Castle Super Beast - SBFC 025: Smegmaman is the Worst

Episode Date: January 28, 2014

We're talking botches and no-sells this week, since we all watched the Royal Rumble! Also going on: Shadows of Mordor, Kickstarter, Micheal Pachter, and Russian ghost ships piloted by diseased canniba...l rats! Got a question for us? Send it to:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So, you guys are aware that currently, there's a Russian ghost ship piloted by disease. I can't believe you're putting that in there! Yes, I did know this, will you? And it's gonna smash it in the UK. It is a crash course. Hundreds of thousands of disease camel rats into the whales. You guys are late on this.
Starting point is 00:00:46 What the fuck is going on? You guys are late on this a little bit. Now it's confirmed that no one knows where the ship is. And it's gone from old radar. And of course, the most important part of the thing about that is that it has not sunk. Because if it had sunk, then the homie beacon that triggers when the fucking ship sinks would have gone off. So they know it's still floating around somewhere. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:12 But because it was like Ireland and the UK were both concerned. This might crash and put radioactive rats on our shores. And now it's gone, no one knows where it is. So anyone's shores could do that. Dude, if the Cthaga is not on this ship, I don't know. I don't care. It's a fucking plague bomb.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Just wandering the Atlantic Ocean. The best part is how the ship is being piloted by these cannibal rats. I don't think they're piloting. They're commandeering the ship. I don't think that's what's happening. They've all stacked up into a human. Yeah, no. If the leeches are zero and even if it goes full enough, the cannibal rats are all gonna eat each other to death.
Starting point is 00:01:51 That's why they're diseased. Oh, that's why they're diseased. They've been eating each other for the last god knows how long. Do you know how to get rid of rats on an island? You make them eat themselves. I said this story to Plague and Plague was like, this is the best thing you've ever sent me. He's like, this is so relevant to my interests.
Starting point is 00:02:09 He was going on about it forever. Yeah, he would know. He's behind the wheel of that fucking ship. Built with rats. Yeah, no. They were tugging it to Canada and it just got cut adrift. Yeah. And then they lost it like a year ago.
Starting point is 00:02:22 How did they get cut adrift? It just fucking did. The rats. They just weren't careful? And then they looked behind them and went, oh. Oh, it's gone. Shit. And that's it.
Starting point is 00:02:33 The Cathaga. It's the only- One day, man. It cost tens of thousands of dollars to use a fucking string. One day, your doorbell's gonna ring. You're gonna open up that door. Fucking cannibal rats. No, I thought you were gonna say the bones.
Starting point is 00:02:46 It's okay. They're cannibals. They won't eat me. Yeah. The giant man makes a cannibal rat. Wait, what the fuck? This sounds like a stand. Yeah, pretty much.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Pretty much, man. Like the gorilla's stand. The gorilla's there. Your tank forever. Iraqi take notes. Take notes, man. He's taking notes. He's thinking of how you can pose rats.
Starting point is 00:03:07 He's probably on it. He's already done it. There's rats with stands in episode four. Oh, shut up. Shut up. They have giant sniper guns. It's really cool. He's probably on a little tugboat, like seeing the ship and sketching.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Man. Trying like right behind it. Welcome to the latest episode of the friendcast. Excuse me. Which episode is this one? Stop asking. I told you it doesn't matter. I guessed it correctly last week.
Starting point is 00:03:32 Like your opinions on the average episode, the number doesn't matter. What is this? Whose line? Yeah, that's what I was going for. It's always great to reappropriate jokes throughout the day. Yep. We try. We try and steal from a variety of sources.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Why can't I talk today? I've been talking like shit all day. Maybe you should put the bottle down for a minute. I am drinking water out of a plastic cup. You can all clearly see. But as soon as it touches your lips, it turns an alcohol. You motherfucker. It might be the brain worms.
Starting point is 00:04:09 How was your weeks? Collectively. My week was bad. Let's all say a word at the same time. Three, two, one. Awesome! Someone said something that wasn't awesome. I said it was good.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Okay. It wasn't that good. Well, why wasn't it awesome? Yeah. You're going to say why wasn't it good. I like this format better. Let's do this from now on. Who had the shittiest week?
Starting point is 00:04:32 You were the first. It was shitty. It was just neutral. I started playing, can I touch you? Yoru with the fucks it called in English. Banshee's Last Scream, which we'll talk about later I guess. We'll get to it. In fact, I don't talk about that.
Starting point is 00:04:47 I started playing kumatanchi, which is a DS game where you take care of a little bear character. Like a Tana Gachi kind of thing or what? Yeah, and it's made by Vanillaware. No, I was not expecting that. Does it have the Vanillaware art? Yeah. Wow! But not totally.
Starting point is 00:05:04 No, the anime, it's cute. It's cute and it's made to be cute. But it's the same way that they do animations. The animation's nice. Does the bear have a gigantic bubbly, rippling asshole? No. It's not signature George... Interest law.
Starting point is 00:05:17 It's not George Kemi. George Kemi. Yeah. It's Vanillaware animator guys. Okay. And they made this cute thing. Some article in Kutaku was saying this bear brings down bears. Yeah, so I'm playing that and it's cute.
Starting point is 00:05:29 Can't understand everything, but it's really cute. I watched some more anime, so that's something I gotta get through. Wow, Space Dandy's fucking good. Oh really? I haven't kept up. Dude, the animation's nuts. I love it. I'm hearing good things.
Starting point is 00:05:42 It's from you. It's really good. You fucking watched it way before me. I stopped. You're gonna do one of those things and you're like, I'm waiting for it to finish. I'm probably gonna wait for it to finish. You farted on the first episode. And then I'll just watch the whole thing in a single day.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Yeah. I'm gonna do that with Ipa when Ipa's done. I watched these two this week. Nobunaga the Fool and I watched the first minute of Nobunaga, but I've been told I have to go back to that. What's up with all the Nobunaga, dude? That's what I wanna get into. It's the year of Nobunaga. It's always the year of Nobunaga.
Starting point is 00:06:15 All the other years were just like precursor to this year. Like, Nobunaga is Japan's like combination George Washington Hitler. Yes. But people are even more obsessed. Liam, take it away. So, okay. So I'm fed up of Sengoku era things. Before people get pissy, Nobunaga is still paused on my computer and I'm gonna watch it
Starting point is 00:06:34 because everyone tell me to watch it. When you're watching it in. What player are you watching it in? Stream me. I'm streaming this once it couldn't be fucking bothered. But I'm so fed up of Sengoku era stuff because it's always the same thing. The era of the warring states and the romance of the three kingdoms are... That's different.
Starting point is 00:06:53 That's different? That's China. The warring states is the Sengoku era, isn't it? No, those are the same thing, I'm pretty sure. There's China and there's Sengoku. Yeah, Japan, the era of the warring states, I believe, is also the same thing. I'm not 100% sure if they might be historians. The era of the warring states is Nobunaga's hangout time.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Regardless. And the romance of the kingdoms is totally China. But those two eras are so overdone, man. Well, I was gonna say, regardless, I'm fed up because I hate how it always starts with Nobunaga in the burning fucking place and then Mitsuhide is there. The mayor may not have betrayed him depending on who's writing it. And then it cuts back and then you meet a bubbly yellow themed character and he's being all silly and he might fall over and oh, it's Hideyoshi again
Starting point is 00:07:37 and there's the eyepatch Masayune Date and there's the big Takenishingen every fucking time. You miss the part where they mocap a horse? Which is the best part? As they should. Where they mocap a horse! So good! They mocap horses, you're not really making media. How much did they mocap a horse? Imagine if they mocapped Rao's horse.
Starting point is 00:08:00 And all that horse did was slaughter villagers. And run, they ran around. And ran like the finances of Japan for a while. But yes. Yeah, so Nobunaga gun, I still have to watch that but the first minute was flashback to the burning building with Nobunaga. It's like how many times can you retell the exact same circle? Yeah, and Nobunaga the fool was that but there was necks and I was like super not sold on that and then there was Joan of Arc and a bunch of European ones and it's like,
Starting point is 00:08:27 oh look, you're mashing together just because you can and just because it's gonna... I liked it when Onamush did it. I don't think it's very good. Well, what's our twist gonna be this time? He's got a gun! Yeah, whatever. No, Nobunaga gun actually apparently the main character is like a girl in present day. Sure.
Starting point is 00:08:44 So like she's a descendant of him. I couldn't even, I just went right to bed. I was like, I'm done. You clicked play, watched the intro and went to sleep. It was seven o'clock in the morning and I went right back to bed. He deserves to be a villain and everything forever I guess. Yeah, those times where he's a hero. Yeah, it's confusing. I get similar vibes from when I watched Samurai 7, the anime.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Right, Samurai 7. Because Samurai is one of the greatest movies of all time. Yes. Fucking amazing. And then you get the cowboy version, the Magnificent Seven or the Mob Nine, Take Your Pink, whatever. Sure. And all these other different versions of it and stuff and then you get this anime that comes
Starting point is 00:09:23 and then it does the cool badass action-y intro where dude does a giant helm splitter and splits an airship in half. And you're like, okay, this is really sick. And then fucking 13 episodes of nothing. Exactly. Absolutely nothing. You just described the Devil May Cry. No, there is nothing cool where you're expecting.
Starting point is 00:09:45 And you're like, I was not sick of this story until now and now I never want to see it again. Just go back and watch the original. I feel like that's what happens with Sengoku era stuff. I played through some games and I think Samurai Warriors Chronicles was the cutoff where I'm like, okay, I've got to wait for the next big one, but I can't do it, man. I can't do this shit. That's okay, we don't blame you. You've got to take me off of this.
Starting point is 00:10:07 Hey, speaking of feudal Japan and Dynasty Warriors, I had a great week. I know you played something else this week, Liam. Did you play a certain demo? I played a certain demo of a certain game. I played a bunch of this demo also. Let's just segue right into Pat at the same time. I played a bunch of Tokiden.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Dude, I played a bunch of Tokiden also. Well, he's really good. Well, he is now getting up to drink and ignore us. Usually people do that when the Vita's brought up. Vita, Vita means life. Okay? Vita means life, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Can it mean life while I enjoy this drink over here? No. No. Not that you're not eating that calzone at the same time. I should preface this demo talk by saying I went crazy and bought a white Vita just to have it. I don't blame you. I do. It's a white one.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Because the 2,000 Vitas have bad screens, so I need to have a backup Vita in case the original Vita breaks. So now you're hitting the territory of other Pat. Yeah. You're just turning into a crazy collector. I need it. I want the white one. And if the white one's out, I need the black one. Well, that's it.
Starting point is 00:11:09 We were talking about how- We already talked about this on a podcast. Exactly. We always want the other one. Whatever it's not. But this Tokiden demo is- It's a big, fat monster on the football. On the Vita.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Boy, is it a monster hunter rip-off. But it's a really good one. It's like Fatal Fury level of rip-off. It is exactly the same. But it's also so good that you don't question it. And all they do is to make up for the fact that they have way less content is that they actually have tutorials and they've changed things so they're not clunk as fuck. Yeah. Like gathering materials and things like that.
Starting point is 00:11:44 They changed my weapon after accepting a mission. I don't have to cancel out of a huge menu to do basic shit all the time. What a revolution. So far you guys have been talking about a lot of monster hunter rip-offs. But every time it comes up, you always say, but it's really good. Well, because the thing is- So are there shitty ones? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:02 I can name at least one. And like, isn't GodEater considered not a very good one? GodEater was okay. I took good. And GodEater 2 is actually really good. So monster hunter rip-offs, I think that gets tossed around a lot. But like, it's a sub-genre at this point. It's like saying, I don't know, like a dungeon crawler.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Yeah, like so monster hunter came along. I think a military first person shooter is what I think. Japan makes a hit. Yeah. Like everything they do. Monster hunter came along for a long time was the only game in town. Yeah. Well, no, sorry.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Fantasy Star. Fantasy Star 2 was the first one. But it's like this weird third person not quite action game. Oh, does that count? Fantasy Star Online? Yeah. Totally. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Then I played that. And finally now there's more games in this genre and now it's a genre. Like it's a new genre that they all have their own specific things. But like Soul Sacrifice is super weird and super different compared to like your- It's way out there. Yeah. I mean really, World of Warcraft. No.
Starting point is 00:13:09 No. No. The game plays different. It's all about like bursts, like 40 minute bursts of like a boss fight or something. It's also about those like really intimate conflicts with the huge creatures that will wreck you like that. The Corvid. In a different way that World of Warcraft.
Starting point is 00:13:25 The Corvid is a gameplay loop of get stuff, spend 30 minutes fighting a monster with three friends, get stuff, turn it into stuff, get better, fight a new monster. And all of them have that loop, but they all go about it in very different ways. Tokidin's weird in that it's like, there's like very little like structural change at all from Monster Hunter. It's like Soul Sacrifice completely did a total- Those would have the same font. Might as well.
Starting point is 00:13:56 Yeah, maybe. Might as well. The only reason it doesn't is because it's got a bigger screen to work with. Yeah, it's nice. But yeah, Tokidin's really good. It's really good, yeah. Like if you have a Vita, you should probably like, at least play the demo. Like the demo is like five hours long.
Starting point is 00:14:11 Yeah. Also, I think it's actually like a passable replacement for Monster Hunter. For a while anyway. Like four looks amazing. You said playing through it skips you when you play the full thing. Yeah, so the deal is that hunting games have a really big time investment up front. Yeah, like tons of it. Where you don't get to fight monsters really for a while because you have to learn the
Starting point is 00:14:31 mechanics. You gotta grind a little bit and you gotta kind of place yourself. The demo lets you carry your save data over. And if you beat the demo, you get to the point where you're already fighting the large monsters. So when the game comes out, you don't have to do that. That's cool. Reload stuff. So play the demo, beat the demo.
Starting point is 00:14:50 If you still like it, you get to skip all the shitty parts of hunting games. It's kind of like when you have a trial game and you play it and you're like, you'll get the stuff if you buy the game right now. Yeah, totally. What comes to mind is Dragon's Dogma. You create the character at least. Actually Dragon's Dogma has some parallels in that sense. Bravely defaulted the same thing with the play bonus stuff.
Starting point is 00:15:11 Who didn't carry it over but it did give you bonuses to ease you through the early game which would be trivial if you could beat the demo. But yeah, hunting game demos are rad because they're always like five plus hours long. They gotta be. Yeah, because the games are hundreds of hours long. It would have been nice if like cross boring stages so that you could have felt in advance how boring it was going to be. You're totally right.
Starting point is 00:15:40 You're super right. But aside from Tokidin demo which I played a lot of and really, really like, aside from buying a crazy white Vita, I also started watching True Detective which is awesome. Everyone should get ahold of that. Nathan McConaughey. It is McConaughey and Harrison. Harrison? Woody Harrelson.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Woody Harrelson. As detectives in like one of the poorest like fuck nowhere, hillbilly, parts of the USA. Where no more. Like we're like. Spokane. We're not quite. Where is it?
Starting point is 00:16:13 Detroit? Indiana? Yes. It's Eury in the end. No, it's like in the deep south and just like the kind of town. Plagueville. Plagueville. Like the kind of town.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Very white is from. Everything is going broke and everything is turning into a ghetto and like the wilderness is like coming back like over the plains and it's a serial murder cult murder mystery where very, very character focused and McConaughey is killing it. He is so good in it. He's so perfect. He plays a really weirdo depressed kind of psycho detective that hates everything and is hugely existentialist and awful.
Starting point is 00:16:56 But it's great. It's killing it. There are three right now. Okay. An hour long episode. Oh yeah. 59 minutes. It's an HBO show.
Starting point is 00:17:04 Okay. There you go. Yes. Because I was going to say there's a thing that happens when film actors, actors of film come to TV. And it's not like Matt and McConaughey is like a dude like I don't know, he's okay, but he just had like a bunch of movies like how do you fucking find the time to do a show? The show is taken forever to make.
Starting point is 00:17:23 When a movie actor does a TV show, like Sherlock, when a movie actor does a TV show they got to prove how much of a thespian they are so they do it extra hard. Yeah. And considering the setup for this show is Harrelson and McConaughey being interviewed like 10 years after the case by guys who lost the files or something, like a good third of the episode is just the camera on Harrelson or McConaughey sitting in a chair telling a story. Chewing up the scenery?
Starting point is 00:17:54 Yeah, totally. Like McConaughey is like drinking a beer or smoking in this crazy like I'm on a fucking stage. Look at me. Act. Way, but they're actually pulling it off. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What do you get, Harrelson is probably really good in that because if you saw No Country
Starting point is 00:18:11 for Old Men and he was in it for what, 10 minutes, but he plays exactly what he's in that night show. Yeah. Are you watching this on Netflix by any chance? Yeah, sure. Okay. You should also watch House of Cards. House of Cards?
Starting point is 00:18:24 House of Cards. Kevin Spacey doing the thing. He's a politician. Okay. Doing the thing. I'll watch something on Kevin Spacey in it. Oh, yeah. Oh, and they talk about the video in it.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Do they? Yeah. That's true. Kevin Spacey knows that video means life. And like his wife is like, what are you fucking doing with it? And he's like, I gotta play my video games. He plays Call of Duty. I'm just gonna ask you.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Is Monster Hunter even on the thing? He's playing Call of Duty on it? He plays Call of Duty. Yeah. Is Monster Hunter even on the thing? On the docket? You wanna talk about how it's coming out? Yeah, I just wanna mention it's coming out.
Starting point is 00:18:54 It's coming out. Yeah, it's coming out. It's actually coming out. All right. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. I'm looking forward to it. It's a fucking shame it's a year from now. Yeah, it was only like three months after the Japanese version.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Anyway, Matt, how was your week? You was playing Monster Hunter. I was also playing Monster, no, I wasn't. Oh. What a disappointment. What a disappointment. Where's your freedom, Matt? Just somewhere collecting dust.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Anyway. His vita is muete. It means death. No, I had a really awesome week. I found my apartment that I'm gonna be moving into. No, fuck you. You keep up. Anyway, I found my apartment I'm gonna be moving into.
Starting point is 00:19:33 It's a really awesome place. It's a duplex. Really nice. Won't go on and on and on. Do you get both handups of the duplex? I get all of the duplex. You get the whole duplex? No, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:19:41 Now, word on the street. Word on the street. Word on the street is that there's brick walls. There might be brick walls. That's good. There's rumors of brick walls. I have a big fetish for brick walls in apartments. I think they look like the raddest thing ever.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Just look at what it is. Giant boaters. Giant boaters. Boater walls. Boater walls. That's not good. But I saw one apartment that was all brick and that's not good. That's not apartment that was all boaters.
Starting point is 00:20:07 You walk in. Whoa. That's what I'm talking about. One side, one side being brick, it looks awesome. It's all brick. It's creepy. It's like, why am I, anyway. You got a fireplace in there?
Starting point is 00:20:19 There is actually a fireplace. It's an apartment. How do you get a fireplace? No, it's definitely not a fireplace. That'll make the mail bag way easier. We can just burn all of it. Or when evidence needs to go in. I was looking at the fireplace and I went, this is going to make something way easier.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Anyway. If we have a fireplace, more people mail a butane, though. The guy that showed me the apartment was really cool and he had a giant projector set up. It was really nice. It was all professional. That's how you know you're crazy. I'm looking at and he's got a PS4.
Starting point is 00:20:51 He's got a Wii U. He's got like some other stuff and he's got a PS3 and a 360 in the bedroom. I was like, wow, you're a real big gamer, right? He goes, well, I work for Ubisoft. I'm the lead animator for Watch Dogs. So I need to. And you were in his house. Soon it's going to be your house.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Maybe there's going to be secret documents lying around. It's like Umbrella Corp. Hitting under cones. Hitting under cones and light fixtures. And I was like, that's interesting. He shows me the rest of the apartment and as I'm leaving, I'm like, all right, see you. Talk to you soon. He's like, yeah, I'm like, get that game out soon.
Starting point is 00:21:25 And he goes, I know, dude. I really tried. And I'm like, okay. I'm kind of poking my head out. Like, can you give me anything? And he shook his head like a little bit. He's like, no. And I was like, ah.
Starting point is 00:21:42 But yeah. So that's really cool. Like I'm not like 100% approved, but I was told there shouldn't be a problem. I'm looking forward to it. Aside from that, I started a show that's similar to True Detective called The Following, which has Kevin Bacon as, no, not the scumbag killer. I was going to say. The scumbag drunk broken detective.
Starting point is 00:22:05 Yeah. And when you say Kevin Bacon and that role, you're like, that's probably pretty good. And the bad guy, the killer, is the guy that played Mark Antony in Rome. Oh. Well, no, it's in the first episode. Oh, it's one of those things. Yeah, it's one of those episodes. And it's called The Following because this isn't a spoiler.
Starting point is 00:22:23 The killer gets captured in the first episode and the rest is figuring out all the people that he weaved under his spell, and they're the ones that commit all the stuff. That's why they're trying to get his following. That guy's awesome, man. That guy, that guy. I'm not getting out of bed until I fuck something. And I don't even know. And then Attia goes wearing a black funeral dress, and he goes, I've never fucked someone
Starting point is 00:22:50 in a funeral dress before. And she goes, no, will you not? And just walks away and he's like, ah. He's such a scumbag. That show was really good. I watched about three episodes of that. Probably not as good as True Detective, but there's similar things. Sure, sure.
Starting point is 00:23:05 That's pretty cool. That's about it from me, I guess. What about you, Wolves? Well. Who gives a fuck? Oh. Oh. I bet someone does.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Why don't you tell that person? Hey, parade a backpedal. I watched. You got up in my segment, you bastard. I was thirsty. I needed a drink from a parched little throat. How the heck did I get up and get something from my throat? I watched Tornado's Seiki Coon.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Yeah. What do you think of it? I thought it was fun. How much did you watch? I watched all of it. Four? Three episodes. Okay, the fourth one though.
Starting point is 00:23:39 And it was, it was that, if you guys don't remember, the one where there was two kids in the back of the class, one guy's really good at wasting time. Yeah, the king of wasting time. Yeah, and the other one was just a girl that's just like, oh my god, what are you doing? You're getting throat stuff. Yeah. It's delicious water. It looks like a dick.
Starting point is 00:23:55 It's a, well, actually all water bottles look like dicks. It's a fun little series. It's really short and it clearly feels like something that comes at the end of a manga. Yeah, totally. Or like a little add-on, you know, orake type thing. Definitely. And I'm kind of afraid that the more they make of it, like, the more they might try to complicate.
Starting point is 00:24:14 The more they'll get watered down. Yeah, this is nothing else there. He wastes time and does something awesome. She gets in shit for it. Yeah. And he glares at her. You know what? I agree.
Starting point is 00:24:24 I totally don't want him to ever talk, except for that one word at the end if necessary. But I don't know. I see that kind of show and I don't think the author of that kind of thing would ever want to do that. Like, I think he gets it. Yeah. Japan is a thing. Remember the whole king of wasting time?
Starting point is 00:24:40 Yeah. If you're in Fantasia, there was a movie that I'm sure we didn't see, but it was called I'm gonna do it tomorrow. Yeah, I saw it. Yeah, I saw it. Oh, you saw it. I saw it. I didn't know that you saw it.
Starting point is 00:24:51 The whole Japan having people that don't are kind of lazy, but just kind of have their own stuff going on. It used to make a movie like The God of Procrastination. I believe that's because of the new societal problem of needs. Needs. Yeah, needs. Yeah. NEET is not in employment, education, or training.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Yeah, you're a neat pad apparently. I am. You are a neat. I'm employed. Right. Matt? Matt? To the government if you're not.
Starting point is 00:25:23 I am super employed to the government. This is awkward. I totally tell the government I'm employed. You thought you were going to your life though. If I'm lying and I'm not employed, then why are they taking my tax money? Because they're getting money from somewhere. They don't care. I could be selling all the drugs in the world, but as long as I pay my taxes.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Drop the crack, Pat. I really want there to be a knock at my door right now. I would love for the government to send me letters like, keep doing whatever you're doing. Just keep sending in the tax money. Don't give a fuck. Yeah, I guess it was up at the end. He didn't think he was a NEET, but he's totally a NEET. Yeah, I am educated.
Starting point is 00:26:01 And I train for this. I talk to you morons for like seven years every day. That's putting up with this. Oh, yeah. You talked to me when I was in high school. You trained your resistance. I did talk to you in high school. That was weird.
Starting point is 00:26:15 Let's not talk about that. I also have been taking the girlfriend through Geron Lagann, which is a fun journey. Is she enjoying it? Or are you just like shut up and watching? No, no, that's just a joke. I'm going to get a drink. No, sit down. But the other part of it is that I'm also noticing the official subs, because I always just watched.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Oh, what I had, the one that first came out. Yeah. And like, totally good job so far, but not many problems. But there's one thing that I'm like, it's so minor. But it's exactly what you're referring to. Yeah, I wonder if it's the same thing I think. You're referring to gunmen. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:26:55 Gunmen's fine. Oh, really? I'm totally cool with that. Danmen sounds weird. Gigadrill Breaker. Yes. The word is breaker. And in the show, it translates to break.
Starting point is 00:27:06 And it's still cool. It's not as cool at all. It's got to be the breaker. He says it. You can hear him say it. Yes. And that's a whole phrase in English. My only little dumb, crazy little nitpicks.
Starting point is 00:27:20 So you're talking about the subs, right? The subs, yes. Because in the dub, they say break as well. Okay, okay. So it's weird. I think if they made both of those things, there might be something. Well, right now the anti-plex thing they're putting out there, they've decided on Gigadrill Break as the term.
Starting point is 00:27:37 I may be a neat, but you sound like a huge weeb. Yeah, sure. Go play your token den demo. Why token den? It can't stop me. The den where you talk. No. You would know.
Starting point is 00:27:51 And the one other thing says you. This is a really aggressive podcast. I'm getting it. I'm liking it. I like this new energy. The one other thing. Shut up. Back down.
Starting point is 00:28:02 No, don't back down. Always back down. Never. A good day to back down. We can't get into this. You can't do it. Before we recorded this, we just created 10 minutes of movie titles. Of stupid movie titles that he used the phrases never give up and never back down.
Starting point is 00:28:20 And always back down and always give up. Hey, don't, because we have a video that's not released yet. You gotta save it. Where we do some of that. You gotta save it. So we gotta save that for Nationals. But anyway, the other one that I'm afraid of that I know it's not gonna be the same because it's too specific, but the original translation when the subs first came out.
Starting point is 00:28:38 For Cho-Ginga. What? Super Galaxy Dreadnought. When you say original? No. Was it? No. Because the first translations that came out about everything about what subgroup did
Starting point is 00:28:49 it. Okay. But whatever. You can tell you can tell you can tell you. Hypergalactic Dreadnought Gurin Lagann. It's the name of Cho-Ginga. They should have just written Cho-Ginga. And now they change it.
Starting point is 00:28:57 I'm pretty sure it's just Super Galaxy Gurin Lagann. I believe it's Super Galaxy. And I'm like, ah, but I want my Dreadnought. You know? They should have just written Cho-Ginga. That too would have been fine. Like just write Cho-Ginga. Cho-Ginga would have been fine.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Cho-Ginga would have been fine. But the Dreadnought idea is like, yes, the fucking heavy class version of this Mac. It's really weird that they didn't do Cho-Ginga because they kept Tengen Topo Gurin Lagann. Yeah, they did. What are they supposed to call that? Galaxy Piercing or Heaven Piercing Gurin? Heavily breakthrough. Fuckin' name in the show.
Starting point is 00:29:28 I know. That's why they're fucked. That's why they're fucked. And they should have just named everything the same. But they're not fucked. They're fucked. Super awesome. And everything's ruined.
Starting point is 00:29:37 No, not at all. It's super great. Don't listen to him. But anyway. And I think collectively I can say that we all went to the Royal Rambo. What a heap of garbage. Except for that first match that was awesome. That fight was really good.
Starting point is 00:29:55 Let's be fair. Everything except the one match where me and Liam just fucked off to go eat food. You mean the apex predator versus you can't see me? It's a really, really bad sign when at your pay-per-view during your WWE title match between your two main eventers, John Cena and Randy Orton, that's the time that the crowd decides the crowd. This is awful. Not just you guys.
Starting point is 00:30:23 I'm talking about the movie crowd. This is awful. Bigger movie crowd. Just en masse. Like a third of the people walked out. That's the bathroom break. That's your fucking main event. What the fuck is wrong with it?
Starting point is 00:30:34 Don't forget the audience watching the match in the arena. This is really boring. This is awful. Well, we left for what? Like seven minutes? I didn't leave. I watched the match. That's true.
Starting point is 00:30:47 We came back and you missed nothing. You missed nothing. That hashtag never crossed the way. But wait. No, I think back what I said. I said how everything but that one match had a little something that was interesting. Even the Royal Rumble, the bad finish it had, had lots of awesome spots where we were like, oh shit.
Starting point is 00:31:03 But that last match between Randy Orton and the thing, they had that thing that happened towards the end where we all went nuts for a second. Yeah. Where the- Does it matter? Is it a spoiler? No, it happened. Where the White family came out.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Where Randy Orton and John Cena start doing each other's finishes and each other's submissions and when it looks like Randy Orton was going to tap, they cut to black and even though we didn't care, we all went, oh shit, what the- Something's happening. Well, hey look, an interesting thing happening in this incredibly boring wrestling game. But no, for me also, like, when Orton did the pose, the arms up in the air. So for those who don't know, JPG. For those who don't know, all of us are like, Randy Orton is either bad or fine, whatever,
Starting point is 00:31:46 or nobody. But Woolly loves, and I guess me too, loves Randy Orton's pose where he puts both hands towards the air and kind of just gestures. It's a reaction gif from, right, and it came from the internet long ago or whatever. And it's the best, like, I am the fucking greatest fuck this thread gif. You can put it anything. And if you can have fireworks going on behind you all the time. Behind you at the same time, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:09 But no. But me and William walked in when we saw Randy Orton doing the pose. And I go to Liam, I'm like, Woolly is losing his shit right now. And he totally was. And you turned, you turned and walked in. And you were losing your shit. But no. Daniel Bryant versus Gray Wyatt.
Starting point is 00:32:28 One. Fantastic man. Fucking sick. Okay. Exhibition feud match. Right. That was no gimmicks, no special stipulations. That's really entertaining.
Starting point is 00:32:39 Just a regular, solid, like, prior to main event level, like, super good. And the one botch that we saw, it was like, you have 10 seconds to do something crazy. And then they both, everyone forget. And then they both did something crazy. Yeah. So there was a botch and then they fucking erased it. They un-botched. Which botch?
Starting point is 00:32:58 He completely missed the drop kick. It was like his nose just whipped. But still that clothesline from Hellman. Yeah. The clothesline was sick. Going into this match, I knew about the Wyatt guy beforehand. I'd seen something and you guys knew nothing about this. But when he came out, you were like, what is this?
Starting point is 00:33:18 What's this? And he's like a weird cultist hillbilly. And you were all like, okay. Yeah, that's a good guy. He struck the lamp in the mask with the dude behind him. So you're going into a match and you've almost seen a bit of Daniel Bryan before. Yeah, absolutely. But going into this match, all you three, you didn't know what was going on.
Starting point is 00:33:35 And I didn't know what was going on a lot. I knew a little bit. But you were all like, that was a great match. Yeah. But you all know who Randy Orton and John Cedar are. You all know what they are. Wait, wait, wait. So there's something wrong.
Starting point is 00:33:49 Definitely. Also, the momentum that like Bryan had there. It's like, how was he not in the rumble, much less not winning? Well, that's the whole issue. Well, everyone that was in a match before the rumble was not in the rumble. Yeah, I guess. That's usually what happens. But sometimes they put a guy in it.
Starting point is 00:34:06 But if you're fucking hardcore, you just take fire. But the guy that's in the first match should be rested up enough to do it. But whatever. And Bryan's non-inclusion in the rumble was extra weird, considering they had several gimmick spots in the rumble. Oh my God, didn't they ever? Then Torrico, which was actually really good. Not Torrico.
Starting point is 00:34:24 Torrico is the fucking... Tostito. Torrico is the fucking griffin from last... Torrito. Torrito. And the Torrito. Whatever. They got that guy that JBL come in.
Starting point is 00:34:35 They had Batista. They had Batista come in. They had Batista come in. Kevin Nash. Kevin Nash. Kevin Nash. Stumble out. Oh, by the way, that was weird.
Starting point is 00:34:43 I'm not sure if you guys know. Kevin Nash. He's still stumbled out. Kevin Nash has pure white hair now. Yeah. So when I see him, I'm like, oh, it's so lame, because I know you dye your hair to make it not look like you're 80. Right.
Starting point is 00:34:56 Which you are. Like a certain someone. The age outlaws are the old age law abiders. Hey, let's fucking Billy Gunn was the worst. He looks like... He looks like Ric Flair. No, he looks like Clint Eastwood with a ponytail. Now, let's not forget the most important thing of the night,
Starting point is 00:35:14 and that's Ric Flair. Oh, yeah. Oh, my God. Wasted. Just clearly wasted. Doing the laziest whos and drunk commentary. Fresh and sexist. Sarcophagus.
Starting point is 00:35:27 With a bottle of whiskey in his hand. Is it fresh? I don't know. And like I said, the theory at this point is that who is the incantation he chants to keep his body together. I like to think that behind the scenes that we don't see, there is an arc angel-like character that's always trying to kill Ric Flair. Like how arc angel wants to kill apocalypse.
Starting point is 00:35:48 I always feel that there's something we're not seeing. I always imagined Ric Flair like the nightmare from Metroid Fusion. Yeah, sure. His face is coming out like... And he's in a big metal box. He's got a beer, else he dies. Seriously, what a goddamn shit show. This is the first pay-per-view I've watched in like a decade.
Starting point is 00:36:06 And it was a fucking mess. There were flashes of greatness. Like when whatever his face was. Yeah, Coffey Kingston fucking Spider Man-ing it. Like the greatest. Right? And every time- Or twice and then he caught himself with his feet.
Starting point is 00:36:21 And when Coffey wins, I win, right? We all win. To be fair, you were a lot of guys. I'm a lot of guys. That being said, if there's another live show, we'll probably all go. Because I don't know about you, but that live show was more fun.
Starting point is 00:36:36 Absolutely. And it was people we- none of us knew. It was guys- It was really fun, I agree. It was guys from NXT, people that- See, usually the house show is garbage because nothing matters. But when the actual storyline and management of the company is so shit that that's the worst part about the organization
Starting point is 00:36:56 going to somewhere that is removed from the storyline is actually way more interesting. And I mean, even though the results of most of the matches were garbage or whatever there was still those cool things. There was stuff that The Shield did that was awesome. Yeah. Some hard kicks that were like bam! Yeah, they're doing it.
Starting point is 00:37:12 That guy, Roman Reigns, all his beers were great. Fucking Zangief coming out. Both Harry and Zangief. Yeah. Just the giant heel turn as well. From who? The Shield. Come on.
Starting point is 00:37:25 No, they're already here. They're totally heels already. Yeah, but the heel turn on each other. That's not how it works. Like, the next time that Roman Reigns guy, the guy that lasted isn't a heel turn just betraying someone? No. A heel turn is when you turn from being a good guy, which is a face to a bad guy.
Starting point is 00:37:40 Okay. Well, whatever. The big betrayal. Yeah. Betrayal time. Betrayal time. They used to launch Roman as a solo wrestler. Oh, for sure.
Starting point is 00:37:49 Because literally that guy was the most built, most interesting guy of all of them. And how Drogo should be a solo wrestler. And when they were talking about Roman Reign and when he was last against Batista, everyone was like, fuck Batista so hard. Yeah. That this heel turn was made. We just, like, the crowd had decided that Batista is just so shit.
Starting point is 00:38:10 He's so boring. No. The reason why the crowd was against it is because they know it's not going to be the Roman Reigns guy. Oh my God. The Batista is only here to win. So fuck this. And then you're the good guy. And after a rumble that had crazy shit from Kofi and El Torrito and Ray and Zangief,
Starting point is 00:38:33 it's like, how does the fucking rumble end? Like a clothesline into a dodge. I grabbed his head and threw him like the most alluring fucking way to end it possible. Also, every time Roman does a spear. Huge applause. Totally. People like spears. People like spears.
Starting point is 00:38:52 Can you play? Because it takes five years off your life every time you perform. It's true. Edge would attest to that. But just a summary. Edge is alive? No, almost. Just a summary is all it's up.
Starting point is 00:39:03 Our main point is getting to, because we read an article today, is that WWE has a really bad main event people. And they're ignoring the people that, they're ignoring the wrestlers that people really really like. They're totally hot. And they're just pushing people that they think are awesome like Randy Oran and John Cena. And even us, not knowing what's really going on, can clearly see the problem. We immediately came out going, Batista knows how to suck a dick. Why aren't they, why aren't they pushing Daniel Bryan?
Starting point is 00:39:30 Like, why? Which is, which is, And, and Mick Foley had that big thing today. Rent. Rent. Where he said the same thing. Like everyone loves him. Although shout outs to Batista for doing the yes, yes, yes on the way out of the arena after the cameras were off.
Starting point is 00:39:46 Real life heals her. Except with the middle finger instead. Yeah. That's awesome. Anyway. Man, fuck wrestling. Slash wrestling forever. Yeah, pretty much.
Starting point is 00:39:55 Yeah, exactly. It's the, it's the never ending alternation between, oh fuck this company. And, oh, it's good now. It truly is the best worst thing. Oh yeah, absolutely. You're gonna sign up. Oh, are we? The time comes.
Starting point is 00:40:08 We all are. We all are. After the, the, the, the confirmed to you that WWE Network has like 1000 hours ready to go on launch. Yeah. On demand. On demand, yeah. Uh, so how do you guys feel about rival enemy characters that are customized for your playthrough? Shadows of Mordor.
Starting point is 00:40:27 Okay, I don't know what you're talking about. That sounds awful. Shadows of Mordor. A middle earth, shadows of Mordor. Okay. Okay, so they showed the pre-alpha footage. Oh, okay. Pre-alpha footage.
Starting point is 00:40:37 Where there's a not only just air quotes, ever. Which really just means like we didn't build them. Okay, so what's, what's gonna be the new alpha word? Because we, we regressed, we regressed past all the real terms and then turned them into fake terms. Proof. To the point that we have to use pre and post. Proof of concept. No, proof of concept.
Starting point is 00:40:59 It's still an alpha because like the menus or whatever isn't there. Oh shut up. But like. The word but pre-alpha means there's no textures on the ground. In that, in that video there wasn't a single blemish. Balagon of miss. Yeah, no. It looks great.
Starting point is 00:41:12 The shadows of Mordor tell me more. So there's a lot of systems. It's by Monolith, right? American Monolith. Yeah, American Monolith. Yeah. No, they're good too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:23 Well, they mean fear, right? That's correct. Yeah, but then they made a lot of shit. Still haven't talked fear one. How could you? Anyway. So they show off, they do the thing that more marketing companies need to do with just here's seven minutes of one of our guys talking you through pure gameplay.
Starting point is 00:41:38 Here's what the game is. And pure systems. Like, here's not a pre-rendered cutscene with music. What's the game? Right. Show me the game. Remember Rockstar's things that deal with you? Yeah, those were amazing.
Starting point is 00:41:48 It's exactly that. Yeah. Or Hunting the Big Daddy. Totally. Right, sure. Those have sold me way harder on things than any amount of other style promotional films. Me too.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Absolutely. Wonderful 101 Direct. Yeah. It's true 21 minutes of talking you through it. So you were already sold. Me too. Yeah. But still it was good though.
Starting point is 00:42:08 Anyway. The Warlord directly to me. Yes. So for those who don't know, the main character you're playing is a guy who is half-raised. He's a ranger. Half-ranger? Half-ring-raised. That's possessed by a wraith.
Starting point is 00:42:19 Possessed or something. Yes. And so you have the ability to switch between this world and the world that the ringwraiths live in where Frodo goes where he puts the ring on. Yeah, cool. That sounds cool. So there's a system in this game where enemies at major camps or encampments or whatever are customized for your playthrough and they apply only to you.
Starting point is 00:42:38 What does that mean? They can be. They will get different bosses. They can be. Yeah. Your bosses are all specific races, names, attributes, everything about them changes in your game and I don't get the same. I'm pretty sure the names and races in such are all fixed.
Starting point is 00:42:53 It's how they interact with you over time. Yes. And so you will fight them over the course. It's nowhere going to be near as good of course but like imagine Virgil 1, Virgil 2, Virgil 3, right? Right. And after Virgil 1, however you leave him in whatever state. Did you cut his arm off?
Starting point is 00:43:08 Sometimes his reason for revenge later and affects the way he comes at you. Okay. Or does it? Or whatever. And not just in terms of direct combat but in terms of his encampments. It is trying to take more of the burden off of the storyline reason for why is the rivalry so intense. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:27 And trying to put it more to like, here's why because you did this and also you think of those moments in the actual Lord of the Rings movies, such books, whatever. You have that front that fucking thing where you have that one grunt leader that's more special than the others. Yeah. And you're like that fucker. They never had words but you know he's the one. He's the good guy.
Starting point is 00:43:51 He's the good one. He pulls the sword into himself. Yeah. You know? Or like another example is like in the Hobbit there's that big white orc and he got his arm slashed off by you so he's pissed off. Exactly. That's the thing.
Starting point is 00:44:03 Total idea. One of the gameplay examples was let's say this orc boss, the first time you fight him you're doing a stealthy thing where you're walking above him and you jump down and you attack him and if he survives the next time you fight he's going to surround himself with tons of dudes so you cannot attack him the same way. Okay. He's just stealthed up on him. Good.
Starting point is 00:44:22 Yeah. Good. I got to say one of my little like criticisms of that because it's an awesome system was there was this one orc during it. Hey this is pre-alpha. You're right. You're right. You can't criticize pre-alpha.
Starting point is 00:44:32 There was some final recorded dialogue in there though where he had his face burnt by the main character and as you approached him he said you're the guy who burnt my face which is like such a direct way of saying it. I can look past that. They clash and he says you burnt my face like he says in his face of like 10 seconds and he says it twice. It's a little on the nose. It's pre-alpha.
Starting point is 00:44:55 It's pre-alpha. He didn't criticize pre-alpha. But even if it's alpha right up until the day before it comes out. But what was cool about that particular moment he was describing was the way that fight started up was you went to that guy's underling, possessed him, made him like put you choose what to possess him with. You could choose fear or like make an example out of him, whatever all those things. And with his you put fear into him to go and betray his master type of thing.
Starting point is 00:45:24 He sets that whole thing up. You sneak into the base. He's got his army but some of his army are all working for the guy that's now like under your control. So when you attack that burnt face guy a full like war breaks out. Nice. And so you're not. There's characters fighting on screen.
Starting point is 00:45:41 Yeah. So it's not just you taking him on in his grunts. It's everyone taking on everyone and you're in the middle of the fight. Now the part I really liked is when it opened up the window to show the relationship chart between all these orcs and who works for who. What's the best way to get to this guy? Go through this group of dudes or go through that group of dudes. You choose the fear and betrayal thing and it goes into his eyes and shows you his social
Starting point is 00:46:08 links. This sounds really really ambitious and interesting and I'm going to assume it's not based off of any direct novel or movie property. It is the Lord of the Rings equivalent of or it hopes to be the Lord of the Rings equivalent of Batman Arkham City Arkham Arkham God damn I can't welcome a silent answer to your statement question. Yeah. Is the title of the game is Middle Earth.
Starting point is 00:46:34 Okay. No. Shadow. Yeah. The combat is Batman and the rest of the game is Assassin's Creed. The. Okay. Well.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Yeah. Okay. You got the flickers above the head. It looks like some Assassin's Creed. Well it's pre-alpha. You never know. There's not a huge difference between Batman and Assassin's Creed. But the DNA above is hold towards an enemy and press attack.
Starting point is 00:46:59 And when he comes in you press counter. But both these games are being both Batman and this are both Warner Brothers. Yes. It stands to reason. Yeah. Now that being said there's some wall climbing and parkouring things that you do in this game. Of course there is.
Starting point is 00:47:16 I see nothing. And no I mean like where is it going to go. And what you see in this particular clip is a moment where he climbs up this like kind of scaffolding thing. Oh shambly wall. Yeah. And like he does the shuffle and head tilt exactly like Assassin's Creed. Of course he does.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Right. And you're like yeah okay that's hold L and go up the wall I don't know what that means. And then fucking dude from Ubisoft for X Ubisoft. But he was lead animator on Assassin's Creed Bruns 2 2 2 2 yes looks at this and goes I know Assassin's Twitter code. When I see it. Uh oh. That is our code.
Starting point is 00:47:58 How'd they get that in there. What's going on. And RotRow in fact. Both companies decline in comment. No one's saying anything about it. And dudes on Twitter like dude what are you saying how can you know. And he's like. I think that's the game.
Starting point is 00:48:14 You're the animator and do thousands of hours of that fucking shit. You know down to a single frame. I spent two years sitting in front of this thing. I know it when I see it. Yeah. You know. He didn't get more aggressive than that. No that's all he said.
Starting point is 00:48:26 His bosses probably will. And then his tweet later. His tweet later was that being said this game is fucking sick I'm gonna buy it. Also there's a possibility that they licensed out the engine and they're not talking about it. That was gonna be soft. I'd like to license out that like climbing engine. For me.
Starting point is 00:48:45 Now that you're on a watch. Exactly. Exactly. When you start up that game. We would say. And the next. I don't think so. The engine.
Starting point is 00:48:54 It could just be their climbing. Like a database. Are there. Are there. What just asset sharing. I think it's possible. But like. Or fucking our mocap data.
Starting point is 00:49:03 You know what I mean. Yeah. Yeah. No exactly. It could be. The bit where he walked out onto the like the little. No no the wire hanging and he was walking out onto that. I was like oh man.
Starting point is 00:49:13 You know what. Like that. And he turns on eagle vision. Yeah. Wraith vision. Of detective mode. Well no because it's the right. View that.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Hey. Hey. Pre alpha. Pre alpha. Pre alpha. But that being said. They only stole the code for pre alpha. They're gonna make their own code later.
Starting point is 00:49:31 That being said if you have a stealthy third person action game and your guy can climb there's only so many animations and differences that I can possibly have. Yeah. But for me it was when he had both hands in front of him on the ledge and he stuck his head up. Oh my god I know exactly what you're talking about. See this footage at all. He did the look.
Starting point is 00:49:51 And I was like I know that look. Yeah. You know. Oh man. But that being said. I hope this gets super ugly. Game looks great. I really liked the bit at the end which was a CG bit so whatever but where the camera
Starting point is 00:50:02 zoomed up all the way to Sauron and on the way you saw the armies of orcs and a bunch of them had the possessed hand above them and you just saw like an armada of like guys under your control. Yes. CG whatever. But like if they pull off a giant battle obviously not on that scale that you're gonna fight your way all the way up to Sauron and then lose horribly. You have to lose.
Starting point is 00:50:23 You're gonna get. Yeah. If Sauron's in it the guy has to lose or it's an alternate reality thing because that last Lord of the Rings game War in the North was the last like piece of ore in the Tolkien mine where you could have got actual story because that would always go to the Silmarillion. Yeah. You shut up. You shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:50:43 I hope they use this as an excuse to get the mouth of Sauron in there because that was a character. That was awesome character. That was so fucking sick. Yeah. It's just this he's wearing this like head dress. He looks like something out of Oddworld and he's got this head dress and just a big scary mouth that talks.
Starting point is 00:50:59 You don't see his eyes like he doesn't use his eyes at all. It's like a mouth. Priest gown. Yeah. So awesome. I am the mouth of Sauron and I bodied Frodo. Look at this. And shows of Frodo's like lame little like steal a breastplate and they're like, oh.
Starting point is 00:51:14 Sorry unrelated but pseudo related. I watched the most cringe worthy fucking video this weekend. This dude is going into his exams at university and he decides that he needs to motivate his class so he gives them the four Frodo speech that Aragorn gives at the gates. Is this real? This is real. No it's not. And his friend films it outside the class and he stands up and walks around doing the
Starting point is 00:51:41 whole speech while everyone just turns to go like, what the fuck? Like you can't make it all the way through. You can't. I've watched. I have watched a lot of stuff on the internet that people told me I would never make it to the end of the video. Did you test me? Cringe?
Starting point is 00:52:00 I can't deal. I've been there so bad. When you said you can't finish the VGX compilation, I wasn't able to. I watched the whole thing live. That's because you thought there wasn't Vita News. I thought there was going to be Vita News. And there was, wait, no there wasn't. Just cut straight to the nasty shit.
Starting point is 00:52:19 Like I'll deal with that more than cringe videos. But does this look real because that sounds too fake. No it's 100% real. His friend snuck up to the door and put the camera out and then in the intro, and it has a shitty little YouTube intro with him going like, yeah I want to do this thing. Maybe it's a viral video. Did you see the other one I sent you? Like Daniel Cunn loves anime or whatever?
Starting point is 00:52:38 No, no, no. I can't remember what it's called. No, I don't want to talk about this. Are you familiar with this one? Yeah. That one's bad. What's his name again? Davidu.
Starting point is 00:52:46 David. David Cunn. Proto man. He goes to Japan and he's just this big white guy. And the Japanese are just making fun of him. Oh they are taking the piss. I've never seen it. It's hard to watch.
Starting point is 00:52:55 I totally tagged you in it. It's hard to watch. Okay. I did. I mean there was that photo of the guy sitting on the Japanese bus with the rice hat and the duck. And yeah, no, no, it's the rice hat and I'm pretty sure it was one of those like Dragon Ball kind of shirts.
Starting point is 00:53:09 Yeah. And he was just super sad. And like all the salarymen around him just turning the other way like hiding their faces. Oh. Yeah. No, it hurts. It hurts. It always hurts.
Starting point is 00:53:23 Anyway. There's a tall white guy. He might actually be wolverine. Yeah. They're just nervous. Hey, so it turns out like what little bits of drops of information we're getting about Cyberpunk 2077? There's more.
Starting point is 00:53:38 More than nothing. Yes. Droplets is more than yeah. The little crumb that we got today was people were wondering and fearing that it was going to become some kind of multiplayer shooter or. What? Why would it? Become too shooty in the way that like say like I don't know like Mass Effect or other
Starting point is 00:53:57 games where you have like action controls from CD project. No, I understand people that aren't aware of CD project might think of that just because it's the way the industry is. But yes. Anyone that knows CD project. Basically they're like are is this going to turn into something with action controls and they're like no, it is a pure true RPG. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:15 So there's straight up no shortcuts or whatever. So is that the droplets? Yeah. Wow. Anti-news. I was going to say that's an anti-droplet because they unconfirmed stuff. Yeah. They said it's going to be a true RPG.
Starting point is 00:54:29 You're not going to get any kind of weird or pseudo systems. Especially since CD project. You know the kind of project. Oh, I know the time. I know it. Aiming. Aiming. Especially since the project doesn't really have publishers.
Starting point is 00:54:42 They're their own publishers. They're their own publishers. Well, no. Except they use Namco. Namco saw published the T-60 version. Warner Brothers is publishing The Witcher 3 in North America, I believe. Spike Chunsoft is publishing Witcher 3 in Japan. Oh, what?
Starting point is 00:54:56 They use publishers about the show. I don't think CD project would be like, yes, but we'll change it. I know who's going to publish that shit on PC. The Warner Brothers themselves. Oh man, CD project's the weirdest man. They're great. I recently found out that they got their start as like a Polish piracy company. Wow.
Starting point is 00:55:15 That they started off as a pirate group that would translate games into Polish. That name super sounds like a pirate group. Yeah. And they got their big break after many, many pirate translations for the Polish audience in being the buyer where hired them to do Baldur's Gate. Really? And that's how they got into this. So no shit they fucking hate DRM.
Starting point is 00:55:40 Wow. They're all former professional pirates. Professional pirates. Oh, those dudes are awesome. I don't remember the name of the group, but that group that did like all the Dreamcast games. I'm just thinking. I thought that was you.
Starting point is 00:55:54 Shhhh. Yeah. Yeah. Further proof that the Polish are the best and the brightest. I'm sure. I love it. I'm just saying. I'm just saying I have stuff.
Starting point is 00:56:03 Go eat a sausage. I will. And I'll make best games ever. Wow. I just got that. Because I could like, I'm America. Yeah. Unless I decide to be Polish for 10 seconds.
Starting point is 00:56:16 I'm not allowed to change my viewpoint. No. Because none of us associate you with Polishness. Well, guess what? I've never even seen you eat a sausage. I'm going to ask you over so you can watch me eat sausage. Yes. Say one word in Polish.
Starting point is 00:56:33 OK. That doesn't count. OK. He picked that up. That's not real. How do you fucking know what the fuck you're talking about? What does it mean? You can't just say paroching.
Starting point is 00:56:41 What? That's really long for hello. Well, we're not that smart. Poland's weird. Not that smart, but you make the best games? What's your argument here? Just keep hating haters. That's all I got to say.
Starting point is 00:56:54 OK. I'm going to hate Poland now, I guess. Because you're being a dick. Hey, man. Grant Torino taught me, though, they're great for punchlines. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, that's true. Hey, we got to share the load, man.
Starting point is 00:57:11 You, me, and whatever. You, me, and Billy, walk into a bar. Sure, OK. Bartender says you two should get out of here. Am I the bartender? Yeah, I guess. I do look like I'd be at home behind a bar. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:30 So how excited- That's one way to put it. How excited- Oh, shut the fuck up. Who would you get? I'm not. If Sega died very little. Very excited now.
Starting point is 00:57:41 Boredade. Oh! They're games to PC. I'd be super excited. I'd be neutral. Good, good, though. Good by all means. A lot of those games are platinum games, so-
Starting point is 00:57:53 Yes. Super excited. So put Valkyrie across the fucking PC. Are you excited enough that you would sign a petition? No, because petitions don't do shit. Exactly. I thought entirely true. No, it's super true.
Starting point is 00:58:06 What about Dark Souls? What about Dark Souls? I was already- What about literally Dark Souls where they were like, we saw this petition with 50,000 people? That wasn't because of the petition. That's because people get bothering them. There is a subtle difference. If one out of-
Starting point is 00:58:17 They said so. If one out of 500 petitions does shit, you can still say petitions don't do shit. Yeah. That's out of point. Petitions do shit if the people care at all. But no one cares. Yeah. Especially not Sega.
Starting point is 00:58:34 Sega not caring about PC audience? Sega not caring about a lot of other shit? Haven't you seen the Yogscast? No. They care too much about the PC audience. They give them content they don't want. I can almost confirm. No one wants to know how high is that.
Starting point is 00:58:50 The marketing departments, the marketing departments, and all these companies have those petition sites blocked in their emails. Yeah. If you send it, it's just not getting through. Yeah. But it goes into a list of things we should never do. Or not even that. They have it on auto-reply saying we totally got your petition. It's totally gonna work.
Starting point is 00:59:11 They give you false hope. Yeah. We love seeing the out-crying support from our fans. Yeah. Vote with your money. So that we can crush it. We can't wait to ignore it. But the basic idea behind this being fucking vanquish on PC.
Starting point is 00:59:24 Yeah. That's it. And banned. Banned. It's not gonna happen. Never gonna happen. But you know, sure. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:59:32 Because Nintendo owns it. They own one? No. I said ban one. I'm talking about ban one. I know. Nintendo should go to PC. Speaking of, I need to say a retraction.
Starting point is 00:59:44 I can't convert yen for shit and completely fucked up the Nintendo money time. You botched those numbers? Yeah. The numbers were like a billion. Simcara. Okay, it's all. And you keep yelling at me during Yakuza that I don't know what I'm talking about. So here's the deal.
Starting point is 01:00:01 Anything that's more than ten dollars. My yen translation abilities completely fall to shit. I'm sorry. What's ten dollars? Ten dollars is probably like nice. Like ten thousand yen. It's like nine hundred and forty yen. Oh, come on.
Starting point is 01:00:17 That's pretty close. Dude. You said ten thousand. That's over ten times more. The trick is two decimal places. Okay, you need to all fuck off. I apologize. Who are decimal places?
Starting point is 01:00:27 Fucking up. I apologize. I'm sorry. Yeah. Fuck all y'all. It's a worse podcast. Dude, just do your research. Please, all of you.
Starting point is 01:00:38 How am I supposed to do research in my own brain? Yeah, the air and air. The brain is the part that routinely fails me. Not the information that I fed into it. Well, you're going to have to rewrite some new information into your brain. No. Because it ain't Namco Bandai anymore. What?
Starting point is 01:00:57 It's Bandai Namco. No. Fuck off. No, for real. Bamco. They're saying a scamco. Bandai. And now they're Bamco.
Starting point is 01:01:07 Yeah, they're Bamco. Bam. Finally, they are. What prompted this? In Japan, they were already that. Oh. Yeah. That's stupid.
Starting point is 01:01:17 Yeah. That's like how it was in Nintendo 64. It was in Nintendo 64. And then they're like, oh, fuck it. Call it there everywhere. Because Bandai forever has been a way, way, huge company. Yeah, that makes sense. That's why I was confused as to why they did it in the first place and why they changed
Starting point is 01:01:31 it now. Yeah, I guess they just didn't notice. You guys have been doing what? That's going to be tough to remember. It's a shame because I'm so used to saying Namco Bandai. It's a better sounding name. It's going to stick for a while. Bandai Namco sounds like shit compared to Namco Bandai.
Starting point is 01:01:48 I don't even say Bandai. I just always say Namco because Namco is the one that makes the game. I'm edgy, so I usually say Scamco. That's so edgy. Scambamco. I also like to spell Microsoft for the dollar sign. Yeah, I know I do. Now I know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 01:02:06 Hi, yo. I can't wait to move in that giant, expensive apartment I can suddenly afford. That apartment that prior to arriving had no ex-bone. But now you can put an ex-bone in it. You can fit an Xbox One, the all-in-one entertainment system. Okay, okay, everybody stop. This joke has gone too far. Do I still get paid for it?
Starting point is 01:02:35 No, shut up. Wait, no, you have to shout out M-1-1-3, X-1-3. American people have to shout that in their pockets. Speaking of mismanaging money. Capcom CEO. Oh, yeah. Okay, now I'm finally starting to crack under this Capcom shit. You're starting to crack.
Starting point is 01:02:58 Even Liam is starting to crack. Let's get the stuff. Liam, do you know the basis of all this? I think I do, but I want to make sure we're on the right score. The four pillars are now DLC, mobile, online operations, and brand. You forgot Monster Hunter. And those are in order. You read those in order.
Starting point is 01:03:19 Priority. Yeah. DLC is the curious one, because I think they're using that, but I think they're using that term weird, and I wonder if they mean all of downloadable content in general, as opposed to downloadable content for specific titles. They definitely and absolutely mean lots of things to spend your money on after you purchase the $60 title.
Starting point is 01:03:38 Because I think they mean that, but also the $65 title. For us. $65 title. That's not Capcom's fault. No, I know. Just saying. It's actually the exchange rate. Time to stay digital forever.
Starting point is 01:03:51 But Amazon's still cheap. I did enjoy you trekking down to EB and actually going pre-order canceled. Oh yeah, I canceled a bunch of shares. But anyway. Because the $5 height, I'm not paying extra $5, but Amazon can get it for me for free. Sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:06 But yeah, stupid Canada. Love Canada. I love you, Canada. We've been occasionally skirting around the news, bringing it up. Oh, this guy said this about mobile. This guy said CEO straight up goes, yeah, no, we're doing it. That's our thing. We're doing it.
Starting point is 01:04:18 And we're going to be hiring 100 new employees per year, dedicating them towards these goals. So fuck everything. The depressing thing is if they were hiring 100 people, if they said, we're hiring 100 people per year to go on to mobile, and for every 100 we hire, we're moving 100 of the old guys off mobile back onto actual game platform. No, that's not going to happen. So they're never going to get into detailed analysis.
Starting point is 01:04:39 I was going to say, in that case, I would be like, sure. Sure. Sure. Because you're just making a new thing. Yeah. No, Capcom wants to become a mobile company. It's fine, man. It's fine.
Starting point is 01:04:50 ComboFeed is going to save us. If deep down is not a big success. Deep down is no. Deep down is likely the vanguard of their new DLC strategy. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.
Starting point is 01:05:06 Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.
Starting point is 01:05:14 Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.
Starting point is 01:05:22 Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.
Starting point is 01:05:30 Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.
Starting point is 01:05:38 Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.
Starting point is 01:05:46 Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.
Starting point is 01:05:54 Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.
Starting point is 01:06:02 Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.
Starting point is 01:06:10 Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.
Starting point is 01:06:19 Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.
Starting point is 01:06:27 Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.
Starting point is 01:06:35 Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. There's storm clouds above me, but I mean, it hasn't started raining yet. On digital already. Yes.
Starting point is 01:06:45 Yeah. But I mean, like... But that's also how most Internet shit storms get over most. Like Resident Evil 7's gonna be a video game, and they know they fucked up big time, so it's probably gonna be better. I would be shocked if 7 wasn't better than 6. Yeah, because, I mean, 5 was fine. It's not against at all, but, like, it's fine.
Starting point is 01:07:03 Resident Evil 6, the Resident Evil within. It's a shame the gameplay is really good. The Resident Evil 7, the back down. Yeah, it's super hard. Yeah, no, you nailed it. That's absolutely what it was. Super hard, man. But, like, they sure got...
Starting point is 01:07:16 Starring Michael J. White. Starring Michael J. White. ...handhelds this generation. Like, Monster Hunter did amazing, but, like, they tried on the 3DS, and they couldn't get any traction. Yeah. Uh, Phoenix Ride and Monster Hunter, I think, were the only successful ones. Uh, EX Troopers was a total flop. Geist Crushers was a complete flop.
Starting point is 01:07:30 Uh, that one that they made that was, like, a really interesting new IP that played, like, only with audio on the 3DS. Oh, I remember that. Like, audio mystery thing. Revelation's did probably okay, but not as well as they thought it was. Wasn't good enough. The one that was published in the flop genre. Sorry, which one?
Starting point is 01:07:48 No, I'm saying the, uh, this audio thing you're talking about were doomed to failure. But when it's a game like that, you look at it... That sounds super cool, though. Yeah, but you look at it and you're like, what's the budget for that? Like, like, 20 yen. Oh, no. That's all $30, right? Precisely.
Starting point is 01:08:04 And all their fighting games were like a money vacuum on handhelds. Except for Street Fighter 4. Yeah, obviously. That one, well, that was a launch game. That got a super buy, because it was, like, a launch account. Yeah, exactly. Watch Street Fighter 5 come out and be this, uh, uh, free-to-play game like we want, but also have it be disgusting.
Starting point is 01:08:20 Yeah. Have it be, like, the worst kind of free-to-play game. And it kills Street Fighter forever. Uh, no. They're gonna see Namco fail at that first. Just watch that off your mind. They're gonna see Namco fail at that first. Seeing other people fails, they're up Capcom 4.
Starting point is 01:08:35 Yeah. They saw themselves fail over and over and over with badly chosen Western developers, and that didn't stop them. No, they honestly chose more. Yeah. Encourage them. Street Fighter is one of those brands that's almost its own entity apart from Capcom. You're right.
Starting point is 01:08:51 There are so many dudes that have nailed it into its place that the grease and the evil fog can't make its way over to it. See if my naive cynicism can beat your naive positivity. What happened with cross-tec-ing? That's not, that's not a full Street Fighter. It says Street Fighter! It is! Street Fighter!
Starting point is 01:09:11 It is a online fighting game that has Street Fighter title. Yes. They can totally watch up and fuck up their fighting games. Absolutely. But Street Fighter specifically, now that it's back, they're ridiculously careful. You couldn't possibly fuck up Resident Evil. Resident Evil was hotter for longer and sold way more copies than Street Fighter ever. But in all fairness, the gameplay in RE6 was still good.
Starting point is 01:09:35 Yeah. And the gameplay is all that matters in fighting games. Yeah, but I'm just, I'm talking about the ridiculous scenario of like full-blown free to play, like it's not even a fighter anymore style, like Adger Jam is. When you say fuck it up, Resident Evil 6 sold about like 7 million copies. It sold a lot. Yeah. But they know that the actual fan reception was full.
Starting point is 01:09:54 But I also heard Resident Evil going for it. Also, it price dropped like nuts. I bought it. Me and Willie, I think, both bought it for 10 bucks, like months, like three months after it came out. Absolutely. Whatever that deal was. You got it for 10.
Starting point is 01:10:07 I got it for maybe 20. Hey, we sold a million copies and a losing $40 on each. Well, they had to fucking sell them, you know? They had those numbers, fuckers. I'd rather sell my games than not sell my games. Oh, yeah. No, all that to say, there's nothing stopping Street Fighter Online Adventure from coming out.
Starting point is 01:10:27 Because that's totally possible. Yeah. But nothing with a number. But what you're saying is kind of like, well, Nintendo's not going to let Zelda, Hyrule Warriors, be awful because it's Zelda. So I'd like to think that Street Fighter to Capcom is like, we can't fuck this up. That's not even what I'm saying. I'm saying more so, because they'll totally throw that name and brand into whatever the
Starting point is 01:10:50 fuck. And it can be a huge stinking pile of shit. But not the mainline console. But not the main game. Exactly. Oh, of course. You know? So like, not like Resident Evil.
Starting point is 01:10:59 Because if Hyrule Warriors turns out to be... I forgot about Orc. Yeah. It's a joke that keeps on giving. Yeah. If Hyrule Warriors sometimes turns out to be crap or whatever, it's like fine, but that wasn't the entry for this generation. Yeah, Capcom would never fuck up a mainline game that has a big fat number and all their
Starting point is 01:11:16 posts behind it, like Resident Evil 6. I maintain that the fighters are a different world. A game that is bigger than Street Fighter. I maintain that the departments that handle this are a different group. I think it's easier or harder to fuck up like a thing like Resident Evil versus a fighting game. Way easier to fuck it up. Way easier to fuck up Resident Evil?
Starting point is 01:11:40 Yeah, totally. I agree as well. More hands on deck, the worse it gets. Because while we're fighting games, all you really need is the guys who know what they're doing and time. And let them alone. Yeah. For Resident Evil games, you need to choose which fans you want to appeal to, what kind
Starting point is 01:11:56 of story you want to tell, make sure the story goes on. You want to appeal to 14-year-olds in like fashion, remember? Sure. Don't you mean 38-year-olds? You have to make a story. Yeah. You have to make a story. I think Spelty Garbage in the face of its actual gameplay apparently being amazing.
Starting point is 01:12:10 I sent you that gift the other day. Did you see it? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Was it a mind blown? It was. It was. Um, that's rough. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:19 Fuckin' hate to handle. Save yourself from yourself. Save yourself from yourself. So all this mobile shit is obviously a reaction to their content. Enough of that shit. Here comes Patcher. And they just got to make money now. I hate Patcher.
Starting point is 01:12:31 You want to talk about Patcher. I actually said no, let's not, but whatever. Oh, well, because there's two things. Man, I sure don't like patching games. I hate it when they are Patchers. Sure. That's not the guy's fucking name. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:12:48 You're referring to Michael Pachter. Pachter, my mistake. Well, the only thing is that like a day ago I mentioned to Liam, I said, hey Liam, did you see that thing that Pachter said? Pachter, um, all of Battlefield 4's issues were not encountered by one group of people. Or rather, they didn't care about them. Yeah. The people that paid $60 to play the game didn't care.
Starting point is 01:13:10 Only people that reviewed the game didn't care. I saw that. It's kind of bullshit. I didn't really understand. Pat, you were playing Battlefield 4. Does someone that bought Battlefield 4, would they have been bothered by the issues that were? Those issues are fucked, man.
Starting point is 01:13:23 Dude, you still can't play the campaign because it might delete your save game. Well, I acquired a copy and you were telling me not to play it yet. Yeah. Because it was so buggy. Games went on for like four months. Something like that. Who did you lose? Two months.
Starting point is 01:13:37 Okay. One of them was, I don't consider indie games to be the game of the year or anything. The second thing. Yeah. They're like snacks. Of course he thinks that. He looks at the dollar, signs next to the games. He's full of shit.
Starting point is 01:13:52 Indie games don't pull in 11, 12 million copies. You know what was actually technically an indie game? Walking Dead. Yeah, totally. A journey. Yeah, and he's famous for saying that Walking Dead would never win game of the year. What were you going to eat? He was going to eat a hat.
Starting point is 01:14:07 I thought it was a shoe. And then Gary went ahead, club of tines hat ready for him. And he was like, ah, and then he ate like a little hat cupcake on a show. That's actually pretty cute. Yeah. No, he's full of shit because like, what is the difference between an indie and not an indie? Not a lot these days.
Starting point is 01:14:23 I think that impactors mind the best game every year. Every single year is either Call of Duty or Minecraft. Minecraft, yeah. Like just, hey. Minecraft's nice. This made the shareholders a lot of money. No shareholders for Minecraft. They just make a lot of money.
Starting point is 01:14:41 Exactly. They're saving the country. But when it's someone of any sort of, I don't know how much, like, clout and you put out that statement and investors might see it. Yeah. And then say, oh, we shouldn't, you know, do anything with indie games at all. We shouldn't like give people money or whatever. I'm not saying it's packed with drama, but like anyone that says that.
Starting point is 01:15:01 Like, let's say Cliffy Beast would say the same thing. Like, if I said something like that. Well, no, because you're nobody. Oh. Neither am I. Neither am I. Fuck is you. I tend to disagree.
Starting point is 01:15:11 I'm Pat Hyde. I like long walks on the beach and video games. You hate long walks on the beach. You hate beaches. You guys know me too well. You know, I. I. Changers and beaches don't mix, guys.
Starting point is 01:15:22 It burns. I don't think him saying an indie game could never be Game of the Year would prevent. No, never prevent. What few investors from investing in an independent title, because like Game of the Year isn't really, there's no correlation between that and sales of the year pretty much. That is really true. Sure. And the third article.
Starting point is 01:15:41 We're talking about Game of the Year editions. And the third article. Fuck my stupid eyeballs. I always repatch her. I always read it. Anyway. The T is way over the line. Like a Patrick.
Starting point is 01:15:50 No, I know. I'm Lysthexic. I'm sorry. Are you? No. I think I would have noticed by now. 3DS will survive in a diminished market. Vita will die a slow, painful death.
Starting point is 01:16:05 Vita means life. Vita means life. Either, either. I don't believe that. We're just talking about how he views everything in dollars. The Vita has been weirdly profitable considering it's incredibly low sales. If it dies a slow death, that death is going to be slow as fuck. I also think it's going to die a slow death, but it'll be slow as fuck.
Starting point is 01:16:27 3DS is obviously on a diminished market because you can't hit the same market that the DS ever had. It's impossible. The Vita's make or break time is now where it's on the up tilt. Yeah. In the next year, you'll be able to know whether or not the Vita is super dead. Unless it has another weird year. Or a Vita means life.
Starting point is 01:16:45 Unless it has another weird year like the last one where it's just like, eh. It'd be cool if Sony started supporting it. Yeah, they are. They're supporting it quite well. Soul Sacrifice Delta. Freedom Wars. Over my dead body. They are putting games out where they just don't appeal to you.
Starting point is 01:17:03 They don't appeal to no one. Rhyme doesn't appeal to you. They appeal to a weird audience that will buy Sony brand heads. It's used to Nintendo putting so much effort into their handhelds and to have a handheld where the developer doesn't make anything that's appealing to me. Rhyme doesn't appeal to you. No. What?
Starting point is 01:17:20 It's Murasaki Baby. Dude, that's just your taste. Sure. I'm surprised. There's a lot of titles coming out. There's interesting things happening, but none of those things are Zelda. Sure. You know.
Starting point is 01:17:34 3DS. Freedom Wars. Another time, that's kind of what I like about it. It's not Zelda and it's not Mario. Because, boy, when New Super Mario Bros. 2 came out, I was fucking fed up with that. Sure. But just in terms of what types of numbers it's going to do. Who cares?
Starting point is 01:17:50 I want to play these games because they're all original things. But that's not what we're talking about. That's the topic. No, but that was just saying it'd be nice if they'd support it and thus the topic shifted. Sure. Sure. But it's like saying the person who supports the 3DS was Steel Diver. That's about as interesting as those games are to me.
Starting point is 01:18:05 Yeah, Sony seems to be going for the Vita to be, they want a corner of the hunting market that's not boss or hunter. They want to have everybody else make those games and get that market there. And that market is rabid and crazy and buys shit. So if they managed, if Tokidin hits and does well, if Delta hits and does well. It did as well. Yeah, it did. That's right.
Starting point is 01:18:27 They have to see if eyes are curbing that post-purchase rationalization. If Freedom Wars does really well, then they'll, they can keep it alive. It'll never be a thriving success. And I don't need to post-purchase rationalization. I like it. Oh, like we like it. No, I know. I bought a second one because...
Starting point is 01:18:45 Well, that's... That's just crazy. I'm never not going to be able to buy a brand new 3DS with the Vita might go away. Oh, that's true. That's true. I bought it because I know Vita might mean death. That's fair to say. Y'all see those...
Starting point is 01:19:04 Okay, let's actually... Yeah, let's get right into the Kickstarter Roundup because there's a bunch of shit. Oh, yes. Kickstarter Roundup, alright? I'm pretty much ready to just name this a segment at this point. Sure. Not every week. Not every week.
Starting point is 01:19:18 It only happens every like couple months. Every once in a while. And not everything is worth mentioning. Kickstarter comes at bursts. Yeah. Oh, well, sorry. One thing kind of all over your mind is me. Like a bunch of people sent in some letters.
Starting point is 01:19:31 I was going to get to it later, but you talked about Wakfu the other day. Oh, yeah. There's a Wakfu Kickstarter. Yeah, based in Montreal, Quebec. Yeah. And so a lot of people... Where's that? I heard of it.
Starting point is 01:19:42 Sounds French. Sounds awful. Yeah, to bring it over here in English. Yeah, so a bunch of people sent messages about like, oh, you guys should talk about the Wakfu Kickstarter. So there's a Wakfu Kickstarter. It's happening. It went way over already.
Starting point is 01:19:52 Already. Within a day, I think it passes. Yeah, Wakfu and also Kickstarter. And again, Wakfu. Nice. Wakfu. I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. So if you like it, maybe we'll share this with Kickstarter.
Starting point is 01:20:04 Anyway, Wakfu is a really cool animated thing. It's already been funded for its first season to be completely dubbed. $40 nets you a blu-ray of the entire first season. Yeah. That's super reasonable. It's a really fun show, too. If you like it, that seems legit. Plague was really like, this show is pretty...
Starting point is 01:20:20 I think this show is good. Can I watch it on a streaming service of my choice? I don't know. Are there any streaming services in which I can watch this? On YouTube, you can watch it with Spanish subs. I am not sure if Wakfu is available on those streaming services. Because I would like to do that. That'd be cool.
Starting point is 01:20:38 Okay. You're segueing off a cliff. There's nothing there. I want to take a little aside that I've saw some comments and some of the emails asking us, why do we constantly talk about plague and we never ever talk about two snacks in this show. I love that. And it's because plague is fucking weird.
Starting point is 01:20:55 He's a weird guy. Yeah. He's constantly doing weird shit that's scary. Yeah, there's that. I said the other side of it is two snacks is a professional and he's super busy and he's working a lot, so we don't hear from him as much, to be perfectly honest. Hey, two snacks, are you doing the thing? Yeah, I'm doing it.
Starting point is 01:21:17 Okay. Two snacks. Holy shit, it's amazing. Whereas plague will send us creepy pictures of horses on Facebook. What does this have to do with anything? Is this the thing you're working on? Here's a story about the farm. Okay, plague.
Starting point is 01:21:32 And then I feel the need to reciprocate. So I'm like, hey, plague, here's a story about cannibal rats piloting tankers. And he's like, yeah, cool. If two snacks want to add us to any social media so we can talk to him, we'd gladly add him to it. He's super busy because he always seems super busy. But that's the reason. But what else we got in Kickstarter?
Starting point is 01:21:53 We got the screenshots of Mighty No. 9. Yeah. Yeah, that's free alpha. That looks a lot more 3D than I thought it would, but that's probably because it's the earliest buck. You might also say it's free alpha. If you're going to catch me through that one. That's free alpha.
Starting point is 01:22:11 You say it the same way as I buy that for a dollar. Yeah. Or like, that bears free alpha. Free alpha. If you're going to make a free alpha, please make sure we can see the place while there's a weird one. You won't believe you. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 01:22:25 You see those tiles? Yeah. They're making a video game. And it's almost like Mega Man. It's basically just Mega Man. I got excited. I like Mega Man. It looks good.
Starting point is 01:22:37 Yeah. A lot of people are really upset. Mega Man. No. No, not Mega Man. It's Mega Man. It's Mega Man. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:22:45 He's fighting evil. Like what? He rolls back his arm. No. No. We're not doing this. Someone draw William's knife. I've never seen you get so upset and thrash around like a little girl.
Starting point is 01:23:09 That's so gross. I have such a vivid image of your power. What else do we have in Kickstarter? Mighty number nine. A lot of people were frustrated that it's not 2D. Of course it's not 2D. Of course it's not 2D. Do you remember the original picture, the concept sketch?
Starting point is 01:23:31 It's a fucking sketch. Of course it's 2D. A lot of people are like, why does it look like that? That's what I backed. Because it's free alpha. This is what I backed. Okay, look. Stop being a jerk.
Starting point is 01:23:40 If anyone's like that. I can understand a casual video game fan that's like, oh, I love Mega Man. Goes on to the Kickstarter and sees all this 2D artwork. One 2D picture. Yeah, one 2D picture and then gets upset. I understand that. But if you want them to do 2D, get ready for the goals to have been 10 trillion dollars. It's gonna over a sprite mode.
Starting point is 01:24:03 It's gonna look a lot like that concept art once they get the shading in. But it's alpha or pre-alpha. But that 3D looks amazing. Totally. Yeah, exactly. For the style it's fantastic. So crazy people would be crazy. Looks good.
Starting point is 01:24:19 Little fighting game thingy you sent me called the Chainsaw Incident. Yeah, the Chainsaw Incident. That is not even proof of concept. That is proof of concept. I was gonna say that's not even pre-alpha. Don't jump animations on file. Did you look at the video? I watched the video for it.
Starting point is 01:24:34 It's pretty crazy. Yes, stuff's going on. It's just neat. I need a few fewer things going on for me. I need more definite hitboxes. I need things to be a little bit more clear. The animation is very nice. But a lot of it is a bit too weird.
Starting point is 01:24:53 I don't know. It's a little out there, but it's neat. What's the stretch goal for consoles? I forget. It was not that much though. Okay, yeah. I think it was for PS4. Was it just PS4?
Starting point is 01:25:06 I think so. Yeah. That seems about right. It's for PC, yeah. I remember reading that. Yeah, something like that. Yeah, so stretch goals for that. It would appear that every character would have some sort of chainsaw type weapon.
Starting point is 01:25:18 I like chainsaw guns. It does not say... Yeah, it knows. Whatever. It's a thing. It's a fact checking, Willie. It's a thing and it's just a fighter. No facts here.
Starting point is 01:25:31 We want to see something. We literally talked like maybe two podcasts ago. I said, where's my kick fighter? Yeah. Kick fighter, yeah. Hold on, let's dive kick. No wait, you want an entire kick starter. It was dive kick.
Starting point is 01:25:42 It was literally a dive kick in a lot of ways. Devoted to fighting games and you call it kick fighter. Now I do. You know your kick fighter was just fucking dive kick. It was dive kick. No, my kick fighter was pocket rumble. Yeah, that's actual. Because the actual kick fighters that came out so far started well with that.
Starting point is 01:25:58 And then eventually, Shelton and I did turn into kick fighters. Skullgirls and dive kick all were made before they got campaigns. Well, here's the thing. When Capcom fucks up Street Fighter 5 and fires all of their fighting game teams, they will go to Kickstarter or Indiegogo or what have you to make independent kick starter based fighting games. Stretch goal, $5 million we buy Karen. You're going to see.
Starting point is 01:26:29 Not implemented though. Like, you're going to see a kick starter in 10 years for like road brawler. Yeah. Oh no, it's going to be drinking up. Or there's another option which I'll get to in a second. Next up. To the death. To the death.
Starting point is 01:26:47 This one looks really cool. I think it looks cool. Not everyone does think it looks cool. I'll be honest. I don't really think it looks cool. No, okay. I don't... I...
Starting point is 01:26:56 The movement. Something about the... Sure. It's super cool, but the combination of like melee and shooting, it's like... But they're also saying that that's proof of concept. Yeah. So all by when it comes out. Arch style is really like serious, like kind of...
Starting point is 01:27:11 It's metal as fuck. Yeah, metal as fuck. It reminds me of something. Vanilla wear like knights in a way. Like the knights in Dragon's Crown. Do you know what it reminds me of? It reminds me of Black Knight Sword. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:23 Yeah, there you go. It looks better than Black Knight Sword. Yeah, looks better. Yeah, and you are... Probably better too. You find another player. It's, you know, one-on-one and you fly at each other with your crazy powers and swords. It's like a greatest stuff.
Starting point is 01:27:34 And you have armies that fight each other. It's a bit like a schmup. It's mixed with... It's the multiplayer thing that got really interesting when they show that you break down the flow of it. It's like you're doing co-op, co-op, co-op. You fight a final boss together, then you fight... Each other. To the death.
Starting point is 01:27:51 Yeah. I guess each other. That's really interesting to me. It is. When I'm looking at a Kickstarter, if I see a guy and he's like, hi, I'm a guy. Here's my Kickstarter. Like, hi, your Kickstarter better be super awesome because you're a guy. When I see, like, I created Call of Duty multiplayer.
Starting point is 01:28:08 I created everything in God of War. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, these guys are pros. And you don't even like Call of Duty multiplayer. But I respect that he created the multiplayer standard of all first person shooters for the last decade. The guys they got from music did Pacific Rim and Metal Gear Rising. Yes. It's a pedigree.
Starting point is 01:28:27 And the music into the death is also really good. Yeah. So I backed that for the art book, the hard book art book. Also, you just described there of co-op, co-op, co-op, fight the final boss and then fight to the death. Isn't that Double Dragon? Double Dragon? Yeah. Right?
Starting point is 01:28:44 Not all the time, but yeah. All the time, every time. Like, into the death, the difference is that's the core gimmick. Yeah. If you will. That's really cool. Take a peek, I think that's fun. And then today marks the debut of the other option that companies like Capcom or something
Starting point is 01:29:01 could resort to in the future. Oh wait, sorry. Yeah. There's one more Kickstarter thing. We post about on the Facebook. But Shovel Knight, coming out March 31st, that was news, the announcement of the date. There we go. That game looks really good.
Starting point is 01:29:14 Me and Holy said at the end of our magfest panel, game to look out for, we both said Shovel Knight. You heard it here last. Yeah. One more Kickstarter thing. It's not done. The train never ends. Even slower news. This one was called Revan.
Starting point is 01:29:30 Spend all your money, guys. It's just Metroid. It's just Metroid. Yeah, I saw that. It's just Metroid. The cool thing is it's got a little like... Oh, I saw a link to it and it was just like a Metroid style Kickstarter. And I didn't click on it.
Starting point is 01:29:42 And I didn't click on the link. I didn't put the word style in that description. I didn't click on it. They should have just said Metroid ripoff. Yeah. Well, guess what? I already back to Ghost Song. Well, it is different.
Starting point is 01:29:52 It has one cool thing where you actually have like a cross of powers and like the up ones you attack, the left ones you shield. And you can at any time reassign your resources in your suit to offense or defense or speed or whatever. That sounds cool. Like crisis. Like ZX Advent. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:30:09 ZX Advent. In a way. No, you know ZX Advent. Oh, okay. Yeah. I got it right here. Yeah, okay. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:17 It's Metroid. If you like Metroid. If you ever need to remember, remember that the Canadian alphabet song is broken. Gotcha. Yeah. That's how you remember. Okay. Also, we have U's in our words.
Starting point is 01:30:29 Colorado. Neighbors. Or an R and an E on center. Yeah. It's illegal to spell them any other way. Yeah. We'll get arrested. Yeah, the Mounties come and poor maple syrup on you.
Starting point is 01:30:38 It's the Mounties. It's pretty delicious to be honest. Yeah. The other option was today showing off the debut of the Square Enix collective. Okay. So what's up on this? So three games showed up on the Square Enix collective. I'm so tentatively excited for this.
Starting point is 01:30:54 Yeah. So the most tenting. It's really like you've got to make your choice. You've got to sort of decide. You've got Game of Glens by Ruffian Games. And it goes a crack down. Yes. It goes a crack down too.
Starting point is 01:31:08 Not crack down. Yeah. It goes a crack down. That's cool. Okay. And this sort of appeared to be like a sort of, you know, light hearted Viking themed version of physics based stuff. No.
Starting point is 01:31:24 World of Goo. Except. Okay. With Angry Birds. World of Goo Angry Birds Vikings fighting each other. Okay. I'm positively unexcited for this. That seems weird.
Starting point is 01:31:34 Not much. That's not much going on there. I think it's the lowest ranked one. Yes. That's 56% saying I would not back this. Wow. Out. What's number two?
Starting point is 01:31:44 Number two is Moon Hunters by Kid Fox Games. Yeah. Who's this Kid Fox? They're. They're tiny. Dudes. Okay. Small guys.
Starting point is 01:31:53 I don't think they did much. Okay. And they showed off with traditional top view RPG. Uh-huh. The art looks like Samurai Gun a bunch. Samurai Gun. A lot. A brighter palette.
Starting point is 01:32:03 Up to Hyper Light Drifter at its best. Okay. But not. Not as detailed with Hyper Light Drifter. Constantly over the fucking top. Amazing. Yeah. But still, RPG.
Starting point is 01:32:15 Yeah. Uh, seems okay. Seems cool. Traditional. That's Moon Hunters. Moon Hunters. Okay. By Kid Fox Games.
Starting point is 01:32:23 I'm currently tracking pretty well. 78% are like, yeah, I'm down for that. Um, that. You reek of booze. That's a pantanatizer. I touched you earlier. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 01:32:31 Too bad. Too late now. Oh no. Stop touching them. Who's to pat? Hey, shut up. Uh, and the last one is. It's on the bottle for a reason.
Starting point is 01:32:42 That's what she said. No. Wait, what? The last one is. Swagma. Blunt. Man. What's the last one?
Starting point is 01:32:51 See, what you guys can't see is I keep putting my arm out and like talking back the skin. Do you know what? Do you know why? Because I have a, I told you. So you pull it back and all the cheese comes out. That's what the word I'm saying is. Dicks are gross. What's the last thing?
Starting point is 01:33:10 World War machine. This one looks sick. This looks awesome. It is by Took Games. Oh yeah. Not beanie games. Not knit cap games. Took games.
Starting point is 01:33:25 It is tracking at 88% right now. And it is just straight up action mecha RPG. Okay. Okay. Sick ass art style. What's the name of it again? World War Machine. Because that's, when you say that's the genre and that's the name.
Starting point is 01:33:39 Yeah. It's perfect. But do you put the emphasis on world or on machine? Is it World War Machine? Both. Both. Or is it World War Machine? It's both.
Starting point is 01:33:50 It's a double entendre. Do both. World War Machine. Yeah. Yeah. I like saying World War Machine. It's a big like dystopian earth. And you play as less human terminators.
Starting point is 01:34:00 Cool. And you just put gear on yourself. And you can wear a cape even though you're a robot. I love capes wearing robots. Yeah. I fucked that up. It looks really cool though. You got guns and shit.
Starting point is 01:34:11 Yeah. It looks cool. Five player co-op or something. And this one is mostly concept art they're showing you. Yeah. But it's like fucking sick ass concept art. How does this work? Everybody votes.
Starting point is 01:34:22 And then a Kickstarter for that game gets created. It seems as though. Yes. There's a preliminary phase where you straight up go. I'm interested. And if the winner gets. Isn't it kind of like green light in that way. And then.
Starting point is 01:34:36 I think it's unclear which is bad considering some of our. So. So. No. It basically seems to be green light into Kickstarter. Okay. Okay. You know.
Starting point is 01:34:48 Like yes. Green. Yes. Okay. Now let's see. This is real fun. This. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:56 Yeah. I don't get like the Square Enix back these things or like. That's it. The interaction between company and money and my money is. They will will will effectively what ends up happening is they. Publish it more or less for quote unquote free free. Okay. But they own the game.
Starting point is 01:35:14 Okay. So. So you get their. Why would you get their marketing push. You get their marketing push and they're just. Which is great. But it's their property. When.
Starting point is 01:35:25 When we posted the link to the death I saw one guy had a comment. I was like. Come on dude. He's like this smells like a corporate back kickstart. Yeah. That was fucking. Where clearly wasn't because these are guys that splintered off got fired or. But it's because.
Starting point is 01:35:40 Stop. What's a corporate back kicks. It's shovel night a corporate. No. It smells like a corporate. Fishy to me. Activision's pulling this strings here. Oh.
Starting point is 01:35:50 I see what's going on. I thought it was F2P but it's really B2P. I hate that. That's the worst. Yeah. I can't believe people complain about that. It reminds me of a Brian Fargo. He talked about after he did the wasteland two kickstarter.
Starting point is 01:36:06 He went to get you know it in part of his pitches. He went to publishers said hey give me money. I'll make my son to get the fuck out of my office. Then he does the kickstarter makes all the money. And then he was approached by people from these same publishers going how about we. Publish your game. And own it. Wait I thought that was.
Starting point is 01:36:23 Eternity. No that was Brian Fargo for a wasteland two. And I think I think. Something about how about we publish it. Yeah. And then own it. Yeah. And the responses were publishing through steam.
Starting point is 01:36:36 We don't need you. Yeah. But we we you should. You should do. We want to own it now. Now that the game is. There is a kickstarter and company and corporate companies. It's going to get super weird.
Starting point is 01:36:50 But the benefits in this case are very clear in that. If it's up front. Yeah. You straight up are like okay you made the game cool. We will now get it through cert on all these platforms. Which is not insignificant. We will now put it on all these shelves. And it will be a thing.
Starting point is 01:37:07 It can have a retail presence. Yes. And if we like it and it does well enough then we will totally push for a second one. Actually my that's my big issue with it right now. Is what they really need is a platform list. Because I went to vote yes on sorry moon. Moon hunters. Moon hunters and on.
Starting point is 01:37:25 World War machine. World War machine. And I went to vote no on Game of Glance. And I did vote no on Game of Glance. But it's important. But the other two. It's important that you vote no. The way you don't want.
Starting point is 01:37:35 Yes. Because I wouldn't have backed in anyway. The other two I was going to hit yes. But I couldn't bring myself to because if it's only on PC. Hey Liam. I'm not going to. If it's not on console I'm not going to back in. And I'm worried that there's going to be a lot of people who are going to be like yes.
Starting point is 01:37:50 Yes. But they actually know because it's only going to be on PC or whatever. How do I put this? If you back a Kickstarter game you should just assume it will only come to PC unless it hits a stretch goal that is not for PC. I will drop out. And I always do. So here's the deal.
Starting point is 01:38:06 When that happens. I would say that while they don't have word on that right now. If it's a squaring this game. Chances are. They'll force it on everything. Sure. But for a World War machine where I look at it. I don't even know what kind of game it's going to be.
Starting point is 01:38:20 When it's that unknown. But if their plans were only PC. They wouldn't even go through collective. You know what I mean? I bet the game and Star Wars will have a platform list. I bet all of these are multiple platforms. Like they're neighbors enough that they could be a bunch of multiple platforms. And if it was ever it's picked.
Starting point is 01:38:42 It will be more or less up front. This is what it may or may not show up on. But if you look at the Misadventures of PB Winterbottom. You know this game? Yes. Had that been on Square Enix Collective it might have been like oh that's going to be on all the platform. Why wouldn't that be? It's just a 2D.
Starting point is 01:38:56 But no it isn't. It totally isn't. But like I said based on the company Square Enix and their history of what they port to. You can look at it and go. Which is everything. But it's not their call. What to port to. No.
Starting point is 01:39:09 The developers call what to port to. But like you said if it doesn't come out on a platform you want to play on you can just drop out. That's the good thing about Kickstarter. But that's all I'm saying. If I were to say yes I would back this. And then the Kickstarter came up and it was not a console thing. Then I would have not totally lied. You should assume they're all the same.
Starting point is 01:39:28 But I would have just given them false info. And I didn't say anything. That being said. I want to say yes. That being said these are the first glimpses we've seen of this program. And two games looking great. I remember we talked about this program a while ago. And I was like this is.
Starting point is 01:39:42 This is going to fall the fuck apart. It's never going to ever get to anything. And I believe Liam and I both said actually no. This has a chance at being a thing. Because some developers that are too small. That don't want to go the Kickstarter route. Because they would never be able to get. They have no crowd.
Starting point is 01:40:00 They have no quote unquote brand name developer. And they really totally are cooling down for someone else to go. Yeah Kate your IP. In this case it becomes a way to like get in like to prove. That you deserve the publishing deal. Basically. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:17 Absolutely. And yeah. I mean like even if you don't end up again keeping your IP afterwards. Which that's always a nice thing of course. But that's the sacrifice. That's the big sacrifice. But you also. But you're now a name.
Starting point is 01:40:29 Yeah. You know. And you've made a thing and people might see it. So yeah. You know take a look. That's really cool. Crowdfunding is going to get super weird. But great.
Starting point is 01:40:39 I can't wait until PSN has a crowdfunding corner. My ultimate like corporate goal of this. And the future of corporate quote unquote Kickstarter is just straight up. So like. You want to shut up about Onamusha. Fine. Here's a thing. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:58 You want instead of. We just talked about how petitions don't do. Yeah. It costs five dollars to sign the petition. The petition doesn't hit the number. It goes back. Right. You know what I mean.
Starting point is 01:41:09 I do. But you probably are forgetting the detail that was listed. Right. When they announced the collective. Which was. A. Major IPs that belong to Scurionix will. Never.
Starting point is 01:41:19 Be a part of. Oh. But I don't think. Ever. And are. So that. So then here's what I'm saying. That's why my dream of the end of this.
Starting point is 01:41:27 Is that they do. All of them. For every company. To be fair though. I like the idea of someone saying. Hey this is used. Only. For.
Starting point is 01:41:36 New. IPs. I do. Which we desperately need. I do. But if someone said I'm going to bring back gex. I'd be like I like your moxie kid. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:44 But. I like the cut of his gym. Yeah. Yeah. It's almost going to be. I'm going to. No. Why don't they bring back a Gucci the Heartless.
Starting point is 01:41:52 Well they bring back. Spike McFang. Like fuck off. Why not. They bring. And he's still referencing GoldenEye. No. But if they do have like the choice to bring back old IPs.
Starting point is 01:42:02 And whatever that. That. Like it's like really old ones. Yeah. Sure. They'll bring back. Right. Soul Blazer and Terranigma.
Starting point is 01:42:10 Right. They still got to get. Fill it out of their brains. So like yeah. Do it. But like how about you bring back Final Fantasy. They did already. It's coming out.
Starting point is 01:42:18 That's month. Yeah. The new. And the new and big shiny current stuff though. Sometimes they want to really schedule for that. You know. Of course. Of course.
Starting point is 01:42:27 Blah. And the exact opposite world. Moving from. Anti crowdfunding. The most corporate. Taking money away from people. Microsoft is like. You'll give me that.
Starting point is 01:42:38 Gears of war. It's mine now. And Epic's like. Yeah. Okay. We're not going to make any games anymore ever again. Apparently. I love that.
Starting point is 01:42:46 Except. We want that Gears of war. And then. Epic. That's dead. So. Well look. They took Halo.
Starting point is 01:42:54 Right. That was their main thing. They took it. As they made make sense that they did. Gears of war has been their thing for a while. Gears was the other thing. It was weird that they didn't out a little bit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:04 So we re-enter the hellish Gears Halo Forza. Trifecta. Of spitting shit. And who's to say. Wow. No. It's not harsh. It's not shit.
Starting point is 01:43:15 But like boy was that a. Was that a cycle for a long time. But you know. But you know. That Epic has their own destiny equivalent. I hope it's Samaritan. I don't. I don't think Epic does.
Starting point is 01:43:26 I think Epic's going to transition into. No Epic confirmed today. We're working on games. Seriously. Multiple games. Including board games. You were going to say we are the Unreal Engine Company. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:37 That's fair to say. All their fucking developers fucking quit. Yeah. Well they made Epic China. And those guys sure churned out a. It's not a game. It's nothing. What is it?
Starting point is 01:43:49 Did you see that? What is it? The most derivative shooter ever. Like. Like. They just churned out. Piece the fuck out like a year ago. Then all those other guys.
Starting point is 01:43:59 My caps. Is it my caps also gone? I think so. They're working on a UE4 Jazz Jackrabbit. So just hang on your pants. Speaking of. One must fall is coming back. Dude.
Starting point is 01:44:11 If they did. I'd be so there. Speaking of Unreal Engine 4. Epic Mega Games. I have to say. I find it bizarre that we haven't seen any games using Unreal Engine 4 yet. And I don't mean released ones. I mean like we don't even know of any that exists.
Starting point is 01:44:25 No that's good. You tell me whose balls are big enough. No I know. That zombie game. The horror game that Atlas is publishing. I'm pretty sure. Not Daylight. Now I'm all mixed up because there's five games.
Starting point is 01:44:37 I think it's called Daylight. Yeah. But that horror game that Atlas is publishing. Dying Light. I'm thinking of. That's not it. That's the. But that's not Unreal 4.
Starting point is 01:44:45 But like are you really ready to step into the world of Street Fighter 3? Like are you really ready to go into this world of like we don't have any of the support that we had on the last version. In terms of playing. Let me finish my thing. Sorry. Yeah. The Atlas game is already announced.
Starting point is 01:45:00 Or whoever was publishing that. The Atlas one is already known. Yeah. And they said by the end of this year you'll see many games using Unreal 4. Okay. I just think it's weird that we haven't seen any. I'm actually happy. These things take time.
Starting point is 01:45:11 I'm actually happy because I'd rather them fucking work on that engine. Yeah. Because. Can we get new problems this time? Instead of that fucking texture floating bug? We're only playing a game where five minutes of the video is devoted for waiting for the texture to load in. Yo let's go look at this door.
Starting point is 01:45:28 Let's look at this door. Hey door. How you doing? How you doing door? Shoot the door or not. Yeah. No. Although there's a possibility of course behind the scenes we would know that a lot of that
Starting point is 01:45:40 support and like gerry-rigging that gets done is totally already applicable to UE4. But yeah it's new. It's going where it's going. Give it time. It's all I'll say. Give it time. Give it lots of time. Because like also how long did UE3 last?
Starting point is 01:45:56 A while. It's still our generation. Exactly. So UE4 probably on track to last a similar amount of time. UE3 was the generation. It really was. It really was. Look at fucking UE3.
Starting point is 01:46:06 It didn't become like big and ridiculous and prolific until after Gears of War 1 came out. But now it's way bigger. And everyone went holy fucking shit. Put it on that. Yeah. Get our access. Even Japanese companies said give me that.
Starting point is 01:46:20 And then most of them didn't use it very well. No. Not much worse than anyone else. They tried. Boy they tried. Which was so weird. Grasshopper for fuck's sake. Guilty Gear Excerpt.
Starting point is 01:46:30 Yeah. That's the weird one. That's the one. That's the weird one. Man did they fucking write that thing up. Not even the same mention anymore. They put the wrong logo on the screen. It's a weird engine that ain't fucking Ed Boone's brother.
Starting point is 01:46:45 Mike Boone. Made it run at 60 frames per second. Which Epic told him was impossible. Man Mike Boone deserves more props. We want to make a Mortal Kombat game on this engine. You're never going to get it to run at 60 frames a second. Yo Mike you got it. Yeah I got it running at 60 frames a second.
Starting point is 01:47:05 And then Epic hires him to come in and teach their engineers how to write documentation to teach other people how to get the frame rate up. Hey I'm fucking crazy. Over the top good is Mike Boone. You're probably the best. He's the secret brother. He's like the guy that designed Mortal Kombat 4 with Ed. It's like you can't make nothing.
Starting point is 01:47:28 It's like Christopher Nolan's brother. The guy in the background. Jonathan who writes everything. He writes everything and he does the pre-vis without you. Yeah but he doesn't get no credit. None. Doesn't want it. Mike Boone you're a hero.
Starting point is 01:47:42 Dark Horse. Ed would make better fighting games. The non-news award of the week goes to GameSpot for... Wait can I guess? Yeah go ahead. Why you should buy a Wii U in 2014? No. Because that video is shit.
Starting point is 01:47:58 Anyone else? No? Okay. Some companies pay for their games to appear on Conan's Clueless Gamer. Shocking. Like I saw that. Controversy everybody. I saw that.
Starting point is 01:48:12 Wait not all of them are paid? My revelation was not all of them are paid. I assumed it was like 90% plus. So like 30%. Guys it's television. Television is the most crooked fucking business ever. I know that you've been watching these clips on YouTube but it's really from TV. Yeah it is.
Starting point is 01:48:35 Wow GameSpot. Was Resident Evil 6 paid? Because all that did was probably hurt it. It's hard to even say now that we know that they were... Hit the game out there and for all... There's no such thing as bad publicity right? This is bad. Is it Leon?
Starting point is 01:48:53 No one can see your hands. If you let me finish I was going to say this. Leon's awkward. But thanks for interrupting me. Leon's awkward thumb raising animation. Stand perfectly still during the podcast. Body language doesn't go over. Anyway if we can continue the point it hurt the game.
Starting point is 01:49:12 No probably hurt the game a lot. Really bad animation. It's great animation. People who didn't know what the game was probably looked in there. That being said I'm just amazed that like... Well not amazed. I'm amazed. Yeah you know that it's like okay so we're in the midst of like the YouTube controversies and stuff.
Starting point is 01:49:34 And I guess because GameSpot's hoping people are so caught up in the frenzy that they'll go oh this guy too and it's like no it's a TV show. And who in the whole corporate show? The thing I don't get is Clue's gamer doesn't even have like an ethical component. Like so what he took the money he shits all over those games. It's not a review. It's totally not a review. It's cold Clue.
Starting point is 01:49:53 It's more or less the equivalent of him holding up the box and saying this is a game that exists. You think Jimmy Fallon like played fucking whatever PS4 camera game? For fun? Fuck Jimmy Fallon because Jimmy Fallon is a clueless gamer. But he pretends that he's not. But he pretends that he's not. He's a poser. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:50:13 Someone showed me a clip compilation of Jimmy Fallon doesn't know anything about video games. And he called the Nintendo Wii U something weird. He ended up like okay that's fine. Weirder than the Wii U? Yeah. And he called the PlayStation something else. Like how could you call it? You gotta remember what?
Starting point is 01:50:30 I forget what it was. It was like oh fuck it was like the play. I don't think it was. Sure. But it was everything that's wrong. Nice. I can't remember. Now it's lost to time.
Starting point is 01:50:43 It made me anything you remember when Jimmy Fallon at all other than he fucks up SNL stuff. Damn it. Yeah. Damn it. He did a sweet ass cover with Miley Cyrus and the roots of her good song. Wow. What song was it? I don't remember the answer.
Starting point is 01:50:57 Don't you mean Carly Rae? Jepsen? No. Did he do that also? No. Like when Miley Torquegate was going on like he had her on the show she did an acapella cover. I just got a horrible like visualization of a gate that was torquing.
Starting point is 01:51:12 Yeah. And they did a Brady Bunch style video and it's an acapella version of the song and the roots are doing the acapella backup and the roots are awesome so it's a great video anyways. Nothing new video games for sure. Super Not News. No. But that I'm just saying that's what did that was good. No.
Starting point is 01:51:29 I mean your thing. Super Not News. Like so a word of the week goes to GameSpot. Again I'm shocked that there are games on there that are paid for. The non-newsness of it is more interesting than the news. Yeah. The other thing was it. Amnesia and the other horror game from the scary one scary episode was not paid for.
Starting point is 01:51:45 Maybe. Yeah. Right. I don't know. I can't tell at this point. The other thing is that when I see GameSpot like in an article. Yeah. When I see an article it says GameSpot I have trouble because I'm like you mean GameStop.
Starting point is 01:51:55 Yeah. Because GameSpot has been such a non. I have not been to the site in years. I have not. I have not been to GameSpot since. Since Gershwin Game. Yeah. Since Gershwin Game.
Starting point is 01:52:07 Yeah. GameSpot logo I ever see is the one on the bottom of Game Facts now. Yeah. That's it. Have not been to the site at all. I can't name a single good thing about them anymore. They own Giant Bomb now. Sure.
Starting point is 01:52:19 So. Oh really? Well CBS owns Giant Bomb. Oh. They own those like connected parenting games. Yeah. So they help those guys out with technical stuff I guess every now and then. Sure.
Starting point is 01:52:30 I guess. That's kind of like the UB buying the THQ. It's fucking weird. It's so fucking weird. I like CBS deciding to buy like a company made entirely out of people who left the other company. Yeah. That they still own.
Starting point is 01:52:46 Yeah. It's so weird. Oh man. Now make up. Now kiss. No. I don't. I'm just pushing them together.
Starting point is 01:52:54 They're in different states. They're in different cities at least. So. San Francisco and L.A. They cover that. They're in the same office. They are? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:04 No. It goes all the way to San Francisco and L.A. You say San Francisco? I believe Giant Bomb. That's what he said. I said cities. I believe Giant Bomb got their old office back. I didn't know that.
Starting point is 01:53:15 California's one. I'm just saying I remember Vinny talking about it on the podcast where he got his old personnel bag and there were like a thousand messages about it. Wow. That's great. Hey. So finally we can get to it. Banshee's Last Cry.
Starting point is 01:53:31 Ah yes. It was the name of the game you were thinking of earlier. It's about yelling women. No. Is it about the yellow and green Irish superhero? Oh. Also no. I hope it's not about Sudoku.
Starting point is 01:53:42 No. Also. Spike Chunsoft puts out their next, I guess. Well they put it out if I'm not mistaken a little while ago on smartphones. Oh I thought it was you. I thought it was you. I thought it was you. It just got localized.
Starting point is 01:53:55 On iOS and they said Android versions incoming soon. Yes. iOS and Android versions of, it's not the next entry in the VLR series. No way. No. This inspired him to write those. Okay. This game came, I'm not sharp on visual novel history but I think this game came first.
Starting point is 01:54:10 This was his first one and then. I didn't know I don't think it was the same guy even. Oh. So what's the deal though? I should stop cutting you off. I'm pretty sure this game. Let him talk, Willy. Please.
Starting point is 01:54:21 19. Why don't you let him talk? You bitch. I'm pretty sure this game is from 1993 or four. Yeah. And it's been on a bunch of platforms like the GBA and PS1 and like a ton of stuff. But not out of here, right? No, no.
Starting point is 01:54:35 We never got it. Well that's an awesome name for a video game. And it was called Kemaitachinoyoru which knight of the sickle weasel and the sickle weasel is like a Japanese spirit. Oh I remember that because Arino played it. Arino played it. And that's like a Japanese spirit thing and they try to, they change that to Banshee because that translates here.
Starting point is 01:54:50 Close enough, I guess. Kemaitachin is also the name of the big ninja in Ninja Warriors again. That's true. And I'm sure there's some Naruto stuff in there. No it's not. Shut up. Never. Ninja Warriors again.
Starting point is 01:55:01 Hey Willy, why don't you show the podcast your Sasuke Charingan tattoo. What are you even talking about? I know you hide it always. The one you make up over every day. You said that super accurately. Yeah. It's on a big butt cheek. Because I see that stupid tattoo staring at me right now.
Starting point is 01:55:15 Yeah. So it's better than your dumb sword tattoo. I'm Brock Lesnar fucking your sheen. Yeah, you rock Lesnar. This whole joke's falling apart. Yeah, I'm so into it right. I want to say it's a visual novel. A bunch of people have referred to it as a sound novel and whatever it's got text that
Starting point is 01:55:34 I'm reading. It's got lots of text. There's no visualizations of the characters and some versions of it like the Vita version just have blue like amorphous blob people as the characters. There's a lot of imagination involved. No animations or anything. Over 30 endings. Audio is really good.
Starting point is 01:55:52 Yeah, that's my right. And it's what you'd expect from that kind of like horary murder at the ski. Who done it? Who done it? Yeah, totally. But boy is it starting to show its age in the writing a little bit. It's a bit hackneyed. In the translation.
Starting point is 01:56:10 In terms of the writing. The writing. I like it. I like it and I'm only about 40 minutes into it but boy it's showing its age. It's falling into tropes but it probably made those tropes. Oh, fair enough. Yeah, exactly. Like if you try to watch like Friday the 13th.
Starting point is 01:56:25 Like this is just ripping off the wax. I was gonna be like what's the new horror franchise that people care about and like nothing? Paranormal activity. Kill me now. Yeah. Wrecked. But no rest. No sauce.
Starting point is 01:56:43 It's good. It's on iOS. It's, it's, there's a free demo and it's $4 for the film version. Why should we do a demo of scare quotes? Because it's one of those things where it's like it's labeled as free to play. And you download it and you play a certain chunk and then you gotta pay $4 to play the dress. So that's why I say demo because I don't have the gall to call it free to play.
Starting point is 01:57:05 Yeah. Like Ghost Trick is like that. Yeah. Exactly. But it's good. Yeah. Absolutely. Give it three thumbs up.
Starting point is 01:57:13 Ghost Trick is so good. You guys been following. Is that your dick? Is the dick the third one? No. Oh yes. Speaking of dicks. Right.
Starting point is 01:57:21 I got so many emails and Reddit comments. Hundreds of emails to the best friend cast. About a fucking junkhead. It is so unanimous that that's a dick. It's a dick, Liam. I still haven't watched it. But it's a dick. It's a tail.
Starting point is 01:57:34 It's a dick. It's such a dick. I am speaking on behalf of every fucking message I've gotten about this. There is no no doubt. I didn't see a single tail from anyone. I'm glad people enjoyed it. Every single comment was either it's a dick or Liam's wrong. It's a dick.
Starting point is 01:57:52 Or how can you think it's a tail? It's clearly a dick. It can't possibly be a dick. Now if you didn't listen last week's podcast we're talking about the tail slash dick constroversy over a monster that appears in the independent film Junkhead. And I say it's a dick. You say it's a tail. Everyone agrees with me.
Starting point is 01:58:14 It's totally a dick. I guess it's a dick. I bet you can ask the developer or the guy and he'd be like so obviously a giant monster dick. I guess it's a dick. And thus we bring dick gate to a close. When you guys said that I was just shaking my head. I was like why does Liam think Pat would not beat him in this?
Starting point is 01:58:34 Pat is the expert in this field. I know. When I see a dick I can point at him and go that's a beast. I've been there. I feel like I feel Plague of Ripes is listening to this right now. I'm just nodding. That's a dick. Eyes closed.
Starting point is 01:58:51 Eyes closed. Eyes closed. Kind of touching his beard. Sorry to get off track there but I needed to be said. That was off track. Very important. Gentlemen have you been following Ultimax? The ultimate suplex hold?
Starting point is 01:59:04 No actually. Only a cursory amount? Persona for you. So we just got word from location tests that apparently there's hidden SP skills in the game. And they're going off some like unlisted supers that characters now have. That's awesome. And like yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:24 So they're unlisted because the game's not ready? They got inspiration from Skullgirls. They got inspiration from BlazBlue actually. They can joke about Skullgirls at Skullgirls' expense. Oh. No move lists. Oh very nice. Every move's a hidden move.
Starting point is 01:59:39 Every move's a hidden move. Gotcha. Gotcha. Well how long did it take us to figure out that you had to do Cerebellus throws with the throw input button? Yeah that took us a while. Geez you're doing all the motion. It's super accurate but then it works at the end.
Starting point is 01:59:53 When you get it you're like this is the best way to do it. Why have we been doing it any other way? Exactly. But yeah the characters pretty much they're guessing they found three so far but they're guessing almost everybody now has the whole new secret super unlisted. So BlazBlue did this first don't you? Well Lambda and new 13 had unlisted astral finishes. Oh like specifically then.
Starting point is 02:00:14 Yes. So you know there's a little bit of a thing there and in this case you've got these going on. They should hide Ed Boon's face in the game. Nice. Yeah. He's an object that Teddy throws out. Yeah totally.
Starting point is 02:00:28 That's what you do. Yeah and he makes a bad fighting game. As I run to 60 days per second. That's correct. Yeah so like one of them they show off is actually a straight up homage to SNK's input style specials. That's great. That's insane.
Starting point is 02:00:44 Deadly ratio style. That's crazy that that input is hidden. Yeah. But if there is any input that was going to be hidden you do the rush down slash and you tap the buttons correctly and you go into a full Ramboon as we call it. You gotta show me these later. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:03 Now. Just now. And they're in the preferred format for fighting game new leaked information. What's that? Shitty cell phone. Yeah. Of location test. Yes.
Starting point is 02:01:16 It doesn't get any more. If you gave me the choice between direct feed I would say no sir. Yeah. I don't want your direct feed. I need 20% of this footage to be covered by a thumb. And some guy's head. Yeah. And Niko Niko text across the middle.
Starting point is 02:01:31 Yes. Yes. That I can't get rid of because it's on YouTube. That's how you know it's legit. Although that's a bit too new for me though. Oh you're not familiar with that one. It totally happens. No but like I'm going back in the day fucking.
Starting point is 02:01:42 And I know what you're talking about too. Capcom fighting all stars. First footage of Street Fighter 3. No. I'm going to say looking at FAQs to find out what like Scorpion's fatalities are. Sure. But that cell phone look test footage man. That's.
Starting point is 02:01:58 That's me. It's close to home. You are the cell phone. I am. Other things going on is. In fighting games. Yeah. In fighting games.
Starting point is 02:02:08 We've seen no footage but we've got full fucking details on Spinal. Yeah. No footage. If he does not come out this week. It is late. They said by the end of January right. But we know we know his deal though. But his trailer is coming out this week with Full Gore at the end of it.
Starting point is 02:02:25 Yeah. So he's going to be a weird type character. List. List. What a weird type. You have like a little list of what he does. Yeah. Well I was going to go for the whole thing.
Starting point is 02:02:34 He has a dive kick that's it right. He's no. Well that's one of the things. Dive kicks. That's fucking weird. They shouldn't be in fighting games. His dive kick is a combo opener. Which is nuts.
Starting point is 02:02:42 Yeah. But if you block it high it's super unsafe. Yeah. That's about right. That makes perfect sense to me. Rufus. Rufus. Rufus.
Starting point is 02:02:51 He can get skulls just like he used to. And the skulls modify his special attacks to have like stronger better versions if he uses the heart attack with it. You can use a shield to absorb like people's projectiles and eat your meter. Can you reflect projectiles? Yeah. Can you reflect projectiles? I don't think he reflects them now.
Starting point is 02:03:09 Just eat your meter. No he doesn't reflect them. He absorbs them. That's really interesting. I like that. He eats your meter. Stealing meter is a cool thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:18 That's enough. Because it puts you in this weird panic mode where you're like I can't do my thing. I'm not losing damage but I'm fucking limited right now. I'm limited in a different way. I'm losing the momentum despite nothing actually happening. And you can lose both kinds of meter. You can lose instinct and super. And shadow.
Starting point is 02:03:37 Yeah. Shadow meter. So you lose the ability to do your supers. Yeah. I imagine that there's a character in Marvel that can take your X-Factor away from you. Well. Is there? I wish everyone's X-Factor got taken away from them.
Starting point is 02:03:50 Morrigan's move that she gained in Ultimate was a fireball that drains your meter. Okay. And like at full charge it's a bitch to deal with. It fucking sucks. Yeah. No. So he's going to be weird and interesting and different from everyone else on the cast. Great.
Starting point is 02:04:06 That's befitting a big dumb skeleton. A big dumb skeleton. Now a Scottish skeleton. Yeah. He's got like a killed finger and dumber. He's got a killed and a tartan and all kinds of shit going on. He's still got the bandana. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:04:19 Rad. And it's like a spagodish pirate. Spinal. Like I don't care much for killer instinct but Spinal's all in. This is my favorite because he's just a big dumb skeleton. He's so good. But it's double dumb because you find out that like he's supposed to be possibly Thunder's brother.
Starting point is 02:04:33 So he's native. But then he ends up being a fighting style. Is there a change in it now that he killed Thunder's brother? Because it was too confusing? Because that was like a what if. It's pre-alpha. It's pre-alpha. So wait, he's scorpion now?
Starting point is 02:04:47 No. I don't know what's going on. But he's got one game where he's just Jason and the Argonauts. Another game where he's a Viking and now he's a Scottish pirate. The best pirate. Yeah. And then finally, we have one that really shouldn't be news except for the fact that it's become almost undebunkable.
Starting point is 02:05:12 The rumor that Palatina is appearing in the Smash Brothers 3DS. Those bits are more legit than usual. This is a problem because I fucking hate Smash speculation. It's tired. Oh dude, I spent like. And it's pointless. I spent a bazillion. You're never right.
Starting point is 02:05:28 Gazillion, gazillion, never million hours on Game Facts when Brawl was like two years away. You wasted your life. There is so much shit out there. Yeah. It's just complete garbage. No, if you had to like cut the chaff off of the internet, like Game Facts is one of the first places.
Starting point is 02:05:47 Oh yeah. We need to drop weight guys. But to be fair though, the fact that this is a 3DS screenshot is way easier to fudge than when you use the screenshot because of the HD. But there's so much going on. There's these Palatina in Smash Brothers for 3DS screens that came out and they're super suspicious because of the types that are like, it's a photo of a screen of a 3DS. That's bullshit.
Starting point is 02:06:12 This is your first thing in education. Yeah. And it's like if anyone knows what a dev kit looks like, it's not that. So fuck off. But the art and 3D model of Palatina is unique. It is nothing that was used before. The minute I saw it, I grabbed my copy of Kid Icarus and I have like almost all the AR cards.
Starting point is 02:06:30 It's totally different. It's not all of them. If this is a fake, if this is a fake, somebody went above and fucking beyond and made that model. If this is a fake, continue making more fakes. I think you should have like photo edited in the model of Palatina. I don't think you had to go so far as to make a model. Here's the other problem.
Starting point is 02:06:49 The Mario that's shown is not shown in any other asset. Yeah. That's a public asset. 3DS. Or you for that matter. At all. So they didn't grab him either. That's another Mario.
Starting point is 02:07:04 Yeah. And the background picture couldn't be identified. It seems to be Battlefield, but nobody could identify that. You couldn't pick up the shot. Exactly. But there was a pillar that was not used in any other asset once again. So these fucking screenshots are like, we know it's bullshit, but we can't prove it. Maybe it's not.
Starting point is 02:07:24 Can you think of any Nintendo game that had anything like this done? Like a legit leak? Like they're probably bullshit, but that doesn't make Palatina less likely to be in Smash. That's a great thing. Which is going to retroactively make them sort of true, even though they aren't. It's going to be confusing. Sure. No matter what happens.
Starting point is 02:07:46 Who else did you possibly pull from Kid Icarus? Magnus. Sure. Oh my god, Magnus. So hard. So hard. I hope Magnus is in as well. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:07:55 He'll be in assist shortly. Probably won. Smash needs a Swayhinder. You wield her. That's what I quest for, but now he's gone. Yep. They took Ike out? She's not going to stay.
Starting point is 02:08:04 So the first... Chrom's going to come. I like this game. I like Ike a lot too. But Chrom's going to replace it. Do you guys remember the first bullshit Marvel vs. Capcom 3 screenshot? With John Cena? Wait, do you mean that ancient logo?
Starting point is 02:08:15 Do you remember that one? You have the logo? Yes. The red one with the giant 3D. Yeah, I know that one. Right. So they showed off a bunch of crazy shots. That was legit at the time.
Starting point is 02:08:25 Yes. And there was hit sparks everywhere. And what was prominent on the screenshot was zero. Right. And that totally came true. Yeah, but that was like 10 years before. Well, who would have said X would have been dead at the time? We're stuck on the moon.
Starting point is 02:08:39 That's true. Mega Man or whatever. He lives on in an alternate castle. X isn't on the moon, but he might as well be. No, Trigger's on him then. I said X is not on the moon. The Voldemort? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:08:50 Voldemort slash Trigger's the one that's on the moon. I know. Yeah, I know. But X might as well be. Yeah. Yeah. He's in crossover. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:08:58 No, but he's in a great iOS game. It's fine. Call crossover. He's got his own iOS game all to himself. And he's got a freak little neck thing now. No, that's a different guy. That's the new guy. No.
Starting point is 02:09:08 No, that's crossover. You fuck off. You fuck off. That's not X. Yes, it is. Who is more deserving to be in a thing? Legit style Mega Man. Mega Man X.
Starting point is 02:09:17 To be in a thing? Like a good thing? Like any... Because Mega Man, legit, is in Smash. That's fine. I think Volma. X. Well, I guess it's between Volma and X.
Starting point is 02:09:26 Trigger was fucking used in Tatsunoko vs Capcom. That's true. That was not that long ago. So what? I want him in a real game. X hasn't been used in the longest time. X needs to be used. X is in cross-born.
Starting point is 02:09:37 X is in Dead Rising 3. Yeah, shut up. Anyway. X is in cross-born. Shut the fuck up. Oh my god. The reason I say Volma is because he was this close to getting a really legit game. Even Mega Man Zero was in that Onimusha fighting game.
Starting point is 02:09:52 I'd rather see Volma slash Trigger come back. I feel he deserves it more. For the next quote unquote fighting game cameo, it should be X because he's the one that hasn't had a turn up at bat yet. Okay, sure. I'll be happy. For fighting games? Yeah. I'll be happy if Mega Man exists.
Starting point is 02:10:09 He's never been in a fighting game. Yeah. No. What about that one fighting game he was in? Which one was that? Remember the one? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:10:17 Salty Bet. I saw him on Salty Bet. I saw him versus him on Salty Bet. But yeah, the Palutena thing, she's so in. He put Dedede in the last game. He put Meta Knight in it. He always puts his character. I love the guy.
Starting point is 02:10:31 Of course. But he always pushes his character. Of course he does. I kind of forgot about that whole element. And Palutena and Magnus are basically his characters along with Pit now. He's stole them from Gunpei. We talked about how like... As he should.
Starting point is 02:10:45 We talked about how he's this close to just being, fuck it, I'm scrapping Mack and putting in Waddle Dee. Yeah. And he will. So the Waddle Dee was a little pirate? No, no, no, no. A little bandana. A little bandana Waddle Dee instead of Snake.
Starting point is 02:10:59 With a spear. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's got a broader moveset than a little Mack. Yeah, but like if any... Shut up. What does a little Mack do? It punches. Punch you.
Starting point is 02:11:07 Really hard. With a whole bunch of different types of punches. All of you listening. To show you all the variety. All of you listening at home could not feel the death looks. That silence was just vitriol. The sound of spears shooting out of your eyes. Oh my god.
Starting point is 02:11:24 No, a little Macka through a chocolate bar. I would want a little Mack in though, yeah. Yes, I know, he's really cool. A little Macka through a chocolate bar. Up B, star uppercut, down B, dodge. Left B, right B, hook, left hook, right. Standing B, jab. Who gives a fuck?
Starting point is 02:11:38 You just want to say Steve Fox shit. Nobody does Steve Fox. Nobody. If you do the dodge, you build a star. Sure. And then star uppercut gets better with each other. He doesn't need that. He already has a dodge.
Starting point is 02:11:47 Dude, that was free. That was free. He only has a jump rope move. That's a waste of a jump rope. No, but this is a dodge that builds a star. Dude, just add a property to his dodge already. But you need to be... No, it needs to be anything.
Starting point is 02:11:58 Especially when otherwise it's too good. Is it really? Yes. No, because Nerf is other stuff. Because if your star uppercut gets up to three stars and you get a really good uppercut... What if you just nerf his other stuff? Is Pokemon Trainer too good because he's three characters? It's A button.
Starting point is 02:12:13 Oh my god, then you shut the fuck up. No, but that's what I'm saying. No, if you're going to give him a mechanic like getting an awesome B... You're arguing about something that's not real. And it's the most likely not going to come to an end. Do you guys think that sounds awesome? I think it sounds great. It's awesome.
Starting point is 02:12:28 The essence of Little Mac is that he's the little guy. It makes more sense that he's weak and then he gets a fucking great move. Sakurai doesn't think that much into it when he's picking a character. Sakurai's great. Anyway, all I was going to say was if Gunpei's got to leave his legacy to anybody, who the fuck else would you trust? Sakurai. No. In Sakurai we trust.
Starting point is 02:12:48 In Sakurai we trust. Look at his hair. I trust that hair. You're going to doubt that hair? No. Remember, he made Smash Brothers when he was 19. No. He did nothing.
Starting point is 02:12:57 He made Kirby. No. Smash. He made Kirby when he was like 12. No. He made Kirby with Howley when he was 19. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:13:05 Just eat it. Just eat the dumbness. Just go for it. Anyway. I read an interview that said... No. He stood up to Miyamoto when he was 19. You've been wrong a lot lately.
Starting point is 02:13:13 It's time for him to be wrong now. We'll look it up later and you'll put my correction in the show notes. Addendum. Yes. Sakurai made Kirby when he was 12. Okay. Yes. He always made a pink blob that makes cute baby noises.
Starting point is 02:13:28 But the more miraculous thing is he stood up to Miyamoto when he was 12 then. Yeah. Because Miyamoto said he wanted Kirby yellow. That's true. That would have been bullshit. That's why the alt color for Kirby, the first alt color for Kirby and everything is yellow. That would have been bullshit. That's terrible.
Starting point is 02:13:42 And then the next one's red. Yeah. I don't know why. They're the ones like blue after that, right? Chaos Kirby. Chaos Kirby. Anyway. I really hope there's an alt...
Starting point is 02:13:51 Every character should get an alt costume in the new Smash and Kirby's alt should be like angry face. Angry face. That's the only difference. Or it could be his taunt and his eyes just going angry. Yeah. Oh, he needs that. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:14:03 So in like, I guess box office news, apparently the Ghost in the Shell movie, which we've been crossing our rams and fucking open for, is happening live action. But it is not going to be Steven Spielberg. It is going to be Rupert Sanders. I don't know who that is. What a good sign. What did he direct? Rupert Sanders...
Starting point is 02:14:25 You guys are going to be hyped. the director of... Where are you going? No, don't leave me alone. This is amazing. Anyway, he directed Snow White and the Huntsman. Okay, fuck everything. Fuck everything.
Starting point is 02:14:41 Fuck everything. As long as that Akira movie never gets made, I'll be happy. But this should never get made either if he directed that. Yeah, that's not great. Well, guess what? What a way to fall from Spielberg to Snow White and the Huntsman. Hopefully to nothing. Hopefully it falls on the floor and gets forgotten.
Starting point is 02:15:00 I have no confidence in any long, like 80s or pre-80s anime ever getting turned into live action. What about... What about... What about Kite? Oh! Oh! Have you seen the trailer for Kite?
Starting point is 02:15:17 No. The live action movie starring Samuel L. Jackson? Do I want to? Oh my god. So do you know Kite? No. It's an anime. I got an assassin girl.
Starting point is 02:15:27 And it's got porn in it. Isn't that... Straight up porn. Okay, wait. That's a... Isn't Mezzo 4 Day like a sequel to that? It's a sequel, yeah. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 02:15:36 Or not, it's related. The same artists or such shit. Yeah, they have porn in that. That's what happens. Well, they basically just go, yo, we gotta sell our stuff. Pat Lide? Anyway, so Kite... I as well, Lide.
Starting point is 02:15:49 You can go... You can go... You didn't even say anything! I know! You can go check out that fucking trailer, but I don't suggest you do. Oh no. It's what you think an American live action adaptation of Japanese Japan images. Is there gonna be porn?
Starting point is 02:16:03 Is there gonna be porn in the live action? No! But there will be shots on fucking Handicam. Oh, of course. Because that's all you're getting. That's how you know the movies go. Yeah, you know what's a good way to translate old, incredibly statically shot anime into live action?
Starting point is 02:16:19 Fuck up the frame by shaking your camera over it. Because you're watching this trailer and you're like, this is a film trailer at 29 frames per second. That doesn't look good. The only... Oh god, it's not. The only anime that I'd want to give to Hollywood is MD Geist, because they can't make it worse. Damn!
Starting point is 02:16:40 Wow. Damn! Wow. Damn! Well, you give them. Dragon Ball! Oh my god. You did forget.
Starting point is 02:16:51 I did forget. I think I'm the only one that saw it. Oh, I saw it. You saw it? Oh, I saw it. I played the god awful PSP game. You sure did. Oh my god.
Starting point is 02:17:00 I saw about five minutes of it in a dirty pizza shop. That's about right. Perfect. But do you know why the kite thing got sort of greenlit to even have an animation? Because Samuel Jackson agreed to it? No. Even before that. That dude is funny.
Starting point is 02:17:16 The fact that Mezzo Forte and Kite are cool action scenes with guns. Yeah. And that's it. Wait, forget it. There are no monsters or aliens or robots. It's something simple, fast, and you can shoot it. And flux? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:17:32 That movie went viral. That's not based on an anime? Well, it's not actually technically an anime and flux. It's not. What would you call it then? Some American guy got hired by MTV to make a cartoon and he liked anime. That's about it. Sorry, no.
Starting point is 02:17:51 I thought you meant like it wasn't based on an animation thing. I was like, so what was that? No, you're right. You're right. Yeah, no. There's not much I'd give them. There's not much I'd give Hollywood in terms of take this anime and turn it into an American live-action thing.
Starting point is 02:18:03 Not even stuff where it's like guns? Certain people you could trust. But Guillermo del Toro. What's the movie that's about to come out? Edge of Tomorrow? Edge of Tomorrow is based on the manga All You Need is Kill. Which is a cool movie. I haven't seen this movie at all.
Starting point is 02:18:20 Are you sure? This looks like a really cool trailer. Are you sure? There's a lot to do. There's a lot to do. Soldier keeps fighting. Yeah. Mechagod keeps fighting.
Starting point is 02:18:28 Mechagod keeps fighting. He dies at the end of the day. He wakes up, fights again. And every time he gets better. I was looking forward to seeing this one. You're right. When does that come out? In June, I think.
Starting point is 02:18:40 Fuck. But it comes out in June? Yeah. I also love that premise because it reminds me of Doomsday. Groundhog Day. Doomsday what? Doomsday from Superman. Oh, right.
Starting point is 02:18:51 Yeah. You told me about that. His origin. Oh, the super baby. It makes me think of Stargate. What? Stargate SG-1? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:18:59 Episode with the Fruit Loops. Yeah, I remember that episode. Yeah, you remember that episode. It's a really good episode. And he goes nuts. It's basically Groundhog. It's Groundhog. Okay.
Starting point is 02:19:07 Yeah. Man, Stargate SG-1 is fucking legit. It's great. I like it. It's super good. Especially the movie. More things than Metal Star Galactica, though. I like the movie.
Starting point is 02:19:15 What's that? More than Metal Star Galactica? No. The Stargate SG-1 picks up the spot of a Star Trek next generation. Yeah. Of your episodic, like, we're going to go to a planet. Yeah. And they go to a planet.
Starting point is 02:19:29 Weird shit happened. Yeah, okay. Okay. But it's got Richard D. Anderson being like Smarmy. I mean, it's got MacGyver. That's correct. Yeah. And there's a bunch of really good MacGyver jokes in there.
Starting point is 02:19:41 They knew. They knew. I'm a Firefly Man. But everyone's a Firefly Man. Even the ladies are Firefly Man. Oh, do you see that fucking skit on Portlandia with Metal Star Galactica? Yeah, it's the best. It's super weird.
Starting point is 02:19:56 It goes on for so long. It's on an episode. But that's it. And you're like, this is gone too. This is perfect. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:20:06 No, great. Here's a word from our sponsor. Gentlemen, you know Hulu? What's Hulu? I've heard the name. Hulu at all is the site that provides you with lots of videos and content. But woolly, have you, have you, I'm ignorant. What kind of content could this new Hulu service provide?
Starting point is 02:20:25 How good could it possibly be? Well, Hulu provides all kinds of internet service content. Such as? But Hulu Plus. Have you heard of Hulu Plus? I was ignorant before, but now I'm just confused. Gentlemen, allow me to inform you of what Hulu can provide for you and your lives. I would like to know this because my life is fucking empty.
Starting point is 02:20:47 Matthew, my friend, you enjoy WWE wrestling events. I have been known to enjoy these events. Sometimes you are a busy man who misses them. Wait, who can't possibly be sane? You can watch previously taped pay-per-view events on Hulu Plus. That's pretty awesome. My friend Patrick. What's up?
Starting point is 02:21:08 Do you enjoy consuming shows like Law and Order and SNL? In huge creepy chunks that scare people. Yes. Then you too can enjoy the services of Hulu Plus, my friend. Dude, Hulu Plus got Law and Order and SNL? Yeah. I like those shows. They help me forget how empty and sad everything is.
Starting point is 02:21:29 My friend, Liam. Why do you say friend with air quotes? Do you enjoy anime quotes? No, they're scary quotes. What could they possibly have? Doctor Who's not anime, but Doctor Who's the only quote. No, do you enjoy anime for real though? Of course, of course.
Starting point is 02:21:45 We'll compare yourself for the likes of Samurai Champloo, Cry Gun, Mushishi, Monster, Reader Die, Steins Gate, Ghost in the Shell, Black Lagoon, Mushishi. Welcome to everything you could ask for from back when. Serial Experiments Lane, FLCL, Hulu Plus. Guys, you need to get on this service. Wally, the way you say it, it sounds like combined with the two best friends channel, this podcast, and Hulu Plus, I never have to leave my house again and can live a happy, sad, lonely life. This is correct, but that sounds great. But only if you check out the URL, slash super. Super?
Starting point is 02:22:32 Yes. Because of us? Because of us. And because it's super. Because Hulu Plus did a super job in sponsoring the show. Thanks, Hulu Plus. And they're offering right now for $7.99 a month. You can catch up on all these shows.
Starting point is 02:22:50 $7.99 a month. I spent more than that on a sandwich today. Yes. And it sucked. It was terrible. But if you go to this site, I wish I'd done this instead and gotten Hulu Plus. slash super, you can get two weeks free. Two weeks?
Starting point is 02:23:06 If you're Pat, you can watch like 10 seasons of anything. I could do that. Everything I listed could be done in that time if you're Pat. And then I would know if I needed more. Gentlemen, with a catalog of this size, what are you waiting for? I don't know. I gotta record the podcast. You gotta be like, after that.
Starting point is 02:23:27 Yeah, right? Right? Thanks a lot for Hulu Plus' support of supporting the show, guys. Thank you. Thank you. Anyway, I do believe if Zack is okay with it, Zack. Zack. Are you okay with it being letter time?
Starting point is 02:23:40 Look over here, Zack. He'll never say anything on command. You motherfucker. Can it be letter time, Zack? Eat your shit food. Zack says it's okay to be letter time. It's letter time. It's letter time.
Starting point is 02:23:52 Well, woolly. What does letter time mean? Letter time means that if you have some shit that you need to send us digitally, you can send that... By electronic mails. Yes. You can send that to us at a certain address. I don't remember the address.
Starting point is 02:24:07 Matt, what's the address? You seem to never remember the address. It's hard to remember. You know what? I can't think. Liam, do you know the address? Do you have an address? No.
Starting point is 02:24:18 What is it, woolly? Are you serious? That was awful. It's super bestfriendcast at That's super bestfriendcast at what cut? It's at Okay. And you might sound something like woolly reading your question.
Starting point is 02:24:33 What? You're not going to sound like yourself. Right? That's certainly true. That is true. That's a fair call. You're going to sound like woolly reading your question. And then cut your voice is breaking down a bit.
Starting point is 02:24:47 And then me taking pieces of your question out of context to make fun of you. Seeing how cool your name is. Because that would be weird. Some people have weird names, man. Robert wants to know what the most fitting musical score to a video game scene you can think of is. Don't say Revengeance. I thought the use of power in Saints Row 3 was pretty fun.
Starting point is 02:25:09 Yes. Yeah. That was really pretty. Yeah. Kanye West's power in Saints Row 3. I've got one. That was one of those moments where it's like, it doesn't happen usually with games because it doesn't use license things.
Starting point is 02:25:22 But the licensing helped because it started up and my brain actually went, this, they picked the perfect fucking song. Also right at the end, fucking. Hero. Hero. Yeah. And then the Sublime song when they're on the car. Saints Row 3rd.
Starting point is 02:25:38 Saints Row 3rd. Really really good musical choices. Brutal legend. Yeah, totally. Yeah, there's some good stuff in there. The Fire and the Flames while you're racing out of the castle. Totally. It cuts off way short of seven minutes.
Starting point is 02:25:48 Oh yeah, totally. But it was good. I'm going to say every boss fight in Mario Galaxy is through the roof. Amazing. Yeah, sure. Absolutely. And they all have progressive tracks that get more and more. I remember, I was at your place when you were fighting Bowser and you were like, spoiler
Starting point is 02:26:06 idiot. Seven years ago. The damage you inflict makes the intensity of the music grow. Great. I spoiled the fact that you fight Bowser in a Mario game. I like the music when you're climbing the ladder. Never forget, there are people out there that will call you out on spoilers for spoiling such things as there is an ice level.
Starting point is 02:26:26 It is true. Level spoilers. Oh god. Music spoilers. Gameplay spoilers. Game trailers spoil Mario Galaxy for people. This may seem like a really trivial thing. It probably will be.
Starting point is 02:26:37 If you're saying it, like last week, Rambi got announced for Donkey Kong Country Tropical whatever. Tropical Freeze. I like to remember. There was of course a NeoGaff topic about it and just, it's so funny to me. Rambi announced and the very very first response is thanks for the fucking spoiler in the topic title asshole. Guess what?
Starting point is 02:27:00 Have some self restraint. And guess what? That guy got banned. It's like, oh man. You remember when you used to be that guy, Willie? No, but that, I love that guy. That loves Rambi that much. That's awesome.
Starting point is 02:27:15 The game is ruined. He would have flipped his shit when he saw Rambi. What's that? It's awesome. What's the next question? Johnny. Thanks for the question, Rob. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:27:24 Yeah. Johnny's asking us, if you could stop the death of any wrestler, who would it be? Slash, if you could bring a wrestler back from the dead. Guerrero's crazy. Eddie. Eddie's. Eddie was cut down in his prime. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:27:39 I was going to say Owen, but now I want to say Eddie because Eddie was doing better. Yeah, he turned his life around. Like, Owen's old tragic because nothing was going wrong with Owen, but like, well, he hated the character. Yeah. So it's good that he died then. I'd say Eddie, but there might be some other people or whatever, but I can't remember. Eddie's the go-to.
Starting point is 02:27:57 I like wrestling, but I don't. No fuck all of them. Stay Owen. Stay dead. Stay Bambam Bigelow. No. Don't say Bambam Bigelow. Fuck damn.
Starting point is 02:28:06 Owen. What? Keep him dead? Yes. Is Hulk Hogan dead yet? Yes. Bring him back. Bring Rick Flair back to life again.
Starting point is 02:28:14 No, he actually does. He just needs another 70 years of the sarcophagi. Another 70? Yeah, 70. Yeah. Brian asks, when will you guys ever do an Attack on Titan spoiler cast? Go watch the episode we did. We played the Attack on Titan Unity game.
Starting point is 02:28:34 The Titan Challenge. The game. The game. Whatever. It has to be said. Go watch the Super Best Friends Titan Challenge. There are spoilers up until like episode 24 in that episode. Also, we should probably go back and look at that game because it has really in-depth multiplayer
Starting point is 02:28:49 support and like, Titan controls. Yeah, there's some stuff and I've talked about it a little bit. Maybe next time when there's a new show or game. Dave wants to know if any of you guys bowl. Do you guys bowl? I'll bowl when I'm drinking. I have bowled in the past. Do you do good?
Starting point is 02:29:07 How do you go? Do you guys bowl? I'm okay. I have bowled. What do you bowl? Bowling? When I say okay, I mean like 130. Like as best as you can expect, particularly since if I'm bowling, I'm at sharks and I
Starting point is 02:29:27 have drunk some drinks. I think like my dad did like 260 once, but like I can't know. My dad could kick the shit out of me bowling. Maybe I did 200 once and that was because I didn't know what I was doing. And I don't even believe that. No, no. I remember someone complimenting me. I do like 130, 140.
Starting point is 02:29:48 This reminds me, I remember when I was a kid, my dad would take me bowling and he would kick the shit out of me, like brutal. And then you bowl. But I would never, I would never remember the score. But like he would now, he tells me now that it was like 250, 260, but he can never ever bowl again because his fingers are all checked up. So I gotta just take his word for it. That's how trust, there you go.
Starting point is 02:30:13 Yeah. Griff wants to know. That's a fucking sickness. What do you guys think is, what do you guys think is a non-traditional but really cool love story from a video game? Non-traditional. What does that mean? I guess.
Starting point is 02:30:28 Not a bionic commando. Like not the focus. Not bad. I would say the boss and Jack. That's pretty good. Yep. The boss and Jack. Non-traditional.
Starting point is 02:30:39 That's what's hanging me up on this. I mean, I don't want to say it. Is it a spoiler? Because I don't want to open a can of worms. But non-traditional, I guess, gone home. Not that it makes it great. I don't know what the fucking, the use of non-traditional in this context means, so I'm just going to say con.
Starting point is 02:31:02 I'm fucking fumbling. I'm just going to say Xenogears. Princess Peach and Bowser. That's true. That's true. That's canon. Not really a relationship, but I like the complex relationship between Kanji and Naoto. Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 02:31:19 Even though that goes nowhere. It goes nowhere. Because you have to be able to fuck everything in that game. But I like that complex, how that works. Yeah. Okay. It's really neat. Okay.
Starting point is 02:31:30 Sure. Bane Films. I don't know. Whatever. Bane Films asks. Nice. Way to pump up their questions. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:31:39 He asks a bunch of stuff, but one thing he says, I need some advice. I really would like to get into anime. You came in the right place. Okay. Okay. But I have no idea where to start. That's tough. That's tough.
Starting point is 02:31:50 What would you recommend to me as a huge fan of things like Doctor Who, Firefly, Metal Gear, and Mass Effect? Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Cowboy Bebop. Cowboy Bebop. Oh my God.
Starting point is 02:32:02 Cowboy Bebop. Is literally the best and the most perfect thing for what you just asked them. All those things put together, man. Cowboy Bebop. Cowboy fucking Bebop. This cat is really soft. Can we go another step forward and recommend something else to him? Just in case for whatever reason.
Starting point is 02:32:16 Has he's unedited the cat? No. Let him start there and see what he likes. Yeah. Samurai Champions. You guys can't see it, but there's really fierce cat petting action going on. It's really heavy cat. Tactical cat petting action.
Starting point is 02:32:26 He's loving it. Oh. Stinesgate. Malaney is asking us, what are your go-to sounds for relaxation? Sounds for relaxation.
Starting point is 02:32:38 And shit. Here. Three things. Three things. One, go to Yeah, I know where you're going. I've already got it. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:32:46 Two, open up the fireplace. Yeah. Right? Get the fireplace soundtrack. Three, go get that smooth orchestral tunes of Ace Attorney. Yeah. I actually play all three of those together. That is the best study jam music you'll ever hear.
Starting point is 02:33:03 Well, this is relaxation music. Not necessarily chill music. I use that one jazz song from MGS3. Same thing. Not to me, it's not. Chill and relaxing is different. There's this one jazz song in MGS3. It's just a folder on my toolbar.
Starting point is 02:33:15 If I center click it, all three of them open. The question is not music. It is sound. Sound. Light tapping or light bulb tapping. Oh yeah, that's a good one. The hell does that mean? That's weird.
Starting point is 02:33:26 Women tapping fingernails onto light bulbs. That's weird. That's really specific. That wasn't what I thought at all. Yeah. That is a relaxation noise. And if you look that up on YouTube, you will find hundreds of videos. Tapping of any kind.
Starting point is 02:33:43 It's under a weird subsection of video. It's called ASMR. Yeah. You told me about this thing. It's a thing called auto sensory meridian response. It's basically a weird empathy response that certain weird triggers will cause you to have a really, really relaxation like tingle go down the back of your neck. And that or like ambient loud room noise like a barber shop can do it.
Starting point is 02:34:07 It's very bizarre. Cool. I'd say like rain on a window pane. Music. No more heroes. One soundtrack. Specifically this track where you fight Shinobu. Sure.
Starting point is 02:34:20 Season of the Samurai, which is seven minutes of nothing almost. Just the barest beat. And then the last like ten to two minutes was like this rock out thing. I was at that where I'm like, Oh God, these guys are working with this. Oh God, they're so terrible. I just need to relax. This is like oddly, oddly specific and might sound really not relaxing, but it's really nostalgic for me.
Starting point is 02:34:41 It's just like quiet countryside with like a car, like a truck passing once in a while on a road that's like miles away and a chainsaw starting in the woods and cutting wood. Wait, wait, wait. Like that is my childhood. That was there. That makes sense. My childhood relaxing sound, man. No, but to me that was always the most relaxing thing.
Starting point is 02:35:00 Dude, waking up to the sound of a lawnmower in the distance relaxes me. Oh yeah, totally. Because a lawnmower in the distance is summer. And on that topic, I have a follow up question of my own that is the opposite of this. For this writer to answer now. Well, it's the opposite of this and I'm curious to see what it is. What is your alarm noise that comes out of your phone? Is it anything specific?
Starting point is 02:35:23 It used to be and now I changed it because I had it set to two things, but there were things I liked. First, I had the mini bosses cover of Mega Man 2. Sure. And I'm like, fuck, it's making me hate the song. Oh, it's too much. I have to change this. I changed it to the big O intro because that'll wake you the fuck up.
Starting point is 02:35:41 But now it's just the Apple alarm sonar sound. My current one is Pacific Rim double event. The one that was before that was Shadow the Hedgehog I Am. That got me up real quick. Dig it and get it. Liam, you're fired. It's okay. Liam, you're now re-hard.
Starting point is 02:36:03 You can continue. The reason I asked is because do you want to keep going? Well, there's one when I lived with my roommate and he had this song for six years, place to sleep over at his place, like before we were just friends. I don't know what it is, but it's some rock song that starts with the lyric If I Had An Angel. And it would always stop right there because we would always nail it right there. But that song, if I ever hear it again, I'm going to punch whatever speaker it comes
Starting point is 02:36:29 out of. I can't. It's an automated response. Because for years I heard that every morning. But I don't know how you don't start hating the ones that you picked. Because they only last for like three months or something. The reason I asked is I recently switched to and it's been helping me a lot better is I switched to the Attack on Titan main theme as my alarm music.
Starting point is 02:36:47 And I have an alarm program that will slowly ratchet the volume up. Yeah. And because of the way that song goes and the way the volume goes, by the time it's audible, it kicks right into the fight rent, which means every time, every morning that I wake up, I wake up like, fuck, I'm ready to go. Let's go. And I'm immediately awake. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:37:11 On myself and right now, it's still revenge and it's still rules of nature. Waking you up? Yeah. Wow. That's too much. No, no, it's not too much because like kind of like you, it starts off whatever. You guys remember, unless you ever saw that there's infomercials of this type of alarm that would wake you with the noises of birds.
Starting point is 02:37:30 Yeah. And then that might not wake you up. That's bullshit. I sleep right through that crap. No, it ratchets up every time until the last thing is a blaring alarm. Yeah. It's to make it so that you don't wake up where you're like, oh, fuck, oh, Jesus. I think the crazy story.
Starting point is 02:37:44 You can put smells out. Yeah, that's really good. Yeah, I have a really hard time waking up. So there's a lot of different things I've tried over the years. And dude, that one shit alarm clock you got is awesome. I have an alarm clock with wheels on it and it starts going off and runs around the room. And you're like, you can't stop it until you are cognizant enough to not stop and just chase it.
Starting point is 02:38:07 That feels like the chattering teeth from Batman games. Yeah. There's another one that's like, you have to stand up and put your feet in this spot and then solve a math problem. See? And the alarm will not turn off until you solve the problem. That's great though. What if you don't know how to solve it?
Starting point is 02:38:25 Well, then too bad. Tough shit. You can't read. You enter a world you weren't ready for. You'll never go to sleep again. I forgot, but what I use all the time is Wake Up Park. Oh, the game. The little app game thing.
Starting point is 02:38:38 You mean Wake Up Club? Yeah, Wake Up Club. Sorry. Wake Up Club. I'm thinking of Welcome Park. Yeah. Wake Up Club is an app on Vita. That's so stupid.
Starting point is 02:38:46 That fucking thing. I can't believe you're still talking about this topic. It's stupid, but it's great. Everybody's just got to wake up, man. So you set your alarm for a certain time and then it grabs a bunch of people over the internet who are waking up at that same time. And when your alarm goes off and it's a dulcet, it's a tone, whatever, or whatever you set it to.
Starting point is 02:39:05 And then other players who get up at the same time as you get up and it registers in the moment of wake and they can see all the PSN avatars from all the other people in their pool. And if they tap your avatar, it makes noise on your Vita. And so everyone's trying to wake everyone up. What if they're dead? But they aren't. Someone's gonna die.
Starting point is 02:39:24 What if they're Vita? They don't know where their Vita is. Then they're not gonna get that trophy. It times out after a little bit. I used to be like, I would never be able to get up. And the only solution I could ever do is I had an alarm radio like that piece of shit. And I turned it to in between stations and put the volume to the absolute max right next to my head.
Starting point is 02:39:46 So it was static, like the harshest, loudest static possible. No, there are times when I'm like, okay, it's four in the morning. I can't put this alarm next to me. I put it in my hair because I need to feel that on my head going. Get up. It's always saying like you should put your alarm where you absolutely have to get up. Yeah, I always put it far enough away that I couldn't reach it. And there's something I'm considering.
Starting point is 02:40:12 I'm thinking, but I don't have the balls for it. But it's this thing that vibrates your bed under the mattress. This is a bad idea. It's a great idea. There's decibels of sound blasting at you. Now why wouldn't you just set your alarm for when the girls are coming over? Yeah, sure, exactly. Blast decibels of sound.
Starting point is 02:40:34 It's like, hey, you put your arm around her. It's like, hey, girl, guess what? And you look over. It's about that time. Your bed just starts going, brrr. But it's like it makes your bed uncomfortable to be in. You know, you're going to get the fuck up. And you're not going to pick up a mattress and turn it off, you know?
Starting point is 02:40:51 Yeah, so yeah, no, that pretty much is it. You wouldn't pick up a mattress. Are you a bad enough dude to pick up that mattress? Thanks for the good question, pal. Yeah, no worries. And lastly, let's just go with Vincent very quickly. Hey, guys, I've been sick and I can't play video games because it hurts my eyes. Bullshit, Vinny, that sucks.
Starting point is 02:41:12 But when I'm sick, my mother always makes me tea and a magical elixir known as 7-up and orange juice. When I play this, it gets me thinking, what do the best friends do when you guys are sick? Oh, man. Okay, so you guys go first because I've got the ultimate most ridiculous fucking thing. I get super high on Iqbal. All right. If I got a stomach ache, I stir the bubbles out of ginger ale and that totally does the trick, actually. I eat a shitload of oranges and I have a shitload of chicken soup.
Starting point is 02:41:40 If anyone remembers, I was sick last year from November to the end of January. So clearly, your plan works really well. Well, no, because I got an actual like... Oh, yeah. Anyway, but yeah, usually I do that, but that was the roughest time ever because we had to do three play-throughs at once and I was like, no. You sounded sick for months because of that. Well, what was it? It was the Mario U.
Starting point is 02:42:06 Yeah. I'm a nuisance marvelous U or you can really hear my voice. Oh, wait, no. Scribble Knots Unlimited where I'm like, it's NeoGaff. So as an expert at getting sick. Yes. At the forefront, pushing. No one can touch you.
Starting point is 02:42:20 Pushing that technology. The biggest and strongest of us, clearly the most frail. Because my immune system is shit because I don't sleep. I know how that is. So there's a couple things like my family, there's like health things. Maybe you should stop having disease catchers right next to your face. There you go. My family does like health things.
Starting point is 02:42:40 This is hair, everybody. I'm talking about a shitty hair. Very nice of you. And at least I have hair. I have hair. Just not in like this area. Not in the critical area. No, not here.
Starting point is 02:42:51 Not for long. It's a crown. Continue with your story. I can just shave my beard and just tape it. We talked about this earlier. It's a crown. That's great. I like that one.
Starting point is 02:43:03 It's called a crown long. Yeah. Fuck you. I was waiting for you. Fuck you. Thank you. Yeah. I'm convinced you're stealing my hair.
Starting point is 02:43:13 Why? Is it a ginger all of a sudden? No. Blah. So family things were eat bell peppers and pistachios. Yeah. That'll clear your form. They're full of iron.
Starting point is 02:43:26 Well, they're full of iron. Yeah. And that helps you build up your business with stuff. But the most fucked up thing that it's gross and I can't believe it, but it works. And then it turns out it's not that gross when you do it. I know. If you take powdered charcoal. Okay.
Starting point is 02:43:41 And you pour it into water and you mix it. Yeah. So you get this black fluid of charcoal water. It sounds like poison. It does. It sounds like carcinogens. But here's the deal. Because you're not breathing it into your lungs.
Starting point is 02:43:54 You're drinking it. Okay. Right? And what this does, I know it's fucking crazy. Are you sure this is not what gets you sick? What this does is any bacteria is in your body. Get so scared of this new bacteria. The color black.
Starting point is 02:44:10 It neutralizes it immediately. And if you feel pain within the hour, like flu pain, it will actually stop. This feels like Babby's first chemotherapy. It's fucked up. And it doesn't make it go away because it still has to pass out of you. But the pain stops. Okay. You know?
Starting point is 02:44:29 And I'm like, Mom, you're lying to me. Why would you do this? I trust you. Don't make me drink. No. No. And after trying it, like twice, being really sick within the hour, the pain goes away. Charcoal powder.
Starting point is 02:44:45 It's fucked up. But it works. We put it on an addendum just in case this is toxic. And we get sued? Yeah. I have one that's way more fucked up and I'm super sure it didn't work. Okay. My half-brother and sister, their mom would feed them Vicks Vapora.
Starting point is 02:45:06 Oh, I know that. My dad tried that once and I fucking said bullshit. She was convinced you had to make the kids eat Vicks Vapora. My dad tried that. Her rub on the table. Is that called Vicks Vapora? There's pictures of people rubbing it on their chest on the bed. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:45:28 He's like, no, you just had taste. He's like, you're pretty bad. I'm like, no, you don't swallow any. It's wrong with you. Fuck that. You know, son, if you drink this bleach, you'll feel better. If you survive, it'll build character. Yeah, no.
Starting point is 02:45:48 Whenever it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger. You'll build up an immunity to it. Why do our dads sound like Vince McMahon? Yeah, you built up an immunity to Vicks Vapora. When I was a kid, I thought Vicks Vapora, like it worked by rubbing it into your chest and it goes into your body. Like through your pores. Yeah, through my pores.
Starting point is 02:46:08 They actually force it through. Honestly. No, it is just against your chest so you breathe it out. Oh, that's how it works. Yeah. Oh, why not just shove it right up your nose? Well, because that's too much. It's probably too much.
Starting point is 02:46:19 You know it's probably too much to fucking eat it. Snored it. My friend in fucking high school, Phil, got convinced. I don't know how to rub Ben gay on his nuts. Oh, no! That's the worst. To do what? I don't know.
Starting point is 02:46:38 What was the purpose? I don't know. There's an old internet horror story about rubbing icy hot on your nuts. That's not a good idea. It's the worst idea. I've also been recently informed also don't use Nair anywhere near your genitals. Yeah, why did I read that too? I didn't read it.
Starting point is 02:46:59 Somebody told me. I said to them, might that be a good idea? And they said, no! I think I saw it on Neogab. They seem to know. Oh, man. He cast a knowing glance at Peridot. So, don't eat Fix Vipo Rub and don't rub mysterious chemicals on your genitals.
Starting point is 02:47:19 The drink chuckled water. Yeah, I'm going to put out a disclaimer. We are not doctors. We are crazy not responsible for your genitals. My advice was to drink Nyquil, which is an over-the-counter cough syrup. Take your ginger ale. I'm alive now. You're constantly dying.
Starting point is 02:47:42 But it helped me not die. I don't know about that. I think you're faking it. You're always taking damage. You're always without your various suits. You're trying to tank life and you're not doing enough DPS. But if I run fast enough, I can get to the other door. That's the other door to win.
Starting point is 02:48:02 Like tomorrow? No, to live to another day. Yeah, no, that's the only way to live. Matt, who are you stalking this week? I'm stalking. He listened to the podcast, so we met at Magfest. But the guy that gave us all those great comic books. I read Saga.
Starting point is 02:48:21 Everyone, if you like comic books, if you like Firefly, like any of that stuff, read Saga. That's such bullshit because you can't be stalking him if you don't know his name. Or if you didn't make any attempt to contact him whatsoever. But he didn't give us a name and I can't find his name on the Facebook. Yeah, but he was a cool guy. And we chilled with him at the Matthew meetup. At the Bachamania meetup. Yeah, so he helped us with that.
Starting point is 02:48:45 But Saga is amazing. I had Leigh read Saga. She loved it. Brian K. Vaughan. I will read Brian K. Vaughan's other stuff now. I'm telling you, man. I'm telling you. Speaking of comics, I totally have some shit that you let me like two years ago.
Starting point is 02:48:58 That you should probably read. No, I'm not going to read it. Because I gave it to you. We keep fighting over this. We keep fighting. I say, I'm going to give it back to you. And you say, no, just read it. And I just go another year without reading it.
Starting point is 02:49:10 It's almost as if you should do something. It's become cultured. I'm going to leave it in your house. Just like pressure concrete jungle. Is he the guy who gave the Warriors comic? Sorry? Is he the guy who gave the Warriors comic? No, that's different.
Starting point is 02:49:24 Okay. I couldn't possibly know. Liam, thanks for the Genshikin. I enjoyed it. You're very welcome. It's great. Comics are good. Comics are good for you.
Starting point is 02:49:32 Yeah, comics are bad for you. And reaching the great years old. I will argue, comics are bad. They're not. What's the basis for your argument? Everything Josh told you? Oh, you're right. You're right.
Starting point is 02:49:42 I take it all back. I take it all back. There's several things in life that you're like, I hate because Josh told me. And then as soon as you point that out, I immediately change my mind. Geez. Yeah, well, comics are just like any form of media. There's lots of bad. But there's lots of good.
Starting point is 02:49:59 Oh, of course. Go get a Will Eisner collection. Just dinner. Will Eisner's garbage. Oh, God. They only created awards based on him. I'm just going to go back to reading all of Garfield. Sure.
Starting point is 02:50:14 Could you at least? The height of the medium. I actually know somebody who read all of Garfield and they almost died. It ends? Yeah. Oh, wow. Well, you catch up to present day. Where they're doing the shitty 3D cartoons on Cartoon Network.
Starting point is 02:50:29 Oh, I can't believe that. Those are the worst. We need to end this podcast. Yeah, we do. I'm going to jump out of window if we have to talk about the fucking future. Don't open the window. No, we're done. Apparently that Barbie CG cartoon people were saying in the comments, it's a good show.
Starting point is 02:50:43 Apparently it's really creepy and tongue-in-cheek because they have like the doll joints and they know. They know. So it's kind of like a toy story thing. Maybe. Because they're like, hey Barbie, where's your vagina? I don't know, Ken. Where's your vagina?
Starting point is 02:50:59 To be fair, all kids cartoons are doing that now. The whole like adventure time slash My Little Pony knowing. Because guess what? Shit's fucked up. Hey, guess what? That's all we want to watch now. Guess what? Samurai Pizza Cat did it first.
Starting point is 02:51:12 They knew they're in a cartoon. Oh, it's true. That wasn't no street sharks. Okay, shut the fuck up. Dude, if you're going to read Garfield, just like go a few to the left and pick up Bone instead. Just pick up Bone instead. I'm not going to read fucking Garfield. Don't read Bone.
Starting point is 02:51:28 I'm going to say it in general. Yeah. Yeah. Read Bone. Don't read Garfield. Read Bone. Don't read Bone. Read Garfield without Garfield.
Starting point is 02:51:36 Yeah. Yeah. Read Garfield without Garfield. Which Jim Davis approved. At least Jim Davis may have been writing 30 years of shitty comics, but at least he loves the thing that makes fun of that. Yeah. Hey, you like Calvin and Hobbes.
Starting point is 02:51:48 Come on. I don't know Calvin and Hobbes. Jesus. Let me lend you some compilations. Man. I've read like 10 other comics. You would love Calvin and Hobbes because he's Calvin. And I like them.
Starting point is 02:51:57 He's Calvin. You would super love Calvin. Which one's Calvin? The one that cries and whines about everything. It's true. That's me. And has a cynical outlook on life. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:52:08 Like that's it. Yeah. So read Calvin and Hobbes, everyone. Sounds good. Do your homework and we'll check it out next week. Do your homework and stay in drugs. Show your work. Don't show your work.
Starting point is 02:52:21 Don't show your work. You look really smart if you get to the test and you didn't show your work. It looks like you cheated when you cheated. You're just super smart. I never thought of it that way. The smartest guy in the world.

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