Castle Super Beast - SBFC 162: Benoit was in the Basement

Episode Date: September 13, 2016

Matt submits the evidence, Pat is offered unique opportunities, Woolie pulls the trigger, and Liam stops breathing....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is the start of a podcast. This is the beginning of this podcast. This is the middle of the podcast. The podcast is over now. Goodbye. It's pretty solid. I wish I could. If it didn't waste a slot on my uploads.
Starting point is 00:00:33 You should have just stopped it right there, man. That would have been strong. This is the beginning of this song. Watch Scott Polka. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. That's true. I forgot about that. I need to watch that a second time.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Wait. You never watched it a second time? I watched it once in theaters. You're a Canadian dancer. Really? How did you not do that too? That's your bowl. That's awesome because I've watched it like, I don't know, like six times.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Yeah, no, no. So that will be new to you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've only watched it once. You're joking. It hits super hard. I forgot a bunch of stuff. I mean, I've read it more than once, but yeah, yeah, I need to go back and do that.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Did you know that there's 162 games of baseball played per year by each team in the MLB? Wow, that's a baseball. Yeah, I remember Scott Pilgrim having, like, especially the music was fucking really good shit. I can't wait for this week's esoteric fact. Yeah, I barely remember that. I got to do that. I'm waiting for it.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Are you serious? Well, keep waiting. Are you serious? I'm excited. Are you excited? I'm excited. I'm excited. Yeah, Scott Pilgrim.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Yeah, this week's esoteric fact. You know what I also want? A really good Scott Pilgrim game. There is one. We got one. And then it went away. It's bad. And honestly, it wasn't that good.
Starting point is 00:01:48 I don't know. I really liked it. I thought it was good. It's a bad beat-em-up. Okay. Okay. That's it. That's it.
Starting point is 00:01:57 I mean, the book ware, you know, the work... I don't know what they are. But you and I have been together. I made it because it was interesting. Can't just click stop. Last week our balls went on for like an hour and 45 minutes. Nothing is stopping us. You be the hero.
Starting point is 00:02:32 This week I did something really, really scary. I saw Don't Breathe. Yes! Now! I'm finally... I'm really bad at seeing scary movies. You're really bad at anything with scariness. Yeah, we streamed RE7 the other night and I think you saw that first hand where I refused
Starting point is 00:02:46 to look in the spook closet. You refused to give people content. I'm just going to look at the ceiling and walk through this house. That way I don't get scared. Can we use this opportunity to introduce a 30 second spoiler in case anyone... For what? For Don't Breathe. Just to name drop the character.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Yeah, I guess. Okay. That's as good as time as I need it. That's taken off his headphones. Go for it. Alright? Yeah, okay. The final villain of the movie should have been Dog with Turkey Baster.
Starting point is 00:03:18 In his mouth. That's it. Alright, we're out. Now that means a lot to people that have seen the movie. That might mean nothing to most people. Yeah, exactly. You guys talking about stroke dog? Yes.
Starting point is 00:03:30 No. Okay. But it was really fucking good. It was not... I don't know. I'm... Whenever I think horror movies, I always think jump scares and stuff and that's why I don't want to see them.
Starting point is 00:03:40 This movie wasn't that and I guess that's why it's a good horror movie. I don't know enough about horror. It had a loud noise or two but it wasn't a jump scare. Yeah, there were a few big frightens but not a whole ton. Oh, it was a dread bass? Yeah. Yeah, more tension and dread than anything. You definitely don't think trained old man with skills ready to murder teenagers.
Starting point is 00:04:01 It is the monster, yeah. Because he legally has a right to. But Steve Lang is ripped. It was way more of like a thriller horror movie. This movie wasn't as ripped. Oh, really? That picture he took of himself was later. It was really, really good and anyone who likes a good horror movie, go fucking see that.
Starting point is 00:04:17 It was really, really Detroit. Yeah, definitely. Detroit is beyond blind. It feels like you're in Detroit. Don't we possibly see this character in the new robot anime that David Cage is making? Maybe not. It was a block down from eight mile though. Rap bunny rabbit was walking across.
Starting point is 00:04:36 He was like counting his raps in his head. So like the villain? The villain. Not the villain. The bad guy. The monster. The hero. The hero is blind in this movie.
Starting point is 00:04:48 And they do a lot of really cool stuff with the blindness and like the play with sound. And hence the name don't breathe and stuff like that. But there were a lot of really fun like tension diffusing moments that are also good scares. Where like the characters are being super silent as he like trains a gun across the room like listening for anything. Just shoot out whatever makes a sound. And they don't and nothing happens and he goes to put his gun down and one of another character who's already dead his phone goes off on his body and he immediately shoots in that direction.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Empty as a clip. And it's like a super good jump scare because you're like whoa. Wasn't expecting that. Yeah that was in the trailer and it's like one of the scares that like sold me. I didn't watch the trailer because it's a scary movie. Yeah the trailer also like implies the part where it's like I'm gonna hit the fuse box. Now you're all blind. Now I'm the super powered superman.
Starting point is 00:05:37 Welcome to my world. That fits really cool actually. Like he doesn't get stronger. They just get weaker. They see everyone struggle. One of y'all has my back on this bleach black guy does his bank guy and then everyone else is blind. The whole world turns black. Come on.
Starting point is 00:05:54 The whole world. Come on. Everyone is. Y'all know who I'm talking about. He's got the whole world. I don't know man. There's a blind guy and then he his bank guys and he makes everyone else blind. Really.
Starting point is 00:06:06 Yeah. Yeah. No. I don't really watch shitty anime. No that was before I quit. That was before the. Before it turns out. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Like episode one. No. No. No. It was actually decent. Yeah. No. I know a lot.
Starting point is 00:06:24 A lot of people do. Is that the part where Chad loses? Oh God. Isn't that the rest of the show? Chad Warden. Nobody punched that guy real hard that time and it made the big skull on the wall. Wait. Chad Warden was in bleach.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Yeah. What happened? He punches a guy so hard that a skull explodes onto the wall behind him. That's okay. That's kind of nasty. Holy I'm being an asshole. I know exactly what you're talking about. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:06:43 But I don't want to be associated with your bleach fantasies. That movie was super good and I really dug it. Yeah. The director of it directed the remake of Evil Dead. I think I mentioned this one. I saw Don't Breathe. But like that movie is not an Evil Dead movie really. It doesn't have the tone or atmosphere.
Starting point is 00:06:59 But it's still a really awesome hard horror movie and it's cool. So like. Isn't it basically like what if Evil Dead was serious? Yeah. Exactly. So I'm excited to see what this director does next. The little bit at the end. I'm sure you know it.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Like really fills you with dread too. Yeah. Like one of the very last things in the movie. Yeah. I didn't need it. I didn't need it. But it was alright. It was alright.
Starting point is 00:07:22 I thought it was a really good ad because you have to wonder like what's. Now don't confuse this movie with lights out. No. And when I was going into the movie. I was telling my girlfriend. I don't know if this is the one Matt and Willie were talking about. Yeah. Because that might be lights out.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Because they're out at the same time. Yeah. That's the mistake I made. Don't make that mistake. Hamilton with my girlfriend. Which one's lights out? Lights out's the one with the monster that can only exist in shadow. Little shadow, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Is it blind? No. No. Okay. It's a ghost. Okay. That changes things. I won't see that.
Starting point is 00:07:56 It sounds too scary. It's probably considerably less scary. Yeah. How about that? That credit sequence, huh? It's nice. I forget what it was. The credit sequence was just a bunch of tracking.
Starting point is 00:08:06 A bunch of the key shots from the movie. Like the camera panning over them with tracked titles that are in 3D space. It's really nice. It looks really cool. Like it shows the skylight that's all cracked. But no people around it and stuff like that. I don't really notice it because when a Fantasia movie is over, you get the fuck out. Right.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Oh, you saw the Fantasia. That's true. Is that like their big movie this year? That was the indie movie. It was one of them. Yeah. That was a good get. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Good fucking get. Do sex. Mankind divided a second time. De-sex. Oh, wow. It was. It was a fucking good game. Good game.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Does it end as suddenly as the reviews were? Yeah. No, it totally does. That sucks. It's like get ready for the sequel. Yeah. More or less. You get to the end and you're like, I know this is the end.
Starting point is 00:08:55 This is clearly the end. Not to mention like the name of the chapters becomes increasingly like this is the fucking end. What is it called? That's the title. It's called De-sex. Mankind divided the final God. No, one of the.
Starting point is 00:09:09 It's the end. You can. It is the end and you can see it. One of the last chapters, like the second to last one is it alludes to being the last opportunity to gather info or something like that. It's very final. One last stop before Bostown. You get the point anyway.
Starting point is 00:09:26 I can't remember the exact name. Oh, come on. Wouldn't that be a good name for a level? Okay. If that faded in as a chapter title, I'd get way the fuck in. That seems like a Jojo title though. There is totally a boss at the end and he is the man who desired heaven. It doesn't suck.
Starting point is 00:09:43 It really doesn't suck. It's way better than all the bosses in human revolution. Okay. For enough. The lowest bar ever. No. Yeah. It's significantly improved over those, but it's really easy.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Yeah. It's not hard. I didn't kill him. I did a non-lethal takedown on him, and it was not hard to figure out how to do it. I have no inkling of who the boss is at all, and all I want to know is that it's not a character from Deus Ex One. It's not. Okay, good.
Starting point is 00:10:15 That's all I wanted, because that would be super lame, because you would go into the boss fight knowing they would survive. It's Paige. Oh. Is it? That'd be fucking lame if it was not me. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:10:25 It would suck. Yeah. It's like a universe than it is with ending human revolution. It feels like the first of something. Human revolution feels very disconnected from this one, because that's wrapped up pretty nice. I mean, it does segue into it, but this feels like the beginning of a bigger story. It feels like Mass Effect One.
Starting point is 00:10:50 They announced Deus Ex Universe, like it's a thing. It's going to be a lot, yeah. The universe. No, this does feel like it's leading into other stuff, obviously, and it assuredly will. Hopefully into an anime. Hopefully into another mobile game. Yeah, hopefully into another mobile game.
Starting point is 00:11:08 I haven't played it since I got back from Golem City, because I have this thing that happens to me in a couple of games that just pisses me off, and it kind of fucks me up for a little while until I go back to it, because I found out that there's a side quest you can only do in that game if you solve this side quest earlier in the game a certain way. There's a side quest where you have to get the neuroplasticity thing, and there's a conversation boss battle you can have, but instead I just perfectly sneaked in and just took it, and then I found out that that locks me out of multiple quests.
Starting point is 00:11:39 I got super pissed. Oh, it's like human evolution and stuff, like you're not going to find everything on your first playthrough. I found everything on my first playthrough. I know why that's annoying, but I kind of like that it makes sense. You get that dense, buried world. Why would he know you to call you back? I know it's annoying from a gameplay point of view.
Starting point is 00:12:03 I'd prefer the satisfaction from doing it right than... Well, usually I'm with that, it's just... Because when it happens, you're like, oh, yeah, of course. It's more of an annoyance in a game that has rock solid states that lock out old content. If that was a quest chain that you could do and all that, but now the start of that quest chain is permanently off limits to me. You're not supposed to know about it, so that defends the intent there. Well, a lot of those side quests are actually kind of hard to find.
Starting point is 00:12:33 I know. Like I had to pull up an FAQ to find... I mean, this can be a bigger discussion about whether perfect play or what developer intended perfect play should automatically result in all options being available or not. Well, because I hit this point, it's like, should I restart the game so I can see that stuff? Or should I? Because I'm pretty far in.
Starting point is 00:12:57 In the game, just to tell you, you know it's impossible to do every main mission. You can't even do every main mission in the story. You are going to miss stuff, no matter what. Well, no, what you do is you play through the main mission and then you reload your save and do the other one. But then you need to go all the way because they have long lasting repercussions. But then just go back and do it again, whatever. Should I restart to get that side mission?
Starting point is 00:13:28 No, no, just finish the game. Are you sure that there's no other thing that you can do now as a result of not having that perhaps? No, no. That specific one, it's like, if you do it right, you can get another side mission. You can access another side mission later in the game. Yeah. I like it.
Starting point is 00:13:44 That's it. I don't hate it, but I feel you. I get it. I don't have a problem with missing stuff. I have a problem with being locked out. What's the difference? Missing something, you could go back and do it later. Being locked out means you're locked out.
Starting point is 00:13:59 The only difference is because you know about something you shouldn't. You know what I mean? It's actually the exact same difference because you're not supposed to have that knowledge. You know what I mean? I mean, without the internet or what do you mean? On a replay, though, you probably do that mission the same way. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:18 Anyway, the game is actually super good, and I think it's like a rock solid like 8.59, not best game. Wait, 8.5 and then 9 or 8.59? No, somewhere around there. Those numbers are meaningless. What's the game pro guy doing in your mind? He's excited. He's excited.
Starting point is 00:14:36 He's excited. No. He's excited. Yeah. No, but he's not cracked out. No, no, no. He's not. He's not.
Starting point is 00:14:44 No, he's not like the nuts one. But he's always asked for this, and like he's fucking hype. I highly recommend it. You have to do this, but I encourage you to, is that when you do talk about a game you played this week, please tell me what the game pro guy is doing in your head right now. Because that counts as something on a scale from... To you! And like the last person of him looks like he just ate three packs of Pop Rocks.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Well, his hair is exploding off his head. Yeah, exactly. It was a five scale, right? Yeah, five. Yeah. Like snoring.
Starting point is 00:15:18 Like a... Mm-hmm. Yeah, but the thing with game pro scales, they had like graphics and sound and all that, but then they had the fun factor thing, which was a reviewer tilt that affected it however the fuck much they wanted. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So like you get games that had like complete garbage scores, and then fun factor was like
Starting point is 00:15:35 eight out of five. Well, yeah. And they would jack the score up like EDF or deadly premonition. Anything. All of it would be like a fun factor. Yeah! That's the wild part. That's true.
Starting point is 00:15:47 And it would even out to a nine. Yeah. You can do whatever you want with fun factor. Yeah. For sure, for sure. That's good. But it was super good. The writing really impressed me.
Starting point is 00:15:55 It was better than I expected. All the characters were sufficiently either predictable or unpredictable, depending on their role in the game. And that was, it was really satisfying to not instantly like read every character in the game. Yeah. And I think it being on the nose, I skipped over the part where like the general writing, however, is much improved.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Yeah. Like the cult leader side quest has really fantastic dialogue. Yeah. Like I missed that on my first playthrough and I came back, well, I did it. I came back around for it and I did it again. And it was like, yeah, it's a cool quest. Like it's fucking awesome. Let me ask you, how long does it take you to play through the whole game?
Starting point is 00:16:27 My second playthrough probably took like six hours. Yep. The first one. 12. It doesn't have a time counter, so I'm inclined to save 15 to 20. Okay. See, I think, I think I know why I'm so frustrated to compare to you. I think by the time I got to Google them, I've already spent 15 to 20 because I scoped
Starting point is 00:16:48 out every single room in the entire hub. I getcha. It's probably going to take me like closer to 80 to beat the game. Well, no, wait, let me ask you a question before I go back. Yeah. Does the hub, the rooms repopulate with stuff? No, no, no. Okay, then.
Starting point is 00:17:05 Fuck it. Some, I'm under the impression. I'm not 100% sure. I'm under the impression there's areas you can only go to when the hub changes to the next area. Sure. But what I mean is like, do I have to rescour every single room in the game? I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Okay. I don't think so. Maybe you do. I'm already super rich and have tons of extra praxis. You probably should. Yeah. No, if you look around in Human Rev or this game, you get way too much and you become super overpowered.
Starting point is 00:17:28 I am. Like getting like 2,000 rounds of heavy rifle ammo. Yeah. That's the way to play normally. After getting out of Golem City, like I said at the last time, it's like I had every augment I wanted and I'm only a third of the way through the game. I don't even know what I'm going to spend it on in the future. So you remember last week when I said in Golem City that I found it weird that you were able
Starting point is 00:17:49 to progress like without doing the side quests and stuff? I think because I went back and I tried to investigate that in my second playthrough. I think what it was was it was like a legitimate sequence break where there's a bit where there's a way, like a big whale sculpture that's kind of suspended in the air above the store. And my first playthrough, I jumped up onto it with my super legs and then just jumped to the end of the area. And you just went through the door and just finished it. And my second playthrough, I went to do it again and I was like, wait, why can't I jump
Starting point is 00:18:22 on it? And I realized it's like a, it's a tricky, it's a really tricky dodgy jump. They may have also patched it in between the time you did it and the time you tried to do it again. And so I was like, oh, that wasn't, that was maybe not intended path. So I need to go back to Golem City a third time and see if there's no other way to get up there. No pooky bug testers.
Starting point is 00:18:43 Because like, yeah, Golem City is fucking cool, but I really, really dug the game a lot. I've got a sequel question. Is it a better game than HR? I think it's a better game, but like the story doesn't wrap up as much as HR. Granted, HR's ending is weak and I have HR's ending is so weak, they negate it in this game somewhat. Having, having just played it again, like the thing with HR now is it going through
Starting point is 00:19:10 it? Like a second time, it was like, God damn, when it came out and now it's like hideous. Most of the game. Yeah, it's definitely like, and then that it's like, because I know a bit about how it was made and whatever, and it was running on a weird engine that shouldn't even like worked. But like going through it again and like seeing animations and certain character models and seeing the same character models, like, I'm going to judo chop you.
Starting point is 00:19:35 Those, oh God. And seeing like how rough it was, even though the, the underlying, everything about it was still good. Like, like I still haven't even actually, I have a download, so I haven't played through man kind of either. Even started it really. But like, does it like feel like, well, both of you know now, but does it have like this kind of air?
Starting point is 00:19:54 Oh, it's, it's, no, yeah, absolutely. It's slick. It's slick. Yeah. It's really fucking good. It's slick. It looks good. It feels good.
Starting point is 00:20:03 Like the UI, it's a much more fun and enjoyable game to play. The UI and like movement improvements are huge. Like the way that like 99% of the time with the Icarus landing system, the cutscene doesn't trigger, you're just fine when you hit the ground. They've improved how the battery system works. A lot. Like a lot. You can still abuse it in the same way.
Starting point is 00:20:21 You can still abuse it. But for casual use, it's a lot more useful. Yeah. It's a better game. I definitely feel like it's a much better game. But for some people, the fact that the story doesn't wrap up in its entirety and only that like major story beat wraps up, that's going to be a clincher for a lot of people. So what you're saying is like the train bombing story wraps up, but not anything past that.
Starting point is 00:20:45 It's a train bombing and you get bits of the next stuff. Yeah, because it's about that. That's what the game is about. It's about that train bombing. Well, it's about the train bombing and Arc getting framed. And like the fight with an Arc. As long as that got resolved, I'm fine. So let me ask you, did you beat DSX1 all of you guys?
Starting point is 00:21:03 Yeah. I did. One. No. No one? I never finished it, but I know all the events of the first DSX. Okay. Did anybody here beat DX2?
Starting point is 00:21:12 I didn't. No. I know all the events of it. Because like, because you're mentioning like the ending and how human revolution's ending is weak. It's like that's a DSX hallmark. They all have terrible endings. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:25 The first game's ending. First thing in games ending is terrible. But it does a really cool, spoilery thing. It's terrible. It's awful. But no one makes a sequel and says we have to homage the shitty endings. No, but I think it's the nature of the stories because you're dealing with like shadowy government conspiracies.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Well, that's why I kind of like the ending of the first game. Of the very first one? Yeah. Because like J.C.'s actions. Well, where Tong becomes an internet daddy. No. I mean, I know it's an old game, but I know a lot of people haven't played it. So I still don't want to outright spoil it.
Starting point is 00:22:01 But J.C.'s actions are pretty interesting at the end of the game. I guess. But like, oh. And the less we talk about it, the more the better. I don't think the endings in universal ammo, in human revolution are like terrible per say. But I think the presentation of like go through Panchea, which is not the great area. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:19 There's level in the game. And then press one of three buttons is really, I think that's what makes the endings really unique. Well, that's an homage to DX1. That is. Yeah. Because that's exactly what you do. You go into a thing that looks exactly like Panchea.
Starting point is 00:22:31 But yeah. The thing that I'm wondering the most is how disconnected the next game will be for Mankind Divided. Or. I bet it'll be like a Mass Effect situation. Or are they going to transfer your save data forward? Because there are. They did talk about that.
Starting point is 00:22:46 There are things. There are characters and things whose states can be majorly changed by the end of the game. Yeah. In regards to life, death, active, inactive. Well, there's a very early one where you can only give like a fake credentials to one person. But there's two people. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:05 And so whoever you don't give those credentials to gets shipped off to the ghetto. Yeah. That's a super minor version of that. Yeah. That's why I used that one. Because I know they're major ones. Yeah. They're our major ones.
Starting point is 00:23:15 But like. There are crazy major ones that would probably drastically change the plot. Meaning you couldn't really commit to them. Well, it makes me wonder if they're going to neutralize that like they did previously. Well, Mass Effect did it in this way that ended up being really unsatisfying because Mass Effect was like, you can have characters die. You can have characters, whatever. All this crazy shit.
Starting point is 00:23:35 And the big choice at the end of the first game was like, are you going to let the game democratically elected government of this galactic society just get fucking wrecked so you can replace them entirely with humans? Right. Or are you going to save them? And then whatever choice you make, you start Mass Effect 2 and the government is staffed by either a group of democratically elected aliens or bunch of humans. But then you never talk to that council again for the rest of the series.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Yeah. So that's what I'm saying. And it's like, come on, motherfuckers. Yeah. So that's what I'm saying. Is it going to be that the, because there is a similarly major group and is it going to be that that group becomes more or less irrelevant or are they going to actually bring it over?
Starting point is 00:24:17 Do you guys hear about the Ragnar Queen thing for Mass Victory? I didn't. But one last thing on that. There are side quest conclusions that lead into Deus Ex series canon. Yes. And failing those side quests would ruin the canon? Yeah. Because it's like, no, no.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Yeah. So certain aspects of it, like no matter what, that's got to get rolled forward in that way. So like in human revolution, like if you were somehow failed the DLC quest that involves Tracer Tongue, you would erase the future or something. Yeah. Exactly. So like certain aspects of mankind divided side quests and story have to happen no matter what.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Baby carriage. It just says JC on it. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. You've got to go fucking. Hey, Adam Jensen, meet little baby JC Denton. He's wearing a little leather.
Starting point is 00:25:13 I really need to get this stupid Ragnar Queen thing off my chest because it's the worst ever. Sure. So in Mass Effect 1, there is one of the, you know, you go to Four Planets because it's a bioware game. And the entire Crocs is that we found this badass race of space bugs and they're super evil in the most warlike race ever. And we brought them back from extinction and we're cloning them and they're super evil
Starting point is 00:25:34 and we're going to control them. Right. And you have two options at the end. You either re-extinctify them or you let the queen escape and she's like, oh, you guys are cool. Thanks a lot, Shepard. I'll help you out in the sequel. It's like basically said straight up.
Starting point is 00:25:49 And then you get to the first game, and then you get to Mass Effect 3 and then the villains are like PS. We brought the Ragnarys back and they're working for us now. And one of two things happened. Either they found the queen and brainwashed her and like everything you did was for nothing or if you completely genocided the entire race, they had had a backup queen the whole time. Backup queen.
Starting point is 00:26:17 And that one was underneath their control and like three lines of dialogue changed total and it's like. That's trash. It's like a lie five years in the making or it's like you bastard. Every time a Mass Effect spoiler comes at me, like I can't even raise my hand to go, uh. Yeah. Like, you know.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Like because you don't care or what? Yeah, I played the first one and I really liked it and then I just never played the rest. How long are those games? So those games are 20 to 20, 15 to 25. So from breakneck to completionist, they're 15 to 25. Okay. And that's what I liked about Mankind Divided was like it's fucking not long.
Starting point is 00:26:56 Yeah. It's it's not. It's not the Witcher. But it's so dense, like it's incredibly dense. It's every frame. I would say it's more dense than the Witcher. Honestly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:07 No, absolutely. Because the Witcher has tons of space. Yeah. Exactly. Um, and I would rather that the second and third games do take into account the stuff you've done and be shorter, like, you know, 10 to 15 hour games and that, that wouldn't bother me. But I know the buyer buyers at large would rather there's only one thing that I would
Starting point is 00:27:25 rather they go back to, but I don't think they're ever going to be able to. And that's like the way Deus Ex one had you go to like 50 different hubs. Yeah. But like when you go back to the first day of sex, they're really like artists could make those in a day. That being said, like, like the big wind out of my cells was finding out that you only go to Prague really. And I was like, as far as like major areas.
Starting point is 00:27:50 Yeah. I wanted to go to Montreal. Maybe we'll get that game one day. Maybe one day. Well, I mean, like it's pretty fucking clear where they want to make another hub. Oh, yeah. Yeah. By the end, by the end of the game, I think it's pretty.
Starting point is 00:28:05 There's a news article that's like, shit's going down super hard in blank. I like you're about to get, I think you're about to get to the part of the story where you're going to start. You're going to start hearing about this place and by the end of the game. Oh, yeah. Oh, no. Oh, okay. But it sounds like a really cool place.
Starting point is 00:28:21 No, because they're they're physically building it in game at the time of the game. This takes. And it's like, oh, that's an original city that doesn't exist in real life. And it doesn't have to exist in the real world because it's a complete fantasy sci-fi bullshit. Yeah, exactly. Okay. So there's like a huge conflict going on in Mr. Black.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Well, there's a lady that comes up to you with a flyer and is like, would you like to hear about the location for the sequel? And she she's like a travel guy, like in the subway. Do you remember that? I never saw that. Oh, okay. There's a lady that comes up to you and is like, hey, would you like a pamphlet to move to this super city where everything will be great for the sequel called Panchea too?
Starting point is 00:28:59 Yeah. And she's like, oh, it's going to be so great. It's 3D printed. And like this guy's awesome. He's totally not going to be the final boss in the next game. And that would be soft red herons like, man, this next game is totally in Japan. Yeah. No.
Starting point is 00:29:15 I don't know. It feels pretty. Tokyo. But the game's fucking great. And I recommend it super highly to anyone who wants some sort of action or RPG game. Especially if you like Cyberpunk. Especially if you like Cyberpunk. It's just a wonderful game.
Starting point is 00:29:31 I think the only thing I really actually didn't like that I kind of wish they could have not done was in the director's cut. And I think it's in the PS3 and 360 version, but I only distinctly remember from the Wii U version. They had the director's commentary nodes all over the place where you could just interact with them and listen to an interview on the spot, or not interview, but a little commentary snippet. In Mankind Divided, you find these triangle items all over the game.
Starting point is 00:30:01 I hate those things. And you have to use the app on your phone to scan them. And then it opens up a locked SoundCloud account. Oh, I always tell you that. That sounds great. I had a brilliant idea. It should have just been in the game. It took me an hour to get that.
Starting point is 00:30:20 I found one and it's like, use the Deus Ex and it took me from start to finish an hour to get it working. You actually sat and did it. Oh, yeah. And like, because it's like, hold your phone up to your TV and read the code, which as we all know, is the worst way to read a code possible. And then I got it and I couldn't listen to it because my phone wasn't, or something, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:30:39 That's weird. Yeah. And like, oh, great. Yeah. I listened to them and they're great. Game level of quality is in Director's Cut. But I just wish they were in the game. In your options menu, you have a developer commentary button that you checkmark and those
Starting point is 00:30:55 little cubes float around. And likewise, I also don't like that when you do New Game Plus in the game, those and the eBooks all over the game and the Breach Kits, those don't carry over into New Game Plus. So you have to. That's the worst. If you want to listen to them or whatever. Man, New Game Plus in that game must be no wonder you went through it in six hours.
Starting point is 00:31:18 You fucking superhuman God. You keep all your equipment and your equipment and all your augs. Jesus. Dude. Yeah. You're Jesus. There's cool stuff too. Because you can go into New Game Plus.
Starting point is 00:31:31 And you can just gun it and go get the neuroplasticity thing and then go to the doctor and he's like, I need this thing. And Adam's like, I already have it. This is an achievement for that. Yeah. Adam's like, I already have. Yeah, I did that. And I was like, oh, that's fucking cool.
Starting point is 00:31:43 So yeah, break in the timeline. Pretty good. Really good. I super recommend it. I think the only other thing I like other than Attack on Titan, which is whatever, same as last week, I sank significant time into Castlevania. Castlevania. I can confirm it's still that's it.
Starting point is 00:31:59 Which Castlevania? The first one. Castlevania. One. It's still good. Yeah. Castlevania 1's rocks all good. Because we were all waiting with bated breath.
Starting point is 00:32:07 Well, what's the subtitle? No, that was my sentence. All right. Akumaju. Dracula. Akumaju. Dracula. Dracula.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Yeah. How dare you call that grocery store. In Attack on Titan, have you defended walls Sina and walls Benoit? Yeah. Totally. Those are my new big favorite names. I did finish the epilogue and I couldn't fucking believe the fight at the end. So when I saw what I was fighting, I was like, wow.
Starting point is 00:32:37 You've been texting me about things that he's discovering a little bit, but you sent me a text. Texting teases. Right? I'm like, yo, I saw some shit. It was crazy. Keep playing. Keep playing.
Starting point is 00:32:49 More monsters. But then, and then we talked about it in brief, but after those two things, there was more secrets. After that, I finished the last epilogue mission and I was like, oh my god. How? How? I did not expect this. To anyone who has watched the anime and is possibly interested in this game and wants
Starting point is 00:33:02 to look up like photos of cool Titans, don't, don't, you want to be spoiled? Don't. Tightly. Wait. Is it made up fantasy Titans? No. No. It's future chapters.
Starting point is 00:33:17 Okay. No. Cause like you type in the word colossal Titan and the wiki article comes up and it's like, it's the worst. Is it? Yeah. For sure. It's the worst.
Starting point is 00:33:32 Yeah. The, but no, the funny thing that Liam and I were talking about in the video was how we're at anime north and like, oh yeah, we're just like, did spoilers just walk by us? Yes. Spoilers just walked right back and it was like, it was, but it was so fucking cool. Yeah. You know about the colossal Titan, right? You know the deal?
Starting point is 00:33:53 No. Okay. No, I don't. Stop. Okay. Pat. Stop. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:01 Moving on. Full body 3d maneuver gear motherfuckers walk by us and we're just like, ah, what is that? What? That didn't appear in the game. That's your fault. I'll go ahead and spoil that for you. That didn't appear in the game. Right?
Starting point is 00:34:16 I'm like, what? There's still more. Is that real? Yeah. I hope it's real. It was so cool. I'm really hopeful for a second one, especially cause like the enemy variety does bump up a bit in the epilogue.
Starting point is 00:34:28 So I, I really hope they do a second one right when season two wraps up. So when it wraps, yeah. So I finally got hands on with this and not much to say other than like, I've been tearing into it cause it's so amazing. It's amazing. It's crazy fun. It's such high quality junk food. The, the, just the movement, the movement makes is like, feels better than Spider-Man
Starting point is 00:34:47 too. Like you have a little less control, but you're going so fast. Yeah. You're going so fast. The speed and the camera not able to be being able to catch up. Yeah. It's so good when you get away from the camera. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:59 It's, it's the first game in ages that I've been able to do the anime maximum spider shit or whatever that you assume you would never be able to physically control. You'd only be able to do a cutscene. It's like, no, I did that. You can totally do it. It's super easy. It's so satisfying waiting for the slow-mo to stop and then just hitting the three buttons in sequence and being like, I did it perfectly.
Starting point is 00:35:18 Yeah. It's like kill. The, we streamed a little bit more last night and Lee was showing me how, cause I, I just got the midair blade switch and like how that is actually an attack. Oh, it's super good. It's strong. Wait, what three, wait, wait for the slow-mo to stop and then hit the three buttons, lock on grapple boost and then attack.
Starting point is 00:35:41 So four buttons. Wait, what do you mean wait for the, so right after you kill a Titan or that's what he means. I thought there's another one nearby. I thought he meant the slow-mo for danger like when you're zooming in and you're going to hit one. No, no, after you've killed one. Oh yeah. So you're just waiting, waiting, waiting and then happens, bam, kill.
Starting point is 00:35:59 That leg and then you immediately grab the neck and bam, bam, bam. It's so good. It's, it's, it's like I find, like I love the just mash triangle to keep hitting that some characters have, but like it's so satisfying to, to wait and wait and wait and execute it perfectly. Is this midair blade switching is it kind of like, if it's attack is it kind of like Muramasa when you'd switch out a new blade and it would do that one attack that hit everything different.
Starting point is 00:36:22 No, no, no. He literally throws the blades at the Titan and it counts a hit for huge damage and then switches in. So when you're low on blades and you're behind a Titan, just hit up on the D pad and then switch to your new target because that guy's dead. Toss that shit. Don't even look at him hit. So good.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Unless they miss. Which they did for me. I told bully too, when you finish the game, you get a new projectile attack for every character as well. And it's, it's really nice to have a dedicated projectile. I, I, this made me way excited about attack on Titan again. Yeah. Like I know the story has its problems, this little dumb and shonen, but like, fuck it,
Starting point is 00:37:00 it's cool. I rewatched all the female Titan episodes and I realized like, you know what I like the most about an anime that's a shonen, I like the main characters finding a new antagonist and that antagonist absolutely ruining their shit. Like nothing has ever ruined anyone's shit before. I just enjoy the existence of Levi and anytime he's on screen. Oh yeah. I love everything about him.
Starting point is 00:37:21 You got your body pillow? I like that. You know, he has like a side manga. He does. All to his own. Yep. The rise. Is it, is it Levi?
Starting point is 00:37:29 Did you get his cleaning gear yet in the game? I didn't. You get it super early. You're gonna get it soon. Very soon. Yeah. It's just the stupid fucking mops. The mop and the headband.
Starting point is 00:37:37 You get, you get the duster as a weapon. And it's, and they're trash. They're super terrible. Yeah. You gotta clean up this mess. Yeah. So good. Let's take a quick word from our sponsors.
Starting point is 00:37:48 No, that's fine. That's fine. The reason why that? I didn't hear it anyway. No, it's okay. The phone made a noise, but it made noise because there's so much to do nowadays. There's not enough time. Too much stuff.
Starting point is 00:37:59 Right? And you want to watch movies. You want to play video games. You want to read books. You want to read comics. You want to do all these things. But you have to grind. It's just too much.
Starting point is 00:38:09 Right? What do we need more now than ever? Time. Well, yes. And yes. But time to watch pornography. We need time. And how do you reclaim time by, by, by, by what?
Starting point is 00:38:22 Multi-tasking. You can condense. You can multi-task. It's hard. Time changers. But the good old boys down at Audible figured it out because you can, you can now listen to a book. I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:38:33 You can listen to a book through your ear holes. Okay. And then you don't have to waste time with your hands and eyes. Turn in a page. You can use your hands and eyes to do completely different tasks because you can listen. And what's cool about Audible is they get it. You can use an unlimited amount of devices with your Audible account and listen to as many books as you want at the same time.
Starting point is 00:38:58 Dude, it's insane. You don't need to just save time once over. Like multi-book drifting. Audible is all about that. Average they spent. What are your ears doing? Just sitting there doing fucking nothing. Wasting time.
Starting point is 00:39:10 They're accumulating filth. Your eyes are blinking and taking in shit. Your hands are doing things. Your body's taking your places. Your smell and smells. But your ears just sit there. They're passive. They're very passive.
Starting point is 00:39:21 But you want to make your ears aggressive. You get in on the audio book train and you start listening to your books. Yeah. Yeah. You listen to your books. I'm trying to find, I'm trying to workshop like an XFL thing. Like your ears are aggressive. Like the XFL.
Starting point is 00:39:35 Yeah. Roofless aggression even. I'll tell you what's aggressive. They're great listen guarantee. If you don't like the book you choose, no worries, exchange it for any title, any time no questions asked. Oh really? Seriously?
Starting point is 00:39:47 Straight the fuck up. That's awesome because there are shitty books out there. That exists. Yeah, I don't know. So if you want to get in on it, you want a 30-day trial, head on down to slash best friends today. Start that trial and you get, it's a free 30 days to try out whatever you want. See if you like it.
Starting point is 00:40:02 Play it on your any device like Liam said. Listen to a book. Liam researched stuff. Listen to 10 book. I listen to book all the time on my way to place. I listen to good book. It does good. It's really good.
Starting point is 00:40:15 It's very good. Audible. Audible. A good book now. In your ears. Yeah, book it into your ears. Thanks Audible. Thanks Audible.
Starting point is 00:40:23 Thanks Audible. It's really good for real though. It's good books. Yeah. I played a Shingeki no turnabout, which is attack on Phoenix, right? Spirit of justice. I was telling Liam earlier, it's just like. It's open on your fucking three days right now.
Starting point is 00:40:46 By the way, Pat, look at this animation. It's a little boy with a puppy on his head. And this puppy's name is Shadoo and he gives missile a run for his money. No, he doesn't. No, he doesn't. You haven't heard him bark. You haven't finished Ghost Trick. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Phoenix Right Missile. Oh, yeah. Because I'm like, which missile are we talking about? That's a different missile. It is a different missile, but I never thought you'd talk about that one. Oh, then yeah, that dog beats Phoenix Right Missile in a second. Because Phoenix Right Missile, and that leads me to my point, is that now back in the day, because I spent a lot of time playing all the Phoenix Right games, is that a dog, we
Starting point is 00:41:21 don't know how to draw a dog sprite, just draw a little portrait of him and his portrait will come into the scene and bark. And he'll use an item. He's an item slot. And in this game, it's really interesting because it's like, I'm sure it's maybe cheaper, but overall, both these 3D Phoenix Rights, the last one and this one, there's so much more I find production value in them now where I feel like this big money that's being put into it.
Starting point is 00:41:46 In the last game, you got a really nice anime intro that's voiced, and it's not too much. And this one, you get the same one, and it's just Phoenix, I'm a tourist in this crazy foreign Tibetan sort of land. Yeah, he goes through a different country, right? He goes through a different country and wanders into a case and says, I'll defend you. And the laws are all different. The laws are super different. Is that how they get around eating your hamburgers?
Starting point is 00:42:11 There hasn't been any... I've only finished the first case, but there hasn't been like a single food thing yet, but I assume that'll come in. I would like to point out... The official Twitter is making jokes about it. I would like to point out the official Twitter does not get the joke. The official Twitter is wrong. The official Twitter posted a photo of a Big Mac that says, enjoy your ramen, Phoenix.
Starting point is 00:42:32 That's not the joke. It's the other way around. It's the other way around. I think that's the joke. Is it? I think they're just doing that joke, but if they did that joke, would you laugh? Yes. If the exact same joke you've seen a zillion times, you would have...
Starting point is 00:42:45 Yes. Okay, well, that's wrong. You would have laughed more when you see them do the reverse of it. No, as you did. I was there. You were fucking dead. I saw that, and I was like, that's wrong. And I made a frowny face.
Starting point is 00:42:57 You were laughing a lot. That's anyway. God, I'm such an annoying fuck. Some things go over people's heads, I guess, when they're that short. I'm very short. Yeah, the 3D models look amazing. And the iOS version of the fifth game is really fucking sharp-looking. If you ever have it...
Starting point is 00:43:11 You have an iPad, right? I downloaded the first one out there. Okay, yeah. Did you look at it? I never booted it up. I just downloaded it. It's a good curio. The opening part of...
Starting point is 00:43:20 Once you've already started the game and it's in proper, they go into these really elaborate 3D in-engine animations, not the anime that look gorgeous, and it's an extended dance animation of a girl doing like a seance. And I'm like, oh, okay. And then it's actually awesome choreography. And I was like, yeah, okay, this is... Look at this. And Phoenix figures out something now with an item, and it's a 3D animation of him going
Starting point is 00:43:41 like, what the fuck? Oh, shit. Everyone look. Everyone's like... And there's a lot of voiceovers that I'm not used to. Someone sings, and it's voiced, and they're on the witness stand singing. And also, the crowd has voiceovers where they get into it, and they go like, kill the lawyer. Kill the lawyer.
Starting point is 00:44:01 And Phoenix is like, oh, god. Oh, yeah. I think the Layton game had some of that. Oh, jeez. The Layton Phoenix right game? Yeah. Yeah. This also, this first case, has the biggest stakes they've ever been.
Starting point is 00:44:13 I'm not going to say what they are, but Phoenix literally goes, these are the biggest stakes it's ever been. And hearing that Case 5 in that game is like, maybe the best one the series has ever had. Really? I didn't hear anything about other cases, but... I appreciate this game for coming out and reminding me that I never finished Phoenix right fight. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:32 Yeah, I really need to catch up. I need to go back and restart Case 2. After you put Galactus on the stand, there's not much you can't do. Yeah, really? Right? Yeah. And it's really good so far, the breakdown animation of the first guy that you put away is probably a series high.
Starting point is 00:44:50 That's like the thing after the Stinger, right? This is when he's done. Breakdown animations are like, when they're done, they don't have any other defense and you've captured them, right? Yeah. Combo like a Stinger into breakdown. Yeah. It's your reward for when you've got someone in Phoenix, right?
Starting point is 00:45:05 And this one is a Maximilian going nuts and just trashing something and it was really, really entertaining. So, I played that, I'm still playing that, I literally have it open. I'm going to continue playing that. I also was... Right now. Right now. As it's going on.
Starting point is 00:45:22 I was telling Liam that I put some time into Mother Russia Bleeds before and I was like... Yeah, you mentioned. I was like, it's pretty fun, except that I sure hope you get more moves and this beat them up because your repertoire is kind of light and a combo, a throw, and sliding attacks. That's pretty light. And a jump, obviously. And then in chapter three, it's kind of like I'm not... There's nothing here and you're doing the cool thing where you constantly have to get
Starting point is 00:45:53 a resource from guys you're killing, you have to pull blood out of them and that blood pumps you up. Because it's all drugged up. It's all drugged up. You can pick that drug that you want at the start to buffs and it gives you different stuff. Like you want better damage, but low defense. Yeah, there's a bunch of light RPG elements going on there.
Starting point is 00:46:13 A little light. One thing is that in an RPG, at least you gain new stuff and up in chapter three, I haven't really gained anything new. But then I saw that Devolver kindly posted a video of a guy doing combos and I was like, what are all these moves? Yeah, you mentioned. And there's a bunch of moves that the game just doesn't tell you that's in it. So one of them is that there's a straight up launcher, it's just Joe's knee from King
Starting point is 00:46:39 of Fighters. And then once a guy's in the air, you can juggle in with a hit or you can jump up in the air and do air throws on that body. Okay. And I'm like, okay. So the moment you introduce a launcher is that's when you're getting them up. Yeah, yeah. That's going to be no kind of changes.
Starting point is 00:46:54 And the other thing is that Liam just kind of mentioned it is I hadn't found a shotgun yet. Sounded like a regular pistol, but a shotgun will probably appear and you can throw any of your weapons, whatever, even if they're guns. And a guy, I saw the video where he throws a shotgun at a dude, bounces off him, he catches the shotgun, then shoots him and I'm like, yeah, okay, I need to put more time into this. That's super hot. A little bit of time.
Starting point is 00:47:16 It's super hot. But the game is still like, you know, it goes on a little long, certain like the level I was in and, you know, the art style is kind of very time slaughter, very, it's really rough. I like it. It's rough. It's cool, but it's also like some things look very samey as you go on, but I still like it.
Starting point is 00:47:34 The writing's a little kind of, it's just kind of there. I've been playing a lot of Prince of Persia games, some against my better judgment specifically. You're at the PSP masterpieces right now. I was playing Prince of Persia Revelations, which is just a port of warrior within, which has brand new levels not made by Ubisoft. The superior warrior within experience. So all it is is gigantic square rooms with waves of enemies and no resources, like no sand to replenish the repulse.
Starting point is 00:48:06 You showed me one of them. I let you play it for like 10 seconds. That sounds possibly better. No, it's not. No, it's not. Because there's no platforming. The contrast makes you appreciate that there's actually a lot going on because they're the most boring room.
Starting point is 00:48:21 Because when I streamed warrior within, I got past the part I had gotten in the PSP version because I stopped at these new levels because I'm like, no, these aren't, these aren't fun and whatever. I'll just play the console version or whatever. Did you ever go back to the 2D platformer one? I never, I forgot how to carry over my saves from my old Vita memory card to my new one. So I started a new game on the PSP for On Sands. But aside from that, I also saw a movie, a Korean horror movie that apparently played
Starting point is 00:48:56 a Fantasia, although I never remembered seeing the trailer on the DVD called The Wailing. And I saw 100% on Rotten Tomatoes and I was like, okay, okay, I'll, yeah. And I started it up and it's one of the weirder, it's on, it's on Xbox video, but like, it was one of the weirdest things where I'm like, is this a black comedy? Because you're literally a bumbling, like, nobody officer. You're Mike Meekins from Phoenix, right? And he's just kind of wandering around going, oh, shit, there's a murder. Oh, he trips over shit.
Starting point is 00:49:31 And he's always like, oh, I don't know what's going on. But the atmosphere is siren. Okay. That's kind of cool. So it's for up until a certain point, is it also supernatural or? Yes. Okay. Is there a laugh track?
Starting point is 00:49:45 No. Hmm. Do you feel like there was? Should there have been a laugh track? Yeah. No. But he just kind of bumbles around and he's scared of things and he'll go, I'm not going over there.
Starting point is 00:49:58 That's where that Jap lives in the subtitles. Yeah. Well, because you know, Korea and Japan, those orientals, them, they hate each other. They don't get along. They don't get along. All these murders are because of that evil Jap that lives by himself. And unfortunately it is because of him. Like that's not really a spoiler.
Starting point is 00:50:18 Like it's in the first 20 minutes where they show the Japanese guy doing weird shit. But as it goes on, it escalates like that kind of bumbling tone goes away once the stakes are raised. And it was actually really, really good. It's a long movie. It's about two hours and 30 minutes. But I really, really liked it. I really was, it was, I was kind of akin to the revenge trilogy.
Starting point is 00:50:41 Okay. Okay. So revenge and old boy and all that. Shenil Park. Yeah. It had that kind of feeling. You like that, huh? I was just thinking like, all you got to do is switch it around with other groups and
Starting point is 00:50:53 it becomes extra crazy. Like what if there was like a cop that was like in the Ku Klux Klan and there was one black guy in town. He's like, I bet it's that Negro and it was that guy was the murderer. That Mick was responsible because it's not to go too much into it, but the actual cause of the violence that's going on when I say siren, people go nuts with violent rages and just start killing neighbors and family members and they're like, what the fuck's going on? And they're like, it's the Jap.
Starting point is 00:51:25 And then they're like, no, it's that person, it's that person. And it's all kind of mixed up and it's, it's, it's really interesting to watch. So it was quite good. But yeah, it was, it was also really, really funny as well, but just to fight hatred. Yeah. And the kind of last thing I got is like, Liam, I'm not sure you had time to look through it, but kindly pat the, set me his very successful Kickstarter book, the ultimate guy to the money s, which about weighs 30 pounds.
Starting point is 00:51:50 Yeah. I would say that he shipped me two of them, even though I ordered only one. Yeah. He's like, Hey man, have a second one. I acquired that second copy from you. Yeah. Thank you. And boy, is it fucking heavy.
Starting point is 00:52:02 It's a big book. It's everything. It's double as a coffee table. Yeah. Yeah. It's coffee table, coffee table book. Yeah, exactly. You can, you can, I wish they had little fold out legs, but unfortunately it doesn't.
Starting point is 00:52:13 I was, I was pouring over it while I was reading playing Castlevania earlier actually. It covers all the European exclusive NES games, all the Japanese exclusive NES games. Yeah. I know the rest of the thing is European exclusive NES games. I knew that there was like maybe one or two. Mr. Gimmick. Yeah. No, it's in Japan.
Starting point is 00:52:29 It covers Mr. Gimmick and covers all the accessories. Covers everything. It's very thorough and he had a lot of contributors obviously because the sheer quantities is What? There's like what? 100 NES games? Maybe more? It feels like over a thousand.
Starting point is 00:52:43 Yeah. It's four every two pages. So like. Wow. What way to expose himself is not a punk. A punk wouldn't put this much work in. Yeah. That's true.
Starting point is 00:52:53 But he had a ton of contributors and I read through a lot of different, because they do an overlook on the game. Like they have info about the game, title, publisher, year, etc. And then a dump of info about the game, the content, the quality of the content, etc. That goes along with like a little review that's at the top, a five star score. Okay. And then after that, there's like notes from the person who wrote that about the game. How about they, like what their impression of the game was?
Starting point is 00:53:19 Is it like the hardcore gaming 101 books? Yeah, it's very similar. Yeah. Okay. Really good. The quality is way up there. And the book is high quality too. The quality of the book is amazing.
Starting point is 00:53:28 Yeah. Yeah. Nothing cheap about it. And for that Kickstarter, you could have opted for a digital version or like the big book and I was like, I want a big toilet book. This was the right choice. It's such a nice book. Like it's one of the nicest books I own.
Starting point is 00:53:39 Oh, speaking of which, since you mentioned the five star scale, let me go back a bit. Yes. Phoenix Wright, I give. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So far. And Mother Russia, Mother Russia Bleeds right now, I give it like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:50 Yeah. That's it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's where that stands. And yeah, I think you can now order the book or if you ever go to a con, Paddy Ennis Punk is like always going to have the books available.
Starting point is 00:54:04 Well, he can't possibly have that many. They're that heavy. I don't know. I was insane. Hey, I don't want to like, you know, burden with your shipping me something that I'm going to probably going to see you at a con, maybe the, you know, in the future. So one, I just come and pick it up and then, and he was like, yeah, sure. But you know, you paid for the shipping, like, I'll say, okay, I would have got the
Starting point is 00:54:26 book. I'm like, oh, thank Jesus. I didn't have to carry this on a plane or put it in my, it would make my bag too heavy. And you had to carry both. So you're like, oh man, exercise for the week. Yeah. Tell me about Soul Reaver Burnout. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:40 Really quickly. Soul Reaver Burnout. Cause Pat saw my notes saying like, what the, let me play Soul Reaver Burnout. It's because Liam kindly told me like, hey, you can kind of just get like Vita games on your Vita that aren't on the Vita store. And I was like, what? Yeah. A bunch of PS1 and PSP games that aren't like, that didn't get resubmitted for the Vita.
Starting point is 00:55:01 And when you look at them on the PS3 store, they don't even list the Vita under as a compatible Vita. They never got resubbed. It's a shame. But they play on the Vita. They play just fine with the emulation. They all have good stuff. That'll carry a Chronicles 2 was like the number one that I remember.
Starting point is 00:55:14 That was the big one. And then they finally officially got it on there. So my big one was I was telling Liam, it was like, man, did they ever release Burnout, like the Burnout Legends games, like the one on PSP? That's the one I never played. They released on the Vita and Liam was like, well, just check the store. And I was like, yeah. I was like, ah, no, they didn't.
Starting point is 00:55:29 And he's like, well, check the PS3 store is a way you can like maybe get it. And I was like, okay. And I found they had Burnout Dominator, which is obscure in that it was a PS2 only Burnout that came just a few months before Burnout, take down point of revenge, the revenge or right before Paradise. So not view very few people played it because why would you be playing it? But it was one of my favorite burnouts because I rented it back in the day and it had had like the Japanese version of Avril Lavigne's girlfriend song and it's immensely catchy
Starting point is 00:56:03 and Japanese. So I always had fun memories of like, like crash. Oh, I got to do the crash breaker. Hey, hey, you, you, I don't like your girlfriend. And I just remember having fun doing that. It's the same in Burnout Paradise. Turn off every song except for the ones you like. Yeah, just girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:56:21 Yeah. So I saw that that was on the PS3 and then I saw what other games are there. I was like, Soul Reaver, is that on the Vita store? No. Weird. I just started randomly playing Burnout Dominator and Soul Reaver back to back where I jumped from one. I was like, okay.
Starting point is 00:56:39 Yeah, that's like, go back to, all right, go back. And then where were we theorizing? The old God is like, what? The old God from like Burnout Soul Reaver? Oh, DJ Atomica. Yeah, that's right. Coming live from Nosconn. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:54 Tony J as DJ Atomica. Oh, yes, fellow burners. Man. Build up crash modifier points on otherworldly planes. Soul Reaver was building up to go somewhere and they just botched it every opportunity. Soul Reaver too? Well, just like every game, no game was ever as good as Soul Reaver was. They should have made Burnout Soul Reaver.
Starting point is 00:57:14 Yeah. The science is pretty rad though. Yeah, okay. It's like little Cain and little Razelle in the cars. You see their heads sticking out. It's Raziel. It's Raziel. Raziel is like, I must use the crash breaker.
Starting point is 00:57:26 Never before has the sentence of life been more applicable, but learn the lore. No, I don't want to. Dude, impenetrable. This is not even. No. Well, he doesn't know because his only exposure to Raziel was Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light because he tested that where both Cain and Raziel were characters. There are two Cains and there's Lynch and Raziel.
Starting point is 00:57:51 Yeah. But they're all in there. They didn't voice, they didn't say each other's names, right? It was just a skin. So, Willi never got to hear it said. But to be fair, I did expose myself as well back in the day with an issue of PSM Magazine that came with a demo disc on the cover and there was a demo disc that had the demo for Soul Reaver 1.
Starting point is 00:58:16 That's a really iconic piece of Soul Reaver art now that I think about it. I totally know exactly what you're talking about. And it was the beginning and it was the first part of the game. You want to talk impenetrable lore. I'm going to give you like a 15 second breakdown. There's Blood Omen. I know Blood Omen. I know a bit about it.
Starting point is 00:58:31 There's Blood Omen, Soul Reaver, Soul Reaver 2, Ignore Blood Omen 2 and Defiance, right? In all four of the canon games, at some point you time travel to a different game in the series, alter events and those events are canon from that point forward. In Defiance, you're going back in time to stop yourself from doing things you did in earlier games. You forgot about Noska. You know I didn't. You want to talk about Soul Reaver Black Sun?
Starting point is 00:59:01 I'll talk about that. Oh God. I only learned, I only saw how much footage came out of that like up until like a few months ago and I was like this game was like almost done. Well the first mistake is like the Defiance set up like finally you're going to play as Cain forever now and then it's like you're a human that got attacked by a shut up. Shut up. Right?
Starting point is 00:59:23 Soul Reaver Cover on PSM, my phone just died. Oh sure. I remember that. Well what have you do in the background all the time? But it's, you know it's weird that there's some games that never got resubbed like that. Bloody Roar 2, I have it on my computer. Bloody Roar 2. Daffling.
Starting point is 00:59:38 Just totally bad. Yeah there's some notable ones that never got resubbed. Like everyone assumes Crash and Spyro, there's some legal reason with Activision because that's always been a nightmare. Metal Gear Solid never got resubbed and isn't on the Vita Store but it works perfectly if you just load it from a PS3 on the Vita Store and that's the one, I remember that. That's fucking awesome. That's a really good thing.
Starting point is 01:00:00 That's a PSM magazine. Do you remember all the fucking suit art and drew? Amazing for PSM. Yeah and there was Punisher with a little Punisher Speedo and there's Tomb Raider and he did a ton for them. All sorts. All sorts. Like he made PSM.
Starting point is 01:00:14 He really did. Because who's not buying, what teenage boy is not buying that magazine? I bought PSM all the time. Damn sure. They were unofficial. Yeah. His RE2 art of Leon looking way cooler than he ever did in RE2 where he's got a gun. He's kind of going like, yeah, I mean I didn't buy them all the time but I did buy a few
Starting point is 01:00:36 but I was getting Nintendo Power free because I got the Cheerios box that got a free Nintendo Power subscription. Oh dang. So I was using that. You know what Nintendo Power usually like I'd say 90% of the time had shitty covers. Because it was just official art. Yeah. Well, after a certain point, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:53 But the best Nintendo Power cover I can think of is when Ocarina of Time came out and they did like a double mega huge issue and the entire thing was white and it was the main Ocarina of Time adult Link art and Nintendo Power's written in like gold foil and I was like fuck. That was the only good one though. When they had the Ocarina of Time game pro had better art on it than the original Nintendo Power one as well because they had that really cool one where it was all dark and Link was coming towards the top of the adult Link with the sword.
Starting point is 01:01:22 You know, I read that one. I know that one. Nintendo Power was like, it was really good back when they actually got exclusives like before like game journalism on the internet blew up and it just kind of ruined everything. And back when they did strategy because that was the best impressions of a game. When you looked at the review at the end and then there was like a guide with maps and it went through the first, it like really handheld you further through the first two or three levels.
Starting point is 01:01:49 I'll get a really good feel for what the game is. And that the advent of 3D games made maps less and less of a thing. You made them hard to do. Well, I mean, I don't think I've ever said this, but I remember the reason why I wanted to play Resident Evil 2 and went to the store to get it is because I bought Tips and Tricks and they had this February 1998, I think they had this amazing thing of Leon like fighting the G creature on the cover and I looked through it and I'm flipping through the pages and I'm seeing that there's like a million rooms in this game and it's the most graphically
Starting point is 01:02:21 advanced game I've ever seen in my life at the time and all these cool monsters and like I'm looking at I'm looking at the the official art of like Birkin on the train with the claw with his face in his chest and I'm going, oh my, this is the coolest ever, I need to get this. If you want to see if you want to see one of the best examples of like maps as games become 3D and the evolution of that. So check out the top view of System Shock and then BioShock 1 and its sequels all compared side by side and you watch how the maps go from labyrinths to just hallways.
Starting point is 01:02:57 Yeah. Well, there's that old goofy Call of Duty image. Like a lot of people post that and it's like it's like top tier shitposts like. I love top tier shitposts because there's validity to it, but on the other hand, a lot of older labyrinthian games, like the labyrinths suck. Yeah, there's bad labyrinth levels for sure. Like, fuck you, tell me every Wolfenstein 3D level is good. Fuck you asshole, they're not.
Starting point is 01:03:25 They're not all good. And some Doom levels are like better than others. You know what, like has a lot of the super linear stuff sucks too. Don't get me wrong. There's a nice middle ground. There's a nice middle ground. Like Duke Nukem 3D has fantastic design where it's like you don't get really lost. You know where everything is.
Starting point is 01:03:39 Yeah. I played that recently. Actually on the video. You know what? I had a blast. You know why Doom has such complicated maps because it only exists in 2D space. The only two things you can do are move and shoot. It's true.
Starting point is 01:03:50 Like that's why the layouts are so complicated because that's all you have. And there's very little verticality. You go up one staircase. Like Duke Nukem 3D, there is a vertical element that you can fly. You have a jet pack. And there's way more secret areas and levels aren't as complicated as even Doom. They're way better. You said that's the coolest shit in the world.
Starting point is 01:04:10 Oh my God. I'm freaking out. Sorry. I forgot a point before. It's like, you know, in Phoenix Wright, Apollo Justice, rather, when Trucy first brings out Mr. Hat and your mind melts and your like animations will never get better. No. Mr. Hat.
Starting point is 01:04:24 Oh wait. You don't know. Mr. Hat. Pat. Mr. Hat. Trucy. What? She takes Mr. Hat.
Starting point is 01:04:32 Oh yeah. Oh dude. Sorry. I was looking at you Liam and you told me like you haven't even gone to that one. I'm that near the end of trials and tribulations. It's like animation didn't exist before Mr. Hat. Why? Because you're talking about the 2D version or the 3D version?
Starting point is 01:04:47 2D version. Because the whole game is like this pretty standard visual novel with some animation and then you get to Mr. Hat and it's got like a billion frames of animation for this stupid bullshit. It's a robot that shoots out of a backpack and puts a hat on and it has like hundreds of keyframes. It's so stupid. It's like imagine playing Mario Brothers 1 but then he does a guilty gear move.
Starting point is 01:05:11 That's what it looks like and that's just one of those like mind-melting moments like this is the best shit ever. It'll never get better than this. Graphics will never move past this point. But yeah. What were we talking about? No. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:05:24 I'll take it. You were getting PSP games. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I'm done. I'll take it. Because I'll take it.
Starting point is 01:05:32 Actually I want to take it real quick and I'll take it back. Because I have info for you because I was informed of the Aotan situation. Oh yeah. Did you read up on that? I'm reading the discussion right now. Okay. Yeah. Tell me.
Starting point is 01:05:45 The full details about. The long and short is the guy at Kami, the subgroup that did it. Yeah. The Aotanas on Slop. His reasoning for it in the little manifesto he wrote comes off as extremely pretentious. Boy did it. He does make some points. I don't agree with the usage.
Starting point is 01:06:06 I would go with the official Titan anytime because it's the official one. But he does make some points where like Kyojin doesn't mean Titan. It means big man. Yeah. Or big person. And there are bits in the manga where they refer to like an area called the Giants Field. And they use the word Giants. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:27 They say Giants Field in that part. The English word Giants. Yeah. And he makes some good points. At the end of the day. At the end of the day on the Japanese manga cover it says Attack on Titan. Exactly. And because you want to smell your own grammar farts, you're going to fucking rename it.
Starting point is 01:06:42 You deserve to be made fun of forever. Yeah. People need to make fun of that name for the rest of the month. Exactly. So I read that and I was like, huh. All right. I get it. Because that manifesto is the ultimate variant that I've ever seen of.
Starting point is 01:06:55 Actually. Yeah. Because we all know that guy. Yeah. Of course. Of course. Me. He comes in and he does the thing like that and it's ridiculous that you would think like
Starting point is 01:07:06 really so your own like correction of what the author's intent was is what we're going to go with on this. I saw that. Okay. Sure buddy. That happened with Berserk where someone said it's not guts. It's Gatsu. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:21 Band of the Hawk was doing that for like 20 years. And then the movies came out with official subs. No. I am right in the middle of that giant paste bin right up of how that conversation went with here's why we arrived at just put a sign in front of us, but it says Titan. It doesn't matter what, you know, it says that says that dipshit anyway. So yeah, that that was an interesting thing that popped up. I'm glad that that document exists as opposed to just having no explanation whatsoever because
Starting point is 01:07:55 I enjoy taking a peek into the mind of the madness. Yeah, for sure. And again, he makes points. There are points, but none of them are larger than the font on the cover of the fucking book. Exactly. Like the author decided on that title. And so it's hard to end.
Starting point is 01:08:11 You could make the point that his stuff is inconsistent and that's super true. But sure. Go stand it. Go. Go stand in his again. I'm never going to use that. Go stand in his office as his team draws the chapters and look over his shoulder. Well, Kami's subs has always been a subgroup that loves like editorializing their subtitles.
Starting point is 01:08:32 And I remember when they were doing the JoJo subs right when they came out, they were the subgroup that did the super accented period dialogue. So everyone in part one, Phantom Blood talks like an old timey British people and says Ragamuffins and shit. I like that. Very inaccurate translation. But it's a lot of fun. There are bigger and clearer examples of this everywhere and the ones that actually bother
Starting point is 01:08:57 me. Every time I go to type Samurai Showdown, I type Showdown. But guess what? There's no W in the title. Well, there's one, but there should be two. But the word showdown is written as S-H-O-D-O-W-N and it's ridiculous, but they just didn't spell the word right. But that's official.
Starting point is 01:09:17 That's what it says. But that is a kid where I'm like, yeah, it's called showdown. Like I know that word, spelt, but like whatever, it looks cool, I guess. So I searched for that for years. Like whenever I have to look up Samurai Showdown information and it's only had the last three years of my life, we're like, man, that's just stupid. That's where Google corrects you and says, did you mean this word that Google has misspelled for you?
Starting point is 01:09:36 Yeah. Blame. The comic blame is meant to be blam, the sound effect for an explosion. Shut up. Shut up. That's stupid. He just spelt it because he didn't know. That's what you get.
Starting point is 01:09:49 So it's written as blame because he likes doing sound effects and onomatopoeia as his type. That's stupid as fuck. Yeah. That's dumb. Blasblue. Blazy blue. You know?
Starting point is 01:09:59 It happens, but you don't stand over there and going, actually. It's like, it's, you just have to go with it. You know? Just roll with it. It's pronounced cruel reminder. There you go. So yeah, no. I have the, I got to give Liam, I got to give you a fuck you, I got to give you a fuck
Starting point is 01:10:18 you. A big fuck you. Big fuck you. Did I recommend you something that was bad or gave you a big fright? Well, here's, here's the problem. Both. A week or two ago, you talked about Kubo and the two strings. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:31 And you said it was really good. It's fucking amazing. But you did not light a fire under our asses to go see this. You did. You undersold it. That thing is amazing. Yeah. It is a must see.
Starting point is 01:10:43 If you must do it now. Do it now. But he might not want that line. Why is that line in a children's movie? Oh my God. And that's the start. That's the start thing. But you might not want it to have inside it or, or under tailed.
Starting point is 01:11:02 That's fine. You know what? That's fine. I thought that was enough because I thought after Zootopia, you would learn that animated movies are fucking good. And if I'm telling you to see it. I saw a guy from Screw Attack on Twitter saying everyone should go see this. It deserves to be way more successful than it is.
Starting point is 01:11:18 All right. And I retweeted it. Don't. I had a couple of fans say it wasn't very good. I have time for this anime. I'm not going to undersell you next time. No. Fuck me.
Starting point is 01:11:27 And don't undertail it. Don't blow it up too hard. Okay. Because then your expectations go to hell. But you just did. I just did. It was to me. Someone else has seen it.
Starting point is 01:11:35 So it's too late now. Where did you see? Is it still at the forum? It's right at the forum. And I, to me, that was a, yeah, on the game pro scale. The fight scene. Oh, my God, this movie was so good. It had fights.
Starting point is 01:11:51 It's a kids movie. It has fucking real fight scenes and like platinum fights. And I fucking like, there's moments where I'm staring at it wondering like, I couldn't tell what I was looking at because I'm like, that is not CG. No. Something's happening. Stop motion. But it wasn't exactly stop motion.
Starting point is 01:12:09 It's both. It's both. And then you get that, that there's the credits reveal to you some of how they did it. There's stop motion, there's CG, and there's another thing that's in between where they basically made, what, not marry animation, but like, what is it? Stop motion. No. No.
Starting point is 01:12:30 He's talking about one of the, one of the big bads in the movie. It's a creature on a rig that is, animatronic, it's animatronic rig. He was actually stop motioned. Really? Yeah. They green screened it all out. Yeah. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:12:44 He was stop motioned as well. Okay. Dude, it's fucking nuts. The mixed medium. It is a nuts movie. It is enough time for this papercraft Gumby for Leeds. Yeah. That's fine.
Starting point is 01:12:52 That's fine. Dude. It's really good. Wow, man. Blown away by that. And you must blink to it now. Like, what a good line. And just at the basic level too, like, because I was like, oh, we can go, what do you want
Starting point is 01:13:03 to go see? Like, we're sitting there and we're like, oh, let's check out the trailer for this thing. And the cover, the fucking Beatles cover they dropped is so, while my, while my guitar gently weeps, but like covered with a shamisen is just like, I wasn't ready, man. Yeah. I wasn't fucking ready. It's so good. And the music is so good.
Starting point is 01:13:26 There's so much care. I love it. And everything's so well done. The music's amazing. It's too late. I've blown it up. I've overhyped it. I know it wasn't well done is letting people know this movie more or less existed months
Starting point is 01:13:39 and months ago. All right. In a movie theater that never played it here, there was a little standee of Kubo just kind of sitting there. And I went, wow, look at that generic looking samurai boy thing by DreamWorks or whatever. And here's the problem, right? The movie opens up and you see focus features, which is owned by Fox, which is for small indies, which is not small anymore because they blew up.
Starting point is 01:14:04 Yeah. And then you see, I think it's Kalika or like something like that. That's the name of the production company actually made everything. And then the movie starts. So it's not DreamWorks. It's not Pixar. It's not Disney. It's not an animated movie that's got the big names behind it.
Starting point is 01:14:21 So it's not going to get a good voice cast, but it doesn't have that marketing push that you would get from those any movies coming from those three studios. And that's why no one knows it exists. And as far as the characters go, they're not as easily marketable as most kids movies. I suppose not. Well, you look at like it's standing next to Secret World of Pets, where it's a bunch of fucking adorable animals. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:46 I never talked about that movie. I saw it. It sucked, by the way. So don't waste your time. What about the good dinosaur? It's not very good. It's the OK dinosaur. All right. I've seen it twice.
Starting point is 01:14:58 I watched it once on a plane when I went to when I went to Texas to be with a team four star and me and Liana watched it. And then she was like, that was the OK dinosaur. OK, great. Like there's some there's a thing that it's a Pixar movie and you expect better. There's something to be said for in a movie when a character is telling you a story in like not as the framing device, but like within the timeline of the movie. And you're just as enraptured as the audience in the movie is listening to someone telling
Starting point is 01:15:30 you a tale and you're just like hanging on every word because it's really interesting. And like the way it's being told is something you wouldn't expect. It's not it's not really like a normal kids movie. It really isn't. I guess that impression. Yeah. Also, I wouldn't. It's the kind of thing that I'm like at the end.
Starting point is 01:15:47 I wouldn't be surprised to find out that this is based on an ancient thing or based on an old story of some kind. But it seems like it doesn't seem to be. It seems like it was written by some white folks, you know, written by some Americans. They did a really good job getting everything to look right. Really, if you remember this, the the the studio's last movie was Coraline, yeah, which was written by based on a short story by Neil Damon. Did they do that other movie in between Coraline and this?
Starting point is 01:16:12 Well, I mean, let me Google it because like I I didn't see it. As far as I know, this is like the last one they made Coraline. I might be totally. When you stop making your last movie in 2009 and start making another stop motion animation, you're done now. Yeah, when the next decade is up. No, you might totally agree. You heard the thing about it when Wes Anderson was making a fantastic Mr.
Starting point is 01:16:36 Fox, he'd give everyone the directions for the day. Matt, they did two movies between Coraline. Oh, wow, never mind. No, it was Coraline, Paranorman. Oh, Paranorman, I remember that, I remember that, I remember that. I actually did see that one. I didn't realize that was by them because the other one was The Box Trolls, which was like that was like 2014.
Starting point is 01:16:56 And I have no idea how good it was. It's their worst rated movie as far as I can see by a significant margin. Yeah. What about Wes Anderson? Was it feel like to be as wrong as I am all the time? It's pretty wrong. And he goes, he gives everyone his directions for the day. The stop motion crew and says, all right, I'm out of here.
Starting point is 01:17:16 That doesn't stay on the set. You do all this shit. I do not have the patience for this. Gives everyone their direction, says, here's what I want to happen. Every scene, do this, this and this. And then he comes back the next day and says, oh, we'll do it over again. You didn't do this part, right? And like to be fair.
Starting point is 01:17:32 Yeah, yeah, yeah, no. It's literally telling the people to draw while you're gone. Your career is being outpaced by Daniel Day-Lewis's filmography. Right. You know, like, fuck. That's not fucking fair. But no, that was Kubo and the two strings. Man, yeah, it's it's a really, really good movie.
Starting point is 01:17:53 That's and that's I'll leave it there. You guys should go and see it. This is as good as Gumby. It's better than Gumby. A little bit better. You're afraid of Gumby, right? I was when I was a kid. Because there's this one scene.
Starting point is 01:18:04 There's this one scene where this robo Gumby chases Gumby around the truth in your face at that moment. I wish we could. It was it was really scary as a kid. You should stop talking about this, because when I told everyone about, like, man, that one Bert and Ernie sketch, everyone threw the video link at me and started giving me screen caps. I still don't get why you're afraid of Ernie's sketch.
Starting point is 01:18:26 I watched it. It's horrifying. I watched it recently and I was like, yeah, OK, not scared anymore. Yeah. But you think this movie is pretty, like, way darker than it ought to have been every time I was four years old. Every time I toss a crumpled piece of paper at the garbage, I fear that Gumby is going to open up a door and swat it out of the air.
Starting point is 01:18:45 So that's there. Oh, yeah, I love that gift that I adore it. Every variation of that has been fantastic. I do like Gumby. The Dark Souls one's pretty good. Yeah, Dark Souls, Gumby. Yeah, and the only other thing I did this week was pull the trigger on Lucha Underground on Archie Comics Mega Man.
Starting point is 01:19:07 Oh, yeah, cool. I thought you're going to say Archie by Fiona Staples. Well, fuck that thing. Archie temporarily by Fiona Staples. Fair enough. Anyway, Archie Comics Mega Man. I sat down and I read the entirety of the Mega Man. At what point did him and Sonic just start to make out twice?
Starting point is 01:19:25 OK, so. And I read those two. Yeah, because there's someone. Twelve issue crossovers. You or someone said something about Twitter where it's like, will you hire you something Mega Man? I was like, what? They must be talking about.
Starting point is 01:19:36 Oh, no, no, no, no. Yeah, probably Command Mission, but I didn't. I didn't talk to. Yeah, no, this was research material for Command Mission, pretty much. And I know I will get some more. You know, I was going to drop it in the L3. But yeah, I thought you were here. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:50 So here's the thing about it. The books done and they're done in 2013, so they're not even that old. And it's done. The run is done now. They I guess it got candid 55 or so, which is a shame, because it's right around the time that they're approaching the Mega Man for story. So like, that's a good time to cut it. Yeah, it's like where Dr.
Starting point is 01:20:09 Cossack is around. Yeah, right when Mega Man went downhill. But I do have to honestly say that, like, for a comic book adaptation of the ridiculousness of fighting Wiley all these times and the robot masters and all like, they do a respectable, commendable job. So making a story out of there. There's a moment that I know that we all appreciate, which is like when Sigma burst through a wall and he's like,
Starting point is 01:20:38 it's me, Sigma again. And X is like, is that represented in this comic? You get Wiley burst through a wall because Wiley is as almost as resilient to Sigma and you get that feeling so good, so developed. Mega Man is just like, but it's more because that happens early on. It goes beyond that. And it gets to a point where it's like, Wiley, what is wrong with you? Like, no, seriously, like actual drama.
Starting point is 01:21:09 What is actually and like Dr. Like this comic. Yeah. And Dr. Light is like, like, I'm you're my friend and I just want to believe in saw in you in something. Yeah. And Wiley's just like, I'm crazy. I can't ride robot. I can't as much as like Sonic's a punchline.
Starting point is 01:21:29 Like the the comics are fairly serious and like he goes through the robot masters and you get to a point where it's like, OK, the first ones that were stolen by Wiley and he brainwashed them. Yeah. And then you can save those guys. And so they hang out. Well, the cast of Mega Man one guys, they're they're all cool. OK, does this come up? Because in the Mega Man cartoon, they do the same story and all of Wiley's
Starting point is 01:21:50 justification is that I'm jealous of how talented Dr. Light is and I want to steal all his shit and I want to be more famous and more respected than him. That's all it ever was. Pretty much. I'm a better. Yeah. Yeah. The shitty cartoon. Yeah, I know. But that's what it is.
Starting point is 01:22:04 I'm a better. I'm a better scientist. I should be getting recognition. So I could steal all your amazing. It's like, but Wiley, you're banned from working on robotics because you did unethical experiments. You made all those baby bombs and you're you're not allowed to. But he reached out and all of his branch to kind of get you involved here. And it's just it's great how the madness of these continuing games
Starting point is 01:22:23 and the endless fights actually works into the story. That's great because I remember there was always this fan theory that like the X universe happens because at some point. That was me talking about my headcanon in the L.P. At some point, Mega Man has to kill Wiley and then he's just going to do that infinitely. And there's there's a breaking point. The Batman Joker thing.
Starting point is 01:22:45 But Mega Man has to follow the rules of robotics, number one of which is do not hurt human beings. Yep. Can't do it. And that's why you got to steal Mega Man away. And that's why X gets free will. That's why we talked about that's exactly that's exactly it. And so here, the fucking fucking like Mega Man, like chronology is the coolest fucking thing.
Starting point is 01:23:03 But only if you fill in little blanks that with things that are never things that never happen. Yeah, it was a thing. Yeah, you get some really interesting moments and stuff because like I said, those first guys get saved. The second one gots man and cut man. That's all fine. They're cool. You know, I'm going to make paper dolls out of you.
Starting point is 01:23:21 You know, and it's like and the second guys, it's like you can kind of save them, but they're they're more programmed to also be military robots and attacks. So it's like hard, you know, you have to they're bad to the bone, brother, then like the third guys are the third robots are just like, we don't want to do this. This sucks, but I'm programmed to kill you. Mega Man and Mega Man's like, I got your power.
Starting point is 01:23:44 He's like, you can't win. And it's like, I know it's like fuck. And there's a page that got posted and it gets sent around often where it's Mega Man taking out dust man and dust man. It's just like he gets blasted. He's like, you knew I was afraid of the needles and the spikes. So you had to switch to the spike power, didn't you? And Mega Man's like, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:24:02 And he's like, yeah, it's fine. Do what you got to do. Take the shot, kid. And Mega Man blows his head off point blank, like fuck, you know, like this shit sucks, man. I can see him. It's really and it's not like it's not in a dream to the world. And it's not in a try hard.
Starting point is 01:24:21 It's not in a try hard edgy way. It's an actually like, no, this is this is done properly. Right. So it's a really entertaining read. And it sounds like it manages to fit in ridiculous levels of obscurity and give it like respect, like the the super adventure rock man Japanese game that was made that takes place between two and three. Work it in there. They work it in there and it's a big part of the plot, you know,
Starting point is 01:24:47 and like they get in early doctors, they get in visions of the future and stuff like that. It's like all sorts. It makes sense, man. You get a visions of and then it has the visions of X as well. And they have a moments where you sort of jump to the future and see the beginnings of that timeline. And that's done really interestingly.
Starting point is 01:25:05 So a lot of this is like taking what you could from the bits and pieces of game cannon and trying to make a story that's coherent out of it. And yeah, it's a really commendable job. There's a there's a few things that I'm like, you know, that was a bit like sure, you know, and like, but relatively strong overall. Relatively worth reading if you're a fan of the cannon and you kind of want to see it put into a sensible context. That's what you can probably skip is the Sonic crossover Mega Man thing.
Starting point is 01:25:34 Oh, yeah, that takes up four eight issues of the main Mega Man series, but also bleeds into the Sonic universe. Sonic Boom, Sonic the Hedgehog comics. And you have to jump back and forth. The prego arc, Sonic, but I will say that I've got your power. Yeah, they're most roll around in my own feces. There's not much there worth reading, but there's two things that are really cool about them, and specifically in the second crossover.
Starting point is 01:25:59 One is X because the villain of the first one is Wiley teams up with Robotnik, Eggman and do their whole thing. That's a hard team to beat must assess scientists for life. That's I don't know. Versus blue protagonists like Wiley's bases with Robotnik's like vehicles. Yeah. Yeah. So then and then the second but then the second one, Sigma is the big bad.
Starting point is 01:26:22 OK. And that gets particularly interesting because they pull in because they do the whole cross dimensional thing gets worked in a in a pretty like, you know, not so way. But you have one thing that I always wanted, which is a short comic that is a conversation between Mega Man and X. And it's like it's pretty much the kind of things you'd want them to talk about. Yeah. You know, it's like your programs with free will. You actually have it versus you are programmed to help.
Starting point is 01:26:53 It is it seems like you have free will, but you actually don't. And what are these two converse about? You know, of course. And like what? Yeah. And like so it's the closest thing to that bridge that you're talking about, Pat, that we never really get is. Hey, buddy, how are you? I bleed out of my robot skin.
Starting point is 01:27:10 Yeah, something like that. And it should be as cool as zero. And then Wiley was right, by the way, because zero is a better robot than X. Sure. Yeah. And then the other thing is. All right, so. Unified army. So because they start going into worlds and crossing over things,
Starting point is 01:27:29 you get the unified army that has to fight Sigma, right? And this is an issue, a Mega Man 52. So you get the Sonic heroes. You get Mega Man's world and all there and all and everyone that that includes. And you get the future world with X zero. Wow, they threw Axel in there. And then you get the Sonic boom world with comedy. Chimp. Right. Comedy.
Starting point is 01:27:50 Chimp infested as long as those three are in there. That's fine. Right. And then the various evil forms of Sigma as built to the body, built by Robotnik. And then you get from the world of Billy Hatcher. Billy Hatcher, Rolly Roll. No, shut up. No, that's bad to scramble. Then you get from the world of Golden Axe, Axe, Battler, Tyrus and Gileus.
Starting point is 01:28:10 Then you get Panzer Dragoon. Shut up. Then you get Alex Kidd. Then you get Knights into Dreams. Then you get Skies of Arcadia. Oh, come on. Then you get Ghosts and Goblins. Then you get Okami. Then you get Beautiful Joe, Street Fighter, Monster Hunter,
Starting point is 01:28:25 Breath of Fire 3, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Because Capcom and Sega as a whole. The fact that the universes that they reach. I want to point out that the Monster Hunters are the same person. Yeah. B-Line and Paloco are exactly the same thing. So this was a global Gorma Gala is in there, too. Yeah, Gorma Gala is the big winner on that.
Starting point is 01:28:46 So this was a fucking fun crossover to read. I was just thinking about the idea of Wiley and Robotnik teaming up because everyone's like, because man, I mentioned the vehicles. I was like, do you like? OK, Wiley had infinite, like it's always felt like Wiley had infinite time because for some reason they always let him out of jail or some stupid shit. But Robotnik in the Sonic series clearly has infinite resources because he has a planet.
Starting point is 01:29:09 He has a planet that is the death egg. Yeah. Is stupid, stupid, gigantic, massive, super planet. He has robots that do everything and the roboticization process. There's a panel where or Emmy uses the celestial brush to slash Sigma and Sigma fucking stops it. How do you stop God? He's a robot because he will he gets that powerful
Starting point is 01:29:36 because he puts his hand in the stops. The. OK, I'll tell you how I'll tell you how right now, canonically, how Sigma can stop God because in the crossover universe, that means even if everyone in Japan believes in Amaterasu, that's the Japan from one crossover universe. And her power is therefore like diluted by every crossover universe. And if they get less powerful, even the even the fucking not self-insert, but made up OC, do not steal characters.
Starting point is 01:30:09 Nestity is Beaver and Comedy Champ. Not even those. I mean, in the mega man world, like Quake Woman and other scientists and other characters that are like and Xander Payne and these characters that are just created by the comics actually are not cringe worthy. Like it. You tell me Quake Woman is in it and she has a role that actually is interesting. Are the strong there?
Starting point is 01:30:31 No, it's a Mega Man character. Quake Woman from talking about no, I'm talking about Quake. It's an original. No, what Quake Woman are you talking about? The one Willie just explained who's an original character written by Archie Comics and I was making the joke that like, oh, you doom guys in there. Yeah, get doom guy in there. Sorry, nobody else listens.
Starting point is 01:30:52 Yeah. And I heard Quake Woman. But I'm like, that's the worst name ever because it sounds like it's a woman from Quake. You can understand. No, no, it's Mega Man. Name and conventions like Quake Man, Quake Woman, like Splash Woman, Splash Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. So like she she's one of the robot masters as well. And like, and like, but again, it's there's a purpose.
Starting point is 01:31:14 It's interesting. It's a character that like originally had a personality that was pulled out because the person was like the person that made her was like Dr. Light cared too much said, fuck it, you're just going to be a tool from now on. And then you kind of has and then eventually like feels bad about that and gives them a personality back. So they have to discuss what that is like and what the ethics are of Dr. Light calling role and Mega Man and Rock, his son and daughter.
Starting point is 01:31:38 And everyone's going like, you're being way too creepy with those robots, man. You know, I'm not like, just think about that in real life. Like some guys got his real doll wife and you're like, hey, dude, you're winning. You know, that's that's the problem. Does it does have done? Society won't let us like role always wanting to help and Dr. Light shoving a mop or a vacuum cleaner in her hands. They never stop making for the dumb.
Starting point is 01:32:03 And they always introduce him as fighting robot, super fighting robot. They there's there's a homage is to the fucking don't say lion's captain and Mega Man. And there's tobacco smoky. There's homages to everything. Tobacco smoking Mega Man. There's homages to everything. And so I'm fun.
Starting point is 01:32:23 Yeah, I actually think it's a fun read and it's sad that it ended prematurely because I had I didn't have confidence. You take the endless battles and make them make sense. And not only did you do that, but you made it so that I'm like, I have faith for you to take this all the way to the end. I would really like it to see them get to eight so we can see like Dr. Light go on like a year long drunken binge. So he's like, we have to stop Dr.
Starting point is 01:32:49 Why are we Dr. Marvory Dr. Wowie. Dr. Wowie. Yeah, yeah, yeah, wowie. Dr. Light, what the fuck is wrong with you? He stutters over his lines. Like if you rewatch those he calls him one Mega Man because he stutters. Yeah, because he's reading the lines wrong.
Starting point is 01:33:07 Yeah, it sounds like he's from Animal Soccer World. No, Animal Soccer World is a whole level. And this is the part where somebody in the comments lets us know that that voice actor is totally dead. Yeah. And that it is a bad thing for a dead man. Like whatever. It's hard to feed yourself when you can't get work. Yeah, can't get work when you're dead.
Starting point is 01:33:29 To be fair, though, when you're saying it's it's hard to justify how to the endless battles, I always thought that about Street Fighter, the comic. I was always like, yeah, and even when I, you know, we've read through it as much as we have, a lot of it still doesn't make sense. Street Fighter comic good. You know what? OK, I don't know. OK, I don't know. Here's the thing. Here's the thing. It bounces. There are panels.
Starting point is 01:33:49 Is it a good. It is. Is it a cover? Is it a good story? No. Is it a fighter or Mega Man? Is it a Street Fighter? Yeah. Is it a good like approximation of what those games are trying to communicate to you? Yes. Yeah. In fact, it's way better than the games could actually deliver. So that's what you kind of get, you know?
Starting point is 01:34:12 And in this case, it's a little bit similar, but I like it. But it's better. It's better than the higher quality. Yeah, it's better than the Udon. Oh, yeah. Then Udon Street Fighter. Yeah. Yeah. OK. Yeah, I would say so. When you consider the tone that Mega Man is supposed to be. How much do you like all this Mega Man lore? Like, how are you, like, interested in even like learning?
Starting point is 01:34:31 Tell me about the Pixie War. I was interested. Pixies from the Mega Man Zero future are just what happens when reploids that evolve into the future, basically, it's the equivalent of their souls living on. We're also have souls. That's super. But it's it's the spark. It's almost like they do because they have the ability to make decisions.
Starting point is 01:34:50 And that's how I feel about that. They're truly a part, truly alive, part. So, you know, it's it's all in all in all. It was like, I'm like, I'm we're playing my command mission. And I'm like, I want to find out more about Mega Man, make more of a Mega Man, because I know nothing. That's not true. I played a bunch of those games. Massive liar.
Starting point is 01:35:08 But I know, but I apparently I know nothing because there's so much that I got wrong. So I wanted to go back and find out what was up. Get something right. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Hopefully, eventually, if you keep trying, Pat knows all about that. One day. Does Pat know about Malcolm X? At this point, probably. Or does he have if Capcom owned Malcolm X,
Starting point is 01:35:29 we'd be up to Malcolm ZX Advent. If you saw the tweet that someone made after that comment, I retweeted that today. It was pretty good. Oh, boy. It's a sequel. Yeah. Yeah. Because I asked for it. Here you go. You got Malcolm. That's fucking stupid. Malcolm X. Malcolm's Audi XC and Malcolm ZX Advent is fucking so stupid.
Starting point is 01:35:55 That's super. That's one of the dumbest things I've ever seen on Twitter. I love it. It's real good. I'm happy to really. You don't think that joke can carry itself, but it's super can because they use the same picture of Malcolm X in every one shot. It's not even close. It's like they didn't make an anime, Malcolm X. I'll be talking about that.
Starting point is 01:36:15 Oh, like Weedleweed. Yeah. Yeah, I saw that. That was well animated. Smokeweed every day, guys, or rather, well edited. You can find out more because I'll be talking about this more in the Mega Man Command Mission. Oh, some cross commercials, which I'm having a really fun time with because it's the perfect like that's a game I always wanted to touch, but never did. Yeah. You know, how's your week?
Starting point is 01:36:36 Hey, man, I only have so I talked about on Taka Titan with Liam, that game's awesome. That game's fucking dope. But yeah, not much to say other that you guys haven't said. And much like another thing that you guys have talked about at length at nauseam, which there's not many things that I can add. But I do want to ask a question. I have a couple of questions. Sure.
Starting point is 01:36:55 Number one, why does Masquerita Sagrada use the Mass Effect to launch trailer music as his intro theme? Probably because it might actually be like a public domain. It's a it's a it's I looked it up. It's it's from an album called Invincible. It's called Heart of Courage that's used all the time and everything. It's a sad bank. Masquerita Sagrada comes out and I'm like,
Starting point is 01:37:19 why is he coming out to the theme of Mass Effect 2? Why are you super weird? Why are you noticing the music they're coming out to? Because no one's entrance is ever matter unless you're terrible. Because or the man called Cage. It's the only one I noticed that in Tacanos. I like Tacanos theme a lot. They underplay them so much.
Starting point is 01:37:38 So Lucha Underground is pretty OK. And King Cornyn. It's pretty all right. Yeah, me and the missus have been watching it quite often. And oh, my God, that's exactly what I always wanted. It's always what we wanted. And I finally OK. So what? Listening to you guys talk about Dario.
Starting point is 01:37:59 I had a very different vision of what I thought Dario was going to be. I thought that Dario was going to be like Elvis from God Hand. He was going to be like this big, fat piece of business. Man, with a suit that doesn't quite fit. Yeah, sweaty chest hairs rolling out physically. And he's covered in gold, like a Gideon tie. And he's like, now you wrestle for Dario like that. Mando the Fat Man.
Starting point is 01:38:24 That's what I thought. But instead, you get this tiny little scrawny bitch, Spaniard. But he's still like a slick business man. Yeah, but instead of like greasy under because it's called lucha underground. So I thought it was going to be like a criminal looking like. And because he's a different kind. So who cares? People are genetically disposed to hating him.
Starting point is 01:38:49 I just expected a very different Dario. It's just the same thing. I expected a slimy Dario, not a sleazy Dario. Right. That's sure. And I understand now the the gags about where is Dario's office? Where is its relation to the world? I was talking to my girlfriend about it and we were we were we were arguing about it because we were watching a scene in which his office.
Starting point is 01:39:12 I'm like, where is his office? And she's like, it's next to the ring. And then the far side is against the window. And then it immediately cuts to like the hallway shot. And like, well, what about that hole? It's just, well, it must be on one of the side. Then where's the light coming from? They cut to the side walls and they have nothing.
Starting point is 01:39:29 Where is the light source like shoot when they're filming stuff inside his office? That's a sound state somewhere else. And then when they actually. So if you've got to Tejano, then you might have gone past the part where Johnny Mundo fights another big Mexican star, OK, and throws that Mexican star through a certain object. Probably you wouldn't know this if you fight. So never mind, I won't I won't say that because it involves Dario and Dario's office. OK, then you haven't got it.
Starting point is 01:40:03 Never mind. Tejano has been there for a while. I don't remember Johnny Mundo doing anything like that. Not to Tejano, to someone else, but I don't want to say who that person is because Wally doesn't know who it is. OK, but you got. But like, there's one part you got to that was talking about like where a character goes from being a Def Jam character into becoming a Street Fighter character. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, because like you just he like Pat only saw like the change that occurred.
Starting point is 01:40:28 Yeah, I didn't see the. And then I was like, and then what happens? Dude, it's the. Yeah, it's the. And also the the actual matches are fantastic. I remember no murder versus versus Phoenix. What was the ending of that match? One of them won. What was the move that won? Oh, it was it was the coffin match.
Starting point is 01:40:52 Yeah, yeah, yeah, because like me and Wally were talking about like Cage, how Cage comes in, right? Yeah. And Cage FMV backstories. Cage comes in in a match against three nobodies who have never shown up. Yes, ever. Yes. And they like and they kill it. Like I'm so good.
Starting point is 01:41:10 I'm looking at the guy from South Africa. What's his name again? And Helico. I don't know how to go. Yeah, Xbox, boy. And Helico. He's dressed like an Xbox. And he's where he's got no mask and he's just some dorky white guy from South Africa, and he's wearing a lucha underground shirt. Yeah. And I look at that and my brain goes built to die.
Starting point is 01:41:27 Yeah. Like the ultimate job. And then they like Cage comes in and wrecks all their asses super hard because he's he's getting the big push. But they then go on to like he has a long running feud with Son of Havoc and and an arrow star who gets wrecked for the hardest. It's like this amazing fucking five match set with Drago. And like, oh, there's no the only jobbers I can think of are like famous. Be famous, not even people are telling me until the end of season two.
Starting point is 01:41:58 He starts doing some shit. It's like it's it's a weird thing. It's like it's a it's a it's a it's a realm in which there are no jobbers. The lowest you can get to is the middle of the card. Yeah, even though there has to be matches to start. And Helico goes on to do the craziest shit of all time and gets over super hard. And now he's one of my favorites. He's great. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:20 And and and just so that means when a guy comes in and just destroys everyone like Milmore takes once he comes in or Cage or Cage when he comes in. Like it's not like it's not like when like Kane gets announced and he comes in and murders all four doinks. Yeah. Right. It's like, no, those are real wrestlers. There's a there's a stake here. Yeah. Oh, it's it's it's the best. This is the gift we need to use from now on. This is Dario staring at Conan and they're just nodding
Starting point is 01:42:49 and smiling with their fingers being what does what does Vampiro think of Conan? He thinks he's a bad guy. He's a bad, corrupting influence. I don't know, brother. I don't trust this. Conan guy. So I really like you mentioned that the Vampiro is like not the best on later seasons or something like that. Well, even in season one, he's really not that great. And then people said, keep watching.
Starting point is 01:43:13 He does something amazing towards the end of season one. And then he does and then I was like, oh, my God, that's really good. I can't wait to see where they go through it. And then in season two, it goes nowhere and it goes back to the status quo. Weirdest thing. The weirdest thing about listening to the commentary and lucha underground is that I can't like they will switch. Who is the heel commentator constantly?
Starting point is 01:43:35 Every man constantly that striker will be watching that striker who is a by the books like classic. All the technical shit, right? We'll be watching a match and someone will be taking out a gun and threatening someone with it. And he'll be like, that's a good move. No rules. That's that. You know, there's no rules here and lucha underground is a smart technique and Vampiro is like, he just pulled out a gun, man.
Starting point is 01:43:56 That's stupid. Here's the other thing. If Johnny Mundo gets up on the top and like is going to destroy this dude and he like makes one little move to the crowd, like, yeah. And then he'd be like, oh, man, Vampiro will meet the actor. Vampiro fucking just turns on really hard. There's shit all over him, like the state of him. Look at them. What the fuck? You see, look at the show boat and he's not hooking the leg.
Starting point is 01:44:16 But if Jack Evans, but if Jack Evans, a guy that comes in a bit later, who is a showboat guy, I really like what Jack Evans is doing. And it's like, but Johnny Mundo, here's the difference. People are like, well, because he's the heel announcer, but Johnny Mundo and Jack Evans have the exact same character. I'm a super good athletic guy with cool moves and I'm good looking and that's whatever, but he has two completely different reactions to the same character. Whereas Jerry Lawler will go, do you have tits?
Starting point is 01:44:46 I will vote for you and I will. Are you evil and unscrupulous? I will always kiss you. That striker does something that I've I've never seen in pro wrestling announcing in which he's. So what? I always dislike only referencing other realms. That's so like wrestling never specifically by name. Like never says WWE.
Starting point is 01:45:07 But he says the name of the wrestling wrestling and they're all wrestling promotions to my knowledge from what I've seen all existed up until now into this weird parallel that we're in universe in which zombie movies don't exist. Yeah. Right. In like, you can't acknowledge the wrestling outfit is the only wrestling outfit. And he's talking about like, yeah, when so and so went to Japan and fought so and so in the match in the 70s, shades of Ricky Steamboat versus Ric Flair. If it's great, but on top of that,
Starting point is 01:45:33 someone will do a move that is a classic and he will name everything that move has ever been called. And yeah, he will say all four versions in a row. Do you know why? And because he doesn't want to get corrected on Twitter. Yeah. Yeah. So he'll say all four names in case people smart. And they're coming out and say, oh, but that's that was called.
Starting point is 01:45:55 What? I remember they cut back to like him and he's always got this big pile of notes next to him. Yeah. And I originally thought that was the script that they were supposed to follow, but then I noticed it like, no, that's like his notes on every wrestler that he's just peering at. And then you always get the like, and Vamp, you know what? We're getting the social media coming in, telling us that people love seeing this gun in the ring. And it's like, but it's not live, Matt.
Starting point is 01:46:18 What social media? Well, he says, like, thanks for all your like, you just generally thanks social media for even saying anything about which underground. Just they'll try to do. Vampiro does fantastic. Vampiro does one thing that I laugh the loudest at, not a major thing, but still in season one, Pimpinella. Yeah, Pimpinella.
Starting point is 01:46:37 Pimpinella is in the ring. Pimpinella and Masquerita are fucking the best. I can't control myself. They are going to make out with this. Right. They are going to make out with this. You guys want to see it? You want me to make out with the ref? Yeah, I want to see. Yeah, do it.
Starting point is 01:46:51 They're the best gimmick wrestlers I have ever seen. Pimpinella is in the ring and they're like, they're taking apart like this, this group or whatever. They're having fun in the ring. And then Katrina comes to the ring and like, Milbert has done some stuff and it just winds up with Katrina in the ring. And she does the weird kiss to Pimpinella. And it's the announcers are silent.
Starting point is 01:47:15 But then Vampiro goes, I don't. That that was weird, man. Hey, brother, anyone's welcome in Luchagrad. Anyone from down the street can come in and sign up. So me and Willie were like giggling ourselves stupid the last time I came in or his house, speak over one person. And that person is El Narayachi Loco. Yeah, because that's a job or he is.
Starting point is 01:47:38 You've seen him do everything. He doesn't come back for a while. His fucking gimmick of he used to do the dishes at the restaurant down the street and then he heard Lucha Underground was starting up. So he just found a mask, put it on and he asks for tips after his matches. That is amazing. It's strong. He's one of the guys that doesn't really go anywhere.
Starting point is 01:48:00 Yeah, of course. He just he has a couple of lucky things about masks. Unless he comes back to turn him into a new person. Yeah, yeah. Hey, look, it's fucking Danny Trejo in the audience. Yeah, yeah, he's digging it. He's in there. He loves that.
Starting point is 01:48:13 So I have a real question and it relates to the other wrestling worlds. Alberto El Patron shows up. Yes, as the active triple A champion. Oh, not it's not called the triple A championship. Do you remember what it's called? No, undisputed. So what? You're the mega champ, but he comes in with like an active
Starting point is 01:48:36 championship from another wrestling league. What is the deal with that? No, that's because triple A helps set up Lucha Underground. So they're actually connected. They will give a roster to share stables. OK, because like I was so baffled like triple A is like letting them get away with crazy shit here. They're giving them both of their former champs
Starting point is 01:48:56 and their own like when he comes in with the triple A belt, the Lucha Underground belt doesn't exist because it was destroyed. You can also go but you can go look up like like local gigs where like Pentagon and Johnny Mundo are doing shit and Rick and Shay, AKA Prince Puma is doing shit, you know, and like, yeah, like they're totally allowed to work outside of the contract. It's great. I have a question.
Starting point is 01:49:22 Do you like the fact that Prince Puma doesn't speak? I do like that. OK, because I'd be fine with speaking. But he he can speak. Yes, his gimmick isn't that he can't speak. So there's there's an interview where they're about to give him the and he's literally going now. The problem with this is that he's not Mexican.
Starting point is 01:49:42 He's not Mexican. He's like a mixed black guy. Shut up. He's got the blood of ancient Mayans. So he can't speak because, A, if he tries to put on a rate on an accent, that's racist and B, like that's it. Yeah, they can't speak normally because you got no blood from any Aztec thing going through you because when like Blue Demon or Sexy Star Pentagon
Starting point is 01:50:07 grabbed the mic and they're like going crazy in Spanish, you know, they're really and then they try and speak in English and you're like, OK, OK, OK. That's fine. Go back to Spanish. You can barely speak English. You're a wrestler from Mexico. Your top biller is a dot dot dot guy. You know what I love, though, is when people speak Spanish to someone and they speak in English and everyone understands everyone.
Starting point is 01:50:30 Yeah, that's great. Yeah, I didn't know that. I didn't know that Vampira was like a fluent in Spanish, like as fluent as he is. Like his interviews in Spanish with the guys are fantastic. You know where he's from? No, originally when he's born and raised. I thought he was from the Mexico of Transylvania.
Starting point is 01:50:44 He's born and raised in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Not Boyle Heights. Not Boyle Heights. Then moved to Mexico to start a wrestling. I did not know that Vampira was one of our boys. Yeah, yeah, from Thunder Bay. No, you mean Thunder Bay? Thunder Bay.
Starting point is 01:51:02 Oh, yeah, but it was crazy. Anyway, fucking Thunder Bay. But you haven't finished season one. No, no, there's still about half of it to go. OK, OK, because you like literally where you are, you you've I've seen the basement. You don't know what's in there. We've just made guess what? They guess what?
Starting point is 01:51:20 I am five episodes into season two. I still don't know what he's talking to something. He's talking to someone. The parallels with Attack on Titan are so extreme. On that day, Pritz Puma received a cruel reminder because there's the moment where Johnny Mundo just grabs Dario and pulls a key and you're like, what? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, the key to what?
Starting point is 01:51:44 On his neck. The medallions? No, the key. No, but you get to the medallions. No, not the medallions. I told you about them. You forgot. You forgot.
Starting point is 01:51:53 But the first thing I ever said on this podcast was the seven medallions of power that unite to create the ultimate belt is something. They could be hit. All right. Dude, it's the best. Don't forget. We all need to move. We've got to move.
Starting point is 01:52:10 We've got to do a spoiler cast. We've got to move. All right. So hey, the Super Mario is coming to iOS. Yeah. Looks good. I'll give that a go. Hey.
Starting point is 01:52:20 It looks good. I'll give that a go. You know what? It's not a free to play game. It's a premium game. That makes me go, oh, I'll buy that. Yeah, exactly. That is a real game I will play.
Starting point is 01:52:30 New Super Mario Brothers style platforming, never a bad thing. Those were probably the most valuable assets Nintendo ever created without knowing it. Right. You're totally right. I think how many games has it been reused? The most valuable asset I've seen is Miyamoto sitting in the front of the Apple conference looking thoroughly unimpressed. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:53 For 90% of it. To be fair, he always looks unimpressed when he's at anything. Yeah. He does have resting bitch face. Yeah. But it was really funny to see those tweets before the announcement of people going like, oh, shit. Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 01:53:06 Here we go. That is a cool moment, though, when it's like someone you don't expect. Yeah. Definitely. Has her eyes at Microsoft's conference. Matt, back in his own stage. Back in an old forgotten show that we did, we joked about how imagine you're at a Capcom like captivate event or like a press release and then Ed Boone walks on stage and it's
Starting point is 01:53:26 just like, ah. Well, I would fucking lose my shit for life. That's it. You don't even say what happens after. Cut the feed, you know? Like reverse. Reverse just is true at like a midway or like whatever of Warner Brothers. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:43 If fucking. Oh, no. If Oh, no showed up. Yeah. So like it's not that with Apple and Miyamoto, but the idea of people being in the wrong place for hypereasons is fun. Yeah. It's fun.
Starting point is 01:53:56 But yeah. No, I'll give you a show. I don't think it'll hold anyone's interest for very long, but. It's nice to know that there's like it's not a free to play game with all that with all that entails. So yeah. And Nintendo stock rises high and they'll make they'll make money off this. Yes, they will.
Starting point is 01:54:12 I'll make both. Well, speak well, Pokemon go there, you know, they're they're about to they're making some, but they're going to make more with their Pokemon go hardware that's about to drop. So you remember the trailer for when they first released with the watch Pokemon go plus. Right. It actually doesn't tell the time. So it's a bad watch.
Starting point is 01:54:34 It's an oversight. It's a bracelet. It's an oversight. Yeah, it's an oversight. But so Pokemon go plus is launching on September 16th. And that's fucking soon. That's really soon. And what it's basically going to do they've detailed it now is it is going to have a little
Starting point is 01:54:49 light of that that is on it that basically alerts you when you're at a stop or if there's a Pokemon around you and you don't have to pull your phone out to try and catch the Pokemon. Yeah. It's probably the fucking sleep mode the game should have already. But there is a caveat and that is one if it's to stop to swipe, you do have to pull your phone out to swipe dumb to catch. You can press the catch button, but it's only if it's a Pokemon you've already caught.
Starting point is 01:55:17 Also your phone cannot be asleep still really. Yeah. Oh, fuck. I missed that detail. It's fucking so it still has to be on in your God, the one thing you need to do. Yeah. Also, so you've got to be running it in your pocket. Also, it's 45 Canadian dollars.
Starting point is 01:55:34 Yeah. So the idea was basically that you wouldn't have to pull your phone out to do the catch if it's a thing you already have. You could just press the button and keep trying to try and still got to be awake. But that's like like like any other Pokemon go you said that's dumb. I play that game. Really would love to know if there is a real reason your phone has to be awake if it's phone compliance.
Starting point is 01:55:58 No, no, no. There are other games that have this kind of tracking while it's a similar kind of tracking in sleep. It's not like I would love to know what the reason is there had better be a reason. That's the number. That's the number one reason I don't play it anymore because I can't kill my phone every day walking around with it. Like yeah, I got a good battery that lasts.
Starting point is 01:56:20 So I mean, I well, so do I. But Pokemon goes like a fucking drainer man killer. That's really dumb. I really hope that that may be one day last. So that's going to be dropping. There's also yes, nothing else apparently. Yeah, I think else. There was that Sony thing that Sony where they showed off the new console.
Starting point is 01:56:44 Yeah, called the PS4 Pro, the one we streamed. Yeah. Yeah, there's that. So they announced the slim PS4, which is just the PS that's taking the place of a little baby PS4 and it's just called PlayStation 4. Or if you want to quadruple up or if you want to get the pro, pro, pro, pro dial it in. They need to come out with way more details because everything about whether or not what games are going to be supported.
Starting point is 01:57:10 If all games are going to get supported going like it's really confusing. I know some of them really well, like 100% from documents I have read, of course. You don't have to support it, but it's encouraged. And older games, like a lot of games, there's going to be no reason. Stuff like Alien Isolation, like odd little ones like that, they're not necessarily going to go back. But certainly some companies like Eidos are doing Mankind Divided, which came out recently. Avalanche is going the extra mile and doing Shadow of Mordor.
Starting point is 01:57:48 It's Avalanche. No, Monolith. Monolith, sorry. I just want more nitty-gritty details on like, because the one big downside is like figuring out what each game is going to have on each thing is going to be slightly more confusing for people. This is the first, I guess, half-step console that's not like an expansion piece. Yeah, it's a completely new thing.
Starting point is 01:58:11 So there's definitely going to be some missteps as we get into this weird future. I don't expect it to go smooth. The way they talked about it was like some games, if the developer wants to, will implement like multiple modes. Okay, yes. That is already a thing you can do. Like Neo has that, you know, where you can manually change. Yeah, but like if you can have three modes, you can have 4K, you can have down-sampling,
Starting point is 01:58:32 or you can have 60 FPS or whatever. But games already have that. Bioshock has that, Neo has that. But it'll only be for the common thing. I think you're overthinking it. At the end of the day, you're going to go to a store, and it's going to have RSC online, and there's going to be a sticker, and it'll say better with the pro. That is confirmed.
Starting point is 01:58:48 They showed box art for Uncharted 4. I didn't even know that. I just assumed that's what they're going to do. Are we going to start seeing advanced graphics options like on PC? No. You're never going to see individual graphics toggles. Yeah, no. You'll see a mode, like higher, medium, or maybe, right, but that's just pro or not,
Starting point is 01:59:08 right? Well, I mean, it'll be like Neo, where it's like, do you want the high frame rate or the high resolution mode? But I can never ever see that. If you look at Tomb Raider, there's the upscaled 4K mode that runs at like 30 FPS, and then there's the high frame rate mode, where they say it's always above 45. Doesn't really hit 60, but it's always above 45. And then there's the nuts mode, where it's 1080 30, but they throw all the effects at
Starting point is 01:59:34 it. Right. So like you just have to pull off. Yeah, you're never going to see how much anti-aliasing do you want, or how much anti-soap tropic feel right here. To be honest, I don't think a lot of games are going to have those options. I think for 99% of games, it's going to be the discs in, and the game goes, am I on a PS4 Pro?
Starting point is 01:59:51 Yes. Okay, look better. You use more resources, and the three things that I'm going to imagine are going to be the most common, because they're toggles. It's an isotropic filtering, anti-aliasing, and frame rate. Because frame rate is, if you're using the increased mode and you're not changing any of the geographical options, the frame rate will just go up. So yeah, those are the three things that you're more likely to see.
Starting point is 02:00:15 Anybody who wants to put in a little more work, you're either going to see a 4K mode, or a down-sampled mode, depending on what TV you're running on. And if you want to see a lot more work, you're going to see what he's describing with Doom Raider, in which they have like three performance modes for different situations. I mean, for a lot of games, we're going to see stuff. It seemed like they were demonstrating it a little with Spider-Man too, where Spider-Man as well. Spider-Man.
Starting point is 02:00:39 Spider-Man. Where... God. I fucking hate that. Yeah, I know. Like, LOD volumes are extended, so you get higher detail at higher distance. Everything just seems to be dragon slide or so. The one thing I'm genuinely worried about is that instead of better on the pro, the sticker
Starting point is 02:00:58 should say...performs like shit on the normal. Well, that'll be a big success. Perfect marketing. Well, because that's the thing that... You know what I'm saying, guys. For sure. But if you read the... We don't.
Starting point is 02:01:12 You don't know what I'm saying. You're not worried that games, instead of using the extra power to make the base version better, they're gonna aim for the more powerful version, and the normal version's gonna suck. Look at certain games that perform extra well on the new 3DS, but perform like garbage on the regular 3DS like Hyrule Warriors. My inclination based on working internally is that they're gonna aim low and do what they can. If you play like Hyrule Warriors on a regular 3DS, the framerate is terrible.
Starting point is 02:01:40 But like... Maybe you're saying that you should put a sticker that says this version sucks? No, no. That's the part that we said you're confused about. Having read the documentation, the only thing to assuage that is that Sony's explicit messaging from Sony's documentation about when it was called Neo was... Don't get me capped in. No.
Starting point is 02:02:01 Was Target the original PS4? First. Please. This is not a cut, like they don't intend it to be a cutoff. And I do agree that I think there are gonna be some games that we see where the performance is not ideal on the PS4 because they won't follow those guidelines. Think about like Fallout 4, which performs relatively badly on the PS4, right? Imagine if Bethesda instead put their basket, put their eggs in the PS4 ProBasket, and that
Starting point is 02:02:27 version runs poorly but looks nicer, and then the regular version just runs like terrible. We're going back to the days of Perfect Dark with the expansion power. Yeah, we are. If you don't have it, you can't see the cool menus. Absolutely. No, that's... well, not that extreme. What didn't run without the single-player mode that Donkey Kong needed it? Majora?
Starting point is 02:02:48 Majora needed it. Yeah, I think Majora. Majora needed it. Donkey Kong needed it. Majora came with it as well. Perfect Dark wanted it. And Rogue Squadron and Turok didn't need it, but it just... all it did was... So I have two gamer friends that are very, very like... they love their PS4s or whatever,
Starting point is 02:03:06 and I asked them, and they're like, I don't... what's the difference? Wait until you see an obvious difference. So I'm just saying like from a very like, you know, non-Pro standpoint, like the two people that kind of talked to me, I was like, I'm going to keep my PS4 out. Oh, absolutely. I don't understand. There's no... for most consumers, there's no need to upgrade. This is...
Starting point is 02:03:28 Because you're not a pro. This is the elite controller of consoles. Yeah. It's an extra cost that you don't need, but when you absolutely have to have the best version of every game, but you don't want to go full crazy and get a PC, get this better, stronger cost. I mean, we did our market research on the stream when we asked everyone to press one if they have a TV that supports 4K, and we software ourselves.
Starting point is 02:03:52 You can't argue with those numbers. Well, that's... What did that... Well, it's 99%. Yeah. No one does. See, that's like another thing, too, because I would say if you don't own a PS4 and you want to get one, just get the pro.
Starting point is 02:04:06 Oh, obviously. The price is right for that. No, no, no, no, because even if you don't have 4K, the benefits are myriad. Yeah. You're going to get better performance. You're going to get better draw licenses. You're going to get better quality assets. And it's...
Starting point is 02:04:17 You're going to get down sampling. You're going to get... It's a... You're going to get better looking 1080p. It's a per game thing, and not all games are going to benefit, but like it's a better console. It's generally speaking. If you're starting off, spend an extra $100 and get the nicer one, because the worst
Starting point is 02:04:31 thing you can ever do for me, anyway, is when you're like, I'm going to get the one that's a really good deal, but it's not quite as good. It's not exactly what I wanted, but it's a much better deal. And then you always regret that, because then you're like, oh, but it could be... Ah! But... Much in the same way that I wouldn't say, go buy a 2DS for yourself. I would say go buy a new 3DS, you know?
Starting point is 02:04:51 I would say go buy a 2DS for your child. Yeah. Or your girlfriend. Or your girlfriend. Which is what I did. Who plays relatively casually, if I'm not exactly. For someone who actually wants to get in there, I would say just buy a 2DS. But the worry was just the same person then also getting like a VR that's about to drop
Starting point is 02:05:13 as well. Right? And you throw that price onto it. No. If you want to get both, it's going to be expensive. You were telling me that there's some like, whoa, holy shit, there's some interesting games much more than I thought a VR, a PlayStation VR, a launch. And like, well, I'm going to, like, the one thing I know about PlayStation VR is people
Starting point is 02:05:30 are like, it's not as smooth, the frame rate isn't as good as like the Vive and all that. No, that's bullshit. Well, so... No, no, the frame rate, no, no, no. Tracking with the devices maybe, but the frame rate, I'll fight that. I'm not saying frame rate, I'm just saying it's the response of this felt different. No. That's bullshit.
Starting point is 02:05:51 The frame rate's fine on that. I'm not frame rate. Not frame rate. No, I know. No, it's what I'm saying. I don't know why you're interjecting. It's pretty conclusive that like the Vive is the best by a hair that becomes the Oculus. And then a slight step down is the PlayStation, but the PlayStation has like a hundred times
Starting point is 02:06:05 as many games as the other two. But yeah. But the pros, they said on the thing that like the pro will make PlayStation VR smoother. I thought, I swore I heard him say improved frame rate on that. Or I don't know. Improved frame rate in VR can mean a minimum of 60 all the way up to 120. Does anyone remember what he exactly said? Well, they were showing it was on the slide, I think.
Starting point is 02:06:26 I rewatched the footage because I do have a 4K TV and it was made available in 4K and I was like, well, why not? And it actually looks really good. But the specific game, it was Farpoint and it seems like he was all slot. Yeah, it was all slot. And it seems like for Farpoint, they're going to use higher resolution textures. It's just going to be absurd. Here's my piece of advice to people who may not know any better because they're not used
Starting point is 02:06:51 to jumping between all this resolution nonsense. If you have a 4K TV right now, that's great. Enjoy your 4K TV and enjoy your PS4 Pro if you get it or enjoy your PC setup or whatever the hell that you have going. Or your Wii U. If you have a 1080p set and you're like and you're planning on getting a PS4 Pro and you're like, well, I'm going to get a 4K TV to appreciate this, don't. First of all, don't buy a new TV just for this.
Starting point is 02:07:15 No. Until 4K becomes the de facto standard resolution for everything, don't get a new one just for that because you're still going to be mostly playing 1080p on it and 1080p on a 4K set doesn't look as good as 1080p on a 1080p set. Remember 3D TVs? I do. I have one. Remember how like that was kind of going to be a thing?
Starting point is 02:07:37 That was a potential branch that got cut off in the tech tree. That one doesn't lead to technological victory on the Sanger that shit in the womb. 4K will eventually become a standard, but before that, don't feel you need to, 1080p's great and down sample 1080p, I personally prefer 4K because I prefer smoother image quality over more detail. I remember when at the office in testing, we got a 3D TV and glasses for the possible testing of 3D games. I tested a Konan with some 3D glasses tech that was bullshit, I heard my head.
Starting point is 02:08:14 And that fucking thing collected dust. All the tested things. Yeah, because that. I managed to get one of those, you remember the PlayStation branded Sony panels that they put out? Yeah, totally. I managed to get one for 50 bucks off Craigslist because I was like, why not? And it was a fucking good monitor.
Starting point is 02:08:33 Unfortunately, those things fizzled out and died within like two years for every user on the face of the earth, but like land obsolescence, but like, no, they were just really poorly and cheaply solid. And only you sitting there with your glasses could appreciate 3D. I was, no, it came with two pairs. I was sitting, I was playing a few games and I was like, this is a good gimmick. That's it. There's no, there's no, there's no future here.
Starting point is 02:08:55 This is a good gimmick. At the end of the day, I'm really glad that Sony and Microsoft are racing to give us 32 axis. Yeah. Yeah. But, but yeah, if you don't have one, I'd say, and if you want a PS4, then yeah, go for it. I'm very interested in seeing what Scorpio will do to this landscape.
Starting point is 02:09:15 Scorpio is significantly more powerful. According to Microsoft, it sounds like it sounds like it's like not the intergenerational jump, but like the next. Well, that's what they know. No, they said it was very, it's not a next thing. It's interesting. It was confusing. Well, it's the equivalent of going from your video card that's a couple of years old
Starting point is 02:09:35 to the brand new one that costs a thousand dollars and slapping it in and it's going to cost 500. Yeah. So like it's, it's a big fucking jump, but it's not like a, you know, when video cards change nanometers, sure, yeah, it's not that it's, it's, you know, you know what I would do? If I was Microsoft, I'd literally change tacked and go fuck it. It is the new system.
Starting point is 02:09:57 Nice. Like if you actually want to be bold and take a fucking gamble, hey, you know what my fantasy is? My fantasy is that there's the PS4 pro and then later there's the PS4 elite and the Scorpio equivalents and that we don't see another PS, we don't see a PS5. We don't see an Xbox two and everything is compatible. Just beef it up and things stop being compatible with the old one. But old games stay compatible with the new one.
Starting point is 02:10:26 Oh yeah. I would love that. That would be great. After a certain amount of years, after a certain amount of years though, like we're going to just have a jump. I hope not. Yeah. No, eventually it'll be called the PS5, but it's going to play all the PS4 games.
Starting point is 02:10:37 What is the new Xbox even going to be called? What would the fuck would they call it? It's going to be called the Xbox 360. No, I mean, like a brand, if they're going to Xbox 360. X-Cube. It can't be the Xbox. It's going to be the Xbox. It can't.
Starting point is 02:10:50 It's going to be the Xbox 180. Call the Xenon or whatever. No, that's the code name for the original. I know. It was cool. Call the Katana. Anyway, I was surprised because me and Woolly have the same TV. Katana Dolphin.
Starting point is 02:11:03 It's a 4K set, right? And when I was reading about, okay, what are the things that you need and what are the things, et cetera, that you can support, the PS4 Pro supports things that, like 4K's fringe, but some of the stuff PS4 supports is way more fringe. And that's coming to all PS4s by a firmware, but it's like, I was not aware of what HDR was before. Yeah. So our TVs don't have HD.
Starting point is 02:11:31 High dynamic range. High dynamic range. Yeah. They do not have this fancy. An HDR. Okay. A pretty subtle difference. And there are many 4K TVs that don't support HDMI 2, which is an important thing as well.
Starting point is 02:11:45 The Fox HDMI 2. The new HDMI 2. It's a sequel? Yeah, it's a sequel. Well, it's like, what the fuck's USB 2? It's a higher standard that allows more data to be transmitted at a higher speed. Faster. I'm familiar with HDR from photography.
Starting point is 02:11:56 I'm familiar from it as a lighting technique in 3D games, but not as a television thing. So HDMI 1 does not have a fast enough data transfer speed for 4K at 60 FPS. It just, it doesn't. There's not enough data. There's not enough bandwidth in the cable. So we couldn't even get there with these current cables. No, no. Fortunately, our TVs do have HDMI 2.
Starting point is 02:12:21 I looked this up. Okay. And the Pro does come with an HDMI 2 cable. Which lets you have 4K at 60. What is the exact advantage of HDMI 2 judgment data? What does it actually do? You get more data. Just more data faster.
Starting point is 02:12:36 More data faster. So for example, on HDMI 1, you can get 4K at 30 or 1080 at 60. But you could actually get 1440 at 60 as well. That would be the upper limit. But you couldn't do 4K, which is 2048 at 60. HDMI 3 warms the machines. They're calling it Ultra HD. But you can get 4K at 60 playing up because of your...
Starting point is 02:12:59 Well, because it's streaming. It's streaming straight to your TV. Yeah, yeah. I've used it before. There's no cable involved. I've used it before. It looks great. I'm shocked that 4K fastening works as well as it does.
Starting point is 02:13:09 It's interesting. I was really not... I was expecting to open those videos and let them buffer for like 40 minutes. But they... There's nature videos. They're beautiful. Fuck it, Matt. Elite.
Starting point is 02:13:23 No, it can't be... Elite, dude. Elite's their terminology. It's the Xbox One Elite. The Scorpio will most likely be called the Elite. They already called the other one the Elite. And the controllers. And the controllers, the Elite.
Starting point is 02:13:35 But the Xbox 360 Elite didn't really have any advantages, right? This terminology, Elite Pro, we're going to get into the Weegee Bourgeoisie. You know, like, fuck. What? What? Where are we going with this, man? God. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:13:54 All right, anyway. I like it. We have news, though. We have news. I wish they had shown some, like, games or something. We have some news. We have new games. You didn't like 3 Seconds of Spider-Man?
Starting point is 02:14:02 I didn't. That had less footage than E3? No, I didn't enjoy that. Fuck you, I'm calling it to Spider-Man 2017 from now on. It's called Spider-Man Homecoming. No. That's the movie. Ah, fuck me.
Starting point is 02:14:13 Exactly. It's just going to be called Spider-Man a little bit more. Fuck you twice. Last Guardian Delayed. Again? Yeah! Only by a couple weeks. It has to be a certification or marketing.
Starting point is 02:14:25 No one's going to buy this in October, then. If you zoom out on the timeline calendar from Creation to Release... You can't see the delay. So then it's fine. So there's no delay. On the relative scale, it's all zero. It's fine. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:14:38 So it's to December. Yeah. In the lifetime of dragons, a single month is nothing. Yeah. It's fucking stupid. That game's going to cancel. There's still time. December 5th.
Starting point is 02:14:50 December 5th. They're just going to cancel it. Oh, no. Yeah. Fingers crossed. They asked for my birthday. Just fucking kill it. Happy birthday, wooly.
Starting point is 02:14:59 The reason why you got a PS3 is canceled. That's literally the reason. Someone made the footage of them walking up on stage. We're so proud to finally show you dragging the files to the recycling bin. Right click, empty recycling bin. It's gone. And everyone's like, yes. Yes.
Starting point is 02:15:24 Yeah. Good stuff. Oh, man. Although speaking about Sony, they're not allowing Fallout 4 mods or Elder Scrolls Skyrim mods on PS4 while Microsoft is doing it. There's not enough info. They wanted QA to be done on... Oh, is there now?
Starting point is 02:15:43 Yeah. They wanted Bethesda to do QA on every user-submitted mod. Yeah. The reality of it is Bethesda says, we want to just let anybody do fucking whatever. And then if they infringe on copyright, somebody will hit a button and then we'll take it down. And Sony's like, no. What?
Starting point is 02:16:01 No. What if it lets people pirate games on our system? I guess that could be a vector. Or what if it breaks the system? Or what if it breaks the game? Or what if it... I mean, you look at the points of entries. Someone's got to be responsible.
Starting point is 02:16:14 People get in through the mail app. Yeah. Basically, Sony is saying someone's got to take responsibility for each piece of content. And it's not going to be us. It sucks, but I kind of respect it. But it sucks. Meanwhile, over on the Xbox Twitter, they're like, hey, we've been allowing apps for days. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:16:31 Look at our shit. Sorry, I absolutely don't respect it at all. No, I mean, I get it. Oh, I get it, too. But it's like, no. And here's how it double sucks. Has Microsoft said, like, are they just like, we don't care? Or are they handling it?
Starting point is 02:16:46 Or is Bethesda handling it for them? Then what's the solution? Microsoft is, we don't care. They don't give a shit. Throw your mods on. But then who is doing the button checking? No one. The mod creator.
Starting point is 02:16:56 Okay. I know. The copyright stuff. Copyright stuff. Oh, that's user curated. User curated. It's snitching. It's snitching.
Starting point is 02:17:04 It's about snitching. What should we call it? Thing. Snitching. The original inbox fallout, though, isn't there something it fall out for? Isn't there, like, something about that that is, like, partially incomplete or... Yeah. The game has problems.
Starting point is 02:17:20 That just on a basic level... That kind of suck. It's not even about modding it to get it, make it better. It's about modding it to zero. To improve it. And that not being able to get that sucks. That's always the case with Bethesda games. It's like, they always come out and there's parts of those games that suck and then people
Starting point is 02:17:35 fix them immediately. So in Xbox One, can you download a mod that just improves something in the game? Yes. What's the guy's name? Durante? Yeah, what about Durante? Is that the guy that makes the cool mods? Yes.
Starting point is 02:17:46 No, he's the guy who makes the cool fixes. Yeah. Okay. Okay. He fixes deadly premonition. He fixes dark souls. Okay. That's what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 02:17:54 Yeah. No. Fallout 4 does not have a variant of that. Okay. But, like... They take too much work. The thing that, like, if this was just, like, when fallout 4, before it fallout 4 had come out and Sony came out and said, we're not going to have mods because of whatever bureaucracy.
Starting point is 02:18:06 I mean, like, that sucks. That's a win in the Microsoft column. You might actually want to buy it on the Xbox because it's probably a cooler version if you can't get it on a PC or whatever. But, like, the game's been out for, like, six months and they allowed Bethesda to talk about, like, like, hey, we're going to have mods coming to the consoles and they didn't shut it down at any point. So there are a lot.
Starting point is 02:18:30 And there are a significant amount of PS4 owners who bought that game expecting mod support because they were told that that game would get mod support on consoles, only for Sony to decide, like, right at the end. When they announced it, the ink was not, like, dry on the thing, yes. But I'm, you know, at the same time, it's like Bethesda's onus for not being 100% sure and announcing it. Yeah. Don't get me wrong.
Starting point is 02:18:54 It sucks. And I wish they were on PS4. But Bethesda shouldn't have announced the feature they couldn't. Like, Sony didn't announce that, you know? Yeah, but they benefited in not shutting it down. Who benefited? But Sony did. Like, I'm sure it wasn't a 10-minute conversation that was happening.
Starting point is 02:19:10 No, I assume it was multiple months. Like, it was probably a long, he was probably a long email chain with 70 people in it by the end. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But you see what I mean, right? No, no, I get you. Sony does intrinsically benefit by saying nothing. I get you.
Starting point is 02:19:24 Even if people are like, I don't think this deal's going to go through, right? But like, that's what I mean by not enough info. Because when is the point that they finally said no? And again, my stance is actually it sucks. I wish there was mods. Yeah. But like... I'm sorry, I'm just thinking of the email chain and the re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re,
Starting point is 02:19:42 and just like, hey Robert, fucking let it happen already. Thanks, cheers. Yeah, cheers, yeah, cheers. That's what we're supposed to write in emails. When can I get my horse-dick master chief adventures and fall out? Cheers. Cheers. I always say cheers.
Starting point is 02:19:59 I do too. Speaking of adventures, there's an adventure that you can go on now that you weren't allowed to go on for years. Is it a Warcraft adventure? It is a Warcraft adventure. Well, technically you're still not allowed to go on it, right? No. But yeah, let you can if you want.
Starting point is 02:20:13 The video existed of the full game for a long time now, but now, oh yeah, there's a reason it was cancelled Warcraft Adventures. I mean, it's a fun, dumb-looking thing, but like... Cancelled 18 years ago. Do you want to know why, why for reals? Because I can put my finger right on the tree. Because it was made by animation magic, the gentlemen who were responsible for CDIs. I knew you were going to say that.
Starting point is 02:20:40 Dope. It had that look. Wand of Gamelon. It was animated, but it wasn't like Warcraft, like Blizzard still... They made the point of click. But you can... It leaked somehow and it's out there, but again, you could have watched the video of the full game on YouTube.
Starting point is 02:20:56 The article I was reading was like, Noted Warcraft Loremaster discovered this thing in a dingy torrent basement. So I really missed the scene of Thrall going, boy, I can't wait to bomb some didongos. That's the guys who did it. You're not wrong. That studio was hot at the time. And Arthas puts his arm around him and goes, my boy. I did see a post that said, to be fair, Warcraft Adventures was leagues ahead of anything they
Starting point is 02:21:27 did prior. It looked way, way better than the other stuff they worked on. Yeah, sure. Well, it's fucking Blizzard. They might as well try to impress me. Let me know when both versions of Starcraft Ghost leak out. Yeah. God, if only.
Starting point is 02:21:39 Yeah. Both of those games looked awesome. That would be the best leak ever. What did we learn about Faith and the 45 that will, yeah. Well, you got to hurt me, man. Me and Liam did the quick look at Total Overdose. We looked up the company and they tried several times to reuse the engine to get it going again. And their penultimate thing was, because when we played Total Overdose, it gets pretty fun.
Starting point is 02:22:07 That's all. Yeah. But then we looked it up and they were the ones making Faith and the 45. God. Why, yeah. I know. You got to do me like that. I got to do you like that.
Starting point is 02:22:17 I didn't like spicy moves. Yeah, he would. He would. Anyway. Spicy. Fuck you. Sexy. I'm a star.
Starting point is 02:22:27 Okay. Yeah. So I started off liking Sexy Star, but then every time she's like, it's sexy star. I'm like, fuck you. Yeah. No. You'll run that back again because I was like, yeah, she's cool. And then she gets destroyed in every match, but then she brings it back.
Starting point is 02:22:42 Does her name stop being the worst name in all of wrestling? No, it's not because think about it. Yes or no. No. That's what I thought. But think about it like she's a Japanese wrestler and it's just a name that gets lost in translation from what it probably sounds to in Mexico to when it goes over to English. Like Pentagon, Jr.
Starting point is 02:23:01 Yeah. What do you think about Pentagon, by the way? I think it's so weird that he's Pentagon, Jr. It's not a cool name, but he's the coolest. He's really cool. It's the best looking makeup in all of wrestling. Good job, Jr. Pentagon.
Starting point is 02:23:18 Pentagon, Jr. versus Blue Demon, Jr. If you want to find out about Benoit, Jr., you can go check out the new documentary that's coming out. Crossface. Crossface. Good name. Wow, that's what it's called. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:23:38 That's kind of awesome. I think it's Crossface, the Benoit, the Crispin Wall story. By the underrated punisher, warzone director, Alexi Alexander. There was heads going to explode in this movie. It's called Crossface. It's going to be awesome. Can I see some dramatization of some of his matches? You know what?
Starting point is 02:23:58 Ben was in the ring right in the movie, then he looks up and sees McGinty exploding. So the important thing in this story here. What's the important part? Is that it's a biopic. Yeah. What did you expect it to be? Like a... So biopic means it's not a documentary.
Starting point is 02:24:23 Walk the line. Yeah. Or Ali. So it's not a documentary. It is a retelling of... Yeah. Yeah. Is...
Starting point is 02:24:32 Oh, I thought it was a documentary. Is the WWE behind this? No, they can do this. Are they involved? Do they change the wrestling names and stuff? Do they have to pretend it's another league entirely? The rest of it was his legal name. WWE doesn't own that.
Starting point is 02:24:45 They couldn't stop that. They couldn't call him rabid wolverine, though. He's a public figure who existed. You can't tell people not to do that. Despite WWE's thinking that he didn't. So they're going to have to create a fake league in... It's going to be... I wonder what...
Starting point is 02:24:57 Yeah. I wonder what invisible man they got to play. Or they're going to be smart and they're going to omit the league. Man, way too... You know, then what do you tell? No, you have wrestling... No, you put them in the ring and you have them already fighting. You just don't say the name.
Starting point is 02:25:09 You never show the logo. You don't necessarily need that. You can show... Like in Rocky. How much do you hear and see about the league necessarily? Yeah, nothing. Yeah, okay. You can show all of his starting life when he's in New Japan,
Starting point is 02:25:22 which you can show if you want to get that license. That's true. Or just go to Japan. They can do it. They can do it. They'll find a way. I hope it's as good as the Punisher Warzone. It's not.
Starting point is 02:25:31 Oh. By default. By default, you just know. And Lucha Underground Season 2 when they bring Benoit back. Well, and... They'll burn to some extent. So, well, what's the twist that's going to, you know, make this biopic? What's the big twist?
Starting point is 02:25:47 Fuck, is Benoit in the basement? Yeah. Yeah, he is. Like a homo-killing? I dreamed every day since I was a little girl of being the one that would kill you. Equivalent exchange? Right. No, it's Aaron's dad.
Starting point is 02:26:01 They fucking... The Elricks did a fucking thing, transmutation, and now it's a creature down there, and that's what the key is all about. Now it's this blob that puts people in the crossface. I don't want to get too close. I want to see, like, a Kronenberg slash the thing-looking monster wearing a belt. Yeah. And it has that Our Lady Peace song when it comes out.
Starting point is 02:26:24 It just sluffs out. Yeah. Like, Aldrich. Like, imagine Aldrich comes out with a belt. Oh, he has a missing tooth, though, the slime ball. Okuyasu's dad. He can't kill it. That's good.
Starting point is 02:26:36 Benoit reincarnated himself through alchemy into an invincible body and it only cost his family's life. Okay. Okay. Now that's what I call Equivalent Exchange. Okay. So, inside Milmorte's rock, it's the finger bone of Benoit, right? Oh!
Starting point is 02:26:57 Oh! And he's going to defeat the 36 sinning wrestlers. And then you've got to find the baby hand, right? That Mae Young gave birth to the baby hand. And then you use it to achieve heaven. And then Green Baby Hand is, like, attacking Prince Puma and he's turning into a cat tree. I know you're saying all this, but remember, you saw it, like, Milmorte's actual backstory is not as, like, it's just as fantastical as that.
Starting point is 02:27:30 That's why it's so great. We're talking about something very bizarre. No, I know, I know. Very bizarre. But he asked me about the rock before and I'm just like, it's just a fucking piece of rubble. From that killed his family. And he got super hype coming out of the rubble like, oh man!
Starting point is 02:27:44 You would do that. Alright. I'm going to get so ripped and huge. I'm going to get this hot bitch. Oh man. She's going to lick everybody. She's going to lick everyone. Everybody getting licked.
Starting point is 02:27:57 Even Pimpinella. Anyway. Jesus Christ. Okay. What do we got? We got some kick starters going down. Are these ones we're making fun of? No.
Starting point is 02:28:09 We got the, uh, we got Rad Rogers, which is a throw up to Apogee era mascots. Jazz jack round and all that. I thought I would hate this when I hit the play button. And it is not bad. It's not bad. I think the footage... Graphics are really good. The graphics are really good.
Starting point is 02:28:23 Looks impressive. What part of it? I backed this, uh, on a, on a very, on a middle tier. Because I think it looks fun in the gameplay, but I don't like, like, hey, there's like swearing and stuff. I'm like, you mean stuff that wasn't in Apogee platformers? See, I kind of like that because I thought it was just going to be a, a video game joke. A video game joke.
Starting point is 02:28:46 And then it's like hyper crude. And I was like, alright. But I didn't even back it. Like, I don't love it or anything. But like, I just find that's not part of what they're trying to do. Like, like, like a vulgar humor. And if you are going to have vulgar humor, I think it'd be way funnier if it was all bleeped out.
Starting point is 02:29:02 Yeah. Because they're like... Honestly, tweet them and maybe they'll make it an option. Yeah, maybe. I, I, because I think that's, that when it's a cutesy world, having it bleeped out is I kind of find it funnier. But I think the game looks quite fun. Seriously?
Starting point is 02:29:17 It's what they want to do. Seriously, if you want that, actually tweet them. Because that could be a feature. Yeah. John St. John is the voice of the weird, the NES backpack guy. You can't censor John St. John. You can't censor him. Fuck outta here.
Starting point is 02:29:32 You're crazy. And Interceptor are the people that made the remake of Rise of the Triad, which people seem to like. So it's at $23,000 of $50,000. So yeah, maybe it should do, okay. That's, that's what's going on right now. There is another one called Code Hardcore. And I brought this up a little bit, but actually, no, I tweeted this out some time ago, but
Starting point is 02:29:52 they finally started their Kickstarter campaign. God, whatever. Was that Optimus Prime? That wasn't Optimus Prime, but it was a robot. Because this is what you get when you basically are looking at Super Robot Wars action. Oh, yeah. I saw this. Right.
Starting point is 02:30:06 And, and not turn based strategy format, but actually like an action game format. So it's like a 2D side scroll. Super Robot Wars. Yeah. You can actually see the, like some of the influences of the robots that they, that they, the, the robots that they took pieces from, but it's multiplayer. It looks pretty fun. I'm, I, it's what I like and I'm way on board with a lot of the cool shit they show off
Starting point is 02:30:31 in the, their campaigns. So they're at 20 of 65 right now and they too are pretty early in the campaign. Yeah. They have 42 days left. Looks like they're a pretty long way into, part of the video just had Call of Duty 4 Metal Slug and Super Robot Wars getting those are good influence. Oh, I see that. He really likes the Super Robot Wars cause his desk was just filled with super robots.
Starting point is 02:30:53 Now this game has been, I know this game has been in the works for a while cause I've heard about it a long time, but it looks like they just launched the campaign. So check that out if that's your thing. And then there's one other that a lot of people tweeted at me. I'm a bit like about it. Oh, I don't know about this. At all. Okay.
Starting point is 02:31:17 Yeah. Should we just leave it at that? Yeah. Just leave it at that. All right. All right. All right. All right.
Starting point is 02:31:25 All right. Out of, out of, out of the three, it needs the most help to complete its goals. Yeah. So let, you know what? Let's just leave it at that. Hey, who know? Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:31:36 All right. I don't know. Fun stuff's coming out. Cluster Truck is coming out on September 27th. Yeah. Cluster Truck. With a new trailer. You saw it, right?
Starting point is 02:31:44 Yeah. It looks like it's going to be good. One of them. I can never remember. And it's not unrelated to omnibus, right? Because your, your faith, but you're running on a bunch of trucks. Honestly, I think it looks a lot better than omnibus. It does.
Starting point is 02:31:59 It does. It does. But like, I just like, it like, it feels like the same fever dream that omnibus puts you in. So I've never seen this up until the gift that I'm looking at right now. This game looks amazing. Yeah. It does.
Starting point is 02:32:09 I've been having my eye on it for a while. What else would you call this kind of game, Pat, but Cluster Truck? I don't know. It's someone thought of the name, then built a game around it. Yeah, absolutely. I really dig how tame the game starts off in the early levels where they're just driving along a big road and there's a bunch of trucks. Reminds me of the truck level in Gang Beasts.
Starting point is 02:32:27 Yeah, actually. Yeah. That's true. So that comes out September 27th. Yeah. And TGS is tonight, man. Yes. Well, I was going to mention it on the podcast.
Starting point is 02:32:38 Hey, you guys can watch TGS, but it'll be too late by the time the podcast goes up. Unless the podcast goes up. The podcast usually goes up before. But even then, the podcast is three hours long. Like, it's 3 a.m. on Tuesday morning, so good luck. Eastern. It won't be too late for some people. I throw it up real early.
Starting point is 02:32:57 For some people, 3 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time. If you're badass and you listen to this podcast as soon as it comes out, you can be reminded that TGS is probably late right now. Dude, that's like another... Very soon. That's like another party test, like dental plan. I'm going to watch that tonight. Are you going to watch that tonight?
Starting point is 02:33:14 Absolutely. Yeah. I'm going to love sleeping through it and then getting all the news... Yeah, like at the same time. At the same time. You're going to miss the juicy filler in the middle. Yeah. I'm going to care about this.
Starting point is 02:33:23 Japanese filler is like the plan. Yeah, Matt. You know the thing that's like walk into a party and shout a dental plan? A dental plan. See what happens? Yeah. Walk into a party and shout Big Apple. 3 a.m.
Starting point is 02:33:35 Yeah. All right. We're hanging out. Yeah. Speaking of vehicles and the madness that ensues with them, Liam, you want to take us through Drive Girls? Oh. This game.
Starting point is 02:33:47 Yeah. I saw an ad for something for this. This was announced in the yearly road to TGS and it's a game by the guys who made Bushido Blade. It sure looks like Bushido Blade. You play as these girls who can transform into cars and you beat up giant bugs. It is pretty neat. Someone took three things.
Starting point is 02:34:15 I'm going to want to see the footage. This is like a two-year-old bugs and cars add them together. So here's where. The thin diagram is accurate. If you can do the thing I like, which is what jazz does in transformers, which is you switch from going full speed to running on foot and then back into a car. I'm really excited to see it because car games make you think you can go fast and cool combat, but we were spoiled on Transformers Devastation.
Starting point is 02:34:45 Yeah. For that particular part, yeah. We will see. I don't know. We'll see what it is. Even the Activision Transformers games, there are sequences where you are going fast to fast in one thing. I do want to see gameplay footage though because either it's going to just be rough schlock,
Starting point is 02:35:02 like bullet girls that you could just throw in the schlock bin that nobody cares about. People care. People care. People care. Yeah, our people who care. Take your drive girls. Take your drive girls. It's fun.
Starting point is 02:35:14 Just drive them. Drive them. Drive them where? Down the road to Boruto. Yeah. The Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja's Term 4 Road to Boruto is a real thing. Shut up. Shut up.
Starting point is 02:35:26 Road to Boruto. What is it? This planet has something that exists called Road to Boruto. It's DLC for UNS Warfuck. And this is like a retail release in Japan that includes it. I hate the creator of Naruto so much. Masashi Kishimoto. Because he was like, dude, Naruto's ending.
Starting point is 02:35:42 It's going to end. I ended Naruto. Fuck you. I was lying. No, it ended. Yeah. But now his son. And now it's his time.
Starting point is 02:35:50 It's just a time skip under a different name. It's a different character. He's done with Naruto. Naruto's done. He did not lie. The story is over. No, that's a lie. Naruto's there.
Starting point is 02:36:00 Yeah, but it's not Naruto's story. Yeah, it's Boruto's. It's like, that's that phrase. Yeah, but it's not Naruto's story. Makes me like, my chest is going to a conniption. It was never Naruto's story. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is finished. It's time for Steel Ball right now.
Starting point is 02:36:19 Yeah. See, that's different because one of these things is not like the other. It's time to play our game. It's true. Jojo sucks. That's good. That's true. See, in a court of law, if you were arguing against this or like, no, the judge is like,
Starting point is 02:36:36 it's not Naruto's story. Did you always, you would lose that battle every time. Liam, did you see this, this last past week's episode of Jojo? Yeah, absolutely. It's pretty good. It's great. Oh, it's great. It's really, really good.
Starting point is 02:36:49 And you know what it made me? Jojo's good. You know what it reminded me of, Willie, that you might have forgotten as well? Like as Jotaro gets older, his jokes are terrible. His one-liners are awful. The thing with the watch is like the stupidest thing. He thinks he's cool. He still thinks he's cool.
Starting point is 02:37:10 He thinks he's a cool young guy, but he's not. He's like an old dad. He's cool. He's over the hill. It's fine. He's cool. You know what else is fine? No.
Starting point is 02:37:20 Maybe if someone attacks you, Josuke, die probably. I hope Josuke in part four only has the hair around his hat and he wears the hat over his baldness. You know who's not going to die? People who get attacked by Batman in Justice League because they're running that back. You can't run that back. They're running it back. How?
Starting point is 02:37:39 Wait, sorry. What? How could you possibly run that back? It's like in the Justice League movie, people are going to call out Batman on being a psychopathic murderer. So get this. This is amazing because it's exactly what happened in Man of Steel. It's exactly the same, but now they're doing it again.
Starting point is 02:37:57 So you get to take everything that's a criticism of the previous movie and use it in the plot of the sequel so that people go, oh, it was supposed to be that bad. Not that type of wording. No. No, that exact wording. No, all the character motivations were supposed to be written in the opposite of what they are. You know what makes more sense?
Starting point is 02:38:27 What makes more sense than a movie being bad? You've tuned into the DC hate power hour. Do that if you don't want to hear it. It makes no sense that DC would have made a mistake and made a bad thing. No. Snyder. Snyder. Not DC.
Starting point is 02:38:42 Well, they hired him, so whatever. No, Warner Brothers hired him. They had to have planned for you to be upset walking out of the theater going that stupid. That was part of their plan, so you'd be happy later. Doesn't that make more sense than someone fucked up and did a bad job? Reward him for his bad jobs. Give him bounties of gold. Liam, you really want to sell it.
Starting point is 02:39:04 It makes you wonder, is this the long game? But I don't believe they have it in them for this to be the long game. What's the exact article I sent you this for? Justice League addresses the fact that Snyder's Batman is a murderous psychopath. Is the title of the article. That's pretty vague. They're like, what's the official word in there? Sure.
Starting point is 02:39:27 Just curious. So the image for this story is Batman holding two pistols threatening to shoot someone to death by the way. Regular Batman. And it's from a comic. Yeah. They're quoting an interview from The Wall Street Journal in which they talked to Jeff Johns, who's worked for Warner Brothers.
Starting point is 02:39:49 And he said, mistakenly in the past, I think the studio has said, oh DC films are gritty and dark and that's what makes them different. They couldn't be more wrong. John said, it's a hopeful and optimistic view of life. Oh yeah, man. Okay. Fuck you. Stop the interview.
Starting point is 02:40:08 Does this guy work for the company? Even Batman. They just employ liars? Has a glimmer of that in him. If he didn't, if he didn't think he'd make tomorrow better, he'd stop. The only reason I liked Batman vs Superman and Superman was because the grit was different. I guess I've been enjoying them wrong. I can't.
Starting point is 02:40:33 I can't. I guess I better like so. Oh, did someone reach out and snatch your fun away from me? I'm sorry. It's like whenever I walked out of them, I was always like, yeah, it wasn't very good, but I like how they're still sticking to being like dark and that's different. The problem to me is that DC is not dark to me. No.
Starting point is 02:40:53 Well, sorry. Just in the relative scale of what superhero movies look like. Earth's mightiest. Earth's finest. You think of like, Batman can be dark, certainly, but the DC universe as a whole, I would even say the Marvel universe is dark. Like, I'd say the image universe is the only one that's dark. Yeah, no, I just mean like flip-flop between any given Marvel movie in theaters and then
Starting point is 02:41:13 DC in theaters and it's like, oh, yeah. There's a thing that you see. I mean, it's the Grits not the problem. There's this thing that you see a lot in like fantasy. I don't think, but. Grits the problem if you try to make everything like character motivations and like Jimmy Olsen getting shot to death. Too much of anything.
Starting point is 02:41:30 No, poor writing is the problem. It's not great. That interview, go on to say where the guy just goes, we will address Batman's murderous tendencies in Justice League. We will pour through the Metacritic, the Rotten Tomatoes reviews and work those into the plot. Yeah. So there's a, there's a thing.
Starting point is 02:41:48 What a great way to create. I want the DC, sorry to interrupt you Pat, I want the DC cinematic universe and the Justice League by the, like the end of their movies to be hunting down and killing movie reviewers in the movies. And it becomes this really like aggressively hateful thing where they're attacking movie goers and like Batman sitting there like grumbling at people who are writing bad reviews. Kryptonite has leaked into this tomato fields and now these tomatoes are rotten and they're gross and they're evil and they're hurting humanity.
Starting point is 02:42:22 Now Superman has to throw them into space. Now we have to attack these Rotten Tomatoes and defeat them. No, more like, I want them to kill the reviewers. Like punch through their heads. I want them to do that by name and like there's big court cases because that's, that's not kosher at all. Elaborate fatalities. Elaborate fatalities.
Starting point is 02:42:39 They all go to court. They all go to court. The flash runs around the guy until his skin peels off like. Like I want metal lochalip style deaths in these DC movies. They have a scene where red letter media is all just getting like murdered by Hawk girl. Certified. Fresh. By Hawk girl.
Starting point is 02:42:58 Of course it would have to be Hawk girl. Yeah. Starfire just starts melting people's faces off. Yeah. I am doing the thing that hurts. Oh God. Anyway. Cast 50 set to cyborg.
Starting point is 02:43:11 Sorry, Pat. Okay. I was trying to say, but no worries. There's, there's the concept that happens a lot in fantasy novels. I'm not sure if Game of Thrones does it, but I sure as hell know that the sort of truth series doesn't wheel time series do it in which you, you set up a big bad, you solve the big bad and then in book two you find out that the way that you solved big bad was the wrong way to do it and you have now created a larger problem, right?
Starting point is 02:43:37 That works great for plot. It doesn't work great for the writing itself. You can't just do that every time and set up a horrible flaw in your film series and then go, no, we're going to fix it this time. And I really liked that they did it in Batman versus Superman because you get one, you get one do over where you're like, we had made a bad movie and we made the mistakes. We're going to fix this. And then they focused on Superman and said, we're going to have Superman not do all these
Starting point is 02:44:07 horrible things, but then they had Batman do the exact same thing. It's the exact same mistake. And now they're doing it a third time. And now they're doing it a third time. And now Aquaman is going to kill like a whole ocean or something. And they're going to be like, oh, we figured out that people don't want their arrows to murder the... Hot off the presses.
Starting point is 02:44:27 Liam's expression interrupts. You can't. So you can't. It's the same mistake twice. Yes. It's exactly the same. So today, Hori announced the new PS4 controller. That is Woolies PS4 controller.
Starting point is 02:44:40 That. That's news. Fucking dope, dude. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, but it's like, everyone... How are you not excited? Everyone goes... Yeah, but this is a new one.
Starting point is 02:44:48 That's a Hori announcement. But it's... Yeah. And like, I wish I could scroll down my wall and show you literally 50 to 60 tweets of the same picture. It's great. The complaint for Man of Steel is Superman isn't Superman because this Superman's a careless, like emotionless fuck who causes a hundred nine elevens.
Starting point is 02:45:04 Yeah. Right? And then you go to bat, then they're like, okay, well, Superman feels really bad about that. That's their fix is that Superman feels really bad. I don't know. I didn't even seem to feel that bad about it. Yeah, I didn't feel that bad, but he doesn't do it again.
Starting point is 02:45:18 And then Batman shows up and like, Batman's a hero. Okay, Batman's just murdering people all over and he doesn't give a fucking, he loves to kill. He loves to kill. And then in the Super Justice League, they're going to be like, Batman feels really bad about that. So you know what? I thought they fixed that in the end of Batman vs Superman.
Starting point is 02:45:37 You notice how there is like a huge point of everyone going, where are they fighting? In that deserted island. That random deserted island that's in the middle of Metropolis and Gotham City, because we decided to move these two cities a mile away. New York and Chicago are 10 miles apart. And they kept saying, oh, it's completely deserted. And I thought, oh, they realize how stupid it is to have a guy whose main goal in life is to protect every life, destroying all life.
Starting point is 02:46:09 And of course, put him fight there. That's fine. Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys. We're doing it again. We're doing it again. I'm going to calm you all down. All right. Nice.
Starting point is 02:46:18 Okay. Nice. I have something great. You want to believe in heroes again? No. Real heroes? I do. No.
Starting point is 02:46:26 All right. No. Shut up. You're too late. You're going to believe. Real non-DC heroes. I just looked over and saw the controllers. Okay.
Starting point is 02:46:34 I can keep scrolling. And like you can get more and more and more. Wow, Liam. He's really right. And more and more. Liam, I know. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:46:42 That guy is awesome. Okay. That guy. I have a torch. Great. Okay. Believe in real heroes. Believe in one punch man.
Starting point is 02:46:50 Look at this Saitama statue. Yeah, it's a statue. It's really cool. It's awesome. It's a cool statue. There's a new line from and they're doing a Saitama statue. They're doing a Gino statue that looks fucking awesome with lighting on it. Is that glow?
Starting point is 02:47:05 Yeah. It looks like it's lit. Go to the Gino one? What did you get? What did you pay for? I guess. You discovered these high end luxury statues. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:47:16 The Gino one was old. That's pretty awesome. Right? But it's a really nice one. I haven't seen that though. But the new one punch one men's are just announced and they look fucking great. These are like 500 euros plus. That one's 699 euros.
Starting point is 02:47:27 Yeah. But the Saitama is 60. Yeah. Because it's this big. It's like the size of a tiny penis. Yeah. Size of yours. Really?
Starting point is 02:47:36 Didn't say that. Really? Did you have to just say, yeah, your penis is the smallest. Yeah. But when everything you've said lately is, yeah, it's my penis. Are you actually sure that's not what you've got? That reminds me. I got to finish watching Area 100.
Starting point is 02:47:48 Because the Gino's one was 500 euros. Yeah. There's a huge price difference between the two and I'm unsure why. Because it could that actually be a typo? Clearly when somebody's walking around. Because look how it's priced. Saying that their penis is really big. That means it's not very small.
Starting point is 02:48:01 Yeah. I don't know exactly what that means. Maybe it's not. But it makes me wonder if that one's... No, really though. That one has to be like way smaller then. They are the nicest. So big.
Starting point is 02:48:10 They're the nicest peaches of one punch man merch I've seen. Yeah, pretty much. We only like statues of one punch man. Yeah, pretty much. What's Duke Nukemania? Duke Nukemania is the new game that Gearbox announced ahead of Sonic Mania. Because it has a bunch of new levels modded in by old creators and stuff. This is the one where Randy did another magic trick and took people's money away.
Starting point is 02:48:34 Oh, he hates those jokes. You mean his only magic trick? But yeah, Duke Nukemania is the new kind of remake with new lighting and new levels done by old 3D realms guys. You know that the people who made Megaton Edition? Yeah. They got fucked by this, eh? Like really bad.
Starting point is 02:48:52 What do you mean? They had the license to do Megaton Edition and they made Megaton Edition for PS3 and Vita and PC, I don't know. Gearbox made them delist it. And they're making this one and Gearbox is contesting that they don't have the license. They're like, no, we had the license. We fucking... Did Gearbox give it?
Starting point is 02:49:10 We published it. Gearbox gave it to them. I'll pull up the specifics. Oh, Gearbox. Wow, Gearbox never, never stopping. You know what's great about Gearbox? Whenever a company acts badly, Liam's brought up a point that a company's not one person, right?
Starting point is 02:49:28 A company's not an individual. It's a group of people. There's all different people. But in the case of Gearbox, it's so easy to just blame Randy Pitchford. It's so easy because he's such an obvious asshole. He's also a magician. Right? Nobody likes magicians.
Starting point is 02:49:45 Even if he's not directly responsible, who would ever feel bad for blaming him anyway? He stole all that money for aliens. But it's actually called, what is it? Duke Nukem 20th anniversary world tour game. And it's got like a completely new episode in it. Dude, I love seeing how mad Randy gets on Twitter when people reply to his stupid shit with, didn't you steal all that money from Sega and he freaks out every time? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:50:12 Yeah, I did. Stop talking about it. I'd like to see him on the air. Okay, here I go. You shot Randy Pitchford. Just like Sonic the Hedgehog comes out with his dick out. And he's like, all right, all right, all right. So, okay, I got some more details on it.
Starting point is 02:50:30 And the story has evolved a little bit. So what the developer said in the end is, here's the deal. Our license to Duke 3D is invalid. It's not the fault of the current owners of 3D Realms and it's not the fault of Gearbox. It's nobody's fault. It was a mistake by another party. This leaves them completely up shit creek. But even after the public feuding, Gearbox has found something new for them to do and they're going to help them out.
Starting point is 02:50:59 So after everything developed and stuff, because the version I heard was only the first version of it, the finality of the story is Gearbox is going to help them out in some way. Yeah, I think George Miller owns a steak or something. George Bressard. George Bressard. The last sentence is, I got completely shanghide, but things will be all right. Because I think there's a third, because it's 3D Realms and like Gearbox sort of decided, yeah, we both co-own it now or whatever.
Starting point is 02:51:30 But I think there's another party that owns a bit. That owns like Duke's Boots. He owns like half of Duke or whatever. Yeah, George Bressard. I want him to come out and actually admit that World of Warcraft is what killed that game. Yeah, probably. You remember here in those rumors that instead of working on the game, you played WoW 16 hours a day for like five years? How many creators have been ruined by WoW?
Starting point is 02:51:52 Significant. More than zero. More than zero. More than zero, for sure. Anyway. A new Duke Nukem game comes out like this month. Yeah. Well, whatever killed Batman Arkham Collection, unkilled it. Shut up, no way.
Starting point is 02:52:05 Because it's coming out. Yeah. Well, it got delayed, it didn't get... It got... It got indefinitely delayed and then now it's only coming out like two months later. When are we going to get the shadow of World of War Collection? Did you guys look at the video for this? It looks good.
Starting point is 02:52:19 Put it up. It looks way better, yeah. Oh, I bet it got indefinitely delayed because they're like, uh-oh, people caught us. Wait, didn't we talk about this last time when we looked at the side-by-sides? Yeah, but this is a... It looks bad, but now it looks a lot better. It looks bad, this is a new video. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:52:32 No, I remember we actually did like... It's a new video. But it's a new video from last week. So it looks even better than that last one. Yeah. Well, it looked bad, like worse last time. It looked bad before, now it looks good. Right.
Starting point is 02:52:42 Not worse, but... They were like, uh-oh, they caught us. It's still like not perfect. But... Like Rocksteady have incredible artists and mimicking, that is evidently incredibly hard, like, it's better, it's much better looking than the previous version of it. And, like, for all intents and purposes, it's... Yeah, that's better.
Starting point is 02:53:00 That original side-by-side video, like, was laughable. Yeah, the one from a few months ago was, like, not great. And so here, they took the time to fix that. All right. If you jack it up, it's the resolution that makes a big difference. Yeah, but the resolution was higher on the other one, and it's like, why is it missing all of the specular effects? Yeah, sorry, I just meant because the video we were watching was a thumbnail.
Starting point is 02:53:19 Will he really strongly suggest you might get that and play through Asylum? Yep. Yeah, Asylum's great. I guess. Asylum holds up the best, I think. Yeah. I own Asylum Trickwrapped, you know, but... But you never do anything with it, so...
Starting point is 02:53:32 Yeah, yeah, it's not on my high priorities, but it's there. What's the most Metroid Batman game you can ever play? Wait, you've never played Arkham Asylum? No. It's like Super Metroid. Yeah. Which you hate. Are you serious?
Starting point is 02:53:45 Yeah, yeah, yeah. You never played Batman Arkham Asylum? Yeah, that's correct. You never played City, either? No, no, I didn't play any of them. I watched People Testing City, but... You didn't... You didn't play Arkham Asylum.
Starting point is 02:53:56 Do you need to hear it a third or four times? I don't think you're gonna get... I thought you liked Metroid. I do? I guess you don't. I don't act... He likes Metroid more than you. I hear Asylum's a really good game, and I know that people have been talking about them
Starting point is 02:54:11 for the last 10 years, so... You didn't play Arkham Asylum. I don't think his answer's gonna change. All right. You're being that guy. You're being that guy who's like, Oh, you haven't seen Death Note! You could have picked one of five enemies,
Starting point is 02:54:42 but you actually picked the right one there. That's, that's, that's, that's hard. Everyone knows this. Fucking Bullseye! Oh my God, the Bullseye is so real. Do you agree with that? He could have picked one of five enemies, but he picked the wrong one. Dude, yeah.
Starting point is 02:55:06 You haven't seen Death Note! You! Nobody should be that guy. Well, you literally have a note where you put in names of people that you want to die, and you haven't seen Death Note. Oh my God. All right, so I'm gonna, I'm gonna concede that point. All right, so, and on that anime note,
Starting point is 02:55:26 there are Crunchyrolls teaming up with Funimation to bring dubs to Crunchyroll. What is this exactly? Is this like cross... Funimation, cross, Crunchyroll, millionaire enemies? Crunchyroll is getting into the dub business? Yeah. And if I understood it correctly, they're the ones doing free and stuff. Not Funimation.
Starting point is 02:55:45 Okay. They're dubbing them, and Funimation's gonna help distribute. But also, some of their shows, not simulcat, not new ones that are currently airing, but some of their shows are gonna be available on the other ones. So, for example, Cowboy Bebop is now available on Crunchyroll. Yeah, it's awesome. And it's got the Funimation branding when you start it up, but it's there. So, before this Funimation, like, then they have, like, not beef per se,
Starting point is 02:56:08 but, like, they didn't give, like, there weren't any Funimation shows on Crunchyroll. There was no, no, exactly. Not on Crunchyroll, but Funimation did have them free online for anybody. Yeah, right. Add supported for, yeah. Yeah. So, you could just go watch them, like, for a while now. Yeah, there was no overlap there bringing that together.
Starting point is 02:56:25 I didn't know Funimation had the rights to Cowboy Bebop. Yeah. That's crazy. They got a lot, honestly. So, isn't this considered, like, whoa, awesome, finally. Especially for Crunchyroll. Only if you care about dubs. If you care about dubs.
Starting point is 02:56:40 I think nowadays they're, like, the two biggest players. Yeah. I think. There's only, like, one other company of note, and I can't even remember their name, so how valuable are they? But, uh... There's good news, I guess. The more the merrier.
Starting point is 02:56:53 Yeah. A little less good news. Bloodstain got pushed back to 2018. Yeah, that's a strong pushback. That was really, you know... That's a shove. Yeah. Delays can be delays, but I was like, well, what was this intended release date, 2017?
Starting point is 02:57:07 2017. But did they ever even give up? Yeah, and I was talking to my girlfriend. I was like, you know, I always imagined it was, like, April-May 2017. I always thought I had summer. But... But, you know, this could be the difference between November 2017 and March 20. Like, it could be not as bad as we thought.
Starting point is 02:57:25 Someone was charting out the progress of a game on a whiteboard and said, okay, so this'll take a couple months, and then this'll take a couple months, and that'll take a couple months. Yeah. So what do we... Ah, shit! Ah, shit! They probably could have given us, like, an optimistic winter 2017, but just went nah.
Starting point is 02:57:42 Hey, here... Honestly, like, on paper, it's a year. But when you really think about it, it's probably months. Three months. It's probably, like, not a huge... So here's the deal, right? I've backed quite a few of those large RPGs. When a Kickstarter does well, that game gets pushed back.
Starting point is 02:57:59 Yeah. Like, that's just the way it is. Just... They look at the... They look at, like, you know, Pillars of Eternity came out over a year, I think, after its original tentative date, because they had to add all the shit that got added in Kickstarter bonuses. But, like, we've talked about on this very podcast that... On this very podcast.
Starting point is 02:58:15 That Igor Ashley had said, like, oh, we're gonna just make the base game really good, and we're not gonna do all that stretch-cool shit till later. Yeah. Like, whatever, like, way to do stuff. And, like, I hope that's still true, and they're not just delayed it to maybe... Yeah. They thought they could squeeze in that extra stuff. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:58:33 Honestly, like, nonetheless, it's like, I'll wait. I'll wait. Yeah, I know. That is... Yeah. When you never had a date, a delay is long. What are you gonna say? I'm not gonna wait.
Starting point is 02:58:42 Yeah, I'm not. Yeah, I was just saying that. I'm going there now. What I'm not gonna say is I'm... I refuse to wait. What I'm not gonna say is I'm furious. Fuck Koji Igarashi for delaying this game, that piece of shit. What?
Starting point is 02:58:54 She's stealing my money. You said something more than I thought you would, which is, like, ah, yeah, this one hurts. Yeah, it's been a while since I saw a delay, and I went, ugh, hey, they delayed Niro-to-to-tomoto four years from now. I would be less hurt by that one, because I'm so excited for Niro-automata, but Niro ends so well that I'm still just like, what is that game gonna be?
Starting point is 02:59:18 Because this game, like, I played a demo and I'm like, okay, it feels perfect already. Excuse me, I got the sniffles. But, like, ugh, can't wait. My headline for this article was, die bloodstain, you don't belong in 2017. I hope they show off some more soon, because we've only seen...
Starting point is 02:59:40 That helps. We've only seen Minerva the Galleon right now, like the boat, and we haven't seen anything, because I want to see some. If, like, in, let's say, March of next year, they show, like, a cool, like, two-minute trailer of, like, tons of shit. Well, there's the beta, too.
Starting point is 02:59:54 That's a thing they announced. Not to mention, remember, Mighty Bloodstained was one of the stretch goals? Yeah, I always forget about that. But I'm excited for that, too. And that's a good game. Lastly, but not leastly, certainly not least, we've got a leak that's confirmed, I guess. EDF 5 leaked for TGS.
Starting point is 03:00:18 Finally. I can end my hunger strike. The teaser images they had for this were amazing. They were... What were they? Okay, they were... It started off with something really small, like, golf ball.
Starting point is 03:00:29 It was a golf ball, yeah. And they had these very cryptic sentences on it, and every single time, every single new poster, the item would get bigger and bigger and bigger. Like a bigger sphere each time. A bigger sphere, like, now it's a baseball, now it's a basketball, now it's a watermelon, and eventually it starts getting big,
Starting point is 03:00:46 and the background starts fading out into space, and then it's just the Earth. I forget what the phrase was, but it was, like, revenge is coming or something. Yeah, I don't know what it was. Yeah, that's cool. But yeah. But people knew that it was one of those things like...
Starting point is 03:01:04 This is not tuning my own home with Berserk. There was a certain style to that announcement. Speaking of which... Some people went, that's Berserk. With this, as soon as people saw that the sphere was getting bigger and they saw the Earth, they're like, that's EDF. That's EDF for sure. It felt a lot like the EDF IV teaser from a few years ago as well.
Starting point is 03:01:20 Like, what was it? They were looking at some of the website code, and it literally says slash EDF V. Yeah, it does. Now, as much as I loved EDF, like, I almost feel like there's been a lot of games in the last little while. And for you, D3 announced a bigger game right next to it.
Starting point is 03:01:34 I'll talk about that one second. Okay, okay. But I'd actually like EDF V to maybe be a bit different. I bought EDF IV.1 on PC. Shadow of New Despair? Dude. I really, really, really want EDF V to come to PC because... I don't see why it would.
Starting point is 03:01:52 Well, I mean, like day and date, because an EDF game at a high frame rate is the weirdest. It's so... It's not. I mean, all of I like that. It's a we've been over this. You're wasting frames. It's a waste of frames.
Starting point is 03:02:04 You could have more bugs on screen. Stop wasting frames with your smooth frame rates. You say that, though. But you want more bugs on the screen. There are already a lot of bugs on the screen. Yeah, but you could spend like a frame at a rate. More. You get like three bugs per frame.
Starting point is 03:02:17 Maybe more. How long did you play that for? Couple hours. Like there's a part I didn't get to, but I got to the giant Mac, right? There's some part where you're fighting two giant Kaiju in the Mac. I got... I want EDF V to just be that now as a change of pace.
Starting point is 03:02:37 The 360 version, I got to the point for the... It was the third or fourth fight with the world eaters. Did you get that far? The world eaters? Yeah. In the third game? Yeah. No, the fourth game.
Starting point is 03:02:53 Because the world eaters are UFOs that cover the entire sky, all the way to the horizon in every direction. Oh, yeah. I've seen that. I've seen that. Yeah, I played EDF II this year when I got released. Right now, I feel like all EDF'd out, but we'll see. Honestly, Attack on Titan feels that exact itch for me.
Starting point is 03:03:15 James showed me the tortoise, and I'm still... I didn't see that. It's such a fucking good weapon. Oh, the weapon, the tortoise. Super slow missile, right? But it's gonna do some damage. You can outrun it physically. Make sure it lands, you know?
Starting point is 03:03:33 I wouldn't mind, like, not Insect Armageddon, but I kind of feel like there should be an in-between game where maybe it's like, yeah, not as long. Maybe there's a bit more variety in the missions and not locking an actual different mission after 50 levels. So you're saying you want Reg and Leif, too? I want EDF USA version. I think the world wants Reg and Leif, too.
Starting point is 03:03:56 Yeah, it's not gonna happen. I don't know if I told you, but I booted that up a few months ago, and it's not great. Which is exactly what I want. Just like Earth Defense Force. You couldn't tell from the footage? It's way less good and fun than Earth Defense Force. Like, my eyeballs saw Reg and Leif the first three seconds
Starting point is 03:04:17 and went, oh, yeah. To be fair, Reg and Leif is kind of like Attack on Titan before Attack on Titan. You're basically doing the exact same thing. So if you want to make sure... I like the giant sword slashes in that game. Do you want to talk about the zombie game, or are you good? Really quickly. What's it called again?
Starting point is 03:04:34 I don't remember. Anyway, continue, Woolly. You don't remember what the name of the game was. I mean, you remember the game. It takes place in the Onechan Barra Cinematic Universe. Aborting is fine. And you shoot zombies. It is.
Starting point is 03:04:46 Well, talk about when it comes out. There's nothing wrong with abortion. That's what I said. Yeah. That's what we all said. I'm sorry, wait, what? I wasn't making a dense first second. The super best friend cat is at
Starting point is 03:04:58 Yeah. That's super best friend cast at You can get an email coming at us, like one from Pariah, who wants to know. Hey, Liam. You've said that you think most beat-em-ups are not very good, or not as good as people think they are. Other than Streets of Rage, what are some good beat-em-ups?
Starting point is 03:05:17 Sengoku 3. Sengoku 3 encourages highly thoughtful use of your extremely varied skill set. You're not just saying that for me? No. Sengoku 3 is an incredible masterpiece outside of the boss battles, which suck. It's my favorite beat-em-up.
Starting point is 03:05:33 I think it's the best. No, it's incredible that game. The boss battles are trash garbage. They really suck. Yeah, I can't defend them. They're a quarter muncher boss battles. I can't defend them. Dungeons and Dragons has the same problem.
Starting point is 03:05:46 Yeah, Dungeons and Dragons totally has the same thing. It's kind of like the main way to tell in beat-em-ups is enemy patterns, because the level design is dictated by the enemy patterns being the level as opposed to the level itself, because most beat-em-ups don't really have... Like, they're straight hallways, 90% of the time. So once you can read enemies' movement patterns,
Starting point is 03:06:14 you can tell if it's a good beat-em-up or not. When you know how they're going to move and if they move reliably as opposed to erratic movements that aren't readable in a way... Are they based on rules or bullshit? Yeah, because a lot of beat-em-ups you can't block. And if an enemy in a beat-em-up has unreliable movement and then just attacks you in random, like actual random ways,
Starting point is 03:06:38 it's garbage, because there's nothing you can do to stop that. In Streets of Rage, if you watch the LP, there are enemies who run up to you and attack you directly, but they do it in a very reliable, consistent way 100% of the time. So if you do that level again and he does something like... If you watch the Streets of Rage LP, I'm sure there's a lot of bits where you can see I just read the enemy. Because you know what he's doing.
Starting point is 03:07:02 Because you can learn. But a lot of beat-em-ups have poor or not well enough thought-out enemy AI. Where does unbound Saga fit in this rule set? I didn't play that since it came out, but I thought it wasn't very good. But I think that's one of the major things it comes down to, is actually having enemy AI that's readable and fair. If you're taking garbage hits, it's not a great beat-em-up. It's like if you're playing a shooter and it's not possible to avoid gunfire,
Starting point is 03:07:35 then it's just like... It's just shlock, you're just taking hits. Well, it's different because shooters, you regenerate health now. It's like an older shooter if you couldn't avoid gunfire skillfully. But we've talked about this quite a few times. And like you've mentioned, it's not even a problem that plagues old arcade games, but new beat-em-ups come out where they just don't really know or think about that stuff. Yeah, and a lot of old beat-em-ups aren't amazing either.
Starting point is 03:08:06 Just because it's old doesn't mean it's good. No, exactly. There's a reason that character action more or less erased beat-em-ups. It's because beat-em-ups weren't good enough to be in good beat-em-ups. We're like, we can do this, we'll just do whatever they did, not having to put knowledge of why... Each player controls somebody, here's your attack, and then go. Life bar, go.
Starting point is 03:08:31 And conversely, there's stuff like Scott Pilgrim where it's way too plain. Scott Pilgrim's art saves it. Without the art and the music, that game would be way too plain. But there's not actually that much in terms of gameplay depth in there. All the characters are more or less the same. There's kind of shallow. And the most underrated beat-em-up to me, they're not always Night Slashers. Night Slashers, yeah.
Starting point is 03:08:54 I haven't played that one enough. We finished it once, but I don't know enough about it. No one talks about the peace keepers. That's the tough thing about beat-em-ups. I don't think peace keepers is that great. I need to go through it again. But you unlock Norton though. You really can't just play a beat-em-up once and know enough.
Starting point is 03:09:10 There are very few beat-em-ups that I would say are great. And there are a lot that I would say are bad. Castle Crashers isn't really a great beat-em-up. It takes 20 years of beat-em-up knowledge and boils it down to a really shallow experience. Castle Crashers is a fun co-op action game. No, and it's fun to play. But it's not a good beat-em-up. In the same way that it might be fun to drive cars around,
Starting point is 03:09:37 but it doesn't necessarily make a good racing game. Is Mario Kart a great racing game or is it a great party game? It's neither. It's a great party game. It's both and it's neither at the same time. I'm patting everybody. I say stupid bullshit. Throw that in at the end.
Starting point is 03:09:55 I think part of it is also like if a company made a fighting game to the standards of Street Fighter 1 today, it would suck. I don't know. And I feel like a lot of beat-em-ups... Oh, that I don't know. But beat-em-ups never took that extra step. Well, character action is what it is. Yeah, but beat-em-ups, beat-em-up, there is a difference.
Starting point is 03:10:20 And character action was created by mistake. Just like everything good in game development. But 2D beat-em-ups never took that extra step. They just jumped to 3D and then they were gone. Shmups never got replaced by dog fighting games. No, Shmups kept going because they kept advancing. Not really. They just had a dedicated scene that followed Shmups throughout the years.
Starting point is 03:10:46 If you look at Cave, they evolved their scoring systems. There's original stuff like Trigger Heart Exceleka that has legit unique mechanics and stuff like that. But beat-em-ups never... Pixel hit boxes became a universal. Fighting Force was like that thing. Now that we're in 3D, obviously the genre would move with 3D as well. No, not really.
Starting point is 03:11:09 Not at all. There's way more bad 3D beat-em-ups. I don't think there's enough to say that. Oh, sorry, I percentage-wise. Street-wise classic mode. Hey Liam, is that weird robot from Gumby that you don't like? No. He's a friendly robot.
Starting point is 03:11:27 Street-wise classic mode? Tell the other Gumby's a robot because it's under his skin. Street-wise classic mode is pretty good. It's better than the base game, but I think it's what Liam was saying. There's bullshit enemy patterns. It's super random. It's not so much random, it might be random, but they throw way too many fucking enemies.
Starting point is 03:11:48 I've never beaten it. You and I have the farthest it's ever gotten. But we were happy that they threw that mode in. Oh wait, no, it's because there's no continues. Oh, was that what it was? Which game is that, sorry? Street-wise arcade mode. Oh, wow, really?
Starting point is 03:12:05 It's not even that bad, but it's not... You fight Kami, though. That kind of sucks. No, that's not the Gumby I'm talking about, Pat. Anyway, what's what else? It sucks because I don't think there's been a truly great beat-em-up. A great beat-em-up. Not a great party game, not a great...
Starting point is 03:12:23 Because Scott Pilgrim and Castle Crashers are great at being just like fun party games, but they're casual beat-em-ups. And I think that's because there aren't a lot of people who are really still yearn for a beat-em-up. I want to move on, but I do want to ask what you think of Neon, because I really enjoyed Neon. Oh, Neon, I forgot. I love Neon. Double Dragon Neon, it was solid because you can cover your bases pretty much at all points.
Starting point is 03:12:52 I only played through it once, though. I don't know enough about it. The Duck Dodge opened up a whole new world. No, that adds a lot. It's a solid game. It opened up a lot. I think that's the best example of something modern that is trying to be a beat-em-up. That and Dragon's Crown are like two recent good ones, but Dragon's Crown has its own share of bullshit as well.
Starting point is 03:13:14 I'd say Muramasa is a bit closer to a pure beat-em-up than Dragon's Crown, just because there's so much more RPG in Dragon's Crown. Dragon's Crown is like River City Ransom, right? To quote you, why did we fall on the timeline where when we think about fucking vanillaware games, it's not just joy, but there's a little bit of like... Dragon's Crown? Oh, Dragon's Crown. Vanillaware is really good at making games that get really boring.
Starting point is 03:13:46 Because their art is so pretty that they have to milk it. They fool you with their big-ass titties. That's why their best game is the Muramasa DLC, because they're three hours apiece. Alright, alright, alright. We've got a report back in from Mitch, who wrote in last time about the Luigi's Mansion arcade game. He has two versions of this, but TLDR for the podcast,
Starting point is 03:14:06 the pros of the Luigi's Mansion arcade game is that it's very faithful to Luigi's Mansion and the Dark Moon. The gun itself is faithful, the concepts of combat are on point. It's two players, and it's kind of like playing House of the Dead in a booth. That's cool. Cons, carpal tunnel, holy shit, the gun is horrible to hold. Who holds a vacuum like this? Trigger placement and light button.
Starting point is 03:14:30 It hurts, it hurts. It's fucking loud. It's a loud-ass arcade machine, and the fact that you're in a booth just makes it even louder. That's good. Arcade games should be more loud, because you have to be loud to be heard. Because of the gun design. It's inaccurate, and it's hard to aim.
Starting point is 03:14:50 You can see Capcom went down the Umbrella Slash Dark Side Chronicles school of design going through the game, and it's a credit muncher. You play non-optimal Luigi's Mansion strategy, like letting go of ghosts to not get hit by others. My non-optimal Luigi's Mansion strategy. I actually totally thought it was by Namco. That's kind of neat.
Starting point is 03:15:11 That's crazy, that's Capcom. I just googled it too, to make sure. Yeah, totally. Overall, play it once with a friend, but that's about it. Okay, fair enough. Thank you. I appreciate the report. Because it's a Daven Busters exclusive,
Starting point is 03:15:24 so we don't really get a chance to play it. No, he said he'd report back in, and he did. So good on you. Thanks, Mitch. Sick Wheelchair Combos says, You ever been really interested and impressed in a game's opening, but then felt betrayed by the lack of quality in the actual game? Bioshock Infinite was really intriguing for its introduction to Columbia.
Starting point is 03:15:43 And then I got caught off guard by the raffle scene, or Mark, you realize that this is all the gameplay is going to be. Chronocross starts like, holy shit, and then it keeps going, and then you're like, ah. Yeah. So, Radopening's Bad Games. Go. Okay, well, I'll think of a better example,
Starting point is 03:15:59 but Radopening, like, still a good game, but not as good as the opening has always been. It's going to stay on a mission 3. Oh, it was good. It was going to stay God of War 2. God damn. God of War 2 has, like, it's not, not like God of War 2 is a bad game,
Starting point is 03:16:13 but it's like, it's opening is just so fucking awesome and sick, and that the actual game is kind of, you're stuck on this generic island of time, and it's just not as cool as the opening. I'm not going to say Onomusha 3, because that's a great game. I'm going to say Onomusha 4, because that's not a great game. Well, I don't know anything about the start that's great. The intro cutscene's awesome.
Starting point is 03:16:32 It's not quite as awesome as 3's, but it's similarly like 4. I don't even remember what it was. I remember 3's. He kills a giant skyscraper-style demon with the cool power slash. I want to say Final Fantasy XIII. I thought that was the reverse. I thought the game gets better.
Starting point is 03:16:47 The trance sequence and shit is fucking dope. And then, I hope Mom says Mom's are tough, and it's all downhill from there. I don't personally subscribe to it, but I think a lot of people, including Pat, would vouch Brutal Legend, would fit into that. Because that game just- That is a really stacked opening.
Starting point is 03:17:03 The best level in the entire game is like the second level. It drizzles out, but by the time it's done, it's like 60. It's still okay. Yeah, it starts at 95, and it goes to 60. It's worth completing. The first hour or two of Mad Max is really, really awesome. And then, when you get into the grind of everything you have to do,
Starting point is 03:17:24 it gets progressively less and less awesome until it's just kind of bland, just sort of going by the motions. I'm going to break the rules here and nominate two anime that scream out in my brain. That's fine. You're not breaking rules at all. Bakuretsu Tenshi. Fuck. That thing has such a good opening sequence.
Starting point is 03:17:44 You look at the concept art that they put on everything and the opening sequence and you're like, yep, that's going to be amazing. And then you go, the intro, not even the intro, the cold open happens and you're like, yeah. And then it's awful immediately. And immediately terrible as soon as the intro plays and finishes. Are you going to say Wizard Barrister's second? No, actually.
Starting point is 03:18:06 The train sequence. I remember that. That was another one. The train sequence is legit fucking awesome. Yeah. I don't think it gets awful, but it's nowhere near as good. And then I'm going to cap that off with another anime, Samurai Seven. Oh, God, yeah.
Starting point is 03:18:21 The intro, cold open, fucking showing you the war, because you don't actually see the war in Seven Samurai in the original Kurosawa, so I understand. But they tease an action scene that's so fucking awesome, like Zone of the Ender style shit. And then you cut into nothing immediately as soon as the anime intro finishes. Then everyone's just kind of walking around talking. Absolutely nothing going on.
Starting point is 03:18:46 You might get better as it goes on. I only watched like six episodes of it. That's about where I stopped too, yeah. Okay, Deck says, Deck Wraith says, name two shitty stands that become overpowered when they work together. You're going to have to think about that one. Why don't you come back to that? It's like Steely Dan's.
Starting point is 03:19:05 Because it's got to be the shitty ones. Can't pick a good one. No, but it's Steely Dan's with anyone. Yeah. It's whole horse with anyone. Oh, no, no, hang on. I got a good one. Mariah, what's her stand called again?
Starting point is 03:19:19 Bast. With Wheel of Fortune. Okay, that is good. I'm happy with that one. Jeez. Yeah. The lock with that stand that makes you feel guilty. That doesn't exist because I just made it up.
Starting point is 03:19:36 Like, I don't know. The sun, the sun's really bad. But the sun's really good. I'm trying to just think of the bad ones. No, the sun's really bad because it doesn't work for shit unless you're out in the desert and you have a fucking motorized mirror cycle and it hurts you too, the user. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:19:55 It's terrible. The sun. It's eaten by it. The sun and Holly's stand. How does that help? You just fucking died. You're so distracted to try to save Holly that you burn for the sun. I don't know.
Starting point is 03:20:13 Yeah. But both users die. Yeah, sure. I know what you said. Earth, Wind and Fire and the lock there. Earth, Wind and Fire and Earth, Wind and Fire. Yeah, but that's not a stand. That's Earth, Wind and Fire.
Starting point is 03:20:27 You haven't seen him yet. Which one? Okay. And he doesn't have a stand. There's another one there. He's just guy named Earth, Wind and Fire. You forgot that he used that name and he used it twice. Really?
Starting point is 03:20:37 Yeah. Oh boy. That's good. That's pretty awesome. It's in part four and what's the other one? Part four and part six. As long as it's not part four and five or five and six. You think he'd have a big stand Rolodex and then when he'd think up a name
Starting point is 03:20:51 he'd check to see if he was out of cue cards that day. They renamed it when they put it in a volume. Oh wow. What they renamed it to? Planet waves. That's really neat so it actually got overlooked. They caught that. What they didn't change was the fact that a character gets introduced in the first
Starting point is 03:21:06 panel as a girl and then later is changed to a man. No one knows. And they just never address it. Left alone. We got one coming in from Dell who says, What's the dumbest reason you ever had to open up and mess with a piece of electronics? I spilled coffee on my DualShock 4 this weekend and had to pop everything out and wash them.
Starting point is 03:21:23 So that was dumb. I have one. I have one. I have one. The dumbest reason I've ever had to open up and mess with a piece of electronics? I had to open up and mess with my Dreamcast because I purchased it. That's good. That's good.
Starting point is 03:21:37 That's normal. When I was a baby, like two to three to four weeks ago, I had a lot of toy cars that I played with and because it was the 80s, we had a VCR and I would always put the cars into the garage and at one day I had to personally open up the VCR because it had attacked me and I was trapped because my whole baby arm was inside of it and it was eating me because there was a tape in there and then my dad had to destroy our VCR in order to get me out. So your baby arm was stuck in the VCR?
Starting point is 03:22:16 That's correct. That is the dumbest reason. That's pretty fine. That's pretty stupid. Garage. Garage. That's what apparently I just said over and over and then my mom heard, because my arm was caught in it.
Starting point is 03:22:31 Your baby arm. That's pretty fine. My baby arm. That's what happened. Not my penis. What? My baby arm. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 03:22:39 Yeah. Because I was a baby. It was two or three. There's obviously one coming in from Alphtaeus Prime. He says, hey guys, I thought I should clear this up after hearing the discussion on the podcast. I was raised Jewish and I was only 70 observant. So I never personally had a Shabbat man, but I did learn about it.
Starting point is 03:22:57 The idea is that if there's a loophole in the rules, God put it there on purpose. Shut up. So that he could lose the shit out of it. And he would be disappointed in you if you weren't smart enough to figure it out. No, but it's a ... That leap in logic is so smart that it's stupid. Get your thoughts out quick because we're going. No, no. If he puts in a loophole, that's entrapment.
Starting point is 03:23:20 All right. You can ask them on Shabbat to do something for you because that's pretty much the same as you doing it yourself. Yeah, that makes sense. Like I said, yeah. But if you asked them earlier in the week to do it for you on Shabbat, that's fine because you're not doing it on that day. Trying to hint at them, trying to hint to them to do something for you on Shabbat is
Starting point is 03:23:38 something that would not be allowed as far as I know. So it's got to be pre-plant sin. This sort of ties in with the fact that being Jewish is kind of a raw deal because you have to follow 613 rules and you have to get into a vaguely defined afterlife. But if you're not Jewish, you only have to follow seven. So that means it's totally fine to arrange a non-Jew to work on Shabbat because it's not what against the seven rules. It's more complicated though because you're not allowed to do work on Shabbat.
Starting point is 03:24:11 There's 39 specific activities that you're not allowed to do. One of them is igniting a fire which got extrapolated into no electronics. Of course. That makes sense. Another one is no tearing, which apparently there was a huge debate about whether or not it was okay to rip toilet paper. Oh, I would say no. Does it count?
Starting point is 03:24:29 Does it not? They eventually decided that no, you got to pre-rip your toilet paper ahead of time. I agree with that. You're still tearing little bits. Anyway. That's nuts though. If you're going to freeze to death on Shabbat, it's not okay, but if you were required to light a fire for warmth, saving a life trumps everything else.
Starting point is 03:24:48 Yeah. No, that makes sense. It's in the rules. Listen, you can break the rules if you have a really, really good reason, and not a good reason that you think is a good reason, like an actual good reason. That's an actual good rule. I'm starving to death and there's nothing here but bacon, crispy and fresh. You're allowed.
Starting point is 03:25:04 You get them all again on this one. That's a good rule. That's actually like the, you know. Because God's going to be like, come on, what are you going to do? What are you going to do? That's a good rule. Yeah. Also, the Talmud has penis jokes in it.
Starting point is 03:25:15 Of course it does. Nice. You're welcome, Alpha Teas Prime. Thanks. Thanks. 613 rules, huh? 639. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 03:25:23 613 rule laws, but 39 specific actions you can't do on Shabbat. That's tough to remember. Yeah. So the Shabbat man thing is mainly because he has less rules according to your beliefs. So you can get him. The ideology of like God put loopholes in there for you is dumb if you don't figure them out. Like, I love it.
Starting point is 03:25:43 I love it. Remember God put dinosaur bones to troll scientists. You said that's so smart, it's dumb. And then at the end of the conversation, you said that's so dumb, it's smart. It goes both ways. No, that's totally a thing. I'm not sure which one. God is like, you almost tricked me into you.
Starting point is 03:26:00 Whatever religious scholar, whatever religious scholar at whatever point convinced everybody that that was the good, that was the deal that person's a hero. No, don't you see theologies also loopholes. God expects more of you. God loves loopholes. They're like, yeah, I guess he wouldn't have put so many if we didn't love them. Is that how that went? I guess something like, oh, I guess that makes sense.
Starting point is 03:26:26 Fine. Loophole it up. Get your Shabbat man. Go get the Catholics. They'll be good for something. If I can go in and do your best, Jed Hirsch there. That was an accident. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:26:37 You're like, he's got voice started going out. You're going to start talking about your son, David. Oh, my boy David. That one's easy for some reason. My boy David. Yeah. That one just comes out. Well, it's easy because you just think of soyberg minus fish.
Starting point is 03:26:53 Yeah. Or Krusty's dad. Krusty's dad. Well, Krusty's dad's like a cartoon. Well, you know, he is a cartoon. Fucking idiot. Look at this fucking goi over here. Can't tell the difference between a cartoon and a cartoon.
Starting point is 03:27:06 Hey, that's a filthy habit. No. Well, he is a. Yeah. Krusty the real guy. Yeah. All right. What's his real name?
Starting point is 03:27:17 Herschel. Herschel. Really? It is just Herschel? Yeah. Herschel. Yeah. What's coming up?
Starting point is 03:27:25 What's coming up? I'm just going to play more attack on Titan and watch more Lucha. I'll continue playing Phoenix, right? Certainly. I'll try that. And try out the Dead Rising. Yeah. PS4.
Starting point is 03:27:41 New games coming out this week, for sure. Yeah, I'm going to play Dead Rising, but. I'm really going to try to watch Kubo. Sorry. Well, that's okay. Apologize to the studio. I will. But honestly, my week's not feeling too stacked right now.
Starting point is 03:27:56 Going to watch TGS. Obviously. I guess tonight. Absolutely. Tomorrow morning. But I don't know. Pretty. Oh my God.
Starting point is 03:28:05 Oh my God. I just remembered. This is because did you see the little leak of the press start screen for Persona 5? Yes, I did. Yeah. Yeah. And by leak, you mean the game is out? I guess.
Starting point is 03:28:18 I can't. It's similar to fours, but better. I can't. It's quite nice. Yeah. I'm not ready. You will. I'm not ready.
Starting point is 03:28:28 You're ready. Like, oh, it's, it's like, it's actually perfect. Like, it's not just good. It's almost like games can be art. It's almost like I wouldn't go that far though. It's almost like they hired someone with an art degree. Let's not take that. Let's not say anything.
Starting point is 03:28:47 We can't take that. You're right. Yeah. Come on now. I'm also going to try to plan my, my three day trip to New York City because that's the only place I'm allowed to see God. Sure. I got to clear my schedule for that.
Starting point is 03:28:58 Shin Godzilla is still not has any places in Canada in which to see it, even though Funimation said there would be Canadians scared of Godzilla. You should just tweet. Got to go hang out on a four street in D. Four street in D. Hey. Um, yeah. But if, if it turns out there's still no, that's the thing is like, wait, this is a limited
Starting point is 03:29:18 engagement. If I wait, if I still like, oh, yeah, it adds things to Canada, oh, fuck, they're all sold out because these, this is for one week. You're allowed to see it in theaters at least. And I want to see it. When's the release of the, the disc? There is no date. Oh, there's no date yet.
Starting point is 03:29:38 No. Oh, okay. So I'm going to have to plan that out. Uh, yeah. Tag on Titan, Overwatch, uh, Street Fighter, all that jazz. Um, I guess, yeah, nothing pretty, you know what, I got to sit and spend some actual time with KLF because I, I haven't done it any, any justice at all. And I have not popped it in, uh, I've played it here and there in story mode.
Starting point is 03:30:00 And I, I wanted to, I wanted to sit in Marathon all of Danganronpa this week. Oh, I thought you were going to say Lucha on there. So I did. You got, you got 18 episodes now. Yeah. Yeah. But, but I, I didn't get the Mega Man. No, Lucha has been going on like while I'm doing random activities throughout the day.
Starting point is 03:30:16 Yeah. I'm getting there. I'm getting there. Please. And you got to give me something. You got something today. You got something today. I don't want, I don't want it all though.
Starting point is 03:30:27 Schedule. Yes. Go schedule. Yes, please. I think it's actually going to be pretty light. Yeah. Maybe. It's pretty much going to continue rotating between, uh, Omicron, Koopy Sandwiches, Disaster
Starting point is 03:30:40 Report. I got nothing. Yeah. Disaster Report's back. Yeah. By the way. You, Liam, looked up what we need to do for extra endings. And we're going to do this.
Starting point is 03:30:48 And we got a couple. Yeah. We got it. And it's done. It is. It's ending. And I'm done with it. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:30:57 Yeah. I think we both are. I think there's a mystery box this week. There is. On Wednesday. That's correct. Oh, yeah. That.
Starting point is 03:31:06 And Mega Man X Command Mission continues. Fuck you, Matt. It's not that bad. It wasn't that bad, was it? Yeah, it was. No, because you say in it it wasn't that bad. It was that bad in spirit. But it wasn't though.
Starting point is 03:31:14 It was. It was Gax, right? No. Oh, yeah. I thought it was Gax. Yeah. Yeah. I like how the final disaster report is called Maybe.
Starting point is 03:31:26 I don't know. Yeah. I was really unsure when I put it on the calendar, like, is this going to be the last one? I don't know. We haven't recorded the end of that one yet, so. Maybe. Yeah. And if you haven't already seen it, then Shadow of Mordor PS3 went up.
Starting point is 03:31:43 It's already up. Oh. So that's what's up. Oh, I got to go look at the comments on that. I'm really excited to see what people think of that. I saw someone vassal and everyone was like, fuck this version. And some people were like, no, they're lying. They must have fucked with this audio.
Starting point is 03:32:00 We need to see that. We didn't talk to you. Did you not see it? No. We'll watch it. We'll just show you the last five minutes of it. Yeah. It's the worst.
Starting point is 03:32:10 It's the worst. I love the bit with N64 Sauron. I mean. N64 Sauron. I've, you know, I've tested for Brash, like, bro. But no, the fact that like a triple A publisher slash developer, whatever. It should have been canceled. They should have been canceled.
Starting point is 03:32:26 They should have canned this version. They should have had the fully complete version. Somebody would have gone to play it and gone, nope, cancel it. There's a reason why you made a video out of it. Oh yeah. And threw it up on the thing. Yeah, right. He had been kicking that around for a while.
Starting point is 03:32:39 Yeah. Do you know how long it takes to open the pause menu? What? What? It takes as long to close it as well. Really? In a modern 360 PS3 style game, think about when you press pause and look at your inventory, your items, your weapons.
Starting point is 03:32:58 Yeah. That's how long it takes. That's how long it takes. A menu that you need at like every couple of seconds almost. All right. All right. It's crazy. So we did the podcast.
Starting point is 03:33:09 We beat it this time. This is the end of the podcast this time. You can never really beat it though. There's always a sequel. Yeah, I know. It's never, never, never done. We'll get back to our world. All right.
Starting point is 03:34:13 All right. All right. All right. Hey, guys. Little V here. Hope you enjoyed the video. And if you did, feel free to click on these other videos. You'll probably enjoy them too.
Starting point is 03:35:23 And if you really enjoyed the video,

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