, orochi Oh I think we're talking about the same boss. Oh Yeah, okay hydra hydra hydra. Yes hydra. Hi, excuse me. Yeah, we we both got it wrong. Yeah. Yeah. Jesus christ. That was done All right, the the the the type is drake hydra is the name hydra hydra hydra. Yes. I slept hydra multiple times Oh good. And then like I'm like, oh, I'm on my third guy. Let me just guard Not waste not wake him up and he slept through both of his turns
Starting point is 02:14:24 And then came back to me and I was like, let's fucking go start the rhythm again, you know So, uh, that was the moment where I kind of went like, all right Like we can put builds together that are gonna, you know, be this or that or whatever. Um, second thing is You get essences throughout the game, which are like, hey What do you want to give a specific skill to a specific demon in your you know in your in your pocket? Yeah Spend an essence card and do that. Um, but then you what if you wanted to demon fuse yourself? So then you give yourself some stuff, right, which is good
Starting point is 02:14:58 But you pick up Proto fiend cards al-gami cards, which are type ones two three, etc. And they have unique skills for The protagonist which are pretty awesome that you don't want to miss mind you. Yeah, so don't accidentally Change your your alignment or waste them on anything without taking those good skills. Let me ask you a question strength or mag Um, so mag Mag this time, okay But the thing is is that like even though I'm going like heavy magic because I just want To be able to start the press turn and keep it going
Starting point is 02:15:37 Right like to me that like if the if the enemy gets two turns Like we're at par for the amount of turns I want in the battle before like I kill them. Otherwise like we're going for zero, right? Um, so but here's the thing is is like if you give yourself some of those proto fiend abilities Uh, like our amasa or there's this really cool. Um Uh, I forgot what it's called But it's a it's a it's an almighty one where you just like it's a unique animation You pull like your claws out and do like a giant uppercut And it'll do fuck tons of damage anyways, even with my magic build
Starting point is 02:16:10 So right you can work in like whatever approach you want and be Relatively and like it'll be okay. You like yeah, I I have a mostly strength sake nagi. That's it Proto fiend and our amasa does like fucking busted shit. Okay. Yeah But if I need to cast if I need to cast zeo or anything like that like it works But the way that I built my proto fiend was as a physical attacker that has the absolutely mandatory debuffs Okay, so uh rikunda Ah interesting. Okay as as the one and then I'll throw on like meteorama or like recarm on him when I can I play I play as magic because like if someone in my team happens to be missing
Starting point is 02:16:56 One of the necessary weaknesses or something then it's like I'll cover for that, you know and and that's That's the balance. So if you if you cast uh our amasa With decent luck like you're gonna crit Oh, yeah, you're because each hits unique And all you need is a single one. Well, I'm sure if you fucking then do the magatsuhi critical And then you get every guarantee every slash a guarantee like that thing is so busted strong Yeah, and then the enemies get it and you're like god
Starting point is 02:17:28 Damn it. So I haven't had that yet, right? Oh, man. It's real bad I've been lucky enough that I've seen them charging and I've just like killed, you know Oh, it's real bad. I've but I've so it seems yeah, I've heard that's a thing. Um But I don't even want to use the other ones yet And I'm gonna do some experimenting to find out But there's stuff that you get that you can spend the full meter on which is like every like if you kill on this turn You get a big boost to xp and maca, right? Um
Starting point is 02:18:00 Or like everything costs one for a turn and I'm like, yeah, that's all cool But nothing is better than everything is guaranteed critical Like yeah, you get eight turns you get eight turns of melting damage Against whatever you're fighting, you know um So I'm just like whatever other versions you want are there But like as far as I'm concerned, I'm just like, okay Run that shit and then on the last turn
Starting point is 02:18:28 If you saw them start chart if you saw the enemies start charging then it's like, all right. What do we got? We got a dampener. What's your what's your biggest elemental ability dampen that shit? And then and literally by the way you will have to do this to survive against some bosses Because there will be some bosses that are like, I'm gonna do a um force spell That will just murder your entire team. And if you don't dampen it, you're out You know So you have to pay attention to that Did you get the the fucking dlc for um demy fiend?
Starting point is 02:18:58 I I don't Think so it was it's an extra. It's a 12 dollar thing. I didn't add all the old feet So I picked it up and it adds all the old fiend bosses into the game. Oh, okay And uh matador shows up next to the first save point Huh as an optional boss and goes and goes up And then you go to fight him and he's like 20 levels higher than you and and maz mezzanga's your whole fucking team in a single shot Okay, you're like, okay. You're for later. Okay, cool. There's already a bunch of that in in the game. That's definitely it's wild That's a later thing and then I came back to it our like that first big stone guy
Starting point is 02:19:37 I came back to him Hours later and it's like nah, bro. You see that his moves are dines He's got dines on the ends of his moves. You're not ready for that That dude is so fucking hilarious because like awgami tells you stay away from that, dude He'll kill you and i'm like i've fought stronger field enemies and RPGs let's oh my fucking god. I'm doing one damage Now the problem is that someone with some gaps in my smt knowledge Like are those are those dlc references just gonna fly right over my head
Starting point is 02:20:10 They're they're straight up nocturne everything. Well, that's unfortunately gonna fly right over my head. You fought some of them in Rido you fought some fiends in rido. Well, I look I know for example Who matador is but the nocturne introduction of him. I didn't I didn't see But I know the right on you fought red fiend and pale rider. Yeah. Yeah Uh, I know what those demons are. I've seen them. I just don't have the like nocturne specific thing So it's like even if you're getting a big pop-off moment for me. It would just be a reference. I haven't seen yet. So Um, anyway That stuff is is really fun. Um, don't don't waste your proto. Don't waste your your awgami cards folks
Starting point is 02:20:58 Um Those unique abilities are great um And make sure you get every fucking skill of god damn note off those cards for your guy You're not gonna get another Of you're not gonna get another aramasa. Well, so I accidentally On the second one where it's just like a healing. It was a healing item and I used it um
Starting point is 02:21:23 To just return my affinities to the normal ones. I wanted because I switched affinities for a boss, you know And that's a thing too where it's like, okay. Well, you can switch affinities if you want to build up a certain resistance But just realize you're going to spend money on it. Um But you know, just keep in mind that that your essences are going to be limited, you know See a lot of folks saying uh, don't Don't waste your gospels. I don't even know what that fucking is. Oh, I burned all my gospels Oh They're free level ups
Starting point is 02:21:57 For you're for the for the uh, the nab bohino nahobino. Oh You have uh, you have grimoires which are free level ups for your demons Yeah, I've been using those as long as they're under you and then there's gospels which are free level ups for you Personally, yeah for the gospels that the very I I think I used all the ones that I got But what I did was is that I would only use them when I was like One xp over a new level. Yeah. Yeah, that's the best time if you want to min max it I'm under the assumption that later levels take so long that you're gonna want to you know, save it for those situations But personally, I'm like fuck it, man. I'm two levels away from a demon. I really want to be rolling with
Starting point is 02:22:41 I'm gonna pop them for that demon and get it and I'm enjoying the game that way right second That's a high value consumable item. Yes And I didn't think to save it for later. That's weird Did you did you got did you get any gospels? Yeah, I got a ton of them. Oh, I just waited till I just waited till that, you know, I was at a new level because I you're not gonna use it with 30 of the level to go That's an obvious waste. Oh, there you go growth
Starting point is 02:23:12 Maybe growth Maybe this is a healthy exercise. I haven't I have not been using many of the dampeners though But I'm sure I will run into something that demands it you will I promise you you will and what's better than dampeners Is giving the ability to one of your demons um I walked into A fucking king frost fight and just
Starting point is 02:23:37 Had a jack frost with me who was like fuck ice attacks It's gonna cost a lot of mp. It's gonna cost like 40 mp But fuck ice attacks and I was like, oh This this fight is over. I'ma just wail and keep you Dampened and nothing is gonna happen. You know that reminds me. There's something I got to talk about when you're done about this Um that I forgot about okay. Well, anyway, so gospels. Yeah that that I mean, I'm sure they'll you know later on It's gonna be helpful But I the way I enjoy these games is I want the demon I want now
Starting point is 02:24:11 And I'm gonna get him because I don't want to wait so I'm spending it so fuck off um But no, and that's been that's been good. Um the the gospel the not gospel the um Glory system as well Is fun. Yeah, well, I was wondering where a bunch of stuff was where I'm like, wait, I can't use items with my demons I can't do this or that and it's like, oh no, I can only transfer four fucking skills And it's because you have to unlock all of that with glory
Starting point is 02:24:41 You know the the only problem I have a glory is that it's like man There are some fucking winners that are so much better than all the other ones Step one increase the size of the demons you can carry with you at one time. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah Step two increase the amount of skills they can do and can use at one time. Yes, exactly um God, what was it? There was one early on that was like It costs like 150 and I'm like, I am absolutely saving up for this Is it when your bar is full you heal regained?
Starting point is 02:25:15 Yeah, yeah, they're like, yeah, are you fucking kidding me? Of course. I'm saving up for that that fast enough It was ridiculous biggest difference roaming around in the world. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so so that's fantastic as well. Um and and you know like uh You know, I'm running around every corner trying to find those little little guys and and um, I I legitimately like I like um Gustav and the um cadavers hollow
Starting point is 02:25:47 Like yeah, he's fun. The shop is is is dope and also it's my favorite song in the game so far Really? Yeah, the cadavers hollow theme is stuck in my fucking head, dude. It's great I don't know Um, continuing of course a tradition of making you feel like shit every time you shop because you just feel like these shopkeepers are Assholes, you know, they feel like they're bilking you, you know, but here's the thing it ain't all roses Because those roses Are poorly animated And drop frames, especially at a distance. This is a switch game
Starting point is 02:26:29 No, it's not This is a fucking PlayStation or xbox game that they Put on the switch. This feels like a switch game The fucking environment you run around in on the overworld Is chugging the textures of every time you look at a demon for the first time It pops in at without a texture and it takes a second and then the rest of it appears It's it's wild. Um the the um
Starting point is 02:27:05 There's a draw distance effect where it not a draw distance, but it's like um It's that thing with the switch where it's like at a distance if you see for example your little navigator buddy Find something and she flies far away from you. She drops to two frames per second So that's not a switch thing. Um, uh a lot of engines do that, uh in uh from Software games. It's called omission mode. Okay. Yeah. Um, and it's once it gets a certain radius from the player Uh things don't animate at the same speed to save on resources They don't but the one in smt 5 is really aggressive Like you can clearly see shit 10 feet away from you going
Starting point is 02:27:43 Yeah At five frames a second. She's like three. She's like like straight up like she's right over there like five or four steps And you see her like just like grit sing into fucking you know what if it was any farther away That game would now run at 14 frames a second. Sure. Sure. Um You run around corners of the environment that are just awkward collision Bad footing. You're like, can I walk there? Am I supposed to? Maybe inconsistent Inconsistent boundaries on cliff sides because some cliffs are meant to be jumped off of and others are not
Starting point is 02:28:21 It doesn't matter because there's fall damage and you can get back wherever you were going But literally you just never know if that awkward cliff side is meant to be scaled or not because there are some places where You start running up a like a steep hill and like you're and you're you're going you're starting He starts like freaking out like oh, you're you're too high. You're too high But there's a jump you're supposed to make over there You know, um the overworld and the the um the collision and the frame rate are Oh, it's a fucking it's a grimy mess brutal. Absolutely brutal Shit's rough and I it is an atlas game that has teleported here
Starting point is 02:29:03 From the far off year of 2005 for you And in this world that can barely hold itself together that's loading as you play it um You can hold a sprint button to make it worse Yeah And the sprint just lets you go like you you can let go of the controller and the sprint will just keep going Which is wonderful for for you know, so you're you're sprinting and you have speed lines and you have this narrow to run It's it is like the weirdest
Starting point is 02:29:37 Confluence of technical things I've seen in a game in a while because your narrative running with speed lines as you see enemies just like chug 10 feet away from you And there's a really nice sparkle effect on the sand That actually looks pretty high end. Yeah, and your hair is beautiful like a physics demo Yeah, while the frame rate just goes lower and lower and lower and in the background There's a guy on a guitar go And it's like holy fucking shit and then every once in a while Every once in a while it takes it might take you a minute to realize but you hear a weird noise
Starting point is 02:30:16 From whatever the moon cycles change that goes You know and you're like what what is that? It's like oh the moon. It's a new moon And It's fucking weird and you're like oh boss themes are unique And you're just like and it's like the world is so shit And like we know so we're gonna give you the fastest sprint so you don't have to look at it Just deal with the demons and shut up It is it is you see what I meant was like this game more than the other recent smt. This is the anti persona
Starting point is 02:31:00 Yeah, no, no, but just like but also because of switch reasons It's kind of falling apart It's kind of falling apart God bless that that the new demon fusion animations They're they're beautiful and you watch them once and you're and you're good, but They're pretty nonetheless every dude every single fucking game every single goddamn game You watch them like wow, that's a cool animation and then you mash through every time and then you're you're mashing It through and you're like why is the animation skipping and you're like oh fuck and then you reset because it's going to be a goddamn fusion accident
Starting point is 02:31:35 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah exactly Warning as well for some reason down on the d-pad is progression In text boxes and dialogue Uh, so's moving the analog stick okay, so I noticed specifically down on the d-pad or the stick is is progression and A couple of times I've accidentally done that because I thought I was on a list Of some kind and I wasn't ready what they didn't appear yet
Starting point is 02:32:04 So then you can skip through that shit So just you know when you press a to talk to somebody or when something happens just fucking chill push button. Yeah, exactly um But no it's fucking incredible. It's so fun and it's and like plot wise. It's like we're fucking going Pulling no punches for like 90 minutes and lucifer is looming on the horizon a thousand feet tall going god is a bitch And then it's like god is a bitch he fucked off like he fucking lost Yeah, that's just it's incredible. It's it takes no fucking uh, it wastes no time getting into it and um
Starting point is 02:32:43 Yeah, it it's just It's great so far just be aware of all these things that can happen to you You know um Anyway smc5. Hey by the way if anybody knows how to emulate this game definitely message me how to emulate it So that I can make sure not to do that because it's illegal You know it sure would be great if people were allowed to see smc5, but you're not So
Starting point is 02:33:14 Yeah In the meantime, here's the report on how it's going. It's going pretty good. I'm not allowed to not allowed to show you How good it is, but it's going good I'm really liking it Uh, anyway, um, that's fantastic What's up I had one other thing and I forgot that I played this week Oh, yeah, if you if you want you can get to the end of uh of your week before I go back to it
Starting point is 02:33:43 Uh, so it's okay. Go ahead Because it's something that is near and dear to your heart woolly I did what I would call the season finale of the mind goblins series I'm not going to be doing any more mind goblins for the rest of the year because n walker's coming out Okay, and I and I went back to neo Okay, neo one is the game is the number one neo one in darkest dungeon one are the two worst that has ever been And I think even people without obsessive compulsive disorder can easily see why those would be the case Right neo one is just like an information
Starting point is 02:34:18 Like overload even to the average person. It's it's a it's a lot to take in. Yeah And so I've been I've been putting in brackets next to every mind goblins segment that I do What the mind goblin of the day is And neo ones that I went back to was not just the most Extreme game. It was also one of the biggest ever And that is I every time I would play neo I would play it and then stop and then start over Two months later Completely from the beginning because it'd be like well, I don't know what I'm doing anymore. Okay
Starting point is 02:34:53 Today's or this week's session was the mind goblin of don't start over So I dived in to a game that I had last played in february of this year And said no I will not start over I will look at what stats do and I will relearn the buttons and I will go through the goddamn missions and I will deal with it and the
Starting point is 02:35:23 Confluence of events that occurred during this session were bordering on farcical because one The neoness got me so bad that like my lip was trembling and I was trying not to cry looking at an inventory string screen Oh my god Oh my god, dude Like like I was I had picked up a sword that did less damage than the sword I had now But it was at zero familiarity out of 900 was my current sword was at 450 out of 450 familiarity
Starting point is 02:35:59 And people in the chat said that the new sword would do more damage and then I go well How do I know that and they go well the familiarity and I go well? How much does the familiarity add and they go it doesn't tell you Yeah, and then I go but then how do I know that And they go you don't but then I go then how do you know that because it's rarer but And so on and so forth which the real answer is don't care and swing what feels good to you Yeah, well, this is the fucking show that I'm doing anyway And then I started and I was in the second zone which meant
Starting point is 02:36:31 In that playable session during this mental apocalypse I went back to the mine level with the poison Which is awful In the oh one the one with the the poison gas. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. I remember awful
Starting point is 02:36:52 I remember now Then the side mission in that goddamn horrible mountain town. That's like two rooms With all the little fucking Kappa dudes hidden everywhere. Yeah Yeah, that it gets it gets so much worse. That's not even that Started it up. I'm really annoying ones past that and the I look over in the chat and the chat is saying I can't believe he's at this level And I'm like what and the overwhelming consensus was this is the worst level in the game
Starting point is 02:37:24 And I started the level that has the fucking umi bozu boss That's what I'm thinking. Uh, there you go. Okay. Yep. I fucking you're complaining about the other shit. I'm like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no That water fucking garbage I'm picking up these items and having like miniature panic attacks over statistics And then turning around and falling into the water into instant death I'm I'm like doing the bonfire shit Yep only to get to the boss and then the I didn't get a bonfire So ads are spawning now and I'm getting gang banged by the little jellies
Starting point is 02:38:04 And you decide to explore the side path because there might be good stuff on the side path. Yeah, sure Yeah, and then the fucking floor is a lie and there's weird holes at the back of the room that don't appear visible And then the boss has an instant kill that has no wind up that it sometimes does with the beam and like worst boss of the worst level like like unbelievably annoying boss
Starting point is 02:38:32 When I started the mind album thing I did dishonored and the dishonored one was perfect play don't play perfect It's okay to make mistake kind of thing. Yep. That was the highest level of anxiety And then I did like five six other games Which like I'm a little stressed about this, but it wasn't that big of a deal And the idea was like well, maybe I'm conquering these and then I got to neo and neo is about as upset as I think I've ever been on camera in my life. Oh my god, and I'm doing what is Considered the worst boss in the worst level. Yeah in the entire game in the worst mental state
Starting point is 02:39:08 I think I've ever streamed during And like I beat it I did beat it And you have to burn consumables You don't have to but you kind of have to put you really have against that boss in particular I was able to there's the torch in the corner for one I was burning the consumables and then I I I used my omio to give myself the fire thing And so between the fire exactly and the and the and the torches around I could do it
Starting point is 02:39:39 Now go back in there for the twilight mode version Where you fight him with other ads already in the room It's um And I I feel like I crested a hill on that one. Mm-hmm And the hill was Like literally based on this is this is as bad as it will get for your regular ass run through neo For you like not not the not the twilight missions or the bonus crap or whatever. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like this is as bad as it's gonna get
Starting point is 02:40:15 There's another level that's really rough But That's about as worst. Yeah, I I would agree with that Um, there's a level That's interesting What There's a little ball Right here
Starting point is 02:40:35 In the dead center of my chest as soon as we started talking about this that I just noticed. Oh Okay So that's automatic so Some goblins were defeated and others were created No, no creation Okay, there's it's discovery not not manufacturer Fair enough um
Starting point is 02:41:00 And I would really like to play neo too because everyone that I have ever seen talks about how amazing it is It's a way going how it's up there with the best souls games and it's better than them That's why I that's why I'm trying to truck through that first one because I mean one is great It's so and and and the overwhelming consensus is you can't go back to one after you do two because two is just so much better But here's the other thing how much time did you spend or are you spending on the Like crafting sub shit and the zero Glamour should okay. All right zero Okay
Starting point is 02:41:31 Because I spent a bunch of time Like getting the right weapon for the for what I want and my my getting my my my the synergy of my armor With the spirit that I'm going out with Getting that going together and getting crumples on enemies and you know like you can you can dive in You can go fucking insane. You know how the the general consensus from everyone By the way, this is bad advice to people that are anxious about these things when you're stressing about Weapon damage and shit in a game that has a million numbers People telling you it doesn't matter
Starting point is 02:42:08 That doesn't help it doesn't help at all because your brain will fight you and go but if it doesn't matter, why is it there? Right. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. It doesn't matter until new game plus is better like genuinely But uh, one of the reasons that I'm I'm so dead set about going through neo one Is that the one rule that for me works every time is that it doesn't matter only clicks when I beat it If I beat it while not knowing how to do all this stuff There's it like it unlocks and goes oh it didn't matter and then I can go and play neo two like a human Like a like a human being
Starting point is 02:42:52 um I I mean it's sad to say that like all those things you're talking about Get more aggressive as you play further because there are entire shops and like subsystems and online integrations that you have not yet Met or it started. That's fine. You know, um But it's funny the inventory and the the stat thing Like like chat actually explained to me that weapons use three stats and that the stat investment is terrible Like stat scaling and neo is awful compared to what I'm used to in other games
Starting point is 02:43:29 Because I was leveling strength because I'm using a big weapon and I'm like, why isn't my weapon damage going up? depends on what type of weapon depends on what's your um also your scrolls unlock a bunch of um buffs that you might ignore If you don't go back and pay attention to which scrolls you've opened um Because you can build up a bunch of like shinobi points or or on meo point or not on meo
Starting point is 02:43:53 Whatever ghost points and weapon class specific shit and by unlocking those you get better move lists and better combos Which then you customize your move list uh to be whatever you're looking for so Yeah, you can you can It feels like what you know games like dysgaea do with leveling an rpg Have a reaction game but for an action game. That's what it feels like. It feels like you go as Go as deep in as hard as you want You know, we won't stop you also Let me ask you because this is something that like I felt and I was see but I would like to ask your opinion
Starting point is 02:44:27 Uh, you pick up a lot of items in neo and they all seem like complete garbage Like every like 95 of single use consumable Seem like trash That is that accurate. Yeah, okay Yep, that's what it feels like Um garbage and until I hit a wall where enemies need a specific type of weakness Or a specific type of thing. Um, I don't give a fuck about any of them um, in fact, I started equipping like, um
Starting point is 02:45:01 some of the like flaming kunai and like, um, um coding my blade and electricity and shit because I got the points to do So, you know, so I started equipping a few of those but a bunch of the shit you're picking up I have and like, yeah, I don't care about this. I don't give a fuck um, I care about the Um, the heels I care about the ones that'll pick up my souls when I die Because that's great. You can go fetch them You know and or whatever to minimize the losses and then like maybe like one or two other things But I'm like, yeah, I'm just scrolling through a list. I don't give a shit about
Starting point is 02:45:34 um Facts Now I can actually uh, take the the beton and Um, carry over some of this energy of what you're describing into something else I played briefly this week um And the sense of overwhelming Oh my god, I just don't know what to do
Starting point is 02:46:01 Uh Kind of made me just stop But I decided because I bought it a while ago and I just never cracked it open To start playing monster hunter rise You're timing on this sucks ass by the way, it's coming to pc in like fucking four weeks. That's okay. It doesn't matter I'm just saying but I bought it. I bought it back then. So I mean, I know doesn't matter like I already bought it. All right Um, I was and I that's a series. I can't believe I got into Hmm based on everything you're describing now, right? Yeah, because um
Starting point is 02:46:44 You know and like in terms of just like wait, what why whatever it's like because I picked up my switch I installed smt5 on it and it said, hey, do you want to delete monster hunter? And I went no I still want to play that I should probably play it actually So then I decided to play some of that and install smt and the switch was out So I'm I'm like checking out both. So I spent a night you know and um I mean I know I did this already and I know I've like been introduced and there was so much information dropped in the first time
Starting point is 02:47:18 Uh, uh that like I forgot entirely. I forgot so much and There is so much I I just wanted to start and go kill a monster. Don't worry. It's not gonna matter till high rank Ah You see It's the same stupid shit
Starting point is 02:47:42 I just wanted to start and go kill a monster and The amount of front loading this game has to explain systems to you that I can't Ignore because I'm gonna know need to know what they are and how it works when it does matter Was just so much Every single monster hunter game gets better with its tutorialization and by now they've caught up to about 1997 Yeah, I I um
Starting point is 02:48:15 Okay, hold on. I'm bad I'm a little bit lost with the with the high rank reference there Oh Oh, you do low rank. Yeah, and then you do high rank. Yeah, and in low rank nothing matters your gear doesn't matter The skills don't matter. Nothing matters. Ain't none of this matters. Okay. Okay. Okay. Got it. Um Yeah, I just I just felt like I was hitting like the 45 minute mark and I was not allowed to go fight a monster yet And that's weird because I was able to fight a monster within okay. Maybe I'm exaggerating 12 minutes. Maybe I'm exaggerating No, no, here's here's the difference when I started rise
Starting point is 02:48:52 I looked at that and go I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know And I do exactly how to then I knew exactly how to go to the quest thing and do that and yeah, I didn't have that I had to go wait. What was this again? Wait, what was that again? Okay? You're the shop now. Okay. Where's the training ground? okay, and then What I did do because I'm like the whole time. I'm just like look I forget what my move list was I need to just go to the training lab and start picking my weapons and and I was like, okay And then all I heard about stuff changed so so I just sat there and I just went through the different weapons on the dummy
Starting point is 02:49:23 And tried to memorize attention remember the move lists and I was just like I this is just I got to come back to this I can't I can't I fucking can't with any of this right now Let's do so it's but writing on the dog. Oh was fun Writing the dog was fun And I spent a lot of time coloring and it was good Create that emotion in people that don't have what I have But the game is just so extra Right, uh, man
Starting point is 02:49:54 Uh I will tell you right now. They have made great strides in the tutorialization of monster hunter games compared to the quote-unquote old days I don't think there's any argument of that however boy. It's it's still front loaded. It's still It it it it it has this awkward balance where they want people that have been playing the game for years not to have to go through a two-hour onboarding process Yeah, right. Yeah, but anyone who's not like a diehard fucking needs a two-hour onboarding process And the onboarding process was it was brutal for it even though I I already went through it in world You know, here's here's where it kind of breaks
Starting point is 02:50:35 because there's a little little tiny piece Of this process That you're not getting Because you don't live in japan And don't go to high school with other japanese monster hunter players and that is The design of a monster hunter game Is to be assumed that if you were new I'm the one who said you should get into monster hunter
Starting point is 02:51:01 And then we're gonna hang out on saturday Okay, okay, and and any question that you have I'll be like, oh you do like this or don't worry about you will have a absolutely Designed for sherpa ink slash mentoring. Okay. Okay. It's it's built into the thing Everyone that I have met in my life that got into monster hunter Got into monster hunter because somebody else Got them into monster hunter with the only exceptions Being insane people who started with one or two
Starting point is 02:51:38 Because they're nuts I would assume I know there's an image of that person in my mind. Yeah Um, I mean also by the time I was looking at the controls and like trying to remember like okay d-pad switching through items But also gestures holding this to switch to these sets of icons and yeah, okay You know and um Yeah, that that I'm sure that's nice, but unfortunately it still is like I guess what I needed to do was play the demo, which I'm assuming just throws you into a fight The demo really just throws your ass in there. Yeah, I guess that's what I needed to do
Starting point is 02:52:16 Um, because instead I was like, I'll just I'll just grab the game after and and it didn't the onboarding Like yeah between you know the I mean look I'm gonna spend some time customizing my character So that's gonna take me a minute, but I'm okay because that's voluntary Uh, then I'm gonna look and I'm gonna see that. Oh the dreads are dlc. I gotta go buy them um, the the uh, the irony is that like Video tutorialization is all from people who know better is always going to be more effective than uh, I didn't even think of that Yeah, okay. You know what? You know what's weird woolly? You diving in to a mechanically deep game that has poor in-game tutorialization of its relatively complex systems
Starting point is 02:52:56 Seems to be something that you should be very familiar with you think as a fighting game player Well, I understand and I remember but I'm just I'm just describing, you know, this is the experience and um You know, yeah the difference between I guess yeah having someone sharpening and telling you I'll ignore that Don't worry about that go over here do this is is I mean if if I don't have my switch version anymore But if if when the pc version comes out you want, uh Sherpa services, I'll gladly help you out with that for a couple streams I mean it it seems like it seems like that's how I got through the first time because I I didn't between that and then I was playing with uh, soul carl for a while and I kind of realized I'm like, oh, I I guess I did
Starting point is 02:53:43 A little bit of this on my own and then I did it with other people and Yeah, that kind of helps to just be like, hey, you got this big great sword move list But don't worry about it. Just do this one keep charging it. Yeah, that's all and the other thing is that like if if if uh, you were I'll tell you right now if you were into Either in private or in public doing a monster hunter thing Now that we would not be under the time limit of yeah, we got two hours to record this Sure, you would not you would not receive manic no shut up move your items over version of myself So the other thing is like and this is kind of I guess the core
Starting point is 02:54:22 Of like I'm actually remembering I'm like the reason why I actually went like, oh, I want to boot this up and play it Right and the and it was never answered at any point I wanted to figure out How do I make my pupper? into okami And it's a simple question. I know that there was a promotion Yeah, I know there was a promotion where the skin could make your dog into okami and I was like cool
Starting point is 02:54:49 I want to do that that that was a cool thing. Okay Looking at the dlc list nothing on that list was anything relating to okami of all five packs Or of the extra extra shit on its own or whatever. It's like, okay Then I'm assuming it's going to be inside as one of the quests in the way that the Dante stuff was as one of the optional things but For the life of me, I had no idea where to even begin looking for that So And I was hoping it would be it would be made out obvious in some way
Starting point is 02:55:19 This is not so I don't know the answer to this, but I'll tell you how it works with everything else You download all existing event quests So your event quest ticker fills up with all the dlc things all the mega man ones all the you know, whatever right Then you probably get to high rank Which is beat the game and hit credits and then start the real game and then at the multiplayer Board the okami quest will be available as an event quest didn't Dante and Ryu show up even if you weren't in high rank Dante did sorry Ryu did I
Starting point is 02:55:57 Yeah, I remember like that was like a just go go accept that quest over there. Oh kami's low rank Oh, there you go. You don't have to get to high rank. Okay, but I just didn't even know where to look or where to find I'm like, I mean can something somewhere the answer is the answer is So it's the most hidden crossover promotion I've ever seen because nothing in the dlc list or the title screen or anything The problem is there was a crossover with I know what the problem is what's up because Rise goes back so in monster hunter world what they did was you had the issue with co-op Where they wanted you to do the big story and then there was the cutscene and then your friends couldn't join you until
Starting point is 02:56:36 You'd seen the cutscene So you would do the mission and see the cutscene then back out and they do the mission again with your friend You remember all that nonsense That was the way they did it because multiplayer quests and solo quests were the same They have decided with with rise and hopefully for all future games. Now. We're not going to do that We're going to do that the old way The old way was the best way and so you have a complete Hard division between your single player quests and your multiplayer quests
Starting point is 02:57:03 And some of those event quests are your single player quests Some of those event quest So you might have been looking for it at the wrong Mission board. Well, no, it was still in the it was still in the onboarding process essentially so It's fun. Like I get it. It's on the quest board. It's called the rising sun. Gotcha. Thank you for the yeah But it's like I was just it was still in the middle of the onboarding process. You couldn't still do everything um, and It was just a you know
Starting point is 02:57:31 I was like, oh, like will it be on the title screen As a part of the this is now available message and that it didn't pop up there And then I was like, oh, maybe it'll be in the list of like dlc items and then it wasn't in there So I was like, oh, okay So it's probably going to be like the Dante thing and the in the alt tab On the on the you know, that's what I just do Every single quest in the game in order and you'll eventually find it. You will you will Yeah, uh, haven't had that hit in a minute and I was like, dear god, like
Starting point is 02:58:08 It's it's just running around with a big weapon and swinging it on a monster is is lots of fun It's a shame because rise is like way more up your alley. It's like way more of an action game than the prior So it seems with the with this zippin around and zappin and zoopin, you know, um the aerial play For sure Yeah, I just it's the it's the onboarding And remembering all of that and then I was looking at the inventory and then I was like, oh my god Wasn't there a way to save a layout a loadout that I had to then load in after each mission? And then I just kind of started to like
Starting point is 02:58:41 I'm like, no, yeah, no, no Don't you about it and you you go to your box and you do your item and then I met a person who was talking about plants And I was like, oh my god, there was a plant person for picking the right plants to Like, okay. All right. We're not even talking about making the super cat or the super dog And then the meals and then the yeah And then I hey, I mean I went I I did Grab the charge blade and I'm like, all right. Yes, okay
Starting point is 02:59:13 Then you put the shield in the sword and then you lock it in and then you hold our and then you get your amplified discharge and amped The ceaseless discharge You know and all that added to uh, I forgot what they added to it and rise but they added something to the sword mode But I forget what it was. Oh, it was so many It's so many but listen About this and you just instantly gravitate towards the by far the most complicated weapon the game has available No, I just I went back to the three that I actually fucked with like that's the thing
Starting point is 02:59:48 Um I because that was because I like it was the coolest and I like the cool thing So I'm like, yeah this one and then I grabbed the lance because I like the run and then the stab up is cool Um, and then I was checking out the gun lance because you could point straight up and Yeah, that's good. This one's good. This one's good. You can fly with it And then great sword doing stuff. Yeah And listen, I understand that if you're out there and you've been playing monster hunter for years You're laughing at this because all of that knowledge is default inside your brain. No
Starting point is 03:00:20 No, I'm telling you right now No one who plays monster hunter laughs at new players Who are getting confused because it is a universal experience. It is a fucking confusing game Okay Well, one guy is him in effect, but and it used to be Man back in fucking two they didn't even give you one of every weapon They didn't even give you armor, man. You had to start with bullshit You had to may you want to switch to great sword from sword and shield
Starting point is 03:00:52 You had to fucking go get the rocks to make one and your pickaxes broke Because I just about halfway through I just I'm like, I want these princesses to leave me alone I just want to go And swing they only got the four fingers, man. Did they I didn't notice Yeah, because they're white variants Okay, well Anyway, also, I think a card of an npc showed up in teppen and he looked kind of cool
Starting point is 03:01:22 He looked like um, I don't remember his name, but he looked kind of like von from escaflone in the movie With like that's Just Okay, he had blue hair That could be a lot of people damn Okay, well, he had blue hair and he had like arm Armor and I was like, oh that guy looks pretty cool
Starting point is 03:01:45 Uh Utsushi could that be it? Let me see Let me let me google that was it the guy who teaches you new moves to start Uh, hold on a second I Was it this guy? No, I don't think it was him. No, I don't think it was him. He looks like a ninja the tsutsushi guy Yeah, he's the guy that teaches you the moves. No, it wasn't him. It wasn't him
Starting point is 03:02:11 But it was it was someone else. Anyway, whatever. I don't know. I saw a card and I was like, oh, that's a cool looking character it might have been a like, um a like What would you would you call it? It might have been a player character like mock-up Because they did a couple of those admittedly Like oh here is a hunter in the kirin armor that we've given a name type of thing Stop the fucking presses everybody Woolly do I have an opportunity for you? Do you love fighting games?
Starting point is 03:02:45 No Do you love riot? I know Do you love brands? Sure don't Well, god damn it project l is hiring motherfucker There's more positions opening on the team such as director of brand management You want to get out there and direct that brand?
Starting point is 03:03:15 Fight back the laser crab Yeah, okay It took me a second. Can you defeat the laser crab? Apply and find out Welp, um as somebody that that can't tell the difference between uh Vi and jinx Um, you're perfect. Sure also the uh Specification on the ad read to
Starting point is 03:03:52 like It to spell it correctly and not to say it correctly and not fuck up the names like heimerdinger and uh ROO and terra, you know, oh dude. I play those fucking games. I don't know what the fuck so their names are. Yeah Oh man, um Anyways, uh, whatever that's that's the energy is just uh, I was defeated mentally and overwhelmed by the onboarding process of monster hunter rise and um Maybe I'll take another crack, but for now I was like here's the other thing. I was like fuck this. I'm gonna play s of t5
Starting point is 03:04:30 And then I just never looked back, you know 100 percent. Yeah easy. Yeah So, all right Um, I guess quick, uh, uh, let's take a quick break. I gotta do a piss man. I gotta piss piss out my balls Okay, I had two or the three other things. That's like two quick. Oh you got more. Okay. Let's get that done then Okay, well just a real quick is uh kof 15 demo The the free demo was put out It had the netcode
Starting point is 03:04:58 It it it But it's using ggpo I actually have not heard about this. What is the actual uh, we had problems with every match Oh, cool sick now. Glad to see that murder money doing its work network test is a network test One would hope you know that um This is how you've learned that it's it's having problems But it's having problems um
Starting point is 03:05:36 It's basically looking like it's the same issues that three five or five had I can't great. I don't know if it's a one-sided rollback situation But of all the matches we played We were either either getting like some pretty rough hiccups Um and stuttering which looked like one-sided rollback Or we were getting a smooth match, but the sound was fucked up and kept cutting off and disappeared. Oh man. That's great. Yeah Yeah, let's let's get left right there And it's one-sided rollback then that would explain it. Yeah, there you go. It felt it felt rough
Starting point is 03:06:07 Every single match had it had one of those two issues. So uh yikes on that the What should we call it a new character Dolores is fucking she's great. She's awesome. Love that design Very very cool And she's I didn't even know what that move list was going to be but she's a mud Zoner So I guess that's what we do. We we mud zone in Um, she she uses mud as her stand
Starting point is 03:06:41 And and she can teleport and and she can hit you from full screen. So whatever Um, but she's very fair like like just one of the best new character designs in years. I think I'm like I like that they That that they got they got going there Uh in direct contrast to shun a Who is the new protagonist? Who's color that dude his fit is so whack his color is so his shit. It doesn't match Um, I can get that dude is the epitome of like his shirt whack his shoes whack The way he doesn't like to smile whack. Yeah, like my I have my slight criticism on Dolores is like I don't like the cut of the shirt
Starting point is 03:07:23 But when it comes to shun a it's like god. I just The energy is just it's it's what sasuke thinks he is Cool guy energy You know god, I have no so good like at some point That's how we that's how it feels and and you know that like Headphones don't automatically mean like what the black character design because there's headphones out there that work I think uh world ends with you, you know neku neku. It's good to works. Um scale bound kid No problems with that. You know, uh headphones can be fine
Starting point is 03:07:59 Um, um, um p3 protagonist Minato arisato fine. No problems there Uh, when you get this going here and then you're looking at the little belt loop and the glove And I mean I like a tie. I don't mind a tie on a character, but just the overall energy is just this like just trying so hard to be like catch them all protagonist kid and all I can say is like
Starting point is 03:08:28 Look at the cover of virtue a quest and the protagonist of the virtual fighter quest game That kind of like, you know protagonist energy is just all over him and I Do looks more at home at a beyblade tournament than the king of fire Exactly exactly Also, it doesn't help that his actual abilities and powers are one big edge blue hand and one big burning fire hand You know and they're like float stands and it's like, okay, like k-dash kyo Um ash all these characters all the protagonists we had even fucking suare mera and alba mera
Starting point is 03:09:07 They just had their powers and they did their things and they swung at you and this in this case we got floating Standhands, but they're like they're that's also a beyblade protagonist kind of energy You know this dude is the third main character in a common writer show that you don't like that much The third one the main guy the psychic and then the first weird one With a with a different theme going like yeah, it could be could be I'm just stuck on super robot wars original generation like kids With a hat and a and a fucking shoulder pad and one glove
Starting point is 03:09:52 Of a different color You know and one pant leg is rolled up and the other one's low But the big bright costume is the most notable thing about your personality Because your clothes is all you got going for you. You know anyways, um Yeah, uh, otherwise offline, you know, it felt it felt fine and but there's a couple there's a couple things where like There's like k.o Moments where like yashiro like like lands a big hit or something and the camera just kind of like slows the effects slow down
Starting point is 03:10:23 And you see he's doing a big uppercut, but his face is just dead faced You know, there's a couple moments of like dead faced characters unfortunately um I don't know we'll see but otherwise I was like, yeah, no, there's cool stuff feels good. Um And and you know, you got your you got your your Max system is back and and and kyo and yori are Able to you know, do a lot of the stuff that they could do although they took some stuff away And I'm sure you can go check buttons on twitter for some of the more
Starting point is 03:10:53 Uh, uh elaborate breakdowns on what's happening subsystem wise, but for the most part I was like I was I was satisfied With what I felt there. I just I just don't enjoy this torch pass Uh, I'd much rather we go back and and get alba mera Up and on top billy um Anyway, that's that and then um Went back to dive kick played it. I don't know if you knew this, but the nidhog guy is in dive kick The nidhog fencer
Starting point is 03:11:29 was the last character in dive kick And you can grab the sword and throw it Or you can roll and tumble and like throw it in the air and it's kind of insane Um as a character and like he's really strong Because he has a pretty good default speed and dive kick But when you get his kick factor up to the maximum the screen locks in place And then you have to get to the end of the screen and you win Oh man, that's awesome. So it becomes a get the dick moment of like bypass the enemy
Starting point is 03:12:01 Like you do on the final screen of night nidhog. You've got to get that dick. So good really really awesome fun going back to Excellent fun going back to to to nidhog nidhog one nidhog one fun going back to definitely nidhog Nidhog one man. That's the only there's no wait. You mean nidhog, right? Why would we say nidhog one nidhog? Like what are we talking about nidhog one? There's no nidhog talk talking about nidhog What a stupid thing that I would say yeah nidhog one like there's a nidhog two that didn't happen Also, like the baz has been Not massacred, but he's not the same. He's rough now
Starting point is 03:12:37 The default attack is the swing and now the the zip zap is yeah, I don't like it. It's rough like the zip zap Yeah, yeah, it's rough to play with him now, but he's there but anyway, um him and and and uh Johnny gatt and all that it's it's it's it's fun. It's fun dive kick was an era all the jokes are just like Fucking marn. No, you cannot Mark man and s kill and just all this fgc stuff. I'm like, oh my god I forgot about this time and place in history. You know It's a weird time and a weird place
Starting point is 03:13:10 But if you want if you want to go back to all of that like it'll it'll rewind you to 2009 You know, so um shout outs to dive kick still fun reggie was a secret beast Uh, who oh, yeah, yeah, well he played a lot of it and then he lied about how much he played when we talked about it Yeah, I played it a little. Yeah, it's literally that's what he said He's like, uh, but I didn't play the new characters, but I played a little and I was like, oh, he's like, what happened? He's like, oh, yeah, no, I won a tournament when it first came out and I played a lot So, uh, fuck that guy anyways, um Uh, you can check out, uh, all that stuff. We got nidhog
Starting point is 03:13:50 In in dive kit coming up on woolly versus as well as the exciting conclusion of battle construction vehicles the full lp Um all four parts now available. Please enjoy Uh, there are quite the trip and uh, I've seen the memes already flying. It just goes places It's worth your time. Do stop in if you've got a moment and see what's happening with bcv um as well as dokapon And dark souls continuing over on woolly versus, uh, come on stop on by for a good time Reggie's doing it. I'm proud of him and um Yeah, we're uh, we've we've hit
Starting point is 03:14:28 We've hit the honor londo and uh Fucking Nothing reaches nothing nothing really gets that moment. You know irithyll is the only other thing that comes close Even though it's the same thing. I was right, but it's the best All right, let's take a quick break go pee I'm gonna go pee. All right I see uh
Starting point is 03:14:57 Quick draw peach mcgraw has uh gotten The reaction images. Oh, yeah, no. Oh, i'm percent We were just talking about that when we were muted just now. She just came home with the dog She absolutely got all five stages of grief on your face That was fast that was some fucking judgment cut. Oh, it was literally it was literally live as as they occurred screenshots were occurring That's that's fast. Good job. You have a very you have an extraordinarily emotive face Oh god. Hey you stopped that Um
Starting point is 03:15:43 We got some sponsors this week. We sure do boy. I love our sponsors unconditionally Especially this one Raycon Oh, I love you raycon Wires are bad. Yeah, don't hang yourself with wires get wireless ear buds. They're good wireless ear buds They're great great gift for the holidays. Look ear putting you say your ear. That's bad That's no, that's not what I said. You mean you mean ear buds ear buds Ear buds listen
Starting point is 03:16:22 Right over there right off camera. You can't see it But that's punch mom who can't hear me right now because she's got them raycons on And they're so you could say any old shit. I can say whatever You shouldn't though. That's a bad idea. It was about to It'll it'll come back I was about to and I just fucking flat I step cancelled it Like that old Not in not in the middle
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Starting point is 03:18:37 Is brought to you by the exceptional quality Of damascus steel woolly I want you to contact the ad people and I want a trial something If they have a box cutter line, I need it. I need it so bad
Starting point is 03:19:03 You can have this it's a it's a it's a cool thing Or we can yeah, we can do that What you got over here in particular um You like you like cutties You like you know, I do you like you like cutties There's a thread on the subreddit about which of us is weirder me carrying box cutters. Are you carrying a lighter? Well, I don't do that anymore, but I had I did yeah me either because I don't leave my house
Starting point is 03:19:30 Yeah, but I didn't just have a lighter for the sake of playing with it It was also if Someone was like hey, you know want to burn this building down Or you'd be like yeah, bro got it if someone was like, hey, do you need a light or do you got a light? I'd be like yeah, I do here you go Me I carried box cutters for one simple reason I had to cut boxes and that thing looks sick as hell for cutting boxes It's a good. Tell me more about it. I will tell you more about it
Starting point is 03:19:58 You can get yourself all kinds of great quality things including this which is a blade of Damascus steel when you hit up the box of awesome because bespoke post is our sponsor for the I thought the Damascus steel was a fake video game Material no it is a real technique that you can use that came From the Syria Many years ago that was lost to time until it was rediscovered and it is a sharpened edge that's sharper than most that stays More sharp and more resilient in a lot of ways, you know, it's like the folding of the samurai swords except it's not
Starting point is 03:20:40 and it's pretty to look at because it has It's pretty to look at because it's got the the the funky pattern on it that looks almost like a wood oak kind of thing going on, you know It's dope, but in particular this is one of the things that you can get with like the blade of awesome a blade of awesome the box of awesome, excuse me Because bespoke post is got their seasonal lineup with the box of awesome collections small a couple of they partner up with a couple of small businesses and Some emerging brands to get you some goods of the flavors that you enjoy every month no matter what you're into so If you like craft beers cozy threads camping gear essentials or Damascus steel
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Starting point is 03:22:00 Plus each box of awesome Uh supports small businesses 90 percent of everything that comes in your box of awesome is from a small up and coming brand Uh, yeah, and in particular one of the one of the ones they had I talked about the the hammock and some of the cool stuff and in this case you got yourself high carbon drop point blade design Balanced hardwood handle. I like this thing. This feels like it can do a good cut if need be And um, I like knowing that forgotten techniques of the ancient old world
Starting point is 03:22:35 Exists again, and you can get one in a box. Who knows what could come in your next box Maybe next week. They'll give you a piece of roman concrete I mean I I could use a paperweight. I would flip my shit for a roman concrete paperweight Uh Get 20 out of your monthly box when you sign up at box of awesome calm and enter code super beast at checkout That's box of awesome calm promo code super beast Thanks box awesome. I love you. Thank you
Starting point is 03:23:09 And oh, yeah, Greek fire. Yeah, sure Um It's like it seems like the delivery person um has incinerated but The the husk of their bones outside were supposed to be a package delivered to your house. So could you sign here? Um, I just have the idea of like a cool box with like a like a skeleton thumbs up next to it I This week last but not least the podcast is sponsored by calm After all that excitement
Starting point is 03:23:51 When you want to get calm calm is uh We've talked about it uh before there you go You want to use some of that after neo and you could use some of that after monster hunter. I sure could because You know, there's more than just um, you everyone talks about mental Uh fitness, uh, everyone talks about physical fitness But you gotta if you're looking to get sleep or meditation
Starting point is 03:24:19 on point Then calm is the app that can help you with that the number of features that of course Uh, uh, we lest we forget that king james himself uh uses To get the sleep and meditation to become a super athlete to be a champion That's that's lebron james in case in case it wasn't clear, you know You got to get I thought you were talking about king james of the bible. Nope. We're talking about lebron of the space jam
Starting point is 03:24:53 Lebron and calm no modern bible. Yes indeed Uh working together, but um calm basically it's an app that helps you with uh better sleep stress reduction and um things like that they've got a number of uh different Things you can listen to whether it is just the sounds of rain or leaves or bedtime sounds There's also bedtime stories, which are stories specifically meant to kind of like
Starting point is 03:25:22 Put you to sleep So you're meant to doze off to the sounds of someone's dulcet tones Listen if you've spent your long day Taking care of the house helping out Handling crazy animals and eating raw spoonfuls of sugar
Starting point is 03:25:42 You might need this to help you calm down to fall asleep raw spoonfuls of sugar will fuck you up So yeah, yeah, well you'd be you'd have to be a crazy person to eat a raw spoonful of sugar. That's pretty nuts That being said Unlike this podcast which wakes you right up um You can listen to bedtime sleep stories if you're used to the sounds of you know Perhaps like your parents back in the day might read you a bedtime story and then you you doze off It's kind of like that, you know
Starting point is 03:26:12 um to help you get the rest you need so Check it out if you head to calm calm slash super beast For a limited time you can get 40 off a calm premium subscription uh Again that is c a l m dot com slash super beast Oh, man
Starting point is 03:26:36 slash super beast and uh, yeah, you can join lebron and get uh, uh Get calm And use uh black and use and get up to 40 discount on your calm premium subscription Unlock content to help you focus ease stress and sleep better. Thanks calm Thanks, calm. I love you Okay, um Where did that was a long preamble it was a long preamble, but that's okay um
Starting point is 03:27:16 I have Are you okay? Yeah, I had I was just gonna yell out something but yeah, let's I'll just let you No, no, I just wanted to give a shout out to uh, you pump you pimped at the channel last time But I want to double pimp it because of the relevance uh of zuli the witch Oh, you've been watching her stuff. So it it showed up Organically in my life the evens outside of that because I opened up a little page to check it out and then But before I even had a chance to
Starting point is 03:27:47 I got linked to a video because I was trying to teach reggie. We're talking about how grab mechanics work in souls And um, we got a link from german spy, which is here's a video showing you the grab hp of every everything in dark souls All the escapables Um, yeah, is that crazy? And if you mash l1 or r1 up to 25 times you can escape from a grab and zuli the witch has a video Which mods in the humanity meter to being a grab hp meter and shows you that and I was like, whoa That's great. Super cool. And then I also got linked to a video which was uh dark lurker is unironically a jojo reference
Starting point is 03:28:23 Yep, it's supposed to be agadine stan. It's fucking crazy Uh, so that's why agadine has a permanent stance or he stands his arms crossed. Yeah It's just like the dark dark lurker, you know, so it's like no no no for real though actual possible jojo reference in here It's the name reference in the code that that means pontiff With his after image Like we were like ha ha it's a stand like no That's a stand and you can possibly check the code to see the japanese reference name To see what they called it, you know
Starting point is 03:28:57 um That's a lot of fun. So uh Yeah, shout outs to uh zuli the witch. That's a great channel for fun behind the scenes dark soul information And uh, it's just again, it's it's it's whether like like it or not I'm like, oh, yeah, this is this is a great video on this subject And now I have no questions about how grabbing works and souls or which grabs do work and which ones don't, you know They even like had a thing where it's like, um
Starting point is 03:29:24 Like you used to be able to escape from kalamit's uh debuff But like eventually that uh was taken out Man like I those games are Like I I guess it's just I'm just I don't often play games that end up being like so utterly Deconstructed that people can do anything they want with them The skyrim obviously fall out, you know But the souls games are deconstructed to a level that like I I don't even know Well, they're also built really weird
Starting point is 03:30:00 Like they they're not built like a normal video game like the absolute holy grail of I can't believe it Works like this is when the dark souls one debug version got out somehow And it turns out that literally every enemy of the game in the game is a modified player entity that has controls assigned Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes Like How the fuck is that how you design the way your goddamn enemies work? That's the craziest fucking thing ever if we want to do some fun shit Later on which set me down that so I went up and I looked up the gale versus cost fight
Starting point is 03:30:35 And then I went and started watching like maria versus cost and then I'm like now we're watching the gale playthrough You know Um, did you see the one? I'm not sure who did it, but it's like I turned every enemy of in dark souls one into gwin Jesus christ no no I mean that amazing video just came out of like uh the the halo guns, right like for real And and parry able and repostable taunts was pretty incredible. Um, and then there was one it was like, um basically turning
Starting point is 03:31:12 When you you know when you run it to havel in in three Turning that encounter into a boss fight where havel is actually Um re-skinned as the dragon armor the dragon slayer armor dude. It's it's it's it's Did you see the you ever see the dark souls 3 jojo mod? Oh, that was also by zuli, right? Yeah, that was also And it's like a full game mod on creating a stand character No, it's clearly at the point where it's like, okay
Starting point is 03:31:41 This is so thoroughly moddable that someone can and probably will just make their own game And if they don't then it'll become like a mobile style spin-off into its own thing Because we're looking at the team fortress or the counter strike or the league of legends of Dark souls now where we're just like you can make your own product here With their system on the micro scale I can only imagine that the people behind senders and zuli and illusory wall and everybody that's made these fucking goofy edits Is sitting there salivating at elden ring
Starting point is 03:32:18 All you need to do to that game to make it like a persistent forever stream game Like the way people do metroid and shit is get a functional randomizer in there Right, right, right like just just that and then on top of all the Like it's going to be a couple months and you're going to see people dropping Dark like dark souls enemies just right in just dropping them in And be like, yeah, we've repopulated the the map with every enemy that's ever been in a souls game and all the blood-borne bosses They're just in there. They're just wandering around Or like a smart chalice dungeon that was like more
Starting point is 03:32:58 More roguelike inspired, you know I had a weird dream the other day where um I know yeah, I told you about this but like I had a dream where I was playing a version of dark souls Where every time you died You start you switched to the next game So first death in one and then you switch to ds2
Starting point is 03:33:21 And then you die in that then three and then blood-borne and and like it was a rotational system And I was like that's fucking nuts And if that doesn't exist that might be a fun stream idea someday Have you ever seen the oh my god the randomized? Um linked to the past metroid uh Hack Maybe I don't remember
Starting point is 03:33:47 So it is linked to the past randomized In which when you enter buildings it enters you into super metroid randomized And your inventory carries over between the two. Oh my god And you're having to fucking use items that you got out of fucking the super metroid levels to unlock parts of the The linked to the past map To get stuff to do the metroid. That's crazy. That's crazy. It is the absolute most bonkers. I think I have seen it It's ringing a bell. I think I have seen it, but that sounds nuts
Starting point is 03:34:24 Um Yeah, I was like in my brain. It was just so weird like there was just this swapping version of the game And getting stuck on a boss was awful because you had to learn that pattern and then switch to the next game and learn the other pattern At different having different builds and shit was insane like it was so weird Um and other stuff was happening, but whatever Uh anyways Oh my god before I forget Jesus a lot happened this week. It's one of those weeks. Yeah, it's kind of one of those big weeks
Starting point is 03:34:56 Which is wild because it's like the second the third week of fucking Uh, november like when the fuck this shit happened then on the way To anor Londo One must first go through sense fortress and waiting at the top Is a boss, but also the man himself Black iron Tarkas But what if Tarkas was replaced by Farkas Because first of all first time around I set it up. I'm like, all right reggie. Here it is
Starting point is 03:35:34 Call your boy in sit back and watch and he fucking got glitched out on a shit piece Of side tile and he couldn't move Right So then that whole thing was worthless and I'm like, oh no Tarkas. You failed that sucks Right and then uh, he started fighting him and then and then reggie died to the to the the the golem So then I'm like, okay perfect take two So we go in and you summon Tarkas, but hold on a minute Why is that summon sign a little close? Why are there two?
Starting point is 03:36:06 And we summon in Uh iron Tarkas and it appears and he's glowing white Right and I'm like Okay That's I All right, let's move and then he run I'm like sprint across that bridge and turn around and see what happens And Tarkas follows but he doesn't follow in a very AI like way
Starting point is 03:36:33 Right and then we get to the door and then he kind of Moves a little and I'm like now go back over and then he goes over but then he doesn't follow tightly And I'm like, this is a motherfucker. That's faking the player. There's a player Yeah, who was fucking black iron farkas? And he was a player, you know, and then I had the watchdog on so I just pressed f1 and I f1 and I kicked him out of the game But like so that mother fuckers can masquerade and name themselves and look exactly Like real put like real NPCs So that reminds me
Starting point is 03:37:09 Um illusory wall put up a video about elden ring Uh about a feature that's of particular note to us You might have remembered stuff like return to lordran or return to Drangleic and stuff like that the the community events behind the souls games. Yes the password system Yes, you like hey, we're all going to use the password system Let's play the password system for that purpose doesn't really work very well And like because you start getting less matches than the people in that aren't using the password Um, and it's only really good for small groups elden ring is going to be doing something that's of much grander use to us
Starting point is 03:37:46 Which is let's say we put in the the password during our streams or whatever the fuck velden ring It's the castle super beast password Anybody that puts their summon sign down with the same password as us We're gonna get all possible links But people that have the right one will have a little circle around their summon sign to tell you This is One of the people that Awesome
Starting point is 03:38:13 Okay, you still connect with others But these ones are displayed with a signifier special ones. Awesome. What a brilliant move good shit That's exactly what we need Because you don't want to like create have to create like a yeah like a private specific group You want somewhat of a normal online experience? Um, but you don't want it to be ruined and and yeah, okay. That's that's good. Yeah Nice nice nice. Okay Anyway, yeah fucking farcass adventures
Starting point is 03:38:44 All right, let's let's actually get to the to some stories going on here Hey heads up your favorite ceo. That's allegedly a pedophile is also allegedly a murder threat ner So what happened here because uh caudek is personally responsible for all sorts of abusive bullshit over the years that activision blizzard Including threatening to have an employee killed And despite personally announcing the zero tolerance policy at activision blizzard for sexual misconduct sexual harassment Or otherwise managed aerial abuse It won't apply to him because there's no proof of this shit because it was 10 years ago. So
Starting point is 03:39:26 Everybody shut up And people are organizing like a mat. There's a petition for a Total walkout like i'm going to quit if caudek stays that the last I checked was up to like 2000 people That's like 25 of the entire company. So there's a multi-part story here to this um Of which I will actually say that like Uh, I have to give credit to to this is left field but min
Starting point is 03:39:54 Because at one point because as you know in doc upon you beat somebody you can take their weapons items money Whatever you're doing and at one point min beat reggie and he changed his name To bobby caudek Oh my god, and it was the worst mental damage. We have ever seen in the history of doc upon Like I can't believe the level of fucking filthy unbelievable. What like people say i'm an asshole fuck It was wild it was wild uh shit's getting crazy over there, but anyway Multi-part story of course, um
Starting point is 03:40:37 Bobby caudek has been uh, you know a fucking shit. He'll ceo for years and you know every time you kind of hear shit about him It's like not new or surprising. There's been an entrenched build-up where over the course of pretty much um The last what 30 years? or so Um less than that by the while it feels like forever um, but like he's basically gotten in his crew of people
Starting point is 03:41:05 Around him as the board of directors and they're the ones that decide on everything Including deep they're deep in there like they're they're not going anywhere. It's beyond deep It's like he literally got them like they're his his protection. There's there's armor, right? He they're only there because he high he handpicked his his boys and also like they've also gotten gangbusters rich off of him as well. So it's like he's entrenched in and built this throne um, so that explains why when uh, over 1,500 Activision Blizzard employees sign a petition calling for him to leave
Starting point is 03:41:43 um None of that Actually has weight because it's just down to the 10 people who are the ones that'll decide of course You know, um, there's an amount of pressure. You would assume that will Eventually cause the situation to crack But for the first couple days there was nothing going on. It seems like you can't forcibly Remove him and no matter how many people like that's like on over You're saying close to 2000 now. It's insane. It's 1800 right now
Starting point is 03:42:12 Like the entire company is 90 200 people 90 something It's like 9,000 10,000 people and it is 30. It is 30 years by the way. He's been he's been there for 30 years Um And for the longest while it's been a situation where it's like, okay, so he's known about bad things He's known about harassment sexual uh misconduct All kinds of allegations and stuff over the years and then it's like also He's been a part of these stories and uh, and also he's been a part of the cover-ups of these stories And he's also been specifically named as a guy who would explicitly make the problems go away for sex abusers or abusive
Starting point is 03:42:48 Uh people and in and uh in power Managers etc There was an old story where like He was so incensed that a flight attendant Was sexually harassed by a pilot on his private plane that he engaged in a multi-year multi-million dollar lawsuit specifically just to get her fired Like dudes a psycho
Starting point is 03:43:13 um And it's been always clear with like the practices in terms of just like Game management legal shit buying ip's treat, you know, like weird guitar hero rock band stuff You you already kind of knew but like yeah, and then as well as um the call of duty shit And back in 2010 like it's been um It's been known but like ever since back then like he kind of basically knew That like he would need to be insulated against all kinds of board of director pressures and things like that and and
Starting point is 03:43:46 completely reshaped the entire um Decision-making body to be his cronies, you know, so um Right all of that reported on um Tons of places here, and there's a big like Shryer right up as well, but he did reply eventually with uh A statement saying that he will consider quitting if he cannot fix the company culture
Starting point is 03:44:15 Uh That's fucking insane coming from someone. He was he was wearing a hot dog suit at the time What's that from? Uh, I don't know, but it's a it's it's a guy. I don't know what the source on that picture Is like a hot dog car into a building and they're all like what the fuck and he's like we're all trying to find out Who did this? Yeah, yeah, yeah as a as a Fucking room of people are just staring at him like I'm curious what the source is on that but anyway
Starting point is 03:44:43 um Yeah, it's kind of fucking insane to hear him go like all right. Well, you know I'm considering it If uh, oh, it's I think you should leave. I've been meaning to watch that. I hear it's pretty funny Okay, anyway, um considering leaving the company when you know, uh, uh, you had Literally 30 years in charge Where you could make all of these things happen, but instead you exacerbated these problems. I mean it's it's it's one of them
Starting point is 03:45:13 I I only found out about it. I just found out. Yeah, yeah three weeks ago. No, um, I mean also I investigated myself and found out that I didn't do anything wrong Like all the memes of him being painted as the devil and all that shit is like He's he's one of Do you remember the article in which he described how much it upset him that he would always get, you know, of course Yes, it made it hard to go on dates Yes girls that would meet him That that that would look online that he would go on a date with would look him up online and see that he was a devil
Starting point is 03:45:47 And the part that they must have cut from that interview Is that they were worried that their teachers would see them hanging out with the devil and not give them a good grade 8 report Wonderful. There you go. Yeah, that's why That that was why that's why Um posterboy scumfuck ceo of a video of a video game company whose name was literally in epstein's black book Um, it just it's every fucking awful thing you can possibly imagine That we know about much less what we don't but That's the reply to close to 2000 employees is uh
Starting point is 03:46:21 I'll consider it if We can't address the company culture Uh fixed the culture problems And it's like why he actually said that Because you can't claim ownership of a problem without being legally responsible in america No, the reason why he the buck stops here is a legally binding statement The reason why he actually mentions possibly leaving
Starting point is 03:46:49 Is that activision Is actually getting way more flak than usual for this kind of scumbag behavior Interesting that we had uh phil spencer Jim ryan and now dug bowser at nintendo literally 10 minutes ago Releasing statements or emails Saying that they are all seriously Reconsidering their their relationship with activision. Oh They are all tugging their collars. Okay, and going. I don't know about this shit man
Starting point is 03:47:25 So this time as opposed to the last eight The water pressure on the dam is a little too much It's a lot Interesting that's that's why you're getting a statement at all Right because we've I gotta fix it. We've watched instead of just the fucking exactly like we've watched the the uh the fucking armor Layers the wall maria rose fucking, you know risen up around him for years now Where it's like it's been the over like every single controversy has just been like yeah Just just just tank it doesn't matter say nothing tank it active. Everyone hates it activision, but whatever we continue
Starting point is 03:48:06 um Now I want to give a little little golf clap here To phil spencer jim ryan and dug bowser For condemning bobby cotic and activision and pot and giving a little veil threat Uh to the company right after the only game they're releasing For the six month period and both physical quarters came out and did 80 of its lifetime sales And they're not actually putting anything out until like two quarters from now
Starting point is 03:48:35 It's really good that they waited till call of duty made its money to make these statements Nothing actively going to be fucked up by the process nothing going to be actually damaged by these this kind of thing All right that calendar Good shit Literally looking at the fiscal calendar looking at the fiscal quarter Now Oh man, um, but to be perfectly honest, I I think You know, we've watched him survive everything and anything
Starting point is 03:49:12 I'm kind of shocked that it feels as if it's different this time. I'm really honestly kind of shocked I can't remember the ever seeing nintendo weigh in on scumbag CEOs from other companies ever That's that's weird. Yeah That and like I didn't see that update that you just dropped because it just happened That's a literally scrolled past that on twitter five minutes ago. That is a huge difference then if you're seeing it coming from other People in the industry and other professionals and other hardware manufacturers, especially that's massive um Now what happens if uh, he says fuck you anyway sticks around take takes all the bad will and then
Starting point is 03:49:56 The next game gets lined up on the calendar Do we see the walk back or do we see the well? I said I was considering and who knows what that means, right? But Anyway, I don't know That's pretty email given a fan bite nintendo president duck bowser addressed the active vision blizzard harassment reports last week in an internal email Which references actions taken with more options on the table. So this is not even a public statement This is an internal statement to be perfectly honest by this thing Realistically if it gets to the point where it is very obvious that him being there fucks with the money The shareholders will not accept him still being there
Starting point is 03:50:31 Right, that's what it comes down to is like he's been there for 30 years He's made them their money And if it ever becomes a problem of goodwill overthrowing the amount that they can make on a quarter, then they will absolutely uh The wolves will turn on him on that in that regard because it's fucking with the money Which is the only reason why we're riding with you to begin with the nintendo thing is actually fairly interesting compared to the others The others were spill and and and jim just talking to you know people. This is internal sent on friday
Starting point is 03:51:04 Email went out to every level of nintendo america including internal development houses like retro and newly acquired next level Quote along with all of you have been following the latest developments at activision Reports of sexual harassment toxicity. I find these accounts distressing and disturbing. They ran counter to my values in nintendo's Goes on to explain that nintendo is committed to having an open and inclusive workplace Remarks the company holds itself To these standards and expects the same from their partners. They say they have been in contact with activision have taken action Question mark and are assessing others
Starting point is 03:51:39 He does not elaborate as to what those actions actually are And then goes on to mention that they are talking to the esa Which them and activision are members of about possible solution solution wait Uh says nintendo has been working with the esa as of at least last week to strengthen stances on harassment and abuse in the workplace And is demanding that the esa must hold its members to the highest standard
Starting point is 03:52:08 I want to put that's More than nothing that is significantly more than nothing The fact that it's even it's happening again at that level that's never happened before with any of these It's happened at that level when the company versus activision was in their crosshairs with a lawsuit Or the ip in particular, but it's never happened at general with people on the sidelines commenting on Uh, what's happening? So yeah nintendo is is making calls and talking shit I want to put something down on paper and uh and have it
Starting point is 03:52:43 for the record mentioned I suspect That things going the way they are right now This severance package Oh, it's gonna be lit. Oh man severance This parachute Will be the most
Starting point is 03:53:06 unquestionable ridiculous egregious soft mountain um inflated landing package you have
Starting point is 03:53:22 epic legendary they are gonna have to genre defining a new word for the level of this severance package oh man oh yeah oh good we are walking with a two digit percentage of the company in my pocket
Starting point is 03:53:40 raise my hands here and say hey duck bowser if you are actually going behind uh Going behind activision's back and talking shit to people that could get them in trouble good on you But I would like to translate something for the folks at home because I can't help it When nintendo says we don't agree with these kinds of practices and we want the highest value Sorry the highest standards for our employees Talks as to the word yet, you know all that nice stuff What they're actually saying is activision shut the fuck up
Starting point is 03:54:15 This is bad for business I don't care what you fuckers are doing Make it stop getting out And if that includes stopping the behavior great if that includes Killing people who talk yeah, I didn't see nothing So that's those business partners and the shareholders mind you
Starting point is 03:54:44 Um Other chaos We'll see if the story develops literally as we speak new things come out Um We'll see how high that number gets It as far as employees go and we'll see if it gets to the point of you know investors um, but really
Starting point is 03:55:10 This severance package though, it's gonna be so good dude It's so good like absolutely like the Icarus landing system will be involved on this pack severance package It will very negative fall damage will apply You will heal upon landing with this package though It's it's really easy to just mentally turn this into mobsters It's like bobby Okay, bobby no touch. He's been a good earner. He's been a great earner Okay, but he got a big mouth
Starting point is 03:55:45 He talks too much Causes trouble Getting attention don't like it so bobby you can either take this money and leave Or you can get left you can take a trip to florida or you can take a trip to florida Right, what's it gonna be? Yeah, yeah, but no man, um, I am I am I'm like I'm I'm almost excited to see How much he's gonna get for leaving I I just saw somebody in the chat just oh no bobby committed
Starting point is 03:56:29 Suicide. Ah, you got You hung himself and then he shot himself in the back of the head being by we must have been so sad It turns out he was good friends with the guy that was an epstein cell his cellmate. Oh, it's crow. Oh my god. It's what a coincidence Big buddies. He came to visit at the house You know And the prince the prince wanted to hang out too The prince came prince had his ghost burned his house down. That's crazy. I can't believe it Don't fuck up the count
Starting point is 03:57:10 Don't fuck up the count Hey nine-year-old child, how come you're so good at the count, but you can't do your math homework So you fuck up the count they fuck you up they fuck you up That's it. They fuck you up. Yeah. All right Um Anything else sure How about this? In a move surprising absolutely no one and nothing
Starting point is 03:57:49 Kojima productions has launched a new film and tv and music division with a department based in la No one can stop him He's been watching movies in front of us for months. If not years now guys We knew it was coming. He's palling up with hollywood. He's been building his power Kojima will make movies You can't stop him if he's the director the writer and the executive producer They will be the simultaneous best and worst things you've ever seen. Oh man. Oh Like you know those jokes that people make when they're like
Starting point is 03:58:31 I went to the movies and I really thought it was weird when the character turned straight to the camera and started monologuing about nuclear disarmament for three hours Uh, no, that's gonna happen and this time without the gameplay, you know in between your cutscenes Can't wait for just Can't wait for the shittiest written best directed Nonsense ever the energy of a man Who sits next to cool too cool smoking hollywood guys and pretends to have a cigarette even though he doesn't smoke That's the energy That's the energy that he brings to script writing and film
Starting point is 03:59:15 I don't smoke and I don't have an unlit cigarette. I have nothing. I'm not even gonna ask for a lucy I'm just gonna sit next to norman and fucking, uh, dude and just pretend Mads mads mads mickelson. Yeah That's what you're getting in film form From this studio never forget that energy. It's very important lucy. A lucy is a single cigarette You fucking all right. What? You said lucy and people are like who's lucy. Oh fucking whatever. It's a single cigarette. You fucking children. Anyways children anyways
Starting point is 04:00:01 um That is who you're getting man. I will be there day one on every one of these film projects I need to know Oh, he's already definitely made a movie that he hasn't released Oh, no, no, I don't know but I feel it He showed it to Guillermo. He showed it to to the to the boys And he hasn't released it, but I bet you I bet you he's got a script. You know Come on
Starting point is 04:00:38 Yeah, you're right. Yeah, I feel it deep deep deep deep And the title of the movie is like eight layers of english and and and like English and japanese puns like fucking just oh like it is so deep inside You know that it's the ending of the movie and the main character's name and the theme of the movie all at the same time It's it's san D with a main character named D with a big number three on him standing in the desert But but but when you read it backwards it says dna's
Starting point is 04:01:32 Because the dna's of the character Because we're gonna talk about dna The sand is a double helix, you know Oh, we have played we have we have been following this dude for so long. Oh, man Hand to god, man. I swear on jesus This is what we're getting We know him too well Oh my god, we know him too well
Starting point is 04:02:09 It's happening Oh All right, huh Oh man See I looking forward to those looking forward to it. It's just whatever the fuck he's gonna make I'm trying to think of a single person in media That I feel that I know The flavor of more than kojima and the answer is I don't think there is I don't think yeah, I don't think so no cage comes close
Starting point is 04:02:45 No, but there's always some but there's no you never know how low it'll go there, but I Every every single bite every spice Of kojima we I just I know that flavor in my soul All right Done and done next Um God you laser focused I can't believe like god damn it
Starting point is 04:03:15 All right, so what else is going on? Well, um Uh the the unexpected expected, uh Nintendo has partnered up with panda global To launch a smash brother circuit that will include ultimate and melee in 2022 What really yeah Panda global has actually convinced nintendo to support a melee tournament circuit It's fucking crazy
Starting point is 04:03:45 That's wild After all this time after all this movement after all this like build up with them basically trying to stomp the flame out And go know by the new thing It won't pg who you know, they sponsor players and I are mainly known as like a e-sports team are setting up And I guess the right year the right people are in the right years Got through to nintendo and they're gonna be doing a smash circuit including melee in 2022 That is the like
Starting point is 04:04:22 Beyond it like fucking unexpected. It's insane. Um that they used to not even sponsor But like just kind of support events from a distance and they got involved early on Um, I remember but the controversy around project m is what started some of the friction Right, right and then eventually when people were like, but we play this game and it's the unofficial game and but Eventually nintendo just distanced themselves and said fucking and they're out, you know um But now it's like okay, so what does this mean? Are they going to actually like are they going to do anything to provide like the hardware?
Starting point is 04:04:59 Because there's no melee ports coming anywhere is like They made new wave birds at one point and that's yeah, but crts. Yeah Well, there's so apparently there's new types of tv's that can do um crt inputs that are not crts. I didn't know about this But there's a there's a modern solution to that problem nowadays apparently And I I I guess I assume it would be lagless So that's cool Uh, yeah, but fucking I mean hey panda like if you got
Starting point is 04:05:33 If you got to to the right ears and set that up then that's cool. Good job um, I asked reggie if he was willing to come out of retirement and um He he dodged the question The answer is no the answer is no but maybe But maybe whatever man. I caught that fucker stealthily signing up for a brawl halla tournament And when I called him out and said what are you doing? He ran away So fuck that I don't care
Starting point is 04:06:05 Literally we're always a local fgc event and one of the back corners They had smash over there Then they had brawl halla and I was walking by to the fgc side and I was I see reggie said I'm like Reggie, what the fuck you doing? And he's thinking it's like sign ups for brawl halla. I'm like you play brawl halla and he's like what? You literally just like ran away So, yeah Fuck that guy reggie's a good kid. Don't fuck with him. Come on. Fuck with him. Fuck him. All right. All right um
Starting point is 04:06:41 So there's that And of course in smash news not to be one upped, but uh Wb says yeah, well we can do it too And reveals multiverses I feel so bad for nick all stars Because nick all stars is like look at all these characters. Everybody really gives a shit about And look at all this stuff and these guys care And then you it came out and it's like where's the fucking voices?
Starting point is 04:07:15 Right, right. Why is the where's spongebob at right and then multiverses shows off? and like shaggy has a super saiyan and shaggy's there and it's actually fucking they got they they paid for all They got all the voice actors step one step two shaggy has a super saiyan and uh, yeah, I mean You want to play on the assumption that that would last long enough that it would still be relevant Because it totally is and did well
Starting point is 04:07:49 It's more like someone on the team That had the opportunity to slide that joke in went guys. Let's get this in there Because like most of I guarantee you like a lot of the people otherwise would have just ignored that or the approval Process would have been like no what does this have to do and it's like no no no Look look look search it up on twitter. Look at this. There's all kinds of great. It's crazy We don't know like they they someone had to get convinced basically is what I'm saying Um shaggy in it top billing by the way on the character select screen um
Starting point is 04:08:20 Next to an original character who appears to be from the land before times universe Um, and then steven steven universe and harley and uh, there's another original character, uh called Hold on. Let me pull this up um She's she's uh, uh like a teenager girl with a sword names Are area sterk area area area area? Yeah Okay
Starting point is 04:08:55 So she's weird. Oh gee Yeah, that's cool um finn jake um wonder woman superman batman bugs And
Starting point is 04:09:13 Someone else Yeah, I don't know man, and I'm assuming as well that like this is on the leak list gandalf was in there Yeah, for sure. Of course I'm assuming the stages and all the shit that's gonna like it's gonna be nuts because Step one is go watch the movie with all of the properties owned by the same company and be horrified at space jam and um, um Whatever it was called. What was it before right before that ready player one and all that stuff And step two is make your make your your platform fighter smash clone, you know So at least I'll say this like, um the uh
Starting point is 04:09:54 The nick all-star brawl made by a team that knows what the fuck they're doing Because ludosity is they made slap city and that's a fucking banger ass fun game I don't know who's making this and I don't know Uh, what that's what it's gonna mean Um, let me see if I can find the a dev here first player games I gotta say um the the possibility
Starting point is 04:10:22 That this game has Area stark versus pugs bunny. Yes versus Jake the dog versus toni soprano Is The absolute Most absurd thing that I've probably ever heard of in video games. Here's the thing Based on brawl, hola This is probably gonna do quite well
Starting point is 04:10:52 Because it's free to play And it has rollback confirmed so it's gonna have good netcode Yeah Done and done. Um, it's free to play That is so huge In means characters are gonna keep coming non-stop Everything is gonna show up at some point and it costs you nothing to just grab it and check it out Of course, um, I don't know how they will voice toni
Starting point is 04:11:21 um Unless you know We just grab some clips and do what we got to do Which is horrifying Every single phrase that will come out of his mouth will just be gabba ghoul gabba ghoul And it will be the same clip it'll just be gabba ghoul. No, no, no, but when he gets hit there's got to be a very clear So you need you need at least two Like also, uh, Warner Brothers has like some kind of licensing thing in the in the united states for jojo
Starting point is 04:11:56 That's possible Like what here's the thing when we're talking crossover shit the nightmare has arrived you actually want you want the biggest Evilest mega corporation the nightmare has arrived. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah the adamaniacs are coming. No problem. The question is is when Is um hysteria They should be the bosses. They should be The Warner Brothers and their Warner sister dot should absolutely a 100 be the bosses When is hysteria showing up? That's what I need to know Pinky and the brain are definitely showing up, you know, like the cartoons are coming
Starting point is 04:12:31 It's it's the non-cart like aria represents the non cartoon shit and that's where you should get scared Because everyone's animated a live action Uh live action violent adult oriented drama fantasy character in there Right like That means that like like sopranos like okay, that's not actually that insane if game of thrones characters are there If like game of thrones and and fucking bugs bunny. Yeah, okay, sure Throw wide the fucking gates Yeah, this is this is gonna be a this is gonna be a monster. Um get fucking carl from fucking aquatine in there
Starting point is 04:13:19 I don't give a shit Free to play man free to play is is is a beast So this is gonna be sub zero scorpion. It's gonna be scorpion, right? Both Both. Yeah, it's gonna be both Um The question is is are they gonna get here or to fort fortnight first? Oh, everyone's going to fortnight everybody in the game that we're talking about like half of them are already in fortnight But like the fact that mortal combat has not like you know that the day Ryu and Chunli got released boon fucking
Starting point is 04:13:56 Grabbed his phone and started sending angry texts Angry texts were sent They're coming make no mistake Um We are unironically every day every Naruto in fortnight every aria stark in multiverses getting closer to the
Starting point is 04:14:23 unironic reality Of everyone who is a dumb ass like me who said the last character should be goku. Mm-hmm Like it's it's like right there But I think we addressed it last week in that goku actually does not get uh used anywhere You know like he legitimately doesn't get shared out as whereas like you see fucking Naruto Banking in on all these cameos Yeah, but we're getting closer. Okay. Okay getting closer
Starting point is 04:14:57 Wb has the licensing for crunchy roll. Oh my god. Oh my god Ah What if we start seeing like Not just superman, but specifically Like small vill superman or specifically cw wb cw super girl Or and flash and arrow and shit. Oh my god based on the action, you know And Dawson's creak. Oh no. Oh Dawson Creek site on it
Starting point is 04:15:42 I mean the stage is gonna be there for sure, you know And they'll be at the creek No, it's gonna be the main it's gonna be Dawson's window And you can crawl through it with samuel l jackson. I don't I don't know I don't know David hasselhoff in baywatch is viable For this roster But but it'll be the version that's drunk eating the hamburger
Starting point is 04:16:10 Captain jane way is viable for this roster I feel like I just had a brain aneurysm. Yep. Good Good Enjoy it feel it Okay, mm-hmm the wayans brothers They they had a sitcom You're gonna play keenan or uh keenan ivory or are you gonna play davin? Or are you gonna play keenan ivory or keenan ivory in white girls?
Starting point is 04:17:00 That works Right next to buffy and white chicks. That was white chicks right next to buffy and alia mcbill You can have a nice white girl trio Ah Yeah, it's coming. It's coming felicity is coming We're glad to announce that roper downy jr. Is going to be voicing a character in multiverses. That's right He'll be showing up as alia mcbill's boyfriend that was there on season three before he got arrested for cocaine and kicked off the show Uh-oh
Starting point is 04:17:35 What did you think we were talking about iron? No, no Ali mcbill's boyfriend from that from that time or what about the dad from seven seven And because he needs to know that's not gonna happen. That's not gonna happen. Oh, did you know? Oh You were you thought you were gonna sneak that one by me, huh? No, you know I thought i'd sneak it by No
Starting point is 04:18:06 Oh no Oh seven seven No, stop that don't No, no All right. Well, this roster is gonna be It's gonna be a thing man. It's gonna be wild. Yeah, it's gonna be a thing. Yeah for real Okay Damn mr. Cooper
Starting point is 04:18:31 Veronica mars Wow All right Um Whatever else is happening. Um A couple things so yeah, uh We touched on it a little earlier, but the reintroduction
Starting point is 04:18:55 of uh project l From radiant games being uh worked on by the canon brothers We got to see what's happening ever since that first little like hey look there's a league of legends fighting game Excuse me. Um, I feel like an idiot because I knew that tony and is tony and tom Tom canon Did not realize they were identical twins until this video came out. Yes, they've been
Starting point is 04:19:22 I've never well. No woolly. I've never met them and anytime one of them got interviewed. I was like, of course That guy. Okay. Yeah, and their names are tony and tom. I would always get confused and thought I was looking at one or the Yeah, the canon the canon twins. That's correct. And then they also like They they deliberately choose as well to appear identical, you know And yeah, they're dressed the same and like they they both have shaved heads and they both have the same kind of like they Like it's a thing. So yeah, if you're twins with someone, you don't have to necessarily look the same, but no they do um But uh
Starting point is 04:20:02 Yeah, but like I mean that being said like I know that they're they're over the years as well Their skill set has always been a little more different. I know tom is I think Who's more about like programming and netcode and and all that stuff? And tony was a bit more operations It's not mistaken. Uh, they reintroduced projectile. We got to see what this game is going to look like and it looks fucking sick um The system is 2v2, which is awesome because 2v2 games are great and they're not there aren't enough of them The biggest
Starting point is 04:20:35 Uh, the the biggest contemporary I can point to would be, uh marvel infinite Which unfortunately, you know is One of the better 2v2 systems you got to go off of it just it's you know buried under uh, all that fucking trash visual and roster shit, but um gameplay wise infinite was fucking fun um
Starting point is 04:21:03 I would not compare it to cross-techen as much because cross-techen Uh had a more um It the the like you wouldn't see people coming in Uh as much for assists as much as it was a tag moment a little bit more like tech and tag in that way whereas uh in this it's more like what I just said marvel infinite or with um bb tag where you're seeing two characters on screen
Starting point is 04:21:32 and um There's uh, you know a pretty healthy amount of Sauce they put on display as well because if you're going to show off a game to the fgc It's the same thing that power rangers did right away. You're like, okay cool characters doing stuff You have to show someone that has some insane movement options right away to get people going. Ooh That's dirty. You know yeah echo is pretty great Uh, so you see two of those actually because there's the girl that did the air juggle Um, yeah, our thing and then you got the yeah the the the ecosystem there. That's that's awesome
Starting point is 04:22:07 Hey, guess what dude? Hmm. That's just like their league moves. Yeah Oh my god Uh, but with the skeleton of rising thunder, which if you haven't played very obviously the skeleton of rising thunder Yeah, so, you know, I I didn't realize that so many people apparently a lot of people were speculating about the move system And how this would work and I guess they just didn't know that rising thunder existed But it was like the answer is you hit a fucking button Yeah, the game that got them the gig Is the game that this is going to be very clearly they came up with a system that works really well
Starting point is 04:22:43 Three attacks three special buttons. Uh this time with tilts affecting them as well because uh, is it Darius? The it's it's Darius. Yeah x-man. So he does the uh x move But if you hold down in special one then he does the anti air version of it. So tilts will will matter Um Seems that's his e Oh Well, anyway, and then uh seeing the echo shit was awesome because it seems as if in addition to being baked into the character when you see, um
Starting point is 04:23:17 What's this? What's his name? You need to give me a description. Sorry the the echo guy His name's his name is echo. Okay. I thought the ability was echo my mistake e e k ko e k ko. Oh, okay All right. So when you see him do the sword slash is is uh First special it automatically creates a rewind point But it seems as if in addition to that there's a second button that'll create a save state anywhere and for the next like
Starting point is 04:23:45 One or two seconds you can rewind to that save state freely Which creates mix up nonsense And the dirtiest cross-ups and combos. So uh willy sauce Do you know why they have three special buttons? Because you have three of them in league of legends q w and e and their super will be their r but this is From the rune terror universe
Starting point is 04:24:14 So I would expect it to be based on the cards No Anyway, so that mechanic of like going back and that's also part of his deck. Yeah, sure Convert everything into fighting game mode. I believe it. I I'm assuming that's that's exactly what you're gonna get And that's exactly what people want because that's Fucking how you do the characters justice, right? Um, but here's the thing alongside that and I just made a quick joke about this I was like, oh, what are you gonna do fucking roll back to
Starting point is 04:24:48 And the cannons are like, yes Yes, we are We're doing ironically. We're doing roll back too. So um, and it's interesting because it seems like shades of Shades of blitz netcode aka racist netcode Because uh, there's a server that will serve as the Unifying factor that creates a quality connection ideally They're saying that the riot servers that they use for their other games are among the best yadda yadda yadda So I could actually spread some
Starting point is 04:25:19 Some more Information on this. So one of the issues, uh, there's two issues with netcode bad connection packet lost yadda yadda Everything that we always talk about with bad netcode and the second one is uh, the route that your internet connection takes to the server success So ff 14 had this issue for a long time It's one of the reasons they moved the servers down south is that montreal had a connection Through a local node that was a company called level three That just couldn't handle certain traffic
Starting point is 04:25:51 at certain times a day And if you went, uh, if you were in the states and you went like north through like new york state you would hit level three And uh, your fucking connection would just die every time when it was connecting to 14 So the solution that players found was if you use mudfish or some other VPN service like like specific tracker You could ask it to go around like through the west end like through
Starting point is 04:26:18 Ontario and whatever server you're connected to You have a better bypass that route and all of a sudden your shit would be completely fine That's what riot technology is smart. Awesome Is it is it pings where everybody is and goes what would actually be the best place to Connect these people and because you're doing p2p, right? Like the problem was also that you couldn't quite tell who disconnected first because it's not checking with the server first But if you are in fact connecting to the same server to have the best p2p match you can Motherfucker dropped and this guy didn't the same the same connection you can have
Starting point is 04:26:52 Also knows who dropped first so it can immediately penalize the loser Brilliant fucking awesome like super good secondary benefit to You know routing people into this to have matches based on them being connected to the same servers So roll back except you know localizing it to like your best match-up areas from people around you and what's going on And then on top of that we can tell who who disconnects first great We'll have to of course like I wonder how that'll work when I mean that'll create great matches for people that are routed through the same areas But like what about if you want to have an international match, right?
Starting point is 04:27:31 We'll figure it out like if you're you know, then you kind of might create some of the similar issues We do have if you have like a match versus the question is whether or not the server machine will run out of orphans when the game launches It becomes popular. Of course That's the theme there's only so many orphans to go around got to make some new ones Well, we need to partner up with a system that runs on dead parents 2024 will be known as the start of the league wars See if if active lizard can power itself on dead parents And then riot can power its servers on dead orphans
Starting point is 04:28:15 Then we have a perfect synergistic system right there Makes sense You know that old moral thing and like if you could hit a button And it would give you a million dollars, but it would kill somebody out there in the world But it's like actually like if you hit a button it just cues you for league of legends That's how toxic those games would be you really got to win um, so then
Starting point is 04:28:42 they had that part announced as well as uh, the Yeah, they showed the okay So the the the bit that I have to assume that wasn't mentioned is that everything that they make is free to play, right? Yep, therefore this will for uh ruin king Oh, really? Ruin king is a fucking regular ass video game. Huh, okay Well, then that changes it because that just came out this fighting game will be free to play
Starting point is 04:29:12 I am telling you this right now if valorant was free to play if league is free to play if ruin terra is free to play You want has to imagine it's it's all free to play um It's a winning combination for popularity And if this continues to just get seasons from the hundred and x Fucking characters they can pull from Uh, yeah Good rollback good netcode
Starting point is 04:29:40 characters people care about Fun system if you want to fucking dive in To the the matchup nightmare to end them all You start playing project l right right right there is there is literally no upper limit on character season nine Project l season nine is where it's going to start to be a problem Um, here's the thing the the preview and all that shit looks pretty solid This is probably going to be an immensely successful and very fun fighting game There's also some really funny posts between the league communities getting prepared to meet the fgc
Starting point is 04:30:17 Oh, man. I had forgotten. I want to bring that up. That's so good and the fgc getting scared about meeting the league toxicity The world's colliding we're all anticipating it's gonna go down And i'll tell you right now that like the top 32 of every tournament will be full of fgc names that you've seen before That's just the way it goes. That's the mechanics. They understand game on its Level that yeah, see Goes to league you're gonna all of a sudden all the league players are gonna get displaced by brand new fgc But top 128
Starting point is 04:30:51 Mike oh you're gonna see all sorts of people might have some brand new names in there including league players that are just like Yeah, fuck it. Let's commit all the dedication and knowledge to a completely different genre and see how it works You know, I uh I think the scrub quotes will have so much goddamn material When that game drops when the 5v5 gang Suddenly can't blame anyone but themselves for the loss
Starting point is 04:31:20 Well, if scrub quotes is doing doing it right then they will Realize the need to set up a second account called project l quotes Yeah, because it'll be uncontrollable otherwise And just coast on that Um, it's gonna be like the game lagged and the response will be like this game has the most advanced net code that has ever existed for any game The game itself says that to you after you type that into the chat Yeah um, here's the thing
Starting point is 04:31:53 framerate sucks dawg Framerate's ass early. Yeah, I hope so Really hope so. I mean you saw the footage the footage is running at like 4k with all sorts of anti-aliasing on it They clearly wanted it to look pretty with no rough edges. I'm going to assume. We're looking at the early ass You know because I initially was looking at it on a twitter video and I was like, oh fuck this get out of here Let's go to a higher res and went to the direct feed and I was like, okay We're still choppy with it sub 30. Um one might uh, I I don't know if we can expect I mean, I would hope we'd get a solid 60 out of it. You are you are going to get a solid 60
Starting point is 04:32:30 but um I was going to say that the uh The direct comparison point though quality-wise for the models and the characters and what you're seeing uh perfect Handoff is what arcsis is doing Because dnf duel also released a trailer And you can see the dungeon and fighter characters that you all know and love Oh, yeah
Starting point is 04:32:53 mage and fighter and thief rogue um But uh, you can see that game and it's like goddamn arcsis is still just making the the the prettiest shit No one's even close to what they're doing with their games right now, man Um dnf. I don't know shit about any of that. I know min's a big dungeon fighter guy Personally, I'm just like this whatever property they get it will look good And uh, if they learn lessons from grandblue, it'll have rollback so that people can play it and then it won't die
Starting point is 04:33:28 But it looks really pretty Did you see that butt Yeah, I saw it. Did you see those guns in the air? I've seen it. Okay I gotta say dude this like All evil aside like project l is like kind of destined to sweep it. Yeah, it really is There there will never be a fighting game that has access to The kinds of resources and talent that this one has
Starting point is 04:34:01 like Think of how long they have been working on this and how early it looks now And how certain we are that not only will it not be rushed It will get as much time as they ask for because they're they don't care what it takes. Yeah Um, it's it's absolutely destined to do so and here's the thing like just in terms of like, um, good development team with IP that people give a fuck about um
Starting point is 04:34:32 arc sys plus dragon ball Is the only other thing that I could see being this level have high profile They gotta have they got they gotta put out another dbz game with the with the rollback They they gotta do even if it's a goddamn re-release of all the fighters out there The only thing that comes close to league plus, uh, well, I mean we not everyone knows riot Not riot radiant makes good fighting games, but I'll go play fucking rising thunder. It's fantastic Um, I saw a universal cross-up and I was like Yes
Starting point is 04:35:08 Down plus medium in the air for a universal cross-up button Fucking do it guys do it make the good thing you know Anyway, yeah dnf duel looking pretty God, I just realized I just realized so watching the project elf footage right now Um, the stage that they're playing on The with the view of the bridge. Yeah That is the location of the opening scene in arcane
Starting point is 04:35:37 Oh, okay So They're doing their lore. They're doing their cross media shit lore. Yeah They're no big big big push. Um, does the valorant world tie into this world in any way or is it just it's okay? I don't think so I think valorant is actually completely separate because everyone has to have a gun and it's real guns in magic world Yeah, works it. Okay. All right That that would it would be weird
Starting point is 04:36:07 Do you remember how uh mad we all got about the the valorant anti-cheat thing? I'm like this close to being worn down after all this fucking time of like trying it kernel level anti-cheat Well, the part that really fucked me up is when people told me the dead by daylight also uses kernel level anti-cheat Yes, and I'm like, oh, I've been playing now for four fucking years. Like oh, well, so what was it? Uh, not just there was another game That came out and recently discussed their anti-cheat system um Who was it that came out and just went like hey cheaters were coming for you
Starting point is 04:36:44 Was it was a call of duty? I mean it might be fucking halo People already got it. I think it was I think it was call of duty that came out and went like yeah, we're we're improving our anti-cheat system and um They basically it was yeah, there you go. See you D and and they basically said we're introducing kernel level anti-cheat And that'll stop you all in your tracks. So um And then they leaked it right And then someone was able to yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. That was part two. I forgot part two of the story was like and then someone was able to
Starting point is 04:37:20 uh, uh They leaked something and they were like, uh, oh, they were able to reverse engineer reverse engineering And now hackers have a head start on how to bypass that. Yeah, that's what it was. Okay, right Yeah Anyway Yeah, how far do you go to stop cheaters? You know, what do you do? Well You go you go to their house and you hit the mistakes you played on console so that you don't have to worry about it
Starting point is 04:37:47 Wow. Oh, hey, hey Here's an anti-cheat feature that fucking doesn't work If you if you leave too many matches that wasn't halo infinite If you leave too many matches in halo infinite, it'll ban you for a period of time But the game also crashes on pc So guess what? Unintentional jail People are fucking logging in and crashing like six times in an hour and the game goes by standards. That sucks. That fucking sucks, man
Starting point is 04:38:22 Drag your window. Yeah Uh, that sucks I haven't had that issue, but I mean I don't have the average versus pc Cool Last thing I wanted to call attention to before we get out of here is cult of the lamb, which is a really cool new develop the devolver game seems Fun fun animation in the preview, but seems to be a animal crossing style
Starting point is 04:38:47 A cutesy thing except you're adult You're a cute lamb that escapes the slaughter And then you try to make a cult and then the game seems to be about building up this cult and powering up Fuck yeah cult Powering up your big Evil powers Yeah, and then the powerful The more powerful your cult gets the stronger you get and then you fucking do cult shit
Starting point is 04:39:09 I don't know looks fun cult of the lamb. It's cool, man looks very cool animation dope animal crossing plus cults Good Great take some emails Hey, if you want to send an email send it into castle super beast mail at That's castle super beast mail at These lights are starting to get to my eyes Yeah, well gotta get out of here better than working at the factory for eight hours It is Well, you're like you're in a mood and I'm and I don't blame you because that's what this week has felt like
Starting point is 04:39:53 Like I feel like every single topic Immediately has to refer to your ethics on the matter and bringing up the worst part how that's involved single fucking thing Yeah In fact, it's almost like it feels like what what it like it feels like I like there are times when I do the same thing To the point where people are like shut up. Will we we get it? You know, yeah, but it's been the theme It's been the theme of like look at you. Oh the lights hurt your eyes. Did you enjoy your piss break into what toilet? Your highness here you go your majesty
Starting point is 04:40:36 Like fuck like that's what it feels like God damn it. Hey, what's the emails we got? Sorry if I'm going off to to mean about it. No, you know, it's you're coming on strong But it's it's how I feel and I get it But yeah, this is one of those ones where just what do you like look around you? How was someone how was someone exploited to create this mega man fidget spinner? I don't know but there probably was exploitation somewhere involved that was built by a robot that lives at the robot abuse factory I got a I got some canada dry union. What do we know about canada dry?
Starting point is 04:41:28 Oh, I could I bet you I could fucking pull something up like right now like right now what native reservation was wiped out To get access to the ginger needed For canada dry BC man's lawsuit over marketing of canada dry ginger ale Settled for two hundred thousand dollars Man said he purchased the ginger ale because it advertising suggested it had health benefits Okay, well that's not quite as bad as wiping out a native reserve, but you know What what how many how many dead and buried children are underneath the fucking ginger ale factory?
Starting point is 04:42:13 I don't know. I don't know who who what what company Uh canada dry parent company Is currig dr. Pepper Which uh, it's a leading producer Uh I'm gonna just type in the word currig dr. Pepper evil. It's all shit. Everything is shit I'm sure it's in there. I if I if I looked hard enough. I just I was just fucking I'm looking at you inside of OBS
Starting point is 04:42:51 Which also had a story about stream labs. OBS. I fucking stop using OBS And OBS was trying to tell them Please don't steal it and stream labs OBS was like lol La mal we're stealing it and there's nothing you can do And we're gonna fucking trick people into these stream lab subscriptions. You fucks The window you are inside of in my OBS is being used within discord, which has that nft. Shit. They're implementing Any minute now
Starting point is 04:43:31 On audacity which had to be dark audacity because real audacity was about to do some shit No, but they didn't but they didn't but they were but they didn't but they did but they did Is it is it not everything yet? Everything on my desktop right now all three of these things You We got one coming in from James who says hey guys just a quick ps a uh
Starting point is 04:44:18 I feel this game doesn't get as much talk, but Uh, baba is you just came out with some free updates and it adds 150 puzzles revamped ones Developer notes in a museum style fashion and a new second mini adventure with brand new worlds and mechanics A level editor complete with an optional tutorial and a community interface to favorite and spotlight popular level created Level creations personally It's safe to say that baba is you deserves to be in the indie pantheon with shovel night hollow night
Starting point is 04:44:50 And the other amazing ones that I can't think of right now 100% I I showed that trailer to page and she just Spawned like fuck that that's an insane level of content And that deserves that deserves praise. That's some that's a love that few games get that's unbelievable. Good job. Baba. Good job Baba is win baba good We got one coming in from plaski says, uh Hello poolie and watt some general consensus
Starting point is 04:45:23 On the quantic dream games is that despite how terrible they can be they might always also contain the one good scene A scene in the bingo cards shit Was pondering what the one good scenes might be Um, and then drew some conclusions the opening of indigo prophecy is obviously the winner every time It is the it is the biggest difference between the one good scene and the rest of the game sure is um It was incredible. It was what the demo was
Starting point is 04:45:55 Which is what sold everybody like the level of excitement. This is the fucking future of video games. God damn it the level of excitement We had in that fucking college classroom Checking out the demo for indigo prophecy. It was so promising. That is that. Yeah, that is that's the first time we saw it Is is it is incredible? Um, and then right away then just just right away. Yep, uh Heavy rain lizard trial. Do you remember that? What was the lizard trial with the lizard trial? It's what he cuts his finger off I don't remember that at all Boy, fuck that game. I don't remember. Wow. Wow. That that's like
Starting point is 04:46:40 easy the best thing in that game It's gone. It's completely gone. All I can all I think of is fat guy and children in the water great And then We can have another baby I want you to give me a baby To replace with that baby That's all I can think of Um
Starting point is 04:47:02 Beyond two souls, I mean Uh, they're okay. So the scene of of the jump and then Aiden saves her is Potentially strong except that the motivations of her and of Aiden Are just nonsense and like you're like, but I don't have again. I don't have anyone to put these feelings This is a compelling moment that has no weight behind it because like what the fuck with these characters at all In the rest of the story, but yes, that would be the scene Um
Starting point is 04:47:40 Detroit There's actually a lot of good scenes in Detroit. Uh Detroit has good stuff. Yeah. Yeah, I'm uh I'm trying to remember what that part what my favorite was The part where you find out that the kids are robot and then you let her stay cold It's the most vindictive choice I can think of in a game It's so fucked the Connor versus Marcus fight is kind of I remember that being cool
Starting point is 04:48:18 Um, and that oh man that it actually has multiple ways to play out, but Uh, I I I'd say like a bunch of uh, hanks and conners Hey, yeah, yeah until you realize how old Hank is or when he was born rather Yeah, I'd say so One good scene. All right That's a full-ass long one for a full-ass long week and uh Everybody I implore you to go lay in your beds with your eyes open right now And think about your ethical consumption
Starting point is 04:48:53 And then do yourself a favor and stop And just go have a sandwich and relax for like an hour And browse the latest tiktoks of which you've subscribed to ours and Yeah, check set on tiktoks. Let the algorithm swallow you whole There's no escape You

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