Castle Super Beast - CSB306: RED EYES BLACK POWER
Episode Date: February 5, 2025Download for Mobile | Podcast Preview | Full Timestamps The Substance: Spoiler Free Review Citizen Sleeper: Roleplaying in the Ruins of Interplanetary Capitalism Pillows B...roke Up, Haruko Got Pyramid-Headed Blue-Eyes White Destiny: Yu-Gi-Oh Must Be Stopped Multiversus Over, No Refunds Go to and use code CASTLE to get 10% off your entire order. - Go to to sign up for your $1-per-month trial period. - Go to to get up to 10 free meals and a free high protein item for life. - Go to and use code SUPERBEAST to get 20$ off their best-selling Carver Mat frame Watch live: Warner Bros. says that's all, folks for Multiversus: The next season will be its last, but you'll be able to play offline 'for the foreseeable future' Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Reveals New Structure Deck: Blue-Eyes White Destiny Capcom finally breaks silence on lack of new costumes in Street Fighter 6, confirms they have been in development since last year Devil May Cry - Opening Credits | Netflix We at Red Hook are heartbroken to confirm the passing of our beloved voice actor, Wayne June. The Pillows disband: "It's been a happy 35 years" The Fantastic Four: First Steps | Official Teaser Hideki Kamiya video reveals five more leads have quit Platinum, including Bayonetta 3’s director BioWare layoffs confirmed via BlueSky personal accounts instead of officially mentioning them in their 'restructuring' blog post
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["Sailor Moon Theme"] How are you doing?
I have felt better.
It looks like it. Yeah
in my household
my general health is on the
What does my wife say to me when I walk out of the bathroom scale?
So if I walk out of a shower and Paige goes whoa, you look like shit
Maybe it's time to take it slightly easy.
Um, so yeah, the baby got sick last week. Yeah. And then I got
sick and then Paige still didn't get sick. So good for her.
Nice. Okay. Uh, and then I got better. And then I got food poisoning. Completely
separate completely separate. Okay, because I was about to say that this seems like a
really long tail. Completely separate thing. And your immune system is already like the and so then I'm getting re-sick again
From the thing that I was on the mend from
Shit, okay. Do you know what what it was or what kind it was?
I know wait the food poisoning or what I'm ill with no no well, I know what it was. Yeah
Okay, I bought some sandwiches and I really liked them and then there was one that was in the fridge for a couple days and I was like, I bet it's still good.
It wasn't.
It wasn't still good.
It wasn't.
I should have thrown it away.
Mad Fientist Because it turns out that depending on what
it is too, that can determine a lot about how bad it goes.
If it's meat versus if it's grain.
It was me. Great. Yeah. Okay. It was, it was not. I was Derry. I didn't get a lot of sleep
that night. This is what I'm saying to you. So, um, I was like, you know what? I'm feeling
good yesterday. I'm going to, I'm going to cause metal gear solid three. I've been trying
to play it for weeks and I just like getting sick and delayed and whatnot. I I'm you know I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna play Metal Gear Solid 3
That's a great game lots of cutscenes not too
Not too mentally taxing right so I started to play it and you know the scene where you meet Eva and then the ocelot unit
Yeah, attacks you yeah that took me like like 20 minutes and I failed it like five times
in a row and just couldn't. I just couldn't figure it out.
Did you not realize where you were at at that point?
I was like, no, I'm good. I'm good.
When you lock in, you kind of just like faded out.
And then I'm like, oh, I should focus up. And then I'm like, I'm having a really, really hard time focusing up, like very, very difficult
And then I just bailed on my show after like, fucking an hour and a half.
Yeah, okay.
And then I went to bed and then I slept 12 hours.
So there's definitely a like, once the stream is going and on,
there's a bit of a shield that goes up
where I feel as if you can't tell when you're fully tired
until you get up after you're done.
That's right.
And I liken it to if you're sitting at the bar drinking,
you don't feel it until you get up to go pee.
That's right.
So it's one of those bits where if you're starting
to fall apart, but you're still You know, so it's one of those bits where if you're starting to fall apart but you're
still on stream, you might not actually notice until it's too late.
Yeah, I was like, I got this.
I can do this.
And then I'm like, this is really hard.
Why is it so hard?
So that's cool.
Page is doing well and the baby is like 99% on the mend.
He's still walking around going, a little bit.
But I'm just being a big sick baby.
So I've pulled down my schedule for the week
and it's now like a, every day I'll wake up and go,
ah, maybe, maybe?
But that really annoys me because I wanna get back
to streaming and being sick is lame.
It's cringe.
It's extremely cringe. But that's what's going on with the
inside of my body. It's not happy. Though I will say-
There's an Osmosis Jones adventure happening right now.
Yeah, a little bit. I will say I did have a good piece of news, which is, you know when
you've had this nagging cough and then you finally do the big cough and you get a lot of it out and it's out and you're like, oh.
And then you do the test, which is you look at it on the tissue.
No, no, because the color is going to tell you how bad your day is going to be.
Sometimes they ask you that.
Sometimes the docs are asking the color.
And the result is normal.
Cause I, I, I remember I, I would get like strep or bronchitis and if I coughed
up, it would be black and that is the wrong color for your mucus to be. Yeah.
Well, okay. You're not, you're not blighted with consumption. No, I don't
have the consumption. If you're coughing up black, I think you're
in the wrong century. Okay. So that's what's going on with me. I did do some other things
this week, but how are you, man? I'm okay. Are you well? Yes, I feel like I'm quite rested. I did definitely enjoy the extra days after
magfest to just completely recharge and just rot. No, no, take care of a lot of errands. When I
say rest, what I actually mean is do life stuff outside and then take a know, kind of like take a take a nice
minute and go like, hey, what's on my list of things I've
wanted to do for a while and then like, start checking some
of those off, you know, so that's all nice. And, you know,
kind of, yeah, just just, you know, relax a little bit. Try
not to crash out too hard at the insanity that was the airport news the moment I finished
telling the airport story last week.
Yeah, that was not great.
Literally that was a little too close to the podcast release.
The exact same one the next day, the exact same airport the next day was pretty, pretty
fucked up to read about. And once people started basically explaining that like
yeah that airport in general is, many people have had rough experiences it's kind of like well fuck yeah so that I suppose aside
there was a there was a week that did occur yeah it's true every week yeah unfortunately Unfortunately. Do you feel like, I mean at this point you must, but like-
I feel many things all the time.
It's like our life happens in weeks.
Yeah, no, absolutely.
Those are the structures and like, because I feel like the podcast has just been like
a dot point for the beginning of it. Oh, absolutely
It's the it's the center of my fucking timeline of my life. That's what I'm trying to get at. Yeah
It's kind of like okay
Like everything is a rubber band pulled back from the podcast and then it's released on the day of and then we shoot
And then we see if we can make that rubber band hit.
Every single week. Yeah, 100%.
It's a really weird feeling. Um, but it, you know, what's weird,
but like here's what's weird about it is that I recognize this feeling because I
used to have it and it used to be called church.
Oh, once the new church now where you're the pastor. Oh, once a week. Is this your new church now where you're the pastor? Well,
I mean, I guess that's where the bit naturally goes. Pastor Wooley, the journalist. But no, I would say if you have anything in your life that you do once a week that you do long enough,
it becomes a like, you know, a mental like flag point that you wrap your brain around.
that you wrap your brain around. And then you can start remembering what was happening circa these particular points.
Oh, absolutely.
So, yeah.
So yeah, I guess I'll go into my stuff.
I've got not a ton, but a couple things.
So one.
Mad Fientist Wow, the energy on today's show is like
so muted compared to usual.
Mad Fientist I am.
I got you.
No worries.
I'm feeling all right.
Mad Fientist Waka Waka.
Mad Fientist Just because you're sick doesn't mean we're all fucking, you know, you'll
Hey, look.
Mad Fientist I can think of at least one news story we all have to talk
about today that'll get my my blood going don't get your blood going too
much because your insides still need to you know empty out and no I know they're
back in now okay okay no we're over the food poisoning stretch of it okay okay
good I'm they're all they're staying. I can't have you look at like your friend on the floor behind you there.
Uh, he's, he's missing his arm, man. So I watched a movie. How's fucking crazy to something
that I wild an impossible thought has occurred. Yeah, I imagine especially in your household.
It's become...
There's only one time we can watch a movie.
And it's like from the hours of like 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. because the baby's asleep, right?
But then you're like, I'm tired.
I gotta bed.
So I've been hearing a lot from just everywhere about two things
So I've been hearing about a TV show you got to watch severance, which I haven't watched
Yeah, I've heard this you hearing about that right? That's the new big thing and
Film wise you got to watch the substance. So I have a substance. Yes. I watched the substance
Do you know anything about the substance?
I know that I, the only, this is such a strange poll.
The only thing I know about the substance is seeing someone make fun of someone for
being dumb and saying that they watched the substance and their takeaway was, wow, Demi
Moore looks real good in this.
And apparently that makes them very stupid.
That's funny.
That's funny.
But that's literally all I got.
So there's some people in my life that did not enjoy it and there's some people that
fucking loved it.
And piecing together who kind of gave me a little bit of an inside impression as to what
to expect here.
Yeah, all right, all right, all right.
And so, now having sat down and watched it myself with no trailers, so I was completely
No, completely cold.
Like, not even the genre, you know?
Sat down and I loved it.
I thought it was great. And I'm like, I know exactly why those people I know
that didn't like it didn't enjoy it.
Oh, that's fascinating.
I love that.
And it's a kind of, because it's the kind of movie
where there's a lot that's good, but there's
a lot that's like, if you don't get it, you just don't get it.
If you're not aware, you're just not aware.
It does require you to kind of have,
not even a toe in like different genres per se,
but you have to have at least heard of them, you know?
It's really, it's a really fun movie.
So I think anyone listening to this podcast is on board.
I think you're A-okay with that.
Oh, they're already genre aware enough?
Cause I'm thinking of like, yeah, there's for example,
there are some friends of friends who are not
super big on media in general that were like,
yeah, I don't really get it, I didn't like this,
I'm turning it off type of thing.
And it's like, oh, okay.
Well, that aside, what The Substance is,
is yeah, it's a movie starring Demi Moore
and Margaret Qualley and Dennis Quaid.
And yeah, Demi Moore is kind of like, you know, a starlet that is from the old Hollywood
era. And I'm gonna I'm gonna, you know, I think you should see it at some point. But
like, I'm gonna I'm gonna talk around the you're obviously the the major spoilers on
it. Though there are some definite body horror things that would like freak you out. So
You know, you might want to get a heads up about that
Dennis Quaid is basically playing an absolute skis bag Vince McMahon
Okay, and his name is Harvey in the movie and he's a Hollywood producer. So
So oh, oh, okay oh okay oh okay done and done
okay right and yeah and Demi Moore is a starlet on the way out and is dealing
with all of the anxieties that come with that and so what you get is like this really like strangely cartoonishly kitschy movie that has everyone
in it like acting like sitcom characters at points.
Almost like it reminds me of like imagine if everybody is like the game show from Requiem
for a Dream. We've got a winner,
You know, that kind of like, yeah, that level of like just absolute kitsch.
That's how everyone behaves.
But your main character and your focus here is on, yeah, this starlet who is going through
it, self-esteem, self-hatred, bodyred body dysphoria addiction all of this stuff and yeah
And a lot of this kind of manifests into just some real solid body horror
some real good like
like fucked up like
You know some prosthetic stuff work and some just like
Yeah, a really sad and strong like, kind of
examination of this topic, you know? And a lot of that as well leads into, so you've
heard of It Follows?
Right? So that's kind of like a horror movie that is like a physical manifestation of an
Right? So this is a kind of an analogy. Yeah. Right?
So this is a kind of similar deal.
It's maybe the bluntest possible horror movie villain of all time.
So this is exactly in that vein of like, it's a walking living analogy, you know?
You are somebody that can look in the mirror and see what you see and feel how you feel about what
you see.
But what's really cool about this is that, you know, so Margaret Qualley plays an alternate
version of Demi Moore and deep down inside of you, there's a person that's still you
that makes the same choices that you would
make if they were in the same scenario given the same stimuli. But if you take that same
person and put them in a different scenario, you might look at it and go like, I would
never do that. And it's like, no, you absolutely would. You are still you. You're just saying
that from this vantage point. But you know, you'd have the same blinders
if you were lifted and dropped into a different scenario. And yeah, it's a really, it's a
really great, you know, way to kind of introduce that. It's because it's also like, you know,
pretty contemporary, you have this kind of like distant feel where some of the horror is delivered via essentially
subscription loot box with like packaging, you know, where you can open up the box and
see like layer one, oh, layer two, there's an unboxing video here from my horror, you
know, and don't forget to like, yeah, don't forget to subscribe and open it up and get it delivered, you know, like there's a whole thing to that of like the convenient just drop off society of like, oh, like horrors beyond your comprehension available easily, straight to say like, you know, while it's kind of like it takes its time with the material to it's a two and a half hour movie, right?
So it really believes in itself and in, you know, addressing, like I said, the body dysmorphia,
the hatred, the all the different elements that the characters are going through here.
But in the same way that there is a person deep down inside of you that's still you,
there is a genre deep down inside of this movie that's still the same movie, but is
a different genre.
And knowing that, going in, just being aware that like, hey, this is gonna take its time and it's gonna go places and just be along for the ride,
I think it's a really enjoyable experience.
So I just watched the trailer, like, silently while you were talking,
and I saw like two shots and I'm like, oh, I know exactly what other genre you're talking about,
and that is not what genre the rest of that trailer looks like.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. This movie's having fun with it while taking it dead serious, you know? So I say,
I say go watch this, you know, knowing that like they're going for something and and just trust, you know,
because you're going to be like there's like the like the pathway to where it goes has
like I'm like what I'm like I'm an inch away from hating this. You know what I mean? Like
there's parts where you're like you might be completely off your rocker and it's like
no no no no no. This is it takes a second, but it lands, you
know? So, absolutely go check out The Substance. And there's something too as well, like when
they want to emphasize, like, you know, when you want to emphasize how some, there's a
lot of like, you know, again, focusing on self-hatred, but you want to emphasize like what what self-confidence feels like right and
There's moments in this where
You're shooting shit. That's like
It's almost pornographic, but it's not and it's not like
It's auto
It's auto erotic.
It's essentially, it's like someone being in love
with themselves to the maximum.
And like the camera is just all about you in yourself.
You know, obsessed with yourself.
It's really, really powerful at that.
And then the last thing I'll say about it
is a lot of my favorite movies and media in
general, there's something that I always really enjoy. And it's
when there's one scene that stands out as different from the
rest of what's happening, but serves as like a thesis
statement. You know, and like, it's one of those things where
like, yeah, a scene will come and it'll go. And'll just tell you something about the character and then by the end of the movie, you're kind of like, oh, that that was it.
That was the whole thing right there in that one scene. scene with a character preparing to go on a date and she's just she's just
getting her makeup on and getting ready to go out and that's it that's all the
scene consists of and it's unbelievable and it's just a perfect encapsulation of
the movie you know through and through so I love when that happens and when you
can kind of like have those standout moments as well. Yeah, yeah, check out the substance.
I might check out the substance, but only if we can get the baby down to sleep early.
Yeah. Also, be aware that there are Z targeting your specific horrors on display in this movie. Oh, yeah, just Yeah
Do with that information what you will, you know, okay
Don't know if you can do the eye blur thing or the I don't know if you can you know
Get get a heads up. But yeah, I'm good. Okay
so like if it's a film I
Can like handle a lot.
But if it's somebody in my like vicinity talking to me about
something that makes it 100 times more real. Okay, got you.
Because film has like a dedicated. Like, yeah, you know,
the fourth wall is nice and strong for me. Yeah. So you've
you've I mean, we just talked about Silent Hill remake the other day
Right. So oh, so that is a perfect example. See games. I don't have that wall. Hmm
so I forget who aware I was talking about it, but I described it like
I was talking about vibration
So I turn off vibration for every single device I own now
Yes, it's like the first thing that I do in either Steam settings or console settings or whatever,
I turn it off immediately.
Because all the novelty of me going, huh, oh, that felt, oh, because of the gunshot
or whatever, interferes because it reminds me that I have a human body.
Because when I'm like focusing and in it,
my body disappears completely,
which is why I get totally jump scared super bad or emotionally invested or whatever.
And then if I shoot a gun and the controller goes,
I go, oh right, oh I'm in my fucking meat pilot thing here.
When I get to Silent Hill 2, and Silent Hill 2,
and I'm like staring straight ahead and I'm fully in there
and I'm inhabiting James Sunderland's body
and it goes, jam this rusty syringe into your armpat. I go, ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh, and it's
like a hundred times stronger than if I just saw that in a movie.
So what I would say for me, I feel like if the game is multiplayer and competitive, immediately all vibration needs to go off
because I just need a direct brain to screen interface.
I don't want anything else getting in the way.
Style and presentation is one thing, but yeah, you don't want any obfuscation in terms of
If a stick vibrated, I'd be like, what the fuck are we doing? Right?
Yeah. The best, the best compliment I can give nearly any game is that I left my body
while I was playing it.
Sure. What I will say, if it's a single player experience and, you know, it's medium competency,
it's not like extremely high, you know, skill required or so. I'm fine leaving it on. For a long time I kind
of was getting like, you know, overall not that impressed with its usage because bad
vibration is just, it takes you back.
The worst.
Yeah, it's awful.
There's a lot of shooters that are like, I'm going to vibrate the controller at max strength
on every time you pull the trigger. And it's like like no, god damn it, holy fuck.
But the PS5 and specifically Dark's Demons remake and.
It's the only one I like.
Well no, not just that but the space one
with the astronaut.
Returnal, Returnal and Blue Point Demons
are like really good uses of rum, and so that convinced me to
give it a shot in a lot of cases.
I'll leave it on for those types of experiences.
I would leave it on for Demon's Souls on PS5.
I loved it.
And if games had that level of highly detailed Rumble, I would not only leave it on,
but I would play PS5 games more often.
Astrobot, Astrobot does it.
Astrobot does it really well as too.
Most games have, even now, even on the PlayStation,
most games just have generic rumble.
Which is like lame and sad.
So tangent aside, I brought up the Silent Hill 2 remake
because the first thing you
see in the film, the substance, is a mysterious syringe fluid.
I assume it's the titular substance.
And it is an unknown fluid in a syringe.
So that's the first thing.
So yes, all this to say that it's great, it's great. Go catch that.
God, Dennis Quaid is such a shit bag.
Oh man, yeah.
Like even, and here's the thing too,
there's even things where it's like,
something for example, it's like all,
because of the nature of the subject matter,
the movie does something where like all food
is depicted horrifically, no matter what, no matter when.
So you're getting the worst of-
Well, it's too wet, it's too-
It's moist, it's zoomed in, it's like it's,
oh, it's hanging off the edge, you know?
It's so awful and like, yeah, they just lean in on that
So yeah, that's that's it that's really good
And then yeah, you know beyond that
only other things are it looks like the I
Went when I went to magfest I ran into
When I went to MagFest, I ran into one ninja gentleman who was one of the friends back on the Black Gift server
who I used to play Overwatch with.
Just came over and was like, hey, how's it going?
So how's Rivals going?
You wanna rank up in that game?
I was like, oh no, Oh no, we do it.
This arrivals is the thing.
Oh, and with one, with one question, you know, like the thing like, I
think we can get to gold, you know, I think it was just a little, just a little fun.
I think we can get to go like, fuck me.
The black gift rides again.
So I want to, I want to, I've enjoyed, I've enjoyed I've enjoyed the game enough that I will say
that like, I've had enough fun solo queuing. And that's the worst way to play any of these
games. I solo queue quick match like exclusively like I ranked just seems miserable. I I and
that is like saying a lot because yeah, this is I'm enjoying it playing the least
optimal way to play this game.
So why not give a shot at the most enjoyable way?
So yeah, gonna jump back in there and then chatting with some of the old folks.
I'm excited to see what it feels like.
What comes of this.
I mean, now that look, the thing is when you're when you're properly, you know, queued up
in communicating with people, you can obviously do a lot more. of this. I mean now that look the thing is when you're when you're properly you know queued up in
communicating with people you can obviously do a lot more. I'm hoping to like learn more and just
you know become a better player because I'm like you know whatever ass just doing my thing
trying to hold the role as much as I can but like you can only like certain certain types of things
like um yeah if you're gonna do like a dive comp on somebody you have to be coordinated to be like
we all kill that now raw and then we all kill that now raw and like if you're p if you're going to do like a dive comp on somebody, you have to be coordinated to be like, we all kill that now.
We all kill that now.
If you're pinging, you're going to be doing really well, but there's an advantage to being
to roll in with a full team and stacked up and communicating properly.
I can't possibly justify playing anything ranked in which I have to rely on anyone else
because I don't want to talk to them.
If I wanted to talk to people while playing multiplayer, I would go play a goddamn MMO.
Kudos to Apex Legends forever because their ping system has made it really,
really great in that communication is you don't even
have to type. You don't have to, you know, you can do that. If
you don't want to jump on mics ever, you don't have to. You
can do a whole lot with just good pinging. But of course,
even better than that is, you know, talking to people that
are not horrible. So yeah.
So like the main the main breakdown that I feel like ranked versus quick play is gonna, like, even
on solo queue has, like, this different, it's like a personality thing and it depends on,
like, what pisses you off the most. Because I saw somebody in the chat just say, like,
I can't do quick match anymore because people throw so hard. Right? And, like, they're completely
right. People are fucking around on Quick Match.
People are just picking fucking whoever
and they're practicing characters
and they don't know what the fuck they're doing.
And that can be really annoying.
See, well I play for Quick Match to practice a character
that I don't know.
Same here, yeah.
I have no stress here.
So that doesn't bug me at all, right?
What actually totally bugs me like crazy is going into a ranked match and somebody is
trying really, really, really, really hard and they're god awful.
I would rather you fuck around and be trash on a character you don't know how to play
than someone go, I got Iron Man, don't worry about it, and then goes zero and 40.
So yeah, that's where I guess halfway through,
someone on the team will be like,
hey, it's not working out, maybe switch,
or maybe I can take that over.
You know, and you, yeah, or not, that's fine.
Ultimately though, in theory,
if you are able to call that person worse,
then you would be better, and with enough matches,
you won't be matched up
with people like that anymore.
The other thing is that when I was playing ranked,
it's like I literally had to go support every single match.
Because I would load in and everyone would be like.
Do you hover?
No, no, I'm getting in and people are all auto-locked on DPS
and maybe there's one tank and it's like I guess I should play support
And that was like every single match I I think I mean the game would be it would help if you could auto queue into like the thing you liked or so
And you know, that'd be a probably good
But what I will say is that like I go you I to, you know, like Moon Knight, for example,
but I'll hover, right?
And you just wait for a sec to see if anyone else,
da da da, and you can feel it out.
And a lot of the time someone,
I mean, we've talked about this a little bit before,
but like, if somebody is kind of like,
no, literally guys, if you don't let me pick this character,
like we're dead, you know what I mean?
Like, okay, all right, all right, all right right fine. You need it way more than I do understood
Let's go somewhere else, you know or so
but someone in the chat says that we are reinventing roll cue, which is a
Which is something that was like very bad was it overwatch?
Oh, I thought I thought it would be handy to be able to say like I was looking for this type of thing
But is that is no cuz it fucks up your it makes it so the matches take forever Overwatch Oh, I thought I thought it would be handy to be able to say like I was looking for this type of thing
But is that is no because it fucks up
Yeah, it makes it so the matches take forever because people are
Because people because everybody goes like DPS or whatever and then you just sit and wait
well, wouldn't that be the wouldn't that be because the game is is
Putting too much priority on that because I would say that it's it should grab people the way it does
putting too much priority on that because I would say that it should grab people the way it does currently, but also if you happen to indicate something before that step, you
can prioritize that. Hypothetically, what I'm thinking of would not make it so that
you sit there and wait for somebody who's a support to finally show up, right? So I'm going to break down the Role queue thing with a little basic MMO logic on the
side because Role queue exists in your MMOs as well.
So let's say standard comp in whatever is two tank, two DPS, two support, right?
It's not like right now I think it's like three tank, three support or some shit, but
let's just say it's equally split.
So you institute role queue so that you, I'd like to play DPS, so I'm going to queue up
for DPS and when there's a DPS slot available, then I will pick it.
And it'll slot you in and you will have to wait.
You will have to wait because there are 10 times as many people who want to play DPS. You will have to wait 10 minutes,
five minutes, whatever, right? I know a lot of people that's fine. To a lot of
people having to wait more than one second to get into your match means
they're gonna turn that shit off and play something else. So there's
problem one. Problem two is that Overwatch and Rivals are both games that are designed with hard counters.
So hey, this character that I'm using is getting completely stomped out by their composition.
I should change.
Maybe I should even change different roles.
No, you can't because you queued in as this role.
Because if you queue in as a role queue
and then are allowed to choose whatever the fuck you want,
then everyone's gonna queue in as support
and then switch to DPS as soon as the match starts.
This is, I mean, this is strange to me
because I guess it's just a matter of like,
all this is possible anyways via normal player behavior.
It's just a matter of like, all this is possible anyways via normal player behavior. It's just
a perspective thing.
So basically, if you allow people to switch when they get in after the role queue, they're
just all going to queue for whatever the least popular option is. And then they are going
to switch to the thing that we're going to switch to anyway. And all you have done is
delay matches from happening because people are going to behave the way they want to behave.
Wouldn't the switch afterwards, I guess, put them behind the person who was queued up for
that DPS role to begin with?
No, because I mean, do you let them switch or do you not let them switch?
Well, I'm saying if you or if your plan was to switch over to a DPS that's already taken, then you don't.
Oh, but there's no people.
I'm not talking specific characters.
I'm talking role.
Overall role.
I'm talking about game with six assassins.
Okay, so basically someone can use that to be like, I'll queue up faster by taking the
least popular role.
And so you can see this behavior in MMOs,
where it's like, okay, you wanna run a dungeon?
You need a tank, two DPS, and a healer.
Oh, that sucks, yeah, okay, I understand.
And so healers get instant queues,
or tanks get instant queues, and DPS don't.
But what they do is they incentivize tanks and healers
to run more by giving them like,
basically monetary bonuses. Yeah, no know people's behavior will ruin it because you are
Lying about what you want to be to just get into more matches and more like fat
And so like I played league and in league you had
You would set like what you your preferred role
Like I would like to play top and I'd like to play jungle. And then you would load in and it would assign you the role that the match needed to happen regardless of your
pick. And then you get to argue and fight with your team in the pre chat about how you're
not going to fucking stay and play if you don't get to play fucking top. Or you're going
to pick whatever character
you fucking want anyway and go down
whatever lane you want anyway
and just instantly lose the fucking game.
It's interesting because the first beta for Rivals,
when you pick the character that shows up
on your play screen, I thought that was going to be
what your cursor hovers over.
I also thought that.
When the game starts up, right?
I was like, oh yeah, pick the character
you generally wanna float over when it loads in.
But I guess not.
Okay, well, you know, not a big deal in the end anyways.
Oh yeah, just like what I'm saying,
for me being like, if I wanna win,
I should probably play support, is like annoying as fuck.
Because I really like the supports.
But your race to your DPS of preference
is always too slow compared to everybody else.
Oh no, I usually get it, but I don't want to,
Willie, if I'm going into a ranked match and solo queue,
and there are five people in that team
that will not move off of DPS.
Then you need to.
Yeah, I could probably still play Mr. Fantastic or Iron Man, but I would like to also win
the match.
Yes, yes, yes.
I've had that.
That's not every match, but there definitely are those of like, is anyone?
Is anyone?
Okay, all right, you know, and so be it.
Or so or very quickly realizing, you know, you know, and so be it. Or very quickly realizing, you know, partway through
the first round that it's like also not working and going like, hey, maybe we should switch
this up, you know?
Mad Fientist So there's a trick to this and it's a trick
that no one ever uses ever. So are you familiar with Dark Age of Camelot?
Mad Fientist I've heard of it, but I don't know it.
Mad Fientist So it's the MMO that the Guild Wars guys
did. It was kind of alongside World of Warcraft and it had three, it was a PvP MMO and it
was three factions. One was like Britannia, one was like Vikings, and I forget what the
third one is. I always forget what the third one is. But that game had a systemic problem
and the systemic problem is like 50% or 60% of all players picked the Britannia faction, despite the fact that it was supposed to be
an MMO about global PvP.
And they spent the entire lifetime of the game trying to incentivize people to play
the other factions, and it never quite worked. And for DPS and the Tank DPS healer thing, it always plays
out that DPS is always the most popular in every game you will ever play. Tank is maybe,
and then Tank and Healer pick up the slack on slots two and three, right? And oh, well
DPS are the most popular. Okay, so we're making
new characters. What classes should we put them in? And so you look at the Fantastic
Four and what is it? It's two DPS, one tank, and one healer. And that, like, metric is
across the roster right now, and it's probably going to continue across the roster. And it
continues across the roster in MMOs. And damn near every MMO I've ever seen,
it's like 40, 50% of the roster is DPS
and the rest is split between tank and healer.
And then you get one of each of the others, yeah.
And the stats on the highest winning percentage combinations
are 2-2-2 is the highest winning comp, right?
And it's like, do you want tanks and healers to be more played in general?
Then the fucking breakdown of roles should be 35%, 30%, 35%.
I wonder if it would actually do that.
Give more tanks and more healers.
I wonder if that wouldn't just create unpopular picks.
Maybe, but in a situation where we're talking about
Marvel characters in which people go,
I love Marvel character,
I'm going to play Marvel character regardless.
Yeah, I'm not fully convinced that giving less choices
in the DPS category is going to like
necessarily mean like it won't be as popular, you know? Like I feel
like people are gonna lock in regardless in a way. Well I mean right now like 50%
or more of the game's roster is in one roll even though that one roll is only
supposed to be 30% of the team comp.
So like just the number on that by default means you're gonna have more people trying to play them. I will say as well that much of the...
Yeah, what I'm I guess starting to learn and get an understanding, get the impression of is that
a lot of these issues also tend to change as you get out of the starting category, right?
After you, like bronze is going to be a certain type of gameplay.
And then-
The worst gameplay.
And then as people get a bit more capable and know their roles a bit better as you go
up in the ranks and such, then you're going to be matched and notice people being a little
less of that, you know?
But yeah, at the end of the day,
this is mostly an unsolvable problem,
and the actual solution is to get out of the ranks
in which people have no brain.
There's that, or don't queue up alone, right?
Yeah, which is, no, fuck that.
Well, yeah.
But like...
Do the other things, I guess.
That's for bros in college in their 20s.
Eh, you know.
Anyway, yeah, so that's fun stuff there.
Also, I've said this before, now that I am almost 40 and have a little baby running around,
the number one most important feature of any multiplayer game I play is the ability for
me to walk up, stand up and walk away and not give a fuck that I just left my shit to
That is the number one important fucking factor,
which is like, oh, you know what?
Okay, I'll rank down my master points in Street Fighter VI.
Who gives a shit?
Enjoy your win, bud.
You're letting the whole team down.
You're letting the whole team down.
Yeah, the team of me?
And only me?
Well, I mean in team shooters.
Yeah. And only me well, I mean in in team shooters. Yeah, so
Yeah, and so and then beyond that of course relevant to what you just described I was like what's going on with this them
Vf. Revo what's going on with Vf5 over here? So I pop that in it's a
What's going on with VF5 over here? So I popped that in. It's a revolution! I took a look. It is really interesting to see a fresh coat of paint on an old-ass game.
I think there's a real charm to the incredibly low fidelity sound effects and voices.
Oh! They should have updated that somehow.
I mean, it's always been weird, right?
From the beginning, from VF2 even.
I don't make it a habit to fight the elderly.
Like, it never, their voices never quite matched
their, themselves, the characters and what they're
doing or their animations.
Oh, I'm talking about the crunchiness of the audio.
There's that too.
Like, you can hear it.
There's like 64 KBBS. Yeah, I think it would it would be, you know, but but look, that's
not in the budget here. That's not what we're trying to do. We're trying to give this thing
the ability to work online and call it a day. And you do feel it when you go into training
mode and it's like you cannot set the computer
training character to any of the extra costumes, right?
If you have all the outfits or whatever that you can choose through, you can only choose
A or B for the computer that you're picking and you're like, what the fuck?
You know, like why not? You cannot set the training dummy to block after
taking one hit
You know and it's like that's
Wow, that's from a time that's going way way back. So, um, yeah, they didn't touch any of that stuff and
You know, I'm assuming where it's gonna be different for this is
Overwhelmingly a test game. Yes, it's like like I get your feet wet. No system game
It is it is a re-release but but like
You know some of the re-releases like even the Capcom collection stuff with the arcade
Collections they have dip switches and they've used the dip switches to like create mock
training modes and create some settings for you to mess around with and stuff.
And like, yeah, I know here they're like, we're not looking to do that at all.
No, you're supposed to be playing online, brother.
Yeah, which, you know, that's, that's, that's all fine.
That certainly works and that does its job.
But it definitely, yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing what the new version does with the,
because knowing how BF4's training mode was one of the most lauded, amazing ones at the time,
and just for taking you exhaustively through a lot of tech that you otherwise wouldn't know existed,
I would say that this time around when you're kind of just, you know, there's a lot of combos and strings that your characters do in this game that are not real, that are not, you know, or there's things that feel real, but they're not.
Yeah, or like it tells you to do this sequence of buttons, but it doesn't mean that, you know, that's a guarantee.
Like if it's a counter hit, it might. But if they wiggle out of it, then they might, you know, there's a lot of things that change whether or not a lot going on
there's a whole lot going on that determines whether or not a combo is actually a combo in Virtua Fighter and
So with that it makes it somewhat difficult to kind of go find out for yourself, you know
But yeah, no
Fun to run back to on that and I always felt too with that game that like,
back in the day, early on, I played,
I liked Lion a lot in two.
And I played Lion and Shun in two.
And then fast forward to five and I was like,
I always liked a lot of the new characters actually.
So I was like, you know, Vanessa was awesome
and Lefe was awesome and Elblaze.
And I was always like-
It's got a really great roster.
Yeah, and it was always something where I was like,
right, I feel like I never quite like locked in,
you know, one, because I liked a bunch
of these new characters, you know?
Even like Brad Burns, who's like goofy.
Like, we used to make fun of him.
He's dumb as shit.
We used to make fun of him, yeah.
But it's still rad to watch him like swing and do his steps
and you know, weaves and bobs and all that cool shit
I like to see in like a boxer.
So it's always, yeah, it's always just been like,
yeah, I don't know, man.
You know, this is one of those games where you can just
kind of like fly around and have fun with it, which I feel there's only a couple of the games like, like, Mark of the Wolves
feels like that, you know, like you can have a main or someone you like, but flying around
that cast feels pretty fun.
You know,
there's some general, like basic level shit for everybody that works the same.
Like on a very basic level, like down, forward and punch, or forward and punch.
There's your fast mid.
Do you have a punch punch kick, you know?
Every single god damn character in that game has a punch kick.
Got a low punch.
It's also one thing that's kind of wild going back to it is how they've always been so fast, loose, and disrespectful about stage sizes.
Oh yeah.
Virtua Fighter 3 famously had a great wall of China stage where you're fighting on a staircase
and it's the most busted, unfair-
It's awful.
Bullshit because whoever's in player one spot is not at the same advantage as player two's.
Like you're just, you know, like you are above and you are below not everything can hit
With your above you just a bunch of your shit's gonna whiff. It's actually asymmetrical. You know
However in this case. It's like okay
There's nothing like that
But there is still stages where like you can take like two steps behind you before you hit a wall
You know mm-hmm, so there's the there's the iron taco
There are the iron taco.
Or the steel taco.
Which is like the Great Wall of China stage.
Yeah, yeah, okay.
Which is super high wall and open on both ends.
And it's like fucking eight feet across.
And super tiny going, yeah, it's really wild, you know?
And you're kinda like, what?
Like, I don't know that
any game has like stuck to the stages
as involved here in their later iterations.
Tekken's the closest.
So Tekken, yes, because the walls and the boundaries
and stuff, but the threat of the ring out and such
is just, it's very different and a lot of those stages
end up opening up for the most part.
They still give you room to breathe
and then they get into their unique traits. Smash Brothers, obviously, it's at the forefront of like,
you know, how you fight in those games and that's a big part of it. But it feels like a lot of games
have like, you know, either every stage is kind of the same or you relaxed, you know, how much
space there is before the uniqueness steps in. Yeah.
And in this game, it's like, no, like, it's right away. It's right up your, that wall is on your ass from ready, go, you know.
Like Virtua Fighter is the kind of game where if you knock someone down and you hit them with a grounded throw,
you better make sure it's the right one because you might stand up and fall out of the ring.
Exactly, right? And so I'm reminded of the yeah, early Soul Calibur also was insane with
like, you know, how aggressive some of those walls and ring outs would get. We'll see because
we've only seen the you know, a little bit of footage but like, I wonder if six is gonna
kind of keep that in mind or try to keep it like, no, you're gonna have a fight, but if you get unlucky
or if you really push your opponent over past the main area,
they're gonna get ringed out or stuff like that.
Are you gonna put the imminent threat in place?
And it feels more relevant because characters like Ali
and Gulp are all about grabs and repositioning right
so there's some characters that are like based on going for a ring out so they
don't get to benefit if the game has a lot of flat area yeah doesn't have a
threat right there someone asked in the chat and this is the most important
question to many people which is how is the netcode? Did you play any matches online? I played online every match was
great. So I played one match with someone that was yellow bars and it
hiccuped at the beginning and then played the rest of the matches fine. So I
ran a bunch of matches from people all over the world during the tournaments I
did on the day came out and those were really solid.
I will add a caveat though.
Virtua Fighter 5 Revo's netcode is pretty great.
I would say it's better than Tekken's.
I would say it's worse than Street Fighter 6's.
I'd say that everything is worse than Street Fighter 6's.
We'll see what happens when 2X KO comes out.
I bet that'll be the best.
But your actual online experience, regardless of the netcode, will vary dramatically depending
on what time of day you play because there are about 1,500 people worldwide that are
playing this daily. So I played at like 11 a.m. Pacific
the other day and matched up with one really red bar Jean four times in a row. And it appears
that he was the only person on the planet I could play with.
Yeah. Your netcode doesn't just have to survive, you know distance and bad connections. It has to survive popularity
Like the time for Virtua Fighter 5 to be popular. It was fucking 19 and a half years ago
There is definitely a feeling that like as you as you boot this game up you're like, oh, this is on a timer, right?
But the announcement that there is a new one coming kind of is like, but this is also on
an extended timer because people who want to brush up for the new one are going to stay
on until 6.
I just saw an incredible post in our chat. The only thing Street Fighter six has is gameplay and net code, bro.
Yeah, that's it. That's all it's got. Yeah. So fucking funny. The yeah, if you have a friend that you want to play
Virtua Fighter with, as long as they're within like, you know, 1500 miles of you. Like, yeah, you could totally have tons of great matches all the time. But if
you are looking to play it in the middle of the afternoon on a fucking Tuesday, oh, good
Yeah, someone just asked how old is this game. The original Virtua Fighter V release was 2006.
So this is-
And the arcade version was 2004, 2005 I think.
Like two decades ago.
It is literally 20 years old.
I mean, yeah.
Well, on that note with VI though,
hey, at least they did announce that they're finally
gonna start paying attention to fighting ground, right?
So Capcom basically put
out a statement going, you know what everybody, we're going to focus our next content on costumes
and stuff for the main characters. We hear you, we understand. Because-
Oh, thanks.
Yeah. It has been been it was getting pretty stupid
But it's gonna have to wait till next year because obviously yeah our current development pipeline is what it is, you know, sure
In any case though, yeah, so that's pretty much me, you know substance rivals via five
So I'll be picking back up this week. We got some stuff to return to. Obviously Cyberpunk awaits, as does a thousand times resist. So...
Man, both of our schedules have been just been blasted by trips and illness and breaks and like...
I've been on MG... I have only beaten the Virtuous Mission in Snake Eater for like two weeks.
And I blew through all the other Metal Gear games in like fucking 15 days.
Hey, you know, there are priorities.
There's stuff to do.
So we'll be coming back and doing what we can but I'm no longer feeling bad about it
I loaded into my metal gear save and all the food I had was rotted
Yeah, there you go the game mechanic to remind you how long it's taking. It shamed me. That's funny. That's funny
um, yeah, no, you know can't uh,
Can't can't can't weigh too much on that. that. But yeah gonna post a schedule up on my blue sky
So wooly versus on twitch and on YouTube
Yeah, I mean anything for your side
So I went back to I think did I mention that I went back to Hi-Fi Rush on Rhythm Master in your game?
Yeah, I did last week.
So I beat two more levels.
And if you can beat that game on very hard,
you can beat it on Rhythm Master.
Because it's just very hard mode,
but you die when you hit D.
So yeah, keep trying. It's not an extra level of difficulty on top of that. Mm-hmm
That game remains like the best it's it's just the best man
It is just bursting with
Delicious quality on every second. Oh, yeah
When you die, is it a quick,
did you get back into where you were at quickly?
So all the fights in Hi-Fi Rush that are really hard
are ones that the villains talk to you beforehand.
Okay. So like the AR missions against Zanzo where you go into the room and he projects a different reality
those all have like a minute of chatting right before you start and those are the ones that I got hung up on and
It's like Sam, okay. Well, you need the break. Well you need the break anyway.
You need the break.
But yeah, oh just incredible.
Just amazing.
I will say that like a couple of the first two levels are actually harder than the third
and fourth levels because you only unlock parry in level three.
So you have to be able to just rush your ass off in the first two missions to get your points up because the the biggest threat is
You can't hit an enemy fast enough and then you die instantly at the start of a fight. Oh
Okay, cuz you're you're you're your score starts at C and starts to tick down, right?
And if the enemy is like aggressive or like covered in a bubble or something like that
You still have to hit them within like five six seconds
So that your your rank doesn't decay. Yeah, I asked last time but I'm very curious to see what the difficulty does for Corsica
You know how like the the power doesn't do shit like because Corsica requires
Like because as you go up from heart normal hard to very hard, like the timing strictness
on all the beats gets harder.
But there's an upper limit on what they can do to that fight.
Yeah, no, it's like the current timing feels like parry timing.
So that's kind of it.
I'm like, is there other, like they're not going to put extra content there necessarily.
So yeah, I'm curious how they approach it.
So Hi-Fi rush is incredible still
I also took a very quick look at something called
Strands I was about to say it's on that
Eternal strands is
They sent me a code for it. I don't know who makes it
It's it looks kind of like Joe Mad slash Warcrafty in terms of colorful and large proportions. It's very interesting. I didn't
get to play a lot of it and I'll probably go back to it. But it's just an action-adventure game, kind of open
world thing with smaller areas. And it's based around using elements, like magical powers.
But it kind of plays like PsyOps, the mind gate conspiracy. The first power you get is telekinesis.
And so you can pick up any object in the environment and gravity gun it at people, but you can
also pick up enemies that are attacking you to gravity gun at them.
And the second one that you get is ice, which you can use to interact with all sorts of like flame effects and whatnot
But ice also locks down on on enemies
So like I was able to lock down enemies inside of ice cubes and then pick them up and then toss them in other enemies
It's very interesting. But again, I didn't get that far in it. I didn't get to like the meat of it
I know there's like a very super in-depth upgrade mechanic, but I didn't get far enough.
This is a Michael Adelaide game.
I see. Okay.
Now, I don't know if that Dragon Age shit is on your, is on the docket. Is it?
I mean, yeah, I guess I had just a list of the fact that like BioWare fired a bunch of
people but then didn't publicly announce it in their blog post.
They instead people that were working found out via tweets and blue sky posts that yeah, so Bioware's
So Mike Laidlaw is the guy who was behind Dragon Age from way back
Yeah, and then he was the guy who put out an interview saying that when he saw what they were doing with Dragon Age 2
He quit
And this is his new game. But yeah,
if we're going to talk about the Bioware thing. Yeah, Bioware is at sub 100 employees right
now. And they said that they're moving people around because Mass Effect 5 doesn't need
that many people on it right now. So that studio is about to get reabsorbed into the EA homunculus.
Again, just finding out you've been laid off via social media posts.
Nothing changes.
Do you remember us talking about Mass Effect and Dragon Age and I was like, I think they
have like one flop left in them
before that studio is just done.
Well, I think that, I think we're there.
I think that time is now.
I think BioWare is donezo.
Let's see if they beat Ubi to the punch. I don't know. What else do I do? Apparently
what I need to do is help the dog go to the bathroom. If you'll excuse me. Oh, BRB. What the hell is this talking about?
Yeah, well we just...
Oh, Bioware is fucked and Eternal Strands looks cool.
What else did I play?
I was sent a code for a game.
I don't know if you've ever seen this, but you ever get sent a code for a game and then
you're like, oh, that looks really cool. And then you,
you, you, you put it in steam and then like, you just kind of, you kind of miss it. Like
something happens and you just like falls through the cracks. Um, and then they send
you a code for the sequel to that game. Oh, and you're like, Jesus, really? Yeah. Oh, fuck. Yeah. Spark the electric jester.
I eventually did get around to it, but holy shit, that was, that slipped through and then
I was like, no, wait, there's a third one? Yeah. And they're all different blank genres.
So due to this scenario, I started playing Citizen Sleeper over the past couple of days.
So Citizen Sleeper is one of those games that came out and can be summed up in an incredibly dismissive and formulaic way, which does it a disservice
to its quality.
It's always kind of frustrating when you take a game and you can go, it's Gears of War,
but the chainsaw is actually a laser beam or whatever the fuck.
But that's such incredible shorthand for people that have no idea what something is.
I saw artwork for the second game here because it looked very wooly core with the-
So Citizen's Sleeper is very simply one of those games made by people going, hey man, did you like Disco
Elysium? What if instead of alcohol, abuse, hating your wife and communism, we talked We talked about space, transhumanism, and stuff like that.
So you play as a sleeper, which is a fake person.
The closest analog I can think of is a replicant.
Like synthetic skin, synthetic organs, but like overtly non-human looking.
Like there's cables coming out of you and
you're gray and you have no hair.
And it is a very indie game and it is very like sparse and smart with its use of development
So there's no walking around. The entire
game takes place either with text boxes with visual novel style presentation
with character portraits or interface stuff or a charming but basic 3D model
of the space station that you are like essentially mousing around. Yeah, pretty cool.
What makes it work is it has incredible writing and a fascinating premise.
And it is significantly more gamified than something like Disco, which is not what I expected.
So the basic gist of it is that you are trying to make your way on the space
station as a fake person, which means you need a couple of things. You need to eat,
which governs your energy, and you need to constantly supply yourself with stabilizer,
which is the universe's equivalent of neuropazine, aka it's just the fake person juice you need to not die.
And every single morning you wake up and you are given five dice rolls.
And those are your five dice rolls for the day.
And as you go throughout the day and you decide, oh, I'm going to do engineering here or I'm
going to go wait tables here or I'm going to go talk with this person here, try and make friends
here, you know, do the narrative experience thing, you take your existing dice that you
have already rolled and slot them in to those tasks.
Interesting. Okay.
And the way that it tends to work is that there are positive effects, neutral effects,
and negative effects. Neutral effects are you do the thing you set out to do and everything
is fine. Positive effects is that you do the thing you set out to do and maybe you got
some extra money out of it or the people there liked you more or you progressed faster or
what have you. And negative effects are not only did you fail, you hurt yourself during the process and it decreased your health or your
Is it that there are many things to roll dice on and you're picking which ones to spend
or is it that you've already rolled and you know the dice outcome and you're choosing
where to put each outcome?
You know that you, at the top of the screen when you wake up in the morning you see your
five dice.
And the outcomes?
No, not the outcomes.
Because the way that it works is a six is guaranteed positive result.
A five is 50% positive, 50% neutral result.
And as you go further down the dice roll, a one is 50% neutral and 50% negative.
Okay, okay.
A negative can harm you.
So I'm looking at it and I'm seeing like, yeah, if you have like the five you're picking
from once you slot them into the spot, like you get that outcome for whatever that's showing.
So if something's quite important, I'll throw a five or a six on it.
But if I have them, you wake up some mornings and you got a one,
a one, a two, a three, a one. Is it random every time? Well, I'm not getting nothing
done today. Is it random every time? It is random every day. And on top of that, as your
health goes down, there's that so there your five dice rolls are all stacked up next to
each other at the top of the screen. And above the dice rolls is your stability, which is your health,
and as your stability decreases, you earn less dice.
So at full health, you get all five dice for the day.
At 80% health, you only get four dice,
and so on and so forth until you are on the verge of death,
and then you are having to manage one dice a day.
This sounds like a goblin factory because how can one know what events are coming? You
can't, right? You just have to...
If you always save your best dice for some last minute emergency that might occur, then
you might just sit on that consumable forever.
Well, usually what ends up happening
is that you have to do certain tasks
over and over and over again.
So if you are going down to the shipyard
in order to help out at the shipyard
in order to hopefully get a spot on an engineering crew,
then you have to help out with the shipyard like eight times.
And so when you roll it a couple times, you have to help out with the shipyard like eight times.
And so when you roll it a couple times, you will see, oh, if I fail this outright, I lose energy.
That's not that big of a deal,
because I can just go get more food.
But some of them, it'll say safe, risky, or dangerous.
And that is your hint that if it's as dangerous,
then it's likely that you will
hurt yourself if you fail it. Okay. See, I would say one of the hallmarks of being truly disco
Elysium-like is not just in tone style narrative approach and so on and so on. But I would say
that failing into better content is also a very awesome disco thing because happening early on in that
playthrough you learn and feel oh if I fuck up a red check awesome shit might
go down and I'm all for it so you you kind of like let go and let
God you know so I've had a couple of those there's a couple situations where failing it outright gets you a different
scenario. Right? Though it does seem more success oriented than disco does. Not a whole
lot but like more than fucking do whatever. Because you can die. Like you can die quite
easily if you just don't manage your food and your energy and your
Though one of the things that I noticed, so you do level up and leveling up gets you certain
So one of the best skills you can get is the ability to foresee bad outcomes before they
So if you level up your intuition in Citizen Sleeper, before you do a task, you will see
what are the positive outcomes here and what are the negative outcomes here.
So you started with the second game?
No, I started with the first game.
You went to the first, okay.
Because they directly follow one one of the other.
And I read a couple of the Steam reviews before hopping in and I saw a very
Common complaint and I am far enough into the game to tell you that that complaint is for real
And that is the very beginning of the game is extremely stressful
You don't know where to get stability to heal yourself. You can barely make enough money to eat food.
There are multiple timed events competing with each other. And then you unlock places
where you can make money more easily. And then you unlock skills that allow you to heal
yourself with scrap that you can automatically earn and then you learn
that this place will pay you but also give you energy back if you work there
and timed events become less stressful and after the first two hours I'm not
stressing at all.
I'm just waking up in the morning and go, all right, what am I going to do today?
All right.
And that may be thematic in terms of like ingratiating yourself to life on the eye,
which is the name of the space station.
I mean the slug line I see is role playing in the realm of interplanetary capitalism.
So. So it's still a little bit of discovery.
That puts it out there for you.
But like the, someone asks us to say wiki second screen game?
No, I would advise you to play this game with absolutely no foreknowledge at all.
Even lacking the foreknowledge that I'm about to say which is the games the games only issue that I can see at all is
That some of the skills are horribly unbalanced
Like some of the skills you can unlock through the leveling system
Joke-ify the game's systems
Okay, there's an ability if you level up engineering in that game every engineering task that you do gives you scrap
And then you can use scrap to heal yourself.
That is too powerful.
That is too strong.
There's an ability you can get where you can reroll your dice.
And you get to do it once a day.
And what I think the gameplay intention was, was for you to wake up in the morning
go I don't like these dice and re-roll all five dice but instead you wake up in the morning
use your good dice then re-roll your bad dice into good dice.
Is there save scumming?
No the game has only autosave.
And it autosaves after everything. Yeah.
You cannot save Scunnam. Okay. I'm seeing as well folks saying that this is very
Lancer kind of-esque. Not familiar with Lancer. It's a tabletop RPG by Abaddon by a bad and who created kill six billion demons and
Shits cool as fuck, but that is a a nice association. I'm going to grab this two-pack I see there's a steam sale for the Hellion collection with one and two. Let's go
Citizen sleeper is not long. I'm probably about halfway through it.
And to those who do play it, there are some DLC missions that they added, not missions
but events, that when you mouse over them, they will say for...
They have some designation like for end game or something that implies that they are bonus content.
Don't even touch those until you've done everything else.
Because trying to play through the game's regular campaign simultaneous to the DLC stuff means that or the patch content will cause you to fail all of them.
Because there isn't enough time.
Uh, shit.
But yeah, no, the game's super cool.
It's super slick.
It has a totally unified aesthetic.
The writing is incredible.
It's a fascinating little universe.
There's a sequel right there for you to play if you really liked it
I would highly recommend citizen sleeper to everybody who likes good game stories
Cool yeah, I am copying this immediately on the vibe
And aside from being ill
And aside from being ill, and then food ill, and then ill again, that's pretty much it for me.
Sidebar to anyone out there who's a Lancer fan, by the way, check out Icon, the JRPG
inspired by, again, Abaddon as well, who they put they put there's a little there's a wooly in that game and
He's got a he's got a cool Royal Guard just icon how I spell that here. Let me just actually
It's this thing
I'll do a quick little poster. He's do sending it to me
Through in a little through a little woolyly in there. Bring me to life continues.
I sees it.
All right.
For me this week, my schedule is going to, I pulled it down, it's going to be a day by
day thing based on how I feel when I wake up in the morning.
My current plan right now is there's going to be no rush
to finish MGS3. If need be, I will just play MGS3 in Pirate Yakuza next week or the week
after. So tomorrow I'm planning on maybe doing Hi-Fi Rush or maybe taking a look at a game.
I got sent a code for 4. 44 called In Shrouded, but
I'm going to have to take it a little easier because I'm...
I mean, you can probably still hear that I'm like audibly nasally, right?
A little bit, yeah.
I got the goo in the sinus.
You ever try one of them sinus clearing devices?
I have.
I have a...
So, I should probably get one.
They work. They really do.
But, they're quite unpleasant.
So, I had the Neti Pot for a while,
and I never really enjoyed how messy it was because you just
had to kind of commit to like you make the salt water the mix and then you then
you you use it you just have to commit to like snotty sinus water is just gonna
go everywhere and I forget the one that I used I used the one that's a large
plastic bottle with a black top.
Yeah, the squeeze. Yeah. That's like, no, you're gonna get this shit the fuck out.
Yeah. And I use that exclusively in the shower. So it kind of feels like
you're waterboarding yourself. It feels like that a lot, yes. I can I I'll say
this, like if you're willing to check out your pharmacy
and maybe spend buying a machine here, there is a thing I think it's called a Navage and
it's like it's a machine that does it. Oh, nasal lavage. And you there's any you just
it literally goes input one nose output the other nose, does the full flush, you use sterilized water
and it's clean and then you just empty the thing afterwards and you're good to go.
So that's been my best result without all the gross mess and shit.
It just kind of leaves a gross cup to pour out and I'm very, very happy because I'm
willing to do that more often because it's way less annoying and messy.
So I should have done that yesterday because my my nasals were bothering me.
Let me I think that's what it is.
But it's good.
Anyway, I'm sick of being sick.
I hit that moment.
I described this when I was had COVID.
But like, like two days ago, I woke up and I was walking around, I looked
at page and like, All right, I'm done with this. Yep. Yep. I'm done. It has now been
too long. Fuck it. So the next bunch of bullshit. Next time you're feeling good, make a little
mental safe state and go, right, I'm not sick right now no I'm you're supposed to feel good it's
that's the baseline it's good to remember that hey I'm not sick all right
well let's take it go down to slash Pat stares at and I'll probably
stream once or twice more this week let's take a quick word from our sponsors
I love you sponsors that'll make me feel better. There you go this week the podcast is sponsored by
Turtle Beach
I've been telling I've been telling about
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It's really simple to prepare, get a gift message so that the moment they plug it in,
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You can get the images that you want to load up in advance as well.
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You can throw your images on these with your Wi-Fi?
You can.
In fact, it's set up in a way where you don't just, you can do it through the app
that they have where you can just load them on
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That's awesome.
And simply having the attached photo means it's gonna show up
at the particular frame in question.
It's really, really like solid, everyone has loved it. And I've set one up
ourselves and we have it going. And you know what? It's cool. It's real nice to have that.
It has the brightness glare system is dynamic. So it's not going to be too bright. Like it's
not a screen in the room as much as it is like faded out matching the brightness of the room.
And if no one's around or if the lights are out, or if it's getting dimmer, it automatically turns off as well.
So it's sensitive towards the brightness and activity and
such, you know, that on its own is like, yeah, been pretty cool
to catch, you can, you know, if you're if you're seeing a photo
that you like, or someone that you've given it to likes that
they can double tap it, put a little heart on it and you can get the notification about
what they like and stuff.
It's super cool.
It's a really, really good gift.
I legitimately love it and it is perfectly boomer ready because it does not have any
of the tech complexity that one of them elder folks in your life might
struggle with.
Yeah, legitimately a huge fan of it.
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Thanks, AuraFrame. Thank you, AuraFrames.
All I can think about
when you told me that AuraFrames can use Wi-Fi to do the pictures,
I thought about giving this gift to my mom and dad and then slowly inserting family photos
of things that didn't happen into their picture frame. And then being like,
what are you talking about?
Don't you remember when we went to Disney World like eight or nine years ago?
Yeah, here's that old darts charger.
You don't remember the charger? We had it up.
Yeah, Dad, you had this for years.
Like, look,
you have a picture of it on your
mantle. You're right here. What the. You're talking about. Oh my god
You can't you can't memento don't memento your parents. No, come on. It's funny though
It's funny to do it ends just as funny as memento does oh, yeah
All right, well let's get into it, shall we? What's going on, man?
A couple things are going on.
How's the world this week?
A couple things are going on.
All right.
Well, right off the bat, how about this?
That's all, folks.
Multi versus is hanging it up.
Wait, what?
But that's game of the year fighting game 2022 and nominated game of the year fighting
game 2024.
How can it be hanging it up?
Also, it was so great.
It was nominated for the same year, same award two years apart.
And then misspelled by Jeff Keighley in the tweet announcing it.
So it's like the name of the one that was better
than everything that came out and yeah.
Not surprising.
They've announced that the next season
is gonna be the last.
And that'll be it for the foreseeable future.
So yeah, KOF 15 in shambles forever.
Here's the thing, they've announced that once the final season is done, you'll be able to
play it offline.
So it continues to exist in that regard.
With all my local friends who love multiverses.
Yes. Yes, and I will say that is a way better outcome for
posterity than just servers off fuck you
But yeah, and and especially given you mean the thing they did before yes
I mean exactly the thing they did before right so now they are saying that you
If you log in from now till there's a date in May, I believe, it'll create an offline
version of the game that you can launch into that'll work without needing the servers.
Yeah, I have a question, Wully. Yeah. How many characters do you have unlocked in multiverses
right now?
I don't know. Whatever is there since the last time I booted it?
Well, I hope you spend the rest of your time unlocking those characters before it goes
offline because you won't be able to unlock them after the game goes offline.
And so this is where we get to the other half of it, right?
People are understandably very upset with this news, particularly those who've spent
money on the consumables that you use to get shit in this game.
If you are buying them based on the idea that there's gonna
be an online season that continues or whatever the case is,
okay, you're gonna shut shit down, you're gonna go out,
you're gonna make it so that there's no more updates
from here on out, people can play offline, wonderful.
Just give people refunds on those transactions
and then we're good.
We're square, right?
That's all you gotta do.
The game will continue to exist offline for folks.
That's great.
Just give them the refunds on what they thought
they were paying for, and then we have no problem here.
So this is where it led to, yeah, basically,
the discussion has gotten everyone very mad at, like, I got the Founders
pack, I spent a hundred bucks expecting this and not getting it.
So many in the chat points out that the season pass that they put out was like the ultimate
season pass for 30 characters, but they never even made it.
No, they never made it to 30 characters.
That's what was listed in what you'd get there, right? And so there's a consolation that they're going to convert some of that into the other
currencies which you can use to unlock existing content right now. So if there's stuff, basically
they're going to exchange whatever you had into something that you can use to buy or
purchase or unlock more shit. So to audio listeners who can't see me right now, I'm making a metaphorical jerk-off motion.
Giving people a consolation prize for what they've spent is not enough.
Give them their fucking money back because they bought something under the idea and premise
that this is what they're going to get.
You listed what you were going to get for that money.
And you know what?
For everything we talked about with Concord, at the end we did say like, hey, people got
their money back, right?
You have the ability to just put a bow tie on this and that's the one thing.
But is WB going to do that?
I don't imagine so.
Everything that we've seen here seems to just be like, hey, yeah, tough shit.
Here's some fucking other currency.
So I was informed, this may be erroneous and people could let me know if this is incorrect,
but I was told that the beginning of the end for multiverses was the Marceline update because
they changed the way that you unlocked characters along the free path to leveling up in general
by playing matches and it would unlock characters, which seems
extremely straightforward. But the kicker was that you would unlock characters in order
of release.
Okay. You don't get to choose.
So if you wanted to unlock the new character Marceline by the free pass, it would take
like three to 400 hours of matches.
Now another choice you could have of course
is to just unlock everything for everybody
as you're going out there.
But that doesn't change the part
where people specifically spent for a thing
that they're not getting,
especially when you listed the number underneath the pass.
So yeah, like it's one of those bits where I'm just like,
like at the, it could have been a like,
so long, far well, there's nothing else to it.
Holding up my hand here for a second.
Multiverse is can hold on a second,
breaking news, they are re-releasing Onimusha 2.
Is that why Suzy popped in and said mush nutters are going to have a good day?
By the way, the Capcom event is happening right now in my other tab.
All right.
That's better than 10 multiverses.
I don't know much about Samurai's Destiny. I played Onimush an LP and I know threes got jarron out. It's really good. Okay
Yeah, this multiverses shit's a pile of fucking garbage. Yep. That sucks. That's stupid
It's a massive pile of shit coming hot on the heels of the excellent use of money. That was the suicide squad
Which has also made it so
that we're never gonna get another Batman Arkham game ever again. So Warner
Brothers just cooking on all cylinders with this live service shit. That's Arkham lineage? Yeah. Yeah. Did you? I'm kind of glad to see all these, these, like, these devs like crashing out on the
live service thing.
Did you?
But it's also like terrible.
Did you hear the spoiler?
Which spoilers?
I'm not gonna say it. For Suicide Squad. Yeah. Did you hear the spoiler which spoilers that?
I'm not for suicide squad. Yeah, oh that they're all fine after all
All the ones you killed were close
Look oh Yeah, oh yeah someone who'd get mad at me. I don't even give a shit
You don't even kill the Justice League in that fucking game. You don't even kill them.
Oh, except Wonder Woman? Oh, that's so funny.
Oh, wait. Oh, okay. I didn't even know that. What? Oh, that's so funny. Fuck Wonder Woman. Holy shit.
Wait, what? Oh my god. Wait, that one's real? That one's real
Why is that worse if like everyone's hell with you woman Jesus oh
God That's so fucking funny. Jesus Christ. That's crazy
So hey, it's one of those wonderful things
So hey, it's one of those wonderful things that it's very short-sighted because like when you totally give up on your live service game, if you...
So I'll talk about FFXIV for a good example, right?
So they totally spent a ridiculous amount of money retrofitting FFXIV, right?
And part of that reason has been well known that they couldn't leave this abject piece
of shit with the Final Fantasy name on it.
And before that original version of the game went down, they gave people subs away for
And the reason for that is, is that if you completely shit all over people who bought
into your live service thing, then you can't make another one ever again.
Because people will remember that you shat all over
So what WB is basically done in live service now.
Like Sony ate the cost on Concord so that they could make live service games in the future
and then they decided to cancel all of them anyway. But like, yeah, no, with multiverses and Justice League, like that shit is over.
I don't think that like refunds like net you back your goodwill that has been torched.
I mean, it helps.
But it certainly goes a long way towards the next one it that's it you soften the fucking blow
Because you see because because it's disappointing that you didn't get the thing that you were looking forward to but at least there's a you
Know there's a slight no harm. No foul to it. Yeah
You know, we I mean well, whatever we're gonna we're gonna laugh and make fun of the dumb shit. The next one. No, the dumb shit pertaining to like Concord, you know, as we're looking at everything about
how that game was developed and such.
But in general, the feeling of I got ripped off is not in the hearts of the consumer versus
the difference here with what WB is doing.
Did you see the explanation the dev came out and described what happened to multiverses,
like why it ended up like that?
They did this.
It's a very excellent breakdown and it's two parts.
One is free to play fighting game is really hard because you can't sell power.
Free to play other games you can sell power all day.
Can't do it in fighting games or anything really competitive because people go fucking crazy. So the only thing you can sell is time.
That's a good way to put it. And aesthetics.
Yeah, but the main thing is time. Impatience.
Which is bad feelings that you're monetizing.
So you basically have to wager against people's annoyance.
But that's bullshit.
And that's a real fine line.
Okay, not bullshit.
That is one way to look at it, but I just said cosmetics and I mean it.
Yeah, well, I'm going by the dev in terms of money.
The number one, for money seller, it's time. Cosmetics are good, but
if you're dealing with gameplay unlocks, the number one thing is time to sell. And it's
a very fine line. Apparently, Multiverses was not originally going to be a free to play
game. It was going to be a regular ass fighting game. And then management said, make it free
to play so we can make a billion dollars.
And the devs were like, ah, I don't know.
That seems like it would be hard.
I mean of all this, how's that Marvel Rivals money doing?
Are they selling power?
They're not selling time either. They're only selling cosmetics. But
here's the thing, Wooly. The Marvel rival cosmetics... Hey, wait for it. The Marvel
rival cosmetics are cosmetics people want.
My mistake, sir. I apologize. I apologize.
You want to pay $10 so you can have Bugs Bunny look like Lola Bunny? No, not really, sir. I apologize. I apologize. You want to pay $10 so you can have Bugs Bunny, Lola Bunny?
No, not really, man.
I fucked up. I thought, the ones people want.
Yeah, they want those. Forgooning.
Forgot to factor that in. Okay, understood.
He also went on to describe that the lead, Tony,
I don't know how to pronounce his name,
it's Tony H-U-Y-N-H.
Hyun, I guess.
Basically is, I'm gonna skip past most of it,
the poster child for myopic production dev of, guys,
we got to add this new feature. Who cares about that old feature? We need to all hands
on deck on this new thing that I thought of. And just like, hey, I played this over the
weekend. Let's really focus up on this kind of thing.
Just management issue.
Just myopic.
Also, the switch to Unreal Engine 5 was disastrous.
They were never able to catch up on their QA pipeline switching to UE5.
So the game did actually release the second time in a objectively worse state.
Yeah, that doesn't sound great. I'm sorry, the open beta test for Monster Hunter is February 6th.
What date? It's February 4th today.
That's good to know.
Am I getting it mistaken that was player one the slap city devs or no that was LudoCity
I don't know who makes these things anymore.
Yeah, I think I was, oh no, they made Nickelodeon
all star brawl, that's what it was.
Okay, nevermind.
But all right.
Yeah, multiverses was kind of fucking doomed.
Yeah, the person running the shit was not good at their job.
No, I mean, the writing was on the wall from the moment it came back from, you
know, fake beta and then I've, I've never seen a game come back from dev time.
And, and that, that's it.
That was, the writing was on the wall, you know, um, it, it sucks because it's kind of like the premise of a
IP like driven smash like
You know that people want that's full of stuff is is
That's not a bad idea
Yeah, but executions everything you know
In any case like my rivals could be substantially worse than it is right now because it has Marvel characters
The people are crazy about
Mm-hmm, but multi versus like it had characters the people cared about and like that first release was alright
And then the second release was like terrible
Yeah, um and again just like on the aesthetic bit
You know on the release bit on the timing bit like that
That's that's everything, you know, if you're if you're
And if you're exiting like this again, though the one thing you can do the one thing you can do here is
Well, they're actually multiple but like there's many things you could do
But one important thing you can do is make sure that people who spent money don't feel fucking ripped off
Yeah, so like the best thing that
The best thing that the multiverses devs could do and that is when they take the game online they allow you to play
local matches of Rumbleverse ah
Now I see now we're talking. Yeah, I mean look, and it's also clearly like
that's a WB Games decision.
You know that like, they're like, give money back,
what are you insane?
You know?
We're in the middle of burning our own house down
for the tax credits, brah, come on.
Yeah, anyway.
So there that goes.
Light the, light the arrow, knock and release.
What else is going on?
All right.
We're going to need some help on this one.
All right.
Hit me with it.
We're going to need to reach into the community that's beyond our expertise and knowledge
All right.
So we're looking to our live audience to help us out with this.
Yu-Gi-Oh fans, I need your help.
Okay. that the name of the new structure deck is in fact
Blue Eyes White Destiny
Oh yeah?
Is this real?
Oh yeah?
Because it sounds like the naming convention for the Blue Eyes White Dragon
It does sound like that has been applied
to a new structure deck that just and
There the art hits a certain way
And there's a hits a certain way and there is a character on the cover of that box along with the blue eyes white dragon
And she is revealing
That she is the the the the poster for blue eyes
white destiny I you know it's funny cuz I just I don't even want to type that in in my search bar
I don't even that's okay I got you covered people are saying that the
Japanese name for the deck is just straight-up white power okay well
because because it's releasing like if you don't want to search that that's Japanese name for the deck is just straight up white power. Okay
Because it's releasing like if you don't want to search that that's fine because yeah, the this is releasing apparently
February 14th, which is firmly in the middle of Black History Month
And what's wrong? What's more romantic than white power if?
We have blue eyes white destiny coming to Yu-Gi-Oh,
just sign me the fuck up and let me know when Red Eyes Black Power comes out.
I will play a structured deck called Red Eyes Black Power.
And you should too.
If you want red eyes black power,
you need to start getting your
paints and your
lacquers out, and you
need to start painting your
salamander legion
in your warhammer 40k
Oh, no, it's the right arm of the forbidden one and it says my heart goes out to you
Stop it
Percolating that shit here fuck that arm seal that you stop it that arm is terrible fucking garbage
What a trash arm
Keep it forbidden
Fucking Yu-Gi-Oh, man, so structure that's just never gone away. Huh? Yu-Gi-Oh has had the staying power beyond all
So structure decks are all in one box, right? No boosting necessary. It's all in together and you can just get it with the...
Oh, is that how that works?
Yeah, the meta is all set.
You've got copies as needed so you can just buy it and play it right away, ready to go.
Oh, well that's actually pretty interesting.
That's a pretty cool thing.
That's a pretty smart way to do it.
I appreciate that.
If you want a net deck essentially in real life, you just buy one of those and you're
like, okay, cool. You don't got to fuck around. That's the stuff that, that's
the type of stuff where I'm like, yeah, I appreciate when games don't have, if you don't
want to do the fucking, you know, fucking card, the card game. Yeah. You don't want
to do the card game. You want to buy something set to play. I appreciate't want to do the card game you want to buy something set to play I appreciate the ability to do that
So that's cool. That's nice
Good for you. Good for
Blue eyes
You can get past it all right
Speaking of getting past it or not getting past it. All right. Um, speaking of getting past it or not getting past it, uh huh. Uh,
let's not get past the night. Let's not get past the nineties too quickly. You click on
that fucking opening credits for devil may cry. I did. So first of all, that's not the
nineties. Is that that early 2000s? That's the odds. That song came out in the year 2000,
which is of note. Oh, that's the because Devil May Cry came out in 2001. There you go. Man!
For a fact, Woolie, that the year that Devil May Cry 1 came out and you were playing it
on your PlayStation 2, you were overhearing ambient Roland
because The Undertaker was using it as his ringside theme
during wrestling that year.
See, I just thought that Roland was already out
for a year or two when that game came out.
But let's go.
I will say that my immediate reaction upon hearing that song start out watching the intro. They dropped them like yeah that works
That work that works
There's I got no notes on that one. Um, and so apparently we've gotten further
info that subsequent seasons are all going to be like time locked to the era
that date that they okay and theme locked to the era as well and so they're all going to be
a little bit different from each other and the music is going to be pulling from the eras that
it came out in so perfect fucking let's go um i don't know why but I guess like I don't imagine
The like I always think of like the budget on these things being like we're not gonna go pay for like some crazy big real
Track and then you're like, well, no, but they do mean time to time. Yeah. Well edge runners grow, you know with the
You know friends like that shit was cool
you never know.
I feel like it's always a nice surprise when you catch music that you don't expect to catch
in whatever show you're watching.
That's fun.
And then Casey Edwards did a little remix, threw that up as well.
The intro, of course, screen by screen, shot by shot, people have been...
Has a lot of shit in it.
Diving in, yeah.
And I think Addie's confirmed, like, hey that demon up there holding Sparta, that's not
And then there's that bunny and he's holding Yamato, but it's like, okay, here's a bunch
of swords and like, oh yeah, it's got all the swords, it's got every sword.
I saw the Red Queen in there.
Yeah. And just rest assured that like, you know,
because Addie was out on before with the like,
hey, do you recognize this character from the stage play?
No, no, we don't recognize the stage.
But it's like, okay, the deepest cuts
are all gonna be there, right?
The inside lore for anyone who is, cause you know, you got the games and then you got the books, the inside lore for anyone who is because you know you got the
games and then you got the books the novelizations you've got the manga and
then you've got like the fucking yeah the stage play you've got the art books
pre and post five which contain also like lore bits and drips and so on. I have somewhere the Western, was it a Western comic? Or I think it's a Western
comic of Devil May Cry that was like kind of like painterly art style somewhere in this
house. Like there's a lot of wild insane places.
I have an incredibly stupid question that just formed in my mind.
Well my first thing that I want to say is I would like Japan to stop adding content
to my video games via stage play.
I would like that to be over now.
Yoko Taro spits and rolls on the floor at you.
I would like that to stop.
Second of all, something I realized when we talk about specifically Japan, the
description of a stage play,
why aren't we just saying the word play?
Don't all plays happen on a stage?
Isn't that a default state? Yes, but it's also...
I don't know that I've heard the word light novel used prior to
Japanese story context, right?
You'd have novella. That's what we, for my entire life,
people said novella, but now in a translated Japanese story context
the word light novel started coming up a bunch. so I think it's one of those things but
like I like hey I'm gonna go see a Midsummer Night's Dream the stage play
yeah what no what it's a play why why extra because it's the Japanese version of that thing. Shouldn't it be a Japanese word?
Like JRPG.
I'm guessing it's probably because I'm assuming that that's a borrowed word that they actually use
in Japan when these things come up.
Stage play signifies that it is not a musical. Light novels suggest
malgut influence. But most plays aren't musicals. And you call a musical a musical.
Yes. I've seen a stage play in Canada. It was a play that happened on a stage.
Now that's different from a one man show, of course.
Now, that's different from a one-man show, of course. I've gone to a one-man.
I've been to a one-woman show.
And it's, it was, oh.
We can call them J-Plays if you'd like.
I'm not doing that.
I feel like that word already means something and I don't want to.
I don't, I don't think, think no I don't think they'd appreciate
it too much but anyway I think we need to start over with language Esperanto then
no start over and also for convenience it should only be the language that I
speak this okay got it got it, got it.
Because the start over with language bit was basically the Esperanto thing, so.
Yeah, but I don't speak Esperanto.
Better get that metaphor soundtrack rolling. Ba-da-ba-da-ba-da-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a-hud-a- We'll see what the fuck is happening now as they should have Ruben Langdon play Nero
You shut up That'd be so good. You stupid. That'd be so good. Shut up. You foolish
Quit playing you play too much
But on the voice acting though like all this new rumor shit is...
Okay, so Dan Southworth does an interview and in the interview he goes, hey, I recently,
you know, I was talking about how he was talking about how he had to keep in mind his voice
for Virgil has gotten older over the years as he has and so he has a gravelly version
of it that he used for five.
He sounds like Martin Sheen, man.
And he did describe how he's like, yeah, recently I had to record something that they wanted
me to do like the younger, a younger kind of version of what I used to do for that character.
Now he didn't confirm that it was necessarily that character or that project and he did
self admit that he's like, hey, I've been known for leaking things before.
Yeah, he's a leak machine. So this was a very deliberately worded thing, but he said he's working on
a game and the people making that game asked him to do a younger sounding version of himself.
So that doesn't that could easily just mean that some other game that wanted a Virgil
like character, pulled him
in and did that. It could also mean he voiced Virgil as a cameo in a different game, you
know, as a whatever, a guest character in something. You who knows, right? It could
be a lot of things. He's talking around it. But the fact that immediately after that news,
then some leaks come out where like it's like
Oh someone says that their cousin knew somebody that is involved with a
Capcom remaking DMC one from a 4chan thread and I'm like, yeah, I just don't trust the timing of that
It's literally the day after that's some bullshit, you know, so I think I think the
The this the grade 6 kid that has a cousin that works at Nintendo that knows everything inside of people has been reactivated.
And there's certain moments in time where somebody just can't help themselves and they're like, oh, I can tell such a cool lie.
And everybody would be like, wow, you're so cool for knowing that.
And they just they have to start posting.
You're in your 40s, man. What if I just lied? You're in your 40s man. What if yours live you're in your 40s dude. Why are you still posting?
What's going on? You know?
How's the rent house house?
Like you know why you still fucking do you know why?
Cuz they go online
And they see these dirt bag
twitch streamers and content creators smugly imply that they know the next
Capcom game is yeah yeah they're like that's bullshit they don't know what
they're talking about I bet I could guess too. Me too. And it's like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Oh man, you could totally see my reflection.
That's crazy.
That's the best, still the best one.
Shit, there I am.
There's such an art to like talking about things but not talking about them.
And then you see people that can't do it and it's just like, oh my god, dude, I can see you in the reflection.
And then there's the part where you just like, the person that's so, the person that eats
it up immediately, you know?
It's like your parents getting got by fake movie posters on Facebook, right?
Now that AI has taken over the meta algorithm,
your parents are scrolling through their shit feeds
and now they're just getting met
with AI generated movie posters and going, whoa!
My parents, he too,
My parents are in an interesting place with that
where the boomer thing of the people who told
you not to believe everything on TV now believe absolutely everything.
Oh yeah, yeah, I know.
The irony of that is insane.
My parents have kind of gone the other way and now, unless they see something with their
own eyes, they kind of don't believe anything anymore.
Even shit like, I'm like, hey, did you see that on the news?
And they're like, no.
And they're like, I don't know.
That seems kind of, and I'm like, mom, turn on CTV.
Well, because, okay, imagine if the only way for you to parse what is real and what is fake
is a delivery system where the information comes at you
through Roblox.
You would just be like, I can't fucking, what?
And you just check out.
You know that's all the good news comes in there.
You would check out on the entire concept
because you're like, I'm not going to wade into Roblox
to figure out which of these things are real and which are not, right?
That's where parents are at.
And they've unfortunately either gone full tilt,
all sucked in, brain in the tube,
or you give up on all of it and go, I don't know,
and I can't possibly begin to parse, you know?
Which to be perfectly honest is a goal and a strategy is
Getting people to fucking nothing's real anymore. Nothing ever happens and nothing's real, right?
How does it feel to be part of the only generation that knows how to work a computer? I
The beginning part of this where the fade-in would occur. I didn't expect the fade out
beginning part of this where the fade in would occur, I didn't expect the fade out. The fade out on computer literacy was a wild surprise to me.
Do you want to know what convinced me that this was going to happen?
iPod touch?
But I remember having an Android and talking to people about their iPods, their iPhones,
and like, can you do this?
And the response is, oh, I don't know
if Apple has an app for that.
I'm like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
I asked, can you do this with your phone?
And they're like, well, I can't find the app for it.
And I'm like, oh, oh, the iPhone is ruining
the average person's computer skills.
I mean, the convenience part of it, I feel, started when laptops became much more disposable
and like you really, you don't, they're not like a tower, you know what I mean?
Like you can open it up and you can manage and swap parts in and out, but doing laptop
repair is much more annoying and much less frequent,
you know?
Also, hey, shout out to the education system damn near everywhere going, oh, kids all know
how to use computers.
We don't need computer classes anymore.
I mean, look, nobody taught me how to fucking snap RAM into place in school, you know?
No, of course not.
But, Wooly, the computers that we grew up with and learned on
were comparatively very simple.
Compared to the stuff we have now.
Oh, for sure, for sure.
We had the perfect on-ramp.
I'm not even talking about like hacking
or building programs, I'm talking about like
how do I find that file that I fucking moved into a folder?
Now the thing is, of course course is that as we close out
the literacy part of that is like,
but and how much is that going to matter to them, right?
Like if you have your tower or something bust up and fail
and you got to fix it yourself, that's one thing.
But if most of the things you're getting are self contained
and meant to be tossed and nobody really gives a fuck, then the legitimacy, not the legitimacy, that skill going away by de facto becomes
like, yeah, well, the world has set itself up that you don't need that skill anymore.
I think you should have that skill.
I think so too.
I'm going to teach my baby how to use a computer.
But if you choose to basically go into the range of products that are, if you go all
Apple then there's no self-repair required ever.
And in fact it's discouraged.
No, you just have to buy a new one.
Yeah. And that's the path of least resistance.
And that's it.
You know, you have to fight to, you know, fucking get like a right to repair things
going and all that shit.
Okay, so what else has happened? Yeah, a
couple of things. One, the pillows, the band known from
FLCL have disbanded after 35 years. Boo! That's a bummer.
And I can only think of how insanely shocked I was
because I remember when I was like,
hey, like that FLCL, progressive and alternative,
everyone was like, those things sucked, right?
Everyone was like, boo on those.
Well, hey, we're gonna get a new pillow soundtrack out of it.
And so then that happened.
And then I was aghast to discover
that there were two more FLCLs that came out.
There were?
There were two more.
There was ShoeGaze and I forgot what the other one was.
Isn't shoegaze like pronounced a really weird way?
Well, no, because I think it's based it's named after the
musicians that would pluck the guitar and stare at their
shoes. So I think it's that. But there were actually FLCL four
and five were the grunge and shoegaze, that's it.
And I was like, what?
I'm just catching about how those last two were rough.
And then apparently, when it comes to Pillow's soundtracks, they just went back into the
older catalog, so it wasn't really new music, per se.
This is just a...
Yeah, but it's not great.
But yeah, at MagFest, Shoutouts Queen Riot,
who I met just basically was like,
oh yeah, so not only should you lose hope over those sequels,
but there's new sequels and they're even worse.
So, awesome.
One of them-
Is this the sixth episode season?
One of them looks like an e-surance commercial in art style.
Okay, I'm going to go look at it now.
So, I was like, what?
I'm going to go look at it now.
I'm going to go look at it.
What is happening?
FLCL shoegaze.
It seems like they just kind of, I get adults with-
This looks like garbage.
Adults would just kind of grab the license and just fucking went to town. Anyway, that's
yeah. I guess I'll just, my curiosity is there, but I think I can just sit in this world of
like knowing the original series and calling it a day
The like the details I heard about the fully Cooley subsequent seasons are fucking the crunch is the worst looking
Anyway, let's take a look at fell ff. I'll see how grunge a bunch of it was just about like
fundamentally misunderstanding Haruko and-
Oh my god!
Oh my god!
This looks terrible!
Yeah, Aaron Insurance.
We're doing progressive auto insurance commercials.
We're doing 16.
Anyway. Aren't you happy to learn of the existence
and then immediately also unlearn?
Yeah, that's definitely a weird feeling.
Haruko got pyramid headed.
Yeah, I saw known characters in the five seconds that I just watched that and I'm like what
the fuck.
Anyway so there's that.
Also just bummer ass news sucks but Red Hook, the studio that makes Darkest Dungeon
has confirmed that Wayne June, the voice actor of the Ancestor passed away.
Yeah, I heard about that.
That's terrible.
That's a real bummer.
What a defining part of that franchise and what a standout in just all the...
Every time I talk about like all the excitement
and how much love I have for that game like his narration is a the biggest part of I think
definitive is about as clear as you could get.
It's what I love. It's what I love the most, you know. Yeah, the academic, the ancestor.
I think they should stop making Darkest Dungeon now.
That is, Wayne June's narration is so much of that game's charm. Yeah. And like even having fun with like the little twitch pack that he made, you know,
for like a new subscriber. Yeah, a donation. It's about tree fiddy. Like he had a lot of
fun with the with shit like that too. Incredible. So yeah, rest in peace, Wayne. You know, that's
a that's a that's a bummer in this. One of these cases where, yeah,
an amazing voice actor can carry the identity
of a franchise.
I feel like we get some of that with disco.
I feel like you get some of that
with the Baldur's Gate III narrator
kind of living in your head, Renfri,
just the sound of that.
A lot of that is tied in to the identity.
So yeah, that's some bummer news. We got to take a look at the first trailer for the Fantastic
Four. The first steps.
I like what they're doing with it.
Yeah. So this looks to be retro Marvel in its logo.
So it's kind of like, I don't know if it's the same, but it looks like a similar to the
WandaVision Marvel kind of presentation where this is taking place in the past.
So far trailer seems cool, you know, nothing.
I don't believe that it's taking place in the past.
Okay, I'm not sure.
I believe that it's taking place in current year the aesthetic is retro futurists
Well, um, it could just be the aesthetic it could just be or it could be the actual time
frame but they're doing all multiverse shit like crazy certainly I see in that trailer
every all the characters look like you know what looking sound as they're supposed to
I'm glad that Ben has his big eyebrow back the thing has his big dumb eyebrows absolutely
They're shooting off his face Hulk used to have those eyebrows too
You know they they they I feel like those those disappear according to the artist
but yeah, the thing our eyebrows are clearly defining and
They even show
you a big old galactus helmet at the end it's like oh man that's great I love
like oh this is feel that shot feels like an apology for that stupid cloud
they're gonna actually do it for real real I'm assuming if that's the case
that my guess is that they're gonna do you know read holding up the
The nullifier the ultimate nullifier exactly and like that that that'll be the bargain scene kind of thing
And then yeah, obviously, you know if we know Robert Downey doom exists then
This would be the place to plant the seeds since Doom is a Fantastic Four villain.
We'll get a little taste, a little Doom-y taste.
See what they're doing.
A victor!
I hope he does a dive kick.
That's all I need.
Yeah, okay.
Yeah, that's it.
Oh my God.
I just, so I have, I have recommendations turned off on my YouTube because I have all
my like, I have my saved history like blocked and all that stuff.
So whenever I finish a video, like a, like a trailer, it shows me what are the automatic recommendations for that content.
There are multiple different channels that are putting out, I'll send you a screenshot
just for your benefit, multiple different channels showing like the same screenshot of the thing
with this many Easter eggs available with like the same circles around random actors'
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Useless red circle YouTube thumbnail poop.
And it's just like, God damn it. Does that- Like it's so formulaic.
Does the red circle still work?
I wonder.
Because it's out of the thumbnail meta, but like the AI generating thumbnails know how
to just drop one in there, right?
So here's a half hour video of 81 Easter eggs in the two minute trailer.
I truly do feel sorry for some of the folks that are like, this is the only way my channel works.
It's so,
I cannot do anything else. It's gotta be so much work.
And they will crucify me if I try.
Yeah, no, we brought it up last week
and I've sat down and had beers with some other YouTube
Folks that have that are not allowed to leave their cage. It's hell. It really is hell
I like our cage because I can hang my balls outside of the cage and go look at that and people be like dude
Put your balls back in the cage. No
No, I like to air on them like to air on my balls and then they rattled the cage. I'm like, no. No, I like the air on them. Like the air on my balls. And
then they rattle the cage. Yeah. And then I'm like, ah, stop it. It'll pinch. I think
the analogy has gotten away from me now, but still. But there is a cage. See, my cage is
just fucking people throwing random shit into it.
And I have no control over what gets thrown in.
Is he gonna eat this one?
I might!
Oh no, he's going to the back of the cage to eat the food we gave him four and a half years ago?
What the fuck?
They're throwing all kinds of shit in here. We'll see what's going on. Who knows?
Speaking of, I guess, the past.
Which is everything.
Which is everything.
That's, oh yeah. Speaking of the past, and things that have happened.
Things that have occurred. So the Platinum Exodus continues. Oh, yeah, five more, right?
Five more. And Hideki Kamiya, yeah, he had his video where he talked about how they had
a platinum ex-directors dinner. And in the photo they showed Bayonetta Origins director
Abebe Tinari, Bayonetta 3 director Yusuke Miyata, Astral Chain Director
Takahisa Tohra, Metal Gear Rising Director Kenji Saito, and Anarchy Reigns and Resident
Evil Character Designer Masaki Yamanaka.
So like that is big everyone.
That's kind of all of it, isn't it?
You kind of feel that people don't like working
under Inaba.
That is a big, big five that I don't really know
what to make of what's left, but I guess Ninja Gaiden.
And when people like working for their boss,
like their director, and they wanna go
to a new creative project, there's going to be trickle out along, like behind those guys.
I mean, yeah.
Will we be able to... I don't know what Ninja Gaiden's going to be, or Gaiden's going to
Who knows what will...
Oh, I'm sure Ninja Gaiden's fine because...
Team Ninja's also there too, doing their thing.
Team Ninja's doing the heavy lifting, and then Plat Platinum's there to be like here's how you make
Good jump. They're doing support but in terms of
the Platinum you knew
That feels like the emptying of of you know, yeah, no back to clovers
Yeah, this feels like full ship of Theseus
Don't know. I don't know. I don't know. When is the Ship of Theseus a
different ship? And I guess the answer is when it loses its luster. When the people behind,
like even the newest thing, Bayonetta Origins, like we didn't even, we heard that one was actually all right, and we didn't even take a look at it
That fella's gone. That's crazy. That's the newest one that was part of the new direction even
Yeah, the new direction was to the door
I mean I
Feel like you know what you know bus should put out a statement going that that just reads everything is going really good at platinum well, no, I was like
I feel like as we say this like next week there might just be another one where you're like
Here's another five that you didn't even you know you're like oh my god what yeah like
the one person who made the really good feeling like trick movement like that like that's
the credit it's like this person made trick feel really good you know they made they made
bayonetta's dodge frame like feel perfect they they made that exact impact on Moon of Mahakala feel perfect
and the sound effect behind that, that person just left the company. Yeah. The person responsible
for making the music of the maniac agenda line up perfectly in the boss fights and revengeance that specific person has left the company. Anyway yeah I'm gonna take every feeling I ever had
for platinum and just move it right over
to Clover's, which is appropriate because I took every feeling I had for Clover and
moved it over to Platinum.
So yeah, and if we get into this bullshit rumor mill train, then it's like, oh, well,
Kamiya did just rejoin Capcom at a distance.
So is Kamiya going to take over Devil May Cry and bring
it back to the version of Dante that he envisioned? And da da da da da da da da.
I don't want that game.
I firmly hope no.
I do not want that game.
I don't think anyone does. I think everyone is extremely happy with what we got. And what we got now even pays respect to fucking Dino.
Like you even got the little things
that were salvageable from that.
Like hey Dino had some stuff.
Yeah, Virgil, doppelganger, right?
Yeah, that's a good general ability for Virgil to have.
Pull it over.
They grabbed it.
So anyway, we'll see.
We'll see what comes of it, but I'm not buying it until further notice.
All right, let's take some letters.
Hey, if you want to send in a letter, send it to
You're familiar with the Canadian tuxedo, right?
I am extraordinarily familiar with the Canadian tuxedo.
And I've been laughing all morning about the Canadian tuxedo.
Hell yeah.
It's great.
Is that five Grammys?
Oh yeah. That's great. Is that five Grammys? Oh yeah.
I hear that Not Like Us won as many Grammys
as Drake did in his entire career.
Crazy, scary, spooky, hilarious.
All right.
The existential fear of a stadium full of people.
And note that when he walked up to accept the award that they played it not in the chorus,
they played it right at A minor so that you can watch everybody in the room get into it,
thereby clearing it, saying that it's okay and we're gonna absolutely play
this part at the Super Bowl.
We're laying the groundwork.
Hey man, look the entire music industry is laughing at you.
And like mean ass, vindictive laughing.
Not with you.
Like, at you.
At you.
Tay Sway was getting into it, you know? She's happy for her boy who she did bad blood with, right?
So, there you go.
Let's see here.
The tuxedo was so petty.
So petty.
But you never have to acknowledge anything verbally.
That's the thing. You never have to ever anything verbally. That's the thing. Yeah.
You never have to ever acknowledge anything. You just keep on your way. Oh, it's just this
level of confidence of like, because if I'm always a big fan of people who know they are
going to win something in their heart, like they really genuinely know. So if Kendrick
Lamar showed up in the Canadian tuxedo and didn't win anything. He would look bitter
and petty and like, oh, come on. But since he did win everything, he looks petty but
in that good way. Sure. In that quiet way. Yeah, absolutely. You know, and like Mustard
went up to accept the other three, just went up there. Like by the third one, Mustard's like, yeah, I don't know, who else, who else?
Only got so many hands, you know?
So it was great, it was great.
Yeah, and like, you know, the other,
like Billy Eilish, who was also nominated, is like,
everyone's like, no, absolutely, we're loving this,
this is great, a diss record has fucking, has. We're loving this. This is great. A dis a dis record has fucking has taken the
industry by storm. God bless. Let's take one over here. All
right. Hey, Susie and Jean Park. A while back, some friends
and I one of the best in a while pretty solid. We're re watching the old live action Street Fighter movie. That's one of the best in a while. It's pretty solid. We're rewatching the old live action Street Fighter movie.
It's a bit middle of the road in terms of quality,
but Raul Julia's bison performance was so great
that it single-handedly saves the movie
from being lost to time.
We discussed it a few times and other movies like that
where a single performance saves the movie
and a buddy of mine calmly brought up his phone
and showed us the trailer for the 1982 film, The Toy.
Oh yeah!
The Toy is about Richard Pryor's character
as being bought to be his boss's son's toy for the week.
The little kid is mean abusive,
and all above knows that he could fuck
with Richard Pryor's character for the week.
Imagine 80s hijinks played straight with Richard Pryor.
They had him cross-dressing, humiliated, crashing a KKK party,
and after everything he's done, the film ends with him being bought again.
The only reason the film saw the light of day is because Richard Pryor's character ate the scenes up.
There was even an fucking unreleased Michael Jackson song made for the film that was shoved
into the vaults because it was so uncomfortable for him and 99% of black people. Really.
So my question to you is- Have you ever seen the fuck- Oh man,
have you ever seen The Thing with Two Heads? No.
Oh man, oh me and fuggins watched The Thing with Two Heads a long time ago.
watched the thing with two heads a long time ago. That fucking movie fucking rules.
It's where a white guy's dying of cancer or some shit and so they staple his head onto
a black man's body.
But he's racist.
So like does this play out like a chapelle show sketch?
No! So like does this play out like a Chappelle show sketch? No, there's like there's like a bunch of car chases and shit
Like the last 30 minutes of the movie is like a car chase, and it's played dead serious. Oh, yeah
So cuz I'm like yeah, you can either go Chappelle show or you can go get out
So because I'm like yeah, you can either go Chappelle show or you can go get out
Oh, it's so it's so fucking awesome. You could or you could also go
I have to spend the next 24 hours as a black woman undercover. Yeah, Lois Lane
Wow, and like the effects are terrible because they he's lying down for most of the movie because they have to get one of the actors underneath the other actor to have the effect work. It's fucking awesome.
All right, but back to the actual topic of hand. I can think of a movie in which-
My question to you is, are there any bad pieces of media that you felt were saved by the sheer
weight of one actor's charisma. Yeah, I think that everyone that we knew that was way into Boondock Saints was fucking kidding
And they were actually confused because Willem Dafoe's performance in that movie is so incredible.
But the rest of that movie is garbage.
I've only watched it the one time, but I did enjoy it.
But I really, really enjoyed Willem Dafoe
So I don't know well. I know like Boonock Saints is trash, but Willem Dafoe is awesome in it hmm
The prayer stuff I remember being like oh look at him go. They're doing they're doing the prayer. You know I
Don't know
Okay for me
What what comes to mind immediately is gore the God butcher oh
Yeah, Christian Bale in Thor love and thunder
Yes, I haven't seen that but every single person I've ever seen talk about it was just like oh
easily the best part of that movie and
he his origin story is the intro and it just he over performs you know for for his for his buck core the fucking God butcher in Thor in Love and Thunder
yeah all right and let's take one over here from Cthulhu Fearlock who says,
hello, voices on my phone. In honor of Lynch, what movies have you watched on
your fucking telephone? What movies would you recommend on a phone?
None ever. I have no sorry, Lawrence of Arabia.
Ever. I have never-
Oh, sorry.
Lawrence of Arabia.
I have never watched a feature length movie on my phone.
The only things I can think of are- wait, hold on, would Silent Hill Ascension count?
Well, no, it's not a movie.
Okay, well,, it's not a movie. Okay. Well, it's episodes so that shit
which you have no choice and
When I was trying to get through
some hunter hunter
Previously I was doing so on my phone while traveling in some cases. Yeah, but that's again. That's not a feature film, right?
Yeah, no, I don't I can't think of a single...
I don't watch anything longer than 19 minutes on my phone.
I mean, like, I think the back of a plane chair is like, generally the worst it gets
I think the best way you can watch a movie is with no sound on the plane chair...
Next to somebody. that's in front of you. Like to somebody. Video that's in front of you.
Like in the guy that's in front of you.
Learning, watching their movie through sub time.
I watched the entirety of Napoleon.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
On the movie, on the TV, of the guy that was one ahead
and one to my right with no sound.
No, Elvis, I talked about this.
Like Elvis getting in that plane. I'll never forget. Silently,
you know. And then he flew into the sky. Yeah. All right, that'll do.
Have a good week, everybody. Stay safe, get well. Thanks for watching!