Castle Super Beast - SBFC 096: Everyone Saw His Balls on Stream

Episode Date: June 9, 2015

  The Pre-E3 leaks have started! I wonder how many awesome stories we'll miss while recording today!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hey guys yo what's up so this week's pre-roll is actually brought to us by us yes what is that even that that is we get up I talked to our lawyers and Zach told me that this is we can show ourselves did you put a little tie on Zach before that part usually I should have done it usually you do and Zach makes business transactions but you told me that effectively that if we tell our listeners to head on out to this pod survey dot com slash super odd survey dot com slash super you say they can fill out a survey that lets us know what kind of sponsors work well with the podcast wait wait wait so they got a
Starting point is 00:00:50 podcast and they also get a premier box ticking experience and we're able to bring both of them how can we afford this box take how can we possibly have the money to make this happen it's pretty great and you know what if you the the ones who do fill it out get a chance to win a hundred dollar Amazon gift card dang that's right that's all we can buy toilet paper with that you know like a lot yeah no it's there you go so um yeah to get better sponsors again pod survey dot com slash super and tell us about your stuff and you and yeah is actually gonna take that info and I have a very simple question here how long
Starting point is 00:01:34 do they have to do this like how long does the survey last oh it's like a five-minute survey no no I don't like the end like until like next week or oh it's a cutoff there yeah we don't have a cutoff go go go the reason I say this is because we did this like six months ago yeah immediately got feedback that like our listeners killed the website yeah yeah yeah yeah well like we only asked like once or twice a year yeah yeah so do it right now give it a look and the site's probably gonna be broken if you do it right now so come back like tomorrow and do it then file it in his briefcase filled with shredded
Starting point is 00:02:13 newspapers do you get a business and dead birds you're a shadow that it's like okay everybody do it oh no there were too many of you you did it too hard I love you guys that just means we're really good podcasters that's like everyone go to their local city hall and spit on the floor all and then it was all over it's like news articles like what the fuck is going on everyone's going to sit on spin on the floor yeah but with surveys all right this is a really long pre-roll I know it's fine fine all right let's look like the survey clue the music cue the music you do we have music
Starting point is 00:02:48 you I have enough money to play golf till I'm dead oh wow Willie I sent this story to William maybe you saw by himself I know you'd fucking open up the show with it it's God forbid he opens the story of the week this is rich and and fucking full of flavor so who who's coming to us today telling us you can play golf is like also fun game but like I wouldn't play it till I died that's a lot I play my multi-criterion movie yeah edition champion yeah director extraordinaire the man whose I shook and I felt electricity yeah I shook his hand too and I was overcome with his weird German charisma the crackle of
Starting point is 00:03:52 integrity and creativity and then right after that he right before that he like punched low-tax in the face yeah everyone's like yeah beat up low tax he's German deal yeah overflowing with charisma so amazing so after a horribly botched kickstarter oh sorry family you go go fun yeah after three don't forget the other kickstarter where are we up to yeah we're up to like probably less than five or ten percent of the funding no but where is uvee up to who they says I guess the world doesn't care about rampage three isn't the name of that video titled fuck you all yeah so he's been trying to make rampage three for a
Starting point is 00:04:38 while now rampage one played in the Fantasia movie festival and I remember seeing it listed and it goes by ue bowl and I'm like really like seriously still happening and it's not based on the game rampage this is no no oh god if it was I would have funded it no it's not this is just him doing his it's a movie version of fucking hatred type of thing yeah it's a terrorist who is based in the United States doing terrorism yeah yeah so there was rampage two of course which was a again Criterion collection you know yeah I love God I forgot the subtitle on it I think it was like it was a capital
Starting point is 00:05:21 something like that it's like in front of the exploding building yeah not capital building capital building exactly so it's so bad we didn't actually say so it's crowdfunding for rampage three failed then what did he do then he made an Indiegogo that also failed oh no then he made another Kickstarter that failed for the third time yeah and after that he just went on on YouTube and recorded video going you know what fuck everybody fuck you guys you all just want movies about wizards and forests you want movies about quote-unquote retarded wizards and stupid quote-unquote Marvel Avengers Marvel Avengers dirt Marvel
Starting point is 00:06:03 Avengers but what are you talking about wizards I don't I don't I think he's trying to refer to the Hobbit but I don't know like I'm not sure I have no idea but no one will dispute him on that I mean like yeah there are there's so much parts about this that I love but there's one question that I have maybe oh maybe Harry Potter because I remember thinking about that but it's like a decade gone now like Harry Potter's talking about Percy Jackson maybe maybe somebody can email us like the answer to this question because it's important in this story so okay it was explicitly discovered that the reason why who they
Starting point is 00:06:41 could make all his shitty movies is because he was abusing German art tax credits this has been this has been exposed he's like everyone saw his balls you make you make you make movies in Germany under specific under very specific budgets you can pretty much get it all back in taxary funds so the movies can be as bad as you want and they make no they don't have to make any money you just write the whole thing off but clearly that has to have stopped right because why would he be going to crowdfunding no because I think I think he just wasn't getting the actual initial investment anymore oh yeah there
Starting point is 00:07:19 you go yeah money to actually make some RV because the point was as long as you film in those locations and make it predominantly from that place you get all that tax credit back that's I think at least at least two blood blood rain movies a far cry movie obviously house of the dead postal postal far cry now when that when that IGN article came out exposing exposing the truth about his tax credit like exploitation right they didn't think that he still had the I want to say integrity but I don't think that's the word in testing in testinal fortitude testicular fortitude yeah to to continue to believe in his
Starting point is 00:08:04 movies because if the one important thing you listen to him talking about in the rampage fuck you all video is rampage 3 is quote-unquote an important movie the fact that he would even go to crowdfunding like demonstrates his trust in the fact that there are people who want his yes he gets those tax breaks but he actually believes in the shit that he films we saw him at the premiere of postal and it was blatantly obvious that he was really proud of that movie yeah he was really really proud of one of the worst movies I've ever seen going as far to like have a Q&A period about why he shoots all the kids in that
Starting point is 00:08:47 part in the movie yeah and it's because people in Hollywood tell you you can't shoot all the children so that we hooked up all these kids with squibs and shot all of them what a bold filmmaker he almost came out to cult of personality it was amazing it was an experience so yeah and then there's a more there's another five minute video after the fuck you all video that's right he goes into further detail about this whole thing but so we have both super mad on the internet they both is out of the crowdfunding game fuck crowdfunding forever he says I now you like your eyes would glaze and kind of say out of the
Starting point is 00:09:21 filmmaking game no hey you know what move a ball movies always had too much of production quality yeah so let's go indie let's let's see what what a ball what I was shit on a hundred dollars and a fucking shoebox gonna make the room too I would like to coin a term with this exact character arc in the video game industry and I'm gonna call it Jack Thompsoning in which you appear as a villainous piece of shit and then just over time you just like fade into dirt I want I want someone to introduce you know I'm becoming dirt I want someone needs to introduce him to Shia LaBeouf and just see what happens just do it just
Starting point is 00:10:03 do it just make the movies do it do it yeah you can't see the gesture but we're doing the gesture I'm like I saw a comment that said I think Shia LaBeouf is trying too hard to embrace his crazy Hollywood persona but I don't care that like everything he does if you're tired of give of starting over stop giving up yeah that that insanity heel turn I love it I fucking love it the only way because the only way to put it you can put it over a screenshot of the last Guardian like whoever is his PR guy is genius because it's like how do you go from being a like fraudulent hack
Starting point is 00:10:52 the term full-art house to be fair I think he's his own publicist but you know what I mean with him never be bad amazing and then and then the the much of a call at the event or it's like come stare at him with a paper bag on his face yeah everyone thought Bill Murray was going too far because he more or less left like the big Hollywood movie game and started doing like a lot of Jim Jarmusch movies and stuff and they're pretty good but they're all a lot of them are hard to penetrate if I was Bill Murray I would leave the movie business too after not getting a goddamn Oscar for Groundhog Day sure he
Starting point is 00:11:42 deserves it that's a long-ass time ago I know it would have been a little bit earlier like or see that movie that moves yeah no we're all aware of the Groundhog Day yeah so Ovee we steadfastly await your patreon yep oh yeah coming soon with a patron he only needs to get like five guys in and wait for 20 years 200 dollars a month in patreon will he guaranteed to fight someone on the street every month Ovee bowl made a movie adaptation of a David Cage game I would fund that you know that's the the exact level of directorial
Starting point is 00:12:25 justice ah John deserves there you go and I just take for a picture and shaking hands loving their baldness together so this is episode 96 by the way as you'll know that today is not a super best friend construction cast unfortunately those images people were making of us and now they were staggeringly should record this anywhere we can now so we can just get kicked out of two different locations I didn't think about it that way until we couldn't get quiet places and then the not quiet places that we did get we were removed from twice and a quiet place turned into a loud place and then not even so much
Starting point is 00:13:16 kicked out as much as it was like we're just going to fuck up your podcast until you walk away yeah until the point of like guys we're gonna bring down the screen you have to move or you have to move or you might die yeah it's like so how was your week my week was all right I fell back into the awesome hole that is ground zeroes I've been playing more than zero because it came out it was on ps plus that's a game playing it was on ps plus so I was like yeah now I don't need my disc anymore I can play at any time and now I can't play any other ps4 games I can't tear myself away then you you're gonna get ruined by MGS5 I can't
Starting point is 00:13:50 wait for Phantom Pain I can't wait waiting right now no I'm it's September 1st I can't fucking wait or whatever whatever day it is games August 8th there's there's so much to do in ground zeroes it's crazy I'm still having fun I that shouldn't be possible but I'm still people are still really salty about it when they're putting on PlayStation Plus and they're like oh good the price it always should have been now I get this people were even saying I don't want a demo for free and it's like I know but people were criticizing the PlayStation Plus decision committee for putting a demo as one of the games of
Starting point is 00:14:27 wasting a slot I still think because they all want to additionally have a start and an end yeah it has a car off or like at least like a raw for a shared like gameplay and I think that it still came out like ten bucks extra even after the price oh yes but it's still pretty good yeah without a doubt like I think that game should have been 20 bucks tops yeah but like it's fucking good like we're jumping ahead a little bit here but it's like if your game doesn't qualify for being exploitable by the steam refund thing then you should probably not complain about it being a paid demo yeah yeah exactly and I the other one was I
Starting point is 00:15:09 played through Octodad all the way at I spoke about a little bit last yeah yeah you got your second wind on that yeah so it's only about like two and a half three hours long so it actually doesn't really overstay its welcome which is nice but definitely after the 45 minute haha I'm an octopus you know you're a perfectly normal human being after the 45 minute point you start being like okay I get it now and there's like an exceedingly drawn out for like wow it is like this is not a great level but like I think it's worth like a $5 bill if you're fine for $5 it's worth that two hour five hour thing exactly don't pay
Starting point is 00:15:46 $15 for it definitely not worth that much well I play as the Octodad when you can play as the squid kids yeah of course that's another thing I played but still an Octodad for a second there's these two extra levels in the game that I looked up and they added them after the initial PC release that are fucking terrible I don't know what they were thinking there these are they weird new gimmicks no they just that's the problem one of them you play as a nurse one of them you play as you go to a date with your wife and then you have a gimmicky thing of like oh I'm gonna be the waiter but also go on a date at the same time
Starting point is 00:16:21 and neither party can know you know neither one pans out well they're both fucking terrible sound funny in my brain yeah no on paper they should be free but they're the worst situation missus downfire moments wait wait for that I'm gonna go out on two dates at the same restaurant exactly that's the thing but no I don't know Joey so for anyone still waiting for the Wii U version you have wait for that $5 sale don't jump in at launch and yeah Splatoon was the other game that okay so your kid now I'm a kid I was a squid last night okay Splatoon and then you were a squid now Splatoon's a fuck I'm not gonna take
Starting point is 00:17:00 too much time talking about it cuz we're all gonna talk about it a little bit except for Pat except for me cuz he's been playing the Witcher right no actually oh yeah I'm not gonna talk too much about it multiplayer is fucking amazing I wish there was more content kind of sucks that they only choose only six maps there were five at launch they added the six one very very short they better keep adding maps because that's a really bad they have eight more they have eight more to come that's the right so okay in a little while there will be more than enough content right now there's like okay this is enough this
Starting point is 00:17:31 is enough to ship a multiplayer game just for the single player I really enjoyed it I thought it was a lot of fun also wish there was more content there's like under three hours of single player content it's a walking start yeah it's not quite rolling so cuz I remember you when Hyrule Warriors came out you would not stop talking about how much it was too much I bought all the season past shit in fucking Hyrule Warriors as well I haven't even finished the base game stuff I just assume I assume I'm not sure if it's been announced I don't think that there's gonna be there's gotta be more single player content they'll add
Starting point is 00:18:06 down the line in DLC I really hope so too and I you know I really did like the single player and so you know it's kind of a bummer that this the Splatoon amiibos lock like an extra two and a bit hours of single player content behind them you know granted they're just modifiers on the single player campaign but the fact that you don't have those from the get-go and you have to spend an extra $35 to get it if you can even jimster and put up a video about amiibos like yeah last week and I completely agree with everything you said that's like okay because amiibos have now become worse than DLC because
Starting point is 00:18:39 they're DLC that you can't even buy the like the point where amiibos become good is when they're when a single amiibos value across a variety of games adds up to a large amount of content so far Nintendo has demonstrated a staggering inability to to deliver that and also there's so much potential value yeah in the real world the value is hurt excessively because you're probably gonna have to if you actually want to get it yeah probably have to pay twice its actual value to a scout if you don't reserve it you don't deserve it yeah but even reserving it doesn't even work crazy motherfuckers are jacking
Starting point is 00:19:17 trucks yeah no exactly you can't fight it crime is happening not even to commit crimes actually we've gone from gray market to full-on black market yeah and you know that it's not gonna get any better when a company sees that people are jacking trucks they're not gonna do anything to stop that it's like again we sold you those amiibos like it's your fault because that's furby but it's not really even their fault you know where was the AP was stolen I don't know you should have hired one yeah you know what I know cry those APC rental services guys off our truck into your truck it's not a lot of money you want to buy some
Starting point is 00:19:56 more we don't have any yeah but yeah like war it kind of bothers me that they would lock like almost half the single player content behind amiibos when there's such a small amount in the first place and it's super fun but you can't even change weapons without having an amiibo to unlock that facet of the content and that really sucks the game's super super good so I'm plays amazing it's impeccable it's addictive it's great you know I'm not single player about it there will be serious most telling and I feel like I've seen all the costume parts and I've only played for like a week and I don't feel like
Starting point is 00:20:33 there's anything like do you know what I mean I know what you mean though I'm still seeing stuff I haven't oh sure but it's like oh that sure it's a bit different like you know how I feel like I feel like there's nothing left and I'm gonna go back and keep playing it I've played over like 25 hours now and I no end in sight for me playing it and I think it's an amazing nine-on-ten game but this is the nine-on-ten with the least possible content to get that score so it's it's succeeding purely by the virtue of it if the game if the game player were like average or below average this game would not be so like so
Starting point is 00:21:07 like the order yeah kind of exactly you know like and I think but you know even it'd be worth it at 20 like the order exactly and I think I think the fact though that like everything in the game runs on a rotating sort of scheduled based system allows for you to revisit it and perhaps see new clothing in the future yeah you know we were online when the paintbrush got unveiled no definitely yeah they're gonna keep rolling out content and I was gonna say like at when all the contents out it's probably gonna be a hard 10 like unless they do something wrong and they fuck up the the balance or something I don't
Starting point is 00:21:42 know where is like let's say the base game was like a eight it's an 11 higher warriors you know let's say let's say the best game let's say the base game was yeah when it came out yeah but like with everything that's there now in terms of like value per you get to bump it a full point due to content at least 80 bucks 80 bucks for all like Hyrule Warriors other than a sequel games like like in a perfect world like what we're playing right now is new generation and if we wait long enough well I don't become we're gonna get third-strike first platoon 2 or would you prefer like just tons of no no I want to finish and
Starting point is 00:22:24 do splatoon 2 on the next platform I think I think I think in my mind splatoon should stand right next to Mario Kart and Smash Brothers in that way I don't even like know anything less platoon but I agree with you and so I I'm way into and like me and well you and I have talked a lot about this for Street Fighter 5 way into the game comes out it's gonna be that game it's a platform and they're just gonna fucking add to that shit for years it's like just fucking go yeah well hey I mean like for four right oh yeah like that's and instead of a year's like seven years instead of simple here's an
Starting point is 00:22:59 expansion that has new shit but you get to keep all your old man so when we get to that splatoon third strike you're gonna have a fucking 11 I have a very very negative Nancy question to ask yeah shoot okay you guys have been playing it came out last week you all been playing it like crazy right snorting paint have you noticed in like because my fear for this game is the population have you noticed any decrease in population at all never okay there's no there's of course no way to see how many servers no but you feel it there are no matchmaking the timing from there's no way to even tell the same
Starting point is 00:23:37 every time which is seconds apart okay and the only variable is depending on what time you're playing you're getting a bunch of Japanese players or a bunch of American okay because but since there's no like count or server numbers or anything there's no way to even tell us that matchmaking is really tight because this super super and the servers are really good okay and question number two can you play with the pro controller yeah okay can you single player no multiplayer yes okay oh you can play multiplayer with the pro controller yeah I never knew I never tried it gives you the option it's better with the gyro
Starting point is 00:24:07 though honestly yeah okay no no not for me that that will be my answer for no and that's fair I really really like the game which there was a bit more content like all around and hopefully they'll put in some more single player hopefully they'll put it a lot more cost and stuff you know we need Yuri you know I really wish well those are not metaphor is that we need though yeah we need though yeah I really petty gripe I wish every amiibo just got a fucking shirt in the game or something I'm fed up of Nintendo shipping big games that don't support all their amiibos and like a cosmetic you want everything to be
Starting point is 00:24:40 yes she's really world in terms of and although that's it's creepy as fuck man they look they look like textures look really scary they look good but yeah it's like I bought this a me I bought this little mac amiibo what can it do well not much you know if you if you could make everyone into a pink jumpsuit our pink jumpsuit yeah well like I said last year I still think they're gonna have their big amiibo game at E3 yeah there's all that and as we were discussing off-podcast there's no reason for every amiibo you own to not unlock at the very least a costume yeah in almost for a developer like
Starting point is 00:25:14 Nintendo like that it's kind of a special case but like if you have a Mario amiibo it shouldn't unlock anything in Hyrule Warriors to me any Zelda amiibo should and they do I think no no just like just link link unlocks the spinner every other amiibo unlocks generic like do you think it's fine if you have a Mario amiibo and a lot of random thing that has nothing to do with no if it's completely cosmetic and just a bonus absolutely like like context matters for sure but like in Mario Kart for example there's a wide breadth of amiibo amiibos that are supported because almost every race but on the
Starting point is 00:25:50 other hand there's a wide breadth that just aren't how can they like like Captain Falcon supported if I put Captain Falcon on my Hyrule Warriors fucking thing like let me put the Captain Falcon Eagle on his shield just dumb shit it doesn't matter but at least add something cosmetic so that it feels I getting a little bit of I'm cool with the Hyrule Warriors one because like that was like a patch post-release before amiibos were you know like that came out before me before smash even yeah so you know all those games I'm shaking Middle Territory but now that we're in a post amiibo economy
Starting point is 00:26:26 like I really feel like it needs to deliver okay of course of course like there but their priority is focusing on getting more of the Splatoon specific content yeah absolutely that's not ready to go also I will be super mad if one of the maps is not delfino plaza yeah okay seriously one of the weapons isn't the flood how are they gonna have a fucking amiibo game when you can't buy amiibo like how can that possibly work it's like it's if they announced the amiibo game for Christmas right yeah that gives them another five months to sort out this fucking bullshit ships with five amiibos no that's not how that
Starting point is 00:27:10 shit works it's actually literally the same problem that happens with Skylanders yeah but even skylanders is was no never this bad well because they ship way better but last year they had the chaos room which was impossible to acquire for under a hundred dollars yes so they actually did run into that that's the nature of the beast yeah talking about the scale well you know it's just a problem they're gonna have to fix bad it's just something they're gonna have to deal with well how is someone gonna review the amiibo game in a scenario in which they are physically unable to buy like well I can check that you can at
Starting point is 00:27:47 least get a couple of me and oh and like the ones you want but I don't agree because reviewers have been reviewing Skylanders and Disney Infinity for ages and those games what do they do they ship with two yeah I guess oh I didn't know they only ship with two that's very some of them ship with three did the Vita Disney Infinity has a vehicle that's a problem for later but either they should just fucking do it I want this problem years ago yeah but then you have amiibo tap and that's just Drex actually I don't know if you know this but that caused a very similar problem in that certain specific rare CDs would
Starting point is 00:28:24 give you way better monsters yeah I believe it can't stop mr. Domino would give you mr. Domino yeah I'm sorry to give you fucking nothing really is no and it was like 25 hours and it turned me off monster rancher somewhat that's why I never played monster rancher because of the are you to do some music CDs in there and see what you I didn't use it prints in there exactly I own music now though you don't really shut yeah yeah I'll get an unnecessary character yeah all right so that was a good game just I think I think like I think it's amazing there's just not quite enough okay yet okay but pick it up if you're
Starting point is 00:29:06 with you all right I guess I'll I'll tag that yeah go home yeah no my Splatoon experience what was your Splatoon story I downloaded the game right I went I made myself some dinner I ate it came back played Splatoon for a bit put the controller down it was four in the morning what the fuck happened happens right made a tweet said I'm still I can't stop the tuning please send help I had a similar very similar tweet this week Bocano eruption was like yo add me I'm like all right we jumped on Skype oh no another like four five six hours later so it's like 10 we're playing with like
Starting point is 00:29:44 Shane from did you know gaming we're just going non-stop going hard I'm seeing Brennan Williams or Brett our Brennan's Williams to eat now to going up in the enemies crack but going up in the enemy's base the Kraken like witness me waiting for that shiny and chrome paint DLC like the game is crack man and specifically the main multiplayer mode like I feel that the main multiplayer mode of just covering the paint in your bases on the whole map is way better than any of the other modes right yeah I like splat bone splat zone for sure yeah splat zones like I'm starting to hate it a bit less because I'm getting I'm
Starting point is 00:30:27 seeing how some of the strategy works you gotta play it still very camp camp friendly but I still think that like the perfect mix of like you can get aggressive and get points or you can just run away and also focus on points look at the map there's a lot of things going on in the default game that you don't get in the other modes that I really like so what you're saying is that like it's a shit it's a problem with a lot of shooters and if there's nothing for shitty coward players to do is this this this game have things for shitty yes but like if but if they're if they're really shitty then they're not
Starting point is 00:31:01 yeah well sliding scale right but there's like like Counter-Strike there's multiple ways for the non-counter-strike there's multiple ways for you to win like you can approach your basically the default one as much less like teamwork focus I splat zones is like super hard team work if your team is shit your team is shit man they even advise you to like not charge in alone and wait for your other players to respawn and shit yeah like um you know and all in all just like besides the the core gameplay the charm man like the charm of the characters spikes sitting over there in the corner with his perfect accent I
Starting point is 00:31:37 like spike you know with his accent that it's just boops yeah Callie Mary you know like I just I it's everything I absolutely want from a Nintendo icon I hope they push it as hard as there are some of the most charming characters in a while like usually background Nintendo characters like whatever they are in sunshine the stupid big nose yeah yeah yeah yeah like they're like they're there and they were shown in a smash arena one time yeah but like this is this is tuned this is like you said spike you look at spike and like someone sat there and thought about it and then looked at a marine
Starting point is 00:32:15 creature and so let's design a cool character on the art team kill and clearly the internet is like very taken with all the characters and stuff so that you know that that's proof right there like I have the last time I've been like that strongly impressed with a Nintendo art style decision was like Mario Strikers okay and that wasn't even really Nintendo that was next level yeah that just got that style going yeah okay let me ask you something if I was totally indifferent to the art style before playing the game will the game win me over on gameplay alone no I mean the style the art style it's like it's
Starting point is 00:32:49 not a problem is that no because you guys are describing like how how awesome the arts and how charmed you were and it's like like every time I've seen it's completely rolled off me the problem is because you're not fresh freshness yeah and you will never be fresh yeah yeah no it sounds like they're saying it except if you listen carefully it sounds like they're saying this is low listen listen there it's a different like it's clearly different syllables yes but like but you're hearing while we're getting into this also notice how we were looking at the bottom of the amiibo box in the course yeah see the little slip
Starting point is 00:33:27 and pack in at the bottom and whatever so so I'll just you just said that but I'll just like you know cut the tension we recorded a video and it was mostly woolly and Liam marking out to everything and having discussions about squid talk yeah really into going into your fashion zones not being fresh enough to buy shit yeah it's great it's great no no it's honestly just like okay Nintendo's whatever the Miyamoto protege's yeah it's the garage team is that what they're called the garage team that's awesome they they just they workshopped a concept and came up with something great in the way that like
Starting point is 00:34:10 Narbacular drop yeah have something great and then they fucking pushed it in any direction it could have went quite the opposite of Kojima's got super jealous of you guys cuz like I like I want to feel whatever you feel towards the tune but like every time seen I've just maybe you should try playing it or any one of those yeah well that's not that's not what I'm talking about I'm not talking about the gameplay I'm talking about like the look yeah and all that when me and woolly played it we didn't really see the look because it would just drop us into a multiplayer match we couldn't see the the the main
Starting point is 00:34:45 plaza and all the crazy care but I mean even back to like the original announcement okay dude the original e3 announcement when I saw that like first CG shot of the the inkling going around I was so turned off because yeah animation was fucking terrible okay if we were talking about like if I was talking about sunset overdrive yeah and like you just not into the visuals at all I'd say that would detract heavily from your enjoyment of the game because sunset overdrive is all right but it's not so great that it stands alone yeah with no visual flair but this game no I'm actually specifically referring to I
Starting point is 00:35:22 am jealous that I do not have like the arts thing I see is when I see it and I know I'm wrong but when I see it I'm like this is a step away from brat stalls okay maybe you need to find the right clothing I don't know but yeah that that that was a lot of my weekend man and the only other thing I did was there was a nice little throwback fgc tournament that I went to yeah all the old fun all the old Montreal crew came out and it was fun to see like everyone in sort of pre-Street Fighter V hype mode you know the community is building up a lot of new people that are Xbox live players are coming out and stuff and our
Starting point is 00:35:56 buying ps4's yeah but but like PC's you know it was a it was a fun hangout but more importantly this was the first like tournament exposure time I got to characters like Tanya and Arya yeah in Killer Instinct and MKX respectively and oh my god Tanya is actually well he's just a big bold she's the most interesting MK girl right now that's not bold at all um that's bold it's on that and Melina is stayed like the same for like 15 years but gameplay wise like because I mean I mean character wise fucking Cassie's the shit obviously yes but but gameplay wise Tanya is so fucking she's all she's a
Starting point is 00:36:37 mixture between Kami de Capre and Rolento okay aggressively okay so she teleports in all directions and does pogo sticks on you into canon drills and just has such a ridiculous all right all right if a block button didn't exist okay yeah and so yeah it's a fun aggressive character to fight that's it's not like fighting any of the other characters in the game and you can feel that like they actually tried to do something interesting as opposed to Jason who's just fucking fun it in phone it in brainless it's crazy stop slaps I also I also felt like like Kratos was kind of very by
Starting point is 00:37:19 the numbers yeah you know surprises so I wonder if the MK team just they kind of guess or maybe restrictions restrictions who knows no restrictions but but like Tanya is way more there's way more like love put into it like fun stuff with the gameplay well she's memorable all time yeah you can't just not be faithful to the fan favorite and the thing is too is like have you seen the online numbers it's her then scorpion like really no it's you want the logo for Netherrealm is getting replaced I mean clear with yeah like Edward sister now you got it you want the DLC characters in your fire to get
Starting point is 00:38:02 you excited every time because like Skullgirls every character that comes out is like yo go check out squiggly go check out big band go check out you know like they're all have they all have so much going on with them yeah and when you get Jason and you go it makes you worry about all the other about all the rest you know but but shows that it's like no they're doing they're doing some stuff so that's good that's fun they should have been cyber Jason like from the start because that's all that that you could use like this like the Jason X one yeah I would have liked that too yeah it's you know who knows how
Starting point is 00:38:35 much of their hands were tied or not right and Aria I just fucking I can't wrap my head around you're looking at a Rubik's Cube track I watched like some of him playing Ari I watched one of them it's like okay I don't know what he's doing I don't think Max knows what he's doing no one does I don't think the person he's fighting knows what he's doing and it's like no one knows what they're doing am I on round five now I don't what I saw yeah he had four matches where he's like all right I get another life bar and then the matches like what it was it didn't work yeah I lost and then the character gets back up and he's
Starting point is 00:39:10 like what like this a week ago he's like if you you don't take Aria into the lab Aria takes you into the lab yeah yeah you try to actually know and he's like even even Rico Suave like played with her for hours when she was at Combo Breaker and turned to Keats it says I don't get it it's only Keats that knows I can see that like the people who do get it are gonna beast because you have to think about fighting games in a different way like you don't have two rounds to play with no you have a whole other subset and and I was more so surprised if anything to notice a lot of the changes that I wasn't picking up on
Starting point is 00:39:53 for the season one characters as well look every new character there's like a bull out of a whole bunch of changes yeah and like going back to Thunder and seeing like all the shit they did to him I was like whoa this is weird and seeing mid-air counterbreakers I was explaining to these guys you're describing seeing Thunder float through the air doing with a carry stage just floating like okay like it's fucking weird but it was due to changes like TJ combo can recapture and it was only him for a while then after like a patch or two they're like no there's other characters that have a move that should
Starting point is 00:40:28 recapture like Sable has a move or it has a move yeah and they're like but there's other characters that don't even have a move that we can even try to interpret as being a recapture but if you can recapture you should be able to air counterbreak and air counterbreaker so they've really been like every time they think about it each time what should we change and it's like they've thrown a new system sometimes and you know and same thing like Hisako it's one thing to see the the the gameplay run down and to play with her a little bit but fighting her is a whole other we're able to see any of her any of her alternate stuff
Starting point is 00:41:03 for retro no she becomes a she becomes a fawn legs and antlers shit it's really neat yeah no it was it was like tournament mode so the cosmetics don't matter yeah of course not MK matches ended with like if there was if you're in the middle of an x-ray pause go to rematch yeah but it sucks to play that way yeah it doesn't but it's way faster yeah but it's like better way so much better you want to get more game time no I won't argue with its necessity or experience x-ray at the end of a round you mean ending games with like pause and then restart is lame and you know I definitely I learned where my Kotal
Starting point is 00:41:47 Khan stood on his knees that is a hard character when they just max made a video that they just put some changes and I think he's better because he needed them quite frankly yeah the grapple no it's good at the beginning not good no no they made some changes worry I think he's better but it but it's all in the numeric changes no actual like frames or it's it's things are safe no no things are safer and that's about it I think there might have been one or two damage tweaks but no properties no property changes yeah you know yeah no so like that was that was fucking great man like
Starting point is 00:42:28 tournament MKX is fun I watched the finals of combo breaker and it was rated versus Kotal Khan it was a fucking good final it was exciting match because I remember an MK9 when MK9 was in tournaments people were like this shit sucks to watch it's boring it's all Kung Lao since it's whatever and the finals of combo breaker were legit exciting like perfects and flawless victories that's sorry and I got it and then right then like a nail buddy match in the perfect it was like kept you on your toes and I gotta say one thing like having three TVs next to each other running ultra a ki and then
Starting point is 00:43:03 MKX the three Kings right oh my god like ki looks the best easily yeah it's amazing k eyes up visual update and they do you remember when I was being a shit over how k I was when it was a 720 and then I walked into Matt's house and it was on the screen and from like this fucking staircase I went to they do something to kill her instinct yeah because it looks way better went up to that 940 has been dramatically improved by its like resolution on looks better than MK and Street Fighter absolutely I think killer instinct has no right being as good as it is overall considering all the development
Starting point is 00:43:49 tribulations it's had come from from like from the days on it I wouldn't be and it's like the only game with the meld the ill-fated meld menu that Microsoft trying to try to push right beginning right that actually made it somewhere galaxy if iron galaxy wasn't a company that specialized in helping out other companies transition yeah that's actually what they do with Dave Lang saying we're not really developers we just we just cut our teeth on helping support like engines and things so I bet you I bet you if they went with anybody but iron galaxy it would have been internally who knows there could
Starting point is 00:44:30 have been tons of car crashes yeah and that and that ongoing multi month hype of like new character new reveal oh shit what's it gonna be the thing that gets me is the new character reveal followed by yeah you can play her next week and here's the right breakdown yeah it's crazy here's a tiny little hint of the next next yeah exactly and like you know and then in those streams Keats is like he's not inventing the character for you but he's showing you what she's about yeah about you know yeah so no no that was me Pat what's going on so remember last week I was like I'm playing a lot of FF 14 and I hit 50 I got my
Starting point is 00:45:09 second 50 on a new character no you keep all the same character every every character can do everything you just change so hit my second 50 how many 50s hit till you're actually legit capped legit cats how many are there I think there's eight classes in the game right so it'll take you another week no I know I don't want that many oh what do you get for capping your cap when you when you get to 50 50 on all eight all like nothing you get a little Mario statue on your in your character sheet the if you hit the cap it turns gold so I guess you can turn all of those gold that sounds important no it's not but
Starting point is 00:45:51 don't you need it no if you don't have it it'll never be finished okay what what is this no no no I want it to be you'll never win no it's straight up like that intrinsic value no when I want to when I get to end game I want to be able to play a healer a DPS or a tank yeah of course and I'm working on getting like one of each to there so that when I want to do world of darkness and I go hey does anyone want to do world of darkness they go three tanks say yes but only one tank and come and it's me I go sorry fuckers you can't like yeah yeah no I want to be able to do all of it that came amazing part-time job as
Starting point is 00:46:31 guildmaster no I don't like how's your Ken dream home coming along that's great party party it's great stormatorium I love when I got back from may not make sure I got a mobile car yeah like all the furniture had been completely moved around and I walked in with a fly you move the couch why you move the car it's better now people that know better than me and they got zoom as and rage standing out in front of the house right now yeah you it's a NPC you can get you call retainer that they've dressed up and created characters that look like those two guys the FC is doing really well we're 10th in the world now
Starting point is 00:47:13 wow number one on the number one on the server beating out like gaff awesome but like you said does that have a lot to do with the fact yeah so it's a cheap way to look at it because it's done by weekly standing right your weekly standings is determined by activity right and gaff and all the other top fcs on that server they're ones that were there since day one two years ago that again which those people actually had every single character max yeah and there's really not a whole lot for them to do other than not doing much right then they drop in the rankings and let's people that are leveling a lot of
Starting point is 00:47:50 stuff yeah I'm surprised didn't happens were just come out of that next comes out next Friday okay and like it's coming out in June yeah and that game like everything about that game like the whole past week has been me doing end game shit and trying to beat the story man create for an MMO storyline crazy stuff happens in that story yeah things would happen you go oh yeah no no no I keep the same guy because the end game stuff I need to keep my same tank as he's the only guy that has enough gear to beat the high-end story stuff and fucking crazy like a total reset shit happens like bad things happen and give
Starting point is 00:48:37 you a really good reason to go to the expansion the only problem with that post 50 stuff is that the storyline has a problem that I don't know like tons of games do this I don't know how to like I don't know how to solve it and it's the problem was you as a human being figured out what was gonna happen like 30 hours before the shoe dropped there's like there's a guy that you talk to and you mean they go that you're bullshit you know not you know and then the whole time is a stress this guy's so cool and he's helping you out so good nothing bad could ever happen with this guy and then it's like oh and you're okay and because
Starting point is 00:49:16 it's a MMO and your character isn't allowed to speak yeah their character kind of just lets everything happen around them because it could be any class so they can't do animations yeah of course so all the bad shit in the world happens and your character just like looks around and goes like shrugs and is now just being walked into scenes and is like it's his agent is nodding and and there are people saying the equivalent of I'm gonna go kill the Pope or whatever he's like your your character's reaction to that is to just stick his hand out as they run out of the room and it's like come on man no
Starting point is 00:49:55 can just you can stop this problem right now you can stop right now but aside from that no what a fucking fantastic MMO everything about it is amazing like and the controller support I like I played the tank which is the easiest to play like controller wise and I played DPS which is considerably more complex no the controller support is still rock they fucking poured the money it's amazing game amazing and did it I would have played more Witcher 3 but like nine days ago it came out that there's a fucking bug in that game that just some okay in that game killing an enemy gets you three XP yeah a level is 1000 XP
Starting point is 00:50:31 quests give you like a hundred or 200 so yeah quests is 99% of XP game and it turns out there was a bug in Witcher 3 that had been found out it's like sometimes quest just give you nothing just nothing that's a bug and a pin go see Brian was being like really weird about the specifics and they were like ah you can still beat the game plenty of XP but I'm like no I don't want to fuck it up I don't want to miss the nature to have this level of bugs yes yeah it really did sure did Polish games you and had way more actually go play games from the farm I still remember now you want to fucking talk fucked up initial
Starting point is 00:51:10 releases you try and you go get a original version of Witcher 1 and not patch that shit I remember where the Polish version had missing dialogue of all the versions yeah have missing voice acting the fucking Polish version but no in terms of like buggy nests this is not just like the smoothest Witcher game like I love all these big open world RPG things this easily the smoothest of all of those bikes that's fucking far it's like and that patch came out and fixed almost everything including like the tech size yeah I was I was reading down the update list last night I play on PC and large television from far away so tech
Starting point is 00:51:50 size is important and they bump there's no variability but they bumped it enough so now I have no problem reading anything and they did and they bumped it up more on the consoles than they did on PC good I sleep like considerably I'm waiting for the XP bug to be fixed it's fixed oh it is it all the all the quest bugs the XP bug and the candle I'll give it another week to make sure there isn't another one yeah yeah I'm gonna be diving back into that like tonight I got a question how much time did you spend this is just more solo for FF how much time did you spend on FF 11 0 that game is a pile of shit every time it's great
Starting point is 00:52:25 but whatever did you play like 40 hours a little bit okay once upon a time 40 hours is nothing bro like 40 hours is enough to know if you like a game yeah and that game sucks no I like that that was very good you know okay you know how I was initially right way harder to play yeah way harder way I was initially reticent of FF 14 because of partying up for dungeons I got over that because now I party up with decent people and I learned to live with duty finder people with pubs but FF 11 that game required grouping to do is anything different and the way you did that grouping because this was pre-wows there was no yeah
Starting point is 00:53:01 there's no duty finder yeah there's no looking for party it was go stand in the city people and beg for tanks for hours and then get a party and then go out I think hours is pretty no actually there's a lot of people in the FC that played FF 11 and hours is in no way really find that much only played 40 hours only play only 40 when you get in there and you're getting up to like level 30 and 40 with FF 11 you could consume I'm sure but don't presume to discount my opinion but no this was a serious real problem that existed okay if you were you're say a dark knight got at the worst a patch came out that made
Starting point is 00:53:41 the dark knight not the best tank anymore and if you want to fucking play that game you were getting ready to beg for parties for like six hours because dark knights sucked like FF 11 is a pile of burning trash compared to this game and I fucking hate that game with everything that I have all the feelings I have towards MMOs this one's real good though all right and after heaven's word they're gonna add a played counter slash played like time play which does not have which currently does not exist oh so I will be fine I will I will I will be able to come back you can face do you want to know or do you know I need to
Starting point is 00:54:22 know it comes back and it says seven hours well no because play face your true son has played never displays an hour is it always blazing and up days oh days so and it rounds it rounds it rounds up so eventually you get like it'll say one month three days or whatever and I was talking to some guys like my play time on wow is one year and what is that that's like yeah that's like four hours a day for the entirety of wow's entire life cycle oh my god yeah you're doing that right now it's like 8500 hours a year of your life it's crazy hey if you like if you like how much time have you played fighting games the genre
Starting point is 00:55:06 yeah yes okay easy and because mmo's as a genre end up being like for your entire time with that sure it's the one year everything yeah no if you ask Minecraft players how much Minecraft yeah you want you want the ultimate in shame go to the fucking topics about Dota 2 time in which steam says how many times so how many guys like the average Dota 2 time is like 800 hours fucking nuts let's take a quick word for responses this month's loot rate theme is cyber cyber cyber so like well that's like a box is a family podcast we can't talk about that hey hey willies but quivering in anticipation because he
Starting point is 00:55:53 hopes that there's gonna be cyber six not that kind of cyber oh it's they're like oh my god so many times like a yak back you know like the practice cyborg noises like Cyberdyne systems oh man you love it that's what they're going for those Fulgore noises so Santa max so as you guys are hopefully full aware at this point I don't know are my legs because it feels like it feels like every week you guys get flashed with the men in black thing and you're like what what's this great thing right how do you know that what are you talking about so nothing you know I want you you guys fill in the blanks yeah
Starting point is 00:56:41 okay all right what is the service that gets you good geek shit to your door every week it's everybody it's called creative loot no it's all right 100 less than 20 dollars a month they will send you this loot your door in a crate or a crate like object okay you know boxes are similar crates they're very similar they're interchangeable on most lines what types of things can be found well the mented legs it's a good one that's a good one too it depends because it's usually like a spread it's usually a spread of like non-specific like it's different every month so it's hard to nail down there's usually a t-shirt in
Starting point is 00:57:24 there usually a comic book sometimes it's usually a comic book that applies to its theme you see like gimmicky was the keys like that sometimes you got like but this one I'm hoping for just a straight up just cyborg hand I want a little tiny t-1000 yeah no that I want that I want I want a learning net processor the learning computer learning computer I want that in there and it's busted and it can be found in Sydney kit basically yeah so you want to head on over to loot crate comm slash super enter the code super and save a lot of money 10% bucks that's more than 10% that's actually more than 10% that's like 15% actually yeah it's
Starting point is 00:58:11 pretty good and hey previous crates have included fun stuff shirts that I like to wear that coffee ready player one that's a heavy crate month yeah definitely so yeah and you have until what time on what day this is this is you told me to study for another chapter 12 1 a.m. 9 p.m. ah because it's the Pacific yeah those lose 90 west coast 9 p.m. Pacific to get to subscribe and get that month's crate there you go so once again you are up loot crate comm slash super promo code super thank you look great Matt what's up what is up is would you guys want to see a movie that's the raid redemption but cross Japan yeah well yeah yeah I
Starting point is 00:59:10 want to be like let's get let's move Malaysia and then put in Japan it's called killers it's on Netflix you know and it's basically a bunch of dudes from the raid versus a bunch of dudes from Japan specifically no no it's just called killers it's a different story different characters but remember the main boss of the main of the boss that ruled the apartment building yeah that he plays like a scummy guy in this and they have a hero guy but they also have a villain guy and it takes around the concept of there's no other way to say this they don't say this in the movie but I coined it watching because it's the only thing
Starting point is 00:59:47 could be a killer that species that that specializes in a specific type of YouTube video called let's kills and he gets someone and kills them on the internet and people are all into it weird sickos and then some every day guy just somehow gets into it gets involved into it and they both admire each other's work and then it all coincides to the meeting and the sickest YouTube video ever just vicious you know Asian crime killing sounds good okay so it's not fighting it's more like there there's there's some hand and fighting here in there but it's mostly like six serial killer torture stuff yeah but it was
Starting point is 01:00:31 still really really solid and the guy that played the Japanese the Japanese dude and it's really weird because the Japanese and the Burmese guy they don't speak one doesn't speak the other language but they both speak English whenever they meet they speak English to each other yeah that's actually pretty accurate it's accurate in terms of like why would I know about language but I would know English why not and it was really really good like if you guys remember I saw the devil I'm gonna talk about that it's very similar to that so it was really really intense but it was still like quite good and the guy that
Starting point is 01:01:03 played the Japanese guy was like the main stupid site like sci-fi I am from Planet X baddie from like Godzilla final wars right he has these arched eyebrows that are the most arched anime eyebrows ever and as soon as I saw the guy published here I'm like oh yeah from Godzilla final wars so that was really fun to watch watching people eat on stream these days Asian internet talking about that girl who can eat anything well I'm the genre she need a truck yeah there's that girl but then there's the whole dude that's a whole genre of like watching people eat yeah there's a vice thing I record time I've
Starting point is 01:01:44 watched one of them and found it bizarrely compelling no no and I don't get it and I don't like it but I was like I keep okay just away just based on how much I don't like the sound of people's mouth chewing I can't I do there there is something too obsessive like hyper obsessive detail oriented mediocrity that I can kind of understand and the big stars of this stuff all deck out like giant gourmet like tables really yeah I can't understand why anyone would want to watch some guy try to go to ghost pepper that's ridiculous no no that's a totally different thing I know you do anybody here go to Wimp
Starting point is 01:02:35 comm no my girlfriend does okay they had of this they admit like a year ago they had a video and it was just a guy laying bricks was a guy literally like building up a brick wall okay like a contractor and he had his spatula and he had his fucking mortar and he was just doing it it's like a fucking 30 minute video of this guy building this wall wanting to get shocked and entertained and you're watching one and he is and he is just very expertly all right like building this thing that with the repetition and there is yeah a weird draw to that who's and you this is just switch that yeah to whatever mundane
Starting point is 01:03:17 tasks you personally like I feel your entertainment like your desire to be entertained decides to respect and wants to watch that instead you know like it's such a just click and see the completed wall no it's about play a game it's about the consistency and like this is getting there to actual YouTube videos of paint drying yeah like I'd rather watch paint dry that is becoming real over time just don't get it eventually FF 14 will just transition to that I I also don't get it like I like I can see it in the distance I can see me getting one day we're all just gonna be watching videos of maids recording their
Starting point is 01:04:05 cleaning on go pros well and that's that's the kind of video there is a high likelihood that that already exist it's just it's just simply called killers speaking of in the distance though I also watched the marble Hornets movie no no kidding there's one called always watching a terrible Hornets tale or story I believe I fell off a marble Hornets movie of different characters but it's still it's a fair budget I'd say definitely better than the web series but it continues officer and jumping point off the web series and it's like kind of like a little bookend it was pretty solid actually see Slenderman
Starting point is 01:04:47 way too much damn it that's the best part of marble Hornets but it's still effective when they kind of show it up it kind of ramps up it's basically three reporters that find the story of Slenderman and then it actually is the perfect justification as to why would you have a camera all the time right Slender through a camera and that's why I put a tweet saying alright so I watch always watching a Sunderman story I then start swinging one of my axes just in case because he could be there and my camera is not I wish I just weren't scary so I could finish watching it it's I didn't find I know what Gary too much
Starting point is 01:05:30 web series was far scarier than I needed to be less scary what a wild level of fear yeah yeah you have the most specific level of fear ever I don't know what it is but somewhere somewhere above Freddy versus Jason and what Hornets that's a white that's very wide I know but somewhere in there would really help so I don't want to find a better benchmark a lot of people ask me is this actually good and you know solid acting and there was decent special effects there was a budget and I enjoyed it but it wasn't reinventing the wheel I love Slenderman still he's cool after you watch it you might be like I'm good
Starting point is 01:06:16 for a while though I'm there right now but I just love the internet made a new man I also think I told Willie and I think Liam or maybe all of you about a show called episodes that has Matt LeBlanc yeah and I just finished the third season it just got added to Netflix and it's I didn't know that it was written and basically created by one of the main creators of friends as well I now totally understand it but that show is basically Los Angeles 30 Rock it's it's a real good insight and how like a particular industry works there's lots of funny things what industry just you know in terms of not not movies per se
Starting point is 01:06:59 but just business entertainment entertainment they hire a new guy to take the network that Matt LeBlanc is on and and he's like sweeping and making huge changes but no one knows that he's actually super done balance and he's on 50 different drugs okay and he just comes in one day and he just goes listen you know what's unpredictable zombies you never know what they're going to do and they go oh so you want a zombie show no we need to be zombies we need to be unpredictable and both if you're watching one of our drama shows the cooking show should start in the middle of it a woman should just start cooking and then
Starting point is 01:07:38 one of the bad guys from one of her hour-long drama should shoot her for real and then the police we only know what's going to happen like well how are people supposed to know what time the show is on it's always on it sounds like a great network and I and as he's giving this feel like I actually really want to watch me know all of the shows on a single network like what so what and he's just like listen so then we do that and then our news anchor comes on and since we're the only ones that know that this man got shot in real life he after we paid will be the only ones with the story and then he's like so what do you
Starting point is 01:08:23 think and jumps up on the table and says what do you think my army of zombies and cuts to all of his shit being moved out of his office right that sounds like LA it was really really like I watched a good season a really nice thing is like says Matt LeBlanc plays Matt LeBlanc and people go I love you so much as Joey and his stalker gets over him and he goes I'm done right like his stalker is over with him and she moved on he's like I'm fucking done because they did that in Flight of the Concords yeah the one fan gave up on them it's the saddest thing ever it's so sad and then he goes it sucks though
Starting point is 01:09:07 because when I looked in her eyes I saw the crazy and now I look in them and I don't see anything and the person's like that's a good thing I guess give me another shot of vodka and it is now LeBlanc is really amazing in it because it's specifically for one moment where he meets someone's someone and takes them to his house has sex with them brings them back and they're like why'd you have sex with my blank the sister daughter or whatever and he goes like it's literally he's such a scumbag but he plays himself and he has all these actual actual problems and the one thing is that like NBC wants you for this
Starting point is 01:09:52 part and he goes oh great NBC you know friends they want you to read for it and he goes what I worked for them for 12 years but they want you to read for it I'm not reading I'm not like why should I have to read well listen they'd have to dig up Lucille ball if they could they'd still have a read to see if she's funny still they're like no no you have to read any he actually walks away and says no I this is insulting I'm not gonna read and walks away from the part of a lifetime it was actually one of the most shocking moments of the entire thing this sounds like an alternate universe or actually no this sounds like the same
Starting point is 01:10:32 universes curb yeah just yeah just like there's two towns over yeah yeah and it makes sense because it's like Larry David Seinfeld and then this is the guy one of the guy the the second half of the duo that created friends I like this trend honestly it's really it's really good funny bits if I haven't seen it it's new to me and the other thing we just quickly is that I read some I read some comments I talked about how I was finished starting or finished a Batman court of owls then I finished a night of owls which is the kind of conclusion lots of people recommended like just the court of owls shit is awesome and it's
Starting point is 01:11:12 really good but it kind of has an unsatisfying conclusion where it's like hey I kind of beat the bad guy but he could be out there still and everyone is telling Bruce that no you beat him super hard and he goes no looking just looks around and then there's an owl floating in the air and I'm like okay I mean flying floating flying okay panel he's actually floating okay just making sure tell and I think I showed wooly a panel of it where they had a character that was running for the mayor of Gotham and he looks exactly like Bruce Wayne and at the time you're like okay which guy is which because why would you draw someone that
Starting point is 01:11:59 looks like Bruce Wayne next to Bruce Wayne I was actually confused about who was talking I thought you meant the panel where you've got Bruce standing in a tux with all the robins and it just looks awful yeah like Bruce and tux and all these boys in the tux and he's just among them just like all right he has a big function in the next room yeah there's all these reporters and shit doesn't look it doesn't look great it was actually really good an artist that that drew the this entire run of new 52 Batman was Greg Capolo which if some eagle eyed viewers will recall is the guy that Tom McFarland hired to fake his
Starting point is 01:12:35 own art style on spawn when Tom McFarland was tired of drawing it because Greg Capolo drew it a very very very similar style to Tom McFarland and the art is actually like the stronger component to the writing still really good but the art was like really really strong I was actually really impressed with it because this was an artist that I was kind of like and you just you just kind of ate Tom McFarland style and whatever but I was actually really impressed with their art on it and I also read IDW's relaunch of Ninja Turtles which guess what is probably where some of the faux paws of TMNT
Starting point is 01:13:12 Megan Fox remember the thing of TMNT Megan Fox where I was I was actually a little kid in the research lab that's the worst part but it's a little different where the turtles age is accelerated where they learned everything in a year and a half they didn't grow in the sewers for 15 years from being turtles and put explosive mutagen to being full-fledged mean green fighting machines was a year and a half doesn't that mean they're gonna die by the end of the fucking comic doesn't that mean April's a little girl no April was is a student at NYU and she just did some extra classes in this research lab so
Starting point is 01:13:54 instead of being a child feeding giant pizzas into the little turtle she didn't feed anyone pizzas she didn't name them okay like the movie that dude that god that like one four minute bit in the middle of that movie it's just like the moment where you just throw up your hands and just like fucking start taking off your pants there's a little bit of it there's a little bit and every page of this comic and a lot of people recommend me go watch it it go read it it's really really solid and every page I read I'm like oh my god this is so cool this is awesome what a great spin on this character like you know why Rafi why is
Starting point is 01:14:25 Rafael so pissed all the time I don't really know personality right yeah and this Rafael actually got separated from the entire group when Splinter took them he just washed down a different drain pipe and he lived on the streets by himself not learning ninjutsu that also explains where he picked up his accent so the entire front end of the comic is like Splinter going there was a fourth one of you your other brother and then really we have to find him so the entire life cycle of the turtles is finding Rafael who never even knew them which explains why he grows apart from him and he's got that weird
Starting point is 01:15:04 thing and he has the toad right yeah right you know and I was like that's really cool yeah they're all happy go lucky and Leo's like a dude gooder and he's like man fuck you punks pretty much and Rafael comes into the fold he's like fuck you punks right you know how it's actually like on the streets yeah that's a good rational I come from the streets and I'm like that's really good but then one thing and I don't get too far into it but the the biggest thing about turtles that as a kid and and growing into it all I ever had a problem is there's two origins do we know which origin I'm talking about movie origin comic book origin yeah and comic book and
Starting point is 01:15:41 cartoon or cartoon or cartoon origin cartoon origin was hamato yoshi yes touch some rats and turn into a rat which even as a kid I was like that science is sketchy I don't believe me in gene works like that versus the movie origin which is rat watched you in your cage performing your kata yeah and learned and when he was the sickest rat ever the sickest rat ever and this takes an uh and in the movie was slightly different if you remember regular rat find ninja book insures how to be a ninja ninja for dummies ninja for dummies and this it's a another thing totally which connects the two I'm not going to say anything other than the words of reincarnation oh okay it's another like whoa I don't know about this that's a nifty idea
Starting point is 01:16:36 but it was me it was different long mysticism in there yeah and I'm reading it's really good the archery how many shredder decapitations does this comic feature I I I have the first two volume shredders even appear krang appears what's crack prank yeah and he's the coolest motherfucker ever is he got that big dumb robot looks like shit no he looks like uh he looks like um uh uh uh mr x in re2 on board I gotta get yeah yeah yeah how many people does Leonardo kick instead of cut uh uh that's a good question first fight is with mausers so he cuts all of them okay my guess and also splinter cell splinter cell splinter cell splinter says don't fucking kill anybody I will fucking murder you if you kill a goddamn person
Starting point is 01:17:25 and then Leonardo just goes okay whoa and he's like that's the only other weapon I had if I could choose I'd give you all both stats and nunchucks which is hard to kill people with and he just doesn't want to kill anybody it's a really nice spin I'll continue reading it I thought about the first two volumes they call them blunt weapons except for Leo yeah there's this really cool character that they introduced really early on which is their main antagonist for a while just asshole alley cat that was attacking splinter with an immune around him and he's this asshole alley cat and splinter cus he's immune now he turns into immune and he's this big buff cat guy his name is old hob all right and old hob is like oh fucking hate the turtles saber tooth
Starting point is 01:18:10 like saber tooth basically he's very similar to saber tooth where he's like yeah like he like licks sounds like what you're describing yeah alley cat especially confirms what uh so did you did you see and or forming any any opinions on the all-new all different marvel um after you told me about it I looked at the lineup of I think Avengers and I was like this is a shitty fucking group I I think I think it's interesting what they're doing but I'm biased I'm not sure what they're doing because uh the main cool thing is they show off uh well old man Logan's there and then you got x23 in the wolverine costume fully taking on the role and that that that that supports both of your fantasies well kiss looks x23 has been a slow boil yeah and then it then they started pushing her
Starting point is 01:19:01 a little bit and like the first time I saw her was in the comic nicks right where she shows up as just this super fucked up street kid yeah and you don't know anything about where she came from what's going on and whatnot and it's like okay where are you going with this oh it's the only like clone slash spin-off uh um um what's what what sort I'm looking for uh offspring type character yeah that's not embarrassing and cringe worthy it's like they're actually doing a decent job with it then she gets put in you know um marvel and then in um ultimate marvel and and so on and so forth and it just gets pushed to the point where it's like okay now you have a wolverine replacement that's not fucking daegon or whatever daekin daekin god you cut up the punisher and the
Starting point is 01:19:45 punisher turned into a zombie that's the coolest thing that happened with daekin though so you know I'm like yeah I support that that's fun that's a that's a cool idea I want that pushed and you know what that could possibly possibly get her on um fox's x-men claim maybe if you enhanced people yeah no if you have uh the the uncanny um in humans or whatever right they're calling it and you go a whole other route with a different cast of non x-men and x-23s wolverine then you could fucking make that movie if you want it she's not an x-man they can stop they can't stop Hugh Jackman said I'm done like after this last wolverine movie yeah whatever the channel well yeah but he's like contractually I'm done and he's like I want to play the character forever
Starting point is 01:20:29 but yeah have have have x-23 take up the mantle in the movies after that if you need something different for the mcu then make something different and I hope that's what they're doing and I told you and Liam about this but I went to a restaurant uh because there's a huge street oh this is a good one yeah huge street fair happening down the street and I can't believe it's closing such a mean there's one weekend at the same time too yeah but this has nothing wrong with you all streets don't matter yeah but like uh usually the street for uh street sale is closed for three days it's closed for 10 because it's Grand Prix man I guess so it's Verdun had one too like all over Montréal it's every trip cars come see the cars yeah I went around I looked at some stuff they have
Starting point is 01:21:11 pomegranates on a stick no pomegranates mangoes they're all shaved and weird but we went to a texas barbecue place and we didn't know about this place until like just this past week called the ice house and and they come in and you just have a bare picnic table no utensils and then they go what do you want and they go what where's the menu he goes I'm gonna tell you the menu the menu is fucking this it is bourbon and lemonade that's the drink we will bring you some right now and you go wait wait and they're like it's coming it's already being made and it's like some of the hardest strongest shit I've drank it's probably like that uh that thing you said bourbon bourbon there's no mincing that and they just plunk it down you go okay well what can I have you know the
Starting point is 01:22:00 tacos you can have the fried chicken or you can have the ribs and and what else do you have those are the things that we have they're being made right now and I'm bringing them out to you which ones do you want like which ones do you individually want to want I'll have all the ribs and then tell us what you don't want to yeah it tells you don't want and they brought a giant plate of nachos which is probably the best nachos I've ever had because it's the farthest from Doritos I've ever had it's the weirdest corn like chips ever they're so good and we ate them in like one second there's seven of us and they go okay so here comes your fucking ribs get fucking ready and we're like what is happening they're saying this verbatim pull out a uh a brown paper uh peter
Starting point is 01:22:47 a giant sheet of parchment paper and put it and the guy slams an upside down metal bucket and lifts it up and you eat the fucking thing off your table there you don't get plates you didn't like the filthy animal you are and I had the this is that Oreo's tweet rock the rice yeah I had the best does he say oink oink when he puts the bucket down you had a french accent so maybe not but it was in the top five of of ribs I've had and brings out this this fried chicken and then goes here's corn bread and here's some bread that is mostly butter but we put some bread in it and and and I I I had as much as I could reasonably have because I know how much I can have nowadays where I'm like this will fucking make me sick and throw up later but you too much but I wanted you had some of it you
Starting point is 01:23:38 hadn't reheated yesterday to be fair it's pretty tasty it's pretty tasty and um the ice house and we're all trying to figure out what the fuck is that name mean it's in Texas why would it be the ice house that we didn't see a single shard of ice it's messed up it was a really really good meal I think next time we ever have where is it it's like literally two blocks so oh no kidding yeah if we have like when we went to that meal to that Asian place yeah let's go right after the podcast I don't think about that because I need a year oh okay right I ate you're still some of that left in you it's still I'm uh I went to the bathroom earlier so well that's it for but I think that's it yeah except for one thing uh one like a byline you know me and will he be blood born holy shit blood
Starting point is 01:24:21 born is good yeah man it's fucking so good early candidate for game of the generation that's so absurd to say is it hope yes is it but you can say that about anything and we say that's hope you read your trophy descriptions to get your plot yeah fuck's great isn't it please Christ that game is obtuse I'm a kid now I'm a squid now yeah honestly honestly like it's it's just a weird experience when you're playing it in a vacuum of knowledge yeah um because these games are absolutely meant to be played with the community day of release supporting you and you going online to share your experiences or whatever and getting something spoiled I think that's a way to play it I would say that's the intended way because there's stuff that you I don't think let you okay yeah we sweet
Starting point is 01:25:11 or they have explicitly said that is the intended way here here's tears to play those games I if you disagree that's all right but the old actual workshop how does one I found it by falling remember I did everything except I missed one um they look okay if you I went back to the spot I found you look super easy really really carefully in that spot and you're not just looking for the way to get down you can technically see also past TV brightness is super low no that's you can no because you I was thinking about it because even on my screen was really dark but I was like yeah I see you no I went and look you can it's visible um like TV brightness is perfect and and making contact is something that that was absurd I did it what do you want me to say like no and it's like and it's
Starting point is 01:26:00 like playing like the older games like eternal ringing stuff without the internet was fine you know like I disagree very I think it's the way to play it is is shitty because it's like no I I prefer playing it this way and there's nothing wrong with Liam Liam I'm not saying the way that you are playing it is wrong there's so much that I look at it as that it is no there's so much that I look at and go like oh that was you know explicitly stated and commonly understood intended way to play these games is as a community going to go sefka as soon as possible because the game says you can go there now and then it's like no wait you're actually well that's what I did exactly it's like how would you know you're supposed to wait you know what I mean or not little things
Starting point is 01:26:45 like like that like it's just there's so much that or like even the the one with the um just finding your way to Cainhurst was like like you didn't walk to the right but it's like I don't I don't like the idea that I have to go on the internet when I'm playing a new game and be like okay how do I like how do I get the things I need to know that that's not that's not the intent the intent is that you talk to say say we all played at release all three of us relatively in lockstep the intent is not that you go online and look up a guide the intent is like oh man I was in your Hargul and I found a fucking boss there and I found that if you do this and then I go oh wow really cool did and then later on I'm like oh I did that and then I was able to talk to
Starting point is 01:27:30 Jura and he didn't attack me there's no intended there's no intended thing I want here's what I want to say if things in the game are meant to be missable and of course you discover them however you discover them whether that's through multiple replays or whether you're just so godlike that you get everything on your first shot or whether you talk to a lot of people or rely on the online community things in the game are meant to be missable that's that's what that's the only statement I'm putting down and remember Liam you also like fucking like swear off any of the online shit a hundred percent yeah what I mean you know like do you even read do you even read the messages no I turned off yeah see like well like your position is so extreme on the one end no one is
Starting point is 01:28:15 criticizing you for playing that no just I didn't even know it just when he opened and said the way to play it and I'm like come on like yes there's multiple I believe that like for example the way to play that game is to use like the message system that's in it okay that's because that's be fair to say well you're nuts Liam and move on but just like the whole like no no this is actually why this is supposed to be this way just feel that is why it's supposed to be that way I just I like I said I feel that it's made to be difficult to find everything on your so that no one person either get and like you know in an era of games there's different ways to get to your hand so much yeah it's souls and it's what a thing where it's like you there's no hold handing so you have to
Starting point is 01:28:58 if you're a person that needs help you have to go to a community and say or you what is this week or how do I get that that's one of the things that I like about the witcher so much is that they do an in-game version of that and it's like I don't know how to beat this enemy at all period like every time I fight it it fucking kicks my ass go to the store buy a book about it read the book go in your bestiary and fucking read and go this thing's weak to this and then do it now with that said uh the game is obviously fucking awesome and going on the hypothetical story that fatty video is proposing yeah that's really cool yeah I like the history of yarnum and all that shit if that's accurate which seems pretty saw he's been getting a lot better it's just like throwing
Starting point is 01:29:43 up text descriptions yeah items on the screen I just I've seen like um there's obviously the a lot of people that feel that like there's no gospel there's no one true gospel well no never there's never you know what I mean so yeah so keeping that there's never a once and it's it's very clear like you see things together you got to see this because you did ds2 first and then this where it's like the ds2 one feels like it was written with holes in it whereas this and the other and des and and dark souls one feel like it was completely written and and finished and the whole backstory was there and then they just fucking ripped parts of it out and said no that part's missing you just don't know if you kill master willam you get an eye but I am like why would I kill him
Starting point is 01:30:24 he's yeah why would I stab that guy he's just got to chill him you know yeah but yeah there's you know you get a room that gives you plot details fuck okay you know what I mean there's no no incentive to murder this old man okay maybe you're not crazy about the possible game of the generation thing early contenders like it's the kind of thing where like when demons and dark came out we didn't yeah no but now that like okay it goes on the list it goes on the list it's a candidate yeah okay that's what I feel all right so that's our week but what about the world's week the world's week um yeah I guess we might as well start or e3 happened earlier well we some of it let's start with the big it's leaking out of it yeah it's cooking it's cooking I'm watching I'm
Starting point is 01:31:10 watching an announcement cook right now what do we know what's live breaking right now let's let's let Matt see and see what he fucking thinks so go on with your first story this is a very weird way I can't tell you anything yet yeah just go on just tell me what it's called that you tapped on I don't want to spoil it for Matt because Matt this is no spoilers in real life okay and you are fighting it I'm doing it live on the podcast Liam there's no but nobody knows you're ruining it there there's there's a guy in the way for me there's a guy in the cabin and he's making uh some type of oh shit it's Turok it's Turok game it was just in there oh that's just fucking sick so Turok see that was worth it wasn't the last Turok game terrible no no it wasn't it was all right
Starting point is 01:31:58 John Turok it was all right all right yeah it's not reinvented the wheel but it was it's not a candidate for game of the generation is that a follow-up to John Turok I don't know it just said Turok Turok so yeah it must be a continuation of the of the previous one on the dinosaur stabber dinosaurs here we go stop feather dinosaur that was de-confirmed by the way yeah you're right it's true never sleep least type of things ever all right let's go to a big hype thing follow up for yeah fall for it's good the least surprising announcement ever my mom asked me if she saw that if I saw the trailer what surprises me about it is that it wasn't announced on the 14th of June no that's not surprising at all that's what's surprising because they don't want the
Starting point is 01:32:46 fallout for announcement to fucking kill every other announcement that comes out of that press no sure but I thought they would want to do it at their press conference yeah they're gonna do the gameplay demo with their press for sure yeah so vault 11 yeah dude whatever like there's tons of vaults they all have a different gaming this one's probably gonna be like cryostasis because we have a bunch of pre-war shots that the character supposed like like unless that's a really cool intro that's the second time anyone's ever talked about cryostasis on our group in our group whatever that was the plot of rage uh that's true but um the the immediate backlash to this game is so justified because it's like yo that game looks like shit it doesn't look like shit it just looks like
Starting point is 01:33:29 a Bethesda game you all forgot like what Bethesda games look like it looks fine you people have been looking at fucking modded Skyrim for years and you forgot it's not pushing but not pushing next gen no no this next gen I mean they can't be pushed I mean it is in the regards of like how big the world is but you're totally right graphically it's not the first Skyrim trailer showed off and I was just like holy shit because he's got his bow and that's my response the shadow response to that was that was all fake animations and that you're remembering it wrong because that trailer looked like shit I remember being more impressed you go back and watch that fall out three trailer like the first real trailer that thing looks like shit yeah and that's fine they look the games look fine
Starting point is 01:34:15 that's not why anyone plays them when they play them so they can stand on a whole mountain and go I want to go there but in terms of this not not being across gen game being purely oh it does look like an exchange being currently Jen it does like this look the the absurd statement is that this looks like a high res ps3 game or something is absurd like it looks way way way better than fall out three well and this game's like this game's particular announcement and the the kerfuffle about how it looks is being hit really hard because Witcher 3 just came out and that game looks and plus everyone knew this trailer was going to come out everyone was anticipating it so there's no shock just a lot of hype you're going to take place in Boston that's cool yeah down by the habba
Starting point is 01:34:59 so like uh and that's let's accompany it with the confirmation from the community lead that said it's absolutely not coming to 360 and ps3 good great so that must have been okay that must have been tags in the metadata just to bring in more searches keep posting on gaff and just yeah that one of the tags or something yeah and people went through a site code and saw ps3 360 and started to freak out it must be like they must work off template sites something so uh what's really interesting about this setting is that who here played follow three matt did i did you remember the quest called the replicated man yeah talk it's the best quest in fallout 3 what is it good it's the one where you're finding that android that's like wiped his memory yeah yeah it's not it's not the best
Starting point is 01:35:40 in fallout 3 i think it's my favorite was uh whatchamalain oh yeah that's the main story quest yeah that that i think it's pretty close but i personally they're they're like but connect okay it's at worst the number two quest yes it's amazing and that story is about the institute and the commonwealth and the area of boston that is all cyberpunk because that's where MIT was and MIT survived the war and they took the single most interesting lore thing they did with fallout and said that's where the new setting ran with it yeah that's which is great yeah because like Bethesda and obsidian clearly have very different tolerances and approaches to how to treat that fiction yeah of course and every time like they basically said like everything Bethesda does is gonna be on the east
Starting point is 01:36:25 coast everything obsidian ever does is gonna be on the west coast so that the gross the if you don't like something in the capital wasteland you have to have give as many more as uh but this is actually really really interesting i think going around the trailer itself is that i saw like you know some people were like really excited but when i watch a trailer i'm like yep these are all things that i saw in previous fallouts and like it was like look it's dog meat i'm like yep dog meat that's a dog he's been in three and in new vegas there was rex who was a cyber dog and like since between fallout three and now we have didi who's super much cooler yeah in phantom pain so it was like a lot of people excited for that maybe it's people that are like yeah on the peripheries don't care about no gear
Starting point is 01:37:12 don't care about other stuff and just fallout fans we've had blade wolf in the meantime and blade wolf two so when i looked at the trailer i'm riley like that yes actually he just did it riley opening the mouth yeah this announcement trailer was the best like oh look oh i feel it okay i'm gonna hit the button click on the topic and i'm gonna see it and there it was it was that fucking dog dropping that off it's not like fallout's been dead for 20 years when it came back it's been like not having sequel yeah it came out like six years ago i saw i saw the thread and i watched the trailer and i felt about the same way and i was like can't wait to play it yep this trailer was kind of it's like you know what but this does not very good at telling stories they're much better
Starting point is 01:38:00 at building like land masses that i want to crawl across yeah i fully expect the main plot of this game to be terrible but the side quest to be cool not like in the premium price tag attached to it what is the i don't know if this is only in canada but it's not only ten dollars more expensive but it's twenty dollars more expensive it's seventy nine ninety nine that's probably canada so well usually it's sixty nine ninety nine for everything in canada so i need to i need to i remember seventy nine ninety nine but i'm not enjoying that back in then sixty everyone remembers i bought zoey too for ninety two dollars with tax we've all been there yeah no go dig up any of your old zealors flyers and yeah yeah it's a fucking price tag why would you fucking catch us media um i always keep my
Starting point is 01:38:45 there is one thing about this this preview trailer that is worrying and that's that the character speaks yeah your character should not speak like and that was a thing that fall out three tried to do where it's like okay you're going to be your own created character but we're also going to give you a family we're going to give you like world spot where it's like maybe they're going a little bit more shepherd with it i guess but it's like man like two and one two and new vegas like hit it perfectly it's like you have a weird new vegas hit it the best yeah and hit it the best like you have a weird non-specific name like uh the the vault dollar the chosen one or the the courier and the reason you're here
Starting point is 01:39:34 doesn't matter like you have like very little setup at all and then whatever happens in the first 10 minutes like that defines it and it's not your family it's not like new vegas is the guy shot you in the face and whatever character you were before that guy shot you in the face you have a really good reason to go find the guy that shot you in the face yeah definitely and to have them try and like even more fall three and shepherd it up to uh no uh i i'm not sure i feel about it either yeah so i just checked by the way yeah it is 60 in the states 80 in canada what so and i and i did the conversion so it's just cheaper by ten dollars to buy an american copy yeah it's fucking that's that's you want to buy a digital in which you don't have a choice yeah exactly that'd be
Starting point is 01:40:18 insane it's like yeah well he's not gonna grow space right now because i can't hear his gross face in terms of looking at a trailer like gaffa love four but i'm like still more interested in seeing the new doom trailer yeah i'm still well it's because fallout four like we knew we know exactly what that game is yeah already and awesome great excited and like that that moment that they're running towards the bomb you're like god damn it they still have those shitty running animations i cannot believe it i'm running animations in terms of your first person shooter with a third person it's it's it's the arms that are the worst because they have the tiny little baby jog and their torsos that game here's here's my prediction that's gonna be the fucking
Starting point is 01:41:05 attempt two of the steam mod shit and now i'm anticipating this tarot game yeah yeah because good fucking tarot is stupid trot's dumb that's why i appreciate you indulging us talking about our fallout well that's fine man it's a game that's on my list i just haven't gotten to i own my own the mall you should just wait for the fourth to play zero i mean i own them all matt i just haven't moved okay like if you're i played threes beginning a lot because it was intestine here's the deal and people are gonna fucking come at you on twitter when i say this so ignore them trust me seriously matt you said something about this willy you haven't played either of them if you have to pick one of them play new vegas yeah it is dramatically better and matt you said i should
Starting point is 01:41:51 probably play new vegas you should and like i know that you're not great with long games but i like fallout three so this shit deserves it it's kind of fucking deserves it's written better it's got better time it's avalon and soyer and i'm fully know i'm fully informed it's just a matter of time yeah you have to pick the slot yeah of where does this go but new vegas is only an 84 on metacritic so let's not push it too far didn't get that bonus now exactly so and you should play it on pc willy yeah so you can fucking fix it okay because i i i he has a ps3 i have a ps3 copy guess what it costs like four dollars i got to see if you if the choice but for you is to play it on console because you have to because you own it or to play it on pc i will i did this for a friend of
Starting point is 01:42:43 mine i will literally buy it for you and i will also write up a mod guide tutorial for you to get the important work together to get stuff at necessary go to your house and do it for you this is how much i care about this game how many mods are we talking about you haven't played the game at all all you would install is like two convenience mods that make you run slightly faster and stuff that sounds like cheating no no it's not it doesn't shoot no it's to make you like run slightly faster to cut down on time in particular because there's wide wide open so and like the the the bug patch ones yeah like the the community bug fix ones okay like that's it don't the enemies have a harder time hitting you if you're moving faster no you combat in that game doesn't matter
Starting point is 01:43:27 okay there you go uh and fell out so the third fell out which removes the tinge from the the screen okay the third most important story this week apparently now that torox out of the bag is the steam refund system yeah it's uh it's an interesting system so this is um i guess the deeds yeah i get i i i feel like it's you know steam can't possibly wash away that controversy enough so unroll roll out the the ideas and the concepts that you know are gonna give value to the consumer steam refund system is uh now and it's an automated refund that is not automated i checked i i spoke to people there's a human being there there is a human being that has to it's just someone vetting them okay it's not like well the the way they're they've announced it is
Starting point is 01:44:13 that you can now request a refund of nearly any purchase on steam for any reason uh maybe if it's a game you bought by mistake played for an hour didn't like it whatever reason it doesn't work number one uh issue a refund um and stipulations are you have to have played for less than two hours within the first two weeks within the first 14 days of purchase yeah that's fair so seems super fair that's as fair as it could possibly be pretty much yeah that's that's uh i remember when i was talking about this on twitter i got a lot of people saying well what if i tweak my settings for two hours in witcher before i start to play well don't do that if you think you're going to if you're not sure if you like it just you're uncertain and there's a lot of indie developers that are
Starting point is 01:44:54 like kind of freaking out exactly because um um i want to say that like i feel like this is a bit of a it's a non it's a manufactured game journalism blog uh issue but you're getting it's something then reporting on some some games one game in particular is beyond gravity the game is less than an hour or it's just over an hour long that's a mobile game and uh he's been and like he had 13 out of 18 purchases in the last three days refunded so like like for sure like it's a concern but like you know i think as long as your game is good you should be fine um and by good i mean like like really good not broke and also uh 13 out of 18 but we don't have any other information as to why those were refunded or why they were bought yeah but you yeah because i i watched the gym
Starting point is 01:45:40 position too and you see the chart drop so there is absolutely a demonstrated objective change there and it's like um okay like the the big fear is like people are going to buy my indie game beat it fucking refund it yeah or almost beat it or whatever get their value out of it yeah and while that that will happen there is a percentage of people that will do that yeah but the fear of like everyone doing that is absurd because people who are willing to go through that amount of trouble to go through this refund process with lots and lots of games they're just gonna pirate shit yeah like those those people don't even factor in the same announcement page does mention that like um you know the steam's gonna be looking at for abuse of
Starting point is 01:46:25 the system yeah which is great have you have you tried to refund 50 games one in one month exactly it's usually the fucking and i and i wouldn't be surprised if you know there's perhaps a checkbox when you're submitting games that's like is your game possibly beatable within two hours well the the only thing i would or do you have refund concerns i was thinking of like what kind of like fix you could do to to assuage like concerns about returns for indie games which again will happen but you know um and the only one i could think is having a hard limit on how many times you can do it per month if you could only return like two games per month or something like people wouldn't just be buying to be like uh do i like this or you know and that and that
Starting point is 01:47:06 shit should kick up to like 30 during pixel if you feel that you need like let's say more than five refunds a month you might want to consider another hobby because you're clearly not good at picking video five is probably too many exactly but they did say what situation would you ever be in if you back in my day you rent a game you're stuck with it for three days yeah they did say that if you buy something uh and it goes on sale and you return it to buy that's okay that's okay yeah yeah you know what awesome yeah so i deal i only in microsoft have been on that boat for a while too if you buy something before a sale and you call them they can they're like oh yeah hold on well you were getting fucked with that quite a bit recently weren't you no that was with retail releases that was like
Starting point is 01:47:48 that was retail right now that being said ideally that process would be automated yeah in that like if yeah if something goes on sale within seven days of purchase it should refund you the money that being said it will never be automated because having the losing money having the one extra step cost them like a bunch of like saves them a bunch of money yeah a ton of money uh this is great it's great it may or may not be to dodge like a european legal intervention and and you know like i said the the uh the issues that are happening with indie games are not unfixable yeah so again i i i really believe in the having a hard limit per month on returns like i think that if someone's dead set on being a shit about here's the deal you can tell there is
Starting point is 01:48:36 very likely a hard limit we just will never know what it is you know what that's true internally there's there's an a it's like guys look at the thing if this guy has six returns in 30 days fuck him or if like a certain percentage of your purchase and uh congrats uh steam has now caught up to origin and gog in this one aspect yeah this was the one thing that origin just absolutely mop the floor with steam and it uses the exact same like timelines and conditions of two hours over two weeks which really makes me think it has something to do with that european refund law probably where european refund law says like no these these are the these are the things that's what you're allowed to do i don't we don't like EU doesn't care that it's digital it's like
Starting point is 01:49:20 you have to offer remake it work yeah they just need to get that gog galaxy feature in where you can go back to old builds dude it's fucking amazing like if a witch or green patch came out tomorrow that fucking broke my save i just hit a button that says roll back to patch yeah fuck it's so good uh so i'm excited i'm excited oh no no don't be so oh no but you're off what's the catalyst for your excitement i don't see it i see in his face i have found the new tim rogers oh really i'm so and who is it so uh for those who don't remember tim rogers is one of my favorite video game he's mr time to create he's he's no he's not he's not time to create he's not start to create he's not start to oh that i'm tim rogers is mr 11 page catamari damas she review in which i talk
Starting point is 01:50:11 about catamari for four paragraphs and talk about sleep on someone's couch and some shit it's and talks about japan for the rest of it yeah um i know where this is i love his writing fucking like pretentious hunter s thompson want to be asshole writers yeah in the industry talking about bullshit like video games that don't even require that love it do whatever it so the man's name is calling campbell here we go what did he write he wrote the best rock band for preview oh my oh god oh on polygon you have ever seen yeah he's fucking you yeah so uh rock band four is doing a lot of the things of the fun things you want it to do it's almost missing the words i guess maybe i don't know uh wow wow holy shit wow you want to write out what i yeah what an amazing piece this motherfucker
Starting point is 01:51:09 fucking he's doing it's perfect it's perfect like within within lines within like i think the first paragraph or two he's talking about standing at the party not looking at the rock band four set up and discussing politics in the philippines so with his fizzy one this is great the crux of this the real yes the real the crux of this is that this particular writer doesn't care about rock band and was sent to cover rock band so he decides no but is that real yes but why that's bad so yes that's because there's more here because it isn't just the writer it's whatever editor said hey you like rock band no well fuck it you're going to see it anyway and then the part where they took this and read it and said that's okay to print yeah the copy editor that said yeah let's
Starting point is 01:51:58 run this fucking garbage so again in case you didn't catch it let's run that back liam said this was up on polygon all right so this fucking article is so good because it's just about him not wanting to be there and vaguely glancing at rock band every once in a while saying if these are the things you're interested in i guess that's cool to you but then again all video games are pretty stupid really okay but this is why this is why i ask is this real because a preview or a review will come out and it'll be about the game and there'll be something stupid like some comment will be made or some ignorance will be exposed or some person will say hey man all these gigantic awesome kick starters are ruining all the shitty kick starters and that'll be one point but this is about a
Starting point is 01:52:45 completely different subject and then they talk about a video game i can't believe that any one publication would be so fucking stupid it's a no that's not a work it's it's been it seems like a work there's no work on this is published like 20 works in the last month so every week we're talking about another work that polygon publishers and when i say hunter s thompson want to be i specifically mean like a bad that hipster asshole that wants to write about his experience instead of the reason why people click on the article i don't know maybe find out about rock band review the products or tell me what it is not review it preview so so after reading about his his yeah it depends on one this interest in being at this event and how he'd never be caught dead standing up there
Starting point is 01:53:34 you know how he'd much rather be at a toast master's event that's why it sounds so unreal like why didn't you send an actual person here's the deal man these people exist and are real i can't tell you this that i from talking to people i know that have written for publications there's often a list of emails that everyone sees a shared inbox and then when something is not clicked on for a while they go look someone's got to take it yeah that's someone's got to take this you look back to that's how you got a successful who got first this last time all right well this time you you look back to like you don't you don't get the old game spot days and it's like i think alex navarro reviewed a monster hunter
Starting point is 01:54:17 game okay and like how did that happen and doesn't know what monster hunter is and gave it like a seven was like i guess it's pretty good or it's like another guy that reviewed chant man and it was like what's a chant man somebody's got to do it yeah but surely but in this surely in this case at the very least you can i don't know maybe just do your job or tone it down a little right tone down the disdain back in the day egm had uh chrispen boyer i think and he's like i hate any game that's not a video game and he was sent to review endless ocean bullshit there's no video game here the best game of the week three out of ten and then people are like but this is the best ocean game ever and he's shut up this sucks yeah like my only problem
Starting point is 01:55:06 with this is that now that people notice this the guy's getting shit for it and like i know you want more i want more oh yeah i want him unchained i want to get off on this shit this feels like a strange patch coverage i like exactly it's it's because it's like i can't believe that someone's so full of themselves that they were right is getting distracted here's my review of daisex human revolution but it's actually the description of my bowel movement this morning as i as i sprayed my butt hole with vagrants rosewater a true human revolution who asked cheeks divided um so the best part of course that's a terrible story the best part of course is the follow-ups yeah right so we have the good old boys at p4r yeah more this i have to
Starting point is 01:55:54 say but i went to a follow-up for press event and ignored it because i didn't feel like writing about it is is is the article to go read it's it's not even it's it's just swapping names it's the like the thing before ours writing style is the unexpected straight punch which is why but that's why like and you know what i have you have to credit cracked yeah right kind of cracked i feel like they started their work type of writing and then onion and then yeah our which is exactly the unexpected straight like that exactly there's no twist there's nothing real life trying to keep it up and then you go to the comedy website and you get the straight when you expect the hook oh there's a new one e3 officials say e3 disappointment room will be twice as big this
Starting point is 01:56:43 year so you can write that any year yeah every year gets bigger just republish it last guardian's coming out dude this year i don't understand zero this year's half life three oh this year we're going to get your live sorry three hd so that's required reading and then your second piece of required reading is an open letter to journalists who don't give a shit i think i read this which is a pretty good actual response which was basically do you fucking job oh yeah and so at the site tired this guy wrote up what essentially amounts to do you know how many journalists would kill for that position for that position for that ability for that exposure and so on and so forth for the opportunity to cover us a game and just give their actual impressions on it
Starting point is 01:57:29 you piece of shit do your fucking job yeah you know and then and then and then it goes on to basically you know just explain like there's all the thing that you and i talk about often where it's like there's just a lot of cynicism in general oh yeah and it fucking sucks because man i'm right here because video games are great fun center even with my absurd cynicism even i am not the fucking forefront of cynicism yeah right you know and it's just let's celebrate what's fun yeah about video games when it's worth celebrating yeah definitely now you're crazy that's the game why are you saying so crazy and like and the guy and the guy shows that like a thing of him writing up an article for um what's the genre it's like sieve but it's
Starting point is 01:58:21 like even more for x for x it where it's just like countries with flags and numbers of them european for x oh that's that's world champ who said his manager and he's like i had to go cover this and i had no idea but you know what he was talking about crusader kings i think and yeah and he's like i fucking did it and here's a picture of me hanging out with the dude the people and i don't know why i'm here what's going on but i'm excited to be there you know why because you're like okay i don't know shit about the genre okay i'm gonna go in with an open mind okay hit me hit me with your weird marriage simulator in the you fucking do okay what all right i'm here oh i don't know what i'm just right yeah i i strongly felt that i brought this attitude over to when i started
Starting point is 01:59:03 doing video game testing i felt that if you really liked fighting games you should be put on testing on the fighting game you would think people that like there is a story should be the only ones to test champ man and if i wanted to test the first person shooter because i liked them you should fucking let me yeah there's a story with those like the forex games like the dude goes like it's impenetrable i have no idea yeah i think i'm out of my league here man and they're like you know what that's okay and that was it okay it was like i can tell you that this is not what i want to cover yeah it's like when he started when he started his job his boss was like you want to cover this he's like i don't know what that even is man right okay and that's it we'll get somebody else and
Starting point is 01:59:48 that's all you need to do you know no coverage is better than bad coverage yeah honestly shot i'm shocked that this made it to the page like that's the part not that this was written not that the mistake was said the wrong guy i'm shocked that whoever is in charge of throwing it up on their website said yeah it's a good article if the bad if the non gaming banter was anything less than politics in the philippines yeah it wouldn't have yeah you got one i still feel it's a work they think everything's a work but it's so ridiculous how could you be so fucking stupid it's easy no matt you've met stupid people but not to that level that so you know it's not a work what oh he's got face what's the catalyst of this next story
Starting point is 02:00:41 i don't think he even knows about it no no no it's actually kind of cool um i see what you did there i see what you did there the the new kickstarter for perception what's that oh it's not a work the the game sound and shit you made it seem like this was a bad story yeah you were making a face yeah no no what's the deal uh it is by the bioshock team oh i saw i saw this this gameplay looks like it's an fps but you're blind yeah you're daredevil you're using echolocation not by the bioshock team by everyone that worked on bioshock except for ken levin meaning like the main level designer of rapture the guy that created showdan okay like it's this all-star fucking team the atlases that held up irrational did you see what happened where
Starting point is 02:01:27 there was that uh great story on kotaku where an indie developer who was developing the same game had to come public way early and be like we're making the same game oh no and we're not ripping this off we're gonna keep doing it but we just have to let everyone know we're not ripping it we're do yeah and they contacted these guys making this game and and they both have different up they talked a bit and they both have different approaches it seems it's the same thing of like you're blind it always comes back to the same thing the radio one of the most complicated pieces of technology that was invented in our time was invented in two different places simultaneously baffling simul fits a fucking way how do you even use a radio
Starting point is 02:02:10 with no other radios and they both made the same that's crazy yeah wouldn't it suck to turn on the radio when you invent it and there's like people talking already you're like what no like you tune it for the first time ever you do in fact here the endless abyss of space yeah that's what stack is it's space yelling at you unintelligibly from its massive impenetrableness so this kick starter looks cool it's a first person game where you create sound and she has a she has a staff a little bit in front of you and she hits the she hits the staff and then she pings yes my my only thing is i wish that the way you ping the world or you you uh um um echo do echo did your echo location wasn't like slamming it and creating that echo i wish it was
Starting point is 02:03:04 more like an actual blind person walking where you get the tap left tap right tap that's you're gonna say i wish you used a microphone yeah oh god but you couldn't know i just just walk forward and have the tap tap tap tap you can't really scroll it that way if it was just by your footsteps it would be hard to when you want to do it versus when you don't want to do some people and some people uh some blind people do um like uh uh with their mouth that's like very rare but super rare and that's another thing that works so it's like different methods would be interesting but there's also a mode that says no there's a mode that they're gonna point the game no uh staff sure sure there's all these little things that they yeah it's just it's just that like
Starting point is 02:03:47 you know like blind people don't walk around a house occasionally slamming the ground yeah and then go okay now in terms of a game it makes sense yeah and and one of the things that they show off in the very beginning of that gameplay thing is that uh pipes go off pipes make weird noises yeah and the character she goes uh fucking pipes that's gonna throw me that's gonna mess me up all day because like yeah and like visually it's represented as you can see the pipes through everything yeah way over there super visually confusing it's like okay this is super minor trivial thing you gotta have the pipes stop making noise because it's totally messing me up yeah it's good i like it and then satan attacks her it seems to be on track to make its funding which is more than i can say remember
Starting point is 02:04:29 the black i was just gonna say the other group of irrational former people that left before bioshock infinite finished i mean there are other Kickstarter that kind of failed spectacular that was really unfortunate that was really unfortunate but they're all these games we can get their original bioshock ridiculously high for what they were promising which is something that was very niche yeah but i'm glad that this seems to be making it and it's like it's just like a really you know novel concept and a good team experience making a cool horror thing like sign me up so i chip some money into this i'm looking forward to it plus the the the main bad guy i think pat called him satan yes again again the character designer of this creature is design showdown i feel
Starting point is 02:05:16 like we're back in Kickstarter season because uh there was a time last year when we were going oh man oh geez and then it faded away and now we're going back in which i oh my god there's so many yeah yeah i think so i i when i look at my managed pledges and i see seven i've got a bunch that are still a ways to go um so there's that the kingdom come deliverance game put out its technical alpha holy shit that can you run it yeah cool good i i can run it kind of i feel bad for the other backers with shit pcs because they can't sorry what's the catalyst of this next story what do you know no while we're talking about trying to force it while we're talking about trying to force it through the trailer for real make what dropped today for what is that which we
Starting point is 02:06:02 should call it you call it re0 hd oh wow zero make oh re0 had no is not a remake like remake is it's just a it was completely it was made that way it was made that way so this is just re0 hd congrats the worst mainline resident evil game is getting a rerelease which which one do you hate more code Veronica arena zero zero wow really code Veronica is great i just don't like it zero's all right like it's not like it's not as good when i talk shit about code Veronica i still think that's one of the best games of all time okay it's just compared to like re2 re3 re1 in the in the trailer i saw that there were moments where they cut to jill and wesker are there actual like wait what in the in that trailer like little flashes that must be jill that must
Starting point is 02:06:49 be another flash for you see wesker and i'm like was that because okay jill has like jill's not in the game no period wesker is like the plot of re0 is it was described to me once as William burkin and albert wesker have the lamest saturday night known to man yeah because it is burkin from re2 and wesker from everything just standing in front of a scary we're watching watching the main and like nudging each other and then being like oh somebody's got another real mansion we should go do re1 and be good instead of this piece of shit re0 is kind of terrible it's it's all right i don't think it's terrible it's just dull there's a way worse resident evil games yeah but he said mainline i said mainline there's a reason you don't include shit like gun survivor because that's
Starting point is 02:07:37 just hot trash no re0 has three main problems and they're really bad one is all the enemy designs are fucking terrible yeah they're all super super shitty one two is your partner uses up your ammo if you let them shoot yeah which means you turn them off shooting and never shoot but then they just stand there while you die you couldn't actually play it in co-op right no never and then three and this is the biggest problems like we want people kept telling us we don't want item boxes anymore we don't want the magic item i want to be able to pick up an item and if i'm full on my inventory just leave that old item on the floor so what ends up happening is you end up using the main lobby and the main computer room as an item box that can't teleport items anywhere and if you
Starting point is 02:08:20 get to the dead factory at the end or whatever the fuck it's called and you realize oh i need that grappling hook that wasn't useful for the first eight hours of the game i gotta go trudge all it was a noble attempt to try to fix thing and they did it all re item management a lot of people hate it and that's fine i personally like it to the item boxes were unnecessary evil this game's item management is painful it is terrible also a main girl seems way more helpless rebecca other yeah rebecca's the most helpless of all that's why the hero she needs billy to save her that's yeah straight up billy cohen's the shit and because billy cohen is the one cool thing about that game has now never reappears train levels pretty neat for yes train level with the cool with the moving
Starting point is 02:09:06 animated gifts and billy's awesome and re zero also has one of the biggest jump scares ever where i play i was playing at my friend's house when i came out originally and it literally scared the shit out of me like i was poofed her yeah i pooped myself all over and it scared the shit i mean i'll always remember it for that but all the pets like things like the one the one cool enemy type in the game is the proto tyrant because it's a tyrant that's falling apart and that's just a re skin of an existing enemy from a different game and also much like resident one resident evil two uh re zero is vastly improved by playing it through the umbrella chronicles mode i was about to say like the the umbrella chronicles and dark side playthrough dark side real carcass playthroughs
Starting point is 02:09:47 that we did that's the experience that i'm happy with yeah that's what you for re zero absolutely so here's what's going to happen re zero is going to come out and do not nearly as well as remake because it's not nearly as good of a game and then capcom's going to say well i guess you guys don't want these remakes of these i we were going to do already too but i guess you guys don't want it you failed the cap it's going to happen tonight in our scenario if i was right about the re zero wasn't i they were going to make it yeah yeah if real comes out in like two or three months i'd be like oh yeah no one's going to want to play more of it so that's soon it's just coming out in like next year i think there'll be enough demand that it'll do okay i know they'll do okay and really
Starting point is 02:10:31 i know the capcom tests better than anyone i like monster hunter for fuck's sake like i'm i'm i'm not convinced that they do capcom tests anymore i they do explicitly said that remake was a a huge test it was at and it straight up and it passed but i mean this now the second game yeah they said straight up when remake came out we've had a lot of people talk to us over the years about remaking these classic games and hd and we're and then it came out i was like oh i guess you guys really want it look forward to more hd classes in the future and everyone oh it's going to be fucking here's re zero coming in and re zero's gonna bomb in comparison to fucking remake because it sucks in comparison to remake and they're going oh i guess people don't like the classic games as
Starting point is 02:11:22 much as they did it's the same every time every game you know what they did for umbrella conicles and fucking dark side but remember people don't actually want more dark stalkers they don't know that one's real that one's true remember remake remake was not a success remake the hd version was their biggest digital success at all so here's the thing i think that's enough to make somebody came out and explained it's like why didn't re2 get remade because re remake was a huge commercial failure and re2 remake was planned but they shelved it yeah i'm not shocked but it's gonna happen it's it's gonna happen you liar you were lying to me cry fives happening too okay that i believe then why would you believe that like because hey man because later man's
Starting point is 02:12:09 coming back hey stop did you enjoy re rev 2 yeah i did but hold on hold on the resume to remake has been hanging over my head and the people who cares heads since fucking like 2000 and when did remake come out 2001 2002 2002 it's been hanging over my head for fucking 13 years now and they have talked about it over and over like every two or three years it's the microsoft cares about pc gaming of catcom sure and every time they go well the vast majority of the time the only reason they talk about it is because people are asking for maker no but it's like so this is the time but they did you just boot up dark side chronicles and there you go there's no problem why would they want to remake a game sit twice that's great here's here's how much good here's
Starting point is 02:13:05 how it's so good here's how perfect not enough the dark side chronicles thing is for re2's remake i beat that game and then forgot that the re2 levels were in there they're there and they're superior because matt mentioned it and i'm like dark side doesn't have re2 levels and you see how they do and he showed me some of it i'm like oh my god they you do totally fight burkin in the fucking age right hallway what the oh because it sucks it's not what i want and it's a more tense fight way better than the original it's got a gun and you aim it that should have set down on the box it's just on the front of the box you got a gun and you aim it and it's sick now as you can tell i'm pretty passionate about this particular thing that happens and my cynicism comes from
Starting point is 02:14:01 repeated disappointments yeah so i will like cry if this game is the one that i want it to matter we're happy and part two of that they keep keep it rolling i'm waiting for spider borgs hd mega man legacy collection one to six that's a start coming well this is coming alongside the cartoon which is probably gonna come alongside a new mega man yeah so that's a notice notice they stop at six right yeah well part two come after that i guess unfortunately band aids don't fix bullet holes and capcom's saying sorry just for show i hey man i still wait what sorry what these don't fix but i can't tell you're being sarcastic though okay because you know they hired a new guy just to make mega man a success that's still a rumor oh really yeah they did i didn't hear about
Starting point is 02:14:49 that yeah that's a little story so job job job podcast man the guys the guys who do did the mega man board game or kick start yeah those guys yeah um they were of course in contact with capcom because then they got and they said at some point that there's a new guy in charge of mega man and and that's the guy who's figuring mega man it's ben judd so wow he rehired ben judd it's you know mega man they're like i bet yeah i can drive another one of these in a little ground i'm just going to echo matthew's statements on twitter and says why is this a way inferior collection into that we already got the one that i have on my shelf like input lag and shit the one with the less the more games it's got dude it doesn't play good though i think it
Starting point is 02:15:32 plays okay it doesn't the loading isn't no i would leave him on this one it's like it has to play perfectly so how come it doesn't have all those games so they can sell you more of them later yeah i don't know like there's like don't ask it is a good value 15 dollars for those six games anniversary collection was 60 dollars when it came out oh seriously it was not it was 29.99 oh was it i'm i saw people arguing oh you know what nonetheless it was one to ten to thirty versus one to six for 15 i still think it's so well not one to ten because nine to ten weren't yeah well we'll see you're actually yeah it was only one to eight for thirty versus one to six one to eight and power battles one and two and um um battle and chase yeah really battle and chase
Starting point is 02:16:14 i didn't know that well man like 11 games for 30 versus six for 15 is for the port quality basically yeah i just there's no real reason i didn't know i agree with matt here the lack of value compared to what they did before is a weird decision when we need to get more money on mega man see if people actually like mega man it's a cap content their virtual console games like like i know that seven and eight are kind of yeah because they're like a super nintendo and a piece of shit man yeah but like why isn't like because of that you can't really have nine and ten you can't have one to six the nine and ten if there's seven and eight somewhere and they look better than the other games sure but still if they're all old games at this point eight just
Starting point is 02:16:58 fucking do it fucking clown you know let's wait and see what's gonna happen and also rock man 14 all right it remember the soccer ball power from fucking yeah eight the games but when i first saw screenshots of mega man eight i i lost my mind i thought i looked amazing that looks super good the eight is the one that it's one saving grace is like the fucking doctor light narration in the very beginning of like immediately mega man like that fucking that it's that goes faster yeah it's not like that anyway anyway um so uh we've also got what's the catalyst for this next story the catalyst is the cataclysm or the attack on it yadda garasu yeah no it's finally coming out well the update is finally coming out oh wait is it i'll see right now July
Starting point is 02:17:47 7th the game is coming out July 7th yadda garasu was a fighting game that came out in 2008 but is it on steam no no then it didn't come out anyway the game of the updated version with the extra characters and the and the commentary and all the fun stuff is coming out on July 7th yeah and uh this of course includes the um fgc commentary mode yeah with in-matched commentary by ultra david james jenny his face is there and max a million yeah so that's gonna be fun okay it's kind of nifty is this the kickstart block yes there was an indigo go for this is this the indigo go for it is this what this is this is this is the game it's not a campaign this is the game just said it's an update no but it's an update to the game that came out in 2008 because i'm confused
Starting point is 02:18:37 about this whole thing in 2008 there was a game called yadda garasu period it came out it was a dojin fighter you downloaded it and played it looks like that's it it was just a downloadable game like akatsuki there's like there was like something like six characters any of those other things yeah the one we're still waiting for is legend of the raven okay the localization and then the callous was involved and so on is still involved yes so this is what's coming out now it's it's done it's shipping this is it the the one that will come out is the the even superior i'm just saying that like a lot of people seem to not be aware that like attack on cataclysm is an update to a game that's already out and downloadable yeah that's all good you can understand
Starting point is 02:19:22 how this is extremely confusing and a huge clusterfuck for anyone that's not in there it's really easily solvable with google i but anyway it's coming out and i chipped in 10 bucks for the kickstarter where's the fucking game it's coming out on july 7th okay the kickstarter the raven one no legend of the raven that's different woley steve they're not hooked up the kickstarter was for legend of the raven for the localization i'm pretty sure it was pretty confused no no sorry no i have it back i think liam's just wrong here because the game that we're getting is the localized version with english that's that's okay then what is the indiegogo for the indiegogo was there was a garassu attack on cataclysm okay just for veto there was no no it's ps4 xbox one and vita okay
Starting point is 02:20:14 and that's legend of the raven the indiegogo was yet a garassu attack on cataclysm which is the one that just came out so so here's what you're not out yet it's the it's the better version of yet no it is no it is the one with a publisher that's going to be sold separate from the one that was being started this better be the best fighting game of all time it's a pretty good fighter they're the same they're the same they're the same version it's the same version okay thank god one of them has one is localized one is not no they're both localized one has let's see let me just finish this localized game just like if i could just get to the end of the sentence taking you a while to do one version has a publisher that's coming out for consoles the other one is the steam version
Starting point is 02:20:53 that you kick started that's going to be available on pc yeah you know how mighty number nine has a console version it's not as clean and clear it's not for me don't you lie about that because the names are confusing it is a fucking name so the name of it is yet a garassu legend of cataclysm attack on raven yes and you can play the game on july 7 that's what matters here the game on pc okay all right what is the catalyst of the next story where the money anyway i don't know what we're talking about i hope he doesn't yeah for what it's worth get to the hole i don't know if you're aware but like the game has some cool stuff and was made by the archer fighters team the no the okay the artist is a king of fighters are a sprite artist the director is a third strike top player from
Starting point is 02:21:45 japan like these are due to know what they're doing style was explicitly designed around looking like third strike and it has like a parry system and it has a weird like um when you're getting hit with a combo if i tap the same strength button input that is the hit i'm taking i can minimize the damage okay so you can actually like it's not a combo but if you can read what they're doing you live long yeah it's a combo it's a combo just guard a combo softener yeah combo dampener yeah um anyway combo nullifier and game looks cool so they enjoy that the reason i'm so passionate about this is because i think nicalis is one of like the poorer publishers where when things get into their hands there's just unexpected delays and people never hear back from them and like backers
Starting point is 02:22:34 complain they never talk to you and it's just obvious their games are so what was actually confusing was when originally they said we're making legend of the raven for 3ds and then after a while they just it just got switched completely over to the other platforms that's where it was like what's happening with this thing but the one that was on the pc version was always a simple one track thing to release you know another game that they got their hands on which is remember there's an early kickstarter for called 90s arcade racer yeah to really saw a looking game and then they they completed their funding and everything and everything was on track then they announced like months later oh nicalis is on board and you saw this huge back laugh of everyone going oh
Starting point is 02:23:20 shit oh shit and then the game is still not out and it's been like two years and it's an arcade 90s racer it's not exactly rocket fucking science yeah they they uh their first game was was cave story right the first thing uh not maybe not the first thing but yeah the first time their names started coming around a lot was was the uh all the different versions of cave story what's the catalyst for this next story uh online shooter is revealed by squeenix yeah uh something anybody weird robots i saw the trailer today figureheads figureheads it's called so this looks like a hyper realistic uh robot versus robot shooter third person yeah third person free to play free to play online but it's actually about like anime people living underground and they having these
Starting point is 02:24:16 robot competitions chappy yeah from a distance chappy and they eventually become like competing they compete for like a whatever you know flame glory to kiss like their childhood that might be nifty but but that whole subplot of like the underground child robot battling tournament thing is just beneath this like realistic gritty robot appearance thing yeah veneer that's so confusing and when you mean robot it's a bunch of junk yeah it's a bunch of junk robot so not like japanese mecha style they're just like like hardware but you know it's new new ip they're announcing we're trying stuff out you know i'm really glad it probably should have been a squaring mix collective game first yeah sounds like really glad this thing is not front mission
Starting point is 02:25:03 online too or front mission evolved to that while speaking of front mission you want to move on to the next story then yeah let's do it all right they're making a new front mission game please don't it's still a rumor at this point still a rumor at this point yeah we don't know if it's evolved or not please don't be another fucking involved well the rumor is that it's developed by squaring mix in japan so the um silicon please more more two three and five and less one and four please and it always sucks to say less one yeah for any series but i haven't played one or two but i hear the two is much better so apparently three and five are the good ones and four is the not apparently the former uh well the producer is gonna be uh the same guy that was the producer on armored core
Starting point is 02:25:53 and uh he's a from soft guy from soft guy exactly so who even knows but obviously those projects are more like evolved than they're like the original front missions hopefully uh this is their surprise announcement they've teased for each of you this year like front mission five they didn't come out here i mean like if that's the surprise announcement like the only one well it's a could be a big one like we don't really get like triple a rpgs and r final fantasies yeah it was wow why yeah like i know double hyux did go with killer instinct but like i have like very very fucking like good reasons for like having that name make me go no of course um well again like yeah strider and killer instinct where there are only two yeah real hits uh but like front mission is like in a weird place because
Starting point is 02:26:43 like they never put out five here for like two decent reasons four did really bad because four is not good but also because front mission five storyline takes place in between every single front mission game at that point in time only three had ever come out in in like north america and from that perspective like front mission fives plot to an american audience is literally nonsense it's totally alien it makes no sense at all the first two or three levels are before the war in front mission one and supposedly it's the best one yeah that's why that's because it ties the whole series together and you find out the front mission three is actually like the third strike of the front mission universe also the graphics are banana yeah they're super good
Starting point is 02:27:28 the series ain't popular enough for anyone to get well hopefully hopefully hopefully yeah we'll see we'll see cross all them toes strangle the kitty what's the catalyst of this next story self publishing okay what about it who's doing it who's doing it who's doing it who's gonna be self publishing oh ready it done ready it done publishing their next game i wonder why they're gonna do that they uh it's like a sony was like you spent all this money well who knows they're big enough to make multiple games they hired a blizzard uh dude to be there so you're a really high up guy at blizzard they've got an able to announce cameras and they're going to be self publishing from now on yeah that's cool hopefully it works out for them and hopefully order two is
Starting point is 02:28:09 oh no they can't have order two no that's not theirs yeah that's not theirs no definitely uh the hopefully their next game is is can't can't wait for the next psp game paul sam's well other psp don't recognize it fuck crazy oh yeah it's so insane that they throughout all their psps you have i mean like you have to burn it just be funny if they have to work on the psp again no of course it's here because i don't know if any company that would just burn they're plugging in their their pc's yeah they're plugging their psps into the charred like blob that is the psp pile yeah they were they were insane with psp games they really were like i was crazy i mean and you know the order also is pretty fucking impressive in its own right so you know technically
Starting point is 02:28:52 absolutely well but same with their psp games right daxter's nothing right oh daxter's super amazing on the psp like visually yeah and the god of war games on the psp are bananas which is why they're like an hdb they got the they got to cheat on those though what was that company that we were freaking out about that was making the best gameboy advanced games we'd ever oh oh and the iron fault and the uh dev team or something and the soft and the dev team or something that was no dev something dev team it's still really weird it's like them and um what should we call it the the guys that suck at character action games like that no the guys that suck at ninja theory um it's just like yeah we're just soft publishing now because no one wants to own us but whatever oh hey man
Starting point is 02:29:39 i don't know if i ever brought it to the podcast maybe i did i don't remember but the hellblade developer diaries yeah you did not bring this to the podcast i remember speaking to you about actually turning me around dude i need to see that actual they are actually doing some interesting shit maybe it looks really cool maybe the literal presence of itsuno in their office like maybe he'd like maybe like some of the itsuno dust rubbed off on the furniture and like there's now they inhale the itsuno the first thing the first thing they're saying is like you have your complete move list and you have to use it properly to win the sword fights wait no the game looks really good your complete move list you it's like a fighting game you have all your moves and fighting
Starting point is 02:30:26 is like actually slow and hard so you never gain anything you i get i don't know what you gain because the game is being developed but they're showing on the fact that when someone says together you're completely new the symphony of the night symphony of the night you have all your spells just do them okay right um and it seems like you know the game is going to be something where they want to focus on you getting better at the combat as opposed to like getting something and the combat is like crazy intimate it's like god hand with the camera move up one of the things about character action game is you get a new it's not a character action it's really not it's absolutely not it's only take on things it is not a heavenly sword because every time i ever looked at one of those
Starting point is 02:31:06 developer diaries they see someone at their computer i just turn it off it's not heavenly sword it's not at all a character action the character it's an over the shoulder camera with a sword and it's slow okay looks really cool sounds interesting yeah hopefully they show some then some actual like yeah every time i've seen it it's been an over the camera over the shoulder like dev shot of a the featureless void no like believe me with a name like that my pants are down i'm ready to fucking drop chunks on it but it's i'm not even sure what that's yeah me and their i'm ready to shit on this game okay if this game is shit i'm ready to show those kinds of chunks yeah but no it's looking like they're doing some good shit yeah definitely there's there's two
Starting point is 02:31:45 trailers i would like to see i'd like to see a whole blade trailer or the power gameplay and maybe some modern all fast racing neo maybe we can get a trailer for that fucking fast racing neo jeez did you see the screenshots they put out that's the thing you see screenshots of the game this is the most incredible looking game for the hardware that it's on the way you by the way maybe we'll see a trailer in the next few years god i hope so that game's been what two years plus now and that we've known about it how fast is like when i feel like there is no genre more actively damaged by just having screenshots than racing yeah i feel this because like it's a photo of a car on a track fucking big deal show me how fast and in this one the screenshot just shows a bunch of
Starting point is 02:32:26 blur because you're moving too fast imagine you showed somebody a fucking screenshot of burnout three yeah and like and everyone's just like why does the environment look so shitty yeah well you don't get to look at the environment because when you're playing burnout three and you hit top speed the environment starts to actively melt around your perception because you're going so fucking fast no it's true um oh they're reporting as your drifter to uh we you yeah i just i just saw that that's cool uh what's the cat you want to keep that going yeah why not all right take this one what's the catalyst of this next story not having a we you but really liking splatoon what huh is this is this oh is this a what type of craft story are you are you bringing up some
Starting point is 02:33:12 guy made a minecraft splatoon mod really impressive because he's super pissed that he can't place because he doesn't have a we you and he just but he just loves the idea well do you just wait for splatoon to come out on pc so yeah there you go right behind it's gonna be in a bundle with blood born dude it's start oh yeah all right all right yeah really blood born's the worst of them all yeah i've never seen it the 50 000 signature petition to get an eye to obama was it was it like we do white house i have never seen any game have it this bad in blood war because it's not people complaining it's not people yelling it's people just being like man blood born looks really good i'll just wait for the pc version no it's not gonna happen a lot of people know that if you get
Starting point is 02:33:59 enough signatures contracts just yeah contracts just get disintegrated at the amount of signatures you know what i can't get mad at that anymore because yes you can and the reason why is because like you know what i i can't expect and i don't expect random random people to actually know where funding for a game comes from you know what i mean okay here's the deal like we know the industry we know stuff i don't know what expect people really and i got really mad about the bail one it really it was just you know what you're right coming to a point where it's like you know what they just play the games they don't know where i totally agree it's just a product i totally 100 agree with you and you're right that being said the blood born thing has been debunked by me
Starting point is 02:34:46 two people like a hundred times because and the same people go uh you know just like because i feel that's where the so the fury comes from i feel like if the like i'm the kind of person that would say oh i wonder if this movie is ever going to come to netflix and there might be some crazy background funding reasons why it could never happen yeah we just don't know that industry but how about the you turn on the game and it says fucking so the japan studio the facts are the facts the facts are totally the facts it's just you know it's it's a point that like when when the bail thing was so cut and dry and no one knew it was like you know what people don't know or care and and here's the thing or the ownership and the part that makes me the craziest
Starting point is 02:35:27 is the mass effect comparison because that's an easy comparison yeah that was published by microsoft studios and they did help out a little bit with that development but guess what even though mass effect two came to ps3 like a year and a half after mass effect three like it took like the entirety of last generation for mass effect one to come to anything else other than 360 or pc and that was the edgest of obvious cases that could potentially happen ever and in addition the souls games this exact scenario this is round two of the demon souls thing this thing has been happening for years and years and it's actually the reason why they'll exist i still see people thinking there's going to be a fucking demon souls port now that souls got popular yeah pc no it's
Starting point is 02:36:18 there's at least a precedence that when there's like a microsoft or an xbox one game it might come like d4 let's say yeah of course but like this pc it's windows i'm waiting for that uncharted pc like it's never ever to happen killer instincts a lot of people hold enough for that and that might again is like i think it's a microsoft game that's conceivable i don't think it's gonna happen but like there's no wall in the way of that i i the reason why i doubt it is just because it's so valuable to them that's the reason anything you'd want them to bring over they want to keep on xbox so xbox to be special and maybe maybe after so many years where a thing is dead i can see that still spencer said again how much we're gonna we care about pc gaming and windows it's like
Starting point is 02:37:02 that's what that taylor swift gives for fucking it's for that it's for it's for whatever microsoft talks about the pc every year since like what fucking 2003 just like we really care about the 12 13 years what did the halo one come out on pc whatever the fuck that was a year before that yeah is when it started and every single year twice a year whoever it is whoever's problem it is says oh we're really confused and they and they always should talk the thing they said last year yeah it's fucking well and now we can go and say well we put this nice thing on windows all your complaints are invalid because the best game ever on a microsoft console d4 is now on pc so yeah it's a start we know it's not a start it's a start it's the end i would at least believe
Starting point is 02:37:47 him more if that bizarre russia only halo online thing yeah at least in all regions you see that that's like fucking call of duty and halo like russian or chinese versions are nuts yeah they're they're fucking halo three or like uh no it's reach which one is it for it's three it's three or reach for for halo it's always fucking clown shoes and and it's and it's call of duty four for call of duty and it's just like every fucking map from all of them in one game it's a dream match it's the dream match of shooters and you get to like the call of duty one it's every fucking map from like cd4 to the modern era in one game with all of the mechanics china only china only free to play and if you want to play you have to fucking ip lock yourself into a chinese ip do all
Starting point is 02:38:34 sorts of fucking weird shit but the game looks so cool well if you did that then you could also play dragon's dogma online coming out august 31st when are they coming out here when are they going to announce the fucking local probably it's crazy how much of this game they are announcing before announcing it's like like the pc version guess what it's not for japan but i'm so that yeah why would you until until you hear that though get that chinese vpn out so why would you use a chinese vpn to go to the fucking dragon's dogma it'll work no they're so hungry japan ip locks all sorts of shit chinese id wouldn't work usually it's asia asia japan likes japanese games that being said for real though announce the localized version also those pc specs are hilarious they're
Starting point is 02:39:21 super low they're super low like five sixties the recommender something yeah you saw how the game looks not it looks really good actually it's very pretty but it's not like high-commented like woolly this is the kind of thing that you can run at like 180 frames a second at 4k no problem on your aft you remember when devil may cry can dmc devil may cry can out for pc aft long what's fucking how fucking we're fucking rich over here this shall be a fucking your duran man i was thinking of my nice my nice high school computers when we got the aft sorry all this talking is made me hungry like i'm like the five sixty is two video cards ago for me it's like three years ago fire hydrants here yellow wasn't even that good when i got it like nuts where's the catalyst
Starting point is 02:40:05 of this next story um thank you man the endorsement of the thumbs up everybody uh we're making this podcast yes uh woolly's woolly's seen something on the ceiling helen abonum carter helen abonum catalyst really okay oh really all right and then uh are you going to be in swenie todd too i'm throwing to you uh when woolly started me because i just saw this more meat pies more meat pies more meat pies for your swenie Todd uh uh james Cameron just went on record saying i just watched terminator genesis and i consider it the third in the series yeah didn't you say that about salvation james Cameron you did not i looked it up the only thing he said about salvation is that i remember woolly remember this is that uh james Cameron talked to mc g and said look i know you
Starting point is 02:40:56 were given the reins of this i don't know i have nothing to do with this but i have the right to fully hate your movie if i don't like it that's the only official statement he said and this one you know maybe they paid and mc g said get back to me when part four is out yeah did oh you didn't know no no terminator salvation was a part it was a quadrilogy was a quadrilogy yeah i know okay and yeah i know i know okay i know i'm just thinking of like fucking glad we finally got a good one in here apparently is it possible is it is it possible visually we all seen the trailer and we're all kind of basis for the worst is it possible that this is just one of those movies that the marketing just makes it look like total it could be it could be because he goes to james
Starting point is 02:41:39 Cameron and this little quote says all right so i'm in a dark room i'm watching the movie and the first 20 minutes is like wow they're playing really like you saw some of the trailers there's like identical shots of kyle reese putting on rebox from terminator one and they're like okay and then in the scene we all seen the trailers where sarah just drives in yeah he goes okay yeah and james Cameron goes so it goes on this wild swerve and i really liked it and if you like to i'm running this this is the line that kind of strikes me is like anyway like someone told them to say this is like if you really like terminator one and two you should enjoy genesis and i consider it the third moving their franchise not only shitting on salvation but it's shitting on rise in the shoes
Starting point is 02:42:25 as well yeah which is canonically canonically canonically a sequel that has existed in there yeah two terminator two so have you seen Cameron lately we don't know if he's crazy what if he said that and then the article neglects to mention that he was he's also the way what he just said he said okay hold on i'm way willing to believe the crazy factor or crazy old man thing or whatever but like it's james cameron there's no amount of money you pay james cameron to make him say the one thing that man made avatar he's fucking rich and in the article it's true and the article says james cameron is a guy that is so rich that he can say whatever he really likes he's rich to the point where he doesn't know what to do with his money fuck you all i have enough money to play golf until
Starting point is 02:43:14 says james cameron teaming up with uve bold to bring out rampage three avatar and he also he also said he also went on to say like i will never get these rights back i will never make one of these ever again there's there's i can't it's too gone yeah but so i watched this movie as a fanboy of this universe and i came away happy good and i hope is it the third and considers it the third rise of machines ain't no good what about the ride the ride i never saw the ride wheel 3d the 3d ride that james cameron yeah i never saw it yeah that was crazy shit it's better than those two that's not even a joke i've seen it oh it's not even a joke your whole scene but you'll see the edge huh yeah there you go so you know fingers crossed but still
Starting point is 02:44:04 waiting for a bunch of shit to hit us on the face all right that's life now yeah all right this is we've gotten older it's just become well and sit here and that shit's gonna hit my face oh there it is there it is delicious for these letters thank you we're actually doing it yeah all right that's okay anyway so uh if you want to make fun of woolly for not understanding the catalyst thing we've been doing the whole time uh send it to super best friend cast at what was that email it's uh the catalyst for sending us an email is super best friend cast at um and then your letter might sound something like catalyst like like i'm gonna no don't don't no no no i'm not i'm not i'm gonna bring don't tell woolly i'm gonna bring the
Starting point is 02:44:50 tension one way and saying that there is a story that you should be super interested in that has the word catalyst in it's a woolly story happened within the last two hours yeah but it's a woolly story don't worry so it happened while we were recording yes no no not what happened it was this morning it was it happened on my way here no don't google it don't don't let it sit no if you can't tell you're cheating then you can't guess how could i possibly have gotten to it was this morning i saw it before coming over here same yeah okay well i don't i'm not on gaff guys but you gotta write the docket and i do in advance and then update but i missed that one no stop i checked the news stop you're cheating okay okay i'm ruining you i the last news update i did was at noon
Starting point is 02:45:37 today so if it was not up at noon then fuck you yeah well yeah it might become what's the catalyst for woolly's whiny baby-ness right now it might actually if you're on gaff right now i'm gonna be so pissed this way actually become a story i hope i hope you're reading the e-mail mirror event catalyst yeah look you fucking quarter one i looked up nothing and look he's calling me and she's looking at my stream emails are right here is the first one hey did you hear about no no no no i know what you guessed yes wow anyway q1 2016 that was not fun so it's called two catalyst or just catalyst it no number it's a reboot so it's just called Mirage catalyst yeah exactly it's actually the catalyst of the future event it's actually probably the name of like some kind of fucking mobile
Starting point is 02:46:27 game but the no it's coming out they already confirmed it's q1 2016 i'm not i'm not i'm not crazy about that title but it's just a title so it's not some of us like we're the next time we have an equivalent even if it's for me don't give any hints just let it sit there and be confusing and have the podcast and yeah but then he's gonna get like any of us who would be in that position would get mad and get on their phone oh i go super nuts but fight you guys browse your gigaf while the podcast is happening you are checking the news while the pot well what if a big news thing happens exactly like to rock too meanwhile i'm trying to get the podcast going like what do you want but we're going to miss a million great stories tomorrow it's always a big why fight it right just accept it
Starting point is 02:47:12 um we got one coming in from twan and he wants to know what your favorite uh super free sound effect is in a fighting game his favorite is the loud x in super frees children of the atom i'm yeah and the level three supers in cvs absolutely um i'm a big fan of the glass breaking king of fighters shatter but the absolute best in recent years i think is in marvel versus cap com three yes thank you i was gonna say that too yeah so fucking good i don't i can't i love the choir beats the things you just mentioned access it's not it's it's not a very typical thing i was gonna say the same one is infinity i was gonna say the same one as you only uh but i just want like shout outs to not the best but i love the intensity of street fighter fours like whatever
Starting point is 02:48:05 sound that is it's like an airplane ultra it's okay it's it's uh yeah like an airplane turbine whatever that is it's intense honestly yeah like it's not as it's not as dynamic or big or flashy but i'm the big big fan of like the alpha noise just it's a very it's subdued as that yeah i like it it's good though and i'll even give a shout out to the reverse which is um the last boss from the 3d samurai showdown game his 2d version is in neodymium battle coliseum he does a special where there is no spark it's silence and the screen goes black cool and it's the opposite effect oh yeah we didn't talk about the dark souls three leak at all hey dark souls three leaked full lp confirmed day one no way dude that game it's got confusing shit all like five days i was
Starting point is 02:48:55 told to not talk about it until we watch uh what enb has to say about it probably should do that actually because apparently uh there's some more to it there's weird shit in that house of that initial leak pc release negotiable what the fuck is that it's probably my generalization error ghost swords uh the sun is melting it looks like berserk bosses change just make it berserk different bosses entirely heat up heat up honestly when i look at that that stuff and i see there's the dark area of an area and there's a light area it looks like what dark souls two is supposed to be yeah a little bit with the the ford and backward and time time thing no not like light and dark tendency or whatever yeah no not like that like the the area yeah no the light
Starting point is 02:49:40 dark tendency didn't change the area it would only change the enemies okay but it could be a tendency yeah sure could be you know um supposedly miyazaki directs it how did he direct it and bloodthorn tune it's not possible it's possible he's the president he can do whatever he can do whatever he's exactly he can do whatever he wants even if he's just like overseeing it or something it's even if it even if it was the other team who cares it's still going to be an amazing game lots wants to be double lots of pretty screenshots lots of pretty vistas and and this leak served on a silver platter to the guys with the fraudulent silent hills microsoft rumor last week yeah like oh um what's the shirt called again the guys uh the uh whatever
Starting point is 02:50:20 rooster tea yeah those brogues or whatever right i'm sure so no uh the the weirdest part of the leak was that they got into specific numbers about enemies and levels yeah weapon counts and boss counts and like that was weird and and the the weird part isn't even the numbers the weird part is the way it's phrased where it says 15 new bosses yeah it was that what you say yeah exactly why do you call it new bosses yeah yeah yeah why do you say like 30 new weapons are we gonna go up to fucking joto and then well i'll joke's on you this is actually dark souls one two i'd i'd be super into that yeah me oh me too yeah you get to the end and it just and lords run opens out yeah like exactly we're gonna go through all of dark souls one again but with the new
Starting point is 02:51:09 yeah that'd be crazy yeah and red is standing right there plague is so mad about all sorts of play just hates everything after no he's just like i love the writing so mad the man sequel you know there this is i hate bloodborne this genre is not going anywhere no it's not i'm still super baffled that no one else and he's trying to follow them on and i i want to say yeah but that was the amicobandai saying make this i mean they still did it but like there's two there's two you would expect that yeah there's two there's close no no there's not enough money there dude these games are selling like 2.5 it's gonna continue onward and it's going to be um the genre that only from soft mix games i guess they're doing like 2.5 to 3 mil which is great but like assassins
Starting point is 02:51:56 yearly does like seven plus i guess i guess i'm just weird i agree i wish for the the harmonics like nightmare of demon souls to dark souls three and bloodborne two all competing with each other that that's a utopia that'd be super good yeah it was super great for rock there's a there's a worked out for the rhythm games there's a phrase for that it's called embarrassment of riches rock bansal's rock bansal no no dark souls for dark souls for aro smith just take that name that's a freak dark souls for aro smith was way better you make a joke have you seen rock bansal's lego dark souls oh when you rock like this the guy who plays it with yeah not the guitar the drums oh guy beat dark souls yeah the dream and he had to rotate himself by tapping the two sides
Starting point is 02:52:43 i feel like that's easier than the guitar no the guitar has a d-pad at least the drums have a d-pad too yeah but he doesn't use he doesn't use this okay then go make a mind then yeah all right how about that next question it's crazy we got one of coming in from connor and he wants to know dear super best friends to your knowledge who is the second best boss in all of character action especially my second best because we're all going to say just spare us the entirely that version of version three that it's the lumen sage yeah but that's also too easy but it's pretty easy yeah if you want to get exactly a second best if you want to get interesting and then genre would be like there as well yeah oh uh the big generic thing in uh enslaved
Starting point is 02:53:28 on the dog you know that dog i think i think he wants to say what non predictable answer about the big fire spider that's in all the games phantom phantom phantom one devil hand phantom two okay let's make a rule for this question i'm gonna help connor out here well i'm gonna disqualify all human style bosses from this answer because that's not that's it's a race that's a rival fights is cheating it's a list because that's clearly the answer and i'm gonna put all of them as number one is nello angelo human yes yeah human sized rivals and to that answer i would probably say phantom phantom dmc one is amazing phantom is so good and then phantasmer and yeah all right uh also superfighter scrub lords was disgusting reducing spoilers to such obscure
Starting point is 02:54:20 ill-designed shamelessly derivative internet mugan-based fighting game filth is distasteful at best and atrocious at worst i wholeheartedly support the story that's right i i'm not gonna go with phantom actually i'm gonna go with uh gerginga and wonder gerginga yeah that's good that's that's good that would be my pick for sure i just think phantom's like it's always gonna be predictable yes oh yeah absolutely like and and there and there are mechanics that were invented in 3d with with phantom yeah like hitting the fireball back into his mouth we're stinging the fireball or the tail thing or staying like no i just love the like knockout brawl oh yeah no it's right that is like a four phase fight against wonder absolutely you're getting into wonder
Starting point is 02:54:59 gerginga and then you're and then you're not rolling a broken record player sis connor like it's amazing we're gonna say the same things every time i think the amazing fight against the guerrilla and asura's wrath is really strong it's a guerrilla it's also not a character action game but i think that the you're stretching this to sit on games i i think that in god hand uh the best fight in that game is again what's her name janis janet janet she turns you into chihuahua as her debuff and kicks you and you make a horrible chihuahua noise and it's awesome they had to kick a chihuahua to get that sound effect now you just make but it sounds like they did it was falling they did it you can't kick a chihuahua they just fall apart they're like little legos yeah uh we got one from alex and he
Starting point is 02:55:45 says uh i don't believe you've ever defined a schmup not sure how to smell it spell it what constitutes a schmup and how can a person be godlike at them oh it's a it's a radius or shoot or rovatron stands for it's playing playing games where you're the plane like 1942 or toho shoots them up because shoot the things going on set up technically camera horizontal screen i mean but the term was coin for like you know a plane i guess we just never explained 1942 i thought it was pretty common knowledge by now no because you know like kf sky stage where you play as a person like that's still schmup yeah still schmup no as you move either horizontally or vertically on the screen and shoot shit tons of enemies with a spread shot of some kind and get get power ups and
Starting point is 02:56:33 because all you're literally doing is shooting like uh that uh massacre game we played during mecha week that's a shoot them up yeah exactly or schmup you say it's schmup but like in our xbox is that we have shoot them ups are all designated under the same thing and there's third person one it's not twin-stick games yeah yeah it's it's explicitly not twin-stick games okay i think we're good it's good we got one coming in from baby legs a hula hand yeah uh dear shiny and chromecast yeah it's better for a development studio to have nearly unlimited resources like i.e. money and staff in order to create a game as big as their imaginations can take them or is it better for a studio to be limited in their resources so they're forced to find creative ways around those constraints
Starting point is 02:57:17 super good ultimately it's better to have less i don't know it depends on the idea some ideas will be better suited to having unlimited like some ideas will be better suited like you look at uh you look at the witcher series and that and that is a series that bears out this exact thing and that they did not have the resources to they probably wanted to make witcher three right away but just couldn't because fuck it's big like i think for like uh like a beat em up or or shmup as it were or you know arcade style games i think unlimited resources is completely unnecessary yes exactly um and and you might end up just like uh going getting into feature creep and like fattening the game up too much look at what happens to a lot of kick
Starting point is 02:57:59 starters that just go over budget and then don't know what to do right when you have uh situations like the bro the broken age one that occur um i think i think limitations help some game scopes there's uh it really depends there there's there was a lot of talk uh from the obsidian guys about this and it's in regards to the money required for voice acting people like voice acting in their games it's great to have voice acting particularly in your rpgs but not having like having voice acting be unreasonable in budget lets you realize that man you can do all sorts of crazy shit with your writing if no one has to say it yeah if you don't have to get actors in early to record that dialogue you can change every fucking line of the game up until the day before it comes out
Starting point is 02:58:46 you can add quests no problem you can change quests you can add more steps and like all the kickstarter rpgs none of them have voice acting and they have like generally better writing than all of the games that do have that voice acting except for maybe cotor 2 but that's because that game is pretty linear so they just had like a regular story that they could write around or each the game like freedom planet where you have occasional voice acting cuts yeah you have a fucking sonic game or that just the idea of having a limited budget limit i guess a limited time is that you need some sort of like you know finite limiters to say when something is done when you're like because if you have a limited anything who's to say when you should stop but that's why i think
Starting point is 02:59:29 it's unlimited's better because ultimately it just comes up to the the higher ups in development and say okay well this is our this is the goals this is the this and then you hit all the goals instead of spending your time figuring out problems related to we don't have the money to do that yeah spend your time fixing problems of like how should this upgrade system even work so i think i think and you know what i okay here's how about this you make a design you make an estimate based on the design and go this is how much this design is going to cost you throw in a bit of extra and then but you lock it there you know what i mean you don't actually have an infinite reach that you can do in throughout the entire development process because again like well here's
Starting point is 03:00:07 what he goes on to say um personally i feel is better when a studio uh has some limitations on their resources as truly gifted developers are able to take those obstacles and turn them into stepping stones simply look at the greatest video game soundtracks all legacy systems most know that's debatable that's a really fucking debatable he's got to go listen to near and the world ends with you my ff14 is great he has one of the best soundtracks ever in my life problems are presented in the creative process that's supposed to be circumvented to overcome through savvy means it's why no one liked getting incredibly open-ended assignments in school and why i like limits that's that's not true i liked getting open-ended assignments in school i hated
Starting point is 03:00:45 them i never did them i in order to force them to strive for a more unique i don't totally agree with what he's saying because like with unlimited resources and a tight design like you're just going to come out with a better game he's asking for two of the extremes he's not asking for yeah here here's here's the extreme you know unlimited resources and a loose design is the worst thing ever and yeah exactly no but as long as the team knows what the goals are unlimited resources is the absolute better thing here's my favorite example of this it's not actually unlimited resources but considering how it went down and functionally might as well have been it's re2 they had that fucking game like almost complete and threw it in the trash
Starting point is 03:01:26 because they could and said they're gonna get a whole fucking game over and they did but they could like could you imagine like now like a sassets creeds two years in it's like this game sucks throw out in the garbage you could never justify that expense because there's so much more money and time and staff involved you can't make those types of decisions but imagine if you could yeah of course but very rarely i also think there's some like revisionist history going on in there where it's like yeah there were a lot of old games that were great as a result of the tribulations that they faced that said there were tons of terrible terrible games back then way worse than the bad games we get today by well man up let's not include not including steam
Starting point is 03:02:12 the green light and that's just a complete i mean my de facto thing for that is like if konami said hey kajima make a game that you like on the nes which had at that time you know not that many restrictions but no they said make it on the msx which sucks yeah and can't show scrolling screens metal gear never would have been created the way it is but we can't use that as a fact point because that's like we don't know what would have happened you don't but i would rather live in a world where a guy was restricted to doing things and came up with a new idea to get around a problem rather than a guy that said that at that time would say do this do that you know whatever it doesn't happen this idea might be less i agree with you like that particular example
Starting point is 03:02:58 is great but you you can't ignore the what if scenario of the cool idea that would have been invented had there been no restriction but like there's no way to measure a person's creativity relatives that's why i think this is not an easy question if you could ingest cash and the results would always be like all the extra features in brawl that'd be fucking amazing right but that's not what you're gonna get every time and that's the problem i think brawl still represents one of like the most bang for your buck game like you could fucking get with like curbie super star in second place there but it's almost as if like there's not enough meat like the idea the content the the allowing of content that sakurai was given outpaced the actual gameplay like there's
Starting point is 03:03:52 so much extra little things in brawl but there's extra little things that have nothing to do with the main idea of four characters fighting a screen he added a bunch of stuff because he had so much time and money and intend to do whatever yeah but the money and budget actually outpaced the creativity on display in terms of the gameplay but it made it great game i don't know that the gameplay is still just as polished if not more polished than melee it's just it's just it didn't make it better no of course and those were deliberate decisions but those were deliberate like not and you know there's no way there's no way to help all that much and matt i agree more with your point in regards to technical limitations like money limitations we all kind of know what
Starting point is 03:04:34 those are yeah but getting around technical limitations like okay dude i can't the fucking system won't do this they want you have to figure a way around this like double me cry three with weapon weapon switching why can't you use more than two because the fucking engine can't do it on the ps2 and then when they release special edition they're like okay we figured out a way to do it with virgil but really it's just he only has one gun and he switches between three melee and that informed how that character went down and then you get to dmc4 and they go well fuck me on that limitation anymore yeah all the weapons all the stuff you go kingdom parts chain of memories yeah that that was muddy yeah like uh i don't know because it's like on you're right on like ps4
Starting point is 03:05:20 and xbox one and pc it would perhaps be less interesting because there's less problems but you know if you were to go to a developer who was making a game on like the 3ds or vita and say you have unlimited budget then they then they would you get both you know what i mean so like it's it's also up to the developer to pick a challenge like uh like arc system works who opted to not do sprites for guilty gear because they already had blaze blue going you can see that in their recent presentation of the public and they took on the herculean task of of making creating a new form of 3d this new this well this perfect perfect perfecting you know self shading so it's like it's also up to the dev lines to raise up to the challenge at john you know so it's a weird problem
Starting point is 03:06:04 because as time goes on as time goes on at least in the mainstream games that get released games get progressively more safe more samey more clones because budgets and limitations are lessen and you got i think we're playing something you know budgets are lessen budgets are bigger than no no sorry sorry but it sucks when an assassin's tree game can't go anywhere interesting because they already built the city stuck in this period remember we were playing something i think it was a mystery box and i said this was the last generation where people could just do dumb bullshit yeah and just play around because it's like the budgets weren't that high and there wasn't that much at stake and you get all these dumb ideas and some of them were great some of them were bad i mean the
Starting point is 03:06:47 explanations are really simple for that like b games aren't safe that's just objective so you pool all the money into one bigger triple a b game and then boom you get assassin i mean but then it can't you know it's it's less creative like no of course but again if you if you go to platinum and you give them unlimited resources oh finally you know what i mean like it's all up to the talent and there's their decisions to this isn't a cut and dry answer it's it's difficult but i still think the first thing is that yeah it's a project dependent man and you know and i've got technical technical shortcomings that have to be gone around are way more interesting than monetary ones i'm silent hill man everything about silent hill it's because the ps1 has shit draw distance yeah
Starting point is 03:07:32 like if you draw if you draw a line in the in the budget like yeah and you said um voice acting and like art you know first like things like dragon's car or whatever like that can have its infinite budget but your car came before so it requires like a hard yeah yeah and that might like a year a way to approach it didn't really matter good question though dude um it was made by like 13 people so this week on the site and on the channel it looks like we're having a full week week what this week i don't know what you're doing this week on the site on the channel what's next on the channel i think that this we're having a full um reset of content oh yeah okay yeah yeah so freedom planet does continue yes so not quite full but almost it ain't over till it's over game
Starting point is 03:08:19 game of thrones episode starts tomorrow or three yesterday is it episode four or three episode four four episode four part 13 oh okay i just i just don't know the bulletin sing that lonely island song i don't but blood born's over congratulations for finishing blood born thank you it's like thank you fucking a lot of work it's hard yep that game's difficult i know i played it that last boss pretty easy but that's second alert plus the real boss wow featuring daunte from the dillame christ series well dude i've been looping that song i've been so good that song i don't remember what else is coming on and of course the thing that started yesterday continues until sunday is holy shit fucking dinosaur holy shit what the fuck this is dinosaurs uh Jurassic Park week no feathers
Starting point is 03:09:12 here and no feathers here don't watch that latest trailer sorry yeah nothing but cool parts yeah uh that should have been the first trailer Jurassic Park we will conclude with uh very similar to our glowing review of ninja turtles in theaters august eight theaters july 12 uh june 12 june 12 through whatever so we're gonna see that we're gonna see it turn of Jurassic Park Genesis and then tell you if it was bad or not yeah it's probably gonna be pretty bad but chris pratt looks hot the general idea that there's no reviews yet which is kind of worrying oh yeah the general idea is that apparently people that have seen it and that were given like the okay to write their impressions on twitter seem to be good but guess what those are always glowing yeah because the
Starting point is 03:09:54 people who said it's sorry because the people who said this is a big pile of dinosaur shit are not allowed to say that it's onto the twitter you're technically that's a big pile of shit says Malcolm whatever face you gotta go you gotta go um and it's not actually uh this week but this is the best period of time to talk about it next podcast is going to be recorded during e3 and go up on the tuesday live during e3 um we are going to be recording the four major e3 press conferences microsoft sony nintendo figuring out all the math and the new pc conference presented by so excited by that by that one it's so weird oh dude xcom 2 got announced pc only what the fuck well i'm gonna wait for the that's dude i'll wait for the console that one explicitly they said we want to be on pc
Starting point is 03:10:46 so we get a procedural things and the consoles can't do it like i read it yeah excited anyway we're we're gonna be recording them and we're gonna be uploading them as quickly as possible so they will be going up as soon as we possibly can after the press conference but they're big videos so it could take a while but we do have to yeah we do have to render and upload and you know we'll post on facebook and shit when it's ready and those will occupy the slots for our three and nine o'clock videos but they might come ahead of yeah we'll put it on up as soon as they're gonna go live as soon as they're up but those are occupying the slots for our three and nine videos on uh monday tuesday and wednesday not wednesday yet one on monday at nine p.m one on
Starting point is 03:11:26 wednesday at three p.m yeah what's about tuesday oh it's got two three p.m and so no just just wednesday at nine then just no one's eight it's one time with cynical our shirt whatever because the pc one's at nine p.m i'll be here i am already so it'll go up three p.m for the years man e3 is my favorite week of the entire year all right i'm so it gets less you know i'm in love with i'm in love with e3 of it like it could just be news day yeah of course no no that's that's what it is it's it's been i used to be like it's oh it's e3 i wish i could go it is having gone away i know this is the only time of the year except for that playstation experience one in which i can get three big reveals that make me super excited within like half an hour and you usually get like
Starting point is 03:12:16 50 yeah gonna be nuts i mean we're gonna see the last guardian again wow we're gonna see shin move three you know it's like oh you're gonna be disappointing square index is actually gonna be broadcasting some kind of stream from the show floor and it's the most bizarre thing i've ever seen they're they're gonna pick one of the days for e3 and all they're gonna do from the fucking start of the day to the end is read the patch notes for the expansion that's it that's cool just all day well you want you want hey you'll you'll get the tidbits you want the patch notes get in here you click in it's like oh they're on monk abilities at the same time i'm like oh i can't wait for a punch out with you and rock writer and all this bullshit that won't happen of course
Starting point is 03:12:56 because that's half the fun that's half the fun e3 is about going ah and then you calm down oh my god they always say oh do you believe it yeah and then then proceeded by 30 minutes of pure silence and and and just like here and put you remember old e3's when they took the 15 minutes every single conference to put the charts up on the fucking board yeah of course it'd be like it would with lines and shit and be like and they finally just i fucking stop there's a threat on yoga people complaining that sony's is two hours this year have you tried watching one of the old ones dude they were three hours they are and they had an hour of filler they are unbearable to watch the fucking 599 us dollar shit was couched in front of and behind tons of boring shit yeah
Starting point is 03:13:43 you don't care about the quality of the presentation is insane now i can't wait till everyone adopts to just just do a direct yeah no condensate i don't want everyone to do it i want to i don't want to come on me to do it i i will be enthusiastic when they announce the return of mr. caffeine no it's i used to tell us here i'm sorry they learned that lesson they don't even actually care about that i just want to imagine team him and tack walk out together him tack and fucking cheney kennedy walk out and it's like we're gonna hey all stars all stars the tacks the tack left khanami so and then man that stands in the back and stares at the at their heads i got from what he's from vatra right it's just fucking fucking
Starting point is 03:14:33 awesome and i he had an interview and it was it was just like i didn't know the camera was there i was just looking off i told the side i didn't know it looked like there all right hold on no i'm excited for botch three if it opens if we get botch you want like nathan drake to fall through the world again like you did on man that's my favorite part like even the yakuza stuff it's my favorite part of that fucking press conference because all of us just go oh like it's huge live look immediately just feel like there over is a rare rare thing yeah i just i feel alive i can't pull no one's gonna have live demos this v3 live demos last year fucking upi soft with that it was that last two years ago it was before they couldn't figure out how to start their own
Starting point is 03:15:25 demo it was like i guess we'll see you later no okay we're doing it now or i thought you meant as me about the crash skyward sword tour that one was bad yeah that was the bluetooth shit looking forward to it oh that's so exciting oh yeah and remember like uh uh fucking dmc for a special edition it's gonna close out your week yep on the 18th that you're gonna need it hot off the announcement of dmc five that's the timing seems really really suspicious did you watch did you watch the the combo video contest by any chance no you should check it out there's some people the new characters it's no it's from dmc double maker rather than i'm fucking no great there's some cool shit that that that time period of where me and pat are sending each other like that elysium
Starting point is 03:16:13 music video for dmc three over and over again or like power strike that you would say our strike for like that part of my life is over unfortunately i just don't have it in me anymore well they had a contest it was really impressive that that moment came back with um what was it called i am were you or yeah yeah yeah the rew is strong really strong you came back for that because well desk never stopped yeah but that thing is art rew is strong i'm gonna watch the stuff that gets debuted at evo is the good shit yeah yeah it's uh man so good all right all right that's another podcast in the bag in the pocket see you next week because e3 will be happening and there'll be no weeks to talk about then so do boring shit it's gonna be a weird one i'll try do boring shit i'm gonna play
Starting point is 03:17:06 witcher three in ff 14 that's pretty boring yeah i want to be a supporter you you you you you you
Starting point is 03:20:45 you you you you you you you you
Starting point is 03:21:47 you you you

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