Castle Super Beast - SBFC 126: She Almost Stopped Mr.Domino

Episode Date: January 5, 2016

Liam dives deeper into Devil's Third, Pat pops his Gundam cherry, Matt goes to the movies, and Woolie learns the truth about his past....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's that game called, Pat? It's called Block Lives Matter. Do they really? Tell me more about this game. What are some features? It's on green light and it's a movement and shooting mechanics merge is run and gun action with quick thinking puzzle dynamics for a unique game experience. It's got a minimalist low poly blah blah blah blah.
Starting point is 00:00:37 It's got innovative social media features that blend the line between player and spectator. So that's screenshot. And it has cultural sensitivity settings to allow the player to customize the game to their own... I hope it just has a dial on it. More culturally insensitive, less culturally insensitive. Turn down that thing. How one of the dial things is just, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:00:59 How much do the block lives matter? That should be an option. You can just with a number on it. The screenshot has a bunch of angry blocks surrounding a blue block. The company that's making it is called Abandoned Ship. This whole thing seems fake. And like the screenshot would look like a news camera footage. Breaking shooter on a drug induced rampaging.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Oh my God. It's just blocks. It has a rocket launcher too. New block city. So you know in a lot of indie games they have guest stars, some other indie games show up, some nice bunch of stuff. So is Hatred Man going to show up? Heatfitting.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Hateboy. Hateboy. Is that his name? I hope so. Did he make it into Indivisible in the end? Yes. Oh good. I think he's one of the first guys that made it in.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Thank God for that. That's nice. I hope he's in Smash too. Yeah. That's an incarnation. Everyone was pulling bars. Oh man. Hateboy hates his way in.
Starting point is 00:01:56 Happy New Year everybody. Welcome to episode 126. It's the brand new year. Feels like the last one. Rest in peace 2050. Shit. Is that even a pun? Shit anyone?
Starting point is 00:02:06 Is anyone going to start with Old Langzine? Should we just break right into it or are we just going to? What? Sorry to say it again. Old Langzine. What is that? The song that plays. I know it's a quest in Fallout, New Vegas.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Well. Well. No. That one. No. Yeah. Thanks Willie. That was great.
Starting point is 00:02:25 That's Old Langzine. That was really good. You know the song right? No. Okay. Well hey. I know the tune but I even know it was a song. You're talking to somebody who recently expressed an exclamation that Thriller was
Starting point is 00:02:37 an album. That. Yeah. Also Salsa. Did you ever figure that one out? Yeah I ate the salsa. It was good. Alright.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Did you though? Yeah I did. How can you blame him? It wasn't in a bowl. Yeah. Old Langzine was right around the corner and 2015 was easing its way out and everyone was like yeah that's a year. That was a year.
Starting point is 00:02:57 You know? It was pretty solid and then right at the fucking buzzer Lemmy had to die and it was like god damn it. Thanks for ruining it. Fucking Lemmy. God. Motorhead is the shit and that's such a fucking annoying one. But here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:03:15 If you're like this hard drinking awesome like lead guitarist. Yeah. He's a bassist. Bassist. How old was he? 70. Or so lead singer. He did pretty good considering his lifestyle.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Considering he drank a bottle of JD per day whatever that crazy story was but he was supposed to be invincible. No I'm sure. He was supposed to be the other George Burns type. He was supposed to be taken out back and shot at 40 like all rock stars. God damn man. I bet you his corpse like during the funeral still was drinking. The worst part about that is that I barely know anything about anything as we just established.
Starting point is 00:03:52 So when I saw that Lemmy died the two touchstones that I knew is like isn't that guy who poorly performed Triple H's entrance music and was in the shitty game Rural Legend? That's a tragedy I guess. It wasn't a shitty game. It wasn't great. It wasn't shitty. It was not the game you wanted. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:12 I liked it a lot. I liked it. I liked it. I think the biggest problem is not that it wasn't the game I wanted. It wasn't the game that it told me it was. But that's the best. Surprises are fun when you get them. If they're what you want.
Starting point is 00:04:25 Yeah. I really like the surprise but I can see that being like really unwelcome for some people. One of the best soundtracks of all time. That's not funny. I know. I know. That was the mission statement. One of the best soundtracks of all time asterisk licensed music included.
Starting point is 00:04:40 But even then like it loses to some games. I tried the third probably had a better soundtrack. Like Rock Band plus DLC. Oh that's the best soundtracks. Are we allowed asterisks or not? No. No. I don't think you are.
Starting point is 00:04:54 That's what you do. I think categories you have licensed and original. Yeah exactly. What's frustrating is that like the problems are easily fixable in my opinion I feel. For some people yes for people who didn't like the RTS thing. So for people like me here's the easily fixable problem. Move every RTS element from the game entirely and make it a Zelda third person action adventure. All right.
Starting point is 00:05:17 But here's a here's a here's a game that's very similar and where it's like whoa what is Goblin Commander the Sega game the Viking one Viking battle of Asgard battle for Asgard. Yeah. So that's made by creative assembly. When you start it up it's like a god of war style thing you're yeah okay but then when you invade bases it becomes like a top down kind of light action RTS thing. I actually never do that. That's fine because it's made by creative assembly the creators of Total War and all
Starting point is 00:05:47 those games Total Warhammer War. Total War. Total War. Total Warhammer War. Total Warhammer War. Total Warhammer. Total. Total.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Deetrean the 40k. Yeah. Please go back to sacrifice as my like example of third person strat RTS where you're on the ground with your units. I still think the best one ever. I don't know if it's RTS or if it's squad tactics because the line there is kind of blurry but it's Freedom Fighters. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Freedom Fighters. Freedom Fighters is amazing. Never played it. Full spectrum warrior. Pretty good in that regard too. I never played it either. Like go pop it in for like 20 minutes and you're like it just feels really good especially for a PS2 shooter.
Starting point is 00:06:27 It's the game that everyone yells at Io to bring back instead of the games that they keep making. It's one of the best games they ever made and there's been nothing on it for like a decade. Yeah. It's Wednesday and lunch three. Never. Hopefully never.
Starting point is 00:06:41 I can only like I can't hate on Brutal Legend in a world where overture is the same thing but worse. You know. Oh man Brutal Legend is so much better. Wow you really contextualize that very strongly. Pretty much. I forgot. I played the demo of overture and just checked out.
Starting point is 00:07:02 Just I couldn't. And I spoke to a friend of mine who beat all of it and he's telling me all this crazy story shit that's super important. Yeah. Oh yeah. I went back and watched all the cutscenes because that because you needed to know I needed to know. King Kai puts Disney in an ice block for eternity because he's a dictator now like what that's
Starting point is 00:07:18 the coolest and sin is rebellious but like for good reason. Oh man. Yeah. Oh wow. I told the backyard. But no. But no. Go try to play through that.
Starting point is 00:07:29 No. I don't want to. I won't blame you. That's the. It'll make you appreciate dust strikers. The saddest thing about the saddest thing about overture is that interview that Daisuke gave is like this is the game that I always wanted to. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:43 The tech wasn't there. Yeah. So I was forced to make a fighting game I guess. But this is what I really always bunkering down. It's like when they when they revealed that Resident Evil 2 was always supposed to be the light gun shooter and they finally got to make Umbrella Chronicles the real vision. Well and when it's unchained from the original horrible constraints that are Resident Evil 2.
Starting point is 00:08:05 Resident Evil's gameplay style in general. Yeah. Like you get a fabulous light gun shooter. Guilty Gear 2 overture is literally like the prequel trilogy for Guilty Gear. And let's not forget the part where all your favorite characters from the X series. They're dead. No they just don't count because they're bonus characters. They're Olaques.
Starting point is 00:08:24 The fighting games. They're not the real story. The fighting games are all side stories. Yeah. X is all. It's not canon. The only thing that matters is Guilty Gear. By your side.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Guilty Gear 2 overture. Oh man. That's the way I remember it. I'm so glad that Persona was unshackled from the horrible constraints of RPGs and finally got to be the rhythm game it was always meant to be. How it belonged. The way. The way.
Starting point is 00:08:49 I can't wait till we can just get past Persona 5 to like the true form which was an FPS. Like fuck that game. That's just a constraint that Atlas has held to. But the neat thing about the dice game thing is that like this is actually we're joking but this is actually what I wanted to do. That's amazing. It's a shame. Like you can never speak for the quality because that obviously didn't go right but
Starting point is 00:09:18 I'd love to see what it was meant to just seem like he was really happy with the outfit. Yeah. Just go go. It's a very peculiar. Circumstance. He thought he was going to take the gaming world over by storm. You know. Go for it.
Starting point is 00:09:31 Then Daisuke looks at the reviews for the game he's like oh no. Go find the video of the interview if there is any and just overlay this is what Ishitowari actually believes flashing. What you want is bad and what you like begrudgingly accept is good. Fine. I'll go back to fighting games I guess I guess God like settle for that I'll play this with cool music and get back in whatever here's your stupid noncanny character he walks away with his head all bowed and he's really sad and he's playing a sick riff on his guitar
Starting point is 00:10:08 at the same time. It's like super hot. Yeah. Yeah. That's good stuff. I'm going to make an excerpt and make everyone that's English super angry. I remember the worst part about that was that you looked at Guilty Gear Guilty Gear X and Guilty Gear XX and all the revisions and it's like there are a few games that are more
Starting point is 00:10:25 born out of a single person's brain than that like he wrote all the dialogue he voiced some of the characters he wrote all the music he designed all the characters he designed the game like like do a lot of work on that. But people like that I feel like it almost makes more sense that they would be super picky about their story because they have a wiki in their head and everything that's like important to this giant 17 part Shenmue story you know he knows how to filter that the worst part is all the side story content really interesting all the main story content is terrible.
Starting point is 00:11:06 It's terrible. I like the setting but yeah it's just it's silly. Why'd you put Dizzy in a block of ice King Kai because it's gears whatever like oh geez oh God King Kai. Yeah dude. Just get the King Kai voice actor and insert he's not King anymore and I don't know why because I didn't play the game. No.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Oh man. It's there. Well anyway. This is a lot of podcasts we've created for ourselves. It is. It is. We've pushed. Front loaded.
Starting point is 00:11:38 We pushed through it. Top heavy. We've done one twenty five and this is the hundred and twenty six. Wow. That's crazy. Is there a fun factor? Great question. So one twenty six is like he's just looking at his phone and one twenty six is the number
Starting point is 00:11:56 given to the film format that was used in still photography basically Kodak scraping the barrel. Well is it one twenty six film is a known film type Matt just 60 millimeter I don't know. 90 percent of these are going to be barrel scrapes. That's the whole point of the segment I guess so now will they get back to your barrel. So a lot of stop motion photography was shot in a hundred and twenty six film is a millimeter. It was just referred to as a hundred and twenty six film and it was made for a low end point
Starting point is 00:12:27 and shoot cameras and it's been discontinued as of 2008. I bet that's one of the film types you can slap into the camera obscura. I bet that blow up at two oh nine was shot with one twenty six film a lot of stop motion animation probably was like you just mentioned and I can't wait to podcast two oh nine. Did you know there was a robot that had the same number and he was the coolest robot ever. It was so scary podcast for 20. All right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:57 Podcast for 20. Very interesting because we'll be washed up by that. We'll be really old. That's like six seven years from now. It's like it's all time you washed up. It's like hey guys we do a video games. No yeah. No that's way after the time jump.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Yeah after that. Oh yeah the super best friend cast Shippuden. Don't don't don't you worry. We should stop. We should stop the podcast at 134 and then resume the podcast two years later. We have some filler in between to get through but once we get through the filler arc we will arrive. What would a filler podcast even sound like. We'll just make stuff up.
Starting point is 00:13:34 It wasn't in the manga. Yeah yeah yeah. Zack gets some character development. Hey what what games. Billy shows up. What games have you guys been playing. And dies. I've been I've been playing Street Fighter Beta.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Whoa damn. That is really good. That did you like role in Street Fighter. I did. I was really happy with Mega Man's representation in that game. It was good how they didn't roll cancel him. Yeah. Welcome to the filler.
Starting point is 00:14:04 I had to carry my shit buckets to the T country. It's only it's only eight episodes away before the filler podcast start get ready. Fetch the lightning sword. If episode 134 esoteric fact is not about that episode of Naruto I'm going to die. He's going to die. Thanks for thanks for the heads up. Yeah. 2016 we had a new year and we all kind of did our thing.
Starting point is 00:14:32 So let's go the two thousandth and sixteenth chapter. So let's go counterclockwise here Liam. How was your new years. It was fine. That's it. It just kind of happened right. Kind of like last year in the year before that you couldn't do anything to stop it. No exactly.
Starting point is 00:14:49 No matter how you try my girlfriend and I went out for dinner with my parents and we went to see Star Wars again and Star Wars was it was really fun to watch. And man those fucking X-wing scenes really make me want another Rogue Squadron really hard. Yeah. I like more than anything in that movie. I really like the new ship design. Well look forward to Star Wars Rogue one which is all for you 2016.
Starting point is 00:15:13 I am frothing my frothing excitement cannot be contained a game or at least DLC coming out around at least that's a more expanded like a space battle shit. I hope so. I can see this weird like thing happening where all most people like those spin off movies better than the actual episodes possible because Rogue one like sounds like really interesting. If they don't I'm compelled if they don't tie themselves or shackle themselves too much to like setting up the episode eight. Hey look there's you know there's Finn going by and yeah exactly if you don't have that
Starting point is 00:15:48 type of guy waving out the window look it's little baby Han Solo did you oh man did you guys see to the top 10 facts about Darth Vader suit I did a red letter I don't know that has one of the funniest bits what is it it's it's it's I can't you can't okay all right don't it's really good it's worth watching the entire half hour for this one guy okay yeah. I spent a bit of time playing devil's third more yeah you're telling me that's the game that keeps on giving I was confused because I was like is there another game titled devil's third yeah because the last one we left off with it it seemed like there was nothing left
Starting point is 00:16:30 to be done in yeah no so I went to the multiplayer because I figured if we're going to do a multiplayer thing which we're going to do you must do the multiplayer another one we should explore everything and so I went I played a bunch of levels in and I got to the factions and stuff boy the online like sweet in that game is one of the most intricate ones I've ever seen in a shooter say it's over produced compared to the rest of the game it feels like it's the core game that's did you fight opponents online tons but only in certain game modes or any of them Tobinobu 69 yes all of them were Tobinobu 69 no it's really good it's got this really cool like siege mode where you build clans basically right and you either
Starting point is 00:17:14 join a clan create a clan or act as a mercenary independent of clans okay or pose man I already I'm like jealous the system is in this game and not 10 other games okay but it gets better oh man because you have a base each clan has a base and the clan general can customize the base and move move stuff around the base turrets buildings around the base I want this building over here and when people attack your base you have to defend that base from them so it gets better though because there's 10 or so different bases each in different spots around the United States in the game and the bases aren't just one map there's three maps that you purchase and they all go in a line okay and so you'll so you'll start
Starting point is 00:18:01 defending your base at the the first one and if they win then you'll defend your base at the more fortified second map in a second round entirely and if they win that one then you'll defend your base at the stronghold which you can also cut like you customize all three of these maps and it's three big elaborate team battles the tragedy of this is that you can't send out waves of bats to attack your enemies yeah there's no bat cannons oh that's bullshit description of what you're saying my brain goes what if that was in like a halo or an MMO or anything well it'll be a metal gear metal gear that would make a little while ago it a gack he said something along the lines of like the the quantity of features in the multiplayer
Starting point is 00:18:47 is genuinely unprecedented or something and it genuinely is and when the pc version comes out you should try it because the multiplayer is really elaborate what is the devil's third that is never referenced in the story the devil's third is a music thing that I can't remember what it is no but it's a music it's a reference to a musical it's a music thing you're thinking of the devil's tone I'm pretty sure anyway it doesn't matter no this was a whole thing on a different podcast sure that's fine they argued about it for like 40 minutes sure that's fine is that Ivan I think Liam and this is right in the sense that like Ivan has all these musical instruments and he's practicing them all the time and like he has his like room in Guantanamo Bay has all these
Starting point is 00:19:28 fucking instruments so I assume well and then and then you get to the big end game reveal where you're like oh that's why he lives in Guantanamo Bay yes yeah he has a he has a huge cushion cell because he didn't like working for dead cell and so he he betrayed his dead cell guys and left and he just lives in Guantanamo Bay and he does missions for for the us or something and topical and then it gets back to okay go kill dead cell and so you go kill that that's what the game is you kill dead cell right so I had always figured that the devil's third was a reference to like the third of the heavenly host that goes down with with the devil when maybe oh maybe that too I don't know yeah actually that seems extremely plausible that too maybe yeah I'm not sure I haven't really
Starting point is 00:20:13 looked into it too much uh but like yeah that games core mechanics are good I was playing the score attack mode which is this a single player the fruit and vegetable match the fruit and vegetable match is great so there's these there's these okay you have these maps right there's tons of them and there's merchants like old Japanese guys all over the map with their fans yelling to come by their fruits and vegetables they've got these cat masks on and you go up to their stands and you grab as many fruits and vegetables as you can and then you bring them to the big blender on the map and you throw them in like grenades yeah and if you get them in you get points but the blender will like pull itself into the ground and re-emerge elsewhere on the map and so it's a big contest of
Starting point is 00:20:51 trying to keep the other team from from scoring with their fruits and vegetables did you ever get any chicken matches going no I didn't try chicken match because it was new the fruit and vegetable match was new oh it's true great right because they're adding them as time goes on yeah uh the multiplayer is really good single players I was playing it again and it's way more enjoyable if you're playing on easy uh oh wow the bosses the bosses are just not fun like well some of them are fine but I think it's three of them are just completely not fun uh not fun not fun they're they're actually you guys play borderline yeah are there any like very overt slams against Tekken in there no that's a shame there were my descriptions yeah but not that I could see really that's my
Starting point is 00:21:37 favorite thing about it agaki that was always my favorite his petty dislike of it we did talk about it a lot yeah five worst games you've ever played Tekken one Tekken two Tekken three Tekken yeah that got it got brought up for sure special mention Tekken the term devil's third derives from musical tradition in which the perceived dissonance of a three-note sequence called a tritone or devil's interval that's caused it to be avoided okay so fuck that other podcast well they eventually got to the same place and I misunderstood yeah okay I'm a dumbass but yeah uh that game is like shockingly decent if you play it on easy and the multiplayer is legitimately good so when it does come out on pc I encourage encourage you to try that out because it's I'll go get cheat engine
Starting point is 00:22:19 load that up now and ruin it for everyone so I believe they will only be selling 420 copies on steam at which point it will then be sold out so that's a that's a really disingenuous twist on what happened there but okay sure to it wasn't even 420 but okay or you don't deserve it there's 520 no no it's more fun this way it's much more than 170 um and I played a bunch of other games but only for like half an hour 45 minutes I've got this one game that I'm really working towards playing and I can't wait to play it next week but I can't tell you about it it's the secret okay um and the other thing was I was watching I'd only started yesterday but I was watching awesome games done quick and you should go watch awesome games done quick it's really really good sport bloodborne's coming
Starting point is 00:23:08 yeah uh that was done got some heads up about a couple other games too as well so going to go look at the those streams get archived absolutely because I get archived by individual game because I literally always miss it I always go awesome games on right now yeah but that's the problem it on being on right now makes me for like if it was like it comes on for this period and then I would be able to tune in but since it's always on just go home put on your tv you'll watch something eventually every time I turn it on it's like you can you can wait till you know because I used to be cool to just be like oh wait till it's all done and go back and watch the games you care about but watching games you don't care about and then caring because
Starting point is 00:23:45 it's way more interesting yeah there's gonna be a really good run of uh mr gimmick later this week so check that out mr gimmick's amazing shut up I didn't of course there is because it's a good shop though watch mr gimmick no you're right who would win mr gimmick or mr domino no one you can't stop mr domino and it's mr domino mr domino would win but mr gimmick has a better game one of the best titles of all time I okay so I had a bunch of ps1 games I was getting rid of recently not just ps1 but just a bunch of games and um my girlfriend thought I was getting rid of you can't stop mr domino because I was playing it and it was just out oh no and she put it in the get rid of pile oh no and I was going through it and I was like what the fuck is this doing babe
Starting point is 00:24:29 what the fuck is this doing in the get rid of pile what what are you doing like you can't stop there were words you do not get rid of mr domino you can't even so I put it back and her girlfriend almost stopped mr domino she almost stopped mr domino she almost found the secret it would have went really bad would have been bad but it was fixed now and I got mr domino so there you go yeah that's that's pretty much all I did though where were you when the ball hit when the ball hit yeah uh probably I don't know maybe use a sleep I don't know okay all right yeah and in my bed that's fine that's fine you're in bed at midnight well I mean people do other things in bed
Starting point is 00:25:17 like eat like eat just a giant pot of fondue you lift lift up the covers and eat that cookie pat uh it's bizarre how was your battle against the new year yeah it was fine where were you when the ball dropped I was uh doing something that I'll get to in a bit eating uh no I was having like a chip I think it's at that exact wow but uh no I also I also watched Star Wars again with a friend of mine on New Year's and boy that that movie holds up to a second viewing yeah I said that last week I was like I enjoyed it immensely I was really worried that I would like not like it after all the reveals but no it's quite good how was the audience normal okay like not crazy not super shitty better than the audience we went to see it with good more quiet uh yeah just hung
Starting point is 00:26:06 out with a friend of mine on New Year's nothing big we did end up watching a bunch of that Gundam thing that you recommended to me I am bledded or the lightening 8th MS team most of it like the vast majority of it okay so I have some thoughts about that all right boy that's old number one all right like like it's it hits you it's like like it feels much older than it actually is like it's it's been a 95 it feels like it's from the mid 80s or earlier well it's done it's done in the style of the older uh series it's it's like yeah it's anime is like not even new anime just like the hair like that that dickhead guineas is hair is just all over the place but I was struck with like one big problem the whole time I was watching it and it really bothered me it's like dude I get
Starting point is 00:26:57 it you're sad that your pen pal girlfriend is like breaking it off with you in the mail you're really excited about your your new song guy that you're you're gonna go to the other base I get it that Zeon chicks she's really hot but are any of these things more important than the war no no they're not stop being a bunch of stupid assholes I'm not gonna kill anybody because I love this girl you're fighting a war you're in your superiors are right go do the war instead you're not to be trusted because you won't shoot people in the war what is wrong with you like it's taking me and like I feel like this is a very humanized version of Gundam like Gundam I've been told is very melodramatic uh and and depends on the series but yeah a lot of the time
Starting point is 00:27:48 like every single thing one of the like stupid pen pal kid Miguel almost gets his co killed right because he's not paying attention to having his foot down on a pedal they're a ragtag group no jail jail for that kid throw him in the brig uh what how far did you get like two episodes from the end okay uh how much is that uh it's it's 12 episodes okay so okay okay I guess yeah um Norris is a cool guy cool I like him better than everyone else in the story cool because he knows how to fight in the war god damn it yeah yeah like is it would that be a problem for other Gundam series if I went over to them no because often there's cooler secondary supporting characters no I don't mean that I mean like like shut up char the war is more important than your your personal
Starting point is 00:28:37 bullshit uh I don't think that'll be a problem because again the philosophy of the series changes from yeah from because like that's that's just what like you know how you have your thing where you want all the children to die and all that things no but and one of my things I don't want them to die I just don't watch the word and one of my things is like I can't like I cannot understand like if you're if your unit is a military unit yeah and the characters are like just like again the ragtag it reminds me a lot of Valkyria Chronicles if Liam did you play Valkyria Chronicles yeah she bakes bread yeah it reminds me a lot of that like everyone's like hey I'm gonna bake the bread for you guys and hey oh man I'm I really want to write this paper and it's like no
Starting point is 00:29:21 there's a war yeah let no I know I you know let's let's have a little family and it's in the middle of what is essentially a war zone yeah skirmish this is a war for the planet and like there's there's a flashback sequence in which they show a chemical attack that kills an entire colony and that happens once and they never talk about it ever again it makes me think of fire emblem because fire emblem is really good at handling like we're all buds in war because it all the fire emblem games are war and I think Awakening's the only one that doesn't handle it well and it goes to anime yeah um but like a lot of stuff fumbles with it's just super weird because you get this really goofy lighthearted tone and then they get into a battle but that lighthearted tone
Starting point is 00:30:04 doesn't really leave yeah but people are getting like blown to bits no exactly like it doesn't need to be the most serious thing in the world I just want anime brothers in arms yeah okay yeah yeah sure like I don't that I just want I just want anime uh saving private Ryan yeah exactly okay skycrawlers that being skycrawlers that one's good they're fighting a war they don't understand I have now discovered that Gundam has one of my favorite logical fictional contrivances for fighting ever okay which is grant like I because I didn't know anything about Gundam right and in my mind Gundam is a bunch of space battles in which the robots explode afterwards okay and I was really confused for maybe six or seven episodes why don't the robots explode why aren't
Starting point is 00:30:49 they cutting them in half with beam sabers and then a story element happens in which you cannot shoot them in certain places because they're all powered by nuclear reactors and on earth you cannot blow up Gundams yeah because it will be a fucking problem it's one of the worst ideas and I was like and there's a bit where somebody is going to die but cannot shoot upwards because they will hit the reactor of the Gundam shooting at them and I was like that's that's awesome that's really fantastic it's fucking sick that's that's that's the best reasoning to just bullshit a bunch of like well why don't they do this so that that being said in space and I think that's just new space that's why all the space battles have these massive explosions because no one cares no one cares about
Starting point is 00:31:34 a nuclear explosion in space who will it harm no one that also also uh people people who don't give a shit about the earth don't give a shit yeah okay so there's that and they're the really bad guys uh and uh so I know this doesn't deal with the genesis of the war no uh but like man fuck those zion pigs get off my planet and like yeah there's there's heroes on both sides well but it's not even that it's not even that it's that like zion is like it's not as cut and dry as it seems yeah I know and there's some there's some earth federation generals that are dicks and they're they're doing dirty shit and like all that but you know what they wouldn't have to do that if if the fucking colonies were invading earth you fucking cunts get off my planet it all
Starting point is 00:32:28 goes back to who started what what is it what is a series in which like the the the the feds are shown to be like just overtly like villainous uh gun them seed actually okay well yeah one that I'll actually watch that's a pretty good example but there's some other ones out there but yeah that's like I'm interested to see if that would change my life zeta has some fucking asshole earth federation dudes in it as well not the same series but kill zone as well yeah kill zone it's pretty much the exact same thing it's so interesting because you know those hell gas dudes with the eyes yeah they're the aggrieved party in that series like the people that you fight like they're they're the nice people they're the nice people because like it's like they always portray you as the hero
Starting point is 00:33:10 and like you're told out your hero and all the bad guys look super evil and like nazis but then you look at like the the little excerpts that come in the manual and you're like oh no like the why are we committing atrocities to them it's like it's like doing like hostile invasions of these countries for no of these planets for like no reason it's really interesting all right it's a similar kind of parallel uh I also played uh divinity original sin they put out sorry uh so you're you're not done yet not quite uh you you're almost near the end I hope the main character dies okay all right like I hope him and his stupid zion bitch girlfriend both eat it in in the final sequence and they're like oh we'll be in love forever now and somebody with some sense shoots them okay if
Starting point is 00:33:58 that is your main gripe I think you'll be fine okay great like somebody comes in like you are a bunch of idiots bang uh but other than that like I liked it quite a bit uh yeah play divinity original sin they put out a controller patch recently for that game on pc wow the amount of work they put into that when you plug in a controller for that game it changes its ui to the console interface and makes all the all the text larger for tv distance that's great uh and the the controls like it's an isometric like classic style like rpg I would you would figure that it would be a problem like no man that that was the one that got ported to consoles recently yes okay yeah so did wasteland yeah no I'm just making sure I remember the right one difference between wasteland two and this
Starting point is 00:34:43 game's controller is that wasteland twos is not good and this game's controller support is like stellar it's the best like like diablo three levels yeah that level of quality cool like you know how diablo you know there's a million little things that you'd have to pick up in those games yeah of course when you hold the a button you get a radius that just expands your character and we'll just select everything and you release it go through a menu and oh cool that's handy actually it's absolutely super well thought out and I played more of that that hard here's here's the storm hot yeah so I hit that point where I'm like I'm playing against humans now and I suck I suck so bad and I accidentally spent like $50 in it I saw that accidentally you see uh someone on a lot
Starting point is 00:35:25 of our subreddit went out and he he worked on works on heroes of newer dude that works on moba and a lot of other people that's awesome throwing their their information at you yes I saw that I absorbed all of it it was very appreciated no it was really sick um yeah no I asked I was wondering if that was the guy that was wearing the shirt with the from that one video that's uh that's don gate yeah yeah don gate small world don gate man they're really good at getting money out of you and that because like every time accidentally every well it wasn't accident by mistake by mistake the blizzard man came to your door here's what happened right so I wanted to see what the process was like because I was teetering and I had forgotten that my paypal information was still set up with blizzard
Starting point is 00:36:08 oh from wow oh not hearthstone yeah from wow like all that time ago because my paypal information had jane I was like I clicked on it I was like oh what's the oh we just bought it what'd you buy for 50 bucks I bought the storm bundle it has eight heroes in it and and which hero did you want all of them okay and then I accidentally bought a second bundle and did you enjoy that's a hard mistake did you enjoy your new heroes I'm sure they'll refund you if you ask yeah yeah you should ask for a refund mistakes though mistakes it was it was an accident completely unintended that I totally enjoyed a lot yep uh that came so I have a problem and the problem is that because of the final fantasy 14 three company I now have this group of people that I can just tell to play a game
Starting point is 00:36:51 with me like hey guys you want to play heroes of storm yeah okay three of us already do that oh it's a bunch of enablers I've created a bunch of enablers for my addiction that's a problem yeah no but it's good game good game and for context and there are I assume there are people that want to know this I went and tried Dota I gave it a shot Dota 2 Dota 2 could you imagine yeah kind of an important detail I tried defense of the ancients what's the problem oh actually for the like to my knowledge both of those games are actually the same and Dota actually gets updated before Dota 2 nice anyway um you tried it that game is an unpenetrable fucking mess hey perfect like Jesus Christ holy shit would you use uh Sven someone with spikes what what what color
Starting point is 00:37:41 was he he was blue the blue guy so the yeah so spikes uh huh so instead of taric so oh man when you level up in in here's the storm you get talents like it's like it's World of Warcraft or something like that in Dota god are those just your abilities yeah it's just your abilities your buffs in Dota instead of that everything you do gets gold and ever and you have to get the last hit on enemies to get the money to get the money so the first 15 minutes of that game is like just hitting NPCs and running away from everybody so you can buy just jungling one of yeah one of like 55 items that are all specific they're all good in different ways how many eight-year-olds you do nothing none because i i didn't even play a real game in humans like Jesus Christ but they were still yelling
Starting point is 00:38:30 the spirit was there impenetrable is like putting it mildly seems like the type of thing you should have gotten in on the ground floor yeah like eight years ago isn't didn't they put in that feature where you can simulate eight-year-olds yelling at you yeah if you're offline it's called going outside yeah pretty important listening the other thing that Dota 2 is the fucking weirdest about is i played a character called Sven and i look at this model i'm like oh my god this is just this is just just far enough outside of Garrosh Hellscream's model to not be against the law like every single UI and is that a blizzard character that was copied from Warhammer yeah and yes yes yes it is
Starting point is 00:39:14 we're like never change three steps removed now yeah and like the shape of Sven's sword helmet are different and he's blue instead of green okay and it's like everyone every single character you look at it's like that is an off-brand blizzard character i'm a love was an off-brand warhammer character i'm a love Yasuo till the day i die even if it's from a distance even though the samurai yeah yeah he's cool and i will never ever ever get engaged or involved but i will love him from a distance it's so fucking weird that came as through the window impenetrable so next week you have to play smite yeah i played a bit of smite this week smite's weird it was all right because it's third person yeah that's plays about the same though yeah
Starting point is 00:39:55 basically yeah no i got i got my my personal crap the hot also you just invited all the law players to come to come to your league league of legends to my understanding is less absurdly impenetrable than dota but it's more or less the same game like the same concept you still just gave them an open invite they all use they all use the same map they're at your door right now i mean i mean hot is the one you like so play league for an hour and get back to hot yeah that's all there is to it league for an hour i guess yeah i mean ultimately if you like heroes better it's just because you're enjoying it better that's faster and there's more maps and it looks better yeah there you go that's i do like how it has a lot of maps and i have people that play with me on
Starting point is 00:40:34 how many maps is it like it's it came out with like six or seven i really like how it has added two or three like yeah because biggest game in the world i just assumed they were infinite no no summoner's rift man you play on the map okay that's the one in dota there's the map and like when you look at tutorials like i was doing like video tutorials it's like well did you start on the radiant side or the the evil side i forget what the evil side is yeah but it's like it's the one map oh so there's no like use map settings type thing there i know i know league at least has another map or two because i remember seeing them but you play on the map the the ideology is do you change like the soccer pitch between games no you play soccer on the pitch and it's the field
Starting point is 00:41:22 exactly okay but like also like christ it's it's odd for competitive games a lot of competitive games don't run by that standard so well even if even aesthetically like just the same no same map yeah it's like they will occasionally change it for holiday events yeah get some christmas trees in there but but that's all they do they they change the graphics it'll it'll be really interesting the long run to see if blizzard uh with their online suite can someday catch up to devil's third but some you know it's it'll be interesting to see that's gonna be a while yeah it's gonna be a while i was actually seriously just gonna say like like you're completely right i don't think i am i was actually just gonna say like on that topic have the depth that he was just describing it's
Starting point is 00:42:02 kind of insane but like on that topic like blizzard's coverage is like scary good when overwatch comes out so because they they will have like diablo which is a great single player and multiplayer core experience action game world of warcraft the mmo hearthstone like the card one of the most popular mobile games and also a good card game yeah starcraft one of the biggest rts is overwatch which looks like it's gearing up to be big and hot now we're taking the fps so so like how about that character action game lost vikings the most the most city is part of of uh of here's the storm and all of them have started to do this now and it's like i feel it in my heart it's like oh you dirty fucks as i hit a certain level accidentally unlocked no i heard a certain player i see where
Starting point is 00:42:53 this is going i unlocked a card back in hearthstone and occasionally for events or some shit you will unlock a pet for world of warcraft you've unlocked a belt for your arm yeah like like and i i'm sure that the other games do this bite in various directions tighten that shit and that like if you bought if you bought a certain version of starcraft too you would get a special fancy mount and find that vein like they are really gotta keep poking until you nail it right there it's right there on there trying to create a system in which all like they're succeeding there will be a very large contingent of people you know how there's people the only play nintendo games yeah well it's going to become i feel more dramatic like there's people that only play blizzard games because they've
Starting point is 00:43:39 covered every genre that i feel like the only segment blizzard is missing i mean you know there's littler segments like racing and stuff which they do have a racing ip if they ever want to leverage that sure and what rock and roll racing i forgot but like the only segment i feel like they're missing is like core triple a titles yeah but that's not a segment they really need no because they like they like infinity game yeah exactly and like you said that and i have love kind of that but it's already there there are people that only play blizzard games yeah like this like i barely played any yakuza 5 this week because i played like 100 matches of heroes of the storm i have nieces that only play blizzard games i was downloading hearthstone on my on my phone
Starting point is 00:44:20 on the way over here because like why not i can play it on my phone for fuck's sake it's a decent car game i can play on my phone you can do you can do a coke off the back of your phone yeah you can do a lot of things with your phone man man those you want to you want to talk bad and that's not the sound of fapping that's finding the vein yeah i want to talk bad like the skin kind of the same and like dota players on this aspect are right yes having all the heroes for free that is a better deal than having to pay for them in any way but the real crazy thing is those skin prices man like you want to make your your uh you want to make your uh uther look like a cool and game wow paladin ten dollars well you know that's the kind of thing i mean i do think
Starting point is 00:45:01 it's expensive but it's like street fighter costumes where you play the game for enough hundreds of hours and you're like okay i don't mind paying any amount i want to see a slight visual change by the time i bought those heroes and got those skins for 50 bucks like i had already played like 40 hours of the game yeah so and the other thing is i was looking at i did the math like they put out one hero a month and two skins a month more or less and it's like that's 25 bucks but assuming you get the hero and one skin that you wanted the whole time it's like mmo pricing like it's a secret mmo in terms of like 15 dollars a month for the crazies i mean ultimately it's just like you know we're in an era where games are generally the price you want to pay for them yeah
Starting point is 00:45:42 so it's you know intrinsic value how really well i can say like wouldn't you just like pick a main pick a color pick a well costume picking at every one you will pick a main but you will pick multiple mains because there are counter picks and there are like true compositions right right right right and uh like so like if i only have uh or tannis right like i hope that my team my other people that i play with regularly have people to compliment that because if they don't then you need to change up yeah backup yeah okay um but like with five dudes you could probably play forever and you can easily earn five dudes for free yeah within two weeks but yeah you you definitely do need counter pick stuff in m mobas that's the meta because like in i'm not sure if they do it here
Starting point is 00:46:31 but there is a game type in mobas in which uh in a ranked game or in a tournament game it will start with like a like a like a play school like playground level of like picking characters yeah so and uh striking characters yeah you get to pick say i'll pick uh avatar and you can strike arthas so that nobody on our team can pick arthas uh so that like you can force people to not like that it's like smash bros with stage picks you they strike stages yeah it's a part of dota i vividly remember there was a team that was ranked to be the top but everyone would counter pick every single person on their entire team and none of them could play the team that they practiced with okay and they lost okay huh so you kind of you got a little like you have to learn imagine
Starting point is 00:47:19 yeah definitely imagine if like you were you were at evo and you said you can't pick elena yeah and that and see that's weird because like you will do that with matchups where you will just counter pick the person yeah but the person still has the option to go well fuck it i'm gonna fight the uphill battle yeah but no overtly yeah no yeah yeah i'll pick my character and you're not allowed to pick the one that's the counter everyone's got to be a shang sung kind of yeah kind of okay oops all shanks oops all pj fell yeah well yeah but the shanks song is like a term just refers to like humane everybody yeah who do you mean everybody yeah all right uh where were you um i was in the middle of a game of cards against humanity fairly drunk dark um and uh it was like hey everyone
Starting point is 00:48:07 oh five a one zero all right big black dick yeah put down that card yeah you know so um and then we play cards against humanity yeah uh but actually um this was i alluded to last week that uh i went in we went into the parents and laws house my in-laws to see this gigantic empty mansion that's super clean because it's always super so i have a i have a stupid question did they know that this was happening yes oh that's such a they okay did you still break stuff uh well as soon as we walked in we're gonna have our big new year's party there i proceeded to go i you know i i ate some stuff at breakfast and now i have to go to the bathroom uh toilet immediately overflows the first thing that happens when i walk into the house are we talking like are we talking like some half hour
Starting point is 00:49:01 from walking in the door like 25 minutes in five minutes five minutes in tone center i love it it it went it wasn't too bad it was an easily fixable but i'm like ah 2016 can't wait can only go up here's a metaphor force the toilet to match your pace yeah no i i did actually anyway um but other than that uh that party went well lots of lots of fun lots of good food and stuff and you know didn't get too like destroyed or whatever um and like two days after that we went to go see creed actually um tell me creed's good creed is pretty fucking good everyone says in the grand scheme of rocky how good it well first of all it's it's exactly rocky five done perfectly is it better than rocky five yes good well because it's the same thing it's like yeah sure i'll train you uh the
Starting point is 00:49:55 thing about is that the thing that distinguishes creed from the others is that this one's really really well written like not that the ones were bad but it's way more grounded more thought out than the rest of the movie it's more thought out some of the dialogue was actually like really like wow that's a really good line or that's really and not like the other ones were bad it's just there's a certain because this one was not written by Stallone almost all of them are written by Stallone and almost all of them are directed by him right not all of them but this is done by a completely different dude and i believe the director slash writer of this is also the guy marvel's getting to do black panther um and the only faults not a fault but like hmm this is a tough nut to crack
Starting point is 00:50:37 is that adonis creed is not rocky he's not like this lovable scamp yeah you're rude for he's kind of like a not overconfident he's a different character and it's like well he's got to be as he should he has a different upbringing but he has the same career path as rocky does and you're like okay so it's kind of the same mold but he's a different character and i still liked him the michael b jordan was like a really really good actor and i'm like i it's a it's a great movie but i'm like it's it's it's you feel two ways about it do do like i'm assuming that a lot of the time movies like this like the crux and or like major turning point is they have a batman beyond moment where it's like i am not batman i'm another guy i don't do things his way and your mistake was
Starting point is 00:51:25 thinking that i would know it's it's everyone going your your apolo creed son you have everything held to you on silver platter he's like no i fucking didn't yeah i was an illegitimate child okay i didn't really and then they're like no no you're his son though okay he doesn't matter yeah i didn't ask for this that's it that's it yeah so so it was still really really good and like it's it's weird to have this tacked on at the end of rocky balboa though like i would actually not that like i like rocky balboa plenty it's a good movie but i'd actually rather this it's slid in there after rocky five okay the rocky balboa being this kind of weird sort of end but this continues it man the premise of rocky balboa was so fucking stupid it's kind of stupid like the premise of
Starting point is 00:52:09 this is actually quite good though the the boxing match also the boxing match the end of this is probably the best fight so we have to like it's slowly resemble actual boxing yes for once to me it really so we have two out of seven fights that look okay adonis doesn't take like shit loads of supers and get up he's taking a bunch of headshots but he won't put his guard up we don't know what's going on i don't understand now his corner is attacking the other corner like what is happening yeah okay so there's a bit where drego picks up rocky by his throat and punches him and wrestling moves are now occurring in the center of the ring there there's one thing i wish that they just say yeah your your father died in the ring or whatever but no one mentions iven drago i would have loved
Starting point is 00:52:59 to have seen like old man iven drago just show up like i break your toe and he just comes in and wrestling moves are bent no in his wheelchair like i said yeah well lungarin is still massive and scary it's true so like it's easy um and uh there's a nice love story in there too i thought that was like you know it's it's hard to tackle it's hard to beat the rocky and adrian street love between a man and his trainer it's a street love story eight mile go find that there's there's behind the factory hike up the skirt woolly there's a twist on the rocky running down the street with kids behind them oh this movie that's so fucking good oh yeah i saw that that's in isn't that in the trailer where he's running from i never saw the trailer though okay running from
Starting point is 00:53:40 some hooligan yeah yeah it's so fucking good but in context it's amazing i was like oh this is so cool they spoiled that um anyway would you say you ought to see the other movies before this you don't you don't need to okay but context is pretty important though i mean but i'm just saying if it's i'm wondering if it's viewable without them i think it is yeah okay like will you write about context but it's like who does like i had never watched the rocky movies until last year and i still pretty much knew everything i needed to know about rocky movies i guess but at the same time it's like saying certain boxer's names of people he fought and stuff like seven you could have watched force awakens without knowing anything yeah i know a lot of people did but yeah you know
Starting point is 00:54:17 yeah i'm just wondering if it's required reading because like i don't think star wars one through six are required reading i don't i don't i think i think you should but not required reading yeah i think is as opposed to star wars seven is required reading for eight right you know like there's a couple of flashbacks to the old movies but they're done in such a context where like it makes sense i don't know it's hard to get into specifics uh the other thing that kind of happened is i got zack this new toy which is just basically oh god yeah which is this rc car that's in the shape of a rat and it took forever i got it from amazon and the box came in all fucking beat up and shit yeah and i'm like oh that's that's good and i put in a bunch of batteries
Starting point is 00:54:55 doesn't fucking work and i'm like i kind of mix these batteries up this one's from this one and i'm like let me get some brand new batteries so i put brand new batteries all the same and it starts to work but a little bit it's very inconsistent and you have the rat zoom around the floor and zack gets fucking freaked out and runs away and i'm like yes perfect then the rat just stops working and i'm like okay well i guess it's fucking beat up well that was a waste of money all through the night the rat moves by itself and we can hear it when none of us are controlling it i'm shitting the bed every night i'm we hear the rat we're like is that someone coming in to kill us or is that a rat coming to kill us and zack's hiding we're basically held hostage all night
Starting point is 00:55:43 so we suffered for that because i kept forgetting like just turn it off like turn off this little switch yeah or fucking take out the batteries and i swear one night i remember taking out the batteries but i still heard it no that means there's real rats in your walls i know it's not the sound of a rat it's a sound of a robot oh yeah you have a little car right well i walked into your place and like that's like hey check out this new thing and it just it just slams into the wall it stops moving and then i'm staring at it and matt and i'm waiting for it to burst into flames and then like about two minutes later i put the controller down and you i turned over to you and then you're about to say something and the rat moved again by itself and i was like see uh anyway super scared
Starting point is 00:56:30 don't like it that makes you seem super nuts bro uh i also watched a couple more episodes of ash versus evil dead and i'm kind of like ah is this is this can this possibly sustain itself as it goes on because there was one episode where literally nothing happened there was another fight between ash and another dead eye and i was like that was the episode but now lucy lala shows up as an actual recurring character and i'm like oh okay they're doing something interesting with her and she's referencing one of the older that she's referencing like evil dead too like ash did this to my like whatever and i'm just like okay so they're bringing in some new characters that's cool there's one line that fucking kill me and that they'll be especially relevant to us
Starting point is 00:57:11 which is ash brings an economic on to a like an occult book expert yes is it can you read from this book can you can you do something and then the other two kid characters are like no don't don't mess with the book ash she's like no no we gotta do something like no don't mess with the book it's a bad idea and then like you know there's dark swirling skies and it's getting scary they're obvious course they go ash don't do it he goes hey hey do you want to read from this book or not and the occultist book guy goes i've waited my entire life to read from this book and then ash turns goes see he loves it and i thought about that line right see he loves it and i laugh for a good like minute or two and i was like that's that's such a thorough way line but ash would
Starting point is 00:57:55 totally see he loves it anyway um i thought that was really funny i finally got my poison bashojo the good fucking finally just looked at it open up the box smelt it uh put it back in the box and i'm like i'm gonna save this i'm gonna smell this again i'm gonna smell this again it's so it's the the best one and now i want a line i want fem kodi fem hagar fem guy i want all of the bashojo final fight heroes that will never happen but that's what you need but that's what i need to get your mind and said i want that yeah you didn't think you want i got fem jason okay true you did like what's there's jason there's freddy there's luke skywalker or is that just a pilot that's han solo's daughter oh that's a thing yeah it has been removed fuck that's no longer
Starting point is 00:58:52 exists oh i thought i literally thought that was just like some that figure doesn't exist their name is something something solo oh shit i had no idea we'll never mind that yeah but marajade is like but freddy kruger and whatever and uh there's another one coming there's like a leather face or michael meyers fem oh i didn't know about that another horror one i might be mistaken but like i remember seeing something like that and um i got 63 line and i got yeah i got a new laptop that came in the mail it's pretty much exactly the same laptop uh pack got the first thing i did was download uh bro force because i forgot that bro force released what we played yeah it actually came out yeah and speaking of like heroes of the storm and adding
Starting point is 00:59:33 heroes the amount the sheer amount that since i i i stopped playing like when me and willy took a look at the game the sheer amount of dudes added there was like a pack every two months every two months that's crazy and there's like Ripley there's what's the number i i i i did not i couldn't get an accurate count but there's christopher lambert bro wow he comes in like wow gavin mccloud bro and then uh broden which is just raiden from mortal comat and then of course the bride is in there as the bro yeah i want to learning how to like use all of these people because you're rotating through them must be insane i don't get away with it when we played it it was just on the it was on the edge yeah it was on the edge of being like this is difficult but yeah you can
Starting point is 01:00:22 learn this many yeah it's no problem but fucking double or triple that roster willy like you played a lot of dark extension recently like back when i like we first did that quick look like there were only like eight hero types they added four more like the day after we finished that video what are they up to now uh and not that not much more than that i think no i think we're still around like 13 okay okay that's reasonable and that's not for crazy people like bro forces oh yeah because you die and then you and you get someone else because every time you remember every time you rescue a guy it adds to your lives but so it's not a character so like it's a random time for you have to play on your feet do you know any fucking characters super time force has now holy shit no even when we
Starting point is 01:01:06 played it it has over like 30 characters shut up really dude the roster is gigantic not even with that like there's like i never played the shut the fuck up version like there's an insane amount let me only get the number stufu ultra addition get my stufu out of your brufo man uh even even the one we played had way more characters than we saw i thought it had like six i thought it had six no man no that's just how many they had dinosaur that's awesome but none of us they did not talk about all yeah i mean that's how lili was telling me before it's like they advertised those guest characters but there was a whole bunch of unadvertised ones yeah and like the the sony ones are only like the tip of the iceberg that's that's coming back to me now but really quickly also had time
Starting point is 01:01:45 because it was like a triple double mega xp weekend on killer instinct i uh i put some time into that and locked a couple more accessories and colors for some characters i i'd come kind of being ignoring and i'm still wondering like when shadow jago will get like his own accessories and stuff because i guess i'll be coming in update probably season three but i'm just like oh i want to get do you want some stuff for him do you want a main shadow jago because i noticed that you're really on it it's so i don't know if it's just because it's like it's because he's like he is like akuma in that like high risk but like yeah he you know he doesn't like it like he takes damage but he's just so fun to play and just so fast but he's like a like a more familiar omen but do you
Starting point is 01:02:25 like him more than saber wolf more than saber wolf yeah like in terms of story and looks i do like i think she just looks cool and and saber with i just like because i like his play style but i'm a shadow jago is like very rush down okay don't be careful just go nuts because i'm like cool new character in the game awesome but like i'm not really planning to like you're still on you're still on the thunderband wagon love and thunder man so new characters getting added for you is just like well i'll gotta learn this gotta learn that matchup yeah unless unless and we'll get into this a bit later the new shadow character that might happen yeah turns into shadow thunder i doubt it will it would know because because the microsoft producer gave his three choices
Starting point is 01:03:07 about and and put a poll and then we'll talk about later yeah look we'll get into it that's basically me though uh cool let's get into it no well he's weak still i'm sorry i forgot well he's here in fact where were you when your balls dropped well before the balls dropped uh we'll start out this podcast it was last week yeah well we'll start out with like the the podcast last week ended uh day after that we did some recording and uh i uh went over to pats we hung out and like i helped him set up stuff i appreciate it and then i got home after that that was the best like that was the best like like i look at my phone and just go oh fuck walked in and that's the day that my tv finally said no no more i'm done didn't your tv say no no more like
Starting point is 01:03:53 every year every year it said no three so two years ago it did but i but but when that message first popped up it was replace bulb replace yeah yeah right if if you replace bulb you can see clearer image yes yeah and i knew about that so i bought the bulb and was waiting for that moment yes when it eventually happened yes i replaced the bulb and it was fine for another two years or so and now and and after getting like 12 years of life from this fucking thing well i'm fine with it no of course of course you know there's no reason to be upset all the 12 year old tv dies the timing of it according to like the the lifespan i should have gotten was i got an extra six or seven years yeah i know like if your tv hits like eight years it's time to like seriously consider replacing it
Starting point is 01:04:39 because it's gonna die on you not to mention the near future not to mention that you got an extra three real projection doesn't fucking exist in real projection tv is like yeah it's super dead that's done so enjoy getting this out of your house yeah yeah well dude is it as heavy as it looks it's not a crt it's it's this way is like barely 10 pounds really yeah i was gonna say push it just push it i don't know this is good well it's broken i don't know about literally just push it a little i i don't know i did i don't know about 10 pounds but it's not heavy it's you can i can want it's not heavy at all i can one arm it yeah it's not heavy at all um most of it's hollow because you're a big strong man it's your projection so yeah uh you know that was like
Starting point is 01:05:17 all right perfect timing right on boxing week and yeah Liam just sends out this fucking flyer like hey everybody everyone will buy new tvs now well a friend of mine posted on facebook and i was like holy shit yeah that's an actual real good deal so i just said hey guys tv dead what happened so i know and all three of you bought like tvs on like the same day yeah i was going to but then i was like and no i don't absolutely need one but then my parents tv at their house broke so they're like without a tv and they were back to like how can i trick my wife how can i trick my wife i mean and like this podcast is actually being recorded on my tablet yeah so because my tv's out but i bought the same one that you sent me Liam that you just got as well that one's super good uh 48 inch 4k
Starting point is 01:06:02 samsung monitor for 800 bucks yeah and uh should mention again if anybody wants to buy a new tv and likes video games should check out display lag dot com see where it ranks that place is the fucking shit yep it's the although the top the top of that list is like all curved 3d shit and i'm just like get that out of my well no the top of the buyer's guide for holiday list that only has four items on it yeah yeah because that's just like literally what is the best tv that exists i don't the main issue with the tvs shouldn't they curve the other way no no but i don't but if like if you have different people in a different viewing angle it would be hard for peoples on the extreme it's because they're so goddamn big that if they were flat the viewing angle would begin to become
Starting point is 01:06:49 poor for the edges of the screen so they curve it in so the viewing angle stays correct it's super weird that's because the screen's just so goddamn big but you are right there is the issue that like as soon as like exterior viewing angle does take a hit yeah definitely compared to a flat screen yeah okay no my the only thing i don't like about display lag because i love that website is if you want to get a big tv you're going to scroll down that list for a while because it's all 20 26 well you can filter the search filter the search and like the the the buyer's guide thing i got lucky when i looked at the buyer's guide thing last year that the tv that was like number one it was not a crazy curved tv and yeah at a local future shop right and was like okay well
Starting point is 01:07:28 that solves that shit but its best thing is to look at a tv that you already want and then find out what its actual stats are yeah exactly now my only like hesitation slash reservation is that this one that's here is 52 yeah and i bought the one that you sent to me was a 48 48 they had they had bigger ones though it went up to like well that is a matt matt bought the next one up oh i know i got a 55 i know but there's just a little thing in your head well there you know it's kind of like it's like it's like a significant other you don't want to go down well matt matt went for the 55 you could have gone for the 55 yeah here here's i can excuse me i can fit just up to 55 going off the yeah you don't want to push that you don't so the thing that's gonna happen to you
Starting point is 01:08:11 even though the tv is only slightly smaller it's gonna look way smaller because it doesn't have that rear projection fucking massive bar underneath it's got a little stand yeah it's gonna have a little stand and it'll sit lower than your current tv yeah lower yeah yeah yeah it's it's fine i'm ready for that world but like i mean going going from what is this 720 yeah so you're gonna go from a slightly blurry 720 to 4k so but realistically 1080 if i get ready for korean yeah realistically 1080 yeah if i feel uncomfortable i'll switch it up for 55 yeah of course you know man that feeling get that new tv feeling when you really upgrade it's like well what i want is i want to go find the perfect 4k test video yeah so like you really push it do you have you have the right you have
Starting point is 01:08:56 htmi 3 stuff the birthing scars yeah like the first game i played on my new tv when i got it was black flag and i feel like that like bumped up that game's quality in my mind by a significant percentage just because it was so pretty well it's because you would go to those swimming missions underneath the water and like the blues man they look so good god damn god damn is your tv and oled tv it is not okay it is a it is a tri-luminous sony le led no lcd actually okay yeah um yeah so we'll pick out something real nice real shiny yeah pirates to just double third dive in no pirate movie man that that would be a shame that would be all adana it's a good one uh yeah so whatever that happened then i was like you know what i'll give a fuck because i was about to leave
Starting point is 01:09:45 anyway so i was on the way to ontario for the money years so i ordered it up and said it'll be here but like a day or two after i get back so i don't give a fuck yeah you and matt cannot leave your homes on the same day yeah because your tv's are both getting delivered on the same day yeah so no uh my new years was spent um well going up to visit the girlfriend's family the new spending time up there and uh trying to be all fucking uh manly and chopping wood oh with a dad chopping wood with the dad's manly right but then failing oh no you know chop wood well it was i i have experience with swinging the hammer against the tire of as like an exercise thing because that's what they have at the gym yeah right that's a boxing like exercise but you see my father-in-law
Starting point is 01:10:33 didn't see me blow up his toilet right right here it was right next to him right and i was like oh no i got the i got the accent and then i couldn't crack it all the way through and i did the upside down thing oh no but then but then he came in and did his job and he also kind of failed spectacularly chopping the wood so we both kind of went ah you're both losers just it's fine just just tell the ladies inside that it was oh man it's so hard to watch shopping yeah no holy shit look at all this pre-cut wood we bought i can barely lift my arm yeah no so that was a that was a like anti-bonding experience that turned into actual bonding so that was cool um we then went up to spend our new years at the cabin which was the cabin in the woods up north and so how many of
Starting point is 01:11:30 you died yeah well here's the thing right after a certain point when you no longer see any civilization and you just see trees so you're looking at a winding road it's just like until until dawn i was gonna say i was gonna say then if if it's really is experienced until dawn everybody walk into the cabin of of you know youthful uh couples and friends hanging out playing beer pong and stuff look around the room quarters oh no only black eye well aware oh no so that night you're dead somebody could have killed you and blamed it on a phantom ghost marked my exits no somebody could have killed him and blamed it on woolly so uh yeah that was that was a fun night um new years have spent around the bonfire outside it was pretty fucked because you kind of walk around
Starting point is 01:12:18 the back and it's pitchfuck it's pitch dark there was still no snow at the time either right there was no there's no oh there was so okay coated coated coated okay um i forget when that happened my sense of time is blurred level of country abyss yeah and uh you take that's like that's where i lived yeah you walk on the bis you walk on you said that shit and uh we were waiting because apparently we were supposed to be able to see the aurora borealis from where we were from at this time in the day really yeah far north but it part of the country localized directly to you but it didn't show up it didn't show up what a coward we walked over we've had a bonfire and we sat down and and just rang in the new year around the bonfire it was fun and then i stood up and turned around
Starting point is 01:12:56 and realized that though that wasn't trees behind me that was a waterfront edge and that was it was an ocean but it was so black and and fucking dark that i couldn't tell that that was an open up against like we were right up against the water somewhere in northern ontario and you couldn't tell because it was that fucking dark outside don't fall into that shit yeah it's scary now um so went back inside and it was going to be a big sleepover maybe like 16 17 people in this big cabin and uh we realized upon reentry that it had upgraded uh from cabin in the woods to the barf cabin yeah because that one guy yep that one guy had a way beyond his means yes he did and i'm sorry went downstairs yeah and just started cycle like like fucking spin attack
Starting point is 01:13:46 zelda style just everywhere everywhere right and then again but here's the thing right he's like no oh god he realizes how bad it is that he's throwing up all over his friend's cabin so then he starts finding looking for the garbage to vomit in instead that's correct so he grabs the first thing that he thinks is the garbage and it's someone's fucking luggage yep and barfs directly into their luggage and that's not it so he grabs another black bag thinking it's like and he's just vomiting in people's stuff directly to you and at least two three people had their shit just coated what just coated there's no bags there's no fixing that just throw it out so everything in there at all that guy i'm pretty sure at some point he recovered but and killed
Starting point is 01:14:28 them no you just stay downstairs when did this happen like on the last night on new years we were there for one night happy new years and yeah no so the back the bottom floor was quarantined never living that down the top floor got a lot cozier than it was intended to be yeah uh although we were fine because we had our own room uh from like beforehand but woof the barf sloose downstairs that is that is like even for a drunk person that is like some remarkable errors that kind of seems like a work it would have been better to just let it fly where it would everywhere on the floor let it slosh against the bottom of the stairs and targeting people's stuff i can solve this i can solve i did it wait let me just vomit in your bag wait let me just vomit
Starting point is 01:15:20 in your pants wait let me just vomit in your mouth like just so yeah and i was amazed at like the friends took it surprisingly well like you kind of got us you know irked and upset but like all right how long how long after this incident would you be stuck at the cabin for well here's the problem uh we were there for the rest of the night till the morning uh and we were snowed in and we had to go out and fucking do the hard shoveling all the way through there was only one thing to eat in the cabin so and i will say that uh he kind of redeemed himself a bit by getting up nice and early and helping shovel out the pathway because like if you're with that person for more like if nobody's able to go home you can't really turn turn the knobs up because
Starting point is 01:16:08 you're stuck with that person and you're asleep and they can kill you yeah because after that you get away with it too well all the throw up and all the people in the cabin it would start to turn into the hateful eight yeah like he got up nice and early ed started digging a way out but it was also kind of because he wanted to get out first and just go so yeah that was something hungover sounds awesome getting those traction aids out um so that was that part of it uh then came the crazy shit in my opinion what so uh here's what's recently did you fight a bear close recent no no that shouldn't be close uh recently anything recently there was there was a wedding in my family and oh right it's only about this congratulations to whoever and it led to a lot
Starting point is 01:17:00 of the family sort of reconnecting and whatnot revelations you might say so so um at this wedding after people were able to like connect the doctor like hey you know we need to stay in touch and you know you have quite a large family yeah it's and the and we oh none of us knows how deep the rabbit hole goes and that's where this is going so we all decided to get in touch and created a whatsapp group and started talking on whatsapp uh and so that started reaching out and um so on that on new year's day i saw a video while i was there in ontario of my half brother who i hadn't seen in about two years uh just saying hey happy new year everybody and then like spending the camera around uh and he was there with my dad who i hadn't seen since probably 2008 or so
Starting point is 01:17:50 so i was like ha oh you guys are like here so i gave him a i gave my my half brother a call and i was like yeah you guys are in ontario whatever and he's like yeah i'm on my way to the airport i'm like i'm like 20 minutes from the airport let's go hang out so i went and saw my dad for the first time in forever yeah and yeah that's crazy um i don't know what it is when like you well look looks like an old weaker version of me yeah and that i'm about right and you know uh for whatever reasons my first thoughts are like yeah i could take him yeah no that's right if it came down to it i could defeat this man i think i think about that every time i see my dad and i'm always hit with a thought afterwards like no i can't no you can't no i can't yeah i can't beat your ass and
Starting point is 01:18:42 drive you back home my dad my dad has robotic hips i can't beat that my dad boxed in his youth even i'll bust it up as he is now you can kill me in two seconds yeah and watch out for the seconds follow yeah bloody cross no but and and and just you know like still standing like taller and whatnot and ended up just catching up a bit i guess um weird that's crazy weird right no um and and and no i'm saying it was a weird thing but but what we then had was uh on this on this whatsapp group so we started getting into like okay what do we know about our family what do we not know how how did we get here okay and we basically were able to add enough people to the group that we pieced together uh what the generation above ours was like which is like my dad my uncles
Starting point is 01:19:38 they all had like seven eight kids different moms all over the place it was nuts crazy uh we had like i mentioned the story before about ding dong who are you i'm your cousin from so and so and so and so like what no you're not let me get on the phone out of here oh wait fuck it checks out all right get in right here you're you're one of us now and so we were trying to like trace it back and it turns out that like if you go to the level above that it's it's the same level of insanity with just having babies non-stop and not knowing or caring where they are exponent like 10 yeah because my grandfather who i've never met or know anything don't know anything about none of us do we the pieces of information we got were pieces of eden that we got where this man owned a place down in
Starting point is 01:20:28 jamaica have you seen the truth called madden town for starters yeah he had land and servants and horses and giant and just everything mecca super rich dude right picked up titans and went and said fuck it and moved to the uk okay my grandmother refused to go okay he tried to send for her a couple times she's like nah i don't want to right i ain't about that exactly stayed back and and raised all of us and so on right clan yes uh he then was like okay sent for another woman from jamaica you you look okay get in sent for her she came up to the uk right yeah sent for her and her daughter because they were like a family whatever right that woman turned out to be my grandmother's best friend sister so already cutting it close yeah a little closer has kids with the woman of course
Starting point is 01:21:27 but then reveals the true plan has kids with her daughter oh wow they have more there's the true plan all right hustle loyalty respect totaling somewhere around 15 is where we think the count is that we're unable to track them all down but we know what we know at least two of them based on death certificates only oh wow um including one that was like died when he was a kid type of thing uh dude ups and dies of a heart attack okay that's that's normal but then further investigation he came back proves that actually there was foul play involved and it was possibly poison yeah poison's a good way to get a heart attack piecing together everything the theory operates that the daughter and the mother
Starting point is 01:22:18 and him had so much hatred going on at the end that someone just up and fucking killed the guy because because he was a Templar because he was i'm really waiting for the part where like woolly reveals to like and then we go back one more generation and it's hitler so i do possibly got offed for playing a daughter and mom fucking in the in the family manipulation handbook it says don't play the the parents against their siblings they'll kill you finding out about about the the the trials of madden town yeah and and how there's a uh a branched family from the fourth generation i feel like i feel like there's a show that can be developed about madden town right fourth generation dynasty branch there's a branch
Starting point is 01:23:13 uh brother that said fuck this and gave up the name and picked up another name but then continued to have kids and didn't tell anybody so there's at least one marriage four generations down between a madden and and the other family that's still actually a madden in my mind there's this moment where you're going through a like a 300 year old family album and you turn a page and you look that's me and it's just you on it dude i'm telling you then woolly looks at his hand and starts fading away like losing my mind at this crazy shit yeah and then like and we're talking to the point where one of my cousins is telling the story about how we're trying to keep track of where all the siblings went and where they ended up and we don't know and out in jamaica he's with
Starting point is 01:24:04 his dad my uncle and they literally are the tv is on someone is on the news going hi my name is so-and-so madden my father is so-and-so madden i'm trying to locate him and and my uncle is like turn off the tv turn off the tv he is while you we he he wants to find he wants my money i don't i don't know i don't know nothing about that i don't know nothing about that life literally like live right then and there punchline shape happening sounds like you need to do two things number one find and recreate madden town yes two get all the warriors oh my god uh yeah not together with with a family that large and that small of an area the real horror is not going backwards but it's going forwards and figuring out how many people
Starting point is 01:25:00 accidentally married relatives uh again we have we have there's one there's new stories there's one and then there was another but what do you mean by accidental no no because of the name change yeah yeah exactly yeah and so there was at least one madden marriage they tricked themselves and the fucking old people knew but didn't say shit you almost fooled me idiot i'd like you to meet my grandpa hey grandpa what fucking i know i know and then and that yeah that's scary thankfully again it was only four generations up right thankfully and and uh uh the same cousin that told me that that story about the uncle he was down there chatting up a girl things are going good and was going to seal the deal at the end of the night when someone's name came up that was a
Starting point is 01:25:48 cousin they both had and he fucking ran ran and basically it was like i can't be down here anymore i can't talk to anyone yeah it was too close yeah so yeah no too insulated can't do it man um that's like come on in come on into madden town hang with us we won't let you frown yeah no no no um so thankfully your your girlfriends fine yeah yes fine okay good although just make it all whoa well no i just i found that something funny because uh she's a cadian and like well we're i was telling her about this story and she told me that like apparently a cadian people uh they do like a genealogy test and it's like if you go up to five generations back yep and you're not related somehow from five generations almost certainly yeah the genealogy test is free that's how often
Starting point is 01:26:41 yeah that it seems like it would be i imagine if you go back uh like maybe is 50 60 years most kebeckers well literally like my grandmother had like eight brothers how far back do you have to go until you hit disjardin or left flur yeah because you're gonna hit one of them well how far do you have to go back to the the the the genesis of all kebeckers you go back to the fidirua yeah like that like nearly all kebek people are descended from like 50 women from the one guy yeah uh yeah no man so that you know that that was some dark that's dark ship that came out that's that was an excellent podcast it was um madden so there's two options for you here i think you won this podcast there's two options for you here there's either forget any of this ever happened
Starting point is 01:27:28 and bury and burn it all or embrace it or like spend a significant amount of time week diving as deep as you can possibly go or or as weasley snikes would tell you use it so do i believe set up the most amazing adventure of a lifetime for one of your family members i believe if you just plan correctly yeah i believe i've already made my decision as you can see i saw i used it and brought it to the air it's true it's true so this is i like the moment this happened i after i calmed down and stopped freaking out i was like this is going up next week on the fucking podcast oh god so if any of you out there are other madden clan members make yourselves hurt good chance most of you are most of you oh man how many people listen to this podcast a week
Starting point is 01:28:22 a lot of people a lot that was probably probably one or two one or two they don't know it yet no they don't know uh yeah so there's that if you're woolly's secret brother send an email into super best friendcast if i spoke i spoke to him for the first time on that what's that group too so that was cool i always thought there was a resemblance between john madden and you so gotta gotta get in touch with the uh tenancy madden get that madden football money that's how you throw the football yeah so uh to fucking uh you know talk myself down from from where where i was here i played a whole lot of chroma squad yep and that game looks really cool that game is fun i continued i put a pump to a couple hours
Starting point is 01:29:07 in finished now right uh it is now finished it is now finished okay and uh i restarted from scratch because since it had been so long um seems like it's been a while yeah no that game but that game is fucking cool uh the the i love how uh the mech you get and like everything about the game is completely set centered around like the the colors of the power rangers you choose yeah to operate with it's a sentai management game it's footman for sentai in in a tactics uh based that's true there's a whole tactical rpg element system exactly um so yeah i know if that you know continues to be under your radar picking up i've been i've been waiting for it to be done done so pretty sure now it's now it has repinged on the radar yeah so yeah uh really fun
Starting point is 01:29:53 music actually oh yeah yeah catchy fun music i had no idea uh and um like subsystems that are like they would be too much if it was like a fantasy setting but because it's like tv studio it's all fake yeah and it just seems like it's fine it's almost it's like the same level of management as uh game dev story type of thing yeah okay so yeah just deep enough that you think it's like real feeling but not deep enough that you have to balance checkbooks exactly exactly you know but you're you're like get in touch with your marketing crew you can't afford a marketing crew all right go with your friend dave social dave we'll send out your show dave be cool if there's like dlc or an expansion that added the sense the sense of right alliance sense of right alliance
Starting point is 01:30:42 is pretty strong pretty strong they'll never underestimate them it'd be cool if saban brands didn't want to sue a lot of a lot of people think shrek is the best person of sense of right alliance but it's the car so i recently saw that picture again today and for the first time ever noticed that the car from cars is there yeah yep there's also a justice league super hero is one that i saw that had naruto in it yeah like six naruto's i feel like we need to start a collection of like things like that and get like the sonic obama the obama backpack yeah and you know what i mean like that the hardest collection to possibly maintain not figures but you see like it's a picture that like i saw like a few months ago but i got reblogged recently and it's like all this clothing from like
Starting point is 01:31:32 asian countries and they're all english sayings and english shirts english sayings and and some of them it says shit is shit fuck damn yes yeah you know which ones i mean yeah yeah yeah they've got the full caps that just say cock little little japanese kids wearing like t-shirts to say fuck you dad or just like whatever i hate myself and i want to die yeah it's so good with a rainbow on it uh the symbol the symbol means strength yep uh and yeah so i i played a whole bunch of that and last but not least i watched gundam iron bladed orphans hey you finished it everyone's out of with baited breath and i caught up why'd you finish it out of spite because everyone yelled at him so how does that feel to do that for that reason it feels great because there's it's win-win right
Starting point is 01:32:24 because either you end up liking it or you are doubly justified in your shitty opinion so i'm what and i'm like and at at that point i'm trying to be like look i'm gonna still it's i'm gonna keep it at fair shake i'm not gonna be like fuck you impress me of course right but here's i figured something out after finally catching up and i figured out what my my issue is that i just didn't consider the children weren't all dying fast enough not even because you know what i will give it the credit that like i like when i was saying like always for kids that i didn't mean that type of stuff but uh no you meant the type of appeal it's conveying is not for people who want geopolitical stuff and it's it's very much it's way more anime than that it's tv anime yeah right and i'll elaborate
Starting point is 01:33:09 on that point but but here's where's what it breaks down to because i'll give it credit for a couple things i'll give it credit for uh not pussying out where kojima did for example oh do you kids get it uh yeah like he stopped right before the episode where kids get it uh no kids get it and wow you know they they they do that so that's a thumbs up from woolly for dead children you got you got you've got the main character who is not only not like uh other Gundam fucking the Blu-ray comes out in north america quote unquote kids get it woolly our frothing demand yeah child sacrifice continues uh not only do not only that but so you got the main character and at first he's like oh this seems like a hero ue type whatever then it's like no it's not actually uh your main
Starting point is 01:33:56 character is very much not like uh the other protagonists he's a sociopath he's crazy he's a sociopath but not in the sense that like oh wow i'm laughing and going crazy and my eyes are going small like in the sense that's like i i don't experience so like i barely experience emotions he's not immoral he's amoral uh he does what he thinks is the right thing to do but what he thinks is the right thing to do is often what like he's told okay and do it it's a very weird but interesting thing where like he kind of just floats through the world it's interesting is he risking his teammates lives for a cute girl uh that's still a part of it uh so the saturday morning villains continue and not only do they continue they double down the the clown car pulls up and
Starting point is 01:34:44 like they literally step out of the clown car in their gundams and start attacking and like just there's random moments in space where like it cuts to like a new suit attacking them and you go okay who's piloting it this time and it's a dude with the fucking a long snake tongue and lipstick almost and just god fuck just ridiculous stop um so that doing is you've got you've got an element of the subplot where there's like a character that's like you know kind of like the bishi type yeah every like all these these shows tend to have it but he's like betrothed to like a nine-year-old girl nice sick perfect right which is like you know kids get it oh which is like the very older olden time way of doing things yeah and they but it's like he doesn't have a problem with it and
Starting point is 01:35:31 actually is like super on board he's like i can't wait and like it yeah exactly and it goes okay and it can't wait the two years left and at first this is kind of like ha ha this is awkward but whatever and then it kind of goes to oh boy i can't wait and it gets really fucking weird really quickly um the designs of the mechs are cool uh there's like the designs of the characters are awful i can't stand everyone's hair and the way everyone looks except for this one guy that's just guts guts is on this is on the show it's easy i haven't finished it by the way i only watched three episodes and when you say guts is on the show like it's guts like how much uh there's a character that looks like young guts above but does he act kind of like guts as well uh he acts
Starting point is 01:36:16 like not exactly he acts like tough guy badass because i would i would much rather like that's not guts like totally original character it's guts yeah no no it's gatsu yeah his behavior is not is not because he's he's more like akihiko okay in in some ways even and his name is actually close to that but anyway um the music is pretty damn good the ending theme i'm sure you've heard it Liam that's that the song is great no problems with the music that's for sure the pacing is fucking horseshit oh yeah uh the pacing is terrible and you put all this together and what you get is a show that starts out painfully mediocre and becomes serviceably par so the Gundam Barbados at least cool Barbados is looks cool and gets updates and looks cooler
Starting point is 01:37:00 but you know what um worth it i can't recommend i can't you know i'll keep going because i'm more than half way in at this point i'm caught up but i can't recommend uh and that's the thing is that you get that you get like the second the other main character is really just poor man's Kamina and like i know that like Kamina gets a lot of like uh he gets people compare things to Kamina now that Kamina is like oh badass manly man type character but this is really trying to do the same thing and very much trying to be a Kamina to a character that's not simon and it's just kind of weird mean shimon shimon yeah exactly so you know in the end it's like i'm like what what is it about this why does this you know fucking come close but not actually hit the nail on the head and it's
Starting point is 01:37:47 because it's tv anime and it's tv gundam it's not ova it's not stuff coming out on dvd where you can do whatever you want it's being controlled heavily wasn't gundam double o pretty good uh i double o i haven't seen yet okay but it's it's the same problem that a lot of whenever you see these these things come out where it's like it's for the toys it's for the marketing is really really important and they have a huge hand at how the plot plays out and how the events turn and how characters are designed it's got to be marketable and like ova's don't have that and i feel like no like that's gonna be the limiter and that's gonna be almost like a determining factor in a lot of cases is what was the format this was released in was it for television it's
Starting point is 01:38:29 probably gonna be not as good and it's sad but that is that that is an actual issue nowadays that didn't exist before yeah i honestly like i've watched so little gundam i don't know how much that can possibly apply so you said you're caught up but that's only halfway like only it's not 13 episodes it's not finished it's 13 of probably 26 so it could still so it could turn it around yeah in like as you're saying these things and like if you're going to continue like i can just see like the penultimate villains revealed to be like an eight-year-old child and all maramea barton and all the characters refuse to kill them and just and then and he systematically kills everyone and then later on somebody makes an overt threat and then a character saves that
Starting point is 01:39:11 character and then they carry out that overt threat and go well what did why did you do that like all the all the giant tropes that you've complained like those two ones you've complained about super hard over the last year like i could i could just imagine that this thing does both of that well like episode 14 they save the world and they go to high school and then you shut your ass off well i'm gonna straight up tell you like a spoiler alert for a little bit if you if you care about the iron-blooded orphans but like the the when i'm saying like it hey they don't back down or kajima did there's a moment where it going through the enemy ship right invading and whatever all look they're using child soldiers right and we open up a room see a bunch of child soldiers
Starting point is 01:39:50 and we go hey guys we're not your enemy we're totally here to take out that your your evil your bosses your evil saturday morning cartoon bosses yeah so whatever we were on our way the kids are like okay they're all scared uh as they're going away uh one kid pulls out a gun and shoots a couple of you go the guys and the guys then the the the main here the heroes then turn around and just open up on all the kids because you what else are you going to do yeah fuck it no you gave you a chance and then yeah you blew it no exactly it would have been completely fine if you had to pull the piece no shouldn't have looked at me and that's what they get you know so stupid kids hey and and to be and the characters that the main characters themselves are like war soldier kids as well
Starting point is 01:40:34 they're fairly young and you're watching this is just going yeah that seems like but then is it being censored and held back on tv because that seems like the least held back doesn't care most violent thing ever you're not you're not seeing the kids like get lit up but you're seeing they're are you seeing like a mussel you're seeing the mussel okay yeah uh like it's not like the kids getting roasted and um in uh hobo with a shotgun no or like i said the floating headless child in idiom or where we saw a postal yeah all the kids the giant jibbs and they're just falling over way too late because they're poor actors it's not there but but that's the thing is just you know what it just it kind of falls in the middle you know it's it's doing some things right it's doing some things
Starting point is 01:41:18 wrong and it's just like and also the writer i'm i forgot her name but um no idea yeah she wrote a couple other things and people are generally saying it's like look even when she fails she only fails in the middle is is what the sentiment i got so it's like yeah that's where you're at right yeah it's in the middle and i can't recommend the middle to people not when there's so much shit that are you are you gonna finish it though i'm gonna finish it yeah i really like liam and woolly's anime reviews i'm very excited for woolly to review sword art online which we have talked about there's just not enough in me but if i can build up enough spite dude hey you'll enjoy the first season right you will you will i can guarantee that you will enjoy that first season and then you will ironically enjoy the
Starting point is 01:41:59 remainder yeah because it's so bad at the end of the day it's like anything that comes out that is in the middle or even slightly above middle is just like this sucks because you could have gone to source material you could have been a contender you could there's source material that still hasn't been animated yeah and like the whole world of Gundam fans are waiting for crossbow and Gundam which is the fucking coolest if you remember when we played uh the game uh oh wait you know you liam you weren't there i wasn't there yeah yeah you guys when there was that pirate Gundam with the cape and the cross yeah it's the fucking sickest and that hasn't been animated yet he's a pirate you could have been a etc etc let me let me ask this is Gundam Star Wars in Japan
Starting point is 01:42:44 like is it the same type of thing where there's like lots of them they've been around since the 70s slash 80s like is it the same type of phenomenon where it's closer to Star Trek because there's multiple series yeah it goes on for a long time people have different feels about which one they prefer so who's the captain Janeway of the gun exactly yeah who's your fucking Kira wow so that was easy uh yeah Jesus isn't he the best though Jesus Kira Janeway is not the best so yeah it's it's more like the star trek of japan okay you know uh yeah so with that and whatnot let's get into the news i believe the way matt put it was delayed bound yeah i knew that was gonna be
Starting point is 01:43:44 uh i like if they said November of this year fine that's cool that makes sense okay what let's start this is about scale bound what was it's prior to today 2016 2016 i think most i assumed it would be winter 2016 i think that was a totally reasonable assumption yeah i think if this like lands like let's march 2017 yeah i don't really consider that it's not it's gonna be winter of 2017 there's no way i'll tell you what you're talking to somebody who's been waiting for persona five for like eight years my stan did you see that quote just today we it may be 2016 yeah my stance my stance is the same if it's a game i care about from devs that are good fucking take your time guys no problem what i will say though is that this will hurt xbox not having a little bit i did see that
Starting point is 01:44:38 record got confirmed for this year yeah which is great because that game on a basic level i looked at that and said that's another year of me without an xbox one i'm i'm really bummed this is the first one that gets me like delay persona five again i couldn't care less delay street fighter whatever delay uh dark souls three whatever doesn't bother me this was the one that really bothered me for some reason so it's like fuck but you know but you know what's gonna be a better game for it oh no no for sure i think you should just keep delaying until you got a good game so like six days ago i was talking to my girlfriend and i was like fuck i can't wait for scale battle so i really hope it comes out in 2016 and like i've got delayed again i would i would be hurt i'd be i'd be very hurt a
Starting point is 01:45:25 lot of people missed that uh freedom planet two is 2017 yeah oh shit yeah yeah it's gonna it's gonna be a minute yeah yeah well i i i assume since uh they're redoing for either if i if i read this correctly they're redoing freedom planet on unity from the ground up yeah i assume he wants to do a bunch of console ports of that before freedom planet two completely wraps up i i assume they're they're pretty busy yeah the the reason why i delay like this hurts is because you just moved into the year that you thought a game was happy new year exactly you know what yeah like if they had waited until like i don't know april nobody gives a shit in april yeah april may let's just say summer if they say yeah it's gonna be like next year like ah but you just into the new year
Starting point is 01:46:09 and you're like yeah and you're like oh well because like yeah if it was if it was if it was may and scale bound was the nebulous 2016 everyone would kind of assume okay it's probably winter at this point and then if they were able to be like it's gonna be march i think everyone would be like okay yeah that's okay that's four or five months but right now when you look at the delay it's like is that a whole year is that what that means is it more than a whole year yeah i can slow that's not but okay maybe yeah there's gonna be no shortage of cool stuff you know to take up yeah no for sure like it yeah but you know but as it is there's too many games for any of us that's it i can't feel bad about delays you know i really can't this is the only one i'm also almost like woolly
Starting point is 01:46:48 where i'm like yeah it's it's gonna be a like you know it's a good game by devs we really like and it'll be much better for it i'm assuming but also like for me i'm just like oh that sucks but like scale bound is not like the most the game of platinum i've been like you know it's not like the highest list or i'm like i can't wait to play it like it's cool and everything there's just something about or i'm like it'll be great and and i'll like it in skamia but it's just there's i don't even i can't even explain why i'm not like super duper high i think it's my number one right now i think i just need to see more of it i'm totally baffled that i'm not like crazy on board with this game because it should be combining two things that i love but i'm looking at it i don't think it's
Starting point is 01:47:27 enough like either of those things to hit that chord for me i'm probably wrong like it'll probably be the best game no for me it's like i like right now i'm like kind of like it's yeah no it's it's comfortably up there with near for me like easy easy easy wow okay well the last time they made an original game it was the wonderful 101 last time they made an original game it was like like every time it's a winner so it just i guess like part of it too is i'm projecting uh 2016 uh to event to kind of have i don't know what to call it but like i'm gonna have a fall back game because street fighter will always be there and will be there in the background forever whenever nothing else is happening that's correct you're gonna play project sets or not you're
Starting point is 01:48:09 fucking gonna play that game i'm gonna play you like chrono triggers i'm gonna play i'm gonna play at all what it that i want to play you're gonna finish odin's fear but you know uh let's not say things you can't get too excited come on now so but you're gonna george camey camey just throws his hat on the ground like the backlog situation of good games to play is becoming absurd like in my current backlog like xeno blade chronicles x is like months away what the fuck that's that's the exact kind of game that i would go crazy for and dive into on any some others i still haven't gotten yakuza's download to finish yeah my console yeah and i've got and i've got too much other shit to play yeah and every time you get distracted by
Starting point is 01:48:54 some new thing yeah like which is every week which is every week dude dude volumes out this week i'm gonna buy that i'm gonna play that like every week the other aspect of this is people going boo delays why did you release this broken game because you didn't delay it yeah you don't get both i like i'll complain when i get a game that's buggy and then i'll complain a bit when a game gets delayed but i mean i'd rather have yeah a game that's solid and no one has a lot to complain about because it's just poorly optimized and it has this fucking unfinished yeah no i'd much rather have the delays too it just it just in the end yep yep in the end it did really matter and we'll be getting star fox so we'll see a p-star logo yeah that has a date if that gets well and
Starting point is 01:49:38 turtles that's true we're getting the turtles leaks are coming fast and hard yeah i need some sleeky turtles yeah we got like art achievements rating board stuff oh man okay so i read through the achievements well let's let's go right into multiplayer yeah let's go right into what do we know about turtles turtles multiplayer grinding on rails oh wow really yeah yeah uh there's stuff that makes sense it's good for you using those activision models from tony hawk most likely probably it's funny because i actually mentioned it in a podcast like back when back when it first leaked you mentioned it right off the top wasn't on because it was around the same time no it was when i pulled up my phone and i was like holy shit look they're doing oh when we discovered it
Starting point is 01:50:22 live on podcast yeah that's right there's a there's a decent chance that the new turtles models in tony hawks pro skater five why else would they look like that and they go exactly yeah there's a fairly decent chance too yeah uh so yeah it's cool that's gonna be now now is that gonna be split screen is it gonna be i bet it'll be same screen one of the achievements said online so ah but it wouldn't say it if there is online confirmed at least split screen still plausible split screen like like no one does split screen anymore and it's like we now have it wouldn't be split screen at all it would be on one big screen like but i mean like we have the tv's to make split screen work to point out uh it's something i didn't mention when i was talking about divinity original sin
Starting point is 01:51:06 earlier okay it has the greatest split screen implementation i've ever seen in anything what's that it's so it's your two main characters is it as good as the lego games uh it's better because the lego games do it in which if you're close enough to each other you're on one big screen it'll zoom out considerably yes and the instant yes the instant that visibility would become poor it splits in half yes and you can go anywhere you can like you don't even zone into areas as a group like you can do anything that's what the lego games yeah yeah i like seeing that in like a big rpg which where would be much harder it's fascinating it's the same play together or don't yeah love that you have to rewind a bit and say you're playing a ninja turtle like hopefully a four player co-op
Starting point is 01:51:44 game i doubt it would even have local split screen because it would all be all four turtles on the main screen like when we played um out of the shadows which was rough but you could play online with the co-op with one person in the single player then you had the extra arcade level base mode which is all four turtles visible on the same screen which was only available i believe locally and yeah couldn't play that online and that was also activision and i assume the same well they still have the uh producer the license so i would like to think it would be similar to that it's it's it's really weird that we have so much detail and nothing yeah i mean if they're going to platinum you know it's obviously because they want a platinum flavored
Starting point is 01:52:28 turtles game and not something else but i think it would be fine if it just had a big single player and then just a level based co-op online mode and that's that's it like i hear you yeah i guess i just what i think turtles i want to i want four you know look i want catch co-op in turtles games man i just you know four four ninja turtles four players i would rather have a legitimately good game than have like an average game with co-op you know what i mean like the ideal is an amazing game with co-op but like for me game quality is way above multiplayer desire because if you're having a single player like a single player component to a turtles game uh out of the shadows and a few others did a thing where you just press the d-pad and you switch to whatever tool you want on the fly
Starting point is 01:53:14 so you can just do it that way and have like some type of multiplayer mode as well for everyone that wants to play as every individual character and so on and so forth so yeah uh there was one achievement that stuck out to me that i really really liked and it was for using any character at least 50 times and it was titled i like the green one okay so but the the idea that you would use any characters character 50 times i find it interesting implies that there's character and not every turtle it implies that there's some sort of i feel like it implies there's some sort of character select so maybe it's more like an anarchy styled game as opposed to oh god you know what i mean though i just thought about that dude if this is just anarchy reigns with turtle characters like
Starting point is 01:53:57 everybody well then never mind no no never mind that's amazing time to do an incredibly hard to edit fisticabrol again yeah use a combo attack to defeat six enemies at once they just use this opportunity to like to bring anarchy rings back if they like the framework i mean yeah okay that's i never even here's a new turtle character he's a jaguar that has a robotic leg that shoots a cannon you're not even really wrong there's a character called jaguar he doesn't have a robotic arm but he's like a jaguar man here's a new friend to help out the turtles his name is sam yeah uh no shut up that's not fair that's not fair you can't do that oh god there's this guy called jack yeah jack just walks in he's a psychomaniac he just revs his chainsaw and everyone goes okay
Starting point is 01:54:52 whatever and then kasey jones says it's my friend jack i called him in from beacon city oh god that'd be amazing yeah we used to be in the marines together yeah fuck it damn platinum cross ninja turtles why not platinum across everything sexy babe called band at us they own all their own characters mostly right do they own they don't own bayonetta that's the bummer i can't believe that they own sam either i don't yeah i don't know if no they definitely don't know any of their characters i don't i don't know if they own the anarchy characters either no he was published by sega but exactly like that was part of the publishing deal so blackest baron and bebop did you yeah did you see that rumor about second might be bringing vanquish and the yakuza games to the pc yeah oh my
Starting point is 01:55:40 no what's going on that's such a reasonable thing i'd like this there's just people talking about i didn't hear that oh is this wait what what's so amazing about i guess it's cool but like some sega reps somewhere or some financial call it's a it's a guy on the sega fan news website okay who has previously previously published stuff that he claimed was from sega sources that ended up being completely faken wrong no like there's every chance it's real because it's the most reasonable thing in the world sega is bringing yakuza like yeah no shit c would be um for me a world of vanquish mods would be fun yeah of course that's that's no it'd be great so like i don't know it's not crazy news but in the past this guy has published stuff that has been completely yeah well that's
Starting point is 01:56:27 why i didn't bring any any rumors to the docket like there's a four-chan rumor about assassins creed skipping a year no that's for real that kotaku verified that is super hard has that been backed up yeah i was that because i excised that that i was i was super baffled when matt was talking about hey don't complain about broken games why'd your game not gonna come out broken because you didn't delay it that was the ultimate segue into you know who agrees with you was strong ubi soft ubi soft agrees yep that sucks at that's confirmed because that same thing was like guess what you're never getting prince of persia ever again wow in the same like rumor thing well the like ubi soft will never make another one this is the bridge that drain that that goes from
Starting point is 01:57:13 prince of persia world into assassin's creed the assassin's creed part of that is actually really great because they're yeah it is after unity they said to everybody okay fuckers it's biannual now yeah we can't do this anymore and like fuck you if you want assassins creed you get the movie and india and russia in 2016 like it's going to be egypt and probably the most exciting thing for me is that like they said that they're going to steal a bunch of shit from the witcher series so which makes me just cream in my pants which better to me is that it's being made by the black flag team yes that is which part so what part did kotaku verify all of it all of it including watchdogs 2 coming out this year from a direct employee google it okay yeah because all the
Starting point is 01:57:53 all the stuff came up on on 4chan under the guise of like this is an unnamed ubi soft employee yes and then kotaku comes out and says yeah we've been hearing this shit for like six months okay all right all of it so like hey egypt that's a different location i read that cool thing that mirages play a part in the game oh that'd be really cool here what is that that sounds super cool according to both a new online rumor this is the 4chan one and sources speaking to kotaku etc etc etc and to be fair lots of assassin's creed stuff is leaked like well and kotaku somehow always gets the leak they're a leaky boat every time uh but like like i can imagine a lot of stuff they could do that's really interesting in the desert like you could just do boat combat
Starting point is 01:58:38 with caravans in a desert like a big part of the map is like a desert and plus i don't know if uh i don't know if kotaku verified this too but part of the 4chan rumor was that uh egypt was selected partially because history is so vague there that they have a lot of freedom yeah because they're tired of like having stupid like baby characters of famous guys like syndicate syndicate actually did it the best yeah but then you go to ac3 and you're like oh my god who i don't even care also they said this is gonna happen before templars yeah this is the prequel game which is the other interesting if it's in egypt then it should be in like the magical mythical part of egypt's history which is like way back yeah like magic 2000 bc or something finally we're going to get another
Starting point is 01:59:28 scorpion king game like you know what i've been waiting for this it's a hidden blade and all your gadgets don't operate through machinery they operate through fucking magic yeah oh no wait there's technology in those games early oh yeah that's the yeah how do you think they built the pyramid but there well there it is and well there is magic but it's alien tech that's alien you'll have three slaves behind you to operate your hidden blade oh at all times you know that you can have aliens come down and they're like this is how you build pyramids what is what is the over under on moses being a quest giver in this game well i give you this play as moses thousand to one odds no i'm gonna i'm gonna take that and double down on cleopatra yeah mark antony okay well
Starting point is 02:00:10 there mark antony comes in yep i've never fucked anyone in a funeral dress before tightest pillow just off on the side give me another roman assassin's creed has historically been pretty good about what people are alive when i don't think those timelines for those people measure up well you well because you're saying one i'm saying the other i think i think they're gonna go with the like the roman roman i think they're going with roman egypt so i i think i think it's pretty cool for like a few reasons like i think obviously this is working off of uh that leaked osiris egypt's title osiris which was originally not assassin's creed now it's just another new ip just called osiris and that totally leads me to believe that this is personally i think
Starting point is 02:00:53 part of that is bleeding over into this but also i think it's really interesting that the rumors purport that this is a big like rethinking of assassin's creed somewhat since unity was already a big rethinking in a lot of ways not necessarily ways people wanted but it was the next big iteration the idea that they're already changing it to me really shows that they're listening yeah kind of and the fact that they want to change it to be more like witch 3 and they're probably taking a year well you know bear in mind that's one concept artist just pointing at a game that he probably played and saying it's like witcher you know what i mean like i wouldn't take it to mean this is gonna play exactly like no no no definitely no the combat will by default probably
Starting point is 02:01:33 be better yeah for example yeah last potions yeah but you know what i'm just thinking like if it's if it's old timey egypt there's no reason this can't be the future game yeah like the the the role that alien tech plays in that could go either way they could it could just be shut up it egypt in 2000 bc was actually like future city shut up sure go with go with the like like the world we saw in the truth yeah laser guns right yeah it's fucking raw as well raw on a horse and anubis are walking around is as 30 foot tall dogs i'll just tie the whole thing in to gods of egypt the movie oh please in theaters august 8th no tie it all in i can't wait to see that thing oh yeah we're all gonna see oh i'm gonna force you all yeah uh so speaking of bringing back the past uh that's a good one
Starting point is 02:02:24 into modern days what uh some dude got windows 95 running on a 3ds yeah for you dude a gigantic piece of text floats over his head saying why because he could because he can't i guess because he wants to i'm i'm surprised that that's that's put even possible i'm not you remember how weak computers were holy shit i guess have you seen a 3d i guess it's not windows me to shea yeah well the first thing that i thought is he had to do a bunch of back end stuff to either the 3ds or the windows 95 installation because if you were to install windows 95 on a pc that had a 240p resolution the menu items would be so gigantic maybe a legend yeah you would not be able to click anything yeah i am sure he's got some kind of super vga emulator running you know and now he's
Starting point is 02:03:12 got to get the 3ds emulator running on the windows 95 desktop yeah exactly and it runs better than the 3ds isn't that weird isn't that goofy and that guy got what he wanted he got his story mentioned on a podcast somewhere there you go yeah probably it's pretty neat though i always i always 3ds is totally blown wide open now so i really like people retrofitting bullshit onto bullshit yeah it's always fun it's great like look i'm running linux on a linux phone inside a virtual windows machine i'm running doom on my fridges like panel yeah yeah i'm running pokemon inside of minecraft that's the real crazy that one is nuts that's too much speaking of stories worth talking about on podcasts what uh samurai cop 2 blu-ray january 15 dvd january 15 in stores august 15 wait no not
Starting point is 02:04:03 bloody vengeance does this movie have even a chance of being as good as samurai i don't know i've never seen a single review i don't think it does because i i think it's no it knows too much yeah it's aware clearly it's not a disaster in the making it's a forced but like i want to it's got to be closer to the kung fu you're out of being too aware i want to watch it oh yeah at least yeah me too no so i can at least pat everyone on the back and say you made it you made a thing and i can't believe you did it and like it can only disappoint yeah this too should have a text floating above the dvd that says why well because why is the reason so that we could do the samurai cop watch yeah yeah i can't wait though a video i was recently reminded my man by my girlfriend
Starting point is 02:04:49 that we actually did because i was so drunk that i cannot remember that entire day that was a good video like there's a couple of things like this that's happened before like deadly prey got deadliest prey yeah it's these weird 80s acting you keep trying to get that dvd right i never got it yeah the guy never sent it to me the director never sent it he's got bills to pay man yeah but like these these weird 80s movies get play in like fucking festivals and a lot of ground swell on the internet and then some guy gets a you know light bulb of his head and goes i can make some money if i make a sequel i own these right i own this thing let's get in on this hotness yeah but everyone is back from samurai cop so i'm gonna watch at least for that no i want to see it too
Starting point is 02:05:30 just to see if it can i bet there's a lot of porn stars in the movie that this movie will go for amazing animated gifs and webms at the very least yes yes it will and it's only in like two weeks yeah i'm excited i am too i'm excited to be disappointed how yeah yeah it'll be too yeah it's so dumb anyway uh speaking of things happening uh this week or soon wow uh we've got a lot more money than that one yeah whatever things happening in january shut up uh we've got oculus pre-orders finally officially starting on january six orders have a date there but still no price they are holding on to that price until you click on it i i bet i bet you're gonna click on it it's gonna say question mark question mark question mark and you click on it no no no no no
Starting point is 02:06:17 you click on it and it's like how much are you willing to pay how how high will you go i bet you like it will be a vr machine will be on your way to your house you still won't know you gotta pay when it arrives no here's everyone and if you don't pay they shoot you everyone is waiting for everyone else to make the first move oculus is waiting for so-and-so so-and-so is waiting for so-and-so whoever cracks first ever everyone will price it lower than that it is now it is legitimately a very scary thing going first in this regard nobody wants they're gonna send a self-addressed envelope to your house and then expect you to send it back with money you're gonna and they won't tell you how much they won't tell you how much you're gonna cut you might get an oculus and you
Starting point is 02:07:02 gotta sign an nda to get that far depending on how much you send the envelope comes back to your house put some more you're gonna click the online order form and it's gonna say you cannot you cannot purchase this it is over your credit card limit oh what uh no it's like that elevator elevator packs exactly the envelope nobody wants to take a massive loss of these units but at the same time nobody wants to be the only person at six hundred dollars for sure so i you know i guess the good news is we're gonna get the price fucking soon yeah it's oh sorry no there's a slot in your vr machine and you just throw in a bill and then it got red light comes on and goes yeah apparently 3d mark uh has just been updated so that it will now tell you if your oculus ready oh that's that's
Starting point is 02:07:54 handy which is totally handy i'm sure you saw all so that uh all all units are bundled with lucky's tail and if you pre-order you get eve valkyrie yeah i'm actually a bit surprised that it's not more software than that but i guess that's not terribly there so well they're probably gonna have a suite of like tech demo type things yeah no like there's a billion free things since it's on pc there's a billion free whatever's you can download that have already been made for oculus dev kits that people are just fucking with how many roller coasters do you want i want but i want a pornography roller coaster like if that price is like five hundred dollars which a lot of this i think it'll i think it'll be four but if it's five i'll be like it should come with an app that's called
Starting point is 02:08:36 play this to impress your family i can see the and then shelve it i can see the oculus being like 300 but it comes with the little because remember it has to be paired with a fucking powerful pc yeah yeah so i can foresee a situation where people go well oculus is cheaper it's only 300 bucks i'll get it and being told like no you need you also need a 970 also need a 970 at least and this processor and people figuring out that uh oh the oculus's price is actually i can see it two thousand dollars it's the hidden cost i can see it being five dollars five dollars five dollars just the just the bucket a box a month for life a day that's crazy it would need to be now at 4.99 a month that's crazy you're crazy you're crazy it's it'll be it'll be interesting to see what it is
Starting point is 02:09:20 though because uh that htc5 guy being like in 10 years room vr will be the fucking standard it's like was it 10 was it like three that he said i can't remember god was it three you guys are from asia how do you not understand the space problem more than we do yeah our people's homes going to change it makes no sense like woolly we cannot play it is your wife or husband going to allow you to see here so you have a big house so you have a big house like like you know like like a typical suburban home that has a big house lots of rooms is your wife or or husband going to just let you just absorb an entire room for vr uh room room vr actually it doesn't i mean it's a colloquialism it doesn't actually require a large amount of space it only requires like a like a three by three four
Starting point is 02:10:07 by four foot area uh and it's tailored to that uh and there's a game there's a game called hover junkers that you can look at if you want to see how small an area works there's three size settings so you can choose yeah so it sounds like they're asking for a full room but they're really just talking about a physical space you can move very else has to be completely clear with a couple extra feet so your arms don't hit shit yeah and you can't that's that's the trick and the ultimate it will be like cat detection yeah because cats will murder people in these things so we'll small dogs it's like hey john i put the kids to bed you want to come up to bed with me no i'd rather make out with my marilin mun robot in my oculus you wouldn't rather play we dare honey no didn't
Starting point is 02:10:50 that game never come out it did in europe i bet you can't wait to play it with us yeah it's on its way that feels like a mistake speaking of feels like money speaking of small dogs uh we've got the uh monster hunter and nintendo collaboration things coming out as of i think this week as well in japan this is our monster hunter cross in japan with star fox zelda and metroid stuff there are no small dogs and so any of those please please look forward to playing this in 2017 i didn't know i didn't know star fox was a part of that shit as well no it's cool like it doesn't make cry like there was there's dante you dress up a little cat is dante in in for you god seriously google google dress up google dante be like a roll or dude it's crazy how many what the fuck it's fine oh god i remember
Starting point is 02:11:41 when all those crossovers got announced and then the game came out and they said these will be releasing over a period of three months and everyone went but i'll be done with the game in three months you know what liam now all now you're good you're good yeah i'm good okay all the crazies that are way into monster hunter will have destroyed the game by that point yeah so well if that cross if that crossover doesn't float your boat then how about the crossover of meta bots cross girls finally the the the meta bot series has really been struggling to sell in the past little bit so meta bots girls mission announced for the 3ds meta girls there it is this is i think this is the third meta bots game for 3ds maybe the fourth i think it's the third and they've they've still
Starting point is 02:12:26 been doing them even though we don't get them anymore and they're struggling to get some ground well so now it's like i don't know put girls on it moe bots i don't fucking know i don't know what it'll work maybe girls how about is the kids not like meta bots features uh 20 girls and 100 meta bots am i am i wrong am i out of touch how about instead of robots the kids are battling with just tits and asses and why not just oh dead or alive to each other dead or alive extreme my butt beat your tits dead or alive extreme meta meta battleball yeah that's how you win the Artemis Cup yep you know it's like the meta bot series confuses me because they like game doesn't sell let's do the exact same thing a second time game doesn't let's do it a third time all right now
Starting point is 02:13:16 let's make it because clearly selling enough now let's just make bucket fill pink yeah on on our our sprites yeah exactly our 3d models rikusho getting the dress getting the dress uh um we've got what's cool though yeah sure um i bought three copies do you see they announced bullet girls too a few weeks ago no i didn't fuck damn we're gonna do a good video of that are those girls bullets no they shoot bullets okay well matt i know what you're gonna buy three copies of k i season three i can't i physically can't do that on your computer what if you i will on windows 10 yeah yeah i'll be gifting one every friday is it a win 10 exclusive it's a win 10 exclusive uh what k i season 3 pc is gonna be win 10 exclusive uh season three info in general
Starting point is 02:14:06 i believe they announced that when they announced the game i believe so too yeah so we got a bunch of info in general you're saying it's not going to be on xbox of course it is but no no but the pc version in reference to windows 7 and 8 and the pc version has to run on windows 10 okay that's what me i thought you meant it wasn't on xbox no no no it's like what the fuck are you sitting there they're watching simultaneously on both in march yeah like because everyone was waiting for the pc version and it'll be man pc players are gonna get blown a fuck up in that matchup depending on yeah so uh excited but there's a giant list of bullet points but excited to finally buy that game and get blown up so hard yeah play it again it's the best uh mentionable fighting games include
Starting point is 02:14:50 tusk and kimwoo confirmed yeah uh i'm so interested to see does he tusk it's a fucking barbarian yeah what do you do and a dumb one at that but i love a caveman what do you do click the tattoo slider and slide it over like but to be fair like i didn't think you could do maya cool and maya is like literally one of the best female fighters in fighting games like yeah they'll figure it out we're probably gonna get core like no but that's just tusk but but that's what i mean though like they're gonna turn him into core i'm kind of afraid he's gonna be like like a murk or something you know modern i don't not modern but like i don't know like you want him to be a raw barbarian and not some new day soldier thing hey they haven't fucking up royally no they haven't they haven't
Starting point is 02:15:40 i have trust but i'm just like i can't think in my head why are they are he would be are these going to be the first ones that iron galaxy are designing from the ground up no i'm pretty sure some of the original characters from last season they started the ground up as well they did omen for sure from the ground up uh and agados agados was them from the ground up as well aria as well no no aria was hinted at in the end of season okay anyway yeah uh so yeah you've got uh that you've got another guest character confirmed aside from rash that will be faithful to their original masters people are like people are like joanna dark general ram please stop everyone always says general ram for every guest is i barely remember who he is like you know what's even
Starting point is 02:16:25 worse there's the character the boss from gears of war two that's way cooler but i don't remember who that character is like the weird dreadlocks or braids or something he's an evil organic north mall you suck he's fucking the coolest i don't know who the hell he is it's gonna be kratos it's gonna be kratos it's gonna be kratos it's always kratos when you don't want kratos wow hey kratos you're still mad that you killed your family yourself he was drunk on drunk yeah i was drunk you want to take a stab if you think that could be that's not a good excuse kratos great excuse i only killed my family because i was drunk and aries gave me the beer so it's aries' fault okay okay so like the only way well here's the thing is we let's literally there's the high
Starting point is 02:17:03 percentage rare and then there's the low percentage microsoft in general it didn't know it was my family i don't i don't because do you know what they already have rash so they already have a rare if we're if we're going wild out into just the microsoft anything master chef fucking coltrane no i don't train you know what i mean but no he overlaps too much with tj yeah seriously only one black way too much with tj you're uh can't have two of those no but like just from it is no you're right no you're right you don't have two characters but i would expect something more rare oriented and like something like maybe it'll be an xbox one box with c of thieves on it yeah i thought i was getting a character but it was just to see it well it
Starting point is 02:17:46 says faithful to the original right so it'll be um i hope you i hope it's the morgan spray the guy from jetpack the guy from jetpack if conquer jetpack from jetpack jetpack shin conquer they should have the uh the character being the coal shadow conquer camea violent conquer no shadow conquer it should be nicole from better alive four who spartan five uh spartan five nine or whatever i saw someone saying it she's not master you see them tweet each other all the time they are literally a few blocks away from each other why can't it be a mortal combat character it's true because i am galaxy i was i was never realm are literally a block away well i was just thinking to myself the the the thing that killer instinct doesn't have
Starting point is 02:18:35 is people looking at it and it would be better suited getting a high i'd like the highest profile get they can get and i was thinking like she fight her but you know you mentioned mortal combat like yeah mortal combat fits the profile throw scorpion in there or fuck it just make it banjo yeah just see just do it and he's got his proper shading like not killer instinct style shading like the the rare cartoony shading like it whatever it is i think it needs to be a high profile because i would have never said battle toads right so i would have in fact i think me and matt did i would have never thought because i would have thought two cartoony too goofy but banjo's fine now yeah but but the thing with rash is that he's in a big like as realistic as
Starting point is 02:19:21 he could possibly be rendered okay a real bear with a bird on it yeah there you go there you go that's a winner there that's a winner you know what it should be i call it should be the laptop gun what else is yeah yeah it should be a caring everyone forgets about laptop that guy forgets my laptop i hope it's on the bullet list we're talking about or is that it well uh this was pretty awesome some motherfucker kept his super nintendo on our should i say his super famicom on for 20 years so that he wouldn't lose his umihara kawa say safe yeah i remember seeing this a little while back it's fucking awesome because his records and stuff because the the snests has started to die out as far as cartridge battery yeah as is concerned i remember the
Starting point is 02:20:03 announcement what not the announcement but i remember when the nest cartridges started to die which was a while ago and now the finally the snests cartridges are starting to go so he kept it on for 20 years turned it off only when he had to move um but has been fine so far wait what that means he didn't keep it on for 20 years uh no that was 20 years ago oh okay yeah uh and it's been on since and i and it's and i guess that sort of precipitates the other news which is all the umihara kawa say games are no longer available on steams yeah i was actually just going to mention it because you brought it up yeah one to three have been pulled since they're out of business now yeah if you want to get uh the last and best umihara game it's still up on 3ds
Starting point is 02:20:43 and vita uh both versions are fantastic vita version has more content the pc version would have been the one to get but it's gone now yeah i'm sure it can be acquired i'm gonna i'm yeah yeah but i'd rather play it on the first screen as well all of those games ridiculously high like well aren't they all 20 bucks because they came out at the exact same time as in japan it was to prevent reverse importing yeah but in fact the vita one came out the vita one came out like three weeks before it came out in japan actually and it was actually it was 20 bucks when the japanese release was like 5 000 yen so you're about to ask what is what is that do you like it's bionic commando girls mission okay you ever wanted a better bionic commando no one that didn't
Starting point is 02:21:23 have an embarrassing story or character you mean or mechanics you mean that her her hairstyle grappling hook is not yo that girl that girl's legs were not dead yeah remember that had her dad legs yeah but uh that game ruined something so hard it can never come back but yeah it's it's gone from steam so if you want it go buy it while you still can man i don't care like look no you shut up no no because yeah like i think it was like two or three i'm gonna stop you right now two or three weeks ago make a why i like the thing bionic commando arm uh huh do that video two or three weeks ago jeff girtsman was like either we're talking just like we are now and he's like and he's like man fuck it that game that game was kind of cool i don't care i like that game was kind of cool and
Starting point is 02:22:15 that's where i stand yeah you know you make fun of it all you want but it was kind of cool it was kind of cool that game is the epitome of a three out of five i think it's more like a six out of five that's oh well i can live in a world where it's three out of five yeah i'm comfortable with that it's so easy to make fun of yeah it's the it's also the embodiment of that should have been the best man that should have been the best woolly will always go back on the old adage and i agree it's like well we got rearmed yeah totally but also woolly when i make fun of it like remember i'm the one who played all those multiplayer matches with you in the demo yeah like that shit was nuts it was a fun ass game and then and then the main game none of those maps are as good as the demo
Starting point is 02:23:02 yeah playing it on commando though gave me an appreciation yeah for those invisible fart walls that's the ones don't swing too high the air will kill you the kryptonite gas there was no fucking need for those they were the worst like there was no need for them zone control every no but you just don't put you just don't know but you just don't put things to grapple to grapple on to there's no need for walls of gas and also the biggest thing of expectation where every single piece of footage made it look like that was an open world game yeah and then like a little bit it was very strict and was like oh because like the fantasy was to like go anywhere you wanted in this big place like spider-man and then it was like no go here or else the gas will kill you
Starting point is 02:23:50 yes the wife gas the wife gas this gas is made out of my wife at the very least they changed the hot dog arm no it's the same no the hot dog arm is gone man i don't know it's pretty similar just never forget like fighting the angels and then and then doing the thing that was really cool i i inhaled a lot of my wife gas that finale was kind of that was really awesome come on right so cool that was i can't wait you want me to lie that finale was amazing nearly entire that entire finale is a quick time event i know it is so cool but imagine how much cooler would have been to play no i know it would have been better but it's still pretty cool that would have bumped the game up a whole point if you can play that sequence see the two things i like about bionic commando dredmond is um
Starting point is 02:24:35 title screen yeah clouds good cloud splitter astounding never forget yeah never forget clouds also the idea that he has to be separated from the arm because he's too dangerous with it yeah yeah that was cool all right um why didn't you destroy the arm because his wife's in there we can't get him a new wife yeah that takes work but he doesn't know but he doesn't know if you want to send us a letter to tell us about what family members in your bionic arm you know well you got a bunch of spare family members you can get a whole body the madden box i've got doubles god madden bar here's my backup arm for saturdays yeah here's my church arms super best friend cast at what was that that's super best friend cast and if you send in a letter
Starting point is 02:25:25 question or statement via that email address you might sound a little something like the bionic arms. Sean Arnold says hey sbfc hey what uh well no i'll give you one question hello um well no it's actually one picked a good question have you ever been sold on a game having just heard a song um if you had to sell a game based on a single song what would it be uh will you sold me on undertale by putting uh the ascore battle theme oh that's that's a good one man and now it's my game of the year 2015 kind regards Sean Arnold song huh that's a tricky one i got one i got one uh and technically it's a song combined with voice acting when uh you showed me liam the near trailer just fucking bad that trailer's music and voice
Starting point is 02:26:15 acting a hundred percent sold me on the dub is incredible like i couldn't believe how good the quality was and the music like you thought moonlit wilderness was something right well it's actually quite garbage compared yeah it's really shit if you think about it it's barely even a song it's barely just bleeps and bloops oh man oh jeez the sound of my cat dying is actually more melodic than moonlit wilderness uh okay so for me like it's kind of ties in really well what we were just talking about because i didn't know what the hell bionic commando was period up until woolly started talking about it when trailers for rearmed came out were you just like in a coma for the nineties yeah pretty much okay um whatever
Starting point is 02:27:03 i just i never did was not at my rental place so it didn't exist never saw an arcade machine uh no i did the arcade machines that i had were almost all fighting games i never saw there and like in games um but and so like i saw the trailer i was like that doesn't look so great but the fucking and spen what's his fucking name the guy who did all the music oh uh um uh simon viklin the simon viklin fucking soundtrack to that shit was so godlike those like well i gotta play this woolly woolly tells me that it's good so yeah i should probably play this that trailer that was synced to the music was something special oh it's up there with that mirror's edge because that's what shows that ben jud really like loved the game and wanted to show it in mirror's edge to best light
Starting point is 02:27:48 mirror's edge is uh uh yeah with this whole life yeah that could have been bleeps and bloops and i would have still been in yeah but but but it wasn't but it wasn't it went above that was a final nail yeah um yeah yeah the jrpg by tecmo coey called r no surge uh if it had heard about that if it had had regular jrpg music i probably just would have went oh okay but it has like an incredible astounding soundtrack uh and like it bumped it up a whole point in my mind oh man not like cool i got another one but i can't think of one that like outright it was just the song and this really isn't fair because it's a platinum game but i really think about it like when the first like real gameplay of anarchy rainstrop with ready to go playing over it like i like ready to go more
Starting point is 02:28:35 than a like anarchy rain and i love anarchy rain so but that like i just listened to it on loop and i would stop looking at the video and do other things while i had the video on loop just so i could hear the song yeah it was the only place it was available it for that's as close as i can get i i had the same thing happen but again like i love i really like the game so it's not really fair but when drake and guard three was first announced out of nowhere and it was like oh my god why the the trailers song i listened to it all the time i ripped it and it had all the dialogue over it but whatever i'm just gonna listen to it on repeat i totally know what you what's your second one my other one i have two other ones but whatever other one was so i never
Starting point is 02:29:14 had a super nintendo and i did not have any friends for the early part of that life cycle that has super nintendo it's all just bleeps and bloops it's all just bleeps and bloops and i had played megaman one and two and really like those games but i was at a fucking event with my cub scout troop where people brought in their game consoles to set them up and it was like this big thing that's what cub scout should have been and i should have just been playing video games i was i was playing i had brought in my jesus and like a bunch of my games and i heard behind me i'm like what is that that is the best and turn around and it's megaman x on storm eagle stage oh yeah and i didn't know that the x series existed because it had just come out pretty good and was
Starting point is 02:29:55 oh my god i need to find i need a friend that has a super nintendo right now okay yeah no my brother and i uh we spent like weeks just singing megaman 2 wily theme to each other like at all times of the day like all day it's amazing i think my number my number two would also be it kind of doesn't count like you liam because i would have i was in anyway like the game anyway but metroid prime one when i first heard that magmore caverns or the title the title theme okay i first fucking heard that i i uh it's amazing yeah it's so good yeah so yeah there you go yeah uh we got one coming in from good good trailer music and good trailer direction can help out immensely do good good music period you don't need that much of a marketing budget just get one
Starting point is 02:30:42 really awesome trailer like you can you can you can even just pick out games and take away their music and they become immensely weaker like like hotline miami yeah if that music oh yeah if that music was just generic nothing yeah it'd be that you fuck that game yeah totally fuck that game yeah when i when i first played hotline miami i was just like it was good right but then there's just one track that i was like oh shit oh shit but i was gonna say though like pat was talking about trailer music or whatever i suppose if you put platinum music over like anubis 2 or ninja bread you could have sold a few more copies for sure yeah yeah now persona without the music is trash flying me to the moon or what yeah it's it's damaged yeah it's damaged no no no like res evil without
Starting point is 02:31:33 it is a component of its presentation it is but i was joking yeah i know i wish uh footstep noises is like damage yeah uh spencer says uh hey guys quick question for liam how's your wife doing liam uh who is your puzzles and dragons leader and what's your team built i haven't played puzzles and dragons since the last time liam mentioned it a few times and i've been curious for a while i haven't played it since the last time i played it on the podcast so real talk i forget nice completely for the job i don't play it anymore black i got i got to the point stupid fucks that's the best i got to the point in in gacha games where you get to the bit where you're like oh this is the bit where i need to grind for everything yeah oh this is the bit where i need to save up my premium
Starting point is 02:32:18 tickets because if i cash in more at the same time i get one extra grab so i don't understand i can't play gacha games anymore they drive me insane but i really liked puzzle and dragons because fuck that gameplay is good the 3ds game is good i like that one hola super mayores amigos hola what up holo his name is jose hey jose what's up um my question for everyone is since you guys speak several languages in some extent uh to some extent i speak one language well one language poorly yeah uh do you have um as an example of media that you prefer to consume in a language that's not the original not the original uh for example pat's love of starcraft's french terror oh they're so good man um uh wakfu in french is the way to watch it as far as i'm concerned uh that's the opposite
Starting point is 02:33:06 of what he's asking no wait sorry not the original language oh not the original i'm sorry uh i much prefer golden boy in english than that that's a good example i think i think that while dan castellana is amazing that french homer is the best french homer is the absolute shish homer is a good near without question and to that extent a lot of uh triple a square enix games have amazing dubs uh like say what you will about the game but final fantasy 13 has an amazing dub yeah uh for example uh eddie murphy's coming to america in french is in france and new york and that is way funnier oh yeah that it is in english for stupid reasons i never i never would have thought it it's though it's so weird and and it's it's beloved here in kebec specifically because it's
Starting point is 02:33:54 actually funnier in french there's this one one fucking anime but i can't remember which one it is i think i actually prefer persona four is english voice acting uh okay um we'll take one here from uh jair and what up hang on i think i gotta i think i got a good answer okay but i gotta remember what is it uh okay yeah uh ghost stories gakono kind of of course yes ghost story ghost stories can only be watched in english when ghost stories was brought over from japan i think i know this one it was so bad that they just dubbed it over with a new comedic script and just said fuck it yeah they told the voice actors do whatever you want wow dude it's great it's a totally different script does not follow the original script it's great it's hilarious they
Starting point is 02:34:40 just gave up watch it okay no they didn't give up they stepped up okay it's like a bunch of a bunch of for realsy voice actors got a real thing in and said just just just fucking dub it like it's fucking abridged wow yeah it's it's it's a canon abridged outtakes for the main story yeah the series was licensed for north america by adv films whose english dub replaced the original script okay like you can just find compilations on youtube and here here this line might sell you the series was also picked up by the anime tv network animax who broadcast the series with a different english dub unedited and uncensored yeah so like they went places all right all right it's crazy uh jair says whenever you guys talk about moba's you bring up that the fgc didn't
Starting point is 02:35:29 have a shit together 10 years ago that's correct and you also mentioned a short death of fighters in relation to mk deception i was a babby liam around the same time of these events could you fill me in on what you're talking about so um okay i'll keep it brief because this could go on for a whole long thing it can but the there's bullet points and the first bullet point is uh the fgc and uh mlg major league gaming had beef and they had beef because in at evo 2005 they cooperated to have this a shared event and when mlg ran they basically they kind of took over because that's one of the problems is mlg likes to kind of over control things and the fgc didn't like that but they collaborated anyway well they got they in all fairness they gotta run a tight ship sure it's
Starting point is 02:36:14 hard to sell that kind of so they ran the event and the uh the evo attendees outnumbered the non fighting game attendees but they only got 25 of the space i allocated to them and so everything fgc related was crowded uh most of the machines were allocated to other stuff that wasn't as popular getting is used so everyone kind of felt like you know the fighting game community got snubbed in 2005 and as a result when the finals were going on for anything that wasn't a fighting game the crowd that outnumbered everyone booed and like hissed and kind of you know it was it was nasty they got nasty about it exactly so it was a black eye for everybody involved so that created some bad blood fast forward uh the the next time they tried to get together was 2010 mlg was gonna
Starting point is 02:37:02 run in a fighting game event with some sketchy unknown uh dude who ran who set up this tournament convinced a bunch of players that it was going to happen and it was going to be big mlg payouts etc uh the players bought their tickets and booked their hotel rooms and everything and then island nation and then fuck no no not that not that at all that was a whole other thing that's a different oh and and then you know backed out and ran away and sketched out into nothing uh tickets were already bought people were fucking pissed money was lost money was lost mlg stepped in to try and say hey we didn't really have that much to do with this we kind of were behind it but not really this guy was another guy but by that point capcom japan had read the whole story and what you guys are trying
Starting point is 02:37:41 to ruin the grassroots fighting game community yeah and capcom japan got upset at mlg at that point yeah so the combination of these two things basically separated them and so while this beef was happening league of legends and dota just had to exist and be addictive those those came out of the massive popularity of starcraft in korea yeah like that that like starcraft built up the esports phenomenon with it yeah without and then these games were very similar and very popular in the same region and it was like a very natural transition for league of legends in particular if i remember correctly were and dota did its own thing and got big not not to mention mlg was successful relatively speaking at popularizing shooters as a as an mlg genre in addition on on
Starting point is 02:38:26 top of that there's like a weird cultural divide in which the fighting game community doesn't want like esports is like a dirty word yeah there's like yeah that's the part of it i'm not really mentioning because it's not because it's not real man yeah we're now in an era where people use it unironically esports because people used it unironically so ironically yeah because it's not it's not like super part of the story but there was the fact that you know fgc was arcade born it was you know it felt very very like aggressive and it came from a community that wasn't like off the computer playing online with your buddies at home it's no friendly so exactly it's there's no friendlies yeah so that's it so there's a part of it was like we were not at we're not esports
Starting point is 02:39:06 fuck that shit but that sentiment of we're not esports came from the 2005 event yeah so there you go um last one we're gonna take from mark i got a series of unfortunate like maybe captain capcom's really pushing it like hopefully there's success there yeah no things are what like uh wounds are being mended and healed and you know things are coming together and the capcom uh uh cup uh capcom cup has shown that like they're willing to put tons of money into this that's that's what gets eyes is when like when i heard it's money oh the dota 2 championship thing it's like 50 bedillion dollars or whatever yeah like my ears perked up and said okay maybe i should actually pay attention a little no they realized you know and and i feel like it's like some almost
Starting point is 02:39:48 like there's some of the development budget it was like put into the capcom cup oh totally yeah without without but uh did we talk about that's their marketing budget too it is when you really think about it we talked about daigo giving his winnings away uh we didn't but daigo fucking good for daigo is a fucking champ gave his winnings away than one yeah uh everything he wanted capcom and i think it's you know he's a sponsored player by mad cats he gets a salary yeah whatever man so you like it's a type of thing where for him it's like yeah what's another win right so yeah but giving your money away that's like for charity that's yeah to um get to a game to a game design school specific and i think uh that the winner of the scholarship that year was ski sonic oh really
Starting point is 02:40:27 yeah so that's where that that's what what that turned into but uh very cool that collusion charitable i don't i don't think so but but uh no like that's a really awesome move on him uh and yeah last one we're going to take is from mark and mark you stole a kof invitation from the america sports team uh-huh striker rules apply what's your order select uh what like can you explain this question slightly sorry when you play kof playing king of fighters you pick your characters yeah but like we stole an invitation yeah so every year teams so i'm a fighter yeah well every year that there's invitations that go out to every team and america team often gets its invitation stolen or like something happens so we got it this year okay we are a team we are
Starting point is 02:41:15 your strikers uh what's your order and and yeah if it's a four player team we have to have a striker yeah so can i be the striker in my own team uh i don't want to fight clark i'll fucking you want to be what's your striker assist move is it us and everybody in the world no it's just the four of us what's our order oh it's me order select yeah i misunderstood that completely so you're if pat's gonna be a striker you got to have one of those running in trip the guy yeah can i pull out a gun and shoot the guy with a gun uh no oh i don't know i wouldn't be very good in a fighting tournament i say i say liam on point um i say matt in the middle and i'll take anchor with pat as an assist that's okay that's my that's my suggestion that seems fine i can live with that
Starting point is 02:42:02 i guess i'll die i'll still die i thought i was asking like pick your dream team i'd probably go whoever matt woolly me and then on the assist heavy d yeah yeah yeah this is also the correct answer yeah like that feels like an unfair question because the order doesn't matter because we will all be murdered murdered dead right on the floor oh okay okay woolly i hear you've been taking boxing classes go fight yori yeah well maybe we'll have to fight uh what that that stupid little girl momoko or whatever that's a little girl can create a massive energy beam she'll rip your dick off dance man or or or or bow moji futa those those little kids can shoot energy blast bro kids get it we'd get rekt the screen would fade to white immediately dude uh insert another coin
Starting point is 02:42:59 you picked the wrong team you just lose by default yeah yeah that doesn't make sense yeah like shingo could beat all of us yeah okay even he has a chance of getting a fire fighting game versions of us or is it just us yeah no because if it's us for real it's just us then i imagine it's literally us as we are and we're going to die in this world all right leona stabs you in the chest and explodes you man yeah it's tough i want none of that let's do our plugs all right we have a plug now we got some plugs okay well we have this podcast you shouldn't listen to it's called the super progress what are we what are we looking forward to this week i believe this is what woolly is trying to say plugs yes nothing nothing in particular for me is coming out so i'm just
Starting point is 02:43:43 gonna keep playing what i'm playing volume is uh coming out this week so i'm gonna play volume that's by mike bithel who made thomas was alone uh he's got a charming charming british voice and he makes good video games so it's a stealth game by the way uh steven bomb this week can't wait because the new episode is like i saw that preview of it i was like oh my god it's a kid um so i'm looking forward to watching the rest of that and um i or whatever that yeah i still want to go see the revenant i was supposed to go see it last week but then we chose creed instead so still really want to see that because i don't feel cold enough being outside i still have to see the ridiculous eight or whatever yeah the hateful eight hateful eight no you want to see the ridiculous dude i watched
Starting point is 02:44:22 ridiculous six i couldn't last longer than ten yeah i told you about this it's a new drinking game yeah without drinking how long can you watch this me and my girlfriend both tapped out shy of ten minutes and then when we tapped out and and hit the button on the controller we saw we were barely at three nice we thought it was ten it's unbearable that film's terrible yeah uh i was going to watch g in no recco Gundam but uh this took up its place since i had to i had all the spite to get out of my system building up so now i'm gonna go start that instead you should watch slog horizon season two out of which i hear i might be saddened by as well also uh i'm going to uh say thanks matt as well for the physical copy of rare replay uh really cool gonna pop that
Starting point is 02:45:10 you're welcome and do some stuff okay i'm embarrassed but it's okay and and also um my girlfriend got me uh battlefront so oh cool oh i get to try that out without spending the money what's what's what is on its way to my house don't worry about it because i like now there's all this anticipation i don't know what's going on when it gets there okay and it's pretty good okay thank you very much don't worry stop thinking you're panicking instead of man with a gun yeah ding dong bang blitzball uh more blitzball is on its way more blitzballs on its way old hunter should be uh uh cashing out by the end of the week oh yeah yeah and as we we alluded to on our channel before uh a new naruto
Starting point is 02:45:59 by oh is starting this week as well as well as a little quick thing i did of me playing donkey kong country completely by myself because no one wanted to play it so woolly i'm kind of uh i'm kind of shocked that you didn't mention on the podcast that you're starting to reread the manga for naruto which is bullshit because i'm not but i will say you are i will say this i'm ashamed i told i talked to billy and i was like yo billy so here's what's going on all right i need the i'm back in we're playing the stupid game as an elfie and we watched the stupid video that was kind of cool it was actually really cool and everything you play the demo for the new one no fuck man production values yeah and i'm like so i was like what the fuck is happening why are we
Starting point is 02:46:44 suddenly looking at this shit again and he just kind of held his hands out and just went i never left bro i never left i've been here the whole time that's great alone i was like ah and he's just waiting he's like anytime you want it they're like no no welcome back welcome back you never left either welcome home you were welcome a home yeah welcome we've been waiting that's no good and i just opened up the manga like and you're and you're crying and your headband is sliding onto your head oh no where was it i take off my slippers i thought i threw that backpack away it's like one of those like cursed horror items were like i threw this in the garbage play you're never why is it on my bed as much as you try and distance yourself you'll never ever ever
Starting point is 02:47:35 be able to get away from the the sand ninja headband on your backpack yeah it's the yeah no that was the chain that cannot be broken the irreparable damage but at least i wasn't the guy who wore it on his fucking head yeah no no the guy we know that had the weighted fucking clothing on his feet on the weighted leg wraps that did that for real yeah fuck to be fair you got really strong see that's that's the worst thing we're not there the worst thing about that is if a guy did that and why are you doing this and you said well because of Naruto you'd be like oh because you know what i right but if you but if you're like why are you doing that and the guy's like i want a train for boxing and that's what that's what uh but uh nanny waraki did that's what sendo does you'd be like
Starting point is 02:48:25 okay look and that but that's the thing i had a real think about this and it's like no matter how much i get blasted for for the headband on the bag yeah it's this at the time it was the same as having a gurren logo on your bag yeah that's right so it was the exact same context as now not as cool right imagine if gurren legan didn't stop at 26 and then it got awful at 200 that's true uh that's why i don't think Naruto was ever as good as a single episode of gurren legan except for four except for four but you get the spirit i get it all right Naruto's dumb man get i remember not liking it from the very beginning because you have good taste you're on the ground i don't know how that happened because i was a kid too when did it when did that start in north
Starting point is 02:49:12 america 2006 in north america i don't know because i was reading it yeah i was just i don't know but whenever that was is still cool like i was yeah i stand by it stand there stand by it with you weirdo i agree that here's some music hey where's the music at it's right here i can't hear this is the root of the music it's not it should be it should be no i have more appropriate uh uh you you

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