Castle Super Beast - SBFC 095: Mefense Of Be Ancients

Episode Date: June 2, 2015

In which we unplug our Autoblows. We're recording live from Momocon, and are joined by Atlanta's own SuperBunnyHop.  ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Rollin' Start, we're just gonna rolling start this podcast cause we have an hour for this first part. We can't possibly just immediately dive into episode 94. It's not 95. What an upset. I can't handle this. Last week was 94. We're at 95 already.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Yes. Literally a high-risk, high-reward podcast. The podcast kept on going. So rolling start here, episode 95, live as you can hear from the fucking background noise at Momocon. At Beachcon. Yep. Momocon Beach.
Starting point is 00:00:46 We, you know, wanted to record this in a quieter environment, but we're being... This is what we got. Ushered out by the hotel. So we're making do. And we have, we have our cutoff because we have to get to our panel literally two hours from now. So you're gonna be time traveling throughout the day as you listen to this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:03 Yeah. This is our final day in Atlanta. And I want to give a special thanks to our surprise guest. Hello. Super Bunny office here. Oh, you sound so happy to be here, buddy. I'm super, duper stoked. You sound forced to be here.
Starting point is 00:01:15 I haven't been a big fan of mega rabbit jumps, sorry, whatever your name is, videos for a while. Oh, thank you. I'm so flattered. You can put the gun down, Liam. You can put the gun down. What gun? He'll be talking.
Starting point is 00:01:27 It's all right. Welcome to the show. A huge snitch face. What? No. Okay. That's like a super duper inside joke from like a couple of nights ago. If we have to be explaining it.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Yeah. So would you like to introduce yourself? Yeah. Yeah. My name is George Riemen. I make a channel called Super Bunny Hop. The name makes no sense. The names don't have to make sense though.
Starting point is 00:01:46 I think that's something. Well, your logo makes sense with the name. Because it's a bunny rabbit. And it's Foxhound from Metal Gear 2. But it's a bunny rabbit. Yeah. And it's a bunny rabbit. I got shitloads of hate for that logo.
Starting point is 00:01:56 Because people thought it looked more like some kind of sketchy rat thing. Yeah. But that's okay. It doesn't have to make sense. It is okay. And it's quite fond of your logo actually. Well, I have got it. Satchel actually drew that up for me.
Starting point is 00:02:08 Oh, really? Yeah. That's neat. But I gotta ask you, man, how good are you at bunny hopping and CS? Well, you don't... This is like 1.6 we're talking about. Yeah. Of course.
Starting point is 00:02:19 I was more of like a quick live bunny hopper. Okay. There's your snapshotting, Pat. I'm really good. Okay, alright. I haven't seen you do that in years. Well, no. Because they had to feed us dead as shit.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Well, that's not an accurate name. So if it sounds like we're being super rude to George over here, it's because we're two days into our relationship. Oh my God. We've drank and we've... We told him that stamper story. And he was just like, what? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Why would anyone steal things? We're already well beyond the honeymoon period of this. Yeah. I can't believe the shit you guys say to each other. It's like... Come on. It's wild. You've entered a dog circle.
Starting point is 00:02:49 It is rancid, the stuff they say behind closed microphones. Polite Canadians is what everyone says. That's why we don't drink much. They towed it down for the public image. What do you mean? What are you talking about? You've got too much chocolate to boot? What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:03:02 Too much Southern hospitality coming out of you, man. I got... Oh God, I get so much of that. They were really nice-sized hooters. They were very... Oh, really? How was your service? You stared at the floor.
Starting point is 00:03:13 As I stared at the floor and ran away sweating. Because you get nervous. I got a little nervous. You get nervous at hooters. Yeah. People call you out on your hospitality. Yeah, yeah. Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot.
Starting point is 00:03:24 All the fucking time. I'm sorry. You can't. Anyways, I... There's no swearing on those podcast stores. We're actually in the press room of Momocon and they don't like... They don't like us swearing. They don't like us swearing.
Starting point is 00:03:34 They should have flown us over. Fuck, shit ass. They didn't want that shit. I can't... See, there he goes. It's almost as bad as when the microphone's off. But no. Anyways, I was...
Starting point is 00:03:43 I was invited to a games research conference in Sweden last year. Really? It sounds official. It was super duper official. I should probably stop being in the table, but anyways... It's cool. I... Does that happen to YouTubers?
Starting point is 00:03:58 No. Ever. Yeah. That sounds official and real and like smart people wanted you there. Smart people want to be there. You've aggressively elbowed your way into games. We need Americans here because all that we're saying is bork bork and there's no work getting done.
Starting point is 00:04:11 The jargon sparg and largon bork bork. Yeah. Like you don't get invited to that shit if you fart into the mics. We do. Every week. Oh. Whoa. He's so funny.
Starting point is 00:04:21 There you go. There you go. I clearly need to work on my business strategy. Yeah. It was super duper flattering. I basically got an email from a professor at the University of Uppsala who said, you want to go to Sweden this summer? And I didn't take him seriously at first.
Starting point is 00:04:36 I verified. I got him on Skype. He sent me a picture of his credentials. No, not really. But we ended up going. There was a kind of a panel of 13 quote unquote video game experts. There was me, a lot of people from Nordic game developers, but it was also me, Anna Kipnis, Ian Gill who just finished up work on Never Alone were also there.
Starting point is 00:05:00 And basically what they had set up was a mock GDC for the students at this game development university. It was surprisingly legit. Oh fun. Because they had Swedish tax dollars going in to fund a little mock GDC for the Sweden 300 students, game development, Babby developers. There you go. And they were producing some really, really legit stuff.
Starting point is 00:05:21 I was judging the first years. And what they had us doing were judging pitches these students were making to a panel of investors which were us. So you go from journalists to Dragon's Den. Yeah. Yeah. Basically throwing them in the shark den of developers and media personalities. Put on your robotic head.
Starting point is 00:05:39 I have to ask Bunny, did you have a moment in which you said, wow, this is an amazing inventive game. It'll never make any money. You should throw this in the garbage. Yes. Actually. Wow. The theme I was given.
Starting point is 00:05:51 George was just like, look, you can't have a girl as the main character. It costs so much money. In this economy, that's like 30 more employees. Like, that doesn't work. Where's your beaches of Normandy level? Exactly. You can't sell that. The crashing helicopters.
Starting point is 00:06:06 They needed more crashing helicopters. The theme of the first years that I was judging was called Theme Park. Okay. Or amusement park, where they had to use some kind of inventive control scheme. So basically, all the good games were that. Actually, all the good games were games where they just shoehorned in the creative control scheme so that they can sell it later on a regular controller. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:25 Like, my favorite one was a kind of Mount Your Friends or like GERP clone called Frog Climbers, where it's a competitive two player climbing game where you have full control over a ragdoll's limbs as they flop around each other. It's hilarious, good fun. Well, it makes sense because it was like, it was really impressive for the first year student how they got the artwork in the program and took it really good for a fairly complicated physics engine. But it also kind of elevated that gameplay to another bigger and better level where there
Starting point is 00:06:56 was real time competitive aspect. Like in Mount Your Friends, you take turns. This was a real time climbing competition. They figured it out. These first year people figured it out. Now, did you introduce them to the necessary DLC that they would have to add into these games? It's been passed.
Starting point is 00:07:11 You got to get that in there. I would have hated to because there were some ideas that were just more even tragically destined to fail. Like there was one really interesting game that used a rock band drum set. Oh, that's a good start. But these kids could actually make money off of this thing if they rode off the coattails of the upcoming Rock Band 4. Because people are going to dust off their old drum sets and bring that stuff out.
Starting point is 00:07:39 The level of polish that they had it at was a little disappointing. I had to make it real for them and be like, hey, you should actually contract someone to finish this cool idea you guys started. So were you the Simon Cowell to Anna Kipnis' Paula Abdul? That's what I need to know here. Yeah. Were you the Randy? There was someone else who was super duper critical.
Starting point is 00:08:03 This is not going to make money, dawg. There was one of the Nordic developers who at the end of every presentation he would say, I liked your presentation, but I felt you went on and on about the style and the kind of surface level aesthetics of the game. That was 95% of the presentation. Only 5% was about the core. Like he judged the presentation while we were having a question session. We were given a scorecard to judge these presentations on.
Starting point is 00:08:29 But there was one guy in the corner who just went on and on and on. From Nordic, right? Yeah. He was an American. I could tell that much. Well, Nordic's all Eastern European. I don't think he means Nordic Games. No, no.
Starting point is 00:08:44 They were from the Arab countries. Not specifically Nordic Games. Well, they have that program that shows up on a lot of intro logos. Right, yeah. But yeah, anyways, it was an amazing experience. It was legit, man. Yeah, I'm really, really flattered that apparently my channel is good enough to get there. How's Sweden, man?
Starting point is 00:09:05 It was pretty rad. It was the most surprising thing was seeing discount store cashier people act like they actually like their jobs. Yeah. Because when you go to pick up greasy hot dogs or slurpees in the States, the people who sell you the stuff, they seem borderline suicidal. Yeah. And in Sweden, apparently retail, from what I've told, I can't necessarily offer an
Starting point is 00:09:31 expert insight on this topic, but apparently doing retail is able to pay a living. Yeah, sure. Okay. I'll believe that. Okay. Yeah, I'll believe it. I see it, I guess. All your social expenses are paid by the government.
Starting point is 00:09:43 They get health care and education as a human right, but not toilets. Because you have to put a coin in a slot, literally, to unlock the door to a bathroom. Well, you should have a coin or else you poop on the street like a crazy foreigner. Who just has these bathroom coins on them? I think I felt like some kind of human right of mind was being violent. If I went to Sweden, I would have nothing but... Bathroom coins. Speaking of cultural, though, little grandmothers giving their little grandsons like coins to
Starting point is 00:10:08 go use the bathroom. I'd rather have it and not need it than you didn't have it. Is that their name? Borkbork? No, no, their name is shit. Yorg Borkbork. They called me Yorg because apparently they don't like saying J noises. Yorg.
Starting point is 00:10:22 So, I guess the most pressing thing is, us wondering, how does it feel to now be the go-to source on the Konami scandal as it were? It's a little frightening. You're at the forefront of this. Yeah, you're leading the charge whether you like it or not. How does it feel to be the forefront of the anti-Konami consumer revolution? I didn't even have to do much. I was writing a...
Starting point is 00:10:42 Where'd this banner in your hand come from? Why are you wearing armor all of a sudden? I was visiting my sweet old dear mother for Mother's Day and I came back on the bus and just kind of got off the bus and saw all this shit. And she was like, I hate that Konami too. It's like, wow, when I was out of town, Konami just stomped my dick a whole bunch. No, they didn't. They like polished it up, gave it a little pat down.
Starting point is 00:11:03 Next time you come, so I'm going PT with you. I remember reading that on the internet that you were just away while everything happened. I was. And that's funny because when the Rooster Teeth didn't know what did their show about it, Meg said, to Bunny Hop's credit, he did not comment on the matter as it was happening. In the Kotaku article, it was saying George was unavailable for comment at the time. And they're like, right, I wasn't because I had no cell phone reception. It's like that lady that got on the plane and made all those horrible tweets and then
Starting point is 00:11:33 found out she was fired when the plane landed. How long until the plane lands? It was worse than that. It was like there was a crowd of angry people waiting for her to get to. How long until Bunny gets off the plane? It's surprising how fast these things come and go. Because the strike happened in the middle of the night because it was Japan. It was like 6 p.m. in Japan time when this thing happened, which was like 5 a.m.
Starting point is 00:11:55 My time. I was in bed. I went up. I didn't care much to check my cell phone. I got on the bus back home. I got off the bus and I get back on my computer and I'm like, wow, apparently I'm some martyr for free speech or something. And then the video goes back up.
Starting point is 00:12:09 Not literally five minutes after I get home. The video's back up. The controversy's over and done with. And I have a hilarious new story on my hands. And it's a story that like it almost keeps on giving because we covered it for like two, three weeks and then we're like, all right, that's it. We don't need to have more to cover here. And then this weekend, while we're here in Atlanta, we found out there's even more.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Yeah, you guys would be every week with or without me later on because there have been developments like yesterday and the day before with this thing that are kind of hilarious, I think. But before we get into our news, I guess, let's do the usual format and cover. What do we do? What do we have? We're at Momocona. We're still technically there.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Yeah. Hello from Momocona. We're overlooking the viewers room right now. I can see a Madoka thing right now. Hello, we are deep in WCW country and the wrestlers are running around like redex from Ocarina. We went to that vortex place that had the goddamn nitro girls on the vortex and the big burgers and stuff. Vortex party, bitch. So, George, you and everyone else from here tells me that like this is the first time they've like
Starting point is 00:13:15 doubled the size of the con from one year to the other. Yeah, Momocon was like a little pipsqueak babby con, like just four years ago. That was its original name. I appreciate the honesty. I don't know what Momo means in these papers. Really? Yes. I'm not according to the protoman.
Starting point is 00:13:35 According to the protoman, it means the spirit of a warrior. Well, Liam, what should they then read? A Japanese class book? There you go. Japanese class book. I don't know. Go take a class. A dictionary.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Perhaps. No, a dictionary won't teach you. It's all in Japanese. Read what is factually the greatest manga ever written. Oh, you didn't do a peach girl thing again. I'm so glad I don't know what peach girl is. Well, I'll introduce you. It's Matt's, you'll introduce him.
Starting point is 00:14:01 It's a mass romance novel. You know, slash masturbation material. Ew, gross. It's also factually not the worst ever. So, you know, you're getting off easy. Correct. But I think, I mean, for the most part, our weeks all overlap in the sense that we got on a plane and traveled here.
Starting point is 00:14:19 I think we mostly just worked up until we left. Yeah, yeah. Making recordings. That's correct. I live here and even I was that. Yeah. I mean, individually, on the way here, I was listening to the Snow Crash audiobook. And I'm a couple chapters into that.
Starting point is 00:14:36 And I've heard a lot of good things about it and it sounds like a fun book. It's quite the famous book. Yeah. And so far, have you had the chance to... I haven't read Snow Crash. I have a copy of it from my stepdad, but I haven't actually read it. I'm not going to lie. I feel a bit burned by him ever since his Kickstarter went up in flames.
Starting point is 00:14:53 Oh. I don't know about that. He had a game called Clang Going. Oh, my God. That's the guy. That's the writer. The Clang Guy. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:15:02 So, and I had put like $60 in the Clang and he had gotten all these people to attest to how fabulous he was. Right, right. Including Gabe Newell and such. Yeah, that video. That was hilarious. And this was really early. This was before any other big Kickstarter kind of flopped.
Starting point is 00:15:19 It was one of the first ones that flopped. And I was like, yeah, it's a lesson learned right there. Did nothing ever even come out of that? Like no prototype? I think they released prototype software. A couple weeks ago. Yeah, I know. Nothing near final.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Yeah. It crashed and burned. It was a clear demonstration of complete lack of knowledge of how to make a game. I will say that like the entrance to the book is a really fun read in that. It sets you up for one thing and then it drops a twist on you like three chapters. I would certainly hope so. And it's fun. It's so critical.
Starting point is 00:15:48 The writer's style is entertaining, you know, so I'm definitely inward that. But yeah, like we, this is a busy con for us because we have an event every day. We had one thing every day except for Thursday, but man. Thursday's the arrival day. Thursday was the soft. Our arrival is the event. The four days of cons are things that we usually don't have. You know, we usually do the in on Friday, out on Sunday.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Yeah. We were talking about how Thursday felt like Friday and Friday felt like Saturday and Saturday felt like Sunday. And now we're on Magic's, we're on midnight Sunday. The extra Sunday where nobody else can move around and we can just do crimes. They do crimes. Why didn't they do crimes? We were talking about that.
Starting point is 00:16:25 Why didn't anyone for Zone 3 just do tons of crimes? They could have done tons of crimes. They have good hearts. That's dumb. I know. The crimes would have come back to Hancliffe as bosses to be fair. Oh, they wouldn't. Yeah, all the guilt and shit.
Starting point is 00:16:36 No, no guilt. That's what the whole game's about. Yeah, but I wouldn't have felt no guilt robbing a bank in frozen time. Emotions don't move in the middle. Let me make a general statement. I think like for you and me at least, and I guess Pat and Liam Riffer or Larry Lee. That's the word. Don't correct it.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Is that we just somehow watched a lot of TV and guess what everyone TV fucking kicks ass in the United States. So in the United States. Really? So like you finally are out. No, because there's this thing. TV sucks. You don't get Cartoon Network.
Starting point is 00:17:05 TV fucking sucks. But there's one thing I stand by every time and I've been pushing this for me every time we go anywhere. Every time we go anywhere. You go onto a con, you turn on Cartoon Network and you never turn it off. You do your stuff, you leave, but when you come back to the hotel to sleep or whatever, look, there's the funniest thing you can do. And guess what?
Starting point is 00:17:21 Whenever you watch commercials on Cartoon Network, you go, yeah, slip and slide. What are the products? The products you buy. The commercials, all the other channels are awful and all the other commercials are not necessarily... Did you hurt your back? They're not for products. They're for like suffering.
Starting point is 00:17:35 Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's still on Cartoon Network. Are you serious? Slip and slide. Then hey, did you get injured in some shit? On your slip and slide. Yeah. And you don't pay that ticket till you call me.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Did you commit a crime? Maybe. We don't know. Call me. Did some perfect storm. Did some crazy Splatoon kid fill your mouth up with ink? Yeah. Who fucking get his money?
Starting point is 00:17:52 Are you a grade or a squid now? Are you a squid now? Yeah. I'm a squid. But more importantly, you wake up to random episodes of Steven Universe or so and you go to sleep to like the Eric Andre show and fucked up random shit like Too Many Cuts. You're not going to get into it. These are all shows that we would have to download or otherwise acquire in Canada and
Starting point is 00:18:10 they're just not on TV. Yes, we would have to acquire them. Yeah, exactly. But the big thing is, holy shit, Sonic Boom, the TV show is fucking awesome. It's actually funny. Five thumbs up. It was super funny. It was a TV show first.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Yes. In a game. Did you hear the recent news about the game? Apparently... No, what happened? Apparently the game was originally in development for quote-unquote next-gen consoles at the time and then midway during development Sega signed the contract with Nintendo for exclusivity and so they had to downport it from quote-unquote next-gen consoles to get it on too.
Starting point is 00:18:41 So we've really been missing out on the true intended Sonic Boom experience. Yes, that's right. Which I believe Matt made the joke that it's like based on how this was written and how much we laughed at the show, it should have been given to Telltale. Funny dialogue. It's just make it all about how funny we are in Sonic games. And plus the episode that we watched didn't really even have action. They didn't even need to run or do cool shit.
Starting point is 00:19:03 No. It was still entertaining. My favorite line was when Sonic goes, we really need a compass and they find a compass line on the floor and Knuckles just starts stomping it and breaking it and Sonic goes, why did you do that? We needed it and Knuckles goes, no one tells Knuckles which way is north. What was the laundry line? Sorry?
Starting point is 00:19:21 What was the laundry line? I like that one better. Oh yeah. Hey Sonic and Knuckles, if we win then you have to do our laundry and if we lose then we have to do your laundry. Because that's not fair. Me and Knuckles don't wear pants. They know.
Starting point is 00:19:36 They know. It's actually funny. They know that pork and monster is slinking around. It's just hiding around down there. And Teen Titans Go is hilarious. We were kind of like, eh at first. No, Willie hates it. No, I don't hate it.
Starting point is 00:19:48 I think it's funny. No, I think it's funny but I think it tries too hard to make gifts. Yes he does. That's all. But they're good gifts. One that's like, oh look we're dancing and it'll say dance party or whatever the text is. The kids like that.
Starting point is 00:20:00 And it's just like cut here. You are watching Cartoon Network. It's the network I want on the TV all the time unless we scroll up or down and we find the end of Back to the Future 3 or you fell asleep last night when GoldenEye came on. Yeah. No, he's dying another day. No, you fell asleep to GoldenEye came on. I was watching that last night.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Because I know the day I saw that and I was like no. Switching back between that and training day and shit was great. So you don't have GoldenEye in Canada? No. We have the Canadian dub. GoldenEye? GoldenEye. GoldenEye, eh?
Starting point is 00:20:32 James Boont. James Boont? You know the GoldenEye laser? You just shoot maple all over the world. Oh no. I don't know. I'm gonna get all the food at you. Well back to the Maple Age.
Starting point is 00:20:43 Other than that on the plane over I read the Maple Age. I have more syrup than God. On the plane over I read Batman and the Court of Owls because people suggested to me and it's excellent. New 52 Batman. It's excellent. I'm really into the story and that's one thing about Momocon is I don't know who makes this type of decision.
Starting point is 00:20:59 I don't know how many comic book stores are available in Atlanta. You were saying that there's one bunny that you frequent that's quite good. The go-to spot. That was my friend Joel. Oh, sorry. Yeah, no. I literally only know what a video game is. I don't know what a comic game is.
Starting point is 00:21:15 You're cool, man. Thank you. Yeah. Because I'm really worried about it. Because in all the podcasts you guys go on about cartoons from the 90s that I died. Well whatever. It's fine. I'm glad someone at least appreciates that.
Starting point is 00:21:26 It's huge nerds when we were children. And I only played video games and that's what made me a nerd was I couldn't keep up with all the other shit. I agree with you. I think where you were, Matt, you were going with that is just the fact that in all the viewers' room it's mostly anime. There's a little bit of video games going on but there's like no actual comic books. I played a million more reddit threads for you to cry in.
Starting point is 00:21:45 I know. You're totally right. I'm sorry, a babby fight's happening. Get the scissors in, everybody. No, you're right. Definitely not a lot of comic focus on the film. I was going to say there's lots of old comics. Like nice reprints and old comics and that's fun but there's like me and Willie are both
Starting point is 00:22:02 like, well there's some new stuff and we're kind of disappointed there's not a single kiosk that's selling stuff that's out in the last couple of months. DragonCon. Do it at least once. Sacrifice the packs. Go to DragonCon at least once in your life. The cosplay con. You will be so very satisfied.
Starting point is 00:22:16 That's all American stuff, right? Yeah. Isn't that mainly like Doctor Who sci-fi kind of like, you know, Firefly? That's dragons. Yeah. But like general sci-fi. Names don't have to be. Yeah, it is.
Starting point is 00:22:31 Which means that there's a huge floor of comic book dealers. Right, right. Everyone has their fill at that point. To be frank, when you get to a certain size and you only cater to one group, you're just kind of limiting yourself. When you're a smaller con, yeah, you can cater to like a smaller niche sort of audience. I was told about something called AMA as well. Anime Week in Atlanta.
Starting point is 00:22:51 AMA. It literally is WA. It sounds like a... You read it upside down. Yeah, unfortunately. But like that's the anime wrestling association. Ooh. I like it.
Starting point is 00:23:01 There's money in that idea. There's money. But that's another event. Yeah, wrestling's pretty anime already. Yeah. Well like the big cheese is Dragon Con. Like downtown Atlanta's economy is like halfway Dragon Con-based. Because it just brings so much money.
Starting point is 00:23:14 That would explain that with that thing we saw. Oh, you could be talking about anything. Yeah. Do you know what the attendance is like? It's a pretty big thing. It's astronomical numbers. 75,000 I think. Wow.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Wow. I was gonna say 30-40k. Yeah. Which is what I'd imagine Momocon might be hovering at right now. Which is still ridiculous. Like Momocon, when, two years ago, when I started out my channel when I was a babby channel, the PR person who manages Dragon Con was also... I like babby.
Starting point is 00:23:41 Yeah, everybody likes babby. He was pushing Momocon really hard two years ago. And I was a little leery about it. But now it's like taking two years and it's actually like hating the video game people. Which Dragon Con, for its size and magnificence, doesn't really do very well. Yeah, because it's mostly comics and sci-fi and everything other than Viggy games. It's mainly a dealer's room con, then you'd say. That was just a lot of cosplay.
Starting point is 00:24:07 It is, it is. There's some incredibly wild costumes. Everyone gets drunk and party and buys expensive stuff from a dealer's room. I'm sure Pat and I don't buy. I don't have room. I don't either. I don't have room. No one has room for that.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Willy and Matt are walking through the dealer's room and go, Man, we don't have room to buy any of this shit. I go back to the room and they have giant statues. Dude, it was the fucking Darth Maul Japanese style. You were specifically talking about how you had no place for that statue. I'm actually not sure where you're going to put it. I really enjoyed our time together, fierce deity Link, but out the window. In the dumpster.
Starting point is 00:24:48 In with the new Darth Maul. Episode 1 Star Wars, that's the new stuff. As far as the actual con goes here, the only real company presence I've seen besides Indies was Sega set up their booth and they had Tempo the Badass Elfist. As far as video games, yeah. I looked through the booklet and there were some like, what's the word? Indie games? No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Like tabletop, analog games. There was a bunch of analog game companies and stuff, but as far as like, Vigigames, it was just Sega. But they had a good showing. Yeah, Tempo's fucking great, man. Tempo's really good, Dengeki Bunko's still really good. Project Mirai sucks. Tempo has a pacing that, now that I've gotten hands on it, that trailer does it justice.
Starting point is 00:25:33 It's the same pacing that we get from Freedom Planet, where you just get it and then you're like, Okay, these are all your buttons. And then this Y button is your fucking boosts and just jump and go in any direction. You're an elephant. Super fast. Yeah. You're a badass elephant. You're a badass elephant.
Starting point is 00:25:47 That reminds me, Liam and I went down to the Sega booth and we had a short talk with one of the Sega representatives there. And we asked him, hey man, how you doing? Wynn's Fancy Star Online 2 coming out. He said soon. No, he did not. He said what? He raked his hand over his forehead over the top of the back of his head.
Starting point is 00:26:07 The bald guy? The bald guy? Yeah. He looks at the floor and starts to laugh and be like, I don't know, man. I don't know. You're the ninth guy to ask this today. Really? I asked him that, the same guy, I asked him at PAX Prime as well.
Starting point is 00:26:21 I recognize him because he's the bald guy. So you just asked him again? Every time. Every time. Wynn's Fancy Star Online 2. They announced its release. Wynn's Fancy Star Nova. I have money on this.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Yeah, we explained it. We explained it. We explained it. We still wouldn't budge. Pat here, have a little wager going on. It's currently at $80. It started at $20. It's doubled twice.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Yeah, as to whether or not. They're yearly bets as to whether or not Fancy Star Online 2 will come out this year. And it started two years ago. And I have won that twice in a row. And I'm on track to win it again this year. Pat will never stop doubling now. I will stop doubling down this year. Have you worked sides on this?
Starting point is 00:26:57 I'll be over under? I'm good, thank you. At least you got Mirror's Edge 2 out of the way. Do we? Yeah. We knew for sure. Fuck her. There's no sign of that game being played.
Starting point is 00:27:06 Until it's on my plate. They even said it was coming out in Q1 2016. Nah, man. I don't know if you noticed, but with the demo last year, a little video off-screen on a camera at last year's E3. Let's footage of people clicking mice and looking at monitors. That's how you know it's a game. They're working.
Starting point is 00:27:26 That's how that last mess effect got shown off. We're really working hard on the mess effect. There's a 3D model that's untextured and it spins. I appreciate their gumption and desire to show us stuff, but the only one in that super early, pre-pre-alpha concept phase that looked cool was the criteria on one. Because it had enough to show, hey, you can fly out of a car onto a skidoo and then get on a wolf right around the shit. If you have nothing to show, how about you show nothing?
Starting point is 00:27:53 That's what I think, I think. At the Sega booth as well, they had Outrun 3D and some of their other eShop titles coming out as well set up. But yeah, no one else really present as far as big brands. Yeah, in the dealer's room, I'm looking at it right now actually, there's a pretty big Brawlhalla. I just can't fucking play that. Yeah, that's interesting because they're the only video game in the dealer's room as
Starting point is 00:28:14 opposed to the game room, so they definitely paid a premium. Money, money, money. They gave you this video game. It's like when you see an artist outside of the artist alley and you're like, yeah, they are confident in their sales. And they're also just handing them out. They're handing out codes. Yeah, I got to get that PR.
Starting point is 00:28:30 Exactly. So I remember when Matt introduced that as like, oh, yo, look at the name of this game. It's awesome. And we're like, yeah, absolutely. What does it mean for a lot of games to get announced? You have a terrible name, no one will remember it. We had a long conversation off camera about how we could not figure out the name of any MOBA game coming out by any company.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Hey, Bunny, what is the name of Gearbox's MOBA? Gearbox has a MOBA? It's a first person MOBA. It's hobby grade. It's Battleborn. Okay. Is it Battleborn? What's the name of EA's canceled MOBA?
Starting point is 00:29:04 That's the one you always go to. That's Warface. Heroes of the Gorge. You're right. No. Get this. It's Dawngate. That wasn't Warface?
Starting point is 00:29:14 I really don't know. Warface is Crytek. Warface was a different game. Warface is Crytek. And do you know who published Stormrise? Crytek. Sega. Sega.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Now, the final name. These generic names. The final name and nothing coffin. What is the name of Crytek's MOBA? There was no nail and no hammer and they swung. What is the name of Crytek's MOBA? They put the sign up the wall. Crytek's MOBA, which is the Big Bad Wolf versus Red Riding Hood.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Red Riding Hood. Different mythological. This was a good legendary league? No. You go. Go. Fucking Storm Watch? No, you go.
Starting point is 00:30:00 I think you know. Water Drain. No, just take a guess. Thunder Arena. Oh, oh, cool. You got one. You got one. You want to take another stab at it?
Starting point is 00:30:10 I have one word. Which word might it be? It's Arena. Oh, it's Arena. It's Arena. Lightning Arena. I don't know. Battle Arena.
Starting point is 00:30:18 It was Arena of Fate. Oh, my God. Oh, Jesus Christ. That's the worst. So Crytek took the man of Jesus. I challenge you to remember that tomorrow. So Crytek took the sign that said Arena of Fate put it up on the wall. My favorite part about that argument is that we had talked about Dawngate being canceled
Starting point is 00:30:36 in the podcast. And then later on, when I was making up fake names of MOBAs that fit this profile, I said Dawngate. And that was real. I forgot. And Woolly had to come in and be like, that's the one we talked about today. Yeah. So that's not even a memorable name.
Starting point is 00:30:54 That's an anti-memorable name. It's a slot machine. Again. Just have two words. Stormgate. Dawn. Lightning. Rise.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Role. Watch. Yeah. So again, Crytek put it up on the wall. They had no nail, no hammer. They swam to the swing. And they said, voila. And they fell off the wall.
Starting point is 00:31:12 It's the gutter. Into the sewer. Into the sewer that they were nailing it up over. The sewer that is Muffins of the Ancient Games. Muffins of the Ancient. That's what MOBA stands for, right? If anyone ever asks you, George, what does MOBA stand for? The answer is Muffins of the Ancient.
Starting point is 00:31:31 Muffins of the Ancient. Love it. What is that called when a game name is so not memorable that it actively encourages you to forget it when you hear it? Anti-brand. It's called arena fate. No. Anti-brand.
Starting point is 00:31:46 Anti-brand. It's the opposite of an earworm. Yeah. So whatever the opposite animal of a worm is. Yeah. Like earhawk. Yeah. I'm sticking with anti-brand.
Starting point is 00:31:57 No, you got to get Paul anti-marketing on it. Don't let them touch Paul. Don't let them touch Paul marketing. They'll cease to exist. Make no mistake. League of Legends is the most generic title ever. But because you're first, it's fine. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:32:12 But anyone after that? Yeah. And because no one calls it League of Legends, they just call League. League or long when you're writing. Yeah, exactly. And if that foul got in lucky there, just let's just take that name real quick. Yeah, throw a two on it. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:32:25 Heroes of the Storm. Heroes of New Earth didn't last. Heroes of the Storm is not too bad, but overwatched. Heroes of the Storm is only okay because it's got all the characters. You know, it's got Nova. And because Blizzard has a shit ton of games that have Storm in the title. Yeah. It doesn't mean anything anymore.
Starting point is 00:32:40 Storm is just a, it's just noise on ears. Yeah. It bounces off your fucking air drum into your brain. Or what about the Storm Feelers, man? Yeah. Well, that's different. What about us? When we incite the best.
Starting point is 00:32:51 It's okay to make an exception when we feel like it. I'll be remiss if I do not mention that before I came to the con, I spent way too long dressing up the guild's Barbie Dream House that we bought in FF 14. Yeah. Nice. Way too long. Way too long. Like hours.
Starting point is 00:33:08 It's just because we're done. It's called the Stormatory. That's a good name. Right. You know what? That's a good name. And you know who gets the props to that? Yeah, who named that?
Starting point is 00:33:17 Vento Oreo. Okay. Oh, okay. Yeah, he's on Gap. That's a pretty good name too. Yeah, but Oreo liked the cookie. I know. That's a really good name.
Starting point is 00:33:25 That's good. That's strong. That's strong. Do I want to put the desks in front of the Mender? Oh, I don't know. Wait, the Stormatory? Yeah, that's right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:33 And when we eventually get the bigger house, I'm going to call it the Stormatorium. The Stormatory. The Stormatory. Can I just swap out FF14 for Animal Crossing? No. Have you not noticed it? No. If I gave you guild privileges and like people just put shit into the guild chest and you
Starting point is 00:33:48 just placed it, yes. But we have it the way we like it now. So shut up. So Pat is the Barbie Dreamhouse Champion where everyone just dump stuff in the chest and then you're doing the same shit. Well, and I gave privilege just to other people because I was leaving for the weekend so they could make a dress up. The people you trust to doll your house up.
Starting point is 00:34:06 The scrub lords. So I was going to say, how do we feel about the Street Fighter Reviewing event that we have? I feel really good about it. I think it worked out. I feel happy that everyone who was there was like, I loved how fucking shit show it was. Yeah, it was a shit show.
Starting point is 00:34:22 I'm not going to, I love you guys, but the presentation, the projectors have been glitching for everyone. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Mega64's panel did the same. Yeah. Yeah, but ours was kind of reliant. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:34 Well, actually you can watch this, right? Mega64's was super reliant because all they did was show videos. Oh, no. I came dangerously close to stun gunhead butting a bear. Yeah. Dangerously close. The bear was just way too much. The bear just came in.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Okay, hold on. We've got to back up. We've got to back up. Nobody knows what we're talking about. People have seen this, right? But to explain. During the panel, a guy dressed up as a bear came up on stage. She's generic.
Starting point is 00:34:57 And my answer to defusing the situation was, oh, I'll get up and hug him and I'll lift him off the ground. And it'll be a free pop and I'll lift him up. Yeah. So I go, I hug him, I lift him up and this guy who's wearing the suits, like, hey, don't pick me up. And I'll say anything. During my stage.
Starting point is 00:35:12 I just take him around a little bit. No, you can put him back down. You earn that pick up, sir. Exactly. And then to our world. And then this is a little bear shuffle off. Yeah, exactly. And then we continue with the show.
Starting point is 00:35:21 And then 25 minutes later. He comes back up the stage again and I'm looking around and no one's going to stop him. You say no. And it's just like, dude, if you want to get on the stage, start to just actively threaten the bear. It's going to get real. For anyone that works in mobile combat, they're listening. So the first instance, you can't stop it, I guess.
Starting point is 00:35:36 You don't know what's going to happen. Yeah, yeah. Whatever. But the second instance, maybe someone should step in and tell that guy, you know. And then when we walk out of my country, Bunny tells us that apparently that bear has harassed everyone forever in that room and that just keeps coming in that particular room. Like not even this con.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Like prior. Oh, I don't know. No, no, no, no, no. A fan told me that. Oh, it's just out here. Bear momocons. There was like an anti-bear rule in some cases. The most bear lore I know is what began and ended in that room that day.
Starting point is 00:36:08 We need more bear lore. The twist is, is that the bear was never really there and he just fades away. That's right. Oh, man. Mega 64 had a really good panel. Yes. That was hilarious. They're probably going to be way better than our panel that we have to do.
Starting point is 00:36:21 Absolutely. Oh, yeah. They had planning. Get ready for shit. No, wait. It's too late. This podcast is too late. Are you guys having videos?
Starting point is 00:36:29 Nope. It's better than having a plan that involves videos. Watched monitors were perfect. We just planned to re-enact the music video for Roland on stage. The Mega 64 panel showed off alternate endings to the Reggie World Game Championships, the Nintendo Championships video. And those should be up on Twitch on the MomoconTV channel. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:36:49 Maybe. Unless Nintendo doesn't like the... That being shown off? No, no, no. They were... It seemed like they were fine with the endings that they shot because they shot them. And one of the endings was Nintendo's proposed ending, which is very simple, but it was just like, oof, that's...
Starting point is 00:37:03 That's Nintendo's proposal? Well, there is, and they showed a great, like, team-up with Iga video where they hired him to do some... Yeah, which should be coming out right now. ...firepusting that fucking killed me. But they did show another video at the end where they said, this is only at cons. We never show this online or live, so I don't know if the stream went up. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:37:21 Maybe. Are you talking about the bookstore? Yes. I don't like... That was a nothing video. No, but we laughed. I don't know if you would laugh in a home setting though, but the communal commentary of the con.
Starting point is 00:37:33 Specifically, me and Willie and I guess all of us, if we saw that, it's kind of like razor-edged to our humor. That's what we liked. We would have made that if we had thought of it. I also checked out a Megaman concert on Friday night. Oh, Megaman. Megaman. Megaman.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Megaman. Megaman. Megaman. Megaman. Megaman. Megaman. But unfortunately, the room wasn't too crowded so it was a bit awkward because I walked in and there was an auditorium in lots of empty spaces and there was maybe 15, 20 of us, and
Starting point is 00:38:06 he kind of did a track and he was like, alright guys. Everyone please stand up and pretend this is a hip-hop concert and at the front of the stage and then we'll get into it. And then we did and it was quite new. The free style. He took my Canadian passport. He used it in a rhyme and was sick. Torn up.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Torn up. It was great just for a personal birthday party sized crowd. Yes, that's gonna be rough for you guys, man, I don't know. It's a fully 7th birthday concert hosted by Megaran, yeah. Dude's cool, man, you know. And I don't know, do you have any other events that you guys attended? I went to, I'm gonna keep it a secret until the con video goes up, but I was able to partake in a local attraction that'll be in the video, I think it'll be pretty funny.
Starting point is 00:38:43 The famous food service establishment here in London. No, not that one. Because we already spoiled that one together. I already spoiled that, I put it on my shirt. Yeah, we saw them on the ring and I made a tweet saying, a lot of families and children at this Hooters and everyone's like, welcome to Georgia, welcome to the South. Dude, you gotta do it, scouting, waving locations isn't easy. That was about a statue of Ric Flair.
Starting point is 00:39:04 Oh, you think it's Ric Flair? I'm pretty sure. Could just be a leaf. You just said it was a bronze man. Yeah. He looked like Ric Flair. I don't know, I played Framed, that's the mobile game that Kojima deemed his game of the year last year.
Starting point is 00:39:19 You remember that story where he went out and tweeted that and the guy who made it from Australia said, oh my god, this is a dream, I'm sure, I love your games Kojima, you're one of the reasons I did this. And then Kojima of course replied to him and followed him and said you can DM me whenever. Nice. And it was like the most friendly thing. Nice. So I played a bit of Framed, it's like a noir detective story and it's a comic book panel,
Starting point is 00:39:42 it's the UI and you drag them around to change the order of events. And that's how you progress. And that's how you progress by changing the order of events. That sounds amazing. It's really fun. Mobile, it's totally worth it. Really fun game. And I played, it started Octodad because the Vita port came out.
Starting point is 00:40:02 Really really good port. Man, that game's gimmick is strong. But like the writing doesn't hold up over time. It just loses its thing after a little, it goes on too long. The further you get into it, yeah definitely like the simple stuff gets less fun to do. But occasionally there's like a gag that they throw in. Like there's a bit where you have to get a pizza out from a freezer at a grocery store and you know how they have big lines of fridges at grocery stores?
Starting point is 00:40:24 I do. So the pizza's in the very end and all the doors are frozen shut except the last one. So you have to go in the fridge and like squirm your way through the freezer all the way to the end. But that's bad for Octopus. So they keep throwing gags like that and it's pretty fun. I'm enjoying it. I'm going to finish it.
Starting point is 00:40:41 It's not a very long game apparently. Well I remember you were like when we were looking at the original demo there when it was just thrown off a Montreal, you were kind of like, oh that game. Yeah, I was excited to see it on the internet and I wasn't like too interested or anything. But I was really feeling it. Yeah, it was on sale for like three bucks on PSN. That's Liam's trick. I had bought it.
Starting point is 00:40:59 It's his secret. I'm always feeling it. Yeah. I'm really excited to play Splatoon when I get back. I got my M's on Confirmation. Those reviews are absurd. Yeah. How is the gaming room not taken over by that?
Starting point is 00:41:09 By setups of Splatoon? Because the gaming room sucks. The gaming room sucks. The game only came out yesterday. Yeah. There's two setups for Splatoon. I expect people will just be going crazy and you have tournaments running right now. Look at the game.
Starting point is 00:41:20 Everyone keeps asking Liam where'd you get your Splatoon shirt because I was with Liam like a lot last night. Yeah. Canada. Well, I was talking to him and he was telling me that he had found a dealer that was selling their European copies of Splatoon and they sold out and I feel bad for some of the people who bought it. Everybody got the lorry.
Starting point is 00:41:38 Straight off that line. Back off the block. So yeah, I got my Amazon Confirmation saying your copy of Splatoon and 300 Splatoon amiibos have arrived and I'm really excited to get home. Okay. So can we talk about how... Yo fam, go back to your room and go play your Splatoon. Watch Neruto.
Starting point is 00:41:55 Yeah. Watch Boruto, actually. Boruto. What the fuck is that? No, the more we just don't eat my amiibos, can we just address how amiibos, the movie and how amiibos have now entered actual heist territory. They have entered critical mass. We've ascended.
Starting point is 00:42:11 What happened? So in Europe, the company Game, of course, had their shipment of Splatoon amiibos and copies of the special edition in Europe coming out. Exactly. They had their whole lorry, which is a truck, stolen. There wasn't enough time to say proper jack. Amiibo Frenzy has gotten to a point where people won't even wait for the orders to arrive. They will just take the truck and that's easier to be right off the River Thames.
Starting point is 00:42:38 One of the best things that come to the story is just the simple black screen and it says in the proper text, the gang steal a truck of amiibos. Yeah. The amiibo truck was off the main seat fucking matehood on the top of the unit. Like, shit's getting real. If you're in Europe, keep an eye out, because the mafia there will be able to sell you amiibos. Bricktop is just standing behind a counter with some fucking Splatoon amiibos. You know what amiibos mean?
Starting point is 00:43:06 Lock stock and two smoking amiibos, all right? Exactly. And it's like, and I'm sure, like. Imagine you just, imagine someone re-edits Snatch and instead of the diamond that the dog amiibos was holding amiibos. Just a fucking amiibo. Just one. It's a Marth amiibo.
Starting point is 00:43:19 Marth or little Mac. As things get a fever pitch, Nintendo is fucking cackling. They secretly love to shake. They are the masters of manufactured demand. They are stealing the trucks and reselling them independently. That was the Mega 64 joke ending they wrote in that Nintendo didn't like. Yeah. Now how about those amiibos, and then it was just going to fade to black and roll credits.
Starting point is 00:43:44 It's like, no, don't talk about our failings. Yeah. Okay. Our savings successes. Our savings successes. Artificial, equally increasing demand. Dropped us into profit for the first time in years. Well, part of that is inter-artificial.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Nintendo's been known to artificially throttle supplies, so I'm not inclined to do this. I didn't believe. It's a long story tradition. I didn't believe anything they ever had to say about the Wii supply, ever. Because, like, oh, we're working on it, so you're not working on it for three years. There's a Wii supply, they did it with Fire Emblem Awakening, like, there's a bunch of it. Whenever they ship a niche product, they always under ship it.
Starting point is 00:44:15 Yeah, always. And, like, after still a hot grab. That's disgusting. Oh my god. The GameCube adapter gets me so upset. See, that's one of those ones where they went too far, because it's not like, oh, it's a hot item. It's like, no, it's a utility item.
Starting point is 00:44:27 Yeah. You need it. It is a necessity. Assholes. Like, let alone the whole thing where, like, other developers aren't allowed to use it. Yeah. No, it's not stopping them, though. Sorry, what do you mean?
Starting point is 00:44:39 Um, there are still, like, indie developers who have created custom drivers, because it uses USB and plugs into PC. Oh, no, I mean, if you're developing on the Wii U, you're not allowed to use the GameCube adapter, which is, like, fucking gross. If you have one, though, you finally have a GameCube to PC adapter. And Dolphin is the greatest thing on Earth in that. It's like the Pokemon stadium fucking pack for your Game Boy that only works with Pokemon for that one game.
Starting point is 00:45:02 Yeah, the back of the day supply issues made more sense to me. Like, because there was less technology going on between them, there's less, like, things to make sure that... They couldn't just 3D print them. There was less demand, too. There was less demand. Yeah. But, uh, yeah, no, I guess, like, as far as Atlanta goes, like, the rest of the trip
Starting point is 00:45:17 remains to be seen. But we've pretty much done it. You know, we went down to five little points. Five little points. Five little points. Five little points. Walked around, you know. Um...
Starting point is 00:45:26 Savage Pizza! Yeah. There's this pizza place that just has, like, fucking, common characters in it. Giant Sentinel. They're welcoming you in with all these Marvel characters on the windows. All these new characters, but it's just a pizza place. Yeah. I'm sure it's fine pizza, but...
Starting point is 00:45:41 No, it's a pretty damn good pizza place. Yeah. So, no, like, we did it. We had the best burger in town, as it were. Which, you know what? Overrated. Oh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:50 I think so. I thought it was solid. Well, I think it was... It's solid. It's solid. Well, I appreciate, buddy, taking us there. No, me, too. We're gonna do that.
Starting point is 00:45:58 I tried my hardest and just got... But I'm sorry. Just as not compared to Delalo Burger. Well, no one knows who that is. No one knows who that is. Actually, wait. Mike Zero, dude, knows who that is. Mike Zero knows.
Starting point is 00:46:07 No one knows who that is. No, the other Mike Z. Yeah. That was one of the best burgers I've had that I can remember. I learned how to 8-Town Stomp. That was fun. I don't know what that is. You must have learned something.
Starting point is 00:46:18 Oh, you learned from Tiger. At the Mega-Ram thing. I had to bust my 8-Town Star U. No, you learned the Capoeira shift from Tiger. Yeah, I learned the Capoeira Jenga from Tiger, and Matt, did you find any peaches? Yes. I forget his name, but he was really nice. A fan.
Starting point is 00:46:33 He was really nice. A fan that works at a grocery store. I was like, oh, you work at a grocery store? He goes, yeah. Mike, you know where we can get some peaches? Because we need peaches for a reason, and then he's just like, yeah, no, I can get some peaches. And he just pulled them out of his pockets.
Starting point is 00:46:46 And just pulled them out of his pockets. No. He had a little grocery bag, and he came to our autograph signing, which went really well. A lot of nice bands. Super well. A lot of great gifts. It went on for so much longer than we thought, and that's the best.
Starting point is 00:46:57 Chocolate that I don't, we don't know why. Someone wrote... Someone on the fucking diet? Yeah, go ahead. In our description for our group or whatever, someone wrote, and we like gifts of chocolate or some shit. Yeah. And none of us wrote that.
Starting point is 00:47:12 Give us a candy. So some, like... It was me. It was you, guys. I swear it wasn't me. There's some disappointed guest out there who hasn't received all the chocolate they signed up for. I appreciate it nonetheless, but yeah, a fan got us some nice peaches, and how were they
Starting point is 00:47:22 left? They were T.G. Keen. Okay, there you go. Motherfucker. How cute. If he didn't get it, I would have gotten it, because that was sitting right there in Madone.
Starting point is 00:47:33 How long did you eat them for? All con. Dammit, that wasn't what I was looking for. That's longer than that. What were you looking for? Hours. Hours. He ate a peach for hours.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Yeah, okay. There you go. Do you guys not have peaches in Maple Land? No, we have tons of peaches. We do. We have more than here. Millions of peaches, one might say. Millions of peaches, one might say.
Starting point is 00:47:49 Peaches for me. Millions of peaches, one might say. When peaches cross the border to Canada. And you know how much they classify. Probably more than they do here. They're free. So he's referencing a song. Oh, are you the president's?
Starting point is 00:48:01 Yeah. The Prime Minister's fine. Did you know that the Prime Minister of Canada helps with free peaches? I'm not jealous. Only if you move to the country. Have you heard about James? Have you heard about James? Are you going to eat you a lot of peaches?
Starting point is 00:48:14 Jesus Christ. Have you heard about James? Yeah. No, just keep pushing it. So actually, well before we get into the news, let's take a quick word from our sponsors. Hey guys, today's episode is brought to you by Audible. is the place for audiobooks with over 180,000 titles to choose from in every category imaginable.
Starting point is 00:48:36 So go to slash bestfriends for a three, for a three, for a free 30 day trial and a free audiobook. I've spent a ton of time on the road this summer. Only every weekend this month was spent in a different city, traveling to cons and back and forth all over the place and that's a lot of down time, a lot of down time in transit. I found nothing and I seriously mean this nothing kills time better than actually just going through an audiobook. Just this month, I've been able to go through the edge of tomorrow, bossy pants, the bed
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Starting point is 00:51:45 that price though, that's a cool looking t-shirt, wish he wasn't overcharging for it. Well hey, you got a Loot Crate, you get set up, once a month it's like the dealer's room is being brought to you, to your doorstep, except it's even crazy cheaper. So that's super cool. What else is there to say? If you like this stuff as much as we do, you want to head on down there. Where is that you ask? slash super, promo code super.
Starting point is 00:52:14 It's as simple and easy as that. What else can I tell you? You want to get over there by the 19th at 9pm Pacific every month to get that month's crate guaranteed because that's the cutoff, that's it, it's over, never going to happen again. So until next month, so yeah, use that code, save three bucks on your new subscription as if it already wasn't cheap enough. What do you want, what do you want, you want a Loot Crate, that's what you want.
Starting point is 00:52:42 So that's slash super, promo code super. Thank you Loot Crate. Nailed it. And we're back from our commercial break and we've traveled forward in time. Somehow, we're not powers later in this mystical day. Well we've now completed our panel, which you may or may not have caught because they streamed it apparently. Depending on how the Twitch archives work, you might be able to go see it again.
Starting point is 00:53:05 Yeah, it's what? MomoconTV on Twitch? Momocon, yeah, slash MomoconTV. And we got George back with us. Hello. He stuck around. Yeah, I decided to. Prove that he was not disgusted enough with us to be super hot, funny, super, super,
Starting point is 00:53:20 hopping, funny, rabbit dumb. Hop this code for a creepy sex thing, check it out on this channel. This is like your reaction number four, you're getting out of me. It is no water in your marriage, but if there were, you'd be coating the microphone in it. And we love it. It's so easy with you, man. It's so easy. You love it.
Starting point is 00:53:41 You have to tell your lovies. They're not. You've got to get the sandbags out. Don't let them dry up the lovies. Like I did with that Habanero. Yeah, exactly. So we should start out with, I guess, a quick little roundup of the Nintendo Direct Japan that went off or when it aired last night, six a.m. this morning.
Starting point is 00:54:00 I woke up and I was like, yo, Liam, what's up? He's like, look at this. Look at. I was watching it. I watched it. You went downstairs to the lobby of the whole store. No, I watched it when I woke up. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:10 Because it's like, I'm asleep. Like, fuck it. Yeah. I just opened the link and watched it in the morning. Hit the beep boops. There was some cool stuff. There was some cool stuff. I think there's a good chance almost everything will come here.
Starting point is 00:54:20 So it was, it was about what's coming up for Wii U and 3DS, basically. We had done a few of. And there were a few somewhat big surprises at the very end. And so they covered, they covered stuff that we already knew about. They showed off new stuff for Fire Emblem If, like you can build your own bases in that one. Weird suffix. Project.
Starting point is 00:54:38 No. It's an SMT suffix. If. There was an SMT If. Four. I wouldn't call it an SMT suffix because there was one. Like it's not a. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:46 But the precedent stands. The precedent. Um, they showed off Project Treasure a little bit, which is, yeah, four players go into a dungeon. How does that look? It's good. It looks pretty polished. It seemed like all the characters were.
Starting point is 00:54:57 It looks pretty polished, yet the announcement of it was just the logo. Yeah, I know. We saw some faces. We saw four faces. It seems like it's creative characters. You can go in with guns or swords. And yeah, you just dungeon crawl with probably up to three friends and find Treasure. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:12 Actually really straightforward. So don't just crawl. Just bam. But it's a third person action game. Sure. Cool. So it is actually pretty darn cool. And it's made by Namco.
Starting point is 00:55:20 And there's no, and there's no, like it's creative characters. It's not like there's title characters. Again, they didn't stop for story or conversation. Just the characters looked like creative characters. They varied a lot. One of them was like a soldier looking guy. One of them was like a schoolgirl looking girl. Classes.
Starting point is 00:55:35 There was a variety. Okay. But like, did you see the characters that were in the art that was shown? Because one of them is clearly from like Xeno Gears. No, did not. Xeno Saga. Yeah, no, it did not. It's costume.
Starting point is 00:55:46 It's probably costume. There was a silent story happening behind the microphone as Matt made that mistake and my face went to, oh, I do know. Yeah. And there was a few others. Like there's a new Chibi Robo game, but it's a 2D platformer instead of being a regular Chibi Robo game. God damn it.
Starting point is 00:56:04 When can we get another regular Chibi Robo game? Hey, it's alive. Yeah, if he's alive. Yeah, kind of. It's alive on spinoffs. And then a few... You'd rather have nothing. It's on life support.
Starting point is 00:56:14 It's just, it's been four spinoffs. It's like, you know... It's the only way of speaking of spinoffs. It's the only way of speaking of spinoffs. But it's still... Yeah. That concludes Buddy Hop's tenure on our podcast. It smashes our phones onto the ground.
Starting point is 00:56:28 There was a couple other things, too, that were a bit less interesting. Back to Nintendo. They did close off with a few Capcom surprises, so they had... Capcom needs money badly. So they had Monster Hunter, Nikki, something-something DX, which is... Which is the From Software developed sequel to the PSP spinoff, where you play as a tribe of felines. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:50 That one, of course, never left Japan. That's awesome. This one probably hasn't... You barely got Monster Hunter? It's more like Animal Crossing than Monster Hunter. Yeah. And the second one was Monster Hunter Cross. Not X.
Starting point is 00:57:01 Cross. That's how you pronounce X. So me and them are watching this trailer, and I'm staring at it. I'm trying to figure out what it is, because there's stages... There's a bunch of monsters and stages from For You that just came out here. And then there's a stage from Monster Hunter. One. And then Portable Third.
Starting point is 00:57:16 And then there's the Portable Third Town. And then there's monsters that were only in the 3U or only in 2G. So is this a dream hunt? I think it is a dream hunt. Yes. It's kind of a guess, but it seems like that's what it is. I think Cross seems like the hardest hunt title. It was a little delayed, but he likes that.
Starting point is 00:57:34 Hey, look, he likes it. If it's Cross, then why do you say Mortal Kombat X, but not Monster Hunter? It's only Japan. It's only Japan. It's a region locked for us. Think about it, though. Street Fighter. Tekken.
Starting point is 00:57:46 Huh? Yeah. Project Zone. Like, every time it's Cross. Cross No Blade? Cross is in the middle of or in the beginning rather than like standing in. Yeah, so that's the weird and sequential. And it's weird because it's Monster Hunter and the Cross appears to be like Cross Generation
Starting point is 00:58:03 of different Monster Hunters. Yeah. But there's no second title to this that you would Cross it with. That said, you're right. And I guess they just flow by their own rules. So it's Monster Hunter Crossing itself. Yeah. It used to be not Monster Hunter Cross, it's Cross Monster Hunter.
Starting point is 00:58:18 It's like when Doctor Who and you're like, I don't think he's good enough for Sherlock in this one, so he's just going to make out with Doctor Who. A good example is like Turtles Forever. It's just celebration of Turtles. But they've started to be like, it used to be like this multiplied by that and now it's just we're using the letter because that's what people think it says. Xenoblade Chronicles. It's super rare.
Starting point is 00:58:38 I think also like the idea of having a simplified title demonstrates that they want to push it as a full next game to buy as opposed to a spin-off. Easier than like Monster Hunter Chronicles would. Yeah, exactly. So I think the intent is just, hey, let's let's push our 4G players to the next big thing in the Monster Hunter thing without making people think, oh, it's just a spin-off. And if you want a spin-off, we've got two for you. So yeah, there's the other one.
Starting point is 00:59:01 Monster Hunter's story or heroes or no story. I don't know. That one wasn't shown today. So yeah. But it was a cool direct. There's a chibi robo amiibo coming, so prepare to not be able to get it. Oh, fantastic. It's super cool.
Starting point is 00:59:14 Prep yourself. I'll prepare myself for nothing. Exactly. So that's a good attitude. Yeah, make space on your shelf and then fill it back in. For nothing. Yeah. Also, what am I doing at home?
Starting point is 00:59:25 Stupid. Okay, fill that. Put Unit 0 back in there. There you go. Yeah, so we alluded to this earlier, but the Konami story continues. We'll start out with the random ass rumors that were started about how apparently Microsoft is trying to pick up the remnants of the PT license. Yes.
Starting point is 00:59:45 Well, Silent Hill's license. Yes. You're right. Specifically. It's so weird. Names are just stupid these days. The video game industry decided to just make stupid names just like two years ago. But okay, this was broken by the no at Rooster Teeth, which was actually presented by the
Starting point is 01:00:04 Funhouse people as usual. Well, sometimes it's occasionally McTurney and other times they go around. But they say that an insider source they know, the same one who also told them that the Connectless Xbox ones were coming about a year and a half before they ended up coming. Maybe, maybe less than that. A year and a half is enough time that a thing can just become sure. That the rumor might give Microsoft ideas. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:31 But they say that an inside rumor, an inside source was saying that Microsoft was planning on buying the Silent Hill's license for a figure up into the billions, which is a little bit of a red flag right there. They bought Minecraft last year for a figure of billions. The company itself makes billions. It might not be worth billions for just one IP by itself. It's worth it for the merchandising, I think. But the specific one game merchandise, not the franchise.
Starting point is 01:01:05 And also dealing with the fan backlash. I've already gotten comments that are like, oh, it would be so bad having it as an X-Bone exclusive. And I'm just like, it's better than it is. Would you rather have nothing? Exactly. This is one of the situations where the answer is actually no. They also said in this inside rumor that the game was 80% complete.
Starting point is 01:01:25 Which also seems kind of absurd. Considering the way Girmel talks about it. Considering the way Norman kind of reacted. Norman Reedus was retweeting fan petitions. Like the lowest of the barrel stuff was retweeted by an official face of this project. How does that turn into 80% somehow? For billions of dollars. Magic.
Starting point is 01:01:45 Okay, let's give them the benefit of the doubt. Next day, Phil Spencer comes out and responds to a fan question on Twitter saying, no, this rumor is false. We don't want to mislead people. Which could still be like... Misdirection. It could be misdirection. Companies have straight up said, no, we're not doing it.
Starting point is 01:02:01 All the fucking time. Because if they let that lead up and get bigger and bigger, then it would be like almost as if like, what if they are doing it? And if they ever say that they're not, the more longer you wait, the worse that sounds. Yeah, of course. And it's also a weird rumor for him to deny on one hand because it doesn't look bad on Microsoft. This rumor would sell X-Bones from the handful of people who might be believing it.
Starting point is 01:02:22 Of course. I'd buy one right now. For Silent Hills, that's a pretty damn good exclusive deal if it would come out to it. So anyways, well, I don't know. Should I really go down the rooster teeth hole? Well, to be honest, it's like whatever the story is, is what the story is. Like I caught winds of it by sort of in the middle of the con, looking at my phone, scrolling through the, you know what I mean, like some of the articles, but I didn't really get the
Starting point is 01:02:46 full details on it. But it sounds like yes. So there was Phil Spencer's response to this, which shut it down right away. And we don't know if we should really believe either one of them. Exactly, yeah. You know, at this point. He is a businessman who wears a tie. We thought this story was over, but it seems like it's not.
Starting point is 01:03:02 I wish it were over. And the other thing people are responding to, of course, is the Konami apology that was put out. They're sorry for causing anxiety and saying that it's not giving up on consoles and the PC. But very wishy-washy. They did not go into specifics. They remember when we said mobile first, well, it got lost in translation.
Starting point is 01:03:27 Oh yeah. The context mattered. It is, you know, again, it is worth pointing out that there was the Yu-Gi-Oh game for the PS4 and the Xbox One that was leaked. Yep. And that is a product of Konami. That is a console game. And, you know, they have said that they want to do, you know, metal gear, not by Kojima,
Starting point is 01:03:41 sure, whatever. But, you know, they clearly do have intent to use the console market where it does work for them. But then again, like usually when... No, that's a fact. Yeah, no, no, no. Okay. I mean, but then again, usually when a company makes a huge faux paul, like our entire business
Starting point is 01:03:56 strategy ever, they correct that the next day and not two weeks later. Yeah. It's like, I'm sure they're sorry they said that and it caused the reactions, but it's like, why was that such a delayed response, if anything? It's a little bit weird. Okay honey, you know a month ago when I said your sister was hotter than you and I wish I had married her instead of you? I didn't mean that.
Starting point is 01:04:14 You're the most beautiful. Yeah. No, and they didn't even say you're the most beautiful. He just said you and then walked away. Yeah. And it's just like you have the contrast of... I'll still throw a dick in you now and then. I'll think about it when he's down the road.
Starting point is 01:04:27 No. And then you have the contrast of like steam fucking up on Thursday, Gabe on the weekend goes, hey, what's going on? Yeah. And on Monday, it's like, yo, we fucked up. The mods. The mods story. And that happened at the same time that the rubble was going in total concentration.
Starting point is 01:04:44 And ended while the waft of this story was still freezing under our noses. It's like a very similar story because it's like a sweeping change that affects the entire company. It wrapped itself up in the span of one podcast. Yeah. Yeah. I think it kind of loops back around, correct me if I'm wrong, to the quote in quote fact that we kind of have an idea that the CEO of Konami is a bit crazy.
Starting point is 01:05:10 Extremely rude. I thought that was one of the more questionable. Okay. Okay. Because no one would really know that. Exactly. It was just something I heard about. How would you even confirm that?
Starting point is 01:05:21 No, no, without a doubt. And you're right. And I think to that end, we'd have to say, well, it's just Japanese business, which we've always known to be kind of slow and plotting. And that's why this apology is like more surprising than the actual announcement that they would be moving away from consoles. Because like granted, you have Yu-Gi-Oh! But it's like easier to imagine a portable Metal Gear game than it is a console Yu-Gi-Oh!
Starting point is 01:05:42 Game to an extent. Yes. Absolutely. Metal Gear Swalker and Metal Gear Touch. Konami. If Konami really wanted to apologize, they say we are bringing back our E3 conference from 2010 and we're going to re-air it. No, we're just going to make another one.
Starting point is 01:05:58 We'll do a remake. We promise. And then I will think about... We know the TAC food. It doesn't work here anymore. But we were getting TAC back in. But he's going to come back in. Konami E3 2009 simulator for PS4 and Xbox.
Starting point is 01:06:09 Oh, yeah. And that would work because money in the bank. And that would actually work because Kojima wasn't part of that press conference. No, he was. He could do what they wanted. He could do what they wanted. He just had to show up with the Femitsu Awards. They're like keeping him...
Starting point is 01:06:21 Either they're keeping him locked in the basement or he's locking himself in the basement, trying his hardest to deal with this. He's being put in the Oslo torture device right now. He's got a TAP triangle. He's really at odds here too because they're in Maximum Crunch for MGS5. Oh, yeah. Like that's not really supposition. MGS5 shipping in September, they're in Maximum.
Starting point is 01:06:41 Exactly. But yeah, the whole element of whether or not the... I forgot his name again, but the CEO of Konami. I can't remember his name either. Kajimasa Kazuki. Thank you. Wow, that's why he's here. I read over this for weeks.
Starting point is 01:06:55 As to whether or not he has a weird personality or something like that. It just clashes with people. But that's the one element that you never quite know these stories. Right, right. And it's like you're dealing with businesses and business decisions. A couple of weeks ago, we were talking about how looking at the gesture of pulling Koji's name off of everything seems like a... It seems like a kind of personal...
Starting point is 01:07:13 It seems like you can apply a hatred to it. It's just some high school drama. Yeah. And it's like, but it's business decisions, but we don't know. Did they think no one would notice? Because they put it back later on. They're not knowing who to care. It appears that they thought either no one would notice or care.
Starting point is 01:07:30 Yeah. And that's where it's like, you don't have facts here. But you can make reasonable assumptions. Like if they didn't think anyone would notice or care, that means that whoever was involved in that decision clearly undervalued Kojima's name as part of their company. Which you can then reinsert back into other parts of the story to make it make a little more sense. But it's like...
Starting point is 01:07:52 If they just renamed his studio, that would be one thing where it's like, we're renaming studios because they do that all the time. You know what I mean? But this is part of a bigger corporate restructuring. Yes. But the combination of that with the website like Scrape, it was just... The social accounts too. Like they used to have a Metal Gear Solid fan page on Facebook that promoted my videos.
Starting point is 01:08:11 And I went back to look for those tweets to kind of demonstrate in the video how different one division of the company will act compared to another. And that Facebook account doesn't exist anymore. Sorry, just pop the gum, man. Everyone can hear you. I dropped my cell phone. There you go. They got to make up for it.
Starting point is 01:08:27 So I don't look like a big dumb babby. It's Seinfeld. Just grab the goddamn thing. That doesn't fucking open it. The candy, whatever it was. Anyway. There was something... I had a train of thought a little while ago.
Starting point is 01:08:43 It was the Twitter accounts and then the... Sorry. It did. A lot of the Twitter accounts... Yeah, I remember now. I was going to talk about Kozuki founding Konami. It started out as a jukebox repair company in the early 70s, late 60s. And they also own health clubs.
Starting point is 01:09:01 And I'm sure you guys have seen it when you're actually in Japan, the Konami gyms that are around. Yeah, absolutely. And they have a big steak in Panchiko in Japan and gambling in America. And so video games haven't... They are a huge part of this company's income, but about almost like slightly less than half,
Starting point is 01:09:20 which is still a huge amount. And it also hasn't been around for the company's entire history. Like this guy personally, who might have personally taken Kojima's names off of his games, did not start it as a video game company. Like who's to say that an entire lifetime of not being fully invested in video games might be kind of not understanding how video game people react to video game news. That's a good perspective on that. Not everyone can respond to investors the way Awada does, for example,
Starting point is 01:09:45 which is like a stall where just I am about video games and I know that you want to do things, but I don't care. And I will dock my pay and I will do this and that and fight them off, basically. Fight the eight devils of Kimon, but you can't make the shit rebuy our own stock. Yeah, exactly, exactly. Not everyone is going to do that, you know? That attitude towards it, so...
Starting point is 01:10:07 Developing story, unfortunately. We thought it was done, but... It's not done until this game is out. It's not over yet. What's going to happen is that... Not until Fat Man sinks. It's going to turn... No face is going to put a face on and it's going to be Kojima
Starting point is 01:10:23 and then you shoot him to death and kick his body for like 40 minutes. The final ruse. They did, you know, one thing we never talked about with Konami either is like they did have a lot of Japan only console video game productions that were complete flops in the past couple years in Japan. And we just never saw those in North America. So like, barring their big franchises, they've had some swings and misses in Japan only.
Starting point is 01:10:49 That's worth considering, too. It's also hard to see how much non-video game products they have mistaken here, stateside. And that's what I think a lot of fans... Because there is no really way to understand that unless you go out of your way to look it up and research. Now, one of the unexpected byproducts of this whole PT thing going the way it does is that the death of Silent Hills kind of started to shine a spotlight on this other game called Allison Road. I don't know if any of you guys have heard about that.
Starting point is 01:11:20 Which is PTSC, one might say. Oh, yeah, yeah. And so this was a game that started its development two weeks after the PT demo first drop. Yo, PT's the shit. And yeah, and it was kind of like, they're like, we're not going exactly for that, but there definitely is that aesthetic show. I saw a screenshot of like the main girl ghosty character and stuff. And now that it's all like, you know, Hammernail coffin, everyone's like,
Starting point is 01:11:41 so what about this other game then? Yeah. How fucking fantastic is it that like the playable teaser, the like nothing game, the not even a real demo of another game ended up like inspiring new games of its own. And that's the best. The best case scenario, the best case scenario is we get the game, right? But if it never happens, at the very least we all played it
Starting point is 01:12:03 and we know that a different type of less people are going to be able to play it in the future because you can't re-download it. Yeah. But if you were there at the time and you did it and you felt it, then you could get inspired to make a game that actually goes this route with horror. I think a big component of it is that like Silent Hill is a franchise that has had a fucking bat taken to it for the last couple of years. So when a fresh, brand new take that seems really interesting and really funny comes along,
Starting point is 01:12:28 but let's say the PT teaser came out with the same old shitty 3D Silent Hill that no one gets. And they just do whatever, all throw that guy in. Downpour 2, whatever. Downpour 2 or Homecoming 17, whatever. And if it was just that, no one, this game would not get inspired. Like Alice Neeson, you know. And you've got like Guillermo signing up to petitions now, you know. Well, they won it, man. They won it.
Starting point is 01:12:53 They do, and they know that. Bricks his greasy heart. Yeah. Bricks my greasy heart when PT was this mind-blowing thing and it's like, what if Silent Hill could have also been this mind-blowing thing, but bigger? Excuse me, and we know that, like, he has the clout to be able to step anywhere he wants to in the industry, but he wants Hideo to hold his hand. Ooh, I don't know if you guys have talked about this before.
Starting point is 01:13:14 It might have been from last week's news, but did you guys hear about the 1984 project? No. The Ingsock. If you go to or .NET or something. I was in Sweden at the time. Fans were sending me this. There is evidently a new website, Ingsock.something. If you read 1984, you would get the Ingsock.
Starting point is 01:13:30 Get that right. Yeah, yeah. The Thing with Jigs. The thing with Jigs that controls your mind or something. It shows the Kojima Productions logo. It says, Kojima will be back. There's no telling if this is an official project or just some weird fan-culture-gassing thing. Yeah, but it's still a thing that happens.
Starting point is 01:13:48 Okay, it popped up. That's nifty. I'm going to go on a limb here and just say, just with knowing nothing, that this is probably not real. Yeah, yeah, it could not be real. It's too close. If it's not real, I am sorry for wasting everyone's time. No, no, it's interesting. We spoke about Star Fox Rising when I came up, too.
Starting point is 01:14:05 Everyone wants the crumbs that they can find in the scarring minutes. I think it's too soon, though. Yeah, that would be the fastest turnaround from quitting your company to having a kickstart. The game has to come out so he's no longer under gag order. Like, straight up. It's going to be really fun when he's no longer under gag order. If he chooses to speak. And if he does, he's going to make a show out of it.
Starting point is 01:14:25 He's going to make a crazy, manipulative ARG out of it. I feel like he probably won't say anything, but it'll just be told through codec sequences. It'll be told through art book interviews in the future. As every piece of Japanese knowledge is told. Are they still allowed to have Lisa's Ghost in Phantom Pain? Oh, God, yeah. That was in one of the multiplayer demos. Now that they're scrubbing PT off the stores,
Starting point is 01:14:49 I genuinely hope that can stay in because you're right, that was super sick. They also had all the PES players in it, too. A secret room in VR missions, you know. When you finally defeat the champion in the next Rumble Roses game, there'll be a hidden message in there. God, if this was a giant swerve and Silent Hills is just in Metal Gear Solid 5, and you just turn a corner and you're in PT, and it's like, oh, and Snake's in PTland, and you're like...
Starting point is 01:15:16 Or just a boss fight like Psycho Mantis, where you get temporarily dropped in that hallway. What if Psycho Mantis temporarily resets your console to an unfinished build of Silent Hills? There we go. Like waking up to play that slasher that was in... Yeah, Hookman. It was called something.
Starting point is 01:15:33 It was called, like, Sir Hooker Raider. There was something there, but that's exactly how it happened. Koji Pro All-Stars. God, I'd pay. You get Solar Boy Jango, and that's it. And sadly, the Nightmare Baton is being passed, however, from Konami over to Capcom. The Ultra Street Fighter IV PS4 release is...
Starting point is 01:15:58 Oh, it's falling from their own flaming pile of garbage. I don't know what words... Like, just rewind to... I think the words don't go under. The words are Other Ocean. Completely watching the portion. There you go. This isn't one of them good oceans.
Starting point is 01:16:12 No. It's that other kind of ocean. Not the Blue Ocean. The ocean that took care of Mortal Kombat Trilogy. Yeah. HD. This was X Backbone Staffers, right? Is that what the origin is made out of?
Starting point is 01:16:25 I heard that. That might not be true, but I had heard it was. Unbelievable levels of garbage coming out of this. If you could go back and see the excitement I had for just, like, the tournament definitive course. Yeah, of course. But generally, shame on everyone for letting this all pass and not delaying it or doing something.
Starting point is 01:16:44 Or even for just, like... I don't even know how to comment. Probably because they had to have it out a certain distance before Evo. Because Evo's July 6th edition. There's that. There's that. There's the fact that...
Starting point is 01:16:54 I'm assuming... I'm assuming that Capcom's looking at Ultra and kind of going, like, look, we've spent our money on this game, right? They're not looking to spend as much more as possible. Ultra only sold, like, 500-something K, if I'm remembering correctly. Like, the sales...
Starting point is 01:17:07 I think it means Street Fighter 4 in general. No, Street Fighter... Yeah, it was half of each release. Yeah, exactly. Like, a lot of people, I think, think Capcom makes billions off every release, and they're just... No, the sales drastically decreased between each one.
Starting point is 01:17:22 So I'm assuming, just pulling it out of my ass, that, you know, they kind of, like, stinched on the budget, and that's what happened when they'd get a copy, like, of the Ocean. Well, you know... Because it's... They were known for flopping a previous fight.
Starting point is 01:17:34 In all fairness, it was very likely Sony's decision and not Capcom's decision. Because remember, this was produced entirely by third-party productions and not by Capcom. Or under GeoCorsi's hat. Exactly. And, you know, GeoCorsi, they have had hits as well. Again, the Octodad port that recently came out
Starting point is 01:17:49 is, like, pretty much flawless, and that was handled by third-party. And the last little... I think I told you when we all talked about this separately a few days before, is the last little nugget is that other Ocean had to take a Japanese engine that no American was ever able to take.
Starting point is 01:18:02 You have to make sense of it. Yeah, the M.T. framework has no English documentation whatsoever. At least it didn't last we heard, which was... Which was the last time someone from Capcom Japan made a game with it. It reminds me of when Ready at Dawn was just dumped a shitload of PS2 code for a commie and said, do it.
Starting point is 01:18:17 So, just to give this context for people that might not know about the story, basically, the Ultra Street Fighter 4, PS4 release, came out. And initially, some of the reports were coming in from guys like Max, Millian, and other top players about how... Feels wrong.
Starting point is 01:18:32 Yeah, something just feels off, right? The frame rate, it seems like something's a little bit off there. Some of the moves feel different. Imperceptible things that were different, right? And as the day went on, that slowly turned into, oh my god, jury is teleporting back and forth
Starting point is 01:18:49 across the stage. The video I saw. Dudley is jumping, and the sound effects of the car are going off every time it lands. And the problem is, all these bugs are insanely inconsistent, too. Yeah, it's not a video of a guy trying to reproduce
Starting point is 01:19:02 an invisible sonic boom. A guy with a sonic boom is invisible and just has the particle effects on it. Which makes it really good. The most in-random-ass V-bugs. There's a couple consistent ones, like your console's user account being shown as both the opponent player
Starting point is 01:19:18 and when you're online. Yeah, press start on the title screen instead of press options. Which technically, as Willie played out, is compliant. That's compliant. It's still embarrassing. It's a little weird.
Starting point is 01:19:28 When Mark Cerny revealed the PS4 and made such a big deal about the X86 architecture and how you could basically just like straight up copy-paste your PC ports onto the thing, what the hell happened? To that. This is like another in a long line. The concept of copy-pasting
Starting point is 01:19:44 a build from one platform to another, regardless of whether it's PC to something else, is absolutely outlandish. It's horseshit. It's complete bullshit. You still have to do a lot of work. Now, when he said that, he meant that it would be way easier than, say,
Starting point is 01:19:56 the 360L. You're focusing on optimizing. That said, yeah, I think this just lies on other ocean. Whether it is like, you know, they're in capability to do it correctly, whether it is a really harsh deadline, because I would be willing to bet it was a really harsh deadline to hit EVO this year.
Starting point is 01:20:12 But it could be... To miss bugs like that. It could be an inability to do it and harsh deadline. It's possible. The context I gave you guys earlier was about how it took two years for millions of people around the world
Starting point is 01:20:24 playing this thousands and thousands of matches to discover the unblockable bugs in vanilla. Yeah. And this was day one. Oh, my God. Yeah. The menus are lagging on me. Why are the menus lagging?
Starting point is 01:20:35 The menu lag is pretty cool, you know? That was something we could live with. It was just that, though. Because it's a menu. Yeah. It's annoying, but... So, and this was being pushed as the tournament version. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:45 Hey, remember that input lag on PS3? That extra one frame over the 360 version? That'll be gone. Instead, you'll have eight frames of input lag. Yeah. You know, that being said, like, obviously Street Fighter V is going to push the PS4 to be the de facto,
Starting point is 01:20:58 like, console for tournaments. So I think they have every interest in patching this game until it's good. And I think they will, but not for this Evo, exactly. They have to. I just think that they've instilled fear into, like, the community
Starting point is 01:21:10 in the sense that people will not be comfortable plugging this in, even after it gets patched. Like, the game will be scrutinized much harder than it wouldn't be otherwise. And, you know... Until top players come out and say,
Starting point is 01:21:20 yeah, it's fixed. And the updates have come out and basically said Sony stepping in themselves to deal with... Well, third-party productions. That's their... That's them. So, yeah, we'll see where it goes.
Starting point is 01:21:30 And I feel like it's going to, you know, it's going to eventually get up to snuff. Get high voltage in there to fix it. Get double... That actually would be a bit of a job. Game games worse. Yeah. Well, no.
Starting point is 01:21:40 Get bug-cat. Disaster. Bug-cat. That's it. No, that's it, man, you know. Real shame. Real shame. Next year.
Starting point is 01:21:48 Meanwhile... Should have been a slam-dug and a home run, all in one. Instead, it was a fumble. Yeah. A fumble and a foul at the same time. A fumble and a foul. There you go.
Starting point is 01:21:56 Yeah. I guess fighting game-ish news. We got the other side of the curtain. Kazumi Mashima and her fucking tiger are looking awesome. Yeah. Real shame. Tiger uppercut for real.
Starting point is 01:22:07 This is in Tekken 7. A new Mashima enters the fray again. Yeah. Hey, has she's wife? This might be the first new character that I 100% am like, they're awesome. Yeah. Because Shaheen is like kind of cool,
Starting point is 01:22:18 but there's just something a little off that when me and Liam are watching the video and we're like, oh, she has a tiger in her little intro. Matt? Oh, Matt said, oh, but she's not going to use it. And then, boom, the tiger came out of the ground. It's a little tiger uppercut like you just said.
Starting point is 01:22:32 And I was like, holy shit, she's awesome. There's something about this announcement that kind of bumps me out. Because for years and years and years, they're like, everyone just picks the Mashimas. Yeah. Everyone just always picks the Mashimas. So let's like limit the Mashimas.
Starting point is 01:22:44 Oh, shit. Everyone's so mad that Kazumi's not going to find more Mashimas. Add Kazumi. Okay, add both versions of Jin. Okay, now everyone's picking Mashimas. What do we do? Instead of going less Mashima, here's another Mashima.
Starting point is 01:22:57 But let's try something else. There are five now. It's time to scrap Tekken and create an exact clone of the game with a different name and a different cast. And if you count Kuma, because he has a pseudo Mashima moveset. It's true.
Starting point is 01:23:10 Don't scrap Tekken. Just jump forward in time. Yeah, no. I don't mean literally. No, seven because of Jimpachi. It's not that big of a deal, but I wouldn't mind if she was like completely a new character
Starting point is 01:23:20 just in her name and backstory. She still looks really cool. She looks really cool. And you know, I think Ayn from Soul Calibur 5 was the prototype stand fighting game user to see if they would work in Tekken. And it looks like it does
Starting point is 01:23:33 because that Tekken, that fucking Tiger is awesome. Yeah, it's really cool. That's great. The other reveal was, this week was the area, the gameplay. Unfortunately, we didn't have a chance to play. No, she looks really cool. But the trailer,
Starting point is 01:23:46 so this is Killer Instinct, the final boss, the CEO of UltraTek, is basically this JehuT girl. You know what I mean? Like she's got like a full mecha body, and you kind of described previously like her. She has a whole thing with switches.
Starting point is 01:23:59 She has three drones that switches out her body type. As you fight. And then she gets different special moves with each drone. Also, really, you catch the thing that we can talk about last week, but when she uses her Instinct, she gets her anime speed line.
Starting point is 01:24:11 Speed line, yeah. And she has all three parts on her all times, and she has access to all her special moves. But all of her drones take the hits together. So she takes way, way less damage. All of them like add to her shield. That's awesome. That's fucking sick.
Starting point is 01:24:28 It's a fighting game character that like, she's gonna be playable, but she is a boss in the sense that each of these drones that you switch off of has its own life bar, and you have to defeat all three to kill her, as opposed to winning two rounds, like a normal fight.
Starting point is 01:24:41 So she has to win two rounds, or you eat all the drones. She still gets the boss cheapness. Right. But she's balanced on their way. She's balanced for lean. Yeah, she's balanced for lean. She's balanced for lean.
Starting point is 01:24:52 She's tuned for lean. And the other thing I think is with that update came Shadows. You and I saw that presentation at PAX East Shadows. Oh yeah. About the clone that you teach. Oh man. They got some construction going on in the background. Construction behind us.
Starting point is 01:25:07 Literally right around us. They're building a house around us as we speak. It's the best house. It's pretty cool. Always believe things the way you found them. We're gonna build Brasskeet in a minute. Yeah. The trailer revealed her stage ultra as well,
Starting point is 01:25:20 which is like... Yeah. It's knocking people out of the building. We're out of the fucking building. It's the ultra tech headquarters, right? See where it goes. Yeah. It's clearly not finished.
Starting point is 01:25:28 They're fired. Can't wait to actually sit down and play her. I hope she knocks them out of the building. The wrecking ball comes by and picks them up. Well, they should land on a car. No, the one from the other stage ultra. They want to keep it up to tradition. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:41 So also this week, Andrew House calls Vita a legacy platform. Okay, so I got some... I got... So you might not know this... No, I was just reading... George, you might not know this, but I really like Vita. Oh, oh, I...
Starting point is 01:25:53 Really? Really? I'm wearing this T-shirt right now. You never talk about it. So ever. In a shareholder meeting, Andrew House says Vita is a legacy machine in passing. Like, it's not a sticking point or anything. And I personally believe it doesn't really mean anything of any significance.
Starting point is 01:26:13 I agree with him on this one. It doesn't change anything. So Sony in the past has already stopped creation of quote-unquote AAA projects on the Vita. You know, and they closed it out with like Freedom Wars and Oreshka kind of finishing it up. And they've already kind of stopped on that. If we ever get any more, it'll be like Freedom Wars G, not like a full new game or something. And they even take Vita games and turn them into PS4 games now. Well, they did that once with Terraway because it was the biggest flop ever.
Starting point is 01:26:38 Oh. It was a massive flop. That said, his narrative of it's a legacy console doesn't really match the other messages they're sending, which is the games they're putting out. So this year... Sorry about the background noise. There's nothing we can do. It's all right.
Starting point is 01:26:58 It's all right. Let them know it's happening. We're not going to pretend it's not. So we're at the end of May now. It's been five months so far this year, right? Sony so far this year has published six Vita titles, three of which are complete exclusives and shouldn't be going anywhere. And they still have...
Starting point is 01:27:15 It's sorry. It's funny. I know it's funny. It is funny. It's hilarious. Because not everything... Oh my God. Is that so weird?
Starting point is 01:27:23 Is that a avoidable? But that's us. A weekend in the life of the best friends is just totally this. Let me... It's going to be hard to record the podcast because your laptop's on fire. Just get the mic out. We have some time before the melting circuit happens. So let me cut it down basically between Sony third-party productions
Starting point is 01:27:41 and the actual first-party games they put out. This year they will be putting out a minimum of 17 games on the Vita. That is more than Nintendo is putting on the 3DS in any given year. Yeah. The idea that they would call it a legacy system and still have 17 games coming out this year, not including any third-party production announcements at E3 Paris Games Week or with the PlayStation Experience thing,
Starting point is 01:28:06 that narrative just doesn't fit. And so like, you know, we've known for a long time there's not going to be any more AAA-like exclusives on it. Yeah. But at the same time, to call it a legacy machine is... Well, maybe this is just how they treat their legacy machines now. And if they do, and it's 17 games per year, then sign me up for that.
Starting point is 01:28:21 Maybe they were just planning on calling it a legacy system next year and the guys are going to slip. Is it safe to let people... Maybe would they have corrected it? But most likely they'd probably think... Actually, no. There was a PR, like, back down where they said, oh, he meant the Vita 1000, not the new model in the TV,
Starting point is 01:28:38 which is like the most transparent, like, God, I wish he didn't say that kind of statement. But like, again, I stand by, like, if they're putting 17 games out this year alone and they still have, clearly have more to announce at the other conventions as GeoCorsi has alluded to many times, that narrative just doesn't fit. Yeah, there's still so many third-party things,
Starting point is 01:28:59 like Danganronpa and Persona 4 Dancing and Saga, and something similar, like, almost a year and a half ago. He did. That was when he said, we're not going to do anymore, like, triple A productions on the Vita. Yeah, and it's like, they clear, like, their view of what a legacy platform for the Vita means is clearly, like, a tertiary income. It's like, this is the other thing on the side.
Starting point is 01:29:17 It's not a big focus. We'll throw out some scraps every now and then, but the scraps are actually considerable. They're still spending millions of dollars a year on development, just for the sheer quantity of titles, you know, so... There's no marketing money. There's zero marketing money. It's just not going to get a God of War unchartered throwaway. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:29:32 Exactly, exactly. But hey, as long as it's still a success in Japan, which Andrew House did acknowledge is still a success in Japan and Asia, you know, we're still going to get big games like Tokyo Zen and New and stuff. Someone keeps buying all these games from Japan and sent to his house in Canada. We don't know who it is, but we're making money off of him. Make the titties bigger.
Starting point is 01:29:48 Yeah. And if you disagree violently, feel free to continue messaging Liam about it. Yeah, but you know, as long as the Indies are still there and there's like over 200 games announced from Liam. Like, yeah, Liam's not going anywhere. Liam brought up something. It's like, the beat is the legacy platform,
Starting point is 01:30:02 but there's more games coming out on it than 3DS. Like, what the hell? Like, by a shoot? Like, don't get me wrong. 3DS is getting monster hunter. It's getting big games. It's getting like big, big, big games, but it's like there's nothing coming out on that fucking thing.
Starting point is 01:30:15 Except big, big games. Except big, big games. Yeah, but it's like once every three or four months. I do love the 3DS, and I play it a lot. I've been playing Puzzle and Dragons recently. I just like the narrative that there's nothing coming out for it except for big, big games. No, I wouldn't say there's nothing coming out on it.
Starting point is 01:30:28 I think they rolled over a headline with some... This year, Volume of Releases is like, it's like nine day. I didn't throw it on the talking, but I think I rolled over a headline with someone that worked for Nintendo that called the 3DS line up a little bit sparse. Or was that... No, that was actually about the PS4.
Starting point is 01:30:45 I was only talking about the E3 saying, first part is a little sparse. We're going to focus on third part. Okay, right, right. Look at all the shit we bought. No, I don't know. The legacy statement to me, it just doesn't mean anything. I think he kind of knew what he was saying,
Starting point is 01:30:59 and I think he was addressing shareholders. I don't think all those shareholders are human beings. I don't think it actually means anything for consumers, really. And my opinion on it is, if at E3 this year, and Paris Games Week, and PlayStation Experience, if the Vita doesn't get its regular three minutes of fame, then he was telling the truth. If it gets its three minutes of fame at any one of those conventions,
Starting point is 01:31:21 then the narrative doesn't fit, and it's not true. Plain and simple. So I don't know if that's concise enough. I completely agree with you. No, that sounds enough. And hey, you know, if you stick around, maybe if things go well, you'll be playing Bloodstained Dog Vita, because the stretch goal was revealed.
Starting point is 01:31:38 I'm super excited. That had nothing to do with you. Super shocking. Super shocking. I'm really glad that... So it hit the Wii U goal. I'm really glad that Armature is getting some work, because I still feel that that company is coasting.
Starting point is 01:31:53 It's done some work here and there. But since those were like... One of them was the director of Metroid Prime. I've always been like, these guys could do something interesting instead of just hoarding some games. I guess the money's just not there for them. I guess so. But yeah, I'm glad that they made that and are doing all of it.
Starting point is 01:32:10 So they're going to be doing the Wii U... I think they're going to hit the Vita on there? We don't have internet here, so I can't check the exact budget. They were over three million? No. That box art is super stupid. It's super nice. They were over three million including their PayPal money,
Starting point is 01:32:22 and the Vita's at 3.5, so I think it's a no... They're going to hit that. I hope they're able to hit the 3DS in the future. It's awesome. It's like the one console that has the most cassettes. Yeah. What, the 3DS? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:34 Well, it's predecessors. Yeah. It's the place that should spiritually end up. They put out an all-digital... Like they said, their engine was Unreal 4, so... Yeah, but they put an all-digital-like tier on the, let's say... I believe, yeah, you can redeem it digital, for sure. No, but all digital.
Starting point is 01:32:51 Well, you get a physical with the digital. No, I don't want the physical. Yeah, I don't want that awesome... I think they did. So I remember there was other people talking about this. I'm pretty sure they did. Yeah. Actually, one of the interesting things...
Starting point is 01:33:02 What's the minute there? I looked it up on my American cell phone service. A quality data plan. It took you like 10 minutes. Shut up. 3,050,000. And they have another 60K on PayPal. So they're at 3.1 some.
Starting point is 01:33:14 How many days left? 12 days to go. That's pretty good. That's a no-brainer. You're gonna make it. Not gonna beat a tourney or wasteland? Nope. Oh, no, a tourman.
Starting point is 01:33:22 Yeah, tourman. So, William Matt, I know you guys want the physical ones, and maybe you do as well, George. I read this the other day, so you can actually mix and match the physical and digital versions you get. If you want a Wii U physical and a PS4 digital, you can do that. Interesting. In the survey after, you're gonna be able to split it up. So I'm probably gonna go like Vita physical and like PS4 digital or something, just so I can have it there as well. Yeah, I have no idea.
Starting point is 01:33:48 That's nifty. So throw your money into this pit that I can't verify the quality of. So the guy who's, or a person working on the port of Bloodstain was formerly a creative lead of Metroid Prime? Yes, at Armitage Studio. That surprises me that the creative leads are in charge of companies that are just doing like contracted ports. Well, you know, I mean, you gotta make the money, right? Yeah, I know. And they are the best in the business.
Starting point is 01:34:15 You just quit Retro Games one day, and like Retro had some real, it wasn't this guy specifically Retro when they started. There were, I think, car crashes and spa parties, because they were like, we got bought out by a giant corporation. Then I remember a Ferrari got crashed and sex was had and no games were made. Remember when Retro first came out, we had five games. Two lines off of Morph Ball. We have a weird Metroid game. We have Ravenblade. We have Monster Trucks.
Starting point is 01:34:49 Retro football. Retro football and all those games got canceled because Nintendo walked in and saw Wolf of Wall Street going on, right? They saw trucks and girls everywhere, and she drove me a motor just screamed at them and totally made a good game. It's like a van sheet. Yeah, that's how it is. So that company's had a really interesting thing, but yeah, they did the awful ports of Batman, the 3DS and Vita. Those weren't ports. They developed those from the ground up.
Starting point is 01:35:17 Arkham, Origins, Blackgate. That was it. They did those from the ground up. And technically, I can't speak for the 3DS one because I didn't play it, but the Vita version was super competent. At least it ran well and it looked good. And they did... I hate that game. No, it's fair.
Starting point is 01:35:32 That's totally fair. It's not an amazing game. They did also, I know I can name them, they did MGSHD on all platforms. It was good on all platforms. Blue Point. Okay, well then they just did the Vita one. Because I know they did that for sure. And that was like that ran...
Starting point is 01:35:45 I mean, it was at 30 instead of 60, but it was... Still good. It was still great. They did the Great Port of Injustice on the Vita. Yeah, they listed that stuff. They did two... Yeah, they listed four games when they were listed as the guys to do the Vita version, just to reassure people that like, yeah, we know how this machine works.
Starting point is 01:36:01 And if there's any good team out there, that was one of the three I would pick to port it, you know? Okay. So, I'm very excited for Bloodstained. So yeah, that's going well. A Kickstarter in the back. Thank you Konami for bringing us Bloodstained. Basically. Basically.
Starting point is 01:36:16 And then on the flop side, you've got... I don't know if you guys heard about this. A couple of years ago, there was a Kickstarter called Greedmonger. Nope. We've heard about it, yeah. And it was an MMO that was trying... It was an MMO that was trying to get 30 hits. That's not enough.
Starting point is 01:36:36 So everyone's alarm should be going off immediately, right? And the thing is, and it made it because it hit 90. It tripled its goal. So tell us about Greedmongers. So Greedmonger was an MMO that was a style to basically be like an Ultima sort of send-up. Oh yeah, I bet. Ultima online send-up. Like the good old days.
Starting point is 01:36:56 Like the good old days, but full 3D rotating camera and multiple camera placements and things like that. The name's still on the nose. And it was so great. Is this art? Is this performance art? Yeah, and so the gist of it would be that all the land could be purchased. Okay, all of it. Yeah, it's a free to play thing.
Starting point is 01:37:15 That'd be cool. Where you purchase land and you can take over as much as you want. That sounds so cool. That sounds like a nightmare. Conceptually, it's like you can see from a few perspectives it's neat. The idea of an MMO with a large open player world in which every single parcel of land can be player-owned and that the world grows from that is interesting conceptually before you realize the natural evils that exist in the MMO world. Yeah, you should read Ready Player One.
Starting point is 01:37:47 The concept of owning Mother's Green Earth, it seems. I own a house in FF14 now. See, they didn't hire, it's the stormatory. They didn't hire the Valve Economist to come in and work that plan through. That was what the 38 was for. Yeah, so this was something that was in development since, I think it was like 2K12. They got this through. And now it's coming out and it looks super cool, right?
Starting point is 01:38:14 And the creators had gotten to a spat and went back and forth with each other and they didn't have enough money. It's an MMO, of course, but it's not enough money. MMO costs like $100 million at least. Yeah, and so basically what ended up happening was creators argued with each other, eventually one sold the rights to the other. But the one that sold it basically said, I'm leaving this thing and I was the guy that was going to get investors to pump some extra money into this. Oh, okay, so fuck it. So the guy is holding it, our left holding the remnants going, we don't have the money to finish it. We'll give it back to the first guy if you go get those investors and he's like, no, I don't want it anymore.
Starting point is 01:38:52 One could say they were having internal problems with greed mongering. That's why they pay you to keep your money. Bunny, ladies and gentlemen. Yeah, that's that. I love you, Hamster. Hamster hop. I like that. When you need your rebrand.
Starting point is 01:39:12 Yeah, that's way less filthy than MoneyRabbitz. No one's ever done something gross with a hamster. I highly disagree. I knew kids when I was a kid. Oh, it's good stuff. We're trying money making territory here. Rectum, I hardly knew them. You could do some greed mongering.
Starting point is 01:39:28 Not bad. They write themselves with a name like that. It's a free to play game called Greed Monger. It should be the only one I could like more than that. It's like a free to play game that goes on kickstart. It's like waste your money. So, you know, the status left in is essentially the two guys that were left holding the rights with no investors saying, unfortunately, we've got to can this and something that they were those two guys were getting in trouble for was
Starting point is 01:39:56 apparently in the middle of developing this, they started developing another game. And people are like, stop telling us about this other game you're working on. I've heard about this one. And they were like, well, we want to develop this to make some money to help fund the original. Yeah, that's happened in a few times. And they're saying like now they can't essentially do that and they want to make games in the future and they'll keep in mind everyone who's backed it and hopefully they'll move up to the promise. Oh, fuck off.
Starting point is 01:40:20 For now, the money's gone. Oh, okay. So, that's what happens. We'll see as the project collapses. We'll see some rampant greed mongering. We're mongering that greed up. Yeah, you can hit your own symbol there. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:35 Okay. Okay. Yeah, yeah. Self-inflicted rimshot. Kickstarter, give it. Kickstarter, take it the way, you know, that's the way it flows. And that being said, and this isn't like the like, haha, idiots wasted their money. It's like, come on, you've got to do more due diligence.
Starting point is 01:40:48 MMOs cost shit, Tom. MMOs do not cost $30,000. This is an absurdly unrealistic. MMOs cost $30,000 if one person is making it. And it never has to come out. Yeah. If it's Grawl maybe. It's the exact same type of person that goes $175,000 for a character that's bullshit.
Starting point is 01:41:07 Yeah, you're right. It's that person. It's that person. Yeah. So, you know, that's exactly it. The real meat of the story here is due diligence. That example is perfect. They wanted to make an MMO on one-eighth of what it costs to make a Skullgirls character.
Starting point is 01:41:22 Now, if you're like, if you've got the game already made and you're just coming in for the support funds. We need the money to bring it to the end of it. That's totally different. But, you know, the full process. They're money to a project called Greedmonk. Yeah. No, I know.
Starting point is 01:41:42 Steal your shit. Yeah. By the way, internet, we're aware that ConFury came out. We've just been away from our computers in Atlanta. Other countries. So, we can't watch it, but we know. And we're not going to do a Let's Watch because that you should watch. You should watch it.
Starting point is 01:41:56 It's a brand new movie. It's free. It's free. It's free. Totally free. There is a ConFury game, though, that just drops. And I don't know if it's good or not, but the sprites look cool. And I'm going to take a peek once I get a chance to.
Starting point is 01:42:11 But yeah, it's called ConFury Street Rage. Beat them up, right? Yeah. Beat them up, but with a simplified like forward is move forward, but also attacking. Kind of playing layout. So it's a super simple game. It's super simple. There's a rhythm thing going on with it as well.
Starting point is 01:42:25 I don't know the full details. Okay. I didn't even hear this was being made. So most of my surprise, hey. So it seems like more of a marketing thing than like a real game. It's like that Samurai Cup game. Yeah. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:42:37 Yeah, I guess so. Right. That will count. Sure. And I guess the only other thing I want to talk about this week was footage of E.A. Chicago's canceled Marvel fighter leaked. That was leaked years ago? Third person?
Starting point is 01:42:53 Yeah. Yeah. I've talked about this game. With Captain America and stuff. About a dozen times. Captain America Fighting Hulk? Yeah. In the streets.
Starting point is 01:43:01 It's a little bit Hulk. I'm sorry. Okay. Maybe more was released. I had seen that game like a few years ago. Yeah. Okay. This popped up.
Starting point is 01:43:09 The job news man. Hey, funny. How are you for podcast duties? You do new stuff? Not this week, I don't. Take it away, Willie. Okay. Well, anyway.
Starting point is 01:43:17 As we continue. Well, no. I was going to say that like, yeah, they showed off the footage of this and I guess this is that I'm sorry. I didn't realize it knew to me. That's okay. Um, mention it to you like a million times. Did they also like talk about like why it got canceled and stuff?
Starting point is 01:43:32 Did those details? Kudo Sudenoda. Whatever. Kudo Sudenoda. I was the head of the studio and I believe it was mostly because when E.A. actually started looking at it, it's terrible. They looked at it and they realized it was a fighting game third person. So more like almost like JoJo Eyes of Heaven kind of thing.
Starting point is 01:43:50 Yeah. It's an arena. It's an arena fighter. And they realized it was like everyone, every fight takes place on a city block and every hit is so big that you go flying into buildings and stuff and it looks really cool. But it meant that most of the fight was spent having Thing and Hulk slowly trudging towards each other. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:10 Yeah. Sorry about the noise. We're still building at home. Yeah. Our foundation's coming together. This guy's going to pound the ground for real. Okay. It wouldn't be.
Starting point is 01:44:20 It wouldn't be. A friend cast. Oh yeah. Without all this background noise. One day a brick is just going to fly through your window. If you've got complaints about the noise, you can send the letter in too. You can send them to Where is that, Bunny?
Starting point is 01:44:41 It's the email address at Where is that? You just said where is that? He said repeat the email. That's always the repeat email. It's You just said send it where? Whatever.
Starting point is 01:44:56 You said where's that at? And I was like directions. Point of geographic. Oh Bunny. You said you missed your podcast. In Canada you have to walk to the internet. It's true. You guys have a rough time.
Starting point is 01:45:04 It's down the road. It's up hill both ways. We've got to fight that moose too. Yeah. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh.
Starting point is 01:45:12 Since we're not connected to the internet, I can't tether. I can't open these emails. I've got to open up my phone and tether my phone to my computer really quick. Stole for time. You guys talked about Mad Max already, right? Yeah. What did I just do? Because I saw it like last week.
Starting point is 01:45:23 But I've been out in Sweden for like a week and a half. That's not Mad Max at all. I know. It's not. And so I haven't had a chance to like talk to people about it. What did we think about it? We thought it was a good idea. We thought it was a good idea.
Starting point is 01:45:34 We thought it was a good idea. We thought it was a good idea. We thought it was a good idea. We thought it was a good idea. No, it's not. And so I haven't had a chance to like talk to people about it. What did we think of what it was? Witness.
Starting point is 01:45:44 Witness. That's pretty cool. Yeah. Shoes. Okay. I guess. What? I like that move.
Starting point is 01:45:52 We had 12 awkward seconds. And they were, it was. What? What? 12 awkward seconds. One of them was like a six second shot when the guitar flew towards the camera and back. It was like a full TG moment.
Starting point is 01:46:01 Full TG moment. 3D shot. And then later on with the wheel doing the same thing. I would say the other awkward seconds were how his flashbacks were kind of shot. Yeah. They seemed like they were kind of like zooming in and out a bit like too fast. You're right. You're right.
Starting point is 01:46:16 Oh, there's a reason because in, well, stylistically. The rest of it was perfect. Stylistically in previous Mad Max films, they filmed things in higher frame rates or something in certain scenes because they wanted to create some manic. They wanted to make the cars look faster than they were. Yeah. Especially when Max is escaping at the very start when he's just, he's like, he sees a girl through a grate.
Starting point is 01:46:37 That scene goes by so quick. It goes by so quick. It's like playing with the higher frame rate. Higher frame rate just for that thing. Yo. I thought you were going to say, I thought, because I thought I was sure this way you're going to say is that the shot when Furiosa has told something and she walks away from a group of people.
Starting point is 01:46:53 Yeah. And she has her reaction where she's like, argh. It's very awkwardly shot where it seems that the other group of people that gave her a bit of bad news are like, where are you, where are you going? What is she doing? Like what is she doing? They don't even seem that upset about it. Does no one in this world know how to take bad news?
Starting point is 01:47:10 It's bad news all the time. Like it's cool. It's emotional shot that what she does, but everyone else kind of seem to be like, what is she doing? Is she okay? What's wrong? So I take it you liked the film. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:21 It was okay. I guess. Okay. It was like, how do you, it was like. Bunny had Bunny. One. It was two car chases, but it was like one car. He's being sarcastic.
Starting point is 01:47:31 I don't know. It was like 8.8. I guess it was pretty. It was a possible rating. You could give it. Yeah. 8.8 out of 8.8. There you go.
Starting point is 01:47:39 I got great footage. Yeah. No. There's a break in the action, but it is just one big car chase. They have a break in the car chase action. They stop to develop characters and kill off characters and talk about their character in the middle of the same car chase that it's like the whole movie. Hey, you guys want to continue the car chase?
Starting point is 01:47:56 Yeah. I'm into it. All right. Yeah. Now that's the true battle. Eventually they turn their cars around and continue the car chase. You thought it was over. You thought it was over.
Starting point is 01:48:05 You thought it was over. I thought we were going to start beeping. I'm sorry folks. It's a real final battle. I'm sorry folks. Pat activated his auto blow. Oh no. It's going into overdrive.
Starting point is 01:48:15 It's an impressive machine. That's great. I remember the auto blow. Yeah. To those. All right. You got to plug it into the wall. You want to take some good questions?
Starting point is 01:48:25 This is going to be not awkward for me at all. This is legendary. All right. So not awkward. Peter writes in Dears I Batsu, have you ever been incorrectly spoiled on a game book, movie, comic, et cetera, where you got some misinformation from an outside source that made you think something would happen, but it didn't. And how did that affect your perception or enjoyment of the story?
Starting point is 01:48:45 It's when a movie shows scenes in a trailer that don't happen in the movie. Yeah. Which happens often and often. The last time I remember that is Street Fighter, the Van Damme movie. And one of the trailers and then the magazine I owned about it before I saw it, he's fighting a giant snake. Okay. I'm sure that would have saved it.
Starting point is 01:49:03 The Advent Children. And he punches like in the traditional Van Damme style. He punches a snake in the face. Yeah. I think I know exactly where it goes. The final shot of the Advent Children trailer where the bike clashed. Thank you, Woolies. Happens.
Starting point is 01:49:15 Is nowhere in that movie. And it's the one thing you kept pushing as hard as possible in your marketing. All of Metal Gear Solid 2. Whoa, really? Yes. What did people tell you? What did Kojima tell you? There you go.
Starting point is 01:49:29 That's what he means. That's what he means. The whole game. I think that's one of the most amazing things ever. I think that's like downright inspiration when you did that. That was performance art. No, honestly, I think it's amazing. I think one of the most important things to video games, period, is the element of surprise.
Starting point is 01:49:45 And you can make that happen through like marketing outside of the game. It's amazing. It hasn't really happened to me all that often. Like I've had a couple people say, oh, Blank dies and like that person makes it through the whole story, but nothing big. But I have done it a bunch. I've done it a bunch because I will be in a conversation with a group of people, not necessarily you guys, but groups of people in which someone will fuck up and just outright
Starting point is 01:50:10 state the fucking biggest thing about whatever we're talking about. So I was like, oh, I'm just getting into this. Oh man, I can't wait till you get to when Aris dies. Exactly. And I'm just like, what do I do? I flood the airwaves with fake shit, with fake garbage. Just like, oh man, yeah, she dies fighting Superman. And then you try and believe it up a little bit.
Starting point is 01:50:43 Okay, no, no. Here's what really happens though, right? It's not that big of a deal. So just, right? And then they get to it and they're like, oh, that's not what happens. And I say, you're just crying. I can talk over room noise. This is the battle right here.
Starting point is 01:51:05 It's time for the next battle. No, I can't say it's ever really happened for me. Okay. You have another question. Yeah, I don't have any examples that come to mind as well with fake smoke. Unfortunately. Okay. Michael asks, E3's coming up.
Starting point is 01:51:19 Let's say Square Enix announces a few remasters. If they showed. We're recording a broadcast, actually. Yeah, that's coming down. Yeah, this is unsafe. Okay. Would you like us to move? For five minutes.
Starting point is 01:51:33 Alright guys, we're going to have to move for five minutes because there's some unsafe shit about to fall. I'm going to pause it. Alright, so this is our awkward Justin case. We don't get you back for the second half of the show thing. Bunny, what's the deal? Plug your shit. Plug it.
Starting point is 01:51:49 My shit. I want it unplugged so I can still poop. But anyways, no, I have a YouTube channel that these guys like. So I assume that listeners of this fine podcast respect their endorsements. It's slash bunny hop show. That's the URL I'm running on. I do like editorial style content, the reviews, editorials. Occasionally news when I know it's good.
Starting point is 01:52:12 And it's got me in a lot of trouble and in a lot of good spots too. It's the word you want. Yes, yes, yes. AAA Japanese companies hate him. Yes. So we want to awkwardly thank you for being on the podcast. I will awkwardly thank you for having me. I appreciate you not running away when I said all those things to you when I was drunk.
Starting point is 01:52:38 No, you said all those things to Matt. No, I said them to you. Now, while we were drinking. It's a good thing you don't remember because you wouldn't have agreed to this either way. We had that bucket of skulls. While we were drinking, Bocano eruption told me to give you a hard time. Would you say mission accomplished? No, fuck no.
Starting point is 01:52:56 I don't say that. Yeah, this is the Bocano eruption. This is the sandbagged, all those peppers you ate at Magfist. Yeah, yeah, yeah. How could I get a flunter? He texted me, he said pinch Matt's butt. And I pinched your butt, did I? No, I did not.
Starting point is 01:53:09 Quick react like you pinched your butt. We don't have to do what Austin tells us. Well, I don't. It's a firm grip. I haven't been infected by his presence yet, but once that occurs, I will have to do what he says. He does have an awfully infectious... There's something about all of you, the way you guys talk about him. It's like, well, we gotta do what Austin tells us.
Starting point is 01:53:30 No, I love that guy. When you see the beard and just the charm that comes from the beard. He always has a little smirk. He always has to know good. I'm excitedly dreading the day. Excitedly dreading. Where I get the mightest touch that turns me into you people. Excitement, prism, fate.
Starting point is 01:53:46 Oh no, that's gross. All over. All over your face. All over your face. All over your face. It's all in my hair. Like that little black kid. And the fucking super-so-grat.
Starting point is 01:53:55 All right. All right. Okay, even if this doesn't go in, leave it in. Yeah, it's pretty good. So I'm going to find a way to splice it. All right. Later.

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