Castle Super Beast - SBFC 132: Just Wrap the Belt around your Junk (feat. A German Spy)

Episode Date: February 16, 2016

This week on the Friendcast: Matt suffers through shlock, Pat yells STREET FIGHTA FYV, Woolie yells STREET FIGHTA FYV, Liam puts his faith in the Ouya 2, and German Spy tries PC souls....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thanks for asking, Liam. Esoteric fact, uh, number one. You're welcome, Willie. That's strong. So what number is it? Welcome to episode 132 of the Super Best Friendcast. Uh, very strong. How are you going to guys like do this joke before the podcast next time?
Starting point is 00:00:36 Like, you're going to do 133 at the end of this podcast? Pretty much. Oh, that's good too. Okay, so, uh, Quebec Route 132 is the longest highway in Quebec. And it, it's travels from the south shore of the St. Louis River, uh, all the way to the border of New York. Damn. That's a long ass.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Oh, I've been on that highway a bunch. That's a good fact. Does that go through B'Hornwall? B'Hornwall? No, B'Hornwall. Do you mean Cornwall? No, I mean B'Hornwall. B'Hornwall is a fucking shithole.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Suck at B'Hornwall and Ormstown and Howick. You know where's one place it doesn't go by? What? Germany. Yep. It's true. If any viewers or listeners are from any of the towns Pat just mentioned, we're sorry. Luckily, those hick towns don't have internet.
Starting point is 00:01:22 You know what's a sicker route than 132? Mm-hmm. The Autobahn? Yeah. What a fucking name. You know why it's a sick route? Because you can fucking die on it and no one will give a shit. At maximum speed.
Starting point is 00:01:34 I think there's a couple games based on all the deaths that have happened on the Autobahn. Like Call of Duty. Yeah. At maximum speed. Sky Mission. No wild speed. No wild speed. Sky Mission Max.
Starting point is 00:01:45 I guess I know where I'm taking the four of you for sightseeing when you come visit. Hey. German spy. To the death pile. In his backyard. You guys like that sort of thing, right? Yeah. In my backyard.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Yeah, we love it. In my backyard in the dangerous section of Berlin. Yes. So you guys like first person shooters, right? Mm-hmm. Like them enough? No. So German spy is here to guide Woolley through this podcast and make sure he doesn't make
Starting point is 00:02:12 any mistakes. I don't want to fall into that pit. That podcast pit? Oh, he's reading emails. Stop him. Oh. Okay, now click here. Got it.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Perfect. All right. Now that we have five. We only watch out for that invisible black phantom over there. Oh, too late. It's just a picture of Woolley. What's that skeleton? What's that skeleton that got all that play?
Starting point is 00:02:32 Black Katana Skeleton. Black Katana Skeleton. We never saw it. We'll see it one day. He's the podcast mascot. Black Katana Ske- Black Katana Ske- Liam, you know that skeleton's a bad ass.
Starting point is 00:02:42 And I would love for that skeleton to be our podcast mascot. Yep. So do we have Mr. Snip Snip on duty for this podcast? Oh, you have no idea. We have a healing. We're going in to the podcast. Mr. Snip Snip is always on duty. Woolley's fondling him in his shorts right now and making Snip Snip noises.
Starting point is 00:02:55 I feel like I'm replacing my stand with Mr. Snip Snip. Yeah. For the future. Well, isn't Mr. Snip Snip like an existing stand? Isn't it? Isn't it a gold experience requiem? Yeah. It's not a stand that erases your mistakes.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Yeah. Yeah. No, that is gold experience. Okay. Well, there you have it. Because gold experience requiem removes it. No, it's more like King Crimson. Wait.
Starting point is 00:03:18 Which removes it? Which removes the effects? King Crimson removes the effects. Okay, but removes the cause. That's what Mr. Snip Snip does. He removes the cause. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Fair enough. Oh, man. Some people enjoyed that. What part is that in? That's part. That's part. Five, five, five, five, five. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:03:38 It just works. So that might be enough time to forget it before the fifth anime adaptation. Oh, that'll be several years from now. It might be. Or several months. Possibly. Yeah. Who are we going to kick it off to first this week?
Starting point is 00:03:49 We got it. We got five people. We got to go. How about the German spy? Hey, German. Oh, you guys are going to put me on point, eh? Hey, Deutschman. What up?
Starting point is 00:03:58 Take the lead. What happened on your week? My week. Well, I edited videos and played some souls. I should elaborate. Fucking shocker. Wow. You did your job.
Starting point is 00:04:10 I got my cards in order for this podcast. That was probably the biggest and most important thing I did this week. Right. You have cards? Well, not literally cards. We have cards. Cheat sheets. So what flavor of souls did you get?
Starting point is 00:04:23 Yeah. Which one are you playing at this point? Well, a friend of mine gifted me the PC version of Dark Souls 1, and I thought, well, maybe it would be good to experience this in 60 FPS, 1080p, so that Pat would be proud of me. I actually prefer the 30 frame per second version. Even when you try to win. Well, no, because that version, you don't fall through the world. Just after I finished calibrating my TV perfectly for this patch.
Starting point is 00:04:49 How can you do this to me? Did you run all those patches that you need? It's just one, man. It's just DSFS. Yeah, it's DSFS. And it's just in any file. It's not even a patch. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:59 I keep thinking it's like, what's the other game there? God, this always happens. Lord of the Fallen. With tons of patches and you've got to come over and set it up for me. New Vegas. New Vegas. No. Here's how easy DSFS is.
Starting point is 00:05:14 Or pretty much any Bethesda game. You drop it into the folder and it's a text file. And in the text file, it says resolution and you set it. That's what it does. And then there's a bunch of features that say type zero if you want it off and type one if you want it on. It's called I'll Take Care of You. And then you save the text file and then Durante gives you a reach around.
Starting point is 00:05:33 Yeah. Thank you, Durante. Thank you, Durante. This was incredibly easy and efficient. That's why people were so upset that FromSoft didn't include something like that when it ported the game to PC. Yeah. Speaking of cool guys in the Souls community.
Starting point is 00:05:47 I wish we had one on the podcast. I wish that too. Where did you get this German spy, dude? What the hell is this dude doing here? When are we ever going to get an epic name, bro? I saw we got on the stream, we got a message from one red grave. We got a donation from one red grave. That was such a fantastic fucking journey.
Starting point is 00:06:06 And I looked and it was like, hey, cool, cool stream guys. First time I'm watching you, you know, I'm going to stick around. It was really funny. And like someone was like, yo, red grave, the guy that wrote the pale blood hunt is totally watching. And I was like, what? No. And then you looked it up.
Starting point is 00:06:21 And I looked it up and it's like, no, it's the wrong guy because that guy goes by DMC red grave. And then we were all like, oh man, what a bummer. And then that thread got updated with DMC red grave going, nah, that was me. I used both. Totally me. And I just went like, oh. So.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Why is he watching us? That was crazy. Essay Senpai is watching us. It's embarrassing to fail in front of like more than one expert at souls. No, no. Come on. They're used to it though. They're used to seeing that.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Think of what it must be like to go to Evo for you. Or for me. Because you fail in front of all the pros. That is the joke. How do you think the pros started off? The pros started off good. Yeah, yeah. Back in the day.
Starting point is 00:07:01 We might have started out with some natural level of ability, but not, not. No. Like Street Fighter II came out and by day two there were killers. You know that's true. You know that's fucking true. Yeah, the kid in the leather jacket. Like Capcom just created them and let them loose on the world on day two. In the tubes.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Yeah, there's 13 male dolls that Calcom released and they went into the arcade and started beasting. And they perfected the new strain of the T virus on the test subject. And those guys are all millionaires because they play poker now. Yeah. What's that? What's that? Dude that was like the Capcom expert and he retired.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Everyone's saying he's a beast. Tomo. You know the guy that was hanging out with the nineties kid Capcom rap. Yeah. He's my friend Tomo. He's Asian. So he's good at this. Like it was that guy.
Starting point is 00:07:53 And then they're, they're making hype videos. Yeah. Tomo. And that was, yeah. And that was the same like announcer guy that did the I am Ryu from Japan. Yeah. This is my honorable friend. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Whoa, dude. I can't wait for you to meet my friend Chun Lee and she's like, oh, hello. It was really bad. Worse than us. Oh man. This is sounding like the street fighter movie. Yeah. A little bit.
Starting point is 00:08:22 If only it was more like that, just turn right into it. It's me. Chun Lee. So tell me how you've been liking the PC version of Dark Souls one man. It's some, it definitely is crisper and sharper than the console version. And the load times are a hell of a lot faster. Oh, so nice. That's the first thing I noticed.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Yes. So I appreciate it for that alone. But now I have to put together 10 more characters. So. What? That's how you really play the game. You play 10 at the same time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:52 At the same time. Smash 4. 4,000 hours in. Do you like occasionally just die to something stupid and just go, what the fuck was that? Yeah. You would know when looking. It's funny you ask that because it's been a while since I've touched Dark Souls one. I've been spending most of my time playing Bloodborne and Demon Souls lately.
Starting point is 00:09:09 And it's amazing how just being away for a month or two really makes you rusty. Like I've had some incredibly stupid deaths today. Probably a good 20 or 25 just getting used to the game again. Well, incredibly complex. Like, I mean, when I, when I, like, I'm, I'm, I like to think I'm really, really good at streets of rage. And whenever I pick it back up, it takes me like, it takes me like 30 seconds. That's why I said it. And then I'm, and then I'm back in.
Starting point is 00:09:36 But like the level of complexity of a Souls game is so much higher. Just the sheer quantity of commands and enemies. Like I, I can't see you not getting rusty even after just a week of being away. After, after we completed the, the mirrors edge LP, then I was warmed up. Yeah. And the other thing, four and a half hours in or whatever. Yeah. The other thing is on top of that, like extreme complexity.
Starting point is 00:09:59 There's also a hell of a lot of similarities that are just a couple of like frames off, like the peri timing between each game. Yeah. Like that can get you killed. No problem. Like woolly, every time you guys, you started with Dark Souls two first, every fucking game you play, you shit your ass when you fall off a little ledge. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:16 And, and you're fine. You're totally fine. I'm so scared of legs. Oh yeah. Just ignore like any version differences and stick with the good old jumping attack. Cause that shit. That's not in every game. Yup.
Starting point is 00:10:26 The jumping attack is the only thing that's a hundred percent reliable. In every game. Is it not in, it's not in deaths, right? The only one it's not in is Demon's Souls. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, no, it's, it's true. And the problem I've had coming from Bloodborne, cause I've been streaming Bloodborne quite a bit,
Starting point is 00:10:41 well twice lately, is that because the healing button in Bloodborne is the triangle button. Yeah. In every other game, you use your flask with square, constant deaths to that. Absolutely. I'm a just two hand in the middle of this fight. Exactly. Yeah. I wanted to recover my HP, but I stood there and held my weapon in both hands.
Starting point is 00:11:03 Yeah. Like all the messages told me to. That's right. Like I think I mentioned this once or twice, but Slowbeef was streaming Demon's Souls. Yeah. But doing an LP with, with Diabetes of Bloodborne at the same time. So he would come back and he'd start doing this dumb bullshit and Bloodborne and Diabetes would go, are you like an idiot?
Starting point is 00:11:26 What's going on? And then he's just like, no, it's because the buns are playing. I'm playing demons right now. And it's taking me a while to get used to. He's like, wow, that probably makes both of these series terrible. That's a great idea that you did this. And he's like, yeah. Yeah, maybe.
Starting point is 00:11:44 Normally that's the sort of thing that I think you guys refer to as Johns. Is it not? Yes. He was, he was going, yeah, that's why. Yeah. And it's true because you actually, you see him doing moves he can't do in Bloodborne. And that's the point at which you should, which you should stop it. You're calling John.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Stop doing it. There's a subset of Johns. Yeah. The subset of Johns is it's not my fault because of this, right? Yeah. Right. But the subset of that clears that is when you say it's not my fault because of this. And this is also your fault.
Starting point is 00:12:17 That's actually just explaining that you're a massive failure. But moving too far into the future versions of a thing and then going back and going, ah, happens to me when I play very evil games. It's rough. Like go back to RE2 and RE1 that don't have a quick turn. Fuck me. You took the words right out of my mouth pad about RE2. I tried playing RE2 after playing RE4.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Oh my God. Oh my God. Very similar. Those games are just completely incomplete without rail gun mechanics. Yeah. Use those demons the hard way. Right. Oh, that's the one.
Starting point is 00:12:49 No. It's the fusion. It's the fusion calculator and for my and my and my and all that shit. It's like, no, no, I'm never going back. Never. Never. I'm never going back to redoing the fusion like the selection in order to get different skills.
Starting point is 00:13:05 One, two, three, one, two, five, one, two, six. Right. We're talking SMT in general. Okay. We should have played an hour of Street Fighter 5 and then like two hours of Street Fighter 1 and see how that would go. Oh yeah. You know, that might make a good fisticuffs someday.
Starting point is 00:13:22 I think we did that. And I think Max also did that. Yeah, I kind of did. But he went, he went from the start. It ends with me blank a balling out my own window. I would love to see that. Straight into the dumpster below. That's strong.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Oh man. Anything else going on? No, I think I've taken quite enough time. I'm interested to hear about everybody else's week. How are the four of you doing? Terrible. Well, I think we can start with some common ground. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:53 The common ground is dead. Dead. Oh, pool. Oh, what? Did everyone see Deadpool in here except the German spy? I saw the Deadpool. Yeah, we all went and saw it. It was one of the best Dirty Harry movies in the entire series.
Starting point is 00:14:08 I agree. Very strong. I totally agree. Clint Eastwood in the Deadpool. I went in expecting this to be Fox's answer to Ant-Man where you get half hero, half comedy. That was a good expectation. And it turned out to be like 75, 25 comedy action, which is perfect.
Starting point is 00:14:26 Yep. Hey, that's a good movie. I really liked that movie a lot. Deadpool is great. I enjoyed it. Here is my fear. I'm like, oh man, I bet all this humor is actually going to fall really flat. It's literally going to be just dick jokes.
Starting point is 00:14:39 And there were, there certainly were a lot. There are plenty. There are a lot of really killer jokes and there are a lot of really bad jokes in there. Really? I didn't find it. I thought there was a lot that just completely fell flat. I felt like 95% were just killers. So are the bad ones not intentional though?
Starting point is 00:14:55 Very accurate to Deadpool. Yeah, I guess. I was going to say, it's a movie about Deadpool. Are the bad jokes not part of the scripts? Sometimes they are. Yeah. No, for sure. Those jokes that make fun of the budget of the movie.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Which are the strongest in the film. Self-referential meta. Yeah. I was telling Willie and Pat, I went to go see it. I got to see it a few days early because I won some tickets or whatever. But we went to go see it and the entire theater was silent for the first whatever minute. Because nothing really funny happened except something hilarious happened. And the only person that gave a shit or recognized it was me at the time.
Starting point is 00:15:33 It was the name tag, right? The name tag in the starting scene. Rob Lai fell on the coffee cup. It just says Rob, not even. Rob L. And that's enough. And I start gaffing and barking and laughter going right out to gay. Right out to, oh, I'm so good.
Starting point is 00:15:51 And just like two people like stared at me. I'm like, shut up, it's funny, Rob Lai. Me and Willie had two of those. There were two jokes. It was the professor gag. And it was something else. It was clear that only our group got it. No one else in the theater got it.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Only Willie and I were unable to get it. We don't want to spoil. I mean, it's a joke. You can't spoil a joke. You totally can. We'll just don't say the punchline. Yeah. Because I love the Liam Neeson jokes.
Starting point is 00:16:20 And that doesn't spoil any radical. But no, we had some hard laughs. And me and Willie are losing it like loud in the theater. And they're echoing and it's like no one else. And the other guy, they're like cracking up. And it's like a bad theater group can totally destroy your fucking movie experience. It can.
Starting point is 00:16:41 And ruin it. It can negatively affect it. No, but Ryan Reynolds nailed the tone down. Built for this. Yeah, he was so good in that part. He's been trying to make it. Also for 11 years. He's like, the girl that he's with in that movie
Starting point is 00:16:54 is pretty attractive. Get out of my way. I want to see Ryan Reynolds perfect, perfect everything. Shizzled everything. Well, not later. It's not perfect later. Those sad puppy eyes. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Holy shit. And then in the midway point of his like, you know, origin story where he's like at his lowest. I'm like, whoa, he looks really ragged and bad. And I usually, honestly, like I usually kind of like, a lot of the time just dumb physical humor. I'll just go like whatever in many cases. But in this.
Starting point is 00:17:24 There are some. Oh my God. The bit that I can only describe as the co-op bit. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. That was quite funny. Oh man.
Starting point is 00:17:34 Yeah. Solid. Not really a joke, but we need to, you know, let's not overuse it, but something I feel is really strong. Again, no one in the audience that I was with laughed. Okay. But I was just like, oh my God, that's so good. Is that if me and wooly or Pat or whoever is waiting for a bus
Starting point is 00:17:51 and we see a mysterious man, I want to tell wooly to go, why don't you talk to that guy? Advance the plot. Yeah. You might advance the plot. Did you guys stay in the theater? Yeah, of course. Yes.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Okay. Good. Well, isn't that one of the rewards of going to see a movie in a cinema though? Absolutely. Because being the only one in the theater to get a joke in the movie is simultaneously the worst and the best feeling, isn't it? It is. In some cases, it is.
Starting point is 00:18:17 Because you feel special. And it feels like that one was for me. Yeah. Exactly. When you're covering, you can see people turning their heads to be like, what the fuck? I was like, you're not as big of a nerd as me. One of the things I saw was kind of interesting is that early reviewers of the movie were
Starting point is 00:18:35 pissed because the early prints of the movie that all reviewers got to see did not have the secret scene towards the end. Didn't have the end in it. And I saw some reviewers going, what the fuck? What do you mean, the end of Stinger? The ending post credits. The ending post credits. Stinger?
Starting point is 00:18:49 They're just mad. They're like, I have to go see the movie again. Yeah, it's your job. Yes. Yeah. What a horrible... Eh. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Yeah. I lost out on my $50 commission to And we've already confirmed that there's some super, super ridiculous rated R cut scenes that didn't make it, that are coming to the DVD. Oh yeah, really? I didn't know that. The scene where he loses his mind, in particular, that's not in the film. Oh, that did seem weirdly stunted and short when that happened.
Starting point is 00:19:24 It's actually not the part you're thinking. Was it animated? There's a moment where they're just listing off places and they're listing off Russia, whatever, and then they list off Mexico. And then there's supposed to be a scene where they travel to Mexico and Deadpool just does some awful things. Deadpool things. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:42 But yeah, that's one of the cool things. Anyway, absolutely fantastic. Probably the best in the Fox lineup. I'd agree. I liked... Days of Future Past? No, First Class. First Class.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Yeah. But it was strong. I put it second. I like this more than First Class, but it's definitely... First Class is definitely second place. It's exactly what it needed to be. I like Days of Future Past a bit more than this overall. But I mean, this is a strong second.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Plus, okay, I want to talk about this really, really quickly is that I was talking to Brennan on Twitter about this and he was like, oh man, it's really cool that Fox has the balls. I'm like, no, Fox had absolutely no faith in this project. And when the filmmakers were like, we want to make it R-rated, that's the only way this movie will work. They were like, well, guess what? You get no budget at all. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Go do something. And then Fox, you know, like whatever, they get to make another movie. Ryan Reynolds gets to have a successful notch under his belt because I saw that. Like there's this article saying Ryan Reynolds, not much of a draw anymore. How about that RPD? How about that Green Lantern, these huge box office bombs? R-I-P-D, you mean? R-I-P-D.
Starting point is 00:20:51 Whatever. I don't remember the name of it. It's the rest in peace department. Right. That movie wasn't very good. And then they get rewarded with $135 million. Just absolutely. That's Captain America, Iron Man, Batman level.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Absolutely. On no budget? On no budget. It cost them $50 million, which is ludicrously low for a superhero movie. Right, right. Yeah, so they made it work. That's less than Scott Pilgrim. The CG that they had, they used sparingly.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Great example. And, you know, they knew they wanted to go in. There was a lot of CG in that movie. There was actually when I looked at it. There was not. Like 70 plus percent of scenes had like... Not as much as you think, dude. Like go and read about it.
Starting point is 00:21:29 His face was CG'd in every scene. His suit is not CG. His eyes? Yeah, but his face is. But his face is not the body. His face is CG'd all the time. Yeah. But he's wearing a mask.
Starting point is 00:21:38 Wait, wait, wait. Hold on. Are you saying how much CG was it? Like if a frame had CG in it, you count that as a CG frame? Yeah, absolutely. Because Willie and I are talking about amount of frame space covered by CG. You mean like set pieces and stuff? The whole background is a big digital thing.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Yeah, okay. No, no. Absolutely not. We're talking like a total pixels of the movie or CG. Sure, sure, sure. Yeah. Okay. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:22:04 I'm not trying to antagonize you. It's a point that they like actually put out there. They're like no CG because that shit's stupid. Except for the face. Except in the credits, the started credits were credits guy as a CG monster. Yeah, that's right. Which I assume was Colossus. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Because Colossus I assume was all CG. I mean Zangief. Yeah, Zangief. I thought it was quite good and I really hope in a sequel like the only two things I didn't like about it were the sets weren't interesting ever. I thought even the Helicarrier at the end, I thought none of the sets were interesting. Yeah, they're all kind of gray. You're right.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Like I don't really remember any of them and the character development was really poor for every character other than Deadpool. Yeah, that's about right. And Deadpool was great. That doesn't bother me at all. I don't care about that. Well, I wanted Colossus to be better. No, I want him to be exactly as two dimensional as he was.
Starting point is 00:22:56 I think that's about as interesting as Colossus could be though. His first scene establishes him really well because that's what Colossus. No, just I wanted him to be like a better character in it. You know what I mean? Like I thought he was going to play a bigger role. They also salvaged Negasonic Teenage Warhead. Yeah, totally. Is she a real character?
Starting point is 00:23:12 That's a real character. She's a real character that was way more worthless. Is she named after an album or something? Yeah, an album but it is a comic book character that's way more worthless. Right. Okay. There's a problem with the main villain I think where the main villain was established pretty early like well this guy's pretty evil and that's good.
Starting point is 00:23:26 I like knowing that how evil he is but at the end of the day he's generic. He's boring. They call that out and they call it out. Yeah. No, I think the villain was pretty bad. That's fine if you call it out but then actually make him interesting. And but whatever like Deadpool not quite known for his rogues gallery of villains that's more of a bad thing.
Starting point is 00:23:49 And I'm glad there was no the world is in danger. Oh yeah, absolutely. Well, no. Of course. That's not what I wanted. My face. Yeah. Please fix my problem.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Yeah. Yeah. I know. I have a problem. Yeah. Fix it please. This is one of those things where I'm like man I can't wait for a sequel now. Totally.
Starting point is 00:24:07 Absolutely. Yeah. I think a sequel can fix like all the problems. Well if cable's in it that automatically fixes it. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:24:16 You saw that actor that's came. You saw the. Stephen Lang is pushing. He's pushing. A lot of people are pushing. Pumping iron in the fucking gym. I hope they would actually do that. I think they would actually have cable.
Starting point is 00:24:26 Oh hey. Oh damn it. What else did you do? Oh I had a segue. A segue then. Okay. Hey. It's too late.
Starting point is 00:24:34 It's too late. Let's go back to Liam. Back to Liam. Okay well. All right Matt what'd you do? Okay cool. It's the same segue. You ruined it.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Because it's like man that was a really good movie that you guys wanted to talk about. That's not bad. That's not bad. You know what's not a fucking good movie? Well. It's yeah. It might not be a good movie. Oh it works better with mine.
Starting point is 00:24:55 How do you spell that? Well. I'm not sure if it's a bad movie. Okay. It might be a good movie. It might be. I don't know. But really really quickly because I guess people are still confused.
Starting point is 00:25:07 Crime happened last week. Oh yeah. That I was on the podcast. That's a terrible movie. I got one of my cards stolen from me and then I was like do do do. I'm at the bank just doing do do do things. Yeah. And then my bank guy's like did you spend $5,000 like $5,223 the other day.
Starting point is 00:25:28 I don't believe so. And he's like well someone did on your account and I was like how is $5,000. I can't even take out that amount of money in a day. Did you were you walking home and was Thrasher sitting on a car whistling? Were you sitting on my car whistling? But yeah. I had to fix that problem and luckily. Is that fixed now?
Starting point is 00:25:49 Yeah. I haven't gone because they're still trying to figure out how someone was able to get that amount because there should be a block after $1,000. Yeah. So I have like you know whatever bank coverage protection. So I should get it back. There's one time long ago where that happened to me or something similar happened to me and when I went to go see what it was used on it was just put in towards Minecraft subscription.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Shut up. Really? Straight up. It's points for like that soccer game on 360. Russian Minecraft subscription. Yeah. God welcome to 2016. Right?
Starting point is 00:26:22 Yeah. But that happened just before I was like about to leave the bank to come here for the podcast and I was like yeah let me I should fix this. In terms of a bad movie, Pat and I both saw a cop style movie. That's correct. That involves police cops. But we both saw different ones. Different ones.
Starting point is 00:26:40 And I sat down and watched Samurai Cop. Mad Bull? Oh. Not Mad Bull. I sat down and watched Samurai Cop too because we do want to maybe sort of do a Let's Watch. But I don't know. You wanted to screen it? Now you're not sure.
Starting point is 00:26:55 I wanted to screen it. Dudes. There is the opening scene of it is holy shit. This is fucking nailing it. This is so good. This is so good. Oh my god. And then it goes into often its own tangent.
Starting point is 00:27:07 And the only thing I can describe it is it's kind of like David Lynch snuck up and started directing some parts of it. Okay. This makes me way more interested in it. But it's not good David Lynch. Oh no. I don't know. I'm still in there.
Starting point is 00:27:22 It is actually so much more confusing. Oh yeah. And it has more plot and meta narrative. No I'm into this. Maybe you are. Maybe. I was certainly entertained here and there. I laughed in places but it's not what I thought this was going to be at all.
Starting point is 00:27:40 Fear is that the deliberate schlock can't nail it because it's deliberate. Because it's not accidental. But the problem is that the deliberate shock in the first five minutes was really really good. And then it's like no no let's do a weirder thing here. And on the back of the box it describes this movie as the David Lynch of schlocky samurai 80s action movies. It's really confusing.
Starting point is 00:28:04 There's praise you won't hear anywhere else. Well you'll hear it on this podcast but maybe we should all get together and still watch if you guys are curious. I still kind of want to see it. I'm curious. Needs to occur. I'm very curious. But just strap yourselves in for I don't know.
Starting point is 00:28:20 For not really the first movie. No. So Matt quantify this if you don't mind. You said that it wasn't what you were expecting. Was it better or worse than what you were expecting. Because having seen the first samurai cop I kind of have some idea of what I would expect but it sounds like it's not what I would have expected either. That's what kind of what he said is that I don't think anyone can intentionally make
Starting point is 00:28:39 samurai cop. They try their hardest to make the best movie that they could and they're just idiots and they made that movie. But if you go I'm going to make a sequel to samurai cop. Why do people like samurai cop because it's really bad. But they didn't think they were making a bad movie. They're just cheap. So it's very hard to like it's easy to make a mess but it's hard to fake a mess.
Starting point is 00:29:02 Yeah. But yeah we'll sit down we'll do something with it. It's like when you're talking on the phone and you're pretending that your phone has no reception. Yeah. Instead of your phone actually losing reception. Yeah. It's really tough.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Woolly usually the room escape expert. I asked him Woolly you go to room escapes which is the one you always go to and you say. A maze. A maze here in Montreal which is actually not all that far from here right. That's correct. So a friend of mine has a birthday and she's like hey I really want to go to room escape. Where is a good one in Montreal.
Starting point is 00:29:34 You say. I go woolly says a maze and she goes wow this place looks great. Cool. A Facebook party invite is then set up and it says 6 p.m. at a maze at no it just says I just see 6 p.m. and I go cool. On Saturday. So moon presence and a blood star show up. We show up at a maze and I just see this gigantic gyrating floating dick at a maze.
Starting point is 00:30:02 And I go oh that's why will he's always showing up. I see this giant floating dick there and I go okay. Escape. No. No. I go you know what. I'm down with this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:17 I'll escape from that if I have to. This is a party. Giant floating dick joins the hunt. And I'm waiting around there and I go all right where are they. And I call them up and I go hey where are you guys are you near the dick. They go what no we're at find a key and I go where what we're at find a key on like Elmhurst. I'm like you're not a penis zone.
Starting point is 00:30:43 She's like what I wish is this Matt. The Facebook invite was super super long tons of details and she chose at the last second another room escape called find a key. Yeah. That's closer to my place than this place was well you're fucked now so I'll just take the dick home to take a take a take a Uber all the way there got there really really quickly were able to start it up and yeah did find a game of room escape did did did find a key and find a key like I'm sure a maze has a bunch of scenarios by your own stupid
Starting point is 00:31:19 joke. I was. And we did like a haunted pirate thing so it was like move pulleys get keys find out how to open the door get inside there there's a pirate that made an elaborate trap that is so let it use the math get to sacrifice I did not exist no actually there was you have to you have to put fake rum in a container level out a thing to get into a padlock sounds like George Trevor built it there's more elaborate than resident it was for God's sake it was actually more akin to getting out of real life resident evil was there a laser hallway
Starting point is 00:31:54 no there was not did it cut up your balls so we get to the last room we don't really shit we all heard your podcast story about the laser hallway yeah that's true find a key you don't have to bring it up we all know it was fucking awesome well he said resident evil it's true oh shit you're super right we get to the last room and we don't quite finish it before time runs out and the guy comes in he's like so do you want to know how to complete the rest of it and they go yeah okay and then there's this fake plastic axe that was lying in the center of the room and it was presented there and he's like okay so then you do this and then you take this puzzle and you flip it over and you get the
Starting point is 00:32:30 code like that I'm like okay what's the axe for and he goes that's nothing okay does nothing I go oh okay and he's alright so then you take this over to the this fake skeleton and the skeleton's wearing a key on the necklace it's hard to see but you take that and go over there and I go yeah what's the axe for again and he's like it's it's nothing it's you throw it away there and I go fair enough and then we're all in the lobby and everyone's like oh that was really good in that part and I was like yeah I wonder what the axe did I had fun I'll go I'll go there's an illusionist room you've committed to your gimmick and I can appreciate that it's called the prestige room of course it is that's awesome I want
Starting point is 00:33:17 to do that one anyway that's not him that's his brother really really quickly I also beat fire watch I enjoyed it I can understand why some people might not like the ending do you finally know what it is yes what is it it is a video game you can buy okay well I think I'm gonna pick it up now Matt thanks for that really I know right because it's really hard to like actually yeah I don't want you to say anything either cuz I have it on my ps4 is it a walking around adventure game a little more than just walking okay yeah that's all I needed that's I started it and I'm on day three yeah yeah it's I mean I basically I played through all the bits that we saw in the trailers and I saw everything they teased and it's it's you know
Starting point is 00:34:10 it's it's not as funny all the time as I thought it was going to be it's done it's doing some interesting things but I kind of was yawning and was getting kind of tired it was also late but it was a bit boring yeah so I'm waiting for that wait did you play the witness or fire watch fire watch okay cuz it sounded like the former I haven't played it yet but the one thing I can say is I know day three numerically is nowhere so yeah I played an hour of the witness and I was young okay I'm never going to where's this off court slam on the witness I'm never gonna play that Matt jumps in the air and tries to slam this 10 on 10 puzzle game in his hand just goes right through no he backed like supported by bunny hop for the assist
Starting point is 00:34:57 and bunny hop has no taste the witness did nothing wrong again it's not for me if you like puzzles yeah sure it's great no for sure I I agree that I think it's not for a lot of people there you go I think a lot of people would hate it play Resident Evil or Onimusha that's correct there's puzzles in Onimusha there there are very limited puzzles in Onimusha okay solve this group of enemies well it's the sliding tile puzzles in Onimusha pretty much every puzzle yeah so it's in Onimusha one you get the upgrades out of those I hated it overall though for like fire watch though I was saying like there's it's going for a specific thing and it's going for 80s movie like Stand By Me or something okay it's like of that sort of thing where like they're going specifically for that tone
Starting point is 00:35:44 and like I like Stand By Me and like movies of that nature so like I I like I really enjoyed it I'll probably play through it again just and do the exact opposite of what I did last time because you you can kind of be a dick but not really do you foresee there being a lot of variability I'm not sure yet that's why I want to like someone else plays it or whatever I'll look at some other stuff and I spend a little bit of time on the Hitman beta and not much to say about that other than what is that hold on I was going to ask you the first chunk of the game bucket or cariburos sorry bucket or cariburos oh never mind for fire watch yeah bucket or caribos never never mean Cerberus the dumb Japanese pronunciation it's fine forget it's the actual for what the actual
Starting point is 00:36:29 legit Latin pronunciation whatever bucket or mayhem for the name of your dog yeah I didn't get Ceribos it's bucket or mayhem whatever like I was anyway but that's why you can see why I was confused it's all right I can also see how Matt was confused when Willie was just completely manufacturing half of the state the way they describe that that whole thing is anyway whatever apparently the apparently like buckets the actual answer oh there's an actual answer well I don't know but people were like oh that didn't happen because I took bucket okay anyway um and yeah I played the Hitman beta and like Liam said it's like the first chunk of the game and it seemed good I liked it a bit better than absolution that being said it doesn't look any better than absolution it was weird
Starting point is 00:37:16 absolutions like quite the look it was very much the looker when it came out and and when I'm playing this I'm like I made it because I streamed a little bit and I said you know this doesn't look all that like it looks good but I mean this doesn't look like a ps4 it's only a beta it's only a beta that's right okay um yeah and that's that's I did a lot but I mean I missed a week so there you go Liam I'm really sorry that I stole your shit for a segue that didn't work out that well that's okay what were you up to man hold on a minute shut up uh uh adds this is awkward why is that because I feel an absence in my life without a lucrate in my life yeah no it's it's it's tough to get to this part of the show and you look down you're like man I'm actually pretty excited to
Starting point is 00:38:02 to do this read because we're gonna pop open that lucrate we're gonna to explore its contents and have a magical oh there's nothing here in the fuck here because there's only so many of those reads you can do that have a real like new crate because it's only once a month there's only the sounds of Liam and Matt walking away in the background yeah there's a bit of a time jump going on don't worry about that but don't worry it's not important what you do need to worry about is getting your lucrate in your lap from your door so you don't have to feel the feeling of existential on me that we're feeling right now right like right like if there was an empty empty box with nothing in it and that was your soul that that would be really sad but we don't have
Starting point is 00:38:46 that feeling we have no box but when you do get a box which you could you get all kinds of good stuff you get four to eight items of pop culture and geek paraphernalia a month you want to try that word again paraphernalia yeah is that how it's supposed to wait no that's correct no wait that that's right right yeah I pop up the coffee no no you nailed it yeah okay paraphernalia yeah yeah um that just means stuff it's like a poplar yeah paraphernalia uh so what you want to do is you make me think I didn't nail it I did I nail I thought I nailed it what you want to do is uh you want to you want to get in on this right and uh I believe I believe the coming months theme is dead is dead so we got we got Deadpool exclusives coming in we got walking dead exclusives coming in we got all
Starting point is 00:39:42 kinds of good dead stuff and you can get in on that at slash super you enter the promo code super you save three bucks on your new subscription to get your dead box and surprisingly somehow this box of dead things will bring you life okay well I'm not that's a bit of a hard to sell that's a bit of that's that's that's a hard that's a that's a I'm really going for it at that point that's a bit much but but it well no the the theme of the box is dead just like my respect for Matt and Liam as they tried to botch our ad I noticed that I noticed all that they did uh but we're not gonna let them know because we're gonna get our dead box and we're gonna be super happy fill that void get on in slash super promo code super thanks lucrate thank you lucrate
Starting point is 00:40:33 hey pat yeah what up willy do you love books but you never have titles well audible has the perfect solution for you oh that sounds great I'm sorry did you have an answer I had I like I maybe I but but fuck that let's move on it doesn't even matter what the important thing is that whatever I was going to say audible audible has a perfect solution for me covered covered me there's no time for books nope no time to find out what your problems are no here's a solution damn yeah yeah yeah best friend slash best friends yes you show your support for the friendcast uh and check it out and you get in on a 30 day trial membership where you can get access
Starting point is 00:41:26 to over how many like over like 10 books like maybe 20 over like 20 books I think closer to over 500 mp3 players 100 I'm reading the wrong I'm reading the wrong thing thousand yeah okay from audiobook publishers all over the world it's crazy that's a man audiobook publishers broadcasters entertainers magazine and newspapers that's tons of stuff everybody that's crazy all right plus you get that great listen guarantee which means if you don't like what you're listening to fuck it send it back send it back get another oh like press a button that's it you don't like that's it because it's it's data it's amazing it's over the air man you got that whisper sync tech which lets you take it from one device to another uh or it's no fuss no muss and you feel good because you didn't murder a
Starting point is 00:42:15 tree you're just burning coal and coal doesn't have no feelings nothing nothing fuck coal fuck coal over do for us it did a lot actually it did like a lot not anywhere near like the whole industrial revolution not anywhere near as much as slash best friends I bet there's an audiobook listening to about the industrial revolution and the use of coal go look that up take a listen get back to us telling you you'll probably like it you'll probably stick around but even if you don't if you are angry about what you learned about coal you can just use that guarantee that's slash best friends yeah okay go ahead okay that was my favorite roll in ever it's amazing I didn't do too much
Starting point is 00:43:02 of significance I'm like a bit more than halfway through Digimon that game's that game's really good yep the only thing about it is there's these side quests you can get you can prompt this one character to basically give you side quests by doing a certain thing and those side quests are like semi-randomly generated I believe and 90 I want to say 90% of them are just not they're nothing don't even it's not even worth your time do the amount you need for the trophy if you want it and stop and don't even bother and then she gives you 30 other side quests that are actually like individually designed things that are solid but after you've done a few just start fucking skipping those things they're not worth your time is Bancho Leomon in your party no not right now
Starting point is 00:43:47 you should probably reset your safe file he's in the bank I mean like Bancho Leomon's really cool uh but yeah the game's game's really good like it's just really good you're gonna play it woolly you're not gonna play it it's fine I asked him for you about this game is this this Digimon game I've been told that it's similar to the SMT games it is like astoundingly similar to the newer SMT games in some ways it's as close as you can get I suppose yeah it is incredibly inspired by p3 and p4 well really Digimon's always had well Digimon's always had like evolutions and and that kind of totally absolutely and the Digimon movie which has this kind of style predates p3 by a huge amount of time you're totally right but I'm like referring
Starting point is 00:44:34 to stuff as like right as like similar as like the the color palette and stuff like that the Digimon movie predates that by a huge the other thing is that it looks exactly like um uh double survivor two it because it's still it's still pretty it is the same art it is the same and there is a character that looks like exactly the same between both games it's super nuts no definitely yeah for the for character designs it was the same designer and so they do have some like shockingly it's the guy that's blue and white yeah exactly holy shit that's a very similar design yeah um but it's it's really good yeah uh and if you if you like I guess SMT style games you I would think you would there's a very similar wheelhouse thing going on here man okay I saw some crazy
Starting point is 00:45:17 shit where someone sent me a link to a character named Massaru apparently that shows up in later Digimon seasons that just jumps and punches the Digimon that he's fighting and then he digivolves and he just punches them himself as a human against them and doesn't give a fuck and it's like yeah okay I'm pretty sure he punches his Digimon to make him digivolve that one time okay it's like you know what you know what ash would do a lot better with in the pokemon universe he fucking punched me well that's just like hey you're you're squirtles really strong I pull out a gun and you fall you bitch you're seeing clips from movies and shit where he's like jumping at like skyscraper sized evolutions and just knocking them in the face and they're falling over with
Starting point is 00:45:58 disregard for safety yeah no he's cool guy souls would be really easy if you just pulled out a gun yeah uh what born right but have you seen helikite drake's recent mod for dark no I haven't what does it do go check it out it's it's a twin pistols oh wow nice oh helikites fucking crazy that's good he's a good kid I saw dead pool aren't you like 14 me yeah yeah you you have such a youthful voice oh no I'll be 31 in May oh god i'm gonna fucking die aging so much faster than everyone else I saw Deadpool of course I liked it quite a bit it's pretty pretty darn good I saw also Zoolander 2 wow that I was quite keen to see because I I don't know I like I like the first movie how was uh Benedict salad faces it's eyebrows just not as good as the first one no
Starting point is 00:46:50 Zoolander number two yeah yeah exactly yeah exactly I love how they have that well the poster looks great is anyone shocked by Liam's breakdown yeah it's so I came out of the movie and I was like I like that all right it was definitely like there were glaring issues with it there's way too many celebrity cameos for no reason uh-huh and for whatever reason decided hey let's just let's just immediately watch the first Zoolander right now let's just do it so we watched about half of the second Zoolander because it was getting fucking late and the quality drop is just so it's so visible and I was actually kind of surprised because there was way more needless cameos than I remembered in the first Zoolander oh yeah they were all over the place sounds like
Starting point is 00:47:33 it's been a while yeah no you should go watch it again still still holds up because the problem with Zoolander is like everyone also hated it at first when it came out and then like it was only a few years yeah but Frank but Frank stillers in that movie so that's like that movie say okay by me yeah and everyone like thought it was hilarious after it took a minute for sure but like the writing quality did take a dip for the most part it just feels like a weaker version and when it hits its stride and it gets into the Zoolander-ness it feels just as good as the first one so it's an Anchorman 2 yeah no I I like Anchorman 2 I think Anchorman 2 was better relative though I was about to say it reminded me a bit of the start of Deadpool where I said immediately there
Starting point is 00:48:11 was a joke and I remember me and Woolly saw Anchorman 2 and I remember how broken Woolly got with the first joke in the first eight seconds which of course is the exposed breast made the baby uncomfortable and Woolly just couldn't like he's like oh my god I just sat down stop stop yeah stop I'm not ready I feel like I feel like it's a shame that Hot Rod never hit the same stride oh I love Hot Rod so much you can never make this equal to hot babe babe babe no babe no babe wait babe babe so you look pretty Denise wait what did you say I said you look shitty bye Denise it never hit that that like sleeper hit stride that yeah it's not even a cult classic not even yeah we like it yeah that's about it yeah but yeah so so when it does really hit its stride
Starting point is 00:49:01 it feels just as good key for Sutherland plays an amazing role as himself does he steal someone else's famous role no he plays himself and he's a love interest and he's great sounds good it's really really and he just plays Jack Bauer great basically perfect um the only thing that I think it did without a doubt better was the costumes like Zoolander for a movie about fashion doesn't have the best costumes the first one okay Zoolander 2's costumes and and just general art environments everything fucking stellar like I don't want to know yeah definitely why that's all you got to was not canon for real I was so excited when I saw him like that yeah but then no but then the reveal yeah no it's uh if you like the first one I'd say go see it because it like again when it
Starting point is 00:49:48 gets into it it feels really good but it's just not as good overall it tries doing the orange mocha frappuccino joke again again so so the best bit about it is it the joke doesn't work of course no and they do a thing to kind of make it work but they don't they don't do it all the way they pull their punch so yeah but yeah uh honestly I didn't really do too much else that I can remember I think I was sleep I think I was unconscious I was rendered unconscious so yeah did someone hit you easy money anyway uh so Pat I guess so in terms of video games I haven't really played anything of note anything new I play I've been diving more in XCOM that game remains the shit it's super tough it's like intimidatingly tough and scares me away but it's really good
Starting point is 00:50:34 um as what's your cop as for films about cops so I need to preface this like with a relatively lengthy preface I and I assume most of you guys are from moderate to very large fans of red ladder media yes they're good I absolutely adore wheel of the worst and best of the worst yep the half of the bag series is okay sometimes yeah it's kind of happen it's kind of happen the bag the bag it's kind and everybody knows about the fucking legendary plinket reviews of those star wars movies and the baby's day out and titanic and avatar those are the best ones star trek movies and indian jones uh I really like mike stokasa and jay and and and wizard and and and rich evans and they made space cop yeah okay and space cop so they directed and wrote this
Starting point is 00:51:26 movie they directed wrote and starred and started so this would be the perfect movie so whereas we could in some ways be called experts of some of the trash we've gone through to the wheel of the worst and best of the worst series you could you could say that on the internet red ladder media are like the fucking at this side of mystery science theater experts of shit ass garbage movies like they were kind of responsible for samurai cop blowing up and stuff like that and they that's where I first saw deadly prey being mentioned uh they know everything about so bad it's good and how you at woolly said before you cannot fake shit can't be too on the nose you can't be too on the nose deliberate man so they made fucking space cop and tried to fake shit
Starting point is 00:52:12 space cop maybe it is up there with the fucking worst movies I have ever fucking seen my life I fell asleep watching me wow I was watching it with my girlfriend and a friend of mine and we were all talking and I fell the fuck asleep wow for two entire scenes and woke up and was at and asked what happened is like nothing it drags so it's unentertained it is the it is so fucking boring rich evans I love you man but you are not good at an actor with those space cop lines because you just space up is the worst I can't believe you got Patton Oswald to be in this fucking movie oh huh um it's wow the only thing of value is that it's called space cop is that Mike Stilklasa plays a old timey detective from like the 30s that got frozen and he's out now
Starting point is 00:53:18 and that's what it is and space cops from the future and so they're gonna team up and it's old cop from the past space cop from the future and space cop is doing a terrible like David Hader impression whereas Mike Stilklasa is doing the oh no what do we do I'm like that fucking voice that he does all the time okay and there are there are three or four bits where he is like either like like like so racist or sexist that it knocks you out of your he's from the 30s yeah out of your viewing experience like like like sounds great like you're starting to fall asleep and you're just bolted with just hard Chinese racism drop let's hear one let's hear one I don't remember them because I was kind of that's a safe answer there's a there's a whole bit where like there's a chick
Starting point is 00:54:10 trying to fix like an engine and the whole time as well yeah women can't fix the kitchen like yeah and like two or three or four of those like hit like hit really hard that reminds me of that old like good year commercial yeah where they're saying like you want to get good year tires not just for safety but so your wife can be safe when she's driving and it shows someone driving and every and like the world's fine and then it shows like the wife driving yeah and it plays as upbeat music and like it's just flashing construction signs and panic panic panic she can't drive it's really bad every gag except for those like bits that Mike does every gag not only fails on it's like it like internal logic intended joke but also fails on it's bad humor bad movie like metagag also
Starting point is 00:55:03 let me like holy shit I have not been as disappointed in anything let me stop you right there and we'll talk about the elephant in the room yeah how were the angles uh they were there were some Dutch there were Dutch like they did very little actual interesting camera work oh interesting which is kind of blowing me away no battlefield earth like they do they do like like they do some of the worst CG shots I've ever fucking seen ever but even those are all exciting yeah well do they all make a cameo oh they're all in there oh um um jack and wizard aren't in there I don't think okay here's a thing on on samurai copy because you just reminded me there is it CG blood there is a scene with so much CG blood pouring out of a guy that it's it's it's what I wanted where they they must have known
Starting point is 00:55:52 how terrible and unrealistic it was because a person's given a monologue as blood's seeping out of them and it's fucking PlayStation one CG good gushing out good and then it stops and then I was like aw and then it starts again and I'm like yeah yeah yeah yeah and like that's the one like stand a moment where the CG got so bad that they knew as bad that they kept going that's what you want it like it like it hurt me like I was I was excited to see their take on this and I had not seen feeding frenzy and I was like no I saw a bit of that stick to critique yeah stick to criticizing it strikes me as like an exceedingly hard thing to do to make something bad on purpose and like taking that risk of we're gonna try to make something bad on purpose if you fuck that up
Starting point is 00:56:35 you end up with a zero and they know and they know like apparently feeding frenzy is like also like fucking god awful and in a recent video in half the bag like Jay was like how can you guys criticize bad movies you guys make bad movies like well yeah but that's besides like they know but I don't think like I don't know man it bum me out it bum me out how are the mega 64 movies they're not yeah they did I've got them on DVD yeah absolutely I didn't know that yeah I've they're okay so you know like those shorts like for Metal Gear Solid and stuff like that they're part of the plot where they get put into this machine and they have to with Dr. Poc right yeah with Dr. Poc exactly I can loan you the DVDs if you want they're not great
Starting point is 00:57:19 they're all right and I'm like a big fan of mega 64 or well I've kind of fallen out of it like a while ago but I used to be a huge huge fan and like I'd say we all are I like them as a fan but they're not great movies okay so I want to watch I want to know I can loan you them but yeah no that like yeah the fact that I fell asleep during a film me of all people like that says everything doesn't it I still have deadliest prey to watch I didn't watch that because deadly prey is fucking deadly plurist strong pet you have not or have watched all of deadly prey I have seen deadly okay it was at your house yeah okay yeah and Liam I don't think you have no never and deadliest prey is like I what can that is that the one where you practically had to fight
Starting point is 00:58:05 you had to fight the director like yes but then I just bought it off Amazon yeah we might need to go dial up Fred just to make it maximum maximum bad Quebec appreciation of bad our Quebec law French friend yeah there's also Manborg which I've always heard you can't work that's a good name though it sounds like a winner right there's a few years ago yeah there is one other thing that happened in my week and it happened right before we recorded this which is what is the street we place the street we play everybody um that's Willie Fappin that's my veins so that that could be a fat noise but it could also be like raise the the the the vein for the the crack at the back up to my van I can see him masturbating crack he's in yeah and he's shooting
Starting point is 00:58:59 the crack with the dick we're in it um the belt the belt is tied around my dick terrible street fighter five is really good oh yeah it's quite good oh yeah really good it's really version 0.9 version 1.01 1.01 you're gonna call it minus 0 yeah shall we take a minute to speak to this because we covered it a little bit before we started recording yeah we yeah totally yeah um there are no modes in that game they're like there is a dearth of content there is an online battle which uh the netcode should hold up but they haven't gone quite live with those those servers yet as of right now the netcode's great netcode was great in the beta last beta anyway so I feel confident uh there's a really shitty super fast story mode that takes five
Starting point is 00:59:48 minutes to beat for each character from what I saw they seem like they seem good though like in terms of like plot content for each character plot content sure but it's like one round fights against babies yeah one round fights and you get like four fights three or three or four yeah fang gets two on and both are against spicy what yeah spoilers why why is it like that why can't they because it's all going into the big story mode no but I mean why couldn't they had an arcade mode fights and space the cut scenes out like why not just money it's it's it's it takes more work to just I don't know in an extra fight it's a fake it can only draw so much no but take the same amount of cutscenes you have and just space like what's the difference no I'm I'm surprised it's not at
Starting point is 01:00:26 least like best two of three rounds or yeah totally or like you could even fucking scum it for time and make it best three of five you know like that is too much only like significant single player content of any kind in this is the survival mode which is still only 10 fights and there are still only one round to be fair though all those buffs you get in the survival mode are all really cool yeah they're cool yeah it's fun like that's it's like it's the best version of that s and k system I'm excited to help me system I'll break it down it's like it's like you get more v trigger get more health get between rounds you can spend on and then there's different point values like how much do you want to lower raise your score and the options change yeah fight I think blaze blue
Starting point is 01:01:08 still did it did it best but I'm glad they're doing that not just a vanilla survival like score so like the Street Fighter 5 that exists today and tomorrow and presumably until March is do you want to go on and fight dudes on the internet I local yeah then get this game because it's fucking sick if I had to like arbitrarily market I would say we're at version 0.8 yeah and at the end of March will it be it will be at 0.9 plus one character and in June will be at 1.0 plus three characters we are currently we're currently arcade vanilla yeah yeah we're going to be it's super about a month and then after that we're gonna hit ultra no we're gonna hit vanilla in about a month yeah so so if I really like the game just there isn't content if you are particularly bothered
Starting point is 01:01:59 by the incredible dearth of single-player content in Street Fighter 5 just wait one month and there will be more yeah and if that's not enough for you wait two more months after that already just coming out other than alex in March it's just it's the trial extra battles I didn't know that and and eight player lobbies which are well like suspiciously absent and also from this release and also challenges which which gives you stuff to do every day right now we like from the forecast like patience will solve all the issues oh absolutely with your money yeah it'll be worth your money just wait a couple months I think maybe it bears mentioning at this point as well and maybe it goes without saying I'm not experienced as you guys are with fighting games but don't
Starting point is 01:02:39 trust the reviews at the moment I was sent a review that originally was brought to everybody's attention I guess by Marcus earlier today via a tweet and the review lists this game as a seven out of ten and and pans it for dependency on being online I have it up in front of me now not enough content inconsistent online performance so yeah just reiterating wait a little while if there were a couple days the reviews one four came out and super for that matter we're all garbage is like we've talked about this if you could if you can only get a disc and you have no internet connection yeah it's a seven like yeah and and if you have no one in your life to play with no new characters and balance patches if you only had a disc it's that's an extremely flawed
Starting point is 01:03:25 product that'll be dated in a month yeah and and if and if there's no one in your life to play it like there's no little brother there's no older brother there's no sister there's no friend yeah then that will become a worse game over time real quick this game is very in particular five because of the content rollout it's like so dependent on a network connection yeah a network connection or a personal connection in your vicinity yeah it's a full commitment again to an online platform as opposed to an entry of the gate of the game I think like of what's there my only base complaint is that I guess maybe it was said at some point but I remember back when all the beta started up and I was like oh well that's okay that's fine they'll add more later is like how come you only have one
Starting point is 01:04:06 critical art that's just uh her character so that oftentimes we went from two yeah so so last and the last time as what sorry what do you mean we went from two uh the ultra select an ultra four yeah but it's it's a versions to get that it took versions no being a bit like so here's where that here's where that's at right and specifically lose this ever address oh no yes okay with oh no he always wants as few options to not complicate and scare new people away so he always wants it to be as much as possible pick the character and that's what you get because modes and grooves and expert features like that scare new people I'm sure we'll get him and he's in a year or two or three I'm sure season two will come with a new super for everybody because when we went through the
Starting point is 01:04:52 like commands you just go special moves and it says there's this gigantic space and it says critical arts and there's just like one move at the top what do you mean arts there's room for expansion yeah I've expanded fine but I'm like just like oh you have one super and you're going to see that one super so many for a while it's like Street Fighter until until super what there should have been for sir for sure was a different version of it when you pop your v trigger for everything that would be cool because right now because we you has it that's just like that's the only one bison no no and like Vega if you have a mask off is a bit different but that that doesn't even count yeah not even if it has the cloth so no so like that's what that should have been baked in for sure
Starting point is 01:05:35 but yeah a lot of that like no choice thing you take one is based on like we want it accessible pick the character that's what you get yeah it's hard to even put a number on a fighting game it is like like period I was thinking about the review process because it's player variable well and like how do you review a game that is like online dependent for the multiplayer pre-multiplayer being available how do you review a game where you know the content is going to change like drastically over four months the publisher has said this will be a platform for future welcome to the nightmare that is reviewing mmo's and review title fall offline no it's like a rising thunder yeah and it's a tough one to review and like and then at the end of the day when you sit down and if you just
Starting point is 01:06:20 had like Street Fighter 5 next to blaze blue uh whatever newest version the gameplay in both of them is impeccably good yes like your personal preference it's actually it's hard to even say which one is better than the other Street Fighter 5 because if you well but you know what I mean like because they're both impeccably good yeah I realize I can't help it as a reviewer the best you can do is like review your what you want out of it yeah and how you felt because yeah exactly it's gonna be different for everybody and not everyone is looking for what we think is worth it yeah you know Nash's genocide cutter is fucking sick it's unsafe it's I know DX version can be made safe but only with the fucking V trigger like I hope they'll add more of those stage interactions
Starting point is 01:07:05 and not tell anybody yeah just secret secretly totally I'm not sure if you guys have ever done it but like I remember for whatever reason like months after we did the Fisticuster MKX I was like is it and they added tons of stage brutalities that I didn't know about that being said that's that's that's uh Netherrealm soft they hide shit all the time and this is Capcom Capcom would put out a trailer showing off the new stage transitions and I when I saw the Metacritic score I was thinking to myself like this is the highest this could have possibly it's exactly what I thought it was yeah which was weird because I thought I was being too kind I thought you know my my hope was 83 84 yeah and my expectation was 75 yeah because but but in your head you know regardless when I play it
Starting point is 01:07:51 it's a 10 11 because it doesn't matter it's a fight like it doesn't even feel like it's mean we'll eat like it's just you play like three or four sets before you guys got here and I think that's the most fun of video games I've had in like a year I could like I could believe it like fucking yeah exactly like what the real weird problem is that will he said like you know they might be on our ono said like yeah we don't want to overload people with like too many systems I want to be overloaded because you want because they want casuals not to get overloaded but then again a casual start the game up and go oh there's nothing for me to do yeah which is so yeah well there's two that's why I'm saying I think this was the highest score it could have possibly gotten
Starting point is 01:08:31 because as much as like when I play it it's a 10 on 10 no question like in good conscience I can't recommend this game to everyone so you can only recommend it to people that are way into fighting yeah right now and then in June I can recommend it to people who want the street fighter plot because there's a legitimate couple hours of that in there hopefully so so here's well one hour plus the bengus stories which will be 19 at the time I think the immersion flow bengus tails bengus tails the immersion flow that that they're hoping for this time around is new casual player watches some awesome matches on twitch between because the game will exist for months on capcom pro yeah circuit right yeah see some cool shit like oh that looks cool yeah gets in plays that
Starting point is 01:09:16 training mode that you have to go through on the at the start up yeah it's okay I get the hang of it yeah um jumps into training mode a little bit and then starts playing online and basically starts from there does their ranking matches gets put in the baby league and basically starts out yeah with that as their main they want it to be an arcade machine in your home I think it'd be really cool if they could find a way to let you stream from in-game and use the game as like a viewer navigator of street fighter five streams you know what I mean no what you're streaming the game but you're in a stream no just so you can stream the game while in game and other people can view just so that street fake and from the menu they don't only have the option of replays but
Starting point is 01:10:03 live street fighter five streams oh you mean e-sports uh yeah well that's not really but anyway see the thing is though is that like that when you watch when you observe in game you're watching people's inputs and not like a video feed so like but that's but that's what I'm saying it'd be really cool if they could just get a stream system set up with twitch where you can watch live where you could watch street fighter five being streamed or whatever you know and then when they have like their their leagues and tournaments like you know what those can be properly shown off in the game as like hey click here to watch it I know what he's talking about because like the the MOBA is like Dota 2 in particular like people watch the Dota 2 like nationals and all that shit yeah in the client
Starting point is 01:10:43 yeah so street fighter instead of instead of on twitch or street fighter tv from from uh the lat from four yeah it's gonna come back for sure well I hope I hope it comes back bigger and way better with a front page for like this is the event well I think when a live event is happening they should be pushing that shit I think the fact that we've heard recordings that say yeah community effort or land oh yeah I heard that I bet there will be many events organized in the meta sure that online system that revolve around likes those tournaments yo you booted up the game at the right time good job getting on this weekend good job hey check out this type shit yeah do you want to try and re-enact this match with people that do it or whatever yeah all right yeah street
Starting point is 01:11:24 fighter 5 is dope uh 355 uh besides fire watch and dead pool I didn't have a week so just skip me okay uh we might as well just go right into the news uh so the news street fighter 5 has problems with ps3 sticks and slowdown yeah on only on ps4 that is to say yeah on pc it's it's fine well on pc you can't play ps3 sticks what can't you just there's no direct input support of any kind only x input but you can jimmy up ps3 controllers to x input you can jimmy it but there's no built-in support which is weird because ultra has it very weird and did they not make an announcement though that they were going to change that yes yes it will be coming in an update wait for version one it is it is you mean version 1.02 yeah but right now yeah and then for all of
Starting point is 01:12:10 the demos it only tell the tape for street fighter 5 wait for the update and it'll fix whatever the hill you don't like about it right now grab one of the sticks lying around your house I have multiple backup sticks for this exact contingency I'm safe uh speaking sticks uh we have word that the stick makers themselves might be in a little bit of trouble a little as uh perhaps kind the mojo was not the greatest use of their funds madcats cutting a third of their staff after rock band four so like man like yeah rock I remember sorry I was gonna say I remember when people called this super hard going man I sure hope rock band four sells a billion units because if they don't whoever's making all these all these oh it's madcats oh shit like honestly it was gonna be one or the other
Starting point is 01:12:59 this time the market just doesn't exist for two plastic instrument music games that's right guess what it was neither yeah funny enough I mean rock band four was received really well it was yeah but no one bought it the the hype's just not there anymore hell I've always gotten the sense that the market has barely existed for one of those kinds of games there was a flash period yeah it was a flash in the pan and that like you know me and woolly were like fucking bordering on brand ambassadors for mute for that style of rhythm game for a while yeah and I did because it was a fad I didn't even bat a fucking eyelash and either of these well I kind of get the sense that those are the sorts of things that only appeal to very specific audiences you guys have been to arcades in
Starting point is 01:13:40 Japan some of you yeah and you've seen the taiko drummer games they know they're dope people there's always somebody using one of those at Taito hey yeah but that's hyper mainstream yeah but you got over here to the west not so much I guess yeah well but Manny's has a place forever you know in in some arcade corners my appetite for party rock plastic it's gone this just in madcats makes designer rhythm sticks devil sticks they're bringing them back my cousin was super good at the devil sticks he'd do it while backflipping so apparently the CEO chairman and vice president of business affairs all resigned as well they all just pieced out like a week before this the CEO left like a day before the financial yeah which is I mean now we know the results but it's never because what happened was
Starting point is 01:14:29 it's like news article comes up it's like hey all the big wigs and madcats are just piecing out like a day before they do their fiscal quarter announcement I wonder how oh shit resign slash caught fleeing no cut to animate a gif of grandpa simpson taking his hat off getting the madcats off is putting you know what it is going through the door they rolled up all their hairs into meatball buns and then put the bread in their fucking mouth and just blitzed out the door yeah oh shit i'm gonna be late for anime school i'm gonna be too i'm gonna be late to go home and hide under the sheets yeah and it's a shame because like their products were i mean well they're not dead but their products are at their peak i think now in terms of quality that te2 over
Starting point is 01:15:10 there's a solid piece of kit yeah wouldn't have bought it if i knew about the backwards compatibility but well isn't that the problem right nobody wants rock doesn't even work properly nobody wants rock band nobody wants to buy new sticks yeah like they are they are between a rock and a hard place rock band and a hard place people are not wrong for for wanting to hold on to $250 no absolutely and like no like no android boxes are worth your time it's true i can tell you that oh i didn't mention it during my week i got a great deal on the uh razor forge tv i'm very excited so razor bot oh yeah and the forge tv is basically the second one i'm so excited uh so did you take that deal it did okay because i said you know what it can only go up from here well so how's the
Starting point is 01:15:57 product then so so so i guess i guess it's important to put the context here which is i don't resent my hundred dollar uya purchase because me and a friend had a couple really good evenings with some of the really solid games also the uya had a novelty value of oh this cool little yeah little box and there was good stuff like amazing frog total temple happens to have a tower fall before it was anywhere game as well before it was anywhere else yeah the worst controller for a hundred dollars we had a good time and we felt it was definitely worth our while and the fucking razor forge tv as the uya too just fucking it's worse oh yeah it's what the fuck happened yeah i figured yeah like you get it and there's a shitty i'm never buying another razor product by the way oh but their phones
Starting point is 01:16:45 oh but fuck that man so the razor puts this little note in the front that's about how are we like now you're a hardcore gamer and all your opponents are about to get hashtag wrecked because you bought all their elite gear and bullshit oh my dick is so hard and you plug in the forge tv which has a much better controller than the uya and the first fucking thing you see is here's some recommended videos from youtube and google play here's this totally not video game i don't get it front end at least the uya had the decency to just be a game box you know but you pop this thing in and you've got to open up their special what do they call it uh razors all about try hard names you got to open the cortex front end and when you're in when you're in the cortex zone that's that's the
Starting point is 01:17:33 uya front end basically and they took all the nice like orange and gray thing the uya had going on and they said nah man razors about the hardcore gamers black and green black and green black and green and they just ruined it that glow is kind of nice though i hate it will he's already ordering one because that's like shit man that's the edgiest hardware on earth it looks like what you think that the xbox would look like yeah kind of that green glow looks pretty cool will he says as he sows more leds into his clothing yeah 80 80 percent of the games that were on the uya are gone they just aren't there they're still there if you have an uya but they didn't transfer over because you had to do a bunch of paperwork to get them transferred and i guess a lot of people just didn't even bother
Starting point is 01:18:17 and and a lot of way too happy about this a lot of terrible games disappeared great but a lot of good games disappeared and yes there were good games like chest two which i know you might laugh but that was by david serlan that game is fucking fantastic and chest two is gone things about chest amongst many others uh is it the sequel to chest yeah yeah that is that what that name yeah it's the sequel to chest it's really good he made for those who don't know he made all of street fighter yeah and he made he made yomi and he made a bunch of other uh great great games he was like the regular chess has too many frame traps yeah and like the flip side of this device should be that you have access to the google play store that's correct uya said we're gonna do our own marketplace
Starting point is 01:18:56 and unfortunately just didn't go well for them yeah the google play store is curated in such a way that you can only see games that are like explicitly tagged as having controller support and guess what that is a fucking limited selection yeah because even a bunch of games on the google play store that do have controller support aren't tagged as such so there's stuff like max pain and grand theft auto that you just can't get at and even if you could get at them there's no good way to search you have to just search names and hope you find stuff there's no way to just browse all or browse all genre you just get hey here's this genre these 10 shitty games that aren't what you want this sounds like a fucking slam dunk they took the uya which was actually decent with bad hardware
Starting point is 01:19:38 it's it's like mediocre to decent with bad hardware you know what i'll leave that argument on the table this time no sure uh i mean it's only only if you have multiple players if you're solo you'll hate it uh street fighter five and come out you wouldn't be happy and then you'd want to argue this more they they made i'd leave it because he well of what he's about to say next that's why i'm leaving they put better hardware they removed all the software and now there's no reason to touch it now it's worse it's double the price it's doubled way more than double the shit double the price double the shit half the fun don't buy this machine great the razor forge tv is a piece of fucking shit wow and their controller their bluetooth controller that they ship with it the
Starting point is 01:20:19 expo pseudo xbox controller the pseudo xbox controller sure it's better than an uya controller it's still a piece of shit still looks terrible one of the worst e-pads i've ever used wow and uh did you you didn't i didn't suppose you got it like um the the little uh mini screen it comes with the little the thing that lets you put your phone on top of the controller kind of did you do that didn't even bother the controller sucks like it's a little if ever you pop the light yeah of course absolutely like you know we had they did try to do a cool thing say what you will about how it went down they did try to do a cool thing now that that's gone there's don't even like android boxes are fucking dead for games it reminds me of like ricer cars with lights underneath yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:21:00 what were those like like just like the fact that has the glow where the shadow would be oh yeah it just looks like old tricked out civics and shit basically yeah need for speed underground culture yeah juiced i mean it's it would be really cool if you were a teenager from 2003 i am i was well maybe it's perfect for you then that these guys seem like they really didn't understand the demographic they were trying to appeal to with this i i don't understand what what like i don't even understand what it was in the first place yeah because you know what hardcore gamers are like yeah bro xbox all day i'm gonna get a fucking shitty android box that plays like exactly the the for to me like the only person the uya is for is for the person like me who just wants to see everything yeah
Starting point is 01:21:48 and and like who are willing to stick their arms into the shit and come out with the like the 1% that's actually like surprisingly good i know what that shit felt like but like people like you represent a fairly small percentage of the overall gaming community exactly exactly and like i needed to feel the texture there's they they took this device and they just made it worse they made the hardware better i'll give them that but they doubled the price and that makes it awful because for a hundred dollars at least you weren't spending a lot yeah to get to get those like 10 or 15 like actually really good games that being said though like you touched on something that like i would pay for a console that actually really ran with the joke of having early aughts
Starting point is 01:22:32 edge like i want to console the time by drowning pool no for sure every time you start the fucking console it plays bodies i would want that too see that's the thing i would want that too but these guys think it's cool yeah rip it piece lead singer of drowning oh yeah the it comes pre-installed with warrior within you have to let you have to let like cracking war as groups design the front end unemployed madcats execs if you're listening to this this is an idea right now stuff to do mojo to i remember i remember talking to woolly about the mojo like when that was happening i guess now madcat and like what the fuck most of us know what is it was there it was their android so that uh theirs was 250 dollars wow you did and your brain for i remember we had a conversation
Starting point is 01:23:21 where the only answer was they have to talk to some fighting game company and get some exclusive software or there's like because they're madcats i guess it's just nothing nothing nothing like i i was talking about this on the uh oh yeah because i also i did the tov g podcast uh sure yeah um and we were talking about how it's like if you're not chromecast if you're not uh i guess your smart tv already has all the shit you'd want yeah one of those devices that have it does you're not going to make any money trying to be an android box that give up exactly get a chromecast for media and if you want android games in a box seriously the uya is the best choice because it's a hundred bucks release an android box called the give up yeah yeah and just
Starting point is 01:24:09 don't even sell it just show it on your website yeah and what it says buy now like it's just great i will only bring it to trade shows and have it sit next to the retron the retron five go ahead spy well i was just gonna say for that hundred dollars you could also go get a ps tv you know yeah and that's a better purchase and you could play real video games on that exactly no that that's a significantly better purchase but if you really need those android games liam i'm so happy that we have somebody on staff keeping up with the android home box market i'm done i'm i'm resigning in my resignation right now the war goes on without you lian i had to know where the uya 2 was going because it was it's the uya guys actually did the software side of this and everything they did
Starting point is 01:24:57 is completely gimped by all the stuff that razor did do you regret the truth you should probably i resent the truth's existence you should probably they should never have done this and ask them what happened and they'll probably answer they'll probably answer me by name man i can't wait wait to buy the devastator 720 damn that's a good box good concept the devastator 720 no scope let the profits hit the floor yeah man that's how indie we are dino rex the kids are dino rex is eating up profit the kids are into companies going bankrupt it's a brand new initiative what the fuck get out we're gonna get this get this we got 1200 games we're gonna get rid of 1100 no your your company's profits have to
Starting point is 01:25:55 go so low but what they do wait forge a hole in your profits i gotta tell you guys about the first glimmer of bad news that that happened as i was going through the process all right so once i found the cortex side of things and i got in there i know i i saw some of the good games on the top you know those read only memories and the odd world games and like there's good shit and i went into new and i noticed a bunch of shitty games with this watermark in the corner and the watermark was a game a week dot com and i just went okay okay a game a week dot com you guys have fun with this marketplace wow what did they do they got all of the failed projects from steam green light and just said yeah we'll take them give them over here maybe it's just bad it's just bad they bought
Starting point is 01:26:44 out silver it's it's just people like silver dollar who see an opportunity to make shite software in an afternoon less than an afternoon really and and ship it and it's easy to ship doing good space that's that's one thing the uya always did really well it's fucking easy to ship man and that's to their detriment someone i need you on this one hold me down here xbox 360 xbox 360 the the the theme store yeah the dudes that just ran that thing for the first three years you want to you want to get a glimmer of gamers gamers it's all themes on the playstation 4 you want to get a glimmer of that you will find out that because the playstation 4 theme part of its marketplace is only categorized alphabetically yes yeah you told that that you will see well how many kings
Starting point is 01:27:39 kings with a z it was something kings god mouth god god mouth king uh me and levi went through the ps4 theme store the other day from top to bottom we looked at everyone it's dude and dive in it's i've been man virtual burger s mobile that one indian guy whose name i can't remember you can't even call it trash and like one other player willie willie trash and why someone owned it in the console kings with that is that it yeah yeah console kings so that was it yeah they ran the ps3 and the vidas as well are just like crammed but the ps4 store is how many silver chrome skulls with spikes and fucking pot leaves in the background can you handle how many can that buy before anyone notices dude it's me i don't want to like it they're all bad i'm going to sell you a meme for
Starting point is 01:28:28 your dashboard that's the one that's shit's dank yeah don't make the mistake of spelling it with yeah woolly goes to console kings and he's like oh wait i forgot i was a part of this group i started it it was me it's just a big picture of woolly on the left and behind like drae i erased my memory so that i could discover it and shut it down xbox store 167 console kings packs packs every single console you guys you guys are the best console kings k k i remember that what was that big uh that was a big elaborate uh cg like pitch for that uh nintendo console that never existed like the vr thing of the fake uh headset yeah yeah like someone needs to do that but for the devastator 720 i want to see that so liam uh make people think it's real you need to
Starting point is 01:29:20 clear out your calendar for april 16th okay why is that you need to get on a plane and go to japan yeah i do yeah i know i know where it is because where am i going with this you're going to the near concert near music oh yeah and talk live event dude i would love i would love to go near's got a good soundtrack but like just take your hands put them on your schedule and wipe yeah exactly if it was anywhere that didn't cost me two plus thousand dollars i would go yeah without a doubt well live stream it's good enough you can watch it liam you started up the relatively successful vote beat a campaign correct yeah i did you should be able to start up hey please bring the near concert to me please yeah and by me i mean my house my house straight here's
Starting point is 01:30:08 my address good acoustics five six oh five one oh man that weird guy with the mask he's in my bathroom oh that'd be so good you can turn that's where i want him yeah the mask is the bathroom i'm sad i'm gonna miss it but i'll buy the cd again there's a lot of near cds like they're fucking good everyone sound tracks are good more than four okay more than four i know i'm missing one i remember the last time i went to that one store in our china town that has all the game soundtracks in our china town uh they had them when it was like brand new the near soundtrack it's really collectibles the upstairs store yeah the upstairs store exactly all those fakes every time you leave oh she's shit to you too i've uh woolly if you don't mind i've got an actual
Starting point is 01:30:50 news story that just just broke well we got a lot unless unless you've you've got something off the presses uh layoffs at activision they shut down their miniapolis office which is which is where they make stuff like rock band uh and other licensed games so wait so harmonics didn't make rock band pardon me guitar hero okay yeah that was uh slip of the tongue so whoever made rock band was them no never saw rock band was harmonics the spiteful decision to follow rock band back into the con into the rhythm game market with guitar hero is also causing like huge and yeah it's uh losses yeah and this is where they made a lot of their other licensed stuff too which in a sense is a good thing because licensed games have always been shit except for platinum's take on them which
Starting point is 01:31:39 have been good but i think at this point that's it who's left for licensed games i think it's just warner brothers with the lego games now i don't think like are there any other islanders activision licensed games oh sorry yeah confirms layoffs says casual audience has not yet emerged on next gen consoles yeah that's that's correct so what you're saying is that we haven't found the new gimmick yet no not yet hopefully vr i don't know poor guys i hope they all land on their feet whilst we got uh all right well we've got three four five came out sweet yeah it's true yeah very true uh broke all the world's records for cool fighting game we've got some some probably a huge financial we've got some pro it broke the records for coolness okay that's sorry well now you
Starting point is 01:32:27 you did go ahead no that was it all right i have literally nothing to add to this podcast uh we've got some promises for 2017 oh okay uh rumor mill churns that uh samurai showdown is coming back in 2017 i don't even want anyone i don't want to i i'm i'm scared because of the kof 14 i'm scared because the samurai showdown said now i believe this rumor um it came from and i believe there's two sources saying it i believe this rumor because again that that company that bought them wants to use their licenses yeah there is a thing where they said that officially um yeah but you know if we're going the route of sand or if we're going the route of 14 please don't like if 14 was out now and it could play it then i could say like i even want another samurai
Starting point is 01:33:18 showdown that's like even done in that style but it's not out yet so i don't know but like on the outset like i would think that samurai showdown characters will look even worse than king of fighters characters would in that art style slash the engine or whatever the only hope is that since samurai showdown is a way slower more deliberate game it's harder to fuck that up in three oh you're crazy i feel like it's harder to fuck that i i i'm i'd keen on it just because it's a real video game and i like not i'm not throwing shade here but i will support snk's real video games as long as the quality yes point because i want them to make real video games that makes that god i again not trying to throw shade i know you know i don't know it just it just comes down to like knowing
Starting point is 01:34:01 that they're capable it makes it makes me worried because there's only so many burning dumpster fire photos i can throw up on twitter we're running out we gotta make our own now and it's an easy thing to make yeah yeah and but there's only so many that is right now and like i don't think i have enough for like another bed like king of fighters rather let alone uh like a samurai showdown we'll write this one off yeah okay uh 2017 also promises to bring us watchdogs too okay you want to get that dumpster fire picture out again yeah we're really running out dumpster fire is so smart connected dumpster fire yeah hey did you get what the flip side of that no watchdogs oh sorry watchdogs two thing wise yeah uh we're gonna re-examine the assassin's creed franchise it's fucking great
Starting point is 01:34:45 and not put one out in 2016 good good to confirm i made a tweet saying well then how about if you need to put something out my god you stupid what you're gonna say prince of persia aren't you no no no not at all actually i thought i thought you were gonna say that too no i made a tweet saying re-release rogue and make it run well totally you're completely right you are completely right on xbox because i i popped in rogue not too long ago and i was like let me actually give this a shot and i was like hold after playing a bit of unity and syndicate i was like holy shit no thanks it it ran terribly and it didn't look all that good and i was like damn it but i still want to play this because i heard it's all right or whatever but well if you really need a sassans creed you got
Starting point is 01:35:25 two plus of them this year already and russia apparently is not any better at all yeah apparently it only took fucking what four years three years for them to go all right let's take a break and figure this out i'm i'm glad they're doing it i can't should it should have been sooner but i'm really glad they're doing it i really hope what we see at the other side is i mean well syndicate was fucking good but i hope we they can do even better so yeah syndicate was fucking good but would you want another syndicate that just isn't different no exactly no exactly so that's what i mean like syndicate was really good already but i hope they can do even better than that for sure i'm with liam on this personally because isn't this what happens more and more frequently lately
Starting point is 01:36:04 where developers just milk a franchise to death and don't really pay attention so much to the reception assassins creed is a very good example but yeah there are others you know take your time finish a game don't rush to release one a year like they've been doing with ac for god knows how six or seven years yeah six or seven that that's insanity yeah when you say it like that yeah take your time make a good one don't just turn out these what you call dumpster fire i'm i'm i'm really glad that they they picked their moment to do it now because it you know as much as it's like oh finally they're doing it they are also like throwing away hundreds of million hundreds of millions yeah because the reason they put out one every year is because quality doesn't matter as
Starting point is 01:36:49 much as frequency as long as the quality is the relative seven to eight spectrum as long as it stays over 70 always kind of does and as long as they can you know right on the back of the box that it's got 40 plus hours of gameplay uh there it'll sell and i mean eventually yes the franchise would have decayed joe blow to a an impossible level but i'm i'm just glad that they're stopping it now and not waiting for it totally joe blow takes like five to ten years to figure out that he's tired of call of duty or assassin's cream yeah no like uh we we put a term on it with i think it was franchise exhaustion or whatever the term we we say franchise fatigue fatigue and we didn't put that term that term's existent but like we just said it the like the other day when we're talking about these new
Starting point is 01:37:30 releases and it's like that's not just us that is a collective consciousness thing i used to be way in a call of duty like back with from call of duty one onwards i'm fucking done i'm done games yeah i'm done like i'm really done and i never thought i'd be done because those games are dope they're super good like assassin's creed like one was like my most anticipated thing ever it's actually what spurred me to get like an hg tv at the time i was like no i i totally yeah like i was so fucking excited and i was excited up until three and then when i started playing three you're just like oh i can't find our phone he was so fucking bad i hate the one to two like moment where you beat one and then two came out and you stood like that was so strong the only game i could ever i
Starting point is 01:38:16 can think of and even brotherhood was still like yeah yeah okay yeah the only game series i can think of to ever have a jumping quality that absurd our zone of the enders and uh mass effect i street fighter did pretty good too yeah and street fighter yeah from one to two or one is like ludicrous one is like this cool new thing and then two is like whoa man um and four to five yeah what else we got street fighters also yeah uh we've got um i guess like liam was talking last time about knights and bikes that that yeah crowdfunding campaign that's going on uh they confirmed the ps4 uh version will happen and it's not a stretch goal it's just it's just happening just happening so it's like a a secretive manna style top down art style co-op multiplayer game yeah so it's by um rex
Starting point is 01:39:04 crowl and another guy whose name i forget uh use something uh and they're from media molecule and they're they didn't leave they're working at media molecule like half time or something like that and they're doing this the rest of the time uh and it has every ounce of the like personality you'd see in their kinds of games but it's but it's a much more like guided story experience rather than like uh the openness of the majority of their games it look like the art is local co-op local co-op it's there i'm sure you really like the art yeah fucking fantastic they put a lot of gifts and stuff and it looks really good moo you moo you thank you yeah uh just looks really good they've got some of the musical talent who worked on little big planets uh soundtrack which is also
Starting point is 01:39:49 really good um just check it out fucking good kickstarter uh do you have any other kick starters in there woolly uh no i mean we talked about uh dual gear last time so that's got this cat box thing right yeah the lup i so i figured that that that's just to ship them to people in Canada because you can't get they already exist oh okay but the one i want to talk about is a visage or visage depending on anyone you want to say it so your dog can poop in a box it's not it's a psychological horror game uh made here in Montreal that's very very similar to pt i saw like the kind of 12 minute oh yeah i saw that it was scary it was pretty scary so i kicked in some money and then i was like oh i hope it makes it very very like total doable goal is like 46 000 that sounds doable it's 35 yeah 35
Starting point is 01:40:40 and like it's console like stretch goals are like the very next thing so when i looked at it and i chipped in like i don't know $80 or something it was like man i hope it makes it's about 20 percent done and then like four days later it's like we broke the first stretch goal so that thing is getting there they're very close to double yeah cool so uh i chipped on some money for that so visage i don't know visage yeah i know it looks very cool um really excited about that and then um the the other one i wanted to talk to uh talk about for a second was um uh there is like this cool little beat them up on uh on steam early access uh called the takeover which is very tre streets of rage more streets than final fight just because of its character design uh it's a little
Starting point is 01:41:25 it's a very very early game there's like one stage and like one boss there's only one playable character no co-op but it's like actually as close as i've played to an indie anything beat them up where i'm like you're actually kind of doing it this actually looks pretty neat i'm kind of surprised yeah um and it's made by the guy that made nineties arcade racer okay um i'm not in love with the 3d models but but there's a style they he's got the style down yeah so a lot of people fucked that up and it comes off as like too tryhard or something you know and like it's it's plot is that he's a special agent and him and the main character girl which is actually really cool the main character girl that uh you can play it in this game eventually she's like a race car driver
Starting point is 01:42:06 but she's also in nineties arcade racer as like oh yeah so it's like kind of like raco from uh ridge racer yeah kind of move around a little bit it's ridge racer she's kind of an ridge racer she's kind of an in universe character that does two things so i played that over the weekend that was a funnel thing it's like four bucks for the early access version but it's one of those types of things where i'm like oh i want this to get better this can get better and be super cool so yeah i just want to give that a shout out the takeover sounds like a crime time game a little bit oh that was the name of the deaf jam psp yes deaf jam fight for new york it was the takeover yeah i think oh speaking of psp games because i know you love them uh and i love them too uh army of uh
Starting point is 01:42:52 army of two the 40th day psp sound sale by the way which is very seldom which is very seldom is so okay it's the like twin stick shooter styled one man you can play as isaac clark my kids will never ever know that army of two ever existed as a thing no one's kids will yeah but they discussed their favorite members of the wu tang clan they do they use they use tampons as bullet holes my favorite member of the wu tang clan is tampon face uh current like tampon face hey yes hey there ripping peace game trailers yeah dude this sucks i'm really sad about this sucks twice because i haven't gone to game trailers in forever yeah and i'm like it's literally my fault i was gonna say like i i haven't i don't feel that bad because they were already dead in my head that
Starting point is 01:43:47 they were my home page i remember when they had the best trailer of the year contest and then the dmc three devils cry trailer one yeah and i was like you guys chose the right trailer and then i watched that trailer a hundred times that's correct i used to go there all the time too so kind of sucks haven't been there even if you haven't been there in a while it's still sad to see something that you used to enjoy ghost yeah it meant a lot i really hope everybody there lands on their feet i'm very excited to see what kyle bosman does uh yeah there goes there goes all of the original bonte um cartoons oh they must be hosted yeah but not with the same comments to me no of course of course not like i'm really like sad like because you can only kind of get them and they're
Starting point is 01:44:33 shouldn't call you because they're re-uploads but they're love game trailers retrospective so well they were good like they're amazing like all of them are great metal gear and castle they a lot of the old screw attack stuff there goes is zuna drops yeah that's where zuna joss is hosted for like a long some early ass switcher video does that exist anywhere else uh i think someone made a daily motion of there there's always a daily motion yeah so i'm i'm pigeon holding myself here but did any of you catch uh on game trailers that right before the site went down ten on ten yeah yep you knew bloodborne got updated to a ten on ten oh yeah i saw that last thing they did with their dying breath that last breath okay ten guys you gotta get out of the
Starting point is 01:45:16 office you have to get out work okay okay just one second oh yeah oh man if that happened to i gn it would take them another year of like review updating before they could die yeah i need to make sure that imagine babies got the ten on ten it deserves good go to go to uh god hand change it to a one lower yeah i'm glad you and i went to the same place uh um speaking of changing things the movie hard core is now called hard core henry yeah that's why that's why i don't know why yeah i don't i don't like it hard core is a strong name i i made a copy right i bet they did focus test stuff and they were like everyone thinks this is fucking porn well we thought the nintendo revolution was a strong name too didn't we though we did it still is it still would be
Starting point is 01:46:08 when your pr guy has to come in so i think it's a shitty when your pr people have to walk up and say get our new name out of your system yuck it up now and then get used to it maybe you shouldn't go with that yeah maybe like it makes me think of that other that game that's other than a hank and action hank yeah hank h-e-n-k i just i don't know but anyway it still looks fantastic and it's in theaters april eighth april eighth not no no august not august is that real so and it's actually yeah it's actually making it to theaters which is pretty cool that's for a crowdfunded movie since we're talking about shitty names i just want to give shoutouts to like the worst fucking name of all time the devastating there was a there was a kick started it failed a kick
Starting point is 01:46:54 started uh steam you mean a kick stop console uh oh yeah you call called the smash z is it the smack no smash it was smash i thought it was smack sm a ch z for zero i remember i remember yeah which is both the ugliest biggest least practical can't fit in your pocket and worst named console of all time that's a lot of broken records there leon tell us more dude it's bigger than a fucking game gear is this the podcast or where leon tells you all the boxes that suck i don't know maybe there's a lot he knows but attached to the spirit of the old handheld no it doesn't steam also a shitload of there's nothing wrong with that but if it's gonna be bigger than a game gear like also really a shitload of those old handhelds were just fucking garbage also they
Starting point is 01:47:43 were saying like you'll be able to play the witcher on it no you fucking won't be able to play the witcher three on it fuck off like what's that what's that really really tiny one that's like credit card size called wonder spawn no gba micro the one that was crowdfunded there's crowd funded oh the um fits in that lady i didn't jump for it because the software was nothing i know what you're talking about though yeah that was a neat gimmick yeah for sure anyway there's fucking tiny that one the smatch is the smatch gotta get some smatch going on tonight 300 euros like it costs 300 euros for a night of smatch it's not worth it even the best smatch isn't worth 300 a night 300 euros is extreme man yeah i mean i don't know what you're talking about no
Starting point is 01:48:30 consoles you know who does know what they're talking about not us not me digital foundry yeah that's true and they did a really good uh expo and backwards compatibility comparison video so what's the what's the breakdown what's the what's the tear down tear away take away for for which game or for all major titles okay because i was gonna say i saw some of them and like yeah there there's quite a there are lots of differences that just vary by game so go ahead yeah um um and not always not always a problem but it depends on the game like every game has a you know has a different uh a set of changes set of changes some of them are good too like some games got loading improvements because of the faster read speed of the memory makes sense um
Starting point is 01:49:12 like trial but then you get weird stuff like trials hd where like replays are broken okay it's but but otherwise that's a very playable um like there's there's weird black crushing and alan wake you know that's bad in that game now for sure a fallout three i think had faster load times and mass effect as well makes sense um but like stuff like gears is like improved performance overall yeah which is great but then again why would you be playing that version of gears when there's the gears remake because you already own that version i suppose yeah i don't know yeah well can't wait for lost odyssey man i'm gonna play god of war three and rents that version on playstation now lost odyssey not play god of war three be faster lost odyssey with
Starting point is 01:50:00 better load times would be a much like better experience they actually addressed multi-disk games a while ago and they just said we need to figure out how to do multi-disk games yes installing lost odyssey is an improved yeah no it was a big deal but imagine like you know on top of that yeah um no but that's it like if you want if you're interested in it and going back to any of these like make sure you take a look at this to see what you're getting it seems like on the whole it's it's quite good yeah i've only touched a couple games this you know some braids perfect and plus is perfect condemned is better as well why is it how is condemned better uh oh bitch better performance um all in all just yeah just yeah you know what's weird pat i put in condemned to
Starting point is 01:50:40 it's way worse than one uh that's the 360 looking look visually uh it's so weird i don't know if wait are they both 360 they're both through shit big big condemn one is a launch game but that bear though which one's the one with the eye through the the thing on the box where that's bloodshot that's the second one that's the second one okay yeah but i put that in and it was harder to look at than condemn one because we play that on 360 it runs at 30 and when you run it on x-bone it jumps to 45 wow whoa that's a massive significant improvement yeah so it's a big bounce cool it's one big bump baby it's possible that that is a result of the of the emulation literally just unlocking v-sync uh i'll tell you who else is getting bumped is it me loupe fiasco
Starting point is 01:51:27 oh he's gonna get to daigo is gonna rip that man's spine out on fucking stage i go action figure superstar i adore how he asked for this and now he's getting it yeah yeah i love mark man went okay no all right get ready no you gotta play a concert if you lose yeah that's it you gotta rap battle daigo if you yeah matter no you have to save a life of someone in a hospital you versus daigo go see you have to eat the first off the press daigo action figure this one's this one's in five inside for fiasco fans but i hope daigo plays zangief because that would be beyond perfect oh man this daigo figure tastes like it has no passion or personality uh uh like loupe his first the first point that anyone knew he cared about street fighter is because he
Starting point is 01:52:15 rapped about how much he hated zangief in one of his songs straight up and everyone was like hey yeah that's cool guy yeah but whatever man loupe fiasco is doing light kick trails in his car he's ready he's ready yeah he's got a oh my god he is gonna get fucking oh man and he's and everyone is tweeting him like dude uh do you want some help some practice maybe whatever and he's like no i got my boys working with me it's gonna be fine y'all don't know this is literally the equivalent of you walking out of boxing class and saying man i could fucking beat floyd man weather right now right now let's yeah i get a fight and don king hears you okay well no and then you have the launch event in vegas and and then you have to fight fucking floyd mayweather
Starting point is 01:53:04 mgm grand and it's like it's like bojack you're gonna die it's like bojack where will he's just standing still and all this shit's happening around him like in fast motion man you get the feeling that loupe doesn't know which no he said he did tweet out he said it would be an honor to lose to daigo son okay i'm still not entirely sure he understands what that does did someone tell him that or no we'll see we'll see and like there's been more than a couple tweets that group me in for reference you know how he you know how he could win that how to lose to daigo yeah get up there uh-huh pull out a gun i don't think he would win though yeah he would win no because i think like i don't think i won uh let's see if he does better than i did that's you know pat i'm actually
Starting point is 01:53:51 i'm fairly sure daigo could still parry that yeah that's awesome oh man oh man he's getting his own fucking statue man oh it's crazy there's a statue of ryu and evil ryu yin and yanging and then he's standing on top is like that's like one fourth scale it's massive that's unbelievable how did he red parried your bullet the man's a legend and he and he helps old people get out of bed what a saint um speaking of saints oh uh we've got a game announcement from none on earth and yeezy himself kanye to the west announced he's making a game is it kanye quest like his mom it's not kanye quest because i beat him up with his mom in it or something it's uh yeezus is making a game about his mom going to heaven yeah so here's my favorite part about this announcement it's
Starting point is 01:54:41 called only one he's like brand new reveal first time ever seen and i'm like no it's not you already did this and just pretended that nobody noticed yeah no one gave him shit like he's been talking about this shit forever yeah and like the first reveal went like shit and he's just pretending that he's rerevealing whoa something like that because i didn't catch that i remember hearing about kanye quest and he's super proud yeah and it's about and it's been a it's about his mom going to heaven and that's uh yeah and there's footage of her flying as an angel with the wings and riding on the steed not unlike kim jong ill in his origin story um i i this is the exact same feeling that uh god ff7 made so it should be as good as ff7 yeah it's weird man
Starting point is 01:55:29 because i want to there to be more games that exist because of a personal thing to someone i like that idea on the whole it's just also like kanye would make something super indulgent in that way really kanye well but but who wouldn't though woolly i mean that's the thing with these kinds of games that in principle they seem like a good idea but the execution i imagine they're almost impossible to do well or to make a good game anyway this way wouldn't you say yeah because i mean what's it gonna be are you gonna be flying through the rings with his ghost mom like what is the plan here yeah kanye's west mom 64 she's gonna be ascending the rings of heaven and every time she goes up one ring an angel will say to her man your son is the best
Starting point is 01:56:16 at the end of the day like someone's gonna have to sit there and design achievements for don da west's ascension to heaven yeah when she talks to an angel npc they're gonna be like look i don't really like your son's politics that much but power is a great song hey man oh yeah to pass through the pearly gates all you gotta tell me is which which jz album is the most overrated that easy that easy okay kanye west's mom you have to collect 50 feathers the answer is the dynasty it's not great but is it overrated or is it like known to be not the great yeah that's true that's the question i don't think anyone would argue with reasonable doubt anyway uh music though we can keep on going with that you know it sucks music yeah music's pretty good yeah it's
Starting point is 01:57:03 terrible rock bands shutting down a company fuck your ears suck they're terrible you know what's great and a managuchi yeah they're gonna be opening i thought we were talking about persona four spoilers on tour they're gonna be that is the worst joke i've ever made um yeah i can retire now pat you deserve some credit for that man that was that was on point uh we're gonna be they're gonna be item at a good she's opening for hatsune miku oh yeah straight up cool i think obvious idea meet clear execution where on tour across north america i'm probably i'm going to the one in toronto so probably gonna be there i'm probably gonna have to join you because i really like it oh boy isn't this going to not gonna like the rest of the con no but i can i can grab some concession you
Starting point is 01:57:52 know i don't think you have to stay there for the whole concert says who says me it's an assignment man i might they might actually already be sold out though so even if you sorry will you i think they sold out you can't go to the little digital girl the fucking song thing that you want i already watched that and it was the splatoon version i don't know man there's a callie and mary virtual concert and i watched all the whole thing well you're in now you're in go get your ticket go scalp your only thing i didn't like about that one miku ticket was like callie and mary were not designed for this and so they're fucking clipping into themselves oh that come on that's amazing and they did you watch it too yeah yeah they weren't proportions they were too big yeah exactly i
Starting point is 01:58:39 totally disagree that stuff's great like in that stupid ff 14 quest with hilda brand that all the fucking rigging just breaks on every model just i mean if i like the vocaloid concerts are a 10 in terms of what a 3d concert looks like yeah then you look at this platoon one and you're like good good and and it was cool i liked it but i still got excited when the the time up theme started playing yeah yeah i know for sure he played good like sent it to me trying to creep me out and then i just got darker and deeper into it yeah it was amazing um there uh yeah so that's happening uh when was that i'll give you some dates if you're interested throughout their tour i guess throughout their tour uh we've got the leonardo trailer for mutants in manhattan
Starting point is 01:59:21 mm-hmm leo can slow down time in the traditional platinum style he's got leo time you know what you mean awesome looking fucking cool thing he's got flashdiving good i like pat's name a little better yeah awesome time awesome fucking should be cowabunga time should be cowabunga time it should be tau yeah pizza time pizza time that's an actual they could just reuse the old clip from like uh turtles in time it's a time fairly sure they'd get a copyright from some obscure yeah yeah for that it's so true fuck it burn that place down so that's cool every i assume every turtle will actually have their own little power or whatever which is a good you know starting point mm-hmm uh and uh lastly attack on titan game yo holy shit holy shit is right yeah tecmo attack time huh
Starting point is 02:00:08 tecmo attack on titan game they're adding four player co-op online with a major update just which is awesome that game comes out this week by the way in japan yeah exactly still looks really good it does i'm waiting for the other shoe to drop to be like oh it's actually super boring but until that happens the looks really good reviews basically said like it's good but like well kind of you're just killing there's there's only you only do like one or two things so eventually you'll get tired of it they're in therein lies the problem of making anything based on attack on yeah well here's what you do but for the first hour am i gonna be like yes yes good enough good enough that's what but they what they didn't do that they should have is just create like a whole roster of
Starting point is 02:00:50 special titans you know well there is a decent variety but it's only like i think it's only six or seven different types i saw three man yeah not i'm just going off the review i'm the type of guys that is the footage i saw like there was like a solid out that would end the add-in a lot yeah boy that'd be tough they showed off uh this week i'm gonna take out my iotan bazooka oh oh man you and your otans they showed off ps3 and vita footage this week back and like they did like it's the thing you want where they sacrifice graphics for performance you know that's fine they run really good the only thing is the draw distance but even the ps4 one has draw distance issues so i'm i know i'm pretty keen on calming subs are a bunch of fucking hacks iotan get out of here with that
Starting point is 02:01:33 shit if you want to write in and tell us about what subgroups are the worst oh holy will write emails to himself no man like i'm actually into that exact email for real because i want to know i want the i want to give us bad examples i want i want a screen grab of those of any subgroup that makes the special attack of weird color spy worth it where should they send it now i believe that's going to be super best friendcast at what is that i you're breaking up what is that i believe let's try that again then super best friendcast at you could tell he leaned into his mic a little bit more you sent an email there it could get read on the air it's possible might sound something like this oh wow nailed it we didn't we didn't even pay him for that one you
Starting point is 02:02:26 can tell which guests listen to our podcast uh i'm so proud so uh dear super best friendcast this one's coming in from will hey well what up what up pc mag yeah magazine what oh actually yeah oh i think i follow this guy on twitter yeah we we actually i believe we might have met uh possibly first off don't change keep doing what you're doing is great perfect no it's terrible shit just wanted to let you know that you're sitting on your own balls by doing it uh pc magazine has just put up its pseudo annual list of which podcast to listen to the super best friendcast is not on it despite my pitch for it to be there i appreciate that i thought it was gonna be like this is really earnest i thought it was gonna be like uh to the surprise of no one it has not been
Starting point is 02:03:11 on our list for the last three years and never will be thank you for your time this is like this is like somebody writing in to like a game developer being like i've fucking fought to get your game game of the year they wouldn't fucking listen yeah i love you guys but please let me describe the likely reason why it wasn't on our fall list i bet that's a swearing and the content has something come on in before it was because i was part of that demon soul stream yeah no that was the main reason uh here's a bullet list bullet point list all the episode titles there it's miracle girls festival let me bury your child stop me from jerry i knew it i was going to be episode titles but that's the parts wait wait so the title the titles actually did make a difference black panther's
Starting point is 02:03:53 debut was running from the cops that one's not so bad welcome to pat schwitz that one's that one's not allowed fun before the right that one's bad oops all goat porn who trashed my baby's grave i forgot about that one's really good why is pats coffin filled with human fecal matter oh that's not bad at all god supports straight showed up oh yeah that's not that was the earliest they don't know what that was the earliest underwater racism yeah that's so even talk about empreg yeah cut out the middle man just fuck the way the way yeah that's not a baby that's a pile of syringes that ain't your grandpa sex toy i remember that one yeah buttered poopers have a lot of ground swell that's so early smegma man is the worst that's also really that's really that's
Starting point is 02:04:47 even clever hey you can't push baby murder for summer slam hey no listen the podcast's really good no trust us we swear arian resurrection arian resurrection will never be topped as like as like implies many more seen on your phone what are you listening what god i forgot about underwater races yeah i forgot a minute to trash baby that's not fair those were all taken out of con yeah exactly yeah but we put them out of context ourselves what's the rest of the you know this super best friendcast retrospective was brought to you by the look on our feature editors face oh man looked up at your podcast uh titles after i told him he should include totally i can easily sorry to say you didn't make it this year but now you know exactly why jesus christ no it's it's the
Starting point is 02:05:38 same thing it's like when people when somebody says oh i listen to breastfront cast you see on a forum post oh i listen to breastfront cast there's two types of people right there's the people that are gonna hit that itunes page or splash page for on the side or whatever and they're gonna go what the what the fuck is this and there's other people and that's what we want that are gonna go oh i think this is my kind of thing yeah no no i mean yeah yep yep because if you chuckle in any of those completely devoid of anything you're in yep that's that's our listener right there but if you don't you're out yeah pretty much i don't know i think who we've created a real hard line in the sand that one that one's really good it is very clear cut is because i bear because i forgot about
Starting point is 02:06:20 it as well me too there's been a lot of talk about resurrect my dead shadow baby man legend of the nog kings yeah oh yeah the nog kings yeah thanks uh will oh thank you well i appreciate your candor that was pretty good all right jordan says uh they're super best mega powers uh he's got a question and if you were to if you were each a heal with your own match for the wwe title what foreign object do you use to cheat your way to okay it's not bad that's good just gonna go around the circle here okay obviously pat's gotta say a gun it's a gun what i pull out a gun yeah that's the thing he doesn't even need to use it but just the sheer i was so excited when you were like yeah it was made for me oh oh mountain dew bottles there's so many oh that's good oh my god i can make
Starting point is 02:07:12 a guy drink it'll get a heart attack he's got the mountain dew out of his pants oh no oh no oh that looks so flavorful and frosty that crotch mountain triple h has become sterile mountain dew bottles why not really i think you're good good with chairs or some variant oh come on but he loves chairs chairs i would love to attack someone with like an electric eel yeah i think that'd be super complete the block of fantasy yeah uh their own child yeah you can show people out with your own dreads god how am i supposed to top those last well you had prep time yeah i had a little bit of prep oh use of play uh plague same difference we're that's never gonna like wash out uh spy yeah just use a kerk hammer oh man the legarious wheel you know as tempted as i am to take you up on
Starting point is 02:08:11 that very generous rescue i've always thought it would be very satisfying to smash a teapot over cp but it's classy you could be like an 18th century like foppish like oh yeah no i would be in the ring with a top hat and a tailcoat you know like a like a original uh hunter hearst helmsley kind of character oh this exactly the spy of germania yeah that's right no one's ever pulled out a blackjack and just done someone in like a like a little club a little black boss man had the night stick and that's as close as i could know the soft yeah no yeah yeah like the slapper people yeah yeah or cana pepsi in a sock yeah well that's really close to what matt's thing was i'm surprised mankind didn't try the cana pepsi in a sock he just had a sock i think he loaded the software there stuff at
Starting point is 02:08:56 some point if you put potatoes in a pillowcase they don't leave bruises that's true that's true oranges oranges as well fancy oranges batteries do though yeah batteries are too sharp don't you book put a phone book on the person uh what's the yeah i put uh yeah he puts he stuff something in a to when the big stupid abusive boyfriend into yeah you could put a phone book on someone's or some shit and get it with a sledgehammer bruises but it does it totally does well that's because he's stupid yeah a bar soap it's a bar soap in a in a in a sock that he hits shelly with and that's also a full metal jacket wasn't it full metal jacket yeah they beat the fucking shit out of pile with those soap bars yeah well shouldn't have looked okay well wait what no that's
Starting point is 02:09:39 totally i don't know um brandt wants us to pronounce brandt they want to know how how do we pronounce mana like secretive mana mana mana i don't think that's an argument uh none of a final fantasy legend none of us say mana well none of you say mana i was raised on the east coast of the united states i thought you were german spy i am i was born in dresden but my god okay you spend your youth in connecticut that's what happens wait they say mana out there well you you carry away the blue blood accent that most people even in connecticut don't you people are fucking weird what do you call soda soda okay well have i redeemed my soft drink is also acceptable some people say soft drink some people say pop and down south they say coke i had
Starting point is 02:10:24 this same conversation with marcus about two years ago is it a grinder a sub or a hoagie and hoagie yeah we've we never came to a consensus i never heard grinder i've never heard grinder but i've never heard anyone say is that a man is that an american thing well it was specifically on the east coast that's what people call that's what they call foot by san francisco wow that's the term i grew up using yeah they're gonna say soda hmm i don't think i've ever even heard that i drank some soda how do you feel about soft drink says oh that's koken uh we've got one coming in from i guess lucas uh and he wants to know what's woolly's favorite element of gundam seed and what's pat's favorite element of chrono cross there's a lot of good ones to pick like for all for all
Starting point is 02:11:11 the stuff that's not amazing there's a lot of good ones that really likes the music in chrono cross no no no am i hearing the chrono cross apologies my favorite thing about chrono cross is its core concept i think the the parallel it's like slider style switching between sliders thing is really really cool okay and i'm actually kind of bummed out they don't use it more that it's only between one and two worlds i wish i wish that like you'd want him to take a second stab at it yeah i also really love the the color palette and the general art style i not the character portraits i think those are kind of bad but like the world i think it looks really great i thought you're gonna say the title itself is the naming convention of chrono blank chrono whatever chrono cross sounds
Starting point is 02:12:01 cooler than chrono trigger two uh in gundam seed uh everything about andrew barfield he's a character that from beginning to end is fantastic or like andrew farfield okay and i'm dead well you you say that but it's barfield or walt field depending on who sub did all right but whatever anyway so who's a great character subgroup is the worst yeah find out next time yeah yeah uh moving along is it whoever calls him gatz yeah yeah it is um gatzu oh we got a psa straight up pan to the hawk just let it go gq just wants to let everyone know that um windows is apparently turning that optional upgrade into a forced automatic yeah i had to deal with this uh last week so be aware that your windows might there start pushing shit there is give me give me a second i i'm gonna
Starting point is 02:12:54 come back to that sure it's just a psa uh and another psa from dylan to let us know that son of a bitch uh you can land poke in tournament yeah so you can what you can do land land play so you just get to use connected on the game's not out on console yet so we don't know exactly how it works but they one of the features was land so or switch and just play off play off uh so uh if you are for one reason or another like adamants that you're going to retain your windows seven or eight installation for the foreseeable future and do not want to upgrade to windows 10 and do not want it to kind of jimmy itself into your computer and upgrade it yeah whatever uh there is a program called the gwx control panel that you can download that will delete all the fucking windows 10 updates
Starting point is 02:13:47 and it will actively block it if you if you set it up uh so if you're comfortable the way you are i have been using it for several weeks right and it has let me go back to updating without fear of of windows 10 updates getting in there and and all that i cannot personally vouch for that because it's you know it's a fucking it's a program that controls your windows updates be aware that this could be whatever yeah but that's the gwx control i've been using 10 for a while and i know we're avoiding it mostly due to work things i don't want to upgrade on a pc that i do video editing on it so it's like years down the line i was going to say like fortunately i've had no issue with any of the programs we normally use on windows 10 so but like i looked it up i was
Starting point is 02:14:29 like i was talking to people on twitter it's like well how's uh i use sony vegas to do all the stuff i was like how's sony vegas do with it it's like we'll check out their uh user forms like great okay here's a massive thread on the sony vegas windows 10 fucking shit crashes every okay well fuck it and then i spoke to a guy he ran at a pc store for a while he's like we never had any problems outside the first month i was like well what about the first month anything was that sony vegas oh yeah tons of people like okay well i'm gonna hold off for a year or two uh and then we just want to a lot of people wrote in about this we trashed my 10 babies grave we wrote up shadow man when we brought up um yoga hoses rock we brought up yoga hoses and a lot of people were like if you listen
Starting point is 02:15:10 to the the kevin smith podcast like he's been talking about it for a while and uh apparently what it is is something a lot of people have known about it says planned canadian horror movie trilogy yeah so tusk was first yoga hoses is second and the third movie is going to be moose jaws oh that's a good title and it's exactly what it sounds like uh so like that one thing though is that like a lot of the time listening to directors talk about their future plans for movies they always change i feel like i've heard yeah you know i've heard tarantino say things about what he is planning to do and then it doesn't come true or or even i remember when kevin smith was saying like after i do um my hockey movie i'm out you know that was gonna be his last one but then i'm coming out
Starting point is 02:15:56 we'll cop out too but yeah um apparently this is all a known thing as and it's it's he's going for the canadian horror movie also sadly though after we talked about it there's a bunch of reviews of yoga hoses at the festival it says it's his worst movie by great huge margin thanks canada damn like i don't know like if that'll like is a there's a personal thing but i read like three reviews from different sites that all reviewed the movie i don't even know if he and there maybe they just don't get it maybe we'll find it maybe their accents will carry it like fargo i don't know fargo's good without i don't even know if he's in the movie but i'm gonna blame just and long for this he is in the movie good it's his fault but johnny dep is also in the movie yeah
Starting point is 02:16:39 but it's just the longest fault don't like justin long long i was about to say i don't like justin long justin long's all right justin long's all right he's very good at fighting games i saw him playing for him and flow playing matches the other night it's just like some goofy shit get on that protot man i will once street fighter five episodes are going out okay i can't go back to what i can't i'm i i fall the interaction is good enough i know but can i just get just that yeah uh okay brad's a hilarious what's on the watch what are you guys looking forward to looking to street fighter five i'm also looking forward to yeah oh spy hey what are you looking forward to playing matches with me in street fighter five right i'm looking forward to that as well
Starting point is 02:17:18 pat you've been a fantastic mentor in fighting games already i'm gonna grind you into the fucking dirt cannot wait to get my ass handed to me on a silver yeah in online then i'll be like hey do the combo well yeah hopefully i'll be able to do come live up to that um i'm looking forward to that i'm looking forward to dark souls three although that's a little ways off yet we've got a month a month and a half i think so we can't have them on the podcast until dark souls three comes out i don't know yeah he's locking himself down to that you've locked yourself up not damn good well i'll see you guys on the 27th anyway for demon souls yeah that's true so uh i mean street fighter five's coming out uh there's a game coming out on ps4 it's already out on pc
Starting point is 02:18:04 called uh mitzgerugi kamui hikai uh it's a character action game that only has one stage uh it's quite it's quite good is this like a your blue haired girl uh it's flat black haired girl there's a lot of blue though i heard about this it's quite good it is you know buyer beware it is only one stage and it's a small tight game it's been on pc for a while it's good though it is a good oh i remember watching you play um it looks pretty impressive no it is good uh menus are really like bare bones but whatever uh i'm looking forward to that coming out why is it one stage it's kind of like because it's it's a dojin game and that's that that's how that gets made you know like but how can it even be sold like it's a full game they justify it being one stage
Starting point is 02:18:47 sorry that's what i mean it's not one level you replay fights it's like a like a bloody palace kind of thing okay okay yeah you can sell anything if you're cowardly it's it's kind of like we shall wake in that it's like just one man's character action projects yeah you know um and super hot out yet it's coming out we talked about that a few weeks ago it's actually coming on pc towards the end of this month in xbox one like the week two later and actually uh February 25th yeah February 25th today uh and uh does that count as this week i don't know uh but today i know it was valentine's day just the other day uh but it is of course uh the vita's fourth birthday so i'm gonna be spending another your romantic another romantic day wow another another reason
Starting point is 02:19:32 for vday that's not valentine exactly exactly so happy birthday it's appropriate to say happy birthday vita isn't it there you go there you go um yeah me i'll i'll i'll try to play some more street fighter five and uh like because yeah that was fun session today so uh that really helps when you're not sitting home alone and you're like i'm too scared to go online because i'll not have fun tell your wife to play well train your cat she's really good at third strike she basically directed it so you know benny can play fighting games why can't zack uh he cannot that was the lie benny can also not play fighting no don't i i can't hear this i bought that shirt based on that but you can't actually play i saw i saw i seen it max is max is losing subscribers live what song
Starting point is 02:20:22 plays when he loses subscribers i don't you don't have the touch uh but you know that was the prestige benny playing no i can't um and also it's our it's our friend or it was belated there's our our friend the real rockies uh birthday so him and i are going to eat pizza in jammers and play some tournament fighters that sounds good yeah exactly so i'm looking forward to that i'll try to see zoolander too do it i want to know watch the first one too in coast proximity if you can what about you will so that's it that's all i'm out that's it i'm out that's it if if that ff 14 patch was coming out not on this coming tuesday i'd say that but it is so i'll talk about that next podcast that's the wheels of the gears of change gears of the change and the only thing
Starting point is 02:21:11 i'll say next week is boy looking forward to that patch you know if it's all right i'd like to add one thing of course no for next week i'm looking forward to seeing plague on the podcast next oh is he on the podcast oh is this announced oh the call out yeah i guess i'm confirmed i guess we're hearing in from done and played right now he's gonna be on next week i got a message from him on skype you're saying hey guys can i be on the podcast that's fucking crazy perfect he would do that he never says that he actually physically yeah i was gonna say this is awesome but we're gonna be at magfest yeah so you mean the time after that oh yeah the next part yeah exactly he's gonna be on that week oh you're gonna be at magfest on the monday too also yeah yeah okay i guess i
Starting point is 02:21:56 won't be in this so so so basically what so you're gonna shoot fighter what plague is telling you spy is that he wants to be on the podcast for february 1st that's correct oh i believe that's what he is right i don't think he realized you guys are first magfest yeah well no he's made mistakes in the past so that's okay so good at street fighter when you guys come back oh that being said i'm not sure no i'm fine but do we want to confirm any special guest for next week or do we want to confirm that with them next week we're gonna be recording from magfest so exactly whatever you don't know we don't know what we're doing whatever weirdo you can grab off the street it'll be crazy i don't know but i'm sure they'll be pale limitations of us that's all nobody can
Starting point is 02:22:40 be paler than me uh and i guess what that means with that we might as well get into um you know like what's coming up on the channel and sight and stuff uh well first of all we're going to magfest we'll be there uh all weekend and uh we have some panel details uh yeah well i think we did we i think we did well we didn't have the times we knew the days uh but yeah no our first panel will be on friday from five p.m to six thirty p.m it's an hour and a half there'll be trivia there'll be shirts there'll be a mysterious erotic grand prize to win uh during trivia and that is it for uh i know we have what we actually have our autograph session about a half hour or an hour from seven to i believe nine also friday also on friday then saturday is our drunken live
Starting point is 02:23:33 let's play of a terrible sonic game with one uh eruption uh and he's looking forward to that and then yeah that's that's it for our stuff if you are at the con it's all written in the con booklet so check it out if you forget uh i saw a lot of people a lot of people a handful two or three people asking me on twitter if our stuff was going to be streamed uh no i don't believe so i don't believe so but we're going to try to do is to uh i will be bringing my laptop i'm going to try to record try to actually make like a video that we can put on the channel okay that's not like a handy cam thing see if we can get that going of course it doesn't work out but uh they they i don't think yeah it's not something that we can do there yeah uh so so there's that they will be
Starting point is 02:24:15 recorded though speaking of streams of course the mindjack world record oh god yeah you should clarify this for those that don't know the mindjack stream world record attempt cleared five hours forty eight minutes shitty games done quick off to an awful start slow because we're all shitty games done slow no fuck it it actually is shitty game it was shitty games done quick in the end we fucked up we fucked up accidental world record how do you guys fuck up shitty games done slow how well fucked it up super hard and liam could have done it way way faster if it wasn't for a bug welcome welcome to the best friends i've had yeah exactly so you man it's just why i like you can i can i ask you something yeah live and i hope this isn't weird but uh when are you planning
Starting point is 02:25:04 to put up the uh it's already up on vessel already up on vessel that's where i was going oh okay well there you go already up on vessel and uh as of uh today the archive tuesday one is up and tomorrow the archive for part two well there we go three hour chunks check it out if you want to watch mindjack yeah for six hours so one thing i can assure you i didn't even want to watch mindjack for six hours yeah well maybe it's a good thing you screwed up doing it slow yeah is there anything is there a new series coming out this week uh this week are you looking at the calendar this week we have a new series coming out is that the uh is that that one uh dmx uh is the dmx series coming out this week um one of them's coming out this week i don't know what you're referring to
Starting point is 02:25:50 i'm a bit confused gigantic x no he's referring to the other one okay well then no no the gesture that i made is a really one is coming out that one is coming out the okay these two series i don't i'm not gonna spoil or leak anything but they are good they really like both they are they are both series that can be described as the video game equivalent of putting a gun in your mouth and both of them are we've never done okay i follow now yes and and strangely both of them are both of them are are are are unfortunately mattless sorry both of them are lp combinations that we be in one but they're lp combinations that we've never done on the channel yeah which is pat liam and myself and we both and the games are off the wall we've done we've done one one off
Starting point is 02:26:36 that is the attack on titan browser game that's the only time this combination has existed so now there's two lps and i really mean that both of them can be summed up in different contexts as feeling like putting a gun in your mouth yeah for different reasons wait even the even the non x one that's correct oh what dude that one that one is unguessable that gun is slow in the mouth yeah i don't get it anyway and it won't go off yeah people will will will guess the first one but beware the second swallow yeah that's the second swallow's a real spicy joy how long is the second one gonna be we have no we don't know we have no idea how long either of them are gonna be so that's for idiots now i'm really looking forward to both yeah i'll tell you what they are afterwards and
Starting point is 02:27:24 is quite a few okay a couple of one-offs actually yeah quite a few one-offs this week and of course fist to cuffs you're five five five five five five and then after that i'm much more excited to all of you yeah what's your question when when is the resident evil outbreak lp never man that game sucks do you have the servers to make it work you can play it offline but that's an even more if you do the ai can pick up items you need and just not give them to you yeah like it the game can make itself incompletable and as somebody who put the time in with that series like no one else other than like cvx freak and people you haven't heard of like fuck that game and it's 14 second door load times spy what are you plugging
Starting point is 02:28:08 i put the time in with it too pat i'm feeling spy well you got something to plug man do i have something to plug shame yeah well since you've all put me on the spot sure i'm going to be playing brave fencer musashi oh good today whoa that's okay that's where his hair is amazing god that game's really underrated a lot of people like me bought it just for the ff8 demo but and if and if someone were to want to watch you where should they where should they go uh well probably the easiest thing would be to just search youtube for a german spy and you'll find a channel that says a german spy and that's probably that'll do it that's good yes indeed yeah incidentally pat you still have your copy of brave fencer musashi no i never owned it in the first place ah because you could co-op
Starting point is 02:28:53 with him by jacking into his game every every well nearly every print nearly every playstation one game i ever owned was an extremely long rental nineteen ninety eight square soft co-op yeah well because if you like i can send you the disc when i'm done if you guys were are interested in playing that does this does this guarantee a follow-through into uh samurai legend musashi yeah remember we tried to remember what it was called yeah we failed we have not we're talking about this game just the other day we wish to wish the press on the right yeah but not us
Starting point is 02:29:42 hello there but it's not blue but it's kinda cool but it's not blue the the the the
Starting point is 02:29:58 the the the the the the the the
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Starting point is 02:32:52 the the

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