Castle Super Beast - SBFC 114: Lube-Bu and the K.Y Dynasty

Episode Date: October 13, 2015

A civil(!) discussion about Undertale is had....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It seemed pretty recent, like one was about CW Anderson, like during a casual sex encounter when he was about to leave, like his party was in Japan, she like passed out and started bleeding from her vagina all over and was going to die. And like another guy was there, I think it was Rhino maybe, and like the first thing that he does is start emptying his suitcase to like put her in the suitcase and then the other guy says, how about we bring her to a hospital? How about we do that? I admire his dedication to his craft.
Starting point is 00:00:57 Holy shit. Like he didn't do anything to her, but she just starts to die and that's step one. That's step one. Don't be in the room. Don't. In the suitcase. I thought you were going to say he starts, he said starts, let's over-realize your recording. Yeah, wrestlers are subhuman.
Starting point is 00:01:19 I thought you were going to say then he starts up his car. Yeah, no. It would have been scummy. Way better than- Other stories featured in that article are like, why Paul Heyman can't rent a car in North Carolina. Wait, why not? Because him and two of the two Polynesian wrestlers that he was touring with at the
Starting point is 00:01:38 time ended up getting into a huge like road warrior style brawl with the Steiner's and Sting on the road and ended up destroying both of their rental cars. Wow. Specifically, I know of where Rhino lost his job at WWE because he speared a potted plant in a hotel, but he was having an argument with his wife at the hotel room and he didn't know. He didn't do anything to her. He just got frustrated and broke a potted plant.
Starting point is 00:02:07 WWE sacked him the next day, but they let Randy Orton shit in people's briefcase full day. Like the- Randy Orton shits in people's stuff. The setup- That's fine. Paul Heyman thing was that Sting would drive the car and then Scott would hang Rick out the side of the window of the car they were driving and then Rick would- they would drive
Starting point is 00:02:28 next to a wrestler's car if they saw them and then open up the driver's side door and try and pull them out to fuck with them. Wow. And then when Paul locked his door when he saw it coming, they decided to just throw rocks and baseballs at his rental car and it all went bad from there. They had a bunch of baseballs in the car. It was fine because they had a 66th and 23rd chance of having to work at Takedown. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:02:54 That's hard times. The number one on that story is ECW. ECW. The number one is of course from ECW and it's the time that Sandman OD'd in the rental car on the way to the show and they just dumped him at the local hospital saying yo we found a dead body and just left him there and then when he was resuscitated he came back and wrestled his show. That's a gimmick.
Starting point is 00:03:17 Well at least that first story didn't go like- I was waiting for you to go into like birdcage style escalation where it's like okay she's bleeding out and she's underage. Time to stop that recording. And she's adopted- oh god. And she's- what is she's from a kind of poppers station. The birdcage one is underage black hooker. Is there one more on that? I don't even know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Well he died while- Yeah I know. Yeah I know. He died with a prostitute who's underage and black and she's talking to the press right now. And then it cuts to this like eight year old black girl just going like well he kept smiling so I kept going and like the eight is just having a fucking mental breakdown. Oh senator.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Birdcage is a great movie. Welcome to episode 114. That's the intro of the podcast. Got nothing. Tell me about the number one hundred million. Oh you see you see the Jimmy Snooko might get caught up on those murder charges. Yeah we talked about that. Specifically because the internet started talking about them again.
Starting point is 00:04:27 And then people went wait what? Yeah. That's why didn't we ever ring this guy up on murder charges. Pretty much. This is open and all vents. Because it happened in the eighties and the internet wasn't a thing. It's true. And because Vince McMahon told people to make a go away.
Starting point is 00:04:42 You were saying. Sorry. What is the number 114. The esoteric fact about the number 114. What is 114. 114 is the year that we make contact. That began the Han Dynasty in China. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:00 And if you're unfamiliar the Han Dynasty is where our good friend Lou Boo. Yes. I am aware of this. He was not pursued. Towards the end. Never pursued. Yeah no he wasn't around at 114. No.
Starting point is 00:05:15 That's like hundreds of years. Towards the end of the Han Dynasty that's when he was around not being pursued by anyone. And once Lou Boo was done he made anime. Man. That's the invention. Or the invention party. He's provided a lot of animation for anime. How sick must it be.
Starting point is 00:05:31 It all began in 114. How fucking sick must it be that Lou Boo like this is like a thousand two thousand years later people are still going like yo man Lou Boo's a badass. Yeah no it's one of those things that I'm glad my name lives on. But it's like it's like Brutus. Thanks Koei. Like time has not healed Brutus' betrayal. He kept on rocking.
Starting point is 00:05:56 He was such a bad guy. He kept on rocking until 98. One 98. Lou Boo. What? Yeah. Here we go. You're fucked.
Starting point is 00:06:06 Han Dynasty was not at all an embarrassing slog. Some Chinese history manager is either high-fiving his screen or going oh no Han Dynasty was the shit. When did General Tao come along. There it is. That's the actual. He came along in the 19th. He was the king of China.
Starting point is 00:06:25 He came along in the 19th. He came in China at the time. He came along. He served very well with Christ. Can we get. Okay so you know when Nobunaga showed up. In those Warriors games. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Yeah. Yeah. He's incredible. He's an odomousha demon. Yeah. Can we get General Tao wearing with orange gloves. The ceremonial arm. So delicious.
Starting point is 00:06:42 He's spicy. There's only two facts we know about him. He's a bloodthirsty foe. And the chicken is delectable. It's unbelievable. Now that's a legacy. I love the 2003. Imagine General Tao.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Imagine General Tao. It's a legacy. It's a legacy. It's a legacy. It's a legacy. It's a legacy. It's a legacy. And what about the 2003.
Starting point is 00:06:58 It's a legacy. I love the 2003. Imagine General Tao looks in those supermarkets. He's like why is my name in all these freezers. Why are they freezing names. It's mainly because he based on his icy carnage. His history is a fickle bitch. It is.
Starting point is 00:07:13 Yeah. All those dead bodies. And all you needed to do. Was add a little chicken and a little sauce. Add a little oyster sauce to it. And bam. Visser has tasty something. Delicious.
Starting point is 00:07:22 Well Visser is usually the meat part right. Yeah. Everyone expects it. Everyone expects it. I expect Visser and my chickens. Black. I expect giant black man. My brother used to crack open his bones.
Starting point is 00:07:34 On on like meat that he would eat. And like suck up the marrow. His own bones. Yeah. Yeah. He would throw out bone morangs like marrow. The X man. And just eat the marrow.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Yeah. No. Like that Naruto guy. He's. Oh. Tomorrow. Tomorrow. You didn't.
Starting point is 00:07:54 You didn't get it until just now. Did you not get it until just now. Fuck. Oh. Always new. Your favorite character run. Oh. See.
Starting point is 00:08:05 I actually really like Kimi. Tomorrow. But not. But in his origin. His original portrait. He was drawn as like a Naruto clone type. Anyway. Wow.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Kimi. Marrow. Marrow. I can't believe. Take. Take a think on that. You need a minute. Take a think.
Starting point is 00:08:22 You want to just stop now. Is that the podcast? So we're rolling. Did you know that Ekans backwards means. Snake. Come. Yeah. That's my favorite.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Wow. This podcast is a mess. It is. But I like it. Are we recording underwater this week? We're not. All right. Great.
Starting point is 00:08:41 You see. But that's. That's the terrifying thing about what about last week though. Because you know it's like. The mic actually said the right mic. Yeah. Recorded but the wrong mic. Terrifying.
Starting point is 00:08:53 That shit is. Don't trust your own senses. Yeah. And I got eyes. Like I think the last time we talked about internal mic shit was two years ago or so. The last time it happened. Because it was like. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:04 I'm destroying. I think the last time that happened was like a fucking Mario Kart or Mario Party. It never happened. It was quite a while ago. But no. Yeah. And it was just like. No.
Starting point is 00:09:15 It was the fall. It was the fall. I was configured. No. Wait. It was the shit storm that Matt and I recorded like two weeks ago. But it's different. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:23 I think the actual sound is how different setups. Yeah. This podcast hopefully sounds good. Hey everybody. Which. You know what. Hopefully we'll be able to fix that with vessel. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:32 Hopefully. So. Now that that's out of the bag. Yeah. I mean for those of you who saw it where we have our videos on vessel now. Yep. And it is a subscription service and we're hoping to use that money to rent an office where we can standardize our audio ability.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Like a proper recording studio and all that shit. Yeah. Well one of the things a lot of people ask is like why our gear isn't good and why our stuff is so like all over the place. And it's mostly because we have like four different setups. Well we record from our apartments. So everything is recorded. And we all got different stuff at different times.
Starting point is 00:10:04 Yeah. Exactly. Different sessions happen at different places. And you know I mean sometimes we just sometimes footage gets lost and dumb shit happens. But ultimately even with the double checking there's times where just. At the rate of two videos plus per day. Shit's going to happen. I suppose so.
Starting point is 00:10:21 Well both you and I have had situations in which we double and triple check things and they still fail. Yeah. None you can never be paranoid enough. And then there's the unexplainable. Well like the Myron Maker. Myron Maker. That's where it's going.
Starting point is 00:10:34 We just missed like six seconds of videos. And there's no explanation for it. Yeah. There's just a black spot for six seconds. The audio was fine. And I mean you know our perfectly good capture card just dropped six seconds for the frames. Endured you know like people use them they work. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Exactly. I blame Hydro Quebec. Okay. Could be. That's fair. They'll take it. A lot of people blame Hydro Quebec. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Not you. No. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never.
Starting point is 00:11:04 Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never.
Starting point is 00:11:36 Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Look at there.
Starting point is 00:11:44 Oh. You remember that fucking woman where I carried that box of plates? Oh yeah. Oh man. She was the rudest. That was the best. After I carried like a huge box of plates all the way to her place? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:55 I think you told it, I don't know if you told it, but like yeah you told it on the mail bag. Yeah, in the mail bag. We got this huge box of plates that was meant to go to someone else. It was the first package we got going to the wrong place. And he walked like, he walked a couple blocks to the other place. I walked up to her, up to her front doorstep and I knocked and I said oh we accidentally got this package and she didn't even really say anything, she just grabbed it and she found rich white broad living up in the rich part of town and she was just super…
Starting point is 00:12:17 Being her pomegranates? Like fuck's sake. Thanks for delivering it. Like not even a thank you to the not mail man who decided to not keep your dick. Didn't she like hassle you like slightly for like hey why do you have this? Why are they open? Why is it open? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Why is it open? Well we, you know we were getting a bunch of packages and we accidentally… Cause I pissed on it then. A bunch of our drawers. It's like fuck off. We laced it with LCD. Oh when I got a package that was like… Sorry?
Starting point is 00:12:42 LCD. You laced it with LCD? Yes. Liquid crystal display. That's great. I would love those shows. You'll never eat off them again. You can watch anime while you eat.
Starting point is 00:12:51 I got a package that was like two numbers off my door and it said party favors, party favors, various lubes. And you're like I want to keep this one. And I said you know what? It's a few blocks down. Let's see what final boss opens up the door. And I'm like here you go. And it's like a kid that's even younger than Liam.
Starting point is 00:13:11 He's very like kind of like what's up. And he has a Mass Effect 3 shirt on. And I go here you go. That's the tight. That's the scariness right there. That's right. And you have fun with that. An older guy or girl?
Starting point is 00:13:25 Fine. No problem. Tame even. He's like 15 years old and he had a Mass Effect 3 shirt. You're doing it. But yeah a little tangent speaking of lube. Yeah so I mean. What'd you do on this weekend?
Starting point is 00:13:39 We have uh yeah no but well premium video services. I'll check it out if you want but otherwise. All the videos will come to YouTube and the site as well. So don't worry about that shit if you can't. If you don't want to or don't. Exactly. Have the ability to do it. Whatever you prefer really.
Starting point is 00:13:54 That's that. Yeah and you know like having a third video player for people that you know hate the other two for whatever reason. Can't be a bad thing. Yeah right. So if you if you want to check it out check it out. If you don't want to ignore it and pretend it doesn't exist and nothing will change for you. That's all fine. Yep.
Starting point is 00:14:11 Uh so I was wondering how you were going to segue into lube but. No that was a tangent. Lube a boob. Lube a boob. Just kind of crazy. No we can't go back. That would have been useful earlier. The KY dynasty.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Yeah there you go. KY dynasty sounds like a party. That's strong. The KY dynasty. But yeah speaking of lube I was playing corpse party again. And there you go. That is an actual segue. I'm right at the end of the second game.
Starting point is 00:14:37 It's just getting all the twists and turns and shit. I'm having a super blast. Is that where the shit tonight? Is that when it turns into a beach party? No that one didn't. That one's never going over. That one's gone. The window on that one was missed.
Starting point is 00:14:50 Liam I know that and I know that you know that I know that. Yeah I know. But the fact that one of those games is like a happy go lucky beach party. Barely canon. Like cracks me up so bad that I can't leave it alone. It's literally like an OVA bullshit thing. And that's why it's not localized. Dang it Rumpa 2 is a happy beach party.
Starting point is 00:15:11 Yeah boy is it. Oh yeah it's happy. Not at all despair filled beach party. Nope. Go enjoy it. No elementary sex abuse chance in that game. No actually no. That's a plus right there.
Starting point is 00:15:22 Indeed it is. Yeah I went up too much. Yeah video games are terrible. Yeah pretty much. I went to my family this weekend for Thanksgiving. Had a super nice Thanksgiving. Oh yeah happy Thanksgiving to all the Canadians. It was super good.
Starting point is 00:15:34 As soon as we get the early turkey what? Sorry I just. No we take all the good ones. It's literally it. Yeah no seriously. You get the swill that's left over. Yeah and then Obama pardons one and that turkey's like oh my life is meaningless but at least I get to go hang out on the lawn or whatever.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Until next year. But if you're eating all this turkey and you don't like the turkey or the stuffing or the cranberry sauce just roll it up into a big ball. And put it in your pocket. No. You just wait out wait wait till you go outside for a smoke with the boys and then just throw the ball in the forest. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:03 And then you should say these are good cigars. I think he's been rating ghost slash aliens again. No that's deep thoughts with Jack Hange. Jack Hange. Ah I see. Okay question time. Question time. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:16 The turkey preparer. Yeah. Your big family gathering. This is for all of you guys. Yeah. Was it your mom or was it an aunt or some other relatives? My dad. Your dad did it.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Your aunt did it. Grandmother. Your grandmother. Okay. This year my stepmom did it because my grandmother's getting pretty old in the tooth. Because do you end up with most of the leftovers at the end? Because that's the thing right? Because my aunt would always.
Starting point is 00:16:38 I end up with as much as I want to take. Okay. Which this year was none so. Okay. Because my aunt would always prepare the turkey and then it's like I want all of this for leftovers but you have. Fight. You have no.
Starting point is 00:16:49 You just you'd be polite. Yeah. And you take the Tupperware and you fill it till it's pounds heavy full of meat. And you get turkey sandwiches. But woolly the lid's not fitting on. No no don't even. You know and it's like I love my mom you know she's a saint. My aunt's turkey tastes better.
Starting point is 00:17:04 You bitch. It's the truth. You ungrateful bitch. The truth. And I can't hide it anymore. Oh. It's true. Well you're out of the house now.
Starting point is 00:17:13 I am. I'm going to text your mom. Hey. We're going to get that through. That's unnecessary. Wow. That's too deep. That's too hard.
Starting point is 00:17:23 Yeah. But no it's always one of those things. God damn it. My family I don't have a very like large immediate family and so like the food always stayed at my house. Like always. I played some other stuff. I'm pretty much done with persona 4 dancing all night.
Starting point is 00:17:40 You don't have a good look on your face when you say that. Well that game locking off the hardest difficulty just kills your momentum in that game because I started and I did everything on hard and then I was like time to play story mode and I finished the story which I like I said last week admittedly gets pretty good toward like when Dojima comes in and solves everything. Yeah. It gets good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:01 Exactly. But like the momentum stopping. I go play the story and play through like 15 songs across eight hours. I had the completely opposite thing happen to me where I was like I should do the story mode at the beginning and got two songs and it was like I'm done. You didn't get to Dojima then. I don't know. Dojima saves that story.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Of course he does. Okay. So I started. Did you? I started and yeah I got I got one or I don't remember if it was two maybe two songs in and then I was like all right free dance mode that I just stayed on free dance mode. Yeah. Until I was done PSA the first chapter is the worst boy is it.
Starting point is 00:18:37 It is. It is. It is. Just start your story with the worst. Yeah. No it's terrible. It sucks. Although believe it or believe it or not like the story is actually more.
Starting point is 00:18:47 It's more persona than the cute was. Oh yeah. Probably that much. Yeah. Because I barely like. Yeah there you go. Cute was pure nothing because you had twice as many characters to have conversations about nothing.
Starting point is 00:19:02 So just fluff everywhere. Right. But this actually sort of has some semblance. Definitely if you if you push through to like chapter two and three it gets better and then after chapter three it starts to get good. Like I see what you guys are saying about the difficulty of like splitting your eyes. I really don't. That it makes me not like the game.
Starting point is 00:19:20 Like I can confirm you do totally get used to it because now I'm but I don't but I don't like it. That shouldn't happen. You shouldn't have to get used to that. Yeah. But even if I got used to it like I don't like that. And that's totally fair to me. It sucks.
Starting point is 00:19:35 But again the man I said it last time. Oh so frustrating. The magic of me not seeing any footage until it came out. Yeah. It's still weird. You get more pops. Yeah. I didn't know that this the personas get summoned and do sick jams at the end of the song.
Starting point is 00:19:47 My dude. I didn't know that. It's awesome. Yeah. My only worry though is if you're just going to keep playing Freedance eventually you'll unlock the last boss song and just spoil it. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:59 And like it's actually a really cool build up to that so fair warning. I had the scenario. Oh exactly. Should I count how many songs I'm unlocking until I stop? I'll tell you the name after. Tell me the second to last song. I'll tell you the name after because it's the visuals that matter. I had the for the last boss in that game like four months ago or whatever when it was
Starting point is 00:20:16 down in Japan. I had the thing happen to me where I'm like oh I want to look at this song not from Dancing All Night. Just just in and I wanted a remix and in the sidebar on YouTube here's a shot of the last boss of Ultimate of Dancing All Night. Here's what the final song is here like yeah and then you clicked on and then I clicked on it because it's too late now and then it's awesome but it's like that is that is my most disliked thing about YouTube and Liam's biggest problem was the Metal Gear version where
Starting point is 00:20:49 he's within like two days of MGS5 coming out there was minor spoilers skip ahead 10 seconds pause all cutscenes HD yeah and it was like it's been two days give me a break and it was like I'm looking at music I didn't even it was on my recommend I have wanted to send like like I like to tell people that don't know about persona soundtracks I think they're great so be like oh listen to this track don't look at anything on the page like I have to start using no spoiler yeah like no not even scroll down like every every fucking video to the right is this boss this boss this boss this boss this boss and you know YouTube needs it needs a text only it needs a way to flag videos as spoilers because there's a difference
Starting point is 00:21:37 between Metal Gear Solid 5 final and a difference between Metal Gear Solid 5 all x cut scene yeah you're right no no no no no no i don't think so either just for spoiler babies but like damn it but the old look at the spoiler babies matter the safest attitude is a little bit the safest attitude is just avoid internet just avoid see that's you have to regulate yourself don't go to your workplace yeah yeah you're right I literally have to go to YouTube there are moments in which I upload a Metal Gear episode and it happens to me when I check to see that the video works I go I click on the link and because of the tags it's already happening like no god damn it stop I'm doing work they need a work mode no way and I played
Starting point is 00:22:26 Transformers Devastation you did I finished it like three times yeah game is super good isn't it super super super good I finished it as a bumblebee first I think it's the best character because of his slide yes he's the most fun right now to me yeah his slide is a free combo extender where you do your combo then you cancel anything into a slide you slide under their legs and then you can do another combo which is why it drains his entire meter half do combo half unless you get like yeah yeah and if you do your combos right you should be able to do it three times in a combo because you refill yeah do combo do it yeah and his other mechanic is the back attack so if you just need to finish something
Starting point is 00:23:05 just slide back that being said I give a hearty second to fucking grimlock because I was well go ahead I would give a second to Grimlock because his grapples are amazing raffles man remember we played it I was like oh be cool if you had grapples and we just didn't know so the only grapples he has are like when you dodge something before you your hands touch the ground for the role you can press B to cancel it into a grapple and he's got a running bear grab yeah so man move for him and that one's really amazing fucking love if he wasn't quite so finicky and slow I'd like him a lot more but his movement speed is just like slow it's just it's just so exactly because what you do is you do your normal like platinum combo and then you do a
Starting point is 00:23:55 knock away or you do like a texas ankle yeah and then if they're and then like they get they go flying away perhaps hit a wall or something and you cancel the texas ankle into the running bear grab and he grabs them out of the air and keeps it going and it's like you can just do a grapple and then like buffer it and you almost every time you'll nail it yeah yeah yeah yeah and like optimists with a hammer it's like really really good did you get the grapple gun not yet I did fucking sick it pulls them to you it's nice like it's super I got it haven't equipped it yet it's really good and like did you use them the drill arms yes the drill is so good drill charge you can charge up and fire shoes out of yeah it's a rocket punch rocket punches with it I still
Starting point is 00:24:38 haven't found like a stinger yeah you know so I'm waiting to see what move or weapon you gotta drive your opponent it's fine yeah you know if you hold the the drive button you'll rev your wheels on them while you're hitting them yeah yeah yeah yeah and once you like anyone lock the you know the Autobots icon is a style meter and as it goes up you do more damage oh no I mean there's a lot of what's like one yeah you know what there's a change it feels oh okay okay I'm fucking amazing once you get that rev ability to go instantly at max speed is yeah yeah yeah I got that doesn't really apply to Grimlock but yeah no of course yeah in his vehicle form so I'm playing through it again on on the Magnus difficulty now I was glad to see you unlock a few things you
Starting point is 00:25:27 don't unlock a lot when you get Magnus difficulty but like the level cap goes way up so you can do more stuff when you start getting into the weapon mixing and matching it's fun like when you start getting like SS rank weapons and stuff yeah yeah yeah super super good game really really short like four four and a half if I'm being is your favorite boss in the first part or the second part it's uh it's gotta be shockwave okay he just has such a unique pattern that no other shockwave or soundwave because those are actually two shockwave is the big guy with the with the the snake or whatever right uh no shockwave doesn't have like a little like yellow yeah the laser beams yeah but what does he look like because shockwave purple yeah he's all purple and he has like a little white
Starting point is 00:26:09 like little uh yeah he has a face really exactly he was this asshole that was always at on Cybertron and he was just getting communication so that you have to fight him is weird I think shockwave is like my favorite boss because there's no other enemy like him okay well you fought him right uh I he's dead like third to last or something okay then no maybe not okay he's at the very end he's like super super right now star scream is star scream in that in the in the setup fight is beginning in that one chapter yeah yeah star screen you tell me it's a fight where he just runs away and you have to catch up with him in five minutes he's running away no it's cool you gotta oh but the um I forget his name the guy who can turn into a tank and uh and uh the triple charge triple changer
Starting point is 00:26:49 yeah yeah yeah that fight was that was that was that was that was some shit that was really good with with uh your little platinum minigame setup you know where astrotrain is in there because astrotrain is the dumbest it's a train that turns into a spaceship absolutely not but uh and what was cool too is uh I was because I was using bumblebee when I was going through um the uh god the name of the chef I forgot the name of the ship but the proud star the proud star yeah and like it's like bumblebee your future will be yeah it changes for each character and it tells you about all his all the dialogue and the game changes for every character you're using yeah definitely I was like what no they they know they have a short game and they want the extra mile to make it a bit different
Starting point is 00:27:29 for every character and the bosses yell different things that you depending on who you're fighting with no I didn't know that um and the endings the ending's pretty good but it could be a bit underwhelming if you don't know exactly what you're looking at but it's it's okay um like that game is the most tightly packed from end to end platinum game seems like it because there's there's barely any bits where you just fight enemies for like 20 minutes you're always finding bosses constantly the first chapter is the slowest one and it just gets better yeah get your feet wet yeah exactly well by the end the chapters are like like three ranked battles long like they get really like like those shorter bio chapters yeah exactly yeah so uh super super good game it's I
Starting point is 00:28:13 know a lot of people find it pretty expensive for what it is but like the game is amazing so if you want a good action game it's good it's a good game platinum did not ruin g1 transform no they didn't contrary to some fans beliefs a minority of people an extreme that are transformers fans that don't play video are they even transformers fans no you're transformers no they are that's that's all they are yeah you don't play the transformers video games and you're not a real transformers fan bam nailed it transformers fans of only the marvel comics yeah right here's the thing if they go back to a slow gears of war style thing it's like I wouldn't even imagine there's a cliffhanger at the end and I hope so there is I can confirm there's a cliffhanger no I mean I hope so that it leads
Starting point is 00:29:05 hope there's an end yeah but there's a cliffhanger and it definitely will jump the cliff well there's it is part of a trilogy this is the first game in the trilogy really when was I saying I was reading earlier today that apparently it's not not necessarily um a platinum direct follow-up type of thing but it's an something called like the optimists or like this something okay I'm sorry I vaguely read something today that implied that the storyline in this is part of some an optimist prime related trilogy of sorts and I and I don't think it implies this is that all that along with the direct yeah that's an effort to unify the transformers media and merchandise over the next few years in a so-called the prime wars trilogy thank you this began with
Starting point is 00:29:58 the new toys storyline and the devastation video game so yeah that's what I read so it'll include the toys and the motion comic the 2017 phase has not been announced yet well let's let's hope that they carry on through it because the now that I read the title of that um whatever it was the prime wars or whatever that totally fits the the cliffhanger at the end so okay it's good good video game cool cool you space go to space status check check gotta go to space yeah um well I was gonna gotta get back to space since you're the that was basically what I was gonna start with because I put in some time to transformers yeah well I only like we did one other mission after entering the proud star but yeah I'm really liking it too uh the only the only sort of thing about it is that
Starting point is 00:30:43 I kind of wish there was some type of you could walk around inside your ship instead of just having all the menus yeah you could walk around a bit various characters and just talk a little bit and get some extra lore that way like it just feels like an area that they could have done that would have been too much but there's only thing because I'm like I like you know doing all the the weapon the synthesization and shit of course there's so much to spend your money on there there's like I always forget that there's moves yeah don't even waste your money on tech until you unlock Magnus difficulty because you get a 10 000 cost tech oh wow and they're they're way better okay just don't even use the old stuff that's garbage so um but yeah I played that um I was telling them
Starting point is 00:31:23 a bit before but I bought myself an iPad yeah four work related purposes of course because why would anyone need a tablet ever I don't get it actually you're gonna end up using it for everything I've used it like pretty much the entire time since I bought it yeah tablets are for watching porn on the plane yeah and and now I can yeah and now I can but uh more interesting than the iPad is handle porn wasn't really cutting it yeah so all the black and white okay more interesting than the iPad is going into the i apple store yeah and what is happening what are you people doing here it's not oh have you not if you have you not had a an apple device in the past couple years never you've never gotten to see it you've never seen the
Starting point is 00:32:12 app store okay dude but I go in I'm like sorry where's your cash registers yeah there aren't any because I tried everywhere to I get one online because I didn't want to go into the app of school so no you gotta talk to some douchebag okay I do a genius yeah yes yeah no you and he wasn't one you're unaware of the bohemian stylings of the app store that's generous that's too generous I would take that back with a table layout say there's a fixed gear bicycle up my ass and when you head upstairs you can sit in on the lessons taught by genius at the genius cafe but thankfully I knew enough and I researched enough of what I wanted to get I'm like just want the basic you were just in and out model right I just want all this and I thought up some lore to get me out
Starting point is 00:33:01 of there as quickly as possible so hey I need an iPad Air 2 because that's the one that was recommended no shut up give me one and then he starts to do the thing yep and I go oh well see this is my former fiance and she just wants this one oh well you know you're gonna run out of space yeah she plays like two games and I'm making up like a new person and he's like oh well do you think she'll want like a 64 game I'm like nah it's just 60 I'm pretty sure I don't want to get her mad at me oh we're getting married soon he's like oh bro okay then yeah don't say anymore and then did a little bit more here and there was it arry yeah a little bit a little bit it was an Xbox on the side listen man I know you don't play sports games but I'm telling you check it out
Starting point is 00:33:52 so he kind of gives me a little bit more spiel but it wasn't too bad but it was still like white it was one you I am I'm getting so frustrated by proxy just sitting over here yeah I'm getting so upset I'm getting so upset like I found that the next time you ever have to do this I found never hopefully that works well as any similar situation to the up to the hardtail the best solution is belligerent politeness well that's cuz is well is is your no thank yous yeah and no thanks just get louder and louder and turn them into will please don't do this thank you in the upsell situation thank you I'm sure exactly what would pat do right in the games you would walk into an apple store and go give me an ipad air 2 please no that's that was my first statement I will get
Starting point is 00:34:43 an ipad air 2 specialist to come here and talk to you I'm like but I'm oh you're already walked away okay okay so then wait for the next time okay the line of defense as as as the snake oil salesman is talking to me I'm like okay a staring at me reinforcements have arrived I'm staring at me and then I'm like okay so where is it at and he goes oh I call my colleague in the back and you bring it to me to you so eventually I get the thing home and I just really want to quickly run in it I got some games that I just want to say like two sentences about because so many things I actually had quite a bit of fun with it I was like there is good stuff out there um the first thing I see all the bravest no not that bad not that bad that's your fault you've not gone that was the best shift
Starting point is 00:35:33 we're just sitting next to each other rubbing our hands on our phones it was dumb it was a good time it was great uh human head studios uh makers of prey may put out a game under amazon amazon games amazon studios called lost within which is a survival hurry first person thing yeah I did this one that just works you just tap where you want to go in first person you just walk it you don't bumble you don't hit things it's not got weird camera control is there on screen arrows and buttons no great when you tap when you tap your finger on something there's a little x to indicate where you tapped and your character walks to it and you have to hide in lockers from monsters and you double tap and the guy runs and it just works that sounds great so it was fine
Starting point is 00:36:18 there's not a lot going on but it's not a lot going on you have a little inventory and it was fine voice acting looks amazing yeah definitely it very very nicely they're right up on it and am I sad that they're doing this instead of pray to yes of course I'm sure they are as well oh yeah so that was kind of interesting family gotta eat it Steven universe attack the light was I only played like 10 minutes of it and that again just works it's a lot of fun I'm a bit it's it's paper Mario there's no story in it it's not as good as paper Mario no but it works like paper Mario like double tap here for more damage on your hit yeah double tap yourself to reduce the damage and all the all the items are there together breakfast cookie cats they're all there that that all works and it's not
Starting point is 00:37:02 bad and I like the art style too yeah it's super good it's not straight Steven universe here's what you do go get us there's an austarica and then but it's just called us everyone calls it okay because they don't know better okay well it's called us only um and it's a man it's an iPad oh and no I call it that's what everyone it's like frets on fire and that's a fan made on that game that lets you put your own tracks in okay and there's like you can get your own stuff I don't have a like a rhythmic music yeah so go grab that go grab your super hexagon yeah and uh there you go uh ridiculous fishing ridiculous fishing I'm not even bothering with infinity blade because I already know yeah I just wish like the the fucking microphone could have picked up the smug ass look on Liam's face when
Starting point is 00:37:47 he said that oh sushi no because I call it osu I know I was making fun of woolly you had that fucking grid everyone calls it osu okay I don't know yeah you know I know yeah I'm sorry for saying the word the only only it's Kimi Maro right right right speak of an infinity blade and Pat pulled it up I just love this had to make it a thing oh 90% of every other game is infinity blade yes every so that brings me to a really sad point is that I wish porn was infinity blade can we be chair are we chair yet endless knife really sad that the night that grip the night games who made lots of little great spider-man games on the ds just made a really not great infinity blade clone called I don't fuck it's called endless death dome let's go into the death dome and beat character
Starting point is 00:38:38 after character in something that's not as good as infinity blade so it's kind of sad for itself and the only other game that grip the night made was a skeezy sims porn yeah yeah I like scripts tonight they're all right I like them a lot they made all those those the remnants of this guy's that made all those cool little combat systems and Spyro and all that right right right yeah if you if you have a if you have a hard on for mirrors edge like me you can grab that runner game and it sits which one these are mirrors out of game oh it's just mirrors edge yeah that's a thing and it's apparently the dead space game is really good gone not there it's not that good it's not a lot of people said it's pretty no my girlfriend tested it a lot I played it through
Starting point is 00:39:17 it's not it's not good it's not a lot of people I am not just saying this because I hate phone games but like I've spent like over $150 on phone on that space and like a lot of people who play games on phones I feel are very good at over hyping standards are lower yeah like we'll leave the the best example because I'll show the Vita every day like the best example I can think of is that when we mean you were playing that iPhone game the DMC for I was about to say if you want the truth about Nero so play that game so we would always say man this is really good for a phone game yeah but people who play phone games exclusively just transition that into like this game is really great right and then that that just comes out as without context yeah and then gets mixed up like
Starting point is 00:40:05 that speaking of that some goons on the something awful forums indicated me you can get this controller if you like yeah and it's a little wireless controller if I want it's called the steel series a stratus or something yeah it was recommended to me and it actually works pretty fucking well because there is I didn't know that they remade Prince of Persia 2 shadow on the flame on the PC a game loft remade that for Ubisoft and you started up and I'm like oh this is not great and nothing controls well and oh yeah Prince of Persia yeah so I put in the controller worked way way classic Prince of Persia yeah but like the visuals are updated yeah like it's the remake 3d it's the Prince of Persia warrior within style prints running okay you know Prince of
Starting point is 00:40:51 Persia origins yeah like the original remake yeah and it starts out on the docks with the boat it starts on the docks but but aside from the control issues that the controller like really helped like this controls much better and this is not bad uh is that the actual scene recreated is terrible compared to the original yeah like remember what it was with these legally cheesy Arabian sprite based cut scenes of like no I am the Prince of Persia yeah and then the Prince just jumps out yeah and then you jump out all that is now reduced to a tech scroll it says shit went down he jumps out the window yeah and then you don't have to run and catch the ship as it's going the ship just waits for you and then you just grab on it right it's still controlled okay on the
Starting point is 00:41:36 controller thanks Steve Jobs and the last thing is that Liam keeps making jokes about it I'm not really sure why but I downloaded AVP evolution and you kept saying you're gonna get AVP evolution because uh I downloaded on my uya because it was available on the uya and I was like oh my god this game is terrible it's pretty good actually I think I didn't like it at all it's decent because the AVP requiem based on the movie for the psb I think that was way way worse right this is not this is not great it's not like but when I saw you like a five on ten but you can control a face hugger that you can and you walk around and you wait for your opportunity like the old yeah it could also be that when I played it on the uya it actually wasn't performing well
Starting point is 00:42:23 it wasn't perfectly that's a realistic concern with them it wasn't optimized and I'm like with a little controller it controlled pretty well and the other thing is that for me being a huge predator like weirdo like all your unlocks are every piece of armor from every predator ever so you mix and match I want the mask from predators with the weaponry of this guy and I'm like it's pretty good I don't mind that and the same thing for the alien where you control the alien you can have the dog alien body with uh with the bread alien face that's for dalian it's broken that's that shit you just said that's fucked up but it's like a play-doh fun center of mix and matching this bullshit gorilla alien arms scorpion alien tail with the action whole alien
Starting point is 00:43:12 body yeah so it was actually I was kind of having fun so there you go with that and the last you should try out um framed it's uh it's like a comic book noir isn't that that game that kajima is madly in love with he really liked it I was playing it on the plane and you're like what the hell's that game oh and you move around comic panels to make your character survive comic oh that's cool yeah what's the name of um um 999 guys first game his first game yeah that's on that's available on ios I don't think his first game is available I don't even know what his first game is because well in early 999 and then there was uh Richard's last reward but the the one that he made before those that's available on mobile is is ever 17 available on mobile because he made other games
Starting point is 00:43:55 before that okay there was there was another game ever 17 sounds like a new team gone but anyway what I'm sorry prepare for the list of everyone's recommendations well yeah no if anyone wants to go on my twitter because there's so much ridiculous shit tonight I already I already valid oh yeah I'm out then republiex pretty good oh well yeah no I might as well get that version too and uh man you have videos to edit yeah I know and uh mighty switch force hose it down yeah okay based on msf2 and really really quickly really two quick movies because I know will we at least be interested in one of them uh the movie just came out called the final girls which is think about cabin in the woods yeah but specifically for the slash yeah yeah yeah okay now makes sense and it's not to not
Starting point is 00:44:42 to get away but it happens in the first five minutes it's in the trailer bunch of teens get sucked into a um into a slasher horror movie from the 80s and uh they know all the they know one of them can speak the dialogue that all these dumb 80s kids that are having sex all over and they go look I know what happens the killer is not only going to come out until you take your top off so and it cuts to her wearing like like oven mitts and wear it all the shit take off the top and yeah yeah you're able to set up for hours to make scooby-doo style traps wow it's it's it's not as bad it's not as biting to watch this right away it's not as biting witty a witty funny as cabinet with just a little more goofy like american pie but the self-awareness already sounds super interesting
Starting point is 00:45:30 it was it was i it was you know not the the greatest like you know uh lambasting of a drama thing but i still really enjoyed it lots of actors like like uh comedic actors i've seen that guy i've seen that guy until dawn's sequel should be this it could oh that could be that'd be really good and uh an anti recommendation but still kind of watch it yes you want to watch a samurai cop style horror movie in the sense that oh my god i can't believe that just happened or i can't believe someone said that or i don't i can't believe apartment 1303 is without a doubt so far doesn't that have like sam jackson no no you're thinking of um room you're thinking of every other movie the black you're thinking of john kusack and sam jackson yeah i'm thinking of that it's it's a very similar
Starting point is 00:46:18 to have to get really like room 1307 or whatever the room apartment 1303 is just blonde actress going i'm gonna start my life over she goes into apartment she's alone and just starts talking and she's like i love my apartment and walks into another room says what was that noise and she goes over and her creepy apartment like uh super goes hey i heard some weird things going on in there and she opens up the door she says okay well what do you want he's like oh show me your tits and i'll and i'll chop off some of your red she goes no you're horrible and she closed the door when she turns to the camera her mascara is now running suddenly because she's been crying apparently in the half second that's been there in every scene there's a scene where i have i'm sorry i gotta
Starting point is 00:47:09 get this out there's a guy that's protecting her staying over the apartment right i'm gonna protect you blondie and he's on the couch sleeping and they keep showing a creepy ghost girl that's looking at something because the geography and the cinematography is so where is everyone looking at and he keeps this a single shot of him on in the couch looking good huh and falls back asleep multiple times and then i'm like what's he looking at where where is his point of reference and where is the ghost in conjunction because it's intercut with a ghost tapping on a window and he keeps looking up good huh huh and then there's a final shot to show that he was staring at the ghost the entire time and kept falling asleep and then something happens like i'm i'm doing a bad joke explaining
Starting point is 00:48:01 it but it was beyond belief it's it's it's like what is happening in the scene it's it's like a shot of a guy waking up and looking around a room going what oh i guess that noise was nothing and then it just pans out two feet to show a ghost standing directly in front of him yeah okay wow fucking why it was it was like yeah like the only thing i can use to describe is seven right it's like a fucking mgs one guard going who's with friends are these what was that noise and snake is standing there the fucking the worst and the best so yeah there you go vision comes all right uh let's take a quick word from our sponsors liam what you have a passion for competitive gaming boy do i pat you have a passion for huge prizes i like i like winning things with little
Starting point is 00:48:48 effort okay well did you know that america's favorite daily fantasy sports site is none other than draft kings dot com i actually did know that you were aware i was totally aware they're working hard to record this it works yes it's it's the newest craze and that i love the name draft kings it sounds like an underground hip-hop group it made me think it was about beer at first right but no what is that or or like again like a like a like a hip-hop group you know like underground kings but it's neither of those things what's about football draft kings now matt you can become one of over thousands of esports tournament players running this year alone i like these things you can take home some serious cash while doing it or swag that's it just pick your contest you
Starting point is 00:49:38 pick your team and then what do you do pat uh you pile up the points you pick up your winnings and then ah fuck oh i should have read this beforehand all you liam yes all you really gotta get going is you gotta send that corner and you gotta rack up some points for your individual player and team accomplishments like kills ass assists wait wait i thought this was football i thought this is not football there are kills now i should start watching i'm sure it's just an industry term okay but the point is you want to outscore your opponents and win i'll kill the boys big look pat you already know all the players and you already follow the competitive scene this corona back why don't you put that knowledge to the test at draft kings dot com home of the
Starting point is 00:50:25 biggest prize pools in fantasy esports history wow i think li joe can beat sammy sosa at super slam this year dude dude that'd be awesome that'd be sick pride of long island now listen up matt the contests are open now so you have to hurry i should hurry you have to hurry where liam draft kings dot com that's correct and you use the promo code friendcast you play for free with your first deposit you can win big you can win often you can win part of over a billion dollars in prizes being awarded this year dang this isn't fantasy as usual pan that's that's good in both ways either they give out a couple giant fucking prizes that change your life or you have a really high likelihood of getting like decent money yeah this is draft kings welcome to the big time
Starting point is 00:51:19 enter friendcast for your free entry now liam now only at draft kings dot com that's draft kings dot com the only place for Wayne Gretzky beats carota a street fighter it's garbage match it's the sickest thanks draft king thank you draft kings king us again what is it i thought so my doorbell rang and then i opened it up and then the cops and no not this time fortunately found a basket with a baby in it fortunately you know better than a baby i better than a baby i keep the music down the loudest thing that happens in this house is fucking this podcast god damn it anyway i opened up it was the cops i opened the doorbell and and and it was the cops and they were asking how you got such a good value yo the cops saying hey you must have trapped us this value is criminal you
Starting point is 00:52:14 must have stolen this amount of value and fitted it into this tiny box which actually showed up your house because it was a loot crate okay the theme is not stealing i don't know why we're not going because we went with cops okay we started with cops but you're just keep it rolling i was watching cops last night it's hard which one oh my god so the mailman handed me something and i said that's not a loot crate it's a subpoena it was a bag a bag and i was like wait what that's crazy and it was like it was actually like and then the next day i got another little bag and i got another little bag and it turns out that they're spanding outside of crates i got a little bag bag it's the name of their company yeah but there's supplemental cool shit that you get in addition to your loot
Starting point is 00:53:00 crate that's actually on on the same subscription yeah i actually didn't know that yeah that's actually interesting exactly so i got this dragon ball long sleeve shirt that i was like hey this is just a random do you have a bag on you i don't i don't but it's it's it's it's a loot crate bag and it has a little thing that you bag crate when you rip the top it's like little pac-man oh that's cute packy-packy while i'm aligned to open the bag all right um and they sent me these socks you got like dude you always doctor strange socks is live at the moto yeah exactly i want that that was a good move i remember they got yeah well so so i was just like hey that's a nice surprise that's really cool that's like as the best part of loot crate honestly is the fact that like you
Starting point is 00:53:44 you don't know when it's actually going to come to your door it could come to like tomorrow it varies right five few days and if you are subscribed you kind of forget about it and then it shows up you're like oh nice yeah right like i do that with the other stuff just i forget what i order yeah but having more than the one item and not knowing how many of those items are actually going to show up so that's actually really interesting so what's the plan how does it work well i was like i didn't order a shirt and there i go so you know i got myself a little bag it feels cool feels nice to forget that you ordered something and get it the best part of birthday is growing up is if anyone is baller enough to give out the loot bags when you leave yeah and at my own
Starting point is 00:54:23 birthday i'd throw out my own presents because i wanted the loot bag because that was the best we had a super mario brothers three themed loot bag was the best real turtle shells don't put ipads in that don't don't do that entertainment 720 they no one deserves an ipad don't do it but what you should do is head on down to you use the promo code super and just save three bucks on your new subscription that's already getting you over 40 bucks on your crate cool apparel and yeah so and that's so is it the same as your bag like as usual you asked that before and the answer was yes i'm just i'm like this app is playing really well because i'm legitimately surprised that they've almost like doubled up on what they're giving yes this is my subscription
Starting point is 00:55:12 this i got this other stuff and i was like whoa wow step up your game but gosh i didn't expect it it was crazy so once again that's you want to use the promo code super slash super actually yeah yeah you want to get that important and you know with them shipping out to over 13 countries with them having you able to sign up at 9 p.m on the 19th of every month most there's more than equal more than enough opportunity most of all you listen out there in one of those 13 tier one countries yeah that's that's very that's good and the 19th is like next week so there's tons of time you got some time it's your fault thanks lootcrate thanks lootcrate thanks loot bag
Starting point is 00:55:59 okay yeah i'll take that i believe what did you do this week well yeah man uh quite a few things i actually something i did uh not it was a bit before this week is last week but i forgot to mention that i went over to the final uh um puzzle in the room oh all right let's hear about this maze and which one's that that's the fucking i went to the prison temple so no i went to the prison escape one oh that's the first one actually it was just the last one for you yeah because that's the one that's always busy yeah and you got it fucking finally you did it made it out yay um was it is it because you are better because it was easier i we we went in like going we have to do this so i need to know is there overlapping stuff between them where you're like i know how
Starting point is 00:56:45 they designed this puzzle from that other one or were they all so unique that there was no knowledge carryover they're all completely unique that's sick because i was really worried that you'd be like i recognize this puzzle from that other room okay no no no no they're all because they're all completely unique good um and you know i know i'm and i'm discovering as i'm getting deeper into this that like room escape is as a thing in some places that's starting to pick up and uh but and this one in particular is a lot better than a lot of the others apparently because it has more of a story going and it's a bit more immersive in terms of what it does um the other ones are more of like a nicolodian guts kind of feeling like you know like jumping through that on television and here
Starting point is 00:57:30 it's it's like no you're locked in a cell that's much better that's much more you hate this room your lot you have hand you have handcuffs on and your group oh even better yeah and it's like okay which cell do you want to go into uh the one on the left okay you're on the right you know and uh yeah just figure your thing out and uh we eventually did it is really cool because obviously i'm not going to give away any of the solutions but uh you eventually do crawl through a little escape tunnel and you get out and it leads right back into the lobby and i was just like that door all the time i was staring at it the whole time and that's what that door was so it was a door in a lobby yeah so no uh room escape is fun and in particular if you're in Montreal man amaze check them out
Starting point is 00:58:16 amaze yeah then and they because well we did all three and then the guy that was there is like we're setting up a fourth room just after halloween cool so if you want to come preview that it's the only problem with that is that not only can you never like you can never go with anyone you know ever no you're banned you're self banned it's it's a once that's the thing about these games is even if you go and you fail it it's still a once in a life yeah even if you failed all three of them like and you and i'd be like oh i want to go and you'd be like hey can't no fuck you yeah like because you would ruin it like just being by being there maybe they can change it like and like it's kind of like seasons they can and they actually do uh they did mention on the website
Starting point is 00:58:57 that they have like themes for certain days um that depending on if you want to go on certain oh you want to go on certain special holidays or things like that they might have like a special theater version of different groups slightly changed like skeleton day but also but yeah that's ultimately it once you do it once i like skeleton you know um but it was fun uh i also just i got finally the urbans art book arrived in the mail from the from the kickstarter yeah i got the back of our book and it's it's delicious i'd love to glance it's delicious i cannot wait for this project is there a time frame or not like when's she gonna uh i i don't know still in development and i'm just like the whole time i'm just like yo i'm in Montreal too hit me up my twitter
Starting point is 00:59:39 background i'm one of your characters my twitter background is getting you forever please notice me like no do something nothing no you know what you know what the best part is is that they've totally noticed you every day and they're just like oh isn't it great that we keep ignoring it wasn't that hilarious through this art book through my window with a rock just send them a picture and you're like yeah thank you send them a picture of moby from ssx and say here's a picture of me yeah yeah yeah um no it's a great art book great quality um so yeah i talked about transformers talked about persona four um a couple of the things i realized uh i have always i've always liked and have known how to play poker but i've never been good at it oh i'm fuck i'm the same way
Starting point is 01:00:21 i'm terrible poker and i i don't know i just kind of got the urge to be like you know what i you know what i hear i got it from sopranos i know i'm like you know what it's time for me to learn how to play poker properly so i went and i grabbed hold on my so yeah exactly so i went and i grabbed polka night at the inventory one and two eight hundred dollars later no well they were both on sale for like two bucks no i was just i was just saying lost a bunch oh yeah yeah no the closest i ever got those games you're gonna be one in red dead redemption i don't understand the point of playing digital poker in any format unless against computers it's easier to win money i guess but like if you're gambling but but the fun of poker is seeing your friends lie
Starting point is 01:01:07 well poker that's depends who you ask the fun of poker is getting rich pat or die no see that's the thing but whenever i play poker i know i'm gonna lose so and if you play against people that know what they're doing then there is no reaction it's just faces with shades and hats on yeah you know what i mean that's i always thought that isn't that just straight up cheating i okay they say no i say yes that's bullshit the whole point of already revealed your hand and your inability to succeed no but like the whole your opinion poker is a game in which you read people's reactions to intuit about their card no necessarily no no so here's and here's the fun thing the fun thing is that's a medicine the ship does a weird twitching that's like that's like that's like um
Starting point is 01:01:53 that's like sanford having an empty button on his stick and tapping random things it has it's not the actual game no but that's the real game it's not it's not fighting game players do really well in poker entirely and like there's been more than like two or three that have left fgc and went play poker and got successful after that um i believe them yeah uh so the the thing with poker is you read the play right like when when some it's you're supposed to read how someone plays based on what their action is and then what they're holding and then you see what type of person they are the facial reaction and sweat or lack thereof is just it's if that's the case then putting the sunglasses and the hat on wouldn't matter they don't they don't actually then they should be banned
Starting point is 01:02:39 from wearing them it's if it doesn't matter it's objectively a metagame that arguably adds a ton to poker no that definitely at the amateur level it's huge and the better the better you get the less it matters then it then if it doesn't matter make them take the sunglasses and the hats off because the things that that people start reading is not you're gonna tell marvel players to take their horse masks off yeah well that's different so you know what you're saying you can't you can't turn your face so you're thinking about somebody going oh feeling all good because it's not what they're not looking at that there's things that are more involuntary like eye dilation yes and pupil dilation when you see something good that is exactly what i'm referring to that's a
Starting point is 01:03:18 fucking sunglasses and hats off yeah or make everyone wear cubes on their head so that's so the answer to why poker works online is because seeing what somebody plays how they play pure so no that online no that that makes sense i i totally get that it's against like computer opponents that i don't get okay yeah like because you can't read it's happening so for you can't read the heavies bull up the computer needs your inputs so yeah no but like if the fuck if you're a fucking poker player and you put your sunglasses on to help you win your fucking coward not as bad as a soccer player but but that's the game isn't it like is that just a bluff that's the metagame oh i didn't think about it that way coward no no no i'm brave or is he the braver because he's not
Starting point is 01:04:06 a good player but i'm brave enough to look like a huge coward like no what are you hiding yeah do you have like a weird quirk you're cowardice i say you're hiding the fact that you're not hiding interesting yeah maybe you have no idea maybe there is no tell but people might think i maybe you think you i have a tell but do i yes i do maybe fuck you you don't know look all your money's gone what um this is why everyone at a poker game should have a gun under the table so they can shoot assholes back in the old day that was poker yeah exactly the deadwood times you know i think you're cheating i'm not bang i bet my profit is way more exciting yeah i bet my prostitute on this game but this whole city was founded by prostitutes oh god i need to keep watching deadwood that
Starting point is 01:04:59 fucking show was so grimy it was it was just old dudes spitting in in fucking prostitution splits whatever is the tunes and uh you're a squid now yeah anyway now um yeah so like i'll see where i get i suppose but i want to get better poker i don't want to you know let my family announces his retiring of the let's play game is now exclusively exclusively moved into losing millions of dollars in poker really pretends to go to evo but actually gambles yeah which is which is literally what happens for some people i'm sure you see that i know hey one evo oh i lost it all that's we all that's it exactly let's go home guys we are home that was fast well
Starting point is 01:05:47 dude i remember when it was finals day and i'm walking through i'm walking through the imperial and like the guy that runs east coast around a lot of those philadelphia attorneys big he he's at the craps table just playing and like it was so we just found out justin long justin long got eliminated never was like oh my god justin long got eliminated holy shit what what and i signed i went by biggie and it's like oh biggie justin long's out and he's like what that's crazy man and then just turned around and kept playing and i was like all right i did my job i guess hold the lever yeah um hold the line i finally spent some time with grow home and grow home right grow home and that's but it's that chip head game right uh no and it's the you it's
Starting point is 01:06:30 the kubisoft one where you're the little robot and it's all physics based and yeah uh your whole mechanic is really just kind of uh floating around on trying to grow a giant flower i think the platform i think the image of this game i have in my mind is like pursuant to nothing and i'm not like i thought that game was about a robot managing to grow grass on his own body now that you say that i remember looking at screenshots of that game that are real and are not what are in my mind and i and i'm i'm very confused as to how do i got to that place it's been featured on a couple of gym positions um yeah it's he's probably because he really likes it he's talked about quite a bit do you really like it it's a solid game man it's really fun um it's
Starting point is 01:07:22 it's a very mellow laid-back catamari type of feeling that you get from playing it um and the whole thing is like it takes a minute to kind of go like all right what's the point here did you finish it no i didn't space no okay but i'm still going but like the idea of like this whole thing being one giant level in a kind it's like it's almost like a nobie no excuse me a nobie nobie boy oh my god experience the space there's there's like nobie nobie boy change the date someone mentioned nobie nobie boy you gotta get the claw you gotta get that flower to girl yeah but no but this actually has an objective and there's an objective and nobie nobie boy yeah but nobie nobie boy is a toy it's not a game yeah you gotta get to the end of the universe is there you gotta
Starting point is 01:08:02 give as many meters to girls you can there's your goal anyway it's it's great it's really fun and like when you grab your first uh vine and like grow it out and like plug it like a headphone jack into another socket socket that like helps grow the plant it's like okay yeah this is there this is doing it it's a nifty game and the free falling is fun as well because you have one you don't mean to when you're like well yeah because i realized something i love swinging you know i love some swinging yeah what i love just like swinging is free falling into controlled uh like floats back into free falling with man you should really play gravity rush sure because that's that entire game game feels good feels good um very interesting newbie soft making new prince of prism and uh you
Starting point is 01:08:49 were just playing it i was playing all the shitty remake by game loft but it just came out that came out you didn't see it so it's no to you it did uh yeah and then i finally uh got through the undertale pacifist and genocide you did genocide huh okay did you do them like normal middle one too or whatever neutral he didn't he got neutral first i got yeah i could i couldn't remember if you did that so so genocide run could be a shit storm you might you might have i jump in on this because i also beat pacifist and and so i have opinions last night opinions yeah can i just ask first because me and matt were considering asking away doing all the endings for the playthrough i don't genocide would be a fucking slog what genocide would might not be practical so because we were
Starting point is 01:09:33 thinking about that i i'm good for our original plan actually like like i'll have you know what i'll have to honestly talk to you guys also mike about the plan after we finish after we finish because there's some details you need to be aware of the way you get genocide is the problem is you you random battle the world away and it takes forever um and then there's an in addition to that the bosses become fuck yourself hard like beyond dark souls beyond everything yeah like levels of insanity so before we go into like our discussion of the other two things uh but i i want to say that i started genocide i seriously doubt i'm going to be genocide okay because i have problems with undertale genocide takes all those problems and blows them up to 11 because of the way it
Starting point is 01:10:21 wants you to play their game yeah and like just running around and grinding the random battles is super boring it's really boring i and the thing is too is uh i want you to recall uh when i was describing this last week right the way how it's like you start playing this game and everyone because you're telling me about how espeth uh elspeth elspeth was playing it as well and everyone has this whole thing where you like you start and you go like okay but what is everyone going so crazy about and then it's it's a it's a it's an escalation and then the payoff is worth it right and on pacifist you get that similar experience and then you see the changes happen and it's like this is an interesting take on what's happening here and then your payoff is even more worth it
Starting point is 01:11:03 and then with genocide it's a slog but the can i just comment on something you said there what where everyone starts it and they're like okay so what's the deal kind of i hate it because nowadays the deal is always not to say they're bad it's always the feels right right every game the deal is always the feels and not the game it's either the feels or the end not to say like i am enjoying it a lot but like it's it's now you always know it's either the feels or the ending is particularly crazy that's interesting that's interesting uh because you're so right that people are always on because i remember two people for me in this case the reasons why i like it have nothing to do sure sure because i remember when walking dead i find that pretty like predictable nowadays the
Starting point is 01:11:49 first time i ever spoiled on everything yeah the first time i ever saw the feels was walking dead season one yeah where people kept saying it and like i was saying it i love walking dead season one but i remember seeing people like like you know the outlying comments or just people in general like on reviews and stuff going i don't get i play us another clunky boring adventure game and the feels means nothing to me what's artificial feels well a bunch of dudes are actually a bunch of dudes are in the corner holding their copies of spec ops the line going the feels yeah yeah yeah you know what i mean those guys know what they're talking about so actually it was good no so no but but yeah i definitely say that so so i want to hear your thoughts on uh not not spoilery yeah
Starting point is 01:12:33 it's actually you know i'm glad it's pretty easy to dance around yeah it is like the the stuff that happens in undertale um like i said that neutral ending was sorry that neutral ending was fucking great i really like the neutral ending a lot more than the true ending fucking cool and then the pacifist ending was like okay i see what you're going for here this is an over this is a plot that extends outside of the game yes outside of everything yeah you can't possibly understand here's the here's the problem with that is that one really told me hey careful don't do a genocide run first and because then shit can get fucked up and i knew about that save file stuff for other places i immediately knew that because you that you and
Starting point is 01:13:21 the process of discovering that is lost when you unfortunately it's totally lost yeah i think that neutral ending is way stronger than the pacifist one the pacifist one is a bigger emotional payoff yeah and it has that cool moment that we like in games yeah but the neutral one the one that almost everybody's gonna get on their first try is by far the strongest because it does the most interesting stuff it does the most yeah the most interesting things happen and that's why i came that's why i came ranting last week after that going that was neutral yeah right unfortunately i don't think the other two well i haven't done genocide but i don't think it lives up to it i think they go for different things and i think gameplay wise they're they're it's not as interesting
Starting point is 01:14:05 as neutral but story story and character wise absolutely fucking solid yeah no they they both hit they both hit the the high points of the respective um like i imagine all three are essential playing most it seems that way it's interesting because genocide is not essential but i just mean like if you're not doing it like you're missing out like you may as well right yeah you admit i would say you'd miss out only by getting one i think i don't i hate writing so i wouldn't want to run but it's so interesting because because i i've got how do i say this the fact that you want to complete something to see the content in a game is part of the commentary that the game is making oh Jesus there's a meta commentary here about game so you
Starting point is 01:14:49 deciding to go and do genocide and because you want to know of course yeah affects the story it's a part of what they're they're you know i i get it um did you see the opening for our for our video yeah oh yeah i know frankie fucking nailing that so uh i i posted a bunch of stuff on twitter and i'm gonna go into that at the end of this conversation but one of the things is that people were disparaging the mind method of beating the game so if you because everything i've heard from everyone and this is this is another one of the problems of like not finding this game by itself not finding it but having it recommended to me and having people recommend it to you guys for playthrough purposes is that i knew that pacifist was the way to go so when i played through the game
Starting point is 01:15:32 i pacified the entire game yep 100 percent yeah and i knew that you couldn't get the pacifist ending because it's the true path or whatever um but i still pat i still did it i still did it perfectly and then you get to the end of the game and if you did do it perfectly when you beat that game they they come out and say we'll kick you back to the last save point and unlock the conditions for you to get the the patch this ending that's exactly what i set these guys up yeah so that's what you guys should do and for me i did that and like ended up like the ending of that game was like four hours long because i went right from one ending directly into the next end with the extra content yeah um and i was told that like i missed out on a bunch of shit yes so for me i'm glad
Starting point is 01:16:19 because people when when this came up in the the whole thing started i just locked myself in and just went through and then when i did my pacifist run it was a fresh start run from the start and the entire dialogue going through back up to the end reflects your replay but what it reflects if i was just completely doing the same thing exactly the same as i had done it the first time it would still change then that sucks that might be playing the game perfectly i missed out on stuff that's a bummer there's also variations within each ending so pacifist neutral uh yeah you're telling me there's like there's there's 12 new neutral variants there's variants within that are even more distinct and have way far reaching things and now i like and now you're like
Starting point is 01:17:05 you're like oh to get this variation don't look at the tree so don't like stuff like that the reason why it's so interesting is because now i'm at the state where i've done it right you've done it all i've done it what's left and the answer is a ton because the rabbit hole goes so deep that people don't know the full extent of it i don't think toby fox really knows i to give you a hint of how far this goes there is more content in the game that is in the form of like a r g where oh uh where oh we're digging into the game files shut up it yields more oh like like barf and it's super it's and it's super interesting it's not pat totally it's it's not a hundred percent necessary it's totally just an extra visit this shit is why this is terrible and it's not it's not the level
Starting point is 01:18:06 of like going and creating your alphabet but there's more extra interesting things that being said though that being said uh based on those three things do i'm no it's just that i can't explain it to you guys but i'm telling you this arg stuff i can't it doesn't suck it doesn't suck that that's hate when you get to an arg thing and you're like i can't wait for 60 guys to figure this out over the course of 10 years okay if i can't just click around and sonic dream call it's not jump on the website and and it's not it's not that type of arg it's more it's it's straight up i don't i don't know yeah since i don't know i don't know what i'm talking about like the potato sack kind of stuff where you could never i hate that you need a team of people you know it's not i think the valve did
Starting point is 01:18:55 you need a team of people to work out what's going on like if i can't just go it's less it's less complicated than that that's less complicated than that uh but it's it's it's cool but yeah aside from all that let's just talk about the what i would term the base game i guess like prior to the to the escalation of final events yeah no well the endings are really strong the game the endings are very very strong the game beginning to right before the end is a cute little funny thing i would i would call that game fine but there's like i think the puzzles are super boring and i don't even like puzzles but these ones are super boring i think the combat with the the spare mechanic i think it's really interesting but because you don't actually get anything out
Starting point is 01:19:39 of it than money and you have to keep fighting those random battles all the time it ends up making you really hate random battles and like and like i don't know i found the game super easy it was like it was super easy it was incredibly easy uh the boss the boss fights use that spare mechanic really well the boss fights are great but all the random battles i felt found were super terrible there's a little puzzle to discovering how to spare some monsters but also makes like figure it out one takes like a minute there's certain enemies where if they come up i'm like i don't want to fight him because i've seen him before and the only time i'd love random battles is when look at this fucking flexing guy i want to see his gimmick but once i've seen
Starting point is 01:20:17 it then i'm kind of and i mean that's everywhere but then erin was freaked out by the music and it was like did you get that no we changed we changed the music at one point and erin was freaked out by the music erin just left okay or uh uh shiren have you read it okay so you know how you do you know about that shirens yeah stays in the corner and you approach her yeah uh okay but like there's there's more that's what i'm saying maybe when you play a bit of music you uh who is it it was uh it it was a creepy ghost that had a different music in his little tape decks and yeah radio yeah yeah you turn on the music maps the blue yeah and then when we had a random battle the music played over the fight yeah and we're like oh that's cute that's funny but then the enemies start going oh this is
Starting point is 01:21:02 too spooky and then erin left and said this is just as worse as shiren's singing yeah and he left so you go so with shiren if you if you don't spare and you just keep humming the fucking thing escalates and it's like you start making more music you eventually form a relationship with the person i told you to keep humming other monsters start surrounding that you create a concert you go on tour i would have to live in the light it's all in text it's all in text it's all in text i think it's like yeah so you go on and it's like an after living the life and after doing the uh i'll go back on your quest you guys realize that you have to split ways you know you still dodge the music okay so that's the thing that you did and that's like when cranky was like you can date papyrus yeah
Starting point is 01:21:49 exactly and that's the thing that i did he was like he didn't even know about so yeah that that first was 80% of the game like right up until the core the core like it's it's fine it's a it's a charming little mdrpg with his very good music god damn it's good and the whole time i was like boy i've been waiting a while to get to the cool part that everyone's going crazy about and then you hit the ending sequences all of which well the ones i've seen are crazy strong they're really strong but i feel like people who are mad about this game who are just like absolutely many people yep like are being are being blinded by how good those endings are to how flawed most of the game is like the writing solid papyrus it is the shit papyrus is amazing the shit
Starting point is 01:22:43 none of the other characters are as good as papyrus anyone who discovered this on their own with no expectations that those are the is allowed to feel blown away totally but that is the thing that we are all missing so and i can only imagine no one how fucking cool i talked about in the lp but the only thing i knew going into it is cranky saying play undertale it's really good you'll like it grab Liam play undertale it's really good and i heard about an rpg called undertale so when we started playing it and if you see this image it just so it's all these fingers pointing at all the points that say spare people don't kill people i didn't see any of that look at the steam page it says i didn't see it i bought it and i started playing it so there's that image but i went in
Starting point is 01:23:35 about as not as i didn't know that there were like the world transforming and you will know what knows right that the tagline in the trailer is like no one has to die so that was my clue towards the the pacifist thing but like that's a hard time for me to parse marketing of things and buzz words like i don't know how far the rabbit hole goes down now i know and when you talk about these endings i'm like there's no way it can live up to things hyping things is a killer it's hyping things but then remember what i told you wouldn't i tell you well here today i go well when i talked when we got the temi to college yeah and the team leaves the scene i literally gasped and didn't breathe for five seconds until the temi came back yeah so if that can just weirdly i don't know why
Starting point is 01:24:24 affect me yeah i don't i i expected i expect to die that's a good bit that's one of the best bits in the entire game that area was great um this bird wants to carry you over this ledge uh i uh last time on twitter i put out like the ferry is 3g yeah thanks for stepping on my face here's the 3g yeah i put out a thing on on twitter last i think i think this is probably the most overrated game ever played in my life no but that's what everyone says so here's the thing your people listening to this your personal experience with people recommending undertale or seeing zeitgeist or community word of mouth for undertale is not the same as the one that we got we got a hundred people a day on twitter telling us that undertale is the fucking second coming of earthbound it is
Starting point is 01:25:12 the greatest game ever made it's the highest rated it's better than half like two it's the fucking greatest game ever it'll blow your mind followed by a thousand going you gotta play for the channel you fucks like i'm playing at that 14 and and the whole chat is just undertale is the fucking greatest i can't believe this game i just spent like an hour balling my eyes out because the ending was so emotional so like okay i should i should play this and then that first like three quarters of the game are good but they're nothing special my attitude the entire time was definitely all right impress me and yeah that's because that's the result you get and then i got to the end and it's impressive but it didn't impress me huh okay i was impressed well the the problem with that
Starting point is 01:25:59 and i remain is that when you you sound okay there is no way for me to make this point without sounding like a giant asshole all right make it what is our problem with usur is wrath they're not doing it right they're not doing it right and you've seen it somewhere else done better yes that's my problem with the endings of undertale i've seen very similar tricks to these in maybe 10 other games like each one from a different game and the fact that they're all here that's really cool but none of them on their own are as strong or as good as any of those other things and i think like i think for example persona four's ending in some ways is similar to one of these endings but persona four's stomps the shit out of it and part of that reason is because you spent
Starting point is 01:26:48 a hundred hours instead of five with those characters right and stuff like that and so whereas like my opinion is like i'd rather spend a tight four hours with characters with like whatever tricks you have up your sleeve good writing music whatever and like a hundred hours it's like like i've said before that i can't i can't do the hundred hour of this this game could not be a hundred hours no no no so but i used to be able to like i i i did be a hundred hours the skeleton brothers could be a hundred hours so it's like if something like like i said it's interesting that you bring all this up because when we started talking about this before i didn't get all this kind of backstory of you per se but yeah i'm trying to contextualize it a thousand people telling you you know this
Starting point is 01:27:32 could be said about almost any game that comes down the loop that's small and then just blows up yeah that yeah if you have there's a thousand people telling you and at that point i had two people telling me cranky and i saw like two fans that you got on it earlier he's got to get on the roof but i'd love to have been there september oh dude if i played this game well no yeah that's if i played this game knowing nothing i would like it way more yeah but the people like i'm fucked in this situation because if because i would never have played it if you looked at it people hadn't hassled me but the hassling damaged the game yeah and there's a there's a medic commentary in undertale and i've known you long enough to know that me coming
Starting point is 01:28:12 and saying that ending was an 11 also yeah made damage there's a medic commentary in undertale about this and about not doing this and everyone did it and it's kind of frustrating so the last thing i want to say so we can move on is i wish i'd pick this up on a steam sale in four years right unknown silently yeah um just show it to your child the last thing i want to do is that like uh one of show it to your adopted son so i'm gonna do the opposite of last week and just tell you until you straight out that like the genocide run boils down to some really interesting uh dialogue changes yeah and two moments yeah uh just two moments but those moments are i i started a genocide run i meant snow you're not done right and and like i'm not i'm done oh and the final
Starting point is 01:29:08 okay so the final boss of the genocide run i heard about it it took me as long as the run to beat the boss how long did the run take my my genocide run i don't know maybe that must be significantly maybe four or five actually i would say i would say that the genocide run is considerably longer because of the way that you have to do the random battles but what you and it's and it's like the entire game in that you have a very like you have a very bare bones thing waiting for a moment yeah and then the in the in the moments that you get in the genocide yeah are they're they're worth that struggle there's one thing that's early on not a spoiler and you probably passed this point already it's a line that son says when you start the genocide run where he's like oh yeah
Starting point is 01:29:51 my brother um my brother papyrus really love papyrus really loves really wants to find a human yeah so why don't you go hide behind that lamp over there no no no not that one in the genocide run he's like my brother papyrus really wants to find a human and and capture them so why don't you keep pretending to be one for a while and it's like oh because you're a horrible monster yeah you motherfucker yeah on the red dialogue when you said things so here's my problem with genocide and i said it before i'll be a little more clear in genocide you have to exhaust areas of random battles and from snowden onwards you get a little number next to your save points at the save point and it tells you how many were in battle and it just says this number is left so clear that number
Starting point is 01:30:35 it just says determination here here's the problem with that is that i got to snowden are there any real high numbers yes where do they take up so this is what i'm building up to i get to snowden and it's just 15 and i go i'm not doing this run anymore oh that's not what's real high what's real high the highest the highest 40 in in hotland uh 30 40 and includes core as well he beat it though yeah well okay the thing that i read so i think it was 30 30 or 40 that sounds so bad here's the problem the random battles they get rarer rarer as time go on because they want you they want they want you to do it they want no they want you to want to do they want you to be determined no no no they want you to stop they want you to stop or be determined the genocide
Starting point is 01:31:20 yeah yeah tries as hard as it can to stop you from doing it and and congrats and congrats you manage like and if that if the grind doesn't do it the bosses will right and then you hit that point where again the game is like just because so something is here does that mean you have to do it yeah so i'm pretty sure i know what the ending to the genocide watch it then go watch it i'm pretty sure i ballparked it from the the ending of the pacifist thing i'm gonna ask you okay when we finish this just like is what is happening what i think is happening and even if i tell it to you in detail you still need to see it for yourself oh sure because you need to see that sequence of events happening yeah in the same scale as the pacifist and neutral ending there's kind of one
Starting point is 01:32:07 thing i want to end on myself is that one thing that is so much to talk about yeah no no i want to wrap it up too but uh the one thing is that sorry guys i do kind of get annoyed when it not this in particular but like games in general that have this type of thing where people start yelling at you because you're not playing it the way they want you to play the whole point of this game is to play and how you're still like exactly so it's kind of like like walking deads or or telltale games just like maybe two ways you could ever really go that actually give matter at all yeah right and this there's like you know a million variations like this is like like tranky what he thought saw everything in the game he hadn't yeah so there's this type of thing where i'm like
Starting point is 01:32:50 i see people like i see people on other side of the fence are like no let them do let them play the way they want to play what does it matter like you've played someone that you have played the way you wanted to play it and yeah you might miss cool things but no one can see everything no one over my shoulder and we can't devote the entire channel to undertale the only the only the only way to see everything in this game is to go down to the undertale wiki and fucking pull out the root FAQ that breaks down how to do the stuff and then do all of it and that removes all of your agency from the game which is the antithesis of the game's theme yeah the whole theme of the game is your agency in the game and it's it's also like until dawn in a bit where
Starting point is 01:33:32 it's like yeah well yeah you fucking nailed that though if but no like with mike oh i missed the section where i i shot three uh whatever went to go to the shotgun oh i missed like who cares it doesn't it didn't matter in the long run and i don't even think that sequence well here's the thing though matt nothing matters but yeah but this is a way more granular and like i said it's the point of the game remember when this was a two episode lp that was going to be the third video for two days and be done yeah so no i'll talk to you guys afterwards about the uh that stuff but like yeah you can't i want i want a number out of you right now out of ten difficulty no no quality good no no no it's fuck ten what's your game pro guy face no no no i don't remember
Starting point is 01:34:19 i like the game pro guy face but it's not good enough uh not just endings but the game whole game the whole game that's a nine point five to me really okay i'd say eight i'm sitting on an eight right now i'm yeah i'm i'm happy with an eight okay with with like the endings are ten point fives i wouldn't say they're 11 and and you know what like i do put uh i take into account something in myself which is i i know how much uh being yet like you kind of you have fan bases and then you have game product right and sometimes one can unfortunately influence the area and you have to try to like separate those two and i look at this and i go this toby fox made an excellent video it's it's a fantastic game with some significant flaws and it does but it does a lot
Starting point is 01:35:06 of things that i've never seen in other games and considering the assumptions you have based on it looking like an rpg maker fucking thing going in i have i didn't i did not expect it to go i have one really minor nitpick that bothered me the entire game and i can't believe i never got over it i actually really like the sprite art art style yeah i absolutely fucking hate the design of the main character yeah i think she looks so so terrible so no personality uh well i thought she was a girl they actually don't jay they don't say they don't say the gender okay well i i i think i was child i think that the player character child is is the ugliest sprite it's got you got a little potbelly you got a little like weird it's the head oh i like the kid i like you got you got the
Starting point is 01:35:54 bull cut i know i like it you look like a hero it's no it's the shape of the head from the side okay it looks super it's almost lamp like yes it reminds me but yeah i'm gonna say it's so far like nothing that it's boundless personality it's a hay arnold's character yeah and i hate it like all like papyrus and sans all those characters they're all great and that art style and your character looks like shit and drives you crazy papyrus and sans gimmicks are amazing they're great no one really asked but i'll give i'm giving it a 10 yeah yeah we asked you well you haven't finished it that's not fair right now i give it a 10 oh if you're giving it a 10 right now you'll give you'll give it an 11 and and at some point the the sans cosplay is going on yeah because it's
Starting point is 01:36:37 so easy well you've all had the body type exactly you do it i'm gonna do it because i because i love it to death and without the ending so far i've never laughed harder at any game i've ever played that's that's part of the reason why i'm i'm disappointed is everyone said how funny it was there's one gag that got me like no sir there's two that got me bad like lots of sensible chuckles tammy goes to college that was fucking killed me and and and um papyrus's act actions upon walking into undyne's house like the first thing that he does when you walk around we're out there yeah well okay that like laughter really everything pet decisively everything else not like smirks and like smiles like that's clever no to me like i said to me it's i have knees slapped i i'm like
Starting point is 01:37:29 i'm looking at all three and the extra content and i'm saying 9.5 if only because i think and it's it's not my game of the year though it's i'm i'm i'm i see i i i'm given i have a half point regression there and street syndicate for because um those those endings uh it the the neutral ending spikes it yeah it spikes it yeah and then it curves a little bit downwards um but it's still so fucking cool i it's so hard to like like even try to keep like it's a weird it's so hard to apply negatives because it's so hard that we should move on we should and i'm what i'm sorry for this high five for he had a good sense why you're you're i i could see you getting all defensive before that's why i added all that context there you go and it worked i'm i'm sorry that we're
Starting point is 01:38:20 having what is almost like a post game commentary while you guys yes it's hard it sucks it sucks that they don't do it then they can't wait it can't wait we didn't have a spoiler cast for until dawn lots of people are asked people asked me about that the other night and i said we were gonna have one and then we fucking forgot because what are we supposed to talk about there's not much to say well i did it by not spoiling yeah you know no it was fine telling you what i did the middle gear spoiler cast that would be a problem yeah i'll make sure to bring some alcohol for that i am i run on the street if you're getting there i'm gearing up to get ready for a terrible ending we might have a guest like yeah we're gonna try to have a guest but i like right now i'm gearing
Starting point is 01:39:01 up for the ending to be dog shit good i'm getting super scared good good good good all right i like that i like that that's fine uh what else i do i did nothing i played on your tail that's what i did it took five hours yeah well i you know i played some f of 14 i played on your tail i you know i oh i watched the second episode of one punch man see when pressed you did do other things i forget did you watch anymore next generation because i want to talk about that sure it did yeah season six starts week man like right away season six is when deep space nine started to air yeah a little bit so season one and two of d ds nine and season six and seven of tng are simultaneous and like you can you can see it in the man they're splitting it they're split because
Starting point is 01:39:47 season three of uh of uh deep space is when it gets good it's when he shaves his head it's where he grows the sam jackson the beard it's when it starts to get good well he didn't have his head shaved when no he started he looks like shit he looks like a like a principal or something well he kind of says cisco it's like as soon as tng dies you can see the quality just spike in ds nine like crazy so what's your question williams right dude i know it's just i realized something that when i when i i'm like tuning out because the entire week i've been looping undertail music in my head and i just want to know what your favorite is after we the podcast we'll talk about it see what your favorite track is i don't have any
Starting point is 01:40:26 particularly strong tracks that stand out at all whatsoever okay i thought like every time that like the final boss themes yeah are awesome well but they like they didn't they didn't stick in my head because the because i'm just the last time oh fuck monsters get stronger fuck why do you even know that because the music's awesome oh you heard it already yeah dammit don't do that don't do that i needed music for the opening titles okay okay it wasn't to it that's that is the most fair rationale i needed to work yeah i because i threw i threw a really good song at the end of the podcast last week and like i got a guy that was like why are you spoiling this stupid don't do that and i'm like dude that's nowhere near the biggest theme you're gonna get sorry did i was i sleep
Starting point is 01:41:11 play ball rock music spoiling is a thing but it has no context no it can be you can if you play it a lot of video games and all of us have and a lot of people listen to this podcast have you can tell what's happening more or less in a in a track by the composition of that track if i gave you if i gave you every game is music-spoilable but some games are and if you play persona three you can get music persona four is especially with the the the the the remixing that they do of the main boss track like you can tell if the track is the final boss theme or the not quite final boss theme like that by listening to that stuff okay anyway sorry i just never heard of that it just like the last time this happened to me was for spoiling rambi you fuck the last time don't worry
Starting point is 01:41:57 though it gets better it gets better the last time this happened to me was with revenge it's fucking soundtrack oh yeah you know what i mean or it's just like i'm like i'm like like playing nature in my head always stuck in your head stuck in my head it takes for me it was um holy shit we have to move on yeah well you did it i'm sorry you did it i'm sorry it takes it takes like particular kinds of music over long periods to get stuck in my head i don't i rarely finish a game and go like oh yeah that track because i don't remember it i'm still stuck on giga's theme okay yeah yeah i don't remember good one too it's amazing though cranky aided by sending me some fucking uh dmx remixes that work too well you know i saw that one with the serb mix a lot
Starting point is 01:42:43 unsettling moving on okay let's get to the news wait hold on matt will ask me questions about tng no it's like what's a standout dumb episode you saw that's all the one that i watched last night where there's a baby q lady and she's a fucking dumbass the baby q lady yeah she's a blonde lady you know what's vulnerable in that show everything Troy's mind yeah Troy and tng from seasons like three onwards is fucking Xavier in the chair getting zapped by the she got every it's a giant space target she has been like assaulted in like with mind sex like four times by the time you get to season six Jordy's facial hair is also vulnerable dude he has he has a beard in one episode and they talk about it they go why did you got a weird beard though he's
Starting point is 01:43:39 shut up and and guess what lavar Burton looks fucking great with like a well trim beard most like square jawed black men he looks he looks great he looks as good as riker and then like the next episode it's gone only one just for men commercial i i bet he grew that for an ad or a show or something and it in that one really sexy episode of reading rainbow dude there's there's so much awkward shit in that show that i fucking forget about there's that episode where Jordy's holodeck girlfriend meets his holodeck girlfriend yeah yeah oh i hate it oh Jordy's a creep i don't like episodes that really Jordy's great as a supporting character but when it's all about him i'm like you're just Jordy so the other problem when you hit season six is more and more and more
Starting point is 01:44:27 of the threats become psychic magic yeah it's always psychic magic like psychic magic like like oh the planet's gonna explode we got to do a thing with the tractor being like okay follow it like and it's like no this this telepath he's doing table telepath magic like you know that one guy there's like an like a like a bodyguard of this ancient race and he's just one dude and uh uh troy keeps getting like mind like penetrated by him and oh sorry did i just describe every episode like five episodes well those are all the same no she gets ass good yeah a little bit i still haven't gotten to my favorite episode though where they told turn into monsters oh yeah no that's like the last that's like season seven five yeah yeah i've watched an
Starting point is 01:45:13 episode more than all of them dude warp turns into a fucking predator yeah he turns into a predator but you can't see him because the because their makeup takes it because they're smart yeah and they they know and i hope that barrel comes back and beats up warp again yeah oh dude all that episode such fucking bullshit it's the worst a barrel falls on him and he loses his tail cord just blows up so then he's like hey help me kill myself and right he's like fuck off fuck off make your make your six-year-old son do it when do they open up the fridge and the rotten food starts attacking him that's bebop no that's wrong wait is that there's gotta be there's gotta be the next one we never saw where the replicator kept making stuff that tasted like shit there's
Starting point is 01:45:54 the there's the there's the one where the the fucking mining holograms take over the ship yeah that's the worst and they start eating that cake man out of Troy or when um or when Moriarty becomes sentient and takes over the enterprise so that's in it that's in like season two right they bring that character back for the seventh season to have the exact same episode again yeah because he because they because Picard tells him don't worry well you're since you're sentient you weird hologram will work on getting you out and then like seven years they throw them in real time they throw them in a box and then he breaks out and he's like you fucks I could I was awake and you haven't done shit like no one's looking at all I'm gonna throw the enterprise in the sun you
Starting point is 01:46:36 fucks I'm Moriarty oh that show is great it's really good it's also so here's the here's the biggest problem about watching that show in HD you get to see that they're not wearing one piece uniforms no you get to see that the upper half is in fact a sweater yeah with like a matted like a bottom that is like kind of shiny and is just pulled over their pants no in the transition I read on wikipedia it's because the entire cast is like this shit's too fucking hot and we're dying change of fucking uniforms yeah those first uniforms look like pajamas we hate to show and and the second ones the second ones look better but like it's like I can see that you're wearing sweaters yeah fuck christmas gansies fuck that sucks yeah oh it should be one piece I always imagine on the
Starting point is 01:47:22 sweaters they look better that way yeah yeah also uh Brent spider that's the that's data's uh accurate boy you can see the episodes where he was just begging to get to let me act like I'm playing my evil brother data has the most amount of clones and and alien possessions of any character because it lets him actually emote and in the holodeck too he finds excuses to suddenly I know I'm a holodeck as far as space uniform goes star trek is iconic but pretty low tier yeah it's it's not it's like a fucking zeal especially in the movies when they start just making them wear gray that was that was the end of the time does it have the little swoopy loop yeah all right that's it I guess no one got the memo about the uniforms dude they break the prime directive
Starting point is 01:48:09 all the time so like no that's the first prime directive there there there are so many times that they break the prime directive that there are episodes that are almost identical to earlier episodes in which they make a different decision yeah and you what why this time this is the time because shut up someone's kid oh the prime directive was meant to be you know what else is weird boy are they willing to negotiate with terrorists yeah oh yeah every time they are totally willing to negotiate with the crystalline entity and and like it's one of those things you only get when you watch a bunch of star trek is like so there's no money on earth right no there's no poverty's been abandoned don't even ask for work there's no money so much doesn't make any sense
Starting point is 01:49:02 in a society with no money yeah they pay for things but sometimes they can't pay for things because they have no money what if you're what what is your space toilet it's back if there's if there's no money then why are they trading with other races they're trading knowledge though no they're trading stuff knowledge and stuff like constantly how come sisco's dad runs a cajun restaurant back on earth and picard's older brother has a vineyard has a vineyard but but like such and such chuckle fuck does not like does what no because who decides that i get the rest of his brother hates all technology he hates it so frankie's don't work for free no but like every character you see in star trek that goes home they all live on a fucking farm or have a restaurant and they all have to
Starting point is 01:49:54 work for a large or a large business they're passionate like like the worst is sisco's dad on earth sisco's dad is an old black man who runs a cajun restaurant because of course for free yep in the middle of like a large city for no one for where's the how who decides that he gets the food to defeat people cajun stuff yeah people just walk in off the fucking street and just sit down and just eat and leave there's nothing makes no sense who's paying for the shrimp it's so confusing it's just replicators was everyone had more than enough money well it's a post-scarcity economy yeah exactly why would you go to a restaurant and ask for cajun shit when you can go to your own house and say gimme some bubblegum fucking like the whole economy doesn't that mean dilithium
Starting point is 01:50:46 crystals have value at some point they have somewhere i don't know man you load the metal block in the gun and then it shaves off a slice and then you have infinite bullets and that's why they call it the mass effect yes so you see him getting really frustrated so remember when the three cavemen get unthought and there was like a business tycoon he's like i gotta check my money yeah number one trip remember when they're giving me what you owe me they're two rikers because of a transporter accident and the old riker was like oh i want to fuck troy and she's like no that's done i'm actually not annoyed at tng i'm annoyed because i don't remember oh that's that's because i was so young when it was on the air stop your babby soprano shit and watch some real fuck you know
Starting point is 01:51:31 how i know about poker because date is bad and it is can't read emotions therefore poker's about emotions that gift that gift showed me i know i mentioned it the last time but all the telepaths are fucking morally bankrupt pieces of shit all in that series like there's a point where one of them just reads everyone in the room's mind we have to get to the news and then hour and 44 minutes whatever that spontaneously we just talk about tng as the answer is to all these questions you know what i can do that it's fine it's fine as long as we move on it's cool okay what's no no i can shave some news off like actually i can i have no i if you want to like it's okay yeah no it's fine i don't know i'm done because i brought back up undertale you know what i mean like you have to
Starting point is 01:52:13 stop me okay all right i won't stop well and lore is such a good villain he's so evil well i just need to tell you i need i need to find out like uh you know if anyone out there bought a physical copy of heroes of might and magic seven collectors edition in the us well why is it true i need to know what happened what happened apparently uh ubi soft ubi softs is are misleading uh everybody move on oh because is it a code in the edition of the box has no disc i knew it and the ads all say pc dvd nice nice and they and if you go on amazon it actually lists the digital separate from from the physical but the physical box has fucking nothing in it fucking mother fuckers furthermore when you open up the box there's a slot for where the disc should have gone right
Starting point is 01:53:09 and it's empty missing and when you try to go online when you try to complain about it on support they redeem a code to you and and if you try to get a refund for it they're denying people the ability to do that well you got it so it's this fuck that booby soft is pushing that envelope forward man it's it's bad that it's not the uk version well in the uk you can probably like slam it and it fell through and now all their support people are in shit now like that or in the uk they some people could go to jail yeah they're way more strict on that specifically with that franchise and know that ubi softs done some weird fucking things that here and one of the earlier ones had like crazy drm on it yeah stuff like that that people are like and and they've had
Starting point is 01:53:52 that license like seems like forever now did they make it ubi soft original it'll be pleased it'll be pleased oh yeah that was a pc thing way before they were like this is becoming more common where you buy a pc game so that you can install your internet slow and you get a steam code in the box how do you think i felt trying to install fucking sin episodes on shitty dial-up internet bad bad let's say and it's like imagine now right you went out of your way to make sure that the thing said it had a disc in it yeah that's what i'm saying like they probably printed it like it was probably planned and the box art was already made or something you know like all the press releases were done delay the shit you fuck no exactly they fucked up i'm not saying they didn't
Starting point is 01:54:35 fuck up no no it's not at you i just i'm looking at you because you're talking no exactly like whoops yeah that's a hell of a like that's that's like a bad headline like whoops we screwed up our manufacturing but it's taking mail out discs in exchange for like u pc codes or something they will not i hope they can though they could that's a bad they will not you know it's a worse headline oh hold on okay it's all too dark for this podcast insurance oh yeah no it was worse than i thought this is so bad i was already like eh because of some of the fob stuff this is so gross it makes me never want to play the game this to me is oh my god we have to recoup costs we have to recoup costs oh my god oh my god oh my god so will you take it away give us an explanation what you're
Starting point is 01:55:19 talking about metal gear solid five the pan of phantom pain now pan and pain the pan and pain now has a forward operating base insurance that you can buy in the form of mb coins which is real money that you have to spend for fob based upgrades and things like that now what you do is you invest a certain amount in protection so that if people do the thing the game wants you to do which is major base and take your stuff it gets paid off bagged by an insurance thing that you cover by paying for with real money on a daily rate that decreases depending on whether you want like low insurance or high insurance and it's basically a daily subscription that you're making towards the phantom pain like it doesn't honestly it doesn't even bother me it's so like they just don't buy it
Starting point is 01:56:06 guess what just don't or don't yeah or don't like it's so dumb but the we're putting this in there and it didn't launch with it again it's just like we need to recoup costs do something get in that boardroom and come up with something you know i just mean like i'm so blasé on like dlc outrage it's like don't buy it i'm not going to buy it you shouldn't buy it they shouldn't make it yeah so see that's the thing i get hung up on they shouldn't have made it but you know what they shouldn't make it and there's a there's a point where it becomes like personally like offensive but that they think that i should buy it i also think it's really bad when it's like it's metal gear the thing it's like yeah if it's a franchise yeah it's really like historically
Starting point is 01:56:45 and then suddenly you got to shoe on your first foray into the deep end and it's just like yeah it's so just they had dlc in form but like not but micro micro transactions not dlc micro transactions you know um dlc outrage right that's that's the thing is uh i i do agree with what sterling said where it's like you can't you like it as much as it's like you just want to roll your eyes every time another new story pops up it's like no when it is gross it's like if people stay gross like disgusted at it then that's the best chance it has of not the other thing and of backing down no for sure so like yeah i know what you mean and like you read that and you just go uh but it's everyone's doing actually you know because everyone's
Starting point is 01:57:31 got there's a time slimy there's a time in place for like add indignity i suppose yeah what i'm getting at no i i agree i like i said i don't think they should do it and also the other thing is like they built a fucking mechanic into the game where people could steal your shit that you could not opt out of well they need to have that for the nukes and it's super smart it's so smart the new idea i don't care so like you can't opt out of it unless you want to pay them extra money yeah well you can opt out if you just plug out your other net you can literally just not log in and you it'll never affect you and you don't get that giant like terms of service thing apparently it's not affecting me
Starting point is 01:58:08 because i'm not playing the game no of course i am also similarly not playing the game yeah that's i wish i wish i hadn't bought it now like metal gear solid five that's right you needed to buy it for our play through well no no that version but the one for myself on pc i'll you know the second time yeah i wish i had not bought that version and just got the one for the help you return it not like it wasn't no it's way too late now okay uh like i'm never gonna play it at this point like after the lp not even to model swap quiet with various no those videos those videos are better okay play as chica like what like because now it's like oh right when i when i right when i'm gonna start to get into the game i'm
Starting point is 01:58:49 gonna get fucking slammed by this fucking nonsense which unplugging the ethernet cable out of my god damn pc is a little more extensive it's more like turn offline mode on steam there's there's also a bit of that it's like if you're playing an open world stylish game on the channel are you really gonna go back like even if it's like pretty good yeah even if you're like i wouldn't yeah i saw everything and like whatever they come back to me in a couple years or something yeah no absolutely certain lps to me are like replacement playthroughs yeah definitely you never have to touch the game ever again for sure um it's fucking so gross so there's that yeah it's trash like we've got and then we've got just wait for the next one there'll be another one the horse armor came out oh yeah
Starting point is 01:59:31 i did that that one like at this point legit doesn't bother me because it's a fucking costume we've been there yeah we're we know now that costumes go in that pile and there's a way better fucking d-horse costume that you unlock later on yeah so who gives a shit and you're better off spending your money on the boss costume anyway so any girl can be the boss sure even in the davey Crockett anywhere absolutely do we all the davey Crockett's to fight finally a weapon uh um you can be any middle gear to shoot a nuke at it allison road kickstarter cancelled boo because they were signed on with team 17 okay that's good uh i was saying this to woolly i love how everyone at team 17 is like i can't keep this one shit we gotta do something else why don't we help out midlife
Starting point is 02:00:26 crisis yeah i can't fucking do another one i swear to god i'm actually super happy with this because me and allison road doing okay but i was like eh could make it could not it wasn't exactly killing it wasn't exactly killing it was doing all right but i'm just glad it's hopefully gonna like fully come out now yeah come out all the way yeah no that's the one well they were very excited about it and fuck you for showing me that Liam they were very excited yeah put your pants yeah there it is and uh leaves davey Crockett well i i know that it's he's keeping it on the fucking short short order i'm not gonna nuke your own forever pictures great uh so uh yeah the team 17 has been um stepping into the uh publishing role as well because they jumped up for ukulele yeah they did
Starting point is 02:01:12 that they did well they did escape ease or escape this yeah rather uh like there's not a couple well they did they made that though didn't they didn't i don't even know i never touched it i'm pretty no i i play uh yeah i'm pretty sure they made oh okay yes but they are they are still much publishing and developing going on to keep track of anymore can everybody just slow down how's the walking dead expansion for it pick up wow yeah uh drum roll please and her last name is matt suda laura matt suda she's Sean's older sister she thinks Sean is stupid because he's fucking weak but all your time basketballs why would you do that it's not even our sport why didn't you at least play soccer
Starting point is 02:01:59 that's the weird one yeah like did not been made for a good mini did the devs just get confused so here's so here's where the speculation goes wild now likes are listed as her brother Sean therefore do we have uh god damn it sis stop over protecting me leave me alone i want to go my own way can is cool or do we have uh i'm gonna be just like my big sis when she grows up oh my god she's dead or can treat teach me the ways no i'm sure we'll find out in the new story mode in the new story mode coming to street fighter five uh it's gonna be better than my sister can possibly be this electric so i'm really excited for this story mode because it's like mortal combat but it's not but i'm not your beards i'm not excited for the bit where you fight this guy for no good
Starting point is 02:02:51 reason because they couldn't just talk it out sure which is and the fighting story here's the thing street fighter has an out on that because people in street fighter fight all the time oh for sure casually for fun no and that's what i want yeah but like i'm always happens in every fighting game story even the characters that maybe shouldn't be fighting just same words let's say chunlee and like hami like they might fight but they're the same well here's a hami killer dad they just fight about that all day that's that's a new i'm hoping that we get our second impact type of story where it's like you've got fights that happen because people want to personally grow yeah but then you have the world warriors tournament for sure behind i just don't want it to be like romance anime all
Starting point is 02:03:33 all just talk yeah all you have to do is make a tournament happen and you're done and that's good exactly and then you can have some off-the-books fights you know so technically you're wearing a mask alforte i don't like masks now i'm gonna kill you no your native dish is not as good as mine prepare to be ko um you know but now it's it's good to see that this game will factually get tens everywhere because all american review outlets will be like i have something to do there's cut scenes now and they're great yeah you're right because it was the literally only negative your bitterness over that is now absurd because that was like six years ago and you're still completely right he has changed you're still completely right this game will get much better reviews de facto
Starting point is 02:04:24 because people who don't know how to play fighting games will review it and go i like my book matt that motherfucker didn't play multiplayer yeah didn't play it that said it would suck to buy a fighting game and be terrible at it and not want to play multiplayer and have nothing i did that with starcraft 2 yeah the story mode of chess sucks yeah it does that guy has no personality that's why you play battle chess did you play chess two yet uh not yet amazing you know i'm i believe it you know what if you know my favorite part about this story mode is gonna be in the in the pet in the last 30 percent you're gonna be playing it and then that character is gonna be over there fully modeled eating dinner in a bar in the background and it's like and you're gonna be like you oh
Starting point is 02:05:11 oh they're next yeah like well here's but here's that leads to a problem though i was gonna say is like what is this really gonna be is it gonna be just anime cut scenes in the middle like really no is it gonna be using the models it's gonna be mortal combat i don't i don't think it will be not to that level there have been like eight interviews at this point it's gonna be like one of all combat so much crazy work and i every single interview asking about the story mode they have mentioned more comments specifically mentioned yeah no like i get it and then they say that but it's like i still don't believe that you guys got mo capped people to do blanka or well like it's not in the game no well whatever weirdos that are not human there's no weirdo here's what they do here's what
Starting point is 02:05:54 you do kali's kind of a weirdo yeah but he's a weirdo that exists in the real world you trade off on your on your um individual endings animated intros budget thing whatever and you have a story mode which is you switch characters remember in-game cut scenes don't cost as much as anime cut scenes so if you took took take every huge man take every character intro and ending and then rival fight moment and then string them all together and then double it because they don't cost as much yeah here's the thing if you say it's good as a model combat then it has to be like i don't care how good it is if it's still an hour which that would amount to no no dude it's gonna be a four to six hour street fighter story mode that hopefully has a soul caliber or slash alpha three world tour
Starting point is 02:06:38 is like hey what's what's the biggest fighting game that's not street fighter is guess what it's a model combat so guess what they gotta play catch up with it and it only became that way when they put in their story mode and it will exactly and they were catching up with nine wall mk 10 is on their version of story mode yeah exactly and it's like the biggest criticism with four that was shitty was lack of story all these other guys are doing stories and people even who just play multiplayer really like them why not i want a street fighter story mode so bad i love i love how there's gonna be better for it well it's the most we're ever gonna get outside of tmatt i love how there's a vocal minority of people though that's straight up yeah you're right
Starting point is 02:07:15 but where did they get their story strength uh there's a vocal minority of people including myself that are just like you know what man i liked alpha three world tour that was fun that is not a vocal minority that's most people who played everyone who played alpha three world tour alpha three world tour is the best side i've heard all three of you guys say it separately interesting it is it is i like it too it's great best except weapon master mode and soul cow too they're right they're they're fighting for it i personally think that world tour is better because because of the sprites they got to do all sorts of goofy shit and uh dramatic battles fight for shirakumas which is not it's it's it's really a shame though that regardless of this
Starting point is 02:07:58 story mode is still going to be compared to dong dong yeah it definitely is dude i filled my diapers when i saw the full doll set standing in front of me i'm like and then they all jump away and i was like oh yeah um so yeah what else is going on with three fighter five you've got uh the fact that alex is now in the new york stage background oh ouch which doesn't bode well however oh no then came out and talked about it because everyone was like why why are we seeing him how would you do that uh it's the biggest troll and he's like work i'm gonna i know a lot of people will you a lot of people want alex you've made it clear to me i'm gonna take that back to japan yeah so he's a one of the details exactly let's think about that like in the three fighter four we put every almost everyone
Starting point is 02:08:41 from third strike except the main character of third strike and the and the freaks uh and the freaks don't give up hope yang was in the skating stage but he's also in street fighter there there's there's uh the the best example is the plane stage in sf4 yeah that's where it's sagot or vega or bison or like whatever depending on but the but the integrity of the model in that stage is clearly lower than alex yeah should be yeah he looks like he's from tatsunoko yeah at least he looks like at least which is perfect yeah so if they're gonna use it eventually you'll have where the jacket he needs to be the capcom fighting all stars version yeah bomber jacket we never know alex and urine is the first two dlc characters is that what we're looking at now
Starting point is 02:09:21 and jury i'll buy that i'll buy that for multiple dollars uh yep bison dollars yeah whatever i don't care also the they finally like they heard my shouts out of my window and they gave nekali his uh dp back so that's i there has never been a character in a fighting game that has had so many wild variations in the lead up to their experiment yeah not publicly it's super nuts yeah but again these are all not public betas right yeah sure but the public knows about them and the full and the openness of like yeah we might change vega back to a charge character shut up like they like and like i hear that and like now that i played him as not a charge cares like no don't do that no i all i want it i'm okay with discs guidance being a charge move just his dp needs to be
Starting point is 02:10:06 reactionary because it's a dp yeah yeah um so that's cool bison's teleport is actually not a bug i i told you it's fucked fucking told you uh but yeah that's crazy laura now that i'm seeing gameplay or as grace makes it make you now that you know it's shawn's sister it makes so much more sense when you're looking at her moveset and and because she's doing the wheel kick and she's doing a dash forward hit that grabs you and slam so here's here here's the question well did you see the move list did you guys all see your move list yeah who is this character really uh new no it's blue mary dude oh she's exactly the same yes yes she's like her moves and the way you perform them and the way they hit and the way they look much she is blue mary with a projector yeah the fireball
Starting point is 02:10:55 setup changes a lot but it is blue mary that far dude that fireball is the coolest it's a fucking trap it's a it's a fireball war trap absolutely because she moves forward when she does it so even if you're just doing fireball wars she ends up moving forward and then she can do her command grab through one of your close fireballs that's the fireball type that's been in every other game except street fighter yeah so super cool i don't much care for english voice though well done i don't like here right here i don't think you'll care for her japanese one either the japanese one's worse i've heard that yeah boom that's how you finish the fight it started quickly or whatever i don't know really yeah look at this how you finish the fight and started
Starting point is 02:11:33 quickly yeah so dumb um whatever she's great she's great can't wait for zen i hope zen is actually nekali's dev name i hope there's another new character no i hope it's just again what the misspelling is misspelling the typo well when i read when i read zen at first i was like zeki knows zen new guys you know final returning character p anyone but dull zen it's gonna be dull so fuck i oh i i i could why would you not expect it to be dull because i don't like him but arkansas no and i know i didn't actually answer your question sure uh not much but alpha games can i please have one game in which i can play zengy not against also no fine fine but you get necro thought i've waited for no necro's way cooler way cooler necro better than dulcim
Starting point is 02:12:27 i don't know which would be a harder matchup for him necro would be a harder matchup no sim because of the fireball absolutely there's no question yeah but but necro's cooler yeah he's like he's got more tools he's got a weird little goth he does the spin thing she's not goth at all whatever she's red and blonde i know but she's got dark like soak in gothic eyes she does yeah i didn't know well she's just bags under rise because is that from the the art or the sprite that's the both it's i never noticed it on the sprite she's like well you barely see it in the in the new generation windscreen that would explain because i never really played new generation where you get to see that that uh elena behind
Starting point is 02:13:15 and it's all it's glory it's the best that i want to lose yeah yeah me in second impact back in the day you're like i want to lose this match all right so uh rocket league is getting the delorean and that's pretty cool i guess this is all part of the uh the future 30th anniversary yeah and everybody making everyone for the whole year's like oh today's the day shut up that was a fake generated uh screenshot yeah i'm getting tired of that god damn it but no it's pretty cool i'm getting tired of every single anything that is this many years ago today such and such happened yeah unless that that number is a multiple of five yeah yeah yeah happy seventh there was a topic on gaff earlier today it's like today is the 11th anniversary of thousand-year door coming out
Starting point is 02:14:07 yeah yeah yeah fuck you you should have made this last year wait wait a bit wait for more like it was as a a thousand-year door enthusiast and he noticed no one made a thread last year so i'm going to make one now but i want to wait until till we're years from now yeah last year is when sop went live yeah apparently yeah did you um did you catch that tell tales we're releasing the back to the future game on xbox one and yes work and they got uh if i'm all right they got vif's actor to re-record vif's lines oh yeah in the game yeah that's cool they managed so they like why it wasn't available the first time and apparently that's the deal well i'm like they're not they're not getting michael j fox because the the sound of like they have for him is amazing well because
Starting point is 02:14:51 they got a sound of like for him because they couldn't get michael j fox but michael j fox did a descendant of him in the last episode oh yeah that's that was i was always in there so right there they're solid actually that is just after the older style way better than jurassic park well okay yeah it is better i was gonna say i don't know where to start with that yeah at one first episode no whether to start with jp or that don't touch jp okay just watch our video for sam and max and just you know what i don't like the new voice you know what my advice was just don't start don't if you want to start at sam and max start at the very first one no start at devils no no no no no no no that's my pro i love sam and okay yeah i played the original don't play devils
Starting point is 02:15:32 play out like the new voices not great but so the guy who does the leon's ads i like the cartoon though actually the future is this one uh so we live in a post win jammers world it's true and we are never win jammers sequel that's true are you ready this is davis lang's fault but i'm okay i don't know how to explain this but is there a story or are you just sad about win jammers because that's fine win jammers fandom is more of a cult so back when i first first like the windbreaker really discovered neo geo yeah is when i discovered win jammers that's the fair time yeah and i just never understood why it never took off and why no one knew of it this was on a neo geo yeah and in the arcade some people heard of it maybe but not really but then i guess it was giant bomb that like
Starting point is 02:16:22 really brought it back i brought it up because no one fucking knew about this i'm like oh my god for years i bomb just went no shut up man i never used this big big component all the time okay set up i never played it with him because what the fuck is this game you're talking about it's like it's just if you knew then you knew and if you did it then you did it but it's the it's the best and like i'm just i'm okay i'm happy that giant brawn brought it to the public right i'm salty that the public missed it either way um you gotta i guess great as it was every time i looked it up to try and play it i saw it was a soccer game and then just didn't it's not a soccer game whatever discus what is it it's a flying frisbee sports and it that's the opposite of it plays like a super hyper
Starting point is 02:17:08 steroid sport okay sorry all fans it plays a sports game should play but you played it oh wait i thought you meant nfl blitz no blitz no i'm a huge blitzball fan so it's blitzball athletes have power shut up yeah but that but do i have to do math in order to shoot on the goal no well then i don't want why don't you love nhl 94 uh and until 93 well they're i mean they're both pretty interchangeable and 94 talk about the blood but there's a game coming out called gyro disc super league and it is a spiritual successor type thing it is a 3d remake basically and it's it's up on steam green light and looking at it like it's got the moves it's got the touch uh but it looks a little rough um the textures are early you know models are early but it's it's the spirit
Starting point is 02:18:00 no it's green light it's trying to get okay um i hope that if it tidies up that we get something nice out of it let's do it let's do that again uh gyro disc super league i like that because the gameplay is fucking kid tested mother approved what are you gonna say i'm glad it's not about soccer i can't you thought windjammers was soccer i that's weird have you ever see y'all's remember remember that like that i was about to say what liam just said what grow home with a chiapet thing okay my brain filters things poorly all right i have dreams and think they happened do you remember yeah remember that yeah that was a weird one that was really weird anyway uh i still remember when we went out to that thing and that funny story happened no pat that's not real
Starting point is 02:18:52 when that was a dream when you got upset at me and i was like what is wrong with you and you're like i thought my dream happened and i'm like and it's it's four o'clock in the afternoon how'd you get that morning no because the dream was logically consistent with the earlier evening and the and then was getting pissed at you for over uh fuck it i still think attack on yada garasu is some type of mmo that never got released it is curse shelling made it anyway understand before you started baseball that's right so the bloody sock so guess what i'm behind it all until dawn made a lot of money good though i'm glad it was in the top 10 but good it deserves it's a fantastic game it was on the top of charts i hope to start talking about a sequel pushing the medium forwards and me
Starting point is 02:19:39 and pat already said this it's completely new characters new setting the only difference is that it's called until dawn yeah the only similarity actually i've changed my mind on that i want it to be called until dusk and then like it's reverse vampires yes and you're at the titty twister and it's like oh no so kind of like a before sunrise before sunset yeah but it's like the daylights empowering these monster robot robots those solar powered robots that's to be home before dark yeah that's why they pay you the big bucks it's i'm sure somebody could make a cool game about solar based robot reverse vampires it's so easy to come up with the the this entire friend this thing being a franchise that runs
Starting point is 02:20:22 kids in a horror scenario movie type of change yeah exactly have to be at a summer camp it doesn't even need to be horror have to be on a on a scary ghost ship when it goes at the beach yeah why not when it goes in the hood now don't worry that's really leprechauns in space no it's where it comes in space in the hood there's a hood section remember the hood space it goes in the space hood yeah space hood the strong you want to be called the space hood or hood space space hood i really like hood space real life wrong concoma exactly fucking long island adventures oh god um that's why i know if they hope that let's never got a lot i'm glad that we've got like super confirmation that it's a rousing success uh i really like that whenever they ask a sony person and they're like
Starting point is 02:21:09 oh why didn't you do this and they're like we fucked up we didn't think it'd be successful yeah it's super successful now though remember that time when i'm not surprised though because for years almost literally nobody was talking about until dawn it's true only matt like well if matt would ask every year and i'd be like man that game looks cool and nobody else would mention it and like for four years i remember actively not listening to him like two years ago during the shit storm because he wouldn't shut up about until dawn so we gotta know because it was like we have to set up move controllers and then i just turned my brain off no that sounded cool but yeah i don't blame them for not thinking people would be like super on
Starting point is 02:21:47 it was one they showed it off on stage with hate and punitary that it to me that's where it was like all right no you're in a lot of people didn't even know about it before then so yeah um so remember that time that notch bought a super huge house and jay z is now peering in the windows jealous yeah of course i remember that sadly looking through them you can't party with the video realizing he'll never be as baller as this neck beard um so near in the same neighborhood a 4.9 million dollar mansion it was bought by who uh a minecraft streamer yes uh captain what's his name captain asshole no that's not true it's probably not captain sparkles is it captain sparkles i heard that name before my sister watches them all yeah i did minecraft your sister helped him
Starting point is 02:22:34 by the minecraft right captain sparkles yeah yeah yeah so that's that's that's that's that's what we're missing out on by not playing minecraft videos coming to the channel let's check out our vessel page and soon we can afford a tiny little apartment like literally right next to the big not right next to but like you got the notch house and then you got the guy streaming the game that guy yeah exactly enjoy your blood mansion not just throwing bricks built on the blood i don't know i'd enjoy it i know you'd enjoy it too i'd enjoy a blood mansion how many how many kids do i have to strangle before i get a mansion all of those starfox adventures because the the amount that i'll the amount that i'll do is more than zero the voice of your integrity is stifled when you dive
Starting point is 02:23:20 into a pool like scrooge you know if you don't know pool like scrooge you would die yeah well cash money yeah okay like paper paper money it would still it's you'd still buy it would still it would still hurt you'd have to have a bill fluffer to fluff the bills up that's right you can buy bill fluffer so you can have that corner of the pool yeah if you fluff all these bills so i won't woolly in the future to have a new story about him it says bio commander by bio commander purchase bionic commander by what game streams gets okay apartment i feel like 2010 streamer woolly madden i i hope i hope this is the start of the like the fucking weirdest rich person neighborhood ever yeah or it's all internet folks dude vine street already yeah i know just but like
Starting point is 02:24:15 just it's like fucking awesome town or some shit like just super weird it could be a sitcom just about that neighborhood yeah well the details we need to find out about the story is that like he bought the house that nozz was trying to buy yeah that it meets the the narrative of hip hop game was trying to buy the nozz's house the game's out on his ass but like yeah the idea of fucking like hip hop unable to buy their houses because video games are coming in i like that and then video games for the new hip hop nox looks out his window he just sees 50 cent on the street wearing a barrel and strapped living in the tenements times have changed oh fitty bringing out trash you had so much money and but there's a guy that streams 50 cent bulletproof and gets like a
Starting point is 02:25:06 five million dollar house yeah and his name is kid rock no it's for a distance whatever khanye aren't those the same person khanye won't be touched by this though because he keeps up to date on the games he knows that microtransactions are bullshit khanye said some real good stuff that is that is which is what every parent who gives a iPad to their child eventually figures out it's the best because he's he's super famous so his words reach everywhere and it's the totally genuine reaction of like what the fuck yeah what the fuck is this what happened and it's not the money the dude's rich yeah it's the fact of like what is this a bullshit simple all over my kids all the child's title yeah absolutely like oh trash oh khanye you finally said something not crazy he went on twitter and he
Starting point is 02:25:51 said why are there microtransactions in my baby's game like basically yeah paraphrasing a little bit and then people said because you're stealing water to to water your mom you fuck nobody's perfect but those words were perfect the baby has to level up its town yeah baby needs it now the question a lot of people were getting on his case because um kim kardashians games of course of course has a ton of microtransactions that's a really good that's a really good reason yeah that said a i bet she barely knows b that game is not aimed at children yeah fair so it's like that those points are fair but still and also see his statement is still valid yeah it's like i wanted to come out like the khanye quest like dlc button is like it steals your credit card information or something
Starting point is 02:26:44 why does this but i just i'm more so think like why does my child's a bc crocodile toy have a microtransactions for the rest of the letters button when is you get you get a through zed but not always why and you have to pay for why when is jaden smith gonna come out against ceaseless this is a mine that has a lot to be mined out of we need to go to the wiki page and just start like memorizing jaden smith books wiki page just go to his twitter there's 300 good ones right there i've lived a hundred years just by thinking about it did you see the new project cross on to trailer i avoided it because i'm not falling into the trap people keep sending them around don't fall into the trap remember your training won't let it get you believe second to san chiro looks so much like
Starting point is 02:27:46 himself it's so awesome i looked at the comic con trailer and i was like this is really cool no no it was in that window didn't even do it can't recancelling pre-orders i don't have so you know what i'm gonna do you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna do the same thing that i should have done for all these i'm gonna wait a week until the game comes out in japan then i'm gonna type the name of the game and all battles or all animations all characters to the youtube and just watch all of the cool things and just do that like i did with every super warb robert robert robert robert super robert games just wait for the solar power wait for someone to wait for someone to wait for someone to rip them solar power super robert yeah and then play and then play your mugen yeah yeah salty
Starting point is 02:28:28 bet please rip this second to san chiro uh the fucking can't it's right it wouldn't even be a problem if the game was just a quarter as long yeah if you cut it down from 50 to 12 and a half hours i'd do that i do that every new trailer comes with this carrot that's dangling that has a different wig on every week exactly oh that carrot's looking mighty hot this week no no but don't fall for that you've already been to the first one where the carrot looks really big but we didn't notice the length of the stick and it's just so far away it's actually a really huge carrot it's like but it's 50 hours away oh that's far and it's not you're walking over hot coals are you joking are you joking it's a hundred hours away and you're walking over coals that get hotter and
Starting point is 02:29:15 colder when you gave up 50s when i tapped out lian i didn't even go that far i gave up at 50 um i think i actually threw the cartridge at the wall in like frustration when i gave up like i only played like 10 or 12 of x zone and i came away of it thinking like i could have beaten an entire much better game yeah and i never think that way but i totally agree with you like well i'll sometimes i'll think that way and i like a goofy way like when i beat witcher i'll be like i could have beaten seven games but there's very few games where you get to a point and you say i wasted time i wasted my time legitimately because because i kept taking i kept doing something that i didn't enjoy at the time in in in hopes in hopes of a payoff yeah only to realize i'm never gonna get the payoff
Starting point is 02:29:59 and fortunately anticipating that yeah yep uh we got an interview with phil spencer where he straight up says i don't know if x bone can beat ps4 because that head start was too strong that head start was really strong and right and the only time they catch up sometimes when they drop like the $100 off the console and then they take that price drop back because they you can't can't maintain that at this point and then the lead disappears again but people are still walking into eb game is going oh x bones you can't play used games on those the poison is real too it happened they tripped over their dick yeah the hardest yeah like it's it's crazy and like that like they're never gonna catch up the poison that hate ki yeah yeah is is the same one but you
Starting point is 02:30:41 remember that girl uh in high school that you knew at some point and you didn't really know her that well you only you only spoke to her a couple times but you heard that she shitter pants once in in one grade well she did you remember i mean you remember and you heard that she shitter pants now that didn't actually happen but now when you run into her on the street you're gonna be like hey aren't you the girl that shit your pants yeah but you can't talk to her until you drink a can of mountain dew remember put your arms and you remember smelling it because yeah yeah i didn't actually shit my pants but in your mind you're like she's probably flying that she shitter pants i'm gonna go hang out with that other cool friend that's what happened well no i'm the damage
Starting point is 02:31:18 by people that don't follow it all that needed was that seed and that seed can't it's a splinter in the mind that can't be taken out it just has to scab over for next time it's interesting because at the time we all kind of reacted in the same way i feel i if i remember correctly where it was like that settles it that's the generation decided yeah on day one it was pretty easy for this one sony came out and said no we're good well i will well microsoft's first little press event that was tv tv tv tv tv was very very telling not but but it wasn't over yet no it was it was it was tv3 and then matt and i were at e3 and we heard the next morning like oh yeah sony said use games and no one hundred dollars and it's four hundred bucks and all that shit and we're like
Starting point is 02:32:08 well that's that then like there's so he's probably still running that used games youtube video just just to spread disinformation you know like do it it's like oh you can there was no disinformation mine is they didn't know there's nobody knew no i mean now okay yeah the thing that it's like it's like if there was a presidential debate like yeah maybe up at the podium going hey at least we can play used games everyone's like oh and then Phil tries to talk the credit mic cut his mic the thing that the thing that i'm interested in is how deep that damage goes because of the way that the casual consumer views these boxes they view it as like oh i hear on the xbox you can't play used games yeah the next machine if they make one will likely
Starting point is 02:32:55 call the xbox something will that poison extend to that well you know it's it's really never too late to turn it around like when you look at the end of last generation ps3 and 360 sales were fairly equivalent and that's bearing in mind it took the entire generation and that's bearing in mind that a half a notable percentage of the 360 ones were replacements for broken ones yeah um and yes it took an entire generation but the seven hundred dollar machine caught up which is which didn't make sense two years in absolutely that was bullshit so it's really not too late and microsoft generally is going to be a lot of effort because sony's not fucking up microsoft in the past has had generally a stronger first party output than than sony uh maybe not so much
Starting point is 02:33:42 anymore with 343 like we'll see what the halo it's because the halo is big 343 but also also gears now with them doing well the coalition now the whatever yeah exactly but it's like the people that made your your games that were totally worth buying that console for maybe they're not because halo four wasn't nearly as good as the other ones fable legends is and uh i'm gonna sell consoles it's very interesting play title you know perhaps the hollow lens will turn the tide i don't know uh uh i would love to go on to break i would love to agree with that like i genuinely would but the hollow lens is gonna be like a 1500 plus machine so that's our next story for crazy people yeah well that's that's like a tablet that was a segu so okay there's a demo you in the for the uh at the
Starting point is 02:34:28 windows 10 devices where they showed off the hollow lens and i really wish they showed the fucking pov and not this like stage camera version of it because it's so fucking prepared you know well the stage camera is the exact same rendering just from a different angle yes yeah okay just make sure you know they're not just taken i know but i but i like i want the actual pov of that they're not showing it yet because it's a problem because the because the field of view isn't your full oh it's like it's like a square space in front of your eyes no kidding well it's just like vr huh it's just it's exactly like vr they they can't because then the screens have to end like hold your hands out the screens have to end like here really and that's not there yet wallets in front
Starting point is 02:35:10 of your face is the hollow it's a bit bigger than that no okay here okay but i've i've put an oculus on and i've tried the hollow lens is not an oculus they actually did make it bigger since the first uh the first event good so they know they have to fix it but they're not showing the pov because they know it's a flaw and it's the same thing you never see oculus games with the pov you just see them rendered on a computer you know what i mean so what they're pushing the only way to show it what they're pushing is like as like they're at a unique angle uh with the vr thing is well yes is exactly that it's like whereas um you know everything else is just going pure vr this is like you're playing games that are uh a r in your own living room and it was a demo where you
Starting point is 02:35:51 saw the the walls break open and then like these little like robots came out you have to shoot monsters that were like uh robots that were coming out the the buzzword and and i guess the general concept they're they're running with and there's really nothing wrong with it because it sends the right message without really lying is uh holograms that's why it's called hololens and stuff and it's not holograms it's definitely not hologram but it's against the message across really and if you can fool people into thinking you actually have holograms do it i don't know that's a strong power like hololens seems a lot like to me like connect in which it's a cool piece a kit that will be way better for everything that's not video games i mean i mean there is one
Starting point is 02:36:30 difference and that's that it works yes whereas connect the inputs didn't connect worked great for non-game purposes but like hololens actually does work in real time very well on the plus side summer lesson is a way more immersive waifu simulator if you could have her in your room with you no no no no no on the on the negative side you can still see mommy and daddy fighting in the background beyond the tv i disagree if you have if you have polygonal girl sitting on real couch that'll break your immersion the whole field of view has to be polygonal so that then you can you do you pretend did you see that herado was saying that there's a bunch of girls on pad has us all planned out in a summer lesson sorry what there's a bunch of girls on the team who
Starting point is 02:37:11 want to add a hot guy to summer lesson yeah they should say he's been saying that for a while that that the plan is uh get these two girls out then add hot guy as the third person well and that hot guy will be him no i want hot guy to be so overbearingly in your face and like just taking off shirts he's got like five shirts on he needs to get on it hey sensei you don't mind yeah and that's that's that's really inside but yeah it's a guy we know that just can't wait to essentially i just came back from uh football practice my friend just changed for a minute and he's already got he's already done yeah i'm like wow look at that six uh good job no oh he looks he looks like a can of sprite out in the sun asian asian asian hot guy an american hot guy yeah teach each other
Starting point is 02:37:57 is american what is american hot guy black i wasn't thinking of but it could i that was guy that's for guy i mean three tech in five jinn kizama be great if it was and post wait wait wait like tech in four i almost wish it was just tech in characters well i want i want to read it on sayachi like ask you and lily and then like whatever the guys end up being like haurang and how wrong you ask if the guy's black and i ask you do you want the game to sell japan yeah okay you're right you're right all right has to be it has to be it has to be uh kind of hit their what dream america man has to be steve rogers yeah has to be steve rogers there's no in between i'm trying to say steve fox do you also look like steve rogers
Starting point is 02:38:50 i know he's more evil looking yeah because he's got the scar on his arm it's melting arm people with scars can't be trusted uh you got so there's that so there's this other thing um and actually i've been contacted by the creator of this before but uh orion legacy of kori odad not orion is that how it's it's it's not spelled like orion oh what's that i don't know it's pronounced that way not a u r i o n so it could be a right that could probably be a right um but uh this is a game that is it looks like a 2d dishwasher kind of like sort of a reaction type thing uh being made in south africa um oh yeah i heard about that and so it's up on kickstarter and like anna and i was taking a look and it's like a lot of people were like dude should you take a look at this game like
Starting point is 02:39:34 you know and it's pretty close to making it it's like at 37 of 40 k i don't know i think that's quite close um the thing with it though is that like it is cool that like this is a one guy or one team that's pushing it in africa and like they're doing it when most other people in africa are not doing it that's really cool and it's got action but the animation is not super smooth and it's a bummer i i feel like that would have convinced me to like really get on board we're kind of sticklers for animation like graphics do matter and the character designs are cool and the guy's doing a lot of big exploding moves yeah but the game feel isn't bad dude i love they are not like you know um but that being said again it looks like it's doing like it's close to making it
Starting point is 02:40:20 and uh godspeed i don't know we'll see they see if there's a south african video game industry to develop just yet okay we got japan we got eastern europe we got western europe we got north america which is like montreal austin no kebek separate kebek kebek is separate man we got brazils getting in there and the thing is those eastern european fuckers brought their own weird tastes into the industry boy did that working out of meat lockers and shit yeah the farm steal our game i don't give a fuck wow you guys are weird you mean you did not steal game what's fucking what that's not eastern you know that's not even well i'm trying i can't do a polish accent i was i was these are russians there's gotta be such a thing as a polish accent not really do it man that's not that can't be true
Starting point is 02:41:07 don't they speak a language called polish yes but it doesn't sound much different than russian or or okay when you say there is no i thought you meant like they sound like american speaking polish no no it's like like my dad my like i'll hear all three and like i kind of hear russian that austrian is like very take german but dial the anger down a little bit a little bit a little bit yeah i eagerly await all polish russians and austrians telling us how i know i know i know i know i'm not back to playing you know a little woo was go back to playing your coward game for cowards with your little ball go back i can never go anywhere anymore not out of north america i don't even know what you're talking about soccer oh the coward game go back to surfing on top of
Starting point is 02:41:54 trains yeah you seen those fuckers man what country is that in russia okay the one that gets me is the indian guys like doing the the train surfing on the sides and they're tapping the beams and then like right underneath it is like bunch of people die and being cut in half by beams on train you're like mm who's worth it don't know you guys check out that trailer for far cry primal uh yes it did yeah no much like i can't i cannot wait to climb mountains to get terrain to take itself off yeah can't wait to collect a million collect oh wow look at these caveman towers stampy yeah these caveman towers need to caveman towers that's it yeah i can't wait like the signal fire and that's what's gonna be there you go money free money and wait for your caveman to grunt that he never asked for
Starting point is 02:42:42 this yeah because the main guy is totally uh yeah i'm jimson guy oh yeah that reminds me that uh voice actor thing happened yeah the strike yeah well the authorization to strike 95 percent of voice actors in the um the gilder like the gillian go back to the table and threaten them with the strike yep they agreed so it's on i i'm i'm happy about the far cry primal thing but i'm i'm a bit wary about it being a disc um that is to say that it makes me anticipate a 30 hour plus long game whereas all i want from far cry is i want a seven hour experience you want blood dragon like i really enjoyed blood dragon i really enjoyed assassins creed for freedom cry because it was five to seven to finish a hundred percent at ten hours you only climbed like five
Starting point is 02:43:30 towers don't you know exactly it was there a thousand percent right but it just won't make the money back you know but then i wish i would have known it's gone like multiple smaller games is a much more enjoyable future i would have been fine but the budget the money because that's a little bit like like blood dragon did good i think but you don't develop that engine to make blood dragon you know they're just using the far cry four tools yeah but but sorry that what i'm getting at is that there's always the big game and then the side game that you could make out of it and like we love that side game because it's a much more compact but i wish the side game would stay a side game yeah certainly and i wish they'd make more of those and you know but well what one per is fine for me
Starting point is 02:44:11 but this is not the new car cry because this comes out in february yeah i know this is firmly spinoff game but i want to see what the playtime counter is they need they need to change their formula like well it just it's it's become a total joke it's basically it's the same thing we've been saying for years and that is the mid-sized game has a place and people need to go for that more but that's what i'm saying i want to know if it's a mid-sized game okay that's where i'm at like like you know but but it's just people are afraid to go for mid-sized prices so they don't go that way that's true everyone's fucking scared to go to do that it sucks it depends because it's like no indie or fucking massive right when you're a big company because like revelations too and life
Starting point is 02:44:56 is strange and amazing because they're fantastic games some companies are doing it some companies are doing it but the big ass and like child of light did fantastic and grow home did fantastic and valiant hearts said all right that was the worst performing of them all and the rayman games did fantastic ubi soft actually was really good at it so that's why i'm a bit wary because they're the one guys who really had it down more than anyone so i've they're published they're publishing a ton of shit i'm hoping this game caps out around 20 to 25 hours um because i want to i want that experience yeah i i can't climb another tower i think i'm don't have it in you i don't think it's in me anymore well the enthusiasm i had such a lust for towers the enthusiasm i had for um uh uh
Starting point is 02:45:41 what you might call it the chronicles game yeah like okay the one thing that i've been holding on to that's a good example for astrid you know what i mean i've been holding on it's like that fell short and what's left i think it was wash dogs that killed it out of me that's a good thing i've never played it the one thing that's like play like 30 minutes of that game and i was just like i already know like yeah that was that was right that was i'm really glad we haven't seen the next ones yet because i'm really hoping that they're working on making them better the next two hopefully that's a formula yeah the one thing the one final trump card they have for getting me interested is future obstacle war what happened to for honor it's happening i know but that's what
Starting point is 02:46:23 i'm saying is that not the trump card oh no no i don't mean you be i mean the franchise oh the formula the formula of the astrid franchise the only thing that can get me interested is the is the future war no i if it was the future i probably care even less really yeah there's something about it where i'm like no now i'm i'm like i'm more done than you let's ask i'm not buying syndicate i'm fully for the channel maybe i'm fully done no like the only thing that may be japan but even then i'm like it's not going to japan should have been five years ago it sucks because like syndicate's like gameplay mechanics looks so good and the refinements and then you look at gameplay of it like you look at 10 minutes and you're like no it's the same it's the same it's the same but the
Starting point is 02:47:03 tweets look good like with the look and stuff yeah you know it reminds me of something well you you always said like the japan or asia you know any particular asia country for assassin's creed that's the panic button right that's the uh-oh we're we're losing people but what i'm feeling and what matt's feeling is that they waited too long to hit that button the button's not gonna work anymore like they're gonna do it they're gonna hit it in four years in four fucking years they're gonna go assassin's creed tokyo because syndicate's and i'm not gonna give a goddamn fuck anymore because it took too long syndicate's like the tenth full game right something like that okay including rogue and liberation okay one two uh one two revelations revelations three liberation liberation four
Starting point is 02:47:56 black flag you want you want to count uh adwale no black black flag black flag unity unity and then rogue rogue and then syndicate will be the nine so not ten not ten nine yeah so what's ten yeah it was ten oh okay fuck yeah it came out in what 2007 was assassin's creed yeah that was mario galaxy yeah so 2007 plus like there are ten games eight years there's been a bunch of spin-offs we haven't listed that we're bad like uh bloodlines and good ones like the ds one like and then there's like a million like they can't print the person after fucking four please look forward to assassin's creed project 11 yeah exactly and then then then we'll have assassin's creed five american wasteland yeah yeah and then assassin's creed five it's such a bummer i used to love that
Starting point is 02:48:49 series so much not even fives gonna be the next one not even that long no i don't i don't think they're gonna you think they're done with numbers i don't i don't think they're gonna use five years it only gets more embarrassing in here does you get them you made some all of duty stopped using numbers because they knew that the yearly franchise at a certain point it's embarrassing and then you reboot it with numbers for that sub name so it doesn't seem like too much like that actually makes sense and games like final fantasy don't have that problem because when you go others 15 of them yeah because the series started in fucking 86 now when it's others 10 when did call of duty start back in 2004 yeah like fuck yeah um that's like that's the thing is hold it was awesome if
Starting point is 02:49:33 they were gonna keep going with numbers they would have used one on unity probably yeah you know it's uh i don't know they gotta take a year off or or like go nuts like really the teams do take years off that's the sea and crazy you know like you know like these twice in this podcast i've been like where's prince of persia because it's been a while yeah it's almost as if you let people wait and you sell 21 million copies of gta five nothing is no you can't use gta five you can't use that as a broader nothing is gta sure but like assassin's creed could be if you if you let people it's an aspect of the market that people don't pay attention to it's like maybe you would sell more copies on a game if it skipped a year i'm gonna break it down for you
Starting point is 02:50:20 and i'm gonna be real you're gonna get a prince of persia game again in your lifetime but you're only getting one because the thing is like it's actually that's what's gonna happen it's actually fucked because what you skip a year and you're gonna sell what seven million units every year they're selling six like give them a reason to stop they're doing so well give them a reason to stop i think syndicate's finally going to be the one where they have a market dive like i mean they're still going to do like four plus i think at least but i think this is going to be the first year our fatigue does not represent the numbers no it doesn't exactly and call of duty has had this problem for some people it's their first or their second year but the call of duty games have had a
Starting point is 02:51:04 higher general bar for quality compared to the assassin's creed games over there long annualized thing but even that and that's like the biggest annual game in the world that will except for maybe the it is it is or whatever well in package title even them they hired an entirely new studio to give everybody like more time full years because they realized that just keeping that bar the same isn't good enough and with assassin's creed the bar's been dropping every game except for spikes here and there rogue weirdly rogue is apparently way better than unity yeah and apparently since well then syndicate seems to be a bit of a return but it's too little too late way too little i think my the the turning point where i started to understand how it was like hitting the outside
Starting point is 02:51:50 was going to my my aunt's place at christmas and like cousin and friend who have don't follow any video games that are like hey yo that new assassin's creed is coming out and here are pretty good things about it you play it yet and it's kind of just like oh you actually know what this is and you know what i mean like paying attention also remember we live in montreal like the ads are intense yeah it's actually kind of cool i like the game ads in montreal i also like the batman arkham there's a serious like extra bump to add when the game is from your city it's kind of like being in japan you know like i think i think i got bored at revelations yeah me too i got bored i played revelations for less than an hour and i sold it oh i beat it and i bought three for the
Starting point is 02:52:41 wii u because it was a launch title and i barely i played for maybe nine or ten hours but it was a struggle i played liberation a lot because i'm a horrible fanboy um and then like freedom cry was the perfect length and i just want another revelation was when they started to push that uh but they started to push at co2 hard yeah and the end of brotherhood was when they pushed them yeah but then revelations revelations my favorite in the franchise but brotherhood not wrapping up oh oh yeah i was like revelations is when they started to go hey instead of creating character-based gameplay new stuff let's add a bunch of like facebook games into these like let's add like a fan let's add like a tower defense meter management your bombs or some guys on
Starting point is 02:53:27 missions fucking i was out sudo i was out at brotherhood at that too actually yeah but it wasn't nearly as bad and brotherhood well look if it wasn't for sailing it would have been out for everybody yeah sailing brought it back so i just once you know to me four is the only spike it's a huge spike like the like it's since four like i like perhaps rogue but none of us played it well i played it for like 10 minutes i was just fine everything was a massive spike and it really felt like i was playing assassin's creed too or something like that because i never even but even then uh four has we mainly talk about this somewhere yeah the detailing missions there are so many tailing even even freedom cry which only has i think like 20 mainline missions has like five
Starting point is 02:54:10 tailing missions in this and tailing mission is the worst open world mission and it feels like 40 percent of for his mission for everything wrong with three uh treetop treetop maneuvering was pretty fun it was totally cool that was yeah i like that in liberation they had that in the swamp is really yeah and so that that was a nice uh sort of buffer but again if it wasn't for the fucking sailing that's it rise of the tomb raider now and it's really really like in there where she's like maneuvering top the trees and like yeah it's like that looks cool i i remember remember when that was in a game good job Laura fucking rise of the tomb raider looking around the room hey what you got what you got give me some of that yeah what is that you throw bottles last of us Joel
Starting point is 02:54:50 bring that over here throw me some bottles and i'll okay i already i already took the bow okay i have the bow what's that last of us no multiplayer wait wait oh shit no multiplayer for us i guess bullying everyone in the cafeteria i know it did that's the awkward situation right where you look at the competition and you're snatching stuff you're like it's too good we can't last of us is multiple it's like great awesome it was great it's kind of shitty the terrible situation tomb raiders in where it's like how do you go back from that you can't i was wondering if anyone was going to talk about mgl but i guess we're not i did you play it i know i didn't it's great is it great it's fantastic is it the best version of mgl uh with the least game modes yes i imagine that'll come
Starting point is 02:55:32 over eventually but it's fantastic i'm very likely never gonna play it never gonna play it bummer because the character plays super good it says snake versus soldiers mode still there i only played two rounds of regular matches yeah that's great all right because i i want to see the return i don't think snake versus soldiers them though right now okay also that's the most also i have the pc version so even if i did want to play it i'd have to wait till january you own a ps4 disc yeah but i can't fuck with that version because it's your you're saying you'll log in on your profile i don't care also you don't have to care that's fine that's the first answer you should give me mgl mgl is a separate thing i'm sure you i'm sure it wouldn't matter in a month or two
Starting point is 02:56:11 when the insurance for kill stealing or whatever comes out then like i'm just saving myself the frustration now yeah all right fair enough um if you want to write in and uh talk to us you can send a letter to superbestfriendcast at if you want to steal stuff from our forward operating bases if you do want to steal that stuff uh i got a nuke come get it see if you can get it at that's actually i built a nuke and then i disabled it so that i'd get the that's what you do but now someone can steal it and re-enable it no it's just it's just nuclear waste now in barrels oh is that how it works yeah we haven't actually gotten one yet yeah i just imagine that people could be shits and take no no no once once you do when i stole these barrels
Starting point is 02:56:53 once you disable it it becomes nuclear waste barrels that needs to be disposed yeah all right so what are the emails like this week well uh can i can i start talking no i can you're not there yet never mind okay such a lust for spoilers spoiler boner uh raging wait no says mr spoiler boner if i say the word if i say the word wild makia does that mean anything to you all right you're the absolute king that vocal cord parasites yeah exactly the spoilers spoiler actual it will he shut the fuck up actual spoilers like not for us but for the listeners uh he's been hanging out with that too much they're super saturday slam masters i like it that's a spoiler you get confused by the email yeah that's a spoiler i'll get to the i'll get to the family everything is not be quiet
Starting point is 02:57:44 not just because you can't tell the difference doesn't mean that everything is spoiled everyone grow up i'll get to the point that is the most childish answer you could have uh what's your reaction what's your reaction to meeting someone that you look up to that's popular or into a thing that you super like and they're a big deal are you super chill and you play it off or do you slide into the sad i know willy's answer future always future montreal comic con attendee uh i don't care about meeting people that i admire it's like you know i like their work and i all i ever would want to say is you do cool stuff yeah that's just i i liked you in this i liked this that you did i sometimes i have a question for them how did you do this what what was the idea if you're
Starting point is 02:58:28 if you're a genuinely like fun person to hang out with like fortunately a lot of the youtube folks we met at cons like you know they're red cool they're really funny dudes to just chill with uh they won't like have a good time like the barkley guys i spoke to them for like an hour like maybe two hours i spoke their ears off but like we had a really good back and forth they were super fun to talk to you know like just you know but like like we had to say like after really can't you hang out with like the sleepy cabin guys or like john and all them it's like you go oh these are fun people to be around the but outside of that like in general i don't think that's who they're talking about do you look up to those people no those that's what i'm saying because there's nothing about
Starting point is 02:59:03 people i don't look up to people uh huh except i'm sure for every person in the world except i'm short ha ha uh the the only time i can think of that would apply to the situation whatsoever is like i see he on the podcast but that's because i can't disassociate his voice with his character right and like i was like freaking out over like james is on the podcast after we had just beaten sanjo too but as for like looking up to people and like i did that because the context given in the email is like after attending evo i couldn't keep my cool seeing all these cool these players that i watched on stream it's like we ran into the shit and we ran into him at packs and i'm just like oh you mean these guys that like come back to our room and do
Starting point is 02:59:47 money matches and drink like i i ended up such a nothing probably for like 20 minutes yeah they mark out to them specifically so we might not but that person does yeah so they like a tournament player like that but like for me if i met joe mad right now i'd probably blubber all over myself like i wouldn't know how to yeah you do get that you are because as a kid i looked up to him the most because i'm like this is what i want to do with my life he's like this cool young but he's like five years older than me and he's drawing the biggest comic book heroes ever he made every awesome cover of psm ever he made a really cool franchise and making another one based on his own pretty like it's the most creative zenith that to me if i wish i could reach that level and i
Starting point is 03:00:33 probably never will so if i talk to him i'll probably be like oh much like it did to one um um see bloom where's the one time where i was just like i i got a thing rustles yeah fucking whatever what i meant john tron or or slobby for the wrestler these guys are new japan yeah or yeah well yeah no i kind of marked out to nakamura yeah i mean it like i feel like his one one like sudo was around i was like hey man can you sign this copy of last plate that's cool or when i started when jaylee was there sorry rather yeah and it was like yeah i'll get like a so a comic thing signed or whatever but yeah that markout kind of yeah i don't really i don't get it and in particular even if i am marking out internally i don't feel the need to go tell them about yeah so like
Starting point is 03:01:18 so i'm huge fans of john obon for example and we've seen them in the wild a couple times at cons like like last pack not the not the back of the line sitting at the bar and and there's that moment and i'm like nah for what no why no you just pinched their butt like everyone else says everyone else say they're over there it's like i don't want to hassle them maybe maybe i'll run into them at a thing or like say hi or like i'll be working at a show or something and like but like they're like i'm a huge fan of jeff gursman i have no like absolutely potent desire to run up to jeff and shake his hand maybe we'll meet professionally you know that would be that would be nice maybe 64 is a pretty good example actually yeah i think we're we all i love those guys
Starting point is 03:02:04 they're great and it was just like oh you there there they are and yeah no in the first time we met rocko was like yo rocko we need you to talk shit about our friend he's like got it yeah you fucking i remember when i was when i was a kid when i was young i met them at a fan expo and i did like freak out a little i was yeah because you watched all the movies i was 2007 or something yeah uh and i was i was just so happy to meet them and like getting to meet them again now it was it was nice and it was yeah it was different for sure i think the only thing that i could have for my childhood is like an after reading mick foley's book i would have been really excited to meet mick foley because i think he's a cool guy i'm not even because he was my favorite wrestler
Starting point is 03:02:47 i think i'd i mark out harder at like cosplayers of cool characters that are obscure that i like hey you do a good job awesome you smell this rag for me whoa there you go what does this smell like yeah uh this is like piss hey super best have you guys been paying attention to the frog fractions arg uh no i checked it out i took a look um turns out our podcast is hold on let me let me reiterate my uh at arg so right now i don't know if it's been updated but where i left off was uh a kick starter an update went out a kick starter update went out uh in which they it was just a review for a beer yeah i saw that and uh and like it was basically just like hey we're a brewery come check our stuff out and like there's a couple glitches in the video and if you if you take the syllables
Starting point is 03:03:33 after the glitches it makes a url and then you go to that url and it's for the beer company and then there's a login and no one knows what's beyond it of course yeah i just want to play the game so i always play the game that's where we were at unless the game is the spoiler if if the if the game is all arg then barf double double barf argy's are the worst they're not not when they like not shit no i just don't like when you get to one and it's a it's a brick wall every every arg when you get there and it's done you have to wait for the public to solve it yeah i know every arg i have ever even had a passing interest in i've gone and looked at it and it's like oh i don't i don't understand what i'm supposed to do and then i'll find some web community and it's a bunch
Starting point is 03:04:19 of people doing fucking math and photoshop bullshit in order to fucking divine out a url like i'm like oh right this is terrible i played this mp3 backwards and saved it and turned it into a jpeg and put it in photoshop and turned off like alpha layer i and here we are there's there's one digit of a 60 character password i forgot to gain it once but there was a game a long time ago where its official website was an arg that was compatible by one person just clicking around on their website and i thought it was awesome but that fucking community that's all band together to fucking like fuck what was the one where like i i love bees i love bees was the halo one that blew this shit up yeah and that that one was the craziest ever yeah it was you had to like people had to
Starting point is 03:05:04 show up at phone booths at certain times were involved and get like calls and that's cool but you are never the person that gets to do that some other person is always the person that discovers it or figures it's cool if you are the person but just speaking for myself and i think that feels the same way i don't have time nor do i want to devote that time and even if no you will still never i don't know if it counts to i would decide to me i think it does but like the thing that is fine is like sonic dreams collection yeah absolutely where it's like that's not an arg yeah okay alternate reality game is exclusively outside of a game but outside of a game in the game that's not that's not that's not apply no then i mislabeled that with undertale okay so
Starting point is 03:05:49 an undertale you're just going through the files you're going through files i'm not completely i mislabeled yeah no no i i asked to me energy kind of implies cooperation with the community okay i my my my idea was that arg it was like out of the game world sure i hear it but all right is there a lamp i can turn on yeah right behind your head to your left right behind your head i can't yeah yeah turn the nozzle turn the nozzle i'll watch out for the yeah there you go pull the lover it hurt that's really bright you pulled the lover uh are you serious no what yeah halogen juice is just pouring out halogen yeah uh jim wants to know who's your unholy who is this sorry jim jim who's your most underrated manga artist i'm not going to say vagabond guy because he's fucking
Starting point is 03:06:38 most no bell underrated i don't know any underrated artists obata he's not underrated not underrated either like that's the problem yeah the jump the jump like under really really good to underrated is i only know the names of two manga artists and their murals and araki i don't know most underrated i don't know who draws mangas uh who draws the mangas i don't fucking know okayado he's terrible that's not that's not really working in the spirit of the question who draws um who draws uh claymore and he did uh angel dentsetsu god whatever yeah the claymore angel dentsetsu guy tight kubo i'll fucking take kubo yeah um yeah well i know it's john g you know what the guy the guy that's not underrated i don't know i don't know what he's
Starting point is 03:07:30 underrated the person that draws uh um fucking uh prison height school draws really really detailed tits and s so good on you i like good on you i don't is he underrated though yeah i don't think he's anything big his manga got published in north america that's already araki is really mature araki is underrated in the states yeah and then not anymore is maybe used to clint eastwood couldn't make him more underrated i don't even know we're too surfaced uh we're still surfaced appropriately i only look at the surface stuff uh if you taught a video game class uh on some aspect of video game is what would you teach oh combat mechanics i would teach uh i would teach never finished god i would i would unqualified for the class does it does it count if i was there
Starting point is 03:08:26 once what in the room when it was beat i would teach a class on resource management uh versus tension and survival horror games and how not to use flashlights yeah like all all resource management and all tension i would like to think of course on rhythm i would like to think i'm qualified to teach a 2d beat him up class but more than rhythm i think i know 2d beat him up class number one all right somebody get up and fucking fight me put your headband your red headband on it's about what's right and wrong i've spoken to but but but but but here's where i go like is a genre class like do you think that's a more of a practical way to go than an overall it's niche enough right it's like a walking simulator class or like a you even proposed rhythm just
Starting point is 03:09:12 no one would go to your class that's fine well you're teaching an empty room that's fine the kid who wants to know you'd have to graduate by making a because i mean you would come to my class i would you'd be wrong about most things but i wouldn't because it's not opinions it's not childish petty squabbles that you and i solved the minute streets of rage came out because we knew it was better sure it's about the problems with games i could not full semester of problems like other games have way more problems like castle crashes one of you is yelling about moustaches and pile drivers and the other one is just playing go straight like with with the attitude i could see in your face right now you if that class existed leem would remove you because
Starting point is 03:09:55 you would keep disrupting the class well it's every every no assuming there was a real class every time with but it's not as good as final fight though i would be talking about final fight like like just the theory there's so much and now we go put us on fun that would bring us homework and in a notebook and scrap dunk it onto liam's desk just to make him upset um i didn't get a chance but i was going to say a story and pacing yeah i think it's important i see those problems like i like i've had that's not even video games that exists no but within and that's right within the video game yeah no game pacing is wildly different from i have been i have like i get the most upset in certain games like one of like one of them is like um on amusha four
Starting point is 03:10:41 where the story and pacing is so it's really not bananas and you should play dangin rampa ultra despair girls i i i you know what no you know what most terrible we have we have said rampa is a visual novel series by spike chance matt and i have said it over and over and over but if you don't quite understand what we mean when we talk about pacing go play resident evil four and you'll understand what good pacing like i'll play as you were again play aster's wrath though i will say also a good example all the pacing over like plague basically started that class with his let's correct about writing castles yeah but it's close it's really so it's really close yeah but yeah re4 has as close to perfect pacing as any game i've ever seen can you think
Starting point is 03:11:22 of a single game that is closer because if you can i want to recommend that tetris but that's not i imagine you mean a story-based game that actually has like yeah like encounter design uh if if bayonet two had shorter bits at the beginning maybe that one but it's got more flaws than the first game so i don't know pacing you're right matt it's important okay revengeance is pretty tight revengeance is pretty tough almost everything could be great but if somehow your pacing is weird it can ruin it yeah definitely games need editors uh uh god of war one and two have great pacing three does not your yes you're completely right i remember i remember i've been playing too recently i haven't played the first one in a while but two has some wonky bits where you're you're walking
Starting point is 03:12:05 around for 20 minutes one's one stronger than two yeah you feel yeah absolutely i can't granted that's old memories for me but okay that's one escalates better but two is like like yeah a little more like even and three is just i remember liking chains of olympus a lot it's only five hours long it's just you're in and you're out three has like the worst pacing ever because the best thing in the entire game whatever what about what about four what about it yeah is that wait does that game even exist yeah well yes you mean underground or whatever exactly what is wrong with my brain it's not called for it's called a decision i just want to see if you know i got a bird in brain anyway see a pet game i'd play it uh we got one coming from kyle and he
Starting point is 03:12:51 just wants to know what we mean when we talk about fundamentals in fighting games oh that's tough it's not that's easy that's when you that's when you know what the medium button uh it i'll keep it short and simple because let's you know not spend forever because yeah we could spend forever on this if fundamentals is basically the bread and butter that comes down to pressing the right buttons and at the right distance well there's an even more like uh i think there's a more like apt way to say it even it's it's just experience that that applies across all fighting games just like in real life how there's there's stuff you'll learn in a sport where you'll be like this applies perfectly so sport like tennis and squash yeah no one of it's gonna apply yes yes how do you
Starting point is 03:13:36 how do you hit you know swing your arm yeah where do you look what thing should you be paying attention to to me when i think of the specifics it comes down to like you know pressing normal buttons not just doing specials all the time uh and knowing bad habits and not to do them yeah knowing that jumping is gonna get hit every time you jump so don't jump hard sweep is not knowing the base game well enough that you could jump to different fighting games and still be so like fundamentals are usually like shown off like upon picking up a game and like the feel and like are you able to acclimate to this new game's feel relatively click relatively quickly knowing the like the idea of a tick throw being like you hit a guy and walk forward and throw him is a good
Starting point is 03:14:15 thing it'll work and knowing how that feels in enough games that you can that you can project it across most games and it's it's an oversight but quite frankly knowing when you can and can't hit somebody yeah oh definitely the amount of people who like attack around the guys around the ground knowing that the best lack of fundamental ever is the jump in and how a jump in how a jump in works how a jump in feels and you can tell right away when somebody doesn't have their fundamentals because they will jump in one frame off the ground or one second off the ground they will throw out a hard punch yeah and that will never hit anyone on a jump in but they don't know that because they don't have their fundamentals that's equal with uh me just sweeping somebody until
Starting point is 03:15:02 they crouch block yeah and it's like it's a training match in a way and yeah it's kind of a dick move sometimes but really dude you're not every now and then i'll play a fighting game with somebody and you i get in it's like you don't know your fundamentals at all and you can if somebody has no fundamentals and they don't know how the game's supposed to feel and what the flow is supposed to be you can just stand there and wiggle back and forth and use one hard punch or one hard kick and totally dominate them because they don't know how the space works and they don't know you really timing on anything but now we're getting into it so if you have good fundamentals and war gods you can carry it over to virtual fighter with relatively few yeah well they're they're on the same engine
Starting point is 03:15:41 they're made by the same team so that's not sure war gods final tuned is one of them yeah that was the one that had to really get 32 export so yeah the fighting vipers champs one one thing that i will add and the fundamentals are like one of us can't laugh like i just did we could probably carry that and a lot of people we get really confused one thing i do want to add to that in terms of fundamentals and certain games require them more than others or less than others so fundamentals are like think of street fighter two it's like that's a relatively simple game those fundamentals they cross over to three to an extent they cross over to alpha to an extent they don't really cross over that much to marvel yeah because marvel has so much more going on that you have to be aware of but marvel two
Starting point is 03:16:26 fundamentals do translate to marvel three but there are but there are fundamentals that are that apply to marvel like blocking yes blocking as well and knowing yeah but you have to do a lot of throws and stuff a lot of work you're you're like my street fighter fundamentals don't help me in marvel because blocking is most more complex officially yeah no i really like there's a really really there's a really really low level like understanding of space where i'm moving my character around and you're over there so if you want to use a sports analogy like for basketball it's like dribbling the ball confidently without looking down at the ball fundamental being aware of where your teammates are knowing where other people are just to you know before you shoot like you need those
Starting point is 03:17:12 things and some of those are different sports and golf knowing more or less exactly within what margin your shots gonna go in yeah like and what's interesting in fighting game rosters is that oftentimes there will be a character that's designed just on fundamentals with no fancy flashes or special abilities yeah and that character will often be high tier like fey long because they have amazing normals and that's like what carries them if you know your basics you pick fey long you got nothing fancy but your fucking bread and butter is going to take you to the top yeah um and lastly we're coming in from chris and he just wants to know single edge blades like katanas or sabers or double-edged blades like longswords and claymores double-edged blades
Starting point is 03:17:52 that are really big yeah big and heavy big big heavy big heavy yeah i like using a weapon i can't use yeah that's right like you did i don't know thank you for telling me have a big double-edged yeah i don't know what i'm going but if i can't use it though is it really it's too it's too heavy to use i don't know like context is everything because like i don't like love katanas but i look at ridens hf blade and i'm like that's amazing yeah and it's like but i wouldn't want one like so you know context is everything i don't know well i think maybe that means just in a video game context which we have but it's like cooler in inferon or claymores cools shit like in for honor both can't do great with it you know yeah yeah it's like i i don't have enough interest in weapons
Starting point is 03:18:31 that i could say definitively maybe ten i mean even five years ago i would have said to the katana you know but i'm kind of getting tired of it and then there's stuff i'd pick over that like spears or something and then you i love i love pull arms and then you pull shards or then you pull out your gun and you shoot the sword guy i still like nunchucks a lot because he's because he's not within 21 feet mouth breather sword guy get your horse cleaver out that guy fucked himself up so bad it's so depressing no it's i feel embarrassed i don't remember the name of the actual name of the weapon but i guess it's just the cerebus but triple chain nunchucks ice nunchucks it's not it's a nunchuck oh like that's like i love nunchucks yeah that's like the coolest nunchucks you're cool
Starting point is 03:19:11 like i if i could be that all day spears real good yep through section staff fun stuff rope darts good too but you know what you're like so we're asked about swords you know i think sickling chains super underrated i think i'd pick a repair for being cooler would you yeah i would i like that's not really cool they're not the most effective you stand with the pointy and they're great if the person's not wearing anything fancy yeah but but there's then you just want a better sword yeah like i i'm not an expert but i think a katana would be in an almost any situation we have to test this yeah well you can't wield it sometimes we should show you can't really wield a katana one hand if you're huge you wish looks like a job for water bottle kid
Starting point is 03:19:50 deadliest best friend warriors uh so the videos are gonna take a little bit of a break as we sew some of our limbs back on after that fighting the weapon test can you cross 21 feet that quickly i cannot you want to try if you if you like and comment and subscribe enough we'll be able to get afford enough medical equipment to sew it shows back you need a lot of tubing we can put matt's hand back on backwards that's all we there's a tng episode where they cut riker's arm off the aliens and they put it back in and you didn't notice when i did it i learned from mitzorugi i'm a master mitzorugi i hate his story everyone we're all just going off soul calibur right soul calibur you got and soul calibur one mitzorugi story is like i gotta beat the tanagishima rifle i gotta
Starting point is 03:20:34 beat it that thing's gonna ruin the the life of the samurai in the cg intro for soul calibur two he runs towards five guys on a boat shooting at him and they all bounce off his armor harmlessly and he kills all of them i guess you did it yeah so why are you in the game anymore no it's because you're here he didn't embarrass them enough fuck mitzorugi arthur is way cooler no you're crazy arthur's story he's not even a real character arthur was all mitzorugi a fake european uk character is their cowards okay okay who like to play soccer arthur is arthur is fucking pelletswap mitzorugi yeah and the story they gave him is way better than mitzorugi's story yeah but he doesn't look as cool he's not a canon character that's all that matters it doesn't matter i'm just saying
Starting point is 03:21:18 you were just complaining about mitzorugi's story the real fucking story is in arthur yeah but i don't want the story of some reject character i don't care how cool it is he's still a reject character like woolly you look cool but matt's story is better wow so you get to go into the fighting game wow that was right damn so i feel you because arthur's the one to go for damn no that's incorrect oof all right what are we looking for what our story is way better than mine like our life story ornate is not great he survived the guy uh i don't know uh corpse party comes out tomorrow i'm very excited for that oh i gotta finish witcher because the dlc comes out tomorrow farming simulator comes out tomorrow and uh wasteland twos director's cut comes out tomorrow
Starting point is 03:22:07 it does it does uh that'll have control support on the pc which makes me really excited i'm meant to watch gundam but then i played undertale okay so that that subtitle is the best that's a good one too that is the absolute best subtitle i've ever seen for anything it's wrong is that is that good sounds cool man this gundam a good thing gundam is a fucking good fit i don't know you'll see it as somebody made me watch unicorn once and i was very confused as long as you feel unicorn's cool but you need to see other stuff well but i didn't it was the first thing but i don't know how you'd react to old stuff though it made like because there's this old kind of bad every time i go far back enough it's 1979 you know like i didn't know how to draw straight lines i was dead then i don't
Starting point is 03:22:47 know if you knew that he was dead i was dead you were a skeleton no no i wasn't a skeleton yeah you started as a skeleton no you don't yeah no you started as a pre-sperm that's why do you think it's white it turns straight into a skeleton oh he's got a point in the womb yeah you're right and then the flesh goes around it can you still can you still appreciate um your like original star trek uh no but i never could even as a kid okay even as even as a little kid i thought original star trek looked like shit you probably but i love Batman from that era so and then you'd probably not be able to look like such a show it's like great like there are straight metal bits that are not straight because i guess they didn't have a ruler in the office yeah there are animation issues
Starting point is 03:23:35 that weren't issues back then but are really apparent nowadays i think i think like something like a thames would be like where the quality would be up to your believable standard you know i need i need a council to come back at me with a list just started which they're gonna and i started seed and just move on but we know how this goes should i watch log horizon season two should i watch camon rider i think i should i think i should watch log horizon season two out of spite purely out of spite so i can double down on how much i hate log horizon i hope you'll forgive me for not wanting to watch it with i bet in season unless you want to watch it together i might want to do that don't you want to find him again to tell him how much you hate him i think the only
Starting point is 03:24:16 thing that metal could make log horizon worse is if they discovered an mmo version of soccer in it yeah and they're all just falling and they're all just falling database wow wow wow um i have yeah if it's all just to dunk on it super hard then by all means i can't um i can't i can't like you can't take it there's a just power through it i'm trying take it power through i have a bunch of boatloads of houses of wedding stuff to to take care of this week boy do you but also uh the peak of the crimson's is this week i can't wait to see that actually i will this week it's not the 27th friday shit awesome i can't wait to see i will get to the top of this crimson i'm really excited to see that damn but i thought it wasn't for a little bit ouch i'm excited for that i'm excited
Starting point is 03:25:05 for um bridge of spies but especially crimson oh man shit i need to buy tickets for that i can't can't let myself miss that's it it's gonna be too spooky apparently the intro to the new Gundam is still not the same guys who do database good i trust them i'm fucking losing it i can't every time every time somebody says the word database and i see either in text form or in the real world the words wow wow wow wow i completely lose it it's so strong one of those things we're just like what were you actually thinking every time like like the fucking xeno blade chronicles x battle oh yeah every time an intro is not made by jam project i feel a little bit sad inside because it goes what could have been right is uh is the one punch
Starting point is 03:25:51 man one made by jan budget because uh because that's a good ass intro it's so good oh there was no license to the slot rider in this one when's he gonna show up wait for it he has no license wait for i love him he's great see you guys next week see you guys next week so you

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