Castle Super Beast - SBFC 158: Maximum Parent Confusion Marketing

Episode Date: August 16, 2016

No Man's Sky, Overwatch, QA memories and the Game of Thrones Spoilercast....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Alright, so what we're saying is if you get Advent Children's step above what Spirit's within was. Yeah. That was a big improvement from, like... Was it? Despite its awkward... Yeah. It was awkward...
Starting point is 00:00:36 It had... It was its awkward teenage, like, weirdness going on in that movie, but it was a big step above Spirit's within. Yeah. So if Kingsglaive is that same step above Advent Children, do we have a movie? We have a real movie, according to reviewers, and if we're lucky, the FF17 movie or the next FF7 movie will be, like, Citizen Kane 2. You know, like, if they keep improving.
Starting point is 00:01:00 It's what they say, the fourth or fifth times the charm. Yeah, yeah, exactly. I feel that if you put Advent Children's action and characters in the pacing and general non-weird speaking of Spirit's within, then you would get a pretty good movie. You might have something there, yeah. Because I was forced to watch the director's super mega, like, ultra-cut... Oh, the giga-cut. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:30 The giga-cut of fucking Advent Children. He made it longer. I literally fell asleep multiple times, and I thought the movie was going, and I've already seen it, like, twice up until this point. So when I had to watch a giga-cut, I would remember just, like, guile eyes. They had to, like, go, like, blur down my head, like, it's still going! They had it, like, one scene worth watching, and that's, and then a bunch of other garbage. It's just some little action-cut with the boy.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Yeah. I want Kaddash. Where's Kaddash in The City Arcade? I know, I know. I want my Kaddash. I miss Kaddash, man. Didn't you say no one? I was joking!
Starting point is 00:02:05 I miss Kaddash, and I miss Tough Guy, and I miss... What's the Joker guy? The... The... Oh. You got the short hair. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Tough Guy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He was cool. He had the fucking Pilebunker thing. Oh, Final Fantasy VII had good movies. I did. Remember, he's fighting Tifa, then Tifa kicks him in the head, and he goes, you meanie. And it has that dope shot where she lands on the wall.
Starting point is 00:02:29 Everyone's seen that wall shot. Just pause it there, and make it a wallpaper. Exactly. How many times have you looked at that wall scroll and gone, nah, and then that wall scrolls all over Chinatown? Yeah. Still. The bike shot that was never in the movie is the one that I always remember.
Starting point is 00:02:45 At least we never... At least we were never forced to watch the lightning movie that you know is on a cutting room floor somewhere. I would love to see it, though. You know, at some point, at the height of the Versus XIII, like what you want to... It wasn't a train. When it was all one big thing, you know there was talks about a movie. They're still connected.
Starting point is 00:03:08 They are still connected. They are still connected. It is the bad Final Fantasy movie cinematic universe. I remember when we did Type Zero, me and Matt and Pat, right, yeah, you did, yeah. When we did that, Pat was flabbergasted to see that it was connected to Thirteen and they were name-dropping like Falsies and stuff like that. Oh, that stuff. They are still connected.
Starting point is 00:03:29 You'd think they'd scrub, but I guess not. When the connections is loose as like Falsie, like lightning's nowhere near... Sure. Yeah. When the connections that loose, I don't think it's a lot of them. I mean, if you have a... If you can do something like, hey, this takes place in Ivelis II, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:46 I want a Final Fantasy X movie. I think there's like three games in Ivelis now. They take place in Ivelis now. Yeah. I think. Final Fantasy XIII should be a movie. Where where Tidus kicks the bomb and... Well, like a whole movie around that and that's the climax of the movie.
Starting point is 00:04:02 That's like the credit roll. Do you have Matthew McConaughey play Tidus? No. No. No. You play... Okay, Meg Ryan is Tidus. You play as Yuna and you keep running into Tidus, but he has no collision, so you just
Starting point is 00:04:13 keep tripping and falling as you try to hug him. That's pretty good. That's pretty good. That's that's the whole thing. Make it happen. FF X Dreams Collection. You know, we could kickstart it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:24 We just can't announce it. I'd like to see them stop us. We should fund... We should have all our animator friends make Final Fantasy XIII, but then release it when it's finished. There you go. The movie of the book that Square Enix doesn't want you to know exists, told from the hype tour's point of view.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Oh, like he's the chronicler? What's his filter? How does it come out of his mouth? Yeah. You ever see that 360 no scope fucking video like like highlights with like get rekt, smoke blunts? Is that what that is? That's what that is.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Okay, yeah. Well, like fucking like Snoop Dogg sliding in doing the fucking swerve on it. If it's filmed by the hype tour's point of view, isn't his point of view always nestled in between? That's correct. So at the bottom of the bottom of the screen, like a letter box, you just have two flesh mounds to represent where you're nestled in. But if Lula's not looking at the action at the time, she's like looking at the ground
Starting point is 00:05:18 or the sky. Yeah, it doesn't matter. It's everything. Don't think about it too much. It's fine. That's pretty good. Right? Hype tour, like plucking out his chocobo mafia like Pikmin, walking around with the
Starting point is 00:05:28 crew. It'd be sick. You could make it a mod for like Jurassic Park. What's the one with the breasts in the timeline? Trespasser. Trespasser. Trespasser. Trespasser.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Trespasser. Put your hands back. You're... Where's the combatürst? Now we have rufous physics. Right. Yeah. But then we have Virtual Reality.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Now we finally have Engines, in which can support a Barrest UI. What a wonderful world. What a wonderful world. That we've ever been. You can finally live the true Hype tour experience. Yeah. Oh, it's a VR game. It's a VR movie.
Starting point is 00:05:59 It's the VR movie. It's a VR 5D experience. The VR experience. 5D. It opens a tesseract in your living room. Oh, God. It's been a while since I've heard anyone mention the fucking tesseract. I dropped that shit because now they're just gems.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Oh, God. Oh, man. What up? Hey. What up? Pat, like, energy drinked himself. To death. Into a coma.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Yes. He's close to dying, according to him. I believe that's what's happening. That's a shame because I'd want him to get reminded of those connections to Final Fantasy because he'd get all pissed off again. For sure. It's fine. Relished it.
Starting point is 00:06:40 Relished or mustard or ketchup. Well, he's catching Pokemon right now. Okay. Hold on a minute though. It really looks like you are though. Hold on a minute though because something sick happened. Oh, what happened? Because, you know, I didn't know about the whole, like, the differences between the teams
Starting point is 00:06:52 initially because I never looked up, like, what you got and stuff. And this week, I finally hatched my first level 10 egg or 10 kilometer egg. And I fucking got the strongest laprass out of that shit. Oh, yeah. That's awesome. It's over 2K. That's awesome. I'm like, I'm ready to get out there and battle, even though I'm not really interested in
Starting point is 00:07:14 battling. Now I can do it because I have an over 2K level Pokemon. Still, that's a free, over-ridiculous Pokemon. I got a hitmonly and a 10K egg, but it was like, I was way lower level, so it's not significant. Yellow actually gives you the egg bonus and a ton of candy to level them up with too. So they need to, like, trading isn't a thing yet, right? It's not a thing. But it's going to be at some point.
Starting point is 00:07:35 At some point. All outside battling. So my only real chance, even though I don't have Pokemon going on my phone, but I'm still playing it, like, you know, with, with, uh, with Chrometina, but the only real chance is, like, A, I have to be near someone that's been to Japan, B, trading needs to be a thing, and C, they have to have a farfetched. Yeah. And then you can start.
Starting point is 00:08:00 That's the only way. Then I can start. Then that's when I can get it. That's when I can get it. Or, fuck it all, Plan H, you get on the plane. All right, go, go to Japan, like, and then you don't get farfetched, watch Godzilla leave. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:14 I mean, that's the whole trip. For what it's worth, like, I've got two Taurus now and Taurus is supposed to be like the North American. Exclusive. Exclusive. I'm just hanging on to them too, because one day, one day they're gonna be used for these Tauruses. But like, you know, if you went to Japan or Europe or wherever, like, I think you got
Starting point is 00:08:34 two, I've got three Tauruses, but it's been like, a while. Yeah. And we only got that many. Oh, yeah. So you could go on vacation and just never, never see a farfetched or a misdemeanor, whatever. And now that the new patch is making everything harder to catch, and shit's running away faster and everything's all like, nah. Allegedly it's a bug.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Pokemon are more scared than ever. If you're not throwing curveballs, fucking delete the app. Yeah. It's allegedly a bug, so. Okay. So whether it's a bug or a feature that they're calling a bug, they're fixing it, so, yeah. Either way, we in there. We in there.
Starting point is 00:09:07 I'm in there. I'm at the point where I'm like plugging in my phone, leaving it on, and letting the GPS like, just re-signal to walk, give me some steps, brah. Over nice steps. They're free. Yeah. You're wasting steps every time you sleep. No, totally.
Starting point is 00:09:25 So that's, I do it too. Demonstrate. Good. Your phone on like a little treadmill, and have the treadmill like, let's see, you could, but that's cheating. Is it? I saw the phone attached to the fan spinning, but you're going to hatch damn it, and it's like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:41 I don't know. You might as well just leave it in place and let the GPS do its thing. No, you cheat however you want. It doesn't fucking matter. You know, I fucking hate there's no way to get a second permanent incubator. Yeah. That's the worst. That's the worst.
Starting point is 00:09:55 They might eventually make something. I would buy another incubator. Permanent. Straight up. I'm not going to buy any of the micro shit, because it's not like, it's garbage, no need. But like, fuck man, whenever you lose your second incubator, you feel like you got nerfed. But I've always had four. Because it only works three times.
Starting point is 00:10:14 I've had four consistently though, just from picking them up from spins. I don't get them from spins. It's impossible. Don't you get them from spins? You only get them from levels. Really? Yeah. Then I guess I'd just been leveling really quickly then.
Starting point is 00:10:26 But are you even using them? I'm using them constantly, but I'm at 22 now. If you have four at the same time, then you're not using them constantly enough. Yeah. I don't put the two kilometers anymore, because I just want the good shit. Sure. You have to though. But you can't just go or take.
Starting point is 00:10:41 You have to. Yeah, exactly. So you're selling dry eggs. No, well, because it's just like, up until now, I've never had less than four sitting there. So I guess I'm just not using them now. That's absurd. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:54 No, I've never seen more than two. Yeah. So you're playing the game in an entirely new way no one's ever heard of, like this new technique, the honeycomb quesol method of fucking controlling the Pokemon Go. Oh, man, I hate that fucking thing. No, the honeycomb quesol method. Every time someone mentions it, I just think it's some sort of cooking mama technique. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:16 I hate it. Don't ever mention it again. No one. It's had a pure hatred. I can get really angry if it mentions it in the game again. That's fine. Anyway. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:11:25 I don't know what you guys do. A couple of things this week. I found out that you're a dad. No, I found out that, you know, I'm Pikmin, Pikmin three. Yeah. Yeah. Apparently, that came out 158 weeks ago. Probably.
Starting point is 00:11:47 That's cool. So good for it. That's a good thing. It's the best game to come out in the last 158 weeks. I hear about this a years. It's not your favorite game of all time, but your favorite Wii U game. It's close to that. It's the best Wii U game, dude.
Starting point is 00:12:00 It's the best one. Pikmin is the most underrated thing that Nintendo puts out. It's nuts. I think it's rated appropriately. It's like I never, I always feel like people... The scores are always good. You know what I mean? But like I think...
Starting point is 00:12:16 People never pick up on it. Yeah, I guess. How are those shorts? How did those work out? Oh, they're fine. They're entertaining. We've talked about that for so long. There's only like 15, no, 10 minutes of them, so there's not much there, but they're entertaining.
Starting point is 00:12:29 You know what else is entertaining? Stranger things. It is. Did you finish it? I did. Yeah, we can't do a spoiler cast though until Pat comes back. What a miserable existence. This is the worst.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Yeah. And we still haven't done the Game of Thrones one. Okay, we'll do that today. Oh yeah? Okay. We'll do that today. Yeah. Also, I finished off Kimmy Schmidt.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Oh, shit. I forgot you didn't go through that. Yeah. I haven't watched the second season. Okay. So we'll do the Game of Thrones thing today. Kimmy Schmidt, second season is, yeah, it's just like it's the same level I feel as the first one in terms of just, you're watching and you're like, yeah, this is entertaining
Starting point is 00:13:08 in general, but then there's that one joke every couple of episodes that sends your sides into orbit. All you're sitting there is the one joke. All you're sitting there for, pardon, is the one joke and everything else just kind of rolls off with little chuckles here and there, but like when that joke hits. Yeah, and it's like it's and I like, I feel like that's something that 30 Rock it had, but way more spaced out. Sure. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:13:36 You know, so that no, it is enjoyable. How'd you like, God, Trassa Park guy, Independence Day guy, Jeff Goldblum. Goldblum, his episode is a fantastic spot in Kimmy Schmidt, and I'm really, really like happy with how they did that. Is that in the second season? Yeah. And they actually like, it's it's kind of funny because I mean, like there, it feels like they're sort of running out of ideas for the supporting cast, but they're coming
Starting point is 00:14:11 up with more ideas for Kimmy in some ways. Yeah, I can see that. Titus didn't do like he did more. He had more stuff going on in the first season, I feel. Because here's the thing is the the existing supporting cast is has less going on than the new characters that they brought in in the form of Titus's boyfriend. And I love that story line. And Tina Fey, you know, Tina Fey.
Starting point is 00:14:38 Oh, she was amazing, right? Exactly. I hated her as the lawyer in the first season. I was like, I was like, this is a waste of view, you know. I mean, all the new characters were so much better in the second season. I forgot about that, you know. And David Cross is pretty fucking good too, man. David Cross is great everywhere too. Yeah. So, you know, like I was I was that was one thing that I was just like, wow,
Starting point is 00:15:01 like show me more of this new cast than the old one, actually. Yeah. Did you ever see David Cross's best movie, Small Soldiers? Here we go. I knew it was coming. I missed out on the opportunity at Con Bravo, apparently. The exclusive showing. Screening. Screening. It's great.
Starting point is 00:15:18 OK, so I was I was with the pizza pasta for us last night. We're like, let's all watch Starship Troopers and we couldn't buy it off like Xbox video. We just kept getting in weird error. Like it was just Xbox wasn't working well that night. And we tried buying random other movies and it would keep keep saying like, no, you can't get this content right now. Try again later. So someone said like someone should always have a hard copy of Starship
Starting point is 00:15:42 Troopers in their pockets. And lo and behold, Liam actually kind of does that thing, but with Small Soldiers, I guess. Yeah. Very, very. I don't even do that with like Predator or Samurai. Actually, I do do that with Samurai. I've come to realize after watching repeated showings of Samurai Cop and Deadly Prey at various conventions that, you know what, maybe bring in a good rotate along.
Starting point is 00:16:04 Yeah, yeah, yeah, there is a place where you can get Starship Troopers, though. Would you like to know more? Sure, I'll tell you later. OK, all right, cool. Damn, damn, that's how you keep them coming. Now the podcast listeners can't leave. Can't leave. They need to know where to get Starship Troopers. They they want to they need to know how to get
Starting point is 00:16:29 their overwatch ranking points up because I don't know about you. Have you done your placement matches? Has anyone done their placement matches in the right now? Yeah, we tried it once. I mean, it was like, dude, dude, I am so salt. I'm so salt. Yeah. Because like I I know that I'm not great. Right. Sure.
Starting point is 00:16:52 But I know you're better than your team. I know that I'm but I know that I'm not awful. And I'm just like, I got I got a bad beat set with the crew and that was that with the cards I was dealt not calling any names, right, like zero, not throwing any any zero dudes under the bus. Not at all. But but I got I got a salty fucking deal. I got a raw deal and it's been downhill ever since.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Yeah. And quite frankly, like it only turned around last night when thank God for the the clouds parting and Mothman came down and he brought some some sick strats from like some super legit top tier people. Mothman plays Mercy. He did. But like the nerfs really made it. Oh, it's true. Not like her. So he he's currently Lucio wing. And but we found a really great synergy with Diva, him going Diva and me going
Starting point is 00:17:55 Zarya and doing our thing and like getting getting a bunch of the other like discord people all together and running running it. And you kind of basically need someone to be the team like CEO and you constantly, constantly have to be talking about what you're doing. Yeah, of course. Like there can be zero downtime of like, OK, respawn. I'm just going to go here. Wait for you guys to group up and if you're playing on like a sort of auto
Starting point is 00:18:22 like auto play, auto play or whatever on cruise control, you're not going to you're not going to win competitive at all. Competitive now. You know, so like so that was it. And I mean, I I I feel like, you know, despite sort of initially like liking the Reinhardt and and putting as much time as possible into him, I'm starting to switch more to Zarya now. You know, the versatility is amazing when done right.
Starting point is 00:18:51 And her combo her combos are fantastic as we as we know, like you team up Graviton with anything else. So yeah, I'm going to be getting my fucking, you know, like I calculated my alt so much, but I realized I'm bad at math. Yeah. And excuse me. I managed to get my red Zarya alt outfit for this. I have a story about that too, but continue. I bought ten boxes.
Starting point is 00:19:19 OK, but that's it. Yeah, and I'm good. OK, I do want that Lucio. If you're well, then you're not good. You know, I'm going to play until the last minute, then you're going to buy. And then I'm going to buy. If I don't get it by playing, then I'm going to go fucking buy it. Right. OK.
Starting point is 00:19:36 But I was really happy to see when I got that in the boxes that I bought. And I was like, OK, yeah, you know, no, if I didn't, then perhaps this would have been a different story. Yeah. No, the only serious experience I have with competitive is playing it on a friend's account with him at his place. And that was where I saw the meter tick like and I was like, what the fuck is that? Did it go backward? Like, yeah, no, it's I didn't even.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Competitive mode turned me off overwatch so hard. Really? I have. Dude, I've barely touched it since then. I opened my Olympic box, the free one I got. I played a five. I played five levels worth at that point, but I haven't really touched it since. I mean, I'll tell you what, you can go and still play quick play. But what you're running into is meme teams.
Starting point is 00:20:21 I just really hate. Meme teams, meme teams. Right. So you're getting so you get like like five like five Reapers and a Mercy, three Harambees, three Widowmaker. No, I just really hate the like doesn't matter how good I play. Yeah, I have to play for 10 years if I want to get all the all the everythings, you know, like I've pretty much gotten everything I wanted. That's fair of characters I like.
Starting point is 00:20:47 I mean, there's still some stuff and there's still some characters I'm warming up to. Like I played a bit more diva this week than I did like any other time. And I'm like, yeah, I can, yeah, I can roll with diva. I just bought that diva shirt from and I think for me, a lot of it is also like it's not just like I'm putting down Overwatch. It's like I've been fed up of like service games for so long because like you can't juggle games as a service. You can't play seven games as a service at the same time.
Starting point is 00:21:13 Yeah. And I can't play and I am tired and I can't play Street Fighter Five and I can't play Overwatch and I can't play Mobius Final Fantasy and Pokemon Go and the fucking Street Pass Me Plaza minigames, which are effectively games as a service. Games as a service. They have that come back every day kind of kind of. Yeah, games as a service combined with the competitive like aspect of together becomes all encompassing. Yeah, you have to commit to one or the other.
Starting point is 00:21:41 So no, I dropped Overwatch pretty hard because it's just like I just can't. I mean, I didn't touch it for a solid couple of weeks. And then when I got back on to do my placements, I I'm like, OK, no, wait, I'm back in like having fun. Yeah, I had a time during the and I'm and I'm now back to thinking about it in the way I was when it first came out, which is which kind of faded off over the last couple of weeks. Yeah, shout outs to Cheesy McWiggles and his fuck McCree music video
Starting point is 00:22:09 with Winston featuring Reaper, which is a it is a hip hop diss video on McCree using all in game sounds to create the lyrics. So it sounds I don't know how you could get Harambe going like fuck McCree. Like how did you make that? He did it. They did it. They did they chopped it and fucking put it all together. And then you even get a tracer on the chorus like Nate Dogg style. Yeah. Coming in going Winston, you know, like it's fucking great.
Starting point is 00:22:38 It's a really fun song. Maybe I'll use it this episode. Similar to my favorite character on Nerf, the one that just beat me. That's the one. That's it. Similar to that. You see that on Twitter I posted it. And I said that that animated gif of a scene of Always Sunny with McCree and Genji. I didn't. Oh, OK.
Starting point is 00:22:56 So it's like when Mac is like, yeah, you just go dash like this with the sword. You slash the guy's head and they have like a dummy with a melon. And then Charlie's just like, well, I can just shoot you. And he's got McCree's head. And he's been no, because they darted from side to side. And he's like, bam, bam, bam, bam. He's like, no, had you ever seen Indiana Jones and it just goes on with their heads. And it just I was like fucking crying, laughing if I was just too funny.
Starting point is 00:23:28 Dude, like, like there's one of the lines is like, fuck McCree, if your E is on CD, would you fuck with me? I was like, and if you're E, which is his son is on cooldown, would you fuck with Winston? No, you wouldn't. It's really good. Also, this weekend, my dreams were hacked temporarily at the dream. Your dreams were hacked. My dreams were hacked. Damn. I know everyone knows I was shoutcasting.
Starting point is 00:23:57 I was. You fucking say that shit. Right. OK. Do you want to know what just happened? Like just now my brain thought the joke was shout cast. And that scream cast is such a fucking farce of a dude. My brain just thought scream Lord was the real word. Oh, my God. And shout cast was the joke. I actually when I see the word shout cast, I go, what the?
Starting point is 00:24:24 That's bullshit. I fucking. Oh, my God. You're commentating. So fuck. So I was I was Totino Scream Lording alive from the Street Fighter five. You ever go and see those bits from the Sega thing? I couldn't. The second employee has to eat the two. You know, I can't the cringe levels are so good.
Starting point is 00:24:43 And when you think about the fact, you're just like, hey, that's the cool guy that runs the Sonic Twitter. It's dude, it's so funny. Back to back to dream hacking. Back to dream. Sure. When we do the let's watch of that stream, well, we'll get to that. Yeah. Yeah. Sonic Heroes.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Oh, God. Anyway, yeah, no. So I got to do some full full on commentary, had a good time. And I'm really like I feel like I'm finding a stride with commentary. I'm really enjoying it. And it's not something that I'm going to be able to constantly do. But it's definitely something. The more you practice at it, the better you get.
Starting point is 00:25:22 And I had a big conversation with Max at Evo about doing good commentary and stuff. And it's fun, man. It's when you especially when, like, you know, the players involved and you know the game well enough. Yeah, that's what it takes. Yeah, you can know the game. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:25:36 But you know, the players, your commentary goes up like a thousand. The rivalry. There's all that stuff, fun stuff going on. And yeah, we just we just went through it. What funny? It's like, you don't really know the players that much. Then you just decide, like, during your commentary, I'm going to make up crazy lies about them and like make up FMV backstories.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Like, oh, jeez, like Long Island Joe once like owned a bakery when he was five years old, burned to the ground by Marne. And that's how snafu got cancer. It's because she really gave it to him. So now he's got to fight back for his honor and his not cancer. You know what? You know what that is? That's the Omega mode commentary.
Starting point is 00:26:22 You need to be Omega mode commentated. That pot bonuses for his chemo. That that pot bonuses for a key that opens something in the city and someone's life may be saved. Like his dad has strapped to some oil drums in the warehouse district. Oh, man. Oh, that's awesome. Montreal scenic warehouse district.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Yeah, that's the the. But all in all, the dream hack event, those, you know, it was it was a big eSports event taking place in Plas Bonaventure, which is like, OK, inside the metro, good venue, besides Playa de Congre. Yeah. And you got smash, like, well represented there, of course, doing their thing. And that's the thing is you like when you think about what takes up space here, you have all the blizzards, right? Yeah, you have all the right games. You have counters strike go.
Starting point is 00:27:18 You have all of that, right? You have your overwatch corner. And then you have a giant corner dedicated. Jackie Chan, Fist of Fire, Rocket League. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's there now. It's huge, but it's like, hugeer than you think. No, I know, I know, I know. I don't play Rocket League anymore, but like, I know the steam player charts
Starting point is 00:27:41 and where it's at, it's fucking big, dude. It's nuts fucking in there, like for real, reals. And I always I not always, but I mean, I knew it was big, but I kind of assumed it would still be like, I don't know, the equivalent of like bigger than Catherine. But yeah, but the equivalent of anime, like guilty gear, excerpt, the equivalent of anime at Evo, right? Yeah, huge enough, which is huge for a non fighting game. Yeah, but it's just it's just it's fucking doing. And it's huge.
Starting point is 00:28:08 So they have to make the game twice. Yeah. Yeah. Was it like three times in the end? Well, because they had like an internal one that got scrapped and stuff. So like supersonic acrobatic rocket power battle cars. There you go. Oh, good job. I actually played that game a lot. Wow.
Starting point is 00:28:25 But for some reason, Rocket League didn't I felt like I was done with it. Like I had already dropped the game years ago. OK. And then when Rocket League came out, I was like, yeah, I I dropped this game years ago, but it's such a cool game. I wish I had been into it when Rocket League came out. Yeah. As opposed to the other way around. Yeah, exactly. Timing. But anyway, I know.
Starting point is 00:28:45 And then so that was a ton of fun. And what can I say? Like, as far as my actual tournament placement goes, I lost a fucking snafu. OK. And was that first? How many rounds? That was first round. Wow. Yeah. OK. Well, so what do you think? Oh, there's nothing to complain about there. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:29:03 The one of the fucking best. Alson like is took you out. OK, well, you should have commentated your own match. Yeah. Distracted them. It's a viable strategy. It's like how we do in physicals like certain. You're definitely going to win this round. It almost it all it Pat tried that years ago.
Starting point is 00:29:19 Fighting against Henry didn't go too well, though. In any sense. Well, no, no. Anyway, beyond that, Stranger Things and Game of Thrones, which we'll save for later. Yeah. That was pretty much me. Any any like general thoughts you can give on Stranger Things, though? 10 on 10, perfect series. 10 on 10. Really? Can we just just for like a second?
Starting point is 00:29:41 Just talk about the fonts. That's not really a spoiler. Can we just talk about the font and how perfect it is? 10 on 10, perfect font. It's like it's it's it's incredible. It's one of the most understated yet awesome like opening title sequences ever where there's not a lot going on. But holy shit, is it effective?
Starting point is 00:30:00 And here's the thing to evokes everything it wants. Here's the thing to me. It's not an 11 on 10 or a 12 on 10. You know what I mean? It is a hard, hard 10 on 10. Like like it just goes up and up and up and then just bam, like you are pouring water from the top of the bridge down into the valley
Starting point is 00:30:21 and it's filling up the cup and then the exact drop that hits surface tension level. Perfect meniscus. Exactly. Yeah. Yes. The only thing I would say is that when it was over, it was kind of like I could have done with like maybe two more episodes. But then I thought about it super hard. I was like, no, I'm stupid.
Starting point is 00:30:40 I'm dumb. No, it's fine. It's like when I've mentioned again, I was with some friends last night and they're like, stranger things. They're like, is that good? I'm like, it's really good. And they're like, OK, because they don't really it's eight episodes. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:56 Because like some people just don't, you know, but now you have my attention. Yeah. The 13 episodes like the eight. Oh, shit. Yeah. It's almost less than half. So that's it's dramatically shorter. Honestly, you're saving like four hours there. So pretty much makes a difference. Yeah. And we'll wait till next week, I suppose, to go.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Yeah, once once Patrick's all back, all the Patrick's are back to follow. Like, you know, it's always going to be there. Or, you know, a good show will have it. But it's like you go fucking like eight or nine minutes in and then like you get this amazing cold intro and then it fucking cuts. And you're like, oh, my God, I'm watching stranger things. Like you have that. Like the title.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Also, don't forget the halfway through the episode. I felt like there was one episode where it was like 50% of the way through. You're like, I love that feeling. I love that feeling. Definitely. Why do you refuse to open up this door of curiosity for us? The best one. You finished that.
Starting point is 00:31:55 I finished Preacher season one finally after kind of struggling to get through the mid point and around episode four or five. And then we said, let's we went for five episodes and that's a 10 episode series. So did it already finish? Did it come out all together or was it like week to week on AMC? It was week to week on AMC. And we bought the season pass on Xbox video. So that that got that got updated really, really quickly with every episode
Starting point is 00:32:24 of the right on time. So we stopped around episode five and then we said, like, let's watch more of it. And that's where the turning point really happens. But I mean, really, since you're familiar with the comic book series and it was weird. I like to talk to someone that has watched it all the show and then talk to me about that has not watched comic series. But literally when you're watching this, you go, you go, when are they going to get to the fireworks factory, meaning when are they going to start the road
Starting point is 00:32:48 trip? Yeah, because it's an interesting thing because I started thinking about this because the road trip that the three main characters, Jesse Tulip and Cassidy take on this show, it happens relatively soon. But in the show, it spends the entire first season building up to it. And I was like, this is weird because they added tons of extra characters that that don't exist in the comic book and changing the motivations and things because a lot of them are like don't work today unless you're going to place
Starting point is 00:33:19 it in that time frame. So ours faces origin, which is a heavily evolving Nirvana doesn't quite work anymore in modern day. Sure. If you recall what that was. Yeah, I remember. So they changed his origin slightly. So it doesn't involve Nirvana. There's a little, you know, little hint of it somewhere.
Starting point is 00:33:39 But I was watching the show and I was just like, I don't know how I feel about all this. It's not bad, but it just feels off and creature in name only. No, it's it's still got the tone. It also has it's weird. The first four episodes or something, maybe the first three don't even have an intro and then they put an intro in and it's quite good. It's no stranger things. But like three weeks in, they're like, where's the fucking intro?
Starting point is 00:34:04 Are you done? Are you done yet? It's a good intro because it's like a church hymn kind of. It's so weird to hear all of this and then think about the only other thing I know about it, which is Seth Rogen talking about how much of a huge fanny is and how like faithful and how right he wants to get it because he knows I think in tone and dialogue and and and atmosphere and everything like that was like good. It made me feel like the show, but they added so many characters,
Starting point is 00:34:32 but I didn't feel any of the characters were like didn't have a place in the universe. Like Jackie Earl Haley, who played Rorschach and Watchman, he plays a made up character, but he felt like he belonged in the future universe. So he was actually a major, major thing. And of course, they have about two episodes that go into the origin of the Saint of Killers, the cowboy, who is a major, major, awesome character. And that's where I started to go.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Now I see why they they did this the way it is, is because that's a really interesting character. But that's a lot to process in one whole first season. So they show his sort of origin story interspersed throughout the first season. And then that's why the second season is the road trip season. And they got confirmed for that season. And that's when Saint of All Killers goes, I'm coming, right, whatever.
Starting point is 00:35:31 And that that really, I'm like, OK, that makes more sense for pacing. I totally get it now. But I needed to watch the entire season to go, OK, you ended super, super strongly and definitively. And I'm like, I'm happy for that. And now I'm really, really looking forward to the second season. So that means that they really want this to go on then. They're there for the long haul.
Starting point is 00:35:54 They they really, yeah, it was structured to be like kind of like really not to a second season. Hopefully, like, you know, fingers crossed. But and I remember you said John Wayne is now his dad, right? Yeah, more or less. They mentioned John Wayne once or twice, but in like a, you know, like a throwaway line. But it's his dad that seems to keep in printing these like sort of morals and
Starting point is 00:36:17 just like what's the line is like, why do you have to be a good guy? Because there's way too many bad guys, which is a great line that I think that's what John Wayne says to him in the comic anyway. So I really, really thought that ended super strongly. But it was, you know, didn't we didn't burn through it. Wasn't like, yeah, let's let's just do all of it. We just kind of did that for the last five episodes. Yeah, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:36:42 It's a good one. But I forgot to mention this last time, but I played through the DLC of layers of fear called inheritance, which is a sort of DLC sequel to the first game. And I really liked the first layers of fear, except for like the last kind of checkerpiece bit at the end. This is not a great piece of DLC. It wasn't very scary.
Starting point is 00:37:05 It was kind of confusing most of the time. A lot of rehashed environments. It was okay. I was just going to ask if there were new areas. There are new areas, but there's rehashed ones as well. It just wasn't as good as the first one in any way. Because the first game played a lot with space and moving, moving your viewpoint and then the environment completely changing.
Starting point is 00:37:24 And that happens a little, but it was more or less like a very linear, kind of like not really thrilling piece of DLC. Wasn't, wasn't super into it. I also played through the first 40 minutes of Batman Telltale. Hey, is that the first episode or not? It's still the first episode, the second one's not out yet. But like, did you finish it in 40 minutes or? No, I didn't finish it in 40 minutes.
Starting point is 00:37:45 I played that 40 minutes is where the title screen pops up. And that's one of the most overconfident title screens ever. Where it's, Lord, this title screen carries a good, everyone got on my way. Here comes me. The title screen, watch my big dick wave around. But no one was there at this parade for this title. Seeing nobody out of the way. Because it came in at the wrong time.
Starting point is 00:38:08 A title sequence is only as good as when it appears. Would there have been a better place to put it, do you think? Yeah. OK, well, that's pretty definitive. I kind of feel that the two sequences you play in the first 40 minutes of Batman Telltale are reversed as one sequence, a long sequence where you play as Bruce Wayne and then a shorter sequence where you play as Batman. Is that the action bit with all the thugs and stuff?
Starting point is 00:38:28 Action bit with thugs and Catwoman. OK, yeah. So they should have been reversed. They should have been reversed. So it's funny you mentioned that because I can probably tell you where some of that, like, I guess, hubris is the word came from. Where? The titles cards drop.
Starting point is 00:38:44 The title card drops in. Tales of the Borderlands are Stranger Things level. Yeah, they are. You should play telltale. I haven't been thinking about it. They are unbelievably good. They're fucking fantastic. I mean, I'm just judging this by the first episode of Batman.
Starting point is 00:39:00 But I was just like this, this because I was I was doing this with Star. I was shooting a bit with her and we go, oh, title screen for some reason. That was not the time in which it should have happened. It felt very limp or whatever. And I've told him about this. My other main criticism of at least this, you know, admittedly small chunk of the game is that you can't be a dick, Bruce Wayne, the entire time, which is what I guess you could only be middling at worst.
Starting point is 00:39:25 You can only be kind of like nice or sort of like cold. But I want it. I want to be those sequences of the Nolan movies where Christian Bell goes, oh, shit, I got to turn crazy, Bruce Wayne on fucking girls and expensive cars and buying hotels. Just Chappelle face, Pommen. Exactly. That of your way.
Starting point is 00:39:46 At least in that chunk, I wasn't able to get it. And like I sent you a link. It's like one of it's so depressing how bad this new upgraded engine is. It's worse. Yeah, I watched the digital foundry video. And like while the game doesn't run terrible, like like on PS4, it runs super inconsistently still should an Xbox one. It doesn't run well, but it runs consistently. And it's like the lowest resolution game of this generation.
Starting point is 00:40:12 And it's constantly jumping like from a from a rough 60 to a locked 30. No excuse. No excuse at this point. Oh, there's no excuse. And this is supposed to be an upgraded version of their game. Is this actually walking dead, walking dead entire entire season. Oh, among us. Yeah. Two seasons of walking dead. Yeah, I listed Minecraft.
Starting point is 00:40:32 Minecraft six games, at least. Game of Thrones. Game of Thrones. Seven games then, at least. Game of Thrones didn't. I think Game of Thrones ran better. It hiccups on the on the on the on the flashbacks on the flashbacks. But on the flashbacks, I hate to see Batman's flashbacks. If this is an indication, what are you playing around? Expone, did I or is it PS4?
Starting point is 00:40:55 I think it was expo and I can't really remember now. Because I've because I played Game of Thrones. Besides with you, I played it on PC here at home. Yeah, yeah, I got a good spread for like playing walking down 360 and then on PS4 after like I've seen it across consoles and it's all the same thing. Everything I downloaded one of their mobile games just to just to check because the first episode of many of their mobile games is free.
Starting point is 00:41:23 Same thing as well as Vita as well. Same thing. It's Rick and even on even on PC, like where you should be able to brute force it, you can't. Yeah, also this Batman. Sorry, I was just going to say real quick because I told at least one of you this has the worst Batman voice in anything. Oh, boy, it's it sounds like he's doing an action figure hero version of Batman, but he's still kind of doing the weird whisper while yelling. But it's not like it's not like Christopher Nolan Batman. So Lego Batman.
Starting point is 00:41:54 It's kind of like Lego Batman, but not as good, but not as good. It was off putting like I was distracted by this Batman voice. I didn't play Arkham Origins a lot, but that was that was Troy Baker, right? Arkham Origins Batman. Yeah, I think so. And this one is as well. And it just wasn't our weight. No, no, it's not. He did Joker in order. Anyway, I didn't play Origins at all. Yeah, so aside from that, what I did enjoy playing a lot
Starting point is 00:42:24 is that I was able to snag the Gamescom build of Shadow Warrior 2. Yeah, I saw that you swung that. I was wondering. Very, very nice. One of the one of the PR girls, Stephanie, that got us a lot of of those little meetings at PAX East. Right. I had asked about that because I saw because I was talking to Jenna of Jenna, Jenna Bain of Total Biscuit fame and asked her like because I saw because they were playing Shadow Warrior.
Starting point is 00:42:49 I was like, hey, where the fuck do I get that? Yeah. Where the fuck do I get that? Yeah. So it was really interesting because this was the same PAX East build, but in a different environment. But it was the same quest. OK. So it was a different environment and the ones that most people have seen were. Yeah, the environment looked like Hannah Murrah from Overwatch. And this one was a cold, wet, rainy, like dilapidated.
Starting point is 00:43:10 It looked like a Sacco stage. OK. Killer Inkstank. So I played that through that demo about three or four times. And each time I saw something new, because I didn't know this is that it seems the maps are kind of have a randomization to it where when I warped into this area, it was a completely new spot. Monsters were in different places.
Starting point is 00:43:29 Items were in a different thing. And you already had a bunch of stuff in this build. Like you already had like a full selection of weapons and the weapon wheel was full, but that's not all the weapons. So I was like, wait, what? Still more. I found four other weapons in the map and one of them was the Warsaw. How many weapons total? Where did you see? Right now, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight,
Starting point is 00:43:51 nine, and I found four additionals. So like 13 plus weapons. And one of my criticisms, where one is that didn't have quite as many weapons as I wanted, but I found the Warsaw, which is it's spelled like Warsaw because that's where flying wild hog is from in Poland. So it's called the Warsaw and you pick it up and you you do a RT just makes you swipe with it and LT just makes it go and then you move around the stick and he kind of just goes like this in different like different angles.
Starting point is 00:44:21 So if you jam it into a guy, you kind of describe what you're doing like you can carve them out, carve them out with your your hands. You're moving the like imagine using a chainsaw with the Wiimote. That's kind of what it is. That's cool. And it was really, really, really, really fun. And I enjoyed it immensely each time I played it. And the other thing I have to mention is that you have one weapon, which is a bunch of skeletons.
Starting point is 00:44:47 This gun is literally a bunch of skeletons stacked on top of each other with a big skeleton for the barrel and it shoots acid. And this gun is called King Skeletor. OK, well, and I'm like. Not on the nose enough. Also, you have a bow and arrow and it's called the bullseye and the Barton. Ha. OK. So a lot of you also have a grenade launcher called the Duke.
Starting point is 00:45:13 Yeah, well, so all of all of that's right there. And another like little thing that happened to Shadow Warrior one is that there are bunnies all over the place. You kill bunnies because that's a that's a nod to the original Shadow Warrior in 1997 and the original Shadow Warrior killed bunnies. Nothing really happened. Ha ha ha. Look, you killed a cute animal. Yeah. And Shadow Warrior one, the first reboot. If you killed one certain bunny, it would turn into a dark bunny
Starting point is 00:45:36 and have kind of a red energy hue over it and be super hard to kill. And it would keep attacking you. And this game once I killed a bunny and it morphed into like a giant like bear style bunny with demonic face and it was called the bunny lord. And I couldn't kill it. It beat me and killed me. Yeah, it won. So that was really, really fun. I think we'll definitely take a look at it on our channel as well,
Starting point is 00:46:02 because they said, go nuts with this code, by the way. Really, we don't care. Like it's it's only, you know, free publicity for us. So that was really awesome. And the last kind of thing I kind of did is that me and crime Tina, just, you know, we cats take up a lot of space. They need a lot of room. We're tired of cats sitting on our faces
Starting point is 00:46:23 because we don't have a closed bedroom. So we started looking at any other places in our area that we might want to check out, you know, in the future. And we found a place that's literally three blocks away. It's a condo and walked in and it was one of those places where you looked in. You just your your head kind of turned from every direction. And they have a rooftop terrace on the top of the building where you can basically see a 360 view of all of Montreal.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Awesome. If you look in that direction, there's a man. You look in that direction, there's the Olympic Stadium. So we looked at this place and we tried to play it really cool. And they're like, yeah, it's it's this much. And we're like, OK, that's the, yeah, it's interesting. Yeah, look at that. OK, yeah. And then the guys like, OK, well, I'll send you, you know, some information. You can let me know what you think.
Starting point is 00:47:11 And then as we're walking away, we made sure the guy walked in. We started whooping in the air just going, yeah, yeah, yeah. So that might be a thing in the future. I was really, really happy with what it looked like. And just, you know, it's it's built inside an old school. So it I was like, oh, I love this staircase. I feel like I've gotten beaten up in this staircase several times. OK, I like that feeling.
Starting point is 00:47:38 You know, that is moving to the Sheen High. I know that is finally ready to return. But will they be ready? Will they be ready? Probably not. So that's still the thing that, you know, might might pan out, might not. But I'm hopeful. So, yeah, that was my week. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:47:58 Well, wait, wait, wait a second. Who allowed them to join the tournament? We need a lup date. Lup date. OK. Yeah, I have something I definitely have something to say about the lup is that I streamed myself drunkly, opening up the lup and it went fine. What was that put under? Social eating or it was put on. Matt opens up the lup. OK.
Starting point is 00:48:22 Yeah, they created a whole new family. And I switch it to like whatever kitty cat game, by the way, blinks to is awful. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Cranky said it was really good. We played the first. I think he said it was really good. And I was like, OK, and then I started yelling at him during the entire stream. Wow. Game sucks.
Starting point is 00:48:37 Anyway, so the lup, I used it the first time and I like pick it up. And then it sifted all the nice, clean kitty later and it's fine. And I dumped it out. I was like, oh, it does really work. Oh, yeah, I'm really happy with this. And it's like I kind of like didn't pay attention to what you're actually supposed to do. So I put the because it's three trays and I put the bottom one in the stack.
Starting point is 00:49:01 Then I'm like, Tom, the sift again. Oh, I dumped all the kitty later straight onto my floor. Five. Oh, no, not live. This is this is well after. Great. Oh, yeah. And I'm looking at the giant mess and fucking in crime. Tina starts, what did you do?
Starting point is 00:49:20 And I'm like, I dumped it all on the floor. She's like, you fucking idiot. Oh, you clean that up. And I'm like, I made the biggest mess ever. I'm so sorry. And I started cleaning up. She's like, oh, my God, how did you do that? Fucking moron.
Starting point is 00:49:34 And then she knocks over a giant jug of water. She was drinking all over the floor. Yeah, the water mixed. Yeah, the litter. So we had a huge cleanup where we didn't talk to each other. That's why you're moving. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we got to get out. All the shit's kicked in to clean that up.
Starting point is 00:49:53 Oh, it was really bad. But like there's just supposed to be you're supposed to just make sure to turn them. There's an interlocking thing like they're always if they're always in this position, you will not make this mistake. But if you don't, if you're not careful and you just stack them just willy nilly, they're the the sifting things were not lined up and then all the fucking make sure to never turn the dial to shit all over the place. Yeah, make sure to never put the poop filled basket on the bottom of the tray.
Starting point is 00:50:20 Yeah, because then you know that's bad. You have to put some work into the luck. But if you put work into it, it'll love you back. Is it good though? It seems like if you're not an idiot, it seems like it works really well. Did you did you notice the little difference? I didn't fucking notice that. That the guy held it back for three months.
Starting point is 00:50:45 What was it? I don't fucking know. It's defects. Something about the lip of the thing being not up to this. It was probably like cutting cats legs or something when they step. I don't think it he or like maybe everyone was just dumping out all over the. You know what? He's at your house right now, taking it away, sending you an email.
Starting point is 00:51:03 I know you've enjoyed it for a few days, but I'm taking it back. Look, he puts on a fucking hamburger or costume. I could let you keep it, but I won't. Yeah. But then you're going to get it back in like sifts itself or something. If only. But yeah, that's my update. All right.
Starting point is 00:51:23 That's good. I'm glad you're enjoying your cat litter box. I am. I am. Did you did you have to throw out another one to make room? I just moved it aside. You never know. It could use it.
Starting point is 00:51:33 If we get this bigger place, it might even. Sure. But would I risk buying another lup and getting it when I'm like 45 in the mail? No, I don't think I will. I guess. I also watched the thing this week. A lot of people have been asking me what I thought of it and I only just got a chance to sit down and watch it.
Starting point is 00:51:51 Um, the Danganronpa three. Yeah, OK, I really don't want to talk details about it because I hear some shits going down in the future side talking about any of the cool stuff that happens in it kind of gives away what's what's so cool about it. But yeah, if you if you're caught up on Danganronpa media, absolutely watch it. It is excellent. It is really excellent. Cool.
Starting point is 00:52:18 It's it's two shows that run that are running simultaneously. And you're doing it in the recommend. Yeah, you watch the future and then the despair episode. OK, future despair, future despair and one, one, two, three, three. Yeah, future is the future foundation in the future and despair is the remnants of despair, pre remnants of despair. Yeah. And like that might sound like slice of life gibberish.
Starting point is 00:52:41 It is like it's so good. The first Danganronpa anime, which is an adaptation of the first game. Is poor, it's a poor adaptation of the first game and it and the weaknesses of adapting it are very apparent. These two shows, which may as well be one show that are written for anime are excellent. They are really and they're telling stories that we otherwise wouldn't have seen. Absolutely. No, no, this is all new, really good content that is pushing.
Starting point is 00:53:12 It is pushing the story forward. And so it's so good. And we basically get to see that cast. You know what? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I won't ask you any questions, actually. But I highly recommend watching them in sets of two episodes. Don't don't don't watch the first future episode and then say, oh, I'll watch the first despair episode tomorrow or something.
Starting point is 00:53:36 Watch them in sets. It's really satisfying. It's really well thought out how they are supposed to mingle. Because also in Japan, they air one after the other right away, right away to the point that the future one doesn't have a preview for the next episode. It just goes right. One does have a preview for the next episode because they know you're watching them at the same time because I was just having a conversation with someone online
Starting point is 00:53:57 about that today and about how like she was planning to just marathon all the the future the future ones. No, and I was like, all I know is that you're supposed to not do that. It's fucking yeah, don't do that. Yeah, you'll you could, but you'll I think you'll get a better experience watching them simultaneously. It's very smart. It's there.
Starting point is 00:54:18 I mean, if they're playing off of each other, then yeah, it's it's smart, dude. OK, I highly recommend it because there's been I'm we're only five episodes in and there's been a lot of bits where I'm like, OK, but like OK, but what's happening? OK, you get to see two different eras and stuff. And oh, I can't even go into it because it just no, that's that's I'm excited. If you are caught up, if anyone out there is caught up on Danganronpa media, that is to say up to one or two ultra despair girls and possibly optional novels. If and zero option, optional.
Starting point is 00:54:53 If you if you've seen the three main games, then you're good. But I do recommend those anyway. There's really detailed entries on that stuff anyway. There are there are. But be careful in Danganronpa wikis. Yeah, I mean, once you play all the games, yeah, there's nothing that can hurt you on the wiki. No, there shouldn't be.
Starting point is 00:55:13 Yeah, but super, super good, incredibly high quality. I really, really like them. I played No Man's Sky, which I forgot to mention. Although I played it a little bit. But yeah, I know you didn't play too much. I bought it, but I haven't booted. OK, yeah. It's pretty much exactly what I expected.
Starting point is 00:55:36 And to that, I've got to say, man, people, people's expectations were really out of control in regards to, like, a lot of what people are talking about and stuff. And, you know, there there's there's debate to be had about, like, you know, Sean Murray talking about how like being able to see other players and the alluded multiplayer content not existing. But like as far as the core game itself, I don't see how you could look at the trailers and expect something.
Starting point is 00:56:06 Different from that. It's exactly what it was. Survival exploration. It's a survival game where the focus is, like, exploring. And like, they're not they're not strict at all with your resources. I mean, there was that huge Jim Kuzushin episode that just dropped, actually, about about the Sky Hype and about how people like it got DDO Estim because he gave it a mediocre review.
Starting point is 00:56:27 I did see that. And what it seems like is that the idea for a lot of people the idea of the scale and what it represents is more important than the actual basic gameplay. I think it's the same principle as like a Kickstarter game, right? Where people aren't putting their money or in this case, their hopes over the course of years, they're not putting their money towards the game at all. They're putting it towards their perception of the game
Starting point is 00:56:56 and what they think the game is. And you see that a lot. Mighty Number Nine is a good example of bloodstained as well for the same reason where, you know, they showed off 3D models for the first time in both of those games and people went, what the fuck? Why are there 3D models when that was like always a thing? Particularly for bloodstained, where they were very open about it. Like people put their money and hopes towards their perception of the game,
Starting point is 00:57:18 regardless of what the reality is. And I think people's expectations for this game were wildly out of step, probably because it had pretty much triple A marketing, right? Like Sony, Sony really got behind it to push it. Absolutely. And it, like, based on the few sales numbers available, it seems like it's already profitable day one, no question. But it's yeah, it's fun.
Starting point is 00:57:41 It's pretty much exactly what I expected. It's good. You start the game off and you're on this planet and your ships busted. And that's the slowest bit of the game is when you first have to repair your ship. It's a little bit slow. Yeah, you're right. If you just follow your markers and stuff, like it just tells you where the resources are and then you're done and then you're off. And once you once you set off, there's a really special feeling when you get off the planet and you're like, oh, wow, like you can act.
Starting point is 00:58:05 It really does feel massive. But you're not going to be covering a quintillion galaxies on your own. Well, no, that's just not that's just not hot. You don't have enough time in your life for that. Yeah. But as the game goes on, like I'm like seven or eight hours in or something. I spoke to Pat about this, too. And he's kind of on the same page with where he's at as well. At a certain point, it stops becoming like a fight for
Starting point is 00:58:29 like minor resources and you you end up looking for like really rare stuff to power movement across galaxies, skipping entire galaxies, finding black holes like it really scales up from the very beginning when you're just struggling to get your ship to go and then it turns into OK, what's the fastest way through space and how can I abuse it? And it's pretty enjoyable. And the further you get in, the more interesting things you find where that's weird, because I've seen people say, no, that's not my experience.
Starting point is 00:59:01 I've seen people say like after I played it for a couple of hours, I stopped seeing anything interesting or new, but that could be. Yeah, I definitely I felt like the beginning is the beginning where it's a bit slow, but it's also like the tutorial kind of which is teaching you to get off the planet. And then the first few planets after that are pretty fun because you're like, oh, I'm just bouncing between planets and stuff. You don't really know what you're doing, but you're just kind of meandering.
Starting point is 00:59:24 And then there's a lull. There's a definite lull right there. Right after that, where like you switch galaxy and you're like, all right, well, time to do this again. And then like when you start finding like these weird when you start getting to the Atlas events and when you start encountering random ships in space where these guys are speaking your language and they just give you stuff and tell you how to use black holes.
Starting point is 00:59:49 And like when you get a little bit further, it renews interests again, or at least it did for me because I know there was a lull in the middle where I was like, all right, but right now I'm keen to go back and continue playing it. Are there unique elements that are like at certain dedicated points that you're going to hit as you go further out? Or can you because so I thought it was all procedural until you hit that ultimate goal. OK, so so are not procedural, but yeah, I fixed it was procedural once now everything is 100% fixed now that the game's out.
Starting point is 01:00:28 Yeah, you know, and certain resources like the stuff you need to get your ship to lift off and the stuff you need to power your shields and stuff. The basic stuff is found on every planet or else you could get into a position where you're stuck on a planet, you know, so that's covered. Then the rare resources like copper and stuff like that aren't necessarily found on every planet and you'll have to look around. Some resources you might have an easier time finding and asteroids in space, which you just gun through with your ship.
Starting point is 01:00:56 You don't even land on them. You just blow them up as you get further towards the center of the galaxy. You start encountering rarer stuff more often. And that stuff is gated by needing to get like warp drives and stuff like that to really to really jump far ahead. If you were just trying to proceed with your basic stuff, you never you would never get anywhere, right? You just fly for eternity. OK, but like you're not hitting each planet
Starting point is 01:01:23 and seeing like, oh, well, these are the yellow dinosaurs now, or these are the weirder lizards. And like you're kind of just seeing a different part of it. That's definitely part of it. But the variety is not bad in my experience. Like I had this one awful plan that I never I never want to go back to this planet. I don't think I will. I had this one awful planet with these giant crabs that instead of legs
Starting point is 01:01:46 had six tentacles and they were really aggressive. They were like the hunter category of behavior. And there was tons of them. They were all over the place. I could barely live for a minute. I had to leave crab planet right away. Who's the worst planet? Never go there.
Starting point is 01:02:00 I raise it really low on Yelp. It's called Fuck This Crab Planet. It's called Crab Planet. But called called Arcadia Planet. I found the creature varieties like it's it's decent. But it's you know, it's I'm not knocking on it. I'm just kind of trying to figure out if like outside of that there are placed controlled elements to your experience at any degree.
Starting point is 01:02:23 So that OK, so I think the only thing is so the idea of running into someone that can talk to you in your language and give you stuff is like that's that was generated procedurally once when when they created the algorithm. And it's now it's effectively fixed for everyone. It's going to be there in the same spot for everyone. OK, all right. And I find that kind of fascinating too. Because like when I play Rogue Legacy and I know this is just a it's more
Starting point is 01:02:48 of an I thought experiment than it is like a reality because it doesn't really make a difference. When you play Rogue Legacy and you get a castle, there's an there's a chance no one will ever see that castle ever again. So it's truly like procedurally generated. I find it kind of fascinating that for No Man's Sky, the universe is the exact same for everyone, even though it was. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah, it doesn't make an effective difference.
Starting point is 01:03:09 But the thought that everyone has something about that that kind of fascinates because you're still starting at a random place, right? I think so. I think it's like a large area of randomness where you spawn somewhere in that chunk of numbers, right, where you can safely. I think I read that that's some that's how it's handled, but I'm not 100% sure. I think the only fixed thing is like when you start your ship, your ship's right there and it's it's a fixed type and it's crashed and shit.
Starting point is 01:03:34 And like the one of the Atlas things is right in front of you. That's like the first story beacon kind of thing is right there. But I don't think anything else is like really fixed. You know, I wanted to say really quickly, though, when I first saw the first trailer for No Man's Sky and you know, it was just the the EGX. It was the one where it was just like it was just the player looking at a bunch of like very dinosaur like creatures in a swamp. And then they got into the the ship and then just kind of blasted off.
Starting point is 01:04:03 Yeah, I kind of showed you the basic thing. It wasn't the first one, but one of them. It was an earlier one. So I, you know, this is this is my fault for maybe not like I didn't look at every single post Sean Murphy made and I didn't look at every single trailer. But I remember when I first saw like the first thing, my first impression of No Man's Sky and what I assumed it was going to be. And again, you know, it turned out to be what they always intended to be.
Starting point is 01:04:24 Because this is my perception of it that I thought is going to be even more of a non game and my kind of other thing to compare to is God, Abzu. Right. OK. Where I thought it was more of a look at how majestic and cool these planets are and maybe you take photographs of creatures, catalog them and stuff. And I thought it was more of a experience and like look at the wonder of all this. Well, that's still there. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:51 It's just that again, I didn't read up on everything, but when I started the game and it's just like craft all these things and all the big problem with crafting is just that every game does it now, especially on PC and stuff. And I've played and I have no problem with it. But that just made me feel like, oh, it's kind of more of a standard. And I know it's like it's hard because you want to make it make people feel like you're playing a game and progressing. And it's hard to, you know, people appreciate journey and games like that
Starting point is 01:05:19 and stuff. And there's definitely, you know, a group that like, oh, fuck that. I hate that type of thing. You don't do anything. You don't kill anything. And I almost feel it's like they're maybe at some point during development, they weren't like they didn't know what to actually make you do in the game. I'm not sure how accurate that is, but. Well, I mean, I do think that like to your to your not advantage, but for all the people who are disappointed by being like a survival,
Starting point is 01:05:44 more or less survival game, like I do think that's one of the things that wasn't played up in the trailers, because like, let's be real. The early ones. Survival games don't play great in trailers, right? Like when you watch a trailer for Don't Starve, they cut through the menus real quick or trailer for We Happy Few. I was going to say, We Happy Few, where they just fucking say, no, don't show any of that show this linear one area we made, right?
Starting point is 01:06:10 But yeah, definitely in regards to the trailers and you're you're totally right. And in regards to the perception of like that, if you just look at the trailers, you don't really see the survival. That's that's totally true. Yeah. It's always like quick cuts of cool animals, cool animals, ship, ship, ships flying. And that's no one's real fault because that's how that's how you make a trailer. And like I played the game for about an hour and I was just like, yeah, it's just I've played like I just played We Happy Few not to like a week or two ago.
Starting point is 01:06:39 And when it got to the survival and crafting elements, I was like, yeah. Again, I don't have a huge beef with them. But I'm just like, you know, I research all the shitstorm games. And I don't know how many times I've been fooled and then I quickly look at the the subcategories to see if survival or crafting or again, not that I don't have a problem with it. But I'm just like, yeah, this isn't what I'm currently looking for right now. And I have enjoyed some games with crafting elements, even like I talked
Starting point is 01:07:05 about Shadow Warrior 2 and even that has a bit of like a lot of micromanagement of your weapons and upgrades and doing nowhere near as much as nowhere near. But you do get resources and jewels and buffs and things to do all this stuff. So I don't mind it in little doses. But again, you did say like the start of No Man's Sky is really heavy and slow in that regard. But I think it's like really interesting because like it doesn't it never happens that you get an indie game. They get like triple A marketing because I am really happy that Hello Games
Starting point is 01:07:34 went from like just little danger to like this giant cool idea. They totally deserve and Joe Danger was always good. Yeah, I think you could take like We Happy Few or Rust or any given like relatively big survival game and swap its place with No Man's Sky and have like Sony or Microsoft or whoever show it at every single conference and like really like balloon the hype for it. We Happy Few got that good spot at the Microsoft conference. So imagine it was at every Microsoft conference like No Man's Sky, right?
Starting point is 01:08:06 But I think like that's what it is and why I feel like a lot of people are complaining because those games were never like games made for everyone. They're made for people who want that kind of survival experience. But the trailers betray that survival experience. They kind of show the cool elements as opposed to the tedious. And it's almost as if when it gets shown in a prominent spot at conferences, it's trying to go for a mainstream audience. And when the mainstream audience is like, oh, this isn't what I like.
Starting point is 01:08:38 You know, if it was just a random indie game that, you know, had some buzz got released on Steam one day, then it kind of discovers it and whatever. But when it's kind of shown to the masses in a bit more of a grander scale, like an E3 or a PAX or whatever, then yeah, you might get some backlash of people going, oh, well, you didn't show me this part of it like we happy few didn't show the survival elements that I was super surprised when I played the demo preview. And I was like, oh, OK, it's this.
Starting point is 01:09:05 I didn't realize that. I think a really good comparison, like building on what you just said there in regards to like them showing it at conventions and events and such. I don't think we're ever going to see these complaints for the tomorrow children. You know, that's right. You know, it's it's another Sony Japan game that is like there's a lot of crafting and stuff, and they kind of jam it into their like bigger indie game reels. It was like, but it doesn't touch the triple A area that No Man's Sky was the last
Starting point is 01:09:35 was that propaganda style trailer. Yeah, with the oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That game, like it's very, very much that this kind of thing. But like, I feel like because it doesn't have this marketing that's going to really hit the mainstream, yeah, it's not going to get that same. Like it's going to hit its niche, like Rust hit its niche. And like all these games hit their own niches, however large. But No Man's Sky hit way more than just its niche and hit a bunch of people who weren't who were caught off guard by imagine it comes out and we started up.
Starting point is 01:10:05 Press start on the tomorrow children on the title screen of Cuphead of Cuphead. And it's like it's survival and craft. Yeah, OK, the opening level is a platformer schmup. No, I was going to say, like, how great would it be if like there was a press conference and we just saw people on stage talking about how large, how large and in depth the map of Pokemon Go is and this full scale. We have multiple continents and worlds you can visit. It's amazing.
Starting point is 01:10:40 Anyway, it's actually funny because when you start talking about how it's like the only fixed thing is where your starter ship is slash starter Pokemon is. Yeah. And then after that, you're all sharing this space more or less. And you're going on. And I'm like, it's fucking Pokemon Go. More game to it. No, well, the difference is instead of an algorithm, you have the world.
Starting point is 01:11:03 Yeah, you know, there's definitely more of a game there. Like I am enjoying playing it. It does. There is stuff to do. There's people to meet. It's really satisfying to find and learn. Yeah, I can imagine it is. Yeah. And I'm excited to get in there for sure and see what's going on with it. It's good, but you do have to persevere a little bit at the beginning.
Starting point is 01:11:22 It's not your type of thing. You do have to persevere. I'm kind of shocked that the PC version is as rough as it is when it came out. I just assumed that this was a very PC. Like I know it's like a console, schizo and PS4 or whatever. At least for a little time. But I just assumed like, oh, they'll that, you know, no worry about that. So it's kind of like, whoa.
Starting point is 01:11:39 I think that's also kind of the same thing where it's like this is an indie game that would have normally only sold like a couple. Sony published a couple of tens of thousands. So like it's not like it had, you know, crazy tons of like didn't have a hundred man team to make sure the PC port runs great. No, I know, but just how long it's been in development. I just assumed it would be a bit smoother at launch. Something worth noting.
Starting point is 01:12:03 Games aren't super smooth at launch. Something worth noting that is very different about this, too, in terms of like indie games, getting AAA budgets for marketing and such is the fact that my girlfriend and a couple other people in like knew about this without game news, yeah, it's just that big. It showed up on the Colbert report before he moved over. It showed up in a bunch of places just in the public eye and like news articles were reported reporting on it just in terms of like the science of it,
Starting point is 01:12:34 the scale and like what it what how different this is compared to usual game releases. This just in video game births, Galaxy, right? You know, kind of really I've been in that mainstream. It definitely has like made its its mark, at least in terms of like hitting non-gamers, you know, and honestly, even if it's not the first type of game to do this kind of like open space thing, I think the first elite actually did this.
Starting point is 01:13:00 Not really dangerous, but the first first one, not a hundred percent sure. I've never played it. I've only heard people saying that, but like even if it doesn't have the the distinction of being the first to do this like Galaxy creating thing, it definitely is the thing that will put that kind of idea in the mainstream. I am in developers minds and stuff, and that distinction is valuable. Because the one thing I kept feeling every time I played it was I wish when I landed on a planet, I got out and I was playing Destiny.
Starting point is 01:13:28 And every time I went into space in Destiny, you wish, I wish it just turned into No Man's Sky, because if you put those two games together, like just that would be the game, right? I mean, it would be impossible to get such a like tailored like experience out of the planet's like progression. You know, but when I look when I look at like the relative quality of what Hello Games did to make areas happen, like like you'll go to an Atlas thing and it'll be like, yo, go in that direction.
Starting point is 01:13:59 And then on your star chart, you'll have a little purple line through some universe, solar systems, solar systems. Telling you to like go in this direction. And there's an Atlas thing over there that's like a little storyline. And then you'll meet people randomly and you'll hear a little bit about them. There was this one person I came up to this alien and it described him as being really like shifty and nervous. And he was trying to like jam his gun into my head, trying to give me his gun,
Starting point is 01:14:25 right? And I was like, OK, what the fuck's up with this? And I could only understand a few of the words. And like after the very brief communication where I accepted his gun, like it turned out he was like a conscript of war and he didn't want to. He didn't want to be any part of it. And he wanted out and he just need to get rid of it. OK. And it was it was really satisfying to have these little interactions and like Hello Games is tiny.
Starting point is 01:14:46 They're fucking tiny. And they were able to do this like, boy, if you had bungee, like take this kind of idea in for like Destiny 2 or something. You could have a I think you could get you could flesh it out enough, right? Like I always want to see if they if they like if some yeah, someone else like reaches out to someone big starts putting together something like that. I always wanted a game that was built around the well, not not so much Pokemon snap, but built around the photography
Starting point is 01:15:12 of beyond good and evil, how there are all these different creatures and different like underwater, those cool whales, there are bugs. And I always thought like an alien landscape. I'm also a big fan of Wayne Barlow's like extraterrestrial extraterrestrial like alien designs. And and there are those weird CG TV shows that showed you how these weird creatures would walk talk, how their ecosystem would be. And like I'm not this is more like a lesson in the side from No Man's Sky.
Starting point is 01:15:41 Where I was always kind of like that would be cool. You're just like galaxy photographer and get me the latest scoops and all the weirdest penises did throughout the galaxy. So I want to see them now. Did you play Spore? A little the original one a little bit. OK, because it kind of has a bit of I played that stupid we action one a lot. Dark Spore. Yeah, I've never played it.
Starting point is 01:16:03 I'd like to. It's dumb. I know I did play spectrobes all the way through. I bet you did. I bet you did. You bastard. But like it's good. And like more than anything, I think it definitely deserves the recognition of being the landmark game that it is. And I am hoping that they've said they're going to continue patching it and adding content.
Starting point is 01:16:24 They said there's going to be no paid DLC and stuff, which is cool. That's cool. Base buildings coming like a bunch of shit is coming. So I'm keen to see the updates. But more than that, I am excited now that this seat of an idea is in the mainstream. I am excited for a big developer to pick it up because. You could easily easily. It's all relative, but you could easily take this concept and make make something
Starting point is 01:16:50 going forward. Anyone with a game pitch can now easily say it's like No Man's Sky, but yeah, more or no man's sky with so when this game proves that the principle has yeah, we just need a we just need a more elaborate game. And I fuck, man, fuck. If Destiny 2 was like this, so when your boots are on the ground, it's Destiny. Then you get in your ship. It turns into No Man's Sky. You fly to the center of the known universe.
Starting point is 01:17:14 There's one planet you land on it, but it's the witness street fighter. Yeah, the witness. When you get there, you land on it and it turns into the witness game of the year. Game of the Furmer. You land on it. You land in the center of the universe. It becomes hatred like Jonathan Blow is wearing the Watcher's outfit like Wattu and he just says good luck and disappears and then zooms out. It's all just inside the box inside the cube.
Starting point is 01:17:41 If Sony or Hello Games can do cross promotion with Marvel and get ego put in there as a planet. Yeah, cool. But I'm enjoying it. It is fun. And I yeah, I encourage you to try it, Willie. And I hope you can make it past that first little bit because I don't might not be the type of game you usually play.
Starting point is 01:17:59 But I think you could have a good time with it. Sounds good. Yeah, who wouldn't know? Not me. I played a bit of Indiana Jones and the crystals. No, you didn't. Whatever on the PSP I did. I did.
Starting point is 01:18:13 Oh, it's not bad. But that's it. I like it. It's not bad. Like the levels are really short and like a kind of satisfying way. It's just one of those games that have pretty fond memories of testing because I remember thinking I'm glad I'm the best at this and not that bullshit in that room.
Starting point is 01:18:29 That's one of those things that kind of makes me. It always makes you feel like your game's a 10 on 10 when you look across the room and you see the other whatever is over there. Yeah, you should play the DS version or watch some games right now. I'm going to watch a play through for the portraits to watch the portraits. Have I ever told you about this, William? Of Indiana Jones and the staff, staff of things on the DS, which I tested a whole bunch of the DS and PSP versions.
Starting point is 01:18:52 PSP versions is a different beast, but the DS version, they had an they had artists to make the cutscenes, just draw dumb little cartoons or whatever. And mid builds would get different artists to draw and redraw over old stuff. So over the course of testing this game, Indy's face would morph and melt. And it's hard to describe other than abstract some of these things. Women's proportions, the main girl, God, Maggie, I forget. She would change her styles and hair colors mid level bad guys faces. They would change ethnicities.
Starting point is 01:19:32 It was fucking hilarious. And like up until like the last build, it was like ridiculous. It was like, no, this is not acceptable. And we'd bug them like this is this is inconsistent for game logic or whatever. And up until like the last build, it was still like a farce. And I think I heard how like the final build like cleaned it up a little bit. But there's still examples of indeed looking like a wax sculpture that was melting in the hot fucking Sahara Sun.
Starting point is 01:19:59 I want to see those again. Someone tracked those down and sent them on Twitter. I'm keen to look them up. Yeah, there you go. But the PSP game is actually pretty good looking. So it is. I was surprised. Speaking of fond memories of testing, let's get into some game news and start out with
Starting point is 01:20:13 the fact. Rooktown High 2. Hey, hey. Hey, don't get my hopes up. Yeah. Come on now. I have that sit in somewhere. Rel up.
Starting point is 01:20:23 Let's start out with the fact that we can now call Nordic Games THQ Nordic. Weird. Yeah, really neat. So that was one of the things they picked up when they bought their THQ humble bundle was they got the THQ logo and names and everything. So they like, I think they own like 23 THQ brands, including Darksiders Summoner, Destroy All Humans, MX or ZTV to blog, et cetera, Red Faction as well, which is a good pick up considering they don't even have volition or anything.
Starting point is 01:20:53 Yeah. Homefront. Do they? No, someone else? Yeah, I think someone else has. Someone else has Homefront. Yeah. Oh.
Starting point is 01:21:01 Cockmedia, I think. Yeah, Big Cockmedia. Deep Silver. Yeah, because Crytek picked up Homefront, I think. I can't fucking, I don't care. You'd call your business that if you could. I don't care about anything post Homefront Zero. Huge TSM.
Starting point is 01:21:17 Black Gift Inc. What you gonna call that shit? Black Gift Inc. But yeah, so Nordic Games, a former literally who is this company is now named THQ Nordic. It's weird because like for, let's say it's like Infogrames took the Atari name because like no one, everyone hates their stupid name and their stupid logo. Yeah. But people know the Atari name, but like people go, isn't that that company that failed?
Starting point is 01:21:46 Yes, exactly. At the time where Infogrames took the Atari logo, like nobody gave a shit about Atari anymore, I don't think really. And then people still like kind of lament the death of THQ, they're like, oh, that game and that game. But this feels more like- And Darksiders never got finished. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:01 It's more like SNK Playmore. A little bit. A little bit more. Where the actual people that were involved are now taking the name. But I still feel that there's some sentiment where people are like, yeah, that company that fucked themselves over is super bad and like made all these poor last minute decisions and like ruined wrestling games for a lot of things. The fucking KFC division killed it all.
Starting point is 01:22:19 The KFC division. Man, if you- Should I ever tell you about that? Yeah, you told me a little bit about it. The company was split, when I worked there, how it was the company was split into it had the core division, right? Which was Danny Billson and all the core games. And then the KFC division.
Starting point is 01:22:33 A KFC as it was called, Kids, Families and Children. And that was for all the license titles and stuff. Those fucking guys screwed the pooch. They fucking- The stupid tablet thing. They blew it all up with the fucking tablet thing or whatever. Anyway. The UDRAW.
Starting point is 01:22:47 Get your Wii- UDRAW Tablet. You draw a tablet bundle. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. The scummiest. They didn't even know about the Wii U.
Starting point is 01:22:56 The scummiest. They made that free Wii U even being a thing. But then you just gave shitty stores the ability to put that together. Way to go Walmart. Wii UDRAW bundle. Make that money. UDRAW U. Get that.
Starting point is 01:23:11 Right. And some people are still confused, so we have to explain that. This is when the Wii U first came out and the UDRAW tablet was THQ's- A separate device. Perforol that failed. Yeah. If they found the Wii U as a big success, then they made 360 and PS3 versions for some reason.
Starting point is 01:23:31 That was the disaster. That was the disaster. Not unlike Tony Hawk ride boards. These things stocked up and fucking like took up space. Stank up all your department. They stank up the stock rooms. Exactly. Right?
Starting point is 01:23:42 It's just this green stink line. There were huge stacks of them at the old Future Shop. So when the Wii U launched, we saw the same week they had the bundles with the Wii and the UDRAW tablet, but together they called it the Wii UDRAW Tablet Bundle for maximum parent infusion. And if you're paying attention, they were polite enough to keep the space in between Wii and U. Unbelievable.
Starting point is 01:24:08 I know parents are going to get that. Anyway. I don't know. All I was was a QA employee. I'm not going to pretend I was high up in the company or anything. You should. But I do have really fond memories. You should pretend.
Starting point is 01:24:20 THQ. Yeah. Imaginations are awesome. Come on. What's your favorite idea? But I feel happy that the THQ brand is back because these guys do seem really committed to bringing back stuff like Darksiders. Smart stuff.
Starting point is 01:24:40 Like don't bring back crap. No, there shouldn't be a need. Don't bring back like SpongeBob games that also stank up the store shelves or whatever. The Wii one was good. Sure. Bring back the UDRAW tablet. Bring it back. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:24:55 It didn't get its true. There's this one guy. We all acquired a warehouse of 10 million UDRAWs. Like, dude, we sold them to Nintendo. Dude, like few things upset me more as a kid than like parent confusing schemes. Things that were named because they were fucking tricked. It's a bold faced lie. Like, God.
Starting point is 01:25:17 That's great. I don't know. I respect that. The games and the Devil May Cry thought. I remember when I first heard about Pokemon and I was like, is that monsters in my pocket? Is that the same thing? And it wasn't. Yeah, mom, go down into the store and go to the EV games and pick me up a copy of Split
Starting point is 01:25:38 Second. No, not that one. No, no, no. You got me. You got me. Blur. That's stuff. Go get me infamous.
Starting point is 01:25:47 No, not prototype. Why are we going to see the sense of right alliance movie? That's not the one I wanted to go see. Wanted to see Shrek. Like everything about that parent confusing schemes are awesome because you can't work in the company that's doing that and feel good about your life. No. Your entire marketing campaign.
Starting point is 01:26:14 I was pleased because everyone just hated the KFC division, including myself because it was like from the inside, it was even more apparent that it was going to be a colossal fuck up. Like it was predicted and seen coming at all levels of the company. As you were about to say, your entire plan is based. Your entire marketing scheme is based around the hope of the confusion of idiots. Right? Well, for Walmart anyway, yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:41 It's the same level of hope that you have for that person that walks by and sees Snake on the cover of a box of Grand Theft Auto and you're like, wait, Grand Theft Auto, you're solid. Oh my God. This is amazing. What PS2 game is this? Yeah. And then you buy, like it's the same level.
Starting point is 01:26:58 Yeah. Yeah. Fuck everything about that. Those stores who do that are nasty. They're cool. I don't know what they, I know this is like fucking age old, but like, I don't know what they were expecting with the fucking PS3 360 UDRAW tablet. Everyone told them.
Starting point is 01:27:12 Everyone told them. QA told them. It's like, but it was a hit on one thing. Why can't it be hit on the other thing? Because like, because it won't, like no one wants to buy that on these platforms. I remember. I don't get it. I remember one time I was working on MyCoach for the Kinect, right?
Starting point is 01:27:27 Fuck you. I also had to make MyCoach games. Oh yeah? On handhelds. Right. Why'd you make it so terrible? Yeah. Why'd you do that?
Starting point is 01:27:36 No. Yeah. I'm sorry. But I was working on that with a close friend of mine, Fred, we'll let you know him, right? And we were working on it one day and it was fucking awful and the Kinect controls didn't work. The game was super unfinished. It was supposed to ship super soon.
Starting point is 01:27:50 And the president of THQ was there that day and he was, he walked up to us and he was like, so what do you guys think of it? And we kind of just went, this game is really awful. This game is really terrible. Yeah. I, it doesn't. And like we showed him like, and he said, can I, can I see? I mean, yeah, we showed him the game doesn't fucking work and it's not good.
Starting point is 01:28:10 And he's like, so you think this isn't good? And I said, this game's terrible, dude. And like, I remember getting a stern talking to from the QA supervisor. Uh-oh. Really? Well, yeah. Cause we, we risked it. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 01:28:24 You told the truth. Yeah. Cause what if they pull, what if they pull the plug on the game and suddenly QA loses a bunch of jobs, right? But it was worth it. Cause that game was fucking awful. Yeah. But you'll save more jobs if it doesn't flop.
Starting point is 01:28:34 Well, that's, you know, like what's more important, right? Inflate the fucking garbage and keep it going. Anyway, they ended up. CHQ ended up dropping it and I like to think that maybe me and Fred had something to do with that. But I don't know. 5-0-5 picked it up. Those fucking heroes.
Starting point is 01:28:50 I wish a bunch of people had asked me, like, should we ship this? And I'd be like, I had to, I saw it in a store the other day, Mensa Academy, which is just dumb. Like there was a Wii DS 360 version, I think, I don't know. And I had to test that for like a day or two. And it was like the roughest day of my life where like, I was literally looking at a pair of scissors on the table going, I could probably kill myself with that fairly quickly. And it was just, someone came over to me, it was just a QA, another QA like leader or
Starting point is 01:29:20 whatever he was like. So how is it? I'm like, it's fucking terrible. And he goes, keep, keep, keep it up then. Not the real keep it up. Not that keep it up. But it was another guy. And I was like, oh, it didn't work.
Starting point is 01:29:31 I thought I could get off this by saying it's terrible. But that just makes a team lead double the fuck down and I said, I love it. Yeah, exactly. I can hate that. They don't have to play it. They don't. Fucking leads. You know, there's no way to bully you all day.
Starting point is 01:29:47 Just poke me in the side, which is why you have no way of knowing if you influenced that the cancellation. But it'd be like, it'd be nice to have some confirmation where you come in and the person who gave you a stern talking to is now like also fired next to your desk and he's your subordinate. Yeah, he becomes your manslave. Like he's he's sitting on all fours and you have a drink placed on his back. That's what you want.
Starting point is 01:30:14 That's what you get. You deserve this. You've earned this. Anyway, all right. I didn't think we have anything to say about that. That's a lot. That's fine. OK, well, things that have been earned, I guess.
Starting point is 01:30:33 We can talk about the fact that there is that open letter to Warner Brothers CEO Kevin Sujihara about layoffs and about how basically in summary, Zack Snyder keeps fucking up and you keep rewarding him while your work while punishing everyone else and firing 10 percent of your of your work for those letter alleges that Wonder Woman's also going to be like the same relative level of quality. This is and this is rumored to be from an internal someone who used to work for them and left and they wrote this during the Man of Steel fiasco and basically had it ready to go but decided not to send it out once they saw Suicide Squad because apparently
Starting point is 01:31:21 that was that was going to be good. There's no way you have David Ayer. You have Will Smith and you have Joker in a movie. How can you fuck that up? Well, apparently they didn't fuck it up, but it sounds like it's not. It's middle of the world. Setting the world on fire and the expectations that Suicide Squad like lunch like 67 percent from this thing and like for a metric like Batman versus Superman like went 69 percent
Starting point is 01:31:47 and that was deemed even though it made almost a billion dollars like everything their hopes and dreams where it needs to make more than a billion dollars for us to feel confident. Batman versus Superman. Well, I mean, it's the fucking second and third most popular superheroes in the world. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So you would expect it. You expect it. But I was going to say I was talking really about this early as well is that did you see
Starting point is 01:32:06 that like the director of Wonder Woman replied to this? Yeah, I did. Yeah, there she goes. Well, no, it's great. Like everyone likes it here. Shut up. And I'm like, what are you supposed to? Yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 01:32:19 It's a fucking mess. That's going to be the telling thing though. If it comes out and it's that same relative level of quality where it's kind of middle of the road, well, here's the thing that'll tell us a lot about this letter's credibility. Man of Steel was like trending like 50. Like, you know, just going by Ron Tomatoes because what else are you supposed to really get for a metric of what everyone feels or whatever? But that was always hovering around 50 percent.
Starting point is 01:32:41 That's literally the definition of divisive. Yes, it is. Whereas like, you know, people's perceptions of Suicide Squad and I still haven't seen Suicide Squad but that and Batman vs Superman are like in the low 20s or the high 20s. And they're not low 20s. Even Batman, which I really didn't like, it's not. It's not. Yeah, it's not.
Starting point is 01:33:02 It's not a true industry. But in this world of everything as it's 10 or a zero, which is fucking ridiculous, but that's what it is. All these, like Ghostbusters as well. It's like, like fuck off. Which is now calling attention to the fact that the user reviews have a huge discrepancy. Yeah, user reviews. But anyway, the user bullshit in the first place.
Starting point is 01:33:22 Just go shit yourself. Just give GameProGuy. Ultimately. Yeah, GameProGuy was on us. You never said you were wrong. No, never. You never said you were wrong. Without saying a word, you always knew exactly how he felt.
Starting point is 01:33:35 He was basically a mime. Yeah. And when you were at the video store renting a game and you saw his face on the corner of a couple boxes, you knew. Yeah, they do that area sometimes. You knew. But the point though was that like this letter was shelved and then after seeing Suicide Squad, the person.
Starting point is 01:33:50 Or after getting wind of how he was going. No, no, no. They saw it. No, they saw it. They saw it. And went home and said, I just saw Suicide Squad. I'm dusting this letter off and sending it out now. Because it's more relevant than ever.
Starting point is 01:34:01 And when we have the fact that it seems like Zack Snyder, he's well, he's directing the Justice League movie. And he's being what Joss Whedon was to Marvel. More or less, yeah. But without the payoff, it doesn't make sense to keep allowing him to have this much say while it's not turning. Well, it's not turning heads around completely. The problem is that Joss Whedon is a comic book writer and Zack Snyder is a fucking hack.
Starting point is 01:34:30 He's a music video director. No, Zack Snyder is a comic book looker. He's a comic book looker. And that's why 300 is so good because it's the comic book. I will stand by this. Yeah, he directs music videos. Are you up to today, Liam? I was just finishing saying, William, it's like, it kind of seems like Warner Brothers
Starting point is 01:34:46 in general, the top brass, at least, really likes Zack Snyder because, you know, like, I still like the first 300. It's way better than its fucking shitty sequel. But that was a huge, hugely profitable movie. And a timer movies aren't usually profitable. Like in March, and it made so much money. And they were like, this is our guy. And it was fresh.
Starting point is 01:35:03 And it was new. Yeah. And now there's since that, like there's been a million stupid, like, you know, swords and sandals movies with CG backgrounds and shit. And it seems like ever since then, they're just like, this is our golden boy, man. He can make like... Sucker punch. You can do anything.
Starting point is 01:35:16 Sucker punch. That should have been the biggest red flag to all movie executives. This is what happens. Under the rug. Because under the rug. It's easy for anyone to brush that off and say, oh, well, just don't let him make anything original. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:31 He's making his own thing, but it's Superman. It's fine because it's, right? No, he's still making... Zack Snyder is... He doesn't write them, does he? I think he either has a writing credit or produces it as well. But like, I thought it was whatever. What's his face?
Starting point is 01:35:46 David Goyer that wrote Man of Steel. I don't know. It doesn't matter. It's confusing how, you know, like again, you still retain even further creative control after each one of these such a things happens. Yeah, I'm glad you're talking about this because I definitely saw that a lot of the discussion on the internet was very much slanted and swept towards Wonder Woman. Because people are upset.
Starting point is 01:36:08 They don't want to hear Wonder Woman's bad. I don't want to hear Wonder Woman's bad. I don't because I like to travel a lot. As the letter said, you've carefully crafted it to look amazing. And so far, it looks great. Yeah, and it does frustrate me that a lot of the talk on the internet is, No, Wonder Woman's, uh, uh, Wonder... No, like, it should really be, it should really be about...
Starting point is 01:36:25 Hope to the next thing, regardless. Yeah, but I just mean the Wonder Woman bit has kind of stolen the attention away from, yeah, Snyder keeps getting away with it and other people get hurt, you know, like people are losing jobs and stuff because of poor performance. And it's like, you know, it's performing poorly, you know, not purely because of him. It's a team effort, but, you know, definitely a common element there. And I just, if I can take a moment to get ahead of the gin and tonics post on the Reddit
Starting point is 01:36:56 about us, like, not like about the D.C.H. train that comes up every time. I just want to say that it's like, in this case, it's all contextual to the actual movie. And in this, and like what we're seeing here is that, like, it's not, this isn't like something we're looking at, hey, look, Marvel bias and then D.C. hatred or whatever. If something looks good and is good, it will be, you know what I mean? Like, it won't be as like, it won't, it's not just us, you won't see as much of a fucking flame war across the internet from multiple people that feel the same way. Like, like, we're, we're, we don't just blindly hate D.C. last night.
Starting point is 01:37:35 I was barbecuing and playing Injustice at the same time. I, I fucking. And like. Like, I didn't like Injustice. Injustice is great. I didn't like Injustice that much when it came out, but when we did the Fisticuffs for whatever reason, I had a blast doing it and I like Injustice now. And like, I want to play the second one, right?
Starting point is 01:37:51 And it's like, I actually had hope, a lot of hope for Suicide Squad. I was like, yeah, no, I like where they're going with this. And I still haven't seen it and that's like my bad or whatever. But like, I really like the Wonder Woman trailer. So I put hope and it's like, none of us want anything to be bad. No. Going in and like, it's only when like, yeah, like, if you see a bunch of negative reviews, there's almost no way you're not going to go into it.
Starting point is 01:38:14 I'm feeling a bit of negativity and, but you still want to be like, pleasantly surprised or happy with something, how something came out. I'm actively aware of how insane Pat gets when, when it comes to a lot of D.C. stuff. And we'll actively try to counterbalance that with facts when possible to be like, hey, remember the writing and so on and so forth. But anyway, it just, I never really thought. I even want Aquaman to be good. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 01:38:43 I really want the Flash to be good. Yes, I love the Flash. I really just, I never really like. I want a Teen Titans Go movie. Yeah. I want that. I love Teen Titans Go. Go play Teeny Titans.
Starting point is 01:38:54 It's good. Like the, the, the link behind a lot of this is, is very clearly one dude that you can just get rid of. It's the top. That's the problem. And it doesn't make sense why they're not. Is he, is he dating Jessica Warner? Not exactly.
Starting point is 01:39:08 Like whether it's, whether it's back or it's just the, you know, but the top. Zach Sander's wife is also a producer. Is that it? I don't know. I don't think that's it. But I'm like, is he going out with like Sarah Warner brother? Like what? You know, are Dot, rather Dot Warner?
Starting point is 01:39:25 She's been producing his movies like since 300 or something. So that's kind of already baked in. But I think it's like you're getting rid of a director and a producer. If you get rid of. Is he Triple H? Oh, that'd be odd. Like I love the idea of a Triple H in the movie industry. I'm sure there is that we don't even know about, but I'd love to actually.
Starting point is 01:39:41 Will we see the next movie credit as Zach the Game Warner? Or rather the Zach the Game Snyder? The King of Kings. Right. Willie, there's, I was telling Liam about this really, really quickly, just because it's on my mind. We were watching a random episode of Teen Titans Go where they all have different dreams and their dreams are done in different styles of animation.
Starting point is 01:40:00 So Cyborg's dream is pixel based like Contra game. Nice. Robin's dream is super anime dark. Well, like fluid animation, like dark Teen Titans. Yes, they've done a couple of those moments. Okay, okay. I don't know. But like everyone's just like Robin, you're so cool.
Starting point is 01:40:20 I know. And then Starfire is like, is it ready for kissing now? And he's like, yeah. And they just start kissing and then like Cyborg just goes, everyone, they're kissing and they all point and watch. Man, Robin's so cool. And they're just watching him kiss and they're, they're having a conversation while kissing.
Starting point is 01:40:37 It was fucking hilarious. Ever since that, that amazing music video with Cyborg. The unicorn shit and all that. Right, nights begin to shine. Teen Titans Go. I was, I wanted to look up all their other little moments of like the animation changes to some other crazy shit because they've done quite a few of those. We've got some hot off the presses news coming in about the PS4 update 4.0.
Starting point is 01:41:02 We're getting folders. And we're getting something that resembles the blades back in the 360 days. Fucking nothing beats the blades. I still, I still kind of wish the new menu. So what it is, the blades equivalent here is you hold the PS button and you get the little, the pop up quick menu. Over your gameplay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:22 Like let's you quit the game, check your control, whatever. I don't, I only use it for powering off the console. But now it only covers half the screen. I still wish it was just like transparent or something. Maybe nice. But hey, this is better than nothing, I guess. Black branding. Yeah, maybe yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:36 The new fucking Xbox one update that changed the menu is a shit. I fucking hate it. Like I was actually getting used to the old one. It wasn't perfect, but like this new one, like I'm so confused. Like the fucking, when I, when I booted my 360, I'm like, oh, the fucking 360 menu was fine. Each revision has gotten worse. It's gone worse. There has never been one for the better.
Starting point is 01:41:59 I, yeah, I honestly like don't understand why we're fucking still struggling with this all this time later. It feels as if like when I think about this type of thing. Every console should have blades. So there was a, there was someone I used to work with that had Is your console waiting? No. I used to, there's a guy I used to work with that had really strong opinions about UI.
Starting point is 01:42:20 Right. And like, like, like it's to an OCD kind of level. It's like, it has to be correct. Right. Sure. And I feel like those are the types of people that work on these things and we'll go here. I know you guys have already done all the work, but I did all this other work anyway. And I'm showing you this is a better way to do it.
Starting point is 01:42:39 Implement this. This is how you should do it. And like, I feel like you're getting like competing visions from people that have that level of like dedication and they all think this is more efficient. And it's like, it's just getting further and further away from the plot. And we're like ever since that first 360 update where we went from like the original blades over to the, um, the, uh, I want to say like iOS style. The NXE.
Starting point is 01:43:02 Yeah. Whatever it is. Right. NXE. Thank you. Yeah. I'm like, I'm like, good. You can just stay there.
Starting point is 01:43:07 Fine. Yeah. Exactly. Just stay there. No, the Xbox one has always felt a lot like a PC and they can't hide it with the way everything is an app and everything opens up and stuff. Like I like on the PS4 when I go to my trophies and it's just part of the OS and it doesn't have to boot a new application to show me my achievements.
Starting point is 01:43:25 You know what I mean? Cause it's actually part of the design. And I know all that is is like a thing of feeling and sense and not actually like any, any like, it doesn't really make a difference. But every single time I use the Xbox OS, I feel like it's rougher. Every single front end has like something I'm like, ah, yeah. Then every single one also has something like, oh, fuck this. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:43 It's like, I don't like the PlayStation store, but the actual PlayStation 4 like selecting everything is like, great. I have no problems with that. I generally dislike the Xbox one, but using achievements to be free wallpapers. It's good. It's fucking awesome. Yeah. I hate the, the eShop store.
Starting point is 01:44:01 The general we use selecting games and going to your options. It's meant for babies. It's meant for babies and it's super easy. Yeah. So there's all these things like nothing. I wish they just bring back blades. Like it's, it's funny because like, like what you mentioned specifically about the whole trophies thing, I never paid attention to trophies because I remember when I had a 360
Starting point is 01:44:19 size, I had more achievements. That's something that was all always probably bugged me the most was like having to go into a trophy section or having to go into like even the PS store and booting it separately. That's one thing that Xbox had down was like the shop. And it was built nicely. Exactly. It felt like it was all part of your same dashboard. And they've taken like a real step back with the Xbox one.
Starting point is 01:44:39 Each one. Each one. Because I still use my 360 quite a bit because we use it in the bedroom or watching stuff. And I'm like, I've never confused about where all this like, yeah, the 360 has been around for like 13 years. Yeah, it has. But there's been the Xbox one where I'm trying to do something. I can't figure out how to do it.
Starting point is 01:44:55 Yeah, exactly. Exactly. That shouldn't, that really sucks. And I know I don't use my Xbox one a lot like I generally play on my PS4, but still. No. I did use it a lot. And I'm looking at this new one going, I don't know where to go or how to get there. Ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:45:10 The NXE nailed it. And I don't know why we're fucking with something that works. And like the PS4 is a demaster piece, but it's clear. Having two rows above each other. Yes. Fucking plain and simple. There's one thing I hate the most out of everything. Not anymore.
Starting point is 01:45:24 Remember, it's got a different name for the PS4. Oh, you're right. Remember when we were beating ourselves over the head? Yeah, because it does have a new name. All of us kept writing XMB at work, but it's, I got it. I've lost it. Yeah, but it was, it was a new branded thing. It's a different thing.
Starting point is 01:45:37 Yeah, yeah. If there's one thing I complain about the most of anything is finding themes on PlayStation Diamond. PlayStation Dynamic Menu. Finding themes on PlayStation 4 and not being able to parse out game themes. And everything else is like the fucking worst. I agree. The avatar and theme section on the PS4 is like all I want.
Starting point is 01:46:01 All I want is to select game themes and parse out of fucking skulls, skulls, smoking blunts with fire background, big titty girl. Like I know that you think I like console kings. Console kings. Fuck off, console kings. Fuck off S-Mobile. Fuck off digital. Sports teams.
Starting point is 01:46:18 All these companies need to die. You don't want, you don't want a Washington Redskins themed menu. Have people step into that. The sports ones are at least that same. Right now, my PlayStation 4, like it's been blood-borne for the longest time, but I switched it over to just a simple picture of a red panda because I'm tired of everything else. Yeah, I've got like an idle master theme and stuff. Yeah, anyway.
Starting point is 01:46:39 Um, I, yeah, Folders is really good. There's still one feature that I really want them to add and they didn't seem to add it. And I don't know if they will. It was a feature that actually the Ouya had that I haven't seen on any other console because there hasn't been anything else with that kind of UI and it's called the Berry feature. And what it was was your games, you know, you know, the Ouya store looked where it's got all these rows of rows of games. Yeah, like Netflix.
Starting point is 01:47:05 Yeah, if you hovered over something and you hit R3, it was a feature called Berry. And it would take that title and put it all the way at the back. So you never have to worry about it again. If there's something you didn't give a shit about, you bury it. Boom, gone. I wish I wish on my PS4 I could have that feature because sometimes I'm scrolling through and like something updated and it's up at the front. And it's like, OK, but I just want to shove that indie game.
Starting point is 01:47:30 Just go away. Just go away right now. Just boom. Yeah, that's really good. It's a really smart feature. And I've never seen it anywhere else except for the Ouya. Because it feels... And I guess I should speak up about it because I guess nobody's thought about it
Starting point is 01:47:43 because I've never seen it anywhere else. Because I feel like my brain imagines what like the people designing this would think and they'd go like, that's a negative feature. It's not a positive. Sure. You're not pinning something to your board like this. You're saying the opposite and that's bad. But then again, a negative reinforcement.
Starting point is 01:48:03 Do you ever have it on your PS4 where you see a few titles in your recent thing and you kind of just wish they were out of the way? I wish the share factory would fuck off. Oh, God, share factory. Just bury. Like, I wish that feature would come in. And actually, I think I'm going to ask if we can get that feature now. I want to unshare this factory.
Starting point is 01:48:21 Sucks. Yeah. Anyway. But folders is really good. Offline trophies is really good. That was always kind of sucky. And like other improvements are still forthcoming. Yeah, so that's pretty cool.
Starting point is 01:48:32 Seems like a good update. A couple of other updates going on in different things. We got the Street Fighter V September and August update, which is basically going to have the daily challenges that we've been waiting on for a while now. It's going to have a further readjusted rage quit system where you now, in addition to getting penalized and locked out for it. In addition to getting locked out for a set amount of time, you're also going to just straight up start losing points.
Starting point is 01:49:03 Made points, yeah. Oh, no, it shocks you. But you see your skeleton like when you touch Blanka. Exactly. They're going to have double fight money events. First one. Double X for you kind of. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:49:19 They finally figured out what to do about the shitty survival colors that no one can earn because they're super hard to get. As if you have a season pass, then you're just going to get them. Just take them for yours. And I like that. That's almost like a give up. And now if you get, if you buy a costume, you get all the colors. You get all of them, which is the way it should be, which is that's how it was.
Starting point is 01:49:37 Yeah. And that was a bit fucked. So I'm glad they should we fix this? Should we lower the difficulty? Just give them all away. Just take it and go. It was the right thing. So that's nice.
Starting point is 01:49:50 Yeah. I think this patch, I might be wrong, but I think this rounds out all the features that were currently planned. In that initial presentation that they made. This is everything. It's like the first year of stuff. Minus Zeni. I was going to say, I think Zeni was scrapped.
Starting point is 01:50:08 And I think the only thing missing is the fucking, what are they called? Not dramatic battles, but the rival battle. That was a feature where you fight special. Yeah. I don't think it was dropped. They never announced it was dropped, but it's just that's the only one that's currently missing from the lineup. We've also got very close to Street Fighter 5 1.0.
Starting point is 01:50:30 Very, very close. God, that's true. I like it. Yep. There's some Overwatch patches coming on and whatnot. They're actually. Oh, fuck. We fucked up Zenyatta.
Starting point is 01:50:42 Shit fucking. Oh, no. Too strong. Roll them back. Roll them back too strong when they're not. They're not actually, they're just going to just discord or is the rumor right now that they're not rumored, but they're implying that they're going to leave everything else. Except for discord.
Starting point is 01:50:54 Except for discord. Mercy, they're going to roll that shit back because she got nerfed a little bit too hard as well. They're trying to figure out what to do. And it seems like they're possibly playing around with the idea of giving her a new ability. Sure. The idea was like an area of healing around her, which is kind of what Lucio has anyway. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:15 Or even 76 in a limited capacity. Yeah. So there's actually two versions of that already in a way. But so they're playing around with that. They're not sure what to do just yet, but they're just basically saying that like, we'll get back to you on it. Yeah. We know that we got to do something.
Starting point is 01:51:28 I'm kind of ready for more, for a new map or two. I'm about like, where I'm like, yeah. On some maps. Probably, probably with the new season. Yeah, no. I guess so. You know, I expected with the new season. I'd expect more new maps before a new character though.
Starting point is 01:51:42 Yeah, well, there's new updates on the Sombra team. There's new teasers going on as well. And like, Moth's been keeping me up to date on those. A breast. Yeah, exactly. So yeah, I'm expecting like they're going to make some changes to the seasons that are probably going to get rid of coin flip. I really hope they get rid of coin flip.
Starting point is 01:51:57 They just put up details like 10 minutes ago about what they're doing in season two. Okay, because coin flip fucking sucks. I thought you were going to go into that, but they did mention a thing about it. Let me, let me pull it up. Pull that up in the meantime. I'll buy time for a second. In the meantime, Mae is also going to get buffed because she's not annoying enough as it is. I have them up now.
Starting point is 01:52:15 And it looks like they're basically going to see if they can figure out how to make her ult even better. Good, she needs it. So the competitive play season two challenges comes, this comes from their YouTube, from, you know, their regular videos, right? So the changes that they list are, they're going to change the skill rank from one to 100 to one to 5,000 to better differentiate skill. Okay.
Starting point is 01:52:41 So like a 52 versus a 53 becomes a much different. Yeah, that's fucking huge. It lets you really get more granular there. Reintroducing skill ratings tiers. So like, well, it says, i.e. your gold, Platts, etc. At diamond or lower, you will not drop below your current tier. But if you get to diamond, you can drop back in, like the ranks, you know. Competitive points and gold gun costs are going to be multiplied by 10.
Starting point is 01:53:10 Because bigger numbers make people feel better, I guess. But so now gold gun costs 3,000, but you get 10 times the amount of points. So it doesn't actually make a difference to zero. There's literally adding zero to everything. So that doesn't fix that. How much damage is in Marvel? Billions of damage in this combo. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:53:30 So I don't know what this means because this is this guy who wrote it up, but he wrote a point that says, coin toss is go away. All sudden death is going away. Yes. Okay. I assume that means no coin toss, no sudden death. Yes. What I think a lot of people are willing to do is just give me a tie.
Starting point is 01:53:48 I'll take a draw game. Assault is getting big changes. The time bank system is going to be applied on payload. Both teams will get points with a tie, just not as much as a win. Good. Okay. Good. Good.
Starting point is 01:54:04 Subsequent. A subsequent assemble your team time after the first round is reduced. Skill rating difference is now significantly reduced. It's now within 500 points versus the within 10 points on the previous scale, which would be a thousand on the new scale. So now you're going to be matched with people more closer, closer to your rank. Skill ratings will now decay if you're in Diamond Master and Grand Master and you stop playing. So your SR will drop 50 ratings for every 24 hours.
Starting point is 01:54:36 Keep playing, assholes. That's a dead fix. Bottom floor is Diamond. You will not, that will stop happening when you're at Diamond. Stop not playing. Being top 500 now requires 50 matches minimum. So. Okay.
Starting point is 01:54:50 That's it. So there's some improvements in there. Yep, that. The currency is still, I mean, now you get some for draws, which is a plus. Sounds like the major things are being addressed there. That's cool. If it was me, I would have also said drop the gold gun cost by a third or something. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:08 I just think they're really expensive or like multiply, multiply the gold you get, but then leave the other figure in the cost alone. They're really expensive, but they're not even worth it. I'd rather just have a cool new gun model. So here's the stupid shit. Go to Reinhardt. Go to his Lionheart skin and look at his weapon for it. It's the exact same thing.
Starting point is 01:55:28 It's already a gold. It's already gold. Is it actually the exact like? It is slightly more gold. Matt. Okay. Yeah. Then gloss, but it is a gold hammer.
Starting point is 01:55:39 I hate gloss. I'm its greatest rival gloss. It would be. But then you have to put an E on the end of your name. I'm Matt. Are you ready for that? No. Are you ready for Ludin's action figures?
Starting point is 01:55:51 Yes. This is a while ago. It's like I've never, ever heard of this ever happening. Dude, this company logo is getting more push than entire middle tier brands. I'm glad it's getting an enderoid. It looks good. It's getting everything. In Koji, a talk or Koji TV, I think, episode five or whatever,
Starting point is 01:56:14 he talks about how like I got in touch with like eight different toy companies. Look at this cool skull spaceman we've got. Everyone's doing their own version of it. But Matt, I'll raise you supersonico on company logos, company mascots getting push. Oh yeah? Oh yeah. I didn't know her exact origin. I'm her FMV backstory.
Starting point is 01:56:35 I don't like the fact that his name is Ludin's and not Ludin's with a C.E. Oh yeah? I thought that's what it was initially. Yeah, well, you're dealing with Kojima, so prepare for shit spelling. It's a Latin word, isn't it? Yeah, it is. It is, it is. It's actually the correct spelling, but.
Starting point is 01:56:48 Well, it is shit. Okay. Okay, Matt with no E. Well done, well done. I'll get one of those. I think there's a Play Arts Kai. They're nice, yeah. So I won't get that one, but I'll get it.
Starting point is 01:57:02 I'll get it, because I just accept it for those. Kodabukuya, yeah. Kodabukuya. I keep saying that one. It's a long word. It doesn't need to be that long. Many vowels. Just call it Koto.
Starting point is 01:57:12 Too many vowels. I have no time to say that word. It's like those whales cities with whatever fucking 30 letters. Yeah. Anyway, Japan to remove vowels from language. Apparently, that Pokemon game that I talked about last week, Pokemon Uranium, if you remember the fan game, the Nintendo put the call out and shut that shit down, but the game was finished.
Starting point is 01:57:40 So have at it. The interesting thing is they called out a bunch of people to take it down, like take it down, take it down, but they didn't call out the guys who made it. Yeah. And then the guys said we're going to take it down. Even though they didn't get in touch with us. It's in accordance with their wishes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:54 I think they even alluded to the fact that they might make another patch in the future. Well, they said we're still going to be out talking about it on the forums, and you guys can like distribute it. We're not putting our downloads up, but the game was done. And I did, and just to sort of clarify, because I did sort of see someone was kind of like, why are they talking about this random ROM hack for Pokemon? It's not a ROM hack. This is a Pokemon original game that it was nine years in the making.
Starting point is 01:58:16 That was fairly significant. Built on RPG maker that is like quite a big. It's built on RPG. Yeah. Wow. And it was quite a significant like a fan game. Overall. The menus look really good.
Starting point is 01:58:27 Yeah. It's not just a ROM hack. It's much bigger than that. Hey, someone. Yes, the Pokemon designs aren't that great. If you're going to make a fan game, don't make a fan game on Pokemon right now. It's kind of hot. Also, if there's a new Metro game coming out in a week and a half,
Starting point is 01:58:44 you might not want to make that just in case. Why don't you make a mock writer game or an urban champion fan game? Might take Nintendo a little bit longer to catch when this is made. Maybe. Maybe. As long as the games get out, it's all good. That being said, when your timing is nine years in the making and Pokemon Go comes out. It's pretty hard to do.
Starting point is 01:59:03 What do you fucking want? Yeah. Yeah. You throw this dart and it's going to land nine years in the future. I don't know. Is the dart board even going to be there anymore? It'll surely be dead by then. No one will care.
Starting point is 01:59:16 Speaking of darts landing from the past into the future, Parappa the Rappa is debuting with a new anime on August 18th. Cool. So this is the second Parappa anime. I don't even know about the first one. Yeah. It's actually really not bad, the first one. This one's based on what's it named?
Starting point is 01:59:32 The Bear in Parappa, I think? You mean MC Bear's a lot? But I think it's based on the Bear. PJ, Parappa, and Chop Chop Master. Master of Ceremonies, Bear Bear. Kind of neat. Are they going to dub this? Well, not with the original Parappa voice actor.
Starting point is 01:59:50 Is Dread Fox going to get dusted off? Yeah. I doubt it. I think that it has nothing to do with Sony as well. It's just Rodney, whatever, who owns a bunch of it. Yeah, okay. Okay. They're just doing their thing.
Starting point is 02:00:05 But I don't know. Did Dread Fox voice Parappa in PlayStation All-Stars? He did. He did. He did, okay. Yeah, I think that's where that came from. That's where that all came from. Right, okay, right.
Starting point is 02:00:12 Yeah, yeah. That makes sense. I'll jump in with a new story right, Chris, just because it's relevant to a new anime being announced. New, brand new arc announced for Peach Girl, Peach Girl Next, which I am very disappointed with its title, because I much rather appreciate its original title, Peach Girl Millennium Falcon Arc.
Starting point is 02:00:35 It's unfortunate. Or the Peach Girl, The Holy Chain Knights. It's rather unfortunate. Those are much better names. Or Peach Girl, You Are Not Peachy. The original Untainted Japanese. You are not a peach. You are not.
Starting point is 02:00:49 I just saw Matt try to put his baseball cap on over top his headphones. And I realized it was going to fail. And sheepishly realized it wasn't going to fit on these huge headphones. Oh well, another failure to add to the column. He's pouring his luck over. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:07 Weak of failures. Fucking love Peach Girl. No, I don't have any other failure. Oh wait, I do have a failure on the docket. But it's not really a failure. It's actually the opposite of a failure. So it's a success, you're saying. It's a blind success that gives no fucks.
Starting point is 02:01:23 China takes their stab at Pokemon Go. Yeah, I saw this shit. And to them, there is no failure. Because why would there be? This is actually. We can't fail. Now, the excuse for Overwatch last time was, this was a demo.
Starting point is 02:01:37 Yeah, this was just what we were capable of. Showing off our chops, yeah. So what you need to know about Pokeball Trainer is. Will you train Pokeballs? I love the fucking Snorlax and the Pikachu. It's the way to. Oh my god, that Snorlax is horrible. Look at the Pikachu.
Starting point is 02:01:57 Where they just fucking grabbed him and just stretched him out. It's all, it's what happens when you put the Pokemon into the Mario 64 stretch like screen. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. All right, and here's your mouth. This is Pokeball Training. With a little ghost sneaked in there. And what this is supposed to be is,
Starting point is 02:02:17 because there's no way to practice throwing Pokeballs, this is supposed to teach you how to do the tricky shots and how to play while, because the actual Pokemon has no way to practice. Yeah, right, huh? That's. I can't read Chinese, but I know that line. Right there.
Starting point is 02:02:33 Means there's microtransaction there. So you can fuck off. With your micro and your training, really? Snorlax looks so tired and soulless. The green button is buy free and then below it, yeah. Like fuck off. Catch them all. Also, what does that go up right below the Chinese title?
Starting point is 02:02:54 Is that the name of the company? Rejected Games, FPS Adventure and Sport? Yes, that's the name of the company. It should be called Big Penis Inc. You know, they're wasting their time. That fucking Squirtle looks like it's from South Park. Yeah, and that Charmander looks like it wants to kill. Rejected Games, FPS Adventure and Sport Simulation Adventure.
Starting point is 02:03:15 Can you click on that? Absolutely. Oh, wait, hold on. Oh, yeah, it's the developer page. We can see what other games they made. Yeah. Ball practice for Pokemon Go. They've rebranded it.
Starting point is 02:03:25 They changed it a lot. Ball practice. It's super different now. Even though Pokemon Go is still in the title. Now it's a bunch of 3D monsters. They've gone over various asset stores. Learn the excellent throws. Now you're throwing a Google Chrome logo at the panda.
Starting point is 02:03:43 Yeah. And look, it says ukulele. If they had just made this first, this wouldn't be a story. Yeah. Well, this logo is still really trying hard to look like a Pokeball. For sure. But whatever. Anyway.
Starting point is 02:03:56 I like all the five-star reviews, by the way. What's the percent? 188 five-stars. Yep. One of the best so far. Bremming the heads. The curveball isn't quite as accurate, but the straight. And then a review from finally Scott cherish it.
Starting point is 02:04:11 Continuously play around with these amusements. Let's do some other good reviews in here. Continuously play around. Never get exhausted. Keep up the immense work. Amazing. I love everything about that. This is fantastic.
Starting point is 02:04:27 And this continuously play with these amusements is pretty. Gives me hope in my heart that China don't give a fuck. Will continue to be a segment on this podcast. Yeah. Yeah. Reminds me of like when Pokemon Go is coming out. And it wasn't out in Canada. The number one paid app on the App Store was Pokédex for Pokemon Go.
Starting point is 02:04:45 Yes. By some. I remember. Somebody just fucking scumming it. You don't have to be good. You just have to be first. Yeah. The next time anyone gets hot and heavy with someone,
Starting point is 02:04:54 you should always look deep into their eyes and say continuously play with these amusements. Never. Whisper. Never cease. Cherish. Anyway. Hey, if we're a knockout corner, actually a knockoff corner.
Starting point is 02:05:12 Sorry. Actually, I just want to call out this one game that's coming out this week on PS4. I forget the subtitle because this is I think the sixth game they've made in the illustrious Sol Brain series, S-O-L-B-R-A-I-N. I want to advise everyone not to buy this game no matter how neat it might look. These guys made a bunch of PlayStation mobile games and they're notorious for stealing art outright and just putting it in their game using Zelda fonts,
Starting point is 02:05:41 which they may or may not have paid for. Also does not do them any favors, but there was a lot of stolen art in their previous games. So don't play this game when it comes out this week. I don't think anyone was playing. No, I don't think so either. But just in case. When I saw it coming out and it was on a system bigger than PlayStation mobile,
Starting point is 02:06:01 the fucking X-Bleg of the Vita, I was like, okay, this is bullshit. Someone's thumb was hovering over the download button and you just stopped them. Isn't there a piece of news like this was a piece of news like a year ago, but I think now it's like relevant where it's like X-Bleg is going out of forever. It's the end of this month. One month left. If you want to do one more video. Oh, that's a stream.
Starting point is 02:06:25 I think you can still play all your downloaded stuff. So buy everything. Well, or just or even just get the demos for everything. Yeah, that's true. Buy everything. Yeah. That's a stream idea. That's a stream.
Starting point is 02:06:37 Cthulhu says the world. Me and Matt have had many fun afternoons of browsing storefronts. Yeah, yeah, sure. Just saying, oh, we should stream it. We should. Keep that. What's that date? What's that date?
Starting point is 02:06:50 The end of this month. End of this month. Something like that. All right. Got to look it up. I saw someone mention it today, so. We do have the rumor. It's not confirmed, but there's a possible month.
Starting point is 02:07:03 Soul caliber style rumor. A month long delay for Final Fantasy XV. Oh, that was confirmed today. This was confirmed this morning. Okay. Two months. Bomber. November 29th from September 30th.
Starting point is 02:07:13 Yeah. Two months. This is October in the middle. I forgot about October. That's okay. Most people do. Yeah. Matt really digs October.
Starting point is 02:07:20 It's a forgettable. Nothing important happened there. No shit start. Like our biggest business. Or my girlfriend's birthday. On my wedding. Matt's wedding. Or nothing.
Starting point is 02:07:29 Halloween. Halloween. Anyway. Well, what's another two months after 10 years? Yeah. It's a bomber, but ultimately more time is always a good thing. That's not a making content delay. No.
Starting point is 02:07:43 I will say one thing though. And if so, there's a video that got put out and Tabata is in the video and he's just talking. And there's like English subtitles and shit. If he's being honest about what he's saying, I actually really respect it. Because he said that according to him, the reason they're delaying it is so that they can make a new gold master. So the disc ships with effectively what would have been the day one patch. That's interesting.
Starting point is 02:08:08 As opposed to just improving the day one patch and stuff. If that is actually the case, I really respect that because I do hate disc shipping. Like the Pro Skater 5 disc that's practically useless. Oh, fine. For example, I hate the idea of discs or carts that are more or less obsolete without their patches. Especially bad when carts don't have their patches. I need to go check the UK resistance to see if they grabbed the big release date announcement picture and just added the word lie to the front of it.
Starting point is 02:08:40 But if they actually are improving it, and we're never going to be able to tell because there's going to be a day one patch as well, of course. But if they are actually improving the contents on the disc, then that's fantastic. Yeah, no, that's commendable. And last, I just wanted to bring this up because it has weird, interesting character designs, but I don't know what to make of the actual teaser trailer for Raiders of the Broken Planet. Yeah, yeah, I've seen this.
Starting point is 02:09:07 It's a cinematic trailer, so it doesn't have much to tell us. Have you seen any of the gameplay or anything? I haven't seen any gameplay. I just saw this Akuma looking dude, and he opens his mouth and he sounds like he's a Texan. So this is what Mercury Steam has been making. This is Mercury Steam's new game. There's a bunch of gameplay out from Gamescom last year. What do we know?
Starting point is 02:09:27 It's a co-op third-person shooter. Seems fun, honestly, but not a ton outside of that. Like, it seems fun. What's that Harada game that just hit the Wii U? Lost Reavers. Yeah, we're looking at another one. It seems like a much better game than Lost Reavers. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 02:09:47 That's a fucking shirt. Hey, it looks solid, though. That Akuma looking guy does remind me of Vest. This is the studio that made Lords of Shadow. Yeah. There's a girl who's shown off by the end of the trailer. And... Very Jensen-type, how his arms are implemented there.
Starting point is 02:10:04 What was that other thing they made? What was that other thing they made? Come on. Mercury Steam? They made another thing. Clive Barker's Jericho. Ah, Jericho. Did they do Jericho?
Starting point is 02:10:13 Yes. I didn't know that. Oh, yeah, they did that. That's awesome. Good for them. Yeah, no. I didn't know. I played the demo for it and never looked back at it.
Starting point is 02:10:19 It's fucking bad. Yeah, I know. I do know that. Yeah, then don't... Yeah. There you go. Yeah, but there's some gameplay if you want to check it out. There's cool axe kicks and stuff in there, so...
Starting point is 02:10:29 There's stuff, certainly. It does look like a real thing, so we'll see. If you want to send us a message about a real thing... And not one of those fake things. Only real things. Sick of those emails. Only real things. That you can touch with your mind.
Starting point is 02:10:44 Then you can send that in to What was that? That's And once Woolly has found one of these emails, then he can then... You might hear them sound like this. Dylan wants to know, just wondering, what the plan is for spoiler casts.
Starting point is 02:11:12 I know that the time has likely passed for Daredevil season two. Oh, gosh. Unless that part in the Punisher LP that I haven't gotten to yet is in there. What about Game of Thrones, Lucha Underground, JoJo, and anything else? Okay, so we don't do spoiler class for everything. And we theoretically could. I think there's a lot of times where whenever we have a lengthy spoiler-free discussion about something, that to us is fine.
Starting point is 02:11:40 There's bits too, though. In all fairness, there are bits where we go, we'll do this spoiler cast at the end of this podcast. Or so we do. And there's no spoiler cast. You're right, you're right. And that kind of sucks. And sorry for those, but...
Starting point is 02:11:50 But there are, but there's definitely times where it's like, you know, after describing something and going like, oh man, there's one thing I can't really say. But ultimately, here's what I think about this thing, where there's not much else to say. I'll ask you, like, just to end this episode, like, oh, well, what are your general thoughts and stranger things? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:12:03 Because I did, I was, like, you know, interested to know. And at the same time, like, if we feel that the spoiler cast is just going to be, oh man, that was cool, wasn't it? Yeah, that was cool. Yeah. Cool. Then we're not going to do anything.
Starting point is 02:12:14 There's nothing really there. So, I mean, you know, you'll get them when you get them. Is the best I can really give you? I am certainly dying to do one for Lucha Underground Season 1. And like, unfortunately, this is one of those types of things where unless every one of you is on board, like, whoever is first to finish it to Season 1.
Starting point is 02:12:38 Or the first past cast. I want, like, I fucking, fuck you other guys. I do it in apps. I really want to talk about it. Yeah, just, but just like... Every time we go to a con, you just grab Aunt Fish immediately and just scream into his ear about how much you like.
Starting point is 02:12:50 Well, he's the one that got me in on it. Yeah, just don't, don't, they're not like, these are not, uh, uh, they won podcast features. Yeah. Did you do a spoiler cast for JoJo? For... No, never. Never.
Starting point is 02:13:04 No. The spoiler cast for JoJo is the playthrough. Okay, yeah. We did, we did speak a lot about JoJo when the second season was on, though. Yeah, yeah, I'd be thinking this. And I've done spoiler-free reviews of what I think of the chapters I've completed,
Starting point is 02:13:19 not chapters of the parts that I've completed. Yeah. And, but right now, the LP is the only place I've been able to talk, like, all through spoilers. Oh, really? Through spoilers, yeah. Free.
Starting point is 02:13:29 So, yeah, that's it. Like, you know, don't expect them, but you'll get them sometimes, and I hope you enjoy them. Chad says he's about to corp. Um, what is your favorite challenge in a game where you're supposed to lose, but you get a special thing if you win?
Starting point is 02:13:48 Oh, right. Like, hmm. Oh, I've really fond memories of you can lose in No Mercy, the story mode, and you branch off into completely different storylines. And that, like, means a lot to me because it's the first game I kind of knew that, even if you lose, don't worry,
Starting point is 02:14:07 that's not the end of the game. Like, it continues, and you can complete the branches of the storyline that way. And then I had fun looking online, when online was a thing, because No Mercy came out like whatever, 99, that, like, here's the branching pass,
Starting point is 02:14:20 I was looking at game FAQs to find all of them. Chad does say, though, for clarification, I'm not talking about a fight where you can win, but the cutscene shows you losing. I mean, a scene that actually changes as well. My two notable examples are FFX, when you win the Blitzball game with Luca, with the Luca-goers, against the Luca-goers, right?
Starting point is 02:14:36 Yeah, yeah. And in Lufia 2, Rise of the Cynestrals, you find an all-powerful being called Gaddis, and if you lose, he calls you a pathetic human, but if you win, you get his sword and a piece of equipment. Yeah, Demon's Souls is pretty cool with that, where if you win the tutorial area, you get some extra stuff.
Starting point is 02:14:57 Yeah, the Demon's Souls beginning is one, for sure. Some of the, in Fire Emblem 7, there's a couple side quests that are notoriously difficult on your first or second attempt at them, and since that's a game where you just constantly move forward and you can't really go back, you only really get one shot at them, and you basically get to fight,
Starting point is 02:15:18 I don't remember who it was, it was Nurgle or something, but one of the bosses, you get to see him early, and if you manage to win, you get new dialogue and stuff like that, but it's very hard to overcome those missions on your first go-through. The one I always think of is Mega Man X, against Vile in the first mission. Sure, yeah.
Starting point is 02:15:34 And I wish that had a win condition, but unfortunately, it doesn't. I was about to freak out on you, like there's no win condition for that. Yeah, I know me too. I was like, oh, I haven't played this game a lot. No, no, no, there isn't, but I really wish there was. Fucking liar, who dare you?
Starting point is 02:15:50 I think Mega Man Battle Network 4, like the whole thing is it's a tournament, in Mega Man Battle Network 4, whichever version you're playing, but I think that if you lose the tournament, you game over, and that always kind of sucks, but I can't remember. It's been so many years since I played it.
Starting point is 02:16:02 That might be totally wrong, but I think you had to win the tournament, and that kind of, I always hated that, if that was what it was. Okay, so this one's coming in from, did he tag it? No, he didn't. So it'll just say Zae Ivory says,
Starting point is 02:16:19 all right, I've been thinking about this one for a while now, and I want your take on it. Yeah, sure. I used to think that Street Fighter tiers were higher than Tekken's. Wait, Street Fighter tiers were higher than? I'm assuming he's talking about the characters. Until I started noticing things.
Starting point is 02:16:32 Yes, he's talking about the characters. He's like storyline. It's safe to assume that Jury is pretty mid to high tier, no? She can casually beat many characters in Street Fighter, even facing off Bison herself. In her feats, and her feats in movies are nothing to laugh at, even if there aren't particularly canon, it doesn't mean, okay, this is a mess of a sentence, I'm sorry,
Starting point is 02:16:53 but we already know Bison has high tier. So looking at Jyn and Street Fighter across Tekken, he completely immobilizes Jury by grabbing her head with one hand. Only after he starts to lose himself to the devil does she get a chance to kick him off. When Bison does this charged psycho attack that propels Jyn out the window, Jyn doesn't even react.
Starting point is 02:17:09 He's perfectly fine. We have Kazuya casually taking on Ryu and Ken at the same time, Ryu who defeated Bison. In that game, Akuma is compared to Ancient Ogre, even though he hasn't been a threat since Tekken 3. And in Tekken 7, Akuma is facing off against Ahashi, who's much more, if not, who is an even match for Akuma. Despite his old age.
Starting point is 02:17:32 Hey, Ahashi's strong enough to take on a nuke and shrug it off. Tekken 5 grounds Zero's aftermath is an explosion that's the size of a nuke. All those without Tekken characters using devil against people from Street Fighter, although Akuma didn't go into Shin either. Wow. Where exactly do the tiers lie? Okay. Well, we all know who's at the top.
Starting point is 02:17:53 And it's Cody. It's Akuma. It's Oro with both hands. No. Not Cody? Okay. Cody's potential, but it's not. Yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 02:18:02 You're right. Yeah, that's totally true. It's unrealized. Back up a bit. You're totally right. He's talking clearly about all the FMVs for cross Tekken. FMVs clearly count. Yes.
Starting point is 02:18:11 They clearly do not. Now, we know already that those are cool trailers to be exciting and don't have any canon reference to anything. Our initial placement of Charlie is now adjusted, because when he came back as Zombie Charlie, he was not as strong as he used to be. Yeah. No, not really.
Starting point is 02:18:31 He had the ability to absorb. He absorbed energy, but he was not that God. He still didn't get better than Bison. No. He got his ass kicked for most of the story mode. He suffers from the problem of becoming a real person and not like a mythical character from the past. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:18:48 Like Goken, who was unbeatable God level except for Akuma. And then now that he's here, it's like, no, actually he can be beat. He's got a palm strike. The only thing he can go for is isolate the games of themselves. So Tekken and Street Fighter. And in Street Fighter, we're always like, Cody is potentially the strongest character of all,
Starting point is 02:19:08 at least stronger than maybe Ryu at Ryu's base level, because of Sasano Hado. And it seems like a variety of characters can beat Ryu easily, unless he taps into that. Look, the only myth. Like, Sagat can beat him. Quite frankly, the only reliable metric, in my opinion, is we know for a fact that Paul Phoenix and Martial Law
Starting point is 02:19:28 can fight infinite aliens. Yes, in space. That counts for a lot. Knowing that, we know that these aliens show up, as Mars people, in Street Fighter and SPC Chaos. SPC Chaos, yes. And they're pretty tough challengers for the entire SNK cast and the entire Street Fighter cast.
Starting point is 02:19:47 There isn't Red Armor, the strongest Aramer. Aramer. Red Aramer and Athena, Goddess Athena, rather. They're the strongest characters of all. They're deities that cannot be defeated. Now, if you consult the Chinese Manwaz. Oh, hold on a minute now. But will you beat Galactus?
Starting point is 02:20:03 Hold on. And Evil Sean, Cyborg Sean, who grows up and is older and has longer dreads, gives Ryu a hard time. He lost me there. In the Manhua for Street Fighter, third strike. Sean comes back as a Cyborg and he's older and stronger. Is he still going to get Galactus? He might be, because he gives Ryu a hard time
Starting point is 02:20:28 and Ryu beat Galactus. Now, remember, Odd Slot destroyed an entire universe and he can get beaten by Ken. It didn't really happen, though. Also, none of these guys, no Street Fighter, has ever destroyed their entire town. But, hold on. But the guy from Hatred easily, he did destroy that town.
Starting point is 02:20:52 With so much problem. E. Honda landed a cross-up butt splash on Ingrid and Ingrid's a god. So, if you can cross up a god. And his oil's not even as good as Akane's oil. That's known. Yeah, it's like inferior Japanese oil. So, if you can cross up a god, why couldn't you cross up
Starting point is 02:21:09 a planet or a deity like being like Galactus? Or even a Mishima, right? So, there you go. I think that answers the question. I think that answers the question. I think that's pretty concise. This is like Scott Steiner's trying to figure out tears. Absolutely.
Starting point is 02:21:25 But in conclusion, do your fucking homework, huh? A little harsh, but I like it. Dear XXX, the switcher's XXX666. That was the other YouTube name I was thinking of registering. The uppercase X is in the middle. Good. Yeah. Would you still be interested in Pokemon Go
Starting point is 02:21:45 if the generations were not Generation 1? Yes, absolutely. I'd be less interested. I think I don't have any favorite Pokemon of mine from the first generation. I know we often get lambasted as Gen 1ers, but none of the Gen 1 Pokemon are any of my favorites. So, yeah, totally.
Starting point is 02:22:02 I mean, I'm sad Guard Chomp is in it because I love Guard Chomp or Chomp Sick. For me, it's weird because I definitely grew to love some of the new ones from X and Y and the stuff in between that I didn't like it into. For me, it's more about the number. The fact that it's all Gen 1 is definitely the biggest appeal because I'm a Super Gen 1er,
Starting point is 02:22:22 but if the new ones were limited to 150, I would have still been playing it. Yeah. That was why I liked Black and White so much. It was nice for the number to be really restricted. If they gave 700 choices or rather 700 things to go collect, I would not. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:22:38 I also think that this kind of dissolution of the Pokemon is the best or distilling of the Pokemon is the best. Regardless of the generation, just the quantity is right. I just think for the game, starting out with Gen 1 stuff and then adding more time to go is on. It makes perfect sense. It makes a huge amount of sense.
Starting point is 02:22:54 It would make less sense to do it any other way. And at the very least, give everyone a nice long opportunity to get to the point where Mew and Mewtwo are available in some way. There's five out of the 151, sorry, six out of the 151 who don't exist right now. Well, unless you cheat. Which we will.
Starting point is 02:23:14 Yeah, there's footage of someone that hacked a Zapdos. Can you cheat a ditto into your game? There's dudes that are spoofing with desktop versions of the game. What the fuck, Pokemon Go? Another band wave? How dare you? My brother's going to kill me.
Starting point is 02:23:30 I paid $8,000 on his account. Yeah. Lastly, one from Crystal. Super best buds. Last podcast. Last podcast. Postcast. Your segment about cheating had me in tears.
Starting point is 02:23:42 Yeah, it was good. I listened several times. It was so funny. A few days ago, my mom asked me what I was listening to. I explained the situation with people cheating and overwatch, and when she asked me how someone could cheat on a video game, I tried to explain how it worked. To my surprise, her response was,
Starting point is 02:23:56 okay, I want to do that. I want to cheat. And I was immediately concerned. Apparently, she wants to cheat on her free-to-play mobile game. In a nutshell, she paid a small sum of money to essentially triple the amount of XP she earned for a fixed time. But when she did, her experience gauge increased in size for the entire duration,
Starting point is 02:24:17 effectively increasing the amount of XP she needed to level. So it did nothing. Yeah. She assures me this was not mentioned as a part of the bonus. In the end, she felt ripped off and wants to cheat to get what she thought she was paying for. So my question is this. At what point, if any, is cheating in a game justified?
Starting point is 02:24:33 I think... I already told her to put down the game, by the way. She's not convinced. For me, I think it's like, for me, I remember losing progress in a GBA game one time, and I used a Game Shark to bump myself back to that point in the game. Yep. It feels hard to quantify it, because it's...
Starting point is 02:24:52 In a single-player game, who cares? You are increasing or reducing the experience for yourself. Nobody gives a shit. Do what you want. In a multiplayer game, it's a lot harder to quantify when there's competition and stuff, but... I mean, let's say you're playing a multiplayer game, you lose all your progress,
Starting point is 02:25:09 you lose all your buffs or whatever game you have. Then, would you use anything? Like, if a person gets back to their level, then it's like, there you go. That's where I want to start off. Like, does that? Is that okay? I think it is.
Starting point is 02:25:21 What if the game was passively multiplayer? Like, what's passively multiplayer? Like, um... Like, uh... Hatred. Burnout Paradise. Where you're just looking at scores. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:25:35 It's up to you. I mean... You're still gonna kind of... I mean, just leaderboards. You're still gonna kind of spoil it for them if you cap out your leaderboard score at 9s, you know, and just ruin it that way. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:25:46 If you pay for an XP booster, and the fucking bar grows, dude, like... Yeah, that's... That's that. Do you know what game it was? No, she didn't say... That's a whole new level, man. I paid for the XP boosters in Killer Ancestink.
Starting point is 02:26:01 But if I see, then, the level cap for Ahsaka goes up to 100, Fuck you, Dave Lange. It's like the Infinite Simpsons couch gimmick where the guy with the wall just keeps going back, like... No, that does seem like some bullshit. Yeah. Fuck you.
Starting point is 02:26:17 What just happened, so... I don't know. If I was in her position, I wouldn't feel... I mean, I wouldn't. But I wouldn't feel bad about, you know, cheating myself up another level or two to make up for that. But...
Starting point is 02:26:30 Yeah, sure. You know, that's not to say it's... That's not to say it's good or bad or that anyone can really quantify what that is. Yeah, I think... I think... But you have to find your own middle ground. Path.
Starting point is 02:26:41 Yeah, and the ridiculous attitudes that we laugh at are when you're cheating in a game that's competitive against other people. It can only be competitive. And your cheating is directly taking fun away from other people because... Your cheats are touching their skill. Yes.
Starting point is 02:26:58 Yeah. Don't let your cheats touch my skill. That's what it is, though. That's what it is. No, no, you're totally right. I just like they're like, ew. Yeah. Cheat-cooties.
Starting point is 02:27:06 The cheats are like the fucking... Gross sauce that your aunt pours on your fucking plate. And you're like, oh, it's all over my skill now. It's one of the Brussels sprouts. You need more sauce? No. You need more sauce? No, I...
Starting point is 02:27:19 Phyllis, I don't. More sauce. Oh, you've been drinking, haven't you? Sauce. Oh, you're getting handy. It's too cold. Warm me a bit. That's not my plate, Aunt Phyllis.
Starting point is 02:27:29 It's just mac and cheese of society. Yeah, absolutely, I agree. Did you roll that seven? Right? Are you going to be honest about it? Yeah. You rolled the seven, didn't you? One six-sided dice.
Starting point is 02:27:47 So, yeah, cheat all you want. Just make sure your mom knows if she does decide to bump herself up a level or two, that if she bumps herself up like 40 levels, she'll probably proceed to hate the game, because that's probably the only thing keeping her going is the ticking of the numbers. Also, tell your mom... And that's not a fault of your mom. Tell your mom that you no longer respect her.
Starting point is 02:28:05 And won't do what she says at that point. And that it's not a phase. Yeah. Just smack her phone out of her hand. It's the only way to save her. Yeah, exactly. Kick her downstairs. Do it because you love her.
Starting point is 02:28:16 Also, recommend to her Monument Valley. She might enjoy that. My mom did. Okay. Okay. Or Final Fantasy, Morpheus. Mobius. Mobius.
Starting point is 02:28:27 My mom also enjoyed that. It's Final Fantasy on the Planet of Sonic the Hedgehog. It's great. I wish. Yeah, yeah. Anyway. What do we got coming up? On the channel, we take a look at the uppers.
Starting point is 02:28:44 I believe we can say definitively. We've got two great import. Well, actually, only one of them is an import. You know what? Yes. The other one. Do you want to do something unprecedented? It's announced.
Starting point is 02:28:54 And just say exactly what this week is going to be. Yeah, yeah. Why not? Why not? Let's just do something we've never done. All right? Here's exactly what's happening. Drag that shit onto the main screen.
Starting point is 02:29:03 I want to see. Today, Monday, the 15th, we're going to be putting up best friends, play Catherine, part 19, and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. It's a good one. I'm very happy. Willie, if you go into that description of that part of Catherine, I just want you to look at the poll in there.
Starting point is 02:29:25 OK. Let me take a quick look. I just want, oh, jeez. I'm worried about that. Our website backend doesn't work. Hold on a moment. Let's take a look at what you did. I just, and I want your honest opinion on this.
Starting point is 02:29:38 You have combat time over here. All right. All right. Let's see. Your straw polls have been pretty good. Yeah. That 50-51 between stairs versus escalators? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:29:46 That was legendary. What was the worst new character with a K introduced in the PS2 model? God, damn. Do you want to get your first vote in? Don't say who it was, because you'll spoil the ballot. Yeah, don't say who it was. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 02:30:03 I don't even know some of these characters. Oh, my God. Oh. I'm very interested to see the results on this. Wow, wow, wow. I'm almost down here, but I think. Yeah, he's bad. I have to go.
Starting point is 02:30:18 He's bad, but at the same time, who is this? Who's that? No. Oh, you don't know. Yeah, no. No, that's the one. OK. That's the one.
Starting point is 02:30:26 That's the one. Wait, wait. How are there votes? It went up at 3 p.m. Because it's 3.44 p.m. right now. Oh, man. Look who's leading, of course. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 02:30:35 Because people actually know who that character is. Dude, everyone's got some votes. Oh, 1,000 votes. The votes are pouring in. Give me the pie chart. What, 23? Yeah. Oh.
Starting point is 02:30:44 Oh, OK. Number three. Yeah, that's the one. That's going to win. OK. So, Catherine is already up. The least is probably. The least is people that people don't remember.
Starting point is 02:30:55 They don't even know who that is. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, it's number 10. It's number 10. OK. So there's some good stuff going on on that one. Anyway, very interesting. All right.
Starting point is 02:31:03 Then we're going to have JoJo part seven, which is going to be the end of that session. And then, so it's going to be fun. And then a new session has started. I'm just being really, really honest about the videos, all right? Yeah, OK. On the 16th. Tuesday, we're going to have best friends
Starting point is 02:31:21 playing near part 27. And then we're going to have Disaster Report part seven as well. This is, both of these games are now firmly in New Game Plus. JoJo returns on Wednesday with part eight and Catherine, part 20, the final episode. The final episode. Similar to Monday, just backwards.
Starting point is 02:31:39 And that will also feature us looking at the other endings. That's the epilogue, correct? I got my ending and I was pretty happy with it, but there's lots of goofy other endings. Did you see that extra thing that we didn't record that I sent you? I looked at it, yeah. That's good. Yeah, that's really good.
Starting point is 02:31:53 Thursday, back to near and Disaster Report. And Disaster Report starts getting into some fucking stuff. You remember where that starts to go? Dude, there is a part in Disaster Report. We will put as an ending for the screen. That already happened. I saw that clip.
Starting point is 02:32:08 That already happened. Oh, you showed it to us? I got that clip. That was episode six. Yeah. Oh, awesome. I got that. I saw that clip.
Starting point is 02:32:13 Oh, for sure. That's already out, for sure. No, episode eight is where we're getting into the interesting environments. Friday starts with Uppers, a really hype video that we recorded at one off four. And then there's going to be an FNF or an SMS or an FNS.
Starting point is 02:32:30 You're holding that one close to your chest, aren't you? It's probably going to be a salty bet. Maybe. We'll see. It's Saturday, JoJo Eyes of Heaven Part 9 and Disaster Report Part 9. Ooh.
Starting point is 02:32:42 And then Sunday, it's going to be Creepy Anime Bullshit. What? I'm sure you guys can guess what game that is and also near. Okay. So that's going to be the exact schedule. Wow, that was fun.
Starting point is 02:32:54 Enjoy that. Or maybe you hated this. I don't know. Yeah. But that's what was different, at least. Don't tell us if you hated it. All right. I don't want to hear that.
Starting point is 02:33:01 Nothing wrong with variety. So with that said and only one more thing to do, take care, unless you want to hear some Game of Thrones stuff. Oh, it's true. In which case, stick around. Later days, buddy. All right. So let's pretend it hasn't been a minute
Starting point is 02:33:19 since the Game of Thrones season six ended. I've seen people ask me why was this just literally every time we think of it. We're all going to do the season six spoiler cast. One of us has to go. This is some of the thing we got to record and whatever. So apologies for the lateness of my reply. As we go start, would say.
Starting point is 02:33:39 Yes. However, let's start with, I guess, what happened at the beginning of the season. This was when Sansa survives the stupid jump, because apparently she has the portal boots on. And Ramsey fucking kills everybody. Kills his mama. Well, not as much.
Starting point is 02:33:59 Kills his dad. Kills his dad. So he becomes over. He becomes like the lord of the north. Right. All expected. All there. Melisandre resurrects Jon Snow.
Starting point is 02:34:09 Of course she does. Right. The prince who was promised is not going to die. Yeah. But that's why season five was such a let down because it's either you got really pissed. Why would they kill them? Or you go, this is pointless because he's going to come back.
Starting point is 02:34:21 Exactly. That's why that was like a thing that didn't, you know. There's no, because it's like literally, it's like your blood is the song of fire and ice. You are the guy. Oh, okay. Now, now I'm back in. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:34:33 I just remembered something. You're right. You are both in one. And there's no way that you're going to fucking have that character not be an important thing. Plus we saw resurrection before with the brotherhood of, without banners. We saw what?
Starting point is 02:34:46 We saw resurrection. Resurrection. There you go. And, you know, with John Gaines resurrected, it's the only thing. It's, it's like what he does. He spends the entire season trying to knocking on everyone's door going, you got to, you got to help me, man.
Starting point is 02:35:04 The fucking pollings are at old John's door. And the only one that listens is Beast Child. Beast Child girl. Oh my God. Yeah. She's really cool. One of, one of like, not a whole lot. She was like, basically in what?
Starting point is 02:35:17 Two episodes, but like, oh, this is good. This character needs to show up all the fucking time. Because there's been so many examples of like, here's an army of giant like houses and power in general, or in Westeros led by like a fucking baby. And the baby is just a baby. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 02:35:36 And we've seen it in King's Landing twice now. And we've seen it elsewhere. And it hasn't worked out well for King's Landing each time. So here's the only, the first and only time it seems where we're going to see like a baby is in charge and is actually competent. Beast baby. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:35:51 Because what's the closest equivalent is fucking send him through the sky door. Yeah. Oh God. Right. I'm glad he got only one scene the entire season fucking whatever the, the, the, the. Yes.
Starting point is 02:36:05 The stupid kid of the Vale. Lord, the Vale Kid. Aaron's kid. Vale Kid. Oh God. Needs a titty. Give me some breast milk. Right now.
Starting point is 02:36:12 Campo gin breast milk. Look, I need that G2 breast milk. That Gatorade shit. Low cow. Low cow. 60 calories. Oh fuck that kid. Right.
Starting point is 02:36:22 I'm glad he's, he's like. Jamie and, and fucking everyone in King's Landing does everything they can, but you can't stop the fucking religion. You can't, well they, like, Jamie is real like, like at first. Can't stop the Jesus. At first, Jamie is like, ah, oh, what a scumbag and then whatever. Then you're like, ah, Jamie.
Starting point is 02:36:42 Then you kind of felt bad for him. Now I just, I want Jamie to, Jamie is now like, I want you to win. Not, not, not a fucking, um, God, Cersei. I still fuck Cersei, but in a different way this time. But I just want, like, I'm pinning all my hope on Jamie to get something going. He's still a horrible person. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. But like, he's got that face that he makes when he sees her all dressed up,
Starting point is 02:37:07 where he's like, you fucking, God, you're so hot. I want to kill you, you stupid fucking sister. I hate you so much. I hate to love you. This boner is so fucking hard right now. God, God, um, but, but you know what? And the thing is, is that like, while Cersei was super fucking over the top with what she did at the end by burning the fuck out of everybody in this massive
Starting point is 02:37:28 explosion, it was satisfying. I, I, I never thought like, you know, your, your mileage may vary about how much you would even care that Cersei gets her revenge or whatever, but it was like to the point where I'm like, even I can feel the satisfaction of you. Yeah. It sucks that I guess it seems like unfortunately Marjorie gets killed for no real good reason because she's done, but you saw her. You saw her in this, this season where she tells her, her grandma, like, yo,
Starting point is 02:38:00 I'm super still more tell for life, yo, and you gotta do that. And like that fucking sucks. Cause she wasn't, she wasn't at that point. She was like on Cersei's side more or less. You gotta knock pieces off the board. To go against the high sparrows. To simplify the game. I fucking hate like the high sparrows and like the entire religious group.
Starting point is 02:38:18 Like I hate you so much. Dude, the only, the only enemy more annoying would have been bureaucracy and office men. Right. Just bumbling around with paper. A bunch of dudes in suits going, sorry, we can't. We try talking to the other department. They're not really feeling like it. Honestly, it's like, like, like the, um, the Futurama bureaucracy, like fucking house,
Starting point is 02:38:42 that's the only more annoying thing. This fucking church of just like, oh, confess, confess. And like you're looking at the high sparrow, like you have baby parts hidden under your bed. Yeah. You have some shit somewhere and you never get to see it or find out. Yeah. And the other thing was kind of frustrating. Whenever I go to scenes in King's Landing where the, the fucking religion or whatever,
Starting point is 02:39:08 just going to keep on on the high sparrows. But you literally have the septum. You literally have a super zombie with you at all times. Then one scene rips apart like seven dudes, like fucking fatalities them. What was, was it ever explained? And it might be in, or it might be explained in the books. Was it, or since where I guess past the books now, but was there ever a reason why we can't just kill them all?
Starting point is 02:39:37 Why can't we just take the King's Landing armies and just fucking kill the high sparrows? So here's, because basically in the past, previous, uh, Kings have tried and have done things like this. And the example that doesn't work out well. The example that I, my brain goes to is, uh, um, Megor the, the horrible, right? Which was, he was one of the early Targaryen Kings. Yeah. And he fucking burned the shit out of the septum and killed them all.
Starting point is 02:40:05 But every time he would do that, they'd come back stronger. Because once you attack people's faith, you give them martyrdom and a religious cause. And the people will never be on your side. But then how's that different than blowing up the entire building? Well, that's the thing is that. You can play that off as an accident? Not really. But at the same time, it's like you see the way she takes that power and there's no way she's
Starting point is 02:40:28 going to have any backing on her side now. Yeah, maybe that's because she's repeating the problem. She's repeating the mistakes that previous Kings that attacked the religion, the septum had to face. Yeah. But you don't know if that'll be the storyline going forward in season seven, whether people like, are like, Oh shit, no, we got to double down on fucking up Cersei or they're so scared. So you don't know whether they'll, whether they'll continue with that quest line.
Starting point is 02:40:52 Yeah. But, but it's just, there's clear, there's no support because it was not just, um, the, the septum in there. She killed innocent people. It was, it was the high courts. It was the high courts. Everyone that was like, uh, uh, basically like a higher level, higher tier civilian that was, uh, or a politician in the city that was on their side.
Starting point is 02:41:11 And it really sucks. It really sucks that it was Margie, the one that's like, yo, this is, this is real suspicious. Yeah. Why is she not here? And then it was like, well, and that whole bait that set up with the kids running around. I'm like, why are you being so dramatic over nothing? What? And then you see the old guy get stabbed and you're like, oh, I wanted to see you like.
Starting point is 02:41:28 I've been using those kids as fucking awesome. Yeah. Because, because like, you know, they showed him, they showed, uh, what's, I forgot the old guy's name, but like, you see him like, young Lee, like, like doing like a backflip in an early season almost. And then he just pretends to be like, he's all hunched over. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I thought there was going to be more play with that.
Starting point is 02:41:44 You mean, you mean, God, the old pervy, um, uh, uh, God, religious dude. Yeah. That's, that's, that's a part of the, the inner, the, the, the fucking inner circle. The council, small council, small council. Exactly. I forgot his roles, not master secrets, not master of corn. Meister, meister, meister, meister, meister, the meister, the meister. Exactly.
Starting point is 02:42:03 I'm glad he's dead. Yeah, sure. I liked him, but he was, you know, he was, uh, but in either way though, like, yeah, you're like, why are these children and the music is all what? And then you see Laura staring at the fire and you're like, oh, what I got to give a huge fucking shout out to is the way that Tom and took that shit. Dude, the moment that shot was looking at it and I saw his face. I'm like, there's, he can't, he can't process what just happened and like zero
Starting point is 02:42:33 hesitation off grows the crown, stands up and done. This is the most Tom and has ever been cool. Because like I at least, at least fucking Joffrey did evil shit and Tom is just generally incompetent and naive. It's, well, I mean, at the same time it's like, I liked Tom and because he's like, I'm going to be a better king. And it's like, but you're not because you are suffering from indecisiveness. Right.
Starting point is 02:42:58 Which is, and that's not great for a king to have either. And so here's the thing is when you go back again, since you go through the history of this, there's a lot of history repeating itself with the kings. And so what may, what, what Cersei just did is there is a repeat of what may go or fucked up. Right. Like I just said, like killing the septum is not going to work because you're going to give people sometimes religious conviction when you use strong armed tactics.
Starting point is 02:43:21 And such a thing is just using firm armed tactics and maybe not go super hard. There was another king named Baelor the Blessed. And he was, he was a Targaryen that was, he looked like Jesus Christ. He had a long hair, beard and everything. And he was half king, half like high septum basically. And that he was the religious leader as well. He was super peaceful. Everyone loved him.
Starting point is 02:43:45 He was amazing. Never went to war. The best and the nicest king. And he fucking died like a stupid bitch because he fasted to, so that the gods would answer his prayers. And after 40 days of not eating or drinking, he fucking collapsed and died. He survived 40 days without drinking. And everyone's like, fucking eat something you idiot.
Starting point is 02:44:04 He's like, no, not until the gods answer me. And he fucking died. Yeah, that sucks. And so that's an example of how- So be too soft either. Being too soft is a problem like Tommen. And remember episode, whatever. The episode when fucking Ned gets his head chopped off and rolled down the street like
Starting point is 02:44:22 a soccer ball. Yeah. You know what it was called? What the episode was called? Yeah. It's name? No, I don't remember. Balor.
Starting point is 02:44:28 Ah, okay. Being too nice, being too good and too noble. And or indecisive. Gets you fucking killed. Yeah, I guess. So everything we're seeing here is a repeat of shit that came before. That sucks. Arya.
Starting point is 02:44:42 Arya, okay. So during the course of it, I was just like, during the course of the season, Arya, like this was the promised land. This is where you're going to become a super awesome- Baby Casca. Baby Casca. And it just dragged its feet with her story for so long where I just felt bad. Like you're just getting your ass kicked and like everyone's disappointed with you.
Starting point is 02:45:05 And you had the dumb terminator scene where the wife, the waif is chasing her. And I was like, that's kind of funny. And then I was just like, oh god, I'm so disappointed with the storyline. It's just like not going where it needs to go. And it's just like, but it did would go where it needed to go at the very fucking end. So they, I thought it was cool when they first showed her like using her powers to kill pedophiles. Yeah. And it's like, sure, she can do that stuff.
Starting point is 02:45:31 And that stupid traveling group, the actors. The actors. Well, another one's stupid. They're actually, never mind. It was funny, but I was just like, ah, stop wasting all your time here. It was a waste of time, but I did enjoy watching them. And I kind of got into it a little bit there. But in the end, though, I grew to dislike Arya somewhat because I didn't think that would
Starting point is 02:45:51 ever happen. I know. I know. I'm so on her camp because in the end, what did it do? What did she do? She came to some foreign land. She begged to get in. The guy's like, nah, you don't want in.
Starting point is 02:46:06 And she's like, nah, I really want in. Yeah. And he's like, are you fucking sure? Yes, I am. OK, you're in. But I'm not sure anymore. All right, then get the fuck out. No.
Starting point is 02:46:18 Now we got to go through some shit. And now we got to, now blood has to be spilled. And now you got to walk up and be all like, I'm a badass. I took out your girl. My name's Arya Stark. I fucking tricked you, idiot. I lied. And it's like, but you begged to get in in the first place.
Starting point is 02:46:33 Yeah. Yeah, it was. So you walked out at the end with powers that we taught you. It was kind of wishy-washy. But effectively accomplished nothing. Yeah. It sucks because Jack in her gar was honest with her. And he did the right thing.
Starting point is 02:46:46 Yeah, he did it. Like all of his decisions are like, that seems like the harsh but strict rules of this place. Sorry. It's consistent. Hard but fair. Really consistent. And then she's like, no, it's almost as if they're kind of like,
Starting point is 02:47:00 oh, shit, we were writing this and we got to we got to sew this up a little bit to go fuck, OK, at the very end, she just like, yeah, no, I'm being styled now again. And the whole time, the whole two seasons now, he's like, you're full of shit, aren't you? She's like, no, no, I saw him. They's like, nah, you're probably full of shit. You're full of shit.
Starting point is 02:47:19 He's like, no, no, no. It's like, yeah, full of shit all along, you know. And then he just walks out. So that sucked. What was interesting was I wanted them to find the way to work the pie scene in because the pie scene is famous in the books. Yes, and they did. Yeah, they did pretty well.
Starting point is 02:47:36 You feed that fucker his sons in the pie. And but they did it with him alone, which is interesting. And they they made a whole setup for her to like jump that far into being that insane because the look on her face. Right. When when he's bleeding out is one of like nobody's home lights on no one's home. And it's kind of interesting because like there's your revenge, but she's probably fucked up and scarred from that at the very least,
Starting point is 02:48:04 going down a way darker path to go because up until this point, it's just her repeating the name she wants to kill. Yep. That's fine. And then she just goes, you know what, kill him. But feed him his children too. I'm like, yeah, sure. He killed your entire family.
Starting point is 02:48:23 And the original the original dude that did that had some really good motives for fucking with him. But like she hers were pretty much just the basic revenge level. But that's a really extreme end. And remember he like Walter Frey didn't like he killed Rob and all that. But first Ari is particular revenge. It was against everyone for Ned. And that's where she started repeating the lines.
Starting point is 02:48:50 I'm going to kill the hand. I'm going to kill Cersei. I'm going to kill whatever Joffrey, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And then it's like the ultimate super mega revenge on Walter Frey. Where like, yeah, he deserves to die or whatever. He like the red wedding and all that. But I was just like, whoa, OK, that seems a real arch. But meanwhile up at the snore tree.
Starting point is 02:49:11 Bran is touching by the only good thing to come out of Bran is is is hold the door and flashbacks in general. Some of them because here's the thing. Bran the original three eyed raven looked so much cooler. And that actor got replaced because he died with this other dude. Yeah, but this other guy's a suit. This other dude's super famous actor or whatever. But he was so famous that he didn't want to get tangled up in the fucking tree.
Starting point is 02:49:39 I don't want to want this prickly. So he just looks like he's sitting there. And it's like, nah, man, the three eyed raven is supposed to look like he's part of the fucking tree. Right. You got to walk around, stretch your legs. Here's the thing too. You go look up the history of the three eyed raven.
Starting point is 02:49:54 He's a huge bad ass. He was he was like Dr. McTallen raven blood talent. Because back in the day, right before he became that huge bad ass, he used to be. He used to be a fuck. Well, you'll get it. You'll get it. Is it Bryn? Yes, I believe it's Brynden Rivers, right?
Starting point is 02:50:20 Aka Lord blood raven. Oh, Jesus, you're cool. Who is a bastard of Aegon Targaryen that fucking walked around with this black and white armor with the inverted colors of the Targaryens to show that he's a bastard, but he's taking over anyway. Okay. And he was he had fucking like powers. He had first black fire rebellion.
Starting point is 02:50:40 That sounds awesome. He had powers and he was a huge bad ass. And he became the three eyed crow because he was also one of the Knights Watchmen that eventually became sure. But to be fair, it's not that guy's story. It's not, but he just he was awesome. And then either way, just lamented. Here you get him at the end of his days as he brand takes over.
Starting point is 02:51:01 And it was really like annoying watching how slow that little trolling progression was. I love the picture of Bryn just looking confused. And it says local man ruins everything. But it's nice to finally see we have a device for seeing the past, right? And that allows us to see the shit that no one would ever find out, such as like, hey, brother, keep my secret about who this baby is. And it's like, I swear, I'll take it to my grave. It's like, okay, well, maybe you can tell I'll take it to my fucking grave.
Starting point is 02:51:33 No matter how many plot problems it causes, I won't tell a soul. All right, sure. I don't care who gets fucked over in the process. It's fine. Hold the door, though. Oh, we have to talk about the amazing adventure of Sam Tarly. Sam, what is Gamgee? A bizarre adventure, if you would, of, oh, it's the Sam section.
Starting point is 02:51:59 I'm going to go shit or get some food. I'm going to move my bowels. I need to look up if Sam ever gets anything beyond a certain point in the books, or he gets written about or not, or they just feel like, no, we have to have this light character that kind of jokes around a little bit. What about Wifey, though? He's got, I don't give a shit. And babies.
Starting point is 02:52:21 I like his dad a lot. Yeah, yeah. And his dad's something. You bring a wild link to my table. Yeah, he's a huge, like awful racist, but that's what I expect in the Game of Thrones world, you know? Yeah, in the middle of the night, I'm getting out of here and I'm stealing your sword. I didn't mind it. It's valerian steel, by the way.
Starting point is 02:52:40 Yeah, yeah. So, keep note of where that's going. I do like that Sam did that at the very end, but I don't really care. There's enough going on with everyone else that like... Shout outs to the Hound for doing something nice. Shout outs to the Hound talking with the dad from Hot Rod slash Cowboy from Deadwood. Oh, yeah! Swearing him.
Starting point is 02:53:03 Shane. Swearing him. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Ian McShane for his one episode there. That was a fun little episode, but like the Hound... For fucking nothing. For fucking nothing. Like, it was good seeing him back.
Starting point is 02:53:16 But like, when you're having all these good feelings in Game of Thrones, you should be suspect. Oh, I don't trust these good feelings. Yeah. No, something's gonna happen. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's been good feelings. We jumped over a bit, but we were talking about Sansa earlier. And Sansa, I've really gone back and forth where I'm like,
Starting point is 02:53:34 nah, she's learning, she's learning the game, but then she gets moved to another position where I'm like, ah, shit, you can't learn much here. And being in the clutches of Ramsey for so long. And I really liked Sansa's relationship with Jon, where they like each other, they get along, but they do disagree on stuff. I know, but my problem, she's not as bad as she used to be, but my problem is still that the answer is just talk. Yeah, but that's for almost a lot of storylines.
Starting point is 02:54:07 Why, why she didn't tell Jon like, hey, we're going to get some reinforcements for this upcoming battle, but it probably helped a bit more. But I think there's some storyline reasons like the writers of the show were like, no, this is this is this way. But I saw some people talk about how Ramsey's end were like, no, Sansa should be better than Ramsey and she should not do this. I'm appalled. And I'm like, it's fucking Ramsey.
Starting point is 02:54:35 If anyone deserves to get killed in a horrible way, it's fucking Ramsey. Like, and the fucking actor that plays Ramsey, that guy's fucking awesome. He was in misfits. And he plays, he plays the opposite of Ramsey. He plays a super docile, super nerd or whatever. And I thought Sansa getting Ramsey killed at the very end via, via doggos was super strong and just as satisfying as anything else. After one of the best war scenes I've ever seen,
Starting point is 02:55:02 that they actually filmed for once because they finally got the budget to do it. They've been working up to it. There's a whole story. There's a whole thing on the wiki. You can read about how they tested war scenes because they didn't have the ability to do them in the first season and they finally got to the point where they did it last season with the big wildling. And then they did it again here for the true, true battle.
Starting point is 02:55:24 Dude, like the typical fucking Game of Thrones, like editing when Rickin is running from the arrow. And it's like, you're going to save him. You're going to save him. Oh, he's just out of range fucking arrowed. And it's Ramsey again. Like, like Sansa, like everything that Ramsey put her through and Sansa gets like, oh, you killed my other like thing.
Starting point is 02:55:48 Like I'm going to feed you to dogs at some point. I get my hands on you. I like, if the camera panned a little bit lower while I was throwing that, shooting that arrow, like you would have seen this dick out basically at that point. Oh, I get to get to cause unimaginable pain to more people sick. That really good continued shot with John just getting smothered under bodies. And like horses are getting like fucking slamming into each other right behind him. It was really good.
Starting point is 02:56:16 I do have to say that some of like up until this past season, like John always like, yeah, there's scenes where he's like, just talk, just talk or whatever. And but he's always been like this kind of like rock where you're like, yeah, John, but like there's just I it's just either maybe a feeling or whatever. It's just because they can't base a whole lot on the books now. But I just kind of feel that he was a little more bumbling and kind of more indecisive and kind of a little more like, yeah, I disagree a little bit mainly because I actually kind of called something a while ago where it
Starting point is 02:56:50 was like, John is an important character, but he's never going to leave the wall because he's too fucking noble. And he's another, he's another Ned in that way. You know what will get you to leave the wall? Getting fucking killed. Why people who have sworn an oath not to kill you. So he gets to be like Ned and then heroes never die. And then he gets back up and then he's like, oh, shit.
Starting point is 02:57:15 I'm a fucking idiot. Yeah. I find that he does the whole look. My watch is fucking ended. My watch is fucking ended. You're right. Doi, doi, doi. Yeah, and he gets to leave.
Starting point is 02:57:28 And so like he gets to be more decisive, but the problem is getting people to listen to him. But it's nice because it pays off. And at the end, the king of the north, maybe that's what I'm thinking. Yeah, no, he, he, you know, by the end of it, he makes the same face that Rob made, except like while Rob was kind of smiling, like, yeah, yeah, that's me. Ned, like he's all like, oh, I, okay, okay, I guess. But still, he wants to kill motherfuckers. At the end of the day.
Starting point is 02:57:53 So he's got enough determination. It's fine. How did you feel about Danny pulling a Rorschach in prison, being like, you're all trapped in here with me? Danny, especially last season when she's like nothing, nothing happened with her. And now it was just like a fucking rule. Like, like dizzying highs, terrible lows and creamy metals of her just doing dumb shit. It's somehow working out, doing cool shit. Then going like, just like, I'm just going to leave by, I'm just kind of tired of all this.
Starting point is 02:58:29 And man, I'm going to. Well, I'm getting attacked. So, where did the dragons go? I don't know. Oh, shit. I'm, I'm somehow captured by Dothraki. My minions will deal with the war. Yeah, I guess they will.
Starting point is 02:58:41 The maesters are coming. The maesters, the masters are returning. It's such a like, like I went, oh, yeah. Oh, no, oh, yeah. No, no, no. And finally, after so much dicking around in Maureen, which is not important at all. I fell for it. I fell for it.
Starting point is 02:58:58 When it's like, what, all of this useless adventuring and fucking hijinks is for what? So that she can be like, yo, I'm the only cow you see there is. There's no other cows. They're all fucking dead. Every Dothraki is now a part of my army. Yeah. Also, check out Matities. You thought you'd never see them again, but hey, Ardo.
Starting point is 02:59:17 Well, they're not. There are some other actresses today. Oh, you think she was a head? No, no, not I think. Confirmed? Yeah. That was a head swap? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:59:24 God damn it. She's like, she's like, no. I know she said no, but I assumed in that scene it was like, yeah, but this is a big enough scene that I'll do it anyway. No, that's not how it works in nudity. So they just did a head swap? Yeah. Boom.
Starting point is 02:59:36 They've been doing that for a little bit now. It's fine. I knew it's really amazing. I'm not sure if you agree with this. I'm sure it's a small point, but I remember when the dragons first hatched and I was like, yeah, that doesn't look too good. The fucking CG on the dragons is fucking top tier now where it's like, these are the best, like, this is the best CG on a TV show ever and better than most movies.
Starting point is 02:59:58 Because that war money is also their dragon money, right? That's where it all came from. As 50,000 gold dragons to fund the CGI. They look fantastic burning down the end of the boats. I didn't like how fucking the ironborn assholes just teleported into a handshake with daddy. Yeah, they didn't have time. That felt a little forced and fast forwarded and whatever. I am interested about the whole Greyjoy.
Starting point is 03:00:31 Like, oh, our uncle is like after the throne and shit. And I like, I like Theon and his sister teaming up. I think that's a cool team up. I think in the books, he has a horn that controls dragons or some shit like that. Who? Who? The shitty Greyjoy that shows up. The uncle?
Starting point is 03:00:49 Yeah, or something along those lines. I told you that how that, what is her name? Is it not Oran? It's a confusing name because it's similar. Yara, Yara, Yara. Yara Greyjoy is described as the books as the most beautiful. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And I'm like, to me, it makes more sense for her to be like a gruffer, like salty, like
Starting point is 03:01:14 strong-jawed soldier. Because you're a fucking Greyjoy. Yeah. You should all be Uggos. And she, and exactly. And so when they go to Port Towns and she's like, bring your tits over here. Yeah, I was like, yeah. You're like, of course she's like that.
Starting point is 03:01:25 Yeah, of course. It's awesome. Totally. And of course, and that's, it also makes sense why when she actually meets up with Danny and they're looking each other up and down. Like, hey, what's your deal? I don't know. What's your deal?
Starting point is 03:01:37 How about that matriarchy? You like the sound of that? Yeah, I like that. I don't mind that. Let's just look and just double down on that shit. That's the other reason why the Greyjoy is made up with her. You do it over there. You do some cool ass shit.
Starting point is 03:01:47 That's what you're doing. Because of their ships, though. She needed even more ships. Yeah. So they're like, oh, we got lots of ships. We're the ones that were kind of sailing around at the time, so. Yara's name in the books was Asha, but it sounded too much like Usha, who was the Wildland girl.
Starting point is 03:01:59 Yeah. So they changed it. But yeah, she's supposed to be completely different in that regard. I just, again, I wish that we didn't have to cut a fucking episode and a half of their journey to meet up with them. I wouldn't mind another episode that just kind of ties those some other loose ends and shows them exactly how they caught over there that quickly and whatever.
Starting point is 03:02:20 And what we're seeing in general, to sum it all up, I guess, is basically it's the same thing that you saw in Stranger Things, where you have a lot of different parties and one by one you knock pieces off the board because you have to simplify things. Now, pieces off the board and other pieces have to get pushed together, finally. Right. Because the board itself, in this case, is getting smaller,
Starting point is 03:02:38 because there's fucking literally ice on one side of the board and fire on the other. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Good, that's a good point. And hopefully we never have to see Marine again, because there's no one really important left there. No. And well, maybe, but at the very least it's like,
Starting point is 03:02:56 yo, shitbag, you can't come with me. Oh, yeah. Because love doesn't work when I want to be a queen, so you stay here and take care of my fucking shit. I'd be happy if he doesn't show up again. Ever since they replaced the actor, I've been super bummed out. I've been super cool on him the entire time. The original guy, it sucks because he went to play,
Starting point is 03:03:17 what was he, Agent 47 or whatever, the fucking stupid role. Yeah, I was like, I like that. So it just never panned out. It mentions it here, but I'll say it again. It's like Jorah Mormont still dealing with his disease of nothing. That's not a thing. And it's not in the books or whatever. There's just these crazy stone gargoyles that like, why?
Starting point is 03:03:37 And I guess it's just saying we want to end his storyline at some point, but or he gets a cure or whatever happens in the future. But it's just like this needless thing where that could have not happened and it wouldn't be just the same. All that does is a story beat of him looking down, scratching at this gigantic, invisible disease and something going, hey, what's up with all that? And he's like, yeah, that's nothing.
Starting point is 03:03:58 I hate that one of the story fucking parties that we cut to is dude's thirsty for Danny is literally like a crew that we have to follow for a while. And I'm kind of over her. It's, it's, yeah. Well, because we've seen so much bumbling. We've seen a lot of bumbling. And we've seen that she's incompetent at actually ruling.
Starting point is 03:04:17 She's only good at conquering. Yeah, yeah, she's very good at conquering. And that's why Tyrion is fucking awesome. Because he gets to be like, yo, you don't know what you're doing. Yeah, yeah, trust me. He had some fun conversations like when he was drinking with Gray Worm and stuff. Tell me a joke.
Starting point is 03:04:32 Yeah, tell me a joke. And then like, oh, tell me the joke over, over the boulders smashing into our walls. Yeah, yeah. And like the hottest girl on the planet, is there laughing? What's her name? Her handmaiden.
Starting point is 03:04:46 Yeah. I should get her name. And she, and you got her to laugh and I'm like, yeah, you got it. You got that spark. You know, and Gray Worm's like, oh. And they're drinking wine and he's like, it smells like it has turned.
Starting point is 03:04:55 He's like, that's the whole point. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Drinking up. The hymn and of course, my other dude, Varys. Where did Varys teleported somewhere? Where did he teleport from? He teleported to Dorn. And he walked out.
Starting point is 03:05:09 Dorn, yeah. He walked out when the, because the sandsnakes killed everyone and took over. And I felt bad for that guy. Yeah, he's used, again, he's too nice. He's too nice. But he wasn't too nice. He was just like, I've seen too much shit.
Starting point is 03:05:23 I'm tired of this. Yeah. And then they're like, no, we need to avenge, you know, the red viper because the red viper was super cool. He was like the boss to us. We need to interpret his will. I know one game with their own characters that's talking this more simplified manner.
Starting point is 03:05:37 We're like, but no, he was super cool though. He got it. Don't you care? Don't you care about how cool he was? And yeah, he's pretty cool, I guess. But just leave it alone. I'm just going to go to bed. No, no, no, you're super cool.
Starting point is 03:05:49 Your brother was way cooler than you. Fuck you. They took over. They met up with the old lady, awesome Tyrell. And she's all like, yeah, we're past the step where like, like there's anything to work out. Well, Tyrell is still awesome. She's all, yeah, she's always hated Cersei.
Starting point is 03:06:09 And she made it very clear even before she left. I'm sad she was never in the game. She would have been awesome. Yeah, that would have been a great conversation to have. But yeah, she actually, she's just like, all right, revenge time, who's in. And then fucking Prince of Spiders just comes out of the wall like whispers.
Starting point is 03:06:28 So that's all sped up as well. And what we get from all of these things happening is we have Jon's army and the North. We have Cersei with zero support at King's Landing. Well, to be fair, it was the last shot. So I assume she'll have low to bad support, but we haven't really seen a scene whether that's going to be true.
Starting point is 03:06:49 Yeah, but it just stands to reason. It just stands to reason, exactly. There's no one left. There's no, there's no fucking high garden allegiance. There's no royals in the court. You've got your guards, you've got no septum, you know. Does anyone, does anyone remember what's the name of that family?
Starting point is 03:07:08 Which one? What's the name of the family that like is not even a thing anymore? Oh, what's their name? The, the, the guy from Bravo. The Baratheons. Remember the Baratheons? Your lineage is ended.
Starting point is 03:07:21 There's no Baratheons anymore. History will never remember your name. The Taunaghan. They're all gone. That's funny. Because Baratheons is my cool, that's my favorite. Ours is the fury. Baratheon.
Starting point is 03:07:33 Ours is the nothing. Ours is this fucking, yeah. You know, technically Cersei's a Lannister. You know what, you know what? I mean, technically Cersei's a Baratheon. It's just a marriage get on, she's a widow, I guess. No one says it, but she was.
Starting point is 03:07:47 You know, you know what the Baratheons saying is now? Ellipses. Three dots. Silence. Silence. Oh, um, but, uh, uh, Brienne. Oh, yeah, Brienne.
Starting point is 03:07:59 Brienne and Pod, well, Pod didn't grow that much. She came to the thing. She came to the front lines. Try her hardest. And she convinced. Got so far. But not really. It's fine.
Starting point is 03:08:09 She's still okay. She's still fine. I, I, I, I'm, it's clear that it's like, Jamie and her, it's like, we're not going to be a fucking item of any kind. It'll never happen. It's super cool. But you know what is an item? Is the redheaded walling guy always giving her the looks?
Starting point is 03:08:25 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I want to see that super baby. That screenshot of him. She's like, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. You should look at it like a thing of that actor, because that actor is transmogrified. I saw her, her, um, the guy. Oh, the guy.
Starting point is 03:08:40 Oh, okay. He's been in a couple of different movies and you see how he gets poofier and poofier now that he's in Game of Thrones. He's got, he just looks like that. It's fucking hilarious. Like he has no beard. From distinguished to wild and out. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 03:08:52 He's pretty good. That guy's awesome. The last giant is dead. The galaxy is not at peace. Yeah. Sucks. Yeah, kind of sucks. But he went out, he got some good hits in though.
Starting point is 03:09:02 I was trying to summarize by saying though, that like you have the, you have the north, you've got King's Landing. And you have the third group coming up from the south. And they're totally going to hook up with the north. Danny and John. I should hope so. That's what I want. That's what I want.
Starting point is 03:09:17 Because remember, the north is always happy to be in the north and just be treated fairly. Yeah. But like, uh, uh, Danny just wants to like fuck whoever's in charge, whoever's in charge. I want to kill, but you never know. You never know. All three might clash, but I would love them to team up. She's going for John. That's going to happen because she's like, I'm open to anybody that can hook me up with
Starting point is 03:09:41 a good deal right now. She's browsing right now for a king. And John's got that half Targaryen blood, which is exactly what she needs. It's close enough to brother dick because Targaryen's need that first. Yeah. That's at some point. They always need that. They need it.
Starting point is 03:10:00 Now, don't forget we have packs north north meeting the fuck meeting the fucking, uh, god damn it. Evil ice guys. Oh, what are their names? The whites. The white walkers. The whites. The white walkers.
Starting point is 03:10:15 The white walkers. That's the Night King. There's still the thing, but it's like they didn't really touch upon them a whole lot, except for a couple of skeleton warriors here and there. Yeah. I didn't really have much to go on, but it seems like, you know what that is? That's four factions again. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:10:31 Yeah. Kind of. The idea of like, you were in a vision, but did he notice you? But it was a vision though. But did he notice you? Yeah, that was, that was cool. It's like Sauron, right? Like it's like, it wasn't real.
Starting point is 03:10:45 It doesn't fucking matter. He knew you were there. Also, we saw the creation of them with the, with the children of the first men. Yeah, no, that was cool too. There's something else that wanted to touch upon real quick. We've got to wrap it up. Yeah, it's got to wrap it up, but uh, never mind. It was a minor point regardless.
Starting point is 03:11:01 Okay. There was, there was another straight that I don't want to talk about, but uh, yeah, no, I guess, I guess that, like I enjoyed it. Overall, better than season five. I think if you remember the last time you just saw the cast, I was kind of like overall down on it. I was like, I just didn't feel like a whole lot of interesting shit happened. And while that was the last sort of season that was based mostly on books,
Starting point is 03:11:24 it might be incorrect. And this one's based mostly not on the books. Like there's a little story thread here and there. This is the first season that's like, like the percentage is off that shit. You know what's happening in the books, man? Like, fucking, like Aria has warg powers and John has warg powers. And like this is a huge one. Fucking.
Starting point is 03:11:49 Oh yeah, I remember what I wanted to talk about. Fucking, uh, Lady Stark. Lady Stark? Um, Ned's wife. Yeah. Oh, I think I heard about this. She's a zombie. She's a fucking angry zombie.
Starting point is 03:12:05 That's awesome. And she's back. They can always bring her back. She's leading the brotherhood without banners. And she just wants to kill fucking everybody. Everyone? Well, everybody down south. Okay.
Starting point is 03:12:17 Okay. She like, it's nuts, dude. Yeah. So I do remember the one thing I want to talk about is like the last kind of thing. I think of the last episode or whatever was touched upon or the one before that is like confirmation, at least in the show, not on the books yet, that yeah, this is the deal with John. That's what's up.
Starting point is 03:12:35 You already suspected it. And it seemed like that was the most logical thing. But yeah, Ned, Ned's sister, uh, laid with the super like crazy Targaryen, not super crazy Targaryen. No, no, no, with the Mad King's son. Ragar or whatever. Ragnar the Blood Axe anyway. Right.
Starting point is 03:12:54 Lade with him. And like that's why, uh, Ned was always very secretive over John and like over the woman that he apparently sired John with because she didn't exist. Yeah, I suddenly became a huge cheater. Yeah, you know, I'm like the least cheater ever. And whenever Robert or whoever's like, and, uh, fucking, uh, boy, and, uh, Ned going, oh, yeah, she was super hot to make here. And he's like, yeah, she was, she was super hot.
Starting point is 03:13:18 What, with her totally existing vagina that I totally had the most sex with. I had. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So hard. That's me, Ned. Right in there. What, with the sperm? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 03:13:32 Uh, so if you ever want to have a good time, um, get lost on not the Game of Thrones show wiki, but a wiki of fire and ice. In particular, go to the Targaryen King, go to the Kings and just read the succession of Kings of Westeros and the summary of what they were about. It's fucking fascinating. And if you don't want to get too deep into stuff, but still want to get, uh, you know, a bit in there and you want to learn a bit more about like the house or whatever, a comic book girl, 19s videos are always, uh, epic history, how stark, epic history,
Starting point is 03:14:04 whatever. When she's not upsetting the internet. And she's not upsetting the internet with everything she says. She, she does those videos. That was really good. I also, I wish I'd remembered to, because I wasn't sure if we're going to do this for the guys today. I remember I showed you, I picked up a giant book that was also like, uh, like a kind of
Starting point is 03:14:20 encyclopedia of everything with lots of pictures because I like pictures. Uh, and that, that teach you like everything else. So like a big, huge supplementary book. I honestly forget the title of it, but I picked it up like just, I don't know, two months ago and seemed like a really good resource if you want to read more crazy stuff. Dude, when fucking Edmere Tully showed up and I'm like, I'm doing the guy lies. Like, who are you again? I remember your buck teeth, but what, oh God, shit.
Starting point is 03:14:53 Like that fucking takes me by surprise. Man. Yeah. Always like, you know, you need to have one or two big surprises. And even if they're like a subtle non-surprise like that thing, that's game of thrones for you. Can't wait for season two of the game. Right. Yeah, something, something like, I can't wait.
Starting point is 03:15:11 I can't wait to just be off on the side, spritzing John and Danny. Just making it happen. Just whatever you need. I'm right over. I got some slugs. Oh, that, that needs some spritzing. I got some fire. I got some ice.
Starting point is 03:15:24 I got whatever you need, whatever you need. Hey, we're here for you.

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