Castle Super Beast - SBFC 154: Arf Arf Arf says the Dinosaur

Episode Date: July 20, 2016

G-Fest! Evo! #FE! Star Ocean! Inside spoilercast at the end!)...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Whiff, woof, woof… Whiff, woof, woof… Sad Mangy Puppy Bark is pretty sad. It'll never be as good as the first one. Did you save that recording test or you wind like a little puppy? No, you didn't. That's all it is. That's why it's all… it has to be…
Starting point is 00:00:47 I don't know. Oh, man. Hey kids, what's up? Nintendo's stock has, what, doubled? Triple. I don't know what the number is. Have any of you chosen Pokemon Go teams? You know what, I'm still staring at Professor Hotface.
Starting point is 00:01:06 I'm playing vicariously through Leanna's phone and I'm just going to be playing with her. How about you, Leanna? I picked Team Mystic. But I have no strong affiliation one way or another. They just ask you to pick a color at one point and I asked my mom and my family what they picked and they all picked Mystic. There's no better gift representing the three teams other than Bart and Nelson rolling down two fruits, one that's red and one that's blue and then Ralph putting down a yellow banana that doesn't move that says Go Instinct. It's strong.
Starting point is 00:01:40 So pick Team Instinct, everyone. It's a banana that doesn't go anywhere. It's Ralph, so it's Team Instinct. I am seeing those pictures of like restaurant where it's like pick the wrong team, pay double, pick the right team, get a discount. Instinct is the least popular team by far. But that makes us the coolest. The strongest. And the strongest.
Starting point is 00:01:58 It's like Hufflepuff. No. It's exact what the description of Instinct is, is Hufflepuff. Hufflepuff is the most populous of all the four houses. If you say so. It's completely different. That's where they put all the losers at the magic school. Instinct, I know.
Starting point is 00:02:15 That's literally like Ravenclaw is Mystic and whatever. The other one, Valor, is Gryffindor. So where's the racist team? Why would Pokemon have the racist team? They only have three to begin with, so one of them from the houses is going to be out anyway. Zapdos is the coolest bird, I don't know. Imagine what all of those really annoying shareholders that we always heard about. Imagine what they're like now, right?
Starting point is 00:02:44 Where they're like, you better make it better for Mystic or Valor or whoever. We're not going to continue. You mean how they're like, we're super right. This is making you billions of dollars? Or they're actually just not listening to the press conference because they're too busy trying to catch Drowsy. Drowsy is the easiest catch in the world. Well, here maybe. We found him twice already.
Starting point is 00:03:05 I found one, but where I live, I checked between here and where I live and the common Pokemon are vastly different. This area has so many Drowsies. What region are we in? Montreal Jodo. Montreal Jodo. You might have seen this over the weekend. I guess you might have been busy as well. I thought there were all photoshoppeds, but since this is the first weekend I've been in the States and Pokemon Go is a thing.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Wait, you thought people were photoshopping people into... No, I thought they were photoshopping this thing, if you let me finish. Of car washes and businesses putting big giant signs saying, we are a Pokestop, please come in. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. No, that's happening. I thought none of that was real or something. I thought that was fake. So when I saw that everywhere in Chicago, I was blown away.
Starting point is 00:04:02 No, totally. And random hot dog stands are blasting the Pokemon theme. And it's all over. There's troubadours going around. And again, all that money being made, it's kind of ridiculous. One has to imagine that those shareholders, they haven't been this happy since what? Since 2006. Since early 2007.
Starting point is 00:04:26 The DS is the most selling hardware. Not till the DS Lite. The DS family is the most selling hardware. Yeah, but only when the DS Lite hit. Like 2007. Do you remember how many of that? A bajillion, roughly. I think it was the Wii that really sent their stocks skyward though.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Yeah, but I remember I was looking at this up and the DS family was the most selling hardware. I thought the PS2 was still more. I believe it was at 154 million. Something like that. It says a lot about how popular this game was that multiple days before it released in Canada, my girlfriend and I walked to a certain location that near downtown and there were hundreds of people standing around catching a shit ton of Pokemon. That's not where I live in a smaller borough, not downtown,
Starting point is 00:05:23 but before the Canadian release, I went to one of the parks that a friend had been frequenting and there was more than 30 people. It was nuts. Before the Canadian release, they were frequenting it. It's crazy. They were frequenting it all evening. I'm at my folks place and I'm telling them how it works and they're like, oh, that's a stupid game for babies.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Then as we're walking out to like, hey, bye guys after dinner, there's two people on the sidewalk in front of my parents' house clearly looking around for Pokemon. My mom's like, oh, look, they're playing that Pokemon game. This was an hour or two after the official release. People just took to the streets en masse. Speaking en masse, there was that story saying rare Pokemon sighted in Central Park. Stampede in shoes.
Starting point is 00:06:09 I saw something like that. Some guy said there was a Charizard over there and like 40 people just ran across the street. What's really fun is seeing the reaction to a lot of churches that are being used since of the anger status there. Cyber demon Pokemon outside. Jesus inside. You either get televangelists worried about the cyber demons or you get the folks that are like, because my brother has a church.
Starting point is 00:06:31 I went up with him in Vegas and it's like, hey, do you guys want some water? You cool? What's that evolved? Have fun, you know? Holy spirit. Into what? Holy spirit. Holy spirit.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Okay. Yeah. Well, in general, son evolves into a father. Father evolves into Holy Ghost. No, it goes Holy Ghost then father. When's the bit where he dies for three days? He dies and then he becomes a ghost. Yeah, he has to use a revive pill.
Starting point is 00:06:58 No. No. No, it's not it. Okay. I'm a little rusty on my Pokemonisms and biblical times. You got it. You got it. You got to use frankincense candy.
Starting point is 00:07:10 If someone's really concerned about this and they talk to like someone that works at the church, like, how do I get rid of the cyber demons and he's like, shoot them until they die? So welcome to this special episode of the podcast. Is it special? Very special. Yeah, I'd say so. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:31 It's episode 154, I believe. It's very special. That's what I wrote on the file that you told me to say. That he screamed at you. Very, very special. You know, 1 plus 5 plus 4 equals 10? Usually. You don't even need to throw one out there because if you listen back, it already was
Starting point is 00:07:49 dropped. Oh. You missed it. I did? So anyway. Welcome to Super Best Frank Cast, your favorite opinionated alt podcast. That's what we are. I'm going to die.
Starting point is 00:08:04 I really didn't do anything this week. So Pat, Liam. Okay. I'm a little jet-lagged, you know. Why is that, Wally? Forget you two guys, Wally. What did you do? I thought you just send it over to me.
Starting point is 00:08:21 Let's see how many times we can send it over. Just keep passing. Passing it back and forth. Pass the parcel. Matt. It's you now. Oh my God. Is it?
Starting point is 00:08:33 I don't know until you throw it to someone else. I went to Vegas. I went to Evo. What I did over the weekend was throw a ball over to Wally. I went to Evo. Wally, how many STDs did you cast from the plane to Vegas? No, it would be the plane leaving Vegas. It's the plane leaving Vegas.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Yeah, it's the way out. The way out. Not the way out. Come on. We definitely are. It was, well, I mean, if you saw it on ESPN2. I did, actually. It's the best Evo that has ever been.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Amazing championship. In regards to Capcom at the very least. I need background because I did not pay attention to it and I was not aware of a venue change. And so when you posted some fucking video on your Facebook of Wii Esports now of you in a wrestling arena, like Mandalay Bay, when did that happen? That happened this year. That's pretty awesome. So you go back and there's a really, really good video out there with Flow just basically
Starting point is 00:09:32 like having a heart to heart with the FGC. All videos with Flow are good videos. You know the Ryu is strong video? That's video is so fucking good. But it's not just good because it's amazing and it's like a fucking perfect. And perfectly edited piece of work. But it's also because that was the video that was released at Evo 2009 and everyone going through it was just like having emotional field feels as the community blew up.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Our feefies were exploding. Because Evo 2008 was nothing and no one and like barely 300 people. And then like it goes. Oh really? God. So you get to this like thousand man bracket when SF4 comes out and everyone this FGC is just like our hearts are growing 10 sizes this day. You know and then at the end Goken shows up and it's just like the whole family's here
Starting point is 00:10:17 now. Everybody's in. Put your knives away thugs. And that was a really good feeling you know. So you take it through all of that now to 2016 and it's like I remember complaining about having to buy a second ticket and I was so salty. Most of us were actually about the fact that we bought our Evo pass and then that was for the two days inside of the Las Vegas Convention Center and then the third ticket was for Sunday
Starting point is 00:10:42 and it was your Mandalay Bay Pass. Which was final. I mean 60 bucks. To be fair like it's in a different venue they need to you know what I mean like they need to make money work. It sucks. And also on a very clear level it's like listen do you want it to be fancy you have to do it.
Starting point is 00:10:57 It's 12,000 spectators right. Yeah. 5,107 entrance to Street Fighter 5 in particular. That's high. 12,000 spectators is more than like certain rustling paper views of God. You know and just under a quarter million on Twitch so you know the idea of tournaments in which half of all the people in the stands are part of the tournament. So you just like we're walking through and like as we go through the bag check and then
Starting point is 00:11:30 I'm like looking at the ticket going around the sides of like the locker area and stuff doing the whole like trying to find your seating thing as if you're going to see a UFC event or like a hockey game and I'm like this is for Street Fighter and I have that impact you know that moment of like oh my god I'm looking for my arena seating for Street Fighter and then we get in and you walk and you just you see the shot which I filmed. The set up's awesome. Yeah. And you're immediately like a thousand percent worth it.
Starting point is 00:12:02 I understand I will always buy this ticket. You're walking in the locker room and you're hand in hand with like let's say a friend of yours and you look over and you're like look over there, there's Marn. Don't bother him son. He's working up for the big championship match and then Marn throws his towel at you and it's just soaked. Yeah. And you're like wow.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Marn juice. Falls on my face. Yeah. You slip and just get knocked out and you fail to see the entire. Marn just starts laughing at you like he does and then he falls over and then he keeps laughing. Well it's like the towel. Slides down the hallway.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Then the jock strap, then the shirt, then the rest of it, yeah anyway. Wow. The PJs. Yeah. And his natural outfit. Yeah. Exactly. Oh man.
Starting point is 00:12:50 The PJs and the head pillow. You know so like I guess to you know roll it back you hit Vegas and what is there to talk about? You've got. Nothing. Nothing really to say. Most boring city on earth. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:02 Yeah. Like I since I did the major the trip before I walked through all the casinos before and checked everything out the first time. This was just business. This was down to business. You know. Erlo Sandwich still the best sandwich on the planet earth. Pretty good.
Starting point is 00:13:13 But Shake Shack makes a mean burger and if you ever go to if you're in the meat for chicken and waffles, hit up the Waffle House of Go-Go. They will give you more food than you can possibly eat in a day and just have for one meal. Well you are in America. And challenge you to enjoy it. And challenge you to it and it's not one of those oh finish this and get your picture on the wall.
Starting point is 00:13:32 No. You get nothing. Standard entry. Yes. Congratulations. You showed up. So funny was our waiter complaining that like he can't catch Pokemon go. You can't catch this Pokemon.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Right. Even though there's this the whole casinos are rife with them. Of course. They've been threatened that like you're fucking out if we see you. Oh wow. Well I mean it makes sense to do your job but like fuck that kind of sucks. Yeah. But what if there's a rare Pokemon.
Starting point is 00:13:58 I know exactly right. What happens. The bathroom break now. This is worth risking my job. What happens when you get to Vegas early and your room's not available yet. Fuck it. You know you have to go to the DJs in the lobby. You sit out and play some excerpt right there in the casino hall with their setups and one
Starting point is 00:14:14 of my friends had a hitbox and I'm just fucking playing excerpt on a hitbox. Oh how's that. You know. That is weird. It was it was super weird but you get used to it a little bit after you know but it was just like you know it's like this is now it's like sitting on the floor plugging the setup in. It's not on the trash bin like Melty bid casino.
Starting point is 00:14:31 Yeah. So we're a little bit higher up than we used to be. We're moving up. Now we're here. 8am pools on Friday. Wake up nice and early. Crack a dawn and like everyone is like clearly doing their hardest to put their game face on but like you can see the crust in their eyes.
Starting point is 00:14:48 You know what I mean. The eye crusties. And yeah so you know I whatever I did my thing and I you know didn't make it out but I hit the point that I did when I had the Daigo year so you're not getting worse is what you're saying. Yeah I'm at that. You won four matches. And then exactly.
Starting point is 00:15:04 That's good. Honestly. And then I tweeted out like the curse is real right and then Max just goes dude it happened to be four times at four at four different things. Yeah. He looked like you just get up to that point and you can't crack the pools you know. So that's the crazy thing because I'd like I'd assume that Max would try in the killer in sync tournament.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Let's say clearing some pools. I'm not sure. He's not. I don't think he's allowed to. Yeah. He's tried. He's tried. He's played in tournaments before.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Yeah. I don't know. Yeah. But let's say you assume that guy's really good. A guy you might know a little bit. And then when he comes like down to the nitty gritty they they're terrible. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Compared to. But it's the same thing as like woolly couldn't enter killer instinct after you guys got the check. Of course. You guys can't play K.I. Speaking of people like that I mean that's that's a great point and that's why it's really hilarious when you go and you check the the player of look it or whatever and go find our good old buddy Alex Navarro.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Yes. And you see not only did he get out of pools like he lost to L.I. Joe and another really notable player. I forget. So I was pretty good. I didn't know that Alex was good at Street Fighter. Yeah. Weird.
Starting point is 00:16:15 He's in there man. I was like oh shit. They need to get him and Jason to do more fighting game videos then. And you know you've also got are some of the guys I went with from Montreal Canada ripping them through the bracket. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:16:30 Major props and shout outs to my boys. Henry of course. Chirithi who eliminated Justin Wong. I'm not. Sorry. Sent him to losers. Excuse me. Sent him to losers.
Starting point is 00:16:39 I was talking to Liam about that and Justin's tweet made me laugh but also made me like super pissy because it was Justin saying like oh got sent to losers by a Chairithi of Montreal using Chunli. Oh I hate this character. I'm like you used to play Chunli played Chunli and coasted on her legs for a decade. To be fair like you saw a lot of Chunli during Street Fighter V. So for a brief I mean a short little abridged version of the history like when Henry sat down you know and he's like you want to go shake the hand and like he's like hey yeah
Starting point is 00:17:17 I guess we got to do this again because like this is just history repeating itself. And he's like Justin seems like pretty nervous. He's like oh man. And he's like oh yeah okay you know and then it played. Well Henry's not a slump. No he's not a slump. He's fucking good. Are you saying that Chairithi is a natural counterpick to just after the no he's a natural
Starting point is 00:17:35 counterpick to Dominion. After the after the first set where you know Henry's Chunli beat Jay Wong's Karen Jay Wong then counterpicked to Chunli. So for you went for the Chunli mirror and like all we could think like watching this was this happened in Street Fighter IV this happened in Street Fighter III both times the result was the same what's going to make today any different and it wasn't. You know so that like that was that. And then he eventually after that went up against Eli Joe who sent who I guess won and
Starting point is 00:18:12 sent Henry to the loser's bracket exactly. And then Henry won his next match and then fought Alex Vaillet and I put the the video fair enough. Yeah it was close but Vaillet took it because he's Mr. Street Fighter. Yeah no if you're going to lose those people that is not a bad way to go Vaillet needs to start wearing a Tengu mask and start entering under a different name. After Mr. Street Fighter. And you know but like and so that got him tied for 49th place.
Starting point is 00:18:43 But that's pretty good. You know at a 5,000 it's a top percentile but that's not to you know not to say that like to 0.2% the other 1% 50. The other Montreal guy I'm stupid the other Montreal guy Rami who came with his receipt and he cut his way through the winner's bracket as well and he actually he got dropped into losers by Sacco which again is like fair yeah of course right super hard match and then but then he kept going through the losers and he was ripping it apart until he hit Ludd and then Ludd beat him because Ludd's an amazing player as well.
Starting point is 00:19:25 You're not losing to any chumps at that point. But by going that far in the losers bracket he actually got a tie for 33rd. So even more. Yeah I saw on the standings yeah. Really really good stuff to them so you guys did well and you know and listen and that's just Street Fighter 5 I mean you go over to anime and Bryce literally won BlazBlue from Montreal. Ally won Smash 4 at level 5 Chan top 8 in every game he played as usual.
Starting point is 00:19:56 So that was all good shit man like Canada came in did some work I'm really proud of those guys. Dude when I saw Bryce won first place I was like what the fuck amazing yeah amazing yeah and shout out to my new buddy Dacid Bro for winning the Catherine Evo 2016 championships as well of course the reigning champ. How fierce was the competition on that? I remember watching it the first year they had it and I was blown away at how entertaining it was.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Using the glitches to set up and set shit up and stopping the guy for moving as you both fall on the same block and wait for them to drop and see who drops first. That being said Catherine for competitive it must might be what I believe to be the hardest setup to fully complete because you have to beat the entirety of fucking Catherine on walk that right. To get all the different stages. There's too many people to shout out in general that I ran into so. Shout out the fighting games.
Starting point is 00:20:55 You know but I mean like Max had a really fun panel and teased a bunch of his upcoming projects and it was a really fun time. Did you manage to make it out to many of the like industry panels like Capcom as in Canada? Honestly I was so busy. They were on Friday which would be when pools would be happening to you right? Yeah. I was so busy on the competition floor that I really only made it out to Max's and you know just hang out with those guys are great and you kind of kind of take a spin over it
Starting point is 00:21:25 to see the KOF set up with my doppelganger Hellpockets another just like like right back at Taku the other the other the other woolly. You know so if you see a woolly but he's playing KOF instead of Street Fighter. It's not woolly. That's not woolly. He hates KOF. If you see a woolly that's playing Tekken but not Street Fighter then that's Harrison. The other woolly.
Starting point is 00:21:46 The continuing tale of woolly and his seven ghosts. He plays, Kisana plays commentary. Oh yeah that game's great commentary. Shout out really good at it. The bar fights event that happened where it was one of the after party kind of things and either the Gootex, Micros sort of running it and just having a good time drinking with the FTC. Would you break the pool queue over at this event?
Starting point is 00:22:08 No one there but unfortunate. You know like like drinking with the Lapchi and Valiant crew was fun. We had the Canadians go up in a team tournament on the stream as well. All in all a great time. Remember the little Mac from MacFast? I saw the picture. Yeah man. Like he was fucking sick.
Starting point is 00:22:26 So he came out, bought me my first drink. Thanks dude he's really cool. He's a geologist. That makes sense. Good for him. I feel like Mac would have started geology. What? Punches rocks.
Starting point is 00:22:37 I heard. Didn't understand it but whatever it's fine and of course flow on commentary has got like as always. It was fun talking shit back and forth like literally yelling at MTL in his face while he's trying to like talk us down and whatever so good times. But yeah guys the Mandalay Bay footage, the ESPN stuff, if you can go look at it it's a whole new level of fucking esports sports sports sports. I really wish Iron Sheik had been watching it but we got something similar with that
Starting point is 00:23:01 Polish man. Yes. Yeah that's great. And there's a whole gallery of them now like random people going what the fuck Street Fighter is? It turns out that old people from certain parts of the world just turn into awesome cartoon characters. And then the side effect of course being that well not on and then that ESPN newscaster
Starting point is 00:23:20 getting super into it as well. But the side effect of being on ESPN too is that every random sports bar across the country just leave your sleeves your shit on. So everyone's watching Street Fighter like wha and like one of my friends that was over at the anime game suite he's like on the way there you could just look at the TV in various bars and hotels. Just playing Street Fighter. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:23:43 Leave it on guys. So that's real that's always a good turn. Let's put in it nicely. That thing where they made Futo change costume. Yeah it did. What a fucking joke. That was hilarious man. What if someone played as Laura then you're done.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Like turn it like we're gonna stop the stream now. Or default Kami. Yeah. No but you know it is like. You're like when they were signing the contract ESPN was like oh this Laura chick and the Capcom guy went ha no one's gonna get Laura in a top eight. Don't worry about that. Yeah and you know beyond that played some blackjack and paid for my entire room with
Starting point is 00:24:20 blackjack with some chips. Yep good for you. At the end of the end when he was like split up the room cost and I was just like yeah here's some chips go buy yourself something. Oh that's classy. No seriously fantastic good for you man. That's fun. Free slot blackjack.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Good stuff. Yay. Did you get to play Tekken 7 at all? I didn't get to. There was a lot. There was so much going on it was really hard. I'm sure there were a lot of people who wanted to play it too so this time now that you haven't played it yet you can wait to play it as it was meant to be played in VR.
Starting point is 00:24:53 There you go. Correct. I'm really keen to see whatever that feature is. It better be. I really hope it's like the regular force mode. When you're looking at the stage and ring side because if you're in I don't want to be in King's face. You don't want to be in first person.
Starting point is 00:25:09 I want a first person gone adventure. Yeah. I just hope it's ringside. That'd be sick. That'd be crazy. Wow. That'd be cool. I think that'd be really cool.
Starting point is 00:25:19 But I walked by the brawl what's it called? Brawlhalla. Brawlhalla. Brawlhalla. Brawlhalla. Brawlhalla. Brawlhalla. I walked by that and I didn't get a chance to sit at that as well.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Anyway, there was what I will talk about is Daigo has his book, it came out. I was not interested in buying this at all. My friend bought like five and brought them back for his friends and things. I was like ok. And he's like nah dude it's like the book of five rings are like the art of war. But by Daigo. Yeah. I'm like alright fine.
Starting point is 00:25:55 Let's see this. Yeah You can find out how it's made. I don't want to. Yeah, exactly. That's a chapter. The encounter with Woollie. Yeah. Honestly to me it's a very memorable encounter because I guess I just like there's you know
Starting point is 00:26:09 some of the folks that we're with are kind of like as we walk by it's like there's smoke there's infiltration oh man I want to go get a picture and I was like I want to compete with these guys. As I tucked the old man into bed I thought about a counter pick for Chun-Li. I never thought I would see a man use that Blanca costume in a real tournament. What a douchebag. But here I was. It makes me want to smother him like I smothered that old lady douche for suffering.
Starting point is 00:26:35 Truly he had no shame. Yeah. How could I fight an enemy with no shame. That was the match where I learned. I'm halfway through the book and it's recapping most of his life but also like his force of p. I hear it's good. I haven't looked at it yet.
Starting point is 00:26:49 It's fucking great. It's a good ass book. Fucking good ass book. It was sold out right away so it might be hard to get it. You have to wait for the second printing possibly. Down on Kindle. Oh there you go. There you go.
Starting point is 00:26:57 So far so good. I would love for that book to come out and quiet like nice Daigo who helps old people just turns out to be like a massive fucking piece of shit and just talks like the worst most filthy smack about every one of his opponents. I once killed an old man for his food at the retirement home. Oh so so so. Yeah. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:27:21 And I'll do it again. After I defeated Justin Wong at Evo moment I went home and fucked his mother. You know the funny part is that you actually do get to see like his back in the early days of young via versus young Daigo. He did have an ego and he was more brash yeah and that all kind of went away. That was a long time ago as the life journey took in places and you got the fucking Majong chapter which was amazing and like this is just a whole ball like it explains a bunch of shit that we always were like whatever happened with this what's going on here and
Starting point is 00:27:56 it explains all that and it even explains it's like you know when he says he's not ready right now for Evo and stuff and he's like you see some stuff and you're like why would Daigo be doing this crazy ass thing right here or whatever and it's like he basically he's like I'm working what you're seeing is an unfinished product right I'm working on a way of playing that's not just about getting the win but it's about like a mentality that will consistently deliver the win but I have to get to the finished product. It makes sense. You're seeing it in development.
Starting point is 00:28:23 The idea of it makes sense yeah you know so it's interesting. And of course like the last half of the book is just straight up philosophy and it's fucking interesting so I recommend that for sure and the last thing is I am a couple chapters into Jojo Leon chapter eight and it is really weird which I keep saying about these things but and it's weird in a way and then it'll wind up being your most favorite part perhaps but so far I'm still waiting to feel it out like which part is this one? Eight. This is after Steel Ball Run?
Starting point is 00:29:03 After Steel Ball Run. Okay yeah. And I didn't know Steel Ball Run was over because I don't follow the manga so I have no clue. Wait were you here or not here last podcast? I honestly the Jojo manga stuff I want to not listen to it because I don't want to be at any one day. If you recall he said he finished Steel Ball Run last podcast and I gave a full review of
Starting point is 00:29:22 it. I missed that. But right now it is the one that's ongoing that's not done yet and that's where it is just Jojo Leon and it's actually another genre change as well it's interesting I didn't know this going in but. It's a slice of life comedy. It's a mystery it's a murder mystery and you're like what I mean I thought the horse racing was one thing but you're telling a Jojo story as a murder mystery and it seems like.
Starting point is 00:29:51 You stand. It's been done. It seems a little odd when like people get killed in random fights of Jojo all the time kind of thing but this one is just really. Start those crusaders because now are you looking at the aftermath of stand fights? We don't know what we're looking at right but it's you're looking at a parfait as far as I can tell. I mean we'll see what the explanation is but it's like some weird stance type shit is happening
Starting point is 00:30:19 on its own. Around. And like yeah and that's all we kind of know so far but part three is a mystery because it was like what is Dio stand. Yeah like it's literally the entire point was that everyone was just shaking everyone's collar. Did you figure it out? I figured it out you're fucking dead exactly yeah it's super weird so far and I mean again
Starting point is 00:30:42 I have to feel it out but slower you know I'm going to see if it does what steel ball run did it just blows me away yesterday so that's kind of happening. I will pass the ball over to Matt but before I do I'll pass it over to Loot Crate. If you're hearing this if you're within the sound of my voice it's already too late for the future. Even us the future's gone for you now. You can hear puppies screaming from the void. All you've got is weird dog voices.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Is that DMX's son? No it's a little bow wow. We got to focus. Okay guys Adreed let's do it. We got to focus here. The future. What's that Willie? Is too late.
Starting point is 00:31:28 No okay. It's too late. No continue. It's too late. No I'm not starting. This is good. This is good Adreed. This is past the 19th so unfortunately you can't get it on the futuristic box.
Starting point is 00:31:42 If you did get it on it good for you you helped fight for the future. But otherwise the future's over for you. It's over. It's not going to change. So what you can do however is look forward to the next Loot Crate. Is this about fake dog noises? Unfortunately it's a mystery. The box is a mystery.
Starting point is 00:32:00 We don't yet know what the future holds. It could be puppies. But I can tell you that you can get in on it at slash super and the promo code super in the future will still save you that three bucks on your new subscription. That's you're saying you can head on down to slash super and use the promo code super yes and get a discount on a box and even if the theme is not super it'll still be the future box that you are you are getting anything could be in there right the future is pretty good but now limitless potential is really technically every Loot Crate is
Starting point is 00:32:37 a future. Yeah great right now it's kind of a mystery they're all in the future well unless you're listening to this like a hundred years in the future and we're dead then that's a problem but but you know either way if you don't know lootcrate is the service that sends you a box to your door every month full of all kinds of good stuff including t-shirts and lots of pop culture comic book and movie stuff so in general there's always a cool fun theme and this month's theme is is is now the past I guess yes it's it but seriously no I mean last month last month the future but it's this patch really in the future I don't know
Starting point is 00:33:12 how to make sense of this whatever go down to slash super and check out Schrodinger's loot crate you open up the crate and you decide the fate I'm certain that their own website will have more details than us the observer is truly the loot I don't know slash super promo code super save three bucks on your subscription thanks a lot guys thanks a lot lootcrate thanks lootcrate thanks thanks lootcrate for passing me the ball continuity you know in like a year we'll explain what that is I already explained it not really oh do we did we yeah I said it's just Armand trying to say his name no but like why this anyway it doesn't matter it was a recording
Starting point is 00:34:06 test that's what I meant yeah Liam also said I also said that I didn't I you know just like how you didn't catch the steel bone around thing I didn't catch you saying that okay tell us yes how did you enjoy D-Fest that stands for dinosaur I thought it was dickfest dinosaur festival Dino Festa where where many people from all around the globe does Boston like Godzilla came around oh to stand by the bean and play with their little baby dinosaur toys and accurate because they should be feathered lots of hatred for you and Liam oh where several people said record me telling fuck them the bean rules so oh because of the bean right yeah specifically because of that yeah don't worry I have somebody who
Starting point is 00:34:52 tells me that regularly okay when I tell them maybe it's the same guy for all I know there are two people they're like yo tell them fuck them fully looks confused so what is the beast in the bean no just the bean there's no the beast in the bean is much cooler but that's not a real thing I will it's just the bean hold on talk about this at length at another podcast it's a big chrome bean that sits in Chicago it's art gotcha it's like the bowl in New York but it's not a bull it's a bean you're supposed to stand in and take panoramic look woolly it's fucking art oh that okay it's a fucking bean okay I like how you're double doubling down on the it's a fucking stupid bean made out of chrome I saw a chrome
Starting point is 00:35:31 Popeye and that's way better or and he was all buff and that's way better anyway dinosaur fast which is actually Godzilla fast hosted by Melissa I know she was busy on her honeymoon more like shut up not playing yeah yeah that that shows her honey I'm like honey no I'm not going to play with dinosaurs like you're they smelly moon speaking of during the bat during the wedding we were getting ready fuck it up boy fuck it up boy a smelly moon is like a stink ass we were getting ready inside David's room who got married to Melissa and I saw he had a bunch of dinosaurs shit in his old house room like we're with his family had a lamp that was a fucking t-rex with a lamp coming out of so now I know so
Starting point is 00:36:19 now it's all coming out did you give him a look like you too no not not yet because I was too don't you I forgot a bit now he's going to tell him that you love dinosaurs too no I don't hey Matt hey Matt are you aware the dinosaurs not only had feathers they didn't have scales and they didn't roar they only wait to be told that dinosaurs never existed everything cool being taken away you know I have a very bird's is awesome we have a scientist recreating of the sound of a dinosaur speaking of dinosaurs sounds great but not not to get too far into it all yet but G-Fest I'll be putting out a video of my experiences there so a lot of it I'll not go
Starting point is 00:37:10 into but some fun things I'll tell you about a bit about this is that I was surprised by the amount of children that were there and because I expected all be like people around my age or older sorry man children no no children this time I was there I was representing the man children but lots of childs there and it really actually made my heart grow a bit when I saw kids on the floor playing with kaiju toys going yeah guy again Godzilla and I was really like it really made me feel good that they weren't being you know entertained by inferior forms of entertainment like minecraft or cell phones or anything like that just good old get your knees into the ground grind them up playing with action figures on the
Starting point is 00:37:55 floor were in the middle of place were they nervously looking back at parents that were nerds that forced them to love Godzilla it's interesting because I saw parents like I don't understand why I'm here and I saw parents that I totally know why I'm here okay I got my kids into this shit right a while ago that's cool yeah I had like several conversations in the elevator and all guys like yeah you're enjoying the weekend I'm like yeah it's like my first time here and he's like oh I've been going here for like 16 years fucking love Godzilla I'm like you're the coolest old guy I've ever met how many people were there was he around 3000 so it's pretty like Con Bravo is around that measure but it's all for
Starting point is 00:38:33 one thing all for one thing it's all for one thing so but there was lots of like Tokusatsu lots of Sentai heroes lots of Ultraman things of the common writer Japanese suits Japanese suits basically so speaking of which someone please explain this to me no I don't know if this happens at other cons that are focused on one thing I don't know if it only happens at G Fest but in our hotel room every time we turn on the TV it would default to channel number two for whatever reason I don't know how this was done but whatever channel two was and I couldn't figure out what it was I couldn't use guide it was just the Tokusatsu channel every time I turn on the TV it was Ultraman or Godzilla okay that feels so here's
Starting point is 00:39:18 how this works the hotel has the ability to have it default to the hotel program like okay okay and at the request of the con exact and basically when an event is happening you can have the TV's the hotel channel yeah play whatever you okay because that was fucking awesome yeah I just thought it was like at first coincidence like no this must have been but then it kept happening it kept happening so a really cool thing when you're walking down the hotel room lobbies and and the where all the guest rooms are you'd hear Scrayonk like through every door and I'm like that's cool everyone's into the same thing and you'd hear like you know transformation noises and stuff so that was really neat and two particular shoutouts one to Chiye is best
Starting point is 00:40:04 waifu who I didn't know till a few weeks ago was a Chicago native and hung out with us a bunch and really really helped out a lot of key situations in the flesh in the flesh a giant mountain of a man like Brennan Williams style height and girth damn you know Chiye really helped out during the weekend also a lot of good he say call me Joe you just stood there and said she said she is the best waifu over and over says like a broken record and another big shout out to Edgar who is this cute little kid who is just really happy to be there I just got into God's law everything's so cool hey madam big like very very hyperactive I think he's like 20 but he seemed like a child to me and he's just running around and just hung out with me
Starting point is 00:40:53 we're there now okay but he looked like he was like 12 but he hung out with me for a bit we just talked shop and stuff looked around the dealers room I won't go into the dealers room because there's not much to say literally everything there tell me just tell me whether or not your suitcase contained the onesie I already had the onesie yeah did you bring it oh no I didn't okay wow brave but you knew you could do it without it I was gonna be hot you know where in there yeah my panel went well overall but much like this the drunken sonic shuffle play didn't really start out well where the projector I was provided with was not working correctly and like for about eight minutes kind of fumbling with getting it working and I'd practice this
Starting point is 00:41:46 on the TV in my hotel room or I'm looking at my laptop and like alright this is exactly what I need to do fine and just it would react differently in a projector we got to get really good at just shadow puppet theater because yeah it always goes every every con as a different setup different gear different amounts of projector different and they're all bad in their own way just make a Godzilla with your hands and the only one that I've ever seen that was like no problem was I went to still when we went to see team four stars panel at pex prime and that dedicated like fucking conference building and that thing was made for off like business people yeah right not us but after eight minutes of that I was able to get like a setup that was not
Starting point is 00:42:27 ideal but it worked and I went through my panel and people like it I was happy because it was there's people standing because there was no more room which like would lead to the con organ are just going what's all this then why is this room filled up who is this what is this get them a bigger room next year I hope but that went really well aside from that I just did a few things leading up to G Fest I played song of the deep which is the new I played that too yeah submarine ish Metroid game from Somniac very charming very relaxing only played it for like 30 minutes but seemed like good I liked it its art style is not as good as it thinks it is like I see a lot of the loading screen art where they show the girls shopping with a merchant I'm looking
Starting point is 00:43:18 at this art and I'm like what 16 year old drew this it's kind of like unflattering close ups I guess what I mean is that the game looks fine it looks fine but it's like someone made this not realizing that Ori exists or vanilla where games exist okay so it tries to do an art style thing but I think that's my favorite criticism I've ever heard you ever say about anything because the starting cut scenes it tries to make it seem like this gorgeous storybook adventure when you get into the game it's like it looks okay how does it look compared to say Aquaria better you're waiting yeah better than a better yeah but it's Aquaria did the exact same fucking thing but it still would seem it seemed fun it might played a little bit more I'm not sure yet yeah I played
Starting point is 00:44:05 like an hour and a half of it it's it's fairly good yeah it's really relaxing like the music and everything it really is it's not particularly stressful which is not what a Metroid like or Castlevania like but it's underwater want you to feel but it's underwater it's underwater it has its own atmosphere that's good in its own way yeah it's not the the high tension high stakes action of either of those games either I hear it's a lot shorter too I don't know what the exact I should check on how long to beat I don't know what the exact thing is but and like the first power you get is like a cool grappling claw that yeah that gets year of grappling continues well I mean doesn't I mean it just grabs something in a linear thing or attacks enemies but you know it's got its uses
Starting point is 00:44:47 I also played a Carmageddon max damage which is a console version of Carmageddon reincarnation it's not because it's fucking awful nice I played reincarnation on the PC for a bit and like on my good laptop that can run really good games I had struggled to run that and then I'm like well let me play the console version and it's just really really really rough it it's just not very good like I only played the original Carmageddon's a little bit when they came out but I might be missing something but I played it for about 10 minutes I was like yeah no great when we played it no it's not that you know it's not that time not even there for racers usually for a good racing game like I'll play it for like two minutes I'll be like oh this automatically feels good let me
Starting point is 00:45:33 keep playing and this was just like me struggling to go how are at the very least because I remember seeing the excessive violent kill thing there's excessive violent kills uncomfortable levels yes okay so women the pushing carriages okay in the street and stuff like that I also watched a movie at the Fantasia film festival called kick boxer vengeance which is a sequel I guess to the first kick boxer even though there were many sequels to the first kick boxer and this stars Jean-Claude van Damme, Dave Boutista and George Saint-Pierre of UFC fame guess who the best actor out of all of George no question it's actually not what it's actually because he plays the only interesting character which is the fucking villain damn you Boutista
Starting point is 00:46:24 now the thing with Boutista Dave Boutista is that he plays yang ping yes ancient martial arts asian master oh no they don't explain if that's a name he just appropriated actually but he's the whitest looking guy does he have like a ponytail or like he has a top no no no not that much he's got fu manchu but he's this bad ass that has a whole temple of dudes following him and sleeps with several girls every night and the fucking baby face this is some shit bird who is no one I don't know this actor is oh you killed my brother in a completely fair match that you killed him in but it was a death match that my brother signed up for and you all the stakes I'm gonna get revenge for you Tom Alex it's okay it was totally
Starting point is 00:47:20 Tom Alex it was a good match he beat me up pretty bad everyone tells the baby face now it was a death match your brother knew what he's no yeah you still shouldn't have done it and he starts fighting Boutista at the very start as like the opening like encounter and Boutista goes like your brother was an honorable warrior I'm like Boutista is the fucking hero he signed this release form before we fought no it was bad in a not as bad as samurai cop hilarious way but it was close really bad acting and of course young club van dam plays the teacher that that that trained the initial first brother who got right who got killed in his own accord the other brother it's like you're a shit trader my brother got killed he's like well your brother was a dead and good and
Starting point is 00:48:10 he's like okay train me then I'm like what is this I'm just thinking of like I'm gonna take revenge for the man who murdered my brother it's like your brother was a soldier in an invading army exactly this was the world premiere of this movie when anyone gets around and watching it please confirm my suspicions I swear to god in about 30 percent of Jean-Claude van dam scenes which were not a lot they redubbed over his voice okay oh wow they have a voice that says not no it's it's it's a voice trying to do Jean-Claude van dam's accented English I swear in several scenes I'm like that does not sound like his voice that does but that sounds like he was just so bad or was disinterested they're like we got to redo that wow or Jean-Claude van dam himself did the ADR
Starting point is 00:49:02 and also didn't give a shit on that day it was so distracting but it was like the acting was terrible the fights were okay there were some like hilarious bits I laughed out loud at but it wasn't what I'd say good I bought a PSP 2000 yes because now I own a substantial amount of PSP games oh no uh physical ones so um I'm going to like get the heck going and try them out a bit um TV out I mentioned a bit before yeah it's got a TV out that's why I got it do you have the cable because I've got all that stuff I ordered a cable but I knew you had a cable so in case I'm in a pinch and the last kind of thing I want to go over is so we went to galloping ghost during the weekend we had a big fan meetup I was super blown away by how many people showed up galloping ghost
Starting point is 00:49:50 if we ever get to go to a con or anything in the chicago area you guys have to go just endless endless wooly rumblefish 2 in a split cab that you select between rumblefish 2 and battle coliseum I forget there were so many cool fighting games that were split into two and you selected different games uh yeah rumblefish 2 uh just just everything just everything every fighting game whatever uh I'll just go quickly through the the the games I want to actually talk about the first one I beeline 2 of course was primal rage 2 uh primal rage 2 is way way better than primal rage 1 in that all of its moves are street fighter button motions and they're all fireballs dps and stuff primal rage 2 is worse than primal rage 1 in every way because you do
Starting point is 00:50:41 not play as dinosaurs at all you just turn into them I didn't realize this why I read about the game you only turn to a dinosaur during your supers and that's it that sucks and you turn into the exact same cast from the first game I couldn't find a character that was that had a new dinosaur if they're in there I just it didn't happen and the game just has like a combo system you can juggle it played way way better but you're not the fucking appeal of it at all and you you look like small soldiers all your that's good that's a benefit all your human guys just look like they're straight up small so like chipp hazard stop motion animation yes like chip fucking has the idiot and it fuck off he's cool it played way way better but I was just like and the supers are
Starting point is 00:51:26 generic like really why can't you stop laughing because every once in a while you someone just there's a there's like secret landmines and all of us yeah I'm like a minesweeper and you just click on one and it's like whoa wait what why does he know all of that is that small soldiers is a Liam thing now it's been a while you just haven't been in a lot of mystery boxes or that movie's crazy it is uh the game is just like it's weird it's like a middle of the like oh it plays good this way but you're playing at the most generic barbarians and I don't even understand why are they giants there's still giants yeah there's still a lot little tiny people worshiping them so I don't get it um I also played uh bio freaks the arcade version which so it's now it's obviously way
Starting point is 00:52:10 better joking aside what are the differences uh there is no differences because bio freaks never really came out in the arcades it was going to and I guess they got a board for it or it's just a rejiggered playstation but whatever cab we were working on it did not make sense you cannot see the game it was so fucking dark you couldn't see it next to it was right next to the um uh war god's cabinet which played fine because that was an arcade game it was brand colorful and that was played war god so I played bio freaks against some guy that was like hey man let's play bio freaks and I'm gonna leave six soppo and I'm like yeah yeah soppo we play like one round he's like let's stop playing this immediately it's it's it's not fun I mean it's still not good like um I played the
Starting point is 00:52:54 bivison butt head game which was surprisingly good actually it was really really unique in that one that never came out yeah the one that never came out um it's a weird beat them up but it's like a pseudo 3d thing where it uses sprites but these really neat scrolling into the background kind of like crash a little bit and you you get so many weapons and different power-ups and in the middle you get bonus like arenas where you're you're it's a one-on-one fighter against bivis or butt head depending on who you are and you're killing each other in a place like dive kick where you only have two moves and you jump and you go at what you're really not what I would expect what were the two button names again kick ass and uh suck yeah one is jumping one's attack okay all right it was
Starting point is 00:53:40 actually one's jump yeah you have to get a feel for it it's the left one suck jump I guess or it's kick ass jump uh the only problem with the game is that since it's a prototype it did crash once or twice right so you just have you just tell someone they come and reboot it or whatever um so that was actually really fun and uh the last thing I have to talk about is the worst thing I've ever played in arcade ever that's that's a tall order a claim assassins did you did you know it was going to be bad going in that sucks tattoo assassins isn't there yeah that really sucks it is gun survivor to code Veronica I didn't even know this existed I knew I know about gun survivor of course this is only code Veronica do you know anything about this pad did I play this
Starting point is 00:54:31 did I play this somewhere let me give me a second so is it a retelling it's a retelling and what happens is that you have a gun and the gun is in is mounted on a steel thing that's in a yoke and you move the gun around in a circle to control okay I did not play this I'm thinking something else your forward movement but the gun also moves slightly in which to shoot okay so it's a gun sick crank the the thing around in a three just turn butter to move your character and all it like the starting area is the opening graveyard on on the island and when battles start it goes to an overhead semi perspective because it wouldn't work any other it's very hard to explain but you're just doing this and just taking shit loads of damage because things
Starting point is 00:55:23 are it's as it goes an overhead its perspective it's still kind of doesn't show what's behind you it's really hard to explain and fucking zombies are chomping your ass and when they're doing it you have to fucking turn the stick to get them off you it's the worst controlling thing ever in an arcade machine ever like bar none I don't know if there was other gun survivors on the arcade machines I don't know if they use the gun itself also feels terrible worse worse than the beat up the street fighter one cabinet buttons I imagine so at least that thing had a stick yeah at least you can move I was just blown away I asked other people come and play this you gotta I need your review yeah I need your I need second opinions here yeah it was it was just awesome actually just
Starting point is 00:56:10 going there and like lots of people lots of gifts it was really really fun time we were really dead by the end of it because we're there for like four hours and like I didn't get a chance to play absolutely everything because there are some things I'm like oh well I've played there I did some third strike of course because people are like let's play three straight let's play three check out the high scores on the docket cog machine uh no I did not I did check out the high scores because high scores are a thing in that arcade like on the website post your high scores and whatever it was a really well run place it was a little cramped uh they did have a lot of fans like overhead fans but it would only be in select spots right so near the the f0 gx a x sorry machine
Starting point is 00:56:51 which this is the first time I ever went into it I ever played it they had like a fan right above that so that was cool um it's a really cool machine yeah it's I'd never played it before so I was like I gotta try that they had the grid which I never got to play I always want to play that and it's a little dated but it's still fun so aside from that I guess that was about everything uh really really good weekend of course I tuned into um ESPN to to watch uh pretty much the street fighter finals but like I was kind of falling in and out of sleep and I wasn't sure if I was still watching the same match because just wake up this Nash wake up Nash wake up Nash wake up Nash no wake up critical art his critical art his critical art his critical art I was staying a little I
Starting point is 00:57:33 watched it but there was a point where I was like okay Nash has always been my least favorite character to watch I hate watching yeah so like like like one of my friends Nash and one of my friends at the tweet out like hey ESPN watches we assure you there's more than three characters yeah so what what was the deal why was it only on that stage I don't know they must have had to come to an agreement or something why was so all the matches were on the um oh because they because it just came out that day and they wanted and and the stage has the evo name yeah in the back so they wanted it to be like which is not like the home version of it that doesn't it has a street better five logo and not an evo logo the pools in top 32 like day one and two were all just like
Starting point is 00:58:14 every other stage yeah but then it but then it got like on the final day of evo was when that stage came out and with that night we went back to the room and we saw it available because don't get me wrong that the stage is fucking cool and everyone likes hypebear but I was just like what is this the new training this I was gonna say this isn't a fix for the people who didn't like only seeing training stage no it was just it was just like it came out today yeah and it's it's got the evo like decorations on it so we want to use that also I will say because they like if you were in person the color scheme of everything matched yeah the whole cap color layout yeah it did cut and also if you are playing this on ESPN having this boxing arena you set the most vision transition into
Starting point is 00:59:00 you're just watching MMA yeah we're a boxing match I do get the sentiment that that was that that's fucking the audience in the back of the crowd of the stage with the lighting and stuff was exactly what was happening in real life when more or less so if you look at the screen and you look just left or right of the screen and it's the same honestly Liam I think that this is a fix for a lot of for a lot of the people who are sick of just seeing training stage I could see it because I mean I think for a little while but I think the same monotony no I don't it was never well for for people who had my right like with it the problem was not the monotony the problem was that the training stage looks goddamn awful for a fighting game the fact that this is like a CVS2
Starting point is 00:59:42 style big arena makes all the difference like in my mind like I would be fine for top 8 being played on this yeah KOF had a had a had a the big um thing ring stage as well yeah and that was the best I would actually get a kick out of like pools and whatnot being on fucking whatever but top 8 being in the tournament slash ring stage because it's a tournament man uh so because we were watching it live I only saw the twitch feed with um uh uh chen dava chen and um uh uh so you didn't get to see mic uh I didn't see my cross and set hilly yeah they were on ESPN too so how was the how was that commentary uh it was it was pretty good like it did feel a lot more accessible and clean with a lot of over explanation of terms like hey by the way this means blah
Starting point is 01:00:36 blah blah blah and it wasn't too bad I always have a problem with Mike Ross's commentary like it's just a little more wrestling commentary than I'm used to where he kind of makes up little stories and little intentions and depending on who he's partnered with so it'll be like that's not a thing well south killie is the straight man in that he's a straight man so I get it but like there's no other I don't maybe I'm wrong I haven't listened to every commentary team ever but I think it's only Mike Ross that kind of goes that extra step and Mike Ross is a great guy I like him I've met him but like I'm just like eh dude you don't need to do this it's not me because I wanted but it was good comment I'm trying to track it down to see what it was like because I really want to hear
Starting point is 01:01:18 the differences you know for for tv broadcast check if they have like the highlights on their website or something they did they had a few but nothing extended during the spn thing you would hear sometimes there'd be audio and you'd hear james jen talking yeah I was like wait what's going on they said there was a bit on twitch where uh they had gootex go down to interview li joe and that was that was the same on both and uh no and on twitch there was no audio feed okay the only the only feed that twitch got was they cranked up the mic in the so in the auditorium yes but you could you didn't actually get the feed from the mic so live I went it cut out and then cut back and there was a weird yeah there was a couple seconds where that happened but in the in the auditorium
Starting point is 01:02:00 we heard what they're what the interview was so yeah if the visuals don't match up for us you didn't get to hear that okay okay yeah for the interviews it made sense because when long on joe was like I love everyone in this room you hear everyone erupt yeah so you clearly can hear that but I was gonna say though I went to go check it out because I was like what that fucking season pass or the catcom pro tour that's the worst price I've ever seen for what you're getting it's steep it's like I really really hope I mean I don't think they will but I would really love for them to come out and say every penny of it goes towards something like that like hi right yeah I was really because it's clear that that's what some of it's for but I really want you to say all of it because
Starting point is 01:02:43 then I have no problem then it's like no problem yeah exactly yeah you get a stainless three costumes and like 23 colors and you get the and you get the colors you get the capcom logo colors for all the characters yeah I it's even steeper on pc where it's not available I totally yeah I remember like that's my first thought was like looking at that price was like oh yeah that's gotta be going to the cpt yeah but it didn't explicitly no and as long as I mean if they come out and say all of it goes to that fucking no problem the price is not too high that's what it's for it's not for yeah I wouldn't mind that too much but if it was for that and if they have that intention they would have done it by now I assume them like that's a bit odd yeah them Lakers colors are sick as fuck yeah
Starting point is 01:03:24 they look really yeah totally well on the new uh cammy costumes really nice like I made cammy so yeah I like that one a lot cool uh you want to take it sure I guess so here's a ball uh oh I caught the I missed catching the ball oh uh I didn't go anywhere so I had a good opportunity to play a lot of games and catch up on stuff tell us about the video games that you play but I read some comic books first which are happens sometimes I read saga volume six and I had that thing again where you open the first page and you're like you open it and you close it again and you grab five and you're like wait what where where was the story now so I had to go back to five and read the last couple or skim the last bit yeah to kind of get where I was at but like so like when I think it was
Starting point is 01:04:07 was it volume three or four the one with the black cover where she's standing on the stage yeah yeah yeah that was the one where I felt like that the start we were but like I think all of us are we're all like oh that's a little slow yeah exactly by the end of it you're like oh no totally inside it had already recovered in the the six successive volumes but like this is just again it's just pushing the story further it's fucking phenomenal it's so good uh I like there's nothing to say yeah it's fucking phenomenal but after this volume sorry after this volume um I just said fuck it I started buying the single issues because I'm sick of doing the thing where yeah we have to wait a season no that's it like six months well like this the pacing it's like what waiting for game
Starting point is 01:04:49 of thrones almost like you know and I'm just kind of like I have to like have my life go without it and forget its existence yeah comes back and it's all I'm thinking about for the next like while dude I just got the package in the mail and I was like what is this and I'm like that's what it is because I always pre-order them like I finished one and I just pre-order the next one right away so it shows up when it shows up I'm gonna be a 27 when this comes yeah exactly and the other one I read I actually brought it along just so I could show you it's called Monstress it's the arts by a Japanese artist so it kind of looks like a manga but it does have you know full color that you expect yeah that's a western comic yeah exactly uh it's like really
Starting point is 01:05:31 hard dark fantasy if you like stuff like berserk or anything this is totally right in there it's got these like phenomenal monster designs all throughout uh really really good comic I highly recommend it I think there's like seven issues out there's only the one uh trade paperback right now but highly highly recommend Monstress uh super super good comic uh Liam I'm going since you're doing a show until I can pass it to you if you want now I'm gonna interrupt you one second sure I want you to take this and describe what you're seeing to the audience it's long and hard so it's a comic book yes for starters read everything that's on the cover so we start with the brand in the top corner Marvel edge alpha oh shit there we go and the title is Punisher
Starting point is 01:06:20 with a little skull under the s for no reason Punisher rampage double and then double backwards double double edge over the edge begins here and the cover is all holographic and it's beautiful like the uh expert and agent apocalypse alpha and uh like fucking out the edge like christ this was run your fingers over that yeah exactly 1995 the year of edge foil covers baby dude these like foil inside covers are the best the next issue is over the edge double double edge omega and it's misprinted it just says the death of and you can't read the rest of it go because you gotta tune in but Punisher is covered in chains and ghost riders there and daredevil's there and they're all trying to kill Punisher out the edge all right this is really neat though there's a thing
Starting point is 01:07:16 look at him he's taken all this blood off his fucking windshield from the inside of his windshield oh wow yeah okay how did that get on the inside oh we shot him on the inside you'll have to read more of marvel edge universe you'll have to take a leap this is some good stuff right here here i'll pass oh that's ridiculous double double edge over the all right please continue he's drooling the Punisher is drooling on the cover yeah that that edge oh he's nuts anyway Nick Fury's like i played i went back to get out of here nick fury our adventures i finally found some time to really just sit down with tokyo mirage sessions and sharp fe yeah and uh i played it for about four and a half hours and i'm still kind of an early portion of the game i hadn't really had
Starting point is 01:08:12 a chance to get to the um the little base there i'm past that okay uh but i had started already in the first dungeon okay and at the beginning of the game it's constantly reminding you to hey like leave the dungeon midway and go upgrade your skills and go back to the dungeon and leave again and boy it's annoying that you can't just like travel like you can go from the dungeon to the world map but then from the world map you can't go to the place where you need to upgrade stuff you can go back to the studio and then walk through the studio to the place where you have to upgrade stuff and it's like really tedious it's really weird because p uh p3 and p4 both had a thing in in their well in p3 revisions and in p4 eventually where it's like you leave to go to the bottom of the dungeon
Starting point is 01:08:56 floor and there's the door to your upgrade shit and then you go right back into the dungeon it's super weird that they know and it's and it feels very tedious so but at some point early in my in my play like oh hour and a half in maybe i got a skill after leaving that let me teleport right out which really which really helped a lot so the unfortunate thing is as right as i was about to finish i got into one random battle with a little less health than i should have and i game over and it brought me back to the title screen and i hadn't saved uh and i like four hours yeah and i i legitimately just felt like snapping the disc in half i was so mad most a lot of jrpgs nowadays have solutions to that where it's like redo last battle was go back to the beginning
Starting point is 01:09:40 of the dungeon or something but no totally totally gone did you run past save points or like no there's no save anywhere that's okay if there were save points i actually probably would have saved to be honest because i would have seen you didn't think about it no because i figured hey what game doesn't fucking auto checkpoint are mostly past that these days so but then again you can save anywhere yeah but because there's no like reminder or anything i just yeah but for example like in all of Bethesda's games you can save anywhere and you should all the time but every single time you walk through a door it autosays yeah it's not that there's no autosave but if i had a choice between save points and save anywhere i'm glad i'm not
Starting point is 01:10:20 saying it's bad no just i didn't because like i like regardless i would expect games to be a bit more ahead than that the most the most like the furthest in there they're the i guess the personas type is like golden where it's save anywhere as well but there's no auto and you just kind of like you have to keep on it yeah so that's a bummer it was a real bummer and i like i was gonna save because i was gonna quit and i knew i was gonna save when i got to the end of the dungeon because like yeah save a big you know points right but like uh it was it was really frustrating i don't know when i'm gonna go back and it's like that's a crusher honestly it was so much i don't know when i'm gonna go back it wasn't enjoyable up to that it was great i was having a great time i played
Starting point is 01:10:58 i played about an hour and a half such a good time it's really cool it's such a good game the it's version of the press term system which is on core is or is it called on core oh that's cool yeah yeah it's really cool it's really fun yeah Austin just finished his stream of the game like he finished the game and he was like i i was seeing that he was saying like he was choking up at the ending dude the game's amazing the game is fucking like i'm still upset at people who thought this game was gonna be bad when they saw it you know what i'm seeing people parrot dur this atlas nintendo game is gonna be bad and it's like what the fuck are you talking about you know what that it's amazing makes me think of that shit man it's exactly the same system as smt4
Starting point is 01:11:37 but smt4 so difficult that you'd be crazy not to save every every time yeah but but from what i played like no it's not that hard at all no it's not you learn to save just out of like necessity yeah but this game's really not that hard it's significantly easier and i just had one bad bump and that was when austin tweeted out that t that t-shirt on from the with the just the hashtag fv logo hashtag whatever sharp fv logo and i was like wait what it's not a hashtag yeah right it's the musical but it's a hash but it's it's it's no it's the number symbol yeah pound it's the musical denotation what's the difference before anything it was big difference in any case i uh love that t-shirt and i was like i'm buying this even if i haven't played the game yet it's
Starting point is 01:12:20 so i bought it uh game's super good so i was i was planning to just play through this game and then i would play star ocean after but because i was so mad i just decided to play star ocean first and i'll do tokyo mirage sessions after so i played star ocean five for a couple of hours oh man what a fucking old-fashioned feeling game in like a refreshing kind of way you start the game you have a little like brief tutorial can you but then it's immediately like hey boy out of the town you got to go solve the problem get back to the town on all the towns ransacked and like it just goes into a really traditional rpg story very very quickly how was it compared to four way better okay night and day please say the full title of the game
Starting point is 01:13:03 yeah star ocean five integrity and faithlessness thank you what a fucking cool name is the first sentence in the game retconning star ocean three uh not that i know of anyway but uh really enjoyable game uh i hear it's short i saw on how long to beat that it was like a low 20 hour game so uh i am wait really low 20 yeah really star ocean game really surprised me a soft 20 yeah uh you can definitely feel that it's not like a triple a game and there's there's a lot of bits where they had to cut corners clearly but it it feels fun it's enjoyable and if it is 20 hours long it doesn't seem like it'll overstay it's welcome i i mean i'd be surprised if i finished it at 20 hours honestly but that's how long it beats like a bit over 20 so did you get to that character with her
Starting point is 01:13:49 goofy ass costume uh the the the diamonds yeah yeah absolutely she's early in the game or very early in the game you meet all the party members you don't get them right away but like you see almost everyone very does it make sense upon closer observation and there's a reason but it's just the conceited like uh quiet kind of reason where it's like yeah there's a reason because you made it be this way yeah you know like that it's same reminds me of celia from so so too yeah same difference yeah nearly same character it seems even yeah uh so i didn't play it for as long as tokyo mirage sessions just because but uh very enjoyable very still have all the absurd like cooking and fucking musical systems the cooking does seem to be in musical systems
Starting point is 01:14:33 okay i haven't seen anything i remember those just being so weird i've played very little of the first star ocean and and i played five minutes of star ocean four but before deeming that i didn't want to play it anymore that's that's right this is a better game this is a better game and i did look it up and this game also does not have any sort of auto saves or anything like that yeah you would look that up i looked it up immediately i was gonna ask though i do appreciate that it has save points because i think now i'm converted and i prefer save points because like at least i won't forget but that's stupid that's just because of me i'm stupid uh song of the deep we already chatted about that it's it's it's it's all right um i played a bunch of uh inside according
Starting point is 01:15:17 to the level selector when i quit uh it was about 60 to 70 percent uh i'm not done that that that games level selector is a pretty good indicator of where you're at yeah limbo's was the same i felt like uh though there is you there the way that the ending sequence works you hit about 80 percent through the game and then you fly through the rest of the game right okay yeah um but so far it's it's all right i'm not really blown away by anything honestly uh you just it's just not hitting scratching a certain itch or what i mean it kind of just feels like limbo too you know and i like i i get why you would say that but it feels like it just since the moment i touched it you're running through the woods like i felt like it's blue limbo out of the water oh yeah no it's
Starting point is 01:16:02 way bet i mean you would expect a sequel to blow its predecessor out of the water not not to this degree like i know it's much better than i feel like limbo is invalidated well i can just say that it is much better than limbo no no question no doubt but i don't feel like it's particularly like new and i so far i feel like the puzzles are super underwhelming so easy should we crack it open or should we uh crack what open like talking about limbo at talking about inside at the end of the podcast i have lots of other spoilers cast that were late super late yeah but but this one is short at the end but um i i really like um one of the game mechanics that's kind of cool so far it feels a bit underutilized i would i would say to you liam that like i want to finish it you really should
Starting point is 01:16:48 finish it just to see yeah what people are talking about no i'm absolutely gonna because the thing to talk about is the way that game in yeah no i'm absolutely gonna finish it but as far as the puzzles go i'm a bit underwhelmed oh yeah no the puzzles are like nothing in that game they're they're at like and that's my favorite part i wish they were like that was why i love the witness so much was because the puzzles were yeah i fell i fell off the witness the witness is like you're taking a fucking class i i have a serious this is like anti-fun to me i i will i will go back to the witness but i have a serious serious problem with the way that the witness wants you to move around its world it says hey you can't do this come back later and my brain says no yeah but you
Starting point is 01:17:31 i want to do it now but they're gonna tell you how to do it just over there then you should have made it like i would have much prefer the witness be like no exploration at all i i love just a series of levels with fancy pretty graphics anyway this is neither here nor there um and the other game that i played a bunch was kill strain which came out for ps plus users and it already come out it was in open beta for a long time okay close close beta sound the alarm because are we debuting our first no mobas have been on the podcast before i've talked about here's the storm yeah for a bunch of weeks you're right you're right you're right it's a good game so so kill strains out today for everyone uh and i i encourage you to check it out if you think mobas are saying moba for
Starting point is 01:18:15 the console slash handhelds just console but yeah it is distinctly oh it's just on ps4 right now okay um and it's distinctly made for it um so the setup is for v4 v2 so it's not like most mobas where it's like teams okay the teams of four are two teams of mercenaries picked from the human roster in the game and the team of two is the mutants picked from the mutant roster in the game the end game conditions are that any of the three bases get destroyed or all humans are turned into mutants or of course time out is is a possibility so the humans their objectives are go capture this one facility near your base and then after that take the canisters from there and bring them to a factory that you fight the other humans to control and you build mech suits
Starting point is 01:19:10 at that factory with the uh the capsules right uh and the mutants all the while because they're like super outnumbered they do this thing where they spread the strain which is basically creeped from starcraft nice and i like that while they're standing on it they have they're better they have a slight buff to their attack speed they move almost twice as fast and they're invisible like predator a bit more than predator style invisible very tricky to see unless you're looking for it so their goal while they're outgunned and outnumbered is to spread the strain and eventually charge up their super grab a human character drag them on and convert them into a mutant at which point they join their team so it's this big team based affair that's like super neat and
Starting point is 01:19:54 not at all anything like a reg like a traditional moba structure feels it feels like a combination of some games zombie mode with like a juggernaut mode but in moba yeah they're kind of mashed together and like in that same way the mutants are like about like 30 stronger than a human but the mech suits are like twice as powerful as a mutant there there's also elements of like natural selection in what i'm hearing yeah with like the way that the the creep works in like natural selection too yeah it's it's similar um and and the other really cool thing about it is you're not scored as a team you're scored individually that was the most interesting thing so this to me so no blaming nothing on a team do your best to do objectives and get score but once you change over to the other
Starting point is 01:20:39 team do your best to to maintain your lead don't and there'll be situations like where you might be in first place but your base is getting destroyed and so you'll like you'll be like okay i'm just gonna stop defending the base now because i'm in first place so i'm just gonna win the match if i do this so like you'll fuck off and do other objectives you know okay uh it's really neat and it's it's i've seen on the forums like some people aren't taking to that because they feel like it's too loose and like what's the point but like that's the point the point is to have fun the point is to have fun and be smart about getting to the top of the leaderboards and then if that involves you like throwing away like your base and sabotaging your team then that's fine you know likewise like
Starting point is 01:21:19 there are matches where the team the humans will team up and just stomp the mutants but there are matches where the humans will attack the other human base instead because that's a valid win condition and the mutants will gang up on on the other humans as well so it's a really interesting dynamic uh you can't say i've really played any other games like it but it's it's really enjoyable and if you're down to try a MOBA i think it's it's really good so that's uh that's that video them darn MOBAs how many players it will strain uh 10 players at once okay four v four v two interesting very cool game so yeah anyway i guess i'll uh leave it to you then pat so i'm the only person who's been really playing pokemans go oh no i've been playing it but yeah
Starting point is 01:22:01 i do i love this game so much that's good and i've only had it for like four days and i've walked like 20 25 kilometers hopefully i will lose some of this extra pat have you actually like gotten up and just like walked out of the house like just went in no rent okay so like go places and then incidentally i went to a burger place near my house right and then i was like okay well huh if i keep walking like 10 blocks there's a bunch of poke stops right next to each other huh and then i got to those and then i was like hey wait a second if i go one block up before walking home i'll hit like five more poke stops so what was supposed to be me going to get a hamburger and takes 35 minutes or whatever took over two hours in like the and it was that
Starting point is 01:22:57 super fucked up super hot day so i'm coming home often when i'm wandering around pokemon go like drenched in sweat and exhausted so you could say that pokemon forced you to go outside yes that's the that's incredible i currently have 49 pokemans congratulations um and the those like there have been times when me and my girlfriend are sitting here and we know we look at we load up the app for friends he's like oh what's going on and it's like oh that spot near our house has multiple lures going on it's 2 a.m time to get out of our pajamas get dressed and go yeah we had to and hang out in the dark for 30 minutes to catch an eight hour layover at toronto pierce an airport and that place was fucking nuts with lures and shit and you'd see people working at
Starting point is 01:23:47 their stands just wandering around and then there's girl what you doing over there and then the girl would be like i'm playing pokemon this shit crazy and it's it's causing me and a friend of mine that you guys know and everybody that i know who's act like very actively playing it people are starting to do shit like uh like my girlfriend i wake up in the morning and say hey where do you want to go for breakfast do you want to go to the place that's right next to our house or do you want to walk to the place that's 20 blocks away let's go to the place that's 20 blocks away because there's a bunch of stops on the way and a friend of mine is like i i he takes the bus to get to my house when we hang out but now he's taking the bus that lets him off eight blocks away instead of the one
Starting point is 01:24:32 that drives him to the house secret pro tip is apparently when you toss your pokeball that it misses you can tap it to pick it back up yet mm-hmm that was well known hashtag game changer is that real apparently so he has been doing it she's okay the item cap so low by default that you don't need them that's not true i've already bought uh i've already bought like storage 50 dollars no no i bought i bought two storage upgrades because like you hit a point where you hit a poke stop and it's like your inventory is fucking yeah that's what i'm saying like i hit that point constantly and it's like man so yeah apparently you just save your balls by picking the backups i got i got some great balls there you go they're great all but they're not not ultra
Starting point is 01:25:14 balls unfortunately not yet uh the kid dude the game is great like like even though there's almost nothing to the game like it's it's it's such a blast to just walk around with a headphone in your ear and your phone in your hand either in your pocket or out and you're listening to what is essentially a pokemon world map theme as you as you explore your neighborhood find a bunch of shit that i didn't know was there there are a lot of churches in my neighborhood that i didn't know about a lot of community centers a lot of statues a lot of murals now are we are we all this stuff existed before the game and i never would have known are we in the honeymoon phase of like the wee sports era before it dies off well i would go so far as to say it already wait hang on do you
Starting point is 01:26:04 mean the in the grander sense or in the in this being we sports in the grand sense well we sports already died off with connect this is like a second thing yeah no what i know what i mean is the new one you mean with this being with this being oh well yeah totally of course this is absolutely the honeymoon period yeah but because like i have 50 of the hundred and fifty at 49 of the 150 already uh and there's a soft cap at level 20 for your user level but uh the gym battling thing which is limited but that's just that little extra that you need to keep it going and if you hold down a gym for long enough you start getting the the money the frequencies it really depends if you can uh go past a honeymoon period whether the updates that they receive yeah that
Starting point is 01:26:48 the game cats are smart so they've talked about and yeah whatever the first update they want to do is a big patch that improves stability but before that they need to get enough servers which is a constant problem where you're walking along and all of a sudden the nearby pokemon thing goes blank and you're like well yeah it's servers broken yeah the stability is terrible like i have an iphone 6 which is a pretty it crashes all the time on everything yeah it's my girlfriend and my girlfriend has an iphone and i have an android phone so what ends up happening is that the app will crash constantly but because i have an android i can just force quit it immediately in one second but for for ios it's way harder to to force quit an app like that no it's not well how do you do it
Starting point is 01:27:35 double tap slide up so i have it open now yeah double tap it's gone okay double tap slide up that's a pro tip that she will appreciate that's it uh and but yeah i wish how do you do it otherwise i actually don't know she was turning off her phone oh goodness oh my stars yeah so i would be catching like horsies and fucking cabudos and shit and she was like getting super pissed like come on fucking fuck i blame ios double tap the button don't double double tap your home button right now press it see that twice you gotta press it twice like a button you see that list and then you just take what you don't want and slide it up bam gone world change look at that face please you look like you're gonna cry amazing beautiful you would have caught so many extra
Starting point is 01:28:20 pokeman that's how far i am um yeah but no just the game's the last i fucking love it it's it's great but they yeah so it's uh stability of servers is first stability of the app is second after that is trade that's the only update they've talked about is that trade is coming yeah which is a feature that i would have thought would have been intentionally disabled forever actually due to the nature of the game why is that because like it's about having to move around and go to all these places i figured they wouldn't allow you to trade but at the same time it's still about pokemon yeah especially dramatically and there's region locked pokemon yeah and hybrary and hybrary and guess not everyone's gonna be able to go to every region so torus is north america this is
Starting point is 01:29:08 what i saw torus north america mime is europe farfetched is japan farfetched is japan and uh there's no matter what jinx is africa yeah no we got a jinx last night that's why it's a funny lie you know how my neighborhood has like a like a jewish section a bit of verdine and like a black section and like a korean section when you go to the black section jinx show up not even joking it's bad uh but no uh matt you'll get a farfetched we'll all get farfetched we'll know somebody who goes to japan and gets a bunch of them and you trade them a torus that being said like a lot of fucking mr mime being the european pokemon is like a big ass fuck you i want mr mime he's mr mime sucks shit he's awesome oh what else i play uh fucking monster hunter came out on pokemon
Starting point is 01:29:55 go i was gonna say i love the experience i think the experience is a blast i just don't know how good the game is like but the experience no but the game is walking around and grabbing pokies that's the whole game like the the the battling gyms and all that shit and evolving your guy that's that's a front the real game is walking around catching them and checking out stops that you didn't know existed well and and stuff like that yeah and i mean i'm i'm enjoying the experience but like throwing the poke bowl like i'm looking at just that liam already goes outside and yeah like i already do that well like like this game is not for you well for a walk like every evening and it's a blast but if anything it makes my walks less fun liam has played the game for years because i'm not talking
Starting point is 01:30:41 to my girlfriend as much anymore you can talk and walk so but it's like it's distracting cause it's just throughout so throughout alone though it's all throughout eve a weekend uh some of the crew was just kind of like just casually getting up and just going and like we're sitting eating and then like dude gets up and it's like we just assume he's going to the bathroom and then like 10 minutes later an hour later we like we're talking and out of the corner of her eyes we just see a dude we see him walking with his phone out just out of like across two tables they were like what the fuck but um there was apparently a pokemon release event that happened at the convention center on the uh like i want to say the saturday or the sunday which is like this is something that i don't
Starting point is 01:31:20 know if they coordinated with nintendo or what but they end specifically announced that they're like we are going to make a pokemon release here you can come you can catch some rare types or whatever so it sounds like they're going to be able to like actually work with nintendo to have um team up event like special kind of sessions so they did confirm they're gonna have uh paid areas where companies can pay for that kind of stuff and uh japan's japan's world domination next level man japan's well it's probably gonna be fairly restricted i doubt it'll be like hey pay us ten thousand dollars to have mu2 per catch you know like that's bullshit but only the vortex cup has moltress so for example on on launch in japan they confirmed that mcdonald's will be a
Starting point is 01:32:06 location like it'll be a fix i just threw up my hands but yeah it'll be a fixed poke stop every time uh so yeah like come on down to nintendo world store we're gonna have like then everyone will show up well you know i've always lamented about event pokemon but this game makes a hell of a lot more sense for an event pokemon i feel so i i'm i'm i'm of an opposite opinion where i pray that the legendaries are never relegated to events i want to hear that like moltrace is that at the top of a volcano well and it's a fixed location somebody has seen a mu2 oh yeah i don't think they caught it wasn't that that wasn't what a fool no not not to my knowledge but there was a witness yes but the a mu2 has been seen not caught i bet you have to
Starting point is 01:32:53 use a master ball to catch it like i like if they put those things in the actual like wonders of the world locations yeah like this thinks that's what i gotta go you have to go you gotta go to the leaning tower that's the naive dream i want you have to go to stanford university to catch a mu2 but but not at the leaning tower at this fucking cave in the middle of iceland okay you know what i'm saying or no you go to no no that's too no no that's a place you go to japan they've got to live in the fucking in a cave wild you go to japan get past the hobo that might stab you on the way in no no that's too populated didn't we talk about there's these two girls like i think off the coast okay Liam there's a real story where two girls like off the coast is something maybe
Starting point is 01:33:39 australia but their their their phones said that there's a pokemon out in the ocean yeah and they kayak there and god i don't know what it was but like i read that that's that's you go up to off up mouth fiji and there's a little fuji sorry and there's a little cave there most of the way up to the top and inside there you catch a pikachu a charizard a a store lax guess what all of all of red's team is in there yeah and you're like it's it's here it's and all there is in there is a hat see but here's the thing is you put all these pokemon in rare locations where you have no signal on your phone yeah no there's a there's a booster gotta get a booster dream shadows no no i the dream still good so i've i've already bought like a 20 000 milliamp like portable phone charger battery
Starting point is 01:34:29 so that because this thing drains battery like you wouldn't believe like my i get i get like two and a half hours on my phone yeah get a mophie it's really good the fuck is a mophie that's this thing i have on my phone here it's the hard case and i i was like 3 ging and live streaming twitch and shit and whatever the whole day i'll add the evo and at the end we walked out at night and i checked my charge and it said a hundred percent how much batteries in it it's 200 battery and it's amazing no woolly that's a 20 000 milliamp battery that's okay sorry that's like six or seven phone charges okay over there yeah i i don't know the actual number but it was it's but it's really big the one you got yeah carrying that around seems inconvenient yeah this is the only carry around
Starting point is 01:35:11 in my bag when i'm all yeah okay in my bag around i just noticed that's like as big as your 3dsxl almost you can tell because my 3dsxl is sitting on top yeah exactly and why would my 3dsxl be out other than i'm playing most of her hi i got back there generations is stellar it's fucking amazing i like that you can play as a fieland i was talking to liam prior to this and just the quality of life improvements are staggering and they're the kind of quality of life improvements that if i woolly i'm gonna tell you one and you're gonna be like yeah and you're not gonna even realize that it's different now when you go to gather items you hold down the button and they keep mining okay no i can understand yeah it used to be you hit you hit a and the
Starting point is 01:35:52 the character did a mining animation and then went back to neutral and then you hit a again and you had to do it over and over and over so what they've done is now doubled the amount of resources you get from every single point so it used to be like three or four and now it's now it's seven eight and now you hold it down and there's now a continued mining animation how are the quality of strider improvements the strider strider that's not a okay was that generations or four ultimate generations generations has generations of strider one okay though those are going to get released slowly over time what's really great is that the dlc that's associated the dlc that we would never get over here because that's fucking stupid is it came out the day the game came out so
Starting point is 01:36:36 the the one that in particular note that's really obvious is that universal studios japan has a monster hunter thing and there was a dlc campaign that's like hey look there's a quest in monster hunter that came out alongside that and go down to usj and play the thing and it's like well i'm not gonna go to fucking usj again we were already there but and most people who get who play this game elsewhere aren't going to be able to do that so the usj quest is just available now because why the fuck would they make you wait for it that's that's stupid uh yeah the all the all the cat mechanics are dramatically improved you can play as the cat they have all sorts of fucking bonuses like the infinite gathering all sorts of stuff the the content list is stupid massive
Starting point is 01:37:21 the amount of maps are like i feel like it's twice as much as for you i hear there's less missions but more content strider which seems like a better trade there don't appear to be less missions oh okay it's all here so i didn't really appear to be less useless missions that's good there's a lot like when you go to gathering hall one which is the very beginning of the multiplayer like like 90 percent of those quests are kill a different monster it's great and there's only a couple that are get fucking 20 tropical berries or fucking whatever but most of those unlock ingredients or what have you they've just streamlined it so much like the the how to get items and how to power up things and whatnot and the best part is the the new styles which all yeah all feel like
Starting point is 01:38:07 test cases for a new gameplay system in the next one they're really nice like the the woolly there's now a perry style which is with the weapons i have shields it's just royal guard it's royal guard exactly there's now a style that you can jump all the time and there's now uh super moves that you can do that one of the stars is dedicated to using more of those every every change is fucking great it's absolutely fantastic and there's even like 10 times as many weapons uh and it really does feel like they spilled a bit of devil may cry and probably probably the biggest change to like the way that people are going to be playing it long term is that the end game is now completely different the end game used to be fight super super tough shit for random drops and then make the highest end
Starting point is 01:38:53 stuff with random drops now there are 12 missions that you complete 10 times and every time you complete it the monster gets stronger and they award specific sets of art they award tickets they get you specific sets of armor so it's like an mmo token system and those are the best things in the game period like that's what you're supposed to be working towards and they're not random if you beat it you get half like fixed you get half the tickets you need for that set if you beat it again you're done etc so i don't really have much to say about it it's amazing and if you have any any interest in hunting games at all unless you're like Liam and need it to be fast the game's still slow i don't even need it to be fast just toky faster like toky den's fast enough yeah exactly
Starting point is 01:39:41 yeah uh i highly suggest picking well even if you don't there's a demo on the e-shop i i highly suggest you play it very good demo that's highly representative it is and you can play all the weapons against three of the monsters don't do not fucking try to play as the feline first no that's a bad idea i can do it they're completely different line is way more complex to play if you haven't played monster it's very weird they're they play very pick the sword and shield yeah do it i hope that the cute little sheep that is pokemon go and overwatch and all these other things keep fighting for our attention yeah yeah uh i are the only other thing that i did of note is my girlfriend and i went and saw that new ghostbusters movie i didn't know there's a new ghostbusters movie um so didn't
Starting point is 01:40:24 rick maranis retire there's a lot of things i could say about this film but i could tell you about the traveler i will i will quote a guy in my bird squad discord who summed it up perfectly in one in one sentence and that is i waited i kept waiting for the whole movie to laugh like i waited for two hours to start laughing and it never happened and the part that was weird is that everyone around us but us was laughing like really hard but it wasn't funny at all it was boring it's it that's the worst thing about it it's not like mystery science theater level like train wreck it is a bland by the numbers hollywood reboot that doesn't treat its source material very well and has a script that's all over the place with actors that don't
Starting point is 01:41:24 that seem like they're improving in a bunch of scenes it's so boring it's so boring the best part about it was that we could more fully appreciate red letter medias half in the bag when like a few days ago or yesterday rather missed it and well go go watch that half in the bag and that is exactly how me and me and the mrs felt like exactly point for point no like it's a fantastic episode a half in the bag but yeah that movie is like it's i would have told you to go see avatar the last airbender for fun yeah right yeah i wouldn't tell you to do that for this movie because you would just sit there and watch it it's not bad enough to laugh at it's not bad enough to laugh at but it's not good enough to enjoy right right so it's just like like there's
Starting point is 01:42:16 too much so it's so it's matt's mortal in there's too much money in it there's too much money in it for it to be truly goddamn awful but it's so like a lot of the gags feel like control out delete in that if you just removed like the punchline it would be much funnier i think you meant there's a lot oh keep the first and last panel yeah like if you if you remove the punchline or the or the cut or the the the bonus at the end of the joke it would be much funnier but instead much written it's just so fucking bland with the only positive is the score is actually really good and the visual effects particular in the in the like ending climax of the movie are like really fantastic like the way that all the proton shit looks is fucking amazing there ain't a joke earlier
Starting point is 01:43:03 but like spending like the last four days in the u.s like you saw it everywhere like every billboard was that every commercial was ghost buster's theme like ghost buster's the insurance ghost buster's fan gave me a huge pack of heissy ectoplasm juice which was incredible juice it was quite good but like the amount of like hey everyone please love this movie also like well it's the marketing's team's job that's their job no no and if the movie's star wars or ghost buster's that's their job but the thing with ghost buster's like one and two is that they weren't like massive massive hits overnight they're like you know very low budgeted comedies that were like people liked more and more and got more successful and now there's like you know cult falling around ghost buster's
Starting point is 01:43:49 but like to to make it seem like a huge summer event i'm like it you know it's like it's not star wars everything i've seen seems to be like that they're this is aiming it for the kids and no no like not at all that's not actually what the movie turns out to be because ghost buster's i guess that's not like it i feel like the movie is well summed up in how dead bill murray looks inside this film bill murray has two scenes in which he cameos and in both in the first scene he's sitting in a chair and boringly delivering his lines like he doesn't want to be there and the second scene he walks into a room and finds a chair to sit down in and does the entire rest of the scene sitting down looking bored don't get up just sit no like for real like absolute
Starting point is 01:44:39 like the scene in your chair and he he like he's got you know when bill murray doesn't want to do something he gets that look on his face the way that he usually looks the usual bill yeah you mean bill murray yeah well because because ghost buster's the cartoon and the toys were for kids ghost buster's the movie not sure how many kids thought the blowjob scene yeah right right i feel like he probably put more effort into fucking garfield because uh like it's well who wouldn't like it's sad to watch genuinely i i'm still gonna go see it you need to know but i hear it's like more of a whirlwind tour of ghost buster's one and two then like a new thing all to its own is there any credence to that or is that something i heard it's it's like it's simultaneously not treating the
Starting point is 01:45:30 the source material with enough respect while mining it for every single thing it can get right it's like it's the opposite of force awakens which is like a soft reboot and and like like treat like you know treats all the old stuff with a lot of care and this time it just slaps the logo or the ecto one or the thing on top of it like there's a lot of feel it's there's a lot of parts in the movie where i feel like they were going to go hey remember this and then they know and then they just drop it and it's weird okay i didn't like very much but that's pretty much my whole week monster hunter pokemon go and like your description makes me curious but it's like not curious so actually you know what you know what the you know what the best part about the
Starting point is 01:46:17 half in the bag review is is that there were so many promotional clips that were sent out for this film that they have footage for almost every single thing they're talking about which is unlike most their reviews where the in some cases they're not allowed to use even the trailer yeah there's footage for like almost everything they're talking about it's it's quite fantastic i love you red letter media they good they good you know who else good no i'll tell you who good no the great black otaku brettin williams a k a marcellus black the show gun of the row he's no longer the show gonna be the show gun of the row he will be the show gun of the wwe perhaps the nxt perhaps the nxt which i'm not sure which i prefer honestly because what we i prefer lucha underground
Starting point is 01:47:01 actually between all yeah you're you're you're a thousand percent correct but that doesn't change nxt or wwe nxt not a hard pick right and now actually smack down a raw because they're there's fully splitting the promotions not just like super weird no they did it before i know but it's okay so not just not just like sort of fake split like real split back to blue and red so with that with the culmination and the end of the storyline that the show gun went through against that dude that's also undefeated uh well we got an instagram post yeah i guess we got an instagram post uh by booker t himself that basically implies that the great black otaku can now go and become the the the show gun of the wwe that being said like i that read to me is like
Starting point is 01:47:53 maybe not an official confirmation but like hopes perhaps yeah it's not a thousand percent guaranteeing it and you know the little bit of research we could have done to simply ask the dude yeah shoot it i can text him right now right yeah we could but i rather just go with this and this and and speculating blinds you'd rather not ask brendan he'd be like nah man you'd rather not find out the truth if there is any yeah let's just let's just let's just sit here let's just let's just assume that's what's happening exactly um also i'm uh basking in hopes and dreams are 18 minutes of persona 5 gameplay dude there was a media blowout dude this game looks i look in unbelievable yeah i was content with the trailer we got like right and i was like i can deal with that i don't
Starting point is 01:48:42 i don't i'm not watching any of this so here's here's the deal of the footage that i saw the footage that i saw was no was not the first 18 minutes it was a compilation of like nine to 15 clips that were maybe 55 seconds long each that were like here's what it looks like when you're talking with someone was that all this stuff from e3 or i maybe but so i i'm i'm like a full conference back yeah on my thing but i can if it's my god no like i think because if it's the first 18 minutes and i'm not watching it is the first 18 no don't watch that was a random Japanese but the quality of the cutscenes relative to persona 4 makes it so that you're spoiling yourself so much more yeah you're not just seeing you walk down a hallway with some fall i would have watched
Starting point is 01:49:30 the random like this in hour 25 the part that got me in those little random clips and i i'm sure this is probably old and people know this is that when when an is talking to your character blah blah blah and a choice comes up now your character's face the mcs face like shoots up in a giant cut anime panel to the right and a text bubble with both choices like flashes out and gets this massive black highlight yeah and oh my god it looks like it's so polished and visual design is so fucking amazing what is this endless random dungeon what is the mementos dungeon does anybody know what this is there's a thing called the mementos dungeon it's an endless random dungeon an endless random dungeon where you ride around on morgana as she turns into a bus yeah uh morgana is a
Starting point is 01:50:17 she right yes i think we're gonna is a lady yeah the cat and it's not story content it's a chalice dungeon it's a chalice dungeon effectively you get xp from it well you're gonna fight enemies so that would be useful depending on how you can use it yeah depending on how you could use it a dungeon in which it advances no story content at all while allowing you to get xp would be possibly very useful yeah so so they said they had like seven announcements and like it seems like they totally overshot that seven with uh what one two three four five like the fucking 10 or whatever new characters uh it's like hey yeah i saw those new characters hey guess what Persona 5 is a triple a game and you better fucking pay attention now yeah anime air date tv commercial staff interview
Starting point is 01:51:04 webcomic and persona series 20th anniversary special also headphones well fuck yeah so how when you have your own headphones your triple a yeah how do i get the headphones you order them from japan when the pre-orders go up oh from japan only well yeah i need to i need to look at these right now because i never got the the three ones and i because it was a million years too late once i cared and now but these p5 one i'm gonna look at them they're probably gonna be fucking sick looking i don't even care if they're good headphones uh so the of course we did a bunch of talk about pokemon already but the oh yeah them hedge phones of course they're those headphones of course yeah okay um we did a bunch of pokemon talking already but uh there's actual that is
Starting point is 01:51:57 actually still non pokemon go announcements and things coming up including the uh weird freaking not pikachu thing that that is a big sun and moon it dresses like a pikachu so that people will care for it that is on point design right that's awesome that is so smart that that has been upgraded because a bunch more pokemon for sun and moon were announced today along with those like six in total now because that original post is there a shit pokemon yet that was like last week and now it's been upgraded to like six more so that's crazy like that red panda motherfucker yeah yeah yeah with the with them all in that with the different colored head like it like a lot classic pokemon is over man it's just it's done what does that mean
Starting point is 01:52:46 it's over yeah what does that mean who cares okay i need to catch pokemans in my go oh oh you mean non phone related that's right i see i didn't know that i'm so close to this fucking poke stop but i'm like 10 feet too far away what happens if you go into the furthest room in your apartment it's it's like the fucking circle is touching it but it but it doesn't nice move well the answer is to move that building every every now and then you get in with stop in which like the gps freaks out and it's wrong but it's wrong in your favor yeah it's the best it's wrong advantage you know if your gps freaks out hard enough and you ping pong between spots it thinks that you're running really fast good maybe you know it feels good what when a character you create on a random
Starting point is 01:53:33 video for black desert shows up in overwatch have you guys played anna yet i have not played anna yet no though she looks she's exactly what the support type needed yeah a debuff supporting grandma yeah real word on the street is right now that she's like it she appears to be op which means she's probably fine the her alt in conjunction with certain characters makes them like you will win yeah the alt looks absolutely charge time busted recharge time being reduced in addition to damage and all that other stuff besides like if you get her grenade in there and stuff yeah um what change like the fact that the sleep thing is not like a hammer down okay by the way uh sorry context is anna new character now for overwatch yes we do this night be grandma and uh
Starting point is 01:54:22 snippy she is farah's mother and uh she's basically designed to snipe you to heal you or slowly hurt the enemy um and she can also shoot you with a sleep dart to put you to sleep like hammer down uh you can take more hits on the ground but if you get hit yeah immediately wake up yeah which is a huge difference um i also believe it's it's to stop people from ulting like that's his primary use yeah and you or just if you need someone off of you yeah now and you run away yeah you know whatever uh you can also deny healing abilities from uh from other or improve your own healing abilities and uh then they hurt this her alt which is a buff on another character which can't miss by the way because it stays locked on yeah it's like mercy's uh mercy's dash
Starting point is 01:55:08 and it makes them uh i believe 150 damage i believe 50 reduction on taking damage speed increase and uh reduction on recharge time on all specials so plague was playing on the fucking test realm and sent me a video of him getting powered up by ryan heart and swinging his hammer once and once or twice and killing an entire enemy team yes who were full who were at full health so depending on the time this is done and depending on the mode it's an instant win yeah yeah like like the the question that i have is does it affect ults damage oh who knows because like because like well because some ults don't you know don't aren't damaged this yeah so like for like xaria what would that do you know yeah but like nothing
Starting point is 01:55:59 but like may have all the buffs maize does do damage and if it could heal you if it could freeze you in place at 150 percent of the damage that'd be real bad i mean it sounds like a hard character to play because like you know so she can shoot without aiming down the site yes and apparently that's the important for me yeah that's the important thing and it's still like um oh god what's the term uh when you mouse over and like it's when you hit scan hits cat it's still yeah so her gun works like macrees or widows whereas my problem with widow is that whenever i fucking uh what's her god damn it's not widow is it it's a black widow widow maker okay sorry widow you could you could have been fine with saying i fucked up by thinking i fucked up everyone knew uh is that her her
Starting point is 01:56:47 primary fire is a machine gun and her alt fire is a sniper rifle i like this is exactly what i wanted i wanted a sniper rifle that i could fire without scoping i wanted a k98 basically um this character so cool also uh just in terms of just upgrades and shit like diva's way stronger diva is way better like the simple changed with to making her um invulnerable from her own god damn invulnerable from her own nerf this making nerf this happen one second quicker and making her defense matrix just her alt click and and and chargeable or useful whenever you want four seconds cumulative yeah so you know like that's like cuz what what happens now is that nerf this comes down and everyone runs away because you need to haul ass harder now and now she can just run behind them
Starting point is 01:57:37 and shoot them in their ass yeah and it's it's that's that's a big improvement the the changes they've been making no overwatch the kind she needed you know that you hear the next character's probably gonna be invisibility based no which is cool because there hasn't been one it's the only like stealth archetype that's like blatantly missing is a character that can become either disguised or invisible yeah being able to disguise yourself someone's attacking an arcade machine somewhere sick welcome to team fortress too yeah yeah yeah yeah or like the payload is moving on its own well that's probably not that useful i'm i'm really sick of like not sick like in a negative way but i'm like who the fuck is who and whose father and who's the son and who's the daughter of
Starting point is 01:58:22 what because the whole thing the whole thing's with Anna like having so much in common with 76 having his fist bump saying almost the exact same quotes i'm like is 76 first yes i don't know and then and then and then and then soldier 76 married mercy and then they had diva gremlin but then but then but then for all god again nothing is the bet the nothing overwatch related is better than that calvin and hobbs comic they came out over the week i really i did though i i did like grandma and yeah grandma candy a little candy yeah it was good yeah grandpa candy yeah frick yeah i frick yeah and then and then plague ten like topping it off with his last one yeah which is drinking uncle line heart is here he's like oh it's like no don't get in the way it's great um yeah
Starting point is 01:59:16 man i i i like i like everything about overwatch continues to be hot just the boss just the boss mixed with the end it's it's the but well it's the boss mixed with the end mixed with the the sniping grandmas from mad max no yeah and and the lady some of her some of her um her dialogue pieces are lines from that yeah it's a witness man and uh she has a costume that is just a pure wastelander yeah um fucking the nest is back in stores like you had good games like my dick yeah good one yeah that's that's that's correct what i what i don't understand and what i'm confused by had good games because are you sure i i look this up i look this up all the way so what's the question we can confirm okay the nest did in fact have good the nes classic mini the nes classic
Starting point is 02:00:07 mini is being released it is an hdmi small nest that has 30 good games on it uh it's a it's an hdmi emulator box with 30 nes games on it the port on the front of it the two ports i should say are those we classic controller yes they are 100 we classic controller that shape looks familiar and i thought it was and so the new nes pads being issued are we classic controllers okay which hopefully will retroactively be usable because they will make them smart yes and that is a very easy thing to do so don't fuck it up i thought i saw that confirm that they would my second thought was that seeing those two ports are going there are those classic ports are they might be classic ports if so they really expect you to sit real chummy close to your buddies
Starting point is 02:00:51 if you're using an actual classic controller i somehow expect the length you know like what the fuck no i i don't think it'll be a short but so i i i sent this news to a few people as like a social experiment yeah uh i sent it to a friend of mine who's like i wasn't sure if he had seen or not but is it into games stuff he's like oh that's cool i guess i sent it to then other people like my extended family going oh my god it's holy shit it's the i'm gonna buy that it's it's because it's such a more entry level it's a complete inversion of usual game news yeah people who care a lot don't care and people who don't give a fuck normally absolutely freak their shit now i vaguely remember something like this being rumored like years ago i do too about there about a nintendo
Starting point is 02:01:45 like uh like which we call it best buy machine like eight that was hdmi only and i'm i think it's like a generation ago or two and then it just never kind of went anywhere um i wonder if this was just how long ago do you think that was i think i was like it was it was while i was still in qa oh it's a long time right yeah maybe uh i'm not sure and and so like now i'm wondering if it was just like it never it existed back then or if it was if we did and then it just got pushed and then like you're like now's the time like my point being is that like we can get almost all if probably i'm pretty sure all of these games through various virtual console things yeah whatever you can do this but like for a mass market thing like everyone is like that i know that's like kind
Starting point is 02:02:27 of vaguely like yeah i used to play games all the time but like now i'm an adult and now i have kids and stuff yeah you know that they're not in there like oh my god this is the greatest thing this seems like a really good item for that yeah i'm not i'm not teaching my my aunt how to get onto the e-shop it's like exactly here you go you know christmas and the side of the demons in here i'm super interested for sure just to get one of the controllers at very least like i'd really like yeah me too you think they'll be uh compatible well they already said you can buy them so yeah the remotes that's what i said i hope they're retroactively that's compatible properly but anyway um why did they put castlevania 2 on there for walls that's nice why why is it two and not
Starting point is 02:03:12 three or is one on there is one's on okay okay whoa whoa there's a lot of good stuff there's tecmo stuff there's ninja guide and there's super tech at the list uh yeah you're gonna have to google that i'm gonna have to google the list um let's build it but like checking for me i'll be kind of interested in the device if someone can figure out a way to just immediately get the whole rom list on there but also like if the emulation's good yeah because the we you emulation of of the okay here here's the list i'm gonna read through these at lightning speed balloon fight bubble bubble castlevania castlevania 2 simon's quest donkey kong and donkey kong jr double dragon to the revenge dr mario excite bike final fantasy great galica fucking sick ghost and goblins also
Starting point is 02:03:55 great gradius ice climber kid icarus kirby's adventure mario bros mega man too of course metroid metroid ninja guidance guide pacman punch up mr dream star tropics super c super c and not contra whatever super mario bros one two and three tecmo bowl legend of zelda and zelda to the adventure of the yeah notice how i think my favorite thing about this is the packaging yeah that's great it looks amazing it's fucking super both those weird those weird uh titles are useless both konami things i mean i assume they have to ask konami what well there was also there's also gradius which is konami yeah no i know but like it's just weird that yeah it's like it's it's not contra pass me the thing real quick what's the price point on this i think it's 60 or 70 bucks okay uh us
Starting point is 02:04:42 hey snk hey neo geo yeah hey you listening but like yeah so you listen guys tecmo bowl neo geo did this and it was a handheld and it cost 11 000 dollars and it was not not great yeah so yeah like so tecmo bowl instead of super that's what i was getting at though super c instead of just regular c uh megaman two instead of megaman one which is awesome yes but then again castlevania two instead of castlevania three which is weird so knowledge being displayed but not all yeah yeah not all over and like double dragon two is a better get than the other one right man yeah that's yeah um it had two player so yeah so it automatically is but like yeah all around really really good set if the emulation is better than the we you emulation i might just buy one just to
Starting point is 02:05:30 have one but missing granddad seven though i really hope it's better the other thing is i think it has save states um i don't remember i think but maybe maybe i yeah multiple suspend points so you don't have to come around the passwords which is really good for some of these games like metroid uh where you will no longer have to yeah remember to write it just in bailey and a bunch of i really hope that the menu is not slick at all i hope it's hope it's i crap i hope it's appropriate yes i hope it barely works i want nothing futuristic i want to blow into this machine even the settings i want the settings to be read like a dos menu or some shit like yeah super duper yeah the other thing that people when i post this to like random people like my sister for example who used to play games but now doesn't
Starting point is 02:06:13 she goes it's that small like that's another big like yeah like mass market deal it is tiny i mean fucking can you open that slot no can you put cookies in there no what why you can probably cut it open and put cookies in there to recreate your asshole like nephew that doesn't know what the fuck is happening i still think the best ever version of that was people who got the ps2 uh network adapter and use the hard the navy now empty hard drive port on the back of their thing to hide their weed from their parents yeah that'll do it but yeah uh seems like a really good yeah uh you know like and and you know not not to be a downer but like in a holiday where ultimately that we use not going to kill it anything this is a good product to have
Starting point is 02:07:00 it well maybe this is probably the reason why they have it probably if you know like i if my memory shows correct like this is behind glass and it was just they broke the glass you know like pull the trigger on this one yeah makes you wonder if they'll do a super nintendo i would i would love that would you rather for super nintendo i'd like like a hundred games would you rather would you rather a super nintendo mini i think some people would or like a part two with a different game list oh um i think i think i'd rather change it up a bit because like also if you have a part two like suddenly the part two is missing all of these games like what are you k you put megaman four but then what do you do about super mario bros one two and three and like metroid i hope
Starting point is 02:07:44 they i hope they in a part two that put that like a puzzle game where you take away the bubbles and the show is a naked picture of an animal i'd be good if i hang in yeah but uh that it's sorely missing from the romulus and it'd be cool if they went through the rest of their older devices and did this like would you would you think it'd be better to like put like the nintendo and super nintendo at the same time or do you think it would eat each other yeah you gotta split the release yeah for sure like maybe like a game boy yeah a game boy would be dope especially if it was like thin like an iphone or something yeah small little game boy but then it's like which pokemon are in there do you get red and blue do you get just yellow what do you get yeah you gotta you gotta
Starting point is 02:08:24 do you get all three do you waste space may putting three in there well because it's just like what will they do right rather than like yeah but a game boy would be sick you get zelda you get tetris you get metroid two like for christmas like hopefully with a backlight for christmas i could give this to smelissa and she'll freak out totally totally she's the north star oh my god the north star of the game boy it's your little sega now i get a little sega guys now i can play your little dinosaur games on my team you get street fighter two you get mortal combat you get killer instincts all on your game boy now this thing is not all those great versions and there's part of me that worries very severely that the emulation issues seen on the we and we you won't
Starting point is 02:09:07 make themselves know here mostly where you at which point i will become totally disillusioned with this going forward these should be perfect yeah you should have scanline and filter options and and like be goddamn real yeah versions of the game it just like it sucks that on on the we you like they've darkened the games substantially like it's like a they're 40 dimmer than they used to be where white is showing up as grayscale yeah and like uh god what was the other thing and there's like there's a weird blur overall the games even over hdmi like they're blurrier than an actual nes outputs them like like this this should have a button that you can hit that turns it into crt mode which will wow four by three it and curve the edges just a little slightly and put proper
Starting point is 02:09:56 scanline filter for me honestly your mom in the background yeah i get you to come eat dinner yeah fine i i just i just really hope it's a bit more accurate one out of every hundred hours a lady's a hey come on buddy your food's getting cold and then you hit a button to say just until the next save mom there you go which makes no sense because you have suspend points yeah uh we have a slew of fighting game news so let's get through it really fly fly through it just announce them over the weekend real quick real quick announce it quick quick go um we got king fighters demos out king fighters demos out uh bob and uh master raven and gender ben holy yeah master raven's a black girl now whatever this is literally the coolest character well they had
Starting point is 02:10:50 they had to take out raven because they couldn't fix the framerate bug so gotta put a new character in there but she's literally the wesley snob looking at them and making weird faces i'm like it's cool but you know it's just raven with its gender ben they've done this before we've seen eddy gordo do it we've seen it way cooler than way cool raven yeah it's just a girl that's it like it's all it took um just the wrong gender you know i'd all announced for killer instinct idol's design is fucking fixed what a great cool design except you're wrong loser he looks great yeah i know i think so too but you know who else doesn't think so like everybody else he looks great no i know but like when i looked at all the announcements for like fucking shit idol doesn't
Starting point is 02:11:33 look like that he only he got two heads and he looks stupid the only thing that defined idol was that he had two heads and looked fucking stupid yeah but like every single time and you on old killer instinct characters revealed people like there's a subset of fans that are very loud that go fuck that i hope the retro now fixes this terrible design now that he's like a fucking cool ogre mage from warcraft yeah and like this storyline is that gargoss fucked him up so hard by cutting his head into did you guys did you guys think about how that works no what's the deal when you split his head in two that makes it so that he's in two stances mage mode or warrior mode sure and one is a dominating zoning character and the other is a dominating uh uh rush down
Starting point is 02:12:20 a rush down character the problem is you don't get to choose what when that is oh he switches in between two random random yeah but you do have a move where he punches the other head into getting awake so it so you can kind of force it it takes one to four punches this self damages you however yeah but but you know if he's strong enough at both that'll balance out yeah that's exactly what it is because you if you like you ever sit down and watch it all this stuff is throwing down meteors this is well i saw his uh what looked like a wrecker or something and like this is a lot like the chogol character from healers of the storm yeah i saw yeah yeah that's whatever i think someone keeps uh keeps her treated to things says it looks like the chogol's
Starting point is 02:13:06 fighting uh uh corrupted illidan in final destination when he's against uh gargoss i but yeah gargoss looks great like i still like gargoss better i know like i can't believe you salvaged i don't look great sorry yeah i like i never would have thought what a perfect solution i never and he still got two heads and one eye in each it's like that's true um and there's a perfect like excuse to make a super boss version of him which is just his head is back together and he can do both he comes out on friday i believe yeah and so it was totally like following in line with the t's which was um uh god rash arbiter ram idol r a rare oh crazy crazy how did they were they not going to put those characters in if they didn't fit the
Starting point is 02:14:03 name shit okay like they had better characters planned we need a gears of war character name with r what do we got ran off fuck it's realm i guess it's it's also really funny that uh kites has been constantly telling people it's not going to be idol and we hate idol yeah yeah yeah yeah so what we discovered over time is that anyone working on a fighting game is a fucking liar fucking like like after like completely missing each other the entire weekend finally saw him as grand finals was beginning in the bathroom when we both ran out to take a quick the finals were in the bathroom no i you know and i'm just like hey finally ran into each other taking a leak all right well how's it going exactly awkward you know and then through finals and then he nerfs
Starting point is 02:14:52 your dick yeah well oh my dick nerfed bathroom finals like would have been the the highlight after the i forgot to talk about don't nerf my dick sorry i'm i'm kind of stuck on that it's a good idea so no just the the the uh the amazing moments including z on the commentary with his thuggery shirt did you guys catch that none of that he turns his shirt back i saw it and then like they're like oh shit and ski sonics like and then they cut to black to censor it on the on the thing like what's going on and then they cut back he's like what it's just and he turns around again and then they only cut his side off and it's just ski sonic sitting there yeah i didn't see that that's cool you know and like uh so we were just getting updates because well we were there it's a bit hard
Starting point is 02:15:36 to keep track of what's going on in other places and so i see like the update where like uh random shirtless dude goes up to chris g after he wins yeah and it looks like he's tweaking on bath salt and refuses to leave the stage until the money matches him off and and then he's plugging he goes to start plugging in his controller everyone's like what the fuck and you just get the gift of justin looking around like huh what's happening it's a witch security what thuggery is half thuggery is live right can't you get the second update where it's like marvel 2 side tournament fistfight breaks out it's like thuggery is live yeah and then we get the final update right not even five minutes later on my friend's phone he's like and apparently a mexican smash player just groped some
Starting point is 02:16:25 girl in the hotel room yeah hashtag beyond thuggery yeah and he's gone he's done he's fucking done so yeah he was done in record time actually like you you try to stop thuggery you power it up yeah don't and it moves beyond you have to ignore thuggery that once you told people to stop being dirt dirtbags and and not bring their knives to the to the floor they just hid their knives it was bound to bounce back yeah amazing we're gonna have we're gonna see we're gonna see secret money matches accidentally broadcast where it's it looks like exhibition but it's not retreat to espn too there was money matched decided beforehand how come these guys are playing a first to 20 set in exhibition why are they getting so mad huh oh a brick of cocaine just fell out of their
Starting point is 02:17:21 uh speaking of bouncing back we got classic street fighter three costumes for a bogey and alex coming nice including jack it on and jack it off it's not too good looks good that's great um of course you talked about there's brawl out new smash type game yeah what did you think of that uh i think it needs some more time in the oven i think it looks bad so yeah i think it looks not amazing but i have i have to get hands on yeah i think also right now rivals of aether is currently leading the pack i think rivals of ether yeah i i forgot to mention that i played that on the xbox preview built because they have new characters yeah and uh the new polar bear character is fucking sick yeah i think rivals of aether leads the pack have strongly and um i really want to like brawl out
Starting point is 02:18:08 but the fucking character designs are really bad what what i want to see is just like where the the unique elements are where the where the differences are because if it's just if it's another you have meter you have meter okay yeah because if it is among the another smash type it's like you know aether killing it you're not like you got to bring something else you know so i mean that's fine like like with 2d fighters it's like you know just keep making 2d fighters yeah i think i think this one doesn't look good like i i'm really gotta get when i saw the headline i was like oh shit awesome cool and then i watched the video and i was like what the fuck is this like yeah um we got some kind of some chris i don't christopher lamburt yeah how much of this is
Starting point is 02:18:50 real how much is very real this is real okay mortal combat three shut up christopher lamburt who played raiden in the mortal combat movie yeah then made a huge announcement saying yeah we're working on mortal combat three the movie and then it's going to be like this really cool concept where we're punching each other into different dimensions where if we're fighting in china raiden will punch a guy and then he'll collapse and the movie will edit and then he'll land on the hood of a car in new york city why are you talking about this that's where we're going with your contract not say don't talk about this well that doesn't matter because ed boon said that's a huge lie we're not working on that at all boon lies wow on twitter and boon lies all the
Starting point is 02:19:33 time people die but ed boon is one of those pro prolific fucking fighting game liars ever they're good guy liars they lie for your benefit but do you know what's more likely that an actor is confirming a movie that has not confirmed to exist yet and is telling you about what the main gimmick is so or he's describing state transitions from injustice or or christopher lamburt's just hungry and he needs a sandwich so he's making it look lambard hungry now that david keridine is dead can't i steal his roles no still no yeah maul uh you've got the fact that the attack on titan costumes are now in dead or alive five finally i can end my hunger strike and i forgot the stage is nice well yeah because and because you interact with the stages
Starting point is 02:20:24 is cinematically in dead or alive it makes more it's way better than the costumes some of the costumes are good sure but some are better than others because they vary the vast majority are just the they're all yeah they're all right thing yeah it's almost like the titans like showing up like you like the head and rick and morty like show us what you got impress me with your battle i thought you were gonna say i thought that was gonna go in a different direction no it wasn't like imagine like honkers like she gets like an even younger body and she's like young honkers yeah also ki definitive edition doesn't think young heezy young heezy that's pretty good the ki definitive edition is cool because it has even more shit like it's got supplemental videos
Starting point is 02:21:11 and interviews and crap and it's only 40 bucks which is actually cheaper than the dollars cheaper than buying them all separately uh after talking after talking to max uh for a while uh he completely agrees with like what you and i were saying about the game we're just like so where do you go from here you're good you got shadow lords coming well if i recall you're like no man make more stuff no no no no but we were just like costumes accessories supplementary content stages and stage ultras but other than that you got a full package man you're done now that idol is in there and you're not missing anyone you're fucking done yeah call it call it you know so i was gonna say like just attack on that i think if you're gonna have one more season of just
Starting point is 02:21:57 supplemental content it's not even a season just not a season but like preseason another chunk anyway yeah another chunk that one more character that's another community fund would be a cool appropriate here's your last bonus character would it be cool if they would finish shadow chaco too well he he's finished he's just missing accessories and his story and stuff yeah no that's that's him and oh that if they do more that's what i would want the most is for them to really just flesh out everything everything there's still a little maybe maybe put in another single player mode or something i think they're good i i think they're a single player i think they are good honestly but like why you know if they're gonna do another a whole other multiplayer mode is still coming as well i
Starting point is 02:22:37 don't no one knows what that okay beyond shadow lords yeah uh the people have spoken and they fucking want system shock yeah yeah that that broke a million dollars now and uh that like nine days left and that's the first big video game kickstarter of the year i think if i'm misremembering so i think you're right yeah we're like half a year and we still need to play that fucking demo yes and play it yes we do make google it one of their kick starters this year that like or like at least five hundred thousand dollars or more i guess yeah why do you make sense you know and in the meantime of course uh you've got the um there's apparently a new x-men tv series uh being worth a moment by and brian singers involved because because marvel is like doing all that shady
Starting point is 02:23:27 shit where they're killing off x-men in characters mutants they're so pissed creative that mark that fox have no more mutants no more mutants allowed well like what are they supposed to do like no there's a fox won't get the license back to them yeah i know but they're trying to make the license worthless of course well of course you know what they should do right they should make entire runs of x-men comics that are intentionally terrible no that's what they're doing oh tank the whole line just tank it well like and like have 10 pages of wolverine eating children and not in a cool way no i don't like he's becoming bad yeah i can't tell yeah and then and he'll have all new wolverine pull off her face and she's actually wolverine who are you i'm wolverine i was wolverine all along i thought
Starting point is 02:24:12 you were wolverine yes i am it's like or have an all new team of x-men that are not mutants yeah they're called the inhumans yeah yeah basically so that's that's what you that's what happened to the x-men they died on the way to their home planet is that all the fighting game news you had an error uh fighting game news uh we can uh what else was there i guess we talked about the cpt stuff a little bit uh yeah pretty much unless you got something else yeah for sure i mean besides the guilty gear stuff but uh oh my god dizzy is out dizzy is out and dizzy looks really cool yes and her her instant kill is so it's the only one that's like that because she never had an instant kill yeah so now it's like and she still doesn't know yeah but you can surrender slayers
Starting point is 02:24:59 is my favorite as always slayer's reaction that is have you seen it willy no he just kind of looks back at the at the camera does a big grin and goes like ha with his hand like whatever yeah it makes the coolest but uh they announced that uh garo mark of the wolves is coming to ps4 and ps4 yeah so you know mark of the wharves the wharves yeah so get your kushwood butt never forget yo matt you know when you're playing fatal fury special no and then you move the cursor onto something and then you press the button and the little dog okay yeah no i do know that and then the dog head goes that would be the noise but we've always made it go micro the wolves they know last play they know mark of the wolves they're super aware
Starting point is 02:25:48 it's as long as it's as good as the last plate those are good games i think it will be then what do you need wolves fuck uh the first the first tab the first tab yeah that's back to the first tab um oh okay yes evolve yeah yeah yeah that's an interesting thing that is an interesting stage two and uh they're going to evolve once it goes free to play uh the apparently they're going them going free to play has fucking exploded the amount of people playing yeah they're in the top games on steam constantly right off the just yeah but whether or not that's translating into money is yet to be seen for sure yeah but it was you know for people are playing your something that people were like ignoring exactly and it was a good ass game but there was just barriers in the way
Starting point is 02:26:31 like money i think i think my i think that was lots lots of money i think my favorite thing this will do it this trick yeah i think my favorite thing about evolve is that i was i was talking to a friend of mine and he was we were we were talking mad shit about uh fucking uh battle born and he went to battle born's page and saw that was still like 69 99 on steam when it was being sold for like four dollars on ps4 he's like what the fuck and then he happened to scroll down and saw if you like this you may also like brink and evolve yeah shocking and kind of the same category and like all three of those games have huge same thing happen to them they were scroll it down a little oh you want me to scroll it down they made some good gameplay changes though like the monster
Starting point is 02:27:18 can now defend itself from stage one oh it gets the first fucking wow it can now defend itself a lot better okay but as a trade-off all the humans can put up a dome to keep it in instead of just the trapper oh and the trapper now has a thing where it can use like a radar to detect it more accurately oh my god also this we were gonna skip over this because it's not that big of a news but shirk and serpico are obviously confirmed for berserk yeah not shocking but they were obvious i won't play serpico so bad yeah okay so the xbox one s is coming out on august second yeah august second 40 smaller they no longer use that shitty fake lying render they'll just use they now use a different render that is probably also a lie uh 500 terabytes one terabyte two terabytes for
Starting point is 02:28:10 did you just say 500 terabytes i did that's all right that's what it is and lastly we can just depress ourselves by uh talking about how the new trailer for a fucking big boss snake inner patchy slot looks amazing okay so i need i need i need to we need to clear the air here if you send me a no spoiler link and within one second it's black screen i know it's a patchy slot machine that's it doesn't work anymore because it's exclusive use for that purpose has now defined the use of not stop using it because it's the greatest tool available on the internet however but the patchy slot trick if you want to get me with the patchy slot once you need to start sending me the actual new stuff if i keep putting a gift box wrapped with a bow with
Starting point is 02:29:13 a turd in it at patch door every day and he sees the box eventually he's gonna be like you know that's probably not a gift where are we at with operation fool everyone uh if you're supposed to make a fake registration has been locked in and completely the name has been made and polygon the japanese address has been placed yeah it's all been registered okay good trigger has just this is our big gamble to get super famous this is our gambit we have to put all our energy into this everything yeah it's fast though before kotaku stops existing yeah that's true too that's boy this is a long podcast yeah it is and we're gonna wrap it up by getting into the emails like i didn't think such a engine difference to make a character look a thousand times all the
Starting point is 02:30:05 cutscenes look fucking amazing makes it just makes you hate konami ever more every day i really really really hope someone can get their hands on these things and somehow jigger them into a ps2 iso of metal gear solid three so i can at least have the cutscenes look like that okay if you're a disgruntled patchy slot employee and you are please destroy this eight thousand dollar machine for our pleasure get the pcb out of there and get it in the right hard drive do and if you do get it right you're right if you do get it in the right hands please send us an email telling us about it and which hands and etc and send us that email at superbestfriendcast at that's super best friend cast at perfect so since we don't have pcb thieves in the emails this week
Starting point is 02:30:53 what do we have willy oh kashido wants to know what we think about that scorn trailer we talked about scorn looks nuts we actually didn't you and i did personally oh yeah i'm thinking for those that want a bit of context you're looking i uh i emailed scorn the the makers of it because it was a kickstarter like a year ago and i thought it looked really interesting what day looks cool it's like you have an actual game and i asked hey if you have a build uh we're doing a uh our scaring leading up to shitstorm marathon three or four um and they went no we have a build but we don't really they would spoil the game and i'm like oh okay but like i'm talking like maybe play at 20 minutes like no uh we want this to be a mystery and then i'm like oh okay and we don't
Starting point is 02:31:43 want any promotion and i went sure but you got a kickstarter i remember us talking about this and going man that's stupid these guys are gonna fail and now we're looking at these videos and we're like oh my god well oh my god this game looks amazing now don't get me wrong it did fail spectacular because the kickstarter they had a super salty fucking like update with the like no one's talking about our game if everyone refused to cover it so we will have to cancel this kickstarter ask to cover anyway the game looks fucking amazing yeah install odds it looks really money money came from somewhere money came from somewhere and they're going they must have showed the demo to someone so it does look quite cool yeah um we got one coming in from radman and he says that he's
Starting point is 02:32:29 watching sgdq and uh you know what he saw a dude playing katharine with two controllers and one was a fight stick he's like i once used a fight stick to play maramass on we and i found it fun you ever used an unintended controller for a game and have it work out has everyone here played ddr uh fighting games at some point yeah i played i played ddr re4 that's rough it wasn't i had a friend who did all the achieve you know what i meant yeah i had a friend who did all the achievements in double dragon two with a guitar hero three controller just because he could um and that was a blast i always talk about my tournament of lord lee caliber yeah yeah that was that was the entire gimmick that was the whole point the oven mitts one was by far the fuck that was the whole
Starting point is 02:33:08 point i played this one jrpg legacy stuff with an arcade stick because it just works like that so yeah but it's not intended but it works it's fun i used to play fighting games with the standard controller a lot of people still do yeah that's the joke you can play risen evil four with an arcade stick trust me yeah i want to play you only need one stick really i want to play steel battalion i want to play steel battalion with a trackball you know you can it's called a connect except it's in the air and it doesn't work and it's not a real trackball it's not a real steel battalion it's a phantom trackball okay uh tom says hey oh dear over justice ultra brigade um you ever dug deeper into a game show
Starting point is 02:33:53 book lore and found that an offhand reference to something that took place in the world was so awesome but is criminally underused a lot of street fighters stuff like that right uh the example that springs to mind for me is a bit of an independence day thing where the idea of african warlords holding a tenure guerrilla yeah no that that's a way better movie than the movie we got like those guys are all super cool learning how to take out the aliens with fucking machetes why didn't we get that so yeah uh that's a good question and uh probably the one that is most pertinent to me right now is i remember talking to a friend of mine who got a bunch of japanese monster hunter art books and in a couple throwaway lines in those art books they describe the fact
Starting point is 02:34:36 that monster hunter is actually a post apocalypse and that most of the monsters that exist are like former weapons of war like like where freedom wars would have been in the past and just society has now rebuilt itself in some ghetto fashion around having these all the time like likewise in the in the art book for freedom wars called la vie en rose uh it's got a bunch of extended universe stuff that it's like why yeah freedom wars can go in any direction it's like there's a group of people in freedom wars who go out to collect the body parts of fallen soldiers because you can't waste it you need that i always wanted i always always wanted ever since that first piece of art riding with the baby going through fucking dealing with the patriots on his own yeah and losing his body
Starting point is 02:35:26 in the process and slowly becoming a cyborg but revengeance is a fucking solid replacement but you know that's what revengeance two would be the flashback oh yeah for sure we're venturing it'd be the right place to go yeah uh we got one coming in from uh medic uh medic i need a heal please thanks medic natasha uh yeah actually this is coming quite a few times so heal please i will out of persistence uh it seems like medic natasha just wants pat to know that uh your idea that david hater can't do the voice anymore isn't true because he totally can do it we talked about that on the podcast and he did it for the commercial yeah totally did we talked about that when he did the ford podcast uh sorry when we talked about those commercials on the
Starting point is 02:36:11 i guess you missed it and i remember i remember like we talked about how weird it was because it's like wait a second i thought he wasn't able to do that voice anymore because that's the explanation always like trickled down from somewhere but clearly he could still do the the salts the the mgs one snake perfectly because he did yes like so i guess they were telling him to do it gruffer or older or that was a choice or whatever but i would have much preferred that voice that version of him to be in like three hardball question from vgc kenny do you prefer the first tense seasons of the simpsons or the only 10 seasons of futurama first 10 seasons of simpsons that's rough and i and i'd cut that down all of futurama or and i'd cut that down to nine
Starting point is 02:36:57 nah 10s fine yeah 10s fine but uh but god damn probably the simpsons probably the simpsons because a futurama wouldn't exist if those 10sons uh i've had okay as that's rough as entertainment i enjoyed futurama's like journey more but i've like not but the simpsons has had more gut busting painful laughs and and like futurama has had fewer of those i still laugh about a simpsons joke at least once a day every single day of my life i don't really there's an infinity amount not at all i can't even think of what are you talking about that's crazy what are you talking i don't know i'm not really into this yeah he's he yeah i'm at you know uh diana well ever since the simpsons made fun of playing with dinosaurs he's been on he's been on salty street it's a
Starting point is 02:37:48 little salty yep um i love how will he's like yeah no uh no salt here uh like like when i when narrow i learned uh yeah and i'm like salty whenever whenever whenever my mind goes to i don't want to respond to this with a real response i want to respond to it with an animated gif the first thing that my mind does is think of a simpsons moment and that's why when you guys walked in and looked at my desktop you're like why do you have a gif of a principal skinner on yeah on your fucking desktop it's like because i discovered that it's are am i out of touch no it's the children who are wrong is a really fantastic reply to any argument at least a couple times at least a couple times this year i've replied with that's the joe that's the joe yeah all of us all of us timeless
Starting point is 02:38:38 so you know okay uh so lastly we're gonna take it from marco and he says marco has has kishwood how's polo uh that's right oh that's way worse come on a quick question poking revelator killer instinct tecan seven k o f 14 around the corner yeah so many fighting games coming out how do you decide to what to play and what to sink time into i love all these games but there's only so much time in one day don't get me started on the backlog that is 98 2002 and third strike bonus poke it's an interesting hybrid of two types of fighting games guilty here's a joy to look at listen to it's fast and responsive ki is unlike anything else on the market with all these great games what makes you stick with three fighter five and all those technical issues and can face all right
Starting point is 02:39:20 so the very that's targeted at me but the very the very first question is you try and play all of them and end up playing none of them that's the yeah that's the decision that i have reached one of them will stick with you learn a character learn a character and maybe not the game because it's hard it's just you gotta be it's hard it's just a lot of good shit games are hard nobody's got time to do all of them as for as for why street fighters street all the others it's because it's street fighter and as silly as that is there's there's the core gameplay is still like absolutely it appeals to me the most it is exactly and it is like not just based on the nostalgia bit but it's like the the vanilla the default the fighting game template starts here and is that it's purest
Starting point is 02:40:03 amount of fun to me in that no and it's pure and you know like in that there's there's still a lot of high level stuff that like like how are your view reversal combos yeah right like the speed is right i i let you know it's right like there's fast moments and slow moments um some games are always fast and some games are always slow and i kind of i like that middle pace in between it's for the same reason that a lot of people stick with Ryu yeah yeah you know he's strong like i i i i adore street fighter and it's it's tied for first with me with with whatever the newest version of virtual fighter is at the time but it's just and both of them it's for the same reason it's just like the the pace and the feel it's that it's it's the five ten years old today by the way
Starting point is 02:40:50 what's that vf5 is ten years old sega ten years come on come on now i i will sometimes come on i will sometimes be in a marvel mood i will sometimes be in a skull girls mood a guilty gear mood street fighter's not a mood i will always be down for street fighter i will always be down to play it totally yeah that's that's exciting factor that's the difference yeah well and likewise like i'll play smash any version any time totally like i'll play smash casually any day of the week definitely not on on proper i'm a little different where i'm like if i'm in a street fighter mood i'll play third strike over four or five like any day of the week like easily um and uh yeah all of you know there's like if there's any fighting game i play consistently it's
Starting point is 02:41:31 clearing string there's like two reasons for that one is because when we played that demo at the future shop uh the moment of getting a counterbreaker on someone is thrilling like is more thrilling like is a more thrilling moment than any other fighting game still released there's not a particular mechanic or whatever that makes you feel like i totally read something there are like i'm sure but like that's the one that has the most they're not as in your face and they don't tell you you read it you tell you you read it and and it lets you a person you know you read there's much more subtle mechanics in other games but for me that was like one where i'm like i want to keep playing this and i want to i want to learn this and like you know i've invested enough time in the tour where
Starting point is 02:42:11 i have like a character level 50 i have other ones that are approaching it and like i just that's the one i hunkered down on because that's just the way it went but when like king of fighters 14 comes out i don't know if when i'll look at the 56 characters that i'll that you'll stick with it that i'll stick with it i'll play the three or four characters i probably really like dabble with the new ones and then i'll move on to something else but like i'm you know talking about KO 14 i'm like i'm really wanting to try that demo to go yeah god i hope this is better than what i played before i want it to be better gameplay for sure i i can confirm the gameplay is great i can confirm that right now what did you play it again but uh i was watching a bunch of it i didn't
Starting point is 02:42:50 get on because the station was crowded but like i was watching it go and it was like yeah this and you read stuff that high-level players have been saying since months and months ago and it's like it's always been on the park yeah i was like at the very least i'll go through the story modes of that game because the ones that seems like it has were were fun and and at least i like told you gave me some fun shit got to got to meet a t-swag in person by the way uh i didn't get to see does he is he a little tiny child i feel like he's a tiny child he's a little man but uh yeah he was roughing he didn't get a tensor so all i know um for t-swag all weekend was that everything was lit sometimes as fuck okay a f for sure sure uh the future as we look towards the future what do we have
Starting point is 02:43:35 that we're looking forward to and what is coming out uh for me uh deep dungeon just came out today for uh f of 14 so i'm looking to dive into that and play more monster hunter i am going to continue reading daigo's book i'm going to continue reading jojo leon and i'm the the wheels have been set in motion and i don't know if they're actually going to grind to a halt soon or not but um as you know our friend that our four friend that formerly worked at capcom uh we've like talked about him a couple times before he sent this like cool box of stuff yeah um i was talking to him and he was saying he's like you know of all the things that weren't like i couldn't send this stuff somewhere in some dark dank room there is a fully functional bionic arm that was just for and i held
Starting point is 02:44:26 him by the shoulders and i said andrew just tell me what to do yeah and he's like okay and then he put his hand on top of your head okay hey um and then later later on so where's the arm well later on i walked by through the through the tournament and i saw him leaning up we're gonna well talk into another guy and that other gentleman also works at capcom uh he was a fun guy as well uh who's he gave you this miniature arm that's in your pocket miniature arm in my pocket who's uh name was oh my god i don't want to embarrass mike mike mike is cool okay i it was fun and uh did you get an arm apparently it's in a japanese storage space so then no it's out there um so you did all that work for nothing but but it'll come back one day and he'll get the arm
Starting point is 02:45:17 yeah but now's not the time to be dead no no because maybe just maybe it's not over yet no they still need that for the next game very vague i'm working i'm working on doing what i can i want a functioning bionic arm god damn it you know you know you know i will go through well they got unreasonable they've got two arms woolly they're fully functioning we live in montreal go down to iris montreal and talk to them they were showing off bionic arms at three there's that there's the jensen arm but that one's not made out of this former so and those aren't made out of hot dogs the big boss arm but you want your wife arm but i want my my fucking bionic wife arm wife arm no anyway uh i'm going to finish off lucha underground season one
Starting point is 02:46:07 yeah you are get around to doing it because it's so busy this week but uh uh that and um yeah i want to really get into that kof demo and like hopefully my is in it that's cool king of dinosaurs in it that's cool no one from team fatal fury being in it's kind of downer okay so i saw people in the gaff thread going i can't believe king of dinosaurs isn't tzok that's because he is he is tzok that s and k interview with huge lies i'll fighting game employees are liars they lie for your benefit i feel like liars yeah because there's a win quote that got out of terry uh of uh where he calls him tzok where he's like hey good good job tzok what new animal are you gonna be next time and what you're not seeing is tzok going shut the
Starting point is 02:46:51 fuck up terry terry evil k fab idiot or like isek yank him is not king shut up i'm the king of dinosaurs now also ricochet is not prince puma shut up also i needed to catch up on all that uh summer games done quick shit like that completely went by me so i wanted to want to buy so quick the donkey kong country tropical freeze usa versus canada run first to any percentage i need to see that shit so international blowout international blowout uh i was gonna hopefully finish star ocean five but i am satsuna comes out today so i'm gonna play i am satsuna as soon as i get back home and that's even shorter than star ocean five so maybe i'll finish that one maybe i'll finish an rpg one day maybe you will do you uh mayhem if you want i'll i'll i'll play a
Starting point is 02:47:41 hashtag fv up for the first couple hours and then on your profile and then give it back to you because i do want to try it for a little bit i know i'm not gonna be i'm too far past the beginning that you should just start a new save it's very nice of you though i'd do it i don't know i'm gonna do it myself thank you though willy willy's like damn i just wanted to get past the first hour okay anything new on the channel i can't uh near we'll continue and though there will be a new thing yeah uh we have a one-off that has yet to go up one of them the luma one already went up yep uh but there's still one more off it might be up on vessel now i think yeah yeah it is it is and uh metal select continues guys metal will return now before before we end today's podcast
Starting point is 02:48:24 we should uh ask uh we should be clear we have to record something after this podcast yeah and usually what we do when we do a spoiler cast is the person who's not part of the spoiler cast just fucking leaves well i was actually going to say i really want to go get food you want to go get food so i can just go right now and grab and we'll do a 15 minutes of inside talk text me as soon as you're done we'll do so i get the permission to come back in but otherwise i'll just be a minute while i leave okay thanks for the podcast cool would you mind getting me something while you go what do you want woolly can you get me through chicken fingers okay thank you get me a sugar-free red bull okay thank you do you guys want no i'm good i'm gonna all i'll have like a
Starting point is 02:49:04 proper lunch at forehand some small wedges to some small wedges to remember that one time woolly say can you go get me some chicken watermelon and purple drink one time yes you literally said that yes i remember and i was like really and goes yeah it's what i want right now i couldn't believe okay i hate watermelon anyway is Liam out the door he is out the door watermelon watermelon's delicious um you know what else is delicious inside there are spoilers for the entirety of inside following the end of this sentence i get to use my cool sound effect here what's the what's the sound effect it's deos time stop uh cool oh my god uh i was going to say that we didn't actually mention the upcoming play throughs or anything but no that's why i said
Starting point is 02:49:57 was there anything new and everyone said no so is yeah i guess not that'll be next week yeah all right fine anyway so spoilers for inside begin now radical Liam's wrong do it again Liam's crazy Liam's absolutely games grave all been talking to each other how insanely you will see in the play through that is about to go up on the channel yeah that i it was my first play through matt played it already and he was just kind of sitting with me it's super good um the tone is right on point the sense of the alone and sense of impending danger and unsettling unsettling just what the whole game just like huh right child in the forest running in through uh to a facility and you're kind of just getting this this kind of sense of like almost like super eights or the goonies yeah
Starting point is 02:50:52 like eighties adults are bad get away from them universally hostile even other kids are bad and puppers and puppers and how fucking great is it the amount of times you have to run your ass off from a dog and you barely make it and but the thing the solution to getting away from the dog is a puzzle look at the dog where is the dog going go the opposite of that dogs are stupid that's how you saw the dogs don't swim as good as you yeah it was i was saying this to pet it was really cool watching woolly play because woolly made some mistakes and made some corrections over what i did yeah so like first time first time over he would jump over a log that i didn't notice because i was looking at the people jumping out following me and he'd jump over it where i fell over that
Starting point is 02:51:37 and then the guy just blows what went when my when my girlfriend and i played the exact same thing happened i played it for a few couple hours and then she played the first couple hours later when she came over and like she cleared that log no problem didn't even see it and and i died multiple times going what am i supposed to do oh it's because that's so stupid i remembered the bear traps in limbo but then right after that i passed the part where you have to hide behind the truck no problem and she it took her like three or four tries and like the whole the whole game is like that and everything from like the the name of the game being the only text or spoken dialogue at all in the entire game makes me constantly think the whole time what does it mean yeah and
Starting point is 02:52:19 first it becomes pretty obvious that it's about going inside the facility yeah but then it that becomes less obvious and more literal and very more literal and you're like so as every time he'd run up to a window and put his hands up against it i'm like it's a trailer shot and it was not the one it wasn't and i'm like what's inside though what's he looking at and then you get to the one where it's like what is they look oh that's what they're looking at what is everyone looking at it was such a it was such a cool way they doll it out where you see like okay what and then when you actually get inside what they're looking at you're like oh this is thematically this was shown so well the brundle thing blob yeah the blob that's what everybody's calling it um um so a couple things
Starting point is 02:53:02 throughout the the game you see a bunch of like shitty versions of that in way in the background as experiments yeah like a fit and okay do you remember when you're in the water area and there's all those windows behind you yep a living but totally failed version of the blob walks up to the window yeah it touches the glass but in addition you remember the room in which the the forklift comes in and picks up the the the pallet of drones yeah and the guy standing there with his kid yeah and and i remember that so vividly because of like this guy brought his kid to work with your kids to work day well and the kids are standing with the tablets too just controlling way before that when you're when we're marching in the line we're marching the line you see little kids watching
Starting point is 02:53:45 everything and that that sequence was like the first one there are still ones before that but that was the one sequence where as soon as that happens like like that's why it surprised me Liam was like eh is that like when that sequence happens i was like this is one of the coolest things it's just an amazing sequence to take part in yeah but what i was saying is like in that scene with the forklift in the foreground there's a bunch of dead blobs on stretchers okay there's a bunch of them huh okay and so the the blob is a it's oh my god what a fucking unbelievable ending so you've got my you've got you've got one you've got the the setup that is the mind controlled leeches from limbo yeah right and the fact that two it establishes at one point during a puzzle
Starting point is 02:54:29 that mind controllers can mind control yeah yeah right and that mindception thing is like all right now keep that in mind as you go forward yeah they didn't do that unintentionally and they didn't bring it back as a puzzle mechanic it was just like a puzzle that established part of the world yeah once so fucking good once and then you find out that well if i mind controlling a guy he can mind control somebody else therefore therefore right and so you get inside and then your blob town and now catamari blob of sea yeah yeah you get to get to okay to marry your way out so there there's a couple things i need to talk about with the blob and aging say this for over a week there's the blob sequence is a triumph in a bunch of ways yeah and like it reminds me of portal and
Starting point is 02:55:19 that like like shooting the moon kind of thing but multiple of those the first of which is the control i don't know how they did it but the feeling of controlling that blob it didn't take more than a second no you immediately understand yeah but it feels wrong yeah it feels like you're controlling 20 people that are all that are all fighting each other it's top sided and it falls over and you have to kind of lurch yourself through over and then you can and then there's parts of it where like you are in that side of the blob and this side of the blob isn't working so you have to roll yourself back over and then now you're astounding it feels like the kid is inside the blob and you are controlling him but he's fighting other things to get almost you know and the second
Starting point is 02:56:08 thing is the visual uh visual information and the rumble associated with the escape is the best feedback i have ever seen when you're running sideways right after popping out of the tank and you just fly through the glass yeah and it doesn't slow you down at all yeah but the blob almost trips over and then you again and again and you're you're smashing smashing into walls backing up getting momentum trying again knock that guy out the fucking window and smash him to bits and then like the one guy is like yo i'll open the fucking door just don't touch me don't touch me don't touch me that part was really cool because i'm not sure if this happened to you uh pappa when woolly was doing it like i've never seen it but he started walking a bit when the guy was getting
Starting point is 02:56:55 to the door and then the guy retreats again he's like no no i'm still not yeah yeah he's like no no no no no no no so you have to wait the entire time from the door and then he walks looks at you opens it and then goes fucking get out of here man yeah right um and then you of course you get your final escape all the way through to the end and then talk about this but pat made a point that when during your final escape when you're leaving it's called an escape but i don't think it is so you remember when you you go into the vents for the first time and then you end up falling into like a glass diorama and there's a bunch of people looking at it and they all freak out and then you break out of that that as a kid no as as the blob as the blob first right that glass diorama go back
Starting point is 02:57:35 and you can watch any and you can watch your own playthrough when you fall down into that you fall down into a little cylindrical glass thing that is the the scene of a mountainside with a spot light pointed at a certain spot next to the beach it is a one for one recreation of the final scene in the game and that's a controlled area it is so and then when you when you break out of the facility are you you are you run into a plywood wall that is domed outwards as if you're breaking into a dome that is the walls are made out of wood the trees are also the wrong size yeah remember it made that point when you're playing through it and i was like did these trees look weird how big are you your the scale seems off when you're rolling down the hill the trees either seem way
Starting point is 02:58:21 bigger or way smaller than they should be in regards to the size of the blob okay that we already saw so it's it's it appears to be that the the the blob was controlling the kid to help it escape but that is also an experiment yeah okay that that because right they knew it was gonna go there that's why people start to help you escape yeah at one point like that's why the final room before the final final escape there are like a thousand people watching you yeah yeah at the top there yeah and they and as you try and get the the item before dropping into the pit and and you're just kind of like oh really you're just gonna sit here and watch you're not running for your life and they're like no we're not you know the only part that doesn't work in that is why we're people
Starting point is 02:59:08 trying to actively kill the child with gunshots in the start so part of the test so so here's the thing now here's the thing okay i have i have what well we have a theory now because uh you do the special ending right and the special ending is you unplug it all right you go into that cornfield after you break all those on the after you unplug all those mind controlled um devices and you go into the cornfield you find the secret bunker do the sequence get inside and unplug the final mind control thing from the ground and then you then the kid backs up and lurches over as if he was another one of the drone yeah okay so that then is like what you could possibly be thinking here is the kid breaking in to begin with is being mind controlled by the blob yes join it yes you the
Starting point is 03:00:02 player are controlling a mind controlled child of the blob trying to free itself well actually no you the player are controlling the blob the whole game as the blob controls the yes since you already established a mind control thing can control a lot of the blob controlling the child and the current freeing yourself the current working theory is that you can play inside over and over and over again and get the same result and the player will eventually realize that that is futile and get the secret ending which is the only time the screen fades to black and it's the the only way to win is to cease playing right and at that point the kid returns to being a drone where it's like it was never a real a kid to begin with he was already gone and like the you know the beginning
Starting point is 03:00:53 area that the woods that the kid break that is like I assumed that he was running away from something and I think everyone did but I assumed he was trying to get in I'm just fine like his family yeah but uh when I went back and play through the beginning part again you you remember there's that truck the very first thing you see in the game is a guy padding on the side of the truck and it's driving out there's tons of drones inside it right so the thing is is that I noticed that there's one of those weird pods in that forest and the pods like top of it extends infinitely off the top of the screen and later on way deep in the facility you find an area that looks exactly the same but you can see that the whole pods are actually going up to a dome so I'm and
Starting point is 03:01:39 the other thing is that when you start the game there's a very suspicious shaft of light on your character where they come in that is also inside the facility the facility is so big okay it's you're always inside um like always uh Truman show shit yeah you can't yeah you're you're not outside at any point you're inside yeah right the um the other things where you have uh it's like they're unrelated into to the overall like a plot and but just like reversing the gravity on the water oh that's so cool and the visual of the people floating upside down and they bodies dropping the moment where I'm like I have to I have to uh raise the water to oh oh oh and then they all fall and one of them breaks into pieces and and tries to follow you with the group and is flopping
Starting point is 03:02:38 around oh my god that's the other thing that talking about puzzles in general like me I'm kind of said like they're easy and yeah for the most part uh the like except for like maybe the last couple of things you do uh like limbo's puzzles after a while were not even fun no they were they were they could be considered hard the alternate gravity puzzles at the end of limbo were too hard for me to enjoy and I mean I beat it and I beat it on my own but it's like I don't enjoy switching the gravity multiple times per jump to yeah but but even if a puzzle is simple it's what we said last time where uh last podcast we're like these puzzles are simple but I feel someone looked at this puzzle and was probably really shitty or not as great before and they
Starting point is 03:03:15 went through that particular sequence or room because when you die in this game you usually put right at the start of a given sequence yeah or puzzle and they probably did this over and over and over again looked at that same room over and over and over again said all right now we think we have this where it's not too hard it's not like brain dead simple but it's fun or enjoyable yeah you get a little bit of ah every time the major chunks you can break it up into are like very different from each other and fun in completely different ways whether it's running from the sedaco type grudge girl or what are frog do you have a name do you have a name for that girl it's water girl yeah frog child frog child right um yeah got it locked in or whether it's controlling
Starting point is 03:03:59 the fucking little pod that can like boost the moment you find out it can boost it's like oh yes I love this thing now the puzzle that I got stuck on by far the longest in the entire game was when you have to smash that thing into the wall and then get out and swim through the buster yeah that took me forever it took a turn or two because you think why would I come out of my little boat you spend the earlier parts of that level smashing straight through mm-hmm and then there's like yo you're now walking through a massive energy blast earth shattering there are a new going off every 10 seconds on making itself yeah it's a weapon testing field at the very least it's like it's the other or the plant it's a planet cracker they have the crash test
Starting point is 03:04:48 dummies in that one room that are locked in and they just go every time and the meat chunks that you like get eviscerated when you fail it's like and then that section's done yeah you know what was that it was fucking cool no one mechanic just rolling with the crew controlling 20 guys rolling with the crew them boys right we them boys yeah yeah yeah yeah walking in a line and making sure that having the most sure your drone throw you was like so oddly satisfying the like I want to talk about one last mechanic and it's I didn't realize it was one until I replayed the game and it's the chicks in the farmhouse yeah what about so the baby chicks first of all they start to chirp and I started to freak out because I couldn't figure out what the fuck they were and it took me a while to realize
Starting point is 03:05:35 that they were baby chicks first of all they are your mini tutorial for the drone mechanics they follow you in the same way yeah but in addition to that the machine that has to suck them into it appears like it's going to kill them yeah I was certain that a shredder a shredder of red blood was going to shoot out and knock it over but that didn't happen but instead I found out later that the slowest chick does in fact die during that process like there's one chick that is slightly slower than the others and that is a little foreshadowing of the body that clumps into pieces when you drop them out of the water way later yeah when you use the drones FYI I didn't even get the chips through the show okay this was weird I solved that puzzle without ever doing that no pet this
Starting point is 03:06:26 is weird because I didn't understand when it happened because when I did that puzzle the exact same thing what you described the chicks go into the machine you go oh shit that sucks they're all going to die they get blown out the side they hit the bale of hay not the bale of hay and that's fine I'm watching will you play and I'm like you know I'm thinking like oh here's it's going to happen here and for some reason either one chick went in or there's some other mechanic going on I use them lever none of them went in I use the lever and then pushed hey eventually the hay just fell down and I didn't say anything but after a little while I was like that was weird because that's not the way that went down with me and well he went okay and just continued on so I don't know what
Starting point is 03:07:03 the deal with that and that that machine is like a metaphor for like the whole game and it's you're using innocent life as further your progress for a machine to progress and some of them aren't going to make it yeah and they do that as your thrall well it sucks that I didn't get that part yeah because I didn't that's right and that's the set up to the the fucking the drones and then later you have to throw the drones off a cliff so that they catch you yeah and some of them fly apart as a result of you solving these puzzles and you don't give a fuck because they're just drones and they're grown in two but you know exactly that's the thing is at that point you're like you're not even human are they and then the melting together and shit you're not even sure
Starting point is 03:07:54 and then that repeats again later when the frog child puts the tube in you and then the fish start following yeah yeah yeah are you human anymore right okay but then like the people that are in the facility seem to be working they have these weird paper masks on but you yourself and clones have no face yeah but they have a no face but it's a paper plate attached to their and I'm still trying to like okay what's the deal with that for me the last mechanic I want to talk about is is much more simple than that yeah it's the basic introduction of something in the foreground and something in the background and you can actually there's two layers of 2d platforming here and you can sometimes just press up to go on to a thing that's in the background yeah whereas
Starting point is 03:08:38 limbo is strictly on one just 2d so this is every time they do it it's handled so perfectly it's it feels natural you know whether you're swinging the block to hit the limits or pushing that fridge over to to climb up a little bit or you know just waiting for the dog to go around yeah yeah no that that's the best one yeah when when you're climbing over the chain link fence and the dog has to run all the way around yeah it's a perfect use of 3d space in what is essentially completely 2d and you can't you can't be lenient on that when we're doing it like I was able to do it okay but when uh willy would be like yeah let's do it those dogs will get you those dogs will swerve around if you don't wait until they're all the way on the other side they'll double back and you know what
Starting point is 03:09:22 you the fuck you're doing angry puppers man that's coming hard they're much they're a much better spider from limbo yeah I think I think the game is is shortened pretty much flawless uh I I think that the ending and the secret ending especially there's a ridiculous level of obtuseness and you know what happens after you see the secret ending all those pods go back into place of course they do you have to get them again mm-hmm so you can't just see the secret ending again if you want well there's this thing called YouTube yeah well for your save at least yeah but uh it's it's it's a it's a yeah like pretty much a perfect little short game and uh it's well anyone listening this far probably knows that by now right because you would assume only people that had beaten the
Starting point is 03:10:06 game or don't care are listening to the podcast at this point now I also assume that like I'll I can get this from a you know pure fact standpoint but I've seen people go like I saw something in regards to the last podcast like man Matt and Pat are super stupid that game sucks I beat it it only took me two hours so what a waste of money and it's like you don't have to have like a super appreciation for like yeah an obtuse ending or like story or narrative but like that doesn't make a game inherently bad if you're looking for a pure gameplay to gameplay moment uh and and you're looking for some sort of gratification if you want to stretch your money long long jev you want to stretch your money you can do that it's obviously a bad purchase but then research the game I have
Starting point is 03:10:45 a friend of mine and she says to me pat I need to talk to you about inside I still haven't spoken to her it's like how can you possibly say that inside's the game of the year when it's like dark souls 3 came out earlier and you love that it's like because dark souls 3 isn't perfect every single moment that I played it inside was it even if it's a short experience like I how much does the game though as a 10 bucks I think it's $21 okay $21 that is a little I mean it's it's low on the value side but I'm gonna I'm gonna replay that game every year for sure what I was gonna say is that it the your ending isn't handed to you you do have to kind of do some new stuff and I'm sure people will find more over time certainly yeah you gotta do some thinking but uh I can't wait
Starting point is 03:11:31 for costume packs gems like you know that really bolster the part part of it part of it is that even though I inside season even before I saw the secret ending and I just got to the the regular ending I had a feeling that you very rarely obtain in games nowadays and I felt like it was complete like it was 100% complete and I needed nothing more right I didn't want anymore it ended exactly how and when I felt it should have when when I streamed it originally and we just at the ending kind of plays out and I was like is it gonna end here is it gonna end here I thought it was I three or four times I thought it was gonna end and it didn't during during the blob section there was like two at least two times I'm like I wonder if it could end right here I thought it was gonna
Starting point is 03:12:21 fade to black when you go into that when they trap you like in the in the tube I thought the ending was going to be that you're trapped forever down there and then like I can I can I can break out yeah like it's it's a standard but when the ending kind of happened also fucking controlling your little sub is a tutorial for that moment as well because it's the same like blob underwater controls whole day to charge charge forward break through the glass yeah um but uh when the game right when the game loops back to the start my my first like I hadn't seen the secret ending I didn't know anything about it and I've like you know like a good I was like in the moment because I was streaming it so I just go huh well could this be a thing the first takeaway moment is like
Starting point is 03:13:01 does this go in a loop forever does a kid always come through these woods and the kid is nondescript because it doesn't really matter what he looks like does he always walk through this forest trying to get inside is there is like that at least on the very first playthrough in the very first moment after being it I'm like there's there's there's something really interesting here and some people are like oh that ending sucks I like whatever I don't and it's one of those things that you you you get more the more you think about it basically and it's really interesting because that thing happens very very little and when games do try to do it sometimes it flops right on its face like a David Cage game will flop every single time because this point is muted and dulled by all
Starting point is 03:13:42 the bullshit you had to go through and the bad right and the whatever and it's it's and by the time it's yelling its message at you yeah you don't care anymore so that's right where it's literally for what it's trying to do is a perfect piece of entertainment yeah and and if you are into that then you'll get a lot out of it and if you're not into that then I can't think of the last game I felt like that about you said portal before I think port yeah port yeah you're right portal one is is is similar but I think this is better than portal one um I think the yomi card game is almost flawless like okay you know what I mean like you got a really great reach out there but anyway I think the only time is right to hell oh you shut up you shut up all right uh fully clothed
Starting point is 03:14:31 sex really meant several so we yeah cut myself off yeah no no uh what's nice is uh as we roll out the end of the podcast here we have a lots of new possible outro music to use because if you heard the finals uh during the sunday that evo you got fucking Lupe fiasco doing a track for shoe fight of five you got omega sparks of oh yeah k i k i doing doing uh intros for marvel will they will just play them all once oh no but looped over and over yeah okay i'll play them all out of like a cyclone in a fight zone the night i'm gonna snatch up my throne leave it broken when i go in throw her don't can't stand in focus hashtag marvel is i'm feeling marvelous i'm feeling myself
Starting point is 03:15:51 because they're full of confidence making a fall hit it with a lotus whip you're running up because i'm on fish and i'm gonna give it to you ready good night steady my aim and i'm setting this fight mad hopper and i'm that crop up when i tear the block up before i roll and i had the rock he's in the room you're feeling the dead food with a bitch you win the rain make it you're gonna find i put a winner game win it on the mind jump it all the time give the maximum effort because i'm on the grind for the gold evo but we gotta vote get a shot i hope when i blow feel my power force get you launched up in the air watch you gotta hold up hit a ride or so tell i win and i'm out of vote you better slow your plans i'm about to show the fans you got to lose in this moment
Starting point is 03:16:27 this is mine to ruin you better slow your plans i'm about to show the fans this is evo you and bc oh it looked like we're gonna be fighting in the street uh that's what it's looking like me nah so you stay right there as we bow our heads and stay our friends and see it's a lot of killers in this room you're talking that on stream you're talking that online you can say whatever you want but you ain't talking that right now maybe you can tell yourself exactly how to take this game back
Starting point is 03:17:37 say you front these combos maybe help you out these frame traps moment 37 you the heaven with the quickness honey honey ex thoughts who call me if you're with fans being trigger sense of vitality let's get to business evolution we just bought you up and hit a witness fight stick like a clean keep it wiped off on the mic but i fight call me mic rouse it's about to go crazy turn the lights off done killing him and i'm gonna come on and fight it's all yeah looks like we're gonna be fighting in the street uh that's what it's looking like to me nah so you stay right there as we bow our heads and stay our friends and see it's a lot of killers in this room yeah i hope i make it out of pools mom yeah so what you do mom uh i'ma take them out of school

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