Castle Super Beast - SBFC 143: Mother's Sh*tbag (Feat. Geoff Thew)

Episode Date: May 3, 2016

This week Matt is out, and anime analyst extraordinaire,Mother's Basement is in....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right cool and with the count of shitbag we are recording hello hello mr. basement but not just any shitbag the professional shitbag yeah hi good to get to be on here hello hello yes I hear you're a shitbag for fun yeah no it's on my on my free time actually I'm more of a douche bag you know that's got to clean it out yeah no I gotta go 50 50 right you know like if I'm a shitbag all the time it it just I don't know it loses all meaning who is this guy and why is he on our podcast this is Jeff through aka mother's basement signing out from his mother wait he's not I'm signing in from my mother's basement
Starting point is 00:01:04 whoops and he's joining us today thank you for tuning in Matt couldn't make it because he's got a lot of business stuff to take he's got business stuff he probably should have taken care of last week tax man is coming after Matt's ass oh are you serious can't escape tax season escape the CRA is gonna come get him gonna take him out I'm gonna cease his cat I paid my taxes on the 30th and it was like the worst bank experience in a while sure that's too late you know that oh it's not that's just in time I mean for a good bank experience oh yeah yeah I'm just realizing I'm gonna have taxes next year that's scary whoo yeah
Starting point is 00:01:45 oh it gets real man like all those blood-borne bosses you couldn't beat are employed by the tax man oh no that's what's up father gas coin is gonna come put you deep in my asshole as soon as I go where's my tax coin you get it fuck me god damn it I already hate you Pat I've been five minutes it's I'm doing great this week Jeff hates me and Austin hates me two for two what's that you say esoteric fact 143 great I'm excited for this all right yeah I've been waiting for this it turns out faithful listeners that 143 is actually it was on mr. Rogers neighborhood it was a code a code like for whatever number for I love
Starting point is 00:02:38 you because of the number of letters used in that phrase I see one and then for for love and then three for you mr. Rogers was so obsessed with this that for the last 30 years of his life he kept his weight at exactly 143 pounds that's kind of crazy wow I'm just now I'm just imagining mr. Rogers like in a in a fucking broom closet looking like Jim Carrey out of the number 23 just drawing 143 all over the fucking walls just mr. Rogers is like the best person that ever was you know kind of insane yeah no totally for real but he don't wash clean shoes though he's he's the guy who you would think would have like the most
Starting point is 00:03:19 skeletons in his closet oh my no skeletons ever came out there's just that one video of him giving the crew the finger yeah but he's like the biggest the happy friendly grin on his face you've ever seen so they ain't even mad yeah yeah no he like he gives the finger like Rick Sanchez talking to his pocket universe that is that is like that if you're in that neighborhood and you're walking by that house as happy and as bright as it is you pass it and you get the go go go go go go go go menacing automatically coming off of that house man I'm telling you oh yeah no dude his
Starting point is 00:03:55 stand would be something like that that chef guy who just makes you vomit up your organs yeah absolutely awesome all right so it is let's get into this podcast let's get into it we're already into it hey guys hey it's been a pretty busy week I think pretty busy you guys came back from a con and then left to go to a different con like you immediately I yep yeah well there was like five days in between but that's pretty immediate that's immediate most of it like all three of us like we sleep for like four days a week hey woolly how's reboot going yeah yeah well you must have tuned in to check I spoke to Mike instead yep and
Starting point is 00:04:35 he's I'm like why are there two like this is the dumbest thing in the world in which I'm asking Mike why are there two episodes I'm not talking to you yeah asking Mike is like how come there's two episodes of reboot upload at the same time he goes because we didn't make any fucking problem God it that was that was a fun LP to watch just having Mike in there and you go in full Jesus complex almost out doing Zack Snyder in Batman versus Superman I like I like the comparison now dude like the opportunity to just take all the pain I've built up for this LP and then put it on someone else's shoulders and have him someone who
Starting point is 00:05:16 deserves it right yeah the orchestrator of all of this you see that that IGN totally gave the reboot game a seven yeah like the bastards but better now all fairness this is IGN Australia yeah they are upside down and literally can't speak proper English true yeah no seven out of tens of three out of ten for them it's a hundred and thirty three percent better than God him yeah I mean I'll tell you what like if you really don't want to sit through the that's totally fine all you need to see is the first 10 seconds of episode 8 to get what the rest is gonna be about well no you you uncovered that pro strat you like like 30% of the
Starting point is 00:05:57 way in or whatever and then you kept trying to execute getting behind the boss there are probably a tons yeah man like at this point I think you know that boss fight better than most of the fights in like Bloodborne or Dark Souls how many times how many times along oh yeah okay yeah that's not fume night but along along okay so that's like 40 there's like a solid hour and a half just of you dying and then reloading that save and being like fuck why didn't we restart because then then dude okay Pat the reactions at that point get they get to a level where it's like you need on point reactions not to save yourself but
Starting point is 00:06:40 to know when you're about to die to pause it and restart the level that's the reactions we were looking for it gets that bad so it's it's it's a unique ass LP and it's it's kind of magical yeah man but you know like we pretty much landed from packs and then immediately hopped on to another plane over to eglx which is the enthusiast gaming convention that was this is their premiere dude when I when I looked at the poster and saw it stood for enthusiast gaming and not electronic gaming I was like I don't even like I could not we don't even know what the L and X stand for the X is probably expo which is cheating but
Starting point is 00:07:20 everyone does cheating yeah the L stand for yeah I yes actually enthusiast enthusiast gaming live expo Christ I whole name is a bunch of cheating I remember looking at the logo and being like that must be wrong new company but it's fine I kids have fun in to you I yeah man I think you know like it's a convention that was primarily a tournament and it was actually a smash major I heard you were commentating SF5 at one point yeah so well that's the things to break down the event right it was less of it like I said is less of a con and more of like a smash major a counter strike tournament and a street
Starting point is 00:07:59 fighter tournament as well there's a bunch of other games too like Halo 5 got in there Liam where's your trophy I didn't enter I wouldn't be fair I guess I believe the breakdown was someone said like eight out of ten smash gods were present a lot of really good players yeah and Red Bull was in the house shooting so like there was it Red Bull or quote unquote Red Bull yeah no no first smash brothers it was Red Bull it was Red Bull for real I wonder if I I know any of the players who are there because I've got I've got a friend who's super into smash right and he just he's friends with the best smash player in
Starting point is 00:08:38 BC and he always invites him over whenever he wants to have like smash play and I suck at smash so I hate going over there when that guy's there but they were probably there anyone who is anyone what seems to be like it seems like they attended this one for melee yeah so yeah for street fighter I you know it was it was actually interesting because like I'm you know I was friends with I'm friends with the organizers of the event and kind of we since we happened to be going down there for a panel I was like yeah I'll enter and I'll do some commentary why not you know and so I jumped on how'd you do I thought I was I
Starting point is 00:09:16 thought I did pretty good I mean I definitely have a lot to learn it's my first time commentating five I did commentary for four in the past and like in five's case you know you kind of like when you don't have as much of it like you need the knowledge and then you got to be the hype man sometimes you got to yeah it's like five commentaries can take years to get up to the point where like well four commentary also like commentate this guy'll match yeah guy came out yesterday yeah you only do so much yeah I threw a sonic boom fortunately he was banned like the yeah yeah the CPT rules say that new
Starting point is 00:09:48 characters are banned for the first week oh yeah I mean that that just makes sense cuz like they're either gonna be broken or totally nobody's gonna know how to play them right exactly well and for the guy at this tournament exactly who was the who would have won with him fucking best player in the world a guy I'll diamondian was present and he is the best guy in the world and so it's just like the ultimate like okay no actually that power level diamondian you're not allowed to win but no all in all I like that the street fighter side of things you know from what I could see ran totally fine and you know they had to
Starting point is 00:10:22 bump up the finals from Sunday to Saturday because of another event that was happening but you know in the end it was a good time I you know I need I'd like it'd be cool to get some feedback because I think my commentary was okay but you don't know I'm sure people will tell you what they think exactly exactly um my whole the whole time I was kind of just thinking like don't fuck up don't say something wrong don't say wrong things please right get your frame data right say what you got to say and like don't get blasted because there's like there's like some people locally that are trying to become commentators that
Starting point is 00:10:53 have been just like filling dead air by making up facts and like oh look there's a seat open let me just take that you know a lot of people don't know this but Ryu has an air throw in SF5 you can use that to get out of a lot of tight situations pretty much it's like you think that's just gonna fly dude you know and then furthermore like yesterday was the um so you know the the the fraudulent Cineplex tournament that I told you guys about yeah every time I was in a theater with my girlfriend and she saw that yeah like what is that I'm like that's bullshit honey that's complete garbage have you heard about this Jeff I've I go
Starting point is 00:11:27 to movies a lot so I've seen the like big Cineplex ad for like come play in a theater and be the Canadian Street Fighter it's CS go champion God yeah you want to talk about missing the mark man because this is like Sony is actually like funding this as well they're backing okay that's that's why the greatest esports platoon is not involved that right and there's a huge cash payout for it and stuff but the rule set is one round first to three sets of one round for first Street Fighter first Street Fighter what the fuck so so that's disgusting that that was my favorite part of like she's like my
Starting point is 00:12:10 girlfriend says why is it bullshit she doesn't play fighting games at all and I explain that her she goes what that's stupid right that's the stupidest thing in the world the worst bit about it is how arbitrary it is because it could just be the regular rule set but there would really be a problem at that point you might as well just like have have fucking Daigo walk in random guy off the street flip a fucking coin right it's so dumb because exactly like you have like I look at it and go what was the mentality of someone super ignorant here and I'm thinking they went like I don't like that meter gate like staying there
Starting point is 00:12:47 between rounds that's that's we got to make it complete that means the winner of the far where I around has an advantage that's I don't like it when my friend hits me with the super furthermore depending on which synaplex you went to your finals or either two out of three or three out of five depending on how they felt like it organization so situational setups yep yep and then if you got the fortune if you're fortunate enough to hear the commentary you heard things like like great use of the block attack and I sent you that video of that girl showing off Kami combos that was amazing yeah
Starting point is 00:13:24 press forward forward forward forward forward yeah yeah perfect she's a professional troll oh god like I'm just imagining like the commentary has to be done by Mark Seltzman right like saying completely wrong things about street fighter the whole time and then just like by the way check out this neat gadget that they're paying me to promote yeah oh my god yep yep yep and you know in the city's plex case it's just like they grab random employees and just go alright you're a shout caster now like what all right it's sports man it's eSports so that this Vega guy took his claw to the end zone but the score
Starting point is 00:14:05 doesn't seem to be going up I was I was really like struggling for like a football in and you got there before me no like there's there's just one guy and it's just like hey do you like Street Fighter oh yeah Raul Julie is the best okay you're in come in here perfect perfect anyway so that that aside the tournament went on and it was it was a really fun time you can go check out the the archives on beefy techie who's a really cool streaming dude and our streaming team I should say how the hell do you spell that the if you TKI yeah okay great like kind of like beef steak you know okay okay yeah so that was that
Starting point is 00:14:42 was one thing I also started reading East of West which is a really cool comic not done yet so it's a bit early to tell exactly how things are gonna play out but very strong you know something I've been talking about a lot is like world-building very strong world-building in this comic as well and it seems to be a alternate take on like what if the Civil War resulted in most of North America being carved up into like here's the indigenous tribe land here's the black people land okay here's Texas land here's northern Yankee doodle land yeah and and so on and so forth and and the for horsemen of the apocalypse
Starting point is 00:15:26 are coming back to basically in the world okay so like I was like so on board with you right up until you just said that but but there's it's it's it's interesting though it's not like that ridiculous and like the sense of like oh they're riding horses and I'm like oh that's like a cool historical setup no man in the high castle and then you're like and then apocalypse shows up there's totally there's totally there's totally like sci-fi and fantasy elements like make no mistake it's heavy in that stuff but but it handles it interestingly like they're like the the horsemen quote-unquote are reincarnated
Starting point is 00:15:58 babies actually and are kind of growing up in a way wouldn't that be easy to punch him in the face yeah it should be just like the four horsemen of the apocalypse are coming put up like a bulletin on the internet these are the these babies go punch these babies get these babies out of the way if you know what they look like yeah and it's just kind of like there's some other players and stuff and it rolls from there but it's pretty interesting it's pretty interesting so far that's cool I would recommend it well I love comics so I'll definitely I literally googled that as you were talking and I'll definitely pick
Starting point is 00:16:33 that up at some point soon as I get around to reading saga because yes keep here you should do that right now just sign off right now and okay I'm leaving the podcast all right we want to hear pages turn though leave your skype on yeah just leave the skype on cut like you guys will be in the middle of the podcast 20 minutes from now you'll just hear a door open pages shuffling I'm like oh yeah yeah that's interest oh hey there's that cat that's what I want yeah exactly yeah you go ahead yeah no I I I that sounds like a really interesting concept I love alternate history takes in general and especially Americana done
Starting point is 00:17:17 with alternate history stuff and I love when comics do the big world building thing have you have you read chew I have not chew is a great example of world building done for like satirical purposes it's it's a comic about psychic detective who gets impressions by eating food so he can solve any case if he's willing to eat really disgusting shit and also his last name is chew like CHU because the creators love puns and it takes place in this world where the equivalent of 9-11 was the bird flu scare and that has made the US FDA the federal Department of Agriculture the single most powerful law enforcement
Starting point is 00:18:05 agency in the entire world because there's now this chicken prohibition going on and so it's it's all this stupid food-based crime drama shit and it's okay hilarious it's got shoku Gekino terror yeah no it's kind of like that like they have these increasingly ridiculous psychic food-based powers like choose girlfriend has the ability to write food like restaurant reviews so gripping in detail that you can taste the food as as you're reading it which is great for chew because the only thing that he doesn't get psychic impressions from is beats so that's all he's able to eat most of the time and
Starting point is 00:18:51 then there's there's people who can like carve ninja stars out of tortillas or function or functioning like assault rifles out of chocolate and it's it's the most ridiculous over-the-top spy story that you have ever well it's just it's really good highly recommend it if you're in the mood for something funny it's a western comic yeah it's image comics I think the first issue of it was like previewed in the Walking Dead way back when that's how I got into it but yeah it's it's like 60 volumes long now or 60 issues no 60 issues sorry 60 issues six volumes six isn't even 38 no no it's it's 60 issues I yeah not
Starting point is 00:19:40 volumes okay um yeah yeah I heard about it like a few years ago or something I thought look pretty neat but I never knew anything about it really that's kind of cool yeah it's it's it's it's really fun it's like my favorite comic aside from Archie now cuz Archie I don't know the new Archie yeah it got real good things they got the writer of Kingdom come in on it and it's just awesome so tight yeah sorry no that's that does sound really cool the other thing I was able to do was you know talking about like favorite things I guess you know Gundam Thunderbolt f3 out and subtitled watched it still that took a while right
Starting point is 00:20:22 it took a while to subtitle this one for some reason yeah but you know whatever it's here and it's still the best thing ever did they Thunderbolt it they did and then they also simultaneously like like the member how I was talking about like iron-blooded orphans yeah and like you know my problems with it and stuff like that like here in like this single short OVA they introduce the same child soldiers kind of material to work with and then just fucking handle it in like minutes yeah is all you need to do that material justice and cover that subject matter and then turn the page on it and it's fantastic it's still the
Starting point is 00:21:01 best Gundam I gotta say I'm deeper into into Zeta I'm getting real sick of cats as shit how you should be I'm getting real real sick of cats as shit and I know I've said this twice on the podcast I believe is that it's ridiculous that they do not lock the mobile suits in the hanger to stop people from just getting in them on emotional whims it has now become like a farce yeah yeah yeah yeah the every single mobile suit on the the Argus is that it was it called the Argama has been stolen multiple times by children whoever not non-pilots multiple easily escaped spies the has it gotten
Starting point is 00:21:49 anybody killed yet not yet no so it's okay so that that's like the limit of it hold on in the in the long run yes because Sarah keeps escaping and she kills people right after she escapes but basically yet that's the thing in Gundam in these old series at least is yet teenage hormones fly and when they fly high nothing can stop them well the other weird thing about the teenage hormones is like Camille okay man like I said this in I said that it's an eighth ms and I had a problem with it there it's like I get it you're all like teenagers right and you're fighting a war that they're a little older yeah
Starting point is 00:22:28 you did young adults right but here they're mostly teenagers right and you're fighting a war that is like been ongoing etc and I'm like I'm like you idiots just do it because of the war right but in in in Zeta there is a moment where a character who has just planted a bomb to blow up an entire city decides to sit down with the enemy pilot ace yep and have ice cream for like 25 minutes yeah it is so ridiculous it is it is so beyond belief that the whole and that like and then she just tells him that she planted the bomb I for no reason I I'm gonna I'm gonna refrain I hate Sarah so much I hate her so much you
Starting point is 00:23:19 should hate cats more cats is really bad you should be cats more yet so like my exposure to Gundam I'm kind of a Gundam noob I'm where Pat was I guess a few months ago yeah my exposure to Gundam was basically Gundam Wing on YTV and then Gundam Seed on YTV and that like Gundam Seed is the winner biggest turn off you I mean I'm not like I'm not gonna big dude make the big gaffa noise because you're not like it's fine you're 90% of the population so many people saw that that's fine because that's what air because that's what that's if you don't seek out Gundam and you just passively let it come into your life
Starting point is 00:23:59 as Gundam's cartoons yeah those are the two things you would be exposed to and it's it's unfortunate because I know that those are like not the good Gundam's I think I think Wing is fine in the grand scheme there's way better than what you told me of Seed Seed is like just a train yeah it's this seat is so bad Seed is like oh god like I you kind of like Wing is gonna kind of thing that you look back on it and you kind of go like oh that's full it's corny in 90s you know but but Seed is like Seed is like on God what was the name of it Bionics on Bionics they had Seed and they had Inuyasha and Seed was the worst
Starting point is 00:24:41 thing on Bionics so like it's telling that yeah I was gonna say that the Gundam like that Thunderbolt got something out of me that I haven't felt in a while which is when the credits hit I'm like punching my couch going like no more right now why now don't leave me there you know that moment that feeling that I haven't had in a very long time so do do I need to watch Thunderbolt is it pretty hype I think you can just jump in and watch it's Thunderbolt part of UC it's it's part of the one-year war okay okay because UC is on on Crunchyroll right I don't know if it's on Crunchyroll of the UC stuff I know that I
Starting point is 00:25:27 don't know what Gundam is on Crunchyroll to be perfectly honest but it's not too hard to find it through a choir completely legal means and I know that you know like you guys down there on Cartoon Network for a while you were airing like 79 and some other stuff dubbed so I'm not 100% sure what the state is with America but anyway you can yeah I suggest it you know and it's like I said it's really short it's really good and you can you can appreciate it without Gundam knowledge mm-hmm with Gundam knowledge you appreciate it more but even without it yeah but that just means you can go back after you gone
Starting point is 00:26:04 through the whole catalog is it not on Sunrise's YouTube channel it might be because it has the same like a website thing the plug that they had for the when they were they had a build fighters yeah it's also free on their website and it has the same opening like okay you're watching or like the little yeah it might be okay because like as far yeah as far as I know they want that to be like the standard but I I don't really follow Gundam at all so I don't know if that's kept up or anything so you know that just continues to rock my world I sat down and played some Neo and did you finish the demo I didn't finish the
Starting point is 00:26:38 demo did you beat the first boss no I didn't get that far I spent a lot of time all that video is coming up later in the week yeah not not Woolies but me and Liam will to be taking a look at that yeah no I just I just spent a lot of time if you had to describe Neo in one word what would it be fucking radical okay that's two words it's two words that was close two words you're that was really close I would say I would say hard so so Neo is like the Japanese version of Dark Souls right yeah more or less yeah yeah I'm I'm so I'm kind of a Dark Souls Neo fight I've had I I'm playing I'm I'm exposing myself as such a scrub
Starting point is 00:27:20 because like Dark Souls I have wanted to play it for a while but when I had time to play it it just didn't want to work on my PC at all even with the fixes like like I got all the fixes in and then I tried playing it and it's like no sorry your Xbox controller which is supposed to work with this will not work with this try again later but when we get to my week I'll tell you what my exposure to Dark Souls has been in more detail but I I'm super interested in trying Neo because I love samurai shit and yeah yeah you should you should download the alpha because you won't be able to play it after the fourth of May yeah that's
Starting point is 00:28:02 time limited in two days you have two days to play it yeah oh shit so I have until Star Wars day I think I may have to just wait until it comes out then it's so that's fair that's fair because I've got a I got to make vigils you know yeah so like there's a couple things that you know are really interesting about their choices here team then just choices while going in with the sort of I guess yeah Dark Souls idea you started out everyone's bloodstains are like act like you can some their versions of the characters that were died there that you can summon and fight there's a few that are placed by the developers there okay
Starting point is 00:28:40 like you can fight one that's named Koshibusawa who's like the president of Tecmo Koi but hence the name Tecmo Koi but the way the game is interesting but but the that's crazy the state that you start the game in of course is one you're practically naked if you are if you mess if you don't if you take a hit you're dead basically so the first part of the game is basically play flawless and it's interesting I was watching a mutual friend of ours play it and he took a heavy hit from the first enemy and he took 989 damage yeah from the first yeah putting him at 11 HP yeah so there's two things about the combat that I think are
Starting point is 00:29:19 stellar and actually a lot more fun than a bunch of the weapons I've seen in Dark Souls actually mm-hmm and it's two things one it's the fact that stances well yes but but but first I wanted to bring up the fact that like it's mainly of course about dodging and movement and you know and so on and your and your dodge is is super powerful it's an amazing dodge yeah but you do have a block but it's basically your entire stamina bar for a single block like you can sometimes get a couple you know maybe one or two a bit a bit later you start being able to block better but it's not a shield right and I wouldn't
Starting point is 00:29:57 imagine it ever becomes one really because you're using a weapon to deflect what's coming at you you're not holding up you know a sword and board mm-hmm so that's kind of interesting that like you have the option there but it's just kind of greatly discouraged as opposed to having having a full-on shield or having no shield at all it's this in between kind of feeling and yeah the stances are so fucking cool and fun to have and I love just the simple basic mechanic of finish your attack or your string and re-center your stance and you gain back you're some a little bit of stamina and you recover a little bit
Starting point is 00:30:35 you can even just press R1 like you don't have to switch that's what I mean well you it's a cool little mechanic absolutely and it's like and it's a thing that I like it's an action that you you kind of almost think about your character doing when you're playing a game but you never really associate it with like a manual now you know input to like just re-center your sword or re-center whatever your weapon is and wait for the next attack but if you watch any sort of Sam reaction or anything it's always there so doing it manually feels really some active reload for your body yes and it's such a fun thing to
Starting point is 00:31:07 have in the middle of I found it really really difficult to keep myself focused on that mechanic like the longer that I played the less I started to do it well the good part is that if you do it sloppy then you get a sloppy version but it's not like you don't get it at all yeah right you get the you get the slow reload but if you get it instantly after your swing you get that bam perfect lock-in ready to go again and like in some situations you notice that the enemy coming up to you will switch to a certain stance where you'll have just enough after you know that first exchange where if you do recover perfectly
Starting point is 00:31:36 that'll get you out of their next like attack you know really really fun of course yeah really really hard and I just finished playing hours of dark souls prior and when me and me like it crushed me up like I was nothing yeah well I I couldn't believe it I think it's actually like notably harder than this absolutely much because because the difference between fighting one enemy and two is fucking yeah quantumly it is unbelievable to be honest I actually think it's a bit too hard I think they should dip it down a little you didn't get to the bosses yet I didn't get to the boss the boss is I gave the boss one
Starting point is 00:32:12 shot and was like fuck this Liam it's yawn you I'm I am confident in saying that like one man one fight is like a different is you know it's a challenge but you you figure it out and you're right you do the right stance and you're fine two characters on you is a fucking it's a trek and three you're not gonna do it you run away you're not gonna fight three guys you know and even if you try to like funnel and whatnot like they actually traverse the environments as much as you do did you get to the first like big only enemy or no I got to the encampment on that's kind of like after you drop off and get your bow and arrow
Starting point is 00:32:49 okay so and then like then you get rushed basically okay so yeah not super far okay and you've got that the sort of like special system as well I like how bonfires have a ton of little interesting things where you pick your blessing you find more it's definitely a hell of a lot more than the Dark Souls bonfire system absolutely like it reminds me more of like a monster hunter or Tokidin actually right yeah it's more like or it's like pick your pick your little dude that buffs you sell your shit if you're gonna do that if you're gonna summon you're gonna summon here at the bonfire and I completely add the
Starting point is 00:33:25 one thing that I was like god fucking damn it was right after I was like all right that was great I had my fill the last thing I did when I was looking around through the bonfire was like I completely missed the upgrade screen oh yeah and wait fuck me not the normal numeric upgrades but like the technique upgrades yeah yeah and I was like that's in your like pause menu it's not it's not in the normal normal right exactly so that I'm just went through that and I had enough to buy pretty much everything there yeah all the all the first stuff super cheap you can go through it like in a blast yeah after they start costing
Starting point is 00:33:55 like six and more but that's where you start seeing the like the parry the deflect the you know dash behind the guy and finishing blows things like that I'm absolutely like yeah the difficulty is definitely there and I'm sure once we get out of basic enemy world I'll agree with you that this game is gonna be a probably a bit too hard but I could also I would also appreciate like another pass on visibility like the game is really dark it is you should try if you're gonna play it again you should legitimately just try cranking up the brightness and see if that does anything for you it's possible but yeah I
Starting point is 00:34:33 straight up think the combat is more fun than Dark Souls right now you are crazy but that's fine but just based on those stances but I don't know enough about all the weapons in Dark Souls and I don't know enough about of course the weapons you're getting here but I love the options you get here's the thing in in Neo your moveset per weapon is much much much much larger potentially that means a lot to me but there's five right now anyway like there when you go to right now there's there's when you go to your skills oh there's only three well there's three and then there's ninja and on me oh okay so they're like three like
Starting point is 00:35:04 little like subclasses whereas Dark Souls has like a you know a moveset of like let's say ten moves per weapon but there are a hundred ninety three in the game okay because I got the acts of various differences which have the same moveset the swords have the same move and then there's a spear there there's a spear there might be more but that's all we know it's definitely more on the character action slant of things than the Dark Souls yeah no I like when you get into the combat and it becomes almost more Ninja Gaiden in like its speed and stuff I think yeah I think the enemies are like a little too like
Starting point is 00:35:36 they're they're kind of boring and their aggressiveness the the regular enemies because all they do when you're far away from them as they run as fast as they can which is pretty much your top speed as well yeah if you sprint you can out yeah you're a little bit quicker than them but like the enemies are really like kind of boring in that sense the regular ones when you get later and especially in the in the second area they really throw shit they throw some fucking shit at you probably one of the things that makes it the hardest that like me and lean we're talking about in the video is that the penalty for for
Starting point is 00:36:07 using up all your stamina is extremely yeah yeah when you use up all your stamina not only can you not act you are standing still open dizzy five seconds yeah it's like it's death really not five seconds it's actually like one but it feels like yeah pebbles are mandatory you know in this you and not wasting them as a super key thing as well but no I'll what I what I what I'm saying those basically that like yeah I guess if you're gonna put in that much moves set on each weapon you're gonna have less weapons yes all you know that's what happened with Bloodborne right right right with the transformation because
Starting point is 00:36:47 Bloodborne's weapons are crazy intricate yeah but the just there's something that appeals to the fucking weeb inside of all totally that is like when someone shifts to their high stance you go to the low one and you know what I mean and you do the that that Bushido blade stance switching game yeah I fucking love that so much and it feels so cool so I enjoy man I really enjoy that this is making me hope that like in the end game you'll be able to get like a flash cut ability that just lets you go and pass the third upgrade you can get with the sword really that's okay I'm sold on this like yeah it's the the
Starting point is 00:37:25 unsheathing slash and you manually resheath your blade wouldn't yeah but like do you end up behind them that's the important no it's just a swing in front man it's like realistically based on like a human beings movement I like I just want that for like the PvP stuff to just have like a 50-50 and you don't know for like two seconds who died and then just like turning the Kirby versus samurai game exactly that's that's what all that's what all PvP needs to be the Kirby Samurai game I'm I'm interested in the further adventures of Johnny Whiteman the last Emeralds the final the last samurai well actually does have a
Starting point is 00:38:08 name but yeah Lee mentioned to me his name is William much much like our earlier mistake with those lone wolf books that Neo was totally in fact announced like before like Witcher 2 or whatever came out before Witcher got popular but like Neo Neo was announced at the same E3 as Final Fantasy 15 right was it but like up for the ps3 like it's just one of those weird coincidences like it is shocking how much the main character looks so similar to Geralt especially from which or to where they were you had a topknot yeah I just found it hilarious that it's like you know you press start and like boat rolls in a
Starting point is 00:38:43 white guy in western clothes steps off the boat takes out one dude and you've got the rice hat on and the samurai armor and the boots and the sword and you're in there like full-on Asian guy full-on weeb mode on a weeb mode in seconds yeah I love it that that that that's fun stuff and you know I mean beyond that like I guess a bit more lucha underground not much to say until I'm finished out I suppose hmm oh Liam we you showed Matt and I the first episode of Cabin Airy yeah content you don't know Cabin Airy yeah so it's the most metal show of all time yeah will he refuse to watch it so I had to sit him
Starting point is 00:39:22 down to make him watch it watch it watch it I did not refuse to watch it I was gonna watch it but I walked into the hotel room and it was right when Liam pressed play perfect timing yeah it's a cool show man you know now it's one episode in not much to say so far but like animation is really cool I like how there's that one character that looks like she's from the 80s and not from like modern anime I think it's worth rewatching it just to see the animation quality because we were streaming it we were streaming it but like dude the animation quality is like there's some cuts that are film quality and it's
Starting point is 00:39:58 ridiculous it's it's like all pretty much up to par with like ninja scroll they got the three-step shading and all of that it's such a pretty show yeah remember Jeff in the second episode the bit where I forgot her name takes takes the key from around her neck and yeah those around it and you're like that's a film cut yeah it doesn't belong in TV anime that is some Sakuga shit there's like Sakuga all up in this we're using our weeb terms right now but yeah no dude this show is so good just one one thing to be wary of there is one version of subtitles for episode two yeah that is so fucking painfully bad it was
Starting point is 00:40:38 translated into Chinese and then into English oh the way no it's literally like oh no they're their IDK what measurement in brackets away from us right now and then just like it's like are you okay and then the guy just turns to her and the subtitles just read Daijobu in like all caps it's it's some yes right right right good good it's painful that's and it's there's three episodes out so far right I think the fourth one just came out but I might be crazy no no the third one would have just come out because right because of the earthquake it delayed yeah that's true yeah I look forward to more to see how
Starting point is 00:41:21 the attack on Titan vibes get shaken off because they're super strong based on that first one and not just because it's the same team but you know humanity threatened you've got the big unstoppable creatures they look they make a lot of smoke and they come to get you I think the big difference as Nate put it on the on the weeb cast when we were talking about it is that the main character is basically like Edward Elric meets Guts and he's such a fucking like heavy metal badass like he does everything for himself yeah no he doesn't go whining to me Casa he's like I did it this weapon I figured out it was
Starting point is 00:42:00 a disease I saved myself he's pretty he's pretty cool in that regard yeah but I just mean setting wise you know I I'd like to see some of the differences start shining through and then seeing see where this goes because all the other thing too is cabinaries a made-up word right that's not a real thing that's not yeah well it's like so that the bad guys are the cabane and then the cabinary are the are the cop cabane the however you pronounce that in Japanese they're the that's the term for people who have been bitten but like the main character did heavy metal bullshit to themselves and like got the auto erotic
Starting point is 00:42:41 asphyxiation machine set up so that they didn't actually turn so they've got a caradine machine yeah so they've got like the whole iron blood thing but they're not crazy monsters and that's that's okay because I found the the translation of the title to be really strange in that regard because you know attack on Titan is it just goes straight into English in that way whereas you know a lot of other titles as well but in this case you kept one Japanese word and then went with the rest in English I was just like that's odd but I guess if there's no other descriptor to use then sure yeah I think well cabinary it's not
Starting point is 00:43:19 a real word so that's what I'm that's my that's why okay I was gonna say then the whole thing is in English that's why I opened with it's not a real word right like if there was an English word to use for it and like why wouldn't you you know they I think that it's like cabane is probably derived from some sort of Japanese myth because the whole thing is like the whole setting is like the chinsengumi which is I think pretty much the coolest thing yeah in an anime like samurai with guns I'm I'm in I'm done but like I I have a feeling that cabane might be like some kind of like folklore reference that has no direct
Starting point is 00:43:58 translation into English okay like because they also say that Rokon shoujo thing a lot and that's like that gets left yeah yeah that gets left I mean that gets left in the bad translation but that's literally just like a Buddhist prayer or something so the I have a feeling that it's like a cultural thing like that that I just don't understand yeah I guess like it like it from what you're just you guys are saying now like it's just saying infected doesn't carry it enough I suppose and in any case let's actually take a quick word from sponsors and we'll be back so this weekend I was in the hotel we were in
Starting point is 00:44:40 the hotel in the hotel with Liam and Matt and then they got the beds but I didn't get the bed they rolled out this thing why didn't you sleep in the bed with them because they there was this thing and we said okay maybe this thing will cut it there's this metal contraption it folded out it had spikes on it I swear to God it had spikes on it this doesn't sound real I stood and we laid it out and I laid on it and I felt like I got a chair shot to the back I continued to sleep because I was too lazy to just roll onto the floor wow but I swear to God I this weekend slept on the worst mattress I have ever felt in
Starting point is 00:45:29 my life dude it sounds like you need a better mattress to bring with you to Collins it is absurd how painful this mattress was and it's also absurd how small a Casper mattress ships to your house and you know this because you have one the difference between the amazing Casper mattress I have at home and the hell that I was put through this weekend cannot be quantified with words it can however the be be quantified with a website if you go down to Casper if you if you go down to the website willie you go to slash super best you use the code super best and then you get to put yourself in a
Starting point is 00:46:17 position that is way better than the position I was in which is hunched over Quasimodo style bad morning they do not sell weird iron maiden style like back destroyers and Casper no no they sell affordable mattresses that ship to your house at a shockingly fair price average mattress costs over 1500 bucks sometimes they get kind of crazy with it Casper mattress 500 for a twin size are you serious they got that memory phone they got that memory foam I was missing the memory foam this weekend and when I got up I was limping and I told Matt to sit down on it for two seconds he sat down and pop back up and what holy shit
Starting point is 00:46:58 that's the worst then Liam went on it and just laughed and laughed and then said ow dude if you don't have a bad if you know if you got a bad mattress you're gonna have a bad night it's gonna you're gonna have a bad day to you have a bad life you got a good mattress good day good life good mattresses down at Casper mattresses telling you cuz I got one in as good as down at slash super best promo code super best try it out telling you if you don't like it they absolutely have a guarantee or how many days do I have on my guarantee you get a hundred nights bra hundred night your back gets a hundred
Starting point is 00:47:38 nights that's a hell of a test do it for your back I will thanks Casper thank you Casper so yeah we know you know actually you might have forgotten that Mother's Day is this weekend and shut up it dude you forget about mother like I I'm not I'm not even joking I thought it was actually next weekend if you forgot about Mother's Day you're the worst I there's a way to fix it though you can fix it and you can fix it like well not permanently but at least for a year okay you can take care of it by getting flowers to show her that you love her but here's the long does like flowers she does but you know who else likes flowers
Starting point is 00:48:25 Austin everybody really I mean our Texan friend and you know what I know that because I sent him a hundred blooms and he got that vase with it and I got him those gourmet chocolates from I got him all and I sent them down because he's such an attractive nice let's player man he's a nice man he's got the beard he's got the glasses he likes he likes rocket night and he deserves decent at Street Fighter honestly yeah he deserves it you know sometimes you got to treat yourself when you don't feel like treating yourself someone else has got to treat you you know so I said you know what mom can wait I'ma send my pro
Starting point is 00:49:08 flowers down to Austin eruption and he loved it that's weird priorities but okay he got back to me and told me how amazing it was and he sent me pictures those chocolates are crazy so if you want to do the same for the special let's player in your life you want to go down to pro flowers dot com click on the blue microphone and type in friendcast and by doing so what's that what's that code again code is friendcast okay friendcast got it right and and you support the friendcast and everything by doing that and again you also get the opportunity now to get that's a hundred blooms with a free glass vase for
Starting point is 00:49:46 1999 seriously that's amazing and you can upgrade that with gourmet chocolates and a premium vase for just 999 more so that's what I got him if it's good enough for Austin eruption it's good enough for your mama right yes right pro flowers you want to hit it up you want to do it thanks a lot guys thanks a lot profiles all right Liam what'd you do with your week man hey Liam not a whole lot to be honest outside of EGLX played the neo demo of course I finished both the bosses and are you finally did it yeah and fuck that second boss it's really tough that's a boss he starts using like elemental attacks and stuff so
Starting point is 00:50:35 you have to get the right armors and have the right puppy with you and stuff like that are you just have wait wait wait wait for error really there is less margin for error than in like any souls yeah it's crazy but wait go back go back puppy yeah you you have a little spirit animal that follows you around and you get in the demo you can earn the alpha you can pick one of four and the one you want for that boss is the like electric puppy because you get some electric resistance so oh my god I want to game so bad all of a sudden you should honestly if you have ps4 you should just go download it and try it is the is the
Starting point is 00:51:09 alpha like completely free right now yeah yeah you just go to the free demos and then download it yeah okay 48 hours so I'm gonna do that now I think or like yeah yeah evidently yeah the other thing too that's cool is you when you die like you know your souls drop in like these games you have to go pick them up to get your money back so in this case it's like the animal is just kind of sitting there yeah protecting them oh that's that's adorable and amazing so you lose the buffs you get from them until you recover them but if you're struggling to recover them you can just go back to the shrine and call the animal
Starting point is 00:51:44 back and then you just throw away all the souls that they're protecting but it's a fair trade if you really feel like you need the animal back or die again yeah yeah you can die again closer but like and then it just jumps into what's the point yeah I finished playing Star Fox zero all the levels feeling very much the same as I did before game is fantastic games absolutely fantastic but it just feels so ambition-less and it's there is there a word that's like ambition disappointing no like like if so many places to go with the story for Star Fox shot for the horizon yeah you know not for the Sun or the Stars but
Starting point is 00:52:28 straight ahead yeah just just like I feel about this game like my dad feels about me your mother's basement not daddy's basement although no when I was when I was talking about making an LP channel like you know just as a side thing people were suggesting daddy's belt as the name so are you winning son as that part but yeah that so I've heard like mixed things about Star Fox I basically pretty much what it boils down to is like the gameplay is really really hard to master and it doesn't leave you a huge amount of margin for error you have to you have to get a custom to it and perform well
Starting point is 00:53:19 with it or you're you're gonna lose and it's gonna be frustrating on top of it it's similar to like the world ends with you if you've ever played that I love the world ends with you yeah okay well it's the same kind of thing where you just need to learn to manage the two screens I still want to give you a big thumbs up for like nailing that analogy because it's it's that's what it is it's perfect in every way where it's like a great game that certain people like me who are dead and pissy it'll just bounce right the fuck off yeah who loves everything about it except the gameplay it's super good and I actually went back
Starting point is 00:53:52 to play Star Fox 64 3d just to see how it holds up and like yeah after playing zero 64 3d felt like super static like really like dull because the gameplay is so active in in zero once you get once you get used to the controls you're constantly whipping around aiming stuff feels really like really satisfying but yeah basically it just boils down to having the same pretty much the exact same story guess what it doesn't add anything and it just feels derivative kind of which is a huge bummer and there are really good scenes and some bits in the previous game are vastly improved bosses are rearranged etc but ultimately
Starting point is 00:54:33 I can't I can't fault anyone for wanting to give this like a six or a seven or something personally like I'd have to put it around like a seven point five maybe an eight if I was feeling generous but like the complete lack of forward movement in the story sucks like really sucks so because assault and command did good on those yes so so if you're interested in Star Fox's story have you checked out a fox in space yeah I was gonna I was about to go into that it's wicked sick it's it's like the coolest thing have you guys talked about it on the podcast before no no not at all it was it's on the docket for this week I
Starting point is 00:55:09 was totally okay so okay so well are we gonna shut up for now and we might as well for talking now I forget the name of but is that that crazy like 70s fucking exact 80s cartoon about Star Fox yeah it was so good ten minute thing and the voice acting is some voice Star Wolf the best so strong wolf is so strong love him and like all the little jokes the antics the awkwardness the weird cuts yeah nailing it super hard and I can't wait for the next episode well get ready to wait like a full year it's gonna take a minute yeah I know with animation that good it's gonna take a while but it's like dude it's so
Starting point is 00:55:49 worth the wait just everything about it is so good like it's it's a legitimately good show but then it's also about Star Fox and that makes it way cooler yeah you know it's tragic that it's not official in that regard I feel like I never would have thought that's would be the kind of show I wanted to see for Star Fox because prior to this what I always would say is I want to see Jim Henson puppets I want that box underbirds you want thunderbirds I want thunderbirds yes I want that box art you know moving and doing that type of puppeteering and stuff and when we got a hint of that in the Nintendo Direct it
Starting point is 00:56:30 was cool it was really cool to see them go back to it but then not commit to the actual product unfortunately but the fun then we get an anime instead yeah but a fox's face is totally a great unofficial replacement yeah it's so like my friend I didn't know about that until like it the day it came out and my friend Elijah who's obsessed with everything from the 80s he's the guy who tries to get me to do all of the 80s anime he got me to cover daikon he got me to do those that video and he just sent me that with like no context I'm like I see exactly why you love this because it's like it it captures that
Starting point is 00:57:13 tone so well but it's not like oh god what's the name of I'm blanking on the name of that thing that's really popular on Netflix right now oh he's talking about yeah you're talking about Kung Fury Kung Fury yeah it's not like Kung Fury or Far Cry Blood Dragon where it's like trying to make fun of that stuff necessarily it's just like this completely unironic love of that style but then also totally playing up the foibles of what makes that funny and interesting it's just so well done I feel like I haven't seen a ton of 80s animation parodies like I've seen we've seen a lot of 80s movies parodies and
Starting point is 00:57:56 80s music and you know even 80s games with like the drift games we love and stuff but that specific kind of cartoon that is like the Dungeons and Dragons cartoon you know like awkward not lit you know like the the shadings all wrong and the animations a little bit stuff like it's hard to do right because like you have to hit that like middle ground between like heavy metal awesome and then you know G.I. Joe bullshit and I guess I community did it with their G.I. Joe parody but yeah it's it's a really hard it's it's a lot harder to nail make it feel like really authentic yeah absolutely like you you can just throw a
Starting point is 00:58:41 couple filters on your camera and make something that looks kind of like Kung Fury obviously you have to go the extra mile to make something that cool but it's it's a lot simpler to do that like you you can even if you want to be super authentic you can even still get 16 millimeter 8 millimeter film and like film it that way yeah and we've seen we've seen like things like that that Saturday morning cartoon show with like the the animals that was like like I think it was a rabbit that was like a cool ninja rabbit and stuff that were kind of that came out recently that are parodying a lot of the 90s cartoons we
Starting point is 00:59:17 saw and whatnot and it feels like yeah like everything that is like because you say G.I. Joe but even then it's like that's too late you know in the decade really because the aesthetic is really like that dungeons and dragons are or God not not even Conan but Thundar the barbarian you know like not he man that you need lower budget than that animation from Hannah Barbera and like that's what a fox in space is doing yeah except there's like moments where it's like the characters are really expressive and well animated like in a weird 80s kind of way and those those moments they kind of make me think of
Starting point is 01:00:01 I don't know the Transformers movie like the original Transformers movie and stuff like that Fox's expression when he's in the jail cell like he goes through a lot of different faces yeah talking to him it's definitely hard to put your finger on what it is but whatever it is the creators of that really got it totally yeah yeah anything else Liam I went back to Assassin's Creed Chronicles China and actually finished it it's not very long it's only like 12 levels and the longest levels are like 20 minutes long I actually had a good time the second time round the first time I don't know what your braver man than I it
Starting point is 01:00:36 didn't really click with any of us but when you get beyond like the fifth level and you you pretty much have all your abilities and stuff it becomes really fun because you're like oh there's actually like a lot of thought put into the encounter design I thought you're gonna say like second level there the problem is they're constantly giving you tutorials up until then and like it slows the pacing down like really badly but then once you've got all the tutorials out of the way like you just get the encounter designs and they're actually really well thought out and some of the stuff you have to do to get
Starting point is 01:01:05 through areas without killing anyone is it's pretty intricate so it's like Mark of the Ninja sorry is it like Mark of the Ninja that type it's a similar type of game Mark of the Ninja is a better game but same kind of 2d stealth thing cuz I'm I'm always like ever since playing that I've been craving more Mark of the Ninja and I know I probably won't get it from AAA people I kind of got it from gunpoint but no this won't give you that I'm keen to get into India because I hear that they did improve a little bit over China but this I doubt any of them touch Mark of the Ninja because that's like Mark of the
Starting point is 01:01:42 Ninja is kind of a high point for that kind of game you might get some of it Jeff from Samurai zero put that name on your your radar for if those are the games you enjoy this was a bit did that game have stealth in it this is no this is a bit more like just go make the game plan go in and like go nuts but as he mentioned gunpoint it makes me think of that as well so look at that we talked about it a little bit before but I think you'd enjoy anyway yeah I finished that I was super fun and the only other thing I really did of substance like other than just watching the office and like fuck that shows long I'm almost at
Starting point is 01:02:17 the end of the last season it's starting to get I thought it was only like five episodes yeah I know there's like nine seasons it's crazy have you guys watched it I've watched the British office so you've seen the good one fucking nuts long I so I could do that in a weekend my my first I don't think you actually I don't think that's actually possible nine I mean nine seasons how long is the show some is 23 episode 23 minute episodes but some of the seasons have like 25 episodes okay let's just I don't think that's actually mathematically possible the opposite of the original British one with Ricky Gervais where it's
Starting point is 01:02:57 like it's too short and then it's yeah that's 86 hours that's actually impossible yeah well I mean if you if you double speed at everything that's that's how people tell me to watch anime it's just like oh you can watch more of it if you double the speed on everything yeah cuz you're not listening to the weebie dialogue suddenly you get like silky smooth 20 frame animation right yeah that's every do it every time I watch something like Thunderbolt or something like Gravity Falls it just makes me less and less patient for stories that don't wrap their fucking selves up yeah you did it your story and
Starting point is 01:03:38 move on even if it's comedy move the fuck on yeah you should just die Superman or if you're gonna stick around then Jojo it and and move forward so holy how's Naruto that's I mean that's very much though Naruto ended and then they decided to bring it back and tell more story cuz money right how deep are you into the Naruto now woolly I still haven't pulled the trigger oh so you're back in I'm downloading and the folder oh no I still haven't pressed play don't do it to yourself man that's terrible do it do it you pussy at this point I have to for the bit Jeff yeah like a hundred hours of suffering it's this is for my
Starting point is 01:04:23 art like this is becoming absurd again like like you know you want to break the kayfabe it's like no for the bit well I've got it I have to go back okay yeah you have to go back in and then you're gonna you're gonna show up at a con you're gonna have the armband on your arm it's gonna be you're gonna see me pull back in you're gonna see me running with my hands behind just playing fighting Dreamers oh god at least it's Kai at least it's gonna get that tattoo of all those syringons on your arm oh so just just to go back a sec and make sure that we get the plug right is Katana zero the game that you're talking
Starting point is 01:05:00 about Samurai zero Samurai zero isn't showing up on Google oh no are you did you make up a game that's not real no it was that packs was it an adult swim game adult swim adult yeah so it's called Katana zero I'm sorry plug right it's all swim sorry ah that's a that's an easy screw up yeah I know it's it's fine Samurai yeah Samurai zero sounds like it would be a real game name but Katana zero yes all right yeah okay I do like like I feel like I'm gonna I'm gonna buy Star Fox but just not right now it's super fun but like if unless you need another fix of 64 like I'd rather just play 64 on the virtual console no
Starting point is 01:05:52 you should play 64 3d actually because it's a huge improvement oh really in what way they've just they it's a whole remake from okay I didn't know okay yeah okay new assets and everything that's alright even turn the 3d off I will yeah there you go yeah man those those 3ds remakes that they've been doing for classic 64 games are just the best I you know what I'm I'm pulling for now mm paper Mario 3 yeah never happen that's the only way we'll ever get a real paper Mario game ever again I I would love that too I would so love if they read it either of the first two games and like honestly given what the newest
Starting point is 01:06:31 title and the previous two titles were it makes you appreciate how much the third game isn't that bad yeah no like even though it was a platformer and nobody really asked for that like it still had the atmosphere a feeling of a paper Mario game now it's like yeah name alone so yeah like a lot of stickers it's everybody Mario that's what it is everybody complained about like oh it's it's a platforming game we don't want this and then it's like okay we'll give you weird but we'll give you back the stuff that you asked for but then we'll take away all the other stuff and it's like fuck yeah Nintendo god damn it
Starting point is 01:07:10 Undertale is the best paper Mario game that's kind of no no it's not I just said it and yeah I was just like someone else would make that statement I was like no no that's not true but South Park it was it was it was a random thought that I was like maybe I'll say this and then you guys would be like wow that's really deep but like it wasn't deep at all like like I think my brain age went down because of you say yeah that's the good work just Kawashima shows up is just like you know what's going what's going on you just got a lot stupider that that was like every every con weekend there's a bit that gets there's a couple
Starting point is 01:07:55 ones and this weekend was all about the brain age brain age is a good bit but yeah it's my week now how was your week sir it was it was pretty good I I'm coming off like a month of insane subscriber growth because of that sort our online thing anime yeah no the so yeah that's that's crazy cuz I remember you saying it was winding down like two or three or even four weeks ago when we did the weebcast and then after the fact and it still kept back up it was like like it went back up and then it stayed until shit like about a week ago now I guess was when it dipped down to like sub 500 a day which like it's weird because
Starting point is 01:08:46 I used to be like perfectly content with 400 subscribers a day but now after like a solid month of a thousand two thousand subscribers a day I'm like jaded and I'm just like only 600 subscribers today well Jeff that sucks it figures that once you were gonna make a video on the greatest anime of our times yeah yeah the people's roll right in I was about to say if you keep up the quality such as your what's in an OP Corey in the house video which is beyond like this committing to the bit and then there's like actually like not treating it like as as as somebody who's never ever ever seen or even heard of
Starting point is 01:09:32 Corey in the house before the weird Corey in the house is an anime thing has come up it is the most it's one of the most confusing gags I've ever seen on my time on that internet I never heard of it and all of a sudden like this isn't what no it's I know his face from gifts and that's all I can tell you because I don't know if that aired up here but it did it did absolutely then I didn't have TV at the time it was it was on the family channel which is our ghetto ass version in Canada of the Disney Disney channel stuff yeah I was a long cable cut by that point but yeah Corey in the house is I think we can all
Starting point is 01:10:12 agree it's an absolute masterpiece God he's dedicated no I have sure God like that's that's gonna be my I I have to dedicate to the bit and like trick my brain to get those proper deadpan April Fool's gags and next year it's gonna be something even more ridiculous I'm sure or I'm gonna try to but yeah man the Corey in the house thing might it's weird cuz my first exposure to it was the old website that I used to work for on our Twitch whenever our boss would he would do game streams where he would like for the for like the people in the office he would do game streams of like breaking embargo review copies that he'd
Starting point is 01:11:02 gotten but just for us and the way that he'd hide that from publishers and from other people on the internet is he tag it as Corey in the house and if he still does that now I just got him in trouble which I'm okay with but but that's the secret but yeah like the one-two punch of the greatest anime of all time Corey in the house and the other greatest anime of all time sort out online at least according to the people who keep telling me I keep trying to tell Willie to watch it and he keeps so get here so here's which here's what you need to know you don't understand no you don't understand boobs are so big and now I know
Starting point is 01:11:44 especially when the game version shows up and they don't know and then they in real life how could you because here's what's happened I've watched the what's in an OP yeah break down of all of those yeah and then I watched the sword art in five minutes thing yeah yeah I'm I feel say you don't get it no I do you don't get a good job on that you don't know anything about laughing cough his sisters you miss are so big so Willie what I'll say is watch sword art online abridged because that's like the first beater no what I'll say is no no SAO abridged is seriously like the first abridged series that I've seen in ages that's like team
Starting point is 01:12:28 four star quality it's seriously really really good and what they're doing is they're rewriting the story basically so that it's better and that's like like they've given Kirito a personality and his Kirito his personality is anti-social dick bag who only becomes like somewhat tolerable through constantly just life beating him down and that's much more likable than just the best guy in the world right off the bat but but he's the best guy he's the real black so that's the appeal is he's the best the party no that's the opposite of that's the appeal I have you don't understand I didn't realize that they
Starting point is 01:13:08 went on like not only was he full like black swordsman guts and then they have there but they had that caska moment as well just to nail it home but anyway so you're forgetting you're not aware of something and that is that I reject the entire premise of Pat's suggestion here and that I don't want to even have I don't want to know the story I don't want it to be better I want no part of it that that's fine I want out of my life you you don't have to you need to know how poorly used Klein is as a character despite being more interesting than every other character I'm also missing that thing that all three of you have
Starting point is 01:13:43 which is like the the the core interest in the trapped in an MMO I well yeah that's because you're tall and big and strong an actual human being who can operate in the real world that way you dick well talk to then talk to bread in like he you know what like he does all think of how much taller and bigger and stronger he could be in an MMO Brennan gets into like a real-life MMO he'll just fucking body slam all of the raid bosses save the world in like a weekend that's the kind of guy he is ultimately he's just putting he's putting a costume on and living it out
Starting point is 01:14:22 because he's already there he's in a real-life MMO exactly but yeah anyway man yeah no I it's god like you guys telling me that sort of online is good jokingly is much better than not joking okay then all of the unironic people who are literally telling me to kill myself and threatening to murder me over saying that it's bad I saw some of those retweets that's fun stuff man oh god those treasure those honestly yeah the the 12-year-old boys who are so mad at me like I had one that I pinned up to my Twitter the other day we were someone just got irrationally upset like who the fuck is the bass what is he keep showing
Starting point is 01:15:10 up and shit like that's what we do it all for you know is to get that one guy angry yeah like I saw him in dive kick and and I was like confused but alright but then he showed up in shovel night and I got legitimately concerned yeah fucking love that I guess people think he's like from a game that they're not aware of yeah no it's it's it's weird because like my absolute first exposure to your guys content was the bass I'm sure for a lot of people that's the case yeah and like I I checked out dive kick and this was before I was really like into fighting games and I knew what stuff was I just cuz I heard it was a
Starting point is 01:15:52 good entry-level fighting game that's right and I was like oh okay so there's all these jokes and then he showed up in shovel night and I'm like that's weird and I'm really looking forward to seeing him in indivisible now yep it's gonna be so good I I hope that they then take him and just put him in skullgirls straight up that would be the ultimate like 360 well if you pick baowulf and change the color his costume is already there he has a basalt color yes oh that's sick okay right now we're moving forward and we're actually we've got Manila Manila envelopes that we're trying to slide over on the iron galaxy
Starting point is 01:16:36 desks over to Lang hey what how's k i doing killer instinct huh how about that lightning grappler just get back oh god that's all all lying has to do is like I don't want to deal with this shit again today let me just send it to the Microsoft guys and then they look at it for one second and go whoop whoop don't need to entertain that niche character right yeah that's I man I hope it ends up in I like bass just needs to be in every video game ever just just to get people really legitimately concerned about the state of the game industry and confused about his origins to yeah no it was important I'm gonna destructoid like
Starting point is 01:17:16 deep like yeah no idea and rule is this a mugen character and and like and then like the guy and then he originally was like super like no this is from a cap thing and like and I had to like message him and go okay dude here's the deal explain it because you're never gonna get it and these comments are just making it worse because they're trolling you man anyway but yeah Jeff so so yeah the the business has been going pretty well I'm up to a thousand on my patreon which is like a big milestone so yeah I'm excited on that front but then like as far as what I've actually been doing been watching a lot of anime I'll talk
Starting point is 01:17:58 about that what you've been watching I know it's crazy Liam told me about how you guys roll when you had to do that like podcast everything five hours long fucking out oh yeah let's never do an anime and the next seasons in like two months so much so yeah well we'll bring you back for that hopefully Liam if you have got time I like I was I was thinking how maybe Willie would like to do that but I was like not Willie would definitely not want to do me please can I do it as somebody who hates anime yeah just bring Patty just like what do you think this show I fucking hated it how big were sisters boobs though yeah um
Starting point is 01:18:43 there's I don't think there's anything with big sisters boobs this season seasons trash this season's trash yet no actually I'm really enjoying a lot of what's going on this season yeah there's a lot of good stuff his diver the new trigger thing is really good really well animated what did you think of the thing in the second episode where it's like tell me tell me something or else I'll blow up a bomb and how like I felt like that was a bit contrived but like I did like it it's it's it's very like over the top like it's it's totally like what Mario Kata would write yeah but it's it's like that plus triggers style I'm
Starting point is 01:19:20 loving it a lot of people online are no I think it's really good to I like it a lot but and it's so beautiful it's so good it's like all of the budget that they didn't put into Luluco and rightly so because Luluco is perfect with zero budget yes they put into Kizniver and it's just it's amazing and then yeah Coven area is is great but what so last night I had like this weird moment because I I try to keep on top of there's there's so much anime there's so much anime it frightens me but I try to keep on top of like all the series that I watch until eventually I fall off and I was at the falling off point with the
Starting point is 01:20:02 Phoenix Wright anime despite loving Phoenix Wright and then I watched episode five and it went from like a three out of ten to a solid seven out of ten in one episode and it's it's insane how like just weird it is to be watching a bad anime and then suddenly it's a good anime like the animation's been turned around the direction is better and there's like I was looking around online to find the explanation for this this is do you guys who here has played Phoenix Wright just out of curiosity I have not completed Phoenix Wright I played all the Phoenix rights okay so if you've played Phoenix Wright that's
Starting point is 01:20:46 great skip the first four episodes of the Phoenix Wright anime start with the fifth one where they start the turnabout samurai thing like the animations 10 steps better the direction that is it actually has direction and writing now instead of just being a straight adaptation of the game with all of the fun bits taken out and like it's the reason for this apparently is that they started animating the whole show in February and it aired in in March right like it started or it started airing in April not March in April so it started airing in April so they had literally two months to get this thing done so the
Starting point is 01:21:23 first four episodes are shit and they just focused on making episodes five onward actually watchable and I guess they're gonna go up and clean the Blu-ray's up later because the first rate doesn't drop till August that's some I figured that was a case and this is just like the first post release episode pretty much those screen caps are unreal at how shit quality they are oh like the screen caps before were shit quality but like if you go to my Twitter right now at G0FF through go to my Twitter follow me on Twitter hey no you don't Pat you wow your mid podcast show the mid podcast in early are you Jeff
Starting point is 01:22:07 Keely yeah I'm Jeff Keely that's me I yeah that's where I saw them I saw these Phoenix running I saw the courtroom with the Playmobil characters yeah jury what's that Twitter account again at G0FF through go follow zero FFTHCHEW they change they fixed it up yeah like like if you go there like right now I think just scroll down I live tweeted watching the whole episode and I kept pausing it to grab screens and like they have expressions now the characters are on model Maya is actually legitimately fucking adorable and I'm in love and I want to buy whatever figmas they sell of her when the series is done cuz holy
Starting point is 01:22:53 shit she's so cute and like I think she's like the best part of this anime honestly oh like her characterizations really on point so I'm just gonna copy a link to the tweet and I'm gonna I'm gonna shoot it to you guys like literally right now so that you can you can take a look this is this is just a comparison in quality between literally the last episode and this one okay well it's a visual bit blow that up but we'll take a look yeah no like okay they're looking at that I so yeah it's wow okay like it's a whole different show yeah that's nuts and it's yeah so it's it's gotten real good and I'm so excited
Starting point is 01:23:38 about that since Phoenix Wright is my favorite franchise in history I can tell by your goddamn Edgeworth avatar on Skype yeah I I like it a little bit like I I imported because I couldn't get a physical copy of Phoenix Wright 5 in Canada I imported it from Japan with the statue of Phoenix Wright that's how much I love this series we've mastered yeah so the the turnaround on this show has just been would you would you say that it's more of a turnabout yeah I hate you so much well he hasn't played the game man it means turnabout lawyer oh yeah all of the cases are called turnabout well you should play these video games
Starting point is 01:24:33 they're good video games please power through it and ignore him Jeff yeah so yeah I just never get to the news if we don't yeah okay so we still have my week to go yeah oh god your week's just gonna be all part gonna just be a lot too but yeah so Phoenix Wright has turned into a good anime and then yeah I like I said I've been watching a bit of anything of everything the the four series that I would recommend watching are you still watching big order no fuck no fuck so big big I'm trying but like it's it's hard to watch that so I don't know if you know about this Willie and Pat you guys are the Jojo fans big order is basically like
Starting point is 01:25:13 you know how diesel copied Jojo's Bizarre Adventure yes big order is like some guys in Japan didn't know what Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is but read diesel and code Geass and decided to combine them yeah it's so bad it's so bad really hard to stick with it as as written by the guy who wrote Mirai Nikki so it's like edgy as fuck yeah and not in like an intelligent like Mirai Nikki admittedly not the worst thing no like not nowhere near top or anything so Mirai Nikki has some good yandere waifus this does but yeah so big order is not what I've been watching Re Zero which has actually gotten a lot
Starting point is 01:25:58 better Re Zero is turned into what I wanted Sword Art Online to be when I started watching Sword Art Online which is take the concept of a being trapped in a fantasy world and turn it into a straight-up horror thing and like the whole concept of it is that this guy goes into this world and it's like normal trapped in a fantasy world bullshit until he gets murdered and then he goes back in time to the last checkpoint so it's it's it's stayed good the animations good the the waifus are pretty top tier and it's just it's that's good Kizniver's good flying which is adorable I was gonna ask if you're still
Starting point is 01:26:44 on flying which that show is super cozy to watch it's yeah it's so nice like like there's a good trifecta of that Tanaka Koon is always listless and Sakamoto desuga that's just like top tier really good comedy this season but yeah flying which is just like settling down putting on your comforter and feeling warm and cozy for an afternoon it's really good for that and then of course diamond is unbreakable diamond does not crash the anime yeah you can't crash that shit it's so good it's like the best part of jojo has been turned into a legit good anime and I'm I'm super happy that ok asu is voiced by gto yes oh
Starting point is 01:27:31 god that's that's totally what I was hoping for like that kind of gangster attitude I'm in this weird place with diamond is unbreakable or I read it and I loved it and I'm in I'm in this spot where it's like no shut up I don't care about echoes get get to the lock get to hair girl I get to get the pearl jam oh god they're yeah like the stands are so good in this in this part like people don't even know yet but at the same time I am enjoying like just the build up again because it's been like two years sorry it's been like two years since I last read diamond so I'm like it's nice to go through it again yeah it's nice to
Starting point is 01:28:14 go through it again even though like I'm seeing all this stuff like oku yesu's dad who's just gonna completely disappear from the story in a few minutes yeah and like all of this stuff that they haven't like fully taken out that are just plot lines they'll drop later but whatever shut up RPS kid RPS kid oh god RPS kid the chef the lock the so this the the fucking the alien who comes down and turns into Joe I know I was trying like let's not go too far but I do but although admittedly like I do enjoy the fact though that I'm forgetting some of the smaller details yeah and you know of the fights then I'm like and that's
Starting point is 01:28:55 so what's making it like a really good example so I remember the aqua necklace but I forgot the the the the bit with the humidifier oh yeah man really like intrinsic to how that goes down he busts through the wall and the humidifiers there and he's like oh no I left the humidifier on aqua necklace is attacking me right and it's it's still going with like that sort of motion manga style of animation but like they've played it up with these big transitions where like suddenly the characters will be on screen in front of the panel that's currently happening and then it'll just smoothly move into the next shot like
Starting point is 01:29:32 and I you guys agree that that opening scene of the very first episode is some of the strong oh god yeah so that that is exciting and I'm excited to see how the OP and the ED evolve over time because it looks like the will change I've got my I've got my like Saint Gentleman's bag and tie that I bought in Japan and I need to use to wear them we have at least two or three weeks before the first main change yeah to the OP happens well um no cuz next week it won't be next week next week will be the reveal and then yeah two two weeks echoes will show up and then we'll have the big change and oh god like I've been I've
Starting point is 01:30:18 been keeping an eye out for details though and there's some details like the signs in the background given oh yeah and the endings and the ending changing as well the god the it's like I was I was hoping for a queen song like I was pulling for a queen song I wanted all star all all stars the other one but man all star would be good but like I'm pulling for Killer Queen for season 2's ED because it's gonna this is a long series but dude I'm really loving I want you Savage Garden yeah no I'm so happy with that choice really and yeah yeah no it's it's it's that the seven they're re they're re-releasing their album and
Starting point is 01:31:02 they're Joe scale with Joe scale on the cover I'm buying that shit like immediately oh god it's it's so perfect I anything else yeah so video games I played wait what about super lovers super love did you stop watching super love I I haven't like I haven't gotten around to watch an episode two of super lovers yet but super lovers is the first anime in years that set in Canada for at least the first episode it's it's a hardcore gay romance story about a guy and a little boy when I say a little boy I'm talking like 11 years old raised by wolves like super young like a young feral child who boney
Starting point is 01:31:43 chether like relentlessly but the feral child was raised in the wilderness of Calgary Alberta which is yep yeah so it it was it's it's kind of weird to see Canada show up in an anime like I don't think that's happened since Canada show up in an anime what's it about it's about sex no since since which so Jeff since G.J. boo what was that again or no not was it not G.J. boo that's fuck I'm I'm yeah G.J. boo it was like one of those club shows that were popular in 2007 was it no no before or after wizard barristers because wizard barristers had an episode in Ontario all right that's right yeah wizard barristers had
Starting point is 01:32:35 the episode in Ontario main characters from Ontario I yeah I have to why do they always pick Ontario I don't know no that here you go here you go Willie here's the here's the cover of the anime lovers super lovers that guy really likes kids he does a lot really likes kids thanks for planting this landmine podcast Liam talk about like way worse yeah we all the time bo kuno pico what do you think that is talk about that yeah you do favorite thing oh my god yeah what bo kuno eruption I thought he was a podcast he ditched the boat now you'll notice but yeah yeah like very very smart but
Starting point is 01:33:22 yeah so G.J. boo had like a cat girl in it who was just randomly from Vancouver oh okay yeah so Japan likes Canada they just don't bring us up too much but yeah we can be good I mean love stage was pretty fun I enjoyed that yeah but this definitely isn't suit no it's it's not it's not but it it's in Canada Canada pride can't know exactly like Canada pride literally the major plus right yeah so Anna anime aside I've been playing a lot of video games this week I did a live stream last night where I tried to play the new hitman map because I fucking love hitman a heck of a lot but unfortunately it took like a bunch of
Starting point is 01:34:12 hours to download because I didn't know that when you guys know when you get a key from a publisher sometimes it'll download all of the DLC automatically sometimes it won't and this was one of the cases where it didn't and I had to wait another five hours so instead of that I finished salt and sanctuary on stream how is that it's really good have you guys not played it I have played the original packs demo it's played it and I don't care for it you don't care for it that's fair like I enjoyed it I yeah I thought it was really cool I decided to take this like specifically as my bridging on point to playing souls
Starting point is 01:34:51 games like hardcore and like it does some stuff not as good as souls like weapon lore and stuff isn't quite as interesting but god it nails the atmosphere so perfectly of like this big scary haunted place that and the environments are so varied like from from in from area to area to area there's a bunch of very distinctive environments that like even though it doesn't have a map and you kind of need a map for a Metroidvania game you don't need a map by the end of that game you learn that place like the Spencer mansion and it's big and it's it's the combat is intense like did you play dishwasher the dead samurai or yeah
Starting point is 01:35:41 yeah yeah so it's it's like the guys who made that they know how to make 2d brawler combat so the combat strong the Metroidvania aspects are really good like the exploring finding new stuff the powers that let you explore areas are interesting without being like overly overpowered like they all consume stamina or your torches like you you have to light a torch to make hidden blocks appear so you are working on resources all the time it's really well balanced as like a tense survival game and that clicking over point from I'm scared of fucking everything to I can I'm gonna go in and I'm gonna try and
Starting point is 01:36:31 kill this boss even though I've only got half my potions left and you know my man is running out and you actually do it it's so satisfying to play like I played it on bunny hops recommendation basically and I just I loved the whole thing and beat I beat so I had beat my head against the final boss of the game like four times before I decided to stream that night and then I went on stream and I was like okay I'm probably gonna be doing this for a couple hours and then I beat the boss the final boss of the game on my first try as soon as I started streaming coming out of packs I feel like something that occurred to me
Starting point is 01:37:11 in a way that it should have occurred before I guess but seeing that there's triple a souls like games on the horizon nails here there's these and then there's indie souls like games as well like it's very much like you can just call this a genre now it's like so much longer than I expected well on but it's on Kickstarter for the past two years like that's one of the big things is like soul and souls inspired souls inspired I mean you see you saw was the one you played briefly death scambit there's death scambit there was the other one that was not so much souls like the people instantly looked at it and said
Starting point is 01:37:43 that the one that has no no no the one with the guy who has the white hair like Alucard oh my god not even a turn that one or the other then there's a turn and then there's a couple others and then there's that mouse let it die yeah prior you know you know we're just like we're seeing every budget size attempting you know different types of souls inspired things and it's like yeah this is now this is now absolutely a thing a thing yeah you're gonna see souls like likes yeah actually yeah yeah like souls lights probably down the line where it's like a little easier but slashy souls yeah we're all we're already there we've been
Starting point is 01:38:21 there for like a while Titan souls already came out like yeah like we've been there for quite a while but it's like souls meets shadow of the Colossus tight it just didn't hit me yeah kind yeah it's Titan souls is not quite there Titan souls is a bit different but it emphasized the name but I it didn't quite hit me until I walked out and was like there's a bunch out there's a bunch coming there's a bunch right now and there's like a bunch that are like all at the different price points in the entry belay like down come out by now like that would be one of them oh yeah I could have forgot about that too so the
Starting point is 01:38:55 cap on the thing about this genre like the weird thing about this genre is that souls didn't really invent it it's existed for a while it's just that we haven't seen any entries in it or of or evolution in it for a long time because that well Kingsfield is Kingsfield is probably the last most recent example before souls but even before that if you really think about it classic 2d legend of Zelda is the protogenitor of what I've been saying this for years and and like 3d Zelda went in a completely different way like Zelda one but so one's average enemy didn't kick your ass like that no Zelda is
Starting point is 01:39:38 what I mean I don't see it Zelda one didn't kick your ass quite like that but Zelda one was getting there I feel like the quantity of hazards in that game that really got you yeah but I still think it's it's enough of a leap to have to be distinguished because there's things that definitely were inspired by it in this way that Zelda inspired a ton of adventure games but our action adventure I should say but like when you watch like you know like Matt's first attempt at DS2 when we popped it in and it's like run up to bad guy and swing at it like an action game and it's just not working that way because stamina wasn't
Starting point is 01:40:13 a thing in other action games yeah and like taking hates that do that much damage wasn't a thing either and I feel like that is honestly the most similar experience I can think of compared to some classic game is Castlevania one because of the delay on the whip yeah the delay on the whip in Castlevania one and you'll like stand on that but even then like from soft was in there pretty early with their own thing yeah yeah it's like it's like Rocket League we're like this game like it wasn't just a magic formula that came out of nowhere they had the same game I punch it's over and over until it hit you know so but
Starting point is 01:40:51 but yeah like I'm sorry on this is like souls the stamina thing is kind of what you need to get that same Zelda one tension in a 3d space I think and if you bring that into a 2d game then it adds an interesting twist to it but it's not strictly necessary in the same way because the only other way to do combat like that in 3d is just to make you wait like you do in Ocarina of Time or Wind Waker well Wind Waker do a lesser extent because Wind Waker is the best Zelda combat wise but yeah for sure like and I love separate crossbow training oh yeah obviously crossbow training is the king of all video games
Starting point is 01:41:33 and I mean let's let's not forget you know the CDI games what no of course not no credit where credits do yeah like yeah so new Zelda I love I love new 3d Zelda for the most part not a big fan of Skyward Sword but yeah because it's poop yeah it is pretty poop but like even Twilight Princess once you get past that fucking nightmare tutorial Twilight Princess is fucking magical in large swaths mm-hmm oh god and even that little segue just reminded me that there we might be seeing souls like things happening in the new Zelda as well oh god that's true the new the new big open world Zelda there's no way that they're
Starting point is 01:42:17 not taking cues from Dark Souls on at least level placement and whatnot that's how big we're talking man okay can you can you imagine just you're playing the new Zelda and like Navi pops up hey listen hey listen you press the button it's like try jumping link or or Navi gets her messages from the server yeah exactly yeah that's what I'm saying yeah that's what I'm saying so it's just like hey listen try jumping and then you just get murdered what about a Navi mimic oh god that'd be that that would be satisfying to kill that no no no no it'd be continuing to eat you know it would be a very mimic that like you you
Starting point is 01:43:01 go to swap put it in the bottle and then it just your shit anything else Jeff yeah so the other game that I have been playing obsessively for months now I have like three different JRPGs on the back burner in like Digimon story and Xenoblade X but the one that I've been powering through because it's seriously amazing is Legend of Heroes Trails in Cold Steel super cool game it's that's that persona one right that's that seems like a persona game that's like well that's like saying something that's like saying JoJo is a bootleg persona yes yeah because this series like this series has been well no like so the thing about
Starting point is 01:43:47 this series is it's not like persona at all but for Trails of in Cold Steel they absolutely were like man those Atlas guys sure are making a lot of money let's set our next game in a high school and structure it around like a monthly schedule with social links and you go down into a dungeon that is ever changing beneath your school to fight monsters but then it's not that at all like that's not really the focus of it the whole draw of the Trails of games is their world which is this sorry the Trails yeah yeah Trails in Trails of the Trails games the Kiseki games is but it makes more sense in Japanese the whole
Starting point is 01:44:29 draw of these these games is that they have totally chandified huge worlds where everything is thought out in immaculate detail where people if I want to give you a case I want to give you a big thumbs up for using the term chandified accurate mm-hmm mm-hmm I love mr. B tongue it's shame he doesn't make things like I would show him more often but he's dead most of the year yeah he's he keeps being dead mr. B tongue please stop being dead but yeah so Legend of Heroes Trails in the Sky came out in like 2009 and I've been meaning to get around to the second chapter of it but the problem is that when you wait too long on that
Starting point is 01:45:16 kind of game that's like a direct as it sequel that picks up as soon as the end of the last game and it's been six years since the last game it takes a little bit of getting back into it but it it was this top-down JRPG in the style of Grandia where you walk around and every single NPC has their own name and personality and relationship with all of the other named NPCs in that town and sometimes I mean after pretty much every major or even minor event in the game all the NPC dialogue changes throughout the entire game yeah so like while you're going on quests there's an ongoing story where the local general stores
Starting point is 01:45:58 mom keepers mom the shopkeepers mom is trying to find a wife for him and like just embarrassing him by propositioning all of the girls in town and you hear him talk about it you hear his mom talk about it you hear whoever is like whoever from your town is talking about it currently there are these tourists who show up in every town throughout the game and they're kind of like it's neat because they're going on the same journey as you concurrently like there it's this big epic road trip the first game is and then the second game is more of like a more of a straightforward adventure they each take on a bit of a
Starting point is 01:46:40 different structure but they're they're so good and then trails in of Cold Steel takes this this whole concept blows it up to 3d throws in the persona stuff as sort of like a structural hinge of like you're returning to this hub town constantly and there's lots of interesting stuff around here but then you go to other towns on field trips basically and it's it's like this half a school year with the six most epic field trips that you've ever had in your life and it starts it starts with pretty basic bitch JRPG storyline I go to a town there's a nature park a little ways away and there's a bunch of shady looking
Starting point is 01:47:21 guys out front of it telling me I can't go in gosh I wonder if they're bandits they're definitely bandits and then oh turns out they're bandits but and you go to like two towns where it's just hub town surrounding spokes with some stuff to do in them but then the third place you go to is a big open field that you ride around on horseback in and there's huge monsters everywhere all around this place and it's like four times the size of everything else that you've been to so far and there's this this Mongolian nomadic tribe in the middle of it and they think out the cultures of each city that you go to so well and make them all
Starting point is 01:48:03 feel so distinct that it's it's really like you're living in this world and then after that you go to a big city with multiple different areas that are each the size of the previous town that you've been in and you never leave the city because it's so big and there's these underground areas with monsters in them that connect all of these different parts of the town and even though you're going with like a fast travel menu it's clear that they've thought out where every part of this town is in relation to every other part of the town so you can like look down the street and see the place that you're going
Starting point is 01:48:39 like three miles in the distance and then you hop on a trolley and go there and it the whole world just feels so real and tangible and then on top of that it's on top of all that it the combat system is also tight because it's made by Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm Jeff I'm I'm this is super root of me no one is the longest-run on sentence I've ever heard my life it's fine I and to we've been texting you and sending you messages I'm sorry I'm sorry I get on tangents I don't know if you if you see it but okay we have to roll on okay I'm sorry it's not a four or five hour episode but I'm sorry I do
Starting point is 01:49:30 two and a half to three usually I'm sorry I get too passionate about that okay no worries man we give we give the you know the courtesy to whatever you know but you are totally right though I wasn't calm felcom are like master class at everything they do and like if only they had a cash injection they I've never heard anything bad about all class forever yeah no I God I have I have this problem when I haven't reviewed a game yet and I just keep talking yeah okay no worries man because it's just we got to get to Pat we know I get inside the old bucket and get inside me some more stuff all right so sorry Jeff don't mean
Starting point is 01:50:11 to cut you off no no it's fine we was luckily very quick I have with Austin eruption for a little while played some Street Fighter with that guy he's very nice he does smell though like Matt makes the joke that Austin smells like Austin smokes and he actually smells when he comes into my home well like that is like I can smell him from across the room he smells that's a kind of a mean cigarette it is it is really actually a pretty don't worry it's all smokers oh hey man I sent him some flowers yeah you did good I played some guile dude guile is it like a wall yeah I was a stupid wall have you seen those videos yeah
Starting point is 01:50:54 okay like there's new ones I think I I never I've never thrown out so many projectiles in a Street Fighter game ever even back in the SF2 days yeah I think the count now right now is 783 on Kami in the corner well the one that I saw a desk is like here's a combo that throws 16 sonic booms yeah but it's not the count of sonic boom that's all I care about man the damage and the practicality and and yeah it is ridiculous oh he's it seems like he's like built to shake things up and if the rumors were gay we're hearing are true a lot of the new characters are good shake things up like SF5 has an
Starting point is 01:51:32 incredibly strong anti-zoning bias even with dolls in like and you see guile just throw a wrench into that where everyone has ways of getting around fireballs but he can just put out so much shit on the fucking screen all the time he can beef them up for more than one hit of yeah it's it's great I love playing as him it's I'm ended up playing as both the DLC characters like Alex and Guile are now my two favorite characters and like yeah like I said the rumors we're hearing are that each new character is gonna be almost that extreme I like it you're in it but like definitely you can imagine
Starting point is 01:52:06 possibilities that boxer might be a motion character fuck that fuck that garbage I don't want that I I'm excited to play Yuri though because I used to do taekwondo so her moveset makes sense to me who's Yuri jury jury sorry I she's Korean jury yeah I see the J and I'm like that that has to be a silent ultimate we've mass jury is a Russian is Yuri but no like I'm totally expecting her to have the you know V skill is her counter upper back you know and the or neutral and then her trigger is gonna be the the feng shui engine with the the unlocking of the the string it's but she's baked into the system yeah
Starting point is 01:52:50 totally yeah let's see I also played two other games I played FF 14 shocker got some more birds bird squad bird squad Matt Math I did more math says Pat I did more math I mainline that I thought I ran out I couldn't use my vein anymore so I found the new idea I didn't get any of those birds because I already had that bird so I helped other people get the math yeah other people shoot up he's like I wasn't you know I wasn't getting enough out of my arm so I stuck it in my leg and that totally changed everything there's there's nerve endings there that I didn't know about whatever it's fun I like to do it that's fine and I also
Starting point is 01:53:31 played a lot a lot a lot I started up a character in Dark Souls 3 on PC and went down to hang out the crucifixion woods and spent the last couple days like hitting people the great axe and there is a lot of depth to this game so you switch to switch to a different character well no on PC I'm playing strength okay because I can't in the LP okay because people will be like my bird on play strength there's a lot of depth to the PVP like the first hit of any combo will always always always stun the opponent a lot and you'll have you'll recover way way faster than them and the second hit is always guaranteed
Starting point is 01:54:10 but the second hit resets you to an even frame advantage so like on on first hit for anything you're like plus 15 and on the second hit you're plus zero universally yeah so what that means is huh is that something like the S talk right the the the sword that I was using earlier saying is the boss so that thing like you can frame trap people super easily and you saw me do that yeah but something like the great axe I'm using that second hit if I hit that first hit that second hit is guaranteed and that's 60% life right away off one good guess and there's hyper armor on all the strength weapons second half of their
Starting point is 01:54:49 swings so you can like I've been having as long as you get the wind up you're gonna have tons and tons of fun and the best part is that when people will use dried fingers in that area that enables more multiplayer players because a little way the covenant system works every now and then like you'll get into like oh it's it's I'm a red phantom and I'm fighting two whites and a post at which point it's unwinnable right but sometimes just sometimes you come in and there's one host one yellow phantom for Sunbro one white phantom for just a regular co-op guy a red phantom a purple phantom which can attack anybody and a
Starting point is 01:55:26 blue phantom who's there to get the host and it becomes a rainbow like shit show but everyone fighting everyone what like what are purples even so purples are unique yeah so reds kill the host blues yeah I got that blues I how does a purple show up in your game watch dogs kill the host blues that are cops protect the host from invaders and then yellows and whites are trying to kill the boss right mm-hmm purples it's the covenant I missed in our playthrough purples can either kill the host or kill as many like kill an even number of phantoms that exist in the game so if there's two phantoms in the game and I load in I can
Starting point is 01:56:10 either kill the host or two other phantoms which means that purples attack everyone and everyone attacks purples which means that every now and then you get really lucky with a big weapon and you kill multiple people in one swing and instantly win even without killing the host which actually makes it easier because you can focus on the weak invader instead of the host you can focus on the the watchdog with his back turned to you instead of the Sunbro and the host doesn't then you just get there so yeah so I you can you can win a purple invasion without attacking the host once okay it's it's super nuts it's tons of
Starting point is 01:56:46 fun and and and the host's game you just popped it and popped out yeah nothing happened I just I went high and he'll hide like a like a baby and then I'll kill the phantom that's helping him and then I wave because I won I got what I wanted okay and the host is is not killed and is just a prize occasionally you get really lucky and you you get into a guy's game that has like multiple invaders and then you'll go okay I'll help out the host and I'll kill the invaders because those the purple phantoms are supposed to be mad and the fact that they attack everyone and can be attacked by everyone including other
Starting point is 01:57:17 purple phantoms makes it really feel like they're actually like hollowed out crazy invaders just kill something that every time you see one no matter who you are they're all attention yeah it's that's ton of fun there's no way for them to have an ally they're always so you can have allies in such that like the invader like if it's if I if I invade as purple and there's a red in there we'll probably both go attack the host oh yeah but I mean because we both win but I mean like the purples can't have another yeah like another buddy and the thing with the with the if you're using a big strong power weapon is that if the
Starting point is 01:57:51 other two guys are fighting and you swing you will hit everyone you will hit everyone for damage so your DPS is actually way higher than everybody else's because you're doing like full life bars just spread out to multiple people it's awesome it's I'm having so much fun with the PvP so that's a cool that's an interesting rebound really especially with the frame data stuff yeah it's super interesting that's really cool like I I love the idea of like multiple corner combat where there's like different people wanting different shit in PvP yeah and they want different good they all have different goals and different targets
Starting point is 01:58:23 like I saw a video of like six people just scrapping it out and I was like this isn't you can't win because you you're not familiar with the color system you're like wait who is fighting who and why well no I was familiar enough with everything besides purple at this point but I just it was impossible for you to turn your back at any point and like it was so hard to keep everyone on very conservative with your swings like though the whole thing was a people are like up in each other's face but anytime two people start exchanging blows two other fuckers were getting behind and then and then if the if that huge melee moves
Starting point is 01:58:55 over a little to the left or the right they aggro the crab and then the crab gets in on it man yeah that's fun stuff fun stuff okay let's get into the news news blasts to one as you're talking about Dark Souls 3 we can just get right into it you're playing the PC version you haven't gotten banned Malcolm Reynolds is a fucking piece of shit so cool like it's what I'm sick idea you're totally right that it's cool but scummy but Malcolm Reynolds is a fucking piece of shit so the news is is that people are getting banned because invaders and or anyone that you play with online can drop corrupted items or hacked items and if
Starting point is 01:59:37 you pick them up it changes your there's a better one there's a what well I'm just explaining the basic premise here and what ends up happening is like completely involuntarily you get a compromised CRC check into the game and you get banned so the the upgraded version of that is there's a weapon that hackers use that when you get hit by it you gain ridiculous amounts of souls and can get banned okay so yesterday mr. Malcolm Reynolds that's the name of his character I don't know who he is was streaming on YouTube for like four hours as he was invading people and he would touch them with the dagger and you could
Starting point is 02:00:17 see them get banned the moment yeah so like the invisibility hack and the the the invincibility hack and the teleport hacks that's all nice those don't trigger the soft ban hmm but adding souls does like ridiculous amounts of souls so the madness here is the fact that the perpetrators are getting away with it and are free to roam while the people getting banned are told it would honestly be preferable for from software to completely turn off their anti-cheat system rather than have it continue operating like this and it's not and so that's where we follow through with the story right where now from software's
Starting point is 02:01:00 response which this is the worst it's like they get loud it's like pushed into like okay people are getting banned for like having what they consider a normal game experience and from software's response to it was um take it like picking up items from strangers is like taking candy from strange now I want to correct you on one thing that's Namco Bandai's response from software has no response okay because publisher doesn't exist in Japan okay so they probably don't even know this is happening so the publisher is basically to all you'd be surprised so the publisher response was to basically undermine what is
Starting point is 02:01:37 essentially a game feature and almost kind of tell you hey you use it at a risk and not really deal with also it should be noted that if you if you intentionally disconnect from invasions you can also get soft certainly right it's a rage quit yeah so that's a really shitty sequence of events but then for the Namco to follow it up that way and go eh too bad for you like really advice they're giving out what like manually back up all your say yeah and then if something happens roll your saves back and the system should clear you great do you have a backup option on your main menu somewhere no well and this game
Starting point is 02:02:19 doesn't have steam cloud support unlike the others well well yeah that's there's luckily a guy on reddit who made nice backup tool you can also find on the Dark Souls Nexus I thought that I thought that PC players being second hand as second-class citizens was like a thing of the past but they keep finding new ways to just dick them over and in this case circumstance it's like you know players based shittery so like it's I mean on the other hand if people weren't hacking it the problem wouldn't exist that's what I get that's what I say when I say player base it's the same hand when I say player
Starting point is 02:02:53 bashery I'm like yeah it's coming from the fact that hackers are assholes and doing this stuff so sure but it's still the publisher in the nappiness ability to make sure this doesn't happen absolutely and it's and it's garbage that they're not that being said if you don't want that experience but a worse frame rate just playing on a console actually lag switchers are on that but they can't as of as of this point they can't do the crazy soft band shit okay well like like like one thing of the many like ridiculous things going on yeah and you're much better off I feel like until this is dealt with just it
Starting point is 02:03:26 will never be dealt with you don't think there's anything how long to take them to fix the durability bug hmm but took them until it was released on consoles but durability bug I feel like the severity of this issue is way higher because people are getting banned from the game they paid money to play I seriously doubt from software even knows that this is a problem because it's the PC release what is the ban and tail anyway you you go into cheater world you online you just play off no no no there's no no no there's two there's two there's two yes there is there's jail where you play with other cheaters online
Starting point is 02:04:02 and then there's the message that says you cannot play online okay well that's fine you still play offline and so well not if you want to play PvP no sorry I said you can't play your game at all I was like wait a minute you cannot you cannot connect online or you get locked into sure but I would I would like to something I know to you you want the offline experience I'm just saying like you can play it I'm sorry I'm not gonna be petty just when you said that like I was like wait a minute no no no actually can't my only my only offense that that would be to say like you say well that's fine like no it's not there will be some
Starting point is 02:04:38 people that's not fine that take it as if I can't play the game like for example it's talking to a dropout dragon yesterday and he plays these games exclusively for PvP yeah I was gonna say there's no there's definitely some people that are like well I might as well be not offline you know a band too because that being said if you if your account does get soft banned you can create a new account and share your game with that new account via Steam family sharing and instantly circumvent it I think I've been using the same say I think that what you're saying about them ignoring this is I think that's
Starting point is 02:05:11 wrong I will see what happens they ignore the durability but they did but that's a way less severe they ignored the running firestorm shit and demon souls for years and they didn't even know about the the running firestorm shit until like ENB told me Azaki had a dinner like years later I can't I can't imagine that any of those specific things to specific set like systems compares to like straight-up people not being allowed to play online for reasons that they had nothing to do with personally that's how I see it yeah it's a little see it's a much more critical path bug okay yeah in QA if we were to
Starting point is 02:05:45 rank that you'd put them in different classes it's non-shipable is how it is basically um so this will never be fixed like okay you're just saying that because it's Namco Bandai and they can be and no because Namco Bandai has nothing to do with it oh because from soft yeah I mean it's again it's impossible to know we'll just have to say like even I just I'm just saying like the feeling even the publisher that is aware of it is telling players well don't take candy from strangers instead of guys which is what a dickish thing to say that's what I mean if there's a yeah it is if there's a QA team anywhere
Starting point is 02:06:23 though that is like hearing seeing this online and like putting bugs into us you mean the QA team that let that PC crash bug ship even though it was known for over a month yep that same team or maybe even in a third-party outsource team which sometimes gets pulled in after launch right if there's a QA team somewhere that is writing up bugs that from soft is gonna end up reading you're gonna see this one in a higher class that gets taken care of before stuff like durability and that other stuff that got ignored forever you know so there's that we talked about Sonic Sonic sorry we talked about the sonic boobs we talked
Starting point is 02:07:03 about Star Fox there is the next announcement is the Romero Kickstarter is cancelled not canceled what I love it's canceled well it's canceled effectively the thing but but what they wrote the message they wrote with it is that not that we're gone and goodbye but that it's on hold so that they can make a playable demo and then they're gonna come back that's they should have done that before and then they realize yeah and so they realized it's good it's better that they did it like five days they should have but this is the response to they should have that's that's about as a reasonable of
Starting point is 02:07:34 like what way whoops are bad okay let me come back in a bit yeah so what they did is the candidate and they said that it's gonna take us longer than the Kickstarter's time to get it in your hands yeah so we might as well lay it by like two months or something hang it up for now yeah I'll come back definitely the right choice I'm very interested to see how much like faith people have in Romero especially after like Masters of Doom that paints him in a very like unflattering light and other karmic yeah the other karmic brother brother karmic yeah he's working is he is he always there's a karmic on board
Starting point is 02:08:08 that genius karmic inspires hope they're all Jesus that's like but like the John Carmack invented 3d graphics it's yeah thinking a boon oh shit whoops no I boon but like John Carmack invented like the binary space partition mm-hmm so which is like the basis of every 3d game up until like now he's he's he's insane yeah John Carmack basically invented like technology yeah like like you sit that guy in a room he he's like actual how movies present most hacker characters it's it's kind of scary but he busted out like that doom RPG in a weekend on his honeymoon yeah Jesus it's scared it scares me how smart that
Starting point is 02:09:00 guy is but like Romero I don't know he gave Doom its personality which I feel is like also a vital part of what he's designed a lot of the levels really fantastic levels yeah he's definitely a very strong designer I just he's he's not exactly what people came to doom and Wolfenstein for initially they came for that that tech porn that this is the best thing that you can possibly play on your computer right now but I like I do think that he's better than a lot of people give him credit for but at the same time I don't know if at this point his name has the draw to get like that big push especially since the last time
Starting point is 02:09:45 his name was on a game he was gonna make you his bitch I was about to say like I've been waiting so many years for him to make me his bitch and he's never followed through well black room is gonna do it now they should they should have that as part of the campaign big become Carmack you waited all these years and now you will finally become his bitch or some stupid shit okay well speaking of tech porn the new Deus Ex mankind divided trailer the 101 trailer they're calling it mm-hmm oh is that the the the Red Dead Redemption style like here right down here's your consequences yeah I thought it was super cool it's a
Starting point is 02:10:27 really awesome trailer and it was a nice trailer I found it funny when Jensen starts almost speaking in third person yeah yeah it was a little weird I could do this and it's like oh what what's going on Jensen maybe I'm gonna do you're losing me a little bit here but yeah really fun trailer I'm gonna hit a mark yeah it was it was cool and it gets a little meta in that regard to where it's straight up shows you consequences of your actions result in this and or otherwise that and like but but then they clearly say after they kind of spoil almost a little part of it where it's like this is the beginning and then it's
Starting point is 02:11:01 like but that's only one part of the expanding story so check it out though I bet that game's gonna be super good yeah and I mean I can only wait for the Augs and Prague jokes that we're gonna get all over the place since now the story is taking place in Prague and it's the headquarters of all Augs well I mean I mean part of it's gonna be in Prague right like this is a pro I got it oh I get it oh that's that's a place that exists yeah um yeah no I it's gonna be like a worldwide story like the last one probably though like well let's get that Montreal level yeah let's go to Montreal big oh and be inside a building
Starting point is 02:11:45 there the whole time no like they were supposed to have a level in the plateau in the first game of the car that's a shame it was supposed to be like another hub like Detroit I was ah that'd be neat have like the ice castle there for like no particular reason but that's because that's what people think of poutine shops on every corner poutine shops on every corner went to put in god I have to go to Montreal at some point just sure just to see all that stuff and be like a proper Canadian instead of us this you should we are you from I'm from Vancouver so fake shitty you guys all hate Vancouver I know
Starting point is 02:12:23 is it raining outside right now no it's actually quite sunny you're a liar I don't hate Vancouver I have no feelings about Vancouver I don't think about it ever I feel I feel nothing well only thing I know or care about Vancouver is that rains a lot that's it and the property value is so jacked you literally can't live there who owns this building I don't know some Chinese guy a lot of Asian people too because it's near the coast yeah that's what I got yeah that's it's I will never own a home where I grew up unless I inherit the one that I grew up in that's oh and and Kelowna has lots of cider yeah and there's weed
Starting point is 02:12:58 everywhere oh well yeah everybody knows that that's that's that's an important part of our culture though like I go down to Seattle where it's legal and I I smell it less anyway yeah I'm excited for day sex I really like the last one quite a lot and yeah I I just hope that they have like a big globe trotting story like last time that takes us to a lot of interesting locales because I love exploring that world yeah I want to hear new racist slurs about augmented yeah only like like we're like hanzer is the old like picking any style insult gearhead we've passed it into something new I love it get creative and I guess
Starting point is 02:13:50 while we're talking about like you know that type of tech and so on and so forth here's an interesting thing that popped up um there's a series of like this one guy that was in the localization industry and he did localization for Metal Gear games has been doing this thing called legends of localization and it's like yeah basically breaking down answering questions people have about certain games and how they got translated and so on and so forth interesting stuff on the process and this one article that popped up is basically taking a look at snake eater and the section where snake is talking to granted and
Starting point is 02:14:27 how he breaks down what the word metal gear actually comes from and why he decided to go with it and it was something that I feel like I got what they were trying to do when I remember when this scene happened but it always felt super weird to me and it never sounded like it was very awkward correctly right so you go back and you watch the Japanese version with subtitles and suddenly the context makes a ton more alright hit me I want to know alright so the English version is granted going yes a walking tank a robot are you familiar with the theory of the missing link between apes and humans well this
Starting point is 02:15:00 technology is meant to be the missing link between infantry and artillery a kind of metal gear if you will this magnificent metal gear will mark a revolutionary step forward and weapons development and then state goes metal gear right yeah so the Japanese version that they didn't transliterate and decided to adjust here was a walking tank a robot have you heard of the theory in evolution as I called the missing link between apes and humans this isn't well this technology is a kind of gear that links foot soldiers and weaponry a gear literally made of metal a great big gear that will usher in an evolution of
Starting point is 02:15:35 weapon early of weaponry of revolutionary proportions then dude says metal gear metal gear so much more badass yeah and so like basically it he met cog yeah he met like the gear of industry in between like like foot again foot soldiers an actual tank and it just was something that completely whiffed and you go back and you listen to that scene it's like yeah it makes no sense don't worry about it it's my gear yeah although that's a flaming skull what I what I want to see in the next metal gear solid game is just like a cutscene with Kojima in it just like sit down it's like so why is it called metal gear it's just like well
Starting point is 02:16:16 I really think that English words are nifty you know right you and I would like to see in the next metal gear game coach a Pachinko monster yes that's it that's what we need I was about to say like in what world would Kojima show up in the next metal gear game well it turns out since you were in peace ground zeros we own your digital likeness we only have 3d model you're the villain now we get to murder you with Pachinko machines yeah no that oh god oh jima yeah it would be there oh jima with Japanese copyright law being what it is that might actually be a possibility that they just put him in there to be murdered
Starting point is 02:16:58 and it's like it's a Hideo Kojima game and like digital Hideo Kojima comes out and he's like I am the character that directed this movie I was really concerned about the emotions I who wants to bet they'll get David Cage to direct the new metal gear solid I'll shut up don't just you shut your fucking get the fuck get the next story on the dog that'd be cool if he did it don't don't don't talk to him I want to see it it would be heard oh god it would it would probably be even more ridiculous Liam have you heard about what about 1666 yes absolutely have you seen it yes absolutely and now it's public and now
Starting point is 02:17:43 it's public but it is public but it's public didn't didn't Patrice like show that video at a talk or something yeah it was not meant to be recorded yeah basically so Patrice Desile and Ubisoft have finally reached an agreement and Patrice gets to walk away with 1666 so that's awesome fantastic for him because he's been fighting for that for years and years and years the timing sucks though because he's already knee deep into the history game I forgot what it was called he he doesn't ancestors he doesn't have the team and money necessary to me and also Ubisoft I was working at THQ at the time and 1666 was like a 80 plus men
Starting point is 02:18:21 team like even if he wasn't working on something he doesn't have like war money and no Kickstarter would give you that much either so Ubisoft has like burned out that time period in the industry well that's the thing is that when you go watch this trailer or at least proof of concept thing it's interesting because it's not doing what you would expect where you'd be like okay we're gonna be on the street do this ass it's not that at all like it starts out where you're actually you're controlling a crow and you're kind of flying over the environment and surveying the scene and you kind of come to learn that you're
Starting point is 02:18:56 playing the role of this kind of like conjurer like summoner magician guy that actually controls animals yes man and uses it's not shadow man it's not it's not anything right like there's no anyway he uses animals to like do his bidding and to do like a bunch of weird evil things and yeah like become shadow man and in this case like it seems like like for a while I was like are you going to like just be isolated from the city on a gondola in a way but then he gets off no gets into some yeah this like it was all fake there was no nothing real in that video okay like that was all well as it were well okay
Starting point is 02:19:38 well moving the character wasn't but like when you for example when the bird flying when he gets it was it was played no it was played but I mean none of it was real as in the mechanics weren't in it was all very much guided for example when he got into the melee combat you can just see him do three canned animations against the guys like it was it was all totally like not even a game at this point it was all pre-vis stuff and from what I know when I worked at THQ Montreal you know it was meant to be something that could stand up alongside Assassin's Creed in that kind of giant world semi-historical open-world kind of
Starting point is 02:20:13 thing okay okay I didn't get to hear a ton about it beyond the stuff that was in this video basically and some of it I didn't know actually which is kind of cool like they were pretty tight on it even working there but yeah it was it was meant to be something that could be that level of title and looking at the graphics they were actually really really good for the time because remember that was like 2010 2009 2010 yeah exactly for like 360 and ps3 you know so yeah I mean it's interesting to finally see like what this huge secret under wraps was yeah definitely and it looks like it yeah I think it's interesting and has
Starting point is 02:20:51 potential but you're right in that if that system was going to be then put into a city of any Assassin's Creed proportions the budget is not there yeah no and no amount of Kickstarter can get you anywhere near what you would even remotely need for that yeah he needs he needs ancestors to be a big success and yeah the money off of that like besides besides that like times have changed you know Wilde has been announced as a game yeah that mechanic is no longer like novel yeah Wilde kind of usurps that and and Assassin's Creed Eagles flight or whatever if that is Assassin's Creed related you know like in terms of
Starting point is 02:21:28 marketing kind of usurps some of that too so is the unfortunate reality of yeah just when you look at the two so when wave someone were to look at the two side-by-side they'd be like oh they both kind of flying things you know it's really the unfortunate reality of the position that Patrice was in it's like Ubisoft never had to conclusively win this battle they just needed to delay it for like four or five years and they just facto win it to be petty yeah god the story the story of just what's happened to Patrice Desolée over the two times that he's had to leave Ubisoft is just so tragic oh it's no good
Starting point is 02:22:05 it's because like he made a bunch of the best games ever and like not for not for nothing like Assassin's Creed 2 was really strong and then it got cut in half because Ubisoft wanted to make more money the next year and like it's up there with the story of god I'm blanking on his name but the guy who made Final Fantasy Tactics who just had like a full-on nervous breakdown in the middle of making Final Fantasy 12 so they know they replaced him with the people who made Final Fantasy 10 to and just destroyed everything but at least we can say that Patrice's story has a happy ending right now yeah for now for
Starting point is 02:22:46 now a happy ish ending a bittersweet ending well you know I I I see him every now and again not too common and he seems very happy these days at his new studio Panache like actually having full control and not being under any company that's cuz like he's someone sometimes he's around the game so he locked in a really good studio name yeah you got a good studio name that's for sure that's a top tier studio name and his game looks pretty cool from the little snippets that we've seen yeah we'll see whatever it is yeah other little snippets we've seen this is something that actually happened early
Starting point is 02:23:19 but we know we didn't really cover it so Guilty Gear X Revelator is dropping soon yay yes we've been talking about the new characters and so on and we've seen like bits more of Kim Kye-hun Kim Kye-hun is that the is that the little girl inside of the body of a big guy yeah but what we didn't talk about was the fact that there's another character that dropped oh Raven is finally here playable fully designed and we can see exactly what he looks like after years of teasing him in the story modes of other Guilty Gear games and pretty sure we can now conclusively say he is not Axel can I ask by the way did you ever look at the
Starting point is 02:24:04 training mode just real quick I didn't fuck so cool yeah no Raven looks it looks neat he's a DLC character I believe that's correct that is the most baffling line of dialogue now so hey you're me from the future no no it says they're connected it says they're connected and it never elaborates on it and he knows about Axel's alternate time we can't go into this now it's guilty your story is stupid it's it's it's I like it I love it but oh man all of the stories from that studio are stupid and lovable at the same time like they're very anime they're very anime well yeah and it depends on the era of anime you
Starting point is 02:24:42 want yeah so but just anyone unfamiliar Raven is a character that's been teased for perhaps like 11 years yeah it's crazy let's be real cuz going back to not even looks nothing like I thought he was gonna yeah cuz we we've only just seen this hooded purple figure with the weird mask huh and now you get a full-on look at like the gene kind of pants things little kingdom heartsy but cool still I like it and this is the tease level of like finally getting to play as Koko no way actually no finally getting to play as Jubei yeah yeah but but no but that is so far but like that time compression like it's like that but like that is the
Starting point is 02:25:29 baby version because blaze blue is white like how many in the making was that before you before well it's been eight years now it's almost been a decade cuz guilty gear has been teasing that man in Raven since the dream cast since guilty gear X not double X and after by your side you know so that's fucking cool to finally see that happening we've got the well whatever bold new vision for Call of Duty to be announced on May 2nd infinite warfare oh no I don't care it's neat what's the is it time what's the deal no no I super future what's in it what's just future there's there's a spaceship fights okay super duper
Starting point is 02:26:11 future yeah okay yeah spaceship fights leaving the earth's atmosphere in first person space space so I like who cares about that shit modern warfare remasters coming with it I'm gonna wait like eight months and buy it separately because that that game sick I don't think you will be able to buy it separately I hope so I hope you'll be able to but yeah like I bet modern warfare one will be a better game than infinite warfare who knows yeah are they finally in the full vanquish suits some well they have straight-up robot characters now like forget man or woman just robot and I think those were in the previous one too
Starting point is 02:26:51 am I crazy I can't remember but they have robots I'm excited okay you don't get the vanquish suits but you get the robots and you get prosthetic limbs I'm really excited I was in the black ops 3 when they eventually burn out on hard sci-fi and just go magic just go full-on yeah all of duty fantasy yeah well like Hexen what else is left right yeah sci-fi fantasy I want fucking World War one with wizards dude yeah I'm there that's I'm there for that idea is there an anime that has World War one wizards Jeff anime about wizards sorry are you not listening to the podcast no I just went to the bathroom oh good timing I was there
Starting point is 02:27:36 an anime that has World War one wizards um strike witches technically oh wait all right I'm out of here not right kinda kind of what's next on the docket well we can talk about how there's an unnecessary announcement that we're gonna get a shinobi movie all right continuing on and hey hey hey don't have no fear cuz it's from the producer of Wanted Drive and Scott Pilgrim oh what does that mean it means it means nothing yeah bingo yeah it means it means somebody through who threw money at those things also threw money at this thing which means that statistically between Scott Pilgrim and wanted this
Starting point is 02:28:19 guy makes very sound business decisions so moving on after after bleeding out in a couple of different stories over the on this podcast finally line head is shut down oh no I think it's the same as we always said like if they hadn't been a first-party company they would have shut down a decade ago that's true yeah they kept met like they were never a bad company but they kept putting out miss after miss and like I think fable 2 was their hot like fable 2 was their high point that was like 2005 yeah and every I think everybody was on the same page with 3 where it just wasn't as good like they that menu was like one of the worst
Starting point is 02:29:03 things I've ever seen but like it's such a shame that they weren't able to just go into a new fable or something and they got you know hoodwinked into a bunch of bullshit I journey's not on rails as soon as as soon as I played it for like six hours now fucking on rails but the fact that Molly new left that studio was like the death knell for it because like you know they've had like failure after failure and delay after delay but the thing is you know how good Molly new is at bullshitting us imagine how good Molly new must be at bullshitting board I really honestly believe that that's the reason why
Starting point is 02:29:42 lionhead shut down that Molly new was not around yeah to convince whoever held the money and keep the studio and like even through all of his bullshit and stuff like he does have a lot of ambition yeah and it does shine through even if not all the way in all his games he's like the first fable yeah totally as much as it's not you plant a tree what a it still did totally new that was cool and the second fable as well and the third fable the big twist and stuff is like that's like he does have that black and black and white something you can water him and he will talk to you but but really he does he did he does have
Starting point is 02:30:21 you know some sort of visionary shit he seems just they can never actually do it and then he just kind of lies about it visionary shit is correct he seems like that kind of really but like seriously you get what I'm talking about like no it's not he has a great idea just no ability to ever turn that idea into a real thing yeah but he seems like that kind of guy who like if he gets you talking to him you just believe in him 100% and then you walk away and you're like why the fuck do I own a used car now yeah if he didn't choose video games if he said shows pharmaceuticals do well religion well here's the people
Starting point is 02:30:56 would be in trouble everyone needs to remember that mall news big start in the game industry was the dude was selling beans yeah he was a bean man he sold beat cans of beans and his company name was super superficially similar to a real game company and he was contacted by a publisher to develop a game and they sent him like 10 computers and he said I thought about giving the computers back but then I decided to make my first game instead super and he had a home run so yeah no any hit a home run but like when that's the fucking start of your life story yeah like that everything follows from that point yeah man like I
Starting point is 02:31:40 feel you think you have to go quite a few years to get to the bullshit era though oh sure except for the part that he technically stole those computers like they were not go but I feel like I feel like if Malinu were like in politics he'd be the president of Britain Britain doesn't have a president but yeah I was president of Britain on president of Britain and now have this dog this dog will love you this and then I'm going to kill it no you just like the president of Australia he'd go up on on stage he'd be like okay we're gonna plant a tree the tree is gonna grow up in real time and there's gonna be world peace growing
Starting point is 02:32:23 from that tree I have a perfect solution for our economy I've put it inside this cube whoever whoever gets the center of the cube gets to it's the odd kill the queen or maybe not it's up to you maybe I've already killed her maybe her body is rotting inside maybe the true chip away until like that first saw movie no maybe it's maybe it's Brad Pitt's wife's head inside the cube this is the worst podcast it is pretty bad that's my bad hey hey come on now he says that all the time no I do I actually really do you do say it every episode not everyone just the one almost every episode with the guys I tease you I tease you Jeff
Starting point is 02:33:15 don't worry about it I let's spruce it up by going to the steam workshop page for Sega Genesis and Mega Drive classics shit is not and play some wacky shit this shit it good on Sega but fucking big thumbs up for me yeah to Sega really great actually like a really sick so step one get a hilarious motherfucker in charge of your Sonic the Hedgehog Twitter good start step to allow rom hacks on steam for Sega games this is them also throwing out all their old Sega Genesis titles on steam if I remember correctly yes because they were all emulated quite poorly and had had known issues yeah and in their place they
Starting point is 02:33:55 made an amazing 3d UI that you can play with and then you can just buy games to pop into your virtual television and play them and it fucking works great like this is this is legitimately like feel good awesome yeah would never have expected this from modern Sega it makes me really I would never have expected this from any yeah you know what any I would never expect any modern video game company to go a fuck it do whatever I'll point out the Sega of Europe is fucking great those guys are always on point at some point in this business stuff is really strong on paper the words fuck it were written down no I think
Starting point is 02:34:32 honestly like say what happened was Sega they bought Atlas right and then for the last few years they've been going through their GDC their GDD's and in every single GDD for every Atlas game just the first page is the word fuck it and then they kept going from there and it's like yeah this is how we run a business now great great Atlas has infected them with their good vibes but Sega's always been good on PC no like crazy on they have been yeah like ever since they have been consistently above average yeah on PC and they haven't always been the best but I would say they would be like consistently
Starting point is 02:35:14 they would be like probably like number three and I put Capcom above them and I would put like CD Projekt red above them they're not didn't they they did ignore it for a while yeah but like when they put out stuff like binary domain like solid port really good port that is now like fucking broken on my PC like I cannot get it to work for shit that's a total bummer total shame Valkyria Chronicles had a great Valkyria Chronicles this port is fantastic it's amazing I like I bought that game three times now between ps4 PC and and it's it's good on every Sega's just good at doing technical shit and nothing else to
Starting point is 02:35:57 say lastly lastly speaking of Chronicles what the Xenoblade Chronicles come in alright yeah that's so like in addition to the 3d port we got it straight up available here look you can play the game that inspired Xenoblade Chronicles we what the fuck is the game Xenoblade Chronicles X yeah and it's a better game than that mostly also yeah mostly um he's really feeling it yeah it's it's really really really feeling you can't have a rhino with that rhino yeah well I see you looking at a different part of your laptop should that signal the change to a new segment that should signal the change to a hey Jeff time to
Starting point is 02:36:38 put you on the spot okay if you want to send an email in talking about anything or whatever I don't give a shit where should you send that Jeff best friend cast it into the water you go into the water I'm dead I'm dead that's super best friendcast super email calm I miss I missed the thing what is that Jeff super best friendcast at and if you send an email to that location you might sound something like this one coming in from Chie's best waifu that's why even bother saying an email that they can just literally contact us any other way well no he's he's like at this point he's a character okay Joe okay
Starting point is 02:37:21 hey dare worst friendo now that we've gotten copyright sensitive names of bad company and red hot chili peppers you mean chili pepper oh man for worse company is it that is it that bad to read the sub-friendly name on the screen when you can hear the character say the stand name in English I've been seeing people up in arms over it but it's never bothered me that much I I not bother I think it's hilarious yeah I think it's absolutely like it's it's like it'd be nice if they could have the original but if you're up in arms like well the way I like come on I think not actually I think it's be up in arms much
Starting point is 02:37:55 better in part four is because the the characters annunciate the name so clearly yeah red hot chili chili pepper like crazy diamond bad company yeah I the thing is my stand by the company by the company like over and over and over and it says bad co on his fucking sleep on his collar um I up in arms is ridiculous however it's annoying but I have no it's just not sensible to be angry over it yeah what are they gonna do like it's like I wish it wasn't this way but what is your solution and getting angry orders extra ridiculous because it's like listen man they put like this is this is like a safety violation that somebody
Starting point is 02:38:41 put a sticker on and in past yeah the fact that that the fact that they get around it just by changing the subtitles is hilarious if you've got an awesome solution for this then you can get angry and then propose it yeah but otherwise what the fuck what are they supposed to do yeah steal the sub files and sub it yourself it may it makes a good source of like Twitter comedy just to get angry about each one but it's so funny it's so funny filthy acts at a reasonable price yeah what I was hoping that that message would be like the first part of that I got really excited and I was like oh it's just a question is
Starting point is 02:39:18 it that bad I was hoping he'd ask what we thought the copyright safe names for the rest of the stands with Pearl Jam is gonna be I mean like but the problem is the problem is okay well let's avoid like you know obvious all details but like the big three stands are not going to be named even close and that's gonna hurt me yeah that's gonna hurt me so much because I love all three of those stand names murderous monarchy murder King murder King murder King would actually be really good yeah I would really like a stand called murder King another one goes down no it can't have anything it can't have one once once
Starting point is 02:40:03 more they eat the dirt ground ground air and flame oh yeah that one's gonna be tough that one's gonna be real tough wild feline yeah how do you even like the descriptive name um it sucks oh god expressway hero 6x successive powder biter there's nothing there's nothing you can't save those this discount great just count illusion not okay oh god it hurts it hurts but where you all you can do is a little smile because you know there's other no other way I still can't believe they get away with it like without changing the actual dialogue at
Starting point is 02:40:52 all yeah sure the only one that really hurt me is just hearing sticky fingers and then just reading zipper man yeah in that game oh god some of the older ones though were worse in my opinion I am god what was I have been thrown vanilla ice just became ice cool ice that's that's terrible so I really hated San Viento San Viento is probably the worst that one probably was my least favorite or or Oingo and Boingo becoming Zendara and Mondada Mondana yeah and that one's the most like awkward of them all because they are constantly saying Oingo and Boingo I did not just go like Oiken Boink or something yeah cuz it
Starting point is 02:41:36 has to be a different Japanese pun anyway the next email about we answered this at our panel actually but why was Gardevoir ignored total fluke it's kind of crazy and and like like we said at our panel that you guys totally didn't see yet actually we picked her in like training before in the Pokemon type warming up with the previous because I had not played the game yeah and then I guess we just forgot to ever total fluke her that's it and that's it and then there was that moment planning it just happened and then there was the moment after I poke it I think we're like oh we forgot that but okay we did okay I want
Starting point is 02:42:18 it to play yeah okay so yeah that was random okay chance wants to know what's an opening that you will never skip every time that I will never skip all the jojo all the jojo yes colors jibun wo never ever ever a Gundam original yeah that's a pretty good one I fucking love I burn Gundam burn I love that fucking shitty old classic spider-man 60s spider-man yeah yeah yeah the easiest one is one punch man also well yeah it's up there for sure Bacchanal like I don't think that's not canoes is fantastic yeah or common writer Ryuki I really like that like 90s
Starting point is 02:43:09 like 90s synth anything that is to all of the guy girls all like for original series or brotherhood both both okay both yeah I think anything like gets you in the mood you know anything that sets the tone right I so I watch every opening for every show that I watch all the time so that's how you get so good at that yeah um because it's my it's that's my job that's like professional anime analysts perfect yeah I don't even know what my job is I welcome to the party pal I did I did it I did it at every episode of Attack on Titan as well like it's that's the thing is like I guess the rephrase the answer grant the
Starting point is 02:43:58 openings that I skip are like no the not good openings yeah even in a marathon you know like Sword Art Online's openings if I ever watch that show watch it every time every time every time how about database data database database I skip the database the database is great cuz you're living in that database I love that song I like the same the visuals let me ask you a question I need to know right now very simple don't go too deep into it yeah what do you think a log horizon do you think it's pretty good or like a steaming pile of fucking I think great fuck you all right moving on fuck you is that the response that is the
Starting point is 02:44:42 response okay how often it actually understands kind of how people play MMOs though unlike yeah but it's so boring and crappy Jair wants to know how often country copyright laws stop you from buying entertainment they stopped me from listening to SNL skits about crying oh no that's what they fucking every time I want to watch that I just baby they stop me relatively often honestly it's they stopped me last night I was trying to watch Beyonce's lemonade and and America said no so okay it's really actually quite impressive how sophisticated the blocking is yeah because you would think like these
Starting point is 02:45:28 companies have so many little holes here and there and in all sorts of their media and content distribution yeah that surely they wouldn't be so up to par but no these guys have it so down pat it's so much worse when you're holding the money in your hands yeah and like have nowhere to put Canada and Australia routinely top the lists of like where was the show the most pirated yeah because those countries are bafflingly exempt from a lot of distribution for products even though the free online streaming on a lot of websites again like NBC and I think Comedy Central yeah I know it's like
Starting point is 02:46:06 you'll go to a website it's like hey it's free to watch for everyone except for you you fucking Canadian like oh yeah you watch the Daily Show I'm sure you've seen that too given that you're also in Canada yeah all the time just there's something just like extra special about being banned from free broadcast it's so painful like I man I use Reddit a lot right so they'll be like yo check out this cool clip from the Daily Show oh cool no have to like scroll through like 50 comments to find the mirror just for us peasants up in Canada yeah go find it on media ight yeah you know like and and when Cabin Airy was coming out I was
Starting point is 02:46:42 like oh shit I have an Amazon Prime account I can actually stream it legit from no fuck you yeah exactly I oh god I man it's it's Canadian Netflix has stepped up quite a bit but still out there the but they've stepped up their security so here's here's you had American DNS is that shit's not working here's the ultimate example of how frustrating it is to be Canadian and want to pay for it I had a Netflix subscription up until recently and this is the straw that broke the camel's back so to speak and I said fuck Netflix I'm done for for now right because I resubbed for Punisher season one and about
Starting point is 02:47:21 one day subscription yeah well no I kept it okay and I was like you know what I would like to catch up on Always Sunny I haven't I never finished it and you type in Auto Always Sunny in Philadelphia and it will auto complete that knows what you're auto always sunny Philadelphia and you will hit an empty page and it will say shows related to Always Sunny in Philadelphia and it's like it knows that the show exists it knows that it's what I want and it says no hey watch whatever well and it's a bummer because like their database is so robust and like you know it's just whoever owns Always Sunny and then I
Starting point is 02:47:59 remember that I had to watch Always Sunny through a fucking VPN yeah like when I originally watched it now you can't now you can't the fact that the thing knows what I want and explicitly tells me no that's such a kick man fuck that that's oh no the worst me when I see that it makes me angry at the like the company that owns the rights oh not Netflix yeah I was gonna say yeah I appreciate you know I appreciate him having the robust but it hurts Netflix because it's like well Netflix you didn't try hard enough my my subscription has less value than I want the worst the worst thing is when they have just the
Starting point is 02:48:37 second season up oh there's nothing that's so like I was in the middle of watching Scooby-Doo Mystery Incorporated on Netflix which if you if you haven't seen it is a very quality cartoon they put story in Scooby-Doo and it's great but I took a break from it and then I came back and season one was just removed but season two is still there so it's like in my queue but I can't do fucking shit with that yeah yeah no I I mean I talked about the lucha underground situation not too long ago but like just straight up last night like I can I watch this album okay well all right and then the answer becomes
Starting point is 02:49:20 well I'm gonna watch it yeah yeah no that's just like okay walk around the corner go into that alley you know I took extra steps to use the less convenient more legit solution and you decided that that wasn't enough so I'm gonna actually default back to the easier and freer solution for a while Game of Thrones was on that fucking thing as well you know but anyway Steve wants to know what's the worst what's the worst data accident you've ever had I accidentally deleted my Final Fantasy save at North Cave twice like I got all the way to the end and wanted to start a new game to show a friend of mine and
Starting point is 02:50:02 fucked up and saved over it and then when I got all the way to the end my fucking generic 24-in-one memory card died on me I think the part B is have you lost interest in the franchise or game as a result okay I think I've definitely been really lucky with this kind of stuff actually hasn't really happened to me up until more recently when my Vita is 64 gig card died the fortune the fortunate thing is like all my Vita games are they have the cloud save on so they were all backed up automatically and I put the card back in everything just came back down so I've only lost a few saves that I just
Starting point is 02:50:41 hadn't put on the cloud saving but cloud saves don't apply to PSP and PS1 titles because they they're saved differently and I was like yeah 20 something hours in the front mission 3 and I said you know what no it's not gonna play that game it's been a long long time for me since like a catastrophic save error I the three that I've told I've actually told these on the podcast before but roll them back in you know I when I was when I was a young baby it took me a month to get out of Midgar and like after that I got lost it took me a while to restart that save that wasn't that big a deal second
Starting point is 02:51:18 would be Golden Sun where I saved when my battery was dying at the last castle and of course no damn no and I never went back and the final one being the ultimate to me which you know you know the deal already Mugen yeah yeah I made Mugen stages and characters oh my brother deleted and formatted our hard drive so that's and your brother continues to exist he hasn't been murdered yet that's that's that's restraint on your part my my worst save errors both involve letting other people try out my games oh no yeah so one of them was I was at Hollow Bastion in Kingdom Hearts 1 beating my head against
Starting point is 02:52:10 the first Riku fight because it's really hard and my friend came over and he really wanted to play Kingdom Hearts and I was like okay okay you can try it out and then I just like just don't save over my save file don't save over my save file and I thought about copying my save file to another thing because this guy's an idiot but I'm like no I'm gonna trust him I've told them like four times saved over my save file so that on hindsight every time I had similar situations that they weren't that bad in hindsight all you we had to do was yank the the the fucking memory card yeah and let it get maybe corrupted or
Starting point is 02:52:43 it but it's corruption no I know I mean like after the low no I mean before that you let them play the game that's all you pull it out pull it out and say well if he wants to try it he has no reason to say yeah that's absolutely true but like you're like oh maybe he'll come over and play it more I'll have actual friends in my life and not be just a troll in my cave but no no enjoy your cave draw enjoy the cave and then the the other one which I I feel bad being mad at the guy who did this because the person who erased the save is my cousin who has like actual autism and like so you can't be mad at him but
Starting point is 02:53:23 at the sure at but what did he remove so I was playing Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening on the Game Boy Color and I'd gotten to the windfish and I had been playing it like all summer just on and off like fine like I've had this game for years and I was finally getting around to actually finishing it and like actually giving it a fear like at the yeah I was at the I was at the egg I was at like the final dungeon I done the special color dungeon and like he's begging me to play it and I didn't trust him to not fuck up the saves and like my mom was like oh come on let your cousin be part of this and you know like you
Starting point is 02:54:05 can't not and then he did exactly what I told him not to do the worst bit in that game is like your mom yeah I was I was building up for the story to be like that's brutal because it's like there's no where to appropriately direct your anger and then you mentioned the part with your mom's like no there was a point where you could appropriately direct your anger at your mom remember games like if I remember how that games boot flow goes the worst bit is like you have to hit new game and then pick a save file yeah so like save to any save file from the yeah you can as well what if you hit start and select yeah yeah
Starting point is 02:54:46 you have to man that games menus are weird the compromises that they had to make for less buttons on gameboy color but yeah no that was that was excruciating because like it was the end of summer that had basically been my summer project finishing that game and I just like screamed into a pillow for 15 minutes because there was nothing else I could do mm-hmm oh god yeah all right so we're gonna roll into what's coming out and what's what's what's happening on the site and channel and so forth I think we can pretty much consistently keep the rhyme and rhythm going that is Dark Souls Punisher Zelda
Starting point is 02:55:32 do sex dark days X will be coming back at the end of this week yeah basically what happened was is that before you guys went off to cons we looked at the schedule it's like one of these has to take a break just because of the nature yeah Zelda was the last one and you know Zelda took a break earlier so we decided to give Deus Ex break but it will be returning probably at the end of this week yeah very short very maybe at the beginning of next week but all the other ones will continue on interrupted yeah and there's a special event which is the super no what did he call it captain super best iron friends something like
Starting point is 02:56:07 that yeah we've got it we've got a few more here's a question I had a I had a massive like screaming match with my raid group the other night over this because I I discovered that people in my raid group were scumbags who were on team Tony oh god those motherfuck I can tell I can tell right away that you're gonna you're gonna start you're gonna enjoy the the footage of how this worked out Matt made some executive decisions before talking to oh no you're on you're also on team Tony so fuck everything of course you are oh fuck Tony no no no no you can't say that you got to keep kayfabe oh fuck holding the
Starting point is 02:56:49 sign and everything team Tony or team can't team cap team Tony for different reasons okay what about cap cap okay what about you Jeff cap all the way thank you that's right original comics man go freedom yeah sorry you hate freedom so much Willie I am sorry you may so much Willie go go but like for different reasons yeah I know I know what your different reasons are okay I think the only the only other odd video going up this week is the Neo video yeah it's like an hour 40 minute blowout or something yeah and I am dying in that video like I'm like tired we can announce what are we announcing Willie the
Starting point is 02:57:35 next can we demon the next demon soul stream that's a alien horse that was very well planned Sunday Sunday 2 p.m. we're just kind of making it up as we go along yeah we haven't got through idiot I haven't checked with spy but we're tentatively saying two to seven on Sunday I couldn't I couldn't tell you guys we're making that we're like literally looking at each other and like trying to feel out the words like options select that ass into a Saturday is the wrong one oh god um so stay tuned yeah stay stay tuned friend friend people that's exciting we beat the podcast coming up on you no hey no Jeff
Starting point is 02:58:33 has to do is shut up oh yeah I was pleasure and then other stuff oh other stuff yeah yeah I don't know other stuff and then my plug or plug then no your plug plug it no no no no no stop shoot just let me do the thing okay okay fine well you do your podcast thing hi Jeff hi what's coming out on your channel what's coming out on my channel soon is I'm currently working on a big full metal alchemist special for my first anniversary of the channel slash my birthday because my birthday is on the 9th so yeah that's the big thing on the docket I'm also I've been endlessly working on a go getting ghost in the
Starting point is 02:59:17 shell finished so that I can work on all the ghost in the shell stuff I'm supposed to do and then after that I kind of fly by the seat of my pants see what's popular and see what I can get hits off of perhaps the seat of your pants involves collaboration maybe a little a small collaboration with who we collaborate with um not us I hope God it's funny that you say that Pat because oh man yeah actually I want to talk to you about collaborating that's something else okay are we gonna do the podcast live hey remember right here don't don't forget at the end of your plug to tell people what your actual channel
Starting point is 03:00:01 right oh and I forgot two more things that I'm doing season recap I've got reviews of the shows I actually finished coming up soon my editors working on that and my other editor is working on a full review of the entirety of Gravity Falls wait you have editors got editors I have yeah you guys have four people I'm just one guy I'm just one guy I got it we had two people we had two editors that's that's true but yeah no I I this guy's editors I say I have editors I have friends who edit my stuff oh that's cheating that's cheating yeah I pay them though I pay them real money from my
Starting point is 03:00:47 editors I mean that's editors shit but yeah I've got a full review of all of Gravity Falls like the whole series coming out that's a good show fuck yeah that is a good show do you guys want to do a spoiler cast for it right now sure that's a bad idea I like the part where I was there as a giant head with one arm actually that I was gonna surprise you but since you said that I literally put that gag in in the review I was like listing off monsters and where'd my head and I'm like yeah Pat from the super best friend yeah although you're the intro analysis covered a fuck ton of material so I'm surprised that there's
Starting point is 03:01:25 a lot more hey by the way Jeff I want to say thank you because your your analysis of that OP has what got me to watch Gravity Falls in the first place you're welcome I more people need to watch that show it's it's like Twin Peaks for kids it's the best and you've got and you've got that much more to say yeah no I it's a full like you know how long I talked about trails of in cold steel off the cuff yeah exactly yeah fully rehearsed and like cut down to his little talk it like as little talking about each point as I could it's 35 minutes long all right I never thought I'd meet anybody that could rival me in verbosity here I am
Starting point is 03:02:08 talking to Jeff from Mother's Basement yeah except I'm tall and I'm nice to people so kaboom kaboom but yeah verbosity or not it'll be super easy yeah no find his mother's basement first god the fight between the fight there last night what if I the fight between me and Pat would just end up being like the hand on the forehead Falklands Islands war yeah holding yeah but the thing is is I'm willing to like bite you yeah I know I know man your your ornery like I compare you to Yosemite Sam in my mind and I'm good with that yeah that's flattering and I guess and then let's just go into pick a thing that you're
Starting point is 03:02:56 looking forward to that you're gonna do this coming week all of us are just me all of us but you start cuz you're on Skype okay um yeah this coming week I'm going to be doing my birthday party and I'm gonna be going to an escape game yes nice I bet you guys thought that you'd get through a whole podcast without talking about escape games but guess what it was me Jeff have the strippers in the escape game touch your penis um yeah well but you get in the room and all the strippers are running away from you and you're like oh yeah no it's you start crying in the middle of the room cuz your friends did that to you last
Starting point is 03:03:41 year every year previously um yeah no so I'm looking forward to that and other than that just spending a whole lot of time editing and writing about Full Metal Alchemist that's good stuff man okay so what about you Wally what are you gonna be doing that's a good that's a good good thank you okay well I have teased it a little bit and I'm now I'm now gonna do it you're gonna do it but I won't get too specific I'm starting a BioWare game oh that there's only gonna play Jade Empire I'm gonna play a BioWare game like for you or for the channel for me okay I'm gonna play a BioWare game that I have not played before okay so
Starting point is 03:04:29 that's like Kotor or Sonic Chronicles yeah it's like he went through the mass effects that one time that he thought he was gonna get a job at EA oh man like it's not those I I figured that you'd be using this week to finally go through Xenoblade Chronicles cuz I told you the last time we hung out man it it ends with an impassioned defense of short haired girls you did you did also I only went through one oh you only went through one there's more there's yeah she's man you gotta step up step up to the place I should have stepped up you only played Mass Effect one not even Dante's Inferno come on I should have
Starting point is 03:05:09 stepped this mirror's edge I should have stepped up my grocery bagging skills and asked you for a job hey what are you gonna look forward to Liam I packed those bags good motherfucker did I used to bag my groceries when I was there occasionally okay it was fucking great I'm gonna try now look what happened Assassin's Creed India see how that goes yeah you talk about that earlier hopefully it's a fun time wait did you beat Russia no rushes the last one oh okay yeah I mean granted their stories don't yeah mingle as far as I know so you play in any order but mechanically rushes the last one and there's a cool new JRPG coming
Starting point is 03:05:46 out this week called Ray Gigant it's my experience who do yeah I've been seeing DRPGs yeah that's the one with the super awesome battle animations yeah very excited to try that because I hear it's not a hundred hours long and it's also a bit more welcoming than their typical DRPGs which is fucking brutal are you 100% certain that it's Gigant and not Giganto no no but I look at the title I'm like man Ray Gigants pretty cool bet you it's Giganto could go either way totally yeah my only plan for the next week honestly is looking forward to recording more Dark Souls with you guys and Deus Ex and in my off-time
Starting point is 03:06:23 terrorizing people in crucifixion woods on PC and just killing as many people as I can you work together with the king crabs yes but the people of like after the first week people wised up like they they do not they go they refuse to fight you don't have you go anywhere near the crap yeah unless they're too dangerous they're so fast yeah I wish the invaders could ride the crab like and the other the other fun bit is that there are a lot of people that use the the seat of the giant so they watch me go lure like try and lure them next to the crab and the crab like kicks my shit in because it's it's a great way to oh god
Starting point is 03:07:04 the thing you got to use the the ivory branches more the souls PVP seems like so much fun like I haven't it's great it's really I haven't gotten into it yet but just like the highlights reels of Bloodborne PVP like that guy jumping off the tower with three guys whose game he's invading climbing I honestly think Dark Souls PVP is a lot better than Bloodborne PVP because Bloodborne PVP had like serious limited bill it will the vials alone yeah like come on it's got balance issues but like oh no there's no balance at all you crazy yeah oh yeah no it's it's but I I I really need to play those games so bad they seem so good
Starting point is 03:07:51 and seem like exactly what I can do their time sinks but yeah much like you want me to play and if you ever do any video content for your channel with the Dark Souls series you can look forward to an incredibly helpful and kind of community really that's that seems yeah and at the very least a boost in people paying I have to I have to say though this this LP the DS3 LP the the shit slinging has been dramatically reduced compared to the other ones like it's it's livable now less than like a thousand comments saying get good aren't you still under episode 10 though yeah yeah so yeah and and you know what's
Starting point is 03:08:29 coming too late now let's point yeah it's always too late something I didn't I didn't touch the skull the second time right you didn't notice it either the much McCullet I was talking about mirror such catalyst last time and how I was like man you could just keep going in that the point I said I stopped and was right for it was literally at the end of that how many hours did you get into it about like two and a half that's a that's a really solid amount though yeah get out to get a hand oh well extra missions I forgot I got us our pal Levi gave me an overwatch beta key so I'm gonna be checking that out oh yeah
Starting point is 03:09:07 I'm about to get you bastard I want that game so much hey everybody hear that Jeff from Mother's Basement wants an overwatch beta key oh shit no I forgot that doing that would actually do that Twitter is g0 FF do it you see how this works yeah no that's that's the hey hey you already labeled yourself a professional shit bag live up to your name I just got a chill like 100 I I have like I have like a legitimate piece of advice for anyone that ever wants to do that like send anybody that they know like off the internet like a key for anything don't send them a Twitter message with the key in a message say hey
Starting point is 03:09:51 man do you want a key because you always see some random going thanks brah yeah because that gives that gives the person the ability to go no thanks because they don't want to feel scummy that day but if they do want to feel scummy that day they can at least do it like via DM yeah I man so I've I've got because I've seen people like send me codes and then like I like oh thanks a lot and they go to use the codes like taken like oh that sucks I yeah that sucks I so like beyond codes though I've got this one awesome friend slash fan down in Boston named Miles Fran Fran he's a Fran yeah but he like so to give you some idea we
Starting point is 03:10:33 were on my gaming stream or my anime night one of those two and I offhandedly mentioned yeah I really need to get a DSLR so I can film stuff and he started researching the best DSLR that he could possibly buy me oh you gotta stop him I do I kind of do I punch him out I like but he's already sent me Phoenix right all scrolls and he as soon as I mentioned I might want to get a fight stick he ordered me a TES to like it's oh wow like okay I mean he really likes my stuff and I appreciate the support you should kill him well no because if I go to Boston he's gonna be wearing my skin right that's how those fans work but
Starting point is 03:11:16 something like now he's a great guy and I I I love him I just I feel bad taking stuff it well you can do two things you can either try and stop him or to kill your soul just kill my soul that's I think that's that's what I'll go for because things cost money and I want to spend money on making the channel better okay so that's a mr. Jeff basement yeah from mother's basement through from mother's shit back mother's shit back that's me I like it my mom got a colostomy why am I doing that I don't know why am I doing that he's from Vancouver you what yeah bro my mom's gone I tried my stoner's not very
Starting point is 03:11:57 good oh god yeah it's time to stop vape bro how much do you vape okay let's keep podcasting you and me will you we don't like start installing that while the line it's fine it's okay okay well he's installing weird things on my computer hey man it's cool and anti-games yeah it's no problem I need to get the camera running so we can illusion software being I have to get the camera running so that we can do the video that is the preview for the podcast space jam to is real starring LeBron save it for the video save it for the video okay so are we and see if you yeah but we're just about wrapping up we didn't wrap up
Starting point is 03:12:38 it because I didn't hit the music yet yeah we got it we got it what is the music pump around this week no I don't know yet don't drop it no no no we'll figure it out but we all got to sign out right I you do have to sign out okay this is Jeff through professional shitbag signing out from my mother's basement I already overlapped you with music awesome perfect no I didn't I'm getting all right now you're overlapping me it's all you

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