Castle Super Beast - CSB 230: BABY

Episode Date: August 1, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 МУЗЫКАЛЬНАЯ ЗАСТАВКА Hello! Can you see me, Wully? I'm using a new camera, which is ironically enough my I can not hear bully. Yeah, yeah, yeah! Why? Okay, great. Hey, bully, how are you doing? I'm good, here we are. We're alive. We're good. We're alive now. Yes.
Starting point is 00:01:08 I would like to say hi to my mom and dad. Hey mom and dad. I told them to watch the podcast today. Because I am now a dad and the baby is out and here. Hey! Yeah! Hey, yeah, what's up mom and dad what's up? Baby is here a little early a little early, but he is here and then there were three. There are three now. So before I get into anything, you might be asking, Pat, why are you here on the podcast? When baby is like brand new,
Starting point is 00:01:58 there are a few reasons for this. First of all, woolly, I want to really thank you. Woolly called me this morning. I texted him, hey, we're all good to go for the podcast today. And woolly called me to be basically be like, are you sure, dude? Are you absolutely sure we can move it? And I said, no, I'm sure. And then I gave the phone to my wife and then they talked for a little while. Paige has basically, let's say heavily insisted that I be here today. She did not want to have the podcast be moved.
Starting point is 00:02:38 She is doing very well. Baby is doing very well. She is being taken care of by a team of nurses. She has that little button that she hit. If you need anything, I just came from the hospital. I will then immediately be going back to the hospital. So maybe let's not go for five hours today. Okay. Maybe, maybe just cut it a little. But first things first, we gotta talk about video games. Oh my God. Video games are still important.
Starting point is 00:03:17 They're just, what's the most important thing? Like less important. Who fucking cares about the docket this way? Like okay. I know, I tell her this. important Who fucking care is about the docket this like okay? I know I tell her this just like no the podcast is important I'm like let's go do it. You know, I'm sitting here like hey. I watched barbie. So anyway How was barbie? Yeah, that was fun Ryan Gosling was for you a barbie girl. I sure was Fun Ryan Gosling was for you Barbie girl. Nice sure was.
Starting point is 00:03:45 And I'm also enough. Anyways. Okay. So. Sorry. It's time to do the story. It's time for the story of the new Pat. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:01 So I have some advice for people. Anybody who is gonna have a baby is having a baby or thinking about a baby, I have some advice for you right now. First of all, get the car seat earlier than you think you need it. Okay, so here's the sequence of events. All right, here's the story, story obviously with clarification and clear from my wife Who this is this is our story, but she did all the hard stuff right so
Starting point is 00:04:35 Toothstay or no no wasn't Tuesday regardless we go And we we get the car we get the car seat We're like fuck yeah, we got the car seat. Yes Good we can put a baby in a car seat a couple days later We go renew the lady's passport her passport needs to be renewed Like it's one of those things you just got to do right we go renew. How much do you run on right now? Pretty good actually, okay, I'll explain that all right So renew the passport, okay, and then and then a few days later
Starting point is 00:05:11 We're like we're gonna go to that final ultrasound Right the the the the ultrasound that will inform all the plans right? Bring your hospital bag That's the bag that has the must-haves. Two, your final ultrasound. Because there's the strong possibility that when you get to the final ultrasound, the tech looks inside and it's like, ah, ha! And then goes, hold on a second. I'm gonna leave the room for 25 minutes. And then comes back and goes, ha!
Starting point is 00:05:55 Well, I'm not allowed to give you any medical advice, but you should go to the hospital for an extra test. No worries, you should just go now. So we get to the hospital and we're walking up to a labor and delivery perinatal and we're a little concerned and Paige decides that she's had enough and halfway up to the door, she turns around and starts to run away. She sees like the lettering on labor and delivery of part of the building.
Starting point is 00:06:43 And she goes, no, and she takes a cane and she does a 180 and she starts going as fast as she can. Half life. Absolutely. Just no, not doing it. No, got to leave. I had to, I had to like, I had to block, I had to block her and be like, no, honey. Oh, that's up here. It's such a raw just like the brain says get out of here right? and so and so I get a whole of her like no we have to go see the doctor. I'm sure everything's fine right we go in we see the doctor everything is fine everything's totally within the bounds of normal seat and They start talking about like you know, induction or whatever.
Starting point is 00:07:28 And pages like, oh, I was really hoping to have an August baby. And the doctor gives a big smile and says, actually, I was thinking more of a July baby, like today. Like a today baby. How does that sound? Yeah. Yeah. Um, so then we're like, oh, okay. And they wheeled us to our private room, which was really nice. Um, we have a button to call a nurse whenever we need one, which we have used a lot and they've come and taken care of my wife or helped her with something. They gave me a bed, not a chair, I got a bed to sleep on, and it is a not shared room. And then we go through the process of talking about how we're gonna do, how do you wanna do this, right?
Starting point is 00:08:27 Do we wanna do it the old fashioned way? Do we wanna do what's known as taking the baby out through the sunroof, which is a cesarean section. Right. And we're going through the process. And it was a really like, like this type of discussion is not super fun, it's not exactly terrifying but it's very serious. And we were very, very lucky because we had nurses that were with us most of the time.
Starting point is 00:09:01 We had the surgeon come down, we had a pediatric doctor come down, we had the surgeon come down, we had a pediatric doctor come down, we had a GP come in and sit with us and talk with us for hours about risks, about safety, about medical trauma, and we ended up going with the decision because like you've heard you've heard page tell stories everyone watching this stream has heard page tell stories.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Page has gone through a lot of experiences in hospitals. Her chart is really big and really long. It includes a lot of health conditions. And they were looking at that and gone, but there were also parts of the examination and parts of the process that were terrifying. And they didn't want to have a situation where her birth experience was a scary or a rushed one. They wanted it to be, I think the phrasing, the the the head surgeon used was like, I want you to have a birth experience that you can look back on and be happy about. And not, and she said that there's a doctor on staff who told him that every year on his birthday,
Starting point is 00:10:16 his mom balls her eyes out. Because just the date just makes her so upset, because it was so upsetting. So we decided that we scheduled ourselves in, we spoke to the surgeons and the doctors and the anesthesiologist and everybody involved. We're gonna be a scheduled thing. They put me in scrubs. They gave my wife the epidural. We rolled in Ben-Bam boom 20 minutes. He is out
Starting point is 00:10:55 He is perfect. He is six pounds nine ounces He is a normal size and weight. Okay He even though even though he's early he's still like 50% dial on the dot, which means I might have a regular human in my house for the first time in my life. And they told me this afterwards, but the anesthesiologist told Paige as she was being rolled in, which is that we made the right decision, because right as we were being rolled in, babies showed the first signs of going, I do not like labor. I do not like labor. I don't know what what stat it was, but some part of the monitoring said, I'm probably not going to really like labor, so the C-section was gonna happen. The differences, whether or not we slotted it
Starting point is 00:11:48 into the surgery schedule and went down, or we did it, you know, in some late-ass time of night. He is perfect. He is the cutest baby in the maternity ward. As little tiny pet junior was being lifted out, first of all, I'll tell you that part later. All the nurses and doctors started cuing,
Starting point is 00:12:18 cause he's so cute. And we go, oh, you say that about all the babies. And they go, no, we don't. No, we don't. Like really blunt, like no, you have a very, very cute baby. So, um, see sections, so I've ever looked like you, man. Ah, you see that. So I said, well, they sent some photos.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Going into a C-section is a, oh, it's a big thing. There are like 20 people in the operating room for a C-section. And they sit me right next to Paige's head. And so they go in first and then they get me all my scrubs and then I you know I wash up and I go in so I'm mostly sterile and I go in. And the first thing I see is that you're spread out like Jesus. And Paige's hands were shaking like she was terrified. I'm like, oh no, oh no. And I go to my wife and she goes, hey, how you doing?
Starting point is 00:13:26 It's like the shakes are from the anesthesia. The shake is the biggest part of the anesthetic they give you. Okay. So she was actually totally chill. She was so chill that she discovered she could watch the operation in the ceiling tile. So they have like a blan like a like a curtain. Yeah to
Starting point is 00:13:51 You know to block you from watching you rude rounding your fucking guts Mm-hmm and page was like watching the the baby get pulled out on the ceiling tiles ahead of her there because it was really shiny um and um, I got up and took a look at the big moment and did not faint, did not fall down, cave and blanche, but let me tell you, that is for real, digging around in people. That is graphic, that is very, very for real. We are told what that's gonna be, but that is in fact. Like you know, right? You know, and you've seen things, you've watched things,
Starting point is 00:14:41 and then you look at it, you're like wow that it there's right out yeah Hey everybody has been Extremely extremely supportive. We've had nurses 24-7 what a team helping page with breastfeeding and teaching me how to change the little guy and how to swaddle him and everything is going great. Baby is perfect. His hearing is good.
Starting point is 00:15:16 His blood is good. His size is good. His weight is good. His skin is good. His eyes are good. Ten fingers, ten toes. There's only one thing, and it's not of great. It's a minor frustration to page. We have looked at baby pictures of me.
Starting point is 00:15:35 I sent the baby pictures to you. I sent them to my mom. They are indistinguishable. They are like, that is a clone. There's times when you say something polite just to be like, oh yeah, there's your nose or something, you know, kind of off, just to be nice or so.
Starting point is 00:15:57 That fucker is that it's there. It's just there. It's, so Paige had this moment of like, I spent nine months cooking this baby for us, and now she just has another me around the house. It is so, so on the nose. He has the hair, he has the eyes, he has the nose, he even has the lips that I had as a baby.
Starting point is 00:16:23 He has the eyes, he has the nose, he even has the lips that I had as a baby. So yeah, the insides are gonna be all page. That's here, you're gonna start to... That would be like the coolest version. Right? That would be like the coolest double. It's like just what would happen if you just did your character creator
Starting point is 00:16:42 and just moved the brain into it. Um, baby chucks muster it and can carry a note. Right, yeah. Um, and like, so I've been having a lot of big feelings. You don't say. I'm having big feelings, but the weirdest part is that the feelings aren't as big as I expected. I expected, you know me, I'm a jittery anxious guy. I expected to be overcome with terror at holding the baby and, oh, I don't drop them, right? So the nurses have
Starting point is 00:17:23 been extremely helpful. First of all, if you wanna have your fucking preconceptions rat, watch a 55 year old maternity nurse handle a five minute old baby. Cause they are just bopping, flipping them around and having them by their jaw and just rotating their shit and it's... Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:50 So, they are so ready to manhandle these little guys. All I can say about feelings are this. Like, to be fair, this conversation should be happening like maybe a week or two from, you are literally in it right now. You're in the middle of it still, and it's not all, it's still liquid. It is not yet, you know.
Starting point is 00:18:17 The good emotions are all there. The bad emotions are all way less than I expected. I see, I see the terror The war and the so like cuz I've never changed a diaper. I've never held a newborn That's the kid I was the kid who when people would come around and they had the baby and like don't you want to hold the baby I'd like no, I can't hold the baby. I'll drop the baby and like, don't you want to hold the baby? I'd be like, no, I can't hold the baby. I'll drop the baby. Ah! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, but not, he's pretty good. He's, he's super strong. He's way stronger than I thought he would be. Um, and he's just, he's just a little guy. Like, he's just a, he's just a little guy. Mm-hmm. Um, once we got written so if people don't know there's a poop that the baby takes for
Starting point is 00:19:09 the first day called myconium, that poop is for real. That is the hardest poop. That is like tar. The sludge. Sticky. It is sludge. Doesn't smell. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Doesn't smell at all. It's all based on on Biblical. But, right, that one was hard to clean. All future poops, since he recently switched over from myconium to baby boops. Yeah, that's not that hard. I made the mistake of packing his diaper wrong and got a nice space full of piss on the first diaper change. There you go. And I was like, it's just
Starting point is 00:19:54 piss. It's just it's just baby pee. It's not the end of the world. It's it's fine. world. It's it's fine. Um, uh, Wade has been in recovery. And so whenever she's not able or she's too tired, I've been, I've been feeding the guy I've been rocking him. I've been hanging out with him. Um, he has tried to nurse from me. Okay. Which is, which is wrong. Okay, which is which is wrong? Mm-hmm good instincts. Yep good instincts Bad eyesight don't let it don't let the latch happen don't let it happen. It did not okay Uh, so I I've I've given him a bottle and I felt him latch onto the bottle and I'm like I'm glad that's not my tip Yeah, yeah, yeah, the a baby's latch is so much stronger than I would have expected.
Starting point is 00:20:50 It's so, it's so like, like I have the bottle and he goes, and like the bottle like yanks down out of my grip. And it's a good sign cause like some babies just don't like latching or don't latch strongly, you know, so that is. Oh, some babies are jerks. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Um, the end of the temperament. Um, so here's, here's the, okay, so I need wood. Okay, I'm knocking on wood. As for right now, the temperament of baby Pat and Paige is shockingly chill. He only cries when he is hungry, and then you feed him, and then he's done, and then he sleeps for three hours straight. Okay. He only wakes up if he shits himself.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Okay. Us and the nurses are having full volume conversations. I started to take apart the car seat in the room. We eat dinner. Baby doesn't care. Baby, while food, then he wants sleep. And then he pooped sometimes. I was not a good baby. I was a terrible baby. I was a good child. I was a good
Starting point is 00:22:07 like toddler. I was a miserable baby. This baby is chill. He's very cool. Nice. Okay. Obviously, I know that that might change. I see people in the chat saying, oh get ready, get ready. But even for brand new little guys, he's very relaxed compared to the other babies on the ward. So hopefully, we're on the calmer side of things. Just yeah, and that's awesome when it's like, okay, if something is wrong, you know for certain what's up, you know, as opposed to like reading like which version of a cry you're getting and things like that.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Like the, you know, the lady came in to do his foot-pokes, right, they got a, they got a, you know, poke his foot to get a little bit of blood to, to, you know, run like the battery of tests to make sure he doesn't have some rare genetic disorder. And so they got a, you know, run like the battery of tests, so make sure he doesn't have some rare genetic disorder. And so they gotta, you know, they gotta pin prick the baby's foot to, you know, get some blood on their little cardboard.
Starting point is 00:23:15 Oh, hey, hey wife, mama's in the chat right now. Hello, hello, Peach, mom. Put the phone down. Oh, got it here, last. And he didn't cry Okay, like when like like the lady is like poking his foot with the needle to get blood out and he fussed He didn't like it and he kicked her But he didn't freak out. He didn't cry
Starting point is 00:23:41 Who's very chill and he went right back to sleep as soon as I got his little band-aid on his foot. There you go, there you go. Yeah, no, man, it honestly sounds like, you know, you guys had like just a real awesome team, you know, that was like, oh, we are fucking so lucky to. So lucky to. Every angle of that covered, like amazing. Every time, so every day, there's like a new nurse
Starting point is 00:24:07 that does like a 12 hour, right? So like 730 to 730 or something like that, right? And so we see two nurses a day. And every single day, we have been at that hospital. We go, oh my God, this is the best nurse. She's the best one. She is so helpful. She's like, like, either like an older lady,
Starting point is 00:24:26 was a bunch of kids or like a young nurse right out of nursing school and they're also chill and calm and kind and supportive. And then we get the next one or like, this is the best nurse. This is the best one. Nice. This is what my favorite of the nurse.
Starting point is 00:24:42 One of the things that really stood out, like astonishingly, like I knew it was like this, but I didn't know it was like this so much. Me and that baby are the only men we have seen for days. Okay. Yeah. There was,
Starting point is 00:25:04 what? Ah, I saw a dad. I spoke to a dad at the ice machine. And that is it. Okay. That is it. That, that, that, that labor and delivery, that is by ladies, for ladies.
Starting point is 00:25:24 So they all know what's going on, almost every single one of them already has kids. So when they're talking to somebody in labor or pre-selection or post-selection, they are all not just like doctor or nurse informed, but like personally informed, right? It has been a really, really like wonderful experience. Earlier than we thought,
Starting point is 00:25:54 like, like much, we're supposed to have a doctor's appointment a couple days for a checkup and talk about when we're gonna have the baby. for a checkup and talk about when we're gonna have the baby. Though we scheduled months ago that is now a baby checkup instead. Oh man, yeah, okay. So again, I'm sure there's just, there's probably unsettled adrenaline somewhere. I don't know, like, like, I'm almost just, I'm like, when you're in the room,
Starting point is 00:26:32 do they just kind of be like, okay, you stand here and you do these things and then literally don't, like, follow these instructions. That's exactly what it is. They say, dad, some of them didn't bother to learn my name and that's fine. Right. Right. They say, dad, some of them didn't bother to learn my name and that's fine. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:26:48 They go, dad, hold this, dad, grab baby, dad, put this on, dad move, dad here and that is my purpose is to sit here and be emotional support. That would fuck this up. Or change the baby right now while they're doing something over here running a test or whatever. That's that's my purpose here. Did you crack did you crack any gags? Did you did you was try any any bits? Did you sing any off? So me and Paige are hanging out in a room for hours and hours and hours and talking to new people So we're pot we're constantly doing our fucking stick Though there is one nurse we ran into where I made uh, I made some some some goof and she's like Yeah, dad's get like this as soon as the babies out
Starting point is 00:27:41 They feel like they have to start telling us what we have to do and And I'm like, no, no, that's not what I mean. And she just like had this like look of like, uh-huh, dad, whatever. She did not like me very much. Oh, yeah. She was, she was chilled, she was great with the wife. And that's all that matters. But she was really like kind of eye-rolling at the boys kind of situation. And I was like, that's, that's fine. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:28:06 Yeah, it's not your show. Yeah, exactly the furthest thing from your show, you know, yeah, that's it. Hey, yeah, so I just have a little me hanging out. Yeah. have a little me hanging out. Yeah. There's something Paige's mom said to us a while ago that I have to give her credit for because she was actually really right because we put a lot of thought and a lot of planning and a lot of care and a lot of worry into everything about preparing for baby, right?
Starting point is 00:28:47 And Paige's mom said, it's just a baby. It's not that big of a deal. It's just a little person. And now we have the baby and it's like, yeah, it is just a little guy. It is, it's just kind of, it's just like a little man, like a little old man that I take care of. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:08 No, I think, I kinda, I get that. It is like, it is like a bit wild in advance, but there's a bit of like, okay, like, as long as you, did you get here fine? Did you know what I mean? Did you get lost on the way? Did we have to take a switch to another bus? How'd you get here? Was the transfer is okay? And then once you're here, yeah, all right, you're here. What's up? Because, because like, I don't know about you, but like when I was
Starting point is 00:29:33 a kid, all the adults in my life were like having a child is the most astonishing, transformative experience you will ever have. It will change every part of your life forever. Nothing will be the same. It is, it is the most important, you know, that fucking speech. I'm sure you got it. It's for sure. And that's true. I can already feel that that's true right now. Right. I'm having a weird response where hanging out with baby taking care of baby hanging out with page helping take care of page Unlike weirdly chill. I'm not by this. It's not a situation. I thought I would be chill. Right Leaving them at the hospital to come here and do laundry or get things or do this podcast. I am not chill. I want to go back there right now.
Starting point is 00:30:29 Yeah. So literally just having them out of my line of sight, I am like, yes. We will complete our minor obligations and get the fuck out of here. Right. After you fully report in here. Which is like kind of the opposite of what I expected.
Starting point is 00:30:48 I expected to be like a massive nervous wreck taking care of baby. And then when I would leave the vicinity of baby and it's no longer my direct responsibility because I'm not in the room, I would go, woo, responsibility gone. No, now it's the opposite. Responsibility on the shoulders,
Starting point is 00:31:08 it feels great. Responsibility off the shoulders feels like shit. There's an arrow now permanently pointing in your periphery towards a direction of baby. At all times. It's all over there. You're like, you turn around? Nope, it's got to, there's an objective right over there.
Starting point is 00:31:28 Yeah, absolutely. And again, I have to tell everybody, Paige has been a trooper. She's been extremely resilient. She has been weirdly, weirdly pushy about not delaying today's show. She wanted to make sure that everything went well. As a result, she didn't wait me up last night
Starting point is 00:31:51 to help with feeding or poop or anything. She got the nurses. You got your sleep on then. Which I have never slept harder in my entire life. I'm a pretty light sleeper overall. There were like five people in our room last night, like doing tests and talking and helping page with like the breastfeeding stuff and you know baby tips and I don't I didn't wake up for shit. Yeah, no, like, like, well, I mean, like you said, you know, a mom confirmed fucking go do it.
Starting point is 00:32:32 So all right. You know, it's, it's done. But in terms of just, I guess the, the feelings and like how that chillness kind of hits, I suspect a lot of that will have to do with as well. The fact that you're right on time, right? If this exact moment were, let's say, exactly 10 years ago, there would be a lot of more nervousness and preparedness.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Well, do you remember you from 10 years ago? Yeah. Can you imagine you from 10 years ago being handed an infant? You'd freak the fuck out of me. That's it. That's it, right? So that's the thing is, it's happening right on time when you're ready to catch it.
Starting point is 00:33:20 You got the mid-out and you got the glove and you're ready to go versus some of those stories that you get from your parents or from your aunts and uncles who are just like, it's gonna be the craziest shit ever and your whole life is turning and all that. It's like, okay, are you reflecting on a memory of having your kid at 24, you know? Because yeah, you're barely a person at 24
Starting point is 00:33:41 and now you've got another one. You don't know what life is yet. That's an insane whirlwind. You know, that's gonna change. I, uh, man, I was a lot dumber 10 years ago. Oh, I gotta say, I'm feeling kind of good about myself because I was talking about, hey, by the way, how am I mom and dad?
Starting point is 00:34:02 Hi, mom and dad. I was talking to my mom and dad about this. And she was like, she was telling me how my dad handled me being born. And I'm not gonna go into too many details because I don't want to embarrass the old guy, but I did a much more better job about handling that baby anxiety.
Starting point is 00:34:22 It's definitely, I definitely did more than, then you got caught reading newspaper, subside down in the reception. Like a frozen man. I'm not even there. Just pretending to read something. And that was baby number three for him. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:34:44 Geez. Yeah. No, um, it needed to, it's, it's, it was best timed for the new brands change as opposed to the old one. Right? Oh, the, the stairs at era is the correct time for this. I don't, I don't know like now that I'm dad, and I can lord over being a dad over all people with no children, and act like I'm better than other people. Ha-ha, no, but like, I am having an incredibly
Starting point is 00:35:11 difficult time using my words to reconcile. This is the most important thing that's ever happened, and he's just a little guy. Like, I don't know how to explain that those are both simultaneous truths. No, I get it, no, I don't know how to explain that those are both simultaneous. True. No, I get it. No, I get it.
Starting point is 00:35:29 I think I get it. It's a big, the energy's big like, hey, what's up, man? There you are. How you been? Don't fuck it up. But what's up, man? Hey. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:40 Like, I've been swaddling him and calling him my little burrito, because he's a little baby burrito man. And he's been looking at me with his terrible eyesight and struggling to focus on me, because his eyesight is terrible, because he's a baby, because babies can't see shit. They get see like, shapes and shit. And just, you know, he's just a little baby man, who shits himself sometimes. I mean, I got a stupid dog that I got to wipe the dogs ass because he's fat and ugly. That's, that's grosser than changing the baby.
Starting point is 00:36:15 Yeah. I'm not joking. Yeah, that's not the consistent. Hitting a dog shit and wiping your gross dog's butt is significantly grosser than changing a baby. So babies by design have a really nice onboarding system with getting used to changing their shit, because it comes out less gross initially, and then it becomes like big and human and smelly. But you have a training period
Starting point is 00:36:42 where you can get used to the goop and it's not that big of a deal Yeah, barely smells at all. It's it's it's it's not strong anyway later later though And yeah, I guess there's that step of like well first of all how about that smell? Baby smell nice, okay. I know that smell cute. I know that it's I know that your sense of smell is faded, but it's pretty my sense of smell is pretty blunted, but he's got that new baby smell. Mm-hmm. It's strong. That new new baby smell? Ooh, it's nice. It's good. Apparently, it's stronger if it's your new baby smell.
Starting point is 00:37:21 Yes, yes. Significantly stronger. You are getting all of the chemicals like working on that. Well, Lee, the if like I have had a lot of chemicals happen in my brain over my lifetime, right? Ooh, a kitten. And like, I don't know about you,
Starting point is 00:37:37 but I can feel the flood when I pet like a kitten or something like a gulf tingle, right? New baby chemicals are off the fucking hook, man. Like page page was like breastfeeding him and she had this giant grin and she was like, oh, I feel so sleepy and relaxed. And the lady that was helping us was like, oh yeah, no, the baby's giving you those good chemicals.
Starting point is 00:38:03 Yeah, right. No, like everything operating inside of you was like, oh yeah, no, the baby's giving you those good chemicals. Yeah. Right. No, like everything operating inside of you is like, you're fucking doing it, you're finally doing it. This is what you, yeah. Like it's so manipulative. But you're like, yeah, I like these good chemicals. I like it.
Starting point is 00:38:19 There you go. I see somebody in the chat say, don't huff babies. You absolutely huff your own baby. That is the realist thing. You pick up the little guy and you hug him, raise guy's on your shoulder and you're like, oh, it's a good baby smell. Oh, it's good.
Starting point is 00:38:43 Yeah, yeah, that's important. You, yeah. No, that's important. You want to make sure that that hits properly. You don't want, otherwise, that story would have been you 180ing to go the opposite direction. Like, Paige runs one way and you run the other. You know, like, so. Oh, yeah, absolutely. OK.
Starting point is 00:39:01 And I guess I just, I got a lot going on Get a big week I have a big week and I still streamed That page kept kicking me out of the hospital room So I'm gonna talk about double dragon god damn it. I mean like I We wrapped up our shit and then like punch bomb like like was like by the way they're streaming and I mean like I we wrapped up our shit and then like punch bomb like like was like By the way, they're streaming and I'm like what? Yeah, so yeah, how was that I streamed it to So yeah, I yeah, oh double so there's something there's something about like
Starting point is 00:39:43 Like I'm gonna I'm gonna pull the curtain behind, right? For the past two months, not two months, but the past like a couple of weeks, you know, I do sponsored streams for games. And part of the process lately has been, by the way, I have a baby on the way, it could happen anytime. How flexible are these dates, right? And the answer to every time I've asked that, is not really, they're not really flexible at all. All right, new, they're like, you can push you today and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:40:22 that's not actually helpful at all. Pfft. New head Canon, like, you could push you today. And I'm like, that's not actually helpful at all. New head cannon, Paige is kicking you out of the hospital room so that she'll have something to watch. Yeah, that's pretty cool. So, double dragon, guided. And by the way, this is a sponsored opinion. Yes, double dragon, guided.
Starting point is 00:40:44 Rise of the dragon. Return. With Bimmy and Jamie, is a pretty good beat-em-up game. It's very charming, it's very cool. It has lots of characters and graphics and fantastic music. Yeah, like incredible fucking music. I went back in the second time using the bosses
Starting point is 00:41:04 you could unlock with the tokens and they all have different moves And you can do bigger combos with different movesets. It's a lot of fun. I I Grabbed a Bobo and and burn off as soon as I could unlock them and was like I will never not place a Bobo Mm-hmm Like when you run she's got his arms up and he's he's got a big bobo smile. He's so happy. A bobo, grateful. Yeah. And I love a bobo. I love a bobo. They did a really cool thing where they made it so that like you pick the stages in order. But like the each stage you pick will change depending on whether it's first, second,
Starting point is 00:41:40 third or fourth in the lineup. So like whoever you say for last becomes a big battle to the top of a giant building or pyramid or whatever it is. And you have a way more epic version of the final boss there instead of the stage one version where they just pop out from the back office, you know? I, I got, I was doing it and I'm doing a run and I got to like, I left the Yakuza
Starting point is 00:42:04 with the girl boss at the as the final stage and I was like man I'm doing great. I have so much money I mean even if I so much shit and then that last run just evaporated every dollar I had Like that last fight took out like killed me More than the entire rest of the run combined. There's also a really good moment where you kind of figure out like this is trying to be as classic as a can to the old the way the old games used to feel while giving you the juggles and
Starting point is 00:42:35 stuff from like you know River City girls. But then the tagging mechanic lets you do all your swag. The moment you kind of figure out like oh you oh, you can constantly tag, make it cheaper so that you can tag more than once in the same bar and switch back and forth. Like every time you make a mistake and get hit, tag someone out to pick it back up, keep a combo going, you know, end with a air, SPD, like, let's you really do a bunch of fun stuff.
Starting point is 00:43:01 And like, yeah, adding that in was, yeah, a super solid fun thing and that's where your combo videos are probably gonna be coming from I like the the games feel is really strange like I really like it but like it's this combination of like very very in-depth attacks and and combo stuff with like the slowest movement up and down double dragon Like I'm not I'm not super familiar with old double dragon I played them back in the day, but that was the long time ago And I forgot that like when when attacks hit vertical and double dragon like if you you do not have time to move
Starting point is 00:43:43 No, you Super slow. Yeah,, up and down is super slow. Yeah, yeah. Up and down is the slowest shit there ever was. And then the other thing too is you have, there's a fun aspect to the game that's very reminiscent of Ecaruga, which is when you kill three enemies at the same time, you get healing back.
Starting point is 00:44:02 So you wanna try to group up, a group of two will walk in, and the third one will be later from another side, and you have to like kind of sheep dog herd them together, and then take them out. You know, when you're doing it efficiently with both players, it's all about like herding into groups of three and above,
Starting point is 00:44:19 and then simultaneously taking them out. The feeling of like just kind of wiggling your character to get all of them in a big nice pile and then getting a turkey out of it. Yeah, it feels great. A bobo in particular is awesome for like doing a juggle and then air splash into the bam you know or you can do his air, SPD, spinning pile driver, and then while he's in the air, do the giant oboe, ground slam, and like just completely wreck everybody. It's, yeah, just fun, fun beat up the dudes, a little game for you. And double dragon is one of those things that like that and, um, River City, they, they,
Starting point is 00:45:04 they keep showing back up. You know, every once in a while, you're like, it's been a couple of years, what's going on with that? They were dead as fuck for a real stretch. And now they are just like, never two or three years, there'll be some new remix and they're all pretty good. Yeah, ever since Neon, I would say, Neon kind of came out and everyone enjoyed it.
Starting point is 00:45:22 And they're like, okay, we can do this now. We can bring it back. So yeah, that was good. Thanks to them for their timely to sponsored stream. No, extremely timely. Hey, I want to be really blunt with everybody. I am gonna do my best to not become that guy, but I will admit that I kinda disassociated there
Starting point is 00:45:43 for a little bit in the middle of that conversation going I am there's a baby now And then it passed after a few seconds. Yes. This is what I'm saying you're literally In it the wildest part of this is that this is not processed. It's processing and we'll continue to do so, but that's fine Like oh man. Yeah, that baby made sure to get you wanted that Baldur's Gate 3 man. He wanted to be around for it. He wanted to help me build a character. No, if you ever just need to stare off into middle distance that's okay.
Starting point is 00:46:17 I'll try to pick up on the cues. I've been doing that a bunch. Would you believe it? I did actually load up and look at the bottlers gate character select just to see how that was gonna feel like and yeah I guess it's the important thing is not to see how many overwhelming choices there would be it would be to see what the limitations are because in my brain I'm hoping for a whole lot that may or may not be there.
Starting point is 00:46:47 And now I know how much is knocked there. So they do a pretty good thing with the beginning of the character creator, where the choices are fairly understandable and limited at zero. At level zero, you're like, what do you wanna look like, where are you from? What is the basic class and subtype that you want? And then you get to your stats. And I messed around and made a bunch of characters
Starting point is 00:47:20 and kept making, I mentioned it a few weeks ago, I kept making the recommended stat loadout. Right. I would tally it up and I want 16 in this, so I want 16 in that, and I would hit recommend and it wouldn't change. The recommended for whatever your subtype is, seem really solid, which for D&D and ability scores,
Starting point is 00:47:41 that's always been like a kind of contentious thing. Like, yeah, you're good to just hit recommended on and ability scores that's always been like a kind of contentious thing like yeah, you're good to just hit Recommended on your ability scores. So my impression of that character builder was that it feels like it's very Restricted to keep the system from falling apart with too much freedom So are you talking about mechanically or like visually? So a little bit of both so one thing right off the bat that I guess I wasn't expecting, but saw was like, no body type variability whatsoever. There is in the final release. But it's not a slider. They talked about sliders and how they dislike sliders.
Starting point is 00:48:21 The body type variability will be for some of the race picks, like half elves. Do you want to have a human body, or like a little burlier? Do you want to have like more slender, elf body? Okay. And same thing with faces. No sliders. They're all predetermined. There was an interview where they talked about it and said they were they were they had a version of the game that had Sliders and they were really unhappy with it. And they wanted to have predefined pieces so that your character would look consistent with every other character that they found in the game. every other character that they found in the game. The system they're using for your guy is the system they use for nearly every NPC in the game.
Starting point is 00:49:10 Right, yeah, yeah, yeah. Because they didn't want, they didn't say they didn't name drop it, but they didn't want to have the shepherd problem. The mass effect shepherd problem was real. Yeah, you look incredible in a bunch of ways and every NPC is just a completely separate creator. And a lot of people made shepherds
Starting point is 00:49:31 that look like dog shit compared to the stuff that was in the game. They did mention Street Fighter. Oh, interesting. They specifically mentioned. And spoiled us with the fight. We do not want to have a bunch of freaks roaming around in your game. Okay.
Starting point is 00:49:48 It was not disparaging, but they're like, no, that's not the kind of thing that we want. Because I guess I was looking around and checking it out. And I was like, oh, so there's the Orkish-looking race. And they're all skinny. You can't really go big. Or if you're doing whatever the build is for now, race and like, they're all skinny. You can't really go big, you know, or if you're doing, whatever the build is for now is like, yeah, it seems like you're pretty restricted. There will be a larger body type, but they also wanted to keep that fairly standardized
Starting point is 00:50:15 so that like, probably they don't have to make that many different like armors. And then other things, and then some things get tons of options, right? So if you go, you're looking at like a tiefling and I say, yo, we got a million types of horns? So if you go you're looking at like a teafling and I say yo We got a million types of horns. What do you want your horns to look like? Including I tried to cut my horns off. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah hellboy as an option
Starting point is 00:50:34 Which is the coolest one absolutely? So that was like okay, you gave some options there. You know, that's nice So yeah, we'll wait for the full as well. I saw that there's a There's the ability to like unlock the skin tone and eye colors for tiefling, and you can play like a human shaded like because tieflings are all like chromatic. They're all like bright red or yellow or blue or something, but you can pick a human skin tone with a human hair tone and human eye color and pick the shaved horns and be like, I'm like human facing.
Starting point is 00:51:09 Yeah, my teeth, my teethling. So I was gonna ask, like, how weird does that look in the rest of the game? Because you're, like, I don't imagine you run into anyone else that is within that. I mean, you might. They have a cool feature, which is, like, when you pick a race and then you pick, like like skin tone or eye color
Starting point is 00:51:27 There's the ones that are appropriate for that setting. Yeah, but then you click expand it to everything. Oh So everything within the normal range you're probably going into some variation But outside of that normal range you're very unlikely to run into anybody, but you can make it for you if you want. Right, right, yeah, that's cool, that's cool. And then, yeah, and then you know, the stats rise, I'm looking at, yeah, D&D stats and things like that, that's all pretty straightforward.
Starting point is 00:52:00 There's something they did for the final release that's very different from how it's being presented now So classically in D&D you have the thing of like the dwarves have plus due to constitution Right, and that's dwarves just got that that's just how they is And the problem with that is that it like makes some races way way way better than others at some classes They have removed that for the final release. No matter what race you pick, you will get a plus two to a stat of choice and you will get a plus one to a stat of choice. Okay. So like, if you want to be the smartest dwarven wizard
Starting point is 00:52:41 or the burliest elff. You totally can. You totally can. Nice, okay, smart. Something that I looked at too, and I'm like having flashbacks to high school where my friend was explaining to me when I was learning stats, the way we used to play was wisdom was how book learned you were and educated and intelligence was how intuitively smart you were. And it seems like the description is the reverse here. That has never been the case.
Starting point is 00:53:14 That was a home-bre rule you were dealing with. Oh, wow. I've learned that wrong from years ago. Intel intelligence was usually your raw intuitiveness, as well as your ability to learn, recycle, recite information. Wisdom has usually been the application of existing knowledge.
Starting point is 00:53:36 That's so strange to me because the words make me think of like how a wise old man is wise because he's experienced more than I have, but someone who's intelligent doesn't necessarily have that experience, but they're just able to be smart about charisma as they have. So it feels like the words are off there, you know? Charisma has become a much broader stat than it used to be
Starting point is 00:54:03 because charisma is like how charming you are. And it's original incarnation in D&D. But now it is not necessarily, I'm a likable handsome guy. Because it used to be like in 2.0, 1.0, charisma, like you're score, determine your physical attractiveness. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:20 And it was literally just how much ris you had. Yes, yes. Now it is not that. It is the force of your personality. How overwhelming is your presence, right? Because it allows for things like ugly dumb shit paladins who are just true fucking believers who are way into their own shit
Starting point is 00:54:47 and like you can feel that coming off of them. That's exactly who charisma now. No, that same high school learning of the stats, charisma, I remember those characters, those charisma 18 and it's like, oh yeah, that just means you're beautiful. That just means you're hot, you know? Yeah, and it means people will like you by default
Starting point is 00:55:03 and it means that you're good with your words. And it means people will like you by default and it means that you're good with your words. And it means. And then you eyeballs things like charisma as the ability versus intimidation versus, you know, into itting like liars and things like that. And you're kind of like, hmm, okay. So you can probably like be swavved to get your way or you can shake your fist to get your way. And it'll probably be. You can shake your fist. You can be swavved or you can lie. Or you know, there's a they've done a really fun job with like, so barbarians typically don't have much besides an intimidation because they're not particularly smart and they're not particularly charismatic
Starting point is 00:55:48 But there's like a in the early access thing. I think I might have mentioned this earlier There's a situation in which wizards and sorcerers can't open like a magic Magic door because it's too heavily warded and they just don't have the intelligence or the wisdom or the charisma to open it. But Barbarians passing a strength check can just pull it out of the wall. Okay. And just bypass the magical ward entirely. Yeah. Just get out of here.
Starting point is 00:56:18 So yeah, no, I hope the launch version of this does end up resembling like an MMO character creator where you get like tons of different Final states to you know to use but Yeah, I just got a feel for it saw some haircuts and what we're dealing with so Murrah All my favorite things they showed off like the dragon race, the cool like dragon born I think they're called. And you have this variety of tail options, including my favorite, no tail. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 00:56:55 Interesting. If you don't want a tail clipping through the back of your fucking ass through every single piece of gear you wear, no tail. Because yeah, the tail fling had that and that didn't seem to be an option. Okay, cool. Um, anyways. Uh, yeah, I don't know if... Slime didch, was there anything else that's...
Starting point is 00:57:18 Uh, uh, let me check the list of video... Let me go to video producer on Twitch. Oh, I played Dave the Diver. It's cool. I don't really have any strong thoughts on it. Okay. It's really cool and seems really charming, but I don't like the core diving gameplay. So... Nah, not my thing. Oh, I, not my thing.
Starting point is 00:57:47 Oh, I played Viewfinder. Remember of any talk about Viewfinder last week? Which one was that? Viewfinder is the game that if you have a photo of something and hold the photo up and click, it replaces the world with your photo. Like it makes the universe consistent with you holding the photo up. It's very, very hard to explain this with words. You kind of have to see a picture of it or a trailer of it. So there's a famous clip going around that's been part of the discourse of Vinny hearing the narration
Starting point is 00:58:26 for that game and the woman goes, did you just alter reality with your, with your month and him going into the options and turning the sound down? And it was like, yeah, but he said he really liked it last week. So I decided I'd check it out. So I checked it out and I was really liking it and I was like, I'm gonna keep the narration on, right? I'm gonna keep it on. I'm gonna give it a shot and then after about 40 minutes I turned it off and After about 15 minutes of that I I then turned off the subtitles too.
Starting point is 00:59:05 Wow. And was just left with the ambient noise and some nice music. And was like, this is much, much better. Huh. So the narrative to the experience is not crucial then. I don't care. I might be. Okay. I don't think it is. Um, I have never played a game.
Starting point is 00:59:38 No, not true. I have played one game that made me feel this way. And it was Borderlands 3 but that has a lot more active story in it and Borderlands 3 would be an 11 out of 10 game if you removed every single line of dialogue in the entire game. Wow okay. Removed. Gone. I've told this before on the podcast, but like, I have a friend, my friend Strideon, he played through it to completion, but only after him and some buddies of his figured out that if you delete every single voice file in the game's folder, it just tries to play it and can't and skips dialogue forward.
Starting point is 01:00:26 And like when you're hanging out and talking, you know, when you're doing a mission and the radio comes on and somebody tells you some bullshit and tries to make a joke, it just skips through it instantly and has no voice acting. It's just Chris. And that version of the game is way better. Yeah, it's way better.
Starting point is 01:00:50 And that sucks. Like I'm looking at it. That sucks. I'm looking at this one in particular viewfinder and it's certainly like a, yeah, we're just, as we're talking about these first person, what the fuck games, you know, portal superliminal, Stanley Parable, the Adiata.
Starting point is 01:01:09 Portal Stanley Parable, viewfinder, superliminal, and anti-chamber. Sure. Yep. I would throw the witness in there too, you know. What anything that deals with non-uclidean space is my favorite thing. This one's really, really good as soon as I turned that voice off. Okay. And I saw people talking about it before I played it, like Portal would get panned nowadays if it came out as it is now. And there's two things about that. One, that's not fair. Portal invented that genre. It was first it was first
Starting point is 01:01:47 And to the writing and delivery in portal is way Way better than what is on display and All of them but Stanley parable also Also, if I'm not mistaken, Portals is people at the time know it as a spin-off of Half-Life and thus you're looking at it as a tonally different thing that's kind of like a funny take on this world, right? Right that distinction is so Meaningless now I like It's that flight is so far away
Starting point is 01:02:30 Mm-hmm. I was still in high school man at the time certainly Oh my god, but I but what I think of like this stuff like even like the beginner's guide is one where it's it's first person What the fuck but mainly because of the narration and less because of the things you're doing and the rules that you're breaking in the world. So sometimes it does in fact matter. But yeah, if there's any major life revelations or personal stories being told via that narration that you're going to miss, I guess you're just going to miss them while putting
Starting point is 01:03:02 the photos up and stepping on the brick, you know? The other game that I talked about that I That I've been really enjoying and would like to spend way more time in and I'm looking like I have my steam on right now And steam is popping up your friend this is playing this game your friend. This is playing this game I mentioned remnant to last week as like a really really solid and this is playing this game. I mentioned Remnant too last week as like a really, really solid Souls game with guns, but has like a Diablo structure, randomly generated areas, right?
Starting point is 01:03:33 It is fucking great. I beat the main story of one of the zones, and then it says, you've unlocked Adventure mode. Do you wanna reroll that zone into its other variation that has a completely different story in all different areas? Do you want to reroll it again?
Starting point is 01:03:52 And each version has its own narrative, but it also has different dungeons, sub-dungeons, and those all get rerolled into each other. Do you want to reroll your main campaign progress with the character that you have now and keep it? Do you want to yada yada yada? It's great. It's fantastic. Just today, just today, a class called Archon got unlocked. And when I mean by it got unlocked today, it didn't get patched, it didn't, whatever. They realized that people were going to data mine the game for secrets.
Starting point is 01:04:32 And so there is a class that had to be data mined out called Archon, in which the conditions for unlocking it are a total gibberish. You have to have this skill equipped. You have to have this item equipped. You have to have this item equipped. You have to have this amulet equipped. You have to be in this location. You have to be wearing this shit and have these skills. And then you unlock the Arkon class because it's contextual to you data mining these requirements out because there's nothing in the game that will tell you. Jesus. They expected it to be data-mined out and the class is like associated with being
Starting point is 01:05:12 data-mined out. Gaster shit. So it is now unlocked in that there the list of things you have to do is now available so you can go and get it. Is there a Chivo for it? I don't know. All I know is that you can have it unlocked. It's really cool.
Starting point is 01:05:34 It is like the closest any game will probably come for a while to like becoming a Jedi and Star Wars galaxies again. It's just like just the nonsense that you would have to do and there's no way to figure it out until you kind of achieved a little bit. Well, that's the, yeah, I'm imagining the game where it's like the final step to unlock the final secret is to go fuck with the I and I files
Starting point is 01:05:56 and replace some textures. Congratulations, you've unlocked the final class and now you unlock, you get an achievement and your account is banned. Like, you know. So yeah, no, remnant to sound, it's really good. and now you get an achievement and your account is banned. So yeah, no remnant to sound it's it's really good. It feels really good. I had one complaint last week that I don't know if I mentioned, but your main character talked too much like every time you got into a fight,
Starting point is 01:06:21 you go, oh, here we go. And then you'd kill like the final enemy and go, oh, that was a close one. And that shit, they dramatically toned that down this week via patch. Like, like one fifth or less, the amount of player dialogue. Okay.
Starting point is 01:06:44 Huge improvement. The other thing that's really funny, and I'm even really funny, the game has a character creator, it's not very deep, but it's there. It's like, oh, you know, she's my eyes, she's my hair, she's my skin tone, she's one of faces. After the tutorial, they give you your class equipment, which most of them are helmets, and then you will just never, which most of them are helmets, and then you will just never see your character's head ever again. Like after you play the game for about an hour, they go, okay, we're done with your character having a head. Your character will now have armor. It's somewhat similar to Dark Souls.
Starting point is 01:07:19 Okay. Yeah, that's good. It's good. I like it. It's a good game Okay, oh you can turn the helmet off. Oh, I didn't know that Yeah, all right, so I mean what is your schedule going to be this this week as of right now There is no schedule other than on Thursday I'll be streaming Baldur's Gate. The next couple of days there will be no streams from Pat as I will be hanging out and transporting the wife and taking care of baby and getting things settled. But I will be streaming Baldur's Gate
Starting point is 01:08:09 when it comes out. Okay. Let's take a quick break. I gotta use the bathroom. I gotta piss myself, I gotta go. All right, beer be. And there we are. Nice. This is real light versus dark shit.
Starting point is 01:08:27 Yeah. Oh fuck those fucking things. There you go. Dude, Nvidia's fucking camera thing with their fake green screen works like really well. I'm very impressed. To the audio listeners, I have removed my background and live in the void now You could live in the void you can chill with with framped I'll hang out here in the light side and I got my I got my fucking boy. I got my
Starting point is 01:08:57 My my got my nameless king up there that thing arrived cool. Yeah This is what it feels like to be without baby just emptiness crazy well anyways you can add more reverb on your voice too and just really like you know at the house yeah I got a voice changing thing built into the mixer. So yeah, I can do all sorts of stupid shit. Well, it's funny too you were mentioning, like obviously, yeah, you're gonna be off on stream this week, just coincidentally, I was also, like Regenette were talking about it,
Starting point is 01:09:38 I was also gonna take this week off and possibly the next as well. So we might try to make something work since, you know, if there's nothing going on on both sides, I mean, I don't know, maybe I should do something just because the... You should do something. Well, I'm still, I'm gonna stream Baldur's Gate
Starting point is 01:09:58 like Thursday, Friday, probably Saturday. Like it's been very important to us that despite baby being here, it's been very important to us that despite baby being here, it's been particularly important to page that this doesn't mean that the show will be having any major disruptions. It does mean that there's a significant possibility that while I'm streaming, you may hear in the background,
Starting point is 01:10:23 oh my God, there's poop everywhere, and then I'll go, excuse me, everyone, I need to go for a few minutes. Yes. Um, that is, that is, that is. No, well, first start is, I mean, we're going to Evo, right, this weekend, so. Oh, yeah. That's happening, so Thursday.
Starting point is 01:10:40 Dude, I remember, I think it was Susie, asked me if I was going to be at Evo, and I'm like, Susie asked me if I was gonna be at Evo and I'm like, Susie, there's a baby in my wife right now. It could happen at any time and as it so happened, now would be a really bad time for me to go to Evo. Yeah. And like, funny enough, like that's pretty much Max had the exact same thing, right? Like, when his kid was, it was right on his little weekend as well. So that is a permanent thing, you know?
Starting point is 01:11:13 Evo, Evo is now replaced by baby. And that is it. Pat Jr. wants a million dollars, but I don't think I can get him up to snuff in time. But I don't think I can get him up to snuff in time. well in any other case so I'll be heading down and Yeah, it'll be Thursday through to the next Monday when we come back. So yeah podcast will probably have to bump forward that's fine and
Starting point is 01:11:41 then Yeah, I think we're trying to figure out if I could just get some breathing time because we both, yeah, we've both been kind of going kind of hard and I was hitting a point where I'm like, oh, I remember the last time I was starting to feel kind of burnt out but I didn't realize it. And it's, you know, once you know what that feels like in advance, you should do something about it. So I think every single person that does anything even adjacent to this has fully burnt out at least once,
Starting point is 01:12:12 kept doing it until someone convinced them to take a couple of weeks off, right? And then every time after that, they're like, oh, I know this feeling. This is the feeling where everything is gonna become awful soon. Time to chill. So, I guess, yeah, I'll have a chat with the Reggie,
Starting point is 01:12:33 we'll figure it out and then announce on my, on Twitter, whatever my schedule is gonna be. And then, excuse me, at least I know for, for, for Balder's Gate purposes, yeah, like at a glance, it seems like split screen, local only, based on continuing the same file, and then otherwise you're doing multiplayer, unique setups and, um, connection. I think there's something you should know about balder skate three if you and reggie say made both custom characters to play a session right i believe the player two character will not be able to be removed from
Starting point is 01:13:18 that session they will be in there forever i don't know if you can kick them out of the party or not But I'm pretty sure that the second created character will continue to exist Forever on that safe file and what I read that if you connect with somebody online That if that person leaves then Someone else can take control of the person that was now like an open slot and an open player or so But believe so but what happens if that can that game with the co-op character then goes to connect online to play with people in a party. It appears to be that if you want to play it co-op, you want to play a fucking co-op run of this
Starting point is 01:14:08 game. And if you want to play it single player, you probably want to play a single player version of this game. I think there's a version where you can join someone's game and then they can just you could just go just go, Reggie, you're playing Shadowheart and Estarian, right? And then if Reggie's not there, you just maintain all control over everybody. Like, you know, I have FF6, had the character control? Okay, yeah. Like that.
Starting point is 01:14:38 But if you make a custom bro, then that custom bro will just be stuck in that save file and I believe characters are attached to save files They don't exist independently And if you load up without a second controller attached is the computer gonna just run around is No, you would have total control over that over both of them. I don't I don't know if you can kick the Custom guy out. You might be able to just send him to camp and him just be the loser custom.
Starting point is 01:15:10 Right. Well, in that case, then we might just have to have two different types of setups figured out. And I'll see what's possible with the couch limitations when we play. And then if the ability to go online and figure it out with like your connection and stuff is possible then we'll do it that way and whatever gets lost gets lost and it's fine, you know, so I mean the easiest way to check this is to load up a safe load up a brand new file with two custom guys and then kill Reggie. kill Reggie. Yeah, and murder him and see what happens. And so in trying to do a little bit of homework on it, the early access really doesn't even let you get the controllers you out at all. No, nothing's there.
Starting point is 01:15:53 Control the sport is day one. A lot of this is going to have to be after launches. So, okay, we'll figure that out. I would be able to answer you if I had a review code, but because I am a dirt bag streamer mostly, I did not get in part of the cool gang of people who have reviewed codes already. I'm part of the loser gang that will probably get them the afternoon of the second. Or maybe even not at all. Well, by the time I get back then,
Starting point is 01:16:18 we'll know how this works. So that... Oh yeah, I'll have a... I can build a list or a chart for you. Nice. Okay. Um, so beyond that, uh, yeah, what else is going on? So, uh, I mentioned it briefly, but, uh, yeah, I went to, I saw Barbie. I didn't, then, which means, uh, Oppenheimer still awaits. I didn't complete the Barbieheimer experience. experience. And I did see that depending on the order you see them in, determine something of your personality.
Starting point is 01:16:51 Are you the type that needs to go into the fantasy world and then be brought down to crushing reality? Or do you see crushing reality, acknowledge it and then decide to lighten up the palette with some dessert, you know? I got to admit, dude, I am like, I'm sure Oppenheimer is like really good. I have no desire to see that. I very strongly want to see the Barbie movie. But like, I mean, I'm I missed tenets.
Starting point is 01:17:22 So to me, Nolan is still doing good. Apparently seeing Tenet for a lot of people made them go, Oh, Nolan can miss from times. I've seen some clips from Tenet, and I'm overwhelmed by its pretentiousness. Like I am just... Yeah, I don't know I just I've heard I've heard Opinions from people that are like nah not not not hitting it, but I'm just you know I got my dark night and and inception
Starting point is 01:17:59 Nolan memories, so I'm like yeah, yeah, I want to catch up to my up to my bird up an I'm er, um, but no, and I mean the there's, uh, yeah, in the short of it really, like barbie's gonna be a lot of fun in that it's it's gonna be very similar to, um, kind of like, you know, member Lego movie. I do. There's a lot there's a lot of similarities there. I mean, literally down to like fucking Will Farrell being in the thing. In terms of this. Isn't that weird? It's that super weird?
Starting point is 01:18:32 And I think, but I think it's a very like deliberate choice because that energy is the same idea that they want in this movie too, where they're going for like a little bit of a pump fake on what you'd expect of the name and the type of movie you would be versus how they actually deliver the story and what the movie's actually about, you know. uh, uh, adult foil to handle, uh, children's toys inappropriately. So, uh, that's, uh, uh, uh, uh, pretty fun. Um, yeah, I mean, you know, uh, yeah, I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll keep it, I'll keep it vague because I think, uh, you guys should catch it when you can. But obviously the sets are amazing. There's some really fun musical numbers.
Starting point is 01:19:29 Ryan Gosling kind of steals the show in a lot of places by just like fucking doing it That story he told about seeing Ken face down in the dirt and he when he read the script and he's like I need to tell this man's story like you can kind of see that, you know that comes through and Like, you can kind of see that, you know. Um, that comes through. And, um, yeah, I feel as if, like, there's, there's definitely parts of this where I, I guess what I expected and then what you get is going to be different. And even within my, even within those expectations they also like Swerve a couple times it's uh, I guess the best way to describe it that I've seen is like okay
Starting point is 01:20:11 so there's moments of this that are just really overall like humanist and very well, you know presented and Uh-huh and while it's doing that and while it's aware of what Mattel is and what the toys are and what they represent to women and while you're kind of asking these questions, it has, oh there you are, it has these moments where it's like it's critiquing what what could be called Buzzfeed feminism, right? But it's doing so within the lens of Buzzfeed feminism, you know? And overall, oh wow, now we're in prison,
Starting point is 01:20:54 now we're under the boards of. And in doing so, it asks some questions that are like, whoo, I don't know if the toy movie can answer some of these. And then the toy movie is kind some of these and then the toy movies kind of like yeah, no we We were we're a toy movie. We actually can't answer some of these questions, you know, so we'll we'll imply the right direction to go in to seek answers, I suppose, but it kind of leaves them off there while bringing them up I I suppose, but it kind of leaves them off there while bringing them up. Um, I guess that's the way I'll put it. Um, okay.
Starting point is 01:21:31 Every once in a while you see like a movie bite off more than it can chew and you're like, ooh, you're biting off a lot there. How you gonna chew that? There's a big, there's a big statement for the movie about the dolls. And then as the credits roll, the movie's the dolls and then the moon and then as the as the credits role the movie's got a small Full-Gone Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh major like bit with the character that does come back around and like make a very human story out of out of the whole thing. So the movie with the dolls, but they're made out of plastic. Well, how could the story be human?
Starting point is 01:22:15 It was very, that's crazy. It's almost as can a can a human be human? David? No. Yeah. Humans can't be human. No, there's obviously some stuff there as well that like, you know, the commercial sets you up for like questions pertaining to mortality. And you're like, yeah, I think and you're like I Yeah, I think if you're bringing your kids to this one going it's the Barbie movie as long as you're down to Have the conversation with them immediately afterwards about that and about the nature of the world Then it's a good time, but if you're someone who's like how am I supposed to explain? Insert anything here to my children, then good fucking luck.
Starting point is 01:23:08 Uh, this ain't the one. Um, you can't. And then... Why don't you just have a fucking... Why don't you just make a fucking 45-minute review of the Barbie movie about how it didn't make you feel happy enough that because your producers went to make you go see it. Oh man, you can always light it on fire for that extra bit of attention if you need it.
Starting point is 01:23:35 But at the end of the day, at the end of the day, you know, I gotta say, man, I don't, I don't know, you ever see like a people, somebody making fun of someone and you're like, I don't even care if it's real at all. Because it feels real. Ben Shapiro, professional dweeb, made a scathing review of how the Barbie movie sucks. And when he went to talk about how they don't respect Ken, he accidentally said his own name. He's not Ken off.
Starting point is 01:24:11 And it's the best. He's not Ben off. He is the most pathetic thing in the world. If only he felt Ben off. You know, but sadly, he does not. And that's the problem really. He's going to have to spend some time in the Casa House before he can come to any conclusions.
Starting point is 01:24:33 Maybe have a dance-off battle, you know. But anyway, yeah, no, there's a bunch of great fucking Ken bits that I'm like, I don't want to spoil, but just, you know, the entire arc there is a hilarious one that he does a great job selling. And yeah, I don't know. I feel as if the inevitable result of this is like, okay, this movie came along, tried to do some shit, didn't land all of it, but landed a sufficient amount of what it was going for, and now the Mattel response, despite being the kind of company that's like, I'm willing to be
Starting point is 01:25:18 made fun of, wow, we are enhancing. Okay, we are in there. The fact that their response is like, everyone loved it, this is awesome. Time to go get the polypockets script. May. Oh man. Time to go get the fucking, what are, what else do we own? Do we own, yeah, Mighty Max? Do we own, Trotter Troubles?
Starting point is 01:25:41 Oh, you're from Mighty Max movie, bro. Right? Uno, Bratz, all of them. So the whole universe, the whole cinematic universe is now trying, they're trying to build this up to see if they can turn it into that. And it's like, man, like, this kind of had a point in what it was going for here.
Starting point is 01:26:00 And I'm sure you can get that going with each one of these brands, I suppose. But like, it's so hilariously on brand to be the exact movie version of Mattel where you're just like, you just don't get it. Why would you ever possibly? It's like brand equals money and this thing brought attention to a, you know, a doll that probably wasn't selling particularly well in recent years and is now kind of back in the zeitgeist and Can we get treasure trolls back in the zeitgeist? Can we do this?
Starting point is 01:26:32 Can we make them care? You know? We'll find I mean I feel like I feel like anyone at Mattel Who thinks that anything who thinks that anything, any toy ever will ever be what a Barbie doll is, it has lost their fucking mind. Like, the Barbie doll is so fucking enmeshed in human society. Like, Barbies are more important on the girly girl end than G.I. Joe's are on the boy end. Mm-hmm. Like, they're supposed to be equivalent, but like, there are a lot of types of G.I. Joe's. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:18 There's fucking Barbie! There's a lot of Barbie types. No, no, there's a lot of Barbie types, but what they represent as the movie establishes is that what every woman can do in a, you know, all covered fashion. The thing is, is that like, I don't know that while Barbie represents any woman and Barbie can do anything, I don't know if anyone feels that way about treasure trolls or max steel.
Starting point is 01:27:49 No, they don't. I don't think the treasure troll is meant to make everyone troll feel like they can do anything. I don't know if, you know, a mighty max is supposed to make any kid feel like they can scour through any mini dungeon like I don't there's no What are we doing, you know, so yeah? Good luck with trying to find something profound with all of these I suppose
Starting point is 01:28:15 Jesus I'm getting that yeah, okay, you keep playing around I'm having fun with my camera toy. Oh, hey this works There you go. Hey, what's up? All right zoomed in Pat from the void Anyway, so beyond that go check it out and then and then go up in high and then we'll see how it go I'm Also coming off of spending a good amount of money. I have a question for anyone that's in our live audience who's seen Oppenheimer.
Starting point is 01:28:50 Is there a part of Oppenheimer where like President Truman, like screams at Oppenheimer in the Oval Office that he's a fucking pussy? Because that's a real thing that actually happened. I heard about that and I heard that the script is important. Yeah, that's in the movie. So I gotta see this movie. So apparently there's an exchange that historians looked at as one where it was originally read
Starting point is 01:29:17 as a means of like taking comfort and blame off of him to be like, hey, I'm the one responsible. Don't worry about it. The buck stops here kind of moment. And in the way it, but the way it's read in the movie is not that at all. The way it's read in the movie is you fucking bitch fine. I'll do it. Get out of my way, like, you know, like, there's something that changes the way you read it in a book versus the way it's acted out that has a different energy to it Do it pussy no balls. That's a that's a very famous like thing that that like Oppenheimer was like oh no, I'm the destroy of worlds and Truman who made the the decision to use the bomb was like, fuck you!
Starting point is 01:30:07 It's on my hands because I did rocked it! Shut up! Hmm. Yeah, it's interesting. So yeah, let's look in front of that. Also, apparently a whole lot of fucking like it ages about the bomb. Yeah There's some there's some there's some banging in that apparently Can I can I get a movie based on that dumb shit who killed himself with the demon core instead? Are you familiar with this no?
Starting point is 01:30:44 so the demon core was during the development of later bombs, they discovered the idea was, is that if you had a piece of plutonium and you encased it in like a perfect sphere of some fancy metal, it would like just bombard, like the reaction would cause this massive explosion of radiation, right? But it had to be completely encapsulated, right? If it was anything but completely encapsulated,
Starting point is 01:31:16 pretty much nothing would happen, right? And so the guys who were making this, one of them would be like, hey, check out how close I can get the demon core to going off. So he put a fucking screwdriver in the half of the sphere and just kind of tilt it up and go, look, it's so close, it's so close. And then he dropped it and there was a burst of light and Then they immediately flopped it off and as the guys were trying to run away One of the one of the dev guys in the room was like everyone needs to go back to the exact spot They were standing in when that flash happened so that we can figure out
Starting point is 01:32:09 they were standing in when that flash happened so that we can figure out how much shit you guys just blasted absorbed. Damn. And the guy who dropped it, I believe his words were, oh, that's it then, or something along those lives. Okay. He melted. Is this, is this the, okay, I heard a story like this about the screwdriver, but it was an accident.
Starting point is 01:32:30 I didn't, but is this the same story? Oh no, they, yeah, no, they were just playing around with their dick and balls, going, look how close I can get it. Ooh. Sick. Yeah. Apparently, I remember, I think it happened multiple times. Like, I don't think you need a movie for that.
Starting point is 01:32:48 I think you can get one of those Canadian part of our heritage commercials go in. You know, solid 45 seconds, really. All right. Well, anyway. So, beyond that, I spent a good couple, yeah, I got some good time in on tech and eight the beta is open and is it for? Tech and eight is in fact for it appears to be for We are we are we are in that we are in that space no, um the the
Starting point is 01:33:19 Yeah, I was able to try out a code thanks to the person that had one Sent it over and so playing the closed network beta test that it ran and I guess it's still running I don't know it's a weird hours, but it seems to just be going full-time Yeah, I've had a number of matches and I have to say like One out of five matches One out of five matches, maybe two out of five matches. Okay, one out of five matches has like some hiccups and one out of five matches has like bad hiccups.
Starting point is 01:34:05 And it sucks because I'm like, yeah, this is constantly a problem. Coming off of playing some Street Fighter 6, as I was mentioning, and even when you get a bad, you even get someone on Wi-Fi, and you're like, I can't believe this is somehow working, I'm running into constant issues that are really annoying and freezing up in such. You know, not to just beat the dead horse, but the difference this week is I've gotten my hands on it now. So that sucks. Outside of that, um, character wise, I'm looking around for something.
Starting point is 01:34:31 And I guess I'm just messing with Leroy Smith in the meantime, because, you know, uh, Leroy he's sick, he's got sugar, he's, he's, that's the future of my dreads, so why not? Um, and I, yeah, I guess I'm just kinda like, you know, I'm like, this is, this is cool. Um, the new leak list that came out shows that someone took T-cheat engine and found even more leaked characters. Yay. And the leaks include, um, characters like Shaheen, aka boring Rashid,
Starting point is 01:35:08 Raven, Zafina, Yoshimitsu, Alisa, and Steve Fox. Wow, who could have thought the Tekken would include these characters? Like that's great. Yoshimitsu and Steve were the characters I used to play. I like that, that's nice. Why is there still not a single original brand new character? Like, I'm, I don't know. It's weird.
Starting point is 01:35:32 I'm happy that, yeah, my character Steve is there. That's cool. Yeah, my, yeah, old thing. I can still look at that and go, what the fuck is going on? Nothing new. Not one. It's weird to see like it is weird. 12 plus into the roster now. Um, and it's all just returning, you know, so, yeah, I don't know. I hope something gets said or shown soon, but, uh, you know, I'm thinking back, dude, you mentioned like one out of five is like kind of kind of iffy and one out of five is major problem like a like
Starting point is 01:36:11 Like iffy or like bad rate of like 30% is fucking terrible like that is you'll get It's it's it's a kind of 30% is me being generous. It's probably close to 40%. It's a hype deflator, dude There's a lot of matches that get queued up that just get denied like it just won't link us You know you accept and then the other end and it just goes I don't know maybe you're too far Or maybe it's just like I'm not even gonna try But there's a lot of time spent when it's searching and then it won't even let it through so yeah This is this is the first and we'll see what happens when they learn from this and change things.
Starting point is 01:36:47 But it just is not fucking great to have in contrast with a game that is working, whole lot of fun, and currently kind of stealing the lunch of many other fighting game announcements right now, because like a tech and announcement should be a huge deal and it is that it's we're getting to see it and it's happening. But a lot of people are like, yeah, awesome. And then right back to six because six is fucking there, man. And it's doing it, you know. Street Fighter 6 has got me back into fighting games and I played like 140 hours of it since
Starting point is 01:37:23 it's release. I know I look at tech and I really like 140 hours of it since its release. I look at Tekken. I really like Tekken. I like Tekken almost as much as I like Street Fighter. And I played almost no six and almost no seven because I mean, fuck it. The match shit is off. Yeah. So Gradleuthanicy versus Rising, I also had a close beta test this weekend. And I tried to go grab that.
Starting point is 01:37:50 I downloaded it and booted it up. And it said, sorry, it's closed. And I was like, ah, because apparently the times they listed it was for only like six hour windows to play. So they were the exact opposite of tech in. They were just like, you have to be here now. And then we're shutting it down. So I didn't get to play any of it, but that one I don't know about the
Starting point is 01:38:08 how the net code stuff is going, but the main thing I'm hearing is the the gameplay decisions that they changed are very weird and I also heard that great. The two big ones being like so when you tech a throw now the window to tech a throw is gigantic you have how much we talking 30 frames So there's an early tech there's an early tech and then like after that initial early tech window There's a late tech window. That's like 30 fucking frames or so and The little in the chatter saying it's 40. 40, okay. Yeah. Yeah, I shall show. So that's it. And like like 40 frames is like that's the entirety of a for anyone wondering how long that is. An entire drive impact in
Starting point is 01:39:00 Street Fighter 6 is like it's 27 right to start. Almost to back to back drive impacts. So you're looking at an incredibly slow amount of time, which is wild. I would expect that from in blaze blue, they do something where usually in fighting games, you cannot throw somebody who's in the middle of getting like hit or blocking But in Blazblue, they let you do that. They let you throw, but they give you a giant window to attack, right?
Starting point is 01:39:32 It's like no, you've got to be sleeping to not get out of this and in this case, it's just the normal one So tech so throwing has become really weird and easy to do I guess or easy to stop and then weird and easy to do, I guess, or easy to stop. And then the other thing they did, which is a much wilder change, is they made it so that the easy inputs and the normal classic inputs are 100% identical in properties. Whereas before it used to be a difference in, usually there's a difference in meter or a difference in damage, or there's, there would be something so that you get a reward for doing the quarter circle or something, but now they wanted it to be one to one.
Starting point is 01:40:10 Grand Blue Fantasy versus Rising said, you want some fucking woke controls? Let's go. And you can even, you can even turn off motion inputs so that you don't have the classic inputs at all. And yeah. What? That's crazy. It's crazy.
Starting point is 01:40:27 So in this world where we're all about like, yo, let's do modern, let's give people accessible options so that they can have fun with the games. That's totally okay. And in fact, I would say DNF dual did a great job of building the game primarily for that and then giving you motions for better magic efficiency or so. But in Grand Blue now, they already had it in place where you had a shortcut button, and then the motions, and they're just like, yeah, we want them to both be the same,
Starting point is 01:40:54 meaning there's no benefit whatsoever to going through the trouble of doing the motion. There's just no reason to ever do it. And it's just, they're kind of like, well, we know some players kind of like to do it instinctually, so we'll keep it for that purpose. But it's like, no, like you designed it from the jump to kind of be this way. It's, and it's too late now. It's just a weird thing to go like, yeah, fuck it. We're not going to balance around that. Uh, I think everyone can agree that it's,
Starting point is 01:41:23 it's a silly choice because they're being an easy button that comes with a trade-off and that trade-off depending on what game you are can be, you know, if it's damage for Street Fighter 6 or if it's cool down for those games, that's fair. It's totally fair and valid and if you want to get a faster uppercut, you know, because of the situation, like by all means do it and take the trade off, you know. But don't make it so that anyone who's doing it the hard way and the long way has zero incentive to do so. Even smash-
Starting point is 01:41:53 They should just remove the classic inputs entirely and just have it be the weird in between Smash Bros. game. At this point. At this point, yeah. I think they should really actually do that. I think it should be, because like, we, I don't know if it's part of the news, but like there's news that like Street Fighter could have shipped with just no classic controls at all. Like modern only was like a possibility. But like grab a fancy versus visitor, they've gone too far already.
Starting point is 01:42:23 They should just have it be that. They should just have it be that. They should just have it be. If this is what you're designing for, it's match. And I mean, so that's the bit, like the layout, the button layout in DNF duel, like I said, it pushes you towards using the easy buttons as the main way to play.
Starting point is 01:42:39 It gives you two attack buttons and two, and one easy magic button and one easy special button. And that's default layout. So doing quarter circles is actually not the norm, you know. Yeah, I don't know. So that's a weird decision from that game right off the bat and I'm just like, yeah, okay, well back to Street Fighter then, you know, we'll see.
Starting point is 01:43:00 We'll see, man. You know, do you guys have been like this for a while. A lot of genres have like really intense, super gigantic forever games that are the thing to beat. Fighting games, I feel like everybody's been rotating through the next one, the next one, the next one, the next one, but now that Street Fighter 6 has that good net code and that fast matches and everybody's happy
Starting point is 01:43:25 that like now games are having to compete with it and like kind of crash against it. Like why would you tell anyone to pick up Tekken with its fucked up net code in so Street Fighter unless they really love Tekken. But then you wouldn't even be talking to them, right? They just be like, I love Tekken, I'm gonna play Tekken. Tekken's, and so Tekken also is handling their version of modern controls in a different way now. Like, and we're getting to see the different philosophies that play, it's really interesting.
Starting point is 01:43:52 The Tekken way of doing this is there's a, it's your normal button layout, but you hold one of the triggers and then it becomes a combo button, right? And kind of like you saw in the story mode for Tekken 7, it'll give you access to some pre-baked combos that you can do or pre-baked abilities. And like, the moment you hold it, it pops up the little menu on the screen next to your character. So anyone can do it at any time by holding down that button, but it's just a little visible thing that says, hey, I'm using this now.
Starting point is 01:44:27 And that's it. You know. So yeah, it's one way to do it, I guess. And I don't know if the menu popping up is meant to be a thing of shame or not, but it very clearly does. I've had some funny matches where I'm fighting somebody and I'm doing well. And then, like, I have like two rounds up and then they have one round up and then they're dying. And then as they're right before dying, the short cut pop-up starts coming up. And it's like a bit of a desperation, like, all fuck, oh geez, you know, like relying on that in those moments. Oh, okay, well, now we're, all right.
Starting point is 01:45:09 What are you talking about? Apologies to the MP3 listener. Pat is currently journeying through time and space, not unlike LaVos at the end of Chrono Trigger. We've now wound up in a public bathroom. We're just talking about fighting games. Yeah. so anyway We played some of Rashid and had Rimey over got to play some good matches with their learn a bit of that character
Starting point is 01:45:42 He's scary. He's fast. I would like to ask you a question about Rashid because I'm very interested. Um, I don't like, I was like, yeah, Rashid, and I talked about it and then like I started playing Rashid and like I have to hit way too many buttons to play this character. I, I really strongly dislike hitting a lot of buttons, playing a fighting game man. Um, but I saw people complaining because they were saying
Starting point is 01:46:06 that like Rashid has all this zany shit you can do and all these crazy things and like almost none of it does more damage than like really basic bread and butter shit. Rashid's damage for a bunch of things is lower than usual and that's the way that he's able to like be beaten is that he's got to touch you a couple more times. You know the the the fact that he can teleport in and jump in and slide in and glide in and go pass fireballs and he has 15 different vectors of attack to get in your face and approach from the sky or below means that you cannot stop him from getting in, he will. But the amount of damage he does to you
Starting point is 01:46:53 is a bit lower than you'd expect compared to some other characters, for example. You know, a canny can or even or much more Marissa, obviously. You're not gonna do those numbers. But he can leave you in a situation where he mixes you up again you know he'll do the spinning mixer leave you standing and then try to go for another thing to open you up again to reset you so you press a lot of buttons and do a lot of stuff and then you try to get another combo started right off the bat you try to go
Starting point is 01:47:24 for resets, you know? He's very good at playing. Yeah, I played a couple of Rashid's and that was my experience where I'm like, I know what's happening and he's not doing that much damage, but I constantly don't know what's happening. Like, you know, I'll play against the character I'm not familiar with and I have like a basic idea
Starting point is 01:47:41 of the angles that they want to exist in. When I'm playing Esquire, I'm like, I don't know. I just, he's everywhere. Yeah, so Kimberly, anyone who's fought a stronger, a stronger Kimberly has gotten used to seeing the corner game where she throws you on the ground, puts down a paint grenade, and then you have to wake up and decide,
Starting point is 01:48:01 am I gonna try to block it, or am I gonna get thrown onto the grenade explosion, which she can then grab you from and do a whole big mix again. And then you're like, Oh, God, I'm back on the grenade. What do I do? Um, he's doing that kind of thing to you, but you're not on the ground. You're just your backs against the wall. And he's spinning. Right. Yeah. He's doing, he's doing the ultimate cabaydon where he's got his hand up on the wall. And you are pinned and you are not going anywhere
Starting point is 01:48:26 And you're not sure what an angle of approach he's coming from and you've got to hold up for your life or or maybe just drive rush out of there do something And if you guess wrong, you get spun mixed and put back on the wall so Anyway, he's definitely good enough that he's going to be a problem at Evo. He's got all the tools you need to be a strong character. He's got a stronger versal, good safe jump setups, all these great things. So he's going to absolutely show up online and create some disruption next weekend. Turbulence, if you would.
Starting point is 01:49:01 So yeah, you can check that out. We did some matches with Rami, who's our local strong-resheed player. And those will be going up soon. We also, yeah, I hit the, I guess, I'm now at the beginning of FF 16 proper. Okay, so now you kind of understand what I met last week. I'm like, you get to this point in your life, the game starts now. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:33 Character that I called Nia shows up. And I'm like, oh, hey, Nia, right. You couldn't show up until other people had to leave, huh? Right, okay. Later, Kamina. You know, it is what it is. I can't who are you talking about exactly? Oh, just as soon as we get to the new hideout. The new area.
Starting point is 01:49:56 Yeah. And it would and you meet a plot plot, break down girl or whatever. Oh, Vivian. Yeah. I was like, yeah. It's a plot breakdown girl or whatever. Oh, Vivian. Yeah. Mm-hmm. I was like, yeah. So I saved up enough to get my first combat deletion,
Starting point is 01:50:18 like ability, and I was like, aha, okay. I can see here that this button will make the combat stop. So it's really where, because like in any random battle, you hit that and the random battle is just over. Mm-hmm. And I'm looking at that and I'm like, why do you, like for the course of random battles, I don't understand why there are buttons
Starting point is 01:50:43 that just delete the entire counter. Either because random battles and story battles are like worlds apart. I aren't even robots. So to not have the same conversation again though, I'll just say something that I like about how the story is being told here is I'm my video game expectations are such that when I play a game that shows me a Mega Man boss battle screen and you just pick them and you go collect
Starting point is 01:51:21 You sort of expect it to be like well, this is what the video game wants me to do and there's how we're gonna do it Travis touchdown touchdown did the same thing. And here it's like, oh no, like it might take a minute before that happens. Overall, we know what we're trying to do, but that's, you know, some time passes. There's some steps in the way. There's some steps in the way of you getting up to fucking quick men, you know, after crash man. Like there's, you got to handle your business and life is getting in the way and it gets a little complicated. Yeah, and you know, so that was that. And- And then you're like, really, I'm gonna go fight chill penguin first before, before Quickman, but I played the demo and in the demo.
Starting point is 01:52:06 Yeah, quick man was first, weird. I don't know. And I'm also hanging out with Magma Jorgons, so I don't know what. Yeah. But anyway, at the very least, I'll say that, yeah, and you know, some twists and turns and things where I'm like, okay, where's the story gonna go now? What are we doing plot-wise, you know?
Starting point is 01:52:28 I look forward to the mystery. There's that moment where you're like, this is very game of thrones, low fantasy inspired. And then Tom Final Fantasy walks into the fucking screen. Yeah, and you're like, oh, I know that guy. Yeah, I know that guy. But to be fair, that was right after a brothel with brothel noises happening in the background was used as a setting, which would never happen in any other circumstance except for the
Starting point is 01:53:04 one where people are like, yo gamithrons is really popular You know hey So Something I remember talking to I think I talked to Susie about this and Jean I think where I I hopped into your stream and got trapped in e-mode by the, please be IP me in your stream so I can yell things. Don't be a dick. But you'll be treated the same. I don't, I just, yeah, I know.
Starting point is 01:53:32 Okay. Give me the tag. But I hopped in when you were fighting your first fully realized effort boss fight. And you got the breakdown of like, this is how effort works, right? And I'm like, hey, Bayonetta, wouldn't it be great if your big person
Starting point is 01:53:53 was like the same moveset, but better? Isn't that solved that stupid fucking spider problem? Yes, it was very, very nice to get that. And to be fair, Madama Butterfly does get that later on. So that one works really well. All of the other ones really didn't. Definitely.
Starting point is 01:54:16 And you got a hint of it with the early ifrit, battle, but then like yeah, we start to see it now flesh out completely to be like, no, no, no, this ain't just a Kaiju system. It's a full on combat system with all your shit. Yeah, fantastic. I'm also, I'm also a big fan of just like, like I noticed that you pointed out like ifrit's so big
Starting point is 01:54:37 in universe and now we're gonna have him fight him something that makes him smaller than Kive is on his screen. But then you do the stagger attack and the stagger attack is now reading like fucking 600,000 damage because if it is orders of magnitude, it's great. Not dissimilar to at the end of beautiful Joe, where you're doing beautiful Joe combat inside of Six Machine, but like on a global scale. Yeah, that was really cool.
Starting point is 01:55:12 And I also really like that I'm getting multiple facets of Sokan through this game. So I've clearly heard enough of the orchestral bombastic bangers to know that he's got a specialty and he's crushing it in male voices evil problem. What are your female voices? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, and then that's super cool. But then we go into fucking cyber future, Tron, and start hearing about the pili-li-li-li-li-li-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l with regions, with origins, with type.
Starting point is 01:56:06 The background color changes, and then the music changes accordingly. To deal with problems that I'm not even gonna try to pronounce. But anyway, so yeah, that's fucking popping off. Anyway, so I think I'll have to talk with Reggie after this podcast and decide how this week is going to go. I want it to take it like I said some time, but if they're going to be off, it might be a good time to hair out. I'll do something so that you guys have something to watch. Maybe I'll let you know because we're the only two people, any
Starting point is 01:56:43 of the people listening to this. Exactly. And if we both we don't put out something they're gonna Really bored just a rate forever just no that's not true They watch my wife also, but she is the most indisposed she will ever be in her entire life. Okay Well, I She's very busy right now. Yeah. well in any case I'll let you know In the meantime Go check out over on the side channel. We got to Willy versus Gallagher them some great clips come in including The crab tree take on the end of Mass Effect 3 an entire galaxy gets the pass
Starting point is 01:57:19 I have not laughed harder at any other clip that has been put out on that channel. It's the best. Really strong edit come in there. So go check that one out. As well as the impromptu toy unboxing where we got to just look at some little toys. It was fun. Some more, you know what? Sorry, I have to you. Sorry, I just had an attacking thought in my mind. Yeah. Some more slopstream stuff coming soon. How are you going to say? You know what I just realized?
Starting point is 01:57:52 I have a baby now. But I knew that before. What I realize now is that I can look back on something that I remember talking about in complaining and the only response to that was Well, you'd feel different if you had a baby and no fallout for us fucking intro is fucking stupid and It sucks. It sucks You can't ask players to care about a baby that doesn't talk and you don't hang out with How long still sucks how long was this one in the chamber when did that happen? I don't I don't know. I just thought about it. It just hit me nice Nice was this the reason for the baby to exist no no
Starting point is 01:58:43 Was this the reason for the baby to exist? No, no. Damn. But you can't make people care about an in-game baby when there's nothing that happens with the baby. God. Holds baby, smiles at it, hands it back over, walks out of delivery room, immediately grabs Twitter. Fuck. Yeah, alright. Okay. hands it back over walks out of delivery room immediately grabs Twitter.
Starting point is 01:59:10 Fuck yeah, all right, okay, there you go. You you got here, you did it. If you would like as well, I played a little cameo in the Jojo iceberg series over with Salty DK Dan, who's been working on a bunch of trivia for weird Jojo things. And yeah, reach that. And I did a little bit for that. Good old Jojo info.
Starting point is 01:59:37 Any excuse to talk about that franchise I will take. So go check that video out as well. Do it, it's probably a pretty good video. And at Evo, going to do a meetup probably on Saturday night, not sure where I don't know if I want to do the the Fremont arcade. It's it was really it's like it's too far to get to if I can do some raneer to the strip that'd be better, But stick to stay tuned to the Twitter. I'll announce where and when we're gonna go about that, but Yeah, last time around it was great and You know Reggie's rolling through and Susie kind of came by as well
Starting point is 02:00:17 And we just had a good time hanging out with you guys and playing some games So we'll try to figure something out if you're gonna be at a vote to meet up and and chill We'll try to figure something out if you're gonna be at AVO to meet up and chill. By that point, we should all be thoroughly out of the tournament anyways, right? There's not a single chance anyone will be still competing by Saturday. There's a chance? Let's all warn the chance. My face has gotten pretty nice, but I don't think it's nice enough. We'll see.
Starting point is 02:00:47 Red is a really fantastic breakdown of somebody like going how the fuck is Marissa does not lose any matchup she has, and then posted a clip that was like because she has always one hit away from doing this, and it was just if she hits her back hard punch, you're just gonna die. The leader. You're just going to die. Or the standing heavy kick. Yeah, she's got two. It's really weird because it's like a character that's like a street fighter character,
Starting point is 02:01:15 but then if you get like one heavy in, she turns into a Marvel character for just a little bit. So it's a little bit like a Nago Ryuki as well, right? Where he's like struggling, he can't double jump like the others can, and he's doing stuff, and he's like, I got a DP, and I got a thing, but it's gonna kind of kill me if I do it. But like, if I explode on you, and I kill you hard, and I kill myself in the process, you're just as long as you die first, we're all good, you know? But yeah, she has the ability to just take around back and delete it in exchange for having poor defensive capabilities.
Starting point is 02:01:51 So you gotta be a god, and then you'll be good. Anyways, we'll be doing it, doing a meetup there. And yeah, that's pretty much it. So for the schedule, stay tuned to my Twitter and I'll let you know. Let's take a quick word from our sponsors. Your Twitter. My ex. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:02:16 My ex. Re-reposts. Not re-seats, unfortunately. Did you see that shirt with the X on the building? The roaster is chicken Yeah, it's a side-fell episode. It's a side-fell episode What's happening in there? This fucking I don't know if people saw anybody else know what I'm talking about
Starting point is 02:02:39 But on top of the former Twitter building a fucking ten foot, uh, 30 foot tall, seizure machine X started blanking and it's the most horrible thing in the world. And it's directly across from an apartment building that people live in. Apparently Step 1 was trying to replace the logo downstairs and they weren't given the license to do so by the city. So Step 2 was to just put a blaring light on top of the building and every 10 seconds it flickers on and off and pulses and the apartments right across the street are just getting blasted by it non-stop.
Starting point is 02:03:17 So did you see what the follow-ups to that were? No. So there were two follow-ups. One was that it turns out that they had no permits at all and they were denying city inspectors access to the building. Sick. Like they were physically stopping city inspectors on two different days from entering the building. And then like people who had like drones in the area saw that it wasn't even installed.
Starting point is 02:03:44 It was just being held in place by sandbags and once that happened, this is unknown but people who work in municipal governments have come forward and been like, so the next step is that a city inspector tells them if they're not allowed to see it, that the building will be condemned and forcibly evacuated by police. And so they had to eventually let them up, at which point the sign was condemned, and it is now removed.
Starting point is 02:04:16 It was removed earlier today. What a microcosm of a tale for the entire renaming rebranding saga. Oh yeah. of a tale for the entire renaming rebranding saga. Oh yeah. What a small version that tells you everything you need to know about the larger version. Amazing, amazing.
Starting point is 02:04:36 All right, well anyways, never mind that brand. Here's another one, Here's a better one. Stitch Fix, the podcast sponsored by Stitch Fix. I love you, Stitch Fix. Yeah. Stitch Fix is important. Listen, fashion is hard. And now that you have become dad mode,
Starting point is 02:05:08 you need data tire. And the process of transforming into data tire is a lengthy one. It, it, it, it, it required several trips. My wife had to pick out my new shoes. So you had to pick out my, my socks. It was a whole thing. It took a while. You can't look cool anymore. You have to look responsible.
Starting point is 02:05:26 But there's ways to make responsible look cool. I didn't look cool before. The point is this. Is that stitch fix can hire real or will hire real stylists who are going to work with you to create a wardrobe tailored for your style, you gotta, once you fill out the quiz and they'll figure out from there what your style is best described as and what's perfect for you. The experts can figure out based on, you know, the selections they have of over a thousand brands that you know and love, what's gonna to work head to toe. And you can be a stylish dad. You don't just have to be barely holding on, right? It's important.
Starting point is 02:06:13 Trust the experts. And then hey, what they generally do is they send you a number of clothes that, again, fits for you, what you like. You keep, what you don't. You send back. And it's nice and easy. Trust the experts, get yourself looking sharper than ever. Try Stitch Fix today at slash Super Beast and you'll get 25% off when you keep everything in your fix. That's
Starting point is 02:06:40 slash Super Beast for 25% off today. One more time, slash super beast for 25% off today. One more time slash super beast. Thank you, stitchfix. Thanks, stitchfix. Yeah, that's it for today. Okay. So, you know, some stuff happened, none of it particularly, So, you know, some stuff happened, not of it particularly, this, nothing particularly exciting in by contrast. So we can just hit up a couple of points here. Fun new feature found in Street Fighter 6. If anyone remembers the old unlock code in Street Fighter 2 World Warrior, down our up LYB on
Starting point is 02:07:26 the Capcom logo, you would unlock the mirror match extra colors for the characters. Well, now in Street Fighter 6, the same thing was found where if you turn commentary on and then on the faces matchup screen, you do down our up L Y B X A, or the equivalent of on a PlayStation controller or on your stick or such, you get the same capcom noise, and then all commentary is replaced with the nang and brain of barnyard animals. Awesome. Like actually, like he's not making some kind of sarcastic quip about annoying voices like it's actual barnyard animals instead of tasty sieve going wow I wonder how they're gonna open up this match it's Both. Poo! And you listen to, I guess, what might have been placeholder,
Starting point is 02:08:28 actual animals doing commentary. Had to have been. I bet you it was, yes. They wanna make sure the feature works. So every time you do a sick reversal, and it gets it lands, a cat is gonna meow. But if you get thrown, a dog is gonna bark. And they just probably queued it
Starting point is 02:08:47 until they eventually recorded people to make sure that those things were right. I'm just thinking about like getting like punish countered and you hear a donkey fucking scream! Like just, oh man. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And like at the end of the match, after win, like the whole bar and goes crazy. The whole jungle pops off.
Starting point is 02:09:09 You're a tiger roaring. It's great. It's great. Ed in any commentary. Yeah, there you go. So that's fun. I miss the days of these types of little codes. Do a little button prompt.
Starting point is 02:09:21 And it's a reason to turn on commentary mode, which a lot of people probably I don't even know how this was found because I know one's really using it so fun stuff. Alongside fun stuff if you are gonna happen to be at EVO this weekend then sign up and maybe come see me in fucking Mega Man Battle Network 6 as there's going to be a battle network 6 tournament. Oh, no, I'm not entering. That's crazy.
Starting point is 02:09:54 I got washed, I got washed into the ocean and I'm still drying my clothes off. But nonetheless, if you feel you're kind of nice, bring out your deck and get ready because they're running as a big-side tournament for it. Incredible. That's great. Yeah, yeah, yeah, a lot of fun for that. And it seems like it's going to be enough hype. So you might win some money.
Starting point is 02:10:14 You might fucking show us what you got. There was a number of credible rumors now coming in to support an initial one saying that yep, the Nintendo is going to basically release the Switch 2 in late next year. I can't believe it. So their timeline is second half of 2024 and different sources are describing the feature list to expect and the main one is LCD no OLED and better storage so you know hopefully with that higher fidelity games, cartridge slots, and, um, you know, other things are up in the air. I, I, I don't know what, I, like, I feel like there's a zero percent chance
Starting point is 02:11:15 that an Ethernet slot will get slapped on that thing, but it would be cool if they ever did. Um, I'm not expecting much. Nintendo is happy in its niche. They're going to play the role that they're going to play from now till the end of time. That's fine. But if you put an Ethernet cable in at the very least, you open up for some games that you want to be ported to you to be able to be played better. So no, okay. Don't do it never mind. It won't be it won't be as ethernet port requires a certain thickness that they will not ship. Yeah, I'm not even I'm not even concerned about like like 60 getting solid 60. It's like yeah, that ain't going to happen.
Starting point is 02:11:57 Fine, move on, you know, but just also we really don't need ethernet anymore. Now that we have that good Wi-Fi 6. Oh, the good Wi-Fi 6. That everybody's gonna have certainly by that point. Ah. Um, yeah. Anyway, that's, you know, not much there. There was a, China Joy had some announcements where they showed off a couple of the games coming out soon.
Starting point is 02:12:26 22 minutes of lost solar side, which was that pretty hype looking character action thing we saw from years ago that was like a one-man project and eventually shaped up into this bigger thing. Still looking pretty, but I have to say that FF16 kind of took some thunder out of the combat there because I'm like, oh, I'm doing a lot of that right now and it feels great in FF16. So, huh, I hope this does some stuff that is fairly unique. It weird to say, but I just, that was the feeling I got from it. And then they also announced that they phantom blade zero demos coming.
Starting point is 02:13:08 So that was the one with the dude with the rice hat, ancient China jumping off of the horses cart and just killing everybody. I'm glad to get a demo for that because it looks really great, but something about it looks different enough that I'm like, it might feel weird. It might be aggressively set PC.
Starting point is 02:13:27 So you have to find out how much of what you saw is set PC versus free open combat. Yeah, good column that. So there's that. Bomber cyber funk September 1st, I think they are going to lock that data. Yes. Locking it in.
Starting point is 02:13:50 The return of funk is September 1st, marker calendars. Yeah, not a ton really. Maybe they was, if you're're paying attention if you give a fuck Gyrus is back in mortal combat so the big black guy that was the keeper of time in the last MK game. There he is. Gyrus. Syrax.
Starting point is 02:14:21 He melted into sand a lot and he teleported around using sand and he would rewind time using sand It was a cool effect. I have to say like the whole Like there's two of me the after image thing the visuals of like Freezing time and attacking you and stuff like I like this his fighting his fighting style a lot So time guys coming and Setsri on There you go. Something like that. Yeah! No! I know who Gears is.
Starting point is 02:14:50 Gears is one of the... He's one of the cool ones of the new cast. He's one of the better ones. He's one of the cool ones for sure. And now we can start the... the Sussi speculation as to, oh no! What if Fire Godgaon is the evil uh... i'm sorry i just had like the most awful visceral reaction to you saying the sassy speculation
Starting point is 02:15:18 yeah like i want a fucking barf oh my god um... um... yeah that's fine Fucking barf. Oh my god Yeah, that's fine. I'm literate. I blame Dean Norris for this That is Dean Norris's fault. What did Dean Norris do? You so Dean Norris had a cameo or five? And he did the fucking Susie Baka thing and ever since then I- Walt, you're looking like a Susie Baka. Oh my God. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:15:53 Right. Okay, for PSA for anybody who gives a fuck, but if you are someone of taste who enjoys animation like Cybersix from back in the day, Cybersix is coming to Blu-ray. Go keep, go check that out. That show was the shit. It was one of the teletune late night shows that was like, why does this look the way it does? And it's because it's like an Argentinian comic that was adapted into a half-chapenese, half-canadian animation. It was wild, but it was awesome.
Starting point is 02:16:30 So yeah, finally, we get that ported well. Yeah, scaled up nicely on Blu-ray with the crispest the frames can possibly be from the way they were originally animated. So I sound that. And then I guess there's a whole bunch of fucking project L news and I don't know if you saw any of this. I saw a little, I saw the fact that they have a really awesomely cool two V2 system where you can have four players. Yes, so I think that's awesome. This has been an idea that's not the first time
Starting point is 02:17:05 we've seen it, but this is the first time they're fully committing. Everything we talk about where we're like, yeah, fighting games, you can't blame anybody for your losses and you can't get carried to your wins. Fuck that. That's out the window because Project L is going to have duos where you and someone else physically will be playing two on two against two other people. You don't have to, you can still do one person controlling two characters, but there's a lot of fun you can have with that. Shreve out across Tekken did it and they did it poorly.
Starting point is 02:17:34 Mortal Kombat implemented it and it was not that well done either. This feels to be like the first time that it's being considered for the main mode from the ground up and not as a bonus extra thought. time that it's being considered for the main mode from the ground up and not as a bonus extra thought. So it's wild to see that the way the cannons are going about this and the rising thunder folks are like, okay, so everyone was concerned that if we make a game like Rising Thunder, we're going to give you two easy buttons you can press to do your specials, and that'll mean creativity is kind of lost, and it'll just be a baby
Starting point is 02:18:09 game and da da da da. Alright, fine. And they took it right. And they took it personally, and they went, you can do anything you want to do in this game. All options are locked behind one or two buttons. You will never have to press more than one button or two buttons to do anything. The most basic, friendly beginner shit
Starting point is 02:18:31 you've ever seen for a fighting game layout. That being said, clockwork is now sitting there after doing what he did with Power Rangers, looking at this shit going, how can I make it disgusting? how can I make it so that the there's two problems here there's how much I want how easy it should be to do what you want to do and the game says as easy as fuck and then how do I block this mix up and the answer is lol, lemow. Right? There's so much shit happening at such an aggressive speed. And the 2v2 nature of this game is like the cross-ups are dirtier than ever.
Starting point is 02:19:15 The tech is fucking vile. There's the game is built around you constantly needing to be aware of where your partner is and where their partner is and you're paying attention to the four characters on screen because it's going back and forth aggressively. And like one of the wildest things that they have, so because you're playing in duos, right, if your partner is carrying the assist character and they jump in and you know take over control because it's handshake tagging so like Marvel Infinite you can go back and forth. The person who has to burst you out of a combo is your partner not you.
Starting point is 02:19:55 So they oh my god your partner has to jump in and save you from a burst like with a burst you don't get to control that you know There is also like a comeback mechanic, which is not like oh you get an extra super level or something like that It is when you have one character left and you're near death You have like less than 50% left remaining you get a super assist that is way better than before But you could only call it out once every like 10 seconds or so. So it's way more cool down, but it keeps the second person engaged. So if you're four people, there's always shit for you to do. You're never just checking out. I have to say that like this really feels like they instituted like here's some ideas about the way League of Legends works. and we would like to put
Starting point is 02:20:46 some of that flavor in our fighting game in its own way, right? And that's like a cool idea. Um, but this shit sounds like the most fucking toxic anger inducing shit I've ever heard my fucking life. Which is like is that not on brand? I can see you like grabbing your friend by the shirt and just shaking them as well. Why did you burst me? Why did you not burst me literally, right? There's an exact feature that I saw that like opened up like it. I had a fucking feature that I saw that like opened up like it I had a fucking New type moment where they're like okay, there's gonna be a ton of defensive and offensive abilities, right? News you've got parries you've got charge attacks you've got
Starting point is 02:21:35 Push block advancing guard. You've also got retreating guard, which is I push myself away from you after I do a block And a bunch of other stuff, universal way, reversals and things like that. There are grooves for the characters, and you can pick, you know, like we always say, like you know, CVS groove and things like that. Here you choose one that's simply, at a certain point, you get extra damage and extra defense,
Starting point is 02:22:05 so just a big buff. Or you can choose double assist, which means you can call it an assist, and then immediately call it out again to do two things instead of one. Okay. And the implications there, you can do all kinds of cool setups and stuff.
Starting point is 02:22:27 You can do two supers. So, you know, in Marvel or Dragon Ball, when you go from one super into a second one, the DHC, delayed hypercombo, you'd be like, shanku, hadooken, ah, kaken. Right, like that back-to-back thing, you get to do that in this game. You can choose between those, or freestyle mode, which is, you get to do two tags this game, you can choose between those or freestyle mode, which is you get to do two tags back to back. And what that means is I tag in my partner who jumps up at you and does some kind of special crazy move and then I tag back to where I was on the other side of the screen and use that coverage to do some shit. And that is like, that's the moment that I'm like, oh my god, this is going to be the most insane, hard-to-block
Starting point is 02:23:13 situation game ever. Everyone is getting blown up by everything, because you have to just see the moment it flashes, you have to know instantly where to switch your block to. There's literally a thing you can do where you call in an assist and they can jump in and do one or two assist attacks or you can hold the button down and then they'll jump in and start running forward and then you can run with them and then when you release it they do their assist attack, right? You can delay it and do like mounted offences. In Marvel you would call in Dr. Doom, you would do hidden missiles, shoot them into the sky, and then you would jump in to do some stuff while the missiles came down.
Starting point is 02:23:52 Now, you can call in your assist, hold the button down, you do hidden missiles yourself, and then the assist goes in to do shit. And then when the missiles are coming down, now it's back to you doing whatever you want. Well, I'm like overwhelmed with all the options you're throwing down at me. Like I know what you're talking about, but it's still like a lot. Like you're trying a lot of shit.
Starting point is 02:24:20 And a lot of people aren't gonna be able to deal with this. No, a lot. And I'm just thinking like, like, you know, I brought up people screaming each other because of their burst, right? But there's more about the integration of the awfulness of League of Legends into this, this format. Like fighting games don't let you feed. That's not a thing. But in this format, like fighting games don't let you feed. That's not a thing, but in this one, it will be. I'm salty at my partner for dropping a combo, tag me in, and I'll just stay in there and die.
Starting point is 02:24:58 Ha, ha, ha, ha. Oh, I don't like the character. I got paired up with. I'll just drop right now and leave them by themselves. Unforeseen, toxic fucking consequences coming out of this pairing. Yes. And what everyone seems to have indicated is this is truly the Riot Games experience. Like, more than anything, the one that makes me, the one that makes me, like, my brain light up with a million buttons, is I wanted that item, I wanted that kill. Like, you're playing a fighting game in which you have a shared super meter
Starting point is 02:25:41 and, Darius, oh no, not shared, they're separate their separate no shared super meter you both get your okay Because because if if so if you if the other guy used your super yeah, and it went bad Yeah, yeah, and then tagged you in and you didn't have super rage quitting would be out of control burst or feed Now Burst or feed Now Oh my god, yep, oh my and you know like nobody can pretend No one can pretend that they were not given all of the easy access tools to press anything To get what you want right away with no confusion whatsoever all the tactics that you want are available at the press of a button, but now-
Starting point is 02:26:27 Do both characters have to die? Yes. Okay. It's not one character, yeah. If it was, because if it was one character down, you'd run into the thing of like, I, I, this guy just won't tag me in.
Starting point is 02:26:42 Like he just won't. He just won't tag me in. No, it won't. He just won't tag me in. No, it is in fact a game where yeah, you both have to die. And the launcher button, because it's basically light medium heavy, assist one, no, light medium heavy, special one, special two, and then like assist. And the assist button is also your tag button, is also your launcher button is also your
Starting point is 02:27:05 launcher so as soon as you hit that to launch the character it doesn't auto tag right okay so it okay tags are gonna be a constant thing yeah what happens when somebody drops do gain control of both characters or just one character become empty the the person on point will handshake to you and I hope you're ready for it. You know? If you fucked up, you fucked up. And if we got Happy Birthday, then we're both eating it.
Starting point is 02:27:33 It's like yelling at each other. Caused stampings, like this is the most toxic shit ever. A long, disgusting Happy Birthday while we have the time to just viscerally go in on each other with what little information you have based on the sound of their voice and the name of their tag. Yeah, this is the right experience, man. It's a completely different thing. This is not at all the Street Fighter 6 experience.
Starting point is 02:28:00 They're doing something else completely. And you know what? God bless it. Here come the duos. Here comes the two on two. You know what I hope free to play? Come on. You know what I really hope like desperately desperately. I hope that after the end of the game you get like a like a scoreboard of like did the most damage Block the most hits, you know, that kind of thing. And just like League of Legends,
Starting point is 02:28:27 underneath the character's name is Report. And you can just be like, this dumb fucking bitch dropped every combo, Report, Report. I'm gonna get all my friends to report you for dropping combos. And put the drop down so that it has a bunch of options that don't actually matter. But if you're, if you're reporting because combos were dropped,
Starting point is 02:28:50 it'll get registered for that reason, even though the reason doesn't do anything on the back end. Yeah. Yeah, sure. Well, do you know, like you joke? Do you know what, like, you know what the actual trick to this is? When somebody plays badly but genuinely you report them for feeding. God. Because you're like, I know they're good enough and they're better than this. They were
Starting point is 02:29:17 feed non-purpose and that's hard to tell. Is that a listed option in the in the Is that a listed option in the in the yeah, eating is totally a listed option The one briefing harassment. Wow, okay, okay I'm reporting my partner for big for not tacking throws Yes, yes Damn, I'm I'm so happy that this game is representing something so different from six right now, and it's a whole other level of fun. And yeah, I think people are going to have a blast with it. And I also think that like the main thing, because Reggie had a very concerned look at
Starting point is 02:29:56 one moment, he was like, but how are they going to hold your hand? Because these games now have to do something to make you know they're free. They never did. They never did and Riot never has. And this like sure the idea of like let's pair up the the the tutorial system where we have a mentor and a mentee or whatever. However, well that'll work. God knows, but it's always just been this where it's like, you use the things that you have access to and the shit you don't understand, well, then don't use it. You know, that'll kind of be it.
Starting point is 02:30:35 It's going to be a bit wild because like at low level matches when you're playing with four people that are all relatively similar in skill, a lot of that crazy dirty shit is not going to be happening anyway. So it'll just be fun, you know, it'll just be normal and straightforward, but the moment one person knows how to fucking block unblock, set up fuzzy, rejump, just like nonsense, you know. Yeah, everyone, everyone's gonna get mad, but you all the things you want to do are one button away. So it's on you for For not blocking the right way and not not fastening funny Yeah, that's everything about this is the funniest thing in the fucking world
Starting point is 02:31:15 No one can say oh, I dropped it. It's no no no you didn't press it, but it's right there. You just have to you have to press it right there Yeah, project L is looking like it's gonna be be a lot of fun. Um, so there's going to be more. I got to say also, like, I understand the league thing that the, everything would have had a project name. Having the fighting game one called Project L is getting funnier and funnier and funnier. Project take that L. Yeah project like it's hilarious. So yeah we're at Eddie Vow they're gonna announce a couple more things and we'll get some hands on with it and I'll report back but I respect it man. Also like the the shit like with echo and his like mix-ups where he stops time and and switches back to it bed man style
Starting point is 02:32:04 and everything It's like the idea is just like yeah if we give everyone you know Everything everything then to make it interesting to people who are really good at seeing things quickly We have to make it very very tricky and mixy and schmixy even Can't wait. Alright. Yeah not much else to it so with that I'm ready to roll into some letters. Hey there is a bit of news that I should go into. Nothing too crazy, but on the face of 14 Dawn Trail got announced. Okay. Yesterday, it's a new expansion. It's more levels. And it is the most MMO unhinged shit in the world that they announced new levels and new gear or new classes and this and that. And people who play the game went,
Starting point is 02:33:12 Who gives a fuck about any ass shit? There's two die channels on Gear Now! There's two! Historically, there's only been one die channel on any piece of gear, but now there's gonna be two! So that means you can die two separate colors to two different highlights on the own things? Yeah, so usually what would happen is you get a piece of gear, let's imagine it's like a fucking pseudo-armor with like white robes on top of it, and then you get the gear and you're like, oh fuck, I hope it's the robes that die. Nope, it's the metal. Oh, okay, I see. Nice.
Starting point is 02:33:46 Right. And like that's been an ongoing thing for every single piece of gear in the entire game. And now they're like, no, you will be able to die both color channels. That's huge. That's huge. You can really make things unique now, yeah?
Starting point is 02:34:00 It actually is a big difference. There's a bunch of other shit they announced for it. it's it's the beach episode. Yeah, it's it's like the chill beach Episode after the drama that was The end walker. Okay, are we are we done are we done walking or we're not ready to just lounge for a bit Well, yeah cool Yeah, and then you know armored core Well, yeah cool. Yeah, and then you know armored core Showed off some shit and it looks awesome and I'm in that look school looks cool And I'm in that point where I'm like, ooh, okay, I want to stop looking I want to I want to actively stop looking
Starting point is 02:34:34 I'm like I'm seeing a bunch of shit and I'm like, yeah, yeah surprise me surprise me looks great So before I before I completely leave FF 14 With the next patch they're gonna add storm blood to the free trial. So that's now the base game and two expansions is gonna be completely free. Which means you will now no longer say, are you talking about the final fancy 14
Starting point is 02:35:02 with the free trial up to level 60 that includes the critically acclaimed heaven's word expansion It will now be you mean Final Fantasy 14 the game that features up to level 70 with the critically acclaimed storm blood expansion Yeah, but on top of that Storm blood was when they started putting out those fucked up super raids for freaks. So that means that those things are now going to be available to free players. And it's also coming out on the Xbox, which means that you Cobb is now free on your Xbox.
Starting point is 02:35:41 It came with it. A joke that is much funnier if you've played the game, I promise. Okay. I made a reference to hitting what looked like a raid boss in terminal dogma in FF16. And I was like, I should probably be here with like, or no, I was like, there should have been a line where they're like, oh, we tried and failed with 40 other men. And someone corrected, they're like, actually, that should be 50 now. And I'm like, there should have been a line where they're like, oh, we tried and failed with 40 other men And it was and someone corrected. They're like actually that should be 50 now
Starting point is 02:36:08 And I'm like, what the fuck did yeah, so 40 man raids is not a thing anymore No, no, it's not okay That stopped For the artist part of the world of workcraft raid is is fucking organizing 39 other people. It's too hard. It's stupid. It's dumb. Yeah. Okay. Well, in any case, there's all of that. Let's take some letters. If you got one, you can send it into castle super beast mail at
Starting point is 02:36:48 That's castle super beast mail at Hey, this was your best baby peed on you stories. Guess what? They're all the same, the baby peed on me. Luninova says, I've been playing through pillars of eternity recently. Running face first into the CRPG trope, where if a character has a portrait, it means they're going to be a party member or a main villain. So far, every character sets one who's had a portrait, has been a party member, and I remember Wrath of the Reiches did the same thing.
Starting point is 02:37:17 I think God of War, Ragnarok also had a button with partner action in place of the sun action that was present in the first game. What were some other instances of games giving spoilers by way of interface, either subtly or very obviously? I mean, the fucking JRPGs where you get items that you're none of the party can equip. Right, right. Yep, you pick up something that ammo that no one else can use.
Starting point is 02:37:42 Obviously, there's squad selection screens where there's way too much space to the left or to the right, which is why games, if they're putting in a little more effort, should pull an Elden Ring and have the map be as big as the place you are at and then pull back as you need to but tighten up the crop so that the the lack of space and negative space gives away your future secrets, you know. Mm-hmm. Um. I'd say like, unless you're going for that feeling of like, I'm pulling a back and I'm seeing black all over the map as a fog of war,
Starting point is 02:38:28 and I want you to know that you're currently in 5% of a humongous world map or whatever, you know? Yeah. You know, FF16 has a really good one, because you get a fucking Geruda first, and it goes to the upper right of the skill screen and you now look at it and it's like oh this is a clock This is a that all this empty space on the skill screen is for the other guys Yeah That's stuff that I would I would mark as a C-Class bug
Starting point is 02:39:05 if I were going through it, just to... Really? Yeah, it just be a suggestion bug. Like, hey, you kind of give away that something ahead of the time when the thing happens and that surprise is wasted in this moment, you know? Fresh. Like, if you look at it for a bit,
Starting point is 02:39:21 you can even see how many upgrades you're gonna get. There's places where I was told not to pull up the lower screen, right? They're like in this cutscene, do not press the lower button. I was like, oh shit, okay, fair enough. I wasn't planning to, but just knowing that that's even there, you're like,
Starting point is 02:39:36 yeah, you gotta be careful with that, right? All right, let's take one from Hatefish, who says hello, scream lord chooie and scream lord fuck face. Hold that thought. We got breaking news in the chat from one attraction. Hey woolly, somebody just now was hosting a Street Fighter 6 tournament on Twitch and forgot to turn off their nude mods.
Starting point is 02:39:56 I saw and that's great. That's good. You know, the move has been, the meta has been. If you don't follow uh... there's this channels on on youtube that farm matches by basically just playing high-level players against each other uh... in their replays they play the replays of you know tournament players and they go hey watch digo versus to keto or whatever
Starting point is 02:40:19 uh... they also put on their custom pc mods so that it's going to be jury in her in her bikini you you know versus Cammy with the ass out and Barely cutting through the TOS, but you're gonna click on that thumbnail because we're still playing this like it was the machinima days, you know And that has been that's been the meta for for getting those views for a while now and twitch is a little more aggressive about that shit So a good job good job, idiot. God, you want to hold so funny like like is the nude modding the beginning of what you know the rabbit hole holds for us, you know, maybe this isn't because I'm a teenage boy anymore and now a'm now a real man with a son and a wife and a dog and a cat
Starting point is 02:41:08 but When I'm like when I was like oh, there's costume mods available for Street Fighter And I went to the Street Fighter Nexus Like and I click top files. I'm like Stop files. I'm like, stop. Like, can I filter out the fucking jerk off horny shit so I can get to the stuff I actually want, please? Like, it's legitimately really frustrating. Well, like I'm looking for, I'm looking for Zangief in a fucking office outfit with like a shirt and a tie, and I found that. I'm not going there so I can make
Starting point is 02:41:47 Chun Lee naked. I mean, we have been here the entire time. You know, Overwatch got to that point where it's like, oh, hey, look, it's just fucking ubiquitous, like, omnipresent porn circle to that game. Fighting games and the thirst, as we've known, have been panned in hand forever. The question is, again, can you, I don't think you can avoid the Chun-Li nude mod, but what you want to be concerned about
Starting point is 02:42:16 is can you avoid the Chun-Li inflated ass mod? Can you, can you avoid the jury triple size feet mod? Here's here. You know what the absolute tragedy is There's a mod for jury that I'm genuinely considering installing the change of your appearance. Have you seen it? The George or George Where is your fucking shoes on our model? Yeah, the J's are so nice on our model. Yo, the Jays are so nice. They're sick. Absolutely.
Starting point is 02:42:46 But to get to that mod, I have to put in the word jury into a search bar. Damn. They're so clean though. They're so fucking clean. You just, you pop that in, you know, and just watch your friend, your local friend group carefully and see who winces.
Starting point is 02:43:04 See who looks at it. See who like was. Like for real though, put those grippers away. I don't want to see them. And now she's just, and now she's just showing off the shoe, you know? Yeah, man, look at these Jordans. No creases. That's it. Fightin' all day. No creases. No dirt. Hype beast jury. No problem. That's it fight all day no creases no dirt hype be jury no problem All right
Starting point is 02:43:32 Oh I Said put those away and I see in the chat. Yeah away in my mouth. Stop it. Oh, we already I'm my mouth. Stop it. Oh, we already stopped it. The first appearance of Jerry's feed in World Tour mode, I described as marinated in British gutter juice, because she's walking on the fucking wet ass British stone with that. So, you know, you know what you're in for. Mm-hmm, it's noof. Um, alright, so anyways. I don't wanna raise my son in this world! Put your feet away!
Starting point is 02:44:11 Stop it! Baby is... Babies. Babies, babies is as pure as babies gonna be. And in fact, I hope that your parents have tuned out by now. That's what I'm really hoping that they're not hanging around. Oh, I forgot mom and dad were here. I hope that they're not hanging around for the jury foot talk. That's the part where you know, yeah, yeah Let's assume I don't my parents don't get it. They're gonna they're gonna call me and just be like what do you talk? What is that? All right I've been thinking with the upcoming release of Baldur's Gate 3 I've been thinking a lot about upcoming release of Baldur's Gate 3, I've been thinking a lot about mid-maxing character builds and how optimization can impact play experience. As Baldur's Gate 3 is based on D&D, it's inherently more bounded to its accuracy, meaning
Starting point is 02:45:15 that the peaks are much closer to the thoughts and terms of power. Despite this, unless the devs have gone in hard rebalancing things, there'll still be a big difference between the tiefling blade packed Warlock 3, Paladin 9 build, and a pure human fighter unless variant human exists in the game, but that's an entirely different kettle of fish. As such, my question is this, have you ever had an experience with a game damaged or ruined by over-optimizing your build, and have you ever built a character in such a way that the flavor enhances your game experience. I think both Pathfinder games have this problem in spades because the mechanics are so intense that they kind of expect you to make a decent build to some degree. to some degree. I think that
Starting point is 02:46:11 Baldur's Gate 3 tries its best to get around this. They did change how some classes work like monk and ranger are significantly changed from their tabletop incarnation because it's a video game. It doesn't work the same. I think one of the most interesting ways you can get around this problem is like take dialogue checks, right? So imagine you're talking to somebody and pillars did this and I think raft did this and I'm pretty sure Boulish Gate 3 does this and you go, okay, you can choose this dialogue option because you have a charisma of 16, right? Or you can attempt this role because you have a high charisma, right? That doesn't necessarily actually make it the best option. It just makes it an option you can try.
Starting point is 02:46:54 Mm-hmm. Right? So maybe if you just asked this guy for his shield, he'll just give it to you. But if you try and smooth talk your way, like you're, you be trying to smooth your way, he'll think you're gross and not give it to you on principle, even if you pass the check. We've had a, we've had a couple of different variations of this conversation and it always
Starting point is 02:47:19 boils down to the same thing. Like I as someone who doesn't need to min-max my way through a game, I would just want to know that I am not being presented the difference between content and no content, but I'm presented the difference between a fun failure route versus a fun success route. Yeah. And in terms of mechanical, like, comment or whatever, like turning the ceiling down is not important. Raising the floor up is important. Like, if you can have hyperviable freaks in your game, yeah, sure, whatever, who cares, good for you. But having unviable losers is a huge problem.
Starting point is 02:48:01 Mm-hmm. Yeah, and just make sure that like any of these things that, you know, if I don't have the stats for them, but I can try them anyway and fail. Let me spail fake tech specs, taggularly in a way that makes my experience just, you know, like I didn't feel like, oh, you just, you get a character or you don't get a character end of story, you know, like make it make make it. So that if you succeed at it, you still want to see what the failure might look like because it's fun. So Baldur's Gate 3 currently in its early access build has variations on this where
Starting point is 02:48:36 I'm gonna invent examples, but basically where if you pass the really hard check, you you somebody just hand something to you, right? And you're like, thanks. And that's it. If you fail it, you will then have to go on a little quest to get them the things they want or do a task for them to get it. And so in this case, success steals content from you.
Starting point is 02:49:04 Because, because you just said, hey, give me that. No, yeah, okay. There's, uh, there's at least one thing that you can only do a quest for. If you fail the perception check and don't avoid the problem you're walking into, I feel like I've played tabletop campaigns at least two or three where we've walked into like you go to the inn you get the mission you go to like the manner of the rich lord or you go to some building and then on the wall is an object of power that you need for something important and And it's like,
Starting point is 02:49:45 I'll never give that to you unless you do this thing or don't even think about it or whatever, but you see it, you know where it is. And the entire rest of the DM's adventure is based on you guys leaving and having to figure out how to get this thing. And if the guy were to just I roll a roll speech check the actual 20 give me the item. There you go Like okay Nice, you know like DM goes to goes behind the wall rolls rolls Rolls rolls rolls all right you get the sword You kill the bad guy, you save the world the end. Yeah, yeah. All right. And last one coming in from X who says, hey,
Starting point is 02:50:33 Wol's bunny and Paffy Duck. So last week, you're talking about perfect blue. And you mentioned that it was basically a live action film that happened to be animated. And I imagine that was a compliment. It reminded me of a common talking point about American animation-pundit's historians about how they tend to criticize anime like that. An example was Ray Harryhausen was shitting on Satoshi Khan's Tokyo Godfathers because it lacked what animation, what made animation special. And also that the characters were ugly and the people back then also said that Spirited Away should have been live action.
Starting point is 02:51:08 Still, in general, besides xenophobia and racism and the most good faith reason that they dislike anime seems to be that they have a different philosophy about animation than Japan. To simplify, the difference seems to be that anime focuses more on things looking the best they can while anime focuses on things looking the best they can, while anime focuses on things looking the best they can, while animation should focus on showcasing how the character would act. So they tend to regard anime as characters
Starting point is 02:51:33 that are boring or just doing standard animation. Acting would be better in live action, than a character like say, Daffy Duck or Bugs Bunny, that has a highly specific animation acting. The difference is how you approach the medium is why the punts tend to focus on one of the subsets of the medium.
Starting point is 02:51:53 Okay, I get the gist of what you're trying to get at here. Yeah, so do you know of any other big philosophical schools of how a generation medium should be done? No, but ultimately the point is that this is a stupid take. And if you... I like pretty pictures on my screen. There are a number of people that like if you look at the way that Studio Ghibli and let's say George Kamitami and Vanilla Ware obsess over the details of how food looks. And yes, you can just get someone to actually cook these meals and make them look appealing, but the artists behind it have a love for recreating that thing and detailing it.
Starting point is 02:52:29 There's something to that that is worth it. There's a value to that. If you look at something and decide that this medium's only value should be in using what it can do. And if you never decide to use it for what it's what it's primarily for that you're wasting your time, I disagree with that. I think some stories can be told and adapted in a bunch of different ways, but like if someone's obsession and detail and lovingly crafted usage of a medium is the work they put into something looking realistic. For example, I'll bring up vagabond and
Starting point is 02:53:04 how its nature scenes look gorgeous. Those could be photographs if you wanted them to be, right? But it's dismissive as fuck to just kind of say that someone's craft is a failure because this movie should have just been a bunch of actors instead of making ugly animated characters. So the point of the artist's intent was to make them look that way.
Starting point is 02:53:23 And there's a loving detail to how, you know, and the characters he's talking about in particular are like, they're very, they're very pained, and they've been through shit. Like there's a whole thing to that that you're overlooking because of those biases. Like, fuck that take. Yeah, that's stupid.
Starting point is 02:53:39 That's big dumb dumb idiot. What a brain dead fucking I don't I don't agree with any mentality that goes this type of art should do this other than be good. Yeah right I think that's moronic. So the closest parallel to this that we've had in the past is when I've said things where I'm like, whenever I see games that attempt to be movies, I always champion the aspects where I'm like, but do the thing that the video game can do best, right? That is true.
Starting point is 02:54:17 I think, ultimately though, like the best versions of this will do some of both. And they will use these moments like for maximum effect. You'll be watching something that is cinematic and then you'll retain control in a moment of, you know, where the heightened emotions are at their best, where the heightened emotions are best handed back to you to handle the situation now, right? You know, if you look at a situation that's really uncomfortable and then the characters
Starting point is 02:54:51 are dealing with it and then you are now the one that has to decide to keep calling or crawl down that hallway or do whatever the case, whatever it is you do, you maximize what the medium is great at, but you can't then preach to say your entry is completely invalid and should not do this. I think David Cage games have way more problems with them besides the part where they keep trying to be movies. You know? Yeah. So that's my preemptive like,
Starting point is 02:55:21 aha, but what about you saying the same thing about video games, you know? Okay, well that satisfies our needs. Right before we go, I actually want to bring up this is the most tangential thing in the world, but we were talking about content being removed because of success earlier And I just want to excuse to bring on my favorite quest in Dragon's Dogma. There's a long standing, there's a quest in which a guy asks you to get Salimates Grimoire. You're like, dude, I need you to get this
Starting point is 02:55:57 Grimoire. It'll help me become a great mage, right? And you can either scour the goddamn game for it or get somebody's pawn that knows exactly where it is and they'll just tell you right? So okay you go and get it and then you get it. You go to give it you go to give it back to the guy and you can just give it back to him and the quest is successful or you can go to the black cat and copy it and make a forgery item and give him an exact forgery that doesn't actually do anything. And when you, and you get to keep the item and when you use the item, it casts a really super high level spell, like a bunch of meteors. And like, that's cool.
Starting point is 02:56:40 I got to keep the item and there's no downside except Later in the game that guy shows up last second to help you fight a Griffin in a boss fight And if he goes to use the forgery And he starts to get like he starts to go why doesn't it work? Oh, and he doesn't help you in the boss fight. Oh, fantastic. That's great. That's my favorite quest in that game. It's such a good god damn thing.
Starting point is 02:57:15 Hell yeah, nicely done. Okay. Well, your quest right now is to go to the mini map that's been updated and get within that dot that's permanently on the mini map. I'm going to get my wife some food and the opportunity to sleep. So I am out of here. I will see you people on August 3rd, which is Thursday?
Starting point is 02:57:40 Thursday for Baldur's Gate. And aside from that, get out of my face big family go family Family family family family that's my favorite one You

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