Castle Super Beast - SBFC 045: Kangaroo Meat is a Well Deserved Comeuppance

Episode Date: June 17, 2014

Liam is still in Japan, collecting desus. We talk alot about Smash 4, E3 wrapups, and other messes spilling out in the industry. Ubi no, Ubi plz...

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey! How's it going guys? Hey man, E3 was bullshit, wouldn't you agree? What a bullshit guy. Man, it's so unpacked. No one won. Everyone lost. What an unclear battle, right? What a subtle, vague, opaque convention that was. It's like an endless fog. I'm looking into it. I'm like, I can't see nothing. Today, E3 is not really broadcast by the LA Convention Center, but instead within silent hill. No one can see anything. But people are still swinging in there. Yep, we're joined once again by Liam in Japan. Coming straight to you from the land of Boss Coffee. Oh shit, did you get to try a lot of Boss Coffee? I drank two this morning. Yes, fantastic. Do you feel like a boss? Oh, I love it. I've been drinking a bunch of it. I
Starting point is 00:01:11 probably shouldn't. Do you feel like the boss of them all? Yeah, Liam, how many desus do you have now? Do I have? He's actually rifling through a bag. There must be like 20 in here. They were on sale, right? That's all the desus I need. Well, they've been gathering up for sure, and sometimes like citizens just give them to you as well. Square desus. I've been gathering them, and I've been exchanging them from Able syrup bottles, so. What the fuck is this motherfucker doing trolling us in front of the Gundam statue? I'm so jelly. That's so good. I'm so good. What Gundam statue? I'm so fucking jelly. You mean that weird Pacific Rim statue? Yeah, that Yeager. I think you bring this up. I'm not sure if anyone saw this, but there is this thing that's saying a Korean artist
Starting point is 00:02:02 has erected a Spider-Man statue in a Korean playground, and it's a picture of a Spider-Man statue attached upside down a building with a huge erect deck. And then he's like, I'm very disappointed they took it down. Like, I didn't really get it at all, but it was like, oh, you should put the picture in the description later, because it's fucking hilarious. Children don't like Spider-Man's power. That's the true Spoder-Man. It was some weird bullshit about like the natural human body and weird situations or something. I'm not sure Peter Parker is the best example that I could put three arms on. And he's like, yes, he wouldn't Spider-Man have like a huge erect dick when he's a Spider-Man? I mean, wouldn't you? Oh my God, we can't get away
Starting point is 00:02:49 from this stuff. We can't. Fine. Like the last ten podcasts. Because after the last podcast, he gets the serious look on his face. We need to stop talking about it. We need to have a talk, because like every podcast, like we have so much dick humor in it that every podcast is now named after penis things. And like, it's the funniest joke to go with. I have no other material. Today's podcast is brought to you by penis. And it's like, we're in like, we're five minutes in. And that's saying like, did you guys see this Spider-Man with a giant penis? It's unavoidable. This episode is going to be called ficking veiny or something. I don't know. Your friendly neighborhood, spider cock. Right. It's unavoidable. It's friendly. I'll find a way. That one's web.
Starting point is 00:03:38 I'll find a way. There's that classic like comic book panel of Aunt May going, there's some white liquid coming out from underneath Peter's door. Oh no, it's sticky. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What, what is going on over there, man? How's the letter half of the trip? Not much. I'll try to remember shit at seven o'clock in the morning. See how I do. I went to some awesome indoor amusement parks here, which are totally a thing. In particular, I went to a Sega one and not like an arcade, like an indoor amusement park. With rides? You get to ride something. Yeah, there's little roller coasters and like attractions and stuff. Yeah, totally. It's for adults, Wally. Is there a bunch of streets of rage stuff in the garbage? No, there's no streets of rage stuff. They've cleared out the
Starting point is 00:04:25 garbage. Okay. I wouldn't. But I got to try a really cool rail shooter called House of the Dead 4 Special. Oh, special. Special? And House of the Dead 4 Special, I believe it was called. It had an extra word on the end, whatever, is a modified House of the Dead 4 that you sit on this seat that like rotates around and they blast gusts of winds at you and stuff. Is this a fucking after burner on it? Yeah, dude, it's super cool. And there's screens on the front and the back and they just spin you around because like dammit. I have House of the Dead 4 on PSN and it's like you're just walking around. So how is it that you're in a pod now? This one's way better. Like it's super, super cool. Motherfucker, did you play Gunslinger Stratos? No, but I'm doing that
Starting point is 00:05:15 today. I'm doing the arcades today. You better play as much as you can so that I can live vicariously. Then you gotta go find water and just be like, yo, what, why? Today is Vat and Guilty Gear Excerd. Yeah. Dammit, I'm jelly. I need to do like a game center, like please try this game center sequence. Yeah, yeah. Do you have a camera? I recorded like a couple arcade games so far, but I do need to get more. Like a lot of places they don't, they're not cool with you recording. Despite that, I did shoot some film in places I shouldn't be recording because I couldn't resist. You gotta take the train up to the mom and pop store that has like one machine in it. Do an expose. I don't know where those are, but whatever. I guess I'll spoil it a little bit,
Starting point is 00:06:02 but there was one bit I couldn't help but record where there was a salary man playing patchy slot. Yeah. And he had a baby strapped to his chest hanging sideways off the front. There was just cigarette smoke everywhere. Not crying, but visibly unhappy. Oh, lovely. The most shocking thing about that story is that there's a baby in Japan. Yeah, right? How is it not fucking chill to make demographic seconds of that? Yeah, no, I totally fucking dissed your demographics. Why do you do this? Other than that, I mean, I've just been exploring like various districts, went to Shibuya, went to like Harajuku, went to Yoyogi Park, Meiji Shrine. Did you notice,
Starting point is 00:06:51 did you notice the fashion change as you went from one to the other? Yeah, undoubtedly, absolutely undoubtedly. And it like it's even more stark night and day between like Akihabara and Harajuku. So you said you went to Shibuya, right? Yeah. So you saw that statue of the dog? Hachiko? Yeah, absolutely. It would be great if they bulldozed that statue and they had a giant statue of Avril Lavigne. Sick. Please don't tell me that's happening. No, that's not happening, but the whole reason she even made that stupid song is because she's super popular in Japan. I saw, I was at a candy store and they were playing Hello Kitty on the B-screen. Yeah. Very loudly. I know, I knew you'd say that. It's a fucking song. It's so bad.
Starting point is 00:07:35 It's so bad. They love it. It's so bad. Otherwise, I guess I just, I went to like a ton of restaurants across like all the typical Japanese food spectrum. Have you eaten anything bad? Like, have you been like, ugh. I went to this one place that I had been told was a nice place for curry and it was just super mediocre. No, man, you just can't appreciate the like the real curry. I don't know because I went to like multiple other curry shops because I really like Japanese curry and they were all way better. No, man. I had been assured. You just don't even know you dumb Canadian. You know what? Yeah, I'm probably too surface for it. So surface. That was how I felt. It'd be great if Liam had found revelations. Oh, if only he didn't know. He just goes down an alley
Starting point is 00:08:21 and there's like a husband and wife fighting and then uh, whoa, whoa, he writes down what he saw and shit. It's not that big wooden block. Yeah, yeah. Did you see any, did you see any like left copies of like Shonen Jump lying around or other jumps? Just like, what type of jump? Yeah, in a couple recycling bins. It's not super, super common, but I did notice one or two. I've seen a lot more handheld game consoles since then as well. But still not as many as you'd hope. Okay, well, I'm going to ask the most important question and the most important question is Liam, how many tissue packets do you have right now? Do I have right now none actually, but I turned down a lot. Wow. Wow, you're strong. I must have turned down at least five or six. I find it
Starting point is 00:09:11 endlessly amusing that they're advertising like porn games on them. Of course they are. No, no, of course they are. You're right. Of course they are. It's not for your nose. What? It's not for your nose. Yeah, that's the last thing you even use. It's for your dick's knees. Oh, he doesn't know anything about that. Yeah, exactly. Right on. Otherwise, I did do one thing that I could have done here, which was I had, which I could have done back in Canada rather. Dick's amazing. I had a chance to sit down and play the Freedom Wars demo. God damn it. And it's not, well, you can play it. You can play it. I got to do the account stuff. That sucks. Yeah, we're kind of too old for that You have a second Vita. No, I gave it to Woollie. Woollie's got to play Persona 4 right away,
Starting point is 00:10:03 apparently. Which is why Pat just went and beat it, I guess. I haven't quite beaten it yet. I was going to play the regular one that I bought, but it was just like fuck it. Yeah, we'll go on that story a little bit. Freedom Wars, yeah. It's rare that you're looking forward to a game and a demo comes out and you play the demo and you do not feel disappointed at all. That's what I wanted to hear, feels great. The game is fantastic. I cannot wait for it to come out. So when, when is it coming out though? The 26th. No, when is it coming out though? Here. 2014. No, I feel like the last time I had that feeling was like the first Climax demo that came out. Yeah, I could believe that. That's quite a while back. And before that, probably DMC4. Really? Because the DMC4 demo's not.
Starting point is 00:10:52 No, I got a good feel for it. Yeah, me too. I got a good feel for that. I got a good feel out of the Bayo demo too. The Bayo demo was really strong. Yeah, Bayo for sure. Because the DMC4 demo, you were like, oh my god, thank god, it's not DMC2. Like, no, that was the DMC3 demo. Well, yes. But, but then years later, you're like, what if they just forgot? If they do it again. We don't know where this is going. The DMC3 demo was really bizarre because it was like 10 minutes, but it was just like, no, you didn't fuck it up. Then there's the opposite. You play an awesome demo. Like, I remember Resident Evil 5 having a great demo and I played it multiple times with people and then you actually play the game. It's like, oh, that was like one of the best parts of
Starting point is 00:11:33 the game. Yeah, those two alleyways. I guess. Yeah, but no, pretty much, good game. Looking forward to it. Might even have to import that because I'm a sucker for wanting it. Okay, if you import it, can I hold your thing and play with it a little bit? Can you watch over your shoulder? You can just like, just straight up play the demo one on like Monday whenever I see you next. Yay. Yeah. I play with your thing though. Yeah, I want to play with your thing. Use both hands. Yeah. I'm using tilt control. That's how you do it. Do some more. Cool. So, who else had a weak? I don't know. Not me. Did you have a weak mat? No, nobody? Okay, let's move on. Did a weak occur Yeah, a weak occurred, but you know, with all the E3 cool down, wasn't like, you know, I think all
Starting point is 00:12:17 of our weeks, except for Liam's are probably like whatever. But I watched two movies that I, like, we all wanted to watch The Wolf of Wall Street when it came out back in December. And we just never did. Nope. And I watched it and it was actually a little disappointing. It was because it was the same thing that reviews were kind of saying is like, wow, this thing is really indulgent. And you're saying good but too long. It was actually too long because it would be like, here's how rich and drunken high we are for an hour and then 10 minutes of a story and then, hey, no time for that story. It's written by the guy who's the main character. Yes, but it's not directed by the guy. I know, but it's like the core story is all about how I'm awesome
Starting point is 00:13:05 because I got it all over on you. In a book, you can do that all you want because it's a book. But when it's a movie and you're watching three hours of it, it gets a little tiring. Imagine you're hanging out with your friends and you're making the movie about you and your friends are all like, oh, you've got to put in the story about the time. Yeah, it doesn't actually like peer pressure directing. They could have taken 45 minutes out easily and had a better overall film. So you're saying Ridley Scott should have directed it. Do you know what? You know what? No, I'm not saying that. But I was telling Woolly this is that there's one scene that was so fucking amazing, which is try to do the most menial task ever with being your mind is completely fine
Starting point is 00:13:44 but your body is so high that you know that you're high but you can't do this menial task. Is that where he's like trying to get his daughter ready for school or something? No, no, no, no. It's just getting into his car. Yeah. And it takes him 10 minutes and it's hilarious. Does he then drive his car? Yes. Yes. Oh, shit. I wouldn't spoil it because there's a bit of thing to that. I also watched 300 Rise of the Empire. Oh, wow. Okay. And the first 10 minutes of that, the first 15 minutes of that, which my girlfriend saw because she was invited to Warner Brothers thing. That first 15 minutes is awesome. But because that's where Frank Miller's novel Xerxes stopped. Oh, and then they just made a movie with the most incompetent general I've
Starting point is 00:14:31 ever seen. It's the new guy. Yeah, yeah. Thermocles or whatever. And he's just like, you know what, this girl, this cool girl that you've seen, whatever, the Vesper and Casino Royale. Yeah, that's the actress, whatever. She plays the main bad guy and Xerxes is way, way still way in the back. Just going, yeah, yeah. And then he goes, I'm going to go on her ship because she's invited me to parlay. And then she's like, join me. And he goes, no, but let's have sex though. She goes, okay, well, I'm going to assume that this means you're joining me. And he's like, yep. And he has sex with her. And then he goes, still not joining you. And she gets really angry. And she says, leave. And he goes, ah, and he leaves and goes back to his troops. And they're like, what happened?
Starting point is 00:15:15 Like, she's really pissed. And she swatters all his men. And I was like, wow, what was that's dumb. Why? What was your plan? And then the movie ends with Cersei Lannister. Because now she's always Cersei Lannister. And she's like, let's fight. And there's slow motion fighting. And the credits just roll. There's no ending. The movie just stops. Oh, that's great. Yeah, during the fight. There's no ending. The movie just stops. They're literally fighting. And then it just says 300 and the credits roll. Yeah, no, that's perfect. It was like the movie wasn't terrible. It was just like, it was so boring. It went nowhere. But I would consider that incredibly awful. Like, I've heard stories. Again, like there's been articles written about how this is like,
Starting point is 00:16:02 the point where it's almost like Zack Snyder prime. It's not him directing. Yeah, no, he's no, but it's the feeling of his lines and everything that makes his movies awful. No, but all that, the let cheesy, but still fun dialogue and 300, none of that. It's just the most bland, like I will, we'll fight. That's interesting. Because you say it's like, it's not a terrible movie because at least like the visuals and the design, but I would consider your movie review of anything just like, were you sitting there bored out of your mind? Then that movie sucks. No, I just don't mean it wasn't incompetently. Yeah, I guess it was just incompetently written and directed. Well, that's, I would consider that the same thing. Like when
Starting point is 00:16:42 I heard like, there's a difference between UV bowl and like average. Yes, yes, yes. When I heard that they were making the second one and is like, okay, they're doing it based on the book that Frank wrote. And I was like, well, all right, you're going to have some direction there. And then I heard, Oh, but that's only a part of the story. And then they do their own thing. It's like, well, what the fuck? The actual origin story with Xerxes, I was like, yeah, yeah, this is cool. This is interesting. And then they just stop. Why even base a thing on the thing? Go read, or rather go play the money. Go play the PSP game for better experience. No, don't. You just want us to play that because your name's in it. I am sick of hearing you bitch about that
Starting point is 00:17:19 PSP 300 game. Well, you could always play the mobile game. That the good one, the good one. There's a good one with the felix. Exactly. Yeah. But you got to find an old phone. Yeah, exactly. Just really quickly, also played a bunch of super ultra dead rising three HD remix arcade edition, alpha plus EX, whatever. Well, in the trailer, they don't say that they just put it in there. They just show the dash. So I was telling you a bit about this. It's rough in the early going because all your your default characters are really like low level. But once you unlock one good character, you can then beast the rest of the levels to unlock everyone like Hagar and Ioki and stuff. So we all have their own moves and stuff. Yeah, you get Chun-Li. She
Starting point is 00:18:07 does Marvel versus Capcom Kiko show. She does like her like the finishing kick from her kick super third story kicks. She gets lightning legs. She gets spinning brick like it's when you get one of those real Capcom characters, they're really fun to use. And the last thing I did is that I went to the Montreal beer fest amidst a torrent of fucking rain, which is kind of a bummer because all that awesome food though was outside and I had a boar hot dog, which guess what tasted like a hot dog. Yeah. And I had a shit like I like this is my cheat day because I'm still on that paleo diet thing. So we had our cheat day. So I had like I'm not the biggest beer fan, but I had everything else. Like I had every cider, pear cider was fucking delicious. It is. It is pretty damn
Starting point is 00:18:58 good. And I had like a big cheese bread that we had cheese and bacon baked in the bread. Now you're I'm guessing you miss out on the kangaroo meat. I went by the kangaroo thing and I was like, you know what, it's about fucking time. Because did you know that 3000 people get punched by kangaroos a year? I'll believe that. It's fucking bullshit. And it's time that they're on the menu to come up. Yeah, no kangaroos, your free ride is over. It's illegal to punch them back. And that's why everyone in Australia is still criminals. No, I didn't have it. Boar was as exotic as I got. There's also that alligator brain you can eat. Yeah, that sounds good. But it was fun. And I had a good time. So yeah, cool. I think I had a week. I 100% sure. 100% sure. The movie did juicy.
Starting point is 00:19:50 I saw The Edge of Tomorrow. Yeah, I finally sat down and watched that. I thought you'd already seen it, Liam. You didn't get to see it. I missed it. I came out on the day before I left. Dude, it's fucking sick. And maybe the book is better. So you're probably not going to have the same reaction. Maybe. I don't know. I bought the book. I haven't read it yet. Yeah, no, it's really good. If you don't like Tom Cruise, because there's a lot of people that have that ask thing, it's like they have some fun with it by having him not play what you'd expect. Right out the gates. It's not the typical. Because he has killed the first like two minutes. Not necessarily. Not necessarily. Well, because he's just not an invincible action. He's not invincible action guy, you know, and
Starting point is 00:20:35 that's really important. He's not Ethan Hunt. That's cool. Yeah, no, you get to. Or Maverick. Billy just basically was, he saw it and he was like super excited, fucking doing backflips. And he's like, dude, you have to see this because like, it's video games. And I'm like, and I was like, okay, let me see what you're talking about. And I went to go see it. And I walked out going like, that is speedrunning in real life. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Okay. It's so fucking cool. It's a dark soul speedrun. Yeah, I can imagine. It's a dark soul speedrun. You die. Yes. Okay. I do this. Yeah, no. And it's that feeling of like fucking awesome progress, you know, and it just and there but with all kinds of other technicalities happening. Yeah. Yeah. And like, of course, it's an interesting
Starting point is 00:21:26 thing where death in movies is it's funny because you can explore it and get different reactions out of it. And in the same sort of gamut, you can get it being like, holy shit, that's horrible. Or this is a punchline. Yeah, you know, and it just it's a fun movie for those purposes as well. But yeah, yeah, no, absolutely go check it out. And, you know, again, I'd love to see the comparison between the source material. I'm going to read the book instead of the manga just because that's the pure source, I believe. Is there is there a manga? Yes, there was an adaptation was I know I read I read the book. Yeah, there's a manga adaptation. I don't know if it's been translated by anybody. I'm assuming it has it or if not it will super short anyway. Yeah, that's it. Um,
Starting point is 00:22:10 the Billy's reading it first. I threw it his way. He's rated over shoulder. Yeah, it didn't do well though. I just tomorrow. Oh, really? Well, I believe it for a cruise movie, at least. I mean, well, like cruise movies are weird. Is that like Mission Impossible, like Ghost Protocol, which is awesome, right? Yeah. And it fucking like it was the the highest thing in like December of the year. Yeah, but like, it's got him in it. But remember, yeah, exactly. When when this movie was announced, it was called All You Need Is Kill. And the only visual thing was his dumb photo. Remember people Photoshopped him looking like Mega Man? Yes. Because it was a dumb photo. It was really dumb. With the headgear. With that with no context, what kind of stupid? It was dumb.
Starting point is 00:22:52 It was dumb. So then they changed the name to Edge of Tomorrow, which is kind of a better name, but also kind of generic. So it's a better name for like America. For America. Exactly. Exactly. All You Need Is Kill is the kind of name we love because of its Japanese-ness. Yeah. Yeah. So it didn't do too well, but whatever. I just thought of this great quote that I heard last week, where it's like, you can hear the English language buckling under the Japanese-ness of this line. Yeah. That was that was a quote from the developer roundtable for Project Steam on 3DS. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Um, no other and other things that happened this week. I checked out the news, a new She-Hulk
Starting point is 00:23:38 comic that started this year from the edge 2014. And I don't know if you heard about it, Matt, at all. Nothing new about She-Hulk. I know. I don't know anything about She-Hulk other than she's a sassy lawyer. Yeah. And this is this is just a short run that started this year. And it's like her sassy lawyer adventures. And it's really fun. That's what I was really hoping. It's green different. I thought that's what it's always sort of been. Yes. But it depends on who's writing it. Yeah. Is it anyone I know? I don't think it's anyone you know. Um, but she teamed up with Howard the Duck. Not with Howard the Duck. About Birdman. But it's one of those things where it's like they spend more time like with her just in a bar after a case.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Yeah. Just doubting the drinks and like dealing with it. Then like, she's like, oh, and by the way, we can dress up and go do some superhero shit. And that's like one spread. That's a Sunday. And then you turn it and then you move back to the law, the law cases and shit. And it's a fun read, honestly. Um, it kind of. It's a lot to me. Yeah. You know, again, I'd recommend it to anybody who's just kind of curious about that stuff. And if you have like a cursory knowledge of Marvel universe characters and things like that, it also plays with it by like having the B-listers show up for a very nice thing. She defends them, right? Exactly. And like, she's looking at like a file right just in passing and there's a bunch of like headshots on it and fucking Shocker's face is
Starting point is 00:25:03 there. He's Robin Banks. Like it's super. That's all that fucker does. No, it's good times, man. Sexy Shocker. Hearing about that just makes me want like a law and order manga. Yeah. Like, with Jerry Orvac and Benjamin Bratt. Why won't Jerry notice me? And as just like manga detectives. I want to see, I want to see the law and order like written font and like Canada. Absolutely. I want to see a Phoenix Wright anime dubbed over with law and order dialogue and music. That's probably a lot of work. That's probably a lot of work. Or I could do it in a weekend. You could do it in a weekend. That's how good you wanted to be. I'll be excited for next week. If you wanted to be just dog shit awful, then yeah, you might want it to be dog shit.
Starting point is 00:25:55 As far as you could just take the Phoenix Wright movie and do it. Yeah, if you can do it with these Howard quotes, then I'm pretty sure in the honor there's no problem. I got a Twitter. I jumped on the fucking Twitter. He's like, I need tweets. Yep. Yep. So tweets are happening in my life. Send him horrible animal facts about the horrible nature of the nature. Yep. Yep. So. And don't forget to recommend games for Friday night fisticates. And crime time. Yep. And crime time. And I will retweet them. So what is the Twitter? It is woollywolves with his end. At woollywolves. At woollywolves. She is. And yeah, no, Plague started something. He's like, hey, welcome, welcome, woolly to Twitter with some horrible ass nature animal bullshit sex facts.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Yeah. You know, and I'm like reading these going, oh my God, I need, I need to retweet this. Share a choice. Yeah, lots more. I want to be smarter. So tune in if you want to get creeped the fuck out. That's what'll happen. And I guess the only other thing was, how about that fucking finale? Huh, Matt? Game of Thrones ended and we're obviously not going to go into the details for the people's, but when can we? We did want to kill or kill. I'll leave, but it's my house. So it's going to be a little weird. Not today. Not today. But I certainly think it would be nice to at some point do a nice Game of Thrones spoiler cast. I think it's due. And of course, you put it at the end of the podcast. Yeah, no, totally. So I'll just say that, you know, kind of overall was a little
Starting point is 00:27:24 disappointed. Some things were a little flat. Like I was like, Oh, that's it. Okay. Some things, obviously were awesome. But like, there's some of it. I was like, Oh, that's we're just ending it like that. That's fine, I guess. Okay, I'm trying to remember that shit does not happen because I'm watching it with the misses who read everything. She's like, this does not happen. Sure. Sure. Sure. Um, I like that, you know, once again, it's one of those things where that story has to get tighter. They're getting it more condensed. Things are, you know, getting more intense as they get smaller. And characters I like are doing things that I enjoy. Yeah, but what sucks is when characters that you like have to fight characters you like, you know, you know, there's no solution, except
Starting point is 00:28:10 once again, you know, and like, the show goes there. One of those things is that depending on how the show is going to be written, because where the where the where the show is ending and where the books are, it's the weakest part of the entire series. Like this is the thing where people start complaining like this is dog shit now fix it Martin. So one of the things that one of the characters that you like is like just not written about in the books ever just doesn't appear anymore. But they're fine. They just don't appear and no one knows why they're written like that. And then there's these other characters that these books focus on and they're not interesting at all. Yeah, that's what I'm told. And that becomes a weirder problem when you're dealing with an actor
Starting point is 00:28:55 that's like I don't give a fuck my character's not in the book anymore. Exactly. Well, well, that you can clearly see that that's happened over the last two seasons, especially was there's stuff that happened in the books that's like you're not supposed to see these this the camera shouldn't go here for a long time. But in the show they're like we can't just have the actor not show up ever. They're going to go do something else. Yeah, like didn't they go through three mountains? Yes, the mountain was three different actors. That's horrible. It's nuts. It doesn't really matter because when you like I haven't even noticed. I noticed because the first time he shows up, he looks a lot like his brother. Yeah, and then he proceeds to look less and less like him as it
Starting point is 00:29:34 goes on. It's intended. But yeah, but you know, like there's little weird things like that. The mountains appear so infrequently that I didn't notice. Honestly, I'm shocked that Game of Thrones hasn't had a bigger problem with that because like so much of the cast is like 85 year old men. Yeah, I can see that. The biggest bullshit one that I get super annoyed with is I forget his fucking name, but he's the guy that helps out Daenerys that showed up. No, no, no, he has long hair, the young guy. Oh, yeah, yeah, no, I know. So it's the one guy that anyone who's been following this between the last two seasons, he's they changed actors. And it's one of the most disappointing changes because you're like,
Starting point is 00:30:13 fuck, that first guy had so much swag and charisma and that's the character he's supposed to be. Although the new guy's still not bad. But he's not bad, but he's nowhere near what that original dude was. It's the price you're gonna have to pay when you're gonna make a series that's like gonna take 13, 14 years to make. Yeah, you're gonna start running into some problems like here's year 10, where in the in the fiction, it's year two. And Danny doesn't look like she's 16 anymore. She looks like she's 30. Braun looks like he's fucking 20 now. Yeah, I'm not even kidding. Like his voice like completely changed since the show started. So. But like at the same time, like George R. R. Martin was writing the books and he's taking those next one.
Starting point is 00:30:54 I know he's not. But we got to like relax sitting. Like he's not your bitch. Yeah, I would live. He's just sitting around and just sweating. But it's just the pressure around him. Like it's super it's a bummer how he's getting that pressure doesn't actually help. No, like everyone needs to just fucking relax and let him write. No, he's not writing for you. He's not doing it for you. Now watching the rise. Everyone's afraid he's gonna die and then not finish it. Whatever. It's like he's doing it as his own thing. And then if you like it a lot, that's cool. Let him create. No, right faster and right better too. How dare you make me happy. Do I think no, nobody wants a goddamn full metal alchemist situation. Okay, no one wants that. Nobody wants. No. But at the
Starting point is 00:31:42 same time, like by forcing him to go faster with it, it's gonna hurt the product. I don't care. I'd rather have like a product that's at like 80% because it was rushed than a product that's at 100% until you get to the last book. It's just not there. Because it's dead. It's as long as we understand. I'd rather have a bad ending than no ending. Yeah, I'd rather have a bad ending. Yeah, much is true. But then his son has to do it and his son sucks at it. Like that's like... Like Tolkien. I've hit that point with Berserk, where like there's a part of me that just like wants the new chapter to come out and then Guts went to Griffith and he was like, hey Griffith, I killed you. Well, and then Koska was fine. No, look, Vagabond went on
Starting point is 00:32:31 hiatus for a long ass time as well. And I mean, he had legitimate reasons too. Like he has... And look what that did to the franchise. Well, he's taking another break, but he's gonna continue. And he had like health things? All right. At some point. No, of course. If you need to take a break, you take a break. You only put out... We're gonna apply the video game fan project reasoning to all books and manga is don't talk about it until it's done. Yeah. Well, I guess the main thing with George RR is that like he has a blog where if he writes... I can see you writing, but he doesn't talk about Game of Thrones on it. And everyone just fucking... That was like that horrible point when me and you were like reading Kojima's Twitter and his blog and it was just like,
Starting point is 00:33:24 what's he gonna talk about? Metal Gear Solid 4 today. He had a good lunch and he loves his jacket. Jackets really come out. It's a great jacket. Yeah. No. Anyway, that's that's pretty much it though. You know, like let it be. Let it be. How about you, man? Did you have a week? Do. No. You didn't have a week. I watched E3 Streams and I read Gaff and I watched Star Trek. Okay. And you finished Persona 4 the Gold? No, I didn't. Well, what the hell? I thought I saw you say you did. No. You said you did on Gaff. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Is your shit being called out? No, it's being misinterpreted. Is the little your shit... Does it have a cell phone that's reading right now? How could you... I forget what the exact... The language. I put out a statement on Twitter saying
Starting point is 00:34:14 I beat some... Statement. I beat some boss or whatever. It's like I'm finally getting back to Gold and I'm diving in. And I beat one of the bosses that would be the end of the game. But isn't. Oh, okay. Sorry. Sorry. Yeah, I get what you're saying. But the way it was written on Gaff is like, oh, I thought you beat the game. Persona games. I beat the boss in December, which used to be the end of the game. But now, because I'm playing Gold and there's more left. So yeah, I caught up on Gold and I'm going to be rushing through it. But yeah, I watched E3. I watched Star Trek. So wait, hold on. You didn't beat P4G yet? I have not beaten P4G yet. Okay. I've been picking away at it for like a year and a half. Does the race begin? Because I'm about... Yeah, well, he's going to be doing
Starting point is 00:34:56 there's no way. I'm about to finish the answer. 180 hours from now. No, you have no chance. Okay. If you're actively playing it, then I have no chance. I could beat it by like tomorrow night. Okay. And even if I pick at it a couple hours, like, you have 100 something hours to get like, you beat P3 and 170. P4 is longer. Okay. All right. By the way, everyone, I gave Woolly my backup Vita, so he's going to be playing Persona for one hour. Yeah, I'm kind of about to delete your save file. Oh, have fun. Once I'm done, I won't care. Yeah, well, I'll delete it though. I'll feel, but I'm pretty bummed because like, not bummed, but like, I bought PSN, I bought FES and four at the same time. Yeah, you're like, I'm going to just do it. And then last week on the podcast,
Starting point is 00:35:42 I said, golden's way better. And I was like, ah, you can get by on the PS2 version. And then the two nights later, I just jumped on the messaging and you said, Hey, Pat, so what did they actually improve in? And I typed out, I don't know, like, it's like 30 paragraphs. Pat is typing was like for like, the analogy you used, is it like, like vanilla to ultra? Yeah. In terms of Super Street Fighter, it's like, no, yeah, it's like vanilla to AE. Yeah, which is still really significant. Yeah, you know, it's an enormous jump in content. And like, and yeah, and like the fact that those commas never stopped this. And you tried to start talking at one point, like, no, no, no, I'm done. I know there's like five more things that I forgot about. So it's insane. And I might as well do
Starting point is 00:36:33 that. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, definitely. So we'll see where that goes. All right, we'll talk about E3 now. We can talk about E3. But I thought we could perhaps open up on a segment. Oh, I'd like to call the segment. You be please. You be please. No, you be please. I posted about some of this stuff on Twitter. Ubisoft is hilarious lately. It's going really funny. It's going funny. I'm curious as to if you got all of the you be please this week. Yeah, I know. I know one specifically. Because there's two and I'm not sure which is more embarrassing. So to start with the older one, you've got the thing going on with Assassin's Creed Unity, where they're getting criticism because you are only playing as Arno four times and there's no female main character that you can play as.
Starting point is 00:37:26 It's not even for different people. That's what remember how I thought I'm like, look at them. They're dressed differently. They're different. Exactly. I thought it was four. Well, you can probably change what Arno looks like or something. Yeah, it turns out it's four of the the same guy. I didn't know about this part of the story. That's right. And they're saying like, that's why wouldn't there be like a female main character? There are something else along those lines. What's their response to this was that it would be too difficult because it would mean adding about eight thousand animations to the game. You need to do a whole new rigging for the animations and it would cost lots of money. Which is like ultra bullshit because Avalyn runs exactly
Starting point is 00:38:05 the same way as Connor. Let's go through the process that occurred over this. You're right. Jonathan Cooper, who worked on who was the animation director on AC3 and did some animation for Mass Effect as well. Guy who seemed to know about Assassin's Creed animation. He came out and basically said, that's not true. It wouldn't be too hard. In fact, most of the animation is androgynous. You just would change the lock cycle. The first thing that made you think it's like, why did the characters gate or its proportions? Like maybe a slow walk would be somewhat different. And that applies to Femme Chef. Yeah, absolutely. So that kind of like went out and exploded and went like, oh, Ubi, what do you think? Then you had indie developers coming out and saying,
Starting point is 00:38:49 I could do that in an afternoon. What is being understated though, I will say this, is that it is true that in a game like Mass Effect, where you are walking and shooting and stuff, it's way simpler to do something like that and it would be a little bit rough around the edges. As opposed to a game where you're doing wall climbing and parkour and stuff. Like the size of the character does really need some attention. I just realized, shouldn't they have tons of female data for all the seven different multiplayers that they've had? No, for sure. But it sounds like they're like, they're not just, they don't want to do like, we're going to grab our old thing and the pasted here type of thing. We saw that Unity does have
Starting point is 00:39:32 brand new animations and so they're really neat ones. And what it seems to be is that like, if you wanted to do a rough job of it, you could definitely just paste a model or just recycle animations in a way. It would probably come out looking not super smooth, but it would be doable. It wouldn't. It would just look like a man. What's the difference? The difference would be if the model's size were 100% the same. Make her the same size. No, that's what you'd do. You'd have her be as large. Just make her, just make her, no, just make her taller so that the arms and legs hit the same points. Like it could still be a female and just have like an athletic body. It would, it would, it would, it would, no, that's the thing is it wouldn't model as all you'd
Starting point is 00:40:17 really actually need to do. Like if the body type was the exact same size and yeah, they'd work. But let's be super clear. I don't believe for a second that's the primary reason you can't play as a chicken or a chicken. No, certainly not. And that's what's like, like whether or not this could be added in or done or whatever is like a thing where it's like, yeah, they could do it. Right? I think though that like the fact that it's not there, adding it in would be way shitty looking and or at least like, so it would be, it'd be shitty looking and it would be like, we're not throwing this in there like in a sort of sincere manner, just be like as a reaction. So the real thing, it would definitely be a reaction thing, but I don't think it'd be shitty looking.
Starting point is 00:41:01 If they used the exact same rigs and animations as the male character, like it would look just like, no, no, no, no. Well, he doesn't mean shitty looking visually. Well, he means like, it looks bad. It would look bad. Yes. Yeah. And I mean, and I think that like, it's more the story quote, unquote there, if anything is more just like, the decision was made to not have a cast of multiplayer people, you're just playing the same guy there. They probably could have done a different, a better job of with their choices there. But so trying to change it at this point, I say don't try to force in a change now because it's going to be it's not the point about, you know, it's not the point about changing it. It's,
Starting point is 00:41:47 it's the point is that one of two things is occurring here. Ubisoft comes out and says, oh, it'd be way too expensive to add a new character in. Let's remember that there are a million and there's the whole population of China is working on Assassin's Creed Unity. So right, right away that reeks of shit. Okay, so one of two things is happening. Either they don't want to put a chicken and they're just lying, or their pipeline for development is like so fucked up that it actually would cost tons of money. And that's, that's a point that Jim Sterling brought up on his recent position. They definitely should have just said, that's not our design. And that would have been that, right? The choice of answer is definitely what caused the shit
Starting point is 00:42:32 story. The deep cynic in me sees the following thing is happening. And the following thing is that it's both. It's that the marketing people and the people behind these kinds of decision hall marketing marketing says 90% of all our players are our guys. So let's make a dude character, right? Let's make it all dudes character, right? And then when it that decision is made. And then when it comes to the point where people are like, should we put a thing? They go, no, no, no, no. It's too late. It would cost too much money because of the way that the pipeline works between all the studios. But that's taking into account the fact that the girl character was specifically made sure not to get into pre-production. Because if it doesn't get into pre-production,
Starting point is 00:43:15 then it's never going to get into production. So both things just feed into one another. That's what I believe is happening. It's people saying it would never work. And then by the time that people actually want to change it, they go, well, look, it's too late now. Yeah, I definitely feel like it's a case of like, there was just never a girl or another guy on that design document ever that ever said like, shouldn't we when it came to multiplayer, it was always just like, play is your custom or no, or whatever he's called. No, that being said, though, I do think that like the whole two day, the two day fit, we can get it done overnight thing is like a bit of an oversimplification there. Because it would like, you could do it in two days in it. But the point
Starting point is 00:44:00 of that was a lot of indie developers were coming out and saying like, you could have easily done this if you would just made the rigging unisex. Like if you would, if this is the kind of thing where if you had planned for this kind of thing, it would have been fine. It would have been a trivial cost all around. What's going to be really fucked up is if like, I'm not sure if it was ever announced in E3 or not, but is there an actual like the same multiplayer suite as all the other sets? Because if it turns out, I don't think there is no benefit for some reason, it turns out it is and that's no that they came and they came out and said that we don't believe unity is a place for competitive multiplayer. Like all the last seven games were they said it's going to be co-op only.
Starting point is 00:44:41 That's definitely true though with the like basically the earlier in the process of decision, a design decision is made like infinitely cheaper from the get go to get that moving when the pipeline moves to that direction. They said straight up next as an apology, next time we're going to look into this stuff. Or possibly as DLC. Sure. And what that translates to probably is next time you'll play as a girl. Hopefully. That'd be nice. Well, it's certainly enough of a stink going on right now about it that like it's going to not hit the right ear. Now that's really embarrassing. But that being said, I want to point out that I think some people went a bit far where some of the questioning about like Rainbow Six Siege was a call. Yeah. Yeah. That's like calm. That was
Starting point is 00:45:30 really absurd. I think that then it was revealed one of the the people on the team is a woman. Well, the Sniper is a girl in the trailer. You can hear her. And also they promised and said there's other there's other hostages. Wait, wait, wait. Sorry. Sniper girl on your team is another player and that's a voice. Yeah. That's not that's not like another. That's Ubisoft like modern day. All our games are co-op. Listen to all these voices. Do you see her player model in the trailer or she was off camera? You know what? I didn't. I didn't. If it was a girl, then you're absolutely. But my impression, at least what I got from that was that the guy said this, the hostage's name, I think they said her name's Olivia or something like that. And they're like, there's she's one
Starting point is 00:46:13 hostage of different types in the game. But it seems like you can be male or female as a player or the hostage could be that or whatever. Honestly, I think it's crazier the way the hostage is treated as a meat flag more than any any gender representation. No, it's a rough time. But I mean, like matter who they are. But I still think it's just like, yeah, because they're getting tossed around and it's like all the bullets are flying. So whatever. But but that's not a controversy. That stuff. No, all that stuff is embarrassing. But for the the you know, player character choice and AC Unity, we're never going to know. We're never going to know exactly. Yeah. So it's hard to judge to our sleep other than it just being incompetent at levels. Unless unless they unless someone
Starting point is 00:46:55 hacks into the PC version and has a little like Arno fem toggle that you can switch to one and suddenly it's a girl. So now we're moving on to the second thing which I think is way more embarrassing. Well, it's way more embarrassing. It's the same level of embarrassment just in a complete now this is a different audience. Exactly. I mean, there's no like hand wave excusing. Oh, yeah, no, fair enough. Like there's no alternative path that you can look at this and go, maybe it was no, you fucked up. You know, so so here's what it is, is that in Watch Dogs for the PC, it turns out that a bunch of dudes through a really long complicated process, were able to hack it in a way where they found a line of code. Hack what in a way? Hack the the games code. Which games? Watch Dogs.
Starting point is 00:47:48 Yes, there we go. Sorry, you said you said Watch Dogs. I said it. What I didn't hear. Oh, yeah, sorry. I actually didn't hear. Yes. Watch Dogs PC code was hacked. And they found a line that specifically says E3 room on or off. Yep. And what that does is it turns the build and all its visuals into the pre downgrade version of Watch Dogs into what we saw when they did. So there's there's probably a lot of listeners who saw a comparison video between GTA 4 on the PC and Watch Dogs and it compared stuff like headlights and some kinds of car physics. And the most hilarious one was like a fire hydrant that just the water just soothes through the car and shit like that. And just all the effects in Watch Dogs back in the E3 version. And you toggle
Starting point is 00:48:36 this on and not only does the amazing old looking version of Watch Dogs come back but the performance increases as well. Like in some cases dramatically stuttering pretty much goes away and the performance goes up by a significant percentage. Now my now my like former industry insider like kind of brain immediately goes to the place where I think there's a reason there's something that they encountered. Yes there's some reason. They encountered something that was horribly horribly game breaking. You know what I think that was? I think that something was the new consoles not being able to run the PC version of Watch Dogs. Yeah no I assume it's something like maybe Ubisoft themselves or maybe by pressure of Sony or Microsoft or like yeah we know uh make sure that they uh.
Starting point is 00:49:26 I don't I don't know about that because Ubisoft has this thing where they'll build their game on PC to make it look nice but then they'll then actually build it on console and then put it on the PC. Okay so you know what I mean? Yeah I do I would do it. So what you think is happening is you think that the PC version would be fine as is but they dropped it back to not embarrass the consoles. No it was going to be fine as is and then they made the console versions and then they ported the console version of PC with that stuff still in it. Okay you know what I mean? Ubisoft ports the console versions to PC unless it's there's one of their studios actually does it good. The people who did Far Cry 3. Yeah. Like they actually do a good job
Starting point is 00:50:13 and that's why buying PC games from Ubisoft sucks shit because you never know what you're going to get. You can get a fucking. They're also delayed by stuff. You can get a fucking mess like Assassin's Creed 3 or you can get like Far Cry 3 and nobody knows and Watch Dogs's PC version is fucked up. Like it's it's the performance sucks and it's just kind of uh. Well what I'd like to see is after some time because this is hot news by the way. This is about yesterday you know. Right off the brink. Yeah I would like to see like if anyone encounters anything awful by leaving it on and going through the entire game because I like like I said I know that that could be the reason the console port right but I can't help but feel they turned it
Starting point is 00:50:54 off because holy shit some kind of progression blocker or or or maybe because they could have tested for that. Maybe you wouldn't you wouldn't fix a progression blocker with like a myriad of graphical it's a graphical option. Don't you do that. But I mean it like it would be like if Capcom lets you uncap a frame rate on Dead Rising through PC at your own glitchy wrist. Yes. No. Not the kind of progression blocker that's like a fail in terms of a mission or something like that but like maybe a memory leak that happens over time. I would imagine it would be a memory leak either but I would imagine something like just the performance was all over the place and they just had to come out at the same time. Yes it did. Then why they just delay it and fix it.
Starting point is 00:51:38 But no. Had to come out on the same day so they could fix the the four million. Also we watch dogs. We you watch dogs is already a thing you know what I mean. Why add to that. I feel like Ubisoft just did that shit thing that it always does where it's like oh well let's make it on parody with console. Yeah maybe maybe. Why spend the time on a version that like compared to the other versions very few people are going to play. And because you should you asshole. We're probably going to see some kind of response. Right. I think that they're going to say something. I hope so. That's why I said that Ubisoft might be doing them themselves and might get pressure because Ubisoft is I mean watch dogs is that big next gen thing everyone's all psyched about.
Starting point is 00:52:20 And I kind of think it was like well this needs to be a console driver got to drive those consoles. Microsoft is documented as having done a lot of pressuring tactics like that before so I mean I could believe it but I mean it all fairness. It's also a Ubisoft best interest to keep the console version good because the majority. I bet it seems so extreme though to just have like good version of game on or off and you're like we're going to release it off. You're right. Honestly something else. No. No there doesn't. All that has to be there is they said we're going to move towards this spec which is the the PS4 Xbox one spec and for the 316 PS3 it's going to be toned down and run like shit and for the PC you'll be able to turn up the
Starting point is 00:53:08 resolution and frame rate and that's the spec we're going for. It's the thing it's the thing that PC people bitch about all the time. It's like why didn't you spend any time on the PC version. All you gave us was the console version with like up like you know higher resolution and higher frame rate but this is a case in which everyone saw the version right they could have made. Okay so then what is the mentality then towards not allowing people to turn that on or off for example as a as a main setting because then they got a problem and they didn't test it but but no but what I mean is what I mean is like if the PC version happens to come out and just looks way better than the console ones like is that hurting watchdogs as a product or is that hurting the
Starting point is 00:53:53 console only. No it might hurt watchdogs. No this happens all the time where the PC versions come out late and they look way better. Yes Liam you're right and that's why I'm so confused. That's why I say Ubisoft is let's push console sales. We don't want make to be people know that there's this magical much better looking version. We want to push the ps4 xbox one versions because our game was heralded as the start of next gen. I get that but I'm like and I can see that in in some ways but when it's like let's kneecap our fucking own product that doesn't make sense to me like we're still selling the product hold on hold on why would we be okay with it. Imagine you're making this really nice thing and there exists a much nicer version you could make but you'd need to
Starting point is 00:54:41 split the work between those two. Well the nicer one's done it's there. No because those are effects those are things that are just in there and they will apply to the rest of the game. Yeah so they probably just want parity because it's it's the kind of thing where if the pc version looks so much better then that means that the console versions look worse. Okay but what Liam just said though is like you like you agree Liam there are games that come out on pc that look way better afterwards. Yeah they should. No definitely but but my point is rather that like they look better but they are consistent there's no new effects just like the resolution and frame rate are way jacked up and so it's it looks exactly the same it's just a lot prettier and consistency is definitely something
Starting point is 00:55:28 you want for your marketability and having a version of watchdogs that actually looks different not just the frame rate and resolution. It has like more wind effects. If you're a publisher and you see a bunch of articles come out on Digital Foundry or whatever and there's one there's this article Watchdogs is out today on these like three major platforms just not discounting PS3 and 360 and it says this version is way better. Like Ubisoft doesn't want that to happen they want all of them to be the same. Everyone buy any of these. There's a recent example which Willie you have more experience with and it's Dark Souls 2. It is widely believed that Dark Souls 2 doesn't look like its original reveal because the PS3 and 360 just would die. It could not keep a solid frame rate.
Starting point is 00:56:17 So they downgraded the lighting, they downgraded the textures, they downgraded some of the things. It's a way huge downgrade than watchdogs and then you get to the PC version and the PC version just runs at a better frame rate and a higher resolution and in that case some of those things would actually change the gameplay because the way with the torch stuff will work. Well certainly with the torches in that in certainly in that case yeah but I'm like when we're but when your reasons are all just like because we need to win the battle of the mind on like parody between I think it's much simpler than I kind of look at it and like I think it is so much simpler than I have to imagine there there's something like tangible. I think it's like this version of the game. This is the
Starting point is 00:57:01 version and there's all these extra things that we made but those aren't part of watchdogs now and remember that no like like marketing like parody across skews and such is an extremely important thing to marketing you don't ever want someone looking at a screen of watchdogs and saying where can I get this you want someone looking at a screen and saying oh I can buy watchdogs like Tomb Raider Tomb Raider for PC has Tress FX on it none of the other console versions do yeah and Tress FX runs like fucking shit and when it came out the Tress FX in it worked like fucking shit but it when it's but but running properly which I've seen it running properly it looks pretty good yeah but Tress FX so like it's something that they were pushing for AMD's
Starting point is 00:57:49 cards yes that's a different thing all together but again Tomb Raider was not this big huge new launching start a new brand I get I get the business angle you're taking but that's why I think that's the actual but I again I get that but I just disagree because I think it's like it still is gimping your product for reasons that like like if it's just as vague as we want them pushed this way I'm like I'm having a hard time grasping I don't necessarily we need more data I don't necessarily agree with the reasoning that Matt's using but there is one thing that he's dead on about Ubisoft is extremely willing to gimp their PC products Assassin's Creed games come out they are advertised as being day-in-day with the console versions and then like two three weeks
Starting point is 00:58:35 every single fucking time they delay it for a month so that you buy it on console instead of PC and do you see a performance like issues when it does come out yes enormous performance problems with most of their games all right if there's a history don't don't buy Ubisoft games on PC because they fucking suck if there's if there's a history of this then uh yeah perhaps perhaps you know I definitely would want to like see the the fallout of this or maybe we're missing it right now as we're talking I forget who it was yeah but I think it was for Assassin's Creed 3 where there was a journalist asking a Ubisoft guy it's like so when are you guys gonna delay the PC version by month he's like we're not gonna we're not gonna delay the PC version it's like you're on record
Starting point is 00:59:16 you're not gonna delay it by a month right before like no and then of course I will think delayed it by month I mean he's there he's there saying we're not gonna delay it pressing the delay button I mean ultimately if it does just end up being as as discussed here where it's just like there's no real good reason for this except we wanted it to look like weird business things or parody weird business things nothing technical was stopping it like I'm gonna really really be guess what guess what there's gonna be weird little bugs that people are gonna find there's gonna be nothing game breaking and if there are game breaking things the community will fix them right which means that the devs could fix them right so there's no way out of this that
Starting point is 01:00:01 this isn't just like a disgusting embarrassment unless it's technical like I said unless it's technical right well I think I think it probably also just came down to like optimization where probably if you look at a lot of these effects they're just super heavy yeah so let's let's move on just like hey we can make that explosion a lot lighter so and then it also happened to look like shit but please I'm not sure um there's one more ubi please that I just thought I'm not sure you saw but it was ubi just saying we have a fully completed wii u game and we're not going to release it okay hold on wait oh back up back up that's bad what are you guys gonna hear about this what's what's the deal ubi ubi said you know what we're gonna wait for the wii u to sell more
Starting point is 01:00:46 units but we have a fully completed wii u game and we're only gonna release it until more units well do you know how you sell more units putting out more fucking games to play on the system so they didn't say what type this was like from no no it would be stupid to say what type of game it was they didn't say what type of game it was but they're like it's not like downloadable no a fully like retail game it's sitting there that that being said I I highly doubt anything ubi soft has sitting there is a killer app no if they're willing to let it sit there I think zombie in the circumstance like this specific wii u circumstance they are super right about waiting but they should have never talked they should never have said it because that that makes you sound like you don't know what you're
Starting point is 01:01:33 doing why then why did you know what in this case they actually what did this come out like a few days ago like last week right right in the mix in the mix of the new store wow ubi wow imagine they said that about anything we have a game across all platforms and we decided not to to release it and like why uh market share mark they do have a good they do have a good reason for the week let's wait to see if that being said I wish they would release it but they do have a good reason like um they're gonna sell zero units but we gotta move on there's too much yeah no no absolutely that's that's ubi please okay um so one the original leet uh beast souls trailer that we saw was actually last year's tgs trailer it was yeah and and that was from an old build it seems
Starting point is 01:02:22 just that way it looks old compared to the leaked gameplay now that thing uh popped up in full and i linked to it here you can check that out project beast souls nice fully and truly yeah that's what i wanted to see yeah gameplay that's what everyone wants lots of gameplay yeah uh there was there was a tiny snippet of gameplay that came out off the show floor and it looks way better like it's very clear that they they they put on a more tiny snippet than because they were you were not supposed to record so you got yeah so you got that one of our camera as dark as we went to e3 it's like no one can see it no one is allowed to see it so the tiny snippet comes from a segment that was being done on sony's stream where they cut to footage of a guy in the please don't record boom plain blood
Starting point is 01:03:07 yeah like recording it and then they cut away like super fast because someone realized oh we're not supposed to show that and it's just it's like it wouldn't be as big of a deal if we just got some gameplay but yeah yeah i thought that was one of the things i hate about it there's so much that you just weren't allowed behind closed doors and also you can't talk about it and not behind closed doors it was booths that you're just weren't allowed and you could see the booth you weren't allowed in the booth yeah it's it's like i remember it reminds me of when we went up to that fucking minky castle of illusion bullshit and they had like a row of like 16 no eight it was eight it was eight like screams playing the game and you know huge lineup with a little booth section
Starting point is 01:03:48 the guys said no don't record this i'm like you were you were showing it the fuck off to everyone you don't think i could write down in a preview this game has a shit frame rate yeah no please get excited via word of mouth yes it reminds me of like fantasia festival 2010 we're like oh i want to go try this new canan lynch thing you can't play canan lynch you're not a journalist oh but i wanted to play canan lynch and then everyone heard about canan lynch it was said no one but sure yeah no uh yeah that's that's strange stuff but uh well we we saw that little like clip of him like running up to the these monster dudes that were clothed yeah yeah yeah so so probably the most interesting well it's a disease is yeah it blood in the stem so yeah like straight yeah so probably the most
Starting point is 01:04:36 interesting thing about that leaked trailer is that's like that that has a lot of gameplay details in it that are not supposed to get out because they're probably part of the media drip over long period of time multiplayer also get ready for all those effects to be then taken out of no no the the version that exists now it's usually way way better multiplayer details popped up i was gonna say why would that even happen it's a single platform sounds like sounds like you're not going to be able to have a fully customizable character yeah sounds like you sounds like your character will be customizable but who knows right like i think you'll probably end up being like a guy that you can get weapons you will close very very likely be able to be a chick in in this game
Starting point is 01:05:20 there's no from software souls game in which you cannot also be a female character dead in the coffin yeah yeah like and even in demon it's made by Miyazaki and in demon souls and dark souls you can you could be male female like every body type possible every weird mutant face you couldn't create and in demon souls he actually went so far as to make armor sets that were exclusive to one gender or another but that's gone now because fuck that that's terrible i mean yeah for all intents and purposes it's basically a souls game so yeah it's a blood game blood is the new suffix but it's just souls like whatever you know i just i think so everyone's just hungry to see a gameplay of the car so nintendo kicked the shit out of v3 though they beat the the electronic
Starting point is 01:06:04 three yeah they did um i mean that like that's a trunk in itself you know what i mean so i just wanted to get some other stuff out of the way first yeah but i've been bubbling to talk about this all week and i think in so is that i think some of you know and so are you lily but i mean like well there's a lot so yeah okay let's cover the other side for myself because i'm sure you don't they're not interested i'll put my bowler away but uh i wrote it on twitter and i was like i'm really disappointed there was like nothing of d4 and people are like oh no it was there and then i said oh there it is and i searched on youtube d4 e3 last week and like 158th second trailer was there yeah and that was it yeah there was i'm really pissed off hey at least there was that
Starting point is 01:06:47 freedom wars god there was some weird shit like there's there's an official um guilty gear exert trailer which is just the arcade opening there's uh the the p4 ultimax trailer is like the same one that was the japanese reveal trailer like a year ago like it's a lot of japanese what's what's weird about that like it's like axis hasn't officially released it of course they got a release it eventually just because you've seen it before is this d4 hype train like an ironic hype no no no no it's a real hype train swear it is the new kenji you call those things that like two men have to like you pump down the train tracks on it's not a train but it's like one of those that that is an apt description i yeah that's what it is it's not a train hype wagon it's one of
Starting point is 01:07:36 those well the reason why is like you're you're not like into daily condition that's fine but your real worry is like okay he's making this game officially for microsoft and you're like i don't know or so connect then when i watched like 12 minutes of footage that came out last year and it's like the exact same weird dialogue and the exact same weird animations that is like the charm of the game and like i see it again and i realize that we're getting the same thing again and it gets me so excited and the fact that if it's a connect game that you can actually play sitting down like that i could actually play with a mic next to me and get like you know my voice or whatever that also makes me sad but he also announced there's gonna be full controls i was
Starting point is 01:08:17 just about to say plus for people like me that are literally never going to plug the connect in ever when i do get an xbox one it's not over there there's no xbox one then i can just say buy connect and play d4 to my heart's content and just revel in that shit dialogue and bad storytelling yeah speaking of um like roll around in it speaking of weird dialogue and weird animations but in a charming way in a charming way uh how bumming was it to find out that let it die was the kill of the body of lily bergamot yeah that i'm i'm so i'm so sad that lily bergamot super depressing that was a sure repa to my nuts because i was like let it die whatever you heard me like let's see what he can
Starting point is 01:09:03 do with an rpg thing we don't know enough about this and then it's like no wait this was built on the ashes of this other project and furthermore well no it's it's the same game yes it's the same right but but what they said is the the way it's phrased is that lily bergamot could be was canceled and turned into this right yes exactly no no like like i'm looking i'm looking to the article so you can really figure it out but it sounds like uh when we had the interview he said we had to do some soul searching internally yeah and decide what kind of studio we want it to be and one of the results of that process was turning the game you know why that's so worrying because that screams to me like oh you mean the free-to-play company that bought you wants you to start making free-to-play games
Starting point is 01:09:47 and said hey you're cool anime looking weird like if that that lily bergamot trade we don't know what it was gonna be no we don't we yes lily bergamot was gonna be there we will but it looks so less interesting now to me yeah let it die it's the same game like visually yeah i still think it looks fine i quote unquote the visual of like half naked dead men fighting each other for their clothing i think is actually really super fun yeah it's like it's the quote-unquote same game it's just had a complete art style and tone yeah yeah and and to me because if you think i don't like how pressing because i really thought lily bergamot's art thing looked really i loved it and that's like that looks as guilty and let's be real like that's the only thing we can talk about is that art style
Starting point is 01:10:33 yeah because nothing else we can say so the gameplay being the deadness of being the exact same or not like we'll never know never we'll never know if this had to happen at least they they did it in a way that like i couldn't actually see what it was going yeah like with it's i i i gotta say i'm also happy that they let us know that that was the case as opposed to lily bergamot never interesting hey where's lily bergamot it's gonna be a pack-in for last guardian man what a weird trailer what a weird trailer it's a show game looks like i i'm still gonna try the game of course yeah i mean hopefully all it costs me is time hopefully like it'll be like okami or something where you can just go into the options and unlock that filter i don't think that's
Starting point is 01:11:16 to play the game looking like that i don't think that's going to be the case because okami was originally not self-shaded yeah i know and it looked just as gorgeous i don't know uh no that's not yeah it was good you want to see the ultimate thank god they changed the art style go look up some old borderlands trailers right yeah i thought you were gonna say team 42 but yeah when borderlands was like a gritty like like first person shooter in the modern military time i was like that looked like the worst garbage ever uh the first the first link was not self-shaded he was smoother he's smooth the color yeah he looked creepy the first one yeah um anyway also hot off the presses ono quits capcom vancouver yeah no one knew that he was even part of i also did not yeah no he got
Starting point is 01:12:02 promoted and was over there uh for a while to just working on whatever they were working on they wanted a japanese guy over there um i read i didn't when i hit the red that headline i initially got super worried because we don't know we don't know if he's leaving the company or not like no he's got a teammate right i i read that headline as street fighter five is now into maybe and it's using pay to win no it is not he also tweeted about not well see that's an interesting deal with that that's he tweeted and said that's not true okay so so who's reported that oh wait that was a translation hold on i'm gonna back it up because the people don't know what the fuck we're talking about sure all right okay so capcom c o o financial dude business man talked to a newspaper and said
Starting point is 01:12:50 we are looking at street fighter five and using like pay for advantage uh system according to the translate show that so that weaker players don't get instantly destroyed when they go online i don't know the translation with the context seems like it would be very difficult to misinterpret yeah i mean considering he talks about players going online and getting blown up instantly and how they love what they get that guy got body we need to change that so event hubs reported on that and then everyone started to go nuts included and then ono came out so fucking no we're not gonna put pay to win shit in street fighter five and of course what why that's weird and why everyone went whoo like no worries it's like ono's underneath the guy that said that yeah like
Starting point is 01:13:38 that's not ono's decision like the ceo c o o can tell ono no fuck you you're putting it in he could honestly i wouldn't even carry their way because i just play offline like if you're not playing local and there you go there you go but no um um you're right ono's into the guy and ono is known for being a shit disturber yeah and making the higher ups like like up say no because they can't control what he says or does yeah but these shitty fathers that cluck their tongues stroke there appears and ask what's to be done with this yoshi norio no you know uh he's known for that but i'm gonna take him saying that very cleanly and very clearly as like a over my dead body at the very least if they try over my dead body capcom execs always having a strong
Starting point is 01:14:31 i'd be shocked i'm never doing what one of the other creative guy said was pat me just talked about mccounty saying today i'm going to cut my head off if resinal four is ported to my ps2 i will cut my head off with a chainsaw yes if resident evil four becomes a ps2 game no and before barry four even fucking came out on the game cube it was announced to be in development for the ps2 like like and mccounty fucking flanks yeah yeah comedic chompy's a chomp and didn't cut his head off with a chao comedic jump cut to ono flying out up a business window just dead yeah as that decision happens like i trust me i get that but we know for sure that like they he's against it he's against definitely not the only one you know what i mean that's one of those things where it's like
Starting point is 01:15:21 oh maybe we can try this business business business no and then fucking everybody that's they they can't have not seen the negative repercussion that's the that's the kind of thing no way like it feels like all the the heads of the team like the five six people that are in charge like sit down businessman and say look dude we get it this thing will fucking bomb if you do this and i like the idea of ono in particular being the guy that like spearheaded all that cross tech and stuff yeah being like i've been there okay i know so i went through that so so what if that was all ono's plan yeah yeah what if he knew the cross tech was gonna be garbage so he's like i'm gonna tie this pain to win shit to this dead horse and then kick it off into the
Starting point is 01:16:13 ocean and then when they try and make me put that stuff in street fighter i mean like look at this ono's just sneaking into the office editing attack data 30 69 30 60 i don't think any game designer has that much foresight go fuck man that's some pretty mad as shit like i can only to paint yourself as corporate fall man and then actually be corporate sneak man like that we saw ono and herata like yucking it up at e3 and nothing nothing capcom in general like could not have shown up at e3 and it wouldn't really matter minus the dead right there was a lot of weird shit like that came out that day companies that showed up and then showed nothing yeah there was that weird kerfuffle about uh what was it attack and not a deep silver like implying to journalists
Starting point is 01:17:12 that saint's row would be there and then tricking them into getting appointments for dead island too which looked like shit fucking yo seth killian was walking around just being seth killian well that's because associated with no one or nothing there's a lot of this this he had like a lot of weird goofy shit like that it was bizarre oh no liam just left us oh i could hear liam go away and let's try to catch him uh we got you back we're back liam we found you we saved you from the grudge he came he fell into the inner tubes yeah there's too many cell phones in japan so the 3g network tubes are clogged in the air i can see them right now oh you know how you unclog those tubes do you destroy all the cell phones in japan yeah thus saving the games industry i was going
Starting point is 01:18:00 for like a creepy sex joke but i don't know you would okay how about this you collect all the tears that you're gonna have when i read this next article to you oh fuck you or fuck you or not read the article read it just quite simple last guardian they asked about it yeah and the statement was well we promise we'll tell you if we cancel it yeah that's nice of them it's very kind of them yeah it's still there but hey that's the like you know that's we got nothing else to tell you right now like now it's getting embarrassing like it really is well this is you know it's getting embarrassing yeah but like duke nukem you can make jokes about it because it's duke fucking nukem right whereas this is supposed to be like an industry mover and shaker that's why it's embarrassing
Starting point is 01:18:47 but like it's embarrassing but when it does actually come back it'll be like oh no it's amazing so or probably it could be cancelled i think it could go other ways i think the timing of this no show is the worst ever yeah because with the ign kerfuffle about it's fucking cancelled no it's not but then it doesn't show up then it doesn't show up so it's like i do like that right yeah it was like i'm really saddened by this cancellation thing because it comes out of nowhere and like we don't know what you're talking about so because it just it kind of makes you wonder it's like are we gonna see a two human style skip two generations come back for the third it already skipped one yeah i know that's what i mean it might only see a show at tgs in the first place anyway so two
Starting point is 01:19:33 human actually skipped three generations two human was in 64 no no psx ps1 psx two human was being then game cube then 360 two human was being touted as a as a four disc ps1 game yeah my fucking world is shattered a whole new level of like what yeah i thought it was an n64 it was after it was transferred from a ps1 game the longest place it stayed was the game cube like yeah that's where you see it all and it probably should have stayed there probably shouldn't stay there we've been more impressive uh boy okay well um tears yeah unless they're working on getting it like morpheus exclusive or something like that no one says anyway um you play as toriko speaking of which a nice fan uh linked me on my twitter about uh the last time
Starting point is 01:20:26 they did mention that ps3 game uh until dawn that yeah yeah saying that they're probably it was no was it yoshida that said something he was like so no we're showing bro shea bro shea bro shea said uh hey what about until dawn they're like they're still developing it that's not you know don't worry it's not cancer or anything you know that'd be a really good fit for the morpheus and he goes you know what that would be an excellent fit for the morpheus and then like i'm like you know what you yeah yeah that's somewhat telling yeah yeah i like that yeah so um yeah yeah yeah nintendo uh lots of shit going on with nintendo obviously let's start with the bed they fucking killed it not not what i'm talking about well did we have any predictions or well first of all i'm
Starting point is 01:21:12 happy that they finally announced their first ds virtual console on the wii u game which is bring it a while ago isn't it but that's our that's actually already out in japan also okay well it came out like weeks ago yeah and i really really hope that we start seeing a bunch of them you're not oh yeah i hope so but you know why not you don't even have n64 games on the wii yet no i i hope we'll see a bunch actually like it's it is completely impossible for me to have any form of excitement over the virtual console after it took years and years and years to get a half decent library on the wii and they started the fuck over on the wii i i wish they had never no they really shouldn't have done that that's true that's definitely like guess what i get to wait eight months for a game that
Starting point is 01:21:58 but at the same time at the same time i never would have expected n64 games do you want star thoughts do you want star gore you need a better version you have on your 3ds i want to play it on my screen it's on the we channel just go buy it on your behalf you can just go on the we channel and then just buy it i just never would have expected them to port like ds things to the wii you like i am i am i insane why are you all yelling at me that like just buy the because because your answer is right there and you're used to do it i own the wii version i want the game that i own to be playable and let star fox so much you should buy it again i would if it was out but you can i'm honestly happier they're doing ds than n64 because there
Starting point is 01:22:44 are more better games on that's true and we will take eight to ten years to see five of them so that's cool the uh some of the stuff that popped on to the treehouse stream after the nintendo there were some good stuff went down was really interesting um in particular they had that big extended xeno blade chronicles 30 minute playthrough bayonetta too yeah uh yeah well that that was oh wait hold on hold on used i was okay black we got to start in a place xeno blade chronicles had a big extended gameplay it's like an hour it was really long and it was really cool because like it totally was what i said at the time which was um you're probably only going to get your mech way later into the game may the thing or at the very least like maybe 10 hours in yeah
Starting point is 01:23:42 but you gotta earn it yeah you know i like that that's cool um it seems like there's a lot going on without it anyways it's another xeno blade game sure looks good um we fucking matt and i freaked the fuck out watching that extended gameplay of hyrule warriors when he goes breaks the wall open goes and sees the ocarina of time fairy um it heard exactly great great fairy great great fairy and then she summons yeah and she she's just like dad doing the naked thing whatever and then she summons the majora's mask moon to knock the dragon back down like that was a summons oh my god it's so fucking high like it's it's got the stuff that makes me go hopefully it plays okay and if it's by the good team like liam says i'm thinking it's probably gonna play i i i i
Starting point is 01:24:30 pre-ordered it off amazon i'm only gonna do it this one a shot good deal i agree i finally agree with liam's logic that if there's gonna be the one good one to try it it's probably the one that nintendo's helping them make you know like he pulls out like link has the fire staff as like the equipped weapon for the mission we saw is secondary and the fire staff turns into a zway hander yeah it's like wait what's going on here like the weapon equipment is like gonna be a totally other way but guys that game is a canon though no it's a celebration because when mean will start watching that bit of the tree house and really okay there's no like before that that there's been a punching majora's moon yeah well basically well no it's minna asking the great fairy from
Starting point is 01:25:14 ocarina of time to use the majora's moon to hit something from skyward sore yeah yeah yeah no from twilight princess yeah the agraroc uh yeah it's fucking great and then the goblins in each stage look like the goblins from from that game yeah uh mobiles rather yeah um yeah man looks good stuff going on there looks great uh we've got to see uh miyamoto's three experimental titles boy are they experimental and early uh well i'll tell you what like you see one of them sure i i get i get the sentiment that those two like the mech one of the security ones are just chunks of the star fox game may i think i think that they're gonna be some sort of compilation uh well the well liam's right because that's what miyamoto said he's someone asked him like these
Starting point is 01:26:02 other not the robot game but they're like the the we noticed that in the security guard game that when you just heard some of the robots they have a star fox insignia on them and he goes oh yes that's just something that we're you know like put in as a little thing but we're just fiddling with this we're making a star fox game i'm definitely thinking that maybe you'll see this pop up in a star fox game and something that we did that i'm not sure if we caught in a star fox thing is that when he's talking more about that like at first i read about the star fox game and it seemed like it's a remake yeah and it looked like it then they're like oh that's just our test area like there's gonna be you're gonna pilot a mech in the game okay and you're gonna be hanging a mech
Starting point is 01:26:43 out of your r-wing and you'll be controlling the mech's first person view and then you'll dislodge from the r-wing and then it's all this crazy stuff it couldn't possibly be like a remake of part one because no not now because we see him doing a 180 at the edge of an arena yeah which only got introduced in two yeah well i mean because it was i mean regardless miyamoto says new star fox fully undeveloped it's also gonna be the year of star fox yeah sure which well i'm gonna take that to be like i'm gonna take that to be a colloquialism and not a literal statement like i don't expect a year of luigi branding for star fox but i can't wait for new star fox is better than luigi no yeah yeah it is i like i like um that i like the mech game
Starting point is 01:27:26 it looks like a sumo fucking the sumo game going on and it it looked like it's a lot of fun to play i'd love to get my hands on that um they also showed off um yes i haven't actually sat down and watched that oh my god oh my god are you serious yeah because i couldn't find because i want to describe the bits in the demo that blew my great out so they showed off uh the demo was the first battle with the lumen sage rival character yeah and it showed off the bit in the demo in which you are dueling and your demons are in the background dueling alongside you and they're explaining that the fight between madame butterfly and like temperance which is the big punchy angel yeah is determined by what you are doing in the
Starting point is 01:28:15 foreground duel yeah so if you aren't if you are knocking the the sage out of his attack animations then madame butterfly is knocking the angel out of his attacks that would hit in the background okay and it goes from ground and then it goes to a flying battle and it's just yeah stupidly gigantic and then they showed off the sequence in which bayonetta is piloting lagoon oh yeah you gotta watch this shit it's okay so it's baomeca is the the the colloquialism and it is a umbra witch mech that is designed along the same proportions as lagoon it's so just confirmed to the nth degree that kamiya watches the stuff that we watch and it's well let's let's not say kamiya because he's not the main guy no he's not yeah yeah that's
Starting point is 01:29:08 sir whatever whoever whoever everyone at platinum platinum digs girdle again for sure for sure it not just me it doesn't have a face but it looks like the body looks like like it's short and fat like because and and the moveset is the same as bayonetta it controls the same like again it fucking jerkinga doesn't set it in you know what i mean i don't know yeah it's it's i have a question like do we know what the online thing is is it oh yes it's the actual it's co-op no but is it the full game it's not the full game okay it's it's it's it's challenges they said this last year at it's cooperative challenges and what you do is you wager halos yeah yeah yeah and whoever gets a better ranking at the end you can use to buy the then use to buy stuff for like the single player
Starting point is 01:29:57 it's single player catch it yeah so so say do you guys remember the footage from last year's e3 demo where you're fighting on the plane yeah i was there yeah okay well that section is the section they were showing off that has the co-op and it would be you and jen or you and veyo and you would be fighting cooperatively and whoever manages to get the higher score wins the wagered amount yeah okay wager um is that going to be available locally as well no no they kept saying online okay likely because of the camera it would be hard well i mean what you do is you'd obviously just have off-screen play be different they probably want to keep it running at 60 all right maybe well how that's kind of how hyrule warriors is to play our co-op locally split-screen with no
Starting point is 01:30:46 yeah also with bao news that if anybody didn't know about it has to know now is that bao one is just a bonus in bao two in japan it's going to be on a separate disc we don't know about north america might be digital um someone tried asking kimiya on twitter and he banned them yeah so um he's been out on fans yeah we were talking about this but are the weapons that you get as links sent are they unique weapons no no they're they're reskins they're reskins that's what i was saying but uh in again on twitter kimiya said like someone asked is the higher highly is the master sword only with that cost the lid costume and he said yes so she does a spin attack yeah there she has a spin attack in the game if you if you spin the stick
Starting point is 01:31:34 with the sword and hit and press punch and hit and punch she does a spin attack but like that looked like zelda no it's the same anime is it the same okay okay i thought that would be an enormous amount of work to bring what i think really interesting is that you can see a lot of skin and some into these costumes oh yeah and nintendo was like no no no like they were like should we should we put an undershirt on lynx costume because you know nintendo yeah they're like no no fuck it yeah that would be weird undershirt should they have video shows as much skin as she wants and the platinum guys are like really nintendo okay okay remember this is well whatever we just saw the new eve a villain from hyrule warriors yeah right yeah we're entering that age i think it's
Starting point is 01:32:16 clear that if you're a third party and you're working on your game nintendo conalt lets you do but if it's nintendo themselves and one of the designers like i'll make the second character then they'll probably go yeah i don't know because palo tena's uh like uh yo oh palo tena alight says a full-on butt shake butt shake and chest but well that's that's shaft that shaft's like thing yeah i know but you know what i mean right it's like that's his first party nintendo as you can get is get out of here so we can do the booty bomb i got excited by the uh announcement that by palo tena oh that was cool i know that out of this world is gonna be the fucking we shop with a new like pretty h not hd but like whatever solid re-scan re-scan cool um out of this world's great
Starting point is 01:33:01 it's a great game and i was surprised to find out that it was originally called another world for a little bit on other platforms so on what uh at very least i know on the uya because i beat the update on the uya but i think it's also on the pc is very likely on the pc first it's but yeah go play this fucking game when it comes out on the we you if you got a we are this world is so good you might even say that it's really good yeah another world i just one thing i want to say about the bao thing since we kind of jumped over it yeah what do you got so if anyone's feeling uncomfortable with paying 60 bucks for bao at least rest assured that you're getting one of the games of the generation probably the best version with more content you get what what did they'll come out
Starting point is 01:33:46 here 2010 yeah so bao ended up being my game of 2009 and 2010 because i was played it i was able to get a uh street date broken version on like january uh no on december 31st he was right at the end of the end and i played it for a couple hours on on in that year and it was still the 2009 2010 game pats game of the year no problem uh now we move on to um the the the giant thing that's been going on with smash brothers uh have you guys been keeping up following what's going on there super fighting robot super fighting robot super fighting robot did you see it where someone synced up the theme song with him no that is way better version oh that's really i gotta see that super fighting robot then it just got going make a man it was really
Starting point is 01:34:41 i love how we're we're all doing that whispering yelling because the the the the clip is so loud it's so loud yeah i ended up watching the entire smash tournament just to see that and it's was it worth it yeah that's that smash tournament was like a lot of fun to watch it was really good smash looks awesome yeah um so shock everyone that got their hands on it was just like this game looks great having a lot of fun with it a lot of the veterans are enjoying like what they're seeing with like the characters and stuff but um there's some controversy going down going on with like mechanics oh no so uh and this time we're going in prepared i have a collection a list i have a collection before we dive into this before we get away from stuff i have to say we didn't talk
Starting point is 01:35:32 about nintendo's call like direct yeah we still have to talk about that we stopped what else is there to say you saw amazing you saw us it was amazing people are calling that one of the best videos on the channel yeah like what else is there to say it's it's fucking sick but there are people who don't watch the channel listen to this podcast um that nintendo direct was the best thing to come out of e3 in years it was really really good i saw a couple people saying how come when uncharted or our little big planet showed up you guys were like oh whatever well i hate little big planet you got all wet when another Kirby game was announced and i was i was sitting with a person a little just a little briefly is that like when that sort of happens like why why is that okay
Starting point is 01:36:15 i think we described it while we were watching it and said that in this game oh no it was yoshi where we said this game looks really good by comparison to little big planet because the whole thing is stylized like you aren't as close and it jumps good like there's another jump there's another Kirby game why did you go oh no another uncharted is because first of all when you put numbers on things and when you're your naughty dog who can like basically make anything they want because they should get carte blanche to like you know sort of we want to do this we want to do that so when you make another uncharted it's four three trilogies strong and also four is always like also i want to point out that uncharted mad i'm gonna be mad i'm gonna be perfectly honest i think
Starting point is 01:36:56 like it's just uncharted isn't our thing that's it because there's people that there's also that i don't think any of us like oh like john i disagree with that point from my own perspective because uncharted is my thing i like that i like uncharted yeah and uncharted one is kind of rough uncharted two is a god damn fucking masterpiece and uncharted three isn't as good as uncharted two so when they say we're gonna make a new one i'm like i'm i'm just it's hard for me to get excited because like i already got tired on the last one and that exact same thing you said that's exactly it like if they came out and said last of us two i would have freaked out because i feel a hell a lot stronger more stronger than the last of us than i do about uncharted three i don't have
Starting point is 01:37:36 any particular negative vibes towards part four is i think i don't think either i like there's a lot of part fours out there that i really i'm sorry mystery fighter four what um devil may cry for resident evil four sure sure sure uh one of the things that like is that like there's been uncharted wait bubba bubba bubba but like curbie is a thing that one comes along every so often they they do a new gimmick or a thing to make it sort of different like you know i don't know i'm you know i'm fed up with curbie like yeah you're fed up i forgot about that i'm really excited for this one because it's more canvas curse yeah and canvas this is a sequel to canvas curse a game that came out in 2005 a game that i never thought we'd ever see anything i don't think we need to justify
Starting point is 01:38:26 i'm kind of done with a lot of people are complaining about it i felt the need to let them i i when people when i saw people coming to me on twitter and tumblr and neogaf and just being like man pat you suck why do you hate little big planet i'll fight you because in in the in the sony video i called people out so i'll fight you people who like that little big plant it's like yeah just it powers me up it's like i'll still fight you that i don't give a shit if you can modify the gravity and change the jumps in the editor the core game still uses the shit values and so do most of the levels i i mean you know there's an email that came in that was like guys what's with the universal dragon h hate what the fuck did you play dragon h too and i did you watch
Starting point is 01:39:13 what we watched well i didn't and that's the thing is no i don't know i know because to me i was just like i just asked the question hey i heard that game upset a lot of people because i did i heard a lot of bad things from people that i've never played it myself so i don't know i don't think i i played there's anything else i can say there i played enough of it to lose my lunch and then i was like i can't keep going through this food that i'm gonna vomit you can't keep crawling up shit now yeah can't keep crawling up shit not yet keeps making me throw up it's an unfortunate you know um side effect i guess of like us liking things is that sometimes we're not gonna like things if you do like them then that's gonna be unfortunate i don't like the band that
Starting point is 01:39:49 you like i hate all the bands you like i hate you i hate you i love that shit but yeah no i like i'm matt clearly clearly upsets you so just transfer all that on to me i will gladly take it right yeah so uh with smash in particular yeah what's what features can i can i just like explain why i don't like kirby because i kind of cut off halfway because you guys didn't stop uh you yeah you can dare sorry i just want like i just want to like finish my thought which is like 2d Kirby and not like Kirby spinoffs because they're all so samey and i really think none of them even approach the old Kirby's like and i know that's some like nostalgia goggles shit but like when i got the Kirby collection on the Wii and i played through all the old ones again for like the umpteenth
Starting point is 01:40:38 time i was like i'd rather play these than any of these getting so pissed off i'm okay i'm okay it's fun did you play did you play amazing mirror did you play squeak squash no no no i i i i'm thinking of like return to dreamlines fantastic yeah i'd rather play the old ones because i think i don't know i'd rather play return to gene line because of the four player co-op and all that i mean i'm always gonna want to go back to superstar like no matter what no matter when yeah and superstars fantastic i think all the old ones are better like 64 and before i think no that's cool i can get that and i can get that totally for a second i thought you were just gonna dump on Kirby as a whole no no i'm about to cut the call off isn't like the games are so this cut his bike cut his
Starting point is 01:41:20 fucking bike the games are so short that i have a hard time validating another 60 dollar Kirby game every time what game what games have you been playing where it's a 60 dollar Kirby i don't know return to dreamland i don't think it was 60 dollars i was it was 50 but anyway i knew i knew Kirby was my point when i say 60 dollar game i obviously mean new game isn't that what Kirby's for to dump but but that's what i'm saying i'm just not interested in playing like a short easy platformer at full price i will love to just imagining like oh we ran out of garbage bags just put Kirby in the drawer just make them suck just don't whoa i'm okay with them as long as they're not a lot of them back to back you know um but but but i hear that though that's a valid
Starting point is 01:42:07 complaint um i guess it should also be stated that like i've been buying every one of them and i'm just kind of like i think that's your problem finish that might be your problem i finished another one in six hours great and it was the easiest shit ever and it was the easiest shit ever of course of course yeah exactly yeah no doubt so um what's smash now uh so yeah i also wanted to bring up that was good you got me this is a podcast where our brains wander super far they wander hard you need a map to get back sometimes or me yeah that's what i do yeah i know yeah it'd be a fucking chaos without me um watch it'd be the smoothest thing i know yeah anyway the podcast was always meant to be like this uh so basically uh a lot of you know competitive melee
Starting point is 01:42:55 players competitive brawl players and so on uh they got their hands on it and we're giving some feedback in and what we ended up seeing is a big fight going on now with um people coming out and saying they're having some problems seeing the game as a competitive game because a lot of movement decisions were made that like make it more like brawl and less like melee okay yeah and uh those guys are like ah we want smash to be the big competitive fighter it can be on the main stage at evo and this stuff doesn't help what kind of good stuff um well just i'm gonna get there and then the other side is that it's people going like well no but it's smash shut up you guys just want to shut up you just want melee is whatever yeah exactly go play melee then you know or go play
Starting point is 01:43:39 project them and it's it's it's a bit it's it got really ugly but um really smash players about the trivial argument about mechanics it got ugly but i got some good i have some great reading here uh like a couple of choice things one was a neogaf post uh basically these guys are getting into it and going like okay here's a lot of people that go we just want it more like melee are like some guys that have a hard time describing exactly what they actually really will be yeah and so these and so these these posts are breaking it down um i think the first place i heard about this was actually uh the yo video games video went up yo video games yeah so max and matt yeah matt had a little video where he talked about some of the concerns got flamed to shit in the
Starting point is 01:44:20 comments it was getting kind of ugly there as is the case when you put up a smash video but um the other the other thing i'm going to link to is it's not even really a video game when you think about it this this uh there was a question that popped up um during an interview with sakurai and it was one of the guys in the audience went hey yo uh sakurai like if i play you at smash and beat you one on one will you let me help you balance the game and everyone's like oh and then like uh no no and then sakurai sakurai replies he goes have you ever designed the game have you ever made a game you know and everyone's like oh so it's a fun thing you know and and but it kind of like sparked uh some of what's going on here so what people want is movement options
Starting point is 01:45:07 like the when you run for example in melee and you jump it maintains your jump uh velocity your velocity your momentum your momentum rather exactly so you you will it's not like as if it was just a neutral jump off the ground or you know what i mean like yeah it's influenced by the speed you're moving things like that are not in uh smash 4 um the ability to cancel into a crouch to do other types of like go to go into like um instant up air smashes and things like that off of a dash yeah you can't do that stuff as well um what i didn't hear about that yeah so there's that and then the one that i did notice in one of the videos which i went whoa this is going to make a lot of people like fucking lose their shit is you see like three characters edge guarding or at least
Starting point is 01:45:54 grabbing onto the ledge uh next to each other and as soon as the new guy approaches the ledge it forces the current ledge holder to jump off automatically so if you are there's no ledge guard anymore because you always make it back on and the guy who's holding it gets forced off yeah yeah so i was like oh man that's gonna upset some like see you know because what um and what this post really breaks down uh really nicely is that it says like uh it's for a game to be successful like and to you know hit the masses and be appealing and whatnot evo mainstage etc it needs to be aggressive and it needs to be exciting yeah you know and one of the things that when people go like oh we want more melee less brawl type thing because it divided the community very heavily
Starting point is 01:46:43 like a competitive play in brawl became less aggressive it became more about little skirmishes here and there around the map you know little like or if you to well because there's no there's no combos you're not you're not going from exactly someone and then they're just they're doing their own thing a second after the hits done is not long enough to continue going into a full combo off of it you're just you hit enough battle enough damage here enough damage there you take the stock lead you win yeah type of thing um and they're fearing that that's kind of what this is leaning towards now you know so it's kind of coming down which which is no surprise to me because it has been looking like brawl too since the very beginning like so and it's interesting because
Starting point is 01:47:22 it's like sakurai is so he's definitely like someone who's like you know he's like i know what i'm doing he's like i know what i'm doing and i know i know that this is in there i'm aware of this stuff and it's just gonna come down to like whether or not he cares enough to like bother that's a really interesting nintendo philosophy of like we're making this a party game for everyone is going to it's kind of the same thing as going to a concert of some guy you like and then he starts singing his new songs and you scream no do the old song we don't like your old new shit stop and he's like but i like my new shit and i know i'm the guy at the concert and i'm standing next to matt going no shut up i want to hear the next step this new stuff sounds like what i've
Starting point is 01:48:10 wanted the whole time i've been listening to this guy so i'm sitting here with this weird smile on my face as you're listening to these things off because like i understand where you're coming from it's like this may make it like less interesting to watch as a as like a fighting game on stage but it's like all the changes you're listening are things that i'm hearing personally like i think i would enjoy that more like i greatly aside from tripping i greatly enjoy brawl more than melee i know that that's just a preference of mine i like the slower version i like the focus on lower skirmish on more skirmishes over like combos i i genuinely prefer that and i understand that i am the minority but it's like hearing you talk like that i'm like mmm i like these things
Starting point is 01:48:57 that are making everyone super mad i like brawl and and melee like i just like brawl more just because there's more characters and whatever i like like but i could play either or and i don't really care like tripping music obviously bad but like i i think i think melee is like easily the better game but if i was on a deserted island i'd take brawl because there's more content and how it's such an amazing game but like yeah but if you're on an island with three other people then you'll take melee now well the thing is the thing is is that of course you like it always comes down to you know like you said like you said you like brawl because there's more stuff from there whatnot and at the end of the day like smash 4 is going to be amazing on that just cosmetic
Starting point is 01:49:39 level no matter what yeah because look at these awesome characters that are here now let's have fun yay um but like a really good analogy that was used was like uh when nintendo they called it a party game at the um the q&a and uh when they said they want to make this kind of thing a game for everybody it's like uh making a pool that is that is shallow enough for everybody to have some fun with it generally yeah run around the sides and do bombs although don't run at the pool but you know what i mean but like whatever like have generalized fun whereas a game like a street fighter or a virtual fighter has a shallow end and a deep end and then you can go as far as you're willing to go to get your maximum enjoyment out of it but that would mean somebody from the shallow
Starting point is 01:50:28 end kind of accidentally wander into the deep end and get fucking like i just i just feel like it sucks because i feel like sakurai is like working at the pool and he has cordoned off the deep end hmm like and then he whistles at you when you talk i i think that's yeah because they've been there before i think that's it's not as if the deep end didn't exist i see what i think that existed it was there i saw i see what you mean i think that's slightly overstated i think the statement that brawl the this game that no one's play it won't no one's that hasn't come out yet it will have no deep end at all simplified from mele yeah i think that's overstated but i i do agree with your core point well i mean pat like even if you like those things you have to understand that to us
Starting point is 01:51:13 that's it's like a watchdog switch no it i know exactly what it's like you know what i mean it's like it's the jump from third strike to street fighter four it's people who love third strike going i love this this fucking game with its parrying and all of its fucking sure sure insane bullshit and then street fighter four is a simpler like more defensive defensive game built for a wider audience it got lots more people into it you're you're i think it's even that jump is actually like no but you're you're sort of right but four still has enough going on with brawl so i think this game has plenty going on with yeah it's basic gameplay uh it did brawl so more okay um but like it's it's definitely not like it's not like third strike two to four it's third
Starting point is 01:52:00 strike two something with less than four has you know what i mean no i don't think it's less it's different like that's it's different yeah it's different exactly i agree with that oh yeah okay okay when i say less i just mean like in terms of like how deep it goes right um so well some of this stuff just boils down to bug removal where it's like oh we're because yes in some three in some cases recording quote feet but like whatever but there's a lot of arguments that go towards us like but like it's like oh why don't you why do you guys keep going on about wave dashing and shit like that you know and whatnot it's like that's just bugs that are in the game it's like it's not about those things being in but it's again just movement you know having the ability to
Starting point is 01:52:39 like really yeah it's like i don't know um i fall on a weird place because as you you well know i hate shit like option selects sure like i hate that and you said and yeah and i believe you're saying that like um it would be much better if it was just straight rock paper scissors yes but when you're balancing and designing a game properly believe it or not actual straight balanced rock paper scissors is not the best way to go yeah i know you get more depth out of an asymmetrical thing i'm aware and again i'm gonna post i'm gonna link to something that another really good thing that a guy wrote up here up where he says like he's using yomi in the context of smash right and describing rock paper scissors specifically and he says like okay if you had a game where for example rock was worth
Starting point is 01:53:23 more points for winning than any than the others right then suddenly um gravitate towards so well no suddenly like scissors becomes a really risky move to play and paper becomes the safest shit ever because yeah you know what i mean like yeah and now and now that you've added that element of it it's not just me looking at your tendencies but we're factoring in another layer of tendencies plus urge to like lean towards what's statistically good yeah i don't disagree with you in any context and so what would end up happening in in the case of melee is like there would be a ton of situations where it's like okay after a knockdown you get put into this asymmetrical rock paper scissors game and then after every hit of a combo he's gonna di left right he's gonna roll left roll each one of
Starting point is 01:54:10 those things is another asymmetrical rock paper scissors game so it like it was really fun for the people that took it that far but it was also really fun for the people that just didn't bother with that stuff i i totally agree with you and but i'm just saying i come up from a position where weird mechanical like physically mechanical genetigans like wave dashing and um and and option selects and stuff like that i think that sucks yeah i just like on a pure like play the game i think that shit sucks but what i think it should be balanced around like like for option selects for example i think you should have to guess but what if i'm not talking about like wave dashing what if it's just the ability to run and jump with momentum that one i
Starting point is 01:54:54 think this probably keep because a wave dash when you said the trip guard thing i got a big grin on my face well i think that's it's hilarious but because of the chipping because the thing is that like like when when it comes down to it it's like you wouldn't need a wave dash if you had a game mechanic that encouraged that type of movement you know what i mean like yeah i remember when it gets down to all this is kind of what we're talking about street fighter 5 and the free to play thing it's it's kind of or if capcom you know implements any sort of thing like that is it's still a publisher saying i don't want a kid to get out of the pool i don't want that kid to be intimidated so it all comes down to really like savera and everyone and everyone in the main smash is just
Starting point is 01:55:31 like all that shit in melee we didn't fucking mean to put that in why are you guys gravitate no would you stop because they liked it they liked it but the competitive smash community is so much smaller than the the giant people that buy smash so so when they're like we can't cater so we got a pander we got you know what you know what yes it's a really weird you want to make money or sakurai has you want to sell consoles for sure sakurai has i i still think if it was just melee reskinned as this it would sell like no you're you're right like initially but i could see like a poll at marketing or like you know takamura and nintendo marketing yeah just goes like i don't want people to like go to a tournament and then they get bodied and then they go i don't want to play
Starting point is 01:56:22 smash you know about the tournament if you're as casual as you're describing and see maybe so i don't think it has anything to do with marketing or consoles or i think it's sakurai sakurai has been very clear yeah he's that he never wanted it to be a tourney fighter which is why i mean for lack of a better which is why it's so weird the weirdest situation in which sakurai's come to this big tournament to play the game that i am making for not you i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure that's actually paul marketing saying yeah yeah no i don't know how true this is but like i did i heard that like someone asked him or like he answered some question in regards to the testing of the game and how it's done yeah and that like he seemed to imply that like he he has a really low number
Starting point is 01:57:07 of people were testing the game like it's not 50 guys you know or it's not some crazy low test like an arcade fighter it sounds like it's nintendo of america as well like it i don't remember what the figure was but i think it was a number less than 10 yeah that's better and like it sounded like no it's not that's not about right at all but but it's so i mean it's it's about right for what i assumed woolly was gonna say and and again and i don't know if this has been disproven or anything but like there's just i caught wind of that and uh like i'm just gonna jump when i hear when i hear that yeah maybe but when i hear that i like i definitely go like oh man anything with anyone punching anyone else definitely needs more than like single digit number of people right like
Starting point is 01:57:52 what i said though that like the other thing i have to remember is that the last three smash games were developed by three different developers like each group was different like saura is now gone and now this is being developed at namco like the work work is doing it at namco whatever and it's always saccharide it's the lead of these things so you know and unavoidably it's always going to be slightly different like you know if you took the saccharide factor out of it but i like i said for the testing like there's testing that goes on the tree house and oh certainly certainly like yeah it still is concerning that there's only 10 people on any sort of competitive so weird situation yeah i just in the end ultimately it does come down to being a saccharide
Starting point is 01:58:32 thing because like i i still like i said matt like i the whole thing about like oh no we don't want to scare the kid out of the deep the deep end of the pool or whatever i just want to make a prime but it's like but it's like if if people like things and other people like other things and we can give everybody what they want yeah no i'm not saying you know what i mean that's why i put the let's remember that last time saccharide solution to the quote unquote smash is a fighting game problem was to introduce random bullshit yeah like tripping like the most brute force thing ever and it's just and it's just it's funny because the analogy of like yelling out like play the classics fuck the new shit is like i because i was listening to um like like on ona they're
Starting point is 01:59:12 talking about a new young show where yeah new young is a good example he fucking went up and refused to play anything that anyone knew and the audience was super upset by it because they were really expensive tickets and i'm like you know what in that situation yeah no fuck you new young like they're here to hear what they you play 60 40 those two new don't do zero yeah don't do zero what donna does that shit yeah she she was talking to like i forgot where the fuck was like i don't even remember the war it's still like a virgin i saw that yeah yeah fuck you don't that's that's why we enjoy the money that everyone make a set list and then if you if they're old songs you learn the songs yeah anyway uh it's the solution will be
Starting point is 01:59:58 that like the mechanics of the games will change according to what stage you're on oh but not when you're on i mean like i i you know it's obviously all just coming down to sakurai because sakurai always makes a point during development of every game to say i do not let anything go in that i do not approve personally yeah like from sound effect to visual and like the director woolly and i have seen some producers who just go home and play battlefield and then come to work and like yeah armchair direct a fantasy game wow and it's like sakurai is so in there sakurai is so in there that like everything just comes down to him i like his game is turning out like brawl too it's because he won't like liam i like how you said that like it's a director that's armchair directing
Starting point is 02:00:47 he has the role to be the full thing he's like i want to go sit over there i just want to sit in my chair and drink my coffee speaking of armchair directing a fantasy game they finally announced the type zero's coming finally fuck you square the fucking worst that the god damn worst what this this you know how i've been saying let him go the only thing that would get me to really hate square annex would be the world ends with you too being like free to play bullshit yeah that's it no they found another way they found another god damn way i was so i was so sure we were gonna see type zero on vita because of some stuff that i knew and then type zero mistakenly announced to vita i love how it's mistakenly that's the thing that mistakenly announced for vita and then oh by mistake
Starting point is 02:01:47 no it's ps4 xbox one all i can say is big fat fuck you to square annex because what what the god damn fuck did you expect all right people have been pining for this game for years on the psp like not on a console like i'd be happy with the psp version this is fucking bullshit and i just want to say i'm also fed up of people yelling at like shahid and his crew because it wasn't them they might have said to square annex like yeah like you gotta push this game but they sure as hell didn't say make it on xbox one as well at the end of the day square annex said no we're gonna make it a console port and it's like and fuck you square annex like really fucked you for that one cut and print i am dropping some background music on that shit all right
Starting point is 02:02:32 so uh that's bullshit there's there's uh i i absolutely agree with liam on one point of that i think accidentally announcing it for the expected platform before saying whoops is fucked up on whoever did that that's fucked up that being said i disagree with everything else that he said thank god it's a console game thank god that's a console game okay well let's let's prefront process that let's preface that by saying you don't even like playing your handhelds i hate playing my handheld yeah okay so that's fine so i love playing you know and then liam loves playing his handhelds i bought i bought a wonder swan crystal and me and woolly don't really care either way if we own the system that's great so liam like my my my thing with this is that i don't really
Starting point is 02:03:20 get why you're so angry when the move makes perfect sense and that the vita is not popular north america it already came out on a popular handheld in japan that's where it came out and what square enix wants to make money on is the things that are selling hey guys now that we have a hold on now and you own one of the consoles that it's coming out on we've gotten the reaction out there without the story right you're right you're totally right so please give the story to the the story is that yeah uh liam fucking you take it you know better than me the the the context is like for what four years now that's that's about right yeah pining pining for type zero on first psp and then on vita because it was literally like oh this is the killer app that the vita needs
Starting point is 02:04:07 and it was too late in the psp life cycle to really do much and it was it was too late in the psp and also for context it was the good final fantasy game yeah the best the really good one while we were getting stuff like 10 uh not not 10 to uh 13 to 13 day trailer like hyped me the fuck up i still haven't seen the trailer so so the reason i'm bummed that it's on consoles is just because for years i've been like yes this is another like resident evil revelations tier amazing quality top-notch handheld game yeah which come along even fewer than even farther and fewer between than they used to you know like there are so few like real triple a handheld games yeah that's true that like just having one of them i don't want to say cancelled because it was probably never
Starting point is 02:04:54 really in serious production just having one of them like shifted to uh console is just a really big bummer after so many years of pining for it i guess that being said i'm still gonna play it but like you're gonna play with a frown and and i'm i'm really bummed by this on my on my side like huge revelation revelations sorry revelations as an example like i greatly preferred revelations on pc compared to the 3ds version sure and i'm greatly gonna prefer type zero on my tv on the ps quadruple but i bet i can see how it seems like this is a game that yeah yeah four four four years Liam's big in a handheld and it's a handheld game and it would this that would be the obvious place for it to go it's very it's personal and and yes and yes there are there are personal aspects of
Starting point is 02:05:43 the story that can never be told yeah but uh it kind of sucks it's it's such a like stupid like first world melancholy problem yeah yeah you should you're in japan you should go yell at somebody okay before you know what i'm going tomorrow i'm just thinking about this and before people start running that rumor mill and churn it it's very simple like back when we were working there Liam just asked about it behind and what's up with time zero he said no no mysteries to to be created i repeated inquisitively a lot i think when you asked the consoles that it's coming out on weren't even announced no exactly like i i'd love to like since nothing came out besides a press release i'd also be curious as to like how far is this project along was it actually can from vita
Starting point is 02:06:32 like i'd love to know more is vita the third skew that'll get announced nine months later i i have to i have to assume that uh the uh final fantasy 10 collection did not do well but it did super well then that's very mysterious it did super well it did super well on ps3 what's so curious about that's what i mean yeah it did terrible on vita it did really well on ps3 no it didn't wait i heard it was in north america really in north america it did like not that great on vita but in japan well then that's what i mean right but yeah but yeah this is primarily a japan uh western release isn't it yeah sure yeah it's still sold hundreds of thousands of units and i wouldn't say like you're right that it's like primarily a western release but at the same time it's gonna be on
Starting point is 02:07:14 sale in japan like and it's gonna sell hundreds of thousands of units in japan you know like it's uh i just it's not like it's a zero something for japan i just remembered something that uh is an e3 non announcement that i think of note is that at no point did sega ever say the word fantasy or star or online and they said online they said online once but um but not the other ever that like the hope for for ps02 coming out in the west diminishes greatly did you see that they announced ps02 episode three the other day i saw that god i i did see they had the um just fucking the dog on this one they had in the dog they had a trailer for uh ps0 something character creator uh fantasy sarnova yeah shit looks great well i clicked on it and i'm watching this and i'm
Starting point is 02:08:08 just like everything is flaccid after black desert everything character creators you need you over you need your gigantic asses don't you i need i need that hot guy looking me in the eyes no matter where the camera rotates get out of here so we can do a booty bump oh god damn it yeah it's done hey let's play word association word association okay wait we don't want to all blurt out so you all right pick somebody when i say angry birds you say transformers yay who saw that one coming no one the amount of people that give a fuck the amount of people that give a fuck is zero i hope yeah it's the number the shape of your butt hole makes i want to point out i'm pretty sure that that angry birds rpg still isn't even out
Starting point is 02:08:57 yeah and like they already announced the transformer i didn't know that was a thing i forgot that was a thing god damn it yay woolly remembers that like there was a cg trailer for everything and that's still not even out i'm pretty sure and they're already working on the transformers one i remember in the subway i saw a kid that was wearing an angry birds t-shirt he had angry bird shoes an angry bird hat and guess what he was playing on his iphone he's playing an angry bird i saw a guy walking on the street with an angry bird t-shirt but he was like a 35 year old black guy and i was like what he was wearing the shirt and he looked like a dad he looked like a serious dude that that kid should have been we should look over and that kid's watching footage
Starting point is 02:09:38 of wrecketeer yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh he's watching he's watching the video announcement of type zero and um the last bit of stuff went on uh that was plowed over last week with e3 shit but tons of eat the world's largest video game collection went up for auction yeah oh again uh i feel like this kind of thing keeps happening and it just never goes anywhere because no one's willing to pay for that shit it and now and now two best friends is gonna run a kickstart yeah to buy the world's largest video game collection it could be useful the auction closed the auction closed at 750k that's yeah sure that's a fat because when when you look at these auctions it's like yeah it's all of it and you're like well it can't be well when you look at it well he does
Starting point is 02:10:24 is he lists a paragraph of consoles and these are like these are complete yeah so that's all you need to know is yeah and the console and which games are missing okay you're asking for like a million dollars how much of the video games do you have all all of the video okay okay yeah you mean from such and such date to such no all talks about those things is that i want to be like it's easier to list what i don't happen when i do what says about one of those things where it's the entire thing it's like how much for all your jay war because i can use no way no way what do you mean oh no way he gets it break it up you break it up no no no i know he wouldn't but i that's why i'm fine for you to do that and you know and you know that like like i'm not sure if they announced who's getting
Starting point is 02:11:08 it or whatever but my bet is on the son of some person prince yeah you know some impossibly in some impossibly handsome persian prince probably you know just now woolly i wanted to ask since you have the article there or the link or whatever did you look up the shipping for this i am morbidly curious as to how that's gonna get to where it needs to go it's probably all the phoenix falton system which is not only back in phantom pain but but you can fault in anything the new falton system what makes big boss looks somewhat sheepish yeah you can fault in animals you can do it that right the game now instantly reminds me a lot more of just cause too yeah probably my favorite bit about that demo is that if you fault in dudes inside a building they slam into the ceiling
Starting point is 02:12:08 but how is it that's stupid no you're stupid um also we've got sick box tech now yeah you can jump out at the top of a box you can dive out the side yeah and the box is the last remaining location for snake when you escape it yeah so you can totally it's a viable strategy right um i am so happy to see all the dumb shit that we need it's so weird because not just the bloody trailer of blood all over his face guts in his mouth i'm rubbing these dead guy ashes into my eye just like a back story yeah soldiers yeah all of that in the same breath as get in the box putting a sheep on a balloon thing and watching it roll inside a bug and and actually getting it to base also i don't know if you caught that but that works some of the soldiers go as you
Starting point is 02:13:03 fucking yeah it's a sheep it's great it's awesome i can't wait can't fucking wait for that game can't come soon enough cannot come soon enough it will come much later it turns out that you know what needed to save the japanese game business was airlifting sheep into space right yeah out of space space they probably hit like one of the spheres below there we go take that one yeah i'm not up to date on my spaceship i will update you while we take a quick word from our sponsors now i don't want to shit on books or anything why not they suck they've been around for a while they're an old medium you know it's so harsh on folks they've done so good but you know what goot and bird can get a whiff of my balls
Starting point is 02:13:57 like we live in the future now right really it's time it's time to move on from this pen and ink and paper bullshit like because you got the image of some fucker with a broke back like over a page going yeah he's writing his story and you're just like coughing his life blood out onto the pages isn't there a better way there is a better way what slash best friends is the url you want to go to okay you need to tell me how this is a better way because i am fucking sick of books cutting my body parts yeah while i touch them yeah i am sick of that dude you can get all you get so many books so many books to choose from in audio format audio book format like sound waves sound waves of your books and not the transformer version either like actual sound books actual books
Starting point is 02:14:54 vibrations in the air dictated to you going directly into your brain people such as iced tea or alive wood directly into the air canal right in the ear canal exactly you're turning words into some kind of weird organic morse code wow that goes into your ear wow and it just transforms into words in your brain yeah are you serious dude that's the way to that's future that's the narrative that this man is spinning towards this old and busted book garbage you know what i'm saying you feel me you guys know the deal so yeah i once got a book and i opened it up and two of the pages were the same what that's what bullshit that's fucking garbage that does not happen that does not happen with audiobooks no they guarantee it slash best friends you head on down there
Starting point is 02:15:45 if you don't believe us take 30 days to see for yourself no to hear for yourself hear for yourself oh right oh you can't even see a waveform going around no whatever well if you put it into like a spectrometer there you go but you'll get that again opportunity to download the audiobook of your choice see the future hear the future you're too old you're in old book i'm still trying to break out you try to break out of the chain right the breaker of chains you're not screaming you're not seeing book words you're hearing them that's what's up yeah yeah so once again slash best friends hear the future hear the future hear the future so mr joe q tv owner i own that yeah that's not really the johnny tv you're right you got you got the big tv
Starting point is 02:16:43 sitting on your desk there that's right and possibly an entertainment center and i vaguely remember a time when you used to plug it in and watch things that the man decided you needed to watch now i'm so sick of that guy hey hey the man can i watch this now no you're gonna watch this but i demand that i want to watch this no too bad i'm the man the man says you have to enjoy this when i say you had me to enjoy it it's not a friend right and you're like well why did i even buy this contract because it's all you got and i'm the man it's your only choice what if i told you there was a way out fuck you that's why you're full of shit there was a truth that you're gonna break that's a far you for these lies you're clearly telling us i don't want to hear any of this false
Starting point is 02:17:33 profit shit you do not know about hulu plus shit hulu plus dot com slash super you head on down there and you will get to see with two weeks free you will get to see as many shows on demand as you want the man will not tell you want to watch things you decide your own destiny you can't bust in the room okay what to do your fate is in your head what was that what was that again hulu plus dot com slash super okay so this is over the internet the internet okay i heard of it will deliver a service to you there's no man on the internet and if you don't even want your tv to have it yeah you can have it on your other devices as well the man doesn't want that the man can't get to those devices he doesn't know the man is stuck in the past he knows what i'm talking about you feel it the man
Starting point is 02:18:27 fears the future the future is hulu plus head on down there guys okay that'll get you all your on demand shows you're gonna love it and you'll fight the man fight the man fight the man now that you're up to date on all of the spheres i remember about space spheres nice and how many of them can fit where i would like to visit the stratosphere do you have any more questions about the spheres though i want to go to fucking space is that a question that's kind of the question and i feel like sometimes i want to go to space too much because today on facebook i had like you know a friend of yours on facebook post some fucking like quote from some hipster book and you're just like this is bullshit yeah it was like time is just an abstraction man it's all like
Starting point is 02:19:13 and i like my reply is like no man time's the fourth dimension like here's the video about carl sagan in hypercubes yeah it's like shut up hat it's a book quote yeah why are you sending me a video about magic yeah oh that's when you use jaden smith that's what i was gonna say there's your friend jaden smith you just need his face though we don't need the words anymore we've evolved beyond that yeah but if you do have questions about the various spaces i'm a scientist and how do you get to them beauty to ask go send them here are we done are we done with you three at this point yeah we gotta move into this questions man so oh what about splatoon that game looks so yeah okay i was gonna say splatoon looks like something me and moto would not make i'm not sure if you saw
Starting point is 02:19:57 but that's got some fan art head so that's well does it that people i was watching it with my girlfriend i was watching it with my girlfriend and during the first like 10 seconds of that video i said there's gonna be porn of this tonight and lo and behold there was go find it right this shit but there's also really good plague what are you up to yeah plague stop put down that put down the way calm yeah exactly yeah put it down okay pick it back up now um no we need our secret fall house yeah but no liam we're we're we're running we're running over the top here we're overflowing sure sure so bursting we gotta catch that liquid okay if you want to send in a letter send it to catch that liquid put it in an envelope and send it to super best friend cast at
Starting point is 02:20:42 where is that soggy wet envelope going super best friend cast at and when we open it up and it drips all over the place it like squid ink it might all over my face a little something like this you don't have them queued up do you i have them queued up question one why does your butt smell so bad why do you like kissing it why do you like kissing and smelling your own butt is liam gonna check out the ghibli museum in japan asks anthony no i ain't got time for that i saw last time i guess yeah one idiot it's cool it's cool um but like i'm like been there done that got the t-shirt i'm afraid to say so yeah uh but it was good it was very nice when i went there so ed says that hey back when you guys were talking about um back when you said diamond dogs was
Starting point is 02:21:37 this really dumb japanese thing to say yeah you know what's his name yeah it's the name of a david bowie elbow obviously yeah okay someone also corrected me that on twitter too okay everything is a david bowie elbow that bowie when you come around to it really it is would you say bowie it's a bad yeah that's fine that's fine walley thank you it's still dumb to say okay uh own work for burn down good good good mid 90s w w f w c w c w oh this is a good one say that again i don't even know i don't even know i'm tapping in 90s w c w what other three can i possibly list an ecw what else could i okay well okay so own burn down work for yeah okay what is the process okay no you know but i just forgot ecw but like you burn down ecw yeah of course you do
Starting point is 02:22:30 ecw got paid nothing for putting your body on the line burn that fucking thing and they would have an event around you burning it down you own w c w because a lot of money flowing in there that's right turn on yeah absolutely and then you don't have to deal with it on creative level and you work for a w w f it seems like the most fulfilling place ever and you get vince yeah in your ear but you know in the future it's gonna be big yeah it's gonna be big yeah no pretty easy yeah until vince loses a third of his fortune or whatever he's gonna win it back with leprechaun origin no he's gonna win it back with xfl xfl man origin he hate me new jersey hit man are coming back um i can't believe i remember that uh matt asks uh what's up matt hi i've never played the persona
Starting point is 02:23:20 games before and i barely know what persona one even is will i be able to jump into five without any problems yes probably not all right absolutely without a doubt probably no problem good what a are you a slave do you want emancipation yeah if you answer yes to either of these then you'll be fine like now that you pp3 you must see that teaser and just be going like yeah so good um charlie asks a bunch of questions but uh one that tells the good one what i'm gonna pick is release now delay for years cancel oh that's a good one the last guardian half life three bg and e2 release last guardian now yep delay half life three no cancel beyond good and evil fuck you in your face forever cancel half life three you in your last guardian delay beyond good and evil too
Starting point is 02:24:13 cancel last guardian release release beyond good and evil too no you mother fucker i hate you all did everyone pick a different combination release the last guardian delay beyond good and evil fuck half life oh you mother fucker that's what i just said so will you leave her better and me and matt are because it's the best choice god damn it it's not the best choice it's the only choice it is the best choice though it's no the only no it is though i can't wait to see what sony Santa Monica has done to the last guardian um frank wants to know the fuckers i feel super intense about that last question uh let's pretend that the kart racer trend never went away what franchises ips or anime would you want to see as a car uncharted the example he gives is jojo
Starting point is 02:25:05 uncharted kart racing that's good that's a that's an i've seen the art of that that's fantastic that's if you guys seen the uncharted chart for for racing goes crash one two three crash team racing then it goes jack and daxter one two three and then jack okay and so obviously uncharted four it's time for uncharted racing yeah i fucking would i think i think attack on kart racing would be amazing attack on kart racing i think that'd be really fun that's all terrible it's it's the david cage kart racing game you have but you just have lucas kane oh my god you have all the characters in every quantum racing yeah quantum racing there we go yeah that's like a fun stupid name yeah yeah yeah i kind of want that want one that could actually be a real
Starting point is 02:25:55 thing and like transformers kart racing i i feel like platinum all stars could be a really fun all stars sure i could see that now that's just dlc for sega all stars but like yeah but platinum all stars you'd have to like get all kinds of different companies involved well it happens with those they could do so much cool shit it would be the dream match i would want it'd be nice like sam would just be on foot no you know hey if you didn't now if you didn't now wouldn't be too bad because sega i'm sure would be like here nintendo you'll do stuff with this okay you won't do it scale down kind of a problem or anything in the future be kind of a problem so do it now do right now right now uh raptor raptor ian uh wants raptor wants to know if you could come up with a new
Starting point is 02:26:41 type of pokemon what would it be something balanced or super opi tough um i think i would do i would is there light no no i would do there's fairy there's fairy all right but i would do light as a type because there's light moves but like i would just distinguish it as its own thing that goes against art i got one and you need all new pokemon fourth though blood i why did i think that too i was thinking about blood bending yeah i was thinking about blood bending in avatar avatar yeah why i thought of that too why would your idea be shippable i don't know i guess i guess there's blood in pokemon is there wasn't there blood inside them probably not really no when pokemon get beat up their bruises are red so yes there is blood in pokemon that our bot got split clean
Starting point is 02:27:39 yeah there was nothing inside of him well they have a dip there's weird things they're just basically tubes you mean you did you guys know that muck backwards means come that's funny because it's real that's funny because it's real and it's fucking lame yeah it's not great um penny wise asks i don't know which is worse the clown or the band the dear guy who reads the letters and whispers them into woolly's ear yeah in stories that are meant to evoke hopelessness such as post apocalyptic barely pre apocalyptic apocalyptic etc yeah which of the following scenarios would you find to be the most intriguing if god never existed if god existed but is dead now god exists but he hates you god exists used to be friendly but now over time has grown to hate you or god
Starting point is 02:28:33 exists but is so advanced that he just doesn't give a fuck about anything that's happening four of those are atlas games now i'm about to say this sounds awful this sounds like somebody's trying to write a story and wants a little help i'm gonna say that god that god exists and he hates you is is terrifying that is pretty awful i don't like that i think that one sounds really interesting that's what prometheus was based on god exists and when you get there you're like what's up he hates you yeah yeah i don't like that um i think that's intriguing he's saying to exist it's intriguing yeah no it's intriguing oh he oh he used to but now he's gone yeah like he was here and he was a crucial thing like imagine if we just lost electricity yeah
Starting point is 02:29:15 and then it's just like figure it but it was nothing too but it was nothing tangible from our planet right god exists and it just disappeared and we don't know how to recreate what he was doing yeah like i think that's an interesting premise god exists like gone is basically well he was busy being a lanus more set right yeah like i'm like kind of like what if death existed but now it's god and now lollies are the only people that can bury you but yeah like yeah exactly like uh well that that one's actually about god the one where god does exist and hates you and god used to exist and like left is like the core plot of most smt games and they use that exact concept to the nth degree in really really interesting ways so i'm gonna have to go with that and guys i have
Starting point is 02:30:00 confidence that you can like bat this one out in like two sentences okay um i'm holding my penis i have my bat it yeah victor wants to know um blasted bat i was watching the e3 conferences without looking at any commentaries and reactions and i was amazed at every conference um i then looked up reactions afterwards and i was baffled by how much people hated it just just because a lot of the trailers were cgs um and for the 20 to 30 minutes that sony didn't talk about games my question is what's so bad about she's cg trailers and um isn't it enough to just get excited knowing that the game is being made am i falling for traps um by by liking uh i'll leave the mind to the end well i was gonna say that back in the day like if like maybe eight ten years ago
Starting point is 02:30:45 see there's fine cg people got hyped for cg trailers and and cg was getting really good but now that we've reached almost starcraft two was the last cg trailer that people got hyped right now that we've kind of reached parity of a parity of like what is achievable with cg and what's achievable through in-game stuff it's like to show us in-game because this isn't representative of what the game is actually going to be now and it might actually look better we want to know how this runs you want like a cg trailer is an idea and now that we will like now today it's more now now now show me what it is now kind of like when we thought of scale bound you guess but we knew were we not new but we knew there are rumors that they're making a platinum game for microsoft
Starting point is 02:31:30 and show it to us you're not showing it to us you're showing us well i think you said it you said you're showing us a character design and art and that's what it comes down to i i personally have no real problem with cg trailers because it's just like it all boils down to like whether it's cg trailer or gameplay or whatever just be a smart consumer like observe and think critically about what you're seeing because like gameplay is shown on stage there's no difference between that and a cg trailer uh it's gonna be different by the time it is that the uh the division the division's gameplay demos are cg trailers like in in tone if not like physical it's like that is hyper rehearsed that is like not legitimate but still well documented if not publicly but
Starting point is 02:32:23 like it's very well known like within the industry that like when you make your e3 demo you fix the fuck out of the area you're going to specifically yeah sure but but it's it is so railed on that like i look at the division trailer and uh the gameplay and i like it no more than scale bound less we less we forget kill zone three kill zone two two yeah um i want to go on record and say that i uh always always always was like uh cg trailers from day one because and and because i remember this because back in the day when i didn't have a playstation and the trailers for ff7 were on tv i was like this is awesome where the fuck is the gameplay back then as a dumb little kid well right when i was a dumb little kid i did get annoyed when i saw that when cg trailers winning best in
Starting point is 02:33:12 show doom three being one of them yeah and i was like that's bullshit because that is not yeah no no there you go we need an award i don't think that happens much at no no no nowadays it wasn't but like for two or three years it was um yeah but no i i think of it like it's exactly what you guys are saying it's like this is just ideas and it's not what the game is going to represent and we've been bait and switched so many times over the years so you you're saying a lot of what i wanted to say that we are now used to being the wool being pulled over our eyes and we want to get right to the experience so that we know what we're paying for so so for me i was like you i never cared for cg trailers underneath one condition and that was the cg trailer was entertaining in its own
Starting point is 02:33:55 right so the onamusha three intro yes yes i will say soul edge i and soul edge i adore that shit man so enjoying on its own it's fucking awesome yeah but the i guess you would call it the teaser cg trailer yeah where it's like oh this is the game it's like it's it's it's not actually the game though like i and we there have been so many awesome cg trailer to dog shit game game like times that it's like you just don't trust it anymore well do you do you remember when like dead island was associated with just that awesome trailer yeah people were going everyone was like what is this game this looks amazing like no not really but we have an awesome trailer yeah and then you get it and they're like it reflects on the game nothing at all yeah but it was an awesome trailer you know
Starting point is 02:34:45 and it's like that's all it is man is that you know we've been doing this for a while so i i remember in 2004 i think it is when game trailers said they're oh shit Liam went away damn it the garage got him let's grab him really quick we'll grab him real quick we got you back again we got Liam back but it's right towards the end so we're okay i just want to finish my thought i do remember what i was saying yeah back in 2004 game trailers and uh like it has the trailer of the year award stuff you remember that yeah and they gave it to dmc3 because dmc3's trailer had a little bit of cuts a little bit of cutscene with Virgil and Dante fighting but 99% of that trailer was just raw cool gameplay moves and shit with the move names being listed move names on the screen like stylish
Starting point is 02:35:31 that's that's the kind of trailer that this group wants yeah i want stuff that i think we had seen not for scalebound might have been very different i want to see a trailer that i can actually analyze and get information get information from yep totally and i think nintendo was the closest to bringing well they were showing games for hours yeah like there's more gameplay than you can actually stomach three like 45 minute monster hunter demos for a game that's out like overwhelming amounts of gameplay in the contrast which which game are you talking about for ultimate they had the demo oh sorry for ultimate yeah okay yeah yeah and i know ultimate isn't out in japan but it's like what they were showing was yeah same yeah it's like yeah show 45 minutes of it no again like
Starting point is 02:36:20 uninterrupted overwhelming amounts of gameplay in the contrast uh to just a bunch of ideas and artwork and and i also and when you see and the thing is too i just want to point out sony also did the same thing and they did it last year it was just far less publicized because didn't people care more about nintendo games i guess because i didn't even know about that and well they did it both years and they're gonna probably do it next year as well and the other thing too is like anyway there are certain gameplay trailers of course that have the opposite effect like the orders trailer this year oh that was so where it might as well have been a cg trade yeah um and also that being said i think that demonstrates the quality of the game's graphics uh oh absolutely i do want to point out
Starting point is 02:36:59 that not only do we prefer gameplay trailers but in terms of a gameplay demo the way the treehouse was conducted uh we're gonna sit down with a build there's a developer here you're gonna putz around for 20 minutes that fills me with so much more confidence than these like remember like if you want the if you want the proof of like why are you skeptical about cg trailers and in some cases why are you skeptical about gameplay demos go look at that fucking bio shock infinite gameplay demonstration in which not a single thing in that that demo is in the game at all not a single fucking thing here's a here's a contrast they're just talking about like you know 45 minutes of of zeno sire or whatever zeno blade and then uh i remember watching i was like oh uh 15 minutes
Starting point is 02:37:45 of mortal combat x footage cool watch that and it's ed boon and some schmuck just standing there and it cuts to b-roll footage of someone yeah i saw that playing matches and then just whatever then i was like oh oh shit it's just nine minutes of uh killer instinct season two footage with david lang cut to nine minutes of david lang who the hell is david lang david lang with some ign putz with three minutes of intercut footage like it's lame and then when i think about how we got so excited as well for that um shadows of mortar uh demonstration where we saw like no i didn't well matt and i liked it yeah and i thought it looked cool but i didn't think i liked it we thought it was pretty awesome how they broke down exactly what's going on and gameplay gameplay i do like
Starting point is 02:38:37 that structure so it's a structure that uh they started with a red dead redemption like that it's like here's the feature yeah exactly that style is really i was gonna say like you were talking about infinite but um if you go back to bio shock one yeah they did that they did the hunting the big daddy yeah that was fantastic and that's the one that got me rock fucking hard and everything in that demo is in the game yeah yeah i don't know that was pure gameplay um so not to like you know piss on anyone's hype because it's like if you're getting excited for things that's good good but i think that the thing is is we like gameplay so much more than any other component piece and we're cynical old men that are afraid of being dudes i'm only 28 so you've already said on this very
Starting point is 02:39:23 podcast of old with you're old you're over 30 you've already said that about yourself several times and you said it during the resneal stuff we can't speak for everybody out there on the net but definitely can speak for ourselves like yeah that's what keeps us bummed by cg trailers yeah yeah i at this point like i only watch e3 and well e3 because i love the flash and thunder but like oh i love the fucking spectacle it's fucking exactly the spectacle is great fun to watch and i really really really enjoyed watching the conferences with you dirtbags and i thought that was a lot of fun that was fun i'm sure i wish i could have been there i i know you like the though the prominent circumstances you say it like i'm never gonna forget the year of like e for all
Starting point is 02:40:08 and like all that shit you know what i mean none of us will ever forget that you got one that was in san japan that airplane here so you know i'm kind of like i'm looking forward to seeing the uprising of other other conferences gamescom gamescom sony's gamescom's always really fun to watch but they're not doing big pressers yeah it's are they sorry do they do a big sony does big pressers at gamescom yeah are they in german no no they're in english oh the last two have been really fun and they'd show off like a lot of smaller games and it's just great fun that's all tgs is really entertaining for the same reason i totally agree i love the tgs conferences and i'll and also every time i listen to like um you know you go catch the giant bomb uh bomb catch
Starting point is 02:40:53 rather and like they're like they get all the people from the show floor to sit down and talk shit or whatever after the day yeah and they all just fucking hate it yeah it's the worst they're like oh oh yeah they just haven't gone through with with pat like i can imagine if you have to go through that year after year for you so like uh this year on the giant bombcast on the e3 thing they had shuhei Yoshida talking about so like like gamescom last year there's just no sound there's one out there and the fucking thing just broke and it's like when we were doing the sony recording we we didn't even live stream it we just watching the thing and recording it like the stream just fucking fails twice yeah i meant like add live streaming on to that or add like
Starting point is 02:41:34 doing the show like it was last year when it like the battlefield demo just fucking broke and there was no sound assassins creep and the guy came out and he was like i guess you'll see it later and then somebody behind the stage is like no you get the fuck out there you stay there until then yeah everything about the spectacle so amazing yeah yeah um i went back to that konami what is that the konami 2010 e3 press conference you can go watch the highlight video if you want there's also there is the whole video somewhere you know what the greatest regret is that it became a funny thing if no one had brought attention to it konami wouldn't know and then they would have continued producing i have a strong feeling they knew like so no someone had to have seen that
Starting point is 02:42:23 and just gone oh my god don't you think it's a bad idea to send her japanese producers on stage real man the best uh last question from andrew would you rather laugh every time you cried or cry every time you laughed wow that's yeah i'd rather cry every time i did that did the scent of lilac swapped out of that email i know because i laugh more than i cry so i'd rather not be crying i would not wrong i would take that one too because i can't remember the last time i cried so really yeah that's probably about the purple game boy that's me i should point out that's that's probably not good for you yeah i have been cried in 18 years like really you see woolly bottles it up into a bitter little ball and releases it at the appropriate time like
Starting point is 02:43:27 that time he hit that police guy with a whiskey bottle i'd rather laugh every time i cried so that i would cry and then laugh and feel bad like what do you think she's better than me it's street fighter i don't know man yeah i don't know what about those times where you laugh so hard you legitimately cry well that's laughing so that's what i'm thinking of is i that's what i'm thinking i'm assuming that this power would allow me to be patrice because i do that all the time because that's the best because i that happens where parts of your body just start to shut down yeah well i go like i said i have three laughs and like the third one is silent except for the high pitch and you're holding your sides and you're walking back and forth and just like yeah that's the third
Starting point is 02:44:14 one and it rarely happens but when it does it hurts i'm like ten i at least work up to that one but oh yeah when your face turns all red when someone mentions penis assault like right now no it's not his name that cracks me out it's what i said it's what i said wow he must not like that nickname he said yeah he doesn't like that's not the kind of nickname you would like it wasn't a fan it's probably probably a rough time what is going on on the watch guys what's on the watch uh i saw crow the other day and it was huge but i think that's a different topic um just because matt asked about that last week and i
Starting point is 02:45:10 forgot it was totally bigger it was totally bigger you were right nice that's good to know what is on the watch uh freedom wars i guess on the 26th i'm super excited for that yeah i can't wait to see all you need is kill uh edge of tomorrow rather uh which there's a there's a bunch of advertising for that around here i'm shocked about tom cruise super popular they have tom cruise day in japan yeah it actually says like uh i i can't read the kanji because it's it's kanji it's hard but it does say tom cruise's name on that poster other than just like as his listing uh like it it just says the word tom cruise do they call him tom cruise for short tom cruise no i i seemed like it was just tom cruise no okay uh because brad pit is brapi
Starting point is 02:45:57 yeah really yeah sure you know that uh i'm gonna put diamond is unbreakable on the watch are you sure yeah are you yes is that because you finished it no okay i haven't started yet well there we go and that's that's why i think i might catch up to you in p4g like that's why i'm saying like you are days old now that you're telling him he's gonna do it here's the thing well it'll take you 200 hours you you can't like you cannot beat me at binging things i know this is known but what you can beat the shit out of me at is starting things okay no right because i mean i know how close you are but i just think you might just be like yeah i know i know but i'm i'm gonna try and start diamond is unbreakable this week and uh if i do start it i will help finish it because i'm sick like that
Starting point is 02:46:50 okay i can't stop things when i start i'm gonna put i'm gonna put twitter on the watch because i'm literally watching twitter yeah you're we're all part of all the networks now yeah we got tumblers and twitter's and facebook's getting intense but yeah my place is at woolly wolls is now a thing for all your creepy animal facts i'm staying exclusively uh yeah exclusive well it's pretty much i'm retweeting retweeting the horrible ones and then occasionally talking about vagabond yes yeah what about you matt uh oh wait no sorry and and forming the black otaku council with brennan williams the football guy that's only two people yeah well we're working on it you gotta start someone you need a working on it you need a third guy before you want to get richie branson richie
Starting point is 02:47:42 we're trying to get richie branson in there it's it's gonna take some time what will you guys decide we decide the second door of the first order of business was troop otp's for kill the kill and then the second order of business was um straight wigs on black cosplayers yay or nay wow so i'm gonna go with yay we're gonna go through the game we have no i'm not on the council no you're you're the farthest we could possibly get from the council there's a sign on the door that says no pads it's the no patch i'm gonna start my own no wait wait no no don't think i'm gonna do that and we already have there already is a pat so there's no pats plural you mother fuckers i guess the other thing for me since i kind of forgot about it since the old e3 thing is that
Starting point is 02:48:30 robo cop and lego movie came out on like blu-ray so i'm probably watch that shit again watch this shit again because apparently the robo cop blu-ray has got some interesting extra stuff someone was telling me on twitter about it and i was just like oh really and i think it was like like they filmed the entire movie with him always in the silver not they filmed the entire movie but they're going to or something like the last minute but whatever we watched the movie and there was a reason that the black here's the deleted death scene that's way better than his death yeah yeah okay guys what's coming up on our channel this week uh well uh new new that's youtube the switcher with an eye with a
Starting point is 02:49:12 one instead of the eye we still have more re4 to go so i don't think that's gonna finish up this week there's a lot more re4 to go than we thought there was there's a question that popped up that was like why does patent why do patent liam hate michael jordan so much and love barkley so much because michael jordan's piece of shit and it's like allegedly he is apparently this person has not watched the playthrough motherfucker or is aware of the game mother fuckers charging people for autographs is that some dribblin i hear because he's down on his luck he doesn't have a lot of fun he's a billionaire yeah well also it's like every like everybody just loves charles barkley and michael even though charles barkley hasn't actually done anything and has nothing to do
Starting point is 02:49:53 with with anything i know he's just a likeable guy but something awful made itself yeah he's just a likeable guy um channel uh i was gonna say uh like we we do have a new smaller playthrough only five parts yeah scheduled to go up like probably maybe today maybe tomorrow something like that y'all mother fuckers like that crime time shit yeah i already kind of i saw people's comments saying what the next one should be and i i have that game so that'll be the someone sent me a lick a wake a link to a wiki no but list of gangster games sad enough yeah i already saw that list weeks ago because i found that list too and it's not really complete because some of those games that would fit into crime time actually aren't in there so and it's not just
Starting point is 02:50:39 like black games too it's no no no no you guys still doubling down on nuzlocke it's going for it it's going you're gonna do it it's up all right good can't wait great do it awesome now there's there far down at fisticuffs also there's stuff yeah we got f and f's for days y'all now we have one you might even say this will be a grand old time i was trying to make some kind of royalty joke but it didn't it didn't go it's not sure about working on there there can we end the podcast on that noise yeah okay i can do it anytime all right i can do it now just hold that noise for like five seconds five seconds that will be tough but yeah well just counting

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