Castle Super Beast - SBFC 156: "The Hamilton Hello"

Episode Date: August 2, 2016

Tales from the con! We're back from ConBravo and it was great! Now let us sleep....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Not saying that Reaper shouldn't be in the game, because you're right, the self-aware edge lordness has taken on a life of its own, but I am saying that Skullomania in his place with Skullomania's voice clips equals more lulls. Does he still use the guns? He still uses the guns, but they're like little Skullo guns. What does he say during his ult? The same thing? Skullodream!
Starting point is 00:00:42 Oh, okay. Yeah, that's right. And when you run with him, the whole time you're playing, he goes, jet, jet, jet, jet, jet, jet, jet. But this would've, this, like, many people wouldn't get it. We would get it. And, like, Max would get it. Yeah, that's enough.
Starting point is 00:00:57 I don't care. But our happiness would eclipse that of the wall, so really. Yeah, you're right. You're right. Like, hey, Street Fighter V only shipped, like, 100,000 copies during the past couple months. Fuck that. Season 2, put Skullomania in.
Starting point is 00:01:10 That would... All right. Problem solved. Sales would skywalk it downward, then back upward. They would skywalk it all the way down. Yeah. Imagine all those character interactions where Mercy's like, oh my god, what have I done to you?
Starting point is 00:01:22 And then you just hear, Skullo head! Skullo dive! He can only say these things. He can't actually... There's no... Exactly. And then every single character on the fucking cast gets a weird, freaky Skullo version, like in that one ending.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Yeah! Where he's got, like, Naked Ruse, Strap Food Table. Skullo's tins for everybody. Don't worry about that. Willy made sure to put that in the Street Fighter box art review because he loves that picture so much. Fucking hey, man. Ruse's super hot and ripped in that photo.
Starting point is 00:01:50 And he's got, like, some weird dick gas going around his face. His pants show his wiener, that'll distort your vision of the character. A lot of dark cadeau around that area. That'd be amazing. Speaking of which, Willy, I have a bone to pick with you. You got a bone to pick? Yes. Over the weekend, you single handedly ruined an amazing bit that I thought we're going
Starting point is 00:02:11 to take to the moon, pretty disgusting behavior, that now we can never do ghetto overwatch cosplay because we really had to kill it by doing actual amazing. And what was it worth it? Was it worth it to bury ghetto overwatch cosplay? You know, at some time, there's ups and there's downs in this world and I'm sorry for killing the big. You killed it. And it was your bit, kind of.
Starting point is 00:02:45 I didn't realize. All I would have had to do was, like, put on a pirate hat and, like, fucking open up my shirt to be all, like, disgusting. And then I'd be, like, ghetto pirate Torbjorn. That's all you have to do. And you stole that from me. That's all. Or you could have, like, all generally just put on a little biker helmet and that would
Starting point is 00:03:00 have been awesome. Just walk around with it. Yeah, but then people would have thought, like, I'm fucking nuts. No, no, no, no, no, wait. And then you walk around with a real hammer, like, not a fake cosplay hammer. Who are you supposed to be? Fuck off. And you could have tiredly just walked around and said, I worked hard on that.
Starting point is 00:03:17 At the same time, it's Hamilton. You would have fit right in. So, like, hey, we were in Hamilton for the weekend. The Con Bravos. And Hamilton, Con Bravo's a nice con. Let's get that out of the way. Very nice. I like going to Con Bravo.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Mark runs a nice tight ship. Mark and Luke and Jordan and Kelly and those are the people that I've been working with. They work hard. They're nice and they work hard. And Jordan kept fucking with me, the piece of shit. But Hamilton, though. Like me and some friends went to go get some booze and we drove past the Tim Hortons. There were like, there was like a fucking Nazi revolution going off in the fucking parking
Starting point is 00:03:53 lot of a Tim Hortons. You didn't know this about Tim Hortons? They usually have Nazi powers. It was like, I'm like, and I mentioned that a couple times to you guys before the podcast, but like, no, like a shit ton of skinheads and their motorcycles looking scary as fuck, having coffees in the Tim Hortons parking lot. So there were two events in particular to me that really speak to the character. Is one called, is one a question?
Starting point is 00:04:18 One is, no, no, no. It's quite simple, really. There's two things. One was just a discussion with somebody about like what to categorize it as to someone who's never been here. And my friend Kevin, who I was walking with basically was like, you know, I was trying to think of the best way to describe it to someone who's never been to Hamilton. And I think what I can say is it's like the nicest part of Detroit.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Yeah. It's Canada's Detroit. You can find. Yeah. Right. And then the other bit was when we were over at the Honest Lawyer's Restaurant Tainment, extravaganza. Restaurant Tainment.
Starting point is 00:04:55 It's what you need. We were having some flings and beer over there. Terrible beer. Awful. Awful piss beer. Why didn't you pick cider to been on Avenue? They didn't have it. It's the fucking Honest Lawyer.
Starting point is 00:05:07 It's the Honest Lawyer Restaurant Tainment. We're honest that we don't have cider. And my friend walked into the lady's bathroom and was greeted with a nice smeared turd on the ground right there, but not right in the middle of the floor, right in the middle of the floor, but not a step away where the pants that they came in abandoned right next to it. And she walked in and saw at the same time as another lady and they kind of locked eyes and had a moment staring at what we're now calling the Hamilton Hello.
Starting point is 00:05:39 That's correct. The Hamilton How Do You Do? Yeah. So, you know, just a nice little oh, oh, I didn't see you there. Hi. I want to add another one that I'm sure you saw, but I don't know how it's your mind, which was the question of the night of Saturday night, which is why is that dog smoking? Why is that dog smoking was the other question?
Starting point is 00:06:03 He was the hottest guest at at Dog Con. That is not smoking. That is not hyperbole. There was a Jack Russell terrier in front of the hotel doing tricks, and his biggest trick was that he would smoke during the entire thing. I pictured him literally like his body having smoke off it like he was getting exploded in ninja scroll. That one lady that can sew you up.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Yes, no, this is a dog with a fucking lit cigarette in its mouth, smoking a cigarette. Now, here's the other says there's no more heroes, right? Now, the thing is, yeah, that is a fucking suit of fifty one boss. Smoking Russell. Now, now out on the streets, Dog Con was in full effect. But inside the con, it was still a tight con. Yeah. And what? And one might say that perhaps it might be time to evolve
Starting point is 00:06:54 Dog Con into Fog Con. Fog Con, Fog Con, Fog Con, Fog Con, Fog, Fog Con, Fog Con, Fog Con, Fog Con, Fog Con, Fog Con, Fog Con, Fog Con, Fog Con, Fog Con, Fog Con, Fog Con, Fog Con, Fog Con. That was great. There was a couple of events we had. And I'm going to just skip right to what I'm talking about. We had the Super Feud, the first ever Super Best Friends versus Luger in this all weekend. We're what? What is it called? What is it called?
Starting point is 00:07:20 I thought it was Super Brawl. In the end, the Twitch TV thing went up as Super Feud. And on the schedule is listed as Super Feud. So Best Friends versus Team Four Star versus Arcadia versus Screw Attack. Yeah, versus Screw Attack. A bunch of no ones. All these. And then with the clutch voice of Vegeta. Chris Sabot.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Chris Sabot joining in as an assist at not knowing why he was there or what he was doing. It's a real like to compete in a game of Mario Party. There's a really great moment where I could. It was very loud and I couldn't hear what what what what Taka said. When when Chris came in and like he sat down and I leaned over to one of the Arcadia guys and like, why is someone's dad here? Right. So what we have is Trunks's dad here. Yeah, so, you know, you can go back and check that out and watch the cute intro
Starting point is 00:08:14 that Arcadia has as they kind of play some music. I never saw it. You know, it wasn't worth seeing to me. Do a little mic work and then get get on the stage. We were busy like like taking years off our lives. And then Screw Attack came out and, you know, they, they, you know, they did a little crowd work as well, you know, and even after us, you had Takahata and them walking down with your wife.
Starting point is 00:08:39 OK, so as J Epic Game Music, James played them on with his guitar. I was so confused because like, I'm like, yeah, OK, this is a big event. We all know this is going to happen. And I look to the front row and I'm like, oh, my wife doesn't support me. She's not here. Maybe she. Also, you had no no involvement in that bit. No help from I don't see. I don't see her. And I'm like, oh, OK, I'm sitting down and I see
Starting point is 00:09:05 Takahata coming down by my goddess of victory, right, holding two goddesses of victory, my wife and star actresses and went up. That's a good bit. That's a good bit. I'll let it slide. But pretty good. We were in the attack. He did a good job introducing.
Starting point is 00:09:22 He's like, direct your eyes to the right as the side stage garage door opens. Fog pours out and we're doing our double bolt poses. Yeah, I like I like that so much because opening shutter door reminds me so much of the start of Double Dragon, because Billy and Jimmy come out of the exact same door like as a as a table's turn. Played us on. Yeah, the tables turn mixed before minor version, before minor version. Yeah, good job on Liam for picking that.
Starting point is 00:09:52 So that was that was hyperspluck. For some reason, heavy bias towards us on the crowd's part. It's because they knew we were the best. Well, they they're in the name. But it was Team Four Stars panel right before that. Yeah, but nobody likes them. They showed up to that panel so they could boo them. That's true.
Starting point is 00:10:09 And Takah did heal it really hard. Yeah, yeah, he did. The who should have been booed did get booed. And there's no way at could have at fish could have expected to not get booed with his two hats. Yeah. And stickers on your body. And then our Katie came out and that one person was like, who is that?
Starting point is 00:10:30 So Austin's all in all a successful event. A good time was had by all like I can't believe, you know, spoiler alert. We fucking crushed it. We crushed it so hard five to four to two to one. Yeah. And some of the and you know, some of the fun of the event is like, it's Mario Party, anything can happen. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:10:50 No, no, absolute. Annihilation, skill range of all 60 percent mark of like, we're like, yeah, we're going to win. Yeah. Yeah, like smack talked like there's a point where you're talking smack hard because you're trying to like, you know, get in their head. But then there's the part where you start talking smack quiet because there's no worry in your mind.
Starting point is 00:11:15 And just like, you know, like I think the last part of that was just like, you know, just maintain, just maintain. We don't even got to win. I want to call out some allegations made against me in particular that I sabotage the Arcadia guys by drinking too late with Austin the night before and fucking his ass up. Pulling a con bravo, John Tron. Twenty twenty fourteen or twenty fifteen.
Starting point is 00:11:42 Me, my girlfriend, Brent and Austin, we're all drinking rent black. And guess what? None of us got sick except for you, Austin. So that was a late night. So you still initiated plan sabotage. So quit being a bitch. You still initiate that being said, Lee, telling the story of how Austin came back from the room is the best.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Austin comes like stumbles through the door, goes, man, PlayStation Plus is like the best deal. And then walks into the bathroom. Man, look, look, it can't really be counted as sabotage if everybody's like taking a swig, even if we detect bitch in your heart and we drink to if you're going to go down for the count. What can we do about it? Oh, I see him starting to go.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Say, I'm going to have another beer with anyone else like another beer. You guys weren't there for this bad, this weird moment as well, where I didn't quite know what was going on because, you know, we've all done it before, but we usually get, you know, one room, maybe two. And leading up to this, I was told, like, yeah, there's no there's no room in the Homewood Suites this year. It's also I'm like, OK, we'll have to pile in to this one room at the Sheridan. And the Sheridan was apparently all sold out, too.
Starting point is 00:12:57 So I'm like, OK, sure. And just as we're getting there, I'm kind of told, like, we should we should check out, check out Homewood Suites where we could stay with we could stay with Corinne or something. And I'm like, OK, that's weird. No real point. Like I already talked to everyone. They're like, no, there's no room. And I go and I'm like, all right. So let's let's there was a Quebecois baseball team tournament
Starting point is 00:13:22 happening in the Homewood Suites. That's what was that's what that's what was going on. Right. And I'm like, OK, I heard French people on the streets. Yeah. In English, Canada. And and I go, OK, so let's just go because they're not going to have any room. And then I'm told that, like, oh, Kelly and and and Leanna just go, we got a room for Kurt for his birthday ever since Magfest. We reserved one room because we need a big room.
Starting point is 00:13:52 And I'm like, wait, for Kurt, he has a room like for his birthday. Idiot bonus room. Shit. Well, not like so much bonus room, but they needed the biggest room because we're like, we estimate like 18ish people. Yeah, guess what? That room wasn't big enough. It wasn't and it wasn't cold enough. Yeah, I was super sweat. I actually had to leave like relatively early
Starting point is 00:14:14 because I was starting to get like fucking crowd fumes. Sometimes, sometimes you need a disposable room that you expect to get kicked out of. They're stinky because they're because they're videos. Anyway, my main task was to lead Kurt around and be like, hey, man, I'm going to take you out. It's totally not your birthday for drinks. No, for your birthday.
Starting point is 00:14:35 That's how you throw someone off the case. You tell them the truth, but you lie about. Hey, we're going to bring you to the shitty party. So as we're going and I go, oh, shit, Kurt, I forgot my passport. I might need it just in case it get carded. And Kurt's like, I never get carded. And I'm like, OK, well, whatever, I need it. So he's like, oh, just wait out here.
Starting point is 00:14:56 And this is when you're trying to fight against human nature. When you're trying to set up a surprise or a thing and a person says a reasonable thing, like, well, just wait out here. And then I quickly go, oh, Kurt, there's an intro I wanted to show you. Just come up. I have an intro I wanted to show you. He's like, no, I'm good. Quick thinking, quick thinking like my stream intro, whatever. I put the picture of Shinsuke Nakamura and you and I.
Starting point is 00:15:21 And he's like, oh, all right, cool. He clearly doesn't want to do like he doesn't have enough patience. So I go up and I'm just like, and I go on. Like there's no way I can have him go in first. Why would that happen? How can I know? So the only solution there is to like go in first fast. Yeah, yeah. I forget that the lights are off
Starting point is 00:15:45 and I don't think to turn on the lights. Plus, I'm not familiar with the room. I only like we're staying there one day because we're staying with someone else the other day. But I go in and I go, I don't know what I was doing. But I just went, what the fuck? And then I the door slams, Kurt gets locked out and he didn't. I'm like, oh, God.
Starting point is 00:16:05 And I hear Leanna go, you fucking idiot, you messed it up. And I'm like, no, no, it's fine. I open up the door and Kurt's like, what? And he's like, why did you lock the door behind me? And I'm like, no, it's fine. And he comes in and then I slam on the lights and he goes, everyone goes, happy birthday. And he's like, oh, my God, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:16:23 And like, he wasn't going to be surprised, but I couldn't have bumbled it more. Anyway, she didn't give him a Hamilton. Hello. No, you didn't. He's in one on the way out. Man, Takahata has so many friends as Chris, Chris Sabbath. So the other thing we all know that is the weirdest. We all know this,
Starting point is 00:16:44 because Chris Sabbath again showed up for this party and he told lots of stories that are under NDAs that are really fun about voice acting and shit. And he has a lovely time. I talked to him. We all talked to him. That's just you just want to you just want to like, you know, pick someone's brain a little bit, a little bit. And then he's like, yeah, he's there for a while.
Starting point is 00:17:04 And then he goes, all right, well, I'm going to head out, guys. And everyone says goodbye. And then the room's kind of empty now. And this is a midnight or so. And we got a security guard after you guys had left. He came in twice and like looked at it and he goes, why do you have so many people in here? And we're like, we're having a party.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Is this like one of those Pokemon? Things shut up. And then we're like, no, it's just a party. And he's like, all right, you're going to have to get rid of some people, though it's got too many people in here. Like we specifically got this room. They were saying to him because the occupancy is this. That's what it says below that.
Starting point is 00:17:40 They can always and he's like, no, you need to get rid of some people. Stop this Pokemon, whatever it is. And then leaves. And I'm like, there's no one even had their phones out at the time. But Chris Sabbath leaves fucking team mystic. Looks up at our hotel room from outside and starts periscoping. Yeah, our room from the outside, from the parking lot, from the parking lot. And then he goes, he starts saying, man, Takahata, like I alluded to.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Takahata has so many friends. They didn't invite me, though. What a bunch of dicks. And then they us in the room, see him on Twitter, periscoping, talking shit about the party that he was just in and invited to. Yeah, they're looking. We're looking at us in our phones of him looking at us, talking shit about us when he just had a lovely, I hope, time.
Starting point is 00:18:30 It's it's hard to question the bit. The bit might be stronger than we understand or no. I'm sure he's done this before. It's like, is it funny or knowing that he was in there or not? Knowing that he was in there, we're all laughing for a while. But in general, yeah. So the one thing, of course, was, you know, very lots of lots of tiredness happening throughout this weekend as well.
Starting point is 00:18:55 We had a 10 a.m. panel that I'm really surprised. I'm really surprised people made it out to like, I was surprised. We made it out exactly. No, I'm like, I wouldn't go see me at 10 a.m. No, I was really thankful. I see all you guys and past tired and lean was really, really tired. And like, I guess you were tired. This is the first time I'd seen you.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Yeah. Right. And I'm like, oh, all you losers, I'm not tired at all. I slept. And as soon as we sat down on the panel, oh, my God, I went, I'm so tired all of a sudden. I get very, you know, it's the stinker all on the same level. It was very tiring, man. Like, I mean, and it's not like, you know, that we're on a different time change or anything.
Starting point is 00:19:33 It was a really quick flight all in all. But there's lots of exhaustion, you know, personally on my end. And the thing is too, I guess, is that like, because we came in the day, we came in like Thursday, came in a day early. Usual or the day earlier than usual. Like, that's what I wanted to say. Well, too many games. Didn't we show up on Thursday, Thursday night?
Starting point is 00:19:56 I think we did. Yes, we did. Yeah. But Combraville, we've always shown up. Yeah. Yeah. But you can't underestimate the Hamilton hour. No. Or the Hamilton minute, should I say? It's not quite the New York minute. Dude, that Jackson City Center. Yeah, the Ham, sorry, the Hamilton City Center, like the Sad Mall,
Starting point is 00:20:13 as we've christened it, like it's worse every year. Like there are more or less stores open in that fucking thing. You don't know the Sad Mall. That's the pre-Sad Mall. That mall connects to a sadder, multi-level. No, that's what I'm talking about. You did go to Jackson Square is the underground sad. Yeah, but that connects to the Hamilton City Center, the one which is the
Starting point is 00:20:37 multi-level sound at Sad Mall, where my girlfriend and I were walking around taking photos because it looked like we were fucking urban spelunking in a currently open mall. Like fuck, we found a fucking door that looked like a car crashed into it on the inside. You guys, how does that happen? You got you guys came back with reporting on the prostitutes pretty quickly. Oh, it's really creepy.
Starting point is 00:21:01 It's like Hamilton little kids are all dressed like like revealingly. And it's fucking weird. You can have a Silent Hill game in that mall. That's that mall. You got a prepping for the math, I guess. Yeah. So I and the thing is to and I have to do, I do have to apologize, actually, to like Austin and to Taka and, you know, all our friends in general,
Starting point is 00:21:23 because sorry, you're such bitch losers. Because well, there's that couldn't have expected that one. RIP losers. But we stole all the stars also for just not spending as much time and hanging out in general, because I knew this con was going to be a cluster fuck because it was a meeting of like eight different social groups that I knew. And yeah, I actually had a problem where it's like I'm out of cons. Like I actually know too many people.
Starting point is 00:21:47 I know too many people here. That's a weird feeling. But my priorities were really just getting that cosplay done. And I spoke to the friend who recommended the person who helped you with that cosplay and they were like, you should get a refund for some of that shit that you were having it fucking mailed to your goddamn. It wasn't a day of the car. But it was honestly, it's not.
Starting point is 00:22:05 It was like the help I got on it was amazing. And it was out of there were circumstances out of people's control, you know. And honestly, the thing about it is that every step of the way, this was like the costume that God did not want to happen. Yeah, no, because every individual part failed or had a problem or a roadblock in it at least three times. That's what I mean. Like and even the stuff involving not like not them like me, like the shirt,
Starting point is 00:22:32 the down to the fucking wires, the tubing, everything had a problem. Oh, the tattoo, everything had a problem that had to be overcome at least twice. And I just fucking went, no, I have a backup plan to the backup plan to the backup plan. I'm not going to not make this happen. You've been working on this for quite a while. It was yeah, I started it a month and a half ago. And when it came down to the final week and the 3D printing was not done yet. I was starting to panic, you know.
Starting point is 00:22:57 But yeah, man, you know, like I just I got some help from like some really, really cool people on it. And like the in all in all, like the crew that I went to the yeti con with was amazing. And yeah, I spoke to some of them and I'm like, they're like, where's woolly? I'm like, he's in his room fixing his costume. I'm like, how long has he been doing that? The whole con they're like, and this is two separate people that I had this conversation was like, oh, yeah, he knows the struggle now.
Starting point is 00:23:24 Yeah, yeah, it's legit, man. I have nothing but infinite respect for the people that go through that on a regular basis, much less switch into three for throughout the entire weekend. Well, yeah, because that means that has to be fucking Spick's Ben, right, done safely, perfectly, immaculately packed so that no damage to the metal or the fucking car or whatever it's cracking in them in the plane. See, I respect a complicated cosplay like that. But you know what?
Starting point is 00:23:51 I would rather go, oh, no, the elastic band in the back of my sans mask is black instead of white instead of, oh, shit, everything's cracking and breaking. Like, I'll always limit myself of not doing something super ambitious because I wouldn't be able to handle that. I'd freak out and give up and start crying and falling on the floor. I know, no, and that was it. And everything said, give up. There was a million prompts to give up.
Starting point is 00:24:18 If if I ever if I ever do a cosplay, it'll be one that's made out of clothes, right? But I just want more when I looked at this. I just said, I it's the character needs to be done right. Like, there's no way I just didn't see a way to skimp on it. There was a casual there was woolly. Yeah, it was called ghetto overwatch. Cosplay, just a dead frog to your chest. No, the funny dude.
Starting point is 00:24:41 The funniest part is there was an official out. I could have taken where prototype Lucio in the concept art was just wearing baggy blue pants. That's that's too right. Like no one really reckoned. Well, people would recognize you, but not. But you know, but I was just like, nah, and there's a there's an easier outcome that worked really well for Kenny, because his hair works a lot
Starting point is 00:25:01 better with that costume. Oh, yeah, he went for the hockey, the purple hockey alt, which is like ninety five percent off the shelf hockey equipment. Yeah, I'm getting that in the states must be impossible because they don't know what it is. But I knew what I was signing up for, but I didn't. But I did. And then I just fucking whatever.
Starting point is 00:25:22 And the thing is, is eventually like when it got to the point where it's like, yeah, getting shit FedEx to my room that day and like getting friends coming into town to drop stuff off that, you know, couldn't stick around and stuff is like it was really, really clutched. But they all came through and, you know, for the last half of Saturday, I was able to rock it and it was a hit. I think it did really well. People. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:42 Well, I was going down to the lobby to go somewhere and I saw you with like this fucking six year old girl going, cool. Yeah, you were doing a big pose and like, oh, that's cool. I think, well, you should just skate around Lerone and just get paid as a man basically at this point. When people when people are throwing up after a ride, just be like, break it down next to them and they'll get short and cheered up. It's a shame that it was a character like Lucio, because if you were some kind of like,
Starting point is 00:26:10 no, like, follow me here, we were some kind of daunting, imposing figure. You could pretend that the costume was cracking under your like unrelenting power or intimate and like intimidating glare. But that doesn't quite work for Lucio, who's like a laid back healer. You're like a Reinhardt, you know, no, no, just got a smile. Can't can't, you know. Anyway, but I'm still not done with it, of course. I didn't I didn't go in crazy on this just to wear it once.
Starting point is 00:26:33 And the whole fuck that you. So I'm going to make some mods to make things work better, including I want to get the speaker inside the actual gun to play music. And then I'm going to going to break that out again. Be a good time. I'm going to break it down. Continue to break it down. Also consistently and thoroughly. Yes. And of course, and when people when Lucio is not on screen,
Starting point is 00:26:54 people should be asking, where's Reinhardt? What? But, you know, shout outs to the overwatch bunny girls that that I took the shot with. Yeah, I bet shout out shout outs to that fucking pit fast pitcher. Right. Shout outs, of course, to Kevin and Kelvin, who who took. Yeah, what a great unit of measure. Did a quick shoot, although there were going to do the proper one
Starting point is 00:27:19 this weekend that attack with on. Oh, are you going to are you going to do it for that too? Yeah, absolutely. Makes sense. And hopefully, like things won't be a little like because there's some parts that are falling off of me and I'm going to sort out the problems because you have to do a test wear with armor. I didn't realize this one.
Starting point is 00:27:35 Yeah, armor. Cause see how it moves with you once then make adjustments. Exactly. Exactly. Shout outs to at the Takahata's party, trainer Patrick. Yeah, awesome. Pat, right. Trainer Patrick, who sorry, he's your Brennan.
Starting point is 00:27:53 Oh, damn it. He's taller than you, looks kind of like you and his buff and is a personal trainer fitness trainer for Trader Joe's and gives free chocolate to everyone. And I'm not going to beat that. He and he just basically like I said, I had a really in-depth conversation with him about just fitness and boxing and stuff because I hit a plot.
Starting point is 00:28:16 I'm at the plateau now. I hit the stopping point where it's like, all right, time to either get for real or continue at your plateau. That easy, that easy melting off your body weight point has stopped. Your beginner gains have completely stalled out. You are stalled and you will now fight through it or give the fuck up. Not to discourage you, but like I reached a plateau where like for weeks, nothing was changing and like I didn't burst through that wall.
Starting point is 00:28:43 It's a solid. It's been a solid month. Even it's been a solid month where I haven't gone down from where I hit, you know, and I'm doing the same things. I had. Well, you might have to start eating things. I had a similar plateau recently when we got home from Hamilton. I'm a girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:29:01 I took separate flights and I got home and the first thing I did was run back to my fridge and start eating a bunch of ice cream. And I was like, oh, man, I'm halfway through this ice cream. I don't know if I can finish it. And then I got a text message from a girlfriend going, what do you want for dinner? Like, what do you want to do for dinner? And like, oh, I got to eat all the rest of this now. And I quick and I powered through it.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Got to hide it. Yeah. Got to hide it in my fucking body. Yeah, no, no one will look in there. So if I can do that, you can do anything. But ice cream was so good. Trainer Pat talked to me through all of it and about, you know, the expected plateau and how to break through it and what to do and stuff.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Similar to that running wall that I hear about. Yeah, it's almost as if like it's his job or something almost to talk. So here's here's the trick. Just don't just don't. Oh, so that that that was that was really motivating as well. Just in terms of things outside of that, I guess I would want to talk about the fact that yes. We got finally, I got to watch at least the first episode of Stranger Things.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Damn it. I still forgot to watch. And let me know when I can tag in on this, by the way, Liam's not here. Oh, yeah, because it's a 10 a.m. podcast is a 10 a.m. podcast. It's nice and early. And Liam did that thing that I think we've all pulled at one point or he messages at 4 30.
Starting point is 00:30:25 It's like, I'm fucked. Yeah, like, and there's no way the hero of the weekend was melatonin. Yeah, it was I got to go get. Yeah, it does. It does want this for your sleep. Let me sleep through your snoring. There you go. So I can't.
Starting point is 00:30:38 I can barely say the word melatonin. And I usually I just take a shortcut where I say my mitochondrion's or say melanin or I say. Medicare and I just like because Leanna takes it on occasion. I'm like, take your mitochondrion. Yeah, I feel like a couple of times I accidentally did. In fact, say melanin, say there you go, which is like that's a that's a very different tone because I need it.
Starting point is 00:31:04 And yeah, if you can if you can sleep through my snoring, you can sleep through the the church bells that were going off. You can sleep through a kind of you can sleep through the fucking impending Pokemon gang war, all of that. We joked about my God and me and Willie got to see like the start like the the the rumblings. Yeah, where like a bunch of drunk people at that Sheraton bar were getting. So the start real rowdy start of it is pure West Side Story.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Like mystic instinct, meow, mystic instinct, meow. You know, and then by the end of it, shut the fuck up. And by the end of it, it's just like, I fucking said, Fowler branch. You know, they were trying to outchant each other and people were starting to jump up and down and beers were sloshing. Yeah, and people were grabbing a hold of people to scream in their face. Like, I will during the instinct. So I came in at the end and went zap dose.
Starting point is 00:32:05 But someone showed me this animated gift during the weekend, where it's just a gift from the warriors. And that's just it says team instinct on their car. And it's the fucking asshole's coin. Valor come out to play. Yeah, God, man. Stranger things, though. Stranger things watch the first episode fucking amazing.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Yeah, I'm hooked is super hard. That's not even like a like a like it's good. But it's not like a hook like, oh, shit. But everything was perfect and firing intriguing on all cylinders. It's all that super eight feeling that I love if I wasn't already completely sold. I saw a post on our subreddit, which was, hey, did anybody else mark out when this song played in Stranger Things? Oh, yeah. And it was a light metal gear, solid five soundtrack.
Starting point is 00:32:58 I don't remember the song, but I remember hearing going, this is a Silent Hill song. It even has their same instrumentation. Dude, there's some amazing musical choices a lot that they play in the music. Like is actually a focal point, really. It really strongly is sometimes it drowns out the visuals. But in general, it was one of the things where I hit the end of the first episode. And I was like, I was amazing.
Starting point is 00:33:21 Then I was like, fuck, I watched that first episode with my girlfriend. Oh, you stupid fuck. Now I'm going to be timed like I'm going to be delayed on that because it's now it's a pair watch. I can't do it so low. I'm going to have to have a talk about that. Because because they and I just burned through it in like one day. And I just have a few random things to say because I finished it. And so it's incredible.
Starting point is 00:33:44 One of the strongest opening title crawls and like how they introduce episode names ever. Yeah, very simple, incredibly effective. That must have seen it like, hey, I'm going to write this in the stranger things font. And it just says marshmallows and it looks ominous as fuck. And it's the word marshmallows or whatever. And like, yeah, just, you know, we'll talk about it all. I guess when when we all see when we can do a spoiler next week.
Starting point is 00:34:11 There was there was one one thing that it brought to mind, though, was just something that exclusively happens when you're watching things on Netflix. Is you finish the first episode and the last like shot of the first episode cuts to the credits. And then you go you press the back button and then you go back to the main stranger things like image. And it's like, fuck me already. That's a spoiler in some way.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Just in a basic like that's why you never hit back. That's why you use the you go to the next door, right? To just roll through because the generic image you go back to. I'm like, oh, I figured something else out. But really quickly, there's like you're too smart. Not that I want to nitpick on something, but something to bother me. And it could be our TV or what we're watching on older TV. I'm going to guess it's a black level problem.
Starting point is 00:35:01 It's a black level problem where it again, I don't know. But like it's it's actually so black in some places, like when they're in a forest or whatever that it was hard seeing a few scenes. I don't know whether that's our problem or not. But big problem. I'd have to check it out. And the other thing I was going to say until we got this is that like, yeah, I love it. It's awesome, blah, blah, blah, the sheriff character
Starting point is 00:35:24 that you do me in the first episode is like one of the most like 80s and non 80s characters where you go, all right, the sheriff who has a past. And he like goes on to be like one of the most incredible characters. I'm like, this is such a good role. This actor is like, great. He must be relishing this where he's like, oh, my God, you are so awesome. Whereas like an authority like figure in an 80s movie, like a sheriff, a police officer, detective, whatever,
Starting point is 00:35:53 like usually has the same type of arc where I don't believe any of you. This is a bunch of shit and we'll actually impede the heroes type stuff. And they just do quit hanging around here. You're stupid. Curves do different things with him. And he's just he's just one of my one of the can boys, aren't you? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He could just be turned into that.
Starting point is 00:36:11 And he they just go a different direction with him. And he's just awesome. Goddamn those Dukes of Hazard. No, that's so I'm all in on that. Really happy to see how the lightest episode of Diamond is Unbreakable turned out. The lightest, the latest latest. That's the one with the weirdo that I hate. Shigetchi gets introduced and man, me and well, they were talking about
Starting point is 00:36:37 Shigetchi like at the fucking airport. And I like remember how fucking weird this was. He's like, no. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'd like and it's it's it's the total weird pacing point. But it in the end, it's like, no, dude, it's fucking great. And the thing with that in particular, those during those hijinks moments where you had the I don't know if you guys saw the Photoshop of Ed Ed
Starting point is 00:36:59 and Eddie Josuke, OK, I see a Chigetchi. But like you kind of just have these like fucking running around doing stupid shit for the entire episode moments and the facial expressions the characters make when they go from dead serious Jojo faces. But they're talking about the dumbest shit, like collectible coupons and the importance of getting them back for refunds. It's it's comedy platinum. Like, I fucking love it.
Starting point is 00:37:26 So that's they've been doing that. Matt, you're not you're not familiar with part four. So like the tone that I want to dive on familiar part of part four is Joe, Joe, Joe Cohen, what are you going to do? Someone like kills you and he's like, I don't know, die or whatever. I feel you, you're feeling I really feel the tones that are that me and we are talking about. It's so fuck.
Starting point is 00:37:50 It's the weirdest shift I've ever seen anything where there's multiple episodes detailing the rise of the supervillain of the plot and a character that imparts their goal of like, you got to stop the super and super dark and ominous like we're going to get him and then you see the guy and he's like, oh, that dude's scary and for real. And then it's like fucking Scooby-Doo nonsense or like a hundred pages like like we're talking like excuses to show like here's your main character doing things where he's like, no, this this my character is too noble to do this.
Starting point is 00:38:23 I can't scum this kid out. It's money. I got to be reasonable. Fuck it. I'll steal his coupons. Yeah, like I got to find I got to find an even better way to steal his money. Like fucking just pure scumbaggery and you want to draw your contrast between Jonathan and Joseph, but you got to do that for Joe Taro and this new fucking kid.
Starting point is 00:38:44 So it's like, how do you do it? You have him just straight up stealing money and being a fucking dirtbag in the best way. It's it's it's great. It's great. So that's fun and you all whatever. I guess the, you know, not much else to go into like one until I finished the diary book, which I'm like a few pages away from finishing it.
Starting point is 00:39:02 But still recommending it. It's still a really strong read. I'll give a more in depth review once I'm done, done though. That's it for now. Since you said you're reading stuff, usually cons have time to, you know, read a comic or two. And I showed you guys some of one, but I read finally read all new Wolverine, which I've been meaning to find forever.
Starting point is 00:39:25 And when we at the Montreal Comic Con, no one had the the trade paper back of it. So I got through that and like, I was talking to Liam about this. Don't really like X-23 having her long hair just randomly coming out of the back of Wolverine's mask. So it is X-23. It is totally X-23 and because that that looks like female Wolverine, but she's not supposed to be the female Wolverine. She's Wolverine.
Starting point is 00:39:54 She inherited the mantle and Logan in this dumb spandex costume. And her form is womanly already. It's like she's super like her vacius and she's X-23. Unless you get that Bishoujo figure. I don't. Yeah, yeah, I only has. I don't mind. I don't mind the hair sticking out the back. But I would have liked if she had her own spin on the costume. Well, the spin is the hair sticking out of the back.
Starting point is 00:40:20 Yeah. That's the only difference, really. The boot, you know, well, the boots is like her claws come out of her feet, too, as well, but like it's still really, really good. I need to read more of it because it was kind of like a standard Wolverine story. She's just, you know, fighting this threat. That's pretty that's pretty much it. But it was still really well written, a really good scene where she flashbacks to Wolverine, like teaching her some shit, which was like never
Starting point is 00:40:43 like it's not a flashback to a previous event. It's like a flashback to just a random moment that they had, which was cool. I'm assuming because I haven't read it, but I'm assuming that likely what they're doing at this point is like the Batman beyond style, like, OK, new person inherits the game, the name and the gown and the cowl rather. How do we show the difference between what you what the the old character was and who this new person is. They totally do that.
Starting point is 00:41:07 I won't go much into it, but there's a there's a scene that kind of exemplifies this where she meets up with Stephen Strange for a wacky little side. Yeah, help me, Dr. Strange. And it like this really sets up the Doctor Strange movie where you can expect where people just walk into Strange's place and go, what the fuck? Yeah. Holy shit, that cabinet went at me. And then he's like, no, don't worry about that.
Starting point is 00:41:34 There's some type of Cthulhu and he's like, no, no. No, that's cool. No, that's Jimmy. There there's this there's there's one there's just one bit of dialogue where he goes like, you know, the she explains something and Strange looks into her mind and goes, wow, you've went through some shit, but you have all this rage in you, but you can control it, channel it. Logan could never really get over that, like 100 percent. You but you are still your father's daughter.
Starting point is 00:42:02 Right. And he's like, that's that's really impressive. You you I think you'll make you're the only person that could inherit this mantle. And then X-23 just goes, yeah, I guess so. I'm pretty sure I can. But a lot of guys on the Internet don't think I can. And I'm like, that's pretty good. Though I kind of like I love the addition of the Internet to comic continuity. But I like I don't I don't want to just see like, you know,
Starting point is 00:42:27 like the the the mystical being tell you that this is the person that can do it. Like you want to see the right story that's that goes. This is something that she can do that Wolverine wouldn't have done. You want to see that moment where she does that. Yeah. You want to see that moment where Wolverine have done. He would have cut through the thing. What would X-23 have done? Open the door, maybe. Or just or just like Star Platinum grabbed that shit and got fucking owned.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Yeah. And Josuke was like, you know, it's gross. I'm going to blog with a Frank and totally survive. It's icky, you know, you want to you want that the nice turtles are nasty. And the other thing I read, which I showed you guys is like Web Warriors. Yeah, some people are familiar with this image that went around Tumblr and Twitter and stuff. And I guess you guys hadn't seen it because when I showed it to you, you were all marked out a little bit.
Starting point is 00:43:15 But I had seen it before without context. And Web Warriors is like all Spider-Man and Spider-Women, all continuities get together in this like, you know, fulcrum point of all realities to go. We're going to go in all the dimensions that have lost their spiders and fight the threats that are there. And also PS fuck up electro real bad. Yeah, because all electrodes in all continuities decide
Starting point is 00:43:38 that there's a fucking T-Rex that's wearing a an electrode costume. Well, considering he's got electricity powers, you could make the jump to parallel, whatever. You know, so they don't they're not super, super organized. But what they have is a type of danger room where they go back to 60s cartoon, dickery, Spider-Man world to train because the threat level here is zero. Because because Spider-Gwen just swings and she hits the lizard.
Starting point is 00:44:06 And there's just this vague yellow impact and she goes, what the hell? Like, how is he down in one shot? There was just this weird burst of light and whatever, I guess, and swings and she goes, how are my web sticking to nothing? They're just attached to the air. This place is awesome. And even Spider-Ham goes, I just shot you with my webbing and it just went into a weird butterfly net and now you're captured forever.
Starting point is 00:44:33 This is sick. And then Spider-Man War goes, our spider senses don't even trigger here. Fuck it. Don't even work fucking. And then they have the exact same dumb image of Spider-Man. Whenever he swings towards the camera in the old 60s cartoon and he swings in and goes, walloping web snappers, all these guys are are caught already. That's another like great victory for your friendly neighborhood.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Spider-Man. And then swings away going, and then like Spider-Gwen gets goes into a building and she sees 60s Spider-Man standing, sitting behind the desk with the picture of him on the wall right next to it with his neck at desk level. And Spider-Gwen is going, what are you doing? And that's just like one little that's just like one three page spread of like a larger story, but that thing is just leave your brain at the door. Yeah, dumb, like let's have fun with all this stuff.
Starting point is 00:45:28 So do they do they run into do they run into Venom anywhere in that? They run into no, not Venom. I mean, I don't think he really appeared. They run into 1602 carnage. OK, so it's a guy that thinks he's possessed by demons. OK. And it's a symbiote, but like he's he's like, I'm I'm captured by the devil. The devil has me on all honesty.
Starting point is 00:45:49 That's a pretty fair poll in that in that time period. That that makes sense. So OK, that was really fun. Pause that thought. But we have some sponsors. You know, I think if we look at the things that the heroes that Matt tends to draw himself towards, well, I wouldn't quite say ego, right? No, not not the living planet.
Starting point is 00:46:15 No. OK, well, there we go. That's what about what about Strip Arilla? No, not a Strip Arilla, not one of Stan Lee's best creations. But like, you know, a little little Matt had an affinity towards the all the the protagonists in general that had a bit of an edge to them, a darker edge or a little bit more. I didn't really, but I know where you're going with. Right. They were they were a little bit more like they're willing
Starting point is 00:46:41 to do the dirty things. They weren't all about the clean, happy, go lucky images, right? You know, Superman can't wear a skull on his chest. He's got to be a big hero. And would never sneeze like that, like a weirdo. No, he wouldn't, you know. And how many people like Spider-Man wouldn't take on the title of a lethal protector? No, he wouldn't.
Starting point is 00:47:02 Right. Well, he tried that one time. He didn't go out so well. But you know what kind of hero would who an anti hero? Oh, right. OK, so this month's theme in Loot Crate is anti hero. So when you open up this Loot Crate, does like does the Punisher is just holding a gun like when Marge opens up her eyes and the and the Homer has a has a yes, right.
Starting point is 00:47:25 Straighten up her face. Is there a Santa Claus head with like a chain around it? Yeah, it's got like from Lobo written on it. Lobo, that's a good anti hero there. Yep. Yep. You know, who's an anti hero? Dark Hawk and Shadow Hawk. Shadow Hawk,
Starting point is 00:47:43 a spider Jerusalem from Transmetropolitan. Whoa, there's your anti hero. That's some obscure shit. You've got, you know, there's a whole butting cast out there of guys that do the right thing and girls that do the right thing, not really because they're supposed to, because it suits them at the time. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And that's what this box is all about, or they do the wrong thing
Starting point is 00:48:04 and they think it's the right thing. Or they do the wrong thing at the right time. Yeah, a lot of sure. Don't shoot that baby. But that baby's Hitler. Well, you should probably shoot it. Yeah. OK, but it has that baby Hitler committed its first crime.
Starting point is 00:48:17 It's grown its mustache. OK, well, now it's got to go. Yeah, Hitler baby. So if you head on down to slash super and you enter the promo code super, you're signing up. Here's what you get. You're getting yourself the loot crate package. OK, you're getting a loot crate to your month, to your month,
Starting point is 00:48:35 to your door every month. And in your month, every door. And in that every door month comes that box. And in that box includes the month box, gear, apparel, collectibles, one of a kind items, all that good stuff with the themes that we are talking about this in this case, the anti-hero theme that's going to explore exclusive items from DC, from Dark Horse, from Kill Bill and, of course, a collectible tea.
Starting point is 00:49:03 So right, isn't an anti-hero? The bride is an anti-hero because when she was Black Mamba. Yeah, she was. And also you get the feeling that anyone who gets in the bridesway during the execution of her goals, it doesn't matter. Exactly. You're right. That girl deserves her revenge and we deserve to die as does anyone that happens to be in her way.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Yeah, well, why'd you why'd you stand there? And now so all that being said, if all man, could you imagine like 88 limbs? That'd be great. Um, if you want to get yourself on that train, you head on down to slash super promo code super. And that's pretty much it. And if you get in before the 19th of this month,
Starting point is 00:49:49 which you have a lot of time to do, you can get in on that anti-hero box. The world could always use more anti-heroes. Thanks, Lucret. Thanks, Lucret. Yeah. Yeah, like edge lords back in the day, I thought edge lords were kind of dumb. And I love like Spider-Man and stuff. And I actually felt the Punisher was like, ah, he's kind of lame.
Starting point is 00:50:12 And it's only really garthanness. Anyway, I thought it was the battle van that did it for you. No, battle van. I thought the battle van was dumb as shit. I thought it was cool. Well, now it's cool. But battle van like you need to find somebody that's obsessed with micro that just has shirts of micro everywhere.
Starting point is 00:50:30 I get some like Command and Conquer Generals players in. And aside from like any of that, I finished Lucha Underground. Season one fucking awesome, strong, strong ending. And like I was telling the Arcadia guys, we're now super on board. Strong ending to wrestling. Wrestling. So get the fuck out of here. And dumb asses, what are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:50:53 So good started up season two. I'm about four episodes into that. And it's an anime in the sense that we're now in the new arc, which is now adult by Matt Stryker as the decade of death or the age of death. He says something like that. So it starts new like there's a time jump as well. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I told William about this, Pat, but this isn't really spoilers.
Starting point is 00:51:20 But when season one ends, they kind of need a transitional, all right, things are wrapping up. And I won't say who, but certain wrestlers get into their twisted metal vehicles and drive off as their send off for now. They have specialized vehicles like WWE Crush Hour, actually, is the more appropriate thing. And they drive off and you see them get into these vehicles and they're like, we'll see you next time.
Starting point is 00:51:51 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I I'm I'm not going to say anything about season two other than like it's it's better, it's even better and flips the script in certain ways, but it's still the same thing. So it's better. It's different. It's the same thing, like where it counts is where it counts.
Starting point is 00:52:09 And they hinted at the new big superstar that enters the scene. I'm just like, I wish I wasn't here right now. I wish I was at home watching it, but what can you do? So I'm really going to burn through that. And the last kind of thing is by the time this goes up, it's going to be fine. It'll be all be revealed. But today is the marriage proposal anniversary day, not the birthday of Crime Tina. No, let's let's let's the marriage proposal anniversary.
Starting point is 00:52:35 Let's focus on the good thing. Yeah, it's a really good thing. She has she has some bad like thing memories going on with her birthdays because of like a previous relationship and hasn't had horrible memories with the marriage yet has not yet. So that's why I proposed her on her birthday to make it like. Forget about that. Forget about that to have this. So I decided to buy her a baby rider, baby rider, baby rider, a Vespa.
Starting point is 00:53:05 And unfortunately, I wanted to fucking dope. You know what? You know who thinks Vespa's are fucking dope? Everyone. Well, everyone. Specifically fucking women, girls, anything like that. They love Vespa's. Every girl wants a Vespa, it seems. So that's being delivered today. Pillows love Vespa's. The pillows love Vespa's and what we hope to do
Starting point is 00:53:30 because I couldn't get it done in time because of, you know, we had a con or whatever is that want to get it customized, want to get it pink and probably going to dub it the sweet baby on the side. That that Photoshop already exists. Well, that's sweet baby rider. Yeah, sweet baby rider. They just haven't pink skulls or no, just probably pink is fine. And on the side is sweet baby.
Starting point is 00:53:53 One of the license plate to say sweet baby SWT, BBY, Swiss. So so I'm looking forward to that. Been a really stressful weekend. Swat baby. I was going to say, why is that? Why is that plate say Swat baby? Swat baby. So, yeah, it's kind of any on swat baby stuff. That's I also play Marvel Ultimate Alliance. That port is bad.
Starting point is 00:54:16 Oh, that's a bummer. Oh, don't even try the PC port. The console port is not great. Apparently, statement came out saying we're going to fix it. Hey, fuck off. Oh, we're going to put it at that point now. We're going to put in all the DLC that we didn't put initially, but that everyone's screaming, how did you not put all the DLC in this
Starting point is 00:54:36 because you're charging $50. Well, that was the shortest turnaround time from last week's. Hey, this is coming out. Oh, cool. To this week's. Well, fuck, we're fixing that. I am now at the point where if a game comes out and it's fucking busted and we get an apology saying we're going to fix it, I'm done. I don't care for the PC version.
Starting point is 00:54:54 Like in Jim Strowman's video, the UI doesn't work right. You can't rebind the controls. Xbox one and three sixty controllers don't work right. Are you for real? Yeah, this is an Activision port. It's not like it is ported by. Yeah, all this. Yeah. And it was like a Marvel guy went out and said, we're going to fix this
Starting point is 00:55:13 because that makes Marvel games look good and Activision look bad. Great, because the Marvel guy like swooped in in a press release. Like you said, what are you saying? Oh, wow. Yeah, we're going to fix this. Don't you worry. So it's like Marvel gets the credit for it. It's a fucking shit disaster because they hired the guy to be their new face. Yeah, you know, and they get almost celebrated.
Starting point is 00:55:36 And he can see and it's like it's like when you get like almost like the Sonic Twitter account where it's like you get a new guy that's taking care of your stuff and he's quick to respond to anyone's emails about hey, what's going on or whatever. Then you get you get to take all of it. It's like when you it's like when I go on the Twitter, Matt goes on the Twitter and you're like, hey, fuck you, American Airlines. Yeah, someone there, always there watching, watching. We like not really be able to do.
Starting point is 00:56:01 I know someone's talking shit about American Airlines right now. Because they're the worst flight company ever. Worst one. I like how that like someone someone wrote a message that was like, man, fucking Trailways Wi-Fi is always down. What a piece of shit. And Trailways US retweeted that. Because it's like, hey, you're talking about Trailways.
Starting point is 00:56:21 Good job. Our Internet seems to work it for retweeting shit. Anyway, we understand. Yeah. So aside from con stuff, there you go. You I want to give a shout out to all the storm feelers and a few members of Bird Squad that made it out to the con. It was great to see you guys. Storms feelers is taking on a new meaning at this point, though. No shelter from the storm is the is the instinct mantra.
Starting point is 00:56:44 I did not know that. Yeah. Oh, yes. You know, a couple of times. Well, that's great. There you go. Because because like team that like me and a bunch of the other officers are all team instinct. So the fucking FC is team instinct now by default. And you know, and when and when you you have your bird squad shirt
Starting point is 00:57:01 and people look at that and they're like, that's not a mold. Yeah, that was, you know, that was that was a weird moment a couple of times. Oh, let's see. Did I play anything or watch anything new? Not really, honestly. I was glad to see everybody at the con was a lot of fun. Hamilton is a scary place. I guess your homework should be either Lucia, underground or stranger things.
Starting point is 00:57:26 You don't have to do both. Yeah, I know, I know, I know, because it's just so easy to hit next on that lawn order queue. Yeah, it's so easy. Ice tea is such a good, bad actor. I don't know. It's weird tea. He's he's not acting, but he's acting natural, you know. The only real thing of new I have to say is something about Monster Hunter.
Starting point is 00:57:49 So you guys can turn your brains off while I talk. I'm already on the phone. I'll try to engage here. Is it about Strider? No, it's not. But that's right. I don't think that's striders. It's in the game yet, but I finally got to engage with one of the new and one of the new gimmicks, which is the deviant monsters.
Starting point is 00:58:08 So they've always had this thing in hunting games. And well, you might know this if you talk to Liam a bunch. It's like you have a monster. Let's call it the Rathalos. That's the guy. And then you have the blue version. Yeah. Right. Or you have the or you have the silver version, right? Yeah. And they are not just they're not just stronger.
Starting point is 00:58:26 They have new attacks. They have new moves. They have new behaviors, right? So like the Rathalos is a dragon that spins his tail and shoots fire and shit like that. The Azure Rathalos spends nearly the entire fight flying. OK. And it's a fucking pain in the ass. And you have to hit him with flash bombs to knock him down to the ground and shit like that. And the silver one has a super, super strong head and tail. So it's really hard to break his parts, stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:58:52 So that's been a way for the series to always like add more monsters without actually spending the time to really make more stuff. And I'm assuming it results in different colored armor sets. They result in completely different gear. OK. So then that's the subspecies thing. And every game has their variant. They added something in this called deviance, which I thought was just going to be a different like it's like that.
Starting point is 00:59:16 And it's 12 of them have deviant versions where they're not different species. They're just this particular one is super fucked up. And it is the difference of going between Ryu and Ken and going between Ryu and Sagat. OK, like so the follow the same behaviors, but that Rathalos is a chronic masturbator. Well, that's something like that. Well, the example is that the one that I was fighting all of last night is a Rathian, which is a does to drag those backflips and poison you with its tail.
Starting point is 00:59:46 And it's a real fucker. This one does all sorts of new bullshit that completely changes it as a poison that can't be antidoted off. OK. It has a poison that lasts for like mulch for like two plus minutes instead of like 40 seconds. It has a charge attack where instead of charging and breathing fire, it'll spin and leave poison gas on the ground for like 20 seconds. Right. And unlike every other version of the thing,
Starting point is 01:00:14 it you have to break its tail twice to turn that shit off. How long does it take to heal and or depoison yourself? You have to eat an item which gives you like it locks you in place in an animation lock, which is like a five second ordeal. So oftentimes you'll get poisoned with the one that can last forever. All crap, I need to heal. And then you see it turn to face you and you're like, oh, it's going to charge. I'm fucking dead. I just killed myself.
Starting point is 01:00:37 Like it's a very similar dark souls in that respect. Yeah. Yeah. And unlike the regular loot system, they basically drop tokens that you get their armor set right away. Like really early in the game. And as you fight stronger versions of them, you then just upgrade that set with tokens and they become sets that can't be modified in any way.
Starting point is 01:00:58 They don't have any slots, but they have unique abilities that are super nuts. And probably the weirdest thing is that I was looking as like, oh, the first one, the easy one is a kill quest. That's fine. The second one is like a capture quest. That's OK. The third one is fight three monsters at the same time. OK. The fourth one is fight it and it's slightly weaker cousin simultaneously. The fifth one is fight two. The fourth, the sixth one is fight two and it's slightly like and so on and so forth.
Starting point is 01:01:31 And they still get new stuff as you go up. Wow. It's it's like so. Even Monster Hunter, Jen has 71 large monsters and for you had 74. And a lot of people were mad because G rank isn't in it. Which is that the whole third tier of stuff. But these deviants are there's 12 of them. You have to fight them at least 30 times each to get their their gear completely specked out in different ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:02:01 And that's like assuming you have the ability to do it. That's like eight hours per hour. Wow. So like they added a new end game that wasn't garbage, bullshit, like fighting the they always put some super dragon at the end of the game that could kill anybody. And one hit and had beam weapons that would hit the whole fucking stage. And it was always infuriating. They're called fataleses and I hate them. And I know a lot of people that stop the game as soon as they get there.
Starting point is 01:02:25 So I oh, it's crimson fatales time. OK, fuck this game. But having a new like real end game that has every time you do it, you have a little bit of a bump in power. It makes a huge difference. And I really want to see them go like farther with that one for each monster. One for each of the 12 major special ones. That's interesting.
Starting point is 01:02:44 Though the only thing I don't like about it, the picks are weird. Like so it's it's 12 out of like 140 monsters total that they picked. Some of them are obvious. Like there's Rathalos, he's the guy in the box all the time. Right. There's this one, there's that one. There's the classics. Then there's losers like Volvedon, which is a stupid lava bear. That's a fucking job or Lugambi, which is a giant bunny rabbit.
Starting point is 01:03:06 It's a fucking loser. And it looks like you're wearing like a parka when you wear it's stuff. You're like, what the fuck? Who cares about Lugambi? And then they change it. So it's like, oh, this is actually a fight worth doing. So I guess the best way to explain it is that the deviants are Omega mode. First, first Street Fighter 4 in that not only are they weird and different
Starting point is 01:03:27 and a cool remix, but you look at that and you look at the styles and you go, that's going to be Monster Hunter 5 stuff. OK, that's going to be new systems. They're going to move away from random stuff. They're going to go towards tokens. They're moving away from subspecies and more towards like radically completely different movesets testing out, testing out new shit. Like a bunch of them have new mechanics, like the poison cloud
Starting point is 01:03:49 mechanic is unique to that monster. That's a really smart way of testing shit out. Honestly, I think bonus content using existing material, exactly. And just like like changing the design around you. So you get to preview how people will respond to it, how it works, if it's fair, if it's not, you know, worked really great for Omega mode. Yeah, that's how we got Street Fighter 5. So yeah, that's it for me this week.
Starting point is 01:04:10 OK, watch Stranger Things and Lucha at some point. Yeah, it's a shame. I'm sure when Liam gets back, he'll regale his tales of small soldiers getting even more push. That's a great movie. And actually, it was horrifying. Probably Jones is a monster. He brought it and everyone was like, yeah, I guess.
Starting point is 01:04:33 And then as people were watching it, like Taka and and Scribble, they're like, yeah, yeah, yeah, I remember now. And it was horrifying. So it's like they're scary. So but let's let's let's crack open the biggest fresh bottle of news. Fattest shell. Oh, Christ, Liam's missing this. Holy fuck, I'm going to fill in with what he's.
Starting point is 01:04:58 So me and Liam talked about this for hours before the last near play through. So here's let's break it down. Me and him agree on everything. Let me let me introduce the story. The Nintendo NX is super leaked. Here are all the details, according to a source that reported to Eurogamer. And then I saw Wall Street Journal and Kotaku saying we don't have sources to confirm this, but this is everything that we heard.
Starting point is 01:05:23 It is a handheld system with a screen that's bookended by two controller sections that you can pop off. Yeah. So the screen itself is like a tablet that has a built in stand. And then the left side stand. It has a stand image of those. And oh, I thought, right, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe. And so the left side and the right side of the screen
Starting point is 01:05:43 are they look like your Wii U gamepad controllers, where you've got sticking d-pad on one side, sticking buttons on the other. And those become two controllers. Yeah, or rather, I'm assuming they'll be like almost like nunchucks you hold. Yeah, I assume you'll be able to, if they clap onto the the the the screen, you can also clap them onto each other to make a unified. That'd be a really weird, small controller. Yeah, well, you know, it's going to be weird.
Starting point is 01:06:07 Unless they attach sideways so that you're getting a long, like, remote shaped thing where you have stick d-pad and be on the stick. You know, it's powered by anything from a Tegra one and up. Like currently, currently, the dev kits have Tegra ones, which is an Nvidia mobile chip that they they use for a lot of phones and stuff. That this thing is that that chip alone is it's like a like stronger than a 360 or PS three. So it would like blow the Vita out of the water.
Starting point is 01:06:36 No, no question. And so what they're basically going for is this is a handheld that will play everything. And then when you get home and you just put it into your TV where you played off the TV, exactly. And all of the guts are in the controllers, actually. So there's there's no cross by because you don't need to because you don't need it. It's just HDMI out.
Starting point is 01:06:59 And then, in theory, also, because it's it has the power to it's spitting out a higher resolution to your TV than it would to the screen. So you could actually get games that look better on just by playing them at home. Yeah, that depends whether or not they put like a discrete GPU in the dock or if they're down sampling on the on the handheld side. I would like it that they are actually overpowering the handheld so that the handheld graphics are like down sampled to fuck on 4 540p. And then they just become 1080 on on your home on your home television.
Starting point is 01:07:35 The biggest and coolest, I guess, gamble here is the thing that we, we, you know, well, we took many guesses. But one of the early guesses we took was that, yeah, Nintendo merging handheld and console divisions to become one strong. I don't I don't know if this was so much of a guess, but it's what me and Liam wanted the most. Well, I think that's like, I think I think I think we anti-guessed it a few times because like that would be the smartest thing ever.
Starting point is 01:08:02 Nintendo will never do it. But it's like, what is their most powerful like division? It's their handheld division. You know, what's struggling, but what what stands to make the most money? All right. And of course, it combines both your teams. Exactly. So you have like so every game is on the one product that you're Nintendo's not splitting their development costs. Having more message and your message is this one new and next.
Starting point is 01:08:25 And again, like, yeah, it looks like fine or good or whatever on outside. And then yeah, you bring it home and like you could it could just stay in your house the entire time. Yeah. So the idea, the idea of a portable handheld of this type, something that, you know, me and Liam have argued over and over about portables and consoles and all that shit. And it's just like, he's like, no, I want people to be able to plug these in. It sucks that these things don't have proper TV outs, right? And it's like I and it's just like mine will probably stay in its dock
Starting point is 01:08:56 nearly forever unless I go to a convention. And Liam's will probably be out of its dock all the time because he's taking it on transit out of the dock more than the fact that we those games won't be split. The fact that I'll be able to play a monster her game that doesn't look like objective garbage to 40p is not enough, man. Now fucking trash. What hasn't been mentioned anywhere in this leak, but would be interesting to find out is whether or not that's a touch screen.
Starting point is 01:09:23 I bet it's a screen because if it is that adds a whole lot of interesting if it's going to have anything else like apps and shit. Yeah, it has to have a reason because then you can have a screen because then you have the ability to like have it function as a tablet for people in a basic way for like at least it runs Netflix, Internet and whatever. The other thing is like you can have off screen applications for games. I assume that all this like this sounds to me like it's going to be expensive as fuck. They haven't announced the price yet.
Starting point is 01:09:50 We don't know does it make things as part of this is apparently that Nintendo got a stupid good ass deal from Nvidia. Also, proprietary media in the form of cartridges. Fucking yeah. Honestly, I don't know. I don't know why because these are 32 and I'm going to assume eventually 64 K cards, yes, which is fine. That's fine. I want them back.
Starting point is 01:10:16 That like if it's a primarily handheld system that can also TV out at higher resolutions, 32 gigs is more than enough for any of the textures that you need. I wonder if you'll be able to feel the weight of your game now. Yeah, no, it was like two and 64. Yeah, fucking mother fucker. The worst thing about cartridges was their cost to manufacture. But the best thing about them is their load times, which are non existent will like this means that games on the NX
Starting point is 01:10:46 should barring technical hiccups have barely any load times whatsoever. And that's fucking awesome. It would be really exciting to see a virtual console that pulls in both shops together. Yeah, yeah. So you could play backwards, compact on both spectrums. I have a I have a strong feeling this thing will be a complete
Starting point is 01:11:11 read complete new start reboot might might might be and it'll be because it's easier to completely start over now and go everything from this moment on and I don't know why it's stupid because it doesn't actually mean anything, but like the fact that it would be a handheld device with a like a proper account system in my mind makes the NX way better fit for the like, oh, here's the new version. That's more powerful. Yes, and then the than the home consoles.
Starting point is 01:11:38 Also, you again, you find a way to make it so that you don't need to exclusively buy this over the other console war that's raging. This can be a companion. This is very much a companion or alternative device. So smart, smart, good stuff. Sounds good. And if Nintendo is doing like all their development on a single console and it's the handheld one, right? And it's a lower power than the Wii like you could see actually
Starting point is 01:12:04 like a Nintendo game every one point five months. Yeah, they could they could totally carry the thing by themselves. I there's a part of me that always wanted to someday see their return to the forefront. They're getting even farther away, but they're getting. Yeah, but they're but they're pulling away in that direction. They're pulling away faster than you can hope harder. Yeah, like there's a yeah, there's a panel in Steel Ball Red at a point where the horses have to go left or right.
Starting point is 01:12:31 And then the main character is like, nah, fuck it. We're going back almost. We're going this other way like fuck you. And it's almost like that. And it's like we're carving our own path here. Like my general thing is like not even to like fucking make sure that your road map for at least a year has a bunch of games release.
Starting point is 01:12:54 Yeah, doesn't even really have to be third parties because now you kind of have circumvented that by combining both your development teams. Like have a red that retro game that literally hasn't been made for will be going on for years since Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze. Yeah. Have that ready to go. Have like a Mari ready to go or you're already going to have a Zelda ready
Starting point is 01:13:19 to go like near launch or whatever and just make sure that that's because that's almost always the biggest problem. Confirmed games are Breath of the Wild, Dragon Quest 11, Project Sonic, Just Dance and Pikmin 4. Yeah. So Breath of the Wild being a portable game now is an awesome. That's awesome. I just realized that.
Starting point is 01:13:39 Portable Zelda. I just realized that like two, three minutes ago because the way that that game seems to work where it's just like wander wherever the fuck portable ops. Oh, shit. Oh, I got to go record at Willys or whatever. I'll play Zelda on the way there on the way because I'll just pick it up. And then rumored titles include a new Mario Maker, a new Splatoon
Starting point is 01:14:02 and another Smash Brothers. Yeah. So this thing has to have a touch screen. Like if they're going to put fucking Mario like Mario Maker is the coolest thing that no one's playing because it's on the Wii U. And that that's the one game that actually needs a touch screen for real. I'm thinking there. What could kill this in the cradle price?
Starting point is 01:14:24 I don't know. I don't even think I like. Well, me and Lee were ping ponging back and forth between like 300 ish. And it's like, but 250 would be the number, right? 250 would be the perfect, awesome number. No, I could see that. I could see them like putting this on a price up to like anything like less than five hundred dollars, not anymore because things have been successful.
Starting point is 01:14:49 It's like an iPhone. Well, here's the deal. I can see a three hundred dollar version. That's what we're talking about. And I can see a five hundred dollar version that is also a phone. That's to be a giant. That's huge. Can't pocket that, dude.
Starting point is 01:15:02 I have a big phone. No, no, no, no, no. But like think of the size of this. These images you're seeing, like, you know, you're talking like iPad size. No, it could just be that size, dude. This is a phone size. No, I screen size is not like, I don't know. It's not going to be bigger than six inches.
Starting point is 01:15:18 So like, well, all we have to go on are these leaked images. And when I see, when I see the sides of the controller, where the D-pad is and the button, yeah, but look, in one photo, it's a square. And in the other photo, it's a rectangle. Like these are these are not to scale. All I have to go on in my head is something at least as large as the Wii U gamepad. OK, well, that's that's insane. That like this, I like there's no there's no screen data in this leak as to the size.
Starting point is 01:15:46 No, but like me and Liam, we're talking like 540p is kind of an ideal resolution because of the way it scales to 1080. So you think this is going to be like I think this is going to be the size of the Vita screen, huh? I really wow. OK, I didn't see that at all. I saw this as a large tablet, right? And the sides that you pop on the sides are literally just like the size of like a Vita's hand.
Starting point is 01:16:09 But then no, here's. But then maybe even refer to when we were talking that like it's like a super Vita. But here's why that doesn't work, because separating the screen and putting it on its own. What's the point of having such a tiny screen resting on a table? I don't know. That's a good point. A tablet resting on a table makes sense. But a tiny screen like that is the point needs to be up in your face.
Starting point is 01:16:29 You know, I don't know. I think I think so. Tablet size, the other. Well, if it is a tablet size, then yeah, more expensive than it also can be a hell. Yeah. Yeah, you're right. But what it could have is data. What it could have is actually be Wi-Fi compatible. Yeah, because I mean, we're talking about this is like the fucking 3G Vita was
Starting point is 01:16:46 the fucking stupid like for what? For who? For what reason? But a 3G version of this thing, if it does console stuff, that would make sense. The my big worry right now before we see it unveiled is battery life. Battery life. If this if this thing has a fucking three hour battery life, then fuck it to death. And Nintendo is flip flop with sometimes its machines, its portables have great battery life and sometimes they have poor battery.
Starting point is 01:17:10 I bet what they're going to do is they're going to use a higher power chip than they need to, like an X 1.5 or an X2, right, the Tegra. And then they're going to underclock the shit out of it so that it gets like double the battery life. Please don't make it have a proprietary adapter. Just make it USB mini. Well, Nintendo has been pretty decent about that kind of thing. Like they use micro SD cards at this point.
Starting point is 01:17:34 Finally, yeah, yeah. Comes pre-installed with Pokemon Go. Of course it does. Why wouldn't it? Yeah, that's how you do it. That's a great pack in game. Yep, the fucking and a better version, you know, and no, no, that's not a pack in game.
Starting point is 01:17:51 That's an app that will always be on. That's part of the that's the O.S. That's the O.S. You've got to navigate Pokemon Go to get to other games and then play them. You have to have to like walk around. Oh, there's Breath of the Wild. You found Breath of the Wild. Quickly. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:18:07 Play it now. I guess the last part worth mentioning is that your gamer also says that the unveil is supposed to be in September. I can see that. So we'll see if this is all accurate then. Having their own event is always smart. But I'm really excited. This is this is kind of what I wanted.
Starting point is 01:18:20 So yeah, yeah, I excite. Very shine. Yep, a single source on the report. But, you know, it's it's believable because it sounds good. I don't know, man. Like, I feel like that source is probably pretty legit for your gamer to blow their asses out like this. Right.
Starting point is 01:18:41 Because this is going to they're going to look really fucking stupid if it turns out to not be this. Because the level of confidence that the article starts with is just straight up. This is what the NX will be. No, NX is a hand. It is this. Yeah. Yeah, it reminds me of one giant bomb. Got a hold of those Neo PowerPoint things and blew up in the Neo.
Starting point is 01:19:01 Right. It feels just like that. So next I'm going to get into the other new direction that the video game industry is going in on you guys. Of course, I'm sure are familiar with that woman laughing alone with salad. Yes, the phenomenon. Yes. That took the world by storm took the world by storm. You squint.
Starting point is 01:19:25 Pat is not certain of what I'm talking about. I can give him a quick reminder. It's just stock images. There's a lot of them. Of I'll give you a quick reminder. All there it is of woman laughing alone with salad. Oh, yeah, as and just to know how you're going. How this all that's the one that's the one.
Starting point is 01:19:44 Yeah, so that was a thing that took the world by storm. Salad, we've now found 2016's version of this. The new woman laughing alone with salad is stocks are shutter stocks, virtual reality photos of people interacting. Oh, my God. Oh, and. Oh, Salad is playing. Hold on a moment. Sound needs to stop.
Starting point is 01:20:09 There we go. Oh, it's just watching Street Fighter. OK, we're back. Um, virtual reality stock photos of poppies are an unintentional or unintentionally comic genius, and you need to check this out. This is from L.A. Mag. L.A. They just went. Oh, my God. That woman is literally having a heart attack.
Starting point is 01:20:29 The best and brightest. Oh, my man. Let's get some pretty actors. No sense. What's happening? There's a woman typing on a laptop with a VR headset on, but she can't see her laptop. We're talking strong, strong images of pretty people with virtual reality headsets on, firing guns, hanging out in pools,
Starting point is 01:20:51 getting assaulted by hanging telephones and driving invisible cars. But there's no there's no steering wheel that reacts to your hand. Everyone's driving invisible cars, but there's nothing to control in their hands. It's great. That one's great. It's a naked woman. It's I'm telling you, so you need to check this out. We we found our new niche.
Starting point is 01:21:14 We found our new groove. This is my aesthetic. Oh, look at that give up machine she's kissing. Virtual virtual reality stock photos. Do it. OK, that's what's happening. All right. That's all that's pretty good, man. What else is happening? Apparently, triple A fucking games being made by one man.
Starting point is 01:21:35 I thought you were going to say triple age are a thing. Have you seen the trailer for Lost Soul aside? I guess I have. OK. Now, this is a very if I say Ion 15 looking thing. Sure is. And that's what inspired him to do it with tons of character action. Combat things happening. I'd say like I'd say like a Kogi levels. But the fucked up thing is everything about the release
Starting point is 01:22:01 and information on this game is that it seems to be one South Korean man. Yeah. And it makes no sense because he's using using UE4. Yes, he's actually doing some asset flipping off of the UE4 asset store. Yes, but it looks amazing. I do. I almost don't believe it's one thing where he was like, yeah, I got really inspired when I saw the first footage of Final Fantasy 15. So I just model off that and I know it. And then as I work, I'm going to make it dip more different as time goes on
Starting point is 01:22:32 because like I was just using that as a base. And now I'm going to like I'm like, cool, at least someone fucking says that unlike all of China. No. And on Twitter, he's like, I'm just a normal developer. You know, I honestly just a regular cherry boy. Thank you for all. Yes. Cherry boy like me. Thank you for all your kind words. But it's just like you are like I don't have how.
Starting point is 01:22:53 And more importantly, why if this is what one man can do, do you just like how do how do you pay a man like that? Do you hire him and go? What's the budget of our game? OK, this is now your money. The budget of the game is the food that keeps me alive. Basically. So lost soul aside, go look at the trailer for this thing.
Starting point is 01:23:12 It is nuts, not just in its scale and in how much is in it, but like the level of polish that's there so far. Like that's you need a team for that. Like because when you start that up, when you start that video up and you hear like, oh, like character action combat, you go, OK. And you look for the tells like, look at this still to animation. Look at the bad animation before attacks. Nope. Correct.
Starting point is 01:23:37 So how? No. How? What? Then there's some effects like when he teleports, like you see individual blue pixels of his after image kind of fade off. It looks like it looks like it looks smoother to play than Final Fantasy 15. It does. It looks Final Fantasy 15. It actually looked for its comment of that I've seen. It looks jankier. Oh, it's starting to hit me, man. The fucking morning. Oh, God. OK.
Starting point is 01:23:59 I'm starting to power through it. Think about think about weiner dogs with huge floating UFO guns. Yes, I was hoping you'd get. I love weiner dogs. Think about their tiny weenie legs. Think about big mamas that throw dynamite. OK, so Doris's thing is that she only uses dynamite or grenades. We are talking about wild guns reloaded.
Starting point is 01:24:23 We finally saw the trailer that shows the gameplay for the two new characters. And we've got Doris and bullet bullet. And so bullet, the dog is a weiner dog, and he straight up runs around and he's got a control of what seems to be mind controlled drone floating above him. And he can jump and grab onto it and float above the stage for like. It's a mix with someone else. Yeah, it's Iggy with the fool. Yeah, and then we've got Doris, who runs around and throws sticks of dynamite out
Starting point is 01:24:54 and the longer you charge them, make a spread of so. Yeah, you hold the button down and you can make one, two, three, four, five, six. And then you get up to, I think, nine, six or nine. It looked like six or nine. Yeah. Yeah. And then you just throw out a ton of explosives. She uses that instead of guns. And it's like, what's her? What's her screen clear? I don't know more. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:15 She pulls out a tiny little pistol and then, of course, you've got Annie and Clint who look unchanged. Yeah, they look pretty similar. And then now you have you throw on the four player mode and the amazing art and they keep showing that exploding mech because of all the work they put into it. Like we'd seen that in the little like tiny teaser trailer before. And I was like, oh, that's new assets. That's redrawn. And when they showed it again,
Starting point is 01:25:38 I feel like they added more explosions to it. And it like there's like a whole other sequence of of exploding that they added. Like, I know this is happening and I'm seeing it, but I still don't believe I still think it's an elaborate. I still think no one else is out there that cares about wild guns. Like I think it's a hoax. Yeah. Yeah. I'm not sure. Like I didn't I didn't believe that people knew and cared about
Starting point is 01:26:02 wind jammers for a long time. And it took it took the giant bomb pushing it on people. And it took for me to accept it being real with the track jackets. You can have meetups and competent attorneys are going down. That's what it took for me. But now a world where people love and know about wild guns. I'm not ready. What's wild guns? Exactly. That's right. That's the right answer. That's the right question.
Starting point is 01:26:25 When's this coming out like in September, October? It's coming out soon, I believe. Let me see if we can. You want to know because we have to do it. Oh, let me grab a quick date. We can revisit the old LP. Yeah, absolutely. I wouldn't if it was like a 10 hour game, but it's like a one hour game. Oh, sure, man. Absolutely. No, that doesn't say on the really on the video.
Starting point is 01:26:47 So I'm pretty sure it's just generally fall. And I'm looking at pictures of weiner dogs. They're so cute. Keep an eye out. Uh, you can you can look up pictures of us. No, that doesn't work. OK. How do I try? OK, look at pictures of weiner. The Vita got hacked, you guys. The Vita got hacked. You can look up pictures of a weiner's on your Vita and then after that,
Starting point is 01:27:12 you can go to a website and click a single button and it'll hack your Vita. There you go. So Vita has been hacked. It runs emulators, homebrew and more. However, it does not allow you to pirate games. Yeah, the statement by the guys who did this is really clear. It's like, we're aware that doing this is going to help the cause to piracy. So in response, we fucked up that shit and locked it down again. It allows that it appears they have their own like copy protection on it.
Starting point is 01:27:42 Allow exactly. So it basically it allows a new age. It allows for homebrew and anything to it allows for code to be injected, but it doesn't allow the copy protection of official Vita games to be cracked. So the and this is the craziest thing about this is that it's actually like the softest type of hacking I've ever heard of for a console. It's pure injection. It's pure software. You simply go to a website and tap a button and then it'll do it.
Starting point is 01:28:10 And now it works and it works for as long as your Vita is on. And then when you turn it off, it goes away and your Vita cleans itself up on boot. Yeah, back to normal. Like I can't imagine the only thing you would ever have to do is like, oh, new game comes out that use the firmware that I am not upgrading to. It's like, OK, I'm going to give up on my homebrew stuff. Turn the Vita off.
Starting point is 01:28:33 Turn it back on. Done. Done. Yep. And you have your you have your SD card, which has your saved homebrew shit. So you don't have to worry about your data in that regard. You just make sure that it's, you know, there and whatnot. So I'm very interested in seeing if Sony is going to like aggressively fuck this up like they do all their cousin firmware things because of the piracy angle on this.
Starting point is 01:29:01 I think it would be really amazing if they didn't go out of their way to disable this. Because there is no piracy available. Yes. At the moment. And the PSP, of course, exploded once that got that. Once that thing got well, hardware sales exploded. Yeah. Software sales did not. Of course. But, you know, and like a hacked PSP is the fucking greatest thing.
Starting point is 01:29:23 And a hacked Vita is also pretty awesome. It is because let's say someone goes up to something like a attacker or whatever. And they're like, what do you think about this? That someone like kind of, you know, got homebrew working on the Vita? And like, it's it's entirely possible. Sony will go the what? Yeah. Like they actually don't care. Well, the thing is, it's like a bunch of the reasons behind
Starting point is 01:29:45 like legitimate cracking of your PSP or Sony America. I want to play this game digitally or on the go. But I can't or I want to have a bunch of games on that. But I can't, you know, because of various things. Yeah. But now that the Vita is like, well, every single store, every single game that ever came out in your region is available digitally. Like all of a sudden, like as a legitimate cracked thing, it's a way better thing than the PSP ever was.
Starting point is 01:30:14 It's way better. I'm very curious to see how this plays out. Is a pure value add to the system. So I'd be incredibly disappointment, disappointed if it was actively disabled, not passively disabled, because passively disabled is they made a few changes here or there and it broke it temporarily and they have it fixed by two days from now. Right. The websites down, the websites back up.
Starting point is 01:30:38 Right. Down something like that. But actively disabled is like we went into the part where this gets injected and fucking blocked up a plaster and shit. And now there's gulik and Adi Frida. That'd be sad. That would be sad. And, you know, they don't they don't even have to make a statement on it. All they have to do is in the next firmware update, they don't actively disable it.
Starting point is 01:31:02 Basically, all they have to do is nothing for them to get like a like a win to the people who know. And like there is something to this, though, in that you're not voiding your warranty. No, because you're not cracking the thing open. Nope. You know, so in some ways, if you do brick it via these methods, you're probably still covered. I went to a website and clicked on a weird thing.
Starting point is 01:31:31 Oh, I don't know what I did. That's interesting. I wonder how that's going to play out. I wonder if there's like weird porn malware for Vila. Yes. Is that the world we're going towards? Yeah, I thought that I thought that malware was called Monster Masume. Or every Japanese visual novel release on the Vita ever. We're going towards a world in which you're going to get like porn malware in your OGS.
Starting point is 01:32:01 What else? Oh, no, my Oculus keeps having these pop ups. My arm is making these porn noises. Well, we've got in non news news, Star Wars, Galaxy and Thermal Oil Fan Project gets shut down by LucasArts. You know, that was a thing. Was that announced? Of course it was. All right, you know, like, good job. Same old shit.
Starting point is 01:32:24 Hey, you announced the project. It looked like a thing that was going to take place in the Star Wars. Damn it. How many times do we have to say it? Dude, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. I just there's no point feeling that. Don't even feel that. Just take that feeling and throw it out. You don't need that feeling, you know. It's a bitter cynical attitude to have
Starting point is 01:32:42 makes me talented fan projects and I know really, really sucks. Makes me really happy that, like, before the podcast comes out, I can go to the sub to our subreddit and see people going, well, this thing got canceled in their announcement videos. Yeah, right. And then usually by the time the podcast comes out, you know, the shits cancel. You know, guys, as soon as we have the time, let's shoot a PSA. Yeah, let's shoot a little like a real PSA, a little PSA live action.
Starting point is 01:33:10 It's just like a concern that people can send concern. Hey, do you know a developer that thinks about unveiling their indie game that uses another person's intellectual property? Send this to them. Hey, fucking don't. Hi there, friend. I know that you're a fan of this thing. In fact, we're probably huge fans of it, too. And love the work you're going to be doing.
Starting point is 01:33:32 Hey, remember Chrono Resurrection? Of course you don't. It didn't fucking come out. Let's take a look at a brief timeline of canceled fan projects, shall we? Oh, man, just go down the fucking list. Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of just high profile ones. Think about all these good memories that we don't have. Remember, remember that time you were done playing bid for Power for the Night and then wanted to play Galaxy in turmoil?
Starting point is 01:33:57 No, friends, don't let friends put their fan projects online before they're ready. Sorry. Anyway, we'll figure it out. One day, who else? Niantic needs to needs to figure some shit out, too, because the update to Pokemon Go is still weird. There's some weird shit going on. So OK, two, two things going on. One, Pokemon Go gets updated and the Pokemon Tracker was busted for a while
Starting point is 01:34:20 for a long while. The steps just never made any sense like the entire time it was available in Canada, the officially the track was never worked. And so now the trackers just remove steps entirely. But now like the track are still there. Yeah, but it just has nothing in it, which will not. No, it's it's it was blank for a while, but now there's stuff in it. But there's just pictures of Pokemon with no data. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:48 And you can't select in them anymore. That is weirder than I thought. So it's like it was like a very soft patch that was just like, OK, we you can see which nine Pokemon are closest to you. And that's all you can do. We have that's a lot of data. I just got a message loading this up that was do not trespass. Yeah, that's the new message.
Starting point is 01:35:07 If you haven't opened it up, that's the main thing that they say. Don't fucking get killed. Right. Don't go into dangerous areas. And it's up to you to interpret that we know that we put this moltress in this volcano, but don't go up there. Well, the thing about those is likely we're going to see the legendaries doing what they did for Ingress, which is having special events where the crowd has to just get together and sacrifice one person to get thrown into the
Starting point is 01:35:35 volcano to get the legend. I'll do it. Whose life is worth it? Hey, that baby hasn't lived anything. Yeah, it has no value. He has low XP. We have to eat it. He's not even going to be able to play Pokemon go for a while. Yeah, like a year or something. Yeah, look at that old guy.
Starting point is 01:35:50 He doesn't. He's going to die. No, no, that old guy, I don't know. He could do something cool. He doesn't even know how I just used like both ends of the sacrifice spectrum with completely opposite reasoning. Yeah, he doesn't know Pokemon. Anyone's good. All right.
Starting point is 01:36:06 The other being you kids playing your Pokemans. You stop this party. They got rid of battery saver mode because that Oh, fuck off. That's the best because that shit just didn't fucking work. Work for me. A lot of people had the game freeze the fuck up every second time you put it on. Personally, I want there to be something.
Starting point is 01:36:26 And it's harder to deal with this, but on iOS in particular, you go to slide to catch something, but you accidentally pull up the iOS slide menu from the bottom and that freezes the game and doesn't allow you to throw any more balls. So I'm staring at, I believe it was a pincer. And I'm like, well, bye. Do that sucks, battery saver mode is it was like vital. Wait, what would happen?
Starting point is 01:36:50 So you throw. So you slide, you go to play the Pokemon go, right? You're playing on the iOS. So you're throwing the balls up. But occasionally you go a little bit too low on your thumb. And you pull up that bottom menu that comes up when you slide from the bottom of the touchscreen and then you put it back down and then the game is frozen now.
Starting point is 01:37:07 Like it's a soft crash because it's not frozen, but you can no longer throw balls out. So the rare thing is gone. It plays on iOS and when she'd capture something like and she'd like flick and then it would get into the ball and then it would just crash right there. Yes. So that happens too. When that happens, a different problem. Yeah, that's a different problem.
Starting point is 01:37:25 And apparently a fix for that is basically shut the game down immediately, right, close it. It's not really a fix. No, no, no, but no, but here you shut it down. You turn on airplane mode, boot the game up again, get the disconnection message. Yeah, then turn airplane mode off and continue playing. And when you reconnect to the servers, you'll have that Pokemon.
Starting point is 01:37:46 OK, OK, OK, OK. Fucking bonkers, but that's what's going on. They nerfed a couple moves and most importantly, nerfed moves, they got rid of poke vision and the the distance trackers that were just a lot rid of stuff. So well, got rid of features. Good job. So there's a website that a lot of people to go on to Google Maps and see what was nearby and how long they had to go catch it.
Starting point is 01:38:13 And they they got rid of that and that upset a lot of people, mostly cheaters. I don't care because I don't like quite frankly, I would I don't mind using that at all when your tracking system doesn't work. Yeah, I have no problem. But like, I remember this image that was floating around that was like a shot of Twitch, like of people playing Pokemon Go on Twitch and nine out of 10 of them were colored in red boxes. And it's like all of these guys are using GPS spoofers to play Pokemon Go.
Starting point is 01:38:45 Stop Twitch cheating on Pokemon. Again, I have I like the other thing is apparently people did that for Ingress and it hammered their servers really hard. Yeah, so like that could be one of the reasons as well. But there's still that other service that I forget the name right now, but it's based on people's reports and not on actual hammering the the the the the Pokemon Go servers. Get it all get it out.
Starting point is 01:39:08 I think I think I'm still hung over from so OK. So hey, no worries, we'll do it. We're going to make it. And so, yeah, that that upset a lot of people, but it's fine. Why is it fine, Willie, because. What's the next topic? It's a good one, right? You don't know. You can't necessarily. Oh, OK.
Starting point is 01:39:31 What? Oh, well, I don't know. I was just going to say that, like, it's fine. Anyway, for the like two people out there that have Apple watches. Yeah, there's an RPG you can play on it now. Oh, really? What's it called? Square Enix, put out an up put out. It's chaos rings. It's chaos rings, of course. But it's Iowa. It's Iowa.
Starting point is 01:39:51 Sorry, it's Apple Watch chaos rings with an RPG battle system on your watch. And it actually uses steps and time and the things that the watch does in a pedometer at school. My girlfriend has an Apple Watch. I'll tell her to check it out to play, you know. So that's that that's interesting. I forgot Apple Watch existed. Yeah, interesting. I did as well. You know, I'm curious to see like what you could do with that.
Starting point is 01:40:13 I Apple Watch their stock fall more like it. Sick burn. Man, what else we got? Well, all right, let's wrap up and get it. I get it. I can tell you like, no, no, no, no, not saying that. I'm just saying like that. There's nothing to say about. No, I'm trying. I'm just being a guy.
Starting point is 01:40:32 I got nothing. I'm just being a shit because I think I'm going to throw up a bunch of funny guys made a trailer for Peter the cop in Street Fighter. Oh, yeah, I saw that. It was great. Go watch it. Peter. Let's check his supers are just broken. Like they have super. He does now customer. It's just a strong version of his way, his bat.
Starting point is 01:40:52 It looks super weird. I love it. All right. If you've got a letter, send it into yon, yon, yon's at superbestyons.yon. That's super best friend cast at That's super yon, yon, yon. The PS Plus is a great deal. Yeah, yon. That's at the arcade is like at least we didn't steal.
Starting point is 01:41:17 And I'm like, but you lost like really like, dude, seconds before and they're like, yeah, we bought our start. I'm just like, winners, don't fucking buy stars. They steal them. What? Welcome to the party, bitch. Yeah, at least we didn't steal. Yeah, you didn't lose her. Pedro, we won honor.
Starting point is 01:41:39 We lost honorably, like whatever, losing. Pedro says hello from Brazil. Hey, man, I wish I knew how to say Brazil and Portuguese. Brazil. I don't. Gigantic ass is there. That's how you say hello. Yeah. In the past, you guys have complained about Canadian provinces such as Toronto, Vancouver and Ontario.
Starting point is 01:41:56 Oh, I love this. I love this so much. Let me let me let me stop you there. Toronto is a part of the city. Ontario. It's a big ass city. Um, you've got Vancouver is also a part of British Columbia. It's a big ass city, too. We're correcting when we get everything wrong about that country
Starting point is 01:42:14 or it's because this is one of the few times we can get it right. And even then, it's never 100 percent. And Montreal is a part of Quebec. So we've complained about Toronto, Vancouver and Ontario in the past. Pat's been tweeting about how stinky Hamilton is. My question is, is there a single place in Canada that doesn't suck? All of it except the places we don't like. The honest truth is, is that any of these Canadian cities is pretty damn good.
Starting point is 01:42:39 Yeah, compared to a lot of shitty other places out there. But you also have to take into context that Pat anywhere in the world would hate it and would. Yeah, I'm a huge like town fanboy, like massive, massive town fanboy. If I if I cared about hockey, Curt, like still, like I'd be one of those crazy people like egging people with Toronto jerseys on because fuck them. We got one coming in from Sono and he just wants to know, hey,
Starting point is 01:43:08 questions for Willie. By the way, by the way, I want to I want to point out that Pedro is asking if there's anywhere in Canada that doesn't suck. Like I hear our Olympic Village isn't poisoning people. Yeah, I heard that, too. How about that? I mean, no one's in the Olympic Village right now. No, it's it's it's it's it's condos. All right. The swimmers swimmers were able to open their mouths.
Starting point is 01:43:29 That's so bad. You hear what they had what happened with that when they flushed all the toilets? Oops, all sewage. Like did you do the stress test on a building? You have to flush all the toilets at the same time to see if the pipes can handle it. Guess what? They fucking can't. Nice. They all you are the Olympic champions.
Starting point is 01:43:49 You got good luck, Olympians, with your future Zika virus. So we got one coming in from Sono and he's basically just like, yo, Sono Chiro Sano. I literally. OK. OK. Myeongshin Fanta and Crown Joysticks. Have you given them a try? I've got my fighting game joystick from Itoki. So these guys talking about I've not I've not run into these now.
Starting point is 01:44:12 He's talking about Korean parts that are an alternative to the Japanese Japanese Sanwa and Hori buttons and sticks and the American competition style push buttons and sticks. I have my first joystick I ever built was out of Korean parts that I bought directly from Laugh himself, who was infiltration's old buddy. He got some Korean parts and they're very weird because they have elastic on their gates instead of hard plastic. They're it works as a resistor, but it wears out after a lot of use.
Starting point is 01:44:43 Quite frankly, I didn't like the feel. What about the buttons? The buttons were not they weren't as smooth as I want them to be. There was too much resistance on them again. They're high resistance button. Exactly. And the rubber on them was to it gave too much feedback. They cling, they pinged loudly each time you push them in when they shot back out. And I just kind of didn't enjoy that.
Starting point is 01:45:05 I feel like that's for a very specific reason. You would have you wouldn't be as it would be as easy to plank on these things if you knew. Yeah. So yeah, not perfect for fighting games, but I bet they're good for something else. I don't recommend them. Getting used to them is one thing, but ultimately I still stand by the Japanese layout and or going with an American layout if that's what you're used to. I've become they're sturdy and they're good.
Starting point is 01:45:27 I've become such a fucking piece of shit snob about this at some point where there's a third star cabinet at Con Bravo. I'm like, yeah, whoo, third strike. I walked up to it and looked down and I saw that it was half. And I played like three matches like now. I'm done. Weird. OK. I always hated half, but like now I'm at the point was like, it's not even worth playing my ideal configuration.
Starting point is 01:45:49 It was not the default Madcats one that we're using with Sanwa's and Sony and and Hori stuff. But I got used to that because I realized when my customized stick broke and I had to borrow another one, I was fucking done. I couldn't do it. Yeah. And I'm like, I can never have this happen. I have to use something standard. I need to be able to grab anything default and be OK.
Starting point is 01:46:08 So I just made myself get used to it. I like some buttons. Yep. I like I like that. They're a good little click here. Absolutely. OK, Justin wants to know. I don't think anything touched the sandwich. I left where did I where did we get to and how do you mean I finished it? Yeah, you finished everything.
Starting point is 01:46:27 I mean, anime, anime wise. Yeah, I think that the manga is forever. Manga is like 20 years past that. The manga, I saw the panel about 20 real years or manga. All over again. I saw 40 combined. I saw the panel where Ippo was thinking about the omnidirectional Dempsey role and that's that's what I know.
Starting point is 01:46:50 Or the giant wolf shooting out of someone's fist. Well, there's that. That's every page. Yeah, that's true. OK, Go wants to know what evolution of a character design over the years. Did you have you like the most? I like Terry Bogard a lot. He said not from a fighting game, but I'm going to say. I like Kyo Kusanagi's.
Starting point is 01:47:13 I think but Terry Bogard into Wild Wolf. I think Dante's visual design over time is very interesting as well. Yeah, that's a good one. Bayonetta. Yeah. That's a great. Yeah, but it's there. Legacy of Keynes, a king like he looks pretty weird in the first one. And I think that like when he got aged, the fuck up and became like a
Starting point is 01:47:39 scaly looking weirdo vampire that really added to him a lot. When you say sorry, when you say no fighting games, you're taking out the thing that has the best examples of this. Yeah, so you use fighting games. Well, I'll answer the question and say link. Yeah, but those are all different people. That doesn't count being a shit. I feel like I feel like it goes up and down, though,
Starting point is 01:48:03 as opposed to a consistent up. Yeah, because like I think the up part is breath of the wild and Hyrule Warriors link and the down part is everything else ever. All right, I'd say like Dante is also up and down. Well, that's why I said over time and I meant chronologically. OK, yeah, because like his DMZ three one is the worst, but it's the first one canonically. And then and then sorry, no, his alternate universe.
Starting point is 01:48:30 I like them all differently, but I like to the best. Yeah, yeah, yeah, too is great, too is like, you know, like who doesn't have an interest in one like Mario per se. There's little differences here and there. Kirby and Smash Brothers, Kirby and Smash Brothers. I like I think Sonics could be more interesting, but it's really not. It's Sonic and then there's just Attitude Sonic, and that's it, really. Like there's fat, awesome, bellied, little cool Sonic.
Starting point is 01:48:58 And then there's just there's some cast on there's something to be said, believe it or not, for you as well. Like from, you know, like red-haired alpha boy. But that also has some ups and downs. And then you've got buff man with black hair and then the the the symbols on his gloves and the writing on his belts. You know, you've got these little things that have that have popped up over the years on what is another Chinese is a bit more interesting.
Starting point is 01:49:22 Yeah, definitely. Though it really just fluctuates between three versions. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, Charlie is a good example, too. There you go. I think that's a lot of examples. No fighting games, though. Nope. No fighting games. That's not fair. That's all right.
Starting point is 01:49:36 Stephanie says, Hey, guys, Con Bravo was an absolute blast. It was really cool seeing you guys. Oh, nice to meet you. And Paige, sweetest ladies. I was the to be new. I was the to be continued sign girl. Oh, yeah. She was good. I saw her right away and went, yeah, you guys noticed it
Starting point is 01:49:54 and it made me feel good about dragging it around. Yeah, that's that's when I was talking to Paige about this a while ago. I was like, I always have to respect because we walk by some undertale people that had like the full blown face paint, right? And then we walk by some people that had big signs or big weapons. Like I always have to respect the cosplayer that is going to kind of ruin their weekend for their cosplay.
Starting point is 01:50:15 Yeah, yeah, yeah. And that sign is definitely in there. Oh, on that note, shout outs to Temmie Chang for just showing up to our signing or signing and just being like, Hey, what's up? I'm Temmie Chang. And we're like, I turned around for two seconds and she was gone. You know what, shout downs to Aunt Fish
Starting point is 01:50:32 for photo bombing my fucking picture with Temmie Chang. Yeah, she's a she's a nice lady. I feel super bummed out that I totally didn't see her at all, even though she was in the room. So Stephanie says that my question was for the Q&A, but there wasn't enough time. Yeah, I was going to ask you. Reboot the Guardian Code Lyoko.
Starting point is 01:50:51 If any of you were put in charge of the project, but you had to move forward with the characters already outlined in the casting call, how would you ensure the show would still be good and maybe even live up to its predecessor? That's tough. I would try and find whoever wrote the second and third seasons of Avatar the Last Airbender.
Starting point is 01:51:11 And I feel like they could do something with those archetypes. Yeah, Avatar characters are like what during that Amber Island prayers episode, yes, you get to see that and that those characters are kind of like that. Yeah, I feel like it could be done. OK, I would one, keep that casting call, but but get rid of the live action entirely and make those characters CG. OK, that's right.
Starting point is 01:51:38 That's big step number one. Yeah, getting rid of live action is a very big step. Number one, step number two would be create a timeline for these characters to evolve into real people from two dimensional stupid inserts and have something interesting where it's not like we're fighting against them. New megabyte kid or whatever the fuck or AI shit, have it go somewhere interesting where perhaps by season two or so,
Starting point is 01:52:05 half of that cat, like one of those cast members is dead and two of them are perhaps villains. And that's the actual set up for where you're basically still switching the casting call just over the course of. No, no, no, no, no, keeping it the same. But it's like, imagine if you have a team of Power Rangers that you start with. But they're not actually Power Rangers. What you're seeing are your heroes and villains
Starting point is 01:52:25 that are eventually going to grow into those roles. But at first, they're a bunch of buddies or something like working something interesting with an otherwise two dimensional city set up. I'm the shadow boss. What? Basically, I thought you were my buddy. What happened? No, it's the shadow. That's my girlfriend. That's what I would do.
Starting point is 01:52:43 P.S. I will continue trying to read Steel Ball Run. I've been feeling the part six depression as well. I hear you. I told you what you did it. I told you what to do. You got to be powerful. Got to break through. I saw you having that discussion with what seemed like a dozen people. This weekend, it's a hard wall to hit and you feel it.
Starting point is 01:53:02 And everything you know and love is gone. It sucks. But then it comes back and then it shows love. Ben wants to know a super best breakfast cast. Gentle, Ben, you talked a lot about replaying games and rewatching movies, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. I kind of don't understand the appeal. Once I've beaten or watched a movie, I'm done with it.
Starting point is 01:53:23 And I move on to the next one replaying becomes boring. And you really didn't love those things, did you? I already know what's going to happen. And I've done it all already. So I was wondering if you'd explain what's the appeal about this because I've missed the memo. Well, games is harder than movies. Absolutely. It's easier to go back and watch a movie
Starting point is 01:53:39 because the time asked of you is not as bad. It depends how strongly you personally react to nostalgia, even personal nostalgia. Yeah. So probably the best example I can think of this is Gurren Lagann. So I watched Gurren Lagann way back right after it finished in one go. And I was like, that's that's the fucking shit. Right. And I rewatched it again. And it's just like, this is all great.
Starting point is 01:54:06 And I feel a lot of the same emotions that I felt the same time pivotal scenes happen because I remembered how I felt when they were new. But it wasn't the same. Right. So what did I do? I embarked on this path of like, hey, friend of mine. Yeah, right. Did you see Gurren Lagann? No.
Starting point is 01:54:23 Well, hey, why don't we watch it? Well, then you're in for a fucking so that that I could like eat their their ambient vicarious energy. Right. Right. And I do this all the time because because I have something on, you know, I get it. Like, you'll never get that first experience again. And how much you personally value that if you value that like at the top? Like you hate spoilers.
Starting point is 01:54:45 And once you're done, you're done. But if you can try and recreate any of that or you're the kind of person that can like my girlfriend, rewatches Mystery Science Theater all the time. She fucking loves it. She watched like, you know, and you rewatch Old Godzilla Garbage all the time. Well, like I was going to say, I've seen a couple of Mystery Science
Starting point is 01:55:01 Theatres at least a couple of dozen times in episodes. So like I understand this guy the most because I replay things the least. Yeah, you do. Well, it depends. Once you once you've had every matchup in a fighting game, you're basically done. Yes. But that's when you've beaten it.
Starting point is 01:55:19 You know, so I like I feel that not every there's there's very few games for me and movies for me that I consider to be rewatchable and replayable, even if I enjoy them thoroughly. And there's oftentimes the title of this email is Explain New Game Plus to me. And I can explain that by saying that in a game that actually has different content.
Starting point is 01:55:39 Yeah, well, that's obvious. Very easy, right? If you're double may cry one and you beat the game and then all of a sudden all the enemies get remixed and the bosses have new patterns. You've got a good reason to go back through it, right? The other thing too is if you like the game enough that you and you enjoy the game part of the game and not just the story that you want to work on perfecting.
Starting point is 01:55:58 And not not even just the story like encounter design that relies on shock and whatnot. Like Dark Souls, like I love the mechanical combat of Dark Souls. I love the way it feels. I like fighting those enemies, even if I know how to beat them, even if like the discovery of beating them and the discovery of new areas. That's a massive, massive poll.
Starting point is 01:56:19 And that's why the first playthrough is always the best. But even going through the motions is still a blast. It's like playing a single player fighting game to me. Yeah. And you know, like that's exactly it. Is the thing you're not accounting for here, Ben, is the fact that even when you know the events occurring and whatnot, that's only a part of the reason why we enjoy playing these things. Sometimes the game itself is a fun game to play, you know.
Starting point is 01:56:41 So for me, I've replayed the two games that I can think of that I've replayed that are like the farthest on the one end of the spectrum is I replayed New Vegas and Dragon's Dogma top to bottom, complete like a couple of years after each of those games came out. And to a degree, if the game is big enough, if and you get far enough away from it,
Starting point is 01:57:03 you'd be amazed how much you can kind of forget and how much can hit you with like, oh, yeah, I remember that. Oh, man, that's awesome. Like that was the that was what I was saying every 15 minutes when I was replaying through New Vegas. I forgot this quest was in this game. Oh, man, I love that quest. You know, stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:57:22 For me, sorry, I was I was going to say like really, like for me, there's like certain movies that all like any time, any time, like Terminator, Aliens, Robocop, Predator, Robocop, any of anything like that. Gladiator is that playing right now? I'll watch that right now. I'm watching it right now in my head. So like that, those are stuff
Starting point is 01:57:41 that I would actually just use as white noise. And then I'll watch and I'll be entertained by whatever scene. But I don't need to pay absolute attention because if I can hear it or just be generally aware of where it is, I'll look up, be entertained for the amount of time that I'm looking up and look away, then do something else, just something to occupy my mind if I'm doing chores around the house or if I'm editing something like OSW reviews is another thing like like much like Mr.
Starting point is 01:58:09 Sands Theater. Well, I've replayed, especially the Samurai Cop episode. Samurai Cop is a movie that I've seen at like. I see it four times. I must have seen it like two dozen times by now. Wow, really? Like you said about Gordon Logan, all show that to new people. Oh, you don't know this? Oh, you got to see this. You can see this right now.
Starting point is 01:58:27 I showed Vernon from Game Grumps that and he was just like, what the fuck? I showed Takahata, most of Team Four Star that like I love to live through that shit. And like you get some of their life force when that happens. You get re-entertained by their entertainment. There's only one thing you can't do. You can't do that thing that drives really the craziest where you're watching it and you turn away to watch them. And you're watching. What's he's reacting?
Starting point is 01:58:48 Yeah, he's reacting. You got to be slier than that. Don't fucking do that shit. But then if you look and then you see a person on your phone and you've never felt more hatred for a single person in your lifetime. I want to throw a brick through people's faces when they're like, let's watch this and they pull out their phones. Like, I want you to die.
Starting point is 01:59:03 And you know what, man? Sometimes there's just things that like give you goosebumps or make you feel like, oh, my God, you got to go back and watch those scenes. The ending of Logan Hen makes me get goosebumps and get teary eyed every single time, dude. I can't. I've never seen the ending of Logan Hen more than once. Like the ending ending. I can't deal with it. Interesting. I hate that ending so much.
Starting point is 01:59:24 I hate it. I hate it. Also, like I must have played through MGS three. Oh, man, three times twice on. No, no, once normally, once on substance. That's a fucking good one. Once on HD. But I must have watched all the cut scenes in a metal gear cut movie of three billion at least a billion.
Starting point is 01:59:45 At least one billion. Yeah, like I had it on loop and I was like editing stuff. This is like years ago. Like I just watched the random random Jojo intros at random times. Yeah, totally. I read the times today. MGS one in particular, I played the most out of any other game because I replayed that far.
Starting point is 02:00:02 I can't even count how many times because it that introduction. That was one of the things that not introduced me to. But like it really cemented an addition I have for like a game that is really good at allowing you to perfect the run. I brought it up before. Super Metroid is good at that. MGS one is good for that. Mirror's Edge is good for that.
Starting point is 02:00:19 Any game that allows you to do that, I'm way in on. I did something very similar with the Resident Evil games where I replay them over and over. It's like, can I dodge this guy? Do I have to? Can I just shoot him once and be done with it? Right. And like you could if you go through the LPs
Starting point is 02:00:33 and you go through RE two, you go through RE three, you go through whatever, you can see like a vast difference between say RE two and RE zero. RE zero, I beat once. RE two, I beat a hundred times. And the level of confidence, the amount of times I walked into a room in RE zero and went, oh, oh, shit. Fuck, right?
Starting point is 02:00:55 And I mean, I'll throw it up there, but I mean, but on a command of 2009, you know, play through each difficulty on that. And like, is there a secret ending in which his arm is not his wife? No, but by the time you beat- She has no real point. By the time you beat the commando difficulty,
Starting point is 02:01:12 it's one of those like take two hits and die type of situations. So like, it's like you've replayed it infinite times really. But yeah, man, that's what it is, you know? It's that feeling of, it's trying to recapture the feeling you had of when this moment happened. And in some cases, playing it better than you did the first time. You get through a stage in wonderful 101 and you're like ranked like a consolation prize.
Starting point is 02:01:36 You're like, ah, come on, I can do better than that, you know? So why not? No, I can't. I have some news. I'm, is this new? I'm gonna pass my phone to Woolly here. I'm pretty sure it's fucking new. Let's see, let's see.
Starting point is 02:01:48 I'm gonna take the phone, I'm gonna take a look at it. And it is a piece of news that says WWE signs former NFL player, Brennan Williams. WWE sent out the following announcing they've signed Brennan Williams, six foot seven, 300 pound, former offensive tackle, Brennan is joining the ranks of the WWE Performance Center. He can't teach being six-five.
Starting point is 02:02:11 He reports to the Orlando Training Center today. The third round draft of the Houston Texans in 2013, he played college football at North Carolina. He's part of the Jaguars and the Patriots. Jaggers. And he will be competing. He made his in-ring debut as part of reality wrestling as Marcellus Black.
Starting point is 02:02:31 And he also holds a black belt in Taekwondo. That's made up. Fuck you. That's amazing. So we brought this up two weeks ago. We did? Yes. It was kind of not really confirmed anything.
Starting point is 02:02:45 Because the reason I say, I was confused with her news because I remember talking about it, but Mar, I just said Marcellus. Sorry, Brennan was just on Twitter like one minute ago going boy, that was a hard secret to keep. So basically. So it kind of got leaked. Yes, well, because fucking Booker T himself.
Starting point is 02:03:03 Booker T himself leaked it. On the Instagram, he sent out a picture and said, all right, good job, boy. You did a good job. Be over here at reality wrestling. Now go be the shogun of the WWE. And we're like, well, I guess that confirms that he's going to be a partner.
Starting point is 02:03:18 But now we're actually for real confirmed. For real. Not just Booker confirmed. It's really nice to know that Brennan couldn't have done this without us. Yes, that's true. It was all us. Hey, congrats, Brennan.
Starting point is 02:03:30 I'm very excited to see your rising future as the shogun. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Wait a minute. Otako. Wait a minute. It feels really exciting to be like, have been like fucking ground, like the groundest floor on this.
Starting point is 02:03:47 And watch it, watch him become like the biggest star ever. Watch it happen. That the shogun's new outfit has really long coat tails. That's pretty. Because we all need to grab on. Like there needs to be four coat tails. Where are pieces? At least.
Starting point is 02:04:05 So here's what's coming out. I think there might need to be more than four. I sure would like tickets to WrestleMania next year, Brennan. Hey, can we just chill a minute? No, it's already confirmed. It's like just, you know, like Trigun's coat split into four. Just like four different little tails to grab on to. Coming up on the channel, we continue with
Starting point is 02:04:25 more, more, more world of Woolly. That is Inside Jojo and what's the other place for it? Near. No. Near is there as well. Near is there. Well, a new one is starting this week. If that's, oh, Catherine.
Starting point is 02:04:40 Catherine, sorry. A new one is starting this week since Inside, Inside, Deep Inside, Woolly is finishing up. I don't like that title. Well, you know. That me and Patrick and Liam are starting up. Oh, we did start that. Yes, is starting up in Disaster Report for the PS2.
Starting point is 02:05:02 I guess it's related to Disaster Day of Crisis. It's not, but it sure seems like it is. Yeah, exactly. Like we are constantly going, like Liam keeps saying, this is a different game. This has nothing to do with whatever. And then Matt goes, then how come that thing's the same? Like, exactly.
Starting point is 02:05:19 It's super weird. That game is bizarre. Yeah, no, it should be. So we have two bizarre games going on. Home, home, home, home, home, home, home. Home, home, home, home. And you know, beyond that, the Demon's Souls archives are going up as well this week.
Starting point is 02:05:32 And we got a special Fist of Cups coming along. I hope you guys enjoy. It's not really that special. It's, wait, what? Wait, what was it? Did we record that? Yeah, we did, we did. Let's just say that some assaults were committed.
Starting point is 02:05:49 Oh, that is special. Assaults were committed. Backstage assault, WCW, it's a good one. I'm not throwing it out there. I'm not throwing it out there. What I am gonna throw out there is we have to talk about Gundam this week. That's embarrassing.
Starting point is 02:06:01 Oh, well, you can save it for next week. That's fine. What I am gonna throw out there is a quick, did you know that a clock strikes and gongs 156 times per day? That's crazy.

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