Castle Super Beast - SBFC 093: Children Are Encouraged to Jump From Their Karts

Episode Date: May 19, 2015

Matt goes to Toronto, Woolie goes to New York, Pat goes to Hydaelyn and Liam's legs just go.  ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I Shit all as well now Matt you're on watching Liam's fucking leg duty today I Don't fucking do that. You don't need to tell me to wash Liam's legs Probably super loud now this week Liam's legs are on the watch His legs are on the cover of pasty hairy young legs magazine You know, let's let's get into it. What do you what do you think that's about I think it's a nervous tick I don't like it because it ruins the podcast and I hate that it comes up. No
Starting point is 00:01:05 Well, we all have our things like remember back when We first started the podcast and Willie you had to just eyeball Like stare me down for like ten podcasts in a row like dude stop fucking Spinning your headphones. Oh, I forgot It was the time where I was spinning them and not paying attention and they actually just physically hit the microphone And it's like no, it's like we're like I leave him is similar to me and then you get the Jimmy legs You the Jimmy legs real bad. I get it, too But I do little movements and little movements little movements
Starting point is 00:01:47 Exactly last week when you were you were just clearly bursting at your dick to talk about bloodstained That's not gonna say I like because I just wanted to fucking tap dance Sorry to all the people's for our audio foibles God gave us this flash, but we can't control it I also made us we I'm sure Matt's next thing. We'll start like talking into the microphone like it's a Pawnee water fountain You got to do that thing that Natalie Portman does in garden state where you turn all your tics into one giant tick You just stand up and
Starting point is 00:02:32 Force wave punch exactly and you get it all out of your body But it was my disease Psycho-Semitic after all. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, sometimes you read about it in the magazine show It's on all the top shows. It's only natural think you have it. Are you dying? Do you remember people talking about talk shows in with the phrasing all of the top shows? Yeah, that's weird. I know a while ago. It feels like it's a long gone pre doctor Phil I can't wait to talk about how the Simpsons is leaving the Simpsons. The Simpsons is leaving the Simpsons now I'd say that
Starting point is 00:03:15 59% of the Simpsons is leaving the Simpsons. That's correct. There's three guys and one of them, you know, so I'm pulling up Fucking stuff here. I feel like the Simpsons have already left the building Honestly, yeah, but then now it's and now the audience is I failed The spirit left the body, right and so it's been a zombie But yeah, then the the zombie like torso just picks up and or or the Zombie legs are king magic in which lets the zombie still Harry's sure the person who voiced mr. Burns mr. Smithers principal Skinner and auto
Starting point is 00:04:03 Is like I'm out of here But no mainly no the reasons why are are fucking legit. It's because they're not allowing him to work on anything else Apparently they're allowed to work on live action stuff But when it comes to voiceovers, yeah, because everyone knows that half that 80% of the Simpsons was in the Godzilla 1998 movie both Hankers area and Harry Shearer were in that That's true and Hankers area was in friends and lots of other stuff So it's like just live action where the producers like no you can't work on other stuff
Starting point is 00:04:40 When and it's just like could you imagine them doing that rule for the cast of Futurama? That's unheard of yeah, Billy West and and like fucking John DiMaggio, yeah, you tell these guys you can't work in other cartoons. That's insane They're livelihood John DiMaggio's three roles are Betty the robot Jake the dog Marcus Phoenix Marcus Phoenix the nobody oh, come on And of course walk of the idiot. That's fully. I do want to point something out. You said that this is their living Like Harry Shearer is assuredly like a multi-billionaire or so. Oh, oh for sure They get stupid money per episode like I'm not gonna say that. Oh, this is this is like
Starting point is 00:05:25 Oh dumb Simpsons look how it bit me in the ass is 23 years later before this caught up to them But like this is the nightmare that's like oh, we're gonna have five really talented people do 90% of our voice work Yeah, uh-oh one of them died. Oh, oh one of them died Is it a problem and it's something you can go with but after a 30 year how many years? Exactly years like I thought you know eventually it becomes like even the most casual To the most jaded person within one second will instantly be well. That's not mr. Burns Yeah, yeah, there are thousands of hours of mr. Burns dialogue Like there's no way it's imprinted in your brain mind your voice just change. Why'd you do the only solution?
Starting point is 00:06:11 Why does it have all of his is roles punched in the throat? Yeah, no, they should have an episode in which everyone died like all of the characters that Harry like voiced like get into a room like oh no with the voice altering gas Mr. Burns why doesn't your voice face sound like your face face because I'm the weird part about it is best bit Is that that flander's line where he said of course of animation and how you can just change the characters voice And then homework just walks by the window. Yeah, well flander's flander's walks by the way Yeah, no, but that's what's weird about it is the fact that like they ran other shows where they clearly understood That's a stupid rule. Yeah, but then for this ancient rule. They either sticking by it, you know, it was the 80s, man
Starting point is 00:07:00 Don't have a cow. What podcast is this Willie wherever wherever you are This is podcast 93 back when the bulls were relevant back when they're 93 when what I left to go to the Canadians Jesus, I don't fucking that's the last it's the last year that the Canadians won anything that see that's why I I'm a bad kebic woman. I don't fucking hockey. He went to the avalanche trying to check in here Listen to Pat check Wikipedia Yeah, pk subat No, it was 95. He's a black guy
Starting point is 00:07:45 Right wait what? Willie, what's happening? Yeah, we there's black hockey players. I saw one I'm in New York. Whoa. Are you serious? I hear you're in hell. You're in capital city No, as soon as I got off the bus Jay-Z started singing. It was nuts. Oh sick. Cool That's like man with the world is today. You know where I want to go New York City So Willie I that's and I said and I said Jay-Z was singing not Rihanna Yeah, so Willie I read your autobiography. Alicia Keys is what you mean to say. Whatever Why you interrupting my digging Matt cuz it's easy cuz you're on Skype and you have a delay and it's so easy to cut you
Starting point is 00:08:30 Oh, kind of So easy Liam where you say I'm not gonna say it anymore cuz these guys cut me off four times There you go. I cut you off once you cut you off together together. You did it. We're a team. Willie. What's up in New York? Well before New York, I just spent only let me cut you off there for one second. I Just wanted you to go. Well, I got stuck in an abandoned apartment and there is these two criminals And I have to make a series of traps, right So disappointed
Starting point is 00:09:05 No, but before heading down there. I most of my week was spent playing a lot of Yomi. Mm-hmm I'm really back on that hardcore the PC PC version of Yomi Learning how to fight some of the new decks and like playing ants people online and seeing all the strategies line up It's it's it's really fun. Of course. It's yeah I like I landed like a ridiculous like I think it was like eight or nine hit combo on a dude online and just like Recorded it to make a little video for myself. I'm like, I don't know if anyone's ever done this
Starting point is 00:09:43 No people do it so far how many minds have you read? It's it's actually Very hard to get to the point where you're if you can do that if you can properly Yomi You you don't lose. Yeah, that's the thing about completely indestructible. How's your okay in Yomi? It's fucking great. It's fucking great. I'm using Giger the guile like Karen. Yeah So he's got a card. That's like a sonic boom and then every time you block it. I can walk up to you and tick throw you So it's like you can either get hit. Yeah, or you can eat the throw and like I Think Pat said that as a joke, but like okay, he's a real concept in the yes
Starting point is 00:10:26 No, it's real. I know it is down in this card you're at defining games Yes, you get knocked down and you have to figure out what am I gonna do on my wakeup? Yeah, exactly real frame data frame data exists in that game basically The the fact that like you you might like this Pat, but like the the big character for one thing he has more throw cards than attack cards, of course he does and He has an attack property where it's like if he does a special move or if he does a normal and it clashes with yours You continue your combo and finish it, but his hit comes out anyway, and then he can do whatever Yeah, he kind of has like super armor armor. Yeah, exactly exactly
Starting point is 00:11:09 So it's it's it's fucking that that game really sick and I think now with the PC version. It's affordable Yes, it's on sale this week. I believe right what's the price difference there? Well when I got it it was like 35% off I think so I don't know I paid like I think it was like 13 or 14 No, no, sorry the price difference between that and the physical version. Oh The full set is probably I want to say like 30 or 40 bucks plus the expansions. Yeah. Yeah, the expansion is another 30 or 40 So yeah, you know that's way cheaper. Okay, it's worth it. Yeah, it's worth it, but the physical ones are nice Oh, definitely. Yeah collectors thing and the art and the gems and all that shit. So that's fun and
Starting point is 00:11:54 I finished off all you need is kill Yeah, okay Yeah, the book. Okay. Yeah, so I can now make the comparisons although I don't have the manga, but I saw it here. I just didn't pick it up. All right So Liam remind me what you were saying at the end of edge of tomorrow Just the ending is different the ending I really prefer the fight to the death that occurs and all you need is kill rather than Nothing at the end of edge of tomorrow. You gotta blow up the thing
Starting point is 00:12:27 Okay, for me, um, I It's interesting because I prefer the The of course the novelization has a really good backstory for everything Yeah, and the motivations and like reasons why the entire situation happened are explained in detail Yeah, but I find that the the way the movies Third act played out was more believable. I actually enjoyed that By comparison because I don't know. I kind of feel like The the way the book plays out. I mean, I don't want to spoil it for anybody that's planning to pick it
Starting point is 00:13:02 I just have one big question. We'll leave the the third act of that of Edge of tomorrow is kicked off with a moment in which oh shit. No, oh damn it Fuck. Yes. Yeah, that plot element remains in the novel as well or it comes. No. No, they wow It's that hard. Wow. Almost completely different. That's crazy. That's and that's the thing is like I was like one of three And when I was reading it I was like god damn it that thing in that makes you go off fuck in the movie doesn't happen here And I was like I really missed that that was such a good part That might be one of those things where you read the novel after and Liam read the novel before
Starting point is 00:13:44 Yeah, I read the novel for sure. That's sure. I Prefer the the like the moral scruple at the end of the book rather than the Hollywood ending There's definitely that there's there definitely a good moral dilemma for you in the end of the book the thing with it though is that It feels like it's written as an anime though in the sense that the descriptions of the characters the way they act and like All in all their behavior and mannerisms are all super 2d even though you're reading it. So like there's some the mechanic that like fixes up Yeah full metal bitch the mechanic that fixes a pursuit
Starting point is 00:14:24 Yeah, it's like this native girl with glasses that bumps into things and drops things everywhere And it's a super geek nerd and it's like that's such an archetype of a character that you would not They're like talk that wouldn't be in the Tom Cruise. Yeah I mean like I was gonna say I kind of miss a lot of the side characters Just not being in the Tom Cruise like in the movie and like in the movie They've replaced the side characters with just generic military grunts who have even less character to them So I didn't really like that but at the same time it but it I find it's like it's yeah in some cases It's
Starting point is 00:14:58 Genericizing the characters, but in other cases it's making it like real people as opposed to like full blown That's the girl from full metal panic That's the guy. Yeah, but if I wanted real people I'd watch a Hollywood film which you were like Yeah, I also like it's it's such an anime scene, but the eating contest bit I know it's so like big on on describing and defining their characters And it's just completely absent in the movie because it wouldn't really fit in But I thought that was a really fun scene that just got completely omitted So I remember when you were describing that before saying like oh that's a few a big thing in the book
Starting point is 00:15:40 And it really it's funny how important the scene is yeah, yeah How ludicrous it is I know it totally comes back at the end and like it's really nifty and The whole thing with the coffee and stuff is all omitted, too Which that I don't mind that being omitted because I again I kind of feel it makes it more Anime which makes it less realistic, but like with her with her You know all her backstory too is totally like excited back story. Yes, you know I think I think there's something to be said of like Would it be anime if it was written by an American author?
Starting point is 00:16:15 You know like is it a bias that makes it feel anime because I'm I'm inclined to say for myself that it might be but You know there's no way for me to confirm that obviously Yeah, there's definitely no way to confirm but you can you can just feel it like there's a moment where the Native American mechanic girl I'm describing shows up and she's got a headdress and face paint on and it's just yeah I get you are you just see Daughter is here. Okay, you know Julia yeah, yeah, and it's just it's so absurd and it's like come on Now I wanted to definitely close it out by reading the manga. Yeah, because I wasn't aware
Starting point is 00:16:54 But yeah, that's drawn by obama. Yes, it is fucking sick So and that's the other thing that the book does better is the suits even though there's no visual of the suits the Descriptions of the suits are way cooler than the movie and the manga brings it full circle and the suits look fantastic in the manga Yeah, but the adaptation is a lesser like it's lesser than the book But it's not as it doesn't deviate as much like it's very faithful Yeah, the the edge of tomorrow suits are definitely made to be like hey look at my actor face. Yeah There's the enclosed armor that you get in the original definitely like like you know you look at Pacific Rim and it's like okay They are going full Japanese, but then you look at edge of tomorrow, and it's like okay
Starting point is 00:17:37 No, we have to whitewash this movie was that what I felt We we have to pull it back. We have to pull it back all the way I don't well you do place in America for no no Dude, it could have taken place in Japan like the book, but yeah, I would have sold really well in America And the other thing too is like they're like why did you make this movie for the market? You made it for no No, but I think when you attack, but it's a fair it's a fair criticism Matt, I think but not there's one they're making this for a pity if they're making a Japanese movie in Japan based on all you need is kill for Jap for Japan to view it and put in America
Starting point is 00:18:20 That makes no sense No, I get you but just the amount of watering down is more than I've ever seen in a book that I've read like that's why I like Games made for Japanese audiences that I play. Yeah Sure, I don't want Japanese games to be made for Sure, but you need is killed unfortunately an American distributor got the right Yeah, what do you expect? They made in a fantastic movie the main thing you lose the main thing you lose by switching it over to America and stuff is the fact that
Starting point is 00:18:57 There's an interesting Aspect where the Japanese army is like super shit and useless Yeah, but the Americans are coming in to protect Japan anyway because Japan's tech is good Yeah, yeah, okay, like you guys are having a lot of army But your robots are not a real army. It's a defense force. Basically. That's basically the deal Yeah, so so you know so you get this whole like all the big Americans on base mistreating the Japanese guys and a Macross Plus-esque. Yeah, and then in the end the Japanese guys totally save it, but hey Yeah, but you know in the end
Starting point is 00:19:36 They're both good. They're both they're separate and I think I think KG is actually less interesting of a character than Tom Cruise's character in some ways because While Rita gets fleshed out more He gets fleshed out less Because he's just a guy that's in the military. He doesn't have this weird. I'm really a coward I was gonna say like I think the main gimmick they just added to Tom Cruise was like Let's put a bunch of like humor into this by doing this, you know Because KG had different formative scenes where like Tom Cruise tried to try to run away from the military and that didn't work
Starting point is 00:20:18 But like KG succeeded in getting away and he went to the beach and then he saw the little girl And then the scene yeah, yeah, I'm like so that I mean that scene exists in the edge of tomorrow as well It goes into the bar. Yeah. Yeah, but but the the the basic character of like pre-movie Tom Cruise pre-movie KG our pre pre-story KG like KG's just Protagonist Japanese guy, you know, he's main guy from Gantz He's main guy from any other thing and like his only defining real feature is just you can tell what he looks like because of his hair Yeah, I think more heroes should be huge cowards. I don't you know what? Yes That's where I'm not a single thing when Tom Cruise was like, I'm fuck. I'm a huge pussy
Starting point is 00:21:06 You have no idea how much of a huge coward is like the best thing to happen to like mecca Any more people would talk of it more people talk about Shinji because of that Yeah, the robot was just a hero. Mm-hmm. So that we're talking about things that the adaptation makes a bit better Tom Cruise get in the suit. No, I don't want to I still I still think and like, you know, there's a good chance is just because I read the book first I still think the movie is like far inferior to the book though That barn scene that barn scene is nothing in the book in the book touches that Like I think it you know that's for her story and stuff and it's like I I don't really agree with that
Starting point is 00:21:49 I was though there is my eyes at the barn scene. I would have loved I would have loved the The whole explanation as to why her suit is red is pretty cool It's awesome, and that's just I wouldn't his suit is blue at the end like it's totally awesome And they totally there's no reason to excise that Spoilers, but it's yeah, basically he gets a blue suit at the end and he has the opposite reasons of her It's it anyway. So that that's it's worth checking out though if you haven't at all Well, let me ask you a question both of you. Let me ask you a question. Yeah, which version Liam you read all three versions
Starting point is 00:22:23 Yeah, which version is the most like the Warhammer 40k thing that I'm never gonna get The which one probably the manga probably just because of the visuals Cuz cuz like in the movie like girl has the suit and a fucking chain And I'm just like oh, okay I also want to mention I hate the sword in the movie because it's a dumb slab of metal and in the book It's a giant battle ax. Yeah, like why did you have to change? But like man, I look at that. I'm like no you could do a Warhammer thing. Yeah, it's possible Oh, yeah, actually it would be goofy fucking super metal shit. Yeah, actually Matt
Starting point is 00:23:06 I think I can answer what you were asking earlier really concisely and it's not so much that they changed the overarching stuff It's that they changed the details a lot of details that didn't need to be adjusted like you know taking away her ax Making her suit barely read details like like it details that were important And you know we're we're central and they're just gone and like that's kind of why I didn't like the movie as much because like Yeah, it also got be gone was just gone And but I got also got rid of like oh, I dropped my cart of potatoes and now the potatoes are falling on me You know it got rid of stuff that was also kind of like Because when you
Starting point is 00:23:46 Saying the dumb eating contest I that doesn't sound like okay. No the eating contest It's not it's really dumb Here's the difference if I if I'm looking if I'm in the mood to read or watch or be exposed to a cool sci-fi thing I want to see a cool sci-fi thing not a cool sci-fi thing with some Dumb eating contest in the middle because that works for anime and if I'm in the mood for that then yeah There was an anime of like an anime movie of all you need is kill Yeah, I would like to watch that And here's the thing is with the eating
Starting point is 00:24:37 And the thing with the dumb eating contest as well is that it locks in the established thing where it's like Basically Rita is a Sundari character. That's what she is. She's being like no, uh, I'm too tough and but I really like you But I'm no I'm too tough and it's like that's not a human being that's a Sundari That's not true that Wouldn't go and have a giant eating contest Well that archetype totally exists in American movies the girl who doesn't like the guy But then at the end likes the guy like that Yeah, like
Starting point is 00:25:15 No, but none of the girls and Clint Eastwood movies are stuffing their faces with sour things and acting like it's not You haven't watched many Clint Eastwood Two mules for sister Sarah Think about it But I don't know at the end of the day like we're talking about a light novel like it's never never was it shakes Also talking about this and it's like more than a year old now What is the categorical difference between a novel and a light novel? I actually can't give you an answer because the only thing the only distinction I seem to see is that they have anime covered
Starting point is 00:25:53 Yeah, the only thing I can grab from it is that a light novel is like a manga with no pictures My understanding I always thought it was more than a short story Basically, it's like when you when the when your word count or like size count What novella is is that yes, that is novella It's a novella anime like like goosebumps are novellas because they're only a hundred and twelve pages longer than goose bumps a lot of Stephen Work as Stephen King works are novellas, right? They're not like over. I just felt like banging out this classic today Whatever I'm gonna take a shit You know well one thing for is for sure though
Starting point is 00:26:35 Don't just choose one and go yeah Yeah, you have to look at all you get at least you get you get a lot of awesome After that after you've done all three of those make sure to watch the bondy Sine God fucking stupid icebreaker what a shitty stupid No No, not snow The icebreaker did you the second train you didn't know about It's literally a second train called icebreaker
Starting point is 00:27:19 Anyway, I hope I hope you get around to the manga But you'll definitely see that it's like far closer to the book, you know, and it's mostly just for like You know the cool visual stuff that obata. Yeah, but it's such a like God like like manga artists Well, that's the thing so yesterday I saw the physical copy of the manga and I was thinking about it So maybe maybe I'll go back today, but yeah, I'll just go right into it Yeah, New York is New York the first thing that that happens you I get off the thing and Giant noise
Starting point is 00:27:47 noise just blasts me in the face and I turn to my right I swear to God right outside the train station doors and a young guy probably in his mid to late 20s Headphones on yeah Dressed like nicely pants all the way down just dancing Just dancing pants down and they're not off. So it indicates that this was an impromptu decision You know, he didn't come prepared without pants Like he just pulled them off and is just dancing on his own and everyone's walking by and it's like yeah, New York Now you can do very easily when you go on any street corner, especially in
Starting point is 00:28:26 In Times Square and there is like 50,000 black guys on one block that are going come to my comedy show come my comedy show Yeah, you can just walk in there and fade away And you can just start handing out random flyers and people will come to your show Somehow that's the most common thing Yeah, I time square is Pretty underwhelming not much else. There's nothing like there's nothing there. They they they Romanticize it in movies and shit, but it's it's not big and there's nothing
Starting point is 00:29:01 Shinjuku is Used to be fucking cool when it was fucking scary shit. Yeah strip clubs everywhere Fucking guy come up to you on the street. You want a big joke like no man Oh The train yeah, I had I had a good New York slice the New York slices are pretty solid You know that that I understand now, but the the fucking talking about drugs, right? Yeah, that's correct. That's correct The thing that makes the entire trip worth it immediately is on the first night we got in I went straight to the comedy cellar and
Starting point is 00:29:43 Got in to a Colin Quinn show with some other nice And god damn it. What an amazing show Fucking they just get like six dudes to go up and do like 10 15 minutes at it They just everyone killed it's like the peak of comedy like no one gets in at the cellar or at the village underground Unless you're fucking destroying outside. Yeah, I guess so um I tried to get back in for the next two nights And it's of course booked. It's not gonna happen But that's something where like I could see myself coming back to New York just to go down to the cellar Okay, yeah, you've just gone there and said hey, I'm a comedian and they would have let you in
Starting point is 00:30:25 Everywhere but the cellar okay, okay, and then and then of course if you want to you want to do it properly You go up the street to the pizza place where Louis shoves the pizza in his face You know and you you get a bite over there. So like yeah that neighborhood that that's in though is really nice It's like the village. It's quieter. It's more sane people are just walking around Chile Mm-hmm, and like bunch of black kids in a cage playing basketball, you know the way New York is supposed to be My New York Yeah, and and so, you know, I checked out image anime and the the not video games New York, but
Starting point is 00:31:02 Midtown comics, you know, yeah pretty solid places But the Japanese bookstore Kino Kui Nia, I believe Kino Kui Nia Fucking amazing the selection of quality shit. They have there blows my mind I walked in and you go up the escalator to where like the comics and manga are first thing you see of course is the giant vagabond wall mural that was painted Did you light some incense before that wall do I just stared I stared and I saw there was a big event happening Behind me and it was like Ken Nimura the guy that wrote that drew I kill Giants. Okay, if you remember that book He was there signing and like people were talking to people or whatever and like I just I completely
Starting point is 00:31:52 Like ignore like I kind of got in the way because I was in the mural is right at the front where he is But I didn't give a fuck. I just stared and like You know my girlfriend took a picture and we just were freaking out at this wall Well, this guy's trying to be like signing the shit one. Yeah, it's great. It's great. Um, they have saga posters here. Oh nice They have like an entire back section of just Like raw manga. So if it's like if you can't wait, you just need it if you want to look at the pictures Exactly they got that there for you Fucking quality shit, man. So yeah, that's that's awesome
Starting point is 00:32:31 You know today, I don't know. We're just everything's just winging it by ear. Did you did you go to Chinatown fair? Not yet. Don't that's that that yeah, that might happen today. Don't forget your peanut butter No What but no lots of lots of good you got to take peanut butter sandwiches and jam them in the slots man the quarter slots That's how you that's how you ruin an arcade cabinet real good. That's how you pray to the God There's a much simpler way to do that. It's just yeah, but it's about the fact that you use peanut butter Yeah Five cabinet was always just the most nightmarish thing
Starting point is 00:33:16 But what peanut butter all over the screen? Stop I'm really I'm really glad that like we we kind of decided to like not come with the camera to not be worried about that stuff It's like just just walk around and enjoy it. Don't freak out and be too touristy the main the most touristy thing we did was like we went to the top of the 30 Rock building and That was cool You know you get to get your your lookout point and it's like it's better to go up to a building like that than to go up to the Empire State Building because
Starting point is 00:33:49 Then you can't see the Empire State Building because we're on it. Yeah And then no one ever told me but there's this ugly ass horrible building It's such a shit to your building that's just sticking out and it's like as tall as all the other like major landmarks But it's this ugly fucking white like Lego block thing. It's white orange and blue The windows are just randomly orange and blue and the and the foundation is white and it's the shittiest skyscraper I've ever seen or it's like I Edit it out of the movies in post
Starting point is 00:34:24 You know and we're watching and we're looking we're like what the fuck is it? We can't figure out what it is. I'm looking on the map Nothing adds up and I finally just asked the doorman and the doorman kind of makes a face. That's like Yeah, that I'm like what's the name of that thing and he's like that's that's nothing What anyway, what do you mean? He's like he's like that's just that's when that's done That's just gonna be an address. That's that's not a nothing incorporated. Yeah It's just some random address, and we're like wow even they hate it What a fucking shit building where anyone from New York that knows what I'm talking about
Starting point is 00:34:59 Please tell us like what this thing is called. He sent us questions for next week's podcast. They're just yeah I hate that building too Support the hatred But yeah, no, that's it and you know, I still got another two days here, so we'll see what's up nothing nothing special Okay, the food's great. I'm going to the good places on the big list. Thanks for the list Yeah, we're any of those good cuz I'm planning to go and go just to those restaurants all day Yeah, I well the ramen place was dope. That was really fucking good ramen Go to the Olive Garden
Starting point is 00:35:40 Of course I don't think I'm gonna get into a love in Madison Oh, that's fair. That's fair. I Tried to get into the Russ and daughters restaurant. It's like cream cheese and smoked meat together on a giant bagel and It was closed so that sucked so I just walked around the corner and found a Greek spot and like talked to this Greek bartender guy that Made some sick food and drinks for us all night Offer to give you my next boxes Hey, I got an airy, right? Yeah, you should go see the guys
Starting point is 00:36:18 You'll check out my dogs. Oh God, I forgot that was this week. Yeah Yeah, yeah, so that's it man I'm a tag off to The I'll take it. Yeah. No, I don't cuz I want to hear about the king of strong Said earlier you wanted to talk about a video game you and I played this week and you forgot I forgot me and Willie and Willie sat down Channel spoilers and we recorded a full LP of freedom planet. It was good. It was originally just gonna be a hey
Starting point is 00:36:52 Let's take a look at a look at freedom planet and then half an hour in we realized we were in way too deep And for the many that don't know what freedom planet is it's um, so Pat put it well earlier It is too sonic as shovel night is to like Mega Man or Castlevania, right? So it's a hundred percent, but it's it's more of like sonic and treasure and it's just more like just the Genesis Genesis Yeah, it's the Genesis Genesis game in the same way that shovel night because it was last any S game. Yeah, but it's also it's also like shovel night It's fucking excellent quality wise. It's right up there with it It is like incredibly good tons of post-game content
Starting point is 00:37:33 Amazing like set pieces in the game Well, I remember watching trailer a few months ago And then the trailer just kept going on and on not in a bad way Yeah, it's showing like there's more more stuff with these really elaborate voiceovers. Yeah, but all this story We're like wow Dude the mechanics in this thing don't care if you never see them again That's me you will do a thing once and it's gone forever Yeah, it's it's really really sick every world always has a new gimmick to it and the gimmicks are I think
Starting point is 00:38:06 Universally pretty good. I can't remember one that stuck out. There's so much missable content Barrels man the barrels about the barrels. They've been excised for maximum fun value. No those barrels are great But it has Pat so it has some improvements on like the regular sonic stuff You know in sonic when you have like a ramp that just goes up like that Yeah, and you want to walk up it, but then you fall and you just keep kind of No momentum freedom planet. You don't need to gain momentum. You can just walk right up it It's great. Isn't that it is things that we would laugh at sonic 2006 for? No, because it is this stage it works and it gets you where you need to go
Starting point is 00:38:51 It really works. Well, it keeps some momentum. It keeps the flow going rather than like yeah, you get It demonstrates that yeah, but they never stop and then spin-dash to get it up what they're saying is that part of the game Stopping in this game. That's it. You have this you'll get through it faster than you your spin-dash equivalent in this game You can fire in any of the eight directions. That's in midair except for straight up and straight down That's true and in midair. So you can just jump and spin dash like the hyper jump Yeah, and this is all just one character. You've got a double jump and uppercuts and dive How's shake you have a huge range of actions just for the one you've got you've got low footsie Yeah, yeah, you've got a low kick you like low kicks. You've got a low kick
Starting point is 00:39:37 The second character has a motorcycle. She can ride around at all times Did she shoot guns? No, she has full claws and a disappointing character. No, she has like Chun-Li's kicks Okay, she vex. No, she's not vex. She's kind of like vex. There you go. She's not vex. You said claw hands I was like man, that's just like vex. She's like cat. Yeah. Yeah It's honestly just I'm fucking incredible what that's right Yeah for your four hours or so you get through one character. Yeah, and then you got two more to go Yeah, nice. So it was of content and so we were that's probably not gonna go up until like late next week later something. Yeah Yeah, yeah, but
Starting point is 00:40:19 We we have I'm yawning cuz I'm fucking early It's 10 o'clock bad, whatever it's really only way to make it work. It's fine. Yeah This week I've mostly I've just been cleaning cuz my girlfriend's moving in this weekend Congratulations. Thank you There was a PSN sale this weekend, right and if you're listening it's too late But for you guys I urge you to go check it out because the PSN sales so good The deals are really really good
Starting point is 00:40:56 Anyway, maybe it was some bizarre fit of Not being able to buy anything because I already owned everything that was on sale that I yeah, but for some reason I remembered oh Adventure Time got a price drop recently Matt talk spoke very highly of that game It was his favorite game this year There are multiple I went out and bought Adventure Time the secret of the Nameless Kingdom Which is a top-down 2d adventure game kind of like like most analogous to the the Game Boy Zelda and Link to the past and such which describes every adventure time. Yeah, exactly man. What a Surprisingly solid top-down adventure game. It's just like the first one on DS
Starting point is 00:41:39 No, that's way better than that one. This is like this is actually a top-down adventure The first city DS one with the first DS one, which is fine Is like a Zelda 2? Yeah, and this one's just straight up linked to the past Dungeons It's fully voice fully voiced which really surprised me they got all the voice actors in there That's really cool to hear the baboop all the time. I really like that. I can check the dog. Yeah. Yeah, everyone's in there I love Jake um They get people like it's not like you know a nine on ten or eight on ten game or anything
Starting point is 00:42:16 But coming from the other Adventure Time games and the frothing desire for a good one This feels like a fucking you know we talked about it But you know that they're making an adventure time like adventure yeah game. Yeah a 3d adventure game that I forget Despite little orbit, so I don't have little orbits publishing it. Oh, they're only publishing yeah Yeah, cuz this one was by way forward published by little orbit. Yeah, it turned out quite well surprisingly Here's hoping that one she plays ice in that Is adventure time gonna turn into a franchise that just has like 20 games under its belt and we all stopped Well, it's already got like three iPhone games. Yeah, there's like yeah
Starting point is 00:42:55 There's computer games like the MOBA Yeah Sorry kind of get it's like no one's talking about even spoke about the shooter so cuz no one's talking about the latest sponge Bob game. Yes, they are. Oh, just we know yeah That was made by ask-to-mouth the latest one You were there was it yep, absolutely. I was wondering what asked them out was up to yeah, that's what they did Forget that they name their company ask them out. Yeah, you know what? We wouldn't talk about the fact that the company a 2m asked him out
Starting point is 00:43:28 Changed their name to behavior Except for the fact that in the press release they explained why they changed their name They were very explicit about they said like they like they use some like sort of like business speak to get around Yeah, yeah, it's like the shareholders really didn't need to see those slimes. Yeah It's an epi demonstration on stage the fact that they fucking even kind of hit to them their press release The name was like the we will never let you forget I was like the very first time I heard of this company name was one Matt He told me you went to go work there for like a day for like a week and and you said oh where I'm like
Starting point is 00:44:07 Where'd you go and you said a 2m look? Within one second. Yeah We have the X-bone thing of like really yeah, really no one M and a 2 as in the letter to have a number so they thought they'd get past it But no Everyone could you say a 2m? Everyone there is mature and not pigheaded and you're absolutely right that like any everybody who knows is never gonna forget But since they're such a like mediocre studio or one of the most nobody else is ever gonna find I know they changed their name
Starting point is 00:44:43 I think I think they successfully buried it It's so stupid too because the original name being artificial mind and magic Yeah, right and it's like that's a fine game, but you put the two in the wrong place anyway So it's your stupid fault Yeah, isn't am to know it's m2 the company in Japan. Yeah And to and to yeah What else I do I stopped playing Omega Quintet. I can't I can't yeah, I thought I can't take this anymore I am so tapping out of compile heart games like
Starting point is 00:45:19 Wasn't last week you're saying this is the one of the best. No, I said it was told I'm thinking you must be thinking another game must be like you're tapping out after like 11 of them I know that's not even tapping out. They're always exceedingly overly complex for absolutely no good reason I yeah, but I've never heard you say a good thing about any of them. They're just fun schlock And it's like yeah, I can eat this drivel. It's not bad the fact From the back that's where that comes from exactly. Yeah, and just this time I don't know what it was, but like I just can't go through another 20-something hours of mediocre
Starting point is 00:46:02 Xbox 10 All the wrong game and it's a really complex is it it maybe not Maybe not. I can't even tell this one But like even like the the RPG greats Chrono Triggers, you know play Souls games, you know, whatever go down the list. That was a weird cross-section, but okay I'm not gonna you want me to go longer or whatever. No, I mean like just I don't souls games are RPGs are they action RPGs Anyway, you know you go down all the greatest action game RPGs that were ever made and I don't think any of them have Mechanics as complex and I should say needlessly complex as compile-heart games
Starting point is 00:46:44 Because compile-heart games mechanics don't always overlap with having fun There's just a million meters on this like it's worse than blaze blue. There's meters everywhere. Is it worse than mass? No, I think it's worse than math very much like Matt's blaze blue really so much needless Complication it's unnecessary the UIs are super cluttered the writings always like super average mediocre Like the Neptunia series gets by because like it has a lot of like I don't want to say topical stuff But it's like oh, I understood that reference of like super nice. Jeff. I'm a dream cast Yeah, exactly. So like that one kind that gets by and it's a bit annoying noise when I Yeah, but all their other games just don't hold up and and you know until
Starting point is 00:47:32 Like they're putting out a game in a while only if the VMU has no battery. Yeah Oh, no, the VMU my trusted dog is killer. Yeah, because oh put it in the Rest of the Robo dog graveyard next to the VMU. Sorry the pocket station. Yeah They're making a game with the all the core team who made this guy after they ran away from Nipponichi software last year And so I'm looking forward to that game because that's by people with different sensibilities than the like if you fucking think people who ran away from Nipponichi Who worked on diskaya to come work at this company are going to make a game That is any less of a complexity No, then what you are describing you are back shit. No because in diskaya
Starting point is 00:48:20 I don't like diskaya, but in diskaya almost every feature has a reason to be there and Dude, I've wanted to like diskaya so bad for like five years item world within your item A lot of diskaya's mechanics. I'd say the vast majority aren't needlessly complex. They're very straightforward, right? Like you you you read them once and you're like, okay, I get it Compile heart games is you have 30 fucking mechanics You have to use at the same time in combat and and three of them you could say well Why don't you just take that out of the game? It does nothing like no my E3
Starting point is 00:48:57 Meters deflating baffling Lee. Yeah, exactly baffling Lee the diskaya games have way less needless stuff Diskaya games are tight compared to compile heart games, which are just loose shlock all over the place So, I don't know I those games whatever. I'm gonna play the Witcher next week Otherwise, I plan bloodborne again. I'm in new game plus plus plus I Think bloodborne is my favorite at this point and I'm just playing it It's you know, it's the easiest one I think it is but it's also the only one where I feel like there isn't just an easy way to scum out the hole
Starting point is 00:49:39 No, actually, I'm gonna backtrack. It's not the easiest one is the easiest one for us Yeah, for people with experience. No, not that you wouldn't say because it's people like us to play a shit ton of action games Yeah, maybe this change in philosophy towards speed. Yeah may is is geared towards us But to people who needed it slower It's killing him. Yeah, of course You know what a difference for me to and I think about it is that when the first couple of Souls games came out I still went oh from software and I just kind of felt these just like, you know thematically at least and visually They're very similar to Kingsfield. Yeah, and now Kingsfield feels and and and whatever and
Starting point is 00:50:19 Bloodborne feels different than those. Yeah, I'm a visual and an atmospheric Standpoint and I like it more that way not that I had any problems with Kingsfield and like it's armor No, of course. Yeah, it's just like bloodborne skews more towards the whole shit that I like Exactly like really right now. What do you mean? Like that's the shit. He's been saying for years Oh, okay. Well, like I never had any problem with it like Pat You know that my favorite thing about the Souls series are like the bosses. I'm like, yeah Fuck the best. Yeah, especially like, you know Demons and Dark Souls one. Yeah, but like
Starting point is 00:50:54 I've been spoiled on one boss in and it's the next one. I have like I haven't played Oh, yeah, and it's one that's no one's fault, but I was on the Zibatsu blog And I think I told you guys someone took it. Oh, yeah, you guys fighting this cool boss. I went, oh, oh Well, yeah, that's the only one that's nothing. Oh damn. Yeah, really not like it's gonna suck It's gonna suck when we have to go back to pre-headslip mechanics I'm not looking forward to that. That's likely incoming. Yeah, but whatever. I'm thoroughly enjoying my Fort third whatever I'm playing it. It's so good. The game's amazing. You have a ps4. You got to try that game It's like it's I think it's a candidate for game of the generation. That's
Starting point is 00:51:40 It's the worst, but are there gonna be that many more games that it's not it could make a blood-borne 2 by the time the generation No, of course, but I think like candidate is fair Yeah, okay, because how many candidates for game of the generation do we have at last gen maybe 20 30 for so far Bam, it's ps2 game. It's ps2 game. It doesn't count. You we're not doing this. We're not doing this now Mother fuckers. We're not doing this now. Shut up. We're not doing this man. I know I know who will he is just quivering right now. So I better get to it But really before I had a I had a huge rustling and Mad Max flavored trip to Toronto right before I went there. I finished off
Starting point is 00:52:24 I've talked about a couple times the podcast, but I finished the first season of Spartacus I talked said how hey, I watch a couple episodes. Oh, you're Spartacus. I that's not it That's not even in it. No, he's Spartacus. That's not a part of it They rewrote it and they the scene happened is I'm Spartacus and everyone's like, no, that's part of so He just take the Romans give him that so you watch the fabrication Well, dude, it's like it's like in Rome where you wait for the famous Caesar moment and he doesn't even They underplay you expect super hard all that shit up Well
Starting point is 00:53:05 And I watched the season finale and like I take away from this show It's like man they are making this show on the Shuest of shoestring budgets like when people are in front of a green screen it looks so awful and That's the actual only bad part of this show The rest is just so schlocky and fun to watch Like every single dude is the most attractive dude ever Every single woman is the most attractive woman ever and you don't even care and you're just watching this and you're just having fun
Starting point is 00:53:35 So sometimes shock is good. So it's just it's just like just turn your brain off But it's like immensely entertaining something has no artistic value doesn't mean it doesn't have But yeah, I made my way to Toronto via train dude, I'm so jealous I bet you are I took train once when I was 11 to Toronto and it was not It's not actually that great because if they get delayed even once It fucks up your entire trip and they can't go faster a plane can go faster No, they cannot it has I've been on plane trips where they go
Starting point is 00:54:15 Oh, but I they say we're gonna be 30 minutes late Then the you know the pilot on the plane goes yo, guess what it went faster That's the wind man. Sure. I was gonna take a train to New York and then I saw it took 10 hours to fucking We found we found so I took a six-hour bus instead New York, it's a bit tougher like our trips for about four hours and one way and five hours the other way But on the first day like well, he went to midtown comics. I went to silver snail comics in Toronto I picked up some stuff The next day I went to A&C games
Starting point is 00:54:48 Which is hell. Yeah, which is I went to about five years ago And it was literally a hole in the wall When you could not see the floor or the walls because they just had so many games It was stacks right the most disorganized place ever But I liked it and I remember I showed woolly I Tetsin woolly on my old old flip top phone like some cool arcade sticks And this is when woolly was just starting to Mod for people. Yeah, and I was like, oh look that's cool
Starting point is 00:55:18 And they go back and now it's like a huge store with a huge tabletop gaming area in the back before you can see the Forts will organize with gigantic shelves Every time Ontario players come down for tournaments and fighting game stuff. There's like a good five or six sponsored A&C. Oh, yeah, they had memorabilia like they AVGN went in there and signed some stuff apparently They had some things like there and I met up with some nice fans there I met with a guy. I believe his name was Cohen and he just shows up He's like, oh me and my me and my I think it was his girlfriend He goes me and my girlfriend just ran from from work to because we you said you were gonna be here
Starting point is 00:55:55 I said people like hey if you're in the area I'm gonna be here for like an hour buying dumb bullshit and I bought around two hundred dollars worth of rancid Dumb bullshit mostly PlayStation one stuff that's my new kick now. I'm like little is garbage Because I feel like there's another PlayStation you want to kick for yeah, no, I am but that there's there's there's other But they mad with me and this dude. I'm talking to him. They're super nice and I'm looking at the sky and he has the greenest of the greenest eyes I've ever seen and I couldn't tear myself away from them So they sent a picture they treated a picture back that we took a picture with them Guys fucking eyes. They're gorgeous. Anyway
Starting point is 00:56:35 The next day I met up with one Takahata 101 because he also went to get tickets to Global Wars the wrestling show, but he's like dude. We have to go see Mad Max and I was like hell is yeah We do and we were we were in a hotel that was right next to a theater that I've been to before it was the theater that I saw I believe sin city the original sin city, right and I remember the theater not being great Okay, and I was like we need to find a better theater So he searched for the Scotiabank theater Toronto and I was like, yeah, I like the social Scotiabank theater and much You know, so it's fine. Okay, so you wanted there and Takahata's like don't worry I got your tickets for you and your you and your fiance went all that's super nice
Starting point is 00:57:16 And then we go in with to the we meet up with them and we go to the Mad Max theater and we're like looking around He's like here's our seats and he got the D box vibrator chairs I was like dude really and he's like dude. I want to be in these seats in a movie where you're there's giant 3000 horsepower vehicles. Yeah fair enough. Yeah, I've never sat in these any Those tickets tonight actually so we sit in them and then it starts rumbling a little bit I was like, oh, it's fun. It's like those dumb rides at Larone. Yeah And I was like, yeah, I could I could see this working and then we watch all the the new trailers
Starting point is 00:57:54 Amen, whatever does it blow its wad in the preview showing you how cool the chair. No, it doesn't it was just subtle there And I was like, okay, that's fine We watch all the trailers, right? And then we're like, okay, here we go everyone's all excited And then it says Marvel and then you hear music over the Marvel logo and the lights have dimmed now And we're like that's weird It's supposed to be like a special trailer and it's start it shows the scepter of Loki and Avengers starts playing And then I go what and talking how does behind me is like what and I immediately start going
Starting point is 00:58:35 Then people start turning I'm like, oh, I didn't wander into the wrong theater Everyone else is similarly confused and our rando guy saying next week goes. I'm sorry. Is this Mad Max? I have my ticket for Mad Max. I'm like, no, this is supposed to be Mad Max And they would just start scoring moves and then and then Takahata yells at the screen it shows them, you know doing their Yeah, they're their destruction of that winter base at the start and then mad then Takahata just goes which one's mad Max Like people start filing out and then the movie pauses and then they put the right reel on whoops We were too stoned to put in the right movie. I guess so I won't go into it
Starting point is 00:59:18 But Mad Max is the best movie I have seen in a long long time. Okay, but how was the d-box? It was Actually, I want to buy those things. I want to do it again Okay, add it to it when there's gigantic camera pans like from left to right up and down the chair Subtly moves and you kind of feel the camera pan a little bit Not too much and they have the little like remote to make you make it that's right up and down Sensitivity explosions happen. It worked really well for this movie. I this is the first I've ever been And and I've never had any interest before but I can see if I really think about in my head
Starting point is 00:59:59 How would this movie actually use it after doing this? I might do it again Just as a you know if I really want to treat myself, but will you have you seen it? Not yet. We you guys need to see it It's one of those remember the Matrix one came out and just changed the game Wow Wow Wow This changes the game in terms of does your movie have a car chase? Is it as good as any? No, don't do a car chase because Really? I I counted on one hand what I assumed was CG, right? And I'm like oh the dust storm was CG
Starting point is 01:00:37 Charlize Theron has a robot arm and when she like it's a prosthetic when she takes it off She has no arm Charlie's Theron has two arms. Yeah, so I assume now wearing a green Now it's a lot of this glowing review coming from Like just it as a standalone thing or it as a Mad Max dude I've seen one Mad Max movie and it's the first one. It's the worst one. It's boring I don't like it that much beyond Thunderdome and all that I want to go back and watch and watch maybe like a scene or two and I was a kid when they were out Okay, so but you're basically going I'm basically going cold and it looks weird is that I guess this is
Starting point is 01:01:17 Mad Max is a type of character where you can say this happened at this point in his life Yeah, pretty much, you know what I mean It's not all the all I feel like all the events of the first three movies like none of them are like world Changing, you know like they're very localized max So like this is what he gets the five finger point I was just thinking that well, you're totally right like Mad Max is just kinshura without the ability to kung fu Mad Max other way around other way around How much shit comes from what Mad Max looks like all of a kudo. Yeah, for example, literally every Joe Joe by
Starting point is 01:02:00 Extension. Yeah, Joe Joe by extension. Let's say and just every like I Don't want to just going on on just just bursting every character Super creative like what you know when barely anyone says anyone's name in this they go Charlie Saran's name is this the main bad guy's name is this his name is max That's about it and when the the credits come up and they show like so-and-so as And it has these names for the characters that are never said in the movie But through the coolest names ever like I can't even remember them. There's so many but oh my god That's such a cool fucking name. I'll I like all it like here's one of the things I want Mad Max bed sheets now
Starting point is 01:02:39 I want the lunchbox. I'm going to buy the game That's a little plastic car. I will sleep in a car. Yeah, no, I'm super excited. I want to see it multiple times I fucking loved it. Anyway, remember that they couldn't get that's what happens. That's what happens when you bring Yeah, yeah, apparently they wanted that for a specific reason. They didn't want it to happen day in day Yeah, I don't know there aren't there aren't a ton of examples of like Remakes or not even remakes, but like future at sequels where they bring the original guy back. Yeah, you know Here's this guy's resume key Mad Max like Beyond Thunder Dome and like the other one if you get his name Obviously with the road war or whatever. So those three movies happy feet Mad Max. Yeah, Fury Road
Starting point is 01:03:22 Yeah, well, they did frame Director of happy feet. Yeah, but it was just I said to you guys before we start the podcast This is a movie that could have had no dialogue and it still would have been as good The dialogue is there just Australian, right? Yeah. Well, some characters have an Australian accent some don't oh It was all Yeah, but it comes from that place But you could have had no any dialogue and the visuals alone tell you the story and I'm thinking about it I'm like, yes, I would have understood it with no
Starting point is 01:04:02 But the the pièce de resistance was global wars which was new Japan Pro-Russelline. What is that? Oh pro area versus Ring of Honor Ring of Honor is the independent like this where CM Punk and Daniel Bryan kind of got the start under under the Chikada Sort of and I went in there with Takahara my fiancee and talk about his friend Anthony Who's really cool guy man up with another dude and we sit there all it was Was match after match after match of the highest work rate the craziest moves. No breaks. No commercials No promo is just go in there. Just destroy everyone. That's in the ring. It was super entertaining It was at the Ted Reeves community arena the most independent
Starting point is 01:04:49 Unity arena a good a lot of guys. I didn't know who they were. I didn't even know if they're a face or Super Dragon was not there. Well, there's a dude. There's this black dude had this low-key like your rat beat No lyric just don't But his name was moose Everybody came out. He's just wearing black trunks big black guy and people just go moose Moose and he does like this little hand gesture and every time he does people just go moose Super over and that was his gimmick. Okay. Okay, and I was like it works When you were when you were doing that rap beat there. Was that just the battle toads pause menu that you know that was
Starting point is 01:05:35 Anyway, you're totally doing You know a couple of Japanese guys wasn't familiar with some of them, but the Three the three Kings Tana hashi Nakamura and Okada. Yeah, I thought a bushi was gonna be there, but he wasn't I'm not trying to to to make you like less hype wooly but Rainmaker came out nothing entrance. No money. No nothing just kind of came out and all the matches were good But he kind of came out just did his thing one against Dude from a ring of honor wasn't familiar with but it was a good match But then he just kind of left and that was kind of it. It was a little let down. There wasn't any yeah
Starting point is 01:06:16 You know working the crowd Wasn't there the day the day before I got on the bus my rainmaker shirt arrived There you go too late now and I put it on sadly and just went the other way from I'm sorry It's fine. So He came out did a staying it was a good match But it really was the king of strong style that went into the ring had tons of fun Dance made fun of his opponent his opponent made fun of him. It was super super entertaining like Usually the guy who was fighting we go. Do you think this is a game and then and then
Starting point is 01:06:53 Nakamura just go like like We just go hi and just like say stuff like yes, I think it's a game Yeah, I'm having fun or whatever. It was super good during rain makers match the lights in the arena Just sporadically went off and on so the chant was pay your bills It was it was really really entertaining, but it was you get exhausted watching so much wrestling so quickly That's why they put the ads on Yeah, there's a little intermission in the middle and the main event was was the bullet club Which I'm not sure I've explained before is
Starting point is 01:07:34 English guys that work in New Japan and they're they're they're stable is just a bullet club. Okay, so AJ Styles the Young Bucks and They were just against the ring of honor guys and they just had now what sorry What I was gonna say what happens when the the group whose angle is we disrespect Japan We're coming to Japan to be Americans our Westerners. What happens when they're in the West? Okay, well what happened is that I wore my bullet club shirt to the event and I was like, yeah, no one's gonna have this shirt Everyone had a bullet club shirt. I was like, oh, I should have brought my king of strong style
Starting point is 01:08:14 You turn it inside out I wish I wish I had thought of it because I saw one person with the exact same shirt as me But everyone would had bullet club. So everyone just loved bullet club, but they weren't against Japanese guys or against ring of honor guys We're also all American or you know, Western. Yeah, so they just had a ten-man Fucking tag match and it gets to the point where there's so many guys Standing on the edge of the ring to get tagged in there. You can barely see it. We're in about this Blocking the way. Yeah, we're in the stone throw on the floor. So our seats weren't bad We can see everything but there was still they were blocking so much and just like you can't even tell and you can't even explain the match
Starting point is 01:08:52 Because it's just spot after spot after spot. You have to move but it's super entertaining It was nuts just everything happening and then we kind of get all our stuff I have Takahata record a little thing for me. I brought a brought a camera for that And as we're just kind of like sitting there standing the arena We meet up with everyone and because Takahata a few other friends that had seats in different places And as we're kind of going there Takahata Taster the shoulder goes. Hey man. Look look Shinsuke is right over there Nakamura king of strong style. Oh, I know kid. I go
Starting point is 01:09:23 He's just wearing sweatpants and he's just signing signing things and just kind of taking a few random pictures And and this is the only time in the law in a long time where he just want to go get your picture taken I go no, I don't want to like what if he doesn't like me. Yeah, doesn't like you So when I saw ABG and the first time I was kind of like hesitant about going up to him But every time since that I'm like, hey, he James has a go and he goes hi and I talked to Mike and all that That's all done. That's all done. But the fucking Nakamura. I just keep looking back at him I'm like, oh, should I and he goes. Yeah, come on do it. I'm like, no, he's what he looks really like like tired And he's like, hi, sir. I named my Twitter. Yeah
Starting point is 01:10:08 I'm supposed to say he doesn't fucking know me like I'm just a random fan. I'm like, I don't I don't want to but that's the twist Isn't it? He doesn't know how to go all go up there with you. Yeah, and I go, okay Did he hold your hand? He did not but we just go up to him and I go hi hi hi Nakamura's Nakamura San and just go hello Hello, and I'm like, can we have a picture and he goes, oh, okay So he just then he just goes into like a dumb face and puts his arm around both me and And I'm like, yeah, I just give like a lame thumbs up and his face is pretty perfect He's just got it all scrunched and I and I have the picture now and I'm like, oh, I'm super glad I got that
Starting point is 01:10:48 I'm like, thanks. I got out for boosting my confidence plus three and he's like, yeah, no problem So it would have been amazing if he made your picture dumb face with the mouth poop I'd be awesome like that dumb face I do sometimes and that the last kind of thing is at the next morning That's the kind of the day that we're leaving so we go to the in-center mall like like a block away from our hotel I go in the other Near the other Weird thing I go down into the mall and I'm waiting for like my breakfast because they have this like nice little like
Starting point is 01:11:24 Kind of market where there's like tons of fresh food and I go and I'm waiting for my breakfast to get made and I see this kind Of buff dude walking around and I just kind of pay him no mind And then the dude comes up behind me two minutes later task on the shoulder He goes, oh, hello, they go hi and I'm like, oh, this must be a fan. Well, this guy looks cool And he goes hi, I'm Tana Hashi. Yeah, and Tana Hashi is basically a super face He's basically the Japanese John Cena. So you must be faffing right now. I don't know anything about I know But the idea of that don't faff on my couch, please and Basically like super face wins all the time. I guess that's what he was described to me as me
Starting point is 01:12:00 And he had this match was amazing people cheered the shit out of him and he's kind of like rainmaker except like gimmick Yes, he's the best. He's given because that he's the best. Yeah, and he goes hello Very nice shirt and I was wearing like the king of strong style shirt because he must have known Yeah, and I was like, oh, yeah, he goes hi. I'm Tana Hashi and they go. Oh, hello Oh my god, this show last night was so great. He's like, oh, thank you And I go, I was at a WWE show like a few weeks ago and this one was so much better He goes, oh, it means a lot means a lot. Thank you Oh, yeah, he goes, are you going to show tonight? And I go, oh, no, I have to head back. I can only see one show
Starting point is 01:12:40 He goes, oh, so And he goes And I go, okay, so I run on my Twitter. It's like, yeah Tana Hashi waiting for fucking that's awesome. And then he goes he tweets back to me and just goes like hope to see you again Oh, I was like, oh my god, so nice. So yeah, yeah, like I didn't get a picture because I was so flabbergasted that Wrestler I met at the show last night. Yeah, just like Madjoin's New Japan If he was a supergeel, he would have just swam your face into the food and left you Yeah, I couldn't take a picture of that me giving a
Starting point is 01:13:18 Instead of the shield, I'd be the worst member of the book. I just be the guy that holds up sign You can be a manager and your job can be mocking old WWE shit So you could do like your fucking obscene like dusty impressions and the Japanese audience It's just gonna think you're a crazy person because they know Matt match power No match thing is that he holds up a sign that gets someone in the ring really high But then he tells them Their spirit is flashing special and it goes all the way down
Starting point is 01:13:58 So yeah, that that was that was a great cap off to the weekend except for one thing where our train was super late And we're just we're just online forever and I'm just like oh come on What the hell's the hold up did someone get murdered on the train? What is it a ghost train and this is one of those moments where we all have had it We're really tired and then you think up something funny and you start laughing at it more than you possibly should Oh boy was a ghost train. What is this ghost train? And I start thinking my cell I started thinking about the posters, right and I go like you're going to be at the end of the line Ghost train summer and then I'm like in the dining car. They're serving terror
Starting point is 01:14:39 Ghost train summer of 2015 and my last one is that it runs on coal and your fear Ghost train and I am used myself for three minutes So go straight to the TV series broadcast between 89 and 91. There you go, but there is no movie and super Ghost train little girl There's no shit, but no ghost. Oh, it's from the UK. Of course. Okay, that makes sense. So there you go Back to weekend You guys about you Patrick. Why even did you guys intentionally throw this to me last? Well, I was gonna go next and then my right right process like don't fall. No, don't do that by process of elimination
Starting point is 01:15:25 It's either you or we skip you. So I guess I should start with William glad you're in New York I'm glad you're having a good time But I'm also glad I don't have to see the look on your face with the next couple sentences that I'm gonna say Because I could just imagine the weird scrunch That all right, I'm pulling up. I'm sitting up. So I'm cams turning on so I hit the cap three days ago 14 the cap Level cap. Yeah
Starting point is 01:15:57 And I've been on a polly you're just you're fucking all you're all the way back in there's no get This ain't stopping the any excuses you made about the witcher or any all that's all horseshit You're just lying. Yeah, I know you're lying to play a couple hours More than a couple hours to hit the level cap. That means you're fully invested Okay, no, but still it's an accomplishment. I know not even oh, okay, then it's nothing It's every regular player has 20 cap characters. Not 20. Well, you're not a good We you've went a long long way since when we were at E3 and made fun of the realm reborn setup Yeah, I did make fun of that
Starting point is 01:16:43 Enjoy your regression. I am actually We weren't to know that no because we're born at the time of when it was being it was a show Oh, yeah It was a fucking hilarious joke to the point where like company emails were pathetically asking people to fucking beg people to like the game on release And I hate I absolutely hated the game Well, no, that's not I'd liked it well enough when I I ended up getting it like right when it came out And I played it for like a week. Do you read around me board or the original?
Starting point is 01:17:17 Oh, we're all reborn. Okay, and I got to the first dungeon and I you know I didn't know anybody the game and I'd use the duty finder to find randos to play the dungeon and just what a fucking MMOs with randos is one of the worst genres that exists. It's so awful. It's the worst But ever say like ever since I put on the Twitter. Hey I'm on Ultros everybody want come hang out with me on Ultros that free company is pretty big now and I don't have to play with randos anymore So the game ever since I got off randos my sex life's never been better Pugs fine. We'll say pugs whatever
Starting point is 01:17:55 The it's the worst is that playing with randoms or put pickup groups is the absolute fucking worse. I know it's gamer Can't trust them straight up. You can't trust them Fucking bad tags an inch and they take a lot of bad DPS Fucking but if they're but if they're listeners or fans, then they're less random. Yeah considerably There's an association at the very least because because if you're playing in a okay Here's the thing so the date there's your data center, which has like 50 servers on it, right? And those are congregated via all the the the duty-finding thing so I need to queue up for Titan hard or whatever and
Starting point is 01:18:36 You need eight people say you got three yourself that you know It's gonna grab five people among all the other servers Including 90% of a population you can you can't ever deal with again So you run into it. It's like oh man. This tank is Really bad, and I'm pretty sure his chat is turned off and when we're telling him bring him to the edge of the stage For ten minutes. He's not doing anything like fighting Titan hard in the middle of the fucking stage and is getting wrecked Not only make zero progress not only weeks of your time well We didn't wipe so at least there was that but like not only is there no
Starting point is 01:19:17 Thing you there's nothing you can do now that person you will never see that person again Yeah, and as long as they walked away with a win. They're like yeah, I did a good job. I Fucking did it Okay, but when you yell at these people you know Because half of them are all have been at the cap for years, and then the other half I'm like well. I learned a dungeon in one go so I'll just show them H1 speaking of useless players I saw this funny video on Kotaku this weekend about a world of Warcraft player who queued up for PvP and got into PvP and
Starting point is 01:19:51 The entire opposite team and remainder of his team was bots Yeah, and they were all just running in a straight line back and forth while he tried to do everything So it could be worse. Yeah, that being said since I've quote-unquote beaten the game To like you I saw credits roll. Yeah, so I'll tell you finish the story. Yeah, well Long story. Yeah, there's been like five patches that add like another 30 40 hours of story Whatever, I'm just gonna talk about that that game is astounding. Yeah, that game is amazing That is one of the best Final Fantasy games if you stripped out The other players oh whose phones going off
Starting point is 01:20:36 Vibrated. Oh, no if you stripped out the other players and like streamline the game and like toned it's like length down for like a single player Or BG. Yeah, this would be a fantastic Final Fantasy. Oh, I'm sure and it has one of the best final levels In any way to the final sequel. I don't know like it's been out for two years And it's the ending to the story of an MMO. So I'll try and talk around it a little There are plot twists in this story that legit got me That's good. Like I beat a dungeon or whatever and then a hood gets thrown back and I start going Oh, I can't believe it was me This changes everything
Starting point is 01:21:26 And you get to see what is essentially the final boss of the base game? Really early right in the game and then you see why it's going to be your final boss And then the entire like last 15% of that original story is come in That final boss is some shit. We better go do some stuff to get it and then you get there and it is a Long it's like a 90-minute dungeon with a shit ton of cutscenes and four special boss fights against judges mmm nice and There's a vehicle sequence Like in fucking Halo or some shit and the final boss has four phases and the music is an incredible
Starting point is 01:22:07 And the ending is amazing. Mm-hmm, and it's just it's fantastic It's it's really really great. Like if you're insane, I blew through it in two weeks. Mm-hmm. That's insane I work from home speed. Yeah, of course So that whatever but if you like really like tore into it You could buy the game for 30 bucks and beat the story in your 33 days, but do you need teammates? Yes Yes, you do. I don't want to like There's a Everybody here knows Marlboro's right. Yeah, of course
Starting point is 01:22:40 There's a Marlboro dungeon and it's a status dungeon. Mm-hmm. It's a fucking nightmare With a bad team the good team It's totally fine with a bad team your tangle die like Instantly within one minute of starting because they'll just do a bad poll and they're fucking done But with a good team that people will actually talk and party check. It's it's no problem. It's okay boy I'm I'm really you're totally right. I'm completely back in I'm absolutely completely back in well I'm quite surprised though to hear the fact that it's a super good
Starting point is 01:23:15 Well, it's the same with the 11. Yeah, like they you know, they've been you know knocking them out of the park So what they've done is they've essentially said now fuck it. You're the hero light or whatever, but Sid's the main character Because he's a character and yeah, he's a one. It was He's your de facto actual protagonist. Yeah, who can because he can speak because he's not a creative character And and I think the thing and there's this huge awesome sequence of all these bosses and absurdly long credit sequence the long this like this longest credit sequence of any game ever But probably because it has the credits of everyone who made the game then the credits of everyone who fixed the game Yeah, no, that's not why I really want because that every single person who played ff 14 original is in those credits
Starting point is 01:24:01 Oh, wow, and there is a sequence in the end credits the very last thing before special tanks where it gives you a to z controllable and you move left and right Like yeah, but but like a hundred thousand people. Mm-hmm. Like it's nuts It's astonishing how much there is so you hit 50 and usually I you in an MMO It's like can't hit the cap. What do I do? I do the raid since I'm coming to it So late right before the expansion it is It's absurd how overwhelming the amount of shit there is to do at the end of the game And this is why I'm fucked and this is why I was up till 6 30 this morning running raids
Starting point is 01:24:42 Is because it goes from being an MMO or an RPG and just straight up just turns into monster hunter Mm-hmm. Once once you hit the cat because it stops being about levels and starts being about gear and It's Exactly like monster and the level of quality to all of these extra dungeons is Astounding like I was playing the soundtrack to one of them Yeah, when you guys came in and it's amazing production values are incredibly high in this game But not just that like every single boss has some awesome gimmick. Mm-hmm. Like the random. There's a dungeon called the Lost city of the amp to whatever I forget the fucking last name
Starting point is 01:25:23 But but the first boss eats party members and you have to break them out within 10 seconds The second boss can't be aggroed via regular mechanics Mm-hmm, and you have to break ads in the stage to splatter yourself with bug goo and then he'll aggro But if you aggro if you get too much bug goo on you he does he gets a damage multiplier, right? So you have to kill them slowly right while dodging a we's and then the last one you fight So this is the other thing. It's not just a fun fancy game, but it's the most fan servicey thing ever Yeah, you can play as lightning Well, you can dress up as lightning there. There's there's a midget lightning
Starting point is 01:25:58 There's two parts that I want to grab at one is all the like your super bosses are summons Yeah, so she though remove. Yeah if for all those guys. They're either bosses or super bosses And they're all over the place and they're great version of those things when you beat the game You get a ff6 magitech armor and when you ride it terrorists theme from ff6 like the world of balance theme plays Like every fucking part about this all in there It's in there So you get to the end of this dungeon is Diablo some ff8 and he's exactly the same he has all those attacks And there's even a point in which an instant kill move occurs on the stage and the healer
Starting point is 01:26:37 Or whoever's not doing anything has to find one of eight doors that are all matching my symbols Grab two correct doors across from each other then they warp you into an invisible Fucking dimension the attack goes off and you're fine. It's it's it's awesome That's cool. It's legitimately awesome people say Final Fantasy is dead, but it's well this this one's gonna last for a while Yeah, and it's fantastic I don't know what else to say about because nobody else here is playing it and nobody it's a nobody else here likes MMOs Well, but it sucks because I like MMO Where do you the teammate and I don't even like cooperating with friends? I don't want a teammate
Starting point is 01:27:18 Okay, I do not want that like I want to so this game like I get like the dungeons are all really good Except for a thousand all which is fucking terrible But like the dungeons have to be completed in order to continue Yeah, no, and that's the that's why I've never really touched it because I knew I always knew straight up get to the point where it says Hey go to the entrance to Tamterra and talk to the sky and it goes okay duty finder unlocked Yeah for Tamterra and the next story mission is use the duty finder to complete Tamterra Actually, you have to hate the text phases is this just use the duty finder. Yeah, I get you
Starting point is 01:27:59 The side of that like just everything about a talk the bottom like there's they added in a patch I fucking moogled the delivery quest where you get Jotaro's school hat. Mm-hmm. It's not really has happened But it's it's pretty close. It's pretty fucking yes. Yeah, it's fucking great Like I don't have anything else to say and that's all I did with my week Okay, but like woolly you sound like you actually might have a question. So please ask me anything Do you think it would be interesting if I found some YouTube videos of this story and watch Yeah interesting enough All right
Starting point is 01:28:35 Because I'm legit curious now I do not have Because there's the two kinds of story like the thing of your regular Final Fantasy plot right there's gearing up to go to Shinra and take out Shinra HQ But then there's everything that happens in sector seven slums where you're doing odd jobs and fucking take it around and stuff like that Yeah, so if you wanted the story cut scenes That's like I don't know like two hours of stuff and it's pretty interesting But without like the boss fights in there. It's like you know obviously loses something. Yeah, of course
Starting point is 01:29:06 I think it goes for any like there's like a series of quests that are like four hours long Which is you stealing a magitek suit armor and then trying to get it to work with pigs and wedge Everything in this game is fan service or a fucking reference to something. It's nuts The chocobo music plays when you write a chocobo like of course it does of course Of course, but it didn't like Doesn't ever other games don't do that with their mounts. They don't give them music tracks All right, well, you know when black desert comes out you get to be disgusted at me Well because we just want to do the creative character and then we'll just look at his creative character then quit
Starting point is 01:29:48 He's gonna spend a hundred thousand hours making a beautiful Korean girl and never play Oh, no, I'm gonna design her house. Oh, you're right. Yeah, right and then ride an elephant around and never play Yeah, that's basically it that game's fantastic I'm gonna go out the expansion. So I'm in heaven's word. Yeah, I'm way and you'll never get to which as in towards that No, no, I'll just put it now that up now that I met a cap I'm on maintenance So I don't have to brush as hard because there's a cap on the amount of shit I can get a day So like maybe I'll start leveling some alts whatever put yet. No witchers
Starting point is 01:30:25 All right, so game news is pretty repetitive Let's just call this Konami part five the final chapter because I don't see us having anything to say about Yeah, well, no, they say will after they come out and and explain what happened between them and Kojima because that has been You're right. You're right. That's but that's yeah. Yeah, it could be the beginning of something. That's the Konami sima rillian You know mobile games are the future Mobile games are the future and they're Konami's main platform I like I can't argue with that unfortunately I can because I feel a thousand souls just dying and going into the ether when it's a company that has such a
Starting point is 01:31:12 Long amazing history as one of the used to be one of the best third-party developers ever like every single game Amazing yeah, if Konami was a fairly brand new company They said that like yeah, that makes sense But when it's someone with such a like that's a difference between when Nintendo put other press we say yeah We're making mobile games, but don't get us wrong This will not be our getting twisted and it's not a plea. We're not happy like super super sad You know, I'm terribly sad. Don't I know you are like this anything you especially Yeah, no, I'm I'm but it feels like this press release was tailored to make us vomit
Starting point is 01:31:50 It's all though. We will pursue mobile games You know, it's it's upsetting that you know, I said it before like it's all just one bad generation that did this like The the last generation you look at what Konami did and outside of MGS for there's not too much that and the handheld games There's not too much that really stands out, but there's tons of multi-million dollar huge Specifically it was like and during the third to sixty two seventy four bit era Except for Castlevania like you know start did some 3d stuff But then you know when I was sitting in the night and got critical praise for that and Metal Gear Everything else they did kind of flop like Contra and like all got yeah
Starting point is 01:32:35 I guess it I guess it's been a for a while Orie days and everything else that kind of struggled together except for Metal Gear Metal Gear Last gen they spent so much on stuff like Neverdead that you know Good on paper, but then it doesn't pan out Game that it was just based on the on paper shit It's just speculation, but I think that it's safe to assume that The philosophical differences here between Kojima and Hayakawa on like the future of someone We're probably probably a part of the very good chance
Starting point is 01:33:14 That's the case because to be perfectly fair like the Fox engine was supposed to be like everything will run on this Yeah, like lots of money because everyone will get really good at this engine All the teams will use it and clearly that's not what they wanted clearly or the the head guy is not what he wanted but like I just assumed that It would still cost a lot to keep making games on the Fox engine, you know, it's so scalable Yeah, it seems like a really good engine. Well, but like the main guy was just like no, that's too much Well, you know like they still said they're gonna make another like Pro Evolution Soccer and stuff Which did run on the Fox engine and you know, they have said they have plans for you know future Metal Gear games, so
Starting point is 01:33:52 On mobile on mobile farmed out to American mobile Didn't say on mobile. No, so we hope that our overseas games such as MGSV and winning 11 will continue to do well But we're always thinking about how to push our franchises sure But I mean like when when they said, you know a future for Metal Gear on consoles a few like last week, you know, it's like It kind of conflicts with that. Yeah, anyway, yeah, a lot of things. Well, they're clearly doing both Details obviously, but yeah, like whatever console plans they have it's just gonna be PS of metal I bet from I I just want to like I don't have much to say about this because it's all just so gross and obvious But the one thing that I do want to say is that the the comment that it's about mobile games and mobile games are a main platform
Starting point is 01:34:39 Like that's not exactly true. What they mean to say is gambling in all of its forms. Oh, yeah, you're right The future and to a degree. Yeah, and because they're way into The Japanese form of not quite gambling, but let's be real here. It's gambling. Yeah, real gambling stuff Yeah, and mobile gambling, which is not gambling, but come on. It's gambling. Well mobile mobile games have a different I guess purchase rate in like conversion rate in Japan where in North America in Europe It's it's whale focused, but in in Japan. It's more like 25% of users put in money Not a ton. Like they don't have whales as much as a concept. Yeah, so it ironically. It's a bit less evil But it's still really
Starting point is 01:35:29 Silly to the kind of games that you would describe. Yeah, that are fucking they use their slot machine video poker garbage Yeah, I have no doubt that the next metal gear announcement is going to be something that either hits us in the way that those fucking fatal fury Pachinko cabs hit us or Hit Matt and I in the way that the fucking Vatra or whoever the fuck made downcoming announcement hit us Vatra. Yeah, I mean like it's gonna be what it's it's raised to shit heap or garbage pile Yeah, pick one you lose. I Think the future of rising to will tell us. Yeah, I'm gonna be really pissed What that does not come about because rising to seems like a really obvious game to green light because the first
Starting point is 01:36:23 Probably actually for the Platinum version. Yes, they probably didn't spend all that much money on it Like I if so if they decide to pull back and just go you know what no, you know, that's how E3 or TGS this year. I'm gonna be like You know, I dearly hope that they'll you know keep you know using their IP in good ways on consoles for the for what few Projects they will even if they continue to make metal gears for consoles after This I still don't even know if I really care that much just cuz it yeah this because of this is your business model now This is the product for me That you are making for me apparently but you got rid of the creator of it
Starting point is 01:37:09 Who's like the voice of it that you force to make a bunch that he even want to make no, of course But you know like if they're good, they're good, you know, and I don't I don't have expect don't get me wrong I don't think they're gonna be anywhere near because you know stuff But you know if they're good, they're good, and you know, hopefully hopefully they'll go a different way with different like Metal gear made by committee is not a minute They go with different characters this exact precedent already happened and it turns downhill from a gem into a shit show Yeah, of course. No exactly and and team silent didn't have a singular visionary guy Guy behind it was it was a small team that they all came together
Starting point is 01:37:47 Yeah, but like in this like just speaking of one person even just one person Yeah, plus as we know everyone that works at Koji pro except for Koji Yeah, I can't make any kind of by themselves And like it you know what quadruple sucks because like again after this shitty last generation like Square Enix and Capcom We're slapping themselves on the faces and they're like, okay, okay, we're making games again now Put the OCP and they're definitely not as in a poorer position as Konami Yeah, and and Namco stopped making like big Western things and now like except for Just fucking Namco's was good for now goes gone back to like just Japanese stuff and exporting Japanese stuff
Starting point is 01:38:28 Which is what everyone wanted but being part of Bandai helps you yeah, yeah exactly But it's so unfortunate part of and I just picked the opposite route and just walk out after about Jen like Being part of Bandai having her at having the tech-end team is what's keeping them going no They're all there the fuck it the anime licenses to that are That's that's gonna be the biggie But yeah speaking of visionaries in Silent Hill fucking del Toro was so hype To fucking work on this thing. It's nuts. He was like actually excited like genuinely The article that just came out where he just further twists the knife like I think one of the questions in the article that came up was
Starting point is 01:39:18 Do you feel like you're gonna make another game? He's like I had my first game canceled I had the second game. I don't know if I have it in me to start something like third new venture, but He does say I don't want to spoil things in case again And he does say I will follow Kojima Everyone should say that I'm still kind of legit surprised that Silent Hill's got canned like it seemed like such a guarantee But I don't know I think I said last time if Kojima was not maybe at the head of it and And Del Toro was just there as like a very business type thing and not like a friendly buddy buddy thing They might have seen it more like oh wait this thing's kind of has some steam
Starting point is 01:40:04 And if they had charged not that I wanted them to but if they had charged for PT Konami might have seen like For PT I don't think it would be taken off Oh, maybe not maybe not but I can see them as cold businessmen going well At least this is generating for me. It's shocking because we went with in less than a year from fucking high-end super high Experimental new trailer technology. Yeah to nothing to like fuck it shut it all down Like they that decision to cancel it. She could not have come more than six months later. Mm-hmm Well at the beginning of this year Konami was still like totally in the green in our books like
Starting point is 01:40:48 Ground zeroes was amazing. It's just PT was amazing. Just it just brings this huge fucking like Who turns on a dot like why'd you let PT get out the door? Probably because they did put it against it the entire time Maybe I think it was probably just too like they just hadn't made the decisions yet probably Because they also had a flop in Japan too in the middle that came out Like the nice like we like they had a recent yugioh game which they shipped on the wrong console and But Liam like you and I know how these things work, right? It like internally a couple of emails get sent around one or two Skype meetings go down
Starting point is 01:41:27 And then like you get a major like this is the direction we're heading in Yeah, of course, this is gonna be internal for the next six months, and it's a slow Company like it takes a long time to get the gears turning. So Yeah, you can't just turn the ship around Pat like you start turning You're right but at the same time that means that a month out from putting out E3 when they're planning PT they're planning the E3 conference a guy turns to the guy planning it says aren't we gonna cancel this? Yeah I'm sure they just didn't know what was going on and then when he finally figured it out
Starting point is 01:42:12 He like told this guy that I'm sure they couldn't have possibly known at the time because they put out press releases for PT after No, but one day was on one guy But the marketing team did and like like after the one guy was on vacation and all these decisions are made it came back He said what is this PT thing? No, but no one asked me about this I imagine we don't know if we're gonna cancel this but let's hype it up anyway and spend the money making this thing I just legit thing those decisions weren't set in stone yet, and there was still a possibility But if they aren't set in stone, maybe you shouldn't go forward with the plan Yeah, but if you don't go forward, well, that's a default on on then maybe you should have made your damn mind up
Starting point is 01:42:51 Well, if things if things are like being projected as like not uncertain But it's like this might happen and then suddenly a big explosive Meeting happens where the falling out occurs and then everyone jumps on their phones And it's a race to shut things down pull things off get this get that then you know, it makes sense how things played out I would say that they should not have that big explosive meeting where things went bad But you can't plan that what's the media's investment? You can Not when the CEO is the crazy man. Yes Yeah, I'm putting it all on the highest person or whoever who botched it
Starting point is 01:43:33 When everyone walks into work one day and their computers have been replaced with phones and he's like all right get to work with what? Oh, but I what are you supposed to do? Yeah, and we we gotta get going. We've barely made any fucking progress All right. Well, well, this is but hey, hey, well now that yeah, you see how it goes every week, right Pat But we find a way So I guess we can talk about the fact that there's a ton of Trailers that dropped this week as well. I might as well start with Jim and whoa, holy shit I love that plague of gripes Knew nothing about Jim in the holograms
Starting point is 01:44:13 But once he saw that tons of people were hating something he didn't know what it was he got on board like he's like oh Negativity, oh, let me let me break down this negativity and what's Jen this powers the goat fucking machine Let me let me break down what the fuck's happening here But just just as a as a real like way to sort of canvas this whole thing is that I bought the second issue a gem in the Holograms which does the exact same thing as this movie, but does it? Better in every way where they place it in modern times. There's Twitter Facebook YouTube And it's almost the exact same setup gem in the holograms Just are this group of girls and they go let's bake a video on YouTube
Starting point is 01:44:58 Oh, we got super exposed and blown up and everyone likes our shit now We're on some type of vague music-based adventure Whereas in the comic it goes the misfits are the biggest band in the world and they have a video contest saying Can you beat us? You can't shut up Then gem and her right right get fucking super awesome Illusion hologram technology make a video and it's them against that band And it still has all the Facebook and Twitter stuff But all their looks are the same and in this fucking trailer you could have called it
Starting point is 01:45:35 Singing girls and the sing girls would have made any that's exactly it. Oh, it's guy. Sure. Why not? It could have been anything and then had this had this name is slapped on to it Beforehead it looks like an unrelated script entirely. It's like that pretty It looks like every singing movie ever and it's good as drum line That's not a singing and it's weird because they're with their fucking sticks. Anyway And it's weird because like we can I well, I don't know I feel like I can look at things and go That's not for me. That's not my demographic and that's fine But in this case even though I can see it's not for me. I can still see yeah, yeah
Starting point is 01:46:16 You know um because like just to bring it bring up the the next thing and compare it the did you any of you see the I saw a screen. Yeah, and I just like I saw that I watched the trailer. Yeah, it's uh, yeah, so So Supergirl is not for you or me or it's it's for people that are that like devil wears Prada But want to also have some fun with it, right? It's for a completely different audience, and I think that it looks like it's gonna work for that audience Um, I certainly hope it does because I can clearly see it's like this is not aimed at me, but that's okay It's good at what it's trying to be is it cuz I totally disagree that trailer is trying to be ten different things and
Starting point is 01:47:05 Weirdly clashing it all you can't please everyone all of the it's the moment Well, like if you if it stayed with that devil wears Prada fucking like I'm trying to be Ally McBeal But I'm also a superhero. I would well no, I was really yeah, I know that's why I went there I would totally agree with you, right? But then it's the moment that she goes to the secret anti-alien Superhero base and The big gets dark and all there's these super monsters. Yeah, it's skip. What what? That looks like it's trying to be for me But it's not that looks like it's
Starting point is 01:47:45 CW CBS Superhero stuff going on, but this is CBS exactly. I know which is why it's like okay This is a different station doing their take on it But I do I do recommend them for making trying to make Supergirl into more of a nothing because there's no Character that's more nothing than a spin-off of Superman Who's already like what about crypto the template? Yeah of like oh Design this guy to have no faults except for the fault that we wrote into the story to give him a fault
Starting point is 01:48:19 What the one they just gave him no, I just mean like generally the They just gave him another one recently what which is what um, so you know how he has the eight shoes You know how he had the lasers you can shoot the laser beams, uh-huh, right? So that's because of the energy in his cells or whatever So now one of the new things he has is he can gather all the energy But then all the energy depletes from his cells and for effectively a day. He's just human. Oh, okay That's this is my final flash. That's how they've turned all be useless You saw the art of him and jeans and the shirt and stuff. Yeah, that's where that okay
Starting point is 01:48:58 But like like Supergirl is just as far as I understand is like this weird Relic of the time where they spun Superman off into everything super boy the super horse crypto Every every screenshot and picture an image of Supergirl I ever saw she's like yep, don't forget Superman Because because bad girl is awesome She Hulk is awesome like all the other she versions I'm like Supergirl I'm like maybe I need to maybe that's really back girl and she all shit all over super And I'm just like hey at least this whole like fashion devil or his product thing makes it more interesting for the people that are interested in it
Starting point is 01:49:44 I guess not me but well, but that's and that's exactly where I'm coming from It's like I can I can look at it and say like I feel like that's probably gonna work for the audience They're going for whereas gem is just no because every gem fan shot I saw that like major news sites like CNN like had a story that said everyone's chat on this trailer Like if you look at the official version of the trailer you look at the like and dislike bar It's like 90% dislikes amazing What what a huge breakthrough I Was a bit disappointed though to see that they're going with the
Starting point is 01:50:19 Meanwhile on Krypton on the other side of the planet someone else got sent or Supergirl and not the Matrix the blob shapeshifter Supergirl, you know Which would have which would have just been this awesome like the true her true identity is she's fucking I Really hate to say it cuz like I don't read the DC comics, and I'm sure they're good and stuff I don't really read any of those comics But like the more DC puts out Media for for all their franchises the more I just feel like they're a bargain player Version of Marvel is the way the way they handle it when it comes to film and TV and stuff except for animation
Starting point is 01:50:56 I think the animation is with yeah The only thing they're killing it at is the animation which are relatively few and far between but they're there No, no, they put out a new movie every no no no no like like after like like are the original Bruce Tim cartoons were Either way and then everything after that that they were playing either way like the animation killing it and the games They're like way ahead of the way ahead well the one comes tomorrow game. Yeah, they have which is Batman But you know what they're really good games at Batman games. So but like injustice See universe online. Yeah, well games. All right, so it's our I didn't really play it much No, they they they're good at doing and handling different mediums, right? It's it's it. There's a big split and
Starting point is 01:51:44 Honestly until I feel I thought all Marvel TV shit was bad too not bad Wasn't I wasn't feeling it. It was just a although well Well, but I've been I've been told because I've told agents of shield is actually good Yeah, I know agents of everyone correct everyone corrected me from last week and said that Apparently agents of shield has turned around and gotten yeah But I'm not interested in watching it cuz I've watched a million shows that are like What's the crime of the week or the sci-fi like I saw a friend just saw ex files And I'm just I'm not agent Coulson is awesome as cameos and movies
Starting point is 01:52:19 But I'm like I don't want to watch a whole series. Yeah, and DC put out that trailer for that other Legends of tomorrow and I was interested man bargain Iron Man looks like the most uninteresting character ever Adam like I'm looking at like I couldn't care less and I feel bad cuz I'm sure the comics remember these all take place simultaneous to man of steel But I'll tell you where that's coming from though because obviously you you have They they smallville did it for a while where it's like let's build up up some other heroes and then kind of make a pseudo So this time around they're actually doing it by having well Yeah, they have to because Marvel and if they don't compete then they're just completely dead in the water and
Starting point is 01:53:08 Introducing like a lot of characters that everyone's just kind of like who is Basically doing the who joke because they're like guardians of the galaxy work because that was the most who ever But they push it over the top with money that it worked So not even know not even money the right of the right I mean, I mean they got it in front of people's eyes everybody knew about guardians Like yeah, so that's why they that's why they'd be like fuck it Let's just take the risk on this group of people that no one in the mainstream knows of because it can be done if written Well, that's what they're making like
Starting point is 01:53:50 It feels like the money is not there and it's like I don't care about these characters And I'm never gonna see them again. Like there's the money is not there. It's well That's what I'm saying. That's a fatal flaw here And it's like I maybe just for me because I'm not I'm only passively interested in these things like in comic book stuff So, I don't know Characters I was never even aware of a walk of raccoon and tracks Yeah More a little bit, but I did I had never heard I swear I might have heard his name
Starting point is 01:54:23 But I never heard a Star-Lord before that fucking movie. Yeah, same. Just rock. That's how casual No And most people like myself included like it's just I knew I knew the cast But I didn't know like their personalities or anything really about them and that's what they were going for Yeah, you know, like they made a movie knowing that no, yeah, of course So We'll see but one thing's for sure is that We might be hitting a superhero saturation
Starting point is 01:54:53 chap like part two if All of this comes out and the great Most of the DC stuff is probably gonna be shit. They're pretty reliable for that Strangely, I'm the most interested in the Aquaman movie just cuz Jason Momoa is sure But if we end up getting like Like five shitty Movie slash show things in the next three years It's gonna hire people out of perspective like the way that from both Marvel and
Starting point is 01:55:25 perspective the way the Marvel and DC have been panning out their movies Marvel has like a dozen successful movies sort of their belt and Daredevil, which is fucking killed it killed it killed it and Agent shield and man might suck And And it's like are you counting like Iron Man 2 as like our man to is okay It's like we made money like there's a few yellows on Metacritic, but it's mostly even even the bad ones They're like they still fit in and they don't fuck it up. Yeah, right? Whereas DC wants to do it fast
Starting point is 01:55:58 So you have the super you have a new Superman show and this is a detail I've been waiting to bring a five minutes, but there was no point to put it in But I don't care how much does it fit the fucking Superman supergirl secret identity shit Like we talked about Gem in the Hall Grants having Facebook and Twitter and YouTube Yeah, and so does the new fucking supergirl that shit doesn't it's no it's no longer even close when Superman was a photo on a newspaper and a smudge on a CRT report yeah fuck it I can believe it
Starting point is 01:56:31 But when you have HD footage of the fucking of Supergirl in street clothes on a plane. Yeah, the millions of people see this girl Yeah, and then she just walks to work with just the glasses Come on. Yeah, but yeah, so whatever so say the DC ones like are passable like look at Ant-Man and Wonder Woman Both movies that had the fucking directors just leave yeah due to creative control problems With the the overboard right if Ant-Man sucks shit It's Ant-Man It's so that man is going to eat it and and
Starting point is 01:57:14 Revenge right that sucks because I love Paul Rudd. I want it to be a success Right crossing fingers, but of course they could even save Ant-Man in an Avengers movie No, no because in for just recently they released the cast list for Civil War and Ant-Man is like just even if the movie bombs Ant-Man is gonna be in it because they need to know but I can't sorry it's Matt Murdock in it It did not confirm but now let's look at the DC equivalent. It's the director walking out on Wonder Woman Yeah, that's not one of the three. Yeah, and they already fucked up superman There's no faith here and because there's so many less movies the comparative failure is Forced magnet. Yeah, of course. Well, I think I think it's still at the starting point because when Marvel started
Starting point is 01:58:04 You remember it was also a slow. There was they're going so fast Oh, no, they don't people over the starting line and are crawling to their Here well, here's what it is, right? Like the people that got put oh in charge of the MCU or the people that know how to make good shit In the DC use case it's worrying, but it's not impossible that a good movie will come from it It's just that it'll be at the director. Yeah. Yeah, you know, it'll be But like the idea is like we're gonna do a new Batman and throw like half of his entire Rogues gallery at the screen in one go. Mm-hmm. That's insane
Starting point is 01:58:47 But but like also like even if they have like a good movie or two like how long will it take until we look at the DC See you and say yeah, that's really good Because like we're already super on board the MCU to the point where people like criticize us per circle jerking over Marvel cuz they're better but like How long would it take people to turn around on the DC Not circle jerking we're congratulating them because they're doing a better job I can't wait for all this stuff up I can't wait for Superman and fucking Supergirl to have that
Starting point is 01:59:26 Conversation at the end of season one where they both talk to each other and tell each other how perfect they all they both are And how they have no flaws and they have to be Christ figures for humanity To answer your question Liam, it's gonna be when there's more hits on the board than misses I guess so but like how long until then you know, we're at one miss zero hits Well, there's there's no there's arrow and if we're not if we're not count like Because what do you count they still count they still count milk Do you count the whole lot? No, well, no, you can't get that's not Hold on. Hold on. Stop. Stop. There's something very important our arrow and flash in the same universe as Man of Steel
Starting point is 02:00:09 Yeah, no, don't say no They're there not yet. They can be because Warner Brothers still owns all of this. Wait, they're not confirmed in the same universe Are you serious? But it's like it's the same way I don't know because their devil is not It's super girl universe as MCU even though they are he is confirmed. No, but he actually needs to be in something They've referred to the events from the movie, but it's still like on Netflix and I'm talking like does does fucking flash say oh man, it was nuts when Superman and That's what I'm discussing. Okay
Starting point is 02:00:54 But in the Supergirl trailer they did directly reference Superman. So oh that's really cool Can I meet him someday? Yeah at the end of season one for 10 seconds Fucking calling it you You know and I expect civil war if not if it doesn't have everybody like in Actual significant roles. They're all gonna be there for the big Stand around meeting that that happens. What's up? It was you wasn't it? Yeah, I I'll and I'll do it again. Oh there again. Are you now? All right
Starting point is 02:01:27 In any in any case in any case like everyone who stopped listening because we talked You can come back in because because every because people are always going like I can't listen to talk for all the DC fans I'm sorry For all the Marvel fans and DC fans out there. I'm sorry that you care about comics at all Arkham Knight looks cool. It looks all right Anyway, I just say I just say credit where comics were created Marvel's feet comics were created to make cool fighting game characters Cool Jack, whatever we're talking about in the 1940s. That's why
Starting point is 02:02:06 That's maybe one day I'll be able to we're talking about I guess it's a different guy when we're talking about books Like it's just a matter of you guys. Yeah, we have no idea when it comes to books But what but what it when it comes to the the material and the shows and the movies stuff It's it's a bit easier to see what I'm reading all-star Superman so I can come on the oh stop. Yes It wasn't directed at you Should I read it so that I can come on to the podcast and just shit on it for an hour Is that what people want? No, no, you read all-star Superman so you can better shit on man of steel Yeah, you can shape your shit into a war all-star Superman would have to be some shit from a position of hold on
Starting point is 02:02:50 Let me just ask you a quick question There's one panel of Superman that I've seen that somebody showed me that I actually really liked and it was they're fighting some fucking Space villain and he just goes. Oh, what I can't hear pause to heartbeat And then he's flying to Kansas so fast that his head catches on fire Because he's he can he's like I can save everybody. Yeah, is that all-star Superman? I don't know if that's in all-star Superman. I don't remember cuz that's cool The idea that like I have to be Superman, but it's actually like I'm a fucking punk. Mm-hmm. That's all right What a coward please please read it anyway
Starting point is 02:03:27 Yeah So there's some shenanigans afoot on These poor guys that ran a Kickstarter. Yeah, I heard about this looks like an interesting shmup They actually shot a tweet in our direction like hey check out this game I was like, I'll download the build and take a look at it It's like a shmup where there's two halves of the screen and you switch back and forth between them and they're like alternate dimensions and so Yeah, they had you know originally were tracking our rate and then they went over and passed with a
Starting point is 02:04:04 $7,000 donation and they were and they were pretty but then close to their their number like within a hundred Yeah, but they only had like 36 hours left or something. It was narrow. Yeah and you know, but then that donation turned out to be fraudulent and The pledge was pulled out I want to point out like when the fraudulent nature is like with a stolen credit card level Are you for real? Yeah, that's so much work Yeah, no, it was just it was put in and then pulled out 7,000 pounds rather This someone named Jonathan
Starting point is 02:04:46 And yeah, they single-handedly fucked over the dimension drive No, it's it's I think despicable is the word like and no fucking off I'm it's kind of Yeah, and it's like I guess this is the power that Kickstarter gives people like this Because of why would I ever pull out a pledge on anything I Have when it's like I want this game to exist, but and then it passes and I'm like, okay It's well past. I don't like I pulled out my pledge for the U. Yeah with a couple days. Oh, yeah. Yeah. No, good job
Starting point is 02:05:30 But like yeah, I've never looked at a tear and got And then done it Yeah, I look at the tear that I absolutely want and then put it in and any project I've kind of done it and I'm like well that's still like being made or whatever. It's fine But for someone to actually I want to put in a pledge to give people hope and Then take it away like you are a supervillain. Yeah, so So this happened Live on their Twitch stream as well. So I I I haven't seen the video, but like apparently yeah, it all went down
Starting point is 02:06:09 there and The only real repercussion so far is that Kickstarter Ben that's Jonathan guy. Yeah, that's nothing. Yeah, but that's Several other Kickstarter's having these exact problem and the only solution to this is that the publicity they get from being victims of Such scumbag tactics is likely easily enough to clear a second Kickstarter or something like that. Yeah, that's that's still hard though Yeah, there is a there is a A Whatchamacallit a percentage of the money that just bounces from bad credit cards when when you hit a success anyway But that's not like malice. Yeah
Starting point is 02:06:49 Yeah But but that amount doesn't matter like if you clear the Kickstarter goal You get the money anyway, and if some bounces you just don't get that stuff That's the difference you lose a little bit, but you still get the 95% of the of the pledged money Yeah, so I Mean that the slight positive twit here is It's too awesome studio is the name and they've gotten like a lot of you know supporting people going like oh if you get an Extension or anything like that. We're totally down to help you out because this is horseshit
Starting point is 02:07:22 But you know like no word on whether or not that's actually going to happen as of recording time right now That sucks. Oh, I hope they can you know line on their feet and try again, so I think they could probably do it But For sure Thank you Yeah, and I mean the demo is still around so that's true. That's true. What's going on with it? So there's that There is a pretty good article that I think is worth checking out for fans of
Starting point is 02:08:03 Like yeah, yeah, that's super good about the pixel tax and how Games that are pixelated just suffer in terms of Review scores and whatnot not in niche markets and not amongst people like us, but in general now the main part of this article, which I love is a Comparison between two reviews on IGN where they have a 3d game. That's generally like it's okay For versus King of Fighters
Starting point is 02:08:36 13 12 or 13 13 and it's just like Street Fighter 4 is so much gorgeous Er and has better animation. It factually does not mm-hmm. It does not Yeah, and the the I mean they're talking about like particle effects a lot of the time Yeah, no While they look a bit pixelated the character model who models look quite good And he's like this sprite is not quite good it's among the best 2d animation ever made in a video game And then the real good They compare third strike to SF4 and they go look at how elastic
Starting point is 02:09:26 Stretch and then you get a man Daydreaming of Street Fighter 4 and there might be animations of Street Fighter 4 that are really good Like Alfred comes to mind and stuff But that's usually when people slow down the animation greatly so you can see all the subtleties But but the using the Chun Lee Farvel animation like really like drives the guy's point. Yeah No, I mean that that's definitely nature like 3d animation and you can do about it Yeah, because because with sprites like like from from you know point zero you're like yeah, okay We're gonna redraw every sprite so it looks amazing, but unless you're gonna
Starting point is 02:10:04 Which is way more work. Yeah, then no like there is something you can do about it You can you squash and stretch in 3d. It just takes more effort because Pixar does it Yeah, but it doesn't work quite the same way because then your textures get stretched as well and it does look uglier Like like it, but it's not but it's not impossible. This is something that The thing with it to get a result like there's like you have to do way more work on the 3d side. It's just not reasonable. Yeah Pat, do you remember on day one when we were playing vanilla and like one of the first things we commented on was like Okay, when Ryu does a Hadoken the shirt blows back So they they know yeah, they're aware, right?
Starting point is 02:10:50 So that was something a detail that was included But it's nowhere near as drastic as it is in third strike where you see the big spike This this yeah, I know I always think about that spike a couple days ago We were in that place and I was talking to you guys about scan lines Yeah, yeah, and how like fucking important scan lines are to old shit because Everything was designed the pixels require scan lines for their color depth or else. It just doesn't work This is an extension of like that kind of mentality like no this shit looks this way for a reason Supposed to look like that another element of his article that that or of his blog post or whatever that he wrote
Starting point is 02:11:27 That was really elaborate and that I totally agree with because I've been saying it for a while is like games that have pixel art that Immediately get labeled as like a retro thing or like a send-up when it's like no, it's just fucking pixel art is its own medium Yeah, I can never like it was never anything but that exactly and like I think I spoke about this before how like you know at the time That was the highest definite and like he actually says this exact same thing that I said at the time Like that was that was the top of the line That was the triple-a graphics and you know, but it just happens to be a medium that also works And just because it's like a game with sprite art in the modern day doesn't mean it's a retro send-up You know so many people think it is certainly stuff like shovel night where it's like
Starting point is 02:12:10 Yeah, this is a retro send-up and like freedom planet and stuff But a lot of other games for example the one that he made aura like yeah He just likes sprite art and for good reason sprite art looks gorgeous, you know, oh, yeah, it's not unlike pop So no I give this a read yeah, I put a link to it in the show notes. It's it's it's good. It's good All right Let's lead into Nintendo E3 general or so well, well, I want to start on the thing that fucking okay, which is Bill Trinit I smiled like once or twice. Yeah, really hammy acting. Yeah, but yeah
Starting point is 02:13:03 There's an article just the other day saying did did make a 64 work on this because Tanner is in there Little stupid little kid. Yeah, and I was like, yeah, it looks like it and then they confirm it. Yeah, we help Nintendo with that Yeah, it's on that. At first it wasn't but when people were when I was watching a trailer I said I smiled once or twice and I was like, yeah, let's skate or whatever But then when you just said when Bill Trinit gets wrecked and then zoom it and the sound effect I laugh harder in like two seconds. Oh So perfect So the only thing is
Starting point is 02:13:40 Accidentally flubbed the joke himself on his out of it a little bit like that kind of really suck like I it was like What do you do before like he must have got confused with the time zones or something and he changed his He changed his description on Twitter to like formerly worked at Nintendo and he wrote like well end of an era You know and people all and for a while people freaked out because they were like a bill Trin and left And there was articles about Bill Trinit leaving like left Nintendo and so like that unfortunately happened again I think he got confused because of the time zones like Like it's a tiny thing But if you had done it properly like after the trailer done up it would have been cute like yeah, exactly
Starting point is 02:14:21 Either way the comedic timing of that and then people putting like slow motion and putting wasted. Yeah Like from like if you die tone-deaf as Nintendo is to a lot of stuff there their ability to latch on to the weird Video game thing that is CEO as mascot character. Yeah, it's they have totally latched on to that shit Super a lot of it is the best. This is like the third or fourth time that I go 64 is done this for them So I kind of yeah, and they had they had Rooster Teeth Robot chicken for oh, yeah Like they always just you know grab someone to work with Sony has done it to a very limited extent putting
Starting point is 02:15:03 USV in Time Force But like no more than that with the how to share games on PSP. Yeah, but that's out of the way He's a character. No, but you know everybody's doing it. Yes, except like we I want the Kazer I Sean laden skit. Yeah, I turned around on Sean laden Yeah, he's good guy that fuck got Vibra been that that fucking businessman The motherfucking businessman went back in and said you'll Vibra been asked now I told you now the first time we saw him give him a chance and you said no
Starting point is 02:15:36 I won't he's a businessman and he took the chance from me and Gave it to himself because made Vibra like that article that was just like oh shit People will Vibra do it now. What what's just fucking port the power cop whatever here I have all the floppies with Vibra been on it So going back to Nintendo World Championships, though, they're yeah fucking it's a cute fun dumb thing I'm glad they're doing it, but it will all be for naught Unless they do a dumb thing where a giant like fucking panel opens up You're totally right and there's some big dumb new game and it's got like a lot of people like oh like like Mario
Starting point is 02:16:15 Like just Mario for let's say I'm like no I want something Mario for already exists That's tomorrow. No don't actually call it Mario for my real world in Japan. It's called serious for okay I'm talking about I want new super black. No, I want urban champion. We you I want some bullshit Star Fox exist it has to be something that no one has to be something like totally like The wizard like clu-clu land deluxe or something turns out we had we were for Star Fox. We were Co-producing it with Konami and now oh Now they somehow got the rights to Star Fox Like first of all, I'm not sure Mimo to said he's like I am working on Star Fox
Starting point is 02:17:05 I am looking star Fox, but I've never heard a confirmation about what team no no detail So if it says Star Fox, I'll be like yay Platinum then I'll go okay. That's efficient shock that I need that's that's the How about how about something new from the protege's? That's the Mario galaxy. What what do you mean? Sorry? You know the guys that came up with splitu Of course of course, but like it's clear that like I feel like they're gonna be the future of you know You don't have to say I feel cuz like everyone else is dying a whole age
Starting point is 02:17:41 So yeah, what team is working on he's working on the old person team. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, so Golden but There it is. Also, Nintendo does what everyone's been thinking for years I don't think anyone's actually been thinking of this. I kind of can't talk to you by surprise. I was like, yeah, okay That seems cool. I mean other companies. We talked about this at work like three years ago. Yeah And I feel like I had this conversation with another friend even well You know, they there's been these partnerships before for Pokemon orchestrated Yeah, you know company, which is like yeah partially held by Nintendo and partially by Creatures, Inc. But
Starting point is 02:18:24 But this looks like it's gonna be more of a Harry Potter Yeah, maybe so it sounds really it sounds really major. I'm not sure what to think of it because like it has to be made Exactly, I feel like most of the rides are just gonna be here's that new Super Mario Bros roller coaster You hope for Mario Kart bumper cars and throwing fucking banana peel kids faces There's some obvious ones like Mario Kart go-kart S0 roller coaster Or Charles Martin a well, actually the audience like actually that's what I feel is like, you know ones like F zero and stuff aren't gonna get Me pull. Yeah, I know I know that's that's like it's a thing that makes the most sense
Starting point is 02:19:02 Financially, it's the dumbest. I think if we're lucky, you'll get like a Pikmin Splatoon or Star Fox I play a Pikmin mini putt mini putt. That'd be fun. If you're in a garden They make you wear gigantic foam punch out Boxing gloves and you like you just box some kid in a ring and just knock them the fuck out Dude, honestly a jungle gym. That's just Mario levels. Oh And you gotta knock on the panels and flip on the other side But that's what I'm saying Recreations of levels would be yeah
Starting point is 02:19:49 Or like are going into Zelda one dungeons, you know throw you in a dark room with a candle They just put guys dressed as give-dose They put a goddamn cooperative go-kart thing on that fucking theme park When a kid has some has a ride on the back like no, it's like it's for people get into this ride It's a go-kart right with go-kart race with Mario Luigi Pink gold peach Could you imagine how insanely dangerous that would be okay children now jump out of the cart and Switching
Starting point is 02:20:29 Now lean Project hammer game sitting in the corner over there, and it'll be like him. It'll be announced and they'll build the stage and then You have to collect a bunch of bananas like there's like like it's not gonna be anything like that It's gonna be probably what Liam said, but I I love the idea like more and more because in my mind I'm just thinking of the Nintendo and and stuff. Yeah. Yeah a metroid bar Oh, yo, hey kids get into this tiny sphere gonna roll you through these pipes you fuckers God it hurts in here. Oh, no, this kid stuck in the pipe. Oh, well send another Just mash them through the pipes
Starting point is 02:21:16 Imagine they get this big animatronic like Omega pirate or the metro crime like fight this shit No, definitely it's pretty cool. Oh, yeah, Luigi's Mansion haunted house. Yeah There's so much stuff that just free sense that won't until we see it I'd say I actually say Luigi's Mansion ride a Yoshi Yoshi farm wanted us like a little haunted attraction That's their only thing. No, they don't like we just mentioned she was just scraping a bunch of dogs Green They're the arcade game recently so, you know, maybe that's like
Starting point is 02:21:57 Part of the Mario universe They go that's fun and you know and Mario and Mario Just put the stupid They just have a little guy dressed as Wario stealing people's wallets. Look why it's Yoshi How about that? How about you go through the little dumb kitty Luigi's Mansion haunted house, right? You go on a little bumper bumper Mario Kart thing and it's like really safe And then they you all these little kids get funneled and they're like sit in punishment. Go You just get guns and you get ushered
Starting point is 02:22:37 Yeah, this is sword go that be fucking sick. All right. I think we can't besides as hard as we can Yeah, wait. No Go sit in Animal Crossing Village The most obvious one is just general-purpose animal fighting ring with beds Yeah Talk fighting versus dogs. No, just paint this rat yellow You have this overly large like super rat that you strapped tasers to and you got a turtle Duck tape a garden post
Starting point is 02:23:20 All the super height matches on it and it's just a pile of rocks The water and they both just get electrocuted and it's all double KO and the water keeps What the hose is the hose is too strong so it lifts the turtling up in the air And then and then you're supposed to throw your pokeballs just into the ring at the animal Sliding against the wall of the cage because it's stuck to the hose Managed to physically knock it out. You get to take it home And like for a hit mochan you would have first let's just have a kid in a dress in the ring. Yeah Oh, there's money back over to the inflate James's boob was right. Oh, there's money
Starting point is 02:24:06 And the fucking poor gone see shirt Oh No, it's a hard mirror Flashes like the star fonts petting zoo. They just put some dumb shit on a falcon Chained into the ground. Oh, it's a bunch of animals prosthetic legs And they're just a little RC planes, yeah, and far fetch is just a dead duck with a stick sticking out of its ass Okay, all right, there's money. There's always People trying to create Pokemon is like my new favorite thing
Starting point is 02:24:47 Okay, I'm trying to create them on the cheap place. I set this on guana on fire plague or cranky or whoever Please I want to talk about that for a sec because I I remember like two years ago I was speaking about it with a friend like man It'd be cool if they brought that back with all their modern stuff now that they have you know like Mario Kart and Smash and you know, they have a bunch of established stuff splatoon didn't exist at the time But like splatoons a good candidate as well and
Starting point is 02:25:25 Like one of the things I spoke about with him was you know, yeah, it'd be really cool You know, we're in the era of digital distribution like I'd really love for it to be an actual World championship where everybody could download the the file and everyone could have a go at the high score And you know the people who do well would get flown out to wherever and compete in the finals You know and so when they announced the world championship and it's like takes place in this building in LA I was kind of bummed by that actually because it's like That's a huge expense Three thing though
Starting point is 02:25:57 Well, but you know two years ago when I was talking about it obviously it wasn't a dummy three thing It was a huge PR thing from Nintendo to get you know, yeah, I don't think it's that much. I don't think so either I think they're just kind of having some fun with what if they were yeah Let's say like just view wise or whatever this is streaming or however Let's say it does really well because remember what was it when there was a big smash tournament somewhere No, it's a smash invitation all you three and some people like yeah Who's gonna play that huh and then a fucking crash of servers and then millions of people watched it? Well, no, everybody was watching the Spanish invitation
Starting point is 02:26:31 Oh, yeah, no, I mean but like back I remember when that was announced to happen I remember some sites were like yeah who the fuck cares knowing I remember no I don't remember that at all. I've wanted to watch that. Anyway, I just remember some people do riding it saying Oh, who's gonna do and like millions of people watched it I would say if they were to do this type of thing as an actual fun like summer event Yeah, if they should absolutely do something like that. Yeah, if this gets a good I like I remember when I had this conversation. I was I was saying to my friend I wish Nintendo had like their own equivalent road to Evo slash Evo for their for they because they like again
Starting point is 02:27:06 You know Mario Kart not the height of competitiveness, but people will drink that up smash brothers That that right itself split soon nowadays that exists and this is but that but that's kind of the only This is completely old stuff. This is completely excluding like you remember the world championship was Mario Party Well, the world championship. You remember it was actually three single-player events. Remember there was no Competitive it's true event and you know, so it's like you know like Pikmin score attack and like they have these modes and all their games that are all like perfectly made for it and Fire I don't have a fire emblem, but
Starting point is 02:27:45 The slowest Stuff like a new punch out, you know, like they have a punch out times would be awesome They have all the the stuff in place to do it and it just you know I wish they would do it one year with a whole again road to Evo slash Evo structure You know, I just want to say though when that whole picture of Reggie and the gear came out thing was going on It's like I gave up my hopes just like everyone Why do you say that I'm making a new punch out? They might they might very well be but I am that picture was just Let's go back to the lesson lesson number three or whatever. It's like why would anything good happen?
Starting point is 02:28:25 Because sometimes it does because it's Good things from yeah, what? What I Oh, he just died He just died Oh, you're speaking to someone else That's not even really it's service, but you're not even listening to woolly I don't know like it's up there at the top and there's stuff. I don't know how skype works
Starting point is 02:28:54 And you know like I think there's some other no-brainers as well like if if one of the challenges in if Hello, hey, like also if one of the challenges in this Nintendo World Championship were like a custom-made Mario maker level that people didn't get to see Before the challenge, you know like and they had their three lives And it's just fucking bullshit kaizo shit. So well, no, you know, it's the same structure as the Nintendo World Championship Where it's about points you have to collect the coins and also finish. Yeah, you notice that they called it Well, yeah, no, I think though I just want to say when we saw Reggie in that pink training outfit like That's not it's not they're not it's not a new punch out like I think that was like okay
Starting point is 02:29:40 You were like that this specific image is not going to be for a new punch out The Liam is still not incorrect in saying they might be making a new punch out because next level has Well, there's ready to do stuff There's and punch out on the we sold more than a million copies. I have no reason I have three data points Yeah, one of the data points is that Nintendo recently has been making monster games do Ports to the 3ds of various we games. Yeah, like Donkey Kong Zeno blade Monster games
Starting point is 02:30:13 Exactly the second data point is they did re-release punch out on the Wii digitally They did so that you know, it's not dead. They put it ahead of Kirby They put it ahead of a bunch of their more important IPs and and of course Mac is really and popular in third Yeah, max really popular after smash and I guess I have a fourth data point. Yeah punch out for the we sold well So well, yeah, I honestly don't think the odds are bad. This will all lead up to a new Little Mac amiibo Still like Little Mac being a big hit and smash is definitely the biggest data point there, but I don't think that Reggie picture
Starting point is 02:30:54 No, no, you're right Dressed as that instead of just let's say Mario again Like that could be over-training for the Nintendo World Championship to trains fucking little man Okay, well, I totally see where you're coming from and I totally agree with you That said I still think we're gonna get a new punch out eventually. Oh my pants are down and I'm fapping to the idea, but yeah I just I you know, I get where you're I misunderstood where you were coming I thought you were coming from a perspective of like no, we're not getting a new punch out But no, you're right that image was definitely just for that video. Yeah, and so Pat last week
Starting point is 02:31:32 You said you were tapping out on the Assassin's Creed franchise I did but that was before you saw Brock Lesnar's big dumb sword tattoo Well, it's not tattoo isn't necessarily there. It's unconfirmed the story It is dumb demonic doom 2 skull So I'm pretty sure your 180 is inevitable. How the syndicate defeat the beast They can't oh my client from the 1800s 1800 Pat watched the trailer for a syndicate and he went on
Starting point is 02:32:11 I'm pretty I'm pretty I know I know Can I just can I just say like absolute shout-outs to Ubisoft for putting out real footage? Well, yeah, cuz there are bugs It's new like it still remains to be seen You're right. Obviously it does remain to be seen. We don't know a hundred percent for sure But it's fucking looks like real footage as There were bugs in there like digital Victorian Paul Heyman is in this game. It is day one purchase Yeah, one that like it's still cool some of the new stuff They have in there like the carriages and the grappling hook is really really awesome
Starting point is 02:32:51 Because that's just fuck it. We can't we don't have Ubisoft Quebec doesn't have the tech to make good climbing animations. So just that was fucking gravelly No, they're just gonna reuse our nose. Yeah, they could go fucking fast Because most of my like only like one of my biggest complaints with unity was like fuck it slow to climb walls It's still slow to show the first day relations that it was do it still was fast All faster, so I'm still kind of old blah about the general Victorian Combat looks really cool. It looks all right. I think I think animation. Oh, that's the ball be cricket
Starting point is 02:33:26 I like the twin of setup. I like the girl. I like how they quadrupled their workforce for this one Yep to get a girl in there. Yeah. Oh, very nice You know, it's good that they did it honestly after after last time and the big botch. It's good that they're coming around It's fixed so so the fun Matt the Victorian setup needs to have a bit more dirt for you to get interested No, it's just that the Victorian England industrial age setup was more exciting to me a couple of years ago And now where it's just like I've heard British accents in every fucking game It doesn't have them Industrial age but a blood born though is
Starting point is 02:34:06 Like yeah, but there's no fucking Cthulhu and monsters in the fucking assassin's creed Which is like wouldn't help it immensely I'm just like the order is a better analog I think the the order is also a better analog for you absolutely correct and just like I would have been excited for this maybe before a black flag Like now the black flag came out basically everyone was British like after America you would rather I After America if I went to to like Victorian England or whatever, right? I know we were mixing up our shit. Yeah, but I would have been much more excited for that then but now that I'm okay
Starting point is 02:34:43 Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, but fighting pits with Brock Lesnar shirt No, if this game like fixes a lot of the problems that unity had then like I'm probably gonna be right on board But I did enjoy unity despite its issues. I want to hear Brock Lesnar's like British accent. Yeah But he has to do it even the British twins will look at Brock Lesnar in the fighting pets He's like, oh my hey, hey you every day is upper body day. What about you little piddly like that weird little baby voice I Just want to hear whatever is like his gorgeous George style name is gonna be This is gonna be the beast luscious Lesnar luscious Lesnar. Yeah
Starting point is 02:35:26 If I could describe Brock Lesnar who's also known as synergy from Jim long that like he'd fucking would be the luscious one Wow, that's a pole. Yeah, well You know what up? We got two stories left. What's a pole Willie? Fucking Nothing, I don't know what I'm trying to figure out how to get into this, but I don't even know how So the title is David Lynch is coming back to it. No, no actually not this different thing No, it's swear. He's new game idea that he thinks is too raunchy for Japan. No, no, Japan thinks it's too raunchy for Japan Slaps the clam and gets like magic powers to solve
Starting point is 02:36:11 Detective cases so in all fairness. I think yeah, that's pretty high up there on the lude scale now Hold on a second because most of the time in fan service games You see cute girl in compromising position and she's blushing and it's like Exactly, but very few of them actually take that step Yeah Shlicking even if it's just do why dude, I have to stop the president I have to save the president trying to crack out the ruffler Even if it's
Starting point is 02:36:49 And it would not be implied it would be front and center like No matter what that ends up being the end or climax of that game What it would be like like ridiculous like she's fighting against other people who are doing the same thing Okay, like what do you do? Where do you go? I was talking to Liam and I were like laughing at this article before we started the podcast and I said I have I just remembered a data point as you so put forth that there is precedent for this exact story in the United States Oh, yeah, are you? It's a WB show that came on in the 90s. You may remember. It's called charmed
Starting point is 02:37:30 Yeah, it was about three attractive lady witches. Yeah Mysteries and various in like never do well things like a light version of Buffy I just think we remember it was different. I love you in that. I don't know What do you think we anyway one of the ladies was on like Conan or Letterman or some shit and was Describing that the new power that the director and writers had given her was some kind of psychic Whatever fucking thing and that the casting directions was just fake an orgasm on set For your magic power, okay, and she ended up like mimicking it live on TV. It was very embarrassing Swery the this is this is literally just Japanese version of that. Yeah, pretty much like I
Starting point is 02:38:21 Said to know I need to before I'm sold on this concept I need to know what the Virgil battle looks like the verb the Virgil Looks like one of them parties you go to it's like it's I don't know, but the right okay the rival battle is fucking lip biscuit Now you may do you sing like a lip biscuit to obscure the truth And it's the ending of Persona 4 but gross I Infinite climax biscuit
Starting point is 02:39:06 I was gonna say I don't want swear to make a new game already like I want to go back to the Commission you still have more d4 to go don't slow your roll dude Just go back to deadly permission. What do you mean by that? I'm talking for a long time. I want to make a sequel. Oh, well here's the thing He's got to wait on that sequel at least a couple of years Because he says to come up he's new material Yeah material and luckily David Lynch and Mark Frost got on Either yes, it was yesterday. I didn't sleep so I'm having trouble
Starting point is 02:39:38 What just identical tweets, which was really weird just going like hey Showtime pussy it out and paid us the money or something We're fucking back on and I'm on longer Like it's what they just fantastic like Lynch and everyone got everything that they wanted and show time was like well I I feel I guess the backlash. Yeah After they left I think everyone was pretty cuz all the actresses on on Twin Peaks Just went on all their Twitter's and all their social media and just said like David Lynch is like a waitress without coffee. No, it's like Metal Gear without Kojima
Starting point is 02:40:16 Yeah, the similarities of these two situations are kind of weird One's more evil than the other but like one of them back down like imagine it Ultimately though. I've gotten out there super public That's what's so weird about it is that like a lot of it comes down to they're like Oh, we don't want to take too much of a risk in terms of like finances and stuff like that and Then you get the public to possibly go for it is but then you get you get the public to literally go No, take the risk idiot. We're right here. Well, I think the bigger risk is not taking the risk like at that point that point Yeah, I've been waiting like five years in a resolution of that cliffhanger
Starting point is 02:40:55 I know people that have been waiting through resolution that cliffhanger for like 20 years Like my mom watched Twin Peaks and she's like you're watching Twin Peaks. Well. Yeah, it's like didn't that end horribly like yeah, I did Sure fucking did mom Fucking send my mom a DVD of the new Twin Peaks or it's all be on Netflix or some shit Good news, why is that guy a moose head? So here's what here's what lynching frost have to do They need to steal from deadly premonitions. Oh, God. No, they have to steal from D4. Yeah, yeah I ain't called case and forest Just
Starting point is 02:41:37 Casey jungle. Yeah, I feel like we're one Swery game idea away from being able to make a random swery game idea generator. Yeah. Yeah, one more needs one more Yeah, yeah, well spy fiction if you count it if you've got a swery game idea You can send it in aren't they kicking you out of your hotel in six minutes. I checked in for a late check out Lucky you okay. Yeah, I was checking because it's like send it to super best friendcasts a if you want to send An email to woolly to be like get out of your hotel room. I need to sleep in there And it's gross time for we send it to super best friendcasts more sacrifice sacrifice People did that to me in the raid earlier today. They stagger. They let me die so they have more time on the clock
Starting point is 02:42:26 I really like that one comment of on the area of sorrow playthrough sacrifice your x and y coordinates for more time We got one coming in from Travis and he wants to know hey super best friends of recently watched sword art online Oh, when wakeer Pat talked about how he liked the idea of being in a VR RPG at least in an anime This is like sailing in Wind Waker I guess the idea of being stuck in a VR game is and the basis as the basis of the story is really boring And I hated the sailing in Wind Waker So my question is is there anything that other people seem to really enjoy that you find boring or don't like moba's I Don't get it. I don't get moba's either
Starting point is 02:43:08 Every time I play real-time strategy What I want to do is take it as slow as possible and build my base up to infinity the last thing I want to do is have units actually fight like I want to play sit I don't want to play starcraft even though I starcraft But and so when I see moba's like nah, man, we cut out all the bullshit. It's just action There's a billion matchups and I and let's just know why why would you you took all the things? I liked you took the the matchup complexity of fighting games and the shitty mouse driven combat of RTS and Combined them into what is apparently the most popular thing in the world apparently
Starting point is 02:43:47 Down to the point where anyone Okay, I don't fucking I don't know if I told the story But like a few weeks ago. I was at my grandma's place and my cousin No, and my cousin was there and my cousin is like a 14-year-old girl and she was my entire life We've never had anything to talk about and she said hey Liam you play lead you play League of Legends And I said I mean I played it for a bit and she's like I love it and I'm like she's like And she's like I'm the national Canadian champion. Yeah, no Like I have a friend of mine who just went through law school and he has dabbled barely in games over time
Starting point is 02:44:28 Like he played the Phoenix Wright games. Sure. He played that whole come on like what like one game a year kind of guy And I'm like me and some friends were like, you know, they're making fun of Dota. He's like, oh, I don't like Dota much and we're just like what? What do you mean? Why do you have an opinion at all? Why do you care about us? Well, I played League. I'm like what? Everyone like yeah, you play League you play League so no I play League like what? I'm expecting to get home and my mom will be like, hey, I'm playing League now And like how every day like how long have you played League for? Like six months? Yeah, it's just months Isn't that the most toxic community ever isn't just still with us. Yeah, they're pretty mean
Starting point is 02:45:14 For me, it's for me. It's grinding. I don't understand grinding. Hey, do you want to be recruited as my friend in my fantasy 14? You get an earring that gives you an XP boost. So that's grinding. No for grinding It's like I think it's just it's more the satisfaction of the result. It depends on the game about myself, you know It depends on the game. Yeah. Yeah. Well, they just think of think of I was at your house when you're fighting Virgil 3 You remember that were you yeah, I was at your house, okay, and You zoned out because I disappeared from the scene
Starting point is 02:45:53 But you fought him like 40 times like and you were having a blast, but it was that fight is rough, right? Essentially a grind That's right The only what you ground up was your own player skill, but but actual grinding is not Giving you skill. It's not actually challenging trading. It's one story is Going on a halt so that you can run in circles. It's training. Yeah, I agree with progression for another You're not wrong, but like that's all it is It's like you don't feel no a very strong reaction to like numerical skill progression other people do but I agree with woolly though because like for for don't only cry
Starting point is 02:46:33 It's entirely skill based you could beat Virgil 3 on your first shot I'm just like I'm just saying like woolly enjoys like losing it's a tough boss and then learning how to beat it Right first cuz you get the skill you yes, but all I'm saying on a very broad basis You're trading one thing is you're trading one quality for another Like it's not grinding you to understand. It's this it's miracle grinding and I guess I'm just splitting a hair But the but the other bit to it as well as the fact that like it's this was a really dumb one But it's like in the context of the story Like every time you fail at that boss and then retry it
Starting point is 02:47:13 Your it's in the story. It's still that first attempt edge of tomorrow Yeah, in our in RPG world running through the forest killing pourings is happening in the time frame when Canon Sword a hundred times every day when he gets up you're fucking around for two weeks before you go fight that boss I really love Final Fantasy 12 to the point where it's like, okay No, you can't you got to stop trying to progress sir You need to start grinding and I went into some dungeon where fucking nothing killed my entire party because I didn't know That I was under level for that
Starting point is 02:47:53 And I stopped that's why I stopped because I'm like this this this particular part is not fun anymore Right, you know, there's a certain there's an appeal to it The the best obviously is when the progress and the numerical feel combined. Yeah, yeah, and that's why I got so hooked in F 14 Yeah, I actually really enjoyed playing it For for me like I guess two things off the top of my head gaming related Yeah, MMOs, which is something we're talking about lately. I love playing MMOs I wish someone here I'm here at all because as soon as I get to the wall where it needs another player. I completely fall off
Starting point is 02:48:28 I completely fall off cannot do it The my first girlfriend and I One of the things we did a lot when we were just like getting together was we played we played an MMO together, right? And the moment it got to team up stuff. I dropped off Completely even though that was like how like kind of one of the things that like lubricated the relationship amongst others and The other thing is like fucking terrible shit-tier Mobage style mobile games where I'm seeing threads on gaff that go up to like
Starting point is 02:49:03 200 pages and I'm like, can we not ban these threads these games are the worst I see Liam them like True, that is absurdly. I feel like they play them Unfalse no, you're saying go into the threads. It's crazy the final fantasy record It means that these people are even lying to themselves. I think no No, there's a population out there that honestly believes no man
Starting point is 02:49:32 This is the good one and there's people saying like I'm seeing people Seriously say stuff like okay I got to get in my like my five runs at this shite dungeon Every day to have enough coins that take the slots before the stuff Like running my dungeon. No, no, but not they're not dungeons in these. No, but I think that's that's the difference Yeah, I get you like it sounds so similar But they're not actually having almost all the gameplay strained out of them and it's just it's just menu management It's just slots and slots. It's just slots and like I
Starting point is 02:50:07 Don't see it and then I look at games like champ man and even though that's not for me. I totally see it Yeah, no, I hate games like champ man But I can understand why people that are really into footy like would love it like I look at champ man And I see it and I look at actual slots and I see it But then I look at the middle which is yes, like Mubagae Disasters, and I don't see it It's like I hold a lot of time in a terra battle waiting for it to become a game that I thought it was this So the game that it was but at least I get that that's a game
Starting point is 02:50:36 Yeah Battle at least has like a terra battle and love life and novel and dragons. I can see they have a core gameplay concept in there That's that's good But you know, they're surrounded by the mess of of what they are But there's a lot of other ones that just don't even have that solid gameplay core and tons of people love them And I just I can't I can't understand it A lot of people a lot of people like to throw around the idea of you know modern games being cancer I legit believe those games of the cancer play for I completely forgot something and
Starting point is 02:51:13 It's like it has to do with them and most stuff. I'm sorry, but it And it's people that can't when you talk about other players people that can't understand that the people they're playing with are actually other human beings and That thing yes, so the best example is The final dungeon in the story is an eight-man thing you got to do and you run the doodie roulette And I said it's an amazing sequence has lots of cut scenes particularly bigger small. It's quite big Okay, there's four which is most eight which is rare and 24 which is one thing, okay? and so I went in there with six people from my company including myself and two other guys and
Starting point is 02:51:55 Though you have to do it with as many people you know because if you go in there as a new player with randoms You will get cutscene daisy chained In what will happen is you will watch the opening cutscene It will end and they have run ahead without you and killed the boss before you even zoned out Oh, wow, and then you will start the next cutscene and they can complete the entire Dire dungeon and completely cutscene lock you and in one case Before you can until it gets to the point where you have to move through an area before people can go But then you're lost because many of your map is open right and they they're yelling at you to go forward
Starting point is 02:52:34 So luckily I got to avoid that except for the penultimate the sorry The the whatever the third to last boss is is the Virgil battle of the game And I loaded it in and these two asshole DPS ran forward when I was watching the setup cutscene And I click X to fucking finish it and now I'm watching the ending cutscene of this boss fight at the fight As he climbs into the thing and I'm just like guys what happened and they're like fucking DPS DPS stands for dirt bag pieces of shit exactly and I don't get why you can't people are telling you in the just like Dude, it's the it's some of these people's first time through the thing. Yeah, I get you're trying to run it for poetics But fucking can you chill for five minutes?
Starting point is 02:53:20 Can you can you? Does your status change when you're watching it labels you as viewing cutscene so it's obvious everyone can enemies Yes, they can if they run forward and trigger the bullshit and then run back you're liable here You can get hit so you can zone out of a cutscene dead. It's rare, but it can happen But it can happen. Wow fucking weird like come on guys If you're gonna play the game with the humans at least try and act like a human So yeah, that's I that's also just like kind of a warning like if you go through the big story dungeons in that game play Get as many people on your crew as you can like six or higher
Starting point is 02:53:59 Mm-hmm, and if they run forward just let them die Okay We got one coming in from Domi and he wants to know oh Dominic yes, actually He wants to know how did we learn French was it taught in school or did your parents teach you French? It's not a lot of my dad's side of the family speaks French like as their primary language So I mostly learned it from there, but yeah school. No teacher. Yeah, well, no the same person taught both you and me It was alouette
Starting point is 02:54:32 Right, you put ugly bird that just and coke co-clic. Oh I think said my just total trash because I never practice it But our grades one to eleven we have to take French English class so you go to French class so you have to take French In in in high school. I I took a French immersion for the first couple years as well So that means like all my subjects are in France except for English And even then a lot of English class is still in French. Yeah. Yeah So there's that and then you even in say Jeff which is
Starting point is 02:55:05 College. Yeah early years of college. There's still more French. So you take it every year here. That's not exactly Yeah, but you know, it's it's worth knowing which you and like if you live in Quebec It's worth knowing it's useless everywhere else in the world, but well, except for Vietnam and France Have a lot of business opportunities We got one coming in from Evan he says Hey guys Evan with a question for all of you. He was watching Bloodborne and something an episode 28 caught his attention the first time No other people thought of a night's tale that warges me and other people thought you were crazy
Starting point is 02:55:41 The important thing is that I'm not the only one person. Yeah, don't worry about it. Don't worry about it I don't know a nightmare frontier. That's okay One of the larger snake enemies that we fought Pat you said the phrase it's way more intimidating than they are Have you ever come across an enemy in a game whose physical appearance is so intimidating? It caused you to overestimate strongly how actually powerful they are tons, but I thought this was gonna be the opposite question Yeah, okay in in Bloodborne the fucking
Starting point is 02:56:12 huge guys with the axes After you get to the Odin Cathedral. Yeah. Yeah those guys Matt you're around there. I Totally overestimated how strong they were their complete pushovers Dark Souls one the Black Knights Once you get to the mid game their chumps The the giant basilisk. Yeah Mm-hmm Anything that's super huge just gets pushed over that being said
Starting point is 02:56:43 I think the all-time reigning champ of unassuming appearance, but clearly actual serious threat is the Tom Barry the Tom Barry Yeah, absolutely. I just bought the fucking King Tom Barry this morning, and it was it's the fucking sickest thing It's a dungeon that a Tom Barry is chasing you the whole dungeon So you can't fight it. It just kills you. Yeah, of course Fucking say this is nice little turtle thing with a lantern and a little baby knight. You said that's the scariest shit One coming in from Ken he says hey guys I was watching Texas showdown and I was getting frustrated at the MK players that would reset the match as soon as finishing popped up or worse They'd an x-ray that would lead to victory
Starting point is 02:57:24 I think the game should be played like Mortal Kombat all the way until Shao Kahn says who wins You guys previously talked about how DOA tournaments should not be homogenized I feel the same should be said about other fighting game tournaments. They're too boring otherwise. Let's see some fatalities. No, okay? Okay, okay, okay, so so yeah, I know I and it's fine Do you like if everyone did it? Not okay. Listen. Listen. All right What I want you to do is like pause this podcast Go pop an MK and play it until you have digits in the thousands
Starting point is 02:58:00 Right see everything learn everything in the game and see it hundreds of times Dude, you're low-balling the shit out of that thousands of times like but just this is the minimum threshold for you To get to the point where it's like we we get it I'm a way simpler solution of this Go go to YouTube and go to go to YouTube repeat calm and go to a video of all the fatalities Right, you know that that video that must exist. Yeah. Yeah, watch it a thousand times Yeah, because that's probably pretty accurate watch it one thousand times Yeah, you know row as much as you can mm-hmm and then go fight some matches with your friends and see if you still want to
Starting point is 02:58:42 Fatality, you know like there's a pretty good analog here We're like, you know people like reset the match in Mortal Kombat after they get to the finishing bit because the winners already been declared Yeah, you know Rarely in blaze blue, you know, we'll see people do or in persona You'll see people do astral finishes and stuff because that's still during the game And there's still a chance to style because it's special. Yeah, but fatalities aren't actually special victory Because you get the chance every time I mean like fatalities are special Mortal Kombat has way more like cosmetic additions than most fighting games do so most fighting games
Starting point is 02:59:19 You don't see anything like this because you don't have to stop it any way There's always a chance for them to come back at the very least I think that's kind of maybe why they put brutalities in there because yeah, yeah You get a fatality within gameplay and it's fair and it and it's not even that long definitely Brutalities are the cool thing To understand like that watch a full tournament you're gonna at least see I think they should be even one year though When you get to this competitive way things when you do them. Yeah, when you get to this competitive point It's not the aesthetics don't matter anymore. Even the characters don't matter anymore
Starting point is 02:59:52 It's just matchups and like, you know, you can't fault these guys because they've literally seen it thousands of times And this isn't 1993 where there's no such thing as really video footage of a game and fatalities are super rare Exactly, you go we're living in the fucking internet age of like as soon as you put in Moe Into YouTube you're gonna get Mortal Kombat all brutality's fatalities in 60 frames per second 1080p Furthermore, I'll go even further than that and say that you as a viewer are Also in the minority because the people that are watching are already sick of seeing these things too They just want to see the competitive like aspects and yeah It's noise. It's just noise like you know, so I so I feel like if you are still looking to see these in
Starting point is 03:00:44 Like and you're like, I don't want to watch the stream without them type of thing It's almost like you probably haven't seen them enough I think there's points like I think there's stuff to be said about like doing a fatality after you win grand finals or something You know, but like every round is every match rather is like too many fatalities and 90% of all killer inks in tournaments Doing an ultra gives you a slight advantage so you can kill a guy faster But as soon as the ultra initiates they just do the ultra ender right there because no one means you sit That's even worse than Mortal Kombat and that's why they put that thing They put a game play reason as to why you'd want to do an ultra
Starting point is 03:01:22 There's a gameplay reason to just end it because there's no point I think the ultra AI astral finishes and the equivalent in persona and Brutalities in Mortal Kombat are fantastic for those purposes Everyone brutalities were announced. I was freaking out to Willie I was like, oh my god now We'll get to see cool stuff at the end of rounds and it won't Just waste time time and it'll also be special because we won't see it every round and plus a lot of brutalities are better But like when we were playing we were playing Mortal Kombat unlike what launch weekend
Starting point is 03:01:52 Yeah, like I was already kind of getting fed up of some of the fatalities Yeah, cuz the best way to get the amount the most amount of points is to I mean, yeah every match in our cable with every character brutalities give you more. It's true Yeah, they're hard to do a bit. Yeah, I Interesting like I think Mortal Kombat has the most like divided like Audience I suppose because there's people buying it for just the story There's people who buy it for the fatalities and like the the viscera and then there's people who buy it for the like to play Fighting game in there, you know play. Yeah, and like I feel like no other fighting game has quite that broad an appeal
Starting point is 03:02:28 I've got but I feel like everyone ends up at the same place in that if I play it enough If you play it enough you you're eventually done. Yeah, you know, yeah Yeah, you don't really skip through altars, although like you don't really have to you know That original Ken bug though was really bad. Yeah, without a doubt. Yeah When you kale somebody with Ken's ultra. Yeah, thanks for 10. Oh my god What a story then the ultras are generally a lot quicker than the italics. They're too slow No, no, you're right. They're very slow. I remember there was a point when all a super came out where I was like, okay Fuck this. I'm gonna I this has been bothering me for ages. Yeah, go to count the seconds and do the math
Starting point is 03:03:14 Yeah, and super since Street Fighter 3 are roughly twice. If not more That's as fast. Yeah ones and four. No, no without it that like they're slow doing wrong I I like the flourishes and stuff, but I think that like it shouldn't happen every single time I think it should be like a maybe a kid FF 9 solve this problem years ago. You remember? Yeah, that fighting game No fall dancing 9 at the problem where ff 7 ff 8 had summons that went on way too long Yeah, and you wanted the big cool thing But it goes on for too long Yeah
Starting point is 03:03:44 So what they did is that they had it so that the first time it showed it would do the full animation Then every time after that it would do it one out of eight times Yeah, it's special and the way you balance special occur and the way you balance that is you if it's the long version You stop time on the clock. Yeah, and it's cooked totally fine Yeah, and if you win the match with it, it is a long version fine, you know like And there's shit that I never get sick of seeing in some ways to go back on everything We just said like Dudley's Rolling Thunder. I will watch every time. Yeah But I definitely think that yeah
Starting point is 03:04:22 Nothing should actually be longer in match than say deadly double combination and Like when you're doing a big finish or whatever you can maybe throw the cinematics on but Fatalities are like three four times longer than all this. Yeah, that's why I think Brutalities are so like an elegant solution to it and I actually wish that they would change Fatalities into how brutality just like make the the requirements less. Yeah, that would have said too many people That would have said too many people it should be though every special move should have an associated brutality Yeah, I just get it for me for beating no definitely like I think improving the functional aspect of the finishing blows in Mortal Kombat Would be really great for tournament viewership and stuff in that regard where people would really get a kick out of that
Starting point is 03:05:05 But mm-hmm like yeah fatalities on every round like don't spend your money on these huge lavish fatality animations Just just give every character 15 brutality I don't know I think it's obviously worth it to make the fatalities because everybody gets a kick out of them a couple times each or a low punch fatality Yeah, but when a game has had its shelf life, and then it just gets into the tournament gets updates Like when the match of the number cut head comes off every time But if you get rid of the fatalities people like the more casual players will just not no no I I get it, but I think
Starting point is 03:05:40 Event like cuz like even I like fatalities just as much as the next guy But when it's all certain brutalities with the slow mo and everything like they're cooler to me a lot of After after two weeks barely even one week of cross-teche in the double-team attacks where you see both ultras back Yeah Everyone's eyes roll. Yeah, everyone leans back in their chair stretches and water You know and then gets back to the yeah That's the worst when you're watching a tournament and you've got a feed of the players and the player Let's go of his stick when that moments of killers. No check the phone check your notes. Yeah, exactly
Starting point is 03:06:18 Anyway What do you guys actually what's coming up on the site and the channel? I guess area of sorrow is continuing. Yeah What born will be more can't be stopped one cannot be stopped. No Areas To be finishing by the end of this week. No, I have a the end of the start of next is the 20th this week Yeah, so it's kind of finishing up Pat what pat I was talking to my girlfriend about the amygdala amygdala And she said something really funny, which was just like, you know
Starting point is 03:06:54 At the end of the day the word amygdala existed before and will continue to exist after this game comes and goes You know, so it's like I just have like a like a little bit of a preview of blood-borne stuff It's like if you were frustrated by slow-born, don't worry. You will soon be frustrated by fast-born. Yeah Oh, yeah, I guess there's that too fast too boring clusterfuck born Um, and I think me and leah might be Getting uh, the next episode of life is strange also probably by the start of next week. You hope We're doing it. We're doing it. You're good. They're gonna do it. They're doing it guys. They're doing it And I think we're we're looking at like at some point after that or
Starting point is 03:07:38 Whatever you're the um forbidden planet's gonna freedom planet freedom planet. Yeah, unless you've got a solo forbidden planet That shit's forbidden man. This whole planet get out of here. Yeah what Freedom freedom freedom planet. What what what is forbidden planet? Is that something? Let me google it. It's whole world or some shit It's forbidden something's forbidden. Is that a movie? Is that an animated movie? It is a sci-fi and fantasy movie That seems to have a five star rating and a 98 rotten tomatoes rating. Sure Well, we're out. Oh, I'm thinking of horrifying planet
Starting point is 03:08:15 Well, they were at a point in the history of media that you can string two random words together It's something as ghost train demonstrated earlier. Yeah. Yeah Ghost all aboard the ghost train because when you said ghost train my brain thought are you talking about phantom train? That fucking train that's saving suplexes and that's sex. Well, he's not talking about the midnight meat train Yo, the ending the midnight meat train is crazy. It's fucking sick It's cool. The actual movie is a little like uneven, but yeah, no the ending is like what am I gonna do not this? Yeah, I guess so um Yeah, I guess that's what's going on as far as my knowledge. Well, he's out to get stabbed
Starting point is 03:08:56 Yep, that's correct. He's about to stab someone you mean actually this forbidden planet thing is like right around the corner for me There's an address for it here. It's in new york new york home to a forbidden planet of despair and misery Uh, all right, and uh, what what do you guys put it on the watch with the witchers coming up with your dirt? Watch that fucking cg trailer. It's amazing. Is that the opening? Yes. I held off because I want to watch it It's the opening. I know I want to watch it. It's it's completely spoiler free I'll probably still oh my god Did you guys watch clueless gamer with uh play the witch? No, because I was told there was huge fucking spoilers in that thing I was sick. Yeah, there actually might be but god
Starting point is 03:09:35 Yeah, it's a good episode most likely. It's such a good video man. Fuck. Oh, I'll watch it. I love it Barely liked a lot Yeah, yeah Good times No, uh for me. I was proud and happy to see that uh right next to that vagabond mural They had the new books which no one ever knows when there's going to be new vagabond You just trip across and find it in your life So I got three new books to read that I didn't know existed
Starting point is 03:10:04 Like every couple of months like a stack of 100,000 high will appear in the middle of the scramble crossing It's right. That's how that's how vagabond comes into this world. Nobody know how But it's a house cleaner. Well, you know for the greatest mango of all time. I would expect no less. Um, well Yeah, I know I don't I know it deserves that I don't thinking about like but berserk and then I'm like wait. No, no, but Jojo I just I you know, no, nothing else to say is like on another level. Yeah, like my girlfriend was asking me She's like, you know, do you think I'd like it and I'm like, do you like literature? Do you like anything?
Starting point is 03:10:44 Do you want to put our relationship to the test? Because you will but Um, so yeah, that that's got me happier than a fucking pig and shit or whatever Um, I've been watching double fine adventures. So I'm I'm gonna continue plowing through that Liam. You're super, right? It is great. It is a really good series and I think that It makes it bittersweet when I know how of course ended up So I'm seeing the process and I'm getting attached You know, I want to reiterate again
Starting point is 03:11:16 I don't care what you think about tim Schaefer. I don't care what you think about double fine It is a really good this video series is a really good production and look at how games are made It makes me feel it brings me right back to Our days at idos where you see them doing stand-up meetings and stuff and I'm like, oh my god Oh my god, this is all super real and I can't think of any real or look at it Then everybody we're gonna have a webinar And like and like they talk about real issues and like what are real issues in making video games? Well, scheduling issues, you know, like not like the juicy
Starting point is 03:11:54 Controversy shit, but like making games is hard because he's lost his hands in a week Stuff Two player productions doing a good job and not doing too much Not too too much blatant manipulation of the editing. There's a couple of moments where it's like, I see what you did there But for the most part, it's a solid thing. Yeah and lastly I don't know if any of you guys had the chance to check it out, but um, john tron has a new series called stargate And I was so disappointed because I was like, oh, I thought this is about a dumb
Starting point is 03:12:30 b-tier wcw And I'm like I wrote on it. I'm like, I'm disappointed. It's just some star wars things Yeah, but it it has fucking production that we could never dream of and it's a fun watch It's him it's him with like an actual set and like a full-on star wars themed Uh, um, whatever like show where he's playing through or at least looking at every single star wars. We can do that No, we're not going to not with star wars though Well, but like then we can't do that but we can do an equivalent. Yeah, what what's an equivalent to star wars?
Starting point is 03:13:12 Indiana's or the rings. Yeah, just blow it up right here right now. Yeah, there's like maybe five games I just wait. No, I love this. I love this idea I'm like you can rip the rts Liam, good job. We could rip off john tron live on the podcast in front of everyone We can do that too, but with less. Hey pay attention to us. It was less talented. No production. Yeah I remember he packed cca mentioned he was doing something like he didn't say what the franchise was He's like, yeah, I'm getting us together for like a big thing and I was like, oh, no, that was the bang bus thing No, that wasn't the bang bus thing. Oh, did that happen already? Oh, shit
Starting point is 03:13:51 But anyway, uh, a lot of good laughs. I had some lofts some larps. So, uh, oh god That's the worst version larp never heard that one before. What a larp So this podcast has been a real larp you guys. Yeah, the the early morning sleepy cast. I am so fucking exhausted I need so much cabin. I need so many stimulants so I can go rain It's new just stay awake until bedtime. That's why I need a stimulant. Oh, okay. You want to go? I gotta go back on the street. Yeah, I can go with some drugs I gotta go hit the streets and see if I can continue collecting my new york characters. Yeah, please do Guy yelling on the corner. Remember we'll have been dumping the water out the apartment window my favorite pizza cop
Starting point is 03:14:34 My pizza cop steam events my favorite is manned like frantically waving syringe at crowd Remember the pizza cop was seen next to the nintendo world store rocket center. I'll stick it I want to go fine. I'm trying to find guy who gives you directions But embarrasses you while he gives them to you. Yeah Makes fun of you for being all the way down here when you should really be up there Also, remember what I said to you if you don't go see spider-man turn off the dark Don't bother coming back here. Well, guess what? I tried to and I took a look and it's not running anymore. Damn it Are you are you able to get into spider-man too too many spider-man?
Starting point is 03:15:16 It's edge of the spider-verse the broadway show Yeah, but I did see I I'm pretty sure I saw um a themed like restaurant Maybe type place that is what um the scary restaurant and kimmy schmidt is based on Oh my god, I think I know which what it's based on. Oh, that's sick. It's right down the block. All right So, we'll see All right, see you back at home base later on man. All right. All right. All right. All right show show Coffee into my mouth. Here you go. Patrick. No, you gotta do it like a baby bird. Make a drink sound. Oh drink drink glug glug That's weird

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