Castle Super Beast - SBFC 145: There’s a Doomamaniac in Heaven

Episode Date: May 17, 2016

Whiny blind Spiderman! Uncharted 4! Doom! The Green Room! Jessica Jones!  ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I Say what you will about foggy and say what you will about foggy's an idiot fuck foggy's great But but what you need to know and what you need to remember if you haven't seen it is the origins of Spider-man going blind and daredevil having to guide him through what it's like to be blind Yeah, exactly like the story when the Punisher turns black for a week He's like guess what Spidey titties feel extra soft, but Spidey's fucking He's a huge whiny bitch about not having his eyesight and the whole He's just like I can't do it. No, I'm just I'm just gonna end it all and daredevil
Starting point is 00:01:04 No, and daredevil has thoughts where he's like, okay, I have to pretend I don't know what's going on here to make Spidey feel useful So he's like oh geez. I know the bad guys around here somewhere. Yeah. Yeah, what should I do where and spider-man? Like wait, I have my my spider senses. I can detect. He's over there. Yeah, and then like daredevil's like here was this This is the old as this is like origins of a lecture and stuff like or the Frank Miller the one Frank Miller took over it's what when Frank Miller took over exactly and it was just like You know like daredevil's like I can't let spider-man know that I figured out the whole case already Or that I know exactly where the bad guys are gonna do it because he's blind and feels useless
Starting point is 00:01:45 Yeah, he's gonna kill himself if he doesn't feel like he can do anything How can you possibly? Possibly justify. Oh being blind is so worthless when you're standing next to daredevil who's been crime-fighting for like a decade Exactly like what a stupid child daredevil has to like I mean the perception of losing like What is effectively the power of flight because you can't hear kind of right? Like like five or six times spider-man's about to web swing into a wall and daredevil has to just guide him slightly away Spider-sense would kick in Well, here's the problem if it's by a web swinging spider-sense would kick in and tell him danger
Starting point is 00:02:27 But depending how fast he's swinging he might he's putting himself into the danger and an optometrist is looking at him like Could you take your mask off sir? And it the whole the whole thing is just like It's just daredevil babysitting spider-man blind. That's awesome. And it's a hilarious awful Cuz in the dirt a little comic I read where spider-man's constantly like joking around and following him and Punisher and telling them what to do and shit. He's always calling daredevil magoo Like should daredevil go. Hey, remember when you were blind? But if this happened in the 80s Can possibly a known that that joke was made or not that's interesting. I never knew about that storyline. Thank you
Starting point is 00:03:12 Oh, although speaking of Um Well, no, we'll get into that after we'll get into that after cuz you What was your segue gonna be is a good segue you well I was gonna say speaking of like the the Luke Cage. Okay. I thought you were gonna go like speaking of blind people I was like looking of looking struggling. I was struggling to find a connective tissue I'll get I'll get to that eventually but first we have to bring up that the number 145 What is attributed to a good number?
Starting point is 00:03:39 Pokedex entry 145 which is Mewtwo is 150 and there's Dragonite dragon air dratini, and then it's probably one of the three birds. Is this dragon? I'm not sure which one is it zaptos. It's zaptos the coolest of the birds now Well, I want to put down my foot on this we can't we need to ease off on the Pokemon Podcast facts. That was a good one. No, no today's great, but it's too easy I know but what name another one I've done. No You've done it perfectly so far. You gotta leave at least 50 between the next one. Don't start doing it
Starting point is 00:04:18 I'm not doing anything after we go past 150. Oh, okay 151 for that matter Oh, yeah, cuz those aren't even real Pokemon, but notice that we're almost at the edge of 151 Mm-hmm, so I got this one in there and now we're done. Yeah, okay You know it's nicely handled. There you go crisis averted Yeah, that crisis that wasn't happening See cuz Maltras would have been the coolest if it looked more Phoenix like but it's totally totally it's very too gentle Too soft and round cuz Articuno is just another soft Maltras looked any cooler. He'd be the coolest and it wouldn't even be a contest. It wouldn't be a contest
Starting point is 00:04:52 Yeah, but so zaptos tough Articuno is really cool though. It's pretty because it's really pretty. I like it's not cool. It's pretty The blue colors they use for it like those specific shades. I'm very big fan of yeah, but it looks like a real bird Yeah, and I want a crazy electric thing. Well, that looks like it's gonna hurt if I touch it. Well So zap those takes it to me. Yeah, there you go. Oh, you're saying is you want crazy magical birds Hey, man. Yeah, I guess he does. Hey, man. Hey, if you believe in yourself hard enough A budgie and a power outlet can make stuff happen So you're just gonna you're just gonna wear that shirt until it falls off your body
Starting point is 00:05:33 That's right. If only will he had some type of squad you want you want the fun part There's the second one back there. Who's getting that? I'm giving that to Paige Wow All over the place because she hates bird squad. Oh, yeah That's that's the lubricant you need Hey, what up shoddy, you know, I got all five birds all five and you know what no one else in my clan got them So I'm the shit that took them all. I know. Hey, what a nice break. I rolled on those fair You rolled on those fair. Also, there's only one other person on the server that has all my god
Starting point is 00:06:10 And I might be like only five people to have all them whatever, you know, I'm really happy about I still don't I don't know what you're talking about. I'm never gonna ask. Don't tell me And now that you've done that how much more comfortable are you with your inevitable death? Some what okay, some what all right still not gonna help everybody else get the birds. Yeah Well, your case of adult diapers is in the mail Well, I don't work for chicken people Topical news. Anyway, hey, so you know who's cool Luke Cage, you know why he's got unbreakable skin
Starting point is 00:06:49 Why cuz he's super hot also because he's a hero for hire or whatever, but but really Did they even do anything with that anymore? I don't think he does that anymore. He just well that that's not that's well That's not what they're good. They're going with in the in this the Universe clearly it's just him being pissed that people always shoot his clothes I mean No, here's no Here's for hire is cool and all but like I think a looking
Starting point is 00:07:18 Dragon are probably just like the the real pair that everyone wants me I'm sorry and our first rather is there They're the other everyone wants to see you saw that art I sent you like a while back a few months ago It was just this really cool stylistic cartoony art of Luke Cage Like wearing a suit and has a guy thrown over his shoulder and they look like him and iron fist just beat up a dude Yeah, I first is like yeah, like walking on Anyway, yeah, no, that's just dope. So I started watching Jessica Jones finally and there you go How deep are you in?
Starting point is 00:07:51 Probably about four. Okay. Fucking good. You only have a couple more episodes until the place where the season should have stopped No, no the the interesting thing I thought it was great all the way through it was right up until that part So the the thing that's interesting to me is I never read alias and I don't know anything about Jessica Jones outside of Alias is really awesome. It's Brian Michael Bend. Yeah, no, I'm aware I'm aware of like the the the names attached, but I just never actually read anything Relating to her although what I do know is that obviously like yeah, she's she and Luke are a thing But it's interesting going through this whole like sort of detailed story and sort of not knowing anything about Where this Marvel story is gonna go outside of hey look, there's Luke Cage
Starting point is 00:08:39 Yeah, you know like every other Marvel cinematic or TV thing that's come out has been like yeah I know what you're doing. I know your storyline and oh look. It's that guy that I wrecked but in this case It's super all new and and and is that is interesting Is episode four have you seen like purple man at that point? Yeah. Yeah, okay. How horrific of a villain is that yeah? I saw he's great fucking doc doctor who well the David Tennant is fucking Is also familiar with his power because it's very similar to the power that preacher has preacher Not preacher has to talk to you though. You have to be with an ear shot Yeah, and it's true same same for the skull in the earth X universe as well
Starting point is 00:09:22 Where you have to basically be around in some sort of way and it's not just like full-on like I can just sort of Jean could do that yeah the metal gear right? He had a voice that soldiers couldn't resist not doing it The purple man is he can he has to be within that range in the beginning But then you can just leave and that's and go anywhere for like what 12 hours or something No, that that shit is ridiculous and like yeah in the wrong hands And it's it's it's really interesting that he's Jessica Jones's villain in this this TV series because he's a villain that gets stronger The more strong his opponent is basically yeah, right like if if he was gonna have My line Avengers yeah, yeah like the world is over he would rise to the occasion of whatever he's paired up with
Starting point is 00:10:13 For do it well, okay like him and dr. Doom teamed up that one time and it's like fuck don't fuck with that Oh, is that a thing at one point? Yeah, I believe they're called the mega powers God then purple man refused a job just purple man and dr. Doom just looking at each other going We don't know what we got here brother. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know if I should shake his hand. It's too powerful I Be great. I think dr. Doom would not be affected just by sheer charisma Okay, here's the question in the mega powers between do you know and doom which is which doom is Hogan? Doom is Hogan. Doom is Hogan. Yeah, okay, and I don't feel good about that
Starting point is 00:10:55 But that's that's someone's got to be and someone's gotta be a lot. You know cuz Latveria is basically Hulkam in your life Dr. Doom hates Luke Cage Yeah, do my maniacs. Yeah, everyone at Latveria. They're all they like the themes start And do walks out doing that. Can you hear me? Somewhere there's a do my maniac in heaven and wrestling for him. Yeah, there's a dude. I can all of us. Oh god That's good stuff already. I think those intros between Daredevil and the fucking intro for Jessica Jones. I am blown away I think they're really really cool. Yeah, and I'm gonna watch them every single time I can't wait to see what they do for I can't I really like the Jessica Jones
Starting point is 00:11:36 I can't remember what they are The one for Daredevil is just the blood the blood over invisible objects Okay, and it's the city and then it's eventually the statue of justice and then eventually stairdevil's okay And what's Jessica Jones is like a water painterly very wolf among us style painterly look at the city people looking looking through windows People walking through alleyways. I think the reason why I don't remember them is because like when those seasons came out I put my spot on this couch Watched it on the first episode and then well, that's three minutes. I can save and watching the next one The whole thing is basically like
Starting point is 00:12:13 The city that she's watching and then it goes out to her Who's watching on Netflix? I think after a while if you start watching them enough. They auto skip the intros I've never had that. I don't think I remember that happening on neither They skip the credits for sure. They because it auto plays at that point I've seen other shows where it skips the intros, but the Marvel stuff has stuff before the intros It's true. Yeah, and all I've ever gotten on Netflix is the are you still there? It's like, yes I did watch six in the road. I'm dead I'm fucking dead Netflix and but keep playing the show though. No as I die. I want to see
Starting point is 00:12:56 There so there was that and that's that's a good time Oh, I'll probably finish that off by next time. It's super good I think it's my favorite one in terms of writing But they remember this way when when I when I saw that and I was comparing it over if you I think you've seen maybe enough by episode four to get this inkling is that like in Daredevil comparing it to season one It's like Daredevil is the fighting is real awesome Yeah, and like any interactions with the villains are awesome But a lot of the in-between guess work of like oh, where's the money going?
Starting point is 00:13:24 Yeah, and where's whatever that was always a little blancing the total opposite and Jessica Jones almost every Conversation and interaction is cool and meaningful and I like it Yeah, but every action scene has been fucking shite. It's been nothing terrible There was that there's a bit of special effects where she does jumps and does a little Crazy how bad it is. Yeah Daredevil It's so weird and they do some weird cuts to not have to show her using power Yeah, so you just see weird close-ups for nothing. It was not impressive I totally agree with you Liam
Starting point is 00:13:55 I think the writing was like stronger than than Daredevil except for like one thing that it It starts to frustrate me in like three four episodes to go. Yeah, and then it gets really frustrating sure. Yeah But like luckily she's fighting a villain that doesn't physically punch her with his fist good Sure, and you know and and yeah, and again like we're gonna get the Luke Cage show as well And you'll be just punching everyone Walking out of the shower for two hours. What do you think iron fist is gonna be punching sure not gonna kick them even more I'm really that's lots of kids interested in in seeing what iron fist is gonna like look like yeah, is it gonna be shot more Hong Kong
Starting point is 00:14:34 Style like action. Well, it's still gonna be in hell's the last dragon. No, but I mean in terms of like the Blocking yeah, there's the like big wide Sleeping dogs, you know hanging out in Chinatown modern day, you know, it's fine. Yeah, I'm sure it'll work out But yeah, so that that's going I finished off the speedrunners and Yeah, that's a solid ass game now speed. Is there a single player there is a single component It's taught to how you unlock the rest of the maps and I never knew that was basically Yeah, and then there's these not so great comic book panels that like kind of to fill in the back stories of the things Oh, wow, it's not it's almost like putting a story to knit hog
Starting point is 00:15:13 It's I was gonna say the characters kind of look like nothing so there's not much it all does have a story But yeah, well, is it the the tail of the knit hog? No, even if it did it's about getting the dick I was gonna say even if it does they don't shove comic panels in yeah, so a little unnecessary but in any case still really really fun and You them like you find out that like there's ways to avoid a lot of the attacks that people can Yeah on you and the attacks of multiple functions as an offensive or defensive tool So that's a kind of fun like multi-purpose thing that kind of like Develops not right away. You kind of learn eventually like oh, I can use everything in one or another way to counter something else
Starting point is 00:15:53 Very smart. I've only seen it at cons, but boy. I've seen it a lot at this point Yeah, and now that I've sat down and tried it. I know why You know that that's worth a look. I Continued playing tales of the borderlands. Yes I am midway through the second part now and I can Absolutely with certainty say that this is 100 percent telltale's best. Okay. I'm at episode four I haven't played in a little bit, but yes, it is easily their best and like not just because well except for the first walking dead
Starting point is 00:16:26 But but not just because of the the writing and sort of the funny stuff and the way it's put together But like the direction and the style and the interesting shots They do and the music and stuff like it all comes together You really picked the right telltale game to LP that one time. I was I was yeah, you picked Minecraft. Yeah I think that was a good idea. Well still eventually coming I'm I'm still do you not remember the part where I said I want to leave borderlands for the possibility of me and Matt some Time they did and then you started to play it by yourself I
Starting point is 00:17:01 Cheater as good as it is. I'm honestly just burnt out. Yeah, I don't even care If it's good at this point. Oh, that's fair. Telltale burnout is real. We've talked about it multiple There's too many too fast. I would rather wait And try Batman instead totally Yeah, yeah that like like Batman's or the Marvel. I really want to see what the Marvel things gonna be Yeah, or the Marvel thing because at least that source material after after game of thrones after game of thrones I feel like Batman or Marvel might be more like that than it The Marvel thing is gonna be one of one of the bottle of Jack Daniels and your pals are all a bunch of pills
Starting point is 00:17:38 And it's the story of how to get inside Tony's body Yeah, all I can say all I can say Matt is that like we don't know what those new things will be Whereas right now I can't say we do know that the borderlands is the best. Yeah, that sounds great, dude And I know walking dead season one was fantastic because a lot of that was also the first time we were experiencing that type of stuff But I still I think it's better sure, okay I to me it goes above it. So that's really cool, and I Teased a little bit that I was starting a Bioware game. Oh, and I did start that Bioware game And these are all good pics
Starting point is 00:18:15 And by start that was spending at least a solid 45 to an hour fighting it after installing it Okay, getting it to Run at the right resolution that way that changes the person what okay? What are you playing? I'm playing Kotor. Okay, Kotor one. Yes, okay, and that's good-ass game. That's what I'm that's what I'm fine He's aged to find out. So here's the question that thing does not want to run on a modern The irony is that Kotor one was like very well polished when it came out and Kotor two was a fucking mess Flaming trainwreck, but now on steam today
Starting point is 00:18:56 Kotor one is hard to get running on modern things and Kotor two has controller support Yeah, oh does it yeah one doesn't and I'm like god damn it or two as controller support steam workshop We're so support for the for the mod pack and it runs in native resolutions Shit and ups like if it's if it's that bothersome There is an excellent mobile conversion of the game actually. Yeah The one by I think asper media is excellent, but you've got it working Yeah, I did, but I considered just going to like of the Xbox Yeah, just get a disc and just just get a disc and play it. That's a good choice actually
Starting point is 00:19:35 I'm pretty sure no, you know what you can just buy it digitally on your 360 I think maybe so will they have to ask because because hold on like I'm editing I and I files to get full-screen Toggle on and off Resolutions you went to win full screen. What's it called widescreen gaming and found all that those those not even just support Community, okay, you know and and I'm fucking Tweaking that shit around and then you get it for you get it finally windowed But your mouse cursor is not accurate to where yeah highlighting dude, and it's just a well Just buy a disc my my advice to you would actually have been to not play like play it and it's and it's
Starting point is 00:20:18 4x3 resolution Because it's so much simpler that way the way it was meant to be I've come to I've come to a solution Which is like not great, but whatever. Yeah, it's running in a window And if you if and when you decide to actually move on and play the second one, it's it's plug-and-play good. It's it's good So coder one that's a good-ass game. It's also very old. It's before Bioware started the troubles Yeah, it's it's their golden age. It's when they're tutorials reference d20s. Yeah, yeah So how far in oh not 45 minutes. He's in the first area first area. Okay first area and have you made your decision yet? Because I'm not sure how familiar you are with the Bioware thing the the strongest
Starting point is 00:21:00 Way to go through is to pick one decision and write it all the way to the end of the game So you're gonna be a good guy. You're gonna be a fucking piece of shit Yeah, well, I'll find it's gotta get that first. I don't know. He's not even you haven't you haven't hit the moment Where it's like burn this baby alive or give it a lollipop. Yeah, no, sorry, baby I believe you meant to say younglings because honestly, they're both really entertaining in their own right I I can't say that I I did sit through watching my friend play a bunch of I did that as well back in the day My friend had it, but I just kind of wanted to do it for myself Like the the the moral extremes in Kodar one are the farthest apart of any game I can ever think of
Starting point is 00:21:43 Hmm, it's it's it's lit like it's like shining light of Christ Versus twirl your mustache as the maiden is on the fucking Rare way tracks it also harkens back to a time when characters would be like Like okay, you're on the ship and remember what your job is it was to do this and that all right now Remember press the X button and tilt the camera up so that you can select I actually really like me I will have my tools. I really really like that You can then go to the inventory screen and equip yourself with whatever and it's like a total annihilation Of the fourth wall by a mechanic
Starting point is 00:22:20 Smashing it down and it's like voice acting. Yeah, it's super weird. Oh god, like I thank God We moved on from that. No bring it back. I love that stuff. I love that control conceit So yeah, I'm a wrangle vet for a little bit more and if I apps after the second session if I can't deal I'm gonna just gonna go ahead on Xbox. Yeah, no, it's a good choice. It's a it's a good game Really looking forward to that big single-player Star Wars thing by Amy Henning. Yeah, definitely really whatever it is Whatever the fuck it is here Amy Henning has like a golden touch with this kind of stuff At least for the talkie bits the talkie bit at it. Yeah, she's very good at it Amy Henning is the writer for all the Legacy of Cain games and then all the Uncharted games
Starting point is 00:23:02 Oh well one through three. She didn't do good. She didn't do she did not do golden business. She left before four Yeah, exactly. Yeah, but she's the dialogue lady that does the dialogue real real real good and the range between Legacy of Cain and Uncharted is pretty bad Yeah, that's true for all the like legitimately generic gameplay that the Uncharted games do have yes the dialogue between the characters is great every Plus every time. Oh speaking of Uncharted. How is it? It's great. Yeah. Yeah, it's very good I think Matt played it a bit too and played up until the fourth mission at which point the fourth mission with the video game made Me have like a weird existential right. Yeah, I had to put it down for a while
Starting point is 00:23:42 So I'm like allegedly two hours from the end of the game according to how long to beat It's fucking great, but it's like it's the same thing where it's like you spend A third of the game mashing X to climb faster on walls And that bit just and you spend never gets super fun one sixth of the game just walking around while people talk Good dialogue which is the fine bit because I want to hear the dialogue. Yeah, and then the shooting is good. Yeah It's not bad shooting. Yeah, you shoot guys and But but like the presentation and the quality of everything a billion trillion dollars on this game. Yeah, it just It's amazing how they just keep putting new set piece even stuff that isn't set piece stuff looks amazing
Starting point is 00:24:28 Like I want to be clear when when Liam or I would described Uncharted as generic like it's of it's it's a vanilla ice cream cone of a video game Very good. It is The it is the third person shooter and it is everything that that genre is and it But that doesn't take away from its quality. No, it's super good the best vanilla ice cream cone ever has It's just a long indiana jones movie. Yep It's really entertaining and this game has got a lot of Send ups to the previous game totally The attic thing is really early in in an attic where you can look at a bunch of stuff from the previous games and
Starting point is 00:25:08 I'll remember when I killed all those minorities. Yes, they were blue And he's got little targets on the ceiling of all the the bosses of the previous games that you can shoot at with a little ping-pong ball gun. You guys see that that uh What you call it the petition to remove move that one one negative review on metacritic That's stupid. Uncharted fans are crazy. There's one negative review as well. It happened with three They're crazy. Yeah people like their vanilla ice cream. It happens with every game. We're like also like in the in the uh Oh, yeah, jaffy. Everyone got that. That was the jaffy thing What jaffy said uncharted 3 wasn't that impressive and he got uh, maybe yeah
Starting point is 00:25:48 And it was euro gamer that got the brunt of it for I remember I know for uncharted 3 the reviews were lower than 2 because 2 is kind of yeah, it's not as good as 2 Um and people went ape shit because it wasn't because like no I'm sorry. You're mad that your game isn't as good as the last one. I saw it recently. Polygon gave doom a Six or something not like an amazing score, but not the worst either And there were people who were like are they just doing that to get more clicks and it's like Come on like people are they're doing it because they can't play the game. They can't you know, sure Turns out that was a different person. Oh, yeah, I know I know but like you they'll never escape that video
Starting point is 00:26:25 But uh, it's like fuck like no people are allowed to rate the games. However, no Anyway, uh, it's really really really is there is there any like Lastivist lessons that they've applied to it that you can uh, see Yeah, there's a lot of bits where you press triangle to grab a box and move it around Yes, just like the last Other than that, it's mostly just the character interactions, but even that's a carry over from the previous The biggest thing is that like Sam seems to be with you like a lot
Starting point is 00:26:56 Like a lot a lot a lot like similar to how ellie was and the other thing is that the levels seem like Uncharted levels were kind of wide and then Lastivist levels were kind of wide and then these levels are pretty wide dude. They're pretty wide They're gonna get way wider before the end of the game like there are areas where I was Legitimately shocked at how big the place like talking about the one where you're driving around in a truck I was gonna say that that truck scene that I saw it seemed like that truck chase could you could go there? There's a different truck the truck chase it it's really it's quite wide But it is guided on rails. No, no exactly it is guided on rails
Starting point is 00:27:34 But the course is because it has to be and you just go forward somewhat But there's another truck area and it's like truck area enjoy Okay, and there's places to go and I went somewhere and I looked over there and I was like, huh I didn't go over there and then I continued on my way and never even went that way Uh, really really cool stuff later on. Um, they do evolve on stuff It's not like three where they kind of just with three they did cool things like with the boat scene where the boat flips upside down But it didn't have the grandeur Three felt like hey, let's make them charted two again. That's why four should be even worse
Starting point is 00:28:10 You know what I mean if you're if you don't stick you like, you know how gears are worth three was not as good It was really good. But what didn't have the one they never lived up to one. Yeah, right? That's the problem So like this I'm I'm like I only play like about you know Maybe less than an hour of it but because then doom came out and now I've been playing that but yeah We'll talk about that a second. Yeah, but like four should be bad like it's a fourth one Yeah, you know, but it's great. But you only think that because judgment and ascension ruin the fucking pot on that No, but almost anything the fourth of anything. Yeah, like the evil was really bad Well, the other thing is that
Starting point is 00:28:49 I heard that as a tedious terrible. I I heard that resident evil god Yeah, I heard that four should have also been terrible. Yes. You're actually right I heard that um that uncharted is kind of in that place though where Like the third one kind of was almost felt like it should have been the last and the way things wrapped up Apparently well, and like now it's like well, here's another ramp romp that the third one last The third one ends in a really solid spot where it's like could be over The fourth one they've already said this is the last one and like and it seems based on where it's going that it's
Starting point is 00:29:26 Got to be the last one because metal gear weirdness is always a strange thing where it's like three could have been Should have been was supposed to be the last one. Yeah, four. We got another one. We got another one. We got another one Oh, okay. Four seems like the last one from the minute you press start. Yeah, okay Like it just it has a heavier feeling the fact that like Nathan draken one two and three was pretty much the same Like it difficult to ascertain 20 something guy and in the fourth one He's like nearing 40 and he looks kind of tired Like any Henny is tired Like it's really like an Indiana Jones force size thing of like here we go again
Starting point is 00:30:05 I I quit man. He's like no one last job, bro. Right literally And just when I get out they pull me right back. Yeah, that's pretty much and and like where it used to be like Yeah, we're done it. It's like oh Oh She ho man that was high Right that kind of like I feel like on on what we said before like uncharted the first one whatever it's like Whatever uncharted two they it's well documented that they really pushed the limits of what they could do and that's why the set
Starting point is 00:30:35 Pieces, they're all big stupid set pieces. Yeah. Oh the train's going off the cliff with uh with natin it Oh, shit climb up the train again. I honestly think that like the train level where it's going through the mountains is actually way more That's awesome. It's super cool. And then like in three I feel like because they knew they were at the end they had to do smarter stuff And so like the boat truck it's falling out of a plane Yeah, the truck falling out of the plane the boat that flips upside down while you're in it and like Starts and the water starts filling it up that dude. It's it's like a uh a cruise ship So it's like huge and like a big area to explore things
Starting point is 00:31:08 Things falling out of things when he's running through the city all delirious and the infinite desert like they did smarter stuff But it wasn't as impressive. Yeah, but like with four they could return to big stupid set pieces Yeah, just to a new level of a new standard of power. It's on the ps4 as well. Yeah, exactly. So it's uh Even though it's not like a smarter game. I saw somebody make a comment or actually, you know, I heard it on the I heard it on giant bombs podcast that they saw a comment that was that uncharted four is like a the best argument against the neo Because if you just if you get the neo the a new ps4 Oh, you just spend the time. I thought you meant the I thought you meant the tecmo game You can get all the tech in the world
Starting point is 00:31:52 That's what it all comes down to is time for optimization. Yeah, like like when you look at look at the 360 Right, you start you start off with cameo and you end off with metal gear solid five phantom pain Right. Oh, yeah. Oh, I got confused for a second as you start saying that Well, and think about the ps3 you got mgs4 and five and look at the gulf between those for you know, like It's all down to optimization over time. So definitely I'm I'm excited I I kind of forgot about uncharted once doom came out. So I'm actually glad that you're like talking about it because it Reminded yeah, well, I'm gonna play doom once I'm done uncharted. Yeah, absolutely Um, and I guess the only other things is the the grappling hook is super fun to use
Starting point is 00:32:30 It's just super snappy and it's enjoyable. I wish there was more places to use it I have a question about the grappling hook. Is it is it? True that in many places in the story a character jumps up on something and it's like I have to go get something to Lower when they could just use the hook. Yeah when you're holding a rope with a grappling hook at the time I'm pretty sure you've already been through a spot like that and like the first chapter when they were kids Because they have the rope and it's like but at some point it's like no Nate hang on I got to get you a thing and it's like no you don't I'm holding a grappling hook right now It's it's I saw that thing. It's not as bad as that guy made it out
Starting point is 00:33:04 But still that's there. Yeah, super weird. No, it's there for sure. Mabel is so right and gravity falls. It's so right grappling hook Yeah, yeah, um, sorry random tangent there, but um, um Mother's basement his gravity falls review video came out and it's fucking great. Go watch it. I mean do it His videos are good. Um Yeah, you are Yeah, and the multiplayer is really good. Uh, you use magic in it, which is really cool. You like magic. Yeah Is it like is it like power-ups?
Starting point is 00:33:35 Yeah, they're kind of like your special attacks and stuff berserk You get you get to summon a an ancient pillar that shoots ghosts at people and stuff Oh my god They like good idea for the multiplayer because the previous ones were a bit bland the plain jane But never I never cared for that movement and that's fair. Yeah What is it do the green men show up or blue men? What color are the the men? In chart of two, they're blue blue men. There you go. Okay, and then chart of three there Uh, you I I didn't um in chart of three. They're like brown
Starting point is 00:34:04 In in in multiplayer is that there is a thing to summon them, but I've never used it before So I don't know which ones which ones appear. Yeah Uh, super super good game really excited to finish it actually apparently the ending is really really a tear joker I heard apparently so you're so open. Um, I played more ray gigant still easy as dirt But the story's going places. So I'm enjoying it Just makes me think of you grabbing a clot of dirt and going boy. That sure was easy. Yep. Put that back on the ground No, uh, it's really enjoyable. So I'm still pushing through it It does that it does that cool thing where like a big event happens and then you know fade to black and then second opening
Starting point is 00:34:45 Story number two, which is really really satisfying. Oh, that's shit Um, and other than that, I guess are you guys still watching space patrol luluko? I didn't start I haven't started the first episode of season three just came out. Yeah, and it's Fucking it does season three. Yeah, three episodes is a new season Okay with a new major story arc. I didn't catch that new villains. Yeah somebody sent me the uh, the The don't lose your way sequence from one of them and I was like, oh dude. I've never seen that in a show where it just It it just they do the entirety of kill the kill like eight well
Starting point is 00:35:23 I think I've been spoiled on all the references at this point do some screenshots almost shame You got spoiled on that that episode just came out like today. Mm-hmm So that was the it's the first thing to hit the internet whenever a new episode comes But like that show is fucking good, man, and it's only seven minutes an episode. It's really worth watching I'm waiting because it's that short and because of that. I'm waiting for it all to be done because I'm gonna fly Yeah, the only reason I would like vouch for it now is because spoilers. Yeah every single time people are just I mean, you already knew exactly what happened. Yeah, but I'm me. I'm becoming more and more immune to that stuff over time Either way watch it at some point. Yep. Super good. Definitely. It's on the list. It's good. It's good
Starting point is 00:36:03 It's good. I think that's pretty much me. Uh, I would like to start a conversation with matt right now Yes, we were talking about a game that is so simple that it's like a really good vanilla ice cream cone Matt and I played a different game that could be likened to a really good chocolate ice cream cone Yeah, top top with like strawberry sauce make it look like blood. Yeah. Yeah, but like It's a very very simple simple game I'm gonna I'm gonna take it that they fixed the the little kill locking thing. No, that's in there Whoa, whoa, whoa kill locking. I thought you were talking about ray play
Starting point is 00:36:42 Uh, no, we're talking about is that your 2016? Isn't that the chocolate ice cream? No, gotta get one in every year One in every year one for you. It's called the glory kill system. There you go. Glory kills. Uh, dude doom is so It's fucking awesome. It's so awesome. Yeah. I'm really excited to play like and I mean that in in in two ways one It's a really fantastic shooter Feels good and it feels good to shoot movement is great It's upgrade system is basically the same as new orders, but adapted to a more like looser style Yeah, the the levels are big and not like divided into sequences. It's like uh hallways to arenas mostly, right? Yeah, but it's the levels are actually very large and complex. Oh, okay. Yeah, you get lost in them
Starting point is 00:37:26 They're actually like a three like doom of doom one and two. Great. Awesome. I describe this to Liam Is it where where I am in the game? It starts to feel like Metroid Prime a lot of the time a couple references to that. I'm you double back on areas but at higher elevations The map looks like Metroid Prime. There's a lot of secrets feels get to us shoot the demons in the stomach and On the ground around the demons occasionally. It feels very good. So just everywhere. Yeah, like the game is really good And that's awesome But the tone Is awesome. Like it is everything about the doom guy that you play as
Starting point is 00:38:03 It's so much more interesting than any other game or certainly any of the novels every Everything about the characters that exist alongside doom guy Every explanation for why is the us uac like it is. Yeah, why did they do this etc? Like doom guy like You know start to crate Right. Yeah, press start. How long is it until you see a crate? That's your crate This game has the new metric of start to murder
Starting point is 00:38:34 And it's like second two two seconds Before your character murders someone also isn't the first thing you do. Yes grab someone by the head But but more importantly all of the new metric is also start to shotgun. Yes is also incredibly fast But like a minute like So we've all we've all been like doom guy in in doom three was some Boring ass the most boring guy ever and he wasn't the doom guy that we know when doom one and doom two Which is a psycho here. You got them wolfensteining it up So in wolfenstein bj lastowitz was a blank meathead, right?
Starting point is 00:39:09 So they turned him into a really interesting meathead that loves to kill nazis Well, what do you do with doom guy? Well doom guy can't talk. No, he can't talk link. Don't let him speak Don't let him speak ever So instead every time someone tries to talk to doom guy He shoots or blows up whatever's talking to him or crushes And like there's a bit in which a video screen tries to give him story details and he punches it Yeah Oh also like the someone says whatever you do
Starting point is 00:39:41 Don't and then he smashes it and then the guy goes. What are you doing and every time you smash it in the level He's like no you don't understand stop and they're like like the first one He examines it really carefully as the guy's explaining them how to disable it And he just puts his foot on it and crushes it and the next two He just does that again and the fourth one the guy's screaming and i'm like no Don't and he's like okay, okay, and then he like lashes out and crushes it super fast Uh When you sit when you ask really does it feel really good to uh shoot the demons
Starting point is 00:40:15 Um we're going on the stomach and to miss them. Yeah And uh the upgrade system for certain weapons is I I got like a sawed-off double barreled shotgun Super shotgun super shotgun from doom 2 right and then it only has a few upgrades But once you've gotten you've you've bought all the upgrades are available It locks the mastery upgrade which you get it's there But you don't have to buy it again. You don't have to buy that last upgrade It just gets unlocked what you have to do is then use the weapon With this new mode in a specific way
Starting point is 00:40:48 So for the double barrel shotgun it'll say all right you upgraded those two things and now you can get the last one You don't have to spend any points to buy it, but now you got to use it. What you have to do Yeah, what you have to do is you 30 times you have to kill multiple demons with one shot So you always have to align you're trying to line two up all all the time I literally this morning before I got here you do it and It unlocks the ability to pull the trigger twice and it shoots both barrels at the same time And the toughest enemies can't deal with it anymore. They become stun law Like like a fucking baron of hell or whoever just shows up and they're like, hey, what's up? Oh, no, no pop
Starting point is 00:41:32 It's it that gun like I just want to use that Almost all of the weapons except for the pistol, but who would ever Go back to the pistol looks good on it. No, it sucks. Yeah, but I mean it looks good Everything looks really because it's not a pistol. It's just a little laser pew pew the basic the basic system is that you have say let's use the The gatling gun right you have your gatling gun right and then you can get two upgrades for it Yeah, one is you can spin the barrel without shooting so you can shoot at top speed immediately The other one is it gives you two barrels, but you can't move while shooting
Starting point is 00:42:09 You can't move a little bit, but you're you're you're super slow, but it fires both barrels, right? So the the chain gun separates its big barrel into two smaller barrels on either side And a third one comes out Anyway, the point is is that you get what an upgrade points from finding secrets and stuff like that So upgrade one is it fires twice as fast upgrade two is you can move at normal speed Upgrade three etc. Right and then the final upgrade is it'll never overheat ever Which means you never have to stop right the difference between the weapon in its base form And it's fully maxed out like level up like ultra fire
Starting point is 00:42:49 Is the biggest difference of any weapon upgrade i've ever seen and they're all like that okay, and So you would think like it it's not like twice as strong. It's not three times as strong It's like turning on quad damage for this gun alone. Okay, though I'm not sure if you got this one yet, but uh the one I really like sorry I'm oh gosh gosh But the the other cool upgrade that you get is that you have the pulse rifle Yes, uh, which in the original dune games. I was always like it's fine I never use it that much
Starting point is 00:43:18 But in this one it shoots little pulses of energy and that's cool And its other ability is to it shoots like a blast that stuns everyone in an area of effect And everyone gets stunned. Yeah, and then you can shoot them for like two or three seconds Unhindered right? Yeah So you can do you can upgrade it so that the stun makes a bigger blast radius People get stunned for longer and the last one you get is if you kill someone while they're stunned from the stun that you used With the the the the pulse rifle if you then kill that guy while he's stunned He creates a chain of electricity that stuns and blows up
Starting point is 00:43:54 Everyone else and then I saw a room packed with guys and once I did it to one They all started they all just started pop and I'm not sure if you're there pat But I got the weapon. I didn't get that far So when you get the weapon in dune is the weapon not the bfg It is it must be the bfg because I was gonna say like you get the weapon Right and now you think about it when like I I if it if it was in dune 3, I never got it I didn't it wasn't doing very very briefly the setup I won't spoil it but the setup to get the bfg is you can fuck it up and never get it
Starting point is 00:44:31 Up until the point where I am if it shows up later and like the last level or something I don't know but the setup where it's under so much security That you could fuck up getting it you have to get card keys and stuff. I won't go into it But you get it right and I get it And when you think about the bfg how worked when you first saw it as a cage like whoa And I go okay They really have to nail this because if this doesn't feel awesome to shoot then it's powerful But I'll just use my triple fucking chain gun or whatever
Starting point is 00:45:02 And you get it and the very first door that opens when you get it is just a room Just filled with the weakest enemy type And I'm like oh and you shoot it and it just it feels so awesome It feels so awesome that it's the rarest ammo type you can get when you kill guys with chainsaws It never gives you the ammo for it. The ammo for it is just in specific spots They're almost like little secrets and you only get three shots in each time And when you use it, it just feels so awesome and it's it's so balanced where I've like oh, I could really really use it And it's not here, but oh final keep going. It's like your bomb, right? Like really yeah, it's it's a screen clear basically
Starting point is 00:45:44 It's so fucking sick Matt mentioned the stun thing for the plasma rifle The other one is a massive aoe after you shot it for a while And the final upgrade on that thing is that it just charges all the time without you shooting it Nice you get to pulse out this massive room clearing aoe every 20 seconds But so you mentioned the bfg and that reminds me of something there's So well you talked about the glory kill system. Did they fix that? Yeah. Yeah You don't have to use that at all
Starting point is 00:46:12 But what it does is when you glory kill an enemy it gives you health like they drop they drop more health than if you kill them regularly Okay, they always drop health whereas regularly they only drop health if you're under like 50% or whatever But on top of that there is a a rune system in the game That creates like modifiers that you get via secret missions And there's stuff like get ammo from farther away or enemies stagger for longer stuff like that really boring
Starting point is 00:46:41 Yeah, the ammo one if you max it out enemies start to drop bfg ammo Oh, shit. I didn't see that only at the highest level. Uh, yeah I had to do a relic challenge that was Do kill three? hell barons By doing the glory kill jumping up and on to him. Yeah, that one's tough Which is incredibly tough. I almost always got it use the use the double jump to do that It I didn't have the double jump at that point
Starting point is 00:47:09 Uh, that those are secret missions are really really tough But some of them like they're almost always doable and you have to do a couple more times But the deal is is that there are two of those that I've unlocked at least that are related to the girl glory kill system One is do them faster. How much faster? A lot faster like if they take about two seconds This brings them down to half of a second And the chainsaw the one that was the worst at the at the e3 showing the one that looks the chainsaw is actually a Superpowered side weapon that has incredibly limited ammo. It will kill anything it hits and one
Starting point is 00:47:43 But you can only use it like once on a baron of hell and then it Pukes up ammo for every gun you have so the fact that it's long doesn't actually really yeah Because you only use it once a fight or twice Here's the neat thing about the chainsaw is that like if there's just an amp like a really low class demon It doesn't take a lot It's like you need more fuel to cut through bigger and tougher enemies Yeah, so when you go up to a hell baron or whatever like the one of the tougher enemies you have to have max Chainsaw to cut through him if you try it it just goes he's just like I can't it doesn't work
Starting point is 00:48:15 Time from the push. Yeah, so when you get it full and then you cut through like one of the toughest enemies and like a Mancubus for example and like all his guts come out. It's like the chainsaw was also what I was worried That's when I like Pat said I saw the e3 press conference. I was like this looks like the most locked in Yeah, kind of shitty really didn't look great. Yeah, and then but now when you actually do it you understand It's not a weapon. It's more like a resource management tool The the other because it used to be a weapon. So why would you expect any different? Yeah, because I never used the chainsaw that much in the original games because it wasn't that great It wasn't very good. Yeah
Starting point is 00:48:49 So the other thing I have to mention from the rune skill upgrade is that one of them is do glory kills from farther away Yeah, I got that one. Did you get the upgraded one? No, not yet. Okay. So the glory kill system normally If you're within five feet like two character lengths or whatever You can you can instant kill them if they're staggered with this thing fully maxed out It's about 30 feet away Dive across the arena your character puts their arm up in the start of the animation and then you wester slide along I didn't know that. Oh, wow. I had I had a screenshot on my desktop
Starting point is 00:49:26 Last time you're about it find it where it's it is like five times the normal distance Okay, it is so and the weird thing is is that if you look at enemies that are like 50 feet away and start revving the chainsaw Eventually you will just teleport over to them because one of them will just walk into your range While the chainsaw is murder them in so you have to action So here's the thing that I found out about you have to be really careful because if you shoot a caca demon When it's over a pit And it goes stun and you hit it you will teleport into the abyss
Starting point is 00:50:00 And kill yourself because you'll just go towards it and fall and then you'll be too far away from the ledge to jump back Is it possible to get all of those upgrades? Yes. I think on your first run. Yes. Okay. Uh, there's also a lot of secrets There's a lot of stuff like that the best part about the game secrets by far In addition to giving you upgrade points for finding them is that you can sequence break the game's weapon progression via the secret system So I got the chain gun In hell right in hell. I found it there and then I was like, oh nice and so you found a secret I'm like, why would the the chain gun be here?
Starting point is 00:50:34 Whatever I'll take it and then like two levels later you find it where when pinkies start showing up you find it there And I'm like you find it just sitting on a table in a room. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah So like you can totally get weapons like more powerful weapons earlier You can get the plasma rifle in the second level whereas otherwise it only shows up in like the fourth and fifth You can get the gauss rifle in the fifth level and I haven't even encountered the normal spot to find it in Yeah, I'm seven levels in. Yeah, like it's fucking awesome Uh, since you mentioned hell, I wanted to mention one last thing is that uh in hell Everything has the hell equivalent of the type of pickups or things that you get when you're on mars
Starting point is 00:51:14 So your auto map, which is a computer is now like a skull that's floating and he like gets it from the skull or whatever And I'm like, ah, that's fun But the other thing is that I found like a glowing greenish thing and they go Oh, this must be one of the little rune tablets that you get to get those rune modifiers The the secret mission challenge rooms and I'm like, okay, cool And I'll punched it and then just a demonic voice starts talking to you and it starts giving you dark souls lore In a voiceover about hell and and all this cool stuff and I'm like, well, what is this? It's the corex or whatever
Starting point is 00:51:49 So those story bits appear to be the story of like doom one from the demon's perspective. Yeah It's so fucking cool. They talk about the doom slayer and how he fucking wrecked hell so hard Yeah, the doom slayer It's so metal and the voiceover is like every metallica song rolled in the one Yeah, like the the wording used is like the soundtrack is amazing Mick Gordon, Mick Gordon. I do know. I do know. Mick Gordon was on that. Yeah, you did it all you You carry all your guns at the same time. Yes, you sure do in the single player. Yeah, yeah You sure do a random question you need to also because you run out of ammo
Starting point is 00:52:29 By the way, the bfg is its own dedicated face button It's yeah, because it's like the chainsaw because x is the chainsaw. What would what's the bfg? Why it's why? Okay, good Uh, the only in the weapon wheel doesn't appear. So I'm looking. Well, I'm like, where the fuck's the bfg, I got it Before you say anything, there's one point that I can't forget And it's we've been talking about how much stronger the weapons get and all that stuff the game does the best Uh, you know in a game where they give you some overpowered weapon But they only give you for like one sequence and then they take it away from you and you're like, ah boo
Starting point is 00:53:02 Or when you get the super maxed out one gun that you spent all your points on you kind of trivialized the rest of the game Yeah, or all the guns are balanced all the way even though they do have an upgrade system This game makes your gun five times stronger like no question Because in the next level all of the enemies that we're encounters that were like the baron of hell Which is like a boss fight the first time you fight him. It's one the next room you fight for Okay, and then he's just a normal guy from that point appears all the enemies like Step up their escalation to your escalation and it's fucking great. Yeah. Yeah, I'm sorry. Well, what were you gonna ask? No, it's just apropos of nothing. Uh, did any of you guys finish quantum break? No
Starting point is 00:53:50 I played it a bit more, but yeah, I didn't I didn't finish it because there was I was Because there was like a couple weeks of like quantum break a lot and then it dropped off So I just like the time yeah, I was slowly going through it and then uncharted 4 came out So I was like well you're like, I'll just play this better better. I'll get back to you after okay Yeah Doom is so good. I I'm I'm flabbergasted that it's as good I'm having I love it as much as it does and we're talking about it's weird that Bethesda had all these weird little things going on Like no early review copies, but the game's awesome. Yeah
Starting point is 00:54:20 Like it's kind of strange like even forgetting about the like initial weirdness with like, okay Well trailers only for people at this convention and stuff like where was the big marketing campaign for this for this nine on ten game The marketing for this game has completely failed it in every way Up until the day before it came out when the nvidia footage I was ready to pass and I saw behind the scenes Like an interview style trailer or like I like to put my upgrades into speed and it's like it's terrible It's terrible and then I saw people talking about how it was really good I'm like, okay. I'll give it a shot and within like 10 minutes. I was like
Starting point is 00:55:03 Oh Yeah And like the fact that they showed off like that multiplayer beta and like did a bunch of trailers on that multiplayer beta did it No service. No fact that I tried. I was like All the dlc is for the multiplayer That sucks Like it everything about this screams like Let's try to e-sports it a little bit. They mismanaged what people like like this game has multiplayer and wolfenstein didn't
Starting point is 00:55:29 I hear I hear the uh level editor is really really good. I also hear that too. So I that's no deal see for that either That that's the one thing I wanted to say is like I did play the multiplayer on this final version like one or two matches And it's the it's the arena based multiplayer. It's where you're doing all the The the boost pad and stuff and that's fine. That's totally like I get it That's also part a lot of quake is in there as well But I really wish there was a more classic like option you could take where there's no bounce pads Your movements may be a bit slower and you're just going through simple maps Just just a more simple version of it. I saw a lot of people asking for a mode in which you don't have loadouts and you don't have this
Starting point is 00:56:11 Yeah, I like him spawns if the game's gonna be super classic There should be a super classic version of the multiplayer where it's that's run to the rocket launcher run to this Yeah, just just a more simple version as an option I don't want to take away all the crazy stuff because that crazy stuff when you're jumping up in the air and rocket Like they're gonna add more weapons to the multiplayer over time And it's like I don't want them in the fucking multiplayer. I want cool new weapons for the single player to shoot more demons I would like like in the future if possible if it's a success or they get some feedback. I would like like I would love it a resurrection of evil
Starting point is 00:56:45 Resurrection of evil. I would love that How about a pack of dlc missions in the story where you're a demon? I'm not even done and I want more Yeah, exactly. I'm not even done. I'm so also you can unlock classic levels I didn't know this so that you they're on the main menu because I didn't go to the main menu the entire weekend Because I've been in the game. Are you playing on xbox or ps4? I I'm playing on my xbox and I bought the pc version as well Okay, because holy shit like I don't know like with the actual metrics on how the console version's done
Starting point is 00:57:19 But I have that no frame drops anywhere. It's run super good It runs crazy well on both consoles and it runs exceedingly well on pc like really really well optimized Um, those classic levels. Did you play them now? I know but I did unlock like is it what you get when you find the secret. No, that's just a little room It's a full it's a full variant of the level cool. So here's what's not cool Damn In those levels you're playing against the modern doom enemies with the modern controls and the modern weapons It's just the map that looks dude. Those levels are terrible
Starting point is 00:57:57 Oh, yeah Like it's almost like a thumb in the eye of like look how far we've come kind of thing Like the the the modern weapons and the modern enemies with the item and health placement and stuff like that It is Terrible. It's just too easy. No, it's way too hard Because you're not given the same amount of firepower that you usually would have right now Like it they're bad. They're really bad. Okay. Let's say remember how bad the wolfenstein ones were Some of them were not great one or two of them. I remember they're they're like that. Okay
Starting point is 00:58:31 So, yeah, they're not exactly you're playing on pc and you're playing on xbox one. Yeah, okay, this game's so good It's so good. It's so good. What else do you do that? Um, I'm right now on day four of cat mcgeddon. Yeah, how's the cat? Um cat mcgeddon This is the first day where the cats are just allowed to Walk around and just do whatever after being in isolation Where you exchange them you go into the timeout room Let you walk around and put your spell happens put your butt in the air and do all your stuff
Starting point is 00:59:00 So it's still just a house show still just no it's it's it's it's cat mcgeddon live It's not cat mcgeddon wrong. Well day six is where you tie them together. Yeah, I know Yeah, but by strap cat match So I I got this feeling and I guess you guys will know this but when you're looking I'm looking over the couch and I'm like looking like this with my hands over the couch And I go all right I'm watching the two cats and I see zack just like looking at lili the new kitten And they're walking and I'm looking at their ai pathing
Starting point is 00:59:31 And I can see one of them has his head turned so the other one doesn't see where he's going And I'm like he's gonna turn around he's gonna see the new cat is gonna freak out It's like when you're looking at ai's Their routines and they're gonna cross this something's gonna happen and zack turns around and just goes Kind of skirts away a little bit and I'm just watching their interaction And fortunately there hasn't been any like Swiping or bats out. There's just been some growls here and there and shade thrown This shade gets thrown from far away. You can
Starting point is 01:00:03 Sniper shade I have a picture of zack like all the way on his perch Near the window and he's staring 50 feet away at lilu. That's like near his food bowl And he sees that I was like, bitch better not get near that So it's pretty fun. Um, it's going okay But you just want them to be friends and snuggle and clean each other like lick each other's fur You're gonna go home and zack's gonna have like a swastika like emblazoned. No, and there's gonna be blood Runes on the ground and he's gonna be worshiping. Yeah. Yeah
Starting point is 01:00:35 So so that's that's going well, but she's so sweet this this The lilu just she just falls on her back and she just like give it to me now I just want I just want all the attention and she just rubs up against you and she just loves it anyway Aside from that. Yeah, I played a bit of uncharted not enough to really get a good sense of it Other than the the thing that I said, which was a billion dollars was spent on it because it because it looks like it looks doom looks worse I think of course. Yeah, you know what I mean? Like it looks like less money was spent on
Starting point is 01:01:09 I think that's probably the case doom's focus is on performance Also, I had one big bug in doom where I was in hell and I just dropped through the floor Nice and but I could see into the level and I saw all the demons going where the f*** did doom guy go? I had a few crashes to desktop crashes. Oh, it sucks, but I'm playing on pc. That's Day one on pc. Yeah, that's relatively calm. I heard if you're playing on ati cards It's like train wreck like actually really bad. Yeah. No, it's it's getting to the point where the Okay, so it's getting to the point where it's like graphics card Pc graphics cards used to be worse than this actually because it used to be
Starting point is 01:01:49 Do you want to like you remember? Do you want to play half-life 2 or doom 3? Do you remember that because the the cards like one game ran way better on one card and the other one ran way way better And it sucked now. It's it's both worse and better in that it's like just get an nvidia card It's like Yes, I'm aware that nvidia sometimes lies on their gig counts and that they're not perfect and some of these cards have been bad But like but their driver support but for each individual every game Runs better on nvidia if it runs better on one or the other like it's always I really hate the premise that like On pc that's supposed to be such an open platform that like nvidia
Starting point is 01:02:32 Makes well it has to work with the companies to make extra drivers to make the games run Like better. Yeah, and then and you don't yeah, I don't know I don't know anyone that has an ati card anymore ati's been losing the that that that at all hard ati just Doubled down really hard and got all the concepts and and atis driver support was always like really bad compared to to nvidia's I'm really quickly though I watched two movies. I saw one the theater called the green room which I've heard. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 01:03:04 I heard about that for a while which has patrick stewart as a neo nazi Yeah, because that's what you think of when you think of patrick stewart because he's bald get it He's bald. Also the actor that played steven stills from scott pilgrim is also a nazi in a band and uh, and um A check off isn't that so check off is the main trailer the trailer was interesting It's it's a punk rock group a normal punk rock group is just let's do a show. Let's do our final show here Oh, shit. This was the wrong club to go to because it's run by skinheads or something It's not expressly clear, but that's kind of what it is and shit goes down and then it's get out of the club a lot Yeah, what what you see basically in the trailer is like the they're performing and then like people are giving weird looks
Starting point is 01:03:50 And then at some point there's a body somewhere Well, the the crux of it all goes down from and then it all goes down the crux of it from what I can gather is they walk in on a murder And and the guys are like well, you can't leave now you're done Yeah So this was actually kind of a it got it's really high reviews around to me. I was actually pretty disappointed with it all No It has a really good premise the first like 30 minutes is really really solid great acting great cinematography
Starting point is 01:04:17 But it's really weird in that it does a lot of stuff where you're like you're rooting for that guy Oh Okay, well Surely they're going to do that. Oh Okay And it just did weird turns where it really makes you think it's Here's how the story is going to go and it kind of cuts things off just as they're getting tense They they kind of do a 180 each time and then the ending is just kind of this
Starting point is 01:04:44 Weird thing and I was just like I walked away from going that was not all that great. It was It was good, but it was just not what I was expecting. So it's kind of weird The other movie I saw is called holidays And that is an anthology horror movie centering around the holidays So it's like do you remember when I described the movie called the abc's of death This is the same thing where they play a little mini movie like, you know, six seven minutes. Oh, that's short Uh, sorry, maybe more than that. There's there's only so many holidays. They only I think it was like eight, right? Yeah, so st. Patrick's only eight holidays st. Patrick's day mother's day halloween, but not president's day
Starting point is 01:05:23 You know, what about columbus day? Not columbus day either. No only christian holidays So they do these wouldn't columbus. I don't know and and some of them. Okay day Some of them are pretty entertaining. Some of them are kind of fun st. Patrick's day is especially interested for a horror movie man Yeah One of these movies is directed by kevin smith And i'm watching it and we go can't wait to see which one kevin smith did and the first the minute one They're like shit ass there's shit out. There's ass stuff Here's the kevin smith one
Starting point is 01:05:57 and it stars harley from from um Uh epic mealtime. Oh really in the movie in the in the cinematic move of his career He plays a womanizing disgusting douchebag who runs girls into the ground because they're cam girls and it's just not It's just disgusting and gross and and when it said the holiday, i'm like that had nothing to do with the holiday Well, it's a holiday like halloween. Well
Starting point is 01:06:26 Okay, luckily yoga hosers is coming yoga hosers is coming. Yeah, apparently it's not that good It got booed out of Otherwise known as i want my kid to be in a movie and johnny depp's kid and johnny depp if he wants to So that was a kind of a treat. Uh, I guess this will be a treat and uh, the the I I recommend it though It was pretty good overall green room is kind of like okay. It's watchable and uh, the last thing I kind of did was uh I put a lot of work into the godzilla panel and then i'm gonna have the godzilla fun Trying to figure out how best to do that Because our panels are like we talk a bunch, but this has a lot of visual
Starting point is 01:07:10 Like here's an example of this whole godzilla pointer stick and so i'm thinking like should I do in powerpoint? I'm just trying to work it all out Honestly, I think all our panels should be in power like yeah powerpoint. Seriously. I don't know how powerpoint works Yeah, but it takes but it does take more work than we usually there's barely. Yeah, I've literally but you get security from it I've I've gone my whole life without you can put words and diagrams without having to go to an image Get a powerpoint presentation so I might ask her to hold me so Put a lot of work into that and that's about it for me And that's about it for everyone or what? No, no, no, I was just wondering to see wait wait
Starting point is 01:07:47 We'll eat it yours. Yeah, we all we all oh no. I had some more. I got all those birds, man I got all them Let's go back to doom the bird king. No, did I do anything else of note? I played doom played uncharted making math noises there little Yeah, I literally played doom all weekend. That's all I did instead of birds And nothing really like doom doom and doom and doom doom's really good Dooms really I wish they called it something else really I doom for doom something No, no, no, not doom doom. I wish it wasn't just doom
Starting point is 01:08:25 doom doom 2 doom 3 doom more oh make it make it uh D o 4 m Oh, the only other thing I know that I suppose d4. So I'm gonna I'm gonna have to have woolly's help here. Hey woolly Why is zeta so obsessed with cinderella 4? She is so garbage She is the worst Uh Uh
Starting point is 01:08:54 She's camille's sudo girlfriend. That's a cyber newton. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. She is trash So welcome to um, welcome to the main character falls for another useless random stupid enemy Okay, so like it's so bad that even char and amaro both see the situation And go this is the same mistake that happened last time. So they stuck her in the cockpit already, right? Yeah Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah like both of them go Oh, it's just like last time. It's just like last time. It's like, well, didn't Oh, it's so camille's so stupid. No, but lala though Lala was stupid too
Starting point is 01:09:36 It's so it's this is a thing that basically is supposed to cement camille as the main character in a way where he goes through the same shit Even though it's a different guy like nero going through the same shit that dante went through except that there was no Curie for dante, but he's wanted to fill the dark. So I would it's that whole thing. I would like That episode in which the episode in which four comes back and becomes a whole focus is like agony but It does have my favorite moment of zeta in which There is a so jared is a piece of shit. It's a piece of jared is a piece of shit
Starting point is 01:10:15 He killed camille's mom and he doesn't care that he did that and he's also a piece of shit on top of that And he hates camille. Also. He's the best also. He's the best So what are you gonna do in this episode? This might sell people on it if they haven't seen zeta He sees camille in the base and he is still injured from the last time they fought So he's walking around on a cane So he's chasing camille with a cane and holds him up and says hey, fuck you camille. I'm gonna fucking kill you And in escaping from jared camille throws him off a mountain And you get to have this awesome moment where he's throwing jared and i'm like oh
Starting point is 01:10:57 And then jared just goes right off the cliff just right off the cliff. It feels so good but then Later on in that episode I have never seen two rival characters Do as much dirt to each other's extended family and relations as these two guys They both kill each other's girlfriends both of them And both of them don't realize it at the time
Starting point is 01:11:29 That they did that so jared's killed his mom and his girlfriend And camille killed jared's girlfriend in self-defense and jared's going. Oh, I hate that camille so much It's the worst like jared's the worst. This is not charon amaro. There's no coming back from that No way shape or form absolutely And also like the lines get really blurred on the grand scale with uh soroko and haman Yeah, as well. Yeah, and this is where like that's the one thing about zeta that like it's good But also weird is that it takes a while to fully understand you're you're all enemies Yeah, or or are you it's really unclear because you're looking at a three and then possibly four sided war
Starting point is 01:12:16 Yeah, it gets bad and it's like It's it's at the level of confusing now in terms of like Stance of these political parties that i'm like, okay I know the aeug is good because no a bright works for them. Sure the big badass hero man, right? Yeah He's incorruptible. So he's great. I know the titans are bad. Yeah, because they all blow up anything It's just like can some of you guys just betray each other to simplify these lines Is the ghost of zeon bad or they just hate char, but why would they hate char? If he used to represent the zeon
Starting point is 01:12:57 and these new Yeah, and the last episode I watched which was baffling which was like this purple haired girl Just like camille. You're my brother and everyone's like no, he's not And she's like no, he's totally my brother. Okay. What? Who? Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's still it's still good. It's still good. Also. Emma's the best and riko is the worst Uh, that's correct. Uh, Emma is in fact the best And riko is totally in fact the worst
Starting point is 01:13:28 Yes, I like her new design better though I I I'm not good. Whatever nothing I like I'm I'm trying to remember. I don't want to dance on something on too much on a possible spoiler for you But whatever. Um, also introducing characters like some guy named jamaican. Yeah, he's been around forever He's like his name is his name is jamaican. He's admiral. He's admiral jamaican and he's an arian Where he's a super white guy with a giant moustache. Yeah Okay, what and he has zon's terrible design
Starting point is 01:14:03 But and it's fine. I don't I don't get what any of these characters want anymore Like usually honestly and the sad part is is love Well char doesn't want love or like if if not conquest of everything. He doesn't want that either I don't know what the fuck that guy wants I don't want amro wants. He's got love bell torchica Man, she started this the series off really insane and clingy And then they find like she tones it down and then other characters are like Oh, I don't you're not you're not a psycho anymore
Starting point is 01:14:41 I don't remember okay, because in the beginning of the series after Camille and amro go out to have their first battle together When camille comes back she like attacks camille and like threatens to beat him up in case he doesn't defend amro And he's like, well you bitch. Okay. You guys started dating eight minutes ago in the plot like uh, it's Good show, but I actually think I like the first series better at this point Well, I want you to finish it off because there's a I imagine an answer. There's there's there's some things to talk about I'm sure and uh, I have feelings about the way I'm waiting for char to go crazy Like I I really feel like he's gonna go on a massive heel turn. You're gonna have to wait a little longer. Okay
Starting point is 01:15:27 You know, you still have other stuff. There's those so much. Yeah, I think the thing that's called char's counter attack Yeah, I might be what you want to look for might have something to do it. What when does that after zeta or after cc? Oh, that's way later Motherfuckers are men. Okay. Road ass men at that point. Um, well still in the subject of like anime and stuff I just want to like say this Uh before it escapes me, but I'm still still reading star dust, right? So the sheer fact that someone would write in their own flesh baby stand
Starting point is 01:16:03 And then everyone will look at that character like he's crazy That couldn't exist No in a world of gorillas and boats and entire towns being stands a baby having a stand That's ludicrous. It's you're crazy. And how are you should leave him and not carry him on for the rest of our journey You can't beat up a baby. That's too rough making me the poo poo and and that being stupid enough But then the panel is showing a baby going ha ha They'll never believe you and I'm like like I've been spoiled on like a lot of stands and I don't mind because when the stand appears
Starting point is 01:16:45 It's way dumber than anyone could have imagined in my head for sure So so I like when everyone goes oh shit. Why is it so hot? How is it 8 p.m? And everyone looks up the sun is at stand And I'm like this is so much dumber than when someone told me this was a stand So my favorite part about you being mad that everyone turns on cac yoin during that sequence Is that when cac yoin wakes up and looks at his arm. He goes. Oh, no, I'm crazy Like he doesn't even believe himself But the fact that he's so smart that no one will ever believe this story that he has the wound healed
Starting point is 01:17:25 To make every oh, I must have dreamed and then everyone else decides. Oh, I must be crazy We all had the same crazy dreams So no one will ever remember that well he he will but almost no one else will remember death 13 or whatever man I like going past the initial parts I had seen of star dust and going to the part where it's like literally every page Is there's new stand and I was like, oh, this is actually really annoying like This journey is happening
Starting point is 01:18:01 but The only story fighting a car the sun and then yeah 13 is But now it's turned over where I'm like, okay fine. I don't care anymore. This is the rhythm I'm down for anything. This is the rhythm and like I'm just at the part where avdol kind of returns I don't everyone knew about that except for And the viewer the viewer is paul nerf. Yeah, exactly. So I'm really enjoying them. That's all I want There's there's a strong like Break where like the second half of the story begins and it's each yeah and like okay once they arrive
Starting point is 01:18:37 That's like where and in the anime. That's one the second Exactly. Okay. It's the better half, but it's still got stupid stuff for sure like this stand is a sword Yeah, no, that's great. That's like that's amazing boring stand. No, I loved it. I loved it Yeah, but the if no, he's neat, but it's like the execution of it's awesome Yeah, the execution but nothing's gonna be well in part three at least this stand is an electrical outlet Okay. Oh, but that one's at least weird. Is it look at this bird? Okay, which part is the fucked up radio tower It's a part for okay, so don't worry. I have to at least finish for this stand's name is show off The screen says surface
Starting point is 01:19:17 Fuck you. It's really getting out of control now. Fuck you. I also love that. It's only in part three We're part one in part two that no one ever mentioned it, but I love how it's part three specifically where the fuck it Oh, what's wrong polar f did the artist draw you wrong? And I'm like we're breaking the fourth wall now The thing and the thing is I mean you'll get there but the radio tower as as dumb and as much as you want that The thing about it is that when you get there, it's way cooler than you think it is. It's way cooler. It's so cool It's also compared to where you've been at that point in part four. It's actually like almost normal by comparison Yeah, that's true too. It's like there's also there's also that one bit of dialogue where some early stand is like
Starting point is 01:20:06 I'll kill you jodoro and then there'll be no more hero for part four And I was like what? He knew he was gonna make a part four at that point. That's crazy anyway Jojo's pretty good is what you're saying. Is you saying that it's it like do you understand? The rhythm is so different from part one and part two just because it's like it's relatively simple And it goes to moss is very different from part three good good good good because it can't be this again Well because it goes to stand user of the week is kind of the formula that you fall into of the week
Starting point is 01:20:42 Yeah, exactly, but it it's always fun and crazy Well, it's like part three part three falls into a rhythm because every stand user of the week They find has one goal and that goal is to murder them for deo right in part four Stand user it's still stand user of the week, but a full like 60% of them don't give a fuck about the plot. Yeah, that's just people that they run into and they're like don't do that Wait, is it everyone's wandering around? Yes. Okay. Okay. Morio is full of stand users And they're all up to their own shit There's there's an entire like arc in the map in part four of a guy who's using his stand like
Starting point is 01:21:24 Uh, oh yakuza, joe skate and some weirdo the whose name I forget Decide to use their stands to steal coins off. Oh, yeah And then they start to argue over who should get the coins They're trying to get rich stand did the most work And that goes on for like what would be a full episode and they totally ignore the plot for that episode Joe tarot is on the phone in his hotel room like j jota getting eight phone rings about what there's a new stand And you where is he what someone's downtown? What is he up to? What like there's a million dudes just wandering around
Starting point is 01:22:01 so again, uh Fandom not fan of battle tendency is street fighter three giant second impact and and Start us crusaders is third strike just the world everyone. No. No. No. Sorry. Uh, um Diamonds are breakable as third strikes. Yeah, and users are wandering There's a stand user who is completely separated from the plot until they accidentally break into his house And then he's like get they're like he's like get out of my house I don't want to be in your stupid plot and then he kicks them out with his stand He's the best and then they're like, oh dude with his stand lives there. We should get him
Starting point is 01:22:49 It's like no I'm too busy And that dude is super strong Well, he's he's the for a reason, you know, yeah, yeah totally can't wait There's people there are multiple people running businesses using their stands. There are three people Yeah In part four that are just doing a job But they're secretly using their stands because your thought process does not even including the criminals profiting off of this You know, like there are others doing their illicit businesses
Starting point is 01:23:19 Because once you understand a bit more about stands and then the process of how this story is coming together It's like why wouldn't there be a bunch of assholes like because part three is exploiting part three is an epic Against a super villain with his henchmen And part four is what would it be like to live in a world in which one out of ten people have random super powers Yeah, well, I mean not that high but like it's one out of a hundred But it's like, you know, and it's like well a couple of them will be pieces of shit One of them is gonna be like omega the devil And you know, most of them are gonna kind of be puttin around doing odd jobs
Starting point is 01:23:55 That's why I think stardust is like kind of inferior It's very because it's like because a lot of the stands are just dumb like look how this stand fights Look how it fights. This one's a sword. You know, this one's a car This one's you know, and they just fight with them every time and then and then in four They start doing things with them other than fighting And there's a bit of it in three but not as much and I think the the personalities of the stand users in four are a lot Stronger. Yeah, they shine a bit more. Oh, yakuza going up to people. Okay. What is it? Okuyasu Okuyasu. Okuyasu. Yeah, he's my favorite fucking character. Yeah going up to people and literally going i'm stupid explain the plot to me
Starting point is 01:24:37 Like no, really, you don't understand. I'm really everyone's doing their trickery thing and having the fight and he's like wait a second I don't understand how we just won It's explain it. I'm dumb like the whole like he actually said the jojo The jojo oneing up oneing up of somebody by I already plotted whatever okuyasu. He's like what what? No, that's crazy How would you know how to do that? Does it saw that one interaction between uh, uh, Jonah and Josuke where they're like What are you what are you going to do if a stan user comes up and like has a super powerful stand and it might like slash you up?
Starting point is 01:25:12 And he's like i'll die probably Jonah was just like You can't believe anyone would say that Oh, you probably all get killed. I don't know What do you think It also from from a perspective is the start of like your main character having a stand that can heal people So stakes like simultaneously get higher and lower because everyone who's not the main character can get fucking Wrecked so you can just fix them. Yeah, i'm like i'm almost at egypt where i am and like there hasn't been any real defensive
Starting point is 01:25:48 Like healing stands. Well, there's a there's a there's a character that gets like his whole arm melted off in part four And he's like, whoa, this is really bad Good thing. I'm not josuke. I guess Yeah It's it's a good setup. Uh, so yeah, let's let's get into the news. All right. Let's do it So, uh, today we got the newest of the overwatch animated shorts. Did you guys watch any? I watched it yet dragon dragons Did you watch the parody video that totally called that entire animation? No, so there's a guy Who's a he appears to be a part-time animator? I barely know. I saw I saw his link in the neogaf topic where he goes
Starting point is 01:26:28 Okay, so like the anim action sequences are amazing, right? But the writing is super bad because it's blizzard. So like this is how I think the next one's gonna go down Okay, so hanzo's gonna be like infiltrating this super and he's like 70 on he's he's Dead on he's done the whole first half is pretty perfect. Yeah the the ladder's a couple diversions, but it's like yeah It's that being said you should watch it. Both genji and hanzo you look at them If you can easily like they're they're the most open book kind of relationship and I can imagine someone easily calling them out So I really cool. I still I still like got a little bit of a mark out when I when they both did their ultimate I love genji and I love hanzo's designs
Starting point is 01:27:15 And I I would have said there was some of the best in that game Until yesterday when I saw what their original designs Yeah, yeah, the origins in which both of them used to be the same character That had elements from both designs and then they split them they split them It used to be genji And then they split genji into two people much because it was it was the the bow and arrow and the sword And every design element from both on one and it's the coolest looking guy ever And then they split them into a more normal looking robo ninja. Oh, you don't mean the young model
Starting point is 01:27:49 No, I used to be the same character. Okay, like instead of instead of like plagues fusions They split okay, and it's like it's a bummer because that original one Final cost you hanzo is unbelievable. Yeah, they're great the fucking the I hope I hope they may have the wolf one. I hope they make one for every character Yeah, or every pair of characters that they yeah, I think they're doing it by pairs So, yeah, no, uh, I I like after watching dragons. I went back and I watched the other ones as well And like they're great. They're great, man. If you're not if you're into dialogue is like terrible and all of them Oh, yeah, but you know, it's it's terrible in the cartoony little blizzard
Starting point is 01:28:28 I went back and tracked down a storyboard trailer where they showed them making them off And there's a fourth one that has soldier 76 in it. Uh, yeah that will be coming Yeah, well the trailer for them showed off like clips of stuff that I hope they do like a big more elaborate thing in the future Like like a like a half hour. I'm going. Yeah, well right now all it is is like character interactions and stuff Which is good and character interactions mean like a bit more of a story But like I'd love to see like a proper half hour to well Luckily, you can see blizzard take a crack at that in the warcraft film that is coming. Yeah, I know
Starting point is 01:29:00 I don't want to see it. I'm gonna see it, but I don't well Yeah, you're right in the sense that blizzard wouldn't even allow the movie to get made unless they had Almost total control control over it. I'm assuming the disc is going to have A collection of stuff to watch Dude the disc of what overwatch. Oh, I have one thing. So did the pc client have anything? No, no, but that wasn't the full pc client. You know, yeah My brain actually went like maybe in a game of the year edition type. Why would it because it's also on console Yeah, I guess but even those games don't come on discs anymore, but you get you understand what I'm saying
Starting point is 01:29:34 I don't even think they will though like maybe in a game of the year I think I think they're more valuable as marketing materials than Absolutely. Yeah um Did you guys see that leaked footage of the warcraft movie? No, no, can't wait to not Oh, I'm gonna have to see it. It looks sorry you Amazing it looks like so there's there's four scenes that leaked out three with humans and one that's just the orcs The one that's just the orcs looks great
Starting point is 01:30:05 Any of the scenes that have the humans in them? It looks so Fucking bad. They look like cosplayers man The highlights on the armor make their armor look like plastic And so they look like warcraft characters. It looks terrible. Just terrible It's it's a really hard thing to kind of like how do you nail down? Blizzard's art style visually like live action. You don't do it in live action You make the whole thing a cartoon like I don't I don't know why they didn't offer like stories of warcraft or whatever That was going to be totally baffling that there are live actors in it. It completely ruins every shot. I want to I want a black thorn movie
Starting point is 01:30:45 It's coming. It's not it's coming Apparently apparently they if we if we act like it's coming and we make everyone act like it's coming You will it and they can't not do it. Currently like black thorn is like pseudo shelves There's something to do with the artists like are unhappy with black thorn in their history or some shit. It's coming Like black thorn might be gone forever guys. No Do you any of you guys remember the um before world of warcraft came out there's going to be a cart and animated Yeah, it was an it was an it was an adventure game and and what was it called? It was like tales of warcraft adventures Warcraft adventures
Starting point is 01:31:20 That's how you do it and it got it got cancelled and turned into the back story for warcraft 3 Yeah, it was it was all thrall and yeah, it's about we'll know it was about thralls dad Oh, and then thralls dad is like the main character of the warcraft movie And the one that's being made now. Yeah, okay Well, it's going to be so fucking bad. So um and a night elves movie, you know also throwing their hat in the Film making ring is nintendo Who are saying they're going to now be working on feature length films? I saw that and I was like why? Why because there's money? I know but like they have giant brands game output man
Starting point is 01:31:57 They have giant brands and there's money. No, but like internally working on them. Why? Wait, does it say internally? They're not doing they're doing not live action and um Because they can't make it internally Because they're not a movie studio. Well, yeah, they can well who made star fox. They go they give it to hit. Um, yeah They license out their character. I g who did that? No, it was a hit studio either way It wasn't them. Yeah, you can license out your character. That's the pigment the pigment ones. They did internally. Yeah Well, those are short. Those are fantastic. Hey take people off making an x games to make crappy movies While nintendo intends to be heavily involved with the production of these pictures the company is currently in talks with outside partners for
Starting point is 01:32:38 Thank goodness Like I was like Michael beta make a zelda movie like do do I want to punch out movie? Yes, of course Who wouldn't want that you already have six of them? No, but one with much more racism. Yeah. Yeah anime I want way more racism Do you have a couple of those too? That's true. Yeah, but you'll never get a punch out movie. It's it's gonna be like a battle clash It's gonna be the battle clash anime and they're never gonna touch anything outside of that battle clash anime
Starting point is 01:33:08 It's gonna happen. No, if we will it we can do it I want to start how that works on an OVA. Yeah, it does. We're little mac challenges. Epo There we go. Yeah, sure. Go check out fucking screw attacks channel. They have like a 30 minute death battle. I'm sure Speaking of video games. Do you have the assassin's creed trailer in there? Yeah? Yeah So, I mean, um, that's nintendo nintendo's do with the movies the other thing, of course Yes, like you mentioned is this the assassin's creed trailer popped out and some facts about the movie. Yeah I saw one of those facts 85 percent 65 65 65
Starting point is 01:33:41 65 yeah, sorry 65 percent Modern day 35 percent in the past. Okay, that's why would you tell us that? Don't tell it because they were asked They they tell you that because it's a video game movie and that brings with it like weird adaptation concerns that is the same thing with books Like the stupid animus claw. Yeah, so a man's a man sitting on a table Twitching with something on his head is not exciting for viewers. Yeah, so we have to have him attached to this big cloth You know what that's kind of interesting in a way that well the action scenes will all be in the past And 30 percent. Uh, no, what was it?
Starting point is 01:34:21 35 65 35 percent of action is what most Standard movies would have I'd say it's gotta be all in the past Except for the final scene where with his ancestors memories. He's able to fight his way out And we and we know that in the trailer. They're showing him in the present Helped up to the machine doing flips and and tricks and we'll get to have 900s like the ending new assassin's creed one that we should have had you know, no, no the movie just stops The movie just stops and it cuts to credits Well, the question is are they going to uh set up the doomsday
Starting point is 01:34:54 Plot device if they're smart or is it just going to be we really I really hope not because the only thing that made that Doomsday plot device interesting at all is that the series started in like 2006 and it was about the 2012 apocalypse Well, that's no longer viable What did everyone actually think of the trailer? I thought it looked really bad. I think I thought it looked pretty good It was all right. Yeah, like I'm it looked better than I thought it was gonna look better than the warcraft trailers It's probably gonna least fair comparison ever It's I feel the same way I did when I saw the prince of persia trailers where it's like this looks like it's doing the material It'll probably not be amazing, but it'll just be like I can't wait until it'll be a soft six
Starting point is 01:35:31 I can't wait until desmond starts to control people's metal and throws it around It's not desmond though. No, it's not a different character. Fast benders is a different person I have like a magneto joke that okay He's not in the movie. Yeah magneto is It'll probably not again. It'll probably not be amazing. It'll probably be a soft six or so I feel like that's the that's the feeling I got, you know Well, uh prince of persia was like a pretty big disaster. So I'd like to
Starting point is 01:36:02 I'd like to think that ubi soft wouldn't even try this again unless it was a sure hit I don't know but was prince of persia like offensive to prince of persia. No, no, no, no I don't mean like like yeah critically. It wasn't great, but it lost shitloads of money for everyone involved That's what I mean like financially. It's a disaster. But that was prince of persia. That's not assassin screed assassin screed's a surefire hit And the other thing is is your assassin gonna be like a cool guy or is he gonna be? You know our or will we be all tired? Are we getting half all tired half? Hco, are we getting somewhere like what where you know, what's kind of infuriating white men about I don't I don't think I think we're gonna get a reflection of fast benders character
Starting point is 01:36:42 I think it's gonna be more adapted to him as as a future person Yeah fast benders a producer on this as well not that producers is like, you know Means anything or that all that much but he obviously has faith in the project He's a fucking producer on it. So and I love fast benders, you know, it always bugs me about these kinds of game movies. They're always Like, you know what would have been a good time for this movie Like 2009. Yeah when when everyone was like, fuck. Yeah assassin screed. Yeah. Yeah, you're right Not when everyone's like, uh, maybe the new assassin screed game isn't bad When Veronica Mars could have been in it. It's still like one of the biggest game franchises in the world
Starting point is 01:37:21 But you know what I mean? It's gonna do amazing. I feel like every video game movie misses its own zeitgeist Yeah, but it's not about you liking it. It's about them selling tickets mortal comment And it's gonna sell it like do you not do you not think that like more tickets would get sold if a game is like hot Yeah, but and they tried remember Did they yeah, it was one of the ones that's been banding around for a long time I think so for a while and like look at warcraft like the world of warcraft movie Back when it was the world of warcraft movies been in development for like fucking 11 years Yeah, same ramy used to be but then on the other hand we have like the angry birds movie coming out just a bit after angry birds
Starting point is 01:37:55 Is hot and it's like And it's and it's just a bit and it's the well same And it's like the most grossing non It sure is grossing. Well, well, here's what you got apparently me out Apparently sitting at 65 on rotten tomatoes while ratchet and clank is uh, I get zero or something I heard from like a couple guys one of whom's a huge ratchet fan, you know, um, he said it's fucking great It's it's ratchet and clank Does it know why it's getting bad on rotten tomatoes people are not that bad
Starting point is 01:38:27 No, they're not hot on on ratchet and clank and uh angry birds is is kind of as a fan of the early ratchet and clank games If you told me, yo man, that movie's great. It's ratchet and clank. I'd be like, oh that movie's terrible then maybe I Because ratchet and clank are not They're not even as like interesting as fucking jack and daxter. I was gonna say why not jack and daxter movie He's hot right now. That'd be fucking more interesting than ratchet and fucking clank Ratchet and clank are the fucking ass ends of the mascot apocalypse. This world is more suited for jack Yeah, no dexter. But anyway, like like angry birds will have this crown for like a week until warcraft comes out And then that'll have it for like a few months until assassin's creed comes out. And that's it. Yeah
Starting point is 01:39:12 Uh, uh, warcraft comes out in december and assassin comes out in december Yeah, ubisoft's really good with their like other Associated product branding like they've got all those tom clancy books. Uh, those are super good a shit load of assassin's creed novels I thought they had one. I don't know if uh, god Imagine if they fucking just bought that. Yeah, anyway, I don't know all those books based on the tom clancy games You know what I would love Tom clancy's splitter cell novels that are written by all I know I know it actually goes both ways Yeah, yeah, that's the weird part of like you make a joke, but I don't know if assassin's creed is going to hit like
Starting point is 01:39:51 Huge mainstream massive movie like red carpet. I think I mean has the potential box office number He has the potential like unity was still doing like six million units But what does ac mean to like the non video gaming? But that's what I mean like it's it's that big It's that known. It's like call of duty. It's up there, you know, so Hmm. I think it's gonna do great like just on the brand Unless it turns out to be like fucking abysmal Because people seem to be pretty good at going at not going to abysmal movies nowadays But like that's not true at all. Yeah, those adam sander movies did great
Starting point is 01:40:29 Oh, which which one pixels all the ridiculous a pixels did good pixels did well. Yeah, I made money made money Okay, then I take that back. I remember the whole pacific rim. Paul blark made more money. Oh, yeah, that's true Or was no Liam. It's as bad as it's ever been But it's it's rare. It's rare. Yeah, no, I'm thinking of the wrong movies then Word of mouth. I was gonna say like ratchet's not doing too hard Word of mouth works really well for superhero movies and comic book movies But like it does another that's another economy almost Think of all those shitty horror movies that are too shitty for even Matt to go see
Starting point is 01:41:02 Yeah, do well Oh, man is don't breathe on the docket. Uh, so speaking of things that do shitty Now Paypal will no longer protect you from Kickstarter campaigns that fall apart So they never had to like that's the whole thing with Kickstarter, but like but like people were Filing like yeah for their money back when when they didn't get their product Which was something that paypal would have for like if you buy an amazon purchase or whatever They would they would do it and I would venture that I get where they're coming from But that's not Kickstarter. You're not buying a product
Starting point is 01:41:38 Putting out money on faith and if you lose it, that's a bad investment on your part The terms of the terms of service they had to allow it for people to kind of finagle that and so now they're just making Now it's clear that just you're gambling if you put your money down and if it doesn't happen you can't ask for it back Um, so well even though Kickstarter's terms say you can Well if paypal's involved there's just saying yeah, no, but I paypal's not gonna cover what I mean is is that Kickstarter's terms are very specific that if the thing that you pledged for isn't delivered to you you are entitled for your money back No, what does it say that in their terms of service? Are you sure? Yes The the the the person that promises you those those goods or items is legally required to provide them
Starting point is 01:42:24 Are you sure? Yes That seems a little out there Kickstarter amended that about six months ago after like near or around that yogscast thing, right? They they they amended it to be more clear and like because people said well Kickstarter There's it's no guarantee and Kickstarter came out. It's like actually yeah, there is yeah Well, uh, the the reason why you almost never hear about it is because if your product doesn't get delivered There usually is no money to give back to you
Starting point is 01:42:56 Oh, so is it if they still have money? Well, no, they're obligated and that means you can sue them all you want And Kickstarter will put their hands up and go hey you idiots you made the deal You're we're not going to protect you from any lawsuit or litigation. Okay as long as I get my ukulele. Everything's fine. Yeah But if I don't I'm gonna be angry Well on that on that Kickstarter note, uh, I've been asked by a friend to uh mention this But there's a webcomic called super mega that has a Kickstarter mega comics is amazing Okay, amazing for years. So I have this webcomic. So I don't know too much about it
Starting point is 01:43:34 They they just launched a Kickstarter today for a printed book. So good if you're into super mega Check that out if you like their avant-garde black on yellow color scheme. The video was pretty funny, but uh Honestly, I'm not you know what I'm a big fan of it's like I put money into that Dark Souls board game I'm a big fan of kick starters that Like now anyway after there have been so many that are just like It's for something simple that is not even an if It's a when Right. It's like, hey, do you want this item?
Starting point is 01:44:09 We'll make as many as pledges we get like the lup litter box. Yeah Which I still haven't received, you know, you can just gone and bought a different litter box Just go make it. No, you should get your money. I want an officially licensed through PayPal Go buy it. No, but I haven't gotten the sense that they haven't shipped them out to me Go buy like one of those things that you put your dishes in and then you just cut holes in the bottom And then you I'll I'll just teach your cats to go on the toilet. They're smart, right? They can do that Oh, you can do that. They can do that. Some of them can but you're kidding. You tried and Zach doesn't want to do it Doesn't want to do it. What about lily? She's young
Starting point is 01:44:43 No, okay If you want to get one more kickstarter thing in there, they they're just kind of hinting at today there's a trailer that the The system shock remake will actually be heading to kickstarter which is a bit of a disappointment because After it was already announced that like for a little while it seemed like not we're totally making it But I think at the end of the day what it's going to be is because there's no details yet There's just it there's a 15 second trailer of a logo and it says system shock remake Coming to kickstarter in like the next month or so
Starting point is 01:45:14 That this is probably be something it's going to get made regardless. They want some extra money for additional It's probably gonna be one of those kick starters like shadow run hong kong in which it's all stretch goals Yeah, that's what i'm thinking like the game will exist Yeah, but we just want these stretch goal items. Fuck it though. I'm gonna help out I'll help that because I want that real bad Basically, we've already discussed it when we do system shocks or whatever on shit storms Man, this is good. Holy shit. Is it old? It's so old. It's too archaic. Yeah gotta fix it up a little more guys Yeah, so there you go
Starting point is 01:45:50 What's up walls you gotta look on your face Yeah, because i'm just thinking that like that was me with kotor a minute ago And it's just like sometimes kotor is not within that realm. Oh you mean way beyond dude System shock is like arcane Okay Uh System shock is like 94. It feels like it anyway. It's like 96, but yeah, but like kotor came out like 2001 2002 Like it came out on xbox. You know what the fucking
Starting point is 01:46:19 Like system shock would have come out on like a super nintendo Like that's the level of pc game. We're talking about yeah, or no like a playstation 1 actually Yeah, probably yeah So, uh, what is soon going to be arcane? Is the disney infinity brand? Oh, yeah, because there it goes johnny vignacchi's curse Maintains actually like super shitty because like after after this all happened There was a lot of word that came out from former employees saying like It was sucky to work there because it was so fun to work on everyone loved working on it
Starting point is 01:46:55 But disney was always saying how it wasn't profitable enough Even though it was the most profitable toys to life everyone thought it was doing really well That's exactly It was it was that's the thing it really it was more profitable than skylanders. Yeah, that's the thing It was doing really well. It was number one They were beating their core competitor and at number one in their own So it was a screenix thing of just you're not high enough I venture this is just a guess on my part
Starting point is 01:47:23 But I venture that a big part of it is when you've got disney marvel And star wars as your all brands all three and you're only raking in that much When you look at how much like battlefield shipped 14 million units a battlefront, pardon me Like you're like these are the biggest brands in the world. They should be doing these numbers. Why should yeah? It's still totally. It still sucks. Yeah. Yeah. No, I don't agree with the decision at all And apparently the rumors are that well now that it's uh Now that we're not the disney infinity is dead. They've announced that they're pretty much moving out of the disney productions role And uh, that's right. They're they're closing up game console
Starting point is 01:48:01 This is the second time disney has done this where they they bought into a lot of companies pretty hard a few years ago on the 360 ps3 There's more spectrobes propaganda games that made like um Turok did torok split second split second exactly very good. And then they they they stopped it And they said look no more publishing for disney this video game stuff is stupid now They they tried it again another stop and again like so although trying it again It was just for infinity. They can't hold that goddamn super cool-looking Pirates of the Caribbean rpg Oh, yeah, I forgot about so like if if if in five to ten years disney looked at you mr. Programmer director Miss artist or whatever and says
Starting point is 01:48:41 Hey, how would you like to be lead on a new thing at disney? Yeah, I think about it Maybe do the one project fucking think about it really hard Because the that that like they've done it twice they started up and shut down entire work is work within five years around but There's no career there So there was uh, also what came out in the light of this was the stuff about disney infinity 4.0 What it would have been. Yeah, kotaku got a really amazing interview and there's tons of details really interesting giant figures with like lights And crazy elaborate like yeah, 12 inch toys and those were like the special ones
Starting point is 01:49:18 They're not like the standard, but yeah, 12 inch figures 45 dollar 12 inch Disney infinity. Well, let's let's see if activision goes on a hiring spree and steps up the skylanders train Because a bunch have to yeah, no, but but a bunch of qualified staff for the very similar product Like just became very available. Hope those people find work. They clearly did a good job They just didn't do enough of the good. Oh, that's I hate that mentality so fucking much. I nailed it. How hard did you nail it? Not enough But I nailed it It's it's a bummer that they were never able to get some of the like chief
Starting point is 01:49:57 Fan complaints done by the third game Because like they're like I played a bunch of two and like one of the biggest bummers is you can't use any character anywhere Yep, like yeah, I remember you said toy box mode is where toy box mode is the create a level thing and do anything But like if you're playing an avengers story, you could only use select members of the avengers, you know And there's like there's a disney infinity 3 version of captain america where he doesn't have his his uh Mask on and you can't use that in di2 because it's a different character and they're like a bunch of shit like that Where just character like compatibility was bad. Yeah, it was really bad. It's a bummer that there is no version out there And there never will be where compatibility is so now we're back to skylanders and amibos
Starting point is 01:50:40 The fact that lego dimensions Oh, the fact that nintendo apparently they're getting sonic Apparently rumor has it the fact that nintendo is not making gangbusters numbers on a pokemon version of this sort of thing Is insane the fact that nintendo is not making any effort to make any game like this at all is insane like it's ridiculous Don't worry that it'll be an x launch title. No, won't that be smart? But hey If they did they would fucking light it up I would I would clap and be fucking pumped for that game. Absolutely assuming Stock held up. Oh wait, it won't so never mind. No stock's fine now, but hey
Starting point is 01:51:18 Who's your favorite starter my favorite starter of the new ones? That bird one that bird one's pretty good Who's your favorite starter off The bird one's the best, but like I genuinely don't like the cat. I don't think it's interesting. I don't think the cat's very interesting And I think I like the um The dog the blue one who's your favorite starter the green one's the best Uh, I don't really like any of them. They're all kind of stupid. I should mention that like I always Always go for the grass type
Starting point is 01:51:51 But I even without that I still like flying grass is really interesting But I still think the bird is is the best because it's like a little angry little cute bird Pat how many lucario amiibos do you want? I could go for zero. Well There you go. They're in stock So, yeah, there's how much they call there's the new amazon prime ships them out 15 bucks. Wow So yeah, pokemon's new starters were announced and you can go take a look at them They showed the legendaries too and some of the some of the game footage Who's my favorite starter you ask? I don't give a shit until I see the final evolution of them
Starting point is 01:52:23 Yeah, that's a big this big deal. I gotta say the game looks really pretty though Uh full-scale character models and stuff big stuff. That's a nice touch the previous one. That's a nice touch I thought I was gonna be all the way back in on x and y but even x and y I quit halfway through I didn't dig x and y at all. Yeah, but like looks really good. I keep I want to be into pokemon But I always fall off halfway through. Yeah, I I really really hope that they have like uh Whatever nx is that they have an nx version of sun and moon because Like I just I just I don't question their decision because it makes sense to be on 3ds. You'll sure most units that way
Starting point is 01:53:00 But like ultimately it means waiting another three years to get a a next gen pokemon game It's just like like black to white to release after the 3ds was out What's the ability to catch them all went away? My interest always fades because I don't have a realistic goal. It's not that it's not that it doesn't it went away It's just you have to jump through hoops, but uh, no, it's dude with all the event pokemon There's no realistic way to not Cheatingly get All of the pokemon. Yeah, there you can do the online trading there with the event pokemon
Starting point is 01:53:34 There's like 30 event pokemon now the Yeah, they're a lot better with like distributing them, but you still have to wait years for the whole rotation like like the deoxys That one was away, but how am I gonna get that one? There's other ones that are tougher, but yeah, but that's Anyway, um with with the idea of not trying to collect them all because I already did that They don't stun back in the day. They haven't said collect them all for years because they know it's impossible. They know So um catch them all. I'm sorry, but I want to catch them all yokai watch 2 comes out in september Yeah, but do you actually get to play that or you just move them around on the touch screen? I wish
Starting point is 01:54:12 Sorry, do you actually get to play yokai watch or do you do you got to play you wish? What I said, I wish the new slogan was kill them all 410 billion I'm mocking yokai watch is like battle system where you anyway. I think that I've just I enjoyed I enjoyed x and uh and y enough that I can jump back into a pokemon game at some point not right away But I have skip this one go for the next one. I have I have it in me to get the anx fusion one and you know what I don't I don't um Regret learning about all the super cool new ones that that I enjoyed in that one
Starting point is 01:54:50 Yeah, thank you. So there's a there's a fucking pokemon. That's a trash bag. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's called trash man And hot edge and double edge. I'm not gonna end up sticking to this But like I'll get back in when mega evolutions get back out Because like yeah, I'm not gonna stick to that. No, you're not wrong. I'm not gonna stick to that I'm really surprised at how much I dislike mega evolutions It doesn't seem like a big deal and then it feels like it is. I really don't like it at all Yeah, that's uh Yeah, anyway, uh
Starting point is 01:55:22 But uh, there is the fact that a pokemon outsold a street fighter 5 And with that we can bridge over to capcom announcing a lot of stuff I feel like pokemon outsold street fighter is like the most obvious statement in the universe poken He means oh poken. Yeah by a wide margin poken outsold street fighter. Oh, that sucks. Yeah uh, so With street fighter 5, uh performing. All right, but not hitting the numbers that they were looking for fine, I guess Uh, they are now. Yeah, but you didn't nail it prioritizing. That's what capcom would actually completeness Even if it means delaying the game. Yep, and this is a really like open
Starting point is 01:56:01 Uh, uh article I find because it's it's very much like the thing that we always yell about that I know I always yell about when it comes to delaying your game. Uh is like them straight up going like, yeah, you know what? Uh from now on instead of trying to hit development deadlines, we're just going to pursue quality Yeah, and it's like they straight up admit that we wanted to hit development deadlines and impress investors And that's why we put out stuff before and this is this is like round eight of like capcom game Doesn't sell that great capcom makes a public really open facing statement about how they're going to improve their development Like when a dragon's dogma came out and they were like, we're not going to do on disc dlc after dragon's dogma And now this it's like
Starting point is 01:56:48 You'll get there one day capcom step by step and you'll be just a real developer again Well, I'll tell you what I'll tell you what uh resident evil zero hd selling 800,000 copies is a pretty good step so developer I we saw we all saw that on my on my computer right before we started. I I pied it on the dog Yeah, no, no, but I assumed one of you photo shot. I bring I bring that up only that we saw it because all of us went Except for you because you knew what? what Resident evil zero
Starting point is 01:57:20 Like sucks compared to the other mainline resident evil games and the fact that it almost sold a million I seriously doubt the gamecube version even probably Approach that no, no, no, it's sold over a million the gamecube version. Oh, did it? Yeah, look cool. Someone someone That game sucks compared to remake. Yeah, like Clearly the message has been sent make resident evil old guys make it a bit older looking We could go for some old ass resident evil. You know what the thing me and that we're just complaining about system shock You need to put some of that in a resident evil Not all not not everything two tablespoons of old tablespoons of old
Starting point is 01:57:59 Um, I don't know what the counter is on the re-releases versus Original entries Thing is but like they did in that same announcement of it being 800k also say that yeah We've got four and five coming to current gen and the remake of two was on its way as well Yeah, uh This this was their uh, their finance reports exactly does that? Pretty much mean that there's now more Releases of re than there are original re titles. Well, well, there was there was there was there was resident evil and resident evil
Starting point is 01:58:34 Uh, sorry remake and re zero on the we there was like they'd been remade a lot re four Sorry re code veronica hd also came out as a as a bonus re for we addition re for hd re for pc Which is a different release? I like there's there's way more Ports than really I would like to ask you a question. What are your criteria here? Is it just how many total resident evil games are there versus Are you just mean on this generation of course this generation only? Uh, I know I mean in total from the original release That are not just a port of the original Okay, because there are like at least four or five different versions of re one alone. Okay, okay
Starting point is 01:59:18 So there's a Saturn version, which is different. Is this there's even stuff like umbrella Is it the most re-release franchise directors cut deadly silence? There's remake Yeah, holy shit, but no because mega man. They don't remastered remake and remaster mega man They just they report it. I mean I mean like new assets changing it up re-releasing it not just porting it There's resident evil 2 probably r2 on the 64, which is a port but has different stuff in it There's resident evil 2 re 5 gold a fucking dual shock addition that has that battle mode Yeah, like every single game has multiple ports. Okay, and those ports always have new stuff
Starting point is 02:00:03 That like justifies either a separate subtitle or yeah, they're all generally good value like I don't think there's any that are really bad Every time we move forward a generation they bring them all there's resident evil code veronica on the dreamcast, right? Then there's code veronica x And then I think and then I think the code veronica x on the game cube has one small difference It has more stuff in the battle mode. I think yeah, and then there's code veronica hd on the 360p Which is x. Yeah, but not the game but it has some news has some new features new lighting and shit Yeah, woolly um zero and
Starting point is 02:00:42 Uh No, zero did make it Two and three never got to ps3 and 360 Uh, the ps1 version is available. Yeah, but by emulation, but those ones got omitted there code veronica Did that get the hd treatment? Yes, it did. Yeah, it did and it's available on uh playstation now And then foreign up is just like yeah Remaking zero are out on ps3 With this with the ps4 and to answer your question. Is there any port of these that is like just
Starting point is 02:01:13 Like not worth it. It's the dual shock version of director's cut because the back of the box lies Because director's cut says hey, we're gonna have the uncensored cutscenes and they don't and then on top of the music And then all back of dual shock they say okay. No this time guys We have the uncensored cutscenes and they don't I didn't ask that but thanks for the crazy Interesting and then of course rounding out the capcom news the uh the uh the Announcement that we should expect new mega man monster hunter and send goku basara mobile games and by march 2017 So i'm shocking they also had some other good stuff in there in their financial projections
Starting point is 02:01:56 Like they have two major titles this year where they're forecasting over four million units sold Uh, they have a unannounced monster hunter game not stories where they're forecasting Oh, they said it's not stories. Well because stories is listed separately. So then it's got to be fifth generation Or or xg They I think they said they weren't gonna. I think they said that too And I think the fact that Generations is releasing in the west as the regular one kind of lends credence to that Hopefully fifth gen monster hunter on nx
Starting point is 02:02:27 That'd be nice. Who knows Maybe it'll be maybe they'll finally have an hd one and they'll go like you know ps4 I have I have something that I have something to say about those The monster hunter games coming to to fucking mobile If they do like the last monster hunter game on mobile was a explorer 2g basically was 2g. Oh, you mean the direct ports. Yeah If they put out 3u or 3g or whatever you want to call it on the phone Okay, so monster hunter has like Tough controls even in the best but the underwater controls are ridiculous. Yeah, and phone games
Starting point is 02:03:04 When adapted to traditional controls often work poorly The swimming controls in 3g. They barely worked in the first place. They barely work with a fucking dual analog controller. They're terrible so God have mercy on the souls of anyone who tries to play a third generation monster hunter game on a phone I think I think they mean more original titles like monster hunter touch and monster hunter explore that'd be fine Because there's there's a bunch of original non That would be fine because I tried playing uh two portable Which one was it was a two portable whatever it is that that one I tried playing it and I was like
Starting point is 02:03:39 This is a fucking nightmare to just just say 2g that everyone will know what you mean You know to really it's crazy to really get cack on the focus up and like you know Try to get back on track where they have like a nice even release schedule They should really focus on bionic commando. Yeah. Yeah just make like big maybe a big console game Yeah, yeah that that a movie that a movie You know, I think that's a live franchise that I'd like to I like to I like to e-sport I'd like to play uh, I'd like to play a game in which you plays the arm And your controls are limited to pointing and the arm is like that will be that will be my wife
Starting point is 02:04:17 That will be the vr game. Yeah, and it will work perfectly because you can't move yourself in vr You can only point and move there my my dream game is uh as a bionic commando using the updated version But in 2d that plays like rearmed. Okay, man They should have a yearly release schedule where it's bionic commando then followed by dark void and then spyborgs And every year you get a new one. What do you guys think the love three you're just gonna shit on flock like that You're just gonna drop trial and shit. No, uh, yeah, no, it's not flock anymore. It's sour patch That's the capcom digital download game to shit on now
Starting point is 02:04:53 The booty age of beauty those are fine sour patch is the one. No, I played that game. I didn't think it was fine What do you what do you guys think the likelihood of re7 appearing at this year's e3 is I think it has to would you say it's 100% I think it's like 95 either at e3 or tgs, but probably e3 one was uh six how many years ago a while 2012 2012 oh, yeah, okay. Yeah, it feels it feels a lot shorter. Yeah. Yeah like and it's just Like like it's it's frustrating because like re7 exists because people have mentioned re7. Yeah, it's coming But there's nothing I think they're gonna push it as hard as they can for this year because they've been
Starting point is 02:05:35 Parading a lot about how it's, you know, resident evils 20th anniversary. I know it like, you know, it's gonna be big Whatever whatever it has to do. They're gonna put a lot of muscle behind it every resident evil game is big Right. Yeah, but like a lot of muscle, right? But it's like I'm just I'm very interested like yeah, was it gonna be what is it? We've never gone because the the series is in flux now We've never gone like we've never gone like two or three months without talking about re in some way shape or form Well, no, it's it's great. So I feel like it's a great series. Yeah. No, no I just don't want it to be six where they clearly don't know what they want. I seriously doubt that they
Starting point is 02:06:07 I just don't want 5000 characters 5000 campaigns. That's not what I wanted at all ever So that's why I think that like it feels like six was not that long ago even though it was Yeah, yeah, uh, it was very long ago. I still I still only completed the one campaign Really? Yeah, I never bought it. I never beat adis campaign You never be adis now. I beat everybody else. This is like the best one. So it's a bummer I but but by the time I got there. Yeah, yeah having to play it at the end sucks for sure I played it first. I was so tired. Yeah, and rev2 came after that. No. Yeah. Yeah Put it in to put it in a very good to put it into perspective
Starting point is 02:06:42 When six came out there weren't even rumors of the ps4 xbox one Yeah, I believe so and now they've been out for multiple years We still sat by the glass window leading to the development side. Yeah, that's how far back that was right The podcast didn't exist podcast didn't exist and it's totally likely or like it's it's viable that fucking three years now Yeah, that they might have now many wars have started and ended Yeah, but they might announce re7 at e3 and it come out this year as well because that's how re6 went Where it was a really very quick reveal to release window I think that's likely even even though one of their projections for an unannounced game was four million units
Starting point is 02:07:25 Even though resident evil tends to like really kill it on sales and do amazing every time Um, that sounds like they're that sounds like that might be the appropriate one other franchise that would get that high But not you know, like they're down monster hunter or maybe that's lower than in their projections for five or six Yeah, I think so either way it'll sell Insane like resident evil six is like one of their top five selling games of all time Which is crazy when you think about how much people dislike re6 It's one of those things like even without even with its own flaws It's still a okay game average maybe and there's a lot there
Starting point is 02:08:02 But it's built on the backs of re4 and re5 which are amazing So like of the the amount of people that just bought that when they saw the name on it It's likely like 60% of all and capcom is really aggressive with sales. They're like western companies. Plus remember that demo Did a lot of damage the dragons dogma one. Yeah, people really didn't like it for a long time and that's when they fixed it up a bit What deep down what? You know, I I made oh, there's a recent rumor on that if you're wondering I made so many jokes about deep down that Liam would always like reply with like they actually showed it off yesterday It's been it or so or some shit
Starting point is 02:08:38 But like now now it's ridiculous if you if you look into tgs stuff from previous years Even last year it was playable and there's a bunch of cool footage of it But the the going rumor right now is it's going to be one of the launch titles with a new model of ps4 To really like show off what it's got And that that is credible because it was always co-developed with sony japan Similar to like bloodmore and or freedom wars or whatever, you know So was ds3 announced and released entirely in the time window that yeah, of course. Yeah, it was absolutely From what works fast. Yeah
Starting point is 02:09:13 Uh, yeah re6 is capcom's second best selling time game of all time street fighter 2 the number one No, it's number three. What resident evil 5 is number one. Oh, really? Yeah That's like that's how insane the sales are on these games. That's the one that I bought and played. Yeah, it's quite good um, so the uh And then going off of the talking about souls for a minute there that patch that they put out Oh, one of to get rid of bugs and cheaters doesn't work got rolled the fuck back got rolled back Yeah, because of tons of people not only we're still cheating and having no consequence whatsoever Motherfuckers were freezing and crashing left and right. Yeah, like nice sick
Starting point is 02:09:52 So what I'm doing right now is that there's a there's a non hacking trick that you can use to duplicate everything So what I'm doing is that for the dlc I'm I've created a lucky ted character and that lucky ted character is going to have Everything ready for the dlc, right? So I'm playing I'm like, oh, I gotta I gotta get this weapon drop Right. I gotta get the flamboyors and all of a sudden just like Full two second freeze
Starting point is 02:10:23 Back to normal. I'm like, oh that must be because of the same backup utility. I'm using turn that off Brr, brr, whoa, that's the noise It's that's what it feels like And just like terrible and like I look it up and you go to the subreddit and like, you know what the bug was Your video card would idle to zero For a full second and a half Fuck guys, how'd that make it out onto the servers? That's terrible and it's and it happened to Everyone everyone on pc had this bug
Starting point is 02:10:58 How the hell does that get out like pc testing is really tough? But if that's like consistent I would I was saying that like well at least it happened to everyone So they'll fix it and people pointed out. Well, they didn't fix the durability bug pat like, okay So that's fair a rollback isn't great But it's better than but but so like earlier whatever we talked about like yeah Then patching things or whatever you're like never gonna happen because of how they treated the last game That's right This time around it looks like they're doing shit and they're doing a shit timely
Starting point is 02:11:26 But fucking it up and rolling back and trying in a faster Like dark souls one's multiplayer was recently finally fixed after like a year Of being broken So yeah, it's rolled back and uh, we'll see what happened. But cheating is still happening I saw a video of a motherfucker. It can't no like the way it's but you can't stop it There there are Non hacking ways to cheat in that game. You want it? You want to cheat in dark souls? Here you go Back up your save
Starting point is 02:11:57 Drop a bunch of items for a player that comes into your game Re bad game immediately. Yeah, quit the game Put your save back have them give your items back to you You've now duplicated all of your items and you can do that with soul items So like Like I was talking to guys like you can cheat outside drop out dragon and stuff like that and guys that do the The the the fucking pvp stuff all you do is you go beat the dancer
Starting point is 02:12:26 Then you walk to an area you bring a guy in he drops a million souls for you And every weapon at the game at plus five then he reloads his save And he still has all that shit like there's no way you'll ever be able to stop that stuff The the turning you into a dragon There's not really so much of a problem with kicking you into a pvp stuff is the real turning you into a dragon Kicking you into a bonfire area knocking you out of world teleporting players, etc That's bad sure But it's actually really uncommon and it's only a real problem because you get banned if they touch you
Starting point is 02:13:00 If like if they just removed all limiters on it entirely it would be fine The cheaters would go away in two months once they once call duty came out or whatever And it would be fine. I don't think that happened. I think you just ruined the game pretty much No, but dark souls two had its cheating heyday And then it went away when people got tired of it and the communities for these games stay around for years and years and years So like just take all cheat protection off entirely and on that related note overwatch Cheating has blizzard pretty much commented like if anyone's caught cheating you're banned forever forever really interesting comments on their part Because it's uh, it it really fights that video that we saw. Yeah
Starting point is 02:13:43 Uh, we were saying you remember when the aim bot guy the way the well when the revive happened how the aim just flickered Apparently that's actually a problem with their replay system And so that that video was actually caused by that's their replay system working like that Um, so so it's very much a response to that probably a response to this kind of stuff and these allegations granted They could still be true, but yeah, totally. But um, no grace period though. You're done. Wrap it up. That's how it should be That's exactly how it should be on most games in a competitive game like this where it's like you're always playing with other people Well, it's it's more like blizzard's gonna put money into this game. Yeah this game It's sanctity needs to be preserved. There's no offline mode. I imagine I imagine fighting bots. I imagine they're the same way
Starting point is 02:14:31 That's cool because most games don't even have bots anymore. I appreciate that There was recently a fantastic video that bunny did about bots Uh about how like when these games are fucking dead, you can still go back and play perfect dark and understand what perfect dark was supposed to be Yeah, but in in the games that came out in the past five years. Yeah, you can't well that that was the thing with uh, Killzone mercenary recently where I was like shit. There's no way to just pick up and play this game You have to either like load into a campaign level or play online at home and they added a bot mode and I was like man That's perfect and like that like having your game preserved through history via bots doesn't get you extra sales No, but it's appreciated. Yeah, it's a very good feature
Starting point is 02:15:15 Uh, there's some vita trailers that dropped My hero academia battle for all a fighting game for Hero academia is that a 3ds game? Is it yeah, you know, I think it was it was a 3ds game. Yeah um I haven't watched the show, but it's a fighting game like is it by namco again. I think it's by namco Yeah, yeah, we'll see
Starting point is 02:15:41 Namco licensed games go both ways like the recent sort arc game wasn't so hot and Yeah, we'll see and then there was the uh Seven scarlet trailer or rather intro for a visual novel project that's being done by the deadly premonition producer and toy box Yeah, I wonder if that's going to be anything. It's it's by otomate and they do like Uh, like visual novels aimed at girls like here's all the pretty boys, you know How pretty are they? Well, the company name is otomate. Yeah otomate. Yeah, exactly. It's pretty clear what they do. Um But it's only about it's by the producer of deadly peace. So I don't know like it's really sweary who who Like mad unless you know anything about that like the producer of deadly premonition versus sweary's influence
Starting point is 02:16:26 Can't imagine it producers are usually just producers. Yeah, exactly like like the visionary game by jokuri, right? Like Like what would that be? Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly um And uh, last but not least we've got No surprise here, but according to the uh rank of the sexiest shonen jump villains. Yeah dio fucking takes Obviously, that's that's not the story It's really not neither is neither is the story that uh second place goes to hisoka Uh, who's that from uh honkers. It's honkers
Starting point is 02:17:06 Honk honk What's the what's the name further research is needed. What's the name? Yeah, he know he know honoka honoka. Yeah. God. Anyway, it's like so cuz the his bag guy from hunter x hunter Uh, hunter x hunter. So so it is honkers. Honker x honker. That's not the story Honkers x honkers. The story is not that third place went to light yagami. Yeah, because obviously You want to take a guess at who took fourth place? Don't say Griffith. Was it buggy from one piece? You thinking that berserk is popular enough to even get on any pool. That's crazy Also, like is that even shonen jump? It's not shonen. It's uh, it's animal or whatever. Yeah, young animal
Starting point is 02:17:46 Who's number four? Well number four goes to none other than row Oh nice this to the north star Really? It's the sexiest you go row. You hot. You know it mother fuck. Yo girls love row. That's great 40 years old at this point Conquer me row since the 60s right? His horsemen His horse is number five. Yeah
Starting point is 02:18:16 Number five through 10 Browse big horse. It's a really big horse. I wish it was Jackie pretty horse. Yeah, maybe Ridiculous I want to see the vote chart and see that dio received like something absurd like 40 of all votes. Yeah Yeah, right like he's at number one and number two is like Super far down at the chart is two percent. Everyone fights over that two percent and they're like, what are you serious? Come on If you want to tell us how hot dio is or his horse or his horse. I mean, I mean, I mean dio's uh
Starting point is 02:18:55 No, you're good dio's Steamroller he's got a bird. It's okay. It's okay. He's got a roller. Come on. All these dio jokes are ridiculous Yeah Got it got it done. Good job Super best friendcast at That's super best friendcast at and uh, it might sound a little something That was Wolf
Starting point is 02:19:26 Uh flea wants to know uh, if there's illa, okay Backstory required. I really liked you. Oh, wow They're doing it wrong cast a couple weeks ago. Well, he uh started reading six kill six billion demons and uh, he described it as uh having sagal like world building and I immediately opened another tab Regret not having not started it sooner and goes on to how it's going on She loves it. Was there ever a singular point that someone made about a thing that was the point that convinced you to go try it out Oh, yeah, definitely, but It's you can that comes to mind. I read the kataku article on
Starting point is 02:20:04 The the big spoiler of the first season of sword art and that got me to watch sword art Like the the the thing you believe, you know the thing that happens at the end of the first yeah, absolutely Like I actually think that's a really cool gimmick For your story. Yeah, it's a good enough hook to and I was like, okay, I'll check this out I there definitely is uh I I always had an interest and like like because I've bought almost every souls game I just don't start them But I think it was when I first heard like yeah kuthulu. Shit. Yeah
Starting point is 02:20:36 Yeah, when blood born came out I was always gonna buy blood born But that made me go one or week two it started to come out It's like by the way, uh, the second half of this game is Fucking love crap to shit. Yeah, but that's that's a soft example. I know better. I imagine for a lot of people It's the when people hear that like the new doom like starts with the phrase rip and tear It's literally first like that's gonna get people and the I've seen people Diving in when they see the animated gif of doom guy fist bumping his action figure Yeah, uh hearing about like where the love love series gets to by the end
Starting point is 02:21:13 And how it starts as like a high school whatever thing and then it ends up with like Intergalactic mech warfare I was kind of like that kind of got me super interested in that because apparently I mean also apparently the quality is through the roof So i'm really keen to I think Anytime I any time I hear about a comic and they someone just says the name of the person writing it and they say like brian k Vaughn or mark millar. I'm like, yeah, I'm there. I don't care what it was. I'm there Brian k. Vaughn is definitely like part of that no matter what does it say platinum games on the side of the thing? I'm there Yeah
Starting point is 02:21:49 Um, all right. We got one coming in from uh, akuta bar. Hey, what's up? Uh, uh akuta bar wants to know hey, hey, you're doing super best best super best friends I do it here from 2013 to call you all idiots is requested nice You estimated that world of warcraft would go free to play between six months to three years after podcast number three Wow, oh, I figured that was what this was going on fantastic cancellation of titan and the upcoming release of overwatch and blizzard's new expansion release cycle care to re-up Yeah, well, it's not going free to play anytime soon with the movie coming out in in hindsight that that that idea of wow's longevity It's like I think it's become very clear now that wow is going to stick around for like another 10 years
Starting point is 02:22:32 I I still stand by that. I stood that and said that in 2013. I don't think I was wrong to say that then It looked like it might have done that expansions then was it pandara that was the recent one It was the pandas. Yeah, I I I feel like I would have said the same thing if I could have done this It seemed like oh, they're scraping the barrel now. Yeah, and then Draenor came out and it's like oh, they scraped the barrel Well, and now the movie's coming out and that's going to inject a huge amount of and legions coming out It's like they found a new barrel to scrape and it like There's definitely the air of like they've run out of shit and they run out of ideas And the game is not what it used to like like for people playing it. It's not what it used to be. Yeah, and
Starting point is 02:23:10 But you mean it's not going to check a date on something even if even if it was to be said that it's dying right now It is going to take a long long fucking time to even look dead Little like ever quest one is still active Yep, so so we're congrats on calling our shit out. There needs to be more emails like this because we don't remember also also Hearthstone wasn't out. Yeah at the time. Yeah, and that makes a huge difference How do I put this it was that that was an era in which all the mmo's were dying
Starting point is 02:23:45 Right, like they were just left and right this mmo this mmo And I remember in the back of my head thinking at the time like oh the mmo's are just gonna go like all of these mmo's are Just gonna go away and it appears that there's two kinds of mmo's There's the mmo that will in fact die two years after it comes out and be fucking dead forever And there's the other kind the one that refuses to die ever You mean just world of warcraft and ever quests And I'm sure there's one other that's still active. I think ff 11 is still currently active You can classify category one as korean mmo
Starting point is 02:24:21 Um, yeah, no if I had to say now. No, I don't think it's going free to play anytime soon But I I would have said the same thing if I could change my answer We can't no, but like even if I could I would have said I would have said back in 2013 I would never have imagined that I would have all these birds There you go Uh, we got one coming in from jimmy instinct. You are average worst enemy cast I don't think I've ever heard you mentioned it yet But how do you feel about ki season 3's music being done by cell dweller an atlas plug?
Starting point is 02:24:52 Um, I haven't actually had a good listen to it. So I don't know I think that any loss of mick gordon on a project is a tragic tragic loss however Cell dweller has done a bang up fucking job with what we've heard of them so far on the two new character themes and ever since uh beating case zero And hearing uh, the best it's gonna get from when you fight the boss of that I've been like, okay. Yeah, these guys are awesome. So I I'm totally I have faith in their ability to carry
Starting point is 02:25:23 I know very little about killer instinct But what I can say is that mick gordon's presence on doom sure is fucking appreciated He also did all the music on wolfensteins. Yeah, because he's killing it. He's killing it I I wholeheartedly will say that none of their themes are as good as any of mick gordon's None of the none of the tracks of season three the new ones are as good as anything in the previous two seasons that being said they're still it's still great music and what really kind of like Makes sure is that when they release the album of season three their tracks cut into more of a
Starting point is 02:26:00 manageable four to five minute thing real song might make them quite better because Right now you can only listen to the extrapolated music from the game where people like sniffing apart themselves Yeah, sniffing apart themselves stop attacking now do a combo now wait. Those those those themes from uh, alice plug and sulldweller When they're just they're raw. They don't sound nearly as good. They sound very like one beat and then Stuff overlaid on it. And I thought I always found mick gordon stuff to be very very Full and and and rich and they're easy to listen even in that form But when they release the album their themes might actually shine more So my opinion might change but the music's still like great in k i season three
Starting point is 02:26:44 It's just not quite as good as the stuff in k i season one I think you said it woolly and I might have been mad who said it but uh two tracks, right? So only mira and tusk no no everyone everyone has a theme has everyone gotten a theme so far No, because no for sure. But I mean I was gonna ask did were rash and the arbiter by someone else because someone someone No, no, they're by the tracks. Okay. Oh, okay. I thought I thought they just borrowed you have to you have to fight them I see in in the theme, but since they don't have their own stage. It's easy to forget that Yeah, okay, but arbiter has his own theme It's actually the strongest theme because alice plug did a bunch of music for previous halo games, right?
Starting point is 02:27:21 So he gets a good and that just works That's perfect. Yeah, it's actually my favorite part of halo. It's really good So kimmu's theme is really catchy and I love it Uh, like for example mira's music is just it sounds like almost it could be anybody's It's just kind of it sounds like it could be sabre wills, but she's a vampire So what other organs are you supposed to use so? You know, hopefully they nail gargosses theme because gargosses is the dumbest but rock guitar ever From k.i.c. from k.i.2
Starting point is 02:27:57 So I really want to listen to that On the testing floor shredding out to that I actually had no idea Sorry, I actually had no idea mc gordon was gone. He moved on. I had no idea You have to follow his twitter to know really and watch those trailers. That dude does work He's great. Yeah, I I listen to the the first two seasons music all the time. They're fucking fantastic My girlfriend too. She she listens to it all the time. It's my big favorite Evening guys says zeal. Uh, I've noticed we'll eat
Starting point is 02:28:27 I've never heard you mention re really as a game you've played I'm curious. Have you played the series and by extension survival horror games in general? Do you not like them? You're getting pretty riled up by pt that time. Y'all played it I believe you've only played four and five to completion And you know really I don't have to go back because the the umbrella chronicles Truly encapsulate. Yeah, what's the true vision the best everything there is about the resident evil story line It fixes them and so by completing those with matt. I I don't really see the need to go back There's no need really. You're not missing anything about you'll just be missing like outbreak and stuff. Those are k games
Starting point is 02:29:02 Yeah, yeah, it's okay. Um, it all joking aside Code Veronica in umbrella chronicles is better than code Veronica Hmm I uh, I disagree, but I'm not gonna fight you. So survival what I mean is that Boiling code Veronica down to a thrill ride Is better than code Veronica and I like code for on us. Good guys has got some stuff. Yeah Survival horror is not usually my digs. Um, I think Though that like the occasional times that I jump in I have enjoyed them like when I played shattered memories or I have
Starting point is 02:29:39 Dead spaces I only the only the wee one I have You should really play the first I have a strong feeling that all of the mechanical jankiness that matt and I miss from those games Is gonna like turn you the fuck off Like the camera the controls the way the save games But but ultimately it's like and you know and like and like I had fun with like parasite even that stuff But it's not really survival horror per se In the end I I kind of you know, I enjoyed the shooter stuff when it started going that way
Starting point is 02:30:09 But I don't really but woolly. Did you do you like re4 and re5? Yeah, I do Then you should really play that first and second dead space games. Yeah, I'd say they are they are Fantastic and they're that I'd say just the second one No, the first one's great too. Yeah, it's no it's it adds a lot to the second one too if you play the first one Yeah, because of the But that's pretty much it I'm willing to jump in when that level amazing when it's a really solid whole fucking game Awesome game regardless, but uh, usually usually survival horror. I'm kind of it's like, yeah, I'm not really that attracted to it. That's all um
Starting point is 02:30:43 Zombie ghosts get out. Hey, uh, what okay, so yeah, shame wants to know if Yeah, favorite fake cliffhangers for example at the end of the Namek saga It clearly shows Goku blowing up with Namek, but a few episodes later. He didn't explode at all Do you have any ideas of this existing in other shows that you can think of it's it's hard to say exactly what it is And I know it. I know like they show something but it's not and then you come back from commercial break It's not the actual footage they use. Yeah, we've referenced it a million times, but it does qualify as bishop Yes assassin and then he shoots his gun Yeah, and it goes
Starting point is 02:31:22 And it goes right into your face as the viewer then it fades out then it fades back in and goes the For the future and then he shoots and then a character just dodges out of the way That's the best way. That's my favorite. That's the best way. Yeah the top of my head. I got nothing There's probably still lie. It's still lie. Usually during all his commercial breaks. Yeah I hate that and it happens all the time all the assassins because kids are too dumb to complain I was dumb and I complained I complained loudest of all and I was the smallest and dumbest. It's true Not on fire net
Starting point is 02:31:58 Says not on fire yet says Deremphatically top-notch chums. What the fuck is an edgelord? Where does this come from? What does it mean? This isn't a term we made up. Yeah This is one of those things where I assume that if we have a visual to accompany it like we're playing a game And we say an edgelord. It's very simple to decode what we're saying But if we say on the podcast and we have no context It sounds like all the guys we like if you if you had a character a very sick one A death knight
Starting point is 02:32:28 Right like some type of reaper and that character's name was bane blade and his background was the I I drink the rave and i drink the souls of the blood of my enemies because my family is Arcade covered. Yeah, who who is the king of the edgelords? Everyone take a guess in video games Sounds like you have a definitive answer. I I think I have one The the monkeys from apescape Uh hatred man Oh, yeah, hatred man Death from uh darksiders. It's prince of persia war
Starting point is 02:33:04 Smoldering raven because that was a turnaround from what he used to be. I smolder with generic rage and he had literal Edges on his body. Yeah. Yeah. At least Dante was a new Dante like that prince was the same prince. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah I want to tell a small story as a result of that guy's username not on fire yet Um my fire alarm went off in my building the other day and my fire alarm is so goddamn loud that you can hear it for five blocks I'm not even joking Great and it continues my hatred of fire alarms being useless. Do you know what set off the fire alarm in my building edgelord? Idiots idiot kids playing with fire extinguishers in the basement Yep, so anti fire
Starting point is 02:33:46 Set off the fire alarm at three in the morning and I had to fucking stand outside in the cold That's a weird aside radical kill all fire alarms. It seems like the problem there is the kids Who you would want to kill? Yeah. Have you ever died in a fire? Yes Well, of course, how many how many false alarms of fire alarms have you been in most canadians die in a fire three times per year Oh, yeah, they're worthless. They're useless. They're really not but Edo even deal all of them wants to know why we've never made a video for decidia Because it's weird and hard to record. Yeah, so it's really easy to record actually
Starting point is 02:34:23 Oh, why would would you just plug a psp into a tv or a capture card? Do you have the cable? Yeah, but it was old By the time you really started doing yeah, exactly my desire to do it is less than whatever you just described And I also don't want to do it, but if decidia arcade gets ported like I'll do that. I'll talk about that. They said they're doing a ps4 I really hope they do like a the big story mode and the the all the the calendar shits And I never touched any of them as long as racist waka or a hype taran. He's not gonna be jacked is gonna be in it though He's always in it. He's always in it. I'm down. Also like the rams of bill is gonna return It's the prettiest girl in the land also like the format's weird because like there's like to do verses
Starting point is 02:35:04 We'd have to have two psps and stuff and you wouldn't get the best look at the hopefully they they have one v one Modes that would be appreciated. Yeah in uh in the ps4 one Yeah, when it was announced I got bummed when it wasn't just side view normal fighter But well, it can't be the whole system's based on also. I don't dig it that much at all Like I I really don't like the first one a lot. Do a decim didn't do it for me Yeah, I played like seven hours or something do a decim didn't do it for me because it was called do a decim That's true To anyone who's looking to play the do a say do a decim or to city of games
Starting point is 02:35:40 Do not buy the original game. Yeah only buy do a decim Because the original game is in do a decim. I didn't know the actual thing You should do is if you want to play one of them buy do a decim prologous, which is the little you remember that two Yeah, it's like five bucks or whatever. It's two dollars and it goes before do a decim and that'll tell you if you like it Do you hate it? Don't touch the rest because that's what you're getting. Do you not hate it? You get eris as a side character Are these all star battles canon? No, yes, super dream matches. Are they they are super canon
Starting point is 02:36:12 But they forget everything. Yes, so it doesn't matter what they can The the the story of decidia one goes to explain the nature of garland's time warp in final fantasy one Oh, that's true. The garland thing is super relevant. You're right. Super canon. I remember reading about that Castlevania judgment is canon in the same way where it doesn't Stomp over anything and every no, but I I actually think that one's not I think I think Pat's right Decidious storyline Actually shows off like the large-scale storyline of fun fantasy between chaos and order and
Starting point is 02:36:49 Shin Ryu the dragon the cosmic dragon That's at the actual god of final fantasy at the end of Castlevania judgment Everyone is wandering because they forgot Yeah, so there you go. No, they're not wandering because they're all pulled from that that being said it's super stupid That the city is canon, but it totally well. It's like it's like uh persona. What should my being canon the 3ds one God, how do I forget the name? Uh, cute. Thank you Tom wants to know if you were transformer is what vehicle animal or objects that you be? No matter what I say people are gonna draw me as a toilet or a gun or gun gun toilet gun toilet shoots your asshole
Starting point is 02:37:27 Oh What an ambush fuzor pat the fuzor like like you're gonna go take a poop And then a gun snakes out from the bottom of the bowl and shoots you in your butt But when you're in a transformed state, do you look like you're like if you turn into like an animal Do you look like a beast wars thing? You don't look quite right like are you boxy or pick a generation? Okay, and go pick anything. I would be Kanye West. Yeah, dude You can do anything and get away with all that power All that power and you just turn back and it's fine and you're not him anymore
Starting point is 02:38:01 Not bad. Not bad. You could do anything You could get in anywhere except water your lawn except well. Yeah, but I could just transform back for that. Yeah I'd transform. I'd just transform into a transformer that already exists. Yeah, which is superion and then pin everything on them No, why why? Why would I want to turn to superion because his name is superion and it's the greatest name ever Um I guess I I don't know. I'd be a planet like ego. Yeah, I like feel like you're not thinking that through I feel like oh, he wants to be on the crown. I want to feel like being a crown
Starting point is 02:38:37 I want to be in a crown. I feel like you're not thinking of how fucking boring it would be to be a plan But also like what as you watch the gravities fight and tear earth apart or not even unicorn but primus Nothing, so what are you gonna do tomorrow? Just hang out in orbit Yeah, why not turn into a spaceship? That sounds like it sucks. Will you be astrotrain? That'd be a train. That's a yeah See that that always bugs me right when people is like, well, if you could have one thing it's like, wow I'm super giant and huge. It's like, but what about your fucking daily life? I'm there's people living on me. I'm a planet. It's fun, but that sucks
Starting point is 02:39:17 That's like being an even bigger toilet. Don't you want to be like The day on fetish watch woolly exposed as planet kin. Yeah, I can be the the peter mullin you to that little world That'll be fine. That sucks. There's no Are you curious as to what is inside me? Woolly bellows down on the planet earth Why don't you all climb inside me and build a civilization this week on fetish watch planet kin vor Is it real realer than you think it's here it is Generally don't type that into anything
Starting point is 02:39:51 Kanye west with the all spark. What yeah, if you could turn into like the power of the power That's generally useful So even if you pick the most basic thing like like the transformers already do you get anywhere? Really, you know those just giant train because then you're fucked up You know, you know, you know those or boat, but you know, you know those huge, uh, state line cutting machines. Yeah There we go That's me pretty cool. I'm a state. I'm a state line cutter. That's a that's a cool thing I wonder what those are called. Like I think they're called state line. They're called monstrosities of science
Starting point is 02:40:28 That's that's me done We got what coming in How many of those exist in the world? How many do you really need? I'm gonna say one for every one for every four states Yeah, because like right you make it run for a year But like it only needs so many right Fully expecting for it to come back on us. Those machines are not real I saw photos from multiple angles. No, those are photos from the Avatar shop. No, no, no, no
Starting point is 02:41:00 I'm fully comfortable with that I saw those photos from so many angles to make sure because I couldn't believe how huge Because the scale is impossible. It was so huge Avatar photos like I like that we've all seen it and it's stupidest biggest machine ever It's probably someone's stand real. It can't be real. It's gotta be real useless to build. Why would you build it? It's a stand. I mean, it's a state line. You don't need to dig a trench. You don't need a physical line anyway
Starting point is 02:41:32 It's fine. Well, he made it out. That's what postal codes are for is paint not good enough How do you know why oming is boring? You need to see the state lines of that boring What lands shape around it say that yeah Saskatchewan needs to know what ain't worth shit because it's got straight lines around it. Oh, I think they know I think they know Uh, is that it for emails? Uh, I could keep going but let's stop I have a very quick piece of news to say that just came out A firgus irk heart
Starting point is 02:42:00 Just was at some show some developer thing and when some guy was like, hey, what's up with pillars of eternity too He's like, well, it exists We're working on it. We're gonna go to Kickstarter for it. Those guys made a really useful business card holder Yeah, yeah, you don't care about the game, but you like their business card holder. That's it holds business cards. Nice Hey, what's coming up guys? Uh pun the disciplinarian has uh finished. I believe today for most listeners. Good for him That's that's good that the disciplinarian disciplined everybody. Oh, then there's fun stuff after him. Is that this week? That that is actually tomorrow
Starting point is 02:42:36 Me and uh and uh one leon Completed an LP already. All right So one of those ones where you play it for a little and you're like, this is gonna be That was a weird moment because I went to schedule a dark souls episode There was an entire LP completed just sitting and you're like, what is this game? It's like I have to move this over now. Have we done this before? Has there ever been an LP where we started and finished before the whole Thing even aired? Uh minecraft. That's true. Yeah But to be fair, well this it's funny. We recorded the first half
Starting point is 02:43:06 I think a full three months before the second half like two months two months. Okay, I think so But there is a whatever the next from software LP we do will fit that fucking profile It's uh, it's called chasing dead It got released on steam and we you and it got updated and tons of like little improvements on steam But we're playing what we're playing the true vision where I will safely say this without Doubt this is the most bugs per minute of any game that has been played on the channel. Yeah, without a doubt The most have you watched reboot? Yes, not all of it, but
Starting point is 02:43:45 But did reboot have three different completely different types of crashes? See here's the thing. Fuck reboot. I asked him about afro samurai. Yeah, and he still said it's Afro that's Whoo, because it runs the gamut of tiny little innocuous bugs. We completed half a samurai before it went out. Yeah Yeah, it stands as a mark against time Uh, so as far as I know everything else is continuing so uh dark souls is obviously going to continue every week day This week marks the start of the huge quest era of dark souls. Look forward to it. It didn't start yet Uh didn't start yet. It'll start tomorrow on vessel and we'll start friday on uh, everybody else
Starting point is 02:44:29 And uh, hopefully we can get that recording session on wednesday before that uh before that friday episode goes I think that shouldn't be a problem Day of sex will continue. Uh, sorry. It's been so sparse. We've just been all over the place with this stuff Am I forgetting anything? Well, I like I said everything is pretty much everything. Yeah, all right. Yeah, um, there will be a a Fisticuffs this week. It's a rollicking. Good time. It's a good time. It's something. It's something If you're a fan a fisticuffs you say if you're a fan Yes, yeah, it's a fisticuffs. It's a fisticuffs. Will you set it here if you're if you're a fan of Wu-Tang hip-hop. Yeah, it's not it's I thought you were just gonna say like Shaolin style martial arts
Starting point is 02:45:13 It's not a I didn't think you'd get so on the nose with it If you're a fan of Wu-Tang in Shaolin style martial arts, then you should check this thing out together It's uh, whoo. It's what it's not a scrub lords. That's for sure. No, no, actually It's a fisticuffs for real Uh, what are we looking forward to? Well, okay. So this is cheating because it'll like we'll have a podcast in between now and then But overwatch. Yep. That's true. I think doom. Wait, is it really coming out 24 this overwatch? They'll come out on next tuesday 24th. Okay. Well, yeah, so we're gonna have to another one. So that's that is cheating um, I
Starting point is 02:45:47 I'm going to check out this movie that looks really cool and Uh, I completely missed it when it was announced, but it's called high rise And this is a real I never saw her for Henry. It's really good. You should go see it. Neither. God damn it guys Go see it right now all of you. Yeah This movie about basically like a civilization that seems to be self-sufficient inside of this high rise building and it's with tom hiddleston That's neat and it's very and it's filmed in like a 70s pulp style And really trippy and cool. So I'll have a full book of pearl next week I'm gonna I'm gonna blast through like I think I have only two levels left
Starting point is 02:46:26 Chapters rather in doom. So I really are there two doom guys per chapter Per level two doom guys. Yeah, I mean the figures. Yeah I feel like there's even more. I feel like there's been three No, well so far I'm at seven and there's only been two per chapter Okay, then maybe that is but I I'm like really close to finishing like as soon as I get home I'm probably gonna try to finish it and uh after that I want to go back to uncharted and possibly star fox If I can squeeze it in so I'm really sorry. I finally watched that star fox uh short by the nintendo and oh the nintendo one wasn't super impressed
Starting point is 02:47:01 Who cares like it's it's solid, but it doesn't go anywhere. You know, it's just like a Yeah, and I hate and I hate the low frame rate 3d Character animation that it's like the berserk trailer. It's really annoying. You should go watch the kid Icarus ones They don't have that Uh, no, no, I just mean in general to finish the set. You should watch the kid Icarus ones. Yeah, they're not they're not particularly better But hey, uh, I'm really excited to finish uncharted 4 and hopefully rage I get if I can get far enough in that That's long. So yeah, I'm actually gonna play doom. I'm gonna play a lot of doom. Yeah, there you go and obviously a cotor and
Starting point is 02:47:37 And woolly I just saw a little piece of news that is not video game related perhaps But it'll make you chuckle and it's a good warning for everyone All right, microsoft has begun to auto schedule your pc. Oh, yeah windows 10. Oh, yeah It's no longer a suggestion. It's no longer hit any button on this screen and it'll do it It's now just adding it to your updates It's funny because there is also the news that said there was messages We're gonna go away after the cutoff date, but it just seems to be this I don't know with microsoft is gonna force people or not no one knows
Starting point is 02:48:13 They don't know And it's just like who knows holy shit. Can you let people do what they want with their coffee? No, I want them to come out and oppress oppress statement tomorrow with the police and everything and they're like Windows 10 is a malicious AI That would be awesome What a swerve I paid fucking I've paid for my windows 8. I'm using it. I'm fine. Leave me alone If you turn off auto update and you hit x on the updates
Starting point is 02:48:40 It can't do anything See, but the problem is no is the new copies, especially if you have like a laptop or Any kind of a netbook type thing that comes with a pre-installed. Oh like you have that windows 8 tablet thing, right? It's not you it's forced you have to have the updates. So once again, like, you know, it's not even that bad So Sure, but I don't I don't I don't want to do unless upgrade everything. No, sorry. Sorry. Just to be clear You should be allowed to not and tell and tell it to shut up. I just mean like it's it's funny how we're complaining about something And it's actually I use windows 10 on my on my new pc and it's fantastic
Starting point is 02:49:12 Yeah, but on my laptop and my other pc. I don't want to do an upgraded install. That's what I just said Clean installs Right. I don't want it to just do it. Whatever. Yeah So to anyone who's in this problem and is fighting their prompts or whatever. I'm going to recommend it again It's the gwx Control panel. Yeah, and it's a it's an a tray app that is going to just delete all that shit and block windows update from doing that
Starting point is 02:49:39 Um, I mean it's so I can't vouch for its safety So I think it's pretty safe But you know, but in the end like your computer melts down because of it's not my fault a mandatory update comes out And it's some horrible shit like we just saw with dark souls not working and it forces your shit to take it It's really annoying when you don't have the choice windows has gotten a lot better like in the early days of windows 10 There would be like the wrong video car drivers would get forced out and it's like fuck off But that doesn't seem to happen. Yeah ones that were like a few weeks out of date. Yeah, that doesn't seem to happen anymore It appears that nvd and ati like we're like, hey, hey, hey, let's fix this. Come on. Come on. Don't hey
Starting point is 02:50:15 But uh, yeah, so uh And uh, a special shout out to the amazing amazing Music that you guys are going to be listening to in a few seconds in a few seconds. Yeah Greater you are a goddamn. What yeah Creation of an organic bit indeed woolly indeed Skeleton Can I not get in it I actually never watched skeleton warrior
Starting point is 02:51:13 Stop trying to front the skeleton bow Uh Fucking mother fuckers You know what the ball doesn't mean you don't like I I love an organic base just just how it gets created

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