Castle Super Beast - SBFC 135: "This is the Only One I'm Ever F**king Doing" (feat. Marc Swint)

Episode Date: March 8, 2016

This week on the Friendcast: We're joined by Marc Swint, aka Necalli in Street Fighter V. Pat goes hard for pretty birds, Woolie sells time travel and has a music discussion with no one in particular,... and Liam's Hotglue becomes a thing.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 There we go. All right. We're all synced up. We're on a podcast now. We're rolling and Matt's not here. No. So it's a second week in a row, I guess that we're we're we're shy We're not full strength, but we've made up for it. Mm-hmm. Hi there, Mark Hello there For those that don't know if you might you might have seen the magfest footage, but Mark Swint aka voice of Nikali We did some script writing work on Street Fighter 5 as well And all in all chill dude that we hung out with and had a good time with sitting in for Matt this week Unexpectedly, I guess this chair smells like farts. Well, it's not our chair
Starting point is 00:01:01 So, you know, that's kind of on you should mention that Mark here is Skyping in from his own location Perhaps if he didn't fart into his chair You know, I was just trying to create the illusion that you guys were a big enough deal to like bring me out Sit me down in your chair. Yeah, but we see we're a big deal, but we don't fart on her chairs No, we let you set it up so that we can pull it down immediately. It's all about the fourth wall not existing You just you just build me up to knock me down. Oh, yeah We recorded a podcast from a con while it was being constructed around us cranes and elevators and like rubble for falling in the background
Starting point is 00:01:42 Well, no, we were on the we were on the back of a stage and they had like what five or six guys in there with lifts And stuff pulling the stage apart literally around us as a fucking riot or height of that moment was the guys getting on Ladders to disassemble what I believe to be the screen the the the use for projection. Yeah, you like you kids got to move This is dangerous. This is dangerous. You could die. You got it. You gotta get out. You can get out now Where are we go? No, just get out. Yeah, just just just go record your your silly thing somewhere else just to establish the Unprofessional level that you're dealing with here. I don't know that that sounds pretty like hardcore to me That's like I fell asleep in a podcast once. Well, that's free-range podcast, you know It's like we will podcast from anywhere
Starting point is 00:02:23 We'll podcast from the bottom of the ocean if need be got you can't stop it. Hey, we have podcasted underwater before Yes, it's true. You remember that one at magfest recorded live underwater. Oh, that's the other thing to mark is We just like are super rude and like we'll be assholes and like are you saying that we're crude dudes with attitude? No, oh, but we do give leeway to guests But by all means if it just hammer through your point you have to give leeway to guess because the Skype delay Exactly, feel free to power through our dumb bullshit. Oh, that's fine. I scream louder than all of you And sometimes sometimes there's like effects on it and things that sounds like like boats like breaking Whatever that effect is behind the the growl when the Cali wins
Starting point is 00:03:13 Oh You know talking about yeah, well, yeah, the sound effect that plays over the over the voiceless outro. Yeah, yeah Yeah, I have no idea what that sound is supposed to be It reminds me of like like the creaking of like a giant like boat or something. It's really really it's probably Up like down pitched coke can crushing or some shit. Yeah, like the Foley noise. It's always it's always fucking lame It's putting putting in a bag. Yeah That's what it always comes down to some motherfucker with spoons and putting in a bag a horse with With high heels on stepping on glass
Starting point is 00:03:48 I don't know though But but Foley artists are the unsung heroes of our industry, right because they create the the depth of sound That you know, we're like, oh man that that sound is perfect Like that sound of a grenade going off in Halo or something like I don't know I still don't know What stock sound that is because I hear it every once in a while I'm just like what is that crack noise that it makes but you know, it's not a grenade But you know, it's absolutely not a grenade. Like, you know, I only just found out that uh
Starting point is 00:04:14 the sound of Like a hard hit in like old-school Hanna-Barbera cartoons that boom That was that was a Foley artist dropping a bathtub into the bottom of a pool a bathtub Wow almost seems excessive. Yeah. No, I can see it. I can totally see it. Yeah, that's great Yeah, like for years and years we all heard that sound growing up with like Hanna-Barbera cartoons Yeah, you know like galaxy trio and Space ghosts and all that stuff and then like I only out just found out like fucking tub at the bottom of a pool And then you kind of hear it and you go, yeah, I guess so because it's resonant and it's deep and it's hollow
Starting point is 00:04:50 Mm-hmm. You gotta wonder if these dudes go through life just like with their ears out for weird scenarios Like and then like and like trying to recapture whatever throw everything at everything. Yeah. Yeah, well, you know Yeah, absolutely like I like I do it all the time like whenever it is that I have to do any like Compositing for projects or things like that like one of the sounds I most recently used was like I need a good almost ceramic sounding sound of like of this visor closing and I just kind of went like oh, you know It makes the most satisfying fucking clicky noise the sound of a Nerf Maverick with the limiter cutoff Like specifically with the limiter cutoff you're so right They are yeah, there's a spit. Yeah, and I know which and then the air reverb afterwards. Yeah
Starting point is 00:05:37 Yeah, that that punk noise that it makes when it shoots. Oh god. Yeah So this would be the point in which we get into Our bit Liam our bit. I'm giving you the opportunity to for once take the bit Yeah with it woolly you've prepared for me an esoteric fact this week, haven't you an esoteric fact about the number 135 About the number 135. Yes as I stall for time Is that why you gave him the the bit ups that's like hey Liam I saw he didn't have anything prepped So I was wondering where he was going with this. What's what's the what's the number this week? It's 135 Okay, that's anyone that's divisible by five earlier with
Starting point is 00:06:22 Photography would know that the Canon FD 135 millimeter lens such a hat is a Is a type of lens that you can mount and use and it's it's such a It's pretty useful for getting old FD style shots. Well, that's esoteric. All right So there you go the Canon FD 135 millimeter woolly while you're still unprepared. What did you do with your week? Well to throw me right in I had a pretty busy week actually Like as opposed to last week or like the seven days almost didn't exist. Mm-hmm. Yes This time around I had a chance to play Photonica. Okay. Oh, yeah, that first-person Rez
Starting point is 00:07:06 Runner type thing Didn't that play that and compare it to like a slower tech 3001 or is that a different game? I'm thinking I don't know He might have been talking about the the Tron game. I'm gonna. Yeah, he was he was I'm sorry Did you play Tron runner yet by the way? I that seems like No, but I was I was watching that plate for okay And I yeah, I do intend to get around to that But like only one of these games in my life at a time, of course, yeah, Photonica is super simplistic it's actually a one-button game and
Starting point is 00:07:34 It like you don't even use directional inputs. It's just holding and timing that button release and that button press again To yeah run through, you know a multi-level maze that has very Tron like this is an endless runner. It's not an endless run. Okay. There's stages. There's limits to the stages in the alright It's actually really fun. It's very cool There's a nice aesthetic that carries the whole prep package Mm-hmm, and I think it's totally worth your time to give it a glance like if you're like me You'll see the trailer and be like, okay visually. I have to get on this is like catapult or like that other jumping game Like we're sedge well quite like I said, it's looks like res but plays like a
Starting point is 00:08:19 Runner that okay, it's not endless. Okay, you know If there's some really like awesome moments of like Well, I don't want to spoil anything because of how simple and And quick it is but like it syncs up with the music really well There's a nice soundtrack to kind of get you through things and like all in all it's almost it almost looks like it was made at a game Jam I wouldn't be surprised if I found that it was and then they kind of took that idea and evolved it And turned it into this so I need more of this aesthetic in my life. Absolutely. We're checking out And yeah, it's hard enough that I got to a point where I was like, okay
Starting point is 00:08:54 I have to stop right now because I'm not gonna beat this without like buckling down Okay, good getting really, you know focused putting on megalovania and just or something along just being like, okay And there's like multiplayer and versus moments and stuff that are checking out as well Also finally got to finish off super hot. So yeah, I also finished super hot Okay, so we can like like just do that all up like I stopped playing a day of super hot And I was like, I'll go back and finish it the other day and I was like a single level from the end Oh, and like that's a shitty feeling that that scenario is like the worst let down ever It's like, oh man, I can't wait to finish the next 15 levels and you beat one and you hit credits like oh
Starting point is 00:09:32 No, that's a bummer that game's short. That game's really how far in did we play in our video about halfway through the entire game? Fuck I I forgot I legit just forgot about it. Yeah, and now I'm like shit I have to go home and play it now we played about halfway through the game. Wow and you you get that last power And then like you get like Three levels four levels It's the the entire like Not epilogue, but I guess like like third act escalation is pretty much all taking place in one same this one area Yeah, and you get to like revisit that area a couple times before you wrap up. Awesome fantastic
Starting point is 00:10:10 So what was your like genuine takeaway from like the ending on that stuff? I liked it and I think that like they could have definitely extended that like indefinitely and in like an n-plus kind of way But for what what for the type of story they were going for it ended at the right time I another hour of that it went exactly where I wanted it to go And it didn't overstay its welcome because yeah that particular kind of thread can go to a place in which you're like Yeah, I get it. Yeah, exactly and it it left like right when I was about to say yeah I get it. They had you do that final thing in the final level. I was like, oh, well 30 over No, that's it. The the the disappointment is more just like I wish there were more
Starting point is 00:10:53 I was gonna say are there trials or anything? So that's an endless challenge mode So the first thing that I love about the ending is that it the ending is an ad And that's great. Oh, yeah, the ending is an ad with a discount for for like a referral code Straight up like go to 10% off and tell your friends about super hot And make sure to say it's the most innovative. Yeah, say it's the most innovative shooter I've played in years. Yeah, but there is a challenge. There is an endless mode There are also a series of achievements and apparently if you keep doing those achievements you unlock a hard mode for the entire game, okay So there's some more stuff and I was hearing people talk about you remember
Starting point is 00:11:33 I mentioned that it felt like Hotline Miami, but first person. Yeah There are hidden story elements in the levels just like Hotline Miami Okay, in some cases that you would have to clip through walls or Or just find items that give you a little pieces of story that aren't that big But apparently if you get all of them there is like a big Extra reveal on top of that as a side note someone made super hotline Miami. Yeah, it's hard Really hard but it's a fun concept and kill all those guys in the second level But then the good machine gun guy just gets me a lot easier though when like you can see yourself in the map
Starting point is 00:12:10 Yeah, well that while time stops. Yeah, most of my deaths in the final level were like I got shot in the back from a guy I didn't know was there But no, but on super hot It's super hot. It's yeah, the challenges you get are later on like the first one is like Katana only right so you can imagine like the rest are like kind of limited limitations like that and They yeah, once you get the final power, you're definitely ready for like 100 levels of just working it all together With that last power but and the level complexity jumps like a whole order of magnitude. There's that spiral level
Starting point is 00:12:46 Yeah, like that thing that one's awesome. So so with that like, you know, the story is exactly as long as it needs to be But the gameplay we could definitely I would buy like an expansion pack That's no story. Just like just levels a hundred percent. That's what I'm getting one new ability and like 100 more levels Yeah, and furthermore when The ability to play this in VR makes itself available. I Absolutely, I'm down to go back to the oh absolutely with your with your $1,500 HTC by we'll get to that We already got to that No, the the playing wait, so you won't get to that or you he'll get to that like six years
Starting point is 00:13:23 Oculus when you find one at your local thrift star when I got this I super hot on the Oculus over at packs like That for me was like a very different experience from playing it like normally on the controller because you can dodge bullets by like Just leaning your head. Yeah. No, you have like tangible like gameplay bonuses by and it does make the game easier But like all so cares fuck it. Yeah, but a lot more fun in a different way So it's worth a revisit once once that's around I Don't know if did you Get on that at all or no get on what that's your brother. Like I said, I totally forgot. Okay, I'm
Starting point is 00:14:01 Now I'm reminded of it and I'm probably gonna go home and crush it in a single Because there's there's a there's a particular part in it that like I think I I'm building up to a day where I have like I have super hot. I have unravel I have fire watch like all just crush it I'm building up to a day where it's just gonna be like bam bam bam the weekend of indie game like destruction Yeah, yeah, yeah, I also Again in part of this this this catch-up busy week Checked out what was hailed as one of the most complex sci-fi
Starting point is 00:14:36 Films ever made this movie called aliens prime Primer primer primer now this I've heard of it Yeah, it's like about an hour and 15. It's it's a film that was made in like I think 2004 Maybe 2006 I forget good research Willie but the the jet the gist of it is like okay if you like the if you like the the thought experiment of like time travel and like Things like Looper and things like it fits right in with the rest of them
Starting point is 00:15:09 It's the ultimate pure Pure version of like no no no no throw out all of your useless action and stuff Just focus on the insanity of time travel So I am losing it because I just look it up So I typed in primer movie into my phone Did you see the picture and there are three images at the bottom of Google's like, you know built into your phone image search One is the poster for the movie. Yep. One is what appears to be a subway Metro styles like a spiral with blue and green that says time travel and primer and the third is an
Starting point is 00:15:46 incomprehensible like gibberish for ant like letters for ants level like timeline breakdown with like Seven to eight different like rose do that I can't even I'm like looking at it in full screen and like look how look at this It's super interesting and worth checking out and it is entitled plot explanation Can someone explain the sequence of events in primer? It is next level because the basic premise and and again, I this is not even The basic premise is these two guys accidentally invent a time travel device. Whoops, right? It happens and then
Starting point is 00:16:25 Once they do it's like, okay. What do where do we go from here? What do we do with it? What can we you know, like yeah work and like from the simplest ideas of like Let's just go see how the stocks did and try to game the system Sure as your most basic level of like step one get that get that sports almanac And then just yeah, and then ramp the entire concept up from there to like the dumbest things where it's like oops I accidentally went back with my phone and Now they're two copies of the same phone exist if someone calls it what's gonna happen Right, okay, and and the way the system is set up is an interest a really interesting one with two as well
Starting point is 00:17:07 Where it's not just like jump in the thing and now you're back or whatever It's like it is a box like a coffin almost that you go into and you have to turn it on and then Say you turn it on at nine o'clock in the morning. Sure, right? You then have you then currently leave go on about your day, right and If you're smart you isolate yourself Yes, and then you come back at say five o'clock when it automatically has shut itself off Right get in at five p.m. And then wait the same amount of time going backwards and then
Starting point is 00:17:41 You will get out of the box at 9 a.m. So you literally have to prime it is the premise You have to you basically and you have to ride out the amount of time going backwards in real time to yourself, right? That is crap. So you're So your distance in time is very limited if you get the wrong food Yeah, if you want to jump back 12 hours, you've got to wait 12 hours Well, cuz the my brain didn't go 12 hours, man. It went like a hundred years Okay, well, no, and that is that is not you go back you go back to the point that you turned it on at Right. Ah, that's your car. They can't go back to before the no because no because the way it's set up is like
Starting point is 00:18:22 That's the beginning though the re you know why you can't go back in time to before the machine existed You can't travel back in time because you didn't you already didn't it would have happened It would have happened now. Here's the other part, right when you turn that machine on That's the point that you're coming back to in the future, right? That's your your anchor. So there for You don't want to be around Actually, right when you turn it on because what happens you turn it on and then you get out of the box Immediately because you've already waited gone back and then re-emerged and you want to turn it on and run away Exactly, this is like the plot to time cop 3 it but but way more interesting and not with
Starting point is 00:19:07 No one melts into each other when they touch each other Is the theme of primer don't mess with time travel? In so few words. Yeah, okay That's why I then the but you saw that picture of like because because a story like that It's not about like the specifics. It's about like you walking out with your mind so broken. You're like, I don't want to try this This seems hard Well, it's just it's like when when obviously when things go wrong or right Yeah, and you need to figure them out you got to jump on to that in same chart
Starting point is 00:19:37 You saw yeah and make that happen or alternatively turn the machine on and smash it That's not gonna. Oh really? Well, I mean here's the thing like if you had a time machine like that Would you bother? It's like one of those asinine, you know Like if you had a superpower, but it had a massive debuff sort of question Like you can fly but only three feet off the ground. Would you take it? Well the three feet off the ground one was always like always a like a like a trick Because if you could fly three it off the three feet off the ground like that wouldn't be useful for anything But people would murder you for it
Starting point is 00:20:08 Like the time travel debuff like yeah, go go get the stocks come back Destroy time machine. Yeah, no do it once It's not ethical do it once get your money Destroy it. We've already we won't with your life and the thing is you and like you have to also consider the possibility of like What are you coming back to is it actually your timeline or is it a new one you create probably? Or is it like flashpoint where you know you save your mom and then apparently your mom is this fixed point in time where it's like Oh, no, and now everything's wrong. Yeah. Yeah, you know Let's not even get into the the ideas of what if somebody that you don't like uses the time machine
Starting point is 00:20:46 No, no, but but like anyway, so that's just your setup and you take it from there It just goes and again, and they definitely they put the work in the only thing it's limited by is it's it's budget so There are points where it's like this could have been better represented, but they kind of had to pull back or something exactly Unfortunately still sounds neat though. Just the the premise of how the time machine work is makes it interesting. It's different Yeah, so yeah, give that a shot Bunch of other stuff real quick started Gravity Falls How far'd you get about five episodes in spring and pretty good. Yep gonna continue that I just want to tag
Starting point is 00:21:27 My my comment to the end. I finished Gravity Falls Ends strong so I hear real strong the the collages of people Balling and weeping. I was really emotionally affected by it like really I got all teary-eyed. Yeah, totally Wow, I am secretly like an emotional baby. You know this, okay Well, I don't watch romance movies because I will cry but No, it ends strong but not just like from the all the feels like they build up to their climax Like expertly and it pays off all of it two seasons, right? Yeah, just season Well, I heard recently that they wanted to re-up them from a third season
Starting point is 00:22:06 But they declined it because it was written for two seasons and and like which is why it You get to the the final episode the final series of episodes a three-parter and like that they just it's perfect It's perfectly paced it does So you see that there's Paul Robertson characters in there and you there's even an anime character in there You can tell that the showrunner or head writer when he wrote that finale Watches a lot of the same shows that we do. Mm-hmm. Okay. Okay, and I was very surprised to see the direction that it went I actually I thought you were gonna say like you could tell that they introduced people that they're like maybe spin-off with this No, no, it's like there is a like there is a very clear anime influence
Starting point is 00:22:52 To the point where a character looks at somebody and says you don't know about anime Let me tell you about anime and then it affects the remainder of that episode. Okay in like a stylistic and cool It's it's awesome Yeah, no like seeing because the thing is I follow Paul Robertson's blog and like I so while I have no context for Gravity Falls I see like when he posts his work So I forgot to say it last time but I want to give a shout out to the guy over at Mother's Basement because his Dissection of the Gravity Falls OP is what got me to start watching it in the first place. There you go. Jeff. Yeah, yeah Jeff through a professional shit bag. Good job professional shit bag death. Yeah
Starting point is 00:23:34 Is his video on the anime erased which I which I recommended a few podcasts to go Has this one gag. I think it's the first joke in the video within the first 30 seconds Fucking cracks me up every time you should go check that out. He's doing good. Oh, yeah, definitely So there's that also on the anime thing The anime thing the anime thing watch the episode 2 of Gundam the Thunderbolt Officially, I hear that was shit. I saw you talking about that. Yeah, what a piece of garbage should have never happened It was a mistake nothing but trash No, it's officially cemented with two episodes with bear. What is this?
Starting point is 00:24:12 60 minutes of like runtime of gun dams. This has cemented itself as the absolute best I remember I remember seeing people saying stuff like that when unicorn came out Yeah, unicorn was like incredible people people just going like oh fuck all that shit unicorns Yeah, no this does it with brevity and like And because it's because it uses its timing and it's it's like money money and Everything so well and the mute. I just it's firing on every possible cylinder including the ones I didn't know existed Man, you know what doesn't do it with brevity. Mm-hmm that original mobile suit You're now you're in the meat we're like me and my friend we're like 35 36 there you go
Starting point is 00:24:59 Yeah, two four of 48 or something and like man Just Monster of the week just man the week char has an infinite number of new clawed little zaku types Ship of the week toy of the week Wow That's the problem. Wow. So that is why those summary. Yeah Because of the part where everything slows down to get your here's a new toy Now now luckily like the that it's so bad now that it's still entertaining like it's so so like it's loose all the way So old start is still and like you know my friend and I were getting massive kicks out of like they forgot that cell
Starting point is 00:25:37 Was not supposed to be there. Is that a hair underneath? Is it like is it like is it like rocket Robin Hood tier or like? I'm not familiar. Okay, but like it's just a it's an old TV show that played in North America Was poorly animated okay, there are some severe animation mistakes going on and I'm getting a massive kick out of that and man Char's the best he is and say look get there There's all right pretty good. All right, um, but yeah, fuck all that shit gun them thunderbolt. Yeah I'll never say fuck double. Oh, so I'm really really glad that like at the end of this journey that I've gone online There's at least one more good because the worry is is that when you start like and you're like you commit to like I'm gonna do all of this series, right?
Starting point is 00:26:22 And it's like what if I had get to the modern one and the modern one that I would get to at the end Sucks because that would sour like the journey the trip to a degree So I'm glad that like they're not gonna make a new series after gunderbolt by the time I gunderbolt gunderbolt year to year first yeah, okay fortunately you have a lot of exit points on the way Yeah, there's a lot of places where you can just get off the ride. Yeah, if you want to but I don't suggest it Watch the first episode of Better Call Saul Great good good. What's his name again in this in this series? Oh He doesn't go by Saul Goodman. No, no, no, no, cuz you know, he's he's a something McGill something
Starting point is 00:27:08 Like like like Pete McGill or something like I was really really James McGill James McGill. Thank you. Thank you I was really iffy. I was really worried cuz it's like I don't want to even see any of this I'm only one episode in okay, but have you have you gone into it mark? First season yeah, even though I didn't see the finale for the first season But I just showed up on Netflix So I got to catch up with that like I've got too many shows that I'm watching right now to be really honest God Don't we all like cuz with all the with all the you know like
Starting point is 00:27:37 DC TV universe stuff and got them on top of that which I I'm just like that's just Is Gotham better than it appears no, it's okay Wanted to ask that in a very tactful way, but it's like because it looks really bad No, like what it is that it's so bad. It's good because someone said Like okay, I'm gonna have you sit down and watch Batman year one and then I'm gonna come back and interview you about it Okay, and then they came back and they said all right, so what would what did you take away from year one? What was the best part? Oh like easily Jim Gordon like Cranston is Jim Gordon was amazing now What if that was a TV show?
Starting point is 00:28:15 Okay, we'll do that and then someone said well what we need an aesthetic to wrap it in who's treated us well Oh, I know Tim Burton Yeah, and that's it and that's the premise and that's it Tim Burton year one like that's the other part of the premise is that little baby Batman let met Little baby Han Solo and a little baby Joker. Yeah Actually, yeah, no totally and the thing that's really annoying is Is that cannon with the cinematic universe? No, I all I know is that there's there's that scene I saw with little little child that may or may not be Joker
Starting point is 00:28:52 I don't know well the Joker one is like maybe but like the But I mean year one is a fantastic book and I can see even I know But it's just like you already kind of did with Batman begins Yeah, and like you going back this far and trying to make the same thing happen seems like a terrible idea I don't know um But no the last thing I was gonna say I'm better console is just it is it's all the humorous parts of like Breaking bad Isolated, okay, and then like and that's pretty much the deal and then just drowned in like feel bad
Starting point is 00:29:33 Okay, you know Yeah, so I just off just off of that that pilot. I was like I'm so in for sure Um, I don't know where it goes though. So obviously like and maybe that kid well Do you technically do no work? You do actually somewhat? Yeah to a degree, but the less I say about that the better and I guess like since I This weekend I really was like carted off to Toronto Unfortunately against your will it's my will but no, I hung out with some friends for her for birthday and to your time On the the six-hour journey back and forth. I was able to
Starting point is 00:30:08 Go through some music and stuff. So uh-huh. Here's the part where my annual I'm just gonna talk to myself here for a minute. Yeah move the microwave said those bad bad gestures No, it was just there's a new there's a new Kendrick album that dropped out of nowhere and It's untitled on mastered and I thought it was that the one where he's singing with the anime girls again That's not the one. No, um, this is just like extra tracks that kind of didn't make it onto to pimp a butterfly And it's worth your time. So we're checking out. It's really good. Kendrick's awesome. I Super like what's going on there and in contrast you have the new Kanye album
Starting point is 00:30:46 life Pablo and That's like I don't the running time. It's it's so long and honestly, it's like As much as he's like Kanye is warhol. He's an idiot. But what Kanye West? But at the end of the day, right for the most part you can always go like but god damn it He knows how to make good music and that applies up to even his last album easy Uh, this new one. There's three good tracks on it. Oh, that's really really like how many tracks are on it Uh, I think like 18. Okay. It's a really long one and there's three good tracks on saint anger
Starting point is 00:31:21 That doesn't save it from being like a garbage album. Yeah, so it's gonna be one of those that I mean I'm gonna it's gonna take like perhaps on a third and fourth listen to really judge it But right now I'm feeling like save those three tracks delete the rest and then just go back to It's one of your own albums. It's one of those albums that you pick up and go man. You should have just made three singles The further back you go in in his discography the better the music gets Yeah, like it's one of the questions about that Kendrick Lamar album. Is that the one called untitled? Unmastered which is just seven tracks in a row called untitled. Yes, and they're all just like that's sick That's so good different scenarios that recordings happened in that weren't finished
Starting point is 00:32:03 For whatever reason. Are they literally unmastered songs? They're literally unmastered. Oh, that's cool man. I can appreciate this gimmick It's a really interesting. It's a strong gimmick and it's a nice companion piece to uh to pimp a butterfly Which is fucking not gonna be beat anytime soon. I think that that album was fantastic So, uh, yeah, that's that's the listening that is uh Out there for you to do if you want to check that out. Oh, that's me It's out there for you to do out there for you to do if you ever if music wasn't stupid, right pat I'm jealous of people that care about music. I wish I cared, but I don't I really don't And that that that's that's a that's a hole in my soul unless it's playing behind a sick boss fight. Yeah, basically, right basically
Starting point is 00:32:46 What'd you do? I'm dead. Uh, so of the things that I mentioned Uh on top of that wait, hold on. Let me interrupt you. Oh, congratulations While we take a quick word from our sponsors books. Who needs them? Am I right? Well, they They do have like just throw them all in a pile and kick them around, right? They do occasionally have valuable information inside them Mmm Sure, shit sure, but that valuable information. I would argue is restrained By uh simple by simple ink and paper So you're saying that the physical corporeal manifestation of knowledge need not be the only manifestation of knowledge
Starting point is 00:33:24 Especially in this internet age just just like the human body. We are trapped. We are not yet liberated But but wait the the pearl that is the information within this book is is Bunkered down it's held down And chained by the vessel that is the the page so you're physical form restricts the knowledge So you're saying like the book is itself like the object is like the body and like the knowledge is like the soul Yeah, books are a mistake. They're nothing. Is there is there any way that I can get like a soul nato going and like absorb That soul into my body directly Uh
Starting point is 00:34:02 Yeah, yeah, there is no I I would like to know how please Well Is your soul nato of information into your mind Holes in your ears. I'll let me ear holes ear holes. Okay. That's a good way because I don't want to go through my eyes I'm tired of that shit. I gotta do other stuff. Some animals hear through their eyes It's true So for them they can appreciate this in other ways too They can see those and they wouldn't be able to appreciate the books in the first place
Starting point is 00:34:28 Yeah, because they're dumb animals for animals. They can't read for animals Audible is the first chance for them to gain human knowledge You just put the headphones on the platypus head. Yeah, you work around the weird shaped eyes And as it barks and barks and barks wuff wuff wuff it will learn Soon It'll he will he will be your doctor soon. Yes Pikachu learned. He has learned how to talk That's a little weird audible slash best friends you head on over there What do you get you get a soul nato you get a 30-day trial to try out
Starting point is 00:35:05 Uh Over 180,000 titles. Dang. I don't think my body can actually handle that. Nope not your body But it's meant to overwhelm you. You see man. It's not a true soul nato unless it it's too much to be contained I got audio books up to here You take it you head on and you you choose from over that many titles You listen and you start to experience this book-free Lifestyle that we're promoting here. You know what you can do You know, you can't read a book while you're doing lawn work. Nope. Well, guess what it's starting to get warmer
Starting point is 00:35:38 Lawn work is coming. Mm-hmm. You can listen to an audio book as you do lawn work It's fucking sick and transfer your soul to the Shangri-La of knowledge that is audible now You get a little now the soul transfer. It's actually interesting. Yeah, they have a name for it. It's called whisper sync Oh, that's what it does is it gets you from your different devices Whether there are windows phones ipads and androids kindle fires over 500 mp3 players Your own desktop, you know everywhere it transfers for you from exactly where you were in that book Right into the same place. So what you're saying is like serial experiments lane for your books Is that once they were freed from the book shell?
Starting point is 00:36:13 These book knowledges became body jumpers They can go anywhere. Mm-hmm and you and multiply infinitely they can even go into woolly's beard and maintain That same page that you were at so you nothing's lost. No never again Yes, you know that feeling you get when you were like, oh shit. I remember this page But I don't remember what led up to it. You got to flip back a couple read the whole chapter before it's gone and fixed now Yeah, and and there's a there's a tap a button you go back 30 seconds solve Oh, that's great. Listen guarantee. You don't like the book. You don't want it. No worries exchange that shit get another book No questions bam audible slash best friends
Starting point is 00:36:50 Uh, and yeah, you support the friendcast. That's a cool thing, right? I guess that's a 30 day free trial 30 day free trial That's crazy. Uh, every time I jump on a bus just to shitty, toronto You can be sure i'ma be using audible in 30 days. You could listen to more than two books Sometimes you need books to drown out the sounds of uh of uh of brand ferts and uh What other shit town? Oh Cornwall is such a garbage town. You really need audible to get through cornel. Oh, it doesn't smell anymore though No, but it still lingers
Starting point is 00:37:28 So cornwall doesn't smell anymore But the reason why it doesn't smell anymore is because the paper mill closed down So it's no longer smelling but there's no jobs and everyone's out of work The people that remain still act as if it does smell because they remember because they smell they were born into it audible slash best friends use it Thanks audible. Thanks audible Okay, yeah, would you do uh on top of the things that I've already mentioned uh beat super hot finished gravity falls
Starting point is 00:37:58 Watch some Gundam Mainly been playing ff 14 that patch is like Killer I always figure what it's called and I try every time gears of the gears of change Gears of change. Okay, so uh, I don't want to go into it too much But I would I would like to go into some of the the mechanical things that are interesting from a general mmo perspective Because an mmo comes out and you have your raids and unless your raids are super super fucked up hard People are going to beat them. They're gonna beat them right away. They're gonna beat them within a second You're gonna launch it and they're gonna be like how three of the four super hard raids have been beaten by you know
Starting point is 00:38:32 those super groups the crazy no lifers And uh, you know you grind for out for your new gear and you do all that and there's a new super boss There's an ex primal, but like people are going to burn through that ex primal pretty soon And people are going to grind, you know hit cap on their dailies Pretty soon it'll become part of the routine and There'll be a catch-up patch in four months But for the most part all the high level content that we have right now Is it going to be the same for the next six months?
Starting point is 00:39:00 So What do you do? They introduce two new mechanics one old and one pretty new that are genius from a Get the crazies to keep grinding forever perspective One is that there is a jukebox that you can make for your house now And almost every track in the game will drop off something now Funny thing almost every track in the game is not stolen as well. It's Oh, fuck
Starting point is 00:39:27 You got to talk about that for a second five thousand are a bunch of idiots So the boss fight came out and it sounds similar to when worlds collide And I say similar because the beginning part the the beginning vocals do sound similar Like almost homage-ish, but then the song turns into a completely different track And power man 5000 came out like it's crazy that square anix just plagiarized our song And when you listen to it and it's totally different And when when the development staff made a comment and square anix made a comment and the everyone The all the fans from both sides went what are you talking about all of a sudden the lead from power man 5000?
Starting point is 00:40:05 Oh, we never said we were gonna, you know, sue or anything just mentioning you know how how weird it is Okay, bye. So our new concert Tour is gonna be on these dates and then just disappeared from the fucking face of the earth Like jackass. I was just pretending to be an idiot. I was just pretending. I've I trolled you, huh? But no almost every track in the game Blurred lines power man 5000. Yeah, that's that's uh almost every track can drop from something So you have the crazies who want their full music collections running everything old content That doesn't matter anymore just to get the song like uh, there there are raids that were for the old game
Starting point is 00:40:41 The 24 man's that are totally like inconsequential now obsolete for for gear. There's no reason ever run them Except they all have some of the best music in the game The only way to get them is to win Win the random draw off of them. Wow. So that's disgusting. What no, it's great Really, it's just stuff it gets people running that old stuff You don't have to I that type of rng just I Is rng the right word to use there rng is explicitly the right word. I can't so here's a so holy here's what they did So a while ago they had the problem that every almost every mmo has you have your raid group
Starting point is 00:41:18 You have your eight people, right? Okay, we're gonna run the raid and everyone wants their weapon, right? Well the the warrior weapon it just never dropped It just never dropped you ran it 16 weeks in a row And it never ever ever dropped. Fuck you, right? That's a problem that happens So what they did is they instituted a token system for all of the gameplay relevant drops If you if you get absurdly unlucky and never ever get your weapon Every time you clear it you will get for sure a token
Starting point is 00:41:50 That you can cash in after a certain number to just buy that weapon outright So the rng on gameplay relevant items has been dramatically mitigated because there's there's no way that like say there's a nex primal I wanted the sword from him, you know, we I ran with some people and my sword dropped five times But that was five times that no one else in that group had even shot They all come out with five tokens, but once we beat it 10 times everyone want and bought their weapons fair fair cosmetic items though Yeah, no, well, that's where they're that's the point where you're almost like, okay Fine cosmetic items have what appears to be a 20 chance to drop if it's music And a 10 chance to drop if they're a pigeon pigeon are fancy glowy mounts
Starting point is 00:42:33 They play the boss themes when you ride around on them and when you eventually get all of them through the next year They will give you a super shiny super exclusive mount Those things so here's the deep dark path that I went on. I don't particularly care about the music But a mount in an mmo is something that everyone can see yeah that you have And they don't So there are four of these currently I spoke we are listening to a meth addict describe his height. I I'm busy thinking about if one of the mounts was lightning but
Starting point is 00:43:07 And what toriyama would feel You can buy lightnings close now. Yeah, but can you ride on a rose? That's the question. So What I ended up doing first I was like, okay, I want to guys are too skinny I wanted to get in this crack addict pigeon game But first I need to know if it's feasible because one those original Mounts dropped in the last sequence because they they're gonna do this every time the drop rate when they first showed up was 1% That's not worth doing. That's not worth doing at all. That's a hundred runs To get the chance to fight eight people. Sorry seven other people for the drop
Starting point is 00:43:42 No, no, it's not what that means. No, it doesn't compound each time. It's 1% each run Doesn't matter how many runs you do it's still no no no you're misunderstanding You it's a hunt It's it's out of a hundred runs on average one will drop Right, so it's 1% and then when you get to that then you have to fight seven other people Because they're all gonna roll on it also. Oh, no, I'm just saying a hundred runs doesn't Guarantee you it. No, no, absolutely. It doesn't even guarantee you a shot. Yeah, exactly 1% divided by the number of people that you have and and then it rolls every time
Starting point is 00:44:13 So then I was like, okay, so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go to my server I'm gonna ask anyone that I see with the bird How many runs did you do? How many birds dropped then I went on to the ff 14 reddit and said hey How many runs did you do how many birds dropped? And so once I got a sum total of several hundred run statistics I was able to determine myself that the drop rate is 10 percent 10 percent's worth doing Because a good group can do like five an hour. I can't I can't deal with so
Starting point is 00:44:44 There's four birds I have two already And I almost got that of I almost got the third one last night But I missed the roll. I was the second winner on the roll and I almost got it um I was I was so upset so I was so upset about it I actually like just stopped talking to my group and like like turned it off and like nearly went to bed
Starting point is 00:45:10 And like was just uh devastated. That's a problem. That's crack addiction. But whatever aren't you glad you're not spending your time on street Fighter five instead of this dude. Come on oh That's why like the fact that you're like I want I'm not spending as much time on five as I want to because of this Pat still has to get lucky to win matches. So I mean it doesn't you know, it doesn't really matter which What's the percentage of a chance? 10 percent it's 10 percent either way. So I I don't know what to tell you other than I feel like doing this now And I'll feel like doing street fighter later. Yeah
Starting point is 00:45:45 I um But man, I I want so get this I found out that there's a guy on my server I called avatar Korra who is apparently famous because what he does Is he'll go into these farms every day until he gets them? But when they drop he's a very rich player and he will just pay people to not roll on it He will pay them a million dollars in game money Don't roll on it And that's how he's like one of the first people in the world to get all of them
Starting point is 00:46:15 Right like I want to get in a party with him because it's win-win If if you if it drops you can roll on it and you only have a 50 you have a 50 chance of getting it Or you just make a million like it's it's win-win virtual. Fuck you buddy. Yeah, but The end result of that is adding those The adding that music and adding those amounts to the game like makes for long-term goals that aren't related to progression Which helps a lot. It just gives everyone a bunch of shit that they can do if they like for me My group is not good enough to be attempting the savage raids right now So like what are we going to do monday night? Well, we're probably trying to get some birds for some people because that's a tangible goal
Starting point is 00:46:53 Oh, yeah, it's it's you have a locked-in time frame now, right? Tuesday is the night that we run the normal raid and get gear up and then we may bird or try the the x primal Thursday is the day that we go against the x primal Sunday is the maybe day and then monday, which is tonight. Uh, is like, uh, you you didn't gain any power So you may try another run against the hard thing or you might just go do some easier thing that can get you stuff Yep. Yeah. Hey, look you burn up tuesdays used to be yeah burn up burn up tuesdays used to be uh, uh Montreal street fighter. I I had that example in my pocket. Just I was no dude. I'm not even gonna bother I like I would lug the console out and we'd we'd all do the thing
Starting point is 00:47:37 So like so there's there's two ways to go about that, right? There's there's the no lifers Those people crazy people those people are like, okay, so what's the raid time? What day? No, not what day Why aren't you doing when's raid time? Oh raid times 9 p.m. Okay. See you tomorrow and the day after and the day after and the day after And the day after until we get it Jesus Christ, okay, and okay that Those people you see them walking around they look cool, but like Jesus Christ, man Well, we've all been there when we've played a game like obsessively for a while Yeah, but it's it's just like hey five hours every night is dedicated to this burn up burn burn up
Starting point is 00:48:18 I've been saying And then there's the other people who pick two or three and do it only for two or three hours Snail down so that you don't like just burn out right just burn out That game is good. The system doesn't it doesn't have that whole rested and uh, it totally does. They all do that Okay, okay, uh, but that doesn't matter when you're kept okay because who cares Uh My birds are so pretty. I have the Bismarck and Ravonna one get jealous. You're still there and if you're not I don't blame you I apologize for that
Starting point is 00:48:54 Why we the ff 14 power hour Oh god only when new stuff happens mark. What has your been weak been like? uh honestly, I've just been playing ranked like I mean, there's my normal comings and goings and voiceover stuff occasionally, but for the most part I just kind of work on my personal projects and uh The work of anime abandoned with ben at the sage
Starting point is 00:49:22 right um Because some people know I do that some people don't uh that I work in the back like I work in the background of a lot of stuff but um most recently my uh My week has become just staring at my table stick just going like what is wrong with this thing? And why can't it throw diagonals and it just involved So much research just like is it me? Is it that I'm bad? It's dust man. It's dust So you still have the octo gate going right?
Starting point is 00:49:50 Well, I have a circular gate because I've got the jlw, which is what I built into a lot of my charity sticks um at the time from a few years ago and I found out that it's because the The jlw uses a leaf spring to cherry switches that it has bad diagonals So, uh I ordered jlf, which um showed up And now i'm waiting for the universal adapter plate because I don't want to have to drill new holes So after that I wired up to the cthulhu and then i'm gonna play a few matches with it But right now it's just the waiting the waiting is fucking killing me
Starting point is 00:50:26 Uh, no, I hear you man back when lizard lick was around. It was just like okay. It was so easy Everybody get together. What do you want? And then we do the shipment and you get everything get hundreds and hundreds of parts and build Every say you would you would go around and talk to everybody you knew and everyone would say oh, I could go for some buttons I could go for this I could go for that and and one of you realize that it doesn't actually cost a lot like Yeah, and lizard lick was the best like the the owner if you ever had a problem You could talk directly to him like he was the greatest It was really cool, too Because like we would all we'd have a chance to like order out of different stick parts and different types and like actually try out
Starting point is 00:51:04 Hey, what are these like korean style sticks like right? There's the what the elastic kind of circular gain of them Um, and and those are weird. I don't like that like straight up It's not just sandwall and bat sticks which a lot. I think a lot of people think that it might just be those I mean in your competition push buttons and stuff if you want to try to get like an american style thing Hap you know that like this wonderful sound That's the sound. Yeah, exactly. So yeah, there's a lot of different parts to try out and like you want to get what feels comfortable. So you uh Yeah, so you you that's the thing we kind of briefly talked about like you build sticks, too Yeah, um, I started it was just kind of like a
Starting point is 00:51:43 Idol conversation with me one of my friends or it's like how how boss would it be if there was just like an arcade stick built into a table Um, and you did I've seen those things those things are fucking awesome and I just kind of Like whimsically one day said like all right. Well, what's the cheapest table I can find? You know the lack table from Ikea Oh, I know the one. Yeah. Yeah seven ninety nine in a myriad of colors It's because you know like the most the single most expensive thing on the table stick is always the art because I have to like go to a
Starting point is 00:52:15 Kinko's and have it laminated and yeah, you know, like if I do the art myself and that takes a while so whatever it costs to make to have me do my own art, but um Yeah, like I just kind of did it one day and I did it with like a justice league poster that I bought like on clearance at Kmart at the time and I just said like oh my god, it actually works. Okay, that's cool And I did it with a with a board that I directly soldered from one of the old xbox gamepads And as I did more research I found a Cthulhu and I found you know, like I like there was no there was never a point when I was like
Starting point is 00:52:48 Oh, yeah, no, I'll totally go for Sanwar submit two buttons I just went straight for hap competition concave. Okay. Okay because I because I knew them just by look and I said I know that if I get these they're going to make this wonderful sound you need that sound to play Yeah, and there there are people um, I recently got into a conversation where it was, you know, like why would you bother with those buttons? You know, and I said like because the feel of them, you know, like like that feedback You know, what's what's called haptic feedback that's trying to be emulated through Phones and touch devices. You know, it's like, oh, I remember that remember the feel of buttons. We can emulate that. It's like no No, you can't
Starting point is 00:53:26 You know, like you can't emulate that that sound and that click and just that perfection You know, like why are people spending so much on mechanical keyboards? You know, even though they may not have even grown up with mechanical keyboards because they are deeply satisfying to use Yeah the I feel like the uh The modern sticks that you have like these days, which i'm totally happy and find with that use the same, uh, japanese parts are Uh, totally like solid for recreating the japanese cabinet feel
Starting point is 00:53:54 Yeah, if you want an american cabinet feel there's still no real No, no out of the box no off the shelf for not for for current gen at least Yeah, there was there was the mortal combat controller and that was dodgy in the first place Yeah, because it's configuration the button configuration was it's like super weird. Yeah, well and the build itself was in the middle Absolutely, you know, and then uh, you like going further back there were um God, I forgot the name of the the type of stick, but it's a very generic kind of like, um Uh, can a american style Case like that you could buy but for the most part a lot of friends here
Starting point is 00:54:28 We had to like build their own giant boxes because even the amount of space that the buttons take up when you insert them in If you take like a any sort of mad cat's box or anything that sort of comes pre-canned it's not going to fit Yeah, you know Yeah, which is why I like the table You know like like the table is large it's cumbersome and it's like I have to have a place to keep it Of course, but it's but it's really convenient because you know like I like I have all the space in the room for my gorilla paws And you know like I like I can build it how I wanted it like in the spacing of it all uh came from the I actually dismantled I went I went out of my way to dismantle a street fighter for
Starting point is 00:55:07 Mad cat stick and just went like and that's where my button pattern is going to come from um because like I tried some of the slag coin patterns and You know, it's like it's all fun and games until you're trying to Drill through a printed pattern with a hole saw. Yep. Yep Been there bought the drill press sitting next to my window Like breathing in all kinds of terrible fumes breathe it in man. It's good for you. Totally been there man Yeah, so like so it was after that that I said like, okay What's what's the easiest way that I can find a pattern that is reusable?
Starting point is 00:55:41 So I'd found uh like a deeply discounted used like I'm sure it barely worked at the time Uh mad cats street fighter four stick and I just went all right and screwdriver and just as I thought metal plate good Bang flatten it done. Yep The the the cthulhu boards you mentioned just to sort of explain to you guys like They're a godsend in that they're just these uh screw terminal They're and they're PCBs that you can just use for to output to anything. You just wire it up. No, they're super universal Yeah, and like right prior to that like we were like me and uh, and my friend mike would go hunting for a wired 360 controllers
Starting point is 00:56:18 Yeah, no dismantle them because those were the ones and you dismantle it and you find out. Oh, this one is not common ground It's it's gonna take extra work. So Don't even bother because that's like like twice as much soldering you have to do Yeah, plus getting that rubber crap off forget it. You know, oh my god. So yeah, like those cthulhu things an absolute godsend Um, you mentioned you're you're playing some ranked. I gotta ask did you go through? Uh the the survival hard challenge to get your colors eight nine and ten Uh, I've gotten through Easy and normal. Okay, put that 50 that 50 game thing
Starting point is 00:56:55 I got up to 25 in the 50 and then I got my eyes just stopped focusing at for a point Like because I because I had just finished normal So I have like broly nekali, you know, which is awesome because it turns out to be my lucky color But um, yeah that that 50 man melee is just fucking harsh And i'm staring at it because i want that green the shade of green you get for beating normal is not the one I want Everyone's best color is either like eight nine eight seven eight nine or ten Like I thought I fought amika player that had like all green but with black boots and like oh my god That's the best. Oh, of course. It's like seven. Yeah, of course. You gotta earn that shit, man
Starting point is 00:57:37 Like the black they call us survival. They need to rename it endurance. Like it is just Yeah, no, it's It's because it's because like 35 of those opponents are brain dead and 15 of them are really real Yeah, you just and it's it's a complete waste of time for the first 15 minutes. Yeah Where you're just you're just plotting through the beginning your farming points that you're going to spend on the back Yeah, no exactly, but like I would rather just do 15 from zero You know what I mean and then the thing is like by the time you get up there
Starting point is 00:58:07 Though like by the time you get up to 35 you've already got points to blow on whatever you want multiple times Yeah, it's like so long as you haven't been You know like like wasteful, you know like at like on normal because on easy. I was like screw it double down five every time I don't care You know like I can ace this very easily But you know like as soon as it's like well if I do double down five in the 50 man and I'm an idiot Then I'm just gonna cry. Yeah No, you double down a bunch of times and like the first 10 15 matches as many times as you can possibly
Starting point is 00:58:37 Realistically get it and you and then you stop forever But like you feel confident going in like yeah, I can fight this with no without getting touched ko There goes like half an hour or more. Fuck. Yeah, exactly So like my policy on normal at this point is like double down one through four. That's perfectly fine I'm like it's there's no real penalty other than other than a point loss to to use a health up Yeah, so at that point it's like all right. Well, so one through four everything's nice and safe double down five Scary like five is just no. Yeah, like you do that in the lower level in the higher level It's like you obviously like wasting your time
Starting point is 00:59:13 I know I I never do five I did it like twice and I just I lost both times. I was like it's not worth it for those unfamiliar Double down five is basically it's like in the survival mode and it's your fighter five You can choose what post match bonus you want to get for the next map double down five drops you down to one point of health And let trip and triples your score and you don't gain meter and shit if i'm not mistaken Uh, no, no, no, no, it's just it's just one. It's just one health Either way, it's like you got it perfect. You got to do a perfect. That's it. Yeah Um, which they refuse to call it perfect because you only have one health. Yeah, exactly
Starting point is 00:59:47 It's it's just like this perfect And even if you finish double down five, you're not guaranteed to have a full health recovery It could be a health recovery low, you know, that's true. Yeah, and then you're really fucked So then you gotta like claw your way up and then it's like, okay, so here's my low health recovery How bad could it be consa key crap? I appreciate though like thought put into like survival modes beyond just like play the next map So originally I was very disappointed in survival mode. I was like, oh, I'm gonna have to grind all this room And like the longer it's gone on and I've poked at it here
Starting point is 01:00:18 There were some characters and seeing like here's a video on tips on how to excel at survival. I'm like, okay No, wait, this is kind of a real mode. Yeah, I got it. You have to really think about this This is kind of way more strategy and and min maxing than I would have ever expected And engage your own like skill level appropriately. It's weird. It's a good mode But I kind of wish hard and hell were like 35 and 50 rather than 50 and 100 Because like a hundred stupid like I can't even I can't even imagine it like I especially since you you get points And you get some fight money out of it and I'm just sitting here like can I get like color 11? Yeah
Starting point is 01:00:58 You get a title for beating And a billion gazillion experience, but you're gonna see which turns into you're gonna fight that one dude online Who's got the glowing crazy title? Yeah shoots out at that's who we know. Fuck you Wait a second You guys you will make fun of me for grinding all that bird out because it's shiny and you can show it off to people And now you're talking about grinding out like hundreds of matches and survive them To get that color that's totally different though. It's totally different, huh? No. Well, he was complaining. He didn't like rng Yeah, there's no rng to this. Well, if I got if I got to the end and then there was a chance
Starting point is 01:01:37 I didn't get those like if it was a 1% draw everyone can go fuck them. Well, yeah, no Well, I mean like it's like it's definitive to play the survival mode Like there there's a definitive beginning and a definitive end where it's it's not like oh I've been doing this for five straight days, you know pissing up this rope. Yeah Well, the the only the only joke I would add to that is that like I started the level 50 not the the 50 fight one and got like 35 in and then the server dropped me and it And it became rng at that. Yeah, all right. All right. I remember the other day I think I played as I think I was playing zangief in the in the
Starting point is 01:02:16 Heart no the 31 so normal. Um, and I lost at 28 and I was so fucking Oh, yeah, well because 28 29 30 are for real. There's the step up exactly. Yeah No one but see that's why I built my stick into a table so that I immediately have something to flip Yeah, I guess so hey some of us are thinking Uh, it's something like no one's really commented on but I just want to like actually shout out the the The ui layout of just being like sectioned off as like these blocks on the main menu. I really like it. It's simple It's simple and good and you just like yeah, go to that tile go to that I'm using like almost like the metro windows layout
Starting point is 01:02:53 There's a couple ui things that I that are totally baffling like the player one player to rematch thing is super weird But like online the the options like in the lobbies in order to like rematch or continue Like in the lobby you can just hit the button go go again and it will just go again right away. Yeah immediately God damn it. That's such a time saver. Yeah. Yeah at that end the um, uh Turn on fight request another fight is coming your way if you want it to yeah You don't have to take it. It's see what the connection quality is no good. All right. We'll wait. I'm playing everybody. Totally fine Totally good. I'm playing yes motherfuckers in the universe I really hope they're able to tighten up the loading speeds a little and actually on the topic of survival mode
Starting point is 01:03:33 I hope they're able to improve how that flows because if you go watch a video of Survival on hard 50 matches, right? You'll notice that like About two fifths of that video is loading time And just like like sure there's some downtime where you're picking your What what option you want as an upgrade but there is so much downtime not for me to load and go forward I don't know like there's a lot though. Like have you played it without the day one patch? Uh, no, I haven't Yeah, like there there's a there's a shit ton of optimization in the day one patch
Starting point is 01:04:08 I mean like like I know that the march updates coming And I'm being and I'll be very interested to see you know, because there's supposed to be like a Pressure this week about it But you know like if you play without the day one patch like it's like it's uber slow But uh to to follow up more conclusively like Liam when uh, like the ps4 load times are quite long in general on everything But when you're playing survival mode on the pc anyway, when it's when it's those parts where they don't change the stage They just change the character. It's instantaneous. Yeah, but I want it like dead or alive five Where like you're gonna have to you finish it you finish it through that because I finish it your character
Starting point is 01:04:45 Does their victory pose and then the next you picked your item and the next guy just hops on the screen? Okay, okay, okay In dead or alive five there isn't even a pick your item and there isn't even a victory He just dies and the next guy just jumps in without even stopping the match. Yeah. Okay. I see what you mean Um, it's a bit of a different like pacing and dynamic I'm just fed up of like sitting in survival mode and just just sitting Is the range with stuff in the news or should we just talk about it here? Oh, well, we'll get yeah That's the new stuff. Okay, just want to um
Starting point is 01:05:16 So, uh, well before I move on to Liam uh, yeah, like Anything else that you uh been up to mark? No, this is pretty much the whole of my life right now As it should be as it should um, honestly like I've been like other than personal projects. It's just been every night ranked and um At one point I was uh I was just trying to like just nail down because of pretty much the whole of my life at this point He's trying to nail down Nakali
Starting point is 01:05:45 Like like okay because because you know what's going to happen is that I'm going to go to a con And someone's going to be like I hear you're like one of the only people in the cast who actually plays the game hardcore Yes, then just like grab me by my by my badge. We're going to the game room. I'm beating Nakali. It's like, oh god. Yeah Yeah That means but that being said dude, we did some sense on I mean, you know Do you ever play online with your mic on you got to play you play the game? No, I never do I no one no one knows no one will ever know My dark secret can you imagine you're playing and he's got his mic on and he just starts voice over like next level
Starting point is 01:06:19 This guy's doing a really good impression of Nakali. That would be next level, man Yeah, but I don't know like that that's not me like I just want to I just want to do the match enjoy the game Sure, definitely. Well, I mean I mean like uh part of like the Conversation, you know was kind of like before you even like got the job like you were already a fan and like really in there Right. Oh, yeah, like I've I've I've been in it like I like I didn't just get here You know like I've been I've been a street fighter fan since I was 10 like I started with alpha 2 and uh
Starting point is 01:06:55 And like a friend taught me how to play and then I just kind of worked my weight up and through the games through there And like grew my love of fighting games through there Because it's like, okay, so we'll just stack this on top of my love of action adventure games, you know And then eventually first version shooters got stacked on top of the um So, you know, like I was I was a heavy story guy And um, you know, because I because I already grown up watching like the american street fighter cartoon where you know fighter
Starting point is 01:07:24 Yeah, we're like chundly kicks apart a tank and shit so I was I was already I was already primed to be in it by the time I was 10 Yeah, we we tried to abridge that series and unfortunately the That wasn't an unbridging. That was like a complete you. You're right. A bridge is like a total rewrite Total page one rewrite. We tried to whatever fix it. Yeah And uh, and I I still think they're hilarious and worked but unfortunately didn't get picked up. Um, at least it's better than space cop Yeah, uh before like we I just what we need we skipped over Liam and we need to get to Liam's week
Starting point is 01:08:03 Oh, no, no skipping over him. He's he's still he's still there. We haven't jumped to the to the news yet So I'm not feeling that those are the ones that are like, oh, yeah, of course it happens all time. Yeah Um, what is up? Uh, I I've been binge watching the office with my girlfriend. Which one the us one Okay, you don't have to binge watch the british office. It ends. Oh, yeah It's like how it's like What first season six episodes second season like three. Oh, and it's just done. You're done. Oh, wow. Okay I heard there's a french-canadian adaptation too. Oh god. I don't know anything about that. That's the difference between Adaptation so I need to look into that after that that might be strong. Yeah, no billy told me about it
Starting point is 01:08:43 Might be strong Um, so I've been watching that. Uh, what a fucking good show everyone's so lovable except for andy. Fuck that fucking cunt Andy's the worst which one's andy. He's the guy from the other office that jim goes to Oh, fuck that guy and he's just I don't know anything about the office But the guy from the other office Fuck that guy asshole. Uh, I'm watching that a lot. Um, not too much to say about that, but it is it is quite good Uh, my copy of a common writer batch ride wars Genesis came in
Starting point is 01:09:13 And I I didn't play willy did you end up playing the the first or second didn't didn't pop it in yet Okay, uh, I I haven't played the first or second. I just started at this one Um, this one adds stuff like a tag mechanic where you have a second rider who runs around with you and stuff Um, basically, it's a it's a warriors esque game not made by tecmo coey Uh, that's all it's just a love letter to common writer. It's just a big all-star common writer master writer Yes, yeah a big Master writer hoedown if you will Um, I wish I could describe the look on willy's face when I said masked writer
Starting point is 01:09:46 Yeah, well bemused discussed. Yeah It's like ew. Oh, that's real, isn't it? Yeah, I I didn't think I'd get too much out of it Because I've only really seen ryuki and gime and like I know a bunch of other ones just through osmosis And you know, it's impossible to not know black At least tangentially and stuff like double from when I was in japan and stuff Uh, so I wasn't expecting to get too much, uh, but holy shit a lot of them are just so cool Yeah, uh, just just doing their attacks and stuff like I know decade is apparently a rancid piece of shit as a show But oh my god
Starting point is 01:10:22 And they line up for the shot and he breaks through each card. Oh, he's cool exactly Dude, I know and forze his head shaped like a rocket. That's cool. Well, when you that's cool, man He does the Yankee stomp and shit like remove all context and plot from one of these and all you have is the cool bits Yeah, like exactly all you have is the cool bit. Is it are you playing the version with all the music as well? Uh, no, I am not playing that version because it was it was an extra 2000 yen. Yeah, and I I wasn't gonna get it wouldn't have made a difference fair enough But the other thing is all versions of it have a custom soundtrack feature anyway so
Starting point is 01:11:01 you know if you If you just put the thought into it and you just tore in all the soundtracks You could just set it up if you wanted to Um, but uh real talk. I'm also playing the Vita version just because and there was no Uh, like show sound version for it Presumably because of file size or something that would make the most sense to me Um, I'm surprised actually it runs really well way better than any of the dynasty warriors games I I'm just having a blast with that. Uh, super fun game. Um
Starting point is 01:11:34 Other than that though I don't know. I played a lot of hit mango hit man goes fucking great good puzzle game And uh, yeah, I guess I'll just drop it there. I don't have too much to talk about this week. Hmm. Cool. Cool. Um Yes, no, but uh to so to I guess get right into it, uh official official, uh credits sir as voice of nekali and, uh also some script writing for, um Things that well, basically obviously we discussed this before but nothing that is like unannounced or not out yet Is going to be touched on because so who's in season two?
Starting point is 01:12:13 NDAs are active Right, so who's in season five? Yeah, yeah, right. So uh Based on I guess Based on like what has come out and what we do see and what is here like What was your overall experience with like working on street fighter fucking five? Uh, it involved me running around the block screaming my head off
Starting point is 01:12:35 Like trying to gain enough speed to go back in time to tell my eight-year-old self Did it work one day? No, I just I just passed out of my driveway Uh, I have a follow-up question in that regard. Uh, what was the exact extent of the work you've done on the content that's out right now? Uh, I worked on combat scripts and I worked on Story scripts for individual characters Okay, uh, do you know are you able to share which characters you wrote the scripts for or? uh See off the top of my head like the because it was me and bill rogers
Starting point is 01:13:09 Um, working on the script working on the story scripts and there was one point when I was working on them alone Which rounded out to about 15 of them. Um, but like bill and I worked together on the cammy script for instance um But yeah, like the like the exact list Like I can't even remember So were you guys Writing them or were you adapting them from a japanese version? Uh, well, there was already the original japanese script and then there was um
Starting point is 01:13:41 Then we had like a Because it wasn't it's like a spreadsheet So it shows you like the original line translated line And then a nice little space to do some to to actually do your adaptation work or your writing, of course Yeah, so Um, the thing is is that like my my approach Was to make sure that each character like from you know, like years of experiencing street fighters. So it's a matter of like
Starting point is 01:14:06 Okay, so what's You know, like what's still canon what still works what doesn't make sure that every character has you know Like an individual voice that that comes out of the dub Um make I was using The the radio term hit the post Which was uh, that you know, like we can like we can you know count the syllables And run this all the way to the post but then there wouldn't be enough room for actual acting To happen because then it's just like people like trying to rush really quick
Starting point is 01:14:33 Then just like make it fit like a mouth flap recording almost Yeah So like having having no sense of like what the story mode was going to bang out to be it's like, okay Well, we just have to find the the most comfortable place Um for performances to to kind of breathe So there were times when um, I would use words that were that you know, weren't as expensive But they were shorter So that way it would like, you know, like someone will appreciate that in the booth where it's like, oh, yeah
Starting point is 01:15:02 You know, like I don't feel like I have to rush through this line Now there's some parts of the script that uh, you're saying like, uh There were things that just went completely Uh unnamed or like didn't exist until Like you had you had to stop and think about it Yeah, um Like ebuki's clan doesn't have a name
Starting point is 01:15:25 Like the rival clan has a name but and that just and that just came up during the writing and you're like, uh Yeah, like in just like ran just ran like random things like that where you find, you know, like especially like if you read the udon comics um And uh Yeah, like that. So you you just try and like what you try and do is you try to to farm all of this collective data like not only from um Like not only from like the official canon but from like what people
Starting point is 01:15:55 Kind of take away from that and you know, like the people who did their due diligence um, because like the ebuki's clan thing came up in in karin's script where, um Shibasaki was saying like ninja village ninja village ninja village And I'm just like, why does he keep saying ninja village doesn't ebuki's clan have a name? and no so So, you know, like I have to go back into the into like any material that I can find and just be like, all right
Starting point is 01:16:21 Well in the udon comics they call it the glade of ninja, you know, like and and I have to get approval for that um And they found that nice middle ground where like he says ninja village once but then he you know, like glade of ninja makes final cut And I'm like, oh thank goodness. Yeah. Yeah that and like uh, I know what the other thing too that I I feel like gets Indirectly credited here is because like the the stuff that a lot of what udon did Uh, referenced this whole thing called tmats street fighter plot guide
Starting point is 01:16:49 Which people on the channel will know because matt are are we it's amazing to talk about street fighter Without referencing tm. It's plot guide because it's it was before the udon comics existed and created their own Is the rosetta it was the bible it was and he's he was the only dude that went out got every one of those Game-est mooks from japan got the all about capcom book and just sat and did the work and put it into a giant txt file So you find that on gamepacks. Yeah, and you find it sits there on gamepacks And like udon, you know has said that they've referenced that for a bunch of material because that's the closest thing you're getting to What the the street fighter to? Uh, uh writing quote unquote. Well, it would have been like or was like yeah
Starting point is 01:17:34 Well, I mean like you said like and he's pulling from such us esoteric places as mooks, which I mean for those who don't know They're like little magazine books. Basically Oh Crazy crazy stuff that would have just been completely missed. Yeah, otherwise I've never got adapted into any game Like the feeling of getting hit with uh sakura's hadoken is is a cool refreshing blast Yeah, can I get a team at plot guide for virtual fighter, please? No, no, but you can write it yourself Oh
Starting point is 01:18:06 Akira is strong like there that's the great there akira isn't rehoof a story there He likes to shoulder block things. He went to dengiki land one time. There is a story there, but nobody knows what it is Dural No, the dural project excuse me. Sorry. Yeah, the the project to metal plate sarah bryant It was sarah bryant and then it was kage's mom and then it was venessa Yeah Yeah, you know, it young me totally called him cage. I mean everyone's the same here. Everyone called him cage. Yeah Oh man. No, but uh, yeah, that's that's that's always really interesting stuff is like like seeing the the old references from way back then
Starting point is 01:18:46 Like how many different steps away through the udon filter now and then, you know Yeah, I'm like, it's not just the udon filter because like, you know, because again, like I was already here So, you know, like when charlie pops up, it's like, oh, let's reference alpha two. You already knew. Yeah You know, like like use of the words great man of justice from the american military Like that that was just me going like, okay So the line isn't exactly the way that it was an alpha two, but how can I make it the line for alpha two? Hey, let Let me ask you a question because we've been talking about this and kind of arguing about this forever Like and you're closer than any of us to the source
Starting point is 01:19:26 Is codie the canonically strongest straight fighter character? There we go I I can't answer that for you. I'm sorry He throws rocks and they blow up fucking He has he has the most potential. He's not the strongest. Okay. We've all we've agreed on this I just wanted to I just wanted to I mean like I mean if you're looking for me to confirm to you that That codie is krillin I I can't do that for you. The destructo disc argument. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's true. It's a strong argument Except the destructo disc hits cell and does nothing
Starting point is 01:20:00 Wow He just eats it really eats it in the face and he's like ha ha. That's just like your opinion Like right in the back of the neck. Oh, yeah, they just did they just did it on on a bridge. Yeah But yeah in spirit that argument was valid for a couple years before before cell hit tv Because because we love because uh and again based on like the the the different uh covers of the plot and stuff Like we always love debating what the power levels are in the street fighter story Universe and but only in street fighter. Yeah, and our friend of mine argues that like Like I have these arguments all the time like I came from retail like what like what do you do?
Starting point is 01:20:36 You ring stuff up And you you have you know like little bullshit arguments about street fighter and star wars and lord of the rings Yeah, exactly. Like is is is really killing stormtroopers murder or is that just you know the destruction of a tool? Right You know and and things like you know like is is mr. Popo truly the strongest Yeah, yes, uh, I I feel like in the last iteration of the of the discussion at least between pat and I We came up with something like Your your your top of the list
Starting point is 01:21:08 Oro is at the top so far that he's in space That like or as has been proven. No one has challenged. Yeah, or oro is off off the scale off the scale Yeah, I don't know because because oro wasn't in Capcom versus snk2. We don't have comparisons, right? We don't have you know like in in the one story where it's like, okay, so we We may have figured out that psycho power Satsui no hado and a rochi power are all the same thing. Yeah And you know like we're we're staring down the barrel of god roogle and it's like, uh Yeah, so where so so where's oro like? Oh, he's just up on a mountain somewhere. He doesn't he doesn't prioritize this at all
Starting point is 01:21:47 One of the coolest things from that was mr. Karate is the strongest street Do No in the in the neo geo battle neo g not battle coliseum in the pocket fighters clash game Uh, athena and bison talk to each other and they're like you use psycho power. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and it's the canon It's the same source in that it's like, of course She literally says it's psycho ball It is gonna come out that like like for real like hey, hashi is the strongest street. Oh god, akuma's canon Akuma's canon akuma is not only canon, but he's being set like directly against the masheema family
Starting point is 01:22:24 So if any of them beat him and akuma is still like near top billing in street fighter that puts that tecan character over So Fuck the list then it's like we have we have what we were about to say, but then you have to wrap in The s and j and tecan world once uh faded revolution comes out, you know, it's frustrating We got almost none of that from street fighter cross tecan Instead we're getting it from the one crossover thing into a real tecan game Oh, man It's but i'm sure there's some stuff across like i would i would have i would have loved like sf cross tecan
Starting point is 01:22:57 That's like kuma canonically beat ryu in a match Therefore done. Yes, therefore paul is stronger than ryu and therefore Uh, um, what's his name the brucelly ripoff and tecan leet uh law law He's he is stronger than street fighters. No, it like brucelly ripoff in cross tecan You got a lot of character interactions for fans to get like jobs in writing because nothing gets done because this is all that gets Talked about yeah kuma with goken training wait. Yeah, hold on a minute Well is goken a better student a better trainer than heihashi. I don't know Right like casuya seems closer to heihashi's strength
Starting point is 01:23:40 Then ryu seems to go constrain in cross tecan You got a lot of like good character interactions like abel thinks cute kuma is really cute that's the best but Like you didn't get any of the victories as canon or anything like that fighting games in general seem to have been Like moving away from the old days of like Such and such won the tournament. Yeah. Yeah, like remember you remember the end of every fighting game You could see like who won the even virtual fighter. Yeah law akira Kage wolf and then I don't know who won five because six didn't come out
Starting point is 01:24:12 like Who won I think the only person who gets a legitimate push in cross tecan is ingrid In terms of story. Yeah, like she does a new thing. You know ingrid's ingrid's the best She's the most powerful and powerful and ogre gets a little bit of push there as well ogre gets a little bit too That's yeah, cuz ogre's fucking ain't she ogre. Yeah But uh, yeah, no, but the other thing I like too is Just on on charlie is How like when it when it's showing off the events that unfold and you get the the waterfall scene with like the
Starting point is 01:24:43 The plane coming down and doing the shots. It's like It's it's almost like Similar to what udon did where it's like all of the alpha one alpha two alpha three All of those deaths are canon in a different type of way And like you can actually use them all together if you include the whole shadow resurrection part of the story Yeah, you know, so like we're getting like an actual timeline out of something that was way more because what because what it is is that like because This is this is a weird thing because like in
Starting point is 01:25:11 because it felt like Crimson viper was remembering the alpha three version of the death while charlie was remembering the alpha two alpha one version of the death So the way that I kind of Filed it in my brain. It's like it's it's just people Relating a story different interpretations Like only like the only the two people who were there on that day have the real actually happened Yeah, so charlie's is the definitive and then like viper's version Is the intel, you know, charles nash was killed in action. It's that stuff. I heard that one time
Starting point is 01:25:41 Right. Okay. Okay I do have a question about charlie and I don't know how much of this you would know But I always got the biggest kick in the world that charlie is one-handing and kicking sonic booms and Like he has he now has the sonic scythe, which is like a grounded flash kick and stuff like that But the one that has like my my inner child just like going I can't believe it's like he's doing a sonic hurricane with his fingertips in his super Like with one arm. No, he uses both
Starting point is 01:26:13 Uh, when he uses both he does this in in five you mean? Yeah, I'm sorry He's doing a sonic hurricane with his fingertips. Yeah And like is that the kind of thing that they were just like, oh, it'd be cool if he did the slice or Were people actually being like he's doing a sonic hurricane with his fingertips. That's how good charlie is now I think it's well, that's how well, that's how good charlie's always been because it's that charlie taught guile everything he knows Like the more you can do to distance how much better than guile he is at fighting Yeah, you have to do it which which comes which comes down to you know, like the way that charlie got kind of
Starting point is 01:26:50 set up in this game, right because You know like guile is all like guile and charlie have always been the same where it's always been like charge charge be annoyed charge Defensive charge And now it's that charlie's all commands like he just throws with that ease And he's just all over the screen And it like it works on another level too where guile is like completely one of the poster boys for street fighter like no question He is one of the america boys And like when you see charlie when people see charlie after not having seen him for a long time or never having seen him before
Starting point is 01:27:23 It's like holy shit. Who the fuck is this guy? You know like it's it's like the remi seemed like he wanted like they wanted to do some of the same Elements of like he's doing a sonic boom style thing, but he's like he's like backhand tossing it like it's nothing Uh and his flash kick is looks super effortless, but like charlie's one-handed sonic boom is just the best Well, you know it it really makes me think that it's the same philosophy that probably went into Uh how they came up with like goken's moveset where you want to show the same moves that you've been seeing for a while But done with even less effort Yeah, right so he throws out those casual one-handed headokins
Starting point is 01:28:01 Yeah, you know and then he does the tatsu that is akuma's third strike super as his normal tatsu So you just go okay. Yeah. No, that's the level that goken is at Yeah, and even just seeing other like tangential characters like sakura where like her tatsu is really good But she like struggles with the headokin. So like it's cool to see that kind of stuff We're like a real visual measure Yeah, there's like there's a real visual language to to the way the things bang out and in the canon Another one that comes to mind is laura doing the wheel kick that shan tries to do. Yeah, and succeeds perfectly Nowhere near is she's not like launching into the air that you can telegraph it like crazy
Starting point is 01:28:42 Like she's using it in an effective actually aggressive method and like as shitty as dan is As garbage as he is and as bad as his good doken is it is energy. It doesn't take super and he is doing it with one hand And now in hindsight that you see goken's one-handed headokin You realize that dan saw that and never tried to do it for real. Yeah, no dan's not bad Dan's good. He's no joke for somebody who sucks. He's pretty good. Yeah Uh, and let's not even get into like the the snk tie-in where he starts doing Like how shokoken style things and ryo's punches and stuff. Yeah um
Starting point is 01:29:25 On the on the actual like voice performance with nekali like uh How was it liquor up drink a thing of whiskey like david hater style and then just growl And get your metal voice on or like what? No, that's just me all the time, man Like uh, but there's no acting involved I um you came in and talked for a little and they're like, okay, you can go and you're like, wait what? Yeah, like they just shuffled me into the booth and then they're like, all right, so we we heard that uh that you're the guy and it's like
Starting point is 01:30:00 uh Yeah, you're the guy you got a sandwich in there and you're like, oh too far Yeah, that's perfect Yeah, no on the on the team four star like podcast that we did uh the mac fest week I was like talking about like some of the the the cool You know just some of the really good like lines that that you delivered there that I thought were really cool And like probably my favorite one is the the sacrifice
Starting point is 01:30:27 Line that like has it goes high pitch and then low again Oh, yeah, you know like see it like I take a lot of cues from um Because like you know like you'll always hear in like voiceover interviews like oh like I I draw my inspiration from mel blank And I draw my inspiration from like this vintage guy and that and that legendary person and honestly like since I don't like since I'm not like a person who does characters because like this is really all I got um I take a lot of uh Like my life changed when halo two came out and
Starting point is 01:30:59 I was like who is doing the grave mind? Who is this insane person? And it was d bradley baker So that immediately became you know like because because when you start out in the baby giraffe phase of voiceover You're just like emulating performances and like what can I do with my voice and while everyone else is like I can do bugs Bunny and I can do vegeta You know like for me, it's like I can't do any of those but I can do Um So you know like they're like there's definitely some shades of baker in there where it's you know
Starting point is 01:31:34 Make you sacrifice I didn't I you know not I don't want you to like dance like the puppet, but I appreciate it. It's really cool Uh, dude. Yeah, that's what was your inspiration behind this line that I clearly want you to just say no I I I I I bring I know I super bring it up because we did talk about it. I'm the fourth But what I what I actually do uh want to know is like the japanese nekali um to some degree like Uh, what like what part of it was like trying to make it sound like that as well
Starting point is 01:32:11 See, that's the thing is that like I am there there is a definitive wedge between me and the japanese actor like the japanese actor is entirely more consistent um and You know like he like he produced some sounds that like I couldn't I just physically had no idea Where that man produced those sounds from in his face. You tried I take it I tried I I genuinely tried and it was it was just white flag like I can't Like if we come up with something that that is as long
Starting point is 01:32:42 But something that I can actually do because this man is amazing more amazing than me Um, so Like they're because you know like there's there's a lot of call and repeat, you know Like just you know like wild lines that are used to fill Just in case and then but for the most part, you know, like it's it's 500 cues Of just me listening to this actor just like and you know, like it like deep down in in the core of me I'm just like a maze and I'm just going like all right and go and when the when the footage came out from packs Uh the first time that I heard myself
Starting point is 01:33:16 Um, I had heard uh, you know, like it like it was all this stuff that I remember doing But then there were things that like I don't know like maybe I entered a fugue state because Because you know like four like four hour sessions like I recorded in the collie for 11 hours So I forget some of it. Wow And when uh when the critical art and v trigger pops, I was like did I make that noise? Right what he does the uh the um Yeah, exactly exactly. I don't remember making that noise
Starting point is 01:33:49 Oh god, I I I love it how like because I used to play blanka and like it's just like well, you know blank There's no blank in street fighter five. What are you gonna do? You're fucked and it's like nah, dude I got there's another beast man and he's right there and it's perfect like I can make that work Even if the fighting style is totally different I'm I'm so on board with like Characters that are just like I'm I'm here to be a warrior to fight because this is street fighter One of my attacks is a claw move without a claw. It's my claws though And that's it, you know, like I appreciate the purity. I admire its purity
Starting point is 01:34:23 as uh alien The alien line goes, you know, like it's just I like that you have I like when new characters are put into a fighting game that are like That's what they do and there's nothing else to it. It's not it's like less of a gimmick and just that's their person You almost want the character to be a little two-dimensional Uh, not even that More just like you want it to be believable that that's that is their three-dimensional miss and that's why that is all Their life and you and that the reason why the camera is showing you why this this fighter and what they're up to in their life
Starting point is 01:34:56 Is because that's how much that's how important it is, you know It's not like someone who on their off time is like doing like a million other things or is You know what I mean? Like like Karen can easily be like someone who's just like yeah, she's like a million other She has a million other things to do in life and whatnot But when you play her story mode and even before that in like Sakura Ganbaru and stuff It's like no, she's rich and she comes from a rich background in the the kanzuki's eye But she wants to fight all the time crazy obsessed with fighting like No one else is anywhere near that and then she has the resources and I like I love how that's addressed by birdie
Starting point is 01:35:30 Yeah, and Laura's story That was that was just like one of the most fun lines to write just because like Having having barely the any sense of like what Karrion's going to be like Now at like at this point in time. It's just like like in writing through all that's just going like oh, no Yeah, she's she's dumb on kashu crazy Like it like like whites of her eyes mad Doing nothing but fighting and you're like, okay. Yeah, that's why we follow Karen and she's a character in this, you know That that's the kind of the that's what I like to see in like when a street fighter
Starting point is 01:36:01 Or any fighting game character gets introduced in something Yeah, there was a there was a definitive one to make sure that like all the characterization was like what That these people live and breathe in between all the shots that you see them You know like that like there there was a life that has lived and like on like in you know Because my favorite story like other than cammy my favorite story is ken because like I told you this at mac festival like because Ken's story is about ken. It's about Eliza Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm And that's amazing to me, you know like that that you you get the snapshot of their life together
Starting point is 01:36:34 Where it's like this this woman married this big kid second richest dude in the world, you know And just deals with it And and just deals with the fact that he's never going to grow up that he's obsessed with Beating his best friend and somehow the business doesn't you know go up in flames despite right right But um like because because I I think about things like that all the time like because as I was writing and I was just You know like postulating to myself like well, you know like Ryu travels But how does he travel and I just keep thinking about like well, maybe ken just like occasionally sends him like little care packages Like in all like Ryu's just a leech. I always he's just a cowardly leech who refuses hands from sagat and takes ken's money
Starting point is 01:37:16 I had always assumed that he's an fok friend of ken Yeah Because like you know I you can buy that Ryu walks from like china all the way to like, you know, london On foot, but he's not getting America with his shoe with his feet Yeah, so like I just kind of like in my head just had that like imaginary fan fiction moment of like I think the ken just like sends real little care packages You know like completely unsolicited. It's not like Ryu's like asking for money It's just that ken knows that rio would never ask
Starting point is 01:37:48 So it's just like I like I know that Ryu is going to be here next So I'm just going to make sure that there's you know like this waiting for him. Here's your $40,000 check Now see you see you next week when I try to beat your shit in again um Yeah, no and as as uh Something else I wanted to touch on was like as brief as the the the story mode is here The like I guess kind of like almost like primer for the big plot It's the lead up to the story really. Yeah, that's gonna come
Starting point is 01:38:18 um, I I super enjoyed the amount of Like background characters that are like people And are treated like people and have names like Rashid's butler whose name I whose name escapes me right now and and um God, uh, what was his name? Rashid's butler. No, you're thinking of a kid, right? No, no, no, I'm thinking of yeah, no Rashid's handler
Starting point is 01:38:42 Azam, yeah Well, and then and then when what's his face is watching azam in kareen's story? Yeah, when uh shibasaki. Yeah, and he's got and he's on them the the muscle the the magazine as well Yeah, one of the guys that's involved with like zangief too. Yeah, like like azam brand new character has a full life Yeah, like like like branches. He has a he has a relationship chart. Yeah You know like I like I like how that just happened like like almost like instantly Um and like and one thing too. I saw was uh when rashid's going over his social media on his phone I don't know if it's if it's
Starting point is 01:39:18 Confirmed or not, but one of the people he's talking to is maya. Oh, yeah, and that and maya is the name of um Crimson viper's daughter. Yeah, so I don't know if that's actually a link or not You know, but like just lots of little things like that. We're like, okay. Yeah, there's actual like They're they're reaching out. They're grabbing that one character that we really all wanted and um, um ed Yeah, right the child that barog found at the end of four and it's just like oh man Please bring him in and please make him as scummy as possible and lo and behold. He's a scumbag Yeah, like it was it was like because ed bosco's performance is ed. It's just awesome Because you know like I'm just writing like petulance and just like like just him being a jerk to charlie
Starting point is 01:40:03 It's like oh, I hope this comes out like I remember we were talking about this Like pre any street fighter 5 media Where it you couldn't tell if it was a little girl or a little boy I remember being woolly talking about how like oh man a female like dirtbag boxer would be so cool And then we see ed and we're like yeah, good enough. That's it bingo Because it's like what would a child raised by fucking rog? What would that turn out like? Yeah, I need my fight money That's what it would turn out. Yeah Need it and and I got like and we already discussed like oh man
Starting point is 01:40:35 If you'd have like turnaround punches, but you do like two of them instead because he has cycle power. Yeah I don't know. There's there's a whole thing, but I'm like I'm like yes That's please revisit that thread and we already see it there. So Uh, uh, uh, yeah, I I I hope there's more I super stoked for the idea that there might be Yeah, the spider web is is going outwards like it's interesting to see like it was interesting to see at the time at writing Just like I remember this and I remember this like this happened in four and it's like oh man Like they're going they're going full tilt with us You know, um, I know
Starting point is 01:41:07 You know it doesn't even need to be said but obviously a lot of people are like highly critical of how long the stories are but Even just the lengths of the stories in street fighter 5 like without the story mode itself Which which has yet to release are still longer than like the story you get in Almost any other street fighter game previous entries doing just arcade mode Yeah, like screen endings I want to say like 80 of other street fighter games don't have this much story even with their alpha three Alpha three is
Starting point is 01:41:36 Yeah, alpha three was like a lot of text wall Um, so you know that that definitely deserves like the the the top spot. Yeah Um And yeah, and you know, I mean obviously like four had the had the the prologues and the epilogues for every character as well But yeah, no, I I agree. It's it's it's there's like a pretty solid density of it already Without even like all the content being out. So yeah, and there there are people who are genuinely like and this is my favorite story out of five You know, like they're like people are genuinely paying attention and they're they're you know Like some like some people are even affected by the stories like they're I remember
Starting point is 01:42:13 First day I I'd read um Just some youtube comments about like some of the story modes and someone had Had this thorough appreciation for for the long time arc of cammy Yeah, and I just went that is the coolest freaking thing man No, definitely because now she's like totally free and just fighting against bison and protecting like actively Protecting dolls. Yeah, junie junie junie. Julie is uh, julie has the brown hair Yes, yes, they can't put julien because it'll overlap with jury's name in japan. Oh, no, that's true But also teahawk is protecting her now. So yeah, isn't she just sitting at like some lady's house
Starting point is 01:42:49 Just sitting by a window teahawk condor inspired her away. Or am I getting that confused with somebody else? Teahawk? Yeah, there's so many dolls. Um, and yeah, but uh, they that's true Like like cammy has totally like has this has this whole arc that goes down there um and I Like you can go back a couple episodes and hear me just really unhappy with fang as a concept when he was first released And now I'm way on board. Oh wow. See I was see I hadn't even seen him But I had only heard about because I didn't get the audition for him So I had only heard like loosely about like what he looked like and I heard that he was kind of you know, like goofy looking
Starting point is 01:43:27 And I said well just because he's goofy looking doesn't mean that he can't be dangerous You know, so like every like every one of his lines where he's interacting with someone isn't is entirely built around It's like let's make him a person that makes that just kind of makes you double take it how Serious He is he feels like he's the most dangerous character in the cast and he loves murder personality Why is like bison's stronger, but they explain already like how like The chances of even becoming like fang is like you go through a whole process of like death survival Games of I just mean like his his like his mo feels dangerous
Starting point is 01:44:07 Like like bison's stronger But his mo feels way more dangerous than what bison's doing also the alt costume really helps his alt costume is very cool I like his default, but it's all and in my mind I get to I get to say that like until it gets revealed later. There's like sagot could probably beat him But then fang would murder him later at dinner or something Like yeah, because that that just seems like the guy that he is right like he'll he'll take the hit And he'll you know, he'll crawl away wily style But then you know like in the dark moments
Starting point is 01:44:41 Like when when sagot's just like going to bed in the in the three hours a night He sleeps because sagot was like never a true believer in the whole like a shadow loo thing Was he he was just like I'm using this for my gain and I have And I happen to be the strongest dude around that isn't magically powered and the end of four shows sagot being Toped a super nice guy. Whereas, you know fang is tried to help Ryu. Yeah fang is a Total true believer who's way down with murdering everybody for funsies fang has a very tiger uppercuttable face. Yes That's that's the way I feel I want that to be the rivalry when sagot it comes back in three or four years Like I don't want it to be like you killer my spot, but I want it to be like hey
Starting point is 01:45:26 Your shit because I was where morally opposed. Yeah Let's do it and then he poisons his food and sagot has to fight him poison flag like gut rot um And so and I guess uh one one last thing I wanted to touch on uh as well mark was like Working with capcom like you are now one of the people that you know Like combo fiend and and haunts and some of the other guys are like the fans are People that are fans are now involved officially inmates running the asylum. Yeah
Starting point is 01:45:55 And like that is just the greatest thing for street fighter. I'm so happy that that's where the franchise is going and like uh Yeah, I just like Is that something that you kind of I don't know like recognize as well amongst other people that you worked with that were on the staff or Is that just me like reading too far into it? I worked I worked separately from everyone because really what it is is that like I worked like I worked for New gen pictures working for capcom like contract so like I yeah, exactly like exactly that
Starting point is 01:46:28 And like I I only got to meet like two people from capcom one from capcom japan and one from san franc um And really like the sequence of events was was that you know like bill rogers Was the guy who they originally got and then he was like well my friend mark is a really big street fighter guy like he knows He knows the story up and down Can I like can I use him as a resource? And he got approval for that So
Starting point is 01:46:55 It just happened to be that you know like it's it's not just about me being a resource or an asset or resourceful It's like i'm also a writer So this this all kind of perfectly works out and you know like did it immediately dawn on me that's like i'm here I'm inside you know like i'm through the freaking looking class Like yeah, like like i'm i'm absolutely I was absolutely immediately aware of that and you know like the thing is is that you know Like acting is one percent of what i do and the other 99 of the time i'm doing like all the other things that i do Which is up to an including an anime review show
Starting point is 01:47:27 So there there was that little part of me that's like if you know like we sit around and we critique anime and how it's written Now how it's directed all day and like and if i if i make the same mistakes, can i not work on that show anymore with impunity? um so I uh Like I It was it was like being giving the keys to a lambo and they're like just bring it back with gas Right, right, right, you know and you're like immediately you're just you're skeptical like really just bring it back with gas I can drive it how it all and also like underneath that is the implication is like don't trash it
Starting point is 01:48:01 Like don't like yeah, like yeah, the the unspoken rule is like don't don't trash it. Don't write your own fucking shitty jokes um But um, you know like treat like treat it with respect and i did because you know like i come from I come from anime fandom. I come from comic book fandom. I come from video game fandom. Like I came I came up I grew up in all of this I've seen it done. Well, and I've seen it done poorly. I've seen it done poorly, but it's so endearing that you don't care So For me it was you know like in this whole sense of inmates running the asylum thing. It's like
Starting point is 01:48:36 yeah, and You know what like i'm like i'm not like i'm not writing this for any sense of like my own personal victory Like i'm writing it for For that guy that's like me for that you know for that kid that's gonna pick up street fighter for the first time And it's like like here's something for you to see to sink your teeth into at any age You know like something that you're gonna carry around like something that's quotable You know like when fang says allow me to teach you the hierarchy and your place in it You know like if fang's gonna be here fang's gonna be here. It's it's gonna be with a big splash, you know
Starting point is 01:49:06 Yeah, no like thank you for not injecting the dankest memes into the script Because not every other person that works on scripts can resist that urge apparently they would have been so dank They would have been so appreciated by in 2060 by kids for like a And like and like capcom is a company that has like done that explicitly like the ace attorney localizations That that yeah, I mean every project's different. Yeah. Yeah. Well, see here's the thing like It you always have to be mindful of who it is that you're that you're selling this to like who is your viewing audience because Um, the thing is is that like your audience and what they recognize and what they and and what they are going to recognize
Starting point is 01:49:53 Is something that they already know Or something that's relatable is extremely important Like you can't really get people on side for something that they don't you know quite understand You know like in anime It's always you know like site gags and site gags are always funny because it's a person falling down or a person getting hit But you know, what about all the dialogue in between? so it's important to
Starting point is 01:50:17 like like you look at um Look at some of the jokes that have been written, you know, like because you know like I've had conversations about You know like a line what maintains the integrity of what's trying to be said while being completely different from what originally got said And that should be the method that should always be the method and this method is always Supposed to be in service to the audience Who otherwise you know like if they're not, you know super Japanese initiated in terms of culture because like a lot of the jokes are Culturally derived If you say something too foreign you run the risk that uh the the reader or listener
Starting point is 01:50:54 Think like just gets stuck thinking about it too much and it spoils the experience. Absolutely the difference between transliterating and translating Right. Exactly You know like like I'll just throw in the articles and the particles and make them fit. Yeah, you know like yeah No, like like a good a good localization should elevate the source material Yeah, while still you know like if you have two people like one who watch this up and one watch dub They should be able to have like be able to tell the exact same story Like even though the even though the dialogue is different Like the story should still be the same between the two in terms of hitting all the templates all of the the core beats for sure
Starting point is 01:51:33 Yeah, I I feel like one of the best slash worst examples is uh The old boy dub for not not the not the spike lee old boy, but the original Um, I something I didn't know I when I was telling people go watch old boy. It's amazing and loaning them my dvd Uh, and they don't naturally. Oh, no They don't naturally switch it over to the sub They listen to it in dubbed english and the dubbed english Like just based on the way the language is used and how it's delivered It gives away the entire plot well before anything happens ouch
Starting point is 01:52:07 See the thing is I never got the tartan asia version of old boy. I had the original import version So I didn't even know that I didn't know that the tartan version had a dub it does and it's not good You know and it just spoils the whole thing So when I get handed back to dvd, like this is garbage. Why'd you recommend it? And I was like, what? What happened? You know and then oh no see what you hand them is you hand them the mtv cut of volcano high. That's what you do What is that exactly? That is a bunch of wrappers. Oh, oh my god. Yes. Okay. Yeah. Yeah
Starting point is 01:52:40 Yeah, what what is what is essentially like this weird yu-yu haka show bleach hybrid korean fight film Which is amazing all by itself, but more amazing because little john plays Plays the the anti hero antagonist in a shang yang That sounds like that could be really strong. Yeah. Oh, it's it's amazing They just they scrapped the entire soundtrack and voices redubbed it and put hip hop in it and like yeah Wow, it was it was a whole yeah, that's a hell of a makeover Right Cool. Uh, well mark, you know pleasure man, you know, uh, really appreciate it and
Starting point is 01:53:19 Yeah, like as much as we want to like be like what's coming out what's happening. What's gonna happen like No, just we're not gonna bother. No, just who's in season two for real Yeah, just break your nda and never work in the industry again and blow it all up right here on the podcast Well, I'll get the news. Yeah, and that's worth it, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, totally I can just drop out of voiceover now, you know, I've had a good run Well, you're getting old you know about time to retire You gotta you know start a family those sticks need attention, you know I'll just go back to where I came from that's all
Starting point is 01:53:55 Right out man, dude. Uh, it's been a pleasure. Really appreciate it Yeah, it's been fun guys. I'd love to do it again sometime man I hope to run into like somewhere else down the line if not Uh mac vest from this time Yeah, I'm I'm gonna be at uh anime fan fest new jersey in may. I'm gonna be at anime next in june I'm at anime next every year Um as far as like upcoming cons then those are my only two for the year So and uh, where can people like check you out online or like find your stuff?
Starting point is 01:54:27 Nowhere leave me alone Leave me alone works too. I guess I mean Like if you ever want to see my writing work, it's on ben the Um me working on an anime band and otherwise you can find me on twitter at th3 engineer But there's no website there's no there's no like mark or anything like that Just doesn't like I don't really feel like I need one right now Right on Uh, cool. Well with that we will transition into the rest and uh say good about a mark
Starting point is 01:55:01 Uh, thank you kindly mark for coming on the podcast. Very appreciate it Yeah So who wants a big long podcast? Yeah Oh, we're just we're just talking about that was two hours right about two hours That's begins part two We did the the final fantasy power hour. Then we did the the vour hour Yeah, and now it's time to roll into the There's news this week for real. Yeah, can we just start out though laughing?
Starting point is 01:55:30 No, can we just start out laughing? extensively Had a couple things because you can't get mad anymore at the idea that shadow moses is shut down and That's I like that's I can't get mad. I I saw that on the docket You can like how is that even on the docket? That's a one sentence like tear down of like these guys are idiots like so what happened Tell me the first the first part of this saga. Well, there's only one reason to bring it up because okay like We've we've we've promoted the campaign of shut up and release it when it's done or else till we're blue in the face
Starting point is 01:56:02 So everyone knows rmo by now and and when the news comes out that oh look hey look it's shut down Wow, right? It's like yeah Well, we move on life goes on who cares because they were dumb for letting us know about it in the first This one has a special wrinkle though the fact that on the facebook the Person the people in charge or whatever. We're getting really really angry at everyone telling them. Hey guys You probably shouldn't have told us about this project. Nope and there's speculation from some that maybe
Starting point is 01:56:31 The reasons why the guy replied. Oh you people don't know what you're talking about is because there might secretly be A team that was working on this officially for kanani. Yeah, so here's the deal Right back when this was originally announced people said the same thing that we always say I'm glad to see that other people are aware of this this. Yeah, it's starting to get around I'm starting to see it show up in general and it's not just us other people had to have noticed But it's a general feeling right of like guys idiots So they were told this day one that this got announced however months ago And they had uh, they put they put a week post up saying hey
Starting point is 01:57:09 Konami owns the no longer solid ip and we're aware of that And uh instead of spending years working on something only to get it shut down We've decided to come forward announce it and uh, we are going to attempt to contact konami in order to reach a solution And then they said they announced we're in talks. We're in talks with konami. Yep, and everyone went Yeah, good luck with that shit And forgot about it And this is what we have now Which is those talks were talks between lawyers and the talks went poor. What?
Starting point is 01:57:42 Because the one person has all the power and the other person's just like no come on though Because the fan the fan remake is something that like If it's not on their agenda on their timeline for what they want to do with the franchise Like they don't need it. They don't need it and they will they don't want it with the one exception being capcom and uh black mesa and black and and val the black mesa where they see it and they go Sure, that could work for us. Yeah, polish it up. We're not making games. Anyway, you know, but uh, um, Capcom got to put a little a nice little mini game in their release calendar to pad things out And uh, val was selling black mason makes money off of it. Yep. So win-win right and and definitely win-win
Starting point is 01:58:22 And definitely the dream for the the fan Studio is official endorsement official. Yeah to get endorsed and and and like it brought into the family And you're never gonna get an official endorsement by just kicking it out into the wild No, but that's going to get it out there. Oh, wow You know, so it's like Yeah, I just I don't know. I don't I don't know what else to say. So here's here's hard. It's hard to have sympathy Here's what I here's what I think because we don't want to tell other people that like our fans that are talented of things Like, you know, slave. It's something of it. Well, no, I don't we're not gonna shut you down
Starting point is 01:58:57 It's if you have it here is what it is If you're passionate enough and you have it inside of you to want to remake a giant game in its entirety with a team of your friends And you like and do it like you're building a boat in your basement And exactly and you have the ability to do so and you're not just coming out to get other people to join the staff If you're just coming out to let people know what it's it's out Swallow your pride fucking swallow that pride. Yep. That's it Like especially when it's a title that can still be purchased and played
Starting point is 01:59:26 Especially just one is still available for sale on psn. It's especially when it's owned by a company that hates you Right like definitely for something like I don't know like Like mother three a title that is just not on sale any I'm not sure if it's on sale in japan on the we you But I don't think it is doubtful But like you know that kind of title I could have some sympathy for but you they're selling the title So you got to be extra double careful They really don't think this remake is gonna cut into our profits of the digital sales of mgs1 on the psn Guess what legitimately could yeah good legit could so yeah, so here's what I think
Starting point is 02:00:05 I think gleamcast did it right. I think they were trying to make a fucking unreal engine for complete head-to-toe remake of a large game And didn't have the resources the time with the people And having already announced it Knew they were fucked and just canceled it and said that they got like a desist possible Who knows all I know is it's gone because like the amount of people you would need To do that game to that quality and that fidelity is like a real development team Yeah, not three guys. Yeah, not no five people. Yeah, nope
Starting point is 02:00:40 Yep, like maybe maybe there are people that are working on crazy big fan remakes And if that's the case if you were right woolly and it's all just a ploy and there's a secret team working on it great Awesome, that's sick 10 years from now. We're gonna get really hype. Yep And then we're gonna play it and be like, oh, it's not very good. Oh, well, which is the usual way Why is there euro jank in metalgear solid? How come just let's euro jank. Oh, you're not familiar with euro jank euro jank woolly. Have you ever played any of the stalker games? Uh, no, you ever played the first witcher. You ever play the first witcher? I've seen it played Have you ever played? Yeah, anything by the farm 52 you ever played two worlds or two worlds two
Starting point is 02:01:20 You ever played gothic metro metro metro metro one play metro 2033 Yeah, yeah, yeah that I tested that shit that you know how it all just feels like it's trying to be triple a but it falls short And and and you're just like okay euro janks and then that enki bilal game And yes to world Yeah, oh, wow, that's true. What's that fucking pirate game that you guys played? Oh, I don't know that pirate game the So woolly, it's vickers. See you. No, no that that matten pat played. It's the thing james wanted us to play Yeah, the shanty thing. Yeah, so so woolly everybody's known this for a while I'm kind of shocked that you didn't get to it
Starting point is 02:01:58 But I guess you have better taste and that is that just like you could always tell that a game was from japan or from england You're a western europe or the states or canada like i'm gonna count north america's one big bubble or China recently you can always tell that you're playing a chinese game You can totally tell if you're playing a game from eastern europe. Yeah, it is so eastern europe It is so very transparent. It is so obvious from the instant that you touch it and you look at it It's like oh man. This is a whole different branch There's a couple of there's a couple people who fight it like i think napknoch is from europe
Starting point is 02:02:34 And those guys have like good good shit that doesn't feel euro jank, but like it it has a there's a word There's a word you define it. You're not counting like you're not counting like i o or like codemasters Yes, i o for the first hitman game. Yes. Absolutely Of euro you're totally right. You're totally right. Not anymore. You ever play hitman one. Yeah, it's jank, isn't it? It's euro jank. It was old so I didn't know. Yeah, no that no longer because you thought it was just like Oh, this is kind of clunky, but you didn't know it was because it was from from the east totally Yeah, totally. Euro jank. Euro jank. Like the the bad grin games Like have euro jank in them
Starting point is 02:03:12 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Well, he loves the grin game. Like to an extent even way on a commando has some of that euro jank. Wanted and terminator Yeah, totally hardcore hardcore. Yeah. Oh wow. It's sick. And like this is fascinating And like this is like making and like concepts which are three is an astounding fantastic game Just burst like the blood is bursting out of its eyes with euro jank. Yeah, like you can't contain all the control The way you used to control the way used to control your right. Yeah And the way the way the the way some of the menus work the way that people talk to each other in cutscenes The way things are framed by direction. It's it's it's super super awesome
Starting point is 02:03:53 I forgot the name of that shitty company that may jump her but like they're not european, but it mastiff No knows mastiff. Yeah, but they have they they suffer from that as well even though they're not it's it's it's interesting It's interesting and I am very excited to see what south america jank Like seems like because brazil's gonna be making some games in the next decade jogo jank jogo jank. Oh, yeah Is uh, it's rebellion from the states rebellion. It makes like sniper elite and stuff. I can't remember. I believe rebellion is from england Are they okay? I'm not sure. I'm not sure either. All right. Well, I will check that out as willy segway's the nornex topic Yeah, well, I mean we're talking about Rebellion jank of the first hitman game a smooth thank you is always
Starting point is 02:04:31 Unnoticeable if you want to go back to hitman and enjoy If you're a fan of it and you want to enjoy some of the good kills over the years I I suggest checking out the hitman legacy trailer that just came out for the new hitman game uh Whether or not you are on board with the direction the episodic direction hitman is going in I really enjoyed that legacy trailer the dude the contents there as a as a fan of like the those games I think like it's really cool seeing some of the best ones in up to the fucking bloody one on the On the the veranda, uh, I played a little I played a little bit of the beta this weekend because open for ps plus users
Starting point is 02:05:12 It's good Good game. So it's it's gonna be a mission a month. Basically starting starting this month how many months for I don't know actually I didn't buy it. They listed out three months and then after uh, may it's just like there's gonna be more shit Okay, that's cool. Uh, I just want to I just want to get our clarification out here rebellion Was invented 1992 by jason and chris kingsley in oxford england Fuck united kingdom. Well, there we go. There you go throw a sniper lead on the pile Even though it's not eastern europe, it might as well be somehow be Gotcha, gotcha. It's a whole genre. You didn't even know about it blows me away. Well, it's not a genre
Starting point is 02:05:52 It's a classification that like just starts linking to parts of my brain because you didn't because you always felt it You always you always I know exactly what it is now. Yeah 100 but for some reason we saw the epiphany on your face You never you never gave it a name. Yeah, and you never connected the dots And for me, it's when I played stalker when I played stalker that shit was unavoidable That is the jankiest of eurojacks the there there was a game I don't even know if it fucking came out But there was a game that I tested that was based on um is based on an enki bilal story And it was like super duper euro and like just walking from room to room was like
Starting point is 02:06:31 Oh God You and I should play the witcher one for a little bit and you can you can just feel it That game's rough that game's great, but it's rough Have a little button that like points it out on the screen every time it happens Have a little button that shuts down the game. See how you can't turn around in this room for some reason That's euroj um
Starting point is 02:06:55 so Uh, I guess we can we can start off with something exciting is there's been a lot of Dark Souls 3 news coming in I'm excited. Um, I'm excited and uh, the the the newest piece of news the newest hottest was uh a leak of the dlc plans Apparently for the season pass for the season pass of dl of dark souls 3 It's dropping on my birthday, which is pretty cool. That's cool. Yeah on december 4th They're having really far after the game's release. It's december 4th Expand your dark souls 3 experience with the season pass gain two campaigns
Starting point is 02:07:34 Uh and challenge yourself with new maps, uh enemies weapons, etc So it's the same thing they've been doing So from soft has shown themselves to be a developer that really gets to like the heart of what we all want a dlc to be Which is look guys We were we were never going to be able to finish these levels in time for release And otherwise you would just never see them because we'd be working on the sequel But instead you get that cut level or whatever and they just finish making it a year later The only thing that strikes me as odd here is the fact that ds3 is supposed to be the ending conclusion to the trilogy, right?
Starting point is 02:08:07 No, is that not what mizaki said? No Didn't he specifically say dark souls 3 is the end of dark souls? It's the end of dark souls, but like the Like labeling it as like I know i'm not crazy. I remember no, but labeling it as like a trilogy Whatever i'm not going to say the well, but uh like a plan thing trilogy or not the point is is he said it's the end of the story Yeah, well, it's the end of dark souls the end of dark souls, right? Yeah, so however that wraps It's not really gonna wrap because we know there's going to be two more campaigns. Yeah Well, yeah, but like uh like um the old hunt well like all of it It's all just ancillary stuff, you know what I mean
Starting point is 02:08:43 Although but this game is now showing itself to be the most specific sequel it is But but what I mean is like what I mean is like Orphan of Kos Isn't like the last boss of bloodborne. No like he's not like the canon end. You know what I mean? No, but I think that distinction is largely Whatever it's there. There'll be more things and some of the things in these dlc areas will be Super important if you want to go digging around in in like the lore stuff I mean like in every game it's different. I suppose I can obviously comment on I'll comment on what I don't know But I do know that like
Starting point is 02:09:19 Finding out about the the uh the ivory king and such is important. Yeah, right finding out about um What's the the fucking dust though the witch not which I'm the the other queen Uh, the queen that started that that um the fume knight service. I forget her name. Yeah Um finding out about her not as important, right, but still like oh, that's one of the big players The one the the better the better ones to compare it to are Bloodborne and that's rose one go because that actually because the ds2 stuff really felt like These were levels cut from the base game that you just remade whereas
Starting point is 02:09:57 ds1 expansion and the old hunters really felt like These are additional pieces that probably were concepted at some point But really add like a big deal to it like so in ds1's What you said about like orphan of cost is not the final boss of blood of bloodborne Manus is totally the final boss of dark souls one. That's uh, you know what? Yeah Also seeing causes kind of loaded whale body other final on the switch Like right is like so plot point
Starting point is 02:10:28 So the basic thing that I expect from this is that there will be the final boss of dark souls 3 Which will probably be at least somewhat familiar to me and Liam and plague and all those people In some form probably won't be a returning character, but it could be Something it could be be cool I know exactly who I want it to be but um Solare no Though his shit is in the game
Starting point is 02:10:53 No, I know no, it's just like I like just take the meme and push it as I want it to be the protagonist of dark souls one Yeah, I want it to be the chosen undead. I wanted to be the former I want us to be red standing on top of the fucking mountain. Yeah pretty much And I don't know if I'm gonna get it But there will be that final boss and then at the end of the last dlc There will be the alternate final boss who is just as important But kind of hidden away somewhat Just like ds1 did it
Starting point is 02:11:20 Where the final boss of the ds1 dlc is just as important as the game So whatever what if the final boss of the dlc is another dude sitting on the throne of want? Fuck that Fuck that. Yeah, wrong guy unless it's the player character from dark souls 2. Well, that's what I'm getting at Yeah, I would love a man I want to fight former protagonists in everything. I want to fight Dante. I want to fight master chi I want to fight like whoever. I want to fight bayonetta. You know I want to fight sam In in vanquish
Starting point is 02:11:53 The rate like yeah Uh, yeah, no that and hey man, you want to talk dark souls leaks that fucking soundtrack leaked out Don't look at those names of those songs Housepoilery could they be how many bosses you think are in the game? Of course. What do you think their names are? Yeah? No, no, I I realize it's a facetious question Uh, like there are there are like, you know, there's a good amount of bosses Including some returning ones. That's been that's been confirmed now. Oh cool. No, uh, not by name though Nobody don't know what they are because somebody a rep said they'll be over 15 bosses
Starting point is 02:12:28 Not including returning ones. Yeah, and people went what and he went mm Mm-hmm. Yeah, I was talking to plague a little bit about this, but like yeah, I think we're like Liam staying clean I'm pretty I have already seen so much of this game Yeah, I got T got really Really far. I'm in that tempo. So I'm I'm not trying to stay clean But I'll take what comes as it comes and I won't go hunting. I need it So I think for the sake of people listening. Yes, we're not going to be No, no, no, no, no, no, absolutely not absolutely not
Starting point is 02:13:05 But the one the one the one thing that I will say about ds1 is that there are ds3 rather There are straight up returning characters from from ds1 just walking around There's explicit mentions to people that you thought would be dead after a hundred thousand years Um, they're they have what appears to they seem to have like that when they listed weapon counts and stuff like that They seem to have listed them assuming that every other weapon that's ever been in the series is also in there So like nearly every piece of gear Jesus is in there like that in that leak from the know like a million years ago Like the weapon list was like there's 40 new weapons in addition to all the returning ones
Starting point is 02:13:44 And when people were going through that demo footage they've demo, uh, those those while you're tripping over weapons Like there are like 35 in the first two hours and they are the they are the best move set variant of Of because there's been demon souls now. There's been dark one dark two in bloodborne There's been a lot of these weapons and some of them have appeared multiple times There's always been a katana. What is this mvc2 philosophy of just throw it all in Well, we're at the fifth game. So it's like it makes sense. Well, let me let me point this out to you There's always been a katana, right? You saw the chicago. You saw the black steel katana. They had uchi katana
Starting point is 02:14:19 There's the uchi. There's been varying move sets, you know They've usually had a bit a stab as there are two and they you know But the the chicago had that sheath stuff, right? Yep. And there was another weapon in dark souls one called the eye iato I a to I know it's a yeah to start it's a virtual star And that thing that thing was a short katana that all of its are two attacks with sheath attacks so somebody found the uchi katana in
Starting point is 02:14:47 Dark souls three in early early in the game Like as a direct result of like people go in dark souls two and blood more about where's my katana? I want my fucking katana and it has all of the dark souls one katana moves In addition to its power stance moves being all of the ito's fucking sheath chicago attacks Uh, every variant of every weapon I saw like the the the halberd in the game is the dark souls one halberd Not the dark souls two halberd Like it seems to be like a greatest hits of every element and every spell and every fucking mvc too. Yeah, totally. Yeah Um
Starting point is 02:15:23 It's and you get that full red eye orb real early Now, I know for you like you obviously like i'm gonna fade some people sure, um That's like you don't care about waiting for like the the the fucking plot Of what what's gonna happen in this game? What do you mean like you want it all as much as possible? Well, I was watching darks. I was watching dark souls one streams
Starting point is 02:15:48 Before that game came out in the west right and it took me a year to understand the Okay, like it took somebody telling me what the plot was What tell me what feeling do you get when you're doing it for yourself? And then you just encounter the same thing. So I was actually talking to plague and spy and uh, uh dropout dragon and nick and all Those guys and that and that souls to squirt. Yeah And I and I and I realized it and it's like dark souls one broke spoiler culture for me Because it's I feel for these games like it's like spoiling castlevania one Like oh look you fight death at the end of the game. I don't care. I want to fight him
Starting point is 02:16:26 Okay, I want to fucking fight him I want to crawl through this area and no matter how many times I see the high wall of lothric in that preview test footage I still don't have that layout in my fucking head. It's so confusing. Well, you know, uh, I will say that like For for dark souls. That's that's how I'm approaching it. But um, meanwhile Hey, it's preview footage. It's all good. I will look up as much preview footage as possible for neo Which is the same shit. Yep But uh, they they just released six minutes of the 2015 walkthrough that was hit behind closed doors From tgs and you can take a look at like just what normal gameplay pacing it looks like
Starting point is 02:17:04 They're not even pretending that this is them not trying to do dark souls This is this is like toky then was to monster hunter This is like capcom's single kubisara was to dynasty warriors. It's it's so Unbelievably over the top latent that it's like we're doing blood stains. There's blood stains. We're doing we're doing our ninja We're doing ninja theories take good souls. Good. There's there's room for this. Yes. Absolutely looks fun You know, you they pull up a menu and they scroll through it and the noises that the The same fucking style, you know, and then they level up armor and oh god like It's just not trying to but that's fine
Starting point is 02:17:45 That's why I'm so happy with tecmo koi and like the direction they're going in because all their shit looks super good Maybe not the most original. Yeah, really good It's a weird feeling of like this is an ablaton clone, but the quality is there Is a very weird feeling that i'm not used to yeah It's the feeling you felt when you played king of fighters for the first time and you were like this is a fucking Oh, look Terry did a power dunk Sure, like it's it's that there's room Yeah, there's room for street fighter and king and if they can evolve
Starting point is 02:18:18 A hypothetical neo 2 in the way that toky den 2 seems to be evolving off the first game They can totally make it their own as well. Hey, you know, it took a decade But capcom is finally changing parts of monster hunter Yeah, because of competition because of competition So man if dude if there weren't other hunting games, they would never change that ever change it Never they would never change the control and you can still see the touches too that they're putting in just theories putting in a ninja theory god Yeah, you fucked that up twice now team ninja is putting in because Uh, you they're stylish combo endings and then dramatic camera cuts
Starting point is 02:18:52 Oh, they're cool like sumia effects and stuff. Yeah, that that'll come really nice filter That that the boss you know what where the smoke shows up and you see and like tech manga Yeah, and tecmo's telltale like semi historical fantasy Yeah, so trappings. Yeah, I guess what dark souls has you know, woolly you're complaint about dark souls always being like A western fantasy and that originally boring you before you saw more of it, right? Yes, it's like Four of those now Dark souls three. I'm still on board for that art style. I think it's great You know what I could do for I could do for some like high eastern fantasy
Starting point is 02:19:27 That's what you're gonna get. I could do with some Techno future shit, which they've said it's totally the game coming after that. I can't believe it. Oh man Oh Explicitly said that the next from software souls like game is gonna be in the future. Oh my god. Oh Oh, but neo looks fucking awesome. Yes. I'm sorry. I'm getting all excited. That's okay. No, it's super good um, I'm really excited to see Uh, some of the environments in presumably more rural areas with like Japanese like cities and towns of the period I feel like I'm caught in their castles in particular
Starting point is 02:20:01 I feel like I'm caught in this perfect place for neo because at the same time It's like souls, but like to me and matt also mentioned it. It's like it almost looks more like onamusha Well, that's the thing is a lot like when he walks through an area That's like that's hemwick and then he turns a corner and then it's like that's onamusha world And I look I miss those games. Those games are awesome. Um, and continuing our our eastern Trends, we've also got the confirmation that hey way the samurai 3 is popping up on steam weird this okay This was the shittiest fucking announcement in the world So it's rising star games right a european company. I believe
Starting point is 02:20:42 They usually localize a lot of games and they were teasing for a little while We have a highly anticipated action game that we're bringing to steam something that lots of people are asking for and Boy, is that a little misleading when the result is way of the samurai really? I should point out the way of the samurai 4 is better and is on steam also But way of the samurai 3 is coming. It's coming to steam So, I mean no weird like like like good good But like the the lead up to this was like pretty overstated a little bit
Starting point is 02:21:15 It wasn't exactly yeah, dude. They were people going nuts. I I'm not saying they were right to go nuts They were stupid, but people saying like yeah, it's gonna be vanquish. It's like no fuck off. You're an idiot But why would someone other than siga? Yeah, exactly a highly anticipated thing can be anything Someone well now that we have this precedent. Yes, it could be anything Yeah, not that this precedent hasn't already been set of like teasing something and then Announcing fucking fable legends, but hey speaking of fable legends speaking of fable legends Goodbye to line. That was a good. Thank you. Liam. I try goodbye to a good. Thank you is imperceptible So I'm elevates the podcast is closing line head and press play and uh also
Starting point is 02:21:58 Oh god, what was the word? They were sun setting Fuck off project Knoxville project Knoxville and fable legends Can I can I point out how disgusting I find the use of the term sun setting in corporate environments? Because sun setting is what you say about Alzheimer's patients as they start to Come apart at the seams as the day goes on. Well sun setting is accepted terminology for when a product reaches its end like for example um I don't know when the ps2 was uh was going down. They they were referring to it as their sun setting the product line It just irks me, but but it is accepted industry. I know that's fair that it irks you but the the double
Starting point is 02:22:38 Varian of that irks me. Sure greatly sure It feels it's a weird and also on its own merits It's also disingenuous and shitty and corporate as fuck to say say you're closing it down fuckers Say you're quitting it soft language feels better. Oh each shit so um now I'm torn on the story. I'm really torn. Well, I'd obviously sucks when a studio gets shut down because I'm sure a lot of talented people
Starting point is 02:23:03 Worked there that were very nice. Yeah, and and and were nice to their mom Well, and as usual like hope everyone lands on their feet But but the reality is the first thing that I said to Liam when I came in It's like that's what happens when you make bad games for eight years. Yeah, um like so So I guess let's start with let's let's start with press play. Let's just get that. Okay. Let's start with press play All right, fine. Let's start. I think I've never heard of them. I think a lot of people don't know who press play is They made uh max and the magic marker whatever the fuck it was called. Do you remember that? Don't know what that is. That was so there was a we wear game and then after they made the uh xbox one
Starting point is 02:23:39 And I think xbox 360 xbox live game where you play as this little boy max and you have a magic marker and whatever uh Not not a huge get and I think they put out kalimba as well I don't know what you're talking about I I think they did that and and now they're working they a little while ago They put out a vote where it was like which one of these three games do you want us to work on? And that was actually really cool and project noxville was the one that won. Okay, um But honestly when microsoft acquired them, I always questioned that acquisition
Starting point is 02:24:12 They were not like a Like a big talent team or you know, they didn't just put out rocket league or or some big indie hit They were of you know It was an odd acquisition. Well, look, I didn't hear Like, you know, what whatever the term is. Hey, hey, hey at our head our high water I haven't heard anything about any of these guys at all probably today to today Isn't that the shittiest of us though? It is like the first thing I've ever I'm like what's I'm like what's project noxville?
Starting point is 02:24:41 And I looked it up and I went and I checked out the footage they released in september 2015 of The alpha for the game and I watched the first four minutes of it as the guy went through it And then I closed the video and I went, okay I completely understand why that was done Yeah, because that game at the state that it was in it was alpha But conceptually while there was interesting ideas on the table It didn't look like it wasn't gonna it didn't look like much at the time. Yeah, you know, and like You know when you hire, well, you know, this is just armchair executives. It's totally totally just this is armchair
Starting point is 02:25:14 I see that your arm is on the armrests If you're gonna hire a studio, you're gonna oh as a first party you're gonna hire them because they can sell hardware And and that seems a pretty cut and dry assumption I don't feel like anyone was buying hardware for the you know some in like Imperceptible amount maybe but if phantom dust couldn't make couldn't muster up like so yeah to consider it I never thought press play was like a value add to microsoft studios So i'm not even like batten and i like in regards to I do hope they land on their feet. Don't get me wrong I hope everybody lines on except for the jackasses. You know, there's a couple those
Starting point is 02:25:53 Yeah, they don't deserve it You know, there's a couple people on that team that are assholes and a couple people that suck at their jobs So not them all the rest though, which I bet is 99 you wish them the generic goodwill that you wish for anybody Exactly, uh, but about lionhead like man. Yeah lionhead fable two is the last All in new world they will choose the last good game they made That came out in 2008 And even that game Correct me if i'm wrong, but that didn't set the world on fire quality wise. It was it was good. It was a very nice eight
Starting point is 02:26:20 Okay, yeah, that's kind of what I heard about it. We're not on the street We're on the street rumor has it that family legends has been in turmoil for some time now. Yeah, I heard that rumor also Not rumor. It's also been playable in closed beta for a long while And and does have micro transactions in and people been playing and buying and it's been out Yeah, you know like like but yes rumor is it's troubled and rumors is that there's been like huge like weird balancing problems and stuff The concept is super interesting where you have asymmetrical play with one prolation playing the villain Dm or some sort and then the other the villain side Yeah, and then the other person playing the heroes and they have to go up against each other and
Starting point is 02:27:02 Cool idea have a exactly a sense of like Tug of war. Yeah to get through these areas that that the the dm person is dropping enemies into but um rumor has it that it just wasn't coming together wasn't coming together for years and You know when you see I guess this kind of escalation. It's kind of almost like that Uh, what it's the it's the it's the punctuation at the end of a really long ellipses Yeah, uh of like what state was this in well last time anyone took a look didn't seem great But maybe they can fix it. I bet I bet if lion had as they can did not have the like the legendary pedigree That it had with bullfrog and all that that it would have closed years ago
Starting point is 02:27:45 Yeah, um, and I bet that if mollin who still worked there and it was behind this That he could have totally gotten this out the door by talking a good game. He did ship games That is one thing he could do. He was able to convince whoever it was at microsoft to let them keep working on whatever for it forever Um, why it was his master class superpower in a world where like Fallout goes from its first game to what it is now and xcom goes from its first game to what it is now Switching developers entirely in both cases fucking syndicate Just didn't get that it never went there. Yeah, and it deserves it
Starting point is 02:28:27 Well, lots of I mean lots of stuff got lost in the middle totally You want to talk hasn't been a new dune game in a long time. You want to talk fucking tragic Reboot like attempts. Let's talk about rocket night Yeah Oh, you don't want to talk about that, huh? Really don't want to talk about it What I do want to talk about It's really like it's telling that they decided to can it like Considering how far along it was it felt very far along for so long
Starting point is 02:28:59 Yeah, and people have been playing it and and I I looked around because I needed to see I needed to go into the communities and see how the players actually felt this morning People are crushed Like there were people who were really really into it and it's like shit, man Their forecast for this must have been so well dire You have to remember lamb that when you go into the closed beta forums of people actually talking about a game on the closed beta forums You're gonna find the true believers. No for sure But I wanted to see if they and the kool-aid drinker. Yes. Yeah, and they did exist and oh man
Starting point is 02:29:31 Their forecast for the profits of this game must have been so those divers must be like a very small subset Yeah of the grander skating of dire forecasts. Hey, let's say let's hear about some dire forecasts Let's talk about uppers. Yeah, let's talk about bat. Yeah, you got those out. You got those drugs Uh, I got those drugs. All right uppers are great. Good. Just you want some down a whole bottle of them Yeah, which do you prefer uppers or downers? I prefer downers myself. You start with one and you work your way to the other That's a bad idea. Don't do that. No, you drink two bottles of each d12 taught me But then what do I do with my life what role models would I have if not for proof and bizarre Yeah, but there's always the icp
Starting point is 02:30:14 Oh, drink some fago. You guys want to drink some fago? Oh fago. Oh my god. It might as well be uppers. Yeah. Yeah Uh, so we've announced that we're gonna announce our transition to a dark carnival based podcast Listen, listen man the icp and the photo shops have been made You got to respect the fact that those dudes have that one fan base that they've been appealing to for years And it's still alive. They they have still have juggalo fast every year They have stood by that fan base. You gotta respect it and that fan base is stood by them. And you know what? uh, what's it shaggy too dope and uh Dean melanchol just their name just the name
Starting point is 02:30:54 It was the other guys shaggy too dope and the other guy. Uh, they are Very entertaining wrestling announcers They are very entertaining at wrestling announcers, especially when they call their own matches in post Because they have a wrestling league, of course, of course, of course, of course they would yeah, yeah so the game uppers, uh, which is like marvelous kinectro tataki and uh Bullet the company behind kenka ban show Uh, they announced that the game is delayed to an undisclosed date future date an undisclosed future date
Starting point is 02:31:32 Because their pre-order numbers are so bad. I've never heard of this. I've never seen this their pre-order numbers are so bad That they can't release it And now now I had to ask like releasing this game into the void I had to ask you to repeat this a couple times because because I haven't I've never seen this before What what is the actual game plan? When you do this push it. I I guess you you go back in you know He he alluded to improving the game, but it was really just an illusion So who knows if if he meant they're gonna add features or anything, but
Starting point is 02:32:04 They clearly have to rethink their marketing. Here's what you do something. All right You add one new feature that you can do and Short amount of time that you can market it and then you just you know It's cheap trailers make trailers make a lot of trailers just blitz that shit with trailers There's already like five or six more. Yeah, they put out a good quantity. There's a lot for every two characters Every every two characters get a share of trailers. Okay, so here's okay. It's crazy You know who's good at trailers game trailers you send trailers over to them and they're gonna broadcast all that Shit upper stoop. It's crazy because um
Starting point is 02:32:37 Marvelous and and uh tekaki the same producer put out a game called iavt colorful last year and that game Didn't sell particularly well your context here is very important Yeah, and that game didn't sell particularly well. I think it did uh 20 something k in its first week and in japan 95 percent of the of games are a hundred percent dictated by their first week sales Yeah, we're saying that apparently like it's with the norm numbers they had it would be beyond sent to die It would be completely. Yeah, if it was acceptable to ship iavt with pre-order numbers that would guide you to the 20k Which i'm going to assume are not a hundred percent pre-order numbers. I'm going to assume it's less than that. Well, it's always yeah Like how much could it be 50 percent could it be 10 percent?
Starting point is 02:33:23 Who knows how bad must the uppers numbers be that they straight up like this is bad pr Are we looking at pre-order like literally accepting and making bad pr for themselves? Are we literally just to do this in a situation in which pre-order numbers come back and they don't crack four digits? Because that's not like exactly because you see that and everyone comes in for a meeting Yeah, and you go. Hey guys. We have a problem and like Like let's say the numbers are that low and they're not cracking four digits. So there's sub 1000. Let's that's magic pre-order Right, that's magic town. They're not like at that point They're clearly not like holding the game hostage or any like narrative like that one is gonna buy it
Starting point is 02:34:01 No one is gonna buy it. They're gonna lose millions of dollars. They won't recoup costs from shipping out the disks At that level. So I don't know. I guess like finish finish your master Hang on to it and try to get the marketing going again. I guess right like I just that's it It's like if it's just for marketing if you're just stalling for time so that you can Take a second stab at the marketing. Yes. Yeah, maybe but I can't see a delay doing anything else Really like for them, you know, I know it's kind of it's it's crazy. I can't name another instance like this Like like we mentioned like there's been Last-minute delay is like, you know, a little big planet getting delayed a week at like at launch and shit like that
Starting point is 02:34:44 But never for this kind of reason of like we're gonna sell so goddamn bad We we can't man at the very least just on a level that is like I want to support hero ackee You know at the very least because his art is the fucking best and Um, I mean, I think I don't know what he's been up to since kof 11. So now that I see this It's like fuck. Yeah, I mean, I think the one thing we all kind of know is like there's no way this is getting canceled but Who knows what exactly they're gonna do Have it be a pack in game for those boob mouse pads It'll probably sell more and you also did confirm that bad sales in japan has never led to
Starting point is 02:35:25 Uh, no localization. Yeah, there's been there's been games that sold terrible Because because I imagine the mentality is like maybe it'll do better in the west. Yeah, absolutely There's a lot of games that sell better in the west than in japan that you wouldn't expect like zelda Well, like like metro like neptunia. Yeah, what like yeah, no There there are there are games that totally do that. Am I in a nightmare world? Yeah, exactly So like no this doesn't really affect the localization because at the end of the day exceed or whoever Is gonna look at how well it can sell in the west as opposed to how well it sold in japan, you know, so Uh different markets shitty news shitty news. I was excited for april, but now I'll be excited for an undisclosed month
Starting point is 02:36:09 Well, april dark souls is coming out so you can still be excited True Hey, I just I was thinking about the dark. So, you know dark souls 3 is getting delayed three weeks for the west compared to the Japanese release. Yeah, I've been wondering about that for a while and I think I have the answer Uh, I don't even know if the pc is getting a fucking japanese release for this game And the namco representatives at events don't know if the game what framerate the game is gonna run. Oh Probably so it's probably the extra time for the pc that at pc possibly usually need So that'd be good
Starting point is 02:36:44 um So so an article pops up speaking of pc things pc gaming an article pops up saying that the future of xbox looks a lot Like pc gaming at what is the gist of what phil spencer said here phil spencer said a lot of crazy things at this event How crazy is crazy? So he talked about the windows. What's it called the windows app platform? What the fuck is it? They're they're store their windows 10 store the windows 10 store is like a like a ios style walled garden and so far i believe only tomb raider and As far as big releases tomb raider and something else tomb raider is kai is not out till
Starting point is 02:37:18 Soon tomb raider came out. I can use tomb raider as an example. Yeah. Yeah, and this platform has issues It's super weird first of all it's supposed to be like cross-competitive The idea is is that developing with this platform in mind Makes porting from the xbox one to the pc and other devices that may run windows anything that run Makes it really easy because there's like a common base, right? But it's got weird things when you play it on pc for one thing it has to be borderless window Oh, uh, here's the war is the other one. Here's the war's ultimate. Yeah, it has to be borderless window You cannot full screen it for real ever
Starting point is 02:37:54 It has to be 60 fps maximum. So if you have 144 Hertz gp G-sync monitor fuck off V-sync has to be turned on Uh, and there's a couple other ones like like needless arbitrary restrictions In addition to them saying it's a totally open platform everyone can use it Except for the part that every single file In every single folder is complete head to toe encrypted and cannot be changed any in a way. So it means no mods
Starting point is 02:38:26 To change any of these things. It is a relatively closed platform. It is like an xbox game on the pc Some people don't like that a lot of pc people that play on pc primarily don't like that I don't like that. This is pretty much killed any desire for me to buy killer instinct on the pc Because it screams games for windows live Again, they are saying the exact same things that they always said is like we are not dedicated to the pc platform And we're gonna and and it and it's tied to our store though and it's like uh
Starting point is 02:39:02 So he said you know it talked about that and how we're gonna work on uh, we're gonna work on upgrades to that and they They made some lip service to like, uh, uh, what's what's the sli setups not working properly And that stuff and how it's gonna change our legitimate fixes coming now in response to that tim sweeney comes out and tim sweeney Is basically saying the same thing the valve said tim sweeney comes out swinging Yeah Same thing that valve said a couple years ago saying the windows store or when valve was saying it the windows 8 store Is a direct attempt to create a walled garden for the pc for everybody And it fits into the the the microsoft strategy of adopting standards
Starting point is 02:39:40 Then adding proprietary standards then using those proprietary standards to disadvantage their competition to hopefully get a monopoly Which is like what the european i believe department of justice hit them with with those that browser shit a million years ago So he said all that stuff about the pc guess what i don't believe him i'm cynical They've always been terrible on pc and this just reeks of that But whatever the much much more interesting stuff is what he was talking about with the xbox He says That we live in a world in which the pc gets stronger and tablets get stronger and your iphone gets stronger But consoles stay the same you're always locked into the same software and architect and hardware architecture
Starting point is 02:40:20 For your for your heart your console hardware. It's basically stuck in the past So us at microsoft what we're thinking of is that we want to decouple that software of what an xbox is from the part of the xbox one hardware and We're thinking of maybe creating like iterative boxes i'm paraphrasing here But he all but says That they want to move to like a kind of ipad release schedule
Starting point is 02:40:46 In which do you have the more flexible schedule than 10 years you have the xbox one you have the xbox two and it what is it It's an xbox one that has better guts so your games run better um And that's really interesting Yeah, uh, well it it also like it kind of uh Echoes a lot of the rumors for the nx. Yeah. No. No. Yeah. It's a lot right. It's a lot It echoes a lot of the rumors we've heard about the nx where like it's a single hardware platform So so well, I will there be games that require the xbox 1.3 that don't run on the xbox one
Starting point is 02:41:19 Of course there will So here's the deal. Here's how I see this whole talk What I got out of this whole thing Was good job microsoft you've discovered the worst of both worlds. You're locking down the pc In order to achieve like an easy user experience like the console And you're adding planned obsolescence To your consoles That the pc has with video cards. Yeah, the the key the key thing is seeing
Starting point is 02:41:47 how How should I put this how aggressive or not aggressive they are with the obsolescence bit Now this is because well because what I mean is if third parties are still making stuff for ps4 and xbox one Let's call the baseline one Then it doesn't really matter. So the xbox one plus will be suspiciously a little bit stronger than the playstation 4 and run a slightly better The question the question is like Okay, is it the difference of gears of war 4 comes out runs at 30 on the xbox one runs unlocked on the xbox whatever Yeah, or is it gears of war 4 comes out and xbox one is completely locked off
Starting point is 02:42:26 And then the next year gears of war 5 comes out and then that previous one is locked off Like I don't I think because again this is like I know they want to decouple it, but I don't see them doing planned obsolescence as aggressively as like apple No, you're you're totally right, but it's it's it's to me. It's ignoring The best part about owning a console The best part about owning a console is not having to deal with all of the shit that you and I had to deal with Well, when we tried to record games for windows live games, it's consistency and standards It's I'm just gonna hit the button and play my game and it will run to an acceptable degree
Starting point is 02:43:07 Because it's a close thing that I've dedicated 10 years of my life to you put it in and it goes I bought it and it's done and then I can buy the other one and I can have it all and I can just do it all And the pc loses that and it has it's very frustrating. You got to upgrade and you know all that shit And what's the trade-off unlimited power and unlimited options to do whatever I want with those games It's it's uh, well whatever under the hood of your own car, right? This gets double weird with it when you consider the usual lifetime of a skew where It gets seven to ten. Yeah, because the parts get cheaper and thus the price goes down. Well, luckily Well, yeah, so hey, so what do you do now?
Starting point is 02:43:48 You buy though you do what everybody does with their iPhones and you you the one the new iPhone comes out You go onto craigslist and look for people selling their old one. I was gonna say if they play their cards, right? This would be a really good opportunity to have a bargain model That would be the xbox one original. You know what I mean? You're totally right, but We'll see how it depends on how these companies do what they do is they say that the price of the xbox one is $400 no matter what year you buy it No, it just it just depends how good it is at the time. Yeah, that was that was that was nintendo basically That's iPhones. That's the apples thing. It's it really just screams like worst of both worlds
Starting point is 02:44:28 Yeah, like again, we're reading into his words here. You know, well, you know what? Let's let's look at microsoft for a second You know what they're bad at messaging these bold new ideas You would think you would fucking think that after the disaster a couple years ago They wouldn't say a goddamn thing Unless they had a proper plan with details And reasons why you should like this. Yeah, Phil Spencer has been very uh Fourth right about his thoughts and stuff. Yeah
Starting point is 02:45:03 In a way that I know a lot of people have objected to yeah, but it's like we're like, hey Like what the big value add for me as a pc owner is I get to play killer instinct and scale down and scale down on the piece and quantum break on the pc. Well The That would be nice if you weren't like handicapping it like you can write the great example is tomb raider on uh on uh Is on steam as well And I might even be on origin, but I'm not sure but it's on steam in the window store for sure Guess what patches come out later on the fucking window store version two
Starting point is 02:45:36 I bet because they have to go through fucking cert like just I remember I remember when killer instinct got announced and I was saying that like they need to put this on steam and matt took umbridge with like just buy it wherever it is Right and I can understand that frustration from somebody who primarily plays console games It's like there's a lot of pc games that I can play I don't have to play them in your like guess what if there was a you play exclusive game like me and you lean
Starting point is 02:46:03 We're excited to play the division tonight around midnight. I well, you'll be playing it tomorrow You'll be playing I'm gonna see if I can rent a copy at midnight. Well, I got I got I got the refund thing So I'm gonna give it a shot. Oh, and um Do let me know I'm excited and that requires you play As a secondary Yeah log in if I had to only play that you play guess what I have other games I can play I don't need to go through that and I think that the core like distrust level Because I remember the look on your face. Well, when we came over
Starting point is 02:46:34 And you had been trying to get a games for windows live game ready to record for fisticuffs or something like that and You had never dealt with it before right you had never ever had to deal with it before here's what's up. I act I had Dut it. I had Dura dealt with it insert. Okay, but not in the wild not in the wild Okay, you had never known the agony that is microsoft trying to proprietorize The pc life or whatever the fuck Like I have no doubt that it will be better than it was before it can't be as bad as it was before
Starting point is 02:47:08 Definitely, I have no doubt that uh, they will eventually add uh, sli support crossfire support Uh g-sync uh support Etc. I know and some of the existing hooks like the cross buy that they're adding in already. That's great. It's fantastic I think that's great Yeah, I also have no doubt that microsoft is a company that doesn't learn from its ways and tries the same business plans over and over In the attempt to get a monopoly because they've always done that in every single one of their business ventures And they keep getting slammed by various courts around the world because they go hey, fuck you that's bullshit Uh, it's why certain uh software can't be packed with your copy windows in europe because they got found uh,
Starting point is 02:47:47 They got caught on monopoly charges. So like I think tim's I think that Phil Spencer's right and that yes This will be a good platform if you just want to play games But I also think twin tim sweeney and gave newell know what the fuck they're talking about when they're talking about the pc ecosystem Huh, I don't like any of this Uh, it's weird. Yeah for everyone and I mean if if you know other people catch onto this as And speak about it. I guess in similar ways than you know, it might lead to another like Let's reconsider what the fuck we're talking about this this this plan is like woolly situation
Starting point is 02:48:26 Yeah, but the idea of an iterative xbox one sequel piece of hardware coming out with different guts just to make uh Games run a little bit better But also now have like games that only require that require that as a man. Hey woolly. It's crazy. That's that's just you you boss It's the new 3ds bafflingly. It's the new 3ds And how many new 3ds games came out like you know zeno blade 2 zeno blade zeno blade Hey woolly you bought a fucking xbox one with connect for its original price How good does that feel that there will be an improved version because that's a social contract That you make with people when they buy a console that this is it. It's an unwritten rule, but it's unwritten
Starting point is 02:49:09 It might it might you know be quieter there. It might use less heat. It might have a bigger hard drive But it's gonna be the same box. No for sure and like like I said before it all comes down to how they execute this plan And if how they execute it is well, your games are gonna work just fine on xbox one for another Five years. Well, that's fine. You got your full. Yeah, but here's or whatever years What if what if they work fine on the new one and they've run like absolute fucking dog shit on the old one? They still work, but they don't know that's a problem, right? But that's not what I'm at. That's not what I mean That's not the situation That's different. Yeah, that is that is entirely different. I have like I have no because that's obsolescence
Starting point is 02:49:48 But I'm saying if they manage to skirt that and say say This is just pie in the sky, but say everything ran just fine on the old xbox fine 30 whatever And then on the xbox two or whatever it ran uncapped or 60 or whatever uncapped sucks actually so you want to run Sure, but sure, but you know what I mean like that's fine I just wanted to point that out in a situation where it's like every three years and Two years and the or two and the exclusives immediately lock out the previous one. That's not great So so I was listening to the beast cast and they talked a lot about this and I've been talking to other people like this
Starting point is 02:50:23 So I'm I'm seeing I'm seeing a couple factors one They really want to link those two ecosystems because they own the bc market and they know how come we can't do this That's smart evil. Maybe in a couple ways, but smart. It's good for that Well, dude when I bought my when I bought my new laptop. I turned it on It already had all my wallpapers and settings and all my games and accounts were already hooked up and I was like Fuck and that's both cool and horrifying In a sense. Yeah, right Um, I see a situation in which we're looking at a 10-year console cycle. I don't think that's it crazy to say no
Starting point is 02:50:54 um And microsoft ends up with the weakest horse in the race and we're seeing a push to vr Xbox they're not ready for it. Xbox one probably can't do vr And even if even if it could they don't have any fucking thing for it So what do they got? Hey, well, what if we got a much better box? Well, the thing will be that you can just plug in The thing will be oculus because guess what oculus ships microsoft controllers with ever a unit What if the new xbox one, uh, you know, it just has oculus support. It's not a hard fast rule
Starting point is 02:51:24 But it's just like when you work towards uh changing things about your console Your philosophy should probably be whatever the new version of what you're releasing is should probably be about Trying to get new sales as opposed to cannibalizing your existing Ones get new people in not double people by the same people that already bought it That seems reasonable. Hey guys Remember us all trusting in the infinite power of the cloud Well, let's trust in this new this new strategy, which has worked so well for apple But didn't work so well for sega every time they tried to do this
Starting point is 02:52:01 so So uh speaking of the sega cd and the 32x were Amazing devices speaking of the totally refinalized. They played night trap double dipping into the wallets of the old fans Yeah, that's right. Uh, we've got resi four five and six getting re-released for current gen in the most cynical order possible reverse chronological Six five four exactly the the reverse order that you want to play them in Fuck you says this cap. Come go. Fuck yourself. Hey, you want to play resident evil? You resident evil four is coming Yeah, awesome. Play resident six though. No, I don't I want to play resident. Yeah. Mm. Oh my god
Starting point is 02:52:43 That trailer is a true. I don't have to though. That's yeah, I know but that trailer is a trip We're like we're announcing four five and six And we're announcing six five and four and then the trailer for six happens And it has a quote or two. Mm-hmm. It's bigger better than the old game They're h they're probably just gonna be hd remaster than the oh, they of course They didn't specify then the trailer for five goes out and the trailer for five has some review quotes that are like A bombastic excellent experience and fantastic co-op adventure And then four comes out and the reviewer quotes. They use one of the greatest games of all time
Starting point is 02:53:16 Uh, uh Unmitigated masterpiece and it's just like You can see it. Yeah, they know it We know it. Yeah, everyone knows it. That's the plan and The white what most people took away from this is like oh re five and re four are coming in like six months in eight months I respectively I I know people won't but I really hope people try re six mercenaries I tried it because re six mercenaries is genuinely like a masterpiece. It's not we're 60 the campaign's not great And it's not I don't think they're even I don't think they're selling it for 60 dollars
Starting point is 02:53:49 The the Liam re six mercenaries campaign continues dude mercenaries is masterful No, literally the character action of third person. Yeah, this is like woolly saying by Kirby all star super saw star saga Even though the rest of Kirby all star sucks for the sword fighting game Like that's what i'm saying. It's just but that's not true. Yeah, I know It's the only example I could come up with like what whoever recommends a game for its tertiary mode Who would recommend dmc two for bloody palace? No, sure? I know the campaign's not that they're not that good But like mercenaries is fucking incredible if and it's like you really like mercenaries. Sure. I don't care
Starting point is 02:54:27 Oh, these won't come out these won't be 60 because they're all supposed to be a disc. I bet these are gonna be 40 30 20 Oh, man, you think so. Well, that's what re four costs on the pc Hmm They're not gonna be 60 each and re five. I'm not sure but even that cost 30 even re four We addition wasn't like full price comes not afraid of the full price They're not afraid, you know, but like dmc definitive edition was 40 dmc four special edition was not Capcom's also like they do a lot of budget releases. I'm seeing 40 30 20 I think that would make the most sense
Starting point is 02:55:03 because re six despite its Arguable quality, let's say. Oh the campaign suck has uh, it has a lot of those campaigns though. Yeah, it does It's got the quantity One of the only games we ever decided to LP and then started to think about it I'm like, no right up there with dragon's dog. I'm just I stop it up there. Oh, you're crazy. Well, you're crazy Speaking of dragons I don't know. You looked over the thing. I was like, maybe no I was I was gonna say you were using that curbie example and I just wanted to remind people how awesome
Starting point is 02:55:32 Some curbie planet robobot looks. Yeah, looks really good. That's not news, but it's not news But if you missed it somehow Check out curbie planet. Do you think you'll be able to use compatible amiibos with curbie robobot? What is news is the some of the um the the details that were not in that nintendo direct, which included Uh meta nightmare returns being listed as a segment a part of the game. Oh cool And I don't know what that means, but I hope I hope it means la zengan overload. Yeah With a metanite mask on it. Here's hoping it must be nice to have a good sequel that you want a good sequel that uh, I want Um, mirror's edge catalyst. I'm not even sure which game you were referring to you were referring to talk about paper mario on that one
Starting point is 02:56:14 Yeah, okay. Yeah, no a good sequel that I want mirror's edge again. Look at it Can't wake up Just released a trailer or two. Yep Specifying how the combat works and how the movement works. They now and they introduced the new flow feature Yeah, which I talked to a guy about that at packs and it wasn't in the game yet, but he did explain it to me Sounds fucking awesome. Guess what? It's how you fix combat in that. So yeah, you don't need a gun period is the way that that oh that section opens up on combat and what you do is you fight but uh For everyone that you take down you build up flow and flow makes you faster and stronger
Starting point is 02:56:53 And the next person you approach you dismantle them quicker disarm Dismantle No, you don't dismantle a person will he disarm a person when you see what she does Yeah, you might as well be okay. She breaks people open and it looks fucking cool Um, and you get to the point where you can be doing um takedowns that do not affect your speed at all If you so if you've if you've been running your run if you've been hitting guys as fast as you can You get to a point where you're just running you see a guy
Starting point is 02:57:24 Kaplamo didn't stop running. Well the dream the dream is the goomba hop Yeah, like off of off a mother the dream is like that was in the first game But like without the without the delay without the stomp. Yeah, yeah That's good. Um, so that's cool. And then of course the movement part, uh, just kind of details She's actually gonna have like some tools including the little grappling hook thing cool, uh for like some, you know Like reaching ledges and shit. That's a little bit from on dice. Don't fuck it up. Yeah, you're so close You're so close. I I Doesn't seem like it's heading towards fuck-up lens like sure, but you know, you never know like at this point
Starting point is 02:58:03 It looks like gameplay is probably a lock The only thing we'll probably likely be complaining about if any flaws come out will be like a really weird story I would be totally down for like a shitty game I would just beat super down one and a half hours. Yeah 90 minutes, I would be totally down for like an Objectively terrible up its own ass preachy story for this game I feel like that would like really that would benefit it that would enhance my enjoyment Of like faith is just like but what about the system, man?
Starting point is 02:58:36 It's like some guy gives this big speech about freedom and then they drink from juice boxes and jump out windows Uh, like I'd be so into that pirendillo is just a donald trump wig. Yeah Just a wig. Yeah. No, um, I'd be I'd be so down for just this It's it's we're too far in at this point for it to be anything but like at least pretty damn at least now. It looks good Yeah, that's good. Um, you killed my sister. What also looks good I'll get you is we got some footage of gameplay now a breakdown of the new ki characters breakdown Got the arbiter arbiter looks so good You hit rt and he shoots the gun like in halo
Starting point is 02:59:15 You hit lt and he shoots the grenade like if that one I can't believe like the gun one I'm like, oh, that's a long range normal the grip. What just think about just think about the stick commands Three kicks and uh hard and uh hard kick dude. Yeah, so good. There you go. So good. So um, and that's it And that's it for new characters and then there's tusk. Oh Okay, so I know you guys think tusk is boring and stuff, but I like I really I'm glad max convinced them Like put them in the game. I'm I'm really happy with tusk. I think he looks really cool I I think I think like real talk I think kim woo and tusk are the two worst-looking characters in the game
Starting point is 02:59:55 I agree. Uh, I think the originals were the worst. No, no, no in in killer instinct the new one Wait, do you mean jago and savor wolf and the current killer instinct? No ki2. No, I'm not. Yeah, I'm just talking about ki 2014 Ki 2014 I think they you I think those two characters used to be terrible and I think they're great in their new I think I think kim woo and tusk look the worst and I'm I'm I'm a little I'm a little nervous about about uh iron galaxy handling it forward Because because in season two they were working off of
Starting point is 03:00:29 The stuff that was already set up for them, right? But season three is the first time that they're really Like starting completely from scratch on it and their guest characters look amazing Because they're they're like raw recreations of the guest characters But I think kim woo and tusk look weak and I think some of the texture work on tusk is really bad I completely agree with uh, i disagree I think uh the combat the systems they're putting in place for kim woo and for tusk look really interesting and exciting because they're continuing that um agonist kind of trend of thought where it's like
Starting point is 03:01:01 Let's play with fighting games in a weird way. Okay. Oh, their systems are fine. I need to be clear. Yeah, we're not talking about their systems We're thinking we're saying those characters look lame as fuck. Okay. I I still disagree their systems are because aesthetically I think like kim woo the approach like I thought that was an An unsalvageable character. I thought you were right. I thought you that was good you couldn't do anything to that and Rean and we met and I talked about it when she first came out But like reinvent imagining that in a buffy kind of way where you kind of just go for The new young like student graphic designer fighter thing here is like. Oh, that's why woolly lice
Starting point is 03:01:42 It's it's yeah, that's what anyway like I thought that's like, you know what? That's a character that was nothing before you took something that's different from maya and he's different from Or kid because and kudos because you had zero to work off. She's the better of the two I think tusk is like a significant step down. So let me just gives also someone who had not much going for a sword guy I don't think they should have brought tusk back. I think they should have made an original sword character Or something let me let me take my perspective because I don't play the game and I probably won't now because of the stupid pc thing but uh Killer instinct was a game that I totally discounted and dismissed because like oh killer instinct's dumb and I never liked playing the old games
Starting point is 03:02:23 And over time particularly when spinal came out I couldn't deny that man those characters all look like the coolest man. They all look awesome And it's been the case every needs darkstalkers every single time every single new character I'm like that is the coolest version of that type of character Ever like a tj combo and even even raptor whatever but spinal still whoa spinal and I saw tusk man and I'm just like Go back to eternal champions. Yeah, so tusk has always been just sword guy And I again I looked at it as like you don't have much to work off of here So I get I get it
Starting point is 03:03:02 But I think they should have Like they could have used the exact same moveset they're using and mechanics, which are fine and good But I think they shouldn't have used tusk as a base. I think they should have made something new Because I think tusk looks just really if we're not talking about gameplay if we're just talking about aesthetics like I'm I'm fine with the whole thing and I really think the the glowing tattoo that like heats up the sword the sword Transfer of like the glow and the more you swing the sword the more the sword heats up And then eventually the whole thing is like almost like straight out of the kiln I think that looks fucking awesome
Starting point is 03:03:34 And like the spark effects that are go out that match it when you use it a lot Like are a really cool visual thing that no one else is doing right now in the game. So Yeah, you know, he's different. That's for sure. I think I think that's fine And there obviously are limitations with like, you know, how much they can do and still call him tusk. I suppose It reminds me of what matt said when you got when we were talking about the podcast The tusk was the next to be revealed and matt was really excited going Oh, man, I can't wait to see what they do with tusk because tusk is just a big dumb sword guy Yeah, and that's what he is and that's what he is dumb sword guy and
Starting point is 03:04:09 Yeah, I don't know man. He should have been a robot or something But at the end of the day, I also have to say that like A lot of the way I feel also comes from the fact that I give way more of a shit about the game mechanics And so the fact it's like the way he's set up is he's got those hard buttons with the the parry windows in front of them But you can't combo off of them. Like that's really interesting for a game like this Like to have someone that's like not just going for the the uh, opener Uh, opener ender type thing But is actually like you can play him in a defensive way where you're trying to time
Starting point is 03:04:45 Your parry windows and then you use his instinct and then you you get to cancel out of it that shit Yeah, so I guess I guess I'm having an anti fang reaction here Where instead of being like all that character looks so dumb. I'm just like left with like That's the word your hands dragging. Yeah, but it's the same thing as fang where like you didn't like fang When he was coming out and you didn't say there was anything wrong with him mechanically. That's what I said to Yeah, so, you know, no, I mixed but I'm they're the opposite ends of the spectrum Where it's like fang was like that character looks absurd and stupid and all that Yeah, where like boys don't know how to place in street fighter because we hadn't really seen Tusk is just like
Starting point is 03:05:20 But I make what I'm saying is that I'm excited for the characters mechanically and so far I like I think it's kind of I think it's a bit extreme to say like, you know that you're worried about iron galaxies handling because I think the opposite I'm super happy that every character that they've brought into the game Has been someone that is like doing something really new for fighting games Well, because what I like is like because the the worst possible thing would have been a boring Draw for sure, you know But in season like I feel like in season one and season two We got the whole package where the characters were interesting and they did cool things
Starting point is 03:05:54 And they did cooler things and they looked really good and now These two characters don't look really good visually and they do cool things But they're not the whole package like the the difference between and and rash and arbiter are still the whole package Yeah, but they didn't need to be designed I guess man. I I don't know like it to me. I just I just don't like them and right now That's it. I just don't like Let's ask matt what he feels like I can tell you what matt feels about what does he feel he loves both of them and how dare you?
Starting point is 03:06:24 Um, because because because I don't have any attachment to arbiter So when I look at arbiter, there's there's only one. I think arbiter's a slam When I look at arbiter, I'm like, oh, that's a cool alien guy and he's got the sort thing Arbiter, I don't you know what I mean I'm not going like crazy about that visually arbiter is a slam layup Because because they couldn't get keith david to do the voice sure The guy they got sounds really really. Oh, but it's not keith david man. God damn it key david's the shit He hates you right now. Yeah. Fuck it. I think arbiter looks great. Well, yeah, whatever arbiter
Starting point is 03:06:56 But but here's the thing like character is great because that's what the arbiter design is or because they did a good job Translating well, they nailed they nailed how he should look in killer instinct, which is to say he fits right in with the rest of them Yeah, and his stage is amazing and his song is really great and his gameplay looks really interesting Like and then when I look at tusk He has all the rest, but I don't think he looks interesting because I mean I feel like visually I feel like like arbiter like being nailed is is one thing But I also kind of look at him like it's it's an alien and he's got it Well, ultimately ultimately the I mean, you know, this is all I do the the affection towards cameos is going to vary by person
Starting point is 03:07:35 By person. Yeah, I've never even played halo 2. I just always thought arbiter was a really cool character design No, and if some like it struck a chord with me in the same way as rash If a mysterious extra person here had never doesn't give a shit about battle toads and they see rash to go Okay, yeah, exactly. It's a stupid frog. Yeah, you know, exactly. So that stupid frog is definitely But I look at arbiter and I go, oh, I like what's going on with the grenades and the gun and I think that's Honestly And the mid-range zoning is I think the most interesting thing about arbiter is that because a master chief is a gigantic human Uh, you never got a sense of how big
Starting point is 03:08:08 Uh arbiter actually is yeah, because Master chief is like seven and a half feet tall. He's got the suit on like a thousand pounds or some shit But arbiter is like legitimately massive, but they're always smaller than you in the halo games The elites and now you get to see like no actually these things are fucking huge And total badasses and it's not Keith david so, uh speak Speaking of oh, we got we got anderson and mass effect, but it's not keep david. We'll get out of here another total bad ass is
Starting point is 03:08:37 David Fucking nilo from that new kick starter on the glasses check out this thing on our I guess we can put on the kick watch What I don't want to put on the glasses you ever see they live No, oh man, you're talking about it earlier. It's not canon to halo. That's canon Yeah, anyway, so on kick starter this thing called nilo and It looks like a schmup like a third person action. I don't know how to describe it It looks like zone of the the enders. It looks like everything and nothing I don't know what's a twin six shooter, but it looks really cool
Starting point is 03:09:07 And that got my backing and I haven't tried the playable demo The only thing I'm really curious about is their budget is or they're the money they're looking for is really low And it's curious It's they have they're at 7.8 out of 25k is what they're asking for and that's an extremely low number for a game That looks like that. Yeah, and it also looks like most of the work has already been done Yeah, no and that would explain why the budget's so low, but it's still just a bit curious What's the history here? You know Because yeah, that game looks like it's on its way. What are they 25k? Are you?
Starting point is 03:09:42 What the fuck? What are they gonna use it for? The game looks like a lot of it's done So it and it looks really polished printing discs. I don't I don't I don't know Like the Kickstarter like like cut alone is probably a chunk of that. Let's fund that entirely ourselves Not insignificant. Yeah. Um, the art style is really cool I I don't know what the mystery is here This is the opposite of every like where's the budget thing on Kickstarter ever, right? Because they asked for a million or whatever And yeah, oh, well, where's that million going? Yeah, and here look, I mean most of it is nine percent is Kickstarter fees
Starting point is 03:10:22 So already. Yeah, take, uh, uh, just under 25, uh Whatever k. Okay, five percent is uh 2,500 from that five percent that's Kickstarter is epics royalties Which I believe that when you use 20 you can just write off as not the game Yeah, because missed costs also includes stuff like rewards that they have to buy keys for the game second equipment's 30% And audio and soundtrack is so twenty thousand dollars So here's so i'm looking at this list and you know what I see I see miscellaneous costs and hiring someone to make the music Like the game is the game is really cool. It's neat I see I see a game that is 99% done
Starting point is 03:11:00 But the music doesn't exist and there's a couple cutscenes they want to render out and these guys are bad at marketing But that's about it. Yeah Uh, I'm one of their stretch goals. Well, hold on. I'm just I'm just uh glancing over like what what's here It this might be something where there a studio that was working on this independently already And they're coming to kickstarter to get just enough to finish the get the get the last yeah To get over the finish line. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah um We got uh
Starting point is 03:11:29 Multiplayer uh new mode more weapons more armor more maps Okay, yeah, if they hit 90 which is like Again, nothing compared to what other games ask for. Yeah, this is weird How much how much time of has it already gone? It's already been two weeks now. Ah, no less than that, right? Uh, who's already been 11 days so almost two weeks. So who's making this? Magic and mirrors. Uh, yeah magic and mirrors. That's their first thing It's their first thing so you can click see full bio or hit their website right there relative unknowns. They're in portland Yep
Starting point is 03:12:02 Not much to say here, but you know take a look and again. I don't think like I backed it Uh, I just I uh from the game looks trailer But I do want to try out that that thing because there is a demo the demo I haven't found the time. I'm in this weird place where it's like, you know gear that taught me when you see games like this that that have Like when you see a game made by people that you've never heard of that are basically new to the to the to the scene, right? Well, you you have I'd love to see their backgrounds. Yeah, actually But you you have this this thing of like, well, I don't know should I can I trust them kind of thing? But then most of those new people don't have
Starting point is 03:12:41 lavish clearly near complete demos to show off on their page And they're asking for suspicious amounts of money not 25 000, right? It's very strange like the circumstances of its bizarreness almost make it seem more legit by comparison I mean if it is what it claims to be in all the ways then this is the perfect kick starter Because it's like almost too good to be true. Yeah, I wouldn't call it the perfect kick starter If it was the perfect kick starter then we all know we all know that the perfect kick starter is mining number nine Okay. Okay. Well that yeah, no, you're right. The perfect kick starter is the one that knocks it out of the park on day one And yeah, I would say the perfect kick start was probably like pillars of attorneys
Starting point is 03:13:23 The perfect they just the perfect small like, you know what I mean? Maybe a starter where it's like you're not going to blow it up on day one But it's like the game has so much to show you already And they're not asking for a crazy amount. So it's really there's a There's a piece of news on the docket that I'm stealing from another podcast I'm going to ask it. Well, if you've included it. Have you uh heard of the calico chameleon? I've been following this for a long while. How long have you been following it for like two years? Okay, so the calico chameleon
Starting point is 03:13:58 Is previously it was the retro console. You remember the retro console? Yeah, we talked about the retro So have you have you followed up on the past couple weeks? No, but we talked about it because uh, well, they put it on indiegogo It was a disaster It was an unmitigated and that was a little that was quite a while ago, right? Yeah, and then and then they got calico's Branding and they put out their their pushing forward on the we were talking to someone involved in it a little bit So, um, I've spoken to more. Yeah, so, uh, there's some things that have been happening in the past couple weeks at trade shows and and such So they were showing off Some super nintendo games running on on the calico chameleon at a recent event a couple weeks ago
Starting point is 03:14:36 And it was weird because you know, they're they're in jaguar molds, right? They got the rights to the jaguar and uh What was weird is that they like all the sides of the jaguar molds were all covered in electrical tape Like entirely it wasn't properly closed off and uh, some people from uh, what's the name of that forum? There's some technical forum, uh for super nerds for arcade boards. They looked at those slots It might have been gba temp. I can't uh, it's not gba temp. It's another one, but uh Ultra avi x is that them? No, anyway, they looked at the the photos of this thing and they look Like if you took off the electrical tape these ports and that that would look a lot like uh, like a mini super nintendo
Starting point is 03:15:20 You remember those the nintendo pulled out the mini super nintendo's with the small board and all that Oh, the the the the the rate the like the release that came out Yeah, those look a lot like and it's like hey, did they show anything but super nintendo games this show like nah It's like okay. Well, they were supposed to do a kick starter and for kick starter now because of all that egg salad Shit you need a prototype. Yeah, right kick started didn't go up on the day it was supposed to and uh, people were just like Did you guys rig up a mini do you guys not have a real prototype? And they said no, no, we totally have a real prototype
Starting point is 03:15:54 We totally got it and is in the machine and in response for your bid for transparency We are going to release these photos of the prototype in a translucent completely clear jaguar case So that you can see the entirety of the guts of the calico chameleon And they released, you know dozens of photos of this thing And the people on the same forum start looking at it and go That's just an old pcx card capture card Inside inside a transparent transparent jaguar shell like that's not a real device That's
Starting point is 03:16:28 A card you pulled out of an old pc and took a photograph and slapped inside a jaguar mold and took photos of And they immediately took the pictures down and calico has come out and said Hey, we have a lot of faith in this company. We've given them our branding and we're sure that they're on the up and up And to prove that we're sending a team of engineers to their to their studios in order to independently examine the prototype To see if it's legit And nobody can delay the inspection the inspection will happen within the next seven days and we there will be no excuses We're going to get to the bottom of this
Starting point is 03:17:09 So There's a guy we know who worked who wrote a bunch for retro magazine and he recently left over this Because he's like this isn't what I signed on for and I spoke to him A long time ago before it was the calico chameleon before the indiegogo campaign and he was really Pumped it was gonna be a real thing that was gonna be a real goddamn machine and he was really like keen And Yeah, holy shit. This thing looks like it's it's turning out. It seems like it may be turning out that the higher ups are just
Starting point is 03:17:48 Pulling a complete work on everyone. This looks like the gizmondo That came out though that that did what you just kind of so a calico says We have faith and trust them. We totally trust them 100 so we're sending so we're sending a team of independent engineers to examine the prototype And uh help them out if they need any help getting it like And calico said that publicly. Yeah on their facebook page. Can't hide that And we're in that countdown right now All right, so they're gonna show up And like the the image you have is jimmy
Starting point is 03:18:27 You got to put something in these jackhorn molds. Yeah, not bra. It's a chameleon That you fulfill the fooled engineers chameleon like They're gonna pop open the shell and go dude. That's a 970 He just slapped you just slapped a raspberry pie in there. You can't even play a game on this like yeah See a video on it. Yeah Oh, is that a playstation one? Just With this is things on it, this is just eight nickel back CDs
Starting point is 03:19:02 It runs Oh, wow Wow, I didn't know that happened. I didn't even know the name changed. I want to I want to credit the giant beastcast To i'm stealing all this information from oh well There is a lot more in the middle that uh, you that yeah, I glossed over so, uh My technical terminology is a little rusty of such as no, it's poor. It's not rusty. I never had it So what was supposed to be in this machine? I believe is called an fpga chip which is a Basically a board that can somewhat reconfigure itself to different hardware configurations as need be
Starting point is 03:19:39 So you could pop in a super nintendo uh cart or well It was a universal cart with different types of roms or whatever on them, you know And you'd be able to pop in say a super nintendo one it would configure itself to be a super nintendo and it would run You pop in a genesis one it would reconfigure itself. This isn't theoretical technology This is technology that works and it does exist. It does exist It actually sounds really crazy the idea of a board that can reconfigure itself But it is real. Um, well, the basically the bios would boot up and determine turn this part on turn that part on I get it. Yeah, but more than that the hardware reconfigures itself
Starting point is 03:20:13 Well, it doesn't start around like a transformer, but I but it basically does different parts. Yeah, it's like hardware emulation Yeah, um really cool stuff and this guy, uh, who's a a total pro on it kevtris claimed that they just couldn't do it without like he's the best at it And they couldn't do it without him because he couldn't like even approach that in his own in his own work Um And they claimed that they could and for months and months he's been calling them liars. We can totally do it No, you can't it's impossible. Yeah, and it's just been it's been An utter farce ever ever since the indy go-go. It's been a farce. It's an adventure
Starting point is 03:20:52 Yeah, it's a phantom and it's been it was a joke labs phantom Yeah, it was a joke even before it but after the indy go-go. It Really what is up with all these retro consoles running into like absurd scam problems like Well the retron fives like whoops. Yeah, we used a bunch of illegal shit in this box Yeah, that's the one thing you had to not do This thing Farce is a good is a good word for the only difference is like this was meant to be like an original platform We're gonna make a new retro console. It'll just play these old games
Starting point is 03:21:26 But you will have its own games. We're getting people on board kind of thing. How much money did the indy go-go make? Barely anything. Okay, but it needed like it needed over well over a million I can't remember how much maybe it was even two or something The consoles were selling for 300 bucks a pop. It it was a disaster I think I think it would categorize itself as laughable failure. It was a huge disaster so Yeah, uh Man, what a what a cock up adventure
Starting point is 03:21:53 I hope that nilo doesn't experience the same like funding fate I don't think it's possible for nearly any project to take the journey that this shit has You get your steam key and you turn it on and it's just a fucking 970 just sitting there That'd be a good deal. That'd be a really good deal But this isn't a game. This is just a 970 in a box You just you just scribbled the word super nintendo on top I just I want to give a shout out to this article that was written called things less expensive than an htc vibe Oh
Starting point is 03:22:30 Man, you could get certain used cars including including my last used car The the maintenance on the used car and the cremation of an unloved dead relative Uh, anyway, um, and I guess we will round and that there's just the title Did you guys talk about that last week? Yes, we did. Did you talk about how? When you were showing it around and me woolly and matt's first glance at it was like shock all of you went It's just too high. Yeah, it's just too high especially the canadian especially the canadian version I mean our dollar's bad, but that's just too high For any market. Yeah too damn high
Starting point is 03:23:10 And uh, let's go Let's let's whatever we're almost ready for letters, but I also want to thank Neo gaff for delivering the purest purest laughs I've had in quite a while. What's that with the hogan case Oh, well that what who's who's tweeting that? I don't fucking know. Uh, but the that hogan case and the the lawyer being like How did you feel when when hogan slam body slammed andre at wrestlemania 3? Would that interfere with your ability to be a good jerk?
Starting point is 03:23:44 I from from time to time you just you need a good belly laugh Hulk hogan is wearing his dress bandana today. This is uh, anna phillips reporting reports from the The case whatever with uh, hulk hulk hogan versus gawker. This this one is the best It's judge warns jurors about against going online says several when asked if they could stay off the internet Simply said no That's the reality of our time. They just say no we can't and uh Yeah This this whatever i'll just link to the page. It's it the the the string of tweets just gets worse and worse as you go
Starting point is 03:24:25 There's more there's it's crazy and these are hilarious And uh attorney asks somewhat seriously if anyone was upset when hollywood hogan slammed andre the giant Anyway, I fucking I love it. I love everything about this. It's hilarious reality is an absurd farce from which we cannot escape On to emails Let's take some speaking of an absurd farce if you want to get your letter read on the air That's super best friend cast at That's super best friend cast at All right blind pick time blind pick Bam this always works out that one's been read before no it hasn't totally blind
Starting point is 03:25:10 Uh cameron says hey, I just recently was playing through rv rev 2 and came across Uh the mine area in episode 4 and wanted and washed over The wave of oh, I know i'm not going to have fun here Feeling uh, so I wanted to know what's been the most apparent area you've seen before going in where you knew it was not going That's actually a really good question. I think that was um That was when I picked up mine jack to play it before the stream And I was uh the first area was fine where I was just in a little airport the minute I got the gun I was like, oh
Starting point is 03:25:51 I'm going to go. Uh, I'm going to go walking into the gutter and um Dark souls 2 Just like it's the worst. Oh, yeah type of area and I really don't like it But I'm sure I can pull another one if I if I try really hard Actually ironically rv rev 2 the gas area in episode 5. You didn't really like that area the instant I saw it I was just like, oh You can hear that on video if you check out our youtube channel. That's the wwe switchers There's an example videos. I can't I can't remember specifically
Starting point is 03:26:23 But I I feel like it's happened to a couple games and you hit that point where you're like, okay We're almost at the end of the game and here's where you've decided to I think the four fifths mark artificially extend I think the feeling can be summed up with the phrase. Oh one of these, huh? And it sucks because like you go back to like mega man and like the boss rush at the end is awesome It's the best I love that's part of the game all the mega man But in spirit that version in modern day is just becoming the most predictable awful thing used to extend the light Yeah, uh shadow of mordor when you fight that boss the teleports away and you have to stealth kill him What's a great boss the instant the instant he teleported away and I noticed there were multiple of him in the environment
Starting point is 03:27:04 It's like, oh one of these one of these, huh? Oh All right, all those those types suck Kevin says this one's for pat on an earlier podcast and also in the broken bond You guys mentioned suffering from oops run out of money. Oops run out of time Uh problems and games uh during the discussion. I was surprised you didn't bring up the zeno gears disc two Which is one of the worst examples out there. It's one of my top five of all time Boy, it's a real bummer that the majority of disc two characters are just sitting in chairs telling you about cool things happening That you won't be able to see boy are about dungeons or a boss and only letting you play boss battles Uh, yeah, I've heard about this from multiple. So I'm uh, it's the fucking dumbest thing
Starting point is 03:27:44 And I believe it's always been attributed to directly. Okay, so zeno is uh, I'll give you a little bit Uh a backstory on this so zeno gears disc one Is pretty like sprawling and gigantic in its scope It's got a quite a large world map. It has a shit ton of characters It has a ton of music you it's really really long too. There's a lot that goes on in that this one And then you hit disc two and it starts with a uh your your gear crashes, right? And you're gonna be nursed back to health and there's a guy talking and then it fades out
Starting point is 03:28:18 And like a time skip in there Like a week time skip. I guess a couple days at least you get nursed back Yeah, okay, and um Lots of talking with the the person at the hut and uh and the the girl you crashed with lots and lots and then You know, you go back to your team and you're like, hey, we're back and um They're like, hey, we got to go do this thing And then it just smash cuts to ellie in a chair sitting in front of concept art
Starting point is 03:28:47 great and the Like you've played enough zeno gears at that time to know what the story beats are and how long each story beat takes And in that first conversation She probably describes like three dungeons like it's already an outlier and like full 10 hours of content And then she's like And then we turned off the limiters and then there's a cutscene an anime cutscene one of only where they turn off They turn off the limiters and then you go to a boss battle
Starting point is 03:29:19 With the characters you can't pick And you beat that boss it's really easy It's like clearly a storyline like you're supposed to be this and then Now face it in the chair And uh fey goes over what has to be basically you just go through the group. Uh, no through the other five 10 hours And then you get dropped into one of the hardest dungeons. I have ever fucking played ever In which the entire purpose is like, okay
Starting point is 03:29:47 There's people on your team and some of them have uh, let's say Gundams, right? The rest of them have zakus Right, but if we get to the bottom of this dungeon and we get this this magic thing You can turn your zaku into a Gundam and uh, you know say the split right now is three to three out of eight, right? You go, okay, we're gonna get billy one. We're gonna get steer one. We're gonna, you know riko one rather and You go through this super super hard dungeon that I needed a guide to beat because it's it's way harder than everything in the rest of the game Almost as if there were supposed to be like five dungeons in between
Starting point is 03:30:23 The last the last one you did and this one to scale in difficulty and you get it You power up his mac and that's great And then you uh do another one and you power up that second guy's mac and you go Hey, there's four people that still didn't get powered up. Fuck that. That's not important that entire thread. That's done And then ellie gets back in a chair Yeah, so yeah, and then yeah Um, we're we're talking like persona for level like persona for intro levels of text and stuff between gameplay and so Because everyone needed to know about squall
Starting point is 03:30:56 Is is yeah, they so they were over budget and over time and the the common Accepted answer is that final they instead of putting the money that they would have needed to finish that and delay it and all that They instead focus it on like coca-cola final fantasy eight ads. That's a bummer Some people wrote in about gods of egypt and the whole Black people thing. Yeah, and the summary of that is really just The points aren't that dark But the point is that they don't look like jamey lannister and leonidas. You crazy what now they totally do no their gods
Starting point is 03:31:29 Their gods man. Anyway, your gods can't be black. They gotta be white people get out of here Uh, hey guys interstellable anomaly spaced fan Oh, yeah, rick here from the uk. I should have expected this There's some doubts over space being a good show to watch Please please please please keep watching the resident evil episode, which I which no doubt influenced Shadows of the damned. I'm sure it'll change your mind. Huh. Well, okay. I'll go find and watch that specific one um I like that resident evil sure
Starting point is 03:32:00 What was this? How come british people can't make entertaining television? What Wow You got to watch faulty towers. I did watch faulty towers I actually talked about that last week when I was talking about what a fucking master class of television It's so good. It's so good. It's so fucking funny. Very important question for liam Please help me answer this. I can't find the father ted's pregnant for so long What is the name of the trope in games or anime where kids have some sort of
Starting point is 03:32:29 Companion that and they fight others pokemon digimon battle network satchbell, etc Is there a name for it? Didn't I bet tv tropes has the heads My friends and I have always just said buddy monster I bet there's a proper name for it But I've I've never bothered to think about it because I don't know I just look at it and then file it right under Demi kids, you know I'll file it underneath pokemans in my head. Yeah, exactly literally the phrase pokemans So no, I'm sorry. I don't know the name of the of the trope, but I like buddy monster But I'm sure you can I'm sure you can google it. It's like buddy cop. Yeah, but it's not a cop. It's a monster
Starting point is 03:33:04 There you go And let's take one last one from Emma who says I know you guys have a rule of never stopping an LP before you beat the game Never I guess you've implied why but you never really actually explained what the reason is Oh, the reason is if I was watching an LP and it didn't finish I'd be disappointed. It'd be inferior period even on danganronpa Which is is like a travesty contested actually my least favorite. Let's play that I've done. What uh, I never knew there were people who did enjoy it from beginning to end who I have spoken to And I would hate for those people to not get closure on it. Yeah, if that's it
Starting point is 03:33:37 It's just it's really annoying when something starts and doesn't end That's the simply we have all had an LP At some point you guys had danganronpa and I'm sure you might have had one or two others and I know matt We've all been there. I know matt had homecoming and with evil within I wanted to fucking throw that game. Oh, it was digital But if I if I had a physical game, I wanted to throw that fucking thing out there fucking doesn't record The bugs just break the game really unlucky Holy shit, even if we had a free like get out of jail card, you know and we were early in that
Starting point is 03:34:09 We could have totally given up. Yeah, it's it's just and especially for like archiving purposes like years down the line You know and that's and that's why we when when when I talk about like Hey, we thought about doing a dragon's dog my LP and then we fucking didn't yeah because if we start it We're personally like in our own minds like locked in forever And if the game's really long and it's a disaster then shit Yeah, and I guess like I've seen a lot of people A lot I saw a handful of people question our Uh are standing by that during the xcom 2 LP. Will we finish that and it's some people are saying it's one of the best
Starting point is 03:34:48 Things you've ever recorded. Well, no, no, but that's not that's not the point But they're you know people saying well, they're not finishing it So why should I like trust them to do that and the answer is we would never have done a real full xcom LP Because if we had lost We would hate the process of rebuilding a save file Or going back through yeah, yeah, that's the other bit and we would never ever have done it if it wasn't a gimmick run And what you just said ever ever and that applies to nba that applied to pokemon as well We didn't expect to win. We did not expect to win pokemon nuzlocke was totally expecting to be a death
Starting point is 03:35:23 That was a mistake. So right like 30 hours. There's a reason that LP gets kind of boring 30 episodes in I'm straight up like I really thought we'd be dead by yeah. Yeah. Yeah feel for time feel for time And and in some way, sorry, but it just I wanted to say that like that describes nba as well in a way where it's like Part of the reason why this even exists is because we're running a gimmick LP Yeah, so it's not it wouldn't have happened your camera in the normal context So I want to point out a couple things about the xcom 2 thing in particular failure is a valid end to that LP It's like a board game The second thing is that the reason that I did not upload it with the part final next to part 7
Starting point is 03:36:05 Is to fool you guys into thinking there were going to be more episodes when you were actually watching the episode Because if you see a goddamn Video that says final you're like, oh, well, they're gonna die in the end. We just didn't want to get away It's like when you're watching fighting game stream archives Yeah, yeah, don't move your mouse cursor and see how many minutes are left in the match because then you'll know who wins Then you'll know who wins. Yeah, uh, no, that is the end of that. We did it We did a whole playthrough of xcom 2. Yep. We we beat the game in our own way Which which you have the messages to prove that you expected this result
Starting point is 03:36:39 Oh, yeah, no from the beginning. I knew I was never going to be able to beat it I thought I was gonna I thought I was gonna either not get as far or get farther. Okay IGN appears to really like that Yeah, apparently so I don't know twice So can I ask not that I'm opposed to it in any way because it's pretty cool that we got featured like that But did they actually get through to us? I don't know. Okay, because in the video it says thanks for the permission Thanks for the permission and I'm like what permission I didn't get a mats in florida. Maybe they talked to him
Starting point is 03:37:10 I'm just wondering like did someone like re upload our iso like that isolated scene Because they said it was all from our gaming. So it's like they said it was from reddit. Here's our stuff Someone who posted it on reddit gave them permission I guess or some shit. It's fine. It's fine. But like we didn't actually all that actually matters Is that we're directly credited? Yes, exactly. Uh, and our footage is not stolen and And what's what's the best is that it's totally censored? And I had never considered what we would sound like had we actually taken the step to cut out our swearing Funny is hilarious. Yeah, like we should get straight out of Compton level
Starting point is 03:37:50 It is goofy Especially since I was not aware that Liam was the only person who sweared in that clip We swear a lot. We swear a lot if we censored at all I'm sure there would be so many bits that wouldn't normally be funny that would just be Elevated and and people would start to get hearing damage from listening to our content. Yeah, uh No, hey, man, that's free publicity for me again And and while I'm good with that and I guess I also want to clarify this because like I had to uh explain to More not not a ton, but more than two people that yeah, okay. I was gonna bring this up that the
Starting point is 03:38:25 NBA Oh, no, I have a different thing. No, no, not that just just that the NBA like someone was like I really hate the fact that you're putting the uncut versions of the lp on vessel and that there's the cut versions on youtube It's like no, they're the same. They're the same and what are they? What I don't even know what you're seeing is the Totality of the commentary we've recorded and we are actually we're not talking over gameplay like there's there's no Pat and Liam. Yeah, you just they're watching me play this this has become a let's watch And I
Starting point is 03:38:55 I don't actually know But I saw someone say that like the first episode or something is actually The first one the first one on vessel just because I was going over it in my head And then I cut all this shitty basketball commentary and I and then it because I was like and a knowing that it was the only Game we did commentary on and that we wouldn't be doing any for the for after that point And then and then I was like, yeah, no, let's just get rid of it. So it'll be won't be weird It'll just be consistent. So so that first video was but it is now free on vessel that anyone can see Yeah, even without us, but ultimately there's no there's nothing missing from what you're getting you you actually get a better version
Starting point is 03:39:27 Of the episode on youtube as far as I'm concerned Yeah, and I guess the the the the kind of not disclaimer But the notification that I should have put out was this is a weird LP. Yeah, it's not normal We didn't think this is not a normal like xcom and nba or the through like matt was not there that monday They're kind of and we just said hey, why don't we do both of these? Yeah, they're they're kind of gimmicks and then he had to take a vacation Yeah, and he's like I can't deal with you idiots. You know what I mean? So like yeah Matt and Liam are not going to sit there and watch me play 82 games of basketball. Guess what it sucks
Starting point is 03:40:00 You know uh while we're doing house some guys been telling me there is a skip button for the games. There is it Are you sure? No, okay, uh, I I did really because What sense would that make? Someone's been telling me there is a skip button for the games and he likes 2k, but as long as we're doing A community house cleaning I want to point out that that guy who is making the best of compilations of our streams Has our explicit permission to do so. Yeah, and we are using his videos in our streams I saw I saw some comments of like what are you doing like you're you're cutting down their footage and there's a reddit post of people Yeah, I told the guy. Yeah, I know his name's in the credits on the stream
Starting point is 03:40:40 I know and some people didn't didn't realize that oh when the second episode when it came out well No, he's totally cool. That's good work. You would think I think I told him on twitter, too Yeah, yeah, he asked both of us and then we told him yeah You would think that like the part where I used that no as the pregame show for the fest streamer would mean that it's not No, it's not important. That's strange. Yeah, I didn't see that. Anyway. Yeah, that's totally cool, man That guy's doing good work that we're too lazy to do Fun times and the streams are long. I don't want to scrub through I know but I love the idea of a pregame show. Oh, they're great. What you missed
Starting point is 03:41:12 I hope he keeps making it so that we don't have to do other streams tend to have that But I certainly would I appreciate on anything I tuned into and guess what the lp rules apply to the stream too We're gonna finish demon souls. Yeah. Yep. Yep. Yeah, people. Yeah, eventually No, I remember I remember that that came out of quite a bit. We're like, oh god. Fuck it I hate the fact that they're gonna just play this and and that'll be it No, no, no, no, no, no. We're going to beat demon. So I really I really hope we can beat all the shitty games done slow games Oh, man But can you get world records on all of them? Yeah, that's the question
Starting point is 03:41:47 But we'll see what happens with a heavy rain, which is the next stream that does not include the taxidermy dlc Yeah, that's a problem. That's weird. Oh, what is this a problem? There's a story dlc It's missing a really good scene that was a part of like the e3 thing They were showing off like here's the vertical slice demo. You remember the girl in the house? Uh It was the first anyway, it's called the taxidermist and uh, you're escaping from a crazy murderer And uh, that was dlc on the ps3, but it was also the vertical slice They showed off to people to not spoil the game at e3 and stuff like that not in the ps4 version
Starting point is 03:42:20 Which is completely completely inaccessible totally. It's just not there. It's just not there. Well, I guess we'll have to watch it Yeah, or pop it it. Well, no, but it's it's the most interactive of all of them But I guess I'll have to watch you guys play it on the LP. Oh, we didn't they didn't play it. Oh I don't know why but they didn't so we just we just never went into it So then why does this actually matter? It doesn't because it's really good Okay, we should well. I was like, oh, we should go back and do that taxidermy because you brought it up And it sounded like something you guys did but if They didn't but it is actually a legitimately good scene
Starting point is 03:42:54 Okay, uh, and maybe it would be sage to have a ps3 hooked up that has it downloaded Because you can just play it from the menu. You don't have to we'll see what we do. Yeah, we'll see Wally looks happy. It's worth it. It's worth it. It is good content. Wally looks excited It's gameplay wise. It's probably the best area. It looks excited about the prospect of streaming a ps4 game And then hitting a button to stream the ps3 game He's excited. I can tell I'm really down to just hit the play button. Hey guys What are we looking forward to this week? I'm looking forward to the new fucking season of house of cards. Oh, oh, yeah That shit dropped on the fourth and on the third at midnight. I was clicking on it
Starting point is 03:43:32 Netflix was like The netflix page like the house of cards episodes all went down. So I meant everyone was hammering that and I was like, yeah That's the one that's the one problem with the way they do that Right. Is that like people who want it just gonna crush it. Yeah, I want kevin spacey face all over. That's good Lane, what do you want? I'm I'm halfway excited for the division. I am because It it seems to be under very critical eyes and holding up very well So all the reviews that are going to come out of that game are going to be reviews are gonna be retail they're all going to be late they didn't send out codes and
Starting point is 03:44:08 There's two ways you can look at that, right? There's the way that you can go like, haha No shitty reviews. Yeah, and then there's the like this is an online only game But it is right. It's online only. I believe so and like any review of before the servers are live are going to be totally illegitimate Anyway, there's also the third way of like, oh, they're trying to hoodwink us. Yeah, that's right Which is which is a genuine possibility. I'm very surprised at this turnaround With you guys suddenly talking about it It always looks when we refer when every time we watch the the latch was I was like, am I the only one that thinks this? Well, it always it always looked really cool. It was always just a big question
Starting point is 03:44:41 It always looked cool, but I never had any faith into it partially because destiny was such a fucking mess and these are similar but all the weirdly super positive stuff coming out of the open beta period that downtown new york demo looked phenomenal like And and you know what was really nice? They put out that trailer about a week ago saying here's our plan for the first year Of the division and they clearly outlined all the expansions and dlc packs and and up patches Yeah, you said it before it all for it the timeline all seems very believable very believable very reasonable and
Starting point is 03:45:18 Very undestiny like yeah, or the only time you would get updates about one destiny stuff was coming is when you were digging through the lawsuit Yeah Or leaked leaked now internal announcements and stuff. I'm also getting good word on the other Thing it's Clancy thing which is this rainbow six siege apparently. Yes, bunny and that always looks really good. Yeah I've been bugging us Non-stop raising this game singing its lord bunny hops all I ever think it looked bad No, I didn't I was gonna say because it always looked no it always looked interesting But like as someone who's tapped out of rainbow six since yeah, I don't uh rogues beer
Starting point is 03:45:57 I guess sure. I just didn't it was just not really on your radar Yeah, I never tapped in because I don't give a fuck the game boy color. I just don't give a shit But you see that's where we're at with rainbow six, you know Fucking weird. We're in the fucking stone age. I played rainbow six vegas and vegas too. Those were great games But those were also third-person room clearers. Yeah, yeah, exactly. No vegas too. I tested for a little bit and it's that's a good game seemed all right Seemed all right, but you know, but that was more like a sequel to grove than it was like The problem to me at the time though was that it felt much like third-person room clear is right
Starting point is 03:46:31 um, but I I really enjoyed the Super tactical parts of rainbow six original whereas like it's a puzzle. Yeah solving how you cleared this fucking those are some hard you should play frozen synapse Yeah frozen synapse synapse is really neat. It's uh top-down if frozen synapse is the one that uh, when you buy it you automatically get two copies, right? I think there's no way to buy one copy of the buddy system. Yeah, there's no way you get you buy it They're like give this to your friend. Cool. You can play frozen synapse together. Yeah, um, so I'm tentatively looking for I am uh, I'm looking forward to that also. I guess I mean I'm interested to see how it is and you know what?
Starting point is 03:47:11 I uh, me and you Liam we both have the same draw and they manifest in different games But I can tell the way that you were talking about it the last time we talked about it You have that same like like lusting for like that big new area of a of a place. Yeah, absolutely and I get a lot out of that and it's part of the reason why I play an MMO now like this is big Uh, and if the if that game can be a decent shoot bang That gets that itch great. Then that'll be fun. Yeah Looking forward to my oh fuck off my wolf link amiibo. Yeah on it. Thanks Liam. You're welcome. Eat a big shit
Starting point is 03:47:51 I so yeah, I'm uh, we're gonna start recording our twilight princess LP this week I guess that is that uh, is that a compatible amiibo with twilight princess? It is a compatible abebo It's it's it will work. It is compatible with my shelf And that's what I care about see that at least at least there's that for you I'm I'm really excited to pop that in actually and uh do well do our LP like straight up I always really like that game and uh, I always I love Midna. She's great. So if uh, that's a good segment I like her more and to what's coming up. I like her more. How much do you like her more than you? Uh-oh Liam hot glue coming soon. Oh no, uh, so uh, you guys are gonna
Starting point is 03:48:28 Dude that shit came in 2006 You guys are gonna be recording that twilight princess LP this week, but that might not be up till next week Yeah, uh Matt and I are playing Deus Ex Human Revolution. Yep, which um, you're playing director's cut, right? Yeah, director's cut. I was a little worried about it and when we started to play it I was like, oh my god, this game is so good. Yeah, this game is So good so good. Yo, if you want to hear a shitting on dot emu stay tuned for metal slug Uh metal slug is in coming you see dot emu just announced a new paying game You know paying no the game where you have the guy who goes left and right on the screen
Starting point is 03:49:07 You shoot your thing at the bubbles in the air. Is that like pang from dead space? No Like there's always pang the arcade game where there's the bubbles in the air and you shoot your your anchor at the bubble Yeah, the anchor at the by Mitchell corporation super iconic arcade game. Oh, well, they announced a new pang I hope that game there's always pang not if dot emu's announcing it. Uh, it's made by pasta games Oh those guys those guys. Yeah, so it's like it's a cooperation where I'm like Raising one eyebrow The endless battle against vicks dirtbag influence will continue in nba live 2k, whatever Oh, fuck that piece of shit ryu f or like friend of rage
Starting point is 03:49:51 Yeah, yeah, what's I was saying like ryu is a friend of ken. Yeah, he lives off of him He's a fuck uppercut sagat when he gets offered help or is he now a foe of freak All right, this podcast is about to end overstate. It's welcome. Hope you all have a good week We'll catch you again on either the channels or next week on this very podcast Friday night salty bet coming soon Friday night salty bed is this week salty bet. I mean fist cuffs. Yep, and uh, uh, yeah, did uh, uh Yeah, how'd this great had this one come out in the editing this time this one came out four hours long Um, no, I'm at the salty salty bet. Oh, uh, oh, I'll get back to you on that. Okay Okay, is it fine or not? I'll get back to you. Okay. Uh, thanks mark for tuning in for joining it for joining in
Starting point is 03:50:40 He listened to the rest. This is what happens when you have a four-hour podcast. It gets all zany Yeah, and if you're not a fan of street fighter, I'm gonna get that bird. Oh boy. I'm gonna get that you need to put timestamps Yeah, I will I will I will no that would be cruel like throw throw it at the beginning of the episodes Yeah, I will because we we talk about like charlie throw on sonic booms one armed for like 30 minutes. Yeah Yeah, okay, it to be fair. Yeah, okay, so we did it. We did the podcast now matt'll be back next week I'm a bit annoyed because we're at one. We're like we're like We're just filling time until we wait four hours wait wasn't the other one like two hours and two minutes the the first session But there was like no, I think it's I don't know
Starting point is 03:51:23 And you kind of just want to ride this out for three and a half four minutes We need to fill more. Well, what if you just leave it blank? Well, no, no, that's no that's no good And the music always adds are using that music that I'm gonna be using the music for thank you because it's it's quite good I really like it a lot. Do you really think it's cheating if we just leave a bunch of blank? No, that's total cheating. That's so we could probably tap out after about one more minute because the music will music is quite long Music's quite long music will fill the rest for now. We really need to do the The the the version that I showed you is the normal version people finally got to the the high level version and like Like wings and like like energy drills and shit start coming out of it and a bunch of extra stuff
Starting point is 03:52:01 Dreyfus is gonna be proud. Well, he's never gonna see it. Well, the group isn't good enough Oh god, well that should give it away already for the people that are in the know there No, no, no one no one could brute force that idea Uh, yes stalling for time stalling for anything new happen pat hit the news Well, uh, actually harmonics dropped. Uh, yeah And they're gonna be using pdp pdp to replace madcats Making rock band supplies. That's hilarious. Thus we enter the post markman years. So madcats is in a real
Starting point is 03:52:38 Yeah, madcats Great Everybody's dropping this pc port of this guy is an absolute mess. They've been I was talking to they've been fixing it really well But it was a mess. I was talking to somebody who played that day one. They were like, this is fine And i'm like, yeah, you're crazy You're nuts But yeah, no that that pc port like train wreck like you thought dark souls one on the pc was bad You thought tales of whatever that's a new story woolly. That's a new story. That's a new story. What's the news?
Starting point is 03:53:06 Little flip the rapper used the hashtag rip lion head almost six years ago What? How do you know what you could know? I was he playing fable three. He was playing Oh god, yo, little why why why why? Yeah Oh What's the tweet by little flip the black alcapone just came by a rip low hashtag rip lion head You did clover g g's for life. You hold it down and help your seeds troll talk. G. Shit talk to you later Yeah, all right little flip in the know. We need to oh, hey
Starting point is 03:53:41 We need to start combing through his tweets hold on for predictions I have a legitimate public service announcement for anybody that has an invidia card Will they send this message to you earlier? We'll end out on that. Hopefully you uh, you got it If you currently have an invidia card. Oh, yeah, do not as of the time of this recording update to uh, version 364.47 of the drivers if you did try to roll back If you didn't it's fine. You're fine It is the one that is has the game ready shit for uh, there's one for tomb raider and for the division
Starting point is 03:54:13 This thing is fucking people's PCs up like for real like like Crash into a black screen death loop. Yeah bad In order to save yourself you can You can load into safe mode and roll the driver back And hopefully you will be safe. That's a driver version three six. What is it three? Fucking three six four dot four seven Can somebody don't update to that until invidia puts out a statement that they fix it if you have an ati card
Starting point is 03:54:45 You have no problems except that your house might be on fire and you're using an ati card With talents, please make an alternative driver set already come on voodoo. You remember omega drivers and stuff like that Fucking do it. Yeah. Well, all right. This is quite rare. You want to talk like amd does this shit all the time It's actually why I use an invidia card now because when I played witcher 2 the thing would always fucking bam, and we're over Oh, we're over. Yeah, we did it hit the music Oh Something Oh
Starting point is 03:56:56 Knowledge Okay Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

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