Castle Super Beast - SBFC 125: Miracle Girls Festival: Let Me Bury Your Child: Stop Me From Bearing Your Child

Episode Date: December 29, 2015

Thanks for a fun year, guys. See you in the next!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today's sponsor is Lootcrate. For less than $20 a month, Lootcrate gives the geek in you a special treat every month. Lootcrate is a subscription box service with $40 plus worth of geek, gamer, and pop culture gear, collectibles, apparel, comics, etc. all delivered to your mailbox every month. You have until the 19th at 9pm pacific to subscribe and receive that month's crate, and when the cutoff happens, that's it, it's over. So go to slash super and enter the promo code super to save $3 on your new subscription today.
Starting point is 00:00:48 So the thing with Nicki Minaj is that whenever I see pictures of her, I'm always like I should probably masturbate to this, but I gotta go, I have things to do. You grab it and you put it aside, right next to the other one. Little photo of her winks, and she's like nah man, you got time, but I just, I just did, Nicki. I just finished masturbating to something else, and I just went on or Facebook and there's just some ads. And she's there.
Starting point is 00:01:15 And we're just there. She's there. I like those curves. I like those curves, but I got business to run. I got business. Just don't talk. I got two business. Don't look her straight in the butt.
Starting point is 00:01:24 She'll get you. Oh no. That's where the Sharon Gantt trap is. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, Naruto is gonna. Should we talk about how much Woolie's back into Naruto? Fucking no. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:36 You're not going to talk about that. So about 15 minutes ago, Liam pulls up on his phone, some fucking Naruto fight from Ultimate Ninja, whatever, and me and Woolie are watching it and we're like, wow, that looks amazing. Well, I want it. And Woolie just started reading the manga as soon as you go. Shut up. Don't lie.
Starting point is 00:01:53 The headband came out. I do want to note, though, that when you were saying that you didn't say, so we were watching some Naruto bullshit, which is the way that usually would have went. Yeah, that's true. Because it wasn't bullshit. No, it was fancy looking. It was the final fight from Ultimate Ninja Storm. No, it's the mid game.
Starting point is 00:02:07 It was like mid game. It's the mid game. The Sasuke Naruto fight. And I was like, oh my God, that's some next level fighting game shit. Incredibly good. For single player content. But yeah, it looks like it plays like shit, but whatever. I really want this to be in a franchise I really like.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Like yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, well. Well, luckily, Woolie got that wish already by having it happen to Naruto. Nicki Minaj from the Butt Village. Yeah. But the thing is, Pat, you handed me a USB with all of those chapters on it.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Like you're back in two, basically. I'm not in, though. I shouldn't have said two. You guys are enabling each other. It's pretty bad. Okay, that bit where the Saratobi stole that guy's soul, that part was cool. You forgot about that part. No, how could you ever?
Starting point is 00:02:50 Well, we'll be talking more about these subjects at a later time. In a later day. Welcome, welcome, welcome to the final friendcast of the year, of the year that is 2015 in case you're from the far-flung future. Yeah, definitely. That could be awkward. The fiftieth year of the two south business. When somebody puts this podcast on a time capsule, they're gonna be confused if we don't
Starting point is 00:03:08 label these years. Definitely. No. In fact, I mean, you know, something that was, I was thinking about doing that, well, I mean, I say the number, so that's fine. It's episode 125. I don't need to say the date. It's 125.
Starting point is 00:03:19 You know what? So I thought about like saying, like, hey, should we say the date and it's like, nah, the number's good enough. Yeah. And I know someone else asked us, like, are you guys gonna introduce who you guys are every time? And I was like, and we used to, but then I realized that we don't need to because every time we do our weeks, we go around and say it.
Starting point is 00:03:34 And I try and vary. Yeah, but we don't say who we are. I've tried. We do. Very, very clearly go, hey, Woolly, what did you do this week? What did you have this week? Wait, who's Woolly? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:45 And with these fancy new mics, no one knows who sounds like they're doing. Everyone thinks we're different. We're all the same. Although I listened back to that, and there is a little more bass than you would catch in real life. It is more than the old stuff, how we actually sound. But people don't know how we actually sound because we're used to how we sound in real life.
Starting point is 00:04:02 I saw some. Because we know our real voices. I saw an interesting exchange. They only know our voice faces. I don't know. On the Twitter. And the interesting exchange was some guy going, oh man, I can't recognize these guys. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:04:11 And some guy who had met us at a prior con going like, no, that's totally what they sound like for real. Yeah. Yeah. When they're not just being blown out by shitty USB microphones. They're not just near or around our faces in real life. They'll know. Those are the true people with the true ears.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Nothing will ever be as bad as when Matt and I named ourselves in the original, what was season one or two. To destroy everyone's lives. Everyone's like, I thought you were the other guy. Yeah. There's that. But there's also the way we speak. We all have different weird mannerisms.
Starting point is 00:04:37 Inclinations. Yeah, I keep touching my nose. Don't do it. That's a weird thing on how you speak. On how you speak, exactly. You're going to get a disease. Good question, Liam. 125 is a correct track.
Starting point is 00:04:49 I was actually going to ask. I just didn't want to run over. That's good. That's good. So STS 125 is the Space Shuttle Atlantis. That was the mission. That was the final mission that was sent out to us. Are we just going down space shuttles now?
Starting point is 00:05:01 No. But there was a couple of numbers. There's a couple of numbers. You know. I picked the most interesting one. I think. Okay. This was the final mission to service the Hubble telescope.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Oh, that's cool. In 2009. And as you know, the Hubble telescope is the fucking badass Big Dig G of telescopes. Yeah. It sees all sorts of crazy shit in space that you should probably worry about, but you don't because there's too much. Wow. It looks right into your apartment every night.
Starting point is 00:05:22 It seems to be some type of old god. No. It's pointing the other direction. It's pointing the other direction. Damn. Let's just look away from that one. Let's ignore that. Put that in the maybe bottle.
Starting point is 00:05:31 And it seems like every time we put the Hubble at this section of space, everyone working at the facility goes crazy. Crazy for a little while. All right. Let's just chalk up that part of spaces, not existing, and mark it off all the maps. The map just says crazy zone. Do not peek. Crazy zone just sounds like a, like a third rate Chuck E. Cheese rip off.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Crazy zone. And they've got a mascot who's like a dinosaur. Come on down to the crazy zone. No, it's a car. And he's like, he's wearing a cute outfit. And he's like, hi, welcome to crazy zone. Blah, blah, blah, blah, like, hey kids, bring your parents down to crazy zone. Come play our tech in two arcade cabinets.
Starting point is 00:06:12 That's too real. Come down to my creepy apartment on Ryla. Our games are dynamite. That means they don't work. It means somebody blew them up with dynamite when they stole all the money out of the safe and skipped town. We've still got some pizza in the back. I checked.
Starting point is 00:06:27 I can't believe that arcade still exists downtown. That's good. They make money because people that are drunk stumbling off because it's a street wander in. But you know why it shut down for like a year, right? Because the manager just said fuck it and took every dollar out of the safe and bailed. Well, that's better than the other arcade that I used to grow up with that had a fucking FBI, not FBI, a swing, a sting operation where dogs came in sniffing out the coke.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Well, awesome. Was there coke? There wasn't in the arcade. It was down the street under a phone booth. Ah, you seem to know a lot about it. It's not as bad as the bar in the forum where some of the cabinets are perfect. But then you get to like the house of the dead cabinet. It just doesn't.
Starting point is 00:07:12 But I that's that's the bar arcade I'm referencing that shut down for like a year. Because no, we will. He's talking about the music in 2000. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, no, I'm talking about that one. You're talking about the one in the forum. Yeah, yeah, the one in the forum. That one's that's the one I'm manager bailed.
Starting point is 00:07:29 That's why that restaurant's never going to open again. Oh, yeah, well, yeah, I guess that counts as an arcade, but it was like an arcade secondary. It's the biggest arcade in town, sadly. Well, I think the one. It is the physically larger one is physically larger. It's bigger than 222. Oh, much. Yeah, much.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Nothing will beat round one. Getting real local for you there. Mike's zero, dude. Yeah, he's loving it. Ah, hey, Matt, you're back. I'm back. I'm missing. And your microphone is facing the right way.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Is the microphone facing the right way? It is facing the right way. The color tape is facing you. But I want I want. Can we can we take that line again? Hey, Matt, you're back. I'm back. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:08:06 There you go. That's what we're looking for. I probably blew it out. That second of thought. Much like the Naruto asshole. OK, we can't. We can't. We got to leave that till later.
Starting point is 00:08:14 We got to leave Naruto ass blowing. Yeah, no. Happy Christmas. Happy Merry Christmas holidays. I think black people say happy Christmas. What the hell is Kwanzaa? Is that a religious thing? Do black people have an inherent dislike of the word
Starting point is 00:08:29 and Mary? I don't know. Maybe they just wanted to own something different. But in the islands and up here, it's always been happy Christmas with my parents and family. Weird. It's very weird.
Starting point is 00:08:39 And Merry New Year. Because I'd get one message from my family and friends and I'd get a second from the rest of the world. Right. Couldn't you just couldn't you just combine this to make it slightly easier for my brain? No. It's too hard.
Starting point is 00:08:52 But yeah, sad. Sad I missed the Christmas cast because I because I enjoy I enjoy the video gate video or RK top 10 questions. It was it was common cool. That's common cool like this. I was helping out my family at the time. Yeah. Sorry, I didn't want to cut you off.
Starting point is 00:09:09 I just because you're talking common cool. A lot of people were worried that we're going to be all NPR sounding and I'm trying and I had to remind them. I was like, no, that's not the Mike's very specifically. I did that so that we did that. You would bring that up. We also we also did that last year. We did in that kind of exactly because people thought like,
Starting point is 00:09:25 oh, the mics make them sound like NPR. And I was like, no, it's the Christmas cast where we all talk kind of like probably the weirdest part of that is my Twitter started to explode. So you guys sound like you're on NPR. It's like, what's NPR? Yeah, what is that? National Public Radio.
Starting point is 00:09:40 OK, that's you for you bringing your sweaty balls to him. That's like that's what we were going for. That's some American thing, I bet. Anyway, sorry. Yes, I can't wait to get these balls in my mouth. Yum. Yum. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:09:54 But yeah, just just to catch up a little bit with I was I was doing kind of like leading up to the the last podcast. I was kind of having a lonely week because the wife went on a little mini vacation with a friend of hers. In prompt to impromptu. I like, you know, we just came back from LA. So I was like, now we got to catch up with videos. I was like, no, you you guys go.
Starting point is 00:10:13 I'll stay. It's fine. And so they leave that night and then I go I wake up in the morning and I go to my computer. And the first thing I see when I log on is a picture of both girls with their arms around each other with drinks and some tropical location. Some tropical location. I look outside and it's like the grayest day ever.
Starting point is 00:10:32 But not snowy and I'm just like, Honeymoon part two and I believe without the husband. And I believe like like an hour or two later, I started hassling you about some bullshit that you didn't want to talk about. And you're like, oh, I had one good time by myself. One good time. One. A singular, singular.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Also, if like anyone that has a beef with me currently like plague for, I don't know, any like hermit comments I made about him recently. You want us to draw this? OK, so I take I took a bunch of my we and GameCube games. I did not play like they're all shrink wrap. They've gotten a good one's like counter force, right? A lot of stuff like that. And I'm like, you know, I'm going to do I'm going to drink
Starting point is 00:11:17 and I'm going to put my console really, really close to me. It's just so I can pop in, pop out as quick as possible, play all this bullshit. Because the thing about popping in all these games is that the consoles are on the floor or whatever. I'm not getting up. No, I don't reach. You can maybe do two of them. And you're like, no, this is not just sit down and I sadly played
Starting point is 00:11:36 a bunch of games by myself while drinking and playing rain of fire. I know stuff like we've never popped in, right? So I found one or two games. I'm like, oh, we got to do this fire behind you. Oh, I should have done that. I have the fire is kind of like reaching out of the hearth and starting to burn objects. But and one of the games one of the games was actually really, really special
Starting point is 00:11:57 because it was a console version of a game I tested. And I'll just say it's an Indiana Jones game and was made by Astamow. Staff of Kings. Oh, you mean A2M? Yes. Yes. Yes. Staff of Kings. And it's very, very interesting. I know. I know a guy who programmed that, actually.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Oh, you should have done it better. It's not great. Yeah, well, but there's a couple of games that are really interesting in there. So, so, well, well, well, you know, it's like a listen to this podcast. Does he know? No, he doesn't. All right, I'm sure I'm sure the programming is the problem and not the design individuals at Astamow. Like I don't anything to say.
Starting point is 00:12:34 But like I hate that company for personal reasons. I know you do. Anyway, but going through that, I almost done Battle Tendency Jojo. And I think it was when what was it? What was the big news that happened? Yeah, it was it was the Nintendo Direct we sadly missed, but the one with the Smash Direct, the Smash Direct, the Smash Direct. So I'm in a cab and I'm just reading Battle Tendency
Starting point is 00:12:58 and I see this one panel and it's Caesar holding some type of long object and saying, I will add to the length. And I took a screenshot of that with my phone. I'm like, I just want to put it on like, OK. Oh, no, that's that's that's Joseph. I remember that part's the mace in the chariot race. No, no, no, it's there's a different one. Where they're going to it's it's a Joseph trying to scale up something
Starting point is 00:13:21 all with the icicles icicles. And then it's just Caesar holding this like Dick shaped icicle going. I'll add to the length. And then I post that everyone's like, what the fuck are you posting this stupid shit for? They owe and I'm like, oh, shit, OK. So that was kind of funny. So I'm almost kind of done Battle Tendency.
Starting point is 00:13:37 It's a good one. And I went to the I went to the Italian familiar for for for Christmas had a really, really good time. Saw some pictures of you joining in with like the fucking the goombas. You're right. It's it's it's guys. Paisanos and Matt hanging off the side of the charades. Shit, this is this is charades and charades. Like is there's a fucking blast every every year, but it gets a little heated.
Starting point is 00:14:05 This year, not very heated. Guys one and we get this weird nutcracker statue. I don't know it's a significance, but it's a crack. Your balls. It's been handed down. Your balls in it for years between the guys and the girls or whatever. Crunch your balls. I'm busting balls here. I actually got baby's day out as a movie. I had to charade.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Good. I couldn't believe it. And what did you do? I I Goo Goo Gaga, baby, you know, you do like four words. Yeah, yeah, for a syllable, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So yeah, we won. It was really fun. And what also facilitated it being fun. And I think at least will your maybe paddle. Remember, I think either at the Halloween part at my place last year,
Starting point is 00:14:43 but we have this punch is this my my wife's family has this punch, which is one part seven up one part orange juice, one part lemonade and one large part Southern comfort. I'm not if you don't remember that means you probably had it. That reminds me of that other friends of ours, Family Punch. Also uses. Oh, yeah, yeah. And that was we made a really good batch and so good that when I went over in my parents' house, they're like, could you
Starting point is 00:15:12 um, could you maybe bring everybody rubbing their chest slowly? Yeah, no, both both of those. I'm not killer. I'm not sure if you have it. Everyone like suggests like, oh, I think I had a separate punch. It's really good. And like, um, but do you have any wine? And I'm like, no, no, you're good.
Starting point is 00:15:30 And they're like, what do you mean? Like, because this has a lot of alcohol in it and they go really because it doesn't taste like it. And they're like, be careful with this punch. It tastes like good times and bad times. Oh, a little bit of both. So so yeah, like Italian family was good. And I, you know, I got some I got some really good gifts.
Starting point is 00:15:46 I was telling Pat the other day. My sister and I usually, you know, we're, we're a few years apart. We don't know what each other's into. And we usually get each other gift cards, gift cards. But this year I got her like a fun little like treat box or whatever. She got me, she got me and, uh, Leanna, like two things. And they said, you can exchange either or they're kind of for both of you. So you open it up and I opened up one and it's a gigantic book all
Starting point is 00:16:09 about the attitude era. Yes. And it comes with a stone cold Steve Austin beer like opener, like can opener or whatever. And I'm like, that's cool. I look through the book. It's literally legit. And I'm like, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:21 The other gift was just a white ceramic cookie jar with skulls on it. And inside we're just Oreos. This is new gift tax give people cookies in jars. Works for me. It was amazing. I was expectations are completely I'd be happy to receive that. I would be very happy to receive that. And I did.
Starting point is 00:16:42 And, uh, yeah, I also got, uh, Leanna got me gigantic book. All the James Bond posters ever collected in a book, weird ones from China and Turkey, bad ones. Yeah, the really bad ones. And you see that they're all misspainted. Like villains heads are on James Bond's body. That's great. Oh, what is it that the Polish names, like like British spy in space?
Starting point is 00:17:09 Yeah, yeah, some of them have like great like alternate names and also really it's really cool because the little drop down boxes for each poster, it actually goes from an art perspective. Like they're the big, uh, the words for this movie were this and they exemplify it by doing it from this perspective. And like the it was actually like an art breakdown as well as just look at the pictures. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:30 So I really appreciate the agent who's burned me. The agent that's burned me. That's real. Um, and just really quickly, we watched a few episodes of Ash versus Evil Dead, the, the TV show. Good things. Very good things. Cause holy shit, was that classic Evil Dead and me and Pat talked recently
Starting point is 00:17:47 about Duke Nukem and how do you do Duke Nukem? How you, how should have you have done it? Did you make him a loser in the future? You know, who's a loser? Ash. Ash. You mean captain's supermarket? Captain's supermarket.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Yeah. And he, and he, it's really weird. He works at a different supermarket. And a lot of people said like they didn't want to get sued by Kmart this time around. So it's not Smart. It's like this time around. Seeing as they're out of business now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:11 But like, are the two kids like just looking at him like, what a fucking wash the pack? Oh, no, no, the one guy's like, he's so cool. Whereas the girl is like, he's kind of lame, but I don't know. He's cool, like a little bit. Like he's a cool older guy, I guess. Yeah. And, and like the first thing is that Ash, like that walks into like a bar and
Starting point is 00:18:29 he's just trying to be cool and he takes a dart, throws up behind him and it completely misses. Yeah. Yeah. But he acts like he nailed it. Perfect. I do that all the time. And I won't say what it is, but the setup as to why evil is back is hilariously
Starting point is 00:18:42 stupid and pathetic. So it's perfect. Great. Awesome. So I enjoyed that. Watch the Force Awakens one more time. That's a good movie. Enjoyed it.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Actually a bit more the second time around just because like lesser expectations already know what's going to happen. So like, yeah, I quite enjoyed it the second time. And when, when like now that I knew a few things about it, like, yeah. So when I saw it with the group that I did, I was like, you know, who that Stormtrooper was that totally got fooled by the Jedi mind track and they're like, who, and I was like, is James Bond? They're like, what do you mean by James Bond?
Starting point is 00:19:14 Like, well, the actor, I'm like, oh, I thought you meant it was James Bond. Oh, the character was in there. No, the group you saw it with was seeing it for the first time. Yeah, one person had already seen it, but he was down to go suit again. So saw that. And the last thing I saw hateful eight the other night, too. And Quentin Tarantino's Quentin Tarantino's ridiculous. Many more because it used to be so few.
Starting point is 00:19:38 It's the eighth. That's the joke. Eight full eighth. All right. Kill Bill, two counts as Kill Bill. Yes. It's all one movie. I didn't know I was doing all my fingers split. That's hateful eight. Good. Not as best. I think it's weaker than Django, weaker than Glorious Bachelors.
Starting point is 00:19:53 It's hard to match up to Django. It's still really good. It's more of an interesting experiment because it's one long scene, basically. Weaker than Death Proof. It adds actually very similar to Death Proof and that nothing happens. It's one long scene. It's one long scene. But then Death Proof has one long action scene after that. It's two. Yeah, Death Proof is two long scenes.
Starting point is 00:20:12 But but this at least it gets it ramps up really hard in the last 30 minutes. And that's where it got really, really good. But it still had a long cram. It goes almost three hours. And when I think I told Willie this the other day is that it's actually based on what was a proposed Django Unchained graphic novel. Like it was Django Unchained happening in a different area. And this like it feels similar like it's like Django Universe.
Starting point is 00:20:38 If you like it's not like you don't know for sure, but it like it might as well be Django Cinematic. Has this render has this rendered Django Unchained non canonical? Unclear. Quentin has yet to speak on. Well, people use certain words a lot. Oh, what? And hateful eight. So they're mad. I was telling I was telling someone the other day, the only real problem with it,
Starting point is 00:21:00 they only like that actually kind of annoys me is that since there's so much dialogue being done so quickly, certain words get used so much that they actually start losing all meaning and they have no impact. Especially when Sam Jackson is on screen. Yeah, you don't even hear Nega anymore. Yeah, it becomes a fucking like like the yeah, basically. And I think Sam Jackson is actually the like was the most impressive. Like he wasn't the main character because there's eight characters really.
Starting point is 00:21:28 But he was like he was like the main thread of it. I actually enjoyed his performance the most. And some characters like Tim Roth is a yeah, yeah. Like Reservoir Dogs backing in Tim Roth has almost like nothing to do. And it felt kind of like a waste. You know, wearing an orange poncho is not. Anyway, but I still enjoyed it. Like it was still it was still good.
Starting point is 00:21:48 And but if you don't see even in 70 millimeter, then a lot of scenes fall flat. Like you're you're supposed to be wowed by this, but you don't see in that format. It's like they don't have the the the space scene and the gravitas are there places locally to see it that way. Yes, thanks, Koshia. Yeah, the only places in the country that offers because I really want to go see it. So yeah, it's still I still recommend it. It's just not my favorite Quentin Tarantino movie.
Starting point is 00:22:13 But there you go. But it's still Quentin Tarantino movie. It's still Quentin Tarantino. It's in good company. Yeah, it's yeah, it's it's in good company. So yeah, all right. That was my all right. Liam, yo, Liam, let's go counterclockwise went down to the country side for a few days.
Starting point is 00:22:29 And I spent where you're the mayor with my where I'm the mayor of anime town. I'm the reigning mayor of anime town. It's a thing in a video that we told you about earlier, but it's coming soon. But basically the little little property that you go back to that your family owns, we call it anime town will be when I'm done with it. But no, but I went down saw my family as a good time. There's it's been so I'm not the youngest of my cousins. There's a lot of us.
Starting point is 00:22:55 The youngest one was like 14 or 15 quick question. What's the total cousin count approximately? Probably like nine. Oh, that's that's some kind of 10 guy. There's too many. Like there's actually too many. Yeah. So it's been like many, many years since we've had a Christmas with kids around
Starting point is 00:23:13 again, but this year we have the first baby around again. And so everybody buys gifts for the baby. And that's great. Yeah, it's it's all about the baby. Baby can't even appreciate it. I had a very similar experience with my nephew where it's like, don't you know, but he's new. But it's fun again now because everyone's not just sitting there exists again.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Yeah, exactly. So it was just really nice to have Christmas be like not that it wasn't fun, but we were all a bit older. So it was like, yeah, here's your gifts, everyone. It was nice to have a kid screaming at how much they enjoyed these gifts. There's nothing to 64. It was a giant the winner because everybody has to compete for her affection. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:23:52 The winner was easily the giant purple plush hippo. Yeah, stole the show. That's all it needs. It all needs to be way bigger than she was. So that's great. No chance of the thing that I like. Oh, I don't have a kid, but like I want to get that it looks like the best gift ever is this game and there's a video of it where like you put marshmallows in like a hand. Yeah, thumbs up. No kids.
Starting point is 00:24:13 No, that's not. No, you didn't get it. I didn't. Don't worry about it. All right. Marshmallows in the hands. And then you have to you put on more marshmallows and then you turn a little dial more and more and you put your face right in front of the hand and it smacks you. Have you? I don't know if you guys not see this. You got a abusive toy like a tabletop. It's a tabletop toy like a board game style.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Yeah. And you put your face in the little hole and you get ready to get smushed in the face with marshmallows and like you don't know who's going to get it. So the kid is watching you turn and every time you turn it, he's out. So it's kind of like crocodile dentist. Oh, yeah, where you get to nap time you put. Yeah, right. You play good. You put thumbtacks on the team. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Yeah, that's the real game. It sounds like it's just a marshmallow based jack in the box. Yeah, I sort of, but you get it in the face. Yeah, where you where you deserve it. Yeah, the most. Take it. See, I don't like marshmallows, so that game would hold no value for me. So I don't like marshmallows either. Oh, yeah. So they have a one. So it's lose, lose. It's lose, lose.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Oh, man. Why do you hate marshmallows? Because they taste bad. Thank you. Right on. Enjoy your lower paychecks. What, what, what, what possible reason would someone have to dislike a food other than it tastes bad? I don't know. Matt just bought me marshmallows the other day.
Starting point is 00:25:27 They were great. I like, I enjoy this delicious treat that I'd like to do. Hey, envy your desire to eat marshmallows. I had a lot of marshmallows at camping and stuff like that, and I hated it. I did not think anyone would be in my corner on that one. Right on. Yes. Yeah. So it was nice. I had a good time with the family. I was playing, I played a few games this holiday season.
Starting point is 00:25:47 I played Legend of Heroes, Trails of Cold Steel. I keep getting emails about that. I keep, I keep having cost and bitch about me that I'm not playing that. You should play it. So it's on the Vita. So it's on the PS3 as well. Oh, is it? Yeah. Or you could just put it in your Vita TV.
Starting point is 00:26:02 I'm going to be, if it was a five before I play anything else on that. That's fair. So you probably know about how the previous series was coming out on PSP way late, and we only just got the last game in that series five years late, like a few weeks ago. On PSP? The PSP one, exactly. Is the PC version still one behind? No, no, they're matched. They're matched.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Wait, it's the second chapter? Trails in the Sky, SC is the second chapter. That's the last one? It's the second chapter, and it just came out on PSP and PC recently. OK. Yeah. So this is the first of the next duology, but we're like way caught up now. I think we're only. Much closer to a duology. Yeah, we're only two years behind,
Starting point is 00:26:39 but they already confirmed that the next one's coming out next year. So we're finally getting there. Are these coming to PC? Do you know? Unconfirmed, completely. Exceed is publishing these. So yeah, if I ever get it's it's liable, but there's there's no issues with any of the versions. Oh, no, but it's like if I ever get through the both trails games by that time,
Starting point is 00:26:57 like they'll probably it'll probably be. You can just jump to this set if you want. No, I can't do that. OK, but you know, I'm not doing this again. That argument again. OK, no, they just don't follow. So yeah, they're totally separate. Plague, you were there.
Starting point is 00:27:11 You know the deal. Anyway, it sounds dumb. There was a secret. There was like a secret podcast of sorts. Yeah, I yeah, that was like five and a half hours long. Unintentionally, I was supposed to go talk to Plague and Pat accidentally got roped into it. Yeah, because Plague just sent me the link to his Picardo stream and I come in and he goes, what are you doing here?
Starting point is 00:27:30 And when you accidentally get Pat on on stream, then his crazy comes out. So a little bit, a little bit. But but it so Falcom has always been known for kind of playing to what's popular at the time that they're making the game. If you look through all their old East Games and Legend of Heroes games, you'll see that wise. Yes. Thank you, Matt. And correct pronunciation. Yeah. So so this Legend of Heroes games is Legend of Heroes trails in the persona
Starting point is 00:27:54 and it takes place at a like military high school. And you've got all your guys and you go with your S links and it's really good, though. It's a Falcom game squished with persona. And I've only played it for around 10 hours so far, but it's super good. How are the friends to choose from? They're great. There's a really strong variety. That's really important. I don't I don't think they'll go as deep as persona did, but they're
Starting point is 00:28:17 are there any just like hard losers in that gang? No, I wouldn't say so. There's people who argue and bicker and you're like, OK, stop, OK, stop. But they've got their personal reasons, right? You know, I think we can all agree. Everybody that's done P3 and P4 like some of those S links. It's like, yeah, I like your I like the persona you come with, but you suck. Just give me the card and I'll and I'll take it. She's brother loser.
Starting point is 00:28:41 Well, well, whatever. I remember when we was talking about personal first time and I was like, hey, does anyone know the name of that girl in the music class? No. All right, you know, and that was the end of course. Of course. So I only played that for a little bit, but it's really, really good. I'm excited to play more of it. And the other game I want to see I'll see all you guys your eyeballs.
Starting point is 00:29:00 I want to see them not roll. I got I got one of these. Yeah, I want to see them not roll an inch. I played from beginning to end beginning to end Miracle Girls Festival on the Vita. OK. Well, he is struck. No, he closed his eyes and he's rolling. I'm trying to think. I'm trying to think of some subtitle or something to add
Starting point is 00:29:20 that could make our eyes roll further. I don't think I'm dead on. I'm staring straight at hasn't stopped. OK, you can all stop now. Let me bear your child. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. That's one. Let me bear your child. Miracle Girls Festival, let me bear your child on the Vita as we cling together.
Starting point is 00:29:39 Yeah, maybe do not let me bear your child. Oh man, stop me from bearing your child. Oh, you can't. Oh, that's from matching. So God arranged. I was just going to assume this is a rhythm game. It is. Yes. It's it is the first real spin off of Project Eva.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Yes, because there's a 3ds ones, but they have different stuff going on. This one's like exact same gameplay. It is a it is a miracle. It is a miracle Girls Festival. A rhythm miracle. Let me bear your children. I love how like there's a slight like mishearing thing in which he's turned it into bury your children.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is much, much cooler. This is much to ball thing. It's a ball much better than that. Let me bury your children is a strong sometimes. So the the the drawback to this game is it's all anime openings and endings. What? So there's a few clear winners
Starting point is 00:30:29 and there's a ton of losers in there. And based on this no winner. No, I wish it was or losers here for here. There's some there's bear children and like like the you know, you guys won't you haven't seen all these shitty animes because they're all they're almost universally shitty. The ones that are in it. But what a great game.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Some of the ones like Wake Up Girls, they steal the show because they've got like it's an idle anime. So they've got full choreography. Yeah, that makes sense. And then you go over to other ones like Ars Nova. It's a it's like a almost military anime like naval battleship stuff. And they have they have the charisma of a boat as they dance. And it's just not entertaining to watch them a little bit.
Starting point is 00:31:08 Mailbox is not an anime with the boats that have the huge boobs. There's like three different ones. Oh, God, God, all these googling furiously for it. Put your pants back on. It's not even wearing pants. Tell me, tell me. Now, there's a good mic dying. So the main love the new mics.
Starting point is 00:31:30 The main thing is the game plays really darn good because it's just a raw Project Diva game. No, no gimmicks. They even pulled out the touch screen mechanics and made it back to buttons. Oh, that's exactly what you wanted. That's exactly what I wanted. I can't wait for the touch mechanics to come back in the next Project Diva. Oh, because it'll be a value add.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Yeah, exactly. That's what it'll be. It's super good. And if you're a fan of Project Diva, I don't know if it'll get localized. They didn't get Kibunko, so maybe maybe, but like if you're looking at it and you're like, hey, that's kind of Project Diva. It's exactly Project Diva. You just reminded me one of the better ones, period,
Starting point is 00:32:04 except when you unlock the full versions of the song. Because, woolly, you know why they cut them down from full versions? Why? Because nobody wants to hear your shitty four minute average J-pop song, because when you get to the bridge, you realize there's a reason the bridge isn't in the opening. And then after the bridge, when you get to the second, third of the song, you get to the perfectly passable, but textbook electric guitar solo. And that part of the song is consistently boring every time it sucks.
Starting point is 00:32:38 All that matters is that first minute and 30 seconds. Exactly. Even the one punch man theme, which is amazing, the full version is not as good as the intro. The whole four minute dealing. It's not as good. So like, that's the issue with this game. You just want to play the one minute versions,
Starting point is 00:32:54 but then the game just ends super easily. I got to the credits, which I mean, it's a rhythm game you keep playing after. But I did all the single player content in like six hours. And that was that was every song multiple times, a bunch of times. I got to ask, because the Project Diva formula has had how many iterations before this? Like this over 10. This is the main line.
Starting point is 00:33:17 There's five. OK. And the sixth one's coming out in March. Would you say this is the first, like, total spin off outside of the arcade games? OK, would you say that mechanically they've hit their peak and it's as tight as it's going to ever get? The next one has a cool mechanic they're introducing, where like a button you hit a button and you mash it. And the more times you hit it, the more points you get.
Starting point is 00:33:42 And there doesn't seem to be any problems with that. And I'm kind of shocked that wasn't in there already. I believe it's in the arcade release, but it never made it because they're actually different games, but it never made it the home console one. But yeah, I think mechanically, like with that in there. Like a whammy bar. It's really solid. And fuck the whammy bar. I hated that.
Starting point is 00:34:00 I think they need to pull back on the touch screen mechanics. But otherwise, it's it's really good. I got in a good place. No one's really shaking up the formula at this point. No, OK. Not in Project Diva, no. It's it's the it's call of duty for rhythm games. Yeah, all right. So yeah, it is. You get one every year.
Starting point is 00:34:17 I know, that's that's the weird thing, I believe you. Yeah. But I mean, it sounds like it's the standard for the only for them. There's pretty much no other games does Project Diva's exact gameplay style of the notes like floating around and stuff. Hmm. But they kind of own it. I guess I just I saw like fucking. What is it? Like 14 of those machines lined up the project. Yeah. And I was like, OK, people are playing this.
Starting point is 00:34:38 This is crowded. It's a popular game. Yeah, OK. No, it's good. I know you didn't dig it too much when you tried it. But maybe, you know, I like I think it's partially on me for just not getting the full thing. But that's OK. You know, yeah. Anyway, good game. Miracle Girls Festival.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Let us bury your children. Stop me from burying the child. Let us bury your children. Stop me from burying the child. That's what it's called. What did I do to deserve burying your children, bad man? I feel like there's a shirt here. A Liam shirt.
Starting point is 00:35:14 Yeah, that's that's let me bury your children. This is Liam with a shovel. And he's really happy in the sack. Of course, I'm happy. I'm always happy, except when I'm not, except when you're not. Yeah, that's the worst part. There you go. Was that was about it? Yeah, that's all right.
Starting point is 00:35:29 That's pretty much all right. Yeah, we had to, you know, so Pat. Hey, everybody, I'm Pat. This is your voice. Hi. Hey, hey. Hey, did you have a week? I had a pretty standard Christmas. But like Liam said, there was a young person there who really enjoyed his Legos that he got.
Starting point is 00:35:44 Oh, good. Yeah, I love them. Like it was this it was no, it was this it was this weird thing where everyone got together. It's like, so was the kid like and the sister comes back. Legos kid likes Legos. So I got a shit load of Legos and he was flipping his damn good. The thing with getting toys like that, like nowadays, you see kids getting them and you just go like if it's something
Starting point is 00:36:04 similar to something like it was around our age, like Legos or whatever. I'd fucking kill for those Legos if I was that age. I would bury him right now. So what if I could take that? Like what ends up happening is the kid obviously wants to build one of the Lego sets right now, even though it's not his house. Like we're at my parents. So you end up my brother and I were we're on the floor briefly
Starting point is 00:36:24 and we're putting some of this stuff together. And my brother finds like a little Lego dude on a on a bike. And he's like, Pat, what the hell? We didn't have this shit when we were kids. And the little Lego dude on the bike like can be pulled back and will like drive forward and will not fall down. And we're looking at house. Like, oh, he's got little training nubs underneath the thing.
Starting point is 00:36:44 It's bullshit. Bullshit. This kid's got it better than we ever did. This is horseshit. See what I'm talking about. Youth is wasted on the young. Yeah, Legos improve while we weren't looking. Well, almost every toy like super soakers will fucking super soakers had that one good moment.
Starting point is 00:36:58 Blast your skin off. My moment was when I saw my little nieces like a brick remover. Yeah. And it was like for the things that are just cooking wedging. I'm like, well, the moment that's going to like hurt me deep is like when I as a cool uncle get that kid like an NX and like when he's five. And I'm like, fuck, this is bullshit. I didn't get handhelds from like like third tier removed family.
Starting point is 00:37:24 This is a horseshit. And he's kind of disinterested, just disinterested in it. I just want an iPhone. He's already got his iPad. But I can play Minecraft better. Look, the buttons aren't even there. Look, it's this thing has buttons. What is it for babies?
Starting point is 00:37:36 Yeah, you've got to punch that kid punch him. That's like a baby's toy. That's like a baby's toy. And then you scream at them like you're a baby. And then your sister's like, don't scream at the kid. Even even clothes. If you go into the department store, you walk by the kids clothes section, you see like this shirt.
Starting point is 00:37:52 This is the Avengers. And I just go, shit. Well, hey, I was a kid. Yeah, really? What is the name of those shoes that the fucking kids have now? L.A. lights that that you can slide around on like they got wheels. Roller, roller shoes, helis, helis, helis, helis. That's bullshit.
Starting point is 00:38:09 I know that didn't exist when we were kids. So upset. I could have done less exercise back then and that's bullshit. I got surely invented 100 percent when we're out of the window to wear them. I could have still wear them. I could have pretended your feet or your feet could fit. I could have pretended to do a stinger way more accurately. You go to man.
Starting point is 00:38:29 It's bullshit. I'm fucking when he was into stingers when he was 10 or my or my K dash blackout slide. You don't like that kind of stuff anymore. So that was Christmas pretty standard. Honestly, I did play one game. Well, I've been playing Yakuza and I got to the idle stuff. And just like I predicted last week and like people told me the idle culture in Japan is filthy.
Starting point is 00:38:50 Yep, it's fucking gross. So good job, Yakuza series for for giving us another. I hate that word. I know you do. But I love it. What does it mean? So I mean, it's told me to not really it literally means pin up.
Starting point is 00:39:07 I know, but it's just like it's no one says that. And I do for the word pin up. I'm not there yet. I'm only at the surface level creepiness and it's still pretty creepy. Yeah, like there's a bit where your manager tells you if you don't win the big dance, she'll shut down an orphanage. That's very standard. That's standard in any business.
Starting point is 00:39:26 Anything for you, P. Chen. Evil, evil. No, it's T set. Fuck those bitches. Oh, well, anyway, what a whoa, bitches. Anyway, but I didn't play another game. It's a brand new. No, T sets the evil idol group.
Starting point is 00:39:37 No, no, I get it. But yeah, I think Willie's talking about the producer producer. I forget a damn name. So I did play a new game. So I'm out of FF 14 and I was using something. I was like, ah, what, what should I kind of fill in with my wasted time? Back to World of Warcraft. So a friend of mine suggested that I play Starcraft because I mentioned on a podcast
Starting point is 00:39:58 a few a few weeks ago that I played Wings of Liberty, but I'd never played Heart of the Swarmer and Legacy of the Void. So you know what? I like Starcraft well enough. And I played a couple of missions to re familiarize myself and Wings of Liberty. And that game feels great. Everything about clicking like your mouse around and the way guys move, that feels the best. Yeah, you click and you get a little boop.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Yeah. But no, just like the smoothness and the interface on that, that's just the best. So the problem relies in that now Blizzard has this thing called the Battle. Net Launcher. Yeah, where you have all the other games in your face and Battle. Net Launcher has it has a tab for each of Blizzard's games on the left. Even if you don't own them, right? Especially if you don't own them.
Starting point is 00:40:36 And it's Starcraft is right next to Hearthstone and it's right next to World of Warcraft. And it's all right there. It's all right there. Just click. So I wish I wish I was telling you that I got back in World of Warcraft. Because that's where I assumed it was going. I wish I was telling you I got back in the Hearthstone. I wish I had told you that I had gotten into the beta for Overwatch.
Starting point is 00:41:04 No, I spent like several nights this week playing Heroes of the Storm. There you go. Yeah, getting the hots. The Hots MOBA for babies. Wow. Yes. Is this is this the MOBA debut? This is the MOBA debut on this. The friend cast 125 episodes in.
Starting point is 00:41:22 Liam, did you play any MOBAs? I played like 40 hours of league. I was like, but it was never like a week. No, no, no, no, no, no. I think it was before. Yeah, so this is our debut of MOBA. All right. So first of all, tell us about how the FGC failed.
Starting point is 00:41:39 The only reason. Well, I can tell you where Hots in particular succeeds in a few ways. In that Blizzard's very smart. Hots. Yeah, Hots. Hots. Heroes of the Storm. You've played much more hours than you say. No, I've only played like two, three nights. If you're calling it hot.
Starting point is 00:41:55 It's just a killer abbreviation. Faster. You don't call Dota defense of the ages. Yeah, you don't save that much time. You call it offensive, but ancient. Yeah, that's right. I forgot about that. So one of the biggest, like, because first of all, you know how every, like the Heroes of the Storm is like, was accidentally positioned as a MOBA
Starting point is 00:42:12 for babies by assholes who play Dota? Well, that actually works really hard in its advantage because I would never have ever considered picking up Dota or League if it was because it's too legit. But because I think because I thought that this is a game for babies, I was like, well, so tell me how the Lost Vikings are. OK, the Lost Vikings are bullshit. The Lost Vikings are crazy.
Starting point is 00:42:33 They're impossible to control. Amazing. The Lost. Well, you remember, I played as Cho'Gall, that character that had the two heads. Two characters. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The Lost Vikings are in the game now, and that's one player controls three units. Wow. Because you control all three of the Lost Vikings. You played with Cho'Gall online with someone else? Yes, yes. And I played as both versions.
Starting point is 00:42:51 I'll swear on a blood pact right here with Woolly. That the moment that Blackthorne is announced, me and Woolly will start playing. Blackthorne, which character is it? It will catch me. Blizzard's best character. You will catch me. The guy with a shotgun. What about the truck from that racing game?
Starting point is 00:43:09 Black sunglasses and a leather jacket. Super Nintendo Genesis game, Blackthorne. It's like the full throttle main character and not full throttle. That's possible for the Lost Vikings. Yeah, it is possible. Because if he shows up, you will see Matt and I in Vegas. Or wherever those finals are. So what are sponsored jackets and headsets?
Starting point is 00:43:31 So flying to Korea, the smartest. The Korea Blizzcon. It's in Blizzcon, you fucks. Flying to Korea. The smartest thing they've done with this compared to the other MOBAs is they've zoomed the camera in like a lot and you see. OK, we know. Shut up. Imagine if the whole team of eSports guys that we're with
Starting point is 00:43:48 are all wearing the shades and the leather jacket. And we're coming out in uniform with the Blackthorne fucking logo. But you can only one of you could play as Blackthorne, then. Blackthorne has been announced for Heroes of the Storm. You wisely, I'm the biggest. Blackthorne was listed as a hero character in 2013. As of December, 2014, concepts for him exist. But he's not officially in the game yet.
Starting point is 00:44:11 But that's the biggest liar in the world. No, I don't know. I'm on the Heroes of the Storm wiki. There are slots on that character list that are still open. Hold on. Hold on. Wait. Point that at us again. No, wait, hold on. Well, don't edit this fucking podcast.
Starting point is 00:44:26 OK, OK. Well, you fuck. What does it say? He's not in yet. But, well, on the heroes. Well, listen to me on the Heroes of the Storm character select screen, not only is there always room for more like all the MOBAs, but there are straight up open slots. Right. Still, there's like 10 open slots.
Starting point is 00:44:44 So Blackthorne, totally one of those. And you just said you just said you just said that shit, you and that swore that you would do a blood pack. You can't cut this out. Don't cut this out. We'll never let you forget. So back to what I was trying to fucking say. As soon as we win, you just go, oh, oh, oh, oh.
Starting point is 00:45:01 The smartest thing they've done is zooming the camera in. So it feels as good to control a StarCraft, but it looks like they're playing Diablo. It looks like you're playing Diablo and it's close enough in general mechanics that for a bit it's like, oh, when you're going through the tutorials, oh, this is kind of like Diablo, I guess. And and that broke me through the wall. That that's what got me through.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Like in the footage, you like Diablo a lot. Well, in the footage I'd seen, the first thing that I noticed was how close the camera was. Yes. And that seems to be the approach that a couple other newer MOBAs is taking is moving the camera way up behind the character. I spoke to some people and they were like, and fuck this fucking camera. I can't see shit.
Starting point is 00:45:42 And you know what I'm thinking? I'm thinking, thank God for this camera, because I only I have less to focus on now. There's the mini map, obviously. But but don't you need the wide camera to see the lanes? No. So this game has less focus on lanes. Like in Dota, my understanding and this may be totally wrong, but I imagine it is somewhat accurate because I remember Ryan Davis talking about this years ago.
Starting point is 00:46:03 You just start a game with Dota and you go to a lane that you want to go on and people immediately start screaming at you that you went to the wrong lane. Fun. That does not happen in this game because the lane that you particularly pick doesn't really matter. It's more about the map objectives that are usually sprinkled evenly around the map. And there are multiple maps in this game. The other the other MOBAs do not have multiple maps and they do not have map gimmicks because the ideology is like, do you change the the football field
Starting point is 00:46:33 per season? Do you change the soccer field? Do you know you have a regulation field? You play on Summoner's Rift. You have a regulation fighting game stage, right? But here all the all the stages have gimmicks like, you know, kill this guy enough times and he'll come join your team and go bust up the base. The weirdest thing about it is like all these MOBAs are all ripoffs of the original Dota, which was a Warcraft 3 mod.
Starting point is 00:46:56 And the original Dota used all of Blizzard's character models, even Starcraft models that were, for some reason, in the Warcraft engine. And it was a fucking mess. It was a hodge. It's a hodgepodge of bullshit. And League of Legends, every time we go to a con and we see these characters, it's a hodgepodge of bullshit and Dota is a hodgepodge of bullshit. And here's the storm, which is so much more honest about it. It's like, look, this is Diablo and there's Jim Raynor and there's Leoric.
Starting point is 00:47:22 Look, you can play as Nova. But because it's Blizzard and everything smooth and, you know, that rounded Blizzard style, it actually like looks fine. Joe Mad style. Like it doesn't look like it doesn't look like in Congress with everything. You have like Diablo fighting Protoss units on a map in a in a in a Warcraft scene. And that should look like shit, but actually looks pretty good. See, now here's the thing, though.
Starting point is 00:47:46 Whenever you come out with a ringing, ringing endorsement for something, it doesn't mean anything. This is not a ringing endorsement. OK, OK. No, because because it doesn't actually mean anything until we get like we three months out. No, no. Oh, two months out. Two months out. Is it completely and utterly exercised from your life? Then, yeah, I don't think that means anything.
Starting point is 00:48:05 I think that's extreme, man. Like, like, I find I finally like the most important thing is that I played enough rounds to like, oh, I understand why MOBAs are fun. I'm just because I'm just still on that battle front thing where I'm like, that was a day. That was one day. You walked out of here almost selling me on buying it. And but to be fair, in battlefront's defense slash offense, it had no content, yeah, which was which was the main thing that kept me away.
Starting point is 00:48:34 Like he loved it, but he ran out a lot. And then we got some news today that's going to double keep me away. But yeah, but like Willie, like adding the two months stipulation, that's crazy because the battlefront example that you're using to build that was one day. That was one day. It would be more appropriate. It's like if three podcasts from now, I'm still talking about this, then that would be like a ringing endorsement.
Starting point is 00:48:56 But even that, even if I really like it, which I do, that's not a ringing endorsement. This comes out as a ringing endorsement. I'll meet in the middle. You head down to hots dot net and use promo code Pat. You fucks, I'll meet in the middle of one day and two months and say one month. One month. That's three podcasts from now. It could be for depending on the month. Well, no, because I started or I started like on Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:49:18 And the monetization thing on this game, it's all right. Like you actually make a lot of the earnable currency from matches and daily stuff. Speaking of earnable currency. Tell us more after a word from our sponsors. Oh, hey guys, last podcast. The final podcast of the year is sponsored by Loot Crate. Whoa, is it? It is. Well, they really got in on this one.
Starting point is 00:49:40 That's a good get, Loot Crate. That's a good one. It'll go down in the annals, but this isn't about us. No, this is about getting a box every month. A black box, but this black box doesn't have bad news in it. It has good news. Wait, what? See, that's good because I expected you to say bad news. Bad news usually comes in black boxes. They're sending you a black gift.
Starting point is 00:50:01 Don't wedding rings come in black boxes. Yes. Oh, that's the end of your life. You're right. Yes. And the beginning of a new one. Yes. And it is a gift, Liam. So what is inside? Well, you can get every month delivered to your door. Just what's the word I want to use?
Starting point is 00:50:16 A plethora, perhaps a plethora. Cornucopia. Damn it, you fucking do. Comic book related, smorgasbord, you know, sci-fi related, all the stuff that we talk about on this good podcast. Right. Right. You get merch for that every month shipped to your door. Every more, every more, every more, every single new words
Starting point is 00:50:36 being created every day, every more items, month, this all thanks to Lucrate. No, every score. The whole the job is supposed to be every month. That's like more than five a year, but I completely watched it. Didn't stick the land. I didn't stick the land. Yeah, there you go.
Starting point is 00:50:52 So you subscribe and you get that. And if you head on down to slash super, you use the promo code super, you save three bucks on your new subscription and that's pretty good. That's fantastic. This is all it's savings. There you go. It's at a low price.
Starting point is 00:51:06 That's even lower. That's money in your pocket. Yeah, we don't know what the, what the, the coming theme will be. We'll be, we've given them some ideas. We don't know. We don't just surprised as you guys are when you find out. I have a strong suspicion they will not listen to your ideas. I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:51:22 I got, I got, I got an ear inside. Well, he's not good concept that he's workshopping with. I'm pushing it with them right now. And who knows, maybe 2016 might be the year of the horse. It's always been one of the up and comers. And then you said that. And then Lucrate said, nay, there you go. That's not terrible.
Starting point is 00:51:41 It's pretty terrible. Thanks, Lucrate. Thank you, Lucrate. Thanks, Lucrate. Wait, hold on a minute. We're not done. What? I'm done.
Starting point is 00:51:48 No, there's more. I thought it was over because there's what I, what hot off the presses. I'm, I'm being told digital presses. I'm being, I'm being told that there's something called the Lucrate level up service level up as in higher leveled, as in better, as in more experience, as in more power, as in better defense, okay, more MP. Okay, you got to fill me in on this. So tell me about this.
Starting point is 00:52:12 How do we level up basically the level up service? It seems to be a second service that comes with your Lucrate. If you decide to like upgrade. Okay. Right. And it's a secondary subscription. So it costs more for that, for this level up service. And what you are basically getting, it says here on my little notification is
Starting point is 00:52:38 one stylish wearable, like a long sleeve shirt or lounge pants. Okay. Lounge, you know, again, are better than regular game or game or like sci-fi or comic book related, of course, all these things are one or two fashionable accessories, accessories, two different pairs of high quality socks. Nipple rings. No, no, no, it doesn't say nipple rings. Those are accessories.
Starting point is 00:53:01 And they can come, they can come. And a monthly, a monthly mystery apparel item. Huh. Okay. Mystery box, the Mithril, Mithril, there's a clear slant towards fashion and wearables, clothing seems to be the level up service. Uh, uh, uh, modus operandi. What could they possibly provide over like the regular service?
Starting point is 00:53:23 Well, here's what we don't usually have. Because the regular service tends towards things that you would clothe your home in. Yeah. Yeah, more or less. The loot crate brings you the stuff you put in your house and the level up. You don't have any clothes. Things you can adore.
Starting point is 00:53:35 I'm naked in my house. You can't be naked. My house has clothes. I don't. As long as you have big windows, you can't be naked in your house. We don't have a sense of fashion. No. So I do.
Starting point is 00:53:43 You know, the level up service can tell us how to dress. Not a good one. It's really useful. Yes. So, uh, if you head on down to slash super best similar code, uh, you can save 10% on this subscription to level up service. That sounds good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:00 10% is a good round number. It's a good time to level up. Save in numbers. You can always look at the total and be like, I know exactly how much I'm saving. Stop grossing everyone out with your, your naked body and get some clothes on. Those were some awkward Christmas family days. Very awkward. Thanks, loot crate.
Starting point is 00:54:16 Thank you, Luke. Thank you, loot crate level and level up service. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, no, I like it. It's pretty good. Uh, I haven't spent any money yet and I'm probably not going to have to for a while. It's all cosmetic, right?
Starting point is 00:54:28 Uh, no, and character on launch. No. So every week there's 10 characters that rotate out. Yeah. It's so bad. Uh, and that's like a third of the roster. Yeah, that's this is the mobile way. Uh, and you buy those with either two to 10,000 gold, which is what you earn for
Starting point is 00:54:42 matches and you get, I don't know, like three, 400 gold a day, depending on whatever. So the easy ones to play, those are cheaper. The harder ones to play. Those are more expensive. Yeah. Uh, or you can also buy a hero for like five to $10. Hey, Willie, what was Blackthorne's first name? You fuck.
Starting point is 00:54:58 John Kyle, Kyle, Kyle Blackthorne. Fuck me. So you, you have to get in on this now. The day that Blackthorne comes out, you have to, you guys have to record a video. I was Willie, Willie, just do the Call of Duty Predator video where we go and where's Blackthorne. All you would have to do is go to the, the, the store and hit the try button and pick Blackthorne. Yeah, because I was, I like, I brought the story up because I was super legit
Starting point is 00:55:25 interested in the two headed character. Yeah. Uh, and I thought that sounded way cool. So guess what? Playing as that character is a fucking mess. It's so confusing because if you play as the characters, they're headed over and two people have to control half of it. So if you play as, if you play as a, I forget which is which, but if you play as the one
Starting point is 00:55:43 that has the magic, you have no body control at all. So it's like, you're a turret, you're a gunner, you're a turret with cool downs and it's fucking weird. And the other one, but you're really strong, right? You're, you're crazy strong and it counts as two kills when you die. The, the, the, if you play as the one that moves, it's even weirder because you'll be fighting a bunch of dudes and like, I need more damage and you can't choose when the damage, like, you have to rely on the other guy, when the big
Starting point is 00:56:09 damage comes out, so you're just spinning and shooting in crazy directions out of your control and it's super weird. Like there's, then there's team up mechanics. There's, there's, there's synergy mechanics that, uh, when I was talking to my friend about, about, uh, playing it, he's like, you don't do that shit unless you have a voice chat enabled because it would be impossible. No, I, I'd love to see how strong he is in two players hands who are like quite good. Is there not like a prompt or it's like, I'm waiting for you.
Starting point is 00:56:34 Uh, there, there's a, there's a move that he does where he rolls a ball and the the, that's the movement one can roll the ball and the ball does damage and the non active one can detonate it and that's one of his abilities. So every time you see the ball come out, you have to be ready to blow it up at the perfect spot. Okay. Uh, but there's more intense variants of that. What, what game is he from?
Starting point is 00:56:56 He is from more craft to more craft somewhere. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Tides of darkness. And the, uh, so like all these things like Hearthstone has the, the daily quest system and this has become very common for all these free to play games. Like Hearthstone would be like when your dailies win four games and we'll get you,
Starting point is 00:57:11 uh, you know, a hundred gold or whatever. In Hearthstone, it always felt like crazy impossible. Like a lot of them were win games and Hearthstone's hard. If you have shitty decks, uh, and in this one, it's like the most common of all the quests are play two games as a Warcraft character, play three games as a Starcraft, just rotate through the character and you'll get 300 gold, which is like, uh, uh, one eighth of a, of a hero buy of the cheap ones. Well, you guys laugh.
Starting point is 00:57:39 I was just thinking about just whispering. Kyle Black, I'm sorry. I don't really have much to say aside from that, but I'm actually liking it. I was on my phone when, uh, when I was, uh, in the mall eating lunch, like I was looking up like builds for Arthas. A strong recommendation. Am I crazy or is the Starcraft ghost girl in that? Yes.
Starting point is 00:57:57 No, no, no, everyone, like almost everyone that you would know and think is a cool character is in that game. Nova's in it. No, Nova's in it. Sick. Yeah. It's half way there. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:58:07 You like Jim? You like Jim Rainer? Jim Rainer is the tutorial. Jim's in it. I think we talked about a bit when it was announced, but I was like, uh, Blizzard announces something called, uh, Heroes of the Storm. I went like, that's a real generic name and stuff. It's the most generic.
Starting point is 00:58:20 It's not Dawngate. I'm probably not going to be like looking at that or caring about it. And then you see the cinematic of what this is. And I went, ah, that's pretty cool. Yeah, it's all stars. It's Blizzard all stars. The tutorial actually makes pretty good on that, on that stupid crossover concept where it's Jim Rainer is from Starcraft and he gets teleported into what
Starting point is 00:58:44 is essentially the Warcraft universe and Uther Lightbringer, the Paladin from Warcraft is there and he goes, what, why are we fighting Diablo? What Diablo? And he's like, ah, don't worry about it. You're in the Nexus. The next Nexus, uh, it's all all meshed together. You can fucking finagle anything if there is a Nexus or a portal or a fucking it's a piece of cake.
Starting point is 00:59:06 You've got to fight forever because it's the Nexus. There's one weird writing shortcut to not have to write. Yeah, Shakespeare hates it. Totally. As a portal opened up and Ophelia fought Diablo. All right, that's it. I mean, he was trying to workshop something to say, I can find I'm finally at this nice little place where I can understand the MOBA and still shit on Dota because
Starting point is 00:59:33 that last hit shit, that's the place you want to be stuff is crazy. And for crazy people, I freely admit that I just have jealousy for MOBAs because they why is that? Well, it is like, please. In games. So, oh, really? Fighting games. They fuck themselves out of the world.
Starting point is 00:59:51 I never answered your question. MOBAs are the user of the throne at 100 percent. I never answered your question and I can answer it slightly and that MOBA, especially, Heroes of the Storm makes itself so innocuous and simple, seeming to start that even someone like me who actively hated that genre eventually got worn down and played a couple matches. Yeah, right? It is like they they lie to you and they tell you, dude, it's so easy. You only have like three buttons.
Starting point is 01:00:21 All you have to do is just make it so that you click on Ryu and then you click on the enemy. Like, you know what it does? Is it paints itself? Cool down on your tattoo. It did. You just match the moves. It paints itself.
Starting point is 01:00:32 And that's it. And it looks like Rising Thunder when you hit play the first time. And then it turns into Street Fighter once you already like it. Yeah. All right. Well, as far as I go, what Blackthorne news do you have? Thanks, Liam. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:00:50 Blackthorne is super fast. Black news, I guess, the family. Welcome to Black News. I guess you get someone's VCR for Christmas. Oh, no, have the Phantom Menace in it. No, no, no. We're we're beyond gifts for anyone but children and my family. Yeah, OK.
Starting point is 01:01:15 You hit that point that level up. I've been at that point for a while. Yeah, no, I'm there, too. So I wish I giving and getting stops like my all the adults got each other gift cards at my house and was fucking weird. Yeah. No, I gave my mom like a loaf of this really delicious apple apple bread, you know, that had a big bite in it, but that's sweet.
Starting point is 01:01:33 But it's like the real gifts have long stopped. It's all for the kids. Yeah. But yeah, we did that and I met up with, you know, the family and crazy cousins and all that. Oh, yeah. And you should invite them on the podcast. And oh, you should not.
Starting point is 01:01:47 It just turned into unexpectedly the whole thing turned into arguing over Star Wars and they didn't see it, but they were just like, I don't know. I hear it's dumb now. And for kids, I liked it when it was darker. And I was like, no, no, no, you don't understand. There's I have so much material on why you're wrong right now. And they're like, no, I could have been cool because they're they're on the outside, you know, like they're not aware.
Starting point is 01:02:15 So it was that whole thing. And then it would have called them traders and started to spin around. Yeah. Spin your eventually, eventually that transitioned into interstellar. And oh, man, I had to break down why I'm not a fan of that movie. I haven't seen it. So I see it. Yeah, yeah, it's fantastic.
Starting point is 01:02:34 Sure, go see it. But like I'm Matthew McConaughey. It's got some problems that I really don't like. And they and that basically my cousins are the type of people where it's like, if if you have valid points, it doesn't matter. We're not backing down. No, it doesn't matter. So we're just going to keep this going until our argument becomes what is art
Starting point is 01:02:53 and can art ever be judged because there was no getting out of this one. And eventually I was like, I need more turkey, you know. So that was that was the power up the rest of my argument, dude, because turkey and sorrel and rum cake, you know, sleepy time. Exactly. You know, you're barely holding it together. You can't remember why that dumb girl was on the ship saying, my boyfriend's over there. Let's jeopardize the human race so I can find my boyfriend.
Starting point is 01:03:17 Talking about Star Trek. If you wish, you stupid fuck. Anyway, that, you know, so that was pretty uneventful. So what I did on my own was I spent pretty much most of this week like hammering time into Darkest Dungeon. I noticed when I came by. Yeah, I wanted to. Darkest Dungeon was I fucking loved the game, man.
Starting point is 01:03:42 I just never really have. So it's near complete, right? It's like one patch away from being retail, but it's not done yet. Right. Yeah. And here's the thing. The game is so good. It's fantastic. The mood is great.
Starting point is 01:03:54 The voice acting is stellar. Well, you guys did that video on it. Was it or is this an up really updated version of it? Oh, the video we did was like right after the first release. Yeah, we've had we've had we've had some slight changes to the system and major changes to like features like a week after we did that video. Like five new characters got added. Yeah, classes and like all the all the buildings in town are now like available.
Starting point is 01:04:17 Nice. The four releases in January, right? I'm really keen on. I don't know. I don't know. But yeah, I feel like I'm about halfway through all the content in this version of the game. Now, I feel like there's a butt coming. So there's one thing and it's inch. It is a butt that's coming.
Starting point is 01:04:33 But it's not a full but it's a half. But it's a half. It's one. It's a half moon. Here's the thing, right? The game's fucking hard, right? It's unforgiving and it has a thing. It has a big part of what's so unforgiving about it is the stress system. Yeah, the insanity.
Starting point is 01:04:48 So the insanity system, I don't know if it was a 5050 chance of you going crazy or becoming heroic, but it's now clearly not that. And it's now like 75 percent. It should never have been 5050. Well, I don't know what it is, but it's pretty much like you almost have no chance of becoming heroic or courageous. Good. You're really screwed from the get go a lot of the time.
Starting point is 01:05:08 No, that's fine. Right. You get used to that. So what you need is better stress management so that you don't even get put into that coin toss. That's correct. If you manage your stress, you still can only do so much because you can only like reduce yourself by, let's say, eight to 10 at a time while enemies easily do 25 or more stress on you.
Starting point is 01:05:27 Yeah. And as you do more missions, you get more crazy. You pick up paranoia and eventually you end up finishing a mission with a character that they are alive, but they're completely useless, completely useless. Right. So your best characters are the guys you go on multiple missions with. And after a certain point in time, they're not fully burnt out, but they're functionally impossible to use time to retire. I'm bringing them back because even if you remove all their stress by putting sending them to the bar or to the church and whatnot, they still have the ticks.
Starting point is 01:05:55 They have all their they have like seven ticks of like, if it's light out, I'm going to eat stress and I'm going to. And if it's dark out, I'm going to eat more stress. Even when we played it, we ran into a situation, I think, where there was characters that would get mutually exclusive conditions that meant they were always like freaking nuts. Right. And then there's like, we'll only go to the brothel in town for stress relief. And sometimes the caretakers there and too bad, you can't use it too bad.
Starting point is 01:06:22 So it basically. And then the other thing to stress relief is crazy expensive. Nothing is cheap in this game. Right. So what you have is a situation where inevitably, no matter how good you play, right, with the even with your perfect luck, you will run into a point where you are pretty much scrounging for money. I need a new batch of dudes because healing your guys is too expensive and you can't go out on a new mission with like less than, say, 2000.
Starting point is 01:06:47 Yeah. Right. Very rogue like, actually. So they're so then you basically, through brute forcing it, discover an exploit. Oh, that more or less exploits. And I don't know because it doesn't feel like it's intended. Oh, my God, these mics are so fun to whisper into. I don't so audible. I don't think it's intended, but you end up with a system where you have
Starting point is 01:07:09 a team of like, like solid heroes that are all like level two or so. Fucking badasses. You've got some bench guys that you like, and then you got four empty slots and you take whoever the fuck wanders into town, send them out on a mission with no provisions and expect them to die. But before they die, you retreat and get the little gold they picked up off the ground. You know what? That's good. And then toss them away as soon as you get back to town.
Starting point is 01:07:36 Maybe you can outfit the next group of bat with the money that these sad saps brought back. I don't think that's an exploit, but it becomes the only thing to do. There's no options. Well, you could restart and try a better round. Can't you go back and do easier dungeons? There's no, it's really like you can always keep doing easier dungeons, but the easier dungeons are still going to put your stress over 50.
Starting point is 01:07:58 Over a hundred, rather. So what I'm saying is if you choose to play the game as easy as possible by sticking to the short stuff, building up your money slowly and whatnot, your main characters that you're leveling up are still going to stress out beyond your ability to afford healing them. I remember. And if you have to, if you try to remove their quirks or their sicknesses, you're you're talking about like three, four thousand dollars. Maybe maybe it would work better if you were more aggressive about throwing
Starting point is 01:08:28 out recruits before they became totally useless. Well, that's what it is. So now the game is now there's no problem because I pretty much have a system of pick four guys, send them out and then to throw them out, right? And how many times do you want to do that until you have like a ton of cash? You know, so it's kind of like it feels like it's that's kind of thematically appropriate. It's it's interesting, but I don't like that it's your only choice. After, you know, there's, you know, all these PC games and they always have
Starting point is 01:08:57 like major like mechanical tweaks. Yeah. So maybe they'll change that somewhat. I remember Plague's biggest problem with that was that it was really, really everything's going fucking great or you're having a cascade of failures and you're fucking fucked pretty much. Is this all like that? Yeah, it is. And you know, again, most of the time you you decide to investigate something, it really doesn't feel like it's 50 50. It feels like it's mostly in the negative. OK, so you have you have that happening.
Starting point is 01:09:22 You have the, of course, the perma death system and then you've got the everything is expensive and everything stresses you out thing. And it's it's a challenge and it's fun. But when it's an oppressive game, it's an oppressive game, certainly. And they tell you all about how oppressive it's going to be. I'm really excited to go back to that because it's going to release soon. I just and the kind of thing that I'm having trouble with, though, is like, I'm like, how would you address or possibly find a way around this?
Starting point is 01:09:46 Because you don't want to make it easier. I don't think you should make it cost cheaper. I don't think it should be less difficult on your stress. But there should be. You know what it would be? Here's what it is. There's no way to fast forward in time so that a week later, your guys are relieved. Yeah. So you have to send someone out to do something that that would totally smash the game's mechanics wide open if you just fast forward.
Starting point is 01:10:10 But the only thing that happens is pretty much like them relieving their stress over. Yeah. But if you had enough money, you could relieve everybody's stress before sending anybody at the same time, sending out a party to die that you don't care about is the same thing as fast forward. What about what about just like that? Fire Emblem style difficulty settings where it mixes and matches the different maybe that's coming. They could.
Starting point is 01:10:29 But, you know, I feel like the spirit of the game is right where it is, because if they made the game have an easy mode and then all the narrators talking about is how insanely hard your your fucking adventures are going to be and how man has no need or understanding of the folly of what he doesn't try. Like all of the things are about how much your soul is going to be completely. Yeah, totally. And like things costing less is not the solution. But maybe an ability to just, you know, skip a week of action. I bet you could you could solve that problem with very slight tweaks
Starting point is 01:11:00 on multiple parts of the system. But, you know, and beyond that, I love everything about it. I just I just wish you weren't pigeonholed into this one exploit. I very intentionally kept myself away from that game after we did that video because I was like, this game is fucking awesome. God, is it not even close? I don't want to burn out now. No, I'm really keen to try the when it's when it's like naughty. It felt like not even a quarter done.
Starting point is 01:11:24 Oh, man. Well, I'll tell you what, like it's got like bosses now. And like the bosses are really interesting fights. Cool. They all have different gimmicks and mechanics that the boss in that version was that witch that threw you into the stew. You got the witch in the pot. Yeah, and there was the big brigand guy as well. But yeah, there's a couple of others now. So yeah, lots of that.
Starting point is 01:11:41 And then I watched a bunch of stuff. In particular, I had a very Gundam filled week. Seems like it. Yeah, you watched Ironblooded Orphans, didn't you? I saw a few episodes of that Thunderbolt. Well, here's what here's what happened. Is it Thunderbolt to Manga? Thunderbolt is a new OVA. OK, so here's what happened.
Starting point is 01:11:58 I watched Thunderbolt, which is brand new, and it's the only one episode out so far. And it's a possible contender for my favorite piece of Gundam, anything because based on this one episode, based on this one episode. Is it OVA is like unicorn that are like of that production value level? Yes, absolutely. Like money through the roof and style through the roof. Music, everything is just so on point.
Starting point is 01:12:20 And it's the tone is everything that I love. Hard sci-fi is just everywhere in it. And it's it's so good. I just can't write enough about how good it is, right? Yeah, I saw. So it's something they talk in the room. Well, here's the thing, right? Everyone often says, like, 8th MS, you can go check that out
Starting point is 01:12:39 as your beginning thing to see a good series that you might like or not like. We'll see how I've heard people say that. Right. So Thunderbolt is actually up in that level where it's like, you can go watch Thunderbolt and see if you enjoy what you saw. How many? And it's only one episode so far. Yeah, I was like, how many episodes are so close? Coming off of fucking 28 minutes of animation. Do you know how long?
Starting point is 01:12:58 Because I remember when Unicorn was coming out, everybody knew it was going to be seven. Do you know how many Thunderbolts are supposed to be? Four. Four. Wow. So that's like, we're really dumping the cash. So yeah, so that was like, holy shit. Now there's nothing else to watch. All right. What what do you got?
Starting point is 01:13:11 And I'm like, all right, keep it going. Ironblooded Orphans. Let's see what's going on with this show. That's one of the spin off ones, right? Yes. And actually, no, no, no, no, I think it might be. I'm not 100 percent positive. I have to do some more research on it. But right other way, it's different.
Starting point is 01:13:25 Right off the bat, it's different. Your hair come in the wacky hairstyles. Here come the wacky colors. Here come the it's a pretty here. It's a pretty gray show. Here come the trope children and the princesses. Oh, you love trope children and princesses. And you love them.
Starting point is 01:13:39 So I'm watching it and I'm like, you know what? I like this. But there's no, it's not completely like turning me off because there's some things that are interesting. But it's just layered in all this like predictable. No, you like don't. No, that's your favorite, you know? And I don't know how many episodes you got in.
Starting point is 01:13:55 I watched three episodes and I was like, that's all right. Yeah, I kind of just didn't even continue. But it's all right. I was like, but but the one thing you don't fucking tell me anything about is Barbados design. Yeah, no, no, everything. Oh, here's everything about Barbados and the mobile workers in general are really cool to look at.
Starting point is 01:14:13 They're these awesome, like not going to Barbados. They're doing it. I'm doing it right now. They're these the things that they use in the beginning of the show are these not mobile suit things. They're these worker robots that are rolling around with these guns on the side and that's pretty much it. Power loaders, yeah. It's fun and clunky and awesome
Starting point is 01:14:29 to watch them fighting those little dumb tanks. Definitely. But yeah, they spend a lot of this time world building and setting up all these things with these characters. And I'm just like, this is definitely different. And but there's like, definitely. And then they cut to the bad guys and they're straight up Saturday morning cartoon villains.
Starting point is 01:14:45 A little bit. And I'm like, I'm getting shades of seed here. And I know it doesn't get as bad as that. Everyone has told me it doesn't get as bad as seed. That's a cool looking gun. It's so cool. Do you see it with its club? Yeah, yeah, I like that it's a club.
Starting point is 01:14:56 The action is awesome. The action is fun to watch. And I feel like the main character and his best friend are kind of like a Simon and Kamino type of duo. Sort of, yeah. Don't you mean Shimon? Yeah, I do. Shimon and the commie noon.
Starting point is 01:15:10 But ultimately, Aniki. I got I got like that's actually got to the end of the first one. I was like, you call them Aniki. The action wasn't worth the rest of it. And then I got through the second one and I was like, no, I'm done. I got to tap out of this. Yeah, it didn't.
Starting point is 01:15:23 This is just not what I want. It seems like it's good. Just didn't really grab me too much, but it seems good. And it's like, and the problem, too, is when I started New Gundam series, like I'm very much like, OK, are there going to be kids in it? Like, I can take kids, but I'd rather they weren't. I don't think they can.
Starting point is 01:15:39 Trigger warning children. So would you be really happy if there's a Gundam show that's like like the eight year olds and they're all like, we're going to become Gundam pilots and they all get fucking massacred in the first big battle. Yeah, and then it then it cuts to grumpy MacGold man going, oh, and he's the oldest. That's so that's why we don't let these punks
Starting point is 01:15:56 fly to fucking Gundam. Yes, the only hair he has coming out of his ears. OK, yeah, another series that the guy that made Gundam made where you get to watch a toddler with no head floating through space, because he gets merked in the in the battle. Let me bury your space children. So yeah, you bury a children in space in a space coffin.
Starting point is 01:16:16 That's correct. With a weird little dress on them. So there's just there's a certain tone that you can immediately tell this is for younger audiences. And yeah, you know, then and it's not like the same tone you get when Thunderbolt starts and it's just like immediately. Well, like the age, if you were if you watch Build Fighters and you didn't get any references to the previous series,
Starting point is 01:16:38 this is the show for you. Well, they have a question. You just said over and over how amazing Thunderbolt is. You didn't actually tell us a thing, a single thing about Thunderbolt. OK, I'm sorry. You didn't tell us what you have. What you have is you just have like you have a look at two teams that are on the Federation side and the Zion side.
Starting point is 01:17:01 Shocker. No, no, that's that's because I was getting to a point here. I was getting to a point. That's right. Kind of over and it tells you you have one guy that's like sort of seems to be the main character. He loves jazz and he's got drumsticks in his in his like cockpit, drumming on his controls. Oh, I thought you meant like chicken. And that would have been much more interesting.
Starting point is 01:17:21 And you know, he ends up piloting, he ends up piloting like a full armor Gundam, which has like the two shields. And it's got a really awesome design, way better than Barbados, actually. If you go, what's it called? The Thunderbolt full armor jazz, full armor, Gundam Thunderbolt version. It's so it's two shields and like drum, Gatling guns under those shields and then boosters on the back. And it's just so fucking heavy arms, like ready for war, you know.
Starting point is 01:17:45 And I'm all about that. It's pretty heavy. And then you get might be too heavy. You get what is that is a heavy fucking robot. So there's a shot, right? And this is what got me in to begin with. There is a shot in the first episode where you straight up see what it's like to be a fucking Xeon like disposable soldier while the Gundam is coming at you.
Starting point is 01:18:10 Oh, I love those moments. And you get the first person cockpit could like for a full like maybe 20, 30 seconds of the panic and the fear and the inability to do anything against the mobile suit. This reminds me anybody. I'm sure we've talked about this on the podcast, but you we all like jerking ourselves off about what it must look like for the enemy robots in Vanquish.
Starting point is 01:18:33 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Sam is is like blowing around at the speed of sound. Dude, this is all that and more. OK, this is exactly what you would think it looks like. And it's such a fucking awesome I can't deal. You're what happened. We're going to fight this war. All right, best buddy, who we grew up together. All right, where'd you go best, buddy?
Starting point is 01:18:53 Oh, you're dead. Yeah, sure. No. But like, oh, fuck, there he is. Take a shot. Where'd my gun go? Like, oh, man, right? So, yeah. And again, there's very little to talk about so far, because it's one episode in, but they've they've fucking pulled me. I tapped out on on Iron Blader often.
Starting point is 01:19:10 So I was like, I need to go somewhere else with this. And so I watched then I watched Gundam the Origin. That's another OVA series, one and two. And what that is is an amalgam of the first series, right? It's no, it's not. It's a really 10 years before the first series. How did all the coolest characters from the first series come to be what they are? Is that char as Naboo? That's correct.
Starting point is 01:19:30 But it's not correct because it's asinable. OK, I've heard I've heard the phrase char as Naboo in the past. But not just char like Rambo Rall and like all the coolest bad guys. Yeah. How did they come to be? Because there's there's dudes that are on the evil team that are like, oh, fuck, it sucks that you're on that side. You're a really fucking cool guy. Why is it the whenever I saw a clip of Gundam that had the evil people,
Starting point is 01:19:53 they were all wearing weird dresses. What Gundam were you watching? I don't know. I don't know. That's a hard question. That's the vaguest thing in the world. Sorry, I can't answer that. But anyway, and that's a really fun, interesting thing, because it's doing it in the style of the old series, but with a ton more money.
Starting point is 01:20:09 And oh, yeah, like you're watching like, how did char become char as a little boy? He's he's actually like an interesting little boy, not an annoying. Oh, he sends himself. And then they show you what it's like when, you know, it's like, how did this badass red comic in the future turn into this? And you see this amazing set up shot of him just like flying by the equivalent of star destroyers and just one shotting them and like knowing exactly how to do that and no one else can keep up. It's fantastic. Really cool.
Starting point is 01:20:34 As an aside, because it reminded me like, well, have you heard of X-Men 92? No, what's that? It's a brand new X-Men comic that says the X-Men back at a more extreme decade. And it's just X-Men from 92. See, that's confusing, because I thought they were trying to get rid of mutants and kill off the X-Men. No, that was just Wolverine. OK, because X-Men 92.
Starting point is 01:20:58 Because the whole thing that a lot of comic websites are reporting is the phase into getting rid of mutants since Fox owns them and the cinematic rights. Even in comics? Yeah, because what you push in the comics reflects. That's used to me. Marvel is taking. There are no. The Fox rights ownership really poorly. Yeah, because they signed the worst deal in the world.
Starting point is 01:21:18 Oh, yeah. And there's a contract where, yeah, they don't get the rights back unless Fox decides to give it back to them. So there's so there's sorry. But the apocalypse has to happen for that to they reported on a rule that came out that said any new Marvel characters cannot be mutants. They're no longer allowed to be created. Well, these are old ones. Yeah. So no 92.
Starting point is 01:21:36 And the current line of mutants are being killed off by like plot things that kill mutants because we don't own the rights to any mutants. Fox owns all very literally cutting off your nose, despite your mutant face. I didn't see like I didn't hear about this comic. I was at a comic bookstore and I looked at the 25 different X-Men comics. So it seems like they're OK. I don't know. And I just saw X-Men 92. It could be old. It could be old.
Starting point is 01:21:58 You know, man, if you guys were worried last week that we wouldn't just keep talking over each other just because of these new mics. Well, you have no fucking fear now. But yeah, you know, that that was their whole thing. And so the inhumans are like not mutants. So they're getting they're inhuman. We're the gifted, you know, and anything like that is going to get a push. Anyway, the other day I was in a movie store and I saw this box set.
Starting point is 01:22:24 It was Electra Daredevil, Fantastic Four, Fantastic Four, Rise of Silver Surfer and the three X-Men movies. Please tell that's a strong. That's a good party night. Tell me how much that cost. It was like 20 bucks. Amazing. The fucking fuck shit box. I know. I know what I'm doing my next birthday.
Starting point is 01:22:45 Wow, that's you're all invited. In fact, you have no choice. I will go to this. It's it's a. I thought assisted suicide wasn't legal yet. It is. There ain't no party like a matte party because a matte party is mandatory. And they know party like a fuck shit box party.
Starting point is 01:23:04 Hey, Liam, you want to come to my party? No, I'll cut your pay. All right. Yeah. Hey, we really got to figure out a guest list and a time for that death wish thing. Yeah, we do. Because like everyone I talk to wants in on it. Hey, I wish I was dead. Yeah, we got to do we're going to do the Bronson marathon. That's cool.
Starting point is 01:23:22 So anyway, the last thing I wanted to say was just the fact that, yeah, all these movies and all these series that I'm going back to watch, the one like slight net downside is the hypership that is coming out of Gundam these days is all based on side stories of the one year war, which is like the first 79 to 80 year. And it's like there's so much. There's so many side stories that already take place in that time frame. So it's like, OK, we're getting another one.
Starting point is 01:23:49 Here we go. When you and I had that watch, you're like, but fuck, it's so good. Well, when you and I had that argument on on stream about how to watch Gundam. Yeah, I ended up looking at that wiki list quite closely. Boy, there's a lot of stuff that happened in 79 days. The one year war has so much like more than half of all Gundam takes place in a 365 day span, because that's the time span that, you know, had like all the the height of the Xeon and fucking Federation War, you know, was going on.
Starting point is 01:24:20 And then I remember going down the list and there's like one that takes place like 180 years later. It's like, yes, crazy shit. That's balls. But everyone loves the the fact that you can have a series and then see a little like hint of something in the main series. We're like, what was that? What was that red thing? Oh, my God, was that char? No. OK, back to our story. Obsession with having like baby char meat, baby little baby.
Starting point is 01:24:41 Amaro. Yeah, that's their name. So that, yes. And that that problem, the baby Han Solo problem happens. Happens here a little bit, but it's not a problem. It actually ends up being awesome. Little baby char would sell like hotcakes. Little baby char is a fucking super bad ass. Hey, look, that doesn't take no shit from no one. Little baby char threw a tantrum until you got him a red wagon.
Starting point is 01:25:05 Yeah, it's three times faster than the other wagons. No, it's not. Does that mean Char's like a big fan of Warhammer? No, I think I think that came first. Now, shut up. All right. So, yeah, that was me. That's a good week. I had a big Gundam week. And I'm going to continue to fucking go back through stuff
Starting point is 01:25:23 because the other new series was a G and Rekko. And I want to see what that's about as well and some other stuff. So Gundam, Gundam, Gundam, maybe next week, I'll be able to talk about Gundam to you. Yeah, maybe you got that. ATHEMS, didn't you? I got it all. What does that mean? I mean, all of it.
Starting point is 01:25:37 You downloaded every Gundam series ever made. No, I acquired it. Okay, you acquired it. You acquired every Gundam series ever made? Nearly. Via download? Just not Thunderbolt. And you guys are assholes.
Starting point is 01:25:50 Do you know what order you're going to be watching that in? No. All right, well, good job. He's going to start with Gundam 1. I tried multiple nights in a row. Move on to Gundam 2. And would skip between ATHEMS first 30 seconds and the first 30 seconds of Gundam 1.
Starting point is 01:26:04 Gundam 5 might be cool. Pat, yeah. I don't know what this is going to be. What's on the docket today? What's news? All right. Aside from me being insane, but that's not hardly news. I'll tell you what else is insane.
Starting point is 01:26:20 Yeah, yeah. Freedom Planet. It's coming back and you get to fight with furry animals. Well, what can you do in Freedom Planet? That song was great and I can't remember it. It's at the end of the trailer. They played it. Oh, I thought you meant the one where we sang.
Starting point is 01:26:35 We were singing over the main theme song when you're invincible and the main theme song when you're invincible is the theme song they play at the end of that trailer and it's the best. Well, I'm sure there's lots of good news. Willie, I have a sneaking suspicion Freedom Planet 2 is at the top of the docket because I saw a very particular tweet from you
Starting point is 01:26:54 just going, yeah, because you can do one new action in this game. Liam, you want to take this away? Is it because you can do parries in it? You can fucking parry. It doesn't even surprise me. Because to play that game successfully you need to abuse your invincibility frames. What we've discovered is that when Willie talks about parries
Starting point is 01:27:14 even the pop filter is not enough. You can do a shield or a parry if your timing is perfect and there's another sick ass mechanic that was announced was basically a last breath system. So when you die, if your body wasn't destroyed like pit or spikes or whatever, if your body was not destroyed, you can choose to cash in an extra life
Starting point is 01:27:43 for a last breath on the spot. And you get like 20% of your life or something back. Oh, that's a good mechanic. And you get some of the invincibility of respawning. But you only get 20% life. I believe it's called the live and learn system. Fighting till the edge of tomorrow. It's actually pretty apt.
Starting point is 01:28:01 And that to me, I'm like, that's a Liam system right there. That's smart. That's right. You take that hit and you're about to beat the boss. I gladly blow all my lives for one longer run. I forgot to mention I played freedom plan myself since it came out on the Wii U. I put in like half an hour. I also put in half an hour.
Starting point is 01:28:17 It is very good asking. One of the best pieces of news to come out of this announcement though is that he's working with tax men who's the guy who did the Sonic CD port recently that is amazing and perfect and flawless. Is this a man called tax or his name of a company? No, it's his nickname, tax man. I don't remember.
Starting point is 01:28:33 One single guy did that entire port? Yeah. That's crazy. He's the fucking best. Anyway, they're working with him. And that's only going to mean good things on the technical side. Not that the first game had problems, but the back end is very good. It sounded like a Super Genesis game. It was made to emulate the feeling of a Genesis game.
Starting point is 01:28:49 I don't know what it was made in, but the long and short is that it was hard to port from anywhere to anything, which is why the Wii U port took so long. And the tax man is working on putting it all in Unity. It's to Genesis what Shovel Knight is to the NES. Yeah. It can't quite do it.
Starting point is 01:29:07 But it's the feeling. That trailer was fantastic. Looks like they're going to have fully animated or somewhat animated cutscenes and things like that now. Full LP confirmed. See, this game exists because of you guys. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:23 You guys supported it. What a hell of a Christmas gift. That was great. Yeah, it was on Christmas Day. It was announced on Christmas Day, in fact. And lots of new vice voice actors and whatnot joining the ranks. So that's always good. So there was that.
Starting point is 01:29:39 Also on Christmas was the whopping Steam security bug. So this was a bad aftertaste to Christmas. I heard this news at the worst possible time because I was out of my house logged into Steam and I couldn't do anything. This bug was pretty in and out though, right?
Starting point is 01:29:55 It just came in white. They took down Steam and fixed it. What ended up happening is it was for roughly one hour, maybe 90 minutes. And what happened was due to some technical error was not a malicious attack. It was a straight up technical problem.
Starting point is 01:30:11 When you would go to your account details in Steam, you would see somebody else's account details, including parts of their credit card number, their phone number if it was attached. Well, you would log in as someone else. A bunch of social engineering like deliciousness. And the real problem
Starting point is 01:30:27 is that Google would cache those results and those cache results are still up. That's no good. So nobody's credit cards got out. You could only see two digits. It was the last two digits. But it's like personal information
Starting point is 01:30:43 that people could use to call your bank and fuck with you. Or call some service that you're hooked up to and socially engineer another piece of information. You can do all sorts of stuff with any piece of information. And someone said that a couple of purchases
Starting point is 01:30:59 were made on his account. If you had wallet stuff, they couldn't send it to themselves because they were them. And I believe people that were available or had their information, they would go in and that information was removed from their account
Starting point is 01:31:15 but yeah, really bad. Really, really bad security breach. Word spread pretty quickly though. I think it got around to everybody. And Valve's statement on the topic is frankly awful. It's just like there was a slight security error and we fixed it.
Starting point is 01:31:31 And that was like 10 hours after it occurred or whatever. No tips on what was available. No explanation of why it happened. No patch notes. No nothing. That's from some Valve guy that said it was a database error. No, that's from Steam database.
Starting point is 01:31:47 That was from SteamDB. They're not affiliated. No, I know they're not, but I forgot who it was because I just remembered their avatar. All the information you heard was out of Steam database and the mod of the Steam reddit who does not work for Valve. Other handling of it was
Starting point is 01:32:03 kind of god-awful. I didn't realize it was that bad. And the security breach is like, nobody's credit card information got taken and you're not going to hear about this forever, but somebody's going to have some identity funsies in the future. And that's fucking bullshit.
Starting point is 01:32:19 Well, I'm sure Valve will help them out if that happens. I seriously doubt that. Once I got home, I switched to offline mode. Once I got home, one of the gaff talk was like, okay, is the bug fixed right now? Because what would happen is people would hear about the bug, go home and access their account details
Starting point is 01:32:35 which would put it into cache and make them vulnerable. And I was like, is it still happening? No, okay, and I went on and removed everything from my account and now it's linked to PayPal which has nothing. But yeah, so I would highly suggest to everyone to never hook up another credit card
Starting point is 01:32:51 to Steam and use either cards or PayPal very similar to the advice that people took after the PlayStation game. Well, luckily I have my thing. It wasn't associated with PayPal, but when I go, I have to enter my information every time I buy something.
Starting point is 01:33:07 And yeah, you can just have it not saved and still be fine, exactly. I have to go through the PayPal process every single time now. Just type in some incredibly hard to remember password that you have to write down somewhere and it'll work. But yeah, bullshit.
Starting point is 01:33:23 Horrible, horrible. Just this sinking feeling of nobody knew how many people's information is out there. Is it everyone? Why can anyone see? Thanks for saying nothing. Does that mean someone else is logged in as me? And like for a while, it's like
Starting point is 01:33:39 if I log in at all or try to change something, does that make me vulnerable? And the answer is probably? Like, oh, mess, horrible. What a terrible thing to happen on Christmas. Especially for multiple reasons. One, because everyone's out of the house, logged in to Steam. And the second reason is because
Starting point is 01:33:55 well, nobody's at work. Nobody's at work at Valve. Yeah, blah. Terrible. Shame on Valve. I don't think that... Okay. So there was that. There was, we got the confirmation that the Poken Controller is coming to North America.
Starting point is 01:34:11 Wait, there's a specific controller for Poken? Yeah, it's fucking awesome. Wait, it's confirmed for North America now as well? Yeah, it's confirmed coming out on March 18th. The only bummer that came out of this for me was that the first player always needs to use the gamepad. Oh. The bummer for me was the fact that the gamepad doesn't
Starting point is 01:34:27 work with any other games. No, no, no, no. The first player always has to use the gamepad. As in the name of the Wii U controller. You can't both be using that. Oh, really? One player always has to use the gamepad because the way they handle the camera is each player sees
Starting point is 01:34:43 from their Pokémon's perspective as opposed to, like, a Naruto or a Zoe. So player two gets the awesome TV and good controller? Yep. And player one gets the gamepad? Yeah. They should have designed it so that...
Starting point is 01:34:59 Naruto and Zoe work just fine for the camera, man. That's it. Tournament of Legends. No, because that gamepad is just a clean D-pad and four buttons. It's really nice. It's a Super Nintendo controller. So whoever plays as player two has an advantage
Starting point is 01:35:15 100% of the time. Yes. Wow. No, wait. Player one is watching the TV with the controller. Player two is using the gamepad. It doesn't really matter. One of them is using the gamepad because they don't offer split screen.
Starting point is 01:35:31 The controller doesn't block your eyes. Sorry? No matter what happens, both people can look at the TV. No, no, but it's like if you had a Street Fighter tournament and player one always has to use a DualShock 4. No, of course, no, I know. You know, like, one player
Starting point is 01:35:47 doesn't have stick preference in that kind of stuff. It's less about the screen and more about the controller. I like the gamepad a lot. I like playing with the gamepad. There's no controller preference for one thing. You can watch yourself in the background of certain games like the two we mentioned and you can control that fine.
Starting point is 01:36:03 In this case, it's inverted because it's not meant for you to be looking at it there. I guess so. Yeah. But the controller is fucking sick. It's super cool. See, that's the even bigger bummer now because you say the controller is sick, but both players can't use it.
Starting point is 01:36:19 I'll buy it and play all the single player content with it. And just play online. That's super weird. It only sucks when you have friends more and more. We've got the confirmation more or less, and this was the thing for me
Starting point is 01:36:35 with Battlefront, that apparently, besides that Jakku DLC, Battlefront's not getting any Force Awakens to use. Wow, who cares? Well, you see, that's how they did it because the Jakku thing, the Battle of Jakku, takes place less than a year after Episode 6. Yeah, it takes place right after Episode 6.
Starting point is 01:36:51 Which is why it fits in with that chunk of content. And you're seeing the fresh battle of the play. I thought that was really interesting, but it does. It is interesting, but here's the thing is I thought that after the movie came out there was going to be like, and here's the new movie cast
Starting point is 01:37:07 and maps. You know what would have been really cool to be able to play as Kylo Ren on one of those maps with the big lightsaber? Because there's a new set of six you could have had. You could have Captain Toy and Kylo Ren and Traitor, man. But don't you think that
Starting point is 01:37:23 it's like, don't get me wrong, I would rather have it be one game with all the content. But don't you think it's a smarter business plan to do this this year than two years from now with the next movie, do Episodes 1, 2 and 3, and then on the third movie, do Episodes
Starting point is 01:37:39 7, 8, 9. Because then you get 8 and 9 in there too. If the content that they were giving you with this first one or rather not first one, but with this game was considered acceptable by everybody, then yes. But considering it's already being seen as... I'm just saying from a business standpoint.
Starting point is 01:37:55 No, no, you're right. They're not consumer friendly. Because there's little meat on the bones already. I agree with your basic point, but I seriously doubt they'll do a prequel version. There's a lot of money on the table for that. But I think the money would be for the new hotness and not the old busted.
Starting point is 01:38:11 Because there's the old hotness, the old busted and the new hotness. The prequel movie stuff, the merchandise was more profitable than the original stuff. Yeah, maybe. Because the kids liked it, you know? Yeah, but kids are dumb. I mean, I'll tell you what, going straight to
Starting point is 01:38:27 Force Awakens next year would not give them enough time to have the stuff from Episodes 8 and 9. Yeah, but they could include Rogue One stuff, couldn't they? Yeah. And that's all they'd have. That's probably plenty considering they're only going to give you 8 maps. I would rather have that personally,
Starting point is 01:38:43 doing it the other way makes more sense. If they were not already viewed negatively from a business standpoint. Yeah. You know? It'll be interesting to see, I mean, I'm sure they'll respond well to it and they'll manage to deliver more content in the next one, because that's the number
Starting point is 01:38:59 one glaring complaint. And the thing is, it's kind of a bummer. But here's the other issue then, with that strategy you just mentioned, that means the next two games, if they followed that strategy, would also have too little content. And we've received similarly.
Starting point is 01:39:15 By no explicit token, like there's no proof either way. There could be more, there could be less. That 99% completed Battlefront 3 that Free Radical had that I saw a video of. Did that ever get to 99%? Free Radical employees said it was 99% done
Starting point is 01:39:31 in a recent digital gaming video. When you look at the footage, this looks a thousand times better than this. And it was on a 360. I had two friends who tested it. And they only tested it really early on at Enzyme. And yeah, it was not 99% at that time.
Starting point is 01:39:47 They said all they had left was bug testing and LucasArts just cancelled it. And when you see a trooper going on foot into a space and just zooming, and then you have the cutaways where I was asking Pat, what's happening?
Starting point is 01:40:03 Why are you turning into a plane? And apparently the game was cancelled because it was too ambitious. Which is always a good thing to have. I hate that. That's my most bummer reason for a game being cancelled. Yeah, definitely.
Starting point is 01:40:19 It would be too cool. But yeah, my original thought that they were going to double the content after this movie came out was like, alright now you're going to get an acceptable amount of maps and characters in the states. No.
Starting point is 01:40:35 Not going to happen. Don't wait for that deep deep deep sale. It was on sale for... You mean free? It was on sale for 30 bucks this week, but no season pass. The oldest and deepest sale. It's...
Starting point is 01:40:51 I'm going to wait for $30 for everything. Here's the thing, Lee, by the time that actually happens they will move on to the next game that doesn't have enough content. Because games die according to how much content they have, right? If they don't have enough content now no significant population
Starting point is 01:41:07 is going to stick around by the time that hits $30. I mean, it is Star Wars, so... I doubt there's going to be a battle front 2-2 in two years. I think there will be. I think there will be.
Starting point is 01:41:25 I'd prefer they just worked off this one forever. No, they're not going to do that. No, exactly, but I'd prefer that. Yeah, but no, I think it's going to be battle front 2 then battle front 3 in a few years. And they'll all have 8 maps. They have to start calling it something different. Why?
Starting point is 01:41:41 Because the original was called battle front and the original was called battle front 2. Just want to remind you, this is the company who released Need for Speed Most Wanted and then in brackets, Criterion. I don't remember that. I remember that. Battle front 2.
Starting point is 01:41:57 Dark Forces 1. And then we start all over again. Star Wars Dark Forces 1. Star Wars 2. Star Wars 2, Jedi Knight 2. Jedi Knight 2, Jedi Academy. EA is madly in love with reboot titling. Hey, did you see that how Force Awakens
Starting point is 01:42:15 for the longest time was going to be called Shadows of the Empire? And they changed it within the last couple of months. Before announcing it, yeah. That would have been cool, man. Really? There's an article about it. Because I was actually just recently reading up
Starting point is 01:42:31 on Shadows of the Empire, like the project. And that was like, beyond the game, it was a whole... No one remembered that project. Like, when they came up with this name, none of them remembered that project was a thing.
Starting point is 01:42:47 So they just came to that title naturally. I'm just saying, here's what existed prior to the Force Unleashed there was like a ton of books, comics and like things from Lucas basically saying, this is the closest we'll get to a movie without actually making the movie.
Starting point is 01:43:03 So it had a lot of official backing and push behind it, so it's weird to think that they'd just throw the name on something else. No, they didn't. They came up with that name again. Yes. Like, that's the part that didn't click in your mind.
Starting point is 01:43:19 Sorry, sorry. They didn't take it from something else. The name that they just came up with again. Again. So remember, we're talking about a company where when they were doing that Darth Maul game and then George Lucas was involved for a bit and he came into the office
Starting point is 01:43:35 and he saw two little figures, one of Darth Maul and one of Darth Talon and then in this, this is described as developers are watching George Lucas and he just tells them to stop talking and he moves over to the figures and pushes Darth Talon together with Darth Maul and says,
Starting point is 01:43:51 let's play a game together. And they go, George, you do know that these characters lived and died 100 years apart and he goes, no, just put some portals or time travel. They're friends. It rhymes, it's like poetry. It's gonna be great.
Starting point is 01:44:07 God damn it, George, you fucked up so hard for so long. So speaking of... Speaking of fucking up and not enough content... Sorry about everything that we've been doing in Alaska for months. Gundam Extreme vs. Force
Starting point is 01:44:23 is out in Japan and it's getting completely obliterated. So I want to talk about this one and you might think it's because I have an aggressive bias towards the Vita. That's a usual stand by. But it's because people
Starting point is 01:44:39 constantly misinterpret Amazon reviews. Because we got to remember that Monster Hunter 4G got a 1.5 star average on Amazon as well in Japan. Apparently, Japan's Amazon reviews are really, really out of whack in the US.
Starting point is 01:44:55 Japan's Amazon reviews are perfectly parallel to North America's Metacritic user scores. Now, the stuff though... No, there is legitimate stuff in there. The reason why I'm bringing this up is not because of the comments that are like the worst of all Gundam games as a place.
Starting point is 01:45:11 But because you looked at those comments and I wonder what's up with that. And the stress that comes from bad camera angles is just horrible. I like the wording of that. No, what worried me that I tried to go researching this anywhere else and I couldn't find any features or like magazines discussing it.
Starting point is 01:45:27 If you want to read about it, go in the NeoGaff OT. There's a bunch of people who imported it who are like long time EX fans and there's a lot of really legitimate good info in there. Apparently, there's no free battle mode or online. It's completely removed.
Starting point is 01:45:43 I had no idea. Oh, that's a bummer. That's nuts. No free battle. What do you do? Free battle was the main mode that everyone played in the last extreme versus game. Just good options. No, this one's a big single player mode.
Starting point is 01:45:59 They included all the new franchises and got those in there. But at the sacrifice of the major mode of the last game, why would you do that? We were working really hard on Street Fighter V and you guys really wanted a Mortal Kombat style story mode, so we were removed
Starting point is 01:46:15 versus. Apparently, like the single player mode that's left plays more like Muso than it does like the last game. I don't know. I read that comment too, because I think are you reading off the Silicon Era article?
Starting point is 01:46:31 If you read some of the posts from people on NeoGaff who are like long time extreme fans, the consensus is this is not a traditional extreme game, this is the ultimate gateway extreme game. It's not an actual sequel. I didn't catch that anywhere.
Starting point is 01:46:47 I've been reading from a lot of fans of the series who are saying I'd really like for this mode to come back in future extreme games with the rest of the extreme game. Especially watching those trailers, I didn't get the impression that it was anything less than the next entry
Starting point is 01:47:03 in the series. The no online play was actually announced really early on. I love how that's a feature to be announced. And again, in the Japanese phrasing, you get comments like Gundam fans are being looked down upon by Bandai Namco.
Starting point is 01:47:19 Looking down upon probably one of their biggest money spendings. Looking down upon things in Japan is the worst thing you can do. Well, that's what happens when you put a real game on the Vita. Oh, that was mean. I regret it immediately. I was workshopping that in my mind for like a full three or four minutes
Starting point is 01:47:37 and I was desperate to get it out and then I was like, no, wait, that's no good. You should have put it back in the oven. I should have put it back in the oven. You know what else is in the oven? Time dilemma. He's good at this today. And we got the first piece of art of subject nine, I believe
Starting point is 01:47:53 his name is from that. Shocker. A little bit of a blurb on the word nine appears in this first release. Hey, you guys really need to play that second game already. Okay, so Liam, this is where I'm going to ask you this this this news segment is actually a thinly veiled request for you
Starting point is 01:48:09 to tell me if any piece of like a promotion for the new game comes out that is blatantly a spoiler for VLR. It could happen, but like you'll just get it linked on Twitter. Yeah, like I struggle to see how you could avoid it. Yeah, I think
Starting point is 01:48:25 you should really burn your computer. That's how Liam I need a dedicated answer to the question. I'm halfway through VLR but I haven't played it in two years. Just pick it back up. Just pick it back up. Just pick it back up. Where you were. Where I was. Just pick it back up.
Starting point is 01:48:41 But I don't remember half of the events. Well, then restart. Well, then pick it back up. Watch a walk. We've had this conversation like this. I'll never play it again. But there's no easy answer here. You're saying you just got to hurry and get through it. Like dude, they could just announce
Starting point is 01:48:57 another character who survived and their multiple did. So they could just announce a character. They could just announce a child. They could just announce it could go anywhere. Child announced. I'm just as in the dark as you are on who the characters will be. Where it is
Starting point is 01:49:13 that's that you know by the end of the game. That's up to you. Okay. Who it is is the really big thing. And it could be one of multiple characters who like would really spoil VLR for you. God damn it. Alright. There's no easy out here.
Starting point is 01:49:31 No, you should just play it. It's the best game that came out in 2012. Hey, let me ask you a different question that you can't answer. I remember that when you solve the puzzles the hard way, you would get a golden file. Yeah. And that usually added details to it.
Starting point is 01:49:47 We keep saying Virtus. VLR, but we knew Virtus. Last for a while. How important are those golden files to the story? So what it is is you can complete the puzzles and then there's a second solution to the puzzles that's not the one to escape. And if you complete that, you get those things.
Starting point is 01:50:03 They're not critical. They're very good literature. Are there difficulty levels in that game at all? I don't think so. My actual answer is if you don't want to bother with those because you don't like puzzles, I know you don't like puzzles. Because I got every single, every room that I did, I got the gold file
Starting point is 01:50:19 in every single one. Because I was going to say, yeah, I did too, but if you didn't like the puzzles you could just blast through and read up on them online. Yeah. I think I know what my solution is. Spoiler free walkthrough. Just to catch yourself up.
Starting point is 01:50:35 Wouldn't that just be a black screen? No, no. When you're in the puzzle rooms, there's no plot at all. It's all outside. Man, I really liked 999s and I liked how VLRs were a little easier, but there's so many
Starting point is 01:50:51 and I don't want to do them. I wish that thing was an anime. I really wish it was an anime. You could play the iPhone version of the first game where they take the puzzles out. I don't have an iPhone. That's not the second game. No, I know.
Starting point is 01:51:07 The statute of limitations is almost up and it'll be our fault if we wait too long. Yeah, that's okay. I care about it. I care, but that's okay. I'm only saying it because I'm not gonna hammer you with it. The fact that you announced it
Starting point is 01:51:23 now means that you've invited it. Right. It is really worth your time. They might reply with, I thought you were already spoiled. Oh my god. I hate to give that guy more guff or attention,
Starting point is 01:51:39 but the guy who spoiled me on that Bloodborne thing messaged me today. I was like, oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to spoil you. I thought you had already been spoiled. You sent me that multiple days before the DLC came out. Why? Why would you think that? Why would you just
Starting point is 01:51:55 assume that... A week before Star Wars comes out, why would you just assume that someone was in the production thread reading all the death spoilers? You read the red script. Why would you do it? Why? Why? Fuck. So, speaking of
Starting point is 01:52:11 limitations... Well, there is one benefit to VLR, though, so I got to some of the endings of those paths. There's enough crazy shit that happens that a bunch of spoilers can bounce off you, because they could be true, but they probably aren't.
Starting point is 01:52:27 Like, I got to the end... Spoilers that you don't understand, or spoilers that are just false. Like, enough can happen in that setting. Think of how crazy 999 was, right? The final ending is pretty distinct, though, unfortunately. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:52:43 You're right. Some of them are pretty out there. I like to live in the world in which I can't trust spoilers unless, like... You just look at them and say, I, you're not real. It's like, oh, no. Well, let's jump somewhere else then. Speaking of final things, you see that trailer for SMT4 final?
Starting point is 01:52:59 I did. So, that fucker is Navar's brother. That? Navarre? Navarre and Navarre? I don't know. I remember them saying it like, Navar! Oh, yeah? Okay. Maybe I'm wrong there. The trailer looks really cool, man. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:15 I really like the new character design with the side-shave-type thing. What are you doing? What is this? I'm nodding, because I'm agreeing with you. You look like you're kind of building up something inside to go like that. No, I'm nodding. You're right. It looks fucking dope.
Starting point is 01:53:31 And it's like, I gotta get that neutral... That's a game! I gotta get that neutral play through. And the one thing that we did see as well here in this trailer is a preview cut scenes are going to look like, and it's like, oh, things are moving, like for reals now. That's good. It's not really a step forward. It's a step up.
Starting point is 01:53:47 I would be very happy, because I never really get a Nocturne a lot of time, because it's super fucked up and hard. But a friend of mine from way back that loved that series immensely was kind of bummed out when SMT4 came out, because as
Starting point is 01:54:03 great as SMT4 is, Nocturne and even playing it half an hour, like it has a lot of really cool framing. And a lot of really cool camera work. You can't do in a DS game or a 3DS game. So it'd be really nice if that game could come back to something stronger. Vita NX console, something.
Starting point is 01:54:19 I always thought that it was going to get announced for Wii U. Like, I was always hoping forward get announced for Wii U. Yeah, with the touch screen. Because then you wouldn't miss out on anything, except for the street pass demons. Amazing, yep. But like, I'd like an SMT game to be like a proper console game. The sprites might look a little wonky,
Starting point is 01:54:35 large on your big TV. Well, you know, totally. We never got uprising. There's a possibility after Persona and all those demons are drawn. Yeah, actually, in SMT4 one of the things I like the most about it is how high quality the 3D art is.
Starting point is 01:54:51 Amazing. It looks better than the art in Nocturne, just it's at such a low resolution. That's such a bummer. It's one of the best looking 3DS games by a country mile. 100% agree. And you'll never experience those assets the way they should be experienced.
Starting point is 01:55:07 It really does suck. The way they could be. If the NX comes out and has a 240p screen I'm buying one and smashing it on the ground for video of sight. How very James Small of you. Very mature. Although 240p is unacceptable.
Starting point is 01:55:23 In his defense, he kind of got forced into doing that. That was a weird night. That was a very weird night. Someone else's ideas put it together. So yeah, there's that. There is... the... Come on, you're not going to slick Segway for this one?
Starting point is 01:55:39 No, because the original Segway I was going to use was speaking of limitations and breaking them or whatever. Like Sakurai did a little interview talking about Cloud, Bayo and Corrin. And how much he likes to be George Lucas. How much he wants to make a Fire Emblem fighting game. And so we did it. So he acknowledged Sakurai.
Starting point is 01:55:55 He acknowledges in this interview that he's like, yeah, there's a lot of Fire Emblem characters. And yeah, we talked about that. How that might be a problem. But in the end, we all agreed we just wanted to do this. Corrin looks like the most interesting one
Starting point is 01:56:11 since Marth in the first place. But they straight up... He's from the next one. Which is out in Japan. But they straight up had the conversation and said fuck it. Because he's not out yet. No, I meant like he looks like a techno person.
Starting point is 01:56:27 But he's not. I didn't pay that much attention. Then the other bit was that something we discussed actually previously on this podcast was actually a reality. The inclusion of Bayo
Starting point is 01:56:43 almost actually got the rating changed in Japan. Oh really? Yeah. The Sarah rating almost had to reclassify the game simply because Bayo exposes a little bit too much. So that was the big argument was people saying she's too sexy
Starting point is 01:56:59 there's no way they'll put her in. But look at Zero Suit Samus and back and forth and back and forth. Zero Suit Samus costume doesn't come tearing off her performance special moves though. I don't think they do in Smash. I think she's always off camera when they do that.
Starting point is 01:57:15 I'd have to rewatch it. Yeah, like Bayo's pretty covered up. The main reasoning is like the poses. Right? And the dancing and the stripper dancing. So sexy. I imagine all of the above. You put a JoJo character in there
Starting point is 01:57:31 like their taunts would throw that thing in a Sarah Z. Hide the child's eyes. They'll add to the length. It's too late mother. I've seen everything. Traitor! The whole interview is fun. You know Bayo's just too scared to put Wonder Red in.
Starting point is 01:57:47 What a coward. No, Bayo won all the votes. You're going now. Sakurai the coward. My favorite thing about that. There was no way Wonder Red could win just because Bayonetta would always be above. My favorite thing about that interview
Starting point is 01:58:03 was it already known but there was a breakdown of how many votes Bayo got. And there was this little line next to that number of votes and it says this is the most votes of any character that we could actually put in. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:19 There's a term. There's a character that could be considered. Meaning that someone might have won over Bayo but it was impossible to put in. Bayo was... Sorry. We can't put Custer in the game. That's why Salty Smash fans were fuck Europe.
Starting point is 01:58:35 Fuck Europe. Because she got first in Europe. That's garbage. Yeah, I got a tweet from somebody that was like fuck Bayo. I wanted Shantae. And I was like, are you real? We all do. I feel no strong feelings
Starting point is 01:58:51 towards Shantae at all. We all love Shantae but... A soccer? You're temporarily forgiven. Europe, you're temporarily forgiven for soccer. You did a good thing. Uh-oh, someone dived again. Unforgiven.
Starting point is 01:59:07 Okay. So let's see. Winston Churchill and Getting Bayo in Smash. That's two things. Also, the Spice Girls? Aw, did you see that awesome Spice Girls commercial? Not that one.
Starting point is 01:59:23 Which one are we talking about? You know the one. That one. Was this commercial for a big retail chain in Europe? And it's just Posh Spice is shopping and she sees
Starting point is 01:59:39 Sporty Spice and she's hiding in her magazine and all five Spice Girls are in the fucking thing not looking at each other because they've all gone their separate ways and they're all reaching out their hands
Starting point is 01:59:55 to each other, then they kind of go away and then it's like, oh yeah, this sale's on at this retail shop and the Spice Girls are all here. That's a hell of an ad. And they all looked hotter than ever. All of them. It was nuts. The Spice Women. I almost started doing things.
Starting point is 02:00:11 But you saw Nicky a minute before. Yeah, I did. So I had to divert my attention. You were already double-spent. I got combo-braked. Counter-braked? See, now Liam's Spice... Shadowcounter! Shadowmaster, right?
Starting point is 02:00:27 Spice Woman is like something that could actually happen. When you say that, I'm like, I'm fast-forwarding and I can see the real actual event. Fast-forward four days. Did you just spoil the big reveal? Yep. Well...
Starting point is 02:00:43 Blackthorne. You motherfuckers gotta play a moban now. You said it. Until he's actually announced. I would laugh so hard. You know how we always miss a piece of news on this podcast? That's why I googled it. I would lose my mind forever
Starting point is 02:00:59 if Blackthorne was being announced right now. Right now. Or he was the announcement at the end of Wintervale, which is their winter thing. Like, man... Blackthorne, I'm back. Julian Merceron. That's a good name.
Starting point is 02:01:15 Julian Merceron. What is Julian Merceron? Julian Merceron is the guy behind the Fox engine. Yes. That dude's smart. He got the fuck out. And he's over at Bandai Namco. What?
Starting point is 02:01:31 That's one of the things that Bandai Namco routinely struggles with. There's a lot of great games, but none of their stuff except for their games by CyberConnect really push the envelope visually and stuff. Well, I think summer lesson on the Fox engine is a good idea.
Starting point is 02:01:47 I hope Mr. Merceron makes some fancy looking pretty video games. They've announced that his position is going to be the exact same thing he was at Bandai. Something like that. He's there to build. Technology, man.
Starting point is 02:02:03 I really hope that the next Idolmaster looks perfect. It already looks perfect in your heart, though. I know, but I want it to also look perfect in your eyes. You know what, you just have a real-time weather system. You don't even care about Idolmaster. All you want is for those fucking
Starting point is 02:02:19 skins to be on Ace Combat Ace Combat Plains. You are so much more excited talking about Ace Combat Idol skins than you are talking about Idolmaster. You say I'm not excited. This year, this week, I didn't talk about it, because next week
Starting point is 02:02:35 I'm going to have played them thoroughly. But the two new Idolmaster games that came out this week, I was playing them as well. I have a really stupid question. What do you actually do in those games? In a lot of them, you produce the units. It's like football manager,
Starting point is 02:02:51 but you get to see the shows as well. And then some of them are rhythm games where you do the rhythm as well. And then this one that just came out is a Tycho Drummaster spin-off that's only Idolmaster, because Namco owns both of them.
Starting point is 02:03:07 I figured that, but I was never sure. And then you put them on planes. So Yakuza is like what the Idol industry actually is. Maybe even a bit slimmer. And then Wake Up Girls is an anime version of that.
Starting point is 02:03:23 And then Idolmaster is the Capcom fantasy version of idols. Everything is great and amazing. Producer San isn't taking his dick out? No, exactly. But the girls want it. That doesn't sound like a producer San. And Love Live is that one,
Starting point is 02:03:39 but it's made by a company who's a million times stupider and doesn't understand the concepts of how to keep a school open. Sounds like producer Chan. Let me bury your idols. Producer Idiot. There's good music though. Producer Idiot San may be creepy,
Starting point is 02:03:55 but he gets the job done. The plot of Love Live, bear with me, their school is not going well. They're high school and they're like we have to save our high school. Let's make an idol unit. High school idol unit.
Starting point is 02:04:11 The idea is people... Do they call them units? Like Cobra Unit and Gorilla Unit. What do you think those units were? The idea is that kids would see them
Starting point is 02:04:27 and decide they want to go to that school. Thus, saving the school that's not financially solvent in the first place. By spending lots of money on this idol program. It makes sense. Well they actually do it really cheap, but it just doesn't make sense. It creates a self-sustaining account. It doesn't make sense.
Starting point is 02:04:43 It's idols save everything. You just need to think about it more. If this show ever gets down to the dumps we'll have to create an idol unit. Grab your best friend. Grab your models. Yeah, calling it an idol unit totally does something in my brain
Starting point is 02:04:59 that's like the idol unit. I would love to start our own grab your best friend. Yeah, produce the shit out of that. Yeah. Welcome to our Soapland episode. Oh man. This barely fits.
Starting point is 02:05:15 Man, those minigames and Harika's campaign. I'm excited to see them. Running TV show is the fucking worst. It's so confusing. There's a running minigame. No, don't tell me so I can know. In which the entire... It's a TV show.
Starting point is 02:05:31 And you go and producer San is there. And he says, okay Harika, you're hot. We're gonna run you through Osaka. And you have to run really fast. And the entire show is like fucking video footage of like the idols running. And then the producer afterwards like
Starting point is 02:05:47 I'm hot. That was sick. You're the best. I'm gonna leave. And the camera man's like, what? Why? And then Harika apologizes and the producer leaves. Yep, that's fine. And she's all sweaty and panicked. Did I do a good job running?
Starting point is 02:06:03 Yeah. Don't get a boyfriend though. Then you'll have to shave your head. That was the worst. Then you'll have to embarrass yourself live and apologize as you shave your head because of the fucking frustration because of the expectations of our fans.
Starting point is 02:06:19 Alright, we're too deep in now. We're too deep in. That's over the line. Back off. Decelerate. Decelerate or hit the gas. Hit the gas. Let's go. No decelerate.
Starting point is 02:06:35 Let's go. Actually no, we're going backwards. We're decelerating to somewhere else. We're actually hitting reverse. Yeah, it's a bit of a rare announced their new project. Oh, I saw you watching the Feebs. So they put out a video
Starting point is 02:06:51 where they showed you what the prototype banjo game was going to be. I was tricked by this video because I thought it was just a history thing and it turned into an ad for CFD. It was really cool though. I liked the video a lot. You're like, oh, you got me.
Starting point is 02:07:07 I forgot about the new game you're working on. But no, it was actually walking Super Ghetto, Super Nintendo, Banjo footage was super weird. I loved it. I looked it. So it was a game called Dream Land of Giants. You're like two kids or something. You're a kid.
Starting point is 02:07:23 I thought it was... Don't worry about Trator. The best part of Star Wars. God. No, I hope that character never becomes a character. There was... There was this figure.
Starting point is 02:07:39 I'm going to pull up the video so you guys can see some footage of what this game looked like. By you guys, you mean not the people at home. Yeah, well I'm going to link to the video for them down there. So it started off as this like... It started off as this really rare like game. It looks fantastic. It looks kind of like a side-scrolling Beyond Oasis.
Starting point is 02:07:55 And again, this was at the end of the Super Nintendo. So they really figured their shit out and they wanted to go in a completely different direction. And they show another prototype later where it's in 3D on the early Ultra 64 hardware. So eventually time passed them. This one, yeah. And so they started making this 3D game.
Starting point is 02:08:11 Well, and this one looks really rough. To be fair, that was the best the last system could do. And this was the earliest, the next system. So then they said, fuck it, we're throwing a bear into everything. Well, Banjo started as a random character that someone just drew
Starting point is 02:08:27 and they're like, how about we put in a bear? A lot of rare games are made like that. That looks awesome. So when you look at this prototype Banjo where they actually got the bear in it, it's really interesting because it was actually a side-scroller. More or less, yeah. It wasn't a fully 3D world.
Starting point is 02:08:43 The camera stayed fixed. It stayed fixed and then you would occasionally go into the Z-axis but for the most part you were traveling from left to right. Well, I think we talked about this before but if you want to see more of this stuff you need to get rare replay and you just play the game a little bit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And you unlock the currency to unlock exactly what you're seeing.
Starting point is 02:08:59 And then you get into the good stuff. It's just rare guys talking about like, if you can kill your instinct, that black guy, we called him Mr. Fist. Oi, we mined the bear. What was that? I don't know. That was terrible is what it was. The bear was a skateboard.
Starting point is 02:09:15 We wanted to make him like a skater but we didn't want to give him a skateboard so we just made him jump like he was doing a nollie. Yeah, that shit was dumb. And then we got rid of it because it was terrible. The guy looks embarrassed that he had to tell the story. No, I thought, I was just looking at that. I was like, the final build they had
Starting point is 02:09:31 in the Super Nintendo version looks awesome. And I feel like if that ever existed, that would totally be a huge property nowadays. They spoke about it in the past and they were just saying it wasn't coming together. Like... It just wasn't feeling good.
Starting point is 02:09:47 The classic rare started and restarted games all the time and then it was only when they were happy with it or they really thought they were onto something. The style was certainly all there. It was just a matter of content. The art is gorgeous but it's also bland as fuck. Yeah, that main hero.
Starting point is 02:10:03 What took me back when I saw it was the fact that it was so different from where Banjo ended up. By the way, GoldenEye was originally also supposed to look like that. Yeah. A third person... Like a side scrolling
Starting point is 02:10:19 Donkey Kong Country looking thing. Well, for the specky. Now that's weird. And then it turned into a light gun shooter. Then it turned into GoldenEye. That's what I call... Rare Replay 2 should just be all the games they scrapped on a disc.
Starting point is 02:10:35 Yeah, I would love that. Don't finish them. Don't finish them. All prototypes. Even the ones Microsoft said no. Yeah, especially those. Those are probably the best games ever. Probably the best games ever made. Cancel them all. Hey, we came up with this idea. We're calling it Star Citizen.
Starting point is 02:10:53 It's like 8 stars now. Oh, can we make it? No. Rare is like, hey, we're starting to create a new genre. And right now we're thinking of calling it the MOBA. This is like 10 years ago. And Microsoft is like, I'm not interested in that. No, they'd call it the arts, the action real time strategy.
Starting point is 02:11:09 There you go. And who the fuck was pushing that? I don't remember. Some company was trying to push it as arts and not MOBA because MOBA sucks. And then MOBA just kept because it's a better acronym. Probably God who was making the one that I really hate
Starting point is 02:11:25 made in like... Was it CD Projekt Red? No, not CD Projekt. Crytek. Who was making Arena of Fate. Yeah. Oh, that one I really hate. It might have been them.
Starting point is 02:11:41 Did that come out? I want to hate it now. No, it didn't. But you can still hate it. Can I still hate it? Holy shit, what does MOBA stand for? I don't even know. How many times do we have to go over this? Multiplayer online battle arena. That's what it is. Okay, that's what it is.
Starting point is 02:11:57 Thank you. Thank you, Liam. I can't wait to hate Arena of Fate. There you go. It's not as cool as Tournament of Legends. Can't wait to hate on Dawngate. Tell you that for free. Arena of Fate. What's the other ones?
Starting point is 02:12:13 No one knows. If you want to write in and tell us how unhyped you are right now about the offensive but ancient... Super... Super Best Friendcast at That's Super Best Friendcast at
Starting point is 02:12:29 Go on at gmail barfbarfbarf blackthorn barf.barf Let me bear your blackthorn. This is Arena of Fate.
Starting point is 02:12:47 Take that away from me. It's Super Best Friendcast at We have a bit of a problem. I thought that I had pulled out so many emails from last time that I was going to just go through. Oh my god, this is the best. Turns out... Turns out I'm not ready.
Starting point is 02:13:03 So we're just going to go in raw. Raw? Fucking whoops. Very dry right now. This is the worst. I don't know what's coming. Toss yourself. Not in order. I'm just going to click and see what happens. Oh, random?
Starting point is 02:13:19 Oh my god. Welcome to the world of Street Fighter 3. Now you'll get a good cross-section. I don't know what this is going to say. Julia wants to know, Hey there's Ibatzu, quick curiosity. I recently picked up Scholar the first sin because I never finished DS2 and I knew once DS3 comes out
Starting point is 02:13:35 I could never go back to 2. Have you ever finished a game you dropped because a sequel was coming out and you knew you couldn't go back? Ah... Good question. I think I've been there. I tend to try and do that. I try and...
Starting point is 02:13:51 I will... I remember vividly playing Baldur's Gate 1 even though Baldur's Gate 2 is the one everyone talks about because I knew that I would never be able to go back. I've got one. It was the first corpse party which I didn't love the first time around
Starting point is 02:14:07 and I got about halfway through and I came back around to it and I was like, no, wait. Because that was when the next PSP1 was coming out. I have a better example. When Persona 4 came out I got a gift card for EB Games and I went down and got Persona 4.
Starting point is 02:14:23 Golden or the original? No, the original. On a whim. People are talking about this dumb anime game and I got to the part where you get your Persona and I fought the first fight against Yosuke Shadow and went, oh no. I went right out and got Persona 3.
Starting point is 02:14:39 There you go. Same experience. Unfortunately I never beat that but I did find out the ending and all that stuff because I got spoiled. When I was getting turned on to Persona it was originally P4 and then I was like, I better go do P3. We'll never be able to go back.
Starting point is 02:14:55 The system's changes are too intense. It happens a lot. I just can't think of other examples right now but it certainly does Street Fighter. You could name almost any given RPG series. We're doing it with VLR right now. You could never go back to Third Strike. You could never. It's terrible.
Starting point is 02:15:11 I got Dark Siders 1 and played about, I don't know, 60% of it and was like, I'll finish it one day and then when Dark Siders 2 not really announced but it was basically going to be announced and it kind of kind of announced. When you were feeling it.
Starting point is 02:15:27 So I went back and I finished Dark Siders and I was like, man, that was pretty good but I'm sure the sequel will be better because it was actually better. You played it and you felt... I like Dark Siders 1 better, honestly. Yeah, it's more cohesive. I might be biased because I worked on it
Starting point is 02:15:43 and I really, really loved that project. That's actually an incredible source of bias. I think Dark Siders 2 falls apart way more often but I think it has way better mechanics on the whole. You might be right, actually. The platforming is really good. That game has poisoned me
Starting point is 02:15:59 because it actually fell apart on me and the times that happened it was a serious problem that poisons like that whole day, at least. Yeah. There we go. Now that... I like the wall running. Good question.
Starting point is 02:16:15 I also like the wall running. I liked how death control a lot. Rando, question number two. Yup, Rando. Victimless crime. Elliott asks. Like punching someone in the dark. Dears, I got you. I was wondering. That kills me every time. It's not what that means.
Starting point is 02:16:31 How is that a victimless crime? No one knows nothing. Don't worry about it. Liam, you need to think more today. Okay, I'm sorry. Anyway, Dears, I got you. I was wondering, have you ever rationalized a physical theft before
Starting point is 02:16:47 of something video game related? Matt's story about Blockbuster doesn't count. For me, I've still in a Vatricode to redeem 10 Vita games like Alien Breed and Men's Room Mayhem. Seeing someone redeem a code will make them ecstatic and give them hope that the Vita isn't dead.
Starting point is 02:17:03 So yeah, have you ever rationalized a physical theft before something video game related? Something that we've stolen? I've never rationalized it. You either do it or you don't. So here's the deal. Back when I was... I really wanted Kingdom Hearts a lot. I wanted it a lot, but I did not have the money
Starting point is 02:17:19 to buy Kingdom Hearts. So I went out to my local Future Shop, the one that used to exist in the forum, and I took a quarter. And if you spend enough time, those fucking theft shields are no threat to you if you have a quarter. And I busted that... I busted that shit the fuck open
Starting point is 02:17:35 and I had it. And there's nobody gave a fuck. Nobody even... It worked in that department. Nobody used shit. And it wasn't going to go off, because that stupid fucking magnet shit is in the box. And I was like, yeah, I got it. And then I walked up to a guy, said somebody fucked up your Kingdom Hearts case.
Starting point is 02:17:51 And I gave him the game and I left. And I was like, I can't do this. I don't steal things. I don't steal physical objects. That's fucking weird. And part of that's because I'm a coward? And part of that's because I don't do it. I think when Strider came out early and some guy just had it on his Xbox One
Starting point is 02:18:07 and you could just... You just downloaded it? I downloaded it. But you bought it anyway? I bought it anyway, but I downloaded that to get a feel for it. And then when I really liked it, I bought on my PS3... No, I didn't have the PS4 at that time.
Starting point is 02:18:23 But yeah, when I got my PS4, I bought it again there, but I never started. I remember in the era of online passes when I would buy a game used, I would look through the rest of the boxes and just grab the online passes until I got a good one. That's good. Because fuck, like... I forgot to say, I rationalized that
Starting point is 02:18:41 by saying I've bought enough Capcom games in my day. I've supported them. Oh, but if I had managed to stolen it, I wouldn't have had to rationalize it because I wouldn't care. I'd be like, fuck you, it's mine now. In addition to being raised... Yeah, rationalizing it's the crazy bit. Yeah, no, you fucking stole it. Live with that.
Starting point is 02:18:57 In addition to being raised a good little Christian boy, I have a completely almost irrational level of hatred towards people who steal things. Everyone has that thing, like for me, lying's no good, and for you, it's like thieving. He's getting upset right now.
Starting point is 02:19:13 He's getting upset right now. I'm so angry at the idea of people stealing things. Of like an adult stealing something, like someone who fully understands... Oh, children steal stuff all the time. No children as well. No one is exempt. I hate all of them. No, I have no story.
Starting point is 02:19:29 I just... Hey, will these jokes on you? I stole something out of your house today. Oh. No, I didn't. Okay. Yeah. I can't think of all the things you've stolen from me, will any of that be brought back? Well, hence the lore. You still have his copy of Dark Under Your Couch. Right. I stole it.
Starting point is 02:19:45 That's what happened to that copy. All these things that I don't like, you keep stealing them from the house and putting them under your couch. Are putting them in places where you don't know they are. No, if you're going to do something bad, don't give a f... Do it because you don't give a fuck. Not because you'll tell yourself it was
Starting point is 02:20:01 actually for the greater good later. Yeah. Don't pretend you're not doing something wrong. If you're going to be a shit, just live and roll around in your shitness. Hanging on the edge of tomorrow. Yeah. Sonic. Sonic doesn't. Ideally don't. Because you won't feel good about yourself. I've lost my shit and like
Starting point is 02:20:17 freaked out at people I've known in school for doing things like this. I've seen this. I've seen this a few months. It was fun. Yeah. No. Not cool. All right. And let's take one more. One more from Rando number three. From Matt. A different one.
Starting point is 02:20:33 That's crazy. Let's turn shit into worse shit. Okay. Acceptably well acquaintance to comrades, there has been a lot of mediocre games released in our time. Not bad, but not good. I don't want a mediocre. Since Matt. And I'm sure many others would agree
Starting point is 02:20:49 that having dog shit zero on ten games is way better. Yeah. Make one or two changes to a mediocre game to turn it into complete right to hell levels of trash. Don't improve it to be good. Deprove it to make it awful and therefore entertaining. I have a really easy one. For Battlefront
Starting point is 02:21:05 take away its good graphics. If you took that game's good graphics away like the content thing is like why do I even want to fucking play this? You dig with the graphics and make the game play a joke? Well, the game play like once I played enough of it. I don't think that's what the guy's asking. Because that doesn't make it
Starting point is 02:21:21 into a right to hell thing. That makes it into a four or five. Well then I need to go deeper. You have to take something that's already down there. Matt, you know more mediocre games than the rest of us. Give us some examples. I got one. Take Biotic Commando 2009 and release it. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:21:37 Take it and completely replace its responsiveness with that of Drake and the 99 Dragons. Take Watch Dogs. Boggle its physics to fuck. Make everything bounce everywhere. See that's what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 02:21:53 That would work. And I guess outsource all of the voice acting to India. I would say take Katamari Dameshi and drop it in the Euphoria
Starting point is 02:22:09 engine. Oh man. Remember me talking about Yeah, Liam's doing the dance. Remember me talking about that Dead Island spin-off, the third person one? Oh, um, Dead Island. The cel-shaded one. It's actually pretty cool by Fat
Starting point is 02:22:25 Shark, right? But it's not good. It's like a total five. It's not an actual game. You're on a TV show. Yeah. Change that one thing. I'm having a lot of trouble thinking of 5 out of 10 games. 5 out of 10 games kind of tend to
Starting point is 02:22:41 erase themselves from my mind. You have to get your mind in the inversion Dark Void shorted. I was thinking of inversion as like a nightmare. That's a five. No way. I haven't played it. I played that demo. That game's a fucking pile of shit.
Starting point is 02:22:57 What about like Dark Void? Dark Void would be cool if there was a bug that made you go really fast. Okay. Oh, man. Just put in the knuckles glitch. Take Sonic 06 and made the load times instant. Oh, yes!
Starting point is 02:23:13 Yeah! That game would become playable. Weird. You did the reverse. You did the reverse though. Yeah. That is an improvement, but it makes it better, or worse, or whichever. I feel like a really easy one for that game to make it better is like take your
Starting point is 02:23:29 generic shit game that sucks and give it a really good soundtrack. And then all of a sudden it just jumped up multiple points. Like we would have LP'd Sonic 06 ages ago if the load times were fixed. I really, like, there's no downside. Take Soul Calibur 4 and replace
Starting point is 02:23:45 all the characters with guest characters. That actually would be good. I mean, Soul Calibur 4 is like a 7-11 or anything. Soul Calibur 4 is so weird because I remember I felt bad right away. I've never been able to articulate why. Well, from the very beginning, when I picked it up
Starting point is 02:24:01 I was going to play single player and I was like, where's the single player? And I was just disappointed for the first second. But I remember when I picked up Soul Calibur 5, it felt good right away. I can't even figure out what the change was. There was a story mode, but it was trite
Starting point is 02:24:17 and nothing. Yeah, I remember Soul Calibur 5 had a 3-hour long story. Soul Calibur 4 had like an arcade mode. Soul Calibur 3 had a super in-depth fucking story. And 2 had weapon master mode which is still up there with fucking World Tour.
Starting point is 02:24:33 2 and 3's story modes were amazing. So, if you recall, earlier... I beat Night Terror. That shit was tough. It's tough, yeah. I talked about a sad moment where I was drunkenly playing all Wii games. Guess which Soul Calibur game I played. The Legends. So the thing about Legends,
Starting point is 02:24:49 having never played it until that moment, is man, this presentation is awesome. This story seems really interesting. You're a Siegfried, but then you have to go in the most generic dungeons and fight way too many ways of enemies. Run down these Banjo-Kazooie hallways.
Starting point is 02:25:05 Whatever, that's the only thing. I should have said Crash Bandicoot for that matter. Yeah. Whenever I remember that game and I don't think about it too hard, I always think it's a tail spin-off. Well, because Lloyd's it. No, exactly. But it always, like, for some reason, if I don't think about it too hard,
Starting point is 02:25:21 I always remember it as a tail spin-off. But if I think about it too hard, it goes away. Because that game's like a five. I gotta say. Less to me, but I have a tester's bias. Those were... That's a huge bias. Suspiciously good questions for complete random selection. It couldn't be big. Well, there you go.
Starting point is 02:25:37 That's suspicious. Stop vetting the emails. Don't stop vetting the emails. What are you guys excited for? Next week or in general? I'm excited about the Earth exploding. Yeah, it's gonna be a great time. The entropy
Starting point is 02:25:53 of the universe. I didn't get to see Star Wars again. Yeah, I have to wait for the girlfriend. But I need to find somebody that'll just go right now. Like, bam. Yeah, I want to go see Star Wars in hateful aid as well. I'm gonna give Gundam a shot.
Starting point is 02:26:09 I'm gonna do that. Gundam! But you have to decide where to start first. I'll figure something out. Start at Gundam 1. I'm telling you. Maybe if I play them both in the same window. At the same time. If you're incapable of doing that, then that's something else entirely. I'm telling you
Starting point is 02:26:25 to start at 8MS. And if you don't, then you're possibly sabotaging. Next week, next week, there will be a conclusion to this story. What you also can do is just watch the first episode of Thunderbolt and see if you down with that, because that's new and fresh and hotness. Yeah, but I like,
Starting point is 02:26:41 didn't Unicorn take like five years to come out or some shit. The OVAs take a while. Yeah, I have no patience for that. Origin's still not. The third one's not out yet. I'm interested to see if I'll stay on hot for another week. That's not sure. I think it is at anyway. You're saving no time. I'm interested to see
Starting point is 02:26:57 if I just quit that bullshit like I did with Hearthstone or not. And then the game's coming out. I don't think so. That's literally what I'm looking for, because I missed this week of what's coming out. Holiday. I still got two, I still got two and a half
Starting point is 02:27:13 sections. Oh, three and a half sections if you use a five to plow through. And that game is beautiful and amazing. Yeah, plow it. I'm having a giant New Year's Eve party at a giant mansion because the parents are gone. Not my parents, but the other parents are gone. So there's a giant mansion. Still in their house.
Starting point is 02:27:29 A glam and grunge party. So you dress either glam or grunge, which would be fun. And I'm also what was it? I want to go see the Revenant this week. I want to try to find some time for that. Leo DiCaprio on a bear, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:27:45 Fighting a bear and Tom Hardy for like two hours. So that's a movie. Fighting and maybe more. It was really crazy because if you watch Hateful Eight, it's very similar and like wow, being cold sucks. And during this time period and there's no and it's just
Starting point is 02:28:01 like just really desolate photography. Just cuddle up to Sam Jackson. No, enjoy. I'm going to head over to shitty old Ontario for the new year is unfortunately because I have to miss out on the mansion party this year. And that's always a bummer because those are great.
Starting point is 02:28:17 So fucking days of the future past mansion, man, that thing is super cool. Xavier school. Xavier school in the movie. Yeah, that's my friend's house. That reminds me. I picked up two comic books and I've been meaning to read them. One is by one Brian K. Vaughn.
Starting point is 02:28:33 Which one was that? It's just Mystique. Mystique written by Brian. I think it's called Mystique Agent of Xavier. He wouldn't take that unless he had ideas. Yeah. So I got that and like remember, Willie, I lent you those Punisher ones where he goes to LA. Yes.
Starting point is 02:28:49 I got the third volume of that. Okay. I'm going to plow through those. Can Mystique just transform into Morph? No, because Morph is not really a real comic book character. No, they're all fictional. Well, he is a comic book character, but there's like he came and gone and went.
Starting point is 02:29:05 And that's it. It was mostly just the cartoon that Morph is in. But then Morph will transform into a scroll. And then a scroll would transform into Mystique. Can Mystique turn into like a pig person? No. What's the extent of that? Pretty sure she can only turn into a human. Is that what you want her to do? No. Not clearly. It is. Is she like
Starting point is 02:29:23 Jake the dog levels of transform? I don't think she is. Do you want her to be a pig person? Just fuck right off. So you and Plague just tag teaming now? No. Me and Plague were talking and he's hatched a plan. He's convinced me on the pig fucking. Can Mystique turn into Sally Bones?
Starting point is 02:29:39 Wow. You're the one bringing this up? There we go. That's great. You've immunized yourself again. I'm coming up on the channel. I know how Lore works. You did that shit again. Or devil's third. Whenever Woolly
Starting point is 02:29:55 gets horribly freaked out by something he just stares at it forever until it affects him not at all. More old blood. More blood hunters. We're beginning the transformation into a devil's third only channel. Blood born the old blood hunters. More drown ball.
Starting point is 02:30:11 So let's be real. When Matt and Woolly and I are talking about the schedule when Liam's gone for the holidays. How fucking frustrating it was that both of the LPs that we're in are old hunters and blood. But it's
Starting point is 02:30:27 blood born the old and Wolfenstein the old blood. Isn't it the new blood or is it the old blood? No, it's the new order in the old blood. No, we're not doing the new order blood. So many fucking confusing mistakes were made. Blood hunters the old order born. Devil's third.
Starting point is 02:30:43 That's the winner. That's the winner right there. Devil's third, Mr. Black. There we go. And a new a new LP to follow. It's a good one. If you listen to this podcast. This week I don't think it is. If you listen to this podcast really carefully
Starting point is 02:30:59 you can guess what it is. That's not even true. It is actually. It's super true. No. We'll be doing that lying thing again. Yeah. Blackthorne. It's about, it's, yeah. It's an offense of the ancients. You guessed it. It's that thing
Starting point is 02:31:15 where people ask when we'll do a thing and then we secretly say never. We say never while we're recording it. Yeah. That's a good idea. Yeah. Cause we like to keep everyone surprised. It's a good one too. It's terrible for business. Terrible. So stupid. There's no reason for it. There's somebody that told us
Starting point is 02:31:31 like why don't you guys advertise anything we do. Oh cause we think it's fun when it's a surprise. Like that's stupid. Yeah. It's way more fun. You should tell your fans what's coming. You know. No. We have a whole segment in which we never announced like anything really, really new.
Starting point is 02:31:47 Yeah. It's so sick. What's coming up on the channel. Something. Anything that you would want to know. We're gonna say something's coming up. Yeah. Something good. Well you know. Stay tuned. We're fucking idiots. Idiots. That's the worst. But we sound nice. We do. My mic sounds nice.
Starting point is 02:32:03 Check one. My mic sounds nice. Check two. My mic sounds nice. Check three. My mic sounds nice. No. The guy's gonna stop listening. The one guy. The one guy. You

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