Castle Super Beast - CSB 147: The Tyranny of King Andrew The Unperspiring

Episode Date: December 28, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Catch battle. Well Lee, do you remember last week, first of all Happy Holidays? Happy Holidays. Do you remember last week where I had like a little baby tantrum about fighting games and how mad they make me and how every single thing to do with fighting games is like a negative emotion, a knife in my heart as it were, particularly in regards to virtue of fighter. So I want you to, before you even get to it, I want you to realize something. This is not unnoticed, this is clearly something, that was a tantrum and yes it is but the state
Starting point is 00:01:17 of affairs is bad. However, I think that the motherfucker who tweeted the news at us tactically five minutes before starting this the podcast timing. I think this was a deliberate inside job. I think this was a calculated plan to nuke the beginning of the podcast by twining virtual fighter news right to both of us just before we click the button. I think this is what is I really do. It's too tactical.
Starting point is 00:01:53 It's very it was astonishingly well time. We're sitting on like the idle screen of the podcast before going live and we've already synced up and will they just goes breaking news and I got what all the thing I just Yeah, yeah. So shout outs to just to watch over here for for single-handedly like using laser precision nuclear launch detected and it's landing. The moment the fucking Castle Super Beast music starts starts fading out. The nuke is in the air about to hit the site.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Good job. So yeah, we can we can put that in the news. We can save that for later. Oh, yeah. I'll say. Okay, good. Hey, Willie, how's your holiday been? Not too bad.
Starting point is 00:02:47 Mixed bag here and there. All right. I'm appreciating the the the rest and the and the relaxation, so to speak. Yeah. And had a Christmas, you know, we bought ourselves the things and that was nice. Um, punch mom got me some cool stuff. Um, as did I. And, uh, yeah, I guess I'll to in terms of week, uh, what, what, what, where, where
Starting point is 00:03:23 to start? There's a couple things. Um, I have as of last night, uh, fully finished SMT five. Hey, congratulations. So, uh, first of all, first of all, that is super worth your time whenever you get the chance to go back. Um, all right, the, the, the last I giving the little play by play updates, I said there was a lull and I said it comes back strong and, um, and it stays strong and it gets into
Starting point is 00:03:58 some really awesome, you know, Gnosticism and, uh, theology as, as you do. Uh, and, uh, yeah, there's, uh, a lot of, a lot of, um, a lot of like Nocturne fans, especially are like really like down with how this is playing out. And the it seems to be like a kind of Nocturne to it's quite Nocturne-esque is the vibe. Um, is the vibe out there. Now, the thing is, of course, uh, no spoilers, you know, but, uh, but I will say that like just on a mechanical level, now that I've done it, um, we talked about the difference between order, neutrality, chaos and previous games are earned for, right.
Starting point is 00:04:44 And the changes that you had to do and the changes they made from that system. And here, uh, I have to applaud it. I really like how they handled it. So I mentioned earlier that it's a choice you make, right? And throughout the game, as you play SMT, it's like tracking, you know, whether you're leaning more towards order, neutrality or chaos. And when the time comes, you make the choice. It's pretty obvious.
Starting point is 00:05:09 And then once you do, um, you're on that path, no matter what, however, uh, there is a reward for sticking by your convictions or a penalty for flip flopping. Oh, so that's how they managed it. Okay. Yeah. I get it. So if you stay true to your, to the way you've been playing, you get, uh, a nice, you get some, you got a nice ability, you get, uh, uh, uh, an access to a specific type of
Starting point is 00:05:46 demon, you know, if you are not, uh, aligned with what you were, you were planning to do or if you, if you're, you know, hypocritical, then, uh, you have to pay a large Maka sum to get straight up cash, not, not, not for making that choice, but to get the bonus stuff. You know, okay. So you can just ignore the bonus stuff. But if you really want to get it and you flip flopped hard, you've been like law all the time and then you suddenly go chaos, then the game's like, yeah, all right.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Well, you know, you're going to have to pay if you want the good shit. So I like that. I think that's a pretty good compromise and it's still incentivizing you to, you know, play your convictions, but it doesn't completely close any doors to you. You know, I have to say, I absolutely love SMT forward of death. I think that's one of my favorite games. The way the, the, the, the tried and true method of, of picking your path in that game might be the most nonsense thing ever, which is don't do any alignment side quests.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Pick the first option in every dialogue box in the entire game. And then when you get to that maze, pick all chaos options and then choose law during the major choice. It's a, it's a fucking weirdo way to play the game that humans don't do. And what I really liked about five here is I was able to answer each choice according to my own like morality. I was, I made my decisions as I would, you know, and in the end it was like, okay, you in the end I leaned more chaotic anyway.
Starting point is 00:07:33 You know, of course you did. But I don't know what kind of fucking narc ends up going law in an SMT game. Oh, I mean, especially the way they presented to, because every side is, is, is hypocritical, but the way that they play it out in this one is, is particularly it's, it's, yeah, it's very much something I'm not leaning towards, but and then you, yeah, you just, you then you go back, you can, and you choose which one, right? So I did do that and I did then proceed along the neutral path. And I got a neutral ending and it was fucking flaccid and weird.
Starting point is 00:08:11 And I was like, really? Huh. That's, that's not what I expected. It was like, it was building up and it was like, okay, okay, okay. And then it just dropped the fuck off, right? And I was like, what the shit is happening? So then I went back and I reloaded and then I did a chaos route. And then it got way more interesting.
Starting point is 00:08:43 And then I did the order route and it was like, okay, yeah, no. The, like the difference between them, order and chaos have like a lot of extra awesome context that neutral doesn't give you, right? So then what you kind of need to know is that there's, there's your law ending. Here's your order ending, your chaos ending. There's your false neutral ending. And then yeah, beating everything in the game, clearing all like super bosses and like including fucking Demi fiend and Shiva, you know, like means serious.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Yeah. Means now that's, it's part of the DLC, of course. So that's, that's not a spoiler guys. That's, it's literally something that they sell you, but that means now you can fucking get access to the true neutral ending. So that's, that's interesting because in four, the way they did that is once you locked onto neutral, it said go do every side quest before we even let you fight the boss. Okay, hold on.
Starting point is 00:09:56 I might be wrong about that. Not Demi fiend. Okay. If so, then sure. That's a ridiculous one. Anyway, like his, that fight is stupid, which I'm sure people that are familiar because he, he's had a similarly stupid fight in a different game. In the digital devil.
Starting point is 00:10:14 So, yeah, but you'd now, so now you can go and then get your true ending, your true neutral ending, which is a lot better. And with full context, it's like, okay, yeah, this is fucking, this is sick. Man, it's just really, and it's, and I'll say this too, it's like, it's worth it to go, you know, see them, see each one. And the point at which you have to like branch your save file out to then keep playing. It's about two hours, you know, from the branch. Not bad.
Starting point is 00:10:50 So it's not bad at all. So I was able to go do them, you know, and then, um, yeah, after seeing the full, the final ending, um, God damn, dude, like nobody fucks around with religion more than these games, dude, nobody just plays with theology and just whimsically tosses it back and forth and like swirls it around, spits it back out, you know, it's, it's fucking, uh, it's so interesting and fun to see how they play with just everything that humans believe in, everything that humanity has fucking like built up and died for, for our entire, you know, lifetimes. Just casually, like, I think, uh, the way I summed it up, because like, um, I was explaining
Starting point is 00:11:44 to punch mom, like the, the, the lore and what was happening, because it's super cool. And, uh, the way like we broke it down at one point was like my entire existence, everything that I was told was reality and the, the enclosure of my entire childhood can be summed up by selecting a one of these fucking Pokemon and pressing the lore button to read a couple paragraphs on it, you know, and it's like all around the world. All around throughout time. There's all these demons and they all have a lore page that says, hey, yeah, this is from, uh, this Hindu, uh, script.
Starting point is 00:12:21 This is from another, this is from the Kabbalah. This is a Jewish thing, you know, and it's like, you just kind of have all these, this one's called a Snorlax and likes to sleep all day. Exactly. And it's like your entire, like belief structure and the thing that, that governed your world is just one of these little wiki pages over here for these Pokemon, you know, it's, it's, it's kind of unbelievable to just zoom out and take that in. Um, incredible, incredible.
Starting point is 00:12:49 Uh, I really, really liked, uh, the, the, the truth behind that, but I will say that like if you just go for the neutral ending and go and then walk away, uh, yeah, you're getting shafted and you're getting like a completely unsatisfying, unclear, um, thing route out of that and it, and it makes sense in context why it's unsatisfying, but I have a friend who played it, did that and stopped and then messaged me and went, Hey, I beat neutral, it sucked and things got some problems. I'm really torn because like a lot of their games have that and it's always been my, it's always been my feeling that, well, if you have multiple endings and like the, the quote,
Starting point is 00:13:39 unquote, better ones or more content ones are contingent upon you fulfilling some criteria, it's nice if those criteria are clear, but more than anything, I think the, the, the worry is that the, the base ending is unsatisfying, right? So I think back to persona four, which has like a bunch, but like the fail to answer the series of questions correctly in the hospital room ending is terrible. Yeah. It's gone awful. But I mean, when, so when that happened to punch mom, I got to watch that experience
Starting point is 00:14:21 where she was like, that feels bad. What just happened? I think I paid it. I don't. Like, yeah, that feeling of, that feeling of this is off is like weird and should make you question what just happened, you know, and at that point, I don't know if the game makes it obvious that like, I think you get a message somewhere along the lines. It's like, oh, you didn't really, something's nagging at you or something.
Starting point is 00:14:51 I think there's a something in there to imply that you fucked up, you know, but like, and then it commits to that. I'm like, yep, you fucked up. Time to go home. I'm also like P4 is probably my, like I love it to bits, but it probably has like the worst of all of these in that to get the really good one, you have to like specifically ignore multiple prompts that tell you to leave. Like when you go to Junez, right, right, right, right, right, why would you go here?
Starting point is 00:15:19 I'm like, that's ridiculous pushing you away. In this case, for a while, I thought the true neutral was going to be new game plus only because of like how strong you had to be, but that's not outside the realm of possibility. But yeah, and I, but I don't like that. I don't, I'm not a fan of that, you know, of being like, no, you just cannot do it until you do the whole thing a second time unless it's done deliberately like 999 or near, you know, or so. In this case, it seems like you don't have to, but it's just pretty fuck it hard, but
Starting point is 00:15:54 you got to do everything, you know, anyway, near had the, near had the other problem, which was like, how many enemies I got to do, did I beat the game and the response that always came back from everyone was like, just keep playing, you'll know when you beat it. And then they would beat it like twice, three, four, five, six more times, depending on what the game told them was an ending. And they'd ask again, and you'd be like, if you're asking, just keep playing. And that's cool, but it's also like for people that aren't as savvy as us with the way these types of games work, it could be like legitimately confusing.
Starting point is 00:16:37 It can be. Especially if you don't have like someone else to ask, you know, that is like as a reference point or something. Yeah. It says a lot that at the end of near a, they had to have a fourth wall shattering notice from the developer slash publisher that said, Hey, you beat it and we called it an ending, but that was a lie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Please, please keep playing. No, for real. That I'm totally on board with when the ending is a lie. That's totally cool. But when the ending is not a lie, it's just that there's a better one at the end of your second run. I don't like that. I'm not as happy about that.
Starting point is 00:17:17 You know, I would love there to be all kinds of content and super bosses and challenges throughout a new game plus run. But like, I think story wise, you should be able to like get your true results in your on your first run if you can pull off the requirements. Anyway, yeah, man, it is it is it is super dope. And the whatever the Naho, Bino is fucking that's he's got the cool moves. He's got the style. I'm I'm I like I like the aesthetic of the Naho, Bino's stuff.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Just I think, OK, so by default, you have him and then when you're looking at and I'm someone who doesn't know fuck about Nocturne properly, but I do see that like sometimes the Demi fiend is like all dark and glowing and like pretty fucking, you know, like all powered up and shit and doing this thing. And then other times it's like a it's a naked kid with some lines on his body. Some shorts. Yeah. And I and I feel like it's like that's some fucking that's some raver kid that went
Starting point is 00:18:33 to that went to a fucking that's the guy that's the guy who shows up to the rave asking if anybody saw his bottle of Everclear. Yeah, you know, he came up with with with a candy backpack, you know what I mean? And you're like, OK, can you do the do the thing? And then he does the thing and you are there he is. All right, now you're looking cool. It's it's it's funny watching them side by side. Whereas like, yeah, now hope, you know, it's just like all Gantz energy with cyber text.
Starting point is 00:19:03 He's a Kamen Rider character. Like said, it's an anime protagonists with the hair and fucking laser sword. No, and the the again, like I said, the final moves you unlock are all like hyper stylish, awesome ones. The final gods you unlock with their abilities are all just incorrect, like super cinematic, you know, which you would expect, right? Like if you finally get to the point where you're doing severe fire, severe fire to all enemies
Starting point is 00:19:38 that passes through all resistances and ignores and pierces through any any drains or shields, it's going to look ridiculous. And it does, you know, that's pretty good. Yeah, like fucking just full on meteor cast from heaven coming down to annihilate the battlefield, like awesome shit, you know. So it is it is a it is a fun thing. And I'm going to see if at some point I can go back and take a crack at that demifiend, though I know like as I walked in and like one turn
Starting point is 00:20:15 and it's like, get the fuck out of here, dude, game over, get the fuck. Like don't even don't even don't even come here if you don't even understand the base minimum you need to start this fight. You know, did you beat Nocturne on maniacs mode? If not, get out. And that's where I started looking online. And I see like people are talking about training strategies for like demifiend on hard, like they're like, OK, someone came up with a strategy.
Starting point is 00:20:46 He's keeping it to himself right now because he wants to publish the video later, but oh, shit, this other dude, he cracked it. He's the first one. He did it. And I'm like, OK, this is a serious fucking thing. Like if you want it, if you want to actually take it, take him out, you have to get into the perfect run crafting community of how to handle demifiend. This is this is speed running, but for a single boss fight, you won't be
Starting point is 00:21:13 doing this on your own, knocking your head against the wall. Like you need to join the community and we will discuss our strategies with you. You know, are you stacking endure with enduring soul? Are you stacking high fire plerama with your fire plerama? Are you what are we doing here? Like you can't just waltz in with your strongest, like multi-purpose demons and hope for the best, you know? So yeah, that's that's kind of the last bit there, but fucking awesome, super cool.
Starting point is 00:21:45 And yeah, absolutely puts a little thing in me that says like, you should go play that nocturne, you should, you should go find out. Yeah, but no skill selection. Oh, up in and out, random. Yeah, well, that was the original. I don't know if they changed that for the re-release. I'm now going to wait 30 seconds and then someone will tell me that they actually did change that for the re-release in the remaster.
Starting point is 00:22:13 In the remaster, they changed it for the re-release. Good. That's yeah, they Atlas should re-release every game they have ever made and just add that make that one change. Just add that. Yeah, just add that. And you know what, like, no, like make the exact same old game. But the moment you go to the compendium, it's a modern compendium that lets you do reverse compendium fusion, you know. Hell, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:44 And spend all the money making a ridiculously high budget demon fusion animation. So you're playing the organ and they're popping into goop and exploding into cages and slamming together on those demon animations because I skip them every time. I skip them every time, except for when it's a new amount. So if I'm fusing four, I'm like, OK, let me see how they do. Yeah, right. You know, it's it's like when you're playing
Starting point is 00:23:08 Monster Hunter and you're like, wow, look at this incredible animation for eating the food. I'm like, yeah, OK, that's the one time I'm going to look at it. Although what bums me out is I only got an accident fusion once in this playthrough, and I want to know if that's a different animation. Is there a unique animation for when an accident happens? Oh, you skipped it. And it was an accident and you're like, oh, bummer.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Yeah, because how the fuck are you going to know? You're just going to sit through all of them, you know? Like it's it's it's yeah. I would I would hope there was a like a version where, you know, because in this case, it's the now, you know, playing on an organ and the demons turn into goop and then slam together and it explodes in lightning. But like, I want them to like play a wrong note on the organ. Oh, the fuck shit that.
Starting point is 00:23:59 Oh, like it's not just the fates have decried that it's an accident. It's literally a user error failure. You're you're you press the wrong key and it resulted in the wrong demon popping up. I want to see it. That's my fault. Yeah, SMT five is great. It's fucking great. Just make sure you know what to what to look to do
Starting point is 00:24:25 once you hit the point of no return. I got to go back and play apocalypse. Like that's one of the ones that like I actually really want to play, but have not gotten to. Yeah, no, just awesome shit here. And it was so funny too, because like as like, you know, punch bombs still like sitting in to watch some of this and I'm explaining some of what's going on.
Starting point is 00:24:48 And it's just like, yeah, so like keep all this shit in your head as, you know, we are fucking watching the unmaking of like the unmaking of various high religions. And then like meanwhile on the other side over here, you've got take your friends on a date to the burger shop. Oh, can you eat the big burger? All right, now go fight some gods. OK, now come back and hang out at the mall.
Starting point is 00:25:18 What would it look like if you if you merged a fucking siren and Irish siren with I'm a terrasu. Huh, turns out you get a guy sitting on a toilet weird. Yeah, fucking Belfregor. He's I never I never I never knew that's how that cultural mix went. Yeah, no, or even like there's the stuff and there's some of them where I'm like, I'm legitimately going down a history lesson road because you unlock one later on.
Starting point is 00:25:55 Like I think it's like a lot where it's like this is like this is a this is a god that was worshipped as a black stone before Islam in pre-Islamic times. They had this like black stone god ideology and like something that that it connects to some other deities and stuff. And I was like, I had never looked into that. I had you know, I just went down this wiki hole. I've never heard of this once before you telling it to me right now.
Starting point is 00:26:29 Exactly, you know. And I like like and just and like all it is is just like, yeah, the like it's like a black stone with like a like just carvings on it. And you're like, oh, that's a demon form that is a deliberate choice. Why they go with that and the history of it in real life is like, oh, yeah, no, this is a real thing from fucking thousands of years ago. You know, it's it's fascinating. Yeah, it's the thing with the giant titties. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Oh, of course. Oh, right. Black stone with the carving of the giant titties on it with the boobs. Got it. And, you know, Mara shows up and I'm like, Mara, get the fuck in and never leave. You're in this crew. You're rolling with me to the end. And every time he levels up or, you know, gets any dialogue, it's always puns, nonstop, hard, giant, donger puns.
Starting point is 00:27:21 And they even have a mechanic, which I don't know if this has showed up in any other games previously, but there's when you talk to demons and you have a specific demon on your party that is like related to the one you're talking to, they jump in and have a conversation. OK, so it's usually been the case that if you have the same demon, though, you'll just get free shit. Yeah, but I think that might be new. I don't remember ever encountering that.
Starting point is 00:27:51 So in this case, like anyone that you have on your on your team, that is either related in aesthetic or related in like lore, they'll jump forward and like, yeah, have a conversation. OK, Nocturne had that too. Yeah, so those are fun, you know, little conversations between, you know, the various, yeah, like two Buddhist, you know, deities talking to each other about whatever or two elephant heads talking to each other.
Starting point is 00:28:20 All that fun stuff, you know, and and and yeah, no, in the end, like I think it just it's it's legitimately educational playing through these games sometimes. As long as you also do your side research depending on like, I don't think would you say a lot was actually a big titty monster in its contemporary. No, a fucking no depiction. Melchizedek is probably not a fucking super robot.
Starting point is 00:28:53 Gundam, Gundam, like probably not. But, you know, what were the reasons? What were you thinking? Why would you like lean into this direction and have fun with it in that way? You know, yeah, man. Just Melchizedek always like it's funny because like there's hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of demons.
Starting point is 00:29:14 But there's always a couple that just stand out super hard because their their design is like completely nonsense compared to what you would think. Yeah, Mara, Belfagore and Melchizedek always just leap out of my brain. There's there's stuff to where it's just like, look, like the metatron. It is one of the highest angels according to, you know, going, going with like the Hebrew specifically the like from the Jewish angels. It's the voice of God.
Starting point is 00:29:46 And that name implies like all the all the power with it. But it has the word Tron in it. So you're getting a kind of robotic looking angel, motherfucker. I'm pretty sure that's why Metatron was chosen to be the fucking mineral of choice for orbital frames. I believe it. I believe it. I believe that that is probably literally the entire thought process. Yeah. So that that's like it's like of all the various angel names
Starting point is 00:30:21 of the the Gabriel's and the Uriel's and such. You know, you've got this dude over here that sounds like he came off the production line. You know, ready to fucking shoot robot robot punch fucking rocket punches. Anyway, yeah. Yeah, SMT five big recommends and also pathways to go backwards and find out what's happening in the Nocturne. I will I will I will be looking into that. One of the weirdest things about Nocturne by far was
Starting point is 00:30:57 playing like Persona three and then playing Nocturne and meeting Nix as just some chick chilling at the bar with Loki. Hmm. I'm like, wow, huh? The scale of what goes on in these two franchise. Yeah, pretty different. Yeah, that's pretty huge. That's pretty huge.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Then again, I mean, shit, like. Look at if you just go to a wiki page for like some of the characters, like, go look at like fucking a wiki page for like Thor or Lucifer and like seeing all the various depictions and designs throughout the different games. It's like, yeah, man, you might get chilling in a bar or you might get descending from higher planes of existence. Take your pick or my personal favorite depiction of Thor
Starting point is 00:31:48 as the UN ambassador. Thorman's politician. Yeah, Thorman. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So what if we nuked everything? Oh, thanks, Thor, real, real good one. Thank you. It's good.
Starting point is 00:32:03 A good plan. Yeah. So that's SMT five under the belt. So, of course, besides Dokopon, which finished off, we're now done with Dark Souls. So can I mention now that now that we're a week out, can you tell me who won? Oh, well, I want the reveal on the on the anime.
Starting point is 00:32:31 Oh, it's your this is still manga as you would call it. It's we're still manga right now. Yeah. OK. Yeah, so we're keeping keeping that. But done with Dark Souls, done with Dark Souls. And, you know, like it was really I was I was getting a bit worried as we were coming through it that I'm like, man, Reggie is getting powerful.
Starting point is 00:32:56 He's getting strong. He's casting and I hope he doesn't like just delete the the remaining challenges. You know, that man, once they added the DLC to that game, it has like real weird pacing problems. Like you can delete. Like if you do the DLC out of order, you go back and delete the four kings. So Lee Quinn, Gwyn, so hope.
Starting point is 00:33:23 So thankfully, despite the fact that he was walking down there with super high intelligence, moonlight, great sword, fucking common crystal soul mass, crystal soul spirit, crystal soul spear and and power within, you know, he hit that Artorias and Artorias said, nah, pause. There it is. You are the overdog. Artorias is the underdog.
Starting point is 00:33:57 But if you don't respect him, we're going to spend a minute here. And it was great. It was it was legitimately awesome to just have that like sit down, be humble moment, because you're too strong right now, you know. And yeah, and it works because you earn his respect. You know, you I mean, he he earns your respect, I mean, to say, you know, after after kind of trying to try to delete him via a couple of quick snipes and a couple of quick fucking power ups, you just try to delete the fight
Starting point is 00:34:27 and he just won't let it happen. You have to take him seriously and he's thinking back the times I've fought him as a caster by far the most infuriating thing he would do is when you're kind of like to his side, he does that move where he flicks the mud and just a and just a bunch of goo hits you. And it's so fast. Yep. Yeah, mud in your eye.
Starting point is 00:34:52 So that was cool. And then, yeah, and then similarly going down to to good old Manus, you know, it's like, hey, look, you're going to do way more damage than expected on this boss, and you're going to have a good little pupper to distract him as well. Let's all this all everything is in your favor. I just hope that, you know, you don't delete this too quickly. And while it wasn't as much as Artorias, there still was a learning curve. There were deaths that were earned due to not respecting the pattern, you know.
Starting point is 00:35:25 So the game kept up. I was worried that it wouldn't, but it thankfully did, you know. Yeah, Dark Souls might be the only game I could think of that thematically works. It's DLC's harder content compared to its original final boss's relative ease because you do the DLC and then go to Gwynn. Gwynn's about as pathetic as he should be. Like he's a loser. But if you don't, it's still a realish fight, right?
Starting point is 00:35:56 But you can, but you just have the parry on your side and you've got Soler, if you do it, you know, like there's stuff on your side. But like it's way more of a joke if you walk out of the DLC, which is why it was like, hey, dude, like, OK, like let's this is going to go real quickly. So let's just, you know, preamble. Let's appreciate the cool walk down there. Exactly, you know, that type of thing. Yeah. Now, I am keeping in mind, of course, that it's like, you know,
Starting point is 00:36:27 however the future goes is how it goes. And, you know, whenever we decide if we're going to play more stuff, we'll we'll let you guys know, of course. But I'm looking at like habits that can be formed by like that, the casting route. And by the time you hit Bloodborne, that's just not going to be a good time for you. And the casting in three is a little rough as well. It's definitely not the beast that it was in one or two. But they they rebalanced it, right?
Starting point is 00:37:00 Like they they made it like. Not it has a big it has a big lead up in three. OK. So that's the idea is just kind of like I love. I mean, my first instincts for when I first started playing these games, I was like, yeah, casting and sword spelling, you know, which is why I'm so happy that like Elden Ring is leaning into that. Elden Ring really, really wants you from what we played of the of the network test that even if you are a diehard sword and board physical everything
Starting point is 00:37:37 that they want you to have at least one spell on like your sword that you can use. Yeah, just something that's and that's cool. You know, have especially having the arts right there. Exactly the weapon art style spell casting even. I I like that idea. It feels fun if it's a cool way to fight things and you just, you know, you don't want to feel like you're missing out on some rad shit, you know, the method of how you play, depending on what you're using,
Starting point is 00:38:07 like feels better sometimes, you know, so I like I was so attached early on. I remember just the idea of like grabbing a lightning bolt and throwing it like that aesthetically is so cool, whatever, whether it's OP or, you know, or like underpowered, whatever you make and give me a way to do that in shit. Dark Souls, two's, Miracle builds, you know, just oh my god. I'm still mad about that all those years later. So all this to say that I know that I don't want him to go down a path
Starting point is 00:38:44 where Bloodborne becomes way more brutal than it needs to be. Should he get I saw some folks saying that Reggie was particularly good at parrying. Yes, he was he's not going to have he's not going to have a problem with Bloodborne. I don't see it. I don't I don't foresee it. I don't foresee it. If he's got that part of it down, but like it took it took a while to get there, you know, there was like a couple of episodes of just like get stabbed, get stabbed.
Starting point is 00:39:13 There's the timing. OK, try it again. You know, but like those doors are a training arc for it. So hell, yeah, we'll see where that goes in the near future. So, of course, with all that, we're going to be entering a world of new LPs. And and I kind of think I know what I want to do. Yeah. And it's honestly, it's like but like obviously, well, the FF6 can't happen until, you know, it drops in February.
Starting point is 00:39:46 So we got we got a little bit of time between now and then. And I'm currently considering two things to just pop in and check out. So one, it's not much of a surprise, but yeah. Solar ash would be something I want to fucking jump in on. Hey, it's good. Mm hmm. I don't know how long it is game. I haven't checked. I haven't looked.
Starting point is 00:40:09 It's not long. But I feel like we have time to take a look at that. I got a full 45 percent through in a three and a half hour, four hour stream. Like you could you could do it in two days. There you go. OK. So yeah, we can get that in. We can get some short stuff in between now and February, I think. And here's one. Here's one.
Starting point is 00:40:32 And. You can you can give me your thoughts on how you think this goes. All right. All right. All right. All right. I'm being called in for my professional opinion. I'm excited. What do you got? I, as you know, for years now, have been the one that's not into
Starting point is 00:40:54 survival horror as true. You're you're you're run of R.E. Two proved a boy on the shadow of a doubt that you are not familiar with the trappings of the survival horror genre. Much to everyone's chagrin because that's a home genre for this fan base. And, you know, like Half Life was a curiosity dig. So I was like, let me see how that goes.
Starting point is 00:41:23 And then I learned. What do you think it would be like to play Silent Hill One these days? You know, it's funny. Way back in the day. I was like, let's do Silent Hill One. And I was told that it was like too old that didn't hold up that well.
Starting point is 00:41:49 And I was like, no, no, let's do it. And that statement was wrong. Silent Hill One actually holds up incredibly well for the PlayStation One generation, even technically, because it has a lot going on. That you're looking at it and you're like, wow, this thing is like the you got the feeling that the PlayStation One was like rumbling apart.
Starting point is 00:42:19 OK, with what Silent Hill wanted it to do. OK. Like full 3D movable camera with like a huge wide open space. But like it was really impressive. And like, is there any part of it that like the age will just like put some weight on this thing? So I'm going to say no, because the survival horror genre is really bizarre in that Resident Evil and Silent Hill were so formative
Starting point is 00:42:55 that that formula kind of like locked in like set in stone right away. OK. And games that want to evoke that era tend to be really, really mechanically similar because they they kind of nailed it on their first attempts. OK. So like if you've played like you play Resident Evil Remake 2, which would probably be the last survival horror game you played.
Starting point is 00:43:25 Right. Yeah. Like Silent Hill One is. Legitimately pretty close mechanically to that. It's definitely more than 20 years closer than you would think. OK. Now, I know that two is the one that everyone loves. Is yes. So is this one of those cases where like one is a pretty solid experience and two is the holy shit like it's all about getting to two.
Starting point is 00:44:03 Two is one is a lot more interesting in its historical perspective. Because it's it's brand new and like it was doing something that was different than Resident Evil. I think one is a lot scarier than two personally. OK. Two is beloved for a lot of reasons. But. How to put this. Two's story is absolutely excellent and the way they casted it and directed it was like.
Starting point is 00:44:39 A quantum leap for its time. Like it's still better written, casted, directed than almost anything that comes out today. But in in terms of like most of the game, Silent Hill One and two, it's like, hey, man, it's a it's a Silent Hill game. One, two, three are all rock solid. I think three is a little weaker overall. But three happens to be three gets the distinction of to this day
Starting point is 00:45:04 being the most impressive game out of its own time, visually. OK, like three, three. Was that PS one? It's like, yeah, no, that was PS two, two and three or PS two. OK, Silent Hill One is like the originator of this new type of horror. And it's really great. Two has the story and presentation unlock.
Starting point is 00:45:30 And when I say presentation, I mean like directing. And then three is like it's still better looking than games that come out now. Damn, OK. It's it's. It's I don't know how they like the models. Yeah, just good. Good synergy. A lot of polygons. Yeah. Are just the best looking character models. Good synergy between technical limitation, texture work, poly
Starting point is 00:45:58 polygons and and I guess, you know, like particle effects and fog effects and things like that, like using the using the blur of the TV to make your your metal gear portraits look better. Yeah, they're all absolutely fantastic. One's a lot easier to play nowadays with two and three. You've got to dig down the PC versions and then you got to dig out the the the clean up HD versions for them. I mean, I'm not opposed to literally just like booting up the PSN
Starting point is 00:46:33 classics on up on a PS3, you know, or whatever. But for which for one. OK, the PSN classics version of one. It's the version that exists on the old channel. It's totally rock solid PS1 port. It's indistinguishable to me from the disc. It's absolutely great. Two and three are is when it becomes famously difficult.
Starting point is 00:47:03 I remember the collection foibles. The choir. It's. Yeah, OK. Silent Hill one is you like. Particularly, I remember. Oh, God, what was it? I forget the name of the game. There's some Super Nintendo game that you showed me once.
Starting point is 00:47:21 I had like a helicopter flying by. And in the intro Jurassic Park, you're like, yeah, OK. And you're like, can you fucking believe they did this on the Super Nintendo full dialogue? You would get a lot out of that from like a like a museum piece of Silent Hill one and also still scary. OK, OK, legitimately still it's probably except for P.T. It's probably the scariest Silent Hill game.
Starting point is 00:47:54 OK, so the other the other bit here that I've been holding on to and I don't want to I don't know enough about it. So I'm going to have to leave it up to him to explain. But Reggie, when I mentioned this, he said, huh, OK. And I was like, yeah, I've been wondering. I've been a bit curious, you know, and he was like, well, I guess I have a bit of history with that game. And I was like, oh, what is that?
Starting point is 00:48:18 He's like, when I was a kid, I remember renting it and I played it for a couple hours and it was boring as fuck. So I took it back to the video store and I was like, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, shit. Was he at the time? I don't know. I don't know. I'm like, OK, save it. You're going to need to drop that when the time comes and explain. I can. What happened?
Starting point is 00:48:42 I can absolutely. I can ask that I can tell you what happened right now. I can I know I can legitimately tell you what happened right now. Silent Hill One, in its first section, drops you into the the town, just drops you right into it and tells you to go wander around and essentially gives you no direction as to where to go whatsoever. OK. And you have to hit the complete far ass edges of the map where the road is destroyed.
Starting point is 00:49:09 And one of them, there will be a clue about, hey, go check out this alley and find a key. OK, go check out that alley and you'll find a key. And then that points you to a house that you can go through. And therefore, the elementary school. But if you're like 12, 7 to 12 and you didn't play Resident Evil or anything like that beforehand and you're just wandering around this empty town. Yeah, no, that'd be boring as shit. So that's it.
Starting point is 00:49:38 Like whatever the era was was the era when PlayStation one renting was available, you know. And yeah, I was like, that is hilarious and very relatable. I need to hear any years past. Yeah, I need to hear more. So I'm like, are you think you're ready to to revisit that? And he's like, yeah, I guess we'll find out, you know, but that was that's great.
Starting point is 00:50:00 That's the kind of like I said, like, hey, Silent Hill. Sorry. Survival horror stuff is cool. It's just never been my bag. And he's like, yeah, I went in and walked out as a child, you know. Yeah. So. The only thing that I would say, the only thing that I would say that you might have an issue with Silent Hill one is the controls are. Muddy.
Starting point is 00:50:28 They're not particularly responsive. Thank you. No, I mean, like legitimately, like the game has like input latency. Oh, OK. Like you you might you I know you you might start playing it. I was like, oh, is there something wrong with the emulation? It's like, no, I mean, you know, it just be like that. It's because the game runs at like 19 frames a second.
Starting point is 00:50:48 Yeah. It's a PlayStation one game. We just did only Moosha, you know, like I can I can I can try to figure out. Oh, only Moosha never had that problem at all. Oh, Moosha controlled like awesome. Hmm. That's it was very responsive. I'll give it a I'll give it a test, a test run and see how it feels. But yeah, so that's that's what's that's what's currently being thought about. That's a great idea.
Starting point is 00:51:15 And then whatever else can fit in the time between now and February, we will let you know. Yeah, I'm in a I'm in a weird spot myself where I just finished up a bunch of stuff and and Peter around with some stuff. And I'm looking at my schedule and I'm like, I have. Fifty five to sixty days to fill. And but no more, but no more than that. Can't go big.
Starting point is 00:51:43 I suddenly have to super pee out of nowhere, super pee. So I have one more thing I want to bring up, but let me do that and we'll be right back. OK, there we are. Um, I got so confused when you said that because you said I have one more thing to talk about, so let me bring that up and then we'll be right back. And then you left. Yeah, I have one more thing to bring up before I switch weeks. Oh, yeah, I see.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Did you watch The Matrix? I did not. OK. Is that in theaters or not? I still can't tell it is both in theaters and available online. OK, I can't. I can't I legitimately cannot tell anything being in theaters or not anymore. Yeah, apparently Spider-Man is only in theaters. Yes. Don't do don't lie.
Starting point is 00:52:35 If you got to see that movie, good for you. But if you want to go see that movie now, fuck off. Don't go see that movie. Don't do it. Bad move. Yeah, so Matrix 4 is HBO Max, I believe. Anyway, so since you haven't seen it, so you saw it, I saw it, and I will give my spoiler free impressions.
Starting point is 00:53:00 I didn't like it. I thought it was a bad movie. I saw people describing it as a two hour movie about how cool it would be to make another Matrix movie. Yeah, so I, you know, there's it feels to me like a TV show was made about the Matrix. And this is the TV show cut down into two and a half hours. I don't want to spoil, but I'm just going to just talking about,
Starting point is 00:53:33 like, again, structure and such. It feels as if they like they're doing. There's a lot of meta play. There's a lot of, like, you know, self, like kind of like self deprecating humor and commentary and such. But I mean, as a whole, it, you know, the first movie, I'm one of those people that thinks the first movie was incredible. And I think the second and third one were not.
Starting point is 00:54:01 And in this case, this fourth one comes in and I think it's also not incredible. I think it like has basically there's two things about it that I think are cool. There's two concepts that it kind of introduces as an idea that are just fun things to kind of examine. And like, they don't fully explore them to the degree that I think they could have. So the two things are in one case, there is a clear narrative that comes alongside the fact that, you know, Lana Wachowski has had a life where having transitioned, there's a lot that comes with that.
Starting point is 00:54:52 And you can see where that journey like translates onto the script and is a part of this and it's interesting. And I feel as if it's touched on and it's something that like, it would have been interesting to see it like extrapolated a little bit in a couple of different ways, but it's just, it's touched on a little bit here. And I kind of go, oh, that's something that I think is cool here in this setting. And the second thing is there is a aspect that you think of with the Matrix two and three, where you go, hey, well, if we have to, if the
Starting point is 00:55:39 machines have to somehow now use less batteries to power their society, what are they going to do about that? How are they going to do that? Right. And that question and the hypothetical answer are also really interesting. It's like, okay, so the Matrix three ends with people basically being allowed to decide whether or not they want to stay in or not. Now, in a world where we don't have, you know, infinite fields of batteries,
Starting point is 00:56:13 what does the machine army do? You know? Yeah, the movie ends with deciding whether or not you want to pay a monthly fee to play the Matrix online. Exactly. Yeah. So those two aspects I thought introduced into like the lore and the philosophy of like this, this whole world are interesting things to think about.
Starting point is 00:56:33 And, and, and I would have liked to have seen them developed or explored a little bit more than they were. And that's what I thought was, was interesting. Everything else feels poorly acted. It feels badly paced. It feels weirdly, I don't say low budget to be like, oh, fuck this for not being expect, like, yeah, but it's a Matrix movie. These were spectacles.
Starting point is 00:57:01 Sure. So, you know, it makes fun of the idea of spectacle and then it tries to do some spectacle and that spectacle ends up being not as compelling. One thing I can just say, like, looking at it as a whole is the choreography is awful. Like, say what you will about, like some people are like, you know, some people are kind of going, it's fun. It's, it's, it's trying some fun ideas and I can see how, you know, like I can
Starting point is 00:57:28 see where those people are coming from. But one thing that's happening is in the original movie, you had Yuan Wu Ping doing some awesome shit and the choreography was hot. It was really tight. And in this movie, you have not that you have choreography. That's really bad. The fights are not interesting. They're kind of like the, the, the, the pop moments are meant to just like
Starting point is 00:57:57 echo previous pop moments from the first movie, you know, I don't know, man. The whole time you were describing this, I'm like, well, he's going to say this about the acting maybe and the tone and the budget or whatever. But then he's going to be, and I'm going to go, yeah, but I bet there was some cool part with Kung Fu fistfights in the guns, right? Cause like Reloaded was one of the shittiest movies I ever saw. But it had the burly brawl. Except for the 15 minutes where they were on that fucking highway.
Starting point is 00:58:34 Highway chase, the highway chase, the burly brawl, it had these things. Yeah. No, you don't get that here. Also, I feel like you want to get some like Dan, I want to say Danny Elfman, right, scored the the Matrix earlier. And I don't know if he returned for this, but there's nothing notable that hits like Neo Dameron, you know, like, like Neo Dameron is still used as a fucking meme song because of how strong that is. That that is the Matrix's version of Dula the Fates, you know.
Starting point is 00:59:17 I don't like what you're telling me. I can't think of anything in this that I felt was like, OK, that's a Matrix level score, like music. It just it felt like the Matrix TV show made it made a movie, made a TV movie. And this is where we're leaving off and all the concessions that come with that. It feels as if, you know, when you're you're introducing some characters, you're seeing some people in makeup, the makeup is not very good. In some cases, you're seeing some people, some actors that are new.
Starting point is 00:59:50 And I think there's people from their other projects since eight. But those actors are not doing a particularly good job. I mentioned how there are parts of the many saints of Newark where you feel like you're watching an SNL skit with younger people acting like the Sopranos characters. This is that. But that SNL skit was making me laugh when young SIL was being SIL. Here, your young equivalent of all these Matrix characters are just
Starting point is 01:00:20 they're not pulling it off. They're not doing a good job of it. It's really. Yeah. It there's an over like instead of instead of. I forget. I don't know the actor's name, but the younger Morpheus being Morpheus. You would have preferred Hannibal Burris Morpheus seeing it. I mean, because at least then you would have a chuckle or just not having to draw the parallel to go.
Starting point is 01:00:50 This this guy is Morpheus. Let's look at what he does or says or, you know, he's a different Morpheus. OK, that's fine. We can do a different Morpheus. Oh, but you're not funny or interesting or anything. But Morpheus is not funny. So why would that matter? Because this one's trying to be funny and it's not working. So there's a dude.
Starting point is 01:01:07 There's an envelope of cringe that you feel very often. I don't know, man, when you when you're because this this was like my my my gut feeling worry, which is like, oh, it's going to be a matrix. But maybe it's a new thing or it's a weird thing. I don't know. And there's Neo and that's the the Keanu Reeves man. And then there's Trinity and there's the Carrie Ann Moss.
Starting point is 01:01:35 OK. And here's rounding for third, not Laurence Fishburne. Yeah. Yeah. Just the third best actor in those movies. No, yeah, yeah. No, I'd you know, in this case, I'd say third third goes to the the new girl with the blue hair and, you know, and for what it's worth, like she was she was fine for the new characters. It's just there's a there's a bunch of others that are just like
Starting point is 01:02:08 these guys that are played for comedy bits. And it's also yeah, it's got more comedy than the matrix ever had, admittedly. I I I'm kind of left with like a feeling of like, yeah, they certainly tried for something. I just don't happen to think it worked. And I feel as if the overall by the time you get to the final like third of the movie, like from the point the climax jumps off
Starting point is 01:02:34 and then it's all into the, you know, the the big race to the to the credits. It just starts getting so flaccid, so weirdly. OK, I'm going to say this. Getting getting Keanu Reeves back to do a matrix movie. It's like, yeah, he's this piece of fucking titular lead. He's the guy is the guy. So he's going to do that. Getting the others.
Starting point is 01:03:03 Probably you'd have to do is take some convincing. And I could have I could have imagined a version of the script where nobody but Neo was going to return. And then I can imagine they went back and they went, OK, can we get Carrie Ann? And they're like, no, she's not interested in the script. And it's like, OK, let's make some changes that'll make her interested. OK, and then we did that.
Starting point is 01:03:32 And so now we've got Carrie Ann and Keanu. And we've made the changes that would allow her to agree to come back. It feels like that's what they did. It feels like they kind of went, hey, we got to make Trinity want to be here, too. And I, you know, I all in all, I feel as if like what they're trying to do here isn't the problem. It's just how they do it. You know, the attempt to do a lot of what the the the setting
Starting point is 01:04:07 plus time equals new setting, right? The update to the setting is on paper. It it's not something that's like inherently shit. It's just the way they went about it was really, you know, and to just kind of like underline all that, like there's a villain who is like also being modern, quirky, kind of cringe with some of the lines. Like, you know, as soon as this conversation started to turn,
Starting point is 01:04:44 I had this this feeling in my gut where I'm like, please don't say something in the new Matrix movie is cringe. It is nonstop cringe. No. And and, you know, there's parts where taking cringe damage over and when you go back and you look and I did go back and I watched the recaps of like the, you know, the two and three as well, just to just to like, you know, get get details in mind and stuff. And you look at these ones and you go, OK, there's some scenes where you're
Starting point is 01:05:19 watching Nairobi and all the other captains meeting up and everyone's got their leather jackets and their shades on and they're being true to the aesthetic. Right. They're living by that. And, yes, Zion is a big wet sex orgy dance party. And if you're not a sex orgy, wet dance party kind of person, then too bad, no humanity for you. Oh, bummer. Right. But what you have here is just like
Starting point is 01:05:49 taking all of that to modern sensibility where it's like, OK, back then it was kind of silly, but like it was doing its thing. It was kind of debuting this look. And now it's really out of place. So we're going to update it with modern trimmings, but those modern trimmings just make it look lame. So anyway, background characters just not great. Like nothing, nothing's great. Nothing's great.
Starting point is 01:06:19 It's just not, it's not enjoyable. By the end, I was kind of slouched in my seat and I'm fully open to the idea. That there's meta commentary that I'm perhaps missing and that if someone wanted to analyze some of the choices they made and go, like, here's a good reason thematically why this was this or where that was that. I'm open to that discussion. But as it stands, I was like my my head was where my butt would be sitting in the chair and it closed out on just me rolling my eyes
Starting point is 01:06:54 and kind of digesting that I think this is worse than one, two or three. I think it's worse than this than the sequels. I think it's the worst. So I've seen a lot of talk over my life of like something being meta. We did it like this because the message or whatever. And I've I've nearly always been like no one's going to care about your deep ass message if they didn't enjoy what they were doing. Like I've been seeing people in the in the in this chat right now going,
Starting point is 01:07:33 the first act was really flaccid on purpose. Yes. And it's like, yeah, I don't know one cares. No one will ever care about the fact that you made part of your movie bad on purpose. And and it it like not only is it bad on purpose, but it overstays its welcome heavily. Like it keeps that whole beginning part going for so long past the point where it needs to be. And it like you literally start getting jump-cutted to like outtakes. It feels like there are literally jump cuts to outtakes in the middle of the whole.
Starting point is 01:08:15 It was bad on purpose bit. And then there's a part in the middle as well where things pick up and and pacing increases, but they didn't have time and you can see that they didn't have time. So like they go from being like in trouble in an action scene in the matrix to being like outside in the real world talking about what to do next in like about 45 seconds of just cuts. And it's just the weirdest thing where they're like scenes like five scenes back to back just end super suddenly. And then then before you know it, we're introducing a new character that you've got to go meet that's going to help you solve the problem.
Starting point is 01:09:02 And you know, yeah, like anyone who remembers like when if you know no spoilers, but there's a character they meet in the middle of the movie who proposes an idea for them. Like that entire sequence, I paused it and went what the fuck just happened. Like the editing just falls to shit in this in the it's really, really just unfortunate, man. Because I was hoping, you know, of course, just you set your expectations low and you go, all right, there's more bad matrix than good matrix out there. Unfortunately, it's one of these franchises. There's only two good matrix and now there's three bad matrix.
Starting point is 01:09:43 I count some of Anna matrix to. So all right, that's your prerogative, but that's okay. I'm not going to fight you on it. That's okay. I can I can see the argument, but yeah, this comes in as just probably the worst one, probably the worst one. Cool. In the end, probably shouldn't have done it. Did you get a photo of Hugo weaving with the little curls at least?
Starting point is 01:10:16 God, I got you so much worse. And it's and it's it's a spoiler. How could the stupid thing I said possibly linked to anything real? Because there's something even dumber about Hugo weaving in regards to this movie and, you know, whatever. Just a message to me on discord. No, it's not. I won't say it. No, it's not.
Starting point is 01:10:45 It's not enough. It's just it's not the new form, the new form that Agent Smith takes on is like, you just want to die. You just want to die. Everything about it, whenever it's on screen, you just want to die. I got to look this up. It's just this fucking dude, just trying to do an SNL impression and failing and just like. Whatever. That's it.
Starting point is 01:11:37 It's just there's new new young Smith. He sucks. That's all. I just. Okay, good. Good. Excellent. He's very bad.
Starting point is 01:11:46 He's very, very bad. Not like it was an important character or anything. Well, you would think, but then he's not. Some random. I'm just some guy. He fucking. He just he's just he looks at a gun on the ground and he just starts screaming and then and then he's now now he's now I'm Smith. Anyway, anyway, I don't.
Starting point is 01:12:15 I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Dude, it's not good. It's just not good. This is it's bad. This sounds great. This sounds super good. No, so that's it. I didn't like it very much.
Starting point is 01:12:30 I but I can see that people who are like, oh, let's just have fun. It's just fun. Like I can see people like that that are like, yeah, it's having fun. That's fine. It's fun. And and and you know, that's that's that's cool. I just, you know, I I based on what what, you know, other awesome things I've seen from them. I'm just this one comes in really fucking below par, you know.
Starting point is 01:13:03 Yeah, it was Keanu though. You don't got to feel bad about that. He's fine. He just does his thing. I know some of the some of the Keanu shine came off for me with cyberpunk perhaps and it'll even more will come off with this, but you got you got your John Wicks. You know, so I don't like the third one. I didn't see it, but I can't do anyway.
Starting point is 01:13:28 Keanu does Keanu in this movie and in the end, Keanu is fine. Of course he doesn't. It's the only role he knows how to act. Yeah, yeah. Um, big, there's a whole lot of if you're a big fan of coffee. This movie has a lot of coffee in it. Coffee should be like a good cup of coffee. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:49 Coffee should be on the on the supporting cast as well. Like coffee's got a big role to play. Keanu drinking coffee is is a thing. Keanu's in the Matrix drinking coffee. Is this the TV show that was adapted into this movie? I can't like like if you when you see this, like just keep that idea in mind. Like movie franchise creates a TV sequel, not like and not like TV sequel for like Fox or something like not like Netflix original like TV sequel to back to broadcast TV made
Starting point is 01:14:30 too many episodes, probably not enough budget. Let's cut down this TV show into a two and a half hour movie and call it there. And that's the vibe. You know, two and a half hours. Yeah. Like even the cinematography, even the like the color grading and just the overall like the look of everything, even that takes a hit. You know, the shit that should be an absolute slam dunk in a lot of cases is like they show
Starting point is 01:15:01 this parts of the of it where they're being met us. So they're showing flashes of the old movie literally inside of the new movie and all they really do is remind you how much cooler it looked back in the flashback. You know, it just it just serves as a huge dichotomy. That's just great. Yeah. So that's all. That's all.
Starting point is 01:15:28 I didn't like it. I lied, by the way, that doesn't sound great at all. That was a lie that I told just now. I mean, look, man, like, you know, you could do an educational watch on this thing just to fucking thinking about it. Yeah. Thinking about it. Because it doesn't sound so much as like complete garbage as like fascinatingly misguided.
Starting point is 01:15:56 Oh, yeah, like, hey, old characters that you liked from the sequels right here. There and here they are. They're here. Right. They walk on screen because we we, you know, we worked out a contract for them to show up for a couple minutes and they're just going to yell over this fight scene. That's really bad. And we're going to intercut the bad fight scene with a returning character who's just
Starting point is 01:16:25 here to just yell a monologue over the fight scene almost in the almost like Baz Luhrmann's Romeo plus Juliet like in the weirdest way possible. You're just cutting back and forth to bad fighting and a weird monologue and then the bad fighting ends and then the monologue walks away like I only wanted to be on set for one or two days. Absolutely big on set for one day energy. Huge, huge on set for one day energy. You know, I don't want to be talking to you about a Matrix movie and lock on to
Starting point is 01:17:06 similarities between the new Matrix movie and like Cameron Mitchell fucking garbage. I wouldn't be able to follow you. He's this old garbage actor that's in like a thousand fucking movies that just keep showing back up on Red Letter Media. Okay. And like there are films in which you can tell he was only there for one day because is all his scenes are him in a desk reading his script. Like as if it were like a document.
Starting point is 01:17:43 Yeah, but he's just clearly reading the script and then I forget which one, but there's one in which he like literally doesn't stand up for the whole movie. He's just sitting in a chair in a field with his coat on just mumbling his drunk in lines. Yeah, just yeah, just I don't want these comparison points to have any degree of accuracy. Yeah, but the way you're describing it. Yeah, so so seeing here, I'm talking like this is the worst movie and it's fucking
Starting point is 01:18:13 not, you know, I just know. But I just so important. It's just I just I didn't like it. I didn't like it. I want to emphasize that. If you did, that's cool. I didn't Matrix one was really important. Matrix one is really good.
Starting point is 01:18:27 Matrix one is fucking solid and it still holds up and God damn the end of that movie still still like even just rewatching that like that finale sequence goosebumps to this day. I'm like, yeah, absolute banger, fucking awesome. None of that power of the finale of the Matrix one is to be anywhere to be found in this and what you just have instead is like fun ideas and then you can play with those ideas in your head and like decide whether or not you you you like that or you don't.
Starting point is 01:19:09 But wait, I don't go to a fucking movie theater to fucking leave going. What if I imagined a fun movie? Yeah. But look, but I can see that and like it's it's getting it's rotten tomatoes is like I think I looked at it as I was like 60 percent or so. And you know, there's enough people that are like, yeah, they did the guys. They saw I saw stuff that was, you know, I don't know. Enough or enjoyable or whatever.
Starting point is 01:19:38 But I just and I don't want it's not that I'm always comparing it to the the first one because I'm very willing to have this stand on its own two feet. I was willing to walk into a movie that was like just about anything could have happened in this world after all this time. You know, I was open to so I could have done any story. Yeah, they want it. And then there's other stuff that I didn't even remember where there's things that are initially kind of unexplained, but you buy into the idea of
Starting point is 01:20:09 like, oh, maybe there's a good explanation for this. Let's keep watching to find out. And then by the end, there is no good explanation. Well, you know, where you're like, you're seeing how like some of these new characters are like freeing themselves, so to speak. And you kind of look and you think, oh, maybe there's like a deliberate effort going on here to like build up a resistance or something. And then it turns out to just not be that.
Starting point is 01:20:35 It's kind of just, you know, not a great, it's kind of a random explanation. It doesn't, you know, so what you put on hold and what you go like, oh, good explanation may be coming later. You just hit credits and you don't really get when you go, oh, okay. All right. I guess I didn't really have much to say. Whatever. That's that's it.
Starting point is 01:20:53 That's it. I disagree with the idea that you shouldn't compare a movie to its own direct sequels and prequels. I there was anything that you were to directly compare them to. It would be its own sister or brother movies in its own genre and series. But someone who's going to play defense will say, you're just angrily jerking off that it didn't do what the first one did. Get over it.
Starting point is 01:21:20 It's its own movie, right? Yeah, that's what it's supposed to do. It's been decades. That's that's the defense. It's not going to if it's not going to do that, then why make the fucking thing in the first place? I think I think it's an after you're just mad at DMC to because it didn't do what the first one did by being a competent action game.
Starting point is 01:21:44 Yeah. No, I think it's I think it's completely valid. I just I'm just like, look, man, some people out there like it for whatever reasons, but I'm I'm I ain't one of them. So that's all. Like, let's look at the Rocky movies. There's like 10 of those fucks right now. And you know what everyone can agree on fucking Rocky 5 sucks shit.
Starting point is 01:22:07 That one fucking sucks. And I guess it would be all right if it wasn't Rocky 5 of 22. And it was compared to fucking complete bangers all the way around. All the problems that were in reloaded and revelations. Still, like we said, left you with scenes and moments and takeaways that are like solid that are like that's cool. That's a good thing completely in this otherwise bad series of decisions. I still like the balls of the architect and what that represents.
Starting point is 01:22:50 I like that was a fun. I was I love the balls of putting a character, a moment and an explanation like that into a movie like fucking great despite the other problems. I can't look at this and say there's anything like that where I go. This whole thing here is great. It's just the idea of the two things I talked about and it's not fleshed out to be the best version of it, what it could be. It's just touched on and the rest is the work that you do in your head for it,
Starting point is 01:23:19 you know. Anyway, that's enough of that. That's enough of that. Go go give it a curiosity gander if you want to know, but like I will. I will do that. You know, this is. Yeah, this is going under. This is this is lifting up the rest of the franchise by being at the bottom of it.
Starting point is 01:23:41 That's super. Well, anyway, it's just super. Uh, yeah, so you can you can watch more woolly versus over on woolly versus on YouTube as well as on Twitch. How's about you? I'm frustrated, woolly. I was too hot, so I took my hoodie off and now I'm too cold. So I'm going to put my hoodie on leave it unzipped.
Starting point is 01:24:18 I was unzipped. I don't zip up hoodies then get a lot much too hot. Get a long sleeve shirt. No, I want to and why I want t-shirt and hoodie or nothing. These are the only options available to me in my own mind. Anyway, let's see the big thing that I that I dug into this week was Neo2. I called it I called it season two of the mind goblin thing because Neo is all OCD shenanigans in one game and I was sick of playing Neo one while just actually
Starting point is 01:25:01 wanting to get to play Neo two. I can't remember who it was. It was one of them video games boys or or or or or Mr. feels or some such but basically described a situation in which you see something that's interesting to you but it's part of a long running series and people that feel the need to go back and go through everything before that so that they can properly enjoy the thing that they were actually interested in in the first place tend to never get there because you
Starting point is 01:25:37 weren't interested in the old games that you may have seen or what have you you were interested in the new thing for whatever reason. I can I kind of sorry after you know just gonna say I ain't defending any Jojo parts skipping. No, no, but I'll start at p3 all day. Yeah, you know, I think I think the most controversial thing you've ever said that was the angriest. I think I've ever been about like an opinion that you had is when you looked
Starting point is 01:26:10 me dead in the eyes and said Castlevania starts a symphony of the night and like that was like 15 years ago and I'm still mad. Yeah, you've never let it go like oh my God. It's it's like the stupidest thing you've ever said anyway. Um, but on to Neo. So I went ahead and skipped ahead to Neo to which I feels like they kind of knew or they wanted to open the door for people to do that because Neo two is a direct prequel.
Starting point is 01:26:46 It takes place like 20 years before Neo one and so you're you're like hanging out with a no bonaga as like a young man. That explains why you're some rando instead of engine and you remember how the story in Neo one was like kind was like it was it was there. But like who whatever it it happens more frequently later when you start switching from one province to the other or one pre yeah, I'm talking about like this say the first half of the game like I got about halfway through Neo one and was like, let's go to a meeting where
Starting point is 01:27:28 William is or whoever's name is just isn't isn't paying attention to the meeting. Like a bunch of fucking ghosts floating around. What? Yeah, Neo two has a story and I played maybe 12 hours of it. Couldn't tell you what it was about. Legitimately legit couldn't tell you what that game is about. There's yokai around and there's a war because there's always a war
Starting point is 01:28:05 because of the feudal states era is no good right to Naga. Um, and no bonaga is there and he has two spirits. Oh shit. No because of Naga, but it all it is it is over this Naga. It is it is extremely solidly just an excuse to put you into a level and that's fine. Right? I've been told over and over whenever I discuss this on the internet
Starting point is 01:28:40 the the phrasing that makes me a little nervous where the phrasing was that Neo two is a good enough game that it invalidates the existence of Neo one that's that's a lot. Yeah, that's it. That's a big that's a big statement. Right. I mean, I responded to you're talking about jumping into Neo two which I wanted to do as well by explaining that I'm like but the
Starting point is 01:29:10 thing is I'm currently like or at least when I like left off because I switched over to fucking do the Dark Soul stuff. But I'm I'm enjoying going through Neo one and I'm enjoying using a Kusarai Gamma and like I even like I expect it's going to be great into because I hear so much about it, but I really don't think it's a slog. I think like I've had some bad levels that I talked about like there's a really and that really annoying one at the worst fucking one. But yeah, yeah, man, I'm still enjoying the track.
Starting point is 01:29:43 Like if it was a if it was brutal and then I would eventually hit the point where I would be like fuck this. I'm just jumping to two. But I didn't find so, you know, I found some fun to be had when I went back to so the only games I can think of that actually fulfill that that statement are Left 4 Dead 2 and Pokemon Gold and Silver. I won't say. And that's because those games include just have the first game in them.
Starting point is 01:30:20 And when I brought that up, I was told in fact that Neo 2 does have a very significant amount of Neo one inside of it as well. Interesting with the new Neo 2 stuff. I wonder if as for zone of the Enders one counts zone of the Enders one is who cares if that's what I'm but that's what I'm saying. Like is having is is that 20 minute video a better experience? You know, like is yes. Yeah, so yes.
Starting point is 01:30:54 The only the only thing you're missing out by not playing zone of the Enders one is the initial encounter at the end of the game with a new bus where he just shows up and you can't do anything. So diving into Neo 2. First of all, it does a way way better job of actually unlocking mechanics early, but it doesn't just throw all of them at you simultaneously from the word go. Like you do two or three levels and then you go and get the blacksmith
Starting point is 01:31:29 and you unlock all the blacksmith options. Oh, aren't you just picking them up off of corpses? No, I mean, literally the option to use any blacksmith I anything at all. Okay. Like it's just not there. The skill tree moved from that very confusing like sideways like note system to like a Yakuza style like sphere grid, which is a lot easier to understand. They have some new weapons, which like is now it's now when you were get
Starting point is 01:32:04 when you would get to it. It's like all the DLCs weapons added, including fists. Yeah, which dramatically changed the way that game looks, feels and plays. I have been told by many people about the fact that you can do cool punches and that you can make cool punch girls and Willie, you should check it out. In fact, you can become a tall tan tomboy punch girl. Yes. Yes, I'm going to move.
Starting point is 01:32:32 You can unlock with the punches is a Dempsey roll. Fucking sick. It feels great. The way that weapons actually drop and I put this like they've added a bunch of new types of weapons to the game. And by that, what I mean is, is like you can you have your rarities, right? But you also have weapons that are like demon weapons or you have weapons that are like purity weapons that have special effects.
Starting point is 01:33:01 And there's there's all sorts of stuff. And in addition, the skill tree is much larger, has pretty much all the old Neo one stuff with a bunch of new, more interesting moves on top of it. And an easier way to understand it. But by far the biggest, biggest, like start playing the game. Wow, this is way better. Change is the levels are way they're just way better. And they have a way wider variety of enemies in them.
Starting point is 01:33:32 Once you got, I don't know, let's say five to 10 hours into Neo one. You're like, I think I might have seen every single thing this game has to offer and I will just continue to be going through pretty lack luster levels that feature these things and it will be carried by how good the combat is and the itemization and the that stuff. So from what it seems to be, it seems like every large zone has a serious set of enemy types and you see every variation of those types all the way up until the big finale of that zone where you might have like a
Starting point is 01:34:19 battlefield littered with tons of them. And then you move to another zone where you're going to see a couple different types, you know. So the way they do it on on Neo two anyway, it seems is like, no, there's just a huge variety of enemy types and we're just going to sprinkle them in more and more and more and more as you go in. Okay, and it will have a wider variety and it has a way wider variety of yokai in particular.
Starting point is 01:34:44 Like you fight way more yokai in this game and it's awesome and there's new mechanics with dealing with the purification and all this, but much more interestingly is they added the fucking Castlevania system where you can get the souls of enemies and use them as your own attacks. So, you know, the standard yokai, the big guy with the sword in his one hand and the horn, you absorb his soul and you get a command grab that you just equip as one of your two yokai abilities. Are these the stands that we see?
Starting point is 01:35:20 Yeah. Yeah, when you see that. Yeah. Okay. Not there like there's the guardian spirit thing that you would equip that would be associated with your super or your yokai form, but also you can just have like I want to be the one where I'd be the monkey yokai and I throw a spear or I want to summon a snake to shoot out and come back and it
Starting point is 01:35:38 feels a lot like the some of the DS Castlevania games. Cool. Like to roll that in and it just has all these new things with I don't know how to describe why the levels are so much better, but they're just so much more interesting to traverse than the Neo one levels. They're just so like more visually interesting and exploration Lee like there's just more going on. It's it just feels way way way better.
Starting point is 01:36:09 I feel I feel like the Neo one levels were think functionally they you know their souls liken that you you know you went through some alleyways you find the ladder you find the rooftop path and then you can branch to a second area and I just I just think they didn't like the or like there's like forests and stuff, but they didn't seem to put a huge emphasis on environmental art in a way like there's a huge increase on on in this one. Yeah. So you're going through a forest a graveyard or a ship harbor and they're
Starting point is 01:36:42 just they're just those things, but there's never any like huge there's no place where you're going to drop a sign that says gorgeous view ahead you know. Yeah, no that happens all the time in the O2 like I have to say it's it's hard to describe because a lot of it is little changes that are 10% better here or cool new feature there, but the overall takeaway that I felt from it was like wow this is this is they made Neo one again way better.
Starting point is 01:37:15 Like just substantially much much better and I can understand more why people say that it kind of invalidates Neo one because it's like look at double may cry one and double may cry three right double may cry three invalidate double may cry one know because it's they're very different games right Neo one and Neo two are not very different games. They're like almost exactly the same except one has all the other the new stuff in it. Okay, which makes it feel like their development style of just quality of
Starting point is 01:37:55 life thing all day feel as if like they almost wanted to turn Neo two Neo one into Neo two gradually yeah and then at some point someone steps in and says hey fuckers call it so the the dev side the dev style that they have is is iterative just like what if this worked a little better what if this was better what if this is better and just go and go and go and shockingly enough I did not because of this this leaping quality did not bother me that I was skipping Neo one I don't think I'll ever go back to Neo one I actually deleted it off my hard drive and I ended up playing about I don't know like 12
Starting point is 01:38:39 hours of it on stream and suddenly was I was doing a side mission in a forest that had been reused a couple of times and I got to the same boss that I had just stopped earlier and I was hit with this overwhelming feeling this completely intense overwhelming feeling of man I don't want to play Neo two anymore why and it's a fun little thing that you get to have that is specific to people that are having issues with something due to a mentally disordered state Neo's inventory stuff made me anxious Neo's leveling stuff made me anxious Neo's progression and all these things that made me anxious right and
Starting point is 01:39:31 that's kind of one of the reasons I did the mind goblin series to deal with these these anxious things about itemization or progression or leveling or what have you and didn't encounter any of that was not upset anxious worried anything about any of these things in Neo two and with this cloud of mental uncertainty removed I could then look at it and go oh wow I also don't like the way you level up in this game it's not just that it makes me anxious I also just really dislike it I don't like that all the levels are completely disconnected small levels that have no connection to anything larger I don't like the fact
Starting point is 01:40:26 that I'm picking up a million fucking pieces of shit off the ground in the course of a mission and after every single mission I have to go and re-engineer what I'm wearing on my character and then if I want them to look good re-roll my my shit with the level I don't like any of that with I love fighting dudes in Neo I fucking love fighting dudes in Neo just to just to put all the rest of it I don't like it to go back to the leveling are you referring to the part where like when you put one point into like I don't know like strength or you know ninja skills or whatever how it spreads into like five or six different
Starting point is 01:41:13 unique stats so here's a here this is probably the best example of the distinction between an anxiety-based response and just dislike when I looked at the Neo one or Neo two stat system you know strength skill heart key you know all your your standard stats right I didn't understand how any of them interacted with the systems because it looks like a soul system but it's not really mm-hmm right you need to have a certain amount of skill to have the effects on skill armor proc and then the every every weapon has a primary damage stat and then two secondary damage stats so you don't fall too behind yada yada
Starting point is 01:41:54 yada and I was staring at this I was how do I what do I build for and then playing the O2 and talking with the chat I'm like the benefits from each particular stat are so minor that it kind of feels like the game just wants you to like completely evenly distribute your stats so you can unlock everything no matter what you put on and then once you completely lock into a dead set path just pump one or two stats to infinity right to get the most bonus out of it it didn't like that way to me I felt like I would pump the weapon I'd pump the stat that like helped my weapon the most so I think I
Starting point is 01:42:34 was pumping skill for my specific weapon to increase the damage on it and then like you know body and hearts or stamina or so like every now and then but then like when I got a spell that I wanted to cast that I unlocked through my other tab with the like you know you finally earn however many samurai points or whatever and like I got a spell that I was like okay cool I like casting this now I'm gonna put my spirit up so that I can do more casts of this spell and that'll also work better in synergy with the particular animal I want to fuse to my weapon you know so it's similar to how when in the Souls games and it was
Starting point is 01:43:16 kind of like okay well put your decks to like 14 if you see something that's at 14 that you want to swing around for a bit but you can ignore it until you pick something else up that has a 16 and then you can go to 16 you know yeah except I just leveled everything to 10 and was able to wear everything that I ever encountered do you just want pancake I would and the statistical bonuses from these things were like sub 1 percentile in some cases per point so it was just more worthwhile to me to just literally level it one one one one one one one in every direction yeah and after doing that and having no problems whatsoever I'm
Starting point is 01:43:58 like looking at this like just take this whole fucking system out I don't care about it I'm not actually engaging with it I'm not thinking about it at all interesting okay if it if it's just there to be ignored or minimized yeah get rid of it I didn't have that at all I had a very pointed goal to work towards with my levels that was you know like for example my secondary weapon was a hammer and I wanted that hammer to just delete things as much as possible when I pulled it out in like a for a brief moment and so yeah like I pumped stats towards that and then spent some time doing the right what's it called familiarity fusion you
Starting point is 01:44:47 know like so like there's a whole thing of like I had two goals in mind single swing of this hammer top damage whatever the case is and then Kusari gamma doing great key pulse bonuses and and demon damage you know so you I was like I feel like I'm able to level up specific things by like putting the stat towards where I want it to be and then going back into the the workshop and being like okay what kind of weapon would work best with this stuff with these numbers but setting mini goals and just aiming after each one feels like a much more I don't know fun way to go about it pancaking will probably make
Starting point is 01:45:32 you like capable of swinging anything but I don't know if like you might like enjoy like this if you're picking it depends on what you're swinging if you're swinging a like medium or like not that great weapon of any kind you know it might not be what you're looking for so you might need to go no I ran I was running fists and Odachi with sure both strength but every time I went to level up strength I realized I was gaining a sub one percent increase in damage and that was it okay so like and I'm of the opinion any any increase in damage it's like less than 20% at the end of the day like who cares right and I brought this
Starting point is 01:46:13 up when I was playing it on stream because there were people in my chat that were huge Neo heads and knew a lot better than me about where stats go and if you were to be looking at the live chat for this podcast right now folks are basically describing that oh that will you need those stats later they actually don't do very much in the entire first run of the game it's much more of a focus of new game plus and it's like I don't know if I'm gonna play new game plus so having this entire stat system for replay only okay fine unlock it on replay only I don't care and that's not me actually saying like do this or do that
Starting point is 01:46:52 I'm just saying when I was going through it I didn't care hmm I don't like the system where you unlock weird modified modificative effects for specific moves where this one move does more damage but takes more stamina and you have to equip every single one of those modifiers per piece per move per stance like that's annoying I don't care about that it's interesting I feel like this is a bit of the opposite problem I had with onboarding in Monster Hunter the other day mm-hmm where like the the complexity of the flat system was a lot and I just didn't remember like so many things that were like required for you
Starting point is 01:47:45 to go out into the field that were not combat related right and in this particular case I like fine-tuning a moveset I that I enjoy that in the same way that Godhand is fun to fine-tune a moveset you know oh no I totally agree and I like switching the moves around I'm talking about a new system that's in Neo2 where you're not changing anything about the move you're changing the a minor degree of like you're changing like I want this strong attack in high stance to do 1.2 times more damage but also use more stamina okay okay like that's boring as shit and one of the skill trees that you get for free is
Starting point is 01:48:34 like almost nothing but those kinds of changes where I was literally unlocking them and leaving them alone so I could just get to like a one move in one stance has a has a change made to it yeah okay um I was left with this thing of every time I'm actually fighting dudes in Neo I'm having a great time well I'm exploring a level and I'm fighting people and I'm doing all that and any time I'm doing anything else I'm really bored no longer anxious just bored hmm and the the the the most consistent advice of just ignore that it doesn't matter until you've beaten the game is kind of infuriating because I still
Starting point is 01:49:23 have to manage my inventory mm-hmm I still have to put points in the leveling up and seeing that it doesn't really do anything until like post endgame is really frustrating is the is the drastic difference between the weapons you pick up affecting and like how that affects your stats not like did you was that not enough for like what you were looking I mean I found I found a purple pair of fists that could talk to me and I did not move off those fists until I found a better purple pair of fists that talked to me mm-hmm at which point I'm like why not just have the it's a weird cross between souls and Ninja Gaiden
Starting point is 01:50:13 mm-hmm right and I wish it wouldn't split the difference I wish this was Ninja Gaiden with with distinct levels and a bunch of these weapons with huge move sets okay and a pure action game okay or it was more souls and you stripped a lot of these stats off and just had a shit ton of different weapon move sets and a connected area do you enjoy the the like five or six unique modifiers that you can reroll per weapon no I don't get shit okay none of the the the actual minute-to-minute change on those is so minor it is it is pretty nice at least from where I'm it's like oh you have seven percent less key use on high
Starting point is 01:51:01 attacks fucking wow incredible that's definitely gonna change the way I play the game yeah it feels like the the ones that are bigger are like when you wear a full set of armor you know and and every time I say that complaint this is this is what drove me nuts every time I'm like oh man wow plus three percent amrita bonus if you're in low stand what the fuck it is right though the relatively minor stat bonuses every single fucking time somebody goes out those bonuses are huge on new game plus you need build around them and like but I'm annoyed by it now in new game okay I can absolutely understand building
Starting point is 01:51:50 parts of your game so that there's just a shit ton of content forever neo has like five new game pluses and the game's 80 hours in and of itself so that if you get into that stuff you can just fucking go and go and go and go but as somebody who's thinking about playing the game in front of me for the first time through the level for the first time it still sucks every time I like I have a purple pair of fists that have a corruption mechanic which means they're a totally different type of weapon there a yokai weapon which means they're special they're actually unique right instead of just a million generic fists
Starting point is 01:52:29 right so I go cool and as a result I pick up like a hundred garbage fists that are nothing but fodder for the the junk system yeah and and like just the wild difference between walking up to a shiny in a souls game which is it's contemporary and going oh what's this and putting it on and seeing what it would do yeah compared to mashing over every single yeah okay yeah throw it away the fucking stage that I do agree with and the fact that you can I mean there's ways to negate it with like I think like auto selling like if you pick up a piece of gear that is that is common or or shit in tier you can auto sell it you
Starting point is 01:53:18 know as an in a batch selection process that is that is definitely true that there's magic lost where instead of going up and picking up Velka's rapier you're picking up another of many rapiers and you're hoping for a good color on it it was also a part of Transformers with the crafting system in that that I was like I don't enjoy the the the feed of tons and tons and tons of weapons into this like that is annoying I agree every single time you have a special unique legendary weapon mm-hmm it like well you have to pick up everything to find out if that's what you're what you're getting here but right
Starting point is 01:54:02 but like but I hit a point where it's like I'm not gonna I'm not gonna swing around anything that's less than a purple ever yeah yeah exactly exactly and I saw some folks saying well it's a looter game it's like Diablo or Borderlands and that's not true in Diablo you have this problem to a degree but straight up from minute one the types of bonuses that you're getting on Diablo here are a little more atlandish you'll get like a fucking sword at like level 10 that has like 20% life leech on it or something right it's it's more but also Diablo does have that problem of like once you get something really good like cool now
Starting point is 01:54:43 I get to just trash every single gear yeah for two three hours they have been Borderlands the guns actually shoot differently so even if they're not statistically all that varying like there's a difference between a V of T to your gun or a Malawan gun that I would want to fuck with at bare minimum Neo I'm just picking up shittier weapons of the gun the weapon I already have for five hours at bare minimum at least the quality of life stuff lets you again like auto-sort all the trash and it just sells it right away and anything that's better than what you're holding but you don't want to switch to you can
Starting point is 01:55:21 soul match you know so mm-hmm like they do put like systems to deal with the junk but the junk exists yeah yeah all right fair enough that's unfortunate though because I mean everything everything I see going on and in like Neo preview footage where you're seeing fucking devil triggers popping and it looks so sick yeah it looks so fucking sick like let's it's probably the best action game they have made since like Ninja Gaiden black like it's absolutely like actually fighting enemies and going through stages is absolutely incredible it's just absolutely everything that is not fighting enemies
Starting point is 01:56:05 and going through stages is a total drag and I can absolutely understand having all these cool systems for post game or optimal play or harder stuff but at the early game it matters so little that it's just busy work right now I'm sure at the end of this podcast I'm gonna go look at Twitter and somebody is going to describe that not only is there an auto pickup system there's an auto sell or auto dismantle system so that I literally just can ignore everything under a purple or a special and if that would be really convenient and would genuinely increase my enjoyment with the game but it also makes me can like genuinely ask
Starting point is 01:56:51 if so much of the stuff your game is dropping is garbage stop dropping it getting an absolute like in terms of loot getting an absolute plethora of like 1925 weapons of which one is okay maybe if you fuse it into something and night and the rest are all garbage is way less interesting to me than it dropping two and one is kind of cool or interesting sure like that is a more so from soft approach if I'm going to if I'm gonna play any game and there are items that I'm going to pick up that everybody knows I'm never gonna use it should just turn into money the instant I touch it yeah and I don't mean set up I don't mean
Starting point is 01:57:49 set up the flow chart of what rarities I want to auto sell ignore and auto so I mean it should literally just drop cash instead because if you can make it effectively just do that then like you know it will make the it'll it'll make the experience smoother like this is this is this is a kind of a larger thing that I have with any game that has loot whatsoever shitty loot shouldn't drop ever just make it the resource broken down it either make it the good thing that you actually want or somebody could right you look at it you know I'm not a big fan of that but I can see why somebody would really want that yeah or make it
Starting point is 01:58:35 just drop directly into a resource that you can use on your other stuff I don't like crafting in games so I'm I'm very down for that minimized completely I didn't think that I liked it crafting in games as I sit here during this podcast having made a hundred and fifty what are these called rarefied Psycon Bavaroise through this fucking macro I built through a third-party application in 14 so that I can one button it and watch law and order like fucking craft purple script shit shout out to fucking team craft your app is incredible thank you for making a crafting simulator to simulate all that
Starting point is 01:59:23 shit question is this at all like when I was talking about Warframe and how I just wanted one cool one that I would be happy with and it is actually there's there's a definite similarity to that instead of instead of collecting like a whole ton of them and Warframe has this issue where it's it's like it's a free-to-play game so you definitely want to keep putting out new stuff that you know people can go and get and Warframe and Monster Hunter have a lot of similarities and to me sidestep this problem in that you don't you're not farming for drops of guns almost ever or weapons you're farming for the
Starting point is 02:00:03 materials to build whatever the fuck you want mm-hmm now I'm sure someone is going to tell me in about 10 seconds actually Pat you can build the weapons that you want in Neo you just have to take this base weapon and then fuse it into this with the dismantled pieces of this and that and what I was like yeah but that's also associated with all this garbage I would get way more into the weapon crafting system in Neo 2 if there is one I'm just assuming there is I'm now going to look down and someone's going yep yes you litter yeah of course yeah because that's the type of game Neo 2 is every time I say nothing it's
Starting point is 02:00:40 already there nothing on the table it'll let you craft your super weapon if you want I would be so much more interested in making weapons in Neo 2 if I wasn't constantly drowning in garbage if enemies were dropping materials for an a weapon system and that weapon system was the way to make the good weapons mm-hmm well so now the question is of course is like this is bad enough that it's making you drop off and no it made me drop off on camera okay because in it went from tons of excitement and playing it every day to now I kind of want to play it once or twice a week in dead silence because every time I go to
Starting point is 02:01:32 my inventory screen I scowl and it kind of sours my mood right I pretty much only want to play one level at a time so that I can start my play session by doing the inventory stuff that I hate and then go on to do all the stuff where I fight dudes and it's really enjoyable fair enough and on the one hand I have to I have to give the game legitimate props because every time I talk about this someone who knows more about the way the game has just infinity systems comes to me and says this is a way you can mitigate this mitigate this there are answers turn that off turn there are always answers yeah and that's cool yeah
Starting point is 02:02:17 but at the same time I kind of wish I didn't need to have like a class on how to make parts of the game not miserable I mean I think I you know it wasn't long ago when I talked about returning to Neo1 for the first time and just like eyeballs bugging out of my face on what points were what and how you upgraded what in what scroll tab it just gives you so much to drown in and it asks you to only care about that which is catching your eye you know do you want to go talk to the fucking blacksmith's daughter and get discounts on your crafting specifically in the soul match section yeah you know sure or don't
Starting point is 02:03:10 whatever go swing the sword do a beat pop a DT fight the boss she does a psycho crusher you know not caring about the subsystems is it takes I'm sure it takes work but you can put in work to not have to work you can you can you can create a sub there's enough options that you can build a I don't care about any of this version now there's there's there's obviously I mean I'm seeing the the people talking about and I guess that's fair because like as I am describing how much I don't care about the Neo subsystems in the background I'm using my mouse to click an automated process that is only possible because I
Starting point is 02:04:04 so dove deep into the subsystems of a different game that I have a third party simulator app that I have learned to math out crafting bullshit in right and the difference with that is that when I was playing Final Fantasy 14 back in the day I didn't give a fuck about crafting at all I didn't give a single shit I would I had been playing the game for like three years before I got into crafting stuff and I think that the crafting in this game is enjoyable but that's not even the point what did I actually like to do in 14 I like to do the dungeons and I like to do the the trials and I like the story right so I
Starting point is 02:04:45 was invested and then wanted to go more when I play Neo 2 I just wanted to fight levels and and fight bosses and the game constantly goes but you want all this garbage you could craft into this thing that you don't care like no I don't actually I don't at all and like if I if Neo 2 was a game that was like a normal action game and then you beat it and then all the stuff that only matters in new game plus unlocked I would lose my shit I'll go wow this is great now I can now that I beat the game and if I want to dive deeper into it I can craft whatever kind of weapon I want and I can go farm this for the oh wow but instead when I'm
Starting point is 02:05:39 going through the levels normally the first time and I'm I just want to enjoy the levels it just keeps coming into my frame of view go yeah hey man do you want it do you want all this garbage like no I don't it sounds like I want to see what the boss at the end of the level is it kind of sounds like you've defeated your goblin but created a new one but this one is not powered by anxiety well that's not a goblin then it's a goblin that's that's it's a goblin goblins are our anxiety base that's that the whole the mind goblin is just a fun little term page invented when I was like the original version of
Starting point is 02:06:19 this was you have to sleep with the bed it like an envelope and she said why pat does it keep the goblins asleep and I went what what goblins what are you talking about and it's like your bed you could you have to do like yes you have to do it you have to do it like this you have to and that was a compulsive anxiety thing this is this is just like yeah so then it's a no you got a mind gnome then and sure whatever and the mind gnome doesn't feed on anxiety it feeds on annoyance annoyance and like if that annoyance has a solution which is like pay the gnome no mind just ignore the gnome and you'll be fine but you
Starting point is 02:07:04 can't ignore the gnome you can't ignore the gnome because your inventory fills up because but you but you can but but it's it's in your face enough that it's it's gonna bother you so yes you've you've you've summoned a gnome you've defeated the goblins so but so later tonight I'm probably it's after this discussion I'm probably gonna load up Neo2 again and I'm gonna go find somebody I can I can chat with somewhere and I go how do I turn all this shit off so that I can just play and enjoy the game and like I don't know I don't know what the solution is there because like obviously people like we're
Starting point is 02:07:49 having multiple different discussions here when I'm talking about this annoying thing I'm talking as a new player mm-hmm people that have played Neo2 to death for a hundred two hundred three hundred hours and have made completely busted fucked up builds to fight super bosses with like of course you love that stuff that's part of the game that has a lot of depth to it that you really enjoy but I'm not talking about that I'm talking about I'm going through this level for the first time and all of these things don't really have that much of a statistical advantage even if I wanted to get into them and it's just this
Starting point is 02:08:28 constant ever-present like pop-up ad on my screen going hey do you want to sort your inventory etc one of the things that Monster Hunter has done every single time it comes out is it tries to minimize that level of frustration of how much do you actually need to gather in between fighting monsters how much do you actually need what is the actual payoff for going out and getting stuff so in Rise for example like very early on you can make traps that let you beat the piss out of a monster uncontested within ten minutes of starting the game that's a genuine ad right like to your gameplay experience when I look at Neo
Starting point is 02:09:10 2 and I my options for smithing are I could use every single resource I have to soul match this weapon a couple levels up and it still might get completely outclassed by a drop I get in 20 minutes are you pausing the game to do a full stat comparison on everything you pick up every time no probably the single best thing I was able to break myself off was literally only look at your inventory at the end of a mission thank God okay because for a second the way you were describing the like constant drop thing it sounded like every time you picked something up you were pausing and doing a full stat sheet comparison which is
Starting point is 02:09:53 that's the worst possible way to play these games you have to just no play the mission and deal with it later yeah you play the mission and then you handle it at the end of the mission which is which is what why I described the way I would probably structure my sessions from now on because because you don't deal with any of that at all until the end of the mission you go in your gear is there anything better okay cool equip it that takes five minutes and then throw everything else in the trash which makes me wonder why it was even there to pick up at all and I just saw a really good comment that I hadn't thought of
Starting point is 02:10:32 that it's what you know how to put it like a micro annoyance like it's not something that you would ever think of yourself but once somebody points it out you're like oh I don't really like that I also hate how fucking awful it looks for a million fucking pieces of shit to fall out of every enemy I kill in the game oh the explosion of drops like it looks like garbage okay okay you want the one soul that has five things inside of it sure yeah yeah okay oh that's that that that for a final boss of a stage yeah totally the loot fountain that's one of the things but for like random enemies to just explode
Starting point is 02:11:19 into garbage it's this it's the every time it's the overwatch loot box like endorphins dropping as you see five big purple things sparkling on the ground and you're like oh like it's it's no those you know I like that I'm gonna I'm gonna steal this because somebody summed it up perfectly there's a gentleman named cheap doc in our current chat who said that it's like a game built out of it's a game made out of picking up broken straight swords in dark souls I was gonna bring that up actually because the that's what it feels like broken straight swords all over dark souls I was I was thinking about that as we were talking because that is a recurring constant thing if you happen to be walking through the burg
Starting point is 02:12:06 you know but then what what do you do with them you're gonna feed them to framped it's a waste of time takes you know just throw in the throw them in the box you know um yeah the loot so I'll probably I don't mind the loot explosion say this massive spiel and then uh hey if you know if you know everything about neo2 hit me up in my dms and explain to me how I can mitigate all this crap and then I'll come back like next week and be like wow I'm actually having a really great time with neo2 which is kind of how monster hunter is yeah that's like that's literally the monster hunter experience but I wish that monster hunter would let you ignore all of this onboarding walk out into the jungle and get your ass fucking handed to you by a a jagrass you know I'm gonna
Starting point is 02:12:57 tell you what woolly you're wrong to want that because that's how it used to be and it was the most viciously anti-new player thing that has ever existed but I is absolutely exactly how it used to be and it was miserable to everyone I kind of just want to you know start the game go pick a weapon run out and then just start swinging it and then work my way work my way backwards guess what you already screwed up in your description because in the games in which it was like fuck it just go out there you don't get to pick a weapon you start with your default sword and shield you want a new weapon go build one okay go out there and do it okay okay yeah and the thing I guess I would say is like yes the the the onboarding like kind of needing another human
Starting point is 02:13:57 person is weird but it's definitely not unique to neo2 right but monster hunter is a co-op game you're you're supposed to play it with your friends on like a saturday I suppose I mean neo is not that like neo has a pretty has a robust online system you know like you can you can pvp you can summon you know there's it's multiplayer too I would I would consider like this is this is where this is where I'm gonna I guess like okay I know neo2 has co-op but here's where I'm like I assumed that the co-op was you run certain missions together and you use a resource to summon your friend and now I'm gonna turn the chat arena tab back on and somebody's gonna go no you just invite your friend to your party and you run every single mission in co-op I mean Zangief shut up like monster
Starting point is 02:15:03 hunter is all about doing yes that is how it actually is okay cool yeah that is not clear here from any menu that I saw once playing the game for like 15 hours well they're they're they're more comparable than we initially thought you know so you know what neo2 might be the greatest game of all time but they need to get some new blood in on the user experience end of things a lot of the complaints that I'm having would be dramatically mitigated if it was actually clearer where things actually existed in its own menu what if the menus just had an advanced tab and you would just you would just go to the advanced tab for expert settings for making weapons and doing all the other things and otherwise it was simple it was pick best you know what you know what that
Starting point is 02:16:02 might actually be really good and you know what game does that what stranger in paradise wow there is a button that just says equip best shit equip best shit yeah yeah yeah I can so I guess what you're saying isn't crazy I mean I think I think because they're doing that I think I think neo has equipped best shit for your armor but I don't know but I think your weapon is still it doesn't I think you're I think there's an I feel like I seen a button for equip best armor in one in one I want I think one might have something like that yeah it does yeah because I've seen something where is that and it's just like where is that what to grab whatever you want here and then I'm like oh these are the best ones okay and then
Starting point is 02:16:58 I took those and made it look like what I wanted I think so I think it does so it's all there okay okay so so hey wow neo 2 is the game of forever and I think it's the best game ever but it needs a little work on its interface can that be the takeaway I have never in my life ever talked about a game and said man it should do this and somebody goes it does do that yeah so you know more than this game you know what the final update is right the final update for neo 2 is press till day to bring down a command prompt make it yourself what do you want yeah make it yourself you can code it straight up I gotta I gotta use the washroom but that's been pretty much it for my week this week on my stream twitch tv dot slash twitch dot tv slash
Starting point is 02:17:56 pat stairs at uh we're going to be looking at reruns edited by the uh very talented oh my god I I don't know how to pronounce their name it's very well do you work with this nice sieve sieve sarcast sieve sarcast that's how I pronounce it sieve sarcast sieve sarcast like sarcasm yes and then a sieve in front sieve sarcast so there's going to be best of ratchet and clank things going up on wednesday and thursday then on friday which is new year's eve page is going to be starting demon souls and then on new year's day in the afternoon i'm going to be streaming some bullshit i haven't figured out what i'm going to do all the all the uh all the the best of editors all have their different like stat cards like the back of a of a fucking like a back of a marvel
Starting point is 02:18:47 card and uh sieve is this is the speed the speedster sieve's got that fucking high speed high end yeah uh they banged out that ratchet compilation in like a second yeah it's wild i was i was very surprised mm-hmm and the rest of you you know what your high stats are you know you know deep down is that just a is that just a good way of getting around not having to think up the good ones yet where they go i'm the one with the most style and you go you sure are buddy hey man azna put some fucking heavy editing into those mario those all of them really like full on new cut scenes new takes new like effort you know all right hey man i gotta go the dog's like screaming to pee i gotta take break right now you're right back uh i i just did not leave anyone out i was i was in the middle of
Starting point is 02:19:43 saying um that solidus is the uh the red ranger of the group and delivers solid solid consistency and also for us and understands the references deeper i don't have to explain a fighting game thing he'll just he'll get it he knows which ones are good and understands that stuff so everyone's got their powers you all know what it is okay um uh gsp's the hype man yeah all right all hype cuts wait george st pierre works for you george st pierre himself makes some compilation sometimes it's kind of incredible that's a weird he's uh you know he's got to find something else to do now that he's moving out of the you know the ufc game so maybe he can just get high with joe all day talk about whether or not planes are real
Starting point is 02:20:49 got a quick word for respond actually actually he can talk about how frame data was used to improve his fights oh that's true oh hey i forgot to mention i changed shirts because i pissed all over myself good job that's good i was going to the bathroom and i just i decided hey what would happen if i did this and i pointed my penis up and then peed all over so we're here that's what happened that's what happened so we're here we've finally arrived it's no what actually what actually happened is i took the dog outside and then i came back in and couldn't figure out what my shirt was wet like right here so that i went to change shirts and page goes you're changing shirts i'm like yeah i'm changing shirts she's like you
Starting point is 02:21:38 better have a good explanation for why you're changing shirts i'm like i'm just gonna say i pissed all over myself he's like yeah do it do it i'm like i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it so do it no balls i'm like i'm gonna do it i'm gonna tell everyone i peed all over myself you'll see and then she said that in the chat which i actually had forgotten that i was going to do it so then i did it because i was dead certain we were about to enter the the bodily fluid arc which was just the point at which like it's not talking about it anymore it's doing it and it's doing it on camera or maybe slightly just off camera and i got very worried i'm not ready for the piss arc if you gift 1000 subs to woolly versus he will dump a jar of piss on his head
Starting point is 02:22:30 just off camera he told me this when i on the break this week the podcast is sponsored binding this week the sponsors of the podcast are imperfect foods oh man food tastes just as good imperfect or not in food it all turns into into goo in your mouth too much waste too much terrible uh throwing out stuff that is just fine it's a little bit weird look in but it on the inside your stomach doesn't discriminate and we can do better by not being as wasteful about what we eat besides that it's also easy to just be able to save time on grocery shopping not have to hit up the aisle and do the up and down and indecision badadada imperfect foods is a grocery delivery service that'll save you all that time while also delivering delivering
Starting point is 02:23:26 sustainable delicious groceries that reduced waste it's a win win win maybe even they've got an app you can use to just put together what you what you're looking for for your groceries and uh they can get those foods shipped right out to you uh on average imperfect foods customers save six to eight pounds with every food order and unlike on demand delivery companies uh impact imperfect delivers weekly by neighborhood unique model well that makes sense that uh yeah exactly it's less wasteful less individual trips per grocery store as well so you know it's not just in the actual food waste that they're trying to cut down on but how they bring the food to you matters as well so that's pretty cool check them out and uh see if you can get in on a deal right
Starting point is 02:24:16 now in perfect foods is offering our listeners 20 off of your first four orders when you go to and use the promo code super beast uh again 20 off your first four orders that's up to an $80 value at when you use the code super beast uh yeah let's join it join the movement at use the code uh super beast um thanks imperfect foods thank you imperfect foods sorry i was just scanning over here very quickly um yep yep thank you good stuff uh that's it that's it yep oh cool cool yeah all right uh what is going on in the news it is news this week it's it's a bit of a secret i shouldn't tell you guys but will these piss all over his pants
Starting point is 02:25:31 Edward 40 hands sub-a-thon is coming soon get ready listen can drink those 40s without pissing his pants folks i would never but if i did i've got a strong a stream you know what it sounds like fried chicken sounds like chicken frying strong you've been hanging out with shadow again don't know who that is but uh the hedgehog no he's around that's why associate with that meme okay only now realizing that that's probably not the original association i just i don't just one of those now or it cannot that's not the format it found itself to me and but oh yeah yeah but anyway um all right so uh light news week not much to it just a couple
Starting point is 02:26:30 things going down one um not much to say about ff 16 it's delayed and it's going to be uh dropping more details come spring 2022 this is weird because there's no release date and now there's still no release date and it's just like sorry guys it'll be a bit yeah well that i mean if you don't have a date and you say that things are delayed it's like yeah that's you know they're working on it whatever that's thanks for not giving us a date actually um obviously you know uh covid related development changes are making things go at a different pace is what they said and uh yeah they'll have they'll have details in the spring okay i'm looking at that key art and i'm like oh yeah there's that whole like
Starting point is 02:27:27 young kid old kid thing going on they should i feel like they showed off a lot of um what we're getting with a time skip in this game or something like that all i could think of is that end walker's pretty good i bet this game's gonna be pretty good uh other things that are pretty good is that uh japan has just fully committed to building full-sized Gundams all about the country now everyone's doing their own it's just happening you know i took this long for them to just go for it we everybody loved it it's beloved everywhere yeah we were all focused on the rx 78 you know over in adiba and then they made uh the unicorn and then they made the better newer rx 78 and like everyone's just kind of fucking doing things and
Starting point is 02:28:34 now out of nowhere with little news you know uh uh shared previously about it uh there's a full sized new Gundam in fukuoka straight up just it just fully completed standing there next to a parking lot and what looks to be a mall literally it's like it's not even like in an attraction place it looks like it's just standing in a parking lot i'll tell you what that parking lot will become an attraction soon oh yeah yeah so uh fuck yeah new Gundam char's counterattack um i hope that at some point it will be possible to like have some kind of celebration where they have them all lined up that'd be fucking rad as shit that'd be awesome dude uh other things going on then they then they then they fucking then pilots climb in and they fly
Starting point is 02:29:45 away and you're like wait what i'd be like yeah fair enough fair enough you kind of did the whole thing in front of us we didn't even bat an eyelash so i mean good job i guess didn't didn't look hard it didn't look into it just right in plain sight um and uh speaking of uh plain sight atlas is considering post launch rollback for persona four ultimax um many all consider buying the game when that happens that's that's the that's the uh the overall like cool we're considering the purchase as well um yeah i love this thing more than most fighting games i love it so much and oh yeah ultimax is definitely one of my favorites i'm i'm i'm going to be playing that uh we're gonna do a local episode what when it drops whenever the fuck that happens because
Starting point is 02:30:43 i just need to feel that game in my life um come here with me but you know it's it's it's just with an absolute like on the one hand yay there's an answer that implies it's coming on the other hand there's a sucks on the other hand it implies that they didn't do it already when they could have just waited to do it first and then announce the game and not have this whole thing happen where it's like hey we're doing it but we're ignoring everything we're and like we spent time like working on a new but uh version of the old system when they could have just foregone the entire thing waited a couple months well you know what man it's hard to try right away why don't you try to try and then later off if people go wow you're a you're half-assed bullshit
Starting point is 02:31:40 was really hot you'll go you know what thanks now we're really gonna try again for real a lot of that going around over at sega speaking and not trying we got an interview over here and shout outs to roofle monger a fellow fighting game content creator who has a brief summary of an interview about virtual fight or five uh us ultimate showdown and uh the takeaway according to this translation which is coming from a dengecki online tweet is virtual fighter five ultimate showdown was indeed uh meant to be a trojan horse meant to revive the virtual fighter brand not to make money they did it did way better than they ever anticipated um lots of other stuff but all in all it's good news for a virtual fighter six
Starting point is 02:32:39 so uh yeah we didn't mean for it to be a good one we kind of just wanted to put out a capcom test they did a capcom test years after the death of the capcom test and then maybe that attention will lead to a virtual fighter six which also has blitz netcode you know anyway so i'm torn i'm really torn you can just dodge this one if you want to no i'm real torn because this sounds like a lie this this has the feeling of it actually horribly underperformed and this is their way of going oh well you know it was just you know gauging the interest it wasn't like we said it was going to be the future of virtual fighter esports and we spent all this time
Starting point is 02:33:52 and money on this stupid solution that sucks we actually half-assed it we weren't even really trying you know all that stuff we said when we said we were trying really hard we actually were we half-assed it that's why i get excited for virtual fighter six but on the other hand this type of incompetence with sega handling virtual fighter does feel legitimate they have or always horribly managed the western and home releases of virtual fighter and having all of this bullshit gear up to like get excited for virtual fighter six though which will definitely have all of the same problems this version has um doesn't fill me with a lot of joy i i am looking at the article i kind of feel like uh
Starting point is 02:34:53 it maybe it's possible that these these quotes were directed exclusively in like japanese sales contacts you know where it's like this sold really well for all the people who live here in japan that really love virtual fighter that used to play at the arcades that are willing to play this because it works here in this country and thus they were happy so yay you know um it it's it's always been one of those after thoughts of like oh yeah and then there's the rest of the world so if if this leads to them putting more time and money into another release of some kind cool great let's let's see it you know but the um one thing is clear and uh we it was it's it's just it's the last the last but first bit about the rollback discussion is just when i talked to um
Starting point is 02:35:44 diskay about like you know strive getting it and stuff like that early on in it was always i'll always remember when he said that like there's a conflict amongst the development team and the production team there are those who know what it is and want to implement it and there are those who don't want to implement it and want to do what's always been tried and true and it's a battle at every it's there's no reason to think that it's not it's it's not a battle at every studio where when we see these types of things there's no reason to believe that that this dumb thing is happening everywhere where a bunch of old heads are holding back newer people from trying to save the fucking product you know but sometimes uh justice fails and justice doesn't win sometimes the
Starting point is 02:36:30 evil wins and the dinosaur takes over and i think sign it i think sega is a place where the dinosaur won you know i think arxist is a place where justice won so we i mean me and you are very familiar with capcom tests which is they would they would always do this thing they would go hey if you we were trying to gauge if people in north america like capcom games so we're going to release this piece of shit and if you buy it a lot of it that'll tell us you like capcom games for the the platform you're buying it on and then maybe we'll make a new thing for that platform so not a piece of shit but they released resident before for the we which was obviously resident before and was a good port of re4 that used some we features and they were like man if
Starting point is 02:37:19 people buy lots of these maybe we'll make new resident evil games like resident evil four for the we and everyone like okay and it's sold like crazy and then they're like here's some half-assed railgun shooters fuckers here's the lowest effort thing we could possibly make that we were clearly going to make anyway because the cap contest is a total lie and what i see here is they're making virtual fighter six and it's already in development and it was always going to already be in development and they're going to use this fucking blitz netcode ass shit and they're building this fucking terrible release up so that when people are like hey why does vf6's netcode suck so much shit they're going to go uh what do you mean virtual fighter five ultimate showdown was a huge success
Starting point is 02:38:01 and it had the same netcode why are you only complaining now and i want to fucking strangle whoever the fuck says that i feel like uh the capcom test is uh unfortunately the word we have to use but uh like it's almost like it'd be more accurate to just say this is like this is how they view marketing this is what this is what like they like no matter what it sells you put out a port of an early thing let everybody try it it's not necessarily going to be a great port always but it's just a reintroduction of the brand to people's eyes you know and if it's not that then it'll have to be um a really bad anime that ties in to the brand in some way uh for like four episodes uh and or maybe even just a summary video detailing what you missed in every previous game i don't think
Starting point is 02:38:51 sega has it's just marketing like sega sega is like the my favorite company in terms of it can stab my heart the most damagingly the worstest every time every every day sega finds a new way to twist the knife deeper um everything to do with virtual fighters always been a really good front runner um but i don't think anything will ever top the amount of times i've seen the phrase translated from japanese shining force is back only for it to be like complete garbage just every time like literally 10 games in a row only for the most the most faithful incredible looking shining force game that has ever released that is true to like one and two and is a strategy rpg is coming out as a japanese only cell phone gotcha game yeah no dude if you say the words mega
Starting point is 02:39:54 man x to me and so watch this mega man x trailer i'm just going to assume you're showing me a mobile game and there it is it's a mobile game again so you know that's word is association in 2021 uh fuck everything we do have us a couple of other stories um for example here's a good one in fighting game news uh yeah cool guy rick fighting games are canceled uh rick the haddo the uh the guy that runs combo breaker is now running evo as the new gm and i i regret the fact that of all the the events i i would make it out to in the before times i never got to make it out to cb but i was always told like dude that's the one that's the fucking one you know um so yeah um i i i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna do that at some point i want to do that at some point i gotta i gotta
Starting point is 02:41:05 find out what combo breaker is truly about everyone everyone says it's like it's your best did you hit forward and medium when it's a medium combo there you go it's your best evil uh alternative if you ever wanted to like do a different event but uh yeah rick the haddo the guy the who i i met him at i think frosty or so really chill guy and uh clearly has the capability if he's been running you know like fucking the the second biggest fgc event every year so good news good news there and uh yeah i believe this is a part of the new ownership in the form of rts the company owned by poke main so uh i i believe we can say thanks poke main for the for the evil that was all really unclear to me
Starting point is 02:41:54 all i knew is that one day all of a sudden people were like poke man owns evo this is bullshit i'm like what are you people talking about we got good stuff going on there it is she works for a company that has partial ownership of evo is that is that or she owns a company that just bought evo okay i believe i believe that's what it is i didn't know evo was the thing you could buy uh i turns out anything if you have the right conversations can be a thing you can buy you can even buy people pissing all over their shirts for you if you want hit me up see there it is would you rather i fart in a jar me personally no there's no spectacle to it okay there's a couple of ways we could play this
Starting point is 02:42:50 um boy boy that would be rancid i remember my friend from church back in the day whenever he wouldn't wake up his sister would fucking do that she would literally she would fart in a container and then she would go get it and bring it over and put it in his face and like he'd wake up violent to be like get the fuck up you're you're gonna be late shaking someone awake just not uh is that when you know when you're trying to inflict maximum damage when you're trying to inflict toxic you had to do it like uh my friend and his sister did you have to yeah and you see that's the thing is you don't have to fart on command
Starting point is 02:43:40 that's why she saved it you know that's yeah that level of planning implies some level of sociopathy that i'm not comfortable with yeah it wasn't great it was fucking gross but put it in an airtight container and then release it later when you fucking want to maximum damage and you know i mean shit like he probably fucked they probably like fought after that immediately because yeah yeah that's that's what's happening but at least you're up um anyways uh so we got the statue got this we got that evo um and then yeah two things here one one michael keaton is joining the cast of the bat girl movie and to me i don't know what the uh short term implications of this are because i know nothing about flash or the c w verse
Starting point is 02:44:49 runs really fast stuff i don't i can't talk about any of that however and he turns the fucking speed force into a lightsaber i've seen clips from that show i don't know what the fuck is going on i just to me i just want to hear i'm just looking at everything like this as means to an ends and it's simple if he's willing to do birdman the movie then that tells the world hey guys i'm ready to maybe do something batman like i kind of have some feelings unresolved about that character and then if he's willing to do batman for real now in a smaller capacity in a movie for different character then it means that maybe just maybe when the time is right and someone is willing to write a terry mcginnis movie that we can have him as the proper old
Starting point is 02:45:36 man bruce that we all need i'm not going to let it go i still want it i want batman i gotta say i'm in this i'm in a this obviously a personal thing i think it's like the third time in two weeks i've done this i'm in a weird spot for anything to do with with new movies for long running franchises at this point because i'm probably never going to be in a theater again at this rate so like every time we talk about anything that's attached to like a marvel phase or you know whatever all i can think of is like oh there's no chance i'm gonna be able to watch that without being horribly spoiled well because i because i'm on the home video dvd released fucking bullshit right now yeah i i i don't think um yeah no that that
Starting point is 02:46:34 is a thing i don't think that this reality i'm hoping for will likely come to fruition but if we're on the right timeline it'll it'll it we will start to see the echoes it'll bend in that way you know i don't know man it's it's so obvious and it's so much the thing that we want that i'm convinced that they're never gonna do it out of spite to us personally or just get the worst possible person cast as batman beyond you know um yeah mark walberg uh there we go that's the one that's good that's mark walberg as he is right now with his uncharted mustache in high school mid-mid ethnic crime yeah and then and then bruce looks at him and goes that kid has the power to be batman look how hard he's stomping that dude go to walbergers
Starting point is 02:47:38 uh uh weird stuff going on i've apparently uh the steam global domain is now banned in china and cool uh the steam china uh servers are still up but the global domain being down means that all users there are basically unable to access their libraries uh which could fucking that could mean a lot of money uh that is just kind of gone for those people that really sucks um and it might be relating to the restrictions on play time that have been implemented recently um i'm seeing some people say that it might have been a dns attack okay which point it would be up relatively soon okay well if that's the case then that's good um because it seems like it seems yeah like basically they're just reporting that the shit
Starting point is 02:48:39 went down and there's no idea what the cause is or if it is related to the restrictions from three months ago or not um but uh there still is a that works so it feels that it's definitely then it feels like if both of those went down it'd be more of a concentrated effort yeah otherwise no idea um um story is developing i suppose i want to say a shout out to jesus happy birthday jesus um i mean no because happy birthday to the pagan gods we worshiped before jesus
Starting point is 02:49:36 no whatever man whatever because constantine was like hey we don't want to change it no we want the 25th we we are gonna have a huge big party drunken orgy on december 25th not only do i know this but i know that you know you have told me this happy birthday jesus you fine hey have you ever thought to yourself man uh the subspace emissary was pretty cool it would be no okay well the cutscenes were though okay well i like the subspace emissary and you're wrong and um oh boy well this is this is not gonna go well then i suppose but
Starting point is 02:50:39 i'm gonna try here because we've already committed uh there's an action roguelite inspired by uh with the subspace emissary in my opinion from what i look at here it's called recurser and it looks pretty cool um and there's a demo and there's a Kickstarter and it's it's you can check it out and it looks kind of like someone went like yo let's make a roguelite that takes place inside of the subspace emissary kind of gameplay uh but good though it looks cool it looks cool i'll look at this the best parts were absolutely the the cutscenes of course like that there's no thing within one second of watching that that looks way better than subspace emissary good so there you go which is easy because it sucks so if you ever wanted more good of that take a look
Starting point is 02:51:30 take a look over there it is it is inferior Kirby that is true subspace emissary it's just bad Kirby isn't is bad Kirby that is that is fair i'll take that um but yeah this Kickstarter is fully funded looks like the game's coming and you can check out a free demo uh to try it out so recurser is what it's called cool let's take some letters hey before we take some letters i want to give a shout out to the hardworking Britons working on the queen's deep fake congratulations you guys are doing a great job making that lady look not dead round of applause to everybody you see i think it's less about a deep fake and more about um she recorded it like nine months
Starting point is 02:52:24 ago or some shit yeah before her her phase her new phase before her new phase she's in the in range right now you gotta do enough damage to her before she does the white yeah no next year we're gonna see the christmas tree and then the chair and then the queen pop in real quickly like you right as the scene starts and she'll give her christmas wishes listen i gotta be real and i know it's it's immoral and gauche to wish for bad things to happen to people so i won't instead what i'll say is i gotta say this holiday season has been filled every morning waking up like a child on christmas maybe today is the day that i read in the news that the queen is dead just saying excitement is high yeah but are you ready for the tyranny of
Starting point is 02:53:18 prince charles oh yeah the man who looks like three mummies in a handbag left out in the sun for too long no that was that was the queen's husband all three weeks of it oh whatever no not him that's that's con raw he's already gone no hey listen listen the other guy one one miracle at a time okay the tyranny of prince charles i don't know if you're ready for it once he ascends the throne some fucking red wedding shit going down don't don't harsh my joy as he's like as he's i'll have a i'll have a short moment of unmitigated happiness as he's before as he's walking some of them continue to exist as he's walking up to the crown and it's being lifted to be put on his head suddenly lightning strikes and a storm brews outside
Starting point is 02:54:21 and he is stabbed right through the chest from a great broadsword and behind him prince andrew now has the crown king andrew i mean honestly probably a minor paper cut would do it because they're all bunch of incestuous hemophiliac fox king andrew with the crown declares pizza for all he says with no sweat anywhere on his body the tyranny of king andrew this is what comes next you don't know but this old lady is holding them back man you know i will say i will say despite my impending ghost joy over the death of an old woman there is one thing the queen of england did for me once she gave me a big smile because there was one day where she was photographed from an isometric angle on a checkerboard marble pattern
Starting point is 02:55:36 floor and somebody captured it with the phrase she could move in any direction and it makes me laugh every single time i think of it no i'm just i'm i'm i'm i'm stuck in i'm stuck in a world where charles and andrew are fighting for the throne and uh and charles doesn't win you know and then everyone thinks maybe god i don't even know his name but the older one who's balding in his 20s is like maybe he's gonna do it but then he gets rob starked so that it all falls to harry but harry's become american now
Starting point is 02:56:39 i hope i hope they all just have a nice big family reunion and their boat falls off the ocean you heard me if you'd like to send a letter you can send it to castle super beast mail at that's castle super beast mail at that's the one why did i have such a hard time with that i've said that like a hundred times animal let's take one over here from inos says dear greatest 80s hits will he man will he mean rhapsody and pito gaga i've recently got around to finishing uh neo the world ends with you had a great time upon reflecting my experience i noticed that i had this nagging thought of it's a shame this won't get a sequel for a good chunk of the game and with the news of squeenix considering
Starting point is 02:57:47 failure considering the game of failure in the series uh and fans giving their show of support stick i made my piece that we won't get another game i'm just happy we got neo uh have you ever yeah it you ever played a game you enjoyed but couldn't help being saddened by the feeling that it'll never it'll never get in a sequel it's like it's a miracle that uh fucking uh world ends with you it is a fucking sequel it is crazy like that's the most nice shit ever that's one of those um yeah like every once in a while there's a holy fuck they're doing it you know i'd say every five years or so we get one of those oh man i just saw somebody in the chat say split second fuck that game was incredible absolutely outrageous uh uh uh rubber banding
Starting point is 02:58:40 split second was fucking hot that game was super good yeah um he says hard mode no vf or jetset radio but it's like no jetset radio is my answer like bomb rush cyber funk is coming but like officially jetset radio is just you know it's not happening and the guy who makes the fucking music has already like is he's he's clearly like yeah i don't care fuck sega they don't want to do anything and they're not saying why you know so i can't believe um file fancy tactics never got a sequel of any kind do you hate that you hate advance that much it's not a sequel to tactics it's its own thing that's why it's has a different subtitle and it's very substantially mechanically different like advance totally got its own
Starting point is 02:59:30 sequel fair enough but like tactics did not so spiritual successor i guess of anything i guess triangle strategy honestly is like pretty close to the ff tactics too yeah um yeah mega man legends three there you go games with cool games with cool art styles are meant to die yeah i can't believe i was playing mega man legends too and i'm like i can't believe this exists you know mega man legends one has a secret morality system oh yeah yeah if you're an asshole and don't repair anything your armor gets darker it does i knew that that's true that's true um oh i'm i'm getting a mysterious text message that says tactics too was canceled there's pictures online
Starting point is 03:00:44 sorry to hear that success yep you know what else has pictures online that was canceled mark of the wolves too yeah and mega man's on the moon so i will say one thing the reason why the reason why tactics hurts that much and there's a bunch of people out there that really like final fantasy tactics so i'm sure people can understand this is that it's an absolutely excellent strategy rpg with a really incredible character building system that came out in 98 i want to say and it's still the best one like still it's infuriating it's it's absolutely nuts yeah i think uh i think i tried it too early in my understanding of the genre because uh it just like i remember playing
Starting point is 03:01:50 about an hour or so and like thinking it was all right but there's a lot i didn't get at the time and i was i was just too young and didn't understand i think but yeah everyone loves it so i believe that it's it's it's legitimately like so much the best one that you could like give it to somebody right now with like an emulator so they don't know it's like an old game or whatever and they'll be like wow what's this new game it's great it's so much better than and then they list the past five tactics rpgs to come out it like it's upsetting that was fucking it came out in 97 that was like 25 fucking years ago i played a lot of more i i definitely played way more of tactics advance because i was able to on in transit yeah i was on gpa yeah and that was just good to go for those
Starting point is 03:02:38 quick missions and stuff and it was it was fun um i remember getting a bit bored but i i liked it yeah you would if playing advanced yeah uh that is all right we got one coming here from james who says there's a glitch in final fantasy four that allows you to beat the game super fast it has to do with overflowing the map screen by entering values and exiting a spot several times uh you're able to watch further ahead but the other thing about it is square decided to make it canon uh square refers to the glitch as zero mrs curse of extinction trap to quote an article from their magazine never take more than 64 total trips back and forth through doors zero mrs will expunge you probably uh they's pointed out was pointed out because it does fuck up the memory super hard
Starting point is 03:03:34 along with other factors and can ruin your game it's only used in speedruns now that people know how it works but it surprises me that square how square worded it the article keeps saying that zero mrs set this up and his plan was to trap you i feel like kids would find that more enticing is a challenge than a warning any glitches or it's easier it's easier to just write that then go fix the bug on a super nintendo game sure is uh canonized glitches is the question so uh yeah there's a couple i can think of i mean it's street fighter particularly uh chun lee's fireball well it is a really just a like rainbow edition did some bullshit and people thought it was fun so then when capcom had to come back in they basically went all right fuck it we're taking that glitched
Starting point is 03:04:19 ass version of her fierce punch that has a fireball coming a yoga fire coming out and turning it into a real move um guile statue in cvs one is the most ridiculous fucking inside yes too as well yeah so so let's yeah like go down the list of of of contrivances you have to know to understand this stupid joke so in king of fighters history starting with 94 rugal before he becomes omega rugal is the just big rich guy on the black noah his airship where he collects statues of various fighters because that's his big rich guy perversion is i want to you know have a room full of them or whatever the greatest the greatest of ever on the cap so it's a cool thing to have on the capcom side of things there is a glitch
Starting point is 03:05:16 in which guile can get frozen mid sonic boom which refers which is called guile statue in street fighter 2 and that has been something like guile's handcuffs it's been a move that is like been known and has been given like fucking legacy um importance as a the classic bugs so guile statue is then seen in cvs 2 as a statue that rugal has made of guile in the sonic boom pose when they fight and then guile destroys it and it says round one fight i remember sitting there playing cvs 2 and seeing this and knowing that whole story and being like this is for like 25 humans insanity absolute insanity that you would even go this far but like the people that made that fucking loved it they laughed so hard
Starting point is 03:06:22 yeah way way more interesting than uh who each game pro made uh shenlong because of the fucking april fools joke yeah shit uh yeah sure we'll take that as an example uh one last one over here secondaries and arcane hey woolly and pat hey woolly just call pat something awful and pretend i did it uh okay damian from sydney oh man oh damn damian from sydney australia here usually secondary is an insult i realized um but i realized when talking to a friend that i loved arcane hadn't played league and i viewed it with a sort of a wistful envy sorry let's try that again usually secondary is an insult but realized while talking to a friend that loved arcane
Starting point is 03:07:25 but hadn't played league that i viewed him with a sort of wistful envy can you think of any series where people who haven't played the original aren't like fuck you you secondary scum but are actually like god i wish that were me oh i spent more than 2000 australian dollar reduced on that free game oh man that's oh that's unique that is genuinely a unique version of that what are you into and love but wish that you could be a secondary in and you're envious of those who are only surface level uh when people walk out of the resident evil movies and go wow that was so cool when it happened i'm like viciously jealous yeah okay okay i see that it must be nice to live your life with no brain wow a lot of people in our chat saying fate yeah i mean it
Starting point is 03:08:32 always it it always ends up going in this direction you know with like with those fan with the fan bases and the ones that hurt the people the most um yep gacha shit probably i don't know uh what do i want to be further out on that i'm in on i like i wish i could trade all of my Gundam seed watch time for other awesome Gundam that i haven't had a chance to watch i wish i feel like i feel like you would rather trade your Gundam seed watch time for nothing sitting in a chair just replace it with no like a memory yeah you watching paint dry all of those all of that time was spent sitting in a chair with my hands folded yeah it wasn't even thinking about nothing
Starting point is 03:09:40 nothing came oh nothing i have a piece of news that uh didn't make it into the docket today that i just remembered about a quantum dream uh some insider people were were reporting that there may be some development issues over on star wars eclipse such as uh so uh apparently a lot of the assets they were going to use were going to be from a detroit mmo that never happened uh and that they were they wanted after detroit to get bought out like sell the company to like a either sony or a bigger company to get way more funding for future games but all that lawsuit tabloid shit put the kibosh on that and they're having staffing problems interesting and all the all it said was they are having
Starting point is 03:10:40 staffing problems but my in my uh interpretation of that is people leave and new applicants don't come in because of all the bad press yeah but also uh eclipse is not just a regular ass quantum dream game and as such they're having a lot of problems with both the engine which was their engines are only made for small levels with only a couple characters and they can't seem to get multiplayer working correctly hey shut up you this is word on the street this is word on the street that um they're having a trouble huh now i guess i wonder when you're in a situation where you're looking for replacement talent maybe this explains the investment in a Montreal studio maybe it does i mean it's diverting funds that might not be there
Starting point is 03:11:38 and that's uh opening a brand new studio seems to be something you do when you're thriving not when you're like struggling um hey this is going to be your new boss isn't that the guy who did the cry in the courtroom i did the cry hi sack assets with david cage all right anyways um i think come here yeah that's interesting um because you know you again it's usually a huge deal to like open up a branch studio um but we'll see what projects
Starting point is 03:12:32 come out of there right if you see projects migrating or it's like oh this the main workload is now being handled brunt at montreal then yeah that represents like a full shift in the headquarters we'll have to see what that actually means well anyway please look forward to i'm i'm excited for that game to be trash i'm excited for it to be good but to have cracks where his face can be seen peeking through reality like a menos grande that's what i'm waiting for that's real target you know you know exactly what it looks like you know the smile yeah all right we can we can leave you on that image everybody all right everybody y'all have a good week we'll see you next week stay safe out there

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