Castle Super Beast - SBFC 110: Sex and the City Musou

Episode Date: September 15, 2015

Liam has some things to say about Destiny, and we listen! Also, crowdfunding yays and nays, new Street Fighters, and Lego.  ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Do go on, Liam, about this cool ass Destiny trailer technology. Okay, okay, so I know it's Destiny, but hear me out. There's this Destiny that's taking kids. So, Willie, what did you do this time? No, shut up. There's this new trailer for The Taken King, right, where you pop in your PSN ID or your Xbox Live ID, and you get to watch it as it renders for a little bit, and then pops out a trailer customized to your character.
Starting point is 00:00:40 How? How did it take so long for this to happen? And like, it shoves a bunch of your stats in there, and tells you now they're after you enter player names here. That's fucking cool. It's really cool. Like, did Mass Effect 2 do that with your character? In a trailer?
Starting point is 00:00:55 No. You know? That's something that's super new. That's new levels of Paul Marketing right there. Yeah. No, definitely. Well, it feels like something that video games would have capitalized on way earlier, because it's something only video games can do.
Starting point is 00:01:07 If they could go the extra step, and have that directly emailed to me this morning, instead of having to plug it in, if I would have seen that email, and clicked the video that was already set up to my character, I would have bought the game. I would have bought the spot. That's sold on the end, yeah, the work that gets put in there. You put in enough work to make sure I would like it. That's good. But the closest thing I think of those trailers that are like, do you want to see Mizzard
Starting point is 00:01:33 come? Yeah. Until Dawn's trailer. Until Dawn and Mad Max does a trailer like that, like, do you want to see if you did it infiltration style? No? Well, near it, and shut up. Here it is.
Starting point is 00:01:45 You waited too long. Exactly. Or the mini teasers you get before you start the next Telltale chapter, and it's like last time, or next time on this. Last time on Stuttering. I know it's not a Dreamcast noise, but that's the universal sound. Rikishi grabs that. Twisty Rockets.
Starting point is 00:02:02 You weren't even in that video, and you know that now, right? Yeah, but I know it. That's cool. Yeah, I know. It's literally something that we should be seeing, like, years ago, in video games. Yeah, yeah, for sure. I see Kebler's Twisty Rockets. I hope they can one up in the future, but like, yeah, color me impressed on your trailer
Starting point is 00:02:23 tech. Solid solid. Yeah. Welcome to episode 110 of the Friendcast. We had a big debate about what last episode was, and we, I think, nailed it with one or nine. Yeah, I just wanted to ask and see, because I know that like... It's fun.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Who keeps track? Exactly. So what's our esoteric fact of the week for the number 110? Oh, Jesus Christ. We're 10% through the way of our podcast contract that got renewed, so we're going to be done another night. One is two off from being 112, which is the awesome music sensation that you should remember. 112.
Starting point is 00:03:03 He does not. I don't. Because it's all about 112. It's a bunch of black guys. It was no idea. Is that 112 black men in a room? That's exactly what it is, and they're all crooning for your heart. Wow, 112.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Been a while. Once we get to episode... Show Kai the crooner. Once we got all the 112s. Exactly. The wonderful 112. The wonderful 112. Here they come.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Yeah. Black men. And once we get to 112, I'll have to... We'll have to get a new esoteric number. Exactly. Well, once you get to 112, then the music selection for the intro and actual podcast will be set. Yeah. It's kind of set.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Unless we want to fucking get legalized on our asses, maybe not. I don't think 112 still exists. Yeah. They're all farmers now. Yeah. The mouseover text for this episode is Pat's not here. Yeah. So he could make it.
Starting point is 00:03:57 So Pat's not here. He could make it. Exactly. So let's take it away with what seems to be Matt's giant two-page notes. It's not. I've had less. I've had less. You've had more too.
Starting point is 00:04:09 And I've had more too. Sometimes I look over and I'm like, damn, he's got a whole fucking calendar laid out in front of him. Usually I cut one or two things because I look at your eyes and they're all glazed over. And I'm like, okay, well, I'll cut it short. Yeah. My week's not going to impress the ladies. So go ahead. Well, neither will mine because I watched The Last Airbender.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Yeah. So how was that earthbending bit? Did you forget how awful it was? So you watched it with the music messes because we had long since passed the part in Avatar, The Last Airbender, where the movie stops. Right. Well, in case you don't know, because like, well, you haven't seen it, but it's very Lord of the Rings, where it just kind of stops. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Because there's no ending because they assume there'd be three parts to it, right? So there's that. And so I can only say what I think about it, which is the worst thing you can say about a movie is that we both fell asleep. Wow. Seriously. When you really think about it, there's no greater insult to a piece of entertainment. It is. You literally both fell asleep.
Starting point is 00:05:21 It's one of the most utterly forgettable things I've ever, ever watched. Like, I watched it two weeks ago and I barely remember it. Yeah. Like, do you remember the bit at the end of the movie where they have to bring in waterbenders to kill someone on screen? Because they can't make the kids do it. Because kids can't kill people. Are you serious? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:41 They're literally who's. And they make them kill the big bad. Okay. Don't forget that because the kids in the Waterbender tribe are just fucking Theoden and a bunch of asshole, some Lord of the Rings. Yeah. They're straight up medieval European looking blonde people. Which is... Well, that's one of the problems is like all the Waterbender tribe people have been completely whitewashed.
Starting point is 00:06:05 No. Here's the thing. Okay. Just really, really quickly. Ask. Is that in Avatar The Last Airbender, air nomads are basically Buddhist monks. Yeah. That's what they look like.
Starting point is 00:06:17 In the movie, there are a selection of random Asian kids, random white kids, and black men. Which is... They're straight up black guys. Which is borderline acceptable, at least it was diverse. Because it's air nomads. They take anybody, but anyway. Whatever. And in the rest of the show, everyone else is Asian.
Starting point is 00:06:34 It's interesting because the Fire Nation is Indian. Yes. In the movie. Which is odd. And no one's quite sure why is it because M. Night Shyamalan directed it. Yeah. I don't know if it could be. But that's not right.
Starting point is 00:06:47 And then all the Water Tribe people... The Southern Water Tribe are Katara and... And Saka. And Saka. They're both white. They're both white. And everyone else is Inuit. They're the only white people.
Starting point is 00:07:00 And then Earthbenders are all Asian. Yeah. And then Northern Water Tribe are all white. All European. It's so weird. It's fucked. Are the different bending cultures like different continents in the world of Avatar? They all have different spots.
Starting point is 00:07:18 So does it not make sense that they'd be different? No. But in the show... It's just not... Everybody's just Asian. It's just not Asian. It's either Asian or you're an Inuit. Like it's one of the other.
Starting point is 00:07:29 You're kind of an Inuit or whatever. There's also a Mayan culture. There's a bit more for sure. But regardless, it's terrible. I forgot that the main hero has been renamed to his actual name, which is Ong. Ong. Ong. Ong.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Ong. Ong. It's so terrible. So good. I think actually the worst part, and now that we also, we also finished watching the Avatar. Avatar. We finished watching. And we both came away with it where we think it's the superior show.
Starting point is 00:07:58 It is. But we think it's the superior show because it is one long quest. And that's more interesting to keep up over the course of time. Like if you can do it well, it's a more interesting format. Whereas Korra is, here's the new villain of the season. Here's the new villain of the season. Here's the new villain of the season. Here's the new villain of the season.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Here's the new villain of the season. I want to like Korra more, but Last Airbender is just better. It's more funny. It's more... Because Zuko is the most interesting arc I've seen of any kid's show ever. Where he starts as the villain and has this awesome character arc. He gets a beach episode. He gets the beach episode, which held up so...
Starting point is 00:08:36 Because I talked about the sexy beach episode. We're all the bad teens. Of course. It holds up so well, though. Sexy beach adventure. Sexy teen adventure. Right? And as we're watching it, my fans are going, like, this seems all right, but you've really
Starting point is 00:08:49 hyped it up. And I'm like, just give it a minute. And as it goes on, and the last shot of it is like a still frame of all the teens laughing. And I don't want to spoil it, especially kids, because if you ever watch it, it's so worth a bit. But you watch it, you go, what? That's the end of the episode. Like, that's so nuts.
Starting point is 00:09:07 And it was still a delight to watch it all over again. And yeah, I think it's the better show, but Cora's got way better action. The animation is anime. Like, that's what I mean. It's just amazing. I want to like Cora better. Because it's got the components. It's just that Cora is more interesting than Aang, but everyone else in Avatar is more
Starting point is 00:09:27 interesting than everyone else in Cora. You know what I mean? Yeah, definitely. Well, it looks like Cora is the Twilight Princess to Aang's Wind Waker, you know? It feels like they kind of made a sequel, and then they made it a bit more mature. They're both good. They tried to. That's kind of where you go with the sequel.
Starting point is 00:09:45 They tried to, and they did, but it's still just as goofy as Avatar. Anyway, the movie is just holy shit. We both fell asleep, so we had no real opinion. My fiance just went, my fiance just went, I fell asleep. What was the last thing you remember? The fact that when the final act of the movie is Aang makes a gigantic water wave, and then everyone looks at the water wave and says, oh shit, and they all kind of leave. He doesn't really do anything with the water wave.
Starting point is 00:10:15 But in the show, he makes a kaiju, and it's awesome. I won't go into much more than that, but it's like so much more crazy and dynamic and whatever. You hyping up the rock scene a lot. Dude, have you seen the rock scene? No, I don't know. I might have fallen asleep during this. It's the fucking fun. Like, I haven't had as loud a sensible chuckle as I did.
Starting point is 00:10:38 What was it exactly? What I watched it. I might have fallen asleep. It's like there's these earthbenders, right? And it's right when they free them from the fire. Yeah, okay, I saw that. Aang makes this horrible white meat. Everyone has to fight.
Starting point is 00:10:54 Everyone have hope. Which he never really does in the show. There's a group of... It's really confusing the way it's shot, and that's the problem. But you see a group of five or six earthbenders do this big stomping catta. And it's really cool. And they all hold their arms up. They're yelling.
Starting point is 00:11:12 And this little rock just floats across the screen. The problem is the way it's shot, because what's really happening is the guy next to them is guiding that rock. But it looks like it took that big stomping catta to get this nothing. They get the little rock to move. And this nothing rock floats through the scene and hits this one fire nation guy who doesn't know how to move. And then this giant wall of stone comes up and protects the singular guy from some fire coming in. So really they were doing that catta to protect him. But the way it's shot, it looks like they did that and this tiny rock just floats by.
Starting point is 00:11:50 Yeah, exactly. It was a fucking riot. The other real problem with that is that in every bending scene, I can imagine this is hard to do, but it's why you shouldn't have done it in the first place. Like don't make a live action movie. Is that they have to do these weird dancing catas and then they have to time it so that another live action actor has to react to getting hit with something that is not there. But if they're not timed perfectly and the CG isn't timed, it looks so bad.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Everything has a delay. Everything looks off. But in animation, you have absolute complete control over every element because you just draw it. If it looks like it's not right, just redraw it and it takes a little bit of time. But in a combination of live action CG, it's almost impossible. And the problem is that doesn't happen a few times. It happens every time. In every action scene.
Starting point is 00:12:42 It's terrible. And to top it all off, the CG doesn't even hold up. No, it doesn't. Some of it looks okay, but the vast majority of it looks terrible, especially water bending. And imagine that's the hardest to do. Oh, for sure, for sure. That fire earth is not the too bad. It all just looks so bad.
Starting point is 00:12:58 It's kind of shocking. Now that I'm all... You'll have more of an opinion on this, but now that I'm all avatarred up, like I re-watched the show, I finished Korra, and I watched the movie, for me 100%, it's earth bending. Earth bending is so much cooler in every way and has way more applications because you can metal bend off it and sort of you can spur off that into lava bending because that's what Bolin does later or whatever. But that has so many more applications because you may lay way more than that. You can create a fucking rock shield around yourself.
Starting point is 00:13:30 You can make ramps if you're in a fucking car and just make it. The most useless bending to me at all is fire bending. Yeah, kind of. You might think it's the de facto coolest, but you can shoot fire and you can shoot lightning. Guess what? Lightning is lethal. Oh no, just like fire. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Like it's all cool. I like earth bending. To me, earth bending has the most applications and looks the coolest. I like earth bending the best because of Toph. Because Toph is such an underrated character. I don't think she's underrated. No, she's underrated. No, she's perfectly rated.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Everyone knows she's like the best. It's crazy how she turns around from being like, to like, no, you're actually the coolest. But actually they're so good at balancing their characters in Lost Airbender. That's why I feel Korra is a little sloppy with that. Because Mako has very little going on and Bolin's more interesting. Bolin's got everything. But then he's also just comic relief at the same time. And Asami's really cool.
Starting point is 00:14:30 You know what's crazy? The voice actress for Asami played Yue, the moon princess with the white hair in the movie. Oh. Shit. So they hired her somehow. Wow. Isn't that weird? That's odd.
Starting point is 00:14:46 You think even the creators of the show would have been like, just wipe our fucking asses with that turn and never go back on anyone that was involved with that. My biggest takeaway after finishing the Lost Airbender movie was I wish they did the rest. I want to watch. I want to watch like, I don't want you to pry my eyes away from this train wreck. I want to see everything happen. It did make quite a bit of money. I want to see every pop and every explosion.
Starting point is 00:15:11 You want the icebreaker to compiling in after the Snowpiercer is off the rails. Exactly. And not just Korra, but the rest of Airbender. Because it only did the first book. There's three more movies before you even get the Korra trilogy. And then Korra gets another three movies. And then they can do an original one. It did make a lot of money actually.
Starting point is 00:15:33 I'm sure it did. The most entertaining thing of the night is that once it's done, we watch it on Xbox Live Video, so it gives you the Rotten Tomatoes score and a bunch of reviews. And we read the reviews. The reviews were hilarious. It's like, in this war of no passion, no one cared. And this lifeless, there were amazing little quotes. And they were just filmed with such limp-wristed, non-dedication to the source material.
Starting point is 00:16:02 M. Night Shyamalan further digs his own grave that he will never, ever rise from. Which is ironic, because this weekend his new movie opened up The Visit, which actually is getting quite good reviews. It's a horror movie where it's probably a really horrible setup where two kids go to live with their grandparents and their grandparents are crazy and weird. Yeah, he's got a lot more. That's scary. I know people that have crazy, like, oh, I have to spend the weekend with their grandparents
Starting point is 00:16:29 and they're weird. I wanted for that one with the two creepy kids. That's mama's dire, mama's boy. That's coming out. Not mama's boy. That's a different movie. That's grandma's boy. He's got a lot more downs than ups, but I gotta give it to him.
Starting point is 00:16:44 He's still trucking. Apparently this movie is, I wanted to try to go see it. You gotta eat. You gotta pay the bills. Somehow he can keep eating that. You know what I mean? You will find a way to keep trucking when your lights need to stay in them. Really quickly, I tried to start up Bloodborne again.
Starting point is 00:17:01 I took out the big fancy guide that Pat and German Spy were able to enable and procure. I did not get far. It's been too long. Sure. You have to readjust your anus. Readjust my spicy butthole in such a way that when you try to acclimatize back to a souls game, this is the first time I've gone back to a souls type from software game. All the ones I just dropped off hard and never returned to because I love Bloodborne so much
Starting point is 00:17:32 and it's aesthetic and it's characters and it's world or whatever. Usually when I start up a game again, let's say like something I haven't touched in a long time, it's never a tough game per se. I just need to get used to the controls again and then I'm off my merry way. It doesn't work like that. It's certainly not a friendly game in that regard. It's that I have to actually have an entire day to get back to the swing of things. I didn't get far.
Starting point is 00:17:55 I made a little bit of progress but I almost started to like, maybe I should just look up a video on how to get past this part and then I saw like complete run of all bosses on the recommended video and I was like, my mouse hovered over it. I was like, your finger began to sweat. Because the bosses are my favorite thing, especially in Bloodborne and Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 2 is the one video where I'm like, let me look up all the bosses and there are only five bosses of note that I even thought were cool in Dark 2 and all the rest are just generic knights.
Starting point is 00:18:31 If you spoil these for yourself, you're going to enjoy it less when these moments happen. There's two that I got spoiled on myself which is, I think the next boss that I'm supposed to fight which is, I'll say it's the... Yeah, go ahead. The name doesn't mean anything. What's your name? Like with the exception of some end game ones? It's a priestess that turns into like a giant...
Starting point is 00:18:50 The Vicarimelius? Oh, Vicarimelius. Yeah. She's really early game. She's amazing, yeah. And then when I tuned into a random Bloodborne episode that you guys did, you did the guard dog of the old ones. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:04 The watchdog of the old ones. The watchdogs of the old ones. I'm like, oh, he's really cool. But I mean, he's a generic type of boss. Big dog. Big dog. So yeah, I did that. I also sunk in a lot more hours into Mad Max which was probably the toughest video we've
Starting point is 00:19:19 ever had to record. I'll kind of apologize to anyone that's kind of like, oh, why is the framerate like this? There's some technical difficulties with that. The hurdle ordered it once before as well. The hurdle ordered it once before. It didn't record and then me and Woolly had a bunch of other different problems. The hurdle was mounted to the back of speeding 18-wheelers on fire and you had to jump them out.
Starting point is 00:19:42 But Liam, did you know this? Is that you knew that when you go into the big nothing, you can find some rare loot and some things. But regular electrical storms, like big storms will happen. And it didn't happen when me and Woolly, and it says storm rolling in. And what these are is that you have to get into your car and even then what happens is that when these storms start, these rare loot boxes are being thrown around in the storm. Wow.
Starting point is 00:20:06 And you need to harpoon it and drive it out of the storm. And then you'll get 100 scrap, like you'll get 300 scrap. Large quantity. Out of that. And like, I tried to do that and I didn't know that I was supposed to ride out the storm in my car or whatever, but I tried to get out and I'm trying to catch the box and stomp it. And I couldn't do it because the harpoon doesn't break it open, it just drags it.
Starting point is 00:20:31 And just as all the scrap falls out, I'm maxed and I'm just blindly going and I'm trying to catch a scrap and just as I get closer, it flies away. And I'm like, oh god, this is a disaster. And an electrical lightning bolt hit me and fucking killed me. I wish going into the dangerous parts of town actually gave you higher rewards in real life. Why can't we have that? There's a fucking reason to try. You could be up at the point every weekend, right?
Starting point is 00:20:58 It got to the point where you started getting into the whole economy system that after you've liberated camps of established characters, like gut gash and pink eye. I don't want to know why you have that. Nick, you got it. Is that once you start helping them out, it's almost like Assassin's Creed where you start up little side projects, little resource gathering things in these camps. And then all this starts generating scrap and then they help you out and they give you rare parts for your car.
Starting point is 00:21:28 And it's all done. I'm sure this is what actually took the development a long time is to figure out why this would even make sense in the Mad Max universe. How could there even be an economy in a world with no economy and trying to figure it all out? But I'm still having fun with it. If I could give it a score right now, I'd still say it's like a 7.5 to an 8. I think I'm leaning more towards the 8 side.
Starting point is 00:21:51 When I was playing, I ended up playing five or six hours before just tapping out. And I was like, I can't do this in Arkham Knight and Metal Gear. Jesus Christ, no way. And like I said, I want to finish this or get my fill of it before I go back into Metal Gear because once I know that I go into Metal Gear, I'll never come out. You can't make sand from different sandboxes together. Exactly. No.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Sand is witch. Oops, all sand. I gave up on it. I'm calling it a 7. It's all right. Fair enough. It's all right. And the last one thing I played is I made a Twitter post about it and I was kind of embarrassed
Starting point is 00:22:24 because everyone's like, whoa, are you serious? I was investigating some shit starting games as I do every year and I found one called Nightmare House 2, which is basically just a half life mod. And I didn't know is that back in 2010, Val did something to half life to Source Engine mod thing or whatever that fucked up all mods ever. Great. So that no mods that run this particular thing work anymore. You start it up and it says, no.
Starting point is 00:22:53 And then I just went back and forth, back and forth because I saw videos of people playing Nightmare House and I was like, this looks awesome. This looks like something I so want to play, which is basically just hack and slash and shooting your way through a Nightmare House. And I finally found like a working, like someone just went into all the files and fixed them and you just dump it into your like Source Asks. And it doesn't just work. And it just kind of works.
Starting point is 00:23:15 And like I had a blast going through that game because it's literally like a monster popping out of a closet and really effective spooky scares. Like you're grabbed by the ghoulies kind of thing. A little more hardcore than that. I found a guy half on a toilet, meaning his bottom half his legs and his pelvis were sitting on a toilet and his torso had exploded far away and his torso is on the other side of the room. And as I'm going up a ladder, the torso starts attacking me.
Starting point is 00:23:44 I'm just like, oh Jesus, how embarrassing for both him and me. Did he eat those fucking sugarless gummy bears? You mean Haribo? Yeah, maybe it looked like it. And that was the prologue of the game. That was just an establishing like, here's how this game is. And then you start the first chapter, which you start in the mental institution and it actually has a long build tension of what's happening here.
Starting point is 00:24:10 You kind of see spooky things happening, but you're not quite sure. And a guy is guiding you out of this mental Institute. And I was like, wow, this is this is like really some production value like voice acting, everything for a mod. So I played that a bunch last night and and the missus kept going. Like she's like in the bedroom watching something and she goes, are you scared over there because I hear you yelping and screaming every couple of seconds. And I'm like, I'm fine.
Starting point is 00:24:37 You gotta tell her you're just practicing for work. I'm just practicing for sister. But I kind of like, I'm not sure if I want to play it anymore because I want to leave some surprises open, but really, really enjoyable. And then I was like, everyone goes, yeah, welcome to six years ago when that came out. And I was like, well, in my defense, I only started to use steam like two years ago. Yeah, exactly. Because I really had no interest.
Starting point is 00:24:58 And then when I saw like how many horror games and crazy weird indie games come out, I like, I check it every day now for anything that, you know, piques my interest, especially getting my downloaded haven't started yet. I'm sure you might have heard of a cold party hard. I only know the name. I know the name. It's basically parties are happening and you and you're a crazy guy and you're like stop partying and you kind of hit man.
Starting point is 00:25:19 It's an overhead pixel based thing. You try to stop the party through various things. It makes me think of stop stress a day of anger or whatever. Sort of. And it's, and it's, it's graphics and aesthetic are kind of like Hotline Miami. Just kind of like that. And it's just, it's a devolver. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Party hard. Also, everyone talking about dropsy, dropsy the clown. Dropsy's awesome. Yeah. I haven't played it. Everyone's going, that's about dropsy. It's a point and click adventure where you play as a creepy clown and you hug, you hug, you hug everything.
Starting point is 00:25:48 And Traylor says his warm, sweaty, and gray springs happiness. Gotcha. There's no text. There's no text. So yeah, that's, that's, that's, that's amazing. Yeah. No, very, very nice pixel based stuff. Matt, I need to call something out.
Starting point is 00:26:02 Just came to my attention. Yes. I was robbed. I think you stole something from me. I stole something. I think you stole something from me. It just came to my attention due to various means somehow that the next hot pepper gaming thing has been recorded.
Starting point is 00:26:17 It has. And I noticed that this has been recorded and I was not present to have my enjoyment after suffering through what I suffered through in front of everybody. I thought we would all be able to do this mutually so that I would have to get some come up. So I said a similar thing. There are circumstances that required it be that way. Unfortunately.
Starting point is 00:26:46 I mean, we didn't just go into it. Yeah, go ahead. Is that I was while you were gone and Pax Prime was happening or see an email saying, Okay. You gotta get going. So that's the only reason I can give you the full video though. You can dub over it. You can dub over it.
Starting point is 00:27:06 You can dub over it and put it on your U-Porn account, right? That actually is coming out tomorrow. I'm sorry. Yesterday. Monday or Tuesday. So this is actually coming. They put a tweet out saying that's going to be out Monday. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:19 So yeah. That's fine then. I reviewed until dawn. I did a habanero pepper, which is way, way less than a ghost pepper, but I still don't have a good time. Spicy buttholes were had, but I will actually, if I ever do this again, I will go up an octave certainly because I felt like this was manageable. Quite hot.
Starting point is 00:27:40 The hottest thing I've ever eaten. No problem. But you could take more. Because we bought, the Mrs. bought me too. They bought me habanero and bought me Thai chilies, which are the most exact what the logo of hot pepper gaming is. Of course. And we found various sites that said Thai chilies are less.
Starting point is 00:27:56 They're about the same as habaneros. So I wanted to have an arrow. Okay. It's circumstances beyond your control. I still feel robbed. But I understand. You are right to feel robbed. I understand.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Okay. It's okay. It wasn't nearly as extreme reaction here. So I'm not sure how much more enjoyment. No, just take solace in the fact that he and me and Pat are going to be little bitches. Yes. And take our little sweet chili peppers. But I need to be there because it was still that bad.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Yeah, for sure. And y'all fuckers didn't let me have any quarter. And we made the best video you've ever been in. You gave me no quarter, so I need to have my comeuppers at the very least. If not just a voice laughing. If I ever do it again, I will go up an octane certainly and you will be there present. I already said I got nine ghost peppers left. Don't you dare bet me.
Starting point is 00:28:48 And don't make a bet. No one make a bet. All right. All right. All right. Let's take a quick word from our sponsors. All right, Liam. Grab that loop crate.
Starting point is 00:28:58 I got the loop crate. Wally's got those. What do you want? What do you want me to do with it? This is our, this is the last month. This is the August one. This is the August loop that we did. What was in this one?
Starting point is 00:29:10 Well, we didn't get it. Well, I don't, you're opening it, Liam. Oh, you're right. Do you remember the theme? No, that's okay. My brain's okay. We'll find out shortly, won't we? It's time to discover.
Starting point is 00:29:20 Adventure. Because we entered into this large piece of stuff. Villains. It was villains. Villains. Villains. Villains. Villains.
Starting point is 00:29:30 Villains. Villains. Villains. Villains. Villains. Villains. Villains. Villains.
Starting point is 00:29:38 Villains. Villains. Villains. Villains. Villains. Villains. Villains. Villains.
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Starting point is 00:55:01 The next person should do aanking. Villains. Villains. Villains. Villains. Villains. Villains. Villains.
Starting point is 00:55:09 Villains. Villains. Villains. They insisted that we have them. They insisted if we have them. I don't really understand the applications that you spend Miller save the Admins. You would really want us to spend millions of Rаю on this box. We it's unfortunate in the play through.
Starting point is 00:55:22 I haven't gone back to mother Bay since seen Oscar lot on the base because he doesn't appear there except for in that, that mission, like you know, like as a third flashback. Yeah. Recently, and it's a bummer because I wanted to show off the tranquilizer stuff. Yeah. When I, when I found that, when I first played the game我 was like that was the best. You have to do it. You have to do it right away.
Starting point is 00:55:40 When you told me like that's possible. So I did it. Yeah. It's great. Yeah. I've been trained to do. Yeah. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:55:49 That being said, like mother base is fucking huge and vapid. Dude, everyone likes getting bought by the boss. It's the best. Yeah. Yeah. You go harder. But there's not a whole lot to do outside of finding diamonds and looking down posters. Well, we're a bit bummed.
Starting point is 00:56:03 We went to the animal platform and we're like, oh, there's not much here. There's absolutely nothing there. Like it was actually like a bit. For the loading that it takes to get to the animal conservation platform, there's no reason to go there. Like maybe it, maybe it gets a cutscene when you actually fill out the whole roster. Yeah. Like that thing that you get that weird stinky when you haven't been showering and you go
Starting point is 00:56:24 to the platform. You know the one I'm talking about? Yeah. Well, it's like, go, it's like, yeah, you go take a shower and you have to have your social link up with quiet like all the way. So maybe there's other stuff like that in the game or if you do a certain thing. I was just hoping we'd go and Miller would be telling us how great animals were. Or maybe you can have FOV missions where people can steal your animals.
Starting point is 00:56:43 Yeah. That would be the real help. For what purpose if they don't do much? For their dimensions. And there's, you know, like, although it's like, fuck a shower, you just find a puddle and roll in it. Yeah, exactly. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:56:55 That's the deal. And you get the note and everything. And you actually take more hits when you're refreshed. It reminds me of like all of like the bullshit and ground zeroes where it's like, get on the ground, roll 30 times to get the patch to fall off. Okay. So you remember how, okay, I think it might have started with Snake Eater where they were basically like every staff, every staff member working on this past to add them to the game.
Starting point is 00:57:19 I think in two, they had that, but it was only three is where you know where you can catch them all. Yeah. The fucking missile gear solid and all that shit, right? So it feels like, like in this case, they are leaving the transmitter in yourself and you get that extra dumb rustling cut scene with rustling holds with Eva. Oh God. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:38 There's just, there's so many. There's so many. And it feels like this time they did the same thing, but they said, the entire game revolves around. But they did the same thing, but they said, make it something that you do with your character. Not just things you find, but like, secret moves, look at all the applications. Yeah. You do the $6 million man sound effects, but yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:02 I got us fantasized about Lee Majors. One more. And the type of arm tech that you eventually get. Yeah. Like the wisp and stuff. Oh my God. I wish they had put in a trailer. Fuck it.
Starting point is 00:58:15 Punch. Well, that was the one that I didn't know about the fucking. It was all given away. That was like, oh, oh man. It's great hearing Kiefer yell that. Yeah. That's, that's cool. Kiefer's, by the way, Kiefer's great in, in, in the role.
Starting point is 00:58:29 He's super good. I'm in. I think he's fantastic. I'm in at this point, but it's still sad. But like, like Snake has always sounded like a cartoon character and not like a real person. Which is why he's so much more memorable. The thing is, the thing is, ultimately though, like it, like to me, hmm, how do I put this? I can deal with this.
Starting point is 00:58:49 And like the fact that it's a big boss eases that a little bit. If it ever were solid snake, I'd have a much bigger problem with it. Boss has had a multitude of voice actors. That's it. Right. When a character like Solid Snake says, yo, my name is David. Yeah. Fuck you.
Starting point is 00:59:08 You can't recast that. Solid's got to say the same. No matter what happens. And like, even if you want to get big Hollywood on it, you can't, man. It's too attached. You know? But everything else is more or less fine. He sounds good though.
Starting point is 00:59:19 Yeah, for sure. Yeah. I guess the only other thing I did this week was I played a bit of Destiny 2.0 after like the big patches came out, like pre-taken King stuff. Oh, it's like, boy, holy shit, it's improved. Previously, you had like a hard level cap and then you gained what was called light levels, right? Which is these like numbers attached to your gear.
Starting point is 00:59:41 And you'd basically be grinding away for better gear so you can raise your light level. Because once you're at the cap, doesn't fucking matter. Your light level's all that mattered, whether you're going to be able to do damage to big enemies and shit. Now they've just gotten rid of light levels completely. Level cap's 40. Enjoy it. Like, I'm back to leveling up with experience and it's just fun.
Starting point is 01:00:00 It's just fun to play. Like they should have done that from the start. Like they should have done that from the start. Is there improved... Nolan Bot sounds good. I don't know if he's better than Dinklage Bot. I don't really mind either way. Is there an improved like gameplay flow in terms of like your plot delivery system and
Starting point is 01:00:14 making it more engaging? There's more of it, basically, yeah. It's like all around improvements. I was looking down the patch list and I was like, there's no negatives here unless you really like Peter Dinklage's voice, like there's no negatives here. No, well, my reason for not going back was kind of just the sterile laboratory feeling of everything kind of didn't make me want to load it up again. I kind of get you a little bit.
Starting point is 01:00:39 I love the art and the gameplay in Destiny, so I kept me coming back always. Like the last time I turned it off, I didn't think to myself, well, I'm done. I just went, okay. You just never happened again. And then it just never happened again. Maybe give it another one. I mean, it's 2.0 now. It's like huge improvements.
Starting point is 01:00:57 All I can say is it's better than it was before by a wide margin. Huge improvements across the line. It makes me got my money. Yeah, you already got it. What do you want? Yeah, not even digital, but yeah. Oh, sure, yeah. They have it.
Starting point is 01:01:11 I paid them. But it's fun. I don't know. I'm not going to jump into the taking king right away because I still have some like House of Wolves stuff to do, but fun game. It's just enjoyable. I'm never going to do all the end game bullshit though. But it's fun.
Starting point is 01:01:24 And the other thing is like playing a dedicated like crew of friends online and stuff. Yeah. Which means you can only go so far. You can go really, like you only get locked out of a little bit. Like I want to say maybe less than seven missions you get locked out of. Out of like probably 60 plus. It's not a very big percentage. I thought it was a wow type thing where it's like once you hit cap, the end, the game begins.
Starting point is 01:01:51 The game begins at that stage. I mean, that's kind of it for all games of this type. But there's like the problem is there's only like five or six actual raids in the game. So that's all you're really getting locked out of that. And like one of the one of the multiplayer modes called, I think it's Prison of the Elders or no, Trousers of Osiris that requires you to have two other friends with you. It's a really cool mode actually where like basically you buy a like a card, like a punch card almost. And every time you win, you punch a hole in the punch card, right?
Starting point is 01:02:24 But if you lose three matches, you lose the punch card for the week. So it's a competitive thing where you and your buddies have to win ten before you lose three in order to get like the really good shit. Wow. And you get like really cool gear. You're really sick looking. Daily's kind of thing. Kinda, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:41 It's fun. But I don't know, I'm enjoying the game. Still gorgeous, still sounds great, still plays great. But yeah, story's never been good. No sugarcoat in it. Send me that, send me that eventual cutscene of like the crazy battle between the fucking edge of the planet and the traveler. That's what I want to see.
Starting point is 01:02:58 Yeah. Well you gotta fucking watch all the trail, like the amazing CG trailers, they look fantastic. Like they're worth your time for sure. But I want bullets and lasers shooting up and down between both surfaces. Yeah, well I remember that was your like fantasy dream for what it would be. God, that game would be amazing if it was that. But anyway. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:17 I played a bit of Gone Home. Grow Home. Grow Home. Grow Home. Yeah, no I've been saying Gone Home because I guess I'm just so used to hearing that name. I also feel like saying that. I beat it. Really fun game.
Starting point is 01:03:29 Not much going on. All you do is climb and move stuff around but it's fun. You know, Sterling has been praising it for quite a bit. It just feels fun to move around. And I know some people get frustrated. I've read like complaints about like, oh I keep falling. It's like well, be careful. It's all there is to it, right?
Starting point is 01:03:45 Like just be careful but it's fun. Oh. It's no scalar. No exact, well nothing will ever be scalar. Except scalar. Or tie. The Tasmanian kangaroo. Or fuck ever.
Starting point is 01:03:56 Or K. Or K. Legacy of K. Anniversary of K. Mario Maker came out. Mario Maker came out. Mario Maker. Mario Maker is real good.
Starting point is 01:04:06 As expected. And they got rid of that thing, huh? Yeah, they cut it down aggressively. Fucking sound effects that can play whenever you like jump on enemies' heads or whatever. Or you can record sounds and stuff. Yeah. You can record anything. Oh my god.
Starting point is 01:04:20 The videos I've seen coming out. Mario jumping on Goombas like, what are those? Yeah. Like all the mind jokes just getting transported into Mario Maker. When they were showing off the features in like early videos. Like people weren't paying too much attention to them but they were there and it was like the potential's been there. It's fucking amazing.
Starting point is 01:04:38 I saw recently that this was actually supposed to be Mario Paint. For the Wii U. Well, the return of the fucking fly swat thing. Yeah, but like the genesis of this project was like the main director or producer or whatever. It was like, yeah, let's make a new Mario Paint. Oh cool. And it just evolved into all the 30th anniversary of Mario.
Starting point is 01:04:59 It evolved into this whole thing. And I actually think like it's probably the better choice. Yeah. In terms of, you know, getting people on board. Especially since Art Academy already exists. Yeah, and there are lots of apps and things. But Mario Paint really came down to the fucking music maker. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:15 It was the music maker and like the gimmick of a mouse. Yes. Which was really cool. Which I spent quite a bit of time on Mario Paint. Very cool. Yeah, I know. It was a neat game. But like in this day and age I kind of think they'd look at the music maker maker and think
Starting point is 01:05:26 this is a zone app. Yeah. This is its own other game. Yeah, exactly. It's like you can't hold up. So like not counting the user generated stuff. I'm going to talk about that in a second. There's very little meat on these bones.
Starting point is 01:05:39 Like if you don't have a network connection, don't even bother buying this game. There's no offline to be. You can make levels. You can play them offline. So that's if you have a buddy to play with. You can enjoy that for sure. There's a selection of like courses to play that are Nintendo made. But they are not Mario levels.
Starting point is 01:05:57 They're like a quarter of the length focused around one gimmick. Like all of them kind of feel like they're trying to like inspire you with different ideas. Get you started to show you some possibilities. But yeah, when I read, I don't even remember where, but I read pre-release there was going to be a bunch of like pre-made levels and stuff. I was like, oh, fucking awesome. You're telling me I'm getting a little Mario campaign for these four games? Amazing.
Starting point is 01:06:21 It's not that. You get like a handful of little. Intro levels. Intro levels that are particularly great. And then beyond that, you should buy this game if you want a billion terrible Mario levels. So how is that? What's the word I'm looking for? Curation process.
Starting point is 01:06:41 Okay. So they have they have a couple of things they have like most popular. They have up and coming, which I guess is there's some algorithm to look at who's playing what or something. I don't know. And then they have like a most recent thing top rated is garbage. It's complete trash. Lots of people complaining about it.
Starting point is 01:06:58 It's all like, don't touch the button, you know, like auto Mario scrollers that we've all seen a million times on YouTube. Those things that people are being exposed to for the first time. And people are just going, I like this. Yeah. And so the so the top ranked is is like, it's that shit. And it's it's stuff where it's like, I made a Sonic game in Mario. I made a Metroid in Mario.
Starting point is 01:07:20 So there's not much that's actually really good in terms of like Mario game design in the top ranked. But if you if you like just go down the list of like up and coming and stuff, you'll you'll find good ones at whatever pace they happen to be available at. But there's certainly I feel like there needs to be like a more personalized curation. So that's what makes or breaks a game like this, right? And and N plus was fucking phenomenal, because like, even before you got to the user generated really specifically, even before you got to the user generated levels, you had thousands
Starting point is 01:07:57 of fucking too many levels metanet developed levels for you to go through. And they were all like, they maximize their own ideas. They're all solid. You know what I mean? And then you go through the categories that you had for the user generated ones. And there was a ton of categories and a ton of ways to find the exact types of stuff you want. So anything shy of that is is kind of not what I'm used to.
Starting point is 01:08:18 And if you're telling me there's not even the single player part that like N plus had it's a shit. No, there isn't a tagging system or anything like a tagging system would really help if there was ways to categorize stuff almost almost like if you could just make your own favorites list and share it with your friends or something or see what your friend you can follow creators. Okay. But like that's that's fine.
Starting point is 01:08:40 Somebody has a great level that you can. Exactly. Exactly. And I've done that much for a few people because there are there are some and some of the some of the levels that people are making with like the sound effects and filters and stuff are an absolute blast. This one like horror themed Japanese level is super, super great. But like, yeah, not a lot of meat on those bones until like the good levels really start
Starting point is 01:09:01 coming out because I've probably played maybe like 10 levels that I would really say are good Mario style levels and then like out of like 200 levels I played. But you know, at the same time, I think I like I think like a lot of kids are just looking for the gag level. They're looking for the recreation thing slash don't touch the button like when every when like when every set of three levels is don't touch anything super ultra hard epic. And I made X game in Mario. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:35 That's the problem really. I don't even mind this. I don't even mind the super hard stuff. If it's like fun and well, no, and I played a few that were fun, but a few of them are just like, but yeah, we call me as a thing. We know it. Yeah, I think it's one of those things where it's like it just came out this this past Friday.
Starting point is 01:09:53 So not even yeah, so it's like it needs for the levels to really filter in with a lot of good stuff. Yeah. Like for the casuals that just want to play like whatever they don't care about the quality so forth and that your best bet is to like any friends that you have like I like on Twitter specifically I would see like Gerard and Satch and all these people like so they know themselves and their friends and they're like, well, let's just do this because why would we fuck around with other things.
Starting point is 01:10:20 But yeah, for an incomplete package is like you need at least a month. Hey, a little big sun calculator was not built on day one. No, of course not. I was just going to say like even though Mario plays a million times better than Little Big Planet does, I remember like getting an early copy of Little Big Planet after the delay and even on day one or pre day one on Little Big Planet, you could go online and you could eyeball which stages were going to be great and which stages were going to be terrible based on the amount of care people put in.
Starting point is 01:10:48 I think there's more kids playing this though like a I think there's more kids playing this but like B like also when the art styles all unified it's a lot harder to pick out how much care people put into levels. You know what I mean? Just eyeballing it. Since we're talking about like kind of emulating making levels and stuff, I have to ask like something about the dock. Do you have anything about Disney Infinity in there?
Starting point is 01:11:09 Oh, that. Yeah. That's really cool. That's a thing. I think that's super cool. That's a thing. Well, we'll talk about that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:17 Because I was going to say this is a time to bring that up. Sure. I guess. I mean. Just a sec. But yeah. Sure. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:11:25 Sorry. We're going to do a Mario Maker video. We're not 100% there yet. We still got to ask some buddies of ours to make some levels. I'm going to be making a post on the two best friends play subreddit probably today, which is Monday, and it's going to it's going to give you all the details. Basically we're going to do a Mario Maker video in like a week or something and we're going to ask for any of you guys who have a Wii U and Mario Maker to just post all five
Starting point is 01:11:52 of you. All five of you to just post post level codes for good levels you made and we're not again we're not looking for Yari Comey stuff. We're not looking for like don't touch the button stuff unless you make a really amazing one. I'm going to check them all. Or hilarious. Or hilarious.
Starting point is 01:12:07 Exactly. In fact. I guess the only rule is like think about it that you want like a level that just makes a good moment. Yeah. In a potential video. I don't I don't even think we I say don't even instruct. Don't even instruct.
Starting point is 01:12:20 But I just want to make sure everyone knows that if you all make a Yari Comey level nobody's going to get through. Okay. You know what I mean. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:12:32 So you know make whatever level you think is cool. I'm going to look at all of them. We can't. Don't. We can't use all of them because we can only go for so long. So long. But we're going to pick like I mean it depends on how long the levels are to finish. But if your question.
Starting point is 01:12:42 Anywhere between like 10 and 15 levels maybe. If your question mark dick but doesn't have shading on it. Yeah. I'm not going to care. Exactly. I'm not going to care. So I'm going to even lick that. So get in there.
Starting point is 01:12:53 Hater fistinator comes out of hibernation. Well hater fistinator is a guy that wrote on the subreddit is like why do you assholes hate Toronto. I live in Toronto and I was like. No I'm just talking about because the Soul Calibur like no but I think it's the same guy. Yeah. That's what I mean.
Starting point is 01:13:11 I'm just saying something he comes out of hibernation to like to get out of it. But he already did once. Yes. This is like the user generated stuff. Never mind. It's okay. Like he hasn't been in a cage your entire time. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:22 Ganbathe. The other level type is like amiibo museum. These are all the amiibos I have. Try all their costumes out. Yo. Amazing. That's it. What.
Starting point is 01:13:33 What is the point of the okay whatever anyway because people want to see the amiibos because you can't buy these plastic toys in the store. It's the only place. I've really turned around on amiibos. I used to love them. I just bought a Ganondorf one. I used to love them. Now I just buy them from compulsion.
Starting point is 01:13:52 All I see on my Facebook wall is people just being like why did I get back in. And the Ganon one was the one that's turning people on. Right now I want Ganon. I want Falco when he's good. And then I'm waiting for the next batch. Get Roy. Get Ryu. So yeah you're still super in for a while.
Starting point is 01:14:11 I'm still super in. But boy has Nintendo not demonstrated the ability to make him good. It seems like they don't need to because people still want them and they're still a huge success. But they should still make a good application for it. I understand that but why bother when you're already successful. Because they're Nintendo and I hold them to a higher standard. You were wrong. Like how about you fucking or at the very least like I don't know.
Starting point is 01:14:36 Maybe they didn't think it was going to be a success. Maybe this is the time when you pre-orders make sense because then you build according to the number. You know what I mean? Like when it's production as opposed to just like. You got to ship more than just the pre-orders because look at all the people complaining that they couldn't even get a pre-order in. Certainly.
Starting point is 01:14:53 They need way more than pre-order. But that's what I mean. At least you get a semblance for like how much you've got to ramp that up you know. Yeah but here's the thing. Let's say even Willie who's pretty ambivalent towards it and be like eh or let's say he might even go the other way and go ah Miebo suck. Giant mega yarn Yoshi and King E just starts going like you know like everyone has a thing where they'll go I'm done and then something will come along so I'm going to pull you back
Starting point is 01:15:19 in. Yeah exactly. You think the lever would be like. It's giving me my life size zero suit Samus Miebo. The queen of Miebo's. The censor's on her butt. The censor's on her butt. Can't wait for that.
Starting point is 01:15:32 Amiqo. Yeah exactly. I'm going to buy it day one man. Absolutely. Absolutely. And it feels shitty to feel like that's the right thing. But it's the right thing. It's the right thing in this case because fuck.
Starting point is 01:15:46 Shuffle my Miebo. Shuffle my Miebo. I want it super bad. I want that too. Again it's just stuff like Skyliner Supercharge not supporting DK and Bowser like stuff like that. Well anything not supporting anything. Yeah exactly.
Starting point is 01:16:00 When there's no reason for it. Or like Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival. How in the world did you decide to make Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival where you have over 40 Amiibos just sitting there waiting to have a festival. And no you're going to make 9 more Animal Crossing Amiibos instead of using those ones. I still think the game we're thinking of has to be in the works. It would be so incredibly big night for the all Amiibo games. I agree.
Starting point is 01:16:30 I feel like it'll be the last thing they ever do. They'll send out Amiibos with this. They can't keep continuing this forever right. They can't be a cross-generational thing. As long as it's making as much money as it is it's going to. You know what I guess so. But I almost feel like you got it. There's nothing stopping them from being cross-generational.
Starting point is 01:16:48 Yeah. No but like I think just interest will have to die at some point. Season 2. Different poses. Oh my god Smash Brothers season 2 would be gross. Oh god you're so right. Right. And those will sell even better.
Starting point is 01:17:00 How many Mario's do we have already? All of them. Four. Five. We have Smash Mario. We have Mario Mario. Mario Mario. Gold Mario.
Starting point is 01:17:09 Retro 8-bit Mario. Dr. Mario. Modern 8-bit Mario. Way more than four. Upcoming Dr. Mario. Luigi kind of counts. And also Samus. She's kind of like Mario.
Starting point is 01:17:17 Way more than four my friend. Like yeah exactly. There you go. This is bananas. Alright that's enough of my bow top. Alright. My week was yeah. Not much impressive.
Starting point is 01:17:25 I got around to finishing off Rick and Morty season 2 or not finishing off but catching up to Rick and Morty season 2 because I'd only watched season 1. Is it still going? I reckon as far as I know it's still going. And oh my god you want to talk about like upping the ante. I really want to watch it. Oh man because they know that it's a new season and that everyone's already used to the level of cringe.
Starting point is 01:17:51 Or they should be. So just step it up. We have to step it up and they do so fucking hard. Good. Good. I'm glad. Just blowing everything out of the water. Because I only watched like five episodes and I was like I'll continue this at some
Starting point is 01:18:02 point. Like they're hitting new levels of like fuck what television tells us you have to do. We're going to do this. Your Cartoon Network. We do not care about the rules of TV at all. It's amazing. Fun stuff keep watching. We talked about Phantom Prana already you know like that's that's been pretty much the
Starting point is 01:18:22 way. That's the best. That's been the air. And although to be fair sometimes when I'm done playing I put the controller down to let my mission finish because it's a two hour fucking contract that I sent my guys out on. Right. Right. Okay.
Starting point is 01:18:39 You know I'm like I'm whatever. Fuck it. Sitting in the helicopter for two hours and stare at quiet's ass. Why not. Or Ocelot. Or D-Dogs. Or D-Dogs. And I finally.
Starting point is 01:18:48 I wish D-Horst could get in the chopper with you. It's such a shame that he can't. It's a real bummer. Get some horse porn going. Sucks man. Just D-Horst's like getting swapped in for a quiet's model in the rain sequence. Dude there's. It's great.
Starting point is 01:19:04 All your buddies should be able to go anywhere. Yeah. Yeah. No and yeah I finally got around to watching Dangan Wrestling. It's cool isn't it. Going through it. That shit is enjoyable and hilarious and is triple good when you actually know Dangan Ramon.
Starting point is 01:19:21 It's like it's multiple levels too deep for most people. It's watchable if you don't know Danganronpa. It's really funny. But if you do it's fucking great. If you know Danganronpa and you have surface level knowledge of wrestling. And or maybe Street Fighter. And maybe Street Fighter. Right.
Starting point is 01:19:39 Cause that's not just those two things. No it's not. You're totally right. There are other things that get involved. There's other limbs in there. It's fun. It's fucking great. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:47 Phantom Pain just filled up the week. Cause it's so good. It's such an easy game to play all day. Yeah. That's why it's so easy. That's the thing. Yeah. Every other game is like Bloodborne on my own and other big stuff.
Starting point is 01:20:01 You do sessions and you're like alright I'm done. But you can really just sit and Phantom Pain is all day. It's just fun to play in it's biggest strength. It's the same. And you're trying different things each time. You're going in differently. It's the same gameplay flow and I know you haven't played them that much but same gameplay flow as those other games.
Starting point is 01:20:18 Not really Ubisoft per se but it's the busy work thing where there's always something you can kind of do. Where you can go on that mission, you can explore there, see what that is, try things in different ways. And the game that did that kind of for me is that Blood Dragon wasn't really like that. There was because that was just a pack of DLC but Far Cry 4 was like yeah I spent like an entire day one time and every time I finished something like as I'm driving by completing something I went wait and I got off and then it said let me investigate over there.
Starting point is 01:20:52 It's the thing that someone looks at the map and sees how or something should cross that so you get a little whiff of what you got going on over there. So you kind of just ping pong from one thing or another and then you look and you said oh I missed the wedding. The most interesting thing about Metal Gear in that regards and in terms of MGSV is like it doesn't like the map isn't peppered with towers and like diamonds and stuff. Because man I have played games like that before, I've played Brotherhood, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:21:28 Where there's tons of little icons for you to run around and do shit but I just didn't feel compelled or interested at all. Assassin's Creed does it a little bit different than Far Cry where Far Cry just puts it all out there and it's usually do gameplay. It's not go buy a piece of fucking art or like a little upgrade and you go and you watch a canned animation happen that was it. I don't think Assassin's Creed ever did it super well or a Far Cry did it and I didn't play like I've played Far Cry one a little bit, I barely touched two and I played three
Starting point is 01:21:59 I didn't really like the setup but I like the setup of Far Cry 4 so much better and like I know it's like yeah there's not towers per se in Metal Gear but still because I did a couple of side ops and I started it but I felt it hits that same itch of you can just play it all day and you can go on for sure. And you just like there's no logical stop point really you can just keep going and going and going. There's moments in Assassin's Creed where it's like okay I'm ignoring this side stuff and a thief grabs my money like fine I'll chase this thief and oh I guess I'll rescue
Starting point is 01:22:35 the guy getting beat up while I'm catching this thief you know type of thing. Had that happened once in Unity where like something happened like that I was like no I just kept going. I don't even wanna. I played like 50 hours of Unity I had a lot of fun but like after a certain point you really gotta do something. Whereas here I will do two story missions and then go alright D-Walker you and me we're doing a couple of missions and we just roam the countryside roll it like a mission a mission
Starting point is 01:23:04 yeah and I set an itinerary of like here's some side missions and whatever I find in between is also good yeah that's a good one too you know and it's fucking great. D-Walker moves so fast it's great it's so fun to control him it's honestly worth it to like call out your buddy bring in D-Walker go where you wanna go and then switch back out you know yeah it's so cheap and easy to switch buddies like it's fast I was glad to see that that's clearly like super intentional like yeah change buddies whenever you feel like you need a different buddy you know like I need a better buddy as amazing as it would be to see a mission with everyone out at the same time like rolling out with the D-Walker
Starting point is 01:23:41 you got D-D on your side the horse D-D's riding the horse D-D's riding the horse and quiet is dropping in. You're quiet is riding D-D. Yeah like you know like that's some good shit. Yeah for sure. Someone draw that right now. That's some good shit. When I first got D-Dog I didn't want to pick him because I was like but I have to go from
Starting point is 01:23:57 here to there I need the horse like you find other ways well eventually you get vehicles and then you realize oh it's so easy to just switch them out mid-mission like and you know what it doesn't matter. Because if you get spotted jacking a vehicle just kill them take it. It's my car now. Have you got rolled out in a tank yet? No we can't yet. Because we mission 12 is the first opportunity to get the engineer to power up your faltering
Starting point is 01:24:22 to the max. Sorry you don't have your falters not there yet. Exactly. And I can't play mission 12 again because we're stuck on mother base because we try to leave quiet tries to tell us she wants to join in. I've hijacked a bunch but I haven't rolled out in 1S so I don't know what that controls like but I'm looking forward to it. Alright we should roll into the news.
Starting point is 01:24:40 Rolling into it. So Matt you had a piece of I don't know if I call it news but something that happened this week that you seem to be very keen on talking about. Just because I've already seen that people in Splatoon are already going drawing little pictures of Mickey Mouse saying I made this game. You made this? I made this. I made this.
Starting point is 01:25:00 But yeah for those that don't know they just unveiled like a weird mode in Disney Infinity where it's just the most blatant rip off. It's not really a mode. So it's called Squid Wars and there's a paintball mode in Infinity. Exactly. And what this is is. It's adjusted the logic a bit. So that you have your paint you're doing paintball and like you cover areas.
Starting point is 01:25:24 With your color. Instead of paintballing the other people. Which of course is yeah it's fucking Splatoon but like there was a basis you know admittedly but still they're very clearly going like this is the homage we're making to Splatoon because it's called Squid Wars. It's called Squid Wars. They're not pretending you know. They're not pretending that it's not a complete fucking grab on.
Starting point is 01:25:48 But the Splatoon community is so like active. For like no good reason. For dumb. If it was just called like paint battles or something way more generic and then well it's like are we all gonna forget that Color Wars came out on Xbox Live indie games before Splatoon did. Certainly did. I don't even know what that is.
Starting point is 01:26:09 It's pre-Splatoon Splatoon. And then there was the Minecraft Splatoon game as well that got made there too. And like I don't know I guess I guess I just kind of when I saw the name I was like okay they're going for the homage right. I don't think they're going for that. Well I think people's interpretations of homage are different. Some people don't even understand what that word actually means. Yeah it's French.
Starting point is 01:26:29 But if you don't give a shit about Disney Infinity you're inclined to probably go ah what is this what the fuck you know. Yeah you know like it's an American you know Disney Infinity is made in America or whatever so it's like clearly that yeah I saw Splatoon and see it's popular or whatever and put it in. But like some people like I've seen like some posts on Tumblr and Twitter or whatever they're like malicious like it's Splatoon players are like well what the fuck what are they trying.
Starting point is 01:26:52 Yeah no. What did you like what what what. And that's that's that's in every community ever. But like it's crazy aggressive. Like Dark Souls people shit on Lords of the Fallen so hard. It's published by the same publisher as fucking Dark Souls it doesn't fucking matter at that point. But I just thought it was it was hilarious and the picture I saw of like a Splatoon character
Starting point is 01:27:13 just going like just showing the little bubble above their head and just a sad little giant of Mickey Mouse going I made this. So hilarious. And it came out so quickly that's why I thought it was weird I thought it was like a fan mod of Disney Infinity or something. Wait for it. Isn't it a fan level that was just shared by the curator. No I don't know.
Starting point is 01:27:31 Because they can get that deep into it because they think it's official because they like they create levels all the time and they share they just share them like on a weekly basis. This is just another one in the system right now it's like now man when we revisit the story next week there's going to be Disney executives getting paintballed down in the streets. Like drive-bys. I think rolled by a giant roller like I feel like I feel like people are acting towards Disney Infinity the way people would act if they did like a hey you can using Disney's
Starting point is 01:28:03 airplanes recreate 9-11 in Disney Infinity. Like that's the kind of reaction I'm seeing here where people are like Disney should shut down this is the worst and it's like it's a fucking nothing. Like have you seen Mario Maker. Yeah. Do you know how many Sonic levels there are in that. Disney shut down all me like 80% of something we like would be gone there'd be no Marvel there'd be no Star Wars.
Starting point is 01:28:31 Home and your DVD shelf just just phases out of reality never existed to begin with slowly goes opaque. But I was just speaking of 9-11 Wally. Yeah. Oh God fine. Well I was going to talk about I'm giving you the Wolf Krohn intro that's fine. I was going to I was actually just going to go on because it's a bunch of Nintendo news but yeah right 9-11 Wow yeah that was rough that was a game conference in Dubai.
Starting point is 01:29:02 Yeah this is not dude this is the fault this is the footnote to the story. I don't want to open on the footnote yes the real story is awesome new character introduced for Street Fighter V Rashid you know the turbulent wind uh-huh he's dead he's running around like alforte he's got a fucking Aegis Reflector style wind moves things that look like they coming out of Cody's ass super fun yeah speaking of which I wish it was just Cody yeah I saw a dipod say why can't it be Cody with death written on his chest and he's a zombie because you just see the tornado and you're like that's just Cody's tornado just put into the engine and has a complete different like functions and of course of course but yeah but no gameplay
Starting point is 01:29:48 wise he's he's got like everyone's like oh he's this he's that he's that and it's like no he's a lot of things of nothing yeah so he's a new character it's fine um I I think it's cool basically we find out that this guy was announced in Dubai at a Capcom event thing the Capcom no no it wasn't a Capcom stage event it was it was it was it was a game expo right it was a general game it wasn't yeah no no but it was at their thing in there exactly they had a booth and ono came out and and yeah so they announced his new character and the particular thing with announcing it uh there was because they worked with sony they got in touch with sony's middle eastern distributor and they worked with them to create a middle
Starting point is 01:30:30 eastern character yeah and because they don't trust Capcom Japan right fucking I don't want to exactly right it's like another DJ no at this point it's like get somebody from the place to help us do this yeah because they're like we don't have a lot of middle eastern people working at Capcom so yeah you know this is what we do and uh yeah they work together they got this character out there and whatnot so this took place on the 11th of September yeah and so uh in the midst of seeing this great news about this character and everything there were like occasional there were moments of just weirdness where comments were like what the fuck this is disgusting what is this great disrespectful thing why would you choose
Starting point is 01:31:13 this day to to announce this middle eastern character and it's like think about what you're saying there and then think about it again you know the middle east collectively didn't do anything wrong right and that just because a guy has like a turban on or a head covering of any kind doesn't mean he's a key he didn't do like this fictional character is playing that real place right and it's just and it's just like no but my site you know Canada burned down the White House that one time yeah no it's it's no it's my my fucking own them we kicked their asses not only does my we get to live on top of them I'm allowed to be offended because my ignorance means that I make assumptions about the world around me and the world revolves
Starting point is 01:31:59 around me so how dare they right furthermore as you know in in in addition also this was an event that was this trailer and what not only got announced to Dubai yeah and the trailers that you saw were leaked footage that got pushed to America so it was not released to you at all actually was technically later on but the capcom you our the capcom unity post got put up on the 12th okay so they waited they actually play but it's like but it has nothing to do with anything no but it doesn't matter because when someone on September 11th went into their Twitter's their recommended exactly for says remembering 9 11 then Capcom betrays America right under it yes so yeah you're you're totally technically right but you can
Starting point is 01:32:55 see how people that are like a little less you know we're only East company goes to the Middle East and announces Middle Eastern character for that region partially developed by Middle East halfway around the world people get upset that's like Calcom announcing a new Korean fighter on the anniversary of like the war in Korea it's weird to top it all off we're now coming out of it and there are people calling his design racist as if we couldn't get every angle it has to be a twinge of racism because you know what I mean because you know that word means those two words the exact same word to a lot of people that's true right so it has to have that level of world wariness that you can say yes he is
Starting point is 01:33:59 from that country if he's not wearing a turban or is doing dumb spinning tornadoes it's he's he's from nowhere I wouldn't even say stereotype I'd say it has to be predictable for it to be a street fighter right you have to be able to read it easily and understand what you're looking at exactly that's when people like give able kind of in a hard time because because he looks like he's from nowhere he's not a friend from a judo man yeah that's a direct and that's why some people like I think he's fine but that's why some people like Able's forgettable and the thing is is that it's like here you got this guy and he's like instead of being like a warlord or some kind of oil type or a magic user yeah he's just a fucking
Starting point is 01:34:42 happy little tech dude and he's like he's got a scouter he's got a scouter and he's looking for somebody really realistic he drives super high powered concept vehicles and then abandons them yeah exactly over the place so who's better Shaheed or Shaheen Shaheen Rashid you mean oh Rashid sorry Rashid Rashid or Shaheen you're way cooler I think I think like Shaheen has the edge factor on him yeah whereas Rashid is just fun exactly and I like you go look at his wind quotes to get some of his personality in there his wind quotes show you the kind of fun I also think it matters who was shown first yeah first time that those two companies have been taking notes on each other Bob and Rufus man yeah Bob they're a little similar
Starting point is 01:35:32 yeah I mean Bob is a thousand times cooler than you can see that they're both men yeah you can detail that from the line of pubic hair coming from both of them yeah I know Middle East getting a lot of fighting game attention recently can't make sense they've always had a big scene can't wait for real footage of gameplay yeah you got that like two seconds of self-worth no there's more but is there what is recorded on like a Nokia right that's not even where I'm going I'm going with hey what's blocking oh like oh real like you've got you've got a series of matches and like it's so funny because one guy was like it's like um the stuff subtitles are in Arabic and the guy one of the commenters
Starting point is 01:36:17 he's like you know I understand that the first videos of these characters are at events where people are playing casually they're button mashing I don't expect that right I've gotten used to the my day videos being poor gameplay but the title of this video in Arabic says tips on fighting Chun Lee with with Rashid and it's fuck you if you're telling me that's how you get matchup tips but just jumping around and attacking the air with no answer for that when people jump and hit a normal and hit just wait for the air that's the best or two guys are standing halfway across the screen going through through through through and I'm like will I see one block I made a bet with myself and I said will I see one block
Starting point is 01:36:59 in this video and the answer was no so yeah it was great it was fun it's still super weird to me seeing this character in veil because he's so much he's so close to like a dumber and thing I prefer which is just the the combination of the announcer the look and the name which is and him actually like not being like even more further back in time and he shoots tornadoes he's also really close in terms of time to Armica being announced who was really close to Nikali in terms of being announced when you go back from Nikali it was a bit oh wait Vega was in the middle too shit a character being announced next week due to characters probably being announced to now like if they are now probably character getting announced
Starting point is 01:37:48 to TGS tonight they said it would be Sunday but yes like but they did but straight up yeah it was like no this is going to be back to back weeks of character crazy awesome fucking great and I'm telling Alex knows it's good well okay yeah Alex combo fiend told me Alex is last we're gonna we're probably gonna see another returning character that's gonna be fun but as far as OGs go not OGs rather original characters go Zen and Laura coming soon yeah so this is the best part about this character reveal is that it fucking hyper firms Ken Bogard yeah because Ken Bogard he's an announcer that and he's a fighting game community guy in the French scene fucking if you speak French and you watch his commentary
Starting point is 01:38:36 it's hilarious I highly recommend it but he he put out like some rumors way back in December of last year a Pokemon thing you play Pokemon exactly and he named his Pokemon Rashid Zen and Laura and he kept talking about three different country locations and eventually he mentioned V trigger before that even got announced he mentioned the one platform version of the game all that shit so he didn't he didn't say Nakali so everyone was still like waiting and touch and go about it but now that Rashid is there it's like okay fuck the trigger and Rashid confirms all of a sudden this dude was in and Laura incoming Kat Kona's a find out unless then turned into Nakali until unless as possible the name switches happen it does
Starting point is 01:39:17 uh that's Laura turning into they really got to give him a second color that actually is a second color because right now it's a mildly tanned one clock I feel like tribute told I don't feel like they're gonna talk too much about the colors because I think the colors are gonna cost a bunch of fight money and I think they don't want that to be in the public eye right now yeah that's I mean the first two are always the first two and they're always gonna be there for player one and two but I think that colors three through twelve yeah are are probably gonna be fight fight money colors and you're gonna need to buy either buy them with real money or fight money them and I don't think
Starting point is 01:39:58 they want to talk about that yet or or by the color editor yeah I don't think they'll be benevolent enough to go like a street fighter maker it's like I love color editors but I fucking hate them yeah because you have to strike that right balance yeah such a blessing and a curse when you're forced to see other people shit you got to get that magenta fucking tan fighter black and red everything I want to just really touch upon this really quickly that going back to Rashid I know it's stupid and we like they shouldn't have to do these types of things and think about them but if catcom had unveiled some sort of plan to me in confidence saying we're gonna announce this character this day for this country around
Starting point is 01:40:40 this time like I am of the decision no don't wait a few days before or after September 11th you're gonna get something you're gonna get some type of backlash and you don't need it I know it's stupid but this is the type of world we live in just wait a few days I say don't count how to stupidity I think it's so dumb and like bigoted to make those assumptions just because you see a guy from the Middle East that it's like don't even fucking concede to that shit but also Calcom is a company that poorly times announcements or maybe cancellations of things and people since they strongly feel about Calcom one way or another it's a special type of company where I'm like you specifically you don't need anything negative ever about
Starting point is 01:41:29 any of your products because people blow it out of proportion you specifically you might like it was like what like delay the event that's happening in Dubai I couldn't do you know it's not their event they showed up to it and I know I know but in a perfect world if you know you wouldn't have to do this at all and people would be it's the same type of people that when Japan got the earthquake through there's some people are good yeah because they Pearl Harbor that was for Pearl Harbor yeah exactly exactly God that was the worst that was the worst every time you see that like mural of Facebook posts you know yeah that's but whatever because ultimately highlight all right click die it's just not it's just
Starting point is 01:42:11 like look two countries around the world had an event the end yeah moving on moving on um so I wanted to roll back a bit actually because there's a bunch of bunch of Nintendo stuff going on for one thing we've now have we now confirmation the fifth president of Nintendo is Tetsumi Kimishima so I read this and I look up the guy and I'm like okay this means nothing to me he was the four he was in charge of NOA for a while and other business type things he looks like a businessman he came from San Juan bank through where he was there for a banker you can trust him yeah he's you know I mean we'll see maybe he'll feel the pressure to create a character of himself and he'll start like to get up but who knows who knows I mean caricatures of I was hoping for
Starting point is 01:43:00 craziness I was hoping for Kamiya well because I was hoping for just a dumb outside chances like I was hoping for a mega time you know the pressure is on him of course yeah but hey you know what he's got the word Mishima in his last name that's a step so I'm already looking I don't know it'll it'll be a few years before anything I think personality wise like that it's irrelevant who cares it's just gonna come down to how he how about the business how about we hire the person to be the president whoever wants to make the most punch out and sit in punishment can we just hire that man that man is the right guy yeah sure the and it's funny because a lot of people were attributing the the other event that the other thing that was announced recently to Nintendo
Starting point is 01:43:52 incorrectly so big deal Pokemon Go was announced yeah smartphones yeah and this is gonna be held a little press conference specifically for it just to let you know it's a fucking big deal which it looks like so a lot of people are like oh is this the Nintendo smartphone pushes this what we're seeing this is this was kind of Pokemon Go is being put out by the Pokemon company they're the ones that are in charge of that well and Nintendo Nintendo's gives the gives the blessing of course but the Pokemon company are the ones that have their name attached to this announcement as well as it's really both of them Niantic it's Niantic Pokemon Company and Nintendo and they were very clear if you watched the whole press event that it was also a Nintendo thing going so far as
Starting point is 01:44:37 to show Niantic ex Nintendo ex the Pokemon company but when I see articles that are saying like Nintendo's first smartphone yeah and it's like DNA no because the Pokemon company put out a Pokemon app multiple prior to this yeah so that's just not truthful that this is not the DNA yeah so I there's a lot of mixed information going on as far as that goes but what this is is what is idea though so I like and believe that this is a Pokemon ARG that is going to more or less allow you to capture Pokemon in real life by going to places on your map and guys who did Google Ingress which has been hugely popular for Google yeah so um they probably know what they're doing they probably have the best idea in the world what I'm curious to know is what the the feedback on
Starting point is 01:45:29 the actual app is going to look like visually like are they going to attempt to like uh uh use a pass-through camera footage yeah I doubt it because if you look at the end of the trailer you can see what looks to be a mock-up of in-app footage and it's like they've modeled a world the backgrounds behind the characters you're right yeah you're right you're right I forgot about that part but uh cool idea very something that many people have had for years and it's still not the open world next gen pokemon game that a lot of us are kind of hoping but it's that we'll never get I think I actually I think it's really cool and I'll definitely be installing it on my phone and giving it a giving us giving it a what giving it a go oh wow they're good wow they're good they knew I'd
Starting point is 01:46:16 but are you gonna buy the pokemon go plus wristband probably that vibrates to let you know when other players or pokemon are available I'm probably gonna buy one for me and my girlfriend but here's the thing here's the thing I would buy one but I don't want to wear it put it on your put on your dick but you'll feel it uh but nobody'll see it okay because I was gonna say I just see that your pants are vibrating on the same page where where do I feel like I put my phone you know because if I just bought it and put it on my pocket then I'm not going to really feel that no exactly put your asshole yeah sure why not why not but um go plus real real talk it's uh that trailer is interesting um because it's hard to tell if it's a marketing thing or if it's actually a
Starting point is 01:47:00 design thing there's one child there's one child but that's one too many the only pokemon user from the first 151 yeah they in fact they only got to me too I I'm assuming yeah in there fucking gen wonders let's go and like the clear target audience in in that trailer is people who are in their late teens young adults is like us yeah that's us so let's see I would catch all 151 pokemon I've done it seven times right perfect perfect they know they know ship that and let us have our fun and then start rolling out the rest over time we don't give a shit rolling out the garbage because gen 2 is good gen 3 is getting a bit less fun and then it just goes downhill but the hardcore will still be there so that's fine yeah but no absolutely let us have our
Starting point is 01:48:01 shitty fucking moments gen one is the best moment w u n n e r yeah exactly um yeah man very cool though very smart very smart of them and a long time coming we'll see where that goes very um I was thinking about it and very astute of them to uh design and decide to make a mobile game that is a game that could not be made on their handhelds right yeah there's nothing overlapping this game could not work on the 3ds yeah this the it needs constant gps and that's yeah that's very smart and that's exactly and that's the type of thing that a water would absolutely sign off on that's the kind of thing I want to see from their smartphone games in the future because like that will demonstrate that like yeah you can still I mean like recently it's like you
Starting point is 01:48:47 can say that like oh um you know they can get poorer whatever the we hear or whatever but like you know ds games they were specifically most yeah by nintendo at least yeah or design specifically to make some use of the yes and you know there's varying ones that do it successfully that they're not definitely at least they always like at least that mentality is carrying over like you can't do nintendo land well it's it's reassuring to see that mentality prevailed yeah it's for the we you like you have stuff like tropical freeze where it's like you didn't know you literally didn't even try to use the the game pad and then the game doesn't even look that much better than the last one the fact that it's free to play is like also showing you like they want maximum market penetration
Starting point is 01:49:26 on this you're gonna if you're gonna make a mobile game you may as well make as well go but your microtransaction is replaced with a piece of hardware well there's that but it's not the same thing there's that but I wouldn't be surprised to see you have a limit of like pokeballs per day and then you can buy more pokeballs or balls or whatever oh yeah it wouldn't surprise me that would be the currency too there's no way it's only going to be a hardware purchase because that hardware is not going to be available in all regions of the world and they're gonna like in in countries like i don't know like spain it might not be available initially but they'll still need to monetize it but wouldn't a push notification just fucking invalidate the entire like use for the
Starting point is 01:50:08 hardware yes yes or no don't say that too loud no all right don't let anyone hear you all right no one heard yet um there was a weird-ass quiet bug in Metal Gear Solid 5 that's been fixed so it has been fixed patch went out like last night don't yeah it was like don't use quiet admission 29 or 42 but uh that's no longer an issue there was also another major bug that was fixed too in the tutorials that like froze you up there's also tons of bugs with her where if you pause any cutscene she's in her tits are just going to space perfect oh they still they still get affected by gravity despite everything no no they get affected by some other planets gravity it just looks terrible oh no like it's it's you know two or three frames of animation but i've seen
Starting point is 01:50:51 a lot of people just screen capping they're like like like they're off model yeah it's crazy nothing nothing is is going to dethrone chenly for a while no no chenly player two beta beta build never forget they better not fix that nope beta it's not that's a feature hey shoddy you got some beta builds going on over there man if they made that a dlc item the money they'd make money they'd make a little chest be first matter um fuck i got no segue for this battle chaser's night war looks amazing funded like hitting hitting all the strategy i got nothing holy you know what's the best the best part of this is like ps4 and xbox one versions how about you do what everyone should do or if you can feasibly yeah take that out of the stretch goals because you can already
Starting point is 01:51:43 tell you're going to blast powder them and just put that as the standard default and didn't even look at the platform i didn't even look no it doesn't matter but you know to a lot of people it does like this is like i don't want to play this on so i can't play it on my piece this fucking kick starter video just this is the one where i didn't even watch the video okay i just clicked the page that said come fun jome fucking mad or zerk and i said yeah no problem kentaro miura's battle chasers will live on playing that dude jome literally didn't watch the video jome mad needs to be the guy that's fading away in the in the video and your money brings him back he's super successful because he can always draw go just tell you what just the fact that he was talking in this video
Starting point is 01:52:26 and he had a bit of a smile on his face and sounded like he had word going to crush this he had a little bit of life in him and it was like yeah joe mad's happy because god damn it he can't get a break he went through the ringer he's been through the ring he lives in the ringer kentaro miura that joe mad works on things it gets them done in a time really is it at the same pace hmm he's been working since he's been 18 months full disclosure i never used to read battle chasers because it was hard i never saw it in a store ever i just appreciated the psm covers the psm covers oh god not uh when i was a baddie and when i was a baddie read all my nintendo powers and i i didn't have a playstation system back then so when i saw psm covers of sub zero and re2 and
Starting point is 01:53:16 shit i was like i wanted them based solely on his covers i i didn't care that the magazine then i didn't see those magazines often but i was always like when you could draw good you get good money and when you actually watch the video and i'm like this looks cool this looks awesome yeah i'll fund this but then they're like then interspersed throughout the game will be these full animated video cutscenes which looks some wild armed shit some wild armed shit and i'll just like oh my god and the game just looks amazingly good textures yeah there's nothing else to say now i didn't again i didn't even read the details which i kind of feel remiss now that we should probably read it but i vaguely recall seeing some forum posts talking about how a lot of it's going to be procedural yes i was like
Starting point is 01:54:03 but semi-procedural so the dungeons are they said the dungeons are going to be the traps are going to be generated okay so it doesn't sound like the full layout is random no but it sounds like the content of the room is because i i just never want to hear procedural in a in a game that's like that's it that looks like no there's places for legacy no there's places for procedural like i love drug legacy i get like a well designed thing and um it just costs more money to make i get what you mean but i think it's just one of those things or someone really thinks about it and utilizes it well it can really help out yeah i'm being too harsh procedural is great but i just like i want a well designed rpg more than anything i would i would i would rather have
Starting point is 01:54:52 that but i mean i think one of the first thresholds they blasted past is some type of modifier that you can go back to a dungeon that you've already beaten it's a modifier that changes it to be like an extreme difficulty for just that dungeon in whatever main difficulty you have it it's like you go back to this dungeon and the threshold will be like every dungeon you can go back and you do this remixed harder version of that dungeon so that there's more like so i don't that's why i think woolly is accurate with thing that the dungeons are not actually all it's aspects of it's aspects of any placement yeah they said they said like the traps and things like that you know what i mean so who knows no exactly i'm really glad that when they because we
Starting point is 01:55:35 airship airship syndicate that's a developer we talked about the podcast a little a few months ago that they're saying that they're we would they will return with a battle chaser product at some point yes and we'll like here we are crowdfunding or whatever and i remember back then i remember hearing some people saying man if it's a battle chasers thing i really hope they don't retool the character red monica to be like more prudish or have more clothes on because she was very skimply dressed and they're like that's what as was the style at the time that's what then they go that's when i have a problem when they take a character that was dressed a certain way back then in the early aughts or whatever and then like if they come back and they're just completely in a
Starting point is 01:56:14 different way like i have a problem with that because that is that is like uh appealing to one group over another and her art there and at least the artist thing it's the same as she ever was and and then there's other cool characters like uh what's her name galley the little little girl is little fire girl yeah the girl is she's awesome and and that that that's there for that character that's there for that the person that likes that type of character and garrison is there for the guy that likes your white meat show showed in hero and uh what's what's the other big the yeah the uh the whatever the golem the golem guy and then they have the wizard and then you have a sexy girl character it's fine because that's that's that era that's an era more than anything i would just say
Starting point is 01:57:01 just just keep it faithful just don't change anything just don't change anything like even like even like with melina they brought melina back and stripped more clothes off yeah they just went for that but it's ultimately just not keep it keep it what it was and that's what people know because people read battle chasers and what i ask about more and uh like the the thing that's interesting to me is seeing the art style of the game which in my opinion is better than the original art style of battle chasers right because it's joe mad style uh minus the sheen right and to me the sheen reminds me of that era the life eldian era the magog era fathom where everything looks wrong well that's because i always should be to the fact that that's when uh uh computer coloring really
Starting point is 01:57:47 came in cg cg was over people did not know what it was right at because fucking spawn spawn number one came out and everyone's dicks got super hard yeah and they went wait what i still are the first time that i saw the coloring in spawn looks like nothing else yeah i remember the first time i walked into capitan kebac in 93 and i walked in i'm a little baby mat and then my parents like and i just let him buy some stupid comic books so he should shut the fuck up and they bring me in there and i'm like oh i like wolverine i like spider-man and then they're like okay kid that's lame you want image comics and show me a picture of young blood i was like whoa exactly the exactly ever it's so hardcore compared to that all right and when all you had was flat coloring
Starting point is 01:58:33 and cross hatching like they introduced this big new shiny world a street fighter three yeah you know everyone goes oh an image built a fucking foundation on that yeah but now we've gotten past that edgy era and and shiny area and we're kind of like all right let's just have some good art also everyone drew like joe mad for a while that's slightly anime aesthetic that let's be a real let's be a real jim lee jim lee yeah uh todd mcfarlin fucking livefeld gets his name up in there that's because he only got there because he was friends with the other and then joe mad that is the mount rushmore of well joe man is actually slightly young he came he came in like he came in like like after image had been founded by those guys and he came in he started he was 18 right and this
Starting point is 01:59:21 was one of those greatest success stories he was so talented at 18 and just send his portfolio marvel and just forgot about it and then they're like yeah and i remember he wrote the he drew the first mini series for deadpool when deadpool either just a little can you and deadpool was not nearly the important character he was now yeah or the fan favorite he had a little mini series whatever and then after that it's like he did a few more things he drew on candy x one for a little while and then splintered off and made battle chasers and then did all his psm covers and shit and everyone drew like him because he was getting he was like the new todd mcfarlin knew whatever kind of yeah but but he is like that that edgy young kid that came in and started forgets or drawing
Starting point is 02:00:00 that way that he wanted well the the difference between him and the other three that i mentioned there is that he had a distinct anime influence definitely whereas the other the other three shittings you know yeah because they they came up in like the late 80s todd mcfarlin how long before we can start getting like parodies of 90s comic color it's i i think we're there but like would people get it you know in the same blood dragon kind of way fringe like it's so fringe it needs like another 10 years at least if not and because because the whole blood dragon thing is like movies that were in the early to late 80s right uh that blood dragon parody or you know hobo with a shotgun or turbo kid stuff like that so it's like for to lampoon uh young blood which is what
Starting point is 02:00:47 i want i want a young blood parody video game because i i always say mage lords all edgy lords i say mage ox so much because i'm like that's the only one i can think of and it's such a good one i want wetworks but like a pair but like but that's what it is that's what i mean you know i the guy one of your big team members has to have a shiny arm with cable lines on it yeah you know what i mean someone has to have a mask that looks vaguely like wolverines but not really yeah someone's got to have an all red thing with hair sticking out someone has to have a mask all titties and asses are shiny greased up chainmail bikinis coming back and tiny little uh tiny little rob lifel waste that make no sense no one has feet yeah because you can't draw the feet because feet
Starting point is 02:01:32 are hard yep yep it's amazing bro look at his grave sorry did he work on braley default he did not i think that that that is the japan no feet aesthetic i'm awakening too fuck yeah just put little points that's good enough no one's anatomy has been analyzed more but japan can draw feet but rob lifel could not so you'd always hide it in little ways lifel could not draw so well i couldn't draw down or whatever it was just it was just the style at the time did the business indeed people didn't have pouches because of the war the only pouches you can get were the big yellow ones like fucking captain america's big shitty inflated rest swinging from lifel's belt worse like how did you but yeah the goddess the battle chasers kickstarter we don't even need to
Starting point is 02:02:21 tell you to fund it because it's super funded done it looks that awesome you know what else looks awesome the fucking intro for legacy of the void dropped and i'm like oh man you sent pro if you like pro toss if you like pro toss dude it's all there because i'm looking after we had our little fucking talk last week about starcraft yeah and this drops us looking at it fingers getting twitchy now yeah exactly i give man i give and it's like i'm like i'm watching i'm watching the fucking templars battling and i'm like one of them goes down and i'm like oh they're gonna do it i'm thinking nothing i'm gonna do it and then when i'm saying that they're like power overwhelming so cool that's that's what i said and i still maintain it it's like i don't i don't particularly
Starting point is 02:03:07 lean into starcraft game but i need blizzard to update the starcraft soundboard every couple years and i'm good because that's like the main thing you remember because you hear it so often whatever you play whatever race it was so like it's like i'm still i want i'm waiting for like you know that's why you never played zerg because their soundboard wasn't it's not the is not the most interesting one but uh like i'm just waiting for all all of it to be collected in a giant starcraft like all three starcraft two campaigns no i want all that's what i'm saying just call it starcraft we'll call it starcraft two yeah released for the we you released for the we you perfect god it would actually with a versus more i remember people talking about that when
Starting point is 02:03:46 the we you was coming out off screen versus no shut up split screen get the table out go into the table yeah starcraft 64 get one there's the best get in my friend played so much the definitive version get your cardboard out yeah that's the only way to play no get under no you get under the table i sit on top of it i want to fund a tournament of like of weird ported games i want to see we're you know starcraft two high level yeah we got totally screened about starcraft 60 we talked about things like this in the past yeah that's the best um so we've got that uh we've got uh gary car the creative director at linehead leaves to form his own indie studio good luck good luck good luck yeah you know um don't know much about him is he tired of working on nothing
Starting point is 02:04:43 so he decided to make a thing i'm really tired of working on nothing with alan especially the latest one nothing legends exactly uh we've got the oh yeah so speaking of kickstarter actually this one's a pretty big one um in terms of just precedent not in in relevance the um a court has ordered yeah a kickstarter that did not give its backers the anything anything to pay fines and to refund and give damage uh payment so uh yeah it's since it was happened in seattle and it was atlas management they it was a kickstarter that ran in 2012 for like a card game for a card game asylum playing cards um they uh apparently they they what was it they went for a funding goal of 15k yeah no no like less than that no it was less but they made 54k and in the end
Starting point is 02:05:45 and yeah three years past and fucking nothing and of course you know as as we know like kickstarter there's there's no guarantees and you know and why not kickstarter does you're signing out for that but ultimately someone could take the money and run well when when you when you back at kickstarter you are assuming risk you're not buying a product you're assuming risk you're buying a potential product and even then and even then like you're really just funding it so let's say you're a scumbag and you want to scan people out of their money right like that's fine just make sure to think of your escape plan super well because that's why like people don't like if you're not using that money for your escape plan then you're already fucked up yeah so you have to and you have to ask for the
Starting point is 02:06:28 right amount of money and everything so this is i think the a quote from this article is something like uh we will not like the the the the judge the judge yeah us here in seattle or whatever or washington state will like not let people get scanned like washington will not tolerate crowd funding theft um well shit effort and all other crowdfunding that is ended in theft yeah you know it was more or less just like yeah if you you put out something you said you're going to give people and you didn't give it to them we're treating you like a business that offered a product that you did not deliver on i think it's especially like like kind of scummy when it's clearly a product that shouldn't run into many problems to get off the ground like i can understand a million things
Starting point is 02:07:14 happening wrong with game development this is a much more complex process than you know like making a card game so it's like it's even more transparent you know well i i mean i think i think if you're able to demonstrate in the court of law like hey look we actually did work on this game for ages and it just something happened it just couldn't yeah exactly like i think if you could at least demonstrate that then you'd be fine because clearly the intent was there i'd like some ridiculous excuse like well the the place the officer renting out turns out it was haunted judge and we tried for several weeks to exercise the demons from the i want some ridiculous yeah the sun told told them off the sun told them not to
Starting point is 02:07:57 ultimately every backer is getting six hundred and sixty eight bucks in restitution plus what plus a thousand dollars per backer didn't know so this guy actually just took the money he didn't they didn't even make a product did they it's i don't think well uh apparently the the the latest or the update on the story was some people started receiving their cards like this month some people just started receiving their cards after this fucking whole thing went down so it's a weird ass i was gonna say there were updates but ultimately regardless of the updates and and the the pushing that was happening nothing got done and again what's your statute of limitations there it's been three years no just
Starting point is 02:08:42 i was gonna say like you know if if you go into a Kickstarter let's say you're actually being fraudulent right like you're actually intending to not develop something then i think you should absolutely get in trouble and have to and have to pay reparations and stuff but if you go into a Kickstarter and you're working on a product and stuff like that like the idea of having to pay reparations in addition to just the money back that's bananas like if you had a reason that it wasn't able to to happen but ultimately that's what happens in any other business court case where someone gets wronged for sure and if it's a class it's class action then there's always damages in addition to yeah just like maybe sixteen hundred dollars seems insane i bet you maybe the
Starting point is 02:09:23 judge's son put money into yong's cast adventures and now he's like biased maybe maybe put this harsh about it no but no that's it that's that's that's a heavy heavy fucking you know it seems heavy in a in a case where you can demonstrate that like develop i didn't read this but but but but like it would seem that like uh excuse me the the the judge looked at the total amount and just divided it yeah according to the number of people that backed it and you know they didn't go according to what you backed by that's weird they just went according to what everyone put in and that's that there's also a bit of like you can take three years to make any product as long as there's like yeah evidence that you're working on it like you know um kind of comment for example is
Starting point is 02:10:10 still being made but they just had like a playable bill show that Godzilla festival i wasn't able to go to for the third year in a row and i just got like an update from them last week saying here's our new time frame for the game and yeah and and i played it on steam not too long ago again and it was updated with new shit so it's like a card game again taking three years all right i guess something could have happened but if there's no evidence it's being worked on and no one's got any backer updates then like yeah like it's safe oh for sure did you draw the art yes did you take it to the printers yes where is it all right yeah you're being serious exactly there's it's it's uh but the definitely different for a card game but here but here's our precedent
Starting point is 02:10:54 you know what i mean and and uh it's from a really old Kickstarter but we have a case where it's like this can happen so people have to kind of be on their ass a little bit and not treat things as a free pass yeah you know for sure and whatnot um not that again not that everyone is just taking the money and running with it some things are just going to shit some projects just like fall apart for different reasons yeah exactly but accountability is is now established like if you fail your Kickstarter let's say like you make enough money and you just fail making the product if you can show me equally that you have the evidence of your failure and that something went wrong and that data got corrupted or whatever just didn't work out you can show me if you can show me the
Starting point is 02:11:41 receipts of your failure then like i'm that's where i think it's like that's up to you that's putting your money into a thing and i wouldn't demand my money back you can show me enough evidence that that if you can do the long division yeah and show me you failed and there are good reasons for your failure you tried and you failed though you probably are still gonna get like suit yeah someone's gonna someone's some asshole's gun i will see you okay i won't see you but i won't stop that guy from suing you i won't tell him the back down but but i you know to some degree though it's like what are the obligations of the end user right it's like put your money in uh hope for the best um but like also expect you know things like like backer rewards or whatever you
Starting point is 02:12:28 know what i mean like whatever and then like a final product to kind of come through it's people just literally don't get it people who haven't worked on video games people who don't know how how hard that shit is to do just literally don't get it and they look at something and they say why is it taking so long why is it why does it not look the way i like because there are like a there are so many more reasons than you could ever imagine that something would go wrong here's what i'm wondering though is like let's say things are going to shit right when are you allowed to quit slash run away yeah because because my real one thing is are you i don't know i don't think so i feel like i think i don't think you're allowed to quit i think things can go wrong i think you're
Starting point is 02:13:13 allowed to explain that things went wrong but you you should try to keep it going i think you're allowed to quit it you can't do it anymore yeah like if you can if you can see it coming yes and you say okay we're gonna start giving people money back in waves because it's gonna come out of my pocket or something like that that would be the most earnest way to start literally quitting while you're ahead because again like i yeah that then then i can i can close this on that that's more comfortable for yeah but the idea that it's like you showed me that i showed you the receipts that it all went to shit sorry your honor and it's like all right you're free to go well i mean you can't just develop it for 20 minutes and say i can't do it and then coast for 10 months on money
Starting point is 02:13:54 but like if you get you know like two years in and your programmer dies and he was the only one who knew how to run the police engine then like then what like there's yeah there's nothing you can do you know what i mean you shouldn't put your money in 3d realms i'm sorry you know sure but it's like like there's instances where there's actually reason for it you know certainly but but are you i agree with matt though like unless you get like as long as you can prove that there was that it happened because guess what i fail all the time and i had things fail and like so i think about it from that perspective yeah as long as you can convince me that you failed super hard and nobly then that's fine but if you can't prove that if you're like money's all gone like where to
Starting point is 02:14:39 go it's gone though but did you fail and quit or or you know what i mean yeah like is it like is it basically your honor i'm still trying right there's a difference between that and uh shrug yeah yeah for sure well because it's like there's shitty ones like like i backed clang right and what what came what came of that there was a bunch of tools delivered that they had been working on that didn't get finished and like a bunch of like design shit and it was like they clearly put the money in but they were like way in over their own heads so it's like shit well i guess that taught me a lesson not to invest in people who don't have a track record for video games at all because he doesn't for me even though he got fucking like Gabe Newell in the video that was a
Starting point is 02:15:22 big ass video man yeah the thing with the thing with uh for me that i always say is like absolutely the track record but i i want just click play gameplay show me gameplay yeah of course that's the ideal that's the ideal for sure if you can see that there's like half the game already sitting there or 30 of a game already sitting there it's good enough you have the pieces you just need the time yeah exactly you know i'm sad that i'm not sure what you're talking about i'm sad that that judgment of rage kickstarter that that 2d beat him up like seemed like it had potential and there's a little bit of gameplay in there but there's just like they didn't sell the concept so enough i i just made some really dumb decisions i messaged them yeah i remember you
Starting point is 02:16:00 telling me multiple times and i spoke with them back and forth and they were you got replies yeah we had a talk huh they were very eager to hear what i had to say and they were very interested and they simply refused to change did they explain why they only wanted to release on last gen well okay they did add xbox one and ps4 after a little bit they did add those but the tier was the problem was they were still at $120 for that tier i believe it was $120 $30 for a pc copy like and something like $120 for a console so if you want to wait so it wasn't a stretch goal for everybody it was if you want that version you have to pay that much more that's backwards it is or or use you chip and sell it $5 then buy the ps4 xbox copy you know what i mean
Starting point is 02:16:58 you could have just waited for that if that happened and buy it for 10 it was completely upside down and backwards your ports are always stretch goals so that anyone can choose what they have not like a higher i know i know but i assume that's how they were offsetting the cost of of getting kits and getting another programmer to do the porting and stuff like that i assume so it wasn't like our groundwork is already done on last gen and this is just it doesn't you know i mean i didn't get that much info from them but like they were very happy they seemed very happy to hear my input this is japanese i was saying like i really don't think you're gonna succeed like this i really think you need to change stuff i sent them like a bunch of messages and every time they were like
Starting point is 02:17:40 cool this is good input thanks very much and they they added the i don't think it was because of me i think it was because of everyone they added the ps4 and the xbox one but they never were able to adjust their pricing on anything which maybe something you're not able to do as when a kick starter is already gone but like like anyone with cursory knowledge of Kickstarter could have looked at that Kickstarter and identified those two problems instantly and i get it like in in japan like ps3 is still going it's not one anywhere and i guess they have this image that 360 is the one in the west or something but like it's like these guys just didn't get the memo that sales for last gen consoles have that have drops that kick starter that kick starter seems like it was
Starting point is 02:18:23 run by a bunch of creative people and artists and there wasn't a single like business but they clearly know what i mean i will know like kind of knowing how these things go sometimes i think the most likely story and the one that i put together in my head is that this was this build and this framework was already done last gen and they just never never got around to a kick starter campaign until now but it's like it costs 120 for a ps3 360 copy but and that's where it's pretty sure it was 120 which is baffling because that's the part where i'm like okay so it's like they weren't even planning at all for next for current gen well there wasn't even in the plans yeah so that's why i feel like when people when people felt angry at it they they put out a comment
Starting point is 02:19:11 where they were alluding to the fact that it maybe we'll get xbox one and everyone's like and yeah yeah yeah like do you do you not even understand so that's why i feel like it's so weird and ignorant that it's like it had to be something oh it hasn't been there's 57 hours left okay what's it at so like seven seventy seven hundred dollars of sixty five thousand they weren't even looking for a lot they were looking for like fucking sixty five thousand dollars it's upsetting right there and what's so good seventy seven hundred for those that don't know that we're sorry sorry did you say seventy seven hundred seventy seven hundred of sixty five seven thousand dollars made seven thousand seven hundred so yeah here's the reason we're talking about this fifteen
Starting point is 02:19:53 dollars a digital copy of the game repeat the name of the game judgment of rage of rage uh fifteen dollars or more a digital copy of the game pc version uh let me jump down add the soundtrack at that pledge a hundred and twenty dollars or more you get a bunch of shit digital copies of the game copies with an s one pc and a choice from 360 or ps3 yeah and you get like a digital art book and and the soundtrack digitally which literally cost zero to ship because they're digital the reason we're talking about this so much is because the actual core game looks amazing looks really cool it's like a like a hand animated hand drawn 2d beat them up in a final fight or streets of rage style with like these very anime stereotypical but like still awesome type of character archetypes
Starting point is 02:20:37 and it's made by people that worked on kill a kill and then the oldest crazy shit they're not they're not they're not going they're not going away they'll get it right the second time around but this i hope so i hope this is a learning experience yeah i hope so because i would want to fund this there was other frustrating stuff we're like they only put out three Kickstarter updates through the whole campaign that's right and the last one was august 26th we're september 14th now i believe oh like it's just and the only three updates was we made it on xbox one ps4 playstation vita the next day and it's like there was the back and forth was non-existent japan still or japan japanese indy still doesn't fully understand kickstarter that's why even in a fune or um or uh um geese uh
Starting point is 02:21:25 eager asher you have like a whole american brand here a bunch of you do it take care of this because you still don't know how to approach this in the correct ways even then you can see in the comment section they're saying like uh we have learned a lot of stuff through this campaign on kickstarter if we're gonna have a second one it'll be way better all right so okay good they're probably gonna come back for a second round but like yeah boy did they you know know they watch this one i eyebrows cut exactly but uh you get back it's all about how many times you get back up right bmups on kickstarter but not not the ones that really scratch that itch of what i like about being a mom there hasn't been a beat them up that looked this good since i don't know since ever
Starting point is 02:22:07 river city ramp river city ransom underground oh that one that was i didn't actually look like yeah maybe but but river city ransom is still not exact that's its own thing to me it's still looks good but it's not final fight yeah it's not the itch it's not the itch i want the capcom sega type like they're sure vanilla war games are great kind of the first time you play all the levels yeah sure um and even then that's not exactly what i'm talking about no exactly that cuts deep man that cuts deep you know what i mean it cuts deep because you're right it sucks vanilla is great at making repetitive games um we've got uh experience ink confirming two new japan developed xbox one exclusive rpgs yeah well so one of them's a port of a game that's already on
Starting point is 02:22:56 it had to be i knew like i'm like there's no way yeah they're just sitting and spending this money so well experience ink made a bunch of 360 games last gen they were there with like mages and broccoli where they were the the handful of companies who were like no we really like the xbox we really like what's going on here i thought they just put out the avita stuff uh who sorry experience ink uh yeah they put out uh demon games and uh operation tokyo and operation they were doing stuff like but yeah they did 360 stuff they did a bunch of 360 titles um so i guess this is them coming back for for round two and yeah one of them uh god i forget its name but one of them they're adding a new art style to it for the xbox one port and it looks american it looks terrible
Starting point is 02:23:41 compared to the original the original was gorgeous high fantasy and it was like it was like uh like the new um uh fucking what's it called labyrinth of lost souls uh anyway like that game looks amazing and they're adding like a generic animu look to it for the xbox release and it's like that seems really backwards the first title is stranger of sword city that's the one stranger of sword city they're adding a stranger style to to complement the regular great art style yeah wow that side by side is fucking extreme isn't it telling like the original art looks so good what are you doing what terrible i think it's probably because demon gaze was their best selling game and demon say demon gaze was that on the on the right it was it was animu art so i get it but like
Starting point is 02:24:30 that just seems backwards well and that that's reshot of the original game is gorgeous beautiful that is gorgeous these guys are the best at making dungeon rpgs they're not like they're a little company but they're not like shit game makers they're they make great dungeon rpgs uh they make the best that there are like etrian odyssey style yeah like those are best in class and these guys and they're and they're going into they're going off a handheld onto an hd console and they're putting the art in that state and in both you're gonna have both but why bother okay yeah but why bother like tells the heart see you want cg yeah you want anime yeah you've got a toggle but exactly yeah all right it's it's like i'm glad that they said that they're clearly
Starting point is 02:25:16 thinking about a western release already because i really want to place a stranger of sword city like i always have because the art looks amazing but like what are you doing fucking microsoft will foot the bill on that like they're they should like i bet you they will they should if they're dumb they fucking should but they're not gonna um it only it takes like it's gonna be nifonichi software you go to that game you go to that xbox one game download page and you hold right and it takes about four seconds to get to the other end yeah um the other announcements this week are telepaths tree announcing inner chains oh yeah that i said this to you uh spooky horror you've heard of this no no it's former dying light and gears of war developers so gears of war meaning
Starting point is 02:26:01 probably from people can fly from yeah um and they're making a horror based first person shooter and there's a there's a little quick trailer and just shows a a hellscape yeah it's not even a trailer it's just they show an environment and it looks like the most metal well it looks like an n-video fucking benchmark video yeah you know like like a graphics card box art exactly not even character just goes this new environment i was saying and another previous article i'm not sure if willy saw that one too but it shows some character and monster art and it's like the type of monster i'm like oh yeah it's the type of del toro what am i looking at where does the face abstract creature kind of abstract like you know the the the angel of death in hellboy 2 the thing
Starting point is 02:26:44 i had the plate for a face like it looks like that i'm like oh this is exactly what i want like because that's good to hear and and interchange is a great name it's a good name so uh i'm wondering if it's the type of thing that'll have like a kickstarter down the road i'm not sure if it will yeah they're just announcing like we're we're here we're making this thing and it's always the type of thing that i like because there you know especially in the 360 ps3 kind of generation there's not that many of those types of games there's painkiller there's here and there but i've heard more often a knot of those types of games horror based first person shooters or sometimes being cancelled more i know like two or three out the top of my head that i'm like oh
Starting point is 02:27:26 that never came out especially that rare one there's a rare replay that one that's supposed to be oh yeah uh it's called sundown sunset something i can't remember but yeah one of the canon projects there's another one called redmore which was a horror based in the cabin and you have a shotgun and there's monsters and things and things attacking you like it's sadness to a lesser extent to a lesser extent for sure yeah i have to say that i told you that the um well you know you know the sadness right the sadness will leave him if you want to sort of take a look at what we're talking about oh yeah okay oh my god you described it really well it's it's even more metal and like dudes mark it's just a benchmark hellscape video that day you show off your video card power
Starting point is 02:28:09 it reminds me it reminds me i'm bored to shadow too yeah a little bit yeah agnese philosophy very yeah it's really cool looking uh as sadness the team that made sadness will leave yeah they a lot of them splintered off and made it a developer called blooper team and they didn't put out much they started they put out a thing here and there and they put out a horror game that me and pat recently played for a video in the future called layers of fear and i told you a little bit about it's me it's just about yeah i think painter a painter yeah you did you did and the game was fucking fantastic and the best looking unity title i've seen yet and i'm like wow this is this is rare that a company that would rise from the ashes and actually makes a little super competent so um uh i'm excited for
Starting point is 02:28:52 that i hope that becomes a thing speaking of like games coming out of people um you you've of course heard of like cliff blizinski's new project uh it was a lawbreakers lawbreakers i don't remember the code name blue streak yeah have you looked at the cast of characters no i because just talking about what we're talking about to watch a little bit it's it's like they just pulled their cast of characters from the cover of graphics card boxes oh yeah yeah those character designs are not deck of deck of mobile mobile champions less inspired oh no like graphics card champions because i remember when that's what it should be called yeah exactly well i'd play that that makes more sense well there's that sick frog off that i don't remember what it was it was a frog neck i
Starting point is 02:29:36 don't remember which company i remember when they teased i remember when they teased uh the the game but i didn't look into it yeah what was it called it's now called lawbreakers before it was project blue streak okay google lawbreakers oh will you shut it off damn it doesn't work if you guys talk okay sorry it's fine here delete that extra shit now search images and you want to see the character list we want to see character pictures it's gonna be hard uh you might want to go to the official page web yeah i got a web first one on this place really well for audio it does it's fine it's fine uh probably in like general or something i don't oh my god i don't go gameplay no we're in a forum now this is the we're now in a forum okay maybe all right that was you know that was great
Starting point is 02:30:23 this website's not good you know nothing going on there cool logo though lawbreakers good job cliffy b but like at least it's not a new arena of fate style name lawbreakers yes yeah yeah that at least stands out uh and doesn't and also the name of his developer boss key productions is pretty good too that's boss boss key boss yeah boss key is not bad boss key yeah like the key to the boss because because like zelda blizensky loves zelda so yeah these are some cliffy b characters what can i say that girl that girl right there right off the cover of an ati box yeah there you go okay okay uh yeah so there's that we have the date for shin megami expire emblem is coming out in japan on december 26th so expect to october 2016 north america one year after and europe
Starting point is 02:31:16 yeah you know uh it'll probably be more timely because nintendo is more with with fantastic voice acting sorry in in europe uh yeah okay it'll probably be a bit more timely because nintendo is doing it well i actually realized i hopefully just leave in the japanese dub to be honest i actually realized that i think give options i think that fiddle frame five actually comes out here like a few days earlier than the european version i think digitally of course unfortunately so you were talking about the the cast of characters in in uh lawbreakers you want to talk about have you heard about the cast of lego dimensions oh boy they got everybody everybody jesus christ i was watching the trailer and i was like maybe i should buy this wait no wait no but i mean it's the same type of
Starting point is 02:32:02 thing as a lego movie where you might not you might go in like i did where i'd never really watched a trailer and then when we watched it i was like oh my god i didn't know oh everyone was in here you've got marty mcfly and doc brown voiced by michael j fox and chris loyd you you've got chris pratt as emet and you and emet from the lego movie from the lego movie and what elizabeth banks is wild style but also you got chris pratt as fucking uh this is a park guy named Jurassic world yeah i forgot his name in that video uh allison brie is unikitty charlie day is benny yeah chris pratt again as oan grady whoever does the scooby-doo character that's that was the scooby-doo chris pratt as star lord yes yes shroy baker as batman uh and that's a shame because
Starting point is 02:32:50 that's supposed to be well aren't it yeah yeah so that sucks yeah but tariff strong is harley quinn steven merchant is wheatley and uh glados is in an element what i didn't know about those yeah ellen mclean is in it as well portal is there portal's one of the brands uh ghost busters is in there i don't know if they got voice actors i don't know yeah we did they didn't confirm that but they were silent in the thing yeah and then the original story characters are have jordan kale and fucking gary oldman is the bad guy what yeah like and you hear it and you go yeah that's gary that's him but yeah i'm looking at this and i'm like should have am i supposed to buy this another lego game because i'll it is lego slash toys to life and it's and it's cross dimensions it's that
Starting point is 02:33:38 light adventure thing except you can put any character so the simpsons are in it ghost busters are in it lord of the rings scooby-doo portal portal back to the future batman uh bible black yeah the list is the list is crazy robust action every doctor from doctor who doctor every doctor every doctor movies in there obviously um just fucking bananas they're going in it's it's monster this is a legit massive investment like legato blue summer just legato mezzo forte hi you guys hi hi i've been diesel they're going in man paul walker post and pre walter all walker dimension walter white walter white all right oh man that's good petty and stocking but like yeah they're putting crazy money into
Starting point is 02:34:44 this one like it looks like a bigger investment even than the in the other one it looks like huge the same budget spent on the movie except put into the game and the problem is that the movie so fucking good and like because of those specific writers that they got to do it yeah and it's like you that has promise in terms of like you know the lineup of characters that's like the the movie is so good because it was like written so well so it's like i i don't think that'll change the trailer's tales writers have always been all right they know the act they have to follow you know so there was a lego movie game and that was just a lego game so it's going to be interesting because like now it's fucking that which is like crazy in its own way yeah disney infinity three
Starting point is 02:35:29 which is like finally the good one everyone seems to be saying uh skylanders now with cars and amiobos with no games um like it's going to be brutal it's going to be a bloodbath and who's going to be the plastic left on the shelf rock pad four yeah probably actually i was just stuffing my my old fucking rock band gear into a closet to date today just in preparation for the new game because you're going to need to make some space coming out in like a day guys next week or something like that's good i i i don't want to be right but i'm i'm calling this going to just be a disaster it's going to bomb super i don't i don't think so but it's not going to do i have a feeling it's not going to do the old numbers this is based on nothing it's not going to do gangbusters
Starting point is 02:36:12 that's true i i agree it's going to do worse though like i i get the same feeling from it then maybe not as as bad but i get a similar feeling between that and tony hawk five yeah like because the magic is going to reignite for some people yeah no the magic looks all right the magic is going to reignite for some people but not for everybody yeah you know and i mean there's people like us who's like yeah we buy games we'll give it a chance but like rock band hit that outside the gamer audience crowd and i don't know if that's going to happen before or something reaches like you know phenomenon style levels critical mass critical mass and then it goes away and then it's like flashing the pan and then it comes back and then it's a success
Starting point is 02:36:50 again i certainly i certainly can't think of one that has a hundred dollar accessory attached to it john where most people where a lot of people still have i think that's the one and he's dead again so but like yeah certainly with a hundred dollar guitar attached to it i don't know well the problem is that this is john travolta coming back with his brother ace travolta yeah also trying to ape every role that he's doing right and everyone's like you know what i've seen enough travolta for one day one day one century and like i guess street fighter but it was always just one game that you bought and it never went away in terms of like that's sort of different people's hearts because fighting games continued of course with mk deception rhythm leading the charge
Starting point is 02:37:35 or rhythm games you know people never stopped caring about fighters not with one hundred dollar accessories they just stopped making them but fighters didn't have a hundred dollar accessories except the activator except the activator and the connector boy the activator is great we should do an episode of that if that actually one fresh in the box i knew it uh eyes of heaven jojo judges our adventure is coming out on December 17th in japan so we got a date for that well we be getting another pat and woolly import and look at this game and are wrong about everything i didn't say that i just i just said the first bit why not okay i'm looking forward to the game i i did you play the demo no okay there's an updated demo so you play the updated demo it's great yeah
Starting point is 02:38:19 it's it's a lot more fun because it's not trying to be a competitive no once you leave the rel once you leave the genre of shit that like i obsess over and it's it's it's my fault it's their fault it's you know what i mean like i care too much yeah then i can i can lighten up i can lighten up no you'll have fun i me and my girlfriend played it this is enjoyable i don't think the i don't remember if the demo has verses i don't think so and i'm like the same way too or it's like i don't particularly like mussel games i only really like it's not a mussel game no no i mean oh okay i only oh i see where you're going sorry but i like hyrule warriors because there were so many there's actually so many cooks in the kitchen there that were like no let's not make this the same usual
Starting point is 02:39:02 you know whatever and i hated i hated the fist of the north star game so much because it was still a franchise that i love seeing being visually displayed to my eyeballs or my ear balls and then it just be bad but like it's still a type of genre that as long as you switch out the franchise i'll still buy it so if it's berserk or if it's some type of friend or like or even if it's jojo attack on titan attack on titan and i'll try that for sure and it's just one of those things that's kind of interchangeable as long as it's something like if it's a girl log on i would freak out that window's gone but that window is super gone and dead um yeah and the kill kill window is about to close it's it's already someone make a game please you can only grab your hat in between the closing
Starting point is 02:39:48 doors now um but uh yeah no after hyrule warriors like i i tried um dragon quest heroes at uh packs yeah it's like yeah they got it down now they got it so down i'm excited to play dragon quest heroes because that game played like it was kind of like hyrule war i mean we did i have it did its own thing but it was in that quality level they know how to take s ip property like i wish i'd say about dragon quest and inserted into muso yeah i tried out yeah i don't give a shit about dragon quest but i'm gonna i'm gonna play it like slimes and like uh uh let the heroic legend of arslan muso game that's coming out like i'm excited to try that one too because is it also gonna be is it gonna be a third one in this like license because it is really high quality stuff please look forward
Starting point is 02:40:36 to sex in the city muso just throwing shoes be good it'll and they're gonna it's gonna be fun because they have the formula because they know what they're doing all the girls look at the armies we have to have sex with all these guys because i don't know what else they do kary is calling them a giant moon shoe and then and then there's no pona because you're already a horse lady just riding each other across the valley more guys need to be slept with in that encampment oh you can't take over this this castle until you sleep with all of them mash the drink button mash the drink button samantha i watched we had too much sex that's okay so uh not too long ago when the game first came out
Starting point is 02:41:29 metanet said that no one will ever 100 and plus plus yeah and billy took a fence to which by the way is a game with like thousands and thousands of levels that's correct so billy took a fence to that billy's developed the game just as much as the developers almost because he beat and plus he loves which doesn't make sense no but he did it and he even contacted them over the time when they fucked up with the ports and like they sent him an apology package because it was amazing which how bad they felt because they knew it was a bad part um but we now know why they confidently strutted they walked up to the microphone and said no no one will 100 percent this game why did billy try isn't that a lv cert issue no but yes because that means soft rule that means
Starting point is 02:42:22 yeah yeah because testers are supposed to do a clean 100 percent with no hacks but uh whatever testing aside um so there's a dude uh his stream streamer named uh i want a wain stock i think really hoping it was billy uh and uh what he found out is that some ladies that uh what should we call it levels at any given level has an unwritten challenge that you're supposed to solve to get the and there are thousands of levels thousands and they're hard and they all they get impossible almost and there's an unwritten unknown challenge for each one and some of them are like does it tell you what it is after you do it yes so some of them are like collect no gold and trigger every mine but don't die you know and shit like that words like that's fucking hard uh and then you do that
Starting point is 02:43:19 right that's insane in addition once you unlock everything else more there is a new game plus plus that puts the difficulty up a third notch good and again we're talking about thousands of levels so yeah this will never happen there and saying something will never happen is the easiest way to make someone go do it of course as the our recommendations but quite frankly what it's gonna take years that recently there was a there was a thing that metonet said i don't remember the details but they were basically saying that their sales for n plus plus were way lower than they needed to be yeah and they were not profitable and they were not happy and uh and like i think the answer was you probably should have not made probably five thousand levels not to be a not to be a dick
Starting point is 02:44:18 about it but like you did make five thousand levels for a re-release of a re-release of a re-release of a free flash game ultimate yeah and the thing but the thing is too is that it's not the explosion man problem even though it's closer in genre it's a solution man it's not the solution man problem of i played this and there's too many levels and now i'm bored it's the brawl problem of like these are still fun but there's too much content no i think it's different no i got bored i got bored because it's just repetitive i got bored in n plus i love n plus yeah but i stopped why did i stop because i was bored okay all right did you finish all the levels no no no why did you stop well you just have to do it a point but but i i i like we're fading away but i do i i feel like
Starting point is 02:45:08 i played most of it enjoying it yeah pretty what thoroughly but again i played the shit out of the pc flash game that was the one i played and that was the one i put the most hours into because it's sat on my desktop as an exe and whatever i had a minute of downtime i'd go play i did a lot of testing on the uh both the psp and um ds versions of s plus uh okay uh so i played a bunch of it too but yeah i know it's like i kind of get you what you mean it's like me this is the same thing with explosion man i stopped playing it because i wasn't having any more fun because it just went on and on whereas n plus is the type of thing where it's like you stop because it's like it's it's too hard but you had fun up until that point yeah and you just stop because i just can't do it anymore and
Starting point is 02:45:52 then that's you also logically have to continue with your life yeah i forgot to eat you know and breathe today so i should probably stop playing this uh if you want to write us in a letter and tell us about how you forgot your basic bodily functions you can write that into super best friendcast at that's super best friendcast at come come come do not send your mario maker levels there they'll get nowhere they will go nowhere work on the subreddit send them to the subreddit specifically well that post will be up and sure it'll get up but not to twitter not to tumblr not to twitter because that's too many people it's too many people not to facebook no no make a make a garbage reddit account and post your mobile there you go uh okay let's start
Starting point is 02:46:40 with one from aiden and aiden wants to know you had you made a bad game aiden uh there are woolly woolly's on the funky bunch i remember how god got me amazing the soundtrack to revengeance was so i wanted to replay it but i opened up its case and found anguish inside the game wasn't there and it ruined my night fucking nothing uh have has there ever been a time when you didn't play a game for long time had an urge but then went to go find it and you couldn't and said they're going well fuck yes well and no more heroes which i wanted to play like two years ago yeah and i went and i opened the game box and i was like what the fuck where's the disc yeah and i had moved like twice and i was like i think i know who has it maybe i don't know where he lives that's happened to me
Starting point is 02:47:24 more than a couple times i wanted to play fucking senko no ronde and i went to open up my case and i saw nothing i wanted to play battle fantasia and i saw nothing and that's an urge that only comes once in a fucking decade but it's strong when it happens and at you the most and you can't replace it no fucking there is no replacement for war tech yes the true title so then billy taught me the technique of writing a piece of paper with a name on it putting that in the case and loaning out the disc yeah without the case this person has my copy of ray play lay that was going for something like that there's is there even a box i don't know it's big yeah no we made it it's big box all right made a giant box i was gonna say not look at slightly different but i for a year
Starting point is 02:48:14 i'm like well we need to do a video for this game and i open up my asuras wrath box and someone keeps moving it and putting it in other boxes and fucking around and i never cared enough but then every time subsequently i was trying to open up the box for asuras wrath someone had moved it and put it somewhere else and i think it was in finally in the wire it was in the wire box it was waiting for you to finish the wire but you never finished it because i wouldn't put it in a game bar i put it there because you were watching the wire and when you stopped it kind of spoiled maybe if you would find out if you cared to find out what happened the prop joke you would find out where the fuck is there is wrath would you just carry on with your life properly i know i would deliver
Starting point is 02:49:01 itself i i've done this to myself and the other actual one though is a little bit more real and is actually really fucking like terrible is that um i had had my own game i think already four and i had bought it and then i'd rented another game and then the blockbuster had called and said hey you need to bring us back this game it's fucking late and you're gonna get it late for you to fucking hurry up and just a whirlwind of activity and then i went to blockbuster and brought back the game went back home i don't have that game anymore i'll put in my my second disc of re4 to play now i'm gonna play my copy of re4 where's my copy of re4 you accidentally returned the second accidentally just somehow put the re4 disc two in there i go back the same day they say we already
Starting point is 02:49:54 rented it out and i explain the situation it's called a copy of one of my games i accidentally put it in there and they went okay well i'll make a note of that weeks and weeks and weeks of me calling back every other day saying where's the game and i'm like that we don't have it someone still has it out like it's now this is before how do they still have it out it's disc two of resident evil four because they're paid minimum wage liam yeah i know so like what are they doing with that is like a month goes by i'm still not able to continue re4 this one on re4 was new yeah so then i went and broke down and just re-bought it right yeah and then i come back one day to blockbuster i'm like are you owe me money now because what is up with the deal someone is now
Starting point is 02:50:41 like a monthly this is before no late fees so it's like you're like so what the f**k it deals like oh a guy was just stealing people's games we fired him oh okay give me my $60 though you owe me that they're like no we can't do it store policy and i was just like f**k your store policy like just let me have a game let me just grab a game off your game shelf i don't care i was so pissed at the time blockbuster is not paying their mat fees yeah exactly go out i i had a f**king trial one time at a super club videotron it's slightly different i brought on a bunch of old games that i was just i just wanted to get rid of i had no stake in them and i said i don't give a s**t one of them was um don't you say shadow of the closet no one of them was uh nfl 94 uh nhl 93
Starting point is 02:51:34 and uh sorry too an mlb game all three were on the genesis right and i brought them in amongst a pile of games there's a lot of games i was getting rid of and and i looked at the receipt after immediately after i was still in the store i looked at the receipt and i was going down the list and i was looking at them and the trading values were fine because trading values were fine at the day and i got to those three games and the trading value was listed as zero for each of them i had traded in like 40 games so i i yeah didn't quite those three genesis like they just went through and most of them were worth like 15 20 etc yeah and i the guy was right there and they were all the counter and i said sorry did you give me zero for for those three games yeah i said can i have
Starting point is 02:52:18 them back are you stealing my game i said can you can i have them back and he said no i've already printed out the stickers in the receipts how did you do that in one second and and you know he did they were right there and okay he was he was being honest and i was like that's that's not me zero i was like that's not right and i was like i was like 14 yeah yeah you stole my game this adult like just adult to wrap them up and stole your games and you stuck a five dollar sticker on them and that was that because usually if you and it was one of the most upsetting things if you're being intrigued they go this this is worth this yeah this is worth this this is worth this and then you say oh no take that back or that's fine because i was selling so many games at the time it kind of
Starting point is 02:52:55 just went lumped together and i was buying a ps3 with that money so i was excited and it was you know i'm like it just kind of it was really upsetting oh sorry i felt like i got robbed no you did you did really upsetting you should have keyed his car later that night yeah only only the truest villains don't have a car to do that i've told my my shen new disc story on the podcast before so i'm not gonna get back into that um tay wants to know why liam is the only one with a real canadian accent uh because he grew up in the what are you talking about yeah he's he grew up in the real canadian the wilderness he's he's from the he's from the fucking rocky mountains or whatever my dad's side of the family who like i spent a lot of time with obviously um are like some of the most
Starting point is 02:53:42 like kebek kebekwa people i've ever known and like half of them speak french as their first language and like yeah i guess that might be part of it that's probably 95 percent of the reason considering my mom's from britain so well you just said mum yeah you said mom too didn't i that's an english thing and like my mom was like raised in the states and my dad was raised in poland and raised in africa for a little bit and came over here so their accents are all like so weirdly mixed that they just speak regular english with no real you know maize or whatever so i grew up in the environment so yeah i guess that's why yeah my folks have their their west indian accents but i was raised in front of a television in north america so raised by nice big tv raised by stunt dogs and
Starting point is 02:54:30 and and micro maize yeah don't even don't even this is why he really doesn't speak like he's from trinidad god stunt dogs i thought he's from uh from jamaica maybe i don't know me yeah i'm joking we're joking but because people say you're from like trinidad and right other places is right no guess what we established this jamaica when you're born as a boy in jamaica you get pants that say maximum on this is the truth the jailhouse bro morumska wants to know if any of us are related to someone famous uh my cousin used to play in the hl like on the avalanche he's a he's a terrible player i know a guy who's got three cousins that are all like musicians that are like like i know but i'm more famous than my hockey player yeah i don't think i'm
Starting point is 02:55:30 related to anybody famous i'm probably the most well-known person i guess i guess so yeah i think i'm in that same position but i think you but we all know somebody that is cousins with chaos the rapper um uh gregory charles the singer from here and um the voice of adouale uh huh yeah yeah yeah from us exactly so he's he's cousins of all of them um while i'm not related me and woolly hung out a bit with and i had a class i'm not sure you had a class with uh with j barochelle oh he's been in lots of movies and stuff like not related but more than a class like him and my brother and i we all like grew up and were friends and like yeah we're good friends but no i had stress management with him and we just talked like it like i that class guess what
Starting point is 02:56:19 was so stressful yeah but he like came up with the dumbest bullshit that i mean i had a i had a friend who lived in the same hometown as me like a little like tiny town in kebac and his dad was friends with vigo mortensen that's and i once saw and briefly met vigo mortensen when i was like not like one or something and like i knew who he was because lord of the rings but like that was it right he had a sick naked russian fight with you in a bath house yeah no no other like i mean i think yeah like everyone has a know somebody or something or has a friend but like i don't think any family members i once met mega 64 yeah yeah that was crazy they're like super famous on the internet those guys are super famous holy shit man i love those guys i want to meet jon trone someday
Starting point is 02:57:11 yeah maybe one day uh oivind uh says um look i know favorite questions are really uninspired but this is a must i just want to know which is the best gem that's gem uh that's uh that's like choosing between like that's based on your mood it's like choosing between pizza ice cream or burgers or something without elaborating i'm simply going to say ruby and sapphire i was going to say garnet for the same reasons like exactly i want to say garnet but then i'll say anethyst and then sometimes we'll say steven and then sometimes i'll say rose quartz i'll it's actually the actual answer is rose quartz i'll i'll say garnet every time yep i'll say rose quartz yep it's good good pick they're all good picks yeah you you're not really wrong except if you say pearl but then you'll go
Starting point is 02:57:58 wait no you're right pearl does have the thing everyone's got moments that's a good cast deadpool woolly have you read try good maximum yes uh michael um woolly have you read try good maximum yes moving on we've got two of those questions in the bank now uh what's up make a good pal core um core if you had to delete one lp from your channel and if you're forced to only keep one lp on your channel which would they be oh good question it's a really interesting question if i had to um delete an lp and delete everything if i had to delete one i would delete beautiful joe because i don't think anyone gives a shit i love beautiful joe it wasn't a particularly good play through so i would just nobody cares gone and streets of rage is in the same category where i
Starting point is 02:58:48 don't think anyone really it did it did it did what it needed to do at the time yeah exactly just set you up yeah um otherwise your facebook fucking picture is still the same thing that's true i've never changed it have i i thought i thought that was there out of some sort of like like fond memory i put it no i put it i put it when it happened and it's just been that way ever since but you're whenever i think about it i just think it's streets of rage but you're right wow um i would delete mad world but i would still want that one's recent so you're gonna i'd still i'd still want to redo it in some way because there's too many technical errors we made some you know poor decisions based on this the some of the eddies is not great and the person that should have been playing should
Starting point is 02:59:32 have been any one of us that's played through the game a million times or something because you can just blast to the levels would have been much quicker type stuff like that but i'd still want to redo it again someday better um in terms of sounds like candidate for lp that could be most improved in your eyes more most improved yeah you know what most improved but i want to say actually take away because like i don't i don't i think Liam's kind of on point and think that then maybe not has the most technical errors but is the most like kind of forgettable like it's just kind of nobody's watching it uh murdered soul suspect oh yeah nothing of value happened hmm easily because me and woolly had a lot of takeaways yeah we certainly did maybe we got
Starting point is 03:00:10 more out of it than you did sure but just yeah i know i hear you like i would keep prison break and and ride to hell because there was stuff yeah if i could only give one thing it would be pat stairs at mercenary games or take away yeah no no no not that not that at all i i would keep the full lp of uh final fantasy eight because that one was that was really good almost to the wall for you did your editing was really good i was enjoying that i would keep um i would keep uh just i got i think i was gonna be on two souls yeah because that is a three-man lp which you know happens here and there but i keep you on two souls because i think we're all on board we are all firing on all your all on message and we and we knew it was the return of the king yeah
Starting point is 03:01:04 we knew it was the trilogy ender of the david cage fucking sadness yeah and i think it's like there's so many good jokes and there's so many good moments and and but there's like then that had also keep deadly premonition but i actually keep you on two souls because this is actually one of my favorites yeah no i as far as as far as what i get rid of though like there's a couple things i don't feel super great about it in retrospect but you know i mean anything with a massive technical error uh because stuff works like oh woolly like i or like where i shitted up the gameplay or something like i'm like whatever i can love with that but stuff works like oh this is actually hard to watch or listen to like the normal heroes two episode where things just went
Starting point is 03:01:43 like the end of the fall the fall like the last episode of guacamole exactly right so stuff where there's technical problems are the ones where i'm like oh god because it's not just like you know it's not just like poor content it's like technical issues yeah oh another one i get rid of is the nestlock in a heartbeat uh heartbeat i would get rid of it but i'd redo it i do it over again the stream saved it i wouldn't even want to redo it yeah i hear you but i i i disagree if only because the stream really the stream saved it but there was bits where like we were fucking up and we knew we were fucking up and people took it so seriously that it was hard to sleep at night yeah it was it was just uh i also associate that lp with a lot of bad shit because i was super
Starting point is 03:02:33 sick for like a good portion of it and if you don't hear me in the background actually i take it i was throwing up in the bathroom it's all worth it for the bit where woolly got his mouth removed and had to speak real rough when you got your teeth all over your face oh all worth it for that all worth it for that i came straight from the dentist the other the other day i was i i woke up in a huff in a cold sweat i said to my girlfriend what was the lp where woolly couldn't speak and she said i don't know all of them and i said no wait no there was a specific one uh that was good um oh that's mean no i'm just telling you she didn't she didn't actually say that but she couldn't
Starting point is 03:03:17 answer the question properly so if i had to keep one like i'd be like i love aria of sorrow because i really felt like it was perfect um i know there's a lot of people not a lot i know there's a a vocal very small minority who hate uh what have they been calling it rehearsed lps and it's like fuck off like it's great i really like that lp at all right some people don't watch metal gear rising some people weren't into astro boy but some people weren't into astro boy yeah but but ultimately again i said i feel that the stuff where there's technical problems is the ones that stand out to me no i know i always think that's the one that's the dull game that results in nothing then i would put the shit that literally nobody like but you're right beautiful joe is something
Starting point is 03:04:00 that i forgot existed as a lot of a lot of people forgot beautiful joe existed yeah straight up like um that's true that was a thing i if i had to keep one like i'd be hard pressed because i would genuinely pick something like like downpour um that's like indicative of what the channel is kind of i'd say if i could say something you wouldn't want to keep is uh sonic adventure sonic adventure is not bad yeah well it's like the most successful technically in a in a technical in a sense in a sense it's certain and like i'll always remember it like i would never want that going it would be frustrating because there's a lot of lps i'd want to keep like like aria and like i'd want to keep uh sort of the berserk even though we had
Starting point is 03:04:41 some like snap who was with the audio like sort of the berserk it was a nail man kept a blast interrupted yeah i guess uh though when i kind of think about stuff like you know beautiful joe and whatnot at the same time i feel i'm like there's 365 days in a year yeah right we're throwing two of these out a day on each one we do 714 or whatever videos a year like it's not all they're not all going to be they're not all going to be gold and they're not all going to be silver yeah exactly right not even bronze that's that's how it is and like it's something that who was i discussing this with i was discussing this with someone recently i forgot what it was but who it was i remember i remember discussing it with someone on on v recently where someone was
Starting point is 03:05:25 like you guys have been like more shitty ever since like you two came on and it's like we're making double the content well we're gonna have more bad stuff and we're gonna have more good stuff i think we delivered on that well here's the secret that that is underlying to a lot of things and including a lot when i hear whenever i read that as well there's a huge difference between edited joke highlights versus the full thing yeah and so like the nature of the original 2vf show on machinima is one that's it's nothing but good times because it's cut to that you don't get to see how the sausage is made you just get the delicious don't want to see how the astro boy is how the sausage is made right yeah but and that's the thing and as but as a result in general it's
Starting point is 03:06:10 like it's it's you it's not something that you can ride along with it's a one special moment thing but the stuff that people love the most tend to be the ones where it's like you just get a distilled moment to moment funny video yeah you know and and and it's just it's a different beast it's so impossible to strike that balance and put out as many videos as we do it's a completely different beast you know because it takes so much longer to edit and and it's and it's it's basically like are you gonna take a game like bloodborne and just make it one video you know what i mean like that's the thing exactly so it's it's a different target and as a result you get um yeah not as much we're not we're not targeting people who want fast and and jump cut humor we're targeting people who want
Starting point is 03:06:55 to sit through this shit that's what i think for machinima it's fine target audiences people who want to sit through this but the machinima show was a different show it was exactly for that target audience and it came out once a week and it was all jokes so people that were that sort of say that is like oh like you guys came on board and the whole thing went to shit i'm like ouch but whatever it's the internet but ultimately no it doesn't have anything to do with you guys is that you guys kind of more or less joined up when we started really going hard into lp's it's lp's that are thick but that's what i'm saying is the people are just thinking about the they're like oh what it used to be right and the and what you're what you're actually thinking of is one edited video a week
Starting point is 03:07:32 as opposed to lp's at all it was a different type of content entirely you know so and though admittedly some lps are better than others of course by wide scope of magnitude but life is strange but i don't know what you mean but i i would argue that like any given machinima episode is usually way funnier than a given lp episode well like harry potter connect i still watch that every couple months i recently fucking riot recently cut to the best you know recently out we had curated we had for you for you uh family members of uh of my fiance's family came over just like some you know like 20 year olds or whatever and they're like matt show them one of your videos and i'm like no god and you're harry potter connect no no i don't know i don't know it's fine because it's
Starting point is 03:08:19 so often you're going to run in a situation where people just stare at it they're like like what the fuck are you will you show them pat and woolly's jojo video that's a terrific family ice cream god damn no so so then uh my my fiance goes no show them the harry potter video the harry potter video and i just like i'm not confident in that stuff anymore i'm like okay well it's not who you are now it's not who i was back then it's not who i am though it's only i'm like all right i just kind of go like this i wrote my eyes as i'm starting to play out goodbye and then in the first like two minutes they're laughing their asses off of of harry potter right watching harry potter connect and i'm really this is still funny to
Starting point is 03:08:57 casual people and there's some jokes where i'm like whatever but the visuals the harry and yeah his arms because the connect is such a horrible piece of shit that they're laughing based on that and the jokes are not so much a thing like some of them go over people's heads because you reference something or whatever but the actual thing i'm like okay well that's why that works and will probably work until okay forever yeah way bit in the future when life has been a post-apocalyptic nightmare that they can find that it's gonna be the new gospel it's gonna be the new gospel but like you know like if anyone kind of watches uh you guys like you're your p4 episode with all the the natica jokes and the and yeah that are really funny and it's like if you were watching
Starting point is 03:09:37 an lp of this would that be a episode to episode basis because it's a game where we're talking about persona lps and how impossible they are like the um you know what i mean and when you when you look at uh conan clueless gamer yeah it's like that's another thing where it's like conan's clueless gamer everyone loves it and it's like fuck lpers wish they were that funny but the truth is that it's also an edited format which gets to the meat and it's i mean don't get us wrong conan is the fucking funny man funny man he's a great barbarian no but but i'm just i'm just saying that there's strengths and weaknesses to both formats yeah for sure and like you it's almost unfair to compare them because they're going for different things they're different because something you can do a
Starting point is 03:10:19 one-off or like an edited cut down joke a minute thing you can do that with any game yeah really but lps like some games we can't do them with but be they long or just not actually interesting enough you know what i mean yeah so the until dawn until dawn one off is probably hilarious and amazing but it's a different thing succeeds in a way that it definitely couldn't have as a one-off you know because it's the intrigue about what's going on whatever yeah people get on board and they follow they follow the adventure the crazy thing about until dawn is that sometimes the episode view count goes up in newer episodes like when movies do really well it's when it gets back on top number one okay which happens super rarely happens maybe once a year maybe not that
Starting point is 03:11:07 so i look at sometimes i look at the views and i just see like this episode was like like a thousand 362 people the next one is 1047 i'm like how yeah somehow it works i don't know metrics are so that's crazy climbing to the top on the corpses of dank and rob the body literally the bodies of starfox characters litter the floor hey people are coming back around on starfox i tell you what happens a zipp board flew by the camera for a half second starfox was a perfect reverse bell curve people we all loved it at the beginning then it was the middle and now we're all back on board if starfox weird exactly you know it's it's it's it's have more racism starfox can't control what happens outside of starfox oh exactly uh a question yeah it is a good question so let's roll
Starting point is 03:11:56 then because i'll save the rest for next time roll what do we got coming out um starfox starfox starfox still has another week and a bit left on it i don't think there's anything new in the pipeline this week dang and rump is going to continue we should be switching to the japanese audio finally in our next in our next episode nine is the last of english uh and i just have to replay up till that point only a couple of oh that's how you're doing okay so i can't switch yeah but you can skip cutscenes so it'll go super quick uh so i just need to replay up to that bit in japanese and then we can get going with that in japanese um well it'll be the first footage we record like that post release post release all one to nine was
Starting point is 03:12:41 front loaded yeah exactly just you know uh metal year's gonna carry on boy it's exciting what was that episode i showed you before episode 10 episode 10 oh my god is strong oh my god episode 10 is very strong yo um yo you're not ready uh well until dawn is done for those that are wondering that nice one up yesterday right uh yeah the other day so so until dawn is done we're finished and it's all kind of like set to go and i guess the only thing that news about that is that yeah we recorded the last batch of episodes and it was fine for us but it's too dark i seen a lot of people talking about how like various lps that you've watched some people jack up the brightness too high and then you can preach you can see some things that you shouldn't see and and and in the
Starting point is 03:13:28 next batch of episodes uh we turn the brightness down pat's perfectly calibrated tv not as perfectly calibrated as he would have you believe so i'm unfortunately lagged on that game because i can only play it when uh i meet up with the girlfriend yeah why don't you of course yeah it's not too long so you only don't get through all right well you know um yeah i guess we'll do mario maker in the week after that so submit your whatever's submit your dick but submit your whatever's submit your whatever's raise your donors raise your donors i think that's it and um i think that's it it's fisticuffs happening this week fisticuffs is happening and it's ultimax this week again yep let's just thank you always every week is ultimate no we gotta save ultimax teasing for when it's scrub
Starting point is 03:14:14 yeah that's that's the moment well now that it's become wrecking now that the gimmick is recognized it's like uh oh when do we actually do ultimate exactly i don't know and when do we say we're doing ultimax but just do third strike like that's the good one that's the other one too yeah when's what is the next april fools of friday maybe that's money you get some money shot right back april we gotta wait for april sometimes you should wait for april fools whatever april fools every day whoops all april fools oh man if we did a month that was april fools man that's so weird just fuck with people's expectations for a whole month nothing is anything
Starting point is 03:14:54 it's great that's crazy maybe we should do that i'd be like groundbreaking youtube entertainment it'd be so hard to come up with 31 it would be the most annoying thing in the fucking world it would be it would be and we'll have little like pictures of our faces going all right so it's Liam and zack playing the new silent hill yeah exactly like and here's matt playing reboot while you know like get that face cam get that face cam but only for 10 sporadic times like during moments i'm not yelling matt stares at the ending cutscene of near and personified together can we just like dip this in the grease of animated gifts do we just need to sprinkle more gifts on our videos here's woolly's bomb ass
Starting point is 03:15:44 godzilla reviews here's a 10 minute lp video but actually it's just a 10 minute animation by plague we let him do whatever that's a license for destruction there uh what are we looking forward to this week um i was gonna roll out on that but i guess i'm looking forward to there's god what was coming out on early access just about this time destiny the taking king comes out but what else fuck motherfucker i forget nothing's coming out something was gonna come i got i got two things uh saga volume five comes out today well we'll be buying and reading that i assume all three of us will be coming with with humans or after this who enjoy comic books and uh the other thing is that i recently got all of Hannibal season three so i can finally sit down
Starting point is 03:16:39 and watch it because of course has the exclusive rights to streaming that so i'm not allowed because of reasons so i i'm gonna probably blast through that this week oh you know what you know what i'm looking forward to this week at fucking it's too late if you're listening to this podcast but at three a.m. tonight or three a.m. tuesday morning whatever TGS whatever it's gonna be probably dang and fighting game dang and everything fighting game oh god get the fuck out it's free it's free it's not gonna happen but it's free it has four characters in it that's enough that there's there's fucking four people who you're for who you're for Sakura yeah Akane Nikomaru and Monokuma you forgot mono me oh god she'd be fine she's a palette swap of
Starting point is 03:17:23 Monokuma she'd be okay sure but you got all that's all she's very familiar yeah that's it you got a five character fighter you're toko oh genocide shut up you do though you do though it's true you do there you go if you get eight you can ship it all right now i got nothing personally so yeah this is good it's gonna be exciting to be damn good thing metal gear solids out oh he's always always remember that always remember that yeah let's go there well dude there's like there's you know there's the shit that i'm like i need to i'm excited to go back to the thing i've neglected for a little bit i'm a boot maybe yeah oh what you got coming you all right it's a cursed game yeah
Starting point is 03:18:35 you you you you you

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