Castle Super Beast - CSB308: Bayonetta Equips The Doohickey
Episode Date: February 20, 2025Download for Mobile | Podcast Preview | Full Timestamps Elden Ring Nightreign: Scholar of the First Chicken Dinner Avowed: I'm Just Here For Hot Fishman Garrus NetEase Lea...rns The Blizzard Sandwich Funko Fusion: A Complete Critical Failure Filled With Piss & Jenkem Doohickey Watch live: Go to to cancel your unwanted subscriptions with Rocket Money. - Click this link and use my code CASTLESUPERBEAST to get 25% off your first payment for Marvel Rivals Support Studio Director Shares That He And His Team Were Just Laid Off They pulled a Blizzard sandwich by announcing season changes and revealing Human Torch and Thing trailers on the same day as the layoffs Xbox: Introducing Muse: Our first generative AI model designed for gameplay ideation Hollow Knight: Silksong listing gone from US eShop Funko Fusion Is Deemed A "Complete Commercial And Critical Failure" Class Zero Seven High school Brawler The Hidden Ones - Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm like GameStop selling Canadian and French operations as CEO laments 'wokeness and DEI Â
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["Sailor Moon Theme"] Hello.
How you doing, man?
Welcome to Wait, Wait, Late Nights.
This is Castle Super Beast Night Rain. Oh, that's true. It is. man welcome to wait wait late night this is castle superbeast night rain oh
that's true it is it is it has happened yeah yeah yeah that's it's what's up
what's happening you know a couple things not too much you're back over
there I'm back home even though I had my little dog with me the whole time.
Yeah, you you truly chose to drop in as the most ridiculous storm we've ever had.
Historic once in a lifetime storm. Yeah, the amount of, so we got, I think they said it was five winters worth of snow
in one night.
It was 40% of the entire snow budget for the city
in one, that three day period.
Yeah, that Monday.
70 centimeters over 48 hours.
If you're American, that's two and one third feet of snow over
48 hours.
So you know that little like balcony thing I have right by the kitchen there? Like that
thing was like the snow looking at it was almost like eye level. You know, and at a
certain point, it's like, okay, what's the weight calculation?
Is this going to collapse if we don't start clearing it?
That would be cool.
You know, turns out light snow, not too bad. You know, it spreads out kind of light, but
it still is like just insane in terms of volume.
It was very fluffy kind snow.
But I did have to essentially just go back there
and just shove just a couple human beings worth off.
It was kind of goofy.
It had been a fairly regular ass Canadian winter.
You get some bad days, some good days,
but we're ready for it.
Yeah, no, no one expects to see their entire,
the entire sidewalk just gone.
At one point, Min just sent me a picture
and was just like, try to find my car.
And it's just like, there's nothing.
There's just nothing there.
There's buildings and there's nothing around
This is one of those times where
I'm so glad that my family is the way that it is
Cuz I'm like the plan was hey dad. Can you drive me to the airport? He's like, yeah I'm like dad. Can you still drive me to the airport? He's like, yeah
I'm like but this shit he's like don't worry don't worry about it. And so we went to their condo and their condo, the driveway at the end of their little parking
lot got completely snowed in by like three feet.
I'm like, isn't that going to be a problem?
He's like, nah, I got the truck.
Then he showed up to the Airbnb, we were staring like an hour early.
He's like, oh yeah, it's no problem.
We'll take the back streets through fucking L machine. We'll avoid all the traffic. It's not gonna be a problem, man
Yeah, no, it's it's like I feel like I've seen it
I've seen people going like aren't you guys aren't you the most aren't you supposed to be the most ready for this isn't like
Canada's supposed to be on time. We are
You are yeah for this isn't like Canada supposed to be on time. We are sorry well you are. Yeah Quebec
like literally we are it was that much though you know. Montreal's snow removal like business
world renowned is a fucking industry in and of itself and it is professionals. It has invented
the the three the three vehicle system I've talked about in the past, but literally there is the, like all three
simultaneously, you've got the big truck and the road, scooping it all up, you've got the snowplow
up ahead of that truck, which is on the sidewalk, scooping it into the sidewalk, and then you've got
the third truck on the side, just receiving it. So one is scooping it up and shooting it to the side and the others just catching it and all three are
Going down the street in unison. It's a synchronized system, and it works for snow works really good
We saw some of the airport stuff. It's like ten trucks in a row
Just clearing out a whole runway all at once cool. We saved Maine in
1997 oh yeah, that's sick there you go right we we have Just clearing out a whole runway all at once. Cool. We saved Maine in 1997. Oh yeah?
That's sick.
There you go.
We have the best...
We could have used some of our own saving during that ice storm in fucking 98.
In 90...
A year later.
Oh man, that was brutal.
But in any case though, you know, that did happen. Hey, fortunately, how about that? How about that working from
Working from home is awesome. I like that I have returned to a human pallor. I am no li- I saw myself described as a stick figure on a paper bag put over a bare light bulb.
I should have sat you in this seat to see what would happen with the Vivec lighting as they're
calling it. But yeah, no, you know, what could I say, man? You know, our lighting
is tuned for black.
At some point, at some day in the future, you're going to sit in this general area and
I want to see if the fucking reverse happens. And it's just like, well, that's just the
kind of shit we got to deal with. Because you've got colored lighting on I do not have this is all just like sepia bright white light but yeah no that that that was
that was that was a quite quite enjoyable watching you become minus one
as the numbers go so hey you know? Let's backtrack a little bit. I recently visited Montreal to see Family and Wooly and Punch
Let me tell you, if you want to travel with a little toddler,
just fucking don't.
And that's not to say that the little toddler was a problem.
He is an incredible little angel and was a kick-ass little
dude on the flights and the travel and all of that.
But holy fuck, do you have to bring a lot of luggage
for a toddler, not a baby and not a child,
but a toddler.
You gotta get the books, you gotta get the toys,
you gotta get the snacks, you gotta have the multiple bottles that you've been trying to keep cold. You gotta go home
You gotta get the fucking car seat. You gotta get this now
Oh my fucking god the way you were describing it was like he has discovered the concept of boredom
Yeah, which means he can become bored. Yeah, and he hates it
Hates it
and on both flights, my wonderful little guy thought, you know what?
You know when's the good times to take a nap?
Take off and landing.
For just take off and just landing.
The first 15 minutes and the last 15 minutes of the entire flight.
And nothing in between. Yeah, the dog was a champ by the way. The dog was hung out in his little bag.
Yeah, no, I'm convinced that like, you know, Boozy's unflappable. There is nothing that will concern that.
So I thought, like, the dog hangs out of my lap here or down there in his little
Bed or in the bag, right and it's like yeah, but this is my empty office with just me, right?
So I'm like well, it might be a little different one than in a bigger room with lots of people he doesn't know no
Just gonna chill on my lap or in between me and Reggie for like six hours who gives a shit mm-hmm mm-hmm
Yeah, no and I mean hey look and obviously it goes without saying but
That kids that kids that those those charisma stats are like he's a he's a handsome little guy
Oh those Christmas that's our
Cute little dude, and he's giving high fives. Yeah, no. Oh my
God. You're getting replaced. Oh, I sure am. I sure am. Paige wanted to, Paige messaged me to
remind me something that I forgot to mention on my stream the other day, which is on the way back.
So first of all, man, hey, wooly, love you. Love punch
mom. Your hospitality is incredible. You are amazing
hosts. It was great to see you. Can't wait to see you again. Boy,
I'm not coming out there for a while.
Going to Montreal sucks. Being in Montreal fucking sucks. Like just the fucking vibes are shit.
Vibes are god awful and trash.
Now this is storm aside.
But but but as as the bonus on the way back on the back, the last things that happened in Montreal,
pulling my luggage into the airport,
my fucking belt busted, and my had to go all the way home
with my pants almost falling down.
Good for you.
And then as me and Paige were getting off the plane,
somebody dropped their overhead luggage onto her head.
And it left a fucking wheel mark on her forehead like a bad one
Yeah, damn, and we were like one final gift from the French get your ass out. That's what you fucking deserve
Dude, I was carrying a baby and like four bags
And I'm like duck walking because I don't want my pants to fall down in
The airport and I was terrified
Yeah, look, you know someone asked on one of the streams like yo
What like for all the shit of that you talk about Montreal or whatever tell us some actual good things
And I think me and Reggie did oh, yeah, you guys
But I'm just like I'm not I'm not gonna run the defense for why I live here and what I like about it every single
No, I don't want you to I just want to run the offense. Okay, how great it is to be back in BC
That's fine. That is awesome. I just I
Definitely better. Yeah
but the the the energy that unfortunately this brings is everybody that then takes this and comes to me going why are you living in a literal turd and
And it's like you you just cuz he loves the smell. Yeah
Anyways, I'm just I've said my piece on it. But you guys are there so it's not all so bad
Oh, well, that's that's quite and my mom and dad my sister and my mom
I keep calling dude
I'm so still not used to being an adult man that I keep calling my nephew my cousin
What I
Keep I keep going. Oh my cousin. No, that's not your cousin Pat. You're almost 40 years old. That is your nephew
Yeah, stop yeah, I'm just I'm just a 40 year old little baby, okay?
Something okay, okay. Well well how about this? How about this? Yeah? Yeah, did you enjoy the restaurant? Oh?
I sure did okay. Thank you for taking us out. That was fantastic. That was kind of cool
It was super cool. It was incredible. I will have to I will have to return the favor at some point
There are there are cool things. We're still discovering
I'm not I don't want to I don't want to we got to take you down to the white spot
Yeah, it's like it's like it's like a three-star but it's like it's like it's fun to sit in the white spot. Oh, yeah. I forgot. Yeah. Yeah. It's like it's like it's like a three star,
but it's like it's like it's fun to sit in the white spot and be like, you know, why
they call it that? No, but there's just some there's some cool places that I'm keeping
close to the chest for now that I don't. Oh, absolutely. I don't want to blow up just yet.
That's one of them. But like, hey, like amen seeing you guys like one of the highlights of my year. I really mean it
Yeah, you had such a great time. No, I'm so nice to see you guys absolutely absolutely
And we got a good time playing some fun shit for example
virtual fighter 5
Virtual fighter 5 is a fucking good game, and no one's playing it and that's fine
Yeah, that's fine.
Yeah, that's fine.
Just it's it's six will come and, you know, there will be a another like little bit of an attention rush towards like learning the rhythm of what this all is for a little bit. And you know, it'll sit in its place where it's like, good, it's not dead, it exists,
it's not lighting the world on fire, but it's in the corner and at least the Yakas of people
love it and are keeping it alive.
And maybe that's all it needs, you know?
I don't know about profitability.
I don't know about...
Oh, this definitely lost money.
This definitely, this definitely lost money no definitely
this definitely lost money that being said always oh yeah no always always fun
to like like as I'm going through something like oh shit there's like
rhythms and systems to this that I'd like never really fully internalized
because oh well that's the that's the problem is that like it's the Dunning
Krueger Krueger shit in in fighting game form It's like you never feel like you're any good at the game ever right?
At no point do you ever feel like you ever got good at?
Virtual fighter five like there are there were like that first half set of matches before Reggie and you found your rhythm
I was stomping you guys into the dirt and all I could see was that I was playing like trash
It's right. I could see it was like, oh man. This is so I'm not even I'm not fuzzing. I'm not even evading
I mean, there's every game has so many things to think about and like this one just introduces its own set
You know and on top of that like that's all before like you have to then Reggie goes and picks boring karate super hard man and
It's like I'm gonna do the really hard on block string. I want
Complexity, please
This game's hard enough before you add that to it. You know I say as I pick a character. That's two characters in one
virtual fighter 5
Revo exists so that when virtualua Fighter 6 comes out and people start
to get into it, you will be able to point back at VF5 Revo and you know, pfft, Revo
was better man. This new one, this new one's trash. You don't even, you guys don't even
know. And people who were really into VF5 can go, pfft, this isn't nothing compared to VF4 Final
Come on, Final Tune was where I was at back when Go and Brad were the new ones.
Again, I said it during the actual stream and to reiterate, like the Option Select article,
give every Virtua Fighter a 10 on 10 because the future of the franchise demands it no matter how much
100% it's like that
Hey, yeah, I gotta give Leo the Oscar for revenants cuz he deserves one, but maybe doesn't deserve one for this one
Yeah, I mean, okay the Grammys do that the Oscars do that
Yeah, I say listen if we don't give this guy a Grammy
He'll fucking kill himself and won't get that good album next year. So come on the pity award the Oscars do that yeah. Listen if we don't give this guy a Grammy he'll
fucking kill himself and won't get that good album next year so come on. The pity
award. So there was a little bit of that and then there was some avowed. There was
avowed which is a really strange game. So I played about six, seven more hours of it
on my own show in first person.
And let me tell you, boy, boy, those animations
are made for first person.
You can tell.
Yeah, yeah.
It's extremely clear.
I mean, I remember when I saw Mirror's Edge third person mods
and it was like, oh.
And you're like, no.
No, put it back.
This wasn't built for this at all her torso
Yeah, so avowed is really interesting because people keep comparing it to Skyrim which is a game that came out 25 years ago
And every time I see that somebody goes Pat the Skyrim didn't come out 25 years ago to which I say
Yeah, I know
Didn't know Morrowind.
Who cares?
Um, but the point is, is that, um, about is really interesting because it's, uh, it looks like oblivion or skyrim.
It looks like a big open world RPG on your New Vegas or your, you know,
that kind of thing or cyberpunk, right? But what they've done is that Obsidian has realized
that they don't have infinite money to compete on that scale. And so what they've done is
they've said, okay, what can we do? What can we cut? What matters kind of thing. And so
you have a game like that where you go to swing your fucking axe at somebody in town and they're completely invincible and the entirety of suite of mechanics
for what happens if you act badly in town just doesn't exist.
Yeah, it seems there's no doing anything.
And I can definitely agree with that because it's like, okay, yeah, you do that in town
once and then it
goes bad for you and then you don't do it again.
So save time, save budget, reduce this whole thing down and just don't even let you do
Somebody in the chat says it's not a scrolls-like, it's a Kotor-like just in first person, which
I actually think that would be a much better example.
Very good first person combat for this genre.
Okay. I really like it. I
unlocked the parry. I unlocked bullet time for the guns and it feels really
good. See, but when someone says a Kotor-like, I then go to like, oh so the
the story and the RPGing and the conversations and all that are the compelling.
Very much more like that. Yeah, okay talking to random character for 15 minutes. Yeah, get some exposition
it is
It's got a good parry. Let me just say that the parry is good. It has the right timing okay
so I
didn't see anything that was my
Jam yeah, yeah, I just it just it really wasn't my thing.
However, Fish Man Garris is a very quick way to my heart.
They're superb.
That is a shortcut and it's almost cheating
to put both of those things together.
And I'm like, if you're gonna be hanging out
with other versions of that, you know,
like voice actor you love
and great character design and you just, you know,
smash it together, you can do that.
You can cheat me over to your side.
It's bullshit, but it works.
It kind of feels a little bit like Mass Effect
in that you go to camp and then your boys stand around
at their designated spot and then you go to
talk to them and you exhaust just every single fucking line of dialogue this person has.
And then later after a big event, they'll refresh that dialogue and it does like the
very similar shot reverse shot as Mass Effect, even though your character doesn't have voice
acting because you're a fucking disgusting mushroom person.
Overall, like, yeah, no, it's very solid. It's not going to set the world on fire. have voice acting because you're a fucking disgusting mushroom person.
Overall like yeah, no, it's very solid.
It's not going to set the world on fire.
Like it is not ambitious or against the grain like something like Kingdom Come Deliverance
It's like a, it's a very well put together, reasonable, interesting RPG.
This would be pure AA back in the day.
So you've spent a ton of hours in Pillars.
Does this feel like the same world and the same setting?
Are the characters and overall vibe matching that?
Yeah, okay.
100%. So this is one of those things. It's a spinoff. characters and overall vibe like absolutely that yeah okay 100% so like
this is one of those things like it's a spin-off so hey this is you don't have
to play pillars one or two you don't have to but if you do have two games
worth of background on this setting literally every single thing that comes
out of someone's mouth will get a little extra piece of context for you.
That you'd be like, ah.
So like Kai, Hot Fish Man, for example,
is a former sailor in the Rauatai Navy,
which is like an imperial force of fishmen,
very expansionist, which multiple party members
in the past of the prior games have been, but he has a different take on it.
And so his view of his country's army is now the third perspective you have received of party members throughout the series.
That kind of thing.
And the other thing is that I don't want to go into it here because the podcast
and this reaches very wide, but I described that the end of pillars of eternity to is
such a ridiculous fiction annihilating calamity that feels like they really never intended to continue the setting at all.
And this game starts up with, okay, so that thing
is going to be the primary problem that you need to fix
in this game because it is a dramatic cataclysm.
But they don't go into how that happened.
Oh, so far.
Like the root cause of the problem. That's for pillars to
To go into okay, all that matters here is we have the problem and we must
We're living in the and yeah, and the effects of pillars one, but we can't do anything that would fuck up the the proper
Yeah, they do interesting things like they'll have characters that died in pillars to
And be like oh, they're back and you'll be like what they're back. And yeah, they all really they are really fucked up. It's crazy
It's wild they they survive that shit
Like the character in particular that is back is a character that I atomized
in pillars to like full jib like corpse explosion The character in particular that is back is a character that I atomized in Pillars 2.
Like full jib like corpse explosion. And I guess they got better.
Okay. Did you, with extra hours, note that like, is it as the guess was like one, did
you switch up party members from town to town?
No, I didn't. The first big area is very meaty.
So I was just doing that.
Though what's interesting is that they have,
at the end of your first big main quest,
they have a big storyline moment, which asks you
whether or not you want to accept powers
from a strange new source or not.
And if you do, you get completely unique abilities associated with it. Something
like a Jedi power or something like that. But if you don't, you get an extra generic
skill point and you don't know what these powers are going to be before you get them.
So despite the thematic thing going on there, there's like, do you want to get to the end
of the game with like 12 extra skill points in the regular tree?
Because that would be really strong.
Or do you want a wide cavalcade of irregular abilities that you may not care about some?
I'll take any Eldritch power game offers me.
So that was easy
Is that is that kind of like in Baldur's Gate 3 when you go the I forgot the name of the run is but the
Like that whole tap hole run. Yeah. Well, no, it's it's more like it's it's more like either or rather than yes or no, okay?
But yeah about is a really interesting game.
I like it.
It was pretty solid for me, like stable-wise.
I'll pick away at it in the background.
Definitely not going to keep streaming it.
I hope that Garrus isn't the front-loaded strongest party member in the game in terms
of just people you want to hang out with.
I hope that they at least come. I don that they Don't know any other ones are I think one of the reasons that people are comparing
about to very similar, but larger scope games is
Because it costs the same
Like damn, okay, like that like somebody in the chat pointed out hundred dollars in canada
Yeah, and it's like if it's a100 in Canada, I should be getting a $100
in Canada game like Kingdom Come Deliverance or Baldur's Gate 3. And I talked about it
a little bit on my stream.
Or Hunter Hunter Nen Impact.
For RPGs in the next 10 years, the phrase, why isn't this as big as Baldur's Gate three
is going to be like a fucking death knell, like over and over and over and over and over.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Why? Why? Why not? Why not? Okay. Why didn't you guys patch multiple expansions
worth of content in?
Like Baldur's Gate 3 did.
Because that's the thing, literally as we speak there is a giant Baldur's Gate 3 patch
that's like about to-
Sit there and distress test.
Coming through right now and apparently needed its own patch before the patch and whatever's
going on.
I saw a very similar tweet that was like, hey Outcome Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is
cheaper and it didn't cost as much to make even though it's so big and it is quite a large
game. And it's like, Oh, could it be because the fucking devs are in fucking
Eastern Europe and their dollar isn't the same value.
So it's actually if you did the fucking local Europe to Euro or USD would
actually cost like a billion fucking dollars. Is that why? Is that why maybe?
But it is interesting because I'm like as I'm playing cyberpunk right now, it's like that game still getting touched and updated in quality of life and improvements and stuff, you know?
Yeah. It's a nice feeling that it's like, oh yeah, there's a long tail of service on this game. And you know, they legit want it to be like the best quality of life
version of itself.
That's so crazy that they could keep supporting cyberpunk for so
long, and that it has nothing to do with the fact that the
cyberpunk devs own the second largest PC game retailer, and
they are paying their people in Polish dollars, which is like
one fucking quarter
of the CAD.
And so they could spend a million hours on it and it's fine.
Hey man, you got to put your blockbusters out so that you could fund your A24s or whatever,
We got to fucking outsource these RPGs to Europe.
God damn it um it's not a fair comparison to go
why is not everything like a larian game it is you're totally right unless
you're paying with your money but I know what I was gonna say is it's not a fair
comparison however personally I'm just going to say is it's not a fair comparison. However, personally, I'm just
going to be less interested in the Knoth Baldur's Gate 3 one.
So what's the...
Again, full outsider, touching a couple hours of that game, I can't believe how fucking
incredible. It's super nuts how far it goes. And watching Avowed just starting up its intro section
and going through that slice, I'm like, okay,
I see what's going on here.
I don't know that, yeah, the length, the hours,
I don't know that I would need that much.
To grab me, to grab me, like I would, I would,
I would definitely need to see a bit more Baldur's great three ish things going
on without putting that on every game.
It would have worked if I saw more of it.
People are pointing out that Baldur's gate three is actually cheaper than about
by about 10 bucks. Okay. And that is a lot.
But it's, it's just the, I think the funniest thing by far is that we're in the era of how
come this isn't as good as Baldur's gate three, which is going to last like a long time. And
the reason it's funny is because from the year 2000 to like the year fucking 2009 when Mass Effect 2 came out
I don't know if you remember because you might not have been into this particular
sub-genre of RPG but of CRPGs the refrain was why isn't this as good as
Baldur's Gate 2? Oh was was a thing for like a decade. I see, okay. Because Baldur's Gate 2 was like the largest
scale RPG of its era by orders of magnitude. I feel like, I feel like what
I've always heard about is like Fallout in terms of like being able to do
anything. Why aren't there more games like that was uh cuz it's hard a comparison point. Yeah. Yeah, cuz it's hard as fuck
Understandable I
Think Bethesda talked a lot about like hey
How come you guys haven't fixed that bug where you pick up items and all the items fall down on the table because it
Recalculated the physics and it's and they were like because we're calculating
down on the table because it recalculated the physics and they were like, because we're calculating like 5,000 objects physics in a room and we have to keep them loaded into
the cell so that when you leave and then come back, all the items are still correctly tallied
in the cell.
It's fucking hard.
It's really hard.
What's funny about holding games up to unfair comparison points that are like really stand out good examples in the genre though is that with uh there was a time when we would touch
an action game and be like I wish it was a bit more like Devil May Cry and yeah I think that's
not that continues to this day but it's like anything but it's like oh that's not fair it's
the peak of the fucking genre but yeah I do too and then fast forward to hey look everyone has high times
into aerial raves
Everyone's doing a stinger. Everyone's doing you know, and you're just like, oh, it took a while
But we have high time into aerial rave. Yeah, like it took a while, but we kind of got there
You know, it's yeah, it's weird to see it happen after a period of time
And it's not always gonna be good, but the but the bones are there you know
Yeah, no if I do you remember ain't it cool news in there their movie review system which was a fucking
Was it full price matinee and wait for home video I think it was
Was it full price matinee and wait for home video? I think it was.
Angry Centaur Gaming ACG has an incredibly similar thing, which is buy it day one, wait
for a sale or pass.
Avowed is very much a wait for a sale kind of game.
It's good and I really like it and I'm a huge mark for pillars, but for the average person,
I would say that there's like a lot,
a lot better place to use your full priced dollars.
Yeah, okay.
By the way, I got the game for free.
Yes, oh true.
Just letting everybody know.
Hashtag, yeah, code. yes oh true just letting everybody know yeah code and then we played some night
rain we played some night rain where are we dropping boys so there were a lot of
things I thought about about night rain but that I want to get into right before
we get into night rain if that makes any fucking sense yeah and that night rain
beta was limited it was highly limited it. It was limited in scope, in time, and in features.
Four characters is definitely not the release count yet.
Yeah, but you also, you always dropped in at the same basic place in the full game.
You're going to be dropping in at like the random fucking arcs.
Different arcs and such.
And the terrain regeneration, the terrain randomization is not in, or was not in that network test at all.
So they said that there's going to be procedural effects to the world.
I don't know that it's going to change the map in terms of locations of building structures
and valleys and peaks.
I think it's more about this is a poison area, this area's burning now,
this area has a storm going through it.
So what they said was is that the physical geography
of the map would not change.
Hills, valleys, that kind of thing.
But what would be physically placed on the map would change
and that would be buildings.
It wasn't clear if they meant castles or if they meant
like small structures or camps.
But that swamps, storms, et cetera, would vary it up
so you could not rely on your existing knowledge
on every run.
So I got a session in before we started.
We did our session that we streamed.
Did you get one afterward?
And I got one afterwards.
And that afterwards one was a really good one.
Oh yeah, did you get, so one of the interesting things
that we got was that two of my guys disconnected
in the last run that we did, and I got to actually play
Night Rain in the solo mode.
And it was very cool because we found out how they're going to do it. Multi-boss bosses
will not spawn the fucking adds they have for the extra players, and the monster health
will decrease accordingly to what it's like. Okay, that's exactly how we thought it was
going to work. And that felt awesome. Did you get a run like that, or you're all like clean three people?
I didn't get a solo run.
I got a two person, like extended run for a while,
where that last time around, knowing how to play more,
I got a lot further.
I got to the end of day two on a two person run.
And then I got a clean clear with three.
Oh, you got a clear?
I got a clear.
And I have learned quite a good bit
since that first session.
So I was gonna say-
Tell me more.
Yeah, so the session,
so obviously we went through the different classes,
got a feel for them.
The overall feeling of holy fuck, go, go, go is not just the game design, but also
the fact that the demo is on the clock and you have your three hour window.
It's a really, really specific clock.
Yeah. And it takes like, again, like you can die quickly, but at least it's going to take
about 20 minutes before the run is done, you know, like you're you're committing
The Wilder, you know the the kind of just your default sort of starting character
very like solid safe choice with roles and
Normal man, you know a generous ass buckler parry
Grapple out of the way and big fucking exploding punch alt,
you know, very solid starting strength starting weapon as well.
Overall distribution is kind of endurance and and and strength based or rather mainly
or rather just balanced more than anything I'd say.
Guardian is more strength and endurance based. Mm-hmm, right because he's a big boy and you've got the walk and poke
You know with the with the shield and extra stance
Believe he's the largest playable character in from software history
Like in height, huh, I guess so if you're yeah if the custom characters can't he is enormous go beyond that there are thresholds
Yeah, if the custom characters can't he is enormous go beyond that there are their thresholds
Yeah, and and in a game with tons of mobility and with the ability to fly up and slam down and shit like
It really ends up just feeling like from soft. Well, I called it arcade mode, right? It feels like hi. Yeah, if this is a Marvel versus Capcom version of this game
with a with a,
if you've got an hour and you wanna get some souls in ya
and you're not too concerned about lore,
you just wanna get a run on some bosses.
Kinda like what people do, essentially,
I feel like it's like FromSoft is like,
the things that people mod the game
to get quick enjoyment out of on multiple replays,
they're like, why don't we put that out?
Well, that is literally the exact phrase from this game's director was we were watching
a lot of speed runs and randomizers and we were like, what if we did that?
What if we had a version of the game that was like a really fast run but it was also
So the second character I started using and did the run with was the recluse, who is essentially
Ranny the witch style character. Her whole thing is she's got shards, she's got the wave,
casting spells, and then as you run out of FP, you're going to grab the damage out of the air
and it'll stalk one pip of a certain ingredient, combine three to cast a spell, and then the
randomized, not randomized, but the ingredients, you have to memorize all different types of
combinations to know what that means.
It's a really fun and interesting way to sit in the back and kind of like support.
But what's interesting too about those builds is that like if you pick up a weapon that
you want to use, regardless of what your intended character is, you can still swing it around. Oh, absolutely.
Yeah, use it.
Levels are going to be like, hey,
you got to get to at least level nine
before you can use the special weapon.
But if you pick up a greatsword as the recluse
and you have the right level requirement, fuck it.
You can use that.
So they're not doing any things where your build needs to have,
it's like, oh, you can only use magic and light dex weapons or so. They're not they're not doing any things or like your build needs to have it's like oh you can only use magic
And like deck dex weapons or so they're not restricting you out of that
So you can change I think your game up a lot better than that is even like I picked up
The fucking the bird poker. Yeah on my last run and it's like I couldn't use it for almost my whole run
But it gave me 10% of my fucking life back when I killed anything
Even when it was not in my fucking hand.
And it's like, okay, yeah, no, that's worth it.
Just keep that on the fucking character.
It's a third accessory slot.
Yeah, yeah.
And so, and it turns out like some of the buffs
that go on your weapons, even if they're in your pockets,
they still apply, right?
So that's a huge, huge deal for your build.
Even if you-
So I would like it if they would put that forward
in the next game, because I hate having
multiple weapons equipped,
but they all take the same equip load.
Like, can I be the equip load of my shit
when I switch to the fucking item that's on my hand, please?
Yeah, yeah.
I mean, there's that, but then you also, of course,
run the risk of turning every other weapon slot into a ring
Essentially yeah good fucking sick. Just put five rings on it. Let's do it
What I didn't so what I got around to you know on the last run was
the Duchess who
run was the Duchess who glass cannon boy do you die you basically take one hit and you're done she has like no life to start with and you get that double dash
right I I apologize for not taking that character seriously she's fucking
incredible and she's the double is it the double dodge that does it?
No, it's the time rewind ability, the ghost, called.
Oh yeah.
That thing is phenomenal.
And we were just not seeing anyone using it properly.
And on top of that, I picked up a, I forgot what it's called, but those
boons that you equip before the run that are like per-
Right, right. The trinkets or whatever the fuck you want to call them.
So I put on a trinket that was at the end of a light combo, you get a free restage.
Oh, that's, oh, that's, this is Marvel.
Yeah, the last hit of the quick combo
causes the ghost to just re-stage all that damage,
whatever was going on.
So I fucking put that thing on and just go to work and it's
unbelievable because like you get that going constantly and then you back off and you wait for your team to do anything
like clutch and any really good play bomb like let's go double it up, you know
Yeah, you so and you just you and you I also had another like trinket that was
Plus to how fast my alt regains, you know
So like there's a lot of moments where you're just getting mobbed by way too many and then going invisible
Just to get a couple of backstabs in a row, you know, and then restaging them. She's so fucking good
By the end feels like the game is going to be extra, extra,
extra mean because they're going to give you this level of ability juice.
Yeah. Well, I didn't even... I switched to other weapons a couple of times and I was like, no,
no, she works best with this fast deck stab and anything slower than that is like going against because she has to stick and move,
you know? And so like I went back to the default dagger for the whole run, you know, at a certain
point I picked up like another like rapier and I was like, okay, this is kind of fast.
But that and the double, the iframes off of the double dodge, you know, are just fantastic, man.
So yeah, like getting to day three. Did you get to see any
footage of it?
I am watching footage of day three right now while you're talking.
Because day one is, you know, it's that first environment. We all run through your, you
know, your limb grave like area. Day two, same area, but like the bosses get harder,
everything gets a bit more aggressive, takes
more damage, et cetera.
But day three, you just get teleported to a brand new final location.
Which is a big old boss fight.
Big old desert area.
And that boss fight is the three-
Wow, that's a cool fucking-
Yeah, you get that three-headed Cerberus, and you're fighting it together, and then
it does its big tail whips and stuff, then splits into three and then each of you fights ahead
before it eventually comes back together.
It's a lot of fun to have those split bosses, boss fight moments because there's the heroes
of, I forgot, of the fort area and such where you're like,
there's a couple bosses where there's like,
oh, there's three of them here for you each to take one.
It's a race almost, go, you know?
The little dooders to the little doot spheres,
each go fighting one.
That's a lot of fun, you know?
And like, yeah, I kinda was able to just piece together,
like, yeah, those boons, those trinkets
are massively game-changing,
hugely incredible abilities on those.
The, some of the things that,
some of the strategies involved, like,
we were fighting against the three knights, for example,
that were in the forest at the end of day two.
Really, really tough.
But one of the guys I was playing with hung back
and it kept a bow specifically for when someone would die.
He would drop a warming stone
and then just bow and arrow your body from a distance.
It's just- Oh, that's smart.
Instead of going into the shit, you know?
They just like, and you just like, oh yeah,
you just bow an arrow from a distance, get you back up, and then use that warming stone
opportunity to heal at the same time, you know.
Little strats you kind of see coming together, working out really well like that.
And like, yeah, obviously, like looking for syncing up with people's alts and restaging
them. It really was just a, it was a lot of
fun to kind of see the full pace of that stretch out. Your ability to withstand the rain as
well, like I did one run with some risky, crazy dude that was like, yeah, I'm going
to run into the rain and like get the stuff.
There's stuff there. I want it.
That's worth it. Yeah, exactly. Right. And so by flying into the rain and like get the stuff there. I want it worth it. Yeah, exactly.
Right. And so by flying into the rain a couple of times and I was like, okay, I'm just going
to follow like you seem to you've got it down. You go in and it's like, yeah, you know what?
Almost dying, but getting an extra Estes sip is worth it. Hit that church. Yeah, no, that's
definitely hit the second church up, you know, definitely super worth it
And by the end we were like coordinated enough that like fighting a boss like and just like
Ganking it from all sides and like staggering into staggering into staggering
It's like oh no, we can take this boss out in about 15 seconds. If we just go hard, you know
If you get those good items and all that good synergy
Yeah, absolutely like that lightning thing that I got which is just hey roll and a lightning bolt fucking a we's the role zone
Roll and you get a lightning bolt zapping is one of them. Yep a slow walk to get
What was it?
the the the arcane rain yeah rain going
What was it? The arcane rain?
Yeah, rain going.
And one that I picked up and we saw it initially and didn't quite know what we were looking at.
Whatchamacallit? Summon Swords.
Oh yeah?
Summon Swords is actually a post-boss buff.
That is every couple of seconds they'll regenerate.
That's so good. You're not casting them.
They just, right, carry in greatswords or what?
Not greatswords, whatever.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Phalanx blades.
Or whatever the fuck.
Yeah, they just resummon every couple seconds on their own.
Those passives are the best I've ever seen.
I saw one in, I just checked out somebody's footage
of them fighting the final boss,
and they had one where hitting dash causes a giant ice explosion that stays in place for like
ten seconds and causes frostbite.
That's so good.
Yeah I got that.
You start sprinting and you get whore frost explosion right at the start
That's so good
You know
Just these these we like I don't know
That like they're gonna those are those are your run winners essentially you get one of those and you're like
Oh, I have a fantastic fucking chance here to build around that that ability
Because it's free extra damage that just it's like, you know what?
I mean, it's like another party member just hanging out in a lot of cases doing normal actions
You would otherwise regularly be doing but they just cause extra damage to it to whatever's near you
Hades buffs. Yeah, man. I
Would like them to put this game out and for it to be good. And then I would like them to put an expansion out every year until there is a new Souls
I mean, they can again, they don't have to treat it like that.
They can treat it even they can update it even more frequently.
You know, every couple of months they can drop us some some shit.
Give me more though.
Like I didn't even get to the final boss of that that network test. I'm already being like, give me more though. Like I didn't even get to the final boss of that that network test and I'm
already being like give me more though. Just put every single asset you've ever made into
Hmm. I have free, easy, super easy to do. Affordable as well. They don't have to spend
too much extra money on the implementation there, you know. Do what all the modders have
been doing, including dropping characters from the wrong game. Just drop them in.
And just letting it work. What was I going to say though? Yeah, the one thing though is just that
again, it's not, it's scratching an itch. It's not going to be the same itch as,
fuck it, I want to do a run. Absolutely not. And be the same itch as fucking I want to do a run
Absolutely not and the number one itch that doesn't scratches. I would like to explore an interesting new area in a from software game
What it actually does is is like that. Hey, you know what? Let me load up some apex right now or
What I you know what? I mean like one of those games like oh, absolutely
It's that game that uses this system forever.
Yeah, it's taking over the,
it's taking over the where we drop in itch
more than anything Souls related.
And yeah, and you know, for sure,
the last day as well, like not the last day rather,
but the Sunday, like a lot of people queuing in for those games as well were like,
okay, we all know that. What I called happened where people were just pinging the same areas
going like, yep, we're going to hit the church, we're going to drop in, we're going to open that
chest, we're going to take out that crucible or the perfumer. We're going to go up, turn around,
there's going to be some good shit inside the treasure chest
out there, hop up over the castle, make our way to the rise.
Once you go to the rise, drop back down,
go to the next church, get your sip, fight the dragon,
you'll probably get a, by that point the rain's gonna come
in, chase the rain back to the camp, jump over the camp,
if you have time you can fight the misbegotten,
if otherwise, go up to the top, take out that first boss,
day one clear and you got some good shit for it. That's that optimization is important to ruin with
Randomizing the map just enough that that doesn't work anymore and instead it just becomes
Do I have time to get to this next spot? Yes, go go go. Hopefully there is something we can deal with there
And you know it would also be interesting to see characters get introduced that like
really fucked with the system.
For example, like someone that was like, actually I can survive on my own without helping you
You know?
Oh, I have like an ability to create a bubble in the rain.
Or you know what I mean?
Or some sort of like survivability where I'm going to go off and get things that you guys don't have or um I mean there's already like those
trinkets I mentioned create unique goals for example uh getting a stone sword key and opening
up a an evergeil gives you a huge buff but you have to accomplish that goal first.
It's interesting because like you know obviously, obviously everybody's going to be way more effective
if they team up to 3v1 on these bosses, but if everybody splits up, that means you are
tripling the possibility that everybody gets the really good accessory that they want.
That's it, right?
And or whatever the goals might be.
I had a game as well where one of the, no, the game where we cleared
it, one of the people I was playing with became essentially a support class that didn't exist.
They became a perfumer that would shield us and would heal us and would work together
and used shopping and abilities to do support group shit, you know,
when none of the four classes are dedicated
towards doing that right now, you know?
There's passive abilities that kind of help
pick your friends up and oh, there's the things
where you can get a trinket that says,
every time you sip your Estus, if people are near you,
they get a healing as well.
Oh, that's good.
There's little things.
Yeah, there's little things like that.
But like someone going I'm gonna buy stuff that that generally supports the group and buffs the group and you know
Enchantments that do that as well. Like you have a whole other type of class you've built yourself into you know
So yeah, the ability to have the freedom to turn to do that type of shit
as well with the characters is awesome. I agree with chat. I think that either this
game's final boss or maybe a hidden boss that you need to fulfill certain conditions with
should be like white glint or rusty. Something AC just drops in? Yeah. Oh my god.
Yeah. No. Do it.
Fucking do it.
Suddenly just the
the um, uh
your computer's voice
like I forgot her name but she just like that dialogue
starts kicking in, you know?
No, you know what it should be? It should be fucking
laughing hyena.
It should be fucking laughing hyena. It should be fucking patches.
I mean that's- that's free.
Patches is going to be there. There's no chance it's not.
The only question is this patch is going to be playable practically, you know, like-
There's no reason why not.
They have simplified movesets.
You have three things each character can do.
You can take anyone that was standing around as a main character in those games and go
for it, you know?
That would be super sick. But yeah, no, or even like, I can see that being a sort of like, you know, DLC thing
where it's like, you want to play patches, we have the patches.
Here you go.
I think it's absolutely insane that after all these years of saying when's Capcom going
to come out with Capcom versus Capcom, that From Software came out with From Software
versus From Software
Or Elden Ring versus Dark Souls or whatever the fuck you want to call it.
We'll see how far they go with it for sure.
But no, the idea that, okay, at the very minimum, maybe if you don't get a playable patches,
you might be able to get a patches helmet.
Or patches could be a unique event, something like Karen in Hades.
Yeah, you know, maybe you're picking up a Fume Knight Greatsword, you know what I mean?
Maybe you're picking up a fucking legendary weapon that you recognize from a thing and
then that's there too.
Like there's a lot, like the Moonlight Greatsword is going to be there for sure, obviously.
It's just, well, you know, but like I don't know.
You should have to do something extra to get that fucking sword. Like that can't be dropping
out of a chest. Like that must be like kill Seath. You know?
Spend the entire day just getting that thing.
Yeah. And then it's, and then it fulfills its usual promise. That'd be pretty cool.
Oh yeah, no, the arcade rules that we can apply here mean anything's possible.
But it was a really fun test.
That was great.
Good taste for what's going on.
You play a game in this and this is high but limited beta and I'm just like, I'm going
to fucking stream a lot of this fucking shit.
I never thought we'd be here playing Smash Brothers roster games in our head.
With the front-saw characters.
Cause they are on the first trailer.
Oh my god, yo it's Nefeli.
Like what?
You know? Trailer is coming. Oh my god. Yo, it's in the belly like what you know in their very first trailer. They're like, okay, that's
That's the fucking centipede demon and that's also the what was his name?
Gwyn's kid the fuck and nameless nameless king the nameless king. You're like, alright. Well, those are
Fucking dark souls characters that like he's riding the goddamn dragon in there
So it's like okay could, it could be anybody.
It could be anybody.
You want to fight three Gwyns at once?
I would not.
Would you purchase Havel DLC?
Yeah, fuck it. Yeah.
OK, sure.
Give me that. I'll go be Havel.
I'll have another fucking rematch with Artorias. Fuck it. Give me that. I'll go behavel. I'll have another fucking rematch with Artorias.
Fuck it, put me in.
Artorias and Sif.
Ornstein and Smoke, and you can each pick one of the two.
Okay, okay, as a boss, certainly.
But what if you played as one of each,
and then you
could fucking...
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Solaire would be who you'd you did they'd give you the AP right? Yeah
Yeah, in fact I would say
Probably any NPCs that were human like made within the game engine You know have a higher shot have the highest shot if anything
anyone that's like a boss boss is a boss because
Their logic already exists
Well one of the things they said is that the name of the boss is not the name of the
boss that you pick on the character select.
So like the actual boss's name is like Gladius.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
But the name of the boss when you select it in the level is Trismegius or some shit.
And they said that's intentional, which to me says that you're gonna be picking like
Wolf swordsmen and you're like, whoa, who could have
And then the day threes are gonna change and then there's gonna be like the big final final progression points. So
very cool
Yeah, that's that's night rain
And you know that's that. And that's about that.
Yeah, I had a good time chilling.
Very good time.
Thank you very much for having us.
It was great to see you guys.
Yeah, absolutely.
I want to gush with my appreciation.
You made it a really great visit. Thank you
It was a really great time seeing and seeing you all and the baby really likes all you guys. Yeah
Yeah, Reggie got a pound yeah Reggie got a little fist bump it was so good that up oh man
Just while we're talking Montreal, just through this out there, I don't know if you
saw, but apparently they announced today that we're finally getting the Quebec to Montreal
to Toronto Shinkansen.
So hey man.
So you know when you graduate from your college or your university and you
still have somebody that you know that goes there and in the very next semester after
you've graduated they're like, hey you know that thing you complained about every single
fucking day?
Yeah they're fixing it.
That's very much what's happening and it's like, man that fucking thing well granted it's six years from now
Yes, but the 300 kilometer per hour high-speed rail train is finally getting built and it's gonna do
three hours Ottawa
Three hours Montreal to Toronto. Yeah, it's gonna be to Ottawa Montreal
Laval 12 yeah in Quebec CityOuvert, and Quebec City.
Holy shit.
Our entire lifespan, been waiting for that.
The 401 can go fuck itself!
Fuck that piece of shit!
I mean, but just also, like in Japan,
riding that fucking Super Train and just,
you're like, why can't anywhere else on the planet
figure this out? Why just?
The reason is really simple, because the time it takes to build the train is longer than
the election cycle. That's the reason.
Oh, yeah.
That's the reason To your dear god that sucks. So so this is no this is cool. This is fucking that's a big deal
And like it doesn't benefit me directly at all because I'm on the west side of the country and the west side of the country
Yeah, let's say they did like fucking Edmonton all the way out to alifax, right?
It's like they're not gonna put this through the Rockies for like fucking 20, 30 years. It's the Rockies, right?
But let me tell you, as somebody who just took a very arduous trip with dog, baby, wife
and me from the Vancouver airport to the Montreal airport, hey man, do you know what's like
the easiest airport in this country to reach?
Fucking Toronto.
It's like the, like-
To go on direct flight to Toronto and then
hop on a train for a couple hours, that's a million times easier.
It would be really nice if train alternative. Obviously we have a rail system, but high
speed to get places?
The train from fucking Toronto to Montreal takes a a day and is like super expensive.
No, like getting a, being able to do Toronto as a day trip is an insane thought, but-
But you know what?
You know what, Wully?
I think that I am going to keep my ass out of an airplane for a little while.
Perhaps. for a little while Perhaps I think that maybe now is the time to plant my butt. Mm-hmm and chill the fuck out. Mm-hmm
Yeah, kind of wild how both of our last trips were
Followed by wild shit. I gotta tell you and this is obviously like this is all easily personal and we're I'm talking about the Delta crash and in
Toronto which fucking thank God nobody died. Hey, that's great
So I'm you know what's you know, it's the worst place to read about a plane crashes is fucking taxiing onto the runway is
I'm like, huh? What's new in new in the world oh shit and then I made the
mistake the big mistake of going hey wife who's terrified of flying check
this out yeah so there was some hand gripping there's that hand gripping
that's a bad call yeah yeah I told her I loved her and that everything was gonna be fine
you know there's also as I shuffled in my seat with my broken belt in my
falling down pants there's a reason why Final Destination is not selectable on
the movies you can watch list but we arrived safe and sound no problems I tell
you what though you oh man I don't know if you saw this
because Paige transcribed it on social media, but we were standing
waiting for the plane to board, right?
And we happened to be at one of those gates in Montreal where you
can look out the window and just see straight in the cockpit.
And I looked over there and went, oh hey, and this is like the
packed gate where everybody's just waiting for that last 10 minutes.
Hey, you can see the pilots through the glass and page went. Yeah, really? and oh, yeah, you can see them jarking each other off a little bit and
I get hit with the good ass like one of my favorite emotions in this world is your wife going. Oh my god
shut up and
then right before right before that becomes like
and then right before right before that becomes like and the
The two old guys directly behind me sitting down start going
Like into their coughing hands I go what
Why it's fine got him. It's fine mission accomplished Yeah, so that's that's that's pretty much that Mission accomplished.
Yeah, so that's that's that's pretty much that just those pre-flight jitters man you gotta
Gotta take care of that
Anything else you're gonna throw on top of the week there
Yeah for people who didn't for people who didn't know it, because I talked about it briefly on my stream, but there's four child behaviors that are normal and you'll get two and you don't want them,
but you'll have to deal with them.
Biting, hitting, running and climbing we knew that my boy was a climber and we've discovered that the second behavior is
Yeah, isn't that just human beings we use our feet
You know learn how to run and then you're like I can do that
I can get faster and this was discovered in the airport
Fuck okay, okay, okay?
Okay, the kid clicked our three for the first time in the body. I'm gonna put you down while I get the oh shit
Roadie run camera shaking
So luckily he's he's a little baby
So he's not that fast
But he's just fast enough that at one point I had to like run and you know do the scoop like under the arms like
Scoop because he was gonna like was gonna fucking run into the back kitchen
of a Tim Horton's in the car.
Oh my God.
And I'm like, no, not for you, baby!
So we're probably gonna get one of those fucking
little backpacks for the baby
that conveniently has a dad or mom tether onto the backpack to make sure that you can't lose the backpack. And the fact
that it happens to be securely attached to the child is just a nice little bonus.
The kid leash. Oh, fuck yeah, dude. Absolutely. Okay. It's like oh yes the leash is very demeaning
for the child and you know what is also demeaning for a child? Trucks. Yeah. Booking it mid-diaper
change. Just going I'm done with this. So we're talking to my mom right? Because now
that you have the baby you talk to your mom and the baby and the mom tells
You all this shit. That's new despite the fact that it's old and
She's like oh, yeah, you know I had one of those for Patrick. I'm like you did I was a leash
You got astral chains, that's great
You got astral chained. That's great. Wow. She also told me that like back in the day she had you know those little tiny plastic strollers that you can fold up real easy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That was my stroller and she said that before she used like the little backpack leash thing that I would attempt to escape the stroller and fucking go. And like, that's why strollers now,
you staple the children in like it's a car seat.
I guess the thought process is like, okay,
how many times does that leash get maxed out?
If the answer is frequently, then that is a-
If the answer is once,
then you've made the right decision.
The justification has occurred.
Because I'm sure you have lived in the world, you've seen a fucking five-year-old just fucking
sprint out into traffic, and even if you saw it walking by, you went, oh, oh, oh, oh.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
The hope is that you're like, everyone can move faster than the kids little legs can carry.
But yeah, you look away for a second, I'm sure.
So like, you know, I had him, I had his hand
and my dad and baby are walking and people are smiling.
And then he went, no, and yanked his fucking hand out.
And like so fast, I was like, ah. And like like okay now we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna
restrain this child from his own dangerous impulses okay and then and
then apparently just never mention it again mom how did I not know I was a least child until like three days ago? How
did that never come up one time?
Well clearly it was stopped early enough that the memory never formed, so that's good.
I guess.
You don't want to get old enough to remember.
But yeah, hey, so that's pretty much it for me
Visiting you was great visiting my mom and dad was great
So glad I don't live in Montreal anymore. We'll never go back to live
Might visit maybe later one day probably not
Love it great super cool awesome
Can't wait for the train
Yeah, no that trains gonna be good can't wait for the shinny
Maybe I'll take its trip on a little train cuz I like the train
If you want to see more of my stupid crap go down to slash Pat stares at
Fucking pirate yaksa comes out tomorrow oh wow that was fast it sure is
it's almost like they released them more than once a year
I was almost huh when did eight come out or is it early fucking two months ago
months ago.
Hold on, let me check it out.
Infinite wealth
release date was January of last year.
So 10 and a half months later. Yeah, they actually, they turned it around
in just about a year.
Or sorry, no, 13 months later.
Yeah, so over on my end. So yeah, Reggie's off for the week.
And with that, I'm taking the opportunity to have some shit to
do. So no normal stream.
So no normal stream, potentially something Friday,
but I will post it up on my socials. So yeah, WoolyWools on Blue Sky and such,
and Woolyversus on Twitter, and not Twitter,
on YouTube and Twitch.
Let's take a quick bathroom break.
I'm gonna do it.
Alrighty. Yes, I forgot to mention on Sunday there is the Regime Royale City of the Wolves exhibition.
I'm sorry? One commentator for the FGC jumps on a lot of SNK games is holding the Regime Royale,
which is a City of the Wharves exhibition.
Thank you.
Excuse me.
And a bunch of different creators and players and I believe I saw an EVO champ in there as well. So shits wild
there's gonna be some exhibition matches and
Yeah, me and Reggie are scheduled to jump on and get some games there so fantastic
Yeah, take a look there
It'll be on Sunday. I don't know the full details as to when but that's going on
and It'll be on Sunday. I don't know the full details as to when but that's going on and
Potentially Friday I might jump on if I can figure out the schedule figure it out. We'll figure it out. Wait a second
That's when I'm gonna try and jump on
Yeah, go figure it out wow, yeah
So we'll take a look.
It's not a tournament, by the way.
I believe it's an exhibition with people playing each other.
So just FYI.
Yeah, shout outs to Rome.
Good stuff.
Shout outs to an open beta that is open to everybody
for the entire duration of the days that it's running.
So that's wild, but at the same time, like the night rain thing was like I bet you anything
They ran those three hour tests, and then they they turned some dials, and they're like was this
Because that shit was fucked on day one
Yeah, that is that is what a network stress test is supposed to do after all
The thing that's most fun for the players would be least helpful for the devs.
So, yeah.
It sucks, but I get it.
I just think that what games should do is think about your first time touching it as
give players more and then you can almost have a first thing where it's more about people
are going to be experiencing this for the first time, first impressions matter, and
then the more technical things can follow. Although admittedly in a network type situation
you don't know what you're getting. If it's a botch the whole time and they have to shut
the servers down for the entire first day anyway anyway then it ends up being a wash
regardless. You know what man I think they did the right thing because the
network test showed us that from software's biggest fucking weakness is
network connectivity and it still is. fucking fucking fix that shit a lot of drops that were not necessarily
Salty drops you know
Anyway, so we're gonna work it up a bit there
I don't know if you saw what I was putting up with like yeah like you charge characters are fucking dead man. They're dead
It's over. I totally agree with you that it fucking sucks
Like one put a if ball-rog comes to Street Fighter 6
Fucking God is my witness. He must be charged
It's it's you know I mean the legacy characters like the new character showing up and not being charged is almost like to be expected
Because that's that's fine. They're going Gile can't fucking quarter circle off sonic boom there. He's not allowed
Yeah, now now buttons did point out and very very fair point counterpoint is that like
in a game with
Just defense guard canceling which is essentially you just you just defend and then immediately do a special move or
In a move in a game with the rev system
where you go from one special into another into another,
not having the charge, right,
to cancel from one into the other
puts that character at a disadvantage.
Oh, absolutely, but when we talk about fighting games,
we're obviously talking about Street Fighter
and Virtua Fighter.
Well, so the interesting thing is that like in terms of doing one charge move
into another, there's like two ways to go about that, right?
There's one that is like, well, think of,
well think of Balrog with the full on charge down forward,
right? Or no, rather a charge down back and then
keeping it. You're going, let me get down back and then keeping,
you're going, let me get this right,
because yeah, you played it,
but you're going from down back to down forward.
And then up to, down forward to up forward.
Yeah, and then holding the down
and then going up for the headbutt afterwards, exactly.
So you're going, and that's such a unique,
crazy, awesome thing.
It's fun, it's fun to do.
It's such a cool, specific thing where like,
oh, you're doing a charge move from back to front,
holding the down and then using it later.
It's like a unique, really interesting scenario
to have that be possible.
And then the other thing is, Blanka in six
with his Ultra 2 and with his Level 2
and Ash Crimson in KOF both have these installs that let them just do no charge, back forward,
up down, you know, whatever, down up, just go right into the input.
And then it lets you string one into the other, you know.
So I was like thinking like, I was like hypoth hypothetically if you just defend guard cancel and just go down up
You know or whatever the case and you don't need you don't have the charge because you didn't expect
You weren't holding a charge when you did a perfect just defend there
you can you know, you can potentially get away with having it be like, okay a chargeless scenario, but
Whatever the case is, you know
You know, yeah But whatever the case is, it's the type of thing that even if you're...
It's weird because people that go like, I have a hard time with them, I don't get how to use them.
I'm like, it's weird because they're easier to use.
No, they're not.
You get the hang of doing charge inputs in a lot of cases faster than doing-
That's not the issue. The issue isn't doing a charge motion in a vacuum.
It's in the fight, right? It's how to mask it. It's how to use it unexpectedly. It's
a different thing, right? But in terms of just getting the move out period, that initial
thing is like a simpler basic input.
So someone in the chat says, Zawa Emma says they require too much forethought. And that's
basically the thing. Because when those people are learning, they're just putting, they're
smashing buttons.
Learning to use it in the fight. Yeah, learning to use it in the fight. Exactly. Learning
to like to calm down and be patient and hold is antithetical to like if you're just learning
to just press buttons right away. sure totally totally get that but um
No, I think that it does elicit like a different fun unique style of play that you know
You don't if everything just I love charge care motion over over the years then like yeah a lot of a lot of
Kind of design elements to these characters wouldn't be the same you know so yeah
I hope that we just we don't see them going fully fucking extinct. But anyway, um,
Guile will live on. And if Balrog ever comes back, he will
he will have his shit.
When a legacy character gets changed into motion, it hurts a
bit more than a new character just all is is and here's where
his car came from Gero. Is he a legacy character? He's fucking been in one game
Yeah, that counts man that counts. Yes. Yes, absolutely
If you existed then that's it, you know, like yeah
Never in my life thought I would see Kane ever again in anything. I
Think I thought he would show I thought that like if Grow wasn't happening that he'd show up in KOF.
I felt like those characters would show up eventually in that line.
Pianoing being gone makes sense.
That you just don't need.
I get it.
And this is someone who learned how to piano.
Mashing input things absolutely
that's an arcade stick thing that makes less sense in a world in which most
people play fighting games on controllers but yeah so we'll see let's
take a quick word from our sponsors. Bro, I love these sponsors.
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If only our memories weren't dogshit my memories goddamn terrible. It's getting worse
I'm remembering all this video game stuff, but I can't remember how to do things, like important things. That's bad.
That's not good.
People are gonna take advantage of that.
Yeah, well, hopefully I won't know what's going on.
This week, the podcast is also sponsored by
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Bro, my gamer brain is ruined.
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Alright. All right
Is our piece of news I know there's one we're gonna talk about cuz it fucking sucks
There's a couple of them
of them
Well, how about this
when you When you are Trying to dethrone Overwatch,
that's right.
You've gotta learn how to think like Overwatch.
That's right.
You've gotta become the Overwatch.
Fuck yeah.
And to become the Overwatch,
you have to master the art of the sandwich.
Oh, what's that?
The Blizzard.
What sandwich is that?
The Blizzard sandwich. Oh yeah. Mm-hmm
What if we hit you with a little bit of?
human torch
massive layoffs
What and the thing? Oh, I like the thing. Oh, he's got a big punch and a big sandwich
All together. It's almost like I didn't notice the filling what okay, so the massive layoff started. It is like seven people
it's like the Seattle team that was like
to help out the entire the entire US support team in the US support team and
like nor you know
You know hey, this is Chinese game. This is China. You know they were there this is a Chinese game.
This is China, you know, they're out in China.
Like, what do they need Americans for?
I mean, they're only working on Marvel Comics properties.
I apologize, I didn't know that it was seven people total.
I thought it was a much larger studio.
Okay, that being said, okay, so I apologize for the use of the word massive
That was an incorrect state a word to use
Sometimes sevens really massive dude come on
So yeah, this was a bit confusing initially because the first reports were
Marvel rivals director laid off and yeah
And it was like what is going on here?
And then it was like, oh, okay, it's the US team.
And there was confusion and none of the people knew what was happening or why.
And so further clarification, it seems as if basically they had a research and development
and level design team in the US and NetEase seems to just be pulling out of America and just
go and basically being like, I guess the plan is to do everything in China going in future
except for community management.
I mean, that makes sense, honestly, genuinely. But they did totally time it right between
the two fucking reveals, didn't they?
So the weirdness of it being the director into not the director I support US team is
that's certainly not the same story. It is dogshit to announce that randomly or to not
announce it for the people themselves to discover it and publish that and post that in the middle
of the day where you're announcing the latest patch updates and the two character trailers.
That reads as a very clear, let's bury the story
or bury the news by just putting this shit out there.
You see the thing?
He's got pants.
And that's horse shit, right?
Small team, large team, support team, not team.
Like that's just, don't do that shit.
That feels fucking bad.
That sucks.
Why do that?
Super lame.
And I would also say too that like,
the game is an insanely successful hit.
It is crushing it.
Yeah, so I think the lead on this is,
hey, you know what, we did a really bad job on Concord.
You're fired!
Oh, okay.
But you told me to do that.
Waaah, suck it.
Hey, we did a really good job helping out
with Marvel Rivals.
Hey, you're fired, but we did a good job.
You're fucking fired.
It doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter.
Doing a good job doesn't matter, yeah.
I've also seen, and then some discourse is like,
well, the research and development phase is done.
They don't need them.
It's like, that's not the way that works.
It's an ongoing.
No, well, that's what I'm saying is
like that is a dishonest thing.. It's an ongoing, no, well that's what I'm saying, is like that is a dishonest thing.
Like it is an ongoing live service game.
There will always be new content coming.
There will always be new modes.
Like these games more than any other genre
constantly have new types of content
and new things going on with them.
The ongoing need for that could support a team of people
that are in charge of working on those things. Americans like girls with big butts. We
figured it out. Yeah. So fire them. We don't need them anymore. You know, so
so before like like in as much as it it is not that initial story that was
confusing about the way it was reported. We don't need anyone dive again going stay away from the corporation
Don't oh man who you want to defend fucking one of the largest Chinese gaming companies in the world
They're so dizzy to dive in front of the fucking net ease. But listen listen
China and Mickey Mouse off are they've got this you it's good man. Don't worry about it
Don't you dare attack my corporation?
Back off I'll cut you
Yeah, no um
You know it just it's just why why sandwich that shit on the same day man come on. Oh guys. I mean
You go to fucking Marvel rivalsivals channel and they're talking about
the Thing and the Human Torch breakdown. And that's the thing that'll get more views.
Yeah. No. Guan Guan is going into the details on the character. And you know what? You see
that Thing costume and he's wearing the suit and he's got the hat on and it's like I look so cool and he said I love the thing and he says it's clobber in time
if that character did not say it's clobbering time and
Johnny didn't say flame on that would be the most fucking ridiculous fucking miss. You know what?
You know have been really great if they're like we don't need the American R&D team anymore.
And then the thing came out and he said, it's time to smash.
And you're like, oh my God.
The smashing begins now.
Oh, Jesus Christ.
Holy fuck.
See, here's one of these times though
where I am curious because like,
so being online, being, you know,
getting cutting edge industry news and updates and such,
it feels, I'm like, oh, this feels like you've poured water
on whatever you're announcing
because you've done the stupid Blizzard sandwich thing,
right, and everybody hates that shit and it adds a bad, you lose a good will that people have been enjoying
with the game by doing this shit. Oh no. My brain just auto-completed the stupidest series of thoughts possible because I just remember
when Blizzard announced that you are gay. Do you remember that?
What was it again? You the player, you the player. Yes, yes, yes, yes. And then I, my,
my brain just fired up this fucking random skeet from like weeks ago. That was the phrase I became Chinese in prison
What is that? It's what a Yakuza villain would say okay?
It's what it is and then I'm just like hey guys the lunar festival is almost over, but don't worry you were Chinese all along
Don't worry about it
Secretly revealed you didn't know it.
You were secretly, you secretly were.
Oh, that's right! Shenmue! Years ago I was Chinese.
Yeah, I remember that.
That's a real quote. That's real.
I don't even remember. What a pile of fucking shit that game is. That's real. Shenmue... I don't even remember.
What a pile of fucking shit that game is.
Oh my god.
I'm glad we got 25 Yakuza games instead.
Um, what was I even... I was in the middle of saying?
I was saying something.
Wait, did that happen?
Oh, no. Um...
That did happen! That did happen! Oh No, um, yeah
Anyway, don't worry about it what?
Day there it did happen that characters became Chinese in prison
Okay, gotcha, okay
understood No, I was just gonna say that like I
Feel like sometimes because of like the way we get information. It's hard to
Step back zoom out and see like what it the act the feeling is at large
And so a game this this big like there's no way that like this type of story or news
Or whatever would ever like be more than a flicker of a dent of any so ever in the larger announcement of like
the big new content update
but it does certainly feel like at least from the
the weird front-facing
from the weird front-facing industry bubble that we are in
that a lot of people are like, well that fucking sucks, Neddies, right?
That's a bad feeling thing to associate
with this new update.
And it's just like, does that fall off happen,
does that end like five minutes after?
Oh, wooly, most people aren't even gonna get this news
Yeah, I guess so the people listening to this are hyper enthusiasts
So that that's that's all I wonder is just like I'm like
Oh is the the people that are kind of all sort of being like yeah that felt shitty is that just even?
Care no no video game now of course they don't I. I'm just saying that when Blizzard does this shit,
then it's like, the level that they fuck up at,
you torpedo goodwill.
Well, the difference is is that Blizzard
will stop that goodwill over decades.
Netis doesn't have the same cultural cachet.
And on top of this, after all of that,
there's an intermediate little general zeitgeist within type of people
who look at this news, which is like, hey, you should join a
union, which is then followed up by so that the company can
leave your country forever like Amazon.
Burn it all down. Shut it all down. Yeah. I mean, what there were I did see the the
Montreal Amazon workers protesting and doing doing their thing like couple days ago. So
that is cool. But like, boy, is that an instantaneous like, press the button to fold an entire company into a box and have
it prime delivered back to America.
So the trick is is that if we want to get unions working for Amazon in Canada, it's
up to our American brothers and sisters down south for y'all Amazon workers to start a
Go for it boys! We're right behind you!
Good luck. Yeah. Anyway, so there's a little bit of that going on. You know, there are
theories of course, that perhaps some of that R&D that was just laid off,
you know, well maybe you can pick up the Slack
with Microsoft's Muse Generative AI model
that's capable of creating gameplay ideation videos
that was just announced.
And then the video got delisted I think and then part of
it was hey did you watch these videos the people talking about it I could not handle
so no but I watched okay so I watched some of the I watched the gameplay ones yeah I
watched the gameplay ones I'm talking can I just reiterate my earlier statement from
social media which is hey let's put all ethical and practical considerations
aside, yo, this stuff looks like shit, bro!
It looks pretty bad.
Who the fuck is this for?
This looks like garbage!
So the idea is basically that it is trained on a,
what is it? Trained on,, what is it?
Trained on, what was the game here?
Let me pull it up.
It's, it's the one.
Kill, what was the game?
Ninja Theory's.
Bleeding Edge. Bleeding Edge. There we go. Ninja Theory's...
Bleeding Edge. Bleeding Edge.
There we go.
Bleeding Edge by Ninja Theory.
And yeah, so basically you feed in a little bit of gameplay
and then it goes on to sort of generate
what it predicts would be more gameplay.
So if you were, you know, trying to not level design
So if you were trying to not level design and not come up with gameplay ideas, it could just throw a couple out there.
Hey man, the real purpose of this man is for game preservation.
So that you can be like, hey, I would like to play a toki and it will give you what your friends description through Google translate of what
a togi might look like that has horrible input delay and is constantly visually shifting
in a fucking nightmare form.
I have watched multiple people on YouTube go into this gameplay AI shit and they all suffer from the same problem
Have you noticed these clips are always really short?
Like really short
Well, they're generated right it's because they they completely fail integrity after like a minute they completely slop out
after like literally 60 seconds.
And then you know, you wait a little bit of time
and then they throw more into it and crank the juice up
and you know, and it goes on and on.
But the overall thing is like, okay,
so I guess it's to not have level designers and.
It is to appease shareholders who want to see something with GenApp.
It has no realistic reality function for anyone ever.
Take a screenshot and then turn it into the equivalent of a vertical slice.
Without being a vertical slice, it's a vertical bite.
This is a fucking investment scam.
This has absolutely no value in any context whatsoever. Well, this will never be used.
Well, thank you Microsoft Research Blog.
Good stuff.
Can I point out that this is so ethically
and creatively bankrupt that not even the name is unique?
Unity's gen AI pile of shit is called Unity Muse.
How about that? I didn't know.
It's literally not even the first gen-eye muse.
Well, they stole even the name.
Like, come on.
It just, the flavor is extra strong with this with this set with layoffs and and such going
Rampant, but hey, there you go
This is so
Microsoft so fucking cooked man like this. This is like a fucking death fucking rattle
Speaking of cooked. Yeah.
Headline Funko Fusion is deemed a complete commercial and critical failure.
Is the part where I look up what Funko Fusion is.
That would be the Funko Pop game that came out last year.
What the fuck is this?
Yeah, exactly. Precisely. Right. Now, now here's the thing. Um, you
know me, I keep a bottle of champagne ready to pop every time
a story like this happens. And it just it just you know, it's a little bit of like,
okay, good, good.
Let's start correcting, right?
Let's start, let nature start healing again.
However, this story is also
hand in hand delivered with,
and thus the studio that made it laid off 20 people
that worked on the game.
Which obviously fucking sucks, and it's kind of like
How about firing the execs involved in the dogshit idea of a project instead of the people that got assigned
to just working on it?
No man, shit rolls downhill.
You know?
How about the people who thought this idea
was worth executing on fucking just just what he yeah shit rolls downhill it
doesn't work like that yeah the people who made the bad decision are also in
charge of the firing well hey you should form a fucking union anyway
Just just you know
Said exec is boxing their things up just to give them a Funko of themselves. Yeah
In memory, I'm just thinking of a Funko pop burning and effigy. Oh
How funny that is in my own mind.
And then there's piss inside.
Do you even know that story?
No, I just know you keep talking about Funko Pops full of piss and now that's the default
contents of a Funko Pop to me.
Well, what do you think is in that story? What do you think pieces of that story contain?
Okay, nowadays when something comes up and I have no idea what's going on, I
assume it's happening on TikTok. No, this is a page story. Okay. This is a real
life story from my wife and Funko Pops and piss. Okay, so because I assume usually that's the case and that if this is happening in real life.
Real life!
Okay, well it can't be like I was like okay maybe like some weird shit from years ago in childhood,
but no because Funko Pops are from adulthood.
No, that's to be relatively recent.
Yeah, Funko Pops are from adulthood. That has to be relatively recent. Yeah, Funko Pops are from adulthood,
so it can't be that far back.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Uh, hopefully, was it the dog?
Did the dog?
Oh, brother, no.
So I don't even remember all the details.
It's the head, though. The big head is where it's stored. The long and't even remember all the details.
It's the head though.
The big head.
The long and short of it is the page.
You know you end up in somebody's house
and it's a friend of a friend
and on the way to and from the bathroom
you discover that there is a line of
Funko Pops that
reek with ten feet piss smell.
And you're like what the fuck is going on here, and you run away
Okay, okay
They're in the splash zone. Yeah, no no they're not in the bathroom. They're in there. They're elsewhere. They're on the Funko pop piss shelf oh
They're just in the bathroom. They're in there. They're elsewhere. They're on the Funko pop piss shelf. Oh They're just getting wafted
No, that's what they're for
You know what you go ahead and ask her to tell you the full story because I don't remember it very vividly because I wasn't
Okay, somebody in the chat remembers page went to someone's house their house smelled funny room full of Funkos whole room smells of
human piss page bails
Okay, okay, okay?
I thought you're I thought it was that they were lined up in the splash zone
No, no sir the splash zone was the bedroom
Funkos were the targets
And so ever since then, I'm just like, Funkos are just filled with piss. Right, right, yes.
Well, you know, that's why the game didn't stand a chance.
That's why, because everyone remembered that story and they're like, wow, those little
pistols. Cause I'm like, I'm thinking about the fluid dynamics
of how a head could store some inside.
Are those heads empty?
Hollow enough, yes, that's what I'm assuming, right?
That there's like enough room to, you know.
Oh my God, okay dude, I am at the Funko Piss Power
Oh my god. OK, dude, I am at the Funko Piss Power Steam page.
And I did not know that this feature on Steam exists.
There are positive reviews on this game.
And I did not know that developers
could respond to individual reviews on the Steam store
page. There are multiple pause. Oh my god. There's so many develop. There's a developer response
Okay, every single one of these top reviews
Let's find out buggy game crashes it is horrible. Thank you for leaving a review
We really appreciate you taking the time since your review
We have made a bunch of updates
to improve gameplay and performance,
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
That is, ooh.
So, when you go to the Netherlands,
if you ever go to Amsterdam, when you fly over there,
they give you a little collectible model house.
Is that to piss on? The model house has a little bit of booze in it? Oh, yeah, right?
It's a little it's a little house-shaped booze bottle as a collectible thing you know
That's what I'm in bad
You can fill that bottle with
I'm imagining something constructed in the same way with a similar delivery system
Yeah, you know and the head and you can just you swirl it around and you hear the
Inside and you're just like and then as you see but then after the first couple shakes it stops swirling
Because it froths up. Yeah, and it gets a little bubbly so you can't shake it as much yeah that's
when the smell is that it's richest
Fermentation oh yeah, Funko Funko fermentation is
Jesus Christ
Stuff hey, that's my advice for the day is dad don't piss on things
This is a toilet. Mm-hmm. That's that that's a good Yeah, that's a good advice for everybody. Oh, I mean like or on the Funko pops like quite. Yeah, sure
Whatever I can't stop if a fuck and I'm Funko pop was outside. I piss on it. I'll tell I'll be honest
Please look forward to the limited edition jankum fucko pops
That's good, that's good. Um, mmm everyone's a fan of something
All right, look
Hollow Knight got delisted on the, Silksong got delisted on the USC shop
on Nintendo and it's still up in the other places but-
It got put back.
Did it?
Okay, well then it's not a story.
Well you know what, they were changing it to add Switch 2 to its thing.
I thought it was a, it's coming down to go back up.
No, it was really funny though.
What happened?
It was like, give me a fucking break.
All right.
Well, then nothing and never mind.
Cool new games.
Check out this game called class 07.
Oh, you said you got set that too, huh?
Yeah, I just saw the footage of it.
So it's up on Steam.
It just looks like a really cool
cell shaded high school thing.
And you're a student kicking lawn chairs
and benches around off of walls
and it's ricocheting at people.
Shit looks rad.
They put up a fucking, they put up a blue skeet
of that girl using a fucking plastic virtual chair
to take people out.
Animation looks cool, style is good.
Just the high school beat-em-up brawler bit
and physics takedowns, good animation.
This is about as wooly-olly coded as anything has ever been.
Oh yeah, I'm all about that. So, you know, add to your wishlist. That's the thing that's happening.
Looks cool.
Looks cool. And another and similar in terms of like cell shaded, cell shaded action game as well.
So this is more so in the vein of a Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm like.
There's a game called The Hidden Ones that is just put out some footage and looks really nice.
It's definitely got that,
you're seeing the CyberConnect Naruto game style influence
in the camera movement, when the gameplay starts.
Every time you go into a super and it just becomes
like fully detailed anime cutscenes and shit like that. camera movement when the gameplay starts. Every time you go into a super and it just becomes like
fully detailed anime cutscenes and shit like that.
Yeah, people that played a lot of Naruto
are making their arena fighter that overall visually,
definitely, definitely notably impressive.
But does it play?
Like Naruto?
Good, though.
You know, if it plays like an arena fighter, then it plays like an arena fighter.
But I'd like to call attention to it because it looks really fucking visually impressive,
I find.
It does look pretty cool.
That's called the hidden ones.
And yeah, I mean, you know, that's pretty much the deal.
You know, the only other thing is just if anybody wants to pick up the Canadian GameStop franchise
or France GameStop franchise is you can purchase them.
Yeah, you can.
They're now for sale.
Who thinks it's going to be stupid enough to buy that shit?
It says, uh, uh, uh, comes included with wokeness and DEI.
Is that true?
Is that true?
Comes included, apparently.
So, oh boy.
The Canadian and French operations of GameStop Corp
are for sale.
And according to CEO Ryan Cohen, comes with high taxes, liberalism, socialism, progesterism
with this.
Oh, are you fucking serious?
DEI included at no additional cost if you buy today.
Hey, how about this?
How about the fact that every time I've gone to an EB Games or GameStop in literally the
past 10 years, it has been the worst shopping experience for that entire year.
But that doesn't, but you see that you're applying a thing that doesn't even matter
because this is the fucking idiot that bought it during the, for the meme with the squeeze
This is the guy that got it in like the last two or three years for the whole GME bid.
So it's like, it's just been whatever.
It's been a history of stupid shit.
It's not like this is anything notable
but I can't believe this company has not gone straight up bankrupt yet the memes dude I
can't I can't believe it this the big squeeze into the the huge short against all the the corporations that there were the edge and against it and then means
And and and
To fucking go full circle a wall of Funko pops
in a brick-and-mortar store
They can like a game nah man by these figurines alright
I'm getting the fuck out of here and going to fucking Best Buy like the zerg creep
You know a wall of Funko showing up in your brick and mortar is
A fucking kiss of death. That's what it is and the more they take over. It's like. Oh, it's taking over two walls
Oh, man, it grows shit is done
It grows
Anyway is done. It grows. Um anyway. Alrighty. Uh let's take some
letters. Hey, if you wanna send
in a letter, send it to Castle
Super Beast Mail at Gmail dot
com. That's Castle Super Beast
Mail at Gmail dot com. Please
send in good emails. So, before
you hit send, reread your email and ask is this shit
Like actually maybe
All right, let's see here
Hey Pooley and Dooley
There's some criticisms about night rain from the network test saying it's a cash grab mod made by FromSoftware and it doesn't deserve to be 40 bucks.
I find it interesting since mods have become so robust they're the equivalent of having
Scholar of the First Sin overhaul on each PC Soulsborne game.
Additionally, some mods turn it into a different game.
What are your thoughts on this criticism?
I think the amount of game you're getting
from FromSoft in each one of their releases is absurd. And to call anything you're doing
a cash grab is like they're well within their rights to make more money on the franchise
they've built with the amount of insane fucking, the sheer volume of the gameplay you've been
getting. I think I
Think and it's a reduced price at that
I think one of the most ridiculous sentiments that you can encounter for like a wide variety of situations in life is
I don't think this is worth the money
This looks really easy
Okay, so do it then well
Well, I want you to do it though.
Like, hey listen, if mods for from software games are so robust and so feature rich
that you feel that Night Rain is not a good value,
then fucking don't buy it.
The only time that this anger comes in when you're like,
oh, I actually want the stuff in night rain, but I do.
Even at reduced price at that.
And look, you know, in terms of like also Rainbow Edition and all that shit
back in the day in Street Fighter 2 getting incorporated into ST eventually.
Like, I think overall, these are good things to have them officially
like acknowledge and like work into the actual IP.
But yeah, Elden Ring and FromSoft is one of those things where you're getting so much more bang for your buck with all the shit they make
that I'm absolutely happy to support what this is for its limited scope if it is
But the idea is that this is also something that could go on
For super long with tons and tons of content over time regardless anyway
Literally like chill it's 40 bucks. I cannot possibly imagine looking at Elden Ring and going I
Can't believe, it's the largest fucking
games ever made.
It is a shitty entitled take.
That's a dogshit take.
Fuck that.
Let's take one over here from Rad who says, hey, Willie and Pat, I was catching up on
the podcast a couple weeks ago and you were talking about how all the directors have left platinum
Uh and the company's a shell of its former self with that in mind
Does the plot to baio 3 seem better in a weird shit way now like there was a vibe foreshadowing its structure
No, no, no
No, no, it was dog shit and that's it. No, no bad was bad. No
Dude, you know what? They made it bad on purpose because and that's it. No, it was bad. No, bad was bad. No. Dude, you know what?
They made it bad on purpose
because they were gonna quit.
No, they fucking didn't.
I'm taking Jaune with me, god damn it.
No one can have her.
That's insane.
That's completely stupid.
Furthermore, we've seen other franchises
where the brains get handed off to someone else and they can still do a great job with it
Kamiya did not make devil may cry after one
The shit we love the most didn't come from the first you know, like yeah you don't like that's dumb
I disagree completely it is not it is still it is still bad
So bad it's so fucking bad it sours me on that game so fucking bad
Also that game came out unfinished. They changed the way violas gameplay worked in a patch
to work
Like I well I just I'm just thinking about how like the
the job bit was like
such an explosive what the fuck but then like
What followed immediately after?
Like you like you didn't feel angry enough
You know you didn't like that you only had half of the context of that moment
You know and and seeing why it was necessary to just completely of make so I saw people talking about this
And I don't know how I don't know how legitimate it is
But I saw folks talking about how Bayo 3 was supposed to let you pick any world in any order
Which is why they all have
entirely self-contained storylines, but then they just decided to make it linear
near the end of development, which makes the story just fucking play like shit.
Okay, okay. I thought you were gonna talk about I thought it was the the the conspiracy that
Bayo 3 is is a legacy of Shinzo Abe product. That's all about that's all about
Reversing the birthing crisis and that's why
But then Bayo showed up with the doohickey
That's what I mean. But then Bayo showed up with the doohickey.
And that's why, you know, yeah.
You have to fix the birthing crisis.
That's the conspiracy. see um
I can't handle I cannot handle the doohickey. It's I can't
Is the hit is the least serious thing that has ever been. You're just losing it. You're scaring me.
Holy shit.
You fucking fucked my fucking microphone. I can't hear my cell anymore. I'm that's the first time I've heard that word That's really good.
All right.
All right.
All right. We got this.
We got this.
All right. We got this. We got this. Alright. Oh my god. Okay, we got it.
Alright, we got it.
No, no, come on, come on, come on.
We got another email in there.
We got another email in there.
Oh, come on.
Come on, you can do it.
You can push past the thingamabob.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. We got another email in there. Oh, come on. Come on, you can do it. You can push past the thing of a bob.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Oh shit, okay, come on.
See, cause you keep laughing and that keeps cracking me up
I just I just I've never heard that word before that's insane
That's insane. Why would you use that word?
That's so insane that's fucked up
Insane that's fucked up I Okay, all right. Yeah, we're good
Okay It's the end! Fuck off! Every time you... Alright. Okay.
Quick, uh...
Hello, Doped Pat.
And Enhanced Woolly.
Yeah, what's up?
Big updates in regards to the enhanced games.
Yeah, what up?
A.K.A. the steroid Olympics, the dark Olympics.
Oh, the thing that's never gonna happen
because that would make me happy?
All right.
So the dark Olympics is what Willie called it back in 2023.
So it seems to be going forward.
All right, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Letting athletes take as many performance enhancing drugs
as they want to see what happens
is a classic dumb idea that you hear from your friends when you're drunk.
However, over the years, the amount of funding and people interested in turning this event
into a reality has been increasing dramatically.
Last year, the enhanced games received a multi-million dollar investment from
various parties and so there's a full press release afterwards here talking
about how they're trying to make this happen by having athletes that will rank
get rank-based prize money for competing. And they will also be giving million dollar bonuses
to athletes who can break records, world records.
Yeah, OK, OK.
While doing this.
And yeah, and so far, the only athlete that has on board is an Australian Olympic swimmer.
But, yeah, there's tons of quotes and it looks like it might be happening or at the very
least there's renewed interest and money pushing forward. I want I want everyone, every single competitor to look like
Maximum Flex Pickle from fucking Grappler Backy.
Grappler Backy characters is just just just guys and girls
that look like they're about to burst like balloons.
And then I want one of them to burst like a balloon
like it's scanners.
Okay, okay.
Just a bunch of Abigail's on the starting deck.
Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
Yeah, I gotcha.
So early 2026 is what they're hoping to be able to announce
a host city at the very least, but yeah.
Keep an eye out for the dark.
What city is gonna host this bullshit?
The Dark Olympus.
Fucking cool city, that's who.
I mean, shit, man.
You throw money on that shit.
I could see that happening in the sphere in Vegas.
I could see that happening on fucking asteroid M I could
certainly see that happening in Saudi Arabia I could I could see that
happening yeah why not Detroit why not yeah yeah Detroit doesn't give a fuck
anyway yeah all right.
More Dark Olympics updates.
We'll keep an eye out.
Hell yeah, brother.
We'll keep an eye out as we get closer to the fucking, the Abigail run.
Oh man.
Just that Yoshi's Island commercial, you know
Which one's that? Oh with the with the eating the feeding guy. Oh, right. Oh, I hated that thing yeah, I know and nobody liked it actually because like I
Mean I like because even if you're like one of those weirdos. That's like, oh, yeah, or it's like, okay
But nobody actually wants the person to hey, that's our audience. yeah, Vore. It's like, okay, but nobody actually wants the person to explode.
Hey, that's our audience you're talking about.
Hey, calm down.
Yeah, but the actual exploding traumatized everybody, man.
That shit fucked everybody up.
It was like, Nintendo, you could've just said
Yoshi's Island, you know, we didn't need that.
There's a famous tweet that goes around
that's like, video game ads in the fucking 90s
were the worst thing ever.
It would just be a full page ad of guys screaming at you going are you fucking stupid?
And it would be the logo for Yoshi's Island in the corner. I
Mean there's an exact font of like though with like the old nest ads. It was like white page
Giant like text with like a single image and maybe a kid in a fish eye lens staring at you
You know calling you an arse lure
Yeah, like what are you like? It was just like Jesus Christ. Yeah, play Yoshi's Island. It's a good game
Calm the fuck down guys
All right, I gotta go. Alright, have a good night everybody.