Castle Super Beast - SBFC 101: A Sensible Erection is a Coward Erection

Episode Date: July 14, 2015

Thanks for everything, Iwata....

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 Today's episode is brought to you by Squarespace. Squarespace is the easiest way to create a beautiful website, blog, or online store for any of your ideas. Squarespace features an elegant interface, beautiful templates, and an incredible 24-7 customer support. Try Squarespace at and enter the offer code SUPER at checkout to get 10% off. It's a terrible day for rain.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Yeah. It actually started raining. I think so far it's before the podcast. It stopped right now, but it could always return. This is the haughtiest, sunniest, sweatiest day in Montreal this year. And now it's also raining. So it's going to be humid. I don't want to go outside.
Starting point is 00:00:58 So luckily we were recording your house. I know, but I was outside all morning. So we had a great time recording two hilarious Russell Mania episodes yesterday. What? What's Russell Mania? It's Russell Mania. And drop K-Fade. And well, you know, we're all on camera.
Starting point is 00:01:18 And like 15 days left. I'm on the way home. I decide to go pick up some groceries and then my phone starts ringing, which doesn't happen. Yeah, because none of us ever call each other. And I pick up the phone. Yeah, Liam's still there. I call everyone all the time.
Starting point is 00:01:34 I appreciate it. He calls the most. I appreciate it. And it's Pat. And I'm like, okay, so it's done. Yeah. It finally happened. The channel's done.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Oh, oh, oh. Try it also. Pat called me and I was like, oh my God, the internet. It's over. It's over. I'm on the bridge right now. Yeah. Talk me down.
Starting point is 00:01:54 It's on you. You go and like, you just had three words. It's like, you had four actually, you said, yo, yo, Iwata is dead. Yes. Yeah. And you go like, no, hold on, I'm doing, I'm impersonating you, you go. Because I was like, and I go, yeah, because your first instinct is like, oh, what joke is this?
Starting point is 00:02:18 Yeah. This has happened before. And it's like, no, okay. Okay. Stop. Wait. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:27 And I think my exact words are like, I have nothing for you. All I have is a headline. Go. And I'm like walking, I'm fucking, so put everything down, just squat in public and just pull my phone out and just start scrolling. And all I can find is a bile duct tumor. Yeah. And I'm looking at my fucking Kirby shirt that I randomly wore, just like, no, what?
Starting point is 00:02:52 No. That doesn't make any sense. I'm always, I'm waiting for a world where I expected Shiki at some point to, you know, like maybe 10 years from now. I don't think anyone even thought about his, like, you know, when he was- Because it always says health concerns. When he had his health concerns recently, it was a bit worrying. And the last time we saw him in public, he'd lost a lot of weight and you can go look
Starting point is 00:03:14 at those pictures. He lost a lot of weight. But I don't think anyone or many people actually thought he's gonna die. Especially since he just went to E3. No, what is he doing? He wasn't there. But they had the puppet show. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:27 They were thinking they just had the puppet show. That's true. Did the water appear during it? No. No, I don't think so. No. And the last thing- The last appearance was months ago.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Yeah, appearance. But like, he did have the statement, which, fucking, it was just, it was the apology for the E3 show. Yeah. That was the last thing. Yeah. You know? And, but no, he actually wasn't at E3.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Yeah. In person. Because he was not. There's always that thing where it's like, okay, at some point, the father of Mario is gonna die in my life. You know what I mean? And he's, but like, I never, ever would have imagined- Well, he's only, he was only 55.
Starting point is 00:04:03 Yeah, exactly. He's five years old. I'm sure multiple of us have parents at that age. My dad's way older than that. Exactly. And he's had his heart explode every year for decades. Yeah. And, you know, and I'm just like, I don't, I don't know if you had the conversation
Starting point is 00:04:17 with anybody, but like, I was kind of explaining to like, people that like, didn't know who Mario was like, what, who, or what he was. And it's just like, he's just a joyful face in the industry that is joyless. You know, like, there's so few people that actually have that much fun and do things where you can actually point and go, hey, look, there was a time when- I'm holding up a banana and looking silly. Would someone else really have taken that photo? Very few.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Here's him, here's him being a Jim Henson muppet and having a good time. Just him, like, fighting with Reggie and his Smash Brothers. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And we lost our shit. No, just a guy who seems like super earnest, who happens to be like the CEO of Nintendo. Exactly. You know, and it's like, and at the same time, you can just point back to a time when it's like, Nintendo was, they had a bad quarter, or they had a bad year.
Starting point is 00:05:05 They lost a lot of money, and instead of firing anybody, he took a pay cut on his- It was like 15%, wasn't it? It was huge, yeah. Yeah, it was big. You know what I mean? And it's like, that's a very like, it's like a Japanese like business thing that happens, but it's like, he did that for Nintendo. Yeah, of course.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Just a massive entity. It's like- You didn't have to. You know, I just fucking, I was telling Pat, like, that one fucking hurts, man. Yeah, absolutely. Like, you get, there's deaths where it's like, okay, it's kind of a famous figure type of death, you go, wow, that's a bummer. It's like, you know, he bums you out and whatnot, but like, I haven't had something feel this
Starting point is 00:05:44 shit since like, Patrice O'Neill, and before that, like Michael Jackson. Yeah, like- Robin Williams was a big one, too. No. Like, this is like, I'm like sitting in my room like- Well, this was, like, this was more shocking, because yeah, he had those little health concerns, but it was like, cancer was never, or tumor was never thrown around. He kind of alluded to the idea that he was getting better if I'm not mistaken.
Starting point is 00:06:07 Yeah, he did make a tweet. A while ago, like half a year ago or something, yeah. He did make a tweet, yeah. So it's like, when Pat, you know, phoned us and just went like, he's dead. I just went like, well, like, by a car accident, by something. Yeah. The health concerns didn't even- Right.
Starting point is 00:06:21 Enter my mind. Right. And the main thing you see in almost every single thing is what I think Willie's kind of getting to is that like, gamer, game lover first, businessman second, it was always like the reason why, you know, you're saying a joyful man is because I actually love video games and I programmed them and I made them. And he came from the developer side, not the business. So crazy bullshit, like he recoded all of Melee to get it out in time.
Starting point is 00:06:49 Maybe. I saw that on his list of accomplishments, he's like, oh shit, Melee's lagging behind. Let me just program for it to get it out by December or whatever it was. And there was an interview that came out not too long ago where he was kind of musing at like, getting into programming again, getting his hands back on the keyboard because it's just something that he really enjoys doing. Yeah. Which by the way, you should go back and read if you haven't read them.
Starting point is 00:07:16 They're all great. So I read them all, but someone put out an account yesterday, there's like 2700 pages. So you have a lot to go through. I can say 2700 individual books. That's like five books. Well, they're website pages. Yeah, absolutely. When you convert them to pages.
Starting point is 00:07:35 Oh wow. It's less website pages. It's more book pages. I wonder how many hits you would get if you searched for laughs. Yeah, exactly. Probably most repeated words. But like, you know, I don't know, like I'm not going to front. Like I always wanted to meet Shigeru Miyamoto and I still want to meet him.
Starting point is 00:07:53 And Iwata was never on my list of people I have to meet. I'm not just going to make that up because he's dead now. So I didn't really think, you know, of course none of us thought he was going to die. And I didn't think when he died that I felt so sad about it. But I felt like really, really saddened, like really horrifically saddened. It's crushing. It's fucking devastating. Like my grandpa died like seven or eight years ago of a similar thing where he got lung cancer
Starting point is 00:08:22 and doctors said he has two or three years left and he was dead within eight months. And like it just happened so fast and hard and that obviously we'll never know. But it feels like that was a similar situation. And you know, like he's so young. I don't think it's possible to be ready for death at that age. But I can only hope that, you know, he had a chance to say goodbye to his friends and family and stuff before it happened. There was anything behind us to know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:54 That seems very likely. I just hope more than anything that like, because he was so young that he wasn't, you know, scared or anything wouldn't happen. I really hope that it, you know. It felt like it was mid-stride. Yeah, exactly. Because we had no inkling really. Plus some health issues, but that's it. The reason why like some people feel like really, really sad is that clearly he put himself out there a lot like Yamauchi, right?
Starting point is 00:09:19 Yeah. Just to me, even though like I was like, oh, Nintendo's the also cool, like back in like the 90s or whatever. But I still, when I caught wind of him and I saw pictures of him, I was like, look at that evil business. Yamauchi gave off an air of like a tyrant. Yeah. So when Liam and like, I was like, did he die? And Liam was like, yeah, he died like two years ago, I think. A couple years ago, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:47 He held Nintendo down for 15 years. Yeah. But I was still kind of like, yeah, it sucks for his family. He'd retired. He'd retired and everything, but like he said, mid-stride. Was he not like Yamauchi? Was he not like 80 to 90 years old at the time? Like it makes it a lot easier to swallow.
Starting point is 00:10:05 But you never saw him that much. I would see a photo of him looking like really pissed off and had shades on. But because you saw, yeah, a lot of fighting Reggie and because you saw him do directly to you, you got… Now CEOs become mascots now. Yeah, he's become the mascots for all companies. Like he transferred, he went into that blurry space of where he is a real person who is a totally normal guy, but he is also in some ways a fictional character that you kind of like. Well, not a fictional character.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Well, like a character, like a wrestler. Yeah, like a wrestler. There's a personality that's there that you can attach to someone that you can feel close to that is somewhat separate from the real person, but not really. It's a reflection. Yeah, so that it can hit a little harder. And I just wanted to just post something, but I was kind of just thinking for a bit, just going over news. And that Game Center CX clip to me is like, that's the best.
Starting point is 00:11:11 The one that I posted on the Facebook where it's just… When they did balloon fight. They did balloon fight in that episode. And like, yeah, the catch-o has the very candid talk about him and why he got into games. Well, you can go read it, but you know, it's him pretty much describing, like, against his father's wishes. Yeah, his dad hated it. Who didn't talk to him for six months because he chose to go into video games, but he's like, I believe video games are the future.
Starting point is 00:11:37 I helped make Kirby, motherfucker. Yeah, like… I'm cool. You're the producer, yeah. Like, yeah, I just… I don't know, it's a bad one, man. And plus, again, shocking. It's not just shocking that a well-liked, relatively young guy just bambs like that.
Starting point is 00:11:56 But also, like, I cannot think of a single instance ever in which the sitting head of somebody in this industry dies. Like this. While they are currently in a game. And because now we have the situation in which, like, who's going to run Nintendo? Because, like, I'm not, like, I don't get usually very emotional about this kind of stuff. But the idea that, like, the new guy comes in and stomps all over the company, that, like, Iwata spent so much time trying to safeguard in a specific way, like that. No, I don't think that's going to happen either, but that's, like, a worry, right?
Starting point is 00:12:35 It's like, it has to do with, like, the man's legacy, right? And that he worked so hard to keep Nintendo along these certain, like, not, in some cases, very un-pragmatic ideals, because he was idealist of, like, no, games should be fun. We should just make fun things for people. Yeah. No, I mean, Miyamoto and Takeda spoke out saying that, like, they want to keep it the same way. Reggie also said, had a quote just today that was really, really nice. He was just, like, he was intelligent, he was compassionate, he had a sense of humor,
Starting point is 00:13:06 and, like, we were still going to continue on his traditions, and, like, it was really nice. There's a great one from his friend that worked at the Shimbun newspaper. God, I forgot his name, but he didn't know his name if he wasn't a painter yet. But he did the Big Round Table a lot of asses with him, and, like, it's more or less just, like, like a reflection of how, like, you know, I'll put a link to it in the description. Sure, sure, sure. It's really good. That being said, I'd be shocked if they put Miyamoto there, because if anything,
Starting point is 00:13:35 it seems like Miyamoto is, like, I want it. Well, that's too far away from game development. I'm not going to lie, I kind of hate all the discussion about what now, what's next, what's Nintendo. But unfortunately, I don't want to hear that shit, man. Still a huge business, like the Wall Street Times. No, who will be next? It's still relevant. You know, the PDF says, like, Miyamoto and the other guy are going to be doing a job in the meantime,
Starting point is 00:13:59 and then they're going to look for somebody. But, like, no, I don't want to hear that shit. You know, I really don't like the fact that that's half of the discussion. Yeah, well, you always think it's true. No offense to anyone's, like, personal feelings. I understand it. But, like, that shit has to happen right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:14 And, like, there's the version of that, which is kind of gross, which is, like, investors going, like, yo, replace him right now, we need money. Yeah. And then there's, like, there's the mix of that. And, like, the guy wanted the company to be run in a certain way and busted his ass and took that pay cut and did all this shit and worked his whole life so that the company could be like this. Yeah. Whoever comes in, don't fuck that up, especially now that they're in a transition stage to
Starting point is 00:14:42 all their new shit. Yeah. Like, don't put Nintendo on a path that were he here, he would go, oh man, fuck that. Exactly. I think the most, like, frustrating thing about this whole situation is, like, you know, obviously we'll never know, because we don't know him, but as far as we can see, Iwata never got to finish his work. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:15:04 Like, I know work is work, but everyone should like their work, and I imagine he liked his work. Like, if they launched a new console or something, you could kind of say, well, he got that out there. The game plan. You know what I mean? Like, the game plan never came full around. Yeah, like, you know, I've never done it, but I imagine when you retire, your milestones
Starting point is 00:15:24 start ticking off, and then eventually you retire with pretty much nothing left on your plate. Hey, I did it. I did everything I needed to do. There were tons left that he wanted to do, and he never got the chance to, so, you know, that sucks. Yeah. Hopefully people that knew him and knew what some of those things were can push those things
Starting point is 00:15:40 forward. Yeah, definitely, definitely. But it just sucks to get to such a position where you can achieve what he wants to, and then... Yeah, I mean, you know, again, we won't know how much warning was happening behind the scenes, but it's like, envision a scenario where it's like, they kind of know it's coming, and they're, like, talking to him to see what to do and what... I'm not a doctor, but this kind of thing seems like you would get plenty of points.
Starting point is 00:16:04 There's a couple objective things where it's like the last direct, he'd clearly lost a lot of weight, and he didn't look nearly as good. He did not appear at E3, you know, like... Like he had the operation, not for no reason. Over a year ago, right? But it's just like, it's such a far cry from, like, death, you know, it's like, you see things like that, and then you can expect, like, oh, you know, hospitalized, really sick for a while, something, something.
Starting point is 00:16:31 I've seen a news report that his condition worsened. Yeah. What happened, actually, what happened to my grandpa, if you let me bring it back, was, again, he only lived eight months after they said two to three years, but he went to the hospital, and apparently he was gonna pull through, and then less than two weeks he was dead from being in the hospital. Just some bad luck, some... It just all went downhill.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Yeah. They can go, like, cancer's super brutal. Yeah. Super brutal. And, like, even all the money in the world can't do much against it. No. Look at, like, Steve Jobs, you know, look at, like, other examples of this. Steve Jobs shouldn't have eaten fruits every single day of his life.
Starting point is 00:17:12 This is his only meal, though. Regardless. It probably, you know, didn't help, but... Just saying the money, though. Can create. The money doesn't magic. Yeah, if Steve Jobs can't go cure the thing, and, like, you know, we're all fucked to a degree.
Starting point is 00:17:25 I... Like, there's no... There's no any kind of upside, but I can only imagine that, like, if it was something like a car crash, it would have been even more, like, what the fuck. Gun pay your core. Exactly. Yeah, what is it, like... A car crash?
Starting point is 00:17:41 A car crash? I'm trying to say a good-body family. Yeah. Yeah. So you kind of feel a little bit of, like, solace with the fact that it was, like, that as opposed to just complete fucking... That's what I'm saying, though. Well, I just hope that you got a chance to say his goodbyes, because, like, not getting
Starting point is 00:17:56 that is brutal. Yeah. You guys, you're ready to move on and move on? Yeah. All right. Well, let's be extremely superficial and talk about our weeks. Talk about our weeks. That's what the scheduling of the podcast is.
Starting point is 00:18:09 The scheduling of the podcast is weird for two reasons. One of which is, like, you have to start with that, because it's the biggest thing, and it deserves that first spot, that unrespect. But also, it's, like, that is literally the last thing. Chronologically, it wouldn't happen in all of our weeks. Yeah. So we have to go back in time, which obviously engenders a certain amount of callousness to this discussion unless we wanted to do the whole podcast chronologically.
Starting point is 00:18:34 So, like, I don't know how we're supposed to do this. Well, look, I'm really glad that this can at least happen after we finish a podcast. Oh, God. You might have talked about a while ago. We would have gone in and recorded more. Yeah. You get on the bus, you get back to, we all get back here, and you just record more. There's no ifs, as, or buts about that.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Because it's like a full week afterwards. Look, I mean, I was talking to him in my room yesterday and stuff, and he was just like, here's what I want to do, is I want to, once these next upcoming conventions are done, have a little just, yo, let's get together and play his games and have some fun. Cool. Yeah. Like, back when the Satoshi Khan died, we had a little Satoshi Khan. Satoshi Khan Fest, that was right.
Starting point is 00:19:18 We had a little thing, and that was really fun. Liam, I don't know if that was... No, that was great. That was the PLI run. Yeah. Yeah. There you go. But, uh...
Starting point is 00:19:30 Fucking... Yeah, so we did something like that. You know, I've done similar things in the past, and this, absolutely, I just want to... Sounds like a good time. You know, let's just play his games and have some fun, man. You want to get a balloon fight? Oh! Are you?
Starting point is 00:19:42 Because balloon fights are not too far from Jaus. No, it's not. It's time for me and Jaus to come back, where I think balloon fight is way better than Jaust, and you will fight me to the death over that shit. Did you ever do the 20 balloon balloon trick? The 20 balloon balloon trick? I don't know. I did it once.
Starting point is 00:20:04 No, no, it's getting 20 in a row in balloon trick. Okay. It triggers an orange balloon. You want to put that secret in there. You have to get 20 in a row. I don't even know. I don't even remember enough about the single-player balloon fight to even, like, know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Balloon trips, the auto-scrolling. Oh, okay. Yeah, I played 90% multiplayer on that, because he's so wrong. But the answer is Jaust is better. I guess I'm a dumb kid, and then I'd never play Jaust until I was like 15. I'm pretty neutral on it. Is that Jaust, you're this like a little cool warrior guy riding in a 90-bottom ostrich? I like the balloon kids more than the stupid ostriches.
Starting point is 00:20:43 Either way, man, you better believe there's going to be some balloon fight. There's going to be some balloon salt. Kirby's dream course, that shit is going to be in. Yeah, that's a good choice. That is such a good multiplayer game. It's amazing. The Game Center CX episode, that is amazing, because it showed me stuff about Kirby's dream course.
Starting point is 00:21:02 I can't even say. No. I don't know if the night lingers long enough. Perhaps we can start Earth Browns, but that might be a little bit of a start. I'm finished Earth Brown. I'm going to start with games that are a bit more manageable to do this. Just play until you die, I don't know. But yeah, at least you're good.
Starting point is 00:21:18 You never die. That's true. You're going to get to do it. You're going to do it. So yeah, what's going on, Matt? I watched two movies really briefly. I'm pretty sure Liam saw Kingsman and the Secret. Yeah, I did.
Starting point is 00:21:30 You heard about that. San Genesis is the villain, right? You guys didn't watch it, right? Yeah. It's gone from theaters now, right? Yeah, it's gone from theaters. I downloaded it, and it was like on the Xbox One or whatever. I watched it, and you know, Wanted, it's pretty much just Wanted.
Starting point is 00:21:47 The British Wanted. It's just British Wanted, a little more charm. I didn't like it a bit more than the regular Wanted movie, not as much as the comic. It's still really similar. Since Liam watched it, all of us mentioned two parts where I'm like, overall, I liked it. There are two parts. I was like, I don't know about this.
Starting point is 00:22:04 Is that like, it has Colin Firth, Michael Cain, Mark Strong, all these amazing British actors, and there's just these two scenes where I was like, this is so, it's when Colin Firth has to kill a whole bunch of people, and it's a scene that I'm not going to go too much into. It's a scene that I felt, I haven't read the comic, it's a scene of people that he has to kill, and these people are so despicable, like this group that the entire world hates in real life right now, and it's this five-minute scene of him killing at least 80 people in real time, and I was actually like, this is actually too much.
Starting point is 00:22:45 It was like a spy movie action scene where all the jobbers are running in and they're just getting gunned down. And it's just, they finally kill after kill after kill, and when I say 80 people, like you literally watch 80 deaths unfold, and after like the 10th, I was like, okay, you can show him walking out of the place that he's in, and I was like, there was something about it that just put me off a little bit. I was like, that wasn't really needed. It reminds me of the big elaborate action scenes in some of the 2000s James Bond movies.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Special effects are a lot better, so it's way more visceral. Here's the difference. Take the scene from the house of the blue leaves and kill Bill, she has to kill the crazy 88. There's crazy 88 guys. She doesn't kill 88 dudes, she cuts off some legs and arms, and they're all whatever. She goes all over the place and it's the scene, it has a slow part, and this is just 80 deaths in close proximity, and I was just like, there's something about that just run
Starting point is 00:23:45 me the wrong way, but it's fine. It's too much in too short a period of time. It was too much in too short a period, and I really felt like, again, I have to read the comment, I really felt that, let's put this scene in here, people will be like, yeah. And I was like, it was the anti, yeah, where I was like, all right, we're done here. There's a part in Vagabond where Miyamoto takes on a school of about 100 men, and it takes like five books, and when it's done, like, the rest of the story is just about how he's never going to be the same, and how fucked he is from that experience, and
Starting point is 00:24:21 like, the gravity is never interesting. This has no gravity, he's like, oh, that was crazy. It's like the Bond movies. There's no gravity to him murdering him. No, really. And then he goes, oh, I killed all those people, or whatever, I'm not going to go into it. The other thing is that the last, last scene of this movie, if you know, they have this sexual reward that the fucking main hero has, that's so like over the top, like, are you
Starting point is 00:24:48 fucking serious? There is no situation, not even in a James Bond movie would this happen, where the main hero, and he's like a young British hoodlum, right, he's a hoodie, and this just happens and he's like, yeah, and like a guy watching him on the videotape goes, I don't mind if you spoil it, I'm legit curing you. He saves this woman, that's a princess of Denmark or whatever, of a country that doesn't actually have a princess. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:13 So it doesn't offend anyone, kind of, and she, like, you know, spoilers for anyone that really cares, but this is just like a dumb gag at the end of the thing. She goes, hey, if you get me out of here, I'll let you do me in the butt. That's explicit. And he comes, he fights the bad guy, comes back, and he's running down the thing with a thing of champagne, and then she just takes off her clothes and the camera zooms in on her butt and Mark Strong is watching the computer like, yeah, bro. And I was like, okay, Mark Millar, I know, I know about it.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Are you for real? Yeah. Like, that's too much. It was actually a little too much. I was just like, the actual core movie. Near penthouse. Yeah. The movie was not like that.
Starting point is 00:25:55 It was like, you know, it was actually a plus or a minus. Because the trailers, I remember, they set up the free spy stuff, it just looks like a dirty chav. Yeah. So is that more or less what he is? No. Up until that last fight scene, he puts on the suit, puts on little glasses, and he becomes a Kingsman, right?
Starting point is 00:26:12 I was like, I would rather him prefer continuing to be a dirty chav, because that's more fun than throwing the whore into his face. There is a whole 45 minute training sequence. Yeah, there is. That's really cool, actually. It's quite long. Those are the two scenes? If you, like, when you get backstage, maybe I'll let you do a strip series on me, or
Starting point is 00:26:33 somewhere else. Yeah. But this is like, it just stuck out like a sore thumb. Not like it made the movie bad, but I was just like, you could have, I don't know. You're supposed to. I know some people really don't like that. You should cower a puckering asshole on the codex screen, like, what are you doing? And it's one thing, if the movie had that all over, then I'm like, all right, I'm used
Starting point is 00:26:53 to this by now. The type of thing you're wanting. That feels like an abrupt slam change in tone. It kind of was. And the other movie I watched, I have nothing much to say about it. If you saw my tweet about it, I saw a movie for free, and one ticket's for it, called The Gallows, and it's about a ghost that hangs people. Guess what?
Starting point is 00:27:11 Hanging people, sometimes it takes like 15 minutes for them to die. Is that the one they were trying to push, like, the next Friday to the 13th? Yeah, on PSN and Xbox, they have the little ads that says, Jason has his machete, Freddie has his glove, Charlie has his noose, and I'm like, then I should say, which is an incredibly ineffective weapon in a pinch, and it's just a bunch of dumb teenagers running around in a school at night, which is a cool place. It's scary. It actually is.
Starting point is 00:27:40 It's very spooky. It's just this stupid ghost hanging people. You ever see the lady in Rosewood? Yeah, a little bit. Vingraems, big strong-neck Vingraems, can't hang him. He survives because that shit's just like, it takes a while, and it's got a huge head and a strong head. It depends on the person.
Starting point is 00:27:59 It depends on the height of the drop. Exactly. There's an actual ratio that you have to go body weight to this length of rope, and if it's not accurate, then there's a slight little more. Do you know what doesn't have a ratio? A fucking machete. Right. You know what?
Starting point is 00:28:13 You want the neck to snap. Yeah. It was bad. I'm so glad that we paid nothing. Oh, it was bad. It was bad. It was bad. So free was the right price?
Starting point is 00:28:21 Yeah, it was free was the right price, but I'd still rather not see it at all. I fool around with Predator and MKX. I love him. He's amazing. Do it. Do it now. Do it. Combo me.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Exerate me now. The only thing is that the Carl Weathers, Jax, is just so fucking lame. He does two or three little bits. It's the skin, right? No, it's his voice. Well, that's what I mean. It's a split. I don't know, but listen to the detail.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Like, you're right that it's a skin, and thus it doesn't have to be, but... But they got Carl Weathers to do two bits of voice, but otherwise, he just goes, gotcha! In the exact same Jack voice. Oh, that's not good. So for two or three lines, he has three voices. He has regular Jack's voice. He has gotcha voice sample, and he has Carl Weathers in the middle of it. And then he in the middle of it, he just switches to Carl Weathers.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Yeah, that's the problem. It's super, like, barely anything, but the actual predator is just, I'm so much more happy with it. That's due on, yeah. The only thing is that I'm going to nitpick a little bit, is that they clearly weren't allowed the sound library for the predator. They remade their own sounds to replicate it. But that laugh is pretty close.
Starting point is 00:29:24 It's not the same laugh though. It's not the same laugh? Wooly. I know, I know, I'm not asking. It's close. It's close. Billy's laugh. It's not Billy's laugh, so I'm sure they were just able to get the lightness of the
Starting point is 00:29:36 carrot and up the sound, because I remember the AVP game had all the sounds, the exact same ones. And the thing of detail I just want to say on this is, you have your three variations, right, Predator is unmasked and has another mask, and has another mask with the plasma cannon out, right? Warrior Hunter and... Warrior Hunter and Hasuken or something, is a Yachua fighting style, right? But if you do a fatality with the mask off, the vision changes, there's not thermo vision,
Starting point is 00:30:05 it's the red Predator vision, and he shoots his plasma caster. If you have the mask on, it has the LED targeting light on the guy, just for that fatality. So the variation changes the fatality slightly, amazing thing to detail. And it changes its skull and shit too, to be a Predator's skull. Every time he does a fatality, he picks the right skull of the character. Yeah, because when you beat Molina, you get Molina's skull and he puts it in the thick. I think that's also my favorite reading animation thing ever. You guys talked about her a little bit, but I fooled around with Tanya as well, and what
Starting point is 00:30:42 you said is amazing. Ridiculous, right? The dragon stuff? Yeah. Like you're saying, the pogo stick, like, Rolento shit, plus her teleports, plus her kicks, I was like, this is the best character in the game, probably wrong. Rolento the Cap Ray running a train on you. She do air teleports?
Starting point is 00:31:00 Yeah. She can do everything. So you can like bounce air teleport, bounce pogo stick, teleport. And the three options she has after the pogo thing? Yeah. They're amazing. They're so useful. She's such a good lot of character.
Starting point is 00:31:15 You said she's now nothing, and now she's this amazing character, you're totally right. Yeah. In fact, they're nerfing, or they have to nerf. Oh, no kidding. Because yeah, there's a bit less. But Aesthetics aside, Predator gameplay wise, I'm happy that he is not brain dead like Jason Wise. Like Jason Wise.
Starting point is 00:31:37 And it's like, no, he's got some good, he's got traps, he's got some good stuff, he's got one go-to combo ender move that you're going to be using all the time. Is it the? Yeah. The jump and stab. The jump and stab is so good. And so it's like he's a real character, fits in with the rest of the cast. He looks amazing, like the dreads fucking move so realistically and bounce, like it's
Starting point is 00:31:59 the best air tech I've ever seen. Are the shots of like the thermal vision on the... You're like thermal scorpion skin is pretty fun. And the last little thing is that because of the really cool fitness reddit guy. So they're going to tease Tremor, right? They're going to tease Tremor. Tremor is right there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:19 And then this character's left screen, you see him straight on, and I'm like, that looks pretty cool. That redness, our subreddit fitness guy. Oh yeah, okay. What's the... I know I have a calorie count and I'm sticking to it and that's basically it and I'm having way more fun with that. I bet.
Starting point is 00:32:38 I fucking bet. As long as it's within that calorie count. I can eat all the turkey I want. Yeah. Dude, that's the rule. Just get under the number. It doesn't really matter what. Just under the number.
Starting point is 00:32:47 What? What? Started going to the guy. No. Yeah, no. Got to go to the guy. That's what you actually have to do. That's what you actually have to do.
Starting point is 00:32:56 If you want to break through that barrier, and my first trip to the guy, first trip to the guy, I see these other guys do to the boy, head right next to me, and I'm like, meh. You don't videotape this press, bro. That was kind of rough at first, so I was just like, I don't, this mirror, the mirror's right there. It's the other way. I can see that.
Starting point is 00:33:20 No, I have to. Right behind you. Right behind you is the dude like, if you ever wondered, and you're a comic book read in mind, fucking, the Hulk shows up. You open this, I can't reach you with my arms. Maybe Liam's seen it, but they have these two bikes that are connected and there's games where you race against another person. So they're like, we're going to beat each other.
Starting point is 00:33:47 It's a good idea. I'm going to my fiance. I'm like, that's a really solid idea, but everyone's always fucking on it. And the nice thing about this guy is that it's literally 24 seven. You just walk in. It's awesome. The one near my place, it's a chain and they close at 10, but the lady who owns it loves it so she stays till 11 and it's so practical to be able to go late at night for like my
Starting point is 00:34:11 lifestyle. Yeah. So guy is going to, okay, I've been there three times and hopefully I keep up with it. So that's about it for me. Well, now that you broadcast that shit out, now everyone can call you on your shit if you stop going. Yeah. No, that's why I said it.
Starting point is 00:34:28 I'm not going to not hear Kevin Ryder guy every time you say that, like, what, how do you pronounce that word? I don't know. Jim. Yeah. Jim. Jim. Jim.
Starting point is 00:34:40 No, that can't be right. Gimme. Gimm. Yeah. There you go. So. So me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:48 I got my copy of the video game Are No Surge in the Mail. I don't know if you heard of that. I don't know anything. It's like the successor to, not Manakimiya, but the other one, but I also don't know what that is. It doesn't matter. In Japan, there was a game that went before it called Ciel No Surge that will never get localized.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Unlocalized. It's basically a visual novel, totally never going to get localized. It's plot relevant to the new one that just came out here in North America, right? So fortunately. Oh, that's the worst. So fortunately, a guy on the Internet has gone to the hard work of completely summarizing all the events scene by scene. Thanks, Internet.
Starting point is 00:35:31 And it is a massive read, and I'm reading through that, and it is fucking big. It's a short book, basically. His summary is a short book, so it gives you an idea how big that game is. So I'm reading through that so I can play Are No Surge. So this is a PSA. If anyone wants to do that, he is taking them down on the 31st of July, because he is fed up of all the shit people are giving him. Because people are...
Starting point is 00:35:52 Accuracies and bullshit. People are complaining about some of the ways he types stuff. People are complaining about his formatting. People are complaining about the videos where he recorded the game and completely redid the text in English. People are complaining that it's required reading for Are No Surge and, like, venting it at him. And he's done, and he's upset, and he's done, and that's fair.
Starting point is 00:36:15 You don't see the big, shiny, entitled badge that these viewers have on their shirts. So I don't think he'll ever hear this, but shoutouts to you for translating it. It's fucking awesome. The only kind of game is Are No Surge, and what is it all on? It's JRPG on the PS3 and Vita. Okay. It's by Gust. A.R.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Space. No. Space. S.U.R. C.E. Yeah. Yeah. Are No Surge.
Starting point is 00:36:41 That's the one that goes before. Thank you. So it's like the first three Are No Surge, and there's a space, and then it's C.E.L. No Surge, and then Are No Surge, and that's a separate series. So I'm working up to that game, but if you want to ever play that game, the great translation is only going to be up until the 31st. So if you're listening to this podcast a year from now, you're fucked. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:01 So hopefully someone will have archived it or something. I know a lot of people are pace spinning it right now, because it's so good, and it's like, I don't want to say essential, but it's really important. Yeah, very, very helpful. The actual game I've been playing a lot, I got back on the bandwagon, is Destiny. I've been playing a lot of Destiny, actually. So yes, we spoke about this earlier in the week, you know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:23 So I played it for like 15 hours at launch or something. Yeah, you never beat it. I've been a good chunk at launch, never finished it. I started, I picked it up last week, because I've always meant to get back into it, because it just feels fun to shoot stuff in that game. And so I played another 10, 15 hours over the past week in a bit, and having a real fun time just going through the campaign, doing raids and stuff, I'm really enjoying it.
Starting point is 00:37:47 Are you done in some of the raids? Some of the strikes, rather. Oh, yeah. Exactly. The raids require significant investment. The only thing I really hate about the raids is that you have to be with fire team members. Well, there's no matchmaking. You can't be, exactly.
Starting point is 00:38:00 There's no matchmaking for it. There's matchmaking for the strikes, but not for the raids, which sucks, because no reason. But I'm having a really fun time playing it, and there's no end in sight for my enjoyment. And a total coincidence, but the DLC was on sale, so Dark Below and House of Wolves for like $24, as opposed to $40, so I picked that up. Is it any less sterile now? No.
Starting point is 00:38:24 That can't be changed. No. They have done nothing to address that game's sterility. It depends on how much you like the art and the music, because the art and the music are spectacular. Yes, but I know what he means. There's a sparseness to that that I can appreciate. They've fixed drops, and now there's these big House of the Wolves, strong enemies running
Starting point is 00:38:47 around each area. I don't know. It's fun. Yeah. You don't really play shooters much at all in the first place, though, so like... Really, if you love shooters, and we're enticed by the way that I talk about 14, but hate the MMO thing, then I would say maybe you should give this to me a shot, but since you don't like adore and love shooters, then I would say that it's right in the same boat
Starting point is 00:39:10 for you of like... Like, you do have it, and they have improved it, so maybe take a second swing, I don't know. I mean, I pay for it. You own it, right? You have a disc? Yeah, no digital. Oh, well, you have it.
Starting point is 00:39:22 The image I had in my head from when that first piece of concept art was released for the game is so different from what we got. Yes. Did you imagine it more like Halo? I imagined... Here's what I imagined. I imagined like a ton of players on a massive server right at the point where the traveler and the earth meet and people going back and forth into the way, fighting from one surface
Starting point is 00:39:50 to the other in this massive, insane war zone. I expected... That's right. Unfortunately, it's on PS3 and 360. I expected the game... So you can't do that? Yeah. Oh.
Starting point is 00:40:03 No, sure. Yeah, okay, yeah. I expected the game I'm playing now, 14, with a shooter shell instead. And... You know, I just saw that image and I was like, okay, what do you make as a video game? What could that be? The first thing is don't release it on old gen consoles. There's your first step.
Starting point is 00:40:25 Yeah. I'm really hoping that for the next Destiny, they're able to drop the project. It's one of those things that it's to be expected, like a good example is 11 and 14, or at a certain point in 11's life cycle, they said, okay, guys, the PS2 version, it's not going to get the next expansion because like the game's like nine years old on PS2 and we can't fucking even make new zones because the system crashes. And they've said publicly for 14, that PS3 is going to get the next expansion after heaven's work.
Starting point is 00:40:57 But that's it. Yeah. Move on to the next one. Too bad for you guys. It's a lesson that every game that have the unfortunate like timing of being right on the game. Right on the edge. Everyone has learned.
Starting point is 00:41:09 And it sucks because that's the best time to launch. It is. So it's like... But everyone has learned that, no, man. It kneecaps you. You fucking get held back. Yeah. But I'm having fun.
Starting point is 00:41:20 It's a fun shooter. It's not like it's not high pros or anything, but like the core game is very, very well made. You see that thing? Where they had David Cross in there and Brian Postman to write a shit ton of dialogue and jokes. And they spent a day hammering out jokes and shit and they're like... And they paid them.
Starting point is 00:41:38 And then like none of it went in. Yeah. I feel like that's a microcosm of like a lot of Destiny's development. Yeah. There's a ton of work that's probably just sitting on the floor right now, just not implementing it. It's a huge bummer for sure. And you know, I hope that, you know, from the taking King onward, they're able to start
Starting point is 00:41:54 up the priority in writing. I think he's probably going to turn around Destiny 2 if it does. Yeah, exactly. Like I think they got a lot of valid criticism. Do you think the name Destiny 2 might be the dumbest name ever? Yeah. They call it 2. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:42:08 We're going to call it that if it's going to be like... But like... We're going to give it a... I have two destinies. Yeah, of course. Today they will... Final Fantasy XIII. People will call it Destiny 2, but no, shut up, Final Fantasy is the same.
Starting point is 00:42:21 They will likely call it Destiny Big Expansion name instead of, but you will know that it's Destiny 2 because it will be an expansion that's like twice the size of the original base game. Yeah. Well, I was going to say that like... The recognition... The recognition from the outset that this is a 10-year project. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:37 10-year project that will include the thing is... Three games. Small DLC. Small DLC. Big expansion. I don't expect that. And then small DLC, small DLC, new game onwards for 10 years. And those are supposedly going to come out every two years.
Starting point is 00:42:54 And your character is supposed to go through all the games. Don't know how rock solid that schedule is considering they got delayed at the beginning. So far they're doing okay. Taking King is hitting the first anniversary. But yeah, that's the basic thing. It's like taking King is the middle of Destiny 1. Yeah. So like multiple games and every game gets two discs over the course of 10 years.
Starting point is 00:43:15 That seems like... We know that they'll cut off the discs eventually, but who knows. I think that when that game comes out, Destiny 2 comes out, that you have to be able to buy Destiny 2 and start level one. And maybe it's a different zone or whatever, but you have to be able to go back to the old stuff with your same character. Yeah. It all has to integrate.
Starting point is 00:43:36 These then they're right back to square one in which like on a basic level, people like me go, there's not enough landmass in this game. They need to build on top of everything. Or your progression forward, just like you keep certain things, but it's not the same character. No, they confirm that's the one thing. For sure, your character will move through the camera. Guild Wars 1 did it in a way that was interesting.
Starting point is 00:44:05 In which they would say they would put out an exp... Remember, that was a game that didn't charge fees either. And Guild Wars 1 invented the buy-to-play MMO genre format. And what you would do is that you add Guild Wars, and I had your 1 to 50, I don't remember the cap, but let's say 1 to 50 level experience. And then you'd get the expansion, and the expansion was also 1 to 50. There's no increase in cap, but there was new end game shit that you could do, I knew because there was more PvP, just like Destiny.
Starting point is 00:44:33 And what you would do is that the expansion slash new game would be a completely new 1 to 50 experience all the way through. But now you could mix and match both as you went up your chart. And then the third expansion was a completely new starting area all the way up to the cap. Yeah, Destiny is doing it more like borderlines, where they'll occasionally just bump up the level with new DLC. I think taking some lessons from that Guild Wars 1 expansion would be a decent idea. It's supposed to be the weird way that their gear limits, their progression.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Alternatively, it could be kind of funny to just have a bunch of people blow through the first 20 missions, and then when a sequel comes out, because it's just like, eh, I'm strong enough. One of the cool things actually about Destiny is when you do story missions and stuff, you can pump the difficulty way up. Like you can see it has easy, normal, hard, impossible, where you actually can't pick it because it's way too high on the level 1 mission, and it's the highest difficulty that would actually give their maxed out characters something of a challenge.
Starting point is 00:45:38 It's pretty well done in that way, but I don't know, I'm really enjoying it, and again, just like the core gameplay is so solid, the art's gorgeous, the music is fantastic. I'm enjoying that. Every time I hear voice acting, I'm like, man, I wish that could have been directed better. It's all such a bummer. All the voice acting. It's so sparse, and it's so lifeless, even though they have top talent doing the VA. Yeah, and I don't know, I'm having a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:46:02 I think my number one quirk with the game is I really wish there was no necessity for fire teams. I hate that. The lack of matchmaking for raids is absurd. For raids, and for the Trials of Osiris, PDP mode, you have to have players that are like quite different. Like 14 has some fucking hard ass raids that you can match make in, and sometimes you can match make with pugs all fucking day, and you're going to get nowhere, because at least
Starting point is 00:46:27 you can do it. Because the pugs suck, but at least you can play the level, and learn it. As I'm getting to the point where I'm like, oh, I should go fight Krodire or something, I'm like, oh, wait, I need to have five other people. Because of Woolly, the structure that I personally hate, and you lamented slightly, it's like, you go on a map, and there's like, I don't know, 10 guys, 20 guys, 6 or 7 on one map, and because it's a shooter, nobody really talks, because you're not typing, right? In a global chat, you would see it, you don't make friends out in the world, like you do
Starting point is 00:47:07 in a regular MMO. So that becomes like extra tough, you're actually required to like, hey Jimmy, hey Dan, guys, I know that play Destiny, don't play the thing. Wait, are you high enough level, because you have to really high to get to the level. No, now we got to grind Jimmy up. Yeah, exactly, but I don't know, I'm really enjoying it, and I really wish public events happened more often, because I find those really fun, where you're just doing like missions on the moon, and then like something crashes, and everyone has to defend it, those are really
Starting point is 00:47:36 fun. As somebody who plays like, as somebody who binges games like that, like when I played Destiny originally, I know exactly why those events don't happen that often, because if they happen more often, you would see how few there are. Yeah, no, of course, of course, you would see that on the Russian area in the first zone, that there's that one drop shit that comes in on the two locations, like four times an hour. Yeah, there's only a handful.
Starting point is 00:48:00 They're really fun when they happen, but they only happen so often. I just really hope that when we get to Destiny 2, or hell, even the Taken King, I just really hope that they can make it better, because I want it to be good, but I love the aesthetics so much. I clearly have a fascination and a love for this type of game, this could be evidenced by the last two months of me playing nothing but 14, but there's not enough, there's just not enough there, and the worst thing about the not enough is there's actually a decent amount, it's just not enough if you really want to go crazy.
Starting point is 00:48:33 It's not enough for an MMO, like it's enough to get an easy 30 hours, but then after that it's like the campaign isn't good enough to be a Halo game. It's the multiplayer isn't good enough to be a dedicated thing, and the raid quote unquote stuff is way too bare bones. To me the PvP thing, the Crucible is the only thing that comes across as like, I mean obviously love it or hate it, but like fully featured and like good. And that's probably what killed it. I like the Crucible.
Starting point is 00:49:02 It's like ideally these flaws wouldn't show up as much if you're bouncing between the three things, but instead I was bouncing between the two things. Yeah, if you're skipping Crucible. That was pretty much pretty much, okay let's take a quick word from our sponsors. Making a website is hard. It's tough dude. I made a website back in the day, I couldn't get the frames to go. I made several, they all failed.
Starting point is 00:49:24 I made a website, it was just 70 frames, nothing happened. Creating assets, making it look good, keeping it up, HTML or like HTML, get the hell out of here. Don't get me started on finding a server provider. Oh yeah, that's the fun shit. Fucking hassle. You try to make a business site, a portfolio, a restaurant website, any of that stuff, it's not easy.
Starting point is 00:49:50 See I used to have a restaurant, but nothing to know about it because I couldn't get the fucking website up. Yeah, and my granola business caved hard. Yeah, caved. Well, maybe they would have been more successful if you had a secret weapon in your pocket. Like what? What are you talking about? What are you getting at?
Starting point is 00:50:10 We live in Canada. What are you getting at? We can't carry guns around. Not guns. Squarespace. Squarespace. I don't need a square. But it's Squarespace.
Starting point is 00:50:20 And what is Squarespace? It's a simple, easy, elegant solution to building a website that looks professionally designed regardless of skill level. Wait, so you're telling me I don't have to underpay a web designer anymore? I'm telling you that your ineptitude will finally pay off. Wow. You know what? You're right.
Starting point is 00:50:39 I never should have learned that shit. Yeah, what a waste. I should have just waited for this to come along. Squarespace has stated the art technology for powering your site. It's got the latest security, stability, and all kinds of support to keep your site online, beautiful, and resilient from the people of the internet. My phone only works at two in the morning. Will the support still help me?
Starting point is 00:51:01 24-7. What? What you know about that? Not much because you were asleep for half of that time. I guess so. They got you covered while you were sleeping. So, once again,, you put in the promo code SUPER. You get 10% off your first purchase and you show support to the super best friend cast.
Starting point is 00:51:26 Yeah. What else could you do? This is win, win, win. It's win for us. It's win for Squarespace. It's a win for you. For the consumer. Everybody.
Starting point is 00:51:35 All of it. All the warriors. They're all winners. All the warriors will win tonight. And you can make a website about that. Thank you, Squarespace. Thanks, Squarespace. Squarespace builds it beautiful.
Starting point is 00:51:46 That's the tagline. That is the tagline? That is the tagline. Hey, guys. How's your trip to San Diego Comic-Con? Not existent. Empty. It's nothing.
Starting point is 00:51:57 Due to me not going, it's left me with a deep existential envy that I cannot escape from. All it's resulted in is people using that picture of Ron Burgundy and going, like, screw you, San Diego, because they can't go to Comic-Con, because no one can go to Comic-Con. So I have to rest those fucking trailers on potatoes. All around maybe a four on ten. You know, I mean, really, there's exclusives on all kinds of merch every year. Covers, variants, toys, all kinds of good stuff that you could just never get because where is San Diego?
Starting point is 00:52:25 I don't know. We don't even know. It's not on the map anymore. It's not on the map. It's the largest city in California. I also believe it's pronounced San Diego. San Diego. The map says it's in this general area.
Starting point is 00:52:36 We walked over there. Couldn't find it. Turned around. We went all the way down the King's Highway. Nothing at the end. Just water. No San Diego. Well, I've got a solution to our San Diego Comic-Con list problems.
Starting point is 00:52:50 Will it cure my existential problems? It will fill the void. I won't call it a cure, but it might get you back up to zero. That's all I need. That's fair. That's all I need to get through the day. I need something to fill it. Right.
Starting point is 00:53:02 Fill it with Loot Crate. Okay. Wait, what's that? I think that'll fit the slot. Well, you already know what a Loot Crate is, but for those who don't know, it is a geek slash gamer slash pulp culture nerd box shipped to your house less than 20 bucks a month, six to eight items, pulp culture gear. It's all official, collectible, good stuff.
Starting point is 00:53:24 And if you head on down to slash super and other promo code super, you save three bucks on top of that. That's not a bad deal. This month in particular... Yeah, what's the theme? After the rollicking amazing time that was the last heroes box. Yes. We're going with heroes two.
Starting point is 00:53:43 Heroes two, really. Picked in time. The return for the SDCC. Where they announced that new heroes game and shit. There's all kinds of new stuff. Right on the list. So you got all the best from Marvel, all the best from DC. You got some Zelda merch on there.
Starting point is 00:53:55 And all the best from other... You know, we're not going to necessarily spoil it. Captain Kirk's a hero. But it's in there. But we got the heroes coming around again. If he or she or it is a hero, there's a chance it's in this box. Hey, look, it's it. It's a hero.
Starting point is 00:54:11 You mean like Cousin It? Yeah. And you know, kudos to lootcrate for writing that zeitgeist and tapping in at the right moment to bring us comic book heroes right when SDCC is going on. That's like the whole team. Right here. Right here. That's it.
Starting point is 00:54:29 Yeah. Yeah. So once again, that is slash super, promo code super. And you have until the 19th at 9 p.m. Pacific every month to get that month's Creighton. Mmm. Okay. It's not too late to get heroes too. It ain't too late.
Starting point is 00:54:46 Mmm. But don't wait. In case you missed heroes one. Because you too could have heroes too. You might suffer from a bad fate. If you wait for lootcrate. Oh. Drop the mic, ladies and gentlemen.
Starting point is 00:55:01 It's done. We out. Pat? I didn't do much, man. I played, I beat Alexander force one through four and I can't beat the X primals and I'm grinding in alts and I'm playing more 14. The game's amazing. Is that a medical condition?
Starting point is 00:55:18 Yeah. Alexander's, Alexander's the raid that came out. Yeah, I figured it out. And me and the guys in the three company that raid. We cleared all the floors. And we cleared all the floors enough times that we all got the drops. But I currently can't beat the X primals, which are super bosses. Hard mode for bosses.
Starting point is 00:55:38 Okay. How long until you get the shark eye? Tell me about the moon thing. Okay. Because you like that. The moon seems to have increased in size since the expansion started. Oh. And it has been increasing in size.
Starting point is 00:55:50 Yeah. And there are main story quests that allude to the moon. And you played FF4, right? Yep. Okay. Did anyone hear FF4? Yeah, yeah, absolutely. The lunar whale is visible at certain times of day on certain maps.
Starting point is 00:56:07 That game's finale is the moon. In FF4 you go to the moon, you hop on an airship called the lunar whale. This is purple looking airship and you go to the moon. I thought it was a reference to Bruce Almighty. Yeah, fuck off. And at certain times of day, way off the map, in the sky box, you can see the lunar whale way in the distance. Fuck it, awesome.
Starting point is 00:56:32 And it's implying that the next big content patch, you're probably going to go to the moon. I love that shit. That being said, this is the second time FF14 has done the moon is getting larger in the sky. Oh, really? What, did they back it off? Originally, in FF14 1.0, there were two moons. The red moon and the white moon, which is regular. And at some point during the main plot, the main villain summons Meteor.
Starting point is 00:57:00 And then the red moon got bigger in the sky every single day until it was like this giant looming fucking thing over the end. I feel like that's a gimmick that could be playing like advanced warfare. And you look up in the sky and you're like, oh, the moon's getting bigger. And the red moon explodes and it turns out the whole time the moon was Bahamut. And then Bahamut burns the entire continent to the ground. And that was their explanation for going from the busted poll 14 to the new one. I love that they had a plot. They just said a dragon blew it up.
Starting point is 00:57:39 Fuck it. Dude, the CG thing where you see that go down. It's amazing. Well, that was looping in our entrance way at Eidos. And it was soundless, so we had to sing it. There's that old guy. Oh, he's burning away. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:57:55 That guy's name is Louis Swa. He's okay. Now he's dead. He's so dead. He's like one of the deadest Final Fantasy characters ever because he was on-screen vaporized. Yeah, deader than Aerith? No, on-screen vaporized. He was like Cell Gamer.
Starting point is 00:58:11 I remember. He got it good. That's not to say that character doesn't reappear at any point. How long until you get kicked out of the free company? Never. So we're currently at a point in which it's so full that we're getting applications to a completely full free company. And I'm just going into like, okay, who's the last person to not have signed on? Me?
Starting point is 00:58:37 You know. I have to kick myself out. I'm coming in on every day and if we're at that point, then sorry, no new members. Yeah. But there's still a bunch of people that signed up back when I originally said that I started to play, that have not played for like 16 days in a row. You need to lobby to Square Enix to make it bigger. Yeah, guess what?
Starting point is 00:58:57 You remember you were just talking about how Willie can't get the destiny he wants? Why? It's because it's on PS3, right? Oh, yeah. Guess what? There's a shit ton of stuff in 14 that is a limitation because it's on PS3. It's why you zone in to zones instead of having it be seamless. It's why free companies can only go up to 512.
Starting point is 00:59:15 It's why Link Shells can only go up to 128. Right. So you'd have to potentially wait for the next, next MMORPG to come out. Yeah. No, not the next expansion. The one after they're going to drop PS3 support and then all this shit will go away. And then you can have a free company as big as that. It'll be interesting to see how much like flexibility they'll have with building larger areas and stuff.
Starting point is 00:59:34 And if they'll actually do it? Well, the areas in Heavensward are already like five times the size of the original areas which shows that they've made a lot of progress. Right, right. But like, yeah, there's only some... I want to see how far they'll push it. Yeah. You think they're just going to not release content for the PS3 after a while?
Starting point is 00:59:50 They have explicitly said in the lead up to Heavensward that the PS3 owners will get Heavensward and the one after it and then all the patches and then fuck off. Because by that point, that's four years from now. That's like five and a half years into the PS4. Yeah. Like, come on guys. Yeah, the wake is over. If you've been playing the game for seven years, yeah, you can afford to get that call.
Starting point is 01:00:15 Like, we're not at FF11 levels of PS2 life, but like approaching PS2's encroaching life into the PS3 life cycle. Yeah, they're not going to kick me from the free company. Why would they do that? That'd be amazing though. It'd be great. Like anything where the leader gets kicked out. Hey, here's the thing. Like a wrestling stable?
Starting point is 01:00:34 You can't get rid of me. No. Or just like old Pat goes on vacation for two weeks. Yeah, yeah. Oh, fuck you. That's two weeks. Here's the part where I kind of ruin the joke is that because I'm the actual leader of the free company, you cannot kick me.
Starting point is 01:00:49 Oh. Could they not vote for it? No. Instead, I looked it up. I looked up like, okay. You made sure that they can't kick me. I looked it up. It was like, what if I just fucked off and never came back?
Starting point is 01:01:03 Does that hold the thing ransom forever in that no one can make changes or promote people? It's like, no, there's a period of time. I think it's a month in which if the leader never logs in for a single minute, the number two instantly gets promoted to leader. Okay. That's cool. And if 10 of those guys do that, then it'll take like almost a year for that to get to it was online.
Starting point is 01:01:28 But like, yeah. Yeah. So sorry. They can't make it. But it's a problem that will fix itself. Eventually. Eventually. Like there's a lot of fucking goofy shit in that game.
Starting point is 01:01:38 Like the problem that won't fix itself eventually, like the housing market in that game is ruined. Like private people amass so much money that they buy up all the plots and then you can't really see what you can't sell a house. You can only come bring your house off of it. And so I'll say say I own like all the land. I say I'll charge you 40 million for this plot of land. But after you pay me and I vacate it, you then have to pay the game 40 million to buy the land.
Starting point is 01:02:10 So it's it's fucking girl like houses that never fuck. And instance are they what? Oh yeah. They're all there. There's still a hard limit on them because the housing system in that game requires the most amount of data backup of anything in the entire game. For sure. Because players can change all of it at any time.
Starting point is 01:02:28 You need to have like 10 backups. Yeah. So like Yoshi Piya said, like, no, we can't. No. We can't add more houses. Because like non instance housing is the coolest idea. But it's the worst. Me and you were talking.
Starting point is 01:02:40 Did we talk about that podcast? No, we talked about that. And let's watch the PC conference. There's a game where they had that and it was ruined because people would build houses around areas that were essential. Yeah. Yeah. It's so cool.
Starting point is 01:02:53 Me and Liam. Me and Liam imagine like an MMO in which the world is really, really large. You need a huge land mass to do this. And there are certain spots you can build a house and they're absurdly expensive. And yeah, you know what? When you join the game, you'll never be able to get a house ever. You know why? Super cool guy.
Starting point is 01:03:11 Super team. Played the game since they didn't have all the houses. And they bought the house. So fuck you. They bought every house. I kind of prefer that, honestly, to the idea of like every significant kind of like Gilder Hill making Gep one. Because like, yeah, that's like, because it becomes part of the landscape instead of just
Starting point is 01:03:28 existing in this phantom zone. Yeah. That's off to the side. In hammer space. In hammer space. Yeah. Yeah. Beat Alex.
Starting point is 01:03:38 It's great. It's great to be unbelievable. Like you should check the fucking Alexander Boss track. It's amazing. When Cranky was over, he's like, I'm not really into that game, but I do know that it has like some of the best music out there. And going through Heavensward, like way less of it is remixes of old stuff. Oh, cool.
Starting point is 01:03:57 Like most of the music in Heavensward is a remixes of the two main themes, which is the dragon song theme and the ish guard theme. Okay. And they just remix them over and over and over and every single one is amazing. Sorry. I didn't mean to go on very long. You guys asked. Oh, also part of the podcast.
Starting point is 01:04:14 Last. Well, yeah, I know, but like I'm talking about the same game every week for a fucking three months or whatever. I did catch another episode of battle bots, which includes one of my favorite matches ever in the series, which is a match that lasts five seconds, which is a buildup between two robots, which out of paper look like it's going to be like, is there their weapons are incompatible with each other's designs. So it could go on forever.
Starting point is 01:04:41 And you're like, how is this and like the one just drives forward and instantly kills. This is a kill box. There is there's a 15 minute interview and wall like, like, devastating. Like there's a 15 minute like interview build up like montage kind of thing with both builders and like, how are we going to do it? And then the match is overly fucking that. That's cool. And they're smart in the way they structure that show.
Starting point is 01:05:08 Because if the structure of battle bots, the show was rigid and it was like, here's the here's the pre fight thing. And here's a match. And here's the second pre fight thing. And here's a match. Then you would always be able to tell how one sided the match would be by how long they spend in the pre fight. It's really short.
Starting point is 01:05:26 You'd expect the match to be over in five seconds. Right. So instead what they do is they they cater it. It's like, if there are some matches that are instant victories, they put more matches in the episode. And they never say what's coming up. They always say later tonight, there'll be this, but there might be another one after it.
Starting point is 01:05:45 So and the worry that I had watching the first two in terms of like, don't put only spotlights on the winners. Yeah, absolutely. They are not falling into that trap. Like you cannot tell who's really funny. They literally run out of matches. So to buy time. They just have bikinis.
Starting point is 01:05:58 They use clunky robots. They're like the ring girls. They do a dumb dance. Bikini spots. This isn't doing it for me. That would be great. Put a put a put a razor. Do you know what I want to see?
Starting point is 01:06:10 I want to see backstage vignettes with the robots just bumping into each other. You've you've totally disrespected me. We'll see you in the ring. Microsoft's cutting promos. Like Microsoft sound voice. The third one so far is great because there's a there's a there's what I've been wanting to see in battle bots for years. And it's a no, it's a robot that is so poorly designed that the instant it touches another
Starting point is 01:06:38 robot with its weapon, it breaks itself. Because the forces and the welding that went into the idea means that its own weapon will always destroy itself after a single strike. It's good. It's fucking great. I like that. What about you, Wolves? What are you doing?
Starting point is 01:06:56 Well, I spent a lot of time playing Final Fantasy 14. Yeah, certainly. Hey, did you know that if I recruit you and you pay for a full month after after your free trial is over, I get a shiny dragon at the end of July? You should do that. I should do that? Yeah. Why don't you do it yourself?
Starting point is 01:07:10 That's too much. That's the line. That's the line. Hopefully you want the dragon. I've not enough to pay for. I'm not enough to pay for. I want the shiny dragon. I'm not going to pay like $180 for a shiny dragon.
Starting point is 01:07:21 I'm going to get somebody else to play the game and pay that money for me so I get the shiny dragon. I like how you were saying that with your mouth facing the mic. Anyway, yeah, so no, I had, well, I spent most of the week playing something I can't really talk about right now. Yeah. That's for an update and stuff. But secrets.
Starting point is 01:07:41 Yes. But in a way, though, I can talk about the fact that Sony needs to get their shit together as far as getting the PSN store to be good on everything. Yes. You had a weird issue that I never encountered. Oh, it's this. It's fucking garbage. You're right, Wally.
Starting point is 01:08:02 You're super right. All I know is that when I booted up Predator, Batman was still downloading. Yeah. It's okay. I finished the download. But that's totally your fault. But it should have been done initially. Look, all I wanted was to grab money from my PayPal and put it on my wallet on my PSTV.
Starting point is 01:08:26 And I couldn't do it because you go to PSN on the thing and it's just not an option. It's credit card only. And I'm like, but I already have an associated PayPal. And also, most of us have had an issue in which Sony tells our credit cards to go fuck themselves. So, right. I've never had that. So, I go, well, fuck them.
Starting point is 01:08:48 I had it, but it was my fault. So, I go, this sucks. I don't know why I can't use an entire, like, there's like three methods of payment that are not there on the, you know, the front, right? So, I'm like, okay, I jump on the computer and just go to the website. That's what I've been doing for like over a year. And I just go to the wallet thing on the show Sony on my entertainment thing and go like, okay, add PayPal money, go.
Starting point is 01:09:08 And then I go to do it and it's like, your credit card's not valid. I'm like, no, I said PayPal is your credit card's not valid. I've never encountered that issue. That's crazy. Yeah. Remove my accounts, clean everything off, re-add my PayPal, just my PayPal, your credit card's not that fuck this. I boot up my fucking PS4 and I have to go add money on my wallet on the PS4 because that's
Starting point is 01:09:30 the only console I own that has a working wallet. This is so dumb. That I can then use on every other console I have. Yeah. PSN's not great. It's better than it was on PS3 and they're adding features, but they're still not to where live was when the 360 launched. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:48 Maybe you can join that weird movement that I don't understand. Improve PSN, please. Like what was it? It's got some really pretentious here. PSN hashtag. Better PSN. Better PSN. It's just weird.
Starting point is 01:10:00 That movement seems a little extreme, but they're right. They do need to improve PSN. Yeah, but to make a movement. Because it's just like completely different levels of functionality on every device. We'll get to that later. Yeah. And I'm like, God damn it, man. Come on, guys.
Starting point is 01:10:18 It's odd for sure. For a company that wanted its storefront to be unified, it's like the least unified storefront I've ever seen ever. It's crazy. All I know is that I downloaded the Godzilla dynamic theme. Dynamic themes is the fucking coolest shit ever. Yeah. I have the whole dynamic theme.
Starting point is 01:10:36 You've got to look up the PS3 dynamic theme called Corn Love. It's the best one ever. I don't think I'll switch one off a little bit. Is that a custom firmware? It's a custom theme you can buy on PSN. And it is for lovers of corn. I'm going to be listening to Curie A singing until my console dies out. You guys both have the PS4 one going.
Starting point is 01:10:58 I'm not playing it on that console, but I don't care. That's fair. Good. Yeah. Curie A's got some pipes. Yeah, the transistor one. Good for you. The transistor one's real good.
Starting point is 01:11:08 The blood-borne one's real good. Oh, I got to get the transistor one. I got to get that one. I also like to continue complaining. Yeah, complain, man. We fucking... I love it. This week was the week that Fantasia Festival...
Starting point is 01:11:20 I was going to mention this, but I was like, no, we won't. This does have something to do with video games if you let it. So, well, yeah, exactly. You're right. You've come along with us for a moment. Fantasia Festival is an Asian movie for a foreign movie. It's genre. Do you preface it with why these people have this privilege?
Starting point is 01:11:40 Yes, of course, because there is a good reason for it. No, totally. But it just sucks. Just because I know some people just complain about it, and it's like, no, no, no, no. We'll dive in. Let's dive in. Yeah, exactly. It's really simple in that every year there's a ton of really cool movies that premiere
Starting point is 01:11:54 at it. It's where we're at the American premiere. It's where Holy and I saw a postal at the World Premiere. Where we saw All-Sauce Samurai fucking cop. It's where we saw Singham. Yep. And it's also where they debuted... The Ace Attorney movie.
Starting point is 01:12:10 The World's End. A lot of Edgar Wright movies. Pretty much every Edgar Wright movie, Scott Pilgrim. Did you get to see Scott Pilgrim? I didn't get it. I didn't get it either, no. Was Guardians there last year? Guardians was there last year first.
Starting point is 01:12:24 This year's Ant-Man. Prior to theatrical release. So this year, exactly, Liam. It's Ant-Man, and the other big docket is... The other big thing to get is Attack on Titan live action. Yeah. It's at the end of the festival. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:12:36 So, you know, high-profile movies every year and whatnot. So the way it generally works is, because it's like... I've been doing this fucking over a decade now. Me too. The day, the moment it goes on sale, which is always at 1 p.m. on whatever day it goes on, you drop whatever you're doing. You go down to the university. Or...
Starting point is 01:12:52 Or... You get on the phone and also have another phone to go on the website. Yeah. And start browsing to buy tickets because you use anyone as possible because you have, like, seconds. Yeah, seconds. A small window. And...
Starting point is 01:13:07 The only thing worse is if there is... You had to do this. Well, a guy had a gun to your head and there was someone... Give it to your mom! Get your tickets, motherfucker! It's the only way. You need to get 40 tickets for Attack on Titan. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:13:21 So, you know, so I queue up that everything gets ready to do the Blitz as usual. Though this year there's some website shenanigans where, like, if you click Reserve on one ticket, then, like, it carries over to every other tab. You have that type of thing. Whatever. That's a few other issues. The point, and the problem, is Fantasia is sponsored by Ubisoft. They are the prime sponsor.
Starting point is 01:13:42 They make it happen. And Ubisoft has thousands of employees. Yeah. Some individual movies are, like, presented by Ubisoft. It's usually anime. It's usually Asian-y movies. One of the first of being a Ubisoft employee is that you get first dibs on these tickets before they go on sale.
Starting point is 01:14:02 What ends up happening is a lot of Ubisoft employees then sort of choose to what I call, what we call, Ubibomb movies. They collude. They all get together and go, we're all going to go see this. We're all going to go see that. And what ends up happening is basically the movie becomes more or less sold out prior to even going on sale. It turns the movie into a private screening.
Starting point is 01:14:24 You know? So this has been happening for years. People are kind of just like, why even advertise that this is coming? Sounds like you guys should have gone to work for Ubii and said hi to us. Right? Yeah. But traditionally for these Ubisoft sponsored movies, it's always like something kind of interesting or whatever.
Starting point is 01:14:44 But it's this year. No, no, no. No. Well, it's not that you're not just saying the Ubisoft sponsored movies, but the bombing happens every year on one of the big ones. Every time. Of course. In my experience, it hasn't always been big ones.
Starting point is 01:14:59 It's just this year, it just happens to be a tap on time live action, which no one's seen yet, like on this continent. So just to me, it seems like that was just a perfect storm. No, I know for sure in the past. They've done it to others. But anyway, the point is that, yeah, this year they did it for Attack on Titan. And you're just like, well, fuck, right? Because it's not that there's no public tickets available, but there's like a fraction.
Starting point is 01:15:22 Yeah. There's some. It's incredibly difficult to get a ticket. I feel like less than a third. They're floating around in the ether these tickets that you can't get. Yeah. Because remember, Ubisoft employees that like, because they can't obviously give all the tickets to the sponsors, but that doesn't stop the Ubii employees for also blitzing
Starting point is 01:15:41 the line and the website. Certainly. In addition. There's no Ubisoft vehicles in that five hour line. Yeah. So I mean, look, and I'm fair, I'm not saying that like it makes no sense to have that perp when you're a sponsor of the festival. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:57 That makes sense. But I was saying, it's creating an issue when the public doesn't have access to what you're saying. Don't even advertise the movie yet. Let Ubisoft get all their tickets, whatever they want. I don't care. And then advertise. Now we are selling tickets for this new movie.
Starting point is 01:16:12 You have three days and then they'll go on sale in three days. So you build a little bit of hype and everyone gets their tickets. But you don't have hype unless you have it. No, here's the actual solution to this. Look at it. If you lie about it, it gets people excited. It was added late to the game. It was.
Starting point is 01:16:28 Yeah. And that we lost our minds and we never got to this point. Did you see they're trying to get a second short for it? Yeah. But they're only okay for once. Exactly. Right now the first page is blowing up. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:39 Here's the actual solution to this problem. You give Ubi all their promo tickets that they all have the right to get because they're sponsored. Say then you're left with a small bargain and a third of remaining tickets, right? You then sell those tickets and then give them away to people who are willing to buy them via lottery. You do it just how we do hockey tickets. You do it how all sports things are done everywhere because instead of giving it to
Starting point is 01:17:07 people that got in within one second and their browser didn't happen to crash, at least you have a shot. At least you feel like you have a shot of getting it in. And a formal lottery is a hell of a lot better than the site crashing lottery that you all play instead. First of all, I think going physically to go down is stupid. Why would anyone even do that anymore? I don't even understand.
Starting point is 01:17:28 Because this year they specifically said this is to cherry on top of the story. They take half of the remaining seats and lock them into in-person purchases only and half of them. So will you? So people in line do have a shot quote unquote? But you have less of a shot because you have half of them. Why would you? Yeah, half of them are online.
Starting point is 01:17:48 You have just a good shot as you do online. So will you? They probably have a better shot because of less people. If you get there early. Your blitz should include to do all those things while you are in line. Exactly. The point is, and this is how the war has worked in the past, is website, calling on the phone, standing in line, do two of the three things at the same time.
Starting point is 01:18:05 No, 90. You have to do all three. I remember the one year where I called on the phone and that was the only year I called on the phone. Because imagine that. I want to see an amazing nurse named Chekuchen and how do you spell it? No, I've done it on the phone before. And I've gotten into some rare, into some high-demand shit by just hammering the phone.
Starting point is 01:18:27 For people that are a little confused, the reason why this is an issue is because this is primarily playing in an auditorium-style fear that has 900 seats. So this is why this is even an issue. How could there be such demand? Because there's a lot of seats, but it's usually one showing only. And if you're lucky, you get a second one if they kind of feel that they can squeeze out more than one. What I was proposing to Matt is that what needs to happen is you start working at Ubisoft
Starting point is 01:18:52 as a work just to get the tickets. I'm like, but do you actually have to work at your work station? Every once in a while. So here's what you do. You go in person. Right? Matt, Willie, Matt. You guys go in person.
Starting point is 01:19:05 And you walk up to the ticket person and they go, sorry, you don't have any tickets yet. Well, you know, I happen to run a successful YouTube channel that you might have heard of it. It's called Supa. No, I don't know what that is. And you slide it to the across. I know. I started that all wrong.
Starting point is 01:19:26 You approach the booth. You're just like, sorry, I got in there late. I was recording. Yeah. Yeah, you know, because I'm digging famous. And then you sweep your straw and readjust your straw and you wait for the question. That doesn't mean anything to me, sir. Maybe my bird friend will help you out.
Starting point is 01:19:44 Mr. Tootie. No, sir. I'm sorry. Sir, this is a two dollar coin. I thought I thought for a second that might actually become a thing because the Fantasia film that follows me on Twitter, I don't know why because we're bigger than they are. Because you know, because you they took a picture of your shirt in line one year. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:03 Terry Bogart shirt online. Like they do. Yeah. But yeah, like if anyone's ever here on vacation doesn't even know they still like the best film festival. Oh yeah. They got good stuff. You know, I really like it.
Starting point is 01:20:15 You get to see a movie where kids steal Kevin Bacon's cop car and the entire movie is him trying to kill the kids to get it back. I really like it. It's called Cop Car. Lady Hokusai is going to be there, Cootie's is going to be there this year. It's a movie where Elijah Wood has to kill children. Because they have Cooties, which is a real demon virus. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:36 We get those tickets for Singham. We got Singham two tickets. I got two. I got Singham two tickets. I got two tickets. I, when you asked, I included myself in that. I didn't ask. You did not ask.
Starting point is 01:20:46 I was sitting on the website hammering you. I got two or three. Oh no. Oh no. Honestly, there's a selection of movies that I will never see at the film festival because they were ruined for me. I went to see Takashi Mike's Shield of Straw, which was phenomenal, and two other Japanese and Korean thriller movies fucking ruined by the audience.
Starting point is 01:21:10 I can't stand it. What do you mean, Lee? I don't mind going to see a Bollywood movie or a comedy or something when that's the setting, but when it's like a suspense movie or a serious movie, a Bollywood suspense movie would be fine too. It would be great. It makes sense. The genre clashes with the genre.
Starting point is 01:21:29 I can't stand just the people yelling and whooping through the movie when it's a serious suspense movie, and they're like losing it, like belting out laughter at serious scenes. I think that my favorite... No, I want those people to die. I hear you. I think my favorite thing that I'm trying to goad you into describing this behavior that you've missed out is... No, I'm not even describing those people.
Starting point is 01:21:53 Those are the people who go to see Attack on Titan and Phoenix Wright and every anime movie on the ballot and translate it on their own even though there's subtitles. You hear four different amateur fan subgroups with two subscribers chatting it up in the audience at the same time. And you're mad because you were already doing that. No. I just want to watch a goddamn Garden of Words and people are trying to fucking translate Garden of Words into my ear.
Starting point is 01:22:19 Ah fucker, I can read the subtitles. Sianara! Plus the screen is huge. The screen is huge. I hear that and that's some unfortunate bullshit. However, most, if not almost all of my experiences with the crowd is that I love the crowd. But not in thrillers. I've seen thrillers and I've had a great time.
Starting point is 01:22:40 I gotta say, I'm shockingly on Wally's side on this one. I love the, in this specific venue, I want the crowd to be the worst. I want everybody, the thing about the Fantasia crowd and the thing that you love about them. But if you go see Grave of the Fire, let's say Grave of the Fireflies is playing. Do you want people whooping and... Yes! You do? I do.
Starting point is 01:23:06 Have you ever seen Shield of Strah? Here's what, no. But I've seen other movies. I've seen serious movies at Fantasia and here's the thing. The Fantasia crowd is, they're all Marx. You're seeing movies with a bunch of Marx. So you're hearing all of the Marx, you're hearing the crowd go, all together. It's not those people I hate, the people I hate are the people who aren't Marx, who
Starting point is 01:23:28 came in because it's a Japanese movie and are fucking like teenagers who go to Otaku Uthon and are just belching with laughter at serious things. They ruin it. They ruin it. So it grows on their phone. You find those guys out at the normal theater, too. Yeah, but I can tell them to stop and it works. It's very infrequent in a movie.
Starting point is 01:23:49 And I do tell them to stop and it works. We've had different experiences. Let me ask you a quick question. This is for my own personal validation. When we once saw Samurai Cop, it was the best. The woolen lion, I laughed to a distracting degree. In that theater, and we know that because we got home and people had posted the woolen lion on our Facebook page, which meant that I must have been laughing real loud.
Starting point is 01:24:14 To a very distracting degree to the rest of the crowd. Was that too much for me? I think the tone of that movie, which is fine, for me it's, again, when I go to see a new Takashimike movie, and I want to get absorbed into it as long as you're not rude to it. If I was laughing that hard with a rich Evan's laugh, then someone should have come up and beat me. See, because I love your arrangement. I was supposed to see the same year that they showed Shield of Straw.
Starting point is 01:24:42 There was another Mikae movie, the Cop one. I forgot what it's called. Not Company Man. I didn't know. No. Yeah, I didn't go see that one. I went to that instead. Which is also a very serious police drama, and it was great, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:24:57 I feel like it's a group of people that I've been seeing movies with for over a decade now, and we're just, I like the sense of humor. I like the fact that when we're watching a Samurai Cop and the porn clapping starts happening, it's organic, but it's serious movies, but it's serious scenes, right? Yeah, and I'm getting there, and I'm like, and in serious movies, I've never really had like moments of serious things, that I've been seeing. It's like when you can hear people in the audience like not understanding and yelling, what the fuck, and stuff, and it makes perfect sense, and they're just like not, like they're
Starting point is 01:25:30 not latching on. The specific bad experience, I went to see a Japanese horror movie with my girlfriend, not horror, sorry, not horror, thriller, and it was about like this series of dismemberments and stuff, and right next to us was these 3, 14 to 17 year old people, and they were all... You struggled to save people. And they were all, yeah, because they're subhuman, and they were all eating like these big Tai Express box sets that they had, they had the boxes and had all the things, and
Starting point is 01:26:00 they were pulling them around. Of course Rick and Cordia, so they have the little tables that can fold out, because it's a lecture hall, and they were just ruining the movie completely. Not just with their eating, but with their talking and their yelling and stuff. Dude, I was so angry. I was so furious. But did you do anything? I asked them to stop twice, and they didn't.
Starting point is 01:26:20 Did you scream at them? No. I don't want to ruin it for them, you've got to be willing to stab someone. Yeah, to watch a movie. And also, I have complained to Fantasia staff, and they just say, well, don't come to Fantasia. Yeah, I haven't ever told you guys about the time, the guy threatened to stab me during Iron Man. It's not, don't come to Fantasia.
Starting point is 01:26:41 No, that's what I got to tell them, but Fantasia staff. Yeah, no, I'm saying that's not what I was trying to say. Obviously that's not a fire up, that's a, you know, just some school kid who's working there. But like... But I definitely, I think that like, perhaps it's not going to be your optimal viewing experience. Oh, never.
Starting point is 01:26:59 Because that's like, that's part of what the film... The optimal viewing experience is what the Oculus festivals are. It's what Fantasia is, and I don't want that. He does have a very specific point. I want a good film viewing experience, and Fantasia is a subpar experience for a lot of films. At the same time, though, you're coming into it while it's like that. It's been that way since...
Starting point is 01:27:19 It's like 25 years. That doesn't justify it being good. That doesn't justify it being good. That is the way it is, but it doesn't justify it being good. All it takes has been fucked for years, and I should be allowed to criticize them even though they've been fucked for years. If I... Someone wrote an article for a newspaper, and they got slammed because they didn't like
Starting point is 01:27:40 the crowd. If I had the same experiences as you, then I'd be able to see it a bit more, but like, I just... I have lost, I don't know. No, and some movies are great. The things... Like, when we went to see Sam, that was a riot. Perhaps the things that bother you just don't bother me, you know?
Starting point is 01:27:54 Like... But anyway. Yeah. If you're watching a Vagabond movie, let's say they made a Vagabond movie, and would you still feel the same way? Like, you love Vagabond enough that if someone started going... I've watched the fuck, or whatever, do you know what I mean? I've gone to see shit that I really love and care about with it, and I've had a great
Starting point is 01:28:12 time. And it just doesn't bother you. It doesn't bother me at all. You gotta get... I love being... Like I said, I love... You're the guy that does that. I'm the guy that...
Starting point is 01:28:20 No. You have to be... You have to be able to become the shit crowd. Like I, you know, I go and I look up the E3 trailers for announcements for games with crowd-raised movies. Oh, yeah. No, those are great. I love that feeling.
Starting point is 01:28:35 Have you seen like the four-hour supercut of FF7 reactions? Exactly. Someone just went out and got all of them. I want to go back and just get that crowd, like, hyped with everything, and I feel like in most cases, in serious movies too, I guess, the good reactions kind of like, I don't... They're muted. I don't hear the bad ones because... No, those are great.
Starting point is 01:28:55 But like, if you saw a movie like Cloud Atlas, and there was people yelling throughout the movie, like, that they didn't get stuff and laughing at stuff, like, that's a fucking super long, super sad, depressing, beautiful movie. The idea that you would go to a screening of Cloud Atlas, and there would be people yelling, like, that's pretty funny. That's great. It's like, I went and saw Cloud Atlas the night it came out, and there were eight people in that movie.
Starting point is 01:29:20 We were one row. It was fucking bad. Think about this. I barely knew Woolly having met you. You weren't even born yet. Yeah. And I barely even knew Pat. I got to see Godzilla Final Wars with that crowd, and that was like the most...
Starting point is 01:29:32 That was the best movie experience I ever had, because everyone that was in there was in. No, I saw a Tokyo movie last year, and it was a great experience as well, because everyone was into it. It's those people who aren't into it, who are young and ruin it. So you should ban all young people. Yeah. I just...
Starting point is 01:29:51 Well, I haven't seen that for a while. Yeah, from everything. And I find it mostly happens, I don't know why, in Japanese movies. Well, it's the weed factor. I don't know why it's the weed factor. That being said though, like, on the flip side of it, like, just when you're going to see a lighter movie, or a comedy, or something, or like a Godzilla action movie, or Cug Foo Shaw Brothers, there's no better crowd in the world.
Starting point is 01:30:16 Yeah, no. Those movies feel serious to it. You remember... Matt, I don't know if you were with us. I think you were. But you remember the crowd we went to see, fucking, opening night, like, midnight show of, um, Grand House? No, I didn't go.
Starting point is 01:30:32 I remember we were ten people that, like, we just took over the top row. But it wasn't just us, like, the crowd that we had. It was just the regular movie theater, it was Mexico. Yeah, regular theater. For that showing of Grand House was the absolute perfect ideal group for Grand House, and that was a loud, active theater during that Tarantino fans. Yeah. And it was intense.
Starting point is 01:30:54 There's good tones for sure. I guess all I'm getting at is, I wouldn't even want to see Attack on Titan there if I could. Yeah. To me, the good outlook. Besides the fact that the movie looks atrocious, I wouldn't even want that. No, that's another disappointment. No, that's why you need to see it.
Starting point is 01:31:06 You know they kiss. That's another disappointment. Oh, no! They kiss Titans? No! Yeah, they do. But she was always Arvin's girl. Anyway, this is what Woolie would say.
Starting point is 01:31:18 That's not what I'm saying. Yeah, you would. I hope I can get the other thing. So he goes girl bullsion. Yeah, well, that stands. Anyway, I'm sorry to hijack that. Oh, that's fine. Hating on things is great for the podcast.
Starting point is 01:31:33 I'm keeping up with this season's 3Gs for me, which is Garo, Gate, and Gangsta. And they continue to be awesome. They're fun. Yeah, I think, and I think like the, what's it called, the gate delivery on the second episode is exactly what I described last week as, I hope it goes in this direction. It's literally 30 minutes of an army just decimating fucking fantasy armies and shit like that. Take that Griffin.
Starting point is 01:32:09 And it's like now the camera is showing it to you from like the fantasies point of view and they're like, we don't understand. We don't understand how to do this. There's like four guys there. What is that like? Why are they super human? It's amazing. It's great.
Starting point is 01:32:22 I'm fucking really enjoying that. I heard from some people that it gets a bit like typical as it goes on. I really hope not because I see all this anime after all. There's three girls that are in the intro and they have three bright colored hair styles. Dude, that's the hair. They're the hair. They're the hair. They're the three love interests.
Starting point is 01:32:39 I feel like that's going to happen any minute now. It's going to happen. So far, it's enjoyable. It got you in there. Yeah. Well, they're not there yet. Well, they will be. Meanwhile, I really hate that we're in a day and age where like gate can come out and the
Starting point is 01:32:54 media in gate, as in like the thing he follows and he's a big fan of, is a smartphone game. Yeah. And it's a shit smartphone. It's the exact shit I described. Is this irony or is this like for real? No, no, because that's how it really is. It's just accuracy. Oh.
Starting point is 01:33:09 That's how it really is. Oh. And we were talking about the mobile. We were talking a lot about it. They don't have whales because they kill them all. Also, a couple of people have been linking to this and I decided to go check it out. But Xavier Woods, the wrestler, has a let's play channel now called Up, Up, Down, Down. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:32 They did that Street Fighter 4 thing, right? They did a couple things. Yeah. And it was like... The Zigger Woods says that he could be Dan Riker to Mario Kart. Dan Riker disagrees. They are both very heated about this. Okay.
Starting point is 01:33:44 I'm eager to see the culmination of this rivalry. No, it was weird, though, because when I was first looking at this, I'm like, why am I getting linked to so many let's plays with wrestlers in them? Because wrestlers are awesome. And then wrestlers are people, too, guys. But like did a little digging. And they're the ones that are undead wizards. That's right.
Starting point is 01:34:03 And then she got to take her place. But it's more like, it's like, how are these guys here and how do we get that? Yeah. Well, you have to be sponsored by Vince. That's where I was going. It's like, it's not outright advertised on the channel. But it turns out that the channel is actually like WWE official production. So I guess it's like a trial stage to see if it works maybe more or less, you know?
Starting point is 01:34:28 And Vince wants to hit the kids on the internet. And yeah. And I watched their little like round robin MKX tournament. And I watched Kofi Kingston like poppin' off, do an X-rays and shit. And it's fun. It's fucking cool. It's a fucking great idea. It's a great idea.
Starting point is 01:34:45 I really hope that like. And like wrestlers are on the road like all the fucking time. So they've got to be playing games. Exactly. Right now it seems to just be grabbing like dudes from the locker room who play the games that are in there. Because I'm not a Kofi industry fighter tournament. But I don't do it.
Starting point is 01:34:59 But I want to get like Vince telling dudes that like, Sina, you have mandatory LP time. Yeah, yeah, exactly. You got to get in there. Sina Jones. Sina Jones so hard. Yeah. He'll kick the fucking console off because he refuses to sell. He doesn't want to play anything but Socom.
Starting point is 01:35:24 I got turned on by this because someone showed me that. Yeah. Because it was David Woods and Cesaro playing Double Dragon Neon. And he asked Cesaro, I was like, what do you remember he's Double Dragon? Scott and all. I really liked to play with my brother. And there's like, all right, look, here comes the punch and they punch Mary and they're like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:44 And I was just like, oh, that's the center. That's when we laughed. Yeah. Because that Way 4 knew that this is the moment where you're like, this is the best plot in video games. In the MKX video, like there's like a bunch of wrestlers playing in the tournament. And then one of them is just like a seamster. Like I don't know, the guy that makes costumes for the wrestlers.
Starting point is 01:36:05 He's just random guy and like they're just popping off and yelling in his face. And he's just like kind of like, okay. And he loses. So he has to take a cinnamon challenge. Oh no. Yeah. And it's just like this guy's not even like he's not even a persona. Cinnamon challenge is literally just works there.
Starting point is 01:36:22 He's an NPC. You know, and they're just in his face, like with a big glowing power glove and shit. Yeah, they had power gloves. Because you know that Earl Hevner is actually a fucking fiend at Undernight In-Bird. You're really fighting the Charles Hevner. I struggled for maybe the past two, three minutes just to like what game should Earl Hevner play? Which one?
Starting point is 01:36:46 It's got to be anime. Alright. You see what Earl Hevner plays. This isn't EX late. Fuck this shit. Earl Hevner stays up late to watch Persona 5 trailers when they launch. What the fucking shit? Earl, you're sleepy for the matches.
Starting point is 01:37:01 I'm going to call this game straight down the middle. Earl Hevner threw a stick. No, did you see that footage of Sanford throwing a stick? Yeah. Which one? Which one? Like last week. I missed the dude.
Starting point is 01:37:17 Wait, last week? Fuck no. I forget who he's playing. He's playing this really chill looking black guy after Sanford throws a stick. He just like his little peace sign on a smile on the fucking Karen's run. Are you talking about Rico Swappen? Yeah, that was a while ago. The thing that came up.
Starting point is 01:37:35 Then how did that all only get to me like months ago? I put that in my top 10 video. Really? Like last year. It was Dan. They took, he looks at the Karen's smiles and the people took Mentos. The Freshmaker. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:49 I don't remember that part. Well. Well no, people added that to the video later. LTTP pad. Well, Dan, I wish there was a LTTP. Cause that's hilarious. Cause it's a street fighter match, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:00 The able against the... Yeah, and he throws the stick so hard in the floor you can hear it shatter. And you see everyone look around like shit. There should be more of that. Anyway. Moving on. I'm sorry everyone. I'm an idiot.
Starting point is 01:38:11 You know who else is LTTP? Who else is LTTP? Ken. Ken. Woo. Came in. Fashionably late. No, he's not because the game's not out.
Starting point is 01:38:19 I'm glad they... No, no, no. No, I agree. Like he's always in the original announcement. Always, always, always late. He's late to the pre-release part. All right. So.
Starting point is 01:38:29 I wish they would have not revealed them and had him as a secret unlockable character. Or the last character to be unveiled. Or something like that. Yeah. All right. Let's go around. Yays or nays? Yays.
Starting point is 01:38:41 Uh, yay post-reveal. Uh, I was extremely nay pre-revealed. Exactly. As I spoke constantly about how he should be in the game. Unless they turn him into a totally different character. They turn him into a totally different character. So yay. Oh, it's a total.
Starting point is 01:38:53 Yay. Triple thumbs up. Triple thumbs up. He's story-wise. He's sufficient. He's not going to start doing rustling. Yeah. I know.
Starting point is 01:39:02 But absolutely make aesthetic and gameplay changes that need to be there. He changes. We use the statement. I thought if he came back there. That he would play differently. But I never thought that he'd actually change his fucking costume. No, he looks like as different as Akuma does from Ryu. More.
Starting point is 01:39:19 More. I just, just in terms of like color, moveset, difference in how they play. And how they play. I have everything here also. Because the run is extreme. Over the years, it's become extremely obvious to anyone that's been paying attention. How can she be different? Yes.
Starting point is 01:39:33 His kicks. Are his? Yeah. His kicks. That's why it's called for now. Yeah. And bam. There it is.
Starting point is 01:39:41 So it's not just the super. It's like he's got the crazy kick variants, but not the same ones. This is the answer. That really changes. Yeah. His step kick. That kicks on another level. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:52 And you can dash into it. But now you can see the difference between them. Yeah. More than ever before, you can see the difference. And they've given him a Mortal Kombat run. He has an MK run that can be canceled out of normal. Now the question is, is he evil? No.
Starting point is 01:40:09 Is he violent? Is he evil or violent? No. Both. Is he violently evil? Yeah. Not yet. Maybe.
Starting point is 01:40:17 I fucking think the trigger, like FADC-esque ability, is a genius thing to throw in there since Ryu doesn't have it. Yeah. You know? So he's much, so like Ken is a nice representation of like four, while Ryu is a representation of three. I still want to see Viper with an FAD, with a focus. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:40:38 But Ken, that would be your skill. Exactly. Ken has a burn kick identical to Viper now. Yeah. His air like Tatsu on Viper? It's similar. Yeah. Hey, you got some of my Viper in your Ken.
Starting point is 01:40:50 I bet. Cool move. I bet. All over your butt cheeks. Ken doesn't have like Cyclops eyes though. I mean, you can go back to videos. You can go back to stuff we were talking about. See Viper has Cyclops eyes.
Starting point is 01:41:02 It's true. You can go back to us talking about like Street Fighter and where we want things to go and whatnot. And it's like the time passing for the characters is the biggest number one thing that we want. What you and I had a moment yesterday when we were talking to Liam about, because Liam, you're totally right. Like he does look a lot like Google. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:25 Well, 98 ruble. 98 ruble slash Ramon from right where it's like he's got these guys, especially in the concept. The tight black. I think he looks different enough, but it's got clear inspiration, right? Yeah. And it's an MMA shirt. Right?
Starting point is 01:41:37 Yeah. And you said it perfectly. If Street Fighter is going to steal one thing from King of Fighters, it should be the style. I was going to say it should be motions. Imagine. Yeah. But it should like everyone in KOF looks stylish. They look like people that could go to the club.
Starting point is 01:41:57 Like every version of Kyo and Yori are cool as fuck. K-dash should be the dumbest looking motherfucker in the universe. Those assless chaps are glorious. And the white hair and the glad, but he's amazing. And for Ken, it's so far just Ken, but to just get a little taste to that. It's a game full of Dante's words. I don't know. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:19 It should be an asshole. Well, but somehow. I can see Birdie trying to go to the club. Well, considering Ken is Dante. Yeah. Then that makes a lot of sense. That being said, like a little bit of this was spoiled a little while ago because Ruben Lengden was going around E3 with a little Ken doll.
Starting point is 01:42:37 Yeah. Yeah. And just say, and people would be like, why are you in E3? And he'd go with the little Ken doll and then run away. What a great advertiser. Like, I like the fact that he's not, he doesn't have the He-Man cut anymore. Oh yeah. I like the top up.
Starting point is 01:42:54 The thing is that the He-Man cut while we're looking was super accurate to specifically Street Fighter 2. Yeah. Right. In every other game you got the different looks, but in that game. Yeah. The long ponytail or you had the frizz and thrice. I wouldn't choose that.
Starting point is 01:43:08 My only actual complaint that his face model looks a little... Yeah. It does look a little weird. Yeah. No, I agree. It doesn't feel weird. Yeah. It's the eyes in particular.
Starting point is 01:43:19 It's something like that. But the top up I'm fine with. Yeah. I'm fine with everything. You know, I just... And the thing is too is I've always said that I wanted to see, like, my ideal design for the characters would be canon red dress shirt, black pants kind of thing. And then Ryu would have the shirt down.
Starting point is 01:43:36 Like his alt costume. Yeah, okay. But you know what? This is fine too. Yeah, that's great. If Akuma shows up, please be not in Demon Ropes because enough of those. Yeah. Enough of that stupid shit.
Starting point is 01:43:47 But find something else. I would be fine with Akuma not being in the game at all. Oh yeah, absolutely. Yeah, of course. That'd be fine too. You know, we all want them to be cool. We all want them to get, like, mega aged up, but that's like a tough thing to do. No, I'm not.
Starting point is 01:43:58 Because once you age them too much, it's hard to roll a pack. Yeah. But age enough to show some type of progression. And we're getting a little bit of an ah, as much as you'd like. Yeah, but a little bit. I would like more people to be at least as different as Ken is to Ken. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:16 And the genius, the genius behind Ken's new gameplay style is that if you're a fucking shit Ken scrub that just picks Ken because like, guess what? This fucking three hit fireball, a fire upper is still there, his old hurricane kick is still there, and his jumping hard kick appears to be the same as well. Like those people aren't going to notice. You're not going to miss a beat. You're not going to miss a beat. This is the first Street Fighter game ever in which I actually want to play as both Ryu
Starting point is 01:44:45 and Ken. There's always been one that I looked at and said in this version I like to play this guy and this version I like to play this guy, but here finally they both look really cool. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. That's that formula? Yes, yes they did.
Starting point is 01:45:01 That's a good thing. Say Ken crybabies who need your boring looking Ken. There was a lot of people complaining. Yeah, there are crybabies. I could get through their comments because I fell asleep while reading them. William and I got really mad about that. Okay, Willie, what exactly did you say all these people should do? They should go die.
Starting point is 01:45:17 That's what you fucking said. No, you said go die you uncreative fuck. I can't even really understand. Every shout from the heavens, no don't change the character at all. Ken has worn the same outfit with only minor changes to his hair since 88. Fuck off. You're very existence repulses, Willie. Ken's design is older than Liam.
Starting point is 01:45:47 I get for real, like not young joke for real. I get fucking drowsy just looking at you. Fuck. Disgusting. Like the biggest disappointment of four was that almost everyone came back unaltered. There was like tiny little changes but like every fighting game, like both KI and MK all have some type of classic costume. Everyone has a classic tournament vision.
Starting point is 01:46:10 Yeah, great. Put the classic costume. They're not fighting him in the back. It's a chance to change it. You know what? And let me put this on the record too. It's almost trolling. I don't think Blanka is going to show up.
Starting point is 01:46:18 No way. I don't think he's going to show up. No way. I'm totally fine with that. But there is a Brazil stage. There is a Brazil stage. I think we're going to get a new Brazilian fighter. I think the guy that we see at the end of the trailer is a completely new character.
Starting point is 01:46:31 Yeah. I think they're either from Brazil or New Zealand. Yeah. And you know what? That's fine, man. Like honestly, I don't need Blanka in this game. Someone will have gimmicky bullshit that you don't have. But right now, I breeze in there as a bare minimum.
Starting point is 01:46:48 Yeah. If we get Karen, that's a good one too. So I don't need Blanka. I was asked recently, like, hey, Pat, what character are you looking to main in Street Fighter 5? So it really looks good. And so does Chen Li. And I'd really like to play a lot of birdie.
Starting point is 01:47:03 And I love Bison. And Ken looks really cool. It's like, Pat, you just named every character in that fucking game. You just listed the entire roster. I know. Everyone looks great. My number one right now is still Nash, because it is so fucking cool. I'm not too interested in playing as Rhea or Bison, just because...
Starting point is 01:47:19 Oh, OK. You just don't care. All the other characters are fine. The only thing that, like, because we've heard rumors that Siliconera mostly, like saying, these are the characters we know we have them good friends. You're in. Alex, Karen, and Armika are coming. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:32 Which almost seem like the ones that Oh No wants the most or knows that people want the most or apparently or whatever. I hate Armika, but if I get those other three, that's OK. Don't expect Armika. The only thing I actually want at this point is an obscure Final Fight character. Don't want Hagar, don't want Cody. I want Dean, Mackie, or who's the other guy? Dean Mackie, who's the other guy that I might want?
Starting point is 01:47:55 Carlos Rodriguez. Carlos Miyamoto. Fuck. He's the dumbest. If Carlos isn't it, I'll lose my shit, because that is literally the most obscure character you can put into me. I think Dean's pretty good, though, yeah. Skullomania.
Starting point is 01:48:10 That's never going to happen. Hey, listen. No, Erika owns Skullomania. They can't. And Erika made a fighting game, or was trying to make a fighting game with those characters without the Street Fighter characters in it. Boo. Fighting Lair.
Starting point is 01:48:23 Boo. Why were that game never won anywhere? OK. Buy Karen, and I'll forgive them for their lack of Skullomania. Karen's likely because that's just a manga author. It's been so long that we, like, come on. That character's strange. It's just a manga author.
Starting point is 01:48:35 They can work that shit out. And you know what? Karen should be the gym teacher. Like, don't get Sakura. Because Sakura has to stay in her fucking schoolgirl out for forever. What are you talking about? Like, the whole idea was always going to be that Sakura grown up would be a gym teacher. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:53 It's like, no, just fuck with people and have it be Karen instead in the fucking sweat clothes and shit. She's too rich for that shit. That doesn't really suit Karen at all. No, that's the best part. She just needs to teach. No, that's weird. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:05 I want people to get mad. Sure. Anyway, that's what I want. You got mad at you. Yeah, good. Because you did it. Because it's my fault. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:13 Please attribute all negative feelings towards Pat for the rest of your life. You know? Wow, that's a big like a burden. It's not about this. It's all negative feelings. All negative feelings. Wow. I don't know if I can handle that.
Starting point is 01:49:25 So, while we're on this, Harada recently came out and said, concerning tech and cross street fighter, we have the full character lineup decided, we have all the models made and we have the full system done as we. We in there. Wow. Okay. So, they're like getting towards art complete. Which is intense.
Starting point is 01:49:43 What they're having a problem with. It's programming it. No. No. When it's like you're super right, Harada, the fucking timing is so hard for this game. Because you can't do it so close to street fighter, cross tech in, because right. And they're already discussing by coming up with a different name. And secondly, they also want to present things in a different way.
Starting point is 01:50:05 That's just not the reverse flip side. I would love to catch people's attention. I would really like it to play a lot more like Tekken, honestly. It should be a brand new fighting game. Like also, they can't release it in the next year and a half. It's the title. Because in the next year and a half, street fighter 5 and Tekken 7. You know what?
Starting point is 01:50:22 It should just be Capcom versus Namco at this point. Yeah, that'd be okay. That'd be all right. Well, sure. But I mean, it is a really solid product. It's got half a car for a racer in it. And Pac-Man. Sure.
Starting point is 01:50:33 And then Killik just owns the cast. Yeah. Put Killik in there. Put the SE1 Killik in there. Anyway. Oh, Soul Calibur. I thought you meant Soul Edge 1. But no.
Starting point is 01:50:43 But yeah, generally the problem, like I said, it's just fighting games are back and they're dropping with a pretty solid frequency. So a game like this, which is also not the priority, which is Tekken 7. Like when and how do you handle this? I like the way he's talking about it. It gives me like a weird idea where I'm just kind of thinking it's like, okay. So they have all the assets is what he's saying. They just don't know how to present this or put it out in the right package.
Starting point is 01:51:07 What if it was just a weird part of Tekken 7? Yeah. Or yeah, DLC for Tekken 7. It could be, but I think that's a waste. I think there's too much money that's that could be great. Yeah. You're right. It could be a little underrated.
Starting point is 01:51:21 But a multi-million seller. You know what's really important though? That in Harada discussing this timing issue, it means everyone is finally on board in the fighting game business. Guys, we cannot crowd the shit like we used to. Yeah. We can't do it like we did it in the 90s. We fucking killed our own market by flooding it.
Starting point is 01:51:42 We need to give the big and everyone knows what the big ones are. We need to spread them out. And then the guys on the slightly lower tier, like a lot of the anime fighting games, they spread themselves out along their own schedule. Dude, they're everywhere. I don't know if you follow like Japan only fighting game releases on PS3 and stuff. They're everywhere. There are so many coming out.
Starting point is 01:52:07 There's a new BlazBlue version. No, he's talking the C tier. BlazBlue and those are C tier. Is it called BlazBlue like fiction? Something fiction. It's the weirdest central fiction. Central fiction. That's it.
Starting point is 01:52:22 But I think it would actually be pretty cool or like release Omega mode for Tekken 7 and it's Street Fighter. It's just like there's a specific way to make that virtual Fighter April Fool's Joe grill. Yeah. Yeah. Like I could see that being like, like we're on a Wolfenstein and the old blood is like that. It's like release the core game and then release like this companion kind of game.
Starting point is 01:52:45 So since Street Fighter Cross Tekken is already released, just doing this normally and trying to sell it as a special crossover isn't going to catch any interest. We need some sort of surprise, right? I can't really say how we're aiming to surprise fans right now, but we've been playing around with different ideas. It's out right now. Or it's going to be, that was one of the things that explicitly said was chuffed was the timing of release.
Starting point is 01:53:06 But now it's Street Fighter 5. No, but also just being a crossover isn't good enough for you. Yeah. No, it has to be a live stage show and you can win things, but watch. Add SNK in the way without their rights. Yeah. Yeah, they're SNK. If they got SNK, that would be a way to make it a dream match.
Starting point is 01:53:25 That would be actually a way to make it surprising. Add a third company. Yeah. That'd be really cool. And you know what? You know what? You don't have to have a full roster for that third company. You need two characters.
Starting point is 01:53:36 You need two. No. And you don't need Cousin X. Or Kdash. They should get those two, and they should get Akira and Pi, and they should just go around. No, no. You get Kasumi and Zack.
Starting point is 01:53:51 Get Kasumi and Zack as well. Just collect the names. Just collect the names. Yeah, those are the two. Dude, if Ayane doesn't join Kasumi and Zack in any appearance they make, houses will burn. That's true. You know what?
Starting point is 01:54:04 Yeah. Ayane's the best character in that game. I don't think so, but she's the favorite. I don't think so, but she's the favorite. She's got the purple hair. But Ryu is in that game. And she spins around. Ryu Hayabusa is in this game.
Starting point is 01:54:12 Ayane is awesome. And Ninja Gaiden 3. Ryu Hayabusa is a goddamn piece of fucking moji covered in bread with an Azuna drop in his arsenal. Yeah. Momoji's my favorite D.O.A. charity. Momoji's great. Yeah, she's great.
Starting point is 01:54:32 Yeah. That sounds good. She's cool and raises an edge as well. Yeah, I know. I played enough. Not to mention Rigg and other normal worlds. Yeah, Rigg and Mila. Mila.
Starting point is 01:54:42 Mila. Mila. Mila. She's a fighter. Yeah, she's a fighter. But I don't know, he's working directly on a minimum of three games right now, two of which are fighters, so it's a sticky situation for her. I like that he acknowledges straight up though.
Starting point is 01:54:55 It's like, yeah, you can't just throw this out there. It's too valuable. It's still worth it. Also. If Cross-Tekken had been a big success or like better than it was, this would have been out already. Yeah. We got to roll through.
Starting point is 01:55:09 Also, please, pre-order Street Fighter V. Yeah. Oh, that's the... Oh, he's referring to... Oh, no. Jumping line stage. Yeah, you gotta say this. Yeah, of course.
Starting point is 01:55:17 Yeah, in the middle of a Tekken... San Diego Conference. San Diego Comic Con conference. Yeah, like, it's Otto just hijacked the stage in front of Turana. Turana. And like just said, please, pre-order Street Fighter V. Because that's the point it's gotten to. It's gotten to the point of wrestling.
Starting point is 01:55:34 That's amazing. I don't want this rivalry to ever end. Yeah, because it used to be pre-roll, manufactured promos. Right? But now, it's like actively interfering in... In the other game. In other game. And eventually, it will become like Harada went to the Capcom HQ and poisoned all of
Starting point is 01:55:53 their food. Like, well, I'm excited to get to the severity of it. I don't want to avoid it because he was at Harada's house painting everything green. Yeah. I want to get to the severity of smear campaigns where Capcom and Namco are paying for anti-ads for the other game. Yeah, that's great. And not ads for themselves.
Starting point is 01:56:09 Yeah. Just complete raw series. Truly the new age of promo bombing. Yeah. I love those two. Promo bombing. Alright, let's promote bombing. We do have to move along.
Starting point is 01:56:19 We betrayed fans and want to be a brand again. Says which company CEO? Sega CEO. Sega CEO. Hajime Satomi. Yep. It is remarkably succinct and straightforward. Ballsy tone.
Starting point is 01:56:38 All the Japanese companies who care are pulling it back. Fucking... Yeah. Well, they're saying... Not gonna... Well, for sure. But so far, two of three have demonstrated it. Square Enix did more doing and less apologizing.
Starting point is 01:56:50 Yeah, you're right. Capcom's starting with the doing. But Sega's straight-up apology is unprecedented. Yeah. And it's... The language of we have betrayed fans... Yeah. But like...
Starting point is 01:57:06 It's nuts. What prediction? Other punctuation do you put at the end of the legacy of Sonic Team? And everything else... After that many bombs, what can you say? Can I please... Besides, we're fucking sorry. Can I please...
Starting point is 01:57:20 Remember... Can I please get a new Shining Force game? That's only if it doesn't... Only if it doesn't... Only if it doesn't shut down everything on YouTube. Just looking over at Liam and he just like... Smiling and... No, he just...
Starting point is 01:57:34 No, no, no. I'm happy until Pat exclaimed at which point it's mine. No expression. I'm just like... No. Because a dude at Shining Game came out on PS3 last year. I should like... Shining Force.
Starting point is 01:57:45 I know. But I'm just saying, like, unless they do a full... Did you say Shining Mark? Shining Arc's okay. Okay. But that's like saying, Nintendo, I demand a new battle clash. No. Not Metal Combat Battle Clash.
Starting point is 01:57:58 No, in a realistic sense, here's where you start. The Yakuza 5 thing is a great start. You know, that's a lot of that on Sony. Don't let her... There's another two that I'm looking for from you. Valkyria Chronicles. No, that already exists. That already exists.
Starting point is 01:58:14 That are currently coming out. Shenmue? Shenmue? No, that's not on that. Project Diva? Okay. Which they're releasing? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:22 It is pure game. It is good. It is very good. Sure. But don't expect that out of us. And me, especially. And Dengiki Bunko. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 01:58:30 Localizing a niche from that. Fighting Climax. And that Elephant game, you know, the one we all saw coming. The fucking Elephant is super fun. But I talked mad shit about Bunko fighting Climax when that was announced. I played it. That's a fighter. Here's Air Slayer.
Starting point is 01:58:45 Most importantly, they're localizing it. Here's what needs to happen. An anime ass, anime fighter. Yep. I will forgive them all of their trespasses as long as they don't let Virtua Fighter die. Yeah. Like...
Starting point is 01:58:59 I don't know. That's the deal. They put out Virtua Fighter products. I mean, Final Shadow came out not too long ago. People don't buy it. What are they supposed to do? They're huge in arcades. In Japan.
Starting point is 01:59:10 Yes. Which doesn't matter. No, but... You know what I mean? No, hold on. They're huge in arcades and they easily have their success in arcades. And then they make the home version and that covers its own costs and makes its money. Does it?
Starting point is 01:59:24 Yes. Supposedly. I mean, the Virtua Fighter 5 Final Shadow was the very first. Did they say it was profitable? Not to my knowledge. Because that's not an OPS plus it doesn't work. I assumed it was. I don't think it is.
Starting point is 01:59:36 Whatever. Don't let Virtua Fighter die. I think Virtua Fighter... Continue it on in the legacy of DOA. Sure. What? And like... I don't know.
Starting point is 01:59:45 I think that's its best shot. And if the only other way you're going to afford to make a fighting game is if you could put the Dorara guy in it, then you can do that. Fuck it. Look at Capcom. They'll take Sony's fucking money to make a fighting game. Fucking go to Sony and then pay for Virtua Fighter. Yeah, but I don't think this is much.
Starting point is 02:00:01 Many people are like... Yeah. Virtua Fighter World where they have Street Fighter 5. I need Virtua Fighter in a world like that. Why don't you go to second paper? Yeah. Two Best Friends Play presents an exclusive to the Two Best Friends Play Channel Virtua Fighter 6 footage on YouTube.
Starting point is 02:00:18 Liam, there's a... Like you joke, but like... I remember asking Lily this a million years ago. Four Street Fighter 5 existed. Yeah. It's like if there was a Kickstarter for Street Fighter 5. Yeah, of course. And then we would...
Starting point is 02:00:30 Everything. We would damage our lives. Mortgage the house. And I feel similarly to Virtua Fighter. And then I fucking love that. The only version of that question is, would you be okay if Virtua Fighter lived on in dead or alive? And the answer is no.
Starting point is 02:00:43 Okay. It's close, but it's not... Come on. Would you be cool if like, you know, like the next... Say the only viable thing for them to do was have the Dengue Kibunko Team make a 2D Virtua Fighter? No, god damn it! You need a full 3D Virtua Fighter?
Starting point is 02:00:58 Virtua Fighter defines the three... No, dude, I'm aware. I'm just throwing stuff out of the hole. Houses with burn. Damn. Oh my god, dude. I don't need to be upset for that shit. Fudo just needs the point.
Starting point is 02:01:12 But anyway... Akira's last appearance cannot be in Dengue Kibunko. Getting turned into a basketball. It's gonna be in Project Cross Zone 2. That's true. Or do you mean... My statement stands with a minor variation. Yep.
Starting point is 02:01:27 No, you're not wrong. I want him turning into a basketball. Goodbye, Akira. Yeah. Neaxa 5, you know what you can do with that game? You know what you can do with Neaxa 5? You go to local arcade and play a feature-complete arcade port of Virtua Fighter 2. Yep, that's true.
Starting point is 02:01:44 Can you cross the street and go to a Don Quixote? Yes. Pretty much, actually. That's what the game is. So, no. In Armchair CEO, we've done it a couple times with Sega, but quite frankly, you're like, yeah, start with a groveling apology here. But then act on it, please.
Starting point is 02:01:57 But then act on it, please. That's cool, though. Sega, like, they've always been defined by their games with, like, really unique gameplay, I find. And they have a few going right now that are really good series. You know, also, and I just want to clarify there, like, I don't care for, like, apologies, but I like the acknowledgement that something's wrong. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 02:02:18 And this was, like, I think we were here over a year ago where Square Enix said, we're going to focus more on RPGs and we all kind of went, We'll see. We'll see. We'll fucking see. Exactly. The default makes me think more than zero. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:02:32 But, you know, we were lucky enough to see Sega. And I kind of had the same place with Sega, though they've already got a feather in their cap because they are going to be bringing out the Fantasy Cedar Online 2 anime. Yep. That game, that anime will hit the West before the game. Possibly, yeah. It's possible. So, speaking of, we'll see.
Starting point is 02:02:54 Something's up with Devil's Third. And it's a little bit unclear why it's fair because something's going on. I think this whole situation just should not fucking exist. It was clear, but then it's not clear anymore. And then it clears up and then it becomes unclear. And then a clear person that's actually losing right now is Unseen64's credibility. There's an update to the story, though. I don't agree with that.
Starting point is 02:03:16 And so the problem... While they said a thing that's not true. Unless it turns out to be true later. Nintendo hasn't said their published thing. No, but they said that Nintendo has no interest in it. Well, it just started with rumors that it was straight up just not being brought over by Nintendo anymore. Nintendo of America. Nintendo of America was giving up on the publishing.
Starting point is 02:03:39 Still coming out in Europe. And then there was a little bit of back and forth and whatnot. And eventually it resulted in Nintendo just making a statement saying, We are excited to bring you guys Devil's Third soon. We'll have news in the future. Joe Canara said that Nintendo is co-publishing it or something outside publishing it. Itagaki made a statement saying, Itagaki made a statement saying,
Starting point is 02:04:00 I will bring Devil's Third to the Americas. And he also said something else that says, Don't believe his lies. He also said, Please don't eat me. I'm not really oatmeal. Well, in Japan, it's already been confirmed to be an Amazon exclusive, I believe, for the retail version. Yes, only on Amazon Japan for digital today. So something's up.
Starting point is 02:04:21 So they're Xenoblading it. The other actual bad bit of news is that there's a bunch of Europeans, like apparently a bunch of European outlets play the game and they were not very friendly. Yeah, I saw that. So what's the extra bit? The missing bit of news is Emily Rogers, who has multiple times leaked stuff from various industry things, including Nintendo.
Starting point is 02:04:43 Actually, she's leaked a bunch of stuff from Nintendo. She said it's going to be exceed. Yes, it's going to be exceed. It has to be exceed. She's straight up said it is exceed doing it. No, but I mean, that makes perfect sense. They're the company that does this. Well, they did the last story.
Starting point is 02:04:58 Yeah. They did Pandora's Tower. The last story is their biggest success ever. I remember they put it that way. Exceed does with Nintendo. Yeah. Put out bad games. The last story wasn't a bad game.
Starting point is 02:05:09 Well, no, but I'm just saying, this kind of all gets muted when it's like, Oh, a lot of people play the game and they say it's not great. Now that could just be- Nintendo puts out like average to not good games as well. Donkey Kong Barrel Blast, Game and Wario. I'm just stating the fact that in this game in particular, it might actually be shitty.
Starting point is 02:05:29 Who knows? I'm very open to that possibility. I still think of the idea of publishing a game in one region that it's your game. It's ostensibly your game and not publishing it in another region is like- The one thing that makes me go, ugh, I hate this. When you have a strong publishing. And Liam, I totally agree with you. I 100% agree with your exact reasoning in every way.
Starting point is 02:05:56 That's just ugh, but it would be slightly less disgusting if the console wasn't region locked. If the console was not region locked, There'd be a fucking solution. Oh God, I hope with the water passing that at least that mandate is- Here's open. That quoting quote initiative that he was alluding to. Yeah. Well, I feel like it should never happen.
Starting point is 02:06:23 Motherfuckers are gonna have to go into the next Nintendo investor meeting with Chainmail on. You know, like you're gonna have to fight back. Guys, we need to talk business. Fuck you. No, guys. Because a lot of us seem good about fending that off. You know that there are red wedding doors. You know there are businessmen. Right now, dry washing their hands, getting ready for that meeting.
Starting point is 02:06:48 Because they view this as their fucking chance to change things. Yeah. Fucking nothing's gonna happen. But I just want to point out those scumbags exist and they're getting ready. Anyone who utters the letters like mo- just get tranked immediately. What about the DNA guys? Who are working on it and having a hard time? People keep tranquilizing them.
Starting point is 02:07:15 Account system's gonna be somewhat delayed due to tranquilizer issues. Nintendo keeps tranquilizing us and spending money on us. Because Pandora's Tower and Disaster, as much as like I like, Big Harry's Stoppits, we can't turn it off. We can't turn it off. Xenoblade and Blastory always misdefine me. Well, these are played by people reloading the tranquilizer charts. You know, well...
Starting point is 02:07:39 Another code on. We, you know... Run! That's another game we're playing. I can see someone passing on that. It's Zengekino Regenleave. I can also... Anything made by Sandlot, any publisher can say no thanks.
Starting point is 02:07:52 Dude, the Degasso Band Brothers series. You know, we could just make up games and we would... Yeah, yeah. We know what Regenleave is, though. I know what you mean. But Regenleave, I know what that is. One out of three I recognize when this is... A marionation year for the DS, the mech piloting game.
Starting point is 02:08:10 That was the only mech piloting game. That one people totally made up for. There it is. The Exclamation Rangers. Amazing Nurse of the Chakuchan. I really got pissed. Sure. Mother 3.
Starting point is 02:08:21 You keep... Is Nanako Chan? Do you want to say Amazing Nurse of the Nanako? No, Nanakuchan. Nanakuchan. That's what he's saying. Okay. It's not a thing.
Starting point is 02:08:29 Because Amazing Nurse of the Nanako is a thing. But I don't know, like, Nintendo has a weird... Considering they're such a global company, I find it weird that they have a history of not localizing stuff. I think it's just N.O.A. going... It's a fight. It's a battle. They're a global company.
Starting point is 02:08:44 It's time for the next battle. They're ready for the next battle. They've been pushing that. Fatal Fury. Like, in a world... Fatal Fury. Fatal Frame is apparently fine. In a world where they can localize Tomodachi collections.
Starting point is 02:08:56 Yeah. And deem the word that needs changing to be collection. And Nidagaki Streets. And have it be a massive success. Like... Granted, yeah. Fortune Street was a flaw. Anyway.
Starting point is 02:09:07 Oh, well. You know, like... For a second, I thought Nidagaki Street... But they did it. Then you had to dodge a big sludge of oatmeal. Oh, yeah. Oh, you fucked that up. Nidagaki Street.
Starting point is 02:09:16 Nidagaki Street. But they did it. Because Mario was on the cover. Mario's on the cover. And they wouldn't have done Puzzle and Dragons if Mario wasn't on the cover. So, finally. Finally. Jade Raymond has come back to Montreal.
Starting point is 02:09:27 Oh, really? Yeah. Setting up a new studio called... For EA, right? For EA, really? And they're going to be working on Star Wars games. They're working with Visceral, right? Working with Visceral on Star Wars games.
Starting point is 02:09:40 That sounds good. How about Bounty Hunter 2? Do it. Boba Feth's game is a movie, for fuck's sake. That confirms... I know. It'll be cool. That's what 1313 is supposed to be.
Starting point is 02:09:52 So, Visceral... I think their last name was... Their last name. Their last game was... Prey 2 was kind of like Bounty Hunter. It was... Bounty of 2, The Devils, Cartel... Was that the last one?
Starting point is 02:10:01 Yeah. It was like a good game that was marred by the army of 2 games. But they're gaming made or Visceral? That Visceral Montreal made. I think it was Army of 2, The Devils, Cartel. But they probably helped out with other stuff out there. Yeah. So, I don't know.
Starting point is 02:10:14 I hope they can do something. She's clearly exhibited a talent to lead. She created... Was there anything after Eye of a Life that she worked on? Splinter Cell. Yeah, that wasn't even her, really. She was involved... But Splinter Cell Blacklist was the big one when they opened UB Toronto.
Starting point is 02:10:32 She was the person who brought UB Toronto up. Right. So, she seems totally apt. I'm looking forward to a future that may include actual good Star Wars games. Yeah. Again. Maybe. Star Wars games go in bunches.
Starting point is 02:10:47 Yeah. Yeah, give me that bomb bad racing, too. If we get a future where we have good Star Wars movies again. Yeah. That'll be amazing. That trailer's pretty... Well, not that... Whatever that is.
Starting point is 02:10:58 Yeah. It's a lot of trailer. But that's what I want more than a trailer. Yeah. I want out of context just shots from the set. Yeah. It does more for me. That's fun, too.
Starting point is 02:11:09 Yeah. Although, like, Phil was super right. Phil Dragash, he was just like, somewhere underneath all this teal, there's an actual Star Wars movie. And he color corrected a bunch of the scenes. And it's like... Wow. Yeah, you can see it. Speaking of Disney...
Starting point is 02:11:23 Let's get it. I mean, a big brand that they're returning to console gaming. Speaking of movies that were announced at Comic-Con... Oh. There's a side step. Okay. I don't even know what you're talking about. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 02:11:35 Is this a Disney Infinity thing? No. Marvel games are coming back to consoles next year. I did not see this. I also did not see that. They're gonna start making Marvel console games again. As long as they're good, that's fine. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:11:47 Now's the time. Just hold up your sign. When... It's Marvel 4. Marvel. That's your invention, your baby. I invented it. You invented it.
Starting point is 02:11:56 I coined that phrase. That's correct. You should copyright it. You should copyright it. We've played Marvel on the channel more than any other game. I don't want Marvel 4. I also don't want Marvel 4. I want Capcom vs. Capcom.
Starting point is 02:12:10 Yeah, that's what I want. Moving on. I'm glad to hear you say it again. Can they say what franchise it is? Marvel games will be returning to consoles. That could be anything. Let's just lighten it around a little bit. Because there's a couple things that popped up in Comic-Con.
Starting point is 02:12:25 Yeah, so we had the Force Awakens reel. Looks real good. Yeah, it's awesome. And I was to say there, we had the Batman vs. Superman Dawn of Justice trailer. I got to say that I really like the fact that Batman's whole thing... I called it... Is, dude, you fucked up Metropolis. Really hard.
Starting point is 02:12:50 You broke my tower. What are you doing? The shot they use in the trailer is ideal because it is... Running into 9-Eleven? Running into 9-Eleven before that is that sees eye lasers tearing up a building. And we all know that's from a scene in which the only person who can shoot eye lasers is Superman. So it's like unquestionable. Superman is wrecking that building.
Starting point is 02:13:15 I really, this is one of the most trailers where I'm like, what is this? Yes. I don't need... Is this a Batman fucking origin story? Because it made it seem like it was. No. Because people went, oh, this Batman vigilante people are talking about. It is.
Starting point is 02:13:32 And they showed the kid and they showed everything. It is. It looks like an origin story. They show his parents getting killed. Hold on. Dude, they show the kid with the coffin. Like, it's got to be in there. Stop.
Starting point is 02:13:44 Not for the whole movie. Batman's origin will be in the movie. We see it in the trailer. Yeah, yeah. But Batman's place in this story is post-retirement. Yeah. Because in the trailer, he walks by Robin's costume. And he's...
Starting point is 02:13:57 That is all busted up and says, aha, jokes on you Batman. What I'm saying is like, what I'm saying is that like, him putting on the mask origin type of thing. No, no, no. Different from... Yeah, no, of course. Him as a child. And that's 10 minutes too much. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:14:12 If you put a scene in where it has his parents looking... It's like doing like the next Spider-Man movie. I'll have the same reaction. Yeah. If you... This is a fucking origin story. Yeah, we get to read it every time. But no, but look, here's what it is.
Starting point is 02:14:24 Here's what it is. So I think it's cool that that's what Batman's motivation is. Yes. That's my favorite part. That's the cool part. Secondly, the actual fight between them... Looks good. If it's going to take all the knots from the comics that it seems to do, it's going to be a cool fight.
Starting point is 02:14:36 What's your favorite line that Mama can't tell... Okay, so if you guys get... If you guys get salt about our personal views on that, Steve, stop. No, one of the ones people always do. Stop, look. I just said two good things. I'm going to say a bad thing and we're going to move on to the next movie. Okay, fine.
Starting point is 02:14:52 I love that because I know we're going to share in that bad thing in a minute. It's really simple. It's that the fucking continuation of the paragons of human kindness that are Ma and Pa Kent, who are once again the most important moral compasses in the entire DC Universe, telling Clark, hey, you can be the hero and save people. Or you know what? Fuck it. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:15:20 Maybe. I don't know. That bus full of kids? I didn't like those kids. Maybe you should let them die. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Did you find a body, Clark? Do you know?
Starting point is 02:15:29 Did you do something? Did you pick something else? Did you don't know? That line bothers me, but there's a bit in the trailer that actually bugs me more. And it is the shot in which Ma Kent is saying that. It's just be their hero. It's a shot of Superman flying over a flood scenario of an old lady reaching out to him. Oh, the Christ.
Starting point is 02:15:51 Like he's a Christ figure. It's the Christ, yes. That imagery. Did you see the first one you didn't? No. That imagery is fine. You want to use your Christ imagery for your Superman thing? That kind of makes sense.
Starting point is 02:16:00 My problem is that Clark basks in it. He's not saving that lady. No, he's letting them touch the stage when the crowd is reaching out. He's letting that lady reach out to him instead of saving her. Which is Superman, doesn't it? Which is supposed to set up Batman's motivation even more. Oh, yeah. Like, what the fuck are you doing?
Starting point is 02:16:20 Yeah. To be fair, you might need to see the full scene. There's context or maybe something coming out. Maybe. Maybe. It could, yeah. It does look odd. That doesn't just hold himself in the air.
Starting point is 02:16:30 Absolutely. Wait for a few seconds. After he fucking jumps right to you. Of him basking in it. What? But it fuels Batman. Yes, because it's horrific. Like I said, the one thing here where it's like Batman's fight is based on the flaws
Starting point is 02:16:45 of Man of Steel. Genius. Great. Make that work. Fantastic. That makes me really excited to go watch this. Now, remember, we have a little news that piggybacked off this is that Ben Affle confirmed to write Direct and Star in a standalone, because that gets me fucking excited.
Starting point is 02:17:01 Yeah. Because Margo, he didn't write good movies, that guy. He's a great director. As far as director, then he's an actor. As far as starring goes, we got to see how Backflip goes. Of course. I don't know yet. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:17:12 That's one of the things that I have the most faith in as far as this movie goes. His crazy grump face works for me. I don't doubt his acting ability. I just don't think he looks like Bruce Wayne. Sure, okay. Like Val Kilmer vibe. I don't know. No.
Starting point is 02:17:27 Oh, that's fair. That's fair. I don't think, even though Michael Keen clearly the best Batman. Are you shitting on George Clooney? Nobody's saying nothing. Yeah, no one can really say anything. You go shit on George Clooney like that? No shit on George Clooney.
Starting point is 02:17:40 Michael Keen doesn't look like Bruce Wayne at all, but he was good. Yeah. Yeah. Like, what are you going to say? The best Batman is... Christian Bale is the best Bruce Wayne. I don't forget his name and I feel fucking... I don't think he's the best Batman.
Starting point is 02:17:55 I feel like an asshole right now for forgetting his name. But the best Batman is... Adam West. No, it's the animated series Batman. Bruce Connery. No, really. No, I don't care. He's the best.
Starting point is 02:18:05 When my brain says Batman voice, that's so good. I don't want to see someone with like a smooth voice and some sarcasm or kind of thing. I kind of want something closer to the animated series in general. But anyway. What I will say is that Alfred's casting is fucking perfect. Yeah, it's good. Alfred looks and sounds perfect. The line they keep using, the terms good men cool, it's great lines perfectly deliverance.
Starting point is 02:18:32 So the other thing there was a leak of a couple other things. They leaked the Suicide Squad trailer. One of the potato quality era now. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. The Suicide Squad trailer. Well, you know, it's the only way to see them for now. I did not watch the Suicide Squad.
Starting point is 02:18:44 I watched the Suicide Squad one. It's there. It's Suicide Squad trailer. We don't know enough about anything. Joker looks fine. Joker looks like... It's non-set. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:18:52 The Joker bit is... I can buy it. I can buy it. I can totally buy it. Is he damaged? It does not actually appear that he is damaged. How do you know? How do you know?
Starting point is 02:19:02 Do you know if he's damaged? I believe... I'm not sure. His parents might have missed. I'm not familiar with this Joker character. I'm all torn up and sad. My memory is so vague from five years ago. We'll see.
Starting point is 02:19:12 But I just, you know, I continue to wish that... He's all messed up, you know. I would put on a goddamn Jester hat, but that's just... Can I ask, did you look at the... All in the Family DLC for Arkham Knight? Yes. That's the... Yes, I did.
Starting point is 02:19:27 Did you see the Harley costume in it? That's your Harley. She wears it. She wears it. She's straight up wears it through that DLC. She's the clown that you like now. She looks fantastic. Yay.
Starting point is 02:19:35 She looks excellent. Unfortunately, that's now alternate Harley as opposed to default Harley. It's true. He's right. I know. I don't want it anymore. I know. But it's...
Starting point is 02:19:47 It's too late. It's too late. Now, like a note, an email went out internally at DC. It's like, if you're putting Harley in a book, it's got to look like this. No, sure. You go to any... I'm just saying you check it out. It's cool.
Starting point is 02:19:59 And people are cosplaying as Harley. They're doing pigtail. Yes. Just catch up to seven other Batman games before this. But that was their Deadpool trailer. Fuck yeah. I think you're right. It's going to give it to you.
Starting point is 02:20:09 It's going to give it to you. Nothing else to say, but Deadpool is going to be... That was quite good. He would have liked it if he had the trailer. He turned to the camera and said something, but maybe they're holding that. That'll be like the final final thing. The X-Men apocalypse trailer didn't even... It didn't tell you anything.
Starting point is 02:20:25 I saw the poster. I didn't see that. It's just the apocalypse. And it looks amazing. The poster looks hot. And it has Egyptian writing all around the sides. Now, granted, that trailer of all of the other ones, it makes the most sense why they're not going to show that, because all of the effect shots are completely unfinished.
Starting point is 02:20:45 Exactly. It makes perfect sense. People are saying, apocalypse should be larger. He should not be human-sized. He should be somewhat larger. He should sound robotier and scarier, et cetera. Yeah, because apparently, apocalypse's costume makes so much noise that they're going to have to dub him anyway.
Starting point is 02:21:07 That's only going to happen after Kitty Pride teleports Wolverine there and alters the weather, so he sounds different and uses her shrink ray to make him human-sized. Because Kitty Pride can do anything. I fucking hate that. What's wrong with that? In the last movie. You saw it, right? Yeah, that's good stuff.
Starting point is 02:21:25 The worst. No, it's great. She was using Haydn to send Wolverine back in time. I think apocalypse should be as far beyond mutants as they are beyond us. Yeah, I agree. So as part of this- I like how the sizzle reel of that trailer was bald. That was the whole big bang.
Starting point is 02:21:45 Right after I watched that, I went and found a fucking video of the old cartoon of things that apocalypse says. Yeah, that's what that's about. Dude, shit that apocalypse said in that was amazing. We had all of it to do with it. Go watch me and Matt playing Scrub Lawrence X-Men where half the video is us quoting apocalypse. There's the one that like- I am eternal.
Starting point is 02:22:08 I am eternal. It's the one as I am the eternal shore. Crash against me. And be broken. It's so good. It's so amazing. Nothing but apocalypse quotes. When that cartoon is dead and buried, those lines live on.
Starting point is 02:22:24 Always remember apocalypse. Remember the big A on his belt buckle. So what happened to me was I watched that trailer and then I went back and watched the post-credits scene where he showed up and then I was like, fuck it. And just went n7erd.wikiya.marblewikiya. Let me bone up. Let me bone up. And I just did-
Starting point is 02:22:43 Yeah, let me get through it. And that motherfucker can do anything he wants. What's his power list? Anything. Anything. His blood fumes mutants. Just grow his body into anything. He's obviously got energy manipulation.
Starting point is 02:23:00 Size. Time. Whatever the fuck. Not time. Not time. Not time's too broken. No time. Okay.
Starting point is 02:23:08 That's the other thing. That's beatable. He doesn't have Null's power either, so. Hard to hurt. And yeah, molecule re- There's a handful of like super OP powers he's missing because- You can't give him all to one person. He's not a legend.
Starting point is 02:23:23 So he's telepathic as well, right? Yeah. Tell it everything. I think so. Tell it everything. So spoil theory. Anything a mutant can do. Okay.
Starting point is 02:23:31 Yeah, because he's like the fresh mutant. So spoilers for this movie, Gene will beat him. Yeah. Yeah, Stanza will beat him. Stanza? Stanza's a stark. Stanza's a stark. So then the next movie-
Starting point is 02:23:45 Stanza's a stark. You know, she's written musically. And you know, this one, this next one is just- It's just me talking to the air, but- Alright. I haven't at all watched The Flash Show. I don't know anything about it. I hear it's just-
Starting point is 02:24:00 I hear it's alright, but aimed at kids. It's more goofy. More classic sci-fi. But if you're a Flash fan and you watched this trailer they put out, you can't help but mark out just a little bit. Does he run really fast? He runs really fast. And then Zoom shows up.
Starting point is 02:24:17 And then the voice of Jake Garrick shows up. And then Wally West. And then at the end they hint at Black Flash. Oh, Black Flash is cool. Literally everything cool about The Flash is in this next trailer. Are they all running really fast? They're running really fast. Okay.
Starting point is 02:24:37 But Zoom, he doesn't run fast. He stops time around him and makes himself go through it at normal speed. So he's really powerful. So he's inverted Flash. Okay. So I get back to me once Flash learns how to do his molecule speed power shit. He can do it. Okay.
Starting point is 02:24:59 He can do it in this already? Oh, in the show? I don't know. Yeah. But yeah, yeah, that's the thing. Because that- Because that shit- Absolutely.
Starting point is 02:25:07 When you're a speedster- There's an episode of Adventures of Lois & Clark in which Superman learned how to do that shit to get through a kryptonite laser grid. And that shit was bananas. Flash is the best part of Kingdom Cup. By a country mile. It's straight up like this. The whole story is like-
Starting point is 02:25:20 It's not even spoiler-less because it's ancient at this point. But there's an observer from another dimension that's watching this whole big, crazy DC war unfold. And at one point, Flash, Jr. just like catches something, vibrates out of our dimension into that one, grabs the guy and brings him back. And goes, who the fuck are you? What are you doing? What's going, you know? Like, there's an explanation of like how everyone's in the future when all the heroes get older. What happens to their cities and what's going on.
Starting point is 02:25:49 Yeah. And Keystone City where the Flash is based. It's like there's tales of Keystone City where anytime anything remotely goes wrong, there's a red light that just flashes and all mistakes get fixed. He is on patrol making his city perfect. That's where the Flash is. That's too much. He doesn't care about anything else outside of his city. But within his borders, there is none.
Starting point is 02:26:15 Superman's got Metropolis, so fuck that, it's not my problem. He fucks off because people make him. Yeah, but whatever, right? Yeah. This area of the world will be perfect all day every day. I am running laps on it every millisecond. I said a few podcasts ago, Flash is fine, but I always like as a kid, I was like, well, you know, in the mid 90s, I was like, Impulse is fucking good. Oh, Impulse.
Starting point is 02:26:36 Because it's the best name. Well, yeah, yeah, yeah. And the fact that you have Flash, Kid Flash, and whatnot, and then Impulse. And then you have Zoom, Kid Zoom. And you have Fastman. And the inverse of Impulse is Inertia. Yeah, yeah. He was like, yeah, yeah, all right, you got it.
Starting point is 02:26:53 All right, Inertia's all right. You did it, you know. Anyway, so that's what's cool. And I like the fact too as well that apparently at this year's Comic-Con, I didn't realize this, but they're saying the reason why Marvel kind of laid out a bit was because when Marvel did its big project, Marvel did its big presentation last year, DC lay laid out and just kind of, they took turns. I think that's fine because there's so much cross. There is. Yeah, they overlap.
Starting point is 02:27:17 But it's also the idea of like, they're taking turns giving each other a year to do your thing. Yeah, I know. And then we do our thing. I think that's fine. Plus, what doesn't count is X-Men, Fox. Yeah, that shows. That shows their fantastic foreign X-Men shit, whatever, that they're desperately clinging to. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:27:36 Where is my Ghostwriter 3 movie? I think they make more money not making fantastic foreign movies. So yeah, that's like, are you saying that in response to like the recent 3D conversion thing? No, no. Okay, so they're not even going to 3D convert the movie. Which is actually a good thing. Until you realize what it means. Oh, what it means, sure.
Starting point is 02:28:00 The lack of faith in this movie is so extreme that they can't even make their money back on a 3D version. But I like some movies maybe not being 3D because almost all of them that we see nowadays, it's never an option. But enough about that. We need to get to the story of the week. Yeah. Is it the other movie? What? The story of the week.
Starting point is 02:28:21 Amazon, Leaks, Criminal Girls 2. Thank you. Thank you, Willie. For a second I was really offended. For a second. For a second. That you would put anything above our opening story. But this, I must admit, takes the cake.
Starting point is 02:28:38 Alright, so what happened, Liam? The Amazon Japan accidentally put up a banner early for Criminal Boys 2. Criminal Boys 2. That's a different game. Coming out November 19th in Japan. And I guess it's going to leak in this week's Shimizu on Tuesday and I'm keen to see it. Of course, Image Epoch shut down. They were the guys who made the original.
Starting point is 02:29:00 Did they ever find them? No. They managed into the ether. God damn it. So I guess this is probably by Nipponichi Software. Do you think they can live up to the original legacy of Criminal Girls? Well, I was going to say the main flaw with Criminal Girls is the level design is fucking atrocious. So it's like if they can fix the level design it'll be a good game.
Starting point is 02:29:20 Can they decrep it up like 10%? Maybe. Maybe they will. Maybe they disappeared to become criminals to do some research. Yeah, it's possible. Have you totally forgot a movie in there? Batman, V Superman, Star Wars, Deadpool, Suicide Squad, X-Men. You were watching it when I came in here.
Starting point is 02:29:37 Oh, well, oh yeah, yeah, that's part of it. I put it later on the docket, but... Oh, that's a... That's not a movie, it's a TV show. It's a TV show? Yeah. Ash vs. DvDat. Are you for real?
Starting point is 02:29:47 Yeah, it always was. Ash vs. Evil Dead is a TV show. Oh my god, this is so much better. This is so much better. Yeah, that's not a movie. That's not a movie. Oh shit. But yeah, I'm kind of excited because I did like the first game.
Starting point is 02:29:58 Cool. And I hope the second game can be even better. I'm glad you endorse. It's... You know, everyone says Neptunia, but Neptunia's not as good. I don't think everyone says Neptunia. But that's the general go-to. And it's like, oh, Neptunia's the...
Starting point is 02:30:12 No, this one's the... Yeah, you know what, yeah. This one's the good, we've won. That one's the bad. Okay, you're talking about the ultimate. The ultimate. Yeah, booze. Which you're playing.
Starting point is 02:30:20 If you like Evil Dead 2 or Army of Darkness, I'm not going to ask about the first movie because we don't do that. See, Rami just swears off the first movie. Go check out... Go check out After This is Evil Dead. It's pretty much Evil Dead. It's down to a date. It's...
Starting point is 02:30:35 Bruce Campbell is the best. It's everything we want. And this is separate. They're going to continue making gory, non-Bruce Campbell movies based on Evil Dead because the first remake was successful and general people liked it. They're like, it's not Evil Dead, but it's a cool gory edition. So why don't you just don't give it the name? What I heard about After This is Evil Dead originally when that was the only thing that
Starting point is 02:30:54 existed was the name. I immediately wrote it off because I'm like, well, it's not what I want. What I want is Bruce Campbell having dumb adventures. Oh my God, it's going to be Bruce Campbell having dumb adventures. In fact, that's nothing but. And Lucy Wallace, don't forget. Never forget. Bruce Campbell looks great.
Starting point is 02:31:09 I'm your new best friend. They clearly fucking did a bunch of shit to make him not look like he actually does, but that's fine. He lost a lot of weights. What do you call it? And speaking of conventions, I guess, you know, in the shock of the century, Microsoft is skipping TGS 2015. Shock.
Starting point is 02:31:28 Shocking news. Hey, we have enough to show you. So for people who were wondering for the past few years, they've had a massive booth at TGS for quite a while, actually, going back to 360. So it's actually kind of interesting. Like, obviously, they're at their worst sales year ever in Japan, but like, for real, they were one of the biggest people, like, payers in Japan for TGS. It was always baffling that they went.
Starting point is 02:31:58 Well, here's the thing. They did. And they went in as big a fashion as they possibly could every year. Yeah, currently. Very American. Currently, Microsoft is working with a bunch of Japanese companies. Right? You've got...
Starting point is 02:32:10 You've called it a handful. In a fune, you've got platinum. Yeah. So let's call it a handful. You've got mages. You've got mages. Mages. Who are the guys who make Raiden?
Starting point is 02:32:22 I guess. Who are the guys who make Raiden? Yes. You know the Shmoop series? Yes. Raiden 5, I think, is on X-Bone. But they're making all of these games for us and not for themselves. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:32:35 It's a bit odd. So, I don't know. It's a shame. You know, in an ideal world, everyone could be successful everywhere. In an ideal world, people in Japan would not just, like, laugh themselves to death at the sight of an Xbox. Yeah. But at the same time, that's hilarious.
Starting point is 02:32:48 Yeah, it's doing fucking, like, abysmal. I feel like some laughter... Like, some company makes... Like, after was when we went 360. Yeah, now it's not even laughter. It's like, what is that thing? Yeah. I even forgot.
Starting point is 02:33:01 Now it's poking with a stick. Like, 360 wasn't even doing okay. Like, after 360's initial, like, volley of JRPG exclusive tells of Aspiria... They got a little bug here and there. A little longer. Most Odyssey Blue Dragon. Like, after that, it kind of, like, dove a lot. It's never come back.
Starting point is 02:33:20 But Xbox One is at, like, a level that the 360 never touched. Yeah, the Xbox One wish it could be failing the same way that 360 did. Yeah. I have to work hard to be a failure. It's really bad. No, but, like, it's worse than the Vita in North America. Yeah. Like, it is...
Starting point is 02:33:39 There's your comparison. It is hideous. And he would know. He has Vita's in North America and he plays it. Yeah. A couple of quick game announcements. Super Impossible Road's coming to PS4. That game looks amazing.
Starting point is 02:33:52 It looks really good. What is that exactly? I don't know. That is the game where... Imagine if jumping off of Rainbow Road to land back on Rainbow Road was the entire game. Oh, right. Okay. So it's procedural tracks where you drive a fast sphere down the track.
Starting point is 02:34:08 That's Super Impossible Road! Super Impossible Road, I have no problem confirming that this will be a drift immediately. Yes. For anyone who's familiar with the iOS or Android release, this has improved one with multiplayer, bigger levels, etc. Great. iOS and Android One is good, but this is the real deal. Super good.
Starting point is 02:34:28 What else we got? We got Mirror's Edge Catalyst, Woolly Edition. It comes with two statues of Faith. That statue is weird. It's like the same thing as Max Payne. Oh, Faith, huh? She's gonna have her sitting. It's making me happy.
Starting point is 02:34:43 Sure, but why can't she be her arm and her foot attached to the side of the building and have her in this dynamic pose? You're crazy, right? You're crazy, right? But I just... There's no physical Faith anything. Does it? No, I know. But you're right.
Starting point is 02:34:58 It disdains about Faith's transformation. Does it come with a temporary eye tattoo? It comes with a temporary eye tattoo. Wait, are you serious? Yes. Are you 100%? Yes. Wow, okay.
Starting point is 02:35:08 It also comes with an arm tattoo as well. I thought you were just throwing it out there. Yeah, I was just throwing that out there. I thought you knew. I was making a goofy joke. Here's this crow. Do eat. All right.
Starting point is 02:35:22 Sup. Fine. I'm happy with that. Whenever I'm like, oh, that'd be really dumb. It's awesome. And it ends up being the case? I'm always happy. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:35:31 Are you going to use them for our video? Are you kidding me? What fucking... Just I know some people don't like using that kind of stuff. Why am I? How do you use it? I'm going to use it on my first copy and then my second copy will be for keepsake. We need to videotape you putting the tattoo on and I hope you miss and get it on your eyeball.
Starting point is 02:35:51 Yeah, yeah. Well, you're going to have multiple opportunities because I'm going to rock that for a while. All right. I'm never going to wash my face ever again. Mom, make woolly wash his face. No. No, the face controls me. It's great.
Starting point is 02:36:09 It's great. Temporary tattoos don't work on black people. You know what? I was like waiting. I was waiting for like that. I bet you... You peel it and it just doesn't stick. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:36:21 I bet you it's because like EA marketing guys like, hey, this doesn't work on black people. What type of black person would buy Mary's Edge? That's nuts. Anyway, the demographic stats just don't add up. Just don't add up, sir. This is all white people came. We've got the next OVR engine game announced. Gravity Falls.
Starting point is 02:36:42 This game is for white people only. Yeah. Now... No, no, no, no, no. Hold on. Hold on. Better with connect. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:36:53 There we go. There it is. All right. You got Gravity Falls, 3DS, UbiArt. What a smart idea to use the UbiArt engine for things that can totally use it. It's a smart idea. The only bummer for me is like, I wish it wasn't only on the 3DS because... No, no, no.
Starting point is 02:37:12 Don't roll your eyes. I wish it was on consoles or Vita or anything because the art quality that UbiArt is known for will be diminished on the 240p screen. Kids that watch Gravity Falls don't care about it. My bummer... I wish I could see the art. If kids don't care, then just give them the shit art. You're not the demograph.
Starting point is 02:37:32 No, my bummer, if anything, is just that from what I have seen of the few little things with Gravity Falls I caught in states, that seems like a game that would probably be better off being like an adventure game, you know? Or something a bit more like conversational. You know this, but kids are stupid. Yeah, but if they're playing an episode of the show, that's fun. They're too dumb to figure out. I bet you.
Starting point is 02:37:59 Or if it's a failure... The phone platformer is fine. They'll port it to other things. It's fine. Because the UbiArt engine works like that. It should. But you know, when your resource material allows you to do more, it's nice when you approach it at the maximum you can.
Starting point is 02:38:15 I hope they can do it justice for fans of the show, because it is being made by Ubisoft Chennai, so. Which are inconsistent. Well, they last delivered the wonderful Smurfs game. I didn't even know. I didn't even know there was a Smurfs game. And they said that the creators are working with the team, but nowadays that doesn't even exist.
Starting point is 02:38:34 No, it means nothing. I don't think it ever did mean anything. I know, but I remember when I thought it did. Yeah, that was a better time. We're working with the original writers of this book when we're adapting the movie. Because if they announced that the new Prince of Persia was only on the 3DS, it'd be like what the fuck? That's stupid.
Starting point is 02:38:53 It'd be weird. But what's it kids? Adventure Time was 3DS. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. It's just because it's on UbiArt. That's all. If it was a Ubisoft platformer...
Starting point is 02:39:02 And they didn't mention the word UbiArt, it wouldn't even bother me. Fantasy Star Online 2 announced as an anime. I literally said this maybe 20 minutes ago. Yeah, but he's saying it again. It's fine. No one heard you. It's fine. I hope it's better than the Valkyria Chronicles anime, because that shows.
Starting point is 02:39:20 Is that ChestyP? Is that why it sucks? No, it just sucks. Oh, that's the worst. It's just a bad adaptation of a great game. Zach, shut the fuck up. If you want ChestyP, please go play Dead Gecki Bunko. She's in it.
Starting point is 02:39:32 I'm really excited. And she's really good. I'm excited to see how they do an MMO story, and if they play it like it's an MMO, or like it's just they live in that world. Trapped in an MMO? Which are they going to go with? Yeah. Is it a game, or is it the real life?
Starting point is 02:39:46 It's the real story. So I'm curious. I like the world of Fantasy Star, so I'm keen on that. And then we have the, you know, the new Transformers civilization trailer. Looks great. Looks solid. Looks like a Platinum game. It's way better than the initial trailer that Baylor shot.
Starting point is 02:40:00 And now that we have Ultimate Confirmation, that Platinum wants to make a fucking berserk. That's exactly what's next. That was next. That was next. It's really weird. Platinum's site tote. That they literally, like JP literally said, will never make this. I hate it.
Starting point is 02:40:17 He just said he doesn't like it. He doesn't like it. It's just weird to have two statements from a company that say the exact opposite. Oh, I guess the takeaway from this is don't listen to JP about the future. Attention, Star Fox idiots. Go away. Fuck you. Attention, Star Fox idiots.
Starting point is 02:40:32 I love you. I love you. Yeah. That's true. Man, I saw that. Dude, we had the brief discussion and I'm glad we worked it out. So Pat, where are you at on this? What do you mean where am I at?
Starting point is 02:40:45 Which games do you want to make? Are you for real? It's berserk by a million billion percent without questioning. I said that and I was told I was wrong. It's the wrong answer. That's the wrong game. Both are extremely hyped, make no mistake. Berserk is super cool.
Starting point is 02:41:01 The difference between them is you can make a berserk game five years from now. Kill La Kill is now or never. And they're right. Kill La Kill could suffer the same fate as Gurren Lagann. It's gone. If it doesn't get it now. It's not going to, if it doesn't get a game within the next two years. It's not going to.
Starting point is 02:41:18 It's not going to. Window of opportunity is closing. Berserk's window is widening as the mega starts again. Berserk's window is gaping open. The way is being lost. There's no opportunity. And because they did have the point that there's already two solid berserk games. They let, like, berserk has two games out and they're fine.
Starting point is 02:41:39 We all want an amazing berserk game. But let a thing that's not a thing yet. If you count Dragon's Dogma, Berserk has three games. Exactly. We all like it. But just let a new thing get a chance. I just, I just knew. You're right.
Starting point is 02:42:00 Yeah. That's what I said. They're right. You're right. And that's the end of that. Okay. You know. But I'm a berserker.
Starting point is 02:42:08 You're better. You're right, Willie. There's more stuff in berserk. Liam. You're right. I don't care. Yeah. I don't care more than I've never cared about nothing.
Starting point is 02:42:20 Okay. Because yes, kill a kill might miss its shot. But if the kill a kill game comes out and maybe what, all the berserk games just never came through because of the timing or whatever, I'm going to kill you. Dude, there will be another berserk game. But we'll play in the making. Berserk has. No.
Starting point is 02:42:40 Last no. You forgot a point. You forgot a point that this isn't even the perfect developer for berserk. It's not. Berserk is from soft. Yeah. You're right. Kill a kill is platinum.
Starting point is 02:42:53 You're right. And also Miyazaki in the Dark Souls 3 stuff has just explicitly stated, yeah, I decided to make this one even more like berserk. Which is great. Just make berserk. Just calm your motor down. It's not William's power. Specifically, Mirai doesn't like it.
Starting point is 02:43:08 Just like Lobby. If you're a human cool man and you're getting hard, but no, it needs to make more sense. If you go back and play Demon Souls, then you will get a lot of berserk. No, but you know, just like you. It's the berserkiest. It has to happen. It has to be gods. It has to be Serpico.
Starting point is 02:43:25 It has to be Farnese. It has to be Shirk. It has to be, what the fuck is that stupid kid? What's that stupid kid with the fire? Is she a shiro? Is she a shiro? Is she a shiro? Fire kid.
Starting point is 02:43:36 Fuck that kid. Who cares about him? Fire kid's fine. But you need it. Farnese and Serpico all day, every day on that boat. No, I agree. I want to kill-or-kill action game to happen. It's got the right setup.
Starting point is 02:43:47 And you know what? And you get it. And get it. Platinum's music technology is literally perfect for a kill-or-kill. Yeah. So, you know. That being said, chub back down. There's a better answer.
Starting point is 02:44:00 Team berserk. I'll beat your chub back down. There's a better answer. We need a sensible, you're sensible erections here. Not fucking- No. No. You can't be just, you're just beginning erections with the right.
Starting point is 02:44:13 Sensible erections are coward erections. All right, fine. Kill-or-kill on mobile berserk on consoles. How about that? It's made by Platinum. As long as it's good. Yeah. Touch controls are never going to be as good.
Starting point is 02:44:24 I know. And so, yeah. No, it'll chip it. Kill-or-kill would be perfect for touch controls. So that you can lose your way on the transformation with the boobs there. Yeah. Solve the problem. You play it again.
Starting point is 02:44:38 Koji Pro is disbanded, confirmed from Snake himself. Akio Otsuka. Well, there's no walk in this back. They're fucked. Well, but he didn't specifically say Kojima Productions. No, it's- He said Koji Pro. No, come on.
Starting point is 02:44:55 But we already know that they're shutting down at the end of the year, so it's like a non-fam. What was Dekoy ought to piss up to? You don't know. When? What time of the time period in which he was not up to something? Because I could probably like- We can answer this. Because that's the other theory.
Starting point is 02:45:11 That we have the Dekoy octopus through. Shut up! Shut your mouth! Shut up. Well, you used to be those people. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But now? You're enabled.
Starting point is 02:45:21 Now that it's making David Hader sad? Now what? Shut up. No, do it more. Anyway. It hurt me more. I'm baffled at the language used as being disbanded. I would have thought that team would have stayed together and gone somewhere else instead of
Starting point is 02:45:37 splitting up. They were specifically shipped to different ends of Japan. That's not what that means. Disbanded means that the team break apart. No, the studio just doesn't exist anymore. Yeah, no. Dissolve. That's what it means.
Starting point is 02:45:51 They're all still working on MGS-5 until it ships and the patches are done. The liner notes aren't going yet. The DLC will probably be handled by someone else if anything. Who knows? The patches and stuff. Aggression level is Setsur angry Joe from MGO. Oh, yeah. So what is going on?
Starting point is 02:46:11 They still tried to save. Of course he did. Everyone would. Well, I mean... So, you know... And then it's like, I'm not going to answer your question until the threat level... Remove the name.
Starting point is 02:46:23 Like, what is the fuck? It really sucks for all the Konami employees who care about the names. It's like you can't say the man's name ever. Ever. Ever. Like, why? Shut up. What the fuck?
Starting point is 02:46:37 You can't say the man's name? It's East Voldemort? No, we just said... No, someone sent a snake eraser back in this timeline to get rid of all traces of Kojima. He's fucking Skynet. Konami felt bad about it the whole time. Yeah, it felt bad that they killed him. It's probably all at work.
Starting point is 02:46:58 I cannot wait until... Every mention of Kojima gets turned into a lullaby lullaby. I cannot wait for the day after NGS5 ships and Kojima goes back to Twitter or whatever the fuck the contractor deal he's on lets him come back to Twitter and just like fucking Hey guys, what's up? I'm back. I'm doing whatever. God, that's not going to be...
Starting point is 02:47:20 That will be a happy day. Like, cut to Kojima lowering himself into the lava. You can only do this once, then you have to buy a new Kojima. Either that or just like the day after it ships. It's like, you know, Kojima's on Reddit, AMA. Or Kojima Live Twitch streaming now. That'd be amazing. Yeah, and you get there and it's a sunglasses sitting on top of a leather jacket and it's
Starting point is 02:47:46 like, I fooled you. And it just says, I'm okay. I'm actually over here. I'm okay. I'm not okay. His first tweet when he gets back is, I'm not okay. No, that's sad. And last, but certainly not least, 50 Cent is bankrupt.
Starting point is 02:48:04 What? I don't know. That motherfucker was the richest guy. So he has actually filed for bankruptcy. Exactly. So I'm like, after getting up the hyperbole, he's filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy. That's different. And quite simply, it's when you...
Starting point is 02:48:20 Did he not pay his fucking taxes? No, it's just, it's one of those things. Like, look, when you're rich and you realize that the most profitable move to make is to file for bankruptcy. I don't understand what that means. So that you don't become poor, which is normal. It helps you get out of shit situations financially. I don't know how you get in a shit fight.
Starting point is 02:48:39 Like, it's because of what? You be a rapper who's rich. It's because every time I pay him for all the time, he took out the trash. I guess. I don't get that. So we're going to have to start a week of 50 million dollars. And that is your decision-making process that you end up with zero dollars. Excessively.
Starting point is 02:48:57 I guess all the money is necessary. Or you don't pay your taxes. Or you don't pay your taxes, but that's different. That's, that's blade going to jail. I mean, that's... Apparently his taxes money is like, his money goes straight to the IRS first, and then they send him what he gets now. What he gets now.
Starting point is 02:49:14 That's what happens when you run. Because Wesley, you cannot be trusted. That's what happens when you try to ice skate uphill. Yeah. Can't do it. If you spoke to Wesley Snipes about possibly doing a new blade thing, even if he's not in it. While announcing that there's, there possibly is going to be a female blade.
Starting point is 02:49:29 Yeah. They, like, even if he's not the main character, even if he's not blade, they wanted to get Wesley Snipes's blessing for the new blade. And he's like, motherfucker, no, give me work. I need, I need money. The IRS. My blessing doesn't give me money, man. Gotta eat, man.
Starting point is 02:49:46 Gotta eat. Bring Triple H back. It was fun working with him. Yeah. Get him a metal nose. Yeah. That was a smart move. La Magra's revenge.
Starting point is 02:49:56 I always love the La Magra with you. I love La Magra. It's because you used to worship him yourself. Because he's... Back in Grenada. It's like, like, Deacon Frost is an understated villain. Yeah, he is. He really is.
Starting point is 02:50:12 If you want to get hype and tell us about how cool Deacon Frost is, I think Novak's way cooler than Deacon Frost. Send a letter to... I like Novak. I like the split mouth thing. Super best friendcast at Yeah, I guess. It's super best friendcast at
Starting point is 02:50:26 Yeah. We can say that because we don't have creepy vampire split mouths. Well, not yet. Not yet. And if I like your letter, then I'm going to put on my iPod tools. Yeah. And then read your letter a little something like this. What?
Starting point is 02:50:40 It's always great when you don't actually have the thing loaded up and it takes you like eight seconds to get it. Because the machine laptop is getting old and slow and it takes a second to maximize. Okay. We've got one coming in from Nesto. Yo, Nesto Wasapo. Hey, Nesto. Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 02:50:55 He says, call me York. Hey, York. What's up? Wow, that's confusing. Nesto. Nesto Yorko. Hey, Loader Scrubs. I'd like to ask how it feels.
Starting point is 02:51:03 Well, okay. Now that you guys are at episode 101. Yeah. Woo! Hey, we did really cool. Congratulations, whatever. Capcom suddenly starts selling a Mega Man collection with Mighty No. 9 coming out soon. Do you feel like they're being opportunistic bastards?
Starting point is 02:51:17 Is it the same time frame? It's similar. Oh, no. That's coming out in September? Same month. That's coming out in September, Monday No. 9 and the collection, I don't know, but I don't think it's opportunistic. I don't think so either.
Starting point is 02:51:30 I think the main is coming back. Yeah, it's not coming back. Like, you know, in the same way that like, you know, DMC came out and then Special Edition came after it. Like, just when things are happening, they're happening. I don't see that as that. I don't think they're being opportunistic. I think Guitar Hero coming back on the heels of Rock Band.
Starting point is 02:51:46 Oh, yeah. It's some fucking shit. No, it's not. We already talked about that. Come on. You're right. They've been in production for years. You're right.
Starting point is 02:51:55 You're right. Bobby Kotick's bear, you know. They were in production for years. You're right. You're right. You're right. Capcom has more of a thing to be opportunistic with a Bear Bones collection. Forget them.
Starting point is 02:52:07 Okay. I'm right there with you. Reggie did throw that Smash Brothers. Yeah. He did throw it. He threw it for fun. And then he told Bobby Kotick to fake production records for Guitar Hero to make you look stupid. Trance wants to know how the Ultra Good Buddy can glomerate.
Starting point is 02:52:28 That's us. What's the criteria for judging whether a fighter falls into Saturday morning scrubbers? I got this. Or F&F. That's a good one. I got this exact same question. We're exactly on my Twitter today. What games do you think Rock Band is?
Starting point is 02:52:40 We never clearly stated what exactly our criteria is. If it's a good fighter, it goes on F&F. If it's not, it goes on SNS. It doesn't necessarily have to be poverty, but it's like if it's too close to it. Or if the game is incredibly goofy. It could actually be good, but if it's a goofy premise. Well, it's like if we're laughing at it versus if we're getting hype at it. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:53:01 There's your line. Sometimes you get both. And the game that I think you didn't expect to. The game that I think walks the line would be something like Battle Fantasy. Yeah. It's right there. Right there in the middle. But I guess it's just like how smooth does the game feel as a fighting game?
Starting point is 02:53:17 Honestly, how good does it feel as a fighting game? What's the mouth feel? You know, we've had game before that we've played. I won't name it yet. See what's going on? Where like there's laughably low hit stun and recovery to your animations. And like, you know, just stuff that makes a bad feel fighting games. And the game's like trash objectively.
Starting point is 02:53:35 But we laugh more than we like. It was a great video. That more than Yatagarasu was just pure focus and hype. Exactly. And I think the, and the, let's, might as well talk about the, the comment we saw that encapsulates everything. Oh yeah, I love this comment. Where someone. Because both people are right.
Starting point is 02:53:52 They're both right. Yeah. Someone on the Yatagarasu episode said, I really can't get into these episodes with Friday Night Fist. Because I'm just not into fighters. And that's fair. And we barely, yeah. So it's like after 20 minutes of watching them play and just go, oh shit, oh shit. It's just not interesting to me.
Starting point is 02:54:08 And then the reply was, no way. I'm the complete opposite. Because they know fighting games. I love fighters and this is super exciting for me. Whereas the other guy was like, I like laughing at bad fighting games on Scrub Lords. Because I totally couldn't get on board with that. And it's just, yeah. It's very similar to something that I saw somewhere.
Starting point is 02:54:27 I don't remember what it was, but it was about the podcast. And it's somebody who was bummed out when we go nuts about finding each of 40 minutes. Because they don't know shit. Like they're just like, I don't get it. And so me and you and you guys will all talk about like, oh man, Ken's got the new run move on his trigger. And he can FADC cancel into his shit. And he can do this, this, this.
Starting point is 02:54:49 And they're going like, I don't fucking know what you're talking about. And that's a bummer. And I thought about that because that is a bummer, right? Yeah. But then I think back to, there was a Giant Beast cast episode in which Jason Hostrecker was explaining to the guys from New York, from Japan, East. Like, hey, I played Street Fighter V and E3. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:55:09 And if you, have you listened to that? No, but I know what you're going to say. And Vinny? Because I remember the Street Fighter IV version of this. I love Vinny. He's my favorite guy of all those dudes. But like Vinny and those guys, since they don't know anything about it, like Total Novices, Jason got to tell them that Charlie,
Starting point is 02:55:27 sorry, Nash and Chunli and Bison and Ryu were in the game. He got to briefly explain V Trigger for maybe a minute. Barely in it. Barely. And got to say that he really liked it. And that conversation lasted almost a half hour. Like, if we had to slow down and explain every bit of nomenclature as we went through a fighting game discussion, you would get nothing.
Starting point is 02:55:54 You would get actually no discussion at all. And ultimately, I kind of think what his story comes out to, too, is that like, part of what this podcast is is the shit that we're excited about. Yeah. So it's like, you know, we're doing, we have a docket and we have a plan, but ultimately we're just talking about shit. So what fighting games need is a dictionary. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:56:14 Like a straight up thesaurus. And as helpful as that could be, there's the people that will just not do that. Yeah, but some people want to. And currently, the effort required is too high. So when you say, when you just said like, you know, what goes in the struggle is poverty games. I didn't know what that meant until a month ago. Okay. Well, the poverty.
Starting point is 02:56:34 I don't even think poverty is accurate. No, no, no, no. But I'm just talking about the language here. But bad fighting games is the word to say. No, there's, okay. There's, you know, it's like, what's a mix up? What's a rush down? What's a turtle?
Starting point is 02:56:46 Because the person that's listening to that and doesn't know what a mix up or rush down is might still be the person that knows what drawing aggro and tanks. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. No, because, and that's it. Like, dude, when you go off on FF 14, some people are in, some people are out. And that's why I've been trying to cut it down. But some people are in.
Starting point is 02:57:01 Yeah. Yeah, but all of those people are in and playing with me when I go home. That's true too. I don't need to tell them about it on the podcast. That's exactly true. But just the show, I feel like that's something where these types of shows, it's like, yeah, it's going to be a part of it. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:57:17 Like, it's kind of exciting and it's fun. We're going to have fun with it. But that explains every video on the show. We're either having fun with it or fucking or dying. Yeah. If you're that person who's frustrated about fighting game lingo, you should start fighting games. They're good.
Starting point is 02:57:35 I don't think it's the lingo. I think it's just the intense matches. They don't, they're not seeing. No, I'm specifically talking about the podcast like languages. Yeah, sure. Yeah, but that problem, that can't be fixed. The one you're describing with the tone of shit versus non-shit. There's no fixing that.
Starting point is 02:57:52 That's just taste. Because if you're not into it, you're not into it. And if you're not into that, like there's a bunch of people that love fighting games that don't want to fucking watch shit matches of Superfighter. Yeah, exactly. I don't know. But, you know. It's hotly debated.
Starting point is 02:58:06 Hotly debated. We're all Venn diagrams. And then there's the turning players that are like, when are we going to get the money matches for Jackie Chan, Fist of Fire? Yeah, exactly. You know? It's all fucking nice. We're going to get money matches on Superfighter.
Starting point is 02:58:22 Superfighter. Superfighter. Well, we get some money matches on Yatta. Yeah. You know what? Give, give, give. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 02:58:32 Set a date. Gay brood says if you could do an LP with a celebrity or VA, who would it be and what game would you play? I feel like we've answered to the similar. I feel like we've answered this before. Because I remember saying Gilbert Gottfried had a whole boyfriend already. Yeah, yeah. That was a podcast title if I recall.
Starting point is 02:58:49 It was. So that's my answer. I'd play something fun with my best friend Takahara. You mean my best friend Takahara? They're doing it again. They're doing it. You can't have them. I met him first.
Starting point is 02:59:01 I met him best. I met him most. I don't know. I don't know. Celebrity sound. I don't know. Yeah. Because it's like, I don't know them.
Starting point is 02:59:13 You know what I mean? Like, I don't know if I get along well. Like, it could only be a celebrity that you actually know loves that thing. How do you pull in fucking Michael Cain and say, hey, play this fucking bird? Like, if I said a wrestler, right? Yeah. If I said a wrestler, like, I don't want the person. I want the character.
Starting point is 02:59:28 You want the character. Yeah. You want your perception of them. Yeah. Play Goldust Adventures with Goldust. Yeah. With Dusty. Dude, I don't know.
Starting point is 02:59:38 With Dusty. Because it's like, even if you were to pick someone in the game industry who you think you have a good idea of their tastes and stuff, you still don't know them. You know what? I play a Spider-Man game with CM Punk because he loves superheroes and comics. So, there you go. That's what I say. A lot of the people that I pick are like, it's going to be a little tough considering
Starting point is 02:59:57 they don't speak English. Yeah. It's like, Kamiya with anything. Well, Kamiya and his translator. Yeah, but that's shit for an LP. Of course. His LP have been at a one. He's awesome.
Starting point is 03:00:10 But like, again, he might not even like you. Yeah, he must. He probably hates me. He probably hates me after that fucking shit that Matt told. Why would he hate you? And I didn't do anything. Yeah, I don't know. I'm not good at this kind of thing.
Starting point is 03:00:24 Amen. I got the retweet. I'm good. You could get Swarry to do something. Yes. Oh, yeah. Because he likes us. And we like him.
Starting point is 03:00:33 I shouldn't play a game a lot later, too. You scoff like it's not one of the best fighting games ever. No, but I just love how you're like, I don't care about this man. But I love the fucking work on this. I don't care about him and his work is shit. I am so in on fucking Last Blade and have been for years. That's fair enough. But you'll ignore how much you hate deadly premonition.
Starting point is 03:00:57 I'm not at the 20s. Did you play D4 yet? No. That's not why you hate deadly premonition. Don't try and pull that shit. You hate everything about deadly premonition. Any other questions? And you're not wrong.
Starting point is 03:01:10 What? Tim Ken. I want to know what your favorite vehicle in a video game is. Vehicle? Oh. Oh. The train in Tormentum. Train in Tormentum?
Starting point is 03:01:20 The metal train in Tormentum. Agro. Agro. Agro is pretty good. The Slave 1 in the Rogue Squadron games. The Epoch. The Epoch. Epoch.
Starting point is 03:01:33 From CTV. Yeah. Oh, it's fucking... Yeah, Slave 1. That's Slave 1, but I don't know what else. I'm going to say the Chocobo period. I also really, really enjoyed Platinum Robo a lot. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:01:52 I guess. Like, what's that word that Wikipedia uses when... We can say it to you if we're going to go there. What's that word that Wikipedia uses when one title or word can mean like 30 different things? Is it disambiguation? Disambiguation. Yeah. Sure.
Starting point is 03:02:10 Like all variants of Chocobo through time. No, Rex. Citation needed. Metal Gear Rex. Metal Gear Rex. Metal Gear Rex. These are not vehicles. These are not vehicles.
Starting point is 03:02:20 How is it not a vehicle? Because its primary function is not to get from... It's not transportation. It's not transportation. We're all fucking busy to do that. That's cheating. Agro's perfect because horses exist to move. All of us are fucking...
Starting point is 03:02:31 I could pet that horse. The train is like, you get on it, but it's really... To be fair, the train is like a level more than a... Or a picture rather than a vehicle. But it's so fucking cool. It's fucking cool. The train in Lost Planet 2 is pretty amazing. That's the level where you determine if you're a real Lost Planet tier or not.
Starting point is 03:02:52 Best. I'm going to move on because I don't want to engage with somebody who said Lost Planet tier. You haven't played Lost Planet enough, that's all. What's coming up on the site? We have a brand new mystery box with a special guest coming up this week. Astro Boy continues to shop and amaze. That game is awesome.
Starting point is 03:03:13 We are deep in Astro Boy. We are so deep in and we thought we hit the bottom. But the bottom just gave way to another top. It's really good. It's really good. The story continues to either intrigue or enrage. Yeah, exactly. And mostly intrigue.
Starting point is 03:03:32 I was talking to somebody and had the pleasure of having the exchange of, Hey, so you guys must be almost done with Ride to Hell. Like, no or not. You're not? We are. There's more? We are, though. But you're not.
Starting point is 03:03:47 There is more. There is more. There is more. There is more. There is more. We are, though. But you're not. There is more.
Starting point is 03:03:55 Yeah. But not much more. One more session's worth. Yeah. That's too much. And that last level man. One thing you're doing that you hold within DLC. Anyway.
Starting point is 03:04:09 Not you, too. What are you going to play Rocket League? Yeah. When are we going to play Rocket League? We're going to play that again. That's a good old question. You know what? We did it.
Starting point is 03:04:19 We already recorded it the day it came out. I was talking to Liam when we came. I can't believe how much that came in. I didn't expect a lot of people to be in. I didn't know. Because I loved the first one. I didn't know. That's like I was talking to Liam slightly earlier.
Starting point is 03:04:32 It's like, you've got to make those preview pictures so I can put that up. The only thing is, we're idiots. We didn't play any of this put screen. Yeah, well, I told you there was and you said no. But we had a blast talking to him. It's a lot of fun. Making fun of soccer. Making fun of grease.
Starting point is 03:04:47 Yeah, making fun of grease and soccer. That's the high ground. Timely. Hopefully time permits, but me, Pat and Liam should have a look at a game. Hopefully it'll go up in the near future. No, today. Oh, today? Yeah, Tuesday.
Starting point is 03:05:01 Tuesday. That's correct. Hopefully tonight at nine. So Mike, tomorrow. But it is a bit of a rush schedule. So maybe not, but hopefully. If it's the end of the world, Wednesday morning. Wednesday through the park.
Starting point is 03:05:13 When it's Seattle, it's just going to fall into the ocean, right? Yes, soon. Yeah, soon. Vancouver too. I don't know. So I guess it's all already fell into the ocean. It used to be. Oh God.
Starting point is 03:05:23 If you live in Richmond, you're fucked. Richmond, Virginia. No, Richmond, British Columbia. Because that place is built on a swamp. So any natural disaster will sink the entire city. Was it Bert Reynolds that got into trouble for just hijacking water from a. Some like that. A fucking hydrants in LA.
Starting point is 03:05:42 And illegal water hijacked. And truck loads of water going to his house. You remember. The crime. Does everybody here remember the movie John Q with Denzel Washington? Yeah. Do you remember the climax of that movie in trailers? Like my son is going to live.
Starting point is 03:05:56 Damn it. That's what's happening. But with water and it's my grass is going to be green. Damn it. Yeah. Yeah. What are you looking forward to? Fantasia.
Starting point is 03:06:08 Film festival. Like. Yeah. Geez. That's a big one. I'm really looking forward to that. Yeah. That's all.
Starting point is 03:06:16 And the new Godzilla game comes out today. So I'm going to. Bravo the week after next week's SGC. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And of course, you know, like fucking EVO. However, I'm going to like.
Starting point is 03:06:28 It's fucking this weekend. It's fucking. Yeah. And you know. Watch finals in the hotel. We'll do it in the hotel. And that'll be it. You know.
Starting point is 03:06:37 How does EVO sneak up on me like this? Yeah. And it just. It's like. What's that? What's on that? It just sent me a picture of the bracket search and woolly no results. And I'm like, man, like I've talked about this.
Starting point is 03:06:51 Yeah. You have to talk about it every day. It's. For people to actually. You know what? Get a Twitter bot. To get back into the. I will not be participating.
Starting point is 03:07:01 I will not get into the EVO game. I got to disappear from the channel and just play Street Fighter. You're shit now compared to what you used to be. I have to quit my job. And we're all shit compared to what we used to be. Actually, I went to a tournament the other day. Not that bad. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 03:07:16 Like not as much rubbed off over time. No. What's more of a problem? It's not that. The problem is the ultra matchups are just. There is. I'm a couple thousand matchups away from knowing. No.
Starting point is 03:07:26 Which I'll try to. Oh, wow. Elina. So luckily. Yeah. If you guys have been listening to our content and watching our videos and listening to the podcast, you might know that there's a new Street Fighter coming next year. So soon you can just forget about those.
Starting point is 03:07:40 So honestly, fucking forget all that shit. That doesn't matter. Yeah. Yeah. It's the new game time. Yeah. Soon. And we will have at least a year of old skills applying the new shit, but of noob stomping.
Starting point is 03:07:54 So before everyone catches up. But playing like with you guys and having fun and just going online and whatnot is never going to be me putting in competitive. No. No, not at all. Not with this. Yeah. It's just impossible.
Starting point is 03:08:07 I will be playing a lot of that. Yeah. If I can get past the first seed, if I can get past the first bracket, I will be happy. Okay. If I can literally don't instantly lose and be eliminated. Yeah. Then I can at least know that I'm above some percentage. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:08:44 Yeah. No. Unless I get fucking paired up with Sanford or Tyco. You get a buy and then you're against Fudo. No, not Fudo. You threw those names out, but those are literally the names I got. I know. I threw them out.
Starting point is 03:08:56 Okay. I said that because even though you were pretty decent for a while, you got fucked. There was no escape for you. For me, it doesn't feel right unless I at least make it back to where I was in my pool. That's too high a goal. I need to get back to pool finals. I need to get out of the pool to surpass where I was. That's going to be rough, man.
Starting point is 03:09:18 But the competition will never be fiercer than it will be a year from now. Actually, that's not necessarily true. Maybe. You've got a point. Because 0-9. Yeah. 0-9 was the... Rebaths.
Starting point is 03:09:33 Yeah. 5 games. They're coming. And how many... Yeah. 3, 5, or 5? Right, I don't know if that's the case or what we're going to have. 1.
Starting point is 03:09:44 2. Technically. We have already internally confirmed 2. Look, man, everyday videos go up at 3 and 9, but if random footage just starts showing up. No, you know what it is? You know what it is? Every character added gets a fist to cuss.
Starting point is 03:10:07 Look, we have some... We've got to work out some issues. No, I'm talking real game, real out. I know. I know, but we're going to have to work out some issues. 1-4. There's going to be a lot of raw footage. There will be a lot of raw footage.
Starting point is 03:10:21 Yeah, lots of raw footage. This footage is really raw. Anything else on the watcher? I know, we're good. I think I'm good. My boyfriend comes out in two weeks, so I'm excited for that. It's got new content. Okay, I'm excited to be going out of Combro with you guys, and I don't know.
Starting point is 03:10:37 Yeah, I'm just keen on Combro. I'm going to try and catch a couple of movies as Fantasia. Oh, and I'm going to finish Steven Universe this week. Oh, it's fucking good. Yeah, Steven Bob is currently going on better. Should I fucking hub on that? No, you wouldn't like it. It is that I wouldn't like it.
Starting point is 03:10:55 No, you'd love it, dude. It's great. Oh, you just said it. You're good at that. I was going to say something else, but it's gone now. Shit. You should hub on it. Yeah, I think you'll like it.
Starting point is 03:11:05 It's totally gone. Whatever the fuck I was going to say. Oh, yeah, the Witcher patch that is finally going to fix the fucking game. Is this the one that says Pac can play it now? Yes, it is supposed to come out like today, tomorrow, the day after. 1.08? 1.07. And you look down the change log, and it's one of the largest RPG patches I've ever seen.
Starting point is 03:11:23 It's fucking massive. Including a completely new control scheme. Yeah, an alternate one. You know how Geralt, like, you move him and he takes a minute to decide whether or not he's going to run forward? And he runs like a hero, Jank. They finally said we're going to put in an alternate control option that is probably literally going to just be lifted from Witcher 2.
Starting point is 03:11:46 Like the way you move there, which worked great. And they said, like, we're not going to change it for everyone. It's an option in the toggle, because if you're 80 hours in, if we force the change on you, you'll get all fucked up. He's like, okay, fine, fine. Well, with all that said and done, this week we're going to be going with the Outro song dedicated to Iwata, which was a balloon fight, a balloon trip remix by the original composer who threw this up this morning.
Starting point is 03:12:14 On SoundCloud. Which is amazing. So that was super cool. And yeah, enjoy. Rest in peace a lot. Rest in peace, man. Hearts out to his family. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:12:26 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

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