Castle Super Beast - CSB 148: Fortnite Strats: Gentrify The Map

Episode Date: January 4, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Upbeat music. Hello everybody. Happy New Year. Oh yeah, they're right. That happened. Happy New Year. Yeah. The calendar rolled over again. Yeah, still waiting for I guess April 2020 to resume. You know, we're currently we're currently in the birthday. No, no, like March 2020 started and then never ended. Oh, I started that in December of 2019. I mean, I guess I counted as March as to when like the actual pocket dimension opened up. Yeah. So happy 2020 part three, everybody. Good times. Anyway, I had a very, very busy week full of things. How was yours? I fucking took the week off and was like, fuck it. It's good. And I discovered a
Starting point is 00:01:43 couple things. The number one of which is that twitches rerun feature is complete fucking garbage. What is that? Oh, is that the replay compilation that you have to opt in on? Yeah. So no, it's the ability to go and be like, play one of your streams is a rerun replay. Yes. Yes. And so what I thought I was going to do is the wonderful civ sarcast made some ratchet and clank compilations of my channel. And I was like, well, I'm taking the week off. I might as well put these up on Twitch and pretend they're like, you know, a new thing live. Yeah. They're kind of a new thing. So I upload them to Twitch. And then I go to add them to the rerun queue. And it goes, no, you can't, they're not published. You can't add them to the rerun queue because they're not
Starting point is 00:02:46 published. And I'm like, okay, sure. So then I published the first one, and then go rerun. And I go, okay, so it's starting. And then at the end of the first one, it starts playing the second one that I added to the rerun queue, but told me it couldn't play because it wasn't published. And it's still not published. And it's not actually in the queue at all. Yeah. Okay, so every one an absolute piece of fucking shit. Every time a tournament does a rebroadcast of something. I noticed that they just stay live. And then they themselves play their own video back. Yeah, if if ever I'm gonna ever like sit because I've been playing I've been fucking around with this stuff, because I did the the Elden Ring test. And I got that but I that was like, the every everything
Starting point is 00:03:48 about that embargo was based around like people who make videos and not people who make streams. So I've been fucking around with pre recorded stuff. And like, well, what if I get Elden Ring two weeks early? I'm not gonna not play Elden Ring, but I want people to see the first blah, blah, blah. So how do I do it? And the solution is make a fucking MP4 and play it off my desk. Play it off your desktop. That's the best solution. Well, I guess it's it's what I've seen every other stream do up until now, not using that feature. And I assume they know something that we didn't know. They know something we don't know. And they're clearly avoiding the feature as well. Oh, God. And I was looking into it. And I was like, Oh, what's premieres? And then you find all these fucking
Starting point is 00:04:32 articles on how Twitch premieres work. And like, you can't find it. And then like, 10 pages into Google search is like a single sentence tweet that's like, Yeah, Twitch turned off premieres, they no longer exist. There's one thing that you know works for sure. And that's the live button. So hit the button and then play the MP3 or the MP4 awful, just just awful. Yeah. Oh, that was pretty much my whole week. I basically just chilled out. Okay, it's good. It's important to do that. Oh, you know what? I beat Castlevania Circle of the Moon. No, no, ha, blood, bloodstain circle of the moon. Yeah. Yeah, that game's great. I think you were right the first time actually. Yeah, it's, it's, it's like, though I've also been playing ice cream bloodstain on Saturday and like those are the
Starting point is 00:05:27 most like big air quotes spiritual successor of anything I've ever played. It's wild. And at this point, like, I'm wondering, like, if anyone that actually worked on Castlevania could look at this and be like mad at that, you know, because it's the only because it's like, what are they doing with it? Otherwise, right? This is spiritual success or when the original has nothing going on. So they're licensing it out to make an amaze. True. Well, I guess if you call that anime, but yeah, it's not anime. Yeah, I guess I doesn't matter. Does it? Is it just doesn't matter what the country of origin is? Or I don't know. I always interpreted it as like the style. Okay, well, there's, I've seen, like,
Starting point is 00:06:22 you know, the I've seen whiffs of a dev an ad argument online about like it does add avatar count as an anime. And yeah, there's the style. And I guess there's like so. But then what about stuff that looks like the style, but it's clearly not like totally spies or a Marvin mystery? I don't know about that. But I feel like you know it if you see it. Like, to those people say like Avatar Castlevania can't be anime because they're not made in Japan, like what do you call animated TV that are not anime from Korea? Yeah, or the studios are not from there, either. Exactly. No, I have. I'm not gonna comfortable. I don't feel comfortable with some people's classification that the people got to be Asian, maybe the thing for it to be called
Starting point is 00:07:09 anime. Yeah, I guess I don't I don't know. I would ask I would defer to everyone else on this one because I have no fucking idea what the definition of anime is. I don't know. I don't know. I don't fucking idea what the definition of it is or isn't or how far it stretches. But you know, it's just it's been something that was easy. It's been easier to define in the past because it's like oh yeah, animation coming out of Japan is that's that's the anime. And like now that's gotten way blurrier. Well, it used to be Japan animation. Yeah, exactly. But also there's stuff that comes out of Japan that does not have the anime style, right? And it's like okay, so what do you call something like I guess like almost color colorful was then it was an anime back in the day
Starting point is 00:07:57 that had like a very non traditional anime look or ping pong club. You know, you know, you know what anime is popular in Japan, I bet? SpongeBob. Sure. Sure. The anime might be the most like unuseful, confusing word in regards to anime because it's literally the Japanese took the French word for cartoons and used it and it's like super broad. But then when we took the now Japanese term of the French term, yeah, became specific. But that applies to everything, right? The connotation and the denotation of every word they borrow ends up being different. For example, if I say a 7-Eleven, that's one thing. If I say a Depaner, you kind of have the same idea. Similarly, if I say a Bodega, a lot more, a lot more
Starting point is 00:08:51 smokes on that Depaner. Yeah, if I say a Bodega, you're getting, you know, again, the specific New York flavor. East Coast. New York. Yeah. And if I say a if I say a Konbini, that's a very specific thing. That's not the other things I just mentioned. You know, so like and it's on its convenience store. But if I say convenience store versus Konbini, that's two different things. So the the the borrowed word thing already changes definitions constantly. I just didn't, in my brain, I looked at the Netflix cartoons as just like Netflix animations. I didn't, I didn't, my brain didn't say anime, but I have no fucking clue, man. You know, a bunch of them are. Anyway, they're not doing shit with Castlevania.
Starting point is 00:09:32 Yeah, yeah, that's the point. That's the point. You're not doing a goddamn thing. Yeah, I think what you have to do is pull up the I'm sure someone has a lawful good to chaotic evil chart of like adheres to the form and adheres to the location as the X and Y axis, you know, so like made in Japan versus made anywhere is the chaotic version and then adheres to the form versus like does not adhere to the form at all is the lawful and evil. Gargoyles is an isekai. Yeah. Oh man, I'll tell you what, I'll tell you exactly how much Konami is not doing with Castlevania. We remember the advanced collection came out. I was contacted by a third party rep to do a
Starting point is 00:10:28 sponsored stream for the Castlevania advanced collection and they're like, what's your rate? And I'm like, this is my rate. They're like, cool. We want you to do up to three streams of this for each game per your rate. I go, Oh, cool. I'll just do it all on Sunday. And they're like, okay. And I'm like, cool, send me the thing. And then they didn't get back to me the next day or the next day or the next day. And then Friday at like fucking 730 p.m. Eastern, they sent me a fucking email. It's like we can't we're unfortunately going to have to back out on this one. Sorry. Hey, do you know what my version of that exact exchange was? What's that same thing? Here's my rate. All right.
Starting point is 00:11:22 And never mind. Okay. Well, you know, that's fine. All right. Is what it is. So hold on. So is that why you played bloodstained? No, no, that was no, that's why I was somebody asked me if I had any desire to play the advanced collection games. Yeah. And I'm like, not now. Okay, because now I'll never play them on stream. The timing of that is yeah. No, no, this that was like upon the release of the advanced games. Certainly. That was like way, way, way back. Oh, I'm talking about like for me, it was like not that long ago, but oh yeah. No, no, for me, it was like right on. Stop that. I don't know what you're doing to stop it. That's funny. It's funny to hear about these these behind the scene things
Starting point is 00:12:08 and you're like, is it just me or is no, no, no, no, it's like here's the rate and they're like cool. Great. Let me just send it over and I'm like, did you actually say it was cool or did you just say to me that it was cool before checking with anyone that it was cool? I think and then when they got back to you, they were like, fuck that. Yeah. So I think I think we had the exact same experience like like in parallel there. But anyway, that's that's that's neither here nor there. Um, what is interesting? There's a lot of things that I did over the last seven days and I want to be able to touch on each of them and at least the appropriate amount of time. So. Okay, let's do it. Uh, step one. Hey, you know what? That Silent Hill game is pretty all right.
Starting point is 00:13:04 Yo, so I skimmed a couple clips in particular your wondrous goofy moment coming out of a fucking room and then there's just a doctor right there. Dude, that game holds up so good. I'm very, very impressed with the hold up, I have to say. Um, I was expecting there to be more like age and dust to blow off of it. Now here's the thing while the age shows itself constantly, but that's just in the form of me guessing exactly what the game is about to do. Right. It's just like, oh yeah, I like, I know this formula without even knowing this formula. Right. Yeah. I obviously there's better examples, but in my mind, I always call that the Evangelion problem where people who go back to Eva and go, oh man, this is just the same thing as this and
Starting point is 00:14:05 this and this. It's like, well, yeah, because they took it from this because this is old. Silent Hill totally has that going on where it's like, oh man, this is a little formulaic. Yeah, because everybody copied it. And, uh, and there's definitely like there's been a couple moments of like, what the fuck is the interaction between this object and this location? This is complete nonsense. Well, that is not a function of age. Sure. That actually is a function of their bizarre so silly method of puzzle ology or whatever. And people make reference to like, it's interesting because I'm single. I'm seeing people make reference to being in sync with Silent Hill's bullshit or not. Yeah. And it's like, okay, so I think currently Reggie and I are doing,
Starting point is 00:15:00 we're fairly in sync for the most part with the bullshit, but there's some of them where I'm just like, man, like you could have taken one of the dumbest things and fixed it with like, for example, what was it? It was, um, it was like scrape the fucking bottle on the ground by this fluid and it gets in there somehow. And I'm like, well, that's, I'm like, what, what, what does that look like? Right. And I'm like, all you had to do was just say, use a rag to squeeze it in there. And now we don't have to think about what that's that actual act of scraping fluid into a fucking two liter looks like, you know, fun fact, it's more of a goo. Okay. And, uh, that's intentionally that specific one is the most obtuse one in the game for, oh, really? Okay. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Well, that one, that's the one that got me going video game. All right. Like, like, come on, you know, so, um, well, in any case, uh, there were a couple others that are like, yeah, not, not as extreme as that. Um, I would say like, uh, the classic is like the sliding bookshelf. You gotta look at the ground to see the texture. But in this case, like that it's such a, it's, it's, it's a really small detail. It's hidden in the back. It's not an obvious thing. You know, and it's, and there's a bunch of other rooms where you ran past furniture that was kind of nothing. So, you know, your brain would kind of just like overlook it in that particular area. But in any case, you can, you can just go, all right, it's whatever. There's some, there's some time on this, you know, there's
Starting point is 00:16:47 a little bit of dust to blow off, but, but, but, um, it looks great. It still has the really strong aesthetic with like all the objects and the low poly designs. Um, you know, uh, uh, your, your, your tank controls or something that I'm, I'm getting used to and I'm, and I'm, and I'm, and I'm able to like play footsies with some of the fucking monsters and shit. And it's like, okay, like, you're, you're clearly meant to have trouble with this, but you know, you can figure out how to do a little cute hop back step and, and get just out of range of an attack. There's a couple of details I want to mention about that. So first of all, it's like the only game I can think of ever that has tank controls that have dedicated buttons for moving slowly to
Starting point is 00:17:35 your left or right directly. Uh-huh. It's weird. I don't know why they're there. Um, and, uh, uh, the game actually has like a, a lot more depth to its controls than it appears. Enemies do react to the light sources you have and they do react to the sound of your footsteps. So like in like the school, you can turn your flashlight off and like slowly walk past a large amount of the enemies. Oh, interesting. But you, but you can't see them. And if they're within like two feet of you, they'll aggro anyway. I did notice light was a thing and that there was at least one or two circumstances where, um, I kind of turned the light off and like ran into an alleyway and just killed a fucking thing that walked in there and then walked out, you know.
Starting point is 00:18:25 So the puzzles, man, like you're, you're completely dead on with, you have to put yourself in sync to it's like weird, like nightmare logic. Like silent hill is a place where you use a can opener to open up a can of beans and it's got a bunch of light bulbs in it. Right. Okay. And you use the light bulb to put a screw in a new light so you can read the code on the wall and like, yeah, of course, of course that was the solution. But, but, okay, but here's the thing, but I don't mind the part where there was a note on the ground that said, these beans will enlighten you. You know, like that's the thing is like, if I read that, then I'm like, oh, no, this puzzle's fine. Like, no. So silent hill one also has a distinction of being one of the as a child that you have used
Starting point is 00:19:16 like strategy guides, like tips and tricks as a child to get past tougher survival horror games. Silent Hill one bears a distinction of having the most aggressive fuck you to magazines ever in that the review code they sent out had 100% completely different puzzles than the final shipped release. That's pretty hilarious. Okay. So all this like that I have a tips and tricks. I used to have a tips and tricks that was like all these solutions to puzzles that don't exist. Interesting. With screenshots of puzzles that don't exist. Wow. Okay. And it's like, man, why you do that? Don't let them ruin it for for the player. Interesting. Um, yeah, I the so far that stuff where it's like, this is a dedicated stop and figure this out moment has been fairly
Starting point is 00:20:09 straightforward. I didn't find that stuff to be too tricky. The if anything, for example, and what I didn't find the so there was like, there's the the obtuseness of like, what the fuck is this rubber ball for? And it's like, of course, stick it in this hole by the, you know, yeah. So that part totally, but like that part, not as bad for me in particular as like a going, okay, where did that key go? You know, and it's like, well, the key fell down the drain pipe, but I didn't walk into the corner of the, of the courtyard and see that drain pipe earlier. So like I was missing the second piece of information for that, like that puzzle. Right. So then it was like, silent hill enemies aren't actually very dangerous most of the time.
Starting point is 00:20:59 So they kind of expect you to be running laps around the place repeatedly, checking and rechecking things. I found that, yeah, there's a lot of instances where it's like, fuck this, especially on the on the proper city map in tight hallways or corridors, where you're going to be traversing through a bunch of times might want to spend the ammo on it. And in the rooms where it's like, okay, there's three nurses right there or some shit like that, that it's like, I'm just going to sprint in and see if I can find something. Oh yeah, shooting anything on the street is like a complete waste of time. But I did, again, I did get the, the specific hang of the footsies with the hammer and the ability to like, hammer's great. Take a back step and then it uses, it has
Starting point is 00:21:54 a move set. It's got the two swing and then the, and then the straight overhead, which goes a little further. It's just interesting how like, like it's, you're really bad at killing cockroaches. Yeah, really bad. But yeah, hammer rules. So far, so far, game good. And so, so far, like the clear intentions of like, this area is bullshit, sir. You're supposed to keep moving. Like it's the loudest and clearest it's ever been. When you are, what did I leave off on? I got to the southern part of the map and then was running by the two warehouse areas by the dock. And then there's like a lighthouse and like as you run, as you do a circle around the warehouse and like eight things are chasing you. Yeah. And it's just like, yeah, no, no, don't. And there's horrible
Starting point is 00:22:47 industrial nightmare music going off. Don't be here. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. But then you're questioning like, but is there some ammo over there? You know, and there's eight enemies worth of ammo over there. Yeah, no, the answer is who cares? Fuck this, you know. So let me ask you a question. Did you, so where are you at now? You're at the amusement park ish? I got to the, I got to that. So I passed the warehouses. I went towards the lighthouse met civil in the boat. And then a gyro man see fucking lady as foretold walk walked out and went, and then we're in. Okay. And then and then she said, go to the lighthouse. Okay. So would you shut up dog? You got you got their goo off the floor. I did get the go off the
Starting point is 00:23:41 floor. Did you do the side mission with Kauffman? He got real angry about us fucking with a motorcycle. Okay, good. So that's it. Okay. If you want, I can give you a unlockable whatever tip. Okay, I think I think we're good. I think you are actually. Yeah. So, okay, okay. Like I told everyone beforehand, whatever you might want to send my way, the answer is we're just going to play. And like if it ever is abysmal, Reggie is sitting there and he does have a spoiler free guide in his lap. If then you're good. Yeah. If the situation becomes dire and we're about to waste like multiple episodes on some obtuse like door that I missed or something. But so far that has not happened. And it's been it's been pretty smooth. I even
Starting point is 00:24:44 walked all the way north and entered that antique shop and I went, holy fuck, that's the antique shop inside shattered memory, shattered memory, shattered memories. Yeah. Because I'm like, that's the only other one I played. And it kind of well, I mean, it looks similar. And it was in a similar location. And I remember walking down that staircase at the very least, you know. So I was like, oh, that that reminds me of shattered memories at the very least, you know. Yeah. One, two and three hold up like just excellently. And it especially is great when I like looking at old low poly models of like household objects. Yeah. You know, I like a lamp. Yeah. A lamp, a fridge. You go into someone's house and you're looking at like their their little, you know, their their little dining set.
Starting point is 00:25:39 It's just a fun little thing, you know, it's like, oh, look at the aesthetic of that. Good job with the textures. Fun stuff. All in all. Yeah, so far so good. How about that? It was great. It holds up. Okay, so there was that. Can you give me just a second? I'm gonna take the dog upstairs. Sure. Right. So anyway, that was a very funny experience and also the someone even reached out and was like, hey, so I don't know if you want or care, but like when the time comes, if you're interested in Silent Hill 2, it's the PC version is so fucked up. Here's a pre modded one with like all the fixes for controllers and fog and lighting and all this other shit. It's called the enhanced edition. I've no, I don't know. I didn't I didn't. Hey kid.
Starting point is 00:26:38 Hey, could you could you have that guy message me for some reason? Okay. I found the game installed on my computer and can't find the source files for it. Okay. I hear I can just and I feel stupid. I can just because I must have deleted the original source files. That should be that should be good right there. Oh boy, I can't wait to not use this. Okay. Well, um, yeah, but it just it was interesting because it's just like, okay, that's that's already set up and I'm already hearing about about how rough that can get with like certain like scares getting ruined and shit like that, you know, to is is like one of the absolute most fucked up games to try and play nowadays.
Starting point is 00:27:37 It was a regular ass PS two game. And outside of that slim context, it's a nightmare to actually get going. Yeah, well, hopefully this this is the way to do it. Okay. So there was that. Other stuff was I played mortal shell, which was that souls like that came out a while ago. How much of it did you play? I played about three hours and was like, yeah, okay. I went further than that. I played about five or so hours. And I have to say that like it helps that like I came across the stuff that I like. I was I think I was very lucky with like how I moved forward into that. Because like I touched it a little bit before a little bit before doing the stream. And I think first of all, so it's a souls like type of game. It's a mini, you know,
Starting point is 00:28:46 much shorter experience, according to how long to beat anyways. The main thing I think that it's distinct with is that the way you block is not a shield, but it is a it is a hardening system in which you can turn your whole body to stone at any point while you're on the offense. And I thought that was interesting because that allows you to basically instead of blocking, choose when to give yourself armor or iframes and then keep your combo going if you want to right, keep your momentum. So it's a more advanced usage of defense. It's it's it's pretty interesting. And then there's the parry, which is how you heal. Otherwise, healing things are all really slow life gem style things. So it's like, OK, I like that sort of, hey, you're going to need to learn
Starting point is 00:29:41 how to do these things properly. You're going to need you're not going to get an easy heal by backing off and sipping. So they you know, the idea being, of course, you're probably a souls veteran if you're coming over to this game and taking a look at it. So they know their audience. The first area is this forest. And it is not great. I don't like the forest area. It is just the hub. Yeah. And that was an initial like a basically I was like, if I didn't find my way out of the forest, I would have had a very negative impression of this game. And it does. It's a really bad starting zone to put you in, seeing as it's like the most winding and the most confusing and also like it just, you know, you're wandering off in any direction. But
Starting point is 00:30:32 it's hitting you. It's a lot of sameness in a bad way. I just really like that first area. All the enemies in that hub are boring. They're all bandits. They're all dudes. And there's that one boss that's like sitting right there in front of your like that one's cool. Your Firelink building. This is Mortal Shell. And the idea behind the Mortal Shell is that you're possessing different dead bodies of like, I guess, important characters. And they are your builds. Instead of picking a class, you inhabit the shell of a class that's already set, you know. And each build has, you know, really varying stats and things. But you don't really see a stat sheet. You don't see a whole bunch of numbers. You kind of just get a
Starting point is 00:31:22 simple like stamina, MP and HP, essentially, you know, endurance HP and yeah. So that first area was just like, oof, you know. But then I wandered into, well, I beat that boss that was right outside. And then I wandered around and I got another shell right away. And then I wandered into a beautiful area that was just gorgeous art wise. Oh, really? I have not, I played that for an afternoon and I saw the forest and I saw like a temple. And it was just like a black version of the forest. So I wandered. There's an obsidian temple. And then that's where I ended up. Did you go past it? No. Okay. So there's a tough boy standing at the door. And then you beat him and then you walk outside and you're in this beautiful obsidian landscape of like rocks and it's just
Starting point is 00:32:23 it's awesome. It's a very nice looking level. And it was also I love an area of like, oh, this looks late game. This looks like I shouldn't be here yet. And the shell that I picked up right outside the door to this temple was like massive HP bar, you know, late game looking kind of fine. But I found it, you know, which stumbled the quickly over there. So I was like, okay, before I go wandering into this like, you know, really cool looking area, let's just back track. And so I did bet went back into the forest, which, you know, like I said, like lame. And then from that forest, I went to I found the second dungeon, which is a catacombs. And the catacombs are almost almost identical to souls one catacombs, like you're turning through these little
Starting point is 00:33:14 corridors. Instead of skeleton men, you're fighting like these like little like fish zomboes that like tackle you and then some other aggressive types, you know, and then you take it all the way through the catacombs to a snow area. That was pretty cool. And at the end of that snow area, you come across a boss fight, which is Tarsus is the name of the boss. And he's skating around and throwing his sword on a you fight in a giant ice area. And he slides around on the ice doing big fast like swingers and swings and stingers at you. And it was cool. So I think the first area is a bad impression that improves upon like getting out of there, getting new shells, getting that parry ability to parry and heal and then fighting some of the other bosses.
Starting point is 00:34:10 But they really should not have put that forest as your your default hub, you know, and it's the one you're going to be spending the most time on because you on the way to each of the I think there's four areas like it's the one you're going to be you got to run back to forwards the whole time. Yeah, currently, I'm running back towards it because I have to give like a a gland to the prisoner that you meet upstairs. But yeah, I can see that like and from what I understand is it's a small team as well. So, you know, people have been describing that it's like a yeah, very a very small team put it together. So you're going to run into the problems that come with that. And there were some jank ass moments that certainly occurred
Starting point is 00:34:57 in some bugs. There's one or two QA tests, you know. But yeah, I think I think it's all right. I need to I need to I need to say, though, that like the trailer gave me the impression that I was going to be fighting a series of bosses with no short zones in between. And that's not at all what it turned into. It turned into very few bosses and mostly zone. Yeah. I in fact like, yeah, I just because the the the the the the initial trailer just was like a bunch of one view one fights in a in a big open space, you know, and I was kind of like, Oh, cool, okay, I'm down for a boss rush focused souls like and it turned out to be not that it's it's very zone centric. I've only fought like one optional boss and then
Starting point is 00:35:52 two no two optional bosses and one like major cutscene type boss, you know, I think probably the thing that that bummed me out the most of that game and I can appreciate them going for it is just like particularly because you spend so much time in that early forest. Is like, I don't know if it's the way the art assets are or if it's color filter, but like it is a print like the total range of color on any one area is like 50 hex points from the top to the bottom. Like that forest is green and the dudes are green. Yeah, every person in the forest is green. The sky is green. Your character being lit by it is green. I honestly I fucking wild. I honestly was like, I can't stress enough that like to me, the like that improves in the other zones,
Starting point is 00:36:54 you know. And currently, right now, for example, I walked I walked through this blizzard ice area, took on a bunch of, you know, like ice vikings and whatever's going on in that set in that setting. And then on and I fought the boss and now on the way out, drastic art change, drastic lighting change. The forest, the ice area is now completely pitch black. And the only thing that is lighting everything is a really ominous, like almost like doom three, ask red light coming off of your body that has a very horror feel to it. That the backtrack through this zone has completely changed the feel of that area, you know, it's it really comes down to that forest right now in my brain as like you got to climb that wall and look over the other side of it. Because there's there's some
Starting point is 00:37:52 nice there's some nice stuff over the wall, you know, but you but it puts it right into your face. And I got lucky stumbling in the right direction twice. You know, that's nice. I stumbled into the first area when this is cool. I got a weapon for stuff over there, too. I got a hammer and chisel. So I also got that hammer. Yeah, I'm like, cool. There's some combos you can do with the with the chisel and the one to pop up pop up pop. And then went the other way through the catacombs, got a base cannon. Basically, you know, it's essentially a fucking chaos why hinder. And and it's a big slow spin that shit around, charge it up, flatten whatever you touch with it kind of kind of weapon. And that was enough like variety as well. So that was interesting.
Starting point is 00:38:43 There's a thing to it that is I'm not I don't think I like this I was wondering it's it's a curious decision. It's like every time you pick up an item, you can familiarize with it for enhanced usage, which is awesome. That and it gives you more like information about it as you keep using it. Yes, the more you use it, the more you familiarize the better the item is for you. I like that. However, when you first pick it up, you don't know what it does at all. And if it's a rare item, you're going to waste it. Right? 100%. So that's one of those things where I'm like, okay, if you're going to put a thing like that in, which is like, hey, you can't know until you know, you got to just go forward and discover it yourself. Let there be some where or some way
Starting point is 00:39:26 in the game where you can go in and like inspect or uncover about the item before you consume something that's really valuable and really rare. You know, I feel like that was something I was like, okay, at this point, like at first, I was like, just use everything once and see what it says. And then it's kind of like, oh, or just pull the wiki up and read what it says there too, because that's a really good item. It'll like put you into the shell of one of the characters. You're currently not inhabiting, you know? Anyway, it's one of those simple things is just like, just use it and see what it does. And I'm sure that's an easy thing. But if you have a little of that FOMO and you're like, oh, but that one though, like, that's not, you know, you know,
Starting point is 00:40:14 it's like that wouldn't, it wouldn't be so bad. But like Mortal Shell, I found was like pretty tough. So like, if the game was like easiest piss, like the worry over using a rare item would be significantly diminished. But like, it's pretty rough. Like it beat me up pretty good. And I did accidentally pop items that like, I'm like, fuck, I wish I knew what that did beforehand. I wouldn't have done that, you know? So in any case, it's yeah, versus and I see the direct comparison, for example, yeah, Binding of Isaac, right, where you just kind of walk into a random thing, and then you're like, what is that? What the fuck does this do? And Binding of Isaac, I'd say is like, not on that level of challenging until like you press really like further in,
Starting point is 00:41:03 and you get a randomized build as kind of the appeal of the game versus here, the randomized build is not at all what they're going for. So Binding of Isaac has like one of the most frustrating lack of information problems I've ever had in a game, where I streamed it a couple years ago, and I'd be like, boss drop an item, and I go, Oh, cool, what's that item? And because the chat is four seconds behind, I have the item in my inventory before everybody goes, no, and I find out that it's like, it's a trap item. Yeah. It's like, it's so garbage that like, I might as well end my run because now my fucking, my tears shoot in a zigzag and there's some bullshit thing is, is that to me, and maybe I'm wrong, but I think that that is the point of Isaac
Starting point is 00:41:54 is it's a simple basic game with so many fucking items that you can have infinite variations of builds. All right. I think it's applying randomness to what is otherwise a very basic simple game with, you know, roguelike or randomly generated rooms and such. If that's not the goal, and like you said, the difficulties there, and then the game is kind of like, you know, like, no, that was really handy. That was a really useful item. Then, you know, if you want to have this sense of like, you don't know what you picked up, then you can just add another layer to it, which is like, maybe like, take this to the right NPC, and they can uncover that for you, you know, find the right blacksmith for this, for this ember type of thing. Because I found
Starting point is 00:42:43 like a secret shop, for example, which was really cool. I was like, Oh, that's nice. There's a secret shop here. And she sells five things that sound like they're really good. Some of them are very expensive. So they must be, but I have no fucking clue what they are or what they do or why I should care. So that whole shop is like, Oh, that's a cool secret. I don't worry about that until New Game Plus. Yeah. So but in any case, ultimately, I feel like yeah, it was cool. And I was I'm going to go, I didn't say I was like, at first I was like, I don't know if I should go for a full LP on this because I don't know how it's going to go. And by the end of that stream, I was like, okay, yeah, no, I'm liking this enough to come back to it. I'm having fun with it.
Starting point is 00:43:27 But yeah, yeah, the the decision on that first zone really, probably you're not the only one. I'm sure there's a bunch of people that possibly would have hit that forest and went, I don't know about this. But I don't know how to, sorry, but the defensive mechanisms are very fun to play with. I don't know how to feel about games like that. Like Mortal Shell. And recently, I didn't talk about it when I played it, but pray for the dead God pray for the gods. Yes, where they're jank. But like, they're put together a lot better than you would expect for like a three, four person team. And like in my heart, I'm like, wow, this is impressive. And I think that they did a really good job. Now excuse me while I turn it off and never play it again. Okay. Right. And it's, it's
Starting point is 00:44:25 if that's how you feel where it's like, is it fair to compare, you know, Mortal Shell to like Dark Souls three? Yeah, probably not. But they're both games I have on my hard drive right now. I think that you can't, what you should consider basically with the size of the team is how much polish can be expected in a lot of cases. But then when there's things that are like, well, that's not a question of polish, that's just a design decision. Then that's like, then I'd be like, ah, no, I disagree with that design, you know. So something that like, for example, is just like it was a decision. And, you know, I guess I didn't really like it that much. I didn't realize when you do a corpse run, you turn back into the character into the shell that you died as, you know, and
Starting point is 00:45:22 that that wasn't immediately initially apparent to me. So if you, if you so I think I like at one point I use an item to like, turn into a different character. And I had one consumable of that item to that was like my my stronger character that I liked. And then I ran by my corpse and like picked up my souls, so to speak. And the collecting the process of my souls also turned me back into a character I didn't want to be. And I was like, Oh, but I just want to get my resources back. I don't want to, you know, let the blood stain like disappear, so to speak, and lose all that stuff. But I also didn't want to lose the character I was inhabiting, you know. So anyway, that says that that's not a question of polish. That's just a that's a design decision
Starting point is 00:46:05 that I disagree with. And I think it's fair to be like, Yeah, I didn't like that part, you know. Anyway, but it was it was interesting enough that I'm going to I'm going to see through and see what's going on with it. So we'll be coming back to that as well. During the week right now, Silent Hill and Mortal Shell being the two things we're doing. There's some other stuff. So I guess I'll drop in the movie that I watched. Have you heard of Don't Look Up? I did watch Don't Look Up. Okay. Interesting. So I have some thoughts on Don't Look Up. I also have a couple thoughts. I actually watched this two weeks ago. Pretty much like, I forget when exactly, but and I thought about bringing it up and I was like, But now that you've watched it, I'm glad to talk about it. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:02 Interesting that she yeah, because I'm very down to talk about this because here's what I think is interesting about this. It doesn't matter the quality of the movie is of the movies are relevant. I don't have anything of note or substance to say about the quality of the film because that's not at all what is interesting or worth talking about to me. If you are interested in watching Don't Look Up, you know, we're going to probably spoil some of that right now talking about it. There's not to be a super long spoiler cast because I promise you the content of it, the quality of the content is not what's about to be discussed here, at least for me. It's just a simple thing. It's the movie if you have any slight ounce of climate anxiety
Starting point is 00:48:02 about the world in you, this shit cuts so fucking deep and real in a way that is like like it's just it's a simple thing. The premise of the movie is there is a discovery that a comet is going to hit the planet earth in about six months time and that's the that's the premise of the movie and how the planet reacts to that and the way it gets processed after going through the last two years watching how something like that gets handled in a really depressingly believable stupid manner is kind of soul annihilating is how I felt about it. I was like, oh my god, it really might go that bad based on the way looking around looking at the looking at the conversations that I have that I'm seeing the
Starting point is 00:49:06 conversations I have to have with family and friends, the way the news has gotten filtered over all of this shit. It's like if you have any part of you that is like, yeah, climate change is a thing and it's probably bad that there's not enough being done about it, then you look at the way this movie delivers this message and you kind of are like, my god, it really would be that dumb. That's how I felt. I'm really torn on it. The number one thing that I couldn't stop thinking the whole time I was watching the movie was boy, somebody sure wants to tell me something
Starting point is 00:49:48 like almost kajima-esque levels of Hey, there's a message here. Do you hear it? And that to me was like that would have been fine if the movie was a little more serious. I probably thought it would have been way funnier with less humor. In particular, Jonah Hill's character who ruins every scene that he's in. I disagree because he's a cartoon. What is supposed to be like satire, but he's too much. So I think way too much. I think the I was looking at this afterwards and I saw like
Starting point is 00:50:45 both Leonardo DiCaprio and the director who was the he's a comedy director. Like he's the director of stepbrothers, I believe. So, you know, that's been the genre of film that has been his thing for a while. But like they both basically said, yeah, this move, there's no subtext here. This is a direct, clear thing we're saying. And there is a climate change message to this movie. It's not supposed to be subtle because because the feeling that we have about this topic is should not be subtle, right?
Starting point is 00:51:22 The idea is that we're not going for subtlety because it's not about subtlety right now. That's the point of this is that it's an urgent thing, you know? See, I get that. But at the same time, the movie wants to be kind of dry. But it's not like I want I want more to one end of the spectrum. I didn't think it hit its balance very well at all. Okay. I thought it should have been much drier or it should have been less dry. I guess I don't want to say the movie wants to be wetter.
Starting point is 00:51:54 But like I said, to me, it all of it felt like less important than the takeaway as to how like media and government and leadership processes shit that endangers everyday people like the rest of the population, essentially, like just the depiction of how that gets processed was so like, oh, my God, it's really that bad that it like I almost didn't. You know what I mean? Like it just it was it's because it's basically like there's a there's a comparison between this and the movie Idiocracy, which is at first is much better.
Starting point is 00:52:48 Well, at first, you well, here's the thing about it. But it's important to make there's an important distinction between the two, right? Because they're both about a bleak future in which like stupidity fucking rules the day. And oh, God, the horrors that come when that becomes the the the only way forward. But the difference between the two and what's important, I think, is that like Idiocracy was about how stupid the entire human race becomes, right? And how completely fucking hopeless that is versus in this case, it's not the people. It's the leadership and the media, you know, it's the government in particular.
Starting point is 00:53:31 It's the it's the way like fuck all is being done about urgent things. Okay, I think I think you're I think you're misunderstanding my my issue with the film. My issue with the film is that every single fucking second of the movie I'm sitting there going, yeah, I get it. Yeah, no, I get it. Yeah, I get it. Okay. That was kind of funny. Yeah, I get it. It wasn't interesting enough. To other than, huh, man, shit's really bad, huh? And I think this was probably I mean, it couldn't have been written post COVID, right? No, it was this had to have been pre COVID is about it was for my global war. I believe I believe it was written beforehand and then
Starting point is 00:54:16 COVID hit and then like it became even more of a thing. So like clearly they get it. Yeah, I think and I'm like, it's it's just like, yeah, it's bad. Like, how do I put this? I know it's it's not a way it's not a fun house mirror to the real world. It's a kind of cracked mirror. I want a fun house mirror or a regular mirror. Having it just be slightly off and kind of jokey and me going, yeah, no, it's it's it's that's that bad. And I think the me and pay I think it was pages to this, but we think that the the funniest joke in the whole movie was Leonardo DiCaprio dating somebody his own age. Yes, that was a tweet. Yeah, yeah. That was that was that was a tweet online. That was funny.
Starting point is 00:55:11 The part of that fun house mirror, though, and this is the thing, I guess, is that at least with my takeaway on it is that like the part where you're looking at a situation where the disinformation campaign on something so like obvious and bad becomes like it's so dumb in real life watching it happen that like the level of extremity that it goes to in this fun house mirror that you're describing is one where you're like, oh my god, I can see exactly how there would be a fucking Twitter campaign and a hashtag and a full on like, no, no, no, don't worry about it. It's all fine. Like that part of reality where I'm like, it really is getting that absurd in real life. Yes, no, wooly. I know. And you're saying that
Starting point is 00:56:16 the movie you're doing to me right now. Right. Yeah, I get it. Right. So then I get I don't know. I guess I'm like, maybe not everyone gets it. I did. I did mention it when I streamed last week and someone went like, oh, I didn't see any climate change message here at all. I thought it was all about COVID and the COVID response. And I was like, OK, well, I mean, why not? I mean, sure. And it's I think it's both. I think it's both. But but but but like me watching a movie that just reinforces the things I already believe in a depressing view of the world does not make me an enjoyable movie experience. No, that's that. And that's what I'm not saying. It's an enjoyable experience at all. It definitely will not. It's a fucking I want. I want Mel Brooks to do this movie
Starting point is 00:57:04 or I want like Kojima or like fucking Louis Theroux or something like sitting in this in this middle part where it's just super preachy. And I'm part of the choir part of the choir to yeah, so I'm fucking bored. And people that aren't part of the choir that it's preaching to it comes off like the most sanctimonious fucking shit in the world. That's not going to reach a single person. You think somebody who doesn't make climate change is real is going to look up in the sky and go, but what if there was a meteor? Yeah, that and that probably explains why it's doing so poorly on like rotten tomatoes and shit, because like it absolutely did not land with people in terms of that quality. And that's why I'm just like. I guess if you're part of the choir, then
Starting point is 00:58:02 you're already then you're already like I get it the whole time to me. I'm like this is to me. I was just like I could see this getting this dumb if the threats that we that like exist were faster moving and they weren't over the course of decades, but were over the course of, you know, a much shorter period of time. And the absurdity of like the whole thing being a ridiculous like comedy movie or whatever, like the parts where you're like, oh my god, but the the the absurdity is so mirrored to what the things that have happened to me was more of a like this is horrifying and and I like hurts inside to see that that that parallel. I kind of disagree that like, I don't know, like it's a comedy in that there's a couple characters
Starting point is 00:59:00 that are funny and like the funniest joke in the movie is the is the fucking joke about the snacks. Yeah. And that's within like the first 20 minutes. Yeah. It never it never gets better than that. Yeah. Also, I think we can all very much agree that that movie did not need to be two and a half hours long. It could have been could have gotten to the point with that's that's like that's but that's but all of that. Yeah, I don't know. All right. Well, I'm not I'm not I'm not good at breaking things down any further than I think I already have all it all I got on it is just um like that one feeling like that one take. Hey, Bench. Bench is in the chat to tell us it was so fucking long. Yeah. Yes, it was that one feeling that one feeling I took
Starting point is 00:59:57 from it was enough for me to be like yeah, I am like ignoring the rest that one take away of like this feels bad is what stuck with me and that's why I wanted to bring it up. But again, I do I do believe that what you're describing is why it's being received so poorly for sure. I feel that the people that really love this movie are the people that the movie tells is smarter than the people that don't like this movie and they might be but I think that the actual film is really long and poorly edited and kind of boring and that it's also like how do I put this it is it is a movie that is violently for United States citizens. It is not for people elsewhere to the point where they there's there's there's a there's a point
Starting point is 01:00:57 in the movie where they describe Russia, India and China doing their own space thing and I'm like what about the Canadian and European space agencies and the Japanese space agencies? Oh, did the writer not remember that those agencies existed? Probably not. I definitely I mean the fact that you're you're following like like the the the first or rather the second scene is like in the White House. It's like, yeah, that tells you immediately this is specifically an American point of view and it and it's talking about the American messaging of like whole crisis, so to speak, right? It is absolutely hyper centralized to that American lens. But yeah, no, that's it. I just look at I just felt particularly
Starting point is 01:02:03 soul crushed again, especially after having the family and friend conversations I've had over the last two years that it just fucking it burned inside in a way that I was like, oh my god, I I've seen people behaving this dumb and and yeah, whatever I'm repeating myself. I got nothing else to add to it. So all right. Other things I did. I played inscription. You finally got to inscription. How's inscription? So I played about six hours of it. And that's that's good. Yeah. I guess I I guess I I yeah, I think I will tell you what I did right. So I played the by the way, I guess potential spoilers for inscription because we've talked about it in the past and
Starting point is 01:03:22 there's spoilable content. So I'm going to try to talk about what I've seen, which is not all of it, but I'll talk. So the way that people generally talk about inscription to dance around this is to refer to the chapters. Okay, chapter one and two, etc. Yeah, so I so again, I feel as if I'm I'm far I'm probably far from done. But what I did was I played a really great and fun card game. And I thought that was really cool. And then as previously discussed, when you talked about it, you can get up and walk around and see and do things in the room. Room escape puzzles. Yeah, while you are returning to the board to play a card game. That is a ton of fun. I really like the card game. It's exactly the type of
Starting point is 01:04:16 thing I was looking for, which is interesting. I tried to play a different game earlier, which I'll get into. And it wasn't what I wanted. But this was what I wanted was just like the ability to just idle and play this card game. And went through it, died once or twice. And then third time through went all the way up and beat it, essentially, right, beat the final boss of the cards. And then upon doing so, I guess I didn't have all the items I needed to make it out alive of this section of the game. So I was given, I guess, a bad ending. And then I had to restart. I then kind of found out what my mistake was. That's kind of wild. You were able to beat it before getting that item. Yeah. So I got the item and I didn't put it in the right
Starting point is 01:05:25 place. You know what I'm talking about, right? So there's an item that you have to unlock. Yeah. I got the item. I didn't put it in the right place, so I didn't have it going into the final encounter. And then I was just like, bad end to restart, right? Okay. But right before that happened, I was treated to the shift in perspective that the game goes through where the card game stops and the walk around stops and you zoom out to another layer, which was awful. It was really not good for that brief moment. You're talking about the videos? Yeah. Yeah, those videos were rough. And I was so sad when that happened because I don't think a game, a card game this fun needs a framing device. Well,
Starting point is 01:06:33 do you remember last week when we talked about the matrix? And you talked about it, we talked to I end up talking to people a bit on Twitter about expectations. One of the things about inscription is that on the front page of the inscription store page says from the makers of Pony Island, which means there will be a meta layer. I don't know anything about that. Every single game that gentleman makes is like that. Okay. So like Pony Island was a frog fractions type of situation? Something like that. The game is not the game is the game. Gotcha. Okay. Well, I mean, you know, if I'm just a fucking idiot missing the point, then again, I didn't beat it properly. And I have to go back through it and through all of that now with the item that I've
Starting point is 01:07:36 collected that I didn't have earlier. So I have to find out where that goes. But I really enjoyed everything about the card game a lot. And it's unfortunate when you get into, I guess, the meta side of things because it's hit or miss. You are swinging for the fences and it it all just relies on the performance of the like actors involved, right? And if they do a good performance and it all lands, then you probably are going to like it. But that's not how I felt. I felt it would I felt that the videos were rough. And I kind of just wanted to get out of them as quickly as possible. You know, but I didn't know I didn't know the backstory with the the creator there. Right now, the game is testing in beta a much longer form version of the card game.
Starting point is 01:08:46 Mm hmm. That that is like more of a proper broke like and can go pretty much infinitely. Mm hmm. And that's great because what you've currently experienced is, in my opinion, the best part of the game. Okay. Can I just so if we're talking about this, we're talking about it. And yes, the videos you're watching are of a YouTuber who's clearly acting up for the camera. That's not what I cringe, Tuber. Yes. And the fact that that's being like really over the that's not even the thing. I mean, I mean, no, I mean, the whole package, the parts that are meant to be like the cringe parts on camera and the parts that are meant to be off camera, like actual genuine kind of cringe
Starting point is 01:09:38 that no, the whole package, not just the inside thing. So the whole no, that's the point thing is not at all the point that entire we are decades out from marble hornets. And there's still almost nothing that's as good as that. Just teenage dude just chatting to his camera in their car, talking about a dummy they dressed up in a suit. So, you know, that's about as far as I saw. And then I got a bad ending and that was it. So I guess the proper there's more to the game and I have to go do it again. And, you know, and I kind of I'm like, I'm that's I don't mind that because I really like the card game. So I'm down as soon as I get a chance to fucking sit down and go right back through that. But if what I
Starting point is 01:10:34 got a glimpse of there is a preview for where things go, I'm just really sad about that. And now I get what you're not quite what you meant. Okay. No, not not quite. It's very different from what you're probably expecting. They saw in those videos. Okay, good. Okay, good. Because whatever the fuck happens, if it if it's like those videos, I'm just not not what I want. And that's that's yeah, that sounds bad. But something else entirely, I'll key I'll try to keep an open mind for. Okay. I liked part two a lot. Okay, part two is not the those videos. Okay, good. Good. Good. That into the introduction of those videos and that layer just had me leaning back quite a bit
Starting point is 01:11:35 going Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Man, it's it's it's a certainly been a week or two for the conversation about subtext, the word meta, and the idea of it's supposed to be bad here. Like it's yeah, like it's supposed to be bad matrix. And like I still haven't seen it. And like I saw people getting into the most vicious arguments that were basically like one side was like it's your fault if you went in with expectations and couldn't adjust them based on what the movie really wants to be. And other people going Yeah, but the movie still sucks just because it's meta doesn't mean I have to like it. And then we talked just now about fucking don't look up which I would describe
Starting point is 01:12:29 as having I think somebody said in the chat over text. Yeah, the complete opposite situation where it's like there is no you didn't get it. It's like you can't not, right? But but and so even in this situation now with inscription where it's where like, if there's anyone here that's like, no, you don't get it. It's supposed and it's like no, no, that's not you're not immune just because you call yourself out. You're not immune. You don't create a bubble from, you know, like of you just didn't get it. Like that's not a force field. If you then did attempt something, right? So like, for example, for all I know, and for all I know, the the card game that I'm playing an inscription is commentary on how boring and bland card games are. And I'm not
Starting point is 01:13:22 supposed to like this. It's supposed to be uninteresting. And you're supposed to be looking for something deeper with some more substance to it, right? For all I know. But seeing as I'm I get a simpleton who enjoyed that thing, my perspective would be, well, it looks like a card game was made here with effort put into it. And I liked it. We really need to table the rest of the inscription conversation. So you at least get to chapters two or three done. Alright, like fine. Because to me, the discussion about inscription isn't about its meaning. It's the value of going for twists and and hard writes and meta stuff when the the non twist thing was more interesting. Like, you know, the thing of like, hey, we subverted
Starting point is 01:14:12 expectations. And it's like, well, the rule there is, is your story more interesting without the twists? If it is, then why the fuck did you put it just to fuck with people? Right? That's kind of how I feel about inscription. Okay, then we'll leave that alone. But of course, the matrix version of that is like, hey, doesn't it suck how much sequels are these days are derivative, and there's nothing interesting that comes out of them? And it's like, yeah, yeah, that's that's a thing I think a lot of us can agree with. That's true. And it's like, right, we call it, we're calling attention to that. It's like, that's true. That does suck. Right. That's not great. Okay, now, the rest of this is us doing that. Now we're going to attempt to do that. But we
Starting point is 01:14:48 made sure to let you know in advance that we hate doing this. We hate doing this. It's not. Yeah. Hey, we're not doing it. Do you get it? Yes, I get it. Right. Now we're about to do it. But just remember that we hated doing it. Okay, got it. Cool. I'm still going to end up watching Matrix at some point. I'm going to try and keep an open mind. That's fine. It might just be weird enough for me to really like it. But I hope you do because I hope you can like, like everything in there, like there's there's always stuff that's like, oh, that's an interesting thing. And I'm dead serious when I say that there are interesting things about it that are worth discussing. And it's unwillingness to exist is something
Starting point is 01:15:22 worth discussing. You know, you know what did, you know, I just saw somebody pointed out, thank you, Mark Collins. You know what did the it's a sequel, but it's so far away that it's something completely different. Like perfectly was Twin Peaks. Oh, I couldn't twin Peaks season one and two are from a different fucking filmmaking planet than the third season. And it is they are completely different genres, despite sharing the same characters, director and writer and plot to some degree. And you know, which I don't know if that's Lynch that Lynch goes on to do that in his other works, but I feel like the few things I've seen of him don't go for that. No, he doesn't do a lot of long form serialized stuff. Does he does movies? Something I
Starting point is 01:16:24 thought was pretty funny was the red letter media take on Matrix. I haven't seen it yet because I haven't seen the movie. Okay, fair enough. The takeaway in summary from that review that they just put out is it's awesome how much it it's awesome that it hates sequels and derivative shit as much as we do. And it's awesome that it's that it's doesn't it's awesome that like it's calling that out. But then it's also a terrible movie with bad action and bad lines and bad reading and bad acting and bad script and nonsense, complete garbage, right? The film that that exists continues to be complete garbage. But how awesome is it that it's a reverent about the parts where it doesn't want to exist is, you know, and it's like, yeah, there's something to talk about there.
Starting point is 01:17:18 But I just, I just, you know, while acknowledging that, I just think that you don't get to make a force field, especially one with your hand sticking out like this, which, you know, is a whole lot of the movie is Keanu doing this. And you don't get to put a force field up and then say, hey, don't don't, you know, anyway, all right. The topics we recover are all going into that that subject matter. And this last one, boy, that first Matrix movie is really good. And like three of the three of the shorts from Animatrix. Oh, shit. Oh, man. Anyway, whatever. There's a don't don't tell me Woolies only likes the first one and not as much the second and the third one kind of guy. And I'm like, that was everybody when we walked out of the theaters 20 years ago. What are you
Starting point is 01:18:15 talking about? Every single person that walked out of Matrix Reloaded talked about nothing with the highway fight because the highway fight was so incredible. And then once you once that high wore off, you're like, wait, was that garbage? Yeah. Yeah, it was that was garbage. So I don't know if you fast forward. And some people went back and watched it like later when, you know, I don't know, like when they, you know, were younger and then had a completely different impression of it by themselves or whatever. But I promise you, like, that's not a unique thing. You know, I can't wait for like 10 years from now for somebody is like, look at that pretending the people didn't love the prequels when they came out. I was literally about to say that it's I was literally about to
Starting point is 01:18:54 say this is is this is someone saying, oh, you one of those guys that love the original original trilogy hated the prequel trilogy, geez, okay, you know, and it's like, oh, yeah, it's it's exactly that it's hilarious. But okay, all that all that aside, moving on. One more thing. So there's a game I played. It's called Wolf Stride. And take a Google in black and white. Yes. It is black and white, highly stylistic. And you are you are Kamina from that alternate universe where him and Kitan are vice cops, basically. That's you as a protagonist, your your your your Kamina in a Wolfwood suit. Go check that out. And you are walking around a world where you are not the the pilot of a Mecca, but you are the manager of its team. And you are basically
Starting point is 01:20:06 doing what you need to to get the robot repaired and finding things and you're doing all the management stuff. And then when it gets into the robot fighting, you get to you get to pilot the robot. So yeah, it's called Wolf Stride. The game is oozing with style. The artwork is fucking cool. And it's got, you know, like tons of voice acting. And the whole thing was just like, oh, shit, this is I saw the trailer. And I was like, yep, okay, you are pulling me in on this like style and this aesthetic and the Mecca fighting where there's like there's a turn based robot fighting system. And you have to kind of like move in and out and use action points and movement points and, you know, all of that stuff, a little a little tactical thing going on.
Starting point is 01:21:01 That's it's cool. Unfortunately, when I could hear it the whole time, the whole time you were talking, I'm like, oh, because there's no he's describing all this good stuff. But he doesn't have like that that smile in his voice. You could hear when there's a butt coming. I know I can hear it. Oh, God, I want to like it. I really do. Oh, man. Okay, well, look, all right. So there's minor grind. There's minor grievances. And then there's a larger one. So the minor grievances are that that robot fighting I've played about six hours of the game. Um, and I've fought two tutorial fights and one real fight. Oh, yeah. That's great. The amount of running around and shopping in the grocery stores
Starting point is 01:22:13 to talk to the characters and stuff that you're doing is I like when you have stuff to do between missions in the world, but there's so much here that what this actually is reminiscent of is a visual novel that breaks it up with a little bit of robot fights every now and then. And it's reminiscent of playing Melty Blood story mode where you're like, no, no, no, you're playing a VN right now. And then after a while, you're going to get into the next fight. So, um, I was really like, it, you know, and the game actually has a moment where it seems like it promises, don't worry, the pace will pick up like a narrator literally said to me, don't worry, the pace will pick up when I last touched it. But that's one thing, right?
Starting point is 01:23:08 Uh, 13 Sentinels admittedly lets you jump back and forth between these as much as you want to. And, um, the structure of its narrative allows that to be possible. But in this case, you are locked into all of the story and in a lot of cases, the stories, it's not much. You're just, you're just running around and there's a lot of empty places you're running from. So every location, you kind of like, you run through like a street that's, you know, usually empty, there might not be. And then you get to a destination, you talk to this person and then you'd want to fast travel back to your next point, but then you don't, you have to do the run back and it adds so much nothing. Unfortunately, there's a lot of fluff and filler going on. So there's that.
Starting point is 01:23:56 But goddamn, it looks and sounds great and it's doing its thing. Uh, so there's that. And then the, uh, the thing that just, oh boy, there's, while it's being stylish and, and doing cool things, right, it's going for jokes that don't land and the pro and it sucks. Cause if you're funny and you're writing funny things and it's like, I don't know. It's like, I've had to, me and Min have like talked about like, pretty much like how our senses of humor just don't mesh and like there's no, there's no getting around it. Like, like we, he goes one way on a joke, I go another way or whatever the case is, right? Um, in this thing, they go one way with the jokes. And if you are
Starting point is 01:24:51 somebody who was like, um, I don't find that funny or I don't like this character or whatever, you like, if it's a game where you can ignore something that's annoying to you, that'd be one thing. But there's a character that's a part of your team here that you find and it's a robot. The robot's name is Peepoo and he exists. Yeah. Yeah. To make Peepoo jokes all day. And okay. He talks at the screaming at the top of his lungs pretty much out for every lie delivery. And every time there's a, uh, uh, he's going to swear or cuss, he just yells the word P or poo. And like, it's like, take the worst type of Teddy type of character and shove them in your face and make it that you have to deal with this constantly. It's the pee pee poo poo man.
Starting point is 01:25:45 It's a constant. It's a fucking constant. And it's like, you're going through some of the, I'm bashing at a point to be like, Oh my God, is this monologue ever going to end? And it, now I know what you're thinking, right? That's fucking dumb and hilarious. I am in. No, I'm not thinking that. Okay. Because I know some people are because this is the first time they're hearing it. And so they're like, that sounds hilarious and dumb. I'm laughing. No, I, I implore you to go sit and expose yourself to it for a prolonged period of time and see whether or not you think this lands after constant amounts of this dialogue. It's so, you know what, brutal. Reminds me of like directly and one other game somewhat. Do you remember me talking about
Starting point is 01:26:39 Damon X Mackina? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I played a bunch of it. Yeah. And like, my takeaway was like, man, these mech missions are cool. It's a shame that there's like 15 to 20 minutes of terrible story in between every single one. But the one that really stands out the most is Borderlands. So Borderlands three is an absolutely excellent loot shooter that plays really well. That every time it comes up on Steam sale, I'm like, maybe I should get it. And then I remembered the time that I bought it and played it for 30 minutes and then refunded it. Because every single line of dialogue is the most embarrassing, false, flat fucking cringe. Okay. And I pointed that out on social media. And I got
Starting point is 01:27:32 like a hundred people saying that they love that game, but they play it exclusively with the sound off and listening to this podcast. Oh, that's hilarious. Okay. Right. And it's like, God, damn it. Because I know, I know those of you who are hearing what I'm saying and are thinking to yourselves, but woolly, that that sounds awesome and hilarious. And it's like, no, no, no, here's what you're not like. You're not realizing that what you have is someone from Foam Adventure has joined the party. Oh, God, that's it's never mind the fact that well, there's a character called Foam Gun, mind you, but that's not that's either here or there. Foam Adventure has joined the party and it's not like it doesn't seem to be aware of the fact that
Starting point is 01:28:31 it's Foam Adventure. It's like it's an ironic Foam Adventure is here. And this is what we're going for. And I'm like, man. Oh, God, I just don't know what Foam Adventure is. You can Google search it. It's right there. Yeah. It's for work. And if you hear that for you and you know what I'm talking about and you think that sounds awesome, then this is for you. Then you're the target audience. It's going to work. But this is something that I was like, Oh, boy. Oh, I don't like this part of it. And okay, not to, you know, it's a character. And then the rest of the game is going on and doing its thing. But some of the other characters are a little a little like there's a lack of self awareness on that character that then translates over to some of the others where
Starting point is 01:29:16 you're like, Oh, man, I basically am like if I have to spend a lot of time with you outside of these robot fights, if it was super enjoyable time, then that'd be great. But that's unfortunately not the way I'm feeling here. There are some cool characters that you're like, I want to go like you go chill at the bar and have some drinks between fights. And they're like, Yeah, fuck yeah, let's have some rounds and just character develop and all that's great, you know, but then just shit all that good stuff. Yeah, you know, like that's all fine or go down to the fucking scrap yard and, you know, talk to whatever there's people that you don't mind talking to and spending time with in the visual novel between these far and few in between fights. But
Starting point is 01:29:58 the commitment to these these these types of which there's there's there's people. There's your your rival pig that you fight who's like your your first rival in the game. And he's also a bit of an unaware that the way he's talking and the gags he's doing are not landing kind of energy. And it's like, Oh, man. Oh, some of these gags, they're not landing yet. You know, I have video games, like humor is difficult. Humor is really, really hard. It's one of the hardest emotional states to evoke in somebody. That's right. There's a reason there's an entire craft to it. That's just people yelling at an audience to make them laugh, right?
Starting point is 01:30:51 Right? Writing humor is hard. Writing humor in a game is almost impossible. It's easily the hardest medium for humor. And if you're not really, really good at writing and writing humor, you should probably not because it is like a lead weight around your story or your theme or your fucking thing's neck. It like bad comedy is awful. I think and I think that's why in a lot of cases when there is a gag, you don't see an in a lot of games, they don't go yes, ending it into a whole scene. It'll be one line or two. It'll be a little bit of throwaway. And at best, it'll land and you'll love it. Or at worst, it'll be really bad and you'll forget about it. It's forgettable, right? And I was describing this to Punch Mom and I was thinking
Starting point is 01:31:55 about how to word it. I was like, you know, it kind of reminds me of like when Teddy shows up in P4 and you're like, oh, no, oh boy. You just start recoiling. And you're like, oh, please, please, please. And then it's like, okay, it gets better. And it's not a, like we're not dedicating anywhere near as much time to these bits as you were worried we might, you know, we pull back, he gets better. And then you're like, yeah, this is fine. Ultimately. And to me, I'm like, yeah, okay. Teddy is there. He's a part of the team and it gets better. And then you don't have to have these massive commitments. I actually thought Morgana was not as successful as Teddy because there's too much Morgana. Yeah. Teddy's Morgana is your partner. Morgana's with you the
Starting point is 01:32:55 whole way through. Like, you know, Teddy doesn't hang out with your house and you with you every single day. But the idea of this though is very similar in that it's like once you introduce this angle of things, you have to decide how to commit to this, how much you want to commit to it. And like if you're going and in this case, the commitment is extreme. I feel because it's like it's these full on huge long scenes that play out that I just couldn't get through fast enough really. And then it's funny too, because like the game has a lot of art in it. And like when you press start to skip a cutscene, like there's a message that literally says like every time you skip us cutscene and artist dies, would you like to kill
Starting point is 01:33:43 one more? Yeah, that's that's let me get more cutscenes to skip. That's the skip cutscene message, you know, you know, but but but it's like the the cool shit that it's doing is very stylish and cool. Got a book and I want to I want to this is way off topic. But would you do that loading screen tip reminded me? I was talking to somebody recently about how I cannot play Genshin Impact and how Genshin Impact keeps getting lots of new stuff and lots of people in my timeline are playing Genshin Impact. But I can't play it. Just can't just can't do it. It's it's like a legitimate like addiction danger. Like the not having characters in an action game is just like a knife to my throat of like buy more packs. Can't do it won't play it. And when I made that decision to uninstall
Starting point is 01:34:38 it. I was hit with the most disgusting anti uninstall message, which is Paimon, like the character begging you not to uninstall the game. And saying you'll come back, right? Or is it is Amber? It's one of them. It's one of them. And they're and like, then they send you emails. Asking you if you're going to come back. Give Microsoft Edge a chance. And it like I still get fucking emails. Hell yeah. That is like, hey, and it's like Jesus Christ. Hey, you haven't even tried the new Microsoft browser. Come on. Give it a chance. Or or some some people probably come back as a result of that. But every time I see one of those, it just reinforces my desire to stay away because of how obviously
Starting point is 01:35:40 manipulative it is. Oh yeah. How dare you delete your your Bonsie buddy? You know, like the the the gone from Bleach PS to save file is gone walking happily 3D model. And when you go to delete him, he quakes with fear and he gets really afraid that you're about to erase him from the save from the save file. It's one of the earliest instances I can remember, you know, con con, excuse me. Hey, for context, Wolves, here's the I found the image. I'm going to send it to you. I just posted it in the chat for everybody to see as well. Oh my God. There you go crying. Do you really want to uninstall it tears? Oh, no, the characters will be so sad. Don't do it. Yeah, fucking Christ. So so but but yeah, in this game, you know, there's there's so much
Starting point is 01:36:43 going on that is very enjoyable and likable and stuff that I really want more of. And then there's padding out for time. And there's a man, I just there's something about now, the more that I think about it, the fact that they have a custom message for you skipping a cutscene makes me feel that they were well aware that people were going to skip these cutscenes. I mean, yeah, if you're going to reload your save or, you know, try something differently or whatever the if you're retreading over progress for sure, you know, especially when there's stuff where like there's a couple of there's a calendar and there's a number there's some conversations are like cutscenes that you trigger that will last for a certain number of calendar days. So if you
Starting point is 01:37:35 walk up to the same person, and you don't know if they've changed their dialogue or got because for this week, they're stuck in this thing, you're going to trigger a cutscene, which you have to skip. It's like, Yeah, I've already seen this conversation. So you do whether it's like really and then they still Oh, God, that come on. Yeah. So there's that. And there was and there's a like a little minor other things, but like there's a point in which, okay, so there's a device that is like basically used in things where the screen cuts to black and you just see the text of the person talking. Sure. And you see that and it's usually an impactful like statement being said or something, you know, in anime or in games when that happens, like it's just the line and
Starting point is 01:38:24 everything else is dark focus on the line. It's important. So this game does that a lot and possibly a bit too much because like the impact of it the fourth, fifth, sixth time you see it doesn't hit as hard as the narrative is going. But there's a point at which a fairly serious one of those like a couple of serious lines about like the future are being read by people in people's voice while the screen is all black and it's just the text. And I was like, Okay, all right. And then, you know, and then the last two lines kind of cut back to a different character who's sounds more serious and appropriate for the thing. And you're like, Okay, right. But the moment I'm hearing the people voice over the full black text and the dramatic reading, I just kind of had a
Starting point is 01:39:18 moment of like, I don't know. I can't deal. I don't know if I can deal with that. I don't think I can. But the game is goddamn fucking stylish. And I, you know, I enjoy the simple but fun robot fights and I just, yeah, I wish that it kind of had not everything either either have it in a way where you restrict a lot of that tighten it up faster travel more fights or 13 Sentinels where feast and famine you can eat as much as you as you want. And when you're sick of battles, you can fucking switch over to the story. And then when you're sick of story, you can switch over to the the analysis or back to your battles, you know, the game is Wolf's stride. And it's, it's still very cool. And I think, you know, take take a look at what you're seeing on the
Starting point is 01:40:19 on the on the steam page for it and stuff. And here's what's important to note. And this is probably a takeaway that you can keep going through this entire podcast. The game is reviewing very positively. Most reviews are like loving it. In fact, there's only of the 200 or so only 10 are negative. The rest are very positive and they would be because of the cool things. So I, by opinion, I have, as you all know, talking about all these games in these movies, I have shit taste. Don't listen to what I have to say about anything you should know better. Will he come in with will he come in with the bad takes again? Don't don't you don't don't listen to this guy doesn't you know, I don't know shit. Um, I don't know. That sounds like
Starting point is 01:41:09 but but that's it. There is there is a very clear like, you know, the people didn't feel that way. A lot of a lot of people like found it funny and dug the thing. So that's that. But this is what I felt playing through it. You know, but but at least go would you have people taste? Uh, it tastes like you didn't you see you didn't scream it loud enough. You didn't hold the line in P for a really long time. No, um, yeah, foam adventure, foam adventure. All right, you know, it's weird. What, you know, if I had a nickel for every time we'd mention foam adventure on the podcast the past six months, I think twice two nickels, two nickels,
Starting point is 01:42:02 yeah, which isn't a lot, but it is weird that it happened twice that that like, and they were both like direct perfect uses of it. What's going on? Why is so much shit in our near vicinity being like, yeah, I was good, I guess, but this, is this us becoming old Fuddy Duddies? Um, I mean, there's stuff that I thought like there's people and there's things where you're like, you know, there might have been a time in my life where that would have been funny, I guess, maybe or not. No, I don't know. Some people just senses a humor are just different. Some things are just different. And, and, you know, it's like you said, it's very hard.
Starting point is 01:42:55 It's very hard for everyone to think that it, to think it's funny. So, you know, when you commit hard, then you're going to feel it. It's either going to be, it's going to be a 10 on 10 hilarious moment because of how hard you commit it to the bit, or it's going to just agonize you with the law every time you have to press another prompt for it to go on, you know, which is why you have to consider like, I think if, I think if someone was basically to look at this, like, and take a, take an editor's knife to it, they'd probably be like, keep the, keep the goofy character, just shorten the jokes and have them like be like in and out at best and at worst. Like, you know, it's a really good example of
Starting point is 01:43:40 like, absolutely, absolutely cringe, childish, nonsense, terrible humor that I think is fucking great is Freddie Godfinger is the Tom Green movie, which the plot of the Tom Green movie is that Tom Green's character gets convinces some executive to give him millions of dollars to make a movie and he wastes all of it, which is the movie. Like, it's really, it's really direct. And the whole movie is Tom Green just doing horrible bits and just wasting money. Yeah, I just, just, just making the shittiest movie of all time. I think that's hilarious. I took damage watching the movie. I took fucking damage, dude. It hurt. Oh god, it hurt. Oh boy. Um,
Starting point is 01:44:40 that movie, I didn't think you were gonna bring that up so bad. It's, it's like the worst movie in the world on purpose. And I love it. Yeah, and he's got the jewels. Do you remember that? No, I don't. He bought his, he spent a million dollars on jewels for his girlfriend and they're all just like candy. And I, and I don't, I don't hate, I don't hate Tom Green. I just, I just that fucking movie was, oh, I wasn't ready. I used to watch the Tom Green show a lot actually. Okay. I love that show. I still remember when Tony Hawk showed up and they went skateboarding into a computer store and just started doing grinds on pre-built computers and just trashing the fucking place. I had very little exposure to Tom Green, you know, prior to that movie. So
Starting point is 01:45:38 definitely wasn't fully ready. But here's the thing. I mean, here's what's kind of funny and interesting is like, if you want to make a comparison, look at fucking Eric Andre show. Yeah. Eric Andre is the sequel to Tom Green. Like 100%. You know, and, and, um, well, in that case, I, I, I think it fucking absolutely destroy like it. I've, Eric Andre is hilarious. Like I, the progression goes Tom Green, Jack Ass, Eric Andre. Yeah. I guess the, the, the Freddie got fingered. Like I took damage, but I wasn't laughing while I was taking the damage. You ever see his testicular cancer special? No, but I heard about it because it was real. It was, he got testicular cancer
Starting point is 01:46:31 and decided to just film the entire process of having cancer and, uh, his operation. Uh, and it's the funniest thing he ever did includes him with his shredded up testicle running around the hospital, almost falling down, passing out, trying to touch people with it. That's a real motherfucker. Yep. He's the, he's, he's going under and he's like drugged out because, you know, he's going on it for big operation and he's screaming that he wants the fireman to come save him. So his best friend Glenn is there in his recovery room, dressed head to toe as a fireman with like a fireman's axe. You're like, oh, that's really sweet. And he wakes up and looks at Glenn
Starting point is 01:47:16 and he's like, you're not a real fireman. You have to fuck out of here, Glenn. Like second one from waking up post, getting your dick removed. Sorry, your testicle removed. No one, no one can't say that he ain't a real motherfucker. Um, well, that took a turn. Now we're on Tom Green is the kind of person that you see on the street and then you turn around and you just walk away. You don't want to be within a 100 foot radius of Tom Green or Eric Andre. And then he follows you. Oh no. I mean, he's been living in his van with his dog. So he could be anywhere. Which one? Tom Green. He basically like, he hit the road like two or three years ago, about two years ago. Yeah. And he just started fucking like, he's got him
Starting point is 01:48:11 in his dog and he's driving around. He's everywhere. You know, you know, I feel bad for Eric. Eric, I remember he, I think he was on Hot Ones and he told a story about him eating like a sandwich in Toronto and like some like 15 year old kid like ran up to him and kicked him in the back and went, where are you? Oh, that sucks. And dude, dude's just like, dude, what? Come on. Yeah, you know, you did this. You did this. You created this energy. This is your monster to tame now. That's your problem forever. Okay, well, anyway, that's that's all the things. And again, my opinion is garbage. Don't listen to me. But if you would like to watch more of Mortal Shell and Silent Hill, you can check out Willy versus on Twitch this week, as well as on YouTube.
Starting point is 01:49:04 Yep. Oh, yeah, I'm also going to stream some stuff. I go down to slash Pat stairs that I'm going to stream some stuff. Hold on while I look up the stuff I'm going to stream because I forget. Okay, I'm going to do the dishonored DLC. I'm going to do a day where I play monolith, zero ranger and hunt down. I'm going to take a look at that earthbound game of Maury. And I'm going to play Dark Souls mod called Convergence. Okay. And yeah, for in case anyone didn't hear I thought I'm obviously I'm going to be waiting on the FF six pixel remaster release. That's that's the reason why we haven't started yet is because that shit ain't dropped yet. It's delayed till February. And you know, the and probably around the same time Elden Ring is
Starting point is 01:49:57 going to drop as well. Therefore, we're just playing some short stuff in the meantime. So that's that's why we're doing what we're doing. That's I'm kind of doing variety stuff because I'm in this killing time like Elden Ring is going to be like the entirety of March and maybe some of April assuming it doesn't get delayed again. Just got to wait. Yeah. Yep. All right. Take a quick break and we'll be right back. All right, let's take a quick word from the sponsors. Let's do that. This week, the podcast is sponsored by Green Chef. Green Chef is getting you healthy meal kits for whatever lifestyle you want.
Starting point is 01:50:51 And you can feel good cooking because it's like it's you can, you know, you can just steal all the valor of the actual brilliant chefs that are behind the scenes. I made this. Yeah. They're they're puppeteering. There's like little, you know, they're standing behind you in spirit form. And they really did the heavy lifting, but you can feel good standing in front of the stove being like, yeah, I'm a chef. It was me. I did it. And of course, you get to eat healthy and you get to eat whatever suits your lifestyle. So if you're looking for gluten free, vegetarian, vegan or paleo or keto, which I'm going for that meat, you have all kinds of balanced meals or just, you know, regular traditional gourmet. They got a huge range for whatever your preferences are.
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Starting point is 01:52:35 and you see all kinds of amazing stuff. And you pick what you want. And then when it gets to your place, you just, you do it and then you present it. And then everybody goes, oh my God, you're like amazing. I did it. And you're like, yeah, and you can steal all that credit. It was me. That's the best part. That's, that's, that's the deal. I know that, again, whenever I see a good keto recipe, I'm taking notes because I'm down with the meats. But what you want to do, if you've, if you're looking to, to get some healthy green eats on your table, whoop, where'd that go? Hey, there you are. Okay.
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Starting point is 02:01:19 It's, it's still applicable. Don't worry about the, the year on that one. Don't forget code CASEL 2021 for 25% off your first order with DoorDash, subject to change terms apply. Thanks, DoorDash. Thank you, DoorDash. My mouth hurts. I need, I need a sip. Get yourself a sip. Okay. What is going on? A couple of stories this week as well. They all kind of popped up in the last two days, really. There was, there was a whole lot of quiet and then suddenly bam, things are going on. Okay, well, I'd say the biggest thing this week has been the riot settlement. If you've heard about that, riot has settled for $100 million. Yes. So the 2018, the gender discrimination suit in California has settled for $100 million.
Starting point is 02:02:37 $80 million will go towards the women and the employees and contractors at riot who worked there between 2014 and now. Do you know how many people that is? Yes. That's 2300 workers. Okay. Let's math it up. But here's the thing. That's not all. Before you even math it, that that's not, that's not a, that's not a comprehensive amount, right? Because a couple of the details are that they were agreeing to settle, they originally agreed to settle the suit in 2019 for $10 million, but then California's Department of Fair Employment and Housing intervened and said victims should be entitled to up to $400 million. So no, fuck that. And then it went forward until, for the next two years, until today where they landed on the $100 million. The thing to note is
Starting point is 02:03:39 that, yeah, so 2300 workers are eligible to be part of the $80 million of the settlement, former riot, but former riot employees who were fired but had to take severance out of a financial need and signed away their right to be part of the settlement when that happened. So there are people who were or would have been a part of this that when they were fired, if they were fired, agreed to take severance and basically signed away that ability with it. But the number of those eligible is at 2300. Well, it comes out to about 34,000 people total, sorry, to $34,000 a person, which that's not nothing, but that's definitely not a year's worth of their salary. For most jobs of this caliber, definitely below. Yes, not at all. Yeah, it's something. The argument,
Starting point is 02:04:50 again, that the that California made was that four times that is a likelier value amount for what they were responsible for. But it's likely why they settled. I guess so. Riot doesn't want to pay $400 million and the people handling the lawsuit don't want to keep fighting this lawsuit for the next 15 years. Yeah, well, the difference between 10 million and 400 is, you find a common ground somewhere in that it easily could have been double that, but that's what they went with. Overall, the people who negotiated that are fairly happy with that outcome. And yeah, basically, this is one of those big ones. I don't know if anything else was pending, but there might be like other individual smaller
Starting point is 02:05:54 damages, damage cases attached with these types of things. But it says, but yeah, but the recap on this one is that Riot was mainly being looked at as rather they're mainly being sued from a class action discrimination suit, because they had a ginormous record of treating women like shit in short. So yeah, that happened this week. Where would that be? Riot games? No, no, you were saying maybe they won't treat women like shit. No, that's not what I said. I said they had a history of. Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. So I, for some of my brain completely heard, maybe they can find employment elsewhere somewhere where they don't treat women like shit and goes like fucking wear.
Starting point is 02:06:53 No, no, I didn't say that. My mistake. My cynicism is now changing what I'm hearing. Yeah. You think Riot will improve after being forced to pay a settlement of like less than 1% of their yearly net? Nowhere in this does it talk about a like cleansing out of the people. So no, at certain points, you're just the beast is too big. The beast is too big. There's nothing to be said or done here. And I don't even know what the what the Blizzard version of this looks like. But like when it's just it's that big, it's that deep root, the rod is settled in, you know, like they're talk like the Bobby Coddick is planning is basically like hunkering down to not leave. It's like, you know, the Blizzard version recently, there was a guy that I think
Starting point is 02:07:46 he finally got kicked out of Blizzard like last week or something. I forget the details or his name, but he was a dude that just literally hung out all day in like conspiracy alt-right discords at work and would bother people at work. And he's apparently one of the first 16 Blizzard employees. And in interviews, people were like, I didn't know what that dude's job was. Because all all he does is hang out in these fucking crazy fucking discords and talk shit at us. Yeah. Um, yeah, there's this, you know, there's not much to be said, except for this is going to take a really long time. But for real, though, the Blizzard version of this story is a talent drain. Anybody that is not personally responsible for this and has a decent
Starting point is 02:08:45 CV is just running from the company. The term because they can get a job somewhere else. The often used term is churn. Yeah. When employees just fucking hit the revolving door. Churn is a real good term. It was invented by some businessman to obfuscate the fact that people sign up and quit fast. To obfuscate the question of why do you burn through employees? Oh no, it's just churn. It's part of the industry. Yeah. Well, because it goes hand in hand with the, you know, the design structure where crunch is an inevitability, unless it's actively fought against. Speaking of, is Ken Levine shit on the fucking docket today? It wasn't. I was just going to just briefly mention the part where people at Blizzard
Starting point is 02:09:37 are shocked at the amount of people leaving. They've never seen anything like it. This is the highest it's ever been in terms of churn. But no. Okay, so I've been seeing people talk about this today, people that I trust that are basically describing how the game he is currently making is like years away and that there's basically nothing made. And then they go back to old interviews, or he describes the finding the fun part of development and employees on his current project are really frustrated because the way that Ken Levine designs a game is to quote let the game almost run out of time. And then you have to make the hard decisions about what to put in the game and the description of him
Starting point is 02:10:29 coming in after having played dead cells and being like this should be more like dead cells and just throwing out people like months of people's work. Like how Bioshock Infinite was basically made in like six months. They just took all the assets that they had that worked and just jammed them in. Jesus Christ. Failing upward. You remember how Bioshock Infinite was in development for like eight years and cost hundreds of millions of dollars and then came out and was mid. So that's the thing is I wish we can get timelines that are more accurate on those types of stories because it's like no but how long was spent on the version that shipped because
Starting point is 02:11:16 there's timelines where you go this hard and then the game you're seeing is not a product of that many years. There's a kill and a restart and that's the real time. Like Anthem was in development for five years really. The game that came out was in development for five years. No actually that one was in development for eight months. Yeah. So these numbers you know it reminds me of let's take everybody's favorite cyberpunk. Oh no no. Resident Evil 4. Resident Evil 4 was backed in the day before. Triple I as it were. It was just a big bunch of Capcom game. Okay. Resident Evil 1.9 becomes Resident Evil 3. Okay. Resident Evil 4 becomes Devil May Cry. Resident Evil 4 becomes haunting ground. Resident Evil 4 becomes a somewhat shittier
Starting point is 02:12:16 version of Resident Evil 4 that gets reworked into Resident Evil 4. You know what the important part of those games are? They fucking came out. They got called different shit but they fucking came out. They didn't take a year's worth of fucking work and just throw it in the trash. They did that once with Resident Evil 2 and everyone on that was like we can never do this again. RE4 was a platform in and of itself. And all the games that came from RE4 were good. That's crazy. Right? Because they were like their ideas and their documentation was pseudo-complete. It was just like this isn't going to be a really good Resident Evil game. Maybe you could be just something different. The general way to do it now is like have teams work on it for like
Starting point is 02:13:15 three years and like what do you got and they're like I don't know whatever. Do you have a playable level? No. Like Skull and Bones. Oh man. Skull and Bones. That one's going to be the one forever. They're contractually obligated by a foreign government to finish it and there's nothing. There's that game has nothing to show for it. I just want the boat. I just want the boat. Somebody in the chat says Skull and Bones is dead. No it's not. They have to finish it. Give me the boat. Just let me let me boat and shanty boat and shanty. That's it. That's all. I think it's Taiwan that they're making it there. I forget. It's either Taiwan or Singapore. I forget which but they took like a tax cut tax break from the government to build the game there so the game has to come
Starting point is 02:14:11 out or else that government gets to fuck them over. But yeah no just I was just saying to quote Josh Foreman from so SuperBuddyHop put out a video recently talking about stuff during the pandemic and remote work in companies and then roll back and I stepped in to talk about roll back for him in the video for a bit. Is it you just saying the word roll back? It is. It is. It's me just saying it's me just saying the word roll back over the course of about five ten minutes give or take. But there's a part of the video where he's also talking about like like the companies and studios that learned to work from home and yeah and Josh Foreman in it basically talks about crunch and how it's like the way to look at things as like crunch in studios that are set up this way
Starting point is 02:15:08 is an inevitability unless management actively fights against it. So that means churn is an inevitability unless management actively fights against it and if they're and if they don't see the downside to just refreshing the batteries that have died then why would they consider that a problem? One of the things Doc's been talking about on his Twitter that's quite interesting is about auteur theory and how game journals are absolutely miserable at defining people as auteurs in that you see in interviews now they'll call Ken Levine an auteur which like he's not and like the the number one the number one feature of an a quote unquote auteur is that you can tell their work from a glance you can you can tell like put death
Starting point is 02:16:09 stranding in front of somebody with no otherwise knowledge they will within five minutes they'll be like this is a Hideo Kojima game right absolutely a hundred percent same thing we cage ironically enough and the number one thing for most auteurs is that you can tell it's them because they always work with the same people and usually they work with the same people because they're fun to work with it's a good creative team endeavor right so Kojima hey Kojima productions you mean the team he wholesale lifted from that company and kept working with well you know what I saw earlier this week it's funny you say that because I was looking when I was getting a Silent Hill all set up and I'm looking at PT and I see oh score Ludwig Forsl I'm like yeah of course yeah
Starting point is 02:16:59 you know it's funny though because the word auteur like I feel like I've never I've never used it because I don't feel like I can use it accurately but I guess yeah Kojima Jackie Chan is one Jackie Chan's team his stunt team when he makes a Jackie Chan movie is like from the directing is very obviously this is Jackie Chan movie right well when you say a blank movie the name blank is who you is who the it would be because the director of Jackie Chan's movies is not Jackie Chan always but it's still called a Jackie Chan movie because that's what the you know authorship has a certain it has a certain overall feel that's very common with sure the person sure right Ken Levine don't got that because motherfucker churns people like crazy
Starting point is 02:17:59 that his fuck Bosch shock infinite ship in his whole team disintegrated yeah I the other thing too is when there is someone on the team or a number of people on the team if you could see like the behind the scenes and see like how tight and close they are specifically and like these people are getting along in a way that like they click and they understand it to be so you know it's analogous and topical is if you ever watch the making of the matrix back in the day the visual effects like so when you see the Wachowski's working with John Gaeta who is responsible for the visual effects in the original trilogy like the way that they approach problems and then create wild unorthodox solutions and get to a point where they're just
Starting point is 02:18:52 like we trust you with this and it's like okay don't worry John's gonna figure it out it'll look cool and there's like there's a thing there where it blends nicely because you know that uh uh signature of what he did like is as equally important as everything else going on with those movies uh that the Wachowskis did so when you go on and then he's not there and the new thing but you are trying to do the same things then you're gonna feel the absence of him yeah you know uh it's so yeah yeah what a what a mess what a that games that games gonna go wildly over budget and come out fucking mid kudos to anybody working on that kudos to the rise of the word mid which required no explanation the moment it became a thing it's just a faster way to say mediocre
Starting point is 02:19:50 it's just faster it's just but like it's like you hear it you're like oh yeah yeah i that's that's it and then it's run then it hits you know the machine and because like mid as fuck and you're like yep yeah i get it uh all right like Igarashi's an auteur uh Hinarobu Sakaguchi's an auteur like these people they make a game and you just you just you just touch it you're like oh yeah yeah definitely Yoko Taro Tetsuya Mizuguchi the other Gooch used to be that the doctors over at Bioware for auteurs back in the day Suda and Sweri mm-hmm mm-hmm all of them um Toby Fox definitely page would page would be mad at me if I didn't say Toby Fox definitely yeah just you know the when you can apply a
Starting point is 02:20:52 Spike Lee joint to the game yeah all right so there was that going on with with the bio shocks and the riots other things going on uh there was a this was this one was a bit confusing because I guess I wasn't fully paying attention but uh achievement list that popped up that leaks the implication of a golden eye 007 release coming to xbox I know I've known that that's existed for years and years but it's been held up no by for all sorts of license no we all knew but things it's confusing because here's what happened when you because there's a backstory you have to kind of like track down everyone heard about it because there was an initial announcement um oh yeah okay yeah I know that happened years ago right um well over a fucking decade ago they
Starting point is 02:21:47 were like oh yeah they're gonna do a remaster of the n64 version of the game then it got cancelled um and disappeared and then they made a game in 2010 that was called golden eye 007 but it was not the same game and that came out on multiple platforms uh and and uh it was just it was a completely different thing but it had the name and then like some people were like oh is this supposed to be the golden eye remake and it's like it's not really um and it's being more so compared to like battlefield and uh call of duty at the time so the actual remake of the n64 game uh never fucking went anywhere then suddenly it leaked online uh out of nowhere for the like it was a 360 version or so uh a couple like maybe two or three years ago and uh now there's an achievement list
Starting point is 02:22:45 for this getting dropped on xbox with the with the the full list of achievements and the screenshots in the achievements look like the fucking n64 game so it's pretty much it's pretty much gonna happen um no switch port probably but hey the good golden eyes is is about to drop at the very least now everyone can see how much worse it is than perfect ah you knew i was gonna have to get it in there you knew i was had to do it it music's better in gold night though it's really good well the fucking everything is but uh fuck off we're not doing this perfect dark versus golden eye wars i don't have to because perfect darkers are fucking wrong golden eye rules
Starting point is 02:23:43 shut the fuck up yeah golden eye absolutely did rule and then perfect dark came out and totally and golden eyes still rules um speaking of first person shooters that rule you know what else rules when uh when a bunch of people get splitters when a bunch of people get the key together and and and say fuck it titanfall to north star client we're doing it yeah that is fantastic so um fucking incredible amazing awesome good news uh north star is a mod that uh you can apply to titanfall to specifically it's a modding framework that lets you host your own servers and because you could host your own server a you can play the game again yay without all the the nightmare be you can put in custom content as or vanilla content whatever you want
Starting point is 02:24:49 including this fucking rad sick example of a custom server change where every round start is not dropping out of the drop ship but is bt doing a fucking fastball special throwing you onto the map in full sprint i think titanfall 2 is my personal pick for the best dead game yeah okay that's fine i'll take that i'll take whatever the category we can have because it's it's real real good and dead i mean whatever best whatever you want to stipulate i'll accept because boy um it took a while you know and maybe the team here might have been holding out for hope that something official would have happened but it's clear that it ain't and it's clear that
Starting point is 02:25:48 the news of the servers of the first game um are going to push people into action here so fuck yeah to the north star team uh custom servers means this gets to live it gets to live as long as anyone wants it to for at least two or three months and it gets to shut it down you know we'll we'll we'll see if that's a an easy thing for them to do um i don't know man it's actually but really difficult to shut down private servers like that like there's always why wow private servers absolutely join always and and uh you know this has been a thing for other dead games right but with this case though the uh addition of the ability to like modify put cool shit like maybe right we can be looking at like something where uh custom titans changes like
Starting point is 02:26:42 whatever the fuck who knows i don't know where this goes but it's a very exciting thing that not only is titanfall now the titanfall 2 now playable but it's customizable and moddable in this way um for the foreseeable future that's fucking exciting uh kudos to that team big kudos dude like the clip uh is just like you see the fastball special and they come in sprinting at max and you just go right into the hot zone just everyone move in quickly it's incredible god damn um that's good i just started a piece of cheese nice thank you sweetheart thanks for the cheese baby bell um baby bell i don't know what that is it's the cheese with the red wrapper on it that you know man it's like sharp cheddar okay uh atlas reported a couple of things
Starting point is 02:27:43 one smt-5 sold uh more than anything else any other titles in the series at 800 000 copies so that's great sure uh and with that comes them renewing a bunch of domains for unannounced p5 projects so initially when uh strikers was a uh just a a trademark it was listed as a p5 ag so people interpreted that to be p5 action game so the other things they re-upped were p5m and p5b so uh add a guess p5m might be p5 mobile music could be and p5b being battle could be something something with battles in them yeah maybe but uh they are re-upping at least two more p5 games uh come in this way i'm kind of shocked you didn't have their other announcement in there which i saw you retweet it where the the they
Starting point is 02:29:08 did an interview with the atlas devs and they talked about how they didn't think ultimatum they were going to put roll yeah they didn't that we we talked about that last week in it until they gave modders a chance to fix it for them yes yeah all right right the update to the the update to the story true true true my mistake the update to the uh to the to the the ultimatum story is uh you know they gotta wait and see to see if modders get on it first and you know think of all the work they'd waste if the modders made it better yeah it'd feel really silly man you know i was i was labbing this week and um you know i just decided to i'm like you know what let me set this up the way that the the community has been doing it on discord and the they've basically got it running
Starting point is 02:29:59 on a fucking on desktop you're just fucking emulating and playing and then doing a parsec connection and it's so cheap and i'm just like yeah but when i want to fucking grab it and set it up i don't want to plug my ps3 in so this is what i'm doing and so apparently there's a gentleman named milpy i'm not super familiar with them i think uh i think like tharo uh retweeted him onto my timeline or maybe it was you but dude's just calling i'm i'm gonna post a daily video of the netcode in oh moop oak moop oak yeah yeah that's uh moop oak uh and just like yeah yeah yeah dude this thing is trash i mean it's it is a it is a it is a noble endeavor to basically say i'm gonna provide the world with examples of how bad these matches can get when
Starting point is 02:30:49 you if we don't get better netcode for them exactly like just the part where that like somebody will block like a fucking chore you off you and the game just freezes giving everybody time to figure out what they're gonna do yeah so um anyway by that last bit by the way uh it's from the option select which is a fighting game based onion yes solid solid bit on that uh yeah yeah atlas atlas has things to say uh they're not the only ones with things to say as the as the year turns uh here we go i remember i talked about when i was at squeenix when uh wada stepped down and uh matsuda stepped
Starting point is 02:31:49 in and uh the president uh the the square the square leader squeenix leader uh basically the the the change in ideology and the differences were such that um you know wada was was being too bold and he was going against uh what um what some of the the board and what some of the um um the the investors so to speak would have wanted and and anyway there's a whole there's a whole complex thing to that but here was what we got we got the new year hey you kids heard of the cloud and our clouds gonna be the best and f t whatever happened with that coming big and strong to the squeenix um it's kind of funny that it's like the new year's message because it's like yeah the biggest hardest commitment to it ever literally the very first thing of game news
Starting point is 02:32:47 i saw this year mm-hmm and um yeah that that goes over about as well as you as you can expect um so do you have the quote because the quote's wild uh there's i have the three page thing okay hold on uh sir can you control effort yeah no i can't it's a jpeg okay uh oh god because there's the the quote uh i can control effort now what's what am i looking for the word fun fun okay uh as in not a non-fungible token but okay i realized that some people who play to have fun uh and those who currently form the majority of players have voiced their reservations towards these new trends and understandably so however i believe that there will be a certain number of people with whose motivation to play
Starting point is 02:33:39 to contribute by which i mean uh help to make the game more exciting i i can understand that people who play games to enjoy themselves are worried but what if money kotaku got together a bunch of quotes from um uh japan japan's message board responses yeah they're all just they're all just like well like if this is an announcement this is an announcement that square enix is finished is the first one i was like so surprised like it says the square enix put out a mobile game a little while ago a japanese mobile game and that that had nfts in it and their nfts sold out and i did a second batch of nfts so that's their one use case and they went see look it's a big success and the number one thing to take away from that is that japanese mobile game
Starting point is 02:34:39 consumers are not anyone else that is a very very different market i think the other thing uh that's a takeaway that is something to introduce to this conversation because otherwise every week it's just uh here's the latest here's what it's fucking here's where it's going here's who's doing it um is uh an idea that i've seen discussed a couple places where at first i was like who's going around which crypto bro is coming into the board meeting and talking to them and it's the thought is that may that it's likely uh investors that are aware of the trend that are pressuring the companies that they're invested in and investors don't care about anything then new investment opportunities of course nft looks like free money yeah so you know when it just like we
Starting point is 02:35:33 would all like take pain uh of the people yelling at a water back in the day when you would have to read through those logs similar to now it'd be like why can't you become a different kind of company than the company you've been for the whole time that i invest why can't you just make uh uh the become a company that just makes money which is what konami did yeah stop making games we did that stop making games and become a different thing and then pat and then kovid annihilated the patchy slot market while enormously growing the video game market oops um and the problem of course is that there's no real way to ever you can never escape the dumb they don't give a fuck about what you're making investor
Starting point is 02:36:27 ideologies and pressure um at best you can do what iwata did which is yeah thank you got it okay all right we're looking into looking into it got it okay all right moving along you know um so that's probably gonna continue to be uh as uh cancerous and loud as it as ever and and you know um when it's coming from the people who are bankrolling uh the hands are even more tied than you would expect so i i can i can just viscerally feel like you were describing investors or maybe even a couple board members right just becoming hardcore crypto bros and needing to be appeased right my my prediction for this is the same as many others much like square enix's cloud service this is a new trend that will not make any money and people
Starting point is 02:37:29 who have ultimate control probably know it won't make any money so they're gonna make a studio for it and they're gonna say we're developing something make an announcement to make them happy and they're gonna just blow 100 million fucking dollars into appeasing three guys in the board meeting and it will nothing like absolutely nothing like one use is booby soft just did it and it was a total failure ports yeah uh it could literally just be a here is our side thing to make you happy and and that'll be that could be also as as the number one feeling off of this is the hypocrisy because one of the reasons that Final Fantasy 14 is currently under oh yeah server shortage is because of crypto in general there's also the semiconductor shortage yada yada yada
Starting point is 02:38:29 but it's totally self-defeating and the worry of some i saw a really funny post today there's a healer ability called rescue where you just grab a person and you can yank them towards you it's to save them uh you can use rescue to kill people by pulling them towards you off the edge of something or pulling them into an aoe that will kill them for sure etc and people are talking about if ff14 gets f nfts i will roll a healer and anytime i see somebody with it i will use rescue to kill them uh and it's like uh whoopsie doodle that being said the the the worry particularly of ff14 being like you know their online big service game being ripe for nftization uh it can't it actually can't have nfts put into it for a couple reasons one the game is still running on the
Starting point is 02:39:34 absolute worst engine of all time any change to it of a significant nature would break it but two uh there are uh millions and millions and millions of people who own ff14 on steam which does not allow crypto transactions or nfts of any kind true and you cannot buy standalone expansions and use them with your steam copy your steam copy has to buy steam versions of the expansions because of the way the account system works so unless they want to get rid of 9 million subscribers the platform stops it from being a possibility and furthermore it stops anything square is currently doing from being on steam yeah yeah which so i'm seeing a future for mobile yeah i see i mean there's definitely a an energy of quiet dread on on twitter at the very least
Starting point is 02:40:37 where it's like okay which company is going to come out and disappoint you today uh and that'll that'll that'll continue to be the case but uh there's one person who apparently won't and that's good old yosafaris because i love you yosaf that rather gets shot in the knee than include nfts in the games that dude is so for real he's the realest he's the realest the realest man in video games so there you go uh hold it it down yeah as chi nine in our chat points out now that dude is a fucking auteur oh yeah to use the word yeah yeah god damn it i'm
Starting point is 02:41:28 it's just it it it unfortunately is gonna sound pretentious every time the word is used however i don't think i can i'm gonna start using it i don't i don't know but there's a meaning to it like like kajima in video games and miyamoto right are just like they're the they're the definition of the word mm-hmm right and you are scorsese right like hey it's time for another scorsese movie that's going to be about the mob and it's going to have the same 10 incredible actors getting old making scorsese movies before they die in fact the movie's about them getting old and dying ah crap don't look too hard as we're supposed to be convinced oh god shout out to like shitty
Starting point is 02:42:18 movie details where they're like in this scene in the irishman uh you know like like you can see as robert deniro is uh de-aged with technology in a way that tries to convince audiences that this is not an old man giving weak kicks to a dude on the floor oh man like okay you're watching a movie right you're watching a movie okay and sam jackson walks out and he's yelling at somebody and then sam jackson walks away and it pans down to some lady's big-ass feet who's directing an otter you can answer that question an otter then that kid that person's an otter otter all right last one over here and it's an inch and then this this brings something interesting
Starting point is 02:43:23 up uh sometime ago in the 2000 to 2003 that was back in the day man oh sure was they were working on uh a harry potter mmo oh yeah and this uh had uh what was it yeah it was this had uh some big ambitious plans for it uh they were expecting to uh they built out a full beta they had it as a combination online offline experience and the goal was to have a game where you would actually get prizes and ribbons in the mail as a part of this game um thoroughly researched and and and there there's a team that was confident but they uh EA killed it off because they did not believe the ip would have shelf life longer than a year or two that's pretty funny and i don't think they were wrong like what was a in in mid 2000 to 2003 what was a harry potter
Starting point is 02:44:39 mmo that's mailed you real gifts destined to become you know like replicated uh was that not the same era that led to the connect games and and yeah so i always thought it was weird that that mmo like in in like like had mmo style races was determine your stats that was really weird and it kept asking you if your character was male or female over and over and over and character creation it was really bizarre um yeah so you know what EA probably a good call on that one all right fucking jay carrell like such a fucking stupid bit
Starting point is 02:45:45 not an otter no yeah so you know what i remember back when jk was jk uh back in the day when uh it was like wow she was homeless and she wrote a cool big book and that's pretty cool and that is genuinely interesting except have you heard have you heard of the the book larry barter larry bar larry potter larry potter i have not heard of larry potter in 1999 author american author nancy cathleen stover alleged copyright and trademark infringement of rallying of her 1984 works the legend of raw and the muggles and larry potter and his best friend lily wait really yep
Starting point is 02:46:53 here's the wiki link uh oh uh oh oh my god okay that's a huge article all right yeah larry potter was a bespectacled boy with the dark hair okay you know i heard there was a thing about that with the matrix as well um was someone who like like there's i think a lady wrote a script and was saying that um the matrix and terminator two uh both like had taken from it or were inspired by it and it was like an uh it was older than both scripts but i don't know what happened uh legally with that but this sounds very similar muggles the word the word muggles was used in 1984
Starting point is 02:47:58 in the original thing muggles were a race of mutant humanoids that's not good okay well sure she's a thief allegedly yeah that's a that's a big read okay all i know is is reggie came in hot last week just go in man fuck harry potter i watched all those movies that shit was dog shit you know even as a child he was so angry at them and i was like i've only seen i've only seen
Starting point is 02:48:51 water too but damn he was bad it was it was pretty funny even as a child dude i remember like reading it and be like why is this korean girl named cho chang that's fucking weird that's fucking weird i i think yeah i think the thing i think he called it like unbelievably normie shit he's right oh why is there why is there a fucking why is there an elf that just loves being a slave dog is up with that what is why does everyone treat her money like a freak when she's like maybe we shouldn't have chattel slavery of these magical creatures chattel slavery
Starting point is 02:49:48 chattel slavery specifically yeah straight up specifically the only black person in harry potter is a guy named shackleboat yeah hell yeah oh that's great all right um if you've got a letter and you want to send it in and you can send it in to castle super beast mail at that's castle super beast mail at it is it's true we got one over here coming in man could you i thought the worst of it was the wizards poop where they stand into their clothes and that that was like post release yeah yeah yeah no i know i know that's
Starting point is 02:50:50 what i mean you know and it's like oh how does it just keep going well anyways uh here's one coming in from drew uh hello subpar best custards after hearing past technical problems with back for blood i decided i'd share a similar story friend and i fired up aliens fire team for the pc uh game pass we both did the first mission and then tried to join i sent a few invites and accepted a couple but they seemed to do nothing my friend went to tab out to look at the forums only to notice that he had seven versions of the game running and i looked and i found four versions running on my computer best of not a single combination of those instances were in the same lobby we both uninstalled and ironically fired up back for blood happy 2022
Starting point is 02:51:49 it's good it's good when you said when you send an invite to somebody and it just creates a new instance of the game uh croap cat put out a recent uh video that is comparing back for blood to left for dead and shows off a lot more than what i saw which is um that all the leads on left for dead were all valve employees not turtle rock employees oh and uh that's and just shows off like the the developer commentary for left for dead one and two where they talk about how it was really important to get this right and really important to get this right and then super cuts it with footage of that shit not being in back for blood at all they weren't the primary team no they were but it was all valve people in the lead
Starting point is 02:52:37 okay lead writer mark laidlaw was the read right a lead writer right okay the the the the the senior technical guy the the creative design you know that kind of stuff okay okay the people steering the ship yeah uh we got one here coming from uh scott says hey greetings woolly blackface is awesome madden and pat fighting games were a net negative in my life boivin scott here you do love blackface it's true the weather or not there are net negative remains to be seen me and woolly just the other day we were trading i was browsing tiktok am i i gotta send this to you and then you traded me a blackface video back instantly and we were you had it ready what the fuck you never know when the time comes
Starting point is 02:53:41 you gotta keep one you gotta keep them ready to shoot you know um i work at a senior living center and every tuesday and friday is okay all right yeah all right every tuesday and friday is game day where the residents and even some of the employees with permission are permitted to play the we and the tv lounge most of the time there's residents and other employees that'll want to play we bowling but to be honest it's not that big of a surprise but i did notice one day however that the tv lounge has a small collection of we games set aside curiosity got the best of me and i took a peek among them were games that would absolutely not be out of place in an old folks home uh including we sports we fit we play
Starting point is 02:54:28 but then there were some that were more out there uh that would still feasibly be present for example new super mario brothers are mario party eight links cross-bro training lego star wars etc and then there were titles that i never would have expected including smash brawl donkey con country returns and i shit you not sin and punishment star successor not only was there save data on the game it was really close to the end um so have you ever been surprised by a gamer colleague even a parent has played much love from scott um games for old people uh yo first of all shout outs to that old fuck that got through sin and punishment or almost did that's awesome uh that's really cool what would be good gaming for
Starting point is 02:55:27 an old folks home for the we um maybe like the only thing pikmin three maybe the only thing i can think of that would qualify as this is my dad which was coming downstairs and realizing he had spent the entire evening learning how to bowl perfect games one after another and we bowling like was nothing and the other thing where he's like yeah i don't really play video games and then i'll go downstairs and he's like playing the 1998 version of risk on the pc at maximum difficulty oh Jesus okay just crushing it holy i okay sure dad he's a lot of difference risk it's a board game he's okay whatever that secretly okay okay if pikmin three was we you um you know what how about Beatles rock band yeah that makes them that play that that'd work out Beatles rock
Starting point is 02:56:24 band would would would be a good fit um doke upon kingdom yeah oh no yeah that's that's what you got to unleash on grandma there that's good don't cut each other they don't care nothing left to to lose they got std's eating away at their lower half you think they won't fucking slice you um got one coming in from poultra says dear purple and red moss clumps that's pretty good i just dueled woolly and teppen with my high cost green only x heart assist deck against your guy armor that was dirty as fuck bro but i promise i had got if i had god draws in that match i would have had you i'm upset but it was a fun match green numbers get stupid high when played in my uh and my hate for the black deck insta kills always turn me off um akuma ascension is for the week
Starting point is 02:57:34 have but uh have you or pat or anyone by extension had a moment where you realize that the thing that you hate might open up off uh interesting strategies if you suck it up and become your own villain uh that's what i did that's exactly what i did in teppen and gg's poultra you total i'm sure you probably would have i don't remember the match but i'll believe you in that if you had good draws it would have went differently i have a a hundred percent a hundred percent i hate this i hate this i hate this fine i'll use it because i have to oh no wait it's good yeah oh yeah uh which is uh building in fortnight uh you have to do it you okay so here's the you don't have to do it you should probably do it it's i would compare it to using x's
Starting point is 02:58:32 um it's not just learned how to fight it yes in fact most of the time most of the time that people started to uh i don't want to call it um how did gene say it he said i hate it when i shoot somebody and they start gentrifying the map um gene that's good shit that's good shit gene uh so like sometimes you shoot somebody and they just turn into a 10 story building like instantly yeah yeah yeah um and it's a little tough because you know high ground is always better but the extreme low ground is also valuable um because if you break the uh the absolute bottom of a structure the whole thing falls apart okay if you can do that
Starting point is 02:59:43 like then if they're 10 stories above you and you're directly below them they there's no way they can actually hit you okay um and so then it becomes like you come down no you come up here no you come down and then it then it becomes like who can get the drop on who when somebody gets impatient right i put up a lot i was like beating up the kids and put up a lot of clips of people making gigantic fortresses only to peek their head out and get shot but but it's just but it's a lameing it out method the the number the number one use for 99 percent of the time that you would ever make something a fortnight is really simple it's uh i'm being shot and i'm in a completely open field build a tiny ramp in front of you some kind of cover so that there's just so that you
Starting point is 03:00:32 don't die in one second right okay and then peek over the top or or heal up or you know whatever so the exact example that this this uh friend here is is is citing is the deck that i'm currently using which um is a it's my own build but i have i it's a hybrid of shit that killed me because i went into a fight and uh was using my normal deck before this and then i came across basically um so x as in mega man x has um a super that uh allows you to no longer be able to target anyone on the board uh on the enemy side so uh it has very limited usage however um you take a couple of cards that are okay there's one card in specific which is every time you heal your hero heal every card up give an ever ever get give every card on your on your side like plus two
Starting point is 03:01:38 or three hp or something like that there's another card that's the exact opposite which is every time you heal your hero uh give your give everything on your team plus two or three attack and then there's a card in the middle which is uh every five seconds heal the hero by one so you have these three cards and you have a whole bunch of heal myself um consumable things uh throw away like action cards and then you basically um combine that with self-damaging buffs so i took some self-damaging buffs and went like take three damage buff this card take three damage buff that card and then i hurt myself and then i drop these three on the board and i put uh the super on where you can't target any of my cards and then sit back and watch as they
Starting point is 03:02:35 just heal and get ridiculous numbers into infinity because it all stacks together and then that's the end of the game it's it's ridiculous it's stupid um but it's a combo deck yes but it is defeated by not getting those three cards early enough or late enough like if they're off the bottom of my deck then sounds like you're cheating man sounds like it um but i i came across a version of that and got rocked so quickly that i'm like no uh that was too fast i need to know what's going on here and then uh now i'm using that uh so embracing the evil is exactly what i did um yeah although i i like i do appreciate the the the the teppant scrub quote mail that's pretty fun that's that's i like that i like that coming in uh last quick one here from uh
Starting point is 03:03:33 jose who says what's up uh fools just wanted to say uh share a story about a small fgc community in mexico when i was a kid probably around 10 or 11 mom took me to a small hometown to her small hometown in mexico there was a local store being operated out of someone's house um it was an arcade cabinet with hundreds of games on it local kids were gathering around spending what little money they had to play kof all afternoon i don't recall which one it was 98 it was 98 you don't have to ask it was it was 98 i don't recall which one they played but it was always the same one each time they would even do mini tournaments amongst each other for a bag of chips or a drink from the store when they were playing for fun they would always go the full three rounds to maximize the play time
Starting point is 03:04:18 i played with them and i got my ass beat um without knowing the children in town actually started their own little fgc all around one game and one single cabinet uh yeah so uh just you know just so you know that's not a unique situation that happened everywhere all throughout mexico and uh that was in fact a lot of arcades uh you know up here too even like arcades in general kind of had that little thing going on where there was a little vibe there might be a piece of paper stuck to the side of the cabinet that says hey there's a tournament on saturday or rugel is banned fuck you don't pick him you know it's the good old days yeah um i know people are thinking it might be 2002 but i'm guessing if this person is saying when they were 10 or 11
Starting point is 03:05:10 it was probably an older version so i'm i'm defaulting to 98 on that i don't know man they could be 16 and they're talking about king of fighters 12 they could be but um but yes the the mexican koa uh child tournament at the arc at the the local arcade is not a unique phenomenon um and that's it's awesome that's what it's all about man very cool um um i would i would ask that like if it were up to me i would say you don't you don't if you're gonna ban rugel then at least force athena to turn the volume down so you don't have to hear god awful just awful okay what's going on this week again pat recap for anybody oh god i'm playing all sorts of bunch of shit uh this week oh god uh switch dot tv slash pat stairs at it's gonna be
Starting point is 03:06:02 the dishonored one dlc model the zero ranger hunt down a morrie i think that's about pizza and dark souls three convergence i'm not going to be streaming tuesday that's a wednesday thursday friday saturday schedule i'm not streaming on tuesday because i have to wake up early tomorrow morning to get online when the server goes live and hit the market board before the other crazies sounds good it doesn't it's gonna suck okay well um meanwhile uh gonna be continuing silent hill uh probably gonna go maybe three four sessions with that i think we're taking our time we're not we're not blasting through it particularly quickly um how many sessions have you done so far two and i know there's eight chapters
Starting point is 03:06:50 you have one or two left okay so silent hill will resume as well as mortal shell which uh you know again i think it's they said how long to beat is about 10 11 hours or so so we'll see how long we get through that and then of course fighting games gonna pick some fun stuff um what what fighting game is fun uh well i mean are you sure you know we might just kill the whole thing fuck it it's canceled that's it for us huh goodbye okay goodbye everybody you

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