Castle Super Beast - SBFC 011: Superman's Bulge Needs to be Made Off-Model

Episode Date: October 22, 2013

Ellen Page's virtual nudity scandal? Totalbiscuit and exploitable Youtube policies? Kinect tracking your snack buying habits? Cool videogame ads? RED FOCUS ATTACKS IN ULTRA STREET FIGHTER 4?! Yooooooo...o! Got a question for us? Send it to:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The idea of Toro Steak makes me uncomfortable. That's really weird. Eating Pokemon. Like, you eat a Slowpoke Tail in the restaurant at one point and I guess that's supposed to be okay because they grow back, but do we fight our Pokemon and then when they die or they faint one too many times? The Pikachu's are in here, hand them over to the Chefs. No, I mean, I eat chicken.
Starting point is 00:00:42 The Pikachu's are in here and they're eating all the Duntrio meats. Do you raise and love your chicken? Is Duntrio meat? Do you call? Are you a cockfighter, Leo? Okay, but what about the thing? If I was, what would the problem be? What about like an Oddish or something?
Starting point is 00:00:57 Is that seasoning? No, you just sauté that shit. Well, if you took an Oddish leaf, it'd probably be fine. It would grow back. No, I mean, imagine that like an Oddish is just like a beet or something or like a potato or something. You just face on it and then you just club it and you toss it apart. And then you mash it up, right?
Starting point is 00:01:19 And then it's all mashed, but then there's the face because the face is like two dimensional marker. Well, the face is like the peel on a potato, you know, it kind of just crunched a little bit. You know how a potato has eyes? You just mash it up. The paita equivalent for Pokemon would be so outright. Paita is Pokemon.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Paita, you just put it in the book and bought it. Also, the ethical treatment of Pokemon. That's the whole plot of like black and white, isn't it? Is that there's this guy saying, hey, this Pokemon thing's super fucked up. Well, the whole plot of black and white is like, like the team is like, release your Pokemon, release your Pokemon. This is what we want. And then the antagonist guy is like, oh, but I'm keeping mine so I can be in control
Starting point is 00:01:59 of Pokemon. And you're like, hey, man, why are you such a dick? Yeah. And the guy you fight throughout the plot and who's kind of cool, he always changes team every time he fights you, implying that he releases them immediately after trying to kick your ass. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Because he's a cool guy. He's pretty cool. Either way, eating them, just weird. Yeah, let's all let's all eat some Magikarp. I'd eat some Taurus. A Goldy would probably taste better. Seeking like a flame broiled seeking. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Oh, yeah. Some Brapidash flank. If you can crack that flying. No, a Gyrodos roasting on a spit. Oh, yeah. And a bunch of villagers are all like, yes, the bounty. Honestly, a Rhinon is basically its own cooking pot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Right. Right. Once you get to the beach. Just crack the executes open on the edge of the counter. This really makes you think why a Nintendo didn't have a cooking mama cross Pokemon. Wow. Game play. No, what you do is there's there's super training, then there's the PSS, then there's
Starting point is 00:02:59 Pokemon at me and then there's cooking Pokemon. Okay. Just hit R one more time. Rookie legs. Pull the core fishes tail off. Are we talking about kills the core fish? Exactly. We were talking about this before when military guys are given a rabbit and they had to take
Starting point is 00:03:14 care of it for a week and then break its neck. It's kind of like the same thing. You got to take your Pokemon. That sounds like an urban myth. It's not. It sounds real, actually. It sounds like a guy who went to the war and came back from the war and was all fucked up.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Told you that to make him seem less crazy. Yeah, that sounds like something that you could not get away with in today's society. That's like. Well, who's going to stop the army? Just run. Have you seen these giant English rabbits? Where are the truckloads of rabbits flying or like being flown in? To be fair, you don't really need truckloads of rabbits.
Starting point is 00:03:51 You just need two rabbits. Yeah. It's time to get it. Not a whole lot, actually. Like a week. Like a week. You got like a hundred rabbits. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:02 I made that up. That's way too quick. I made it up. I just admitted to making it up. It's not a week. It's not a fucking week. It's probably like a week plus one day. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:04:14 This is episode 11. I don't know why. Cooking with Pokemon. That's awful. But you know that the one, it'd be like Fog Rye. It'd be like the one time you tasted it and it was really delicious. You'd be like, oh, what's wrong with Fog Rye? Naming your Pikachu Pikachu makes it easier to decapitate and eat him.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Sorry, sorry. What's wrong with Fog Rye? I ate duck before and it's great. No, sure. It's duck again. Yeah, but duck is not Fog Rye. No, no, no. It's like a moral outrage at force feeding the bird.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Oh, that part of it. Yeah. It's like an environment where it can't move until it just gets fat on butter. Yeah, it's awful. It's like how eating veal. Some people are like, ah, that's bad. You can taste the cruelty. Because I went to a dinner with the Mrs. and she ordered veal and she was like, I don't
Starting point is 00:05:01 know if I don't know. And she had some and she's like, oh my God, it's so good. And I was like, it can't be that good. Wait a second. It's so good. She's having the moral confusion after ordering it. It's too late now. No, she's like, I really, no, I really questioned it.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Oh, it was like, I really questioned if this is worth it. And then she's like, yes. Oh, it'll always be worth it to you. Yeah. I mean, you're not going in the back and picking which one. How about that one over there? He didn't put a bunch of a fight. Not enough of a fight, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:37 How about a glass of milk from that cow? Kill the fucking cow. Oh, God. Guys, I think it's been a pretty busy week, right? I did things. Yes, a lot. No, I didn't. Not much for me.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Really? Okay. Well, what's been going on? Matt, what's going on with you? Well, both me and Liam over there, we went to Billy from Fighterpedia and Driver of the Shame Cars kind of game tournament stuff. Yeah, it was fun. And it got really fun.
Starting point is 00:06:06 Oh, the one that took place at my house? That you know, we're not really a participant of, so I'm just saying. Time with the lady, you know. Yeah, Liam in was there. Oh. That's a 2-Z. But I think me and Liam both tied for second place. Billy won.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Of course he won. He rigged the brackets. He did not. No, he won. Bracket template online. Now, when I overheard the yelling on my way out to dinner, I was hearing you guys yelling at Wendell. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Because he was currently leading the Parmigio Kart. The fuck happened there? Wendell just like lost two tournaments consecutively. Oh, jeez. Because it was eight tournaments leading to a winner. Wow. It was a one tournament. It was eight tournaments.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Okay. And then he lost two consecutively. This was Billy's birthday tournament. Oh, it has been. Yeah. 2013 Impact. Impact, exactly. And it was like on every Nintendo system.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Yeah. And every console, rather. Yeah, okay. So NES was like a super dodge ball. Super dodge ball. And then I swept. And you did. You did really good.
Starting point is 00:07:18 I'm shocked. And then after that, one of the several dork girls had a birthday thing. Not the dork girl. But two other dork girls that are out in the wild. Can I just ask before you go to that. How did it stack up to my tournament of Lordly Caliber? It was so different. Is the word.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Okay. Your tournament of Lordly Caliber was like the stupidest, best thing I've ever done. Yeah. That's what I want to hear. It was like a Targaryen controller and oven mitts. I'm pretty sure that was me. I think I had that because I had to play Pac-Man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:54 So wait, we should back up a little bit. At my birthday, I had a tournament where it was random games. You were in pairs, team pairs. And every time your turn went up, you had to play with a random peripheral. And then a chance of getting a random like. Fuck. Disability. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:12 So playing with oven mitts. Playing while looking in a mirror. Those were the two most damaging. Using a steering wheel. Tetris with a steering wheel. So you had a steering wheel. You had a guitar aero controller. You had guitar aero drums.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Oh man. What game was I playing where I had to play with the guitar aero guitar and oven mitts? I don't know. I had to play. I had to do that. But I had to play. I had to play Batman DX. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Oh yeah. It was Rascals. It was Rascals. Yeah. With the guitar and the. That shit's hard. Yeah. I remember me and the team and we were team best friends.
Starting point is 00:08:49 Yeah. Oh. Team two best friends. It was good. Anyway. And I bought a bunch of stuff over the weekend. I bought a bunch of graphic novels. I got Fables like I mentioned to you about that in New York.
Starting point is 00:09:01 I got Girl with the Dragon Tattoo part two. I got I didn't know but there was a Nick Fury series classic Nick Fury made by the guy that wrote all the Punisher Max. Wow. And the entire the gist of the series is Nick Fury is in a hotel room alone with a pack of bourbon and a revolver and that's it. Okay. And it's just him retelling war stories and he's going to maybe kill himself.
Starting point is 00:09:31 I don't know. It's fucking dark as shit and Sam Jackson Nick Fury. No. It's classic. Damn. It's David Hasselhoff Nick Fury. Oh jeez. So we talked about Girl with the Dragon Tattoo like the comic because like I grabbed you that
Starting point is 00:09:46 for your birthday last time and like it was not. You said the art was weird and there were some issues with it. I when I flipped through it I thought it looked kind of cool. In the end you said it was an alright translation of it because you grabbed the second one anyway. I grabbed the second one anyway just because I want Girl with the Dragon Tattoo stuff. Sure. Okay. But I think my main point was because it took things from the book it took things from
Starting point is 00:10:05 all of the movies and mix it all together into a weird like I don't know what's going on with this. I don't know what parts are here and there and whatever. I don't know. Is it Hornets Nest specifically? Is that is it? No. It's still continuing the first movie.
Starting point is 00:10:19 Like it's still continuing Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Part two. Yeah. Of the comic. Of the comic. Okay. Yeah. No.
Starting point is 00:10:29 I mean it seems like it would be a really good story to tell in that medium so I'd hope that they get better at that. Graphic novels? Yeah. You know like out of the second ones like more I don't know. Yeah. Any time you have a story that requires like cool visuals and whatnot but also lots of character exposition and thoughts the graphic novel is the perfect medium for that.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Yeah. Let me know. There's a Game of Thrones graphic novel. Oh yeah. I did see that too. There's a Game of Thrones graphic novel? There is. There is.
Starting point is 00:10:54 Is it just like a transliteration of the show or the book? Yeah. Of the book. Of the book more than the show. Tyrion's hair is the shiniest thing ever. Oh. It's more of the book than the show. Good.
Starting point is 00:11:04 Yeah. Good. And Planet Hulks. Of course. Oh no. World War. World War Hulks. I really want to read that one.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Yeah. No. But don't read it until you read Planet Hulks. Fuck. I guess I really want to read that one. Yeah. I'm going to start there first. They're super good.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Even though I know that. If you told me here's an interesting Hulk story I'd be like get the fuck out. But then that's what I told you and you told me to get the fuck out and then you read it and then now you own those. It's pretty good. It's pretty fucking good. The one game I played I guess of note is Cabela's African Adventures and Liam got a little time in on that and this is the open world Cabela game.
Starting point is 00:11:44 You drive around in your Jeep and Elephant AI goes nuts and makes B-Lines for you and you get a combo. A combo and combos. You get a combo by a ring of bison. Bison just stomps you until you're dead. Back by popular demand. They're super popular. They're super popular.
Starting point is 00:12:02 What's going on Pat? Dude I didn't do shit this week but play Kingdom Hearts. Wow. Like the second, yeah the first one. The trailer they said hey we're going to do the second collection. We're going to do two and Birth by Sleep and the cell phone game. Coded. Coded.
Starting point is 00:12:19 And I said no the cell phone one. And they had all the days over days. No that one's in this and that's in the first collection and I said I have the first collection but I haven't played it. I'm going to sit down and I played through like half of it and one sitting and then played most of the rest of it over the past couple of days. Dude Kingdom Hearts one is awesome. Like I forgot that that series is actually really good before it became really confusing.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Except for the gummy shit. Yeah the gummy shit stuff is fucking terrible. Oh wait when you picked it up and you were like wait it was good. I was like damn it was good so I think I'm going to pick that up. No like I remembered it fondly but I totally expected it to be one of those games that like you go back and you're like ahhh this part's fucked up. This pacing is bad. But no it's super fun.
Starting point is 00:13:11 I enjoyed my limited exposure. And it totally comes through on some crossover stuff that you because it's really weird. It's Disney and Square Enix. The weirdest two mixes ever. But then it actually comes through with like some really genuinely cool moments. So Cloud is taking orders from Hades and Cloud has this really fetishistic like camera shot where he walks in and it's like a huge long shot of just the cape. And he's like look at him it's the guy you wanted.
Starting point is 00:13:44 And then you fight him and then you fucking fight him and then you get to the end of the game and Beast is just there with you and he can't find Belle so he's going nuts and going through walls and you can't fight at that point in the game. So the entire gameplay revolves around you distracting enemies so that Beast can kill them and he's going nuts. But more than anything about that and all I can think about all week after playing Kingdom Hearts is how terrible all of the Disney princesses are. How they are awful.
Starting point is 00:14:19 Now that's a statement and a half. They are terrible. And Kingdom Hearts what's it in really stark relief? Let's elaborate. Hold on are you saying in Kingdom Hearts context? No in general. Okay Aurora, Cinderella, Snow White and Belle. I'll start off the game kidnapped already because who cares in the game.
Starting point is 00:14:42 That's certainly true. Who gives a shit about Aurora? You're looking at me you don't even know which one that is. That's Sleeping Beauty. Exactly. The only cool thing about Sleeping Beauty is Maleficent because she's fucking evil. And then so you go through that and then you run into Alice and she's just high and then you run into the two remaining which is the best Disney princess and the worst Disney
Starting point is 00:15:09 princess. Jasmine who I don't think anyone's going to fight me on if I say she's the best one. I'm going to go out on a limb and say I really like Mulan. Okay I wouldn't consider her a piece of shit. Isn't Mulan only the second one? And she's not a princess. She's considered a princess. No she isn't.
Starting point is 00:15:24 She's a little less. Okay well then Mulan gets to the top. Mulan's fucking bad. If we're allowed to put Mulan in then she's at the top but I think Belle's second over Jessie. But Belle isn't even a princess. And Pocahontas. No she's not.
Starting point is 00:15:35 Pocahontas, Esmerelda is my favorite Disney girl. She's not a princess. She's a prostitute. But she's my Pocahontas. I think the point I'm trying to make here is that you go from Jessica Rampin, ah just throw her in. Yeah yeah Jessica Rampin. You go from the Aladdin world where Jasmine is like actively resisting Jafar and more
Starting point is 00:15:55 or less telling Jafar to go fuck himself. You remember that part in Aladdin? But she still gets kidnapped. Where she said hey Jafar. How about you fuck yourself? And he goes yeah. Yeah. Right?
Starting point is 00:16:05 And then you go over to the worst Disney princess which is the little mermaid who is the worst character. The entire plot of the little mermaid is she goes up and she sees a hot dude and says boy I'd like some dick. And then she goes to her dad and her dad says no dick for you. So then she goes and makes a bad deal with a witch and then that ends up killing her dad. And then the man has to save her.
Starting point is 00:16:35 How much of this. Everything she does actively empowers her own villain. How much of this is you just hating her gingerness. Oh nothing. Nothing. You gotta get down. Nothing. Every single thing every other princess does is either nothing or at least tries to stop
Starting point is 00:16:52 their own villain. Right? No. Don't. Be evil. Don't kidnap me. Or Belle is. Or Belle tells Gaston to go fuck himself.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Well tells Gaston to go fuck himself and then tells the beast like no I'm out of here you're being a dick. Also you should totally kill Gaston he's a dick. Yeah please kill Gaston. Right? I like the concept of the king trying to say no dick for you. No dick you will make do with weird fish parts. All you got is weird fish parts.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Yeah. Okay. I can't if Mulan was there she'd be like Odimusha and a guy everywhere. Ariel instead of fighting her villain she makes a deal with her villain and then gets the villain more superpowers. She's terrible. She's awful. We're not arguing.
Starting point is 00:17:35 No one's telling you. And then in the kingdom arts you get there and even though she's an actual princess in the game they're like no because they're weird fish parts. Isn't that a musical section? No that's the second one which I'm oh god that musical section is bad. You princess too the black one from the black girl in the front one. What's her name? We were wrong.
Starting point is 00:17:58 I was asking you guys and no one could come up with her name. Black girl. What's her name? And that's why it's sad because that's what like she is. She exists to be. Everyone's yelling at us. Here's a black princess. This is spirit a princess is the horse a princess.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Wait who's spirit? Who's spirit? The horse. Oh what's the princess from Hercules? There was a girl. Hercules I guess. It was Meg wasn't it? It was Elaine.
Starting point is 00:18:23 It's Elaine Benes in Ancient Greece. From what? Brave. Yeah I forget what the girl from Brave's name even was. She totally counts as a princess. Yes she is. She's officially got inducted into the princess hall of fame. Remember there was that story where Pixar went nuts.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Yes because of her dress and she's all prettified to be appealing to little girls. She's slightly more cleavage and then. No. No. No. No. She got there was busted. No.
Starting point is 00:18:39 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
Starting point is 00:18:47 No. No. No. No. She got there was busted. It was really dumbed. It was bad. They made her wear a long pretty dress.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Yeah. The whole point about that character is that she's a tomboy. Yeah. And they dressed her up like a princess. And they could make a body of all this dumb shape. How can you solve the dolls and the toys that you're the tomboy? So don't do it again. You know what?
Starting point is 00:19:09 I...there's a subset of girls who are tomboy's that probably still like to play with dolls. Yeah yeah. But that's what the character is... No that's my point. How? Yeah. The tomboy. Someone will buy it.
Starting point is 00:19:23 And then have...then they can play G.I. Joe with their brother. You know what? The latest shitstorm with the guy coming out and going...the animator from out and going um... It's hard to animate girls. Oh that was so fucked up. Oh that was so fucked up. It's hard to animate girls because you need to make them emote but also...
Starting point is 00:19:40 You can't distort their faces. Because they need to be pretty at all times. Like on a very basic level like people were grabbing like screenshots of various animated films and like... Look how fucked up Gaston's face can get in this song. Like his jaw is like a foot out from his face. Oh yeah. And that's how you make proper animation.
Starting point is 00:19:59 Right? But stretch and squash. And they are given this edict. I'm gonna assume this is everyone in the animation industry designing chicks for anything. That like you can't have a freeze frame that makes this character look like a monster. So what it's called is off model. Off model right? That's called off model.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Oh that's creepy. And if you have like a 3D model that's rigged properly for example you would be able to literally have the values for her jaw at 0 and 100 be the slightest, slightest thing. Because anything worse than that is like this is not pretty to people. They're gonna consider it ugly. It doesn't... It's fucked up. And then the people drawing by hand have to apply to the same rules in hand.
Starting point is 00:20:44 I just thought Kingdom Hearts 3 has to have Rapunzel from Tangled and she does Wicked Weaves. No. You know what's awesome? You know what Kingdom Hearts 3 has to do and I'm gonna be really upset if it doesn't? It has to have a fucking Star Wars planet. Oh my god. That's what it needs.
Starting point is 00:21:00 Because there are already characters in Kingdom Hearts that have lightsabers. Yes. Because could you imagine having a boss fight in an action game setting against Darth Vader and don't say Force Unleashed? No, that was gonna say but then you need a Marvel planet as well. Yeah! You look it! Just do it!
Starting point is 00:21:20 Have the Marvel planet be the Battle Colosseum planet and have it be Planet Hulk. It would be awesome. It would be awesome where you just push all Final Fantasy characters out of Kingdom Hearts altogether. No! And just put Marvel guys in there. Okay. Anyways.
Starting point is 00:21:35 What are the ones that haven't been done to death already in the games and are not new ones that we all hate? They're gonna add lightning and snow. They're never gonna put anyone before seven. They put Setsur in number two. That's one out of seven games. You can't have the Warriors of Light talking talking though. They did that in the city all over.
Starting point is 00:21:55 You're totally right. And that turned out great. Like turning the Warrior of Light from like generic fighter which didn't have a real design into a person that looks like Amano's art was great. It was like the best thing that ever happened to Final Fantasy I. Also Onion Knight who was sick. Yeah, Onion Knight's great when he's not in Final Fantasy III. Is there anything stopping from Adam Jensen?
Starting point is 00:22:17 No! There's nothing! Or Wayshen. No! There can be the Eidos planet! Raziel! Yeah! Oh my God!
Starting point is 00:22:26 We're making money right now. Like there is a... Man, I didn't really think about this. All I thought about was like the Star Wars planet but like the nexus between Disney and Square Enix has so much that if all I imagine all it would take is like a single genuine conversation. Like, hey we put the thing in. Well, there's something special about these big projects that start from a magical meeting.
Starting point is 00:22:59 So two guys standing in the elevator, head of Square, head of Disney, just going, hey you want to do a thing? Yeah, I guess. We've been working more on it. We've been working like in the same building next to each other for Forever Y9. Or the Pixar meeting that outlined ten of their movies. Like seven or something. The magical meeting.
Starting point is 00:23:16 The magical lunch. Yeah. The magical lunch. You know? Legendary lunch. But sometimes it's a relief. But anyway. It doesn't mean that they call it.
Starting point is 00:23:24 Pretty sure people just call it the lunch time meeting if they call it anything. I've never heard of it. It's called talking around the water cooler. I know. I used to work in an office. That's not true. That's not true. It is.
Starting point is 00:23:34 They refer to it as. And I don't recall. Dude, all I played was Kingdom Hearts. That's my whole week. Okay. So let's just move on to Liam. Uh, I played God Eater Burst, which is a super- Jeez.
Starting point is 00:23:44 Any blue Monster Hunter game? It sure is. It's really good though. I'm surprised. Yeah, I really like it. That's the- Good for- Thatness?
Starting point is 00:23:52 Or good for faith? That's the version you got from? God Eaterness? There's no anime. God Eater's not- No. No, there's no. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:24:00 It's an original hunting game. That's the PSP game on Vita, right? Yeah, exactly. Okay. I have that. I own that. With good camera controls because right stick. Yeah!
Starting point is 00:24:09 I really like the character design of the dude that has a hoodie with a tie-in. That dude's cool. Super- It's really cool. Yeah. It's fucking awesome. And I'm actually like- How's it compare to Monster Hunter?
Starting point is 00:24:19 It's old. It's a clone, right? Yeah. It's like- It's way faster. You have a ranged N melee weapon on you at the same time. Okay. It-
Starting point is 00:24:29 So it's basically- Hey, people are complaining about X in Monster Hunter, so here's why. Yeah, and like in Monster Hunter, you know how the zones are all like a bunch of different areas to hunt? Yeah. This is one large- Good! For fuck's sake!
Starting point is 00:24:42 Yeah. You guys never played Monster Hunter, right? I have a little- In Monster Hunter, you have like an area to hunt. Yeah. And they're like- It's like ten different areas. Ten rooms separated by 30 second loading screens.
Starting point is 00:24:52 It's terrible. Because you're chasing the monster and he clips through the zone wall. And then you jump and it's like now loading. Yeah, exactly. Now loading. And it's- It's really unhyped. And then they spawn right close to the exit and you go to attack and you go back through
Starting point is 00:25:06 the exit. And you go into the zone in the next area. And they've never fixed it. Like the- Well in 4 apparently they fixed it. No, it's still there. It's still there. It's still there.
Starting point is 00:25:15 I'm imagining like in WrestleMania when we walked back and forth from the stage. That's totally exact. But that was high. But it's easier to make that mistake and that was high. Since we're talking about Kingdom Hearts, why isn't there Cabela Cross Monster Hunter? Can you continue talking? Sorry, I'm just making money over here. The plot's actually like better than I expected.
Starting point is 00:25:35 It's not like ultra cliche. Who cares about a plot in a hunting game? But that's what's kind of neat about it is there's a plot in this hunting game. Soul Sacrifice was like it wasn't amazing. Yeah, at least it was there. Exactly. And this has like 3D cutscenes whereas that didn't even happen. I know, there's something to me about the Monster Hunter plot.
Starting point is 00:25:51 So you showed up. Yeah. There's monsters. There's monsters. You should probably get out and kill those because they're bad. I kind of get straight to the point. I don't know. I've been playing hunting games a bunch.
Starting point is 00:26:02 I'm like they're great. How much bullshit gathering is there in God Eater? If you just want to do the plot. No, I mean like hey I want to- Monster Hunter, I want to make the new sword. No, exactly. Go grind mushrooms for an hour. There aren't like suits for each monster.
Starting point is 00:26:18 I think there's a weapon for each major monster and there's- I found at least one fancy shield. So like there's stuff but it's not- It's not as grind heavy. Yeah, there's a ton of gear but there's not as much grind at all. Okay. That's definitely the right way to play it. Man, I should play this.
Starting point is 00:26:33 How does it look on the Vita? It looks pretty good actually. Of course it does because it's on the Vita. Make sure to turn on the bilinear filtering. How do I do that? You hold the PS buttons settings, PSP settings, bilinear filtering on. Oh yeah, that's- It's great.
Starting point is 00:26:45 Yeah, looks good. Cool. It came inches away from playing the wolf among us. Sad. My PS3 was on, sitting on the title screen for like three hours and then I just didn't play it and turned it off. There was an anime to watch, I bet. I'm just gonna do it tonight, but I guess we'll do that tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:27:02 Cool. Alright. Did I do anything else? No, man. If you can't think of it, you can't. Exactly. Like I watched anime and that's pretty much it. Okay, let's move on then.
Starting point is 00:27:12 Well. Lily, what did you do, man? Tell me something cool. I have, I like reached out and just covered all mediums this weekend. Oh? So movie-wise, I checked out Super 8, the movie I've been meaning to watch for a while. Geez, that's cool. Wow, you're behind on that.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Ten years old. I never got to check it out, but like, yeah. And because it was the thing that, like, it was like, what's this about? Is it the Cloverfield monster? What's this about? We can't tell you. Yeah. What's going on?
Starting point is 00:27:38 I'm not gonna say, fine. So, um, no, I watched it, um... Is it good? Yeah. It's definitely good. I saw it a year ago. It's pretty good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:47 I think, I think, like, J.J. Abrams just basically said, I want to do a Goonie-style, like, throwback kids' adventure movie, solving the mysteries and the girls there and the chubby kids there and the burnout that's all doped up all the time. Dude, I love the burnout. Right? And not burnout's the best. Doped up being the term. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Exactly, you know. Super 8 is a weird thing where I was more interested in the kids and the relationships than the fucking monster. That's what I said. My kind of monster, like, cool, but I wasn't really... What I said, what I said to my girlfriend after we finished watching it was like, they could have not had that monster part and I would have still been interested in the dynamic. Or the monster could have just not existed at all.
Starting point is 00:28:27 It could have been an empty train. And just been the kids' bullshitting. And then you get to the end of the movie and they're like, ha, that was a fun thing. The interpersonal drama is actually really well done, you know? Yeah. J.J. Abrams nailing that genre that, like, no one else has touched for 20 years. Yeah. So that's really good.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Oh, before I forget, I saw Gravity. It's really good and George Clooney steals the show. Anytime George Clooney is not in Gravity, Gravity is boring. People should be asking. So thank God he's in the most of the movie. On that, you'll be happy to know, Gravity made $31 million over the weekend. So that's 50, 40, 30, and it's been one of the first... It's been the number one movie.
Starting point is 00:29:07 It does it one more time. It will be the number one movie for an entire month. Wow. So kudos for, like, a really unique movie that maybe will herald more movies using the same technology, but have, like, a story or something. Yeah, there's no plot in Gravity. No, like, one track's mine, like I said. It's like, this is the thing that happened.
Starting point is 00:29:29 We're going to just get super close to it. Pat Lee Norwood to me and said, is this seriously the rest of the movie? And I said, yeah. But would you not agree, though? If you don't know what I'm talking about, just say I don't know. Right. But if they stopped the movie five seconds before they cut, it would have been better. The thing?
Starting point is 00:29:49 Yes, but it's very obvious that they wanted the last shot as a closer. A closer slash if you're not, if you're too like, I don't know what's going to happen. I thought that had they not five seconds, maybe 30 seconds before the end of the movie, in the final event, if they had cut it there and just, like, done the crazy thing and just go to black and have the credits roll, I would have liked the movie a lot better. That's what I'm saying. But I wouldn't fault it for it. Because the Hollywood audience has seen it.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Right. All right, cool. We're really quickly, just because I talked about a few podcasts ago. Remember, I said I saw the movie Prisoners? Yeah. And that has them ending like what you just said. Really? You don't know what it just cuts.
Starting point is 00:30:36 It just ends. And you're like, okay. But no, but that's not what I'm saying in Gravity. It's not cutting at the point where you don't know. No, I mean, I don't know. There's a very specific point you can end the movie right before where they end the movie. Element of uncertainty, you know? Just real quick, I forgot.
Starting point is 00:30:52 I watched the special features on the Pacific Rim Blu-ray. Boy, that's really good content. I just bought that today. Actually, Liam, go grab it. It's right between, no, no, right below you, right below you. It's under me. Oh, yeah. It's in a bag.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Oh, it's in the bag? Yeah. Oh. Because let me listen to that bag rattle. Look at that shit. Wow, that's cool. It's got a shiny case. Oh my God, it's so shiny.
Starting point is 00:31:17 No, I discussed with you and with Matt. That place is really good for radio. But no shiny it is. The real special edition should have been bookends. Yeah. Where you've got a fucking knife mode impaling. You've got gypsy in sword mode impaling a gager going through your DVD. Impaling a gager?
Starting point is 00:31:36 So you basically want the Mortal Kombat 9 bookend. Yeah. Just over there. Please, what's the fucking company's name? Mortal Kombat. Netherrealm. Please make a Pacific Rim Fire. But then you plug in the bookends and then there's electricity.
Starting point is 00:31:54 No, I don't want Netherrealm. I don't want Netherrealm to make Fighter. I want Arc System Works to make the Pacific Rim Fighter. Yeah. So you know how they built the cockpit like set? Yeah. The scale of that thing? Like I almost don't want to spoil it but it's four stories tall.
Starting point is 00:32:10 It is crazy. So what you're saying is that it's a large thing. And it has like hydraulics and it shakes around and shit. It's awesome. Yeah, prior to the movie's release there was a nine minute video about it. Oh yeah, I knew about it but like this was longer than that. Okay, cool. Like really good special shit on it.
Starting point is 00:32:28 I remember Guillermo Del Toro saying I wanted to make this as uncomfortable as possible for the actors. And boy did he succeed. You can see they were like sweating when they got out and they were in. As you should man. You're piloting a robot. Sweating intensifies. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:32:43 It always bothered me the gundam portrayal of piloting giant robots just being I'm flipping this switch and I'm turning this knob and I'm like whee. Even in girl login they look super comfortable. Depends on which one though. Which gundam in particular. But I mean like yeah. And like when you get hit it's like oh this shaking is making me. I want your super robot thing where you're in the cockpit and you get hit and you either
Starting point is 00:33:07 have a damn good reason that you're not goo on your cockpit wall or the whole thing is just like oh it's all going to come apart. In G Gundam you're just floating and you're doing action movements. But personally I think the biggest cockpit is the coolest thing ever. It's just a giant round like lever that does punches as it swings them around. That's so awesome. I think there's only two extremes when you're piloting mecha. It's one where you're in an office like in Power Rangers.
Starting point is 00:33:37 You're all sitting at tables and you've got swivel chairs. And the other one is kind of like Pacific Rim but you're more extreme where there's just gears shredding up your butthole. There's no place to sit. That's the Escaflone style of mecha. We didn't even consider there being a human here but fine you can kind of fit in. I guess. You're not going to like it.
Starting point is 00:33:58 You're shredding up your butthole. Oh god this wasn't worth it. So I watched the movie for the third time in 3D and it still holds up. Like still just good. Did you do any commentary tracks? I'm going to watch it a fourth time with the commentary track. I heard Gale with Otoro's commentary track is like he doesn't talk about the movie. He's like alright.
Starting point is 00:34:19 What I'm referencing is this one Sentai movie. That's what I want. He talks about like where everything came from and not like oh this was a hard day. It was raining. I actually intended to watch it with the commentary but I just wanted to watch the first action scene and then go do something. And then you just went and let it go. And then you just stayed there for two hours.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Fair enough. Excellent. Um played rain. I started that out. Oh my god you finally started playing rain. Did you play that? No. No it's good.
Starting point is 00:34:49 What is it? Okay it's like honestly it's a stealth game. It's a tech demo. It's a stealth game tech demo. It plays like a stealth game tech demo. It's pretty fun in a very minimalistic way. Tech demos on older consoles are weird now. I mean honestly like obviously it's what you expect.
Starting point is 00:35:10 The content is all in the trailer. Boy. Girl. Rain. Things to chase you. Yeah okay. You know? So it's eco but raining.
Starting point is 00:35:20 Not even. Limbo but raining. It's different. It's not snow. No. Okay. But yeah it's decent so far. It reminded me of Lost in Shadow for the Wii that made it so wet.
Starting point is 00:35:30 Oh man. Yeah okay. Okay I can see that. There's visual parallels though for sure. Yeah and I'm hoping to see that they come up with a lot more ways to use the water. Because so far they've introduced like three. Right. That's interesting and I'm like okay keep going with that and you'll have something.
Starting point is 00:35:46 You'll have almost like a puzzle game. Yeah I guess. Unintentionally. Well I'll let you find that out on your own. Yeah that's it. It's quite good. Always leading you on. And the music by the way.
Starting point is 00:35:57 Yes. Excellent. Like excellent music. And it also does a cool thing where it narrates the game in fonts that are floating in the world. Nice. I like that. That's a cool kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:36:09 Yeah. Like yeah that is happening. What is that called? Is that typography? What is that? Dynamic typography is the term but it's too broad. How's your world? We're talking about a very specific thing.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Yes. Because of like you turn a guy over and like on his face there's the word dead but it's part of the world. Or like killer kill. Yeah. Yeah. It's like it's there. Or in that Punisher trailer that got shut down the dead have no need for distractions
Starting point is 00:36:35 or can't be distracted. The Punisher short film that Marvel shut down the dead can't be distracted. Oh right right right. They had a really cool thing where they did that floating font in the world type of thing. But yeah. Rain you know decent not too bad. And the last thing I quickly I decided fucking I'm getting back in there. I started reading JoJo part four.
Starting point is 00:36:54 Diamond is not crash. Actually it's now. It's now like we can't even argue that it's not Diamond is unbreakable because like official stuff is coming out and say it's Diamond is unbreakable. But Diamond is not crash is the best dumbest fucking title. That should be something we hate. No. It's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Like it's it's it's when it's bad you're just like uh but when it comes sometimes it just comes together and it's like yeah. The line between bad and good is foggy and tiny. I think a lot of times it's when it becomes a sentence that you actually end up having someone saying because Diamond is unbreakable saying hey man Diamond is unbreakable. Kind of lame. But just going up some say hey man Diamond is not crash. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:43 You just. Yeah there's something. And JoJo is a series where you're so used to other English things coming out weird. Sunny at light yellow overdrive and all that shit. It's like why not throw that in there. But yeah. It's pretty weird. Everything.
Starting point is 00:37:58 Which means it's exactly on par with what JoJo said. So instead of weird you would say that it's strange. That it is odd, quizzical, eccentric. Leaving questions. Okay. Yeah. No. I'm enjoying that.
Starting point is 00:38:15 Is there a guy who has a stand and he goes aura aura? No. He goes doodadadadada. Works for me. Yeah. Don't talk about his hair though. He's got a pompadour right? You got a big fat pompadour like over the top.
Starting point is 00:38:30 You don't say. Never talk about it. Okay. Yeah. Cool. Now there's been a lot going on. Nice segue. That was real smooth.
Starting point is 00:38:39 Real natural. Whatever. We're talking about games now. Time to talk about video games. That's how we should do it every week. What's going on? We're talking about them before. So JoJo what you're supposed to do is you're supposed to be thinking for the last 10 minutes.
Starting point is 00:38:52 Yeah. Like what's a dumb pun I can use to segue into this next topic. What is a dumb pun? Well guess well that's the format. You wanted to do the podcast. You have to do the podcast rules. The segue is always going to be you. The podcast police?
Starting point is 00:39:07 Exactly. The segue is going to be Pat's yelling out that was a shitty segue. Well when I made my top 10 there was a guy in the comments who was like this is a sacrilege to the rules of top 10s. And I'm like what is this? What is this? It's my favorite. Okay Willie tell me what's the first thing on our itinerary here to talk about today? Total biscuit.
Starting point is 00:39:27 Total biscuit? Yeah. Did you guys watch this video? Yeah. Yes it did. Yeah. Which one's that? The Gary's incident one?
Starting point is 00:39:35 This video is no longer a video. The day one Gary's incident. Yes. I just asked did you catch the last update earlier today? No. If not I'll tell you after. Yeah let's go through the story. So it's a really long story that we don't need to go through.
Starting point is 00:39:47 No we can shorten it up real good. Yeah basically they agree. The developer sends Total Biscuit preview code or review code for game. Yes. Please make a review of our game. Hey man check it out you can do thing with it. Total Biscuit makes video saying. Slamming game making everyone aware of the fact that the game's not good.
Starting point is 00:40:10 Super critical. Yeah extremely critical in a lot of non-constructive ways but it's almost reasonable. Shit. The important thing is that he shit talks it. It doesn't matter if he's right even. At the point. The developer decides to exploit the YouTube mechanic of claiming something for copyright reasons and flagging your channel.
Starting point is 00:40:31 Right. Which is something that we fucking like. Are afraid of all the time. Dancing on eggshells every time. Yeah. And so Total Biscuit responds by putting out this video explaining it to everybody. Yeah. Going fuck these guys.
Starting point is 00:40:43 He calls them out. And furthermore calling for YouTube to fix this. Yeah YouTube can't fix it. I've been told this such too. The United States law on the subject is if they do anything but this they open themselves to lawsuits. Which they're not going to do. So no that is understandable.
Starting point is 00:41:03 But what is bullshit and annoying is obviously when they just get to come out and lie. Oh yeah. Like hey we didn't give you the permission to do this right. Despite the fact that we sent you our code. Yeah. For no reason white you know. Yeah. Well and they clarified on that statement.
Starting point is 00:41:18 Okay. Was that the update. Basically they said excuse me. They said we took all the commentary to heart and like we get that it was it's not great and we get it and get it. We said that. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:41:32 What they said which you know whether this is true or not is the foggy bit was what we didn't authorize was him monetizing the video. Uh huh. Whether that's true or not. Who knows. They could just be lying through their teeth. Well I would say that if you were to send a popular YouTuber or somebody who does review content as part of their living.
Starting point is 00:41:52 Without paying them. That you were to send them a preview build review build whatever swag anything. The assumption is that they are going to use that as part of their job and in return you will get coverage on your game. Yes. Yes. Exactly. In fact and I would go as far as to say is that's a really convenient bullshit excuse.
Starting point is 00:42:10 Most likely. Yeah. So here's the deal. So what you're saying is when I send game spot my code I want them to review it on a page that has no ad banners. Am I implying that you can't put this anywhere where it should be monetized. Where does that stop. So this is the developer that says yes.
Starting point is 00:42:29 Yes. There's no publisher. There is no publisher. There is no publisher. It's a somewhat indie game. It is an indie game. So me dealing with this on a few occasions Yacht Club never said they it's up to us. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:42:43 So that's their indie game. They just wanted to get it out. Now if Yacht Club decided out of nowhere to become total huge assholes they could say hey we didn't tell you you could run ads on this and shut it down on the same logic. But thanks for funding us shit lords. It's an implicit verbal contract that is never actually stated put down on paper or even typed into a message client. Because it can be assumed that every place that reviews games and puts them out for public
Starting point is 00:43:13 consumption is making ad revenue come in in some way shape or form. It's only within like one example is we did our little quick look at our Resident Evil Revelations the HD thing. Yep. And Miss Shinema got us a code for that. And then we played it and guess what that game is fine. So they since it's through them they have to tell us. Worst case scenario they would have taken the hit.
Starting point is 00:43:38 They would have taken the hit but they also said don't monetize this for two weeks and then monetize it. Now exactly. So that's why that like we already kind of agree that that's bullshit. Yeah. But that also sounds like super bullshit now. Yes. Because people make reasonable deals about this exact topic all the time.
Starting point is 00:43:56 And what a publisher that's bigger probably would have done it. Well they don't have a publisher. Exactly. Yeah. But if they had a bigger one the publishers move that is the equivalent of this I feel is like fine well if it's not at least this score day one embargo. Yeah. You cannot release this story or show up with you until day one.
Starting point is 00:44:13 And stuff like Call of Duty comes out and that has a day one embargo because reviews can only damage the sales of Call of Duty. They can in no way like they're not going to help but they still send those out because seeing game spots like yeah we don't have Call of Duty they didn't even send it to us. That's damaging possibly to the future of that game sales. Well I see this situation being is just there's no publisher right so it's an indie developer correct. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:44:42 How many people do you have any idea. No. Somewhere let's say five five to thirty right that's a good ballpark number. They send it they send it to what is possibly the biggest review source on YouTube in terms of total biscuit saying hey man he's going to totally play our game and give us give us some coverage. Yeah. So many tons of people will see this video and then you slams it and then they go oh
Starting point is 00:45:05 shit what fuck what do we do because their game is indie it has no publisher backing it lives or dies by this. I hit the button yeah and they hit the button and then once it this becomes now way worse because the controversy is now more better known than their game like I knew about the controversy I couldn't remember the entire name of the game right right yeah like now that this is out they're saying oh no wait we didn't have the agreement with the guy even though everyone ever uses the same agreement I just made all that up I could be wrong that's what I imagined took place.
Starting point is 00:45:42 You done goofed and now you got to deal with that. Oh for sure. And the thing is I'm at least happy that when total biscuit talks about this that people are kind of aware of what that YouTube system is because like yes it's something where there's an unwritten agreement between us all but the fact that they have the power to just completely fuck over as you know that thank you United States Congress and what the fuck and furthermore what something that ties into this is have you heard about the persona thing that happened last month.
Starting point is 00:46:10 I did hear about the persona thing that happened last month and this is exactly why I'm saying the YouTube thing despite the fact that they can't change to be fair that works for clarity that is a Russian actress I'm going to explain in a second okay okay like like the reason why the rules need to at least be like modified in a way where you can point out hey YouTube you need to pay attention to this and not just make it automated is because some Russian thing called persona stars yeah a Russian actress are managed to pull down all persona content off of YouTube basically by sending out a claim saying you have door persona in your video therefore get a get rid of this yeah and there was all the claims regardless
Starting point is 00:46:47 of how legit or illegitimate they were they automatically get strikes here is the problem you're going to run into a very clear problem because Google is the people who get to decide how their system works yeah their system if it doesn't work more than it like if their system is not proactive they open themselves up to lawsuits that's how the law is written in the US right okay and they have a lot of videos going up on YouTube absolutely way way way way more than any team of moderators can ever approve that's seven minutes a second no it's way higher than seven minutes it's like hours a second like crazy well seven minutes a second is pretty fucking high but the point is is like do they do they change
Starting point is 00:47:36 the system leave it into people's hands and potentially open themselves up to lawsuits or do they just like throw the baby out with the bathwater because we have all these other babies too that feeds into when I was speaking to Seth Killian like a year ago at before he quit Capcom about how like you have a 50-50 chance where Johnny Asshole who hates your channel can just copyright claim your stuff that's what I was gonna say if they managed to get like a Capcom email or something like and that's not hard to know it's not and doesn't it just feel like you should have at least something to stop the random asshole from fucking over well once your channel gets shut down and deleted you will eventually make
Starting point is 00:48:23 it through their moderation and be able to contest the claim at which point a human will look at it this could take weeks and your channel will be gone yeah for that so yeah just tread lightly everybody who puts up YouTube videos and if you tread lightly like tread even lightlier than that exactly don't tread at all pay attention to what companies go nuts sometimes for no reason just get paranoid about them and then have that be the thing that determines what kind of playthroughs you can do on your channel so that company was mega wrong don't get me wrong here but total biscuit if you think that constitutes a review you're a piece of shit come on like that's not a review you're lambasting something
Starting point is 00:49:13 I haven't watched the video I can't watch the video does it use the word review only him saying that's an interesting point that you bring up and like the fact that like there is a difference between someone gave you this thing yeah you now because you're so big you were now bury in this thing there's a there's a difference between giving it a fair review saying not good don't buy it he just threw it in a hole and filled it with concrete that's right sorry venture yeah oh froggy my friend YouTube's a scary place everybody be careful what you say when we're in total biscuit play you might have done his research too on the game ah yeah search kids speaking of research ten points research what I don't know is there
Starting point is 00:49:59 something on there you can use that to say no see I can't see the topic yeah no I guess Sony is researching whether or not yeah now now we're getting there now fuck it go go go Ellen Page is researching her naked her her legal options in the way in the way of of David Cage's programmer so this is that real that's super I don't know about that that's fucking second now check it out I know to today prior to this morning this headline it was going to be oh man a bunch of hackers using a dev kit ps3 and probably a no clip or no fly eight and manage to get like a new model of Ellen Page yeah there's a shower scene and they were able to pull the camera back and rotate it and do all and see everything
Starting point is 00:50:59 right and you're definitely not supposed to be able to do that and no you're not you're not for sure but hey guess what devs left that option around oops yes and furthermore they modeled her like nipples somewhat after that yeah it's all modeled and it is now all been remodeled and Gary's mom and it's out there and they never be undone yeah oh yeah that thing got reverse engineered within like the an hour oh my god okay I didn't know that yeah yeah so that was that was the big thing everyone's like oh shit man I guess this is what happened and then it was a sort of a discussion about I thought everyone was saying yes what no no no Jesus Christ now it the place where it gets kind of confusing himself
Starting point is 00:51:42 is what you were afraid I was gonna say horrible stuff on this topic well I didn't think it was okay after woolly's first words when he texted me were yes leave the liar welcome to the club right he was saying yes to the larity of the article man oh yes anyway because when I sent him the original article last week his first thing was no fucking Daniel Brian over here yeah no let's all be fair but no no honestly I think I think that like it's it's a weird world for celebrities getting into games now absolutely because you have the not nude digital nude that's like right well of someone putting your head on another body so let's let's there's a clear distinction between several forms of this there's your
Starting point is 00:52:36 face in the game and then there's your entirely modeled nude body in the game yeah there's a clear difference sure between the two and so I somehow doubt that Ellen Page got naked for David Cage you know what you're probably right but I bet they did the shower scene in a bikini and he told the dudes to model the stuff anyway so that you could do whatever for his scrapbook yeah and so where this goes is that Sony is asking is it Sony asking people the update the update today straight up is Sony sending out um uh cease and desist notices saying hey man take that shit down picture down pull that image down that's not cool you can't do that um and then later on when people were like is this just them being
Starting point is 00:53:23 preemptive or what they said yes this is for legal purposes that means which likely implies somebody somewhere is calling lawyers the uh Ellen Page estate is probably like really hey you know what dad you know what I think that's legit I thought hot coffee was a heap of bullshit this I thought that beyond I thought exactly I thought the hot coffee controversy was a bunch of nonsense because they had to hack it and whatever but that wasn't a person it's a specific person yeah I bet when Ellen Page signed her contract there was no fucking clause in there that said hey by the way hackers might fucking hack out your nude body and use it in porno gifts and regardless of what she personally feels herself I'll tell you what
Starting point is 00:54:13 her agency is like you are damaging my brand yes oh yeah sure 100% yeah so fuck you we're taking how are we supposed to hype up this movie where she does a nude scene when anybody can just go on to the computer I guess so yeah it's fucked up don't put your dick in video games or if you're making it just make everybody like a Titan just make them make them like burry a Griffith and guts just weird no it comes black so that's of no just give them nothing have it be all smooth exactly but and then when somebody gets the you know the clothes off by a hacks or something they go oh yeah and then nothing bad happens talking about dicks what I just there's a segue is roundly I watched a four-hour cut of Watchman
Starting point is 00:55:05 and I forgot how much Manhattan dick you get in your face all the time who science dog all over the place and like did Billy Kudrup who did the motion capture did he fucking go nuts no it's all CG no was it little white balls on the top of his dick that's performance capture man you gotta capture you gotta capture the performance of the dick Zack Snyder would if he could if he could have made Superman schlong a little slinging around while he's fine to the air you would have no because here is our superman's bulge has to be made off model like Superman's bulge has to fit between these parameters of decency what's that in the air it's a bird it's a fucking imagine some Superman movie where it's just
Starting point is 00:56:01 superman had to just giant ball how fucking weird and distracting it was a man of steel oh that's new in the world Kryptonian dick we got any other topics no let's get let's get away from genitals for a second all right now before we get back to this so you're walking down the aisles I'm walking down the aisles and you're in your local supermarket that's right I do this from time to time you're buying some Oreos or Ritz yeah I enjoy these products and you notice that as you go to reach for one a connect turns to face you and analyzes your face and decision-making process okay McDonald's that says as he raises his hands what I think I missed something here please fill this out Mandela's International owner
Starting point is 00:56:59 of that sounds evil man it's not Monsanto that's close that's not evil they're they're the giant super corp that owns everything they're multinational they own reds they own Oreo and other like snacks yeah mr. Christy and like Nabisco those on Nabisco there are another almost super mega corp but it's they may use the Microsoft connect to track your snack buying habits you mean fucking shocker they mean they might pay Microsoft to get that data to do oh yeah no no no this is not from your Xbox whoa this is this is not the store this is at the store connects in the store okay it's in the store wow okay to see how you're purchasing and see what your facial expressions are and so are they hiding the connects or like I don't because when I reach
Starting point is 00:57:49 for crackers and I turn this big fucking camera in my face I'm gonna go oh it's gonna get broken in minutes oh sure if it's within reach reach right it doesn't have to be in minutes hey I used to I used to work at a fucking grocery store if there were fucking evil spy cameras watching customers I can guarantee you people would find ways to break them easily that one shot in the wire intro that they use in every season where they fucking throw the rock at the camera that's right basically gonna be that hey you know what it's gonna be like a fucking chef boy or he can never hit something with a chef boy or he can no it's like a big heavy rock yeah stays down and it's easy to throw because of the cylinder shape right well in the city we live in there are TVs suspended in certain
Starting point is 00:58:38 places covered in plastic yeah areas with no rocks and people still bust them open yeah and and to be fair those cameras are watching us to make sure that I don't stab a guy I need to turn and look at you not so that it knows if I want not or yours or not eating when you're stabbing well I will eat way to totally justify my decision to not leave the house okay last week you said crazy pat world where pat doesn't want to go to the store well if I have to go to a store and the camera's gonna watch me buy an Oreos then I don't want to live in that future man are you gonna get your cookies I will buy them on the internet if you're gonna amazon ship those that is correct amazon shipping says do you really want 17 000 boxes of cookies you can call up a grocery store and be like hey
Starting point is 00:59:28 bring me some Oreos and beer if you're a crazy old lady yeah you can't do that and it's gonna be a terminator bringing them and they never bring the right ones they never bring the right ones man so instead of trusting people you'll trust Skynet and you'll get the biggest like shit look from the guy when he gets to your dorm sees that you're not an old no you tip them like you tip them and they don't give a shit yeah hey I don't know if you've ever done delivery or any service-based industry if you get a tip you don't give a fuck yeah okay you want me to drag 800 pounds of bananas all the way to the movie theater here's oh $50 oh okay yeah sure I'll help you drag 800 bananas down to the movie theater it'll take no it was potatoes it was potatoes okay I was gonna say was
Starting point is 01:00:12 movie specific okay you know you know the you know uh the movie theater we all go to yeah the fucking New York fries the guy comes in and goes why the fuck didn't anybody buy any fucking potatoes oh no and just goes to a grocery store and says I need 800 pounds of potatoes and I need them at the theater within the next 40 minutes oh my god hey you you want 50 bucks hey you you want 50 bucks let's go wow that's pretty good that's how the market works so I so so what they want to do is again track your facial expressions oh it's terrible this is in the states right this is yeah you know and and I mean and again it's may use so we don't know but this is probably why we're the precursor for what connects technology can be used for I have a feeling new
Starting point is 01:01:06 laws certainly wasn't used to make good video games that's for sure hi I bet you that a bunch of new laws are going to come up because of shit like this in the UK they already got those cookies laws right yeah those will probably very very you're not familiar well you go to a website in the UK and they're like dude we totally track your shit with cookies and we have to tell you because it's the law that we're tracking your your browser information with cookies oh like digital cookies yeah okay I'm thinking of cookies cookies yeah well like you go to rock paper shotgun and they're like you're tracking devices in the cookie eat the cookies yeah you go to rock paper shotgun and they have a thing that says hey we saw that you what looked at a minecraft review or something
Starting point is 01:01:49 and then that goes into Google's yeah it's similar okay like if there's a big huge sign going into the grocery store that says hey man you get you watch by cameras like then okay and only if like the same kind of argument we had about the xbox live thing it's like if there's if you get something out of it then better yeah right like if if you if you say you can watch me for buying habits and nabisco products are 10% off yeah fuck it yeah right I'll give you this information for money yeah yeah at the very least it's not like through the console it's just them wanting to use the camera at the very which which you have to go at the very least it is not in a place you are likely to have the camera see you naked yeah yes I don't know how you shop I said likely
Starting point is 01:02:46 but I mean but I mean like you can't like go like oh you can't really to play devil's advocate right if you're gonna blame Microsoft on them sharing their tech with that that's like you know like blaming like Apple for sharing their touchscreen tech with a hard rock cafe no exactly scroll through shit water I blame Apple for a lot of stuff to be correct is awesome tech and it's a shame we don't have tons of really nifty uses for it because it's just not that useful it's it's awesome tech that is like cracker money is too good yo yeah exactly like I look at connect to and I look what it is I'm like that's awesome technology well it's so bad for games and no I did not try but it's like it's so ill-suited to games because all of its flaws are things that are horrible for
Starting point is 01:03:30 video games you like video games unless you like it's it's good for everything else related to cameras but not the video games um I kind of want some ritz crackers now which is which is really self-defeating in the wake of this awesome or just lying around don't you no I don't that's the power of advertising you're like man I hate this company they're evil I want to go buy their product Oreo brownies last podcast the Oreos with milk in the end like the spoon them out no I did not know he's here isn't he there was no time exactly so uh there's a game stop ad that that speaking of advertising speaking of advertising there's a game stop ad see it's easy just keep it rolling it just came out implying that um next week you're
Starting point is 01:04:21 going to be able to grab uh xeno blade and metro prime trilogy for 40 bucks yeah wow it's that used it's a black Friday thing as opposed to 90 bucks which is a good price you know what for you hey Matt it's not when it's an artificially induced shortage Matt is our xeno blade deal still on which is what again which is when you're done the xeno blade I'm buying xeno blade from you well I'm never gonna be done xeno blade well then let me buy xeno blade off I want to play it what the fuck is this deal I don't know I thought I said this before but maybe if you bought it like a normal person like everyone did you'd have it I did buy it I didn't think it was going to become this rare then where is it I have the UK version okay well you know you you play the
Starting point is 01:05:06 cards you're dealt with now just give it to me next topic in metro prime trilogy I know you've been looking for that I just I bought it months ago you just fucking you can't you just can't buy used games no I just went on eBay and got it I'm not afraid at all don't buy used games don't buy games that have are unsealed not because it hurts developers that's ridiculous not because you're helping game spa a game stop who cares it's because if you buy a game used somebody could have opened that case up and rubbed their dick on it yeah and you will never know that they didn't that is the true reason that is the true of Pat's facts deny it deny it they could have you could literally go outside and just surmise that
Starting point is 01:05:57 dicks have been on everything you know what they probably have like would you really want that power when you if you could be granted just the universal black light if you know where a dick has been on everything yeah I wouldn't be able to live on anymore because I know they've been everywhere that ball again right in my apartment you'd be able to track it to the centimeter you know oh no I can't like every public surface literally every public surface every single thing on a subway that you have to grab hold of like just opens the door to the outside world no I can't just I can't touch the door what if the UPS guy rubbed his dick on my door
Starting point is 01:06:49 well at least I can use a knife to open that package what if he rubbed his dick on your package content well I can't what is your package on his package the entire outside world is dicks no yeah this this stems from what I bought a lot of like PlayStation 1 games used when I was a kid and if you bought ps1 games used a lot of times they'd be super fucked up yeah and you wouldn't be able to play them and when you went down into the normal hoops I thought you were going to tell a very stupid story yeah you would buy like a used copy of something you open up and it's like oh my god this scratch is so deep and it's like all the way through the entire disc it could have only have been caused by a dick and so deep this game is playable and over time that has become fear of
Starting point is 01:07:38 scratches fear of dust and now when I get a used game that is pristine I need something to be afraid of so it is fear of dicks on the disc there you go woolly podcast episode 11 fear of dicks no on the disc we already got a title yeah okay and you don't have to announce it every time because that ruins it he tries to do it oh well but the people can see if you did it or by the way I should right I should know every time you say there's your interest like no just let it come no no that was it though notes don't do that come on but last week I did see a few comments of people going please don't name the podcast arian resurrection because when I go to the website to download it people around me go wait what yeah I opened up my laptop at a starbucks and the cute boy behind me
Starting point is 01:08:31 got up and walked away when he saw this arian resurrection best friends making relationships not happen it's how she's probably better off someone who wants to be like oh yeah arian resurrection hey girl let's talk hey what you look hey what you're looking at looks interesting oh god um oh keep the creeps away were we on the rails for this podcast or did we start off rails we're like I didn't just float you have through the world oh everything right now oh man um metal gear rising revengeance is getting a final finally getting a special edition yeah digital packing in all the dlc coming out of is it coming to ps pc finally no they announced that like ps3 they announced that forever ago and they said it's coming soon they announced it in may
Starting point is 01:09:22 that's forever ago they're still benchmarking it for you yeah they're still working on it I bet you that shit runs good I don't think I bet you you don't have to do much to it it's gonna be perfect you remind me of the guys who are like freedom wars is dead and it's been two months since the freedom wars open up to con oh where is it instead no they're showing it off in December no but what but when somebody says when a developer says hey look out for it it's coming soon I expect more news than literally nothing within six months and I don't expect other news about that product to show up first wow right that being said the dlc for revengeance is actually pretty good great the blade wolf one's a little flaky but the sand one's great I mean we played it it's true yes uh
Starting point is 01:10:08 there's also like did you see that really cool blade wolf cosplay by the way oh yeah yeah I did you just crouch and you're now blade wolf 100% only Gibson I wish but no no it wouldn't have worked just peel off the robot and there's only Gibson isn't that metal gear collection Japan only right now it is Japan only right it is Japan okay well though it is 25 dollars and has English voices and it'll come out it'll come it'll come but I don't know they just need to make a different skew to take out the snake or if anything it should be like metal gear revengeance in ten guru google I don't know no platinum doesn't do that yeah but platinum doesn't platinum works for Konami now it's subsistence subsistence and and no platinum doesn't work
Starting point is 01:10:54 for Konami they work for fucking Nintendo now well what I mean is that the contract would still be for Konami yeah for it to get re not whatever no here's the deal Kojima is the one who always does those versions because he's like there's so much shit I wanted to get in the game that's true yeah but this was the game of the year platinum like they when they cut something it's fucking gone and they'll put it into the next game ideally um this comes out and then we get it everywhere worldwide you guys can hold off for a bit if you still haven't played the game yet to get this also ultra cool edition and then maybe it hits ps plus as a free game it I believe it is ps plus in Europe right now fuck me last month in Europe it was like dragon's dog Madoka yeah your playstation
Starting point is 01:11:39 plus is is murdering it I hope you did not download it out of Europe is Europe okay for how much money this game should be getting yeah guess what they know when you download it they get money you don't get it right it's a purchase it's not actually really like that they yeah it's the place it is every they buy it yeah so like playstation plus says hey we want to put revengeance out and they go how many users you got on playstation plus let's say a hundred thousand whatever so you say give us money for a hundred thousand revengences and then they buy a hundred thousand licenses at a super cheap price and not everybody buys it at steam presses yeah and then not everybody like these are wholesale company shit and not oh I lost it not everyone downloads it
Starting point is 01:12:27 yes and then whether I lost it I just fell over I'll pick up the baton I lost all my steam god you're eating shit right now I'll grab the railing oh okay and then who want to get back in the robot for me whether or not everyone buys it it's still they have a purchased copy so that they can afford to give every theoretical member yeah copy they get a chunk of money yes so it's fine um by the I have a theory on why Europe has a great ps plus because Europe's psn store is good no because games don't sell as well in Europe you know what that's my theory that's my theory you're super right are you FIFA no we're not buying like fuck off the edge of my dick like anybody who's paid attention to headlines saying hey this game fucking bombed it's always yo it bombed in the UK yeah because
Starting point is 01:13:13 apparently people in the UK don't fucking buy retail video games anymore wow they don't want to unless it's GTA or FIFA well to be fair though all of their fucking retailers are gone yeah game they're gone you go to the grocery store to buy games do you see what game fucking did when it filed for all that bankruptcy protection they said hey pre-orders on stuff that we're no longer going to sell yeah we're going to keep that yeah yeah yeah fuck you oh and don't forget championship manager as the third the third pillar of Europe of UK I don't know what the second one is probably total war baby uh code masters what just just just the company huh uh anyway masters the game uh did you guys see that that um what you would call it like speaking of UK gaming yeah have you guys seen
Starting point is 01:14:01 hey you doing it that Sony PlayStation through oh throughout the years uh I was I was sending it to people this morning yeah you you whoever made that ad congrats yeah you won because you hit the holy grail of disgusting advertising where I saw your advertisement and went wow that made me feel really good about PlayStation I feel strongly connected to the brand now about that and it's just a really good ad I can't believe it's been 18 years I so I sent that to people I sent that to do people and they said I don't get it I'm like what do you mean you don't get it because I was one when this ad starts because the ad starts in 1995 now what's and the thing is I'm just so vividly remember the whole shit storm of Nintendo choosing to not go with the disc format oh yeah therefore
Starting point is 01:14:57 branching uh getting Sony off the table Sony goes well we want to make a disc format so we're just gonna make our own system I remember and then the ultimate betrayal ton of Final Fantasy going to to Sony Final Fantasy 7 was when split the industry into the shape and sin now right there would not have been a place it has never recovered if ff7 came out on the n64 what a different world that would have been you can't even you can't even like chart like a path just looking at I want the looking glass let's me that that's a quantum theory episode that's a quantum leap episode because that alternate future either there could have been way better or way worse yeah then the competitors don't get insane and Nintendo doesn't do motion controls in response
Starting point is 01:15:43 and Sega would probably still be alive maybe I mean Microsoft would have still fucked them but like make probably unless Sony left it opening that Microsoft would have jumped on right and you would be wearing like green lantern shit and like yeah I'd have like really short bald head like I'd have all of my I'd have dreadlocks you'd have dreadlocks that would be like eight feet oh lord I'd be the same but this yeah we would be old oh no somehow being old is the worst it's not but this ad is called to all the players since 1995 I think it is yeah video games in the start before that it's a really good ad it ends with that hashtag like it starts with a hashtag it ends with another hashtag yeah too many hashtags to be fair though I think the reason
Starting point is 01:16:31 why I like it so much and I know we're total shills because we're talking about an ad for like more than one second it's nice it's like there's a lot of easter eggs in it yeah like when you when it gets to the ps2 era dude's playing re4 and what and before that's not a easter egg that's an intended shot before they turn to the tv when all you hear is sound effects they're playing resident evil 2 sound effects I'd say because that's the bridge between ps1 and ps2 I think you're gonna say like like to me an easter egg is like oh the fireworks that goes off outside the looks like fan division is the specific fireworks for this year that that no it looks like fan to fissure you know what that whole ad it feels like it feels like the wizard but in 1995 because
Starting point is 01:17:14 out of the wizard they would not show game footage but you'd be like what's that it's Zelda 2 I hear it yeah right basically yeah and you've got these the cast of misfits elbow with each other at the PlayStation controller right you know now this I want to take this a little broader remember like six months ago when Microsoft said they had a billion dollars to spend on advertising yeah for the xbox one yeah where the fuck is that I haven't seen a single xbox ad under your seats there's an xbox door that's going around that's hitting every ball but but but but the twist is that under your seats it's the mountain dew colored xbox like it's so bad I almost want it and I totally agree with you yeah I don't I want to buy it and then never plug it in and just
Starting point is 01:18:07 have it on like a different shelf away from my TV as like conversation means like hey hey check this out that episode of Oprah would just have a bunch of empty seats with big ununlike taken packages but the ad money right yeah just downtown there's two xbox one set up at a I guess right and there's employees there but eight hours a day showing off the xbox one I so they shipped that huge rig down and hired two people for over a month let's in this spot there's probably at least three others isn't sony doing that with the the sony stores promotion they're probably like Microsoft stores inside of malls as well as a shirt yeah they did that for connect and it was a fucking shit show you know and like you have to want I mean it's the last place you should ever take your money from
Starting point is 01:18:58 but you have to wonder if some of the money went back into the let's re figure out what the fuck we're doing yeah budget probably I think what Pat's saying is that like there should be that there like but I when the original xbox came out I remember seeing ads for that I was I was blasted with ads like I I didn't know about I didn't care about the xbox 360 like 360 was unavoidable kind of but no I was gonna say I remember on the rate on the radio or maybe like on a on a message board saying a Microsoft budget to advertise the original xbox was 500 million dollars yeah I remember that number specifically and that's a billion now yeah that's not that much it doesn't get you as much anymore for starters there are a bunch of tv ads and stuff just starting
Starting point is 01:19:46 up and you saw some ads in New York and there's there's some big I did see that big ad in New York and I made the joke about it what they're going for here is a totally different angle this is how you use social media correctly I saw so many people play forza and take a picture take a picture with themselves in forza and they're gonna post that on the internet and their friends are going to see their good impressions because everyone walked away impressed I'm just confused about like the people that are like oh yeah forza here's me playing for like in all fairness it was a really good it was a really good demo Liam was social messaging me and that about trigger rumble that yeah but it was unreal I guess we're just the wrong audience because I remember when that
Starting point is 01:20:24 Wii U showed up and it had the fucking 101 demo and we all were calling each other going I'm gonna get down here there's the 101 demo no that's platinum yeah no no I don't think any of us tweeted about the xbox one because it deleted if you didn't know um but like these are the people they're targeting and I think it's gonna work I absolutely maybe it's because I go to Neo again is there anything I hope it doesn't work I hope Sony crushes it I hope it's there don't get me wrong I hope so too but I think it's gonna work is there anything more fun than when we go to a Nintendo booth clearly aimed at kids and get in line and try to ask questions to the poor guy that's like I have no frame rate what's the frame rate on this can you do which which cancelling
Starting point is 01:21:10 I was asking the guys at the Wii U booths the ones in the trucks like hey man what's what resolutions is rendering at yeah and he looks at me looks at the TV yeah looks at me and I go and fuck it and I just put my eye up to the television and go okay yeah that's running in 1080 and I turn the hand and I say is this running in 1080s yeah that sounds about right yeah yeah do you know how to play Donkey Kong would you like me to show you yeah no my words are guys that don't actually work for Nintendo they work from an agency yeah exactly whatever yeah there's always that certain sense of fun to it though where you walk up to tetris ds and they're like oh let me show you let me show and you're like no I got and they're like wow you're really
Starting point is 01:21:57 good at this it's like this I just want to play this whole like advertising slash console war thing coming up is the weirdest thing because Sony's managed to position their box as the hero console first is the villain console and it's weird they didn't do nothing it's social this is proper social media marketing the opposite of this is you see those fake xbox one ads people are making no I have not there's a bunch of shitty fake xbox one ads that are like rise runs at 900p in like Microsoft format it's not a it's not a concession it's by design you know but when I say by doing like a game changer when I say by doing nothing I mean by playing it safe while your enemy trips over their dicks like like it was it's talked about and they came out and said yeah mixed messaging
Starting point is 01:22:44 whatever you want to call it but I it's weirder than that like you know when the PlayStation and the 64 were coming out like people would argue like fucking crazy ah Nintendo I don't know but it's like you didn't have one being portrayed as this device is evil right like this device is bad for you it's bad for your future that's weird like the fact that Microsoft handed them that yeah he's nuts like like I said though it's gonna be a long generation and it's gonna be super long and ps3 was the villain when it launched so you can't have any expectation the true hero that we the true hero that we all need and most of us have is the Vita yeah the Vita will save us amen to that whatever okay sure if you say so um I can't think of a single
Starting point is 01:23:37 game I want to buy but that's okay he bought tons of games from your video I bought three I bought three and I hadn't turned on my Vita in like two months I play terrible I don't know I don't okay I don't want to play tarot away but I want to do it's create a character I want to see how in depth that well you have to buy a Vita game to do that but you would play a game called Aryan Resurrection if it had a good creative player I'd be in line on day one right um when you were talking to the confusing the stairs stuff everywhere what up are you sure you're in buddy pull up my lawn chair get shot when you're talking about playing Tetris at the demo booths and just being like go away yeah like not go away but just ambivalent when I was at the theater
Starting point is 01:24:29 and they had the Street Fighter 3ds and I'm like let me fucking give this a shot it's like okay so don't grab my hips you need to stop talking I'm playing yeah you know what you know what that's this is a part of you and I can control that's the awkward part because like it's difficult to tell somebody hey hey leave me be yeah you're you're grabbing something that is attached to their body and you're trying to give them the cold shoulder at the same time and the Nintendo approach of strapping devices to hot ladies is so creepy it is it's so creepy we're sick I can't wait till Microsoft chains X bones to girls backs because even if the game is they would die they would fall over and die that's not Microsoft would do it because even if the game is bad it's bookended
Starting point is 01:25:17 with distractions right yeah yeah sure how do we get the booth babes closer to the experience you've got you touch it at the hip the booth babes are the game happy and javin oh yeah they're gonna be wearing next-gen consoles and giant pc rigs you know like a keyboard hanging off their chip yeah so my bra's an alien wear so like that would be a really stylish bra the closest thing you guys you have fucking show Dan just mix people in consoles together and you're forced to play them what is the nature of a man console have you have you seen speak and like the one other really cool ad I think that's come out recently has been that Batman Arkham origin spot you know what man did I not care about that Batman Arkham origins and then I saw that ad and I said boy do I not care about
Starting point is 01:26:09 Batman Arkham origins that's fine I thought it was a really good spot um like yeah and it like it's good it was it was actually making rounds on my business insider it's a bunch of other like open rent like non gaming related sites because it's like if you know Batman this is a cool emotional I really don't think pat me could have much to say because we're so I think burned out on batman that's fine man but I mean it just again the the reason why it's just spreading around is because it's like the emotional trailer that comes out like not often you mean but it's for Batman not even know not assassin's creed yeah well no no that's what I mean slow music with like it's the same sort of marketing approach you know how many americans were crying over the assassin's creed three
Starting point is 01:26:57 trailers yeah because because the game is bad the other history the gears of war bad world trailer that's what that's this that's what I know that you're talking about bad world I don't know for me personally and other pad the lost odyssey one with the white rabbit thank you does the doublehead dodge I don't know man it's difficult for me to watch to look at a tv spot like that and go like it's fucking batman like you're sad piano music isn't getting me hype to punch the Joker but what was the last time you thought about not even saw our red thought about Bruce Wayne as a kid getting bullied in school never that's a scene because I don't give a shit about Bruce Wayne I give a shit about fucking batman oh I feel bad for this rich kid well yeah
Starting point is 01:27:52 oh this rich kid lost his parents so hard being the richest kid in the world you guys are way not talking batman no we're shit talking Bruce Wayne he probably prayed Alfred to curb stomp those kids you know what I want to see I want to see the the the middle years or Bruce Wayne's being a cheeky little shit and Alfred just slaps him yeah to shut up and be Batman did you see in the injustice comics where Alfred beats the shit out of Superman yeah that's dumb that's so cool yeah it's dumb to me there's like two of the main mainstream superheroes that you eat even remotely give a shit about them when they're not super heroine and that's Wolverine yeah when he's doing other stuff and that's Peter Parker and even that's kind of gray Batman Superman uh
Starting point is 01:28:46 Bruce Banner like Captain America they're all totally uninteresting when they're not blank man or blank woman I love blank man blank man's pretty cool blank man's pretty awesome sure so when you're saying hey man remember when oh it's so sad this parents oh like it's just a good spot just okay you know I'm allowed to not like it yeah there you go it's okay to not like things don't be a dick about the things no I'm gonna be a huge dick well well you know what you should do next time you're playing Pokemon you should save in Lumineo city yeah don't do that okay the main city Lumineo city what I want to go don't save it it'll fuck your game up yes uh yeah there's a there's an exploit oh sorry no you're this is a public service so there's an exploit that that you
Starting point is 01:29:39 can you can you not explode like you can reinforce your way out of it yeah if you fuck okay if you save in the city on the outer perimeter yeah uh what game are we talking about Pokemon X or Y I I said it oh um you will fuck up your save and you'll I wasn't listening what else is newt and and you'll resume your game and be unable to do anything yeah it'll be all fucked up apparently your workaround is if you bash the home button yeah it'll eventually respond I was told by people that uh if you can pop the cart and pop the sd card and put them back in um what if you don't have a cart did you just oh okay for your digital version not listening no but even so all 3ds does have sd cards yeah that's what I'm saying because I'm like if you don't have a cart yeah listen
Starting point is 01:30:25 to my words you retarded idiot well the fix I heard was use the save backup feature that now exists on 3ds and just delete it and redownload it yeah here here's now hold on a second wait is this what are you talking about let's save backup feature back up your digital game saves now oh the digital okay here's the pro tip don't save on the outer perimeter of lumino city don't save anywhere in there don't say I go on to a route or something and I run up to the city every time yeah they're working on the past but if if you were like 50 hours into pokeman's and your fucking game gets slammed and you become inescapable or corrupted you'd be pretty you'd be very bummed yeah it's not a patch though they're doing what they did for zelda yeah which is it's a channel that
Starting point is 01:31:13 you download oh fuck because they don't have patches uh um so so download the channel so zelda had they do have patches okay but they don't but they don't but they don't have like for zelda for example they had the uh yes but I mean now they have and so fine but what they've announced for this is going to be the pokemon uh fix the game channel bet that you download and oh it's the only company that does this bullshit they're just patch your game you can't patch your game with no account system apparently can't on the shop or maybe they're just afraid that like uh if we patch your game it's gonna erase the data that's there they did it with mario kernan no because you're just downloading a patch I know I know like they're doing things so differently that you're like
Starting point is 01:31:57 what nintendo nintendo needs to fire everyone who works on their online system which is gary and then they need to hire more than two people that being said this is the second nintendo game ever that had a bug oh sorry fourth well I've had pokemon at least four I've had pokemon crash on me twice whoa really yeah just crash in battle and losing like half hour or an hour of progress and they're not fixing that but to be fair I will in the spirit of what Matt's trying to say here a bug happens and in the nintendo game and it becomes a headline yeah holy shit no I think a critical I want to come in here if that existed any jrpg it would be a headline yeah anything where you invest more than ten hours it's not today it's not a jrpg but it was a headline and a jrpg if a big bug was found
Starting point is 01:32:49 who the fuck cares you're just gonna report on that you mean like how everyone totally reported on all the bugs the save bugs and virtues last reward and how in residents of fate you can get stuck like those the same exact thing residents of fate I don't know how long ago that was and virtue last reward was less than a year ago I'm just saying that's right it's structured yeah absolutely save game bugs always make the news yeah because losing your save game is bullshit it's the worst sure but I'm just saying the spirit that like jrpg no one fucking cares as much as they used to the main that's not true mainstream media press someone didn't do their compliance which isn't us so I care anyway anyway anyway I get the gist of it though who does that serve hey people aren't talking about
Starting point is 01:33:37 the thing you shouldn't care about it no I never said that I just literally said websites don't cover jrpg as much as they used to they don't come out as frequently they're not as big is that not a fact pokemon's pretty big I think I think I think that like again Nintendo being fucking Nintendo like a major issue with that gets way more play than a smaller like game of any genre not even that it's because it's not a pokemon yes because it's not guess what like any what any game that's a niche that has a save bug like yeah it does not get the same level of coverage no as a fucking triple yo you're totally right about that it's class miracle class yeah but the moment it's like persona or pokemon or something a bit smaller but still I just think it's really embarrassing that
Starting point is 01:34:23 don't say persona say final fantasy yeah Tomb Raider collection on the Wii where you could mail in your sd card to fix it and that made headlines everywhere wow see really yeah those I think for me the problem here is like this happened with skyward sword and they were like oh we can't do it and they they put the channel and they've like they didn't fucking like when did skyward star come out after the 3ds right yeah it came out in the winter of 2011 okay so after the 3ds like can't you just give can't you put patching into your fucking systems how does your system's not support patching it supports dlc but it doesn't support patches it's just like get with the times one of the things and yeah it's it's weird some things can be patched like which is what you're
Starting point is 01:35:15 saying something like seven has a patch okay like maybe I'm a stupid asshole but like my experience with patches and game breaking bugs is steam updates and I go what did that fix yeah I go oh I didn't even know that was broken they fixed it the day after they found the bug improved stability of the constant and it and it and it updated while I was asleep why can't why does Nintendo have to be crazy but I think why skyward sword needed that is because no one thought skyward sword has no online stuff whereas Mario Kart 7 totally has an online system and hey man I bought Stanley parable that's had like 80 patches since it came out well this is a Japanese company and maybe that has something to do with them they didn't think that there'd be bugs because I don't
Starting point is 01:36:01 remember that many bugs ever happened in all the games no no for sure and for Skyward Sword it's it's short-sighted for sure one thing's for certain when you turn on your average game on ps3 or 360 these days you see patch no biggie download it go whatever Nintendo seems to not like that and they seem to have that which is why they made me download a 90 minute patch when I got my console but no yes like that's the worst patch ever that was stupid but jump 10 minutes ahead of that patch and then six months behind that and then I get another patch that big no okay jump 10 minutes past that we're on the Wii U it's like oh we automatically download your patches while you're playing other games you're right Nintendo is so on the ball with the Wii U the
Starting point is 01:36:48 Wii U is now yeah on par with literally everything else hey well it does the patching better out adventure because it does it while you're in other games automatically as long as you're hooked up to the internet yeah sure but live had a pc 3ds man like they gotta it's embarrassing like seven eight ten year old kid what's a patch i put my game on it's pokemon you we're all grown men but but but the talking about the same the same logic applies to seven eight year old kid loads up their pokemon their pokemon games fucked and broken yeah and they have they have no they don't have the the knowledge or wherewithal to look online to know that Nintendo doesn't know how to patch it and that they need to download a channel so tears that happened to me with my copy of
Starting point is 01:37:37 pokemon now you say that seven eight year old seven eight year olds help cell phones that are more advanced than our cell phones you always have to remember that then then those kids understand patching yeah you can have one or the other like some fucking four-year-old are like look at these fucking idiots so i'm me while they're installing firmware updates yeah kids are weird now and their os's you know like i don't know i would like to venture that like nintendo being the family kid company type thing yeah like despite the fact that yes the audience is always growing and it's us because we're in we're in we're the upper like age limit of what they want to appeal to they will always still want to make it as friendly as possible and not show you that not let you get
Starting point is 01:38:18 involved with it i have not give you any control over then they're then it is their responsibility to not ship broken games that's fair you know what they do support though on the 3ds and we you account system no you can you can fucking tell your blue the face dude guess what yeah i'm getting pretty blue we'll just over the lack of account system on your rave stone good because i'll be dead before they put it in they support the concept or idea of crossplay with non-nintendo concepts yeah that's fucking weird yep it's but you know what makes sense with how open they've been lately it's a bit grown up considering what we were just saying is is there an example none yes yes or yes there's disney infinity there's just three examples two of
Starting point is 01:39:05 which i don't know the game song whatever but like disney infinity is the big one and two download chess it's a chess game chess by ripstone and something else that's really interesting and two by i can't remember it's another indy title but there's these three titles that they're basically like we have no problem if you want your game to interact with other competitor consoles and that's really weird and interesting that they'd say something like that because the competitor consoles have been very clear that they have no interest in that whatsoever uh xbox xbox folks have been talking about how maybe for some games xbox and the pc can play together pc is a totally different thing it's the slut that will go but i i want to see i want to see the nintendo game that
Starting point is 01:39:52 connects to the pc which also happens to connect to the xbox that's supposed to be allowed to happen here if if sony would let it go then pure chess would be cool across all those three i mean every one of these three manufacturers at some point has danced with pcs yeah you know um to the degree where you can you get your um uh god i keep fucking forgetting the game the shadow run shadow run thank you shadow run you could play pc 360 against each other valve put uh steam integration into the ps3 version of portal 2 uh nintendo is now doing this weird nonsense but what i think nintendo's getting at is they're like no direct competition sony or microsoft if you ever get like we don't mind yeah but they fucking mind though they didn't say competition they said
Starting point is 01:40:39 non nintendo non nintendo life down what's the quote nintendo is bad at competing so we have to do something different yeah i want to say what a weird quote what an honest quote i guess it's still from the game cube that still comes from the game right absolutely well the game cube got fucking smashed that's why i said that smash a game cube it's that you know what you're right but but but clearly innovation is not the winner anymore no no i think innovation is still the winner i think it has to be purposeful innovation that people want oh yeah it has to be good innovation because innovation is still gonna win yeah but you know what like when you got things like oculus rift around the corner and everyone loves it because it's innovative yeah and but like nintendo is not
Starting point is 01:41:19 not on that cutting edge anymore well the we you isn't innovative well it's it's a it's a it's a subpar tablet a lot of people appreciate well that's the thing is it's it's new to the industry but not new to people yeah like the we remote that was fucking dude that was light speed whoa if twitter existed at the time it would have had hashtag game changer yeah and people would have used it i i i remember going to an event and i played hashtag game changer i love it it's been you've been pushing it i'm like i remember no why i push it it's the horribly failed vita social media push yeah hashtag game i had no idea what that was yeah horrible family it's all i think of i think of the justin timberlake that like had motion for hashtag yeah and like fucking urcher
Starting point is 01:42:07 with game changer oh god let's move on to something else i'm feeling poisoned and i will laugh at that ad campaign because it was shit all right uh so cool things you can do in grand theft auto online uh rooster playing just put out a fucking amazing video of them playing what they're calling air jousting yeah okay okay explain this to me so on achievement hunter they had an episode where you've got uh three guys in the um uh helicopters that transport cars yeah um and they have the another three guys in the cars uh guns dangling from helicopters dangling from helicopters you all fight each other and go this this is the triumph your car you're out when you lose exactly and so one guy's piloting you trying to get you into position while you're swinging around the car guys
Starting point is 01:43:03 shooting out the windows you're flying next to each other near mrs helicopters scraping against helicopter like that's awesome and it reminds me so much of all the weird bullshit you would find in day of defeat and counter strike maps back in the day you would find counter strike skiing maps if you remember that and you would find these weird soccer games in day of defeat they still exist dude zerg soccer have you gone away zerg football in in day of defeat you would use whatever which they both exist starcraft one zerg soccer how do you play zerg soccer zerg soccer it's like calvin ball uh exactly um i think i think it was like you'd you have your drones carry like the a mineral as if it were a ball oh on the map type of thing because day of defeat
Starting point is 01:43:51 soccer is the weirdest you would just have two admins use the the the push command on a character and turn friendly fire on and one character shoots the guy across the top of the map and everyone on the other team has to shoot them before they reach the other side of the map it's the dumbest thing like people taking games and breaking them so utterly as to make new games with them is awesome i think the biggest example is griff ball which because you're right yeah i can't believe that but it's fun on top no no of course because i just can't believe that you can break you down that much has anyone here played rose ball for shots no no rose ball for shots is the fucking best three fighter for all oh okay i'm like of course i've played rose ball for shots with you
Starting point is 01:44:42 okay yeah not for shots but i both you take rows and rows you do a mirror match and you play tennis with a soul throw and uh soul soul soul spark and then you bounce it back and like a scar if you have meter you can make it go in weird angles and shake and you have one hit so that if you die if you get hit you lose that round yeah basically every time you lose take a shot it's great yes no um check out this video man it looks really fucking fun and the winner gets dropped from a car in the celebration like like for ridiculous yeah yeah really really cool um and i guess the one other thing is a while ago we talked about the whole like games for windows is shutting down what do right right and uh arkham the both arkham games are now titles well so first on the list
Starting point is 01:45:33 was the 2k games right it was the bow shock too and then just like two days ago the batman should finish the sentence by the way they will be dropping their games from the live support and adding some kind of other online it'll be steamworks it'll probably be steamworks it'll be steamworks but they're saying no fear not you will not lose anything we're gonna carry it all over yeah so the reason they said that is because bow shock two did it they added controller support everybody got the dlc for free everybody got Minerva's den for free great awesome the batman games did it and because of the way that the batman games games for windows live client handle save files everyone's save file is gone ouch it's gone not great so not the best implementation of
Starting point is 01:46:22 steamworks they had to do it but like boy was it a shame that they let you save files like intimately uh and so capcom like i'm betting that's why capcom puts a statement out like that saying hey you're not going to lose your lost planet save file or whatever yeah capcom good because there's a ton of capcom games on that service that use cancer windows live you're gonna lose all your s's and gmc4 i know yes maybe i don't care i'll get them again capcom also in the fighting game news as we roll into this segment dude red focus focus did you read about red focus a little bit okay so hot off the location test floor for ultra super ultra street fighting supposedly these are all rumors rumors from from but guess what if there are rumors about capcom
Starting point is 01:47:09 they're fucking true probably double alters is not going to be true i don't know what anyone i it's going to be true it's going to be true it's that's too much i want it to be true so bad it's too fucking much i want can't i want double alters to be true and alters to be removed and just have another super meter double alters are fine because it's 66 damage no dude because have you played third strike with all supers on of course it becomes like your matchups are not matchups anymore yeah but and grapplers that's why they're balancing it for but grapplers have 50 50s that become like not playable great i realized and it's a whole bunch less damage and like i play grapplers sure and it's a fun idea but all jokes aside they're it's too much no there's some it's
Starting point is 01:47:53 not enough that's like going hey let's just throw air blocking in for the fun of it like if you get if you know only grapplers can air block fun no but if you think about the actual balance of the game you can't i think getting with four alters is fine yeah anyway focus red focus i think it's a lot of fun moving along regardless if that's a i disagree you disagree we agree to disagree i'm going to claim this one's not a rumor the red focus no red focus which upon a star red focus sounds more legit so what is it red focus is when you input uh i guess an extra what is a focus attack fuck off you know you're assuming a basic amount of literacy here fine a focus attack is when you hold oh fuck it just say the thing you hold to medium street fighter and then you can input
Starting point is 01:48:44 you can absorb a hit yeah um and dash water back exactly great cancel it to a thing so what the fuck is a red focus a red focus is a focus that absorbs multiple hits right of any one move any non unblockable that is not a focus breaking move right because there are moves that are dedicated to smashing your focus and this takes two bars takes two bars to do it and it gets to level three focus which is unblockable attack yeah in the time that you would normally do a level two charge yeah so wow oh man so my head red was level two is unblockable yes just does a bunch more damage level three still takes a long time yes so but no but the point is like yes tactically you have no no just you said it gets to level three a lot faster it doesn't it's unblockable
Starting point is 01:49:29 okay but the big damage is still at the end level two is unblockable hey man what this means is the first thing that goes into my head is like do uh am i confident that zangief can take a full shoryuken in the face right and not get knocked down i am confident about this i am going to use the red focus on reuse two hits shoryuken well depending on the character you could have done that for whatever yeah just take it yeah and do my fucking ultra and then do it and win well guess what that that match up is gonna have a lot more tattoos coming at you good take it and use because if he misses the tattoo and i block tattoo then i throw him i'm happy so red focus is such a fucking crazy uh this is a hashtag game changer oh and here's one
Starting point is 01:50:14 he does the hands thing every time because of how stupid it is it plays well for radio yeah double standards are okay if you're woolly yeah i'm just kidding keep trying liam that was pretty good ask about liam's woolly raids uh so the main the main difference that you're gonna make is the fact that uh matchups that were getting almost impossible for certain characters like bay long yeah and his fucking fire fist is just oh my god ex reka is so is the best is the best ex um and the ability to just go like nope i don't care i'm putting my balls out yeah and just eating it my balls are stronger than your fire first and and they're red and i'm getting a crumple off of your gamble dude crumbled you with my balls wow that's gonna be good yeah um a lot of
Starting point is 01:51:06 just a lot of things a lot of matchups basically or someone was like i can't do anything anytime you had one of those moments 73 there are nine one matchups in that game whatever now you turn yeah now you can turn it around with smarter play yeah which you could already do but it was way harder exactly now you have a bit more risk reward going on but if you fuck up you lose two bars yeah right some characters also didn't have great application for their meter like that no there's a super yeah right some people had bad supers and like relatively safe so it's like well i'm not gonna yeah use the fadc for defensive so what am i going to use it for yeah yeah exactly and if you're picking cami you are not doing anything with your meter besides exing right you
Starting point is 01:51:53 know so if this is a really nice third avenue for some of these characters it's a great addition to doubles the ultras and for people who and and i think for people who um got good enough to play the game competitively uh that aren't like gonna look at this and just be like i don't understand this change so who cares same game like it'll be a refreshing thing oh it's gonna change the like i'm not i don't play street fighter for competitively but i think i'm half decent at least average this will change the feel of the game yeah and it will make me more interested in getting back into ultra yeah uh and of course the other thing to think about is how good is your particular characters focus yeah because that's gonna mean oh fucking like a con red parrying towards you a
Starting point is 01:52:40 red focusing towards you a giant arc of the swing a kind of moves while he does it exactly exactly um meanwhile characters like sagai or balrog it's like well you know tough shits you got other things at least balrog can use his throw now what i want to know is yeah because he's got double ultras oh god what i'd like you agreed with me before you forgot whatever i'm good i like this um alex will be over these both too we'll find out next week next week wait wait wait wait wait shut up it was next week last week so it's this week oh shit okay when we're friday the fifth character for ultra street fighter 4 will be announced sometime this week yay friday will be 7 days from the announcement it's orchid yeah yeah he's so sick they're
Starting point is 01:53:27 basically they he think the quote was like sorry for taking so long but soon we will reveal that it's hara that makes me think that they built that character from the ground up and had no reference whatsoever which makes me excited yeah because it makes me believe what they said when they said they've never been in a fighting game yeah you just get excited too late i'm already excited oh man i hope it's harada i hope it's the night from deep down fuck you and everything i hope i hope it's the spear from deep down the spear yeah fuck the ground you stand on sir does the night just have a big free-to-play logo on him yeah he does yeah okay yeah can we just can we go back to our uh our cross-tech in dlc episode yeah yeah yeah yeah uh farming as you play
Starting point is 01:54:13 it's suno it's suno's got shit to talk about it's uh what's his full name oh my god hidey aki it's suno hidey aki it's suno capcom guy capcom guy made dmc three he's pretty good at stuff he's uh yeah he's not the only dmc three but okay he made rival schools too and dragon's dogma and he's like hey you know what i want to make rival schools three yeah you know what i don't believe you no no you believe that he wants to make believe they want yeah yeah will they let him answer the question but what's interesting about this too though is that's not the only thing he said yeah because the headline has been rival schools three everybody yeah right but he also said something that i thought was really fucking cool he's like and i want to make an authentic
Starting point is 01:54:58 fighting game yeah yeah that sounds fucking cool because that's that's that's my fighting game that's what i want to do it's something different it's like something inspired by street fighters is what he said you punch a guy once and he stays down that's the authentic fighting game you have so many options how to well i don't i was about to say bushido blade already exists yeah no it would need to be the the true MMA fighter that doesn't play like a UFC fighter that plays like a japanese and you have actual characters with personality sure yeah right like you don't just pick gsp every time yeah buriki one capcom style yeah right um that's and then you know what and if we get rival schools three at the same time and he also he also implied that dragon's dogma might be
Starting point is 01:55:48 coming to ps4 yeah right which which is awesome i i got dark arisen and played it for like three or four hours and was like i can't deal with this game's bullshit anymore but if it came to ps4 then a that gives more hope to the idea that deep down is not the only dragon's dogma is game coming and b all that game needs is better framerate sure and when it comes to re revitalizing old capcom fighter franchises i feel like we've probably said before but i feel like like rival schools is probably the one with the best shot oh yeah people like giving a shit about people fucking love rival i don't i don't know like like in the hardcore circle everything else but like i i just feel like if dark stalkers failed like dark stalkers would ever hadn't met nobody nobody cares about
Starting point is 01:56:35 dark stalkers dark stalker but rival schools is like less popular less games actually let me give you like a sentence how marketable is rival schools in japan um a lot a fuck ton more than dark stalkers ever will be sure stalkers was only important to japan because of the arcade tournament scene yeah um jojo similar type of thing it was only popular for certain groups of people in small corners in america those games never meant anything right you go back and and what other franchises there that's what's talking about like like rival schools is the only one like rival schools and dark stalkers are similarly niche right and you're right that not a huge cataclysm not critical mass of people may care about rival schools but you underestimate how little
Starting point is 01:57:21 people care about dark stalkers right but what i'm kind of going for is that when dark stalkers came out like there was like three games there's the psp release there was toys there was a the shitty cartoon and no one but they pushed all that and no one cared right rival schools has two games and one word they're on the dream cast and everyone cares on places you want and honestly it it was a much bigger deal i i in the same way that like power stone yeah got pushed in weird ways and they got a an eventual collection release and stuff like that but like these are things that like people they attached to over here no one ever casually talks about dark stalkers here sure but what i'm going to mean to say is that like i will gladly eat crow because i really don't think there'll be
Starting point is 01:58:08 ever anything remotely especially since we were told there will never be re-releases of rival schools there's a like i said you could make a new one there's a fucking new one there's a successful band named rival schools united by fate oh like sure you know there's probably dark stalkers one as well i just feel like the marketing there is so good that like if rival schools ever happens it's gonna work out and fighting games always come over is put sakura and guess what in a bathing suit you got a little swimsuit and put money half your cast is in sailor fuku you're fine yeah i think karen back in there do you guys remember the street fighter for original street fighter for vanilla tv ad was just a girl dressed up like sakura yeah it had no
Starting point is 01:58:52 gameplay it had didn't have ryu didn't have ken it was just sakura looking pretty and going street fighter four like yeah girls and schoolgirl outfits in the japan they sell yeah um it might not come out over here oh every all fighters come out over here and you know it yeah yeah everyone we're getting we're getting aquapas all the matter too long ago that matter yeah okay so we're not york man for once not for once i can i can like proudly say like there i could talk about a fighting game that's coming out or whatever that's obscure that is not a fucking waifu fighter oh finally right what do you got um zhuando ziwang wow sure that sounds chinese it is a chinese okay the one with the terry bow guard yeah yeah yeah so they they showed out four new characters
Starting point is 01:59:46 that they're gonna be putting into it are they came out first no but they look really fucking cool that's cool and it's just like please everyone just please pay attention to how you design really cool characters can i play it uh no if not outside of china if you move to china i don't want to move to shona it does not work outside of the great firewall it's just nice in the midst of this fucking dengeki bunko stuff going on with this other waifu fighter and all this shit that they're coming out guy in dengeki bunko oh one guy and he's sick yeah okay um you're gonna play it how's how girls check out what they're adding to this game check out these two like the two of the four here well i know why woolly likes that guy because he's just fucking routh you got these two
Starting point is 02:00:29 really cool i think we're gonna talk about the other guy who has bionic arms oh sorry i just saw routh and then beneath that you got these two characters who look really cool as well yeah they're all right anyway it's just nice when someone decides to make fighting game characters the way they're we we like that they're supposed to do it that's what he was going to say fine fine you meddling kids god damn it the way it was intended back in my day you know anyway no um i just think this game has suddenly shot up on my interest radar because like they're not just going for hey check it out sexy times we're actually trying to make a really nice looking fighter also we're animating on a level
Starting point is 02:01:13 that surpasses kof 13 think about it i remember so confused when i first saw that footage how are they doing the animation again for this i can't remember it's it's the same method as kof 13 except they're drawing more frames no wasn't this the game where they were taking cg models there's 3d models and they're drawing them that's the ko that's how you do it you take three you eat no i know that but wasn't this the one where they did it like donkey kong country where they literally made 3d models and then just took shots of the renders to make this right no you can see inclines okay no i just don't remember yeah this game looks like it looks like kof with more frames well and i get why that's possible because it's made in china uh and uh the last piece of fighting
Starting point is 02:01:56 game news is the very clear and finally um released a breakdown of what your kof skews kof sorry your killer instinct skews are gonna be sure so everyone that was like oh it's so confusing and we don't know what it's gonna be it's super fucking simple well now it is it wasn't before and thanks to hygiene so first first change that they announced that's really awesome smart in my opinion way to way to like catch this one guys the free version of the game is going to have a rotating random sick that's uh what what does that league of legends yeah okay that's super smart that's the fucking fix right there because you're like hey let i'm gonna use street fighter because i don't know any fucking killer instinct characters but say you play is right
Starting point is 02:02:41 right he's the guy who comes with the game you go hey i really like ryu but next week it's ken you're wow i really like ken way more and next week it's zengy if you're like i don't like zengy i'm gonna buy ken exactly it's so much smarter and you avoid the problem of running to eight million jago's online oh yeah that problem sucks that problem changes from week to week you just get at least it's a variety and you get to learn the matchups you know because i was afraid they were gonna do a thing like okay this is the jago's only club that you get put into when you're playing as the demo obviously it's nowhere near as popular but that issue did crop up a little bit even though it was like a weekly rotation in dead or live five ultimate uh the free one you know okay it did
Starting point is 02:03:24 crop up just a little bit the rotation's a bit broader though so it was more and it's not as popular so you know yeah yeah but that's a way smarter way to handle the killer instinct thing and then you've got your two skews you've got your uh digital all characters you know normal yeah and then you've got your digital plus extras and costumes and extra and shit all the dlc biz yeah and then you have retail which is all extra shit plus pins i am i'm a box any arcade and a box that is was that an established thing with other games this is the first time because i there's felt like this was a thing that happened before i don't know about penny arcade physical stuff i feel like they did a comic for one game um like a real comic that came with a special they've done a bunch of
Starting point is 02:04:07 those but like in soul caliber five you could get the cardboard tube ninjas costume or samurai's costume like their penny arcade's been in there no i don't mean that he needs the pins i mean the oh it seemed like the pins was like like i think it had some spang yeah i don't know i've never heard of penny arcade pins prior to now exactly but they're all they're all the rage but apparently but more importantly the box you get it in that box is a sweet ass box it's definitely buying that right that was like what ron burgundy would buy his video games rich mahogany bars i am made of mahogany no i'm so on board with this method of selling fighting games yes we don't know the demo that is fully playable where you have a rotating character like a d o a tried to do it and it's
Starting point is 02:04:57 like uh and tecan tried to do it and the tecan way is bad but this way this way i can get behind and you're gonna tune back in more than once as as long as long as long for you like i don't like i'm not gonna say hey make a two hundred dollar fighting game but all i'm saying is that if there's like an eighty dollar option let's say get all of it like say it's ultra street fighter four it comes with a shit ton of the costumes yes good and is there like if there that was a free to play game there was only three people yeah okay and say well here's your eighty dollar version that has fucking all of it yeah so in this case you there's your twenty dollar version which is just characters yeah then there's your forty dollar version which is everything and then your retail
Starting point is 02:05:41 for like the it's it's the whole dlc season pass thing just put on its face like you know here so how you do it so when you're the fighting game fanatic that walks into the store that wants to spend eighty dollars and get everything you can still do that yeah but everyone who is less interested than you can can can try the sampler yeah you know little taste yeah that's what it's always been as always should be frankly yeah i mean i think all expo and things should have an f2p thing i think microsoft should all i think microsoft should be gunning for that for launch that's crazy because nobody even wants to buy an xbox one so give everyone some free software i'm buying one i don't want to buy one i know and you're buying a free to play game with it i'm probably i might
Starting point is 02:06:20 take the plunge too well i'm gonna buy rise and dead and dead rising three after that new video yeah holy shit like it's way better so i'll fuck crimson dragon there's a demo i'll try the demo it's probably gonna be a long time let's let's be real it's a one game console but but we'll see what happens but i'm legit like dead rising three i had no interest in when i saw that those new videos that popped up of it of like with the rock solid frame rate and just tearing through thousands of zombies with uh with a fucking cat yeah um uh there's a construction construction equipment cherry picker cherry it was bigger than cherry picker the lighting hammer or this stuff it was super awesome um those gifts were sick by the way yeah yeah and i'm in on xbox one the
Starting point is 02:07:04 minute microsoft announces their japanese thing and because they always buy japanese there's there's rumors there's gonna be a platinum game being xbox one hopefully battle toads um maybe another maybe a mistwalker game because they've been working on anything since xbox uh since uh last story they did that cell phone game with the surfing yeah that that was here no second you know full well that's miss walker if you tweeted that battle tone shit it can be a you tell you to fuck right off and use your own brain i wouldn't want to play it and you see that other tweets come here earlier today does bayonetta run at 10 million frames per second otherwise it's a zero on 10 and kimia said more than that see see 10 hundred megatons a second platinum battle toads
Starting point is 02:07:52 would be amazing i was gonna say well i was telling liam about this wasn't sure if you but at the end of uh the microsoft stream that they do every thursday uh all their questions that they took from fans on the stream was when are you showing orchid yeah when are you showing orchid i don't care about these other characters when's orchid when's orc in the cap saying soon soon and at the end of the stream though okay last match we're just gonna go the guy takes random select and the character select screen orchid just pops up and then someone like in the office where they're putting the go oh they they they go off the camera and it says like please stand by yeah yeah it's fucking sick no it got into game it it got into game for you where you got big screenshot of her section
Starting point is 02:08:39 where you see where you see her big her intro happy yeah that's what i mean and then they yanked this act the most you know like set up thing ever but it's super good because it looked that's great that was fun man that's yeah um that's it for fighting game news as far as like like movie shit it goes i don't know if you read about this but that's probably this is exciting for me um edgar writes ant man yeah they're considering casting the wasp uh well rather they're considering casting the ant man oh wait no you're you're talking about the wasp okay the wasp the fucking he's talking about the character that they're casting for ant man yes yes yes she's also an avenger yes exactly she's right okay you're so you confused which one she gets eaten by blob
Starting point is 02:09:25 in that it doesn't even happen pat i want you to when you're not can you're confused about what characters we're talking about if it's comics always say wasn't they eaten by blob wasn't they eaten by blob wasn't they eaten by blob like making the same thing as everyone expects viscera wasn't he eaten by blob anyway sorry what's the casting they're looking at getting rashina jones yes that's good who if you don't know is super hot girl from parks and recreation right the interesting thing about it being rashina jones is because one of the possible castings for ant man is paul rudd and they've played opposite and they they they were husband and wife and like i love you man or one of those movies paul rudd as like brian fantana from anchor man playing a
Starting point is 02:10:17 marvel hero that's fucking sick and ant man is the perfect one because if they're doing it like irredeemable ant man style he's going to be the scumbag that no one likes and he can paul rudd is can be a scumbag that'd be pretty good he'll show that clip from mac and me yeah he goes into coding so we got cool we got footage of ant man here let's play it and it's just like it's the best club um no and what they're saying too is that uh it also might be not necessarily wasp but like just churas janet yeah as like you know in the yeah as and they're setting up her possibly becoming a type that being said uh ant man giant man wasp we're all weird avengers that i was never like they're in the avengers that man should be an avenger that
Starting point is 02:11:02 man should be in the avengers he'd avenge things he's all he's all about avenging stuff crying to piss me off like is it working yeah it's fucking working wasn't bad man eaten by paul anyway remember that time batman and wolverine fought the joker i remember that time i remember that time the punisher almost killed the joker and batman stopped him he was like no me actually no he was like no he's gotta go to jail actually batman and wolverine did fight the joker sort of because batman i know and it was the hyena shut up anyway um and they did and they showed off the so batman should be an avenger confirmed they and they batman is an avenger confirmed fucking related news right the first scene they kind of showed of batman versus superman oh wow
Starting point is 02:11:55 it's a football match it's disappointing between gotham and metropolis the gotham rough riders versus the metropolis rough riders and and fucking guess what the batman the metropolis team is wearing red white and blue oh my god and the fucking gotham team is wearing black and yellow oh sponsored i don't think the only way this gets any better is if clark kent and bruce wane are cheerleaders are in bruce wane's company box or if they're hanging out watching the game man zack snider so subtle being zix to each other to be fair they did establish the gotham football team in the last to be fair and i thought that was one of the dumber parts of the dark night rises i thought that was fucking crazy when the ground no no sure gothams got too
Starting point is 02:12:42 much crime to have football you know what i mean the fact that gotham has sports teams go goth and you're supposed to hate them it's a big city it's got it's a big shitty city it's one of the also we're not in tim burton gotham i wish we were back there right but that's a that's like years ago like you know they don't have lampposts that are curving in there are there are problems with in tech world they're there are problems with the gotham city football team because you get there and bane wants to blow up the the arena like if it was a real gotham city football team that arena would already be blown up like the goth like the gotham that i'm talking about what the football team is the same one that has the stock exchange that they break into cherish you
Starting point is 02:13:26 know i mean that wouldn't exist in tim burton oh for sure for sure but remember that i hate the concept of this movie oh i hate zack's night oh this movie's gonna be bad oh yeah i am not saying this is gonna i'm not sure if you have written it down but do you have anything about dare devil in there no i'm done because i just read something yesterday about marvel oh yes yes yes okay marvel is questioning what should we do with punisher and dare marvel has them marvel has those characters they're all they're all they can do whatever they they should make a movie called punisher and dare devil that's a good idea art 3.5 yeah devil and punisher vision they should not shut down it should be a buddy cop movie fan films yes that's stupid do it yeah no it should totally be a buddy cop
Starting point is 02:14:13 movie where frank castle always gets in trouble with the law but luckily matt murdoch's there is a battle about can we get cablin deadpool first no man that deadpool movie's better than works forever yeah because ryan is like probably too busy being fucking a star and i guess so also he wants to distance himself from comic books after green lantern so oh really why the dude why i don't the deadpool punisher the deadpool punter the the the dare devil like a punisher movie has so much potential because dare devil's so shitty and punisher is so awesome that you can play dare devil up for laughs yeah you can have him you can you can have him in his regular costume and then punisher's just wearing like a a skull wife beater and just going ah you got your little dress on
Starting point is 02:15:04 you're not wrong at all but it's just that in comics it's just the odd couple man in comics the already established buddy cops are dare devil and cable i mean deadpool and cable who cares everyone that reads comics wants that well who cares about those people but what if it's like you can be like yeah that would be cool and it would be cool but they would want to do the thing that people have been waiting on marvel marvel would want to do that it's already been done and people know what it is they're like yeah we want that you know but sure of random idea would be good too and i'm not sure if any of you got that far saw that but the deadpool and cable bits in the deadpool game are some of the strongest bits of that relationship is as stupid as the one you're describing yeah think
Starting point is 02:15:46 about how fucking serious and angry cable is all the time but what i'm gonna say is what you should do with those characters is that you should make do a new dare devil movie do it super gritty do it super low budget and make punisher a fucking tv series on hbo yeah that'd be sick you said it a couple of episodes ago sure brian cranson is as everyone as everyone but it just he gets to be the villain and it's just a breaking bad spin off i'll tell you what i told you back in episode three four or five but whichever one it was doesn't make sense disney abc no but in this article i read they said a marvel says we have the option to do that if disney is not interested we can bring that okay new new idea new idea okay kingdom hearts three yes hell's kitchen world yes yeah all the
Starting point is 02:16:37 street level heroes luke king daredevil and and punisher just straight up blows goofy's head off yeah he replaces goofy yeah he replaces goofy obviously obviously introduce marvel into kingdom hearts and we don't go to the a list one is that everyone cares yeah no yeah because the next game you need to leave something there i just want to ask is that seen before after they go to american history x oh what was that marvel doesn't own american history i bet disney does what american history x who was don't i need i need somebody to send me a chart of every licensed disney owned so that we can create the dumbest crossover i think you're insane but if you're right i'm gonna freak out if it was the meltdown if it was distributed by touchstone pictures then yes it's google that
Starting point is 02:17:36 shit malcom x is not american history x no no but i just think maybe that's the one they own and i'm mixing oh man i know they're very different whatever malcom x and donald duck arguing about stuff not even race stuff just like sandwiches why is this even kingdom hearts anymore i basically just want everything to crossover yeah disney keep buying stuff so this game can get sicker the internet taught me that everyone thinks mickey maus is a shit mickey maus is the best thing in those games just an actual best thing it just popped in my head imagine a gritty daredevil movie where a brian crasson plays like a thin kingpin yo no but kingpin has to be fed i hate he doesn't oh i hate that because because michael clark dunn wasn't that no i think michael clark ducking was
Starting point is 02:18:29 the worst kingpin ever well would you want to go back to as opposed to the zero kingpin before him anyone that looks like what wilson wilson fist well technically should would be a better you know what technically that automatically makes him the worst kingpin ever it does technically but it also makes him the best brian kenson would be so badly miscast get a fucking big fat guy that's wilson fist name me a big fat guy get welfare or the do it fucking i don't have will sasso do it i'm the guy that always says i believe in the power of unknowns like they don't use an unknowns enough in hollywood and they really should um anyway it's easier to keep and this this this movie discussion went to a weird place i'm done with my hands clean of the affair final note on movies
Starting point is 02:19:17 we mentioned it earlier but pacific rim just came out so if you stop and see that go rent it or seems to be like he's in the dvd box the store just give the money somehow i looked it up seems to be like it's gonna blow the fuck up on the blu-ray chart shocking yeah what's happening on the mat watch yeah man what's happening the mat watch has a potential mat watch oh it's not confirmed yet but uh the mat house hole might be adding a kitty cat oh to it potentially yeah not confirmed but uh a kitty cat might sound so i'm looking at the cat i'm watching it he's gonna take the cat out on a loner i'm on possibly on a loner see how it goes because there's too many animals in this house now yeah but if it pans through i'm thinking of a couple of names that i would like maybe fans can
Starting point is 02:20:05 name the best friends kitty cat mascot oh the only issue is so far i don't want our mascot to be a fucking cat yeah that's why it might be happening and also like our mascot to you so and you also like um fucking like so far your animals are in areas where they all of the animals can potentially eat each other yes but i'm saying so far they're in containers where they can't knock over according well equipment while it's running so that might be a problem i have the luxury of being someone who owns multiple rooms with doors so i think it'll you know all i'm gonna i said this to you before but i'm gonna put it out there sometimes cats don't like being locked up and they break all your shit yeah they are wires like fucking that's okay it probably sure there are more wires
Starting point is 02:20:53 can process over here right now sure but again i have i have met this cat i have been told by a good friend who is keeping this cat because she found this cat and we have discussed at length i have a sega satyr here that's not easily replaceable well it is but no it's not though anyway uh we can't stop them we just have to deal with it when the cat shits on our face man podcast yeah when it goes up to them will he already shaking his head at the idea of an animal i think it's a bad idea too yeah well i think you should go for it thanks Liam thanks for being a friend thanks for the thanks for subliming me nothing in the steak nothing in the steak yeah that's great nothing it's nothing at stake uh anyway i think it'd be cool tune in next week
Starting point is 02:21:43 for the resolution of mad getting a cat at worst just get a cage for it uh he'll get it we can't stop him we're powerless before him let's uh fucking move on because it's letter time everyone seems really butthurt over my decisions what is it willy is it letter time it might actually be letter time where i work if hey wow you guys are dead now hey hey if you had if you pat pat i if you if you wanted to send a statement there's about cats place where would i could i think i think it's super bad what the super best friend cast at oh that's what you're trying to go for i think it is i cats can't type that this sequence will last longer than the q and a that's great it's great isn't it shut up super best friend cast at there you go you can
Starting point is 02:22:35 send us stuff and tell matt that he's dumb you know me that i'm dumb too but i'm over or suggest cat names oh yeah you just cat names and i will read none of them and we will read all of them you could you could you could probably read the cat name suggestions that start with don't put a cat into your workplace what what what questions we got this week no you know what if you're gonna send a cat name title it cat name and will you filter that shit yeah there you go that'll go through yeah that just means we're gonna get slammed with a bunch of questions next week like so pat was playing kingdom hearts and i wanted to ask you i think cat name x is good name for cat now that you've put the seed out there oh it's too late inception has been planted oh crap podcast question chris asks
Starting point is 02:23:20 best friends i batsu if you could suplex one historical figure who would it be and what type of suplex would you okay let's immediately disqualify hitler i was gonna guess liam tiger driver does count for this i would tiger drive columbus off the cliff back into the ocean wow geez yeah all right okay uh i personally although i would also send back the record of finding the land for historical purposes so i could be here today no but not a great person i would perform a perfect 180 degree our grand amplitude suplex to king leopold the second that's a good one uh he is the fucker who took over the the congo made it the belgian congo yeah that dude's evil he killed 15 million people basically decimating the population to half of it but more importantly i'd want to see
Starting point is 02:24:07 his stupid beard and shoulder tassels go flying everywhere when i broke his fucking back so that's good that's my suplex um i would powerbomb vlad teppish also known as vlad the impaler on the top of a mountain just because you could say powerbomb Dracula or for reasons i was also thinking about i was also thinking about vertically suplexing nobunaga into mount fuji yes that's a solid one even flow dbt right but you hit the ground all the cherry blossoms in the world fly oh wow wow such goddess oh man who do i want to who do i want to suplex and what suplex do i want to use i want to go for the german suplex yeah i want to go with like a perfect arc that's what i said yeah that's that's what i want gto and yeah gto stop suplex someone can pull out a protractor
Starting point is 02:24:55 and just trace it uh uh mother Teresa that's a pretty good one into a pile of books by christopher hitchens filled with yes and those those books should have disease rubbed all over absolutely that she refused to let awesome specific yeah no it is good yeah that's a good one and she's frail and old yeah so you know because the mother Teresa that exists in your head is old yeah right so you know if you were to german suplex are hard enough she can just like snap and so you know there's no doubt that she'll sell it yeah there's no no sell there's no no sell like suplex like a bag of doritos like you just religious doritos oh people imagine you suplexed her she just popped right back up and she started hulking out oh man um doritos uh brad asks uh hey pat but i'm gonna apply this
Starting point is 02:25:59 to everybody okay was just wondering how many fights all of you either of you have been in are started or whatever in the real life in the real life okay have you guys been in any fights i haven't been in a fight but i punched a kid like that's a fight knocked out okay wait a second like a kid no he was like he was like 14 or something that's like a kid wait how old are you okay okay um so that was like last week i was on a no i was on a bus um like uh one of those greyhounds and this this this girl she she falls asleep and i'm sitting like all the way across the other side that we're sitting opposite way yeah right and this guy comes in a couple stops later this kid who's like 14 or so and at some point i i catch out of the corner of my eye he's looking around
Starting point is 02:26:48 and he just takes a big old handful of her breasts and i'm like that's not cool so then you punch that kid as i punched the kid what'd she do she wake up she didn't wait no she didn't wake up she didn't wake everything is fine then i punched the kid and i was shocked that it went as well as it could have right out which was great and another person had seen it but wasn't saying anything because they didn't want to cause a fuss or anything and we went to the bus driver and we said this and we put the kid out of the bus okay wait you knocked a kid out and just left him on the road more or less in st. Jerome okay which is far away from where we live okay and that was it and i was okay that's that was your that was your thing it was i felt good have you ever been into a physical
Starting point is 02:27:35 confrontation uh like most physical confrontations they happen when you're basically kids so um yeah and uh high school uh there are some kids that were you know gym class obviously this is one of all the stuff usually happens but we're they're playing baseball or whatever i'm i'm with all the other ones waiting your next turn i put that some kid strikes out three times gets really pissed and just starts walking down the line of people and i'm like laughing with my friend about something else so he thinks i'm laughing about his performance dude i could tell you i could not care less about baseball but shoves me like what the fuck are you saying about me and i said i'm not saying nothing and he starts swinging at me and i swing at him and he like i'm gonna be honest he fucking hits
Starting point is 02:28:20 me like two or three times i'm like oh shit i hit him once and the the lazy ass gym teacher's like hey stop it you guys or whatever as they're but the kid was a super asshole so we kind of broke it up or anyway and everyone's like yeah matt good job you fucking hit that guy such an asshole but like no girls said anything so what a fucking waste of time right fat um last week i punch the lady from she felt like doritos through my trip through element through kindergarten i got in a fight the first day of kindergarten i beat the shit out of a kid who said i was coloring wrong his name was bruno i'm still pissed about it okay pretty much once i got to elementary school pretty much had a fight every day yeah and then when i got to high school
Starting point is 02:29:15 pretty much had a fight every day yeah not much to say other than when you're a foot shorter than every person you you're ever in a fight with it's okay if you bite their face or claw their eyes because because fuck them um yeah just blank so i mean and if and if somebody pops your eardrums they'll grow back i'm i'm gonna go ahead and like match and relate more with pat here oh i stopped when i got to college because because adults there's no one particular incident like you guys because i went to an inner city school fucking fights every week all the time like i kind of miss it throwing elbows when necessary fucking you mean throwing bows throwing bows you know whatever it took um you know just like it would always be like stupid shit with kids under egos that
Starting point is 02:30:08 absolutely always always yeah and then whatever and like i was the big fucker that was just like okay uh i'm going to try and like talk shit to you so that i can be like make myself look cool yeah i'm talking to whatever and then i approach you and i pick you up and put you against the locker and your feet are dangling everybody has that guy yeah i'm like i was i was the guy that was big enough to be a bully that wasn't a bully right but guess what when i catch you trying to break into my locker i'm going to grab you and power slam you onto the ground and then grab you by your collar and drag you down the stairs to the principal's office and throw you in that you know what i tell you i i miss the ability to solve problems with violence
Starting point is 02:30:50 and it'd be acceptable like granted there's a lot of parts of the of the scenario i'm painting which i do not prefer to the current status of not fighting but it was satisfying that if somebody punched me in my face that it was an acceptable response to choke them the fuck out instead of being an adult you know and if you're in school today you can't do no you can't do that shit you will get expelled that day and or like like someone will bring a knife to school or some you know it makes me think that if i had if i was younger if i was liam's age i would have gone through a very different path in my life no it still happened in my school oh it still happened you know how i always use like the term choke slamming yeah there's a very
Starting point is 02:31:36 specific incident there was a fight going on there was a flaming table this six-foot big kid kind of like you're describing yourself as jabs the other guy in the face jab a jab the guy just grabs his nose and the big kid just grabs him in the neck lifts him off the ground and chokes i saw two choke slams during my chip through high school it's an absolute viable thing that you could do and in the case where i like for me it was like i was in a choke slam there's a power slam if the guy's back was towards me yeah it was scumbag yeah right the guy would yeah so his back was oh was scumbag if you're scumbag tactic he was you should have done it over and over he was breaking into my locker and i walked up so that he was doing it and grabbed him by the back of the
Starting point is 02:32:16 collar and the waist and up and then down onto the ground you go yeah you know not to mention just random outside he's tall and rail thin that must have been easy yeah i also clocked him in assembly once just talking mad shit in my face and i told him say it again he didn't and that happened that's very mature but we were you know we were chilled yeah and 25 years old you know hey man i don't care what the critics say violence is a beautiful thing anybody who tells you the violence doesn't solve problems yeah yeah i'm gonna quote i'm gonna quote myself anybody who tells you the violence is never an acceptable solution to any problem is wrong problems sometimes violence is a totally acceptable solution to a problem like world war two like i know what i mean is that as i think
Starting point is 02:33:08 as this society is going on and how the like violence is a less and less acceptable thing where the person that might be defending themselves and is defending themselves really well yeah is painted as the you get sued you get sued you ever walk down the street and you see a bunch of like teenagers just being total assholes and you're just like man i could kick the shit out of them and then you're like but i can't i'd go to jail and of course it also matters too if you had the kind of parent that was like like basically what happened at school today son okay how does the other kid look you win good did you win yeah yeah yeah kind of i like in most cases yes yeah i was happy i can gladly say in most cases absolutely you know what i was happy to get a draw let's okay all right
Starting point is 02:33:57 fair enough because there was a thing that kids didn't like school called pi it was called personal injury what would just be like that yo they yell from down the hall pi on whatever and like if you were one of the fucking like rambunctious bunch yeah you ever you start running in the direction of the person's name and you just knock him to the ground and you yeah that's that wow wow wow that wow that was a thing wow inner city school yeah so basically someone else finish him yes exactly Jesus fuck right and like it was and it was done in a sort of like just way for the people doing it how are you not did you ever do that i didn't i didn't do it but i got it on me and oh man it was like what do you do pi on woolly okay run you get yourself back to a wall and you fucking 300
Starting point is 02:34:44 that shit yeah you're gonna come at me one at one one by one i'm gonna take you on you should have parried it yeah sure but that shit went down should have read i think the best lesson i ever learned in terms of all that horrible crap was that getting punched in the face is not the end of the world oh no it's and and learning that lesson changes your life it does and the other part of the second part of that lesson too is where most people who have not done that we're afraid oh to cross that barrier and then when you see someone talking to a lot of shit they get up in your face and you're in like grade nine or ten or whatever and then you that you're like okay a fight's gonna happen and and then they're pushing pushing pushing and then like doing the chest bump and yell sweet
Starting point is 02:35:24 it's like exactly because he's not going to yeah he doesn't have the balls to you or he's too afraid of what of taking it to that level yeah sometimes you have to be a fuck you know sometimes you have to break through the fear barrier you can beat up a bear as long as you're angry enough a black bear yeah i can i can talk for these facts yeah did you know that peanut can power your brain for over an hour that's not true you made that uh it's all good slash aliens but kids listening to this podcast don't get in the fights yeah yeah if you can avoid it remember hit everyone be a big galoot teaches teaches like yo where's your homework you're like you're fucking sure you can the teacher just rolling thunder his ass um like you sure you can him and then you do an
Starting point is 02:36:13 rbd stop rolling thunder damn on the ground oh man anyway drink moxies asking hey woolly how you doing ever since the b and ant attacks i'm just wondering how it's going yeah what's up i'm fine this morning i had some fucking really annoying migraine headaches and if you've ever gone is that from the poison no this is just from having migraines oh i get migraines all the time they're not fun no they're bad they're fucking not fun at all but beyond that i'm great man thanks for asking that being said i'm gonna train my cat to claw your face you already said you train him to go for pats balls hey i wasn't here when you said that no you weren't dammit i'm scared now the only person that's not going to get tacked is liam because he supports me oh good that's what he says
Starting point is 02:36:57 from now is to go for liam's jugular yeah exactly very good fuck i'd rather take a claw to the face compared oh yeah hell yeah the cat's actually gonna be clawed by the way oh good that's good i was gonna be soft but he can punch hard yeah you know that's basically saying the cat's fingers have been cut off yeah well it happened yeah you know what you know what yeah yeah yeah uh guys what are your college majors uh pat mentioned psychology yeah i i did major in psych and a minor that was Kyle by the way Kyle asked thanks god i did a major in psych minor in sociology it's worth nothing sure uh i went to illustration and design um i got to do the work the artwork that would actually get me a job as opposed to the fine arts kids that were downstairs painting and bullshitting
Starting point is 02:37:45 their way through their years you know there's fine art students listening to this going oh god oh god i know like you're you saying that is the moment of realization okay because yeah they already have that feeling and this is confirmation guys you get nothing uh i majored in fine arts so thanks i was gonna say mine is like a couple rungs below of usefulness behind illustration design but i did start an illustration design i hate technical drawing technical drawing is what failed me because it's a major component so i mean for what it's worth dude like even if i didn't get 3d modeling going and whatever else i was working on at the time my editing is paying off now yeah so we all had we all had computer editing classes i didn't well i mean for when you're in arts and
Starting point is 02:38:31 stuff what about you layer when are you graduating yeah from high school that's that's funny in a kind of shitty way um i was the best fun i was studying uh film because i couldn't get into any of the fancy video game programs because i'm like you don't want to those actually they didn't exist well no i think they're all i would never want to study like qa or design no i mean very fabricated i mean those college course those college or high school courses for vitigans or yeah like huge ripouts no but i mean programming okay i can get into that because my math just wasn't good enough so i went to study cinema because i'm like this is maybe a bit transferable um circumstances happened and i actually dropped out and i went to work in i guess the video game industry and and
Starting point is 02:39:16 now look at you well no i was going to say the experience i've gained there has been like no joke far more valuable than any of the education i got in college oh yeah oh yeah without and you will learn this from industry to industry yeah because i'll tell you straight up my plan at the time was to leave in the second year of illustration design because it was illustration design was a fucking crazy course where the legal limit here was 10 classes per semester all right and they found a way to sneak 14 yeah 14 where you'd have your class on tuesday and thursday two teachers two sets of homework and each one would count for 50 and 50 it was the same course just bullshit right so wow i i went through my entire time at that school and never knew about that yes that's
Starting point is 02:39:58 fucking horse shit i was doing that type of shit for three years it was garbage my plan it's like it's the law it was legal yes but they learned real good um and no no neither of them do illustration design job like i said the editing comes in handy um that's got a devian art the um that's so sad the thing with it too was when oh fuck now i i'm blanked out i'm sorry next question how about though all i was gonna say sorry yeah no no sorry that's not our record yeah i was gonna leave in my second year go to a super high and 16 thousand dollar course yeah you know and then i real and then before i left a guy came that semester from that course and when i just got back from there i'm leaving that don't go you can sit at home on your own
Starting point is 02:40:49 and read tutorials and do better the internet's not like higher education is it's not bullshit it's not bullshit at all but there are certain industries where you can get away with it to a point where like my family asked me like do you ever plan on going back to school and i seriously think about it and i say i might not what if you want to learn like pottery no and if i do want to learn pottery if i do want to learn that's just by all means i will go back to school if i ever want to learn anything but like there are certain industries where like this is the wrong audience to ask how useful our schooling has been it's true well with all us having fake jobs um well their jobs are still fake yeah and this is it's coming a couple times and i mean it's something that you guys
Starting point is 02:41:35 have answered elsewhere so just we'll do a quick one for refresher yes uh joziah asks um do you guys have scripts written for your videos no of course not observations on the fly that's ridiculous no because the the term according to v is scripted machinima bullshit a lot no that's the term some of them are super legit they're like we're super every every now and then we will contrive an ending because we'll look at the footage we have and we're like we can't yeah there's nowhere to end or like there's some funny shit like oh yeah when's more fun yeah but if we had a ballpark a percentage but the gameplay to gameplay moment oh no it's on it's it's if you look at a machinima episode and then you look at a let's play and you can just chop the let's play into a machinima
Starting point is 02:42:25 episode every time yeah yeah that's all they are really that's the horrible secret and if they were scripted they'd be a lot funnier ah shut up yeah i i think the most i would guess scripted thing is like i played through an hour and a half of sleeping dogs i said i recorded all this dumb bullshit let's just do that yeah let's just record and then we but then we just said whatever we wanted yeah like that's as scripted as it gets but like the whole thing is 96 to 4 percent well the only thing we have ever sat down and written a script for is fun time adventures yeah which are animated which is which we are constantly told feels really scripted scripted machinima bulls scripted cartoons what the fuck world do we live in which because we're not actors man let's tell two snacks
Starting point is 02:43:17 just make us something and just fly with it yeah you know what that act you joke but that's actually just just put in the the mouth bubbles later yeah um just make it really ambiguous the whole way through right well we're bandanas around our mouths and then we can just talk what emotion is that anger hunger arousal arousal you'll be like the never yeah uh liam love the nevus someone named liam asks oh really i'm just quick what do you guys think of dr who i think it's great i have a i have a tartar smug and a dalek clock in my house i love dr i think dr who's really cool and my girlfriend wants me to watch a few episodes because i haven't actually touched it at all my uncle is such a dr who not he builds houses for a living
Starting point is 02:44:03 the proper word is who v you know anyway yes it is uh he built a beautiful tARDIS in front of his house and it's gorgeous and he was drunk and he totally backed into it and crushed the thing but he rebuilt it um so like a lot of people around me love dr who i don't know much about it at all but and i think some of the creatures seem really cool like the weeping angels um and those guys that you can't look at you can't look away from or you forget whatever those are called they look sick um it's a dumb thing okay uh anyway uh i really actually when i was a kid watched a classic dr who the scarf and everything uh original strider yeah the original strider and i really liked that as a kid i remember much about it and well let me finish and then the new dr who i saw like the
Starting point is 02:44:58 first like of the new stuff and i was like uh it's interesting but like i just like me and all the other stuff i need to watch whatever i never really got into it but like good on that for good sci-fi type stuff like getting out there yeah seems like like a huge like bill and ted ripoff but it came out before it's ancient dude it's one of the oldest running things didn't they just recently recover lost episodes of the show it's it's that old it's legendary i don't know man it's one of those things where every single person that you should have just left every single person that like off like says hey you should watch dr who then says something immediately afterwards that makes me never want to watch it ever again like what the it's called who you and liam like fuck you
Starting point is 02:45:46 man oh my god that's terrible says the guy that came up with frienders right i didn't come up with friender did you the guys who wrote cashern wrote friender all right he just appropriated it oh and and for anyone but before you ask uh i say tenet first eccleston second oh well he's never wow way down way down this one wow you wow well he's in there there way to justify my ignorance of dr who uh pat and woolly you guys have a lot of fighting game knowledge you have any tips for us persona noobs that want to learn how to get good at playing persona for arena no because i don't play that i barely played that game i'm ashamed that i have barely played that oh okay well if you're yes if you're a shit play as mr exactly thank you liam um if you're actually planning to play
Starting point is 02:46:33 but seriously uh you just need to pretty much do three things i'd say one figure out your characters best bread and butter combo that doesn't involve just mashing a a a a a a like because you're wasting a ton of meter on that um two don't do the a a a mashing thing and like i guess what three would learn how to block no no learn how to block learn about that applies to all fighters i'd say three is learn the same version of that combo that you do off of a um dramatic counter that lets you do probably over that's that's hard that's a step up i think yes but it's the next thing learn how to use the dodge right yeah yeah i think the dodge but having having a go-to like variant of your main damaging combo is all you really oh of course besides stop mashing and block everything oh wait
Starting point is 02:47:19 sorry one more know how to punish everyone's wake-up sure you can yeah because everyone's gonna spam that sure you can thing know how to counter that for everything um use use throws throws are good those are great especially when you can combo out of them yeah uh one other thing because i've seen a lot of persona noobs just jumping do the short hops too yep there you go short hops are great uh that's it um monique wants to know uh a serious serious inquiry woolly's locks just scan all these for your questions about your hair i'm gonna let matt field this out yeah let me answer your question whatever it's just like what are you doing stuff i'm like just in two seconds wash them every two weeks you've answered this question before no to us oh we ask
Starting point is 02:48:06 it every two weeks but for anyone just one wash them every two weeks don't put all that crap in it if you're trying to grow it because you're gonna be one of those nasty peanut butter dreaded people that everyone hates well i don't know that it's garbage and just twist and they will grow out and if you are white they'll grow up faster than if you're black and in time you'll get them all right themselves the end what about asian people what they can't have dreadlocks they can grow at the same pace as white people should they really is that it's like it's it or maybe no one should grow them at all is there is there like two categories of dreadlock like race speed no and it's there's i meant like in a race like not oh god there's what there's categories of hair growth speed
Starting point is 02:48:49 that's what it comes down to anyway uh guys alex wants to know what are you please be in super street fighter what's a really good birthday memory because it's my birthday oh oh it's his birthday yeah oh birthday sooner guys yeah happy birthday well he'll get this like what's a nice birthday memory um uh the birthday that i didn't celebrate my birthday so i didn't have to do all that shit i don't like my birthday wow i don't like getting older okay because it means i'm going to die see what do i tell you every year pat every year don't get too drunk at my birthday this year pat what's the other thing i tell you every time don't come to my house not on my birthday your oh my birthday oh one one year closer to death sure or birthday skeleton or slash i can't believe
Starting point is 02:49:35 you you made it to another year yeah um i don't know if i have like a favorite but well you've had so few no but i mean like eight my my brother my brother and my stepmom's birthdays are like super super close to mine within a week yeah so we just we just have a birthday for all of us at the same time and all our family comes down near the farm and we have a big old hoedown you know you know you want me to say that word there um yeah it's fun and like hullabaloo like they're all kind of on the same tier those hullabaloo's and uh do you have any jokes with xxx on the yeah moonshine nice no we don't um but other than that like it's kind of a sadder one because it's like oh look at this kid but uh do you have a cousin that drove a tractor
Starting point is 02:50:17 to his graduation i know you can't drive them on roads um anyway yeah idiot on my birthday one year i was on the plane to japan and i was very happy about that but that's kind of a you know more sadder nerd okay but i like that those this is my felt good my personal memories that are great are a toss-up between um top gun drinking game which we've talked about before oh that was pretty good uh and the birthday where i got my rc car so i could race against everybody and i had my reboot giant exoskeleton and i i got to put dot in it and i got to recreate awesome reboot moments that's cool how about yourself matt i got two and it's one where my mom made me a super mario brother's three themed birthday party last year no um when it came out and she made a
Starting point is 02:51:06 ginormous cake which was bowser like the exact bowser art from mario brothers where he's like kind of leaping out or whatever and we all had um our brother themed party bags with little toys or whatever i remember being super hyped for that and like we got to play mario brothers and this is like a few months after it come out or before i forget which and uh i remember one sleepover where all we did was play mortal combat 2 on super nintendo all night sleep over it was awesome we should do that we should do that one time mortal combat two all right she's put a camera in the corner and just monetize that yeah it's a live stream live stream yo you you joke but the best friend sleepover video is mad like viable there's there's that's drinking again is it gonna get
Starting point is 02:51:51 racy in here oh no tune in to see if the pants will come off the answer is what's happening under that sleeping bag the answer is yes and more than you'd think unless the new dough uh um pat uh andrew says that nil de grace tassan does have a pocket yeah but i saw a million of these comments radio dot net uh thanks guys that was a waste of a question and i'm i'm just whatever he's skimming through it you shit but we know about this we also i did it i didn't know and other people listening might not thank you very much thank you very much nil de grace tassan talking about space that's pretty cool yeah uh and almed we'll close out our letter time section with a pretty good question uh because this is always the tough ones um what do you guys think of kojima possibly working
Starting point is 02:52:45 on the next silent hell uh that is the um that is super old yeah uh that's super old it would be really sick and interesting he said that like two years ago oh well no wonder i haven't heard of it it would be really interesting i'd love to see what you do i thought that's what vana bane was uh but i you were trolling to be sick yeah i would i would love it i think that kind of direction is exactly what that series needs worthy worthy experiment kojima has proven that he can do crazy shit yeah he has batshit enough in stories that need to be linear yeah when you get to take the reins off and go make it spooky too yeah you'll be male gear super spooky remember that guy's a vampire oh my god oh jeez the flaming skull oh so oh yeah i forgot about that
Starting point is 02:53:35 george cluny's the fury confirmed right whatever happened to uh to uh the idea of kojima not kojima of um the fucking metamorphosis bait not metamorphosis the kafka game that 51 was gonna work on uh that turned into uh shadows of the dance did it is that what it did okay yeah wow that's not a kafka no it's not ea changed that game god damn it that sounded cool yeah it did didn't it what's coming up on the channel guys uh more shit storm everybody more shit storm and if you look really closely this week among the videos you might find a wolf i'm just saying like a dog maybe oh are you getting a dog so i'm way behind you getting a dog you should get a dog actually adventure yeah so point and click the dog among us the dog among us would be awesome
Starting point is 02:54:34 all right all right and of course as usual um well i guess i don't know i guess i don't know if you have like the like lead up to your your final shit storm thing planned or if you're kind of feeling it out but um the countdown to other things happening in november yeah but in november first yeah stuff will happen you'll be like hey that's not a shit storm you might be really happy with it yeah big things big things yeah uh yeah i really like that german suplex question i think that was awesome i want more questions like that i want more questions like that the word is poignant and i don't want to be moved in topical and i don't mean more questions about german suplexes yes or more like interesting funny things like that less like less questions like guys what is your
Starting point is 02:55:24 favorite x because almost all of the questions coming in are what is your not bad fast on the trigger that's why they call you revolver um but just throwing anything out there at this point but i really it's it's this guys what do you think of law is like too vague and guys what how do you feel about the trans-pacific partnership right also like 99% of the time less of the questions where it's i know this isn't a question but yeah i just wanted to make sure you guys knew villager was in smash or whatever's going on there's a facebook page for that yeah what did you think of the u.s government i thought it really affected my life negatively if there's anything we do it's follow gaming news
Starting point is 02:56:20 way too closely yeah at all hours of the day it pretty much should be fair though i think that the daily show and i think that what's his name covered it really well we don't need to cover the government shutdown and i was gonna say that when i was in new york they're all the all the cleaning people and stuff in the hotel they would look at the tv's or a plane in the big giant breakfast room the government is still shut down they just go that's bullshit so that kind of stuff it all up yeah you know what the government's saying no we ain't gonna go to work that's bullshit you're right there's some garbage but you know yeah there's garbage ali as the president confirmed and there's nudes there's nudes of the president
Starting point is 02:57:22 you

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