Castle Super Beast - SBFC 141: Vape Escape

Episode Date: April 19, 2016

Liam watches a ridiculous amount of anime, Matt reviews a horror movie, Woolie plays more room escape games and Pat bleeds out live on the podcast....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Alright, so is this the week or no, this is not the week. I guess I will continue to confront Liam as I reveal that there are 141, which is cops, I know that's gonna take a while we're not at that episode yet but this is episode 141 of the friendcast there are 141 million DNA building blocks in chromosome 9 I see of the human things I learn the best which chromosome is that that's the one that you inherit from your parent well they they all are now there's two was on sucks there's there's one there's two copies of chromosome 9 that's inherited from each parent and this is and
Starting point is 00:01:00 that's a specific mirror and chromosome 9 specifically has 141 million DNA building blocks that's not a hundred and forty one every time it has like that many that's what it has that's all that's that's for podcast number 141 million yeah not podcast 141 I'll take it I'll take it I'm I'll let it you know every you know theoretically every esoteric fact has a point as it has a decimal point and a million possible yeah you know like infinite possible zeros and digits afterwards really there's no such thing as a whole number after all what that's not true you want to roll back a little who knows I don't
Starting point is 00:01:37 know math and English aren't we need to go back to watching Sesame Street math net dad dad dad I don't remember math it was it was the dragon it math parody but it was all math I don't remember that it was like you learn you're good these detectives and the gum choose math they use math to solve all their cases and of course since they were super into math they had no emotions yeah and we're just very robotic math net was great is that like it was that a TV show or it was a pair it was a parody skit on square one TV it was a square one yeah I believe okay is one of those kids shows okay those kids learning
Starting point is 00:02:16 programs are always the worst was the one I watched in class one time tell a francais well I never got that that's a super French one where they got puppets like you tell me the tell a francais was francais yeah a little bit our puppet ones were like we got like Mary Soler is alright right you got and that was that you the bilingual one because she was she spoke French but for guests the dog spoke English and Samuel the clown was there a puppet of a pineapple in that one no tear shit and umbrella tree under the umbrella tree yeah yeah that the chameleon polka dot door weird sexy gopher I feel like I'm learning the blue
Starting point is 00:02:52 jay named Jacob of course yeah okay big comfy couch that's our age time of court yeah no you that was that yeah that was tail end of you and that that started with us I got that one a lot big comfy couch and look comfy at all the best part oh it looks fake like nobody ever sits on the big the best part about big comfy couch is how Allison went on to shoot a bunch of zambos did she yeah yes I thought is Allison for big comfy couch is Claire Redfield oh wow I would have never known yeah all I remember is how the VO when there's no actress for when it came time to check yep nope shut up in several films not super canon
Starting point is 00:03:30 and like three films all together are you saying well when it came time to check the clock on the big comfy couch she'd stick her ass up in the air and like roll around and do a bunch of weird like poses and shit hey your nose is bleeding because you thought about Allison's ass so you should go take care of that you're actually yeah okay Pat's leaving walking away man all those lewd thoughts fuck off you motherfucker who would have thunk it I'd like to take a roll around on that comfy couch check out all right comfy dick fuck you comfy all that blood 410 million quarts of blood lost for 410
Starting point is 00:04:09 billion dead corpses dead boners born to die live as a fuck world is a fuck kill em all 1989 I am trash man that was those are the these are the holy scriptures that we live our lives by now chisel that into stone and call that the best friend's commandment your fucking chest yeah dude I would I would tattoo that out to my body if the price was right on your back and put LEDs so it lights up in the night is that a thing LEDs with tattoos I'm just spitballing here it's a good idea invented yeah like either that or heaven the character for heaven oh and symbol yeah and yes I was like what okay so we might as well start
Starting point is 00:04:58 with Liam's week yeah okay I did Dark Souls 3 I played Dark Souls 3 I played that for like almost 30 hours that game it's fucking good I really liked Dark 2 as much as I liked it a lot I it definitely feels like 3 is like a return to form it's like it's stronger strong better game and you're you're you said you've seen most of it now right yeah according to the trophy list I think I only have three or four bosses left because I always like to see like which order people generally beat bosses in mm-hmm so like I'll beat one boss and I'll go and I'll be like oh I beat that one after most people or oh I beat that
Starting point is 00:05:37 one before most people once the past start to branch a little bit so like I've been keep an eye on that and I'm getting there what you build the game the heaviest armor available it's sick with the heaviest weapons available no not the heaviest weapons available weapons I'm comfortable with which is like a bitch straight sword but it's normal sword that's what I like I would have used a whip but there's still no good yeah we time of the whips great everyone should put all of their fucking night into the way I mean it's like I'm looking at the moveset and it's like yeah that's the cane whip moveset and dude I did you it's
Starting point is 00:06:08 not like a giant-ass crazy big whip did you guys talk to the guy who gives you weapons in exchange for your souls I don't think so okay well one of the one of the Lords of Cinder who's just sitting on his throne away we might have we talked to that guy but we didn't yeah you have to give him the item from the boss you guys just beat actually to do it okay well next time one of the items that he can give you from the beginning is like a fist type weapon but you need to get the soul of a demon for him I have yet to find the soul of a demon but I really want that weapon because there's never been a viable fist weapon in the
Starting point is 00:06:41 game did you look in the in the folds of your couch you could have left no I couldn't find it okay we found a Cestus and it's just a normal Cestus as you know yeah but I want but it's the bone fist that I really hope makes a comeback yeah speaking of comebacks oh geez with the big like tissue in the nose and everything who touch Pat's bloodstain are we seeing his death visuals right now cool are we seeing Pat's to how Pat died I get nosebleeds okay but yeah when does this vision run out vision yeah it's ended but like I really like it a lot of like really good changes the estus flask now
Starting point is 00:07:23 giving you a magic estus flask is fantastic they finally fixed and balanced that system yeah like Zelda I don't ever really use magic other than using it for weapon skills but you will on that second playthrough maybe I use a bitch straight sword but I'm not that much of a bitch I'm gonna use magic bitch and the weapon skills are amazing they're fantastic weapon arts weapon arts yeah when you when you get some of the boss weapons select your weapon I imagine the boss weapons have goofy ones the boss weapon arts are sick like you're gonna be flying all over the place yeah we all saw that animated like that's what
Starting point is 00:08:03 the button is for yeah the goofy shit goes here yeah I still wish the whip was viable but a real survival in DS2 and DS2 at that kind of long that single move was really really good every other move says it's just terrible but but the weapon art on the whip was pretty dope because it's basically we're like hey wait it might be some in suffering it's pretty close to some in suffering yeah it's not bad you get a second whip that's better but it's still not great chain is it no no it's not you're looking so can't be you're looking for lords of shadow no I'm no I just just Castlevania is what I'm yeah exactly so
Starting point is 00:08:38 the old we mainly we're talking about this just a little bit before and like it's kind of surprising how like I can't tell if it's the game or it's us but the game is easier yeah definitely anyway and yeah it whether it's experience or the design of the game I think it might be both maybe yeah I think so too to be honest like it's a little easier but and we like cut our teeth on deaths and and bloodborne all that stuff and so yeah oh I wonder it's still super enjoyable though like regardless I want well I mean I these types of games I imagine it's just like the first game is the hardest right in terms of like yeah your
Starting point is 00:09:10 experience yeah and then your knowledge will cost you more and more as you go further through yeah pretty much exactly they didn't remix the formula so strongly that you wouldn't be able to deal with what they throw at you know exactly it's like little improvements here and there but like I'm not making stupid mistakes I did in Demon Souls like in Demon Souls for all the game I just equipped the heaviest fucking gear and like went over my like limits and stuff but I didn't give a shit I took the heavy stupid roll and I went through it and I suffered with it because I liked it but now I'm just I'm not and I
Starting point is 00:09:39 just have all the heavy armor my vitality is pumped up to stupid and so I can take it and I can roll fast still so I don't know just little little things like that that I think make the game a lot easier okay we're saying Matt yeah I was just complimenting you on your taking it good taking it good yeah I'm taking this game real good I can't wait to play more of it and I I'm excited for the DLC I'm not even done the game yet but like I can see the end in sight and I'm like no keep going he's gonna come out in the fall and that's about it that's all we know gonna take a minute yeah does it feel like we're gonna have
Starting point is 00:10:11 a like 1 3 2 type of tier by the end of I don't I don't I think like I think one is really good obviously I'm not gonna get caught dead saying it's bad but he never last on the one like most other people yeah I I was like demons better but yeah that's why I didn't include it I think if you if you like actually take into account all the improvements and stuff like three's a better game like going back to one's a pain it's it's got tons of little things that are playing one in between the sessions that we've been recording for three and there's a bunch of shit that's just infuriating yeah it's it's not as enjoyable to play
Starting point is 00:10:51 given like all the new stuff so I don't know like it went at their time of release like one might still be the best but you know for all for all the fun this like one does kind of like slip a little bit once you pass and Orlando oh yeah those last areas up to there it's really good especially patch 1.0 islet I was telling somebody about that that they never did patch 1.0 islet it was terrible it was hard to do patch 1.0 specifically you'd either beat in the game or like you were already or you were nowhere near and you got patch 1.02 and it was fine but you know how would you feel about like okay now you're
Starting point is 00:11:26 just trying to look as stupid as possible dude there's so much blood it's coursing like it the thing it was in my nose earlier it's soaked all the way through the end you need a tampon in your nose is what you need yeah how would you feel about like like little things like smooth and silky the birds like in this case oh yeah the piddly padley or whatever they're called pee pee poo poo different yeah yeah like how would you feel about things like that just becoming like just more clear where it's like you put an item down and then you see a bird exchange it for you or if something dies off a cliff you just get
Starting point is 00:11:59 the item perhaps or like little things like that that are part of the system at this point yeah would do you feel it be like blasphemous to go in and think it well that's I'd love for them to go back and improve demons through dark 2 to the standards of yeah basically any time where you'd have to load out the zone and reload in to make the thing work see here's here's the ring of all of those they did improve that in DS3 in in all the old ones like in the original version of the crows you had to load the game now in in in DS3 and I think it might be DS2 they would give you the item immediately on the ground so that's
Starting point is 00:12:34 that's a big improvement and in DS3 when you hit the bonfire it reloads all the states and like items that are in pits come back up to the spawn locations and you don't need to load out well and that's their idea of stuff like crystal lizards falling off cliffs and giving you their drops in Dark Souls 3 yeah that's a that's a lifesaver the amount of times that I've like thrown away characters just trying to get fucking crystal lizard drops and having them run off a cliff and getting nothing it's like yeah and it's and it's just it feels like it's like these are things that like you can fix they were things that at the time
Starting point is 00:13:05 you look at them and you're like okay yeah that makes the design tough and then over time it's like okay it's a bit more frustrating than tough so let's let's change that up a little we also like we shot an arrow at one and like it almost fucking completely died so yeah yeah I didn't even try it's not fully though I really like the the new like powered up crystal lizards yes they're sick yeah great great reward for that well they replace the the titanite demons from one basically because they even upgrade the same kinds of materials and they look cool too at that scale yeah definitely definitely
Starting point is 00:13:37 you'll see other ones they're pretty sick I played that a lot I watched a bunch of anime you watched and yeah I want a bunch a bunch of new stuff came out did any of you guys watch space patrol Lulu co not yet okay it's super good yeah I know I I'm seeing screenshots of references they're making yeah this is one of them good Chinese cartoons it's super good it's by trigger it's just this one where people are tweeting me the street sharks are in it yeah okay good it's it's just take panty and stalking and remove all the raunchiness that's it that's it so it's a show of nothing no it's really good it's got the same kind
Starting point is 00:14:13 of humor but it's just not about it's not yeah I just I literally don't remember anything about painting this one this one's themed after space police basically and it is basically a sequel to inferno cop and inferno cop shows up okay well there you go I saw that screen yeah that's all I want it's got a different name but it's the same guy I'm on fire cop yeah but now he's got more fire and more there's four hundred ten billion of us killed yeah but super sick super good show really like it's a short you know ten minute thing just like panty and stalking how that was formatted but it's good by the same kind of team so if you
Starting point is 00:14:50 like that like super eclectic sense of humor kind of the trigger comedy team yeah they're they're quite good they're quite good I remember I was I heard recently about how inferno cop they like pledge that they'd only work on it for like two hours a week or something cuz they knew there was nothing there's no money to be made on this project so they devoted like so little to it have you have you seen it at all I've watched all of it so yeah it's fantastic we were finished doing some recording like months ago we were just like we should probably watch inferno cop we just watch well we watched through a bunch of it
Starting point is 00:15:21 too yeah I remember did we yeah absolutely on your couch yeah we watched some episode we watched the beginning yeah I think I watched the rest of we watched all of it it might have been yeah it's pretty good though and yeah little goes great and the other one the other one that I think I should put out there because I don't know if it's on your radars is Kotetsu Joe no Kanbaneri that was totally on my radar was it yeah yeah no it wasn't Kanbaneri of the iron fortress okay yeah I wish it was called castle I thought that was gonna be save it like I'm done for a character named iron Joe so it's can you narrow of the
Starting point is 00:16:00 iron castle yeah yeah that's good enough okay can you narrow thank you thank you so it's it's by a wit studios and a lot of the team that did the attack on Titan anime adaptation and it's like they did that anime and they went man we can do so much better let's do this but better so it's basically about a world with these I guess zombies and they've got these like molten iron hearts kind of okay destroying them is kind of tricky because they've got like iron flowing through their blood and stuff so they're like super hard and durable and so people hole up in these big like cities that they make with these like with huge moats
Starting point is 00:16:46 around them and stuff like that and the only way to get from city to city is by train like this sounds like remarkably similar to attack on Titan it's similar but it's like instantly apparent that it's better it it would be unremarkable if not for the excellent character writing the insanely high quality animation like like good parts of attack on Titan's animation and not the bad part only no better than that okay dude like this show looks beautiful like maybe probably better than one punch man it is a gorgeous show is it the they have they usually have three three layers of shading as opposed to just light and dim
Starting point is 00:17:27 they have light mid and dim all over the place really like remarkable animation that you don't see at all it just doesn't happen plot characters and like so on is it all is it just like another survival setting you mean like big monsters are attacking humanity what are we gonna do that's a different setting death games a different setting that game death game is all of us people have to be in this closed space and one of us is gonna survive but sometimes like big monsters are attacking humanity how there's also a death game but sometimes death game is like and there's monsters we're releasing into like did you guys
Starting point is 00:18:05 say that gun no no it's it's not it's not like that it's it's the trope of like big months like unstoppable force attacking humanity what's humanity gonna do that's what it is that's firmly what it is like that it is fucking good you should absolutely check it out so I have a weird question what's the technology level on display here it's like 18th century okay with like some steam so the height of technology the height of technology one tech will summarize with guns all right like that era but that's what I wanted using steam guns yeah yeah dude the main character is fucking incredible he's so good he just wants to
Starting point is 00:18:45 fight what's that he's like an engineer but he doesn't want to do engineering he wants to fight and so he uses his tools to fight he's super cool what's that name again Kotetsu Joe no can bannary iron English can bannary of the iron fortress okay can you narrow which one looking up which like which one looking up would you know whichever just just Google Kotetsu Joe you'll find 410 dead zombies 410 million dead enemies I talked about I had I was on a podcast this weekend it was digi bro's spring weebcast which is all about hey what anime just came out and we just recorded that how many enemies were there a lot
Starting point is 00:19:22 there's a lot or we enjoy it was a lot it was a lot can you contain yourself on this one I think I can 410 million dead animal billion 141 enemies 141 anyway we recorded the spring weebcast the other day and that should be going up tomorrow or something like that it might even be up now hell I don't know it's about five and a half hours long and it covers like every show worth covering yeah no he told I was like oh how'd that go he says it took five and a half hours hold on a minute cuz we talk big shit about our four-hour podcast this is not their standard okay this is a like beginning of season we've
Starting point is 00:20:08 got five people got to talk about all the new non-sequel shows with the this is their giant bomb countdown so but it was fucking long it's super fun it's up so yeah that's your anime you want to know what I think about anime no it's over there it's only five and a half hours long I hope there's time stand watch them all 1989 could you could you actually like that long like that's enough to complete one of the series that you guys discussed if they were if they were released absolutely but we didn't we watched a bunch of shitty ones and then talked about them how are they all shitty give
Starting point is 00:20:47 me there was a bunch of shitty ones what's the what's the ratio here of shitty to good yeah same as it always is there's like three or four like gems and then like 20% is solid good like you know good good and then 20% is fine and the rest of it's like yeah so like a full half is just trash more than give or take yeah well like mediocre to trash you know what I mean like if you're really jonesing for that kind of thing you might like it I need my food garbage but otherwise do you want any my Superman cartoon away waste of time yeah you know if you just hold a year like if you just randomly click on
Starting point is 00:21:24 something on Netflix what are the odds it's gonna be good low yeah low if you're not like right on the front page absolutely low yeah you mean like on Netflix Netflix you just say Netflix if there was a random one what are the odds you'd get like a good thing to welcome back to the podcast because I thought you meant the net the Netflix anime series no just Netflix in general yeah like you know an anime is good mostly mostly bad so yeah yeah that's the reality if you pick a person at random out of off the street there's a high likelihood that they'll smell yeah absolutely there's always that like
Starting point is 00:21:59 especially if you smell them yeah I remember aliens has like two stars on Netflix so well as it deserves what the fuck I don't sniff the stars do you know what it changes depending on what you're watching Netflix on if you're watching Netflix on the 360 it's different than Netflix on the Xbox one oh because I must be curated to the device exactly so it's 3ds it's so pixelated I can't watch it 3ds owners love Barney's horse adventure bingo why is it Barney's horse I don't know I totally I wanted to say Barbie no no I met Barney now what did you do this week so I on a horse adventure I had the
Starting point is 00:22:43 horrible realization that as long as you make it a franchise I'll like almost likely be a whale for your mobile game oh no oh what the fuck is this man but not really because I was mostly in a plane at the time but I kept get saying let me buy what was it what was it for my was it wwe super car AVP armor oh so what is this game alien versus predator evolution it's a fun little you know beat them up brawling thing no it's not it's not fun don't trick people I played it I thought it was pretty decent but the whole thing about it is that hey go into your XP and like you have some XP that you gain from doing these missions
Starting point is 00:23:26 and that's cool but you can buy you know the predator one mask with his razor whip from AVP requiem only thirty five dollars you can deal with all the XP but the problem is that the XP they give you takes fucking forever takes fucking forever cap every day I'm guessing no no there's nothing that restrictive but if you press tap to buy and you can't you can't afford it with your XP if you tap once more I'll say well you can buy it with with your real money or whatever and then when you do that when what what's your pred bucks well there's there's Zeno points and yet to a point okay right so I'm seeing all these mixing
Starting point is 00:24:10 machines and like the game as fatality isn't all this crap and stuff and I'm just playing I'm like this is kind of fun when I see this I'm like oh but I I can get the the the razor net but I can make it and it gives me like a full buff and I'll be able to kill everyone so much easier and I'm on a plane and I have no Wi-Fi but I keep pressing give me the armor and it's like you can but you're gonna have to spend your money on it I'm like still pressing the button because I want it so bad and by the time it came out of my system and like I came home from Texas and all that I didn't have to you know do it anymore and I'm like but
Starting point is 00:24:45 I'm still thinking about going back in and playing a little bit more but that's that's the sad realization if that there's a berserk game or how much did you spend or I spent zero good because a little while I was trying to get all this but the the realize engine hit me that this might happen yeah you know don't let it get you try not to get tricked aside from that I played a bit more clearing saying just I'm all like I said last or I did I say on the stream or whatever that I'm just trying to get on the box yeah I remember a final color and that that cool asako shirt came in the mail oh you got it yeah I got it
Starting point is 00:25:23 say well because you're fine you know it's a beautiful did you ever find out what the other text says on that I know I think it says in the description on the shirt okay yeah but I'm sure I translate to killer and yeah it's yeah yeah okay I am your new waifu because the like I I look through all the characters final colors right will it like the ones you have to you earn can't buy yeah and I've just looked at every single one with which one do I actually want the most and it was the Sakos red skin with very nice bloodstain like come on and all that so I played a bit more quantum break just like I don't know maybe an
Starting point is 00:25:59 extra 40 minutes when I had some spare time and I got like one new power and I'm just like I'm still I don't know about you if you continue that little bit yeah like I'm still having fun with the base powers I got out of the tutorial they're super enjoyable like I always feel like I want more enemies to use them on yeah because sometimes you can kill them like some rooms you kill them so fast and you're so effective with everything they're like I didn't really get to really I want to use it more yeah I'm not against like time dudes yet well yeah no I know in remedy games eventually we'll just be fighting enemies for
Starting point is 00:26:31 hours the last couple of hours it's just gonna be 400 enemies yeah 410 stop it stop it time cops dude like it's already killed on the recording session you destroyed the continuity it's already destroyed but did you watch more quantum break I I kind of made the decision that while those the show bits are well done and the actors haven't are good I kind of actually just want to get on with the game and then when I'm finished I'll watch them if that makes any sense yeah might actually be a bad move but I'm from the one I watch I'm like this just seems to get interesting backstory for secondary character yeah
Starting point is 00:27:16 the first one's all about the secondary cast yeah but then the other ones are not I don't know oh because I thought you'd watch no I didn't play to the second one no that's all you only watch the first I played it a little bit and then Dark Souls 3 appeared at my doorstep and then I said well goodbye Xbox one yeah of course so yeah I'm gonna watch it I decided once I beat it all I'll watch it just because like yeah there's all these great actors running around and they're they're slickly produced shows they don't look yeah like cheap no there's quality there yeah so I saw I watched a movie called they look like people and I
Starting point is 00:27:52 saw a trailer for this and I was like whoa that's fucking weird it's like I only could describe it as psychological horror in the sense that it's just a guy's paranoia about what people really are and he thinks that there's like a race invading those people not lizard people it's not really described so it's not so it's not real scroll invasion maybe it is because the movie kind of dances back and forth where you're like wait wait yeah is he crazy or is he have something going yeah it does a really good job balancing that and it's a very cheaply main movie when I say cheaply it doesn't look cheap it's just nobody
Starting point is 00:28:30 getting any costume or four actors in a couple of rooms and that's it but holy shit was it a good movie it was one of the most tense like unnerving like I would like like Jacob's ladder type stuff they look like rather than like a silent hill type thing and it really really good acting it's just basically about two friends and they reconnect after being really really good friends for a long time and they both have these kind of you know like social like anxieties and stuff and this one the one guy is just had having this really weird issue and he doesn't know whether bring it up and he doesn't he's like
Starting point is 00:29:04 he's like people will think I'm crazy I bring this up but it's true that's the main character yeah yeah it's the main character and it was just really really awesome I found it on Xbox video service so I'm sure it's on PSN as well I don't think it's on Netflix right now but it was it was really good one of the best things I've watched recently I'd be interested to see it I like the premise yeah because it was really creepy but like not it didn't go for no jump scares no anything right when you said the name initially I was like zombie movie they look like movie but no it's a better no that sounds more like like infiltrating
Starting point is 00:29:36 people yeah it sounds more like body snatchers yeah I also like really quickly saw it 10 cloverfield Lane yeah holy shit fuck the Thailand poster for that movie why what is it spoilers it's the final shot of really oh wow Asia doesn't care man that's a big deal because that ring is mine that would be a lie because like that like for anyone in that country would just be like well this isn't what the poster promised me for 99% of the film so I was actually a little disappointed by it not because it was bad or anything but just cuz wait what's what's cloverfield supposed to be you know I don't really get what they're
Starting point is 00:30:20 like a brand for monster movies it like because some people are saying what they're actually going for is an anthology and the title doesn't have anything to do with it I'm like yeah okay that's interesting but I kind of wanted a sequel to cloverfield so it just means fan footage or something it's not found footage at all clover 10 cloverfield oh really yeah that's the other thing that's okay but John Goodman is incredible in the movie yeah it's shot really well Ramona flowers is incredible in the movie and it's it's very again very tense very like oh shit what's gonna happen what's gonna happen
Starting point is 00:30:54 but then I like how much the characters bounce back and forth yeah and my only kind of thing with it is that it just didn't really go anywhere it was kind of the same situation the entire time then just things happen in the last ten minutes and I was like oh okay not that it's bad it wasn't what I was expecting sure yeah I still recommend it though yeah no I like that Kimmy Schmidt yeah season two just that just come out yes yes it's so wait that came out already Friday that's all out yeah it's it's like from where I am now and I like it better than the first season it's so fucking on point I've laughed so
Starting point is 00:31:32 hard I wrote a thing on Twitter saying like just one of her random jokes is like Kimmy does this thing now or she just talks more about like what she missed like she did a little bit yeah but then she's just like I really want to talk about the guy from operation his eyes are open and he's having nine surgeries yeah and then the guys at stairs like yeah and then it's just these like six up I'm like halfway done okay okay it's just really really like again I've laughed constantly in every episode there's some tons more Montreal talk just randomly talking about pushing and much pushing much remember they
Starting point is 00:32:15 just said all the expose yeah yeah in the first year now they're just like oh that's just as good it's like it's like when a person goes to Montreal and when they come back from it through they can't talk about anything else they go it's so good I went to Montreal I'm like where did Tina Fey have some sort of weird trip to Montreal I don't get it sounds like it it was really strange but it's slowly funny and the last kind of thing is I had our friend Chris Ricks over on a stream and we had fun played JoJo and Sailor Moon games and stuff but other than that she was telling me about a friend of hers that is looking for a
Starting point is 00:32:54 little little six-month-year-old female kitten that got abandoned from her previous owners do you have two cats now no not yet okay but we'd like to meet this kitten because the kid is very shy it is it was already de-clawed because their owners de-clawed her and she's fixed and we told her about Zach and they're like if that if there's gonna be a couple that does well a female and a male one shy kitten and one shire like older cat that might work so maybe we can set up a few meetings and see if that works but you have to be very like careful not careful a methodic in that you have to bring them over a couple
Starting point is 00:33:39 times and see if they can get used to each other and they're like I have four cats and this cat just stays away from all of them because I'm trying to find this one a home and I saw pictures and I post them on Twitter I'm like it's the most beautiful little princess kitten ever like I just my heart fucking melted so hopefully that does well but we don't want to push it if it's not a if it's not a thing that doesn't matter this is the moment that Matt starts his descent into crazy cat man yeah that man yeah I've heard that before and you eventually hit a point where like if you don't want to have to make sure the
Starting point is 00:34:14 match works just have more cats mm-hmm you know they'll all bounce out into a big kitten catamari down the sea yeah man if you get enough cats and you become that guy then like doesn't matter if they don't get along but like we were talking about this like we just we want two pets of anything we want we want to make a best best friends it get like it doesn't we want kitten and bunny or our dog and cat we have a cat and snake you just want no they don't get along though oh have you tried putting everyone forgets about snake even snake forgets about snake well you didn't get along that's in cat rats yeah and that wasn't
Starting point is 00:34:51 sensible as the rats what though the one last thing though is that I got this in the mail from a fan that just sent it to me Cthulhu's you sent me the Mad Max art I had told you guys about oh is that a is that a it wasn't a poster for the movie it's a magazine cover that was released only in Japan so when I we talked about this on a video or whatever he just saw here it is I have it and he's like now that you have it physically because you can't find it online in decent resolution you can scan it can scan it yeah make it your poster and I'm like holy shit dude so you'll be the only person in the world that has that
Starting point is 00:35:31 post yeah you better yeah no guidance in Japan certainly probably oh no no get rid of that like 16 dick tips for her because it yeah because it looks like the Metal Gear art of that one pig yeah it does yeah it does like so I'm super stoked to scan like 16 dick tips yeah for her for her that's what the you know things to make of you whatever 140 billion ways to pleasure your woman thank you that's it that was a far-reaching one I'm sorry yeah but yeah well he's sorry to I bet so much for to Cthulhu's for that so yeah that's busy but tight week very tight Matt what'd you do this week
Starting point is 00:36:13 AVP evolution I was waiting for Willie to pick up the slack fine fuck it I'll go hey I'm bleeding well I was bleeding all over I got a dry nose dude I bleed all time your fucking your face is all red anyways I can't tell what was blood or not racist red on red doesn't show the show I'm it's red on white I'm like a human red face red hair just fucking bleed whatever who cares same shit okay whatever okay so what I played more pillars of eternity I played more I played a shitload more enter the gungeon oh yeah I can't every time I sit down in between any editing steps or uploading you need to pick it back I was like I'll
Starting point is 00:36:50 do those I'll do a run and I'm getting like super pissed oh at how hard it is to unlock like permanent progress in that yeah absolutely it's fucking infuriating it took me a full week to get that elevator because it needs it requires you to get all that stuff in a run and 120 bucks down and then it asks you beat the first boss without getting hit and then you'll do it piece cake fuck that game is really great I played a little bit of Dark Souls 3 that games really good I wish I could play more of it I hate you Liam I don't know I did not it seems like you played a lot you're telling me you're grinding out souls I
Starting point is 00:37:32 got really bored and ground up 410 billion souls grinded just like a hundred hundred twenty thousand that's okay I don't like I don't really have much else because every time I would be like I'll play Dark Souls I'd play under the gun so there was a lot of thinking about yes there's a lot of thinking thinking yeah so my week was not and pushing not very much in there sorry folks no gun damn a little bit okay okay for a second I was worried that I wouldn't have anything to do for the nothing really cool happen except for Zeta showed up wait what that was funny and talk on them top but Zeta showed up and I'm kind
Starting point is 00:38:12 of unimpressed with Zeta I like the mark twos design a lot more than oh the Zeta showed up yes yeah there we go like also I don't like the colors how about the fact that it's like yeah this is designed after your specifications and then they give it to me is like yeah whatever I guess yeah but it's like yo you're that good yeah no basically don't you like it no yeah it's that actually yeah no seriously they show up with a new gun to mech and it's better they give it to Camille and it's better and it's a super awesome man he's like we built it off your specs isn't that great yeah I guess like I don't exact
Starting point is 00:38:50 line of dialogue so you've now been introduced to Anaheim right and Anaheim electronics no yeah is it run by the mighty duck okay never mind it's what are you talking about basically it's like the you basically there is the Drebben of the Gundam world that was being built in the meantime in like our early on but wasn't exactly there yet and in Zeta you that's where it's like okay there's the company that builds all the Mecca for everybody and they're impartial to the war and they just profit on it oh I see and yeah okay I'll I'll take a look when I get that far cuz it's not it's not it's not a huge like
Starting point is 00:39:34 point in that regard it's background stuff but I'm sure the name has been dropped at this point and I think they I think they mentioned it a single time okay Anaheim is impartial to hockey and their ducks will do anything exactly that's for the right price yeah absolutely no it's just I feel like you got most of that from a wiki and was excited that I would hear the name and I'm totally baffled as to what you're talking about what do you know it's because it's something that comes up a bit more but it's just it's an interesting thing that's like part of the backstory of the setting but if you
Starting point is 00:40:08 your confusion means I'm gonna shut up now so never mind it's fine okay all right it's cool oh yeah you're in Anaheim what no no not the location Anaheim you've seen the company Anaheim electronics I just Anaheim electronics is definitely never been mentioned all right they said Anaheim once okay and that's it then never mind forget getting there it's been a while I am sorry excuse me go I was really good all right it was worth it for the mighty ducks yeah that was worth it yeah but you will it would you mighty dogs got a god damn weird cartoon show that thing was terrible but no they look I wasn't weird
Starting point is 00:40:43 that was great they look cool I don't make Donald's toy it was shaped like a pock I liked it the mighty ducks coming from mighty ducks of Anaheim was good you said it was shitty but the show might be bad but I thought the heroes themselves are great yeah that was weird I think I watched like one episode game I feel like there was a game I might just be thinking of like Battletoads and battle maniacs I would have seen it in my like list by now so what would you do with your week I finished your devil so finally we do that spoiler cast we can do it not today though you haven't watched it I haven't
Starting point is 00:41:26 watched it you are busy like still clearing out the office I'm almost done but that keeps going seasons well whenever you guys want to do that that's good to go you guys can go ahead I have some thoughts yeah absolutely I don't even care anymore but Matt does I'd have a few things to say but honestly yeah it has been a month since I watched it yeah but now your thoughts are fermented and stronger well how about we just talk about it now that you said you did it how about we just talk about during the Punisher LP yeah sure okay four worn per people if we remember that's a bad idea yeah I think we should just do a
Starting point is 00:42:00 spoiler I like when Frank shuttle those people that's the end of my body did he shoot for fifty eight thousand and fifty two that's correct yeah actually that's actually that's correct we all saw that article yeah we all have the subreddit link yeah so let's not act like we knew that before that I knew that I knew that I mentioned it today to you counting Liam did you see that thing that someone also puzzles have read it about ghost writer in the Punisher no not yet the ghost writer uses his pen and stare do you remember what that does no it's basically a raging demon shows you okay a desert the punishment oh the pen and
Starting point is 00:42:37 stare I just heard you okay yeah and then he does it to the Punisher in the Punisher just like so hey just punches go straighter off I just keep I saw the pages where the Punisher stole Ant-Man's costume yeah fuck I like this that's a strong pun many of these things I didn't know yeah it's like face your sins he's like I regret nothing yeah well I got my self on the shoulder every day I'm doing a good job what are you doing ghost writer your pen and stare made me feel better about my actions people all the time he just they had they've been always knows that they're super evil because of whatever anyway
Starting point is 00:43:12 just like Punisher yeah yeah yeah yeah so we can do that spoiler cast whenever you guys want overall thoughts though overall thoughts were first half our first 75% way better than season one last 25% poorer interesting yeah it doesn't quite stick doesn't stick to the first season doesn't stick to the start of the first season is slower not as great by comparison yeah the build-up is fantastic how great is foggy how not the most annoying person in the world is foggy he's terrible you know you know what though I don't even I don't even feel that angry because most of the time he was being annoying he had a point no
Starting point is 00:44:02 I don't care he was right okay also no he wasn't like I'm not talking he wasn't right cuz he would say hey stop being a superhero and saving people's lives no no he like a lot of the time what he had to say made a lot of sense but also but regardless Rosario Dawson is the brightest right character in this entire show she's gonna be in all of the shit she's so correct in everything it's great also that guy that runs the newspaper is pretty slick too yeah I agree with the guy who gives people jobs for no reason I like the way he talks he's he's kind of a shit in the first season yeah they kind of made him
Starting point is 00:44:39 a bit more like he's leveled up he's leveled up you've you've learned he like you know that he's a dick now but that's his thing yeah what did you think of the stairwell fight that was good yeah you told me about that just by the name stairwell like the it's the best fighting scene I've seen ever it was it was the best fight scene in the show that's sir better than the one in the first one the hallway one yeah yeah I'd say so yeah cuz that one just blew me away yeah I didn't have enough murder in it for me he clearly murders several people in there the whole injuries the hallway one now now we're talking that's the
Starting point is 00:45:17 murder I was I was way more like like turn for the every day the what do you even call it what do I call it I guess I'll say the the the hallway one that happens in this one towards the hallway part to know you're talking about season one hallway right no I'm talking about in season two when there's a fight that goes that's like down a hallway down no we're talking about the one in the jail okay I'm okay I'm talking about the jail fight yeah yeah yeah jail fight is to me was murder in there I like that one much better because it was clearly more visceral for obvious reasons and you get that payout TV shows becoming like
Starting point is 00:45:59 your video games oh you don't even know how close it's becoming to the video game the end of it like the thing too about that whole like at the 75% mark like it's like right at that point you get that all the Warriors moment and it's like oh yeah it's going down what and then it just kind of let's spider-man threes it a little bit you know well the way the weirdest part is that I feel like the threats like the very navel nebulous threat is it's really unclear yeah as to why the bad guys plan will be a problem right why should we worry about this and I don't know and the honest truth is that like it helps to know the
Starting point is 00:46:39 comic back story in those moments but so yeah I don't know and I'm just going along this and it's like really stick you can't just say this is the bet like at one point he says it's the end of the world and I want to shake the guy go why why is it the end of the world I although I did I did go back and pick up three volumes of the the Frank Miller lecture just just just just to refresh just to refresh on that stuff you know cuz I mean like as well the lecture in the show like has some annoying things not because of the actress or her dialogue per se is just like what they had her do which is annoyingly
Starting point is 00:47:20 call Matt every like just not the best yeah her herself like her herself was like an awesome version of lecture much more like when I say much more awesome than the dishwater that was Jennifer Garner indeed and you know no no like psychic abilities this time around but whatever it's fine it's fine okay I think I talked to you about this when you're doing the punish all p and you ought to obviously just say if you liked it or not but what did you think of how Frank got his skull that's what that's what I meant when I said like that your payoff like that was I don't get what you're talking about he just paints it
Starting point is 00:47:56 on the on the best no no there's a thing that looks at that inspires him to do inspiration behind it and I never saw this really solid I'm sure you guys have a lot more detailed information in the spoiler cat certainly I'm pretty much done and you know what to man like the the rival that dare devil has to deal with is like that return was really fun as well because like initially it was really goofy in season one but then like we double down a little bit and make it more interesting I totally disagree I think that characters return was super ah oh well because they don't do anything different yeah they did more in the
Starting point is 00:48:38 first season than they do in the second anyway you guys can discuss this yeah yeah yeah I guess so I guess so come on come on I also went to obsidium which is another room escape how many fucking there's a couple there's a couple so much so 35 so here's the thing is this the one near Chinatown this is the one near Papina because I saw one near Chinatown and I was like how many so here's what the number well here's what's going on right room escape is now popping off yeah and it's like they're opening up as we speak over the last 12 months let's say the new vape stores let's say 24 months like over the last two years stores are
Starting point is 00:49:21 shutting down shut down shut down doors can't shut down fast enough they're shutting down and making room for room escape yeah get ready for your combo room escape vape kit store yeah you gotta vape your way through this room vape escape can you fucking can you escape the right that down right next to castle superpiece no but um the the the room escape the ones that week you're gonna see the rooms the words vape escape and you're not gonna understand the context wait what was that I really like the the main ones that I went to I told you about that were like in the area and so it's like I'm trying to like check out
Starting point is 00:50:04 the other ones around town to see how they are doing things differently and this one I went to is actually yeah it's a very very different setup where it's not exactly like puzzles and and solving and then getting to the next area it's about punching doors really hard this one was like you can't punch through tough like and I got your money and this one I look I don't mind to elaborate a little bit more on this one because it's just it's one of many scenarios at this place but it was basically like okay here's a scenario you go in and now you're you're in two teams of four and one team gets locked up further inside
Starting point is 00:50:40 of this facility and they have to try and figure out what they can find what they can while handcuffed to this like this area and like like a sort of stuck in the interrogation room then the other team of four has to infiltrate from outside the facility literally that's neat right and you're giving out doors or just outside like an inner facility outside the warehouse like main gates okay and then you're given a duffle bag full of infiltration tools again and you have to use them as you will right so you infall you like you start starting with like a an actual like door lock scanner that you have to play a hacking
Starting point is 00:51:22 device into and then decode easy money right and then like and then just kind of splits from there and this one was like again it's a very different set of goals where you get in you're looking at security footage you're going back through tapes you're trying to find passwords and whatnot and at some point there's actually a like a moment where you you find the what is implied to be a guard secure like a security guard routine pattern routine and you actually have to like thought you have to hide in vents and in secret places and put everything back as it was while the guard investigates the area you're in to
Starting point is 00:52:02 not get caught right and then they leave and then you like you know was that noise basically right and then at one point if you're in the right area you can actually kind of peek out and see one of the guard the guards putting the password into a certain door and get some extra stuff there really fun stuff you know sounds like an actual stealth video game yeah it really was and like you look through your duffel bag and see your tools and at one point you see a little like like remote control car and an iPhone to control it with and you have to put that in a vent and steer it through that's our crowbar there's no
Starting point is 00:52:35 crowbar but basically you steer it through and like and there's stuff yeah there's stuff to do yeah maybe you can put a key on it and bring it to some people that need a key yeah you know and then eventually you both you both teams go through their own respective like hallways and mysteries and rooms and then you meet back up yeah with a central final room where you have to solve the big one and the big one is like really elaborate and then a tall guy comes out and you all got a kick his ass well the fucked up thing is like welcome to die the fucked up thing is now you're a big group of eight yeah and the
Starting point is 00:53:07 security guards are due for another pattern in 30 seconds where the fuck do all eight of you hide you know so that she gets hard to jump them really really fun stuff there tie him up with the handcuffs yeah yeah well just fuck him up kick him in the balls and never allowed to come back here and one thing I'll say that I'm noticing is that like as time is going on and more rooms are getting set up they're straight up grabbing the latest toys gimmicks and technology yeah of course from off the shelves and working them into so well how long do you think it is before one of these is marketed as being a real and
Starting point is 00:53:44 dangerous well I've already injuries guaranteed well like you know I talked about this before like you can go through haunted houses and then you can pay money for like the things where they were they throw you in the back of the cars they throw you in the cars and those spikes are real just treading right under illegal yeah well we had a really long discussion afterwards about we went out for drinks after and we're just talking about like okay so you get that quarter million dollars yes you buy that haunted town that we were talking about or that we have on our wish list for this for the stream yeah
Starting point is 00:54:17 and then you make that a giant room escape town there was a there was a some form of Kickstarter or something like that a long time ago that when that started popping off and it was Detroit land is real cheap and the guy I'm like mapped out like this 10 square mile area of Detroit that you could buy for like 200 grand and his plan was to turn it into like a paintball theme park with zombies yeah yeah yeah that's pretty cool absolutely no that's it not happen bummer it'd be so fun to set that up and have it be like you come in you camp out for three days and you participate in this massive escape game you know we'll
Starting point is 00:54:56 call it Madden town yeah Jimmy Jimmy got a little too real and killed and ate his teammates it's fine no he won that was the victory condition I guess he won yeah and so and so I'm gonna continue to like let me there was one I took a picture of it room escape when you leave the the gates of Chinatown on Saint Laurent or whatever yeah yeah this one jeur d'évasion up above whatever this Davidson place is okay it's I'll show you on yeah that I haven't I haven't seen that that's new too yeah sketchy in French so it'll be perfect mm-hmm sketchy French and Chinese and there's another one makes another one downtown that's
Starting point is 00:55:34 just called trapped so that I'm gonna go check out as well oh I heard about that one yeah yeah the band trapped just shows up and starts playing you're like no I'm trapped in here with them and you know besides that's a lot of work in gym stuff boxing so I'm so forth so nothing else really excited new Joe Joe's pretty good and you Joe Joe's pretty good I am I am kind of disappointed that they they didn't explain okuyasu as well as they should have it was a bit unclear with how they handled that I thought it was pretty pretty rock solid but the way it looks and the sound it makes it's the same noise the world it
Starting point is 00:56:09 makes the same noise like a very not the exact same but it's a very similar kind of reality is being broken right now and this is not supposed to happen you did some shit that you should not have done I look forward to him poorly using this power I look no I look forward to four episodes from now do you think it's gonna be every stand user I look forward to them for looking no no that's his guys thing I'm looking forward to super good not the next step but he's not you stupid but the episode after the one after that because that's the right oh no that'll probably be a little bit further on the locks the locks fun
Starting point is 00:56:52 good yeah that'll be me man that'll be me okay so what's up in the world this week would you this week I do that I just think of the stupid fucking the intro role of Dragon Master sure when we did it that that that that that that that that that that that that that I just started sing that one day we couldn't figure out what it was for like weeks and we discovered that it was the fucking b-roll for fucking Dragon Master the weirdest thing about that that is and like and I've always told you guys every time you made that noise that that's the same sound for here comes a
Starting point is 00:57:30 new challenger in Street Fighter as well but it's you put in a new quarter and press start and the game goes da da da da da I know but the vocal version of it is identical whether or not the actual version in your head is different no what's the thing coming out of your mouth no you don't understand some Dragon Master yeah okay actually I do understand it's got one Garcia and he's got overstands yeah yeah the spin kick that tracks that's a good one that's a new one all right so this week the video games industry had a week no didn't that's that that I suppose we should start with that that that that but you
Starting point is 00:58:13 know but besides the Tower Knights team yeah yeah I suppose we should start with the leaked that there's likely going to be a Batman Arkham HD collection sure okay I'll play asylum again oh I'll play asylum I'll play asylum again that's the reason why I brought this up okay because origins is not included in it that's that is like that doesn't say a lot no extra spit in your eye yes origin is just city and asylum and I will play asylum yeah it's good I'll play city for like an hour alternatively if you do have it on PC once they ripped the games for Windows Live stuff out of that those PC ports are fine now for the
Starting point is 00:58:54 first two not not I heard they were they were always pretty good but games Windows Live totally crippled they had those things that were marring them but like the games like horrible save problems with those two games oh shit it was dude it was bad okay and once they went all to steam like now those are solid because yeah not not origin or fucking night but the first two yeah some really baffling decisions going on as well with Mirzec catalysts there is a screenshot well not a screenshot but it's like there's an hour there's about an hour of gameplay footage you can go check out now and they revealed a lot of
Starting point is 00:59:29 ever puts down a gun they revealed a lot of she's actually got a bushwhacker style and is replaced with a gun that's the only way forward our hands and legs so they show you an hour of gameplay footage and one of the things that people caught on to is that there is now an upgrade tree yeah and the upgrade tree includes like combat abilities that you gain as you go bring progress sure but also movement abilities and things as simple as tucking your feet in and doing quick turns are things that you have to unlock it's fine I don't like it's probably built into the way you progress through as long as the levels
Starting point is 01:00:09 don't require you to do but but but the thing but the thing about it like tucking your legs after a jump is that you never have to do it but it just makes your time better yeah the problem is that now you won't us now you want to do the fastest run through the first level the same way you'd be able to do in the final honestly this makes like more sense because it'll be able to teach new players better but it won't over complicate things because I remember people getting like overwhelmed by the amount of things you could do in the yes which but to me that was kind of a fine because you didn't have to do them
Starting point is 01:00:41 no it was it was just for time and I just I just remember people saying that when it came out so one so each one of those like obstacles that it was like hey you can jump and tuck over this you could usually also slide under it easily it's a little bit slower but simple you know I am and I feel like in a game like this where like you are looking at the clock from moment one at least I know I feel like I am it's kind of like make it so that I have all my abilities faith knows what she's doing and then like if you're gonna have upgrades and what perhaps combat like that this is absolutely the best route
Starting point is 01:01:13 to go and you are wrong if this was the first mirror's edge but because this is a sequel that means that it is weird and awkward it's not a sequel it's a reboot wait what yeah I didn't know that whatever it's the second game like so it's a soft I agree that having her relearning things she already knew in a skill based tree thing is weird yeah but it's not the same faith so whatever I still second game it's ultimately it is no it is I mean I mean we'll have to see I didn't know is a reboot we'll have to see how it plays out but like the mirror's edge that I like is the one where you have all your tools and you have to
Starting point is 01:01:48 what about like character action games but what about like things when we talk about what's great about well what's that game called God I had not heavensly sword but hell blade right no maybe help late oh sorry Beijing guy no so we talk that we talk about how like with hell blade for example you have a move list as opposed to a body's do you yeah and that was we brought it so we brought it up on the podcast before but basically one of the cool things about that there was like oh shit this game actually looks kind of interesting is the fact that's like you have a move list and then you'd have to
Starting point is 01:02:22 just kind of get used to that and learn how to fight I must have forgotten that because that was being made by Ninja theory yeah I'll play the game that's not out yet the game that's being made by the ninja theory that's correct yeah follow the dev diaries on it there's some interesting stuff I highly I could not I can't believe that there won't be a all moves unlocked new game plus variant for speed runs likely yeah well but also like I can like banded it to you know you don't start with all your moves devil may cry for you don't start with any moves I'm fine with if there was a compromise where you had the basic version of the
Starting point is 01:02:52 move and then you got better versions of it that would be okay but not having it at all to me feels like no good I want to be able to do everything that faith originally could do from the moment one and then have better things on top of that being layered that's fine to me but like Liam just said it's a real don't give me a worse faith you know I mean like it's open world I think that's part of the nature of like actually giving you places to go around to otherwise you'd be able to go everywhere from I didn't know his open world either I haven't been following this game at all okay well you know I don't like it I really hope that
Starting point is 01:03:24 I could go either way I really hope that it doesn't take like more than like the first hour we'll see the thing is well it's like in order unlock all your extra movement abilities you're gonna have to complete the shooting challenges right because you know this the new stuff you see in the trailer like like grabbing a pole while you're turning 90 degrees and things like that that looks like super useful stuff that you don't need but it's you know there for you upgrade your pole grabbing yeah sure but yeah I would I was I would like to see like like I said improvements being upgrades but not like base abilities you know that's an
Starting point is 01:03:58 improvement I'm really disappointed that she's not just an improvement to the jump text and improvement to the jump but it all but again there's certain certain obstacles you can fit in where you couldn't otherwise it would be a certain you jump against a certain type of surface and it would become I'm familiar I've played the game yeah so you think about the kind of areas that it would be a climb instead of a instead of a clean like jump right over sure but that's what I mean it's an improvement to it otherwise you climb but yeah like you're shorter Joe yeah but skill based you know I like it's dude it's I
Starting point is 01:04:32 think it's like a royal guard I think great to the your sword I think I think it's just like you know it'll just be a matter of preference on it but like but Dante knew all those moves last game I'm sorry I'm being petulant no but I think your character action analogy is like exact but I don't think about mirrors that just a character action game I think about it as mirrors no but it's not about all about it's about learning techniques like a beginner doesn't have to do frame perfect stuff well but you know someone that's not a beginner would enjoy that and would like to and that's all I'm saying is I would love games like
Starting point is 01:05:06 Bayonetta and stuff I never saw this being a problem with you so I'm just intrigued that's all no because again I just I never I don't see it as a character action game like it's not but it you're not listening I know but I have sort of what mirrors edges to me already mm-hmm and I think it's arbitrary and I think it'd be it's not arbitrary it's that she's got a set move list right so much like let's say Dark Souls 3 came out and then it turned out that like upgrading your weapons to a certain ability a certain number then unlocked a new move for it or something like that sure that'd be very different from the
Starting point is 01:05:39 way upgrades worked in previous games sure so you've kind of gotten used to this one thing and like to me I like the fact that it was skill based from moment one as opposed to that normal progression I enjoy that and I like that every game most games have a kind of skill that eventually like gets you a certain thing I like that not every game has that I like certain games like in Symphony of the Night in the Castlevania games where you actually have all those moves right away you just if you know how to do them or you know what to do you don't have all of them I enjoy things like that sure I enjoy games yeah
Starting point is 01:06:13 like a new Souls game like almost once a year like roughly let's say once a year a year and a half and the last time a mirrors edge came out game was like almost 10 years ago yeah absolutely and it was like considered like not a huge success it was not a huge success so I think it was a moderate into a rebranding type thing I wonder and into the reboot I wonder no existed it could be it could be I I just kind of like you know I think it's a good idea because people like upgrade systems so yeah it certainly is it by the end on a string to the game by the end of the game you will absolutely you will certainly have more movement
Starting point is 01:06:51 mechanics than you did in the marriage one yeah I wonder that's guaranteed I wonder if like you're gonna have first level faith tucking rolling and doing amazing things and then she's gonna get hit and then suddenly forget them all well no cuz it's a reboot yeah it's a reboot or like after you don't need to like have to request permission to tuck from okay no that would be great that would be Adam am I allowed to use my tuck and roll no P right now you can't use it that's too deep you know how dangerous tucks are come on girl you got to get out of there what else we've got we got the guile info drop is it
Starting point is 01:07:28 cuz I saw people saying was a leak and like that's a lot of screenshots for a leak this morning I'll post it on Capcom unity actually that's that's half right cuz this morning they posted the pictures and took them down and then they put them back up when the post went up so okay if you heard it was a leak it was cuz he got in just before that all right the post that's up is a bunch of screenshots and a complete description of his V skill I want to hear that shit cuz I only saw the screenshots by the way girl looks good I like his redesign does did you see the first new shop Ken's face onto I did not but I'm excited
Starting point is 01:08:02 yeah so guile's deal is one his case now his outfit is officially like the officers uniform with like sunglasses got the shades on officially he's got the like kind of decorated shirt I don't know what's great I don't know what the you know what the right terminology is for that type but it's not as old one that's not it's not the army fatigues and wife beaters we're in a nice shirt and pants and the tie yeah so the actual V skill fuck I forget what it's called but what it is a little floating sonic yeah he creates a little mini sonic boom that's static in on it like in the air and then it kind of moves
Starting point is 01:08:40 forward and creates a barrier almost so it's like it's very slow it's like a little sonic boom that just kind of fucking and it doesn't reflect it doesn't reflect and it's like one it's only one hit one hit of durability and it's just it's just a static projectile wall that appears that's amazing it's really strong sounding it sounds really strong however let's not forget how much people have projectile yeah sure maneuvering that's infuriating like that sounds like an even more annoying version of Laura's bullshit yeah yeah if you shoot a sonic boom through it it adds a hit of durability of son exactly
Starting point is 01:09:12 I think my understanding was that it costed the other thing to do it sure vanish but that's still really good he creates a stationary projectile that can also juice up his sonic boom geez man did they say it was a wall because I didn't read that anywhere no but the screenshot shows you it turning into shit I didn't see you see the little you see a little screenshot of the circle and then the second one after it it looks like a Kaiser wave okay I only saw the first ones when they were posted initially that wasn't that cool it's like it's like a toe-to-shoulder height hi hi pretty big fuck and then yeah that's sonic blade
Starting point is 01:09:43 and then his V trigger is solid puncher where he pot he like he powers up his fists super good and then he can throw out continuous sonic booms each button throws a different speed of sonic boom that's cool and he can create some interesting sonic boom based sequences using these they can you they act as combo extenders and basically help you push push people into the corner that's literally I wonder how many that is literally Charlie's super from alpha yeah you shut all those sonic booms at different speeds I'm really curious how many he's gonna get for a full bar yeah it will have to see how expensive they
Starting point is 01:10:16 make it because like can he gets to mm-hmm so it's Charlie's super you get so I hope he gets like 20 Charlie super combined with his his block stunts like strings yeah go like at the normal sonic boom kick sonic boom tap sonic boom one sonic boom button in between so a really interesting sort of pressure set up making and then of course he's got sonic hurricane as his super yeah so he's projecting hurricane gets better with the when he has his thing on yes he does exactly it gets more range and damage so gyle is now a straight-up projectile beast like gyle having three moves is like oh wow you're right
Starting point is 01:10:54 has three moves finally yeah holy shit it's a big deal though it's a charge character right he's probably still a charge I really oh my god I forgot wait what a screenshot out what that's just him crouching he said yes he is a charge character for one read because there's one other thing I forgot to mention he's got a new move called faultless move and it's down forward he crawls forward holding his charge shut wait what if you hold down forward he will you can crouch forward and move forward as gyle holding you're still holding down but you can't get your boom out obviously no it's not like boom
Starting point is 01:11:39 that's that's awesome but it's a walk forward with your flash I wonder how slow it is I'd love it must be must be so slow slower than bison's walk I think that's stupid in a story context like cuz it shows I'm coming in no it shows that he's learned is physically like he has to do his moves with his own body by kind of putting holding his key back for two seconds like you know what I mean I mean it's a story it's applying like yeah it's applying the command just to just him slowly inching forward in a crowd so I don't get you but but like adding adding a crouch walk to one character solid yeah it's super interesting
Starting point is 01:12:23 because usually like when the fighting game has that it's a universal system yeah so gyle gyle it's so fucking weird gals fresh man gals fresh and then it's weird I'm really glad I've like forgotten the order so it was like a big surprise I thought it was ball rock this week I this this month I thought it was Ibuki and I was like yeah all right gyle when I was a you want to I don't want to look at the order anymore talking to people at the tournament it sounded like everyone thought Bob Rock was next as well so huh yeah perhaps not so there's that and then we've got like the I guess related is the fact that there's a
Starting point is 01:12:59 modern made created Alex model that looks way better I saw that I think it looks I don't have a problem with his head mainly I like his hair how that's a yes yeah the body is like it's definitely going back to the old proportions but I think the new body looks better and a bit more normal but the hair and face looks way better way better it's these things are getting good I'm keen to see what his retro costume looks like when they get there because they already with Kami they've set the precedent of adjusting the face so and and here's the thing now because this rather than fix Ken then fix for
Starting point is 01:13:35 sure pressing Ken needs to get good these things are now way higher profile as far as like the mod things are news goes around like it's now a bigger deal and more people are seeing it it makes me wonder like like it's more embarrassing when the bottles look weird now you know and like are they what people can just show you up what yeah when a fan just shows you up would they actually embarrassing if people don't like it I mean it didn't really happen but even then like that's the question like embarrassing has always been a weird word to use because like are the team embarrassed they should be are they just like we want to do better
Starting point is 01:14:10 next time it didn't happen it didn't happen with the three five or four models you're right like they no one tried to improve the base models like yeah there's lots of mods for other cosmic stuff but at least I don't remember going hey really looks like shit yeah or like better Ken or stuff like that you know yeah you do very mostly people focused on like costumes and different characters that weren't in it at all the guy and the guy that do you remember the guy remember the Alex model in for that was based off of able yeah it's the same guy oh really it's the same it's a big Alex yeah and he also made Q wait that
Starting point is 01:14:42 in Street Fighter 5 yeah unfortunately he's using Bison's moves but it's an amazing yeah looks amazing so hire that man and that's what I'm getting at I'm like would Capcom actually be like no hmm if he's American no no period I mean it's not like their staff are doing bad the design's different no Ken's face looks horrible no no but I mean the design is different they followed a different design well whoever is there the model whoever whoever is at core for the reason Ken's face looks like that should be embarrassed no I'm just saying the model quality isn't the fault sure then the artist should feel embarrassed
Starting point is 01:15:20 yeah perhaps needs it's possible it's entirely possible and likely that it's the the character turnaround the reference sheet that they just matched was like look looked weird like that yeah but you know well just notice I don't I wouldn't immediately jump to like hire this guy cuz it's like his eyes his art quality is the same like they're really good he's just following a design that people like better mm-hmm you know I mean we'll hire him but he's yeah he's still clearly capable of doing well as a designer then he's capable of doing a job that could well sure unless it comes out that Ken's face in the design
Starting point is 01:15:53 process was totally fine and the implementation was was gone so but I don't think that's the case if we ever see that art we'd then we'd know for sure yeah we fight a five art book would help so we've got a couple of announcements from insomniac probably the million announcement we can't sleep I'm hilarious the most exciting one pre being feral rights a new game from the director of sunset overdrive and it seems to be like a bit of a Zelda God of War hybrid action game with a man that transforms and transforms like bloody roar style anthropomorphic hero I hope they get it out elsewhere cuz this along
Starting point is 01:16:37 with you know edge of nowhere and their other new title that they announced are their Oculus exclusives yeah so I was gonna get now when I think of Oculus inclusive exclusives I think of third-person brawling action games like you know I mean I really wish that would show up on other stuff that's what I was gonna say is like well regardless of what you associate with the brand like I'm just not in a place where I want to spend over $2,000 to go on plus I want to play that's the real no you're laughing cuz it's like the number you put out it's just I have to buy a new piece every time yeah I mean what one
Starting point is 01:17:16 day I'll buy a PC and it'll just be good enough and that'll be great but for now yeah and the headset will be a pair of sunglasses it'll cost or whatever exactly or at least beyond PlayStation VR so at least to cut some I'm really happy to see motors already getting in there and getting the of working with Oculus exclusive software yes like just early stuff so it's not perfect yet but like getting through that protection it's really great aside from feral rights I was kind of confused you mean the vibe announcements HTC Vive yeah okay like said the Vive no he said the beef that one yeah what were you saying the feral
Starting point is 01:17:56 rights but I got kind of muddled with the other like three or two other games yes let's let's let's go into it so we have announced one other we have so well song of the deep was already announced that's the metroidvania game as they call it as they call it I know you hate the term but people know what the term is a thing but I'm talking and I'm like you got to prove that to me because I don't believe you and then they have edge of nowhere a third-person action adventure game where players travel to the far reaches of the Antarctic Mountings this one was announced a long time is that one of your katoos this one was not this
Starting point is 01:18:31 one was like playable at Pax last year okay it's really cool it's probably the most AAA VR game right now okay and the last of their announced games was the unspoken which is talk about it it's a touch-enabled games that basically you manipulate environments with arcane forces summon monstrosities and yeah it's like a magic game do magic things magic stuff that one must be a ways off because oculus touch is still like not out you know well not even up for pre-order yeah and even if it was up for pre-order who knows what that actually means anymore so do you know that that first-person game I think it's called
Starting point is 01:19:11 mage or magus magus yeah we played that lichdom probably means lichdom where you're a mage yeah and you have not magus magus is terrible and we mystery box magus okay you might be thinking of lichdom battle mage battle mage right yep that's what I'm thinking of that game is sick yes and I would love an oculus style game where you were a first-person mage and you have a spell book in one hand that's like and you're flipping that's like ages that's like the most basic bitch VR thing so give it time yeah you'll get 20 good ones you know yeah there's there's there's a disc release coming out for it soon
Starting point is 01:19:50 actually do you mean 20 good ones are 18 average ones one fine one and one actually good you know you know they'll all be within the 70 to 80 meta region oh I hate I'm starting to hate that region meta region I hate it 80's a good game there one 80's a good game but 79 fuck that pilot garbage yeah can eat my ass I hate I hate that's so upsetting to me but like here's a thing you number that's what they work that's what somebody who put out a 79 game would say the other game you described was also third-person and like I'm kind of like you know if you have a first-person thing or whatever and it's on like a VR
Starting point is 01:20:33 machine that's only makes and you built it from the ground up that's only makes sense but it's like do I want to play your third-person brawling Zelda got a war bloody roar game right mm-hmm but I don't see many benefits I know it's like there's there's been some third-person games released in the office or whatever and I'm sure they're fine but like exclusives it's like this can work fine on yeah that's what Liam was saying it's like yeah really game that has this perspective and yeah possibly use your VR to its fullest so just hope on the line a lot of them and even like job simulator which is like one of the ones
Starting point is 01:21:10 that valve is really pushing that I that I played it was quite fun yeah I played it too it's really enjoyable did you play it with the view or yeah okay because sorry I pronounce it just because every ever since I saw the word for the first time I went oh Veeve I know how it's so yeah it's just so weird yeah I never heard anyone else like this like all the everyone who said it on videos is English yeah like that's what happened yeah anyway it was French it would be it would be yeah anyway that's one of the ones they're really pushing as like using the room the space and you can move around in it right but I played it on
Starting point is 01:21:45 psvr and like it adapts like a hundred percent fine and a lot of like 90% of the games right now I want to say like way more than 90 probably 99 like hover junkers is probably one of the only ones that legitimately uses like good space and some of valves like test ones in those like portal rooms like obviously they use it a lot but yeah I do hope that the barriers get broken down a little just waiting for porn to hit it and that'll cause the big boom they playing a platformer on the Sega CD or something it doesn't let the format lens itself no real advantages yeah I think though there's like there's just
Starting point is 01:22:19 a basic probably interesting thing to playing a third-person game where like there's just no borders to your vision while controlling the character well Lucky's tails out it was one of the launch titles for a list that was bundled with all the units and like apparently it's quite good so so good that Oculus decided to bundle it as a third-person game you know it's pretty interesting and and people say like it just like your your spatial sense is really good yeah that much exactly like not as good as now that's like yeah I feel like that in itself is like 41 million units sold to billion actually super unnecessary but
Starting point is 01:22:52 probably just cool to have yeah available no that that that's it spatial sense is good character looks at you and waves at you and it feels nice apparently got a little fuzzy feeling okay so I guess speaking of fuzzy feelings Shin Gojira hey we are getting a Star Fox zero animated short oh yeah by Miyamoto studio IG production IG rather and studio wit with studios so is it with the Muppets CG anime but yeah man where I'd like they're they're making a Star Fox short that's that's crazy that's cool like a kid at Chris remember no no I don't Chris has like yeah there's a bunch of anime shorts by different studios
Starting point is 01:23:39 great I never miss that great yeah are they in the game anywhere no not at all and this one won't be in the game either I bet you they said yeah they said this is gonna be on the Treehouse special yeah no it's they're online people of saved him and stuff but I hope it has bad English voice acting oh that'd be good they'll use the same cast there's no way that they would right yeah still hope it's bad were they any good yeah they're fun they're fun especially if you played the game because it's all just fan service stuff so that's like I saw the trailer for it look pretty cool that's cute yeah one of them is worse
Starting point is 01:24:12 than the others well I meant the Star Fox I watched the trailer it looks really cool yeah no I'm really keen to see it yeah I want to see a scene in which Fox and Falco take their legs off and discuss how their knees are chapped yeah I would like to see more of this type of thing for Nintendo franchises but I find that the the whole rule like the fact that they don't have an outlet yet is the strangest part of this what do you mean like outlet like is it intended for Treehouse stream is that why it's I think it is premiering it'll will it be on the disc is it gonna not for the disc but it's just promo material like
Starting point is 01:24:49 Pikmin just kind of went on the e-shop and that was it right yeah Pikmin had the e-shop release which was neat but I think it's just promo material don't worry though but though when one that Netflix Zelda show shows up they'll put the rest of these it feels like it needs some proper distribution of some kind I mean it wouldn't be the first time like hopefully like both the Tokiden games have like an anime thing that never those just like a one-off to advertise the game Soul Sacrifice Delta has a really pretty one well remember like they had that jury anime like that Capcom kept away from being anywhere
Starting point is 01:25:23 even outside Japan for like forever like two years yeah we finally got it on the anniversary box which is always frustrating cuz like everyone was whoa everyone was saying it was quite allergic to something in my house not allergic to now remember he remember he was sneezing like this but was that always oh shit maybe it's not unusual I just need a lot doesn't that mean you're allergic to something common I know I'm not allergic to anything someone please diagnose Liam what's Liam allergic to you get your answers to super best friend cast he's allergic to guitar hero MMOs
Starting point is 01:26:01 that was alright that was pretty good is really sure will be shut up about whatever you're about to say that sounds terrible it's nowhere near as bad as it sounds oh cuz that sounds like the worst yeah it's not quite what you think so what is the unseen 64 has revealed really on point lately unseen 64 always never not only am they found a big dumpster with a bunch of canceled shit never fucking never fucking failing on reporting about fucking failures yeah and project hammer hero world was a project that was being made by a Dutch studio called virtual fairground in 2010 never and yeah this was basically a game where
Starting point is 01:26:45 you created a character like from the DJ hero and guitar hero live worlds and you played online with everyone that described this isn't it like I know they cancel my pad I suppose you got exactly like a third person thing no yes there's a third no there's third person running around and you with your creative character and doing like fucking go play sets with people yeah what do you want to tell you that is like terrible hit the note track hit the note chart it's neat I don't know how much I would have played it I don't know either like I certainly wouldn't and you know what we know where no one would have played it
Starting point is 01:27:24 at 2010 where everyone shoved all their plastic toy shit and the fucking garbage so when I I cut my lease with my old apartment right and you left all your guitar and they were like hey can you can you move out the rest of your stuff because there's a bunch of stuff you didn't move out when you moved I'm like okay let me go upstairs and check it's a bunch of action figures that I never unpacked from my original move in that building and there's an air conditioner and there's all the plastic instruments and I'm like you know what I would rather pay the fee yeah that says no fuck it their value list and and just
Starting point is 01:28:02 leave all that shit there yeah cuz fuck it it was worth paying the feed and I have to drag the guitar hero show you didn't pay the fee and those action figures down to the trash where they were gonna go I hope someday like someone creates some kind of really cool fuck it like salvage beast out of like somebody beat Dark Souls one with like the drum kit yeah like those things about live their usefulness I have a friend who went through the double dragging games on xbl a with the guitar controller not the not neon but the older ones oh that sucks he said it was great all because it's such a cuz the old arcade ones are
Starting point is 01:28:45 don't play well oh okay yeah but you'd be really great like a double fine or some type of like some publisher of that ilk we make a parody game where there is a final boss that's made out of hey remember all this plastic guitar shit there's a final boss made out of that that'd be something like Barkley to yeah yeah yeah like easily easily um that's what Ku Klain is or that stupid basketball you left in my house that's a motion different ones no we got to play that game it's better than me saying chuchu chelain chuchulain to after the Danon yeah so speaking of like I guess the yeah that that that drum souls thing
Starting point is 01:29:27 yeah it was pretty fucking impressive cuz like you can't even map all the movement to it yeah you have to omit stuff couldn't he only turn one way are my crazy he could turn left and right okay you can move forward and backwards but like that's not how that game actually controls when I played DDR pad on RE4 yeah no it's like exactly like that challenge I wonder if he started playing DS3 because if so he would be playing what but bad dynamic I was calling their fastest-selling title ever not too surprised in there yeah I would have been I believe I would actually find that very surprising I do too because if it was
Starting point is 01:30:05 just from soft saying this that would have been one thing but all of Bandai that's well I think about it that's a lot what's game like what game would you name something with an IP attached to it a couple hundred K exactly so I can drag balls universe did like 1.4 million the first month or something and like considering how good so I believe yeah like something with an IP attached to it like does like a second Jojo yeah okay Jojo did not do that good yeah so Jojo's not not wasn't it like gangbusters month one and then like after that maybe in Japan yeah and gangbusters gangbusters in Japan was only like 500k yeah well in
Starting point is 01:30:46 Japan okay yeah so this is like kind of amazing and good for from soft also obviously but the number that like that like shocked me but the number that made me go bull was the fact that they've sold 633,000 copies on PC already good for that that's absurd that's crazy I mean dark the Souls games have found a good home there for sure like that means that like in the future even if from soft and then go bandai split ways or whatever like they can see that people on that platform want which makes me really happy now fix the fucking crash bug higher Durante fix that crash bug you fucks it's really a bad it's real bad you dumb
Starting point is 01:31:29 asses you've got yes yeah shingo jero trailer what's that I was going there is that about King Kong it's on the docket I wasn't going there what's over this stupid tail but we can go there now no go whatever it's so big well we're already in it now we're already in it now honestly didn't think it would be on no right it's right there next to the neon demon trailer all right what's that that's the new movie from the guy that directed Drive oh yeah yeah yeah I heard that a bad lady and he's he's one for two so maybe 30% success rate yeah more movies than that well he's one for two in our eyes okay yeah he is one for two in
Starting point is 01:32:19 our eyes so we'll see you guys never had the pleasure of seeing only God I've seen clips from it and it looks god-awful you need to watch it you need to learn the mystery first born dick the best dick the strongest dick so you fucking grin on your face as you say that scares the shit out of there is a trailer and it looks interesting it looks there's a red band trailer that just popped up who's in it again you know I didn't recognize any of the faces there's at least one like person I think would care about in it but I forget I didn't know I didn't recognize anybody either but I love the name and I love
Starting point is 01:32:57 the colors yeah we'll see because it's a name akin to Castle Super Beast yeah well on demon well it feels like it feels like he it's his take on like almost directing black swan in a way yeah that's the impression I got I got to check that out Godzilla resurgence we that was the other trailer that popped up what's with this big spirit now I just want to say Shingo Jira every time you now now you will give the full breakdown as the authority but I just do want to briefly say that I was really underwhelmed with the trailer trailer itself yes I thought it did nothing interesting and I was really hoping that
Starting point is 01:33:35 Anna would bring a lot but you know what Japanese trailers for movies never they're always cut a weird I found you want to see a weird movie and most of trailer yeah after after Civil War comes out go check out the Japanese one it's got like this pop ballad over it it's yeah that was great I saw that the weirdest I saw that that was really good they have a Japanese song huh it's really fun it's really fun but no that it seems like most of what they did in this trailer or at least what Anna was doing with these shots is just making Godzilla stand still it still seems like a teaser trailer like to me like he's
Starting point is 01:34:12 not even moving he's moving but like yeah so some people say man he looks really stiff and he's not moving around I'm like welcome to rubber men and rubber suits yeah tea posing once again I use this fire breath to fall out to fly and drop kick and do like it you know me I mean I like you bastard I know that it's like big action II and not the traditional subtle ways of doing things but Godzilla grabbing a thing and barfing laser into its mouth is the sickest shit ever I and I don't know is he CG or no he's a guy that's got a suit except for a CG shot with a tail which that was the best shot thing that
Starting point is 01:34:56 was awesome because the tail moved yeah well no it usually in a shoot and when they do suits they have the tails always on a wire and they pull the they yank the wire all over the place to make his tail look like seriously what's up with this big stupid tail it's massive because now he's super huge now he's saying this now I can't stop like thinking about everyone's like look at his big stupid tail why is it so big and I'm like okay so now he has a really big long cool weapon I'm more concerned with your useless nub arms so Matt that can't grapple or punch or do so Matt you this is a forced for the tree situation now
Starting point is 01:35:32 that's kind of what everyone means when they make fun of the tail because now with the big long tail every other part of his body that's weird looking looks even stupider like his arms look fucking dumb now like a Christmas tree with a head on it yeah actually though like to be fair like actually watching the trailer he looks evil as fuck oh he looks super yeah and that's definitely the eyeballs that the cameras in the trailer when they have a few shots of them like you don't see the goofiness I just saw like pure evil or whatever and like the suits like it was just
Starting point is 01:36:10 unlit and wasn't all finished and like I think he looks cool in the black and red skin a lot of people have said that in the leaked things of the script that this is his first form okay and stuff so they're saying that there's a second form but that's not been confirmed but like you're right in saying the trailer was just a couple of shots of him silence as actors look scared and that's about it but that tanks doing really big yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna judge like I'm gonna judge it like according to the last thing I saw which was the American Godzilla movie and I guess no that's not sure we watched we watched the thing
Starting point is 01:36:47 you still haven't watched final wars though and that's the one you need to final words that is the best Japanese one it's the best yeah it's the most action-packed goofy insane one yeah so you know that's thing I think it should be judged remember it's directed by the guy that directed versus right Kenimura Kenimura yeah so I was gonna say the other real point about this news is that's really really weird this movie has absolutely no plans to come to America for the entire year how will you ever watch it I don't actually know because usually if you're implying that there's other ways for me to watch it
Starting point is 01:37:25 the last Japanese Godzilla movie nope could not find it anywhere could that have anything to do with legendary I don't think so no okay toho license it like to license it out to another company and whatever we do has nothing to do with you so like I just read a report saying it might not even come out till 2017 even though it comes out in July in Japan so like unless things are just similarly locked down I might actually need to get a plane ticket yeah and Fantasia festival follows me for some reason on Twitter tell them I yelled at them the other week get this movie and they're like we're trying man they don't
Starting point is 01:38:10 like us they don't like us that much so I you that guy yelling at him while he's using his fire breath to fly yeah you're like no no that was there's a different guy but I hope there's another trailer that shows a bit more like you know how maybe he'll take a step you know how start beyond still has the one shitty trailer yeah that's crazy and there's supposed to be a new one really soon and like Simon Pegg is like that trailer is kind of shitty it's not the movie I wrote because Simon Pegg wrote this Star Trek movie but all we have to look at is this one shit trailer that I've now seen three or four times because
Starting point is 01:38:50 it's been in front of every movie I've seen the theaters recently I'm so sick of well I mean if we're trailer it's terrible we're talking about Star Trek then we can talk about Cumberbatch and we're talking about Cumberbatch we could talk about Doctor Strange I had no I feel fucking stupid that I didn't know he was a real doctor yeah totally yeah I thought it was like a pun because like he's a mystical man but if you went in for surgery and you're like your your surgeon is Doctor Strange would you bat an eyelash no I'd be like give me the gas okay well time for surgery it sounds a little strange yeah so I'm embarrassed
Starting point is 01:39:31 because I thought Doctor Strange only spoke with a British accent in my head well a doctor he's just doing surgery and then he goes blades of a shanty that's a scenario lots of people have probably joked about like no never never it's always a surgeon and he gets a car accident gets the shaky hands and then he becomes magic man and then boom I have a Gaboto then he fights Shuma Gorath I that's it and then he teams up with Doctor with Dr. Doom and then they go that's not gonna happen and then they go to hell and it's awesome and Dr. Doom and Dr. Strange fighting in hell is a strong story I really like because it
Starting point is 01:40:10 literally just set him up to be like what magic that's fucking stupid and then he's one shot of him in the full cape and that's the end that's a good yeah but but but but then we also had that leaked screen not leaked but that screenshot from the set of him like jumping over cars with his buddies that kind of look like a bunch of fucking door but they're all having fun like a bunch of LARPers yeah they did a really job good job casting cummerbatch for it because like he's got the face if it hadn't been as popular an actor like I mean it's fucking Doctor Strange like mm-hmm it's pretty out there in your head
Starting point is 01:40:47 like I made this joke but I swear as a kid or whatever I just you heard a British accent had a British accent I know he's in Spider-Man I'm sure if I know the whole point he speaks like a hoity-toity like New England accent I guess like like I heard I heard like not British but I heard like like upper echelon you know rich class I didn't talk that much in the trailer but I was like ah I guess yeah he's American what if anything it's just like we know that cummerbatch doesn't sound that way so you're kind of hearing that as well also his name is Benedict cummerbatch Benadryl cummerboom cummerboom being
Starting point is 01:41:23 being taught by one punch man yeah till this went in at least she's a she's a cool person to cast as the ancient one so bold so bald so this is a movie that I think is also gonna ride on like how much light-hearted fun and like comedy it has but Doctor Strange is not really that type of material telling me that Doctor Strange is weird well it's more like the way to make it faithful is the also the way to make it not popular I mean that's why I think they got cummerbatch like they got a hyper popular actor among like the young but that's also that's also why they got the director of this movie his name is Scott
Starting point is 01:42:05 Derrickson and he's he's directed almost exclusively horror movies he did the first sinister movie directed a movie I saw with Eric Bonac called deliver us from evil which is about exorcisms and cops shooting everybody about 410 billion of them and then and then Doctor Strange will throw his hands out and they'll be a bird will fly out of a boo they'll scare the audience great yeah but yeah I hope it has a bit of a dark edge at least yeah she'll McGorath come on weird tentacles to McGorath and to weird to the youth audience no matter what the threat is we know that he can always like super at at zero frames X factor
Starting point is 01:42:43 and then super again at zero frames leaving no room for action like Dormammu or Nightmare or Mephisto I've talked shit about Dormammu in the past and comic fans who know more about Dormammu go man Dormammu is awesome it's like Dormammu is just like a generic looking guy with like a burning skull head like yes why but how much can I possibly love him but his knowing just that his original form looks super lame like like burning head man but then his second more recent forms where he looks like a fire god with a long cape I like Mephisto I remember seeing him in Marvel and was like who is the
Starting point is 01:43:27 Z tier Marvel villain that they must have stolen from Ghost Rider like I think but then you look at like you look at the actual design for like Mephisto and it's just a stupid lame oh trust me fucking no love for Mephisto either and you and and um no love god what's the other character well original black heart as well where you're just like you look dumb what mean big black black heart but not even but like the version from the game looks a bit cooler but go look at him in the comics from his first thing and I like that but wait the only reason I even appreciate Ghost Rider a little bit is that a hell
Starting point is 01:44:05 biker skull man is so fucking stupid that I'm like maybe cool Lilith do you remember Lilith Ghost Rider and Doctor Strange fought her loft she was Lilith the mother of demons and she could pull no I don't monsters out of her own stomach see that sounds fucking cool but she had like long black hair and like white pupilless eyes and she's like kind of a sexy prostitute oh she's Kellogg's from Dark Souls Kellogg's yeah nevermind really yeah cuz I think cereal yeah yeah Boobery Spice Spice Spider cereal okay sure all right cool teaser trailer I
Starting point is 01:44:42 can't I can't even see Liam's face behind the the the pop shield but I can tell that he's shaking his head with a very specific look on his face like but you never fuck Kellogg's and yeah I think I think this this is like this Doctor Strange is not a surefire hit it might be a little bit too weird for people but I think Cumberbatch will get it for it he'll bring them in but they might still walk out going eh you know like they might not enjoy it once they're there as long as they will show up come on then we don't know if they'll like it we really like the quality is good we really liked Ant-Man and that
Starting point is 01:45:17 kind of didn't perform yeah Ant-Man didn't do as well as we thought it would for sure that was a little too weird and Paul Rudd is such a treasure yes in fact a lot of people didn't like Ant-Man we're in a little pocket dimension yeah we had a good tiny Ant-sized dimension yep yep speaking of ant jokes and jokes yeah yeah good podcast speaking of I guess like weird dimensions while you yeah yeah scientists found a weird dimension again damn it it's kind of it's kind of interesting and fun when you're watching a demo for a new game and like they're just straight up using dev tools and no clipping through the
Starting point is 01:45:58 world show you shit there's the new near automata footage and you got like 10 minutes of them going through what might actually be an area of the game but just dropping in random enemies area of the game yeah to demonstrate how the combat system works and how like they can just like grab a mouse wheel grab the mouse and just kind of like wheel past a hallway and drop a million giants into it and just go like deal with it yeah fine and then she's the tool to kill them all yeah that's early I really like the the laid-backness of that kind of presentation because there's a Mario 128 style presentation I really wish they
Starting point is 01:46:36 would have had more to show the environment was like pretty short the concert was like amazing but like yeah I hope I wish it would have been just a little more she did some air combos there were combos you did combo it's not very common for a Japanese company to show a game that early like we're still like in dev you know like no no that it looks like it's getting along they're just using the tools that's all it's not very common for like it doesn't look unpolished at all for a game developer to sit on a stage with a fucking Majora moon hat like helmet on yeah and talk the whole time that way but he did it
Starting point is 01:47:08 committed to his gimmick best never back down somebody's gonna knock that mask off and it's gonna be another smaller mask underneath I got you I got you idiot well there's an interview for draken guard three that he conducts entirely with a hand puppet right yeah he is literally crouching behind the table is centric like oh yeah it's great he's fantastic hey what's up with that and then he ends the interview by like dying with the hand puppet underneath that second mask he's just scarface sender oh yeah we've got the weird ass trailer for the new Ghostbusters game and this is a weird weird way to go about releasing it
Starting point is 01:47:52 because clearly it's timed up so that the movie is happening now it's a base on the movie no okay well it has a character so in the movie I don't know if it follows the plot I don't talk in your microphone but here's the thing I couldn't tell but looking at the trailer it shows you a cast of Ghostbusters two guys and two girls and they all look like original character are they the Canadian Ghostbusters trailer that had all four women in it okay they're definitely they're definitely is two guys and two girls game makes me nostalgic for 2010 I couldn't for that yeah this is based on that sanctum of
Starting point is 01:48:27 slime like gameplay yeah and it wasn't like those Ghostbusters games those ones that were actually the third Ghostbusters movie the fall person shooter that I want to punch everyone in the fucking face when they go this is actually the next installment of the movie franchise from 20 years it shut the fuck up your wire there's every time there's a couple of projects like that like the Scarface game we did a thing that was considered the what if sequel yeah to start Scarface and it had like the movie license and that dirty hairy game that unseen 64 just uncovered was like this is going to be there was a
Starting point is 01:49:03 lot of stuff that dirty hairy game a few years ago looks like yeah so like there's this trailer and like they show you a really quick moment where there's like this black girl that looks nothing like the black girl from the movie that's got like a weird fro thing maybe they got a young blonde girl that looks nothing like the blonde girl either I think it's and then to cartoony interpretations of the actors maybe but I read a thing saying I guess I don't know it's their either way yeah because like this is a skinny black girl with glasses and like the black girl from the movie is like not at all like that and then there's two
Starting point is 01:49:35 guys that look nothing like the original Ghostbusters is one of them so I suspect that what they're doing is they're going with just brand new Ghostbuster got people which is like a weird thing to do maybe they're the new students of the existing ghost you mean extreme Ghostbusters yeah I have a wheelchair cool because it's just like a big the whole thing with Ghostbusters is not the Ghostbusting it's that the team is fun it's that it makes you feel good honestly I don't know what the hell Ghostbusters is about you want to take a guess it's about blow jobs no I mean like hey you want to bust the ghost all
Starting point is 01:50:13 over you want you want to hear a popular opinion that I'm sure people get mad over I watched those movies they're pretty good I don't understand why like 20 years later we still have people going oh my god ghost but it's not like it's fucking back to the future or something I think it was considered back then I guess I never saw the original theaters they're overrated they're crazy overrated okay they're good but like okay I'll join you under the bus and I'll say that I think the big Lebowski is overrated big Lebowski is like there's one there's two funny scenes in that movie I think that movie is hugely
Starting point is 01:50:50 overrated I was so disappointed when I watched the big Lebowski you're ready for more laughs my sister overrated it for me waiting oh man this is me and my husband or boyfriend or whatever the time like favorite movie oh it's so fucking good I was waiting for huge laughs and I never got them and it's like like the bit with the car is hilarious and and the bit at the end where they got the ashes that's hilarious but the rest of it is just kind of okay you know look the characters are goofy and whatever but anyway and undertale is okay all right time for me to get out of under tells pretty good oh no it's another bigger
Starting point is 01:51:30 bus oh no bigger blacker bus this bus is underneath a larger mega bus that's correct underneath a hundred and forty one billion buses as long as we don't talk shit about farming simulator I am trash bus born to bus we got a new game called park okay park the park yeah and it is a psychological thriller it's being called and it is from funcom this game released a year ago almost excuse me about to and we're going to play it on the shit storm no kidding I think this is the console release is the console release then yeah I was only on PC last year oh should we play this no we were going to but then it released like the
Starting point is 01:52:19 on Halloween oh yes I'm gonna say a year ago I meant last year yeah if this is a console release then okay yeah I guess it is then look forward to it this coming shit storm didn't I didn't know this was already existing it's just like they've been they've they're launching the park what a bunch of liars okay yeah it's there it's actually based on the world universe and like it's yeah it's a psychological horror thing that's about two hours long and you search for your lost son in a spooky do I have to use been part compared to derrester can I just let him go it's a little bit more involved in that's not it's on a walking
Starting point is 01:52:56 simulator I mean I don't think it every rain is taught us you should just let him go you should just let him go our one yeah fuck him yeah our one our one the balloon got a gun to balloon to death that balloon had a gun yeah a gun taped to it and a weak neck yeah the worst part about that Willie is that there's another part in that sequence that like tries to trick you into shooting him that like gets almost everybody yeah I forgot about you just saw him with the gun it's a good sequence and then you go to put the cuffs on him and he reaches into his jacket again and pulls something out and you have reaching you have
Starting point is 01:53:33 like 10 frames to decide and it's a cross and he just shoves it in your face did you see the really elaborate post that was made by yeah yeah a guy that's like you could totally you could totally get them in trouble for breaking in your house you could totally get them in trouble for kicking your ass but you're responding to non lethal force with lethal force therefore lethal force is authorized by the police basically yeah you're still a monster is buddy yeah but you shot an innocent man the paperwork would write it off and the darkest yeah well he's addicted to the thrill he's hooked just sprinkle some
Starting point is 01:54:15 crack on him high off the life if you've got a letter that you want to write in and you want to tell us about crimes you may have committed whether or not lethal force no no don't open that fucking can of worms we don't want those emails well we don't read them apparently well he wants them well he wants them all send it to born to die you can send that to 410 billion dead cops at kill fuck to born dot net kill em all dot org make sure you get the number right yeah that's important okay so we'll take our first do not say the real email we're gonna leave it there okay sweet we're gonna take our first
Starting point is 01:55:04 one from Shane and he wants to know it comes money I've watched the tennis shows thanks to you guys unbreakable judge a master of none and a bunch of others before I started listening to the podcast I tried watching Portland and I got like four episodes in does it get better is it just stupid no no it that that shows I'm I missing something is this the worst show ever that shows wow fucking weird and you have to really appreciate a really specific yeah I got about four episodes in as well and some of the skits were were really so I'm sure you had the same thing some of the skits are like yeah okay that's good
Starting point is 01:55:37 some of them are rock solid a lot of them is just nothing yeah and I couldn't I stopped and you need to be in a certain place to really appreciate I love that show yeah watch well Matt's in that place all the time I watched all four seasons and I think there's some skits like maybe out in one episode there's two that fall flat but the ones that hit hard like it hit me hard more than anything it's definitely not the worst show ever good ones are good but it may be the worst show ever for you I think it's fucking platinum and I die at most of their jokes because I love hipster jokes oh you well that's what it relies
Starting point is 01:56:13 on yeah how much do you love how much do you know about and love making fun of hip yeah it's so good that I just thought like I just didn't like it would nothing to do with like hipster jokes yeah because I liked a lot of it like the light like the bookstore and bookstores right and yeah like Fred Armisen I just I just love everything other bits I was watching like when they had the raft in the river and I was like this is nothing nothing's happening I was gonna say then then if you like Fred Armisen yeah I saw that I got to that part what in Kimmy Schmidt shows up and it's fucking great it's so good I see walks on the
Starting point is 01:56:48 camera and I'm like yeah but yeah like we said it's a very specific type of show I mean I'd say try to at least finish it for a season if you still don't like that then yeah it's like a quiche Scotland Justin Case wants to know Jesus who your favorite Tintin character is oh anything about Tintin at Cap the captain Captain Haddock is the only choice really their dog in that show snowy dog done snowy's a genius so that's fun I've only I've only read two books I couldn't really ball ball off I have a favorite but I let it see the movie but the main cast is great no I never saw
Starting point is 01:57:30 bar but bar is not a part of bars all right a professor calculus is pretty strong too yeah it's just a generic scientist yeah he's yeah Thompson and Thompson there's they're all lovable they're all like a hundred and fifty years old or some shit not the character no I mean like the the stories yeah well there's a lot maybe take off maybe take off hundred years from that but yeah but it maybe wasn't a generic scientist like in the 40s it's pretty old it was pretty old yeah hundred and forty billion dead but I like Tintin himself too like yeah absolutely even if you had you know if you had ten worlds and they
Starting point is 01:58:06 were all Tintin's you wouldn't be enough dead we want to see Tintin get the bail it what would he wish what would happen he'd wish for more adventure even I fucking know that we got one from drink moxie and he wants to know I've been listening to your old podcast again I'm going through the 30s this week and reminds me of the original Dark Souls 2 video you guys did and oh yeah the one Matt's still super butt training video yeah yeah are you shitting on that video in Dark Souls 3 yeah we watched a ghost just fling themselves off to an endless abyss and get killed and he said oh he must have taken Liam's advice do
Starting point is 01:58:48 you think that like the fact that you embraced it or didn't embrace it was kind of based on who your coaches were absolutely like here's it's a difficult I think I would have liked it either way personally it's okay well in Matt's case absolutely it's a difficult question to like because Liam suggests things right and it's how Liam plays it's really up to me whether I followed it or not and like in hindsight having like now played like some Bloodborne and I went back and I played Dark Souls 2 a little bit here and there and I'm like oh I like hold just holding these double daggers and I
Starting point is 01:59:23 should have taken that like I'm having fun with that and like I you know I could have played in my own way but I was just like I thought the point of the video was to do everything your coach said and never question it that was the point of the video but then then your coach actively sabotaged you for fun I didn't sabotage the video yes that's accurate that's accurate that was the intention there were different goals going into that video but no it didn't that video did not sour me on any of them like put poop in a bag and then let the bag out fire put it in front of your door and was like this may ruin his shoes will be
Starting point is 01:59:52 really funny I'm to do all the cool stuff cuz I knew you wouldn't make Willie do any of the cool stuff yeah like jump attacks yeah also like like hey there's a sick set of stairs there if you go on the top and jump attack down it'll look cool yeah but he got the for also Pat watch thousands of streams beforehand where everything was beat the game eight times you motherfuckers we had a rougher time you challenger wants to know what your favorite that that you did no you do it over us character death scream oh death scream oh it's no wait no no the echo yeah oh Deus Ex right now oh that one's really I also
Starting point is 02:00:41 really like Leon's an RA4 yeah I was just thinking the ones that are just these weird long wheezes totally right at no no also also shoutouts to Sonic the Hedgehog drowning in the through in adventure yeah there's no one that's really good shit now I'm completely anyone dying a mortal combat and when you do Johnny Cages triple head uppercut the triple head uppercut might be the dumbest fatality ever I try to do all the fucking stupid I love it oh I'm gonna throw you over there it's Jarrick it's Jarrick from the ending of MK4 yeah where he goes oh yeah he says something weird oh yeah oh man wait
Starting point is 02:01:56 wait you this isn't a fatality this is brutality that one yeah yeah and last one we're gonna take from Cassie and what have you and who's favorite animal companion animal companion no that's tough not chip chip yeah whose chip Sonic Sonic Sonic Unleashed oh Jesus okay okay like Poppy is really strong Mamaha is really strong that's tough aggro would be up there cuz aggro is really high I was thinking that one yeah I mean Ami is Ami I like I like you soon as your companion I like the bore from near that one's he's really good animal companion what are you looking up nothing animal
Starting point is 02:02:48 companions nope you know not you're looking at the name of one buying an animal companion because I don't want to just say aggro or a pony because I want to say someone that actually really really helps you yeah plus like when I think of animal companion I think more poppy than like a pony oh aggro the wolf from Resident Evil 4 it's missile from ghost trick okay there is no substitute for missile from ghost trick this is all he does is bark all day cuz that's what good doggies do that's all I really know I'm going to my final answer I'm gonna go with I was looking up its theme options a through C from
Starting point is 02:03:26 Strider the mecha mecha animals robots robot they're cool they're cool robot fucking tiger robot bird I just figure out what's the other one it's the little crawlers oh what about those again we're about a tiger or a boros how from dog child I'll shut up forget shut up his name is Terrell it was tarpaq and Terrell it was Terrell no T a r a o no but I just don't remember the dog's name even being that how could you forget and in a Jojo's bizarre adventure game Iggy's alright he's alright hey what's uh what's um the wampo from from yo Jimbo in ffx oh a digoro digoro digoro yo Jimbo is familiar I'm gonna say the
Starting point is 02:04:09 entirety of all the animal buddies in all Donkey Kong countries regard rambies all K yeah rambie rambie rams quitter rat rattly and like there's thousands of the animal buddies in Kirby 3 yeah pretty good the owl is my favorite hamster guy hamster got the hamster's name Roy I thought Roy Rob and our name at yeah those guys are cool but it's guys are cool buddy friends big good guy buddy you know my buddy friend all the animal buddies from Oracle of Ages and seasons oh we're they're saying a lot of like animal buddy casts one of them say a kangaroo with boxing gloves and link yes link gets it I remember that way oh
Starting point is 02:04:51 I'll meet you said to don't go and moosh is a flying blue bear Alex and Roger from Tekken are pretty alright they're not they're not buddies anybody they're your buddy no they're not not hot she's buddy they're care kuma kuma hot she's buddy and and panda not Roger and Alex they're cool gone his path but missile cannot be can not it cannot be defeated good this is good this is the hero no he actually is a hero did you beat ghost trick and never beat it he's the hero always a hero I keep I keep reinstalling it on my phone because missile couldn't have done it alone and you couldn't have done it alone yeah no
Starting point is 02:05:29 screwcissel it's a collect like I thought that right now come on animal buddies yes all count yeah so on X I guess if you catch the God Pokemon then you have God in your pocket oh steelics it's a better Pokemon than God hey girl I got a God in my pocket you want to see it she didn't want to see the Pokemon um that's it I thought that was the last email yeah that was the last one okay guys so schedule schedule stuff okay what's coming up this week anything new no nothing no though will continue like a little bit have we decided what day I put up Dark Souls yet yeah you told me
Starting point is 02:06:11 yesterday I did yeah is it the weekend or is it Monday I believe it's on Sunday or Monday okay I'll put it in I'll put it in whatever the first open slot is so Dark Souls will show up on Sunday or Monday the credits have officially been hit in Final Fantasy 10 yeah you got you did a good job good job I heard about what happened and that's brutal oh I didn't hear about what happened I told you tell okay yeah that thing yeah it's brutal you defeated it there's gonna be more Zelda's more that pun pun Kilchin fun fun Kilchin yeah push it trying we can get up to 48,053 I bet I'm sure we could yeah and Matt you and I should sit down
Starting point is 02:06:55 and think about what other boxes what other boxes oh there's more huh oh what a triumphant return there's always more box always more boxes someone said like you don't have to do this right away but if you get into the world of bootleg boxes oh fuck that's infinite that's infinite you can't go there well I the dark so do you remember the one that I that's beyond the source wall it's the opposite of what we just did Psygnosis oh Psygnosis boxes are amazing yeah or yeah yeah Psygnosis boxes because they were there were just art there's a literal art I've never looked
Starting point is 02:07:31 up to see if there's an art book called the Art of Psygnosis but I wouldn't surprise it would be gorgeous even their logo is what's fantastic you know so someone else had this really good suggestion you you could do either top 10 or just whatever free form and you say top three four top 10 box arts or whatever that just lie yeah like guy with sweaty muscles shooting like 50,000 people yeah majeure on game it is a month it's pong lying box art yeah like there's a lot of those there's a lot yeah that's a good line lying movies too even yeah um what are you guys looking forward to I'm looking forward to
Starting point is 02:08:11 recording more dark cells playing more pillars of eternity and watching more Gundam and more gungeon more gunge is great I'm looking forward to Paxies this weekend yeah yep yep yep yep I just found out today that battle chasers night cry is gonna be there really really can't wait to play that I can't wait to play perception shadow warrior to KOF 14 there's a bunch of stuff try it yeah the Sony booth right somewhere yeah really really gonna have fun time there so I'm excited for Paxies I want to finish Dark Souls 3 as well hey I know yeah I know you do it doesn't make me not want no no that's
Starting point is 02:08:55 fine no just take it for a while and then and then I will apologize once I beat the game I don't know other than that like I don't know that's my life goal right now I know I'm just you know I'm hammering through more Jojo and I am isn't steel ball run like super long it is very very like I've like the marathon that exists yeah the marathon effort that you put into like finishing any other one gets you like a fraction of the way they're nice so it's quite a long run but it's enjoyable so far because it's a race yeah yeah no I guess didn't yeah mainly that of course Pax is gonna be just wacky good
Starting point is 02:09:39 shenanigans and fun and you know what no I'm not gonna mention that yet I'll mention that once I actually crack the lid on it there's a series that I wanted to go through that I'll wait I'll wait yeah don't say it and then not actually do it so that I'm not held accountable for not doing I have to commit it's the night before what do I do yeah I'm not gonna say nothing until I actually go through it for anyone listening that oh house cards yeah house cards oh yeah you're saying you're gonna start for anyone listening is going to Pax ease stay tuned to our Facebook or me or at least Woolies Twitter as we're
Starting point is 02:10:14 gonna have an autograph signing at the screenwave booth like we said in our video but we don't have haven't hammered like an exact time and day right now I hope to get that so so keep a look at the people look out for that so we can do autographs because it was a long line last last time I went to be sure to make note oh get some and enforcers going enforcers yeah and we gotta have we got to make note like mentally to next time we have some kind of Q&A of some kind to have a question that's like exactly how many dead cops yeah give us the precise number of dead cops we've been saying it we said man this is gonna come back so
Starting point is 02:10:53 bad about 20% no other no other end result we said 20% the right number yeah there's several other numbers after it that are even more what year do we kill them all

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