Castle Super Beast - SBFC 163: TITANCRIMES feat. Austin Creed (v1)

Episode Date: September 21, 2016

Austin Creed aka Xavier Woods of UpUpDownDown tries to makes sense of the giant mistake that is the Super Best Friendcast....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Music Hey everybody Hello Oh that's solid That's good That's solid That's good I've never tasted a cereal like this before
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's really good How about you Pat? It doesn't remind me of my heritage at all Nope As I eat this cereal I can feel my ass kind of quaking like it's shaking The positivity is just coming right out It's coming out Wait who's that?
Starting point is 00:00:43 What was that voice? Well that's me That's me That's the box of cereal talking to us right now What? That's me I'm inside Let me out Let me out of this box
Starting point is 00:00:52 Oh my god Don't you put baby in the corner The baby out of the corner Hey You got some cereal Oh no It's a single marshmallow It's fine
Starting point is 00:01:05 Perfect Welcome to the Friendcast guys We are joined by Austin Creed Yes hello From up up down down What's up man? What's going on? Not much
Starting point is 00:01:15 We're just eating some bootios right now Today is a horrible day aside from this podcast No we're recording this on a Tuesday We're recording this on a brand new day Right? Why wouldn't you feel happy? That's awful That's awful
Starting point is 00:01:28 That's terrible Someone's jealous that they didn't think of it first Yeah Yeah Not me I like what you do I know I see what you were going for But I feel like the execution was poor
Starting point is 00:01:41 You needed more ham I had to be like It's like we're doing this on a Brand new day Alright Too much in the other direction Fuck it Like you guys actually have cereal for real real
Starting point is 00:01:56 Yeah Had that even go down Yeah Very carefully We wanted to try to bring back food products So like every couple of months We'll be in the car driving And we'll like try to
Starting point is 00:02:11 You know people like Oh where's your What's your five year long term goals And write them down in that Yes We just kind of say like Okay so what do we want done In the next like three months
Starting point is 00:02:20 Like what's our full What's your legacy from Six months from now bro We're at the top Pretty much Cereal Much to say well Cause like I mean honestly
Starting point is 00:02:30 Like you can have wrestling goals But like my goal when I was a kid Was to be a wrestler on TV Okay I did that And it's awesome Check that out You're a victim of your own success Yeah but the thing is it's cool
Starting point is 00:02:42 Because rather than saying like Oh now I want to be heavyweight champion Or now I want to do this Or now I want to do that It's like no I want to bring food products back Because that's Yeah Well think about it
Starting point is 00:02:52 Because it's something that hasn't been done In our organization In our business Like things go a certain way Based on how fans interpret what you're doing While you're in the ring Absolutely While you're outside of the ring even
Starting point is 00:03:03 And so it's kind of more of a victory to me To bring something back to the wrestling community That hasn't been there for like decades Yeah you're doing it for the kids bro Where's my popsicle Ice cream bar Ice cream bar The closest it ever got
Starting point is 00:03:20 Was in on a poster for a paper view They had a picture of an ice cream bar But they didn't They weren't actually But it was a fake ice cream bar Yeah it was fake You couldn't actually buy that in stores And it was our good friend
Starting point is 00:03:33 Chie as best waifu Found this box of boudyos And at a con and said Should I send this to you And I was like yes Exactly Of course you should Yeah why not
Starting point is 00:03:46 But I totally see where you're coming from Austin Like that's like not piggybacking off of anyone That's your thing Yeah that's definitely something to be proud of And so that's the kind of stuff that we go for Because like not taking anything from The actual wrestling industry Which I love to death
Starting point is 00:04:02 It's my first love obviously But we like to be unique in even the goals that we have And that we set for ourselves Because one it's something that nobody is really trying to attain right now And two it's something that's unique So that when we do achieve it People kind of like They do a double take
Starting point is 00:04:23 Because like wait is this really happening So like the first one was kind of getting the unicorn on a shirt Because wrestling shirts look a certain way They sure do Yeah it's a black shirt with some random writing on it Aggression Absolutely Yeah and so which again isn't a bad thing
Starting point is 00:04:38 But we just wanted to do something It's not your thing Yeah I wanted to do something completely different And so like where I was in Hot Topic And I was like oh well this I was getting a shirt for Tyson Kidd Right He loves cats and so I was in there
Starting point is 00:04:52 And I saw a picture or a shirt of a cat Surfing on a pepperoni pizza shooting lasers out of its eyes I've seen that That's fantastic And I was like kind of getting it for myself Then I thought oh it's a cat I'll get it for Tyson And then I was like wait I wear this kind of stuff My friends wear this kind of stuff
Starting point is 00:05:07 And I was legit Like the wrestling shirts were on the same wall right next to it And I was like man like these shirts seem so fun Compared to the wrestling shirts We need a fun shirt And so like the goal that we had Was achieved because like a few months later We had the shirt with the unicorn
Starting point is 00:05:24 And I'm walking in the mall And I saw someone with the unicorn shirt on And I was like oh nice shirt And the guy kind of looked at me like okay thanks I'm like Whatever you say man Don't point at it That's me on the shirt
Starting point is 00:05:35 And he's like what are you talking about I'm like wait so you don't watch wrestling He's like no I don't I don't I don't I don't watch that fake stuff I'm like well first of all They're not really selling drugs on Breaking Bad
Starting point is 00:05:45 Sorry to burst your bubble Their stuff isn't real either So we kind of So no one wears a Stone Cold Steve Austin Austin 316 shirt and not No They're like oh I just love that passage They don't actually have that
Starting point is 00:06:01 But like Your design kind of surpasses that Yeah it crosses a few demos I hear you on the unexpected bit though I definitely did a double take when I saw the box In Woolie's room I was like is that a real Serial
Starting point is 00:06:13 Is that just a box I expected it to just Just be a box Yeah I always thought The box was the only thing on sale But let's get down to brass tacks Cause that's nice And that's all fine and dandy
Starting point is 00:06:24 But we have a certain Thing that we're known We've reviewed Serial on our channel a couple of times We've had a few opinions Do you have the checklist We had some things to say So go ahead You know we gotta get real
Starting point is 00:06:35 And we gotta talk about what we just tasted Gentlemen How do you feel It's got incredible legs When switching the glass It's just fantastic You hold it up to the light You see the way the marshmallows reflect
Starting point is 00:06:48 It would go very well with a braised beef I think Really top-notch stuff It's reminiscent of serials That I enjoyed greatly So that's a positive I'm gonna say that the crunch Was average
Starting point is 00:07:03 But the number one thing that it does right Is a thing that a lot of marshmallow serials Do wrong And that is Has a relatively short-lived marshmallow Aftertaste Like you have that burst of marshmallow And you enjoy it
Starting point is 00:07:16 And then you swallow it And then the milk drowns out the rest of the marshmallow Cause most marshmallow serials You eat one bite And your mouth is just a marshmallow For like an hour It's terrible It sucks
Starting point is 00:07:29 As kind of the serial connoisseur We're all in base in Canada, Austin And when I ever go to the states I spend hours going to Food Walmart Yeah, you have a problem You guys have this I thought that was banned
Starting point is 00:07:44 How would you guys get this serial? Veritable food pilgrimages I've tasted a lot of serials And a lot of them are just Crunchy bits and marshmallows And that is like Boudiers is just as good as The freshest bowl of
Starting point is 00:08:00 Lucky Charms or whatever Even better Of marshmallow serials Even better How dare you make that comparison Even better My favorite My favorite all time
Starting point is 00:08:10 Marshmallow serials That's disgusting Delicious, great It sounds hilarious Marshmallow serials is the Pac-Man One from the early 90s Love that thing to death And yeah, that was near there
Starting point is 00:08:25 That was this Quite good This Boudio is quite delectable I'm curious about the SOG factor though Cause we quickly went in We went out SOG factor is relatively Extreme actually
Starting point is 00:08:40 But that's a person-to-person thing Do you like your steak well done In the same way that you like your Serial SOG I don't like no SOG But that's exactly it So you get your rare steak And that's not for you
Starting point is 00:08:53 That's for someone else Demic to all marshmallow-based confectionaries Liam, I will go out on a limb And say no one wants SOG-y serial Not a single human being alive Alright, we'll get ready for the emails Next week you bastard No, I think a serial should
Starting point is 00:09:10 Always get SOG-y But there's like a certain time frame Where you're like If this doesn't get SOG-y After the 10 minute mark Without the timer there's no tension Look Pat, more like get ready for me To delete those emails
Starting point is 00:09:25 Because those are not human beings Yeah, you're right Exactly, that's fine But you know, quite good Boudios Quite good Boudios Alright Have you heard about Info Wars? Info Wars
Starting point is 00:09:37 We're getting into Reptillion What is this? Reptillion people My girlfriend recently met A fucking Info War Info Wars like No, no, what is that? Oh, Info Wars?
Starting point is 00:09:47 Yeah He's randomly talking about Alex Jones And the conspiracy theories Oh, okay Like, because you talked about Reptillion people The Reptillions are out there, bro That wants SOG-y milk Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:09:56 I watched an hour and a half Flat Earther video the other day Is it about the forest? It's about the forest Yeah, it is And about how forests aren't real They're not real, bro Man, Flat Earthers or something
Starting point is 00:10:06 Austin, do you think the Earth is flat? No Okay, good Controversial I do not prescribe to the Flat Earth Scenario that I've been hearing about lately What about the Time Cube, though? Have you heard about the Time Cube?
Starting point is 00:10:18 No, what is the Time Cube? The Time Cube system is that the Earth Is actually divided into six surfaces That are Time Cube surfaces Wait, no, tell me more Tell me more Depending on where you are It determines everything about your life
Starting point is 00:10:33 Your death, what type of person you should be Everything's pre-present And basically different Is this my first astrology? You go through the madness of this guy's rant And then at the end it's basically like And so that's why all races should live On a different side of the Time Cube
Starting point is 00:10:49 What? But what? Every surface of the Time Cube As a prescribed race I'm going to be honest You live outside of the Cube service I was on board It upsets the natural order
Starting point is 00:11:05 I was on board for about two seconds And then that Took a swerve And you believe you me when you read it The swerve is slow Question, question What races go on which side and why? I didn't get it
Starting point is 00:11:21 The specifics are gone, I don't remember Wait, is it like Avatar the Last Airbender? Oh, you fucking Firebender Stay over there I don't understand We all do some form of supposed magic Why would we not just come together And try to fight a bigger thing all the time
Starting point is 00:11:37 Yeah, yeah Or maybe it needs to be like Dice Where the one is opposite the six Because he needs to equal So you have to find your equivalent What other races like you But then that would be saying That's a fun question
Starting point is 00:11:53 Is one the best or sixth the best? Yeah, yeah, you have to bring in a value system You want to be a four? I'm sure there will be many friendly arguments And then since We've started commingling so much Now it's gone from six to a twenty Side of die
Starting point is 00:12:09 But then you have to take into account What kind of armor are people wearing What kind of attack spells do they have Because then you're rolling Hey Austin, let me ask you Have you ever rolled those pieces shit one hundred No, I refuse to touch that They are garbage
Starting point is 00:12:25 They don't stop, they're just Spears It's just a ball So much anger Well it's like all you need A dice to do is two things Read a number or a letter A dice is supposed to
Starting point is 00:12:41 And stop after you drop it A dice is supposed to definitely tell you something You're going to roll a hundred sided die On a table with your little D&D things And then you're going to roll right off the table And then it's void Bullshit Oh the Demogorgon
Starting point is 00:12:57 I need some esoteric facts This esoteric fact Is going to come later on No This is the only way I want it to be We have a thing where we've been doing It's a gimmick and it's Run its course so I'm trying to keep it fresh
Starting point is 00:13:13 But I sneak in the number of the episode In a way that's A little bit subtle or Not obvious But then it's become extremely obvious And now you're just straight up asking for it Well no we usually asked about it You consistently
Starting point is 00:13:29 I like to ask for it I think the best one was the time I made you pat say the number Yeah you did it Without even knowing Last week was good too Back in the day Back when we were small potato shitties We used to think that people listened to our podcasts
Starting point is 00:13:45 But now we've moved on to the new era Of knowing that no one listens to this Podcast and when guests come on We just say oh this joke Is old and terrible Please ignore it Please don't pretend to laugh You can just sandbag it
Starting point is 00:14:01 You got on this train but this train has a lot of Old baggage What did guy see he call us Man pat scariness marathon I didn't know He called us the super best guys He called us the game grumps I love him
Starting point is 00:14:17 We're all one big let's player Much let's be real Everyone is friends The bird is John Tron No that's what it actually is Not John Tron's a bird That's a completely different thing Also I forgot to at the beginning
Starting point is 00:14:33 When we started to plug plug Hey go subscribe to my YouTube channel Up up down down it's one of the greatest gaming channels on the planet And the podcast We can do that at the end but we are not Adverse to it being at the start No I like that because whenever we get to the end Of the podcast what always happens is
Starting point is 00:14:49 And here's the spot where you can plug it And the person sheepishly goes aw I guess so I really appreciate The moxie to just elbow a sigh How many people made it to the end Throw it in there get it in there I will as we go along Can we get like listener matrix
Starting point is 00:15:05 To figure out exactly what game we start to talk about That people just turn the podcast right the fuck off Is it monster hunter It's the Witcher Final Fantasy 14 You son of a bitch People don't like Final Fantasy 14 No I didn't say that This group of guys make fun of me because I get bird mounts
Starting point is 00:15:21 Because they're bastards Not yet they added new ones Whenever there's an update I think like three or four weeks in a row We will occasionally have 20 minute Final Fantasy 14 Sections where Pat talks to himself It hasn't happened in a long
Starting point is 00:15:37 It's gonna happen in two weeks It's got Yo-Kai watch I like that I hate that you like Yo-Kai watch Give me Yo-Kai watch But hey so When Final Fantasy 14 drops Also River City
Starting point is 00:15:53 Tokyo Rumble It's so good Because wait How do you know Shush Nice that's good You gotta hook us up with that This is like the third
Starting point is 00:16:09 Remake or whatever of River City Ransom That's been on the 3DS in Japan But this is the first one that's been localized So I'll just say If I were to make a River City game that was really good on 3DS It would probably be Something like hopefully like what comes out
Starting point is 00:16:25 And it would be really fun to play For long periods of time And have a bunch of characters that were really fun That's a pretty good prediction bro Yeah Just randomly I forgot to mention this Actually before we started recording but We just talk over each other
Starting point is 00:16:41 And just feel free to cut in It's a mess It's a huge mess I feel like I'm watching a dumpster fire That's correct You got it Identified our aesthetic Hey Austin if you want to see a real dumpster fire
Starting point is 00:16:57 Me and Woolly did a LP Of one of the episodes of the Minecraft Telltale Game Which we used much dumpster fire imagery In all of our promo Oh that game's a piece of shit Likewise you could also watch Me and Pat and Woolly play Omicron the No Man Soul
Starting point is 00:17:13 Nope Wait That was the first game That I played where I thought I was actually Going to die in real life if I died That's amazing you feel that way It used to go back because I had my Dreamcast and I loved it
Starting point is 00:17:29 The blockbuster and the only thing I hadn't Rented was Omicron So we rented and then it goes Into that world and you're walking around That awkward dude and then I died and I thought I was going to have a heart attack I had to leave the room I can't play that crap Dude we're like
Starting point is 00:17:45 Five, six hours in And it can only get worse So we recorded some of that Today and to quote you Pat Tears were literally shaking And then Liam goes oh because you were laughing And I go no and it's like oh Because it was emotional I'm adding that
Starting point is 00:18:01 To your sentence and no There was a moment where I started to laugh And then I realized we were only like 24 Minutes into our days recording And then I started to actually cry Because that is the That is the worst We have been around for like five years
Starting point is 00:18:17 Now maybe a little longer That is the worst game We have played here And the guy who made it David Cage He's the chemist of our channel We played all of his games And in general we've kind of just Every time he announces a new game
Starting point is 00:18:33 They go oh new LP confirmed for best friends And I think the worst bit is We want David to succeed We want him to write a good game I want to be proven wrong at some point But he just every time He just can't And so we just went back to the origins
Starting point is 00:18:49 Have you ever had him on? How do we get David on? We should get that We got the fucking voice actor from Silent Hill 2 I think there are only so many Times you can say I hate this bastard He is no good, he is a stupid creepy
Starting point is 00:19:05 French man That means you can get it happening easily Especially because now you have to squash it You want to understand why he writes the way he writes To actually pick us right Can you bring your Ellen Page diary? The photo album There was probably a diary
Starting point is 00:19:21 He has a bunch of baby pictures Of Willem Dafoe That's how we got him Was Willem Dafoe ever a baby? Was he not just born that age? He just had the same face He's got like Bussemi syndrome Also Liam you missed a good bit today
Starting point is 00:19:37 Which was a Pat going hey So for context Pat is now kind of taking the reins Of whenever there's a first person shooter segment Willie is taking the fighting game Segment and I'm taking everything else And then Pat goes Hey Willie who has it worse between
Starting point is 00:19:53 You or me Me with the first person shooting Or you with the fighting and I go me And then Pat goes The walking The walking and talking to people Is kind of the least Interesting part
Starting point is 00:20:09 But let's get that Coopy dumpster fire Let's get that beyond us Question question Have you guys ever played wind jammers? No Is this about disc world Or are you playing today?
Starting point is 00:20:25 This is that steam game that looks a lot like wind jammers So wind jammers is Only one of the most important games in my life Wind jammers is not a big deal It's one of Willie's many spirit Animals besides Naruto Nothing, not much That means Willie's a good man because
Starting point is 00:20:41 Disc jammers is quite possibly the greatest game ever created Talk to me So disc jam I've been talking to these guys for maybe like a year now Through email back and forth And it's two guys who used to work on Call of Duty Go check it out We want to make a game
Starting point is 00:20:57 That's like wind jammers It's like Frisbee, we love wind jammers and all this stuff And so they've been working on this Just the two of them and it's now in the pre alpha phase It's built on the unreal system It looks amazing Have you ever played Virtua Tennis? So it's that view from your player's perspective
Starting point is 00:21:13 Because wind jammers is more overhead Yeah, so wind jammers was like side scroll Side to side like Pong But this has a Virtua Tennis type of view But the cool thing is It's got a very like rocket League-esque feel with how The way it looks, but it's wind jammers
Starting point is 00:21:29 So like when we played it I played it for the first time last week finally And like sent out on Twitter Like you can just go to the website and get a code And it's open to play on Thursdays like all day And the developers are on playing with people Like we, I don't know if I've had That much fun playing a video game in years
Starting point is 00:21:45 Are you calling this the second coming of wind jammers? Oh, by far I honestly think That's all I need That's all I need So this is disc world? Disc jam So disc world is a different thing
Starting point is 00:22:01 So if you go to You put in your email and they send you a code A steam code for the pre alpha That's all right And then Thursdays they send a tweet like Hey, we're starting on Twitch at like noon And so it's open from like noon to midnight And anybody can get on and play
Starting point is 00:22:17 On Thursdays It's disc jam Dude, I'm telling you, I'm going to be on on Thursday You should tell Max. I mean, I'm assuming It doesn't have the same like characters With the ride on So it's more updated like I said It's more like a futuristic kind of feel
Starting point is 00:22:33 Like wind jammers-ish So it's the same concept of characters Like for right now all they have is a big Big huge black guy who's real strong and slow And then a small tiny white lady Who's real fast and has like good Good curves Curves as in throwing the frisbee
Starting point is 00:22:49 Whatever you say But it's amazing I saw you put up a video and I'm up down down Today about that and I was like I've heard about this. Is it good? So it's glad to get clarification on that It's such a great game Because wind jammers is one of those games
Starting point is 00:23:07 That's like here you've made Platinum And it's just been sitting there And nothing's been done with it Because like giant bomb wraps it Hearing about The squads that would come out In like track jacket full team uniforms
Starting point is 00:23:23 To play No, they came out of windbreakers And they yelled jam jam jam It was a windbreaker So good The thing that's really cool about it Is like since it's such a simple game To learn how to play like after five minutes
Starting point is 00:23:39 You know everything there is to know about the game So then it just becomes like strategy Like playing chess but like dude I don't understand how this community Isn't way bigger than it already is I mean because these things take time Because it's a Neo Geo game Essentially and like no one really caught on to it
Starting point is 00:23:55 When it was out at the time The people that did Would see a random arcade somewhere I've never seen an actual win jam But like In regards to like not catching on Like fucking Rocket League they had to make the game twice Before it caught on
Starting point is 00:24:11 What was the original name? Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket powered battle cars Which was a terrible idea And they admitted that And so they changed to Rocket League But it was the same game effect It's the same game minus a few tweaks But same game
Starting point is 00:24:27 I honestly think that this game just jam I think it's going to be slow At the beginning because not a lot of people know about it Because there's not a ton of publicity But then once people start playing it It's going to spread like wildfire And it's going to be like the new hot thing For a long time
Starting point is 00:24:43 Yeah I certainly hope so Because I was at a tournament the other day And they had a section for There's like the fighting game section The first person section And then there's the Rocket League corner But that Rocket League corner was more like The arena to itself
Starting point is 00:24:59 Because they had just as many people And it was huge and there was hype And people were yelling and screaming It was amazing Since you mentioned disc jam What else have you been playing Reading and seeing movies What was your week like?
Starting point is 00:25:15 So today I filmed a ton of stuff With a guy named Andrew Edwards Who's a top 25 tech guy who lives in Seattle Who was awesome enough to fly out here to Atlanta Because we're doing a giveaway for Our new iPhone 7s 32 gigabytes In the color of your choice Just go check out up, up, down, down, subscribe
Starting point is 00:25:31 There we go, you can check out my Twitter At Xavier Woods PhD The pinned tweet, we'll have a link to the video Explaining all the rules and regulations There you go We got to learn from this man I learned from the great Greg Miller He talked me through it
Starting point is 00:25:47 Oh, by far So I've been playing Honestly today I've been playing a bunch of fighters Of the Kinkan fighters From the Kinkan fighters team Fighting climax ignition So when I was in Shout out to Wengieki Bunko
Starting point is 00:26:07 Two years ago When I was in Japan, I was at an arcade And I just shut down and saw this random anime fighting game And I've never seen this anime About this girls basketball team Yeah, Roku buu She's the fucking best It's so good
Starting point is 00:26:23 So I think this girl and her combo Is to turn you into a basketball And shoot and pass and all this stuff And then her special Is to shoot you as a basketball And then the other four girls come out Like her whole basketball team This is the best
Starting point is 00:26:39 So I got it on my Vita And then last Tokyo trip I lost my Vita So I was so upset Then we just went to Manila a few weeks ago And I found a place And played with a ton of dudes there And it was so awesome And then I saw this enormous box
Starting point is 00:26:55 For Dead or Alive Extreme 3 And I was like, oh my god, you guys have the third rendition Of DOA Volleyball But they won't sell it to me in America And he's like, bro, your PS4 plays everything Just buy it here And I was like, well done Plus that version you bought
Starting point is 00:27:11 Has English subtitles for everything And whatever So I got that Gundam Breaker 3 So I was like, oh well, I gotta get this again So I've been Austin, you might get ejected From this podcast If you don't have the right answers
Starting point is 00:27:27 But who is your favorite in DOA Extreme 3 Who is your wife In DOA Extreme 3 It's one of the new chicks I can't remember her name That's the right answer So it's Marie Rose
Starting point is 00:27:43 Or Nyotengu No, she's got The most Disproportionate dimensions Honkers I'm looking I don't remember her name I've only played it three or four times
Starting point is 00:27:59 What color is her hair? I'm looking at her right now And not because of the dimensions Because she is the best of the game Whatever That's on record Put that on a wiki You know what
Starting point is 00:28:19 There's tons of games Where there's shirtless dudes And they're fighting I just think the funniest thing in the world Is she's my favorite But I can't remember her name You know There's so much other stuff
Starting point is 00:28:35 To remember The colors grows like And what kind of dresses they want If they like flowers I'm trying to get the right teammate So I can make the most money on Zack Island And you guys are asking me names And they keep turning your fucking gifts down
Starting point is 00:28:51 Liam and Liam did a video on DOA Extreme 3 Where all those things you just posed We went through like Oh no, the burger went bad Yeah, exactly Put it on the side Burgers don't go bad Those do
Starting point is 00:29:07 Small story about DOA So when it first came out I'm in high school and we see this game come out Like, oh my god, first off we loved it Or alive so then they're like So we're like 14, 13 Whatever it is Oh, let's get this game
Starting point is 00:29:23 It's gonna be so funny to play this video game girls But then we ended up getting so hooked Into the actual volleyball part Of the game I freaking love it And then I didn't realize this That there was the dating sim aspect And I was like, I was so huge
Starting point is 00:29:39 On dating sims, it's damn disgusting And so once they're like Oh, they start giving me information as I'm talking And they're like, wait, wait, am I gonna Do I need to remember this to buy them Oh my god, is this a dating sim too, what So I was completely in So it wasn't even for like
Starting point is 00:29:55 The way that they look And the wobble physics, whatever you would say Wobbles, yeah Your interests were pure No, they were not at first But they became Who'd you give the Venus to Yeah, okay
Starting point is 00:30:13 That counts for a lot What other games are you guys playing? Just Dead or Alive Extreme That's all that's going on What are you guys playing? Okay, well, I mean What are you doing with your life? Not a super busy week
Starting point is 00:30:29 But actually Before that, let's take a quick word from our sponsors Oh, sponsor Today's friendcast Is brought to you by Dollar Shave Club Hey Yeah, I saw the box in your bathroom the other day It tells me a lot
Starting point is 00:30:45 And this timing is perfect Because I'm scruffy as crap Everyone's scruffy They had that wacky ad that we saw back in the day Absolutely The warehouse and the bear It was amazing But more importantly, you know what else is amazing
Starting point is 00:31:01 What's that? Those razors, though Are they? In fact, I believe the slogan is Our blades are fucking great That's what it is Geez, do I work for them? So basically the deal If you didn't get it from that was
Starting point is 00:31:17 You join up and they send you A box full of shaving gear And you get hot blades Because you can go buy one of the expensive Razors that goes all crazy and whatever But the principle is The basic good razor that you get every month Honestly, the worst part is you go to those places
Starting point is 00:31:33 That for some reason have the Blades behind like glass Or something You feel like a fucking thief trying to get them out Exactly, it's terrible I was, there was one just kind of coming out of the wall And I picked it up and a cop came over Literally a cop came over
Starting point is 00:31:49 Raising blades, what are you doing? Should not be as embarrassing to buy as condoms So if you just get them delivered Straight to your door And you can turn You need to go from Jesus look To be she look on a regular basis Occasionally
Starting point is 00:32:05 What better way than to get in on the Dollar Shave Club Specifically that's down at And you get your first month free To try it out The box isn't just razors You got your replacement blades in there
Starting point is 00:32:21 I gave it a little go today Is that why you look extra smooth You can get a first class shave when you Use something called the executive blade Right And it comes with a nice contained Amount of Dr. Carver's Shave Butter
Starting point is 00:32:37 Now I would like to mention Woolly Move your face a little bit so I can see it What I'm not seeing is blood All over your face Like if there usually is And you can thank the Dr. Carver For that Shave Gel
Starting point is 00:32:53 Shave Butter Yeah everything's better with butter So once again that's Slash Friendcast You get in there You try out the month of Shaving equipment straight to your door
Starting point is 00:33:09 Shaving loot Exactly and well what else is there It's simple it's basic it's easy It's done clean up your face Yeah it's disgusting Look sharp look like Liam Thanks Dollar Shave Club Thanks
Starting point is 00:33:25 Alright So yeah this week I went to MAT11 Which is Montreal Animal Let's try that again Montreal Animal Tournament And unfortunately It's been gone for three years
Starting point is 00:33:51 But it came back and this is a It's called the annual tournament Why is it been gone Because I stopped running Street Fighter tournaments in Montreal And joined this group Austin liked that It was super effective
Starting point is 00:34:07 I know Because it's an annual tournament You have one job right Right Upon its resurrection Why would they not call it Something different You're talking about
Starting point is 00:34:23 Free comic book day and he goes Oh what's that The fuck do you think it is So You know Short recap Austin is basically Years ago I used to run Street Fighter tournaments over here in Montreal
Starting point is 00:34:39 And compete And I don't have time anymore Because I'm working with these fine folks They've been holding it down in the meantime And they brought back The Montreal Animal Tournament this year They're good guys And it was a fun time
Starting point is 00:34:55 They set up a pretty different venue This time it was kind of like a loft Right in the heart of downtown And we kind of came together With the Guilty Gear guys And they had a little L4 taste kitchen Set up where they were offering treats And stuff
Starting point is 00:35:11 So you get top 8 Yep that's correct if you're not top 8 Who are you You're everyone else in the gaming community If you're not on top 8 who are you If you can't beat Kenny Omega Who are you That's what it has to do with anything
Starting point is 00:35:27 I beat him in every other game we played that day Yeah So he's an extremely good at Street Fighter Yes because he's in Japan constantly playing With the best players in Japan I'm constantly going all over the nation The US and the world not getting to play In Street Fighter
Starting point is 00:35:43 But I'm also running a game channel Called Up Up Down Down You should go subscribe on YouTube if you haven't already We have over 700,000 subscribers So I have to play all types of games I'm a well rounded gamer That's a fantastic That is a fantastic
Starting point is 00:35:59 From Austin John's Creed And Xavier Woods PhD I knew that would trigger You got me in a first to five In Street Fighter 5 We played DDR and I whipped him We played Def Jam Vendetta Hell of a game and I whipped him
Starting point is 00:36:15 We played Windjamers and I whipped him We played Brawlhalla and I whipped him Tekken 7 and I whipped him So you can have one game That's fantastic, that's great but I'm a jack of all trades And a master of most So if you want to restate what you said earlier I'd be glad to hear
Starting point is 00:36:31 Did you rehearse this? Did you know this question would come up? We'll talk about it again when those games are on stage Oh, okay I'll play with you if you'd like Yeah, for sure But actually I did watch the footage when it happened I actually saw the DDR thing go down
Starting point is 00:36:49 And I was like, yeah, okay The problem with Austin is that he's very easily baited into feuds I mean, we're talking about a man who had a feud Against goddamn Dan Riker to all goddamn people But now we're on the same page We beat your damn children Anyway, it was a fun tournament And, uh...
Starting point is 00:37:07 No, it wasn't It was awesome I entered Guilty Gear Exert, Revelator What are you doing? What are you doing? And then I just, I said here It's a donation for the pot, I'm not a Guilty Gear player And then I backed the fuck down
Starting point is 00:37:23 Really? You and I both did the same thing We both bought Guilty Gear and played it for a day And never touched it And then we both bought Revelator and played it for a day And then never touched it I played Sign for a bit more I went out to the meetups for Sign And competed a bit more
Starting point is 00:37:39 You might as well have entered KOF 14 No, it wasn't there But Revelator, I fucking, I just like Here's my money for the pot Support the Guilty Gear scene Support your local scene bro Why not just put it in Bryce's wallet? Yeah, exactly
Starting point is 00:37:55 Is he the Guilty Gear guy? I don't know Well, Bryce won BlazBlue at Evo But he is also the Guilty Gear Sure, if someone else is Guilty Gear But, no So, you know, that was it I got my necessary Shoot Fighter in there I've also been paying a lot more attention
Starting point is 00:38:11 To the ESL Overwatch footage that's been going on There's a lot of Overwatch competitive play that's happening They're so good It's nuts, man! That fucking world tournament thing is happening soon, isn't it? That's gonna be like, put on ESPN? Yeah, and people are basically fighting
Starting point is 00:38:27 To get their spots on BlizzCon And just the team comps And the fact that You're seeing people with the cursor Just like, it's on the guy And it doesn't move off the guy until he's dead Did you ever Spend time watching pro counter strike matches
Starting point is 00:38:43 Back in the day? No, I do Or Quaker or anything? Because the same thing happens here He's like, I think I'm pretty average At CS Or Day to Feed or Overwatch And then you watch this and you're like I'm a piece of shit Yeah, it's that Smash Brothers
Starting point is 00:38:59 Basement King feeling Where you're like, I can destroy all my friends See, he freaks out at the Term of Basement King I never heard that term until He told it to me like two months ago I destroy all my friends at Smash I'm the best, oh yeah, come to this tournament
Starting point is 00:39:15 Where'd you place? My basement Dude, it's so real So like, just watching this stuff It started out as, let me see what I can learn From these top players and it just turned into I will never be able to do Any of these things
Starting point is 00:39:31 I'm not even close to learning from it There's a problem when you're watching a first person Shooter match and you're starting to have The problem that you have watching Marvel Which you're like, how did he Get there? I was Watching him do it and I don't know What he did. Are you human Marlin
Starting point is 00:39:47 Pi? No, no Zarya players that Never not touch the enemy Genji players that can hit Long distance headshots with the We're talking Zarya tech where You shield the guy and then he backs up to Survive and as soon as his shield is down
Starting point is 00:40:03 You have your personal shield on someone else You move into someone else To protect them at the same, it's crazy They're real, they're real out there So that, no that shit was Really cool as well, one day But no, not really, never That's right, so I did that
Starting point is 00:40:19 I'm still working on JoJo Part 8 Still bizarre and weird JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Yeah, there's the latest part Is JoJo Leon. How's his testicles? There's still four of them That's good, it's a good manga
Starting point is 00:40:35 But I don't know what's going on Austin, if you ever need another idea For another anime character To come out to add an entrance Please look at JoJo I was thinking more of some food wars Because I already have a ishiki senpai I like that show a lot
Starting point is 00:40:51 I like the manga No, do our anime Do the anime that I like Senpai me I don't know if you've had a chance To meet or talk to Brett and Williams But yes, awesome
Starting point is 00:41:07 Because that's our boy out there That's our buddy We talked Sorry, go ahead I was just going to bring up the fact that The Hadoken in the ring Rightfully explained that There's a legacy of Hadoken users
Starting point is 00:41:23 As that created that with you I believe there was the Akuma Ryu Ken A comparison that was made And then Brennan was Basically he was like Okay, I need other street fighter moves to bring into the ring Guys, come at me, what you got And we love that, I live for that
Starting point is 00:41:39 But he's got the Niko Niko Ni And he doesn't need anything else We talked before We talked before he started wrestling Actually He's totally like Black Otaku I'm like, oh hell yeah I need more of those friends in my life
Starting point is 00:41:55 So we met We got on backstage and we talked And then once he started training I was like, do it And then he got signed And I'm like, oh that happened very fast Yeah, very fast Thanks for the heads up
Starting point is 00:42:11 And glad that we're working together now Each being 6'5", 350 No A gift that very few have Yeah, he linked up with Booker T And just shot up from there It was awesome Actually, I'm going to go down to Orlando
Starting point is 00:42:27 In like three or four weeks Because we actually have gotten clearance To set up a Up, up, down, down room down there Oh, fantastic, up, up, down, down What's that? Up, up, down, down is my YouTube channel Which if you haven't subscribed, go to it already And subscribe right now
Starting point is 00:42:43 It's one of the fantastic gaming channels On the internet When I say one of the fantastic, I mean the absolute most fantastic I hear it has a couple subscribers A few, a few We're actually at 716,000 I believe We hit 700,000
Starting point is 00:42:59 Maybe like last week And we jumped 15,000 in a few days So it's feeling pretty good It's like 75,000 more than us So I'm reminded that We don't advertise Our YouTube channel We do a shit job at it
Starting point is 00:43:15 Why don't you do that? Because we're shit Because we use Matt's old YouTube channel And it's a pain right We go, hey, no, no We got the name now So you can just write Super Best Friends Play Yeah, you've written Super Best Friends Play on YouTube, it's fine
Starting point is 00:43:31 It's there, not the porn one Yeah, I don't know Yeah, do that No, but I don't know, someone already does So Brennan Run away from what Liam's talking about The hashtags overlap more often than we'd like And
Starting point is 00:43:47 With his name, you know, Great Black Otaku When we first started talking on Twitter And then met And hung out at Magfist and stuff We set up the Black Otaku Council Thanks, oh that's Paxi's Excuse me, Paxi's, yeah
Starting point is 00:44:03 That's what that is, exactly That's what it was It was basically him, myself We got Richie Branson, the rapper YouTube rapper in there And then MVP Like agreed as well And we got him on
Starting point is 00:44:19 So I think naturally As we tweeted out There's a spot at the table, sir All you must do is sit If you ever wish to join the Black Otaku Council And I ask again, what does the council decide? What do they do? Best waifu?
Starting point is 00:44:35 Does everyone just sit around And tell you that everyone Ever in the history of the world Told you about Tan, Chiye and Trauma Team There's that But, yeah We discussed the important matters I talked to Willy about that
Starting point is 00:44:51 You know I have all three Trauma Team games And Willy was like, whoa! We gotta think about that And the last thing I did was check out The attack on Titan No Regrets OVA Which is basically the It was the backstory
Starting point is 00:45:07 Of Captain Levi For two episodes about how he Why did you call it No Regrets? Because that's the You're not on the joke No Regrets! I was memeing Pat, I'm sorry I was memeing
Starting point is 00:45:23 Someone got a tattoo I don't wanna be on this dank podcast anymore So, uh It's interesting because I haven't seen Attack on Titan in a while Seeing that Just getting that intro playing again and stuff I was like, god damn I really like
Starting point is 00:45:39 The intro and I really like a lot about it It's easier to care now Now that you have confirmation That they do get to that basement one day That's true But I always ruined it for me, I didn't know But we don't know anything about it We don't know what's there
Starting point is 00:45:55 All we know is like Hey, we know Has anyone been reading the manga? And they're just like, yeah they haven't gotten anywhere yet And then people just started tweeting Like crazy, like they got there! Austin, come on, getting to the basement Did guts step off the fucking boat or whatever
Starting point is 00:46:11 Oh god But maybe they never do Sometimes they never do Like okay, so K's clothes Is Conan Etagawa ever gonna actually age Back to where he was when the show started? No, never Is Ippo ever gonna tell that girl how he feels?
Starting point is 00:46:27 No, that's a different thing Yes, he will He will When he becomes the world champion I'm gonna tell you this As great as it would be For Ippo to be the world champion He won't become world champion
Starting point is 00:46:43 He won't He'll turn it down But he'll be the moral victor No He'll do it for a very honorable reason Ippo is about winning hearts and minds Not medals So he loses the match honorably
Starting point is 00:46:59 And then he finds the champ in the parking lot And he just shoots him with a gun And then he comes up and kisses him in the mouth Ladder match, Ippo I don't know why, but the phrase And then kisses him in the mouth I want Ippo to have a ladder match I want Ippo to have a boxing
Starting point is 00:47:15 Ladder match I mean look We already know that In the ring I know the ladders are under the ring So the belt is hanging above Yes But they gotta put the ladder up
Starting point is 00:47:31 With their gloves on too I have to stop you because it's not a belt It's what holds up your pants It's what civilians wear, title Title I know I'm correct I'm sure I could find a video clip Of Vince saying the word belt
Starting point is 00:47:47 I'm certain Is All I'm saying is There's panels of, wait civilians Wrestlers aren't the damn Military personnel Yeah they are They're in a way
Starting point is 00:48:03 Sorry muggles Muggles They're muggles All I'm trying to say is That's what civilians call What the fuck is this The Undertaker is a wizard Yeah he's a wizard
Starting point is 00:48:19 No A soul transfer is gonna happen I think he is but I'm not gonna tell him that Yeah When that match Where the street got broken we were just like Undertaker needs to Soul transfer
Starting point is 00:48:35 I was the one screaming that I was screaming that He's there with Brock in the ring and I'm like Undertaker's gonna soul transfer Into Brock's body right now He'll be fresh and young Relatively And he'll still be the Undertaker
Starting point is 00:48:51 And he didn't do it when is it happening When is that happening Yeah I'm just trying to say that there's panels of Epo Thinking about the omnidirectional Dempsey role and not thinking about the girl And not thinking about the ladder Whose name I can't remember
Starting point is 00:49:07 Conker's Let's go with Conker's Maybe Hitomi, I think it's Hitomi Hitomi is What is it Hitomi in Hitomi's in something else She's in a lot of things No I want Epo not
Starting point is 00:49:23 I poop Google Hitomi's in Escaflownay But no I don't remember Escaflownay But anyway Kumi Kumi
Starting point is 00:49:39 You can look at my phone Kumi Mashba I want Epo To wind up with Wampo Mary Wampo That's his dog There's no pure love Dogs are disgusting
Starting point is 00:49:55 No that's not part of it Dogs are disgusting So So What is that That's the shock and awe of you piercing Pat's heart Wally's house
Starting point is 00:50:11 Every time I come in to record here For like 10 minutes I'm hoping that I'm trying to meet the bulldog that lives near your house Because the people walk it and it's really cute And I want to pet it So you just wander around like a weirdo Sometimes when I show up early
Starting point is 00:50:27 I don't ring the bell right away I will do cats that I love dearly What's that you see cats Cats are great Because cats are small Cats are greats that you live with They don't just love you and piss all over the floor When you come home for no reason
Starting point is 00:50:43 No but a cat Will also look at you being miserable And say you deal with that And walk away I gotta go lick my balls on a high place Think about what do your friends do when they see you They do that They don't jump around and pee on themselves
Starting point is 00:50:59 Actually no my friends actively shit on me When I feel bad Just like a cat Dog as man best friend Dog is man's worst enemy Cat I have worse enemies to deal with Than dogs I'll tell you what
Starting point is 00:51:15 But if that's where you're at In your life then that's great I think I'm doing alright If dogs are my worst enemies We did not invite you onto this podcast You could kind of promo against the concept of dogs That's a strong gimmick Someone that's against either cats or dogs
Starting point is 00:51:31 That's so divisive You get a picture of a dog You just rip it up Like Mike Tyson back in the day He bites a dog's ear off in the ring Done, fight him Big boss man Big boss man fed pepper to Al Snow
Starting point is 00:51:47 And he laughed at him And he laughed at him That takes me to the funniest thing I've ever seen In wrestling was when They did a thing with Big Boss Man Going up against Big Show Is it when he dragged his father Hilarious
Starting point is 00:52:03 Because Big Show's at his dad's funeral In Big Boss Man A tow line or whatever to his dad's casket And drives it away And then he's talking about the next day He's like oh Big Show's so upset Crying about his daddy My daddy
Starting point is 00:52:19 I'm like you are so insensitive I love you You were a monster Beautiful That's amazing I just wanted to say with Attack on Titan We've been playing the game And getting back into it
Starting point is 00:52:35 It's really good It's insanely fun It just feels perfect You never get tired of boosting around And slashing a nape boost Boost that shit And so with that I'm feeling it
Starting point is 00:52:51 I'm not there yet I've only gotten to play for two hours And I'm so upset It lasts man I was like oh this feels good In my belly So with that sort of high I was like let's go watch the Levi thing
Starting point is 00:53:09 That I never watched To find out And basically for If you've watched the anime And that's where you stopped It's a perfect little mini story To just jump back in and be like oh yeah Attack on Titan is pretty good
Starting point is 00:53:25 Oh yeah He loves crime And then he's like oh I guess I'll stop He's like oh man I'm loving doing these crimes so bad Eww Like really really reluctantly Right hence the title
Starting point is 00:53:41 Like him basically being like I super Regret not doing crime No he's super what? He's super what? Yeah there you go This year on human crime isn't enough Let's go do Titan crime Titan crimes
Starting point is 00:53:57 No no colossal Colossal top He's writing it down Titan crimes I don't know why the phrase I love doing crime Is so funny I kind of love doing crime Oh man
Starting point is 00:54:13 We have a YouTube sub series called crime time And I'll say hey woolly We're playing a bunch of games where you do crime Do you want to join me And he's like why Why me Why not Pat Yeah that's a good question
Starting point is 00:54:29 I don't know Why not anybody else Is there a reason No No nothing at all It has nothing to do with melanin No tonin You're the darker persuasion
Starting point is 00:54:45 Oh I didn't know Yeah no one else does Hence the black otaku council I was wondering I was going to look at that slide and not really get into it What's this one white guy doing on the black I was like I'm like maybe he's just like so cool that we were like
Starting point is 00:55:01 Alright it's fine Oh no You're never going to escape from this bullshit I sound that Canadian don't I No but I People who make that mistake when they talk to me on the phone too Yeah that makes sense There have been so many times like when I was in high school
Starting point is 00:55:17 I would like talk You know you call a girl and you're like oh we're going on a date And you have to talk to her dad What are your tips for my daughter And then you show up and he's like oh wait Yo you definitely can't take my daughter out No She sounded fine on the phone
Starting point is 00:55:33 You're going to have to get out of here The in person interview Yeah it's rough especially in the south What the fuck is this bullshit Where you talk to the dad on the phone That's a thing It's a courtesy thing So
Starting point is 00:55:49 So my dad taught me It's courtesy Obviously the dad is going to talk to you when he first meets you But to talk to him on the phone Say like hey is it cool if I talk to your dad I want to ask you on a date on Friday and I just want to ask him Because one it makes you look like You're more put together
Starting point is 00:56:05 And two it's going to give you a better chance For that dad to be like you know what I trust this young man with my daughter When he really is Exactly So it's one of those things So yeah you talk to dad on the phone But then when dad sees you
Starting point is 00:56:21 Like I dated my wife for like Four months before I ever met her dad And her dad's like I'm in the mafia Well you guys are adults Yeah you guys are adults though This is back in like teenage years In my young life I don't think I ever met a single girls dad
Starting point is 00:56:37 No Well did you meet a girl cause that's a prerequisite I did You piece of shit Real slash and burn huh Attack on Ty and Willie So good stuff check it out if you want to get in real quick And see what
Starting point is 00:56:53 What you like Did you have a week I had some of a week a little bit I played a little more 14 Nothing of note for you folks Did you get a new bird Bird time is over for now Why don't you take two weeks
Starting point is 00:57:09 It'll be on Tuesday Are there more birds Big ass patch Why do you know what I'm talking about Cause I'm like a level 54 Bard baby Don't you Anyway
Starting point is 00:57:25 I gotta These people look like I'm crazy I come on this podcast and talk about FF14 And the Witcher The one of the most popular games of last year We don't have a problem with you talking about it You've talked about it so much Well
Starting point is 00:57:41 And to be fair I'm not looking at you I'm looking at my feet Anyway so I played a bunch of that What I did watch though is Ultima Lucha Yes Oh my god dude Do you mean Lucha Underground No I mean Ultima Lucha
Starting point is 00:57:57 No Ultima Lucha Okay dude Fucking Milbertes Is the most over I've ever seen Why is someone so evil so over So over Unstoppable So I'll tell you right now
Starting point is 00:58:13 That when I can and the next con I will I'm dressing up as Milbertes With the suit With the purple Cause Woolly will fuck me If he sees a luchador with a suit Cause that's one of his favorite aesthetics That's the plan
Starting point is 00:58:29 So on point So the whole season The whole season The whole fucking season I'm going wired under these motherfuckers Walking out in suits and then blue demon junior Wants out in a suit like yeah This is what I wanted anyway
Starting point is 00:58:45 So Ultima Lucha is amazing And more than that there were two people And I want to say the people who watch I want to say that people who watch Lucha Underground are fantastic people Because not only Matt but a friend of mine Who are both up to date with it I both went up to them and said
Starting point is 00:59:01 Is this thing The resolution of this Like is this guy the guy You know like secret And they went no that's They both went no that's stupid Why would it be that You asked me okay so to give context
Starting point is 00:59:17 Pat has asked me does this Happen And he thinks of what it is And I super lied He lied really well And he's like that's actually really stupid It'd be cool though And then it totally happened
Starting point is 00:59:33 It was so great It was a good moment Lucha Underground is the best Those are good people And my girlfriend and I are trading movies That we kind of have been putting You know when you're putting off a movie And some people keep telling you to watch it
Starting point is 00:59:49 But you don't It's just fucking dope I try to don't watch a movie every night So the girlfriend and I have finally got on our case I traded her Mad Max but she has never Seen No the new one She's never seen it
Starting point is 01:00:05 We're gonna watch it tonight after the podcast As soon as I go home And instead last night I watched for the first time ever The Dark Crystal Yeah she was talking about that Yeah so Dark Crystal That movie's phenomenal Chamberlain's a fuck
Starting point is 01:00:21 Chamberlain What a stupid fuck I watched a Dark Crystal in DVD maybe 10 years ago And I was like this is fucking terrible It's so old And so slow But then I watched it about a year ago And then I was like whoa
Starting point is 01:00:37 I was super wrong So for a little while I was like Whoa this is so slow And so terrible But then he got to the forest And somebody gave Jim A big old sack of money And said do whatever the fuck you want
Starting point is 01:00:53 Because he's going nuts That is a practical effects Showcase On the level of nothing Because it's the one The guy that made Samurai Jack and Star Wars The good animated Star Wars
Starting point is 01:01:09 Show has long Why you got to restart that war Long been in development With a Dark Crystal sequel That never materialized Never happened Superages in doing it Never happened for whatever reason
Starting point is 01:01:25 I remember the first time I saw it I was gripped from the very beginning It's super old And it doesn't hold up that well Unless you have a deep love of practical effects I wish If you really care about practical effects And you watch the thing over and over
Starting point is 01:01:41 To see that part where the head falls off Then this is a movie that you're just like I'm not all into that plot Because it's really basic 80's like There's a quest, there's a crystal get it But just man Those puppets man
Starting point is 01:01:57 Have you watched Thunderbolt Fantasy at all? I have not Thunderbolt Fantasy is fucking dope Makers of Godzilla The anime series Wait one of them No people like anyone that's pushing forward Like practical effects like that deserves praise
Starting point is 01:02:13 There's a bit where Jen gets picked up by some vines And it's unbelievable Jen Yeah Jen Also Jen sucks and cures the shit Jen's alright On that practical effects note The Kubo and the Two Strings guys retweeted me
Starting point is 01:02:29 That was cool I bet you feel special I do but Matt you saw it Now before I get into my week She must blink Then do it Okay no you need to stop because it's making me hate the movie ahead of time No for real
Starting point is 01:02:45 Last week you were already like some artistic shit Fuck that I don't have time for no weed Gumby shit That was the specific thing Okay Austin you seem to have some familiarity Kubo and the Two Strings
Starting point is 01:03:01 I haven't seen it yet Okay because I was telling Liam the other day so I'd seen it And I told William that I'd seen it And to give you some context They both seen it Why don't you like Gumby You hate Gumby
Starting point is 01:03:17 No I was scared Of Gumby as a child Gumby's cool I love Gumby Liam and Woolly have been singing this praises So we went to go see it And Kubo the Two Strings Is the benchmark
Starting point is 01:03:33 Of visuals and anything I can safely say That's quite a play Like industrial design Industrial design For a narrative movie Nothing touches it From a technical standpoint
Starting point is 01:03:49 Of stop-motion animation Which is the art form Which I respect the most Because it's the most bullshit art form ever That takes all of the manpower And takes years to do Yes It is insane
Starting point is 01:04:05 I've watched documentaries about stop-motion It's bullshit You can't under-tail it for people Otherwise they're going to go in like I will balance this By saying technically It's the most jaw-dropping thing ever I did not see it in 3D
Starting point is 01:04:21 I wish I had actually Because I could see where I'm like That would have been a great shot to see in 3D What I will say is that Technically it's just jaw-dropping But on a movie standpoint It's a little basic The premise
Starting point is 01:04:37 We never see the We never see the antagonize Until the very end or in the middle I would love to have seen a scene Where we see the bad guys going Hey, this is what the deal is We only ever see What the backstory of the bad guys
Starting point is 01:04:53 They're like sort of They're bad In another context They're never like Plotting They're bad, believe us, it's fine I know what you mean because I remember Getting to the third act wondering
Starting point is 01:05:09 We know so little at this point That they could drop a crazy twist or something But ultimately you really go in There's a twist There's a twist I told Liam about I'm not a fan of it, I won't go into it But I said I'm not a fan of it, you said you're also I'm not a fan of it as well
Starting point is 01:05:25 It's not the high point in the movie It has to do with Beetle I know what you're talking about, but go on But my actual Still was an incredible animated movie It's like in my top 10 of Anime movies It's not near the top, it's just visually
Starting point is 01:05:41 Character design, imagination Just everything, like it was Really really good, but my main real Beef with it, I was telling the other day Is that it has some great fighting Sequences that are well done But I counted Four times
Starting point is 01:05:57 There's a fade To white And then there's a resolution Of the fight Of the fight or a plot point After one It's fine, you don't even notice, after two It's fine, you don't even notice, after three
Starting point is 01:06:13 Huh You start counting And then after the fourth one That's a little hard to swallow The fourth one's bad because you can probably see it coming They're gonna fucking fade to white, aren't they It did, the fourth one faded to white I didn't even catch that, but you're totally right
Starting point is 01:06:29 That does happen In conclusion, Undertale is overrated That is not The conclusion You fucking god damn it So I still Really really liked it The voice cast is great
Starting point is 01:06:45 The visuals are impeccable, I really really enjoyed it But that's it I have some nitpicks with it, but it's still Really really good It's still really awesome I would love to go see it again Did you see by the way, because it's actually doing fine Performing fine
Starting point is 01:07:01 I don't know what the budget was, I bet the budget was Probably modest When I looked it up on When we were talking about their film Their filmology What's the history of their films Filmography, thank you That's the word I'm looking for
Starting point is 01:07:17 It had a list of The budgets for each one And how much they had made As far as Kubo, I don't remember the budget But it was already at 46 million And rising It was set to do fine Austin, you should definitely catch that
Starting point is 01:07:33 Yeah, very Steeped in Japanese mythology Really unique Japanese mythology It's not like stuff we've seen a zillion times before There's a little bit of that But Rooney Mara Girl the Dragon Tattoo playing as the sisters
Starting point is 01:07:49 Was awesome The sisters are really still Part of it Did you find the battles exciting? When the battles were happening Like I think one of you said Not really a kids movie Good fight quality
Starting point is 01:08:05 There are exciting fights in there Are you focus testing Matt? There's something about that phrase Did you find the fights exciting? How was the difficulty What would you rate the level of fighting? Very bad The other thing I saw this week
Starting point is 01:08:21 Was Blair Witch How was that? A unique thing I want to talk about Back in the San Diego Comic Con They screened a movie called The Woods And the panel was called Come See The New Movie From Adam Wingard
Starting point is 01:08:37 I strongly suggest you see The Guest 80's Synth Thriller He's not very good at naming things The Blair Witch Exactly That he got paid for making But Blair Witch
Starting point is 01:08:53 They had this movie called The Woods He sent the kids into The Woods When the people came into the Comic Con Theater They went, oh is this The Woods Or is it a new Blair Witch Movie fuckers And everyone went what
Starting point is 01:09:09 That's a hell of a surprise Not that great for marketing though Because people only knew your movie existed For three months I like it better that way So the movie didn't do that well On the weekends We often like
Starting point is 01:09:25 Long for the days where you didn't know a game existed Until you flipped to a page of it in GamePro I like that too Just quick aside So whenever there's a game that I Know I want that's coming out I try to keep myself completely in the dark about it You go black out?
Starting point is 01:09:41 At E3 I watched the trailer from Mafia 3 And I was like never hearing anything else Except the release date because I want this now Well That's real good The one that I remember that I don't know if I've ever told is Shining Force 1 was me and my brother It was one of our favorite games
Starting point is 01:09:57 And then like on April 18 Which is four days before my birthday When I'm like 11 or 12 or something I walk into my rental store and I see for sale Shining Force 2 and I go fuck Oh my god I can't believe it Dad! Dad!
Starting point is 01:10:13 Surprise Surprise It's the best feeling It's the best feeling But I saw this And I'm actually I really like the first Blair Witch Movie it affected me when I watched it back in 1999
Starting point is 01:10:29 That's how long that was and that's when Found Footage Really started and I thought this was A pretty good It's like hey it's been like a decade Let's revitalize this Name and let's make a very similar Movie and there is some new stuff I thought it was pretty good I've seen a lot
Starting point is 01:10:45 A lot of a lot of a lot of Found Footage movies This is one of the better ones because It's like it makes that thing of Why would you be holding A camera now So the plot was that the guy's going to look for his sister The plot is that the girl that disappears Heather from the first movie
Starting point is 01:11:01 His brother going hey I got this thing This video of her doing It does some really neat stuff That like with temporal distortion Time Taking longer to go through Than they think Stands? Dio? The world?
Starting point is 01:11:17 What? Not quite but I still thought it was pretty effective No one knows how crim crimson works I still thought it was really effective And the people have Bluetooth ear pieces That have cameras To let you know they're not holding
Starting point is 01:11:33 A camera it's on their head They have drones to go About Blair Witch Because we got fucking drones What are you going to do And then the drones are like Oh shit The fucking conversation options with the Blair Witch
Starting point is 01:11:49 And one of them is Google glass There's a great shot And that's what I like when Found Footage does Something with new shots It shows the view of a crash drone In a tree Showing someone trying to fix the drone Sure yeah
Starting point is 01:12:05 They do some neat things The last 20 minutes is awesome Would you say it's spooky? It's pretty spooky There's a lot of sound stuff There's a lot of loud sound But after the fourth There's a loud sound of someone
Starting point is 01:12:21 Jumping out of the forest saying Hey A person goes stop Fucking doing that And I'm like that's fine As long as you call yourself out It's a direct sequel though Well there was a second Blair Witch
Starting point is 01:12:37 But no one talks about it On a scale from the grudge to the Gumby movie how scary is it Wait it's the bottom of that Scale the grudge Yes that's correct Leanna was more scared of it than I was I was just like yeah
Starting point is 01:12:53 Because I'm not good with horror movies But I really liked Don't Breathe I have to see that I'm trying to see it for weeks You need to see that It's not as good as that It's not as good as that as an overall movie But it was still effective I thought it was fine Just really quickly video games
Starting point is 01:13:09 I played Dead or Alive 5 with Mai Shiranui she's incredible A lot more emphasis on the ass Than anything else It's very shiny You have all of the commands Of Mai You have all of the commands
Starting point is 01:13:25 Of Mai so Rienbu Rienbu is the same motion Yes Throwing her fans the same motion Albo is the same motion But how do they adopt the wall dives For a 3D movie It's there she has a general
Starting point is 01:13:41 Like a quarter circle back And punch she just flips up in the air And then you press the other Corresponding button It's a command jump with follow ups It's not a wall jump Because walls get destroyed In Dead or Alive 5
Starting point is 01:13:57 I realize that it's fucked It is the most Confusing I thought we had touched the surface of it When we played We all remember the DLC nightmare episode It's so much worse Here's how it should go
Starting point is 01:14:13 Every character has An ultimate pack for themselves So for example when I streamed this I searched for the Tina ultimate pack Of course it works Here is all the ultimate packs for Tina Every character has an ultimate pack Because the guys
Starting point is 01:14:29 Don't have nearly enough costumes As the girls as I assume What But having every individual Costume for everyone Is what breaks it You should only have Ultimate packs for everyone
Starting point is 01:14:45 That has all the costumes for them At that point get rid of all the Single costumes like Santa What if you want the sexy Santa Claus costume What if you just Oh my god you picked the right one Right out of that Do you want the plague of gripes overalls
Starting point is 01:15:01 That has no bra Yeah I played once though But he only wants those He's a budget minded consumer I don't remember if we did this in the video But I never reached the end Of the DLC list There's like almost 2000 items
Starting point is 01:15:17 Someone said If you break it down $6,000 I saw A really detailed breakdown If you buy them in the most expensive way Possible Does that mean it's beaten that train game
Starting point is 01:15:33 Yes If you buy it in the most expensive way That train game is unbelievable Why is it so expensive That's just the way it is To be honest To be honest I don't think they expect Everyone to buy everything
Starting point is 01:15:49 But the whales man But the whales But there was the attack on Titan DLC There was like a lot of stuff I didn't know there was a tatsunoko hero's pack Yeah that's fun All the characters have a tatsunoko character Everyone has a superhero costume
Starting point is 01:16:05 Where they're all kind of troned up It's pretty cool But still it's fucked up Aside from that I beat party hard I can't beat the first stage Okay I beat Do you mean when you say the first stage
Starting point is 01:16:21 You mean the first big one that has lots of people At a huge party The ladder on the side that Mario will come fix it Dude I tried to stream that And I couldn't beat it after 3 attempts And of course when the stream was done The next day I beat it in about 8 minutes And then we proceeded to beat
Starting point is 01:16:37 The entire game And party hard is really fun I think It doesn't overstay it's welcome You're a killer and you just need to kill On the map without being caught That's all it is And it's still really really fun Sounds like a party
Starting point is 01:16:53 You and I will probably take a look at it Probably Maybe I'm thinking of the wrong game I thought it was a party simulator It is People are having a party Stop it Kill everyone
Starting point is 01:17:09 Poison the food Poison the food you get unlockable characters Different movesets It's very hot in Miami And then I bought a bunch of comics Liam what was the last saga You talked about What happened in it
Starting point is 01:17:25 What was it I think it was 6 The blue cover I'm trying to look at pictures But IOS 10 is reminding me One was the last story It's fucking bullshit And I fucking firmware updated
Starting point is 01:17:41 And my headphone jacks gone Did a lot take place in the school Did a lot take place in the school I'm checking As you know everyone forgets the plot Of the last saga A week after they bought it You gotta go back
Starting point is 01:17:57 And read the last one I read volume 6 And I couldn't remember what you said you read But I read volume 6 And it had a lot with Marco And Alanna just doing it Let's fucking do it Get our kid back
Starting point is 01:18:13 I thought you meant like let's fuck Because that's what they do all the time They did a lot Let's see there's 5 I think 6 Saga's a really good comic book Wooly it's one of the best Fictions ever
Starting point is 01:18:29 Agreed Yeah this one right The blue cover Not sure I wasn't sure if you said volume 5 But I read volume 6 Continues to be one of the best things I've ever read In my life
Starting point is 01:18:45 I like that news where they were talking about how We would give CD Projekt The saga weeks in a heartbeat That's awesome wouldn't that happen That popped up a while ago Like two weeks ago Like you said the last one before When Alanna's in the
Starting point is 01:19:01 Acting troupe was a little slow Yeah volume 5 Volume 6 is just great Just from top to bottom I think that was 3 or 4 The black cover where she's standing on the stage And yeah I thought that was slow too But it's still back in full swing
Starting point is 01:19:17 Yeah I bought 3 other things Really quickly about Batman And TMNT The team up Did you buy the other one The other TMNT comic No I just bought Batman Because that TMNT comic I want to know about
Starting point is 01:19:33 The TMNT comic That Liam is a Furniture is one I told him about Which is there is a TMNT comic Dude listen to the cover of this comic Shut up all of you shut up I'm giggling tell him it's the best Austin's not even talking
Starting point is 01:19:49 Because he's enraptured with me I was thinking That you said something About you having like a short thing to say When you started and it's been like an hour Yeah That's how it goes when I talk Because I keep getting interrupted by everybody
Starting point is 01:20:05 The story is really long too But no big deal TMNT Batman Batman saying hey Raphael This is where my parents died Raphael going yeah bro But Saga But Saga being the part
Starting point is 01:20:21 Where Shit sorry You interrupted me You were going to tell us the TMNT title The title of the TMNT comic There's a TMNT comic called Bebop and Rocksteady Ruin Everything That is an ongoing series called Bebop
Starting point is 01:20:37 And Rocksteady Ruin Everything That's awesome that's great The other two things I bought was The Lovecraft anthology It's just a comic book version of Lovecraft Short stories Serena it was really good And then maybe Austin would have an opinion on this
Starting point is 01:20:53 I bought a comic that I just saw It was called Ringside The first volume was called K-Fabe And I bought that It's a comic book about a wrestling And it's called the first volume It's called K-Fabe
Starting point is 01:21:09 I bought that without looking at it Because why would I not And then I went on Twitter and I said Hey I bought this comic book called Ringside The first one was called K-Fabe And I was like What
Starting point is 01:21:25 Awful All it is is a crime drama that has A little to do with wrestling Oh you got a fucking pun Did you read it? I haven't read it yet because I Because I finished Saga Saga is incredible
Starting point is 01:21:41 It's important to me that you never read it Maybe I won't It does not sound good But it sounded good to me That said he didn't look at the cover See that's the problem with you browsing the comic You're gonna hit or miss sometimes Liam
Starting point is 01:21:57 Did you? I did, I had a week this week I finished Mankind Divide it again As a fourth time This game is phenomenal I played the first hour of it You've got more to play
Starting point is 01:22:13 This game It's fucking phenomenal I love it so much It's just so dense and packed with stuff to do But there's no reason to play it again Well this time I Did different things in all the missions That's crazy, you can do that
Starting point is 01:22:29 There's actually a main mission in the game There's two main missions in the game Where you have to pick one or the other on your playthrough You can't do both, it's not possible to do both So I had to at least play through again To see that mission through And there's a circumstance Like a big major event
Starting point is 01:22:45 Near the end of the game Where the result varies wildly Depending on what you did So it's really satisfying To play through it again It's really fast on repeat playthroughs as well How's New Game Plus? It's the same as Human Revolution
Starting point is 01:23:01 Where you just stomp it It's almost pointless Because you come through with all your augments Because you're a human god king amongst the peons At that point And usually I like Just playing New Game Plus Forever
Starting point is 01:23:17 But I had to restart After the second one Because I had all the augments There's going to be literally no challenge Going through it again But it's really good I can't recommend it enough I really like the first one
Starting point is 01:23:33 Because I thought the story was really good Even Human Revolution, yeah It's so amazing So much depth And so much character development Playing on my gaming channel And I'm going to subscribe if you haven't already I feel guilty
Starting point is 01:23:49 If I'm playing a game that I really like And there's other stuff out that I need to film Yeah, I hear you We've all been there Just to give you a bit of context Austin, Liam, Willie and myself all tested For Eidos, Human Revolution
Starting point is 01:24:05 And we were all Super proud of it So if you found a bug It's their fault Yeah, we made it bad on purpose Just like murdered souls suspects No, that was that We made it bad on purpose though
Starting point is 01:24:22 Clearly, that's the only way it could turn out like that Yeah, exactly What else, Liam? I played Dead Rising, the first one That game is still fun Just went back to the classic Yeah, the remaster Yeah, the new one
Starting point is 01:24:34 But it's the same game No new stuff, no new content Or anything What a fun camp game It's such a direct step from Like, we were just developing PS2 games It's so clear It doesn't have all the trappings of modern games yet
Starting point is 01:24:48 I still like Dead Rising 1 the best Of all of them I've only played Case 0 As far as the other stuff goes But that's relatively indicative of 2 Right? Yeah, I just, yeah I do think I like the style of the first one
Starting point is 01:25:02 Okay, so let me ask you How much of that did you play? Of the new version I'm about halfway through If the case thing is a good indicator Oh, I decimated Okay, so how many times Have you had the convict song on YouTube repeat?
Starting point is 01:25:15 Oh, many The other night I was listening to it And that's why I tweeted about it It's so amazing Dude, the boss fight music in Case 0 For the Cell Dweller song The best it's gonna get is solid, man I forgot he was on there
Starting point is 01:25:30 The music was so good in Dead Rising What the hell? No, definitely And other than that, I spent most of the week Well, not most of the week Most of the nights during the week Watching TGS pressers and presentations And various live stages and stuff
Starting point is 01:25:45 So there was the main TGS show Which I don't know if you're gonna talk about that later We're gonna cover a few stories from it Okay It wasn't that much to talk about So Sony had their presser And it was a way drier year than last year Like last year it was like Neo, Gravity Rush 2, Yakuza 6
Starting point is 01:26:00 There was a lot of legit big games there last year Hey, Ryu Hayabusa in a not Ninja Gaiden game Yeah, this was, they announced All the Warriors That looks really good If that game comes out And it's called All the Warriors I'm gonna turn that around Unfortunately, that's a fever dream of a man-man
Starting point is 01:26:16 Muso All-Stars I'm glad O'Punna's in it I hope Guitar Ruman makes the cut I hope Bo Jackson gets in There's a whole Koei Tecmo roster That I expect to see, right? Nobunaga Nobunaga, yeah, of course he's the best
Starting point is 01:26:31 Lubu Lubu They have like some of their like Atome visual novel guys in there And everyone's like, who are they though? Because they never got localized or anything Well, they're for the Japan fans, right? Right, right, right
Starting point is 01:26:44 And I watched some of the, like I watched one of the Not as big as I would have hoped No On the actual show I don't know if you watched it I did watch it, yeah Okay, yeah, not as big as I would have hoped Because they only announced, like they announced
Starting point is 01:26:58 Anywhere VR Which is like an application that lets you Sit in other places And use your phone Google Sit It's like a, like it's for relaxation and stuff So that's some sort of application I think Sony Music's developing that
Starting point is 01:27:14 They announced the new Bad Men game Which those games are always like real cool And now that it doesn't play like a Bad Men game I'm looking forward to playing it What's Bad Men? That was that one VR game they showed That had the little knights and dragons walking around Very, if you watched it, it was right, anyway
Starting point is 01:27:31 It was localized also as What did I do to deserve this? Oh, yeah Yeah What Nipponichi localized that it was that Once Sony started localizing them Because it's their thing They had to use a different title
Starting point is 01:27:44 So it's Bad Men series Austin, just wondering if you've gotten a chance To try any of the VR stuff out there So I have an HTC Vive As soon as I saw you could pre-order I immediately got it I was obsessed with everything VR I tried all the other stuff
Starting point is 01:28:01 At demos, at cons and stuff But it's very... I don't know what the word is So comparing the Vive to everything else The Vive is so far ahead to me Because it's got the handles And the games that you can play on it Are actually games with missions
Starting point is 01:28:22 And granted, a lot of them are in What a lot of people might see as a demo status All of the tools and functionality That these games have You can see how they can be applied to much larger games As these developers understand VR As we move along in the process But legit, it's hooked up in my living room
Starting point is 01:28:42 And I refuse to screw things into my walls Because I really like my living room So I have it set up on a ladder on one end And then Gorilla tape with pillows under it In case it falls on the other end Well, legit, I have parties at my house And people just come over and we play Horde Z Which is one of the zombie games
Starting point is 01:29:00 Pool is probably my favorite thing Because you are actually in this bar setting Playing pool, and then you can Teleport all around the bar And just hang out with other people That are actually online and you see their pool stick And their headset moving around You can talk to them in real time
Starting point is 01:29:17 But I personally think that video games Are going to be the smallest aspect of VR Like when we look at this like Five, ten years from now Yeah, it's going to take a minute We all know what the real number one app for VR Is going to be Mahjong Simulators
Starting point is 01:29:33 You can't play Mahjong in real life Yeah Well, I'm glad you're enjoying your give up machine As we call it When you feel like you're just done with life Just put it on and never come back People keep sending me twitter videos Of Japanese trades shows
Starting point is 01:29:54 Where people are trying to fuck the VR devices And labeling it VR and give up machines The one with the body Where he's like shaking it up and down like that You know that's not what he's doing in the game It's like a cool shooter game And that's just the prop that they have For video purposes because it looks fucking funny
Starting point is 01:30:11 I feel like The vibe is the closest to selling me Because of like just after trying the three of them It was the one that blew me away the most But the hardest thing to get over is that price point Yeah You know So I'm waiting
Starting point is 01:30:28 A thousand Canadian dollars It gets mad, you know But I'm basically at the point where I'm like I'm right there I just need to see that killer app list To be convinced Yeah Yeah
Starting point is 01:30:40 For me The games aren't there on Vive for me I've looked at the Oculus and Vive lists And there's just They don't interest me as much as Like already the stuff we're seeing on PlayStation VR Interests me a lot more That's it
Starting point is 01:30:54 Though the list The killer app could also imply like Like he said like not even necessarily games Because it's true For sure, it could be anything Like just life usage stuff that could be really cool Definitely Yeah, but go on
Starting point is 01:31:07 Yeah, there wasn't as much I was hoping to see more Japanese VR stuff At TGS, there was a little bit Definitely not as big of a push as I expected It was just really muted that Sony conference For some reason And it was nice stuff Like Saga looks really fantastic
Starting point is 01:31:21 It's nice to see that after like a few years Everybody's saving their big TGS announcements For next week when the NX will be unveiled Yeah, well who knows But either way it was pretty muted And that was kind of odd But I saw a lot of the other shows Like the Namco's Kamen Rider stage was fun
Starting point is 01:31:37 They had X-Aid come up and Like show off all the new Kamen Rider games So people have tweeted at me X-Aid's stupid, man People have tweeted at me that were like Well, you have to tell the guys about X-Aid And I'm like they're not even really X-Aid What the hell's X-Aid?
Starting point is 01:31:50 I know about X-Aid It's the new Kamen Rider Or they turn into like Gatorade machines They look, they just, they become these Cartoon-y like bright neon pink And they have like fucking hairband Looking things with hair coming out the top Helmets have built in hair
Starting point is 01:32:05 It's so hard to explain But I don't really They look, you know what they look like? They look like They look like SD fucking Gundams, man Like Super Soakers turned into Power Rangers Is the best way to describe it I'm not sure if I like X-Aid all that much
Starting point is 01:32:20 It's goofy, it's goofy It's really goofy But it might turn out to be cool when you watch it Yeah, no, they gotta really Never give up They gotta really provide on that end I watched a bunch of Ghost recently I'm not in love with Ghosts
Starting point is 01:32:31 Okay I don't love it That's okay It's alright That was, honestly that was most of my week I spent a lot of time watching TGS stuff You know what? That's finally I slept a lot during the day
Starting point is 01:32:41 It took us an hour and a half to get through our weeks So god damn it That's better than usual Yeah And I do actually want to Yeah There was a message or two It was like, okay guys you can
Starting point is 01:32:52 Holy shit, these Kalman writers look fucking stupid Yeah, we can do that Let's get into some news though News, news, news First When we do one of those sound effects I have to force myself not to do The giant bomb news music
Starting point is 01:33:13 My brain goes And I'm like That is not ours That does not belong to us You're right, you're right But we don't really care, do we? Yeah The LP or scumbag tactic
Starting point is 01:33:26 So first and foremost, hey man We steal footage of other games for a living Technically, according to like Nintendo and whatnot According to the law Not yet According to Nintendo we've stolen nothing Yeah You have to take footage of a game of value
Starting point is 01:33:41 For it to be stolen Dang Hey I'm bad, I say crazy bullshit You're catching on, huh? Anyway I just love people getting mad at me About stuff I don't care about on Twitter So news of the world
Starting point is 01:33:55 You don't care about, you wouldn't say it According to Nintendo, actually We'll use that as a segue We're specifically platinum We're getting a tease Finally we're gonna get our Bayonetta Amiibo Good And I will have completed my collection
Starting point is 01:34:08 At that point That's the last one The last one that I care about How many do you have, like two? What about Cloud? No, he's got like five or six up there No, you've got like eight Yeah, there's a couple
Starting point is 01:34:19 There are massings faster than you expect But the last one I want is Bayonetta Nine, actually, I see another one You don't care about Cloud? Not really Yeah, neither do I And then I'll be done I like Cloud
Starting point is 01:34:29 Okay, well I'm sure you'll turn around When DMC5 Dante's Amiibo gets shown off Oh my god I'm sure you'll turn around Pretty cool I say within a year I say within six months There'll be another Amiibo you want
Starting point is 01:34:40 Wait, no, I want Breath of... I want Breath of the Wild Link If we start seeing like Like more like Shovel Knight Where it's like Here's just a character That's not necessarily in Smash But it's a fun thing
Starting point is 01:34:50 Here's Gunman 5 Yeah, I don't know Fucking Sandbag For now I feel like I'm done I barrel to spend all his development money On making a single Amiibo That's true Yeah, that's true
Starting point is 01:35:03 Have you gone down that hole, Austin? No, not at all I just got down that hole Good for you buddy I just went down the Pops hole How dare you buy things you like Not even the Mega Man one? No, I've kept myself away from all of them
Starting point is 01:35:14 But like I said I was trying to not I try to not get into like Collectibles like that Because I know like It's a dark, dark path And then my friend got me a I'm really into Steven Universe
Starting point is 01:35:25 And they got me a Steven Universe Pop And I was like, oh cool Now I have like 150 Pops And that was like Maybe six months ago So Pops is your vice? Right now It's starting to grow
Starting point is 01:35:36 And I don't have enough space To house all of these things And it's becoming developed Only the strongest fighters Are aware of their weaknesses I saw that Mega Buster I know what you got back there I got, okay
Starting point is 01:35:45 I do have a lot of Mega Man stuff And I may have just bought From a store this past weekend In Evansville, Indiana A place called Secret Headquarters Go check it out if you're over there It's a good name So they had a whole Mega Man set
Starting point is 01:35:58 Of like miniatures And it was every It was Mega Man, Wiley Every bad guy from Mega Man won And he was like, oh it's like 25 bucks Of course I'm taking this with me That's a steal Yeah, so anything Mega Man
Starting point is 01:36:10 Is kind of my vice I thought you were going to say I bought an actual Mega Man He is my butler I bought a Mega Man, yes One day that might be a truth But we're not in that reality Well the thing is
Starting point is 01:36:24 If I bought a Mega Man I would just paint him red And put sunglasses on him So I could have a little band Give him a scarf Do my evil bidding Disappointed that like bayonetta Thing didn't turn out to be more
Starting point is 01:36:37 Bayonetta twos will be on the NX Oh no, no, it was really just them Saying hey you've been waiting on news About this amiibo Like people have but There is that We also got Kojima Walking up on stage at the TGS show
Starting point is 01:36:52 Oh yeah And he did confirm there is a game Not just a music video He had a couple things to say His, the things that he said Were an almost word for word Recreation of an interview He had like six months ago
Starting point is 01:37:04 Exactly, when I heard it I was like he's not saying Anything new at all He was saying like Exactly the same stuff And he was quoting the book And the bit about the rope and Like never before has Kojima
Starting point is 01:37:15 Said more nothing One of the least new things He's ever said But we can confirm He talked about Death Stranding He explained where the title comes from A bunch of bullshit And he explained that essentially
Starting point is 01:37:28 The game is going to be It's going to be an action game But it's also going to feature A new form of co-op Yeah that's what he said six months ago It's crazy, dude it's Like we shit on you a lot But this is a fair miss
Starting point is 01:37:44 There was an obscure interview that he did In which he said everything That you're reading on your screen right now Verbated with some Japanese magazine You know the bit where he talks about How he read this one short story That was interesting And it was about the rope
Starting point is 01:37:57 But dude it is exact Then about the sticks And the pull Well here's one part that's different He didn't take the opportunity to throw shade At Metal Gear Survive Back in Metal Gear Because that didn't exist back then
Starting point is 01:38:10 I was really humored by what people said On forums about this actually When you say They're going to introduce a new form of co-op Are they going to Does that mean they're bringing it back Like couch co-ops I feel like that's been dead long enough
Starting point is 01:38:24 You know when Kojima says a new form of co-op I think he legitimately believes That is somehow a completely brand new Form of co-op It's chair co-op No the lack of couch co-op Is sad And the fact that it is coming back
Starting point is 01:38:40 In some bursts through indie games But ultimately what he was kind of getting at Was he kind of left it deliberately ambiguous People will be bound together by strands But we haven't got a pretty good guess I think he's alluding to users Having to like work together Through various parts of the game
Starting point is 01:38:58 In order to advance the story Or find out what's really going on In a dark soul type of way No more like PT In a PT kind of way right So like not actual co-op Like get on the internet and talk Well I do think there will be facets of it
Starting point is 01:39:14 Will be more incorporated into the title itself But like I don't know I saw the imagery of the four Illustrated people With a rope around them It's a complete wild guess Might be total bullshit
Starting point is 01:39:30 There's not much to go on for it Are you telling me that something the Kojima said Could be complete bullshit No you didn't listen to me I said my guess could be complete bullshit You're also right I heard the word complete bullshit I just wanted to jump back in
Starting point is 01:39:46 Damn it I'm an asshole In an off-stage you said it In an off-stage interview though Kojima was asked about Metal Gear Survive And if he... I don't think zombies would exist here Because he had a good quote the other day Kojima and Yoji Shinkawa were on stage
Starting point is 01:40:02 And they were both asked if they were involved at all And what not And basically they went Nope not really And Kojima's opinion on it Which was clearly very restrained Was him saying Okay it was him saying
Starting point is 01:40:18 I've... I had nothing to do with it I've always felt that the Metal Gear series Has been about political drama So what do zombies have to do with that And like me and like a lot of other people on the internet Found that funny because it's like What about the actual zombies
Starting point is 01:40:34 That's where you draw the line on this That's where my brain goes I thought that too but then I went like I think he means the main central point And then like Zombies will exist in that like Tangentially But also the classic zombie movies
Starting point is 01:40:50 Use their zombies to make explicit political messages Yes exactly That is a thing That is a thing Racism But ultimately I like Shinkawa's answer better Or he said like if it doesn't have a Metal Gear
Starting point is 01:41:06 That's like the Famicom game Which I just thought that was kind of funny So basically they're basically We have nothing to do with this thing Did you see the gameplay by the way There was a 17 minute Gameplay thing for Wow I think we all missed that
Starting point is 01:41:22 I watched it Besides the fact that they're reusing the map Of course they are It looks good I fell asleep I literally fell asleep watching it But I was tired It's rough
Starting point is 01:41:38 You're in this position You talked about it before You're following up the Metal Gear Solid franchise And like you gotta pick something Where do you go from here What do you do It's a rough spot to be in for sure Man this is a rough spot I put myself in
Starting point is 01:41:54 But I just don't Yeah But I just don't I sure wish I wasn't in this spot I just don't get why Maybe I shouldn't have nailed my dick to these train tracks What am I gonna do The only thing I can think of
Starting point is 01:42:10 Like I said is that Perhaps the fact that they're not spending a ton on it They're just kind of Expanding on what they already had It's an MGS5 spin off Right it's not MGS6 So maybe that's like Their first dabble and then we'll see where it goes
Starting point is 01:42:26 The best way to not fail is to barely try I'm still interested to see what comes out Because it is a lot of the same team members And as much as I do love Like Kojima and the stuff he puts out Like it is a lot of the same team members And that counts for a lot In that footage did any characters
Starting point is 01:42:42 Show up that had even slightly memorable faces It's all creative characters Let's make PJ Phil Yeah The Shang Tsung sex coat There was cool stuff though Searching for cocaine Like they have a bunch of melee weapons
Starting point is 01:42:58 And they have like spears and machetes and shit that you can use And the spears control like in deep down Where you like in them like a gun So they do have I did not expect that at all We got some new announcements There is a kickstarter By the guys who made
Starting point is 01:43:14 Ori in the Blind Forest Called Blubberbusters Some of the guys right? It's not their 14 And it looks so good It looks pretty good Blubberbusters? It takes place inside Space whale
Starting point is 01:43:30 When you told me that I thought you said bubblebusters And I chanted up and I'm like Blubberbusters Because Blubberbusters is less not memorable So it's at 41 of 340k So it's It's an overweight Kid site for children and teens
Starting point is 01:43:46 It's an interactive site for healthcare providers Or a video game Called Blubberbusters On kickstarter Take a peek at the campaign See if it strikes your fancy I was really impressed with what I said Your designs are good
Starting point is 01:44:02 There was an announcement for Daymare 1998 Yeah Pat, what's your deal on this? I can't believe that's the name of a game That's the PS1 game, right? No, not really It's the one that's like hey, remember survival horror From 1998
Starting point is 01:44:18 Here's it if it was made in 2016 And this is from the developers Of that RE2 remake Now I remember what this game is Those are the guys who met with Capcom Looks like This looks really aggressively Like an RE2 spin off game
Starting point is 01:44:34 From a third person camera That's because that's what it is Like Resident Evil in name In name without or whatever It's all but in name, right? So am I excited for it? Yes, so how excited
Starting point is 01:44:50 Am I for it? Cautious It'd be really nice if at the end they were able to get the name Because at the same time It's like, did these guys ever put anything all the way out? I don't think they have So worrying Basically what about to a campaign Austin that we pushed on this podcast
Starting point is 01:45:06 Which is more or less like Every time you hear about a cool fan remake Of something The moment you hear about it, it's over Because it's like you told us And now the season to assist is already Coming by Raven Just flew by your head
Starting point is 01:45:22 And it's done, you know Think of that Metroid project That remake Like guess what, I heard about it And it was done And they told it to stop And it was too late He finished it and then they said stop
Starting point is 01:45:38 And he's like, okay I just put this on the floor here What do you get, you know? Stop people from torrenting it But I took the file down What do you want me to do? So it's like the purest of intentions Is a fan that just wants to
Starting point is 01:45:54 You know, like homage something they love and stuff But they kind of go hey guys, look what I'm doing And then the lawyers are like I see what you're doing over there You see that fucking disaster piece Of the Jet Set Radio Future PC remake I heard about that too What a fucking cock up, those guys
Starting point is 01:46:10 That guy is an asshole The main guy who is leading it Okay, maybe I'm missing some details What a huge asshole Break it down I just wanted to do a remake of Jet Set Radio Future On PC That's the part I heard
Starting point is 01:46:26 So he got a team together And he used another guy's Like program to Rip all the content From Jet Set Radio Future To splice it into whatever you do And eventually had to start working with that guy Because the guy was like, well I was just doing this
Starting point is 01:46:42 But if you're going to use my program to rip it I guess I'll work with you So he was kind of strong armed into that And he was asking him like What's the, okay we announced it What's the plan for when the season desists come What's the plan And the guy keeps just like
Starting point is 01:46:58 Giving his team the run around on like Oh don't worry about it Don't worry don't worry You know copyright doesn't apply in certain countries Winky Face And he just keeps doing this thing And then his team, there's a bunch of chats that leaked out Like from their discord and stuff like that
Starting point is 01:47:14 And you read about his team Making the way stuff's going And he just kind of strong arms them into like pushing forward And just do what I say And don't worry about it I feel like that's building up to end then No and he's just a huge asshole And the project doesn't look like it's going to go too far
Starting point is 01:47:30 Oh that's right I didn't realize that either of these inner details I'm just like I like Jet Set Radio Jet Set Radio Remake It doesn't look as good either Can join Parappa the Rapper And many other characters It's all in the mind
Starting point is 01:47:46 Oh I'm not talking He doesn't like, what's his face Dread Fox That's another story That dude's a piece of shit There was some bad stuff but No I just I get saddened whenever I hear
Starting point is 01:48:02 Like you know like a cool fan project Of some kind like that it's just like bam shut down Chrono Resurrection Is the one that It's the hurt the most Does anyone think Chrono Resurrection Was going to be good I don't know what
Starting point is 01:48:18 But the footage got me excited It had redone music But now we have I Am Setsuna So it's like That's true It's really good I haven't touched it yet It's like a very much, I don't know for me it feels like
Starting point is 01:48:34 Old school for Chrono Trigger They were very explicit Yeah It's got dual text By not buying it You're proving 2009 Square Enix Right Yeah
Starting point is 01:48:50 I hate 2009 Square Enix They're the worst Punch them in the face I will Because they're terrible It was kind of their worst period It was the lightning saga And friends
Starting point is 01:49:06 I like lightning No lightning is fine The door is over there We haven't been going for 2 hours So I do have to go Surprise I remember talking about this and being like you know what 13, sure you made a bad one
Starting point is 01:49:22 That's fine Well see I've beaten it, I've flattened it I played it for like 105 hours I know it inside and out It's like It's like a 6 something Or a 7 on a good day
Starting point is 01:49:38 I don't think it's great And I think the level design Is pretty It's awful And the pacing is poor And the story while interesting Is told in a really Convoluted manner
Starting point is 01:49:54 I can take that but my argument Back to you could be If I am playing something I don't like I don't play it for 105 hours I didn't say I didn't like it at the time I liked it at the time But you got a bear in mind It was 2009 right?
Starting point is 01:50:10 Was it 2009? It wasn't I thought it was 2009 I was like a dumb young idiot But In hindsight I don't think it's that great And I went back to it recently Because it is the most polished AAA game ever made And I'm still very impressed by that
Starting point is 01:50:26 And then 13.2 came out and it's better And I liked it better But people The audience at large still hated it Because of what it was And then Square Enix somehow decided That lightning returns was the right way to follow that Triple down
Starting point is 01:50:42 And I think tripling down on that was kind of stupid As much as I didn't hate it Overtly like many other people did And to your point Austin I totally agree with you and that's why I never beat FF13 Yeah so I liked it, I beat it, I ran through the next one But the 13
Starting point is 01:50:58 Was I'm in love with 7 Obviously I feel like I'm one of the few That like thoroughly enjoyed 10 And 10.2 No you're not These two just did an LP of 10
Starting point is 01:51:14 In which they loved it There's a country, it's called Japan And they all fucking dug it It's so good It can require so many people that don't like it For whatever reason A lot of people hate hyperlinearity Which is fine
Starting point is 01:51:30 But like It's a different game And I feel like so many people get stuck in So this one game came out Here's the sequel to it or the third one or the fourth one This isn't the second one It's a different game So I feel like so people
Starting point is 01:51:46 They don't like it because of that reason And they have such a hard time taking themselves out of it And just seeing it for what it is Bring back the attitude era Like if you want to romanticize Go romanticize and play the other game Don't complain about what's here And now when you can
Starting point is 01:52:02 Remember when Manoa gave birth to that hand I do I do remember that Oh god Hard time And then Angelo ran by and grabbed it And used it in his limit break And you remember when Cypher like dragged around
Starting point is 01:52:18 Fucking Squalls dad And Then they fed red to somebody else You know it was Oh god That's strong Back from that
Starting point is 01:52:34 Era though Todd McFarland Yes Says he's writing a new spawn movie Todd McFarland Says this every day He's writing a new spawn movie And in the Image
Starting point is 01:52:50 He says it will be scary Cool And bad ass It's not gonna be like The rubber suit Batman Type of spawn It's gonna be more like Jaws Is John Leguizamo
Starting point is 01:53:06 Going to be in this movie He will be spawned Then that movie is great And I know that's an uncommon opinion That you would expect But I hate John Leguizamo But having him be clown Is perfect because you're supposed to hate clown
Starting point is 01:53:22 Absolutely Like I've heard Todd McFarland literally say this every couple of years And says like yeah lots of people are interested People such as nothing And no one You a spawn fan? Yes I really love that movie that he's talking about
Starting point is 01:53:38 I thought it was awesome Anyway I will Sandbag that Then just soldier on I feel like the coolest thing I bring it up almost every time at this point But the coolest thing about spawn was That he had a limit to his
Starting point is 01:53:54 Power and counter And then I was so like mad When I was like oh they got rid of that Because it hit zero because the whole tension of What happens when it hits zero And then it was just like now it's infinite Then they got past that point But Todd McFarland has said in this story
Starting point is 01:54:10 That he's like spawn will be the boogeyman The movie will not be about him And he'll just be the monster Like you know like a monster movie like Predator The Jaws And then Sam and Twitch will be in there Like the main characters That's a cool idea
Starting point is 01:54:26 But I've heard about this idea of his Like fucking five years ago Just what's the hold up Someone's got to pick it up Oh is it because spawn's super irrelevant It could come back It could come back and make waves but the right people have to pick it up And kind of like
Starting point is 01:54:42 You know a director And people involved That are like huge fans The best media of spawn is the HBO cartoon Remains Keith David And Michael Jai White Keith David
Starting point is 01:54:58 That was just live action Yeah he's still a good spawn though He's great at everything he does though Michael Jai White I watched him on Netflix with this movie called Falcon Rising And he's the best part of it And you know if he's the best part of it Acting wise you're in fucking trouble
Starting point is 01:55:14 But Michael Jai White's the coolest and strongest He is the coolest and strongest And blackest you're right He fights for others He fights for our people I fight for my people So what's this about A
Starting point is 01:55:30 A Stanley Bizarre adventure movie That's been confirmed now Fox is planning An exceptional Stanley biography That has action scenes What? Is Stanley going to play Stanley?
Starting point is 01:55:46 That is yet to be revealed If the answer to that question is no Whoever came up with that idea Should be taken out back and shot But at the same time This sounds like potentially The greatest thing It could be
Starting point is 01:56:02 If they take what is essentially Stanley's normal life And just fill it with No, here's what they do Here's what they do Stan Lee drawn comic books But all the characters are real But they're not, he's just crazy That's good
Starting point is 01:56:18 Like a beautiful mind but with Peter Porker Right I feel like someone was just trying to get a comic His own movie made but it wasn't going anywhere So he just swapped out what's his face Trey Oh man I do know Rip? Was that his name?
Starting point is 01:56:34 Oh it was cool, it was an Edward I thought his name was Rip Because he ripped the page I would lose my mind At a comic zone movie It'd be fantastic So that might be where this is going Where they're like, they don't want him
Starting point is 01:56:50 That movie's not going anywhere Let's put Stanley in there Here's the chapter of the movie Where Kevin Smith begs him to be In his stupid mall rats movie And Stanley says I'm not doing anything I love mall rats
Starting point is 01:57:06 I know but in the context of Stanley Going what's your movie It's a bunch of teenagers talking about Fantastic Four slapping their dicks Against each other That's awesome I feel like when you break it down He wrote a bunch of stories about fictional characters
Starting point is 01:57:22 But he wrote tight clothes I feel like you wouldn't judge You guys don't want to take any last shots So what the character's name is Sketch Turner Have the only one that didn't have my phone in his hands Here I am That's a good goddamn name
Starting point is 01:57:38 Does anyone ever finish that game? No He didn't even finish it on Game Center He can't get past the second boss It's so hard man I rented that five or six times as a kid It's's Battletoad I can't believe it
Starting point is 01:57:54 The soundtrack was really good I had the game And when you bought it it came with a soundtrack Not a video game music But it was a CD of songs That would make you feel like you're in the game It was like an Alanis Morissette song And some other songs
Starting point is 01:58:10 It was a very good soundtrack Songs to play comic zone Pretty much, yes So I was to make love to Do you guys remember Kid Chameleon? Do you ever beat that? No You can't, right?
Starting point is 01:58:26 Too many levels No one's ever beaten that I remember When Comic Zone Was the game that the Nomad was Advertised And I remember thinking When a friend of mine got an Nomad
Starting point is 01:58:42 And they died in one hour I was like How are you supposed to beat a game like this? Are you kidding me? I can't beat this at home How the fuck am I supposed to beat this To our battery Also the Nomad being one of the few pieces of hardware
Starting point is 01:58:58 That are incompatible with certain games Because they don't have a reset button So you can't beat X-Men You can't beat the first X-Men game What a big loss That game is fantastic Wait, is that the good one? The good one is Clone Wars
Starting point is 01:59:14 Clone Wars is way better Clone Wars is way better But the first one is still pretty good It's the Super Nintendo X-Men games The Nomad is such a fucking cool idea I know A handheld that you plug your controller in And then you plug the TV in
Starting point is 01:59:30 It's just a console I've been wanting to buy one for a while That is a good idea I've been wanting to get one for a while though And it sucks all your batteries And then when you run out of batteries It starts eating away your life energy That's cool
Starting point is 01:59:46 And then you just turn into a Sonic furry Just like an Omicron And then one last story We've got the translated title Of the Berserk game The new Berserk game I'm glad my favorite character is in the title So the new Berserk game
Starting point is 02:00:02 It would be Berserk Musou in Japan But in America we're getting Berserk and the Band of the Hawk I love Berserk He's my favorite What's your other counter to this? If you're going to call another anime A game
Starting point is 02:00:18 Oh god, what did I say? I have mine Wolverine and his X-Men Berserk and the Band of the Hawk Is a weird name Mine is Trigun And the 60,000 Double dollar reward
Starting point is 02:00:34 60 million Because it's like But the Band of the Hawk Why would you put that? It's not even about the Band of the Hawk It's only in the Golden Age arc They're not even really a thing It's like the beginning
Starting point is 02:00:50 And then it really deviates from that That's what's popular in America The Band of the Hawk The real crime is that We're not going to get a game called Berserk Warriors Which I'm just Think of like 10 year old you Just seeing a game on the shelf
Starting point is 02:01:06 Called Berserk Warriors It's got a picture of guts in the Berserk armor Screaming on the cover How do you not lose your shit? Dark souls? It's got a picture of the eclipse On the cover It's nice to get a confirmation that
Starting point is 02:01:22 February for the North American version Got a picture of White Costco on the cover I'll still probably import the October Japanese version You're going to go for it anyway A quick story that I want to throw in there Did you see the fucking localization Error that they made in SMT
Starting point is 02:01:38 Apocalypse They came out today and said It's two lines Or two or three lines This happened in a couple of their other games And what it is is that They screwed up and their QA team is too good At the game because these are lines
Starting point is 02:01:54 That happen if you progress in a boss fight With party members that are down But the QA team never Ever ran into that situation During the final boss things So they didn't know that the unlocalized text Even existed That's so weird, rough
Starting point is 02:02:10 If you actually did low QA testing You'd get an excel sheet That just listed every string And then you'd have to make sure it was One to one They shouldn't have said anything Their excuse is fucking stupid I get it
Starting point is 02:02:26 As an ex-QA employee It's easy to miss stuff But don't say that Like everyone's just going to go Our QA team's too good And then the breakdown We haven't decided if we're going to fix it And if we do fix it
Starting point is 02:02:42 It won't be soon Which means if they ever patch it For something real They'll include a patch that fixes this And we're very diligent And we're looking over all the Persona 5 files To make sure this doesn't happen You can't have anything go wrong with Persona 5
Starting point is 02:02:58 They should have just taken the knock And said, whoops Liam, you're the salesman Of this group for Japan anyway I saw an article that said Persona 5 doing gangbusters in Japan Is that accurate? The numbers aren't out yet
Starting point is 02:03:14 But according to many retailers It's like 70 plus percent sell through That's awesome, good Maybe we'll all have to wait 19 Pajillion fucking years for the next one That number could be, it's good And there's no two ways to read that It is good, however
Starting point is 02:03:30 It could be slanted In that the PS3 version Like potentially PS3 games do still sell decent In Japan But potentially The sell through rate could be higher On the PS4 version than 70%
Starting point is 02:03:46 And the PS3 is holding it back Either way the numbers are It's great I wouldn't mind having a few games In between Persona 6 like Catherine Sorry, Catherine's Catherine 3 Catherine Resurrection
Starting point is 02:04:02 From the Golden Theater What about like 10 GA Chronicles? We gotta start wrapping up there That already exists So let's get right into it You know what goes on in Trauma Team There's a virus that takes over
Starting point is 02:04:18 It's like the game Operation But there's all different characters And there's a Yukiko character That's like a really traditional Japanese lady And she's the lady who shoves the tube up Your ass with the camera Why is he having so many surgeries at once?
Starting point is 02:04:34 That's too many Operation is crazy And she's like I must use the ancient technique Of shoving this tube down a person's ass real hard Why is he awake? Did you ever play those games? I got super far in Trauma Team Also I want to thank you
Starting point is 02:04:50 And apologize But you held on this long Let's get to some emails I don't know if you quite knew What you're getting yourself into I wasn't aware But it's all good But I do need to step out soon
Starting point is 02:05:06 Okay good Let's flash forward to the emails We say some dumb shit Here comes some dumb shit Said by our listeners Alright we got Wait if you want to say some dumb shit to us Send it to
Starting point is 02:05:22 That's the one That's a dumb shit like Santiago says Hi guys Santiago from Argentina here Big fan What's your favorite anime trope Mine for example
Starting point is 02:05:38 Is using the opening theme song For an end game scene Thank you That's the best one That's the best one My second favorite Is Any time there is a rival
Starting point is 02:05:54 The blue to the red hero Or the red to the blue hero I can't get enough of that It's so classic I love the trope of When someone sends something dramatic to you You reach out their hand and say their name And then put your hand back down
Starting point is 02:06:10 And that's it Anything come to mind for you Willie going hey Matt I've decided That I'm going to move to Like this other country Willie I love the super aggressive time Skip
Starting point is 02:06:26 That barely exists as a trope Not enough stuff Can do it good I would probably be Investing me into the best friend So he can die and make the hero stronger Yeah I'm a big sidekick guy
Starting point is 02:06:42 But then also I guess I don't know if this is This isn't really kind of a trope because I'm always a sidekick guy but then I'm watching He's like clearly a sidekick But he's the main character Everything revolves around him so it's weird Because he can't die
Starting point is 02:06:58 He's not the main man But he's kind of the main man Exactly so it's weird it puts me in a weird place But yeah so that's mine Those guys all fuck right Wow Wait what? That's what that's about
Starting point is 02:07:14 Those guys all fuck man Being friends Which does That's what they all do man Show me one One image and I will be able to answer that More information is required Yeah before you soldier on
Starting point is 02:07:30 Not a fake porn image Fun fact about that question From Santiago it had exactly 163 characters in it Did he say that or did you Just start counting the emails That's good That's the number of the episode
Starting point is 02:07:46 Hey there we go you caught on Yeah those dudes are slamming Alright look Dude they all like Yeah that's big porkin One punch man needs to dunk my basket What next next question Get both balls in there
Starting point is 02:08:04 Jair is asking Super best save scummers Yeah What games do you think that have lives Would benefit from Infinite checkpoint respawn or vice versa Omicron the no man god damn Fucking soul
Starting point is 02:08:22 Infinite respawn Anything you can think of Austin Putting an old game That has modern saving Kid chameleon That game becomes beatable At that point Some games just fall apart
Starting point is 02:08:40 Berserk on the dream cast Could have benefited They were way back behind tough sections Specifically Zot I know you aced it but for most people A lot of games just fall apart Like that and like golden axe They just crumble because then you just beat them
Starting point is 02:08:56 In one setting and there's nothing There's nothing to it same with diehard arcade And all these kinds of games They just fall apart immediately if they have infinite So it's a balancing act I'm a fan of games that have Almost like hitman saving where You have save states that destroy themselves
Starting point is 02:09:12 When you load again but then you have like Actual proper level saves You like a proper suspense save Yeah that's good stuff I think Galgo 13 top secret agent Top secret mission on the NES Because I think you only get five continues
Starting point is 02:09:28 And it's pretty lengthy If you went through pat country's book Did you realize that there was a second Galgo 13 game on the NES That was localized I'm going to buy it Because I just happened to be playing Galgo 13 in the past month
Starting point is 02:09:44 Because I actually think that game is an incredible game Okay Fernando's asking a question for all of you Mostly Matt since you're the resident serial guru I found serial to be The only food I can think of that is worse If you eat it when you're extremely hungry I came across this epiphany as I ate
Starting point is 02:10:00 Cookie crisp cereal this morning and realized I didn't enjoy it as much as when I ate it Last week at night while being a random That's so as a snack Are there any foods that you think of that are in the same category Where it's like you don't It's not as good when you're hungry When you're actually hungry
Starting point is 02:10:16 When you're just shame eating it Ice cream for me Because when you eat ice cream When you're hungry you don't feel full And then you're like now I have to eat A real food because I'm an idiot Because it's meant to That's a dessert so you're meant to eat it
Starting point is 02:10:32 I think most snack foods have that value The other day I was heating up I woke up late and I was heating up some chili For like brunch And while it was warming up two minutes in the microwave That's a fucking long time I was like oh I saw some chips left over Let me eat some of these and five chips in
Starting point is 02:10:48 I was like na na na na na This isn't doing anything Last night I was really in the I just wasn't hungry and up until 10 o'clock I'm like okay now I'm fucking feeling hungry And I went to about to make Like English muffins And just whatever and I was like what am I doing
Starting point is 02:11:04 I'll have some soup English muffins aren't good If you're hungry they're like An additional thing on your breakfast Or your brunch and I'll have a fucking Soup English muffin is like bordering On condiment
Starting point is 02:11:20 But not like a cereal style Soup like a real soup If you eat a lot of cereal that'll fill you up You eat nothing but bunches You're fucked up all day You eat all Captain Crunch all day And then your mouth just shoots blood out Captain Crunch may as well be blades
Starting point is 02:11:36 Any foods like that for you? Awesome I don't know I eat the same stuff constantly I never really like Yeah cause you gotta stay huge and ripped No I mean my favorite food is stuffed crust pizza So like
Starting point is 02:11:51 But like the stuff I eat is all like that And so it's like all the same regardless If I'm hungry or not I just want it In my body Stuffed crust pizza is illegal in Canada Yeah that's true Cause the moose coming to your house to eat it No like pizza
Starting point is 02:12:07 We'll sell stuffed stuffed crust pizza here But in the states they have frozen stuffed crust pizza You can buy it at any store but we don't have that here In the states I don't know if they still sell it But pizza and cookies Has always been a product that I've been Really down for So pizza and cookies
Starting point is 02:12:23 That reminds me today right before I came over here We opened up that one of those Gift things that Con Bravo gave us That all the candy in it My girl from Popsicle goes holy shit There's a Kinder Surprise in here Like it's a fucking magical treasure Cause she's from the states
Starting point is 02:12:39 It's like a weapon I'm not sure if it's the first time she's ever seen one But she's like oh my god a Kinder Surprise I find choke on it you dumb Americans And then she opened it up And I was like what is this Lego stupid shit Like enjoy your Kinder Surprise And there's your pet gimmick
Starting point is 02:12:55 Die Oh this is a pretty good one I like this Best name of A soundtrack Or video game OST that you can think of Roar of the earth No hard mode
Starting point is 02:13:13 Dante must die mode You're not allowed to say fear is the mind killer from Rez That's a very good word Roar of the earth is the album For Shadow of the Glossis And I said it Before you finished reading the question Cause I needed to steal it out from under you
Starting point is 02:13:29 So that's your fucking tag Yes That's my name on the internet man Shadow of the Glossis soundtrack Roar of the earth God damn I love that I don't know I can't say I know that many names
Starting point is 02:13:45 Killer cuts Killer cuts is a fantastic That's really good K-Jams with a Z I don't know I'm trying to think but I don't know any actual Soundtrack names I use both famous soundtrack
Starting point is 02:14:01 Endless Waltz Liam what was the orchestra Zelda one for Ocarina time Blessings of the Goddess No that's the tour Ocarina actually came out I can't remember It's been over
Starting point is 02:14:17 Fair enough And lastly ShadowNepNep wants us to add Seeing as you guys have played recently Shrek SuperSlam Gang Beasts and all kinds of great gems Yeah no Austin Burn down all videos
Starting point is 02:14:33 You are doing And do Shrek SuperSlam On the GameCuber Xbox Shrek SuperSlam Write it down and when you do the video Credit us Also look up Crumpet Dashing So it turns out
Starting point is 02:14:49 It's an unpunishable approach There's a Shrek style fighting game That's kind of like Smash Brothers And we played it and took a look And we're like this is goofy shit And then it turns out in the middle of the video That it actually has like serious fighting game tech It's a real game
Starting point is 02:15:05 And the community that plays it regularly With a tier list Like for real You know Smash boards Yeah we'll go to Shrek boards That's unreal It's a real thing So what is your dream game
Starting point is 02:15:21 To add to the EVO lineup Dream game to add Then if I could throw it on the main stage Throw a game up on the EVO main stage Well Matt would say tournament fighters no Not anymore Oh easy Mario Kart Double Dash
Starting point is 02:15:37 Easy Not win jammers That's cute wow Asked me a question I gave an answer And I get that kind of response Jesus I feel like win jammers Already has like a solid community But I don't know
Starting point is 02:15:53 Double Dash Double Dash is my game I would kill for Bushido Blade 2 Like turn on scene No too definitely Wow that's cute It is cute Because they cut each other with the swords
Starting point is 02:16:09 Samurai Kirby That on the main stage Probably air ride Oh yeah But like a shitty part of my body Once cross Tekken Just for people to be back in that I would say weapon lord
Starting point is 02:16:27 That's a good one Unfortunately we have to go real soon Because Mr. Creed has to go get groceries Yes Like we drone on On these podcasts but dude thank you so much For hanging out with me Thank you very much
Starting point is 02:16:43 Austin where could anyone find you I can't think of any place Do you have a site or anything I'm glad you asked because I am on twitter At Xavier Woods PHD That's my instagram as well I'm on snapchat used food Because I'm the shhh
Starting point is 02:16:59 I'm not going to say it because I'm a PG guy But I'm on youtube Up up down down I know I can Yeah we got you For your PG fans Yeah exactly just in case the kids are listening They are
Starting point is 02:17:15 I'm on youtube it's up up down down Which you can follow that on twitter and instagram As well up up down down without the O's Fantastic gaming channels So check it out follow me I'll tell you things we do giveaways We're giving away two free iPhones right now I know I know
Starting point is 02:17:31 Maybe you can do some android stuff I don't even have headphone jacks It's a thing it's a thing We give away codes for games all the time So check it out and you'll like it trust me There you go But still watch our show though Yes always watch their show this is super best friends
Starting point is 02:17:47 Hey he remembered our name There you go That's better than most guests Oh man Jeff Thu's a piece of crap Wow were you going to throw him under the bus He didn't put us on his 7 favorite youtubers list that bastard He deserves it he's a good man but he deserves it No he is fine
Starting point is 02:18:03 Let's roll right into our outro music Oh Austin yes Pick a cool video game sound Any song you want Any video game song Oh the victory music from Final Fantasy 7 Aww that's good Oh
Starting point is 02:19:03 Oh

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