Castle Super Beast - SBFC 098: Who Trashed My Baby's Grave?

Episode Date: June 23, 2015

Post E3 shenanigans, ending with the Game of Thrones season 5 spoilercast. Special cameo featuring Billy!  ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's pretty nice, it's alright, it's dressed, it's been, it's too hot though, it's beautiful day, it's too hot, yeah, there you go, that's much real, what do you want, yeah, it's pretty outside, I don't want to go out there, on both extremes, you're just going to small talk, podcast listeners, yeah, I'm watching this, I'm watching this and hoping you just stop recording because it's a horrible box, well thank you Liam, because now that's how we get rolling, because I was about to, acknowledging the box is how we save it, it is exactly legitimately beautiful, I didn't, I just said that because I wanted to say it, because I looked out the window, I'm really happy that we as a channel have developed the fail
Starting point is 00:01:02 safe mechanic that the smart guys at like ONA and Jim Norton and Wanda have come up with where when you bomb, it's better, you call each other out, and you crawl over each other's body, there's no such thing as failure, there's only escalation, I'm thinking back to the early days in which there are like so many videos that I cut together that it's like that starts no good, like we're sitting there, like gotta get a good rolling start on this, oh we fucked up, okay that we've got, okay get a good rolling start and like cutting those out, it's like nah, should've left them all in, should've left them all in. Yeah, no, no, because the general thing is you're running, you try to make that high
Starting point is 00:01:41 jump and then you just, you sail right into the bar, and you go shit, how do we set the bar lower? Yeah. Right, I like that. If you set the bar so low that, you know, no one even cares, when you fail, no one even cares. It's really difficult to move goal posts, but we've had a lot of practice. Set the bar so low that your buck can take a child.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Exactly, you're getting there, everyone's Jamaican is really just fucking Futurama. Yeah, it's just Hermes. Yeah, it's just Hermes exactly, and or Hermes' wife. And to be fair, that line is from Futurama, so I couldn't say that in any other way. That's right, faithful listener, the analogy of this podcast is a small Jamaican child with a broken spine. The kid that makes a spine is a Jamaican, it's a white kid. Oh, I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:02:33 He did a Jamaican accent. He goes, look Hermes, I can be like you. No child. Fine, it's a small white child with a broken spine, are you happy now? I am ecstatic. That kid is dead. That's this podcast. Spinal fluid.
Starting point is 00:02:47 You don't die when you break your spine. Yeah, you will. A lot of people do. My sister broke her spine. Oh really? Yeah, totally. She's alive? Good.
Starting point is 00:02:56 She's walking. You're thinking of spine separation, paralysis, the hard one. Yeah, she got it good. She fucking shattered her spine doing gymnastics, they put her in a hospital bed for a few months, she's good now. Oh wow, okay. No, it's great. It comes up, it's always like, oh, don't say anything until what the person is like now.
Starting point is 00:03:15 It comes out. Until the update comes out. Do you know how much it costs to get it all fixed? Zero. Nothing. Being in healthcare. There you go. It's like there's always that moment of like, oh I'm glad.
Starting point is 00:03:25 You don't want to say I'm glad they're doing better now because the answer may come back that is they're not. I think we're all getting used to showing American waiters and waitresses where our birth date is on the card. It's in French, it's a bit weird. The numbers are in French. True. Dude, I love it.
Starting point is 00:03:45 I love it. Getting carded at airports, it's the best. It's fun. It's fun. It's like you're literally a kid again. Yay! Drinking beer like a child. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Hey everybody. It's a weird fucking log. It is, but what do you fucking want? What is this? The mood is weird because E3 happens. And like we were a little bit spent. But it's because we had time to let it sizzle. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:07 And now we can like roll up the toothpaste tube to get that last on zippa. Yeah, exactly. You know what I mean? But first we have to just step on it and jam it all out for the viewers who don't know what we thought of E3. Actually they know part of it. They know a little bit. They know a bit of it.
Starting point is 00:04:22 No, they know what we thought of the stuff with Microsoft because they heard the response on the podcast and they saw our live reactions on the videos. Yeah. So they got. But there's a lot that came after that. There's stuff that came afterwards. But the stuff that we've already covered. There's like games that were not shown in the conferences.
Starting point is 00:04:37 Yeah, exactly. But there's 10 minutes, 25 minutes of footage of them. All right, let's do it. Let's dive right in here. Matt, what'd you do with the week aside from the Electronic Entertainment Expo? I had a great week. I'm generally miserable because I'm on this diet. I'm on day eight of water, turkey, chicken.
Starting point is 00:04:59 What? That's no marinades. No marinades with oils. You can use mustard. Mustard's got no calories. Yeah. It's got too much salt though. You can use like more natural mustards or make your own out of mustards.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Let them go. Berries as a dessert. Lettuce, celery. Is it quicker to list what you can or will what? Exactly. I'm shocked. That's about it. I'm shocked that turkey and chicken are on that list.
Starting point is 00:05:31 They're relatively calorie-like. It's super low fat. It's a super weird diet for your doctor to give you. Well, I mean, as a nutritionist, I was basically my idea. I was like, let's try to go on a diet. And then, yeah, okay. Then my fiancé, how about this diet? And I looked at that and I said, that looks okay.
Starting point is 00:05:51 And then right then, two days later, you guys go, no fault of your own. Let's get beer. Let's get Chinese food. Chinese food. And I just wandered away and didn't say anything. I remember that. I can't drink either. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:06 She can only drink water. So why live? Not why live, but like, to me. To me. Okay. So not kill yourself. Why are you backing this off? I'm backing it off to a point where I feel that if you go on a diet, right?
Starting point is 00:06:19 And everyone's different. Everyone's different. But I feel like if you go on a diet, you should make changes that you can sustain for the rest of your life. I thought I could sustain this, but I can't. You're crazy. We were having a meal. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:30 We were having a meal. Same sort of things we've been eating. And it's good. She cooks it. She's cooking all this stuff. Yeah. She's doing well with it. But I started crying.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Yeah. I was eating it. She goes, oh, I know. I'm like, it's nothing. It's just my kids. It's my body. You know, the tear ducts are going. It's not your fault, honey.
Starting point is 00:06:49 Look, you go to the extreme, back it off to the point where you can actually live and be happy in your life and then make up the rest of the exercise. Here's the thing. None of us are Mr. Steinbrunner. Okay. None of us can eat the same lunch 30 years in a row. The same lunch, right? 30 years in a row.
Starting point is 00:07:08 And, you know, Ada, what the fuck? You calzone, you look down. There's no plate. It's done. No one can do that. Sorry, before I forget, I've been asked to constantly say the name of the episode that we're going into. The number.
Starting point is 00:07:20 So it's 98. 98. Yeah. One, two left. And we're talking a mat. Two left. Thank you. We did, like, 10 episodes introducing ourselves.
Starting point is 00:07:29 Dude, like, every couple of weeks, I think about it, and I see some comments somewhere and it's like, I don't know who everyone is. Well, that's a newbie, for sure. But I feel like most podcasts, it's like you just catch up and get to the rhythm and you're fine. Well, we should just try and say our name. I try and say everybody's name when I go to their week. Sure.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Sure. That's a good intro. But yeah, happiness. For this diet stuff, Chris Pratt, I don't know if everyone knows what Chris Pratt did, because he's a big slab of math. He's a big guy, but he was 300 pounds during Parks and Rec. So he ate only ice for three years. No, one of the things that he said during table reads, I would come in with two or three
Starting point is 00:08:03 Big Macs, and that's because I wanted to put on weight for the world. And it was a challenge. How fat can Chris have? Yeah, how fat can he get? And he goes, all right, so here's the deal. When I ate whatever I wanted, whenever I ate, I was the happiest person in the world, and it was the greatest time that anyone's ever had. But when I wasn't eating, I was always slow, no energy, no sex drive, blah, blah, blah,
Starting point is 00:08:25 blah, blah. And then he goes, now I'm the saddest person in the world ever when I eat. But when I'm not, I'm fucking Superman. And I'm kind of trying to think that, but I don't feel good either. It takes months to years. I'm a little crabby guy now. I don't like any of you. I hear you, man.
Starting point is 00:08:48 I hear you. I have this hamburger in my pocket. Like when I'm ripping. No, when I made my whatever diet, so I don't want to call it a diet because it's permanent, but I made a switch to eating two salads a day as my meals. And it's like when I was just a plain naked raw salad, it fucking sucked. And it was shitty in my stomach hurt. I was hungry.
Starting point is 00:09:12 There's no, right? So I had to juice it up a bit. And lettuce just causes damage. It's not great. So it's like you make it a meal that you can enjoy at the very least and still keep it within the realm of what you can call a salad. Now last year through the call, I said I went on paleo type thing. And paleos, but that's easier because I could have bacon.
Starting point is 00:09:37 I could have whatever fruits I wanted. It was just don't buy packaged like process. Shit. And that was so much easier. Yeah, of course. And I felt better and this is just like this is just punishing yourself. It really is. Fuck you, Liam.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Get fat. I eat probably like four or five meals that I cook every week that are just vegetables. Like you just eat good food and it's like, yeah, look at me. Shit. And on top of all this just feeling about like this. I met up with our dark friends and our mutual friends and maybe gets with a J that lives near them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:21 Because Roxy and Poison took another really bad dip in their health. We went to the vet. How old are they? They are 2.5 years old. Is that old and right years? Three is your max, max, max. So that's very old. Three if you're lucky.
Starting point is 00:10:36 And they describe this to me via text. Just give me an update. It's like when I was just having respiratory attacks and I'm like, oh, and the intention was like that we didn't sleep all night because we were actually giving the rat an inhaler. Like a regular human inhaler will help and you can do that. Rat and human physiology are very similar. It's very similar. Like mice.
Starting point is 00:11:00 That's why they're test subject. So the intention was to take it to the vet to put down Poison. Poison is the one with that's half gray, half white. Yeah. And Poison, like I like both rats a lot, but I always kind of prefer Poison because she was a little more outgoing and attention seeking. So the intention was to put her down because they didn't want to have her suffer through another night.
Starting point is 00:11:24 And we went into all four of us actually in there and the doctor looked them over and everything and said, I really feel like she might get over this. We have like this new antibiotic and a new injection. This is an infection in her lungs. It's something that older rats just get more susceptible to. It's not pure oldness. It's a thing that's happening. It's not pure oldness.
Starting point is 00:11:47 It's just weakness due to being old. So they're going to try to do that, but he picked up Poison and it started just gasping, like these little gasps of like, and I was, I just kind of turned away because you see an animal physically struggling to do something and it's always whatever. So it's really touch and go. The experimental process is called mutagen though. So we're looking forward. I actually suggested like two guys, we don't have a can from TCRI.
Starting point is 00:12:16 That might work out. Did you know that rats are actually really, they react really well to neuropazine and we have this little robo lungs? I'm going for a taste. I like what this is called, neuropazine. Right. I was like, yeah, neuropathy. You guys tested it.
Starting point is 00:12:33 I caught it. Yeah, you caught it. Sorry. I just did the whole eye sweep. Yeah. I like what this is. Well, neuropazine was just like, I can't recall. Neuropazine sounds like the most legit drug out there.
Starting point is 00:12:42 How much of this rat can we replace that you're comfortable with? We can turn these... Make it rat trap. There you go. We can turn these back legs into wheels and really get some mileage on it. So I kind of like, I wanted to go see it just because we are going to too many games this weekend and I don't want another situation where I'm like, I get really bummed getting a text saying like...
Starting point is 00:13:01 Yeah, that was rough. I remember you never, like, I didn't... Turn the phone off as soon as you get it. You know what? You might not even be even be right, but... If I don't hear the bad news, it's like it didn't happen. I'm actually kind of serious though. I don't want it affecting like the weekend of like, we're going to come to see you and
Starting point is 00:13:20 talk to you about it, right? So you don't need the phone. That plan doesn't work for everyone. It would work well for Matt, but I actually had the scenario in which I was called by a distant family member to inform my parents that their uncle or great whatever had died and that they had already been buried and the funeral had already happened two days earlier. The person had died on a Monday, been buried on Wednesday, and this call came in on Thursday. Wow.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Wow. Wow. Indeed. Okay. Just can't wait to get them in the ground, can ya? Other than that... You can't wait too long, but that's... That's a little...
Starting point is 00:14:03 You can wait a week! Fuck. It's a bit speedy. Other than that, had a good Father's Day. We all had a nice breakfast somewhere. Oh, shit! What? I forgot his dad.
Starting point is 00:14:14 He left his dad at La Ronde. That's fine. It's fine. My dad doesn't care. Yeah, well... Well, I love my dad. He got me, so hey! Hey!
Starting point is 00:14:23 It all works out in the end. High five! Whoa! Whoa! We had a nice brunch at a place where I couldn't eat anything, so that was fun. He was sitting there eating your turkey skin. I drank water and had a little bit of a shake. When you spoke to your dad and he was like, why are you miserable?
Starting point is 00:14:38 And you said, I'm doing it for you. Yeah, I'm doing it for you. Because that's what everyone wants to hear. Right? As you poured your ziplock of raisins in there. I wish I could eat a fucking delicious sugary raisin. You can't have grapes? No, but the fruit I can have is berries.
Starting point is 00:14:54 It's cherries. What if you have a seed zoom? That's a berry. I know. I'm buying some. I have a giant aspect. Look at the cherries. Shut up.
Starting point is 00:15:02 No, I don't have much cherries. I have so many cherries. It's cherries. You know what's that? I've been eating fucking cantaloupe. I've been eating fucking cantaloupe. Okay, you can ask Matt because I texted him about a cantaloupe the other day. Do you not like cherries?
Starting point is 00:15:13 I've been eating a cantaloupe like every fucking day. It's the best. We skimmed over a part of it, so we didn't give it enough plate. Why did you think you could do this? Because I thought it was a big man. You're not a big man. Anyway. No one here is a big man.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Anyway, it's why we're here. To get on positive things, do you guys remember us? We got a DVD back in the mail bag. You might have heard someone suggest it on our various social media. So, watch a show called Danger 5. Yes. Australian. Australian.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Like Team America. Yep. So, that's on Netflix, and I watched two episodes, and it's interesting. It's probably one of the most over-the-top things ever. It's basically like, you know, Austin Powers meets Thunderbirds. Gotcha. And after the end of every briefing, which The Danger 5, an American, a Slovakian girl with black hair, a British girl with blonde hair, and a Ken-type guy who's also from Britain.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Are any of them names Chet or Rex? I think so. What about Chet? Their boss is a guy that literally has an American eagle for a head. Like, this comes in and says, you need to go investigate this. And as always, kill Hitler if you see him. And Hitler's always the villain, and they always cut to the same shot. Wait, so they always see him?
Starting point is 00:16:36 They always cut to the same shot of Hitler flying out of a window, like breaking through no matter what environment they're in. They're in a forest, and he jumps through the window to escape. You know, the forest window. Yeah, I know. So I watched about two episodes, and it was really, really silly. Like, some things were almost too silly, but there's only like their eight-ish minute type thing. So it's an easy watch, so I might try to go through the rest of that.
Starting point is 00:17:03 And I played a bunch of K.I. story mode. Some, like Max did a generally good job with, I'm sure, which was like, you know, a very tight timeframe and budget and everything. And some endings are just like, this story. Because what you get is three narrated cut scenes with nice visuals. And then every loading screen, instead of a regularly loading screen, it's a bit of, to have to say, now you go to Thunder's place. Like, yeah, I saw Riftor and Agonis.
Starting point is 00:17:34 Yeah, I did Hisako and Cinder. Those were really, really strong. The best ending of all, I'm not going to say what exactly it is, but it's Arias, because it's the canon ending going into... Season three? Potential season three. And I like it, because I'm not going to say other than this, but Arias views herself as an osmandius type of character.
Starting point is 00:17:55 What's the canon ending for season one? Like, who's that? The only sort of thing that I know is that, like, the only thing that is a canon event that happens in season one is that Shadow Jago appears. That's the only sort of thing that leads into that. So you kind of have to mix and match the events like any other fighting game. Well, it might be like, because with the Street Fighter games, it's always that the first and second get overwritten by the third.
Starting point is 00:18:21 You know what I mean? The first one was nothing, the second one was a tournament, and the third one is just everyone's wandering around. Street Fighter, it requires some time, because alpha one didn't happen, but alpha two does, and alpha three is a sequel to alpha two. And second impact happened, Genu Generation did not, and third strike happened after. But Street Fighter one did happen.
Starting point is 00:18:43 Yes. Street Fighter one did happen. Alpha is actually supposed to replace one. Yeah, and then Tiger Blow becomes Tiger Uppercut. Yeah, I guess. It's funny that you mentioned Story Mode for KI, because I played a lot of downloading killer instinct. I haven't actually gotten it finished yet, but I'm trying to.
Starting point is 00:19:03 That was yesterday. I really want to get to it. Dedicated most of my yesterday to that. You have to hold the controller and mash buttons to get the progress meter to go. Other than that, it's really kind of a weird thing, because the season one Story Mode that Double Helix did was the most rudimentary, you can get three possible endings, that's it. We're not going to tell you who, you're not going to tell you who to kill,
Starting point is 00:19:24 who not to kill, and you just unlock them, and they'll appear like an option screen, that was it. That's very guilty here. Right, and then when Iron Galaxy took over, they took that and made the whole, do you remember the mural thing, where you fill in pieces of a really awesome piece of art by doing these endings. Yes, one by one, yeah. And then Iron Galaxy said,
Starting point is 00:19:47 you have to tell you exactly what you need to do to get these endings. The problem with that is you can only do one per playthrough, meaning if there's three tasks you need to do, Ultra Glacius, Ultra Fulgor, and Don't Ultra Jago, the hardest one will always be the one that unlocks, if you do any of them. And in this season mode, there's not multiple endings, everyone has one ending, but you can do all three and one else. This is getting complicated.
Starting point is 00:20:17 Yeah, they kind of mix and match, because this is called Rivals, and you just have one rival, and you have his story. Who doesn't Saber Wolf like? Saber Wolf doesn't like? Yeah, who's he doesn't like? That's the thing, you only get the season two characters for this, but in season one story mode, Saber Wolf did not like... I would guess Sidera, or something like that.
Starting point is 00:20:41 I believe it was an Ultra Tech person, it was Sidera, which was Ultra Tech. But it was still really good. I think I told you guys a bit of dialogue that's kind of Max having fun, which is Sidera decides to practice on a bunch of Fulgor's for kicks, but they go nuts and slaughter half of Ultra Tech employees on Mondays. So there's some clever things in there. But overall, I wouldn't say it's the most full-fledged story mode of all time, that clearly still goes to no Mortal Kombat, but it's a nice happy medium.
Starting point is 00:21:11 I guess it's about it for my week. Highs and lows. Really, I hope for Street Fighter V, they can get something going like that. Yes, I also hope that. Instead of the constant, like, let's open the first game and then the third game. Okay, Street Fighter IV, 95% of these endings didn't happen. Well, they straight admitted that they fucked up the single player contact before. There was an interview some time ago where they did...
Starting point is 00:21:35 Someone from Capcom said, yeah, those Mortal Kombat story modes are cool. It was on O, right? Not literally, but he basically said, we straight fucked up all the single player contact. But there was a mention of Mortal Kombat story mode. Yeah, that's really nice. The ones in this Rivals mode, none of them contrast or conflict with the others. They all...
Starting point is 00:21:57 That's what you want. So there's not one that's like, this happened, because whenever they beat Aria, they go, you didn't beat her because she's just AI and she'll just... So it's like, it kind of gets around that. You can never actually kill her, so a person's ending is not canon or not canon. Which one of these 30 fighters killed Bison? It was Charlie. The problem with, you know, the arcade mode story is that everyone has beaten everyone
Starting point is 00:22:24 and it has to make sense now. So the only way to do it is Mortal Kombat. It's tough to conduct a round robin tournament where everyone has a story that matters. No one wants to play Ryu in the arcade mode. And arcade mode says, Ryu temporarily defeated Bison, but then Charlie killed him later. Well, because in actuality, Ryu had to have lost to every other 34 characters once and then he won his one. We're still working our way back down to the tapestry that was the Jack, Sonya, Jarrick ending.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Oh, God. The three-way. For Street Fighter, but that's... Which one are you counting? The tournament one or the aftermath tournament one? It's still like functions like a tournament. The other thing about the killer is that they'll give context for retro costumes, meaning Riptor's rival is Riptor, but you kill the retro Riptor and they go,
Starting point is 00:23:14 the old skin that they made and say, this was a prototype Riptor and it's going nuts. There's a perfected one. And when TJ combo starts, he fights this shitty old full war. And he goes, look, I beat you. I'm so easy. I did it with no sweat. All TJ gets really pissed. And then for the rest of the game, you build up to fighting the real new full war.
Starting point is 00:23:36 That's right. It gives context to like dumb retro. That's really great. If Third Strike had a story mode and you played Ryu, you would fight one match against Oro. You'd lose and then credits would roll. Maybe that's what we should have. Maybe that's what we all want. Actually.
Starting point is 00:23:55 God damn. But you could even go like one match against Sean and then Oro and then Liz. But that's what if Sean doesn't even technically get to enter the Third Strike tournament, Mel defeats him by punching him in the balls pre-tournament. Maybe that's better. Sean just gets an opening cut scene and then it's this game over. Yeah. Yeah, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:24:15 That was your week. My week was okay. Aside from like, I spent most of the week just E3 and just staring at shit and stuff like that. And playing FF 14, the expansion came out. Early access happened. I hear that free company is getting full. It's getting pretty full. It's becoming a problem.
Starting point is 00:24:32 I had to kick people. Anyone over 11 days of inactivity, I kicked as one huge burst of dumping people. But I can't keep doing that because 11 days is too soon. Did you consider the solution of having second companies? The sub-companies would technically work. But say you hit the cap of 512. That first 30 people to get into that sub-company are going to be really bummed out because you cannot interact with the free company chat.
Starting point is 00:25:03 They can't mingle. You can't link them. So I don't know. So I purged all those people to get us from 480 out of 512 down to 370. When I logged in this morning, we're back at 401. So yeah, FF 14 is great. The free company is great. But by the time, if you're on the fence that you get in and want to play it, that shit's
Starting point is 00:25:29 probably going to be full. Have you, has FF 14 been turning into a Final Fantasy champ man? Yeah, yeah. Manager simulation, exactly. No, I said let it cap out. Maybe 10 minutes of that. Let it cap out and then have survivor rules. Or have eligibility and straight up see who gets to stay on that one.
Starting point is 00:25:49 When we hit cap, I'll straight up go through a list more carefully and be like, okay guys. Sorry, Guardian. By the end of this week, anyone who has not logged in within seven days is gone. Because people that are new, that might want to come in, who play more often than that, deserve the spot better. But I don't know. I'm probably just going to let it shit itself. That being said, the Heavensward expansion is great.
Starting point is 00:26:12 I haven't actually gotten a chance to play most of the new stuff because I was leveling an old class. I was able to play all weekend. Was there a lot of new features that bleed into the rest of the game? Yes, a lot of new features, a confusingly high amount. Because they changed how dungeon running works. Were you in that hot tub when the server was with them? I was not in the hot tub.
Starting point is 00:26:32 I don't like to go into that hot tub. What are you going to do, sit in there with all your armor on and look like an asshole? No, you take the armor off. Anyway, the most impressive thing about Heavensward, because I can't speak to any of the new content, is that I was able to play all weekend. I never once had our server crash the entire weekend. And when I was an idiot and stayed up until five in the morning on the last Friday to get in as soon as it started, I was able to get in within ten minutes and play it.
Starting point is 00:27:06 This is the only online launch of any game, especially MMO, I have ever seen that was totally smooth. No, that's good. Totally smooth. No problem. It's crazy. Unless you're on the Aether data center. If you're on the Aether data center, the two most popular servers in the entire game are on there, like Balmung and I think Iberian. And those servers are so packed that they're crashing the entire data center.
Starting point is 00:27:39 You have got to talk to Billy, because he was telling me about how he's pretty big up there on his server, whatever. I don't know what it is. He said you told me about how he's apparently possibly one of the people responsible for having them add... What's the default class before you get a proper one or a job or whatever? Class is the default. And then you get a job. So he did his crazy thing, which is like, I'm not going to take one, I'm just going to stick with the default. That is so like him.
Starting point is 00:28:10 So wait, you're saying that he's one of those people that ruins all dungeons after level 30 for everyone else because he's playing his class badly? So what he did was he stuck with his class and apparently now they've added benefits to leveling up your default job. And you get the ability to do the basic skills of every job later when you hit a certain point. And he's one of the people that's responsible for that because he got it to that point and basically... Are you talking about cross-class skills? I can't tell you the details because I don't play it. Because those have been in the game for years. But he described to me that every job has its specific abilities, right?
Starting point is 00:28:48 So White Mage is going to do it. You don't choose a job and you just stick with the basic one and max it out. They've finally put in a reward that lets you use the first basic skill of every job. Yeah, that's complete horseshit. I don't know if what he was saying was either a total lie or if you misunderstood it. As you level up your class or job, you get the ability to slot in other jobs' abilities. And in fact, you're encouraged to say, Say I'm running a tank, right?
Starting point is 00:29:19 I want to level the other tank so that I can get some of those defensive cooldowns on my guy. But both classes and jobs get both of those. And there is no advantage to playing just your class. There is zero advantage. Not only do you not get any of your job skills and you only get to get like two more cross class skills, which aren't as good as your job ones, the jobs are statistically better. You get like dramatic stat bonuses. So if you're a person who plays, say, there's a tank called the Gladiator and it becomes the Paladin.
Starting point is 00:29:57 If you play a Gladiator to 50, every dungeon from Brayflox to Ormvale, you are being a shitty bad tank and dragging everybody else's experience down because everyone has to babysit your depowered class. People who do that are assholes. At least they're having fun though. No, that's not part of this. Here's the thing. Ormvale is really hard. If you go in with a Gladiator, you are way more likely to completely wipe.
Starting point is 00:30:26 And I don't know about you, but wiping eight times in a dungeon does not sound inherently more fun than twice. I'm not going to have the conversation on this in half because I can't. Jobs and classes in this game, you don't lose any of your abilities. You just get new ones. There's no difference, like there's no benefit at all except you don't want the little icon to change in the upper left. There's no benefit. Everything you just said was completely wrong. I can't say.
Starting point is 00:30:55 I don't know, but that's why I said I don't know. Okay, Billy likes Ask Him. No, I don't care. Alright, fair enough. This is the same guy that matched out his FF7 characters in the first four sets. That's fine because it's a single player game, but if you're playing as a team, you should at least... That's like saying, man, I was the reason why they buffed the knife in Counter Strike because every time I get into a game of Counter Strike, I just use the knife.
Starting point is 00:31:24 But you yourself just identified the problem when you said if you're playing as a team. You have to play as a team. No, you don't. Liam, no, you cannot complete the game unless you do. No, but I mean, you're just having fun. I know he plays with a group and they all seem to have fun, so I don't think anyone hates him for what he's doing. If you're in a dungeon and you're saying, I'm having fun by playing my class really badly and that causes the team to fail often, then you are putting your fun over everybody else in that dungeon
Starting point is 00:31:54 and you're an asshole. Should I go get him? Ask him if he wants to explain. You can. You can. You can just break K for you right now and do it. I don't care. Fuck it.
Starting point is 00:32:02 I'm going to go get him. Okay. Because I legitimately want to know. This is an answer that needs answering. This could be a mistake, just letting you know. And Liam, I'm not saying... Why are you shining and summoning Crystal? I'm not saying if you don't play, you feel are optimal or you don't have your rotation perfect.
Starting point is 00:32:19 I'm not saying that. I'm saying literally, I'm just going to play a shitty version of the thing that I have now that offers no visual gameplay or anything benefits other than a tiny icon. I just know he and a lot of other people get satisfaction out of just like min-maxing in that absurd way. But that's not min-maxing. It's worse in every way. It's not min-maxing. You're right.
Starting point is 00:32:38 What I mean by that was just maximizing shit. I know people do enjoy doing that. But when you level up the class, your job levels up alongside it. And when you level up the job, the class levels up. No, I get you. Absolutely. Well, it's like people who did exactly this in Ragnarok Online, where I forget what it was called, the beginner class.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Eventually, they added a super version of that beginner class because people were just maximizing it for no reason. I ran into this dungeon a while ago who had the perfect example is Gladiator to Paladin because it's good tank to better tank. Are those like proportionate levels or is Gladiator below Paladin? You hit level 30 as a Gladiator, then you do its quest to turn into a Paladin. But Paladin's a higher class. And Paladin is 30.
Starting point is 00:33:21 And every level you gain on either, you go up on both. And Paladin is just better in every way and has more abilities. He's going to send me a link to his profile. And he says that you should understand it when you look at it. So we'll see. Absolutely. That'll totally work. I'll liven up the mood and maybe this will calm down Pat.
Starting point is 00:33:40 It's a picture of Benoit running on Snakeway. Oh my God. I'm not upset and I don't mean to come off like an asshole and it's frustrating that you guys don't know the game. That's pretty good. But it's like, there's the only thing that you get out of staying as your old class. The only thing is the icon on your party symbol does not change. And I ran into a guy.
Starting point is 00:34:02 I mean, other than enjoying it, if that's what he enjoys. Then don't play dungeons. What else? What else? Well, we'll see what it comes in. And no, I'm going to finish what I was going to say. Yeah, that's what I mean. I ran into the guy who's a gladiator in a level 32 dungeon called Bravelox, which is usually
Starting point is 00:34:14 when you're supposed to become a Paladin by that point. Sure. Ask him like, hey man, you know the Paladin quest is just right next to the thing. Some people miss it. It's like, I don't want to level Conjurer. So the deal is, is if you want to be a Paladin, you have to hit level 15 on the healer class. If you want to become a Black Mage, you have to level the Baby Black Mage thing to 30 and also level Archer to 15.
Starting point is 00:34:36 They all have that. They all have requirements. They all have a little, and it's like, and okay, so it's like, and the guy was a dick also. It's like, you're just saying, I don't care about other people. I don't care if I waste their time. I don't care if I'm making everyone else have fun because we're wiping. I just don't want to put any work into it at all.
Starting point is 00:34:54 I'm just saying, and those people are dead. That's all. Yes, Liam. That's like people going into Counter-Strike and team killing everyone and saying, well, I'm having fun. So that's all that matters. I mean, I think there are different levels of magnitude. Yes, there are very different levels of magnitude, but it's the only example I can kind of think
Starting point is 00:35:13 of. Sure. I understood that reference. I don't understand. Okay. No, no, no. There's a fighting game equivalent. There's a fighting game equivalent.
Starting point is 00:35:21 It's really, really easy. Woo-hoo. You're going to... Woo-hoo. Woo-hoo. Woo-hoo. You and Henry and Chai Rithy. They're the same person.
Starting point is 00:35:29 They're the same person? Yes. Good job. You and... Oh, man. I never met him when he was Chai Rithy. I only knew him when he was Henry. But anyway, you and Chai Rithy and...
Starting point is 00:35:37 Who's another guy that I've seen? Snaffoo. Snaffoo. Snaffoo. You're going to SBO. You managed to get in. You're going to SBO. You're going to SBO.
Starting point is 00:35:45 You're going to SBO. You're going to SBO. You're going to SBO. You're going to SBO. You managed to get in. You're going to go to SBO. Good job. Good job.
Starting point is 00:35:53 And you're all really... Wow. Wow. And you're all just really, really excited. Yeah. Right? And Willie, you're really good with Blanca. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:02 Well, for you. You're Blanca solid. Yeah. You're Blanca solid. In this world. Right? Chai Rithy, he's playing Chun-Li, right? He's having a character crisis.
Starting point is 00:36:10 Okay. Well, say he's playing Chun-Li and he's great with Chun-Li. And say the other guy is playing whoever they're good with. Right? And you say, man, I know I'm really good with Blanca. But I'm not having as much fun with Blanca. I'm going to play Dan at SBO. And the other...
Starting point is 00:36:26 And the guys on your team go, but we're going to lose. And you go, yeah, but it will be fun. And then you go to SBO and you lose because you picked Dan. Okay. I think it's more... This is what's happening. All right. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:36:39 I think a better comparison is like Venom 15 as opposed to SBO. Okay. In terms of tournament significance. So Billy says, this profile shows that I have only a Lancer and nothing else. All right. And he has sent a little video type thing. He sent a video. Well, yeah, of him doing a thing.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Of beating behind his raid. This is his character right here. This is quality podcasting. Tell me if this makes sense to you at all. Just mouse over one of those. Level 50 Lancer. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:05 All right. So like, is that what I'm talking about? Where he stayed at the basic class. Yes. He stayed at the basic class the whole time and only played Lancer. Well, he said the video showed... The video said it showed him doing the hardest raid. Eating the hardest endgame raid.
Starting point is 00:37:19 That's very likely T-13. Bahamut. So... Yeah, Bahamut T-13. So he has a crew and they don't hate him. So I don't know. I don't know. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Here's the deal. Here's the thing. That's fine if you're running with your guys. But when you're going into the roulette in which you're playing with randoms. Yeah. On the looking for good thing and whatnot. Like, come on. If he's good enough to make me look stupid, then I'm going to shut up.
Starting point is 00:37:46 But people aren't. People aren't good enough to save. There is such a thing as a pocket dan in Ultra. Absolutely. That is hyper legit. And if you have a pocket dan in this scenario, then I'm going to shut up. But so far, of all the dungeons I've run, every single time I have gone into a dungeon by a roulette or the duty finder in which somebody has been playing the old version of that
Starting point is 00:38:10 class and not the improved job, they are terrible and cause wipes. Okay. We took a look. We took a look, Billy. And we saw it. And it looks like he understands. Congrats on meeting T13. As long as...
Starting point is 00:38:22 As a lancer. Seriously. Okay. So it's up to you if you want to break the code of Billy's silence right now. No. But here's the thing. If you're running with a group of guys that you know, you're sad at group, right? And that's the agreement and you're good enough to make that not matter.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Fucking awesome. But if you're running the roulette or randoms and you're not awesome and you're shit and you're running a shit version of that class, you're an asshole. Okay. Here's the thing. Oh. What's that, man? Here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:38:56 Do you know how hard for me to get to lancer let 50 without having a static room? I had every time I'm trying to get to the party through party finder, people kick me out. What the fuck is this shit? Why is the lancer is there? But nobody... Like, nobody thinks I'm furthermore. Like, they don't think like, how the fuck do I get to level 50 in the first place?
Starting point is 00:39:22 It's because I'm fucking good. And that's it. And that's it. And that's it. And that's for sure. And here's the thing. I never, ever kick anyone. Or even ask people to get kicked because they come in as the old class.
Starting point is 00:39:36 Instead, I run the whole dungeon and then afterwards I complain to other people that this fucking guy was such a bad tank. But so basically you got to this point and you can back it up despite the fact that for most people this would be like a... And what he's... He says the equivalent of using Dan is what he's... And what he's describing is the fucking huge assholes that play this game that will kick you if you don't have a certain set or if you don't have a certain class or certain
Starting point is 00:40:04 cross class or people that are right now. The game is not out yet. People running the level 60 dungeon and complaining that there are new players in there. Those people are cunts. Okay, so another thing is because by my... By the way, I see it. A lot of people say that, oh, I'm not a dragoon. I don't use all my potential.
Starting point is 00:40:30 Congratulations. And I'm like... I would say that. Yes. But like, the thing is, as long as I do my part of the job, I do what needs to be done and better than a lot of people, that's fine. Yes, you're totally right. I totally 100% agree with everything you just said.
Starting point is 00:40:47 Here's what I understand. You're a really good Pikachu, but people want you to evolve. Right. Exactly. You don't need to. You're a Lieutenant Surge, Pat. You're a Lieutenant Surge. And that's why if I went into a dungeon and I ran into a Gladiator or a Conjurer or any
Starting point is 00:41:02 of these people running sub-optimal classes and they did a totally fine job, I would go, wow, good job. That's great. Okay. But when they wipe, because also you're really good. Clearly. I'm looking at Dreadworm shit. You're really good.
Starting point is 00:41:18 Most people that are running dungeons at like 40 non-jobs are fucking terrible. And the reason they don't have those jobs is because they didn't even pay attention enough to even go get their job quest. That's right. It's a completely different case than mine. You're just amazing at the game, so it works. Most of the people that this scenario applies to are people that just fate grind all the way to 50 and don't know how to play the game.
Starting point is 00:41:47 Okay. And those are the people that are saying you're asshole. Now if you're fucking pro-Gosu shit and you're able to do whatever the hell you want on baby classes, then fucking you're the best. I'm Sean. I'm going to carry everything. You're the best. I carry everything.
Starting point is 00:42:03 You are way better than me. But if you're not the best, then fucking pick your job up and get your good skills. All right. Thank you for defending. I don't know. I just brought up the story. No, that's good. I just tried to explain and I don't think I don't know what I did.
Starting point is 00:42:18 This is Billy blowing out. Take care, right? Take it easy, dude. Yeah. All right. Liam, how was your week? I don't have the patience to get the gear. Does he have sick ass crazy gear?
Starting point is 00:42:30 Like that's he beat T-13. I can't beat T-5. Shit. All right. Dang. Done and done. My week was like pretty locked down. Put that on his gravestone.
Starting point is 00:42:40 I'm fucking good. Put that on his back. Yeah, it is. On his wiki page. On his wiki page. That's what I love. I love people that prove me wrong because they're better than me. That's how I want to be wrong because other people are better.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Of course. My week was pretty locked down. E3 took like two days entirely and then I went up north to visit my family and, of course, my dad because it's Father's Day. I always forget how far up north is your family? It was bad traffic this weekend because it's Father's Day so it took maybe three hours. On a good day, it would take like two hours. It's not like literally straight upward.
Starting point is 00:43:13 It's more northwest. It's not the took because that's way the fuck. It's more west by northwest. And it's city-skimming opposite direction. It's the southwest. No. But yeah, it was my little sister's elementary graduation today too so I was at that as well. At five, you did the easiest thing you'll ever do in your life.
Starting point is 00:43:30 Well, I have no more siblings in elementary school. It's odd because I'm the oldest. You're still in there though. I know. You're the oldest? I'm the youngest. That sucks. I got special attention.
Starting point is 00:43:42 You got the least attention to that. No, I got the most attention. I can't hang out with the crew anymore. I was the baby. Yeah, exactly. Your Yo-Pie Watch Game is going to suffer. Yeah. But no, so that was nice.
Starting point is 00:43:59 But yeah, five of my days were totally just locked down out of that. So I was struggling to even remember what I did in the remaining two days. I've been reading a book, The Untold, fuck. The Untold Legends of Japanese Game Development? The Untold Legends of Japanese Game Development or whatever it was. I can't remember it by John Schipaniak. Good luck fucking spelling that. It's not two zeds and it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:44:21 It's not zeds and names? That's a Polish name. And so this guy, it was a Kickstarter book. It had a ton of problems going through where he was working with crazy, insane people who tried to sue him and shit. But it came out the first volume and it's super, super good. Because he's telling stories people didn't want told. Yeah. Well, no, not at all actually.
Starting point is 00:44:40 The interpreters were just like that shit insane. Oh wow. And they were like publishing legal documents on Twitter to try to make him... My interpretations are only meant to be on the island of Japan. They're not licensed for that crazy shit. So like probably the highest profile interview. He's got like Keiji Inafune, just post Mighty No. 9. Success, that is to say.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Because of course this was at the time that Kickstarter. He's got a Zun of Toho fame. He's got Ryushiki or whatever his name is who did Higurashi. And he's got an interview with a friend of Kenji Enno's who made like D and D2. Yeah, Ken interview Kenji Enno now. No, exactly. This was right after he passed away. He's dead.
Starting point is 00:45:25 You could. No, he's dead. And there's some really interesting tidbits. Like his friend's saying he was actually the one who won the contest to make the Dreamcast logo and the name for the Dreamcast. Like some really good tidbits in there. He was with Kotaro Uchikoshi where he talks about how he's working on a PS4 game now that nobody fucking knows about. Because nobody's reading this book. Because it is a fucking educational book.
Starting point is 00:45:48 You know when you go to a school for a rap school and you get a 400 page history book? So it's not even like a... That for fucking Japanese video game history. It's got hefts. Would you be able to compare this to something like Masters of Doom? No. This is good learning material. This is really entertaining for games of the material.
Starting point is 00:46:07 No, what I mean is that like it's more of an educational learning thing. That's like a book book for general consumption, right? Like anyone could read that? It's like as if it were a fiction novel that just happens to have real heads. This is only for big game nerds. We like Japanese shit a lot because it's only Japanese. Hey, that's me. That's you.
Starting point is 00:46:26 Man, you. It's a really, really good book. It's like almost 500, 600 pages long. There's so much content. He said this is volume one. This is volume one. He's already done a bunch of interviews for volume two. And I think he wants to do a third one.
Starting point is 00:46:41 But he's already said that the rest of the volume is hinge entirely on the success of the first. only has six copies left. So hopefully that means he's doing good. But it's a super, super good book. Lots of really interesting stuff. A lot of the interviews actually cover games pre Famicom in like late 70s, early 80s Japanese PC development. There's a lot of really interesting stuff talking about like the early days of NX, you know, before they merged with Square and became developers.
Starting point is 00:47:11 I mean like really early days of NX, like when they were getting the first Dragon Quest going. Because most I get out of that. I mean the most that I can see for more modern, not modern stuff. But 90s is like, you know in my Retro Gamer magazine. He writes for that magazine. It's John Chippen, Polish guy. And he brought a few volumes. And every couple of interviews would be like,
Starting point is 00:47:33 look I wrote for this. And they'll be like, whoa, people in the West care about this? There are histories of game companies. Their history of SNK was exhaustive. Like for just like a three part spread in the magazine. When I say three part, I mean here's part number one. It's four pages. Here's part number two.
Starting point is 00:47:50 In the middle of the magazine is five pages. And here's the last part. It's two pages. Like it told me tons of stuff I didn't know about. So the name of the book is The Untold History of Japanese Game Developers. Thank you. And then on Hardcore Gaming. Look at the spelling of that name.
Starting point is 00:48:03 On Hardcore Gaming, there's screenshots. And the second screenshot is a pencil drawn D2 office layout. And picture one is just a picture of Osman, a.k.a. a can against him. So this book is legit. It is like super legit. There's so much good stuff in there. If you're into that kind of stuff, I highly, highly recommend it. I assume that everyone that wanted it
Starting point is 00:48:24 supported the Kickstarter and got their copy. Yeah, the Kickstarter passed. There's a long list of Kickstarter backers in the back. Hundreds. Look how many pages extra did you have to pay for the print? A handful. A handful. Can I stop donating?
Starting point is 00:48:38 We can't. It's driving up the cost. But yeah, it wasn't like a runaway success, but it did it. It was solid success. I know one of the issues was it was in British Pounds. And you know how that always scares people on Kickstarter? Oh, yes. No one really understands.
Starting point is 00:48:51 Yeah, exactly. Oh, Poppy Cox. This is different. Yeah. It's not what I am used to. I don't like different. Well, it's also because Pounds don't convert into one to one. Not nicely.
Starting point is 00:49:01 They don't convert nicely. Well, plus a lot of credit cards will go like, no, you just tried to spend British money. And you can't just look at it like yen and laugh because the digits don't make sense. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I fucked up yen every time I tried it. That's, yen's hard. Don't, don't. Add some zeros.
Starting point is 00:49:15 Add some zeros. I add too many zeros. Or too few zeros. But yen to Canadian is actually really easy. yen to US is the harder one. Well, because I always add. yen to Canadian is like it's straight up move the decimal point over. Here's the problem.
Starting point is 00:49:27 Every single time I'd said it, it was like I had three zeros, right? No. No, wait, I move your decimal point over twice. I remove it once, right? No. This happened to me every single time. Matt did Yakuza 4 with me. He knows.
Starting point is 00:49:41 All right. What you have to do is you have to remember the price of a, of a simple item. And for me, it's a hundred yen. For me, it's a Yu-Gi-Oh booster pack that I happened upon when I was very young and I saw it cost 400 yen. And that always sticks in my head. The only way I can ever get it right is I think of one yen as a penny. Yeah. And, and I, and then I screwed that up, which is, which is way worse because I'm like a thousand pennies, like a hundred dollars, right?
Starting point is 00:50:07 Just remember that, just remember that boss coffee costs 105 yen. And a game. And it's delicious. It's delicious is a dollar. Again, exactly. There you go. Other than, other than that, since my week was pretty booked up, the only game I played was actually one that we're going to do videos for. So I'm not going to talk about it, but I got in a good amount of time with that.
Starting point is 00:50:27 How's that going? You too know what it is. I know that feeling. I'm really, really enjoyable. I'm really enjoying it. Okay. The charm of the developer comes through completely. What's your feeling at level?
Starting point is 00:50:36 No, stop talking about it. I feel good. I feel good. Cool. Yeah. So I like it a lot. Because if you said eh... If I said eh, I would just talk about it.
Starting point is 00:50:46 Can't solve that shit. Yeah. All right. That's really good. And otherwise, I played Shinobido too a little bit. That's really janky stealth. What's that? The best kind of stealth.
Starting point is 00:50:57 The best kind of stealth? The best kind of stealth that doesn't quite work, right? Oh, yeah. Janky stealth, a.k.a. Stank. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. If you want a good J-Stank in Shinobido too. What'd you do with your Wii, Willie?
Starting point is 00:51:08 Aside from E3s. Aside from E3, honestly, besides catching up with JoJo with the girlfriend. Yeah. Yeah, that's over now. It's over now, but like... Not for him. We're not done yet. We're not done yet.
Starting point is 00:51:21 We're not done yet. I dedicated most of my week to actually learning and playing Beowulf proper. Oh, cool. I don't like him. Damn, I love Beowulf. I don't like him at all. I'm super in. Putting the chair down ruins that character.
Starting point is 00:51:35 It's the best. It's the best. Like, when I look at a grappler, the last thing I want is a stance or a gimmick. But the chair is amazing. I don't. I don't. If you don't use it, he's still super fine. No, I don't like it.
Starting point is 00:51:47 It exists. It's like Ultra David. No, because I do. I do it in no way. And the chair comes out. He makes it work, but... I do a move and the chair comes out, and then my normals are different. No, I want my normals to be the same.
Starting point is 00:51:57 And actually, it only changes to three. That's song normals! That's half of your normals. I don't. I don't like the character. You have such a great character. Well, you know... What can I tell you?
Starting point is 00:52:06 He's been always the cool boy. No, all of these is that he's not for me. He's not for you. He's for you. I love him, man. His combos are great. Even if I didn't like it gameplay-wise, and I messed her out with him a little bit, but it's still conceptually the coolest thing ever.
Starting point is 00:52:20 Yeah! Because doing moves on fucking... High spot! Chairs is awesome! You okay? And like you throw the guy, throw the chair down, mid combo, grab the... Like if you have combos where you start up to hit the guy, throw the chair out, and grab him out of the air, and then land on the chair as a setup, you know?
Starting point is 00:52:37 Because I remember in certain wrestling games, whenever there was a chair on the thing, like in No Mercy or something, there was a chair on the thing. There was no damage, no extra damage. There was maybe like a clunk sound, and if I could get a move onto the chair, I'd be like, I'm the best ever. It's so cool. And one of the coolest things with his system is that he has the hype system, right? Where it buffs up two of his grab moves, and you get it by doing the drop the mic,
Starting point is 00:53:04 doing the listen out for the crowd, the hype moment, or doing his taunt, but you can also just fight with him and slowly build up your hype anyway. Is it a visible meter? It's not a no, not a visible meter, but you see a confetti, and an effect on the screen goes like, yeah! So you always know if you have one, two, or three, because the confetti will come out. The confetti blasts out every time. So like a console, I always know a meter, but you can see it.
Starting point is 00:53:29 It looks exactly like King Knight's confetti effect. It looks exactly like that. And it's so fun to play as him. That's cool. Yeah, just, you know, enjoying that endless, non-stop endless beta, exactly. And, um, yeah, no, I can't wait to see what they do next so that they can make some money, because I don't know how these guys are making money anymore. You know, it's going to start with the release of the PS4, is it on PS3 as well?
Starting point is 00:53:58 PS4, PS3, Vita, Skygirl, Second Encore. Yeah, Second Encore is coming. And it's like if that fucking bombs, probably nothing. I've just, I've never seen a project supported for so long on mystery money. Well, you know where that mystery money came from? Us. I know, but like... This makes it this much time later?
Starting point is 00:54:18 Yeah, well... You know what I bet Mike Z has a lot of? Plasma. Yeah. She keeps selling it. I don't... But not anymore. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:28 And it grows back. I know. Really, the sales... Real Soviet bucks. Yeah. The sales of Encore, the general sales of Encore, the general public, must be just enough to keep them going. Yeah. I just, I'm a bit worried that anyone who's interested in Skullgirls already has it.
Starting point is 00:54:43 I think after some point they should have a cutoff point and say, no more. Now let's go dark and make Skullgirls too. Yeah. That feels obvious. Yeah. They need like a big refresh after this one. And if anyone's a little bit left out after playing the original release of the game, there's a video out there that is like why you should play Second Encore.
Starting point is 00:55:05 And it's just like straight up a primer for like getting used to the new mechanics, getting used to the undizzy and things like that. All right, team. We're officially downgrading lunch from ramen packets to gruel. Let's get that character out. Another aspect of like Second Encore though that I think they're actually doing, this isn't a slight against them. I agree with the decision, but I think they're also doing Second Encore so that like they
Starting point is 00:55:29 don't have to honor cross by stuff on the PS4 and Vita. Okay. And so that they can actually get a second purchase. That's the money. I can't blame them. They need and deserve that money. And it's not like they're not doing a lot of interesting things for Second Encore. It's not just a new name and a few extra characters.
Starting point is 00:55:45 They're huge mechanical changes. No. I like mechanical. Even though I supported it initially and whatnot, I just went and doubled down on the PS4 release on Steam because that theme is awesome. It's cute, isn't it? It's a really cool theme. But then the Virgil theme came along and fucked the world.
Starting point is 00:56:02 And I doubled down on that for the Virgil theme. Fuck the world. But then I'm like, no, wait, I'm going to play on a PS4 anyway because the button prompts will be good instead of weird. Then I'm like, the PC, I'll have better air. Ah, I don't know. But then you move up on the theme, then you get downtown near on the couch and it's fucking perfect.
Starting point is 00:56:18 It's perfect forever. Yeah. When you move up on the fucking Skullgirls theme, did you see that one? Yeah. Yeah. Peacock. Peacock projecting the film with all our buddies, Andy and stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:28 It's fun times. Well, I was just going to say, and we talked about it. We talked about doing our little Game of Thrones spoiler cast. So let's carve aside a little bit of time after this. Not too, too long. No, I don't think we need to. There's just a few things. Yeah, a few things.
Starting point is 00:56:41 This is purely show spoilers. Show spoilers for season five. Okay. And that'll be at the end of the podcast. So that if you don't want to get fucked up. Actually, some book discussion. Some book stuff? Because guess what?
Starting point is 00:56:54 Because they changed it. Oh, you're stuck on the book. No, no, no. The show is fucked up. The show is fucked up to the last book. Oh, okay. Already? Yes.
Starting point is 00:57:03 That's a fucking problem. And that was a surprise. But I found some stuff out. I did some research. Because I had to. Because I'm like, wait. No, I need to know. There are certain character arcs that are not kind of completed.
Starting point is 00:57:15 Well, we'll get into it. We'll get into it. But here's what we know is that George R. R. Martin said that book six is going to come out before season six. So they're going to have to tell you. Good. And season six came out first? Well, no, but some of the seasons are two seasons per book.
Starting point is 00:57:32 I know. But what about the... It took them like six years to write this book. Well, they're going to have... There's a seventh book. It's going to be not just a sixth one. Okay, and they see... I'm not talking...
Starting point is 00:57:43 Like this one, they'll make it. The show is likely going to end around season eight. They've already said this. Okay. So we know how much is left. We know how much... But what if the seventh book is not out by the time those seasons... Then it's going to be...
Starting point is 00:57:54 Then it's going to be the biggest... Well, we know that they're talking to him and working with him. But like... Because like I read Game of Thrones book one and started two back when I was like ten years old. Sure. He takes a while. That's true. Two seasons may not be...
Starting point is 00:58:10 I think when he signed the contract saying you can do this, he's got to know the back of his mind. I've got to finish this. Damn. But also he doesn't... You don't want to rush it off the right. No, exactly. You kind of want to rush the old...
Starting point is 00:58:22 That produces the best content. You want to rush off the old... I really... I'm really hoping... He puts out book six and then he goes over and hangs out with Mira and plays Idolmaster for twenty years. Sounds great. And they both die.
Starting point is 00:58:34 Sounds great. That's the future Idol. They'll die happy. Yeah, exactly. Anyway. Tyrion killed Griffith. Anyway, prepare something will happen and then, you know, they'll take a break or they won't.
Starting point is 00:58:44 Whatever. We'll talk about that later. Maybe take a break. Game spoilers as well in there? Or... Telltale? Yeah. No, there's not much to say.
Starting point is 00:58:52 Just want to get that out there for people who will cut off. I have an 83-year way to get in. So you played a lot of fighting games this week. But did you watch a lot of fighting games? I watched more fighting games than I played this week. So, Rune, what is your total hour count of Street Fighter V footage in your brain? Maybe, like, five. I know, though.
Starting point is 00:59:11 This week, five. Well, like... Yours is six because you didn't stop the entire day. Liam, the first day that we were there. Is it more than I expected? It's six, exactly. All right. You watched it from the moment it started to the moment it ended.
Starting point is 00:59:26 Okay. Woolly, yours was five and a half that day. Mine is stream beginning to stream end. So, 18 hours minus one half hour. I walked in to do something in this place and you just had it on. It never turned off. So, for me, it's like 12 to 13. Like, I caught all of day one, most of day two, and a little bit of day three.
Starting point is 00:59:47 And then there was the off-camera stuff that I went to check out as well as the addition. I have, like, maybe an hour. So, Street Fighter V looks good as shit. Yeah. It looks really good. You know, we've had a chance to get really familiar with this build visually, I guess, just observing it, not playing it, of course. It's, like, as close as you can get without touching it.
Starting point is 01:00:06 Tell me, and Matt played it. Yeah. Oh, and I like the... I didn't tell you about that code I got. Oh. I like the fact that, you know, not just Max, but a couple of people are thinking about it as iteration one. The new generation of whatever this game is going to become.
Starting point is 01:00:21 And the fact that it's already in a state that people are having fun with it is fantastic. I want to get big shout-outs to Ultra David for having the good sense and time to put up that fucking spreadsheet of info. That document is... I have not checked it in a couple days. I'm going to have to go back and check it because that thing is the current Street Fighter V Bible. Yes. Of what is this game really?
Starting point is 01:00:41 It's an awesome read, and it will probably be completely outdated by day one, but it's pretty cool to look at. Yeah. No, that stays open too. It's just about the feel right now. Yeah, right? And some questions that you're not going to get from most people on stream, like when you pop your V trigger and you do a V skill, does it rebuild? Shit like that.
Starting point is 01:01:00 I don't know, but I'm going to say no. Well, we don't know yet. But that's a great doc. Also, shout-outs to the Event Hubs coverage and the SRK coverage. They've been really on top of the ball with that and finding little tidbits of things that like, hey, I know you watched this video, but did you notice this one little part of the video where you saw something? No, I did think of that, Hubs.
Starting point is 01:01:22 And one of the things as well is a lot of people that walked away talking about how they felt the sluggishness and slowness of this, like there's slowness that people saw in the trailer. The people said they felt some sluggishness on the builds here. And this was a nice little sobering moment because there will be, it's like, no, Kamal Fiend said they sped up the build. They said it's super slow. And when you watch it on stream, it seems much faster. It seems faster.
Starting point is 01:01:43 Yeah. So what are people talking about? And it turns out that the stations that were not in the mainstreaming station had lag. Laggy TVs. Oh, like laggy TVs. On the show floor. That's such a common thing on show floor. It's a real bummer.
Starting point is 01:01:54 Exactly. It doesn't hurt almost any other game except for fighters. But it shapes... Literally the worst way. It's called the show floor. Yeah. And so the people who know and feel it in their fingertips walk away thinking about the game as if it were a slower thing.
Starting point is 01:02:10 No, you were just playing with a filter. And they said as soon as they sat on something that had... Felt amazing. That makes sense. So that was something to filter into some of the news you were reading. That's a skill that people need to learn. To identify that they're playing on a shitty TV. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:27 Because you should be able to tell. Sadly, not every genre. You know what I mean? Rhythm games. Fighting games. Fighting games. But I mean, you can still feel it in shooters and stuff. You could probably feel it.
Starting point is 01:02:38 Direct character control. Yeah. Like you should be able to feel it. So yeah, no. There's some a lot of tournaments and whatnot. They look fucking great. So far, Birdie looks amazing. So Birdie and Kami have been announced so far.
Starting point is 01:02:52 And Birdie looks fucking awesome. So, so solid. Kami looks... Of all the characters, Kami looks the most similar to her prior incarnation. She looks the most similar, but like the... And she still... The increased amount of detail looks fantastic. No, but I mean like style.
Starting point is 01:03:07 The gameplay. The autocross-up systems that they have built into her now. It's fun because it's like they got rid of her cannon-spiked shenanigans and her edging on her cannon drill. But now it automatically autocorrects and crosses up. So do you like her v-skill better now? Because I know you didn't like her v-skill initially. Because it was just like it's just the same move.
Starting point is 01:03:28 And it's like, no, actually it has a ton of invincibility. And it autocrosses up. That's cool. There you go. That's more fair. If you take an old move that used to be like a multi-strength move and then make it a v-skill, if you make it a very different move or like change the application in some words, then you can have fun.
Starting point is 01:03:48 If it's identical, then that's not fun. Birdie is continuing the trend of characters that are technically old characters but are so completely different that they might as well be 100% new characters. It's getting really close to her cross-tech inshaler now that there's eating systems. What? He's talking about Birdie's v-skill. But what eating was there in cross-tech in? In your cross-tech video that you made.
Starting point is 01:04:13 Oh, I'm not even, no, this is another game that gets way closer to my trailer. Birdie is also the best example of this game. It's like, boy, are they serious about loosening up on inputs. Like Birdie's charge, former charge move is now a quarter circle. It's a dragon punch. It's a dragon punch. It's a dragon punch with kick. Wait, for his headbutt?
Starting point is 01:04:35 For his headbutt. Bullhead is dragon punch and his super uppercut, which used to be a grab and is now a strike, is just a double fireball. I think it's backwards. It's double half-circle forward. Double half-circle forward. What was the old 360 on him also? Yon's lunge punch.
Starting point is 01:04:54 Hadoken. Hadoken? Yeah, so it's kind of the same thing as that, I guess. Well, what they're doing in this case is it's DP that just moves you forward. I'm sorry, it's DP. DP with kick is his headbutt and then the charge punch button is the uppercut variation. So, no, it's really different and interesting. Also, you can just fish for jabs and then confirm.
Starting point is 01:05:17 Super good. Super good. Back to old jabs. Back to old fundamentals. Yeah. If you didn't... Fucking dominating that tournament with his combo into ultra. If you didn't learn footsies...
Starting point is 01:05:27 Yeah, this game has no hard knockdowns or almost no hard knockdowns. Even if we didn't know that, you'd be able to tell because people are comboing into fucking sweeps. And if you're able to combo into Ryu's sweep, this game better have limited hard knockdowns. Yeah, because Ken had that. Godlike! Also, the recovery is anti-vortex recovery system. Where you've got the quick recovery and then you've got the quick recovery with a back dash that moves you just out of place so that any shenanigans based on your wake-up can be completely avoided.
Starting point is 01:06:01 Damage is super, super high. Wow, is it high? I'm glad damage scaling is done. When combo Fiend was asked about the scaling, I think his reply was there is no scaling. And I don't think that's 100% true, but the game appears to feel like there's no scaling. We'll find out, but here's your litmus test. Sometimes high damage can lead to defensive play. Yeah, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:06:25 High damage, high stun. If you're being defensive, the guy fighting you is going to be double on your ass. But when you have damage at that's high, I think it's sometimes even harder to balance your game. Yeah, I can imagine for sure. So I hope, like, you know... Which is why I'm glad that what they've done is that nothing pushes you away. You're taking a chip, like substantial chip on specials and a lot of normals as well. We were watching these scenarios in which guys were attempting to...
Starting point is 01:06:56 You were trying to do your cross-up and you were getting your block strings out. And as long as the block string is happening, as long as buttons are being pushed and a character is being hit, the stun gauge doesn't go down. Period. It does not decrease. And you're building up gray life so that if you're defensive and turtling and are not breaking out, if that guy gets in and he's going to get in, they're going to open you up for a fucking ass weapon. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:25 And we saw stuff like standing strong, crouching fears, Tatsu, and then it's a super. And shit like that. And it's like, there goes half your life. Half. And it's such a basic combo. Bam. Without the super, it's still close to 30%. I think there should be a dumb mode.
Starting point is 01:07:40 Like the Street Fighter 1 mode where one dragon punch does like 30%. No, it just kills you. Oh, okay. Sometimes in Street Fighter 1, a single dragon punch will take all your life. Sometimes it'll take... That can be this game's new Omega mode. Yeah, that would be the game's new Omega mode. Once everything else that's important is out there, let's have fun.
Starting point is 01:07:56 No. Why not? No. It should be the base mode. I do hope it ships with more engaging modes than 4 did, because 4 is single player content. Liam, I have a strong suspicion that this game is going to ship with arcade mode versus an online mode. I have that feeling. That's possible.
Starting point is 01:08:13 I just hope... Because they have actually acknowledged it, I hope that... The awesome mode that you would want in Street Fighter, that's not kind of represented. Well, obviously I want some of the default good ones, like the challenge mode, which is super fun already. Car pressure? No, no. Oh, challenges. Yeah, challenges.
Starting point is 01:08:30 Yeah, exactly. I want them to be more useful. How about World Tour mode? Yeah, I'd love for something like World Tour or just a better story mode, because the story mode in 4 is just fine. That's not good. That's fair. Like, if we get the...well, whatever. Dude, the game could ship with versions and I want that thorough ass training mode, man.
Starting point is 01:08:46 I want that Skullgirls training mode. Well, I expect they'll have all the features that Ultra does. I think they're going to have a full ass training mode, because there's a goddamn cross-up detection warning on the screen. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, if they're going to do that, then they're going to tone down all the inputs, and they're going to put two frames of input leniency on every single link in the game, then they should have a good training mode. They're going to go in the seasons. Like, when KI showed up, it had, like, two modes, and now it's got more modes than most retail fighting games do.
Starting point is 01:09:19 So, I'd like to think if they're going to ship, like, very few modes that... Yeah, that'd be cool. Well, the difference is they're shipping a $60 disc versus KI was $20. Well, you don't know that they're going to ship a $60 disc. Well, that's...I mean, that's what they're charging on PSN. Oh, yeah, you're right, you're right. You're totally right. I did buy the game.
Starting point is 01:09:37 Yeah, no, I didn't buy that. You could pay for it now. No, then that kind of confirms it unless Capcom's crazy, that it has to be a full-fledged 15-20 fighter... It's good. It's a community game. It's a community game. They have come out and said they want $16. I know it is, but what I'm talking about is Liam just saying, like, content.
Starting point is 01:09:56 Yeah. Yeah. What's fun is... Oh, that's crazy. I wanted them to sell story mode. That's what I want. Well, they're not going to have that. Why not?
Starting point is 01:10:04 Because they're not. No. I think Ono said that he liked the M.K. thing, and so it's very possible. If Capcom can't even fund their own video games, I don't think a huge expense on this. Dude, but it's fun, isn't it? But it's fun, isn't it? It's fun to be as long. Sony's funding...
Starting point is 01:10:18 What I mean is that that is a huge, huge amount of money that Warner Brothers was able to pay, and I don't see Cap on that level. I don't see it being four hours long, but I see something maybe even an hour long existing. I think it'll be a cinematic final. I also honestly think that an M.K. campaign is cheaper than the quantity of anime cutscenes they would regularly pay for. Yes, there's that. That's horrible because the anime cutscenes were like the...
Starting point is 01:10:44 I know. But they always cost a ton. And they knocked points off in some of your reviewers' reviews and whatnot. And they're going to unfortunately... There's what we just talked about where Ono said he liked the Mortal Kombat story. I know that thing. And the guy saying he likes something does not make sense. Well, and it doesn't, but it's like...
Starting point is 01:11:01 You can connect dots, you know what I mean? Like it's likely... Well, Matt, and also you yourself have to admit you know they're going to cut corners. I hate it. You know they're going to cut corners. They're not going to hire the last door or exile or whatever the fuck they were called. We're not going to get that kind of off. We're not going to get indestructible part two.
Starting point is 01:11:19 And that sucks. So hopefully they can put that money to use. But that's what I need. They're going to cut corners and it's not going to be a big huge... They're going to roll Dion Sanders out of his mansion and get him back. That's what it is. I just hope there's more good single player content because like as much as I like car crusher and barrel, but like I'm not going to play those twice.
Starting point is 01:11:36 No, you mean like fighting game challenges. You mean like Mortal Kombat style like... Well, like 300 channels. I love things that are talked about. World tour mode. World tour is really good. You know what? They're going to save a lot of money not doing that replay channel stuff because these consoles
Starting point is 01:11:49 have built-in replay functions. Oh, that's true. Maybe. Because they put a lot of work into that on Third Strike and on Four. Hard to even say because like even like Guilty Gear has big replay challenge functions. But like the entire navigation mode of like... It was quite elaborate. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:03 Do you want to just see Jury and Hakon videos all day? Well, they've got the metrics. Watch this player. I guess they know what the right choice is. So one thing that's really fun to go back to gameplay is the fact that the V trigger system is actually still sort of a comeback mechanic. Yeah. But it's reliant.
Starting point is 01:12:20 It all depends on your skill. Yeah. To use the term. You can't just pop it and get the free damage. You've got to pop it and then make the damage. Hey, guess what? You're playing Mbison and you're doing badly? Well, now you're a way better version of Mbison.
Starting point is 01:12:34 But you need to know how to play this new weird teleporting Mbison. And it's not like KOF 12 with the critical counter system. Oh, so they just blast it. You just once and then you go all in while that meter is out there. Here, that Bison bar is going to last the rest of the round. So you better get in there, motherfucker. Turn that round around. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:12:51 Or learn how to fight it. That's your crazy cross-up teleport devil's reverse. Yeah. Kami doing her cannon drills and cannon spikes that cross you up automatically. And they do like a third of your health. But like, you know what? Now you know she's going to do it. And when it's out there, if you block it once, her bar is gone.
Starting point is 01:13:08 It's great. It's really smart. It returns from a character with fireballs that are pretty good. And again, in which fireballs are minimized compared to four. Right back into a fireball beast, the instant he pops that shit. It's basically, it's doing what we kind of talked about a while ago, where it's like four reintroduces the concept of the fighting game. And now that we're all back.
Starting point is 01:13:30 It's crazy shit. Now let's play those fighting games we like again. Yeah, yeah. That's it. The happiest quote for me coming out was the interview with Jay Wong by Ben Hubs, in which he described it as kind of like third strike or CVS2. And it's all about in your face, immediacy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:50 There's really, there's much less zoning. And the thing is that current one, the zoning characters show up. It's going to change. But for now, with this roster, it's very much in your face. I still want Viper with a focus attack. Yes. That'd be cool. That'd be fun.
Starting point is 01:14:03 It's really necessary for our four is able to push fighting games over like the cliff. So everyone can see them. After MK Deception action. After MK Deception actually kept it up. The catalyst. I was just going to do that, Joe. I'm glad you went for it. Deception was the dumpster mattress at the bottom of the cliff.
Starting point is 01:14:20 No, he was right. He was Atlas. No. He was Atlas holding up Earth. Ultra. Not Japanese Atlas. He means like Atlas. I know.
Starting point is 01:14:28 A true fighter form. It did. There is that famous quote that says, I would not be here if I didn't stand on the back of giants. Yeah. You know. I think that's real. What I said himself, Deception Kun was the savior.
Starting point is 01:14:41 This is really funny. I don't think this is real. With the deadly alliance on its left. Thanks, Shijinko. And the Armageddon on its right. Supporting. Yeah. Thanks, Shijinko.
Starting point is 01:14:52 And that's like a character, let's say Frodo or something. Frodo and Sam. And Sam is carrying it all the way. But just at the tip, some asshole comes and takes the thing. And he gets all the credit. Yeah. That's funny. It's like always sunny episodes.
Starting point is 01:15:10 Yeah. Anyway. So yeah, that's a lot of fun. And after that, nothing really happened to you. No, not really. Totally boring. I just have to get into it really quickly. Because you said Microstack Intrailer.
Starting point is 01:15:24 You're talking about subsystems and shit. Yeah. They showed off the footage now of the new characters in Guilty Gear Exurge Revelator. Yeah. There's some bullshit on those characters. So you've got Jack O. and Johnny who returns. Johnny's good old Johnny. He's got the Misfiner.
Starting point is 01:15:41 He's got the Glittering Gold. He throws the coin. Glittering Gold. And you get the coin, then Misfiner gets good. It's a good character. Got Johnny coming back as the smallest surprise in the fucking world. Exactly. Playing in story mode, you're like, oh, there's a really nice Johnny model talking to me.
Starting point is 01:15:55 Oh, I wonder. He's got a cool Dashing Son Super now. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. What about this other character? But Jack O. is this cool girl that wears a flare pants suit. Okay. She has a jack-o'-lantern mask and she fights and has her moves and whatever.
Starting point is 01:16:13 Normal, some cool Guilty Gear stuff. But her system is she puts down these little enemy generator houses dedicated to each button. So she puts down a K-House, an S-House, and a P-House. And they mind this being gas. And they generate enemies that fly out and automatically attack you. Wait, how big are these enemies? They're very tiny. They're like projectile size.
Starting point is 01:16:36 They're like a quarter, 25% of your body. You throw a projectile size. Yeah. And they just float around you and attack you all at the same time. And you have to attack these things and they have individual life bars. Yeah. And she can pull, pick them up and throw them at different places on the screen. Or bring them back.
Starting point is 01:16:52 It's fucking nuts. I know exactly what this character is. Enemy Generating Fountain. This character is, do you remember in Calamity Trigger how fucked Arakune was? With his little bug face. Yeah. The Fountain character was. This is the attempt at that type by making the input barrier to that so much higher by having it have to be placed.
Starting point is 01:17:17 Placed. And it's more controlled than the bugs are. Arakune's inputs were way harder. Yeah. But the bullshit that he could do in Calamity Trigger was unbelievable. I remember. I remember actually Calamity Trigger the most. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:32 Then Jacko was just like taking it to the next level. It's funny because you can see how new characters in fighting games are trying to push the envelope in different ways. Yeah. And Keats and Lab Zero are going in one sort of creative direction. And Japan is like, nah, bring it back down to here. Yeah. More bullshit on the screen to deal with. It's fun.
Starting point is 01:17:57 It's fun. So I put some links to the footage you can check out. Yeah, I guess we should talk about actually. Where do we want to start? Well, since we're talking about fighting games, can I just ask, did you know a new version of Battle High came out? No. A new version of Battle High came out? Battle High 2?
Starting point is 01:18:11 Just an update, a big update version similar to Revelator where they add a bunch of characters in the game. In birth. The fucking fighting game of all fighting games. It's like this fucking bullshit indie fighting game on Xbox Live indie games. Yeah, yeah. That's the one. But there's a huge new version of Battle High 2 with a subtitle. That's the one.
Starting point is 01:18:33 That's the one. So you know what? There's a bunch of new characters and shit. All right. Good to know. So something happened that we didn't catch on stage. What's the plan for Scrublers? That's what he's saying.
Starting point is 01:18:43 When Duly noted. That's what's being said. Duly noted. We're on the list after the 400 other pieces of shit on there. When the For Honor popped up and got demoed. Yeah. And they sent the players out on stage. I didn't catch it.
Starting point is 01:18:57 But right up front in the camera was fucking Ed Ma. Yeah. Really? He was sitting right there and he was the guy that was on stage demoing with the players. He was playing one of the characters. And it was like, that's what this motherfucker is up to. Yeah. And he said he was doing something for Ubisoft.
Starting point is 01:19:12 Fucking small world because I saw Ed Ma and I'm like, oh, that's Ed Ma. And then I went to watch a video for it. And then Jeff Spicer's up presenting the game. And I'm like, I know every. So it's like, no, it was just fun because it was like, you know, the whole time when we were hanging out and stuff, he was like, yeah, you know, he's working at Ubisoft. Can't talk about what he's working on right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:33 But it's like. That was a while ago. That was a while ago. But even up to like two, three weeks ago at that tournament. And it was just like, you know that they got a guy like this for a reason. You know? You didn't get hired because like he's good in Excel. You got hired because he knows about fights.
Starting point is 01:19:50 He knows his shit. Well, the reason is you want your game to be good. So you see, and then you see them holding up their stance, switching and you're like, okay, there it is. Dude, that's the reason why I'm insanely hyped for For Honor. So good. My only thing about that is like, yeah, obviously needs to have a huge multiplayer component. It seems like it talks a little bit about single pedaling.
Starting point is 01:20:10 Yeah. They'll be there. They're splitting it. It's mainly about the multiplayer. Which is fine if the fighting is that good. But the fighting is even half as good as chivalry's. Who cares if it's a MOBA at that point? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:24 It's not. It's like super confirmed not. Yeah, I know. Super confirmed not. They confirmed that. No matter how we were confused when we were like, are those lanes? Are those lanes? No, they were never.
Starting point is 01:20:33 I was not confused. I was never confused. They confirmed that it is in fact a double MOBA. Where it loops back around and not being a MOBA. It's an MMO, BBAA. Street Fighter V to be double MOBA. No, that's a triple MOBA. See, there's only one lane and it's the 2D lane of the stage.
Starting point is 01:20:52 What I mean is though, when I saw For Honor at first, I was like, oh, this is the rise I want. Yeah. And Rise, of course, has a little bit of multiplayer and single player. So I would like it if it doesn't have to have a gigantic Assassin's Creed thing. But between the two, between a single player experience like Rise and a full-on multiplayer experience like For Honor. No, no. Yeah, but I don't want that For Honor gameplay in a single player experience.
Starting point is 01:21:17 I could fucking care less. I want both, man. I would play against people. I want both. I want that fun. And I want it on my couch, which I'm worried I'm looking at. I just don't want another Warhawk situation where eventually my disc is useless. You think they're going to sponsor it?
Starting point is 01:21:31 What are you talking about? No. You want it on your couch. Do you think there's no couch versus? No way. Do you stand when you play online? No. Then you're on your couch.
Starting point is 01:21:44 I know. He's just said couch. Couch co-op as a term for you and me. You mean local? Yeah. You're insane. I am insane. There's no worry.
Starting point is 01:21:54 I am insane. No, but you said I'm worried. No, don't worry. It's not going to be normal. Yeah, I know. I have no fucking way. Unless there's a Wii U version. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:04 Like you said though, I don't want a game that's just... I want something like Anarchy Reigns single player. That's enough for me. Yeah, I know. That's what I expect. I don't want something that's useless in a year. The character is living in a world where I'm sad system link is dead. That system link was the best.
Starting point is 01:22:20 Because then you could keep the multiplayer going forever as long as you had people to play with. I don't think there's a War 1 forever. You can. There's a Wii and Mat like single player and multiplayer separately in different ways and prioritized in different ways. Sure, but... That's all. It's fine.
Starting point is 01:22:36 It's fine. I want a single player too. I would... I wish Splatoon had more single players. I could go with a single player for this, but I will also, for this particular one, I would very much appreciate a single player. I'm going to fall on the same side as you, Wii. It's like, nah, I want to go punch a guy in the face with my sword.
Starting point is 01:22:52 We want both. It's just you lean, you go 66-33 on one side of the other. I never really had a single player campaign that'd be great, but I still play all that. The only reason I'm even saying it is because there's clearly a lot of AI at work in that game. Yeah. Like, even in the multiplayer, there's so much AI going on in there. Like, there's obviously going to be a single player. It's versus Dynasty Warriors made by Ubisoft.
Starting point is 01:23:10 Like, they confirm there will be a single player thing, which I'm fine with. I'm good. But I want to do robust things. But I don't even need it robust. I just need a reason to care playing the single player. That's all I need. Well, something to suck on for a while. Yeah, something to...
Starting point is 01:23:23 Yeah. How many licks does it take to get to the center of Verona? The center of Jason van der Birch. One van der Bulge. All right, we'll let you find out. Like, honestly, there's so much fucking shit here. I don't even know where to start. Do you have a list of things in front of you?
Starting point is 01:23:37 I have a list. Let's do it. In semi-priority... Semi-priority? Okay, I like that list. All right. So, confirmation. Aya Bray will live again.
Starting point is 01:23:48 We'll appear briefly. Braykowski will appear as the lead in the play of Loveless. Coming soon to a gatch near you. That's neat. I already know this was E3 news. Yeah. They're doing it. All dreams are possible.
Starting point is 01:24:06 In FF7, she appears on the Billboard. Do it, Kevin Garnett. Do it. Everything is possible. Everything is possible. Everything is possible. So, I'll admit, I have reacted with an embarrassing amount of giddiness. Actually, people...
Starting point is 01:24:20 Way more than I personally expected. But people were disappointed that we weren't like the game trailers footage. Those guys were fucking... I wish I had Bosman's reaction. Because Bosman's chair climbing skills cannot be defeated. Because our last year Nintendo conference had a ton of us jumping around like idiots and stuff. I was shocked. I was just silently shocked.
Starting point is 01:24:46 The silent hand holding with Liam was covering a lot of slap-jawed... Really? I'm not going to lie. Really? I'm not going to lie for me that Lee kind of killed the announcement, I bet. Here's the thing. Because I believed every ounce of it. Because why wouldn't you?
Starting point is 01:25:02 Here's the thing. It was just because of what we heard internally and stuff. It was so... It was like, you know, we will not make an FF7 remake until we make a game that's better than FF7, in our opinion. So what happened? Did you do that? Or did the leadership change? Did you go, we need to cash in that one?
Starting point is 01:25:21 No, but exactly. The minute I heard the rumors, I was like, well, there it is. See, here's the thing. Because there's never smoke where there isn't fire. You know what I mean? Liam? But that's valid. To an extent, I agree with what you said, and I felt similarly.
Starting point is 01:25:34 But I guess I would say that I was in a schrodinger state of belief in which I believed those rumors, but it obviously can't be true. Like that was the thing going through my head, and you can hear it on last week's podcast, where I'm becoming anxious over the rumors where it's like, there's a lot of these rumors. They can't be true. It must be fake. And we talk about the possibility of this remake existing for like 40 fucking minutes, and I walk out of that podcast going, yeah, they're not going to show it.
Starting point is 01:26:02 It's not real. Because it's industry lore. It's the fucking yeti. It's not going to ever happen. It has been 18 years since that game's released. There's just no way, but then bam, there you go. Yeah. And I did not think I cared this much about Final Fantasy VII.
Starting point is 01:26:16 I clearly do. That's weird to me. They very smartly like gave you that, like just the back of the head. Just enough. Just enough. Well, the real genius of that announcement trailer is that it starts, and it's not super clear. Like they show a cityscape. It was super fucking clear to me.
Starting point is 01:26:35 It was really, really clear. It was fucking life shoes. You see how you see the life shoes in the middle? The life shoes. The only thing that's unclear is like, is this a movie or not? Yeah, I know. And I'm talking specifically about every shot right up until you see the kids on the playground. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:50 Like there's two shots before the kids on the playground. Those are someone ambiguous. It's like a train or a city. And the city's not Midgar. And here's a sky and a bird. You're like, but the fucking slide set. And here's the slide set and the kids playing with a buster sword and the kids looking at the livestream.
Starting point is 01:27:07 But the true genius of that trailer is that the voice, the dialogue is not talking about the game. Yeah. It's not talking about the story. It's literally talking about the experience of you wanting the FS7 remake. The line of like the memory of the star that threatened all burns eternal in our hearts is such a good fucking line. Cause you're like, is that me?
Starting point is 01:27:30 That's meteor! Oh shit! God damn! How close could it have been where you would have gone from aesthetic and excited to, oh fuck you, if they had the exact same trailer and it showed up in the livestream and Liam got all excited. Yeah. And then it says, Final Fantasy, Advent Children, Extended Edition, Ships with Final Fantasy
Starting point is 01:27:52 7H. There is a word. Like that could have been that. I'm going to say that the opposite of sploosh is whoosh. Yeah. And that's all the excitement just whooshing out of your body. That said, like, it did happen. That would have been.
Starting point is 01:28:08 No, but like almost anything, one line needed to change and it would turn into absolute despair. They knew they had to have known that was an actual fear, which is why the word remake appears with a sudden effect. So I always use the thud of the Mortal Kombat 4 gates closing in my videos and then I upgraded that to the Snake Eater credits thud when they reveal Les Enfants Terribles. And now we have a new thud. It's this high pitched, like, cling. It's so loud and piercing and it's made for you and your heart to jump out of your mouth
Starting point is 01:28:49 and just do break dancing moves. Like, it's nuts. Apparently the acoustics of that sound effect in particular, I have a friend report to me, was really good in movie theaters. Right. Yes. So this is the thing now. Does this project exist yet?
Starting point is 01:29:04 No. I think so. In a prototype state? Sure. Pre-production? Sure. I think it's. Full production?
Starting point is 01:29:12 I think it's in production. I mean, considering it's at CyberConnect, like, it's either in production or it's starting after Eyes of Heaven ships in a month. Is it possible? Yeah, you're right. It's probably totally in production. Like, if it's going to ship in 2017, it's got to be in dev because we're already more than halfway through.
Starting point is 01:29:27 And that's, like, so I did a lot of thinking about, like, FF7, because I had not thought about it in a couple years. Like, okay, you're going to remake this. There was a nice topic on GAF that said what moments have to come back. And scrolling through those pages, I'm like, oh my fucking god, this game is so big. It's big. The fight with fucking. It's so fucking big.
Starting point is 01:29:46 Dude, I can't wait to see the fight with Dine. That's one of the bits I wrote. You go to space? Yeah. Either every town has, like, 40 fucking unique rooms and Hojo chill. Fuck you. I want my date. I want my date.
Starting point is 01:30:00 You probably forget that. That was dawn. Because I forgot it. Do you remember Hojo chilling on the beach with his honeys? Yeah. At Costa del Sol? Oh, wow. Think of what that moment is going to be.
Starting point is 01:30:12 There's so much stuff. That would lead to, Willie, do you remember saying like, well, don't do anything. Just make it pretty. Don't, don't change anything. And then they went on to say, we're going to be changing gameplay and the story. And do you remember that? I think some of those things might change. To get, no.
Starting point is 01:30:28 Well, kind of. That's part two where I have to finish the sentences. You remember the fucking tower defense battle to get the Phoenix materia at the Condor Tower? That fucking whole sequence. It's crazy. And yes, they have totally talked like, okay, we were just going to paint over it. What's the point? Well.
Starting point is 01:30:46 And then everyone went. Well, I'm like the super elaborate Chocobo race track and stuff, which, you know, like. So they're like, and Nomura says, of course we're going to change things. And people go, oh, no. It's natural. There's tons of super weird shit in that game. There's also going to be that, there's always going to be that one thing that means a lot to you that you're going to hate not being there.
Starting point is 01:31:06 And so Nomura was smart and got out there and said, listen, we're not going to try and make it super serious. The fact that there's super weird goofy shit in that game is what makes parts of it so good. And he went out and made specific sure to be like that cross dressing scene and everything to do with Honey Vien is obviously going to be in the game. Absolutely. Can't take that out.
Starting point is 01:31:31 Yeah. That shit's great. What I hope they should do, and this is just my personal thing for adaptation, if they want to really win everyone over and take the piss out of themselves, they need to have Cloud dress up like lightning. They have to have him just straight up, put a fucking pink wig on. If that was his costume with the Dawn, that would be the greatest thing. And then they could choose between that or like a Unidress sphere or something like that.
Starting point is 01:31:54 No, I want that. I want that like lightning. It would be the best thing. That'd be funny. On what you said before, where you were saying that we have on very, very good authority that they weren't going to make FF7 again until they surpassed themselves, you know, I think this is directly related to Matsuda taking over the company. And when we talk about the Square Enix E3 Pressor, I'd like to elaborate on that because
Starting point is 01:32:19 I think the whole E3 Pressor is very representative of Matsuda's vision for the company. It's either the handoff from Wada to Matsuda or 15. I think it's the handoff because of some of the like ridiculously early states of projects we saw at the Square Enix E3 Contents where they were comfortable to talk about that evidently because they wanted to prove a point, I guess. So Liam, I think we've said it all we need to say about FF7. Because Matsuda said he wanted to create a new face first. Yes, and it is very true that we're seeing the fucking RPG factory.
Starting point is 01:32:54 You know what it means? So Liam, you mentioned again that they were comfortable showing off early in development. Would you like to talk about that game? Yeah, of course. So they announced the new near game, who knows what exactly that's going to be about. I'm sad that that moment was lost in time. I wish. But we weren't to know, like why would we think something like that would happen.
Starting point is 01:33:16 There's no reason why we would. That's why it's cool when fucking RPGs don't get me. And I know it bummed a lot of people out, but there's no reason why we would. So that same meeting that me and Wally found out that, yeah, we're not going to reduce seven until we also put our guns in our shadows. Exactly. And he straight up said it wasn't that profitable. It was not super, you know, it was all right, but it was only because people bought strategy
Starting point is 01:33:44 guys and soundtracks and stuff. And then Draconguard 3 didn't sell even nearly as well as near. So I was told, like in my mind, Yoko Taro, getting a new shot with Draconguard 3 sales are the most unsurprising thing in the world. But regardless, that is a data point here. So in my mind, like Yoko Taro getting another go with Square Enix, I was like, no, not anytime soon. That footage of that German kid freaking out is like the surrogate Liam.
Starting point is 01:34:09 So some people posted that footage of the Swedish guy freaking out. I think I was way louder than him. You were. So our most telling moment about it was we went out to grab some food after that. Yeah. You and I walked up and started buying some stuff. I went to get muffins. And you went away to get some muffins and you came back and you were just like, I just
Starting point is 01:34:31 started crying. I was just thinking about it and I was like, wow. I've never been so excited by an announcement in my life to give you a rough approximation of Liam noise. This was recorded in my home and I'm a loud guy and I look at Liam and I was getting close to grabbing his arm and I'm just in a total adult tone of voice saying, Liam, you have to be quiet. You're telling me to shut up.
Starting point is 01:34:58 Yeah. I remember. Because it was so loud that even though it was only one in the fucking afternoon, like I'm going to get calls from my landlord telling me to shut up. Yeah. You're squealing screaming. The only terrible thing I can think of for me was like, obviously we had our awesome Bayo 2 moment.
Starting point is 01:35:19 Yeah. The office. Oh, that is great. That was like never reproducible ever again in our lives. And I had one thing that was stronger than that and it was similar. It was the reveal of four when I was at work and I had to stifle it, but I couldn't. I spoke to you on the phone within like a couple of minutes and I heard the stifle and it was hilarious.
Starting point is 01:35:40 And it was just like, everyone's like, why is Willy freaking out? And then slowly the room was getting the new and everyone, oh, oh, no. Okay. Yeah. And then like even the bosses like, okay, no, it's fine. Like take your time. Enjoy yourself. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:35:56 The moment that I call you and say, yo, what is it? Pat? What is it? Do you have something to tell me? Do you? Do you? What? What was the number, Pat?
Starting point is 01:36:09 It was four. And we just started screaming in our phone. And I remember because like before I picked up the phone, I set my desktop to that screenshot and I have two screens. So I stretched it across both. And it ended with the weird dick picture. I put that as my double screenshot stretch and I locked my computer, turned it so that everyone could see and then left to go get the phone.
Starting point is 01:36:37 Nice. Fuck, that was great. That sucks that they didn't have a better screenshot. I remember like, yeah, for this announcement, we were all as deeply sunk in the past. What it represented? Sure, but just put the logo. For the near thing, I remember we were all as deeply sunk into past furniture as we possibly could be because of the dullness of the Just Cause 3 announcement, which is going to be
Starting point is 01:37:01 a great game, but none of us are really into it. And then it comes up. And then it comes up. And we couldn't tell what it was. And the producer steps up and he says, we're going to talk about something. I'd like to just show it to you. And then the sci-fi, Square Enix logo, and we're all like, okay, it's the leaked front mission.
Starting point is 01:37:16 And we're all paying attention. And I hit the floor. You did not hit the floor. You calmly walked on it. And he walked on the floor. And you laid down. I slid onto the ground. And just laid himself on the floor.
Starting point is 01:37:28 I'm not ready. I'm not ready. Well, his reaction was those great reactions where it shows like a sexy lady in one picture. Then it shows Cole Phelps' physics going nuts. And then like, and Warren, he just kind of falls over. I wasn't ready, man. No, exactly. I was on the list of producers and whatever over the contact.
Starting point is 01:37:46 And eventually K.H. Yokabe popped up the musician. And I remember that was the bit where I started yelling. And I was like, he's the musician. He's the best musician in the industry. He's the best one. And then Yoko Taro's name came up and I lost my shit. But in my head, I was like, I didn't even consider Nier.
Starting point is 01:38:03 Because you guys may not know it, but Nier has probably the most concise ending in a video game ever. Like the end of Evangelion level. This is over. It is possibly more concise than end of Eva. That's probably like final fantasy in a way that it's just a brand new story. Just the planet exploded. For anyone who knows it, it is the most concise thing.
Starting point is 01:38:26 And James Small backs that up. So I didn't even remotely even think of it. And so I was like, it's a new dragon guard, I guess, but it wasn't even profitable. And then the letters tick to Nier. There's something. And now the thing though that is especially like, I can't even imagine is like, it's not just the announcement of a new Nier project. It's handed to...
Starting point is 01:38:45 Handed to what? That's what I thought. It's no longer going to be... How do you... Exactly. Like I was talking with Pat and Pat put it really well after I fumbled with my words. He said if this game is 80% as good as their best titles, this will be the best game ever to make.
Starting point is 01:39:02 But in terms of their respective stories, very quietly said, this has a chance to be the best game ever made. And I firmly believe that. If it's written as well as the story, like Platinum's gameplay, but Platinum's stories are never the best, I'd say, pretty easily. So when you combine the best story telling... And the best music on top just for shits. But with the best music technology.
Starting point is 01:39:32 And some of the best music I've ever heard. I agree. Dude, if they get the guys from 8 to 4 to do the localization again. So Yoko Taro is the guy's name, right? Yeah, he's the guy who doesn't do the masks. He did it all for Dracongar to the puppet. As somebody who doesn't particularly feel strong when down the air because I barely played it, there's a moment in his talk during that announcement that is my favorite thing.
Starting point is 01:39:55 It is the final blank naked statement that we have all been saying for a decade or whatever. Except now it's into a microphone. And in front of the people, as he gets out and he says, we're very happy to work with Platinum. Everyone knows how good they are at making games. I feel like this is a sure bet. I barely have to do anything. Yeah, I know. He's a huge joker.
Starting point is 01:40:19 Like in the Famitsu interview, which like shockingly... Really the guy with the creepy face mask is a huge joker. In the Famitsu interview, he was joking about how they're going to shoot for a 0A rating for this one. Like huge horseshit. This has the potential to be the slammest dunk. Dude, I'm really excited for this game because even though Platinum said we're not going to make... It's not going to be character action is basically what they said. That's fine.
Starting point is 01:40:41 That just means it'll be solid and it'll be played well. Well, they said their goal is to make it 108060. And since PS4 seems to be the only platform that should be very achievable, because hitting one console standard is even easier than hitting it on PC. And plus, unless they have big, huge North American aspirations, why would they even bother cornering it on the Xbox One in Japan? I'm also just glad they fucking showed it off at E3 because I don't have to wait for a localization confirmation now.
Starting point is 01:41:11 Which was the nightmare with Drinking Guard 3. Before you might go into something else, you might have something not there because it's actually not news news is that where is Devil's 3rd? You mean it's anti-news? It's anti-news in the sense that it's coming out in Europe for sure. It's coming out in Japan soon. But Devil's 3rd was first shown off at Nintendo's E3 last year. I think there's general two ideas.
Starting point is 01:41:43 One, it's not coming to North America. And that's almost the dumbest because that would sell better than a... Wonderful 101. No, it won't maybe. Well, you guaranteed... A fatal frame, let's say. And they're bringing over a fatal frame. And the other thing is that maybe they don't know where it's going to fit in that timetable.
Starting point is 01:42:01 Just put it whatever, it doesn't matter. Did you notice that big picture they put out showing all their titles until 2016? Yes, that's what I'm talking about. It's not even in there. The people were like, they'd have so no confidence, but the game is in English. I think they're obviously just shuffling for a place, but I still really don't agree with not showing anything. Because that's fucking garbage. I don't think that game is going to come out in North America.
Starting point is 01:42:21 I think it will. I think I said this two years ago. We're in an era where you can't afford to not localize your titles. And yet, it still happens when it's Nintendo. When was the last time it happened? That was with the Digasso Band Brothers by Nintendo. Which is what? It's a rhythm game.
Starting point is 01:42:40 I remember, we did this Let's Play on the channel of this little game called Disaster Day of Crisis. That Nintendo did this too. That said, in the wake of Fatal Frame coming across, I'm 100% confident. If Fatal Frame, was it confirmed to come over? Yeah, you're already talking about that. That part definitely hurts my feelings. All three companies have had strange omissions. For Nintendo, it's that.
Starting point is 01:43:04 For Microsoft, obviously, it's scale bound. Microsoft was smart, and they announced before E3 scale bound. It's not going to be here. The other big omissions, and Crackdown, are going to be a hamstromming step. And for Sony, Yoshida's waiting for the right time to reveal Gravity Rush 2. Gravity Rush 2? Ben's horror game, they've got a couple cooking. Gravity Rush 2, though.
Starting point is 01:43:26 Must be too far off. I'm excited. I'm also bummed that Until Dawn didn't really get a bigger look at it. Unless there was a live stream, I think. There was just that little clip in the sizzle reel. It was just halfway in there for some reason. Yeah, because that's like coming out relatively soon. Well, maybe that's why they didn't bear it.
Starting point is 01:43:43 No, like my birthday, it's coming out. Yeah, but I... Okay. Happy birthday. Here's the murder. So, other big news is, we all did it. We all put our hands to the sky, and we did it. We defeated LamD together, you guys. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:57 Well, not yet. Not yet. But he's in the process of being defeated. That motherfucker killed your father! You're gonna take that shit? Well, I guess you will for like 15 years. Or like 20. But then you're gonna stop taking this.
Starting point is 01:44:09 There's something about the purity of these storylines that... Like, you punched my girlfriend in the gut and put her over your shoulder and walked away. And you killed my father. More games need to just have that. You stole that mirror, man. I'm almost bummed. Melodrama's good. I'm almost bummed that the confirmation of LamD is shown in that artwork.
Starting point is 01:44:29 It's like, what if you just go forward with the story and you don't even care anymore? Is LamD even in GenO2? Rio got, yeah. He shows up in a helicopter and he flies away. Right. Like, fucking Rio. What happens, Rio gets over it and moves on with his life. Straight up.
Starting point is 01:44:46 I'm trying forklifts. Right? He ditches Nizomi. And then... He starts to morph into that Mega64 event. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, I said this on Twitter and I still kinda mean it, but then I'm debating whether to just wait.
Starting point is 01:45:00 So, I'd like to do a Shenmue 2 LP and watch the first movie, but since Shenmue 3 just will not just obliterated, like, its stretch goal of having a Shenmue 1 compilation. Shenmue 1 and 2. I believe the last time we talked about that, like, because I remember this being discussed, and the conclusion was, why not just do Yakuza instead? Yes. We did it. It's a better version of it.
Starting point is 01:45:24 That discussion became heated because of me. Yeah. And I basically, everyone's like talking about Shenmue, and I believe my gist of it was like, fuck Shenmue, who gives a fuck? Yakuza. Now here's the thing. Well, clearly 3 million people care. Yeah, for full context.
Starting point is 01:45:42 Clearly. But here's the thing. Like, honestly, there's like, while it totally could happen, it would need a lot of life support. I play 10 hours of Shenmue 1, and it's like, Shenmue 2 is a bit better. But it's longer and more repetitive. It's longer and more repetitive? Yeah. It's a tricky one.
Starting point is 01:46:00 You go through, you believe, you go to China, and this is possibly a discussion for not the podcast. Possibly. Dude, I don't know. No, no, that's okay. It's just, I don't know how much you've done, but there's things to discuss. I play Shenmue 1. Yeah, there's things to discuss. But anyway, that's the big one, of course.
Starting point is 01:46:17 A big one. I mean, there's some of the controversy as well about the fact that Sony... Some of the fake controversy. That Sony... Because remember, you can call it a controversy nowadays, and then it's a controversy. You do that. Fair enough. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:46:30 Here's how I see this. Controversial. Let me... Oh, yeah. And it works every time. It wasn't laid out from the start that Sony was back in. I guess that was... It was more like...
Starting point is 01:46:40 But it's also like, why is this being presented on our stage? Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. I have a lot of problem with the statement or the implication that it was hidden that Sony was involved or they were not honest up front. It's like, when did the confirmation that Sony was backing this financially come out? Was it within 20 hours of the Kickstarter being announced? Yes, it was. Yes, it was. It was the first interview with Sony.
Starting point is 01:47:05 Was it a full 30 days before your money had taken? The obvious part is that why else would it be on their stage? And I think what this is, even though it's not the most perfect scenario ever, it's like, we don't want to say we're backing it because we want to see if people will put money in, even if there's no publisher giving money in. And that's the question is, is the Kickstarter part of that whole thing actually just a test to see what the pre-order climate is like? I think it's just awkward and confusing when you have a conference and you're showing titles that are being published and you're going, check out our titles coming out this year, this year. And then just throw a Kickstarter in the middle, it just feels awkward. It's totally weird. That's my real thing with it.
Starting point is 01:47:57 My real thing is, we don't know if that is the actual reason why it went out there. I care enough about this. I backed that shit. Absolutely. That's not changing anything about that. Yu Suzuki did come out and say that he's pretty clear on the fact that he's expecting people's money to be the fast lion's share. And it appears that the Sony money would be kick-ins for marketing. Well, I think that the Sony money is mostly going to be marketing when the game's ready to go.
Starting point is 01:48:23 Maybe help with technical or compliance things. But he said it would be the lion's share. But there is something to be said that, like, let's be real, even 3 million is laughable if you're trying to make a game of Yu Yu Shen Mu entries. Yu Suzuki did also address that and he said 10 is the number he wants. Alright, he's going to need to make something about as big as the others. As big as the games. I could make a Shen Mu 3 for 2. But it won't be as grand as Yu Yu Shen 10's.
Starting point is 01:48:51 You know what? Maybe it needs to be razored down to the parts that matter. Maybe it does. When all is said and done, I remember the figure for Shen Mu 1 was $50 million. Back then. It was $80 million. Oh, really? Well, $80 million 33 was marketing.
Starting point is 01:49:08 Yeah. 47 was development of Shen Mu 1 and the vast majority of Shen Mu 2 as well. Okay. So it was an incredibly expensive game to make. Shen Mu 1 sold a bit over a million copies. Shen Mu 2 bombed real bad. Yeah, everybody knows that. So, like, I think it's actually a fair climate for them to be like, yeah, we don't know what financing is.
Starting point is 01:49:28 But most people didn't make it to the last dish? No. Most people didn't make it past the first dish. Most people didn't make it past the first game. Did you? Yeah. Okay. If we're going full on broad, yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:39 The people that did are like the loudest people of all. No, for sure. But when I was thinking about it after I left your place, I actually wondered how many people have beaten S1 and 2. How many? And I'm not saying that's proportionate to the amount of backers because I haven't done either of them all the way through the game. I've done one and I've done two up to the last dish and I never got the credit. So none of us even beat both of them. I've never seen it in real life.
Starting point is 01:50:05 So I think it's actually fair of them to do it. There's a moment where you're like, this should be the ending. And then it's like, no, you take a boat to this new place and you start a new chapter. And you go. And like this also. I finished it. That's what I felt like whenever I entered a new area towards the later half of the 30 hours of Okami. I was going to say, if you walk through that tunnel in Okami and you come to the snow area, that's what it was when we know God was found.
Starting point is 01:50:35 But Kowloon. Also, Sega is still lightly involved. Well, they have to be. Yeah. So if Sony were to fund the whole thing, Sega would still walk out with a bunch of money. So it's like, it's a balancing act to find what's the middle ground there. And marketing makes sense because then they get the exclusive out of it. Let's say for the sake of argument, Sony was putting in a couple million dollars and Sega was putting in a couple million dollars, right?
Starting point is 01:51:00 Now, assuming success. Yeah, but yeah, I'm talking broad and I'm going to pull most of this out of my ass. So this is all hypothetical. But what I do know is that most publishing relationships with developers works on the milestone basis. Yeah. We're going to give you enough to start and then do, let's say it's a fighting game, get four characters in and stable, and then we'll give you a million dollars to make the next couple characters. And then you got to hit your milestones or cut this or cut that or negotiate with your publisher for more money, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:28 And that's how most games, the vast majority of games have been made up until this day. Publishers have started, in the recent history, been the money men behind Kickstarter. The Kickstarter will come in, but the Kickstarter is only a proof of interest. And then most of the money will come from a publisher. The one that I can think of is Bloodstain is doing this. I believe Pillars of Attorney did that with Paradox and stuff like that. And that's fine. That's totally fine.
Starting point is 01:51:57 The backers say you're giving your money to make the game exist. And then they're going else to publisher and they can say, look, we know there's interest. We got five million over whatever. Exactly. So give us that and whatever. So that's fine. But what we're going to see eventually more and more is the publisher relation is basically moving the milestones all from development and progression into the Kickstarter numbers. Instead of development milestones where you kick in a little and then you continue it, it's like, well, the consumer wants it bad enough for you to be able to raise this money on nothing.
Starting point is 01:52:33 Yeah. So we'll give you all of your milestone money now and make it. And that's the onus is like they're taking the same risk that the Kickstarter backers are taking. Yeah. Of like, well, we'll take it on faith that you guys are going to do it. Yeah. And I don't have a problem with that. No, I think that's a decent way for publishers to interact with Kickstarter in the future.
Starting point is 01:52:53 I see people proposing like, like purported nightmare situations where just any game starts getting kickstarted and it's like, OK, well, what? Like Assassin's Creed gets kickstarted. OK, well, it'll pass hugely and then people will show their demand and whatever. Or it'll not pass and then people don't want it. Yeah, guess what? I don't want to put money into Assassin's Creed Kickstarter. And people are pointing to more niche things and saying, well, what about Devil May Cry 5? And it's like, well, guess what?
Starting point is 01:53:15 It's going to fucking pass. Guess what? And if it doesn't pass, then they've objectively proved us wrong. Quick question to people in this room. Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition comes out in four hours. Yes? Yeah. How much money have you spent?
Starting point is 01:53:29 Like, yeah. How many copies of it have you bought already? I bought in two. I bought two copies and I have a third one coming. How many have you bought, Leanne? I bought three copies and I have a fourth one coming. Yeah. How about you Leanne?
Starting point is 01:53:40 I haven't bought any yet. Yeah, you're gonna. You're gonna tomorrow. My Japanese box is in the mail and I got my PC and I got my PC. This womb of four people has bought eight copies and will buy a ninth copy. It's more than two copies per person. Again, with DMC 5 is my example game. People will go nuts.
Starting point is 01:54:00 Like, I put in $300. Well, I initially went for $500, but the exchange rate is so bad that I dropped it down. Here's what you do. Here's what you do. Here's what you do. And I know Matt went in crazy on a big one too. What was that one? IOS store.
Starting point is 01:54:11 Yeah, but you did. Lucky hit. Yeah. 99 cents. Money. Money, money, money, money. Done. Done.
Starting point is 01:54:19 I don't even know what lucky hit is. What is lucky hit? Would you like to try a game of lucky hit? I would like to try a game of lucky hit. But like, I don't know, like, I think it's hard to find the actual nightmare situation, because that would be if they wanted to do DMC 5, but they said they needed $100 million. I'll tell you what the nightmare situation is. The nightmare situation is that I give, I and everyone else in this room who kicked in money
Starting point is 01:54:42 for Shenmue, and everybody else who kicked in money for Shenmue, kicked it in. And then Sony or Sega representatives from the publishers did the thing that publishers do during development and fucked the game up. That's not the nightmare situation I'm talking about. The one I'm addressing is people's concern that publishers will eventually just offload all risk to Kickstarter users. And it's like, guess what? That doesn't work.
Starting point is 01:55:09 That is the ultimate litmus test, because if the game can't pass a Kickstarter, it demonstrates lack of desire for that game. Yeah, it makes sense. And as long as the Kickstarter money is reasonable, like, hey, it's cheaper. Yeah. Like, considerably cheaper than the full game. Like, I don't really have a problem with that game. It's very exclusive.
Starting point is 01:55:26 It's very exclusive. It's a neat program. People are successful with it. Like, the nightmare of like, all unique ideas must be money up front or put up or shut up. It's never going to be all unique ideas. Ever. And even if a couple means that those ideas will get created instead of not. I much prefer that situation.
Starting point is 01:55:44 I want to give a shout out to Sheepish Gamer for creating the video Sony deletes the Last Guardian. Oh, yeah. Did you see? Did you watch that? It was done super well. It was done super well, super quick. Belly laughed. That's exactly what was in our minds.
Starting point is 01:56:00 And he went so far as to make a nice new user with a new desktop that looked all Sony-like. So I put a little link to that for those who haven't seen it. Perfect. Very cheap video. The audience applause. I'm really excited for this moment. Yeah, I'm the fact that the deletion, and then you wipe the recycling bin fades into canceled.
Starting point is 01:56:17 And the audience just loses it. Matt's had shoes saying he's really excited for the moment. This is beautiful. It's a beautiful, beautiful, wonderful video. You know, I've waited long for this day. Yeah, you won't believe how long I've waited. So Last Guardian is real and is coming out in 2016. And looks the same.
Starting point is 01:56:34 Looks exactly the same. That's not a bad thing. Which is not surprising to me. Matt, you said it looks like a PS3 game. And I saw other people saying similar. And technically, you're correct. He said it looks exactly how it looks. It looks exactly how it looked before.
Starting point is 01:56:50 And how it looked before couldn't be handled. But before was impossible for old consoles. So it looks like it always should have looked in the first place. Just now in the space that it can actually handle. I'm going to take a shot in the dark here, but it probably is going to be 1080, which the PS3 couldn't have even accomplished. It would have been 720 at best. And it will probably run to the solid.
Starting point is 01:57:11 I want to find out what crazy new lighting tricks they're bullshitting to make it look pretty. You don't have to do that anymore. I know. Watch them do it anyway. The reason why I even said that was because it's in this special case. If Last Guardian was brand new, let's say, and was unveiled there, well, nothing to say about that.
Starting point is 01:57:29 It's a digital game or it's just going for a different art style or something. Oh, I don't know. I think that game looks fantastic. No, I just mean like on the PS4, what was this delay for? If it's not technically, not graphically, then when Pat explained, well, this is the reason why. I was like, OK, that makes sense. Yeah, I know exactly.
Starting point is 01:57:46 My initial shock of going, why does this look like the exact same thing? Everything that came out in the year since development lies basically led you to the assumption that it's like the creature plus levels is impossible on old hardware. And they explained it pretty quickly. And they thought it was. They thought they could do it. And then they spent like several years trying to make it work before going, this cannot be done.
Starting point is 01:58:09 It really makes me wonder what kind of shit is in that game because the level we saw doesn't look crazy. It seems very feasible in a world where they managed to make the last of us work on it. I'm really excited to see how big this shadow of the colossus style overworld, because yeah, that would be impossible. I'm thinking Giant Temple. I don't know. It's hard to say, but what is it, right?
Starting point is 01:58:31 What is it that caused this constraint? They added an energy bar and you have to pay for it. Oh, no. Technology just wasn't there. Dormin was a stamina bar all along. I want to put extra money like DLC or pre-order or whatever into so that you can show me the bug database. I want to see what was happening.
Starting point is 01:58:47 No, you want to see cut enemies or cut concepts. To be honest, Willie, I'm sure when we see the game, unless it's an utter disappointment, we'll see the choke point and we'll probably be able to identify it. You'll be able to go, oh, there's no way they could have done that. I'm giving Willie a special project or you can think about it. I want you to do the same thing you did with the cross-deckin' trailer, but do it with Last Guardian, but you've got to do it with Warner Brothers-style DLC packages. Pre-order, Last Guardian, GameStop, and get the Wander DLC story back.
Starting point is 01:59:24 Here's one for you. Pre-order and neither of those two characters will die. Right? How about that one? Yeah, exactly. One of them is dead. Dead walking. No.
Starting point is 01:59:36 No, the choke point was when it meets up with its family and they go into the big battle with 800 of them on screen. And they all stack up into a colossus that you control. It's going to be the Griffin. I hope it's the kid. The Griffin gets sexy, Harley costume. You know what the giant world annihilating moment in that game would be, right? Is if you meet its parent.
Starting point is 01:59:58 Of course. If it's a little baby, yeah. Which is the, in scale to its supposed size. That's a trip with horrible disgusting monsters. But yeah, we can take our bets now. I'm saying both are dead. Both both? Everybody dies.
Starting point is 02:00:16 They start off dead. Something has to live because this will be the pre-order already dead. They both temporarily die, but one comes back to life. As the evil. As Dormant. Dormant's great. I think they're not even the main characters. You're going to play as Raiden.
Starting point is 02:00:33 What's the catalyst of this next story? I'm pointing at this guy. I'm pointing because it's great. What's catalyst? What is the catalyst of this next story? There's edge catalyst. Okay, fuck everything they showed. All that matters is one thing that they said in an interview.
Starting point is 02:00:47 And that is faith doesn't know how to pick up a gun. Fucking cue the final word. She does not even look at texting me. I'm at half chub right now. I texted that to you and what did you send back? What did I send back? I think I sent you a dick pic. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:01:03 They should go the extra mile. No, you just sent back all caps. Fucking amazing. Yes, yes. Which means satisfaction. On a gun, it should have a big X saying like you cannot interact with this. No, no, no, no, no. Furthermore, you should pick up the gun and she has a line going,
Starting point is 02:01:21 What? What is this for pussy? It's not in a million years. That was in a way that puts a white wig on herself. There you go. Great. Awesome. That's all that needs to be said about that game.
Starting point is 02:01:35 Looks cool. It's going to come out. What did you think of the cinematic trailer in terms of like world-building? I thought it was fantastic. I thought that it was cool to see your CO from the first game on the ground with you as a runner here. That's nice. It's a reboot for sure and they're definitely establishing some kind of shitty childhood thing
Starting point is 02:01:59 that's different from we were in the rice and our parents died. And I don't know who that old guy was, but he looks like something important. And those enemies that can chase after you for once? Morgan Freeman and yes, the Chaser enemies. Well, they did have those. They did have them last game. You go to the trading sessions. There was a serious gameplay for all of them in the first game with the Chaser enemies
Starting point is 02:02:19 and if you were good at the game, you would see them in the cutscene in which they're like, we're going to chase you. And I never actually saw them again because they were fucking behind you. You need to have levels in which they're coming from alternative sources. Or they're doing them like frogs. You see them coming. God, I love frogs. So cool.
Starting point is 02:02:42 Absolutely. Nothing else to say, man. That looks great. There's that one picture thing. And like, okay, you know what I was telling you, but like, oh, it looks like they changed her face a bit in her costume a little bit. Her costume looks real cool. Her face looks skinnier.
Starting point is 02:02:56 Her face got adjusted. It looks like they just kind of thin that I'll open or whatever. But whatever, man. It's fucking mirror's edge. Yeah, I can look fine. I see a lot of people. They use samples of the game's original immaculate title track in that trailer. Oh, there's still a lot of little samples.
Starting point is 02:03:14 And you know what? Like, I really hope, not hope, but it's like everyone that helped up is the other character. Everyone that held up this game based on the fucking dice internal arguments that were happening, where half the guys wanted to put more weapons and guns in play and half the team was like, no free money. Let's wait for the interviews to find out. I hope all of them are not fired, but violently removed from the project. Hey, was that first half just Rob Liefeld?
Starting point is 02:03:44 Who wants more? I don't want those guys to come into work, sit down, try to log in, and it's like, no. You're not on this team anymore. Here's the very likely actual solution to that problem. You want guns? Go fucking make a battlefield that works. I was going to say, how about you go make a battlefield that fucking works? What fucking game designer?
Starting point is 02:04:05 How can I trust you to make a gun when you make that? What a game designer looks around the industry and goes, you know what's lacking? Fucking guns. In first person, no less. In first person, no less. And now that we're in a post-fuse world. That's the only nod. I forget about that game all the time.
Starting point is 02:04:26 That's the only nod or reference you should ever get by saying a post-fuse world. Now that we're in a post-fuse world, maybe that desire is a little bit quieter. And Post Sunset Overdrive World as the second part of that example. Yeah. Just fuck. Fuck. The primary color of both games is the same. Orange.
Starting point is 02:04:50 Orange. The game changer that was fused. Technically it was. Fuck. I would have once would have played Project Overstrike. Yeah. Now that we're in a post-fuse world. I like to think that's probably a pretty similar game.
Starting point is 02:05:04 Well, is that all right? Yeah, but I haven't had an actual sense of humor in my encounter. I get you, but like the game still wasn't even fun. Sure. Yeah, but at least it would have been interesting. That was for you, man. Thank you. You missed it.
Starting point is 02:05:15 I'm sorry. Fuck. I said now that we're in a post-fuse world. Yeah. But at least you look at it and go, hey, I know. It's a quest, yes. Well, that sums up like 11, 11 team Korean games. I thought you put a sense of like post-spyborgs world.
Starting point is 02:05:28 Shit. I need to dig deeper. That's not good. Can we have Christian Spencer in here and just talk about spyborgs for an hour? We're in a post-deepwater black world. Oh, wow. I thought you were going to say Legend of K. There we go.
Starting point is 02:05:41 I'm looking for that nail. All right. We never did play that one. That wasn't a game. No, it wasn't a game. It was a TV show on YTV. Oh, I'm thinking of the Kinect game. What's that one called?
Starting point is 02:05:55 I don't know. The PMC company made it. Blackwater or whatever. Oh, yeah. That Blackwater should be. I completely convinced you of that. Deepwater Black is a British show about a bunch of kids, a bunch of attractive kids on submarines. Forgive me for confusing it for a game with the same words.
Starting point is 02:06:13 No problem. No problem. In other news, they shut off too much Deus Ex Mankind divided. 25 minutes. Looks good though. Too much. Why didn't they show off more than 30 seconds at the PC game show? Because we got to talk about how good the PC is.
Starting point is 02:06:27 Hey, hold on a second. I'm going to hijack this for a minute or two. Oh, you will. If you don't watch that PC game video that me and Liam put up of us watching that shit, I don't fucking blame you because I wish I wasn't there. Yeah, best decision over the last. I don't know if you watched that, but there are multiple times in which we discussed, boy, I'm glad Matt and William aren't here because they'd be fucking miserable.
Starting point is 02:06:46 I think as miserable as we are. Well, I think we had a fun time doing it. Because we were just talking about how great Birdie is for like five times. We had a fun time. I was at home editing a bunch of videos, so I'm glad. No, of course, I'm not criticizing you. No, I had prior appointments, but let me just relay that I did at some point turn the stream on. And all I heard was we are now confirming Killer Instinct for the PC.
Starting point is 02:07:13 And then I was like, cool. And I closed and that was it. Killer Instinct for now on the PC. Thanks, Phil Spencer. Perfect timing. Finally putting your money where your mouth is. Finally second best announcement of the whole conference. Yes, what was the best announcement of that conference?
Starting point is 02:07:25 USA Truck Simulator. Fuck. Yeah. Fucking best. USA Truck Simulator, making a U.S. version. Drive from the example they use, like a bunch of you guys drove down here from San Francisco. You could make that drive an American Truck Simulator. Exactly.
Starting point is 02:07:42 You know what, I think that if the PC sort of conference happens again, they should just make it a whole announcing new blank, blank simulator, goad simulator. And all that shit. It should just be like dumb games. Simulator, simulator, con. And you know what would have been better. Guess what? You know why that was the biggest announcement of that whole conference?
Starting point is 02:08:02 It was the only game there that had a trailer. Yeah. It was the only game in a two and a half hour. A trailer that hadn't already been shown. A two and a half hour fucking long conference in which one trailer was shown. One new trailer. It was a series of boring fluff interviews with people about games that had already been announced. Didn't one of you say, I liked the interview style?
Starting point is 02:08:21 One of you said, I didn't? I didn't. I tuned in for the 30 seconds. I tuned in for the 30 seconds and was like, oh, it looks like a talk show. That's cool. Yeah, that was it. What? You know, I didn't.
Starting point is 02:08:33 The problem was it was Mori with no substance, no sizzle. Yeah. And when you take the sizzle away from Mori, you get nothing. So what you needed was Arsenio Hall up there. No, dude, Mori has sizzle for days. You ever see that cotton ball episode? Get out of here. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 02:08:47 I saw that one. That's so silly. You do the birds. You do the cotton ball episode? No. But you don't talk about cotton and never bring the cotton balls on. No, you need the British guy, the British Mori. That's what that was.
Starting point is 02:08:57 I forgot his name, but the British Mori where it's like, who trashed my... My flat. No, no, no. Who trashed my dead baby's grave? It was one of the episodes. It was fucking amazing. That was super not cool. The problem with the interviews.
Starting point is 02:09:16 Well, yes, it's a dead baby. That's a real segment, motherfucker. That's real. What's that baby going to do? What? No, okay, that's too much. The problem with the interviews was for the vast, vast majority. Probably 90 plus percent.
Starting point is 02:09:29 They were all the typical questions of like, how's this game going to be good on PC? What are your goals of the game? Why should we be excited? Did you have any bullet points? And it was just the PR lines. And there was nothing interesting coming out of the vast majority of people's mouths. So boring. And then Day 9 would wink at the camera and say, I wish Bloodborne was on PC.
Starting point is 02:09:47 And then I go, you're right, Day 9. That's a good announcement for KI. It's a bad announcement for Expo. Yeah. Because they're not going to move the systems they would have. That grows again. For the people that we're going to pick up. Dude, I remember, I told you this months ago.
Starting point is 02:10:00 But way before we spoke with someone, I told you this months ago, where I said, they can't hope to compete with PS4, so they need to get the PC market in. Just sell those notes. And I remember you said they're not going to bring KI to PC, and they're doing it. I'm shocked. But yeah, they're doing it. I'm glad. It's a choice that basically says...
Starting point is 02:10:18 Take a head to the bone to improve your primary platform, which has a PC. Which is where things are going. Yeah. And I mean, it's a free-to-play game anyway, so everyone with an Xbox should... And people aren't really buying Xboxes for it on mass anyways? No. I think it's going to help their timeline. Totally just thinking of a dumb FGC-based...
Starting point is 02:10:37 Yeah. No, I feel you. I was going to say, well, only you will have this bit. Like, Jen Baby's grave says, you never ever beat me. They'll know soon enough. They'll know soon enough. About the lore of you never ever beat me. Idiot.
Starting point is 02:10:55 That sounds like the darkest thing in the world. Now, it's nothing to do with Baby. It was playing a game earlier today that it just over the title screen and every subsequent screen, the title of the words, you never ever beat me. Show up and now I'm using it. So you mentioned Killer Instinct reminds me of one of the only good questions that Day 9 asked, which was when they brought up Rod Ferguson on stage to announce, hey, Gears of War remastered is coming to PC.
Starting point is 02:11:25 Hold on, hold on. Only Gears we put out. Yeah, you just dropped your hat. Oh, wow. Amazing. And then Day 9 asked, and what about the new Gears of War? And Rod Ferguson just completely deflected it. What was it?
Starting point is 02:11:38 It's like we're only talking about Gears of War, well, Ultimate Remed. Have you seen the animation where Oro parries? That was what Rod Ferguson did when Day 9 asked about the new one. So the Killer Instinct announcement? Great. The Gears of War announcement, like, okay, already, if you're an Xbox One owner, the idea that they're remaking Gears of War 1 by itself, fucking please. It looks like a really good remake.
Starting point is 02:12:06 Yeah, but it should be all three games. So should that game better be like four games or four? Judgment. No, don't. But you know what? Judgment just came out. You know what? Fine.
Starting point is 02:12:17 It should be at least two games. Yeah, you don't have to do that. That game needs to cost $30. I don't know. And I was about to say that game better cost $20 or $30. It better be $30. Because that's $60. That's fucking awesome.
Starting point is 02:12:30 In a world where Rare Replay is $30, well, those games are all worthless, so it's fine. I'm getting so excited for Rare Replay. All we can see is some of the logos. The one I actually looked, I'm like Blastcore, Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo-Tooie, Perfect Dark, Perfect Dark Zero, Cameo, Viva Pigana, Blastcore, Jet Force Gemini, Blastcore, a third time. You can play Perfect Dark Zero for a while now, which no one wants to. Yeah, but I'm getting it for free. All right.
Starting point is 02:13:04 Well, for a dollar. I might be totally off the market and sane, but I read on the Internet, on an Internet forum that apparently grabbed by the glulies is 1080, 30 on the next bundle. So who knows if they're adjusting cameo on Perfect Dark Zero. I want to bring special attention. I think each game gets individual treatments and stuff. I want to bring special attention before we move too far away from that PC shit show. The worst, the worst moment is the president of AMD comes out and shows off a unit, some
Starting point is 02:13:35 kind of unit built PC. An ugly pre-built PC. That is hideous. I think it's cool, but I also think it's hideous if that's possible to have both of those at the same time. Very impractical design too. He puts it on the desk and says there's two video cards in here and then leaves and doesn't say when it's coming out or what it costs.
Starting point is 02:13:53 Did we get a price on that in the end? No. Or even what its performance is. She said nothing. That's what looks pretty cool about Deus Ex. Star Fox Zero. I'm excited for it. I'm very excited.
Starting point is 02:14:14 Platinum games? So Platinum is just doing assets. That's something to be retained. It's very clear that they're just doing support, that's why they weren't announced in fanfare because they're doing support work. Camilla tweeted after, I love you Star Fox. Did you see what he said right before that? That was years ago.
Starting point is 02:14:42 That was a screenshot from years apart. The whole point of that was pre-announcement. This is post-announcement. This is now like you want to buy someone's death. It was funnier to me when it was right after one another. I think it was Miyamoto who did the interview but he said Platinum are really good at making stuff look cool and so we felt like they were the right pick for it but they're doing support. A lot of people are saying oh they're doing the campaign, oh they're doing this,
Starting point is 02:15:08 there hasn't been more detail other than they're doing support. There's only so many Platinum employees and they're working on scale bound and near. And now it makes a bit more sense because we were saying like four games is a lot is what we were saying at the time. It seems like they're just doing it at art level. Also like asset creation, that's an expensive outsource. But that's one of the things Nintendo identified that they were having a trouble staffing. Remember? How like they weren't ready for HD art development and that was what delayed. Still?
Starting point is 02:15:36 Well it's hard. Fucking still. It's been two years, it's hard to like make it happen fast. Okay well it's been two years for them, it's been like 15 for everyone else. But that's what I'm saying, like think how long it took the transition for everyone else. Like Nintendo's catching up but they're... Shut up. No, you're right, they should have been coming up way ahead of time.
Starting point is 02:15:56 The last time a Nintendo game made you like visually go like wow this looks incredible. It's bad at it too. For me it was Galaxy. You mean like an internal game? Oh do you mean first party Nintendo? Yes, first party. Then it was Galaxy. And I can't think of...
Starting point is 02:16:10 It didn't last long for me unfortunately. You said it, well I think Skyward Sword looks amazing but anyway. I didn't gasp. Oh good, you know. Nintendo actually it's very common for them to outsource assets. Yeah, they've done it lots of times. Sometimes they'll even outsource just within other companies they own. Like Monolith did a lot of Skyward Sword art.
Starting point is 02:16:30 Retro did art for Mario Kart. Just a little bit of modeling here and there. Here and there. Where they can make a good deal happen. But I'm excited for it. Everyone who played it said it was really... Everyone who played it either said they couldn't pilot the R-Wing worth a damn. Or it was really really fun.
Starting point is 02:16:48 And I think I spoke about gyro aiming a few weeks ago and how much I like it. The whole fucking game is gyro aiming. So it should play good. That's why when it only makes... And you can turn it off. You can turn it off? Yeah. So even your grandpa's can play it.
Starting point is 02:17:03 Yeah exactly. And then of course you've got Paper Jam Bros. Wait I'm not done with Star Fox. Go ahead. I wish it wasn't the fucking Andros working again. Christ. Yeah. Fuck.
Starting point is 02:17:15 Yeah. So I get a combination. A combination of what Liam's feeling and my gyro aiming foibles was what caused me to be like... At the same time I reintroduced the brand. No I get you. I hear you. I hear you. You know if you didn't let these brands sit on the shelf for 15 years you wouldn't have to constantly reintroduce them.
Starting point is 02:17:37 Well the same little thing. Thank you. Yes exactly. I hear you and I empathize. At the same time Star Fox Command came out like 5 years ago. But like fuck damn it. I would be happy with any other period of time. Time, period, place, location.
Starting point is 02:17:51 What was the last Star Fox game that came out? Matt just mentioned it. Star Fox 64 3D. Oh that's true. Fucker. Oh really? I just played Star Fox 64. You said new though.
Starting point is 02:18:01 You said new. Well it's a full remake. They've read it all the ass things. But the last addition to the lore was Command. Which a lot of people don't like. I completely forgot that game is just a lore. I threw up in my mouth a little bit. That's not fair yet.
Starting point is 02:18:14 No that is a fair reaction to Command. I like that game a lot. That is a fucking fair reaction to 3DS. I gave it a spin and then I gave it another and I gave it a third and I'm like I'm not enjoying it. And now you're so dizzy from these spins that you're almost thrown up. I'm really excited for this game. Because I have a million percent faith in EAD to always deliver good products. It's just kind of like we knew it was coming.
Starting point is 02:18:39 You knew it was going to be at the E3 presentation. Five was going to be what they led with and it was. And the trailer was just not cut very excellently. It wasn't like a Bayonetta trailer where it's just done so slow. You could definitely double the excitement by placing it in the future or the past. Or playing Star Fox music during the game. Or adding Samus into Cloud. You should have added Samus into Cloud.
Starting point is 02:19:06 That would have been cool. We're all forgetting the most important omission here. It's a prequel that means no crystal. Crystal's fine I think. No, I'm saying if there's no crystal then fuck with it. What was it? Samus is fighting to get off the planet that Star Fox is fighting to get on. That was super cool.
Starting point is 02:19:27 And they cast and they just give each other a middle finger. God damn it. Those fucking animal weirdos are going to stand up. I'm really excited but I really hope there's like an opinion. No, it's no fox says to hurt the baby. I want a big fox to happen. I get it, okay. Hey look at these legs.
Starting point is 02:19:46 Look at these legs. They go on for days. Look at these gams, fucker. I want the twist to be the platinum is actually doing the campaign. Why would they mate? Why? I know they wouldn't but I want it. That's the most baffling twist ever. Okay, we can't stretch out our platinum too far.
Starting point is 02:20:00 That's true. Transformers devastation. Transformers devastation confirmed. We got old voice actors. We got Grimlock. We're good. And then the game just looks awful. I did.
Starting point is 02:20:12 And not firmly character act and not anarchy reign style. I want to point out that this game is the ultimate proof that Transformers fans are the worst. Because we know some Transformers fans and they can't understand this game. Some big fans of G1. And they're big fans of G1 and they go, why is it so fast and you're not really shooting and I don't really, why does it look like this? Because these are the people that don't understand good video games. The people that we know specifically are the guys that also, while being huge Transformers fans,
Starting point is 02:20:45 do not understand good video games. They want gears of war with Transformers. Those two people specifically. You got three of those games already. And they were, can we have one? The third one's terrible. The first one was okay. The first one was good.
Starting point is 02:21:00 The second one was good. The third one was terrible. The third one was made by someone else. Exactly. But the War for Transformers games are good. What was really cool is that they're like, so are you going to show us Grimlock? And then the guy just goes from Activision, oh we can't show you Grimlock. And I was like, that's cool.
Starting point is 02:21:17 This is a full retail game by the way. For fuck's sake. The first screen shot that came out of this game is Optimus Prime with his big dumb laser axe. The thing that only shows up in the fucking first episode. How can you... But no Decepticons. Yeah, that was just gonna say. Like I know that's a lot of characters then, because that's like 10.
Starting point is 02:21:42 Well here's the deal. I would say wait for the sequel, but from Korra we got Transformers. Here's why you can't have playable Decepticons, because what Decepticon do you want to play as? Starscream. Soundwave. You want to play a... Soundwave, yeah. You want to play a Starscream and Soundwave, you're all correct.
Starting point is 02:21:59 Megatron. Okay, Megatron is a gun. But fine. Let me use... You can be a gun and shoot things. Put that on the cover. Soundwave and Starscream is an example. Starscream can fucking fly, which is a huge problem for levels and shit.
Starting point is 02:22:13 And Soundwave's a boombox. That's... You know... Soundwave has a gun. Yeah, but like... Then he can play super differently. Like Megatron... He can shoot out Rumble and Rage.
Starting point is 02:22:23 Megatron turns into a pistol. Laser Breed. Yeah. They could be tank Megatron. I'm just saying, those three characters in particular, or the obvious choices, do not work in this style of game nearly as easily. But you can control Megatron and the other... Yeah, they can turn into a tank. Decepticons.
Starting point is 02:22:42 Well that's... You can turn into a tank in this. Yeah, but if they're gonna go this hard on G1... Imagine Beast Wars skins. I know. I know. I was about to say that. I was just about to say that.
Starting point is 02:22:53 And then I was gonna say, in the interview, the Japanese guys confirmed that like, none of them know Beast Wars. They missed it completely. Doesn't exist in Japan. It does. I know it does. But it has a huge following. Dude, I know it does. But I mean like, they completely missed it.
Starting point is 02:23:07 Those guys. Those guys. The years where Activision comes in useful, because they can force them. Beast Wars is the ultimate. Beast Wars is the ultimate proof. Are you appreciating Activision for forcing something? I'm appreciating them for forcing Platinum to do the cool thing I want. Beast Wars is the ultimate proof that the best Transformers are Canadian Transformers.
Starting point is 02:23:24 This cannot be doubted. Kotak is smiling down from heaven. Yeah. Because that's where he is. Stroman is the target of a controller. He is so alive. He cannot be killed. They tried and his body reconstituted.
Starting point is 02:23:39 But the real question is, why would he be in heaven? I know he found a way. Like Benoit. He wields and deals. Like Benoit. I'll train you the souls of the Tony Hawk team. I somehow wanted to touch on really critical things. Sure.
Starting point is 02:23:53 Because it's something that, you know, it's going to get, like, no one's really going to see it or really care. But Liam, watch it. I'm not sure if I send you the link, but the gameplay of Fast Racing Neo. Yeah. That the Treehouse kind of showed. They had the most German man in the world trying to talk about Fast Racing Neo. They have the Treehouse guy playing and like, I played the WiiWare version.
Starting point is 02:24:14 You played the WiiWare version. Yeah. Shannen are hardware wizards with Nintendo stuff. Oh, is that Super Fast Racing game? Yes. There was a 60 on the Wii and it's crazy. Yeah. Yeah, whatever.
Starting point is 02:24:24 Fuck it. I'll say it. I don't care. And I also love them because when we used to do our QA compliance stuff and every time, sometimes talking to Nintendo would be a little bit challenging, right? It's like talking to a brick wall who speaks to Chinese. It would be a little bit challenging internally. But the motherfuckers over at Shannen, they fucking, they gave them lip and gave no fucks.
Starting point is 02:24:48 And it was amazing because you just imagine all the silent, smaller, quiet devs watching and clicking on those things and be like, yeah, you tell them. These snarky views from Shannen on the developer forum. And everyone's clicking to read them, but no one's commenting. Yeah. If it was on Miiverse, you'd say, yeah. That's all. Oh, developer only Miiverse, man.
Starting point is 02:25:11 That'd be good. But what's their games? What their games excel in in technical, like amazing achievements, they lack in like, you know, art and design because, well, design it, but art is always kind of their, like, they don't have. It's their weakness. It's their weakness, but Fast Racing, you know, the Wii version, like, was fine, but it was very pedestrian future racing.
Starting point is 02:25:31 Yeah. Like apparently didn't show it, but because it was a later lock thing, but there's, there's stages with giant robots crashing through it. You see like a straight up like sand worm from Dune just come in and it was way more exciting. And I know I'm like really excited for that. If anyone's interested in like F-Zero or Wipeout, like, check out the gameplay videos on YouTube.
Starting point is 02:25:53 I was, I was really happy. I maintained that Nintendo should have A bought these people and B should have forced this game to be F-Zero. Dinosaur planet into F-Zero. Exactly. Because when you get boost, the guy literally goes, you've got boost power. Like, fuck. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:26:10 The sad thing is that this game used to be F-Zero and then Nintendo pulled the license off. One of, one of the technically impossible in every way that's happened. I don't know if you caught this bit of the interview, but they said like, this is our limit on this. This is our limit. We have hit our limit. That's amazing.
Starting point is 02:26:27 We cannot do better than this on the Wii. Just the developer is saying the most Japanese thing ever going. Well, game, well game. Fast racing, fast racing. He's like, in terms of technical achievement on this hardware, we have reached our limit. And then on the next game, they say we thought we had reached our limit and then we unlocked our limit. Because if they go and they make another, what was that generic platforming game they
Starting point is 02:26:50 made that's really, really good and beautiful? God. Yeah, I know. I played it. It was a 3D platforming series that the art is so bland, but boy is the game super like fun and good. It's WiiWare, right? It was 40 men.
Starting point is 02:27:04 WiiWare and 3DS. And it looked like, no, the original WiiWare one. It looked like Galaxy. Jet Rocket. Jet Rocket. It looked like Galaxy. Amazing art quality. With under 40 men.
Starting point is 02:27:14 If they turned around and they decided to make a Jet Rocket game at whatever, 6-year-thirty, it doesn't matter. They could bump the graphics up even more. But as far as racing games, this is probably what they mean. That's some gameplay I was really excited to finally sit down and watch. It's been like, what, two years since we heard about Fast Racing Neo for the first time? Yeah. Just, oh man, there's so much news.
Starting point is 02:27:35 Okay. Oh wow. Quick thing. Just an interview with Miyamoto is that the WiiU is too expensive and tablets killed its market. I'm glad that they know that. Reggie will keep deflecting journalists straight into Miyamoto's arms. Let's go there.
Starting point is 02:27:51 Okay. Paper Jam Bros. Looks pretty cool. I don't think anyone knew or expected that. No. Good surprise. Yeah. I don't think they even know what the name of that game is.
Starting point is 02:28:00 Is it Paper Jam or Paper Jam Bros. They keep changing it back. They've changed it. It has been multiple variations. I want Bros to be there. Yes. I also. I'm ambivalent.
Starting point is 02:28:10 I just hope it's better than the last two games in those series because they were both the weakest, respectively. Wait. Sticker Star and Super Bowser. Sticker Star and Sega. Sticker Star and Mario and Luigi on 3DS. Oh, the Dream Team. Yes, the Dream Team.
Starting point is 02:28:23 Oh, Dream Team. Yeah. Those were respectively the weakest iterations. So logically, mathematically combined, they'll be good. It's either going to be an awful, awkward mess or it's going to be the best one. The spouser inside story was... The one thing I didn't really like about the trailer was there wasn't much focus on the RPG and more focus on the minigames.
Starting point is 02:28:45 I know that makes for a better trailer, but that's where they've been going with the Mario RPG games and I don't like it. That's what they're called the Mario RPG games. I know and I don't like it. You go back to Mario RPG, which does have its share of minigames, but generally it's 99% an RPG. Same thing with the advanced games. And then the first Paper Mario and first Mario and Luigi are pretty firmly RPGs, but as
Starting point is 02:29:08 they've gone on, they've skewed more and more towards minigames. But I think you said it though. It is a trailer. You want to show off your idea, not like battle, battle, battle. But I maintain that after the last games, I have little faith. I'm going to probably get it, but I have little faith. You have a crazy look in your eye that says you have 50 more things on that dock. He splatfest is delayed and it fucking sucks.
Starting point is 02:29:27 It sucks shit. I can't wait to talk about that. I can't wait to talk about that when that happens. I'm going to make a story of time at Shocker and Nintendo fucked up something with the online. Exactly. Exactly, Liam. But in the meantime, some data mining has revealed 33 new weapons, two new modes, and
Starting point is 02:29:42 a possible Mario crossover. Two possible Mario crossovers. That's a lot of weapons and the modes are Tower of Defense and Tower of Defense and one where you grab a special big weapon and you try to bring it to the end zone. Cool. I think it should be a mode. I think it should be a mode. I think it should be a mode.
Starting point is 02:30:01 I think it should be a mode. I think it should be a mode. It should be a mode. It should be a mode where you cut your own hair off and have to serve it to people. One of the shitty things about the maps is that they're all on disk. Like none of them are. I know some of them are not on the disk, but the vast majority are just locked on the disk.
Starting point is 02:30:18 It's possible they're off-disk. Well, wait for Impending Shitstorm when some of these are amiibo locked. Right? So. That's unacceptable. They could if they wanted to, but they're not gonna. That's unacceptable. No, it's gonna be free unlocked.
Starting point is 02:30:30 Three percent of players can play these maps. Oh, I bet they'll get a lot of play in the rotation. We'll see. But 33 new weapons sounds great. That's a lot of fucking weapons. That's fun stuff. I hope they're not just remixed weapons. So a lot of them are.
Starting point is 02:30:41 I'm getting kind of tired. Some of them have the same names with like variations. A lot of them are gonna be variants. You're looking at one third of the one fourth of those being brand new weapons. Because some of those variants might as well just be like, let me pick my own sub weapon. Yeah, of course. You know? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:30:56 No, I know exactly what you're saying. But anyway, JoJo Eyes of Heaven, new trailer looks pretty good. Looks JoJo-y. And I don't know if you caught like last week or something before the trailer came out. They said they're gonna put a second demo with two more characters. Cool. So. Cool.
Starting point is 02:31:10 And they said they're tweaking it for fan. Not fan, but like the feedback they got from the first demo. I still think it's worth playing the first demo if you haven't. Yes, absolutely. The sad thing about this is that like it's like a lock whether they'll localize it or not localize it. Because I don't know how all of my battle actually did in North America. But you know that like it's 50-50 at this point.
Starting point is 02:31:31 The localization job was so bare bones that it's like, I feel like they're gonna do it anyway. All they did was the text. They just changed the text. They did very questionable things with that text. Yes. I still think they will. Because like there's a lot of evidence pointing towards them doing the new, like Digimon
Starting point is 02:31:47 Cyber Sleuth and Goddard 2 Rage Burst and the new Sword Arts coming. Granted, that was a sales success. I think the last slightly has more name value. Yeah, well no for sure. But I mean like they're still, you know, localizing it aggressively. That's interesting. That's an old thing from the early odds that kids remember having better name value than JoJo now.
Starting point is 02:32:07 And JoJo's at its peak now. It is. And I think, you know, CyberConnect, I, as long as they stay where I like them, I like them where they're out of the genres I care about, then I'm like awesome. Yeah. Because they make cool things. Yeah, as long as they're not in the places where I'm hypercritical, you're fine. Which are fighting games and character action, which they have done most of it.
Starting point is 02:32:33 You guys are, like when you get into these two places, which character action? God damn it. Am I paying attention? Oh, fucking Cirrus Crash. There's no character action. That's the point. Well, then they didn't make a, they made the worst character action. No, they didn't make one.
Starting point is 02:32:50 Then what would you call that game? A Heavy Rain. QTE action. Then it's a really bad Heavy Rain 2. No, sure. But it's not a character action game by any definition. The problem that you weren't with us when we first saw the trailers and we were all like, look at that character action.
Starting point is 02:33:04 Sure, no, sure. But it's not a character action game. You know, you guys, I want you to think of this though. I don't know if you remember or if you were there when we were back in college and I was like, hey, let me show you guys some cool cutscenes from Neru to Metiro. Yeah, I was there. And it was like, oh, but now what about playing the game? And I was like, no.
Starting point is 02:33:20 We didn't say anything. We're not going to do that. I don't know how well you remember that because I was not there when you decided to show us, just show us the cutscenes. I was there when the third one came out and you said, hey guys, the third one came out. Let's throw it in because the cutscenes aren't up yet. Let's just fucking look at the cutscenes ourselves and we had to play the game. That was the worst.
Starting point is 02:33:46 I remember you telling us that was the worst day ever. I was like, well, I'm not sure if I want to do that grown man wearing leaf village bandana. It was a sand village. No, it was leaf and it was on my back. Fuck. You had the sand village one for a while. No, I never had one. I never had one.
Starting point is 02:33:59 Damn, my memories are lying to me. You're just lying. You should have had one because they're cooler. No, I had the leaf village and it was on my back. Sand village is the best village. Then there was the other guy next to me that had it on his belt and he wore weights on his feet because he's cool. Because that's how you win.
Starting point is 02:34:14 That's how you win. Playing the quakes. Oh, I probably know this person, but I didn't know about the weights. So you're going to have to tell me who that was afterwards. Don't not announce his vampire. They actually announced his vampire. Is that with a Y? But now there's a teaser thing, but it's really just moving here.
Starting point is 02:34:30 Is that with a Y, Willie? Yes. Is that with a Y? Isn't that a vampire? Vampire. Vampire. No, I'm pretty sure that's the fan. There's no E at the end, is there?
Starting point is 02:34:38 They didn't pronounce it in the trailer, so. But it is confirmed to be an RPG. The word V-A-M-P-Y-R, that's vampire. As far as I understand, it centers around the decision of who you want to be. It is a full RPG. Yes. And it is based on you being able to bite anybody that you run into in the game. Can you bite everyone?
Starting point is 02:34:59 Yes. Great. And that affects stuff. I'm on an evil murder bent lately. And you, it seems like the other thing is like, you have vampire abilities, but it's also your health. So, you know. The only problem with this vampire game is that we don't even have anything to go on.
Starting point is 02:35:16 Exactly, yes. Just a couple paragraphs. The only problem with this is that I cannot stop thinking about the dark. Yeah. The vampire game that was... You mean that game? Is an RPG stealth game that we shout on during the worst games we've ever played. Yeah, we did.
Starting point is 02:35:29 Do you remember when we put that game... Do you remember when we put that game box for dark? No. You don't remember? No. We slid it under Willy's couch. Is it still there? It's probably still there.
Starting point is 02:35:40 Yeah! That was like a year ago. That was like a year ago. The thing with it, too, is that, like, um, Don't Nod has just built back up the confidence after... Yeah. ...after Remember Me to make Life is Strange and, like, have it be something that people seem to like.
Starting point is 02:35:55 I would love to get a people I can talk about. Good vampire game. Yeah. It's been a long time. And I think it's going to depend on how much of this is RPG-ing versus how much of it is Life is Strange. Did you know that if you buy it, if you're a vampire and you bite somebody, your time rewinds?
Starting point is 02:36:08 Yeah. There you go. It'd be really terrible if you're a vampire and you're trying to bite someone and someone's like, don't answer your cell phone. Don't you want to spend time with me? Don't you dare! No, let me answer my cell phone! No, the real question is if you're a vampire, how long can you move in the frozen time?
Starting point is 02:36:27 Yeah, what do you think those vortex parties actually are? They're fucking Blade Vampire parties. Yeah, it's going to be amazing. The beginning of Blade 1 is so great. It's that music, it's that music that Deacon Frost is listening to backwards on his headphones. Yeah. Yeah. Man, this blood I'm tasting tastes hella bad.
Starting point is 02:36:46 Release the vampire crack hand! No, no, you can't. You can't. You're not a teenage writer in the body of a 40-year-old man. You're not fool enough to hang out with Lemagra. Yeah. Do you have any Metroid on that list? Lemagra.
Starting point is 02:37:00 No, I was going to go into the fact that phantom dust isn't canceled, but no longer has an active developer. I think they already said that one. What kind of bullshit double-speak lie is that? That's what he said. It's not a can. It's a pen project Spencer really wants to go ahead with, but there's no developer. They haven't shut it down, but the developer that was working on it is now gone.
Starting point is 02:37:21 But the project is still active. Doesn't that just mean temporarily canceled? I think it might mean waiting for Platinum to be dumb as still. But right now, it does kind of mean nothing. The peer-to-peer speak, they just don't want to even approach the word canceled because that just automatically will freak out people. If it was never announced, then it would probably be canceled. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:37:48 I wonder if the developer actually did something, like one of the CEOs crashed a Ferrari or slept with a bunch of people. It's hard to say. They're not de-trick. Didn't that happen at retro? Yeah, that's kind of what I'm referencing. Yeah, okay. Just make it sure.
Starting point is 02:38:00 They crashed a Ferrari. They crashed a Ferrari. They crashed a Ferrari. And when they should have been working, they're in hot bubble baths with babes, and Miyamoto literally kicked down the door and saw that and went, what the fuck? Well, there's an erection killer. These stories are unfindable on the internet. Is it?
Starting point is 02:38:16 Whoa, no, that one was foundable. I couldn't find it. It's only in my old Nintendo powers. No, Miyamoto crashing in was like, you remember, it was Miyamoto. Yeah, he was yelling whatever. That is like... But at that point, it's like, you know, it's like, yay, yay. The whole...
Starting point is 02:38:32 The whole story of like, Miyamoto yelling at retro is amazing, but to add on top of the fact that retro was acting like the most stereotypical American is possible is the best. They were making a football vest. They were the ludes. They need ludes. You got any Metroid Prime speaking of retro? Actually, we've got the fact that the Fallout Shelter game mobile beat Candy Crush as the top grossing app for two days.
Starting point is 02:39:03 Apparently, Fallout Shelter is doing gangbusters. I have looked at the best possible time in the world. And they keep coming out saying like, this is cool that it's doing this well, especially because we tried to actively not put stumb bag mechanics in it. I played it for two hours and that was enough. But yeah, no waiting times in place of challenge. I did, there's not much challenge to it either, but you just kind of... I looked at impressions and people seem to be pretty favorable.
Starting point is 02:39:32 They seem to like it. Not my kind of thing, but it's fun. Well, we talked about how Hitman Go was like, that's a good mobile game. Yes. And what is it, fishing? Ridiculous fishing. Ridiculous fishing is amazing. It's possibly the best mobile game.
Starting point is 02:39:47 So I'm totally happy for legit games to fucking... To come back. To come back. Well, the time is now because people, even casuals, must be sick of all the trash on those marketplaces. And yet they still play. They don't know any better. Really quickly, Liam, do you want to talk about Federation?
Starting point is 02:40:07 I do. Or do you want to talk about the fact that they just announced that they're going to probably make a new Metroid Prime? They go hand in hand. Well, there you go. Give us a quick historical breakdown of the three events. Is that... It was so weird that that producer of Metroid Prime said,
Starting point is 02:40:23 Yeah, we're going to make another Metroid Prime, but it's not going to be... I'll start with that guy. So he says, yeah, we're probably going to make another Metroid Prime in the future. From the hip shot answer. Yeah, exactly. I've ever heard, please Nintendo, please stop yelling at me. Fairly easy to read that, like, okay, that's going to be on the next console or something. And one of the other things he said was Federation Force was a ten-year dream,
Starting point is 02:40:48 where he wanted to make it ten years ago. Really? Yeah. And it's only finally come to fruition with next level. And I think the game looks superb. My only actual beef is that I hate how SD, the Federation Force guys are. Yeah, I do. They can be a little cartoony, I don't mind that,
Starting point is 02:41:05 but now they just look like Skylanders robot guys. But you wouldn't say you're petitioning for cancellation. No, I wouldn't say that I think people should be... It's not offensive. It's fucking pathetic, man. It's not offensive. It's hot cancellation of the game. My personal stance on this game is that I feel absolutely nothing towards it.
Starting point is 02:41:26 I feel nothing. But not petitioning for cancellation. I didn't like hunters at all. I can't stand that genre on handhelds. I think the art style looks all SD, and I find that that particular art style is super boring and nothing about the game interests me. So when the word Metroid was being said and that game got shown off, like I went... Oh.
Starting point is 02:41:52 It's nice to know that Federation Force is the same caliber of Super Metroid. At least, at least Liam's happy. Yeah. I'm not excited in the least for Blastball, but I'm really keen on that main campaign. The thing that really bothers me about this is that Metroid has been on us before. It had Metroid Prime. Literally Metroid Prime. Well, that's the new main series now.
Starting point is 02:42:11 And Metroid Prime. Sure. We're waiting on Dread. Yeah. Well, you know, I think the best comparison is people weren't up in arms about Donkey Konga after a 15-year hiatus of DK. Right. You know, like, I think that's the comparison line there.
Starting point is 02:42:28 I don't think there's ever been a 15-year hiatus in which Donkey Kong was not playable in some form. Yeah, you mean Mario Kart? DK64 was like was Donkey Kong Country 3, and then DK64 and then nothing until Donkey Kong Jungle Wii, right? It was Jungle Beat on the Wii? It was on the GameCube. GameCube, yeah. No, that was just 15 years. But it was 15 years between three and returns.
Starting point is 02:42:52 They have a Donkey Kong experience. You know, Liam, it's a case of I'd rather have nothing. Sure. Yeah. And, you know... Like, by that, it's a shame because, like, there are people excited for it, but, like, people... Like, the amount of, like, negative attitude towards this is just going to prematurely kill this game's community and everything. It sucks.
Starting point is 02:43:12 What was surprising was how quickly... It's set next levels also. After people complained about, like, Nintendo's conference not being as hype as the others, like, the fact that they just came out and went, like... Hitchforks. We're looking at fixing this for the future. Like... Oh, yeah, they made those... Here's what I immediately said.
Starting point is 02:43:30 Here's the thing, Liam. I think that part of the reason why the Nintendo... When did Nintendo's air was the last, right? For nearly the last? It was the last. It was last. Okay, I think... I didn't do any favors.
Starting point is 02:43:42 I think the fact that it went last is a huge portion of why this reaction of this game is so pointed. No, for sure. Because everyone else got everything they wanted. Well, I was going to say, like, what was Owada supposed to do? Just point and go, like, what did you want from us? I want to make the right prime form. Look at what we had to... FF... Beat the FF7 remake with what?
Starting point is 02:44:03 Yeah, that's what we were... With an FF6 remake. That would be better. An Ocarina of Time Rear. A Majorisma of... Yeah, you blew that wad on handheld. With what? It was impossible, anyway.
Starting point is 02:44:15 No, like, definitely their conference was the most best. Snares Bros. 5! But, like... And I have major issues with their conference. I don't think it was good on the whole. But, like, Federation Force, especially after watching the Treehouse gameplay of it, they had, like, half an hour of that. Looks great. On the form, I do a little breakdown.
Starting point is 02:44:32 Like, with what they had, here's how you could have just changed things just a little bit. Yeah. Show Federation Force, just like you did. Cut to, like, like you did several times. Cut to a developer talking about the ideas about this game. Cut to that Metroid Prime producer saying, Yeah, I really like Federation Force. Here's what we're doing.
Starting point is 02:44:51 Yeah, have a good day. So, I'm gonna make a fucking Metroid Prime game on the NX. Real Ryan Lucas should have been on that thing as well. I know. And you finish off not with a bunch of assholes dancing, like, loving Mario. You finish off with what you should have done, which is put the fucking Ryu DLC smash, and you say, out now, I bet you we wouldn't even say that was a terrible concept. No, because we were like, oh snap, Ryu was Smash Bros.
Starting point is 02:45:17 Look, there's content that they just announced. I can't play now. Even though Ryu leaked, it would have been cool because we wouldn't have known about the special inputs for the moves. Yeah, that's all. And that would have been, like, whoa. Yeah. Ryu could have leaked, but just not have that pointless smash direct. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:45:33 Honestly, that was a 48 hour head start that hurt them. Yeah. Totally. And as far as the strong things from Microsoft's conference goes. Average compatibility looks fucking great. Here is the list. Eventually. That people have voted as their top 20.
Starting point is 02:45:49 You know, one James Small asked us to tell people about this list, like, you know, on the podcast, and say, please vote for other games. Here we go. Here's the list. Except for the first one. All right. So, before we get into this, this is either going to affirm your love of the common man or not. Number one, Red Dead Redemption.
Starting point is 02:46:13 That absolutely deserves that spot. Yeah. Number two, Cod Blops 2. Oh, okay. You know what? Of course. There should be a Call of Duty game. What's next?
Starting point is 02:46:25 What's next? Number three, Skyrim. Oh, sure. All right. That makes sense. Halo Reach. That's the last one that's not in Master Chief Collection. Number five, Modern Warfare 2.
Starting point is 02:46:37 Oh, well. That's a weaker Call of Duty game. A game that has, if you've actually gone back and played it, is abjectly ruined. Number six, Years of War 3. Why three? All right. Because that's the good one. That's the good one.
Starting point is 02:46:50 Why not two? Because that's not the good one. What's the good one? Number seven. What's the good multiplayer one? Yeah, but it's got the worst single player. Number seven, Cod Blops 1. Number eight, Fallout 3.
Starting point is 02:47:01 Seeing a trend here. Okay. Number nine, Modern Warfare 1. Oh, okay. I think that three's already confirmed. On the count of Bethesda said Fallout 3. Then Mass Effect 3. Then Bioshock Infinite.
Starting point is 02:47:12 Then Modern Warfare 3. Bioshock Infinite? And then Fallout New Vegas. Mass Effect 2. Gears of War 2. Call of Duty World at War. It seems like it's a popularity contest. It's literally.
Starting point is 02:47:22 Left 4 Dead GTA 4 Halo Wars Arkham City. How many votes does Nir have? Halo Wars? What? Halo Wars, yeah. Microsoft fudged that result. Yeah, Backreach compatibility is really cool, though. It's not launching until winter.
Starting point is 02:47:36 Where's more effects? I feel. Where's infernal health? I feel like all of the RPGs on that list should get a pass because RPGs are red. Yeah. But all the multiplayer shooters that have their multiplayers either emptied or destroyed. What the? Go into war tech.
Starting point is 02:47:56 Surely you want to laugh your ass off. Go into a Modern Warfare 1 lobby and fucking try. Just try. Yeah. Yeah. But again, Backreach compatibility is not coming out actually until winter. Now you can get it if you're in the preview program, but it's not out until like the end of the year. So by then I expect they'll have like the 100 games they said.
Starting point is 02:48:17 But we're games on there, please. Come on, Lost Odyssey. That's the predictable one. They said they have an issue with multi-disk games right now. Yeah. So here's the thing, people, if you're listening to this and you care about this, how about you put on games that are not on other platforms? I think the two to vote for are Near and Ultramar versus Capcom 3.
Starting point is 02:48:37 Those are my two. But the less multi-plat the game is, the less it needs to be backwards compatible. How about Rising? But shut up, give me my coffee box. How about Rising? How about Rising? I'm really glad that I helped you learn to say codblops properly because it did just roll off the top.
Starting point is 02:48:59 Codblops 3 comes in. How about Metal Gear Solid HD collection? How about that? How about Fuck You? Yeah. It's okay. How about Fuck You, right? It says Earth.
Starting point is 02:49:08 It says Earth. Yeah. I'll say that too later. And lastly, I don't know, are we keeping up with Under the Dog? A little bit. They're having some trouble. Recor's cool. Oh yeah, Recor looked really cool.
Starting point is 02:49:19 Recor doesn't look cool. I think there's an interview within Afuna that just came out. Yeah, yeah. I agree. Don't know what's going on. Under the Dog, what's the... I really want to get some gameplay footage of Recor. Give me the 4-1-1-1.
Starting point is 02:49:28 That feels like it might be a good version of Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom. So Under the Dog was that anime Kickstarter project that succeeded and was a come... The people that worked on it. Collaboration. Collaboration between the dude that was behind the Animatrix Beyond thing. Yeah, that was Beyond. Beyond was the one with the kids in the house. The really cool Japanese one.
Starting point is 02:49:51 Oh yeah, okay. And Catherine. That's cut scenes. Okay. That guy, Koji Morimoto, and the guy that did the orchestration and score for Diablo 3 and Soul Calibur 4 and stuff, Yuraki Yura. And they have split ways due to creative differences. Great.
Starting point is 02:50:09 Awesome. Wow. Glad my money's going to get things. And so they were having some internal problems with this. And apparently the workload is now on half of the group as opposed to one. This is weird. And they have some plans about what to do with it and they think it's going to be fine. But it was just a shock.
Starting point is 02:50:26 In my eyes, as long as they deliver a good product, not fair to complain about. But this does not bode well. This is super weird. Well, it's two companies that were collaborating and one company's gone. How do you have creative differences on something like this? Shouldn't all of those have been hashed out before you asked for money? Yeah, you kind of think so. I'm really...
Starting point is 02:50:45 That's quite surprising. It makes me think that one person neglected information. This is a black mark on everyone involved for the future projects. Unless it's the best thing ever made of all time. Something happens. Because, yeah, that's really what... When you do a Kickstarter like this, you have things like that hashed out. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:51:03 Well, I thought during the collaboration we were supposed to sleep with each other's wives. No, absolutely not. Well, I thought that was the whole point of video game development. No! Come on, Shelbyville. Back to Japan. No. If you want to write in letters about sleep with other people's wives, don't.
Starting point is 02:51:24 No, no, no. No, don't do that. Don't. No, talk about making use of your vast fields of hemp. That's for the other podcast that we will never make. Yes. If you want to send us questions about making vast fields of hemp for making ropes and blankets. And marrying your cousins.
Starting point is 02:51:38 What? Send them to... SuperBestFriendCast at That's SuperBestFriendCast at Oh, right. So... Why would you want to marry your cousins? Because they're so attractive.
Starting point is 02:51:52 Ah! I thought that was the whole point of the SuperBestFriendCast. Not quite. This one is just a shout out. Alex sends us a 43-page Kingdom Hearts timeline document. Woo! Which explains the story with pictures and single sentences. Guess what?
Starting point is 02:52:08 I'm super familiar with this document. It's awesome. Have you read it, Oli? I started. It's fucking great. It's just a character? It is. It is.
Starting point is 02:52:17 This guy hates this guy because of the darkness. And it's just goes in those names. There's no names, but I'm going to read it. I'm going to read it. Guess what? I read it and it helped. And that's bad because I beat all those names. Shit.
Starting point is 02:52:31 Goddamn it. Did you do all the handheld ones? I beat most of Berk by sleep. I did not finish it. Okay. It's still on my backlog with the rest of the 2.5 HD collection. What about my chain of memories? I did fuck chain of memories.
Starting point is 02:52:42 Oh, that's so good. Yeah. No, it's not. We got one. Card-based games are terrible. We got one coming in from... Cypher Triple Tread. Ian Harris.
Starting point is 02:52:51 And he talks about the interest in going into testing in QA and whatnot. It's terrible. They'll do it. Yeah. And he says, like, what gets a QA tester and want to be noticed by gaming companies, degrees, proofs, experience in other fields? A job application. An application.
Starting point is 02:53:04 You breathe and you have a head. Dude, we've said it before and it's very simple. Just take your CV to the place. QA is an entry level job. QA is the cashier of the video game world. That said, there's a lot of stuff to pick up in QA. And if you are interested in game development, you will learn a lot of things. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:53:22 No, but I... But just getting in... Yeah. I think that... Oh, no, I'm just responding to Matt saying, don't. Yeah. But it looks like it's a good job. It's a perfectly good job.
Starting point is 02:53:30 And with that, like, that's, like... What is it for? The time we've answered it. Yeah. But just for the last time... QA is very much... Until the next time... Until the next time...
Starting point is 02:53:38 QA is very much the cashier job of game development. It's a slow and menial job that most people will go nowhere. It's hard to stay in. But a couple people will become the head cashier. And maybe those people will be able to move into management. Well, I was going to say the only difference is, like, you can learn tangible skills, especially when it comes to, like, compliance and stuff. Hey, you need to learn what those oranges with the code is.
Starting point is 02:54:00 And that stuff is, like, really valuable. The most important skill in learning retail is not to stab people. Yeah. I picked up Excel code from that job. That's fucking helpful. Amazingly helpful. Yeah. And everything like...
Starting point is 02:54:13 I have a shockingly low number of markers on Excel. All our videos will still sell. So, like, I don't wish I'd gotten the email, so... They can't see it. Uh, we got one coming in from, uh, Jay. And he says... Yo, Jay, what's up? You called me Jay.
Starting point is 02:54:26 They're super friend bests. So the fives are coming. MGS5, Persona 5, and Street Fighter 5. If one of the fives had to fail or be terrible, which would you prefer to take? MGS5. MGS5. Street Fighter. Get out.
Starting point is 02:54:39 Get out. MGS. Fuck you. Kojima's gone. I can live with it. No. But that never continues ever? I'm shocked.
Starting point is 02:54:47 I would have said Street Fighter. I'm shocked that you said Street Fighter over Persona. Just to be real. Shocked. Just to be real? Yeah. Because Persona still has a long life ahead of it. To be real?
Starting point is 02:54:56 How come? I know you didn't be around in another three years. Okay, but go back to it. Oh, I thought you were going to say three days. But go back to a time before MGS5 was announced. Would you be okay with MGS4 being the end of the series? Yeah. No, I'm not.
Starting point is 02:55:09 You want it this far? Yeah. It's not that great. No, but I was happy with the conclusion. I thought it ended on a note that I'm happy not going back to the series. Sure, but I like Big Boss. What about you, Leia? You didn't say yours.
Starting point is 02:55:19 I don't know. He doesn't know. Probably Persona. Yeah. I don't want MGS5 to be the best game. I want to be the best. Yeah, because you're all hopped up on grounds. I was like right now.
Starting point is 02:55:29 I want to be the best video game. I'll hopped up on youth balls. Yeah. Did he say these ones? Or did he say like after? No, these ones. He said the fives. Which one of these three games?
Starting point is 02:55:40 I don't want Kojima's last game to be a miserable failure. I guess you guys... As opposed to Persona or Street Fighter. No, not you. As opposed to Persona or Street Fighter. Here's the thing. I before got out what I needed to do and brought back fighting games. But for five to be a piece of shit.
Starting point is 02:56:03 Would kill fighting. I can't live in that world. Would not kill fighting games. That's the thing. Blaze Blue would carry it. Oh, see? They'd be dead. And KX carries it.
Starting point is 02:56:12 Double dead. But it's not... I wouldn't wish it upon any of them. Obviously if I really had to choose. Like only at the expense of the other two being masterpieces would I even really hit one. I could live with MGS5 being terrible. Like it would hurt me and it would bother me a lot. But with all what I assume is a fun development story that we'll hear about in 20 years.
Starting point is 02:56:35 I could live with it. Because I could always internally justify that it wasn't Kojima and his team's fault. I'm 100% exactly that dude. If there was never an MGS5, I would have been able to deal with the rest of my life. Whatever the publisher pressure was that caused the troubles. Maybe one day we've got another Metal Gear game that's not solid. The only thing on that is I could live... Solid could have closed off, man.
Starting point is 02:56:58 I could live in a world where Atlas goes back to being a B developer. I can't go back to that world. I could live back in that world for sure. That's a good question, dude. Yeah, it's not an easy decision. I mean it is and it isn't because it brings up super negative emotions. It's not an easy decision. But we like things differently from each other, you know?
Starting point is 02:57:17 Some of us like things better than others. There you go. Oh cool, that crazy FF fan game about Solid Snake and fucking Dante in the FFT engine. Episode 1 came out. Okay, thanks for that update. Blake from Indiana says... Blake from Indiana says... You just grabbed an invincibility power-up and you've gained temporary invincibility.
Starting point is 02:57:38 What music starts playing? Oh, I thought it was like what are you gonna do? Because the answer would be go stand in front of cars. Oh, like that Uncle video with the hobo? That thing's amazing. Go watch that. There's this hobo that's walking through a tunnel and he's pretty much invincible and the cars are hitting him and bouncing off. And it's fucking cool.
Starting point is 02:57:56 That'd be cool. What music starts playing? Sonic. Sonic invincibility music. Like, I bounce between Sonic and Mario, but I actually think I like Sonic's a bit more. I like... I want... There's no limit. It doesn't have to be based on invincibility music. It can be anything. Oh, well, invincibility music can't just be anything because it's weird
Starting point is 02:58:19 because usually your invincibility... Or 30 seconds. Ultimate warrior music. Ultimate warrior music is a good one. Alright, I'd have news. Assassin. That fucking guitar. I'd want something super mellow. Like really, really, really, really mellow.
Starting point is 02:58:35 Yeah, fucking mellow. No, I'd want the opposite. I'd like Wonder Genghis theme where it's just a fucking orchestra chorus just yelling. Oh, no more heroes theme if I could choose anything. Yeah. I'd want something mellow because it means I don't have to give a fuck about nothing. If you're invincible, as Pat just sits in his chair for 30 seconds. Yeah, just...
Starting point is 02:59:00 That's what you would do with your invincibility. You sit in a chair for 30 seconds. If it's gonna last for 30 seconds, I want it to be Homer's goofy little sing song. Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do. Like with a pad, like this. Yeah. Because it means I'm gonna do whatever dumb self-murdering thing I can do. Jump off your balcony. I was about to say if it happened right now, I'd just jump out the window.
Starting point is 02:59:22 Jump, spring, kill, and just experience it. Just to see what it's like. And guess what? By the time 30 ticks, 30 seconds to get out of this. Try to fix your arcade cabinet. Guess what? You're gonna hit the ground and you're gonna be like, well that was a horrible experience. That was super scary.
Starting point is 02:59:35 Look at all these bones I broke that don't hurt for another 25 seconds. Oh. Rock roll. Jackson wants to know, hey guys, I'm thinking about, I'm about to go hiking in New Hampshire. And, um, I was wondering, do you guys, like, do you guys ever want to experience the intense death wonders of Mother Nature? Are you outdoorsy? Or, like, do you ever go camping? Uh, Liam, do you want to start the song?
Starting point is 02:59:57 I love camping. I think camping is super fun. I try to go at least a few times a year if I can, but it's tough these days. I've only done it during my childhood and it was fun, but I had to do it. Yeah, same here. I did some childhood camping. I love camping, but I have no interest in anything like extra. I'm not gonna climb out.
Starting point is 03:00:12 I love the creature comforts of civilization far too much. I'm the kind of person now in my life that if I was out camping, I would be checking my phone. Um, but... I love cooking shit on fire. But I do get the appeal of hiking to see cool shit. Like, when I was in, uh... Sorry? Fireglass?
Starting point is 03:00:33 Fireglass? Never seen this type of glass. It's on fire, and if you take it camping, for example, put it in a bowl and light it, and it's like, it's hotter than normal campfire. It's way hotter, and it leaves no smoke. Shit's awesome. But, like, take, for example, when I was in Japan, I went to the fox shrine with my girlfriend, like, I'm out of shape, and that's a really tall shrine.
Starting point is 03:00:51 Yeah. Uh, and there were multiple times, like, you know, you don't have to get to the top. You don't have to die. I'm like, no! I have to do it! I will never come back here! I cannot not go to the top of this mountain. Um, I was just talking with my, my sister and my fiance about,
Starting point is 03:01:10 yeah, we should all go camping, because my sister goes camping a lot. They have, like, they have a camper, like... Why were you, like, terrified of camping? Sure. Jason's out there. So it's only a worry if you're a fan. Yeah, I would like to know. He's only real to you, damn it.
Starting point is 03:01:26 True. So yeah. And lastly... I have my favorite camping story. Are you over with me? No, God, no. My favorite camping story is that one gaffer that said, hey, gaff, I'm camping, I'm on my phone, I hear a bear, what do I...
Starting point is 03:01:42 Oh yeah, and they go, what do I... And then it was like, OP, OP, OP's dead. Yeah, that's great. You know, bears have a really easy time eating you when you're swimming parallel. So what about that picture? Do you remember this picture? So what was that picture of... Remember that, that, that three Simpsons pilots that failed?
Starting point is 03:01:59 It was that picture of Chief Wiggum in his bed with a big smile, and there's an alligator with his, like, head all, like, in his mouth, and Chief Wiggum's just smiling at him, and I just see, like, the retumbles, and it's like, a billion. It's such a solid picture. It says so much. Yeah, camping's fine. Nathan wants to know, since the Kinect is a complete piece of shit...
Starting point is 03:02:24 For games. Which one is he referring to? Oh wait, what company do you think could actually make a good Kinect game? With Kinect? Not what game? What company? Harmonics made a good game? Because they did it.
Starting point is 03:02:38 They made a good one. Access Games made a good game? Access Games. They made a good one? Sorry? D4. Oh, Access, yeah. I heard Access, and I'm like, Access, really?
Starting point is 03:02:49 No, you mean ArcSys. Uh, I mean, you know... Its applications are very... Koji Igarashi did it really well with Lead Meaz, which is a game nobody's played. Lead Meaz is really, really fun. What is it? It's a game where...
Starting point is 03:03:03 There's characters, little guys who have to get from one side of the map to the other, kind of like Lemmings, I suppose, and you use your body to guide them. Okay, that seems interesting. Like, your head is in the way and shit, so you have to, like, get over and shit. Oh, the people that made that TMNT Kinect game that we played on TMNT released.
Starting point is 03:03:21 Don't say it was bad. Double Fine did it good with the Sesame Street game, and they hammered that one. Yeah, sure. It's possible. I think they did Haunt as well. You know if Diabolic Pitch actually works, I've never tried it.
Starting point is 03:03:34 I still want to play that with you. I still just want to sit down and play that with you. It's possible. It's just so hard and no tricks. Honestly, I think anyone could do it if they fucking actually applied themselves. I would give it to... Not applied themselves, but had a game...
Starting point is 03:03:50 I'm having a hard time, but, like, I'd say, a Tekken team. Maybe. Maybe they're talented. Mointer lesson? Yeah. You know, I literally... Because most Kinect games are pretty cheap games. When you look at the Ubisoft ones,
Starting point is 03:04:04 they're all just kind of thrown out there, just Dance is the only one that really... You know, if history had not gone this way, I would have said FromSoftware. Could have been FromSoft. Could have, but wasn't. You know what would be a good FromSoftware Kinect game? You're the blonde lady that gives
Starting point is 03:04:20 voice tips and analysis to Metal Wolf. Yeah, sure. And you watch Metal Wolf tear shit up. That'd be cool. And you send in supply shit. When you say the word America, you get a power up. Yeah. They're making money.
Starting point is 03:04:33 I'm making money right now. I think a lot of people could do it, just it never happened. I don't think there was any magic person it needed. Just all the stuff that came out wasn't quite right. So just make call it Hey You, Mr. President. Hey You, Mr. President. That said, it's tough to make a AAA thing.
Starting point is 03:04:48 Like they tried with Fable The Journey. I think that was the biggest... It's not on Rails. But like that in Steel Battalion were the biggest thing. It's not on Rails though. I'm gonna... And they just... It's just guided.
Starting point is 03:04:58 Sega made a decent one with Rise to Nightmares. Rise to Nightmares. The game is still okay. So like, yeah, just making big experiences didn't really work out at all. And then most of the other stuff was... Give it to Sonic Team. Sure. Give it to...
Starting point is 03:05:13 Yeah, you did. They did. They made Sonic Freeriders. It was terrible. There's an amazing Mega 64 video. We should watch right after this. So absolutely terrible. Really deleted it from his mind.
Starting point is 03:05:24 Didn't even... There's multiple versions of that game. What's coming up, guys? Silent Hill and Ride to Hell. Continue Ride to Hell. Continue. Once hot, once cold. You notice that if they're almost like view-wise, they're like...
Starting point is 03:05:39 Neck and neck. Neck and neck. No one knows which one is better. One's so good and one's so, so bad. Is that coming up in the near future? Yeah, soonish. Yeah. Shall we?
Starting point is 03:05:50 Shall we? We shall. I mentioned... Yeah, Pat and I are doing our next LP. Yeah. Is that even gonna come out this week, though? Seriously. Not this week.
Starting point is 03:05:59 It's not. It's not. But we've started... Yes, it's Monster Hunter Freedom Unite for the iOS. And we've started and... For the iOS. For the iOS. Did you finish it?
Starting point is 03:06:10 No, we've got one more session to go. We've got 90% for it. All right. But stay tuned. It was sweaty. I guess the only thing coming out this week is that there'll be a new creepy anime bullshit and a new crime times. There you go.
Starting point is 03:06:21 You have Freedom Unite iOS. It's fun for time-wasting. Boy, is it. All right. Matt. So one more thing. We are... Gotta be.
Starting point is 03:06:32 Liam, William and I will be at too many games. Which is in Pennsylvania. Which is in Pennsylvania. It takes a lot to make a game. To our schedule. To our many games. Shut up. What was going on?
Starting point is 03:06:47 Our schedule is currently loading. That was funny for the week. Now I hear it. Our schedule is as such. Is that we will have our first panel on the Friday, June 26th from 9 to 10pm. And it will be another drunken best friends versus street fighter. Discipline, justice and commitment. Oh, really?
Starting point is 03:07:05 Cool. Yeah. I think you guys should watch the episodes. We're gonna be watching the Warrior King one again. Because why the fuck not? But the other episode will be like a brand new one. You know those were recorded though, right? Sorry?
Starting point is 03:07:20 Broadcast. Yeah. No one saw them. So you want to do the same episode again? One same episode again. Because it's Warrior King. Okay. You wouldn't like the subtitle.
Starting point is 03:07:29 I'll trust your judgment. I don't. I have no time to subtitle. That's true. I'm proud about that. It took fucking longer than any video I've ever edited. And then we have our main panel on Saturday from 6pm to 7pm. That's June 27th.
Starting point is 03:07:46 And we have our autograph signing. Oh, like about an hour before that actually. From 4pm to 5pm. Lots of people are asking about their autograph signings because they just added them to the schedule. And that's on Saturday. So we can feasibly do stuff after the panel too, like autographs and shit. Previously we've had to run to planes and stuff, but it's only on Saturday. And Sunday is free time.
Starting point is 03:08:10 You guys gotta come and try the actual original Philly cheesesteaks. Oh yeah? Yeah. From the two places. I'll give it a swing. There's two places. Okay. I'm gonna ask you.
Starting point is 03:08:22 You're responsible. We made a thing that this got for that week. And you're telling people to go out and get the Philly cheesesteaks? I don't want you coming back with bodies. Hey. I want you coming back with live commentatable persons. When I went down to Philly for a tournament, I went for the cheesesteaks. I can confirm.
Starting point is 03:08:39 But you went for the tournament. I've been there. It's okay. Don't be careful. I've been there. It's okay. It's alright. Don't let them feel themselves.
Starting point is 03:08:47 The only room for too many games is essentially all games. Good. That's what I want. That's what you mean. I want it because there's too many. I want it to be games and male K-pop fans. You guys need to come back on this and talk on the podcast and be like, you know what, man, there was too many games.
Starting point is 03:09:04 Yeah. I didn't even enjoy it. There were just too many. I walked into the hotel and somebody jammed a copy of Breakdown in my mouth. And I was forced to play car novel all night. Alright. Let's get scratching. Let's scratch that Game of Thrones edge.
Starting point is 03:09:19 Let's get scratching. Let's just get scratching. I thought you were segwaying into a jet set thing. No. Let's get scratching. Willie, are you hungry? Are you hungry for clams or oysters? Perhaps some cuckolds.
Starting point is 03:09:34 Cuckolds. One or two cuckolds. Alright. You guys can walk off. We're going to bamboo. Alright. Are you going to cut? We're just going to walk away quietly without planning the rest of our recording schedule.
Starting point is 03:09:48 Well, here's the thing. If you do, just walk away so we can't shoot the little video thingy. Yeah, that's true. Should we do that live in the podcast and get all in section about it? Yeah. I don't know. It's going to be weird. Do what you'd like.
Starting point is 03:10:00 What do you think the best call is? Okay. Well, I'm going to fuck off because stores are going to close and I don't want to get something to drink. Okay. Well, here. I need to come back here. Then let's be professionals.
Starting point is 03:10:10 We're doing work here and figuring out on the flight. We're cutting. You're not going to cut this. Don't cut. Oh, it's awkward. They don't want to cut. The curtain has been pulled back too far. Watch out.
Starting point is 03:10:21 You can see our balls. They're on stream. They're not. Oh, I know. I'm going to come back in half an hour. Okay. You're going to come back in half an hour? I'm going to come back in half an hour.
Starting point is 03:10:30 Okay. That should be good. Because that's what I was originally thinking. Why are you coming back in half an hour? We're doing some stuff. He was late for a thing, so now we're going to do it after the podcast. Oh, you guys are going to record something after. Wow, there's too much real this.
Starting point is 03:10:40 So I can go. Yes. Oh, yeah. Okay, but we do have to record that thing. Yeah, you recorded it gazing into Matt's eyes. Okay, yeah. I need to get something to drink. Yeah, yeah, he's thirsty.
Starting point is 03:10:50 Get me a Gatorade, please. Keep talking. Where are you going? Can you just stand there? No, you're not going to? No, it's fine. You're just fine. I'll find you a big baby.
Starting point is 03:11:01 Well, it's really dark in there anyway. Wait, where are you going? What's happening? What's happening? I'm just going to the grocery store to get a Red Bull. Get a drink. Okay, because I'm super hungry. You're talking about what?
Starting point is 03:11:11 Horizon. Well, you're talking about it now. Horizon was such a game that we didn't talk about during the podcast. What's happening on the podcast? You know what's happening? We're still recording right now. Oh, God. Wow.
Starting point is 03:11:23 Do the comments of what you chumps use audacity? Yeah, probably. If you look close, there's VLC icons right there. And we talked about how... And Windows Media Classic. We talked about how I'm miserable because I'm on a diet. I think I could handle it, but I can't because I'm a tiny man. Probably stop.
Starting point is 03:11:39 Yeah, you should probably stop. I'll stop at too many games this weekend. Woo. But we're... This is... You can't fade off because this is still in the podcast. Woo. Now I'm going to hit the stop button on the video, but the podcast still goes.
Starting point is 03:11:55 See you on the podcast, people. Done. Okay, but the podcast doesn't stop recording. The podcast does not stop recording. So I can't talk about my frothing dislike for certain fans. Wow. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 03:12:08 Wow. You mean Mike? I mean Mike. I didn't want to say it out loud. Oh, no. But no, we're still going. We're still going. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:12:17 Oh, Jesus. Hey, man. Hey, Mike, ZeroDude, I still like you. We all like you. I just gave him a promotion in the free company yesterday, so we'll be happy for you. Damn. We've got some shit. Don't talk too much about spoilers until we go.
Starting point is 03:12:33 Okay. I'll wait for the door. Because Liam's going to get to the fifth season of Game of Thrones. Yeah. Why are everyone's eyes so small and not huge and sparkling? So when those mecha robots showed up in Western Europe, it was sick. Oh, shit. I couldn't believe that.
Starting point is 03:12:50 I would much prefer that show. I would much prefer it. Fuck out of here. I'm trying. He's got to put his little baby shoes on. No, this is the poor quality and the professionalism that you deserve. Why everything needed to be all inception inside the inside of the podcast? Why not?
Starting point is 03:13:07 Why not? All right. Yeah, it looks like they're gone. So those giant mecha robots, I couldn't believe that in episode 10. Mother of mecha. Oh, my God. All right. So here's what's up, right?
Starting point is 03:13:20 I'm going to walk you through my finale night. Just as a final thing, everyone, if you don't want to listen to this, don't be here. Yeah. We're going to spoil everything. If you watch Game of Thrones season five, this is why you should be here. Exactly. We're going to spoil everything. And if you haven't caught up to date.
Starting point is 03:13:34 I know some people really want to stop there. Some people don't care. Yeah. Some people are like, oh, I can't wait to be here. No. So look, I fucking finish it. Bam. Jon Snow sits there.
Starting point is 03:13:45 Right. Cut to the credits. Me and my girlfriend, like we just look at each other, look back at the TV, you have that chalk and awe. Right. But then it dawns on you what that actually means if Jon Snow just died and you go, no, stop. Hold on.
Starting point is 03:14:01 Wait. Pause. The story no longer makes any sense. It does. It does not make sense. You can't have an actual, like there's one thing to kill off like Rob and to kill off the family and every peripheral storyline as you tighten up the beans. Because people especially that are only like, you know, know the show.
Starting point is 03:14:20 Yeah. Don't know about how many things there's going on with Jon in terms of theories in terms of other wars. Exactly. Exactly. And he's way more important than the show makes him look like. Exactly. And there's dreams that are not shown that are really important that characters have
Starting point is 03:14:36 about things in the books, right? Dreams are a thing that I kind of died with Braun, not that he died or anything, but like his camera's not showing anymore, right? His camera crew just quit. Yeah. Right. But I'll get there because there's actually a little bit about that thing too. When I stopped and I saw that, I was like, no, this falls apart from like, this falls
Starting point is 03:15:01 apart when you're putting a plot together that is supposed to follow like some sort of main movement. Spine, spine. When you have an act, you have a beginning, you have a middle and you have a third act and then you have a, you know, a denouement and everything, like storytelling happens a certain way and you can remix it a ton of different ways, but for the most part, you've got to have some level of like consistency and if this is actually important to the plot character ties and actually doesn't even find out certain things about like himself
Starting point is 03:15:31 and whatnot, then it doesn't make any sense, right? What you're just saying, that thing is certain things about himself, like we don't know what they're going to go. They could like, we don't even know if that's a canon, but let's be right. He is the song of fire and ice. That's what the prevailing theory is. Right? The prince that was promised, we don't know that could go either way, but there's a fucking
Starting point is 03:15:49 dream in the books that has them actually has two people talking about him being the son of a Targaryen and the son of someone from the North. You're literally what the story is about and the only other as important character in the story would be Dany for whatever reason. And she don't do nothing important, especially in the show. So here's what I did was I was, I hit a point where I was like, no, this actually is like, it's not shocking. It's shocking.
Starting point is 03:16:18 It's, this is kind of goofy. I wouldn't even say I was shocked cause when I, cause I watched it with my fiance and she's read all the books backwards for her, she goes, what the fuck is this? What the fuck is this? This makes no sense. What the fuck are they doing? She lost it, right? I remember that.
Starting point is 03:16:33 She lost it. And I was like, not even shocked. Cause I remember when John's in the process of getting killed, I was like, are they like kind of punching him or are you going like, and the other thing you're saying is like, like, well, then if John's actually kind of not in there anymore or whatever it is, the thing with the wall is that I, like maybe five minutes before that scene, I was like, I hate how everyone at the wall gives John so much shit for a logical mind person that's watching these events on focal.
Starting point is 03:17:02 No, he's doing the right thing. He should bring the wildlings through here. It's the only way that they're going to survive. So I was like, I almost want them to, I almost want the wall to get just destroyed. So John can go see, to never ever beat me. Yeah. I really wanted that. And then that's kind of what it seems like it might be doing.
Starting point is 03:17:23 So maybe. So I basically saw that and went, I don't care anymore. I don't care about book spoilers anymore. I need to know if this story actually has a shark jump right now. There's been a couple of times in this season where I was like, I can't wait for this to go on. I want to know how this can. I was able to contain it.
Starting point is 03:17:44 I was able to contain it. But when it got to this point, I was like, no, because let's be real, the story can fall apart if this actually plays out this way. I feel. So I went and I jumped on, not the Game of Thrones wiki, but the wiki of Fire and Ice. And then a couple other and talk to some other people that have read. And so here's what's up is we've caught up. Right.
Starting point is 03:18:04 And that's what I said earlier. This, a lot of the storylines that end off where Danny surrounded by Dothraki. Not only we caught up, but we could have jumped forward in certain situations because, I'm not sure if people don't know, but everything Tyrion has done in season five has not been written yet. If it is even going to be written, his stuff just stops. He ends at the same place, but there's a lot of stuff that happened exactly. There was a giant war that took place that got him to meet Danny and that never happened
Starting point is 03:18:37 here. Right. The wall is crazy different with where Sansa and Ryke jump and we don't know what's going to happen there. In this case, there's a whole thing where the person who's supposed to be Sansa's character, which is fake Arya Stark, which is another character entirely, escapes from Winterfell with Ryke. They end up going to the wall and Jon decides to leave and he gets stabbed because he's
Starting point is 03:19:09 going to do a family matter thing and that's more important to him than his duties as Lord Commander. Which is weird because in the show, he goes, no, Stanis asked him to come with me and he was like, no. Exactly. So that's really different. And so they actually stab him for different reasons there, but most importantly is that in the books, he got stabbed too.
Starting point is 03:19:32 He dies or cold and cold gets stabbed, we don't know if he dies, but that did happen. And I remember, because when I talked to your fiancee about it, she was like, really, I was like, yeah, I confirmed it super hard. She just forgot about that part, right? The thing with it though is that some people have said, and I'm not sure if you saw this sort of thing, is that there are spoiler pictures for the last episode of season five that got leaked well before the show, just pictures, screenshots. And they showed three shots, two of them were super legit and they were in the thing.
Starting point is 03:20:02 And one was Jon Lane on the ground. And someone said, his eyes were gone, his pupils were gone. He's warging into another animal, into ghosts, most likely. And then that picture was de-confirmed as no, someone did that. Someone edited the picture, but then some people are saying in the final shot of the show, his eyes don't go white, they don't roll in the back of his head. But very subtly, and some people call bullshit, it's not there. You're seeing something you want to see there, that his eyes do change color.
Starting point is 03:20:34 God, oh my God. That his eyes do change color. And some people go, I don't see it. It's a very blue sweater with gold, whatever, whatever that dumb sweater thing was. I'm so glad you said that right there, because the thing I was about to say is the fucking punctuation at the end of what you just said. What? The last thing he says in the book after he gets stabbed.
Starting point is 03:20:57 That's what he said. Ghost. Nice. The last thing he says in the book is ghost. Now, people, the guy that directed the episode, and Kit Harrington, the guy that plays John, they got interviewed. And he's like, he's super dead. Yeah, he's like, I'm super dead, and I cut my hair.
Starting point is 03:21:15 He cut my hair during the interview, he shaved it, like, he's like, no, I'm done. They told me I'm done. Which? Which? To be fair, in the past, there's been sketchy things. To be fair, in this day and age, like companies and whatever have just straight out lied to and have spoilers. They totally have.
Starting point is 03:21:31 So that's what they're going to do to say, oh no, I am coming back. No, I agree. We're spending a lot of time talking about that, but I just want to say, like, we talked about it here and there, maybe once we're testing the podcast, but just season five in general, I think it was, like, definitely the weakest season of it. You know, guess what? The weakest season of Game of Thrones is the best of a lot of shows. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:21:51 So I didn't feel that, but mainly because- You feel it's not the weakest season? I don't feel it's the weakest, because I like where Arya went. I like where she went. It just went so slowly. I think that's super cool. It went really slow. It went really slow.
Starting point is 03:22:07 It's so cool. Um, I like that. I didn't like, I have to admit, I didn't like the story kind of going, like, into little buddy cop pairings, right? You've got Jaime and Vron going off on their adventures. Yeah, they had those little adventures have been in all the seasons, but this had the most. And everyone was doing them.
Starting point is 03:22:29 And then the Sand Snakes were really lame until that one was really cool. Yeah, yeah. You know? And people, like, up until this point in the books, the Sand Snakes do way, way cooler shit. Way cooler shit. They got super powerful shit. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 03:22:44 Oh, yeah. And then I started reading them. Who is the most beautiful woman in the world? That's her coolest thing. Exactly. And then you got children that are like, oh, daddy, it's okay. I'm cheering for you. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:22:52 Like, I hated all the Sands and stuff, like- Yeah. And then it sucked at first, because at the start of the season, I was like, okay, Sands is learning and becoming a bit cooler, but then not really, and then it just dips into like dark territory. And then it's like- And then it amounted to nothing. I was excited for the adventure we didn't get, which is the adventures of Littlefinger
Starting point is 03:23:13 and Sands. I think that's a strong pairing, because she can do some things that I'm sure Littlefinger can't get around, but just being female and having to start. And you just fucked off to do nothing. Meanwhile, it cuts a Brienne just staring. Brienne doing absolutely nothing. Like, actually, actually nothing. But I bet you guys really want to fly me out here to do this shit, because you're not
Starting point is 03:23:39 actually doing it. I'll do it, but just stand there with a foot. That's a waste of your time. Lose of your time. Not my time. Posed on a rock, just staring. Staring. Oh, I failed everyone I've made an oath to.
Starting point is 03:23:51 Oh, no. I am Oathbreaker. I am the Oathbreaker. Fuck. No, that was, that was, yeah, totally. And one thing that sucks that could never possibly happen is I was, because I was going further with it, I'm like, you know what, fuck it, I'm full on book spoiler mode now. Yeah, okay, whatever.
Starting point is 03:24:06 Because now that we're caught up, I need to know, there is this awesome fucking dude that is a whole other house that's never mentioned. Oh, shit, the Foresters? Not the Foresters. I forgot his last name, but it's this fat guy, and Walder Frey basically fucks him up but he kills his son at the, at the red wedding alongside all the other shit, right? Okay, so that guy comes back. This one guy, he's from the North, right?
Starting point is 03:24:30 And he's part of the people amongst the families with the Starks and so on and so forth. And it just shows you, it's like a badass from the North that more or less like, he plays along after the phrase takeover, and he like, he plays the game with them for a while, and they said, and then he's then, Walder Frey's three sons go to his place, he breaks bread and salt with them to have protection, and then sends them on their way with these and gives them, and like, he goes to send them on their way with their gifts, then it cuts to later him visiting Walder Frey and he goes, oh, your son's haven't arrived yet, what's up with that?
Starting point is 03:25:05 And they said, oh, well, I don't know, they'll eventually get here, I kind of, I'm too fat to ride a horse, so, you know, they had to carry me by boat, but let's have fun in the meantime. Everybody sing and dance and make merry, and I have a gift for you phrase, let's bring in the three pies that I've baked for you. Come, come sit and enjoy and eat these pies, and you must be loving this, and it's this fucking awesome moment where it's like, implied that this motherfucker put the dude's sons in pies and feeds it to them, it's fucking nuts, and it's like, it's one of those thing, Bolton
Starting point is 03:25:39 level shit, and he's the guy that is the definition of the North Remembers, you know what I mean? That's the thing is that I kind of just feel watching it, it's like, even if there's nothing about the Starks anymore, like, Arya is not even really a Stark anymore, or she shouldn't be. Fucking water has more Stark blood in it than Stark blood. And by babbling, the Stark blood has been all over, it's had all the rivers and babbling books, and like, I would really love Game of Thrones, the concept, and that's why I feel Season 5 has gotten away from the Game of Thrones, where the intrigue of who's on the
Starting point is 03:26:22 Iron Throne, there's less and less and less of that, and let's say that's where you want to go, that's where the TV writers go, that's where the books, like the sixth book whenever it gets released hopefully next year, maybe that's where it's going to go, but if it's going to go away from that, show me the Game of Thrones in a shitty part, show me the Game of Thrones in the North, where people are like, this goat, do you want this goat? Oh, do I? And they're stroking their beards, and they're squabbling over, squabbling over shit. Because here's what else we saw, we saw the sad decline of Stannis, who I fucking thought
Starting point is 03:27:01 was a cool guy. There was an episode in this season where Stannis was the fucking coolest, and this was like early on, I was like, oh this guy, this guy, I like him now, I like him. He's a fucking tough customer, and he's the one of those guys who's like, you know what, if he got the throne, he'd run it. He's not Tywin, but he knows how to fucking run a group. He's not Tywin, and he's not like super cool, I mean, well. And just cut to Melisandre, putting her little Mary Poppins hat on and be like, I'm gonna
Starting point is 03:27:27 get the fuck out of here, just put a cane and like a little stick with a bag on the end of it, like the traveler. Or her animation frame is just lifted off the war that shit pieces the fuck out. Like that, that was like, and Stannis is huge fucking heel turn, which does not happen in the books. Right, yes. He, in fact, in the books he has a line that says, I would never sacrifice my daughter in my blood.
Starting point is 03:27:55 Not only that, but he fights to put her on the throne. That's awesome. Why, like, there's enough, that's the thing about decisions like that in the books. There's enough villains, there's enough people to hate. You've got Cersei, you've got Roos, you've got assholes at the wall that are stupid. You've got fucking zombies. Expectations. You don't need to take another person and make them an irredeemable villain.
Starting point is 03:28:20 Yeah, and expectations are already like, every time something is gonna be like, the hero shows up now, we already know that they're not going to. They're gonna lose. And you know what, and before that, before this, it's like, okay, maybe Tywin could have been a hero, but not after he fucking shot his daddy and girl in the gut, you know, and it's like, you're not a hero anymore. That's a little mo, that, that, that's, like, in terms of the absolute extremes of Jon over here and Bruce Bolton and Stannis, when Stannis did these fucking awful things, that's
Starting point is 03:28:48 over here. Tyrion is at least a little, like, gray. Jon is the only one whose hands are relatively thin. Jon is, Jon, literally Jon Cena in this universe. You can't do it in your own. You're right. He's the only person. Think about everyone else.
Starting point is 03:29:00 When he drops down, it's like, fuck, the story's ruined if he's actually dead. He's not, you know. You know what I mean? Really great. In the episode, let's say the last episode, something mildly shocking happens in the second and last scene, right? Let's say Arya finds out that she's like, like, going blind. Let's find out that she finds out that, that, um, yeah, like, she's going, she's going blind
Starting point is 03:29:27 or Jack and Hagar does something crazy. Yeah. That's a really cool scene, by the way. Which he did. It was like the last scene. A life for a life. No way. He's over here now.
Starting point is 03:29:36 Now look at her. Look at me. Look at the many-faced god. Now back to me. Someone should cut that to be like that. That was great. But let's say that was the second or last scene, uh, in the last episode of Game of Thrones. Then it cuts to the wall, and then it shows Sam walking around, then it shows a bunch
Starting point is 03:29:51 of wall guys just stab the shit out of him, and he falls down, and then the credits, and he goes, oh my god, did you see that shit that Jere Magar just did, and Arya? Oh my god. That was shocking. And then everyone's life, and it just nailed on. The fact that Sam just coasts through life, never getting thin. I don't understand, maybe this actor has a glandular problem. I'm working on my weight, but this motherfucker in a setting where he should literally be losing
Starting point is 03:30:23 weight every day. The whole season is summed up as Jon's being like, hey man, hey yo, you hit that shit? You hit that shit? Yeah, you hit that shit, dude. You hit that shit. Ah, get out of here. Go be a maester. And he's like, ah.
Starting point is 03:30:36 And he's like, ah. Sam's an unbeatable guy, but then he saw nothing of that. I hope that's just him being written out of the show, and then he might show up for a little scene where he's like, hey, look at Sam. There's so much different shit. There's this thing in the book where he sends him off with Jilly and the boys. That's not even her name, but I don't even know it. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:30:59 It sounds like that. Whatever, Jilly. Call her Jilly. Jiggly. Jiggly. Jiggly. But he sends her off, and he likes Jon. Jilly.
Starting point is 03:31:07 Jilly. Jilly. And Jon switches the babies with another baby. What? That's awesome. That's some soap opera shit. There's some serious shit that went down. And the last thing I guess to cover is the fact that it's like, oh man.
Starting point is 03:31:20 The fucking, like, okay, I, we all hate Cersei. We all hate Cersei. We all hate Cersei so much that, like, I don't want Cersei to go away. But at some point, at some point between Turds 2 and 3, I was like, oh, oh, this is bad. I was like, that's rough, man. I didn't really care about Turds and stuff. It's like her feet are all messed up. But you know, and here's the thing is I'm looking at it, like, yeah, you deserve what you get,
Starting point is 03:31:53 but it's like, oh, no, wait, no, wait, you're making the mistake of not killing her. When she gets back in and gets... And then she goes back in and fucking Quan Chi has made her a fucking soldier now. Yeah. He prefers not to talk. Yeah. Or whatever. Like actual zombie mountain.
Starting point is 03:32:13 Zombie mountain. All right. That was a thing I thought they were going to forget about. No. I literally thought they were going to forget. No. That was last season that happened. Now we got pharator confirmed.
Starting point is 03:32:22 Now we got pharator. And she's short hair and Cersei. Yeah, riding on top. And the narration during the books was apparently her thinking to herself, they think they can break me. They think they can, but they won't. But then midway through, but then midway through, she just cracks and then gets to the gates and she crosses through and loses it, you know?
Starting point is 03:32:44 And the show, that wasn't really a show. She was like super pissed and upset that she was like... No, but she does crack when she makes it past the guards. You know what I mean? In the show. In the show. She makes it past the guards. But you can still see her resolve when you get these motherfuckers.
Starting point is 03:32:58 It's in there. What was really cool is you see the shot of her looking up at the King's Landing castle. And that is a painting direct from a painting they made from the books, That's a Dragon. So fucking cool on that. That's the thing with Cersei. It was powerful. It was literally one of maybe the most at least kind of interesting
Starting point is 03:33:19 like the stuff with the real religious cult that she set up and that fire in her. And then I love that it's the guy, the head guy of whatever the shitty hoarder of the most strictest religion ever. He was the villain in like a 007 movie. He was the media mogul, like Microsoft type here. I love that guy because I'm like, oh, he's already kind of a villain. He's not really a villain.
Starting point is 03:33:40 Shout out to Street Hobo that whips his dick out and goes, I'm a Lannister. I can give this a sucker. Yeah, that was really class. And what should we call it? I really love how that scene was just really quickly about how it was not that bad, like walking through where all the nice people were and high-born people. And then slowly.
Starting point is 03:33:59 And as she had to go through it, it was like got worse and worse, trying to get back to the castle. While fucking Nurse Ratchet is walking behind Nurse Shame. Yeah. Anytime we fuck up in a game, we should probably. Shame. They're not going to get it. And what's your problem?
Starting point is 03:34:16 All of the better. Fucking Ollie, man. That kid. He was the cool smug guy that made that smile when he shot girl. He shot ginger girl. And I was like, ah, motherfucker. He's like, yeah, I got your job. I think I literally hated him more than anybody else.
Starting point is 03:34:33 Because all he did was stank eye. All he did was stank eye. He's got a horrible child face that I wanted to punch. I'm sorry. But he was cool when he was shooting the bow and arrow. No, no. He was cool up until then. But then they're just like, even a child is stubborn and as stupid
Starting point is 03:34:49 as the oldest fucking crow that they got. My parents are dead. My parents, guess what? Almost every character's fucking universe has a dead parent. You're not special. The last thing about the book. You're at the fucking wall. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 03:35:07 No, that's it. The last thing that's super cool about the book. I want to say when Davos is at one point. Davos got so fucking cool. He's fucking cool, right? And that last scene he had with the daughter was so like, oh god, she's done. But there's a point where I believe he's lost in an area up north. And it might have been another character.
Starting point is 03:35:32 But either way, I'm pretty sure it's him. But as he's making his way up there, he's seeing the face of Bran in the trees slowly making its way into reality. And it's this thing where it's like, okay, whatever dark work is going on up there with Treebeard has already started. The dark work is just pushing Bran. Just pushing him. Just flashing his face in the sky.
Starting point is 03:36:04 And that's who's like, this is your hero. Like Titan's run. No, Titan's run. This is here comes Bran's entrance. Ah, god. Here comes the money. Here comes the money. Money, money, money.
Starting point is 03:36:20 Yeah. Stay tuned for season six. They confirmed it's going to probably end at eight. I guess that's everything I kind of want to say. That's all there is, really. You guys generally just disappointed with it. And there were two episodes towards the end. The last one was like, oh, shit, now we're going.
Starting point is 03:36:36 Essentially when the White Walkers were like, yo. And the White Walkers were like, yo. And when Arya was like, you are nothing. And fucking does that pedophile in. Oh, yeah. That was a fucking rule of death. But that guy came in. That guy fucking deserved it.
Starting point is 03:36:51 That was some shit right there to tell you what. Fucking cockles for you. I'm just hesitant to enjoy the next season or whatever it is. Open mind, man. I have a little ground to make up for. Because this is the season where they deviated the most. You flipped the script. You flipped the script.
Starting point is 03:37:12 You flipped the script. You can't just flip the script with shocking things just to shock. Exactly. But here's the thing. I would have been like, OK, wait. Hold on. No shark jump. Fuck this.
Starting point is 03:37:22 The sixth was going to happen prior to the next book. But George R.R. said he's going to put it out before the season. And to me, that means, OK, they're going to have a chance to use that material. But even if he does it or if he doesn't, enough of the book is written that they at least have. Yeah. And there's even preview chapters that have come out so far. Oh, OK.
Starting point is 03:37:41 If they ever had a thing where it was like, we have no material and we're just going to fucking full metal alchemist it. Then no. No. You can't have them write their own complete story. Complete story. Because even people that aren't fans of the books will just know that. You can feel it.
Starting point is 03:37:56 You can feel it. Yeah. That's what I mean. I'm starting to feel something about this season. I'm just like, this is awkward and it just doesn't feel right. And I didn't even know in the time it's open, my fiance went, well, the reason why this feels weird is because there's no stone men giving people stone diseases.
Starting point is 03:38:13 Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I was like, oh, there is. And she's like, yeah, I don't. It's cool that they're going through old Valeria. Don't get me wrong. Yeah. I don't know what this is. Fuck that.
Starting point is 03:38:24 Fuck. What? I hate sad face McGee. M'lady McQueen. Yeah. I'm turning into a scale faced gargoyle. Yeah. It got a little much.
Starting point is 03:38:38 I think. God, I hate him so much. Like, I still like him, but it was like, dude, just, you're a super talented sell sword. You can do whatever you want. Fucking Sir Barrister. Like three times the badass that Joro ever was. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:38:55 Other dude who's, I forgot his name. I keep forgetting his name because his face changed. His face changed. I forget that guy's name too. Grey Worm. All of those badasses. Oh no, this is the season of Grey Worm. Just like, I am sorry.
Starting point is 03:39:09 I don't know what I'm doing. I'm not sure. I don't have balls. I can't. I don't know. This is the season of him just going unsullied. Like, I remember there were multiple scenes in Daenerys' where she's getting fucking owned.
Starting point is 03:39:22 She's putting things in danger. I mean, because I remember we both screened the thing. Where are the unsullied? They're literally like the best army ever. And there's just none of them. Grey Worm's like, I have been sullied. Like, he's like, I'm sorry. I don't know where I was.
Starting point is 03:39:38 I shouldn't have gotten that haircut. I'm sorry, my queen. That mochichino mix. You can't resist it. Yeah. And I'm sorry to put him and the handmaiden. Mochichino mix. Mochichino mix.
Starting point is 03:39:51 There's nothing going up with this season. I was at least expecting that little cartoonish setup scene where they're like, you two going off to rescue her and us three in charge of the city. Hi, Jinx and Sue. That was a weird conversation. It was a cartoonish scene. But I was at least expecting them to be like, man,
Starting point is 03:40:12 she took off and left us. If Mochichino mix and Grey Worm were to somehow, let's just say, miracle birth, that would be the most gorgeous baby in the world. All of Westeros bows before it immediately. Like fucking Dro-Dro-God flies over and just picks him up instead. There's a few other things that, like, I guess money injection,
Starting point is 03:40:36 but from the first time dragons were on screen to now, Dragon CGI is fucking awesome. Yeah. There's so much of it. I was like, wow, this looks as good as, like, Jurassic World or something. But notice that they saved money on the battles, too. Oh, yeah. That's Stan.
Starting point is 03:40:51 It's just a battle. Nope, nope, nope. Nothing, nothing. Battles are literally the hardest, longest, most expensive thing to film. And they almost ruined Rome. At least some almost ruined Rome. So don't even try it if you don't have the ability. So yeah.
Starting point is 03:41:06 That's it, man. That's it. Next season, like, fingers crossed will blow me away. Dude, we solved it. We solved the Jon Snow thing. I'm so, I'm like, I'm really confident. Yeah, it's just, man. Piecing together what you just told me and what I found out on my own.
Starting point is 03:41:22 We formed up, like, Voltron and fucking figured it out. Ghost. The thing that they don't show at the... Starcraft ghosts. I think the reason why in the show they don't actually say that or a physical thing happened to them, or at least obviously, is because it will... It's too obvious in the show.
Starting point is 03:41:37 Give away the suspense. Too obvious in the show, but in a book where you have... Because people want to tune in and say, wait, is he actually dead? It's one word in a fucking page or two of description. Okay. So that's, that's really important. Alright, we're running really long. Yeah, we are.
Starting point is 03:41:50 So, uh, enjoy. Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun. I'll fuck the foresters, man. Enough of that. What does it? Okay. Oh, oh. Let's rock with me.
Starting point is 03:42:37 I used to be the last human star. Yeah. Chilling with cash and cards from somewhere lost my past. Hard enough to convo Jim, getting back my art. With the fury inside, you can't match my spark. So, what are we going for? A shot of your chest. I got the instinct to do it in this battle of death.
Starting point is 03:42:50 This is my time to rise. You can't ride on my steps. I'm gonna win. And it don't matter who challenged me next. So, I can probably do you with no risk. Leaving your soul twisted up in my closed fist. Right. Take notice.
Starting point is 03:43:01 I stand at the coldest battle. Ceratic fighter. You can face on the foes list. Then knock out the king. Now all my opponents. I'm taking every moment to win. Baby, I own it. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:43:09 I swap the zone in with flurries and combinations. They ain't you a hate man. Cause my skills are great. I'm back to rock. I'm back to rock. I'm back to rock. I'm back to rock. I'm back to rock.
Starting point is 03:43:17 I'm back to rock. Let the truth be told. I feel on fire with my passion. I'm back to rock. I'm back to rock. I'm back to rock. I'm back to rock. I'm back to rock.
Starting point is 03:43:25 I'm back to rock. Let the truth be told. I feel on fire with my passion. I'm back from a glory. Yeah. These guys talk big, but I'm all prepared. On my redemption road. I rip my foes when I trip and flip modes.
Starting point is 03:43:33 You can't slip my blows. I'm on the comeback. It took out all the enhancements. In with the glow. I'm the champ that convinced me. Hard rugged, the star studded and mighty. You're leaving your own blood again. Making your face ugly.
Starting point is 03:43:41 Jab hook up a cut. Put my blow in and it impacts up your gut. You want to try to beat the champ. You want to try to beat the champ. You want to try to beat the champ. You're leaving your own blood again. Making your face ugly. Jab hook up a cut.
Starting point is 03:43:49 Put my blow in and it impacts up your gut. You want to try to beat the champ. You ain't tough enough to stick and move through your best. And I count the punch. And I vape from position. Ain't getting rid of your brain. Cause I train with the wisdom game vision. Do the pain.
Starting point is 03:43:59 I'm a bang through the system. Same vicious in the game. And I'm back forever. You can't stop my rain. I'm back to rock. I'm back to rock. I'm back to rock. I'm back to rock.
Starting point is 03:44:07 I'm back to rock. I'm back to rock. I'm back to rock. Let the truth be told. I feel on fire with my passion. I'm back to rock. I'm back to rock. I'm back to rock.
Starting point is 03:44:15 I'm back to rock. I'm back to rock. I'm back to rock. I'm back to rock. Let the truth be told. I feel on fire with my passion. Rock. einen.
Starting point is 03:44:23 I'm back to rock. I'm back to rock. I'm back to rock. I'm back to rock. I'm back to rock. I'm back to rock. I'm back to rock. I'm back too rock.
Starting point is 03:44:31 I'm back to rock. I'm back to rock. I'm back to rock. I'm back to rock. I'm back to rock. I'm back to rock. Let the truth be told. I'm feel on fire with my passion.
Starting point is 03:44:39 Rock and right to rock. Ready. No, stop. It's getting disapointed for my block. I'm locked in the kitchen. I'm out to go off. I was off for now. Back as the champion.
Starting point is 03:44:48 I'm on to rock. Ready. No, stop. It's getting disapointed for my block. I'm locked in the kitchen. I'm out to go off. I was off for now. Back as the champion.
Starting point is 03:44:57 When I break through my shake foods. With great moves and trained to stay loose. My power stays bruised. Give me if you walk my chin. It's like credit. Keep throwing your best. I'm still left standing. Rock.
Starting point is 03:45:07 I'm rock standing. My heart's hit with fire. It's like I'm taking this game higher. I'm fast. I move fast. I can speed back. Throwing right cross. So you beat champs.
Starting point is 03:45:15 If it was good without the influence in me. You'd have showed the world that my skills. Wanted skin deep. I'm charging the whiskey. Moving in the frenzy. Show I'm the champ. Leave on something to enlist. I said to find it in the sweet science.
Starting point is 03:45:26 Ready to rumble in the jungle on these weak lions. I'm a legend. I'm a street giant. If you get the last three rounds. Get me food. Keep trying. I'm back to. I'm back to.
Starting point is 03:45:35 I'm back to. I'm back to. I'm back to. I'm back to. I'm back to. I'm back to. I'm back to. I'm back to.
Starting point is 03:45:43 I'm back to. I'm back to. I'm back back to. I'm back to. I'm back to. I'm back to. I'm back to. I'm back to.
Starting point is 03:45:52 I'm back to. I'm back to. I'm back to. I'm back to. I'm back to. I'm back to. I'm back to. I'm back to.
Starting point is 03:46:00 I'm back to. I'm back to. I'm back to. I'm back to. I'm back to. I'm back to. I'm back to. I'm back to.
Starting point is 03:46:08 I do. Going back to. The Hmm. If you ever kayak with my passion, you can say whatever it is. I'm back to. I'm back to, I'm back to,
Starting point is 03:46:17 I'm back to. I'm back to Roar. I'm back to. I'm back to Roar. I'm back to. I'm back to. Let the truth be told. I'm back to.
Starting point is 03:46:27 I'm back to. I'm back to. I'm back to. I'm back to. I'm back to. I'm back to. I'm back to. Let the truth be told.
Starting point is 03:46:36 I feel no fight over my passion. Roar. I'm back to. I'm back to. I'm back to. I'm back to. I'm back to. Let the truth be told.
Starting point is 03:46:45 I feel no fight over my passion. Roar. I'm back to. I'm back to. Absolutely, no fight over my passion. Roar. I'm back to. I'm back to.
Starting point is 03:46:54 I'm back to. I'm back to Roar. Let the truth be told. I feel no fight over my passion. Roar. I'm back to. I'm back to. I'm back to.
Starting point is 03:47:02 I'm back to Roar. What? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:47:18 Let the truth be told. I'm back to Roar. I'm back to. I'm back to. Let the truth be told. I feel no fight over my passion. Roar. I'm back to.
Starting point is 03:47:26 Let the truth be told. I'm back to. I'm back to. I'm back to. Let the truth be told. I feel no fight over my passion. Roar. I'm back to.
Starting point is 03:47:35 I'm back to. I'm back to. I'm back to. I'm back to. Let the truth be told. I'm feel no fight over my passion. Roar. I'm back to.
Starting point is 03:47:44 I'm back to. I'm back to. I'm back to. I'm back to. Let the truth be told. I'm feel no fight over my passion. Roar. Put them up, show me what you got.
Starting point is 03:47:54 I wanna see how you rock, you could create or not. Wanna take your smile that they'll train the party. We're the game orKapı. I'm back to. I'm back to. I'm back to. I'm back to. Let the truth be told.
Starting point is 03:48:08 I'm feel no fight over my passion. Roar. It's going. It's going. Yes. Don't usual. All right. I just got out of the form.
Starting point is 03:48:19 Roar. It's going. It's going. It's going. Oh, it's going. All right. Let's. Roar.
Starting point is 03:48:28 Come here. Go. I guess. Okay. Get them Theatre. One minder sins are I think he sings. I mean things that. Are killing like that.
Starting point is 03:48:43 He sounds like he sounds like you're. Killing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

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