Castle Super Beast - CSB 145: XENOVERSE GOT ROBBED

Episode Date: December 14, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Walmart How are you doing everything working well I assume yeah yeah no things are things are good things are alright Oh cool tree cool tree by the way for those of you at home listening with your ears instead of your eyes Well, he has a nice tree behind him in this current shot. Thank you It's about that time I Guess it is Uh there's a lot of
Starting point is 00:01:03 stuff in terms of just Game awards roundup, so we should probably skedaddle and get a get a move on with the the the list because I mean Just in terms of raw like how many things were announced. I think it was like 58 So not that we're gonna talk about all of them, but there's there's a fuck ton of things All right So, I mean let's let's I guess let's get through the rest of it
Starting point is 00:01:39 Week-wise what's going on? Finished FF 14 finished FF 14. Yeah, kind of like it's it's one of those things where you get to the end of the story And it becomes a completely definitive end to a long long long long narrative So like I don't know I guess the I Don't want to compare it to to the point where whoever was writing it felt the need to have at least three different instances of The player probably going I don't know where we're gonna go from here. I Literally don't know what the fuck we're gonna possibly do from here. I mean it's and I
Starting point is 00:02:18 Assuming it doesn't end on any kind of cliffhanger or something. Oh, no, it's it's it ends on what I would call an anti-cliffhanger In that every cliff that could have hanged was tidied up loose ends wise And they go just short of having a character look directly into the camera and say What if you went here later though What are you stupid there's all these parts of the world map you never saw What about going to this play like like there are two maybe three of those Where just out loud like what are you gonna do next? I don't know. Maybe I'll go to this the new world
Starting point is 00:03:13 The part of the map that isn't on the map in the game, okay, so so The the the they've pointed out What's what where what to expect next? That being said, I don't I don't envy the people having to write the follow-up to this because one it's excellent It's the best one they made so far to it brings closure to like ten years of narrative hooks and Three like the next one's gonna have to be smaller scale like it literally has to Because the scale on this one went higher than was to be expected
Starting point is 00:03:51 Considerably so it will have to go back down to Like you know how we always talk about you don't always have to save the world mm-hmm You really can't mm-hmm have a story that has some kind of global focus Aside from that got a couple classes to cat. I like all the job changes except for Dark Knight Games good small games excellent game games still excellent smaller stories allows more people to jump in at various Intervals as opposed to the ten-year like oh you would you would know and you would still have to go through all of it They're they're never gonna do Like start here at level one and continue onwards
Starting point is 00:04:41 At a different continent or whatever. Oh, okay, so the new stuff That's that Guild Wars did that because that was part of Guild Wars's business model. Okay, where you could only level up to level 50 But every time that expansion came out It was a completely new area in which you were making a new character So the hypothetical like sequel in the game talk is is not quite that because you do have is the continuing Adventures of yeah, yeah, yeah, okay cool cool There's a I think I briefly mentioned a while back that they hid a lot of stuff even in the patch notes and
Starting point is 00:05:18 particularly the fifth and sixth zones kudos on those in particular because they're not what I expected at all and They're great and shame on one very specific type of player that I've encountered in One of the later game zones you were given a outfit for purely visual purposes That I am seeing people wear out in the public spaces That they should not It's rude and if you it's Mm-hmm
Starting point is 00:05:55 What if you were walking around as Darth Vader with your mask off in Star Wars galaxies in the starter zone? Yeah, yeah, like like stop it. Mm-hmm. Like don't do that But they didn't they didn't stop you from being able to do that No, they didn't Admit it. It's one of those weird things where as time goes on Like it's six months from now new players will just assume. Oh, I wonder when you get that outfit but because it's right now in the crux of the expansion
Starting point is 00:06:27 Anybody that's going through the expansion and doesn't have it yet will obviously know. Oh, you must get it Soon I wonder that kind of thing. Yeah, and I wonder if you could implement a like spoiler filter that blocks, you know, not just like titles, but Everything you haven't seen yet There is It's called staring at the ground Yeah, but also if you block all the things you haven't seen yet
Starting point is 00:06:59 Then you're not gonna feel enticed to go get the cool things people have so that's kind of productive It's not gonna have that sense of group and yeah a community or whatnot. Yeah, yeah games good cool And I see that you're you're struggling to figure out where to go next Yeah, that passed okay, I went back and thought about it and spoke with some people and then I oh There's like three or four locations that they keep mentioning over and over and over that have literally not even been on a map Like not mentioned once outside of the inside. Oh, no, no, no, no, I'm referring to literally what to oh stream wise Yeah, I don't know what to stream. Oh, yeah, I'm fucking fool. I still don't know I had that question on Saturday and I'm still like, I don't know man. I'll figure something out. Okay, I'll figure something out
Starting point is 00:07:45 as for as for the second part of and Walker which is a Learning how to get into the game It's it's a little better and a little worse They've successfully dealt with a lot of the issues that would kick you out of a 5,000 person queue Which is nice Which makes the queues last way longer Because people aren't getting kicked out and you're not getting to step in front of the line because the person in front of you got kicked out
Starting point is 00:08:17 mm-hmm so Like there's three thousand people ahead of you before maybe six hundred of them would have dropped by connection issues and you But yeah, I'm in here now that you're all just sitting there. You're gonna wait It's like maybe Five ten percent better than it was like in the first weekend It's gonna be queued up for a while like for a long goddamn while Okay
Starting point is 00:08:49 All right, well, I mean if that's about that then You can tell people where to watch you figure out what to stream next yeah, I'll figure something out tomorrow. I'm streaming tomorrow That would be slash Pat stairs at over at 7 p.m. Eastern Don't know what it's gonna be straight up done on one of them some Uh over it'll it'll be good though, right clearly you should definitely go Contents under pressure Um Over on this side a couple things I guess um not much to to tag on to the end of it
Starting point is 00:09:38 but I finished arcane and I and I really liked it and I Think it it ends on a pretty interesting note I think They also Yeah, they definitely set themselves up for you know more more story more seasons and such Well, there's they only used five or six heroes in that goddamn thing. There's like 195 certainly, but also there's like there's like baton passes where like the
Starting point is 00:10:13 Villain the villains of this next season kind of waltz into the frame and say hey, we're here Wrap up this shit so we can get on with it in a way, you know, and I'm like, I'm interested in that. That's cool So Yeah, no ends ends on a pretty cool note and pretty interesting note. I feel as well that further The the Last couple of the the further you go until you when you finish it adds a bit more to jinx that helps But Yeah, it just it's just this is gonna be one of those things where I'm like, all right, let's play a game of like get as
Starting point is 00:11:01 Far away from the products while being as into the lore As as possible have to play League of Legends. Yeah, the important part Everything that's called League of Legends is that you don't have to play League of Legends They're even making a new League of Legends so that you don't have to play League of Legends Yeah, no or I officially am like are you officially got me? I care about these characters and I and I couldn't Desire any less to you know to dip the toe in not to say that you can you never say never We live in a world where we hit a stream button and then pop put a game up So, you know, you it's not to say you'll never see a woolly versus League stream or
Starting point is 00:11:49 Anything else for that matter. I played Runeterra the other day and project L is gonna happen Oh, you'll know I'm telling you right now. You will never see a woolly versus League stream You may see a woolly versus Wild rift stream. Oh This is the other one. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, the new League of Legends for consoles and phones. Yeah But Arcane Arcane good. That's that's that's that's that the
Starting point is 00:12:19 other thing of note is interestingly In terms of a a change of pace from from what was expected Shin Megami Tensei 5 Like I've been saying I really like this game. It's a lot of fun and it's got a very cool thing Very cool ideas going on the The third area that I have the third major map you get to gets really annoying
Starting point is 00:12:52 It's just a badly built like labyrinth that is like Not good labyrinth, but bad labyrinth it kind of oh just like the good old Amala network Um, I mean look, I don't think I can ever compare shit to that one strange journey Area, oh man because this mean every strange journey area, but there's there's that one That's just though fucking the wall. I don't think I can ever compare to that but
Starting point is 00:13:28 It what the one of the issues that's that that happens in this third area with like The sense of direction and everything is that the map lies to you at a bunch of areas it What it shows you physically on the on the map is not what what is representative of like what you're seeing in the world and So that's great, and there are some areas where like a walkway or a pathway will show you like it'll show you like Like a stretch of hallway for example, but half of that should be discolored to indicate you can't go further here But it won't be nah, you know Don't do it. Yeah, no dude SMT loves like it's funny because persona three and four got criticized for having this
Starting point is 00:14:19 Auto-generated like shit maps, right? They were they were randomized But like some of the SMT maps when they decide to go hard on the on the fucking labyrinthine Aspect are just like Interminable so the thing with this one in particular that I'm describing is that it's not a grid Right at the bare minimum the strange journey maps and some of the other stuff that I'm gonna talk about Are like grid-based things or you just go like okay square square square and then left turn right turn in this area It's it's a just you know, it's more apocalypse. It's more ruined environment, you know city and desert and and and and
Starting point is 00:14:59 skyscrapers sticking out of the sand so But more sand, huh? You know the third area. Is it just all sand? No, no, no, no, it gets more again They they they change up the the Apocalypse flavor a little bit, but it is still can it's more apocalypse certainly But that but like the first two areas You're pretty you're able to navigate pretty fine and the map is more or less helping you like get through In a in an accurate way. There's one or two parts where like you'll see a ridge or a ledge that it's like Hey, what's that and there's a secret little me man. You have to go collect
Starting point is 00:15:37 But The third map just lies to you You know, I don't like I don't know how else to say it and I'm trying to collect all the me man But I can you know because I'm trying to get all the glory and and and upgrade all my stuff Exactly what you're saying is that you have to collect all the memes man Yeah, all the glory you have to get memes to get the glory. That's correct and Sometimes they're out on really hard to find places ledges corners, etc. In some cases and there's also Height and depth to worry about because like there's a change floor button that doesn't really apply when you're out with the outdoors
Starting point is 00:16:18 But like there's skyscrapers with like multiple levels to them that are Anyway, so sometimes you got to go all the way to the bottom instead of at the top and that's fine. It's just exploration It's not like just wandering about and making your way through things is okay But but like I said, there are twists and turns where the map lies to you and there are also areas where like It's all gray rock and if you stare at it from like pretty much most angles You see just gray rock and if you if you come at it from the right angle You see that actually there's a little crack opening that you walk through that leads to more extra stuff, you know
Starting point is 00:17:00 So it was really like okay by the time I was wrapping up like the that third area I was starting to get pretty like done with it and it also like I Mean well, there's there's there's there's a couple of the things with like enemy placement and stuff that like, you know gets a little By the way, will I I just there's some breaking news. I'm gonna send it to you On discord for for later. Okay, just seen it. Okay. Yeah, and So so I feel as if like the first two areas were a lot stronger than the third one and then you get to the fourth area and the fourth area is
Starting point is 00:17:48 Just empty and kind of lazy feeling and Understand the whole like the the overwhelming because I've still only done the first but the overwhelming feeling of that was empty But the emptiness that you're taught that you're feeling in that first area that desert spot is like There's still enemies around and people floating around that you're gonna talk to and side quests
Starting point is 00:18:21 You're gonna pick up and things you're gonna start doing the fourth area looks really cool and sounds really cool the art of that area is Cool But in terms of structure It goes into a room square grid by grid format and it becomes like Battles at that point become like like they're just traps for failing the platforming You can actually run through the entire or most of it At least the I've gotten maybe like fall four lay lines or six lay lines in yeah
Starting point is 00:18:57 I'm like six lay lines in to the fourth area and it's just like a little maze of platforming and it's like oh well I hope that like this is you know, I hope we don't stay this way Yeah, I'm to offer for those who are confused when I say fourth area. I'm talking about the castle It's not great. It's it looks cool, but it's just not a great fun area to walk around in and all the It almost feels like we drop being dropped into like a a floor of mementos or a floor or rather no no a floor of
Starting point is 00:19:40 The fuck's wrong with me God damn it P3 Tartarus Tartarus. Thank you. Oh Man, that took me a bit as well. Geez. Yeah, it's been a long time because you're just you're moving in the it's your back You're moving in these blocks these empty rooms And then the rooms will just have a couple of stairs and you've got to go up this one jump across here and get pushed over there And like the only enemies are just running tight circles around these little pillars And it's like okay, you can run up to it and fight it if you want
Starting point is 00:20:11 But it's just a platforming thing and it's a not particularly great platforming thing. So I Hope you know just that that the game kind of I will see where it goes after this but these last two spots have been a bit of a bummer unfortunately and and everything else that's happening is still fun and great and you know Your your your demon shit and your side quests and all that is still a blast, you know But just in terms of yeah the environments though
Starting point is 00:20:44 I feel like the I was really enjoying the first two and then when I got to the third one I was like all this is awesome like moving around in it and then it just kind of was like Okay, this got frustrating to find the corners and the little bits and nooks and crannies That the map lies to you about and then you get dropped into one that switches it all up I'm giving you some bland platforming, you know so Yeah, that's that's kind of where I'm at with that You know, I got to say I should be farther in SMT-5 than I am but
Starting point is 00:21:20 The only problem I have with it is sadly the reason that I'm not playing it more often is like it's Really sparse on narrative. Mm-hmm. It's it's like I I think I have 14 hours in and aside from the first batch of cut see you know that stuff talk to people. I think I've talked to like Linen sheet a the most of any character It continues to be sparse on narrative and then it drops dumps on you so You have the reason so the way that I was first talking about it when I picked it up and you get to that first You get to the first boss and you fight
Starting point is 00:22:06 You get to the Tokyo Tower and like you there's just this cutscene of like oh shit lore, right? Right. Yeah, that that I saw and then you get a whole lot of none of that. It's quiet for a while and Then you get to another boss and then you get a bit more and then you get like You Another drop in a similar manner that lasts for a while It's pretty much an extended lore segment. I'll say and then back in and you're sparse again, you know Yeah, it is pretty it is it is pretty light admittedly
Starting point is 00:22:45 I feel me. I kept thinking back to SMT-4 that's what I'm think that's exactly what I was about to say. Yeah and in SMT-4 by the time that I had been In at five right now. I was in Tokyo After going through the forest section and the and all the stuff with the the the nights and I was going to towns and Talking to people in town. Yes. Yes and going and Being in a place. Yeah, I felt like I was in a Dark Souls level for the the whole of Five that I had played absolutely now for the others I I If this is more reminiscent of the previous titles then I guess that would make sense, but with four in mind
Starting point is 00:23:29 Yeah, though my memories of four involved a lot of talking to people and a lot of you know Just world-setting building and such and in this case dude, it is more sparse So I'm seeing people say that SMT-4 and 4a are the weird ones. Okay interesting. They're the outliers and it makes me think Very strongly because this is not the first time this happened to me in particular Front mission is a very weird series Because the only one to come out out here and like in it's you know Regular time was front mission three front mission three is the weird one
Starting point is 00:24:09 Out of front mission. Okay. Okay, like the the party size the way skills work The way the story functions like front mission three is the weird one so when four came out here and Was a lot more like one and two People out here didn't really like it. Yeah, they wanted FM three and like I feel similar here Or it's like oh, no the one that I really adore is the weird one That's crap. Yeah Because I'm thinking about it and
Starting point is 00:24:45 You know, I'm like I might be wrong on this but like the way it feels is it feels as if the characters that I'm Closest to that I that like I've spoken to the most in five The most really means Four or five conversations That's you know This is a wild Comparison to me having just finished and Walker this weekend where I had three moments where in the last stream Where I'm like struggling not to ugly cry
Starting point is 00:25:23 Okay, as to like what I actually care about. Yeah for this kind of stuff. Yeah, and it's like I didn't I definitely Didn't feel that level of emotional connection in SMT for but like I remember hanging out with people in town and describing that the New tower went up and you had to go down to the tower and then you fought a boss there And then you got into the argument and then you went into the the underground thing We figured out where the red pills were happening. Yeah, and all this shit was happening all the time So and I can say that like yeah the the you know, there's some awesome NPCs I'd love to to Find out more about and talk to you more about and I'm sure we'll get there
Starting point is 00:26:02 But as it stands right now, it's like yeah, you're about you have like maybe four maybe five in some cases like less than that Conversations and you're like, okay. Well, I guess I guess we'll just find out more later And I'm seeing a lot of Echoing that this is pretty on par for what SMT does particularly nocturne and Some of the older games and like yeah, I guess it's it's it's just what is to be expected but um even if it's to be expected right like I Think it would be better with with more Characterization and more like discussion in some cases like I feel
Starting point is 00:26:42 Like it's not like necessarily like the quietness and the sparseness is It can be atmospheric, but when you do meet with characters and have these big conversations I feel as if like It you know like you you do have these moments of Like plot dump that are happening and you are kind of idling and figuring things out and stuff's happening So it's it's not like um, I don't know like a souls world where it's like, okay It's quiet, but it's expected to be quiet and then you might meet one person on your way
Starting point is 00:27:16 And that all like feeds back into what's going on I I guess that's that's this but it's it's it's it feels more like it's over on the Etrian Odyssey Like purist side of things Or it's like I want my dungeon. I want my gameplay and then I want my Devil shenanigans for Fleveur. I guess right and I'm seeing I'm seeing whereas I'm I'm thinking about you and me and like the way you took things from Raito Right. Yeah, and the stuff you took away from Raito and the stuff that I took away from for it's like no I want the Fleveur. Yeah, uh, I I enjoy I guess like to put it another way because I'm seeing a lot of push
Starting point is 00:27:58 Back on this and that's fine. I I understand that you know, if you're like, no, I love this and this is the way It's supposed to be then that's valid. I'm just thinking that what little is said. I love it and I would I would love more. I would love more if more were said But it's not an issue that is making the game worse in any like I'm enjoying the game It's really good But when you do point out that it's sparse. I'm like, yeah, it continues to be sparse It does not increase in in you know How much it's breaking the
Starting point is 00:28:33 Ignoring the absolute childish passive aggressive defensiveness of people who are literally in our chat going then to go play persona instead Like it's their girlfriend or their dad or something. I think I think like one of the things to that is like one I think I will and to is Persona five is like as an example and four before it is the opposite problem There's too much for I'm constant whenever I'm playing SMT Three or five. I'm constantly going. Oh, I wish I could talk to these people more often
Starting point is 00:29:14 I wish and when I'm playing persona four or five I'm constantly going would you shut the fuck up Kamashita's fucking Dungeon is edless It's like six hours before I could just run a goddamn regular dungeon Can we not and I'm thinking about like SMT four and probably four apocalypse Which I haven't played but I really should get to is probably the only one out of that company that actually splits the difference Mm-hmm, and like I look back on for a lot more fondly than I think I do even p5 and
Starting point is 00:29:47 Definitely more than I like SMT five right now as as a as a fucking You know as an uninitiated as far as like the majority of the franchise is concerned. I fucking loved for And I think it was super good and I and I felt that like By the end of it I had a really good feeling for the you know For the the avatars of order chaos and neutrality, you know, I feel as if like You and not to mention all the other people you meet in the world and such
Starting point is 00:30:28 Yeah, so but but in any case I mean what we're getting here though is a whole lot of just like Demon hijinks, you know like let's go hang out with some demons and they have some demon problems that they need solving by going and killing some other demons and I'm always a big fan of demon problems. That's that stupid. Yeah, and they're they're they're take away once the problem is done is always stupid So like I'm thinking of the mermaids who are like oh my mermaid friends are gone nuts Can you save my mermaid friends? Yeah, cleaning out the pool, and I'm like, okay cool pools cleaned out They're like sick now. We can get back to luring sailors to their death. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I'm like, oh cool
Starting point is 00:31:07 Thanks, excellent. There's a couple of them that are like there's a couple of things that are sprinkled into this one, too Yeah, in the in the dialogue where Literally the the words like means of production are used and like terms that are the things that are like like Making reference to like just state of political affairs and at one point like there's two you got like a fucking a Dionysus who wants to He wants to make the best wine You know and and and share that with humanity and whatnot and then you've got a fucking black frost
Starting point is 00:31:44 Who's like nah, man? I want to sell that wine and make huge gains and big big capital like Yeah, you know and And it's like black black frost has been like extensively improved Over time due to its like jovial Localization Taking on a completely wildly different context in time
Starting point is 00:32:15 Because he's supposed to be just a mascot character like a dwarf. Yeah, like he ho But then from like I want to say nocturne onwards just finishing all his sentences with ho has warped the dynamic of what that character feels like and Depending on how you read it Then again, this is the same frost that says if you think you're such hot shit then try and crush this rock in SMt1 So it's it's kind of it's kind of hilarious just seeing the full sigma grind set applied You know in one of these side missions and it was like yeah, okay. This is this is the content, you know
Starting point is 00:32:58 and or go chase around some some Deities from other cultures and fuck them up I can do that So that that that that's always fun and and it's it's always Rad when you have something where you're like well now that I get now especially now that I'm familiar with the arcana Or it's just like oh fuck. Yo, it's churno bog. I've been waiting to see what you look like damn you look cool this time, you know Um You still got the tentacles in the head
Starting point is 00:33:32 Yeah, churno bogs rule you rule you get them the mushrooms and the not even looking at you just looking at his sword Talking to you turned away from you. It's great I like turn up hell. Yeah, so all of that continues to be awesome and and and Like your demon adventures are gonna are gonna be great But there's but there's there's real-world problems and you know real human issues to deal with and I guess we'll we'll find out where it goes, you know, but Yeah, those maps though, whoo
Starting point is 00:34:10 They get they get a little has the performance Well once the once it once you get to these areas I'm describing well, especially like the smaller ones It's it's fine When you're in a small contained area with walls and rooms You don't have to worry about infinite fucking distance. Wow. Look Look the vistas not killing it. Yeah, it's fine. It gets it actually gets fine and You know, I don't know. I'm starting to get my high-level spells and my high-level demons and it's just
Starting point is 00:34:47 It's cool and it feels good when you get Just a like you start when you start hitting like all the dines and and the severe attacks, you know and The stuff that you unlock for your for your Nabbo. He know now. Hope you know your beanie ho ho are Unique have that bimbo. There you go The like you just have unique attacks that are so much cooler than the other unique attacks that like you're seeing I mean every time you get a unique a unique essence Put it on just to see the animation and then reload your save if you don't want the function of the attack. Yeah, I
Starting point is 00:35:32 Mean, holy shit, man, like save scumming is good for you So like I started I was talking about our massa at first, but you get some rad shit way beyond that you get Like I told I was talking about like yeah Sakanagi the claw uppercut Later on you get like another Maximum spider style like infinite slash type of thing but instead of ending with like one final punch you kind of slide back into frame and like Put your hands up in this insane kind of like pose that detonates the explosion Oh, is it the is it the okay symbol like inverted? Yes. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you do that shit
Starting point is 00:36:14 I'm like, oh my god. That looks sick, you know And what's the other one you get a you get a I think it's something land like like It's like not a promised land, but it's a it's a it's a darkness skill where literally the the Protagonist just holds his hand out and like like a big dark heart appears in it And then he just crushes it and it explodes and then that causes a massive
Starting point is 00:36:46 Fucking dark attack to happen on over whatever you're hitting it on prop profaned land profaned land. That's what it is Yeah, you know, and it just it just is like these just these badass like Shit that you'd see in your sentai's and your Kamen riders, you know what I mean like some fucking sick ass and with the camera poses as well They're up there. There's so much cooler than the shit that your regular demons are doing So there's something nice about they more or less just have their two animations their physical attack animation in their melee They're they have unique ones too. Some of them are unique You know some demons get like some special abilities that are oh, yeah, the ones that are specific to that demon only yes And that's cool when you think about like, you know the the fact that of course you thinking of like for for example
Starting point is 00:37:37 I mean you're you're not seeing any of that that those those fans. Yeah, they're just text boxes So the fact that you're doing cooler shit than your demons are like feels good though, you know, so um Yeah, that's that's that's that's pretty good That's but yeah, that's it, you know, that's the update Cleopatra Cleopatra's got some good shit SMT-5 is continuing and then Yeah over in fighting game corner
Starting point is 00:38:12 got to mess around with happy chaos finally and And happy chaos is a fucking interesting character design in guilty-gear strive Who say design do you mean gameplay wise? Yes, literally design wise gameplay wise he's he's he's kind of this wacky dude and Lower implications are massive. So if you go watch that strive story mode, you'll you'll learn more about what's going on Is he will? Will
Starting point is 00:38:47 Yeah, will of the universal family. Yeah, sure not quite Okay, she's she's she's still laparca-ing No, she's not actually but she's still around laparca lady is is is who you're thinking of I'm not thinking anybody. Oh, okay. I'm literally just asking No, remember how we was is he the character named will we were to when we were talking about the the cat the the story mode videos the guilty-gear heaven or hell and You're talking about how like you saw the one of the final bosses was just like wearing laparca makeup and doing rad sword fights
Starting point is 00:39:31 taking on the heroes I Believe you when you say that I said that okay Well is where I'm at right now fine fine that the knowledge might be gone But anyway at some point guilty-gear information for the plot Like this was probably when Isaka came out and I and I'm like should I learn about Leo Paulden? No, and the answer was no. No, no, you shouldn't as soon as that happened and then guilty-gear 2 came out guilty gear stuff goes into my head and I see like a sword and maybe a guitar and a dolphin And then it comes out and goes
Starting point is 00:40:10 Yeah, um I can explain very easily who he is, but you know in case I don't in case anyone wants to watch that story mode Then I won't Or you know, I can spoil it with a with a war spoiler warning if you're concerned about that I Don't care enough to even actually know all right, then I'll leave it alone. That's fine But in terms of gameplay He is pretty Interesting because his whole system is built around just do it. All right fine
Starting point is 00:40:46 I'm gonna spoil happy chaos is lore if you don't want to know anything about that. All right. Oh, okay. All right here so happy chaos is the original he's the that that man's teacher and When in the intro it's pretty young in the intro to excerpt when you see like a hooded man that finds the The the that finds the backyard and all that shit and then seals it away in the tome. He's that guy and while he was there he found you know and You know was like a much bigger problem and then he took half of her identity away And so she you know, we know is half of her original self and then the half that he took away
Starting point is 00:41:32 Ended up getting Forced into him and fused with him because the universal will robot he made fights back and then that result becomes happy chaos Yeah, so he's that man's that man. He's the other man that other man. That's what he is For those of you listening at home, I'm just kind of looking Yeah, softly shaking my head. Yeah. Yeah, it's like No, it's that man's I that man's teacher fused with Eno's other half Sure, I
Starting point is 00:42:10 Should have I should have known to quit when I was behind When I was going through every part of the xx story mode and getting to the point where I was Screaming at my television What do you mean that man? Yeah, what is his name? And what's even it infinitely more confusing is that when he's first introduced an excerpt He's introduced as the other Jack. Oh and She makes read she calls him the other Jack. Oh, and he goes. Oh, I didn't know that I guess I'll call me I like that name whatever I'm still hung up on Raven being the other side of Axel
Starting point is 00:42:51 Which apparently is just a lie completely a lie great excellence Easy to throw throw out that guilty gear that reload shit. You're thinking of throw it out That ain't nothing Okay Yeah, so anyway
Starting point is 00:43:12 happy chaos as a as a gameplay thing is Really interesting because he is He basically reference it's a gun he shoots a gun and shooting the gun is Instantaneous, it's one frame and it's one button. What's Yes, no listen to what I'm saying. Okay. Why don't you just shoot the gun every day, you know that joke shoot the gun, right?
Starting point is 00:43:43 Yeah, that's I like that's what he is and The way to shoot the gun, how do I shoot the gun is the question the answer is press the fucking heart slash button Okay, so what you're saying, okay, let me follow you here. Yeah, hold on hold on The character that was there from the beginning that was the most powerful mage in the world and was fused with half of Enos identity soul whatever and is that man's teacher and behind all of it in the end Is really good in gameplay because he has a pistol and the pistol shoots fast Yes Okay
Starting point is 00:44:28 Why not use all of the other things he has For fun like oh all right for fun Okay shoots the gun because shooting the gun is fun That's that's it So you press the button and he shoots the gun and it happens right away That's your character now we have that on paper What do we do for the rest of him? everything else is about
Starting point is 00:45:02 either Nerfing that ability or or buffing that ability or working around balancing What it means to have a character who can shoot you from anywhere on the screen right away A bullet system yes Exactly, okay, so step one we go. All right. Let's introduce bullets He has a number of bullets and when they're empty He has to reload and the reload process takes a while But you can reload partially to get one or two back quickly and you have enough time in
Starting point is 00:45:36 Certain situations where you knock them down or where you shoot them How you pop them up in the air to get one or two quick reloads in play and then you have your gun ready to go again? Second you have a concentration system where the targeting reticle starts wide and it whiffs and When it locks in it gets It gets more accurate So if you just hit if you just shoot Randomly you might hit but you might not so there's a lot of missing unless you use concentration To like either you either increase that the you either let the reticle shrink
Starting point is 00:46:13 Or you do a special move that like locks you in place and gives you better aim. Do you talking about bloom? Is that when they're targeting reticle increases and decreases yeah, yeah So he has that That doesn't that doesn't belong in a fighting game That's just silly third when you pull the gun out put it see out put a silly mechanic like this into a fighting game Yeah, Arxis and If you're thinking it sounds like L felt the differences is L felt you would manually aim it with her promise you I was not thinking that okay well
Starting point is 00:46:50 With him it automatically on my life that was not a thought in my mind well So he so there's the reticle there's bloom and the reticle follows you as you move, but it doesn't follow you as aggressively as you know someone with Targeting reticle on you would like it to follow you can move ahead of it. You can dash past it, right? So then you use other things he has like and they like he can pop he can sniff some fucking drugs Or he can throw okay, or he can throw a grenade at you that makes it so that it's easier to Target you with that reticle and
Starting point is 00:47:28 Then I'm just thinking this is the second character. They've made in the modern era of like a Laid back asshole villain who was kind of behind it all that fights with a gun Guns cool I Guess I Ain't gonna hate the gun guns cool And He has fun interactions and cool shit like when he does a mirror match he fucking high fives himself and says hey nice jacket You know
Starting point is 00:48:02 But yeah, so the whole system then over on this character gets built to be just we gave him an Instantly shooting gun. How do you make that fair and then that's the rest of his kit is okay? well when he pull what he's aiming he can't block and When he's fair when he's aiming he can roll or do like a backwards dodge and create like a dummy Things to get in the way he can run away from you and he can do whatever and you know that's all like and but like there's nothing else in his abilities that is like Not dedicated to just making that gun better It just it made everything he does makes him shoot better. That's it
Starting point is 00:48:47 you know, so it is a one-track mind character with one goal and He is really interesting and Immediately a character that I'm like the IQ level required to play this good is beyond me I will respect anyone who plays this, but I can't do it and I read he's trying he's trying to do it, but dear God he needs Gigantic brain levels of What if what if you just went full full Anga you can't You have nothing to help you Anga
Starting point is 00:49:32 You've got a bunch of okay normals and then gun button and Then you've got abilities and special moves that help the gun You know So when you're it was really rough to see I'm like, okay What is the game plan supposed to be for someone who understands how to fucking? Juggle all of this information because you've got the concentration bar and the bullets and then the reticle that you're paying attention to And then everything else that the game does of course that you have to keep in mind
Starting point is 00:50:04 And I was watching that we watched them a high level a high level player like a just a Japanese player That was really good with him that learned and figured it out and you're just mentally juggling it all that shit I was doing with like Nago and the blood gauge like add three more layers to that You know and if you can manage that you can just keep the opponent locked down with that gun and make it a Living hell if they approach you badly or if they don't know how to get past so it's now tow times a million But you have to fucking it's it's higher IQ than now tow now tow is pretty advanced Especially when you're setting up all the traps and you're dropping the the the the death counter
Starting point is 00:50:48 You know you're trying to get the instant kill with the hammer and shit like that Because I don't know if you remember now tow also put down invisible traps. Oh, I remember. Yeah, so little baby testament exactly So it's a lot of that but but in this case, it's like there's no there's no like rapid-firing Constantly because then you're empty on bullets and now tow. I mean well Yeah, there are similarities, but you're way more fucked in this case I feel as as happy chaos because now tow still had a couple of like things she can do without Without the gun whereas happy's kind of fucked without it, you know Yeah, so, you know high fucking skill I gotta I gotta look at what the hell you're actually talking about what is
Starting point is 00:51:33 High skill requirement character You'll you'll you'll see if you if you oh, I kind of just oh When you pull the like made out of rope. It's like he's made out of a Roman cancel Like I'm seeing the gun come out and then I'm seeing you know bread and butter into Them trying to reset it to no gun though And what's what's crazy and interesting about the gun is besides the fact that it like shoots right away and Can hit you anywhere? You can do it from anything
Starting point is 00:52:13 You can do it at any point after any normal that's the that's the strength of the gun Yes, so you shoot that you sweep the guy and shoot him on the ground. No problem You do a bow press a button punch gun punch gun punch is a combo Kick gun kick gun kick is a combo You know like as that's real as long as you've got the bullets in your your concentrations. All right Gun will gun and then his super is Big gun with more bullets hitting you a big gun Yeah, he opens up a bunch of portals around you and then he shoots into all of them and then they just kind of do you know
Starting point is 00:52:55 Oh, that's nice. Yeah, so so he's just really interesting and I fucking respect it, but dear god, I can't do it I Just I don't have the ability I can I can tell So, yeah, happy chaos is like I like that design philosophy. That's that's a fun one and Then yeah, I also tried out Luke in Street Fighter 5 and he's fun. He's he's a you know modified shodo He's got you know that that that protag move set and One thing that's about him. That's interesting is if we're talking about representing Street representing Street Fighter 6 is he introduces
Starting point is 00:53:37 There's a skill floor and a skill ceiling with him that are simultaneously low and high at the same time So he has Target combos like he has one. That's literally medium medium medium medium Right. Really? Yeah, but if you block it, it's super unsafe. So don't okay, you know He has shit like that and he's also got Like yeah, like light punch medium punch heavy punch like straight up just one two three It's a combo. Have fun. You know simple basic beginner level things like that
Starting point is 00:54:13 But be really useful the kind of person that would like to play Luke but at the same time he has a series of these uppercuts and like charge attacks like I Called it Abigail light earlier, but like that's that's really what it is Like you do basically a reverse Hadoken with him and it ends up being like one of three to each punch There's a different type of uppercut or wall bounce or you know slam and The longer you hold it the better it gets but
Starting point is 00:54:47 Partially charging The button down is the same as getting a full charge But you have to charge it's like you have to be very precise with how long you hold the button down And that is a high-skill thing that fighting games have not generally really asked you to do especially Street Fighter at least Is like having a perfect button release on on button charge timing, you know Abigail and Sagat I think are like the only ones that really introduced some of that Here so we might get some yeah, the usual is you know your boxer It's like just hold it till you don't want to hold it no more
Starting point is 00:55:23 Exactly, and then the hardest combos are like time the next button press one frame after this one like one frame links like oh Fuck it's now now now now now now You know like it's stuff like that, but he introduces like really precise hold and release timing That You you are not seeing in Street Fighter usually other games You know perhaps but here the skill ceiling on that gets interesting as well because Each of these things is like, you know like Phelan has his Wrecker punches, right? And yeah, you got your fault. Well, I'm talking to you, but I'm talking to others to describe the
Starting point is 00:56:05 Yeah, everybody knows that yes, so I'm saying what a Wrecker is and but like you do the threes the three sequins three punches in a row and You know with him You can do a series of them that combo into each other But like all of the three the three strengths of the buttons are different effects And then the charges add a different effect as well, and then his V skill Modifies that another level again. So you and so you literally have like one special that has 12 versions of itself and Knowing how they combo into each other is a high level
Starting point is 00:56:43 Expertise to have you know So he has a low skill ceiling for the entry level combos and a high skill ceiling for Learning how to link one of these 12 versions of this special move into each other It's it's quite interesting so I Can see that being a like a Way that the same character Doesn't have to just like Minot you look at Minot and you go that's awesome. I can't do that. I'm not even gonna try
Starting point is 00:57:18 Right. Yeah This seems to be a like well There's other stuff here if you don't necessarily think you can do that You might be able to play her in a different way seems to be what they're going for with Luke one of the most frustrating types of characters for me if I am gonna be playing a fighting game is ones that have a skull floor and a skill ceiling that are the same and It's like can you do this?
Starting point is 00:57:49 Then you can play the character. Yeah No, you cannot fuck off. Yeah. Yeah, Minot's a really good example. I Don't I don't have I can't Properly into it the way to move the ball around so I can't play her period just completely fucking garbage I've never seen a bad Minot Like when I've seen her it's in the hands of people who know what they're doing You know if you if you enter that that like fucking That road you're gonna go into the training room
Starting point is 00:58:22 You're gonna lab it and you're gonna figure out how to make her work And then you're not gonna show the world your Minot until you know how to do that shit, you know and It's just it's just that that you know if you're saying it's I see it's not hard It's like yeah, well some characters require a lot less than that. So Um, I personally have not encountered like yeah, like a bad but not in the wild, you know me either but
Starting point is 00:58:50 Yeah, so but this is this is something that's good. I think in terms of like character design I See how Ed and Falk represented a test in what if we went with Two button inputs and three button inputs for specials instead of it's all such a weird shit Yeah, and they're trying stuff out with these characters They're trying to see how people respond whether they like it or not and you know when you have a character that like Ed and Falk Play like Rising Thunder characters instead of Street Fighter characters
Starting point is 00:59:22 Yeah, I can see that because Rising Thunder and Project L your special moves are on one button and For him and her all their moves are just yeah two punches two kicks. That's it, you know So that changes like you know, of course like how fast you can react to things and a whole bunch of stuff So but I feel as if they went like okay. What if we took the lower Floor of like an Ed level Input and also high level Minot and put them in the same character. So that's cool. I like that He's fun. The idea would be to have a game made out of those types of a character. Yes. Yes, exactly because like It's one of the the things that's always frustrating. It's like well, how do I get better at fighting games?
Starting point is 01:00:11 Yada yada yada where I'm not even gonna bother go into it, but like There tends to be feeling at least when I'm picking up a game or when I used to is that it's like well How do I get better or what's like well this character's got really simple execution if I want to get better I need should probably work on my execution So I might want to practice with the character that has a higher skill floor to practice my execution mm-hmm instead of just like How much how far can I push this one? Obviously you if you're an expert you can take any character
Starting point is 01:00:45 Yes, a certain degree, but when you're a little baby It's like you hit that you hit a skill ceiling of like stuff I need to learn about the game mm-hmm that necessitates learning more characters. Yeah wide range of Skill being applicable to a given character is a good thing and If this philosophy applies to the game at large then that's that's a good sign so Let's let's let's see what comes of it, you know, but but I was I was quite surprised with like
Starting point is 01:01:20 Like literally one button meet like one button combos and also Here is the mental map of your nine RECA variations make them work now introduce a layer that That jumps them up by one level which year which is your V trigger and now introduce another layer Which lets you cancel one into another at once during a combo and kind of makes me think of Joe Yeah, yeah, but what if bodega, you know, what if the board of his body his bodega punches had Like three times the variations and right different levels of charge on them by holding the button down, you know well, I mean I Think it's listening you describe this. I think it's fantastic that like
Starting point is 01:02:13 Luke has all this weird like Has this what has a why system? Subsystem rather than like it's obviously gonna have a certain level of depth But also with is is more interesting off the bat to to dive into And it's good that there's at least one thing that's interesting about the character sure and if you just want to do Fireballs and uppercuts. He's got both of those so you can a fireball. Yeah It's that it's that like is it like like the punch that flies out exactly
Starting point is 01:02:48 Yeah, yeah, so he can do those and he can do assure you and you can just sit there and do those all day and play you some street fighter too, you know Yeah, so that's that's pretty much that you can of course tune in for more of Dark souls and dope upon over on the willy versus channel. We've been dropping stuff recently If you are down, you can check out the best of 13 sentinels just came out two parts by the amazing civs our cast and I Mean that's an insane game to to to summarize But Civ did an amazing job. So you can you can that just dropped recently on the channel as well as the birth of the stream
Starting point is 01:03:37 We played a couple birthday games. Those are gonna be coming out Including Get into kiting games by Remerai, which is out now. So, yeah, if you're gonna check that out as well We also put the put up the the VGA's so that's gonna be obviously the big topic of today, but the the YouTube video is out and we have fought against the strikes and Claims and whatnot to have a version of it that is is Safely on YouTube. So yeah, check that out over on woolly versus on twitch and on YouTube
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Starting point is 01:13:32 E stress and sleep better get started at calm calm slash super beast. Thanks calm. Thanks calm Okay Well, they I have a really important question I'll try it's very important How did Joseph learn to use the ripple if he wasn't related to Jonathan at all Wait what? How did Joseph Joestar in part two know how to do the ripple even though he wasn't related to Jonathan? I'm I'm missing
Starting point is 01:14:11 But how Remember they found that random baby and that was Joseph on the boat No, that was that what that baby wasn't Joseph that baby was Lisa Lisa. Yeah. All right, and Erina was pregnant with Joseph when she escaped from the boat What What? There's been some dumb ass. What the fuck is that the whole the whole ad read some dumb ass is asking that question Over and over and everyone is telling him dude. She was pregnant. It's like no. I just watched it
Starting point is 01:14:56 She stole a baby off the boat How but that's get the ripple though Joseph is a generation later. There's a there's a fucking yeah, exactly Yeah Stop watching your TV shows so high guys pay attention did someone skip a part? No, someone's just an idiot The answer is 36 cars on Mars there is thank you. All right. All right. Let's go. Let's get what's up with the news. Hey Before we get to the game awards. You want to see the stupid news? I sent you a few minutes ago. I saw it I saw this news. Yeah, it's good. I sure did When nft games have started to move who should come along but Peter Mullen you from the Grave
Starting point is 01:15:54 But when you think about think about the fucking the what the concentration When you think about his like chipping away game It makes perfect sense it Completely makes perfect sense that Malin you himself would come along What he's been called gala games is gonna put out a 100 million dollar Blockchain gaming fund that will help fund play to earn games like Peter mom from Peter Malin who will write and more I can't think of any
Starting point is 01:16:29 grander Signifier of scammatude Then the all-time visionary of broken promises and outright lies Peter Malin who getting money to make it What's in the cube a life-changing discovery? Yeah, um also play to earn earn from who Docks on Twitter right now making the excellent point Okay, I'm gonna buy your video game. Are you going to pay me to play it with the money?
Starting point is 01:17:06 I just gave you No You're probably gonna use my PC as a crypto miner and then give me a dividend of that and then keep all the crypto because it's a scam Or it's a secondary thing where there's a game currency and then there's a bit and there's a video game attached to it But the video game itself is not important as much as is the currency's value in standing So you just have an association that's kind of worthless to the actual It just it gets me because it's like every now and then you see the true believer They're like, haven't you always wanted to like play a game and and take that and turn that into funds and the answer is no
Starting point is 01:17:50 Yeah, one thinks that way unless they view economics as a form of religious ideal Yeah, we're we're fully locked into NFT game phase right now and it's gonna take a while before either it it stays and Everyone's just like oh or it goes and everyone's just like Oh but like, you know one way or the other word we're right in the middle of it and I think I think this is gonna happen
Starting point is 01:18:24 It's because it's all happened. That's such a breakneck speed with all these big companies. So Ubisoft is like doing their Ubisoft quartz thing where the first playable NFTs will be in ghost recon Wild points or wild wild whatever the fuck that game is, right? Did you see what they look like? No, but I saw that they called it quartz, which is hilarious because quartz is the fake Gem Valueless fake diamonds. It's really funny. Um, that's really funny But it's it's like a fancy mask, right? And it has a number on it and the number is different
Starting point is 01:19:03 depending on the NFT and they're only gonna put them out in limited use cases and Part of the deal is that if the Ubisoft servers go down your NFT just evaporates like it literally just ceases to exist Which has people asking wait Why would I buy it from Ubisoft if they can just turn it off at any time and like yes? That's the point, but my favorite part is that the Ubisoft quartz announcement Let us know that all is not lost with the YouTube dislike button Because one there's a Extension you can get to just
Starting point is 01:19:40 Get it back. Oh interesting. Just just scrape the metadata. I didn't know that back and number two the video announcing quartz got pulled down Because it has like a 98% dislike ratio So even even if most people can't see it It still functions as a form of like social humiliation. That's pretty strong stupid stupid fucking events. That's pretty strong Though I also good to feel that most people most humans are like you well the weird thing and the thing that I'm not I honestly don't fully know or understand but like I Alongside that ubi thing I saw something implying that like it isn't
Starting point is 01:20:26 Using it's it's a fake like crypto thing that it's like it's not using an actual actual NFTs It's just their own system. Oh, which is oh it's a complete lie. It's a dress It's a and and gussied up macro transaction, which is like if the entire act if the entire potential useful benefit of anything Related to a blockchain is decentralization When you pull out a fake version that is not in fact Decentralized then you just you take away literally the only thing of potential value from the system You know Like objectively, I'm like, okay decentralization is something that I like but like you take the one thing away
Starting point is 01:21:07 And yeah, all right, so Maladu is back and I hope I Hope that means that Maladu is also back Now here's hoping because shout outs to Maladu one of the original Amazing everyone within the sound of my voice Don't buy anything that comes from this Until it's been a long time and it's proven its value air quotes here big air quotes Because even if this was just a new game announcement with none of that crypto shit Hey, we're gonna have money for content creators like will write and fucking Maladu. I'm like it's still Peter
Starting point is 01:21:58 Malin here Steal it They're just gonna take it still Peter Malin and keep it to be fair remember Milo Do you remember that so look to be fair? He's been gone for a generation. So we're talking to a whole bunch of kids that literally have no idea who this guy is Like he's Maladu He's from the video game man who talks with with a nice British accent is very calm very pleasant And he tells you things that you want to hear about in your video game that won't happen ever
Starting point is 01:22:29 Like He is from a fucking pre Uh Like not even switch Like pre ps3 era. Yeah. Yeah, so Milo was the connect thing Anyway, um So there's there's that and there's also one other non
Starting point is 01:22:57 VGA story That I thought it would be interesting To mention just because it it happened like fucking A day or two ago and I tweeted about it, but So in terms of the rollback discussion Something that's been happening Inside beyond the
Starting point is 01:23:22 Beyond the the situations where the community comes in and does like a blaze blue not blaze blue. Sorry Uh multi blood or a street fighter 5 style We made the rollback ourselves And we when we put it in the game type of modification Now we we also have emulator level rollback that that was something that we saw with the dreamcast for example People have been playing dreamcast games with pretty decent net play
Starting point is 01:23:53 For a while now marvel 2 cvs and stuff shit like that Helping those communities get better matches going. Okay. So slippy does the same thing doing it for melee It has rollback implemented into melee and thus everyone who's been playing and we and we had the creator on Get into fighting games and we did a whole like thing on it and it feels impeccable It is a literally seamless experience playing melee with people on on slippy The fans will do it themselves. It's in a narrative. We that's a bit established well
Starting point is 01:24:26 someone using yuzu Has just cracked it and a credit is it's dshad 66 here who have retweeted has been working on a way to Use a switch emulator to play smash ultimate uh with rollback and When they implemented it, uh, it is again, it's entirely emulator level as opposed to software level and
Starting point is 01:24:54 They were doing some tests and they show and they had some footage So then they wanted to like prove that like hey, this is actually happening at a uh, not at a software level so they started making modifications and they have footage of samurai showdown on switch running with rollback and So what you're saying is that in order to play samurai showdown properly you need to emulate the switch pro work. This is Um, but here's not there's not just that the implications are much larger and and What we saw is he shows off for first clip where they're running with zero zero rollback frames and uh,
Starting point is 01:25:31 Usually that you know, you'll see some hiccups as expected that he puts it up to two and then it's a seamless match and um The implications are it's not just samurai showdown. It's literally anything on the switch library now each individual game needs to have specific settings that work for Uh that games needs right, but it could be done and it seems like uh D shad is interested
Starting point is 01:25:59 in doing this and if they create a series of settings that apply to every fighting game ported to the switch Then every fighting game ported to the switch can in theory have rollback on pc And you can have decent matches Which is ultimately what a community is not just snk that should be humiliated by this It's everyone any game that needs it That is on the switch could theoretically get it at this point And so the announcement we're about to discuss which is persona for ultimax is coming back and it's ported to the switch
Starting point is 01:26:37 Holy fuck I hope to god that they're going to also improve The netcode and have rollback in it, but there's no mention of there's no mention of that code They didn't mention it. It's but admittedly they didn't mention it right away for a couple of other things like um Uh uh ko f they didn't mention netcode right away either, you know um And it we only got that that confirmation later, but we don't know But either way
Starting point is 01:27:06 If this project is what it is then it seems that at the very least There will be a way to do that. There will be a road To having decent matches of ultimax What I hate is the idea that you have to jump through these hoops and that you can't Have something easy and simple to just recommend a new player pick up and just get into right um I gotta admit dude the the the rollback shenanigans that we've been dealing with for the entirety of the Prior to an onset of kovid has me just kind of bitter to talk about almost any
Starting point is 01:27:44 In any context and I know and I and I know that it's like it's practically an exhausting topic So that's why you know, I also don't want to keep lingering on this thing because it's it's it's the same thing every time That's not quite what I mean. It's like I I was sitting there in game warrants and they announced ultimax and I was like wow woolly literally just said this just said it like three days ago and The the small bit of excitement that I felt turned to bitterness And I was more bitter than I was excited overall
Starting point is 01:28:18 Okay, see I don't have that and there's one reason why is because The march of the old games getting rollback has started and Like the ones where they go back and they hand it off to code mystics Is one thing But like with blaze blue with cross tag battle with um
Starting point is 01:28:41 Accent core You know and I mean it's I know it gets often neglected, but uh fexel you know, um There are games that are updating to get a better netcode and to get rollback So that is a sign of hope that is like, okay Someone behind the scenes with these games pushed and got and made it happen So the possibilities for old games to get these things is out there. We were we're starting to see it, you know Um, and whatever it happens. It goes without saying, but the fucking steams by numbers are incredible
Starting point is 01:29:17 Like blaze blue was super active 3000 percent increase in getting in players after those announcements came out, you know um I I I totally understand that I just mean that there's a and this is obviously a personal perspective But it's like I'm at this point where like I've been god one's the first game I played with rollback Like it was back when we were in college. I forget what the fuck it was. It was like cayera or some shit Oh ggpo. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well cayera was the previous netcode client, but ggpo came in right like somewhere around then right and Like it's been a frustration ever since then
Starting point is 01:29:55 and then like Over that period of time. I've now played and enjoyed many different genres That don't have this problem or in fact, do you use net rollback netcode like your first person shooter the modern one? and like
Starting point is 01:30:17 Like I'm I'm just I'm like and And That wouldn't have killed my bitter that wouldn't have killed my bitter soul so strongly If not for the one that I really care about the most Is the deepest in the darkest pit of them all with virtual fighter and so like I mean, I don't know if this is even appropriate for the podcast or like if it's anything to talk about
Starting point is 01:30:46 But like I'm looking at like every fighting game thing and like my initial emotion is oh great Not the one I care about that sucks that feeling sucks or or Um Oh cool. I bet this one won't have it either cool time to keep not caring My thing is absolutely like Celebrate the games that have it that do it that don't ignore it because as I phrased it in that tweet It's it's an 11 year problem
Starting point is 01:31:20 And it's super annoying to watch people ignore it Over the course of a decade while it's a clear answer Is is just something you don't feel like fucking implementing for whatever reasons But when you start to see it implemented, I'm like fuck. Yeah, that's awesome big up like let's play it. Let's let's Rep it. Let's do whatever anything That's you know, that's a weird point to make in the discussion in which we're talking about games that don't have it Have to be jury rigged through an illegal emulator to play it properly Yes, but and the ones that are starting to get it officially like
Starting point is 01:31:56 It's a process But they still feel great and I'm I'm I'm super happy that they have them because what it does is it increases the availability of you know options for people to to get decent games and what we're seeing is people are actively just going Yeah, I'm gonna just pick this game up that I like I wasn't Originally interested in it, but I can get good matches time to learn me some fucking You know, uh, some blaze blue time to learn me some accent core or some kof 98 whatever like
Starting point is 01:32:28 It it it's There the their audiences are growing because people are just like I just want to have good matches And I'll I'll get into the game You know, I'll almost like after the fact Um And you know in a lot of cases too like when I see like them's fighting herds and ki get extra attention because They cared where other companies didn't I'm gonna fucking I'm gonna underline that I'm gonna be like. Yeah, these games are great. They deserve that attention
Starting point is 01:32:55 You know But the one that you love personally in the hands of the people the least willing to change Fucking sucks. I hear that like, do you know what I do? You know what every time I hear about fighting games now under any context like do you know what I want to play? I want to play either ultimax Third strike or virtual fight or five final showdown and I don't want to have to spend Like an afternoon
Starting point is 01:33:19 flipping fucking switches And downloading fucking dot net frameworks to make it fucking go. Yeah, so so this is like so I'm just like I'm I'm like this news with yuzu is great and has left me Like miserable Because it's so stupid. Yeah, it's so fucking stupid. Not the guy who made it. That's incredible But the fact that it has to go to this lengths Right to get like sit match Even with this I still can't just go. Oh cool. Sit down hit it. Oh cool. Let's like still and this is one person
Starting point is 01:33:56 Who's interested in smash ultimate? Having good matches online. That's his priority, right? So it doesn't imply That like you're going to get The game you want in the order you want developed in this way to get good matches going It's whatever the people feel like working on and that someone that has the technical know how that is passionate about a given game Can make it happen slippy Works because melee was what? He was interested in you know the game. I really want is like
Starting point is 01:34:34 It's not going to Like have Fucking roll back anything, but that's hill Like someone somebody designs a ps3 Emulator version of that like it's not going to so so this is why so as I as I you know I tweeted out about this and I noticed that like a lot of people were confused because they're just like What am I looking at and it's like How is this rollback and it's like well what you're looking at is
Starting point is 01:35:00 Someone using an emulator to have a better connection with another person running the game on their computer Then you would be able to have if you were actually using two uh retail copies of the game and Um underneath that, you know, I go on to specify. I'm like, please Make sure that the best version Of an experience the best experience with your game is inside the game itself. Please
Starting point is 01:35:27 It just it would be so much easier To get people interested to get people in and to not have these Layers of obfuscation involved in in this case like literally running it through yuzu, right? Um, but I was gonna point to the multi-blood community as a great example of like When you're on your own and you're on your own you got to fend for yourself and your people and What the multi-blood community did prior to type lumina? Uh just in case anyone uh didn't catch it was they basically took an arcade release of the game
Starting point is 01:36:07 Modified it to include a rollback netcode system that you play and then release that as community edition Which um, you run separately entirely from the steam release of the official game And then they basically were Would have a link and it would basically be like, uh, please go buy multi-blood to support it on steam To support french bread And then download this copy of the game and never use the steam version ever You know and um They basically and then they ran all their tournaments and did everything
Starting point is 01:36:45 involving uh actress again current code using their Fan made rollback version of it So this has existed right and the same thing I just described existed for dreamcast and the And marvel 2 and dreamcast and cvs 2 and all those various fighting games there as well So what we're looking at already has a prototype. It already has a thing that we've seen and if P4 I we don't know they didn't say what persona is gonna have right
Starting point is 01:37:13 But if they happen to not give a fuck and just release it with no rollback There this makes it like there might be a way and uh, that's cool I want The existence of this More than like I want it to give the players that want to play these games a way to play them Like properly, but I equally want it to embarrass the companies that are refusing to do this themselves Like like I'm rooting for these projects like for even levels of of like
Starting point is 01:37:51 For these goals here the function of a good ass game Getting good ass net play is equally as important as going. Fuck you for ignoring this. What what are you doing? You know, um when I see blaze blue getting updated and shit like that Uh, what I'm thinking is we don't know what projects are currently in the works That they're looking at getting it going getting rollback for right now, right? There could be a number of old games that they're considering That it's like maybe up until now blaze. I don't know how long the blaze blue rollback project was in was happening But you know, we never know what'll happen. We'll we never know what's coming. What's in the pipeline what they're looking at
Starting point is 01:38:30 So if they're currently working on it that would be great It would be nice to hear so that we know and then people can fucking, you know Not have to do these crazy fan rigged situations But in the meantime the potential for what we just saw here is It's pretty exciting And it's another way of potentially showing to the company like look man If you don't fucking do it, we will and we're gonna get good games and play these good games You know
Starting point is 01:38:58 I don't think they are good games anymore. Like I'm at that point. Okay. Well Like like the the the situation you describe as I like as I'm talking I see you like the gears turning in your head It is like fascinating and kudos to all the people who put that together It's like This is so stupid It's the dumbest every every like you're not stupid. I'm not saying that you're you're you're like description of it is stupid This whole thing
Starting point is 01:39:28 Is so stupid I've I've been I've been playing fighting games on and off a lot less lately Yeah, since I was like a little teenager or younger And in the decades since it's literally always been a problem. Yeah always Yeah in every context Even down to I hope the guy at the arcade doesn't stab me context Right or or we get into a fight like I'm sitting here as you're describing it
Starting point is 01:40:03 Making sure to rotate my fucking character in 14 a game that is being crippled by server cues And I would rather do that All day for the chance to play it later tonight because it's a game that just works like a normal game and comes out like a normal game And connects to the internet like a normal game And when they have these issues they go into detail about here's why we can't get the servers Here's with the blah blah blah blah instead of just harata stupid fucking Let's create AI from the future to fucking play against you in your house
Starting point is 01:40:41 nonsense Yeah Yep, like I see the persona for ultimax arena Fucking announcement and they just go. Hi the port's coming and there's no mention of netcode And I'm just ready to fucking throw something because I feel stupid For having liked that game at all so I can be this disappointed now Every single fucking thing that comes out about fighting games Except for strives rollback and the blaze blue thing
Starting point is 01:41:14 Is a constant disappointment Unless it is a jury-rigged Fucking duct taped Homebrew solution that I will spend a day trying to figure out play two matches and go that wasn't worth it or over the course of Years we slowly get updates to old fighting games that eventually include more rollback Oh, you mean like virtual fighter god, it's fucking internet update like the other
Starting point is 01:41:45 Like the other games that are not virtual fighter Like that like the like the shit arc system s and oh you mean how the they updated the the rollback frames in tecan seven Yeah, like the shit are that one like the ones dark systems and and and s and k are currently doing so It's fucking exhausting I just I have no new level of disappointment
Starting point is 01:42:11 Really? It's just it's at the it's at the base level. It's been out for the last 11 years So every time something comes along that allows people that like a game to play it well In a situation where we can't do locals as freely as we used to that's a win that's a win and Like fuck you if you're not gonna update your game But at least these companies at least these communities
Starting point is 01:42:37 Can fucking play at least something can happen, you know um The set like people that fucking love sam show like are just It like every time they're wrong to love sam show. Yeah, so this is the insane like that's that's how like Sam sure people have it the worst. Yeah, we have it. We have it brutal and You're fucking insane for the you should have never loved it to begin with but that's but this is consistent with like uh Like
Starting point is 01:43:07 What was it like failing means you shouldn't have tried right like just like the whole process is moot if it leads to uh enough frustration Down the line then the whole thing shouldn't have happened right pay I almost called you page
Starting point is 01:43:26 Uh, well, I have spent more times being frustrated by the issues with fighting games in the past 10 years Yeah, then I have enjoyed them by a factor of maybe a thousand Like It's near all bad or whatever times Like as time like I'm nearing the point in my life in which if this doesn't get real good real soon Fighting games will have been a net loss to my total enjoyment in my life. That's insane That's fucking crazy But yeah, the the the fact that each company is handling it with different degrees of diligence and
Starting point is 01:44:16 And the fact that uh some Are pretending that it's not even an issue at all And are content to stick their heads in the sand Is it's unbelievable um But in the meantime Whenever An announcement comes out that says kof 98 kof 2002 guilty gear accent core blaze blue cross tag battle
Starting point is 01:44:42 Uh, you know, they have it now. I'm like fucking thank you for getting your shit together And in the meantime fans are gonna get their they're gonna push it on their own as well But like people who actively play these games often and regularly as a community have an answer and like That's good That's good I just had like a stabbing anxiety like Premonition in my chest where it's like sf sf 6 gets announced and it looks nice And they show off the netcode and it's the proper like a marvel infinite version of the netcode right where it
Starting point is 01:45:22 Properly works And the fighters look cool and all that and every costume in the game is an nft Uh And just like Just like Yeah, like the moment of like. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No video games are a mistake the whole thing throw them all out and and so so
Starting point is 01:45:44 There is actually kind of a point to this that I found while I was making it Is that this is if I'm obviously putting out a really cynical outlook Which is great because we're about to talk about the vgas in which I could not believe How accurate my cynical outlook ended up being when we were watching the vgas Do you remember when jeff kealy? Said that activision wouldn't be part of the event aside from maybe nominations. I clapped the fact Despite the fact that activision Yeah, there's a board uh member of activision. That's the president of the game award whose name sounds suspiciously
Starting point is 01:46:22 Like his name is robert cottage Which is like which is which is like, oh cool. Are you in a mustache? What's going on? and then uh jeff kealy came out to announce a hotline Because there's been a lot of trouble in the gaming industry this year And this hotline is you should call it if you work in the gaming industry and you have been experiencing toxicity and harassment from online communities
Starting point is 01:46:50 Yeah, so that was around the part. Yeah, that was the part where we're just like hey, buddy. Are you gonna say a name? You gonna got any got any names in mind? No got anything in mind anything you want to know? and uh And then immediately after that. I think they like uh, they showed off like a league or arcane thing like within seconds Like or activision. I forget what it was. Yeah. It was one of the dick bag evil companies And then later in the night, they had uh, uh, I started to go. Hey, do you guys notice that they're having these segments? that are uh, check out uh
Starting point is 01:47:31 Creators of minority background or there was diversity was a a drag Drag streamers and whatnot and am like every single time they do this The next company is going to be ea or activision. Oh, yeah, or riot. Oh, yeah And down to like the 90 second marker on all of them on every single one. I'm like, oh, they're literally doing Brownie point evil. Yep brownie point evil If you'll excuse me, I need to check on my cat as it's horribly screaming But I'll be able to hear you upstairs in my headphones. Okay um, yeah, well that is a
Starting point is 01:48:04 uh I mean that is a system that is borrowed from what we see in society at large When company Decides to uh, you know unveil their their brownie point, uh, based marketing and and You know then continue to completely ignore Um, I don't know attempts at unionization or whatever fucking ability to just not have a shit life working for a company But hey, we're we're here to we care about this other issue though and as long as it buys us a little bit of uh A good will
Starting point is 01:48:42 With anybody who's not paying too much attention, then yeah, why not? Let's announce these things and sandwich them in with the bullshit Totally that's that's that's the that's been the move outside of the games industry, you know um It just cracked me up. Just walk up to that cop and hand them a coke You know, I the the one oh, that's my favorite. It's the best one the the one near the end uh where we and page are watching it and Uh, they're doing a like a spotlight on on like the drag twitch community, which I didn't know even was but that's cool
Starting point is 01:49:16 And page goes oh, this is interesting. I wonder why they're they're focusing on this and I go because they're gonna show a riot game Oh, wow, okay That's and and guess what and guess what damn Yeah, like 65 seconds later Hey, man showing off riot stuff. We all we had a moment over when we were watching we all clapped I made sure to stand up. We get they got a standing ovation in this house In this house we standing. Oh Whenever a moment of bravery like that occurs
Starting point is 01:49:53 And it's like if if you're if you're like a person a jaded old fuck like me and you're able to see this Do you know what that causes? It causes this thing where they go. Hey, here's a spotlight of mentorship for young women creators And my mind goes I wonder what bullshit i'm gonna see in the next five minutes So like it's an instant downer for this thing that should be nice I'm glad you brought up the the cynicism of this all of this because to be perfectly honest I've talked about this a couple times. It is part of why I don't enjoy The watch alongs because I just feel
Starting point is 01:50:35 A deep rooted like i'm rolling my eyes at the industry playing industry And I just don't want that. I just kind of I'm like look if there's a trailer i'll talk about specifically after I see it that'll be fine But the level of bullshit that happens on the stage at every e3 at every award show this this that whatever And especially when it goes down with stuff that is like not even on this topic But just in general where it's like this is the thing I don't care about a genre I'm not interested in this is a trailer that's like a lie We don't know what this is like there's so all that garbage
Starting point is 01:51:10 It just there's such a cynical level that is like rotted in where i'm just like man This doesn't feel good. Remember this doesn't feel healthy five being in this like years ago mode People started to get on Jeff Gershman from giant bomb because it was such a downer during these award shows And I was like, why can't you be happy for anything? Jeff I know you've been doing this for a while and now i'm there. Yeah now i'm like, oh, yeah You can just instantly see every single thing for being complete bullshit I mean and the whole time i'm sitting there just i'm literally just going just put one capcom logo on the screen
Starting point is 01:51:48 And i'll be happy the rest of the night And the thing is each show that we watched going back like years now like it just I felt that rot Creeping in worse and worse I felt it. I felt it getting worse each time You know whether it was like and there was always something is like, oh, are they gonna announce ff7 today? No, they're not Oh, well, okay fucking You know and just all these things and then the walking away would just like what was there a net positive to that? I I guess if it's
Starting point is 01:52:20 Funny to watch the cynicism, but it feels horrible inside There was at least one thing for people watching which I guess this is gonna be the first thing It's like, oh, they're doing a star wars thing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, it's so oh cool. So oh god Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah that like will that hold the phone because because the thing is is that what i'm having now Which is interesting because min's been around for all of this bullshit And he's been paying attention to the industry as long as we have and you know, but he's just got like his specific interests and Ultimately, he's not reading too hard into anything. So he's taking everything at face value and that and that's the way he enjoys himself um
Starting point is 01:53:02 And reggie is just completely uninitiated and complete like literally like Gaps in entire video game everything like he's oh cool He's not he's coming from a significantly more normie place Then yeah page kind of has that because there were periods of of her life where she didn't play games She's a lot less jaded than I am and then she'll say something Oh, that looks cool. And then I'll say something to ruin it for her Now the fact that we know
Starting point is 01:53:31 Like multiple studio names and what they're doing on a week to week basis is highly irregular That's not what like the average person does not the average person does not follow the industry this aggressively um Most people listening to this follow it way more aggressively than like people who are not listening to this for example, right? But even then the cream of the crop, but even then You people are following the genres and companies you particularly care about
Starting point is 01:54:03 As opposed to the industry as a whole, right? So what we all what we're doing is also like a Fairly unusual, but so reggie has played games his whole life and he's got some particular interests But you know has not followed this side of it that much even when he was in qa with us It was like yeah, that's just a job You know so him sitting down and watching trailers and all of this stuff and the magic of like the stage show He just hasn't seen enough of them and doesn't necessarily know about the concept of a bullshot or the concept of Uh, there's no gameplay in this trailer or you know the the the fake acting performance live
Starting point is 01:54:45 Like hey, we're gonna play a live match in front of you thing or all of that cringe shit exactly He's just like I don't know what's going on, but this is wow You know and it and it's it's uniquely hilarious to watch that purity and like that's the enjoyment I can get is like Him seeing a lot of that shit for the first time I suppose Because I'm fucking dead inside with these shows it and it and I don't want to Because I'm feeling dead inside with these shows Like ruin what might be someone else's enjoyment
Starting point is 01:55:18 If they were just watching it and like oh, but that's the thing I care about. I'm happy about that I don't want mine to just poison that And I know it can you know I think I think probably the most Like bordering on dystopic part of that award ceremony was Us talking about how they're doing the the good than the evil thing and
Starting point is 01:55:45 Page had a bit where like every trailer that came up was like blasting some fucking Super copy written songs who's being careful by muting it And in the middle of two of those comes Riot advertising their fucking royalty free music package to you Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, and and I'm sitting there just going like I Fuck just don't get copyright struck. Here you go. God god damn it. Yeah Um, so so it but it it was legitimately again because of the factor I mentioned
Starting point is 01:56:27 It was fun to see like, you know the The shock and the oh When you know Senua's walking through the cave and he's like, oh my god, what's gonna happen next? Like all right. All right. We can just we can enjoy this angle of it, you know, but My cold black heart is as fucking It's too much cynicism In an already cynical age for me Before we move on. Yes the actual announcements
Starting point is 01:56:53 I do have a legitimate public service announcement to make If you work in the gaming industry or any industry at large that does not have union and the company Puts up a hotline for you to report abuse or issues that you have with your co-workers Don't use that That's where they will They will collate information on you and your friends So that you can get broken up if you try and start a union in the future Uh, they will know who to fire right off the bat. Let's take it one step further if they send out internal emails saying
Starting point is 01:57:29 Hey guys, it's up to you to choose whether or not to join a union, but you should come to one of our meetings To talk about what the implications of this are Even though we've never had one of these meetings before Maybe consider not going, you know And also if they mention that the implications of putting your name on a list where they can see it And who knows what that means. We don't know what it means when your name is on a list But we'll know it's on the list though. Anyway, come to this meeting Maybe consider not going maybe maybe it's it's all your decision, but they might not have your best interest at heart, you know
Starting point is 01:58:06 anyway Those things both of those things fucking happened within the same time the Activision Blizzard thing of like out of nowhere Guys, did you know that your union is bad for you? It's true. And everyone's like, what is this even reference to? Like we keep saying we're not starting a union and you keep saying Oh, yeah, you would never want to start a union. That's evil and we're like Like every single aspect I see of that is pushing people farther and farther to like maybe we should start a union Okay, but you have to understand pat that the c-level the c-suite execs that have been hired from outside that walk in
Starting point is 01:58:44 When it comes to uh, like uh-oh, so they're thinking about making a union and you look at the c-suite playbook step one is burn the fucking building down and kick them all like and run and That's that's they're like, okay, but what if we didn't do that? Well, then now what? And they have to go, uh, let's write an email that says maybe Uh, I don't know like they're improvising because literally the move has always been Shut the Walmart down Burn the mcdonalds down don't even think for a second pick up and run give up give up on this entire city's
Starting point is 01:59:24 It is more more profit margin rather than have one union. It's it's infinitely more profitable to just not even chance it You know Shoot them in the back of the head out out in the in the pasture a couple years ago. It was going around Uh on social media when all this class consciousness shit started happening in the states I want to say it was american airlines had like flyers up in their like employee lounges Was like think of how much money you could save on union dues. You could buy an xbox with that I Yeah
Starting point is 02:00:07 Uh-huh. Yeah, dude. I just You're right. I would I would love to give up my fucking collective bargaining rights for 260 dollars a year Yeah, so um Keep uh keep keep that in mind, you know Somebody in the chat asks a good question. Are there game companies that are unionized to my knowledge? There is one
Starting point is 02:00:37 And it's dice Out in uh out in stock It's out in one of them europe's um And as a result dice has usually been kind of immune to the slashing and burning ea does to all of its other Development studios have you noticed? Dice doesn't get fucked with dice doesn't get hit with mass layoffs Uh, I would like to see if these messages for these special emergency meetings
Starting point is 02:01:09 Will start to include the mention of like we will have pie We will have a raffle at the meeting pizza, dude We will have in fact Never forget Never forget the the the pitchfork pizza party Where you fire half the people that show up and then wonder why everyone's terrified of going to have pizza with you Yeah, we're gonna have pizza we're gonna have raffles
Starting point is 02:01:38 We're gonna talk about what unionization means and the threat of it We're gonna have live performances by kid rock and the weekend. Come hang out Come hang out Um I want to see the escalation of these meetings, but anyways, look we've we've we've we've got some vga's All right. Give me a game announcement. Um, all right. Well one Uh, cronin has been announced in ko f and it is just evaced head swapped K9 not k4 9
Starting point is 02:02:17 And fucking attempt number three is the third time Let's just try it for the third time Because copyrights are a problem. We really like akira specific Specifically tetsuo. We love tetsuo We probably loved him a bit too much and we went a little bit too far So we can never acknowledge how much we love tetsuo. Let's try again. Okay. Who approved this unknown guy? Wasn't me Eh
Starting point is 02:02:50 No, we're not going that road. Okay. What do we do? Rebuild him again for the third time Different name different heads same outfit same specials same everything else Jesus christ Like I thought that it was because I came in late and I thought that it was like Oh k4 9 is back and he grew longer hair and shades and he just looks different now Okay, interesting And not even no
Starting point is 02:03:20 you know I mean, I don't know like can't you just like basically He's still an original character in terms of like the name and the voice actor is tetsuo's voice actor, but Just get him as far get him far enough from the copyright problems that you Don't just don't include them and make it the same guy. I don't know It feels weird that they have to make a third character again
Starting point is 02:03:48 Because they're afraid of whatever might happen, but like As a single You know serving character with a name that is not tetsuo same voice actor But it's still a different role and he's got very reminiscent things. I'm like, I don't think They're gonna get sued by fucking akira over the I don't know. I don't know I don't think they are either It's like
Starting point is 02:04:12 I mean like it's it's just so silly like there's tons of characters that have Kamen Rider references But then Mei Lee comes along and is literally just a camp like they're not even pretending You know, and you're like, yeah It'll probably be fine guys. You I don't think you have to worry about that, but anyway, they showed that off um They showed off Texas chainsaw massacre Hey everybody, guess what? Leatherface is leaving Dead by Daylight this year word That's me saying that that's not official. Okay, but like seriously like look at it
Starting point is 02:04:52 We're competing Fuck you time to withdraw that license. That's why that's why jason never got to be in Dead by Daylight. He had Friday the 13th Yeah, but like didn't you also say that they had their own original leatherface style? Replacements, yeah, but it's but it's a different not the same gameplay style. Yeah interesting like I I would be astonished if uh Leatherface stayed in Dead by Daylight with a different
Starting point is 02:05:20 Leatherface game out there Have characters gotten removed from fortnight? Oh, uh, yes, you mean the ability to get them or the ability like have they just been straight up removed straight up removed entirely They take it out entirely license revoked. I don't think so because I'm wondering if there are other games that are like have big guests that have had like a rotating door Where they just yank the the license out after a while Travis Scott got well Yeah, fine
Starting point is 02:05:53 But I don't think that was a copy. I don't think that was a copyright issue either Yeah I'm thinking about like We're I think about what you're describing, which is now we're making our own game. Stop using our character I'm wondering if that's ever happened, you know Not to my knowledge. All right fortnight's too big. I mean spider-man's in it right now. Spider-man isn't it? Did you see what uh What short king
Starting point is 02:06:21 Tom Holland had to say About his relationships. Have you paid attention to the hollywood gossips? Yeah Anyway, no, there's a whole thing about what that is the height and him and Zendaya and it's he's like three inches shorter than she is. Yeah, it's fucking who cares. It's just never shit ever Also, it's also hold on Hold on How tall is tom holland?
Starting point is 02:06:50 How how tall is he he's 173. Okay, what is that in inches? That's uh 68 inches Literally, who cares was that five four? Right Five four ish 60 that's five eight He's not even short I'm five two out here
Starting point is 02:07:18 Yeah short king what the fuck he's a giant He happens to be standing next to somebody who happens to be taller. So now we got to talk about it What's the average fucking height for men like five nine? Yes, five eight with the fucking people talking Yeah I'm sure I ever tell you guys about the coward who like Was totally He got to go date like one of the tallest hottest girls in our school in high in grade 10 or 11 But then right uh broke up because he he felt emasculated because she was too much taller than him
Starting point is 02:07:57 And like we just fucking ripped him apart for the rest of it because holy shit. You coward It wasn't high school. Yeah So what like what's that like I know I'm you know what in fact I do remember telling the story I guess I just took the opportunity to tell it again Fuck you coward Like I I'll never understand like every woman I've ever been in my life with in my life to any degree has always been taller than me Because of course they are i'm five two. Yeah, right and that that feeling of emasculation goes right away the instant They're annoying you and you just reach over pick them up lift them up and start walking
Starting point is 02:08:39 And they start going And you put them down And you're like, huh? Yeah, and you're like, oh right How much of a fucking pussy do you have to be emasculated by somebody who who can't do anything but whine at you So it was one of the few times that uh, literally the into our entire grade universally What you're a fucking coward you suck
Starting point is 02:09:08 What a what an asshole Um, and he and he got what he deserved See no the real reason to not date a person that's way taller than you is that kissing becomes awkward if they're way taller than you but like They like but the heat in they see initiated and they started having a relationship And then he went no, you know what? I can't do this My manhood is attacked too regularly and I feel too bad about it and then pulled out What was what was the height difference?
Starting point is 02:09:39 It was more than two Like it was not like it was not like like the five eights and dyes situation. No, no, no, no, no, no, um, um inches Um, okay, but like I don't I I couldn't but it was whatever like it could have probably like you Paige page went out for an errand earlier today. She put her fucking shoes on She got her big shoes Right and I went to kiss her and she thought it would be funny to just stand straight and I couldn't I couldn't that wouldn't get up there Well, she had a point that is and I was like and I was like you motherfucker. That's pretty funny
Starting point is 02:10:15 And then she was like ha ha ha and then she smooched me And I was like See that's good That's good. That right that's solid for me to go. Oh, that's a good bit. I guess that's oh, jeez That's a that's a great bit my self-esteem That's a really good bit But now exactly for the and that's yeah, so, you know, oh, no I'm I'm slightly shorter than one person try being shorter than all humans including most children
Starting point is 02:10:46 You absolute pussies. So nobody cared get over it. Nobody cared about this dude's height until after that happened Oh, yeah, then then you're cursed forever, right? Then you're fucking super cursed like after that time you encounter anybody this evening A little bit taller than them. Hey, they're a little taller than you. Huh? Does that make you feel bad? Does make you feel like a tiny little man, you know, maybe boy you little baby the self-fulfilling prophecy Like no one gave a shit until That happened and now it's the only thing anyone's thinking about I mean shit. You know who you know who chicks are crazy about like crazy about
Starting point is 02:11:25 the dicklage Yeah They're crazy about that small man He's cool. He's got he's much shorter than assuredly almost anyone listening to this. He's got charisma Um, it's also really handsome. Yes Like most of the people listening to this are probably also not as handsome as peter dicklage chisel jaw Um, but anyway, uh You got you got homeworld three
Starting point is 02:12:00 Coming out out of the room when they announced that and I was bummed out because that's one of the coolest things They announced the whole night. Yeah, I I'm like when was homeworld two fucking 10 15 20 years ago like insane insane resurrection of this franchise Um, which I don't remember there being any word homeworld two 2003. Yeah, okay 18 years ago. Yeah, absolute relic Uh coming out 2022 Um tell tales the expanse Uh, first of all, when did tell tale resurrect?
Starting point is 02:12:40 Uh, the over the past year they've kind of existed. I was not paying attention. I must have missed it They didn't go full bankrupt Hmm. Well, I mean they did but they kept like the name and all that stuff Well, all the employees that fucking had to had to leave then, you know went and uh joined the other studio to help finish off Uh, walking dead. So there's a there's a really bizarre thing where they said like featuring staff that worked on The walking dead series, which is like six games. That's not clear um sky about thrones and um And the batman thing which I remember you saying the batman thing was good. Yeah
Starting point is 02:13:21 Yeah, the batman one fell on the good side of the of the tell tale games. It did Um, so yeah, they got that drop in chivalry two gallant court house gallant court Uh, yeah, chivalry two is pretty fun showing off some new stuff A monster hunter rise sunbreak Nothing Really big new about that one. It's also monster hunter expansion, right? Like, you know, you get no I mean that that was announced like six months ago. Okay Like then they didn't there wasn't really much
Starting point is 02:13:53 Shown off in the new trailer Uh thirsty suitors which Uh, it seemed like it had some fighting in it and some rhythm. I don't know what to make of that It looks like uh, it looks like Like a like an alternate scott pilgrim A little bit of that energy. Yeah, okay. Uh, I kind of know what you mean Uh, have a nice death which I could have sworn was just death jr. Coming back
Starting point is 02:14:18 And then it wasn't it was uh Death jr. Style character in a hollow knight style game Um But yeah, it was just a little cute grim reaper doing doing, you know, hollow knighting type stuff Um Couple other things but uh, of course ultamax uh, which
Starting point is 02:14:43 I mean fucking like Ultamax or p5 arena would have been um Probably equally exciting news, but like Because we know ultamax is good Like there's no worry
Starting point is 02:15:00 Exit. Yeah, but that's that's a good one. Um, and uh March 17th is pretty soon. So that's pretty fucking that's good too Uh ps4 switch and steam Yay yay at the freedom To fucking go back and god, I just you know, like I said, there's just some games or in some characters that you're just like I I miss playing this character in my bones and akahiko is specifically akahiko is the one I think about the most I think about playing him more than any other character in any other fighting game in terms of just the fun of the sway
Starting point is 02:15:38 And tornado system like god for for me. It's it's kanji and culprit. They're like my favorite Or one of my favorite of those archetypes culprit is my favorite. I don't know what archetype he fulfills But he's definitely my favorite of that forever. I love playing that character. Uh an arksis tie-in fighting game with like with an art with an ip Had no right being this good Compared to some of the other tie-ins they've made like it's yeah, well, they've done pretty well so fun since then Oh, yeah But I mean to say like like even going back to um uh fist of the north star like the tie-in games are great
Starting point is 02:16:17 But this is like not just a great tie-in game It's one of my favorite fighting games ever made. You know, like I can't stop thinking about it. Um So here we are it's back uh We got to look at senua sage hellblade 2 And I am Like I said give ninja theory it's flowers when it deserves them
Starting point is 02:16:41 Um hellblade is fucking good You know that that trailer was pretty bland though. She's yeah, she hunts the big man But I like I believe like they've already convinced me on the based on the first one that like you know the narrative They know what they're doing the combat feels good like it's it's it's solid experience solid experience like I've I trust that they're gonna continue like this thing doing more of what they did and I'm down for that um Ninja theory on other things Who knows but yeah, you know
Starting point is 02:17:15 Yeah, no, I I didn't mind the fighting in senua sacrifice. I I I've said that before and I'm gonna I like I thought it was simple But it served the function in the game fine, you know, like otherwise you're sacrifice Yeah, you're like otherwise you're just walking through the scenery and looking at things So when you're not walking and looking at things you're getting this this little you know fighting system that like I enjoyed the playing um And and it also was one where like yeah, you don't unlock moves you just get you have them all from the start You just have to get used to that system. I I like that. I thought it was all right, you know um
Starting point is 02:17:53 Anyway Yes Star Wars Eclipse Felt like getting hit in the gut. I mean so the thing is too that's that that uh is interesting here is that This is um one of the one of the first non-book
Starting point is 02:18:13 um Star Wars properties taking place in the high republic era And the high republic was what they introduced as the new um the new era that they're going to be like focusing on in terms of a bunch of the fiction And there's a lot of there's a lot of curiosity to see what that's going to look like because I heard that like, you know, there's some interesting ideas being Uh used in the new um the the new relief the new novels that have come out and stuff and the whole idea behind the high republic is
Starting point is 02:18:42 this is long enough in the past that The uh not just the um the republic itself is at its height But the jedi council is also at its height and they're not a bunch of fucking stuck-up assholes Um sitting there in their tower staring at the child telling him not to love his mother Uh, they're actually a little bit more Flexible and realistic in their approach to things So it might create some characters that are just not insufferable asshole jedi
Starting point is 02:19:14 So maybe um that idea of that that era sounds interesting if it's played with in the right way I think um the most interesting thing about this game by far is going to be when we go through it What the effect of this being a disney slash star wars property and having to Abide by the terms and conditions therein is going to affect it because unlike almost anything I would ever say this about Having a disney producer man Standing over the shoulders of the dudes and ladies at quantic dream and going no, you're not putting that in the game No, you're not gonna do that. Well, that's that's the question isn't it right? It can only be for the better the cutting room floor will be very interesting because make no mistake
Starting point is 02:20:03 Despite the fact that I literally lost the air in my lungs when that logo popped up It was vacuumed out of the room This will be quantic dream's best game as each success each subsequent game has been Right each one's got each one has gotten better and better And each one has had less cage involved because if I remember that interview from long ago The the co-creator of quantic dream said we are containing him with more writers Right they're they're bringing in more pillowing around him. So um Perhaps maybe
Starting point is 02:20:43 The twlech rape escape Level will get cut before david has a chance to put it in the game Or at very least maybe it won't be an entire chapter of the game Maybe it'll just be like mentioned Offhand maybe You know maybe But after all it can't not be there in any way shape or form because The female characters in his game exist to be whores after all
Starting point is 02:21:10 Yes, and also to be fair. That's also why twlechs exist in star wars. Well like straight up like Well, the and the answer alien race of people invented to be strippers. Yeah, what else can we do? Right and the answer based on the characters we've seen is a whole lot of things. What else can david cage do? We'll see we'll see Um Hey come to think of it Star Wars is a really good fit for quantic dream considering their dislike of gay people
Starting point is 02:21:44 Star Wars would be a great setting to not have to worry about that ever again. Wow You can just cut that that one second right out Yeah region lock it have fun um I'm I'm I'm I'm my my it just it just it just like blasted me in the face with the irony Of cage wanting to make a game all about emotions, but not for women or the gays Those groups love to have emotions. You're criticizing his art. You're gonna make him cry and run out of the courtroom
Starting point is 02:22:26 Stop it He's just asking questions. How dare you? Now while you're at it press x to kneel and r1 to zip unzip the zipper On the dude's pants Um Wait does that like I'm like journeying through it's like does this mean Like the entire reason his games are so emotional is because he's writing them explicitly for Emotionally distant straight men who are not gonna deal with emotions in their day-to-day life otherwise like
Starting point is 02:23:08 Like is that the explicit intention? He's writing them for himself pat Oh, okay. Yeah, that is the intention. Oh, yeah. All right. I did it. I did it. I got there So it was fun explaining to um to reji the um The part where it's like, okay, how do we summarize this because you know, min was like, yeah, I don't know I played it. I had he's like when I saw the robots at the back of the bus. I didn't think of anything I just thought robots at the back of the bus I was like, okay He's like, and he's like also I killed cara immediately in my story. So who knows
Starting point is 02:23:45 And I was like wow That's a different game Listen, if you haven't played uh, detroit, uh, there there's a lot of value actually in detroit Like it's it's better than we expected I cannot think of a single game that has a better piece of advice in it than kill cara immediately And have just connor and marcus segments incredible. It is Like I like that's crazy bumps the game like two points. It's crazy. Yeah, I don't know if he's not I don't know if he intentionally did it or not
Starting point is 02:24:21 But that's the his that's the version of the game he played. So I'm like, holy fuck, dude um But the what I I got the pleasure of explaining I was like, okay How do we Because you know, he's he's heard he's been around red He's been around the net long enough now that he's seeing all the yoma crown jokes and stuff But I'm like, how do I explain
Starting point is 02:24:39 You know in a short form what what this experience is like and I basically was like, hey you know, um And I told him the story of the the the front menu girl the main menu robot Yeah, you know, and I'm like, I think that's the best way to summarize it is Let's not make any judgments or any statements about anything real world or whatever But let's have a character who sits here and literally quotes mlk at you And also is here to ask for her freedom Which you can choose to give her and then when the fan said hey, we miss her give her back
Starting point is 02:25:14 He went, okay, you can put her back in You can enslave her again I forget the gentleman's name, but it was like right after came out There was a Black streamer who was streaming it and was sitting on the main you sitting on the tile screen Just chatting about the game And he's leaning back and then she just starts with the like this The the tone was like weirdly condescending from the robot
Starting point is 02:25:38 Like have you ever heard of martin luther king jr. He said and the dudes just starts to sink Yes, his eyes go slack and he's and he's just like I come on. It's not condescending in the traditional sense. It's condescending in the HR corporate meeting sense Yeah The hr lady has called everyone into the cafeteria and once we've all settled in She walks up to one of the Black employees and begins and says have you heard of martin luther king?
Starting point is 02:26:13 And then starts looking around the rest of the company. That's the specific tone. She's using On the title screen. So anyway, um Yeah, that that was the david cage experience in a nutshell I cannot wait to see how much cage leaks through and how much doesn't Uh It's it's like a reverse kojima game Yeah, you're gonna sniff out every every single part of it that is cage like or kojima like But the answer is we want more kojima. We want less cage like
Starting point is 02:26:45 Like for for zangief. Come here with me. Come here Uh with kojima and desk stranding It was the first time he was able to just completely go absolutely nuts maximum budget with all the stupid ideas And there are some problems with desk stranding, but I still think about desk stranding all the time Because it's just so Interesting and weird yeah interesting. Yeah, and there's so many parts that work really well And like what was fucking hilarious is while I was still recovering from zangief. Come here The psychic damage of the uh fucking quantic dream logo
Starting point is 02:27:23 I was just and talking to to the guys about what this all means Um, it was in the middle of I think near Getting uh An award for them for its music So the timing couldn't be any more fucking apt to be like oh by the way Check out this uh this fake tweet between david cage and yoko taro about what it means to be human You know Just to cap everything off so
Starting point is 02:27:57 Uh, yeah, let's let's let's see where this goes um And I really like hey idiot. No you woolly Come here I imagine that this is going to be Like a scenario decided by the disney star wars cabal And that there will be a you know a series of Places and things and planets that like are key that are you know, you can't fuck with
Starting point is 02:28:26 But the but the characters and the way they act Is going to be up in the air in the most quantic dream fashion Um, and they're basically just gonna you know, they're gonna they're gonna do what detroit did but Stick in stick into twilex and the humans and the and the You know the jetties the jetties the good old jetties. Yeah the jetties Uh lost ark was shown off Uh, I don't know
Starting point is 02:28:56 Amazon games. I don't even remember Uh, you know, it's amazon games. Just just keep just keep moving wonder woman's getting a game from monolith Um cool nothing to show just reveal of the game Uh, and then hey, how about that alan wake too? I'm very i'm very disappointed that sam lake didn't do the face um Shame on you sam lake for not doing the face in a public appearance, but this is a pop-off, right? weren't you guys all this was
Starting point is 02:29:32 This is very good, but also extremely Expected if you finished the control dlc okay The end of the control dlc was like hey, dude We're totally making alan wake too right now. Well. Yeah, I think I remember we talked about like the the alan wake cinematic universe Uh at at some point there. Yeah um But yeah, cool alan wakes a great game with a great story that I've been eager to see expanded
Starting point is 02:30:06 Like Good hooray. Do you think there's space for it to like for alan wake itself to link back to control? Or would it be going easy? Yeah, okay, because one feels like a large level Story and the other's like a small one The the thing that is occurring like so in control You deal with these I forget the name objects of power these oops these scp objects, right? They're they're literally called oops. It's great. They can yeah, they can cause various shenanigans And you find out about tons of them throughout the case of the control
Starting point is 02:30:40 Uh, but the thing that you are dealing with in alan wake is so big a problem that it is Bigger than all everything inside the bureau of control. I see gotcha. Okay, cool Yeah, yeah Um, I can't I can't remember quite exactly But there is like somewhat of the implication that alan writes the bureau of control into existence Oh, okay
Starting point is 02:31:10 I feel I remember thinking that but I don't know if that's supported by anything Okay, but that's just a thought that I had when I was going through that dlc Um, then we got Neckle neckles we got neckles I don't like that He doesn't check all like that Do I look like I need your power Hey, interest Alba said knuckles wasn't going to be hot too late
Starting point is 02:31:44 He lied Yeah, man It was like Sonic the Hedgehog was a fun movie and now they're making two and I'm like, yeah, all right Let's see it. I get a post-credits scene with the three the three furries at the olive garden Is that where they're gonna be in that's totally where they're gonna be They're gonna show knuckles the infinite breadsticks Is that what they're called?
Starting point is 02:32:14 Infinite bottomless is a bottomless breadsticks, what are they? Endless endless I don't think I don't think any Menu item at a restaurant would be called the infinite bread non-stop infinite breadsticks Um Yeah, yeah, sonic's doing its thing And then unfortunately we had to get Uh uncomfortably close to Jim Carrey in one of his
Starting point is 02:32:44 Close like he does a couple of those I'm standing I don't know what the comfortable distance is to do a cell phone video thing And I just it just he did it again and it's like all right It was wild watching him do this ad lib thing with a scottish accent that like no one got or understood or liked But he couldn't be stopped or cut off because he's Jim Carrey But he's not just any Jim Carrey. He's post man on the moon Jim Carrey, which is the weird one That's the one he never came back after Andy Kaufman. He never came back That's when he started fucking just like doing the weird videos making the weird
Starting point is 02:33:24 Who's he I think he's talking to Lindsay Lohan or something and there are some we're just talking to like just being creepy and I don't know some something about vax anti vax or I don't know but It's like all right, man just Put the put the put the mustache on It'll be it'll be okay It'll be okay
Starting point is 02:33:47 Um Yeah, sonic 2 is coming. I hope they actually credit miles prower as miles prower That'd be oh, they will that'd be nice Um, no, obviously it's gonna also did you see that in japan? It's just called sonic versus knuckles Oh, that's now that's confusing Is it sonic and knuckles or is it sonic 2? Yeah, are we going to oil ocean or mushroom hill? Well, it can't be sonic 2 because knuckles is in it But knuckles can be in sonic 2, but he if you already have you already have knuckles
Starting point is 02:34:25 If you lock on pack then you lock on pack, but if you don't lock on pack is 30 years old Like god damn it. It's so yeah, the japanese thing is just straight up, you know Um sonic versus knuckles with knuckles That's great. I love that. Yeah, why not Now the question is is are we going to see or get introduced? to Other of the sonic universe characters and or
Starting point is 02:34:57 Will there be a brand new one? That is unique to this universe. I don't think they'll make any brand new Uh, I mean they made that bird from the beginning of sonic's backstory the owl or whatever it was They did But uh, I think if you're gonna do tails and knuckles, they're probably gonna They're probably gonna limit it to that I could see there being like, you know knuckles parents, you know and and Sure, but those aren't like really defined characters. Also knuckles parents is the chaos emerald
Starting point is 02:35:29 Well, not if you're going with your archie comics and the and the weird knuckles with the beard that Genetically altered his son to have big spike knuckles Yeah, I don't think that's what we're going to be going with. Well, you don't know I I that I don't know But I don't think that's gonna happen Uh horizon two forbidden west new trailer cool
Starting point is 02:35:58 ff7 remake integrate pc dropping Literally like two three days from now This week yeah on epic for like big money. Yep Also, apparently the system specs are really low cool That hopefully means that it's very scalable. That's interesting Uh Yep square does not fucks with
Starting point is 02:36:25 steam Oh, well, uh destiny to the witch queen Yep Boo Oh, I think There was probably my page helped me by accident With the greatest encapsulation Of my distaste for destiny yet
Starting point is 02:36:57 in which Destiny 2 trailer is happening And she's like, oh, I thought you love destiny and I'm like, nope And she's like, oh, isn't that the one with the big spoiler 100 hours in I'm like, no, that's warframe The the spoiler for destiny 100 hours in is the destiny sucks But you only find that out about 100 hours in And You know what I think I'm gonna do
Starting point is 02:37:26 On the day that destiny wraps up completely and utterly I think I'm just gonna go watch a youtube video Highlighting all the third person special abilities And then I will be done with destiny Hey, that's a really good use of your time. That's a much better use. Yeah guys On the day that destiny 2 ends forever Let me know
Starting point is 02:37:52 And I will go and watch a video of all the school third person abilities And then I'll say that I I did it. I was there I I'm just thinking like let's say I played destiny 2 Like finishes up or you know Whatever and then they move on to a different game, but say we're still gonna support destiny 2 I really really wonder like what of that game will be left at that point That they didn't cut out or throw away Right like you'll be like here's destiny 2 complete edition and it comes out
Starting point is 02:38:27 And it's like one sixth of the content that was ever released for that game because fit five sixth of it Was deleted to make room A concept that no other game does Hey man, I bought a copy of that thing. I gave it a shot I tried a copy of destiny 2 you own has No overlap with the destiny 2 right now I think out there the campaign. Yeah gone. Jesus Christ every every zone, but one
Starting point is 02:39:06 gone What a fucking weird Is the is is the edf not edf is the is the the european zone still there or did they get rid of that too? The idea of just these live service games where the experience can completely be different Or it's like hey, you should go play this. I think it's good Currently at the moment Don't wait too long Just a heads up the best game that I think I've ever played in my life
Starting point is 02:39:40 I beat this last week, which was a game that I've been playing on and off since august of 2013 That still has every single thing in it that ever came out for it with the sole exception of your Of diadem which sucked and everyone wanted it gone. You could do anything. You could even do that shitty old chimera fight from fucking winter 2013 wild That fight sucks But you could do it if you wanted Slitterhead world premiere by bokeh game studio Uh, so the creative director is uh former silent hill
Starting point is 02:40:18 dude, um Didn't specify Uh Exactly what it's going to be like horror multiplayer maybe but uh what I thought was really interesting about that was the setting of kao Like the massive apartment structure hyper dense area Is what a perfect idea for a place to take a horror story Because those when you see those areas where it's like there are a hundred thousand people that live in this one apartment block
Starting point is 02:40:50 It is one of the most densely populated places on earth. And when you walk inside, it's like entering another fucking dimension Um, yeah, what an interesting setting for that Yeah, I gotta say those slitterhead don't like the title Don't like to say no no not a fan of saying that like it it sounds. Yeah, like Racist slur. It's pretty vulgar sounding Yeah, it's it's like legitimately close in in vocalization in english to existing anti-korean slurs Yeah, like I don't like it. So what are people gonna call it sh? Oh my god
Starting point is 02:41:32 It is sh Yep, that's hilarious. I didn't even catch that Wow Huh, I mean everyone when that silent hill credit popped up on the trailer start Everyone shut the fuck up because like oh was this was this You know, um, and then you know a couple seconds and you're like, oh, it's a new thing sh, huh, huh? Yeah, that's funny
Starting point is 02:41:59 Well, we shall see. Um, I mean for what it's worth the monsters are Like people with heads that like Slit open Yeah, somebody somebody liked parasite is what I'm getting The anime and slash manga Parasite You ever seen it? Uh, yes I haven't seen it, but I know what you're talking about. I went to the one of the exhibitions in
Starting point is 02:42:30 Japan at the time But uh, for a second I was like, I thought you're talking about the movie and I was like, uh, what? Thank you. Hey, could you excuse me? I think he's got to go out. Okay So can we take a quick break and I also got a pee as well. That's fine quick break b.r.p All right, where were we Don't know lol Slitterhead you Oh, right. Yes
Starting point is 02:42:53 How uncomfortable it is. Yeah sh man Feels intentional. Okay. Uh, a couple other things. What did we see? We saw nightingale Hair stuck in my thing Gollum Who has cute gollum has cute eyes now That looked really bad. That was so weird. It looked not good. He had cute eyes It was very
Starting point is 02:43:20 Yeah, that looked quite poor Uh summerville Was uh, I don't remember what that was post apocalyptic 2.5 d Um Nope, I got nothing I got literally nothing Okay, well Uh, it looked like it was from the people that made inside but it wasn't Right there it is
Starting point is 02:43:53 Flat flat shading got it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm like I it's it's not The from them, but it I'm it looks it looks like it could be cool Um cuphead dlc island Oh, that's nice now with playable miss chalice The only thing that I could think of uh Was like first of all fuck. Yeah cuphead second of all this looks great third of all cool little dance number I like the I like the the the pun the only thing that I'm like. Oh, I hope it's not like four levels Yeah, hopefully hopefully but I mean if the name of it is dlc island
Starting point is 02:44:33 Which sounds like it's going to be an island of cuphead, which means maybe four level You know, maybe But considering how fucking high quality, you know, like that that game is man Like the fact that they went back and did anything like I'm just like Jesus How are you not just making cuphead 2 you had time to go back and do this like I hope the team has expanded at the very least because it was it was two brothers and like one of their wives I think was studio mdh studio mdh r was literally like yeah Two brothers and like one other and that was it and I would I would hope that they got more now
Starting point is 02:45:13 Um, that looks cool and then We saw that finally after all this time sega has finally hired that man Sonic unreal frontiers Showed off bananas, isn't it sonic in an open world you could tell It's so funny because I was you can describe like
Starting point is 02:45:42 The what type of game it's going to be based on the flavor of the first 10 seconds of a trailer like that You see sonic you see a shot of him looking out over a vast world And then you see a bunch of environment open locations being the focus of what we want to show you And you're like yeah, okay, right Unreal engine sonic we're full. We're making it Breath of the wild whatever you whatever you want to call it. We're going this way breath of the sonic Sonic of the wild smells like chili dogs Chili dugs with the all right good enough hedgehog paste
Starting point is 02:46:19 Um Yeah And uh, yeah, they they have hired that man and they're and this is gonna be the game So, uh, we'll we'll fucking see I suppose You know, I guess it all just comes down to like How does it feel to run around? Will it feel good? um
Starting point is 02:46:44 I this could be good I am cautiously optimistic for a sonic game just because of the change in in type But I have to say I am shocked because I would have put money down that they were going to make a sonic game where he looks like movie sonic Old movie sonic or new movie new movie sonic The new movie sonic looks like sonic But specifically that furriest fuzzy aesthetic, you know Like I thought they were going to go for a tie-in
Starting point is 02:47:18 Um at some point, but I guess they are they're putting out a new sonic game. That's the tie Yeah, but it's but the tie-in is that sonic's in it But the sonic in this game is just modern sonic, you know, yeah, it's not movie sonic. So yeah We'll see we'll see How it feels to run around and hopefully not empty unreal realistic low locations You know and and and uh realistic lighting And maybe maybe that'll be maybe it'll be a fun game But it's also the problem sonic has is a kind of unique one because it's not just competing against every other sonic game that's come out
Starting point is 02:47:58 Uh, which you know, there's a lot of ones that it's not hard to beat But it has to compete against all the fan games that you see at sages that look incredible There's amazing trailers for like five different unique visions of a 3d sonic game And like they're a lot of them are very different from each other and feeling But they're interesting projects, you know, there's a bunch. I've seen it's been around for a long time and there's a lot of there's definitely Been a lot of work done on how would you make a good sonic from a lot of people that aren't just sonic developers
Starting point is 02:48:39 It's it's tough Um, so yeah, that's that's dropping next year as well sonic team and such um, there's that little like Kojima and del Toro segment Which I guess it was just a trailer for
Starting point is 02:48:58 His new movie There's a weird stab in that sequence At us Like yeah, i'm roll del Toro. Why do you stab at thee? Which is like Him being like, oh man. I sure love silent hill. I wish they made another one of those Yeah Yeah
Starting point is 02:49:19 Like what why why you do this? I think totoro san is just um He's just speaking his feelings man You know, he's just saying look This is how I feel. I like to this thing. I still don't get it. Anyway You know, I feel like uh Like it that's basically he's he's been introduced to the games industry as a striker for hideo Yeah, you know, so if hideo's too nice to say something Guillermo can come in and say the real shit
Starting point is 02:49:58 Anyway Kojima's movie buddy I'm movies at you. I promise. You know what he should have said his guys. I promise I'll restrain him just enough on these movies I'll pull him back just enough Be the spielberg to his his uh lucas Please Otherwise we're getting sandy
Starting point is 02:50:28 Um, yeah, anyway moving along we got uh chia, which was uh breath of the child If you if you recall there's a Right, okay. Yeah, got it child teleporting around turning into it's a little shape-shifting animals and stuff Um, yeah down. It looks all right Uh suicide squad killed the justice league Um, it's a lot better than I thought it was going to I guess I just I I super Just mistook what this game was because I thought it was the latest in the arkham series except you're controlling
Starting point is 02:51:06 The you know the suicide squad very much thought that and I turned out that's not the case And a lot of people were very upset at me for thinking that um, and I hope those people can chill out but Uh, I yeah, it turns out it looks like it It's probably just rocksteady doing something different Um, then we saw forespoken with uh You know agnes philosophy
Starting point is 02:51:36 but But not but not Um, oh where the main character has a pronounced hip hop tea walk Yeah, sorry hip hoppy walk perhaps is the new Mm-hmm. She's hot Yeah, she's a very attractive lady. That's honestly the the thing that I remember the most about the game right now was like Jesus christ Fuck
Starting point is 02:52:04 Like oh, yeah, there's a game happening too. That's true right um stuff and things and teleports Space marine 2 I'm very happy to see space marine 2 I saw a lot of people space marine is one is very underrated I saw a lot of people, um
Starting point is 02:52:26 Posting I lived bitch with with oh 100 percent space marine man That's cool always down for a discussion about what you would do with more organs And and uh Dedicate my life to the emperor No, would you read the codex a startis? No, man. Okay Fucking adeptus ridiculous is is there for you for that If you want to hear stupid boar hammer shit, you can check out shy and and bricky and dk's podcast adeptus ridiculous
Starting point is 02:53:04 I was on it once it's good Um Yeah I I So is this like I'm looking back at myself Is this hold on a second this is sequel to um the recent space marine game that came out right or not recent but the one from Like two three generations ago, right? Yeah, not it was literally just called space marine. Yeah. Okay. All right Not the one from like fucking the sega saturn era
Starting point is 02:53:39 No, you're thinking of firewalker or some shit. No playstation one. Uh, hold on. What am I thinking of? So you're thinking of the three. Oh, do you mean the older one? Thank you, how you doing you sound zoomy Looking at space hulk Oh, dude, that shit sucks vengeance of the blood angels Yeah, that's just crap That's that's what I was thinking of All right, never mind
Starting point is 02:54:14 Warhammer games are like usually goddamn awful except for the couple that are excellent Uh, it's just how it goes would one of those games be perhaps a vermin tide Yes So we got to see we got to see some of that as well The only problem I have with vermin tide is not fair to vermin tide because vermin tide's great The problem I have with vermin tide is get out of my face wears dark tide Which is the same game
Starting point is 02:54:49 that they're making Just happens to be in the 40k universe instead of the regular warhammer universe Oh, they're making This like a just a 40k version. Yeah vermin tide three is Just vermin tide in 40k called dark tide. Oh interesting. Okay um Yeah, stash. We got a little bit of that um
Starting point is 02:55:17 And not only that but the other rat game not to be left behind a plaketail two Shut up. Plaketail two was really interesting And I felt really strongly and really happy that they showed a lot of the boats that the rats used to travel to america So crashed upon the rocks as rats are notoriously poor sailors due to their fear of the water and their inability to swim Wonderful I only played uh the first couple hours of that game. I mean, um, I only got a it's great Yeah, I only got a brief feeling for what was going down in it but
Starting point is 02:55:56 If they showed a trailer off where protagonist girl Returned with a full rat bone armor Ready to just like go full on a doom guy on the rats. I would I would not have been surprised I will I will mention that there are there stuff in that game that is closer to what you are talking about Then you would have expected. Well, then there you go. Yes Like the idea of like the rat hive mind already. It's like that's not That's not just a bunch of animals scurrying about
Starting point is 02:56:30 There is no there is a thing There, yeah Um, it's much closer to a stand than it is to rats fucking sick Uh To what was that self uh saint's rose self made. I guess I missed that one. I must not have been paying attention That game looks like shit. Hmm. Didn't even notice the trailer that game looks like trash Uh, there was a hey dune space wars Dune is finally becoming a real-time strategy game again a forex game if it was a good real-time strategy game
Starting point is 02:57:10 That'd be nuts makes perfect sense A spice wars spice wars dune invented it Now dune can come back again Makes people don't know dune too is the first rts game Fuck you website you typoed and you wrote space wars and now I sound stupid Don't worry about it. Okay Um, yeah, that's a world that makes perfect sense for for for that type of thing. It's cool Uh, what do we get among us vr? It's among us in vr
Starting point is 02:57:46 Got the tiny tina Da da da da da Um skipping some stuff Metal hellsinger was fucking weird because I saw that and I'm like, why do you look like you have the exact same premise and HUD As bullets per second The rhythm fps that came out last year What I I wasn't paying that close attention
Starting point is 02:58:11 During that part. I thought it was dlc for no bpm No, it is not metal hellsinger is its own game For what right furthermore Um There is another game called gun jam Which was announced at the exact same time as bpm That is a rhythm shooter So they all look the same now gunjam and and bpm
Starting point is 02:58:40 Are uh look a bit more distinct, but they they have The same announcement date If of may 2020 and then one month later in june Metal hellsinger was announced And I don't know what that means, but come the fuck on if that's coincidence Is this like a thing where they were guys that knew each other and they had a band and they broke up the band But then they all had the same idea and they're like, well, we all had that idea as a band and we can't let them come out first I I feel like something like that had to happen
Starting point is 02:59:16 Because if this was just fucking parallel thinking and it was radio invented in two places at the same time Much less three places at the same time um The the fact that even the HUD looks similar in metal hell in metal um Hellsinger is like There's got to be a backstory here that we don't know about three different rhythm based gun games um
Starting point is 02:59:39 Shooter a rhythm based fps is two of uh and and now this was a weird coincidence. Yeah, and this one's tied in you know, um And it's coming later, but there's got to be a story. There's got to be Uh, we got the rocket league mobile game seems like a Fucking slam dunk. Obviously. I'm surprised they didn't do it sooner Uh star trek resurgence Star Trek games are bad They're just always they're forever
Starting point is 03:00:13 So far I think the best one is like voyager elite force, which is just like a quake rip off um This looks like it Could maybe be okay Well, here's a question. What's the ideal genre for star trek? Would it be ftl adventure game adventure game? Just normal adventure game dead. Yeah walking dead style adventure game. Okay dialogue walk about Talk to people decision about weird alien stuff x will remember that
Starting point is 03:00:48 Yep, a hundred percent. Yeah, okay um I mean, I feel like uh there's an opportunity to stare at a map of space and choose how to implement prime directive
Starting point is 03:01:08 based Decisions into your missions and yadda. Yeah, but instead it's just gonna be like do you have sex with the green lady or the blue lady the green lady? Yeah Uh, yeah, yeah, great. Hey I mean, that's that's literally just fucking asari, but uh Uh, anyway, there's also a green asari. Yeah, I know that's that's why I said that. Yeah um And then we saw the debut trailer of rumble verse
Starting point is 03:01:39 Which was pretty funny because uh people were pointing out and I completely forgot I completely created that game on the podcast completely forgot about um Battle rumble battle royal rumble Yeah, yeah, which we invented on the podcast crazy Um, so I saw the trailer and I was like, oh, uh, what's this art style? I don't know. It's what is this and then you see well you saw the iron galaxy logo and then you see the epic It's like, okay, and it's like, okay. It seems to be a
Starting point is 03:02:10 Battle royale, but it's got the the fighting And yeah, sure enough. This is the new game. This is what uh, Keats and such have been working on and uh There was Dave Lang stole our idea straight up. No, I'm not gonna I'm not putting that out there Uh, but I will say that like the idea of a melee Battle royale thing is I'd rather fight than shoot the gun. I like that. I told I I would like to try it so, um There was a quick beta that happened on friday and uh, I I wasn't streaming friday. So unfortunately, I was not able to
Starting point is 03:02:47 Uh, to jump in on that on that window. Gianni told me it's good not, um, I also heard from, um, Uh, best of bond mr. Hold back to block Uh, that he's been really enjoying it and I watched some footage of various other fgc friends playing each other Um, kizzy jumped in justin wong jumped in and they were all just playing matches And yeah, it looks like people are having a lot of fun with it. Uh, there was one point where Esteban like was playing like the grappler and like grabbed somebody and expd the spd them From the top of a skyscraper all the way down to the street
Starting point is 03:03:26 That's pretty cool, man. Yeah And then there's like a battle aura Circle that forms around the people you're dueling with and you're trying to knock them out of it and stuff. So, um Yeah, I mean it honestly looks like they've got something pretty fun on their hands I'm gonna want to test it out and see and I just with that initial art style reveal was like a bit of a like Okay, what are we looking at here? Is this uh,
Starting point is 03:03:57 You know, almost like what was what was I thinking of there's like a there's like a ubi soft game that recently got announced that Like oh, I'm sure there is there's a million ubi soft games getting announced and canceled every second There was one that just had a bunch of people just running around doing stuff and we're just like oh god like Something about the the the the introduction just didn't Didn't it didn't sit well. Um, and I was just while I was like, yeah, what are we getting here? But I'm happy to uh report that uh people that have played rubble versus are saying good things and um, hey like fucking Good good job on Keats. If this is a if this blows up, uh I'm down to see what
Starting point is 03:04:37 The fighting royal the battle the battle royal rubble Yeah, screw it up. What did let's see how that actually applies in real life uh and and and um Looks like they got they got they got a budget this time, right? I wonder how skull and bones and young good nevel two are doing I just I just Want I just want I just want to
Starting point is 03:05:14 It's not both of those games are for you and they'll never come out There you go you take your virtual fighter damage I'll take my beyond good and evil damage I Don't even finish the first game No Well, no wonder you care so much about it. That keeps ending sucks ass I like I like that setting and it and it and it really is one of these infinitely ridiculous, uh
Starting point is 03:05:50 drags over fucking What it's a bit over a decade now. I feel as if we used to look at the um What was it uh the duke nukem as the game that was like the forever development game And now it was literally called forever and now there must have been games that have surpassed it But it just happens frequently enough That we're just kind of like yeah, okay. Well
Starting point is 03:06:18 anyway um Yes It will never it will never happen. Well, you know, I guess um I with with with uh skull and bones Like I can get sailing elsewhere. I think at some point. It'll be fine. I can I can wait on that one that one's not Oh my god, that was that I just realized something The kite was there all along the kite was there all along it was just attached to a big piece of wood. There you go
Starting point is 03:06:53 It's we're flying we're flying kites. We're sailing boats I'm a simple person But I'm also a fraud because I didn't I didn't I didn't finish a bgini Which uh, I actually wanted to do oh, that's not why you're a fraud Well, is it because I got perfected in dive kick at some point So if we had more time and I was more willing to do it I would have just said oh, that's not why as you just continue to create like reasons yourself
Starting point is 03:07:25 Okay, okay. Yeah, is it because because that that's like the easiest Oh, that's not why and then you just provide it for everyone Is it because I got sure you can three times in a row by by daigo? Is it because that's That's a pretty good one Just every fucking every crushing failure is bubbling at the surface. Is it is that the reason why? Yeah, no, no, no, no, no, no, no not that one. It's the next one. It's the other one Yeah, it's the other one. Remember the no, I can't it's the tip of my tongue. I can't quite you
Starting point is 03:08:06 The thing with the with the guy It's because I talk about mecca The but other than series that I only know at a surface deep level And I just mentioned them by name and by design, but I can't actually talk about the substance of the story Is it because I buy figma for things that I think are aesthetically cool even though I haven't seen the source material You bitch, how could you do like overman king geiner? I don't know what that is but sounds cool No, you're a fraud because you got a christmas tree behind you, but you haven't had the light of love of christ in your heart every moment of the day Can we take a quick detour from the um from the news for a second to to to talk about the light of christ
Starting point is 03:09:05 Let's do it. So yesterday I had dinner with the folks Right well with the folk as it were and um It was it was a nice little, you know, we had a little just sit down and you eat the food and you have a good time and That's a little dinner small talk, but Yeah, and I've talked a couple times and hinted at it a couple times about how just like I'm like I don't know like we're you got to have polite conversation, but at a certain point you're like
Starting point is 03:09:34 I don't know what else to say in regards to No, no, no, it's not we're going where you think in regards to vaccine conversation Oh, that's I knew okay, but even without the specifics of like I know the feeling well of I don't know What more to talk about this? And I'm willing to drop it But you're not willing to drop it And you're telling you're essentially telling me to convince you, but you won't be convinced And I think the only thing like my my
Starting point is 03:10:13 My final Shot my final energy as I die my last piece of life that I I I go with because I'm like I just I'm out of ideas is probably Pretty extreme But I I basically had to sit down and introduce her to the concept of the herman kane awards Are you familiar with the herman kane awards? No, but I bet I I bet okay in ballpark it
Starting point is 03:10:43 Um a more granular darwin award. Yeah, and it's pretty and it's fucked up and depressing um And and some people are are coming at it with the wrong Celebratory energy in some cases. That's kind of nuts, but at the same time um the level of fucking Insanity that you see some people the the lengths some people go through to like almost take out as many people as possible with them um As they go is wild like you hear about
Starting point is 03:11:15 Cases of just horrible shit, you know, but the the the is to summarize um It's it's basically a just a series of screenshots of like people Talking mad shit about the pandemic and the vaccine and all of that being fake followed by um, please pray for x they're in the hospital followed by they passed away and it's it's a simple sequence And it's a and it's like seven images sometimes 20 every single time, but it's fucking just it's brutal and i'm like Can I just show you these because there's literally hundreds of them and they come and there's they happen every day
Starting point is 03:11:52 and I see them on the internet and like Some of the conversations you see sound like It was like it was the same voice It was the same ideas. It was the same level of just like no, we'll just need to just pray prayer warriors can can Accomplish amazing things. It'll be fine. You know and uh That was like the that's the lat like that's the nuke. I can drop. You know Um
Starting point is 03:12:20 And and I mean I have but I'm built different That's not quite the energy uh that that That she had but yeah, but god's built different now. You're talking Now you're talking. I need I just needed to just you know adjust it a little bit to the little bit to the left The bowling alley of of rhetoric But look I gotta I gotta Okay, I'll think about it for real And I'll take that as the closest thing to a w
Starting point is 03:12:55 Possible in this type of scenario I'll I'll take the the slightest hint of a crack As as something, you know Uh Yeah Christmas time is here Well, anyway Other stuff was announced including uh dying light to stay human
Starting point is 03:13:27 It was all CGI Yep dying light to and bloodlines to are both sitting in like the same development hell Where like they keep telling you it's coming out and I'm like, I don't know I don't know you don't think it is Bloodlines too is like is more doubtful but like There've been in development for so
Starting point is 03:13:58 Long and there's been so little actually shown And there's been so many problems. Well, who needs bloodlines too when you've got vampire the masquerade blood hunt Everyone oh Everyone needs that instead Are you sure? Wait bloodlines too is canceled. Did that happen today? Wait, what? Hold on. No, they just they showed off this new game
Starting point is 03:14:32 Wait, wait, what? Wait, what? Hold on Wait, wait, stop it I'm people are saying bloodlines Everybody shut up Why are you making things? Oh, the last article I could find is uh October 15th. They've delayed it again
Starting point is 03:14:53 And the publisher says it's definitely coming out. We promise. Okay. That's bullshit shut up from a pc game article That says it came close to being canceled completely. We got one. We got one guide. We got one guide. It's fine. But also that that came switched developers Oh, yeah Yeah, like it's under a new developer apparently. Are they starting from scratch? Oh, anyway um, yeah I bet that game's gonna get canceled and I bet I bet dying light too is gonna get delayed again. Just just
Starting point is 03:15:28 Well, look if you're a vampire the masquerade fan, you've always wanted it to come back as a free to play battle royale game Yeah, so blood. Yeah, but sorrow and moping and being emo comes naturally to vampire the masquerade fan Fair enough Hey, shout out to an rice Proving that vampires aren't real by dying Sorry, buddy. You wrote cool vampire books wait but
Starting point is 03:15:57 Lestat Right vampire Lestat is that yeah, that's right. Okay Okay, well anyway vampire the masquerade is is coming back as a as a battle royale game For now and we'll see what happens later. I suppose We also got to see um What was that uh remedy? uh crossfire x Can't tell what it is. It was all it was it was just a fucking cg trailer unclear unclear
Starting point is 03:16:32 Um gtfo why are you guys mad at me? She's not bad lady. I didn't make fun but spam vampires aren't real if they were real she wouldn't have died Did she say she was a vampire? Vampires live forever I mean, I assume she did at some point because she wrote all them books about hanging out with them So the authors are automatically what they write about Well, if you invent the werewolf, I would assume you were writing from experience Damn, I guess She was a fantastic beast and where to find them
Starting point is 03:17:13 What I don't I don't know What is I don't know, but it's hilarious that jk rowling can't go to her own fucking Uh reunion Okay, anyway No, I'm lost I'm totally lost I don't know where he went with this Authors and their works. It's fine
Starting point is 03:17:39 It's fine Off the rails is is is on on the mark. It's all good. All right. Well. Hey look gtfo Uh multiplayer horror shooter thing Um from the people that made payday 2 And yeah, that that's finally in out of early excess A lot of people seem to um be a Uh down with the payday 2 so there you go Yeah, it's out now
Starting point is 03:18:08 They showed off the halo series which You know It's halo It's on power amount It looked cringe It Did not look better than the cut scenes from the halo 2 remaster
Starting point is 03:18:30 And that's the bar So I don't know how to get this across because I had the same emotion looking at the cowboy bebop Like set photos and the character costumes and stuff like that canceled by the way, but but yeah, of course it is Uh, but it was such a success Anyway, uh where I'm looking at it and it's like This isn't rising above a cosplay that I've literally seen Like with the guy with his helmet off Eating a hot dog at the convention hall. No, it isn't rising above that. It's right on par with it. It's not
Starting point is 03:19:10 Then What do you Like it it be cut like it's okay. Okay got so good That when I see a good costume if it's not better than the best cosplay I've seen I look and go that looks fake. Okay so at the same time um When I feel like those lines were infinitely blurred
Starting point is 03:19:37 when The 401st storm trooper legion showed up canonically Are not or rather in costume in the mandalorian as as like extras for their storm troopers Yeah, that is pretty blurry. So it's like the cosplayers are in the show though 501st. Excuse me the 501st legion Are literally in the show and it's like well Yeah, are they above that cosplay hot dog energy?
Starting point is 03:20:10 Halo cosplay hot dog energy. I don't know. I don't think they are. I don't know, but you know what I'm saying, right? I know I know I just I just I think the lines have been blurred for a long time. Yeah, I bet that halo thing's gonna be cringe. I bet Um Oh, I'm sorry. Is it is it is it 501st is 500 and first Legion I'm excuse me my mistake more like 500 and worst Thank you nailed it
Starting point is 03:20:51 Those guys seem cool, but I was a pun that I couldn't let sit there. Those guys seem cool. These guys seem like huge fucking nerds Look at you. Oh, dude. I got I got If I had a a fucking 343 employee reach out to me to tell me that the suit doesn't jerk him off And I was like, yeah, whatever Oh shit Damn take that nerds Uh, yeah I
Starting point is 03:21:33 Now after we finish shitting on the nerds, let's get excited for the new elden ring trailer Woo, it's it's the opening cutscene. Yeah I clearly the opening cutscene. I forgot but that that that girl's armor is so cool Yes, cool. I like it and then the big the big monster had a big shiny and I was like damn that looks pretty Um, and it's and it's interesting how because I was like, yo now a cinematic only trailer For a game that we've seen tons of footage of is more than welcome You know, and I was like, you see Reggie, it's okay to not show off gameplay now when we've already We already know what you're about and you've already shown us that stuff elsewhere
Starting point is 03:22:14 Now you can focus on the ordinarily clear what gameplay is going to look like in that game You know as opposed to the game that debuts its entire Fucking marketing campaign by hiding what it is from you Our opening salvo is a lie Duplicity is literally the first line of our offense By the way, I uh Hate to go back to it too often, but now that I have actually finished end walker I can confirm that parts of that fancy CGI cutscene are
Starting point is 03:22:54 Straight up Factual impossibility huge lies don't happen awesome Just complete complete bullshit cool Those are the good lies yeah um And then we got uh arc raiders and then we got the matrix awakens an unreal five experience Sure starring
Starting point is 03:23:21 The keanu Reeves and the karyan moss man, it's weird seeing the side-by-side comparisons of all the color filters that movie has undergone holy shit Like I I didn't remember that it wasn't the matrix original was not green Because I I just I had seen it more times after the fact than like in the original release They added all that shit later. That's that's nuts So I want to give a shout out to keanu for real Uh for uh him and karyan moss were clearly reading off a prompter But he was doing a way better job hiding it
Starting point is 03:24:00 Sure Yeah way better job now people say he's not a very good actor But he was trying really hard not to sound like he was looking at his prompter He's also down with the fact that people in cyberpunk want to mod him to have sex with him That's that's cool But also Now that keanu is friendly with the industry do not mention cyberpunk and everything will be okay Yeah
Starting point is 03:24:30 He used he used like he used cd project as a way to get in You know and now that he's in You're gonna reverse kojima. Yeah, and now cd project is like hold on a minute. Wait keanu. You're hanging out with industry And what you're hanging out with gamers and and you didn't tell us about it Why not and they're like, oh, I don't worry. We're just like why why do you think not we're just getting some coffee Don't worry about it. Yeah, you don't even like coffee Well, no, I like coffee. I didn't like coffee and I like coffee Damn he snuck right in
Starting point is 03:25:07 Anyways, um that was the game awards and hey, um, you know what congrats to to uh, uh Joseph Harris and and it takes two because that's a really good game Congrats to joseph Harris for winning the award for a game that we will find out what its actual name is shortly They might not have they might not change it if you know, they might we'll see but either way it was a pretty good game and uh Yeah, that's cool. Metroid actually got itself an award too. I was shocked by that So, yeah 14 won best ongoing game and people were wondering why I was not happy for that To which I had to respond with like every the best ongoing game category sucks
Starting point is 03:25:50 Because a bunch of the games in that category are ones that the community Is constantly screaming about how much they hate every day Yeah, yeah, so that's why when you see strive win for best fighting game I'm like, yeah, but this is still out of a bunch of contenders including fucking Uh Xenoverse or or you know my hero academia fight or like there's always like a couple of them And then some wild ass side takes that are just like the the the most recent anime tie-in game We picked the winner first
Starting point is 03:26:26 And then we realized we had to fill out the category Xenoverse got robbed I saw it. I seen it I Hey, while you're laughing about that I gotta take the dog out again. Okay. All right. All right. All right. All right BRB all right, um I think that just about covers it except for uh
Starting point is 03:26:57 genshin impact Featuring a good old genshin impact music by xxx to nation And Yeah, that was uh, that was that was that was all right What are you gonna say was it? Yeah, gentian. That was a that was that was a very bizarre Situation for me because i'm like isn't that guy and then people were like, yeah, he's dead Oh xxx temptation
Starting point is 03:27:25 Well x an x to nation rather because gentian impact would like she said it and it was like ha And then literally seconds later in the same segment Jeff himself misspoke miss said his name to Um, yeah, he's that piece of shit garbage dumpster fire rapper that died I don't I don't blame anyone for fucking that dude's name up. It's written like a fucking drug addled xbox live at name like It's total nonsense which is on brand. So, you know, how is it supposed to be pronounced? It's pronounced fuck him. Who cares? Oh, he's dead. Yay Context for those who don't know he beat the shit out of and strangled his pregnant girlfriend before he died
Starting point is 03:28:13 Classy, well, things worked out in the end. I guess there you go Uh, right Yeah, let's take some emails Hey, if you want to send in an email send it down to castle super beast mail at That's castle super beast mail at cool We've got one coming in Uh Tristan says
Starting point is 03:28:43 Hey dogman and punch man. I brought up the claw Once in my discord server As far as holding controllers goes started a debate over whether it's for crazy people or not I sent them an image Of my claw alternative that I switched to if i'm holding a controller normally Easier in games like souls and running around kamurocho if I have the index finger for moving um The stick
Starting point is 03:29:10 And i'm already holding down a face button to run I found an old neo gaff thread of people posting them doing the same thing So I know i'm not alone. Do you have alternatives like this or am I just insane? So essentially You're like you're looking at uh thumb over like the x button And index finger is bent over the thumb touching the right stick And then stop it middle finger is over the shoulder buttons Stop it but also stop making games that ask you To figure something out like this exactly stop making games that ask you or that demand this of you
Starting point is 03:29:53 I think we can all agree on all parts of this It's horrible, but also fuck the the the requirement um Tekken fingers till I die though I legitimately Enjoy, you're no better. You're no better. Tekken fingers legitimately feel it feels good. It's no you're you're you're no It's like in the same way that tapping a stick feels good It's legitimately uh
Starting point is 03:30:23 No for that games context. No, you don't get to look down on the claw freaks No, ever no you get to go on you get to go on the weirdo pit with the rest of the Tekken players They all they don't they all do it. They all do it for a reason. There'll be a lot of Tekken players in there They all do it for a reason throw all them in there I'd like to see you figure out some of those uh extended uh extend duck combos In fucking Tekken with your thumbs pressing two buttons at the same time like that. I guess what I have a solution to that. Yeah
Starting point is 03:30:55 You know what that solution is play on a stick Don't play Tekken. Oh Congrats. I'm the winner No, but that's not right No, no, no, I won. Okay getting the pit damn if you say you won and I guess you won Uh what we got here is all freaks all of you Uh Dear kind man and Lalo felt
Starting point is 03:31:22 Fuck Seth says Uh recently you talked about dinosaurs in the industry and I wanted to share my favorite example of this in a different industry The laundry industry Okay, I'm interested I Have you seen the various symbols on different clothing tags? There are universal standard developed by an organization called Gaintex or genotex They've adopted by clothing makers
Starting point is 03:31:51 Symbols are a universal standard message how to convey proper care for clothing Some of them are straightforward. For example iron means iron safe a box in a circle that looks like an electric gyre tells you how to machine dry it Um others are more abstract. For example a triangle means bleach a circle means dry clean a box with two lines inside means dry in the shade And temperature ranges are represented by dots One line under a symbol indicates permanent press while two lines under a symbol means gentles research performed On a um a podcast called every little thing reveals that not only does no one have any idea what these symbols mean
Starting point is 03:32:33 But real life symbologist, uh, john langdon says that it's a laughable and meaningless system um The company who designed these symbols admits that less than one third of consumers even recognize their meanings But they insist that their symbols are correct when asked why they don't use recognizable more recognizable systems Like a thermometer to represent temperature or a hanger or clothespin for air drying So that's the way it's always been done. If we change it now, it'll confuse people who already know it 100 percent exactly It's our it's not our objective to change these symbols. It's a question of telling the consumer Yeah, the consumer says these symbols suck shit am I out of touch
Starting point is 03:33:17 Never It is the clothing dryers who are wrong It reminds me of a little documentary I watched on symbology where the people who discovered nuclear radiation In terms of nuclear power and you know making a plant or a stockpile or whatever and the issue in coming up with the radioactive symbol And just the amount of Like thought that goes into it because it has to be a symbol that's unilingual with no text that means don't touch this And they were not as successful as the all-time greatest which is the biohazard symbol
Starting point is 03:33:55 Which is like the the holy grail of Like non-verbal communication of contents because the biohazard symbol is extraordinarily clear that it's not good for you Yeah It's all spikes and fucking. Yeah. Yeah. Oh shit. It's metal. Don't touch it. Yeah Don't touch the biohazard symbol thing It's all like it's dangerous in ways you might not understand. Just just leave it alone. Mm-hmm. That's pretty good um Shoutouts to like it. You can't just keep putting skulls on shit. Yeah and took that
Starting point is 03:34:35 No, shoutouts to symbology. There was a recent story about a A girl who did graphic design and the sign for moose in her town was awful And the like the moose crossing like like things in canada or something like that So like it barely it was just misshapen and sunken and weird So she just redesigned it to make it look like a real moose and it was like damn. That's a better sign True story People that live in moose areas that have moose issues know what a goddamn moose looks like so just put a moose on the sign Um
Starting point is 03:35:11 And we got one here from richard who says dear kite man and orb boy With the release of monster rancher one and two for steam i've been having a ton of nostalgic fun But i forgot how bad the item descriptions are almost everything you give your monster has some hidden value You probably need to wiki but the worst item description i've seen so far has to be a drug called negiel The full in-game description of negiel is this will temporary stimulate your monster's abilities But if you go to the fandom wiki it gives you this description Using it doubles both the defense stats and skill stats for one battle But it takes it but it takes an average of 20 weeks off of your monster's lifespan
Starting point is 03:35:54 What the fuck? Considering you could you could theoretically give this drug to a monster once a week For the and the monster average monster only lives four to five years I can imagine how many kids Roided up their virtual pets only to have them die of mysterious heart attacks That's bullshit That's that's probably the dumbest Also, I checked out something uh that I saw mentioned. Uh, well, have you ever seen the carcinogen?
Starting point is 03:36:21 symbol Probably but uh, I couldn't I haven't I just sent it to oh Jesus. Yeah, okay So if you have not if you have not seen the carcinogen symbol. Yeah, that is go ahead look that up on google That is clear Get the fuck away from that That is no that is maybe the most visually clear Symbol i've ever seen for anything That looks super dangerous
Starting point is 03:36:51 Jesus don't don't it will destroy the inside of your body And it looks painful like it's reach no confusion it is it is it is coming from the chest outward to annihilate you You will fucking die pieces floating around because they broke yeah, yeah the broken off pieces That's the thing you know in any of the warning symbols when what when the thing is starting to crack into pieces It's like oh fuck Also shout out to corrosive Your hand turning into a skeleton is very clear Symbology is important unless you don't know what a skeleton is
Starting point is 03:37:35 In case in which case you have bigger problems than handling these materials Like how you're going to be able to recognize incoming skeletons Um All right I'm satisfied with that Yeah, me too Okay, if like everyone to know that I successfully wiggled my mouse around Enough for the past four hours that I got to stay logged in
Starting point is 03:38:01 Vote now if you feel that that is satisfactory vote by By Thinking allowed Yes, or no That's good. That's a good system. We will we will count and tally the votes See you next week everybody Hey You

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