Castle Super Beast - SBFC 105: OOPS! All Goatporn

Episode Date: August 11, 2015

Gamescom wrap up, Scalebound hype, Steven Universe and the exclusive Attack on Titan live action movie review!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm usually of the goat porn variety that's that's okay their cheese is easier reverse mermaid wait hold on reverse mermaids wouldn't even have knockers they wouldn't mind you oh they have the fish thing yeah they got paper mash out knocking off more and more of the fish and just why don't you just have a girl why don't you go for a girl it's just kids you know the girl fish with tits on it like starbarians style oh god starbarians wait a while but just boobs nothing like just a fish that's what I get from what Matt's describing someone yeah okay show me they said hey look I think it might be
Starting point is 00:00:56 playing but look sexy shark and he posts me fan are of a cartoon shark that is quite attractive yeah I don't know how to describe it other than that over the mountains where there's not usually mountains great so very interesting a quick google so it brings up an urban dictionary definition of the phrase crazier than a fish with tits no kidding yes every language combination has been done already we're excited to let you know that horse is partnering up with your favorite goat cheese porn wasn't sure that you were getting a new round of advertisers that's where you would not believe how
Starting point is 00:01:33 hard it is the horse and type in slash from William you get a five year subscription to horse and they'll drive you there it's a platinum it's funny the second question that wasn't here to here at the first time I heard a little bit I heard a little bit I got people like look what's happened so the first thing that I said was how did this get so out of control like we were talking about this before you guys were here and he's like the fucking first podcast I'm not here you guys are just taking horse pornography ads what so well well someone got in touch with the yes domain names and I was partial to horse
Starting point is 00:02:14 porn. guru yeah that's a good one I like horse porn. pizza the knowledge makes it stronger horse porn.exactly what you horse porn.trump yeah and it always leads back to super best friends. slash angel as it should as it should yeah yeah that's right that's right we got a quarter of that market a proud subsidiary. I became increasing as we recorded that video I became increasingly threatened that you guys are saying no put in horse no put no put like I'm convinced that you want me to rotate through url yeah until something real came up. we need to find a hit horse yeah exactly. Blimey either blimey this is the
Starting point is 00:03:06 biggest I've ever done see. of course but of course there's fucking people parking there yeah like yeah there should be. I don't hate domain space. sex is getting weirder and weirder if I park on this domain name eventually I'm gonna make a lot of money when the horse overlords come down I first the horse lords rather I for one welcome them yeah I saw I saw a magazine recently that had sir Jessica Parker on the front and I there was another article and I was like maybe great one of those things were like they have a picture and they have an unrelated article but it seems like it might be that I just want sir doesn't park and it
Starting point is 00:03:43 says shadow facts the lord of all horses yeah that's fair that's fine she can take it no one can take it it's kind of like that that Brittany in brawl yeah yeah that's too good right shit like that yeah up be as toxic which was that the one that you like that's her song oh we were hanging out on weekend and toxic came on and you started yelling at the radio because you love the song so much it's that fucking violin yeah that's that's right it's just not all I live in a world with a violin that good in the Britain I want a series of music tracks in which the violin has been replaced with Matt's wine noise there
Starting point is 00:04:37 it is it's the gruesome theme of music that's that's great made it there you go there you go yeah so Liam you took us down this road into into well actually I could record right as Matt said the word Gork Gork Gork Gork no my son's name is also Gork's right instead of talking about go porn so I didn't get the context of it so just keep in mind that you have an isolated clip at this point alright just saying yeah although zone has confirmed that there might be a sound good thing our audio quality is so consistently low that no one will ever use that soundboard yeah exactly nothing redeemable coming out of there yeah it's
Starting point is 00:05:19 like I can't are they taught what are they talking about just sounds like forks through a microphone if we've done no our secret if we've done our job right by the time we die one of our clips will be on a morning zoo soundboard yeah that's when you know you're maybe that's the dream is it harder to get on that than it is to like win a giant award yes like what's harder winning an Oscar or getting on that soundboard getting on sound because the award is awarded for competency in some crap yeah you can work towards the soundboard feels like a random select you have to hit hard but is abstract taste you have to like fail in
Starting point is 00:06:03 the most extraordinary manner or succeed in the most extraordinary god that is a chance that is the dream isn't it a chance or just sound like an air horn every time you talk one some word will come out good we need to get air horns no no I bookmarked the instant rap air horn calm and then oh it's like I immediately regretted oh too bad it's too late that bookmark will live on forever in your in your mind's mind it's fine yeah wow feeling the energy right now yes it's pretty high someone want to take it away I'm pretty happy I'll take it away fuck it wait isn't this episode the true yeah it's the true
Starting point is 00:06:40 birthday true anniversary yeah we're idiots double birthday every time every every time you know it's great about why would you do not why would you deny yourself two birthdays when you can have them yeah yeah that's why that's why having your parents be divorced is the shit this is the genealogy like yeah oh yeah you can have as many birthday on the year as long as you can tell different groups of friends when your birthday is no man's friend or a science you can find out about her well yeah well yeah I guess technically not fine technically not move on to the next subject next question what's the next
Starting point is 00:07:18 letter we got it what's our next letter all right so we got one coming in so I'm just that's the justin okay justin wants to know what your favorite person to call what your favorite codec call I'd say get in paramedic paramedic paramedic because she just talks about movies all the time you see it sit like paramedics more consistent but Sagan talks about that dream where he shit all over the place yeah that one I like calling me like mailing my favorite yeah yeah I'd say mailing as well I like calling me like her info is so sage super calling me like in the original but not
Starting point is 00:08:05 twin snakes well that's what I'm that's what I mean mm-hmm she's just laying without the yeah I'm no I'm only talking about the original maybe Colonel Campbell the girls I speak to must sound racist for me to get anything out of the racist yeah I don't know she's from California so that's why she was made because it made no sense at all she's a second generation Chinese immigrant that grew up in like fucking so Cal she went to a Chinese only school that's why no accurate agree to disagree there all right but that's that's where that was pyramid so save game ladies they're
Starting point is 00:08:46 obviously the best especially in Metal Gear 2 good yeah what about data though what about data the monkey yeah he's okay he's cool like okay but the call isn't the moment the call you're saying save game ladies right so I mean you go there data it's the dance it's not the call I it's all about I like the girl in Metal Gear who you'll try to call her but unless your valor is high enough she'll be out shopping or something I don't know and you have to raise your valor high enough to be able to get through and she'll be like your rank yeah and she'll be like you're cool I put a rocket launcher in this room for you
Starting point is 00:09:21 yeah yeah but otherwise you'll just get someone else picking up the phone saying ah she's out at a tanning salon or some shit yeah she's kid did she not be helping with this mission to save you think so no she's got that thing where she needs to be a burnt chicken but we're gonna withhold resources from you what game is this and Metal Gear Metal Gear it's great one yes there's no one at the end okay I've never actually played Metal Gear for the 10 minutes it's bundled in subsistence you give me I played it for 10 minutes okay and I was like you it's old you know barely counts but any any smash codec oh yeah like like as far
Starting point is 00:10:01 as like favorite conversation goes we've answered that question and you know like mine is like polished to a mirror sheen like that entire fucking gun porn yeah but no calling mailing I like I like the sequence of codec calls in MGS for where you're like oh this is different from other Metal Gears like switch swapping the controller won't work or you got to switch the disc oh wait we're using a blu-ray disc like you're like what yeah exactly those are those are good that's a codec guys are strong like why aren't you use like a mono TV a mono TV and this day and age snake yeah what a shame what are we watching he got one
Starting point is 00:10:37 from Nicholas and he wants to know how's your pickle list what what what are the games you've bought the most copies of multiple times it was able to third strike and resident evil for resident evil for now he's I have every version but the PS2 version but the PS2 version yeah I have to version as well yeah that game without a doubt but yeah it would be Metal Gear 1 2 and 3 actually the most copies of BMX triple X and I'm not going to explain why yeah yeah well just in case one breaks you gotta have them titties yeah yeah no I think I think I
Starting point is 00:11:21 have five or six copies of third strike in like that's not even counting anthology and that's not even counting like the second the first and second iterations of which you have as well second impact second impact like the real question is here is how many games you own multiple copies of yeah and that it's like oh it's bad how many steam codes of back yeah so one when you incorporate steam into that problem it gets stupid yeah of course of course which which but like do you have the most 50% off coupons for right now I think like all the only two portal to a million fuck's sake stop it the game is
Starting point is 00:11:59 good it's good good game already got it I already gave it to multiple people we got one coming in from Dylan and I wasn't even bothered yeah well I didn't really bother either you didn't and that's my favorite pocket this is even at neoge cast and he's basically asking me he's saying that he listens to music all the time and loser he's been like playing certain tracks on repeat like father gas coin and the same rule theme what you guys been listening to on repeat recently I don't think season two soundtrack because yeah I didn't realize that they're just different tracks Maya's theme is not it's not the one you
Starting point is 00:12:40 hear it's completely different trancey house thing I don't like it as much but it's still great and it's still I like it when you get a soundtrack like a game sounds specifically and I don't mind it if they do both tracks like arcade or whatever the source one and then a weird remix this is just all weird me mixes like almonds one is fantastic and that's just the one I have had on repeat like all week I've been listening to Beyond the Bounds a Sherrick mix oh that track is so good Zoe to remix track that on official remix track no I thought that came on us on a special version it's official it's official that's why I
Starting point is 00:13:17 just said oh yes sorry I thought you said unofficial that you said it's official unofficial on a steak and I'm nuclear by Michael of course can you guess what game I've been playing this week yeah I have a good like maybe 80 or so listens required up ahead of the new news album because drones just came out I got a properly listened to that in every setting like in transit yeah home while working with girlfriend wanting attention all the different settings as your phone has a camera acting where you are black are you sure you want to play this right and no there is a rap I'll offset that by I'm also listening to
Starting point is 00:14:00 watch the throne a song more to your preference yes to your tastes it's like yeah new new fort minor oh wait no the album is actually really far away very much a single track and of course you know the fucking new combo theme like that which is gonna become relevant in a minute because that's just motivation you want to just do the full question yeah we're in it we're in it we're in the backwards yeah what yeah what take it loser because dumb music is stupid everyone who likes music is shit yes alright got it no hold on stag from stag stag wants to know if there's ever a track that I'm gonna put on YouTube
Starting point is 00:14:46 repeat and just listen to it's usually something like can't ask or yeah okay can't ask her fun and it's usually absolute territory I probably listen I probably listen to that song like 4,000 times I mean he's gonna catch you amazingly catchy stag wants to know what is it's done though what's your favorite to celebrate the second anniversary of the podcast what's your favorite game with the two in it with it's not Street Fighter 2 I'm gonna immediately disqualify resident evil for weight favorite or yeah favorite favorite game with the two in it it says the word favorite yeah don't read aloud if Pat says Baldur's
Starting point is 00:15:30 gate to our resident evil to his answer accuse him of not loving Kojima because I've got a game in mind but it doesn't have a tune it's a sequel so fuck that doesn't count yeah I know moulton moulton's gate to doesn't compare to our yeah no exactly like backing down from the second to end on which I can't pick because there's no two in it so well subsist substance rather but yeah Metal Gear Solid 2 substance absolutely I don't know I still can't I like I consider that like the fifth game just cuz it's the first four metal gear metal gear to solid snake metal gear solid oh I thought you meant games with two in the
Starting point is 00:16:08 name no sorry I was like the other four you prefer series technically but it continues the story I don't know it's always a gray area I don't know to why haven't you picked on he'll say that that's me yeah it's solid to well he is looking desperately again but I don't know what the runner-up being mass effect hmm that that mass effect games pretty dang it's a street fighter too then yeah like that's a qualified alpha two no why not it's still your favorite they also can't say street fighter three second impact if if if I'm going to look back on it yeah well you can't show which Smackdown versus raw game is your
Starting point is 00:16:51 favorite yeah if I'm gonna look back on it as a franchise at least in that way and what stands out the most to me is like always comes back to Mortal Kombat two hmm that's my favorite sequel of all time that's a good pick but when I think about Mortal Kombat I think about Mortal Kombat 2 because it's so much better than one and still better than three to me oh two's were better that runches turn got anything with the two in it some McRibs yeah I can't even pick a king of fire just saving that's like maximum impact right there it doesn't it's bullshit this question is bullshit I'm saying alpha two fuck you fuck you
Starting point is 00:17:33 you're like alpha two better than SF2 I'm not allowed to say SF2 I was here forbidden specifically all come on off the way out of jail is the suit alpha three is kind of bullshit yeah it's fucking it's fucking nonsense if you're gonna talk about God of War is God of War 2 what's CVS 2 I think there's at least one aspect where you're like cuz you know that's the right answer that's the correct answer yeah there's so many good tunes like soul caliber 2 is more comes to mind like oh so good yeah I know even though it's busted at high level it's so good I don't care necrin's so cool I would like
Starting point is 00:18:17 to I would like to make a list for myself and find out if I prefer twos or threes hmm probably probably three many threes dude there's a lot of three like just capcom's three's alone capcom's threes alone are okay that will make cry three yeah those are the touchable those are the two that hit my mind first street fighter three yeah I just said not that well yeah but street fighter third strike is two threes in one breath of fire it's my third edition of the fire three lost planet three no no no no no no fucking lost planet two so good god damn that's why one is so okay fuck yeah on a moosh at three oh yeah
Starting point is 00:19:02 capcom make good games can't wait for street fighter five three versus capcom three yeah yeah anyway yeah um okay so on the third you says let's assume that capcom were smart motherfuckers and made it the most optimal deal they could when putting Ryu and Mega Man into Smash 4 right and it's that you can get they could get a Nintendo character it's just SF5 oh into SF5 specific yeah like how Namco like it's a swap yeah what would the what's the what's the go to who's the rub and the the title of the subject of the email is captain Falcon obviously mm-hmm I don't know that's a tough one that's not bad I think that's
Starting point is 00:19:51 the honest and coolest I kind of cuz I go I think that in smash anything really goes but in street fighter I always like it better when it's a character that gotta go a Captain Falcon gets in there yeah so he's a hand-fired with fire moves he feels right in the Falcon punch would be completely worthless unless it's buffed to be like it would be the suit as tons of armor on it would be a galactic a phantom and that I mean you should still be able to pull it out but yeah it would be the super it would be the end of the super in the animation yeah cuz the actual startup is like you can't fucking little Mac like if there was
Starting point is 00:20:23 some way to FAD little Mac versus Valorant yeah yeah yeah yeah I mean Captain Falcon's a really strong pick he'd look great he'd be fun he kind of fits the proportions and shit they have a great story mode like there's a handful like Ganondorf's good and zero-suit summits is good like I don't know without going to characters with weapons it's chicken too she could work as well yeah she can you know but like I feel like Falcon's the right answer I think I think max stronger it's good too but he's too small that's a good self-answering email he's just all captain all of our captain all of our for Street Fighter 5 doesn't cat doesn't
Starting point is 00:21:00 isn't he like one inch tall he's like two inches tall yeah that's gonna be a problem yeah yeah hitboxes hitboxes he's gonna be like Yoda oh dude that's a fucking god how how did that happen cuz they cuz they did it with Tekken 3 and gone and they're like that was a good idea let's do it again yeah I told you guys right like I went through Tekken 3 and unlocked everyone and unlocked gone and Dr. B and then hated them so much that I deleted my file and we unlocked everyone but those two characters because my stupid friends kept picking them yeah oh you didn't have this character like you unlock them yourself you fucking
Starting point is 00:21:37 ass Robert just wants to let us know that there's a Twin Peaks reference in GTA 5 if you didn't know about it sure they send us a screenshot of there's a reference to every area looks like this yeah that looks like a place for this waterfall is reminiscent of the one seen in the intro that's a stretch that's cool it's nice but it's a stretch well the owl is supposed to represent like you want a Twin Peaks reference to like go to fucking sweary's Twitter me sweary I never saw a Twin Peaks where I play life is you're playing Odalis it's him it's a bonfire at night with the catch and fire walk with me yeah how many games
Starting point is 00:22:17 have fire walk with me in them a lot we played no a lot we've seen two we've seen two that's more than zero I know I'm wrong awesome yeah the statue of the owl those also supposed to represent the mysterious owl yeah well it's not what not be that much of a come on season three come on down to the permission to that's probably closer it'll ship right out of next game it has to wait it has to wait until the season three comes out and then I can figure out how to make the characters look yeah so and love you swear we'll take one from Steve it's the yeah he is uh just kind of
Starting point is 00:23:02 continuing the inputs and games oh yeah it's all on talk with them yeah it was really good yeah I somewhat agree but I couldn't but I kept thinking couldn't charge inputs also be made more accessible by having the player hold the button uh hold sonic boom for two three seconds with a noticeable animation effect that could blow do you think that could work as an alternative what approach would you take like like and if you release it you get nothing yeah so that uh that does work although the thing to keep in mind with like holding down and we're talking about fighting games and like getting rid of yeah emotions and or replacing it with something like holding different ideas different ideas could work yeah and so the whole thing with holding
Starting point is 00:23:38 buttons down to get special moves out is that's solely super viable it's something that Street Fighter does use with um yeah there are existing fighters that use that exact and birdie and so on negative edge stuff right it's negative edge stuff exactly so it's when you release the button because it comes out what he makes me think what what that description he had made me think of was like focus level three where you hold it to the end yes and then you get it so it like the idea of guile holding this pose and then going like that I think it's I think it's very viable uh the thing to keep in mind with a lot of these holding button things is that while you maintain your mobility you lose access to buttons right you know what fucking is cross-tech and had that uh you could
Starting point is 00:24:15 throw a head okay or you could hold it or you could hold it for a super well you had to do the motion to get it exactly yeah but you wouldn't be free otherwise yeah but yeah you could have a one button engine but more more to more accurate to the to the I guess the conversation is uh like Marco Rodriguez slash cushioned butt from Mark of the Wolves if you hold down hard punch or hard kick he does it charged up super hit yeah and it's a cool move it's really useful but you lose access to 25 percent of your yeah available attacks uh Cody in the in SF4 has uh what's it called so a zonkville zonkville that works along the same concept I think absolutely yeah and if you want to know that's the name it's called my head yeah whatever and you want to exit you're losing
Starting point is 00:24:58 two of those yeah so I mean these things are like it's actually it does work but you have to keep in mind that it's not the same as like a positional disadvantage for the charge character it's more of a they don't have these attacks while they're preparing this it's a viable idea though like if the game's balanced around it like it could be but but I just want to like emphasize that it's like it's a different type of disadvantage there's room there's room for this you know because there's some people in smash that never have ever done a hadoken traditionally ever and smash game on the first opportunity to maybe do it without right any execution error while still letting people reuse still a bit fucked with his his inputs how you can use a and b to do the special attacks that's
Starting point is 00:25:38 garbage right it's garbage I didn't want a hadoken I wanted like that then get good no it's flawed it's actually flawed is it yeah you pull out you get you accidentally pull out tattoos pretty often if you're trying to do move move really quickly that's where you use problem you always accidentally pulls it out right but uh yeah no that's it it's just it's a different type of disadvantage just yeah just keep that in mind that's a weapon weapon lord has it too where there's some uh special moves does it hold down a button it's usually one out of two moves out of their special move repertoire it's usually up to 10 okay some characters have like 10 special moves there's two and they're it's not it doesn't break it but it feel like it'd be better if they're all
Starting point is 00:26:20 consistent holding down a button for stuff's like a good idea though because then you get some super satisfying animations out of it like if you could do that for like uh reuse like sure you can and he gets the like you know the charge for the censor you can he charged it a little bit more like in marvel yes but the but the thing is is I don't I don't prefer those because like it looks cool like I said it would have to be balanced around it yeah it looks cool but don't just one place doing a really long startup it's gonna be a practical in every competitive match yeah so I'm much for that one setup I much prefer the the ones where it's like you can still move around and you're just like I don't like I don't I don't know I don't know how this uh this kind of preference like like
Starting point is 00:27:02 spreads itself out over the fgc but in my case I would much prefer moves that are instant and have long cooldowns than moves that I need to have that have a long startup and then I can do right away yeah and the one that I was talking about to him off camera or whatever was Armica's butt bounce alpha where she has both yes she has one that's instant and she rubs her butt afterwards and is like out of my butt and she has one that she does like a little hop beforehand and the one with the little hop sucks it sucks because everyone will block it forever unless you're using it for like corner pressure or something yeah that one's safe yeah but I much prefer the faster one with the cool down yeah well I mean you know every yeah giving having the options for you having
Starting point is 00:27:47 different utilities is perfect like Ken with his like medium punch invincible short yeah and there's just your damage well it's his forward medium kick where he can go for it or he can go into an overhead or he can fake it like um or throw or like and like and like and all the all the funnest most ridiculous combo videos with boxer are the ones where he's got a charge to turn around punch final and he gets hit with it and then gets like knocked out of it by a fireball that's something stupid those are the best I want a character to have an ex tap I want I want it to be no I want it to be the same input for tap which is hold all three punches and then I want it to be also hold two kicks so stop doing things stop doing anything pick one
Starting point is 00:28:39 normal yeah that you can use I was because I was best I was thinking about that like in my head just like a character that was all about holding down buttons just just this week before this question even came in yeah like it's totally a thing yeah as long as each one of those buttons is a an important tool you usually see that more with people with like command normals or like really long specials like whip from uh kf yeah like holds her buttons so she can move around if I could do one thing to Makoto it would be if you charge a hiate and cancel it it stalks like cheeks bullets it wouldn't be multiplier health by five no no it would simply be the liver move that makes her invincible stalk in her full charge
Starting point is 00:29:21 hiate and then let it loose because I've already charged it you know okay yeah no start up at all yeah it's like your jury fireballs yeah okay that's all I make it so you win things by playing her I would make it so that her dash jump and crouching states are completely invincible well we can all have the things we want if we dream hard enough yeah if I believe in it there's a certain nobility and just laying around in bed and thinking things weren't the way they were that's right Blanka should just never lose when he dies he should get a resurrection okay but Blanka Blanka's ex-ball should beat all of Rolento's move yeah yeah like you joke but if they if you played Blanka in Street Fighter 4 like you did and a version came out where Blanka was just absurd
Starting point is 00:30:09 like how did this make it into the game he doesn't have a hitbox for most of his animations his hitbox right they put in the game shit's legal Blanka's hitbox is a perpetually 10 I picked this character beforehand fuck all y'all I was I had a perpetual shit eating grin during vanilla because every ball was pretty much like most characters are not going to be able to punish it every ball was like it reminded me I think it was I think it was a where the range on Zangief's light spd became like four character lengths away and they switched it to knock down and I couldn't believe it yeah like it felt like the least fair thing it came in the young and young years yeah most people's didn't notice the other characters yeah exactly you're busy playing twins
Starting point is 00:30:57 fuck it I want to play twins they suck I don't like them losers I just I really like their character designs and they're really cool and then their moves are really here's my problem with they're cool versions of Lee you know my problem with young and young primarily young is that I'm not I'm average to him like I don't particularly like or particularly dislike him but when you're watching third strike videos don't watch the match he's in there don't bother I think Yuri is awesome I think Chun Lee's great Yuri's amazing like all the other top tiers in that game I love as characters and then there's young being a loser by comparison because fucking years too strong years and years and years and when I saw him perform like oh I wish I'm like
Starting point is 00:31:45 here we go again and here we went again I wish there was like a little bit I wish there was like crazy crazy stats where we could see year and a half number of guineas and clones created you know like like time totals you mean like those those crazy killer instinct stacks like I was broken I don't know what that was number of ages reflect or cross so there should be there should be a special version of guineas in in which if you hit it for by a certain timing the clones don't appear sure what is that what does that mean don't how much I know like Japanese third strike no I know that there's the fucking weird ass bug yeah I want that I want that invisible or yeah yeah yeah fuck it sure sometimes the clones are solid sometimes the clones aren't there they're corporate
Starting point is 00:32:32 I want I want young's the skill to be at someone's a clone who's already doing a dive kick right in no just instant dude like early early on one of the first ideas I had and I'm like how fucking cool would it be is if you throw out an ages reflector and then you do a chariot tackle through it yeah he gets like an extra oh yeah that's like I got no stuff yeah or like Andrew Jackson from summer show to be really cool you know what it should be is in SF5 is the skill should be he does like the guineas in pose with the animation but nothing happens nothing happens it's just a pressure tool I think it was you Liam and we're having a conversation we're saying like Makoto should have like a taunt that just looks like she's going to hand in Reiki but
Starting point is 00:33:24 it doesn't it looks like something's gonna happen exactly yeah and it changes her color it's great and then she blocks makes the noise happen yeah that's scary yeah uh all right well that's letter time and uh with that let's take a quick word from her sponsors villains villains wait wait that's not us they're jerks heroes no why are you calling us villains villains is the theme this month in loot crate oh August 2015 edition yes Liam has come prepared because he has damaged tattooed on the head like the loot crate just has damaged all over every surface we're finishing up on summer exactly you get it you get it we're finishing up on summer and going into the gloomy ass September yeah because of these jerks so you open your bottle and crime happens on your lap
Starting point is 00:34:17 and it starts to snow it starts to snow it's great it's great I villains are fucking cool yeah they are nearly universally better than their own heroes or more important right I think the right way to do a villains loot crate box is to send it to your house 30 days before it's supposed to be there yeah do you know how you do that and you open up and it's empty and there's a note that says certainly but then that's how you and then on the actual okay if we're just gonna go down that path then the box you should open it up and a gun should come out and kill your parents yeah yeah yeah and kill your parents that's the best straight out of comfort and then you have to go to a straight after wrestling ring and fight a guy to get money and then don't stop the guy from mugging the guy
Starting point is 00:35:03 okay we're kind of we're kind of going off topic how much does this villains boss villains box possibly cost us well in general for less than 20 bucks a month you're getting your box full of items and if you head on down to loot crate comm slash super use the promo code super get three bucks off of that so all in all it's pretty much a steal saving that much money borders on morally bankrupt it is a villainous thing to do yeah absolutely criminal it really is but it's like a crime that a bad person would do very nice that being said you're not gonna get your parents murdered for opening this great box can we just put that out can we just put that out there yeah no it's true disclaimer they'll get murdered somehow else i mean nothing to do with that you've been ready yet
Starting point is 00:35:56 yeah you're still working on it fine print says we're not responsible but but but if what if you get to be a cool villain as a result totally worth it exactly oh you're a loot crate kill my parents so i'm going to get revenge and really and really the presence of a box of villains at your door only gives you the chance to be a hero that's exactly what more do you need than the opportunity to save something and don't forget that you could always flip it around and become the villain that helps the hero yeah at the end you got options you got an idea and then it gets deep power well you either you either die super powerful sacrificing yourself and correcting your or you live long enough to become the loot crate or you deep power exactly this is a metaphorical blank check of
Starting point is 00:36:43 morality and you can do with it okay exactly especially if you have a widows peak haircut this okay this box will contain a couple cool things it will not contain a blank check for morale i said it was metaphorical he did will not be a metaphor either it'll be a real check wait i'm losing it i'm losing it i'm losing it put your hat back on it's on all right it keeps your branch from spelling out there you go loot crate dot com slash super promo code super you can help support this mess of a podcast as you can hear is derailing here by heading on down there and uh you have until the 19th of this month at 9 p.m pacific to get your villain's box going that's like over a week away from now so that's plenty of time right and after that it's the next month's box after that it's the
Starting point is 00:37:33 next month right okay next month's box makes sense i assume that will be sidekicks perhaps who knows and then you can use the things you got out of the villain box there's a crowbar in here to destroy the stuff in the sidekick box where's it now that's where's all the damage there's a bloody crowbar that's great that's great i like that thanks lucre thanks lucre hey welcome to episode 105 so there's a cereal that's called uh captain crunch oops all berries yeah and that's what i think best that sounds like a sex crime because they had to no it means that there's no captain crunch but you just accidentally put all berries in it and that's a good description of what we're doing is that a good cereal i don't know never bought it because i cereal that has an
Starting point is 00:38:26 apology in the name oh like sorry there's a jagged metal crusty oh in there that's like that's like stupid that's like when you go like for halloween and you open your back and see trigger treat and the guy goes oops all razors all razors like you're the one considering all failed condoms crunch crunch berries are the best part of captain crunch are they okay okay good sounds i really like there's a captain crunch so uh it's just tricks just berries maybe they're not tricks out tricks tastes awful crunch berries much like crunch it's like if you buy a red bull there says like oops all sourine they're my favorite yeah you just die you just keel over during the good part yeah to prove that this metal was harmless we've done it too many times
Starting point is 00:39:12 doesn't get a sugar-free red bull oops all sugar it's just dead that's the one dead on the floor if i like this i'm very me a capcom game oops all dlc all spy board street fighter six oops all gems there's no characters just the selection of hours don't start with your selection of hulk hogan's all right start with your week you went down to the con went down to the con the con was the con which convention otakathon happened in montreal i got with fun people good times uh the game room was a sad state of affairs i can't like having anything like that uh i can leave it was amazing and he never wanted to leave why no the game room at otakathon routinely terrible this was the worst year because
Starting point is 00:40:03 how can you get worse because the people who were there in the prior two years that at least ran some of the attorneys on point just gave up and i spoke to one of them about it and it was like yeah no i'm done how many uh japanese single player rpgs were there at this game there was like five at a time rotating out don't do that i love those games lots of people in there love those games don't do that there was a fucking single melee setup flanked by two halo setups that people were occasionally picking up yeah and the melee setup was completely crowded it's like well you think you wouldn't just want to say halo what do you mean uh i i couldn't identify them by life but it was two of the halo games like me and some of the uh the anime boys like walked in
Starting point is 00:40:48 saw an xbox one setup with an outdated version of blaze blue running on it yeah and promptly went 80 because that was what the fuck they were going back to anime town boys on the on the main projector there were gimmick matches of kuma vega mirrors going on and cross-tech and i saw and think that's a good one on the other xbox one i saw they were running like dead or alive and i asked hey is killer instinct on this system and the guy was like i don't know probably not what what is that is that made in america and that's no and no right what's killer instinct i know everyone loves splatoon but setting up the main screen with one v one local splatoon is not the way to go because that mode's don't even don't bring it at all don't bring it at all i'd rather have nothing
Starting point is 00:41:33 i'd rather have so two fighter four on the main display so that was rough times a lot of times but uh whatever uh you know spend spent a bunch more time back on k i now yeah i decided to get back into the rankings for this month i was i was talking to a way up to killer i was talking to someone uh that's a good time i was a little bit and i was like why is rash actually like so like his inclusion seems fun he's like yeah it's just like he loves being in a fighting game whereas kratos is like fuck him just kratos gotta kill him that's gotta kill everyone that's neither realm versus these guys right like this is the worst the cameo i mean like even shitty mega man in cross-tech and it's like everyone hated it oh but that was great people were just
Starting point is 00:42:23 salty because i appreciated it it was good people were just mad because of other but it was just like a celebration of this character and he's here and it's stupid but it's radical and it's just it feels good it's just it's it's it's what it's a good cameo as opposed to a bad one that's that's i think that's the fair one that's right you know um it's cool and again how's the trip up the ranking going uh pretty solid so far i was able to to land well killer second from the bottom so uh yeah no i was i was one day buddy i i like what i don't know if the kids was responsible for this new setup but the setup is very cool and engaging doesn't work um right so there's leagues exactly so every month you pretty much you then reset the tiers
Starting point is 00:43:10 and what happens is you have your overall ranking but in general you you do uh 10 matches and based on your performance in those 10 matches you get placed in an initial this is the starcraft 2 moba system explicit is it okay you get placed in an initial i don't think it is pat well i don't know let me get through it you get placed in an initial category of bronze silver gold or killer yeah i don't think you can get placed directly into killer i think it's you have to work your way work your way up but depending on whether your bronze or silver or gold you have a further place to go right so once you get placed there you can never fall out of that category you can tell them on three sets but to move up of course you have to build up enough points right um and
Starting point is 00:43:52 you can lose just as much as you can gain from every winner lost depending on the person you're fighting um so you do so you know like i was able to i got did my first 10 i did pretty good i got placed in gold so i have a short like path up to killer yeah but that path is hard but that path is hard yeah versus the people that are working their way up and you're fighting riko suave's exactly yeah it's like even if you boss your first 10 matches but you're decent yeah you'll fly through your lower ranks well the thing is once you're in there people in killer will get matched with you as well yeah to give you bigger points if you beat them and once you're in killer you're then locked into like the tournament mode for that month yeah where uh every match you play
Starting point is 00:44:35 in killer it becomes two out of three that's awesome it's fucking cool right it takes on a totally different because the reason i said it was so similar to like starcraft is starcraft does the placement matches the matters right and then you have your your shit and you get up to diamonds so here no once you get into the killer jeez that's great it becomes two out of three and then you're playing then you're fighting to get into top 32 oh and then you have your then you have your top placement and like and if you get into the top 32 killers of that month you get a permanent like thing on your that's your like an emblem thing that's a great win and of course you get your name listed and all the good shit and then the end next month they reset just a monthly tournament
Starting point is 00:45:13 is the deal that's a really good way to do it yeah yeah so i'm having a blast that's win win for everyone yep uh-huh that plus the inclusion of the quick mute button on the character select screen that's a good one is making this is that new is that new yes i would love uh i've been playing a shitload of rising thunder i would love for that game's ranking system to be tweaked slightly to be more like this one you you you play a lot of rising thunder probably me and you the most i really like that game's ranking system i love that a victory against anyone moves you up and over a long a period of time like it may seem bullshit oh i lost to a super diamond ultra and i only lost one point or i'd be described and i went up like over a lot of time it'll it'll even itself out
Starting point is 00:45:58 because it wants to pair you with people within your ranking first and then one out and then one after that at worst the problem with there's only the one big problem with that is that uh i finally made it to diamond which was rough because people named real good maybe i suck but well no i can't suck i'm in diamond but um the problem with that is that the the the the formula that they use for spreading you out among the matches until i hit diamond i did not know that there was a master ranking in oh yeah rising thunder because when you're in gold you will never see them i i did actually well i never saw one because they're you know a deep prioritized compared to diamond and silver and then the instant i hit diamond every match i had to play was with master
Starting point is 00:46:49 opponents and i can't be anyone in the master tier like that ranking system clearly works because i have beaten everyone below me in ranking and i've lost to everyone above me in ranking so i will get knocked down into gold five five and then beats us silver and get back up yeah and then get rekt by the people above me you're and well you're you're not going to beat any masters without vandal look i'll tell you that yeah okay but uh no the cool thing about the cool thing about the rising thunder system is that it always feels like there's progress because yeah five matches and you go up to the next uh tier of your tier within your it always sucks to lose your medal i think i think the biggest thing that came needs right now to mitigate the thing
Starting point is 00:47:32 that i'm having right now is it needs about a hundred times more players and have those those numbers be longer i think i think i'll eventually ultimately the the the way the ki system works with it's like but that thing is oh that's like you can't get knocked back but you can still just hover at zero if you suck for that one month is like it's ended over a month so you feel better about it and a month later it's gone you know so it's it's just a way of making people feel better about what's happened that's why i also like you feel better you have a chance to go over the big thing i'll street fighter does something similar i definitely do because right now this is the best thought out one in my opinion even if the net no i'm reading the net code isn't the best for ki
Starting point is 00:48:13 but it's the best like wall system it's not that great everyone's struggling right not browsing thunder um yeah did you check that again there's a hundred people playing it's more like a couple thousand now which is so much less than anybody else no but i mean the net code the peer to peer sure like once you're connected it's amazing yeah i turned it on to go through the menus and i don't know but didn't actually play the matches right okay um yeah i mean either i i also downloaded it but there uh i went to my first roller derby match i can see oh i remember i remember coming out of you seeing you right after that and you just you start grabbing people and screaming in their face roller derby's fucking awesome it's super cool man it's like i really had a good time
Starting point is 00:48:56 watching it because like i you know obviously you kind of hear about it as like a peripheral sort of like like uh that's what you know that continues to exist yeah you know like and there's the fun parts of it where it's like uh most of the girls have like they're like almost like wrestling persona characters where they come up with a name whip it like whip it you know well that's the movie yeah exactly but they all have like a fun you know wrestling type name and like it's very like it's almost like they're they're one step away from cutting promos at each other i wish they were the matches start i know i know but but it's really fun stuff um but when you actually see the the the see it go the jam as they call it go it's like fucking football in how they have to cut through
Starting point is 00:49:36 the pack and make it through it's like a like a like a good running back cutting through the defensive line and i was like i can 100 appreciate yeah the strategy of how this is happening my my it's super fun my grandma and i used to watch roller derby and rodeo back to back like every weekend really your grandma's cool i know i love her i thought you were gonna for sure say when my grandma was in the rolling derby legs i went to get here i also thought he was gonna say yeah disappointing it and uh it's i used to be grandma's cut man unfortunately it was the last match for the season of the Montreal like set but uh it was also the perfect first match to see because the fucking blowout the end score was 370 to 70 right that was a little thing you were gonna say
Starting point is 00:50:25 to two if that if that was a little league game the coach would have been fired for running a that's the thing and you're at one point at some point you're like what is the spread usually like in these things and it can't be like that it's not soccer i'll tell you what and so and so through this first like match i watched i got to see exactly how you fail and exactly how you succeed oh yeah and the things where i'm doing the thing where i'm like why isn't this person doing this thing that they should probably doing oh i probably don't know what i'm talking about i'm just a reason spectator it's like no wait the other team is doing that thing and fucking you you got something you got to see both extremes of performance exactly you know it was it was
Starting point is 00:51:04 fucking great so that was a good time i'm super super in and flowchart can versus mochi yeah well i immediately started thinking like about like where's where's the really sick video game roller derby game where is that it's on the we shop channel there is one yeah yeah okay it's fairly only only we know about this okay it's on it's a we wear game on the we shop channel i'm pretty sure because god damn it's a rock and roller derby or something i can't believe we both for that yeah no i know that and my brain my brain started doing little gdd turns in my head oh how would you do that shit again how would you do this there's some things number one from your presentation standpoint you would make them do wrestling you make them do wrestling promos
Starting point is 00:51:49 here it is gem city roller girls on we wear okay fucking girls you know like what 60 dollar retail game on ps4 pc xbox the only way they have got a 60 on metacritic where's my team of like uh fucking girls with furiosa ink on their face coming out will these short haired creepers but no there's there's there's lots that to uh to fucking see them i'm definitely on board like it's entertaining um caught up to gangsta caught up to gate those continue to be really awesome gates gates been good but like i read about like when it gets bad no i i i know it's like boy that sounds like the fucking worst thing ever i do have to see yeah i do did you read no i heard i heard the the whispers have hit me in the podcast comments i saw that oh that is that's
Starting point is 00:52:40 my fear though my fear was based on um those three characters from the intro showing up yeah but now that they're here they're nowhere near as bad as i was worried great hey she's all right she's great she's all right her animation is great i think in that first fight with her yeah she looks like a league of legends type character like goth loli with a big does she look like some dirty korean design she looks superior she's a goth law i'm sorry am i getting white okay wait a second you guys made fun of me for thinking legion league of legends was korean here let me inspect your wife yeah so what are you talking about your wife what are the trash for a bit no she's cool oh yeah you see that photo a friend of ours at the con she took this she was dressed
Starting point is 00:53:21 up as a fireman character she took a photo with this guy that was just a trash can with a bunch of cut out i didn't see that on it and it just said your wife who's garbage that's the best cost is solid but but no uh the the the three girls that looked like it was gonna be like a harem type situation well it is the intro it is it's not there yet it's well for one of them it is what if it's straight up it's going there that's gonna suck it's right into its life so far i am not offended by their inclusion is what i'm trying to get at meanwhile gangsta is just fucking aces there's nothing else to say about that it's cool it's the shit um i'm some great gangsta cosplay over the weekend yeah man good shit good shit on that that looks really cool
Starting point is 00:54:05 um steven you never did you watch any of it yeah i'm like probably halfway through i'm about to finish what you think of goku's reinterpretation so anyway um while we're grasping at straw thank you for okay hold on i'm gonna back down just to explain it oh yeah you are no someone is like Liam and Matt are both like pseudo pissed off at me for the comparison it's it just doesn't make sense because it's it's it literally comes down to yeah if you change the characters and what happened then i guess it's i guess it's as somebody well as someone that's watching this keeping that what you said in mind now i'm i'm seeing it from another angle where i'm like i'm going in looking for it and it really isn't there until about about halfway through the first it isn't there but then there's
Starting point is 00:54:49 a couple moments but to me i'm like but there's a couple moments of other things too yeah so it's an homage in the same way that it homages a fuck ton of other anime and yeah that's about right um including like at one point like uh uh connie wearer's a gohan costume you know yeah outfit but like my my money like like i don't know when you call it thesis or thing is like if you can use your knowledge of the other thing to predict the story then it becomes not a copy but like directly influenced by instead of oh my dragon balls and that's not a problem dragon ball that's not a no no dragon ball is a slice of the homage pie but there's a ton of other and dragon ball itself is an homage it's not the biggest slice of the pie because it comes out of nowhere to me because
Starting point is 00:55:31 i said aside from fusion dances i was like this wouldn't be here unless dragon ball existed i never once thought once ever that like this has anything to do with dragon ball other than i'm seeing that there's you've got your cure references you've got pokemon in there you have the states say um what's the name of that fucking you know the hole made for me uh no no what's that i lost it when that happened it's there so all i know is i want a final fantasy game that's done entirely with golf clubs because that's what final fantasy needs to be that was a good interpretation essentially okay but uh that's why they haven't shown the latter half of 15 yet but yeah like uh like i said i'm golfing with dad i uh what you i i saw i accidentally saw
Starting point is 00:56:21 oh so there's all right future episodes but like you're right oh at cons and stuff uh but like and i saw there's a spoiler like behind me right here yeah whatever and i didn't look too hard at the art there but no it's good no it's good i'm glad you like it it's good yeah that's not not much else to really say there's uh there's good i find there's really good character depth considering it's like like us like a kid's show i will say i will say that like fucking first like like you said first seven i said like first 20 episodes of steven doing the dumb kid trope infuriates me okay so i'm not totally insane okay i know that it's that's fair i know that it's like what the show's supposed to be but i just i i it makes me feel like if i had to take care of a kid like that i'd
Starting point is 00:57:12 fucking lose my face yeah that's right i guess you don't love people as much as the juns though no it's just chill out man hold on hold on hold on hold on children aren't people some of them are you know how you know how we name is it name is a person maybe maybe one out of a hundred kids is worth not murdering like if you it's the same way we talked about casting bullets earlier so that's probably the most casting of bullets for the same reason i was a good kid for the same reasons why we hate child actors in everything i feel like it feels like it's anakin skywalker running around like no while don't do this thing steven okay oh i just did it uh-huh except that's so that's funny and charming like that's truly between anakin it's it's a sliding
Starting point is 00:58:00 this is like never sure it's a sliding scale of tolerance where the sea is a seesaw right between child annoyance and genuine charm right and the difference is is that me and we'll lead the seesaw tipping point is farther over to one side because our tolerance for the child annoyance is way lower especially what it leads to everything getting all fucked up yeah the bit where i oh we blew up the historical site because for i like oh but i think that's what's amazing about it because as it goes on more competency is displayed and that's why i totally agree and that's why i like that's why i think that's why that's there because guess what even me when the first maybe i don't know five episodes until the millionaire of the tigers shows up i'm like he's
Starting point is 00:58:43 a little annoying i hope that changes and and it did and i'm like he says wow i'm annoying in that episode where he is uh pearl says you know sometimes maybe even he could be a little obnoxious yeah early on but that's that that's exactly my point it has a similar like like curve of like she's terrible to start and gets no she was great from the beginning it's actually i noticed a weird change where like they've made her more crazy and neurotic as time is going on but every every she is slightly more crazy until she's like turning into me it's and it's like whoa this is too much simpson's s character arc over seasons happening in one where she starts out as just a very doting nervous mother type and ends up making crazy hide behind garnet oh my god faces that she was not
Starting point is 00:59:33 making and then you get to the season two and it's just like whoa but hey but that's way more entertaining and a better use of the neurotic doting totally well than just being no no no can't do that too i'm actually kind of crazy pearls are way better chi chi than chi chi of course and then and then you have the the freak out moments that of of her like yelling fix something that she didn't mean to yell and whatnot but i don't know she's totally buffed that show has the highest amount of whoops the adult said the wrong thing to the kid i have ever seen in anything and then they put their mouth to their and they go and then the music drops out right and everyone gets really awkward and it sits on it for like a minute you're like oh no i love it yeah no that's that's
Starting point is 01:00:21 not really cool but ultimately like this is really quickly this is just kind of where i am or is like we're midway through technically it's it's really really weird how does yeah dude those seasons slam on the brakes when they take the way through season three i guess technically i'm still not sure i like season two well that's the thing it is season two but they sell it in like a different format because i know i'm not talking about on the xbox it's sold in like groups of 13 and so on the xbox that says we're midway through season three but it in reality because i looked it up because other people were telling me otherwise season one is season two but but the way microsoft or the way it's sold i looked at season one is like 52 episodes but like midway where i am in this what's gonna
Starting point is 01:01:06 happen next oh my god i can't wait to see yes and that's kind of my problem with adventure time where they just put like three seasons of just bullshit craziness and then when we can't keep this up forever let's actually start putting some story and by then i'm like i'm i'm sorry i'm tapping out i can't because you took too long to get here but the adventure times draw isn't the story well then what is it the adventure of what finish yes and then i where's my dad uh the ice king has all this crazy stuff going on they waited far too long to start throwing that adventure time doesn't focus on plot like steven universe does it focuses on show it focuses on setting i think i think everything you learn in a plot of adventure time has to do with the past well i
Starting point is 01:01:56 just mean like any narrative that's just self-contained stuff all throughout keeps my attention personally me less attention because i'm like well the next episode is going to be about nothing my perspective and steven universe does do that i remember i talked to play sorry willy really quickly play leg and matt had all the different conversations that ended up being the same playing just goes i i all i can say is that i want to see the next thing and then oh it's an episode about onion and no i don't want to see that right now i want you to continue the plot and it does do that but it does it with like episode plot plot plot nothing nothing adventure time to me is like futurama in that the plot episodes that do happen it's people are gravy and they're icing on the
Starting point is 01:02:40 cake and i enjoy the usual adventure generally actually some of my least favorite uh well sorry okay oh wow except for a couple of choice ones no for me most of them are everything about fry being like special is amazing i can't get enough of that shit but but i have what makes me love that show futurama or i'm like futurama was completely ruined by the company that put it out fox fox destroyed it uh futurama i think part of the problem here is expectations so uh i knew going into steven universe there was a plot i don't think it's like expectations i just think the different kinds of show i prefer a steven universe just jumps to the plot the way that matt describes adventure times that he went in going where's the plot and after three seasons i was kind
Starting point is 01:03:29 of getting into the show i went in going man that video of them that little trailer on the youtube which was amazing that's it i love this here when i started adventure time it was like that video on youtube was fun and crazy i want to see more of that and that's all i had after three scenes i got tired of looking at the same thing over and over and over and over again and then when they finally started doing some new and more interesting things i was kind of like well i'm i'm just i'm not my interest okay this is an actual we'll have to agree to disagree well for once the default flavor of the cake was not to your liking is what that was no no i just they've been the same cake for three years i've been the same boat as matt i watched it when
Starting point is 01:04:07 it was coming out like for the first three or four seasons and i was i got fed up honestly i got fed up that's it that's the same well all that to say that uh i think that the in like yeah that that first part of steven universe like you can see them trying to find their way you know with the characters and like they're like okay we need to turn up pearl a bit more and like i don't know about that like most shows are the entire season written at once so but no but i see that pilot pilot where all the characters have this even pilot is weird art style i had pilot well whether or not they turn the dial up there's a there's a very visible difference i would imagine that starts acting i would imagine there was a clear progression written into these
Starting point is 01:04:49 characters like because she just like i there's like a whole bunch of like panicky wide-eyed faces she started making that like up until that point there'd been like a good 15 episodes yeah the more the more you find out about the actual plot the more specific they are not even to the real like oh shit i believe it i believe it but i yeah that's what i'm coming at this is you know the early thing and yes you know what we're spending far too long on all this actually i'm sorry but you're even done your week no i was i was i was trying to get that out well i'm canceling that i'm dream canceling that that's too mad i just looked at the time i was too angry to take it i watched the attack on time live action movie i want to hear you talk about that uh i guess i'll
Starting point is 01:05:33 give the shortened version of that what happened no i want i want the raw details because you told us a little bit that we know all anyway yeah yeah um so eo 10 onslaught what the live action that's what that's called this is the jokami subs just doing that yeah that's the joke i'm an idiot so uh everything involving the actual titans and everything involving the special titans being the colossal and erin is fucking cool yeah looks dope they put all the money there all the new trailer that came out shows that off a little bit more and this shit was like you can't it's like you can't fuck that all the regular titans there's shit green screen titans all the regular titans just look like
Starting point is 01:06:24 japanese people in zonny makeup face behind a green screen hey what's going on guys and there's something that they do that fucking ruins it a bit because like they give that they make the titans make noises like not just the the random like oh you're gonna go into spoilers by the way right for anyone who wants to see the movie if you want to go see the live action movie of the attack on titan yes i'm gonna start scrub for it yeah yeah good because there's different stuff that happens so they start making like little weird laughter noises and the the colossal makes like a roaring kind of angry noise yeah and it's just so it like it gets supposed to be totally emotional yeah it gets rid of like the creepy silence and or the creepy yeah all they are yeah you know that was
Starting point is 01:07:12 that was never appealing that like it's not that they were always silent but they never had like outright bursts of laughter and like animal like they didn't show clear emotion they just kind of taken apart like they were just kind of they would have whatever facial expression they started with and no matter what happened that visual expression would remain except for the one that yells in like episode seven yeah so it looks like a bunch of bad filmmakers said we need to make this more scary yeah so let's make them more monster like that makes them less scary because what's creepier than a monster that doesn't act like a monster what's creepy and then the thing that doesn't have any I'll tell you what's creepier than that guy reaching around and eating an apple
Starting point is 01:07:53 so then the other parts that are not tighten related are just fucking comedy so Levi's gone Levi does not exist anywhere in this movie he's been completely removed and replaced with a new type of character you yeah has been replaced with a new type of character that is basically the new adult badass trainer type guy um the setting of this movie changes things around so that in that initial fucked up like a breakout where the kids are running around and screaming to survive Eren thinks Mikasa dies for like the first half of the movie it's a bit different and then eventually meets up with her later when they're all in the core and she's a badass because she's been training under this new guy so first things first when they go
Starting point is 01:08:38 out and with part of as part of the the fucking recon group and whatnot doing their searching and shit like that you know important key note is that in this world where technology doesn't exist in this of course band um you don't have horses because you can't do that in japan when you're filming a movie no of course you get where you're gonna have a military to jump into their apc's and their tanks and drive wait what every time on tight tight and drive on the wall with their apc's while you're in the apc discussing how we ban technology while you see busted helicopters on the rims of the wall and like Eren is introduced on a unexploded bomb when you told me that i got i might i grabbed my head and went oh god did the movie just spoiled the manga from like
Starting point is 01:09:23 two years from now i wonder i think it actually i wonder i i don't think it possibly could i hope it did i don't think i don't think you would let that ship you see the very clear like outdated future tech that's dead and busted in the background everywhere type of shit post apocalyptic now what are the three walls maria maria rose and last one see anyway so they do that uh you get the fucking erin walking into me up to mcassah going oh my god i'm so happy you're still alive moment mcass is basically on the piano going yeah fuck your shit sure you know fuck you make the fuck out you don't want Eren gets then an apple from off street hits him in the face we see the captain cool dude sitting on a chair put a penis in her
Starting point is 01:10:13 mouth basically get up and go basically get up and go oh i'm sorry was i use dropping on something walks over picks up the apple takes a bite reaches his arm around mcassah and feeds her the apple while staring at erin as erin like looks in takes in the scene and then pulls akira yamato style is my bitch now 180 run away as the guy just feeds her his apple like it's like a big chappelle and you asked you asked me and pat and we answered her perfectly what does a japanese man do after he's run away in anguish after he hits the floor what is the epitome of drama and acting and emotion in live action japanese film uh just i the epitome of it yeah yeah what what's he doing nothing no no every time there's one thing to show that this is an actor two one
Starting point is 01:11:11 that's in the new trailer it's that okay it's not it's not overlaid over the right footage but in the new trailer you can hear what i'm going to assume is that moment where you can hear Eren it's the fucking like the yell at the sky um these it wasn't a titus laugh yeah well right so you're so the audience at this point everyone looks at each other and just bursts out laughing and it's great that fantasia crowd is all in there and then you get the fucking incersis stop and then you get the dream cancel that is the other random girl in the troop walking up to erin at that point going hey uh don't worry about her come with me and puts her hand on his face and Eren's like uh okay and she's like yeah and he's like hey aren't you the single mom that
Starting point is 01:12:04 like had a kid before and she's like yeah i hope that's okay here why don't you feel on my titties for a while and Eren's like what okay and he's doing it actually happens actually happening put and then like while his arm is in there and then she like like mounts over on top of him and starts getting to business and then the cat as she leans down the camera like focus fades to a crack in the window and where they're having their they're doing their business and another uh a fucking military couple is doing their thing on the floor next to them what is this and the crack i know and the crack in the window all you see is a titan eyeball staring in through the window and then the titan goes and reaches in and pulls her off of him and bites it saving Eren and Eren's just scares at it
Starting point is 01:12:52 so good times roll that's not fun let the good time now i have to take care of her child the spoiler that i got beforehand was another one was that there's a kiss in the movie was what i was talking about this is my favorite and erin just makes out with that titan for like hours so the movie goes by and you get the awesome moment it ends right where erin gets eaten right and then you get the whole thing and you see uh and then he pops out and does the whole thing uh fucking armin picks up erin's arm and goes over to me kassa and hands her the arm and goes erin's dead and like she's just looking at the arm having that freak out moment and it's the most surreal like who does this yeah because he's a weirdo this the guy that was feeding the apple is surveying the
Starting point is 01:13:39 battle scene of everyone dying and getting eaten and basically almost smirking to himself all the way that the creepier is that he takes the arm and puts it around me kassa forces her to eat it you know the arm is holding an apple yeah yeah yeah all right um and and and then yeah so we get through to the credits and i'm like oh shit that's weird i wasn't in there i guess i was lied to and everyone in my row yeah i told what he was gonna be that looked at me i'm woolly what the fuck you know and i was like i don't know i i heard i heard then trailer car credits cut off trailer for the second movie end of the world and bam right there erin and mikasa doing the sonic and maria moment we were talking about this no we were talking about this a few months ago
Starting point is 01:14:30 about another movie i can't remember but what fucking movie has the audacity to put their post credit scene in the trailer a japanese movie fuck um i was a century boys did the same i was thinking of uh not a movie but when you when you get to the end of heaven's word and get to the post credit yeah yeah the post credit scene of heaven trailer is the stinger of the launch trailer yeah it's a lot of a lot of international movies do that i think the first or second berserk movies have a look at the next movie it's crazy which some people are thinking what's the difference between that and what marvel does yeah the marvel thing is a scene and not that's not in that actual trailer and it's like well no sorry i mean i mean what pat said which is the trailer of the movie
Starting point is 01:15:19 shows has the final image of the movie the final line spoken in the ff14 launch trailer is the final line in the game oh yeah okay and the attack on titan trailer they show the finals of being in the movie because the whole game you're going like when are we gonna get to that and you get the post credit scene which is like no i've i've described my favorite of all time japanese lord of the rings trailer man yeah first shot the ring is mine says frodo like what are you crying anyway uh sorry so yeah that's my week i ran long and oh yeah i signed up for a boxing gym i'm now what i'm gonna see where to kick my ass you don't need boxing to do 110 percent no i just i'm not impossible but i need you to squeeze out that extra 10 percent i want to i want to have fun while like
Starting point is 01:16:07 working beating people with that i want to have fun while working out normal workouts aren't fun so we'll see where the fair enough uh so my we got a lot of fun working out at my local gym uh i actually didn't um it's the first time where a guy looked over me a hot bot handsome face and looked at what i was doing and smirked and i quickly put my stuff back on and left that's i i can't handle that shit and i know i'm like of age that i shouldn't let that well you're bigger than me because i'm not even at that gym because i can't handle it but still i would just kind of run off but um take the ego boost what you know that's how is that you're telling us to do drugs what is going for nothing okay um but uh uh bearing right after that that was the day of dragon ball z the
Starting point is 01:17:02 erotic awakening of f yeah which erotic of f i was i had a good time watching it but other than that that's a two-part episode that i packaged that movie has one kind of absurd problem um it's over i i really liked it it was fun but it has the one really absurd problem and that is that there's no threat at any time there's no time even one second a friend i know who saw it said that it's a seven point five for dragon balls e-fans and a five for people he was right when he said that which is an accurate so i said that the only actual good like oh god i had fun watching that was clearly things that Funimation dubbed in that i i couldn't believe would be in the Japanese original because they're two on point yeah they're two on point to what dragon ball z fans would
Starting point is 01:17:57 actually like yeah and uh i would go into it but the comedy of the of dragon ball z the erotic awakening of f is is that's on point yeah the fighting i was actually all the z tier z fighters had really good fighting that was not reused there was constant new animations of like actual martial arts being used but their bits were freezing goku literally do that old shit where they're just doing that shit and it's it's it's vegeta if vegeta was not in this movie it would be an absolute do not watch but he is but he is so so i enjoyed it i love you vegetable i love you vegetable men i think they actually portray they actually portray goku as the biggest detriment to the z team and all life on earth that's probably my favorite part of the movie is that for the first
Starting point is 01:18:45 time ever someone goes up call the goku and goes dude you're the strongest fighter in the world right now you constantly let people kill and blow up the earth and because you just go oh fix it with the dragon balls you're an idiot or stop that's pretty good or i'm gonna wait till you get stronger yeah yeah no murder man you're so and like to the point where like they the character says to goku and vegeta like you know if you guys didn't have your head so far up your own asses no one could beat you ever in the universe yeah but you're so your heads are so far up there that you'll just stand there and watch the other one fucking die earth's life on the line because it's gotta be fun and uh and one of the best moments not really have to do with the movie itself but they show like
Starting point is 01:19:31 some you know some sort of afterlife kind of snake wayish place uh towards the end i go where's benwa i just love to see benwa just making the rounds but i just want to point out that like the circumstances of that outing like i just i think the way they're all happening the way we set up sure i'm maybe well you do that anyway yeah um the run out the way that we set up when we go to see movies i think has kind of just spoiled no that that was that that was like after we after we had our fun like that was the actual takeaway because the way we go see movies us for whoever announces the movie you guys want to go see a movie gets all the tickets then that person gets the tickets at the same time i would say let's go see terminator genesis all get all the tickets and then we all meet up pass them
Starting point is 01:20:19 out and then we all meet up in the way you know then exactly to make sure that it doesn't get sold out in time or whatever but but in this case most people don't do that so when we got invited in this instance unfortunately it was just an invite and like the assumption that the tickets would be prepared for the broadcast you're gonna make him feel bad no i'm sorry i'm totally sorry it was my fault for assuming that i met you in my fault too oh yeah for you as well right both the only reason i and matt got through that hurdle is because every time this happens i always ask just in case you guys specifically don't get me a ticket right so i asked and then matt was the one who spoke in like two seconds later and then it was an offer but even before you guys my other groups of friends
Starting point is 01:21:05 were the same way so i just i just i'm so accustomed to that i just i assumed it was you got to go back to normal rule that's what happened you know it i mean it wasn't that not a big deal it's totally my fault for not saying anything but the etiquette is weird just a lot of people say that battle gods and pat you saw that i did i did that has almost also nothing going on it's more interesting it's more interesting but frieze is more interesting like that's the so i think it struck me also that team four star specifically uh uh lanny made a review saying this seems more like an ad for super dbz boy is it because when when super saying god super saying shows up he's literally like hey look at my new form 1995 by the action figures watch super dbz and it really struck me and the form
Starting point is 01:21:57 i'm sorry does nothing cool doesn't look cool and shouldn't be there it's absolutely useless the blue hair and the red hair blue hair yeah red hair is gone forever you'll never see it again that was ssg five or whatever right it's not even that's super saying god okay yeah red hair used to be ssj for fusion gojita yeah okay thank you why would your eye both eyebrows grow back why would you lose them why would you lose more why does ssj three make him lose his eyebrows no that's fine because what no because he looks a little more bestial that's but if you end it on that okay but if you can anyway why would ssj four give him black hair but i as a kid was like oh it's so cool it brings it back this shit's not canon super 17s best part of that they mentioned gt in this movie slightly how they go hey
Starting point is 01:22:51 there's our new daughter pan she's gonna grow up to be super strong one day and i'm like that's enough to make me go stop it gt yeah stop i don't have canon i had a lot of fun watching that freeza's great had fun but uh you know i would never watch it again yeah that's right no no but i'll watch gbz movie 13 like a hundred times yeah i'll watch do they treat freeza like um like x treats sigma and x8 no everyone is just exhausted no no slightly slightly not because that's that's how you sell me on this is it freeza comes back and everyone goes are you fucking kidding me that's like initially everyone goes are you serious freeza we killed the shit out of him and then when he shows up they go oh no it's a real threat again but he's not anyway okay there's a great moment in that
Starting point is 01:23:38 movie where they're like oh freeza's coming and they're like oh yeah we take care of him in like two seconds because it's like how could he be a threat and then and then once he actually shows up they're like wait a second yeah he he oh he's new yeah um i don't know because you're right he's got to be in and out within 15 minutes yeah yeah um i also went to otakathon and i was very confused about that registration process i don't understand why there's there's pieces of paper that say cash only and then when i show up and go i can't find a cash machine anywhere because woolly knows what i'm talking about right because there's a machine in the entire you're fucking 180 go down to the kush tar to get to wait in line to take the money out for four hours and then you go back upstairs
Starting point is 01:24:24 and when you go to the desk they've got an at a little fucking debit machine right next to me i need to find out what the deal is because any any other event that i've been to the palette of congrats beer fast muncherel comic con between every pillar of the main dealer's room there's always a single cash machine they don't want to pay for the machines i i guess that has to be what it is there's many places that they're vendors that were like we don't sorry we only take cash and there should be there always is that makes sense that's just there should be more machines like at least one in the main dealer's room yeah absolutely totally agree but you know the actual place still had some fun stuff i got some cool prints i hung out with the entire dork squadron all the dorks yeah we're there and
Starting point is 01:25:06 liam probably made my most favorite tweet of anything over the weekend yeah we all go to steak fritz which guess what has steaks and fries you want some mouth spoke off yeah unleaded fries well that's Montreal man gets super drunk and the waitress is coming around with the fry bowl and and she's like you want fries and matt starts pounding on the table and yelling the bits the bits the and i don't i barely remember this i remember anything else that happened that night i walked home yeah it was bad whatever but i remember yelling the bits matt was yelling for the bits at the fry restaurant yeah and the waitress was like uh and i was like these years i've just given him what he wants he's like what are you doing because we see the bits
Starting point is 01:25:51 because we see the bits um so you had a fun time uh i also started rewatching cora with the misses because she's like what's cora seems cool and i'm like it's it's pretty cool what's the state on the original um watched her and watched uh me watched her i'm like i you know okay that's a weird one okay and i just went look that's fine though you can walk you totally i go this character is the pope yeah and fire hope switches between people every couple of centuries yeah and did you watch i did yeah yeah and the main thing i said i used to jump in she's jumping in on cora because i'm like i think you would just like cora better you'd like this pope better than the old you'd like this pope better than the old pope yeah and she's like fine i did describe the one episode
Starting point is 01:26:37 what's the greatest episode of avatar the last airbed ever island prayers or what's ever island remember what's it called i think you're saying a bit so one where they put on the play that goes over all three seasons okay no that one's really or the teen sex we're on the beach and i just trying to be freddy prince jr and it doesn't work and she's like okay i know i need to watch that at some point that we watched cora what we're almost done the first season we did the jet it's sorry did jet die it's not it's not very clear so so we're enjoying that because i just i through cora i got through halfway through season two and i just i didn't have any other avenue wish to watch it i was too lazy to get it but we're just buying the season so i'm
Starting point is 01:27:22 enjoying it and i don't know where the part where people don't like cora season shows up season two okay yeah we make that was is the weakest and then it pulls it back after oh yeah okay i'm looking for that a weak antagonist and like that's the problem and i want to thank you that's a bad one yeah because you're stuck with that for the whole season no there you go the whole season yes yeah and i want to thank you all for showing up to the probably the most adult thing we've all done as a group in a long time together yeah which is trying on wedding suits uh yeah it went problem free yeah no no big blowouts or or wardrobe malfunctions coming at those well one there was one there was one malfunction please get excited for the group prostate checks next week yep i'm
Starting point is 01:28:10 going to the doctor tomorrow uh so i hope they don't do that that one actually you should hope they do it's cheaper as a group you save a lot of money yeah you just all line up use this coupon it's like that guy's trying to crack all the coconuts in a row use the code william and get through it faster yeah confidence sake you get the bonus so lots of wedding stuff got done it won't bore you all the details but finally getting on top of that because after the heavy con season we had just never had a second so glad i'm getting that done and the last thing i guess i did is remember we talked about submerged yeah boat game yeah awful so i heard from some people that really didn't like it not great good atmosphere good music the first thing you see when you start the game
Starting point is 01:28:54 is a gigantic whale that's made out of a building nice it's unclear to see it what it says but it's just breaching the water i'm like that's fucking cool then i move the main character and i started doing the main tasks and how you made a boat way way worse than the the king of red lions you slow it the fuck you slow it down you make it shitty to control and you make it not talking and it's a hundred times less interesting and the game tries so hard to be a team ico game tries so fucking hard and fails because the characters talk it's kind of no the characters have little text bubbles but other parts of the ui are done in silence and you're just supposed to look at an image and get feelings from it there's another game that's in the same boat uh called
Starting point is 01:29:45 toran yeah that came out a little while ago out of uh somewhere out of south america uh better than that one but still no ico of course yeah brothers brothers kind of feels a bit different but brothers is way better too yeah brothers is really good when you control the main character in this my first thing is that this feels like an xbox live indie game graphically it's not when you control the main character it's got this like one half of the character animates and the other half just shuffles to keep up with it it looks bad based on the trailer i couldn't tell if it was mostly about the or being on land it's it's little little cluster really close islands and just literally going from point A to point B to this structure climbing up the structure getting something no combat no combat
Starting point is 01:30:35 no puzzles it's a lot of wall shimmying which i saw some review and i thought it was harsh but i read it one before i this game before i went on hands on said this literally takes the worst moments of any video game and puts them together that's okay so what's what's the threat slash like risk uh your brother's dying your brother's no what i mean is like can you fall if you don't net i don't know i don't know i didn't fail there was no okay it's just progression there's no dying to be a way to fail just it's just progression i repeatedly try to crash my boat against the whale creature and nothing okay so yeah uh that that's about it i i it's it's not even cheap it's like 15 bucks it's like it's like you could almost say it's half in the bag but they forgot the bag
Starting point is 01:31:18 it's half in the boat so you just got 40 eggs cracked on the ground visually it looked really nice no visually it's it's all it's all does it does it perform well like as a frame rate at least decent is there because i was playing i was playing uh torrent and like my biggest problem with that was there was fucking frame tearing or screen tearing everywhere everywhere fucking like you press any button screen tears ps4 no solving that then well yes you optimize your game better no i mean like for you to sort like because on pc i would be able i would show you some stuff yeah no of course but like it's like shit well there's no fixing that it's a shame because the the world and concept that are an aesthetic what solid and i'm just kind of like eh i wish this played
Starting point is 01:31:59 way better but yeah there you go that's shit i i mean i i kind of like that's another game i don't have to play yeah and that's what that's to say the sentiment is like that's some time that i've feel like i have great every game every game it's never gone but there was exactly like that time had been like mentally set aside maybe that's a matter of course the orbs that kato's absorbed exactly he got you guys were in position two where you were kind of interested and then heard about it i'm in position three where this is the first i've heard of this game so back back into the ether in my brain and you went i think it was you that said man bioshock team really likes water there's a yeah
Starting point is 01:32:42 that i do now i do remember i just didn't remember the name i wish that fucking minotaur game would come out sure be like no or whatever no minotaur my day was so huge it's not about a minotaur oh well it's a metaphor so there you go i also played ration k i've already talked about he's great he's great it's cool what about you then what's what's your week finally bucks with rash yeah uh i yeah i've played a bit of ration k i as well but i'm not gonna talk about me there because he's like what do you want this is a good character and he turns into a wrecking ball exactly the wrecking ball beats fireballs uh you play you played a bunch of i know you played i know i know i played some stuff um i played uh a game called iavt colorful that just came out
Starting point is 01:33:24 it's a rhythm game a vocaloid rhythm game not the first one obviously it's by marvellous uh who well they do a bunch of shit and based on colorful no it's not thank god not that bullet right yeah no it's a vocaloid named ia which is the ia part of the title right um this game i like i ordered ages ago got delayed like four times it was supposed to come out like a full year ago pretty much uh finally came out boy you can see where those delays went this game is one of the most polished games in recent history really night like everything is super slick zero rough edges yeah the biggest flaw with the game is that the songs are full versions that's the biggest flaw me like four and a half minutes because the average play time for a song is four plus minutes that's and sometimes
Starting point is 01:34:14 like you're like yeah that was a good song and you look at the progress and you're like a bit past the middle you're at the breakdown yeah um but uh really sorry is that uncommon for the weaver stuff absolutely no for most rhythm games that's very well because rock band yeah that's what he said yeah but for no for most it's not here for most for no song brands that's very uncommon they play like op versions kind of thing well no they just cut out a bit that didn't need to be there because it's still good at three minutes i'll play they'll play the tv edit of stand proud instead of the tv edits are too short that's like a minute 30 exactly cut out that last bit we're like they just got past the cool bit and they go back up for one lap like you
Starting point is 01:34:58 know this has nothing to do with anything is there anything worse than a song that's outro is twice as long as the core song sad it's not the worst example i have none right now i don't really know i don't really know what you're describing like the good part of the song happens one minute in and then the song isn't much longer yeah and then it becomes the outro okay well you have to go this is the opening of the anime sasameki koto because it's the most boring song in the world it makes me fall asleep when i'm trying to watch that anime okay when i was sasameki koto my favorite jam project song so boring my favorite jam project song is like 10 minutes long and the good part starts at seven that's and i love it i love the build up i can't do that i i'm super into that just
Starting point is 01:35:48 have the song just be the good part just the chorus wow never listen to marzvolta do i never anyway like really really good rhythm game the producer himself already said in an interview he does not think it's gonna get localized at all ouch uh because he said what we have 51 songs like yeah like for who he said it you know it's a rhythm game so it should be fine and i can confirm totally easy to play if you don't know japanese if you like rhythm game it's super super good iavt colorful um i also played a ton of rare replay which is the most lavish like excellent collection in a long time i like the word you guys used earlier you guys said it's a celebration it is it feels that's what it feels like i feel like there's some notable omissions like i think
Starting point is 01:36:35 there's a few too many uh spectrum games in there where i wish there was some game boy games in there they can game more than zero more than some yeah more than some absolutely being represented but maybe by like some british guy just like spat out his tea and crushed his mom yeah sorry james i don't think they are everywhere i want to say there's something like 10 spectrum games and i wish they could have just dialed it back by like two or three just to get some game boy games in there because they get beat up none of that represent yeah well you know that's what we're saying it's the handheld stuff would never get representation well and it sucks because like it's not like they're licensed like conquerors pocket tales the banjo racing game and saber wolf the gba would
Starting point is 01:37:14 have been really good entry did they not no i fuck i did i don't believe maybe i'm crazy but i don't maybe they did i mean you know maybe they did but uh i think they didn't i don't know um but amazingly lavish excellent collection i played a little bit of every one of those games um some that i'd never played one you just destroyed didn't you yeah and uh banjo kazooie when ukulele's thing was going on i remember saying i wasn't i i didn't really you know it wasn't really my thing i was never into banjo kazooie i completely 100 finished banjo kazooie and like all jiggies everything and like a weak fucking superb platformer i think like what i really like about it is it's a collection of little toy boxes similar to mario 64 right um but they've stripped away a lot of
Starting point is 01:38:00 the difficulty and they've also stripped away the um more linear nature of it in super mario 64 you you jump in the painting and then you pick a star right and then that's kind of your goal and the world gets changed a little bit to suit it yeah you can still get other stars but it's kind of the games kind of sit up for that one yeah banjo kazooie it's totally not like that you have a little open play box world uh typically difficulty wise a lot easier and just more lax and stuff a huge variety of different things to do at almost whatever point you want and you can just go at whichever one thing almost whichever order yeah we had a good sometimes you'll need a power here but we had a good conversation with cranky about mario 64 and banjo in the comparisons in the video
Starting point is 01:38:43 we did but no i'm sure yeah it's an interesting it's an interesting thing to look at two different philosophies on the same type of game it's an easier game but it ends up being just really fun to just sit down and play because you're never worried about anything well the most shocking thing is that we booted up nuts and bolts and if i've i've talked about this before but james sat us down when he was like almost done the game right and just showed us some random things yeah and actually seen it from the start i was like okay this is a little more interesting now that i know the actual setup it has such a strong start thus i've never seen a developer shit all over themselves about themselves so hard they're like oh this is like one of those games that's never gonna sell like grabbed by the
Starting point is 01:39:26 ghoulies huh and i was like oh and then this robot's like go collect all these things for no reason and you're spawned into a world and there's collectibles on every surface everywhere and i never saw that when i sat us in bolts it has such a strong opening i was really surprised yeah oh it brought it back a little bit where lean was so sure he could platform exactly and he was not able to yeah the game was like no fuck you you need this fucking car we yeah we spoke about it a bit me and matt but like it's fun it's not a banjo game and that's the core thing but it's fun like it's still fun i'm gonna go back to it the main thing about this is that i want to play more just so i can lock the making of killer instinct because i've never seen that
Starting point is 01:40:13 did you see about that survival horror game what rare was pitching microsoft a survival horror game called sundown which literally had the thing style character designs for the monsters and just they talk about the go it would have been awesome if we could bring this out because it sounds like a dmc situation where it's like it's the name that made people hate it i guess then no that's not true i played nuts and bolts the like it's not no it's not other problems and i i played that for about an hour and got to a point where i had my first vehicle challenge and then i built what i thought would work and it completely failed and i had this like yeah no the sit down that james gave us didn't really sell that was telling me about like what that i've not had like a more like
Starting point is 01:41:00 reactional game in a long time as far as the extra videos and whatnot of cancel things goes that's actually on the docket they're great there's an i there's a someone put them all up if you want to just check them off of course i want to unlock i want to work yeah yeah but for the listener they're there they are there yeah they're all great really well produced because i think we're all agree that this is like the best collection that presentation wise and content wise like we're used to the s and k collections of the ugliest menu ever here's your wrong by the end of your capcom classics here's your wrong list exactly and like the fact that there's not enough like because like those are all japanese companies yeah right and so they you feel like they'd never
Starting point is 01:41:38 give you an inside look at shit that got cancelled uh except for zoobas yeah other than the other than the video stuff i think namco museum was the best at being consistently like above par um you're saying yeah yeah but but it would be so nice for like any companies that we know that have been around for a while to have this type of like any any company with 30 years of lineage just go for it yeah type of thing where you can get all this this kind of dirt out there because it and not in the form of a book or a magazine yeah eat a game you know every place amazing i would happily buy more collections of this quality any day of the week perfect dark x bl a is worth 30 yeah development story but when the platinum guys walked out of capcom they all shot their guns in the air on the
Starting point is 01:42:23 well yeah one of my one of my few gripes about the game is that all the so seven or ten well somewhere between seven and ten of the titles a good amount of them uh you're actually getting the 360 version of the game and that's not a problem for banjo kazooie banjo 2e and um perfect dark that's not a problem because you get the uh as far as i know objectively superior in every way those games for the 360 games of course their performances as it was so cameo runs great uh nuts and bolts runs poor um but whatever my i think my biggest gripe is that those games are not on the disc so 40 years from now this collection loses significant value when you can no longer get those games right right and that's a bummer because like the idea that there's just content
Starting point is 01:43:09 missing from this disc sucks but when i think i'm totally worth the money now it is you'll only be able to get uh one tablespoon of water and not to you still get ki gold you'll still get uh conquer like there's still a good sense of the modern deals on that an up rest and 64 version of conquer not conquer live and reloaded yeah which i'm actually thankful for because i i say i said there's differences that i booted up i have conquer live and reloaded and there's something about it where i'm like this none of this feels right the the letterboxing is weird the controls are strange i don't get it there's something off and i just turned it off i didn't like it and then we played the n64 version on that's just up res on rare replay and like this is so much better it's so
Starting point is 01:43:52 bizarre and i guess what i'm thinking of course gemini still doesn't play good well me if i don't want to know was i have never is that your question no i have never heard a single positive thing about that game in my life because all you because you didn't know it existed and then you heard about it by man him shitting on it that's correct i never i just never knew i i only played it because i had so that doesn't mean anything you didn't you don't mean anything you didn't experience jet force gemini so the the the thing i'm thinking about is companies that like fit that criteria my my only issue is when i think of it it's like how many of them are going to have games that are not like tied up in some kind of license yeah or publish your own issue like you're mine rare is pretty
Starting point is 01:44:37 me jumps the capcom Konami many collections like let's get i don't want to play fucking trojan for the fifth six yes you do five but also like maybe but not even with japanese companies simply because you would never get this level of dirt you know that you want it they just they never expose them was that much of their guts then your mind jumps to midway and there was midway arcade chargers of one two and three which were still whatever now yeah a couple of companies went far enough into existence that you could do stuff and still have like battle stations midway at the later stuff and it would still have good games but it really but it really had dr moody but it ends up being like a namco classics collection and that it's mostly just dark i wonder who even owns
Starting point is 01:45:17 midway shit now everyone owns a little bit the trash boom oh yeah one of brothers is a little bit it's all day playing actually i think like unless you've tried a little bit thank you that's what i wanted that's what i wanted unless you've like been out there and specifically tried a lot of rare games and particularly dislike them consistently i think this is an absolute muscle all right there you go xbox one and i've seen people on the internet like saying they're buying xbox ones for it and i don't think they're wrong it is a great collection i'm flabbergasted by that when i i booted up and i just booted up to get rash and then when we put the opening you and i took a look at it and we booted up the opening is just like oh my god this is the
Starting point is 01:46:00 most british thing ever and it's amazing yeah and just every time you go on the main menu of a game it has a funny weird kooky comedy remix of the theme of that game that you hear oh man the killer instinct remix for the menu is so amazing is it because it's just no it's just laid back i wouldn't call them goofy they're just laid back calm just a slow electric guitar going through the beats that's the can i see it's really nice i know i know i'm seeing you're not conveying it with your mouth i guess like i'll just say it straight out me and matt like we're gonna take a quick look at it for the yeah it's quick how quick we figured okay it's gonna be a big long two hour video that covers all the games and that'll be perfect and we both did a cool predator
Starting point is 01:46:50 handshake over it yeah everything exploded um and then like five and a half hours later we were like this can't be one video no and so it's gonna go up as like a mini series but it's got a really different format as it's going through a bunch of games but we had like some of the most fun we've had in a while playing some of the spectrum games were stupid fun we because some of them we really he sucks yeah some of them we really didn't get and so we kind of glance over them but some of them we actually had like a decent time with like jetpack the very first game is actually pretty fun first game was kind of whatever um and saver wolf is good fucked up it was nice to just jump back and forth like you play two two like levels and battle toads and then you play all the characters
Starting point is 01:47:33 in k i and then you play a shooter and then you play a platform battle it was unplayable and two players i never actually so hard with two players it's so impossible to beat battle toad's arcade is fucked up there's fatalities and blood breaking news battle toad's is hard no just have you played it in co-op yeah it's way it's way hard yeah exactly i suffered like two days and everyone else yeah like i know it's fatality is in battle i i i i back down to battle toads double dragon like a fucking coward yeah there's a bit in the making of battle toads where they're like we were thinking of making billy and jimmy weaker so that you'd pick the two and then they were like but in the end we didn't do that it's fine that's great amazing collection if you have an xbox one get it
Starting point is 01:48:19 uh absolutely super good you should get it pat that will like you will did you plan eventually really or no just bought it to let the download go and that was it eventually that's i'm that's on the list like r e four was on the list when i was like i'm not gonna buy a game queue well so when i do get it that i'll just slap of course yeah most of my time goes towards things that can't be talked about here yeah of course you know the dark shit the dark shit yeah what's going on uh not that much to add uh witcher three and f of 14 are great but whatever nothing new to add on them but isn't the witcher three too short yeah i've heard it's very short i love that gaff had that topic and then a week later had is witcher three supposed to be this
Starting point is 01:48:59 god damn long yeah yeah it's like i'm 70 hours in but and i'm really enjoying it still but shouldn't it be over i'm an adult i have things to do just play the same game for a longer period what is the downside anyway um uh hi woolly and a bunch of people to con that was a lot fun uh saw two cracked out homeless people doing it on the street i had a just frame miss on i had i was hanging out with a friend of mine at the con we're having uh we were talking shooting the shit and i look over my girl don't look over there she goes why she looks over it's like oh no ew because they were cracked out not great not a good look con weekend hey can i just say something i'll talk with hon real quick right on the street right next to the con with the kids walking around
Starting point is 01:49:48 it's horrifying one of those dressed as a character from bleach and the other one was dressed as a character they're both dressed as that hobo character i was going to say boruto side he was right there yeah so um so we go every year because it's fun and shit and it's just local and stuff but man the management just get your fucking shit together get all the parts of the con working the fucking game room gets worse and worse every year i want to point out that the fuck is going on as a person who's new to conventions i went the first two years i did not go to the con i was at the con hanging out with people but the idea of like even going inside was like laughing well not not you as a person no because because it is getting worse like i saw it from one year to the next
Starting point is 01:50:33 as a person who's friends with the management and dude we all know the guys i really do uh hope that they work on the game room because it was terrible this year especially if one thing it's the contrast as well from coming from places like sgc and mag fast i think con bravo is the best comparison even five thousand yeah you see you see like smaller cons with less space doing more with their space doing great game room exactly yeah like i really want to see that in a buncher elephant because it's not living up to the space else exactly the palace a really great venue and they can work wonders with it if they got the game room was gigantic massive and it couldn't have had more than also 25 setups at the same time though uh between montreal comic con otaku thon and so on
Starting point is 01:51:21 and the other like more sci-fi cons that happen here you don't really get a game dedicated event no of course of course not you know but like still you know much i want to know as having no association with video games that's correct yeah just not going on there somewhere fuck somewhere the mascot for arcadia's bones are rattling it makes me miss arcadia you know what the concept of arcadia makes me miss uh i know at least like 10 people that were that had bruised up in the artist alley and they're all lamenting the fact that like yeah we weren't really kind of shuffled around they gave an area to guests that never showed up nice the signing area nice they're they're saying we could have used that space but no people that japanese voice actors that were like fuck you
Starting point is 01:52:16 you know what you're gonna show up with the fucking milk at the back of the grocery store yeah so you make people walk through not to not so hard not to heart but yeah there's there's some improvements just like it's such a big convention like it's it's actually really large at the same time it's grown exponentially every year and it's really impressive how it manages doubles double size growing management and their ambition it's a huge convention back when it was just in the concordia hall building that was that was when it was like i wish i'd seen it now it was really tiny it was like all right go up to this classroom for the tetris tournament yeah you know but like now it's like uh get your shit together outgrowing there the only thing i have left to talk about my
Starting point is 01:53:00 week is after uh we tried on all of our suits uh for matt's wedding and everybody got to see me in fucking vincent adult man pause play where everything is way too long and i'm walking around with fucking pants on pants that are full two feet too long for a tiny baby man the hem of dress pants is supposed to be too long yeah but it's too long it was that because there's but i didn't see that hem it up that's that's what we never saw me in my suit but i was literally you look great a pasta yeah he eats a pasta all over it makes sense and i had time to kill before i was gonna go meet up with people so i just said fucking i went and watched uh the new mission of possible shit that's funny you know guess what it's fucking awesome i know holy shit you know what
Starting point is 01:53:44 it's super good the the shocking part of that movie is that that plane stunt that they it is real but they keep showing it off that's the part of the movie that has nothing to do with the plot that's the opening opening it always has it has shit to do with shit yeah and is literally there just to do that it always is like am i two in the rocks oh yeah am i trying to go on tuesday or it is it is yeah fucking great alec baldwin plays like a cia cia director who's trying to shut everybody down someone in the last movie he's great yeah no so like uh when you might like you post it on my wall like surprise mission impossible is amazing uh and then and plague is like is it and it's like everyone's like yes um the the film situation in this movie is fantastic
Starting point is 01:54:37 they have a really good muted villain do they because my only problem goes pro cause i had a shitty ass villain yeah no this villain is great because it's it goes along the trope it was like former spy person yeah okay so but they portray them as like what if ethan had all the time and money and resources and manpower ever in the world and is better than ethan right okay so specter there's there's yeah there's a there's a lot of situations where it's like everyone got played real bad and the the uh the character in the plot that is the are they are they not double agent flip flops a bunch and every single time it's justified and go oh now that's the last one nope but because the only thing that's similar to that is she's great is indiana jones four where
Starting point is 01:55:29 that indiana's like weird british friend he constantly flip flops he's like no i'm a triple agent then indiana goes this is ridiculous yeah but in this it's actually in this one it's actually a spy movie so it works okay i was watching the comic book girl 19 epic history x-men video and at a random point they start playing um kremlin with anticipation from of course from fucking ghost protocols and i'm just silently nodding as that's going like they know like he knows i expect to every time to say like i've been watching the comic book girl 19 complete collection or something you know and uh every time the best collection yeah exactly what i have left to say is that like so at the movie theater i had 10 minutes to kill and i walked over to that
Starting point is 01:56:15 little arcade that they have yeah and i saw that they still have a house to the dead machine yeah so before putting any money into their fucking ripoff coin generators which are now 50 cents per fucking one coin and shit cost two coins these change rates really bad in token land um i i i picked up the gun and because i know the house the dead machine backwards works and that's where i was like wait a second these triggers which are always the first thing to go on that machine where they in great shape they're in great shape which means they've had to have been replaced within like i don't know like two months depending on use so oh wow this thing is actually being maintained that's weird so i go and i start to play and find out that this thing's maintenance is the most baffling
Starting point is 01:56:57 waste of money i've ever seen in my life because while the guns have been maintained and that breaks all the time the television that this arcade setup is using is being it's a crt that is too big for its own cabinet and there are three or four inches on every side that are just that are gone dead you can't see the health you try and shoot zombies that are off screen oh wow it's it's like i've never heard of this problem i've never encountered it what is that considering the gun considering the gun like you you've held a bad house the dead gun it's it's sad because that elastic just doesn't shoot proper yeah that's it that's my way yeah so i hope Bob now to shame for the 18 dollars you wasted playing well i only put four tokens that's all it took
Starting point is 01:57:47 which amounts to 18 dollars not too much my little hand comes out and gestures more just all right i can never justify putting in the elevator like you put money in you put money in and it goes it's ready you're like more money and then it eventually turns yellow like more still and it gets to your floor and it opens up the doors just a little bit the concept of a elevator is still the best it drops you up on that weird jump out of its floor like like like like i'm doing the onion hand gesture just more keep it coming that's too low didn't you just use the wand and double ranger guy where are we going yeah all right i'll let you play
Starting point is 01:58:41 it uh so oh he'll never get his life together dave guy so yeah that's two hours in games news we've got to start talking about it shit dog okay what's actually more games news games come round up um let's start with the hellblade footage i don't know if you check yeah we're watching before you got here i still looks still looks combat looks fucking cool yeah i know didn't really do justice no definitely but i'm looking forward to someone who's good it looks like a juiced up infinity blade yeah yeah with uh infinity blade with uh walking uh yeah he's right there you walk in it some some some of the for honor like states plays probably gonna come in there as well i don't think it looks nearly as a lot i don't know well no this footage but in the first little
Starting point is 01:59:32 documentary thing this is the first footage i've seen and when will you talked about it was like yeah and i looked at it i was like no the the thing that i want to see that they talked about was the um the whole you have your full move set you just have to execute it well yeah that's easy if your move sets really limited i guess well we don't know and in this demo all the player did was just swing yeah my kind of problem my kind of problem with the combat is that it looks vicious and there's no no circumstances of it having any consequence on an enemy meaning if i there's blood flirting and i'm using a huge heavy broadsword the guy falls down and his body dissipates which is lame and i feel like i don't know what the game's rating on the body is pure that's it i that seemed
Starting point is 02:00:16 like it was the floor when they hit the floor i don't know maybe need to see more footage but the fact that i can't cut off like at this point at least in this footage i can't you want to see you want to feel it and i feel like it's there's a there's a disconnect there she was fighting little ghost demon type thingies as opposed to like human she was fighting gigantic muscle guys with bone armor that teleport in and out in a part of her dream memory but i think that's so yeah it could be you maybe i just hope that's nothing i hope i hope that when you are fighting people though for sure i want to see that when this is such a big sword when this was initially shown i was like i had no faith in this and then when it came out and liam kind of went oh it's more
Starting point is 02:00:57 like this thing i was like okay that's much more interesting than what i think you can do which is make okay barely like even worth playing games before the something that maybe is a little more limited but actually shows off your storytelling the most of visuals better which they are good the most amazing thing would be like if like it would be expensive as fuck but like if enemies like if you hit your sword and it hits them and then they keep going in that direction because it's a giant fucking sword you know what i mean the fucking euphoria engine euphoria kicking in a little bit of rag doll that sends them over there yes exactly there's like no matter what way you hit them it was kind of like punch hour infinity but they just kind of and then just return back
Starting point is 02:01:41 to neutral where i'm like oh that's that's kind of yeah you know the video game thing of like it's still early swing a sword through a person and they take damage instead of getting cut in half is still it's a hard problem to have a frame skip when you hit them at least some sort of finishing like just put a bead prompt i don't care i just when you don't get the the the grittiness of because the game looks like dark and gritty so not pushing it even more past it doesn't need to be super gritty it's held blade it doesn't need to have guts laying over and eyeballs popping out but i mean like died by the sword had just of course that needs is ultra violence i need my ultra vile well it's more like when it's not a nimble sword when it's a big ass you expect some hits yeah you want that
Starting point is 02:02:27 this i totally fucking feel to it i agree but but i'm i'm hopeful because this looks like the the game that they make that i'm i ended up giving a shit like i was saying to matt earlier if they were charging sixty dollars i might not be interested oh yeah we don't see i remember it helps that they're going this lower route as well i remain totally ambivalent towards this game oh what's the price point i don't know cheaper they didn't give a number but cheaper okay yeah okay interesting of course we had our scale bond footage looks pretty good looks good uh platinum doing it's not that much to go on even now platinum doing not platinum yeah because i would i would expect a sizzle trailer of all the other crazy shit yeah after that gameplay demo a lot of far
Starting point is 02:03:09 away though yeah the game that environment was very zero blade the worst the worst bit about that that bit we saw was the ending which was winter 2016 the furthest possible date i do like the confirmation that drew is actually from modern times yeah yeah sure back in time into this fantasy uh when you see when you see him put headphones on and he's fighting with armor it's like well we weren't sure i'm not nero i'm totally not nero i'm from this winter city that's amazing and everyone else is not steel the soldier saying team unite up was fucking amazing yeah yeah well everyone was trying to think of things to call it and saying stuff and in the video you said like dino donte or whatever and to me i'm just like nero hunter whatever he's a different guy yeah
Starting point is 02:04:01 but the devil bringer being on the same hand and the having the left thing and hair is definitely definitely it's similar it's it's it's something that that can be called to attention i know but it's like saying like i don't know it's like saying that it's like saying it's like saying greg universe is like goku no it's like it's like saying that that can looks just like ruble yeah but i never called ken ruble is the difference whereas you're calling this guy nero well it's a difference then just the acknowledgement that they're a different character well it's a different parallel it's a similar parallel but it's a different i don't i don't i literally don't understand like your point well i just said he looks like ruble like a lot a lot a lot a lot and
Starting point is 02:04:43 you're saying we're not it's it's not not of course not taking anything away from it because i remember you said similar things like this is a similar thing when we're when we're a point yeah well remember and kill a kill versus gurin when we're making some comparisons i remember you kind of take a similar stance like it's not counting that like that kind of undermines what they are but it's not at all out of disrespect you know it's kind of just like this is the way i talk this looks like a character that is similar to what we've seen before in these ways yeah i don't i don't want to talk about that because that's shitty it's nero like the the the like grapple hook like mechanic they have looks fucking amazing as well i'm really excited for that you didn't get too much
Starting point is 02:05:17 in the original footage you saw more of it with the igm stuff i would love the igm stuff you got a bunch of shots of it just a screenshot to drop right now and it's called snatch but you know and he's got a hot dog arm my only kind of thing with that and the thing that's said in our let's watch but when it's it's uh drew on screen he looks incredibly gray and boring like his color palette as he moves like it's not muted like it's it's it's not super flashing when he becomes that other power form he gets a red scarf and i'm kind of like okay there you go but the world itself is kind of colorful but the guys you're fighting are kind of gray and drew his color palette there's kind of gray that was my only like visual thing where i'm like yeah i wish i
Starting point is 02:06:00 was yeah i want to get a better look at the at the the devil trigger form like it looks it looks like the one from dmc too it ish but but it's not really not really like it looked around me of the dreadnought armor you know a little bit there might be of uh um uh dark sector the dark sector some of that uh there's some more footage of quantum break of course and that deal game that looked like i'm having fun with this way more than like something then it looked like nothing before they casted all these actors it looks really it definitely helps it looks really really like gorgeous and that the time power effects are awesome and i'm i'm actually kind of keen to see like if because if the show is good that'll be a big value as the show is actually that would
Starting point is 02:06:43 help out of driving all the big actors in that trailer as well i'm very i'm very skeptical okay we'll see no i'm skeptical to see if alan pain can be as interesting as he was in the former games what i'm think what i'm concerned about if anything is that like based on the budget of this thing max wake is better i feel like we might see like half of the game in previews before it actually comes out maybe i was also going to say like i don't feel like the game's really doing anything unique like i think it's really cool but like we've kind of seen these like is it because in time powers i think you're all used to time powers i don't know why i think you might be right yeah but it looks really good it looks really good i don't feel like it's max pain though because
Starting point is 02:07:25 max pain is always not max pain lets you aim but you're still moving slow it's more bail is more like max time doesn't it's more like max pain too sure when you just start to move faster actually this is totally like just like i think it's just the natural evolution of what they like to do in max pain yeah for sure hardware yeah no for sure but i know we've seen the bits where like you you walk along like we'll walk and talk paths and you push like stuff out of the way yeah and that's neat and stuff but that's not really like there's nothing really going on i'm thinking that's like in two you get your your bullet time multiplier so high that time would actually stop which is awesome it's the kind of thing where it's like you know it doesn't look like it's the kind of video
Starting point is 02:08:04 game where you'll just be constantly falling over mechanics yeah like like if you look at something like scale bound or like ground zeroes it's a lot of shit everything you do segues into another mechanic a lot of buttons on shit and this game just kind of like i mean it looks good it looks really solid and they remedy makes really solid shooters so i have like absolute faith in it being a really solid game like alan wake nothing's super new looking alan wake is better than max pain three by a huge yes there will probably be like six things you can do with your power that are defeated as you go through the game yeah well i'm almost certainly gonna play it well i'm gonna say there's four and then max direction d pad i don't know i don't think so because we're gonna have a
Starting point is 02:08:48 like a grenade and shit no i'll maybe we'll see we'll see oh yeah you combine them with the different weapons sure uh crackdown three i want to be able to punch an enemy and turn him back into a baby that then we are turning into some sperm and then you just hit a baby and then you can just stomp on the sperm baby i mean now i have your power oh we can start reading the free future chapters of jojo yeah exactly to get there but uh yeah we got the crackdown three footage so i'm showing you like that i read all the details that infinite power of the cloud finally happens in multiplayer no there's limited destruction multiplayer like you would expect no no no you got it backwards i was right there's like i fucked that up yeah there's limited destruction in single player like
Starting point is 02:09:29 you would see in like a red faction right but to have the super fancy physicsy just buildings collapsing you need to have the the the the the um what did you call it the power of the processing by and cloud so the deal is in multiplayer you can blow up fucking everything with your buddies in single player you can't because then fuck you how are you supposed to get those agility orbs right okay yeah of course that makes sense so it is it it does seem like it's a multiplayer feature with a few buildings and like like key buildings in single player um i i guess that's fine i i yeah i'm excited for the game because it just looks like fun jumping around crackdown because this is this is essentially made by the original crackdown team under a new developer like the same director
Starting point is 02:10:13 because ruffian i believe made crackdown too and then that was bad and people didn't like it that's a main streets bridge i never played it yeah too bad second doesn't care yeah that tech provided it works and they said that the the the the mega by connection you need isn't going to be that high yeah like three to four so but i try to as long as it works in a in a real scenario that's cool that's the looks really pretty i think i think those power-ups should just fall i i remember just let them fall to the ground and go okay that whole infinite power of the cloud debacle that everyone was having and they're saying oh you can do light maps so you can and everyone will let you're fucking crazy you're gonna do light maps the one that did keep coming up is that's
Starting point is 02:10:52 a legitimate possibility was physics calculations yeah because they don't need to be fast they can be delayed by latency so yeah hopefully this works out cool crackdown three boom blocks two yeah you know there is a boom blocks to is there a boom blocks together it's called crackers that said it looks like i'm really excited to crack down like it's it's high on my eyes like looking forward to let's not to crack down on the crack down come on watch me crack down that game better have crack in it i think it's a huge missed opportunity that there's no crack in the habit so i think it's a huge mistake crack down you're cracking down crack down crackers down looks like a movie i'd go crack up yeah jango i would jango on chain two crackers down yes yo so i'm here in
Starting point is 02:11:40 brooklyn burn up burn up yo who killed Hannibal did you see that callie kills mary yeah and she's like who killed callie yeah that's good shit uh dark souls three we got that trailer that they dropped the skeleton of friendship i'm so glad back stabs are back yeah legit ass back stabs plague me too well plague hates everything about dark souls he's so mad at this trailer for no reason he doesn't hate blood born he hates dark souls what what am i not what am i missing with the back stab thing okay they're just fast and immediate like he didn't play desk dark one just like okay so in in blood born you had a setup for back stabs yeah dark souls two you had you had an attack that would hit blood blood blood right yep in in in desk and dark souls one back stabs were more or
Starting point is 02:12:31 less hit scans it's literally are you standing are you standing in a 90 degree cone box behind the character are you in spd distance boom that is that you would hit the attack on frame one the animation would start to play and you are completely invincible during it and it's like a gears of war chainsaw animation so the whole lock-in thing didn't happen it did no it did but it was instant and it was with like under a second it's like it's like at lightning frames it's immediate and it so in dark souls one and desk like if you circle around the dudes and just tap the button they die okay yeah uh and seeing that i i don't care how cheap it is make the enemy follow me more directly yeah whatever seeing that yeah good stuff and i'll see like the the new the new monsters they all look like
Starting point is 02:13:16 lots of really big bosses yeah lots of great like huge amount of great scale because a combination of like that and like any mechanics and stuff from bloodborne and maybe some yeah more aesthetics and monsters like the increase in speed is really here's the thing this is why playing hates it it's faster it is genuinely faster because it looks like a dark souls one kind of thing yeah but faster yeah and i look at that and go yeah and i'm sure leon does definitely definitely and if you had played dark souls one you would do the same thing too so well me is like he had some interesting things to say about it oh i love this quote uh he said dark souls is my life's work and everything i came up with for three is based on my personal preferences however three is the
Starting point is 02:14:02 is actually a turning point for the franchise yeah so it's not going to be like the final or anything but in the in the past it's straight up talked about like would you guys be interested in a sci-fi dark souls or mecha game yeah yeah i am interested in a from soft fucking mecha game just doing another one just do a metal gear solid two and when the game comes out it's just metal wool yeah armor core but no armor core he's great but metal wool he's looking at launching several new projects my favorite part about that that all his talk recently is the statement that is basically fuck you i can do bloodborne dlc and dark souls three no problem i'm the best yeah no that's good everyone people having a fucking panic attacks about him not being able to
Starting point is 02:14:50 make a good good fuck off because it comes out it comes out because people are like is he gonna be able to handle running the company and doing bloodborne same time it comes out like he has been running the company and doing bloodborne and dark souls three the whole time just pulling pulling a billy moment no but fuck you i'm good yeah exactly but you know what this is uh an american or european developer rarely can say this but when a japanese director says it i believe you because you will forgo your family and all your responsibilities to make sure this yeah totally safe already you will abandon your life to be the ultimate salary man every 120 hour work weeks here we go that's why we love japanese games everything about this game is it doesn't look
Starting point is 02:15:37 like it's like a dark souls to do over or retcon no so much as a dark souls to like if i add this little story bit and no it looks like dark three it looks like fucking dark two kind of thing did any of you guys check out the 20 minutes of mad max gameplay no uh i checked out bits of it yeah uh i didn't get a chance seven minutes of it like i'm gonna try to look at it there's it doesn't matter because having played it it's fucking awesome and i watched about the first 10 minutes of this and i'm like just like yep yep oh yeah it was that comic-con wasn't it it was that comic-con and there were tons of dumb bugs that let me me laugh yeah i was gonna say it still looks a bit rough from the footage it looks good still and i like a lot of the ideas like um you know if you
Starting point is 02:16:24 drive out far enough you just get to the big nothing and it's a fucking sandstorm you gotta go a bit more if you're and when you're exploring in the out of bounds area the sandstorm there's no hard ending to it but you it's dangerous you'll take damage you'll be hurt and you find rare parts for your car out there so there's an incentive to go out of bounds to go to go like way past the world edge well yeah and you know in actuality the bounds are like way past it but you could never actually the actual out of bounds are infeasibly out of your but it's clearly there's gonna be no gameplay there it's just finding stuff that's what it seems to be exactly i played it for about 10 minutes or cranky and we switched off the controller and the thing that really struck me
Starting point is 02:17:10 i'm like oh my god that's a huge like get for me is that when you talk to characters they speak like yeah in the max pain movie they don't just do shitty video game dialogue which is like go over there max and yo for sure kill the guards they they have that weird max over here max sort of like like weird dialogue where it's just like these are weird words being used but it's another language almost the way i want every NPC's conversation to be brief and fucking like weird yeah it seemed like that i want my mission objective to confuse me i got really confused at one where it said put off like knock off these balloons these like they like uh like observatory balloons where people just look up the scanning area and we tried forever to figure out we have no
Starting point is 02:18:00 resources we have no guns we don't have bullets for our shotgun how are we gonna blast those things off we just walked around for a while until we kind of found it and i'm like okay is that do i climb up and i'm like the game did not tell me in an open world game that's not bad i don't mind that and i'm really excited for it but yeah it seems right like technically it's not maybe the most there were some bits i were watching where like the animations weren't like super super smooth and like there was some jank going on but it still looks really fun so i'm more interested in it than just cause three yes cause three is still great but yeah absolutely i agree i'm all hyper mega dimension well that being said those just cause three dudes are like
Starting point is 02:18:42 fucking i don't know if you caught this news but super interesting what they're possibly gonna be helping out on getting airships to work in final fantasy 15 because that's the one part that might not be ready for launch so they're talking to the just cause guys because they're super experts at seamless aircraft working in your open world and avalanche is basically a square it's there yeah it's inferred that yeah it's awesome i like to airships post i just had my brain do the thing of like they were avalanche before but now they're now they're avalanche that's great that's great that's fucking awesome yeah um i get the feeling that i'm alone on this one but there was a really new cool trailer for dreadnought really new um really new you said
Starting point is 02:19:35 it's a really new cool trailer i'm like really new yeah how new is really new it just came out and it's just showing off the classes yeah you haven't seen on dreadnought ships and then of course is the dreadnought ship and the picture yeah it's a fucking huge ship and it looks like a good time well and what is there to say you do you want to control a star fleet in a third person action that's the game i would like to do that get on board i would do it there was a new trailer too for a really new trailer for uh strength of the sword ultimate as well yeah where they showed off the like canon a bunch of new enemies and stuff still looks great cool cool cool we got um the mirror's edge catalyst trailer which continues to look fucking solid as shit take those guns out
Starting point is 02:20:18 you did great uh those guns we got the announcement that john wick is getting an fps vr game yeah which is fucking interesting the hotline man he already exists and it's probably going to suck because it's one of the first of its kind yeah but it's still interesting yeah whoa yeah sure and if it's great it'll be the best because john wick is so cool i don't know i just can't reach though but like the combination of like like a licensed game that goes good is the best thing ever yeah because then you get all the plus sides of a licensed game with all the plus like it's a mad max game is really good then you have the game that goes along with the super amazing movie yeah it's a good thing that they just based john wick on keanu reeves yeah that's his life his daily adventure it's a real story yeah
Starting point is 02:21:06 which honestly like people will say running into keanu running or just walking around the streets of new york and whatnot hanging out it's very much like john wick with his dog yeah um can you teach me how not to age to know i'll just d age you instead i already look older than keanu reeves yes uh there was a there was a little mock-up that this guy goes back on 800 years old this little mock-up this guy did for a little like uh kind of um pixel-based adventures beat-em-up game none of adventures adventures beat-em-up game yeah you see that yeah the makers of a devil's dare exactly yeah so he did this little thing and he's kind of going like hey push this a marvel if you want it to be a thing and it's kind of just like considering like every other marvel game that they're
Starting point is 02:21:54 putting out right now it means nothing to anybody except for kids with ipads i guess yeah it doesn't fit that mcu or whatever so i can't do it but well they but they did the brands have well they made it magic it was an age of ultron uh themed pixel beat-em-up you know and like and they used like some mvc sounds it looks fun and you see like he does like a little charging star and then yeah you know yeah we'd love to see it come into the devil's dare is pretty solid it's kind of limited but it's a very solid game for a beat-em-up so i saw this video and it's just captain america just beating up a couple of ultrons but yeah they made it in like two weeks and it's it's actually like two days actually all right yeah yeah but it you know it's one of those things where
Starting point is 02:22:40 it's like it's very easy to get this to brand with what they want to push currently and also make it a fun charming game so please uh so please please spooky please and now we have a segment i'd like to call non-stop infinite train wreck in which uh we get part two of the pixels story what pixels oh yeah there's a part two not the sequel to the movie part two of the yeah no what can there be more to what what is it i'm asking oh well i heard about that so one there's the movie itself train wreck part one yes but you know everyone is aware of how painful this is to watch and so on and so forth uh part two is the fucking company that was employed to protect the the copyright of the name pixels online has jumped on vimeo and sent out dcma notices to everything containing the
Starting point is 02:23:36 word pixels including documentaries and non-profit things that have existed for years before pixels came out and the original short pixels was based on and they got pulled off of vimeo that's great because the word pixels is being fucking bogarted by the stupid troll patent company that doesn't know what they're doing it's like when jonathan blow got his own game taken down or god god i'd put a notice now this is way worse because this is this is worse than edge because this is a technical term this is like trademarking and pulling down that things that have the word sky or dog it's like skydog as if dogcopter dogcopter at least as if you didn't need any more like fucking atrocious press yeah you know you've got the no that's at the moment where you double down
Starting point is 02:24:34 you get more i mean so much when you're already in the hole just keep digging and it's it's vexing enough because like yeah people are coming out of the water going like i have nothing to do with anything i just made a little art project now i'm fucked and my videos but he pulled off because vimeo's got a policy that's identical to youtube's and that one claim happens and it auto is enough auto deletes and the fucking one with the the source movie by the guy who inspired your shitty film that you that you alluded to like you said baseball or whatever yeah in the movie it's all yanks dent like what the fuck so there you go amazing non-stop thanks internet keep it going that's a train wreck right and another train just didn't get the memo and just kept going and just
Starting point is 02:25:20 hit that train that they still hadn't finished cleaning up both of the trains were pixels branded yeah um adam sandler was driving driving both come to the back of the train i just want to say take two seconds congrats to the evil geniuses sure we're winning the dot of millions well that was the next story actually are you fucking for real yeah with the sandbagging you fucking gave me well not that part of it the real part of it is fucking cunt the the real part of it is how uh the espn coverage as expected is a fucking fringe worthy but not as bad as you would think good the last one is because this is still terrible but they cut away to someone who kind of knows what she's talking about so she's trying to deflate the pac-man jokes and the playing video games
Starting point is 02:26:14 i don't know what is this nerd shit hey let's talk about the fucking draft for nine hours no you can't be earlier than us right you can't take our nerd away so i can't i can't think of any more fucking nerd activity than the fucking nfl draft so just a solid well uh draft for a fantasy yeah fantasy football is the nerdiest shit in the world and no that's cool man but like come on yeah so you got you got the five minutes of these five minutes of these espn anchors you know when espn aired the goddamn international go ahead but like it's become too big to ignore but the anchor is not like it's just un briefed on it or just you know they do the standard i don't get this stuff you know what it reminds me of before he died ryan davis is like rant about the shitty network
Starting point is 02:27:14 coverage of the olympics in which you had regular ass tv anchors that were being forced to cover shit like fucking the dive yeah and you're hearing shit like so he dived into the water really good like 80 times in a row but with a stereotype on top yeah oh but with bad fgc commentary dude it's the best it's the best so punched him we have the next criminal up on stage oh god so yeah so you know you just you see you again it's getting a little bit better but we got a ways to go i've put a link to it if you want to watch if you want to grab you'll have a little cringe face palm for a moment i love that they got guilty gear on tv that was funny a few months it's amazing so this gigantic pair of boobs is fighting this other one there's a yeah there's a key
Starting point is 02:28:10 lodged somewhere in an orifice the wheel of fate is turning what do we know about this wheel of fate john i don't know sounds like satanism to me back to you bed man that's what i that's where i wish i could be right now um yeah so you know whatever that's a link there uh we've got interestingly actually um there's a new show coming out from the creators of archer called cassidy and clay never heard of this new animated show going to be coming to fxx where at archer is going as well um and let me let me open it up because i forgot what this set up for what's it a boot uh cacheson clay is about let it load is just a screenshot it's a cartoon there's a screenshot it looks like archer looks just like archer yeah um they're female bandits in a futuristic
Starting point is 02:29:11 post-apocalyptic american south sharp works for me that's literally just names that's just an alternate uh like take on archer vice could yeah you can just go further with that exactly the reason why you think that's cool name is because that's Muhammad Ali cash the exactly cash is oh his name is so awesome both of them are awesome both of them are cool um i like your alliteration a little bit more alliteration strong uh it's not you're woolly wonina yeah something it's got um what's your name from always sunny as one of the characters as well yeah i believe i believe these one of the characters in it and you know just i'm like these guys so they've these guys uh archer's been around long enough and has been funny enough that it's like
Starting point is 02:29:53 yeah you can do another show now fxx loves those guys so they'll just probably what happens whatever this has the quality jump of archer to this that frisky didn't go back to archer they they they lead back to frisky didn't go to that's oh it all builds up to the movie kill face the sequel couldn't deal with it couldn't i couldn't i could i tried i tried so hard i don't think you tried very hard i really did i gave i gave it more than a few episodes i love how we both had the identical like attempt at that separately susan surrender's in it as well wow she's cool yeah i liked her and stepmom she's the uh the person that basically owns the town's like uh bar or slash or house slash everything whatever show that's gonna come out about like robots in a
Starting point is 02:30:49 future western theme park well yeah that's it that's what it's called that sounds like it's about a bunch of fucking like cowboy robots that all look sinister and bioshock and shit so uh is this so is this a cartoon no no it's live action it looks like the the the poster is um it's like it's an animatrile guns the show the poster is the back of a sinister looking cowboy and a mesa and it's chromatic aberration doubt just shit okay it's really it's and it's about the robots it's about a theme park about a theme park with a robot called westworld they go crazy all right i assume i didn't hear that part of it i assume that was part of it uh and then lastly we got um fox handing out uh papers outside of the fantastic form movie asking the audience where they want
Starting point is 02:31:43 this franchise to go because they don't know what to do how about a way about in a garbage bin yeah no because if they don't make it then they lose the rights to making any more i know wait we lose the rights on this thing that we lost money on we can never give it back shut up we can never give it we should wait i don't know what you first they responsible for the like you know we swindled marvel out of their characters and god forbid we let them get them back you know they have to take fantastic for and go somewhere like you know because i don't know a nobody seems to want to do this so back it all the way back down to that kind of here's what you do you make the same deal that sony did with uh with marvel for spider-man that is way less valuable because they're they're not
Starting point is 02:32:30 holding on to fucking spider-man no um and then marvel just just snatch his doom out so yeah they go look we'll do some and we'll take these characters new avengers will make them not embarrassing and you'll get some of the profits you'll get a 20 or so throwing throwing some uh metrics on there fantastic fours have the lowest opening of any major superhero movie since ghost writers what about that what about that man well well below and uh i heard there was a lot of tomatoes popular but it's a good movie there was a run tomatoes race to the bottom with paul lark no there is a rotten tomatoes race to four percent for fantastic so where's it okay because it was at nine eight or nine it was at nine when i heard but everyone's like come on let's get it to four
Starting point is 02:33:15 because i really and then hold it there hold it there i don't like it hold it i don't like any good thing hold it he needs his weird little briefs i still think fantastic is a strong word it's yeah no one ever you brought that up in a way that was like like there's a conversation no there's no there's no contest just like seeing these movies come out it's like why do you keep using that word you can't just call it the all right for adequate for adequate for well that's the one thing about comic reboot movies is that they always have the ability to tag on the the extra comic book line from the amazing reboots uncanny ultimate etc so like the sony and marvel we're going to be doing something really smart with spidey where because everyone knows spidey's deal
Starting point is 02:34:07 now so he's just gonna fucking show up yeah no they confirm that the spider-man movie will not be an origin movie which is the best yeah because you know you don't you need one it's not the best it's that if it was an origin movie it would be the worst yes i mean it's the best that they're not it has to not be an origin movie at this point you can do that with fantastic four two just jam them in somewhere fantastic 42 i don't know i i don't think people have wolverine kill read richards for some reason well no when he goes evil he's pretty bad yeah sure no anyway has susan storm become a stripper i guess with that we that makes sense right awkwardly roll into because we did letters we roll into the water what's on the watch okay we didn't have time
Starting point is 02:34:55 for it go watch the new jib position konami is double evil i forgot to bring it up go ahead they're fucking so uh basic okay well i'll give you one bit of it and it's basically jim spoke to people that he knew worked in konami and they came away with that and that goes with a similar game industry article that those things we talked about last week not as bad as they sound because japan's work industry for game development is hideous that's more common than you think it's not that it's not as bad as they sound it's that it is the standard yeah it's much more common and that's and that's the problem i thought the highlight was the fact that people that were not on former koji pro were not treated this way oh i i didn't watch the video about that i i i i
Starting point is 02:35:35 didn't watch the video i can't film that but on the like wow this is offensive it's like well more japanese work environment is not that we advocate that so so the new fun shit is that jim brought up new nuggets of horrible management which include you being hired and because of a two-week approval process for any expense whatsoever you do not get a computer yeah and then you're told to hit your and by the way because you don't have a computer and it'll take you two weeks to get that computer the authorization process is computerized therefore it will be one month before you can start doing your job which is usually after you have to hit your first deadline wow and everyone there is like no fuck it do your job you walk in you walk in and you
Starting point is 02:36:21 just hear a voice go good luck life that yeah like the door locks behind there's a where am i going and the the other major complaint is everyone who works there is like why doesn't this fucking company have any history at all no one like no one is valued and nothing matters so the anti valve yeah the dark valve is up here like like mid 90s sega or something like that like man like one of those companies that gets caught just throwing like master discs and tracks you're right they are the anti valve they put out video games oh all right what's the watch that was so good i wish they put your arrays means that you get an extension on your chain i'm gonna be able to get a shiny new helmet and ff 14 today tomorrow tomorrow on tuesday i'm keen to play everybody's gone to the
Starting point is 02:37:12 rapture which is out tomorrow yes shit so the reviews are coming in and it's it's green on metacritic nice it's supposed to be good it's got some 10s i'm weirdly hot for that game oh yeah that's how i think it's purely because of the title and another game i'm really looking forward to is a japanese indie game called torquil and you play as a little man in a top hat who's in a in a square and it's a 2d platformer um and the deal is the squares sides are labeled triangle square circle x and by pressing and holding a button you extend a rectangle from that side of the square that you can keep out for about four squares worth of distance and so basically to get through a level you roll your cube but say you need to get up somewhere higher across a gap you'll extend
Starting point is 02:37:58 one of the sides and then roll that over you know what i mean okay okay and so it's all about like rolling around a cube or a square rather that can extend its sides wherever it needs to go interesting um it sounds like some of the puzzles that tetropolis tetropolis was going for in some ways with the reshaping but it seems a bit more like you remember boxboy on the 3ds no okay well it looks like a more complex version of that but anyway yeah you you put the puzzle platformer 2d puzzle platformer where the gimmick is you get to stretch your your cube and stuff looks really fun so i'm i'm keen on those two games what about you man what about Matthew um i recently got uh someone recommended me since i finished the marvel now run of she halt to get this the she halt collection
Starting point is 02:38:41 by dan slot which i honestly forget what he wrote before but he wrote something that i really really enjoyed dan slot a good writer so i'm gonna be reading that i also picked up all the all the copies of gem in the holograms that i was missing that i forgot that came out nice and uh it was really funny because i went down to million comics and the guy was just sitting there you know the one guy the guy's kind of young yeah i know the guy he's kind of like you know isn't the million comics guy yeah but there's two guys there's an older guy and there's that guy and he's just kind of there he's just looking at nothing and i just go like hey do you have you have the new uh new gem in the holograms like issue three issue four like issue three he's like oh that's the one with the really
Starting point is 02:39:20 hype cover and goes over and gets it and it's horribly like jojo style the cover it's just all wacky he's like it's really good and just passed it to me and uh so i have all that i want to read and uh when i continue playing rare replay yeah boy are you just to at least unlock some of those making other videos there's the making of like killing something we said that jeff orce gem and i uh banjo to zoe and i'm curious are you gonna go back to grab by the gullies grab by the gullies was also really weird we'll talk about that i found out that's a sex joke yeah gullies means sesticles yeah i got that i had no idea yeah i had no that was well like i always i always knew that word but i never put one and one and two together and got four what a fucking beautiful
Starting point is 02:40:11 joe for us i know that game was really interesting it was it was interesting but i can see why there's strongest game not really interesting yeah so i'm going to play that much what about you walls i'm looking forward to feeling on fire when my passion glows at the boxing gym and now you're going in with realistic expectations right you're not going to be dem c rolling tomorrow okay the movie he'd only do it twice dude your legs will have somebody who has first hand oh yeah i forgot the most embarrassing moments yeah people thinking that anime is real i forgot and taking a video into into like training fucking session no i will simply sit there and just try to lose some weight just javel and jab and and do what the guy says i'm not i'm i'm gonna
Starting point is 02:41:01 keep but i'm not even gonna wear my leg now let me know shirts if i here's the real question you know that but when you're doing it are you still going to be listening to the ebo sound track morris that's the one that he listens to on the way to yeah yeah you're gonna find yourself mouthing moves out and like it's good you're gonna have to fight it i told you it's the combo theme back to rise with them mega sparks is like just you're gonna be sparring you could do almost any exercise you're gonna be you're gonna be shadow boxing you're gonna spar you're gonna spar and you're gonna do the steve fox thing oh i just arm and the guys could be like why i'm gonna start doing the fucking low yamizaki like fucking the loose arm yeah the looker stand you're gonna be
Starting point is 02:41:51 sparring and you're gonna go for a hook and he's gonna lay your shit out and on the way to the floor you're gonna go shadow counter oh god it's gonna be bad but no i like no headphones and while they're all gonna be like we gotta get rid of this it's another one it's the fourth one this month god damn that fucking boxing troll all right coach let me go do my road work they're all gonna come in and they're gonna tell you you have shit taste for watching epo get out of here with your chinese cartoon as they all pull up why don't you want to ping pong the animation fucker it's a better show yeah exactly you're like oh i better try back to the grappler and you go into like a wrestling ring no dude i you don't even know how hard i'm gonna suppress my power levels yeah you have no idea
Starting point is 02:42:40 like you really suck and they're like will you suck and then you drop like your shirt and it like floods onto the ground super hard it makes a little indentation they're like wait in clothing yeah i'll be in the owl corner that's good shit man if you need me uh the grind in ff14 never stops how many weeks does it take to get one of the magic weapons again the weapon to okay only two weeks the whole set 15 only 15 weeks um which are three i'm making the slowest progress in the world that's the best i absolutely love that game uh and now there's uh everybody's on the rapture that i have to look forward to as well i hope i enjoy it and uh rising thunder is the best well i don't really have something to do right now fuck it it's two matches it's so fucking fast it's instant but i just
Starting point is 02:43:35 like is the pc thing like the launcher the the hit match button it's within 30 seconds you're in a match it's amazing all right slow that shit down when you get the logo crawl at the beginning that would be crazy because that's that's the logo crawl in the launcher yeah like getting into getting back into ki it takes about six minutes to get to a match your first match right sounds extreme don't you think i was playing it just this weekend because the boot up screen where it checks for your dlc the dlc check is already about 40 seconds for some reason the dlc check is brutal like 40 seconds it's really bad and then it checks for everything it checks for accessories it checks for as long as it does it's really brutal and i and i had and i had a uh because since i upgraded
Starting point is 02:44:19 two packs i had combo breaker and then ultra so it would always say yeah you have a combo breaker pack do you want to install it and i say no yeah and then it continues checking because that part no i remember i know it we had a moment where you were like oh what did you get an xbox i had an xbox before season two came out it used to be so much quicker the the ki check i honestly feel like nearly every dlc check ever takes way too long like it's one of those things like it's gotta be checked some which are three has a bunch of dlc but it's all free and it's drm free regardless so they there isn't a dlc check and it just installs on top of the game and if you're going to the shadow labs that's another fucking startup time you gotta wait for the syncing with ultra tech
Starting point is 02:45:02 servers message is also that slow yeah but you've been getting that first match getting to that first match yeah that's it's i remember one world of warcraft had just come out that was one of the things people said that that was a huge plus for that game because from double clicking the icon to logging in compared to the former mmo's that had come out it was lightning fast it was weird that you could get into wow so quickly yeah within two three minutes now that's and that's so that's what's almost like it's not even fun not having to wait a little girl has to go away i don't care yeah i agree i've manually delete all the video files that have the logos in them on all my pc games because i fucking hate it so much the the insta playability of rising thunders it's something
Starting point is 02:45:44 i like because like i like steven universe episodes 10 minutes long yeah click that's back in you were just me and you had the identical experience is like like playing the watching steven universe and playing two matches watching steven universe playing two matches and you're just you're out and it's great because in rising thunder you go in you get fucking racked and you're like okay that's enough for now that that series of losses degraded my ranking awesome fuck gotta get vandal hook going many times okay well you it's the old what do i follow it up from you you do throws cancel into a jab vandal hook reset and it's a fifty-fifty and you do vandal hook or non-vandal vandal hook okay okay yeah so it's throw dash no you do vandal both times the you either hold or not
Starting point is 02:46:30 no it's it depends on how early you jab okay so it's throw dash vandal hook ja and then wait one millisecond or not and you fifty-fifty okay maybe you can follow it up after cold drill in the britain butter of course you can yeah okay cool that's a podcast yeah it is wrap it up pass the podcast throw it out the window that's where i choose that

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