Castle Super Beast - CSB 166: Boobs&Butts RPG: Find Out What It Means To Be Born

Episode Date: May 10, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 now there we go what we're good am I am I on the internet yep oh no take me off I want off too late I want off this zany internet show you've you've committed way too hard for way too long to get yanked off now I was I was talking on stream the other day or whatever the fuck and I was like I've been doing this for like 11 solid decade years like oh oh man oh shit the time to regret it was a decade ago you know back in the day kids I used I though used to be no internet you mean you didn't have the plug no that's not what I mean oh yeah so
Starting point is 00:01:37 what's up man um I had a week of stuff that yeah I did a couple things couple things in particular two movies current you did two movies I did two movies movies called that you did first one and these are both recommends first one everything everywhere all at once her good things about this yes Michelle yo doing a particularly interesting I I'm gonna call it her JCVD okay yeah it's a bit like that in the sense that it's a bit it's a it's like a lot of things as the title is aptly named it's gonna be hard to talk about this without you know detracting from anyone who hasn't yet seen it so I'm gonna I'm gonna
Starting point is 00:02:50 definitely talk a bit in circles and I know some people love that but this is one of those movies where it's like it's worth it to just go in and I have no idea what the plot of this movie is despite seeing two trailers for it yeah I didn't see any trailers I just got I just heard it was solid and I was like yeah this is good and I hear I was told someone told me that this would be up my alley so I was like okay and then went in and I was like cool and I also know Michelle yo's in it and I I guess when I see that I kind of expect you know her to be like badass middle-aged lady you know and yeah you get some of that and
Starting point is 00:03:27 you get a whole lot of other things I'm gonna the reason why I say the JCVD is because it's a bit like a like this is a little outside of the expected wheel house of what their film career would entail and it's a more personal kind of feeling story but it's a fantastic step outside of the expected the other things I'll say about it is that like it is one of the examples of a film with like the highest ambitions with the lowest budget possible to represent those ambitions and it does a really fantastic job like within those limitations by kind of just having fun with everything and the other things I'll say are that
Starting point is 00:04:15 it can enter into the recent trilogy of the mom's chill the fuck out trilogy that is in canto turning red and now a little bit of this okay yeah okay there's a little bit of that but it's there's it's so much more but and in terms of just like a brief introductory topic there's a feeling of like yeah you can you can throw that into that trilogy you know so it's it's from what I understand it it's directed by the Daniels which is a yeah two two directors that work together and a two it's an eight to four film which means it's a little more indie and I think but the Russo's are producing it so it's like
Starting point is 00:05:02 it's got that level of like okay clout you know with the the Marvel dudes on that pretty much the only thing I heard about us for production is that it was made with like like no money and he feels like it but the ambitions are so high it's really like all and and and they they yeah I mean all like that's all I can really say is like you can see that they're like knowing the limitations let's have fun with our our costume design let's have fun with our sets let's have fun with our cast and it is and in terms of just like thematics and such I would say that it is a really good it it it answers a bit of a question that's
Starting point is 00:05:54 like what is the it kind of asks and answers what is the answer to nihilism right that's part of what's going on doing drugs and getting your dick wet I mean that's certainly one answer there's a couple other potential answers to it and it's a complex question but it provides an interesting proposition to that and then yeah the the there's there's again there's there's not much to say with that I don't want to go into many specifics obviously but I'll say that it has fun with the structure of the film it's like the editing the way that it's presented the you know it has fun being just a unique movie but
Starting point is 00:06:37 Michelle yo shows up and does some cool Michelle yo things and then her supporting cast as well does a pretty solid job of like you know floating around the roles of like her family and it's it's an it's a really fun way on on so it's a really fun way to touch on like existential what type of life could I have lived in an alternate if I could do it over again in an alternate reality what type of like possible other me's are out there you know it kind of gets into a little bit of like oh like I'm living this version of my life what other versions of my life could there have been you know and it kind of lets
Starting point is 00:07:33 you think about that for a while and then just kind of explore that idea that's about as much as I'm gonna say but go out and check it out one of the versions of her life on the camera just you stand up and proudly yell it's morban time it's possible it's possible we saw a lot of examples of possibility there could have been one of those in fact some of the more absurd possibilities are likely so okay in one in one of those possibilities there was in fact a Morbius sweep oh yes yes definitely this one at least one timeline contained a Morbius sweep make no mistake so
Starting point is 00:08:29 that thing's coming to digital next week does that seem fast to you hell yeah it's good that seems fast it's about to be morban time let's do it um I mean I'm not at this point like I can't I'm not even I can't keep up with the with the sweep evolution like it's on the third generation of sweep memes oh yeah and like it's been like like half a month I'm looking down and I'm seeing somebody ask is there a universe with a more billionaire that is the fastest meme evolution like sequence that's occurred in the last it's two years probably it's it's basically just now the the morb and then just just go nuts go nuts with it yeah uh
Starting point is 00:09:27 uh well anyway yeah the the and then the fun thing too um of well it's interesting because like the title everything everywhere all at once originally when I saw that it made me think of there's a song on the Bo Burnham special inside called everything everywhere all of the time and like I got too confused so I was like are you talking about that song what what's you know and it was yeah uh but no no definitely not this is a different thing yeah go see it that's all I can say go see it and um you know uh if you if you have uh if you have a desire for some some whimsy you're gonna be in for some whimsy I like some whimsy in my movies you know uh I don't know if you do but I enjoy it I it depends I could go for some whimsy but usually
Starting point is 00:10:30 usually whimsy just comes off annoying it's a fine line to me I feel like um I had to like you have to buy into the to the premise of the movie when when it starts moving oh yeah and like there was a while where I was like I'm like okay and then there's a like there's a build up and then there's a couple of scenes where you it caches in and you buy you're like okay I'm buying into the whimsy you know um there is like there's a scene that like goes on for like a couple of minutes with no dialogue in it and it's wonderful okay so you got stuff like that where you're like no no no we're gonna commit to something really strange here on film and if you're in it you're in it if you're down you're
Starting point is 00:11:25 down and hopefully by that point you would be so um yeah yeah be sure to be sure to check that out and uh go in cold I'll say it's it's it's a it's enjoyable cold so luckily enough um this is like kind of an indie movie that I can already feel is doomed to people going wow that movie is great and people going what movie is that mm-hmm so like lucky for me but um in the pet since since uh movie theaters have decided the the pandemic is over um even though it's not really mm-hmm but like digital like day day digital is just not happening yes I have gotten to experience for the first time in my life what it is like being somebody who waits for the movie I really want to see to come out of theaters
Starting point is 00:12:27 and hit home movies and it has been such an absolutely miserable fucking experience that I'm probably not going to watch a shit ton of movies I otherwise would have from now on right using social media at all mm-hmm has just sport I know everything that happens in Doctor Strange every single fucking thing so I've had this discussion and I am sought nothing out because people just post the whole fucking clip on an auto-playing fucking tweet or some shit yeah um I've had this discussion with uh punch mom quite a bit uh uh you know which is like part of this gig is like you are kind of obligated to see the thing within 48 hours or suffer the consequences and every time you go well I guess I'm just going to suffer the consequences you
Starting point is 00:13:40 have to mentally go this is probably going to be compromised just because it's we get so much of it you know in all directions um it's it's just yeah I don't know I there's nothing you can do has some random tweet where somebody goes I really loved the design of this thing in the sonic movie and it's like a shot from the ending and I'm like what it's some some person like I follows like like it's not even retweet now that that's always existed but like the fact that um there's clearly two audiences now worth people that are like going to go out and watch it versus people that are waiting for the the release at home uh is creating a larger distinction because now it's not like there's a large group of people that are like well you know I kind of have to wait
Starting point is 00:14:36 for it to come uh uh uh to streaming um and I think again I think a movie like this one everything everywhere all at once is it is the kind of movie that would be like somewhat doomed to obscurity but word of mouth will save it because it's really really good but the thing but the thing is is that like if it comes to a streaming platform it'll be huge it'll as long as it gets somewhere that people can actually access it it'll be big you know um and it's currently not so that's gonna kind of make a huge difference here because it's definitely traveling through word of mouth and like people are really like yo this thing's fun go check it out you've you've heard that it's good right yeah yeah um I I just want to take a second because I I mentioned this and I'm seeing people
Starting point is 00:15:25 say like I can block likes I can block autoplay I can block this and it's like I work in social media I don't think you understand how impossible it actually actually is to turn it off it is like I remember getting spoiled on Dark Souls 3 stuff when I was uploading parts of the Dark Souls 3 LP to the YouTube channel because I would I would test to see if the video went up properly and the recommendations on the side would be the fucking sport like it's it's impossible other than completely cut myself off from social media which is impossible I mean I was talking about goddamn Amori on this podcast and I looked over and so it just blew out the whole fucking ending at random with no warning at all so what I've
Starting point is 00:16:25 possible what I've done um especially having you know like again I know that I'm somebody that enjoys things as cold as possible in general but um you know having had moments like through the years on the podcast and an LP form and things were especially like with the the ff video I did where I like I just didn't understand like this what I was reading and such where I'm like okay let's relax on the the the overdoing it in my brain but I'm basically doing as much as I can mentally to filter so when I scroll through things that I see are filled are like spoilers I have a sort of instead of trying to put blockers up on my Twitter and on my browsers and stuff I'm mentally just having a scroll past it and just don't even internalize and it's it doesn't
Starting point is 00:17:13 completely work but it sort of does because it has an in and one ear out the other effect I've talked about it before like I you know it's a really good example what's a really good example of what I'm talking about so I uh clicked on on my browser to go to TikTok so that I could check my own fucking uh numbers on the TikToks that uh Redgraver puts up because they're good at their job and I don't know how to do the TikToks yeah and like I fucking like misclicked to leave and ended up on the for you page and saw somebody being actively murdered in the Doctor Strange movie oh boy in a clip that I couldn't click away from fast enough and it's like how like I mean TikTok is a you have no control over what you're gonna see social media platform so that one's really
Starting point is 00:18:07 aggressive um what I have done too as well is like um and you know I've gotten feedback over like you know uh stuff I've been playing and the channel and um Twitch as well and uh recently you know I've brought like after feedback and I think there was a thread too that was discussing like um my Twitch chat and like you know the need for more regulation and moderation and stuff so I got together a bunch of really cool peeps that hang out you know and and uh we have some more mods over on Twitch that are essentially like stepping in and just being like okay time to just flick and and and boot some people out of here that can't control themselves and uh it's been pretty cool like there for for the Elden Ring experience especially like the desire to backseat
Starting point is 00:18:57 from people that are otherwise well wish they have they have good intentions but can't help themselves um has been really really it's been a lot better now because like there's some mods that are just like yeah fuck off bar come back a little later yeah delete that message emote only had a relatively similar thing where I'm like oh man I like the mods that I modded like they maybe stop watching or they they have shit to do that's better use of their time than moderate my stupid Twitch chat so I just went down a list of like let's go for every person whose name I think I recognize and is cool and just mod a shit ton of them and just tell them yeah do whatever I'm never going to second guess you ban whoever you want for any reason well and just all of a sudden it got way
Starting point is 00:19:50 better well here's what's really positive too is that knowing that because you know we've got the one I've got the one guy emote right um and yeah knowing that like the solid you know 99% of the audience there are just like you know they get it right and they're being chill like when those moments happen we're like let's say someone just fucking loses it and then and then or like two people lose it and then like dash just throws everything into emote mode and says fuck it we're putting the wall up right most people's reaction is to just fucking low because they're like yeah me talking right now is not like it's not as important as like controlling what else is going on so I get it this is funny and no one's bothered by like the privileges of disgust of
Starting point is 00:20:42 talking being revoked in that moment they get it you know and then it comes back and then everything's fine and the only people that are upset are probably the ones that should watch out to begin with you know hey I'll tell you what I'll tell you what right now because we got on the topic and I love talking about this topic I there's like the emote mode is dangerous because if you're talking about some innocuous shit yeah just look over yeah that's an emote mode you're like wait what yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the gray face and the yeah yeah yeah and the no no no I'm getting I'm getting like this close I'm getting like this close to like figuring out how to do like a fucking auto timeout to anyone who uses that gray face ever ever that is the that is the
Starting point is 00:21:29 face of the most infuriating behavior I have seen online in my goddamn life intention which is intention is oh I'm not gonna answer that question actual real uh uh fucking effect is you nailed it right the there is you throw like I wonder if if x y and it's like oh I'm not gonna answer that you confirmed it you completely you know that's it and there's never it's never used in a context where it's false even right if you're just flat out wrong it's more you just you're you know you might get capped or in my case I might get frogged because the frog emote on my channel is also a thing it has become impossible so like let let I just open up I opened up uh chrome on my phone just now to use my web browser and the discover tab at the bottom says elden ring legend let me solo
Starting point is 00:22:31 her will live stream their 1000th victory tomorrow and it has the name of a boss in elden ring in it now occasionally it will say this actor was really excited to play this character in this movie here's their interview or some shit and it's like it has become like god like literally 24 hours after a movie comes up that could be a spoiler movie like it's it's impossible it's fucking ridiculous yeah side note is that is that farm town peach mode that is that is farm town peach yes okay all right yeah um very notable the the the oh dude I I was I turned on chrome the other day and it was like check out deku's new power sure yeah yeah yeah photo of it yeah like what the yeah why um why is my internet doing that to me so all I can say is just like no filter will be
Starting point is 00:23:39 better than my own mental one I won't I just can't trust any of them I just have to you know put it up there um and like it it also like it may by not even putting it out into the world it's like because that's the other thing too is like sometimes you can just invite an asshole to be like I'm gonna ruin your day you know but that happens very very very very very frequently I have found like I have talked about stuff and I've gotten closer to the the spoiler stuff when I talk and I some people feel that I've spoiled things for them and I'm sorry for that I'm doing my best out here but uh the person who's like mad at me and just wants to ruin my day that's like one a year it's very rare it's very rare it's actually really rare what's way
Starting point is 00:24:32 way more common is just out just the row enthusiasm just blasts me with it right the robot does there's that or just unbridled enthusiasm without thinking yeah like I'll never I'll never forget the one that was literally a like it was a page of a manga have you seen the latest thing oh my god and it was the page of the manga yeah I remember that it was like wow that one was nuts you know but anyway um so so I'm just going to continue to do the best I can with it and then um mentally do as much work as I can on on whatever I hear and and that'll be it I'm gonna try to take the the the burden uh uh uh whatever it the burdens on my shoulders to like put as much of a filter mental up as I can because that's part of what getting this influx in what
Starting point is 00:25:32 we do here is going to be and you can't control your your outside factors um that much you know you know what there is one part of this that's very interesting to me I'm very interested in taking a look at the Doctor Strange movie and seeing if I care about it at all as a film without having any of the moments of oh wow okay that in it because that's that every that's the mark of a good film has been completely rude yeah I somehow think those marvel movies aren't gonna have as much kick to them without that that interesting surprise element let's find yeah find out find out but on a related note the second thing um was uh the batman so oh yeah you watch the batman when I watch the batman um that uh yeah I mean that it took
Starting point is 00:26:32 a I think it was two months after theaters there they it's on streaming and like it so yeah it is out there now so how how is Robert Pattison as Batman you know what man um I liked it and I thought it worked and I really still stand by the fact that in an alternate universe the batman beyond movie starting Pattison and Michael Keaton would be a dream come true oh I could see that yeah you know I stand by that but uh the batman was good and it was there's not as much to say in this context because it's very straightforward um it's interesting in that the batman movie it reminds me the most of is one because it's just it's just a normal batman movie it's long it it it's not afraid to be three hours it was like three oh who it's not you know and um it really just does
Starting point is 00:27:31 Gotham a service it shows you like Gotham as a character is always a thing in this case you're getting Chicago again it's that hopeless fucking like awful dirty like you got you got homelessness and signs and just the Gotham of the Joker you know it's because there was a really weird element to like every Gotham there was like Tim Burton's fucking fantastical zany Gotham and Joel Schumacher's fucking camp uh shit hole Gotham and then uh for the Nolan movies it was um fucking Chicago it was just literally Chicago with like a like a haunted house island in the middle of it but and so in this case it's like how's how are we gonna do this because you know there's the original threat of what Gotham kind of was supposed to be if you go back to you know the earlier material
Starting point is 00:28:30 is like pre Giuliani in New York you know so yeah how you're gonna like what's the deal now and the deal now is it's take that Gotham from the Joker um that you saw and just fast forward it where like you're like yeah no not a single moment on these streets feel safe at any point ever there's no shot at any point in the movie where you're like it feels remotely like there's a crime is not within 10 steps of you um so Chicago again i i i mean i maybe it's it's it's it's hopeless you know it feels hopeless so um they set that up uh well and then um they also you know it's a it's a detective story as it should be it sets up all the players it takes you through you know the cops the mafia you know what i mean all that stuff falcony like all the all the stuff and
Starting point is 00:29:31 you kind of just um it sets up a new world and then gives you the time to appreciate all the players in it that you're familiar with in this new context and i guess i was like i was wondering if i how much i'd be annoyed by another reset and i wasn't yeah i wasn't i just i just thought it was solid it worked you know i have i have a way to um make the reset a little more palatable for you uh in that um uh it was recently the 20th anniversary of toping mcguire spiderman oh yeah yeah fucking and there was and it was like the date the release date that was supposed to be spiderman 4 came and went i think uh sometime in march they celebrated that on twitter a bit never forget what was taken from you but um yeah it's uh it does it does it does work out and and
Starting point is 00:30:35 like you know the casting is yeah you've you tilt your head at it and then you're like it does land you know um robert does it does it does a good job zoe cravis is is solid um and and circus like all go ahead sorry after you know andy circus as as uh fucking alfred is like the weirdest one you know but like it comes together it's it's like because you're you're everything is supposed to be a bit younger you know and um he he yeah it works out easy he's he's everything more or less is is what it should be um and it also kind of like splits down the middle the issue that is like uh the issue that is um the the voice because that's the silliest thing about the dark knight series was it's it's it's it bale's voice aged like dirt like one movie in like by the end of the
Starting point is 00:31:45 first batman begins you were like and it just keeps getting sillier and sillier in contexts where it's supposed to be very serious and emotional um and here it's like look he's all he's gonna always kind of whisper and he's gonna always kind of be gruff but it'll just be his voice the whole time you know rooting and brooding and whispering is fine but like oh my god like the the attempt to the attempt to mask who i who i who i what my voice is by just putting that affect on is so silly and they're like yeah fuck that yeah it reminds me of robert paterson uh getting announced for being the batmans and everybody's like oh the twilight thing like one didn't we just go through this with he's ledger because the gay cowboys didn't that exact exact same thing happen but then
Starting point is 00:32:43 stuff comes out from the set where he's like yeah i just i don't want to do the workouts i just i dod i ditch them and they tell me to do stuff for the role and i don't want to do it and i have like and i'm like this guy sounds like an out-of-touch rich guy there it is um he played a broody sad man it's perfect there's uh there's some stuff too as well where like you know so they you got you got your your your penguin in there calling feral and you got uh a bunch of again the rogues gallery established but then it also establishes them without them like actually being there you know there's like there's objects and and and items that you see that you're like oh yeah okay that could also be indicating you know what you want to do with this the next time around um
Starting point is 00:33:39 but um i think i think when you decide to do a superhero movie and you want to have multiple recognizable villains in it uh you if you don't give it that three hours to breathe you're gonna have the spider-man problem right oh boy you know you're gonna have uh uh any any of these any of these superhero movies where they try to throw in a full-on rogues gallery and they give you like barely an hour and a half 90 minutes to deal with it um did you see far from home yeah sorry no way home yep the the the the the multiverse spider-man yep so uh i don't know if i even talked about that good movie i liked it yeah but uh that has a full sinister six rogues gallery in it and the only way it works is because they piggybacked off five other fucking movies
Starting point is 00:34:31 exactly they were you don't have to build up a single character in that whole movie they're all they all come pre-done and if you don't know who they are then you know that you're missing something beforehand and you're okay with that you know um but that's exactly it otherwise you need time for multiple characters to to matter and uh yeah the the the length of this movie gives the rogues gallery time because i mean again by the time the credits roll um there's i'm not gonna say how many but there's quite a few that are set up you know so um yeah it's uh it works it works it's and it's again straightforward simple um no real fuss or twists or wildness to it you just kind of get a normal ass batman does the
Starting point is 00:35:28 detective thing kind of movie um and uh uh bernard from westworld works as uh gordon you know yeah i like that i saw him in the trailer i was like oh that's that that's gonna work perfectly that's just fine that kind of methodical like measured kind of acting i assume he's bernarding it up he's he's doing what he does yeah he's absolutely doing it you know um yeah and and it's kind of it's kind of funny too because like it it also has these moments of like um well it it it uses the police in a really interesting way you know um and it and it kind of i feel like has a uh it has a feeling of like okay so how do you um you know no you know what no i'm gonna i'm gonna i'll leave off on that i want to i'll i won't go into detail on that part i have a question
Starting point is 00:36:32 i have a question i think i know the answer because i saw one of the trailers um one of the problems in the nolan movies is that if say i were going to punch you woolly you would see me rear of my arm back and then uh i would go to hit you and the camera would do a big spinomaru and then you would fall down and then i would do a a kick to nowhere and it would cut to a guy falling over and it was like fucking terrible especially in batman begins when it was a philosophy of the editing to make you feel disoriented like the criminal was uh uh yeah no you you can see the choreography here and um and it it he punches people and you can see how it happens and it the full hit you can see the full hit yeah because like even in the trailer that shot where he punches
Starting point is 00:37:31 like that goon in the face like eight times and like you see it it's just making me think of like there's some fucking shot in batman rises or whatever the fuck that movie is called where he's fighting a bunch of goons in like a gray driveway you know somebody's parking lot and like they all have guns and then a couple of them just choose to kind of fall over because his elbow got near them and it's just like this is a fucking pile of shit and no in this case there are moments where the details are obscured but it's only to have let's say you're in a club and a fight breaks out it's so that like when you can't see what the characters are doing you can still see their silhouettes while the lights are flashing you know yeah cool so that works out um i was the one thing
Starting point is 00:38:15 when we saw batman be superman or is like man that movie is fucking terrible but that that like 90 seconds where aftlet kicks the shit out of a bunch of goons actually pretty good um and that reminds me too of like something that i realized that like i enjoy in uh batman is when the absurdity of like how like sticking to the no killing philosophy gets more and more absurd as situations get worse and worse right yeah and like that continuing that's like Burton didn't give a shit it was icing dudes left and right but like that becomes the agony of the character right that becomes the agony of the point is like you can't like if you let that go then how much else do you have to let go about the character right but i do like when like that really catches up with him
Starting point is 00:39:13 in reality and everyone is like dude like really you know like this is great like you're being nuts like the world could not function if everyone subscribed to that philosophy when it came to stopping bad people you know if you want if you want the absolute most brutal indictment of the batman doesn't kill philosophy you need to play a little series called yakuza exactly exactly yeah yeah carry which like it when i was playing yakuza six i had it down to a cutscene i had never seen where i snapped my fingers and was like he will be shot in three two one and then a character is just blown away by it like because that weren't like it's it's so ridiculous and it's and it's funny because like there's a lot of times where like um that the challenge of that is also like
Starting point is 00:40:20 okay how do i exert my no kill philosophy onto the world around me right and um in some cases it's like okay if i care about you and you're going down a dark path i'm gonna try to pull you back from that path because that's important to our to your growth and the relationship that we have but in other instances like it's like i bet you'll survive the fall off this building or or or even not even like that it's more just kind of like there's one throw away line where like uh him and gordon are walking into a situation and like um gordon pulls out his gun and he's like he's like he goes like hey no guns and he and gordon's just like yeah that's your thing and then they just move on you know i don't care about yeah and that's it you know
Starting point is 00:41:14 and it's like no you're not gonna have this agonizing don't lose yourself moment with the police officer who's on the job going into the situation yeah dude no i'm i'm a detective i'll light people up i don't give a fuck off yeah um i think well we're so you played arkham asylum he didn't go forward with city and uh night night has the night is about as far as i think any character in a fiction in like a media product that you can watch and play has been pushed on the no kill rule because you're driving around the batmobile right and you can run dudes over with the batmobile and the batmobile is like hitting like easy a hundred miles an hour in in a fucking narrow city street and the explanation given is that touching the batmobile
Starting point is 00:42:08 will deliver a tased electric shock to knock people unconscious so you're like drifting around a corner straight through an entire family of goons at like 80 mph and the game is unironically telling you that because you're electrocuting them at the same time they're gonna be fine as they ragdoll like 30 feet into a wall like if it did that thing have you ever seen that machine where it's like a band saw but like it's the moment your finger touches it like a hotdog touches the blade and then it breaks and snaps i'm very familiar with it my dad should have gotten one of those there you go right and it and it like shuts itself off to stop you from getting hurt if you saw the the tumbler like hit the brakes super hard and then the person gets tased and like batman inside
Starting point is 00:42:56 gets splattered against the top of the fucking car you know in order to not hurt anybody then sure but no instead you're just there's a part like an hour or two in the game where he puts like a goons head underneath the wheel of the tumbler and is like revving it and like the guy's head is only not being pancake because he's wearing like a you know a future goon helmet and i'm like give me a fucking break on this like give me a absolute fucking like come on shout outs to spider stinging a dude off of a fucking skyscraper into the distance and then he gets webbed and slammed up against the building to his safety see spider man did that because spider man doesn't kill people neither he's a nice kid but like i i webbed up dudes to the the like eight floors down on a fucking
Starting point is 00:43:51 84 skyscraper who's coming to get them and that was the discussion we had in miles morales was like unless there is a dedicated anti web department to come wherever the people are webbed up within the hour and get them down they might just melt off the web and die if no one comes for them i actually there's a commercial for spider man two back in the day that basically had a bunch of people doing that um a spider man comic from the point of view of some goon who's robbing like a convenience store and then like spidey webs him up off like a street lamp upside down and he's like yeah i'll be back or the cops will come get you and the dude's there for like eight hours and like the webbing is starting to go and he can't move and he's gonna fall like 20 feet straight onto his head and he's
Starting point is 00:44:42 fucking terrified it's like yeah no come on this is like how many goons are freed after relieving themselves inside of the webs because they had nowhere else to go well the webs the webs will absorb your piss and absorb it yeah it's it's it's nice about that okay well that's good at least um yeah batman batman was solid um is he brooding oh god he fucking broods and they make a point to make sure that like you know the image of bruce wane the businessman the playboy always still has a suit and his hair tucked back and boy is his hair all up in his face you know yeah from what i've seen of like little pictures in the trailer like bruce wane seems like the kind of rich guy that is like like i'm wearing a suit but i haven't washed it yeah and and i am i am rich but i don't care
Starting point is 00:45:40 his hair is is coming down at sasuke angles um no while he broods in some cases and then in other cases like you know um it's the type of thing where i feel i feel like uh the relationship between him and alfred is uh you know he's like you can see how much he loves this dude for like raising him like a parent and uh in this case he's still in the middle of all that edge and it's the love is there but he does absolutely yell you're not my dad out more than once he does absolutely like he when he when he wants to get to the point where he's he shows that he cares for him it takes him a while to get to that point like they he's struggling with that relationship you know um but the brooding is is ever fucking present and he's a second year on the job right so
Starting point is 00:46:34 you kind of mentioned it just a little bit earlier and i want to ask you a question um when i see andy circus in a movie like every single time i'm like oh weird it's andy circus why is he like why is it specific because it's because he's like oh what cg monster are you in charge of you know is man bat in this movie no oh okay so you're just andy circus then okay sure it's weird i don't know how to describe it because he's the guy that you call in for the for the mocap you you know like he's the that's kind of his his thing um but uh anyway yeah so you know that's a that's a solid man bat in the movie man bat is not in the movie okay there's no man bat there's no reference to man bat in the movie um how can we get some of the app like can we get
Starting point is 00:47:31 a movie that has like the some of the batman villains that are like complete fucking freaks again can we get like a clay face fucking movie please that's i bet you at some point once you get through the next couple recognizables we're eventually gonna come back around to can we get can we get fucking one face um yeah i fucking love one face one face is the shittiest if if they if they if they keep up the pace of like four villains port per movie eventually yeah they're gonna need to you know the ventriloquist is gonna make his way back in there sooner than you expect Solomon Grundy is gonna fuck around at some point you know yeah i don't think we're ever gonna see Solomon Grundy on the silver screen not with that attitude happen now um so yeah everything
Starting point is 00:48:32 everywhere all at once uh batman um i should watch the batman i like batman yeah watch that other movie too and then um you know then the just uh the the the the use so elden ring continues um what i am i am enjoying and uh i can proudly say i've got a little bit of a flex i can drop uh i don't know uh if anyone is keeping up here but uh i have dropped the shield i have dropped the the summons and i was able to take on Moog uh two fists and bloodhound step only um hey congrats with uh yeah step feels like a quantum leap over a lot of the other ones man i think it's so good it's the movement the shmovement is so fun um it feels like a button where you're like i want this to be a different video game please so like i went
Starting point is 00:49:44 into that and like managed to get that down uh just shifting and boxing staying in uh beating him the fuck down and um when it came to the knee heel just tanking through it with three sips um and uh yeah just no additives or preservatives just raw fists and and and footwork you know that's good that's good that's gonna be a good prep for later because Moog's pretty tough his weapon is so crazy it's one it's one of the blood flame man's that that got like buffed when they fixed arcane and that thing is just this wave of exploding bleed damage around you it's super super good and like that's the point where like there's a big turning point where i kind of realized that like by the time the second phase is upon you like fuck trying to avoid the the
Starting point is 00:50:46 damage over time of the blood flame yeah just out do the damage hit like do more to him while your feet burn you know i think there's an item you can get somewhere yeah or turn it off or so i don't remember ever getting it i got i got later on uh in that in that same session i i found uh tear that and not that stops his entire tear yeah it stops his entire blood whatever knee heel you know and i just i'm like who the fuck needs that we just we just shmoove through it baby you know like so yeah um the and the feeling of that wall it was really interesting because like you can tell when the game says get the fuck out of here do not come back for hours because yeah mogu gets to live in that part of the game after all the enemy values have been spiked by
Starting point is 00:51:45 like 80 to 150 percent when i fucking beat him and i saw the amount of ruins he gave you and i'm like yeah oh this this is not meant to be done now you know like 280k something like that 420 420 yeah 420 thousand it's insane i know near the end i was getting bosses that were given like straight up half a million and it was like oh yeah so i'm like okay end game understood you know fine um i i i did not know where to place him in the you know the overall difficulty but i believe i believe that is the third highest soul drop okay i believe it um and mics 450 and i know there's a 480 yeah yeah so uh that was a lot of fun and that has convinced me to just be like okay fuck this we're just footwork and feasts you know um so uh yeah i've i've uh i used a tier
Starting point is 00:52:51 and i've i've worked my build around and i'm still punch majin but like we're going all in on that jet engine roar you know uh it's too much fun okay with that done you got you gotta go down and fucking hang out with ronnie and do that shit man oh we're dying to talk to you about that yeah yeah yeah that's that's i'm definitely in the middle of that that part as well um i know uh the next thing i need to do is is go go meet meet the boys wherever at the at the comment right so um but but i'm fucking loving this okay that means it just clicked in my head we never talked about radon's fight okay radon's fight is the coolest fucking event thing they have ever done it is a cinematic fucking victory lap that i can't believe um they set up a tournament arc
Starting point is 00:53:55 feeling to it but yeah but it's not but an execution it's just you and all the warriors do your best as this fucking badass like flies to heaven and back it's unbelievable it's like the normandy landing level put into a dark souls game because the way you have to approach with everybody at the arrows yes um has the best phase transition of anybody in the game it's so like and it's such a like uh heroic feeling of like riding into battle with all the warriors you know like oh yeah that shit is untouched man that's correct did you uh did you summon patches i did i did yeah yeah yeah that fucker just like ah look around nope it's this it's everything about that is so great and then you read about him and you're like oh why so first of all he dies all the stars in the
Starting point is 00:54:58 universe start to move again wow this guy was the star scroll yeah yeah and then you read up it's like oh the only reason this big tough dude learned how to do gravity stuff i want my horsey's tiny little horsey i want to ride it around and i don't care how dumb the animation looks when i ride it i want to ride it yep yep you know like fast there are giant magnificent steeds that he could have ridden up on like the moose but no i want my goddamn horse and i will defy the heavens to ride my normal horse what a fucking beast yeah um nah man that was that was like the biggest spectacle i felt you know like i have to say because there's the different branches of the family right the the the radigan and ranala side of the family being ronnie redon and rye card
Starting point is 00:55:59 that's that's a bunch of winners okay from that pairing okay okay yeah the r family um like mog sucks i think mog is cool but i don't but i you know i've he's also a loser i mean but the other thing too is like i'm like i'm locked in fucking combat with that dude like i have a connection to that because mog the mog fight and like beating it just with the fists now surpasses my ramy fight with in ds2 um yeah the the nobody ever saw though the one you did afterwards or the one that we cut down no no the two hour like journey it took you know uh uh yeah like that has now been surpassed by by mog way too early right mog under leveled is it's a whole different thing without any the without any additives like uh all on it all honestly say for for what i'm
Starting point is 00:57:00 i'm gonna call because mog is technically post capital you just get to go there early everything post capital leveling i think i said this a little bit it becomes like total stupid not like it doesn't matter like the you have diminishing returns so like the difference between like 110 and 150 is like pretty minor because the enemy stats are just juiced to like you wouldn't fucking believe mm-hmm like the difference between 60 levels is one swing in either direction um yeah so uh that that's that's gonna i'm gonna see how well that energy keeps up for the further challenges in the game um i mean all uh all radon jokes aside like i think the fucking i think the the the fists and the and the footwork uh if applied with the right like
Starting point is 00:58:02 understanding of the moveset can handle anything but you just have to never make a single mistake right i feel there's at least one place and one boss in your way that will absolutely positively challenge that assumption okay okay specifically to the fists because of the range okay okay um but i've i've it's given me a some newfound confidence in that in that style of play for this for this game and so we're having fun with it uh that was a big one i'm very proud of that that was that was cool um especially especially getting reggie's like holy like reggie's a live react so to speak um because i made sure to to like whenever i'm like recapping you know stuff uh and showing him like what was done uh on off live like i don't just include the victory run
Starting point is 00:59:08 i show the the heartbreaking almost their runs and i show the you get wiped in two runs as well so that you never quite know what you're what you're seeing you know uh and that's been great because like like there's times where it's like oh yeah okay this is the victory run right and it's like absolutely fucking not and it's painful you know there's i got rex and i'm gonna show you there's one boss that you haven't fought yet uh but i remember like going in like all right let's do it and just being like like command made from like three four hundred feet away and like near instantly dying one foot in the door just being like wow oh yeah this is the one huh mm-hmm and i'm and i definitely also like you gotta you know you're looking at the from soft
Starting point is 01:00:00 design of course to to the boss fight moveset and you know in the most case i'm like okay now i'm appreciating every aspect of it and the fact that you've got a four swing bread and butter but swings two three and four can at any point be interrupted with an instant stab that punishes your counter swing you know so um there's always a level of uncertainty in taking your turn back you know i have uh fought uh market enough times uh through various early runs that i can like confirm without a shadow of doubt what you probably have intuited is that the bosses in L's and ring are just straight up input reading now mm-hmm uh in marga in particular has a uh post combo hold his arm all the way up his head in which he will wait for the roll on on he will
Starting point is 01:00:58 attack you on frame one if you if you swing at him um and there are if you've been using spells there's certain enemies that will just instant dodge on the startup cast yep yep out of the way of your spells uh the the red wolf um and uh the the mother the fucking the red 13 fuckers yeah yeah they they straight up i saw it when i call five spells naruto lions yeah sure exactly five four three two dodges in a row um the most telegraphed one i think i saw was the bell bearing hunter um eight the moment you start to sip you get a stinger's coming there's a certain distance that is like input read sip stinger sip like you thought uh you you thought god's gonna puzzle you beat god's i beat god's gonna puzzle yeah the instant you take your fucking
Starting point is 01:01:53 drink out he throws a black fireball right right right right it's a it's a dead on reaction so you have to it more than like it's always been a thing in in the souls games where it's like do your hits or do your heels in animations that you know they can't stop but now it's like if the boss is neutral they'll punish you for anything we're gonna cheat so you find a way to cheat harder you know the boss will like win neutral um the very good new cheese moog moog's second phase in particular has two uh two it has well it has three types of air air swipe air attacks but yeah two of them have no cooldown so like the moment it he drops down um in in two of the dives he goes he just continues the string you know and like yeah anyway it's uh
Starting point is 01:02:49 there is um there is an interesting um caveat to that uh again coming from i think zuli uh which is one anything with a delayed cast completely breaks the ai 100 because they dodge your casting animation okay not the object so like summon swords like when you cast summon swords you'll see them jump from far away okay okay and then you just walk up to them and they get eaten and also there's an entire branch of something called knight sorceries that don't provoke reaction at all because they're supposed they're assassination sorceries where they can't see them oh it's programmed into their behavior interesting okay yeah interesting um yeah man so um i'm i'm i'm i'm looking forward to the further evolution of just like uh the challenge that from soft
Starting point is 01:03:44 puts to you that says these bosses are dirtier than ever what do you have in response how you know oh yeah how dirt shit can you get um there's a the one of the one of the end end game bosses has a sequence in which um uh i forget i think it was iron pineapple trying to do like a fancy run through it and it's like the boss has like unavoidable damage oh like there is there is damage that is going to hit you okay which complicates some of the the the you know gimme cure runs because it's like no it's you're gonna have to live through this damage somehow well knee hill certainly felt the like the introduction to that yeah but uh yeah if you know so if anyone wants to check out that run the episode i believe is called how much bussy does does moe get
Starting point is 01:04:34 knee hill um and uh yeah ff6 as well continuing over on woolly versus so good times i think we're approaching um the end within a couple sessions on that one so um well in six it's really easy to tell because it's once you got the whole gang back together essentially did some it's time to go did some coliseum stuff um they fucked with the drop rates on stealing in this game and have made it like ridiculously impossible to get some rare drops in some of some of the more like good legendary items or whatever um it yeah like there was one point where in the coliseum like regi was sees like hey try to do this fight while stealing the rare item from this thing and like whatever it was it used to be like one in eight chance or something uh and i think like now it's
Starting point is 01:05:31 become like four out of 255 or just great like some insanity and um also you only get like with a moment you steal one of the bad ones you can't steal for the rest of the fight uh so alt f4 ring to reload your say like it's crazy it's just absurd that sounds like a bunch of shit not fun so i'm i'm giving up on some of that shit unfortunately because it's just it's different from what it was let me let me tell you it's something will you somebody who's played through almost every single fauna fancy game uh stealing items sucks mm-hmm fucking sucks it's always a massive fucking pain in the ass i mean mug and genji glove make it a whole lot better you know um but like the the it doesn't matter that you know you go from a world where it seems like people in
Starting point is 01:06:23 the past were able to go like keep stealing until you get what you want you know uh here we're to here where it's like eight mm-hmm and here where it's just like nope you get one shot and whatever you get too bad uh so not to mention like going over to the velt to try and find them again like fuck off yeah fuck it you know um but yeah so that all continues over on willy versus this week so uh yeah tune in enjoy and then um we also played a little bit of uh uh on getting to fighting games we played some head to head again which is the really fun um arc forage fighting game that you switch off different heads and uh i i'm i'm cameoing in that as a little as a guest of one of the heads and basically it's a one person one character fighting game where you've got one amazing kit
Starting point is 01:07:18 you've got uh amazing fireballs amazing air dashes and dive kicks and all this shit and you just gotta like you're the quintessential marvel character and both players have control over that that ability and you just fucking blow each other up it's a whole lot of fun um my friend jimmy bones also uh in there as a cameo uh head uh yeah it's now been updated to have rollback in it so we had some fun with that uh and then we played uh mer fight a fighting game built on the universal fighting game engine where you're all mermaids mermen and various sea creatures um strangely attractive sea creatures following in the school of rikuo slash allbath uh and uh yeah some of that is just like made by people who like dirt cheap shit in fighting games that want they want you
Starting point is 01:08:15 to have your day one garbage so you're gonna do that and also voiced by i like the things that you're saying to me i these feel good in my chest and there's a buff octopus uh lady uh voiced by autumn ivy who is a uh buff battle waifu in real life and that shit's great so um good times it's it's uh definitely you know like one of those just like go in and like embrace the the jank embrace the indy uh kind of games but uh yeah we had some good times with mer fight as well so those videos are going to be dropping pretty soon over on woolly versus how about you all right let's see this the this the time where i go to the twitch video producer to fucking remember what the fuck i did with my fucking week uh well aside from aside from
Starting point is 01:09:11 video games and and whatnot me and page been traveling around uh british columbia we've been checking out the sites we've been going from various towns uh we've been checking out vancouver island over the weekend um people in bc are really nice mm-hmm that is all also man everything's real pretty and green out here like like fucking god damn nice place cool like i like it here uh got some more road cake it's good good road cake do they have apple bread up there uh probably i haven't had any though because i know that aside uh product from a lot of sideways and apple farms is they have like apple pie obviously and then apple bread which is fucking godlike i'll tell you what we do we do every now and then pass by like driving a boot no matter where we
Starting point is 01:10:09 are pretty much there'll be like a really shitty hand-painted sign like on a piece of a cardboard that just says cider with an arrow yeah which is like yeah we got some we got some fucking like freshly squeezed apple juice from like a from like a farm that brown shit like it was it was so sweet hell yeah to cut it with water hell yeah that brown shit the real shit with the skin in it oh yeah so good oh it's it's nice being out here but regardless of that let's talk about uh video game crap i played roguelike c2 you already knew about that we talked about that last week hey woolly have you ever heard of the game called zone of the enders the second runner uh i've heard things about it i hear it's high speed robot action so do you remember last week
Starting point is 01:11:00 when we were talking about zone of the enders the second runner and it was like god damn it yeah i just decided to stream it again because i hadn't played it in a couple years yeah um man yeah man that game just has the best controls that game's fucking great that's like i think it's just incredible it's just incredible you know like um on my lp was like two years ago or so and just coming back by modern sensibilities and going oh fuck yes like just everything about j-hu t's options from the moment the tutorial tells you what you can do you know your default kit is satisfying and that's such an important thing i uh so i had not played the remaster and what i discovered playing the remaster was that the pro control scheme that moves the
Starting point is 01:11:53 sub weapon to the right trigger but leaves circle as grab thus allowing you to always have both makes that gameplay way better like to always have grab like damn um the the the voice acting in story is actually even more intolerable than i remembered um like parts of parts of the ending like literally don't make any sense at all like ken walks up to dingo in the cockpit and goes who's second hand now and he goes your father and she gives like a weird look on her face and just leaves and i'm like i don't i don't know what the fuck that fucking means it doesn't it doesn't mean a god whatever you fucked up no man i guess um but man yeah no and i got i get to have this moment particularly streaming it
Starting point is 01:12:57 where you get to the facility of battle and you get to go this was a ps2 game and people go wow that's crazy that fights nuts though i will say on the remastered version that level is much easier because it's not running at 13 frames a second like the original was it reminds me though of like um it feels almost like the the answer to star fox is 64 is all range mode battle you know yeah where it was like ooh we're not in a corridor for once we're in a fucking live hot environment dogfighting yeah you know um yeah but yeah it's only two it's it's it's great and and it really does depend on the skill of the runner yeah it does i got i was happy because when i got to uh alman aida told me that it could go either way
Starting point is 01:13:57 if she did not so for those of you don't know when you get to the end of zone of the others too and you ask your robot companion if you have a chance against the final boss she has a bunch of pre-canned responses ranging from it could go either way at the top to you have no chance at the bottom which i got the first time i got there what were the were the metrics based on your continues and like your score i think it was yeah okay it's based on your continues and your your overall speed getting there also wow that game is short as fuck like i thought it was like eight to ten hours it is not no it's like four five it's like five and it seems way longer because it's in comparison
Starting point is 01:14:46 to the first one it's like you know multiplicatively longer but it's yeah it is not a ten hour game at all that's oh man i i kind of would so obviously as zone of the enders three would be a fucking dream game amazing whatever um the thing that of course is no kojima to to work on that um but the shit that we also i think enjoyed was like seeing the world of metal gear slowly become the world of zoe yeah so this is this is a detail that i forgot to mention but basically the logic here is that if you if you god i remember you and i are the only people who fucking cared about this when we're talking about it but if you dive stupidly deep enough into the background of all the stupid scientists that are making bullshit in the universe you find out that
Starting point is 01:15:39 the inventor and or discover of metatron and or the orbital frame is the name of a metal gear character i think it's dr madnar yes um you also discover that um uh in in portable ops that fucker that you fight um uh what's his name was it uh viper i think is the introduction of zero shift into that universe as well and like they call it zero shift you know and and like every time and because um because shinkawa is the artist on all of it all the technological streamlining that you would see over time would like like fucking ridin in in revisions looks like a man-made orbital frame like he looks like a human robot snake literally yells hi dada when he shoots the arm out you know so so there was there was like a there was like a like a 100
Starting point is 01:16:43 year jump that you could have taken where you could go yeah okay like sunny could have helped build an orbit certainly certainly or like a lev yeah yeah um but uh and we're like oh what if we had an earlier zoe or a later metal gear oh and like that's gone now that's that that's fun well revengeance was that dream like yeah that's the closest you're gonna get and we i think we thought of a midpoint was what we wanted to see but i mean you know revengeance existing is like the closest we're gonna get to that so oh yeah and snatcher was in there snatcher was the interim snatcher as well um because because ridin's there was something about the way ridin's body was built that led to snatcher the yes there was like there was snatcher tech used in some
Starting point is 01:17:34 plays i forget where but also the the the mark two right um metal gear showing up in mgs4 again as well brings those all brings those together so um yeah there were there were bridge games but there was never like the super cyber future robot bridge game certainly uh anyway it's fun to look back at it's it's fun white blood uh and i played a couple rounds of the incredibly terrible versus mode so do the others too have fight for the camera it's a thing oh man yeah what a bad idea but i'm glad they even bothered though it's kind of fun to have a little thing in there just because it's like i get i bet like it wasn't that hard for the team you know they kind of just went like
Starting point is 01:18:27 we can just grab what we have throw it in one environment and then split screen or fight for the camera and then do the thing you know like it seems like it was an afterthought but it was it's a fun little bit uh let us what else i do i played uh i played something called nightmare reaper um so nightmare reaper is an independent rogue like game that instead of using like a lot of roguelikes use rogue or nuclear throne or like isek as their bases right and even then i would say that the basis of like isek is zelda for example um nightmare reaper decides to use doom as its basis oh that looks like a do mass doomer yeah okay it doesn't it uh but it's a roguelike in which you're getting all sorts of different fucked up weapons with rolling stats
Starting point is 01:19:22 and all sorts of shit like that you're trying to find like secret kickable walls and all that stuff it's really cool and uh friend of the channel mr dr spaghetti gianni matra matron agogana italian man uh does voice acting yeah uh in that game uh it's really cool i'm not in love with it it gives me a very weird feeling where i'm like wow this game is really cool and great and i should love it but i don't and i can't exactly tell you why either um something about it just feels kind of off but i definitely but it is really cool it feels you know how shovel knight cheats to make um retro look better like i feel like this is kind of that it's retro doom style but way crisper than it than it would have looked back then um but it looks
Starting point is 01:20:25 good so it looks pretty the lighting effects are nice familiar with doom i'm gonna actually disagree i think doom looks a lot better than nightmare reaper but maybe that's just the art i think so the main thing that's affecting it and i guess this is a little bit of um um uh what's it called uh octopath traveler and triangle strategy is does real lighting affect the the the the pixel art you know like i can't remember in this game in nightmare reaper looking at the footage of it here the real lighting is affecting it um so they're going for like yeah like retro future a little bit with with uh with that decision versus like something more faithful like let's say dusk you know some of those uh or um um ultra kill right those are much more like nope we're sticking
Starting point is 01:21:12 with it and everything looks the way it would have back then uh let's see then i did a bonus stream on the weekend where i just played a completely fucking random grab bag of shit that i just felt like it one of which was i don't know if i'm saying this correctly it's either noita or noita oh you mentioned the last word yeah the finish word for um which it's a tiny pixel game where you hop around with a wand and cast spells that is actually a rogue like with a with a k there is no permanent upgrade system in that game it's all brain space and knowledge and that is a vicious ass rogue like that feels it feels like it's a little easier on you than like spelunky but it goes spelunky and then like noita and then other games i see that the tag line is a magical
Starting point is 01:22:21 action roguelite set in a world where every pixel is physically simulated what does that mean yeah so the basic deal is if you look up a single photo of noita see it's pixel art and it's pixel art actually fulfills a purpose because every pixel is associated with a material be it rock damp rock wood damp wood toxic sludge oil fire water oh shit the floor is worms potions right and it has physical reactions in between all of those elements okay so i i got caught in some toxic sludge and then was able to burn the toxic sludge off myself with fire but then couldn't put the fire out yeah okay worms is really what i think of yeah yeah it is kind of like rogue like worms but like sim based or like uh i had a polymorph potion that i threw into some water which then tainted the
Starting point is 01:23:27 water with polymorph or so on and so forth interesting um it's really cool uh the way that it's the simulation and like the digging through the environment and the different materials interact with is cool it's also like a a cool little like you know floaty shooter it kind of does feel like worms with the jetpack it has a very complicated very complicated spell crafting system and it's mean like it's like i played it for a couple hours and i think i my longest run was like 10 minutes uh again another game wow really cool it's one how i put this well have you noticed that there's an entire genre of game on steams on steams on steam where you look at it and it's like overwhelmingly positive in giant gold letters and then the game looks like it was made by a child
Starting point is 01:24:28 with like ass key graphics yeah and yeah yeah yeah music around like i'm not saying that noita looks like that or that it has bad music it actually has really good music well you brought up last week vampire survivor all right and it makes me think of stuff like door fortress or caves of hood or rim world or whatever there's this entire genre of like simulation games for freaks that the freaks love and they're like like you if you follow i think his name i don't know i pronounce it incorrectly every time but sef's channel sef's inch his channel he covers all these fucked up like roguelikes are made by norwegians in a cave that don't have graphics and like wow these are the most mechanically in depth like well developed long supported
Starting point is 01:25:30 games to ever fucking exist and they are for freaks only yeah and noita is the the the one that lives at the edge of games that human beings would want to play like it touches the the realm of like a real video game instead of just being a simulation farm made by swedes in a cave i feel like i hope that gets it across yeah no i people in chat can tell me if i'm explaining this well well because basically a lot of games at the beginning i'm thinking of how like indy games at first when when uh there was a the grand departure from triple a and then triple i uh was you pick like this kind of art style as a choice because we like retro cool things and you know yay nintendo memories etc um and then as time went on it also kind of it now becomes more
Starting point is 01:26:33 of just like this is a budget decision like we're not going retro style we're not looking we're not using the style because it's um we're using the style because it's the most affordable way for me to communicate some batshit crazy gameplay idea i have and we're we're gonna throw that to the wall and see what sticks and also anyone who has been um in this corner of the internet loving these games wants to see the most developed version of that genre is like it's almost like that discussion about how like nintendo comes along creates a genre like kart racing or platform fighters and then people go oh here's another version of that that'd be cool what if you took that and leveled it up and then you get a circle of a bunch of those people evolving the genre and
Starting point is 01:27:20 then someone creates the ultimate insane no one can keep up with this unless you've been a part of this scene for the last 10 years version i think i think i can grab a hold of it more specifically because all of these games feel like they've come out of a combination of two influences one is dwarf fortress which is the ultimate simulation game to simulate anything ever and the other is um space station 13 i don't know if you're familiar with space station 13 um space station 13 is like a multiplayer version of dwarf fortress in which you can fucking just simulate and do all sorts of anything okay um and uh they're all for freaks and the the the video review in which set describes his time with space station 13 sums up a couple different interactions that is the kind
Starting point is 01:28:19 of fun that these people want to have so in particular he recounts two stories that i'm gonna to to to just paraphrase here one of which is in which uh they loaded in as a i think it was a clown and a surgeon and demanded that the doctor turn them into a papa johns and so in game replaced all of their limbs with pizzas which did not kill them but allowed them to eat the pizzas to regenerate their life okay um or discovering that by uh loading up some of the medicine in the game you could you could jam it into a fucking dart gun and then force feed people hallucinogenic drugs which would make them lose control of their characters just like just this is a nonsense this is a multiplayer rp environment yeah yeah okay just just sim nonsense right and and then you
Starting point is 01:29:24 get shit like neo scavenger which i mean you look up a single screenshot of neo scavenger it's completely unparsable of like roaming around irradiated england trying to fucking eat homeless people or some shit i don't know what the fuck that game's about but noita is a game where you actually get to shoot a gun and it controls well but it has that same sim shit happening in the background okay okay gotcha huh um anyway no it's just cool i don't know if i'm gonna play rim world that game seems like shit um my big question with you played a lot of rogues you know in the last couple weeks and i have played a lot of rogues in general i fucking love that genre fair enough um i think a big part of what i enjoy when i have played them is um a reasonable pace to the
Starting point is 01:30:25 permanent upgrade tree yeah well that's uh your rogue light which need i remind everyone that onion put out that article again which is rogue like purist one day hope someone will make a game in its genre because any game with permanent upgrades means it's a rogue light now the version of that genre which people actually care about now i'm i'm quick to say that it doesn't have to be an upgrade to my weapon it can simply be an alternate weapon right sure but getting some choices at a reasonable pace um is the kind of thing that keeps me interested uh does that apply to like like do you find that like you're getting them oh every time you load up with noita you start with randomized wands there's a couple there's a couple different kinds like uh oh this
Starting point is 01:31:21 is fires bouncy shots this one is a faster firing the stats on your wand is randomized your secondary wand is usually like a bigger spell or like a bomb and then once you get to the very first shop which is like five minutes in you can mix and match and combine your spells and all sorts of different shit so yeah i know you can you can change your run like immediately yeah the one i latched on to was dead cells for some reason i just fucking really enjoyed the feeling of combat in that it's really wild because like i i ran and tried to hit dead cells like 10 different times and i every time i hit it i'm like wow this game is so good i'm gonna stop playing it now hmm and and go play a game that i probably know isn't as polished or isn't as excellent
Starting point is 01:32:13 but i actually have fun playing it i do not have fun playing dead cells in general uh yeah i don't know i i like i get the big sword and it feels good to hit things with it and then you throw some kunai out and it and they teleport you and then i'm like yeah that feels good too and like each time i got like a new thing or just a kick you know like all these things are like at the moment you land that in combat i'm like oh yeah i like the feel of that weapon and i that's kind of what kept me coming back is like each different weapon run had an had an appeal to it you know and then the interactions as they stack just the feel like it just didn't didn't didn't care for it it's like that's kind of a bummer because it's otherwise excellent in fact the feel is also excellent i
Starting point is 01:32:53 think it's just not to my taste which is not something i could possibly dig put your finger on okay um i also decided uh because um i was i man i i didn't plan on that stream so i just like ah fuck it i'll do whatever i went in and i finally did it i became i took my first step towards being a big vtuber internet star and streamed fucking Bennett Foddy and getting over it for a little bit or rather getting over it with Bennett Foddy what a fucking miserable fucking game what an absolute fucking awful time have you are you not familiar with i have no idea what i'm looking at here okay bet getting over it with Bennett Foddy is a game in stylized after an old style of flash game like impossible style flash game
Starting point is 01:33:55 in which you try and drag your way up a completely absurd mountain using the shittiest controls known to man um uh it's kusouge for real quap as you do it uh yeah it is made benefit he's the guy who made quap okay um uh as you do it Bennett Foddy is like proselytizing about like what it's like to lose things or have to give up on stuff and the nature of progress and game development and like the way the mountains designed is like a single tiny mistake well you'll throw yourself all the fucking way down this looks great oh yeah no it's so Bennett Foddy's a smart guy and i like i like what he's done here with his his game and i think what he's saying in the game is probably
Starting point is 01:34:58 a value if we were talking at a place right or he was giving a talk or i was watching a video right but when i'm thrown off because i missed time to fucking swing of my mouse and he's like oh sorry about that buddy and he starts fucking reading this fucking poem about failure uh from some like buddhist artist or whatever the fuck is going on in that game like i'm like i just want to grab him by the shoulders and scream at his fucking face like shut the fuck up Bennett shut your fucking mouth shut up wow no when you said when you said uh with the shittiest controls ever i said quap as in like quap not knowing that it's literally the same person who made quap yeah yeah that's wild
Starting point is 01:35:55 okay like it's right on and then if you go it looks cool at the very very very very end of the game it tells you hey if you're streaming or recording this please stop doing so because the top of the mountain is a secret oh wow okay and has everyone respected that rule so far yeah cool i mean not everyone i know what's up there but you know that's funny because some other games uh some games in paradise would have you stop at the exact same place but instead of asking you to do so in the game for narrative reasons uh they're putting out guidelines to say fuck you if you get there yeah legal guidelines you know like and it's interesting how like like we're willing to do that if you ask nicely you know what i mean instead of saying like don't you dare and and
Starting point is 01:37:00 fuck you if you do show the credits so i played a game a while ago called signifier the signifier which had was a cool little game that was like you diving into people's like memories like a ai reconstruction it was really cool story-based game it's about six hours and like i played about four hours of it and then i stopped my stream because i'm like hey this game's really good it's an independent game um you you guys should go get it if you want to see the ending because i didn't feel personally comfortable like just blowing the whole thing out there like that because it was very short it was a very cheap game it was very cool um and then you get to like atlas who will like threaten you as like the very first words out of their mouth and i'm like
Starting point is 01:37:50 i just want to go spoil people right i want to go look up the ending on youtube right now yeah yeah yeah that's that's interesting yeah i'm you you've done you get codes you get sponsored shit and sometimes yeah i know hey can you can you please stop before this level or whatever you know oh okay yeah sure that's a fine ask cool whatever can you not show this part before such and such a date but like sometimes those those things are like ndas that you're just gonna sign they're like no really don't show this and that's fine they're providing you access but other times you'll get something like hey can you just hey we'd really appreciate it if you didn't do this and that'd be cool and you go yeah absolutely 100 percent there's no problem there it's weird it's
Starting point is 01:38:37 weird but um interesting okay so yeah benet benet fadi benet fadi the person seems like a nice enough guy very smart guy benet fadi the character in getting over it with benet fadi can go fuck himself um let's see what else i also grabbed forgive me father it's a lovecraftian uh fps what what the kids are calling boomer shooters now wow are you not familiar with this a boomer shooter is that are you not familiar with what a boomer shooter is if i had to guess i would guess modern warfare no it's like doom oh the older okay okay all right yeah uh it is a katulu-esque boomer shooter that uses really cool stylized 2d art and you're fighting like basically a lovecraft story it's really cool oh nice it's very cool um it is it is it is just doom but lovecraft
Starting point is 01:39:47 like that's that's what it is uh and i also hopped on i played i'm looking at my timestamps i played the new early access real-time strategy game dune spice wars for nine minutes on my stream which is not an indictment of doom spice doom spice wars doom spice wars has a great ui it feels good to click around on the button with the rts it has interesting ideas it has good graphics it runs slick and it's not buggy from what i could tell in the nine minutes that i played it but what it is is a real-time strategy guide that's an early access so it has no tutorial at all okay and so once i once i got about eight minutes in and realized i had no idea what the fuck i was doing or i scouted my first town and it asked me what to build and there were like 14
Starting point is 01:40:52 different buildings that i could build that all said increases hegemony or spice or oppression and i'm like i don't know what the fuck this shit does okay so you pull up the wiki on your phone and just sit there with it the whole time okay well yeah so that that's that's something for later that's something for later uh and last but not least i went back to based on your glowing recommendation from uh months ago i decided i was gonna go back and give uh fights in tight spaces another shot cool and um man i would like that is my current number one example of a game that is less than the sum of its influences like that is super hot into the breach and slave aspire pretty clearly like on a sleeve aesthetic plus gameplay and such yeah and i feel like the combination
Starting point is 01:41:55 of those ideas is not nearly as interesting as any one of them separately oh i didn't feel so i enjoyed it quite a bit um yeah i just like cool game and i would rather play any of its obvious influences prior so i kind of bum me out i spent a good bit um on slay the spire uh around the same time um you know and seeing the influence and such of like playing with the deck and and the the different builds you can put together and um that's it's awesome that's really really fun i just uh i have a good i have an appreciation for the grid combat placement yeah and i really like i love a good grid yeah so i like the aspect where um you know slay the spires more just like pick the card play it out and then plan your next attack and in this case you're doing that
Starting point is 01:42:52 but like knocking people and setting them up to get hit by others and creating a chain reaction um or a uh a brood goldberg machine i believe right of like kicking a dude into the boss who then knocks another dude over who falls out the window and breaks the armor on this guy who you can now hit like that's that's really fun um and so i was i was yeah i was going back through that in a bunch of different styles and having a good time with it you know what you know the the weirdest takeaway i had from fights and tight spaces was was me going why the fuck isn't into the breach on my phone yet yeah seriously like like that that was my takeaway where i'm like well you can play slay the spire on your phone why did into the breach no it's on switch it's on switch it's just not
Starting point is 01:43:43 but yeah seriously um true also casino royale if you like the casino royale intro uh which i do a lot big aesthetics on that um i'm curious what like more vampire survivors they did any new character is there anything specific that uh rubbed you the wrong way going through or was it just kind of like overall um for all the other games that it was from they're the gimmick uh to that game be it into the breach are super hot or so this fire really hooked me and like when i look at when i look at fights and tight spaces i look at oh it's like i see the parts but i don't see the the synthesis right okay where i why i'm you when i'm using the cards i'm like using these cards is a little less interesting than using the cards in slay the
Starting point is 01:44:41 spire and the art is better than slay the spire but it's not as good as super hot and i find the i find moving around and shooting people in slow time in super hot much more fun than anything to do with cards did you beat any of the bosses or boss levels i got about uh i got about 60 70 through the way of a one run okay okay well i can definitely tell you that like the um you're going through a move list that consists of like let's say a like half of it is like a lot of tech end moves you know and then the other half are like big like you know shan michael's kicks and and action movie start moves and i'm going i'm going through like this long long process of that i've been doing for like a couple years now kind of since i started streaming full time
Starting point is 01:45:35 which is i want to grab these games that i like actively dislike at a distance or don't understand at all and at least kind of get what people are talking about with them right so vampire survivors a really good example where i was actively dismissive of that game before playing and fights in tight spaces is the opposite in which i was like oh cool i like all those things and just for some reason it just didn't click okay um yeah well it is it is like you if you're liking uh the aesthetic and your fear liking the the placement and the into the breach stuff and all that like it does offer you less complexity of the individual parts than the source games um but i think i do i do think it's synthesized as well together and i feel like when i watch the replay of a particularly clean
Starting point is 01:46:39 run where i didn't get touched it just it feels good like it's it's the you know the clean replay yeah because when i when i hit the replay function i remember specifically going okay we're gonna hit the replay because this is woolly's favorite feature in these games is to see the clean run and i was like genuinely annoyed by its replay function because it's not fast enough it does pause at the turns it it no i don't want a fucking pause i wanted to play out boom boom boom agreed i agreed it would be way better if so and coming off of that my brain was like and i can't remember the name of it you will though um when is the robot game with the time shifting coming in the one that you played the early access version of where you plan out and can
Starting point is 01:47:31 see the future of a tactical row robot game not into the breach no no no no no 3d game where you're piloting gundams and it's a strategy rpg in which you're phantom brigade they're phantom brigade when the fuck is phantom brigade coming out yeah yeah still in still early i believe but i see i knew you'd remember the name yeah yeah yeah though i did i did play a bunch of that too actually because the early access currently is it's it's got a lot of content um though uh that plays out well you know i'm gonna i'm gonna probably take a look at that on the channel at some point too as well that plays out in execution um it it's fun but like it also is a bit slow you know um so there's still no perfect replay the full mission and see a cinematic battle
Starting point is 01:48:30 style game that's done this yet come on guys come on yeah but i agree that would look that would look better if it was like and here we get to just watch a cool fight sequence play out bam bam bam bam you know yeah well that that was it for me this week uh coming up this next week on slash pat stares at i'm gonna take a look at kaiju wars which is actually kind of in the same vein is like an inch of the breach looks really interesting i'm gonna take a look at the master difficulty in sifu i'll let you know next week have you have you fucked with that i haven't back to it yet i have heard that it is very much harder which is kind of what i wanted um i'm gonna take a look at a game called nightmare of decay which is a very indie game
Starting point is 01:49:14 it looks like a one-person game it's a first-person shooter that looks like a ps1 game and it is like 100 like what if i made my own little resident evil one like down to down down to the sound effects um and uh then on friday i'm gonna start playing the original bioshock and with that i asked people if they want to see batman or bioshock and i got bioshock as an answer but i'll probably do both and with that i would like to uh not apologize but i would like to give you a measure of appreciation because you went through arkham asylum and i remember you asking about which version to go through because the weird remaster shenanigans and i was like oh it's the pc versions all the way i'd like to apologize for
Starting point is 01:50:07 painting that as such a simple prospect as testing and running the pc versions of arkham asylum and arkham city had me so fucking pissed off that i actually just bought the shitty ps4 collection and if i just read that i'll be playing that instead because fucking arkham city doesn't even exist to obs you need to use display capture to fucking get that thing those games are just great old pc games that are acting like games from 10 years ago and that like why is there a problem with this why are you giving me a problem now just run just run normal run like a normal game please it's interesting because the feeling that we have of a game being on pc and therefore being like somewhat immortalized is not yeah it's true you know i i uh i was talking about that last
Starting point is 01:51:18 night and um i was talking about like okay good old games came out and so once this happened some of these games that stopped going away but in like 2008 or 2009 before the good old games version came out go play balder's gate go go get that fucking windows 95 game running dos box like with with the transfer it's like yeah go figure out how to use dos box yourself like complete fucking pile of shit like old like old games on steam just like i go back to them and you're like i'm oh great this doesn't work mm-hmm like fallout three somebody just mentioned it and i was gonna mention it fallout three is fucked up on pc like i the last time i loaded it up i just loaded up a clean install and had those giant red exclamation points of characters assets
Starting point is 01:52:17 not being there christ what the fuck uh we were trying to play um worms armageddon and i remember booting that up in like compatibility mode and just it was dying it was like is this a vga monitor no then what do you want me to do like it didn't know what to do and how to handle itself you know with a with a fucking a modern screen it was ridiculous um yeah pc does not mean it's forever you know um um so yeah i'm i'm interested in going to see bioshock because it's been a goddamn while and i remember bioshock one being like one of the jewels of the seventh gen like a game that everybody really liked and i know you liked bioshock too quite quite well um and gameplay wise for both games it's is kind of what i'm um i'm fondly i've repeated it many times so everybody kind of
Starting point is 01:53:25 knows at this point but i'm just i'm fondly remembering my big daddy simulator you know yeah your wrench run and that's kind of it like yeah it makes me it makes me so like playing bioshock is starting something on my channel that i'm like worried about which is let's say i stream bioshock and then people like to bioshock too and i do bioshock too and if i do that then people are going to ask for bioshock infinite at which point uh no they might say go play marathon actually no that if i get to bioshock two and you guys say play bioshock three will anybody hold it or system shock play pray instead you might get asked to go play system shock instead that remake is taking forever that thing's been in dev for like five years
Starting point is 01:54:19 when is that coming out i'm gonna look that up right now system shock remake pre-purchase it no date well march 30th article system shock remake is nearly finished i don't believe you yeah yeah i can always crack it open and then switch over when it drops but hey actually though for real if you guys like system shock and you play pray play pray pray is system shock it's just system shock it's you it's called pray though that's it if you want to see that crap go to slash pat stairs at now i gotta take a piss real bad do you also have to take a piss brb combine it okay quick word from our sponsors i love our sponsors
Starting point is 01:55:15 this week the podcast is sponsored by bombis they they about that socks uh i like socks yeah bombis mission is simple make the most comfortable clothes ever match every item sold with an equal item donated so when you buy bombis you're also given to someone in need and uh that's not just socks it's shirts it's underwear and all kinds of uh comfortable under clothing is there a word under clothing under garments under garments under garments garments bach can you can you alter my garments you know i was really hoping for um zuli the witch just put out a great video about the like should there be color editing in elden ring on on costumes and stuff and i saw that and i was like
Starting point is 01:56:14 i wanted more choices but at the same time seeing like the bright neon colors is garish and horrible um so maybe just a limited uh you know choice selection for some solid like whatever five or six good colors that are going to look good on each thing would have been solid um but you no need to have bach alter your garments over here because the socks shirts and underwear you get from bombis are comfy made of good materials like marina wool prima cotton and cashmere uh not need to alter that that's good right away you don't need no it's not socks made of god flesh it's it's it's socks made of cozy cotton and wool though they are divine haha uh of course um yes and keeping in mind that uh a pair is
Starting point is 01:57:12 donated for every one that you buy so get yourself some good under garments go to slash super beast to get 20 off your first purchase that's b o m b a s dot com slash super beast for 20 off bombis dot com slash super beast thank you bombis thanks bombis this week the podcast is also sponsored by door dash and uh i absolutely am loving the fact that this weekend i was able to uh dash myself over some quality stakes and had a very nice uh a steak dinner with a place that had some really nice cuts of um um of uh of wagyu you know uh it was it was fucking great uh uh door dash getting you delicious food straight to your door dropped off ready to go in this case they had the uh
Starting point is 01:58:26 they had the the meat nice cut nice marbling a good time and you know what they weren't sloppy i didn't serve them sloppy i had no sloppy stakes in this house you didn't slop up your stakes i didn't slop up my stakes you know i mean for a second i was wondering if the driver was gonna run back in my house and try to stop me from from slopping them up but that didn't but that didn't happen you just say you didn't slop them i didn't slop them up i didn't wait the driver would have run back in to slop them up for you if i did start slopping my stakes then the driver might have had to run back in to stop me from slopping them but i didn't slop up the steaks you think the driver happened to be from england and had their ear to the door was like oh are you
Starting point is 01:59:10 better not be sloping them don't don't slop them stakes stop it you're ruining them um i don't know what the fuck you're talking about i don't know what that means what is slopping your stakes sloppy stakes you pour some water over your stakes and then you make them all sloppy what why why would you do that if you're a kind if you're a piece of shit if you're a real piece of shit you slop up your stakes that's a much bloodier answer than i thought but my delicious meal was made possible of course with door dash so you know um you can get in on the drop-offs of whatever you're in the mood for because they are partnered with over 300,000 restaurants your neighborhood go-tos your locals all the favorites and of course
Starting point is 02:00:01 they're being dropped off safely to the front of your door ding dong there it is it's dinner yeah so i enjoyed it did a did a did a a good one this weekend on that and you too can enjoy thank goodness those steaks weren't slopped up gotta be careful gotta be careful if you used to be a piece of shit you might have been someone that's slopped up your stakes you know did you invent this what is this don't worry about it what you should worry about is for a limited time our listeners can get 25 percent off in zero delivery fees on their first order of $15 or more when you download the door dash app and you enter the code castle that's 25 off up to a $10 value and zero delivery fees on
Starting point is 02:00:54 your first order when you download the door dash app in the app store and enter the code castle that's code castle for 25 off your first order with door dash subject to change terms apply yeah thanks door dash thanks door dash and this week uh the podcast uh hold on a second boop boop boop this week the podcast is also brought to you by hello fresh who are in the business of uh not flipping the double deuces to your dog but delivering farm fresh pre-proportioned ingredients and seasonal recipes straight to your doorstep listen i've used hello fresh it helped me make good foods but do you know
Starting point is 02:01:47 what it did not tell me to do it did not teach me how to slop my steaks and god bless them for it yep that is a uh experts work at at giving you good ingredients over at hello fresh and those experts 10 out of 10 of them will agree that slopping steaks is only for huge pieces of shit so they do not recommend or endorse that they want you to enjoy your meals especially your steaks unslopped if you slop up your steaks then they can't help you you know the experts would never never never tell you to pour a glass of water over a perfectly fine cut of steak um but what they well tell you how to do such as what i did uh live this week was i enjoyed some tacos uh you know courtesy of the hello fresh delivery as well as some um very nice uh chicken
Starting point is 02:02:43 slices that uh were quite delicious with some pesto big fan of those you know once again also unslopped because don't don't do that follow the instructions if you don't follow the hello afresh instructions that the experts have planned then they might get sloppy like god help you with the outcome of your meal right if you choose to go chaos and not follow the rules then so be it that's up to you but if you follow the rules and do the instructions you're gonna get delicious yeah so when you're getting hello fresh you get the character select screen on the left it's this team hero and on the right it's this team slop there you go only villains do that team slop is grayed out because hello fresh does not support that don't do it but uh you can of course get in on various
Starting point is 02:03:29 recipes to fit your lifestyle whether that is um calorie or carb conscious whether you're eating vegetarian paleo keto whatever your needs or just regular uh everyday delicious food you've got um hello fresh to to send you great meals pre-packaged pre-proportioned cut the hard work out and enjoy uh you can go to hello fresh dot com slash super beast 16 and use code super beast 16 for up to 16 free meals and three free gifts that's hello fresh dot com slash super beast 16 and use the code super beast 16 for up to 16 free meals and three free gifts that's America's number one meal kit thank you hello fresh thanks hello fresh okay you okay over there i what what is this sloppy steak
Starting point is 02:04:41 fucking nonsense i think you should leave i like i looked it up and i found a binging with the bish episode where he like slops up a five hundred dollar steak i think you should leave all right what's going on what's going on is yesterday was mother's day so i hope everyone called or said to their mom that they love them and also big shout outs to former nintendo america president reggie fees may for waking up on mother's day and deciding to enact a form of violence on everyone with what may be my favorite tweet ever in which he retweeted a piece of art of himself closing his ears to protesters begging for mother three and didn't he didn't clay reggie throw a fireball at someone who asked him for it
Starting point is 02:05:50 i don't remember i want to say there was clay mation reggie in one of the directs where they were doing um like robot chicken style animation and someone asked for a mother three and he just shoots a fire flower at them oh it's it's really funny it's like man he doesn't work there anymore so he can fucking he doesn't even care he doesn't give a shit can do what he wants um including uh confirm that it never made it to the west based on business decisions and business needs and it was not a content decision is what he had to say so um boy you holding up fucking double deuces to to the dog is reggie holding it up to the mother fan base who just can do nothing but sit there and stare bewildered and and play the completely translated game for free
Starting point is 02:06:55 somehow well um yeah there you go if that was 2014 there's no one way to play mother three in english oh what a crying shame yeah that story has popped up as of four hours ago so it looks pretty pretty uh current um of course you have the overwatch two map of course there is there is the absolute like must see new footage of overwatch two uh which has been making the rounds you know um it's really important to show off the new features in a in a sequel uh to get people hyped up for the new game and uh a tweet showing off exactly that has been has been uh has been popping off this week um yeah there was um overwatch an area I believe yes on on twitter tweeted out the new
Starting point is 02:08:01 lighting comparison between the various levels of overwatch one and overwatch two and uh this video has led to uh instant like parody in the form of like just people dragging a photoshop slider across their favorite screenshots of uh you know two images there's daniel and the cooler daniel there's there's quite a good bit of dragon going on the first one that I saw was somebody just going overwatch two takes place six hours after overwatch because every single fucking stage is just one time period over and it was dusk now it's night if it was night now it's the minecraft one it's like yeah overwatch is new engine and it just shows you the nighttime in minecraft turning into day like oh man I mean there's nothing wrong with old
Starting point is 02:09:03 stages getting a light lighting update certainly but like when it comes to showing off new features that you're trying to convince people that this is in fact a sequel um there's higher priority things on that list going off every stage coming back and then having like a minor color palette switch yeah and also I think what's way more important than the fact that it looks really lazy is that they all look worse there's that one where the shine on the gun gets like blinding oh yeah the one where it goes from day to night and then the shine on Anna's gun is like the fucking sun how is that the improvement that one was weird um yeah I don't know like I'm thinking of um overwatch one traveled to Breaking Bad's Mexico so back in the day back in the day or or
Starting point is 02:10:01 traffic for that matter right like switching between America blue and Mexico yellow um you would get games like when you're playing sometimes you're playing Street Fighter 4 back in the day and it's like oh a new version of Street Fighter has launched and oh there's new characters and then you're browsing through the character select screen and then you hit the stage select you're like oh look there's a nighttime version of Chun Lee stage that's cool cool cool and it's cool it's it's not a feature list bullet point but it's a thing or like oh nice they did some variations of sorts nothing wrong with that in and of its own like context it's just this is one of the few things that seems to be like coming out about the game outside of people
Starting point is 02:10:44 not really watching it and I don't know why but between this and every other thing that seems completely the same um they it seems like their goal with overwatch two was to slowly introduce it as a drip feed transition update from people who are currently playing overwatch one it's it's a very weird decision I did a little bit of research on overwatch two because this was very confusing to me and everything to do with overwatch two has been mishandled and mismanaged in a way that I cannot believe because as somebody who follows the industry as a profession I cannot believe how obviously fucked up the messaging around this game was so first of all the name overwatch two is fucking completely wrong it's a lie it's not it's straight up not overwatch two
Starting point is 02:11:39 it's an overwatch update overwatch second impact yeah it's it's if you own overwatch one you get overwatch two and it'll just change into overwatch two without the graphical things associated with it and all the pvp changes like it's like a season okay they're gonna they're gonna add the graphic stuff and they're gonna add a player versus every like like a pv uh e mode like a like not single player but like a co-op mode and that'll be paid 1.1 yeah but like like woolly you've been playing fucking elden ring as elden ring is being get given these massive content and balance patches and they're labeled shit like 1.04 right meanwhile they're trying to tell you that this fucking patch is called it's overwatch two so what the fuck I mean we absolutely uh it's so weird
Starting point is 02:12:45 coming from the world of fighting games where you see like oh my god can you please just get to the next number as like the long-lasting problem you know that existed in the in the street uh street fighter two days of like how many content updates are we gonna get when we want a sequel here um and now this complete opposite version where it's like are you just using the two as a massive hype generator for an update that's not at all a sequel you know are you hoping that like people investors and people are just gonna like blow this up when it's just like okay model updates and I'm not gonna go too deeply into this but Stanley parable has a extended sequence about this exact thing uh huh this exact thing to the point where it makes me think they were talking
Starting point is 02:13:39 about overwatch to some degree um but like yeah no it's a patch number like ff14 patches have more fucking shit in them than this and they just get the fucking expansion number and then the the fucking point one or point two point three put after them most patches that are content have this fucking deep rock galactic just came out with its fucking second season and doubled the amount of shit in their battle pass and you want deep rock galactic did it took every single item in its first battle pass and just integrated it back into the game as random drops so basically this is what if no man's sky next call itself no man's sky two no man's sky two like just it could have been overwatch next but yeah this is what it is instead and it's so weird
Starting point is 02:14:32 so it's blizzard what a strange decision blizzard so blizzard is a fucked up company as we've all discussed at nauseam but one of the weirdest things about blizzard is actually something they share with square enix um you and i would make jokes about the cgi battle between the two companies that lasted for many years one thing that we now know blizzard does and we always knew square enix would do was they would go hey we got anything nope announce something what do you mean announce something just say you're making something are we gonna work on that no can we yeah in like three years okay fine announce it and overwatch sorry not over but blizzard does the same thing where they just go this thing this new character or that like it's always timed to some fucking
Starting point is 02:15:35 personal scandal at the company or some game failing or some fucking disaster they always just go something new was coming out pr much too yeah it's like the most blatant one because it's not even a new game the yeah no man the fucking like uh i like i it was pointed out i don't know i don't think we talked about it here but just like remembering that um when ff whoa whoop whoop whoop okay hold up a second inception be right back okay it just got very don't want everyone to see my asshole that that's fine but you got to give a warning on video because then it becomes the multiverse that's fine okay i just didn't want everyone to see my asshole fall out okay i didn't think it would but what if it did what was i saying um see i was just gonna bring up the
Starting point is 02:16:32 audacity of announcing three final fantasy games at the same time um and like the you know like the like overcompensating for investor hype you know that is just like getting people buzzed up over nothing uh yeah dropping a two over a big game seems like that would be the move and then everything that's come out since i mean it it immediately like started to people started questioning it as it was like here's a little change to the details of you know some of the character costumes and and then more updates literally every single one of those is worse than their original design the biggest most significant thing has been it's 5v5 now i think that's the most significant change yeah and then pve is coming which people were kind of wondering if that was going to drop
Starting point is 02:17:25 as an update for the original anything good about the gameplay they had the beta a little bit of wago and they were people were talking about how tanks are now limited to a single slot which ends up being way high pressure and like way more miserable so that's just great yeah so anyway the um this is the the the the just yeah the opposite of the fighting game problem you know where you're misusing the gravity of the of the two for nothing you know and i uh you can't undo that you know i'll say it again i'll sit wait a second somebody's just a guy who's in here all time came points out the maps were made for 6v6 they're reusing all the same fucking maps seems like it i don't know dropping into 5v5 but there's gotta be some new ones there's gotta
Starting point is 02:18:17 be some new ones but yeah sure um overwatch is the game more than any other that every single time i played it i had less fun than the last time i played it like the the the mo the my favorite version of overwatch is launch overwatch and every time they changed something to make it better i would be like wow this sucks i hate this change hmm yeah i just i i fucking i i played a rine heart and that's that's what i enjoyed doing and uh then other things came along i guess but um i wonder if like yeah i feel as if if they literally just didn't call it to a lot of this would have been like oh big overwatch overhaul coming okay you know yeah and that would have been the end of the thought like massive overhaul
Starting point is 02:19:17 cool sure overwatch literally overwatch next you know overwatch whatever i mean blizzards not you know they're not diluting a lot of attention from themselves with the overwatch too it's not seeming to working but luckily everything else is going just great over everything right uh yeah um not quite i mean honestly dude they're like they're all the same story that's like as whenever i'm looking over there is one new one okay because a lot of this like industry keeping eyes on it's the shit has just been and now the state of blank is now suing ex-giant triple-a company over the fact that their company is full of assholes that are being shipped to their employees you know new york city is suing activision blizzard specifically
Starting point is 02:20:09 bobby coddock saying that because bobby coddock was involved in and cleaning up after all these scandals that he didn't have the right to negotiate the merger the merger they're trying to put the kiposh on the microsoft merger which would be great if that fucked up well it's well it's it would be hilarious if it would have been okay to go through if he left but his refusal to leave now bites them in the ass that would be interesting you know but um yeah i'm just like i i i scroll over them and i'm like literally it's just it's the same one week to week you know um so uh yeah there's there's that um man i i just want to say something that we're talking about overwatch i briefly mentioned this i think it might have been on here last week but it definitely
Starting point is 02:21:02 mentioned on my stream like the state of multiplayer shooters right now is fucking dire like everything fucking sucks i know how bad uh the halo stuff has been how's valerant doing i don't know okay i decided one day that i was gonna try and run it and the anti-cheat told me to fuck myself and i was like wow that shows me for fucking deciding to go for it okay fortnite fortnite is unironically the most feel good of the shooters in that it's the least fucked up gundam will save the day gundam evolution is coming like that second season a halo is like a it's a fucking mess like it's uh oh man you didn't see this the second season a halo introduced legitimate compliance failures people's dlc no longer exists let alone been
Starting point is 02:22:17 removed from their fucking thing because they changed the way cosmetics worked so some of the cosmetics people bought fell through the cracks and just don't exist oh that was the uh the thing with the van that had like the front of it in one color that then just got removed like i saw a tweet about that someone bought like a skin for their warthog and then it was just gone for their warthog and then they got changed around and some of the fucking things got removed because i guess no one bought them but some people did and when they got pulled out the fucking textures just gone man like we were talking about it with the stadia or with the luna fucking outage you know shit but when you're getting into this realm of like digital purchases that are now taken
Starting point is 02:22:58 from you like you that's fucking you're stealing you're stealing from people if you take their digital purchase away like you know i don't care what the fucking fine prince says on that like you're an asshole you got to fix that you can't take away shit like that um what what's up oh no i was trying to pet geef on the camera but oh okay i had the wrong hand you just what would you baby um yeah so that's going down speaking of the state of first person shooters if you want to harken back to the good old days right of fps the quality that that we've left behind while someone has leaked duke nukem forever the e3 2001 build was posted on 4chan and you can go play it and that's the fucking first trailer version of the game that they showed off
Starting point is 02:23:59 before uh i think the four engine switches um confirmed i bet that version of the game is way better than the inevitable dnf i doubt it i wouldn't i wouldn't say so uh do you play dnf i certainly did in fact i might have worked on it uh george besard has confirmed that the leak is in fact real and uh temper your expectations there's no gameplay just a smattering of barely populated test levels yeah so it it is astonishing how little they worked on that game i mean it feels like the history of it looking back is more a history of engine migration than it is actual game development like 100 it was fucking crazy um
Starting point is 02:25:01 like it was i what was it like okay like the first there's there's the initial um uh one from unreal um no god what was it it was unreal engine over to to doom 3 or something there's i i don't remember i'd have to look it up i really would uh because i used to know this here uh there was a whole fucking hit like ridiculous history of uh the development of duke nukem forever uh all right let's see engine quick to engine unreal engine to doom 3 then uh final release unreal 3 yeah just woof man um anyways uh duke nukem forever if you want to go play that that initial trailer where they showed off like the vagus you know uh uh strip and like all just all the initial things you know
Starting point is 02:26:10 the head the explosions and the textured faces that were like ahead of their time for the for the for the era you can go grab it and george bersard is also like like no idea who leaked this but it is in fact it is real so yeah um peak the peak era of first person shooters if you want to see what a game looks like when the devs can't stop playing world of warcraft here's a tiny little peak now i know the years don't quite add up right but like 2001 to 2004 but still i still can't believe it just came out like like in fucking 2010 or whatever it's like what's george bersard doing oh he hangs out in his office all day in place wow dude like the day that project came into the office and they're like yep today you're working on
Starting point is 02:27:09 what just everyone's like oh like how what it was it was wild it was fucking nuts from what i could tell from the final build there was work to be done oh yeah oh yeah but it was just it was in a everyone involved in this financially is at their wit's end just ship it you know just ship it anyways um so that dropped and then if we lived in a world where it got cancelled we might be in a world where people would still be saying damn if only we got duke nuke forever the industry would have been saved you know the games that never came that are always the perfect ones after all um in fact the team behind ff16 did an interview recently where they confirmed that they were working on an ip that was extremely similar to bloodborne before bloodborne was announced
Starting point is 02:28:19 this is such a weird interview it it was very there was strangely candid about stuff that is often secret and behind the scenes you know in the there's a lot of things like this that you just never they never really see the light of day because you don't want to make your direct comparisons or say that like this product directly led to us canceling what we were working on but yoshida and a bunch of fellow team members basically said that they were working on a game that was so similar to bloodborne before it was announced that it was similar with its gothic style though it had a little bit of sci-fi elements introduced as well when they saw bloodborne they were all like why it was basically just like oh god they got there first and uh yeah the the
Starting point is 02:29:08 specifics was it got cancelled before bloodborne got announced and then they saw bloodborne get announced and were like thank god we weren't going ahead with that um and then they mentioned that like yeah if exactly we'd be freaking out if they continued development while bloodborne was dropping and the the interviewer asked like how similar was it and they're like they have some of the same weapons the biggest difference was that uh it was going to have evolve asymmetrical play so one player would be like a huge like you know strong beast or whatever and then the others would have to avoid being caught yeah um and there's a crazy thing about that interview is the final fantasy 16 is done and it will bring back passion anew for for the fans uh yeah sure when i'm looking at that
Starting point is 02:30:09 key art of the main character with like the burning arm and the sword i'm thinking i like i'm strongly reminded of zwei from soul caliber five i can see that well i don't know why you would ever think of zwei but i i liked him he had a wolf stand he could do horizontals and verticals right after each other it was fun um anyway ff 16 ff 16 is mostly done it's like content lock they're just polishing it up and doing the final round of qa on it which is like we still basically see nothing about that game yeah um i think this yeah this interview was done with the uh 35th anniversary uh worth uniclo which because yeah uniclo has just rolled out a bunch of ff themed shirts for every game uh funny because like we actually like uh i was with a friend and like they were like grabbing
Starting point is 02:31:08 they're doing some shopping to grab some of those those shirts and um one of them was just like there's like one for every ff essentially like one of them was like the ff seven shirt and just looking at it it's like oh that's a pretty cool oh god's hard spoilers right there on the shirt and just grabbing punch bomb shoulders and just look just rotate this way just oh yeah cool shirts whatever just like doing everything to dive in front of it you know um but uh anyways um yeah 16 stuff is coming out um final stage is a development story is very well fleshed out that's about it i i'm i'm curious i'm curious if whenever there's something that's too thematically
Starting point is 02:32:02 similar to another thing that you know is is is on the way you always have to wonder it's like okay but can you salvage your ideas for gameplay into something else you know uh the answer will surprise you in final fantasy 16 now with sci-fi elements i mean if 15 like was the prototype for what the seven r combat system became and then this is going to be built off of that um i i'm i'm excited for what that combat will look like um it'll probably look like devil may cry five but how will it feel probably like devil may cry five because a lot of things look like devil may cry five these days but yeah fair fine yeah sure um meanwhile on the complete opposite end of the spectrum um
Starting point is 02:33:03 you would think that the most exciting crossover to happen this week would be among us cross pub g would think that but it's not i've thought that it's not because eve online cross microsoft excel is happening and microsoft is working directly with eve to implement uh data transfer from the game straight into spreadsheets so they they announced i believe they announced this is at an eve online event yeah their annual event um that is kind of a big deal for the eve online it's awesome it's a really good crossover like like if you're somebody who like was taking this eve like uh uh shit as practically a second job you're doing this manual data transfer anyway um and if nobody has made plugins and
Starting point is 02:34:03 or extensions to make your life easier official integration certainly would it's awesome listen listen man the crowd was popping off really annoying to type in the amount of plex manually per person okay plex now yeah plex not isk familiar with plex no plex isk is um isk is fucking weird because isk is the the the the the money in in eve online but i believe that is because it is the money there like isk is the fucking anagram for icelandic kroner i want to say it is or whatever but plex is the game time currency it's the currency that turns into real money that's true i actually i i have some isk i didn't even realize that yeah so the one that is money isn't money the one that sounds like a media center is money
Starting point is 02:35:15 either way this makes me kind of wonder like how many other games or mmo's like it would 14 or wow or any of that shit like um just leave that this would matter yeah no one's grabbing out like spreadsheets and doing their calculations in depth on on those advanced raids that reminds me of a 14 story this week that is of legal and fascinating significance about to us and third party tools give me a second to look that up i was also thinking about sure while you explain i was also wondering like how is there i mean i feel like there would be a like basically a some kind of you've described that there are each of these games has their own built-in plugins that um you know change your hot around to give you more options or to do help you with
Starting point is 02:36:14 like raids and setting up things and whatnot um like are you are there cases where like you can have external stuff and there are cases where you can have stuff like like your build calculators right um in what game was it uh you were saying where uh was it league or more our dota one of them league and dota have the build the build guides or shop guides or whatever right so it's just like so i'm just kind of wondering of like is there like a company that just goes into business and like makes like an all-in-one supplemental tool for not really no okay not to my knowledge so ff14 recently put out so you might have seen people talk about it if you're friends with any like really huge ff14 nerds maybe men talked about it to you willy dragon songs reprise is the the
Starting point is 02:37:03 big super fucking raid for psychos that has been going on for a couple weeks and world clears have happened they've done it they beat super thorn congratulations so the final fantasy 14 twitter account goes forth and says the first teams to clear dragon songs reprise ultimate have emerged congratulations for those of you who are still progressing good luck as you continue on at your own pace now it's kind of weird because it usually in world firsts below would be the name of the team and congratulations to the team but instead there is the following statement we would like to add something about third-party tools so please read the next tweet we have noticed discussions about the validity of third-party tools and would like to reiterate our stance
Starting point is 02:37:57 against the usage of such tools and here's a statement by yoshida that says blah blah blah please do not use third-party tools and such ununauthorized programs in the game and this is a long-standing weird game of chicken between ff14 and square and everyone who plays the game at a serious level because there are things there's there's a wide variety of mods you could use in a game like this you could use discord voice communication which is not technically a third-party tool right but nobody counts that right um then there's um your uh fucked up big titty mods uh to make your character of course or no freak naturally um which they've said hey stop stop showing people that you can do it i guess but stop stop it it's gross um then you have act
Starting point is 02:39:09 which is a what's called a parser and it basically records dps and you can upload that to ff logs and that will tell you hey you might want to work on your rotation here you didn't have this buff up your timing's a little off etc and then you have the final thing which is what they're really talking about which is act call out triggers in which you all ff14 sequence bosses are on timers that are more or less exact and so what you can do is if everyone's running act you can program in the robot to call out what you're supposed to do at every second of the fight automatically like take well basically nullifying the the need to memorize it used to have the ability to actually place markers down like at at like dynamically to ping people to go literally be like go here go
Starting point is 02:40:08 here go here go here go here and the issue is is that the ultimate shit is so fucking hard that yeah no the world first people had they put up their video of them beating it and there's call outs going in from a robot and then we get into the discussion of like well what's the difference between a human doing the call out like me and my guys when we play on sunday my friend vel does the call outs he goes everybody lightnings coming up or whatever the fuck but then there's all these little granular ads of automation and they're all against the rules but the ff14 team always says like yeah well we know there's features in the game that aren't there yet so we understand why people would want to use the tools but don't use the tools but really just don't get caught using
Starting point is 02:40:59 the tools and it's a whole fucking mess and it leads to and it leads to them not actually congratulating the world first team wow okay okay and it feels like this is a above the team's decision it's a philosophical question about the design of the game right and i feel as if like well whatever to go to go back to the old faithful fighting games have had to question what level of input should be okay on a stick when you play right and if there's exploits you can you can use that are in the game that you can do with your fingers like option selects those are okay but you can't have um you know macros for like a complete like one frame link combo that will do for you you know so the the way that it's always worked in 14 is very simply there's no way to
Starting point is 02:42:04 tell exactly what your dps is in game there's absolutely no way to tell what your optimum rotation is in the game the only way to correctly figure out what the good rotation is for any particular thing is to run a parser while you are playing and literally look at the numbers the parser is recording and it will tell you listen you did you know x percentile damage or you could have tightened your rotation up here and the raids they put out are so difficult that the idea that you could actually clear them by ball parking it in your head is fucking stupid and there are features that people have been suspended for in the past while being told well we're going to integrate an official version of what you're doing right now huh okay yeah i guess that okay so that's
Starting point is 02:42:59 a hard limit where it's like if the game is about to do it anyway and you're getting in trouble for that then fuck you because it's going to do it anyway by according to the people making it um my instinct is to imagine that like um artificial help is still not controlling your character you still have to manually time all your efforts right so that's the limit of what should be acceptable you know um if there's a ghost on the track that shows you the best way to beat the fastest course but you have to of course actually still control it and follow the ghost properly um that's still your inputs deciding whether or not you succeed or fail so i don't know if that makes like sense according to what most people believe but in my head arbitrarily not knowing i would assume that the
Starting point is 02:43:57 limit of information being conveyed to you versus um like you have to manually input it yourself i think it's fair to draw a division there yeah it's it's it's a mess it's a it's a complete fucking mess and it's going to go back and forth back and forth until they actually add the features the issue is the most contentious one by far is the dps meter and that is philosophical for a different reason they're afraid of putting a dps meter in the game because the instant you do that you can ask people what their number is and then get all over them if it's not high enough right yeah and you can't just look at the boss's life bar depletion rate because everyone's contributing to that right hmm yeah that's uh that's a genre specific uh conundrum man that is interesting
Starting point is 02:44:51 because right like like the idea of modding the ghost into the game and then taking away your accomplishment of like memorizing a particular sequence if you're telling me that ballparking it is not good enough then because because ultimately that it should be right like if you're good enough to memorize a sequence and then you're like yeah i can ballpark it because that's how you overcome most really hard things and any other pve context it's been the it's been the general thing that if you parse and shut up you're cool but the thing that'll get you suspended or banned is if you go into like a group and you start yelling at somebody like hey you need to up your dps and it's like well how do you know that do you know that because you're parsing my
Starting point is 02:45:38 shit so you can shit on me mm-hmm that's bm man i will say this man games like 14 and wow before it like mmo does create a they're like they're the first ones in video games to that i know of at least to encounter these types of weird design philosophy philosophy but design philosophy problems and the solutions we can see them fail or succeed and and you know there's lessons for future game design to come from this type of shit like world of warcraft had a version of this where you could run like a like a challenge thing for an encounter and you could literally brawn silver and gold star it and that would be visible on your character stats that people could look at and they could like demand like you need to be at least silver on this encounter to come
Starting point is 02:46:37 with us to this party and that was just the the most fucking toxicity inducing shit you could possibly fucking imagine yeah it's a mess it's weird okay i'm curious how stuff like that plays out because i couldn't begin to answer but again i'm also like looking at this from the outside anyways um what else is going on a couple of random things one interestingly fury is getting ported to ps5 cool um i should probably actually try that i thought you played it i didn't um no i remember when that dropped in it was like oh it's the it's the afro samurai thing but series of boss fights and stuff but uh that was where a lot of people were like you should because it's it's very much your thing and uh but yeah i know i haven't
Starting point is 02:47:53 and there's dlc coming with it as well they're adding another character i think in fact each time fury comes up it usually is followed by an onslaught of holy shit will he play it play it play it right that's uh that's usually how that goes so yeah might take a look um and the the main thing i suppose is like from what it seems like over time it's quite a bit better than uh afro samurai right so yeah that's that's the takeaway that's pretty come on cool cool that's not even fair um obi-wan trailer larry uh there's a there's a parody trailer called larry that dropped but um anyway obi-wan trailer and um yeah uh we'll we'll see what's going on it i don't know where that character ends up but from the sounds of it like in clone wars a
Starting point is 02:49:04 lot of people say that like clone wars is a lot for obi-wan's character and like you know it's pretty cool to um it's a it's a good overall fleshing out of the in-between time um are they going to carry that into this now that they got ewan mcgregor back or is he gonna is he gonna start doing a thing where every episode we're staring at luke through those through the goggles from a distance and setting up uh a new hope uh i better not raise this boy maybe maybe i'm expecting at least four times for him to get really close and then someone's gonna pull him away at the last second or like a blaster shot will come out of left field and he's like oh i can't go i can't i can't wait to talk to the boy
Starting point is 02:50:03 and then lie to him about his father i'll just lie i cut off your dad's fucking legs um also i'd love to see what the negotiation process to get you in back was like uh because that's that's another one of those just like i don't know how the they feel but i feel like anyone from the prequel trilogy could just look back on that and go never again you know yeah i could easily see that unless the number was real right so uh anyway there's apologies for the background i think the dog's barking at some deer outside not a problem uh which he is terrified of i've noticed i took him out to pee the other day and there was a deer like 10 feet away and this dog is a bitch terrified of a deer
Starting point is 02:51:04 well you know the thing about deer when they when they piss it smells really strong and you know i didn't know that it's very strong i was not aware of the the mechanics of deer piss yeah and um it would seem that uh there's other things this week worth discussing that are very pertinent to odor okay yugioh tournaments have officially put a rule out that will penalize players for smelling bad hell yeah join in smash bros in the stinky play time the official yugioh blog has posted their tournament policy in which they have stated that anyone with dirty or bad smelling hygiene or clothing uh will be required to have clean clothing and be clean and if it's excessively dirty or bad smelling you can be penalized it doesn't go on to specify how
Starting point is 02:52:17 or uh what that would entail but the judges will likely have to do sniff checks and and uh god damn if that isn't something that people are signing up for that is not what you sign up to be a judge for man i don't i don't know how to tell you this but if i would say a yugioh player and i'm taught i'm excited to play yugioh and this news article breaks i'm quitting yugioh like i'm i'm done i'm switching over to like anything like immediately i mean i'm out because like because like do you remember how you felt when you and i were talking about enjoying rick and morty and then we fucking stopped talking about rick and morty do you remember that because that was a time yeah um no if like if this follows the decorum of other tournaments
Starting point is 02:53:20 that i've been to uh you know i've never been to a yugioh tournament certainly but tournaments in general you would have this start with one player going oh god oh god that's horrible and then flagging a judge over and then they'll tell the judge what's going on and the judge will have to look and be okay like hold on pause the match and then they'll have to ask the person to stand up and then the judge will have to approach and perform a sniff check and that sniff check may or may not involve hands up rotate do a spin do a 360 in the middle of a crowded event and it might be just the most horrifying traumatizing shit ever i got a great great comment coming in from diana love you diana i guess you should never play card games pat because they all have this
Starting point is 02:54:16 problem to the same degree or right no one should play card games if they all have this problem to some degree well there's virtual car they should all stop you can play through the comfort of your of your screen yes um yeah no honestly the the judges are the losers in this in this uh i think everyone is the loser you know this reminds me me i remember a long time ago back in 2004 no five 2005 i was hanging out with a friend of mine and we were walking through the Eaton Center and we were just talking about bullshit or our university classes or whatever and we took a turn up on the third floor of the Eaton Center because we were going to go to the bookstore and she saw hey what is that store i never really
Starting point is 02:55:18 noticed it there and i said no don't as she crossed the threshold into the game's workshop and i just saw her from the back i saw her shoulders go up and her body like physically crinkle yeah yeah yeah yeah just just walking the first foot past the threshold and then every single fucking grognard in there just turned and then she slowly backed out and we walked away can you get dequeued for a really bad fart that is a great question i would imagine no because that is not you or your clothing directly it however it can be called into question and at least pause the game for a ruling at which point the judge's job will be to sniff the fart
Starting point is 02:56:19 i cannot understate how shit this deal is for the poor judges this sucks man um and if they of course if they get close the judge can detect that hold on a minute that is rank that does smell like ass but it is in fact not just ass in a temporary transient fart state but it is the full-on undercarriage ball sweat smell that is that is coming forth that's then gonna be a red card you know you and page are right there on the same thing i just got a message over discord quote it is not just fart it is also balls yep yep there you go underarm all of it so i want to point out this is my attempt to soften the blow to the game's workshop freaks um slightly in that they have it the worst of anyone because i'm sure their
Starting point is 02:57:30 general hygiene is approximate to the other groups such as the smash or the yugio or the magic however the game's workshop stores also absolutely overpoweringly fucking reek of paint fumes and varnish in a way that just combines with the balls and the stink to just create a new form of enhanced bo what if you're making it to top eight and you buy a bottle of liquid ass do you know liquid ass i do know liquid ass you buy a bottle of liquid ass and then you taint the seat of your opponent before they sit and then you get a free ride to grand finals what if what if you can hear ultra david and james chen and they're throwing you off with their commentary so when they're taking a break you spray down the announce table and then you're like
Starting point is 02:58:43 james chen and ultra david smells so badly that i cannot compete and then the judges go over and they go man that's a stinky ultra david you need to go mr lawyer well that wouldn't that wouldn't affect the ruling of the of the opponent certainly you and your opponent are the ones that are penalized for that happening so it would be in the interest of the player to sabotage their opponent to get through in the bracket what if you snuck some poop into your opponent's pants now i don't know how the yugioh bracketing system works but that would take a very very elaborate scheme and coordination unless you were to walk around during pools and there were to be uh shall we say um a high volume of ass cracks on display
Starting point is 02:59:53 what if follow me here you were the the winning pokemon card game championship team from spain and you got into an argument with other players and decided to just shit in your own hands and throw it at each other in the hallway after the tournament well i don't see the benefit of doing that after the tournament after all but um you know i guess um soccer has age asks what if the pants were made of poop okay soccer has taken a tumble right learning how to fall and pretend you're injured um you know what if what if the next move in the meta is to uh to to smell compromise your opponent you know i yeah yeah i can see this okay well um again pour one out for the judges
Starting point is 03:01:02 it's thankless work but it's about to become even more thankless no so here's the thing for the judges though right i don't think this has i don't think the judges are the ones who are going to have to deal with this i think it's the people taking names down at reception oh they make the check i i think i think all it is is you're sitting there taking down names from the bracket and you now have the authority to be like hey get the fuck out of here no you're wrong no good no good you serious yes the state change occurs after the tournament starts people come down from their hotel rooms um and the numbers are low it's after the games begin that the state changes occur it's after a long set at a particular seat i have an idea
Starting point is 03:01:55 what if instead of judges we just have roaming smell guards right and if you are determined to show up stinky the smell guards give you the option of leaving coming back non-smelly or spraying you down with ax until you are acceptable just just just lift your arms up and spread your legs and they're just gonna v spray your balls and armpits and ass until you're you're good to go just a just a solid fucking just a perfume shower um equally horrifying really when it comes down to it what would really be the ultimate is if there were a way to have a like almost like a breathalyzer just like a meter to show the person like hey you're at an eight point five yeah no you know what it is you know you know a person
Starting point is 03:03:06 who's a breathalyzer with a good sense of smell i guess in there and in order to get into the tournament area you must pass by them without them going fuck off with this whatever the case may be yugioh has decided to take an official stand and we'll have to enforce so we'll see we'll see what this looks like in action um yeah all right let's let's let's move on there's a thing about there's wwe is going to make an rpg at some point but yeah i'll believe it when i see it well yeah all right staff you know sure whatever um although zavier did like post a little winky on on twitter so it seems like he might know something so i mean he would yeah yeah he's he's in there um anyway let's take some letters hey you want to send a letter send it to castle
Starting point is 03:04:06 super beast mail that's castle super beast mail at uh let's go letter from oh that's awful we got a letter from uh derrick who says uh dear castle super beast mail at uh the tl dr i appreciate that is uh what are some of the most worst or most interesting ways you've seen games change difficulty as difficulty increases i asked because the higher you crank the difficulty in back for blood the more your progress gets deleted when you fail um a friend of mine recently gifted me back for blood and i played through the campaign um i had a reasonable amount of fun and i decided to run through it again on higher difficulty um it tweaked it so that um with the way the ways that it tweaked its difficulty completely killed my desire to play it
Starting point is 03:05:08 anymore though um the it's complicated but the tl dr is that there's two specific types of check points safe rooms and starting points safe rooms are left for dead safe rooms where you refill ammo and health between levels um but the crucial difference is when your team dies you can only restart from a safe room if you have a continue you get one continue per campaign no way to increase a refill starting point is the same as a safe room except you can restart at them every time um if you wipe with zero continues in easy every safe room is a starting point but as the difficulty increases um the less and less safe rooms will also be start points once you're in hard mode only one difficulty above normal there are no mid campaign starting points meaning that dying in
Starting point is 03:05:57 the finale without a continue means starting all the way back from the beginning of the campaign wiping out an hour of progress i'm all for playing hard games but having difficulty sliders that increase how much of my time is wasted uh when i fail killed my desire to keep going through the difficulties uh yeah so um what are your experiences with like the more interesting or uh bad ways to implement difficulty number number one with a bullet in terms of good ways is the character action of enemy remix good way is that's great remix add later game in enemies earlier bad ways every single game that just adds a zero to damage and health numbers pull the slider up i have my shining with a bullet example that i i usually reference this uh i've
Starting point is 03:06:53 done so a couple times before way of the passive fist is one of the best implementations of game difficulty i've ever seen i hear really good things about dishonor too um with like the the level of options you can tweak but way of the passive fist gives you four sliders that lets you choose how you want the game to become harder um it lets you increase enemy strength likes like let just straight up slide the health and damage up uh it lets you individually from that increase the swarm size by pulling the encounter size up so more show up in the group or you can increase how forgiving the combometer is or how easily it drops and then separate from those entirely is how many power-ups and checkpoints you get as you progress with resourcefulness so
Starting point is 03:07:41 four separate sliders for four completely separate types of difficulty fucking awesome and each one creates a combination that shows you some cool fun artwork that like decides like what the name of your your your your run is called you know it's a really good form of difficulty that i just thought of well i didn't think of it i'm remembering it uh stalker um damage goes up in every direction both ways uh yeah so bullets go from video game bullets to fucking bullets right okay if you go all the way up to the top of the difficulty tree um it completely changes the way the game works yeah it seems like uh uh so dishonored also split up its difficulty settings into a series of like customizable like things for enemy
Starting point is 03:08:40 ai behavior and and other cooldowns and stuff so giving a lot of choices is good i like that um that's that's way better than the lazy tweak this tweak the number up and then go you know um in re4 and professional one of the things that happens isn't just damage tweaks but it's enemy behavior oh yeah well more more aggressive behavior from enemies is a cool one uh they pop devil trigger now right uh always good yeah uh okay here we go we got another one coming in hey woolly hey pat this is a question for pat so do you think that rockstar would have more or less success if they were letting the player have complete control over how to progress in story missions like older gta series um as opposed to railroading them in a specific direction
Starting point is 03:09:41 to fulfill cinematic hollywood storytelling like in the newer games um absolutely not i think they would have this is the way that they should do it for themselves because every single person that i've talked to who likes red dead redemption two goes oh man the story was so incredible oh my god i can't believe it and you wouldn't get that if you didn't have that railroaded fucking cutscene driven storyline yeah they go on to say i personally don't mind the design of the games now i still have fun with them um but yeah would you've enjoyed gta 5 and red dead 2 more uh being i would right but i mean if you're asking about commercial success that's a different question commercial success they they fucking kill it they fucking destroy it sales wise there's a lot of
Starting point is 03:10:29 people out there that are content to be a digital actor in a digital play personally i have no absolutely zero interest in that okay and here is one coming in uh from andre says hey william pat the moment you discussed game genres and how silly some of them are in last week's episode my mind immediately raced towards japanese game genres and how at least three not just crazier they are whenever they announce a game genre in a magazine or a trailer they're less of a genre and more of a short ish description of a game uh what the dev wants the player to feel uh or straight up gibberish nonsensical mess kojima genres are actually just some of the extremely few instances where those japanese genres get translated for global audience they're just
Starting point is 03:11:22 the tip of the iceberg uh and this this starts to make sense when you think about those moments at the end of the trailer where like a question mark pops up in all japanese and then like just like some sort of yeah like statement you know um here are some that come to mind uh you can look it up with the original text and we have the original text so uh here we go azura's wrath back-to-back fight scene experience action project cross zone two crossover simulation rpg catamari damashi romantic action beautiful catamari romance and beauty romantic action touch my catamari touch roll and grow big game catamari re-roll roll and grow big game uh this one i remember jojo's bizarre adventure eyes of heaven stylish tag jojo action
Starting point is 03:12:22 uh-huh tales of the abyss the rpg where you find out what it means to be born oh come on tales of a rise the rpg that foretells the break of dawn in your heart uh we need to get more of these out here ace they just don't translate them that's what we're finding out tactical espionage action is just one of the few times where it was printed in english on the fucking box so you couldn't ignore it um ace combat assault horizon supersonic grand destruction shooting that's true yeah gun vault light novel 2d action persona for dancing all night p sound action x troopers manga like exhilarating action steins gate hypothesis science adventure mary skelter puzzle solving panic puzzle solving cross panic cross active 3d dungeon rpg
Starting point is 03:13:31 modern day school novel like 2d fighting game pure light novelized 2d versus game under night in birth of that is to say of course castle panzers boobs and butts rpg okay well that's on us senran kagura big boobs hyper battle you know valkyrie drive aggressive big boobs hyper battle well that answers that that answers that uh it's not just a cojima should be on the box those should all be on the box every single one he's the only one they just they kept those words in but many games have been doing this and these are probably those moments where they go mr director is there any message you have for the fans and they say please look forward to it
Starting point is 03:14:34 please get excited and please then they'll say we want you to experience this please experience the big boobs and butt in your soul what it means to be born yeah do it yeah come on uh and and you know what yeah and and extra shout outs andre for including um all the katakana as well it's for the like absolute email god damn great email i've learned that email i've learned something today we never had to learn anything i appreciate the good ones folks i appreciate the good ones coming in very nice good work good business all right all right i'll call that the finish line i have a good week everybody stay safe out there

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