Castle Super Beast - SBFC 138: Satsui No Hado Backstreet Boys

Episode Date: March 29, 2016

This week on the Friendcast: We try not to talk about Superman v Batman extensively, and barely succeed. Spoilercast next week....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today's episode of the Friendcast is brought to you by Lootcrate. This month's theme is Versus, so if you want to check out some good Versus-related exclusive items delivered straight to your door, head on down to slash super, enter the promo code super, and save 3 bucks on your new subscription today. Today's esoteric fact for podcast 138 is, shockingly, 138 is the number of people that Batman horribly murders in Batman vs Superman, man of steel. Isn't that crazy that he kills that many people? With bat bullets.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Well, well, I don't know. I mean, there's something- That he just takes a gun and puts it in a baby's mouth and just shoots the baby. How do you really peg the number of people that get shot when Batman is doing gunslinger combos? Gunslinger. Gunslinger. Gunslinger.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Right? I don't- when Batman jumped above that guy and did the rainstorm that Dante does- When he walked through that high school doing it, remember that bit? It's a bit hard to peg the numbers. You know what? You know what? In the next Fantastic Four movie, just give Reed Richards a chainsaw. Just give him a chainsaw.
Starting point is 00:01:19 He gets stretched really far and cut people with a chainsaw. Anywhere in the world. Yeah. Right now, straight up, we're not going to do a spoiler cast for Batman vs Superman. It's whatever. This week. This week. Because Matt and Liam still haven't seen it.
Starting point is 00:01:33 That being said, Woolly and I are literally unable to contain our mockery for this film. So there will be little bits and pieces sprinkled out. We're going to keep it non-spoilery. I also- I heard there is also nothing worth spoiling. There is also nothing worth spoiling. There are salvageable bits that you have to chip away at to get to. There is.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Wait, but they didn't. They didn't chip away at the bits. Here is. So it's just literally wasted potential. Here is my quick review of this film. This film is a poorly edited visual mess that straight up, I've been making the joke all week about people pooping in the Superman's mouth. This movie poops in the Superman's mouth.
Starting point is 00:02:16 I don't like Superman. Even what? Even I. What happened? The guy who despised Superman realized that his character is butchered in this portrayal and it's bullshit. Batman is Affleck? Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:32 He-Batfleck could be okay. Batfleck is- he's alright but he's crippled by the movie that he's in. That's it. Everything is affected by this universe and it's really interesting because like I said it's internally consistent. Very it is. Everything about the way characters act and especially things about the way Superman acts follows naturally from Man of Steel and that follows very naturally because of the parents.
Starting point is 00:02:59 I feel like- So Martha Kent and- When Pa Kent told Superman to murder children that had rippling effects throughout the entire DC years. Absolutely and just to make sure that he did it he shows up in ghost form again to remind him. Alright. I haven't even seen the movie yet but I'm feeling really good Shedden Freud because
Starting point is 00:03:24 I really hated- But I spoke to Liam and we told Liam a spoiler just before he's the Fords of His Mouthless but I hate that actor. So no, no, no, the things- That was funny. The things- honestly the things- what I can say is that two of the things that I loathed the most about Man of Steel were how- Hold on one second.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Hold on one second. You just talked about Batfleck. I just want to interject right- having not seen the movie I just want to really quickly point- you know what I'm fucking sick of? What's that? Not the Batmobile. Yeah. Oh.
Starting point is 00:03:54 I'm sick of us not getting the Batmobile ever. It's a tank now. If there's any time where he should have the Batmobile it's fucking now. Yeah well too bad. I- sorry I just want to say that- Is it just a tank again on this one? It's the tumbler literally the same one. But the main thing is that that's also literally-
Starting point is 00:04:13 Why? It's a Batman. No Shedden you know what though? You know what though I will say this. You're not likely- Wait wait wait wait wait so they wouldn't use the TV universe flash. No. But they would use the tumbler design.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Yeah. You're not likely to ever see the Batmobile again just because nowadays when you think of like armored vehicle that can penetrate- Well here's the thing. Here's the situation. It looks like a tank. The classic Batmobile doesn't have enough guns on it. It looks like a sissymobile.
Starting point is 00:04:38 The Batman returned to Timber and Batman car had tons of guns in the whole shit. You didn't see it. This needs more guns. It needs to be the Pandora when Dante's floating around with guns in every direction. That's what Batman really needs to be driving around. Let's be real. Remember when we were playing Arkham Knight and we kept saying as we're running over every citizen in the open world-
Starting point is 00:04:58 He's okay. You're passing by. You mean electrocuting them? He's okay. Electrocuting them. And we kept making that. You're gonna be okay. He made it.
Starting point is 00:05:06 He went flying through that fucking banister but he's fine. Doesn't quite work here. There is a shot in this movie in which Batman hits a man dead on with the Batmobile. And it cuts away so you're like, maybe he ducked it. And then when they cut back to where that guy was standing, he is gone and the other two goons that he was with are still there. And the truck that they were in, the entire half of the truck has been torn off due to how hard the Batmobile hit it.
Starting point is 00:05:31 If the camera- That guy is totally fine. If the camera panned over just a little bit, you'd see the brain- You didn't. You didn't just see that man's head be exploded by a Batmobile tire. You wouldn't, right? I'm telling me there is actually an R-rated cut of this. There is an R-rated cut of this coming.
Starting point is 00:05:47 The one that people demanded. Which is crazy. Because if you ever told me, and this is not some Marvel vs DC shit, but if you told me there's an R-rated cut of, I don't know, Ant-Man, what the fuck do you mean? What is Ant-Man doing that needs to be R-rated? Exactly. They had tiny microscopic sex in that movie. There was a moment when Batman grabs a dude and swings him around and holds him up.
Starting point is 00:06:11 And he's got him like he's like knocking him out. Where he pulled his head up and I legitimately was wondering if he was going to slit his throat. Not as a joke. I actually wondered, is he going to just snap his neck or slit his throat? Considering the guy he stabs two seconds later, that was a legitimate question. Yeah, that's true. So what I was going to say was that the thing that I-
Starting point is 00:06:41 Non-lethally, right? Yeah, sure. The thing that I loathe the most about Man of Steel is how- The portrayal of the Kent. The religion? Or the 9-11? No, because that's actually interesting. The way the Kent's were treated was just ridiculous to me.
Starting point is 00:06:56 And here, not only do they fucking like follow through on everything there, but they double down by giving- Now Ma can't dislike Don't Be Superman. They give them the same scenes again to reinforce how bad they are parents. I always thought it'd be great if like, you know, Pop Kent from Man of Steel's like maybe don't save everybody. And then you'd see Ma Kent and goes, I don't know, maybe don't save some black people as well.
Starting point is 00:07:25 Like she just also doubles down like I don't know. You can make your own decisions. Pop Kent, just go and fuck the world, listen to Tupac. If you look carefully, Superman saves zero black people in this movie. You know? You can't argue with those numbers. Throwing trucks of immigrants off cliffs. That happens.
Starting point is 00:07:44 That's real. You know what? No, that's no. Okay. No, that was Batman. That was Batman. Pat, here's why we're assholes. Wait, what?
Starting point is 00:07:52 Pat, we're assholes because it was like we're not doing a spoiler cast and we're still going right now. That's fine. That's totally fine. Like again, I wanna, when you guys see it, we'll fully elaborate on it. I don't know, I feel like we're in this weird universe in which people that would actually get upset about being spoiled for this movie because they love Batman and or Superman either are gonna be really sad about this movie and hurt and be mad at the movie and not us, or
Starting point is 00:08:13 they saw it this weekend. Does Zack Snyder... Or they thought it was a good movie. Does Zack Snyder... Those people are crazy. Does he get over his like inexplicable inability to separate church and film? No. Liam?
Starting point is 00:08:25 But it's interesting. Liam? Dude, it's now... I need it. Now it's interesting and here's why. Because the one thing that I thought was like, I said it before, the first time I saw the first trailer for this, I was like the fact that Batman is like fuck that fucking self-righteous piece of shit who thinks he's a dog.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Right, I remember you talking about this. And people are arguing like is Superman a god character? How dare you put yourself like that? After killing thousands of people in your stupid fight. And the fact that that becomes the central crux of the conflict. That's interesting. I forgot about that. That is interesting.
Starting point is 00:08:56 The sex is the fact that the camera and the director and everyone making the film believes in the god. Therefore... Oh, like they're not in on the joke. So they continue to use him in that way. So they paint him with light and he's doing a Jesus pose and they paint him with the camera who zooms in on him. So the skepticism is there and it's part of the plot but the camera agrees with the Jesus
Starting point is 00:09:19 thing. Through the god lens. And I'll be, here's the deal. The movie agrees that Superman is Jesus so hard that there's a reason this movie came out on Easter. Does he do a Christ air in space? He doesn't do the exact Christ air? No, woolly.
Starting point is 00:09:37 But he has a cross moment. Oh good. No, the phrase Christ air in space? You forget. I said it last time because he did a literal Christ air in space. He literally does a Christ air in space. There is a moment where he is being Christ air in space. It has a different meaning.
Starting point is 00:09:58 The Christ air I referred to from Man of Steel was him doing the Christ air. But now there's a second Christ air. Okay. I did see that one. And you hear the dah as the points go up while he does it. Does he do a psycho crusher through a line of children? Yeah, basically. That's the beginning of the movie.
Starting point is 00:10:15 No, but Pa can't wish. It was more of a maximum spider, really. If people are just like surface level, like I just want to watch the movies and my whole focal point is the movies, having Pa Kent or Mom Kent or having any of anybody that would raise Superman and say, you know, maybe don't save people. Maybe just let people die, even though you can do something about it. That's the equivalent of Peter Parker looking up at the sky and seeing a giant Uncle Ben head that goes kill them all.
Starting point is 00:10:45 I mean, I think it's a really like interesting backbone for a Superman universe where, you know, he's bad. But we just had injustice. Well, Liam, injustice is in this movie. Justice is in this movie. Like the plot of injustice. No, no. But there's a part of this movie that becomes another movie for about 15 minutes and it's
Starting point is 00:11:12 injustice. They pull the same device as Avengers 2 where they give you a preview of things to come. Okay, right. And the brothers puts out all of this stuff. They put out all the games. They put out all the movies. You know what? Well, if it's got the name on it, Marvel or DC, it's going to do good.
Starting point is 00:11:32 They fixed the bad voice. They did. It's great. They even have a little scene that explains it. And yeah. And this is the only time I can think of this in movies where, you know how a villain does something and you go, let's say Lex was right or Lex did nothing wrong. Right.
Starting point is 00:11:51 Okay. In this case, Lex was right. But Lex does everything wrong. Yeah. And that's what Lex should be. The biggest thematic problem with this film is that in this universe, in this universe, the Zack Snyder universe, in which mom, pop, or dirt bags and raised their son wrong, Lex and Batman are right in that this Superman can't be trusted.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Like he's a problem. The only actual problem with Lex is his impatience. Yes. Oh, and it's that that just, that's it. That's it. Everything to just the biggest problem. Right. Is that it.
Starting point is 00:12:29 He's also prideful and can't handle Superman. He's very young in this one, right? And that's my favorite scene in the whole movie. And you see a little bit of the trailer in which, you know, when, when Clark Kent and Batman meet each other at the library signing and Lex goes up and talks to them. When Lex gives that speech about the library, and he starts talking about how knowledge is power, that's my favorite Lex moment ever, even though the rest of his portrayal is kind of bad because Superman is not happening.
Starting point is 00:12:58 Nothing is happening with Superman. We're just hanging out and we're having a scene, right? And Lex is trying to give a speech and he is coming apart at the seams because all he can think about all the time is how much he fucking hates Superman and has to cut his speech short because he starts to have like a mental breakdown and he's struggling not to just scream out, I fucking hate Superman apropos of nothing. So is that what you mean, Woolly by there is, there are like glimpses of really good stuff in there.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Hamstone under the fucking sheetrock and bedrock for that matter. Maybe somewhere in the 48 minutes they filmed you cut out. I was going to say, we already know they cut out. Was it 48 minutes? 48 minutes. How much do you think they would have to keep cutting to fix? Well, here's the problem. Or would it just get worse?
Starting point is 00:13:47 Here's the problem. The first half of the movie is nearly unintelligible because they cut so many scenes out. Okay, okay, okay, okay. The editing is trash in this film. Yeah, you need to re-edit everything. So you need to take the footage back in the first place. You need to rip 40 minutes out more. So we're talking about cutting an entire feature length film out of a movie.
Starting point is 00:14:11 No, you need to rip an hour out and re-shoot most of it. Wow. That's rough. You know what I mean? But then you get some good shit. Are we up to the task? No. Yeah, anyway, anyway, we'll have a full breakdown.
Starting point is 00:14:27 No limiters thing next week. That was limited. Where we talk about the plot hole. What percentage of the movie is that, like 10 or less? There's so much more to talk about. It's two and a half hours. Oh, that's not for me. That's for everyone wondering.
Starting point is 00:14:45 People at home, I could talk for about for half an hour about the fact that Metropolis and Gotham City are like Brooklyn and Manhattan in terms of geography in this movie and how that breaks the entire DC universe. I could go on about what happens when you play pool and you hit the cue ball into the rest of the balls. Yeah. The direction that the cue ball goes. It comes back and hits you in the face.
Starting point is 00:15:10 And then the other ball. Yeah. And then the other ball is just good. Just come towards you and everything stays in place. That's how pool works. Yeah. Right. Every time.
Starting point is 00:15:19 Nuclear cue balls. Nuclear cue balls. So like whatever, I guess fuck the actual Fact 138. Yeah. I know. You got anything this week? That's good enough. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Batman kills a bunch. It involved Henry Rawlins. Henry Rawlins is cool. Yeah, fine. What we got? Save it for the next time Henry Rawlins has done something number based. Well, he does a lot. He did Offroad Tattoo in Jackass.
Starting point is 00:15:43 That was all right. He trained us in Def Jam. It's true. He did. He did a crot like he showed up to a Misfits concert and there was like a Black Flag Misfits crossover when he sang the song. He mentioned Black Flag. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:59 He throws. He fucking throws a fit. Well, isn't he? That was your defining band, motherfucker. Is he not? But is he not just like super entrepreneur doing everything guy? I think so. Like he just he's he's the center like star in a Netflix movie.
Starting point is 00:16:14 I feel like Henry Rawlins is like the alternate path that Trent Reznor could have taken. Yeah. Unsuccessful. Trent Reznor wins Oscars. Scoring film. So you got. Henry Rawlins is in Def Jam. That's it.
Starting point is 00:16:30 Yeah. That's it. Yeah. And how many children's lives he shaped. Yeah. Trent Reznor doesn't get that privilege. I guess not. A lot of a lot of people with a lot of children growing up on Def Jam.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Not these days. A lot of kids that aren't going to grow up after Superman killed them. Targeted them. For fun. Really. Remember when he saw that children in half with his laser eyes? That's in the movie. That's real.
Starting point is 00:16:57 Laughing. And I know it's not real. But I guess. No. No. That is real. He saw as a child in half with laser vision. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:06 It was pretty distasteful of Zach to edit in the S stylish smoking stick style meter when he did it. Every time Superman saves a child he burns an S in their chest with his laser vision. Superman's drawing spalding logos in children's chests. The joke is that Batman does that in this movie. He saw his people with laser. No. He and he brands people with his logo.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Shut up. No. Is that a thing that Batman has ever done in the comics because I've never heard of that if he does it. Did you do that in Dark Knight? No. It's not something that I can remember from any comics. You might be wrong.
Starting point is 00:17:42 And it's the whole like you get branded. Your property of my Batman. And now that means. You've been bat-flacked. And that's basically being jarred from Subway in jail. Yeah. Yeah. Because you know what criminals in Gotham City jail love?
Starting point is 00:17:56 Batman. Mm-hmm. Favorite person. Why? Why would goons pick on people that Batman brought in? The first time I saw that I was like oh everyone with that is going to be part of the same cool club. Wait.
Starting point is 00:18:10 They're not part of the same cool club? No. No. They get offed because. Because the prisoners. Because being sent to prison by an actor. By Batman means the other criminals hate you. Joker got sent to prison by Batman.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Yeah. Yeah. So all the. Pretty much every Batman villain ever. So remember. We tried to move on. Remember. Remember in prison when all the prisoners attacked Joker because they love Batman because
Starting point is 00:18:33 prisoners love Batman. Anyway. Yeah. We're trying to move. We're trying to move. Trying to move on. Can't. It's so bad.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Oh okay. Here. Did she put the damaged tattoo on the Joker's head? Yes. Damaged. No. Is that his brand? There's another moment where things are questionable.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Did you see the Facebook headline that says director of Suicide Squad says the world stopped when Jared Leto walked out on stage? Oh fuck off. You know what the worst part about the world we've been stopped? Yeah. Everyone stopped and looked. We've been joking about like the Batman murder thing and I just realized that it ruins part of Suicide Squad.
Starting point is 00:19:13 No I think Suicide Squad looks better now than it ever has. Like it reaches out of its own movie and hurts Suicide Squad because in a universe in which Batman doesn't care about killing people the only reason Joker is still alive is because he's Jason Todd. There's no other explanation for him being alive in Suicide Squad. This is your theory. This is your theory. Yeah no I just made that one.
Starting point is 00:19:39 It's a possibility. Okay. Maybe. I don't know. Anyway it's always fun to see Batman pulling a Joe Chill and like literally and like almost wrapping like his victims around with the pearls and pulling the same shot. And then the Doodoo's in Superman's Butthole. And but we're trying to move on.
Starting point is 00:19:54 We're trying to move on. We can't. We just can't fight this. We're trying to move on. Lex was right. Hey Alfred let's go shoot him. I can move on right now. I'm going to play this week or hang out or what did you do?
Starting point is 00:20:03 I finished Gravity Falls. That's great isn't it? Gravity Falls. Wasn't it great at the end where they killed the bad guy without having to kill all the babies? Gravity Falls is probably the most recent example I can think of of a perfect cartoon. And now you're done. You're done forever.
Starting point is 00:20:24 And that's it. And that's something so satisfying. And it ends so strong. There's no moments of lull and pacing. There's no moments of too much too little stinker episodes. Everything happens and there's a perfect balance between random adventures and adventures that matter and then hints and then actual plot. Time always moves forward.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Always. Everything grows. Everything develops. Things start somewhere and they don't end in the same place. It's a perfect cartoon. The problem is that you actually have to quit your show. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:04 To get out. To get out. To get out. Because we don't quit. I don't know. In fact no one really quits. But for this they actually ended it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:12 I'm not sure how aware you are but they were up for a third season. Yes. And the creators were like no one. Yeah Alex Hirsch. I was reading all about that after I finished it. Why would we ruin this perfect thing he made? Yeah he's like no. Artistically I don't want to go back here.
Starting point is 00:21:25 And he's like he did say that it might not be the last time you see these characters ever but it is by my hand. Because it's Disney. Yeah. Right. At the end of the day. He doesn't own it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:41 He might see Louis D.K.'s character come back and something else. Yeah. Exactly. I love those cameos. There's some good cameos. I should try that 3DS game. I don't know if it turned out well. It's not anything remarkable.
Starting point is 00:21:51 The over under on it is you should play Origins and Legends first Raymond. They should just make the games from like I played those. Oh did you? Okay well. They should just make the two games from Gravity Falls and just develop those. Yeah. There's a dating simulator and a fighting game in there and they're both fantastic. They're both great.
Starting point is 00:22:11 Just get Paul on the job. But no but anyway yeah man it's very I almost it's almost like Vagabond in the same way it's like I have nothing to really say except like do yourselves a favor and get through it and then put it away forever and have that memory. I keep going back to watch every now and then like every week I'm like I'm gonna watch that part where the music kicks in in the last episode and stuff happens and it's the same thing that I do with Gurren Lagann where I go back and watch the final line every now and then.
Starting point is 00:22:45 Some nice moments of like the theme being reused in a good way. It's got all those things I like there as well and it's even got for the people that it's like it's similar to Undertale in a way where it's like if you want to go further you can. There's a huge deciphering game that's being played throughout this story and during the credits of every episode during the opening and throughout the episodes there's lots of codes to decipher. There's a real life treasure hunt going on right now.
Starting point is 00:23:12 And you can actually go as deep as you want to. You can win things by watching. You can win things by watching. You can go as deep as you want to with the show to your satisfaction because I didn't have anybody to talk to about it before but Villain that only gets five episodes I believe and that is a fucking stellar perfect villain. He gets more than five. He gets five where he's like the focus.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Yeah. Yeah. But like it's a good it's like vicious and cowboy. He is like a simple goofy design but he is horrifying. Like oh man I'll tell you this. The voice modulation and the flesh physics Matt Matt you have a huge you have a huge boner for creepy child things like animals crossing but finish that sentence a little bit better creepy things that are like they look innocent like child like they're actually
Starting point is 00:24:04 actually horrific under the surface. Yeah. Right. So nails something something just a little bit creepy because I've watched like about five episodes of Gravity Falls like the first season yeah and there's there's moments there's some really strong strong moments of this looks innocent but there's something really unsettling on the surface when you see Animal Crossing you meant like that flash and you have a huge donor for the tonal dissonance between horror and cute things yes yes there
Starting point is 00:24:28 we go and they do a fantastic job with that. Good job. You have a huge boner for creepy child things sorry sorry it's okay the evil has been the evil has been vanquished evil has been vanquished. I'm trying to like I'm trying to like filter out things because I don't want to give too much but there's almost nothing really to specific to say in that like we can just say hey remember that cool thing yeah that was cool that's it. Best use of J.K. Simmons in a cartoon.
Starting point is 00:24:57 I like like I have a Tenzen best use of J.K. Simmons yeah really yeah because I love Tenzen like yeah I have me too no complaints no no no no no no no no there's no qualifications in your recommendation no there's no like well if you if you didn't got it or what no it's just like no it's fantastic it is universally recommended to everyone cool and I hope that doesn't overhype things but it's not the greatest thing in the world you just ruined it for it just has no flaws that's it yeah yeah it's not the greatest thing in the world but there's no flaws I hear you it's it aims to do a thing and then it pulls that thing off and then it ends so you know all the rest by that token like undertale isn't the greatest thing in the
Starting point is 00:25:48 world is rife with flaws so it's better than undertale it's what I'm saying wow all right well you can take your week uh unit else is better than undertale Batman versus Superman no don't Camille is a man's name and I'm a man yeah all right so let's I'm not very far I'm only six episodes in but I I have one thing to say to the AEUG okay hold on you're talking about Gundam Zeta I'm talking about Gundam Zeta you're right I didn't know that Gundam and Undertale were so similar I have one thing I have one I have one thing to say to the engineers that work on the AEUG ships when you're dismantling or doing otherwise menial repairs on a Gundam lock the cockpit you stupid fucks Camille steals like five mechs man every time they go who's in that now Camille
Starting point is 00:26:46 Camille get out of that mech and then somebody goes and then somebody goes nah let them let them let them do the mech thing he's already in there he's already in there can't get it out now uh also uh I want to give a big thumbs up to whoever wrote Gundam Zeta the Titans in episode one two and three are like initially kind of confusing give a thumbs up to Tomino uh Tomino they're initially kind of confusing as an antagonist force because they're part of the Federation army and you're like why is that bad yeah and then in episode four five and six they give you a bunch of reasons oh yeah like very very strong these bad guys and they're gonna do some bad stuff but they're on the good guy side too bad they're they're bad and the best
Starting point is 00:27:27 example of that I know it's cheap it's very cheap but I love it anyway hey remember this character that you liked from the show a couple of years ago and he was a good guy and he was a he was a leader and he was a he was one of the hero people right let's just have a scene in which the villains just kick his ass in an office for like 10 minutes for nothing for no reason like literally like don't don't talk to me that way and then they just put the boots to him how do you feel about the triumphant return of heroes uh the triumphant return here is like oh man it's captain bro oh they're oh they're kicking his ass they're the good guys dude the lines blur and the lines never stop blurring yeah and that's a part of what makes Gundam interesting outside of the robots is this
Starting point is 00:28:14 the one with the fire Gundam uh that's that's g you're probably thinking of g oh yeah the stand up is burning no no no that's that's that's wacky fun don't worry about that he is wacky fun yeah but anyway anyway I started I started playing uh the extreme versus force game yeah yeah that guy's cool I'm just looking at all the characters and I'm like ah you're cool you're lame all g Gundam is super robots if you yeah though I was gonna say if you have no real like space sci-fi interest and you just want to see robots fighting no that's not your ticket that's why I'm playing the game and I'm looking and I'm like I like the blue guy and the pink guy and and that's enough and build fighters is not your ticket you know what they're both I tried watching build fighters I I think
Starting point is 00:28:56 build fighters needs more like context it it's more enjoyable when you know who the toys are because it's like I would rather just watch metabots again than build fighters yeah but I think build fighters is probably way better than metabots if you've seen other Gundam stuff it's probably probably because you're like well that design it feels good yeah exactly but even not knowing stuff it's still a good I watched like three or four episodes I have I have I have a few questions for you about Gundam now that I'm in Gundam series three for me because I started with Wang and I I chalked these details up to mobile suit Gundam the original as a unique thing but now I'm seeing them repeat in zeta and the number one you're really early the number one
Starting point is 00:29:43 thing no don't worry this is this is broad thing that I'm just like what is up with this what is up with the total nonsense names what is up with everyone's name being like the stupidest unreal garbage ever what the fuck is quattro bajina uh that sucks yeah I saw that one too and I was like why is the base named out rule ruled super base or like sounds cool in Japanese is they're so fucking dumb man cool in Japanese they're so dumb amro ray and camille bidon have real names that human beings would have no one else in the series except for maybe captain brighton mariah um and say the math name your child bajina yeah then they named himself bajina no but name your child bajina i'll name my child bajina and and that never changes across the entire Gundam like all the names
Starting point is 00:30:39 are terrible they're not always terrible sometimes they're awesome good god damn name quattro bajina is a train wreck for well for what it's worth I still think zex marquise sounds really cool I still think true right kushrinata sounds really cool but why are they so obsessed with numbers well they were trying to go for a thing did they ever make anything stronger than the big xan the big xam yeah did they ever make anything that could even remotely stand up to it yeah no the big xams actually they made fucking like tons of shit way better than the big xam so cool it's big wait wait for psycho I gotta say jumping straight from mobile suit Gundam to zeta within like a span of like one week the animation jump is like shocking because as Liam so eloquently put it in
Starting point is 00:31:27 talking about mobile suit Gundam when I started getting into it apparently there were no rulers in the 70s yeah there are rulers in the 80s yeah well this was a it was a success at that point so then they got to go buy some rulers with the only the only thing it's a it's a farce man in the original there's no straight lines they can't get over it also there's no eyedrop tool no for sure no the dude the best part of the original Gundam's animation is not the original part is the original best part isn't even the animation or the lines it's like is that a hair underneath the yes it is that's a fucking human hair that's in multiple scenes because somebody got a beard hair in the fucking cell and they didn't change it but they are the
Starting point is 00:32:12 goddamn masters of space shots yeah and whenever someone has a 70s moment where like a painted thing spins in the background of them going crazy the only thing that that dates uh uh Gundam zeta like as in like oh god this is the 80s is the music no the aspect ratio no it's it's it's uh char's redesign like where he trades in the the mask for the sunglasses and he wears them indoors hey man it's so cool quattro is a fucking cool race car guy dude he's a cool race car guy he looks like a cool race hot rod hot rod toys we're selling so he is so 80s he looks like quarry heart in sunglasses at night dude he is hot rod toys we're selling and is and he's wearing yellow red leather he looks like he's selling he looks like he's a blonde guy in the thriller outfit
Starting point is 00:33:06 with sunglasses it works i yeah but but there's more there's another really good reason why it works yeah okay gotta get there all right um uh Gundam Gundam school yeah someone pointed out that uh apparently like episode four of the friendcast was me going dude watch Gundam and you're like no fuck you yeah i saw that i'm gonna actively not watch Gundam because fuck you and the comment on that took a minute only took you 120 weeks to change your mind um yeah i got oh yeah that reminds me of that's me other stuff but stubborn um are you doing anything else this week willy we're bouncing all over the place today nothing of note i guess did i play anything or doing i don't know the most interesting thing that happened to me is i i sleep bad so i put a robot
Starting point is 00:33:54 in my fucking mouth and went to bed it was the worst i i i fucking worse i went to a street fighter tournament and i ended you lose and i look at lost all good job and that was the job loser who did you lose to uh i lost to a baby pretty good baby baby that be birdie story i lost a pretty good caron player and then i got gieft um and and like i had fought some geese but i hadn't fought any geese that really kind of like knew right a lot that had a bunch of tricks up there sleep and i saw some new geese tricks and i was like oh wow that's interesting i i gotta know because i haven't seen anyone play in person yet how is jimmy because i saw that he's one of the top ranked players online oh bones yeah oh jimmy bones jim bones is fucking great okay he's killing it with
Starting point is 00:34:37 him because in other games yeah he's always been solid but when i saw when i was looking at the top ranked players on street fighter five i was like what the fuck he was he was um why is he so good he was he was a huge st a guy he would enter tournaments and win consistently in america yeah that much i know yeah yeah he's he's doing pretty fucking good with awesome right now that's awesome uh my microphone fell apart you bro you know how to fix it you own the same microphone i know but i don't know how woolly has it set up just you should probably mute his mic for like a second you know what that's a great idea just mute me until you decide to pat pat is officially muted but he's you can yell um there was also there was also um um uh what should we call it this
Starting point is 00:35:16 weekend norcal regionals and yeah some fun stuff going on there um it was you know it was a good tournament uh no razor stick disconnects did you see at that um that game hosted tournament in europe the abysmal commentary no the single player tournament i i'm not i don't remember i don't know if it was that one but it was a tournament i'm pretty sure it was hosted by game the retailer and the people commentating had no fucking clue what they were talking about even remotely at one point it's a it's a fang nikali match nikali gets poisoned right and then the commentator is nice enough to explain that uh that's a great buff move that nikali has where he sacrifices his health but he does more damage and it's him and this girl and and he knows nothing
Starting point is 00:36:12 the girl knows even less because she's literally not saying anything and the camera is just staring at the female commentator not at the screen oh what oh weird every now and then she's just going yeah that's a good move final round guys oh like you gotta watch it it's really rough there is there is we got the two managers that were on duty today so so now that we've been through um now that we've been through probably three of these like new capcom fighting game launches it's always fun to see the the hype train uh derail well it's not even that it derails but it's more like everyone that wants how long does it take people that want to attach their wagons to the hype train right so all these companies come out of the woodwork and try to run some
Starting point is 00:37:00 stupid ass tournaments with no concept of how to do it or they try to run some kind of event you've got uh the how hard could it be you've got this game tournament where it's a single player fucking attorney it's a race right you've got uh the scoshia bank one which is going on now which is uh you have that one sponsored by shadow lu yeah the the the the scoshia bank theater rules are uh one round sets first to three so each match is one round so it's best two of three with long breaks in between first to three and no meter carryover first first to first to three so one round one round no meter carryover complete no super not understanding how things should work that's a weird format and you see this every time yeah you know and that
Starting point is 00:37:50 that remember that uh the uh what was it to avid i think like random company randomly sponsors hundred thousand dollar random tournament uh they of course back down and they're gone so did they actually yeah they basically well they basically said in a statement like a lot of people came to us and said that we're new and probably don't know what we're doing so we're gonna take some time to make sure that we can figure this out that's a fair decision that's a fair decision because they actually do have the money they're backed by that uh what was it that chinese e-sports company or whatever dude but after but like oh about that chinese e-sports there's all i'm saying is yeah like if you don't think you're ready probably the right choice to not do it you know
Starting point is 00:38:29 but it but it but the time is now yeah now everyone get high it's gonna be old and bus alex is out next week old and busted you know alex is out this week fuck that game people hitting their fucking is he wagon yeah he is actually the patch is coming out tomorrow alex is gonna come out in two days love to see a trailer there's two patches there's the first one with without alex that's just some of the content yeah there's a second one after that with all right well that's all this week um yeah and and you know what good smart on them for like basically doing a thing where it's like we don't have the zenny system up yet yeah but uh until we do alex is free for everyone so hey good job um it makes no real difference yeah the big picture anyway a couple
Starting point is 00:39:09 months and if you don't like him you don't have to buy him that's true but you should if he's free hey a couple months but i mean because he's only like until they get the zenny system up he's like rented to everyone i see i don't actually get yeah you get him again then you can buy more you can use your fight bucks okay uh the uh this lasts a couple months right and as the year closes out we get past the summer we get past evo and then all these big fucking companies trying to attach to themselves to street fighter anyway yeah and it's and it's not necessarily street fighter it's everything that's like a new explosion of hype and just like and they how can we can get in on this we can we can come in to this new and do it just as good as i i won't make so much money we're gonna
Starting point is 00:39:48 make so much money and i how are you gonna make the money and as someone who is dedicated to growing the scene i don't want to sound like a cynical asshole because new people showing up and being interested that's good good thing yeah new companies wanting to get involved is a good thing but you can always you can always talk to anybody or they don't try to to learn what the rule set should be or how to run it you can always tell who means it right away you can always tell who's on a bandwagon yeah and who's here to actually put in some work because like me and pat just said where's the money what money do you want to get how how do you think that you giving money to this player gets you money do you even know how that works they didn't do the long division there like
Starting point is 00:40:31 we i was when i went to that tourney i talked with the to for quite a while about just like some recent scumbag shit that's gone on nice the fuck is trying to set up things and nice it was amazing like we talked about tournaments where uh like they they put the they announced everything except the venue until the last second and then took it where do we go but then took in a venue fee right and then uh ended up ended up not having enough for the venue fee and usually the scam is you pick somewhere cheap and then you keep the money yeah that's usually the scam but here but here they picked a place where they could they didn't have enough so then they like they expected to get more so they exactly so that on the day they announced uh uh uh a attorney pot cap and where
Starting point is 00:41:19 they're like the cap of the of the money going towards the prizes is as this amount this much no matter how many people enter and then we take the rest right that's like that's like when that's a new even dirtier scam motherfucker that one's not even a scam you just fucked up so hard on the day you fucked up so hard i accidentally scammed these people motherfuckers that this is this one is like okay dude calls a to that's trying to get his name out there for himself and basically goes hey i'm a representative of redbull and we want to get involved in you know and why that's fair that happens redbull's a pretty good sponsor for fighting games and e-sports in general yeah and basically says uh you run the event uh and we'll take care of the pot bonus and the prize money
Starting point is 00:42:03 for stuff and you just you just set everything up and get it in and put redbull logos on shit exactly that seems fair so and he's like all right i'll get involved no problem that's great and this guy's like this it's exciting and everything so sets it up runs the event uh dude shows up with two girls and a truck with a lot of redbull in it and they hand out the redbulls they do the promo they got the standees and everything all right tournament ends at the tournament ends he goes okay here's the money all right and he's a cool we'll get back to you with the prize pot bonuses and such cool redbull man disappears fucking disappears and is gone forever you know you might you might you might you might you might want to get some kind of
Starting point is 00:42:47 identification no dude he had two girls and they had a truck full of redbull you know what good enough that's all you need if i was doing business with a marketing person and they showed up with two girls i'm suspicious that they work for microsoft yeah redbull's done that though that's what they do they show up to the events with the big redbull truck yeah and i'd be suspicious and then get information and then find out one way or the other wouldn't i i don't know i think also at that point at that point too late it's too late yeah i mean it's just it's just that's gave him wings and he flew out of there and but and the the the scam level there is like you have to be intimately involved with the scene to know how to pull that off yes you can't just run
Starting point is 00:43:33 that in a weekend and that's dangerous because if you're intermittently involved there's the possibility that people know you they'll find you and kick your ass familiarity i'll get you so that man was alex vaillet if you if you see alex vaillet out there pulling his redbull scam trying to get enough money for retirement if you tell if you see mr street fighter the man whose name is mr street fighter pulling a scam what he wants to retire to be fair mr mr vaillet could pull some excellent scams if he wanted probably could at least for a couple years you get at least one or two okay chris g couldn't pull so he just shows up with his valet who the fuck's gonna trust chris g was shit vaillet girls they just show up it's the vaillet girl team
Starting point is 00:44:20 yeah yeah it's like a cheerleaders yeah and you get distracted they cheer me while i'm the second best for you chris chris g with more headphones means more power oh geez is that it now is that the secret to his power you've seen the picture where he's got eight headphones on it at the same time just all over his neck are those all are all those are those all people telling him and is here to collude it's amazing oh no he'll never live it down man i was gonna pass it off but before i do leave you mostly get out here anything of the return this weekend the return of marn yeah absolutely marn is boy marn's back and he's a beast he's pushing communist ideologies on everyone what's going on tell me about marn so one he's actually like looking pretty fit he's slimmed up a little bit
Starting point is 00:45:06 he's a little bit more in shape good for him but also he showed up and he entered the the late pool yeah and the late pool that at ncr is genius because it's like if you are uh if you don't re-register in advance instead of running into the problems that they ran into uh final round at final round where you have pools being uh generated the morning of which is a nightmare here everyone in the in the last minute bracket gets put into the same bracket so every top player including mago and filipino champ and k brad and so on all get put in the same bracket fuck you too bad that's what you get for showing up last that's rough it's fantastic it's a great what's my opening bracket oh it's all killers oh well yep and enjoy your seed and marn shows up and gets into the
Starting point is 00:45:52 fucking death bracket and makes it out yeah and every time he makes it out and he's he shows up on streaming he's expecting to lose so he's doing art mika butt slap taunts yeah and he's threatening to pull his shirt off and he's just no marn and he's going super saiyan but he makes it all the way you know what gets out of pools makes it all the way up gets into top eight i could i could be behind this new marn and fucking gets as high as i want to say fifth place i believe because like better than micross because he ended up losing pretty much only to uh like top three or top four and do just like beasted with armika magical return of mr n it was beautiful the stream was loving it he was taking in their power right i thought i thought marn was gonna be gone forever and the
Starting point is 00:46:38 face and the face of him like just like trolling and and making faces and whatnot while uh ricky is sitting next to him just fucking fuming and getting more upset or like at least getting kind of like and ricky's a serious player ricky's very serious but so like you know i'm getting getting like into a real match with the return of this joke man and the joke man is actually taking it to final round yeah or joke man yeah it's the best it was a i will never forget that video of marn missing that high five or sitting down on no chair yeah foot racing and falling all over the place no you cannot no you cannot he's a legend he's he's he's the best he used to be infamous maybe he can make it to famous that's one return i'm always the evil foot races are my favorite yeah mr wizard uh
Starting point is 00:47:30 that's my favorite betting on foot races flow versus mr wizard is my favorite you gotta bet you got excited about everything oh man all right uh yeah pass it off to matt matt yo what up what up matt i played a bunch of uh horror games actual horror themedish games remember last week i was talking about ooh mountains of madness you were talking about that last week early access whoa put it back in it's not done yet the horror is not from the spooky scares this game says beta on it and it is not it's not it is probably one of the roughest looking unreal four games ever where it looks like it's running on unreal it's the show the showgoth is fooling you because there's a trailer that shows cthulhu yeah attacking you and i'm like well you're like oh fine so you started up and you're just
Starting point is 00:48:17 in the arctic and there's penguins and you talk to a bunch of explorers and i couldn't beat that all right couldn't beat that section i couldn't find out what it wanted me to do all right the game runs about 10 frames per second and it looks awful and there's no options yeah for video stuff and it has the worst reading of any lines ever i'm i this that's that's you know chaos you know the dialogue no no no no it sounds like it's place i really can't feel cthulhu right now yeah or whatever netherlands like and same place the subtitles that's that's exactly it's gotta be placed so there's it's a beta chaos wars dude it goes like oh hello professor uh there's like stutters and stuff oh yes very good no that's final that's final
Starting point is 00:49:14 beta means that content's locked it's so bad i was like that's what beta means i actually varies from company to company as a label i don't i don't think in this case it does but i i i'd gladly look at this again in another six months or something but it was it was i was especially disappointed because i love it the trailer of it made it look interesting and i'm just like i did play the white day remake that got oh cool ios the white day being the korean spooky game that liam destroyed my mouse over the remake's really pretty it's very pretty but i'm really excited for the thanks woolly i'm i'm i appreciate you the ps4 version because the ios version does about the weirdest thing i've ever seen that i did not like to give you plastic surgery against
Starting point is 00:50:03 your will when you buy an ios game you see a little clockwise thing that yeah that's as it downloads and then it downloads and i did that and i'm like my game downloaded you start it up and it says we need a little bit of data from you give me some data this data will not be used during the gameplay and i'm like oof yeah that's a message and you're like i watched 72 packets of information being exchanged from me to them i'm not quite sure are you sure it just didn't your identity has been stolen yeah i can reinstall your credit card are you sure it didn't just have to download more content because i know a lot a lot of mobile titles do a download from their own servers mac case is now on the way to north korea i've downloaded a couple horror games and stuff this
Starting point is 00:50:50 is the first one where it took at least an hour for this to complete where it says 72 packets then it says failed retry and then you press retry and it says 69 packets and then what happened over the course of an hour it kept downloading i was like two more packets left and i was like jesus fucking christ that was the most that was the most painful process to download anything i've seen ever so how how was it when you got out super worth it i started it up and yeah it looks it looks good it unfortunately uses touch control so it's pretty worthless yeah it is i'll wait for the ps4 version that's supposed to come out fair enough yeah that's fair it like you said it looks quite good the way i really like the the new art stuff well the it's a it's a the more modern art
Starting point is 00:51:41 style yeah it's better i also played adrift this morning you guys oh yeah with the one in the title is that about boats yeah no it's about it's about gravity the movie ah yes you play you play as gravity it's about space boats months and months ago where you're basically astronaut and the game starts with your space station being destroyed you don't know why yeah and you're just you have your thrusters and your boosters and you have grab for life button which is just air canisters because if you knock around at all your suit gets more and more cracked and you lose more and more oxygen yes so you have to very precisely control the thrusters of your thing and you have a button that's grab and the person holds out for air canisters and the first person yes the vr apparently
Starting point is 00:52:30 it it's amazing on the oculus i mean i'm just playing it like nature intended but uh i'm holding out for the for the canister and just as i'm doing it just random debris hits the canister and puts it out of my reach and you're just like and i'm like fuck and they have long stretches of your outside space station you're in shattered parts of it and you see earth right below your feet and you see the the your oxygen counter just going down and you're like please make it please make it please make it do you have a george cloney you don't you have a computer voice that talks to you okay it's computerized voice like you're doing bad i could go for you're about to die stuff like that it was it was i only played about like an hour of it but it seemed really really
Starting point is 00:53:16 interesting like a four hour if i'm not mistaken it's by uh the fulbright company who did gone home oh i believe so okay very very clean art style too they have a weyland utani stand in uh i think it's like hen hen does i forget the name of the company but the company's logo is mankind above all else which is probably the best like future company slogan i've heard in a while like if someone were to use that now it would sound sinister this takes place in 2037 even though it has no reason to be somebody use it in an unclear space future it's even more sinister exactly exactly i watched a couple movies i watched carol which is the oscar okay so it's the boss and girl with the dragon tattoo in a lesbian relationship okay in the 1950s okay when i say the boss of course i mean
Starting point is 00:54:10 kate blanchett you do right yeah so i saw a trailer for this and i'm like i love these actresses so much i saw the trailer for this yeah okay that i will watch this movie about forbidden love in the 1950s okay because i love them so much even though this is not my regular fare and i'm watching it i'm like i love you so much kate blanchett i love you so much rooney mara you guys are amazing and i proceeded to watch a we kind of liked each other a bit we had a weekend together but the trailer made it look like the most romantic love throughout the ages thing ever they spend a week about two weeks in a car driving around they have one sex scene and so and then the other less than a summer fling so so you want two on ten
Starting point is 00:54:57 not enough so you you wanted you wanted the notebook i wanted the notebook and you got man of steel versus batman don of sorrow don of sorrow but it was still a good movie it was just like wow this they kind of under sold the romance here it was a crush and they sold it like it was kind of a crush like it's the true love the true love the soul man yeah okay it was still like you know shot like amazingly it's so the most fifties we've ever seen who wants to see a movie about a crush yeah yeah that's that's the thing it didn't the moment she walked in i thought yeah she's pretty hot i watched yeah she walked in and i was like i could touch that with my genitals but never love that's the movie that i want to go see it was kind of leaning towards it in theaters hagas say i saw two martial
Starting point is 00:55:41 arts movies was it never back down to surrender 47 ronan yeah you did kiana reese you guys remember that movie no i don't would that be considered martial arts and then i saw a crouching tiger hidden dragon two sort of destiny on netflix oh yeah the netflix movie guess which one was vastly superior 47 ronan with 47 ronan fly a wide what donnie yin you know what's not great in crouching tiger hidden dragon everyone speaks in english yeah they do that because it's an american movie now and it fucking looks like it and you know she pissed most slapdash looking like shot do i thought the trailer looked bad and i was i wasn't sure it's fucking sucks and people will just wide audiences will not accept reading subtitles the whole time it's so bad it makes
Starting point is 00:56:36 it so much you know it's a weird thing to say but like netflix should be better it's it's weird yeah because like that's an old it's an old way of thinking and we're obviously like we'll watch whatever for it or not we're all a bunch of fucking anime watching super nerds but the general public i don't even know if i say it's an old way of thinking it's just it's just literally foreign to people but just like the general public large like deal doesn't like take my dad for example that's what i mean like i don't think it's an old way of thinking like my sister who's younger than me can't stand it yeah you know like it's just so boring in the 60s when a foreign movie like a lot of toho movies god's own movies martial arts movies if they got a dub that the the japanese companies
Starting point is 00:57:16 get very very excited because that means the american companies were trying their best yeah to me like that was considered a huge sign of their trying so when like godzilla the very first godzilla got a dub they lost their minds like oh my god they want they really wanted they really wanted to succeed and a sub like subs weren't even really a thing for a while when it does it was like considered like lazy and now we think all differently or whatever and now a dub is kind of my dad would rather watch a movie in german or italian languages that he does not speak then then read some read subtitles no my my cousins my cousins don't want to fucking read anything no no i don't mean with subs oh just no subs at all raw okay i see okay then then then
Starting point is 00:58:03 have the subtitles and read them and my dad doesn't speak italian or german it's like a teeny tiny data point that's like not really worth much but uh famitsu ran a poll like last year or two years ago or something uh it was a thousand people and they asked what language do you prefer to listen to a game in uh it's original language or japanese and they said the original language is what they would rather go for the a small majority said the original language so something about 600 people yeah but the very small data point is the famitsu fan base which like are are more savvy by default yeah i think it's just it's a matter of like it's a learned like familiar familiarity skill kind of thing where you just reading and then continuing to follow the action is like thoughtless
Starting point is 00:58:48 it's two things but if you're not used to it then it's takes you can't handle it it distracts you it's two things one is reading speed you have to be able to read the entire phrase in one like an instant and then look and then go back and then mentally and that's a skill like you said and the second one is like an innate familiarity of hearing that language because you're watching a lot of things from that region so like i feel like woolly you and i have both laughed ourselves silly and i'm sure liam i've seen a million more than we have but that japanese uh angry like young teenagers right and we've heard that a million times and we can hear the sentence structure and we can hear that but to somebody who is watching it and it's gibberish and it's it's so foreign it's
Starting point is 00:59:33 not even a language it's just bar bar bar bar bar bar right like that but i don't give a fuck the difference but the thing is but for me well like i can but like i love watching that even happens to me i hate the way chinese sounds i hate just something about the way it sounds i can't stand it well you can't you can't uh mandarin or can't parse the two i don't even know straight up i don't even know is it harder sounds or softer sounds it's whatever plays at fantasia that i'm seeing okay i'm very ignorant of that i'm not gonna lie but the way it sounds i just can't deal and i get how some people are with that for sure i we have it was been taken to the next level i don't know i feel that like i know what you're talking about and i enjoy something more when i can understand
Starting point is 01:00:15 the sentence structure but even if i see a movie and like yeah something like german or finish or i still want the original i'm never ever see swedish movies just laugh yourself silly the whole time because they sound like swedish chef no no i do because no one actually sounds like they all sound exactly like i don't know i've watched a couple of swedish movies yeah and the whole time they're just like pork pork pork meatballs you know or even like uh brazilian movies in portuguese or things like that like i've it's you know the only i'll tell you what the only all right it's another language the only thing i'm at i'm at a weird place right now or the only thing that really really bothers me and it drives me fucking crazy if i'm watching a film a foreign film that's
Starting point is 01:00:52 that's subbed and i can't tell what language they're speaking i need to find out immediately because it drives me oh yeah like like what i'm watching something in which they're speaking russian or swedish or or any of the ones that i actually i i i can't even pull out at all i just have to go like okay no wait which is what is this which which is this because i need some kind of something here um just really really quickly i just want to go back to like the actual movie for a second is that like sound it makes it a thousand times worse because it has the moniker crouching tiger hidden dragon it has michelle yo and donnie yen so when they're talking like this and they throw in a million characters at the very start the start of the movie it's like
Starting point is 01:01:33 here's all these new characters and new people and they're just like the sort of destiny was awesome and then just you like if you don't know like i knew because i watch crouching tiger and dragon but it does such a poor job at setting everything up and the fighting is okay okay in american so no no it's it's ping ping you you want to ping yeah created this but but but okay but fighting was just i've seen all this fighting a million times i don't know four i don't know how you feel but personally i have always thought that crouching tiger hidden dragon has been an okay movie not fantastic not even the original i totally agree it was never the best it's gotten way blown up and i will say that like as i'm excited for the idea of a sequel because i enjoyed it that much
Starting point is 01:02:16 but not so much so that i'm like it's one of the greatest ever created it was just the one that hit the mainstream real big yeah it was got oscar nominations i agree with you actually well it's it's totally not the best i think i like it more than you guys but i'm gonna say it's not the greatest anything sure yeah i'd rather watch like a hero or something but going back to 47 ronin do you know what that is that's fucking sengoku basara or dynasty warriors everyone's hyper japanese like there's villains with like uh with uh like video game style like costumes and stuff they look like video game characters yeah and i remember the trailer was huge cg everywhere a bit more and you know what canna reeves is not the main character really which was striking to me that's odd yeah
Starting point is 01:02:57 50 60 to do you remember the really tough you're gonna say it was 50 cent do you remember the really tough guy in last samurai that constantly beat down uh tom cruise like you're not good enough kenwan abe no no kenwan abe is the really nice guy i forget the other japanese dude who's the tougher lieutenant under kenwan abe he's the main character of this movie i'd say he gets 60 percent and and uh canna reeves is actually just the tougher tough guy on their thing and they talk about him quite a bit but it's not really his story which i was like wow and guess who plays the fucking boss in japan shang sung yeah he does the actor shang sung plays a like okay i do but but my question but my question was is that is it a martial arts movie or is it like a fantasy
Starting point is 01:03:45 would you it's martial arts fantasy it's it's mummy returns of japan okay okay i'm into this because i because i saw the trailer it just looked like a bunch of cg monster it was and it looked dumb bad cg it looked dumb it's not great but it i still had more fun because it was like not it wasn't like it was just mummy returns levels of like you know check your brain off at the door here and there but it was still more fun they had a sexy fox lady like in in muramasa who turns a dragon and i'm like that's why i'd be able to look that up on my phone yeah okay and like canna reeves was fine in it it was just surprisingly better than i thought although that's i mean it's like he gets top billing anyway because you don't do that when you're fucking exactly i i i mean i
Starting point is 01:04:34 like but i was shocked when you actually watched the movie and i'd say he gets 50 percent sorry 40 percent of the screen time and then 60 percent goes to the the japanese dude who's a great actor i forget his name sadly but um and the last kind of thing um is that i'm not digging it i caught that's fine um i caught up with a radioactive spider gwen which continues to be the best thing i'm reading right now um frank castle his new sort of like thing on this normal cop normal cop he's just a normal cop he used to work for tony stark and tony stark you have not yet seen him in this universe he owned mercenary p m c's called war machine cool that's neat cool frank castle worked for war machine and i'm like that's really cool that it's called and then he goes back to his wife
Starting point is 01:05:24 and his wife is like are you are you done with this mercenary group he's like yeah i'm gonna be a cop now i guess and then she's like okay but can we spend time together and he's like no and then he's just always on the job and she's always leaving letters for him saying i haven't seen you in months where the fuck are you and he just drinks and eats donuts and just wants to go to war regardless and i'm like this is so cool it's a nice spin on the punisher of like punisher was always going to end up like that it was always going to be even with the family there he just wants to even with the family there all he wants to do is murder criminals and that murdoch is so fucking cool he's just a psycho that works for the kingpin it's so awesome like everyone's storyline is so much
Starting point is 01:06:08 i told you about captain america it's it's it's peter parker's the key is so good peter parker is just not one but no but he osborne's cool and this yeah it's it's so much fun and the art is so good i'm just really enjoying it and how many how many people did spider gwen ruthlessly murder with her car zero wow that's a hero does spider gwen the spider gwen like because spider gwen's a huge success on just the image and idea alone it's the one of the best costumes outside of those two things is there any strength there yeah no it's because her storyline the three friends her harry and peter uh and plus her cap her upbringing by captain stacey like hard tough cop makes her actually really compelling and she has the social life of she's in the band with uh she's in the
Starting point is 01:06:59 band the mary janes and mary jane hates her guts okay there's so much going on with her and she feels responsible for peter's like what happened to peter there's a lot going on the issue the last issue i read she's not in the issue at all it's everyone else's storyline getting like expanded a little bit and i loved it and usually comics that do that i'm like eh no i want to see spider gwen i want to see so but everyone else is so much more interesting than their normal marvel virgins yeah yeah yeah no that's good because because i was gonna say like uh so it's kind of similar to uh miles morales in that it's like okay now that you've got the yeah okay so it's um fucking it's childish gambino's under the spider man mask what else do you got you know it's like oh
Starting point is 01:07:41 okay no he's an actually interesting character yeah there's stuff going on in his neck because yeah i was worried about that for spider gwen too like you look so fucking cool could there be any content and there is thankfully and and the last thing is that i caught up with gem and the holograms just to to bring you guys up with this concept is that the guy told you about this is that synergy gets infected with a like cyber disease so when gem next uses synergy to do a hologram it infects her yeah and then infects the rest of the band oh now they're all violent gem and violent the holograms sure you can they literally are and everyone's like whoa what's up with you why'd you change your looks and why are you all like weird and then they're like
Starting point is 01:08:24 what do you have a problem with sauce and then they're like no no problem and then that's where the story is they're all violent versions and that's where that is gonna need metal knuckles in here and the misfits are now the heroes because they have to stop the the violent versions of that needs to be a thing i need satsui no hado backstreet boys yeah in my life it's super strong that's pretty i'm really liking it plus the really good artist sophie turner is back on that comic and the artist they had before was not too great shin 98 degrees back and uh the it's awesome so far so i'm really enjoying that i knew she was coming out like this week and i really want to get it so um let's take a quick word from our sponsors hey hey hey come on come on uh so apparently
Starting point is 01:09:16 this month's loot crate is a mat crate from what people i've been told this like hinting at us people just sending me pictures on twitter of like look am i doing it right and they're wearing these little punisher beanies everyone's gonna get their everyone that's subscribed to loot crate this month has got their mat cosplay kit ready to go not your not your punisher cosplay kit your 10 cosplay 10 lucky people got one of matt's fingers yeah no one got that they're doing it perfectly explains how i haven't been able to play a lot of games a little stubby lately no one got the the laser and diamond that's needed to sculpt matt's perfect beard you're a little bit wild right now that's true it hasn't been sculpted in a in quite a while but uh if you're one of those
Starting point is 01:09:58 lucky people you can enjoy it and and send us more pictures of you cosplaying as matt but uh if you're not then you what you want to do is get on in on the loot crate bandwagon that's slash super enter the promo code super save three bucks on your new subscription and what is the actual theme verse verses and and the reason why it becomes a mat cosplay box is because part of that verses as noted by this ad copy is daredevil versus punisher probably because daredevil season two is out it's a good verses so it's a reversible daredevil punisher uh beanie that you can just like turn inside out and if you want to uh rep uh matt murdoch or if you want to rep uh frank castle you can use it how would you why would you rip well if you want to be a lawyer yeah other
Starting point is 01:10:44 verses includes dark knight versus man of steel oh fuck that spock versus mirror universe spock that's the best one he's got a beard bite yourself fair enough all of that if you head on down to slash super promo code super and you support the friendcast once again so hey thanks a lot loot crate thank you kindly loot crate thanks loot crate liam liam i was really sick this last week yeah it was really really bad so sick you couldn't go see batman versus superman i really wanted to see it last night i i wasn't feeling it for some reason so i didn't go well you wouldn't have been feeling it after you saw it yeah no exactly well that was why yeah because when you told me it was two and a half hours long i'm sure you remember i said i'll bring a book like
Starting point is 01:11:26 i wasn't looking forward to how long it was very long maybe tonight maybe tomorrow or something yeah it's very keen to see it okay if you see it i want you to message me on facebook i want the first thoughts out of your fucking mind okay i want i want it like as i fast and as fresh as i can get it i will sit in the back corner of the theater and live tweet or some shit like i like i you're you're going in you're going in with a whole lot of loaded comedy here but i i'm very interested i heard from a mutual friend of ours who also who saw it with pat and uh yeah just all around yeah i mean i don't really like screaming with laughter i don't really see how i could feel too much different so but who knows i'm i'm i'm very very keen it's hilarious
Starting point is 01:12:15 um what'd you do funny as i do i finished coming right or bachelorette wars yeah but it never really ends that game's a lot of fun i played through uh day of the tentacle remastered from start to finish uh how did you find the the redone sprites great okay and i hated them before the game came out like when i was looking at purely scrubs trailer yeah i was like those look ugly they look a little weird poor they look a little weird one of the things i really liked about the game is that you could just hit select at any time and it'll just switch the arc got that halo anniversary you know no loading no nothing just switch the overlay yeah and i did that constantly and it really made me realize this is actually what the game looked like and it looks
Starting point is 01:13:00 better the hd remake the hd redo of the art is actually better than the original art i mean not if you want sprite art anytime because you need sprite art but it is so weird you just double check the the reference and it's perfect okay and it's like nope that's a perfect perfect exactly what i look like i remembered it wrong because i'm sure you felt the same way where you looked at it and you were just like that looks like almost cheap or something a little just something yeah but i kind of feel that way was where i went to but i kind of feel that way whenever i see uh the the blur pixel shader in use or whatever it's like you just take a like a where the blinds would be and you just kind of make flat yeah out of it no that's that's
Starting point is 01:13:41 that's how i felt too and then when i actually did it i was like no this is perfect so and in the end i i ended up liking the art once i you know gave it a good shake cool i played it from start to finish uh that game was a lot shorter than i thought it was about six hours long uh wasn't very hard on a scale from whatever zero is to grim fandango i'd put it at like a a six which is like right around broken age i guess uh a really fun game i don't know if anyone's ever played it but it's like the original uh the original data technical yeah okay yeah it's just a really satisfying like time travel game and like the setting the setup's really simple you have one character in the past one character in the future and one character in the in the present day go fix
Starting point is 01:14:28 the problem and a lot of it's just like okay i'm gonna send wine back in time and put it in a time capsule and then the person in the future is going to be able to grab the vinegar from the time capsule right you know so it's you know just a lot of simple time puzzles like that and it's just satisfying and it's it's short like the length felt really good uh not like like grim is really long grim's like 12 hours long and broken age broken age was like eight to ten or broken age was like longer than i thought it was on the first go through but yeah but like artificially long i i well i checked on how long to beat just to make sure and yeah i don't remember the exact breakdown or anything but like a lot of it because of like the the the quantity of conversation
Starting point is 01:15:14 and like how how like strung out the game is and layout like you end up wasting a lot of time going back and forth grim grim is packed with dialogue grim is crazy and like super long when you're but when you're playing grim you're getting like conversations in plot yeah you know what i mean well and that game's like long yeah yeah like that would be like broken age act five yeah no absolutely i never beat it i just i played for hours and just never beat it but it's crazy yeah um but yeah the uh but the broken age situation is like thin thin moments of conversation and then like a lot of just filler in the way yeah well that was the thing that was front loaded to that was yeah act one's really strong yeah uh that was the thing that like playing day the
Starting point is 01:15:57 tentacle made me feel the most like remiss about broken age was the layout of the rooms like in broken age when you need to go from somewhere to somewhere right when you need to go from inside the pyramid to the clouds you have to go in a straight line through like eight rooms or some shit through every and then you go straight back through eight rooms yeah in day the tentacle it's way easier it takes place in one one mansion right the maniac mansion um and there's so many little routes to go from place to place quickly like you can jump in the chimney and get to the roof or vice versa tons of little things like that it's it's so much uh more well designed in terms of like level layout and stuff which is kind of cool um one of the
Starting point is 01:16:40 things it did that's really cool is it snatched the inventory system from broken age which is a huge improvement over anything they had before well almost almost any point yeah made back then could always use inventory management like yeah so how it is how it was of course was you had all your verbs and you you chose the right word and you click on the thing now it's the broken age system we hit triangle and your inventory pops up and then you just got them all in a row and you just use whatever you need and whatever you hover over anything and click on it uh you get like a little ring with all the all the verbs and you just select which one you want rather than click down there click up there although if you go into the old version of it you play it exactly like the old
Starting point is 01:17:20 the charm of the verb system is not one that is like a scum it's it's fun to have the wrong combination sometimes create an interesting like but it makes it so much harder to do the right thing it does it does and i don't miss it no not at all like those lines are funny but they can go well honestly the what they did with data tentacle i think was just a 100 improvement you can still click on everything and push and pull and it whatever you need but it's fast you just click and then press a direction and click and that's it instead of clicking down there and then clicking up there and going back and forth i mean a mouse mitigates it a little bit but like trying to play it with the stick briefly using the verbs was a nightmare um no i'd super recommend that if you
Starting point is 01:18:02 feel like playing one uh anytime soon is a really good remake of the game for sure yeah i was i was considering going to that or or back to um full throttle i well now i'm really excited for the remake of full throttle because i i was full throttle uh full throttle and um fate of atlantis were the only two lucas arts ones that i like really played when i was younger uh interesting i had the i had the kind of opposite upbringing that oh okay like my the first computer i got had the indie games pre-installed on them right okay like that but go on so i know i'm really excited for the full throttle remake and i'm yeah i'm just gonna wait for that i'm not gonna bother playing an older version yeah considering i'm expecting the same like suite of improvements uh but like
Starting point is 01:18:42 super super good totally recommend that if anyone feels like they need a point and click adventure to play uh without a degree of puzzle obfuscation that is maddening yeah it's it's pulled back for sure it's it's pulled back and that's that's cool just straight up is just a good game although like a lot of games of the time the ending is like it's not as explosive as you would hope or anything it just kind of ends you're like okay that's that's what i expected but nothing more about the it's the journey exactly and ultimately when i think back on it i don't think about the ending i think about painting the kumquats and stuff like that so uh the other thing i just wanted to talk about real briefly i talked to pat about it and he got a kick out of it and i think
Starting point is 01:19:23 you would also get a kick out of it woolly um i forget what you're talking about uh yes uh xcom enemy unknown plus came out it came out on the vita this week it straight up just released and the coolest the coolest thing about this port besides the fact that it's good is that it was never announced ever 2k never announced it the the it was rumored like many years ago like 2012 like first year of the vita and that went away and nothing came of it and then like last year very early well actually 2014 um like some ratings board started rating it so it was like okay it's there's a real game here and then the trophies went up on the servers and people could see them and they're like all right and then it just came out and they never
Starting point is 01:20:11 announced it they haven't put out a press release nothing was happening officially the ultimate it's just out and it's good okay and it's like it's bizarre what's the plus for it has enemy within and all the dlc although it's missing like one thing that the ios version's also missing i don't actually know what it is i just know there's something that it's missing but whatever it's a good port i'm enjoying it a lot uh but yeah i just thought that was kind of funny totally that like literally strange you couldn't you couldn't be bothered to put out a press release like seriously seriously is it at least on the like the front of the the shop absolutely okay but like legally they have to do that part i don't know weird yeah no uh but uh that's mostly it for me played some other
Starting point is 01:20:59 stuff but nothing too crazy right okay well uh we got a pretty jam-packed uh week of of game news to catch up on and not game news as well for that matter uh i guess to me the big story yeah what's that will it lead with which is what's that the uh what is that one the announcement that we're going to be seeing haruko again we're going back to flcl or rather we're going forward because i am both extremely excited and terrified they're making sequels uh we've uh had the announcement that is going to be two sequel series of six episodes each and apparently uh it's being handled by a lot of people that were involved in the original series including like two people that are like instrumental two people that are like like higher ups at ig um as well as the pillows are back
Starting point is 01:21:51 oh yes and um thank god and on the word and word on the street seems to be that basically uh it's it's being treated with utmost reverence the the storyline we've had a breakdown of so far as it follows a new student who's a girl in high school um the years since the war between medical mechanical and atomsk and such have we've moved on and suddenly a new teacher haruko sensei comes to this girl's school and hijinks ensue here's the thing i saw people talking about this and we're kind of you know related to where you're talking about gravity falls i saw huge flcl fans going oh i thought it was done and perfect yeah um my that was like that's the main action i had where i'm like oh my god that's great oh yeah no my my tweet on the matter was it summed up
Starting point is 01:22:46 everything i really want to say which is that flcl is perfect and i'm really really skeptic no cautiously optimistic and i'd rather rather see a spiritual successor than a direct sequel when i saw the announcements i was not happy i would like actually actively not happy and now where i'm at is like you better give me a damn good reason to be open and it's like and it's perfect now so the only thing you can the only thing you can do is now make it better not perfect there's so here's the thing is you got three and that's it like originally is it worth well do you really need it to be fully coolie to tell this story because if you do i'd love to see it yes but fuck man i wish it was something nervous yeah something again spiritual successor spike spiegels coming back to life
Starting point is 01:23:32 yeah well well here's the thing i would fight someone who did that i i i you know i talked to you're not gonna carry that way talk to quite a few people about this because it's it's on everyone's minds and it's like i feel that uh something i'm hearing a lot is like it's either gonna be the best thing ever or the worst thing ever nothing in between right and i and i disagree with that you're probably gonna be dead in hope yeah because there's a very there's a very safe middle of the road way to go about this which is to force awakens it not that i didn't like force awakens but you can just take the same story beats take no risks and do the same thing again but kind of different and updated and that will be acceptable and not shit and depressing but nothing really
Starting point is 01:24:17 acceptable but then like what was the point exactly star wars i get it because they need to make money so it's a safe sequel make money on flc a safe sequel is a thing that can be done now and we 've seen it a couple times and i and i don't even i don't want that here either i'd rather get like 3.33 than force awakens out of this i'd rather get like the awful train wreck that is so bad that i excise it from my mind and then then something that's pretty good and i'm like oh and the other point that i felt i had to uh like you know bat back at quite a few people was that the like a lot of people that say dude there's nothing that can come out that can ruin the originals they're out there forever and yeah but 3.33 sucks so and it's like yes what exists
Starting point is 01:25:06 will always exist what is here and good now thank you cannot be unmade however every story has an overarching plot well here's and when you include a new trilogy of bad things here's the in to star wars would you rather have a flawless record or a pretty good record with some bullshit do you want to bat a seven point seven five oh you know i've thought about what you're talking about a lot because i'm i love evan galleon right and so it's a serious concern when i think about those things and new things can come up and kind of fuck up your overarching story that's real mm that's a thing well if you if you you can't pretend it doesn't like but there are there are limits to that ability to fuck it up and the limits have to do with the original scope
Starting point is 01:26:00 and the time period you're dealing with the prequels were as bad as they could be right but they can't ruin the original trilogy of star wars because they're separated by like 20 fucking years but there's content in there that does botch it a little right a little bit yeah but but because they are so like physically separated about who's under the vader mask now right and it bumps me out but you you but but it's still a good movie but but the time helps yeah it does evan galleon because because and and completeness is the other thing me and because star wars was always shown off as like being incomplete with the episodes yeah that gave it an in evan galleon from episode one to the end of evan galleon that is like the most complete
Starting point is 01:26:41 story ever told right so in the new movies they can ruin the old good movies like one one one and two point two two like three and four can ruin those no problem but because the original one is completely complete on its own and has no loose ends i find it difficult to to worry that it's gonna go back and and touch that and flcl is in a weird spot where it's both it's so small and there's so many unknown loose ends in that original six episode series that like it's been a long long time so i can't see them even if it's a disaster like fucking up those original six but at the same time if they explain too much about medical mechanical or adamsker how spaceship works and right like well also it's like you know it's a shitty thing to say like well the old
Starting point is 01:27:38 media is not going to get worse that's a shitty thing to say because the old media might not get worse but it can definitely harm my affection and it can change the context it can change my perception of it and that's shitty as a fan like absolutely and the overall story of flcl like no matter what happens there like it's a part of it and you can you can you can cover your ears and go la la la la but no matter what you say daunte got on that bike and drove into hell after a really shitty adventure yes he did it doesn't matter it happened there's there's certain franchises though where i'll i'll be like i don't care more the only deal there's so much berserk unanimated that i don't care if all your berserk is bad there's so much content that i'd still want to see good bad or
Starting point is 01:28:26 that just do it see the new clips they look good they look pretty good they look choppy they look better they look good still but when they're moving well yeah of course it looks choppy you don't have the budget to make it berserk but guts has a big sword and he chops things with it do you even call it a sword uh no it's more like a a big slab of metal it's impossible think about this do you do you actually want more gurren lagan no i do but do you want what do you want to be called gurren lagan yes wow i completely disagree what no no no it's time to kill matt it's incredibly risky i know but i'd rather risk be it being more and being just just as good if then it's being bad i think i was matt do you want another beer yeah i'd like another beer there's a 10 percent chance
Starting point is 01:29:17 i pissed in this beer i feel like there's not a bad chance i feel like there's enough that's that's i feel like there's enough stupid like garbage in gurren lagan i wouldn't mind i like episode four already fucking spoiled right no i'm sure it didn't happen there's shit in gurren lagan that's just so it didn't happen there's a there's a non-episode episode that was a dream you know but uh i when i was breaking down the fl sealed uh plot description the last sentence was and canty has gone missing and hasn't been seen in years and like so the first thing my brain does is and who can find canty except for the new robot bb a is going to go hurt set searching for canty and well we don't know what the new robots name will be but surely she will have a similar design to
Starting point is 01:30:01 canty and also have that kind you know so because you know you know what you're gonna kind of get here in a little bit there's certain stories that are small and encapsulated and when you're talking about gurren lagan or or or berserk or whatever they're like epics that could go anywhere but it's like should there be a tokyo godfather's two and three should there not even just the two two and three no they're simultaneously godfather's cinematic universe the flcl trilogy did we really need a second and third matrix movie we didn't but it was epic enough that like fine we did fine that story needed it was all it was a bigger universe that story needed more it did i disagree did we need paprika resurrection look i hope with my heart of hearts that it rocks my face off
Starting point is 01:30:52 and i think that a lot of the the tweets coming out from that guy at adult swim uh all right it's cartoon Eric rather um has been hey he's been talking about how he's like dude it's my favorite thing in the universe i know how much you guys are scared and trust me we would never want to damage the name and i'm like i hear your words it's still a hard pill to swallow words and i put some faith in it yeah but god damn it am i gonna be like on eggshells i'll be honest yeah you're already waiting on the guardian code as you're hearing hearing hearing that the pillows will be reprising their role as the best soundtrack to an anime ever made me feel a lot better well i certainly know i can certainly like i said that's that's still part for the the middle of the road
Starting point is 01:31:33 yeah uh version of that's still like you know well because i don't know man like the pillows in my opinion should be like expected yeah and it's you it's like that's that's the standard so it's like the pillows are back of course they fucking are what are you gonna do not that's not that's not better than the original that's like that's better be there potentially on you have a point you have no game you have no nothing if they're not i still listen to that soundtrack every single day as you should so remember that remember that like multi-year period where you were listening to the cowboy bebop soundtrack like every single which this yeah so we're all cautiously optimistic all we don't want to be yeah yeah basically there there are worse there are worse sequels to pitch
Starting point is 01:32:21 yeah yeah yeah like wake me up when they announce shindler's list two because then we got a real problem can we can we pop can we potentially get behind this new i can potentially get the answer is i think i can i think i can i think i can i think i can i think i think i can all right uh we got the announcement and trailer for tokydon too dude looks great so me and liam both had identical reactions to this trailer just a minor nitpick this was announced like at tgs last year it was announced ages the first real footage of it and it looks fucking so they announced yes ages ago with a very confusing phrase that this will be the first open world hunting game and me and liam both spoke about this going what the fuck does that mean i know what i want it to
Starting point is 01:33:14 mean but what does it actually mean there's a monster over there and there's a monster right there's not much more satisfying than watching the gameplay and seeing the guy walk out of the village without a loading and me and liam both watched the the preview footage that was very blurry and we both basically had the identical reactions watch about 45 seconds he walks out of the village and jumps off a little cliff and starts running around with no loading time and we went okay so great no zones no zones and matt you haven't played these hunting games i think he played try i played try you did okay the zone thing i hated it got real old back like in the 90s over a decade ago like fuck and i'm really hoping that like capcom saying i always kind of thought
Starting point is 01:34:04 dragon's dog was trying to be like an open world not a hunting game yes the same sort of similar aesthetic yeah it's kind of and when capcom says we're going back to the drawing board in some ways for monster hunter five you best be looking at this shit because this shit is next level i i felt like uh like as a stop gap for this i felt like a god eater and freedom wars and soul sacrifice solved the problem yes by just having one big zone particularly god eater has a really big zones but like you never got the scale of a monster hunter environment or or toky den environment without loads in addition to that it's so nice like stuff looks like fantastic it looks like a really good sequel to to a surprisingly competent clone well like and they're snatching the ibarra
Starting point is 01:34:50 from freedom wars yeah just steal it just just steal that just steal that that's a really really good mechanic the hunting genre is incestuous enough as it is just everybody steal each other's mechanics and features exactly i think that robot with the farmer hat looked like a cool class it's pretty sick it's not quite as cool as a little npc it's not quite as cool as a little cat person but uh you know no he's a character he's not a generic oh he's not like a palak no no he's a character character all right because i because i'm like monster hunter toky den does have like a story proper i assume that those are all classes when i saw them no no those are those are the characters in the story yeah exactly that they they're represented by classes like they they
Starting point is 01:35:30 define it's the weapon types exactly so like he he had the he had the gun didn't he or was it a yeah exactly and that is one of the weapon types in toky den exactly a gun um i actually really like the guns in toky den more than well really strong the bow guns they're really good must hurt there's some speaking of cool guns uh what did you think of the trailer boy i thought i'm just curious i thought it looks really interesting cool is this the moment glad not necessarily is this it not not really where all of us get into hunting games not necessarily is the yes i guess it is you're not it's not working it's working right it's not working bummer did you know that in monster hunter generations you can do like you know what you know what you know what this could be the moment
Starting point is 01:36:09 this could be the moment what we're i fucking go get a copy of starcraft 2 yeah because it's done because it's there right and well legacy of the void is about to drop but more importantly what do mean it's about to drop it's been after a rather sorry yeah yeah sorry um it's all done rather more missions are about to drop nova covert ops are about to drop this is it by the way this is it i know that they did i know this is it to satiate it and that's it but i'm so happy that they never let it go i'm really glad they're doing it there are so many people like me that were just rabid and angry that were like no you would so fucking weird look at nova like more than 10 years later like what 15 yeah hasn't changed no no she hasn't changed but god damn this character just always
Starting point is 01:36:55 looks awesome yeah love it love everything about it always love the ghosts as just character designs and then like making nova as a specialized ghost i was like way on board the only thing that can make it better is if black thorn showed up yeah i think i'm gonna play them now actually like i think it's all there no the only thing that like kind of weirds me out and i saw some other people echoing this was like the release schedule for nova's campaign is like it's really weird and stretched out episodic yeah you don't buy a lot of blizzard games do you well but at least you got the whole campaign at once right no you didn't no i mean like they spread it out over like six seven years no but you got the whole this one then the whole this one and the whole this one nova's new set of
Starting point is 01:37:42 split into like nine different parts are no no no it's it's it's nine single player missions and the first pack is three missions yeah the second will be so it's split into three you're still right but it's yeah it's and you know what matt you say that this is it but like from the treatment from we saw what we saw with the trailers and stuff it's like they're they're doing a story no i mean this is it like if you ever wanted starcraft ghost this is the closest you're gonna get you're never gonna get it i still i still want starcraft ghost because i want to be on she's in hot she's in hot i play her from time and that's what i was gonna say she will continue to be a blizzard character yeah but the closest you're gonna get to a she's the blizzard character
Starting point is 01:38:21 is this yeah she's no carl black ghost reporting it's it's diablo i love the most famous blizzard character i love no i love her almost like gamecube fans never forget yeah um diablo man is the most famous i have no i know diablo man the guy who fights diablo though diablo on the playstation one i hope the final mission that is like the worst game you know you can't play that game without a fucking memory card plugged in it's awesome it needs the extra ram that's brand brand new information okay no am i getting that confused i think it actually just takes an entire memory card for come listen to pat for the hottest diablo ps1 and i think i'm wrong about the city cheat codes and sins in the city i never played that well i've never played a sims
Starting point is 01:39:04 game ever the final mission of nova covert ops needs to be her holding the laser in place while you while the burning burning the gold master disk while no preparing my action game yeah like you're doing the new the ghost job i pointing out i feel while you're under attack i could not feel more opposite about this news like to me ghost would had nothing to do with nova it's like i want to be on foot with the starcraft universe correctly scale yeah that's what i want to fight a zealot on foot and see what that looks like the right character but this is just rts stuff isn't it yeah aren't these just more rts missions yes they are but there's but they're but you control ghosts i there's missions in the starcraft taren campaign where you control nova yeah but this is
Starting point is 01:39:53 her own storyline just for her i like that i you're right but i like the nova character a lot and i really want that um in addition to seeing starcraft on foot it it is a yeah but just give me something to shoot though encapsulated story just for nova and that's as all as it was rather i know i'm more familiar with the nova character because i actually played starcraft 2 she's nothing special her design is fantastic but she's just well maybe this will make her more special absence makes the heart grow fonder and none of us played starcraft 2 so that's correct beyond the bait i mean i played the beta but like i played the taren campaign i want i want to play it up until not long ago um waiting for the superior console versions this is probably not gonna happen
Starting point is 01:40:36 it probably is it'll probably come to the vita for the it's probably come to the n64 and not get announced i hope it comes out for the n64 i played that version a lot everyone did no because it's the best version what is it's really good it doesn't need a memory card to play yeah get the cardboard out are you joking about how good it is because that version's a pile of shit me and my friend played the football mode in that for like i don't know a year that was one of those that was one of those weird moments where i was playing that game on pc and i went over to a friend's place and they had done n64 and i was just like are you fucking joking well it was the definitive version at the time uh i feel like i don't know about you but i didn't enjoy the split screen on pc
Starting point is 01:41:16 what is up with people with n64's like loving these godawful ports of existing games what is the deal you owned an n64 like that was the center of your universe and you just you looked for anything you remind me of people talking about like the spectrum like they're all just like oh these these shitty atari ports are my childhood have you ever picked up the resi to cartridge it's heavy it's i i i really legit enjoyed that starcraft port as i'm sure you guys did too but like yeah n64 is some mad revisionist history constantly constantly it has like the smallest library of any any console that's not the links it's like mad remember this terrible version of this game correct it was it was i think it has a smaller library than the one i think that's
Starting point is 01:42:05 it's like it's like 160 titles it was nintendo fans no n64's library is tiny it's crazy we were fortunately it does have the best games starcraft 64 we were desperate for anything and you got that and we felt good about it it was a religion a perfect darker for our all fun fantastic but i mean ps1 had just as many great games and it like oh this isn't about the ps1 are you this is about a starcraft no no no no but he says like the n64 had the best games and i go well ps1 also had fantastic games as well and he goes if you say like are you like it's been like 20 years you can't let this go okay no no we have to start talking about this start talking about now you can like one had like just as good if not better a library it had a library it was massive it had it the ps1 is
Starting point is 01:42:56 well you need to speak up the ps1 is i can't hear you the playstation had games where it had great games but ps1 was a good console so are you did you hear him say that the ps1 has more like original quality games than like the n64 is the library the n64 and the Saturn combined it's it's it's absurd just in terms of like no i'm saying it had the most games but it had the most licensed garbage oh that that that is that's that's that's unconstitutional that's all but it also it also had more licensed garbage than the entire n64's library that's numerically speaking that's probably true and if you know me now it's like all i'm buying now is playstation one yeah well because there were so many yeah there are so many yeah um like the gun shooting what do we have next on the docket
Starting point is 01:43:45 will it final fight versus that's like that's like what i that's like gun shooting is played ps2 man like that's like no wait the gun shooting is p at what i'm pretty sure the gun shooting was ps1 and project minervo is ps2 project when i was ps2 i remember it's this game he bought it's a game called the gun shooting look liam the world knows that the pc was the inferior starcraft console yeah oh you motherfuckers but it's not even a console platform as as it had no split screen but um maybe just maybe uh you could enjoy using your playstation vr on this inferior platform it's possible because somebody's talking about making uh playstation vr compatible you know what it is right it's people in the office going how am i supposed to use the playstation vr to look at
Starting point is 01:44:32 porn if you don't put any porn on the ps4 and they're going well we'll let you hook it up to a piece should hate you she does like i really want to fix this right though i i i think that's i think that's the most likely scenario i think the the reality of it is like i bet you within two weeks of launch if not one week somebody's gonna somebody's gonna plug it in and flip one switch and go hey it works kind of someone had the yeah no yeah someone'll jimmy it instantly like i'm pretty sure you can use remote play on your pc with with like a hacked version of the android client do all sorts of crazy shit um anyway uh so i think like the reality of it is just like they should just do it and be the good guys here they should just do it and also they make it
Starting point is 01:45:19 probably takes let you know what i gotta go out on a limb and say it takes way less work to make it compatible like routine compatible with the pc not super optimized or anything it probably takes way less work to do that than to protect it than to stop it yeah exactly i think you're right because it's impossible to protect it you have to over a long enough you have to fight and fight and fight and fight and fight forever uh just just man like and also wouldn't it be nice if you could tell people who own pcs that this thing works for their device also and that you don't have to buy an oculus certified you can you can just buy this one wouldn't that be a nice value buy your four hundred dollar headset and input device of choice yeah that's not even a value add that's a war
Starting point is 01:46:02 closer yeah and you know what you know what you would be great if one of them just came out and said optimize for pornography for your pornography what does that mean porn vr what is that what what tech we at oculus have been working with the the good people over at insert porn company here to to to optimize those refresh rates to remove the birthing scars and and varicose vanes from all of the privates in vr sony cross brazzers yeah shu hei you sheet it's in there going like yo press conference they've already got summer lesson in dead or alive it's truly already got that um should i imagine if they let 18 plus stuff on there like shout out to the the updated bandera bandera yes yeah that one's good strong where he's wearing the vr and he looks around and sees the
Starting point is 01:46:53 price tag yeah i really like that uh so i that canadian price tag was ugly in the end what is it for the altogether bundle for the altogether which is the headset move camera the whole shenanigans everything you need everything you need was uh 699 canadian that's what i expected basically still cheaper than anything else the canada dollar but like shitty yeah and that's the worst bit is you look at it and you're like yeah it's a fair exchange that's fair so that's pretty much exact stand because in the states it's only a few years ago where you're like okay it's totally well they never adjusted they adjusted it after like four years of parody it's bullshit it's four years of parody or something like that and when it's low it's fucking
Starting point is 01:47:39 it's exactly they totally steal money for a long time it was we we got 60 dollar video games right no yeah for a long time there has often been a really shitty situation 2009 was where it went shit no not 2009 what year did re5 come out on re5 came out in 2009 it was 2009 was when it went to shit and then it came back in 2010 or so it and then we had years of 60 dollar games it always feels like they drop it way slower than they raised it i'm kind of talking about when the canadian dollar is overperforming we don't get cheaper games never that's what i mean it's never over perform we were at parody or we were at parody or pseudo parody from like 2005 to like 2015 and then the instant that the fucking dollar crashed all of a sudden not oh five to 15 2009
Starting point is 01:48:27 we were in the shit again yeah 2009 it was not 2005 at all for sure because i remember specifically uh well the point when re5 the point is is walmart's a bunch of stupid cuts that's the point what yeah i didn't because they said they they sell video games and they over are the only people that sell no i'm just saying walmart in general but like you know every you pick your pick your retailer poison of choice you can tell how confusing it was because it made no sense yeah and all three of you you know what else doesn't make any sense the editing and bad man versus superman man of seal yeah there's a lot to go through here so let's go hey woolly do you remember that part that batman could fly as a child let's talk about remember that i i he's flying i remember i bet he
Starting point is 01:49:05 liked starcraft on the 64 yeah i remember when uppers uh got delayed and now we have a new date well it's kind of rumored it's it had a date for a minute then they took is the new day to lie the new date is july 14th and yeah we're gonna come this was put out by a retailer so that's a lie hopefully it's accurate but uh who knows i'm i'm i'm worried it'll never come out it's kind of i mean it's gonna come out it's never gonna come out in japan so you're saying games always come out i'm saying this game is gonna come out i'm worried it will never come delayed for the weirdest coming from the man who thinks that fantasy star online too was going to be released two years ago last year i didn't think that no he did oh so don't listen to him woolly it can't
Starting point is 01:49:48 possibly be doing worse than it was when it was delayed possibly but like i i i guess it's just it's just weird that like it's bizarre oh no it's are we gonna see marketing now what does this mean yeah it's a weird place for any game to be in well anyway um you know other announcements include chase a new 3ds title from the hotel desk creators oh yeah same art style same team same same director everything guy he just has different hair if it ain't broke if it ain't broke good because i was i was sure we're never gonna see another dust i yeah i thought the last window was gonna be it yeah but that's cool that for anyone wondering to be clear this is not actually a dusk game but i know well but it's it's no no i'm just making sure because you just said you just
Starting point is 01:50:32 said ad verbatim i thought we'd never see another dusk game so i just want to be clear there spiritual success yeah because it's not officially under that title yeah no i'm the same devs same director same artists is it made by circle it's made by uh a group of developers that worked on dusk yeah that's who's made former sing staffers just former sing stuff okay yeah so there you go um so i hope it's good so you got that you've got uh 80s overdrive which was announced a while ago but we've got some cool looking screenshots no move no video yet though this is the okay no video yet but it looks very cool it looks like it is it is top gear meets um outrun with and it looks better that's just 2d drift stage it looks better than drift stage better because just because it's pixels
Starting point is 01:51:30 it's sprites and better than the other one what was the other one we did power drift 2000 power drift 2000 that looks so amazing and if it plays like top gear or outrun like yeah i need to see video but that's just some of the best looking i need to i need to i need to see how like how many frames of animation there are yeah of course it's a thing i played this one recently called deer drive that had the musician who did streets of rage three composed the soundtrack your drive yeah and it's isn't that just a shooting game on the we maybe i'm maybe i'm mixing it up but you're right the objective was to run over deers in your caravan on your way to grandma's house wow what i look and it played like that uh the line on the website says everyone right that is leaving confury would
Starting point is 01:52:14 look like i don't really like that are they is it tied to confury in any way please don't name drop kung fury because i'm that's one thing that i really don't know is why they'd have it i follow these guys on twitter now and they said it's gonna come out in third quarter this year hopefully i i can't wait because that plays like what i wanted to play like that's all i'm going to yeah that could be fucking sick when you said 80s overdrive it instantly made me go like oh hey look remember the 80s remember that like if you're naming your game that they but they dropped four screenshots and they look i know but when you drop kung fury along with that that makes me go like oh come on you better not be those that being said if you're on the screenshots look amazing
Starting point is 01:52:53 if you're casually on the 3ds or whatever store it's gonna wind up on and you see a name called 80s overdrive it's at least a name that people can go i understand what this is yeah it's a little on the nose but i mean i'm glad it's called that that reminds me uh congrats to the nello developers fucking good stuff magic and mirrors yay the Kickstarter made it um that's cool did they get the competitive multiplayer they didn't know no they finished uh just 2k shy of the job being a huge loser woolly yeah i know it's your fault totally my fault um we've got uh the previously announced or previously canceled call of cthulhu game uh lives on in a game called the sink what they can't so remember remember i remember when it was in the developer this is
Starting point is 01:53:41 the most confusing story the developer of of of all those um sherlock games yes absolutely those good ones right yeah they were they announced they are working on a call of cthulhu game yeah for a folk focus the publisher focus is it cyanide cyanide no no no no no was making the uh the cyanide made sticks and right the other guys who work with spider and shit yeah the developers changed hands so the publisher fired the developer that was working on uh uh call of cthulhu that the one that makes uh uh frogwares frogwares they fired them and put cyanide studios on the official call of cthulhu game uh frogwares has now announced they're repurposing their work in a new hp love craft game called the sinking city okay i see so paranormal investigation so this is the first
Starting point is 01:54:37 guys this is the first guy is going we're our work's not going to nothing okay good for them and the concept art for this again looks great uh i i like their little set that they made i'm just tickled pink that i have like seven games in which to pick all of a sudden and all of them are not finished or not out they're not finished and not out and none of them might actually come out a lot of lovecraft going on these days i'm i'm i'm happy about that he's had a resurgence in pop culture did they talk about like is this gonna play like crime and punishment or uh it's just described as paranormal investigation you're gonna figure out i'm going to assume that it does yeah because i'd rather i'd rather that to like the typical like first person yeah i'd rather not have combat at
Starting point is 01:55:23 all you're gonna solve the mystery and it'll be like the fish man did it and then you'll get to choose whether or not the fish man goes to jail speaking of mystery and investigations we've got a new announcement for indiana jones five it's a good segue bye to something that i don't want to talk about this happened and no one knew yeah i heard about it and i was convinced someone was trying to lie can we just roll harrison ford back into his grave please well he's rolling into the movie again spielberg's directing can we roll spielberg back in his grave don't worry the rider of kingdom of crystal skull is working on this too oh yeah no no no he's not the writer but he contributed to the script don't worry the writer for his crystal skull is working he's dodged that
Starting point is 01:56:08 bullet uh he's the writer part time uh it was the two other things war of the worlds and um what was the other thing they listed uh the lost world Jurassic park yeah both triumphs of writing so yeah speaking of more mystery and investigations we've also got um just roll them right back in i i i'm like flcl where i'm like yeah maybe rumors of i don't do does anyone want another indiana jones no no i fucking don't no one i'd like if they pulled back the fourth one yeah that'd be nice just erase it yeah just erase it cancel it because that was the money that was a perfect batting average yep one two three temple doom is a little weird but otherwise great temple of doom is the the is the worst one it's still great it's my favorite i would feel comfortable saying it fits
Starting point is 01:57:03 right in with the rest of the rips out the dudes hard to see it that's brutal and they eat monkey brains the best one saw that bit uh more mystery and investigations uh we've got the reboot of the tomb raider franchise and the possibility of daisy ridley please do not do this taking over no don't do what don't cast daisy ridley is the tomb raider person why i don't know great argument no i just like i think she's great i don't see it i do i don't see it either i don't see it at all brown haired adventurous british lady that doesn't fit i think uh what a miss cast i i wouldn't i wouldn't mind i would that's just yelling at nobody right now i wouldn't mind i don't get it i wouldn't mind camilla buddington actually doing
Starting point is 01:57:52 i wish it was camilla buddington because it's like way to snub her on that she totally did a great job and i think she did do it physically as well way to snub this actress yeah like did voice acting but is totally animal capping are you going to cast the woman that was the hero in the biggest most successful movie ever or will you cast someone no one's heard of she cast someone no one's heard of like the people who made that biggest most successful movie ever did who's the woman they're casting daisy ridley maybe daisy ridley force awakens okay the main character from well that's why i haven't heard of her okay well sorry then i guess like to answer your question matt they used the opposite logic on star wars and that worked out great what they cast a total unknown her name
Starting point is 01:58:37 was completely unknown no of course but then you had harrison ford and other people saying hey i'm here too yeah to balance it but no but but admittedly admittedly yeah like of course no she could be great i do wish it was camilla buddington though i i prefer if it was i don't i don't i just don't care for daisy ridley i don't mind it if it's camilla buddington but i understand why they would not have her as the first big like and the other thing too is i'm never really like also they also they shouldn't make this movie it else that's the actual thing that you don't really need to make this movie i feel that way too it sucks when weight is put on like someone's name and that's why a project is going places like the project should just be good enough to stand on its own
Starting point is 01:59:21 two feet without like i would i would prefer angeline a jolly come back and make a good movie with tomb raider than daisy ridley but she wouldn't ever do it well then they shouldn't do it i prefer an unknown do a good movie if you want to talk about horrible miscasting angeline a jolly as lara croft i saw that and i don't mean i saw those but she but she was like the model for for lara croft in the games well i oh the overall sentiment pad is that you clearly don't care so whatever i mean like when i when i look at dancy ridley i'm not like that's lara croft i was gonna say yeah you might know this better but i always thought she was the basis for the character design no there's no specific but i may actually that may actually be crazy raider came out in like i've
Starting point is 02:00:04 never actually thought that yeah i've never actually thought that to my knowledge there's no specific basis i guess i always just associated the two for some reason that makes sense uh i also i also think um daisy probably looks a bit too young for but if it's a reboot they can go back to any age reboot lara croft looks too young i feel like i feel like um like camilla is also like right around the place right imagine also camilla lovington's name is british her yeah well if that means anything yeah it does yeah all right uh anyway whatever so that's tomb raider who cares really i don't know one um i'm i'm struggling to keep playing through rise the tomb raider despite it being a fantastic game it's super weird like it's super good but it's also
Starting point is 02:00:49 super safe but at the same time you can only care so much i can only care so much video game i mean like 70 percent of your body's water anyway it's why i don't care about uncharted because it's so like there's not much left to care so speaking of caring just speaking uncharted man what do you care about willy it's not what i care about it's what david hater doesn't care about oh yeah he doesn't care about kurt russell this is a really cool doesn't care for hideo kajima because hideo kajima shockingly apparently doesn't care for him tried to get him something to get him out of the well konami or whoever someone involved whatever the story was uh david hater did an interview and he was very very candid on the podcast talking about how apparently they didn't want him back
Starting point is 02:01:33 for the role of snake ever since snake eater okay and that he had to re um re uh audition for every snake role he did since all right here's any one the audition every time here's the deal they couldn't find anybody to do it remember every single thing i ever said about kiefer sutherland being big boss in in phantom pain and ground zeroes i believe the opposite of those things for kurt russell if they had gotten kurt russell for mgs3 that would have been the ultimate most obvious slam dunk voice acting role perfect casting of all time because that's who that character is fucking supposed to be but then he's supposed to be kurt russell but then but then kurt russell would have to stick around for like four games after that you would never do it well they would never
Starting point is 02:02:17 then they could have ended metal gear at three and we would have all saved ourselves some trouble you know that's hard to really i can't he would have ended at three we would have got we would have got four more zone of the ender game perfect batting out that's me shutting right up um i i don't like the idea that like that hurt to say i want to point that out that hurt me all that konami has weird things of voice actors and they don't like paying them and stuff like that they hate paying their voice actors or whatever employees and this is pre-crisis era this is i don't like the regular konami on a good day kojima also not wanting him there for whatever reason if you don't like him why'd you cast him he probably uh he probably thought like
Starting point is 02:02:59 nearly everybody else that after mgs2 david's performance started to suffer because he couldn't do the voice as well as he did in mgs1 but i liked his voice yeah but like i think he was fine also yeah yeah but his performance notably deteriorates over time in mgs1 he's the best and mgs2 he's the second best well then by four he was doing the most painful things he could yeah i thought i thought he was quite good and for but i i never did not like his performance no me either so in the end i guess it's just a little bit weird to think that internally there could have been carousel enough of this you know or could have been car or trying to move away from it as much as possible um and it kind of makes me retroactively look back and think that
Starting point is 02:03:41 like the legacy you know and the attachment and fondness we have is almost accidental well with the reality of the situation is how much dialogue does snake speak in mgs1 uh a bunch how many hours not that less probably less than no a couple let's say three or four let's say three or four back to back sentences so the reality is there's a very distinct possibility that hideo kojima and david hater on mgs1 only saw each other for like two days or once ever you know what i mean like one lunch the reality of the situation is if you're a voice actor like no matter what you're just not gonna be with the director well for the entire project you're gonna be in the recording booth for a week all and then that's it yeah and i think i think a lot of fans you know
Starting point is 02:04:32 are people from the outside in look at that and say yeah those guys are buzzing buddies those guys are such like owls well definitely not but but there it must have it must have like grown though by the time mgs became a huge here's the deal well how many hours none of how many hours of dialogue did he have in gs4 a voice actor by and large unless they're in house right way more than one yeah that's like that's like less than two weeks of that's like let's let's talk about voice actors that aren't in house that you're hiring outside right they're not like hanging out with the team every day for lunch and being part of the process they're going into a specific booth and essentially doing asset creation and then fucking leaving like like matt how many hours did
Starting point is 02:05:14 you did you see alexis tofexis around the office uh maybe for one hour ever like exactly like you were gonna say my microphone attack me everyone yeah her hands alias you're right i'm sorry i forgot alexis tofexis sounds like a porn star it does and i was wondering why it sounded like does he do pornography with a silky smooth robot but i was gonna i was gonna say it's not kojima that's there giving it's it's chris zimmerman salter who's directed all the english voice actors in metal gear since one i believe exactly since two yeah so and he's the guy that sat down with him for five and they said they had a beer or whatever and he basically went yeah they're moving away if someone had a problem or whoever it is had a problem with with his with david haters like patrelle
Starting point is 02:06:01 or whatever why didn't they tell him we have a problem with it change it do it like i don't get how this even becomes a problem could have been financial the whole thing is like could have been him direction could have been personality kojima never really cared for the script of x-men one and it led to a bunch of drama it could have been not the quality of the recording but other factors that we don't know about that he doesn't know well i think he's like one of my favorite like personalities and david haters so yeah we all have a little fondness then and we all like snake that being said like as time goes on he seems to be getting pettier and pettier about the metal gear thing i i do which you kind of deserve dude you desire
Starting point is 02:06:42 years of your life you deserve to have some salt there you know like he said why he's a contractor well like he said but like he said in the interview you know like it no i disagree with that will entirely well he's allowed to feel upset you the master of not being upset like he's over dumb bullshit got hired to he got hard to do roles and then they picked other people like for him to the i don't know after after other people maintain their roles after hearing the way you sounded talking to guy see he like i'm sure you can understand that there's a sense of like he made that character over the years whether or not he was hired i bet to most of that staff akio otzka made that character sure and that's fine and not david hater sure and that's fine
Starting point is 02:07:27 but like the perspective of everyone matters not just the japanese team i don't know like there's there's a difference to me of like somebody who who was part of the team and got fired and somebody who didn't get asked back to do another contract gig but uh but if i was him i don't want to know why was my performance not great do you not like me am i asking for too much money i mean do we even know if they told him no he said he said it was radio silence okay and that was why it was kind of frustrating that's frustrating that's frustrating i'd rather just be told no right off the bat if in the interview if he was able to like give a definitive reason i'm pretty sure he said there was just tons of radio silence and that was frustrating and when he was asked to be playing
Starting point is 02:08:07 why was the japanese voice actor for snake maintained for five well because his voice is never falling apart i think also that's still conjecture though you know anyway during it akio otzka sounds exactly same and one is he doesn't what i mean is what i would expect big boss in fives voice to fall apart yeah i would expect that besides the point none of us listen to him in japanese so none of us can really know because i don't speak on it because we don't know the japanese voice actor for snake holds nothing exactly and for hearing that david hater's voice has been heard since two like he then went on to record three more games but yeah and you can tell but um it's very obvious he says like he doesn't want to play through five because it would just be 60 hours of of shame shame and
Starting point is 02:08:49 like like feeling humiliated and that's a fair sentiment no that's way less than 60 that's not absurd it's way less than the six year way less it is for talking granted you have to stick with that thought in your head there's a weird there's a weird self of self-insert importance to yourself to view the game as your personal plus plus uh plus uh david hater can look on his character though you know it's not especially not giving a not being given a reason you know you can look at mgs five and go oh i could have gotten paid for just doing this 20 minutes of voice acting that's in here for my character anger anger and frustration over the the the thing that happened sure but personal shame come on you know japanese you don't own that character the game isn't about you no but
Starting point is 02:09:33 i think the reaction he has when he makes a tweak saying hearing someone else's voice as snake makes me feel a little sick like i that's a totally normal reaction for someone who's done that work for so long yeah i think it'd be like if you got like three parts in and they just changed do's voice actor i could see someone going i'm really just talking about from the acting point of view or from like the consumer point of view i'm talking about like no but just that character part of their identity just changes just like that well yeah but we're talking like we're talking about like him and his view of it as an actor not as like if they recast it mark hamill if i for luke is luke in the new star wars right it'd be insane and mark hamill admittedly is probably
Starting point is 02:10:15 sick of the character and everything and it's not his it's george's character and he turned around and it was kiefer stutterland everyone would go what the fuck part of his life and if you ever and if or if you go go back and listen to the the um the i am spock i am not spock uh uh takes that Leonard Nimoy had coming to grips with the fact that this partner's character is a part of him and such it's a very those are actors not voice actors and the same thing no because holy shit there's like the voice actor shares that primary spot with everybody who else who has ever done a different yeah yeah you're just super wrong on that voice acting like mark hamill mark hamill is luke skywalker because he's the person there like david hater always at the very least had to
Starting point is 02:10:59 share that spotlight with the other people who played solid snake does mark hamill have to share the spotlight with whoever dubs him in japanese no because he's it's not the same thing if if they if they literally made a japanese version of like a new hope and like recast everyone in their roles then yes but that's not what we're talking about those are not equal measures no but the exact same thing where they took a game made in japan and dubbed it in english are you not are you not seeing how an actor who stands there and does the acting and performs the lines is not doing more than a voice actor who just does the lines and i don't know they well as no have you heard a voice no they they act of course but i'm saying that when when we were talking about
Starting point is 02:11:45 dubs when it's all dubs like these like david haters dubbing it in english but the core idea that they shouldn't feel attachment to the characters they've played roles for is what you're not if they have to share them with other people and you're saying the difference between he never owned that character voice acting and regular and he owned it in like in what ways did mark hamill own luke he does he didn't write him he wasn't the same person he altered his why should his emotional attachment be different because he was doing acting on camera versus voice acting versus someone else did theatrical acting because there is no other person acting on camera with mark hamill as luke skywalker whereas in the voice booth there is another character being solid snake no but
Starting point is 02:12:33 there that's depending on on on when video games okay okay voiceover is holy hold on one second when like it doesn't happen all the time it happens very infrequently now but there used to be a whole room of characters that would act and all had their mics and they're acting off each other it's an increasingly rare thing i don't know how mgs was recorded i'm gonna assume it was not i believe i believe it's it's okay so the book of mormon was on broadway for a while and it still is and and there's an also there's a second and third team that go out and do the traveling version in different cities yes the main guys that played uh the two main characters in book of mormon are attached to those characters because they've played them for a while there are other actors
Starting point is 02:13:13 that play those characters should the people that have done this role for years not feel attached to the roles that they perform on no because they gave them up and let other people do them but they do them simultaneously as the other people that do it in different locations you can't own something that's not yours uniquely i didn't say own never did the word own come up well you can't like i'm talking about an emotional attachment that you're saying isn't valid because it happens to be something that is in a medium you disagree you don't see is the same thing like you you're you're about the amount of work put in hold on hold on it's about the characters emotional the person's emotional sorry go ahead go ahead i know i was gonna say i actually get where
Starting point is 02:13:50 pats coming from in a bit and that if you're just a contracted voice actor some of them view it just as work they do the voice because they don't really they didn't really have that much input david hater is a special case where over the course of like 10 years or so there's been interviews with him or i've gone back and forth with kojima i've talked about with him i've talked about with other actors they like he had a little input plus he was a writer you know so i can see from his viewpoint why he would feel a special attachment if he gave this interview and they said what do you think about you not being him just five he goes eh it was just a job and that's also a completely valid thing he has no real attachment for it like harrison ford yeah like
Starting point is 02:14:29 they clearly you know he does but if you ask troy baker what did you think about man with gun that you played in whatever fucking piece of shit that you played throughout your career you know like you know inversion or let's say he was in a voice and that you go i don't even yeah it was great experience but that's just okay no so i'm just saying that like there are roles that voice actors get attached to and are ones that don't because it was just a no no no that's i think in mgs's case anyone that was on that voice acting team from uh paul eating to cam clark like or uh what was the switch over with gray fox one actor played him they got rid of him they changed it with i'm not actually the guy that yeah the black guy to the other guy yeah and
Starting point is 02:15:10 like i think for mgs specifically because it's it's so much more going on in the script and the characters have so much more to say and there's so much more backstory i like i'd i'd say any person that was on that i i'll i'll go yes you must have had an attachment because that was a special job that you'll probably remember whereas like you're not going to remember your role in inversion and even even even if sorry i just wanted to say like i don't think the the um i because you're super right on that and the only things i just don't think the medium matters because in the same breath that we can say harrison ford was fucking done and he looks at it and goes yeah that's just a job right whereas if he talks about uh blade runner he's like oh my god it was amazing
Starting point is 02:15:50 and he loves that doing that role in the you know what i mean like it's just different that you can look at uh um fucking um uh god what is wrong with me star uh star trek um spock not spock um Leonard Nimoy no um kirk kirk thank you and and the fact that uh dude was like ah what's his name dammit pine no william shatner william shatner was super sick of the fact that like he was super sick and annoyed at the idea of anyone else playing him right and he was really angry and vocal about like that's he's like that's me that's my character and so on so it's just it's it can work in any medium and it's just some people are more attached to certain projects than others and i think that a lot of the time the amount of william shatner it's the only thing he ever had yeah okay if that if
Starting point is 02:16:39 that the big guy with the big gun if that's in public if that's where you're coming from i understand your point a little better now and my point is is that you shouldn't get attached unless you're actually that character because if not you're just gonna look stupid when somebody takes that role well but you know he had he had how many years well over a decade but he was never exclusively solid snake but never at any point but he had well over a decade of like slam dunking who who who what is it so what does it mean that's because it had to have actually be a character what does that mean the only people that have like a rock solid like i am this character are the ones that play that character in act that character in front of a camera no not necessarily but in an
Starting point is 02:17:27 exclusive role so they're not dubbed there wasn't a stand-in so why no one ever reprised that character's role after them well i was gonna say what about what people do if luke gets that's a weird what exactly what about recasts luke gets them they then feeling like you own or are attached to that character like oh it hurts me to see somebody recast you're absurd like dumb like like what about james like episodes episodes of two best friends play have been dubbed in russian do you no longer own your persona no what about james bond james bond isn't even a person it's like a but but but the idea still stands james bond pierce brosnan or fucking anybody going yeah you were james bond for a while but you're not james bond if james bond was shon connery and then it was over i just
Starting point is 02:18:16 then shon connery could say that he was james bond it sounds like you get the point but you're just putting a really weird qualifier in front of it that i don't think yes because it all goes back to me saying that i think that david hater saying that playing through the game is like 60 hours of shame is fucking absurd yeah it's because it's a bad game not because no it's it's fucking absurd because it implies either some personal failure or ownership that he doesn't deserve sorry it's a not great metal gear i feel like you keep going back to the word ownership when no one else is saying ownership it's not about owning the role obviously the person who what it's about that he didn't get it it's not about that it's about an attachment to the character this is then why
Starting point is 02:18:58 would he feel shame that's stupid if if david hater was cuz he has like a hundred bazillion metal gear fans like but yelling at him all the time but if he it's a very it's actually very different from a lot of other roles the fans for metal gear are way more vocal than no sure but but shame is a thing that you feel over you having done wrong not over something bad at like you say shamed or us shamed like if he if he if he got shown the door and it was like you are bad at this job then yeah all i think it comes down to is when you work on something for a long time in many entries at that like the person who played shieh in the original you know thing got replaced and like if if they don't have an attachment towards shieh after that then that makes sense that's fine whatever
Starting point is 02:19:44 but if you play multiple games the same character in the same role and you just you've worked on this body of work it doesn't matter what the medium is it's the body of work in the time you've put into it that creates an attachment it's not ownership it's just you feel like well then then why would you be ashamed of that and and double because he missed one game he could have completed the entire series and he got he missed that's not his fault so what the hell is he well but double it well but doubling down on that people feel differently about different things no that's that's you should know just as well as anyone feel the fact you should know better than people having taken psychiatry and studied psychology like you should know better the whole time every
Starting point is 02:20:26 time i looked at that stuff i said all the all these people are dumb they should they should think about this smart like the idea of being thankful you're not a psychiatrist i mean the idea of him missing one game and it's not due to anything and within his control it just sucks and it's a negative feeling to have and i don't see why that's so hard to understand no that doesn't bother that that's like oh shucks i didn't make it that makes total odd cat that makes complete sense but feeling shame that's so absurd maybe that's a sense as though you're more bothered by the word than the sentence i absolutely am if if the sentiment is that it is is that word then yes it's why do you feel so patently absurd why do you feel so much shame about someone using the word
Starting point is 02:21:08 shame i don't feel like it wasn't even embarrassment or shame i actually don't know exactly what did he actually say 60 that'll be 60 hours of humiliation i can't get oh that's even dumber it's just that's even stupider and then he said followed by i was gonna say that actually sounds even more sensible followed by the extremely reasonable sentence it's just too painful yeah that's actually that one's like i agree with that humiliation like it's targeted at him god get out of your own apparently it was why is he the only voice actor not allowed to return like if i was him i'd be like who the fuck has a problem a lot of voice actor didn't return that's true too but he was a younger character than when he was played before yeah the boss is an older character than well he's like
Starting point is 02:21:57 you know you play but he played a younger and older version of richard richard doile didn't come back yeah but is he an old man does he naturally sound like that therefore he can't sound even like well but it's also like like i said before like people are allowed to care different amounts yeah things no and i don't i don't think we're gonna make any further headway in than this so let's just i don't think there's headway to make it's like whether you get why he feels the way he does no i get it and it's wrong yes feelings are wrong in this case yes he has nothing to feel humiliated over you're silly you're silly goose no he did a good job with those games and he was a contractor and he didn't get fired so what does he have to feel bad about because
Starting point is 02:22:39 he didn't get to finish the work you know what i feel bad about what do you feel bad about willy when i look at new king of fighters characters and i look at them and i go that idiot is stupid i hate his design i hate everything about him i hate his stupid fucking color palette god damn it i have to use him he looks talking about the kid the south american guy i'm talking about nelson yeah nelson yeah he's gonna be my fucking main character i i you know what i i misjudged you thinking because when i saw that guy i was like okay well i saw his moveset first yeah because that's what you see of it i was like oh my god willy's all about that guy yeah and when i zoomed in on him i went ah he's a little funky no that's all i thought and i was like i bet you
Starting point is 02:23:16 will he's gonna go crazy over him no and you are but again only for the only because of his because he's a boxer and i like boxing but that's all in his face but i bet will he's got the first 20 percent of the tattoo on his chest of nelson because you said uh because you said like what's the difference between him and like your rick stroud love and i was like rick stroud's a complete character design you know you explained it and i was like oh yeah okay nelson's got a complete character design a really ugly color polite he's got an ugly hairstyle what's wrong with his face okay if his face is just vitiligo that's cool i'm super on board with the idea of no it's paint i don't know it looks like fucking pain if it's a dumb tattoo then it's the worst thing ever it looks
Starting point is 02:23:54 like paint but if it's just a character with vitiligo i seriously doubt that that is a really weird and interesting thing i know i know but there's a i don't want it to be vitiligo because that just opens up another hetero chromia for japan to ruin are you saying are you saying you've got some fond attachment to people with vitiligo no i just think they can ruin it harder than anyone else dude i don't know i my cousin hetero chromia is not cool my cousin has it and i and like it's just something that i'm like that's something that people have and i've seen it but not flame design no not flame design that's what i mean right like no but the the the splotchiness of it and such is a bit like yeah it's it doesn't look
Starting point is 02:24:40 like sand man okay it doesn't look like the way nelson's face has it no but if it's just the thought that someone as an artist designed a character yeah that had it you pulled something interesting out that no one else no and you just don't see that that's cool instead an artist said too dark i'm gonna splash some light on there you know but if it's just a dumb tattoo for his dumb hair god you wish you wish it was a track but it's not it's gonna be face paint it might it's gonna be him literally grabbing some paint on his hand and going no with his boxing gloves yeah you know why it doesn't make sense as face paint is because because the what the the part that would be paint one of the flames you're right and the rest of the skin is dark you're
Starting point is 02:25:21 right you're totally right well guess what the dark parts the paint yeah uh so anyway alongside nelson sorry i was i know it's gonna just yeah alongside nelson you've also got the uh confront Athena's back whatever i um hey hey you know what you know Athena's back looks way better than 13 Athena yeah and and and you know what Athena's a staple and it's important that she's there i'm just kind of bored of Athena i don't know and and you're also right her design and this is also kind of boring just and that's really hypocritical to say that and then on the same hand it's not that exciting her design there is look over to someone like king who looks identical to the way she looks and i'm like yeah there is no i also think at this point i look at king and
Starting point is 02:26:04 i'm like i love king i love king her design is not that exciting anymore to change jacket on her off there is no more wasted slot than athena in every kof game no she has to be there no she does not she's terrible she's the worst but i just wish i i'm like superman to me it's like goddess athena or nothing you know um we've done all the look out of the pop star athena anything anything because dude i i i think it was liam i was like too it's like she's done the short hair look and i'm even tired of that like i'm like all right we've been there just killer already they also announced she can't she's immortal she's yeah well fuck uh and we have uh luang who looks cool luang looks cool no i'm on board i said this to you guys vice matured do this character type
Starting point is 02:26:46 yeah better this seems like a superfluous character that doesn't need to i feel like the overlaps really aggressive i still think she looks cool so far i think her moon set looks more interesting than she does yeah yeah we don't know enough about our character or personality we just have the little taunt type in the face she makes but uh i think she looks like a character that would belong in a fighting game and i'm on board with it i think it's the opposite of um eyeball idol head girl she's kind of cute i hate it um and eyeball heads the worst and you know well these announcements will continue i still think choy is the worst choy uh freddy kruger i still can't like i really hate i can't take choy seriously i don't think i've selected him once
Starting point is 02:27:27 in many many freddy kruger yeah same i don't like except for maybe a video on the channel one time i don't like him but i don't like him because of his moves like his sure okay i think choy only works if he's a like an assist for chang yeah if he's a striker that i'm down with yes cvs to changin because i would put choy under what's her i don't remember her name say eyeball girl it's like the same name twice i can't remember today silvi poya poya silvi silvi silvi shitbag superman poona poona i would put choy under that yeah i'd put uh i'd put yeah maybe you're right i hate todo i put kazumi todo under choy you kazumi todo is awesome under choy uh i'd put um you're fucking asshole there's some there's i don't know i think fina's more interesting than
Starting point is 02:28:07 her there's momoko there's some really bad ones i don't know momoko's terrible momoko's the worst i don't know if we all it's the the capoeira little girl from 11 i don't remember she's on team psycho soldier the team where losers go to die oh that's funny it's like that's because it says it on the back of their jackets seems psycho soldier is a bunch of fucking loser punks i love how stupid they are they're terrible bow and fucking kenso kenso was cool in the new art chin gensai but not an 11 but shin is terrible anyone want to take a guess what teaser trailer number are we officially at like 95 well you've seen the roster league so what do you think we're we are slowly building to 14 athena was eight i believe right nine it's nine it was nine was it
Starting point is 02:28:57 okay we are slowly building to 14 i get it slowly building to the event horizon that is my because you know my geese and uh hey man at least at least they're doing three at a time and not one at a time yeah at least they're coming off fast i'd much prefer every other fighter game fighting game does one at a time but their cast is so big here they're like we gotta fucking move we gotta time to don't all right i would much prefer if these if these reveals were teams instead of i agree i would like that better as well but then you also and then you also always have to end on fucking kyo burn to be much a little bit better every time except for that one trailer that is foot uh okay so that's kof we've also got um other fighting news fighting news uh
Starting point is 02:29:48 the way this was phrased i believe is video games are officially over all other developers can close shop and go home all right with the announcement of boxing combat okay did you guys see the trailer for this i did not might need to bring it up for them i'll give them a visual give them a visual box boxing combat turn that sound off by tiger way first person perspective combat this is boxing combat it is but this is the greatest thing i've ever seen it is like an fmv silver dollar an fmv punch out silver dollar meets uh zeno clash radiator yeah this is this is where the warrior yeah yeah no not at all no no no no you know what he's thinking of he's thinking of supreme warrior i'm thinking of supreme warrior i think i think it's supreme
Starting point is 02:30:38 warrior i'm thinking of that well this looks great oh it's an ios game great well it's kind of i believe it's gonna come out on costs as well yeah so you we're looking at live action first person and you're boxing but your opponent is not always a boxer sometimes it's just someone with a gun sometimes they're a vaudevillain numerous arenas this looks fantastic sometimes sometimes it's just a black girl other times it's a monk go home every other company uh you're done here time to pack it in i'm a big fan of chinese guy with really cheap chinese suit and of course yeah yeah i'm a boxer man you got your assassin little person you got all of it everything my neighbor with two arms taped to him i do admit chain boxing gloves pretty strong dude the like midway is back
Starting point is 02:31:32 here we go i am so excited for that full lp boxing combat boxing combat one is just a chick with a gun that's correct that's what he said oh it's so good that's good that's strong i'm glad mobile games exist just for this shit to get through i guess you're right and if that's not enough first person adventure for you you can always play the hardcore henry game which is confirmed to also be in the works wait default dan hardcore henry oh okay you remember the movie sorry you know what you remember what hard enough understandable mistake remember what hardcore henry is the movie hard the first person completely oh okay yeah which i saw a trailer for in the theater when i went to go see dead pull the second time and if fucking blew me away yeah it
Starting point is 02:32:16 looks great also the early reviews for this say it's amazing it is i like every everything about hardcore looks fucking crazy you mentioned it i was just like man i bet that won't pan out i bet that won't pan out it's just so risky it's getting a fiat it's getting the release it comes out it comes out in two weeks yeah dang i i then the rename sucks but i i guess they had to do that for legal purposes or whatever but yeah so uh that's happening and there's a game now well this is actually owned by the pornography that game does it look like mirrors no we don't know if there's the problem is the game is just announced by the director and it's like we don't know it's going to be a 2d size cool it is or who's making it that'll also be awesome if it's like a text adventure
Starting point is 02:32:56 yeah that'll text adventure to be rad because it looks like it's based on video games so i don't have a video game oh it is very based on video games henry you're a cyborg have you seen the news trailer i saw it because it's fucking yeah it looks great jump through window they want your technology the window is closed open window jump through window you were eaten by a group yeah those grooves man i'll get you i'll get you every time uh more video games are happening no we've got mechazoo which uh looks in the slam no it looks like uh you know what i saw though tusks alternate costume looks great which one which one there's two the one i saw looked great there's two the rustling the odin one or the odin no did you see the lucha no i didn't there's the one where
Starting point is 02:33:42 he's walking around with a turnbuckle oh that's cool as yeah that's really cool fucking dope but what were you saying i was saying mechazoo mechazoo game that uh yeah it looks like it could have been a rare game um it's like donkey kong country meets tron where you're different animals and each one has a different speed and move set and you have to combine it as this dark spore yeah it's dark spore i don't know what dark spore is it's a piece of shit it was the action game spore spinoff oh my god it's on the weave you remember no there was a spore action game yeah called dark spore whoa okay well anyway so this looks like a place a platformer the lighting is interesting um it's it's it there's something about it that looks a little x bl a it looks like it might be 2d puzzle
Starting point is 02:34:29 platformer as fuck yeah yeah it looks like it was you know whatever they built that looks interesting whatever they built explosion man on that looks fine you know the the the stakes are so high and the 2d platformer puzzle platformer arena these days that i i can't like it just if it doesn't look like don't you mean the stakes are so low no they're so high no i know what he means but they're so they're so high the benchmark is high shovel night oh ory okay blood stains yeah all right okay but the the the the bar has been the bar the bar has been pulled to the ceiling i would love for that to be a paxies and for me to play me to be actually like super wow no i'd love for it to be great absolutely but i look at it i'm just like it looks like a thing could be because it's a name
Starting point is 02:35:13 but there is something that looks a little bit budget about it a little bit not triple a yeah well would you would you call that triple i it's the animation the animation's too stiff um only if i was australian triple indy i think he wants to say triple a is dead guys triple triple it's it's quadruple didn't you guys get the memo that quadruple a is quadruple that's that's a term that's throw everything out that's a term that's apparently floating around like dickbag publisher groups is triple i makes me want to fucking throw up it's not great triple a is dead yeah quadruple a quadruple a and triple i i prefer double a is 10 year development cycles i don't like double a i like b game no i'm talking about batteries yeah double i i much prefer
Starting point is 02:35:59 double a battery double a the most useful yeah triple a batteries are too small there's something about them you can't get them out and that's why stupid remote controls refuse to change remote controls i like watch batteries yeah they're cool the dreamcast one they're just they're just cool gotta get them for your vmu stock up um you've got the closing of evolution studios oh no bummer for them yeah i guess drive clubs sucks you think they're gonna give it to anyone poly phony should be looking over their shoulder give what's anyone else would drive club no they may they make good games for what purpose wipeout was a good game and it got fucking shut drive well you just blew my ass open no liam drive clubs great no i mean you win but i totally
Starting point is 02:36:44 win that exchange 100 but evolution studios made all the motor storm games and i like motor storm yeah well that was then and this is now drive clubs great but i said it like a long time ago what's the fucking point when you have polyphony studios making grand turismo it's no point i don't know i like you gotta compete with uh yourself basically you gotta compete with no you gotta compete with uh i figured they're called forza forza guys who were able to crank out a game every year that's like top notch and that's fucking crazy back in the day you know there was a drive drive club had the worst launch ever ever ever ever like a year but they for about six months but they they pulled it back and like there's actually like a big drive club community and i didn't
Starting point is 02:37:25 believe it anymore they're into it regardless there was so it's like oh it's a bit of a bummer i don't i have no particular affection for evolution but uh bummer for them it's like i rather than made a new motor storm yes i think everyone would have rather that well i was gonna say that they're right like at a high level of sim there sometimes there's like things that are just like particular to one or the other well no the drive club is not a high level of sim it's a weird arcade sim mix somewhere in between okay and i think that's the biggest problem is it appeals to like no one well no there is a big fan base because that's the one thing that i will point out that does exist when i used to when i used to follow madden football every year i remember that yeah
Starting point is 02:38:04 you follow madden football huh you'd all yeah i did i used to play used to play madden every year and uh that's crazy because your name is madden yeah it's hilarious yeah there will always be a quarterback club uh the rival the rival franchise we don't deserve it and quarterback club eventually just did you play that first person i tried a bunch of them and we'd always rent them and laugh because they were just inferior and then they that just packed up and went away and then the 2k game showed up and created actual competition knew who really got made fun of is everyone that loved blitz would play then nfl extreme from 989 studios that was bad dude anyway i feel like 989 studios made a single good game and that's syphon filter one and that's it now i think they made
Starting point is 02:38:50 syphon today even make syphon filter the first one i think they started the first one was by bend i'm pretty sure anyway i know they published all that to say that if you were just some guy looking for football if you play a quarterback club you'd be like yeah that's football so if you're some guy looking for driving you'd be like yeah that's driving to drive club it's free i guess but but at some there at some high level there's gotta be a distinction between the two that's worth something yeah no it's it's it's not all the way like realistic sense uh uh yeah liam i'm sorry i i'm coming off there hostile it's just like i actively resent like drive clubs mediocrity no that's fair that's like totally fair that you don't like it but there is a group and it's important
Starting point is 02:39:28 no they're not real state that that does exist you know it's all been downhill hill ever since juiced 989 literally made the worst of everything they made the third jet moto oh no they made twisted metal four oh no they made cardinal sin yeah yeah lots of winners i guess you know you had you had juiced and then you had auto modelista and then we plateaued yeah oh man i like burnout they made cool borders four i didn't know there was a cool borders for anyway oh anything else yeah uh you all see the trailer for lego batman he's fucking hilarious it's fucking better than is it is it a movie lego batman movie oh no i haven't seen it it's just batman from the yeah i haven't seen it it's amazing cool cool it's probably gonna be funny it's probably gonna be great does he kill
Starting point is 02:40:23 bystanders no probably not he might disassemble them as lego pieces it's possible 80 of the trailer is is lego batman waiting for his lobster bisque jesus christ man i didn't watch the trailer can you not spoil it for me the the idea that we wanted a new series literally 30 seconds of him doing no i don't want to hear it god don't even say it sorry the idea that there might be a comedy series of lego batman movies after this and or like spinoffs from other things that were in the lego movie yeah no is weird but it's way more exciting than possibly exciting regular supermans if it's actually funny i'll take it i'll take it the joke movie i think will our net has the potential to be the best batman because because will our net delivers the best line batman has ever given in
Starting point is 02:41:14 any movie which is hey what's up losers like what might be better what might be better than a new indy would be a lego lego indy all likes that what's better than a new ghost busters lego ghost busters lego the hobbit yeah do it um be shorter hopefully would have to be because they're small pieces yeah uh no no come on something yeah it's not worth it and finally no one's high five in me today ever um and finally it happens occasionally yeah but those are mistakes my hand slipped you know what else is a mistake there's a segue it better be a negative thing this segue the possibility of awesome new last blade or fatal fury games i bet that will be a mistake eventually i hope not they're gonna release on pc like that of those fucking ports that you said this this people
Starting point is 02:42:12 are taking this quote and running with it way too far in my opinion yeah the guy didn't say they're making new games he said that'd be cool well he said we're not gonna give up on the production or development of possibilities of sequels oh fuck off that's the most vague thing ever which is what someone in his position has the ability to say yeah yeah can't say no no not him fuck off i mean fuck off the people running with it like yeah what's the hell is he supposed to say we've decided to close off all opportunities to make games that you like it's neogap that's right oh don't do that don't don't but at the same time a new fatal fury like garo too i'm oh i'd poop everywhere nintendo is open to the possibility of new custom robo possibilities yeah that's possible
Starting point is 02:42:59 you got nothing it's custom so yeah yeah there you go if you want to write in and tell us about your open possibilities about your emails i'm sure we're gonna get a lot of emails next week about how wrong i am about that voice actor thing i hopefully from voice actors themselves you can send it to super best friend but their opinions don't matter more it's a it's a principal issue that's super best friendcast at thank you and uh they might sound on something like what's some possibilities of your possibility can you send some high fives in the mail people because no one here is high fiving me send a big high five a resounding email well they it'll take it takes a week woolly jeez not if i edit that request out oh you stupid it's gonna take a little
Starting point is 02:43:47 while longer he's done it before he's done it before uh sometimes woolly will edit out entire other sides of argument you thought your mic was on yeah you remember that guy we knew that used to do that no w no he used to use to tell he used to tell a story but switch sides in the argument so that he would come out was that the guy who photoshopped himself not the same guy but the same crew a friend a friend of that guy you know what of course i grew to respect it yeah so balls out it's so but hey remember what i do to respect it hey pat remember when we were arguing and you said this no that was you that was saying that and you were wrong no no no it was you that was wrong so he's just fog lighting you so hard it's like inside info this is the one thing i've seen pat
Starting point is 02:44:35 gets consistently angry about for the longest period of time i'll never let it go i'll never let it go then to be fair that and his inability to spell to be fair in your defense it was pretty bad that that and then the argument that we were talking about was that pat why do you always make fun of my spelling i'm not making fun of your spelling this text message is garbage it means nothing strike thing oh the third which was third it was it was i it was uh winning results were switched yeah yeah no for me for me it was that person where we were playing kof 11 at his house and and i hit k dash his sunglasses like the dream cancel and he got up and kicked the ps2 off so i wouldn't win and i left his house and i never hung out with him again that was the last
Starting point is 02:45:24 time i hung out with that person again will these kind of smirking but he's like because he's got no because he's got the ultimate story that he can never tell no he does but really is like kicking the ps2 is so ballsy i also respect it's the ultimate you didn't win it's a it's a level of oh it's hard to disrespect yourself so much that you do that like that's what you can respect about it didn't he have to take all the Gundams off the walls because his mom oh yeah no that's okay yeah i know can't go you can't go further all right so if you sent an email in we did this nathan z wants to know their super best barnard barnard barrel scrapers i want to i like that that's appropriate i wanted to play final fantasy 10 and i had both ps2 and ps4 is there even a point
Starting point is 02:46:09 to getting the old version no no absolutely the games just for collectors uh and if they've been re-released and remastered absolutely superior version that also come with other games yeah no the the ps4 version also come it's like it's the international version and it has extra stuff unless there's changes made in uh that you don't know unless there's something demonstrably worse about it or something unless you want mailing to have a different voice actor there there is 99% of the time always a value to the older version of the game usually just for comparison sake well for comparison sake you pop it and you go oh that's different this is different here and sometimes that's interesting yeah but i think i think not being an expert on this game i think 100% you want
Starting point is 02:46:54 to go for the ps4 version especially if you're just gonna play the only differences are gonna be stuff like oh t this is face looks less like meg ryan in the hd version yeah or you know little things like that but the hd version also is like the international version which has significant upgrades plus it comes with ten two yeah like there's no reason to an eternal calm yeah yes again it's like it's eternal calm the opposite of a perfect now now if you switch out ff10 for silent hill your answer is very different wasn't the soundtrack adjusted for ffx though yes there's a there's a remaster between original and okay you can choose you can choose so yeah yeah so it's not always so in silent hill's cases yeah silent hill has a good example the hd bad um yeah there you go uh what was
Starting point is 02:47:42 the example i gave oh yeah it's talking about um twin snakes yeah uh so we're twin snakes is trash twin snakes is uh crazy overall yeah uh we've got one coming in from uh truck driving podcast lover and he's i love this so uh i love it he's a truck driver yeah he's caught up to all of our episodes in too much time listening to all the podcast well if you're driving a truck right holy shit that's still fast though you know what i mean woolly whenever i hear the word truck driver the first thing that pops on my head is the truck driver from the intro of wcw versus wlm bench where there's a guy on the truck and sting just shows up and then the truck driver just goes what i always think of convoy but uh either way uh breaker breaker all right what is mr truck driver man's question he wants to know
Starting point is 02:48:29 that uh would you prefer what meet game what game possibility would you prefer the jojo series to like sort of last in would you prefer uh a really really tight single player character action or would you prefer a really tight fighting game that lasts for years in the scene i want rpg there is one if you only get to pick the two then really tight character action absolutely and i if those are my two questions it would be character i'd go for the fighting game uh of course you would no simply because you'd last longer and you'd play it longer and you'd you know visual novel uh i didn't sin yeah if it's limited to that then i would say character action if it's not i'd say i want rpg because my only thing is the character action yeah it just it just i just feel like i'd rather
Starting point is 02:49:16 the game i want i want to make my own you know jojo character and like choose their stand powers off like a off a character sheet well does it cover all parts i don't know because that's what i'm saying like if it covers all parts there's no way i'm turning down what would have to be like a 30 to 40 hour impeccable character action game you know that's got a point hmm uh here's what i want specifically like if it was a five hour transformers jobby then yeah no but yeah go ahead man that's gonna say um and in addition no that's good that's fine um i was gonna say it couldn't exist now but what i would have loved to have had in addition i don't want to get rid of it the capcom fighting game i wish capcom had repurposed the cps 3 engine and made a poorly
Starting point is 02:50:03 english translated beat them up of jojo with really bad cutscenes that are bad that have tons of anguish i think i think a beat them up would be a terrible job and if you jojo why if only because like there's never any you know they don't walk through like the streets they don't fight jobbers 25 stand users but but a character action game is okay well that's but that's why i kind of said fighting game i didn't say character but there is there's there's already a pretty good fighting game yeah i'd want like a really really good one you know uh i'd take that i think i think the other ones because because you think of the beat them up enemies like who would they be you know shitty stand users shitty stand users like by the hundreds yeah yeah you
Starting point is 02:50:44 can you can have a game that's just bosses though yeah well they all again but then that's not a beat them up that's really no but for character action all you have to do all you have to do is say that the the stand user boss of this game has a stand that can multiply itself so in every every level that's no and it can change itself into different forms and all that's so you're fighting the same stand throughout the whole yeah yeah and he's the ultimate stand user it's like ultimate yeah pad is like think think about think about like steely dan and like how his stand can multiply in a little tiny guys but imagine that like bigger and he's and he and he's like i have the weakest stand very also well steely dan so i don't want to upset anybody but i'm
Starting point is 02:51:25 just like upset everyone will they like say like character action is just like better beat them up you know like different it's just it's different they're two different things they're different things but in the same way it's kind of like you go like beat them ups are just like simplified combat systems yeah and you're you're removing a dimension most i think that's why i think the dirty secret is at the time in the 90s where its context made more sense right i think that's why i said not today if if i could want one i'd rather have a character action game now i think the dirty secret is most beat them ups are worse than people think stuff like streets of rage 2 and most final fights i think are worse than people think it's hard to defend and i think there are very few
Starting point is 02:52:10 beat them ups that really hit that peak where like technique beats all i think it's hard to defend the repetitiveness if anyone like says it sucks i don't want to play that like i don't know how to sell them on it it's not even just the repetition you gotta just kind of feel the nostalgia or don't it's at like aspects of the games ai and thus level design where you end up with like unblockable situations or situations that are hard to read and the gameplay is actively commonized but and i think very few like i think singoku 3 outside of the bosses is impeccable i think the first streets of rage is impeccable and single player i think double dragging neon on the hardest difficulty is absolutely like you have to be perfect at it to get good at yeah i don't love neon but i think
Starting point is 02:52:55 neon fits in that category of where it's really like skill if the game has if the game like neon is a good example because it has the defensive duck crouch system but it also has you can block can't you're in that game or am i no you have there's a block power up you can right it was the power up yeah i don't play it with too much actually but uh yeah no i guess like as long as fighting enemies like kind of forces you to not just go like part of this gotta be here here's you gotta you gotta have to think about what i'm going to my perspective is that i wanted to walk in in 1995 in an arcade and see a big dumb jojo's venture jojo's venture where like the stages are very short and yeah yeah stan users just jump in as the final boss and it's insane and you fight darby
Starting point is 02:53:37 and he attacks you with a giant poker the only thing i'm talking about like ninja baseball batman yeah so the insanity no the only thing louder than then shout cons laugh on ultimate mk3 would be the odor odor odor odor from the cabinet start us to crusaders i want to be oh my god every time you put in a quarter oh my god i think that the character action and stylish character whatever the beat them up thing can be easily explained that they're both ice cream but the beat them up is an ice cream cone and the stylish character action is a is a sunday or a banana split they're the same thing they're both great if they're made well but the character action game usually literally just has more you get the kiss so when you die doesn't necessarily make it better but if you want
Starting point is 02:54:29 just more there's more to eat so when you die you got the the countdown clock asking you to put more quarters in and you got it with the cherry on the tongue and he looks it faster as the time goes down closer to zero all right i think you could do start us crusaders really well as a re-skinned river city ransom totally deo just goes barf you get to explore all around the different areas and stuff and you know what well no no not start us crusaders oh part four part four probably but having not seen it because diamond is a breakable not only are you a cuneo type it only takes place in one in one city having not seen it i can't am i being a stupid probably yeah way am i being a stupid asshole or like kind of an old school like ha ha if i still in my mind
Starting point is 02:55:20 call it diamond is not crash no that's fun because i love it i love it i like so much it makes me so happy yeah i do too it's the same reason you you will occasionally just blurt out what a beautiful duang yeah or real battle on film are we actually gonna see a duang dub uh sorry duang sub of part four someone's gonna i really hope somebody does it real battle on film is the most hella it's not when i don't know what it is break that's reaching so hard it's not called that anywhere never let it go anyway thanks uh truck driver keep it between the dishes breaker breaker what cb more like children's bandwidth uh and with that give me a high five so we close yeah well connor just wants to let us know that sonic underground is on netflix oh their mother will
Starting point is 02:56:10 be found good actually i've been wanting to get back in that's important i'm back i want to have to show us it again it's like a hundred and then sonic punched out all of his mother's teeth we should get together and watch it all together remember when sonics dad told him maybe you shouldn't save all of the animals remember when remember watch it all together remember remember when sonics mom was found and they were like oh thanks mom what's the wonderful message you can teach us and then sonics mom looked down at him and said kill them all black sleuther was right you have to oh that you have to you have to poop on superman's mouth you don't owe mobius anything knuckles looked at sonic and says let's see if you bleed yeah and then they made out i all i you
Starting point is 02:56:53 know what i hope let's rewind gets fucking put on netflix you know what the best part about that line is what's that even if it was cool he then tags it with a really lame oh don't tell me that i want to tell me that it's in the trailer he tags the like he says that line and then he tags it after the dude leaves and you're like you didn't have to say anything hashtag you will on instagram you could have just let it float okay anyway um uh chatterbox wants to know what what's a good example of the post of post game content that is better than the original game dragon stogma better than the base game dragon just now you can't say upside down castle well it's not post game that's not yeah you're right it's it's part of the full well because i was gonna say the world ends
Starting point is 02:57:39 with you because it has the most amazing post game thing yeah but i don't know if i'd say it's better than yeah even chrono trigger i'm like the world ends with you as a dragon stogma when you beat the game you go into a post game which is much harder and has a bunch of expansion areas and a bunch of crazy dungeon shit that is absent from the main game and it had stuff like that been in the main game the game would be way better like the the post game stuff in dogma is all unique and it is way better than the base game i think pretty much any hunting game has really good post game what do you consider the post game in a hunting game well when you finish the story and when you finish like this the whatever yeah yeah and yes you're right uh pokemon gold and silver
Starting point is 02:58:22 yes most pokemon games have really good post game some of them have lesser post game than other yeah the qualifier here i think would be like like better than the original journey upwards that's the tough one that's the tough yeah exactly um final fight uh one on gba you know it's a decent version of the game it has little cutscenes and all that shit but you beat the game and you unlock alpha three kodi sprite which is awesome yeah normal upper which wow it makes no sense it doesn't look it doesn't fit the rest of the game but you control alpha but you control alpha it's really cool it looks super place i was i was playing it like last year it makes no sense but it's there hey by that um again not better but a lot of the uh gba castle vanias have really good post games
Starting point is 02:59:09 like where you play as julius an area of yeah julius mode um but not better better than the base game is a tough qualifier yeah i guess i'm uh wesker mode nari zero because it lets you ignore all the dumb bullshit in that game that could be better than the base game would you call it post game yeah because it's it's unlockable mode well there we have it okay you can only get one to beat the main game nailed it i'm sure there's people that would argue mercenaries yeah whether it's post game content or not is tough depends on what game it is depends on yeah or like i was going to say like Kirby super star but how do you even are qualified how do you quantify which one is the real game metamites revenge yeah i don't know there's probably tons more examples any question
Starting point is 02:59:51 yeah it's not bad all right if you if you have like killer examples of this that we don't know about send those in because i would like to play those games like i would love to to play a game and be this game's all right and then you get to the post credits you're oh now this game's awesome i feel yeah i guess anything where you unlock a character that's way funner you know oh um but is it better than the original journey like that's always the that yeah your character better be fucking great to make the the is is virtual in devil may cry for and as part of a later release considered post game it's not considered post uh same thing for extra content bao mom yeah because i love bao mom more than any other character but yeah okay uh what's what's what's exciting everybody
Starting point is 03:00:39 i got a bird i'm gonna get that other bird he won his stupid bird in final fantasy 14 thank god i got three out of the four birds he rolled a 94 and he conned some other guy no i didn't con anyone i didn't con anyone liam someone conned me into thinking that i hadn't won it by holding off on the roll i don't think you can prove that i can there's logs i'm three for four just needed that fourth bird i'm gonna get that bird uh all killer instinct season three tomorrow today yeah no i can't wait i'm looking forward to the street fighter patch and alex yeah i'm uh yeah i'm really up with you i'm not allowed to look at him i'm not allowed to look at him holy shit wait for the wait for the trailer he's doing it again he's doing it again the trailer might not having a trailer
Starting point is 03:01:30 a day before the launch of the character is not a good there's another reason for me to not play street fighter five yeah it's coming out the day after it's coming out in like four days coming out of the 30th today's the 27th three days yeah uh i'm i refuse to play alex if there's no trailer i'm i'm keen for alex but that does sound like something you would actually does actually sound like something i'm i'm actually really keen for uh resident evil six hd because it has no that's such a stupid sorry title that's so stupid oh man it is a stupid title is that what they call is that what i'm gonna get it i actually don't i actually don't okay sorry sorry i didn't mean but i'm really excited because no mercy mode is in it i've never gotten to play no mercy what is
Starting point is 03:02:13 no mercy mode again that is where they take mercenaries and they quadruple the enemy count on the screen uh and it was they existed for five and six yeah only on pc yeah because yeah yeah it's like legendary dark night mode and the exactly and so like finally all the fucking re dot net costumes without having to unlock them like i did last time good which is great uh unfortunately no left for dead content but whatever boo yeah i'm almost looking for a night cry also comes out you had a pc bird i can't believe that just came out uh well yeah it's coming out today technically uh and um and the new tomb raider dlc that was only announced to exist like two weeks ago yeah they did that with bobby yaga too uh no bobby yaga is known for uh well i'm dumb dumb
Starting point is 03:02:58 but this one uh cold uh cold darkness awakened has the zombies and monsters again hey guys um is march 31st before the next podcast yes so i guess you're all excited to play hyper light drifter huh no i'm actually not what why i just lost interest in it i am i am we took when we played the game i was like it seems all right yeah we i'm in no rush i'm in no rush we did it we took a look at the video and we played it for a we we took a look and we played it for a while and uh did you did you ever no i've never played it why would i play it before it came out okay well uh we we took a look and because you constantly want to play games before they come out uh but not beta versions no so it was it was very it was very no no so it was very cool um it just uh it was slow
Starting point is 03:03:43 it was a little slow and it might just be the starting pace and it might just be the early ness but uh it was a while ago either way i'm in no hurry to play i'm looking for i'm looking for i'm looking for there's other stuff i'm more excited to play yeah i'm i'm actually just as excited to keep playing pillars of eternity i am like hyper light us us sitting on that and doing like we got some of the excitement out of our system though definitely by by playing it for where was that uh matt's place on the channel one time we did a go one off jesus christ okay yeah that was a beta build yeah okay uh like a year ago yeah um if not more even yeah i'm quite excited to try that i'm excited to uh put some time into salt and sanctuary and i tried again i can't i
Starting point is 03:04:25 can't stand that game bunny loves it it bums me out bunny literally loves every game we all well not we all hate but like it's his job it's it's any game that doesn't require him to think he loves well no he actually adores pillars of eternity you don't have to think in that i know that because i used uh i used his review to sell uh german spy on it yeah but it's thought let's thoughtless play it's very thoughtless you want to see some thoughtless play you can check out that german spy vod that me and him did where we we spent six hours making 40 minutes of progress um would you have made more progress if you didn't think about it i would have made more progress
Starting point is 03:05:03 if elie wasn't such a cantankerous little baby well he just hates everything yeah he does also looking forward to rustle mania this weekend oh my god is that this weekend texas yeah and matt's going oh shit are we should we go see the theater guys no no no way okay i'm gonna go see it uh are if you are can you get me a ticket and i'll go with you i don't know where my seats are but you can look for me in the crowd i'm actually not sure if i'm going to be able to go see it i hope so you just you just said that because now i wanted to go and you don't want to go with me so i'm looking forward to no i actually don't know if i'm going to be able to i don't fucking believe you uh what are you looking forward to you asshole willie i'm looking
Starting point is 03:05:42 forward to um like finally getting back like after marathons and gravity falls and stuff yeah finally be able to get back in daredevil season two congratulations they're gonna fight some ninjas in there but but and you know what but what i feel bad though because daredevil season two just like took jessica jones a slot to me did you not watch jessica jones jesus and uh no i didn't just watch us jessica jones is amazing i know you hate it just don't sleep for i actually really i just watch i know of it but i but i want to watch daredevil more well yeah of course you do but you'll miss out on the the connecting tissue of which there is none there they mentioned jessica jones and daredevil season two but they just mentioned they mentioned i was
Starting point is 03:06:24 worried they mentioned her good one time i was worried it was going to be like uh like chronological i was well it is chronological they do take place in in a in a time but in a way that matters well i wanted it to matter and it didn't so it didn't matter i'm really excited to see daredevil i haven't seen it yet at all not a single episode but you mean punisher season one yes but honestly i will be shocked if it matches up to the quality of jessica jones's writing well the writing punisher on screen means yes it will no problem punisher not on the screen if it's karen or foggy or and she's not fighting people and there and there's a lot of those episodes that are much stronger than like the last four episodes of jessica jones because jessica jones is like that show should have ended
Starting point is 03:07:07 episode weren't here last week but daredevil has fighting scenes that destroy the best fighting scenes in season one absolutely great because which was because they were and and one is frank all right one is matt one is frank yeah that's good because in season one they were all right and jessica jones fighting scenes were generally abysmal yeah but do you remember the one fighting scene from season one which was in the hallway yeah that was good you're right that's garbage compared to good i'm glad to hear it because when now that you mentioned it yes i do remember that hey daredevil two is a highl hallway fight way better than daredevil one's hallway fight basically i'm pretty much so yeah and yeah that's it just you know getting back to stuff that's been
Starting point is 03:07:47 sitting for a bit yeah you ever he'd be playing front mission at all i'm curious i just i bet that's in like a weird backlog spot and i took a little pause because of some other stuff but also plans yeah um but uh yeah like seven but you know that game is long it's the longest that's that's the problem was i right now i'm in the middle of a lot of long things right jojo i'm reading it it's just do it all things are long stop sleeping oh they finally released the new uh the new uh volume of uh battle tendency so i downloaded that oh holy shit i just realized april first is totally before the next podcast it is so i'm very excited to see episode one of jojo part four we're all going to be not crash by the way if anyone wants to know that we don't have any dumb april fools
Starting point is 03:08:30 thing no land at all yeah i was thinking about it but april fools is stupid i i'm i'm really done with i'm done oh well it would have been up on vessel by now yeah yeah that doesn't work doesn't really work yeah uh my april fools joke is that i think april fools is stupid what's coming up everything that we're doing uh dare sex is continuing i know because i'm in that living the dream is uh is over twilight the dream is over we killed the dream oh we're just looking at the calendar this makes more sense the dream is dead as of today uh at nine p.m today um it's really just the regular the regular except that the punishment begins on sunday uh that's true we should probably start the trailer the trailer went out there there's a drift coming out this
Starting point is 03:09:16 week as well oh yeah really interesting one and uh that's it and we got some um we got some dawn of sorrow fisticuffs coming for you yeah as close as we could get as close as we could get dawn of sorrow fisticuffs there you go all right we did the podcast we beat the podcast we did it chop another one we murdered the podcast by putting its head underneath the wheels of the pantomobile and shooting and spinning yeah and shooting it and shooting it with a gun and using doing fire daunte fireworks shotgun spins yeah in the name of justice hey woolly hey woolly martha hey man hey how do you use a spear you just you just slowly stab it into somebody you don't throw it don't throw don't chuck that spear don't chuck it nope
Starting point is 03:10:20 hey so Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

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