Castle Super Beast - SBFC 124: Legend of the Nog Kings

Episode Date: December 22, 2015

Christmascast Xrd. Matt can't make it, but we're gonna have a comfy night nonetheless. Crack open the nog and nibble on some cookies! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I Call it the ripple I'm not very good at using the ripple breathing in fact apparently woolly and I are So like disabled on learning how to breathe that we both sound like death in our sleep I haven't wasted in machines and devices to keep me alive while I sleep you have you took the step No, but I helped buy that Indiegogo slash Kickstarter thing that was like it's not the mask It's just a little thing you put on your nose, and I haven't gotten it yet. Hopefully that works out Then we can be nose buddies when we're at otherwise I turn into Bain Yeah, when we're at conventions it sounds like you guys are dying
Starting point is 00:01:16 When you sleep that's because we are my girlfriend recently told me a story in which she kicked me awake And I was like what the fuck and she's like you died Yes, and I don't remember that story sleep apnea also known as sleep mortise also known as fat throat. Yep You know what else is really hard not to hear the subtleties of our voices. Oh, that's crazy now Welcome to the Christmas cast 2015 totally appropriate woolly bought himself an early Christmas present I guess you can put it that way for work Early work you know when you buy yourself a new work computer for your office. Yeah, that I've never done that. No me neither Well, I hope everyone enjoys the and what I feel is significantly stepped up audio quality
Starting point is 00:02:02 Well, it's a significant earlier this week when we were cool. I just spilled more water on my pants. I Heard it too. The mic picked it up Earlier, I feel I'm sitting here, and it's it feels like I pissed all over myself He's been spilling water since before the podcast so he's in like a Earlier this week when we actually completely did for real record blaze blue. Yeah, it's happening with these microphones Like it we we played back and watch that video of us playing blaze blue this week for Friday night fisticuffs for real Me mean like I mean you were watching it earlier. Well, and we showed Liam a little bit
Starting point is 00:02:44 And like it's very dramatic sound so smooth. Oh, we should mention unfortunately Matt could not be here today He's got prior engagements that require his attention. Yes So just like last year a Christmas without Senpai. Yeah, just different Senpai pretty much This is exactly that shouldn't last year been like without Kohai Yeah, I guess so and this is a Christmas without Farcast. Yeah, well, he's not around so we can just bomb the channel now So yeah, okay, basically. Hey, you know who sucks the Punisher. I don't believe I Couldn't I couldn't even make it through the fucking sentence giant monsters are not cool white
Starting point is 00:03:19 No, who but they're cooler. They're cooler than Matt thinks they are when they have giant pervo eyes Yeah, I actually really adore that that new Godzilla by Anna. I don't know how to scare people Yeah, and I know how to make people fall in love. He's a man of many talents and issues Hey guys, welcome to episode 124 of the super best friend cast aka the Christmas cast Liam and I are sipping on some eggnog sipping on some water as well Well, most mostly my pants dick is sipping on this water Can you even grab this and like put it away for me? I can't there's a mic in front of my mouth
Starting point is 00:03:55 It would be easier for you to move your own mic cat posts in the vineyard So Pat is now away from the mic. He can't speak because this is what it sounds like when I'm away from the microphone Wow, just like the old podcast Pat, you know, oh god like stranger to a Dicking it digging his dip. It literally literally did sound like the old podcast like that's that's why I heard I would stop talking about my penis. I can talk about my penis and I choose not to do that right now the silences are so
Starting point is 00:04:36 I don't like this. It's fine. Like like sandbags are gonna be so Oh my god, they're so powerful especially since we had now have the ability to very easily mix out the room noise Absolutely, there isn't even gonna be the hum of like, you know a computer or whatever. It's just like Yeah, okay, so about about your micro penis nobody wants to talk about what's your three, huh? All right good nog I want to thank your lady Liam for the little cookies and treats here. I should try one of them Yes, that's a ton of them every year Liam Liam walked in here. Those cookies are not made by her those were store-bought by me So she made all the stuff in the box. So that's why we're giving her credit
Starting point is 00:05:17 No, Liam walked in here and goes hey here's some presents for all of you and your girlfriends. We go. Oh, wow We didn't get you shit. That's okay You didn't drink my egg nog either. I bought nog, but you bought nog too. Yeah We have too much you have like four fucking leaders or not the nog kings No, no lean into it lean into it you You got up you can't you can't ha ha ha ha anymore No, yeah, we have we have to get Mike stands that like strapped to our heads so we can move anywhere We start out as you know the basic level. We were just noggers
Starting point is 00:05:53 No, we were the nog princes and now we've made our way up to nog That's that's how it went Not me though. I don't want to drink that stuff episode 124 where we're subtly racist all the time Yeah, well now because the like we used to be more overtly racist But now with the higher audio quality you still get the same amount of racism even though it's more subtle now It's great. But if you say something racist, everyone hears it more. There's Yeah, I'll pour you some nog nigg. Oh man
Starting point is 00:06:24 Also apologies in advance apparently I don't spill it on the mixer I am I am occasionally breathing into this microphone and it's audible It's a skill that I will learn. Oh Fuck I wish you guys could see this we got these fucking crane arms and shit and their arm like woolly and Liam's arms are Fucking straight up not long enough. Oh my god. That's this shit without going over We're going to do don't like don't don't don't know egg egg nigg don't spill no egg nigg on the mixer See, that's too close. That's like That's like right on
Starting point is 00:07:00 Don't do it. Those cookies are great. Don't drop that shit Don't drop those great a god. You don't drop that shit. Oh my yeah now every time I bring a drink into my room now I'm super nervous and careful. Yeah, that's why we need to get an office ASAP And we will have a strict like don't eat around this shit rule. It costs more than you're worth me Oh, that's a bad feeling. Yeah, that's a bad feeling. So hey, I bought an action figure that's worth more than my dick That that picked up really loud. Yeah. Oh, yeah 124 hey, hey Liam, let's do our wiener slapping noise and figure out how that sounds That's not wiener slapping
Starting point is 00:07:39 That's this so this has been No, I know three is aware different recording where it's in which we're just telling them stop Okay, you can do that you can do your wiener slapping and I'll do my my man Should I actually slap my wiener? So just clap my hand my man beard kissing is up Now drink the eggnog So the combination of all of the above yeah, it's vile. It's pretty pretty you've just created a sound library That's the final piece. They needed for the for the zone zones archives are now For the Sistine Chapel of two best friends sounds
Starting point is 00:08:19 Best friend shipping. He was our old partner. You know super super best friendship. Yeah, okay, so you fucking motherfucker When we do taste has to shit. Yeah, that's like the people to get upset me and that we're joking about it It's the other food noise. They're gonna lose their minds because we're gonna lean real long That's why I brought cookies and food to this well Can you hand me a cookie shit really close to the mic like I can I can dive in but but you got a yeah Good question Liam 124 is the number that was designated for the space shuttle mission sts 124 was the discovery
Starting point is 00:08:53 That was launched to the International Space Station in 2008 right. Yeah, okay. That makes sense. Thanks for those cookies walls. Oh Yeah, put your storm on the cast that's probably makes myself. All right. I'm gonna eat a cookie. Let's see how this That was silent. I didn't hear a thing. Yeah Britain get in there No crunching. There's a little bit barely any crunching. That's through the mouth noise though. Oh, I got some tongue some tongue Some viscous qualities going on like you don't want to okay. I'm gonna put my throat on the mic and let's see if you can hear me Microphones Totally that's good. That's good that picked up like a goddamn cartoon sound effect I'm gonna put it on my dick and pee all over the place. Let's see what happens. I'm already I already beat you to it
Starting point is 00:09:37 There's no point. Yeah, I guess I'm professional The friend cast remain well It's always been this thing like we're all a bunch of amateurs like every time we get new gear Like we do the amateur thing like every time I find a new mistake with my audio I just go to the fucking audacity like official webpage and start reading Yeah, and we're all self-taught at this bullshit looking around for an adult Yeah, or whatever something sounds a little too good. So whenever we get new nice shit
Starting point is 00:10:02 We always just do the stupidest thing awesome with it We need a 3d camera. Oh, yeah, God. That's the next step, isn't it? Yeah, and a green screen green screen God fuck we need a green screen and a Camera that can pick up Sound slow motion like a hi hi. Oh, yeah. Yeah, so it'll turn off twice as fast when we record live-action stuff But we can slow it down so we can get the feeling of spilling water on your pants Dude, the feeling of spilling water on your pants is the worst exactly we can get that I haven't pissed myself in at least five or six years And what about that one time?
Starting point is 00:10:40 Well, it's time No, I actually can't remember the last time I pissed my pants you go to the urinal and you get a little bit on it on your pants That that that that counts that counts. Okay, so I'm gonna cease adding numbers That if that counts, we're all doomed All right, but like spilling like glass of water on your pants. It really feels like I'm sitting here in my own piss Yeah, smells okay though, but guys though. How about the feeling of Christmas though? It's good. All right the feeling of Christmas because look as you know, it's become tradition at this point This week, you know, there's some cool stuff that happened, but it's really not about that stuff
Starting point is 00:11:20 You know, everybody does a Christmas podcast because news stops happening. I mean, well or less. Yeah, look like Guess what bayonetta's and smash brothers. That's that's wrap. That's nice. That's really fantastic news I'm really happy with that. I was excited to hear about that and I look forward the to that Gameplay the three new characters including cloud Even Corrin who I initially dismissed because fire emblem again and nobody really knows them yet Yeah, the three new characters are actually like really really interesting and they have such unique Mechanics and styles of play That's really one of the things I didn't like about how smash forwards like too similar
Starting point is 00:11:57 Yeah, but doesn't seem like corin's a default sword character. He's over Corin's got a ton of cool stuff going on and some of that some of the new characters like Robin have that stuff going on too So nice to see more characters like that I'm super happy to see that I played this cloud for like two seconds Oh, he's not a default sword character like his limit break mechanic is way more interesting than a counter stance No, definitely and yeah, I know like bail closes off that game and Sends it on its merry way. Did you guys see Max's boss rage against master fortress with cloud? I did not
Starting point is 00:12:30 Oh my god, I didn't know what I was watching I saw people saying that like his soul left his body at some point He was fighting master fortress and he beat it and so master core popped out Which is the the ball that you have to smash off the stage and it keeps trying to come back Yeah, and master core if you take too long it shoots out a wave like taboo did and smash bros brawl Sure, it just kills you. It's just a giant a giant like bomb explosion giant DPS So you have to kill him with it you have Something seconds right, but he wanted to do it with cool one of clouds
Starting point is 00:13:01 And so he kept charging up and and then nobody chart. No, he not only charged it He wants to do after saying Finally we can all smile again So he does it did it four times and it didn't work and then he charges up the limit break and then he does it again He says finally we can all smile again And he says it like three times and then he goes to do it one more time And then it just blows him up and kills him dead and you just get the silence The roll back and like chair and like in order to get that to happen at the difficulty
Starting point is 00:13:31 He was playing I was playing on intensity 9 which on classic mode and smash 4 on the Wii U is bullshit Because you get tons of eight-player matches against like tough AI and that's not that's just not enjoyable whatsoever So he went through the fucking trenches of bullshit to get there and then completely blew it It's and then acted like it didn't happen in the 3ds version even though it did but hey It's a lesson that we all learned really early Try to be cool Get fucking right. Yeah, I learned that lesson real hardcore when you and I used to play third strike and college Oh, it's like I want to beat woolly with Shinshoryuken. I lost the match
Starting point is 00:14:14 Every every fucking time cool guy just go for the crouching short. Yep, you know What else happened? Well the Tengen top of Geron Ligan website updated to something who knows what that'll be It'll be a Pachinko machine. Yep. Oh, hopefully it's there's a Konami logo on that website You know was there? Yes Konami made the DS game. Actually. Yes. Yeah, they're turning that into a Pachinko game I threat came in on our Twitter's Warning us that we had to speak about it and I saw that guy Yeah, I saw that to speak about what and and yet here we are. Yeah, so we I guess we lost while you eat you know Kojima productions announced itself and
Starting point is 00:14:50 The one thing I do have to say about that is I like that picture that says Find somebody who will look at you the way Andrew House looks at Kojima. Yeah, that's amazing. Yeah, it's so good Japanese is fantastic. Yeah, I know he's excellent But that's like like an a crazy partnership like anyone who managed to make that happen would have that well the thing The blue my ass like the obvious move about that thing for him Yeah, absolutely like these little pieces and rumors like is the first game gonna be like that Zoey 3 concept Like altered in some like oh, no, you can't do this to me You can't do it. Also the comparisons of the old Koji pro logo to the new one. Oh
Starting point is 00:15:31 It's hotness I Hope I hope he does something cool and new like snatcher and police knots and stuff I'd really like to see him just take on something totally different. Oh, I bet he's been working on yeah Oh, I don't doubt for a second that he has a million ideas in his mind But I just that's what I want the one where the game destroys itself when you die. Sure. Yeah. Wow I just look I just I just don't want high-speed robot action or stealth. I want I want to see something new Not to say I don't like those. No, I respect it I just looked over to the fucking box that these stance came in and the girl on the fucking package looks like such a goddamn idiot
Starting point is 00:16:08 Yeah, no, don't look there. It looks like like oh, I'm gonna karaoke. Yeah. Yeah, don't look these mics for four. Yeah, karaoke That was unnecessary. Oh, he's doing it on purpose. All right, and then we have the berserk announcement Berserk is on double hiatus is on double hiatus. We he's off the boat and Goddamn, it's irregular until summer, but at least there's an anime, but they're making it. I'm just gonna say it for Matt I won't believe it until it's in my hands or or on your screen Yeah, exactly and it like well the look they did the movies, right? No, I believe it I'm just saying it from striking. This is black swordsman Striking all that iron is hot in a fucking arc. That's like 18 years old
Starting point is 00:16:53 Like that anime ended in 97 man. Well, but it's like we want to do a berserk anime. What's the right time? Oh Yeah, exactly. I just want to see conviction shit like like done in in like a done big man That's that's just crazy as we are still in the year of dreams. It had to be announced I suppose so maybe that maybe that berserk game could finally happen. Oh wait God Fuck no, it's gonna happen because they're tired of that genre. So yeah, I got moving on What else was there? There was the JoJo PV which was cool. Yeah, there was looks good. Isn't that guy awesome? He sure is and you know what? I think that did a good job summing up what that character is about. Mm-hmm. Yeah There's there's more to him than that, but of course the very light everyone can understand with that
Starting point is 00:17:39 It was a really good teaser my favorite thing about that teaser is just the super overt Like this is the color palette. Oh for sure Psychedelic I appreciate the return of the guys that recorded Bumbahead. Do you think smash mouth is no? I was gonna say okay, but it sounded like that kind of yeah Do you think smash mouth is actually gonna be the ending song? That would be nice, you know, that's all star. Sorry not smash mouth. That's the band Yeah, they have the money because like so it's Warner. It's Warner, Japan So they have access to all of the Warner
Starting point is 00:18:13 Water Tower music libraries basically and and you know, you know, Iraqi like whatever he listened to while he was drawing that well chapter The the reason that's gonna be able people like went and broke it down It's like the like walk like an Egyptian is not only thematically appropriate for Stardust Crusaders Yeah, there's also the top charting song of the year that Stardust Crusaders takes place and All-star is the top charting song for 1999 and if that's also what he was listening to and would also totally be Completely appropriate. Yeah for Josuke and Duang Can we get can we get like a subgroup to do a goddamn duang version of the air? They're already sitting with the files ready. Yeah, it's already the all that needs is the time stamps. Yeah
Starting point is 00:19:01 And that's that's really all the news that's worth Wait, no, no, I was gonna say sorry One thing that Liam wanted to bring up the one thing you buried Namco to localize everything because Christmas I can't believe those games are getting PC releases. Yeah, no, it's sick So it's God Eater resurrection, which is remake of the first one God Eater 2 on rage. Yes. Yeah, exactly on ps4 Vita and PC Which there were no PC versions. So that's that's awesome Tales of Bazzaria ps4 PC. So I guess the last one did well enough Gundam extreme. I don't fucking remember the sub title versus force Gundam extreme Vita game. Yeah
Starting point is 00:19:43 Jojo eyes of heaven only for ps4 and great God. What was the other one? That'll be fun to play There was another one probably I can't remember when a company announces this many games at once, but it's fucking awesome It's really cool. Yeah, any localization news is good. So yeah, it was a one-piece game There's no downside to like a giant news drop like that. No, exactly And it's something there for everyone and it's like they're all relatively niche So like none of them are burying the other in importance. Yeah. Well, I mean like they don't yeah, they don't really fight anyway So yeah, yeah Do we talk about our weeks at all this this podcast anything that you want the only thing?
Starting point is 00:20:21 I guess I want to add is like Yakuza 5 still remains like amazing that hunting minigame that seismic goes on is weirdly in depth It's really good And I've I've more or less quit FF 14. Oh, wow like that that re so cold turkey 3.1 Was a really bare bones patch after all was said and done where it's like they added 10 new things like I don't care about nine of these fucking things and I was only logging in like once a week to get like a token to drop it And I was like well 3.15 is gonna have those new weapons that you can grind for maybe I'll get on on get in on that and Like Liam I can show you that the charts that people fucking brought up with this. This is the worst grind
Starting point is 00:21:01 I have ever seen holy shit in anything ever that's like not not doesn't even sound real, but I believe you not for MMOs not You need to do like yeah, like 800 runs of a single dungeon to get like enough materials to do one of the holy fucking shit And that's and like since these patches last like what four months like that's like five of these a day It's gonna be the status quo for a while and it's like you can get a weapon almost as strong just by beating a certain God shit That sounds that that I don't particularly want to beat so like I'm like I still have 64 days on my sub-account And I'll pop in every now and then and say hi and do like dailies for the
Starting point is 00:21:44 Dance or something, but like by the time the ff7 remake comes out There'll be a new online ff game. I mean the reason why I say I quit is cuz like when would the next patch drop like February or March I think I'm gonna be a little busy playing a different game online in March. Mm-hmm, then Final Fantasy Yeah, Street Fighter. That's Street Fighter game. Yeah a little bit. Yeah, what a shame. So I'm bummed out about that Oh, hey about that Street Fighter. Hey Geek is bullshit finally spent some time on that beta Geek is bullshit as a Geek player He's bullshit. What the fuck is this? That's saying something. It feels it feels busted. It feels unfair
Starting point is 00:22:23 Yeah, do you feel like you're cheating his air SPD beats? Reversal shore you can that's on wake up. That's something Whoa, so I didn't spend as much time because I was really busy during this like three hours total the whole weekend The hours were so bad what I did do cuz I'm feeling like even with the nerfs I'm feeling like pretty like locked into Nikali at this point Cuz you know like I pick aesthetics first and then you gotta wrap your own dreads move list move list later Not even it's just he doesn't even have dreads like you know as Nikali slowly drops down the list and yeah, they're they're brave They're like great. Yeah, exactly into loose hair
Starting point is 00:23:01 Thank you for that Liam. No So what I did was I threw to Dalsum and I threw Geek into the training match and Don't worry about what plague is saying forget that for now. He popped up on the screen. That's true As I want to see what you want to go home and just like sleep with plague like what's the what's this thing going on here? I he's popped up on the screen the immediate the immediate realization was oh as Pat pulls out his phone to message plague and be like What's what's hot? What's popping, honey? And plagues like my fence is almost how's pigs anyway all I was gonna say is yes I realized the game plan is run away from Geek. Don't fight him run far away. Yeah, it's time out pound that ground
Starting point is 00:23:41 Yeah, no ground pound probably works relatively well like he can grab your he can grab your normals. Yeah, it's weird It's weird. Don't don't try to stand in the face of death and and you know actually just run. Don't fight Feels good. I had a treat give up her for I had some really good matches and then I had matches against people that were clearly using lag switches And I couldn't believe it like you'd beat them a single round and then the ggpo rollback would start It's like they really shouldn't have started selling those like switches on Amazon. Are you for real? Are you like it's a beta your win-loss is going to be erased. What do you even care, man? And it's all Brazilians tell that to alleone. It's all Brazilians motherfucker got to rank one on the from the second beta
Starting point is 00:24:25 He's the best. Did he use it like did he do it with a lag switch? No, no Legitimately. Yeah, so you good for him? Yeah, so, you know, I mean again, that's it for me. Yeah weeks, you know, you got anything Liam Just my Vita memory card got corrupted. Oh my god, dude suicide watch. It was a it was a real bummer, but Thanks to cloud saves. It wasn't as bad as I expected that wasn't in your tweet except he wasn't no when we were speaking Yesterday he added the one detail that yeah re bummer fight it So there's there are a few saves. I lost you can't back up PSP and PS one games So my like 15 hour front mission three save is gone
Starting point is 00:25:07 And I'm not redoing that anytime soon. When was that from the past week? Oh my god, you started front mission three It boy did I it's fucking great, but but now he's now I'm not scenario Replay it right now. I'll wait maybe half a year and see if I'm feeling like it I mean you could always start the other campaign I still have to do the the drudge to get there. It's only like half an hour dude It's way longer than our dude like you just turned to the happiest thing for me to hear that you're starting that Into the huge games great everyone go buy front mission three go get it. It's like eight dollars. So shit Yeah, isn't that another like Zoe and that it's like super not under overhyped. Yeah, like underrated
Starting point is 00:25:47 Definitely good right in next to Zoe. So I should I should ask well They like did you get how far'd you get to know? I haven't haven't continued. Okay. Yeah, so I lost that I lost sweet good into where I was like 20 something hours That one I just I was trying to finish it because some guy reminded me I should finish it and I was good game I was going. Thank you guy on Twitter, but now I need to restart. So I'll wait another six months That's the only other one is like I guess I forgot to cloud save my earth defense force to save Cuz that just came out and I guess I forgot and like that that's actually like pretty enjoyable to plow through again from the beginning I don't know if I want to redo those 40 missions. No, that's not other things to play though
Starting point is 00:26:27 No, and and it's it's given me the fortunate situation of now the fridge is empty. Yeah time to start refilling it Yeah, when you when you fuck up and I didn't I didn't lose, you know like freedom war is fine soul sacrifice or ashka all the All the stuff I really really give a shit about fine. So there you go It's that goofy moment when your PC crashes and it's a fucking disaster and you have to format the whole thing But then you're like ooh clean PC see empty hard drives feels almost like new. Yeah So yeah, I wasn't so bad in the end, but still a bit of a bummer. Yeah Okay, for me, I Watched how's moving castle with the girlfriend. Had you seen it before? Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I just want to yeah
Starting point is 00:27:07 It's okay. Yeah, I really I really enjoy it I Remembered with it comes the the one thing that Urked me super hard walking out of the theater when I first saw it Is the same ultra despair girls like argument that I was yelling where I was just like you key You turn the bad guy into a friend and then the bad guy that's now your friend does nothing but endanger everyone's lives and I fucking like God, I have no tolerance for that
Starting point is 00:27:39 So I don't know how you a few guys have seen it, but like yeah the the wish everyone I enjoy I really enjoy the movie but just the fact that of the four major threats that arise three of them are from the witch and They're after the witch has been depowered and she's just hanging out and you're being nice to her Just cuz you're too nice to be you got to be nice Yeah, and then she in her stupid like docile state in Dangers everyone's lives because she's just greedy and doesn't care enough about other people surviving Mm-hmm, and then you just kind of play it off like oh you're just a crazy old lady, and it's like you'll be better soon
Starting point is 00:28:16 No, so what you're trying to kill you throw that person off the moving castle So take his heart because you just want it even though he's dying on the ground So what will he is saying is that you have to kill the children and you have to kill the old people Specially the old people the old people should know better. They really like there's no excuse. Mm-hmm use one to kill the other Pick up that baby spike it Into the old person bam I guess we should at least mention it because I know some people are gonna wonder we all did see Star Wars Hey, it's a good goddamn movie. It was it was great, but if you want our impressions
Starting point is 00:28:52 We'll watch the video. Well, here's the problem We should probably give us slightly more in-depth thing because that entire impression thing is like nothing But 55 minutes of spoilers or what I have whatever it is. Yeah, you get like 15 Besides talking about it's really well. It's really good. Yeah, it's really good. It's a really good game It's really good game. It's basically a video game. It's it's like Star Wars should be yep Characters don't spend three quarters of the movie walking or sitting on couches. It's true. Wow you rewatched it also I watched all three of them for the first time yesterday. Oh my god How happy are you with that watching those blanket reviews? It was a treat and that was just after watching the phantom edit
Starting point is 00:29:29 Oh, yeah, which Dramatically now that I've seen the blanket reviews, especially and like it's kind of reminded me of what those movies were Yeah, dramatically increased the quality of the movie. No, I'm gonna save it That's all good stuff Yeah, the the blanket reviews have like gotten a huge spike in like attention and every video has millions of views now that yeah Now they deserve that everyone is like, you know going back to them as like the Bible for what you're supposed to you know And the thing is ultimately there are the bed. They're probably the best our reviews In terms of nitpicking these like really dumb things that you might not have noticed. Yeah
Starting point is 00:30:04 Some of them aren't even like nitpicks some of them are like like the moments where he literally goes How did you know that? Yeah, like that's just bad right one of my favorite ones is the explanation revenge of the Sith It's like here here are the ten different ways You could have solved this problem on on the Jedi side if you're Palpatine And you're just gonna stab them. Why didn't you just start by stabbing them? What possible reason could you like as it's But why did you open the door? But I I you know use a semi-sarcastic tone though just because I'm kind of like You don't like don't go into the movie with the blanket reviews on your phone
Starting point is 00:30:42 No, watch them first absolutely and like be sitting there going. Okay. Here's my bucket list like no just enjoy the movie I literally did that I know Like I don't like but then again. You gotta watch what it is. I'm a huge weirdo. Yeah And and then you know Good goddamn space movie. I'm gonna go see it again this week. Yeah, but but and enough of this bullshit This is nothing to do with this in Christmas in Christmas. Why we I didn't vote for this. No No, you didn't vote for Christmas. It's not snowing outside unfortunately
Starting point is 00:31:14 It was it was a little bit still Christmas earlier today. It was snowing like that that bullshit snow that's gonna melt Yeah, no, we have we're having the weirdest year up here where there has been very little snow None of it has stuck to the ground. Thanks, Obama. It's actually winter is gonna start in January It's it's fucked and I've been keeping track Ever since I storm 98 it's never been the same. I'm sure we talked about this last year and a year before that right? You're like I storm 98 was fucking that but that was the worst that was a hell of a Christmas Like you didn't have to go to school though You can type that shit into into Google and there's a wiki page
Starting point is 00:31:49 You don't have to go to school when you're fighting for your life. Yeah frozen wasteland exactly trying to get food It was fucking wildlife. It was the moment. It's like we have to go to the government food line Because there's no fucking food and you're like oh because we've been without power in this blizzard for like 15 days Also, we have to go restock at the pharmacy But walking to the pharmacy feels like it's five miles away Even though it's down the block because this fucking snow and ice. Yeah is treacherous minus a hundred and forty degree weather and batteries cost $40 Good times. Yeah, good times. I remember seeing a bus overcrowded with people limbs sticking out the windows
Starting point is 00:32:32 Skidding down to carry. Wow, that's crazy panicking My favorite bit was seeing one of my neighbor's houses cut in half by his oak tree Man, like all the way down the middle all the way down to the foundation war Exactly, right? Yeah, like exactly like titles. Yeah, but for some reason Despite all that horseshit and the quality of life dropping to minus ten. Yeah, the death was really low only one death one death Yeah, okay Old lady getting moved out of her house and she just couldn't take it and like yeah, I'd like slipped Yeah, you know, I mean, I'm sure tons of people hospitalized tens of thousands of injuries mortality. Yeah, yeah crazy
Starting point is 00:33:15 That old lady probably an evil witch. Yeah. Oh, thank God for that then Yeah, I'm some charitable Samaritan through a baby at the old lady. Did you know that bad things only happen to bad people? Yeah, it's true. Yeah so What a great like idea to start a Christmas thing on like all the just world Card went out. Yeah, I deserved it because you watch your anima is there a lump of coal sitting on your Vita No, it was a lump of coal and a nickel-back CD Let's get into the question so that's a
Starting point is 00:33:55 Yeah, if you have a question you can send it over to super best friend cast at still Still getting emails from other addresses Redirecting you know why that is right? It's the same one You know why that is right? It's like when when when most other podcasts have like it's like take the giant bomb cast for example, right? Or the beast cast those guys have their email addresses for their corporate websites, right? You fuck up that that your URL. It's not a gmail. It's gonna go into the ether. It's gonna go nowhere Yeah, right for us because it's a gmail account
Starting point is 00:34:29 Like there's another similar sounding gmail account with every variant of the spelling We really need super best friend cast at super best friend cast calm that would be a super slash super To save 20% on your email. Yeah, that's it But that's super best friend cast at if you know That not that me saying this makes a difference I mean, I mean if you want to send it to one of those variant emails like you could I mean they could maybe answer it for you I don't think they will they won't it's not gonna get read on this show You're gonna diminish someone's quality of life and you'll get a nickel-back CD for Christmas
Starting point is 00:35:02 That's such a weird like harsh thing that you would diminish someone's quality of life Yeah, well by sending them an email That's what it feels like, you know, you know what if I if we weren't us and I had to read like hey What do you think about like some obscure inside bullshit that somebody's that like that would you get it? And you get it and it says hey super lame friend, and you're like, oh, yeah, exactly Am I really so mediocre? Yeah, so I've been since I've included so many more. I've had to be a bit less like picky
Starting point is 00:35:36 Oh, you know, so I kind of lots of low-grade questions I open the floodgates and and and you know they they are what they let me let me ask you Willie How it like How many how many straight-ups super shit shitty emails are in this? No, no, well cuz I want them No, no, you know, well if we hit the bottom then I'll just go into the hey Did you guys think if a dog the raw yeah rock with the rock when? Yeah Yeah, yeah, yes, it was well, you know, it's it's I actually it's more nobody wins
Starting point is 00:36:08 It's more the repeated questions of stuff that we've already ever whoever wins we all lose, you know It's not even it's not even stuff. That's kind of like like what are you asking us? It's more the stuff that's like hey hey Here's a question what you answered like 18 months ago on the podcast wouldn't it be cool if platinum worked with from soft Well, can you make me a stick? Yeah, that was a fun one. How's it get on all right the stick you gave me not to throw everyone under the bus here Cuz we got some good ones doesn't I like the one from that The prince who said he wanted to give us money. Yeah, that was enjoyable
Starting point is 00:36:38 That was a good one the stick you you made for me doesn't work Yeah, but it's so nice that it's still up on one of my bookcases cuz it's nice Well, plus it's worth having cuz you know other people want that make yeah And I say I could I could I could give you the guy who makes these sticks, but he's retired. Yeah, exactly Yeah, I mean, it's also even if I fixed it. It's not like you'd use it. Well. No, I have like five other sticks now But it's a nice conversation piece. There you go. All right, the first one Coming in is coming from Jeff. Hey Jeff and he just wants to know if any of us are planning to get a VR setup at launch Absolutely. Yeah, I'm gonna get a Morpheus or PlayStation VR
Starting point is 00:37:15 Every single person I've ever heard talk about that constantly still makes that mistake including us Yeah, cuz you know why cuz Morpheus is a better fucking name than PlayStation VR Eventually it'll stick and we'll finally switch over but like revolution and we gonna take a while. Yeah I'm not planning to get one at launch I'm definitely gonna wait for the like quote-unquote killer app list to build up a little bit Okay, but what if summer lesson comes out? Real talk real talk, what's your what's your excitement for summer lesson? No real talk. I do want to play it Yeah, and and I but I'm I don't want to like $400. Sure. So
Starting point is 00:37:52 It's fair PlayStation VR immediately Vive and Oculus like something needs to win me over just on the complication factor Yeah, no, yeah, your your computers can both handle those as well But like only just even then just like the PlayStation 4 which was only purchased with the announcement of Street Fighter 4 Yeah, yeah, you're gonna wait. I'll wait till the day and then when I see it, you know, but res is a pretty close contender Here they're making a reboot game for PlayStation VR. No, please don't The there was some talk earlier about how Namco confirmed that the VR support in Tekken 7 will not be first-person fighting Oh, fucking thank god. I can take him to good. I
Starting point is 00:38:35 Always assumed it would be kind of like just like sitting at the ringside or something. You're free sitting at the ringside would be fantastic Yeah, exactly, but some people pointed out like what if it's what if this is actually where summer lesson goes Like packaged in with Tekken 7 or something and you get to you get to teach like Xiao Yu and Asuka and stuff There's no way or or you take the summer lesson girl out to a night at a fight. Yeah. Oh, that'd be fun Yeah, I want to teach Hey, Hachi and have him get too close. It's not appropriate to take your tutoring students to go see the fights Yeah, it's the most appropriate. It's really fine off on you. Yeah Okay, we got what makes you look like irresponsible Yeah, but that's the you just don't like tutoring people
Starting point is 00:39:16 No, there's fucking lasers and fireballs and shit going on in those fights You fucking scorched like little student and how you explain that to their parents You're not getting that deposit back to know hey girls like it when there's a risk of getting electric when God-fisted. Yeah We got one coming in from time to go see a show might get ooguffed I Got one coming in from Tom and He just wants to know why we don't use the Kirby music for the intro anymore. That's not we do sometimes I just uploaded a video that has the Kirby music in it. So that's just not sure the main the main reason is it's like
Starting point is 00:39:52 Dude, we've uploaded a lot of videos with that Kirby music. So sometimes it's nice to not have it sometimes We're like hey instead of the Kirby music for Bloodborne. How about we make a really nice animated intro? Right, yeah, or some games just have really good music and shame not to use it if if we had the ability to Like or the foresight to get animated intros for every single video we put up the Kirby theme would disappear But the Kirby theme is too useful four times in life. I got a slap of fucking intro together right now I got nothing I got fucking up. How many videos if we put up this like ah shit We have four hours figure something out or else we fuck up schedule. Do you have footage? I do have footage for some bullshit. All right slap to get and then I'm hassling you guys on Facebook on hey
Starting point is 00:40:37 Can somebody make me a title car cause I don't have to do a nail. Oh fuck it I just made a shitty Paris thumbnail one then mercenary Kings happens Yeah, no the Paris one is like the much better example Paris games week was like I was like yeah, that was Like hey Liam. Can you make one for me like in three days? I was like sure sure no problem, and then you fucking didn't it's at the worst bit The worst bit is it's actually on my computer. Oh So you made it you so I I made it and I went to sleep Cuz I never did you like 20 times like hey, I know kind of waiting up
Starting point is 00:41:10 Okay has to go up right now, and I don't have shit so I'm just gonna fucking bullshit one together Yeah, I remember that's how you can see that I never learned how to use Photoshop But the answer is for variety and funsies will sometimes use not the Kirby theme But it's not true if you're saying that we don't use it anymore because we do we do like the Kirby theme though It'll never completely go away like machine. I'm absolutely use variants of it until Nintendo Explicitly tells us to stop we'll never and like a three-quarters of our old videos disappear Yeah, yeah, or no, you know what? We know what just happened like those the first seven seconds would go muted. Yeah, basically there
Starting point is 00:41:40 So it wouldn't be that much of a disaster. Nope We got one thanks to him Hunter one take bath. Oh Hey passable sort of acquaintance cast see if somebody got this this message, and they weren't us they get their their quality of life Diminish yeah, so they Hunter wants to know if any of us go to like a church service for Christmas Eve Yeah, no, no I'm barely even doing anything with my actual family this Christmas My goal in life is to spend us to get as far as way from the church as possible
Starting point is 00:42:09 Well, you've already put like like that's how I gain experience point I think I think excluding a couple weddings. I've probably spent less than two hours in churches You for like ceremonies or sermons or whatever and to be fair to Willie like you have spent like like a full like Thousand times more in a church is that 9 9 9 9 yeah Yeah, you spent so much time in church in your youth that like you would beat out me Liam and Matt combined easy easy By even a contest by like multiples no problem I think I think aside from Cub Scouts when I was a when I was a boy I've spent nine and when I
Starting point is 00:42:49 May be a hundred and a hundred minutes in a church. Yeah, it sounds about right for me. Maybe yeah No, the well the way I looked at it was like when I was still going Like close to a seventh of my life because it was there for not the whole day But almost the whole day every week. Yeah, there you go. It's how you know how to do a tie and I don't that's that's what happens That's what you learn. I also learned how to play chopsticks and to Like dick around in the back and like annoy everyone. Yeah, yeah, quietly though stack up hymns and like jump off of them Like I have family members that go This time of year to this to those kinds of services. Whatever makes you happy
Starting point is 00:43:30 Whatever you got to do. Yeah, we got one coming in from drink moxie. He always sends a bunch Drink moxie says hey guys, I know you guys make fun of Pat for a lot of his weird idiosyncrasies Oh, what I like how he brushes his teeth and wraps himself in blankets and so on But I was wondering if any of you have weird habits or tendencies kind of like that as just like it's from my sprint phone Cuz for me like with the bed print the like I What when I when I'm explaining the bed stuff for how to brush the teeth, right? I'm always going like it's a good method. It's how normal people do it is smart But like in my heart of hearts like I know it's crazy
Starting point is 00:44:03 Yeah, so like it would have to be something like that for you that you do it and you're like Oh, this is nuts, and I'm doing it and I know it's nuts But I want to the closest thing I can think of is I enjoy being on The corner of the bed what I enjoy being like if the bed is again I want my bed against the wall. Well, yeah And I enjoy being in that corner in that corner against the wall more than being a comfortable place Yeah, no, that's just a preference. No, that's that's I can I can that's not a fucking gonzo it is secrecy like my shit There's no way that's the whole order magnitude off
Starting point is 00:44:38 I don't know. I take a lot of baths. Yeah, like a lot of like it's fun a lot of baths not showers like baths I mean it takes showers too, but but but baths. I like to have it like a shower showers to clean a bath It's cuz I want to take a bath. Yeah, exactly. But that's just a prayer. It's just good for thinking. No You guys don't seem to have many of those It is like I have so many that like there are ones that like I could I could list one every day Or ones that I don't know about like when you emptied your fridge like nah I told that sorry on the pocket. Yeah, you did No, the one that the one that got me bad like back in
Starting point is 00:45:13 2004 and woolly did it to me and he does it to me every now and then when we're playing fighting games if I get an upper hand Because it fucks me up so bad. So I'm playing a grappler and I do a command grab. I touch my nose Every time without fail every every time single time 100% that's sometimes when he's about to do it I've you know what now that I think about it. I've noticed that yeah, not I'd never clicked until you like just brought it up And so it's true and he did it once the right the first time I noticed it And I went don't touch your nose and his hands were up at his nose. He went
Starting point is 00:45:51 And that was the first time I ever knew that I did that realization strike and woolly completely destroyed me in every set that entire day Because all he would have to do is say that and my whole rhythm would be destroyed. Yeah That's pretty funny, but you guys don't have anything like that. I haven't I haven't noticed anyway Matt either like Nothing nothing in particular. No, not really Yeah, well, yep, there you go. I'm the winner They'll always be more I'm creating new ones over time Yours workshop them every day. No, they just naturally arise as I'm given new situations
Starting point is 00:46:31 I find stupid Solutions to problems like when you stomp your poop down the drain Yeah, that's that's shower that one time That's just what you do when you have to poop in the showers you stomp it down the drain Stop it. What are you? What am I supposed to fucking do? So let's sit there leave it? Yeah, like like an animal Yeah, that's horrible leave it for the next person. Yeah, who's you? That's a present babe Come help me to stomp my poop down the drain. Okay stomp stomp stomp so
Starting point is 00:46:57 Stop Justin wants to he's like his signature at this point Justin wants to know if you think that Kenji Saito will finally get to make that dessert game. He wants to make Kenji Saito, I don't know Platinum's Kenji Saito. It's I got that confused with Kenji, you know for a second I was like, I don't think he's gonna be able to make it much anything I think we kind of talked about this at the top of this. Yeah, but it was in here and the answer is no The answer is no like after the capcom like came pretty close to dragon's dog ma and Like that feels like that game fell through a deal I think I think if you really wants it enough and if the new berserk anime does well
Starting point is 00:47:40 I think there's there's a shot There's always a shot as long as like there's more media going around, you know We're the only reason we're seeing Korra and transformers and soon Ninja Turtles is because they're being pushed by their parent brand Cross cross media blitz the IP can end up anywhere, but the last people that were friendly with was capcom for dragon's dog So anyway, I can really feels like it was gonna be a berserk game We got one from John and he says serious question for each of you do it was gonna be a monster hunter game We know that oh really? Yeah serious question. Well on Hi, John. Do you ever think about your own your own mortality? Oh, oh, for example, has there been an event that made you
Starting point is 00:48:19 Really understand you could actually die You can skip this answer if it's too personal I tend to think more about the inevitable like entropy of the universe. Yeah, like macro. Yeah. Yeah, but it's all pretty terrifying so try to Not think about Willie, how do you feel about this? I tend not to but it happened to me Perhaps once when I was young and I almost got hit by a red Ferrari And that's a good way to go
Starting point is 00:48:46 He didn't stop that's scary Like he just going and I like turn and I just I looked at it drive into the distance and went like that Fucker was no one run. You know what that actually just totally reminded me when I was working at Eidos, so like Very little time ago. You know that one-way street that goes by the subway right next to it I know the one so I remember I was I walked across it and I didn't walk across at a corner and it's a one-way street I looked down the street and I walk and then you should be fucking safe and then this car reverses down the one-way street and
Starting point is 00:49:23 Hits me in the side with its mirror Like it was that close I'd like hit the side of the car and the mirror hit me in the stomach people I and and you know what yeah He shouldn't have done that. That was super illegal I should have looked both ways also and it was genuinely really really scary and then he started yelling at me Of course, you would know your fault. No, and then I yelled at him as well. Yes, and then and then he was like, oh Yeah, yeah, no, of course It's man when he was yelling at me
Starting point is 00:49:51 It made me so fucking mad like what the fuck you almost killed me because you're stupid and you have the audacity to yell at me He wasn't just back after a one-way. He was backing through an intersection on a one-way street Because it goes hand-in-hand pat if you're that stupid. Yeah, that's a real that means you're not a smart person usually And you're going to interpret the negative moment as not your fault because Take as you feel bad bad, and I don't want to feel bad. So I'm gonna yell at you I mean, I should I should have looked both ways as well always always look both ways no matter how absurd even when it's a No-way street always look both ways because you never know you never know but it was scary That was actually really scary at the wheel. Yeah as for me
Starting point is 00:50:32 I feel like this question has been partially answered if you watched the soma. Let's play Because in that that game deals a hell of a lot with Consciousness and death and that stuff. Yeah, and it has come out that I would do anything to keep living I would live in any permutation of any shitty object to not stop just enough the idea that I'm going to die one day Utterly horrifies me to the core. Yeah, and I try not to think about it Which is hard because as we've established I have idiosyncratic Let's say eccentric reactions to trivial things Many times the end thought of that is I'm going to die because my bread isn't toasted
Starting point is 00:51:14 Or some shit hold that thought about your death while we take a word from our sponsors You know guys Today's sponsor of the super best Christmas cast is Texture texture texture texture texture texture. I like saying that word It sounds oh my god, please not with these new not that texture man not that texture This is a texture about magazines correct. This is the Netflix of magazines Available on your devices whenever you want them Ready to go so you're saying I can finally read magazines without a killing trees and be covering my hands in colorful ink
Starting point is 00:51:54 You know all the murder that happens to bring you these great magazines One might say that the content of the magazines might be questionably worth it But if you could get that great content without the tree murder so murder free wouldn't that be a better solution tonight? Absolutely a better world without a doubt, right? Let's start 2016 off the right way Saving trees So look here's what you want to do you want to head on over to, right? you want to enter slash super best in particular and You can sign up for a free trial
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Starting point is 00:53:12 I see Esquire Magazine a magazine named fast company and I'm not sure what that magazine is But I kind of want to maximum men's fitness men's health road and track They have motor trend magazine Pat. What is the motor trend? We put motors and cars. Oh Brides magazine Bloomberg business week, you know, there's two there's literally to national geographic New York. There's literally too many It's just like there's like four columns in front of us and they're written in like size 12 font and it takes up a whole Illustrated GQ. It's it's all the good stuff. Oh, wait. There's more. There's more
Starting point is 00:53:46 We actually Look wired is there as well us weekly. Look guys, it's it's it's all the magic too many magazines You know and there are magazines in the service. You probably want to read exactly So it's very easy if this sounds like your type of thing if you're down for it and you Want to take your magazines on the go read them again available all at your leisure reading pleasure You want to head on down to texture comm slash super best and use the promo code super best today Thanks texture. Thank you texture. Merry Christmas. Yeah, Merry Christmas. Happy holidays all that good stuff
Starting point is 00:54:23 Go on so what I'm saying is is that I will often have stupid absurd thought process that will sometimes end in I'm going to die why yeah, no no real reason and then I have to think about the futility of life and how nothing matters This is a scary conversation to have right before Christmas and how everything is totally pointless and Everything you do won't matter and everyone you love will die Do you mean the high point in of suicides for the year Liam? Yeah, exactly and not on this Christian podcast and Bible thumping it was not it was no it was not founded on Christian And so fundamentalist so I hit that dark black place of total nihilism And then that calms me down and I go well if nothing matters and everything I do is pointless and everyone
Starting point is 00:55:16 I know is going to die Why not just play some video games? yeah and Then I end up playing like Street Fighter or Front Mission or Dragon's only real bummer is dying before the cool stuff comes out Yeah, definitely. That's the only reason you see I remember reading this really sad story I don't remember where it was, but it was when Final Fantasy Dragon Quest 6 was coming out on DS and it was this this really really ancient woman
Starting point is 00:55:44 Really really old and she was in the hospital and she loved Dragon Quest And she was so excited for it and she'd been playing the remakes as they were coming out And she played a lot of the older ones and stuff and she was excited It was the first time it was coming out in English for I remember right and she passed away like two days before it came out Yeah, and it's like that's There's a little kid who died of cancer with up that was the kid who he got an early copy of Metal Gear, right? Exactly. He must have died so unhappy How do you think do you think anyone will ever die so disappointed wow
Starting point is 00:56:19 There's a kid that wanted to see episode seven. Yeah, you know, that's all that's all very nice. I feel that it's you know So Willie speaking of dying before the cool shit, there was a recent article that came out Have you seen the new medical advances in terms of young blood? No, so it turns out that if you give old mice transfusions of young mice's blood It rejuvenates them Significantly, I like where this improves the health of their organs and even makes the mice look younger I'm never sleeping over at your place again, Pat
Starting point is 00:56:55 So what I'm saying is that maybe this is 30 to 60 years away, but that's within our lifetime so Everybody remember that episode where mr. Burns got Bart's blood. Yep Go time. God the Simpsons really called everything. We are now in a situation Bloody Mary was fucking insane, but that old bitch had some good ideas We are now we are we all live in a very weird time because we live in a time in which by Doing well for yourself. You can possibly ensure Near infinite longevity, so like it's not like do well for you and your kids
Starting point is 00:57:31 Yeah, it's like do well enough so that when the pill that comes out that gives you 50 more years of your life Yeah, it's the market. You can buy that you'll pop that shit exactly. No, I will do Anything to continue living we are studying the shit out of lobsters because those fuckers are immortal and the jellyfish Lobsters die when they get eaten by predators Alligators and how long do they live for as far as I know that's pretty much their main and the only way they die Yeah, there are kinds of jellyfish that revert into younger forms of themselves and have no shelf life other than predators I think there's some reptiles like alligators and crocodiles Do you see and crustaceans are fucking bullshit?
Starting point is 00:58:14 They will eventually die at a certain age because they just continue to grow and at a certain point your ability to find food Yourself, yeah cannot sustain your mass, but like there's no at like you just fed that thing with a tube all day There's no end who the fuck knows how long that thing would live. Yeah, so I'm way on board would become a thousand-year-old Jab of the hut that can't move But at least you get experience Myth fish. Yeah, dude. Can the VR headset fit on your head? Oh, yeah, then you're good. Hey, man You're a 85. Hey, if you take this you take this drug you might become a fish person But you could live for five more years like I'm in there
Starting point is 00:58:53 Just give me all the experimental shit. Yeah. Hey, what do you say Morty? Just just take just just take this take to take this rug We got okay look so this one's decision is easy this one's coming in from chatterbox But it's also coming in from a bunch of one of a hundred people had to die for this pill Okay, whatever. Yeah, do I know them? Oh wait, I don't care. Do I know them? Ah, I Yes, well, yeah, they're dead now So look chatterbox. Sorry to sandbag this but it's you know, you and like a lot of other people I'm gonna sum this question up as some mass question. Yadda yadda yadda
Starting point is 00:59:32 Star Wars Dark Souls Yeah, I think I talked about like One or two podcasts. Is this literally what Star Wars game what you want? No, it's like would you like a how cool would Star Wars and Dark Souls be together? I had like a I had a moment where I got all high-pitched Over the idea of like Miyazaki doing a sci-fi Dark Souls Yeah, he has talked about wanting and somebody sent me the one concept piece that exists
Starting point is 00:59:58 Which is just like generic fantasy sci-fi character with a sword But in my head am I all but it's Dark Souls though like yeah, no I would like like now that now that we've beaten the old hunters like I can probably actually say it's like Bloodborne is not my favorite of the of those games. It has problems But the fact that it's in a wildly different setting means a lot amazing like I would love a present-day Dark Souls I would love a future don't I would like a I would like a future Dark Souls and a and a post future Dark Soul Like I want it all I want all that shit present-day Dark Souls that still has slow sword combat dude totally. Yeah, absolutely
Starting point is 01:00:36 Fuck off. It'll work. All right. It'll work we got one from winds of creation and Winds of creation says hello super best friends. Hey, how you doing? How much time on average do you spend just rendering videos a rendering is Well, it depends whose computer it is, right? Yeah So so a year ago that answer would have been like a 25% of my day But now every day, but now that I bought the beast. It's
Starting point is 01:01:06 Significantly the reason I bought like that not that that fast laptop The reason why I bought like such a beefy PC was not to play sick-ass PC games though that helps It was like I need to cut these fucking rendering times down because they were like hey We just recorded a session I've lost the ability to use my computer for an entire day because it just takes that long Yeah, yeah, even even for me like it's not that bad. It takes like an hour 20 for every half hour video or something Yeah, it's really not that bad and it depends. I mean also you don't have to sit by the computer It's not like there's anything you can do if it fucks up
Starting point is 01:01:41 Sometimes you kind of do anyway. I mean you always just check on it all the time But like I'll set like six videos to render and I'll come back two hours in and I'll be like Oh, this one's done and I'll like get it all ready and I'll just upload that one Yeah, and like it's just I found early on just lose control of your computer I found early on that like rendering and uploading at the same time is this bit still like a bad mistake Because you're because the hard drive hard drive can only spin so fast. Okay. I've never I've never had I had I had an issue where like my rendering would slow down if I'm uploading at the same time Huh, but so like it used to be like on a 720p video
Starting point is 01:02:15 It's like four minutes to the minute like takes four minutes to make one man. That sounds about right and now It's on a 720p video at 30. It's like a minute to a minute Which is awesome. Well, we got to move up to 1080s like we're putting out 1080 60 videos now And we're a little bit. We're back to three minutes per minute And it's like fuck back in the fighter pedia days a ten minute episode of fighter pedia would take five hours Well, well the more the more the more edit you throw onto it the worse it gets like five images in less than a second And and you run into situations where it's like sometimes that edit this sometimes that render fails
Starting point is 01:02:56 Sometimes that render fails again and sometimes that render fails again. So what video was it that I was fucking fighting with? Was a live-action thing. No, it was Paris games week. I know no It was very recent was very yeah It was it was the one that I was editing and it blue screened my computer was it a let's watch that we just did yeah And it was the camera footage that was fucking it was it was just like it was Paris games week. I think no no No, it was bigger than that No, and whenever whenever those renders fail, it's just so I can't remember like I spent like 20 hours fighting Yeah, it was the cloud Nintendo Direct. Yeah. Yeah, that's what so what I used to do was take the failed
Starting point is 01:03:31 AVI and Just render the rest and then stitch. Yeah. Yeah, that's what I did. I tried all sorts of shit It's it there's some fucking thing with Vegas and multiple file formats or whatever But it was the it was the MTS file format of the video was fucking it up for some reason the real question is like From start to finish how fast can you get a fucking video up and like including? YouTube's upload and render time and all that shit like at the absolute fucking fastest We're like we got to make these deadlines right now. It's like six hours It depends how much bullshit you want to put in a video to yeah like that devil's third episode the last one
Starting point is 01:04:08 Yeah, you put a ton of bullshit in it. Yeah, I don't know if it's up yet So I'm not gonna but I'm but I'm saying like it's all things being equal on average. It's like from start to finish It's probably takes like an average of six hours Just just because of the travel time and the recording and no, no, I mean from like the starter like Videos done I'm slapping the shit into the shit And it how you mean from having the footage and it has to render and then it has to upload and that's the process And then has to process here that has to process here Yeah, and then has to then I have then descriptions have to be like that whole process like yeah six hours minimum
Starting point is 01:04:42 But we never like we rarely upload less than ten hours in advance like that seldom happens Well, we don't do that anymore because we had too many times like oh we fucked up and missed a day Yeah, exactly. And so we try to record multiple days in advance now well like a week in advance Yeah, like old hunters is done. Enjoy that shit. Yeah, there you go. Continue screaming into nothing Okay, so we got one coming in from Lucas and Hey, like I like you better than Ness and Smash Bros. Yeah, this one's Specific to fighting games for no real reason. So I'm just gonna open it up. All right. Let's fighting game talk Everybody who doesn't care about fighting games. Let's skip ahead. I'm removing the word fighting game. What character is?
Starting point is 01:05:22 It's good to be a Santa impersonator Santa impersonator character that about what's what character you think would make a good Santa impersonator Terry Bogart The dawn valve from Battle Fantasia dawn valve from Battle Fantasia. Holy shit. That's a good one. Yeah God, I don't know Necro Good, but I just like to just think about Terry Bogart with his voice clips trying to be Santa at the mall Hey, real kid. Yeah, that'd be that'd be the shit Jeff wants to know hey Jeff. What's up? I'm sorry South Pole guy. Hey South Pole Jeff What dysfunctional anime family you'd want to spend Christmas with?
Starting point is 01:06:04 dysfunctional anime family Geez with Christmas like am I visiting their house as the friend from out of town with all my Yeah, you're there friend from childhood, I guess I Don't know man Misato Shinji and Asuka and Pen Pen as a fake family dude. Yeah, no a fake very incest-y family Yeah, that's that's a good pick Christ I
Starting point is 01:06:38 Don't know man Like that, you know, you know, I got it I would like to go hang out with Kirito Asuna and Suzu why so that I can go to Art with the fucking Netgear headset You just want to fuck your sister. No, I want to fuck his sister Is it actually called netgear? It's a yeah, that's a real nerd nerve gear nerve gear near okay That's it and then there's a second kit that that they use that I'm sorry. I asked yeah The the ring you should ring ring ring
Starting point is 01:07:08 Well, we should do a whole podcast series in which you watch the episodes and we talk about them I should not yeah. Yeah, basically if you want Willie to review all of sort Oh, that's always work. Yeah, then yeah, no, that's you can send a message to super best friendcasts the At least I'm pointing them at the email address. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, Liam. Was that you with the whole the boss rocket thing? Oh, yeah, where was that? Was that on a tweet or was it? I was third I think it's double. I tried to find the source and I couldn't find it. What's the boss worry about it? No, I'm worried about it. There's um, there's an action figure for MGS3. Oh that fucking thing Yeah, it's the boss and she has her Davy Crockett. Yeah, totally
Starting point is 01:07:46 There's a promo shot where she's holding the Davy Crockett with intent to fire it. Yeah, no, it's great. It's great. It's great Yeah Keep sending those pictures in they're really good. Yeah, I saw the MS Paint version of that. This is like I died for nothing lull Did you get any good fan art of it? No, just that I died for nothing lull and before that was, you know, Matt with the Everyone tweet this bike or my story that I read a day before Yeah, well, maybe you didn't read it carefully. Yeah, well my mute button got a nice workout that day Yeah, that's good. Oh, you know, I just decided who I want to spend my My holiday with the Mishimas. Oh, yeah, I want to sit on that couch with Kuma in the corner
Starting point is 01:08:27 Yeah, but but the family actually actually has to have a get-together like you know But I want to see the tension I want to feel the sparks in the air they would have a get-together and it'd be the fucking sickest fight you've ever seen Yeah, it would be the last half of the movie. Yeah. Yeah Do that movie is garbage, but that last bit with the doll man. That's good stuff. Dear blighted buddies What's the worst status element in a game? Worst ass element in a game is It's too easy to say bad breath because that's cheating It's when you get petrified and that counts as death
Starting point is 01:08:57 That's bad and your whole party gets petrified and you just you lose and you game over SMT's innervate is pretty rough. Yeah, because that's half your stats Some some games have like a berserk stat where your character is just indiscriminately. Oh, I know it is The worst status effect hands down is in the old infinity engine games Undead can inflict level down on you Yeah, so so if a vampire touches you in melee combat There is a likelihood chance that you just straight up lose a level you can get like cured
Starting point is 01:09:31 But still but like you lose abilities you That's incredibly significant. It's it's why I'm dead or strong because the level cap is like 18 Yeah exceedingly low and like sometimes like my level 14 fighter. He's a fucking badass Paladin He's gonna go fight this vampire. He comes out at level nine. Yeah, and it's like I have to continue the dungeon. My answer is from Lisa the painful. It's the status element death 100% No, cuz guess what that's a special one that character is gone. I can't just gone forever. Yeah I'm trying to think The only one that would come close to like that or the ones you said is like the confuse in which your your party member
Starting point is 01:10:15 Does not like does not do random actions the your party member switches sides Yeah, like just attack indiscriminately. No, like they they become an enemy. Oh, okay, so like There's a boss in persona for the peace boss change of heart and shit that Party members against you which is so brutal which is like Jesus and you don't want to kill them No, cuz you need them Want them to get experience. Yeah Status elements, but I think I think the worst is like anything that affects your fucking level or experience like she's fuck stop Stop, don't do that Evan wants to know. Hey, man. What's up? Hey?
Starting point is 01:10:57 How do you guys feel about digital art books in cases where a physical version does not exist and in the reverse? How do you feel about a digital version where there is a physical? It's it's always It's always good to have everything available in every fashion Obviously, and if it's if there's some logistical reason why there can't be a physical version It's nice to at least have it because that if you put enough if you put enough effort, it can be preserved I always think it's nicer to have a physical one It's better than nothing, but I don't like so like it when it comes to digital I don't like the digital art book But I'd rather have that like nothing. Yeah, almost every Kickstarter project
Starting point is 01:11:35 I was back some variant that gets me a digital art book You never look at the I never ever ever go for any of his school rewards except for shadow run Hong Kong Where you got a bag right that messenger bag right there. It's really nice. Actually. Yeah, actually really really nice Hmm like it would have been worth 150 just for that I Never look at them. I forget that they fucking exist. Yeah, I don't look at them like I'm torn because like I would read a physical art book and But I don't want it I want it to be digital. Yeah, I don't want to clutter my house
Starting point is 01:12:06 No, I like like that's what I'm saying, too Like I I'm not gonna read them if they're digital I might glance at them once if it's a game I'm I have a particular affinity for I'm I just rather they exist than not even if it's digital only just for the 1% who cares who really cares about that game and wants to have that available to them You know what I mean? I'm in a real weird catch 22 with this stupid shit Julian wants Us to ask the Roman cope buddy. He wants us to ask Santa for something this year. Okay. Okay. Oh You mean light right now go ahead. Oh after you Liam
Starting point is 01:12:42 Santa I really want a new 64 gig Vita memory card That'd be nice because I don't want to take out another mortgage on my apartment. Yeah, mm-hmm I would like a hundred million dollars That's that's not great. Well Like if I multiple Christmas presents, he only he only makes toys. Okay. He only makes toys only makes toys I can only pick a toy video games toys toys. Yes, because they're for children. Um, you can't pick a quantity either. I could go for
Starting point is 01:13:15 I don't know man Fucking will he like give me give me a second on this movie stall for time dear Santa I think I was pretty good If you'd like I would mind a sick-ass pair of boxing gloves because those things are expensive Oh, yeah, and right now I'm just borrowing the gym's equipment But yeah, I want a nice cool pair because yeah, they cost a lot. Yeah Yeah, how much there the decent pair is over 200 Wow, okay I was gonna guess like after you said they were expensive like a hundred hundred and fifty or something. Wow
Starting point is 01:13:45 Yeah, I guess I guess there's so little need for them like there's such a Like niche luxury you're getting them or you're not. Yeah, exactly I guess I'd probably say like a G-sync monitor. Oh, those are nice Like that's I'd have to significantly read jigger my house and probably get a second PC Because of or run an HDMI cable or some shit, but like it's the God That's that's that's the last piece that I need and I can't read shit on my fucking TV too much Like my eyes are too shit and the text too small. There you go glasses You know what that's what I should probably get it's probably a glass needs the glasses the gaming glasses
Starting point is 01:14:27 They make you game better, but they're for nerds. So I'm not gonna wear Elliot asks us They're super bao friends February marks the 10th anniversary of the founding of platinum games safe to assume you guys have something Plantus celebrate it. Oh, no, I totally forgot Totally forgot we haven't done that for anyone else Yeah, but yeah, but in all fairness platinum are like the only the only thing I'm gonna do is I mean There's other really cool. Yeah, he's out there that we could have the only thing that I'm gonna do I don't go up on Twitter and be like I can't believe they made it this long. Yeah, no that without going fucking back
Starting point is 01:15:02 No, it doesn't feel like ten years because None of their stuff has stuck yet. You know what I mean? They don't have one brand. That's really stuck Barely baos the closest, but what are the prospects of bao 3 in your mind? I wanted to know like it's it's it's What's my project a Vanity project level stuff. So I want to go get the old seeds logo and ask them what happens still waiting on those seeds Seeds became platinum Still waiting on those seeds. He still wants those ones though What's your favorite undertale track
Starting point is 01:15:41 That's tough spider dance spider dance is like so death am I right? That the mites death of mites, which one's that one? No, no, no, that's the This is an easy megalovania You're gonna say megalovania. Yeah, and then second slot goes to Asgore's battle theme and then third slot goes to hopes and dreams Okay, can we hope some dreams is really when you say hopes and dreams Include save the world as part of that track. Yeah, it's just all the same. Okay, cuz like for me. It's down between between Asgore's theme and it's like a German word and and hopes and dreams into save the world and spider dance
Starting point is 01:16:21 I thought I thought spider dance is really spider dance is not my favorite, but it's the one I listen to the most Yeah, like if that makes any sense No, like megalovania and and hopes and dreams like you listen to them and you get pumped Spider dance is the easiest one to just passively listen to I I thought the Asgore theme was my favorite on like paper Cuz I was like, oh my god, that's my favorite theme but then I just found myself humming megalovania more often and Constantly, I think I think yeah to me. That's just the best track. I've been sticks. It sticks, right? I'm And I looked at more remixes for that song than any other song
Starting point is 01:16:54 I really like megalovania and I haven't done it yet Unfortunately, but I have songs amazing though. Yeah Doing it Makes a huge. I know. I know of course. I know but like even then like you can still listen to it and be like wow That's a damn good song. It's it. Yeah, but it doesn't stick But no, no, I disagree. I still haven't done it the song's fucking Yeah, no, it's it's it doesn't it doesn't diminish how good No, but I am sad that you guys even know what it is without totally inevitable. There was no way
Starting point is 01:17:24 It was impossible There's there's a part of moment. There's a part of Bloodborne coming up. I think it's like part like I know But like you've told us like 40 times that we missed the moment. So it's like I know the boats There's a part of Bloodborne coming up and well, you were there obviously where I just say I'm throwing up my hands I'm giving up the ability to stay clean is gone for my life Can't be done anymore And I feel kind of freed up by that because I actually don't care that much and I was always trying to save myself for the For a video or whatever. But like now that that's impossible
Starting point is 01:17:55 Like but yeah, no that track is amazing, but I still think I still think maybe spider dance and and and Asgore's theme Clinch it out a little stronger as you mentioned the the Bloodborne I should probably just get it out now while in my head but When we're fighting Lady Maria like I come listening to the track and I'm like, oh, yeah, that sounds like a remix of The German theme. Yeah, it's totally not. It's a completely original. Okay. I was just nuts On the topic of like never being able to stay clean on
Starting point is 01:18:27 Spoilers for games can never get clean It's such a pain in the ass and that like that was part of the reason that I liked Corpse Party so much There are no spoilers. Yeah, cuz who cares it was it was so fun to go through that game That was like really mysterious and had a lot of interesting stuff going on and nobody was talking about it You know what you know what I haven't I didn't get spoiled like fall out for which is weird cuz that was everywhere Yeah, I don't really care. No cuz the writing is not intriguing enough like Xenoblade. I haven't been spoiled on I don't think that game has a story. I only got spoiled on the Vita and Xenoblade So, you know how you got spoiled. Did you catch? No, you didn't get
Starting point is 01:19:01 Not that far not that far. You know how you got spoiled on Star Wars like the day before I went saw it Yeah, so you know what actually, um, I was not spoiled on Star Wars Ended up affecting my enjoyment zero bits. Yeah. Yeah, I got a fake spoiler I didn't get any right, but then in retrospect I saw something and it turns out I did get spoiled. Oh, no, but you didn't go We didn't perceive but I didn't know what I was looking at just didn't enter someone sent me a spoiler shot Uh-huh, right and I didn't and and would just wrote like woolly why or some stupid thing like that And I didn't know what I was and I just didn't stick so I just didn't I said whatever and I'm awesome
Starting point is 01:19:38 That's great. And then afterwards I went back to find that asshole and block him, but it was too far deep in the It's it's that goofy thing is like if it's something you care about Then it'll so like Dark Souls 3 guess what I'm not gonna be able to stay clean Because I'm gonna look at previews or reviews and shit and people are gonna send me pictures on Twitter And it's like yeah, so I'll be semi clean like I won't have been in the game if we if we decide to do something on it but like There's no way but And and because it's something I care about like to and it doesn't really bother me that much anymore really
Starting point is 01:20:12 Like that's fine But if it's something you're totally indifferent on like if if if that the megalovania shit was going around Before I had started to play Undertale and it did I didn't notice it. I didn't see it I didn't care so it didn't enter into my brain But once I did start to play Undertale, then I saw it was like, oh, well, yeah Yeah, dang, I don't put to I got I got had really bad where like I got like one of the main spoilers of the game And I was like, oh, I hope that's not real and then within like at the very beginning of the game You see multiple pieces of evidence saying like yeah, this is what's going on
Starting point is 01:20:46 Even though you don't get the reveal until the end Knowing what it is like you could see And there was another one where I was like at the beginning of dr2 or before dr2 even came out I was like, okay, but I just want to know how Bianca you got fat. You're right, right Fucking suffered Don't stupid curiosity don't do that. So don't do that. Don't ever want don't look shit up So we're at a place. It's just not worth it. We're at a place where there are only two options There's total blackout. Yeah, and there's learn to live with it total blackouts the only way
Starting point is 01:21:22 Yeah, although and I chose in the latter. Yeah, sure, but I mean look we did we did see the results of that poll, right? Yeah, like most people it was the pseudo informed Well, but it but it was like 60 40 was split. They want you to know about the game Yeah, they don't want you to know the crux of the game. Yeah, sure, you know, which sometimes are is mutually exclusive No, nobody wants to know I would say less often than Sometimes not always. No, nobody wants you to walk in and and be like ah Star Wars was lame. Yeah, I can't believe Chewbacca killed so you here see 3PO like the beginner's guide was good Yeah, where we just knew it was a thing didn't know anything anything about the thing
Starting point is 01:22:02 Yeah, and we were able to just do that works for freedom planet, but look yeah, it didn't work for a man You know what? I'm just gonna I'm just gonna dive deeper into my nihilism That's a good idea. Do it. Yeah, you know what matters nothing. Hey, you're right. We're all just gonna die Ben entropy of the universe is approaching upon us and faster and faster every day nothing But his subject line is Pat. Don't forget your bet with Liam. Yeah, so somebody messaged I saw that thing on Twitter Fantasy fantasy star online too has like 10 days to come out for this year in the West. Yeah for that bet to win and Me and Liam we're talking about it slightly before the podcast and it's like
Starting point is 01:22:45 Yeah, I think I'm gonna win again this year this year, but not next year. I don't think I'm gonna read up That's all right, I'm gonna read up so that's not how that works, Liam I mean it is it really is though Cuz I mean cuz I mean if you're too scared to bet again Then I guess that just proves that you know, I'm right No, it just means that any bet with doesn't it wooly doesn't it just prove that he knows I'm right I am watching a Jedi mind trick in action and no all that means don't touch your nose Pat Any bet with an indefinite amount of time will eventually favor you and either you never having to pay it because then it gets pushed off
Starting point is 01:23:22 Another year or eventually it does come true. I think that's why double or nothing is here always a great a double or nothing has To be agreed on both people like you can say like oh Double double or no, let's do it. I'll be like nah. Fuck you. I won. I won three years in a row No, it's gonna come out though. It you know what it might come out this 2017 Might this this year. It's possible. I'm tempted. I'm really tempted to go again but Three wins. I already told you is I don't want your money. Well, it's good cuz you're not gonna get it
Starting point is 01:24:02 Cuz I've already told you I'm not giving you any money Oh Whatever man, if you want to if you want to live that life you can live that life Well, you can live your life too, but I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna bow out with with three years of straight victories And know that I was right So what's the result here? Pat's too scared to bet again Is that what the dealer says? Yeah, it's no casino So it'll be a split are you too scared to bet again little man
Starting point is 01:24:33 It'll be it'll be a it'll be a split between people like I can't believe Pat's such a coward Because he refuses to bet again. I would bet again and people going I can't believe Liam is such an asshole that he's totally reneging on a bet. I would bet again. You want my money? I'll grab it right now. Do you even have like $80 on you? Okay, here you go You Liam is reaching into the wallet. There you go. Why do you have a hundred American dollars? Is that take it? No, that's not even the right amount. I can't see no I can't confirm it whether or not. That's a Benjamin. That's a Benjamin. This is a why is it American?
Starting point is 01:25:08 That's like thirty three hundred dollars. You want it? No. Well, I Want the correct amount on the podcast after so much for that one That's not how it works Fantastic that's like showing up to the bank and they're like you need to pay your loan Well, you don't like just give him the correct change. Yeah, good, but I don't have any Like an American. I don't carry American money Pat doesn't want to give me change I can't even deliver on the bet. Oh, man. Wow. Wow. This bet is evolving I literally just held the money in front of you and said you can take it. It's the wrong amount
Starting point is 01:25:42 I don't have change in America. I want change in Canadian and well. Yeah, well then give me Canadian All right, and also it's I mean for starters the year isn't over and so that that's really I don't know you anything Exactly as of right now. The bet is still ongoing. They could they could release it Actually, of course, I'd be possible. You know time to call in some favors. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, just just like yeah No, there's always there's always a chance Okay, so we got one coming in. You are such a little prick. I got one coming. Am I are you just scared? Those aren't mutually exclusive those aren't mutually exclusive Why not both? Yeah, we Ben wants to know
Starting point is 01:26:22 Hey Zibatsu big button McGillicuddy here. Just wondering what you do when you can't figure out what someone would like for the holidays I'm really bad at picking things out. I give up That's a good one too. Yeah, I Always whenever I buy gifts for my family members and stuff. I always get them two things. I get them some Nice nice ish, but like sub ten dollar chocolate thing You know like those holiday boxes that they have and I get them if I don't know what they like some gender-safe item, okay? I do a fucked out of research and Get the specific things that would generally be received sometimes. I just can't well like I I like I'm so disconnected from my little brother
Starting point is 01:27:08 Hmm So like what like what do 15 year old boys want right now? Well, well like like that's the thing I didn't tell if you're not so if I'm not doing something you can't really buy for them If I'm not getting you something Yeah, if I'm not getting you something that has that I've researched and you're not getting anything from me like you either fall into the Category of someone I do the work for or like nothing. No, I just I buy stuff for all my family between between we all do for each other Sometimes it's just really hard because like when when they were little it was easy to fall back on stuff Totally, you know, but like now that they have opinions and stuff. It's trickier
Starting point is 01:27:43 I know I know like my stepmom complains about me in the same way, too Where it's like if I can't buy him a video game has them all my someone's younger than you You can always just give them money in a car. So my parents have straight Given up on trying to get me anything other than gift cards because I just whatever Consequences I have to endure. I just go get whatever I want and to a certain extent with all close family members and whatnot I do the same in reverse. So it hits this problem where it's like, hey, you know I could have gotten mom this really nice thing for Christmas But I got that for her three months ago when she said she wanted it. Yeah
Starting point is 01:28:20 We're all at the point where we don't need anything. Yeah, so the only the only Except so I'd like fall back on to gift cards at the absolute fucking worst. I spoke to my dad Hey dad, what do you want for Christmas? I don't want nothing for fucking Christmas. Oh, okay. Hey guys, what do you want? It's like, I don't want anything. So like my dad and I are getting each other Amazon gift cards And you've got to beat his I have to beat his I There's there with very few exceptions if it's quite important You go to somebody who would know better than you and be like help help me right now Exactly, I need I need help. Tell me what to buy. Well, you'll get credit, too
Starting point is 01:28:59 I'll promise you'll get credit, too But like I need your help so bad because I'm fucking clueless here We got one coming in from Lucas cool blue Vincent. I like this guy and he asks specific questions to specific people All right to Pat. Yeah, what's up? What if the next Prince of Persia were a mobile game like Lara Croft go? You mean like the last Prince of Persia. Are you sure this is for me and not for Matt? That's what it says That's weird. I don't care. I haven't played either of those All right, and I don't have a particularly soft spot in my heart for Prince of Persia Not that it's my question
Starting point is 01:29:33 But I guess if it was Lucas if it was like as good as Lara Croft go like that would be fine because that game is Fantastic, but but it's not what you're not pat like I know exactly my question I should I should mention that that's not even a point of disparagement for mobile games Even good mobile games I don't play because I would rather read neo-gaff on my phone than ever play a game It's more fun or listen to music or listen to a podcast to woolly in your personal opinion What's being at his best alt costume and smash and smash. How do you feel about Corrin's chainsaw sword? I don't care about the chainsaw sword. I think his little
Starting point is 01:30:10 Spear is cooler. The chainsaw sword's kind of black And Bayo's best costume. I don't know probably the defaults actually Yeah, I think the short hair default looks fantastic even I'd agree with that To Liam. Yeah, what's your opinion on the Pat upon series on the Pat upon series? Yeah One is like fucking excellent two is even better and it's awesome that it lets you transfer a bunch of your shit over Three is a hot mess. I said, I don't know what they were thinking. Well, what's wrong with it? So like they issued the armies in favor of like a hero system. I'm done. I'm out and like it's fucked that it's intended to play like locally multiplayer with like four friends and stuff
Starting point is 01:30:48 It's it's different. It's very very different and it is really good But it's just not so like after two games radically changing the formula so hard just I Think that killed it because we haven't seen Pat upon four even though That's like a relatively low-budget game to make relatively speaking. It's been a damn long time I would yeah, I would like to echo Liam's thoughts and that Pat upon one or two are rad in their cool game great game Yeah, shit to play on the bus though because you can't pause it. Yeah, if you want to play the first Pat upon Go on the internet and download the Pat upon demo from somewhere first Finish that and transfer your save you get a special weapon and you get to just continue from where you were nice
Starting point is 01:31:32 We got one coming in from Reese and he says hey guys as a big fan of you for a long time This is my first time writing Pat But he got in first time he got in how lucky is that shit about that, right? That's our writers right like 50 times and we ignore them on every time we send them back a personalized Yeah, no refusal and if any of you making a joke, but I do respond to a lot of emails No, I know you do. Yeah, a lot of people write in a lot of times and we ignore them because it makes us laugh Well, well, we'll let you know your quality of life Pat last week on the podcast with Brennan
Starting point is 01:32:05 You were talking about how you dislike Star Trek into darkness as both a Star Trek film and as an action movie in general Yeah, I can see why you wouldn't like it as a Star Trek film But you never elaborated as to why you wouldn't like it as just an action I don't have anything really deep for that because I don't remember the movie very well But I remember like walking out going just like Just very unsatisfied on all fronts Well the fact that you couldn't remember it very well is telling like I remember even like like it's not fair But stuff like Predator you remember tons of scenes from it, but into darkness like Star Trek 2009
Starting point is 01:32:39 Years before into darkness, I remember almost everything about that movie into darkness like you remember the fight on I remember like just nothing in that movie really appealed to me much at all Yeah, I didn't find it all that good. I didn't care for it like at all really Yeah, I thought and like and there's that bit where the where fucking con shows up And he's using the guns and he's shooting all the Klingons and I'm just like This sucks like not not even like oh this sucks You're not enjoying it like this looks fucking stupid. I thought the teleport play was cool Yeah, sure. Yeah, we got one coming in from Super Boom Super Boom to the North Pole Zybatu of
Starting point is 01:33:21 Santa Matt Red Pat the red-haired short man the abominable woolly and the elf who makes all the sex toys for the little kids Liam Wow That's what I do you won that one. I won Christ fucking champ. Yeah, what was your you definitely didn't screen the same email? What was your worst? music concert experience oh Well woolly for you it must have been when I went to the game awards and woolly would you drink eggnog? I'm drinking it right now
Starting point is 01:33:52 Worst concert experience must have been when you went to the game awards, right? And that wasn't a concert not that terrible Fucking dead mouse bit No, like Matt was way more angry about that. I really didn't like it. I didn't care for it Okay, I don't mind dead mouse in general, but no, I like using that was far from the worst experience. I've ever Oh, yeah, so shoot. I've been to two concerts ever and they were both fine Tommy Tolrico running out like an asshole was was not great Well, I guess that's mine too because I was there But that's not but oh go ahead go ahead at that same concert
Starting point is 01:34:29 What's it called in video games like games live? Yeah at video games live where they butchered Baba yet to the civilization song like Yeah, what the fuck happened Tommy what the fuck Wopper And for me no, I think I've told it before but it's the reason why I don't really like Radiohead anymore at least is because they did a they had a concert here out on ill-sane Helen and they came out they played and Tom York is known for being like a weirdo. That's kind of a center
Starting point is 01:35:04 Exactly, and you know, that's part of his mystique is that he's all like haha weirdo exactly I'm a rock star and I'm like, yeah, okay, whatever, but you play play the song. That's cool and I'll listen to it and Yeah, there was a really cool moment where he's playing and it just so happened that coincidentally while he was playing Benson and Hedges fireworks were going off Well, when he was playing just right in the middle of the song and it's happening right above the concert area, right? So it was really like spectacular and the audience was getting super duper into it and he finishes the song Looks up at the sky and the fireworks and goes
Starting point is 01:35:38 Really and then just spends the rest of the the concert in a sour mood Just complaining about shit in between songs not wanting to be there and more or less half-hearting it not to mention not doing songs That he felt he didn't want to do it. Oh, no, like most of our panels moves beyond that and so on so I was just like, you know Oh, no, fuck this. No, that's not what the sky stole my thunder. I'm done. I was just yeah I just walked away so disappointed and done with it, you know Yeah, and then the contrast because they get compared to muse a lot is I go to see Muse Muse concert and like and they blow your fucking mind every single time they go they give a 200% and fucking explode with like hype and and excitement to be there and
Starting point is 01:36:20 People that hate Muse have been around at Muse concerts and have seen like it's still a fun experience If you don't know the music because they just go that far into it. What's Muse laser pianos? Are they a bunch of Piano future cowboys made of crystal light laser pianos that shoot lasers at when you play fucking awesome I don't go to concerts because going outsides for losers, but That sounds rad Rotating giant speakers that the band is on top of that they play that raise up to high elevated platforms crazy That sounds cool. Get the fuck out of here. You've ever seen anything like that I haven't really been to many concerts either, but I know I got I got tickets to the Vocaloid concert in Toronto next year
Starting point is 01:37:01 I'm really keen actually because they don't I would come by often I would be blown away if somehow that managed to disappoint considering the concerts pre-programmed. Yeah They're always really good they sell Blu-rays of them in Japan fucking because they sell everything in Japan And I've watched a few and they're fantastic does Yamaha just make bank on those concerts Oh, yeah, and I think I think Sega does a lot of the work too with the With the the choreographies and stuff figures. What does what does Hatsune Miku teach us about digital child labor? It's good. It's entertaining for all. It's good because you don't have to pay them It's unregulated who the fuck is trying to get in my house. It shouldn't be regulated
Starting point is 01:37:41 There's a really well, I'm missing out on a package. That's for sure. There's a really awesome photo I think I showed you guys of like a fan sent in of him. He's him and his dad and I have Miku. Oh, I saw that shit I saw that shit. Well, I don't think I've seen that. It's so awesome. Oh you kids in your enemies. That sounds good. Yeah, it's tough Okay, we got one coming in from Brandon and he wants to know hey Brandon. Am I the only one? Yeah, it's just you After playing the new battlefront just you immediately felt like playing one and two on the ps2 Huh, I never played one and two so I unfortunately could not get that feeling. What are your ideas on changes? That should be made to a battlefront. I put more fucking maps in that game. How about that?
Starting point is 01:38:22 I only played like a teeny teeny tiny bit of the beta in the end and before that the only one I played was Renegade squadron I think the one that came bundled with a PSP content would be nice But but even then like the in the small amount of time we played for like two hours So I didn't feel the content issue because I only played for two hours. Yeah, so it's but it's probably content is that it's not Just content like also the you had that EA executive getting out there and accidentally saying we made this game for fucking eight-year-olds It's not complicated and has no depth whoops Like
Starting point is 01:38:57 Man, there's so much fucking shit. You can do that game to make it better don't have characters take a knee and Fucking teleport into their planes put planes on the fucking map make the map super huge make it a battlefield game How about that? Yeah, that's why I want it and it's not now I'm I loved it for a while because I got to play as Luke Skywalker played it quite a healthy bit Yeah, and I got to play as Luke Skywalker I was like this is the raddest shit ever and then it passed I was like all this game sucks Like what a what a turnaround on that for me and guess what now that the new content is gonna be coming
Starting point is 01:39:28 Do you really want to be Kylo Ren? Yeah, totally. Okay. Yeah, I'm thinking like I'll probably your lights over I'll probably wait until they do some sort of game of the year edition or there's some like everything bundle for 30 bucks or something Oh, that'll never happen mean 130 bucks because that's I mean dude. No, I mean like five years from now No, no, that won't happen I don't know no because what they do is once all the DLC shit is out They they put it to 60 bucks for everything and they pretty much lock it there forever No, I just mean like you know like like a long time from now. Yeah, I guess But it's a multiplayer only game like that that the servers are still battlefront like people will still be playing it
Starting point is 01:40:07 Somehow I doubt that actually Like if the problem is the dearth of content and lack of depth then like you can't actually count on enough people playing it Like five years from now. We got one coming in from Michael and TV says really quick question here What's what is the best Englishy game title you could think of? Oh, man? I wish I had prep time on this. I'm a pretty big fan. Yeah, me too of Exord Exards eggs are too strong. That's a nice piece of English right there. There was some dumb Me and Willie spent hours talking. There was some dumb ass shit Back on the Sega CD. There was a game called Revengers of vengeance. It's pretty strong
Starting point is 01:40:46 Oh, yeah, Metal Gear saw revengeance metal gear rising revenge There was a PSP game Called ZHP is that's how hero man project Unlosing Ranger versus dark death Evil man Not even English. That's a total like legit translation. That is the fucking dumbest Yeah, I don't care what anyone says God, I wish I would have had prep time because I woulda
Starting point is 01:41:19 They didn't even bother localizing last blade to subtitle did they this is just last play to play to Astabreed Astabreed. Yeah, Astabreeds rough craw crawler sigmas coming out soon. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Folks souls folks souls, which was folklore in North America. Yeah, folks souls And I guess demons souls to that extent too. Yeah, I would I would put demons Demons it's all demons is soul demons souls. It's the same as folks souls as like one of the worst ever because it is The way that everyone says that games title is explicitly incorrect. Yeah, and Fuck it's it sounds so bad to have that stupid apostrophe. Yeah, well, it's because it's not about demon souls It's about the demons is souls. Yeah, like in Japanese that doesn't because it goes demons is sores. Yeah, wubba wubba
Starting point is 01:42:14 Yeah in the pink today tower night. Hey Jolly's I bat Sue Tony wants to know I'm feeling pretty jolly today, honestly You wake up and you see a prism under the tree with air holes in it. It must be that fictional creature You've always wanted. What are you unwrapping? It's Sonic I've always wanted Sonic for myself. It's Sonic wearing lingerie. No, it's just Sonic That's that's tough though, that's a really good question Like I don't want to be like an asshole, but Pikachu's are pretty cool Yeah, I think like Pokemon like it's I'm unwrapping. I'm unwrapping pet shop. Who's loyal to me? Oh
Starting point is 01:42:56 Can I be Iggy? Can I just say Iggy? But then he's not gonna listen to you I don't give a fuck my dog barely listens to me as it is and it basically looks just like it would have been for me It would have been Iggy, but like I can't use that. Yeah, that shop would be loyal as fuck But what we're talking purely fictional animals though So like birds and dogs that exist is kind of cheating. Yeah, no, I want like a steel X Yeah, it's my favorite Pokemon. Yeah, I would really like an Evie Yeah, you like these are really great They're one of my favorite of the original Pokemon and they're adorable. They're basically tiny little poofy dogs
Starting point is 01:43:29 Yeah, more or less, but they headbutt shit super hard Okay, then I'm unwrapping Jake the dog Jake the dog That's good. That's a good one. Yeah, that's a good one too. Yep That's cheating, but I'll let it I'll let it I'll let it slide exactly It's just a voice actor and a dog costume. Can I unwrap it? Can I unwrap I bow from Tokyo jungle? No, I bow is a real that is a real. Yeah. No, but I'm talking about the you want that one the one that's sentient and has time travel powers Yeah, sure, dude. Well, did you ever like read up on like what Tokyo? I'm told me your jungles. It's so crazy. Yeah
Starting point is 01:44:10 All right, Griff sends one saying what's the best gift you've gotten for someone. Oh that I ever got for somebody I've I'm I'm Super shitty at getting people gifts as the earlier question Explained but the best one I ever got somebody was for a friend of mine. I got the rock band before the Canadian release And that that was on yeah, you guys wrote that that was on patent Pat Willie and Billy's absurd rock band adventure, which included a very Tired and overweight hooker at the beginning of that story was the nice send-off And followed by like a bunch of broken gear Like getting back and being told by best buy people in Canada
Starting point is 01:44:50 That products not out yet. How can you possibly have it like a fuck off? Yeah, I think for me Probably when I got my friend the Red Queen sword. Oh, yeah replica Yeah, that's a good one. I was fucking dope and we know that he appreciates it. Oh, yeah, because it's always there indeed Think he makes out with it Yeah, that's right. I Got my yeah a few years ago. I got my little brother and sister an Xbox 360 with connect It was that year. Oh No, my sister really wanted just dance and my brother really wanted to try a multitude of games
Starting point is 01:45:28 So they really enjoyed it and it was it was all worth it for that moment where my dad was playing just dance the one time Yeah, and he jammed his finger into the ceiling fan. Yeah as a fucking riot. That's good stuff is great But they they were head over heels with that gift for a while, so good for you. You're a good kid. All right Joachim wants to know Ken with blue eyes or Ken with brown eyes? Who cares indifferent What eyes do violent Ken have a violent Ken has purple eyes, but purple and yeah canonically He's got brown eyes in different but Sonic has like blue arms. Yes
Starting point is 01:46:07 I don't know. Maybe maybe it's just a black people thing, but like I do like I do not notice eye color I really don't did you know did you know that people have different eye colors? Not we don't yeah, well mostly mostly you have your your one in a million, but yeah, yeah That's racist All right Well, he's a racist against blue-eyed confirmed. I'm sure they're pretty you know, well don't I have pretty eyes There's what dream sure oh, no, I'm not blonde if I was blonde I'd be Hitler's wet dream instead of like Hitler's backup
Starting point is 01:46:48 His back actually no he external he wants all you red fuckers gone. No, no, no, no But red hair is a subset subset of blonde hair. No, you're a statistical imperfection You know we're like 1% of the total population that's what I'm saying you're on the way out No, it's easy to get rid of it people have been saying that for like a thousand years But the specifics of the gene crossing makes it so that now we're gonna be around for fucking forever Yeah, which we're thinking Whatever, I'm gonna be around forever Because I'm never gonna die
Starting point is 01:47:19 What is your favorite fictional power cut to pass? Fictional parasite the wall. Can I say talk so plasmosis? Wallbacchia wallbacchia is really all back is okay in all fairness. There aren't Many that are actually parasites, you know, but I think the wallbacchia is the most though the best developed Well, Bacchia really good. Yeah, say like say what you will about a lot of metal gear solid stuff I'm a big fan of the Plagueis that the most Plagueis are those plagues. Yeah, no, those are really good Yeah, they don't have much. They don't really do much, but they're really cool Yeah, they have a wide range of whatever whatever they want them to be able to do they can do give it their week
Starting point is 01:48:02 I'm gonna answer for Matt and say midichlorians. Yeah. Yeah, he loves middle-chlorians They're a living creature. Hey, yes, so yeah, mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell It's 20,000. Oh fuck it. We're idiots. It's mitochondria Yeah, Parasite Eve you play that game. Yeah. Yeah, mitochondria is the best. That's your favorite Well, it's the it's got parasite right there in the name. Yeah, it's not my favorite. Well, I didn't know I don't like that game very much. No, I like the idea of parasites that hate us for fucking. Yeah. Yeah Oh guys, can you stop it super gross? I'm inside here I didn't know that Parasite Eve was like the sequel to a book until just recently. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 01:48:42 That game's not direct. It's like like yeah That game. Yeah, but I had no idea. Yeah, it's a pseudo. It's a pseudo sequel because they do reference book events That game is so fucking weird that game is actually ff7 also Yeah, and and yeah, like all the reference when you guys gonna play the second one never all the references to the original event Yeah, maybe our and are from the book and there's that whole long conversation with the doctor in the middle And they explain the whole look just to scratch he sums the book. Okay. Yeah, that's cool Okay, we got one. It's like Shin Megami Tensei is a sequel to a book Mm-hmm. Like did you not know that? Well, no, there's a there's a book called Shin Megami Tensei digital devil story
Starting point is 01:49:21 Cool, and it leads forward into that. It is the basis. It's love the lead up to an SMT1 very similarly to Parasite Eve so I guess the the details that always try to carry over like the cell phone and the the program and There was wider artistic license. Yeah, even even right away But like and the idea of Tokyo getting like overrun is something I believe that Pretty much all the games at least in the summer. Yeah, but I think that's actually more atlas likes those themes a lot Okay, yeah, then it does it does vary from time to time though cuz like in Demi kids I didn't really have all you fucking every fucking time every fucking time. Why don't you smack your lips? Do you talk about Demi kids fuck Demi kids?
Starting point is 01:50:02 Create create a fucking block on the podcast That's just shit to listen to this five second fucking block can Liam shove his dick into Demi kids. Yes. Yes. He can he already did it Yeah, too late Demi dick Eddie wants to know I Like you better when you were Zeta one boom. All right Hold that shit even though he's that don't want again. I kind of fucked that up actually now think about it What's so bad about Toronto? Oh, it's It's just boring. It's just boring. Okay, you know what it is now that the real reason is that it's a holdover from a hockey rivalry
Starting point is 01:50:43 That's there's that it's it's like, you know how New York and Chicago often don't get along check Cuz they're both good cities that are very similar, but also culturally significantly different. It's that to me I can I can actually create an analogy that'll make sense to a lot of Medicano's and and euros Well, actually the Europeans would get it immediately in to New York and you've been to LA And you know the difference between how one is like all the cultures like hubbed into one spot that you can just jump on Your fucking not even your bike. You can walk from one cool spot to another. Yeah, LA everything's an hour apart from each Yes, Toronto and Ontario in general have that problem like
Starting point is 01:51:25 Exponentially and you're in a city But it still feels like or cool to do well for miles when we're talking real you can walk a block up Yeah, and see a ton of things like like absolute real talk when I think of Toronto I think of the color gray. It's like not even a joke. I literally think of the color gray It's just bland. It's culture versus economy sub and also like why do you think they call it the greater Toronto area? Obviously compensation no because it's boring mall suburbs Basically, what so Montreal is an island and it's an island. That's the first North American city basically And it's like almost European in that extent because you know it was first right of the buildings are like super super old
Starting point is 01:52:12 right and also look like they're from your like Tons of our old shit is still around like it's very culturally significant and everybody's packed in real tight Whereas Toronto is this massive urban sprawl and depending on how you feel about it could be an urban blight Yeah, of the of like like Chinatown's a whole fucking separate city. That's like a 30-minute drive, you know And shit like that so like there's those differences that are like yeah Like you said really like similar to like New York and LA There's three cool things in Toronto the beguiling honest ads and Pacific Mall and two-thirds of those things are getting turned into condos Yeah, and all of them are stores. Yeah
Starting point is 01:52:51 Exactly, we were talking to some friends of ours that live in Toronto and they're like they just they just bulldozed this historic grocery store to make condos Fuck like all those references from Scott Pilgrim. They're gone. Fuck them. They're gone But but really where does the vitriol come in the vitriol comes in that little baby Montrealers are taught that the Leafs are Satan Yeah, and and that like if somebody's wearing a Leafs jersey They're a piece of shit even even outside of Montreal even in the Laurentians and shit. Oh, yeah, cuz they know it gets around Every now and then on hockey night You see guys walking around with Leafs jerseys and like fucking kudos to those brave motherfuckers. You're gonna get murdered I good but good. No exactly good riddance and it's all for funsies really like I don't actually despise Toronto
Starting point is 01:53:35 It's just so much fun to hate on Toronto. It's also very easy because they suck Joshua wants to know if by some coincidence Blah blah blah cast yourself in a movie Pat can't say Louis CK. Oh, well, well, well shit Liam's goatee, right? Isn't that yeah, but I feel like that's a cop out in the same way that in the same way Yeah, well, he can be dead the black murder victim. I'm gonna replace Dwayne Johnson in his role in the scorpion king perfect You know what here's something
Starting point is 01:54:08 my brother looks a lot Like John Boyega from start. Yeah, you know what he totally does and you know what you call it attack the block so Maybe if John Boyega put on some weight and grew some dreads. He could play me Like are you doing this question backwards? Like aren't we replacing a movie star? No, what's the way? What's the question? Who would you cast to play yourself? Oh, I fucked that up Okay, cuz you skipped half the question the first time. I what did I say yada yada yada yada yada yada
Starting point is 01:54:41 Who would you cast to play yourself? Yeah, I don't know if you said it that way. Oh Danny DeVito. I think I did Danny DeVito for sure He's got these got tiny tiny eccentric troll thing going on. So just give him red hair. Yeah, totally Yeah, or you know what by the time I'm being cast in a movie. This hair is gonna be mostly gone anyway So it won't really matter John Candy's dead. So probably John Cena And now that he's been in train wreck. He's a he's a film star. He's been an actor He was in the Marine and a rapper and a rapper. He's a rapper Yeah, there we go. All right
Starting point is 01:55:19 Then yeah, totally John Boyega could totally play you for sure Yeah, sure, it'll be like eight mile except I can't sell my mix tape Yeah, like I don't feel that I look like my brother, but everyone else does well That's all that matters right external. I don't think my brother and I look particularly alike and half the time We've met people's oh my god, you guys are twins the fucking exactly and it's the same reason It's cuz people don't know what black people look like and also people think all redheads look the same. Yeah, like it's exactly the same Edgar wants to know are you the same person? Yeah, you are As as who as who as who Eddie and Edgar. Oh
Starting point is 01:56:02 Is it the same email address? Yeah Wow, what hair products do you all use I use shampoo? Baby shampoo with nothing in it like head and shoulders. I use either head and shoulders Like aqua seltzer or whatever that shit's called. I'm reading them as they're coming in. I get dandruff sometimes So I try and keep it try and keep it on the down low. Yeah. No, just like all over you people. Fuck you Eddie That was really harsh. I'm sorry. What are you using your hair Eddie? What do you use get back to us? I like to use horse semen soul glow. Yeah Soul semen. Yeah horse glow horse glow. There it is get 10% off on your horse glow order
Starting point is 01:56:42 Well, what the promo code be for horse glow tender mares tender mares. There it is, man Curtis from Josie Hey, how's Josie doing? I hit it's good down there in Josie over down by Ron Concoma Going over to Bayshore over there some hot Bayshore chicks. Yeah, I can't keep up with this shit He watched the he watched The spranos not even that I know some stupid Jersey. Oh, you know, you know Isn't real anyway. So yeah, moon. It's like the Kokomo hang out by moon. Okay. It's like some of them them them All right. All right. Let's just get to the question. Yeah. What did Eddie say?
Starting point is 01:57:19 Have you ever gotten a gift you already had and how did you? Wait, did you ever get realized? Yeah, and how did you cover your disappointment? Was there that? Well, you you were there you must remember this what Christmas was that where you Matt Rocky and I and one other person like all Got each other Contra for Like what was going on with that? I don't remember In on that on purpose or something. I don't remember how many people bought a copy of Contra for free each other We ended up with a copy of Contra for for everyone That's that sounds like a joke. Yeah, no, I think it was intentional
Starting point is 01:58:01 Is will he try and escape? No, I'm just reposition. Oh, I thought you were gonna like escape to like piss in a jar or something But these microphones it looks like you're trying to escape when you're just trying to make the audio improve Yeah, it's possible. I don't think I've ever really gotten like a present. That's like Actually made me feel like bum. Yeah, like at worst. It's like I like I don't know. I got I got grandma's sweater Yeah, I went like oh Yeah, you get passive stuff when you're a kid. I can't remember any hard duplicates ever And and after a while like when you get older you're just kind of like oh everything's worth something so to you to yeah But like even the disappointing sweater from ten years ago now. It's a sweater that yeah now you love it ironically
Starting point is 01:58:44 No, I like I remember being a kid getting fucking super pumped out that I got socks But like I'm kind of looking forward to like my mom springing socks on me as a joke And be like I need socks actually. Yeah, thank you. Yeah, thank you for saving me a trip to the store exactly Oh, but you can't let her know because then she knows your weakness and she'll stop buying you those Oh, my parents know all my fucking weaknesses. Oh, what do you what are you kidding? They like the critical hit you think you Do you think you grow up this nuts without your parents like seeing all that shit? Yeah, I guess so Hey, Pat, what are you upset about the bugs in the walls that happened? That was real. They were they were real Eric bowman wants to know there's Zybe. Wait, wait Eric Bob. You're not bombing. Okay. Okay. Okay for a second there
Starting point is 01:59:27 I'm like is like whoa. I know right. How's it feel after low-tax fucked your mom? I had to double-check it I'm glad you had to double-check it too. Yeah Once upon a time Okay, I knew it. I knew it. I knew it was a guy. All right Earlier in your videos, you were very secretive with your phone names Like when Pat freaked out when Matt said he was channeling Mr. Madden. What made you reveal them? Oh, I got tired social pressure. We got tired of it over time It's just an ability to hold up the facade. Yeah. Well, it started as like sh nobody knows we're in Canada
Starting point is 02:00:05 Nobody knows we're in Montreal sh nobody knows anything and then it turned into five six oh five one Alexis neon Montreal, Quebec like There was a part that like it actually being pronounced and bizarre that we were hiding our last names Yeah, I like my privacy a lot and like I was like, oh, it'd be great if I can be an internet person But be secret forever. I was like that's unrealist. Yeah privacy is fun Especially if you're doing like dark-ass shit like recording YouTube videos Can't let him know But also I lucked out because there's a different guy with the same name as me that
Starting point is 02:00:43 All the all the if you if you Google me you get him instead. So fuck it. Okay This is a question about our setup, but it's obsolete now that we've got a new setup. Hey, why is your setup so shit? We're working on it. Did he say that is that was that with the question? No, it was just I was just asking about different like things Okay, so We'll take one from Jose It seems like every time I listen to one of your podcasts, I always burst out laughing at least one This is a problem when I'm in public transport. Oh, dude. I'm insane. Oh, I know exactly What's the most inappropriate time that you've burst out laughing? Uh, I don't like for me
Starting point is 02:01:19 It's my wedding. I was gonna say that's wedding for you guys So my sister's wedding like the groom started to cry during the vows and me and my brother started to Absolutely fucking lose it. We couldn't and my mom is like slapping both of us. Just shut up. Shut up sister's wedding, but Usually the worst is like as he described like I listen to podcasts and I will I will Cackle in the middle of the metro and people were like, oh, what a weirdo Though the best one I have it's not mine, but it is a friend of mine who at his grandfather's funeral noticed that the priest was falling asleep and Front row of the funeral as the core family members got a case of the giggles
Starting point is 02:02:07 I mean like as with my story him and his brother just catch this goofy thing It was like me and you willie at Mads wedding like you catch this goofy little thing in this super serious event and you're fucked Yeah, yeah, I Know I know I know I've done it. Everyone's done it, but it's been many years. So I don't know Yeah, it's like why I like I like to when I listen to my podcast I like to take longer walks instead of public transit because then when you burst out laughing at least it's on the street Yeah, instead of like in an enclosed space. Yeah, I know I've been I'm pretty much caught up But I've been reading the manga Barackham on and like yeah a lot of a lot of giggles on the metro
Starting point is 02:02:46 Just all over the place reading that Tree yeah Give you the good feel Damien is asking what he's asking for book recommendations I think we've already done this and in fact I saw this question on a couple other times So I'll just say again a hundred years of solitude very good book Like orks and creak is pretty good or you could read the outsiders feel like some fucking outsiders If you want Tony boy
Starting point is 02:03:17 If you want some shit-ass Fucking fantasy pulp that I unironically love you go check out those Dragon Lance books We always come back. We'll read Mona Lisa overdrive. I know what that is. It's a good book. Is it? Yeah, actually Yeah, Louis Black's book his autobiography. Yeah, that's a good look. It's pretty good Especially like if you had to pick one chapter It's the one he when he did his part-time job as a kid working for the post office I was gonna say the end of the universe in between Starbucks or the candy corn chapter Where he just discuss not just discusses him describing over like three or four chapters like
Starting point is 02:03:56 How you go crazy working at the post office was really fascinating to me What's your favorite holiday is this new person? Yes old costume Coming in from I can't that's not a real name a bunch of that's not a name Yeah, dead or alive five all Santa costumes Yeah Yeah, what's our favorite holiday costume? Dead or alive five all all Santa costumes I'm always a fan of sticking a big dumb red nose on somebody, but oh, that's true. I
Starting point is 02:04:29 Yeah, nothing wrong nothing wrong with a hot girl in a Santa costume. That's kind of kind of short But you want to come over and stare at Marie Rose in a Santa costume? I Don't want it. I don't want to get caught for when you need your little girls cause playing as old men I mean, yeah, exactly. She's 18. Can you slap that? Actually, she's like 20, but whatever. Yeah, I don't know Hunter is there a hunter asks if there's an OST from a game an OSD you love from a game you hate a Game I hate game I hate Uh-huh That's tricky. That's not nothing comes to mind right away
Starting point is 02:05:09 I hate Chrono Cross, but I also think its music is terrible Do you like Final Fantasy 13 do you hate Final Fantasy 13? I I very much dislike Final Fantasy 13 and that game has a stellar soundtrack. Yeah, there it is Did it nailed it FF 13 answered half the questions on this podcast. It's true Golly, it's the Street Fighter EX series Street Fighter EX is fantastic I'm not familiar with you. Do you hate do you hate them? Everything that's not EX plus a yeah, okay, so
Starting point is 02:05:46 That's tough because yeah, actually legitimately hating one like EX plus a more like plus ass. What? Yes, hey, I don't know Hey, I'm trying here trying to liven this podcast up It's too calm and That's fine Harley wants to know when the statute of limitations for discussing Star Wars spoilers openly will run out Seven oh, it's it's episode one when so seven sorry the day that the second movie comes out second not third No, the second one. Okay, because how will you even be able to talk about? Yeah, you know what up to that second? well, I would I would say I
Starting point is 02:06:27 Would say probably like two years after the trilogy ends that's crazy because hang on hear me out because There's always that person who oh we're going to see the movie You know I didn't actually see the last and you watch it the last day like like and that's why it's the day My girlfriend and I watched the phantom edit because she hadn't seen episodes two and three So like the statute on those would run out like yours. Oh that one had run that one had run out But I just said hey we got time. I Think that the statute of limitations on anything in regards to their sequels should expire Near or alongside the new the new thing so that no one like you're not just utterly crippled talking about
Starting point is 02:07:09 anything By the like maybe maybe like a little bit step further a little step further than that and saying like when they go up on Netflix I I don't know I think it's a ways a little bit after it the whole story has concluded because like it's also tough because like stuff That's bigger like you have to be more strict on it like for corpse party. Nobody gives a fucking shit That's true. The size does change that and it's only because you're going to affect Think about it. This is when to when episode eight comes out if we still openly talk about episode seven star of spoilers That's going to bother some people and it's going to bother more than anyone about like I don't know John Wick too
Starting point is 02:07:49 Or whatever you had two years to see the most like big movie It's not the rationale there it's like it's still so big think about it this way imagine if you were talking about the two towers and You were you were saying like man I'm really glad to see they elaborated on that fight between Gandalf and the Balrog and Somebody next to you goes Gandalf fights a Balrog. Fuck you. You spoiled the movie like
Starting point is 02:08:20 Fuck that person Like you had your you had time It like all that's based on a book that's older than all of us whatever man Like yeah, like by the time the sequel comes out you had you had the time I'm also because also if it's a big thing that's based on an old story. That's pretty, you know, well-known I guess it's also changes it to if it's an adaptation. I guess also like the Severity of notice the importance of the story relative to the piece of media like spoiling
Starting point is 02:08:51 Virtues Last Reward is something we still don't do I still don't do yeah Not because you guys haven't seen it But because it ruins the entire thing but but guess what Star Wars it wouldn't ruin the entire but also guess what if that third game came out and You wanted to talk about like oh you play as such-and-such in the third game, right? And you're like oh that character survived Virtues Last Reward. I wouldn't I wouldn't say it then you know Well, no, it's you had your you had your time I still wouldn't cuz like for anyone who hasn't enjoyed them at that point. I would say go back and play them all I'm I'm getting like tired of having to tiptoe around things that if you actually cared you should have watched or played
Starting point is 02:09:33 Like especially we're talking about Star Wars for fuck's sake like Yes, and no though because I mean the amount of times I could have just plowed through JoJo spoilers But didn't because I know that people are taking their sweet time getting around to it is like you know It's a cool thing. It's just it takes a while. So I feel like it's fine to just Mention that it's coming up or or say it and then say the point What I don't want to do is like when we started out doing the Star Wars review And then it was like oh, we're gonna make this a spoiler-free review. I was kind of like that's a bad idea No, let's just fucking and I mean like movie
Starting point is 02:10:06 But you know I don't think it's that bad to just say in advance like hey I'm gonna talk about this thing and then say whatever you're gonna say and I mean like when when Yakuza Kiwami and like FF7 Remake come out like who fucking cares, you know what? I mean like they've been out for those ones have been out for legit Like when did the first Yakuza come out came out? There's a one that's just two games one or two dozen two or something around that like it's been a decade You know meanwhile like we'll discuss kill a kill spoilers the next week because whatever and I really think it's like depends on the media I really think it's like the it does it ruin it completely. I'm being see here's the thing I'm I'm being torn up because I like bad apples who are like angry that like I kill I spoiled something in berserk that happened
Starting point is 02:10:54 20 years ago Yeah, no, that's fine. That was like and so that has led me to like really think about like okay When does it matter when the next thing comes out and the people making it? Assume that you saw or read the first one or the one prior I mean like you know if you if we get to the trailer of episode 8 and it gives away Yes, guess what episode 7 it will but you're it, but that's what I'm saying then it's fine But if the trailers don't give that element away You probably every trailer for a new thing gives away things about the first like the Yakuza 6 trailer
Starting point is 02:11:30 That's not a definite truth. You're just saying no listen Last reward trailers listen to me the Yakuza 6 trailer has Kiryu in it. Yeah. Yeah, that means Kiryu doesn't die in Yakuza 5 But it's not that spoiler, but it's not that kind of series Like like like that doesn't hold up for all games and all sequels, you know what I mean like just like just doesn't like if You want to be totally clean when the new things are coming out black yourself out from the universe The actual answer exactly is you should just watch the thing Are you guys also referring more to casual conversation? Are you talking to on on record? I'm saying everything because the question is when does
Starting point is 02:12:11 Open spoiler start for this movie in general in casual conversation It would be like like I would never just oust the ending of like Danganronpa 2 or something It would never even cross my mind to do it when that even comes when someone wants to play Danganronpa And I'm like, oh, I'll be really sick when you get to the bit where everybody does this thing or something You know like that that's a week But because I because I know how important it is to your enjoyment to the game I would never ever say it but like elements elements like that one big story point that I can think of in In Star Wars episode 7
Starting point is 02:12:50 Yeah, like that thing will eventually just become a norm in a few years Yeah, by the time the second movie I don't want to be the guy who ousts it because I don't want to ruin it for See, I'm looking at it because yeah, I'm not saying I would not be courteous to people Yeah, I'm referring to the situation of I want to talk about the new movie or speculate about the new movie and people in my Actual legitimate vicinity. Oh, you can't talk about that. You're ruining the movie like fuck them leave fuck off then You you like I'm not wrong. Yeah, you're the one putting the special limitations If you're just if you're just with a group of friends then like everyone's got a plain ice like really used to be that guy He's to drive me fucking crazy, and he's not that guy anymore. I appreciate it like now
Starting point is 02:13:33 He just throws up his hands and looks a pouty He just threw up his hands and did a pouty thing. Yeah, we got one coming in from daigoro and And Yeah, sum it up by does anyone have anything to say about Starcraft 2. No, I Played the um beta a bit on my laptop It didn't run good because my laptop sucked and it was fun I guess but I I'm excited for it all to be done so I can just play the campaign and be done Is yeah, it is it is so here's the here
Starting point is 02:14:04 I'll probably play the biggest problem with Starcraft 2 is I played I played wings of Liberty and Every bone in my body was like fuck this I would be I would be so much happier if I got 10 missions per race In in one game and then an expansion pack later Then this fucking expense because you know who I want to play as the fucking Pro DOS and guess what you can't play as Yeah, Pro DOS for like fucking six years and guess what now it's too late, and I don't care No, because I suck at RTS That's why I skipped it because I'm gonna all swing back when it's all available to me. I suck at RTS I'm terrible at them. So I just play them for their single players like usually on easy
Starting point is 02:14:39 But like I don't want to play the Zerg campaign, but I do want to see what happened. So I'm fucked Yeah, like I tweeted out that the legacy of the void trailer was super dope because it was Space ninjas, but I still haven't touched that game, and I'm probably I'm not going to so I got nothing It's a total bummer for me. Yeah, same Okay, Keith is asking about What if the souls series and the soul blade series crossed paths? That'd be cool souls and souls souls blade. Yeah souls blade fuck off drives like classes and soul caliber Would we get?
Starting point is 02:15:15 As good of an intro for soul blade for the new game. Oh my god because that's all I want Just to shine flybys. Yeah, just shine over horrible dilapidated buildings I don't know man. I'm bees and bodies. I'll be honest like I think you're taking like Element like two things that are both too similar and too unsimilar. Yeah, and you're kind of mashing them together I don't think I don't think they'd really mesh too well like you'd have to you'd have to be really raw about it It's a terrible idea. Yeah, you'd end up making a 3d fighter that looks like souls or a like 1v1 Arena souls game that looks like well It's soul caliber it's and like like hitting I don't think you can really hit the middle nicely there
Starting point is 02:15:56 Go play soul caliber legends like all of the souls games even the closest experience Like or if you're looking for something gameplay wise like Bushido blade like yeah, but all those games have a very like What's the word? I'm looking not stark. They're very Cruel or mean in their arts and presentation like they're oppressive. Yeah, and like soul edge is some fucking bouncy Oppressive happy light and anime like and everyone is attractive. I would I would like and it's just not that one guy But there's no reason to put those two together like for an audience, you know Rock wants to borrow audience. Yeah, the only things they have in common are the uses of weapons and the word soul Seems pointless and shitty. Sorry, buddy. Okay, keep keep making your your art though
Starting point is 02:16:55 I'm sure it's quite good Compant is watch watch that like have been secretly from mothman And he's drawing us something to that'll blow our minds and make us feel stupid those mothman 40k designs Yeah, I saw you talking about that light. I don't know what any of the text means But does that mean I get three hearts and five kidneys? Yeah, like I don't know It's cool. It's cool ass shit the gene seed. Yeah So that's the only thing I've read about before 40k. Oh wow really read the entire page on all the organs But you don't really and the packs a start to there. That's not that's like literally nothing
Starting point is 02:17:34 And that and but that's the thing that I'm just like I'm a very casual surface level 40k fan I really only got into it because of dawn of war those games But like everything about that fucking universe is rad as shit It's like a metal album cover turned into the nerdiest thing ever. Yeah, unless Okay, Compant is going to Japan. He's a huge toku fan and Where can I go merch for that go to the Kota Bukiyo store and I think the fourth or fifth floor has all the shit You're looking for also the cabin writer. Yeah, they separate it by floors. That's true Yeah, it's just like just go to Akihabara and just go in every figure store
Starting point is 02:18:10 Guess what it's gonna take you half a day No, but like legit if you're like a huge nerd idiot like us go spend a full day in Akihabara There's just so much shit to see or just walk down a random street. It's pretty you'll find some shit. Yeah, pretty easy Why do beat-em-ups always have elevator levels asks ace that's a cool way It's cool way to switch up your mechanics or moving side-to-side. Yeah, no, it just breaks it up really really well I feel I Mean mechanically they're near identical Like yeah, the only difference is instead of moving the enemies come to you and in some of them
Starting point is 02:18:44 You can throw the enemies or get thrown off the side. Yeah, sure But like and like they often look visually very cool because of the scrolling. Yeah, I Think yeah, really, it's just to break up the break up the pacing kind of yeah Because it doesn't actually do anything different, but you think it does as long as they're I mean just like any level as long as they're paced Well, they're really fun to it always like elevator levels suck when they just go on forever though So yeah, but it yeah it back in the day It was it was a very easy method to just you know feel like and occasionally depending on the mechanics of your elevator level You can have like a mechanic and like you have to kill enemies at a certain speed or else the elevators
Starting point is 02:19:20 Yeah, toss them off or through the streets of rage has a really nice elevator level where you're going straight up a building And the skybox in the background changes and it starts at the ground level where you just see buildings Yeah, and when you get to the top you see like the city going out And it's actually really really nice and isn't that the one where if you call the police car It comes from all the way at the bottom drives under the building Through the building that's good stuff blows up everyone on the elevator, but not the elevator amazing. It's great. That's cool That's right. Uh, okay stages are good Caleb wants to know who we would have put into the MK second batch DLC pack if we had the choices Shrek
Starting point is 02:20:02 I would have put Michael Myers in there I would have put Mike Myers in there as Shrek. Yeah Robocop God, do they really have the exact same name? She says weird Robocop Robocop and Terminator though. Yeah Robocop Terminator alien predator Well predator was already in the resort. Yeah, but I know and then and then Freddy was there I mean Jason was there so pretty and uh, can I get a shout out to my man? Bill Paxton. Yeah as Bill Paxton I'm sure Matt would want Godzilla. Yeah, he'd want Godzilla would fit right in honestly. Yeah, or Godzilla Yeah, but like I feel like just all the just get the full cast of like
Starting point is 02:20:39 Whatever movie like like movie versus characters that have been fighting each other in the comic books for years and put it put in Kirito The black the real black swordsman real black swordsman That shit makes me want to die, but it also makes me so happy with the fuck is I still got to finish that that season sort of Still gotta finish. Hey, you don't yeah, dude. Hey, you do. Yeah, I do I also got to watch season two a log horizon and discover the exact MMO tricks that guy let used to land himself in jail database database Wow Wow Wow And he wants to know how bad Voyager is for reals. Okay. Voyager is Really really bad not in addition to just generally shitty one-off episodes all over the place like just
Starting point is 02:21:19 Like even to you guys you would notice a severe drop in quality just like this episode. It's fucking stupid They play real fast and loose with a bunch of like ideas in that series that like they weren't thinking them through and they really Fucked up things going forward. They have this idiotic idea that if you go faster than warp 10 you turn into lizards So so even if you aren't a Star Trek fan, basically, oh, it's quite bad you would notice it instantly and Like and so like that's the only Star Trek episode of any series to ever be act actively retro Like removed from canon. Wow is the only one only one where that where the writers of like the the brand people Whatever, which like that episode is
Starting point is 02:22:03 Fucking terrible. So if and it like fucks up tons of shit So if you went too fast you turn into a lizard Yeah, and then Janeway and the and Paris have sex and have lizard babies and they leave the lizard babies What was the now retcon reason for that? Fuck that episode. That's the reason. No. No, if there's no retcon It's just removed. Oh from from canon Um Like you can you can see later in the seasons that when jerry ryan comes on she's seven and nine She's got that fucking hot-ass body suit. They're like, oh my god. This is the most fucking spike tv
Starting point is 02:22:36 Fucking pandering thing to get viewers because nobody's watching this shit Yeah, so sexy lady with the titties and it worked kind of Like there's an episode of the where the fucking rock is there and there's like a pro wrestler on an alien planet And he only lasts that episode. Yeah, he's a guest star. It's fucking terrible But the biggest problem is something that even though you guys don't know shit about star trek and that's fine You do know about those plinket reviews, you know when Planket talks about quigon and you can't understand quigon's morals his motivations or why he does anything That is captain Janeway that every captain or or commander or whatever they have lapses in judgment
Starting point is 02:23:14 They do stupid shit or even straight up the bad decision. They're they're human. They're human Like janeway is morally bankrupt as a leader Like you cannot find a cohesive like moral boundary to her There's no code and every decision she makes you could actually it's very easy to argue like that is not only bad for your situation That is a universal bad thing that you should not have done This is a character that helps build weapons of mass destruction For an enemy of the federation so that her ship can get home slightly faster This is a character who interferes in the timeline to save her ship
Starting point is 02:23:57 That's that's pretty bad. This is a character that constant like there there's an episode It's called two vicks in which two characters get transformed into one person via a um Uh, do you lose audio or something? No, I'm fine. I just uh, I was just messing with my headphones audio That's all it kicked a mine out for a minute. Oh really? That's weird There's an episode where two two characters get Turned into one person via a transporter accident and it's to valk the black Vulcan and neilix the weirdo alien And they go hey, we're two vicks now. We're an individual. We have our rights
Starting point is 02:24:29 Hey, we're gonna we're gonna be a character on the show And janeway makes the decision Fuck you two vicks. We're gonna fix this transporter accident and get our crew back and two vicks goes No Don't murder me I'm a person Please do not kill me and she splits them apart Anyway, and like afterwards the character's like, oh, thanks for getting me out. But like fuck you that doesn't matter. That was a person
Starting point is 02:24:55 Oh That's just like one One of those problems also like the supporting cast is like really quite bad And there's constant things like that like there's a there's a guy called harry kim He's like the ensign that runs who does the bullshit that doesn't matter. He's not the pilot. He's not the science guy He just does some bullshit Like he ends up going on to a fucking sex planet and he gets cloned and dies like the original harry kim dies And they give them a clone of harry kim and they just go oh, that's good enough and just continue on the fucking story
Starting point is 02:25:28 Like the only Like stand out the only stand out like good episode of that whole series is actually really good And it revolves around uh red foreman slash clarence botter Is a dickhead alien guy who has a timeship and the timeship removes items from history So they wanted to stop a war on their planet So they remove the opposing sides leaders, but it removes them through all of history So it causes rampant problem like shitty effects and his wife disappears And he goes well shit now we got to go through a whole fucking universe and start removing shit from history all over
Starting point is 02:26:05 And they end up having a foul of uh Voyager and it's called a year in hell because it documents a full year long battle Between jane way and these dickheads Which ends with them blowing up each other ships and like a crash and then the episode Resets to nothing and they go. Oh, isn't that crazy everything was fine after all And it's like it's kind of cool as a concept because you get to see this long protracted thing But just yeah, the the biggest problem is shitty writing Like lack of good ideas
Starting point is 02:26:35 pandering to the audience bad casting And the worst morally bankrupt shitty cop captain ever without a doubt Like jane way sucks by people like seven of nine. Yeah, because she's hot It's why people liked boston public for that third season because jerry ryan's hot as shit Just fucking hot seven of nine's a cool name though. Yeah, it's a good one. It's a bork thing, right? Yeah, but it's really cool name Like seven you ever see any of the star trek movies? Like that's the relative quality of fucking voyager. It's terrible. That's pretty rough
Starting point is 02:27:08 Uh, we got one from josh and he wants to know if we're gonna bother with boxing day shit I I bought a new bed recently And it I bought that last week and it I that was on a boxing day sale Uh, nowadays for boxing day I always like just use the amazon app on my phone and see if there's anything handy because I I've never Been able to go boxing day shopping because I'm always in the countryside with my family Yeah, I've literally never been able to uh, can I have no particular so we should we should break this down a little bit Because many of our uh foreign viewers would not know what boxing day is so in america you have black friday
Starting point is 02:27:42 Which is the day after the day after thanksgiving before thanksgiving before thanks. Whatever. It's the friday And uh, that's when everything's crazy on sale like crazy on sale It'll never be on sale as much as now and there's doorcrasher items. It's like 300 dollar mobile tv Yeah, uh, people die get stamped out and fucking stomped in the show. They know what blood black friday is Yeah, they probably do anyway So canada has a nicer version called boxing day. It used to be just a day now It's like a whole week or like a whole month. Oh, it's just like black friday Anyway, but it's the day after christmas instead of before so you're not crazy. It's the same thing. Uh, I usually go down to uh,
Starting point is 02:28:18 Fucking uh, I feel like I'm going, you know And just wander around on boxing day because I like seeing I like seeing the mess And I'll pick up like some doodad shit or like well, it's like you're in a christmas movie mall Yeah, or I'll pick up like I remember picking up like enchanted arms for like a dollar. Nice. Good deal. Just because like, ah, fuck it But yeah, no, but like crazy boxing. They should the only thing I'm willing to camp outside for is like a new console Yeah, basically, uh, but it's fun. Just just because it's like jingle all the way. Yeah, it's a real life Jingle all the way surprisingly good. I gave I gave up on that years ago because I just I don't know You never get anything you want. No, I don't want anything. Yeah, fine. Like there's one thing I'm thinking of right now
Starting point is 02:28:55 Yeah, what is it like? I'm thinking of one of those, you know, there's a little um Super dinky portable laptops with a touchscreen that you can separate from the keyboard. Yeah I mean like a tablet tablet laptop thing the windows tablets. Yeah, I want to maybe grab one of those But like I don't even I can't you're not you're not gonna get it even if you fight for I am not ready for the next battle There's no there's no point like yeah Just just buy it off cyber monday, which is a weird thing that we still have even though we don't have black friday I don't know. Uh How do you guys hang up your posters asks james ramirez? Oh, that's sticky stuff
Starting point is 02:29:29 Uh, that stuff ruins your wall. I does it. No, I even the even the even the gray stuff. Yes, it ruins your wall Uh, I think a pretty solid method is taking like masking tape like not like like the blue tape that you use for like um When you need to do masking exactly well, whatever And you use that stuff because it it peels easily it doesn't leave marks You put that on the back of your poster corners And then you put something stupid adhesive on the masking tape And then that goes on your wall and then when it's time to move the poster you just pull the masking I have some
Starting point is 02:30:03 I have some shitty posters with masking tape on them But like I would never ever do anything less than framing nice posters Because you ruin you ruin part of the the the image the The poster itself. Yeah, if you have space for framing then you know that makes then you can do that Well, you do have space for framing. No, but well, he wants every single square inch of the wall No, no, no, but I just mean you've decided instead to put every square inch of the wall as a poster Yeah, but you do have space for framing. I got a bunch of great shit on the on my old apartment wall It's probably I don't like that aesthetic as much as I like this one. Sure
Starting point is 02:30:40 Yeah You know, you got a fucking idea channel thing going on here I used to have uh my wall My wall ceiling to floor covered with nintendo power posters when I was when I was little Yeah, and yeah, just when I left home. I was just done. Yeah, I I usually keep my walls like bare Like apparently like a psycho and the girlfriend's like you're a psycho Yeah, it's like a murderer put shit on your wall So I don't feel like I'm like hanging out with a honey and you hung a chair on your wall and she thought that was even
Starting point is 02:31:06 Weirder. Yeah, it's a death chair. All right. We are winding down now 230 Just about yeah, so let's let's let's let's uh, sorry. Sorry Let's lightning around it Uh Okay, it is a lot of fun. I see what it is a lot of fun, isn't it? Uh 2016 name a shitty game that you're looking forward to Dark Souls 3. No, I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding I'm actually really looking forward to that. Detroit. Oh, yeah, damn. That's that's money in the bank right there
Starting point is 02:31:40 Detroit's a good pick. Yeah, this guy says no man's sky. Oh fuck off that game looks good He thinks someone's gonna bork it up. It'll well. Yeah, it'll get borked up because he could never live in up to anyone's expectations But it's not a shitty game. Come on guy star citizen I want to I want Detroit to be good, you know what I mean? Like I want to hope because he has more writers that it'll be good I kind of Would probably get more enjoyment out of it being bad. Yeah. No, I think you would as well Like more more explicit enjoyment and happiness. Yeah, no, I know I'm lightning round. Uh, fuck. I don't know. All right
Starting point is 02:32:08 Just say pass. I hope world of final fantasy is good. Oh, that's not gonna be good. All right Sam is asking. Uh, hameri jesus uterus expulsion day. Uh, favorite bad guys that turn good guys magus That Fajita Uh, those are the same character. I know but uh, oh spoilers for me. He said prince zuko. Uh, john, I guess I like john a lot That show is like 10 years old worst version of a game that you love worst version of a game that I love Oh, that n64 version re2 is pretty bad
Starting point is 02:32:41 Uh, resident evil 4 on ios. Uh, that wins strider 2 for the genesis Isn't that isn't that decent? No, I don't I don't even know I never played. No, it's it's non-acceptable Uh, some guy thinks we have beef with digimon tamers, but we don't what's a digimon. No, not at all. Uh I'm actively really excited for cyberspace. I I can't have beef for something. I don't know what it is Digimon tamers is the third season. I'm pretty sure yeah, and and like he is I like that one I don't think the animation's very good. I know I read the guy's question and he said apparently we hate it But I'm like no we don't that's not I think the animation's god terrible Like the season from like 10 years ago. Yeah. Yeah
Starting point is 02:33:21 I they scan the cards. Yeah, I just remember don't think I've ever seen that only thing I've ever talked about is just the cool hand spinning things they do when they like I really don't think it's really stylish. It's very stylish I think I stopped watching it to like halfway through the second season pat send curio to a fighting tournament Which one does he go to? World warrior world fighting virtue fighter Uh king of iron fist king of fighters Or do a it's virtual fighters. It's it's it's yeah like virtual fighter exists as a video game
Starting point is 02:33:52 In do you cruise the universe doesn't he overlap really aggressively with what's his face the guy looks like a zombie go? Go hibiki no in virtual fighter Yeah, it's just go. Yeah, go. No. He does not he doesn't okay. No, but it's virtual fighter. He's a fucking second character Yeah, no, if it's perfect and he looks he looks like a virtual fighter. No, he would fit perfectly Just I I couldn't remember and and and he'd be broken. He'd be fucked up and super broken in that series Oh, I think crouching jabs would just beat him. Yeah, Tevin's asking if we're going to play akatsuki blitz camp Of course, it's on the list dude. The list is infinite. What what what akatsuki fighting game blitz camp I know about it. Is that a hitler thing?
Starting point is 02:34:30 Yeah, yeah, okay Have you what was your first Christmas away from your family like asks mark never? Never have one. Uh, I went to ontario with the girlfriend and it was normal. That's still your family dipshit. Yeah, uh Never as far as I know. It's just your new family Never as far as I know. Yeah, no unless someone tricked me one year zero When you guys go to a new restaurant, is there a signature food you like to order to check out the quality of the restaurant? Uh steak is like steak with mashed potatoes. If they fuck that up Like if the place has it. Yeah, if they fuck that up
Starting point is 02:35:07 I'm never coming back because holy shit a burger man a burger. I Like same thing. It's steak and mash burger. Yeah, uh, uh, uh, whatever ethnic chicken they got You test you test the method the water like what is the most obvious menu item here? If they ever have macaroni and cheese, I need to get a side I need to get a side of it because I need to know yeah because it's hard to fuck up But you can do so much you can do anything that that's the same logic I use for mashed potatoes Exactly like if you like if you fuck up mashed potatoes You you fucked up, but at the same time you can take it so many places. Yeah, totally throw tons of butter in it
Starting point is 02:35:41 That's what you should do exactly But if ever I go to an Indian restaurant, someone needs to order butter chicken. Yeah, no I'm a sucker for that. It's part of the thing. Yeah, and let's end on a question from daipod Bet a question from daipod. Gucci is fucking pissed to the best trash Thank you best Hey So one of you guys going to chip into my Kickstarter for my upcoming final fight shatter dome game. Oh, well Now I know I don't have the right now. I know I don't have the rights
Starting point is 02:36:06 But it's the only way we'll ever get a new one This bit was unfunny for minute one And my and may god have mercy on myself Oh, good thing matt's not here because he'd be like i'm giving you money right now. Good job daipod. Yeah, you did it That's a good. That's a good email It's a good one. Yep. Hey So thanks for tuning in to the super best christmas cast 2015 edition so, uh
Starting point is 02:36:31 matt will return next week And uh, please enjoy What I hope are better quality sounds from our channel from here on out being said it's going to be kind of inconsistent Because like you know like yeah real talk. We don't have this mic set up everywhere. It's not everywhere We currently have this mic set up in willy's house only. Yeah, so that's so and also since old hunters is done Yeah, if I do get this mic set up in my house Uh, those parts of old hunters are going to sound like they sound well I mean like like I'll gladly talk about it like this is one of the first steps
Starting point is 02:37:06 We're taking now that we've got like vessel going and stuff so that we can get a proper office Once we have the office set up this microphone. We just should as of right now have not found an office We want though being real. I just did this unprompted because I wanted to yeah, exactly And and I am going to semi prompt myself to get the the new shit in my place Prior to the office and then we can just transfer all that shit over. Yeah, but for now Just drag it over bear with our inconsistent quality for a little while more have your cells So so vista cuffs most vista cuffs in the podcast because sound great and everything else is going to sound shitty like normal Uh
Starting point is 02:37:41 Until we fix that I guess enjoy. Thanks for tuning in. Thank you guys for uh sticking around and uh, we'll catch you in 2016 No, we won't there's one more left. I was gonna say there's still another one left. Yeah, good job What are you looking forward to this this week? Don't say Christmas. Don't say it. You guys you got to do something else anything but Christmas anything but Come on. Why am I first? Well because that because you were talking and I don't know it happened Uh, what's that? Can I go watch that movie where like uh star wars? No, where Leonardo gets like super like mounted by a bear Fuck you see talking. There's that movie. We're there's a new ninja turtles No, there's a new movie where Leonardo de Capra gets mounted by a bear and I want to go I want to go see that one
Starting point is 02:38:25 Oh, yeah, I know it the revenue. He doesn't get fucked by the revenue fights it It shows supremacy Yeah, yeah I'm gonna chip away more at zeno blade chronicles x the more I play it the more I wish there had been an hour long Seminar I could have just attended to learn about it. How far are you into that game? Uh, it's 15 20 hours that far, uh, I almost started it three times But didn't I'm three hours in right after the giant tutorial explosion and I'm afraid to play because I don't know what I'm doing At some point I just gave up and looked at the manual and the manual manual is not enough
Starting point is 02:38:58 It's like 150 pages and it's not enough I gathered a bunch of the info I needed and that was the point where I said is there a fucking course I can take Because that would be I think the course is go find a Topic or a forum that you could just ask people about the game. Well, nintendo put out those survival guides, right? Yeah, but they're not all out yet So you watch all the survival guides you read the manual you go through the in-game tutorial and you're still not 100% there What how do I maximize my soul voice there are still ui elements that are always on the screen that are 100% What is that there should be a college course and then you walk in
Starting point is 02:39:32 And take it and the teacher is like yo, yo, yo on a distant planet I'm I'm excited to uh, I feel like I'm right about to beat Seijima's campaign and you can survive So next up is harika with the dancing mini games. I've been told that that uh, that uh Part of the game is super sleazy just like the idle industry cool In which that's that's real in the very beginning of the game There are two guys in a in a in a shitty Like take out place arguing like I can't believe some asshole would let their daughter Go work in the idle industry. Isn't that industry disgusting?
Starting point is 02:40:04 And care you just loses your shit and storms out. Yeah So kind of excited to see like a different underbelly of japan society. No, that's really cool I I'd really like to start getting into yakuza 5 because I need to fucking download it and dance battles. Yeah dance battles Uh, oh, I know I'm looking forward to The eventual but soon incoming uh game grumps cross best friend's videos Uh, that will be appearing quickly and shortly and shortly how's work progressing on that? Uh, it's just a matter of schedule. Oh, okay Uh, so that's cool. And uh, yeah, thanks to all the guests we had on this year
Starting point is 02:40:42 Uh, I think you mean this month. We had a whole bunch on this month. It's only yeah, like they've almost all been concentrated And crammed them all towards the end, but no, um, you know I mean the the guest format thing has been something that we've had to experiment with to figure out what was the most comfortable And some people are more suited for like a brief segment Yeah, don't let play gone for the whole podcast. Some others are fine for a 15. What an asshole, you know, and and Every every every episode like I pay attention to like the reviews and how people take, you know, play what's up It's dark souls, but uh, I think we've got a rhythm that works and uh, I'm having fun with it The only the only consistent problem that uh, I see with the guests is that um, I like I
Starting point is 02:41:24 This podcast has a lot of talking over each other. That doesn't work very well with the guests. You gotta be polite and shit Yeah, well the well if anything the problem is that the guests are often too polite And then we're also too polite and there's a lot of half starts a lot of people get stomped over. Yeah So guests should be ruder. They should just elbow through not as not as rude as super super bunny shits Oh, what a fucking asshole this bullshit. Yeah, fucking Griffith did nothing wrong. I can't believe it Exactly there we go. Thank you All right, all right, you all have a happy holidays and all that shit and we'll see you pre the new year Uh, hopefully this year hopefully won't explode god be nice to have one already
Starting point is 02:42:08 Oh, we're gonna fucking feel so dumb when that year the earth explodes. Yeah, we're gonna lose that bet collectively Yeah, well fantasy star 2 definitely online is definitely not coming out this year It's the last thing that you fucking see before you die Good stuff. Fucking geocorsey shoots it at us That's the last second wedges in our fucking brain. He evaporates as it leaves his hand So Oh
Starting point is 02:43:38 Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh
Starting point is 02:47:38 Oh Oh

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