Castle Super Beast - SBFC 139: Star Ocean 6: Hustle & Flow

Episode Date: April 5, 2016

Wrestlemania! Gundam Zeta! Hyper Light Drifter! Trillion! Batman vs Superman Spoilercast at the end....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 139 is a prime number well what great that's a good one would you do this week Pat hey Liam hey woolly hey Matt's WrestleMania ghost who didn't get off the plane yet no or he probably got off the plane but he's probably tired or whatever so hey it's three of us yeah what do I do this week what did you do this week that's a good question that you lean would ask me pat of course let's see I did a couple I did three things of note I watched a bunch more Gundam which isn't notable except for one one thing in Gundam Zeta I have never in my life seen a show that is a direct sequel that takes place multiple years later and
Starting point is 00:00:55 like the timing of the show's production seems to coincide with the storyline's production like they're both seven years later where nearly every single main character returns in some form or another and some became somewhat from sniveling little shits to being cool dudes in white suits man time skips are the best on anime characters are really this tiny little baby loser turned into this tiny stalky little badass that married the character that you thought was gonna be for the other character and had a bunch of kids and those kids grew up and became less shitty yeah and one of the characters
Starting point is 00:01:37 turning to a fucking loser good for one of them turning to a big goddamn loser who now I finally understand why woolly always says that your soul is weighed down by gravity hey I was so so excited when that when the title of the episode is blank comes back basically wow and that character is a fucking loser now and it is a it is the biggest let down ever because I had legitimate like I had a moment where I was like holy shit if this guy and this guy and this guy are all on the same team yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so they had to power down one of them and then he's well it's it's your it's not quite that
Starting point is 00:02:28 but a little bit okay okay and like it's philosophically it's just like soft okay what happened to you I got lame it's like the basic answer and yeah living on earth is hard no as it is a really good prototype example of like a sequel series it's got a hard time skip and it's it's using that time skip I'm super happy about it and honestly like people like other series try to imitate it later on and fail spectacularly at doing the exact same thing so yeah there's some fun stuff there but at the same time like whatever man just keep it going you know there's not much to say until yeah and the other thing that's kind of
Starting point is 00:03:07 weird is like they've started up the mobile armor train again and like the whole time like we're gonna steal these prototype Gundams that's the start of both shows and then they later I feel like that's the start of like yeah most a lot of Gundam like don't a lot of main characters steal Gundams or fall into them well how many episodes of Gundam would exist if all instances of theft were stopped low low cut out like maybe 66% of this wow we're gonna steal the prototype gun to mark to these things are the baddest things on the market and then 15 episodes in they're like check out the Psycho Gundam it's a Gundam
Starting point is 00:03:47 that's literally five times as big and better in every way to say you're talking about Big XM but I'm talking about the Psycho before you were talking about just fucking wait just you wait oh damn you got to admit though the reunion was pretty good the reunion was pretty all that moment was fucking and they're just seething with hatred it's barely contained but you're not but you're not quite sure because it's like it's on a personal level but politically you have no reason to be angry yeah on the same side but you though and what the one that should be pissed is is totally calm and the one
Starting point is 00:04:28 that should be calm is seething with fury for over nothing it's great why are you here to laugh at you that's really good that's really good yeah that's real solid having a lot of fun with that I at some point got bored and decided that I hate myself good so I decided to do something that has caused me the kind of physical pain that I have not felt in like a decade and I discovered what it's like to feel like it's all of your guys' fault that I'm not popular what to motet so I watched all of what to motet good yeah you can keep reading it I I don't know if I want to do that okay how did you enjoy the cringe I felt like
Starting point is 00:05:33 I was going to die I have never when I was reading it I was laughing you enjoy anime curb so I enjoyed it as we manga cross Larry David I enjoyed it plenty but I felt like I was going to die yes that show is too real that there is there is a moment that I imagine for everyone that they see a little too much of themselves yeah for sure in this person and just your chest just tightens up and you're like no and and the like it's been a while since I watched a show that I had to constantly pause and walk out of the room and just come back just take a second and collect yourself the scene in which she passes out after
Starting point is 00:06:25 playing her Otome game with the stupid foot massager and her dad finds her asleep in her room that's like a minute and a half and it it took me like an hour god it's so oh so bad and I'm like I'm cringing so hard that like I'm clenching my fists and I'm getting like hurt like it's oh my god it's a rough watch what did you think of the scene with the ants and the cola I thought that was hilarious one of my favorites I saw that coming from a mile away I'm like oh no you're gonna be the dirty kid aren't you oh no it's the best cuz it doesn't back down no exactly it just it fully goes all the way and like she's
Starting point is 00:07:05 actually like yeah like relatable enough super fucked way it's great it's like 99% unrelatable except for that one part and then you're like oh god does that oh no oh no I lived that that was my I lived a minor variant of this absurd event that cringe was made for me I like cannot recommend it to anyone because of these reasons but you should all watch it very good show I liked a lot maybe I'll keep reading the manga I don't know man I hope they animate is it just is it just directly adapted yeah okay so I can it's very I can just go find where the yeah exactly I don't I don't I didn't watch all of it cuz I read all I don't think
Starting point is 00:07:49 they skipped any stuff as far as I heard so and it's basically like it's I like it for the similar for similar reasons to why I like Genshiken but like this is just like that it's like a different angle yeah Genshiken is like fond memories but there's a lot of cringe in there it goes both ways yeah but this just goes a whole hog with it yeah and I hope for moments of whole hog in Genshiken and it only comes once in a while yeah like the climax of well like like Matarame I'll do something stupid yeah yeah yeah the climax of a chapter or an arc you know but yes but then you get to the end of it and you're like oh
Starting point is 00:08:23 Matarame oh why am I crying why are there tears in my eyes yeah yes no what's funny it's just pain and it's just pain is I don't like it oh well you know how you enjoyed it you know I tear through shit woolly yeah it took me a full week to watch 12 episodes yeah I can I did Gernlagen in a day and this took me a whole week just cuz uh anything else I played a game I played one video game of notes and that's hyper light drifter okay yeah I came out this week I beat hyper light drifter oh wow okay that take you that took me seven hours I can see depending on your propensity for hiding hidden shit it
Starting point is 00:09:08 could take you anywhere from five to 20 mm I spoke to I went on to the game subreddit and you know read some threads like the secret stuff people are finding this is like Fez level like secrets like secret stuff cool that people like like once Fez did it like Fez did its cryptography thing the instant people saw a tablet in this game they were wise to that's a language and they started to translate it right away but just to even before Fez a lot of people would just translate shit but like in terms in terms of like just straight up off like walk through the wall in a spot that you didn't think it
Starting point is 00:09:46 right like you need four triangles to progress through each zone there's four zones there's eight in each zone and there's okay so lots of missable and I believe there's eight security cards that are hidden I found like two of those cards okay and it's like combine those with the the dash when used in weird ways the dash is that all is not used in weird ways the the the the the chained dash well doesn't happen when you do it over over pits or anything like that anything that you can move to you can dash to in one because I remember when we took a look at it there was there was areas that were like way off to the
Starting point is 00:10:24 side and stuff that we that we ended up finding where you had to kind of like hit this weird pit and then do the dash to get up to that spot okay well if that's in the game I never figured out how to do that same time because all the places that I found they were way off they were actually like hidden platforms that you couldn't see or or some such the game is fantastic it's stellar it's one of the best games I've ever played it's my favorite Zelda game ever by a massive margin it's my so far it's the best game I've played all year okay it is astounding I'm very excited to play it but it's unfortunately I'm just waiting on my
Starting point is 00:11:01 ps4 Vita code because that was the box I ticked yeah thus I have to wait that sucks it sucks I hate when kick starters don't say that like this version's definitely coming later well I would I would always even with this steam version as well I heard but I wasn't I got I got like a code generation error but that was on humble bundle apparently some people were having issues with their redemption but I don't have to get replacement codes hey if you're making a Kickstarter and you're like yo the fucking Jaguar version is gonna come a year late so I would assume that any version that ever
Starting point is 00:11:36 got added in a stretch goal would be coming later yeah but I mean it varies and that's the thing so yeah I guess I don't even know where to start the game looks so goddamn amazing it's quite pretty sounds amazing it controls amazing it's not it's not what I thought it was like there was a moment though we're talking about it last week and only you mentioned that you said it felt slow I don't know how fast you thought this game was supposed to be not slow in the sense of it physically slow like slow in the sense of just like I there was lots of downtime between areas yeah there's a lot in the early there's a there's an
Starting point is 00:12:14 early version there's a lot of wandering in between the dungeons per se but I was not expecting to have to like fight my fucking ass off as hard as I did when I got into those dungeons the game is really difficult like I was not I was not expecting this level of difficulty I would put it up alongside something dark souls I heard about people getting stuck at the first I yeah depending well because you can go there's four directions and you can go to three of them right away mm-hmm and those bosses like the areas are pretty similar in terms of difficulty but the bosses are not the the east boss is the easiest the
Starting point is 00:12:52 the north boss is the second easiest and the third the west boss is easily the harder than the other two mm-hmm but I like it's just so good and just the animation is so good but like so I went back and looked at the Kickstarter pitch and I noticed that a bunch of the stretch goals were longer animated intro like two different stretch goals were longer animated intro and that makes sense because that is the best-looking animated intro I've seen since out of this world cool it is it's nearly the entirety of that games plot is in that thing and it's just it's it's so good and handcrafted and animated oh so I
Starting point is 00:13:34 haven't seen it yet yeah dude you you load it up and it's I'm really keen to play I want to play only thing that's the only thing that's super super weird about that game and I did beat it there are there are two like super dungeons that I couldn't unlock because I didn't find are you gonna swing back I didn't know no I feel no desire to go it's fair to go either scrape against every collision no that's totally or use a guide to go find all the keys or whatever but like you go back and you look at that original Kickstarter pitch none of those enemies are in the game none of those bosses are in the game the super
Starting point is 00:14:10 famous animated gif of him plunging the sword is not in the game like at all and it's and I think that used to be like what because after you defeat battle arenas he sticks his sword in the ground to denote that it's over I think that might have used to been there but they went with a simpler animation I guess at some point they had I mean so much fucking money they were able to look over everything and be like what do we want like none of the boss none of the bosses even superficially resemble the bosses in that Kickstarter pitch wow really I was just eyeballing them right like that like there's a the first boss they is like
Starting point is 00:14:45 a guy with a scythe and a dog like no not at all no game's fucking great the only there's only two things I would I would knock against it and one is there's a dash challenge room to do the infinite dash you know you you hit a and then you earn an upgrade in which you can hit a a a a to just do instant dashes right after one other and there's a recharge strip in the middle of the room so you're supposed to do laps unlocking the first door in that room takes 100 dashes that's not so hard unlocking the second takes 800 that doesn't sound fun 800 is absurd yeah it doesn't sound like you go on to the you go into the game steam
Starting point is 00:15:26 form or subreddit and you see people go like okay turn your controller off and just hold the mouse in one spot and then just mash space 800 times in a specific way or like so that they did the character just goes back and forth this is doing laps that like I haven't played it but that genuinely doesn't sound like a particularly enjoyable that it's just to get a cape that gives you a minor bonus right but like it's damn you really don't know sir that it's that high if it was like 300 or what I got up that room yeah has to be in there I got up to 378 and just I failed 378 was like well they were trying to add again
Starting point is 00:16:03 nope no way no fucking way and the other thing is that the map is bad the map is really like really a map is unenjoyable no the game like when I say the map I literally mean hit select and pull the map the map so there's there's three maps one is the big sky view which just gives you the general picture and it's basically just an art assets worth nothing right then this is this general area then you have then you have the one that you score around with and use and then you have the one that you score around and use for the underground area which is about a third of the game okay the one for the underground area is
Starting point is 00:16:35 usable because it will it has very clear donate denoted rooms but that's like a whole like that's denoted by a screen transition and it'll just tell you you're in this screen transition okay yeah right but the upper one is art and there is no designation between scene transit it's just like you look at it and it is a is a high up representation of what the general area looks like but with no clear breaks no detail clear like you'll be standing in one spot and you'll be like where am I in this and it's it's really unclear which is a problem when the game pings the map and says go get this item on this spot in the map and
Starting point is 00:17:17 you go I don't even know which room that is you're just looking at the general area and you're kind of like luck luckily in order to just beat the game you just need four from each and I said there's eight yeah when you were describing the quantity it seems like it would be hard to miss like I ended up getting there's eight I ended up getting four in the north five in the east five in the south and seven in the west just by exploring naturally right I'm not good at finding secrets so they're not like hidden in brutal ways some are most of them some are I'm sure yeah and like the eighth one the tablets that you can find
Starting point is 00:17:52 are hidden in super brutal ways and I don't even I don't even have a clue where the other six security cards are right I'm totally baffled how's the ending the ending is fast like it's just don't there oh happened you beat that final boss and then you walk a little bit and then a little tiny version of the game of the animated intro plays with modifications to show the story and then you hit the credits which are absurdly long like Dark Souls 2 it is like Dark Souls 1 ending that throne or Dark Soul yeah yeah it's about that it's got a little bit more it's got some cool visuals but it's pretty much sit on the
Starting point is 00:18:33 throne it's you did it okay and if you don't know what you did the the implication is go on to that subreddit and find the translations for those tablets because the tablets just straight up tell you the plot of the game right like they're not like a they're not like secret codes they are like here is what you would get in the back of the box right like to to read it it's like this happened and then this happened etc and I was pretty happy because I figured out most of that from just environmental clues and the intro when it's good enough to tell like you know I didn't know that it was this force instead
Starting point is 00:19:05 of this force I didn't know what its goal was but I could tell that that's what I was doing yeah but you use the reddit to just clarify it I just you know you just read that and you just yeah you go through it general concept or probably one of my favorite things about this game is that okay so you know say say you're playing Metroid say you're playing Metroid Prime in particular and they're like you need four Zafmobabs to open up this door but you know there's more than are required for that door right so then you would go through that door and then fight a boss and it would go go find every other bath modad in the game right
Starting point is 00:19:41 and you like Metroid Prime 2 did that probably the worst ever right where it's go get everything before you can unlock the door to amper and read poetry and decipher it and I was really worried that that was gonna be the case it's like nope once you get four blocks in each zone that's enough the the door just opens and it and it's it's not like it's and you just you had to fight a super hard dungeon to get that piece because like the the the south area has more bosses than the other ones and they're much harder so you just did a really long dungeon crawl that was super super tough and like the last thing I wanted to do
Starting point is 00:20:19 was do the super extra tough dungeon crawls like no go fight the boss right go fight the boss right now and final boss is great it's got simple but tough patterns it looks really really cool and it's just awesome okay fight in a cool area it's great that game I'm glad one of us that game is like a Kickstarter it's not the alpha like that game is a Kickstarter slam dunk alongside like pillars of eternity or shovel night or shovelery or FTL so I just looked it up because I need to look at this number every time it happens yeah they got about 24 times the amount of money they asked for they asked for 27,000 they hit
Starting point is 00:20:57 645 show you show a fucking style like that and you get everybody visual style that game is so strong the colors in particular it's quite pretty no so so basically all all money accounted for yes okay you can see it awesome you like all the all the enemies animate spectacularly and like the bosses all have these really amazing death animations that you only see once it's like yeah yeah anything else of note no just those three really okay I'll I'll tag in I didn't have a ton of playing going on instead I was kind of watching as the girlfriend was making her way through the final part of the genocide run okay
Starting point is 00:21:46 yeah and it's all your fault it's so fun to watch that sequence unfold I'm sure again to someone who's like oh that's just cinematic I'm supposed to die right no no no you're not doing good this time wait what yeah it's funny you like living vicariously through that moment again now you've discovered what it's like to watch our videos so yeah I guess I'll start out with the big one is fucking diamond is unbreakable oh geez I totally forgot not crash that shit it's didn't crash I know but every time I want it yeah you gotta wait till I remember but I was at the end and I was like come on yeah there's too much
Starting point is 00:22:32 there's too much to set up yeah for an OP I am I am beyond like just excited and ecstatic they nailed it how faithful everything is I like the new scene that they added the I really like the new scene that they had what's super cool is it's been so long I don't even remember what's new at the first scene with the bacon and eggs and you know in the hands yeah yeah that's that's new okay so the most interesting they added new stuff before like in Sardis Crusaders they added a certain object to Dio's room yes they did the most interesting thing by far is the color palette oh yeah yeah it's a purple sky and everything it's
Starting point is 00:23:15 striking it's like I didn't see that I saw them going for that on the characters and like there's moments in parts one two and three where that happens for a second and then it goes back to normal right but this is like no the whole see the whole orio just looks like this looks like this crazy Iraqi palette if I'm not mistaken whenever Iraqi did full-color illustrations for part four he had no it was wilder palette than before but it was very much character focused you know well but but what that's what I mean like in the few environmental shots he did it was very dr. Seuss in terms of color yeah that's
Starting point is 00:23:49 a good that's a good apt description the other weird thing about the art it's very nice that be purple I remember when I was reading art like four represents this massive change in what the characters look like in Jojo and like in particular some characters like shrink like the lock shrinks over the course of that story he goes from being as big as like Josuke to being like three and a half feet tall yeah and seeing them start with the end of part four art style is really interesting yeah the there's also some other funny things where like again since I was watching with a girlfriend she assumed that like time
Starting point is 00:24:29 jumped again in the same way that you skip a generation before and it was like no it's a totally different and it's like yeah I'm this time like that and I just I it's the first time I consciously realized that's the this is the last time they ever like like stardust was they the last time they skipped a generation and went forward like now it's just like no we're moving it's a half it's a half generation because we're taking half steps because we're basically modern day now exactly yeah music is fucking on point voices are what I really what I super good I don't know if it's the same Josuke as all
Starting point is 00:25:00 star battle but I don't think it is I don't think it is but it's he's good he's right he's doing it he's doing it you know there's not much else to say there and the money is ever present there's money now there's so there's always money the money's there and it's real so fucking good at get on them how do you like those those civil wedded cameos at the end of the episode oh the little yeah yeah yeah yeah sure sure I like it sure I forgot who like two thirds of those people are really really really really excited to see what that intro is gonna be oh definitely and and the outro of course like walk like an
Starting point is 00:25:37 Egyptian is just as good as Stan proud yeah well you know it's like whatever I've heard what like an Egyptian before you know what I mean yeah I know what you mean yeah it matters and then eventually get your end of the world deal version version of that whatever we're gonna get here which I can only I have ideas about what what it's like we know you know but we'll see yeah yeah cuz there's an obvious one there's a very obvious that you can imagine yeah so anyway I finished off better call Saul and from cat grass is one of you that show well at least the first season no just I really want to watch it and I stopped a fucking dude
Starting point is 00:26:17 stellar did you not watch breaking that I'm just shy the last season oh basically okay so the like the assumption that I made going in was this is gonna be a short mini series that just tells you about salt backstory and it's not it's like that much I know it's totally its own thing it's its own thing and it has legs to go where it wants to and the most interesting thing is like when I noticed that the pacing was going the way it wanted to and not like kind of like rushing to get through this backstory or whatever I was like okay but so far no episodes have been wasted and everything has been good and everything was like
Starting point is 00:26:56 that's a that's a good surprise yeah everything felt like it needed to be there and the pacing is as long as you keep the start timeline foggy and don't have Walter White in the background or anything you can make it go for as long as you want and the thing that like completely placed my faith in it besides just being like you know it's like yeah this is fun and entertaining in the same way that like the more quirky episodes of Breaking Bad or like I mentioned but yeah there are there is an episode in season one in this show that is in my opinion my favorite episode of anything including Breaking Bad the Breaking
Starting point is 00:27:33 Bad cinematic universe yeah yeah yeah there is an episode of the end of this that is better than well any episode it's better than fly I heard that Better Call Saul has the same like feel like obviously it's not as like a horribly depressing but I hear it has the same feels and like it feels like it's from the same universe absolutely like it doesn't feel like a goofy spin-off not Timon and Pumba yeah and like like for anyone who's finished it it's just basically there's an episode in the middle of the season and it just gives you Mike's backstory oh wow cool and that's awesome it's a good that sounds
Starting point is 00:28:09 good yeah is that does that happen to be a sadder episode than it's just a self-contained story great great hey Mike what did you do before you worked here how did you well I'll tell you yeah how did Mike become Mike sounds like a good story to be honest oh man yeah so and then it also which is scary cuz when you start to watch that episode you're like oh god they could fuck this up so bad so easily but it does so much like has so much like whenever he sits down and just explains you're like yeah like oh my god he commands attention so well and this does a really good job framing again the timeline you know for
Starting point is 00:28:50 you so yeah absolutely get on that dude do they ever mention how far ahead of breaking that it is like I imagine it's just like a couple years they don't but you can infer okay a little bit and does it feels like a couple years I imagine or more than that so you're not reading it so they're not reading a newspaper that says Jesse Pikmin arrested no nothing like that nothing like that there there's all you get all you get our familiar faces out of context okay that's great and like not counting like looking at their lines on their face to read their age boy I sure have to go wash my car better go down to the car wash
Starting point is 00:29:33 oh hey mr. White it's been a while I'm thinking like Star Wars Christmas special like at the hollow screen on with the character hi there how are you doing I'm Walter what you know like why don't we stop off from so for some chicken yeah I know a good place hey look there's notable movie star Brian Cranston oh god no don't that'd be that'd be don't do it don't did you ever see oceans 12 I did yeah that is that Julia Roberts thing is the worst it's the worst man that's the that's the bit where one of the masquerades is her that's no that's one that's when part of the part of the plan is like crap we
Starting point is 00:30:18 need somebody to distract Bruce will we need somebody to distract somebody hey did you ever notice that such and such looks just like Julia Roberts yeah that I bet we can hold a caper in which we convinced the museum guy that it's Julia Roberts and then Bruce william Bruce was comes is a Julius bit like well I liked it for the fuck up when it happened but yeah it's pretty it's pretty on the nose I would die if that happened and better call whatever the worst bit is like that scene totally works just like I love those why did you have to why did you have to have someone holding 30 cans of Mountain Dew yeah why'd you do the
Starting point is 00:30:56 do and but in this case you did the Roberts why do they what they should do is have Saul's brother come in and it's just Steve Otakirk yeah sure yeah yeah anyway so there was that I started Daredevil but I'm not done yet so not much to say until I'm finished well luckily Matt's not here to guilt you about not having watched it yeah and speaking of that now being here like I mean this was a big wrestling weekend and like all I can do is give my brief sort of summary and Matt's gonna give the up close wrestling happened for those who don't know he was fucking there yeah and he waited for an hour and a half
Starting point is 00:31:32 and more than him being there I fucking caught team four star in the crowd everyone did everyone did and it was awesome because the moment that this happened like here's a picture we're looking at here and it's it's a Takahata and yeah there you guys and they're holding up the four-star sign and the moment that happened can you can you see Matt in the shot you can't see me I was gonna say I went back over a couple times and I couldn't because Takah's like clearly visible and that's way too short the best part about this like is the fact that the timing of this moment happened in the most appropriate so new
Starting point is 00:32:03 day great brings up a big old box of Budeo cereal giant box of cereal come out on stage tips over the box tips over they walk out of it dressed as Saiyans with insane armor with the armor and the tail sponsored by team force yeah Xavier has a tail yeah exactly and they're walking out doing the whole thing and then it just cuts over to team for us are holding up the drag you know the logo which is a timing how perfect what right yeah the guy in the editing room that pointed out that shot like just he's like hey hey hey what that doing over there dragon those nerds are here point at the nerds got it right on point that's awesome oh well
Starting point is 00:32:42 gonna get him one of the odds that exactly that's like if you had a fucking terminator thing and you came last year yeah and I could wait just coming out you're like and I can only imagine how hard they all marked out with that yeah well plus it's the new day on top of it uh-huh and then so that was there plus like they're not marching out the new shield as some stupid shit that'd be great random as Saiyans the other part it was the intro cinematic I guess I'll call it intro cutscene when they're recapping everything you played some good old fucking fort minor really reason to remember the name good so like I'm
Starting point is 00:33:21 like oh I could feel Matt from here man you know no honestly so like it was a pretty good WrestleMania man it was really entertaining I was I only got to skim through the last fight but like everything up until that moment was really well done Shane oh Mac is shamed I was dead so when I asked so when I asked Shane is dead I meant it like is he actually dead what's the status of Shane's destroyed body Shane Shane is a corpse but he's got a thumb he's doing a thumbs up you gotta give me more context here what happened he's basically he's a he's they're carried his bones out on a stretcher but he was doing the snoo snoo
Starting point is 00:33:59 death pose like we're decimated him undertaker oh wow well he's got Shane decimated no no gravity gravity gravity decimated because when you come back and you have a legacy to live up to of destroying yourself yeah I'm style what are you gonna do except do it now that you're 40 yeah and do it better better and harder than you ever did before so the the bit is that undertaker is on an on the announcing table and Shane is on top of the hell in the cell which looked to be a larger than average and he jumps off and take her moves so I just Shane just takes the whole table and it just crumples like a like a yeah like a
Starting point is 00:34:42 Spanish announcer table was a higher drop than his famous titan trawl drum wow like the famous titan tron jump through the tables that sounds like lethal and this is a dude's 40 yeah and he brought his kids out kids catch me yeah I will die I was talking to Mick Foley and he told me to bring the kids to see you die in the ring and there's a fantastic moment where like after that cuz like the taker dodges out of the way and like he's sitting there on the ground and he's making that face of like what the fuck is wrong with you kind of thing yeah which is great for taker so it's his face that he does yeah man so
Starting point is 00:35:19 that was great um you know what Ambrose versus Brock was great like that's exactly what I want when someone Brock is gonna show up and do the I'm just Suplex City man I'm the I'm the god king of pro wrestling I'm the god king of no sell yeah and when you're gonna that guy and then the guy who's gonna fight you is like I have infinite HP cuz like Dean Ambrose is crazy and like I always forget that they actually write him as like a somewhat strong character great like I always think like oh he's just one of the week guys but every time I'm like no wait Dean always gets a good spot I've got like his attack power is low
Starting point is 00:35:57 and his speed is mediocre at best now but he's got infinite HP yeah and he'll laugh at you and go hurt me more and I'm like that's exactly what you need for a character like Brock you know so that match was really fun cool of course the new day match was great and then they brought out some old did they keep the costumes on oh no obviously I'm off but you know there's some big surprises there but all in all I'm trying to think oh yeah there was a really good triple threat divas match oh okay that was fucking awesome where it was between flair Sasha Banks and I forgot her name but red-headed blood-borne yeah like
Starting point is 00:36:43 like like steampunk not the Irish girl yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but yeah they had a really good through way and the and basically retired the divas belt throw flair out of the ring first and start the fight basically she's and they's not great but they all but they they all went in really hard and you can see that they were like cool doing their best that's good cuz like I we've said it a million times we're like diva matches used to be the fucking like farce ever yeah and like no coming back step it up people have chastised us for chastising divas matches because of how good some of them are now so now I'm
Starting point is 00:37:25 absolutely sold especially and don't stop watching don't go to the bathroom no and the like and like you saying like throw flair out but she did one of the sickest things she did basically like a cent on bomb kind of thing great off the top to the outside and it and took them both out and it was a really just fun entertaining three-way plus the belt is now the women's championship belt which has the white kind of thing that I like like the intercontinental so that's cool oh is it no longer no longer the deepest butterfly belts yeah that is actually fantastic so they straight up they're like I remember it fast lane I
Starting point is 00:37:56 was talking about I hated that yeah I remember the goofiest thing about that that I saw Matthew tweeting about it was like and the winner of the first ever women's championship in the WWE what yeah it because base it's just weird they're the kings of it's a weird retcon a dumb pink butterfly belt is gone and now it's just the women's championship belt and it looks exactly like yeah championship belt except different color honestly good good time to retcon everything just reset right and the match was worth it man great the match is worth it great that's really cool to hear so that was that was a solid all yeah good good
Starting point is 00:38:32 WrestleMania so it's wrestling saved well here's the thing you know it was even better an xt takeover Dallas was even fucking better because that was like that was the event that happened a little bit before and it's the NXT guy so it's the you know the new the new uppercutting isn't what comes in whatnot and that was fucking sick because in addition to a bunch of really entertaining matches and all in all a solid card you got the debut of fucking Shinsuke Nakamura king of strong style coming in and and he fucking like came into like it's so it's so funny to watch like he walks in and everyone knows
Starting point is 00:39:14 exactly who he is and why yeah like canonically who is this man he's a brand new WWE wrestler who is this mystery wrestler right off the street the crowd has signs for rookie he's conquered the outside world which we will not refer to by name but need nonexistent league in some non-existent country don't worry about his previous matches but he didn't what previous matches but you know exactly when to cheer and what to cheer for yeah and what to say yeah so that was really fun he had a really great debut match and the pose and everything was fucking like through the roof and Asuka the the basically the
Starting point is 00:40:01 fighting game character girl wrestler yeah that is like fucking do an amazing shit and is like has the perfect look the perfect gimmick the perfect level of like like almost like evil Yamato right you know the Nadeshko kind of thing yeah almost like that in a way coming from years of her Japanese career and whatnot and just doing amazing like fast combos kickstrike oh did she come over oh yeah she's been around for a while so this shit I didn't realize so it was a wrestler named Kana from from Japan and like she came over rebranded as Asuka and like is just a super pro oh that's interesting and she's fighting with the
Starting point is 00:40:37 divas as well but like her gimmick and everything about her is just like awesome and like fucking through the roof like super nailing all of her moves like in fact making some of like the people she fights look worse because of how fucking good she is yeah so everything about her is just is awesome and and then the other bit of course is Finn Balor who you know the guy who came out with that with the green yeah with your neck pain exactly so him having a really solid match with Samojo was really fun and like it was one it was a crazy match cuz like three seconds in Samojo starts bleeding everywhere wow like they
Starting point is 00:41:14 he did like they headbutt each other and he's just bleeding out a match that's great so then the pace of the match becomes everyone's trying to hold him back to cover up the blood yeah I get the fuck off me I want to know the more blood that gets all over the rain the better yeah and Finn Balor cuz it's fake so who cares well not necessarily yeah but it could have just been a really bad headbutt oh I mean the matches face who cares no it's real he's not super real what are you talking about oh I shouldn't say oh oh oh yeah my contract with the W oh no oh no it was it was really fucking fun and and like
Starting point is 00:41:48 definitely has me interested to like check out more matches especially if it's like I'm gonna watch for fucking Nakamura and see where they're going with this hmm you know they should just steal all the Japanese guys and then you don't have to watch Japanese wrestling anymore you can just watch NXT slowly but surely and they got to get the Spaniards and they got to get the Mexican wrestlers and then they have to start pre-recording the episode it's an end you're golden yeah exactly yeah also I did mention but I had a WrestleMania there was um AJ Styles versus Jericho again oh cool because
Starting point is 00:42:18 basically they came out they had their feud and then they teamed up to become Y2 AJ for a little bit and then they and then Jericho got jealous of all the heat that AJ was getting over him and turned on him and then they had their battle again and you know like fucking two pros that are doing their thing so always a fun time um really good weekend of wrestling overall super worth it did you watch botcha mania I did it I did it there's this there's a really good one in there where these two wrestlers botcha thing on top of Matthew in the crowd what wait Matthew the guy who does botcha mania are you talking in the
Starting point is 00:42:58 crowd 302 or like which one the one that just came out this weekend this week I might not the most recent one anyway these two wrestlers botcha spot on top and then another guy in the crowd pushes Matthew on to the wrestlers for no reason and then one of the wrestlers takes his pound 20 tee and throws it at the other wrestler and Matthew's just like this is a bit meta guys and it's in botcha mania it's actually a really good episode on the whole yeah that's confusing yeah yeah that's the idea it's okay really and you can see it's him he's got his Union Jack shirt I was doing the whole thing yeah not the suit but
Starting point is 00:43:38 yeah that's it's really good well played speaking of really good yeah stuff dude those Marne matches oh I went back and watched it all well cuz I started by I went to the Capcom channel and they had their their top five things from the event right and Marne was the number one thing and I was like shit I forgot about that I got to watch all those matches now damn Marne lit it up with Mika dude the people's chump yeah absolutely oh and he was being such an ass too I love it fucking doing the booty slaps yeah I'm gonna take my shirt off when he and was it mago we're just like touching each other's breasts like yeah I'm just
Starting point is 00:44:20 gonna grab your nipple I'm gonna grab your nipple and I was like no I can't do that that's not regulation yeah no and Ricky's face just like this fucking this card I can't deal yeah like I thought I thought I was safe from this shit forever no new new Marne is a threat he's the best new Marne is a real threat I got linked to the J-Wong was streaming or no Marne was streaming but like J-Wong I was doing he got like a 69 game streak and then Marne was like let me play he plays and fucking wrecks the streak kicked him out good and then he made it he made him like Neil and like he's and
Starting point is 00:44:58 sing to try and stay and he's like getting desperate and I was like no get the fuck out love that's off the stream that's great I love these like petty not rivalries yeah I also really like the new the new who where everyone does the hand thing as Karen's oh dude I love that yo Joe laugh yeah I can't wait for EVO to hear that like super super mass oh Joe laugh yes really satisfying the crowd blowing it up every time and it gets louder every time it's if you watch the chains doing it too yeah if you just watch the the Capcom's top five replays on the Capcom Cup channel they play it before any of the replays and they do
Starting point is 00:45:35 like eight of them in a row that's a that's a great weird thing because that's a Japanese thing the Japanese audiences won't do but we will yeah for them well for years it was Rufus and now we got this right yeah I kind of miss the Rufus one I think it was too appropriate but shoutouts to that YouTube channel that is just an archive of every Ojo laugh from every anime and every single every every single title is the same oh yeah they're all just oh Joe summer laugh oh no or no it's it's they're all foo foo foo foo or oh just the onomatopoeia yeah yeah that's great yeah and it's just like from fucking countless
Starting point is 00:46:20 anime A to Z everywhere that's awesome I didn't find it so I should look into it I forgot to talk about it but did you guys get any time with Alex I was just gonna talk about yeah exactly since we're on Street Fighter 5 that's a good place to go so I spent a lot of time I spent a bunch of time with Alex I spent a lot of time with the challenges as well because those are super fun it's nice like Street Fighter 4's challenges where you got 22 or 24 of them per character and 12 of them were like due to one frame links in this combo and and do do a thing that we invented due to its difficulty that is unusable and shitty
Starting point is 00:46:55 that shit got old fast yep and then you go to get and viper and you're like that's not human because the thought was do unoptimized combos that will teach you a couple things bullshit yeah I it's it's like fun challenge things but the Street Fighter 4 ones I found just taught you bad left yeah and like desk is working at that stuff and going come on yeah for the average player they're really hard now to be fair I did the calories and I did Alex's and those have super unoptimized things yes yeah so they're clearly just trying to show you basics yeah I did I did birdies and Alex's and yeah there's some not perfect
Starting point is 00:47:31 stuff of these they're way more you could beef them up and there's some that are like this is this is not going to happen not this this scenario is not going to occur for sure yeah but if they're gonna be that at least they're a lot easier yeah yeah they are a lot easier because there's three frame links is the fastest yeah I hadn't touched Chen Li like ever ever ever and I was like you know what this is the perfect instance to let's just do it so I watched the demonstration I played the trials and then I went and did story and then I went and did survival and I was like yeah learn a bunch of combos great unoptimized but I'm never gonna
Starting point is 00:48:06 yeah and then you just go to then you just go to SRK and you go to the tech thread exactly you just look at it if ever I if ever I decide I want to main challenge the big SF5's biggest problem was there was no path from start played game to go to the show you can forums right there was no in between there and now there is this and now they're totally and it's good because it starts from the beginning to come like combining the individual character video things I feel they're called combining those with the training thing they give you right at the beginning primers yeah yeah you get a pretty good
Starting point is 00:48:39 handle on each character on the trials lets you see a bunch of their moves though honest truth is even without that forum step the replay channel on its own replay channel is good enough yeah but it's just like you know I went to the I went to the SRK forum for like alex stuff and like just the alex tech thread is like it's so fast it's just like here's here's after you do a powerbomb here's what's safe and here's what isn't you know we're in the mining phase yeah did you do alex's trials I did alex's trial his last trial did you also get really excited when you saw what was going on
Starting point is 00:49:13 and how to juggle work what a fun move what a fun combo just don't don't mess your timing up it's a lot of fun I really love how high it was so here's the thing is and I'm gonna take a guess that Matt's not gonna like alex and I feel that like I can see that like there's a lot of changes going on here and my first thing to think is like oh man I sex that this is gone or whatever but then the next thing I think like like holds on like crouching crouching strong is no longer special cancelable like oh but here's the thing right the moment I think about that and I feel like I'm just thinking about alex from
Starting point is 00:49:47 from such a point of view because I respect third strike that much yeah but every alpha character has been crazy drastically change Mika's a completely it would not so why wouldn't the third strike character be different so that's the thing we had a talk I'm not sure if it was in fisticuffs or last week's podcast but we talked about Dudley and Makoto in particular yeah coming into Street Fighter 4 and how they can't they're not even allowed to feel the same because they felt the same they'd be bullshit yeah so Desk put up a fantastic video go look it up it's the the alex sf3 sf5 comparison
Starting point is 00:50:23 and it reiterated what I thought in my head the instant that I touched alex they kept like he's a different guy definitely yeah but everything about the way that he feels is the same his sweep is identical he's still got the dive which we didn't think he had I thought for sure that dive would be not I thought they keep it right okay what the either way he still has the dive yeah right they nerf that stomp heavily do yeah real slow on the way up real fast doesn't instant cross up no matter what well no parry again I try to you cannot cross it up the distance now that was a move you can cross it up but your distance has to be on point
Starting point is 00:51:05 that was a move that was designed for the parry almost that's what it feels like so without the parry like forget about the x1 is but but the stomp in in regards to you no longer having that like cake easy cross up now after your stomp because it causes a hard knock down and alex has all that crazy meaty pressure like it's it's got a new it's just as good it's less easy to land but once you've landed you have a free throw mix up yeah that's that's super good and super easy so alex is yeah he's just he's a different character and you know what like again if if everyone else showed that shows up is going to be a different character and we're okay with that then there's no reason
Starting point is 00:51:47 why yeah third strike character should upset and some characters are going to be different for the better like when you think about jerry's moveset and like the engine and stuff like alex her and hakan feel like they were designed for street fighter fives ideas right so jerry's going to be changed but probably for the better alex you're going to have that police engine uh whatever tendon and driver no no it wasn't no not please um man we're dumb tendon engine tendon engine no tendon engine what's in what's in that set that's got she's got the feng shui engine feng shui engine um by the way shout outs to hakan appearing yeah i saw yeah um and honda riding on him but like their rivals i seriously think alex is better in five than
Starting point is 00:52:30 he was in third strike like he's different and he doesn't have the same stuff yeah i bet like he feels he feels much better here than he does in third strike in comparison to the rest of the cast his competition right in comparison to his competition if you if you put third strike alex unchanged in this game that would be fucked up yes yes but but in comparison to the rest of people yeah great i absolutely adore and i hope we see this with the boogie and urion that alex and ryu get to have parries somehow yeah i would love if urion and ibuki through their v triggers get to have parries somehow get these weird variants where they get to do their parry stands ibuki has already been through the street fighter four filters so we'll see how that comes out yeah
Starting point is 00:53:19 she already got like i would i would like i would like it if they they went back to third and dragged her back through again there's gonna be a urion hate train of people that are upset because he's not going to be identified so that's the thing like you know he can't be identical yeah no way no i'm not in this game i'm one of those people who who gets mad when that happens but like i'm thrilled with alex i think this i this is my favorite version alex every every change they made to him even the nerfs i'm like okay with the nerf but the stuff they improved i love it i love that his super is finally a strike yeah it's fun they changes so much about him in terms of his juggle potential and crush counter with his normals works like makes perfect
Starting point is 00:54:03 sense yeah of course that big boot is gonna crush counter of course like oh he's so good no his whole deal too with his charge up and then crush counter on everything is like yeah counter hit on everything it's super fun yeah when he's fucking popped yeah definitely but you better know your fucking counter hit combos or else your plan well he's got he's got like trivial counter hit combo yeah like just i mean if you don't know him you're playing so unoptimal his forward uh forward fierce is is the freest thing in the fucking game if you counter hit with his auntie ears are free yeah he's got a lot man boy or his auntie ears free holy shit so the whole thing though with him is that he's got average life yeah you know despite how big which is weird
Starting point is 00:54:44 but that's fine because his moveset does everything yeah and he just doesn't have a fireball but he doesn't need it and and there's stuff that he can still do that that's that like you know like i used to always do the the elbow into stun gun headbutt from full screen like did it hit stun gun headbutt did it not hit stun gun headbutt like you can't do that anymore obviously but what you can do is the elbow into his super is a painfully easy hit confirm you can do uh if you do the power bomb and you do the light elbow it beats everything because the it has like weird frame advantage it like oh he's so good now he's i've completely switched over alex is is my guy i birdie birdie by birdie don't need you anymore it's alex all day now that's fair
Starting point is 00:55:28 no i think he's really cool i like him a lot uh did you play anything else yeah absolutely yeah what you play liam because we started with street fighter with liam yeah exactly i played a game actually like i got a review code for it uh two weeks prior to it coming up but i came out last week called trillian god of destruction how is it uh it's really good it's super legit because you were excited about that game for a while yeah you mentioned it yeah i was really excited for that game and uh the reviews ended up being all across the board i think on metacritic it has like it has a two but it also has a nine like it's it's really nice i love those kind of like uh like alan wake's getting not as bad as alan wake but not as alan wake has what like a 70 something on
Starting point is 00:56:08 metacritic like anyway i don't alan wake uh alan quantum break whatever the fuck it's called sure i i was like i was like i don't correct him i correct him because alan break because you're right yeah because you're right yeah but uh anyway i really like it i think it's like super fucking good it's a jrpg slash like sim management thing which i totally didn't think it would be wait there's a sim aspect there's a slight sim aspect it's pretty light because you won't basically you're only managing one character imagine like part of the game is champ man and you're managing your your your girl okay and you train her up over the weeks and then trillian comes in with a trillian hp and that's why he's called trillian and she's got to go fight him
Starting point is 00:56:52 and she might not come back she might just die she might that might just be the end for her oh and you just got to do that this sounds like and you're going through your friends like hey you got to go up you got to step up now oh shit is that the basic my friends that yeah exactly this sounds like they're not like uh randomly generated characters either it's like eight written characters um and it's it's the characters are like way better written than i expected them to be okay um it's really cool by uh you succeed with your first one you can according to some people you totally can but you're not going to do that on your first your first shot okay uh no way no not without the power of no way no how yeah and is there a benefit to progressing when someone
Starting point is 00:57:35 is lost you have to keep going but like do you get something from it from to make it okay so if a character dies you wasted them right yeah if a character's basically a character has a thing called affection they have hp mp and affection right um so affection is something you build up throughout the sim section whenever the character uses a skill that consumes mp or takes damage before it touches their hp or mp it comes out of their affection okay as long as they have affection remaining they can retreat from the battle with trillion and not die right they can retreat up to three times and the fourth time they can't retreat or maybe it's the third time anyway um if a character runs out of affection they will not retreat they don't want to come back anymore
Starting point is 00:58:23 they're going to fight to the death okay if you let a character die you've wasted them what you want to do is you want to use one of the incredibly powerful finishing moves that kills the character and you can do a lot of cool stuff like you can seal off one of trillion's body parts for the rest of the game uh so there are huge benefits to characters dying unfortunately the character dies and you lose so that sounds like a thematic mix of um it's it's really clever of chp versus dark death evil man and uh soul sacrifice wouldn't you know it same guys as both of those no not the first one yeah exactly i know that this was the one where it was a bunch of niponichi soft software guys who left niponichi software because they weren't getting treated
Starting point is 00:59:05 well yeah and idea factory picked them up and this was their game that they put out that sounds cool what is the song man uh it's just on the veto it's just a veto game it's just on the veto does it play on the veto tv absolutely yay ghost on dying really interesting i'll write chimaru's arms and die yeah yeah basically uh it's it's like actually really interesting even without his arms he's still strong yeah he's ur chimaru he's got i didn't read the manga but i hear he's superman is the Naruto of america is that accurate yes yeah think about it woolly you'd know better than anyone batman and sasuke yeah batman sasuke can't fight that logic his parents are dead yeah there we go we're done uh and i played reasonable six a bunch uh man that campaign
Starting point is 00:59:49 just goes like i'm doing the campaign i played a bit of no mercy and i was like man it's just mercenaries with more enemies but all the enemies have no health so it's like well they had to balance it somewhat yeah exactly it's fun but it's not you can't do the coolest shit you can do to the enemies that have more health mercenaries is still better so i played a bunch of that too but i've been playing a lot of the campaign and man does that bounce rapidly back and forth between like pretty pretty good and awful and and the worst yeah awful like you get you get cool levels like you get the level on the mountain with the snowmobile that level's awesome yeah and you get like the drill fight do you remember the drill fight in jake's things yeah it's like a grand lagon
Starting point is 01:00:28 esk drill fight where two characters have drills that they're flashing against each other and you do this clap it's like the knife fight with with krauser oh kind of and it's a drill it's this drill fight and there's like eight cycles i remember i remember the snowmobile followed by the trudge through the mountain area which is probably my most hated level in that entire yeah the mountain like it just it's constant back and forth it's baffling it's insane how much back and i fully believe if they cut out two thirds of that game and polished up the remainder that game could have been amazing there are major edits you could make to that game and in an alternate universe that's the best action like you remove the entire do you root no yeah no if you remove the entirety of the the
Starting point is 01:01:17 chinese mansion jake segment if you remove like most there's lots of it most of chris's campaign the weapon shop and leon's campaign there's a lot to add add in the new camera options and then still tweak the camera from the oh my god dude you need to take moves away from the enemies yeah like there's so much you need to do wow okay dude the enemies in this game i forgot yeah they need to fucking relax no they're it's ridiculous there's okay so there's these enemies these zombies and leon's campaign they innocuously shoot they spit out generic zombie acid which is that thing they've always done yeah it's a projectile and and that's it it's barely a threat it's usually it's barely a threat exactly bro why'd you barf on me i got to this one bit where this shutter opens right
Starting point is 01:02:06 and you're in this fairly narrow area and out came seven zombies right no problem so two of them are melee types so they come running the other five are all spitting acid at all of them and the problem is they're not all doing it at the same time they're going like one and then so it's a sequence and dude like i took so much damage they actually kind of stun lock they yeah because i was just rolling back and forth and i couldn't shoot i had no moment to shoot a laser so i yeah so i had to turn around and run all the way back down the hallway just so i could fight them properly because it's too narrow if it was a wider hallway you could do a bunch of shit like did you play leon's first level again i've done everyone's chapter one and two because when i played it
Starting point is 01:02:51 previously i did them all one leon's first leon's first level is shockingly terrible yeah it's unbelievably especially on replay it's worse on replay because then you discover that all of that mood setting unskippable cutscene garbage is like 30 minutes long and a bit i forgot about leon's first chapter there's a large section where for no reason you can't run yep you can move it like the the middle speed because it's tense but you can't run it's tense very much shitty that's shitty but then you get to the church in like chapter two and the church is cool and the church you remember you have to hit the buttons yeah the statues but then the catacombs are garbage suck like yeah it bounces i i swear in an alternate universe this is the best action game of all time so let's say
Starting point is 01:03:36 easy let's say i just played mercenaries with jake to do his melee shift you'd have a blast okay you'd realize he only has like seven melee moves he has very few melee attacks you need to use the guns to have fun there's gun katas by the way okay we're like there's a there's a thing called the quick shot yeah where if you press aim and shoot at the same time a character will just shoot at the closest zombie without aiming oh yeah with whatever gun they have so there's a lot of like strategies where you that's where all the money went into the insane breadth of things you can do yeah a team of 150 worked on that quick that that game groans under its own weight yeah it's it's so bad because when you get to the good bits you're like yeah i know it's like there are parts of that game that
Starting point is 01:04:17 was like this is great this is great and then you get to have that fun for about 20 minutes and then the game becomes terrible and not like kind of bad like terrible terrible yeah just terrible i think one of the worst things that i forgot about because it's not applicable to mercenaries yeah in mercenaries you you take damage and you fuck up and you die and you lose a run you waste a run yeah you take a glancing hit it doesn't matter because you're gonna restart sure 10 minutes in the campaigns in re6 you're taking damage all the fucking all the time that all the time there are there are there's an enemy type that does like like inaccurate shooting but instead of giving you a timer until the real hit they just constantly drain your hp slightly by looking at
Starting point is 01:04:59 you yeah so like in in jake and chris's campaign you're always taking a little bit of damage and you've just got to fight it it's certain enemy types their vision acts as like a poison status you better not be standing there okay like like because they're gonna be shooting all like shitty versions of the winter lanterns uh that's that's the blood-borne enemy you're thinking but yeah it's blood-borne enemy that's called a winter lantern yeah okay like oh and and then in leon's campaign there's the the zombie bodies on the ground who get up and grab you like so fucking fast you are just constantly taking damage and it's really like it's you know it's one of those things where like you don't want a game you actually don't want a game to be too difficult and that's a part of
Starting point is 01:05:45 this game that i think is like a real flaw that i forgot about is you take so much damage you take so many glancing hits all the time it's really not enjoyable to have to heal like every other minute and in mercenaries you omit that completely because you're restarting constantly i'm not i'm not healing because the boss hit me because the single enemy boss with your movement capabilities is actually easy to dodge i'm healing because of the hundred glancing blows i took from enemies i couldn't see or who shot me from off screen yeah enemies off screen getting you is a thing that happens there's no there's no dmc style audio cue there's i mean there's audio cues but it's actually something you might not know about this game is you regularly face groups of seven or more
Starting point is 01:06:27 enemies you face large there are it's actually really impressive the the quantities of enemies they throw at you sometimes even on the last gen versions uh it's it's actually really neat in that regard just another reason why it would be the best action game of all time if not for all the parts that were just horrible there's so many cool bits but man that i've never played a game where i looked at it and said if you just removed two thirds of this game two thirds of this game it would be a better and there's a lot in there yeah there's a that'd still be a 12 hour game yeah leon's first chapter you go through like five different environments and then never come back ever ever it's and you're and you don't even play in most of those environments i've i've never
Starting point is 01:07:09 they're fancy real-time cutscenes i've never seen a game with so much unique environmental stuff it's it's insane wasted yeah they should put that money into dragon's dogman that's what they should have done yeah well uh anything else come to mind that's enough okay speaking of well i'd like our mercenaries are still tremendous and i completely recommend that because uh i mean the the sound of a game being crushed under its own weight dude it's kind of amazing is is not is very similar to another story that we heard this week oh if any of us checked out the final fantasy 15 uncovered oh uh before we continue i just want to mention i bet there's a few people that are slightly confused that we didn't talk about pooper man versus buttface yeah uh we're
Starting point is 01:07:57 saving that till the end of this week's podcast all three of us have seen it so we're gonna do a spoiler cast for uh don of justice at the end of this podcast so look look forward to the that should be good look forward to that sorry uh sorry will be uh please continue so yeah uh final fantasy 15 unveils itself it uncovers itself it reveals its naughty bits and its naughty bits are huge good event as a even even so they had 15 announcements which is great uh final fantasy even though like five of the announcements were leaked and i saw them ahead of time they still had 10 more there were still 10 more yeah i was kind of blown away and like they didn't even announce the pc version as one of them which is like inevitably well because that'll come like a
Starting point is 01:08:47 year or two later probably announcement announcements are the worst things ever they're awful and i hate them in principle the only thing worse than them is the trailer to the announcement of the teaser that's pretty bad too i don't even remember the last time we got kujima's oh yeah but that being said good job square yeah that was a good event you announced a lot of stuff a lot of information that actually made it worth the time i hope we can get that car yeah okay yeah so you have the do you have a list uh i have the notables i was about to say do you run us down the notable yeah go down the notables yeah so um one stand by me is the theme that's the theme when you're not strong apparently that um movie is quite famous or that song is quite
Starting point is 01:09:33 famous in japan as well so i actually didn't know that is a famous song i bet it's easy to sing in karaoke uh so uh here we go we have our western final fantasy theme song um it's for japan too yeah okay yeah stand by me composed by yes but it's oh masu it's not it's not sutechi it's not a japanese song no exactly it's not eyes on me um so there's that when you get down to it it's going to sell so much more and and everywhere but asia so we have justice monsters five the mini game moba gay we got we got some cool confirmation on that actually today uh where yes you are intended to play that on your phone and transfer stuff back and forth between the main game and your phone if you choose to play it at all and the the possible hint of a pc port possibly uh well i wouldn't
Starting point is 01:10:19 call it a hint it was a weird interview where he was like hey are you guys making a pc version he's like well we're not making one right now but we we could maybe maybe if you want which is like they'll make one two years after it comes out i think his answer is like actually like don't you have a smartphone hold up your blank yeah no hold up your blank as if you want a pc port hold up my blanket we've got the anime series five episodes long that was released that night uh on how six episodes long there's a sixth one that's only included in the amazing collectors edition that you can't buy anymore so you're gonna have to i'm sure that'll get out somehow on your on your totally sourcing website totally legit anime website it's basically making the band how the
Starting point is 01:11:10 boy band got together the first episodes out and on youtube they're already at over 1.5 million is it like free i'm uh it's a lot it's a that would be cool though they played a lot straighter than free for sure yeah how could you play a lot less cheesecake is it like making the band or pop stars canada basic well it's it's literally just like a prologue basically okay it is dylan in there and does he spit hot fire dylan dylan dylan he's from granada i know i don't know that's chappelle man but um then of course we have king's glaze which is fun to say glaze uh that means like a spear this is an animated movie featuring all the warriors um we got at least at the very least we have cersei we've got jesse pinkman and we've got shan bean uh so i love how two of those
Starting point is 01:12:05 people got roles and one person got their actor name shan bean doesn't play characters shan bean play well you know how you know right because he's dead he's actually he's actually a living skeleton that's it regis is gonna die that's just like now that shan bean is playing him uh yeah so we get to find out about uh noctis's daddy so really weird thing i don't like about that actually because i'm keen to see the movie but uh luna cersei's character and regis uh shan bean's character have different face models to reflect their actor in the movie yeah and also have different voice actors in the game yeah weird very weird to the point that i really don't like that i'm still gonna watch it i'm still gonna play it feels like it feels like we went for star power
Starting point is 01:12:52 uh i wish they would have just used the same face models and actors i one of the other i i bet one i bet one way i bet they went for star power and we're like hey can we get your faces in the in the game they're like no no you can't and we know why well no because those faces those faces existed for those faces existed between before before jesse pinkman no i mean i mean they're talking to shan bean like can we get your likeness right for this character and he's like no uh again like this this is a project that came those birthed after all i have no idea both uh personally i think it was a square enix uh europe helmed project because otherwise why are the characters modeled after western i don't know that's a guess on that uh you gotta point there
Starting point is 01:13:41 lily but there's a there's a there's an overall trend that a pattern that you might be starting to see with these announcements here as we're talking about why this kind of thing would be happening uh next you have the platinum demo which is out now yeah it was that which is the key word of that night which is always good out right now everyone loves to hear those words go use um young baby noctis i so i forgot about that did you guys play it i did but i heard it's not much it's uh i think i told you this it's uh just a fucking tech demo right episode desk a is the real demo and episode desk a 2.0 super fun actually i never went back and played how is that it's an improvement how is the performance a little better not hugely better but it's a little better
Starting point is 01:14:22 they added new combat mechanics to desk a 2.0 like straight up does it feel better the new mechanics yes it feels better it is it is a all around improvement okay um but like platinum demo did you play it pat it's it's just a fucking tech dent like it's super it's like a single encounter or what there's there's like four or five environments but the main thing that will tip you off is there are buttons all over the floor hey you press this button look the lighting changed in real oh wow wow you press this button oh it's raining now that's a tech you press this button noctis has transformed into a car that's like an internal like vertical slice that they put out that's weird no it's um it's fun content it is enjoyable oh i don't doubt it but that's like
Starting point is 01:15:07 you never get that it should anymore super tech demo territory uh it is fun though everyone's gonna play it because you get free shit yeah you got your car buckle yeah i'm in a very weird place with ff 15 because you were just mentioning a bunch of names and i don't know who any of those people are i don't know anything about this game at all um which is weird because i've been following its development you know their faces well i i know but i mean like i don't know anything about the plot i don't think about that but that's good so and it is good but it's just it's weird and i was surprising yeah i was overwhelmed with a feeling um because this was happening while i was playing ff 14 i talked to a bunch of people who play a file fantasy game i was like who cares right now
Starting point is 01:15:46 and a lot of people's reactions were i stopped caring eight years ago and i can see that being a problem the feeling of that trailer was that there's gonna be so many hours of content that nothing could possibly be spoiled anyway yeah um guess what i watched that trailer at the end and i care one of them died so one of them is gonna die there it'll be knocked us i bet all five of them are gonna die and then they'll become a giant magical girl the thing that i always assumed up until this point i guess was that it was still somehow secretly an atb based game in some way i didn't think it was full blown action no we don't care and it's and it's like 60 there yeah it's baby action from what you described yeah it's baby action but it's not at all never play
Starting point is 01:16:36 king of hearts games anymore yeah king of hearts exactly right um that's how numera designs his games the main rpg elements is you're still doing meter management because your defense is pretty intimately tied to your mp so you've still got it like thread assessment meter and you gain levels and stuff but dodging and attacking moments and air comboing a little bit even though it's automatic a little bit yeah and a little bit of a weapon switch thing you were telling me you can weapon switch at any time in any combo yeah a little team up moments that happen i really really hope this game turns out well and does well because they are pouring the money into it and we're gonna get there we're gonna get it's gonna do well like that's not a question well whether it's gonna do well enough
Starting point is 01:17:13 is another question that's the question it's gonna do very well we've got more bullet points more bullet points to see are these bullet points scale is so heavy right now uh we've got the announcement that was leaked from game spot which is the uh the release date which is september yeah way to go game spot shocker so it's this year yeah uh november no september it's in it's in the running for that little cheeky little cheeky sets or slot machine yeah if it's it if it's in the game if it's if it's a good game and it's in the running for game of the year this year yep um it's got uh a normal collector's edition and then a stupid fuck you go fuck yourself no it doesn't not anymore doesn't anymore that's 800 dollars well and it's gone well now it's talking about the
Starting point is 01:17:54 regular scalper sweatshirt now then there's you can get the regular one if you want a steel book plaguing your shelf um or you've got your ultimate collectors which no you don't no you don't 800 dollars and it's one of 30 000 so which means scalpers own all of them right now yeah amiibo amiibo levels yeah i can't remember if um if the regular special edition comes with king's glaive on blu-ray i think it does so i'd like to get that one just to have the blu-ray of king's actually you know what no i want to see the movie first to see if it's worth having a there you go hey you want i uh i got i got a copy of um fuck what was it called last order if you want last order's all right wonderful i didn't last order i didn't care for it all right i didn't care for it
Starting point is 01:18:38 um what's cool is that instead of giving you like a a dumb little plastic crap thing it's at least a play art sky figure dude player it's guys suck no the the metal gear ones were were decent they were decent like but players guys kind of suck though the stuff that matt has in your face lose it i was looking at was was you got served well he has like the predator right he has the predator he's got everything that's like not human is is generally fine like uh sam gideon looks great except for i'm happy with myself damn let's go get a fire extinguisher for that six burn that i broke but um yeah yeah they're well it's better than viper plastic of course oh yeah snokes and whatever resin that was made of sand globe re5 sand you know what i mean yeah that was
Starting point is 01:19:27 bad so there's that uh thanks again drew book blu-ray yeah uh brotherhood anime and king's wave special soundtrack dlc worth it for the discs in the art book but the cover of and the soundtrack yeah right uh yeah so that's just crazy that's 269 us which was well it was was yeah well and the worst bit about it was it was square next door exclusive which is which is just go fuck yourself yep go dude when i was getting draken guard three special edition off that store which was the only way it go fuck yourself levels of shipping hey who wants to buy something that uses digital river hey i can't wait for near to come out again so i can suffer here's here's here's here's the deal right process i use the square next door because i bought ff 14 from them digitally right right yeah
Starting point is 01:20:17 that store on its own the store part is fine i guess it's a little weird that it's so it more so limited yeah but fine but when you and then it's not just them band i namco uses digital river it's like digital river is satan yeah they are dude the worst when i worked at thq they're the worst when i worked at thq because we weren't getting copies in qa owned i pre-ordered a copy of dark ciders too because i wanted to have it you're like i want to get this game that i've worked on i received it not only after it came out but after thq didn't exist anymore nice man digital river for a company that specializes in orders and shipping is really bad it it makes me it makes me confused what as to why so many of these game public like publishers used to draw probably
Starting point is 01:21:14 because they handle yeah probably because the rates good and they handle everything but every every every time every time you see like oh my fucking copy didn't ship from the capcom store or what have you you always go i wonder if that store uses yeah it does every fucking time 100% of the time yeah so if you really want something from those stores and you pre-ordered it get ready to also buy a digital version one day one or else you're not playing it you're not fucking i'm lucky to be freed from the concerns of the physical copy and no longer care anymore you've uploaded your head through a usb device yeah yeah sorry to interrupt you these are the no no these are the contents that hang on one side of the scale okay what's the other side of the
Starting point is 01:21:58 scale really huge thick crazy because that's a lot of that's a lot of stuff that people are making and they've been working on this game for years and they have huge teams on what's on the what's on what's on what's on the other side well a decade of debt and 10 million units so he did say this is the team's goal and is not a financial he did correct himself which is good to know however yeah 10 million we know we know we know there's a lot that game's been fucking we also know that game's been in development for less than 10 years eight seven but anyway yeah okay hold on hold on are you counting the version that's not even really a version that they had to start over that that was literally just a cg trailer and nothing else
Starting point is 01:22:44 the programming they did it then at which point they're like oh that they can't do that no because that's like four programmers in a room okay like a skeleton okay so you count that okay because there was there was yeah there was basically like perhaps two restarts that we know of how many more that we don't yeah um oh my god can they actually like is yeah is it gonna be able to make a profit in the first realistic couple of years if if any game can it's this one to to say the least if any game can do let me let 10 million that's not assassin's creed or called let me let me let me put it to you this way dragon's dogma made its money back and dragon's dogma by all counts they said they wanted to sell 10 million was a disaster for how much money capcom put into it didn't they
Starting point is 01:23:38 literally say they wanted to sell 10 million this is our most expensive game ever yeah we're planning on selling 10 million units and they sold most of those in the west and they sold like one and a half they have they have to date sold like 1.1 million for the the what uh the the the console versions and the pc version they just re-released actually did like stupid well i did really well i think it outpaced the original ones easily yeah um but like dragon's dogma the the good word of mouth helps a lot yeah but dragon's dogma a game that appeals to no one apparently not right not well you know what i mean not in a post dark souls world right i won't um that that game made its money back final fantasy for as as long on the tooth this final fantasy is and as diminished
Starting point is 01:24:20 as that brand is and all that it's still a final fantasy game as and as diminished as that brand is 13 still did 7 million yeah uh 13 2 still did 3 and a half and lightning return still did 3.2 before pc releases and those games are bad yeah those games are generally regarded as a war and a joke yeah so yeah um and and well yeah 14 not not a real reborn 14 not withstanding yeah it's got some more unique circumstances to be very unique circumstance the only game to ever do uh 10 10 lifetime is not impossible if no it's gonna happen um it's but 10 lifetime i i can easily see that being reasonable especially if they do a pc port a year or two later yeah but but like within like this generation like within this relative within this generation yes i think it's
Starting point is 01:25:19 doable but i think it's doable but tight because that's like set the world on fire levels like i don't i don't think this game is going to make its money back but i think it'll make enough of its money back that like buildings aren't going to be sold off they already broke the glass on ff7 yeah i know and realm reborn is doing its thing yeah so after a string of failures they they're going they're going fucking emergency mode on final fantasy and doing all the things the other the other thing i guess is like how much like how much excitement can i feel for this game when i'm i'm just a hundred times more excited for seven what doesn't matter if you're excited or not if you bought it that's it it's that yeah it's yeah oh oh that's strong you just need 10 million people to
Starting point is 01:26:01 buy it it hurts but it's strong also it's also that far away yeah so like i mean i guess there's like there's a few like important metrics here like they're not working they're not looking for 10 million 60 dollars you know 10 million units sold or any number of million units sold is never like we want that many times 60 even ea with dead space three they were very clear to say it's not about the money it's about seeing the audience growth seeing that kind of stuff and like it's worth noting as well that i think the highest selling final fantasy of ff7 which did about seven million i'm not sure if that includes the psn and pc releases i believe it does not yeah because those have undeniably done well it's like
Starting point is 01:26:45 the highest rated ps1 game on ps3 and yes um i feel like every game uh possibly with the exception of nine was a clear conscious effort to like you know surpass seven uh hopefully but i feel like this is the only time where it's like so much fucking weight has been thrown at it that has to like as far as i know none of them have been in development hell anywhere near this kind of thing even 14 that was a disaster it came out and it came out on time and then they fixed it and then they came out again and then it came out again on time yeah and like 13 got delayed by like what a year and a half two years yeah who cares that this game is like this game is like seven this game is this is this is the japanese dude uh one of the one of the all-time greatest uh ceo kaz her
Starting point is 01:27:36 eye tweets have ever seen was a photo of carbunkle stating that if you delay a game long enough i guess it automatically turns into the last guardian yeah um but i don't know i think i think they can probably like safely like i'm sure it'll be fine there's like tens of millions of kids threes and xbox ones i think they can easily do like four plus five plus million just on current gen yeah i think when the pc version hits six to six months to a year it'll it'll kick in 600 000 to a million something like that that's and and then as the price drops over time the inevitable people will pick it up here and then when you combine it with the inevitable well that's it inevitable digital sales of the movie of the anime after i'm sure they're gonna sell a disc because they can uh what's the
Starting point is 01:28:26 the mobile game called again uh whatever we gotta get that japanese anime money that has that surely has a gacha system in it and just just as much as five just as much as five and square annex has a lot of experience with hits in in japan for mobile games that can you know i'm sure you've heard can do like up to a million dollars a day so hyper success i guess i guess i guess my takeaway feeling here is that like i'm finally glad that it'll be over one way or the other like i'm sure it'll be good but like i'm excited to look forward to final fantasy not being like this hilarious clusterfuck of development i think what i'm genuinely most excited for is the next game this team makes yeah so that i feel bad but like what i'm most excited for is to go onto a normal
Starting point is 01:29:13 development cycle and getting excited for ff 16 yeah because like like tabata has been very successful with all the games he's he's launched um and in all we got a lot of really great interviews with him over the past few days actually he's spelled a lot of beans and like when he was talking about someone asked him how would would you do with the development team and he basically said well i threw them in the trash and i i made a new development team like i'm excited to see what this new development team can do that's very un-Japanese of him yeah exactly to tell people that yeah you know how fucking desperate the things got man yeah um well yoshi p was talking just as bluntly when he when he's like everyone in the old dev team didn't listen to me when i told them it was garbage
Starting point is 01:29:55 and it was garbage so here we go with yoshi p vision yeah and i mean like by all odds like they probably just kept the art and rebuilt the game from the ground up yep and all we're seeing here is a game with a regular three-year development three four-year development cycle you know what i mean mental gear rising we'll never know what it was like never it was probably shit probably was probably probably shit really good at cutting a watermelon though yeah why was it um my guess and my last thing i was gonna i want to say on it is just uh that it's like the it wouldn't hit that number that they're aiming for with the initial release of the game but whatever 15 plus version comes out afterwards yeah might be able to do sure totally i think a big part of it is uh
Starting point is 01:30:36 is just going to be the quality yep if it comes out and the game is abysmal uh even though which is kind of impossible but yeah you know i get like too much money the worst it can be is mediocre is mediocre yeah i get the sentiment it's going to land somewhere in the low 80 region yeah um but it'll be big so it'll be a high value yeah but i mean like again like 13 2 and lightning returns still managed to do over 3 million sales barf like square nix is really good at marketing games yep they make good trailers no matter yeah they boy do they no matter how you slice it they're really good except for that one ff 15 trailer that was just it noctis's dad holding him and crying that was awful oh that was the one that was uh at the was that at the end of dusk no i don't
Starting point is 01:31:22 know i can't remember they released it at at some event yeah it was it was just awful yeah yeah people didn't like that nope nope the first one of him in the throne was pretty dope edgy that was like 15 i know okay okay exactly so i think i i think i told woolly but right when they announced ff 15 uh i decided to go look up final fantasy versus 13 am v's yeah and it is baffling how many people made am v's with the same 13 minute pool of footage without cutting anything there are am v's with the same song that have the same bits of footage that line up it is baffling there are thousands of those motherfuckers out there the am v community will do anything with anything dude you gotta check they are ravenous you can open three of them up in different windows and look
Starting point is 01:32:10 at them progress side by side when you've got a decade to kill shit's gonna go cannibal on you that scene is gonna start eating itself um so yeah that's that's that's the huge big thing and you know what uh yeah hope everything works out a lot of announcements yeah i would be i would be very happy to play a really good final fantasy the event itself got a little bit it's not gonna be this one got a little bit cringy at times with with people on stage yeah whatever the announcements were good um so we also have uh the news that a neo demo is coming for a limited time only yeah which is fantastic if you in english too if you want to you don't need a japanese account you can only do this from april 26th to may 5th so beta testing they said it was they said it was
Starting point is 01:32:53 representative of the alpha build okay so what's with the window though it's not like it's like got online shit they did this but they did this before with uh tokidan in japan uh where the very first demo for it when it was crap uh only came out for like two weeks or something and then they put out a new demo like a few months later this demo so good you won't even need the main game i think they're probably doing the same thing because with with uh tokidan they really took people's opinions into accounts and between the the the two demos and the final release it made huge so it's quite possible that it's actually a mass scale focus test so i yeah that's what i think i think they're doing the same thing which i think is a really cool way to develop your game yeah definitely
Starting point is 01:33:32 they did it with uh square next to it with bravely default as well we didn't see it here yeah i know but in japan it had four demos where they improved it just kick it out and see how how loud they yell about whatever exactly these battles are slow as fuck yeah either way i'm so happy to see that it's coming out like i don't need to play it in japanese it's gonna be in all the all the regions of the playstation store makes me excited for tokidan stuff yeah oh dude if they do tokidan two demos like this damn well you gotta play that game i want to hear what monster hunter i want to hear what hunting fans in the west think about this mechanic yeah uh the other date we got was june 28th for star ocean integrity and faithlessness uh so if you that game good if you feel like it's
Starting point is 01:34:16 good just came out in japan oh my god a good star ocean game are you for real yeah no seriously it'll be the second one ackee man right in there um it's uh it's it's cool right because it's been a while well the game no the game's good okay the game is good it's out in japan i was reading a lot of opinions on it because i was like i gotta know uh the game is good and when was the last time we got a big japanese rpg that was really like anime style like that that was good that was good those don't exist anymore uh ones no on ps2 you got tons of them because that was the triple a standard i'm sure i'm sure people i'm sure people would argue that tales of asperia was good or one of those hysteria one of them one of them right i didn't like it some people probably some
Starting point is 01:35:05 people really liked um ninokuni i but is that it's been a minute that's been years like wow congrats you finally made a second good star ocean game ah the first two are good the first one is is fine the first two words it's really like three where you have to stop talking basically and like the worst bit is three is like fine and then it just and then four is abysmal but three tanks in every respect too like not just the story like it starts to become super boring and shitty too and then you're laughing at four four is so bad there's a joke four is so bad i didn't even like get to the embarrassing shit no meaning because the gameplay is just so godawful it's not enjoyable at all snappy time with edgy guys yeah so uh yeah it's no infinite on discovery i tell you
Starting point is 01:35:52 that that i that subtitle though i love that so good integrity that's what i was faithless that's what i was gonna say got the words man you got some good words trademark those words now no one else can use them yeah we can't say i'm anymore flow rhythm gangsta integrity whoopsie do it star ocean six hustle and flow yeah hey i'm hustle this is flow we're gonna have space adventures in the hood i like it i like it any i like names with ampersands in them yeah yeah um we also have what do we got what do we got what do we got the prologue intro cut scene for star fox zero uh explaining the backstory and doing all that jazz okay it's coming out relatively soon yeah it is april april something it's i it's so weird i bet it's not as cool as hyper light
Starting point is 01:36:40 drifters they replaced fox's voice actor with a guy that sounds really similar but not the same and it's just like i don't know man how much dialogue or falcos fox oh i don't know man how much dialogue did fox ever even speak in those original games is it the same one from smash four uh it doesn't sound like it okay because in smash four his voice changed from previous smash games yeah but what actually happened was they got the original voice actor just he doesn't sound like the smash guy so oh because in my head star fox 64 and uh star fox adventures is the fox voice that i'm used to hearing yes i think they got and that guy's clearly not here i'm probably bungling it all up but i think they got the 64 guy to do smash four and a lot of people were like whoa he's
Starting point is 01:37:28 really different from how he was in brawl and melee i might be wrong so i'm not i'm i'm curious to hear who it is in zero yeah this whole intro is just it's all narrated by him giving you the full backstory and um yeah no it seems fine but it's just a little weird it's like like he's so close why not just go for maybe that guy is dead man maybe i'm uh like who knows i'm straight up not gonna watch it like i'm holding out hope that this is a bit more of a platinum game than we might think it is we already know we already know that time travel is a thing yeah but if it wasn't a retelling of the story i would have been like yeah hold all keep it all spoiler free well that's because we know most of it anyway yeah but time travel is confirmed like that's different from
Starting point is 01:38:13 the old yeah you know so i'm really holding out hope that at at the last minute it's gonna turn it up to an 11 uh who knows it might not but uh i'm really holding out hope um we've got a first look at like bloodstain alpha footage and not i'm like direct footage that is yeah because when it's the first half of that trailer was him playing on the water where you squint you squint at the fucking thumbnail damn it stop with this fucking japanese method of like we're not ready yet over the shoulder over the shoulder yeah cell phone footage that we released ourselves officially potato quality god you know but then you take a look and it's like yeah all right yeah they actually do zoom it up on the screen so you get a nice look at it that you know what it makes me feel good
Starting point is 01:38:56 the timing of her animations is super super Castlevania it looks like all of the titles he worked on in so many respects she has a kick too it's really cool yeah and then goes to the knee and then she yeah exactly are you telling me the bloodstain shares a passing visual similarity to Castlevania i'm saying that is the three times of the animations is identical pretty much identical yeah what that's great though that's crazy it looks really good um i haven't seen it i'll take your word for it yeah well i don't doubt that at all i'm really excited when i saw it it made me wish there was this kind of footage for all the previous games you know like this kind of super early alpha stuff but you know who's another badass female protagonist uh fighter
Starting point is 01:39:41 character uh sheva sheva alomar didoji didoji yeah oh my god did you have you ever seen didoji before no i knew that there was a senran kagura okay yeah but i didn't really know and then i saw this dude did you did you see her senran kagura art before her redesign yes i did when okay when the news came out i was like that's fucking awesome and when i saw the redesign art like holy shit she looks amazing that looks so fucking cool so it's a character from senran kagura didoji who's like the akuma of senran kagura well she looks like a girl and she's got like six pack abs oh i've seen i've seen that girl bansho and uh basically lady judo or yeah bond and uh she's being added to uppers uh as a dlc character which is fucking sick i am all about
Starting point is 01:40:37 that life it's super sick oh god yeah that's what spurred me to try and get my japanese account oh because you saw didoji because i saw that and i was like okay no wait hold on she looks did you see the little trailer with her like i did she looks really good in this one yeah um that is my absolute favorite character that i've seen uh in the game so far yeah the guest character by a country fucking mile she looks really good so i don't even blame you check that out if you have any interest i really hope we get a really like nice big uh shot of that uh redesign art of her by uh what's this fucking name that we can never remember it's not you guys are you guys are bad at hero ackee hero ackee yeah because i would love a big shot of that art we've been talking japanese artist names
Starting point is 01:41:20 recently a lot and you're quite bad at it we are there's a lot of them dude we confuse them there's a lot of them out there most people can they all and they all use the same like nine like uh there's a ki somewhere in that name they all use the same 26 letters so that's crazy um so i was i was talking about it uh with my girlfriend actually because like she's seen both the demos and i've played both the demos and like i was i was trying to look at like what they've been improving over the last few months because you remember they delayed it because their numbers were so bad and like there's a bunch of minor improvements in the demo because they put out a new demo and it's it's it's a little bit better and i was wondering for uh didoji being in the game i assumed she was just going to be a
Starting point is 01:42:05 dlc character anyway and they're just kind of like advancing her to launch time or something because i was when you look at the footage she has a complete character model she has a a gorgeous redesign like she seems so far in the in development because the game was delayed and like the time the time the extra time could have pushed that up the game was delayed in like march yeah so it's only been a month or it was delayed in february or whatever it was you remember entirely possible that yeah it just overlapped with that window yeah so i'm i'm keen to see what other stuff they have planned to push it since now it's coming out in like july or whatever so she looks fucking sick yeah god uh so we've got that um we've got somehow for some reason guilty
Starting point is 01:42:46 gear two overture just showed up on steve yeah diskay needs money badly this is the moba you've never played not that money yeah i don't want that money this is the moba you've ever dirty guilty gear two money so go play this moba irresponsible money oh man you know i can't believe they let me make this are we gonna do a video of this now i guess we have to we have to i really don't want to play that game i know you don't want to play mobas on the channel like i saw it got i saw it popped up and went fuck we have that game that game is trash no but it's the true continuation of the year you want to find out all about the backyard i gave up that's what killed my desire to follow guilty gear story that i would have to play that garbage and uh that game is trash i still
Starting point is 01:43:34 can't believe that it is the definitive two here's the thing here's the thing there's a there's hours of story i know i know and you need it and i had a friend of mine explain i had a friend of mine who bought the japanese version because he's so into guilty gear explain the entire story to me and but like since i didn't play it i couldn't retain it right and i was like oh that seems cool not worth playing that piece of shit yeah that game sucks that is sub chaos legion levels of quality so the fortunate thing is this release will hopefully hopefully prompt some do it or to fix this game yeah now that might be by adding nice by adding native cheat and engine support and just making you know i i would i would love for someone out there who
Starting point is 01:44:17 is listening to this podcast to go grab the game and make a fan patch for it that makes it good but how invested are you in ishi towari's account right because this is what you're diving into basically you're diving into the the writings of one man and his perfect world in all of his stories i'm invested i'm not i'm not invested anymore i care no all right i just want to see cool vampire witch girls that have well he cares and now he can care in 4k so there we go speaking of uh investments um so can i can i just ask real quick because we're kind of close to fighting games did you see that thing about neo g that i sent you i did neo g is now working for snk crazy that's fucked up dude despite having a name that implied for years
Starting point is 01:45:03 that you might actually work for snk he did not he was the battle planner on every capcom fighting game that was worth a damn and some of the bad ones too yeah i think his last one was ultimate marvel 3 oh yeah yeah and uh if if yeah if you were wondering if snk is making more fighting games here you go there you go they hired him promising very promising very yeah because he's because capcom will get by without this person yeah but snk could use some good fighting game staff because they bled them out for a while yeah he bats like a 9.0 so yeah i don't think i really don't think you understand baseball steps point point nine hundred i think i think like a 9.0 would mean they make like 9 000 percent no because if you bat point seven five oh that means you you hit three out of four
Starting point is 01:45:52 yeah so a 9.0 would be like they hit nine hundred no it yeah they hit nine out of ten every time they get pitched you miss one no no a no dude batting averages are point something okay so by adding the whole number before then yeah you're saying that they hit multiple times per pitch okay i don't get it at all yeah anyway he's doing pretty good yeah if you hit if you hit a batting average of nine you're bat you're hitting like nine hundred four balls that are being pitched okay okay no like nine hundred percent more it's some shit like that like like like rival schools like yeah my show was special was coming at you oh man that's high praise saying he has a 9.0 batting average that good
Starting point is 01:46:55 he's that good i think what you meant to say was yes an oh nine batting average i said point first oh did you say i said point because i heard nine point no i said so please be excited for king of the monster my bad my bad also did you see that april fools oh okay so we'll wait what okay because uh we'll get there but sure sure um the other thing about neo g was uh that name like that oh yeah no with snk's with snk's fighting um future go watch super buddy hops neo geo video it's very good yeah and i can't handle some of his opinions unlike most of his videos oh no he did some he did some research and he actually did some work great and like had to get some sources about the pachinko industry that were like unrelated i i absolutely i absolutely adore talking to bunny
Starting point is 01:47:44 off when he's i didn't get to talk to him for this one but i did get to talk to him before he did his old pachinko one yeah or he's like hey do you know anything about pachinko because you keep guys keep mentioning this like no we know it's like okay who do you do you know who i could talk to about that no do you know no sorry okay just go out into the fucking world and he found it and he finds it got his sonic video is good i love his sonic video it's great uh yeah so there's that um we have saying speaking of investments uh we are hearing that wb is investing more into suicide squad to reshoot to get some jokes in this is worrying because apparently the levity that was absent in this is worrying uh the few jokes that were there were the moments that people
Starting point is 01:48:32 liked so the specific quote that i'm seeing here is that like every joke in that suicide squad trailer is every joke in the entire movie and and for them saying like people like that trailer let's go let's go reshoot the movie to be more like that right that's don't people love that trailer there are you're right there are people out there who did love it and everyone was like getting mad because they're like the tone is perfect and it's like except apparently now that was every this is worrying because they would have to reshoot a lot when it went to completely change the tone of when is this movie supposed to come out i don't know i don't know anything sometimes soon probably i don't know enough about movies probably like late summer i
Starting point is 01:49:15 imagine like just um yeah so it almost kind of like like plague was saying it's like i hope it tanks out of spite now because you're putting more comedy in i'm like look i don't i don't want it to tank but um this is going to be a piece of a canon that is also going to affect bat flex movie yeah and it's all related and bat flex movie can be saved by bat flex by bat flex yeah so please don't damage that even more just that movie could legitimately not go let it be let it be it might be okay um but i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna quote the subreddit here uh entirely and say that dr strange set photos make the movie look a thousand times all looks goofy then batman versus superman looks super good screenshot or him and his buddies running downtown yeah laughing a blast
Starting point is 01:50:04 it's it's it's been a been a cummerbund benedict cumberbunds look cucumber man salad fingers codger bottom uh and his larping crew like just running through the streets and it looks fantastic it looks so fucking stupid i love it i love it i want to see the i of agamotto it's so dumb i hope they play dr strange like just dumb and gonzo is like venture brothers level stupid because dr strange is weird that's so not him though it's not going to be venture brothers at all he's a serious he's a serious yeah i know it's it's going to be it's going to be like likely if they go for the tone it's going to be like you know tales of suspense and no benny cucumber come on um um remember he's like fighting a cthulhu figure like okay yeah yeah no it's not
Starting point is 01:50:47 dormammu at least um it could be drum i don't care for dormammu it could be dormammu or shumagorath i hope i wish you saw it was shumagorath it could be it could be the dumbest shit in the world dormammu is an emissary of shumagorath i'm not mistaken anything's it's possible it's possible i would absolutely love though uh it to be like 80s pulp that'd be uh like sci-fi that'd be really fun um shumagorath and his is major motion picture debut or her i don't know it it yeah yeah that makes more sense chaos dimension yeah uh we've got uh also related to uh the dc universe the like finally everything's going great over there well well here's the thing right for the cinematic universe that's one thing yeah the animated universe there's another thing and yeah and now
Starting point is 01:51:36 we got the killing joke being animated and that is the fucking best because that's been a long time come dude that's it and and everybody who you want to make it is making it right dark night returns killing joke batman year one that's that's good shit see this is this is the greatest part see i don't even need to read comics i just wait for them to get remade in these better formats like 30 years after the fact yeah yeah it's it's the same thing you do at rose evil games absolutely no i don't i don't i the different no you're wrong because i never touch recent evil games the difference is really when you think i'm gonna read a batman comic well i mean now that i've completed the resident evil uh chronology by playing dark side chronicles and uh
Starting point is 01:52:17 umbrella chronicle chronicles there's nothing else just like there's no reason to go back just like i'll have done everything that ever needed to be done in batman by watching the movies and read it and watching these animated well i mean you're right the the difference is that because there is a difference um the difference is like you know it's a different media honestly you get the different quirks that come along with it but ultimately the rail shooters are objectively better than the previous iteration okay all right that's the difference that you know what you know what Liam that's the chronicles Liam right there i'm gonna give you a a hearty thumbs up for the build up that strong build up and you should feel good about it i do feel quite good about it
Starting point is 01:53:03 stroke you got me you totally you totally got me we'll never change the tune such an ass never well you heat you guys don't like good games so it's fine yeah i know exactly resident evil sex is a masterpiece um and another universe is the best game ever made oh god so speaking of master speaking of masterpieces speaking of masterpieces there's a lot of april fools roundups we can do yeah but in my opinion there's only one that matters only one there's one that takes it and i don't know if you have on your favorite pick let me open up uh gimatsu has an amazing roundup of them uh there's there's a quite a roundup my personal favorite like should we just go for each of our favorites let's go for our personal favorite
Starting point is 01:53:47 my favorite was uh cd proyec announcing uh yeah the the roach dlc in which they showed off the mocap sessions for all of the bug creation for roach and your horse by who's the horse and they they talked to a shadowy figure saying the game was so realistic it was causing motion sickness so we created the department of bug creation that just worked hard and hard and hard until release and they just really take the piss out of themselves and is that a real piece of dlc or no no but they use a clip which what i'm going to assume is from the dlc which is going to be uh garrell is drunk or high or something yeah and the horse talks to you did you have a favorite um there were a couple i only just got to the link i i enjoy i always enjoy seeing live action footage
Starting point is 01:54:34 of the idos montreal office yeah that's fun for their various antics um the uh the uppers one was pretty good um opi's opi's like hey how do you save uppers you just change them all the girls with big boobs that yeah that'll work but uh uh sega's big fishing adventure three or big's big fishing adventure three the trial that's that's a content that one was really self aware yeah uh hearthstone the mmo was really good uh patch notes for world of warcraft are always amazing opi's probably opi's i'm just looking at them and i'm like what's your favorite king of the monsters the movie was really good yeah there's a king of the monsters what's your favorite to me the absolute standout winner was hamburger helper i didn't see this i didn't see hamburger helper
Starting point is 01:55:22 released a rap album shut your mouth play it no play it play it for me it's good oh good it's a legit album did they hire anyone or they got a bunch of people no no like no big names no no huge names but it's a real album we're gonna do this and it's legit we're gonna do it big nice i don't know what else to say but go listen to the hamburger helper album someone's really dedicated to their april fools gag oh my god to go over the fucking expense of mixing an album it's not a joke track yeah i know i know it's an album it's a joke how many tracks five are they themed like they're all about hamburger helper the first one is called watch the stove that's great dude this is a legit album that's really great um i yeah so and i'm like all i can say is if you haven't heard that
Starting point is 01:56:15 wait till the end of this podcast you'll probably hear at least some of it don't do it oh my god the first results are mix tape rap watch the stove dude it's on soundcloud hamburger helper pushing its clear its ground swell all right mix tape rap watch the stove soundcloud like it those are the first results it's there and it's fucking powerful that's oh there's a story behind it so uh notable runners up uh yeah you got big the cat uh you got the dark souls the movie dark souls through the movie um animated uh this is basically just trailer for the game but done in like a pulp or 80 style yeah kind of fun crazy gigantic massive spoiler in that trailer oh yeah yep okay like i watched that and went like what okay sick good joke what did you think of the witches trailer uh terrible
Starting point is 01:57:06 elie roth just just trash i heard about it i didn't watch it but all i saw was people saying like that's that's not really dark no they told elie roth that it has dark evilness and elie roth does that mean gore i didn't even see it yeah there's a horrible gore in there there's some weird like like there's some weird things that are not the same tone as as you'd think for like a cinematic no they they but but elie roth is going to try and tell a story where he might not have he needs an elie roth needs an eye plucking scene and he'll be damned if there's not one in it uh but i like i like their little uh fucking uh 80s trailer that was funny um there was the netflix darth mull trailer for the fury of mall series oh i didn't see that here's the deal i only
Starting point is 01:57:53 saw their other thing with that actor don't make don't make a profools things for things that i want people actually want don't do that after watching the apprentice short that just came out yeah um how good is the darth mull trailer well the apprentice shorts pretty solid okay but this netflix trailer it was like it was like it was all right but it could have been something whatever but like it was just like oh darth mull series coming to netflix and it's like i'm sure that's like that's like a test bed like is this trailer gonna do good uh shoutouts to google specifically gmail for fucking up colossally theirs was the worst because i don't i didn't see the despicable me so i didn't even get the joke but it was they introduced a mic drop button so
Starting point is 01:58:32 you could send normal gmail or send plus mic drop and they're right next to each other and what happens is the mic drop version of your sending a mail it has a little gif of the the um of one of the minions doing a mic drop and then no one can reply to that email anymore so people that used it in joking form or ingest for something serious couldn't get replies anymore on that thread and didn't know why and apparently just wasn't as well explained good job screwing up your your service and there was also a small bug where you could possibly uh sometimes send a normal message and it would mic drop the normal oh great oh so they were it was a really small youtube was all right the bug but they were they were all right new provision new provision was
Starting point is 01:59:14 all right i i wish there was like a generic one for watching any video kind of a bummer you have to watch their curated selection exactly i mean that's how you like make a bit like that exactly but i wasn't too impressed by it 3d movies are cool our 3d media but our 3d i mean panoramic 3d yeah youtube it's cool if you're watching on your phone because you can literally just move it i was watching the razor one razor toaster and i was like eyes glued to see if they're gonna make fun of themselves by making the toaster break they didn't razor toaster it toasted delicious toast and everyone was happy with the toast and i'm like that's bullshitting i doubt it why didn't i fucking doubt it you fucked up your joke you had one job why would you fucked it up that
Starting point is 01:59:56 joke was probably in there and some wig big wig was like no hmm so yeah um all in all whatever oh there it is there's that but uh go listen to watch the stove it's so fucking legit i'm gonna oh man okay um god a razor toaster fuck me yeah after they made the uya worse like fuck hey so um uh that's high praise kind of breaking news i guess it's not gigantic but oh just like 10 minutes ago like 10 minutes ago a lot of god of war four concept art leaks very Norse very much Norse very much not greek well so there you go still still kratos here's kratos with a beard and axes god fuck everything i couldn't even get the words out of my mouth i was gonna say the one thing matt and i were saying and hoping for was just switch pantheons
Starting point is 02:01:01 yeah go to another culture and good job and have kratos kill them too yeah the art's really nice what do you think thor is gonna do to kratos steal his sandwich jaffy apparently he will go jaffy's been gone forever i feel bad for him oh yeah i feel bad for him for this cool this cool character that was so like very literally supposed to be a one-off it's not my girl anymore yeah says David jeffy yeah so if you if you know sword art online you will know that alfheim is the land of the fairies i did you will kill everyone he will kill them all but kirito will kill him in the end especially susu's boobs gets there first yeah it's true right dude could you imagine the finale like could you imagine it just turns into the stupid all-stars oh hey this have all three of them like
Starting point is 02:01:51 this and it just becomes ridiculous battle yeah this has nothing to do with anything but if you want to find out just how bad sword art is go over to mother's basement yeah and check out jeff's breakdown of the sword heart online op's he was not happy in which he has like a nervous breakdown in the middle of that video oh wow okay because they kept they kept winning the r anime poll for like best opening i think i will because i don't care about ever watching that series oh it'll solve that shit for you too sweet you'll be hyped to watch it awesome actually do it and then watch his april fools because it was one of his ever fools was fucking korean the house yeah i was strong the strongest i like that one i remember watching shame there was no hd footage yeah like that's all
Starting point is 02:02:34 i have that uh i have that anime you got the japanese intro and you fucking committed to the whole bit yeah it wasn't just the first two minutes it was the whole bit yeah it's good mother's basement doing god's work also i didn't realize how good of an intro uh guru no yamiya was and uh second it's quite it's quite good yeah visually there's a lot of stuff going on no jojo it's no jojo but it's smarter than you think um our april fools this year of course was to pretend to not be terrible but we still were on our our april fools this year was we changed the website to say usta by as but nobody goes to our website so missed it you missed it all the reddit that's the reddit did quite a decent job the reddit one was good and it made up for it i like to thank you they actually
Starting point is 02:03:18 put in work yeah and i heard i didn't watch about your team four stars broly sub was fantastic yeah that sounds good all this all this effort it's weird yeah i know right um so the last piece is that uh there's some new footage of mutants in manhattan and uh i skimmed over it and you know what uh i think it doesn't look that bad i think a lot of those things that matt was talking about last time are really not that big a deal looks like a good game looks like you can traverse interesting that you say that with matt out here no well you know what do i want to tell you like what i was hoping for seems to be the case where it's like you're on the street level you can climb up the building now you're on the rooftop like i'm at a weird enjoy your rooftop i'm at a weird
Starting point is 02:03:56 running i'm at a weird point with these uh platinum license games were i'm not even gonna look at them until they're out because i'm not hyped for it but i'll play it you'll enjoy it for a short period of time it's also yeah it's also very clear now that like their licensed games are more than likely all going to be very light on content so yeah just your just wait and blast it out in a day or whatever i'll blast it out in a day i really and i want to i think i'm gonna go play transformers again tonight i really like that i'm not gonna you know what i'm gonna play tonight dark souls so i'm i'm actually no i'm gonna play mac uh alan wake tonight do we know uh quantum wake max break this is my favorite max break quantum wake quantum max break
Starting point is 02:04:43 alan quantum do we know whether or not met mutants in manhattan is a full price game or not uh yes just like uh just like um transformers granted transformers was like a a $50 game so it wasn't quite full like you know what i mean it wasn't full price but it wasn't a $20 downloadable so we're not so they're not going to do the core thing i i bet it's going to be another $50 game like transformers i mean it's you know i guess but will batman be in this game to explain the rafael that that's where his parents died i hope tony hawks in this game if you know the answer write us in and let us send us an email at superbestfriendcast at that's super best friendcast at gmail uh we don't have a lot of time for emails if we want to do that spoiler
Starting point is 02:05:25 cast yeah so we're gonna roll right through all right let's do it bam uh quick question for liam about bayonetta uh some time okay hey guys uh zeal wants to know uh you totally so you know a totally good game uh you have on the desk when you can't find the urge to play it even though you know it's awesome after much procrastination i finally beat bayotu yadda yadda yadda my question is not an exact feeling what were you saying about bayotu as i had some critiques as well i was very curious to know if you shared the same ones in the case you forgot uh the conversation was on podcast 64 i think i remember what something like this woolly says uh i find myself getting hit with a breathtaking set piece way more often every five minutes you just go oh my god oh my god look
Starting point is 02:06:07 at this environment uh liam says it's really good it's a really good game i'd love to just talk about the ending and stuff woolly uh well we're not going to do that right now liam well i have one thing i want to say but i can't say it uh because some of you guys it sucks because okay yeah is it a gameplay or a narrative crit uh liam uh it's um it's spectacle it's just about spectacle progress yeah so oh yeah i know exactly what it is what was that thing uh and i and i agree with you that thing i guess it's been enough months now is uh uh so bayonetta's ending turns it up to 11 yep wonderful 101 and he's like edging up against 12 wonderful 101's ending turns it up to 15 uh like like 15 maybe 16 yeah bayonetta two's ending turns it up to 8.5 yeah bayonetta two's ending
Starting point is 02:06:49 is flat and it repeats a thing you did in bayo ones ending but not as good and it's the punch and it's not as crazy as other things you already did in that game and i really felt like there was a last boss form missing off the end of that yeah he only had two forms like it's been a while but i think he only had two forms the sense of scale the smaller bayonetta two uh feels like a less expensive game than the first one uh and you can see that in so many ways do you think if um do you think if they shoehorned in a galactic form it would have been like really forced yeah they would it would have had to be good or not well ultimately the thing is you were fighting if i'm not mistaken a god right ultimately he could have become anything yeah you know what i mean
Starting point is 02:07:34 like i don't think it would have been that forced they would have had to polish it as well as any of their content um i think it would have been fine i think you could have you could have them do like a like not remastered but you could have them re go over that boss fight and just fix the cut scene at the end and you would automatically have something better yeah it's and it's not even that is bad it's just coming off of bayo one and then i mean well wonderful 101 as well it's a huge step down in terms of spectacle at the end yeah and even if you don't want to count wonderful one along because it's not part of bayonetta well fuck you the first bayonetta is still has a way better spectacle yep it's it's not as crazy and spectacle in some degrees in in relative terms yeah it's
Starting point is 02:08:16 compared to middle gear rising yeah like it's it's the weakest of platinum's big giant finishes yeah definitely um that but i the reason why it's still awesome i forget but i would i totally forgave it mainly because i kind of felt like they probably sat and said look we can either do something that is like in pace with what we're doing now or we can try to force something in there that's too much and not out of place and they kind of opted not to but the punch was totally weaker and like not just the punch the boss fight was weaker and like i felt like a lot of it was weaker but that's just me so i also didn't like loki uh which yeah i also counts i enjoyed loki no i hear some people liked him so but i know he's a bit a lot more mixed than um uh fucking father balder
Starting point is 02:09:01 father balder than jubilas which was kind of like oh that's really cool well balder's irrelevant now with with fucking like young balder no sage yeah um oh my god okay so we got one from nesto and he wants to know uh basically what your favorite signature protagonist gesture is um woolly what's your favorite uh i got to that i really like a whole lot uh one would be the signature gun buster cross arms coming up slope into the scene moment that's the fucking greatest and like gurret uh pays homage to it because it's one of the best things ever and uh i really love the good old classic bow guard hat toss okay i i love it a lot can i use one that's not a protagonist sure go ahead i i am madly in love with revolver oscelot's stupid mgs3 hand gesture
Starting point is 02:09:59 fantastic that cross my brain it is it is so good especially because it's a dumb joke that no one outside should get it like it's so it's fantastic yeah and and gets posed and no one around him gets it and that's my favorite part he just does it and goes around and snake looks at him and he's like what are you an idiot what is this why would anyone from russia in the senate know about even though he's actually from the states but why would he know i like uh i don't know about favorite uh because i would need to think about it more i think but like there's a lot that i always really really liked like even though i didn't get like mad hype about it when in the lp i really like the pose that link makes in twilight princess when he puts away his sword and like
Starting point is 02:10:39 does oh that's a good one i always really really liked that yeah um you know i mean like a good old camina point and a good old jojo point is always fun but yeah i think that i just something about that gun buster cross arm it's it's a really satisfying pose because it's not you're not even doing anything i want to give a shout out to k dash's idle animation yep it's just fantastic i don't even want to be here right now i'm not even supposed to be here today there's so many different first like lengths of that animation um okay oh and yori's laugh sure yori's like classic 98 like can't handle this i'm losing my shit laugh yep even though neither of those two characters are protected um okay okay dash is armando armando uh wants to know what's a redesign of a character
Starting point is 02:11:31 that you like what's it like a because looking at revenge and sam had a redesign from his reveal to his later footage and it was a huge improvement is there anything that you can think of where you saw a redesign that you thought was awesome i really twilight princess link is great i really again i really really like to answer him for everything uh alex's alternate costume the like yeah looks amazing the shirt with the with the bat with the baseball cap i think that looks great a lot of fighting games at 3d ones especially have really great i really like yori without the power flames uh probably my one of my favorite redesigns of all time uh well too because they're basically the same idea uh terry bogart into wild wolf yeah good and kyo kusanagi the student into white jacket
Starting point is 02:12:19 kyo the white jacket kyo is the all like i i didn't say that because i was saving it so that you could say it's just the greatest white jacket kyo is dope i i really i'm i'm not a student anymore i put some clothes on i i really really i have a fucking sick sense of fashion i i really really like all the different versions of megaman um even though like i'm not like yeah i was thinking about x and stuff and i'm like that doesn't count to me well i mean they're like it's a different character but like they're different series well it's like link you know like it's a different character every time i guess like because i really like uh megaman dot exe and megaman uh x's designs and also um the design for that shitty mobile game where he's got the over x o crossover crossover
Starting point is 02:13:04 crossover has a solid design that that fucking the furry furry thing yeah exactly and like megaman zero looks so sick you're gonna say uh leon's design change from two to four yeah that's a good one it's the same thing too yeah it's all this it's the same he put he put on a jacket instead of his uniform yeah i love that the uh pretty much every alt costume in resident evil five and six are incredible yeah do you remember uh chris and pierce and there's sailor outfits together i love those ones uh and he's got his road warrior outfit and five and stuff chef has got a racist outfit yeah great the outfit that was like in just in case you forgot just in case you forgot here we go and the award for worst redesign of all time goes to sakura all right so uh now would be the time
Starting point is 02:13:52 where we talk about what's coming up and then we're gonna go right into the spoiler cast oh we got day of sex we got uh we got fun fancy twilight princess continue we got twilight princess i think everything's continuing until living the dream is done until the big debut until the big debut of dark souls which will happen yeah punisher just punisher just started that's right so punisher we got some wacky ass vista cuffs coming your way oh do we um more like scrub lords yeah yeah we do did we did we did we did i forget yeah we did it yeah we did yeah oh yeah no that's some wacky yes you were indeed sitting on the couch next to me when it was recorded from weird countries yeah you will likely start seeing reboot a little bit more frequently what and maybe are you just
Starting point is 02:14:33 paying mike to play it for you now no no no but some fun was had all right uh the world will soon know uh and just use a game just use a game shark no i don't know there's codes but i'm refusing oh wow you're you're sick he's got to beat it pure but you gotta do it pure except for one force too because of bugs yeah uh and uh a special type of one off might pop up this week we might not may have something cool that's coming out woolly uh you don't have to play it i don't think you will play it but you should check out the trailer for skull girls on the vita because the trailer is trendy as fuck and it has like new art that they made for it and stuff uh really nice trailer to watch even if you don't play it like just a nice cut together it is nice it is well put together
Starting point is 02:15:20 i've been watching some of the japanese promotion they've been doing and it's super fun i love watching the japanese people get into skull girls no definitely it's exciting but if you like the the way they cut their trailers because they're really good at it the the new vita ones like it's a new trailer looks really good so fantastic yes all right uh tune out now if you don't want to hear anything about batman versus superman or if you like dc i'll get mad when we talk about spoiler right there yeah martha we're gonna drop a really hard spoiler martha no we already did it it was too late martha time two one uh batman is bruce wane that superman is jesus all right so liam i want you to talk about how superman is jesus okay so um in man of steel because it's important that you watch
Starting point is 02:16:09 man of steel i think before watching this just for context yeah uh there is a suspicious amount of times where uh superman is basically being betrayed as a jesus at first figuratively and then literally and it gets it gets more and more on this the space shot is the most ridiculous the figurative being where jesus is in the background of the church the literal being where he is doing the christ yes so um dawn of justice uh like i said on twitter is like going to church it's it it is so now you understand what woolly was saying about how like the the question is posed is superman jesus but the camera agrees with that yes exactly the camera follows it like yeah this is this is jesus and he's the devil now the answer to why is way easier and and and dumber than you think
Starting point is 02:17:03 it's really simple because if all you have to do is think about what zack snider is for a second zack snider is about majestic imagery slow motion and music and he does those things well he's great at sometimes he overdoes the music but in general that's what he does well but um narrative he's a music video man that's literally his background like mcg of terminator salvation fame yeah um his narrative structure always goes out the window and in all of his movies is a complete failure with the exception of ones where he adapted it from someone else's story like watchman or 300 where it wasn't him that put those events in sequence yeah when he gets to create from scratch you're gonna get a you're gonna get b and he doesn't know how to do anything else can we talk about
Starting point is 02:17:49 some narrative foibles let's do it let's get in there no reason to exist let's get in there like for example the scene where bruce wane goes downstairs and and breaks into the server room and plugs some shit into the servers and hacks in wait that didn't happen there was a usb cable sticking out the ceiling of the server room that he plugged the usb device you mean you mean the super secret uh a luther servers that are located unlocked next to the kitchen there was a usb cable sticking out the ceiling that he plugged the usb drive into and went we're in we hacked it we hacked the system when you shoot a nuke into space and it blows up to people this in space and it's coming from the earth and it hits them from the underside why does one end up traveling back down to earth
Starting point is 02:18:37 at directly straight like so so straight down play position that the nuke came from and why does be target be just stand still in where it was when when superman or i should say uh clark kent who works for the uh daily planet which by the way is a metropolis paper that's correct is assigned to go to the big game and write an article on the party yes does not go to the game that's correct his newspaper does not have coverage for the game in fact when it was when perry shows him the the run sheets they're blank he does not finish his article on the party yeah and he instead wants to push an opinion piece on a neighboring city issue in the metropolis newspaper when clark kent is not fired either as superman or as a journalist yeah and the problem well hey do you
Starting point is 02:19:30 not fire the problem do your job dipshit and the problem with all of these issues we're talking about is you can literally write them differently and they don't exist um if bruce had just opened up luther's glass doors and popped it into the to the server tower yeah i wouldn't have an issue with no issue if if the journalistic process had been represented just an inch better also why would perry not be interested in what is clearly a better story in general but regardless why would he because batman isn't news because batman is 300 feet away right but also superman superman clark pushing that is an opinion piece that goes in the opinion section of the newspaper that is not that all it is story by the way my girlfriend's a journalist she got really into this i need i need
Starting point is 02:20:15 to bring this up again because lia it hit you in the theater even though you had already heard me say it yeah the fact the gothams city and metropolis is like two feet away from our two feet away from each other can we can we breaks okay every single scene it makes no how does car can't not know about batman so how does all points in form of a question yeah how does car can't not know about batman just to answer you some people told me that apparently that has been canon previously and i thought that's stupid and i still find that baffled the man who can hear lois slain being attacked in africa doesn't know about batman hey wait a second the reason he can do that is because he memorizes the heartbeats of all his loved ones oh except his accept his mom accept his
Starting point is 02:20:59 mom accept his mom immediately needs batman to show up to do the job to use his non-lethal bat may hey guys superman doing while batman was saving he was uh he was flying from what did you think he was flying from gothams to metropolis which as we've said is right next to each other so he he took about 10 seconds so wait why did batman have to go save martha kent what is because the goons would kill martha kent if they saw superman right what is seen followed by batman but wouldn't the batman also be a good reason to kill martha kent in such that the guy tries to kill martha kent so why didn't superman just fly over there and beat up those guys two seconds why why did you want why did you want batman to kill superman or superman to kill batman but you were still
Starting point is 02:21:47 going to unleash doom's day what i what what happens why when the mongoose are loose in our city why was martha kent unfazed entirely by a man exploding next to her into a packet of blood yeah after batman murders him brutally yeah oh because martha kent is a horrible morally ambiguous hey wait a second if batman's willing to kill random goons doing their job protecting a cargo that may not be evil by running them over with the batmobile why does he then at the end of the movie choose not to even hurt lex luther a little even though lex luther like killed a bunch people and caused destruction and tried to murder people directly how could what why does stupid space cryptoship suddenly respond to earth technology of fingerprints and listen to someone
Starting point is 02:22:38 like lex luther and totally allow him to interface with it so no problem so i asked this because i had to know apparently those ships actually do use some form of dna imaging wow and so getting in like that is feasible or yeah you know you can operating but but to that level voice controls the cortana-esque voice controls the babel fish going into his ear yeah that bit doesn't make sense apparently there was a bunch of cut lex scenes and there are there are an absurdly huge amount there are like 45 minutes of cutscene why didn't superman hear the bomb in the wheelchair because he wasn't paying attention because because he's because he's a bad superman because no reason but heart beats in africa yeah why would the world he's got the most inconsistent power
Starting point is 02:23:23 ever i've never seen a more inconsistent why would the world be mad about a bunch of people that died in a village where he showed up that died by gunfire and bullets and things completely well no superman killed them no superman caused the conflict reported and so they all those people only got shocked because superman showed up why does lois throw the thing down the well why why then why did why did she throw it down and more importantly how does she psychically know to go pick it back up despite no one informing her how did why would why would she even think the doomsday is a kryptonian that man never says to anybody yeah outside of superman to do that she just she just psychically she just looks outside and sees bad things and she's like
Starting point is 02:24:04 she get that spear that guy was kryptonian i can tell i i gotta say i legitimately cannot believe that that was able to stay in the script yeah that that she that she she picks it up and throws it away up this this kryptonite spear she throws it deep in the water so it's gone and for all intents and purposes it's gone and the instant you see that you're like oh my god she's just gonna go have to get it again or tell somebody i think within 15 or 20 minutes she they repeat the shot and she has to go back for it the notion that that could stay in the script is actually because there was they could have just left it there it could have just left in the spot and the building fall over and then superman would still just had to climb through the rubble
Starting point is 02:24:48 to get it the same same scene her action of throwing it in the water is nice because she's trying to protect her boyfriend i'm gonna protect pooper that's really nice but the notion that it would be kept in knowing that a minute later the audience would have to watch her undo her mistake well mostly need something to do in the final and here's here i have a two-parter i i have a one-parter so it'll be very quick how come when superman is doing the business of being superman he looks like he's going to cry in that montage in which he's pulling the boat and saving the drowning people and all that stuff he looks so miss so i went back and looked at that because you brought that up twice before and i went back as rich evans brought it up yeah and i went back
Starting point is 02:25:31 and and and really looked and i i read his face and his emotions they're not as misery but i read those as like why are people looking at me this way but then why is he making that face when he's pulling the boat because i don't i'm i'm thinking of not hard the scene that they linger on the most is when everyone's reaching out and he's like confused he's like i don't know yeah so that like he's lifting the shuttle he looks miserable he's pulling the boat i read i read that different i like the bit where the family in the drowning house made sure to bring their paint up to the roof yeah jurist superman symbol yep and then superman came down as slowly as slowly as he possibly i don't remember if people will spend moves as fast as fucking bullets it's faster than
Starting point is 02:26:12 the bullet i don't know if people can remember this but when we saw the trailer that first included that shot you said i pointed it out because i'm like that makes superman look like a bad person because it makes him look like he's it it makes it look like he is intentionally lighting himself to look christlike and that's scary that's just that is legitimately just scary because no because if lex and batman see him acting like this that person is terrifying all right can we here's a simple one yeah willy after after how do you use a spear you throw it you can poke with it you can do a bunch of stuff you can poke with it but in a situation where it's better to throw it you can throw a spear and willy you got a bunch of options willy and here's part two i am here's part two
Starting point is 02:27:04 oh it's part two why wouldn't wonder woman just do that job instead no it's faster if superman does it but there's no time to get bigger one or one better question why did bruce choose a spear he chose us and we just talked about this battle so here's the deal i know exactly why it's very obvious reason do you know why he chose a spear no it's a lance of longinus it's not it's not a spear it's a lance okay because superman is christ and he has to be pierced with the lance of and the reason and the reason why he cannot throw it is because he has to pierce the devil with the spear of destiny that makes sense now the kryptonite bullets yeah would be a genius idea that would solve a lot instantly and no one would have to die yeah but that's not superman i guess that's
Starting point is 02:27:49 not biblical imagery that so that makes sense can we just talk about that fight scene for a second the superman batman fight scene okay bruce you got really lucky superman decided to catch your gas grenade and decided to hold it and that's all you got and he got gassed in the face reload your grenade right now right now no reload your grenade no no reload it now man no useless useless guns hey no okay bruce use your krypton knife right wait you made a speed and and you planted the spear on the floor because you knew the fight would go okay okay you don't have the knife reload your gun right now okay so and then later on that you get the stupid cinematic dramatic shot of him reloading his grenade at the last possible second now i now i
Starting point is 02:28:38 want to get i want to give that fight one prop i think that fight has one really awesome cool moment and it's when he's punching soups in the face and the kryptonite dust is wearing off and you can see you should describe that you can see batman's fist hit him like normal and rock clark's face and hit him slightly less hard and then he hits him again and like his head doesn't move and then he hits him again and his fist dents yeah and like that's a great moment seeing it in real time like yeah but the moment it's supposed to be is batman hooked up to the power yeah the power grid of crime city right crime alley and when he elect like and so when he does those diversionary tactics it's not just here's a bunch of useless guns it's like no i'm gonna fry you
Starting point is 02:29:23 with electricity which will actually slow you down for a second yeah i'm gonna use gas and i'm gonna have a bunch of it right and this is and like i'm we're just the movies recreating a moment but doing it worse hey man superman floating in space and then coming back is the same moment as him being emaciated over our arizona but i get worse yeah it was but he was even more jesus see this time in space that he came back to life twice in this movie let's point that out he came back to life and did christ airs twice in this movie how irresponsible are clark's parents that you have to double down by bringing back their his ghost dad to reaffirm that yeah so that's really bad but there was a there's a single line that clark delivers that is so baffling to me that
Starting point is 02:30:08 i can't understand it and when i talk to people i i feel like most of them it just it flew over their heads like that they didn't latch onto it when superman is talking to lois about how he's gonna quit being superman he says my parent i thought i could be a force for good i was trying to do good things for a ghost and the way that he delivers that implies that he thinks that being superman is what his dad would have wanted and that's the but that's the opposite of what's true and i thought well maybe they retconned it no they redoubled because they doubled down so like is clark an idiot did clark watch his dad kill himself and somehow in that process eventually take the opposite message and like the only reason and even even aside from that even aside from that
Starting point is 02:30:59 the idea that the only reason superman is superman is to make his dad happy is horrific and and it goes into the like the one thing this movie does well it's a really consistent is is that this superman is scary because he's flaky you can't trust him you can't trust him and and needs to be treated and that is that is my biggest problem with the movie so you know those dream sequences in which batman either sees alternate futures or it's a dream yeah right yeah let's add the sick injustice so which was really sick so let's let's let's take my two complaints because there's one for each one if that's a dream get that out of the movie get that out of the movie it's a dream it means nothing but you gotta set up your proof i don't think it's a dream i think it's some form of premonition
Starting point is 02:31:38 because it's too on the nose especially with the flash well like it could be now that so set up so if that is a premonition of a what if via some time travel shenanigans we are being led to believe that in this universe this superman the only thing that stands between man of tomorrow man of you know gonna save everyone and eye lasering people in half while they're captured not even red sun but just injustice superman right is low is lowest lane dying tragically one bad day one day and that is that is not superman that proves it that's not super like i hate superman again and you know but even i know that superman's supposed to be like a really good person and that's more internal consistency it proves isn't superman supposed to be a really
Starting point is 02:32:27 good person at heart the best person because he's supposed to be a good parents a good dumb boy from kansas is trying to do his best right so the idea that his girlfriend dying is always pushes him that far over the edge well it's you know it's not even a brainiac disease anti-life equation it's not no kind of it's not black kryptonite it's slow astide and and he uses the word i think this is one of those things where like you know all comic well not all comics but many many comics interpret characters differently and i think the exact sniderverse just has this superman who's this like well the the problem depressing so i guess this is the biggest problem no sure but i just mean like he doesn't need to be consistent with other supermen yeah he is
Starting point is 02:33:12 is consistent with the stuff he's consistent with the parents he's consistent with himself and i i think that's probably the biggest problem in the movie because it's like lex and batman are right they are they are lex's actions are insane lex's actions lex's actions impatience and methods are all insane and evil but he's right he's right superman in this universe this superman this this superman yeah is a bomb waiting to go off yeah he's it's and that and batman's straight up right and here's a dream of that bomb going off now let's talk about martha why wait wait hold on why did like we don't have a lot of time we don't know i know i want to throw out some lines you you cut me off last oh sorry sorry sorry sorry uh so bruce wane meets clark kent
Starting point is 02:33:55 can we just fuck off with this line yes that's not on the nose that's right up the nose yeah no he's right yeah and the line why would lex care about clark kent the line that was set on the news maybe he's not some devil or jesus character towards superman how is that line in this movie because he's because he's jesus does he do you get it but how can you even pose that question and then continue to parade around he doesn't understand it's crazy it's crazy loses the literal lyrics of the songs he wants the there's red balloons going off in that watchman bit everybody wants to rule the world why would lex take the time to do the graphic design work for every other member that's what i said yeah that one's great why would
Starting point is 02:34:42 you cinematically show a fight where nothing happens because batman's trying to steal that kryptonite and then it results in nothing but then have it get stolen later in a larger battle scene off camera yeah good thing those children found the kryptonite in the first place good thing the children found was just because you wanted a car chase yes i guess that's what happened you wanted to see batman murder somebody by putting them under the wheel of the batmobile okay so let's talk about martha batman's ready to murder superman he's killed people before but you could argue that those were manslaughter that those were impediments to his goals and they were not cold-blooded murder he has superman to a point where he is taunting him
Starting point is 02:35:25 and cutting his face to show him that he ain't shit that's premeditated that's murder right he is about to plunge it in and superman says martha martha i gotta save martha and that man who i'm going to imagine i'm not the best on dc but i'm going to imagine is often portrayed as the stubbornest and most committed of all of the dc superheroes has made this decision to kill this guy his punisher level yeah just in terms of committal right yeah and he and he demonstrated earlier in the movie that this batman is particularly like hung up yeah even more than some other but emotional yeah he is and then and he's the back floated him away he eat pause that is okay we i burst out laughing yeah it was hilarious when the jesus counter ticked up to one for me yeah one
Starting point is 02:36:17 or two batman jesus now one um but okay so okay i'll buy a momentary pause and him going what's up with that and then low slang comes it's his mommy and batman should go i don't care and murder him but instead suffers a nervous breakdown over what appears to be nothing and completely backtracks well because he's like tired because he's like i can save superman's parents from dying for no reason or his mom because he's so hung up on his parents dying specifically for no reason oh the interest like like like oh not to say it's good but oh it's the worst any long time a fan would kind of look at that kind of moment and like either you knew about it or if you didn't you go oh you batman would batman would go that's an interesting coincidence stab can i just ask by the way were
Starting point is 02:37:06 they always yes martha yes i never know that i never know why because back in the 30s martha was a relatively common name the parents never interact which is why i thought it was interesting when it happened i was like oh that's a clever you figured something out zack you got a little fun thing in there but it shouldn't have that much weight to it it's absurd it's absurd that the entire like you've built up for like 90 minutes on how oh batman so mad oh i'm so mad i've got one and he just gets cock-blocked by a name drop it's crazy i've got a closer so all right let's yeah uh yeah i've uh so why the fuck so they hired some real life celebrities in this movie they had uh neil de grass tyson appear briefly yep i thought actually that bit was really good they had a higher liam's
Starting point is 02:37:48 about to get political they had andrew cooper yeah come on which is cool uh so i hate that for starters way to pull me out of your universe by putting by putting my universe in your universe and metropolis and gothen yeah anderson cooper thank you sorry about that yeah uh thank you for placing metropolis and gotham in the real world zack uh anyway i'm not too hung up over that but that's stupid but hiring nancy grace get the fuck out she has like literally like led to people killing themselves i think that she is an awful awful person makes her inclusion perfect no see see she was perfect for the role yeah but the notion that you would give her money oh well that yeah like like i put like you yeah i'll be hired isis for the part of the middle east i think you may have stretched it
Starting point is 02:38:41 someone i may have stretched it a little but nancy grace has a body count so movie criticisms on on movie level um i just my final i bet an actor you like beats his wife oh sure sure but nancy grace has public stuff associated with her here's here's what i here's what i close americans why does all right let's sit in here the closer batman versus superman yes dawn of the justice dawn of justice dawn of the justice league let's call it the full time yeah it's dawn of the just so we're gonna start the justice league guys why does superman not say a single word to wonder woman in the entire movie they don't interact they don't interact ever yeah a single word this is clark and diana oh my best of best friends and and when she the only time he could instead of going who
Starting point is 02:39:37 are you he turns to batman and says is she with you with you the old and then there was an opportunity for it and then he goes when batman's like i thought she was you instead of saying oh hello he goes nothing nothing and then the movie continues that okay well you you beat me you win because i never i didn't even notice that and that is in a cough in her general direction that is patently ridiculous also uh as as some bonus closers boy aquaman looked embarrassing boy wow we all cyborg looks worse yeah that was yeah but aquaman just looked by the way aquaman did the exact stupid thing i thought they were gonna do get out of my lawn got my body and he's slowly coming out like i'm a fish person did you uh did you if a confused eradicator for cyborg no no okay no my girlfriend was very confused
Starting point is 02:40:28 though she was like who the fuck is that because because we last time we talked about eradicator and i'm like what that's not okay you know it would have been cool if this movie had eradicator and steel and and cyborg superman superboy and superboy and yeah i gotta say though i'll call him superboy i am i'm the machiavellous kid i am baffled because i hated man of steel so much yeah i like this movie better yep no i think man of steel is a better movie than this and i've never seen it but i hated man of steel so much this is a better movie this movie better than man of steel oh wow because that just said the opposite this no no this is a better movie i i i said last week i you can you can fashion a some i think this is a better movie than man i i i i watch a
Starting point is 02:41:08 movie i guess it goes to show i never actually watched man of steel in its entirety i've seen like maybe 80 percent of it in different pieces oh you should watch it now that you know i'm good i'm good no this is you gotta see zon this is a i've seen that i've seen zon this is i've seen every single scene that's always a significant step up from man of steel that has so much it's like there's no diamond in the rough but there's a piece of bronze in there i i yeah i gotta say like if they can fix the dc cinematic universe i really like this like uh deathly serious tone and like the tone down colors and like playing it completely different from marvel bat fleck if this were as good as the marvel movies i would love bat fleck had some shining moments
Starting point is 02:41:51 because yeah exactly and and i was talking about it before but that might have placed about my favorite part of the whole movie and i know it's not good with lexus characterization but it's when he's trying to give that library speech yeah and he's he is just he is tripping over it he is just losing it even though superman isn't nothing he's even happened with superman and he is just losing his he's so he's so caught up in his head he's just so upset and we and we oh and we know that's because he knows that superman is right there yeah comic book fans are are tired of joylessness though all right no and that's fair but i'm just saying i would love to have that so here personally here's here's my alternate ender in a universe in which no one can tell that clark kennis superman because
Starting point is 02:42:33 he wears glasses how did lex luther know that clark kennis superman in a universe where clark kennis superman because of glasses well that no one can tell the superman is clark kent because he's wearing glasses how did lex know because the ship told him the ship told him yeah the ship told him that superman is clark kent he was able to ask the ship the ship knew that it was clark kent the ship gave him the whole history no that doesn't make any sense well he has um databases where he specifically follows like he had footage of the batman doesn't know no i'm sure batman didn't know remember he didn't have all that database stuff from lex's no but batman never took protected network batman never took a second to cross-reference some photos hey you know who with the guy that he ran into at
Starting point is 02:43:19 the besides nancy grace you know who else might have a body count oh who's that alfred he took control of that yeah he killed those guys open fire yeah alfred killed all those people too all right i've been off screen so that movie's a fucking train wreck enjoyable enjoyable i was cheering when superman died i was whoo and then away from to come back and then he came back i was i so the thing is i couldn't believe they started to bring him back before the end of the movie i thought they would at least have the decency to hide it until the next i could do the rave music i could not believe that that dirt yeah yeah could not believe and and you know what how how christlike was that that uh that last shot of the the dirt and the grave it's almost like that chest
Starting point is 02:44:05 piece that moves a little bit oh yeah and when magneto's sitting at the table yeah exactly except that was good no at the end of a good movie yeah oh yeah a fantastic touch tone for our time criteria on collection xben3 juggernaut zack snider please continue making music videos please stop making movies you oh oh the
Starting point is 02:46:53 the the oh I

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