Castle Super Beast - SBFC 169: Sense of Blackface Alliance

Episode Date: November 1, 2016

Matt's back from Seattle, but Woolie's soul is still in Toronto. Meanwhile at Castle Super Beast, Liam and Pat prepare for Titanfall. You can watch us record the podcast live on

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Don't worry about it, don't worry. At one point I took my dick out, see if you can figure out where. Oh, no. Yeah. No one will ever. No, I'll let the mods take care of that. Oh, they're gonna ban me. Yeah. Yeah. Ban for five minutes. Time out. Time out. Yeah. Time out with your penis out. Hey guys, you got to put that away too. What up guys? You're gonna keep getting timed out. Hey, I'm Pat. That's Liam. I'm just now. I'm woolly. Here are you? Oh, you sons of bitches. Every time I make the attempt, someone kneecaps it. I'm lat. I'm Danny O'Dwyer. Yeah, I like I guess that makes me Jeff Gerstman. I'm moody. You wish. I do. No, you don't. No, but mmm. So yeah, you ever you ever you ever go on YouTube?
Starting point is 00:01:07 No, we still everything else from giant bombless podcast. So you ever go look at like some of those bits where they're always talking about how he kicked a hole in his wall and he's afraid about scorpions biting his feet. Yeah. Oh, that's, that's kind of cool. That's too close for me. That's that's getting like unfortunate against the water. I remember when he was talking about how people were saying, can you please clean up these jackal lanterns from previous Halloween? He's like no. And he said no. That's fucking gross. It is Halloween. It is. What are the hey, I'm dressed. It's post Halloween. I'm dressed as a young Louis CK back when he liked video games. I'm dressed every day in a scrub who
Starting point is 00:01:49 drowned in pools. How about you? I'm dressed as self marketing man. That's good. All right. Yeah. What about you? I'm dressed as past Matt. Past Matt. Younger Matt. Younger Matt. Never had hair. Never had hair is not as good. You did that. I did not. There's no point in his life that Matt had hair and also long hair, except that time in that photo. I had that photo for a while. You know, your mom gave me there was a point in your life where there was life in your eyes. I remember those photos. I don't. I know. Well, you've known Matt longer than me. So yeah, you probably knew the life before that. I've known Leo longer than anyone. The two baby photos of CK. That's not true. Right? Right. How about that? Yeah, from pre K. You should have known that.
Starting point is 00:02:31 I've seen two baby photos of you, Matt. And both of them were you like mid yeah. Yeah. One, I'm on like a three wheel bike and I'm throwing up the horns. And I'm sure I didn't know what that was. And another one, I don't know what one you're talking about. What was the other one? I think it was something that like your sister showed me one time or something like that. Was it like opening up birthday presents? Something like that. And I was like, I want to use this in the future. My family showed you guys my baby pictures. I'd be fucking pissed. Yeah, because we're like, I don't see any difference. Yeah, basically. I'm physically larger than I was as a baby. I also had blonde hair. What? Yeah, that happens a lot with kids where they have light hair
Starting point is 00:03:16 and I had like really light blonde hair. And the Aryan just falls out of them. Yeah, I was like, ah, I'm not cut for this life. Damn it. There's a there's a nice like vulnerability to seeing your friends as babies. Yeah, like you kind of like you were human once too. You weren't just a piece of shit that fell out of the sky and spawned. No, they jumped out of holes in the ground. It's it's the thing of somebody you've known for a long time, and they haven't really changed all the worst parts about themselves. Right. So your mind goes, have they fucking always they can't have always been like this. And then you see the photos, you're like, oh, and then you ask the mom or dad and they're like, no, it was a piece of shit as a baby to God. Why? My mom was like, several times
Starting point is 00:04:01 you just got up when you're like five and you just peed on this white chair. Yeah. Yeah. And I'm like, we all had that. Well, because you probably thought it was a toilet. And I was like, it wasn't. Well, what was it then? Why would you buy a white chair? Yeah, and put it near the tub. Like what the fuck is wrong fucked up. But I like to think that, you know, there's a time we could go back to for each of us or is like before the darkest timeline, you know, back when this is the be before. Were you born on the dark side? I'm thinking real hard. Did you come out? It's before. Oh, God, because for me, it's before that soccer game that I went to when I was four years old. That's the start of the darkest timeline. What happened? My parents said, go play with the
Starting point is 00:04:49 other kids and they left me alone with the other kids and I started to ball my eyes out because I had separation issues. And then I became a huge weirdo. It all started there. Yeah. Like for me, and you would think that it would be like pre and post Jesus, woolly, you would think, but it's actually more like, here's the plane ticket. Get on the plane. Oh, that's like, you have a hard like that's the act to yours. Here's the fucking scenario B for woolly's life. State in Canada. What? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's that. That's the split for him. I envy any kids today because well, he's only got glad dreads. The state in Canada version of me is just fucking Brennan. Yeah. Yeah. I'm in the WWE now. So it's the brightest timeline. And so I love that whenever anybody talks about
Starting point is 00:05:40 like what could have been, they always just assume that version would be a better version of what they are now. It could very easily be you in the opposite direction of the difference between you and Brennan now. It could be. But the fact that Brennan exists on this timeline, I take that as a sign. How do you not know that that's the best version of his timeline or the worst version of his timeline? I'm the worst version of his timeline. No, I'm at Johnson. If he ended up in Grenada, then he would have turned into me. Don't you see how this works? That's linking yourself a little too closely. The conclusion doesn't match what's going on. And I also feel if I just tried hard enough. He just has better genetics. Yeah, you can't teach being six, five, two, seventy,
Starting point is 00:06:30 five. And he's a father of two. Yeah. All the way up. And he's got father of so many. Yeah. Father to us all. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Nintendo's got him on their YouTube now. Yeah, I saw that. Talking about Pokemon. Damn, we're not there. I feel if I tried hard enough, I could have also been Brennan. Like, I'm pretty sure I could have burst through that ceiling. Yeah. All right. The ceiling of being fit and huge and black and huge. There's pigment. Punisher did it. All right. I could do it. Yep. I know. No. I can't roll that back. When I grew up, I'll be him. Can't wait to see the new costume unveiling when he finally got when everything gets settled. I hope it has nice long coat tails. Second time you use that joke. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh,
Starting point is 00:07:24 no, balls. It was used very effectively here, though, I feel. Yeah. Let's all have a conference about how Willie's joke was used. Actually, let's have a conference. We have a chart of how many times he's been using this joke twice. How is the top of the chart? Don't get too far away from the conference segue. It's a good one. That's the smallest bar graph ever. There's two bars. Shall we have a conference about the updates to Vessel? Yeah, we should. Yeah. So last week, you guys got the news that Vessel was shutting down. And we got that news at the same time. We got that news at the exact same time. Yeah. I think somebody, I was a discord player at the 14 and a guy at Virt Squad said, Hey, Pat, what's up with this? And I go, I don't know. I was just working on stuff.
Starting point is 00:08:15 And I was like, Oh, I'm going to check Neogat for a second. And I just checked. I see the first post in off topic. Yeah, Vessel's shutting down. I'm like, what? When's it? When's it shutting down? The 31st? That's in like six days. Why don't I know this? Yeah. So, uh, because bureaucracy. When Verizon buys things, they like to shut them down. Actually, no guys, it's not being shut down. It's being sunset. Sunsetting it. That's amazing. That's the word. That's Paul was working over time to get that term. It's being sunset like at the time of this podcast recording, I believe. Today is the final day. That's Monday, the 31st Halloween. Legends 3 was sunsetted. Oh boy, was it ever. So, Vessel doesn't exist anymore. It doesn't exist
Starting point is 00:08:57 anymore. So, uh, if you have a subscription, I think you're going to get refunded. You're eligible for a complete and full refund. I don't think you're eligible. You would make it instantly get it. Oh, you just default get it? I think so. I got it. Well, make sure you get your money back. And also, if, uh, if you were wondering why we haven't been uploading videos to Vessel in the past few days, because there's nothing that you can't. At first, it was like, it doesn't let you pick a thumbnail. Yeah. And then it was like, stop it. And I was like, no, but I want to try though. I want to see what happens. And it's like, please leave me alone. I can break your system. And then it was because like, oh, well, it's going to be dead now. So, yeah. Oh, well, so that's that's that's that
Starting point is 00:09:38 chapter. Yes, it's gone. What a ride. Yeah, I think that lasted one year before it got valuable enough for a larger company to buy it and kill it's because it was competing with their own service. I didn't really realize that the CEO was the guy that created Hulu. Yeah. Yes. That was like one of the big things of like when when Vessel was coming up was like, oh, it's the Hulu guy. Man, what a fucking targeted, like bitter like business acquisition of buying it just to hire a couple people and then liquidate the whole thing because it competes with your shittier service. Or even if it doesn't, like Vine, you're still basically in the same situation. Vine's dead too. And then the guy who founded it was like, don't sell your company, guys.
Starting point is 00:10:20 I'm so not pleased. Well, shutting down. So everyone's doing the posting of all their favorite loops, which is at least the best version of this. Yeah. Oh my God, I missed a lot of amazing vines. I mean, me and my girlfriend watch a lot of vines and I'm so unhappy that it's it's going. How do you think the black community is taking that shit? It's dead. We're done. All right. Black culture. It's over. I made that joke the moment I heard it. Like, girlfriend, you can't make that joke. Watch me back to world star. Okay. No, because listen, no, no, no, no, it's different. There's always, and we always used to make jokes about like, oh, did you get the memo, you know, like that we passed that we passed around the black community?
Starting point is 00:10:58 We're saying this now, we're doing that now. And it's like, Vine was a moment in time where there actually was a memo. Yes. You know, and it was faster. It was very fast. Yeah. I think overall, my favorite vine that just sticks out is just like, the girlfriend just going, give me your sweater. I'm cold. I'm cold. Give me your sweater. And then she's wearing 50 sweaters. Like, I need to see other people. Then she walks away with like 50 swears on. Then you hear, I love bad bitches. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's my fucking problem. That's what it does, man. And it also like, got new moves out there immediately. Everyone learned how to whip right off the bat. So, so what you're saying is that Vimeo is next.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Oh boy. Nobody can shut down Vimeo. And anything that starts with a V is going down daily motion. Daily motion is the rock of Gibraltar. Somebody has our fucking copyright shenanigans, MGS4 playthrough up there. Yeah. Like on daily motion because nothing can come down. It's like, hey, I want to watch the full entrance of Shinsuke Nakamura at the NXT takeover, the violin and shit. Oh, there's just a truncated shitty official WWE version on YouTube. Where can I go to look at it? I had that exact situation two nights ago. Well, I was looking up that exact video and I was like, oh, it's on the WWE. Oh, like the full entrance is like eight minutes, but on the fucking WWE channel, all their videos are
Starting point is 00:12:32 like super cut down versions of the footage you want to see advertising, get the WWE network, and you can see it. That's like, fucker, I can't get the WWE network. You won't allow me. I would. I would have. I would love to. Please take my money, but you don't want it. Okay. Well, well, they want to take your money, but Rodgers wants to take your money first and more. Well, just wait until well, then no one's going to take my money. No, wait until it rolls into your Amazon Prime subscription. Yes. Like the rest of the world. I used mine, you know, I used my free subscription on us. Yes, on us. Pay yourself. That's what I'm doing. No, you totally like, like I feel like everything is rolling into that just works out as a discount from your Prime
Starting point is 00:13:16 subscription, though, when you do that, which is good. Yeah, I like subscribing. I don't know about you guys, but like I want the network super bad. Oh, yeah. It's hard to find any other content like you can find like a few WWE documentaries. We've received a bunch in the mailbag on DVD, but I want to watch Edge's show. I want to watch Edge's show that got better. And that Total Biscuit was telling us is like actually like growing into something special. Yeah, it started out awkward. The first episode was a little weak. Yeah. And like, no, they figured it out apparently. But no, I guess as far as Vessel goes, like that at least will suddenly make two shows on our channel make sense again. Yes. We'll return to a Friday night only kosher status.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Saturday night Scrubbler. Saturday morning Scrubbler still makes no sense, but that's the way it's. Try not to think about that one. Wait, wait, wait five hours and it makes sense. It's fine. That's not how that works. Yeah. Like live airtime. Okay, but the game is shitty. So it's yes. Yeah. It's real slow. It goes through the gets clogged in the pipes. Yeah. It's like if Monday night sports was on Sunday. Yeah. You just tell them to wait five hours to watch the game. It's like it's like if it's like if Kotaku was doing their own fighting game show, you know, you just that's it. I'm sure they try or they do it late. Speaking of fighting game, you're like the opposite. You're really slow. I get it. Speaking of fighting games, I saw the world
Starting point is 00:14:39 of Long Place, you know, whatever, upload a video what every hour. And I saw a fighting game there. I was like, what are you, it had an uploaded fighting layer. And I was like, well, yeah, we know we played that. We did that shark thing. They upload another fighting game right after called Heaven's Gate. Okay, which I'm like, that's an insensitive name because it was released the same year as the fucking cult. Oh, wow. Okay. Heaven's Gate is a 3D Japanese like fighting game, a lot like fighting layer. And it just seemed like out of nowhere. I love living in this timeline where we can still find that's cool. Occasionally a game where we're like, what? Yeah, that looks kind of neat. No, someone recently had a discussion with me that basically resulted in a barrel
Starting point is 00:15:29 materializing out of thin air and going underneath the bottom of the barrel that we have. What's that? Can you talk about it? Oh, there's a lot. No, there's a bunch. There's a bunch. But it's basically just like, oh, this infinite barrel list going all the way down. There's another barrel. There's another barrel. Yeah. The infinity. Two barrels inside. Infra-barrel. But I did recently actually hear about the storyline to a fighting game that's pretty sick. It was like kind of like a fighting game story. Apparently, like something about eight goddesses, eight billionaire goddesses. Oh, yeah. I heard about them. Right? Um, yeah. And they take control of the country with their fighting powers. So like there's apparently, so it's like there's this country and the president
Starting point is 00:16:15 of the country was apparently like brainwashed by these eight billionaire goddesses. And they, no, no, no, no. It's a pretty cool story, actually. But like, and like the president of the country had her parents assassinated when she was a kid. I mean, you gotta. So one of these, one of these billionaire goddesses basically stepped in and like molded them into the perfect, like, doll prime minister slash president. And the, what was it then? I believe it was something about the, like, the father of the goddess, of one of the goddesses was like a cult leader. There's a cult thing going on. This is Gekido. Gekido? No. It's not Gekido. No. This is, uh, Gex three. That wasn't, that wasn't a fighting game. No, he's talking about South Korea, the
Starting point is 00:17:02 fighting game. Oh yeah. I'm talking about real life South Korea. Yeah. Did you hear this news? I heard a little bit about it when you said eight goddesses. South Korea is turning into anime now. When you said eight goddesses is like, this is a thing from a thing, but I don't remember what this is. All I know is, this is a thing from that thing, right? Yeah. All I know is one of these eight is turning into the fucking Orochi. Yeah. And I need to know who it is. South Korea's Vanguard Princess or whatever the Korean equivalent of the Orochi would be. The other seven are going full blood riot. Okay. Watch out, but one of them is turning into the Orochi. Okay. It's not going to be Chris. I wish our prime minister turned out to be a fighting game character. He might be.
Starting point is 00:17:43 He might still be. We haven't determined that yet. We haven't seen all of this before. Actually, there are those photos of him from his boxing match. There are those photos of him riding a moose. Basically, Kim Jong-il style, like our great leader coming down from the mountain photos. He's just 40s, but he looks like he's younger than me. He won a boxing match for politics and he fell downstairs that one time. Oh yeah. On purpose. On purpose. And that's when he was wearing that horrible douche stash. So we have confirmation that the prime minister of Canada knows how to Ukemi. Yes. And that's pretty important. That's a plus. Jump as soon as you hit the stairs and Ukemi. If he could zoom in or slow. Yeah. Well, it's going to get real,
Starting point is 00:18:25 it's going to get real slow around here when they legalize weed. Tell you what. Yeah, everyone's going to be a little slow. Apparently that's having a much harder time getting through as we all thought. Yeah, but it'll get through. Yeah. And the states, they have, they have years to do it. Yeah. Speaking of which, when we flew to Portland, like we flew through the dank cloud. Oh yeah, the dank cloud. So now we're going to have the, now we're going to have the legal weed smokers fighting the vapors on street corners to see who can rip the fattest clouds. Oh, of course, man. But you got to get the dubstep flowing behind and you got to get the motions with the hands or you push it out and pull it back in. So with the legalization of
Starting point is 00:18:58 weed on the horizon, I'm very interested to see in what kind of backpack bong machinery I'm going to see people walking around with. Well here, I'll give you an example. Like mechanical super bongs that are hooked up all the time. I'll give you an example. That in Portland, really, we walked by it several times, but there was, there was a weed distribution center right next to where we were at the Portland Retro Gaming Times. Yes. How suspicious. And you weren't, you had, this was on the Sunday, but we're walking back and then I'm not going to say who, but Super Bunny Hop was like, I got to go. So I went in there with Thomas, myself, and my wife, and I'm like, I'll just sit in the waiting area because I don't, I don't got nothing to do in here. They're like, we're
Starting point is 00:19:40 going to, well, Thomas stayed with me too. Thomas is like, yeah, no, I'll stay with you. I was like, cool. So Bunny Hop comes out like the first smile I saw all weekend from him. And my wife was like, I got some lollipops. And I'm like, they're making lollipop. Like this is how behind the times I am. Edibles, bro. The lollipops, it's crazy. They'll fuck you up. What if the accidentally gets in a trick-or-treaters bag? Exactly. That's awesome. That's great. That's good for the case. Portland seemed to really be taking that. I've seen kids walking down the street drunk. They were fine. Yeah. And there's that video of all those animals eating the ripe, unripe, what is it, fermented fruit? Yeah. And like monkeys and whatever. And for fuck's sake, I got a cat and you give that cat, catnav,
Starting point is 00:20:23 but he's fucking high as ball. There you go. That's what catnav does. They do it all the time. I have a feeling we're going to get a lot of American tourists in a couple of years. It might be a thing. It's certainly possible. Is that the trick? Is that how we're going to have our big con? It's like a fucking best friend slash dank con? No. Dank con. How is that not happening yet? I'm pretty sure it must be. Dank con. I'm just calling it. It exists. I think that weird gaming cruise is dank con. For sure it does. Fuck off. Like weird gaming cruise they announced that things we're all going to trust. I don't trust it. Dank con? Not a thing. Oh, wow. It's not taken. Wow. So I think if you're that surface. Also,
Starting point is 00:21:10 I have a strong suspicion that if you were going to have a dank con anywhere in a place where weed is still illegal, that it would probably be a bad idea to go. Yeah. Yeah. I feel like that's a big target. Yeah. If it's not legal there. How can we hot box the Olympic stadium? Well, you get the lid on and you make sure it's one of the ones that doesn't break halfway through the year. Well, the roof is the problem, isn't it? That's the problem. You might as well make the building useful somehow. I just realized people are going to have to start on their photo shops now and they're animated gifts of just like those scenes of the beginning of the mist, but just put Canadian flags in the background. Perhaps. But I mean, you know, the Olympic stadium,
Starting point is 00:21:50 you already have the place where your mouth goes, right? Yeah. Well, you can't hot box the Olympic stadium because that implies that the roof is not leaking. Yeah. One day. That thing's a piece of fucking shit. And I'm sure it's been leaking all week because it's we've been. Hey, you want to laugh at us and Montrealers and the taxes we got to pay. Go fucking look up a wiki article about the fucking piece of shit. Montreal Olympic stadium flying back into town, looking over the city at night. I'm like, wow, we have a pretty city. It's look at that piece of shit. No, look at all these cool trees. And when you get to the iconic thing that you're supposed to feel like, ah, home, you motherfuckers. I had I had fucking assholes. I had one good time in that
Starting point is 00:22:27 thing for this shit. I had one good time in that thing. There was an event care to take a stab. It's a general event that happens in stadiums every now and this baseball, especially in America. No, I went to an ex post game and had an awful time. Okay. Yeah. So it's not baseball. But it's a type of event that happens in stadiums. Was it the class visiting the pool, the Olympic pool? No. Because I had a good time doing that. I didn't have a good time. One guess from you. One guess from me. You went to the gym part of the Olympic stadium and pushed that giant ball around. Now, I'll give you three words monster truck rally. I had a great time there. That's the first you have. Why would I not? It was awesome. Damn, I've never been to one. I just look
Starting point is 00:23:09 at you with love it. But I feel like the commercials are probably making them way cooler than it's probably all the highlights. Maybe Canadian one, maybe Canadian ones, but in the States, I'm sure they're nuts. Carnasaurus. Yeah, no, truckasaurus. Monster truck rallies are so stupid. I can't believe they exist. Why don't they exist anymore? They do. They do still exist. I saw ads for them like two years ago. Maybe only one thing stupider than monster truck rally and that's a fucking air show because it's just air show is because it's just a monster truck rally, but you have like a one in three chance of dying at every air show you go to. In a monster truck rally, you always get some crashes and bashes and everyone will be safe and fine. It doesn't matter,
Starting point is 00:23:47 but I've been to I've been to an air show with the Blue Angels and I just played like Macross zero music in my head. Yeah, fine. I thought you were playing Macross. It's fine. Like in the dirt. It was at the Blue Angels. Is that? Yeah, they were kicking ass. Yeah, they defeated the enemy. Our Sky Lords are better than your Sky Lords. Yeah, they did that thing where they fly dangerously close to the crowd. You're like, you should probably die. Yeah, that could happen to monster truck. This weird nihilistic point where I don't care if people get blown up at air shows. They don't care because they know we're into it because they know I'm part of it. It's part of the appeal. Yeah, really? When I can get sure at least when you die of air show, you die super hard. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Not many people get to touch airplanes, so that's I can touch this rotating propeller. I guess that's practically a scoreboard. My baby touched it really hard. They're like, oh, how many did you get on that one? Like, oh, like the half the crowd. That's like a six. Yeah. It's like the people that go to watch the Budokai tournaments. You know, in Dragon Ball World, like you choose. Yeah. Yeah, right. Okay. Well, if no, but if you touch the splash, that's the zone you're going to get eradicated. Yeah, I'm going to stand here right behind the villain. This is the spirit bomb splash zone. Someone loses at the Budokai if they touch the stairs or the ground they lose. Yeah, they have to physically touch it. Sure, but you're
Starting point is 00:25:13 okay. Kamehameha wave gets dodged. Yeah, that's where it's going. They move it. Like Trunks shoots a Kamehameha and does this because he doesn't want to hit the crowd. So it zooms. They're careful. Or Majin Vegeta isn't careful. Majin Vegeta never competed in the Budokai. Yes, he did. That's why they competed in a fucking far off place with cliffs. No, yeah. Do you forget the Majin Vegeta heel turn where he goes, this is J2 and then points his palm at the crowd and just blows up the whole crowd. Ah, fuck you right. That's the start of that fight. Yeah, but then they leave. Yeah, but those people are dead. Luckily, we have these dragonborn raiders. Would you rather get front row seats to the Budokai with a guaranteed Majin, some one of them is coming out or front row seats to a
Starting point is 00:26:03 metalocalypse concert? Oh, fucking Budokai. Budokai for sure. I have a great chance of living. Yeah. Okay, I think the coffee would be worse than anything at the Budokai. Because the Budokai exists in a universe in which you can be brought back to life. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, that's true. Metalocalypse exists in a universe where you can die forever, like fair enough. Did you see that thing where the creator of Metalocalypse was talking about how he went to Adult Swim and when he talked to them about it, he got a hard no, no ambiguity. Yeah, like Brendan Small. Brendan Small. Dude's genius. Yeah, he's amazing. He does the music. He created home movies. He does most of the voices as well. Yeah. Oh, cool. It's one of those like this is all from one man. It's either one
Starting point is 00:26:47 that's substance-faced filled with like paper towels that do murder face. That's right. That's cool. Yeah, that's a pretty good murder face, Matt. Yeah, I didn't even say a word. Matt, did you spend your whole week pretending to be murder face? No, I spent the whole week being drowned in rain. Yeah. When we left Montreal when we went to Portland, it was raining. Yeah. Yeah. And it rained every subsequent like one after another day. And in Seattle, we got to Seattle, we took a bus from Portland to Seattle, me and my wife, and it was raining. And I was like, really, Seattle? You're going to, you're going to just do what I expect now. Well, that's why they're sleepless in Seattle because it's always raining. That's why they're always talking about
Starting point is 00:27:28 those tall salads and scrambled eggs. Did you see a supersonic again? Did I see supersonic? Did you see a supersonic? No, I did not. Okay. I saw the galaxy knife though. What's he talking about? Space needle. Anyway, Liam laughed. That sounded way cooler. And I was like, please be something cool. I thought it was like a... I laughed because I thought it was like a fake thing. And you're like galaxy needle. And in my head, I was like, that's stupid. Needles have nothing to do with knives. My brain just went, which Mecca has this? Which space age Mecca has this and cuts through an enemy? It doesn't. Okay. No, because they would never have a knife. Galaxy knife. What? A space Mecca. They don't have knives. They have beamsabers. They have swords. They have
Starting point is 00:28:18 claymores. They have all the... They could use whatever weapons they want. But they don't take out a butter knife. Name a space Mecca that has a knife of any kind. Overman King Geiner's got something that's knife-like. Yeah, that's... You're knife-like. Yeah. I'm pretty sure there's... BAM! Motherfucker. You got nothing. That Yves has used knives. They are not space Mecca. Yeah, they're not space Mecca. It's your first statement. No, but he's clarified it now. Come on. And your second statement, you added space Mecca. Because he said what space Mecca would have it. And I said none of them. Oh, he didn't say that. Yeah, he did. I did say space. Yeah. Because I'm running past full metal panic right now. Anyway, Galaxy Knife is not cool enough. That's been Galaxy Saber. That
Starting point is 00:29:02 sounds like an actual... Galaxy Knife is too pedestrian. He has nerds. Not me, though. Not you. But yeah, you talked about Portland, I'm sure, last week a little bit. I did talk about it. So I'll just say the one big thing is that I was walking by a booth at the Portland Retro Gaming Con. I went, huh. And I texted or I told you. Sorry, heavy arms. He's got heavy arms. Yeah. That's a fucking thing. Fuck off. Go on. Hey, Willie, I went by a booth that has an HDMI modded N64. Yeah, you did. That sounds like the coolest thing ever. And you went to go check it out. And then you had to leave. I was waiting at their booth and I'm looking at open and I'm like looking at my ticket, my plane ticket and they didn't show up. So I walked by this thing. Raven
Starting point is 00:29:51 Cart, the booth is called, has a website. And like, yeah, they're just running an HDMI modded N64, a bunch of them, all the different translucent colored ones. And he was charging quite a bit of money for them. And I was like, could you do anything better on me? He's like, oh, just the regular gray one. That's like $50 less because it's not cool. Yeah. And I was like, okay, fair enough. This thing has a menu to put on filters, stretch the screen. It's like sounds like the best thing. It's awesome. I brought it to my hotel room after I got it because I was like, we can definitely use this. There's a game or two that we can't even emulate properly if we wanted to or 64 sucks. It's well, yeah. Anyway, that sounds awesome. That sounds really cool. I'd love to see that for
Starting point is 00:30:36 it's in the room. It's in the other room. It exists for a bunch of machines. Matt couldn't figure out what to do with the other N64. So he hid it somewhere. Yeah, I hid it somewhere in the office. Let's boot it up. Did you actually, I thought you took it home? No, he hid it. Not at all. I'll be sure to take it home when I find it. Okay, let's see what mischief we can make with this new device. I play Castlevania Curse of Darkness, which is my other pickup that I got for a really decent price. And I just put that in the N64 and just played it on my HDTV in my hotel room in Seattle. You got it for a decent price, which is good too, because that's an expensive game. It is an expensive game. It was like a blockbuster, whatever, exclusive. I also want to thank Thomas
Starting point is 00:31:16 Trung for Trongasm. Trongasm. Mom. Mom. For showing us a good night out in the town. Delicious Chinese meal that we had. It was really good. So big thanks to him. When I did go to Seattle, I went to a place. I asked everyone, like, what's a good retro gaming, whatever. And someone said pink gorilla, pink gorilla, but you're going to be pissed because it used to be called pink Godzilla, but they had to change it for copyright reasons. And I'm like, and you look at their logo, it's a pink Godzilla that they just changed the face to be simian. I saw what you're talking about. I was so angry. I was like, that sucks. I hate Toho in that way. They'll fucking sue whoever. They don't give a shit. Like what? You had a vaguely reptilian monster. You're good. You're
Starting point is 00:32:02 yeah. Give us your money. Reptar got away. Reptar got away. Hyme Saban's Reptar. Oh, that hurts. That's what Toho does. What was neat about this place is that they had lots of like mostly import games. So a lot of Japanese like Super Famicom and stuff, all in little bags hanging on the walls. So it was just like, no fuss, no must, don't sweat over fucking. Yeah. That's where I tried to get Burning Rangers for you there. They did have it. Oh, cool. Yeah. $350. Burning Rangers is crazy expensive because it seems like only 10 or 15,000 copies were ever made in English. Is Shining Force rarer? No. No. Okay. Not at all. Yeah. Yeah, I think Liam's right. I remember the more popular of the last Saturn games got 50,000
Starting point is 00:32:51 but Burning Rangers got less. And I want to play Burning Rangers too, but not for $350. I'll only pay that for Final Fight Revenge. I bought a Japanese copy for 80 bucks and I played through it and I think this was fantastic, but I really want the English because there's full voice acting. Everything about the death of the Saturn is this massive fucking thumb in the eye to everyone. Kind of. Well, Sega more than any platform holder ever like moved to the beat of their own drum like crazy. Aside from like the Jaguar, it's the least common little like kind of game section when you go to like one of these cons. Yeah. They have like four Saturn games. I wonder if Daytona is there. It is. It always is. Like so. I'm sick of hearing for decades now
Starting point is 00:33:32 about how Panzer Dragoonsaga is the greatest RPG of all time when no one's ever going to get to play it. No one's ever played it. I did pick up a copy of Last Bronx though and knew in the that's a great game. That's a really great game. I had that and I loved it when I had a Saturn. What? I'm trying to remember because when you told me that like when you told me about looking for Burning Rangers, you remember what I asked you to go pick up? Oh, yeah. Well, he goes, why don't you go get the suitcase for Elemental Gearbolt as well while you're at it? Yeah. If you see one of those, go find me. Find me my suitcase. I think we're with Austin or whatever and he's like, that doesn't actually exist. Oh, does it? Fucker. You're new to this. You and I
Starting point is 00:34:15 also got to hang out with Derek from Alexander, from Stop Skeletons, from Fighting Informally, the happy video game nerd. I also hung out with him and Austin a bit more in Seattle because they're all based in there now. So we had some ghost pizza. We had some spooky ghost pizza. That was a fun time. What does that mean? It was a place that was like kind of like a gothic-y. Look, this is kind of a scary place. Was the pizza spooky? It wasn't. It was quite good pizza. Oh, okay. It was just good pizza. It was just a ghost pizza. I would trust a ghost pizza. There was a lot of white things on it. Yeah. Well, it was still like, Portland itself was like, I think you might have already said this too, but it's like,
Starting point is 00:34:50 of course, it's not going to be as crazy and as hipster and as stupid as Portland. It makes it out to be just like a normal city. I got to say that that max train is fucking sick. Yeah. Just runs every 15 minutes, goes through the heart of everything, costs two bucks to take. It was pretty solid. Good transportation. We're going to get one of them super trained soon. Maybe. No, we are like in four years. Maybe. Oh, yeah, you're right. Yeah. When we hit Seattle, we also went for kind of our, you know, hey, let's go to romantic dinner. We went to the second highest rated apparently eatery in Seattle called the pink door, which you can't find. They don't, they give a vague address and you've got to find the pink door to get in.
Starting point is 00:35:33 There's a sign that says this is near the pier, like the big pier marketplace in Seattle where people are throwing fish onto ice and shit. That place is really cool. Like from just photos and stuff. But we find the sign that says the pink door and it leads into like a two double doors and we try to open up. It's locked. Of course it is. You're like, they're like, no, you fell for the decoy door. Good luck. You have to go up a hill, like a really steep ass hill, go down a side alley and not look for the sign. We literally found a pink door and said, we hope this is it and not like a hostile movie and open it up and we're like, Hey, it's an Italian place. That's like the most rustic like balconies overlooking thing. There is an acrobat that has shows every 15 minutes.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Sexy girl acrobat that's in a ring and does all this crazy stuff. I love how you describe like Portland's a really nice, normal city. So we went on this journey to find this restaurant. This is Seattle, I said. Oh, Seattle. Oh, well, because like basically you're bleeding over like you're describing you open up the door and then we do the Goodfellas shot. It was as you walk through and like motherfuckers are doing like juggling acts. I'll show you a picture of it as you get to your seat. But it was it was really good. You know what we're so used to going in the States for when we sit down and eat what the biggest plate of everything, right? Yeah, it's the most like I can't even finish like cheesecake factory, whatever chicken and waffles chicken and you said that
Starting point is 00:36:58 destroyed by far the yeah, it's fucks your day up. Yeah. And this was just like really perfect portions was really good. I enjoyed it. Also really quickly, we went to the EMP Museum, which I tweeted a bunch of does that stand for what I think it stands for? Empire Arcadia has a museum. No, it doesn't stand for electric magnetic pulse or whatever. But I it stands for like entertainment, music, something, whatever. And we went into this going, we're going to go to the Nirvana exhibit, which really, if you were to go to Seattle, yeah, at the very least, it's the most exhaustive thing about a band I've ever seen. Did they have a red curts sweater? Did they have a replica of the bench? They didn't have the replica. They had the
Starting point is 00:37:41 I think maybe okay, they had they had like their actual demo tapes. They had actual letters from from Kurt saying this sucks. Wow. What a jury day this was. It stinks. But what's it? Thanks actual Courtney love standing here in his sarcophagus taxidermy. Yeah. Hey, look, she's holding the shotgun. But what they did also have at the EMP Museum is the original pulse rifle from aliens. The original Xenomorph suit from alien. Oh, that thing looks like shit. It looks actually really good. I'm not sure if it was rubber or whatever, or if this was like a double, but it said like prop used an alien. I don't know if I believe that because it looks bad in the movie. Maybe they had one of the prop heads from blade two where the vampire is
Starting point is 00:38:30 They had the actual like hockey helmet from Friday the 13th. Just stuff I just marked out at. They had a fucking endoskeleton from T two. Nice. All this shit. It took a million photos. It was really good. They didn't have like a power loader or anything like that. Did they they had lost alien self not a power power loader. I was disappointed. There was no predator though. I want to just that's one photo. I want to but they had Lelous Lelous like an orange plastic thong thing like her costume from the fifth element. Right. They had all this great stuff. They had a fantasy exhibit with like Game of Thrones shit and like Princess Bride. It was just really, really awesome. And I did tell Liam about this, but they also had the
Starting point is 00:39:10 really, really shit thing, which was the indie booth. Yeah, you said this games booth. Okay. Where you walked in, I saw seven children all that we use in 3ds and I promptly left. No, it was one room of that and weird geometric lighting. And I was like, what? And I looked at the list of games that was on the wall and I was like, I've never heard of any of these. Well, because they're so in. Well, you know, I guess. I didn't really understand the point of the exam. The letter and through the letter. You know what? You know what should have been there? Was that chasing dead? Yeah. Yeah. Because you would have said hi to those guys. I submit that to children. Never. You're looking over the chasing dead booth and you're like,
Starting point is 00:39:52 those girls are very, very hot. I wonder. And we also had a game, a fan meetup at Gameworks. Remember, we went there to meet the Spirit Attack crew. About the same. We just played Hummer. Remember that game we switched over? That was the most fun. So sorry to interrupt, but like, I don't know if you got a chance. Two things I forgot to talk about last time was from that meetup. Yeah, I really wanted to were the two. There's two arcade games that were at the what was it called? The place we went? Parlor Retro or Gameworks. Game. It wasn't Gameworks, but it was the Ground Control. Yes, Ground Control. Ground Control. Yeah. That's the other arcade that was in Portland. Yeah. There was an arcade game that was at the con that was also at Ground
Starting point is 00:40:36 Control called Killer Queen. Killer Queen. And it's fucking amazing. Really? A five on five arcade cabinet. Where you're basically playing, yeah, five v five joust. One player is the queen and different classes. Yeah, there's different classes and you can like basically become like a warrior or just like carry the berries. There's different ways to win. There's three different ways to win. It's a relatively new game too. It's not like a retro. And it's like a Portland game that was built made in there. And there's only like two cabinets. There's there's a lot more cabins on there. I've played it in Montreal as well. Really? Yeah. Though I found out when Willie was talking about it, the cabinet is no longer in Montreal, but there are more around
Starting point is 00:41:16 the world. Apparently it's Portland based. Yeah, it seems like that. And it was it was incredibly fun. And then there's all these different modes where you'd pop in your corner and sometimes you'd randomly get like a bonus queen versus queen quick battle. Did you see the tournament I sent you? I did, but I saw signs up for it and it was happening right after we left. Yeah, exactly. And there was a table for four player Pacman Championship edition. Yeah. And that's what I wanted to get. Juliana, me and Stefan, because like that would have been a really cool four player game because those games are fucking great, man. There's a movie theater in Montreal that has it. I don't remember which one, but one of them does have it. Really? Yeah, definitely not.
Starting point is 00:41:58 It's not downtown. It's one of the ones that's kind of out of the way. And it's got and it's like it's top view like what's it called? Coffee table. Table top. Table top. It's style screen. So it's like just like Pacman. Yeah, originally was tons of fun. Yeah, it was good. You used to put your booze down. And aside from that, I played some games, but I'll get into that maybe next week. But whether the game I did play was a bit like wall was on the trip was I played more of Sonic Fire and the Fire and Ice. I played the like the first like couple levels of the last world a few weeks ago and mentioned. And I played through like the first world, got to the second world and locked all the main characters because as you go, it's like now you get knuckles.
Starting point is 00:42:35 And the game was like the only actual knocks I can give on some music is pretty forgettable. It's not great. It's not terrible, but it's just kind of there. And the first world doesn't make a great first impression. Just an ice world who starts with ice world. Ice world is like well, because it's Sonic Fire and ice. So you have the ability to it's it's on the it's top billing, right? So they're going to put it before. So the second world is tropical. Yeah, start with tropical. It just it was just kind of weird. But aside from that, the game still is actually really fun. Like I was I'm enjoying up until this point. And all the cutscenes are sonic boom show humor. Yeah, they're and they are CG like from some of them. The first one was CG, but I've read into
Starting point is 00:43:16 other ones that are in engine. And then there's some that are CG. So it goes back and forth. The knuckles is like really good in that game, too. Like he has entire entire gameplay segments where he's burrowing underground really, really fast. He can dash while burrowing. Is that kind of like the the color the orange color? It controls slightly better. Okay, it's not as crazy where you barely control it. Knuckles has greater control. And I'll keep playing that because I was I'm like, wow, why am I not putting this down? Well, it seems like it's actually it's actually like the previous one was good, too. Yeah, I also finally saw Star Trek Beyond on the plane. Okay, it's fucking great. Yeah, I heard it was actually really solid. It's way better than the last one.
Starting point is 00:43:57 I keep trying to go, but no one wants to see it with me. And now it's out of theaters. Well, now it's out on everything. I guess one trailer in particular, you know, one trailer with Beastie Boys on the with the soundtrack. You tell me about this. Yeah, that song is a huge part of the movie that has functionality. Right. It's amazing. Yeah, apparently that trailer would still did so much damage and like they like came out and said like that was misleading and not what, you know, the Simon Pegg came out and slammed the trailer. Right. That's what Simon Pegg wrote this movie. And it's it's funny. Like it's a Simon Pegg movie. Wait, I wrote the movie. He wrote it. Well, shit, now I really want to see it. It was it was just really fun, like really funny. Like,
Starting point is 00:44:43 it wasn't the greatest plot where it's like, there's so many stakes against Kirk. And this is enemy Kirk. It was just like, here's the bad guy. That's the problem that into darkness had. Yeah, into darkness is like, fuck that. It was too terrible. It is so bad. I like the Klingons because I look like predators. There's some things about it that I enjoyed. Yeah, but not a lot overall. The ending is just the it's a it's fucking whenever I think about Star Trek, I think of Spock punch guys on the train. That's that. What you're talking about is not what I'm talking about. What Matt's talking about. Spock punching dudes on a train. Spock having a fucking John McLean level fucking throw down with a Superman on a fucking train. Yeah, he's getting emotional.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Shut the fuck up. That's terrible. And the last kind of thing I indulge in was like, you know, most of everything gets done on a plane, especially when you're a plane ride was like five hours. As I read Silver Surfer, Dan Slott, who was made a who wrote Superior Spider-Man and the deadly foes of Spider-Man all that. Yep. He had a Silver Surfer run back in 2014, where it's like, Silver Surfer kind of hates Earth. And he's like, I'm never going back there. Yeah, because Earth is the one that's giving him and Galactus all the trouble, right? Well, no, that's long over. Oh, it gave them trouble. I mean, like Earth is like a shitty planet where a bunch of crap happens all the time. Yeah. So he's like, I'm just a Silver Surfer and I just can go everywhere. And then he
Starting point is 00:46:12 gets like kind of scammed into defending this planet against like us, like the threat of a celestial being the, the Nevermother, the Never Queen. And she's, you know, like, like Deadpool's in love with death. The Never Queen is in love with eternity. Remember, eternity is the guy that has like a galaxy inside himself. Like, so they're, they're boning and they're like, everything's great. And then something happens with the Never Queen. And then she becomes evil. And then Silver Surfer is tasked with fighting her. They're like, you're going to be our best champion yet, you'll surely defeat the Never Queen Silver Surfer. He's like, what do you mean by best champion yet? They're like, uh, how many champions have you had?
Starting point is 00:46:55 Well, here's our champion graveyard. And he's like, Oh, well, look, I'm the Silver Surfer. And throughout this adventure, he gets teamed up with an earth girl who just lives an ordinary life. And she's just like with him in this adventure, just gets rolled up into it. The just like an example of the humor of this book is she's like, Oh my God, I'm out in space. Why am I breathing? And he goes, that's because I behold the power cosmic. And she goes, okay, how am I talking? That's also the power cosmic. And then she's like, wow, that's really convenient. Yeah, the power cosmic. This is great. So I finished the first volume, the gardens of the galaxy up here. It's just really good fun. They're showing up everywhere. Now they're now they're A-listers.
Starting point is 00:47:44 Which you must have done. Okay, you'll get to that then. And I'm really ambivalent to the Silver Surfer. I'm like, yeah, he's cool, I guess. And I read this, I was like, oh, this guy's great when it's done in this context. So yeah, yeah, busy week. Did you ever watch the show? That show was so advanced for children because it was it was like trying to do too much. It was trying to do too much which to be fair, like they were trying to like, you know, bring the comic book storylines to TV. But I don't think it worked out as well. You know, I think Silver Surfer works best as like an awesome cameo. Yeah, right. You're like, you're reading Planet of the Symbiots or some crazy shit. And then it's just like all the symbiotes start freaking the fuck
Starting point is 00:48:29 out. And it's like, why? Because the Silver Surfer just came down. Yeah, everyone's like, oh, shit, he's here. Silver Surfer just needs a good movie all to himself. I don't think that's not going to happen. I know, but that's what he needs. That's what I don't even think he could like as a movie. He's more like, well, he's right. He's more of an interesting character and like a cameo or a comic book context where I just when I think Silver Surfer, I'm like, yeah, but doesn't everyone just confuse him with that Terminator? Because there's always no, there's always a like I would wager he's better known than Silver Surfer. There's always a late scene where like they have the board tied up and like they hit the board and he goes, oh, yeah. So don't do that.
Starting point is 00:49:07 I think that it happened. But it's fantastic. Of course it does. You know, I'm like, God, I hate that. But so don't do that. You know, like, I mean, a good movie. It's really ripped that back off, didn't it? Just make it good. Yeah. Motorola, you mean. And like one last random thing is that it's their fault. How? How ray tracer is the more designed character that was inserted into reboot. Yeah. Yes. That's why he has a Motorola logo. True. Yeah. I now I now like him even less. Oh, perfect. I can't stand Ray Tracer. He's the worst part of the show. One last random thing is I didn't finish it. But since I had like about an hour left on the flight, there was like I was exhausted with things I had already
Starting point is 00:49:49 done with like what I had brought with me. Yep. I was like, let's watch an hour of Ninja Turtles 2. Okay. See the live action one. Yeah. It's it's actually way better than the first one. You mean like bad boys or bad boys one was good. But bad boys two is amazing. I don't know. I like and Ninja Turtles one was like, this is the bebop and rock steady thing. Oh, bebop and rock steady movie. Oh, okay. Never mind. So you're an idiot. You're an idiot. I was about to start talking about Secret of the Youth. That's it. They they they're searching for a canister of ooze. Okay. It's almost like kind of like that. So just really quickly shredder is way better. They recasted the actor. Yeah. He's a shredder. The foot soldiers are no longer mercs with guns.
Starting point is 00:50:35 They're actual ninjas. They do have kind of a tactical look to them. But they all have swords. They call them ninjas. All the turtles. Mikey is still a creepy weirdo asshole. Good. But everyone else is really cool. I was telling Liam about one line I really like where they're in the the turtle van and they're just like driving around shooting things helping out on this like freeway chase scene. And then Rafael's not really doing anything. Mikey's like Don Tell is driving Mikey and the other two are shooting things and Raf's not really doing anything. So when he's not doing anything they put up a punching bag in the back. So he's just punching it and he's just walking back and forth. He's like Leo I'm not being used to my full potential here. Raf just and that's it.
Starting point is 00:51:18 Like they do some really like they actually have little good moments. Okay. Bebop and Rocksteady are hilarious. Like they're actually really fun. Is it because they're like an actor. Yeah. Okay. And they spend most of the time just making pretty funny jokes. But do they do they fucking then find a way to make it so that Megan Fox also created Splinter and also created Shredder and also created three Bop Bebop and Rocksteady and the world and all that inhabits it. That's the one biggest fuck you where she's in it a little bit. She's not nearly in it as much as the first one because the first movie was what it was basically her story is Megan Megan Fox and her turtles April Haruhi O'Neill. Yeah. She didn't get you know
Starting point is 00:52:01 April fuck. But there was a line where. Okay. This is also the worst version of Casey Jones. Casey Jones is played by. Oh yeah. That plays arrow. Right. Right. Right. He's the worst at it. He's so bad. It's a really depressing line to hear too. Like this is the worst Casey Jones. He's clean. Every version of Casey Jones. Like that's that's what it is. Like the movie. The first movie version. Amazing. The the the CG show. Yeah. He's great. The 2003 Fox cartoon. He was great. Yeah. Casey Jones is Punisher for kids that sleeps on the street. Like he's a grimy dirt bag. He's a security guard that likes hockey a little bit. Casey Jones is like slightly younger Colin Quinn. That's what he should be. But they have this line where Casey Jones goes. There you go.
Starting point is 00:52:52 This is Raphael Michael. And he goes. Those are the most pretentious names I've ever heard. And then April has the fucking audacity go. What are you talking about? I named them. And what? Fuck you for making me remember that. Yeah. Why I forgot about it. I'm an eight year old girl. These are my favorite classical painters. Anyway, I didn't finish it, but I was liking it up to that point. Well, overall, I'm sure someone will write it and tell you that you only liked it because you didn't finish it because the ending is terrible. I hope. Anyway, so yeah, April kills all the turtles. Dude, I forgot that's the end of the first movie. The April is the one who beats Shredder. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Of course. That's the worst. That's the worst. Yeah. Anyway, she's the hero.
Starting point is 00:53:48 Big hero. Remember that part in Transformers where she was leaning over and you saw her stomach? They have a thing like that where she has to dress as a sexy schoolgirl because of reasons. And then the camera zooms in on her tummy and music starts playing that might as well be going, she's so hot. Look at the screen. I can't believe it. That was fucking 2007, man. Like at least we over this and she's old now. Get out of your grandma. It's like at least Mila Johnovich is married to the fucker. So you understand why she gets all the way. She does. You're not wrong to make the mistake. Fuck. But I want to have Jovovich. I want to have a multiple attempts on this. Milia Jovovich. No. Milia Johnovich. No. What is it? It's Jovovich. Really?
Starting point is 00:54:38 There's no chance of getting it right on the first try. It's Silent J. Mila, sorry. Mila Jovovich. Jovovich. Yeah. Jovovich. Sorry. You couldn't even get it right on the first try. Jay is a Y. Jay is a Y. Something is in Paris. Jovovich, really? Yeah. No. I think. Jovovich. Jovovich I'll take. All right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. She's married to the director. So that makes sense. So he's like, yeah, my wife is so hot. But what the fuck is Michael Bay getting out of this one? Oh, yeah. There's a girl that I feel like. I feel like Michael Bay. He hates Megan Fox. Michael Bay just really wants to do a gravure shoot with her. That's what he's building up to, right? No, but he did it already. He was called Transformers 1 too. It was Transformers 1.
Starting point is 00:55:16 I want Michael Bay's Transformers the gravure to be. And it's an awkward 45 minutes of Megan Fox with calming music, looking and moving around a room and sitting in coquettish ways, but not actually getting naked or anything. No gravure is climbing around the fucking weird man. You don't have that one girl who you follow obsessively like a stalker? No. Because that's what that's for. That's what that's for. Michael Bay, the ecchi collection. Oh, that is totally what that's for. That's exactly what that's for. Someone clearly did Jesus Christ. Fully complete guns of the Patriots. Gravure's so fucking weird. Yeah, right? Also, speaking of Yevonovitch. Speaking of Yevon, praise. Speaking of Yevonovitch. We saw a movie in
Starting point is 00:56:01 the theaters and I won't go into it, but like we saw an opening thing which was weird. All it was was a message from Yevonovitch and her husband. Fuck it. Malia Rajovitch, go. So they were staring at us saying thanks so much all our Resident Evil fans for waiting so long for the final chapter. We're really sorry it took so long and now like thank you for supporting this series and whatever and then the show, the trailer. But I then got reminded when you're staring at Yevonovitch and she's standing there and you see her husband. I'm like some mush on your face, man. Why are you so not good looking compared to her? Like it's not because he's a good director, is it? Maybe it's because it's the only work she gets. What has she been in? What else has Jojovitch been in?
Starting point is 00:56:54 She was in some straight to movie, a straight to the fucking video of VOD with Pierce Brosnan called like assassins or two assassins against each other. That's the last thing I've ever seen. I can remember her being in where she was. What about those Resident Evil movies? Yeah. Yeah, she was in those. She's in all of them. All seven. You know what they fucking do in those movies? They set up the most absurd cliffhangers and then at the very beginning of the next one, side stepping is too kind. It's like they ignore it and then they just kill immediately all the actors who didn't want to come back. Yeah, sure. Here's what you're saying is that in the last movie there's a shot of her, Wesker and like a couple of people on top of the the White House
Starting point is 00:57:40 and there's a shitload of zombies and there's like a war and there's dragons in the sky and shit and then they're like, looks like it's going to be a long night and then credits roll and then the trailer for the new movie just like kind of starts and she's just on the run and she meets up with Wesker later in the movie, I suppose because this is just the trailer and Wesker just goes, I should have killed you in Washington. She's like, yeah, you should have. That is how they they do that cliffhanger. I feel like Paul Anderson thinks that if they eat Paul W. S. Anderson and I hate that like he has corrected it, but like that. No, like if he keeps going hard enough, eventually Capcom will just like break down and put her in the games.
Starting point is 00:58:24 They've already like Queen taken things from those movies and put them in the games. Red Queen mostly. The Laser Hallway in RE4. But I mean the big one. That's all back by the way. Good. That's all I saw in the trailer. Red Queen and the Laser Hallway are back. So you're asking what role she has? Yeah, not a ton more than you'd think, but not a ton. Zulander. The one, yeah, Zulander and Zulander number two, but the one thing that jumps out at me is she played Lelu in the fifth element. Of course. Yeah, I didn't know that. Yeah, that was your first role. I mean, that's what we kind of looked like a bit more recently because like, yeah. Just great in that. That's no in the video game. She's great in Resident Evil 1 too.
Starting point is 00:59:05 I lied. That was a lie. Sorry, that was the bit I was calling out as interesting. Paul probably talked her into doing the game. You know, I remember, I remember watching RE1 in theaters and I went and watched the second time because I had to just burn it in and that movies, it's bad, but it's like fine, right? It's a totally average zombie flick. And that's where it's at. It's schlocky, right? It's schlocky and there's a couple of game callbacks that are actually fine, right? We need him for the Nemesis program. And that, I remember seeing that and being like, you know what? That was fine. I would like a sequel to that. And boy, oh boy, did that just go to shit like right? No, Apocalypse is fine. It's goofy fine. It's not great as well.
Starting point is 00:59:55 Apocalypse. The worst one is extinction, the one in the desert that with the main antagonist where I tapped out. Yeah. The desert one is the worst one. That one is the worst one. Because a tyrant appears in that and it's the worst tyrant ever. But wasn't there like a string of shit ones and then they did a thing where they had another shit one, but then they put in teleporting Wesker. So you're all like, oh, that's a little Chris. If you want to spend the time. I don't. No, you should listen. Listen to what I'm going to say. Listen to what I'm going to say. You listen good and you listen now. Awesome. You remember the scene in RE5 when you get to the plane that Wesker is going to escape on and Wesker kicks you and Chevy's fucking ass kicks you up and down,
Starting point is 01:00:39 right? That scene is shot for shot recreated in this movie, but the directing is worse. Okay. Even though it is copied, I think that's the directing and the cuts and the angles are significantly worse. And I don't know how that's possible because they're already pretty when you say shot for shot. Yeah, I don't know. But like you can look it up. And if you remember, you like watch both in a row and you'll be fucking amazed at how bad a director Paul W.S. Anderson is. It's, it's, oh my God, so bad. That Resident Evil movie we me and Liam saw in 3D and it's the only movie aside from Avatar where the 3D was good. It used the same like depth instead of like coming at you. Like it was, it was the only other good movie where I like this 3D added to it.
Starting point is 01:01:31 Yeah. So yeah, Resident Evil, great series. Go see it. We all recommend it. You know what else you should go see? I'm stealing this. It's my week now. You need to catch both of you. Liam, Woolly, and I already spoke to Matt about this. You need to catch up to Lucha Underground. I caught up this past week. I'm now current. Not to season three, just season three. Oh shit. I'm current. I'm watching weekly episodes now. You need mandatory. There is a wrestling storyline that we created on this podcast that is ongoing. Specifically Liam, I believe. In Lucha Underground right now. Okay. So it is shaping up to turn out to be exactly what we all workshopped it to be. I was spoiled on this, but on the Lucha Underground Twitter, they had a picture of Dario
Starting point is 01:02:26 and they had his text about what he's saying. Yeah. And he said these words that passed dancing around where I just went, no. That can't be right. There's no way. Man. Also, to anyone who wants to know anything about Lucha Underground, do not use Wikipedia to look up anything about Lucha Underground. Instant spoilers. It is pre-taped. The winner of Ultima Lucha is already known 20 weeks ahead in the future. Right? Do not watch it. Do not read it. Okay. You were telling me about the method. Yeah, it was Liam that came up with that angle. Yeah. Good. I don't know what it is yet, but I like all those ones. The match of the weapons of mass destruction. I have a really strong guess as to what it would be. Yeah, me too. Me too. Yeah. What's it called? The weapons of
Starting point is 01:03:14 mass destruction match? There's a weapon of mass destruction match and a man. Say what this is. Marty brings a gun to the ring. Nice. Which is what I've wanted for a long time. That's how you win. Wait, wasn't there who the fuck was it in the WWF back in the... Brian Pillman. Brian Pillman and Stone Cold Steve Austin. But it wasn't in his house yet and in a house, not in a match. But Marty brings a rifle to his weapons of mass destruction match. Good. Oh, fuck. I didn't see a lot of gifts of that match. Yeah. Also, the current champ of Lucha Underground is the monster, right? Maybe the most dominant champ I've ever seen in anything. It's whatever was in the basement. Yeah, it's okay. Oh, shit. Oh, we're like, okay, so multiple basements have been open. Yeah, just the one. Okay.
Starting point is 01:04:15 And like, I think the definition is squash champ in which they keep building guys up and they come so close and nothing. It's okay. Like, it's to the point where they need to bring someone new onto the roster. Like there's nobody left. There's no one left. Like everyone's had a shot. Every single person on the roster has had a shot. Well, that's why you need to bring like a monster of similar strength and put Dario in the ring. So they've also given him a good. When is he going to come back looking like Apollo Justice? So season three has also started a couple like new gimmicks. They're behind the scenes vignettes are every season, just skyrocket in quality and production value. And a friend of mine are watching Lucha Underground and I was we were talking about it
Starting point is 01:05:11 and it's like the stakes in Lucha Underground are so perfect and everything is kept super serious and magic is real, right? And all that stuff. And I was thinking it's like, well, how far did you get in Lucha? Middle of season one. Okay, did you did you see the match between Mill and Puma? Puma or Phoenix? Mill and Puma. I'm pretty sure I did. Okay, so in that one, somebody dies in that match, right? We are now at seven or eight on screen murders. And I'm not talking like you got thrown into the casket at the end of the night killed in the ring. People have had no people have had their hearts torn out, decapitated. Best. One guy got punched through it were implied to get punched through like people
Starting point is 01:06:06 are dying. Did you see did you read the in between seasons comic? Yes. Okay, in which the band is murdered. Yeah. Okay. Stakes are high comic. You say there are comics. I didn't know that is that one. The comics are canon neat. Yeah, I figured. Yeah, otherwise why and they fill in some details. Yeah, wrestling with establishing fucking Matt Stryker staring straight at the camera and saying we are in the decade of death. You're doing something that no one else is doing man like that. Like I love that fucking. I'm good. I guess I'm just going to give credit to Rodriguez, I suppose. Yeah, you know, but it's him plus a bunch of others. It caused a million zillion producer. It's amazing thing to happen where two characters had a death
Starting point is 01:06:55 match in season two. And one of those people lost really hard, like very, very hard. And I was talking to my friend of mine and that guy has not shown up for like 16 weeks. Like, are they dead? Are they like for you? Not out not injured. Are they are they dead? Yeah. And his answer was maybe I don't know. Yeah, like if you were if you were reading the like what you missed comic page, their portrait would be black and white. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. It's astounding. During the fan meet of someone was like, Hey, where are you in lucha? And I was like, yeah, I'm still like pegging away at season two. I just watched an episode on the on the plane. And he goes, you know, like my favorite thing about it is like, I won't tell you who, but like how everyone
Starting point is 01:07:40 gets their like Super Saiyans. This is what I was going to talk about next and stuff. And I know, I know about one or two people. What? No, well, this is Super Saiyans. They have a new subtitle next to their name and their entire costume changes in season one. I saw that applied to just one character. I didn't know that character. Did you see it with Pentagon? Pentagon Pentagon. You didn't see nothing yet. Pentagon has a new name. It's Pentagon dark. And let me I'm going to pull up the photo for Willie because the guy's fucking it's so nuts. Infinite Miedo. Yeah, he never stops. Oh, he's basically Moon Miedo. That's fucking great. Yeah. If you have no fear, you become fear itself.
Starting point is 01:08:39 Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Okay. Okay. Spoilers. Spoilers. All right. There are three versions of Pentagon. I saw the second they did. There are there are like four versions of Milmore. Yeah, that's it. That's it. Forms, man. That's good. By the way, remember how you said that they can't let Puma talk because he's just some black guy. I know about this. Guess what? They got to let him talk sometime. Yeah. Oh, I haven't heard it. Okay, good. Yeah. Okay. Because yeah, Ricochet doesn't talk for a year and a half. Okay. And not and he doesn't speak Spanish. I mean, he does not speak Spanish. I mean, they they bill him from Boyle Heights, Los Angeles. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. It's just the blood where I am. Mil Murtis talks. It's not.
Starting point is 01:09:31 He's not great. He's better when he screams. He can certainly speak. He's bet. He has a tongue. That's a that's a positive. He's better than the undertaker. That's what you look for in a wrestling. That's it, man. Like if you call him in terms of one of those guys, there's just there's only one guy on the whole roster that I'm just like, oh, you shouldn't let him talk. Who is it? Querno. Querno is terrible on the mic on the mic. Oh, no. He's just like a dude. He's just some guy. I love him because like I've turned the around and like his mask is basically the logo of the show. Yeah. And that's like I'm like you're basically like the guy, you know, in some weird way. You're kind of you're not the poster boy, but you're wearing the mask.
Starting point is 01:10:13 You're special. Something is special about that. Okay. Is it true that Cage just starts having Trump things as promos? No. So what the fuck did I read where he was setting up? It was it was a potential angle, but it never went through because they're going with the new angle. Okay. Never mind. Okay. All right. Okay. What else? What else? Aside from Lucha being fantastic always. I took Warfare in like two weeks is I played that Skyrim remastered. It's nice. It's Skyrim with better lighting. Yeah. That's the primary change. I take it you owned it already on PC. Yes. So it was entitled to the clean faces mod pre-installed. No. In fact, most but the macho man thing got onto console. In fact, most mods are broken on PC for the
Starting point is 01:10:59 special edition because it does not support the script extender, which most of them need. So they need all. So a bunch of them need to be rejiggered. There's a bunch that work currently like open cities and stuff like that. But the biggest one that is like a painful hit is the one that changes the interface into not garbage. Oh, the UI. The Sky UI does not work. Yeah. And that's a big dump. But game runs better in certain situations because it's a 64 bit application. Now it can it can use more than four gigs of RAM. So it's actually a lot more stable. So okay. Also like the visuals, do you find it's more of an improvement that you made initially thought the textures did not get like a full blown rejigger. The textures are upscaled and some of
Starting point is 01:11:40 them have been replaced. Okay. If you want better textures, I would suggest getting nobles texture path that currently still works. There's a patch out that makes it work with SSE. There's static mesh improvements and stuff like that. The big, big change is all the lighting and atmospheric effects. They have completely redone the entire lighting engine and it is a much bigger deal than I would have expected because it's proper like diffuse and god rays and all everything that you would expect in a modern games lighting. And on a game like that with the large vistas and like sunsets all the time, like it looks it looks much nicer. Also for console players, the increased resolution and frame rate and all that is a fucking big step up. When you look at
Starting point is 01:12:22 the PS3 version of Skyrim, it's night and day. Yeah, but it's Skyrim. There's download that unofficial bug fix mod immediately because this all the bugs that are still in the last patched version of Skyrim are still there. I was gonna say does it stop dragons from flying into space? No. So it's just based on the last version of Skyrim. Yeah, it's just the last version of Skyrim that they ripped out and put in new lighting and I think some effects here are there, but mostly. So it's like a gigantic patch. Yeah, so if you want to play vanilla Skyrim with like no changes, but it looks nicer on PC, I'd suggest getting the unofficial bug fix patch and the nobles textures. That's pretty much it for that. There's one other game that I played and I know that Liam played it
Starting point is 01:13:11 because I saw him talking about it on Twitter. Titanfall 2 is the best shooter I have played in years and years. Have you finished the single player campaign? No, because I've been diving hard into the multiplayer. Can you just say it again, please? Titanfall 2 is the best shooter I've played in years and years. Thank you. There's a problem, though, and it's a big problem. And I know that problem. We'll talk about the single player in just a second. Well, quite simply, the problem is origin. The problem is origin, but more than that, there are only about 10,000 people playing a day on PC. Well, it's not much higher for the consoles. It's 20-ish and 15-ish. 20-something-ish, yeah, exactly. Fucking dire. It's real bad. Like, I am terrified. Maybe EA
Starting point is 01:13:57 releasing Battlefield 1 the day before. It's probably a dumb fucking idea. It's gonna get better before it gets worse because the holiday season is coming up. Right, but like it's like the first week it came out, if you wanted to play certain game modes in certain geographic regions, you just couldn't. And that sucks because the game is so... It's gonna fucking bomb super bad. But if you hold your breath for a minute, it'll get better before it gets worse. Yeah, the online play. Also, because of the way that it works and with the networks things, if you can convince like 20 people to get it, you can play within that network consistently. Yeah, I had a shout-out to the guy that made the best friends network. That's cool. It's currently about 100
Starting point is 01:14:46 people in there. Cool. I think we're a network number eight or something. Awesome. That's sad. Well, I mean, like when I think during the demo, like... I think we're in between the Angry Army and Giant Bomb. No, no, no. Giant Bomb is like number three. We're in between Angry Army and those guys that the kids like them, they do Red vs. Blue. There you go. Okay. Because yeah, no, I like had about like two hours before I had to like pack him. So you barely got to touch it. I didn't get to touch much, but I got to touch it enough to realize that the control default setup was... For a master keyboard or for controller? For controller was you have to pick from pre-defined keys and I was like, God damn it. They don't have custom... The master keyboard controls
Starting point is 01:15:34 the default keybinds. A couple of them are really bad and pretty much need to be remapped to other stuff. Yeah. So it took me a minute to do the best I could with what was there, but it still wasn't enough. Hopefully they'll patch it. Yeah. Well, I'm either going to use Joy... Hopefully they do. I sent a message to them about it. But you can use Joy2Key. I can probably use Joy2Key or the Xbox Elite thing, but I'll try to figure that out. I like to. It's going to take a minute. Mouse and keyboard's good, I hear. I hear. So I hear. Oh, speaking of, let's get that ultra public. Have you sweet summer children played the story? I played the first two levels and they were fantastic. I heard this is like one of the best single player campaigns in a first person
Starting point is 01:16:18 game. It's not even a contest. Admittedly, I didn't love Doom as much as most people did. I did like it a lot, but no contest. It's so far, I would agree with Liam. Absolutely. Easily the best campaign I've played is Vanquish and Shooter. It's fantastic. I think I prefer it to Vanquish at the end of it. Like no contest. Okay. How long is it? Five, six hours. That's fine. It's seven levels, right? Eight plus the training. Because I bought and installed the game and it's after all 43 gigs were installed, I was like, oh, fuck, I have to go to this fucking podcast. Can't play it. Play it when you can. The first two missions are the weakest, but they are.
Starting point is 01:16:59 Oh, really? Yeah, they are. They're really good. Dude, like the first level in that game is really good. I was really happy that it was one of those campaigns where there were bits where my mouth was opening and I was making noise because I was excited by what was happening. Like, I can't tell you guys. It's thrilling. It's a huge step from multiplayer maps as a single player. Hey, the feeling of people loving and playing Titanfall is so good. Well, all 10,000. Yeah, sure. But the fact that it exists and is a quality thing. I think I said it a few weeks ago, like I'm blessed to live in the timeline where Prepare for Titanfall exists in a Western Triple-A title with this level of production.
Starting point is 01:17:40 Because it's like, god damn it, man. The accessibility for people was just impossible on that first one. They're not going to get an X-Bone. I wanted to play it, but I didn't want to have live and PlayStation Plus, so I was like, what's the point of buying it? I get it. It sucked because I really wanted it. And I didn't want to just be that guy beating on the drum, but when we did that Mecha Week episode and you guys were like, oh, wait, no, this game, though. I fell with it. I was like, yeah. But I really wanted to play it. I was mad. It's just not in everyone's hands, but if they got a chance at it, it's fucking great. It was on the 360. You could have played it.
Starting point is 01:18:14 I didn't have gold, though. Liam, have you touched the multiplayer? That is the thing, because it's like, why the fuck not have a single player? You're cutting down your thing originally, because like you just said, you could have played at least the single player. Oh, I was under the impression you also needed gold because you had to play with other players and go on for something. I mean, if it had to be on PlayStation, I would have played it. He means why didn't they have a dedicated single player? Maybe I'm mistaken on that. You are right, Liam, but Matt's saying is why didn't they just have a dedicated single player? Yeah, and I remember that their reasoning was like, well, because we
Starting point is 01:18:42 have money, like the team would have to be so much bigger. So I had to respond to this game. Have you dove into the multiplayer? The first thing I played was one multiplayer match, and then I went straight to the single player, and I've, yeah, I did it in the opposite and been playing well. So the game, aside from population problem, the game has one big problem in the multiplayer, and that is, boy, there's some killers out there, man. They like it took me something like 15 hours. I'm at like 18 hours played on multiplayer to get to the point where it's like, okay, I can play with the killers now. Like I've learned enough, but the people who got head starts on that beta, the people who played Titanfall one, they're coming in with fucking
Starting point is 01:19:24 enormous advantages. Titanfall one was the beta. Yeah, like of course. Every single time I picked up a weapon or all sing it or tactical, which is your weird ability or the boost or whatever, I have been happy and used it. It is a game in which they're throwing so many unlocks at you, but the stuff you start with is so good that I completely maxed out both the starting rifle and the starting submachine gun with the default loadouts. And is that not all the way to max? Is that not the best way to handle shooters? I'm like, I don't know enough about shooters, but I would assume that the best way to handle it is your default is more than fine. The default like loadouts are so complete that you don't like the game would be fine if there were no
Starting point is 01:20:17 modifications to them. Okay, but if you weren't able to customize them, but what's your loadout though? My loadout right now is I'm using the car submachine gun and it has fast reloads. Sorry, no, it has tactical kills, which improves the speed of your tactical. I have a gun runner, which is the best thing to ever happen to a first person shooter that is speed based because it lets you fire your gun from the hip while sprinting. And hip fire in this game is really accurate. Are you set to manual sprinting? Of course. Okay. I'm using the grappling hook. Okay. And my grenades are the flaming ninja stars. Yes. And my boost is the smart pistol, which is a great, it's a great way to return because in the original game, the smart pistol, you had to,
Starting point is 01:21:07 you had to point and it had to kind of lock on for the lock on and you get to kill now because it's a fucking kill streak boost or whatever. No, it has no limits. You point kills. It's, it's a fucking, Oh, is that the change? The change is that the lock on time is instantaneous. Oh, fuck. Okay. Here's that's why it's not a weapon that you can equip. It's something you get once you get a point. Yeah. And there was like actually a pro usage for the smart pistol in some situations. But if it's just that, no, no, the pro pistols, that's really interesting. Yeah. I find it weird that they got rid of any form of smart pistol as a regular weapon, no Winston because like it's a good tool because hey, you can run on walls and jump and shit and
Starting point is 01:21:50 you don't have to aim quite as good. Yeah. Yeah. And I mean, it let you play at like the beginner and even intermediate levels, but like anyone who is aiming will kill you. Yeah, absolutely. And then you had to like learn how to build a kid around. I'm also using the, the bonus that makes it so that you rodeo quietly. Oh, cool. Was that in the first game? I didn't know. No, not at all. That's a thing. That is like that makes it so that if you can catch a Titan by itself. Yeah, you can just kill it. That's fucking sick. You can just kill it because in the first game, the general strat was mount this mount, let the gas come out or yeah, that's that's the strat for everybody that doesn't have this. Yeah, you've got to play this dance with a Titan that's alone,
Starting point is 01:22:40 you know, and then you get back on and do what you can with it. So they changed the way that rodeoing on the Titans work like significantly in the first game, you put your, your gun into them and you shot them up or you drop the grenade or you drop the grenade, but now it's all the battery system. Now it's the battery system. And what it does is that the first time you hop on any enemy Titan, you pop, you grab their battery and it does do damage, but it doesn't do all that much. But now you have a battery equipped to your character. And now if you go onto a friendly Titan or go into yours, the Titan gets a full second health bar. Yeah. And it makes it. It makes it a shield. It makes it awesome. It makes it a hell of a lot easier to help people
Starting point is 01:23:18 out and get Titans back up to help. And also if you manage to do it and then call yours in, you just double the health of your own. Yeah, it's awesome. You could also pick up batteries on the map sometimes. Yeah. And you can, when you're holding one, make a call out and say, Hey, dude, I've got a battery. I have a battery. Get over here. The best part is that if you manage to kill a guy who steals your battery, like right afterwards, jump out, grab the battery, he stole off you, jump back into your own Titan. You lost maybe a 30% of your health when he grabbed your battery, but then you just double your health with the shield. Yeah. So, so that's what I thought. Everything about the game is amazing. Yeah. And that's one of the fucking origins of
Starting point is 01:23:55 pizza. Shit. Hold that. So like the only thing just get the superior console versions. Yeah. So the downside is your problem. The downside of the battery system, which seems to be your biggest problem. You literally bought the worst version. Well, I mean, for control purposes and to play against. I'm using a mechanical keyboard and a wired mouse that are very nice. And Willie, you were right. Wired wired PC controls or the shit. Cheers. Cheers. The the downside of the fucking battery system is that you don't get that awesome animation of like pulling up ripping open the Titans throwing a grenade in there and then jumping off. If the battery's been removed, you do toss a grenade in there. Okay. Okay. And shooting on it. That's awesome. But what's better
Starting point is 01:24:46 is launching out of your own Titan into the sky. Yes. Falling, falling, falling, and then grappling onto the titan that killed you. Yes. The grappling hook controls so well that I feel like it could be its own. Like it has the level of dedication to its control that a game dedicated to jumping. That jumping. Yes. And you it's a game that has a DI, I guess, like when you jump, you can correct your like jump trajectory. You can you can jump and move backwards or forwards in the air. Well, it's just like adjusting your movement. Yeah, exactly. It's kind of a different thing. That whatever the term is for like you can move in the air, you're not locked in. You can move in the air. Then you do that mid swing and now your control is beyond fucking anything out there. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:25:31 it's so good. This game is kind of pumped. There's a there's a loading screen tip that that is unclear where it's like want to swing farther look below where you grappled. And I was like unclear as to exactly what that meant until I tried it a few times. And it's if you grapple on a parabolic swing and look at your grapple point, your character will climb up to it and then climb up whatever wall you hit. But if you grapple above a doorway and then just look at the doorway, your character just effortlessly shoots through it or over it in some cases, or you can use your jump jest to boost over where you aimed and while still having the grapple hook. And the one me and Holy were talking about last week and it was off the podcast where when you grapple a
Starting point is 01:26:13 cylindrical building, this is the big deal, depending which way you hold it or look, you can either aim towards the building and spiral up it or aim out at a tangent and go around it. It's nuts. This is a game so good. And we said sorry, we said nothing about being in a Titan yet. It looks real good. Feels real good. It's a game so good it has to bomb. Basically. What type are you using? Scorch. Okay. This reminds me of that time that I think of the December, November of 2003 where Ubisoft smartly decided to release Prince of Persia Beyond Good and Evil and Splinter Cell basically back to back. Yeah. Guess which one destroyed the others. Yeah. So it's like Gears of War 4 just came out on PC and Xbox One. There's this
Starting point is 01:27:03 that I literally, you guys are saying this about Gears of War, but I literally saw no promotion for this game other than the fact of that beta you guys played. I saw ads for it on our own website. All weekend. So all that advertising confirmed, I guess. But no, I saw the battlefield comes out this week and then after that Call of Duty. They should have, they like, I don't, I want to be wrong about this, but they should have delayed this till like January. Yes. They should have delayed it till no, I don't agree. There's way more games coming out then. What? But are they all shooters? Are they shooters? No, but you want the holiday season. The holiday season is better for you than launching a new package. I just think, I just want to look, I've seen tons of marketing for it. All weekend
Starting point is 01:27:45 on Twitch, the only ad you would have to click on going through like Canada Cup stuff and whatnot was Titanfall ads. Like they were bombing it. Now they're, this, now I'm not saying it's going to do well as a result. The timing on to the calendar is really shitty, but all of this is kind of like, I'm just happy. And also the game is so fucking glad it's out. And it's a thing. And also the game is hurt by not being on steam. If it was on steam, it would have like double or triple the, the, the people, but also I can see, I can see Titanfall not coming back for 10 years. Then they'll release Titanfall Catalyst. Yeah. Yeah. So there is one thing I'm going to enjoy and all your skills will be locked. I will enjoy what is now known as TF2 in the meantime. Everyone's been saying it all weekend
Starting point is 01:28:30 up and like, what? Why is everyone playing this game? There is one thing that will help the game's population significantly. And that is something that I think is amazing that they figured out how to trick EA into letting them do this. They will eventually be selling microtransactions, which are going to be like custom Titan art basically, like, like a, like a legendary skin. They're already skins. It's okay. In the deluxe version of the game, it came with a super scorch version, right? And that's, that's going to be the only one. Maps free. All new weapons free. If they add new Titans. Well, that was a big problem with the first Titanfall where the map packs were DLC and they split their, they fractured. Well, that's a problem with all
Starting point is 01:29:10 shooters. But if you have a smaller population, it's an even bigger problem. I just mean that, like, yeah, they, they ran headlong into that problem. And so they're fixing it. So the game will retain value for longer. And I really, really hope people like hop on because it's fantastic. And as long as you join that super best friend, a fucking group, all we need is a hundred consistent people basically to keep that going basically for fucking forever. Kind of on the same wavelength. Did you see that for a shadow warrior too? They announced like, we're going to make a bunch of DLC and it's going to be free. Yeah. Here's new swords, new missions, new, whatever. We don't care. We're Polish. Which is why I don't, hey, look, Polish people do that. Give away free things.
Starting point is 01:29:53 Which is why when there is something that does cost some money, I'm not going to feel bad about going here, man. No, of course not. Oh, totally. You know, support this. Are there Japanese things? Are there Japanese sub voices for this Titanfall too? No. Are there not multiple language packs already? I don't know. I don't know. Yeah, Ronin does not have a Japanese voice. No, no, no, that was in the first game. That was in the first game. There are multiple. There are back language packs. Yes, I'm pretty sure. But everything doesn't have. I still never saw that Japanese thing running on. I'm old and my reflexes are not what they used to be. And I'm not that great at shooters, right? You have so I just kind of gave up on being able to do all the cool
Starting point is 01:30:33 shooter shit that you always see in shooters and Titanfall is I can do it. I'm while running off into slides through doorways and popping multiple people and doing custom like the crouch button matters. I'm doing it. Yeah, like I'm actually doing it. They don't you don't really you look at the layout and you go, Oh, yeah, there's a crouch button or whatever. Like some shooters have them. They steady or aim sometimes, whatever. In this game, it's not a crouch. It's a slide. Now Willie, you that that was something they call duty did and they and they grab, but it's a good grab. Well, the thing with you can't do dolphin dives in this. So that no, because you can't because you can't go prone. So the thing with Call of Duty that was always weird is they had that stupid rivalry
Starting point is 01:31:13 where it's like, do you have the slide or do you have the dolphin dive? Yeah, fucking stupid. Well, you never played a lot of Call of Duty, right? Never. Okay, because three. No, you played the predator one. I'm going to assume that you played a good fair number of Call of Duty multiplayer matches. I'm decent enough enough of the modern ones, but I haven't bought any of them. That's fine because the thing about Call of Duty map design is that most of the time that you die, you got shot in the back or the side and you go, fuck, that's bullshit, man. If I see in Titanfall, 90% of the time that I've been killed, my reaction is like, man, I'm not even mad because that was cool. Cause it like it's usually like that guy got me. He ripped open my cockpit
Starting point is 01:31:56 and stabbed this or or when I'm, you know, you're wall running and you get a drop on the guy and you hit him with the with a couple shots, but then you miss the rest and he turns and just ices you. Like, what? Nope. No, you got me. You fucking got me. Do you remember the one machinima video we did of a Call of Duty game like infinite fuck fair, whatever it was? Yeah, that you were like, yeah, I'm going to go to this Call of Duty multiplayer and you're like, I did some matches, you know, it's been a little while, but and all it I cut it so that all it was was you going fuck. Yeah. Cause you were kept getting shot in the back and it seemed like you weren't to me. It seemed like you were not having fun. I was not. Well, you were not. You can confirm
Starting point is 01:32:33 no fun that no fun occurred. Okay. As long as like once a month, maybe once every two months, I can recreate that trailer moment of double ejecting you and the enemy pilot in midair. And then it's like, now what? Am I going to grapple? Am I going to float like what's he going to do? And you have this like showdown as you float above the map. So I had a moment where no matter what happens, you're fine with that. So I had a guy where I tried to grapple him and he phase shifted and the grapple went through him and then he killed me when he came back. Damn right. He did. It sounds like Reaper. He was like, ah, well, I couldn't fucking argue with that. Like you fucking got you. The game's so good. And that's that's my week. I played. I really
Starting point is 01:33:17 want to play a single player. The fact that origin got DDoS over the weekend. Yeah. And everywhere getting DDoS. But like in this game's like incubating period, like made me really upset. Like I was like screaming at my computer because I was like, I was afraid that people were buying Titanfall coming home, then hitting that, not being able to play and then returning it and freaking out because every time I go, every day that I go online, there's less concurrent players and it's freaking me the fuck out as 150th of battlefield ones. Yeah. But battlefield one is battlefield. Like that's not a good metric. I know. Except they're made by the same company and they released in the same week. I just mean like you shouldn't look at a shooter's player base and say, oh,
Starting point is 01:34:05 it's nowhere near call of duty because that's not it's not actually a fair metric because those games sell 7 million units. Yeah. But he's not looking at it from his perspective. He's looking at it from how he EA executives look. And if they see they release two similar products and one sells way, way, way less than the others, I'd like to think it's certainly talking about EA. But like, we don't actually know the numbers. No, we sure. And the holiday season is what scares me. What is the implication? Most people are going to be buying the classic NES anyway. So none of this really matters. I'm really, really scared. Exactly. Same place. I wish Titanfall was on the is intentional in order for respawn to do poorly enough that they get bought.
Starting point is 01:34:49 I'm really like by who? Yeah, then there's gonna be making battlefield. Yeah. I mean, they don't have to space. I mean, also, they don't have to sell the EA. They can sell to anyone. Honestly, I think this sell the 505 like when like you're playing the not premiere shooter. Yeah. Right. And I think that if it's going to be like the first one, those numbers will like stable off eventually at a point. And these are the people and here are the days that are good to play and here are the days that are not right or the times. Yeah, we'll keep our close. But like Titanfall managed to stay relatively. No, no, like, no, but I mean, people, it was alive for quite a while online and it was just on Xbox one in Xbox one's
Starting point is 01:35:35 You played it more than any of us. The PC version pared down to about 500 people. It died a hard death. Yeah. But that was during the despair times even the Dark Ages. Yeah, like Titanfall 2 is not going to suffer the same fate. Hopefully not. So now like Street Fighter 5. It's a fantastic. Even like I'm just looking up numbers and like, you know, people are saying Overwatch sometimes has 50k online. It's like, that's a game that sold 12 million, you know, so it's like those numbers aren't as abysmal considering there's still a whole whole. It's like how we have 630,000 subscribers, but only like 100,000 care. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Something like that. When it gets bad enough, we'll all just log on to our
Starting point is 01:36:15 BattleBorn accounts and start posting keys for Titanfall 2. Just to try to bring those people on board. Yeah. BattleBorn. You're implying that there'll be people to see those. They release story content packs. We will know exactly how many people are online, but are online because Twitch has the exact number. You see that Evolve is dead, by the way. Oh yeah. Yeah. Like hilarious. Hilarious. It sucks for them. I feel like Evolve could be like would have better been Serbian in anime or an OBA. Looks like it failed to evolve significantly. I see what you did. Use the title. Did you read the post by Turtle Rock and stuff? I did not know. It was kind of neat where they said that like 2k, like let them try the free to play thing at their own, at 2k's expense. Oh,
Starting point is 01:36:56 that's actually decent. And it didn't work out evidently, but I was surprised to see that. It's not because we had such a great time playing that. Yeah, the problem with Evolve is that your second and third game is not as great of a time. I remember, I saw some posts when it was, when the shutdown happened and where people were criticizing it saying, you know, I still feel like the company or 2k paid for those awards it shows. And it's like, no, actually the demos better than anything shows exceedingly well. Yeah. The nature of that game just shows well in that environment. We had such a good time when we demoed it. I remember. I think if ever down the line an Evolve 2 happens, like, and they address all those problems, you'll have something that can stand.
Starting point is 01:37:41 Single player and better DLC. In the meantime, you can just go play natural selection too. It's not quite the same, but it's pretty close. It's as good as you'd get, yeah. And more monsters that we want. You just want, you just want Nero. No, I'm sorry, Virgil. You want Guy's shape. No, I want Jerry. Well, you want Predator. I want a Predator. Okay. Yeah. That's what I mean. Just human shape. I want a Predator. Yeah, you should just play dead by daylight then. Dude, you would actually really like it. We played it for the shit storm. It was fun. It's a lot of fun. Can't wait for the Friday. Oh, you saw that Friday the 13th got delayed, but to give it a full single player campaign. But I mean, I'm specifically talking about like an asymmetrical multiplayer
Starting point is 01:38:20 setting. Dead by daylight is stupid teenagers versus slasher villain in a multiplayer game. It's a lot of fun. A bunch of people on Discord have been getting into Left 4 Dead 2 again and stuff like that. Yeah, guess what? Guess what's always good? Left 4 Dead 2. Because Left 4 Dead 1 is inside it. Isn't that what Turtle Rock made? Yes, it did. Wait, what does that mean? What do you mean? All the levels. Oh, Left 4 Dead 1, all of its levels are just came out for Left 4 Dead 2 as DLC. Cool. Cool. I don't know if the characters are selectable. Yes, they are. Okay, cool. That's neat. I guess I'll take the baton. No, I was going to take the baton. Take it. Because I heard Titanfall 2 had a good multiplayer, but the single player. Yeah, talk about the single
Starting point is 01:39:05 player. Yeah, so fucking good. Me and Woolly saw a button prompt that made us really excited. Oh, you guys saw that? Yeah! The button prompt. Yeah. Save the Earth style. What is it actually saying? I'm not going to say it's a huge spoiler. I don't want to say it on the podcast. Pat gave me the out on it. Someone texted to me right now. Pat gave me the out on it and I went, no, tell me. No, Matt doesn't care about spoilers. I don't care. But don't spoil it for other people. He's going to pull it up then. So in case you're wondering what that replaces, it replaces the already overpowered ability to completely turn invisible at any time, which is amazing in a single player shooter campaign. Because I don't know if you've played many, but single player
Starting point is 01:39:49 shooter campaigns, you get to that bit where you're taking hits and you don't have any cover and you're like, okay, I'm just going to die. Just chalk this one off as a loss. Titanfall 2 always lets you run it back by just hitting that button and turning invisible and walking away from the problem and going and like healing yourself while you're invisible. And Matt has sent it to you. Really, really fun stuff. And that ability that you get that you guys saw, it doesn't let you turn invisible. But it takes you away from the problem. So it gives you that same survivability for when you have that unlocked. It's just a fucking riot and it starts off like pretty unsuspecting, pretty normal. There's some, okay, there's some platforming and oh, gotta get a few
Starting point is 01:40:33 batteries for BT. Oh, I'm in the robot and I killed a guy. Yeah, this is all right. And then a few missions in, it just starts ramping up and ramping up. And the last three missions, it just grabs you and never stops. Did you finish it? Yeah, absolutely. Oh, cool. It's fantastic. One of the one of the best things about the campaign is that in the campaign as part of it, you gain access to every Titan's loadout. Yeah, BT is compatible with everything. That's why I think a good single player campaign for a shooter is actually essential for the people that like maybe don't play. It's like play the single player, get used to everything. And then when you jump into the multiplayer, you already have a... There is one problem with that. And that's the movement model in
Starting point is 01:41:11 single player is not the same as the one in multiplayer. The one in multiplayer is considerably faster and looser. Yeah. But anyway, BT, yeah, you'll get all the weapons as you progress through and you'll be, you can switch between loadouts at any time. Just hit F1. Yeah, literally just hit right on the D-pad or F1 or whatever. And you can just switch at any time between all loadouts. It's just really cool. I was watching the preview footage and I'm just like, okay, let me see some of the single player stuff. And I was just like, yeah, spoiler free gameplay. And you're going through the stage doing the cool shit, whatever. And it was basically this cool section where you're on a conveyor belt where they're building houses. Yeah, I saw that saying. That level is
Starting point is 01:41:50 awesome. I was like, what the fuck? That level is really cool. This is really cool. There's a lot of really, after you get through the first two levels, which are like, okay, get used to walking on normal ground and shooting enemies, it starts going nuts. And you see that environment and it's like, this is fucking dope. And then right, and then you right past that, you get to that point or just like, here comes what appears to be a, there is a boss fight. There are, there is a boss fight. There are many, there are many boss battles in the campaign. Many. And you'll get to them and you'll start and you'll be like, okay, what has he got? And you'll be like, okay, I can counter pick him with these weapons and watch as it works. And modern day battle clash. It's the bosses are
Starting point is 01:42:34 a bit on the easy side, but they are thrilling. They're cool. Yeah. Yeah. They're going to be easy, at least be thrilling. Well, there was this one boss where I was like, when I saw it, I couldn't believe what I was looking at. So I was like, that's not what Titans are supposed to do. Oh, that's broken. You can't have that ability. But it's, it's wild. It is a wild, amazing campaign. I really hope that in a third game, they make another campaign of this quality, because it's really polished to it. It does not at all feel like multiplayer. Used as a campaign. It is clearly new levels that they've made that are huge and not tacked on at all. It's really big. Now you got my fucking brain going like, yeah, what, what can this Titan do
Starting point is 01:43:18 that's breaking all the rules? Prepare for J. Hootie fall. Yeah, it's fucking, it you'll, it's so, so worthwhile. I can't recommend it enough. Man, I'm excited. All right. Stop wasting your time on the multiplayer for five or six hours, just so you can do the campaign. Because it's every time I turn the game on, I'm going to play another single player level. And every single time I go, nope. And just hit that multiplayer button and start queuing up. Yeah. Well, it's if you, if you can wrestle yourself away from the multiplayer, the single player is way better than than you'd expect. And it's just, it's crazy. I didn't, I didn't think they're doing this level of praise after shitting on the first two levels, which I loved is making me really excited. But
Starting point is 01:44:06 yeah, after I finished the first two levels, that was my first play session. I was like, oh, I was kind of expecting more, but whatever. And then I finished my second session and I was, I needed to go to bed because it was four in the morning. But I was like, oh, I really want to keep playing. And the third session was so high above that already high feeling. So Matt, at this rate, we're going to single handedly make up for that deficit in sales. Yeah, maybe hopefully keep this going at this rate. Because, because you didn't play, you play multiplayer for a little bit. No, I just got into the tutorial. Okay. So like, it's great. It's the best tutorial. Yeah. So if you and I, if you and I get in there either in single player multiplayer, like the same one
Starting point is 01:44:47 that was in the demo, like then we can, yeah, make the depth for next week, we can, we can also push, push, push, push. The Pacific Rim of video games. Yeah. Yeah. No, I, you'll, you'll have feelings. There are parts of it where you'll have feelings of excitement and thrill. Press RT to have feelings. Yeah, whatever, man. When some shitty director is like, I want to make a Titanfall movie. I'll be like, yeah, do it. Good luck. Get the robot jocks. Do it. Do it. Do it. Shut up. And what's that scene called in Call of Duty 4? Press F to play your specs. Where the nuke goes off. Call of Duty 4. Oh, no, no, no Russian. No, no. With a nuke goes off. What's that scene's name? I don't know if it has a name. It does have a name. They redo that scene. Really? But they
Starting point is 01:45:33 twist it really hard. Okay. In another way. And it's so satisfying. Okay. Because after Call of Duty 4 did that, everyone kind of, everyone kind of did that huge set piece thing that happens in the campaign. And when Titanfall does that, they, they really ratchet it up to the next level. The only thing I would say I don't like about the campaign is that the setup is like, stupid. Like where the rebels against the corporation. Why? Because they're evil. Why? Because play the first game. Like there's almost no backing given to that. Yeah. The story starts off kind of, they just throw you into it and it's kind of generic. What I do like, even though I admit it's really stupid. It's really stupid is that they treat Titan pilots as if they were Jedi.
Starting point is 01:46:21 Yeah. Yeah, they do. That's awesome. Like the way characters say the word pilot is like this weird reverence that's super stupid, but I like it. I like it a lot. Yeah. That's great. Nice. Training me to be a pilot. It's like fucking get out of here. You fucking stupid. Yeah, I'm actually going to go back and keep playing that. I really, the single player kudos to whoever, yeah, the single player actually. Really? Kudos to whoever designed the collectibles in the single player as well. What? There's collectibles? Yeah. Because, I mean, every shooter campaign, right? I guess. But it's always like, oh, there's Intel on this desk or whatever. Titanfall 2 does it really well where it's these big goofy glowing pilot helmets that are bright
Starting point is 01:47:07 blue and easy to see. They're big and blue and oversized and they're very easy to see. There's never points where, like if you go to look for them, you'll find all of them in one playthrough, no matter what. Right. But the question is always, okay, how do I get there? Okay. Because they're off the beaten path and most of the time it's pretty straightforward, but it's always fun to get there. Yeah, okay. That's cool. It's not just like, oh, there's a briefcase on that side of the glass. Let me walk around and open the briefcase and skip this text I don't want to read to get the number up. In the first game, in the background, there's all kinds of cool shit going on, like dinosaurs and creatures eating each other and shit. Those guys
Starting point is 01:47:43 are front and center too. Okay. Now's going to save. All right. They get their time. Like Valley of the Dragons and shit like that is a thing. So like good, good, good, good. And characters return from the first Titanfall's campaign as well. Oh, they're characters. Yeah, cool. Yeah, they're actually are. That's a thing. So when you said what was that Call of Duty scene, my brain went no Russia, and then you said about the noob. No, it was a stupid thing to say in that order, but the Call of Duty 4 is fine. Yeah. Call of Duty 4, Nuke scene does have a name, but I think past looking it up is I am looking at it. I thought it was called Call of Duty 4, Nuke scene. We used it in the rolling starts rolling starts. Yeah, you press start on modern warfare. And like
Starting point is 01:48:23 it's called shock and all shock and all. Yeah, other than that, because I can't control myself. I bought Berserk Musso. Wow. That's not a it's you don't have to justify. Oh, yeah, because now I got to buy it twice. Exactly. I bought it too. Because I can't control myself. It's really fun. It feels a lot like Hyrule Warriors in a lot of ways actually. Yes, because I know some people are wrong and think Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3 is the best one, but I think Hyrule Warriors Gundam 3 like terrible. No, that's what I thought he can easily correct me. The first two are apparently terrible and the third is apparently the only good one. Yeah, but we live in a world with breaker and fucking versus it doesn't even matter. Yeah. Berserk Musso is really
Starting point is 01:49:12 enjoyable actually. And the only thing that's kind of a bit of a weird thing about it is Guts is the main character and he is slow as shit to play as a main character. Matt, Liam passed me as Vita. And the first thing I thought is like, wow, did you have a brand on the back of his head that makes him like control like fucking molasses? Yeah. Is molasses just covering him? And then after like, I don't know, four or five minutes, I was like, you know what, this feels right for Guts. But initially you're like, why does Guts... You confirm to me that everyone else plays fast. Yeah, but is it slow and powerful? It is. It's very deliberate. It's very deliberate. Yeah, good. You can dash. I'm swinging this. No, it's not Ryu. It's Zangief. But he's the main character. Okay.
Starting point is 01:49:58 Like, no, it's not Ryu. Don't get that twisted. All right. Because that's Judo is Ryu. Okay. Like, but it's really enjoyable. Golds, Gultula's swapped for gold bailets. Like, there's a lot of... Why would you collect bailets? Don't collect bailets. No, my band in the hawk has like 50 bailets. Like, they're just gathering them up all over. That's stupid. Every mission and you see all the objectives and you're like, I'm gonna get all these bailets. What if everyone's dream is incompatible? Okay, to be fair, if you... Let's say we have to have an item. What is it going to be? It has to be a bailet no matter what. Den babies or bailets. Introducing the two god feet and then the other god hand and then the god elbow and the tongue and just a bunch of motherfuckers standing up with
Starting point is 01:50:42 their demon form. It's the god dick. So, like, I'm sure this was covered in the trailers and stuff, but I hadn't really... I didn't really know. A lot of the cut scenes are just the golden age movies. Movies, yeah, yeah. Straight up. That makes sense. They've just got all the movies in there. That makes sense. And you know what? They look a lot better in a video game context because they already looked like video games. Yeah, you're jumping back and forth from the video game footage to that. And then, for all the scenes that weren't covered in those movies, they do them in-engine. Oh, thank god. Like the Attack on Titan, you're gonna say they use the fucking new anime. No, no, they do them. So, there's more content than the movie. I have a slide, sorry, which is starting to
Starting point is 01:51:19 look better on the Blu-ray releases. So, the anime releases always get cleaned up on the Blu-ray. Blu-ray and La Dan got a big one. But, yeah, the difference between Guts's broadcast and Blu-ray versions is pretty massive. It looks like prototype and final. Yes, it looks like 3D to 3D. It's embarrassing. In some cases, I think it is. It actually is, right? In some shots. If they were able to do this level of quality, then, like, it's shameful that we got such a shitty version on the because, like, some of those, some of the, like, the one of, like, uh, what's her name? Erica? Like, smiling. She looks grotesque and horrible in the original, and she looks totally normal. It looks like pre-vis. Yeah. Yeah. And I watched some clips of that, like, him fighting Mosgul and
Starting point is 01:52:04 stuff. Fuck, I wish that didn't look like garbage. Yeah, well, maybe it'll be better now. I beat the first boss, which is Zod, of course. And the bosses are, they're all right. They're better than the bosses in Hyrule Warriors, but they're still not, like, good bosses from... That engine is not for boss fights. No, exactly. So they're all right to fight. The item system is fun, where you can equip a bunch of... You're saying you have nine gutses? Yeah, you get fucking so many different gutses. What? Every time he gets a new costume, is it new guts? Is it a different moveset? I think it's adjusted slightly, but I've only gotten two gutses, so... But you're saying it looks like Oh, no, I've gotten three gutses. I've gotten three gutses. And he's still in Golden Age.
Starting point is 01:52:46 Well, because it starts in the Eclipse as the first mission, and then after it goes back to the beginning. The correct pluralization is Gatsies. Gatsies, yeah. Guts eye. Gatses. What does collecting behelits get you? They're like the gold skulltulas, so you just, it's just collectibles. But is there a reward at the end? You get some art. That's it, yeah. You do the anti-eclipse. It's like side objectives and missions. Everyone has a behelit under their seat. Bezuzo's in there. Bezuzo is the first. I'd hate to see Crocus with a fucking behelit. He'd be the darkest. Oh, yeah. Bezuzo's in there. He's the first boss. There's an Eclipse mode where you, I only did it once, and it's in Japanese, so I'm not 100% sure if I kind of got it right. But you play through five different
Starting point is 01:53:31 Eclipse stages in a row that are like short stages, and it's kind of like a survival mode that you can just go and play. Makes sense. But there is an end. It's not like endless or anything. And you only keep your rewards if you finish it all. Can you do it, Guts? I did it with Griffith. He could do it. Well, I mean, that's the perfect mode to like make a bottomless tower or like, you know what I mean? Like, that'd be, that's, yeah, you're in the nightmare. Yeah, when I played it, I was like, oh, this lasted the exact metro length from my place to here, so perfect. This game gets the little support that Hyrule Warriors did even a little. You know, Hyrule Warriors' last piece of DLC came out today. The reason I say that is because there's some glaring,
Starting point is 01:54:09 there is a glaring omission off that roster. Skull Knight. Skull Knight is not on the roster. Skull Knight's in the game. Yeah, I know, but he's not on the roster. When I went through the Eclipse with Griffith, Skull Knight was hanging out with him. There's no gun, like, there's no, any of Griffith's lieutenants. Nope. No Grunveld, no weird archer, horseman. What's the name of the archer? I don't know. I honestly, I wish you could play as Pock, too. You know what? I heard that he might actually be playable. I think he might actually be playable. Oh, wow. I heard, like, I saw people talking like, is Puck playable? Question mark? Off to look into that then, if that's a thing. Puck kicks the loading screen.
Starting point is 01:54:46 The characters seem to be its big thing. Um, lack of characters seem to be, it's like, it's kind of detrimental. Yeah, I think there's like seven or eight characters. I'm not all the way through. Like, I'm shocked that Zelda has more. Is the basic gameplay, like, just Musso, though? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. But it's, but it's, it's better than what Musso used to be. Yeah. He told me the mechanics and I was like, at least Hyrule Warriors level. He told me the mechanics when I was playing it for a bit and I was like, okay. And then like, you're, if you fill up this bar, then you get this. You can go into bizarre mode and because I have my basis and only Hyrule Warriors, like, it felt like, yeah, I'm familiar with this and this feels good. So, and there's fun stuff too. Like,
Starting point is 01:55:26 your characters can equip items that you bring into battle with you, but characters also have their own skills in the item pool that are like always there. Like, Guts has his kunai and the cannon when he gets it and stuff. And Zod has like his roar and is like rock throwing and stuff like that. Did you unlock Judo? I did unlock Judo. So, how does he fight? Is he just throw nines? I only saw Judo's trailer. I haven't actually played his Judo yet. Guts have kunai. That is a thing I've never thought about. But he's always had them. But like, why kunai? I don't know. I never thought about that. It's Japan. Yeah. What were places? Oh, it's just a different sound. It's not as good as Ban. No, nothing can be. It's not. Tell me why. Every time. Honestly, like,
Starting point is 01:56:11 I'm not quite as enjoying it as much as I liked Hyrule Warriors. Admittedly, that was in English and it was like, I adored that game. So, you know, but it is, it is really good. And it, you know, it's not like from software. It's not like the Good Dreamcast game. It's, you know, it's a, it's a Warriors game. It's what you'd expect from that. But it is fun. And the story presentation is very good between the cutscenes they made and using the movies and stuff like that. But it seems good. Played World of Final Fantasy. How? Tell me that's good. It is good. It is good. The gameplay is traditional to a fault where it's a slow turn-based combat, right? But the, the stacking system is really enjoyable, where you can stack like monsters on top of each other in the side,
Starting point is 01:56:58 and like, you can stack a large monster on the bottom and a medium monster and a small monster on top. And you just stack your characters all up and you knock them the fuck down as well. Have you beaten it? No, I'd no way. It's, it's lengthy, apparently. I'm at chapter five of 21, I think. There are. Anyway, it's really satisfying to get the bosses like Yuna stacked on top of Valofor, and you just knock her the fuck off Valofor and she gets stunned and you're like, yeah, that's right. The writing's not ace at all. The writing's weak. The localization is good, but the writing's poor Japanese writing. And there's lots of like, just talk moments. Like, those are the best. Like when you get to Yuna, well, when you get to Yuna and she looks at you and she's like,
Starting point is 01:57:46 oh, you guys, you must be bad guys. I'm going to fight you. And she summons Valofor and then you have to fight Yuna and Valofor. And you're like, all right. And then after the battle, she literally apologizes. She summons, she summons, uh, uh, Tayswift. Yeah. And after the battle, she literally apologizes and she's like, oh, my bad. I probably should have. It's like, no, no, this is bad writing. This sucks. And like the writing sucks and it feels shitty and I hate the story and the writing. But then every now and then, the camera will cut away to organization 13 or whoever the fuck these guys are, right? It's not actually them, but whoever the shadow council is in this game, and I'll be like gripped. I'll be like, what's going on with these guys? They look so cool. I
Starting point is 01:58:33 can't wait for the actual story to start akatsuki instead of this like beginning story where it's just like, I'll collect all the monsters, you know, but it is really fun. It's really polished and the cutscenes are gorgeous. The animation quality is really, really high. I've been told quite enjoying it about something in that game that makes me required to play it, even if it's not true. Well, I've been told, I don't know what it is that the who the optional super boss is. Oh, I have no idea. And it is not a Final Fantasy character. Oh, neat. It is a character from a different square or from Chrono Trigger, I guess. No. Oh, no. It's a mech from a different from a no gears. And apparently the characters look at it and go, what is that doing here?
Starting point is 01:59:17 That's a waifu. It's called cosmos such and such owns that and then someone says no, shut up. That's funny. Okay, which if that if that is in fact the well tall, I'm going to fucking piss my pants. I'll let you I'll let you know because I am playing through it. One thing that's really cool is as you meet all the older Final Fantasy characters through the game, they're actually like reincarnations of those characters. You get these side missions where you get to play as them for a little while. So like I've only gotten so far that I can do that for Warrior of Light. But like Warrior of Light had these fun goofy side missions where he has to like save that the helpless princess in his kingdom who's fucking like useless and gets herself lost and shit.
Starting point is 01:59:57 Right. And that's fun. So I'm excited to get to lightning because lightning is cool. Sephiroth summon his animations great because he does the the meteor. Oh, really? But he's like chivvy. Yeah, he's a Funko Pop. He's a DLC character, right? It's not a spoiler. They look like fucking Funko Pop. They look better than these soulless I really don't like Funko Pops. Probably the best thing I've seen about the game so far. Somebody sent me a clip of the two main characters joshing around and one of them goes, man, that's so funny. I'm gonna laugh and does the identical fucking Titus one and the other characters like gross. It's very like love letter to Final Fantasy is what it feels like. And the
Starting point is 02:00:46 first area was very like FF1 Warrior of Light. And I have played that game back on the GBA, but I can't say it's got many FF1 spent a long time rather like besides the time travel stuff. I can't say there's much that's memorable and of course there's Vika the pirate and that doesn't really come up in this section. So I'm excited to get to the FFs. I'm more familiar with that. Did I miss the quest shit? No, that's secret of man. How damn it. How beef is this incarnation of Garland? I haven't seen Garland yet. That's exactly what I mean, right? Garland wasn't in it. It was just Warrior of Light, right? So I'm excited to get to the characters I'm a bit more familiar with like very honest stuff. Sorry? Lulu. I doubt it. I doubt it. Lulu in a in a chibi form would just
Starting point is 02:01:27 be a pair of boobs with eyes. It seems like it's mainly with a cactuar sticking out from in between. You know what? I just I just said, right? It's mainline only. Yeah, it's not. That's actually wrong. There is at least one character who I've seen who's from Durge of Cerberus. What the fuck. So it's more than mainline actually my bad. And also Titus doing his fucking blitzball shit looks amazing when he's a chibi character. Okay, looks fantastic. I know. I get that. That makes it cool. What's what's the overunder on Gat showing up in this bitch? I'm expecting him soon and frequently. God damn it. Okay. It's it's it's really fun and you'll maybe I don't know and Jill's all right. Yeah, I'll take it. It'd be cool if one of them showed up. I'll take it any day. Not soldier
Starting point is 02:02:10 G though. Pain's not an issue as well. You know, I'll let you know. There's a girl from Durge of Cerberus. And at that point, I just don't fuck with you. You know that Lulu or pain and fuck you and Chocolina's in there. Actually not no Chocolatae one of them is racist walk from lightning returns. Boy, there's there's a bunch. It's it's very enjoyable and I'm keen to keep playing it. It's way more polished than you might think. I want feels like a triple a release in regards to polish. I want to comprise a list of just talk moments in everything. Yeah, yeah, because it's one of my pet peeves. It's a it's bad writing. It's really just bad writing and it's only happened that once in the game where it's really jumped out at me because but I'm not excited
Starting point is 02:02:53 for it to happen again if it does in video games. It's just a way to make some kind of dumb fight happen to your time fighting game story. Blanker hates people that wears mask and and the just talk Vegas a nice guy and it's a and it's a concept that doesn't necessarily even have to go away because you can write it fine. You can write it so that characters have mutually exclusive goals and have reasons for not taking that character seriously or what have you. You can put two characters together and look at them and say well they wouldn't fight but then you can literally just write this one contrivancy into this character's past that makes it so they will fight. But but you actually can RPG heroes hate it. He made fun of my hair like it's so easy to write
Starting point is 02:03:40 around you know especially the thing with you know because you just walk in and she's like you look like a dangerous person. She may as well say you have the wrong skin color because you walk in because there's there's the little chippy guys and then there's when they're big right and they're called giants when they're big. Of course they are. Yeah at J.I.N.T. and she says oh there's giants. Oh I gotta kill them right away. You look like an albed. Yeah right actually and it's you know doing it. Yeah exactly. That feels weird. Think about it. Is it 10. Is it 10. Two. You know is it just 10. You know it's 10. You know. Oh thank god. It's 10. You know. I kind of prefer 10. Two. You know. It could have been a hybrid with like gun and staff. Yeah I mean gun staff honestly.
Starting point is 02:04:23 Maybe she'll appear somewhere else. The game seems pretty stacked but as of yet just 10. Not as stacked as Lulu. But like the gun is it's like the trigger is over. Yeah you can't shoot with just the staff. What a great weapon. Gun staff. Yeah it's a gun as good as gun sword. Put a dress fear in there. Yeah shoot some dress fears out of your gun staff motherfucker. I know I'll I'll I'll leave it there. All right. These games are pretty packed but they're all really good. Yeah man. I feel like every podcast in around the end of October November will get like this because there's so many games. So yeah so speaking destroyed everything. Yeah you fool. Well destroying what's left I suppose. Yeah because did everyone see my balls on stream. No yeah I knew
Starting point is 02:05:12 they'd be down there. I was told you were not competing and then you competed. Oh no yeah I was going to play for sure. Well I asked you are you going to compete and you said no no I thought you said commentate. No you're better at commentating than you are competing. Clearly. Uh well I'd say you are. Sure. That's a compliment. Well you haven't ever completely failed while commentating. Yeah that's that's you can't fail a commentating. This is really shitty. Well I mean I'd love to see how you guys do against the best Marvel player and candidate. No we do we do way worse than you. You cannot lose if you do not play. That is true. That is true. We do way worse than you. So yeah let's talk about my week I guess but we'll we'll get there because before I got to
Starting point is 02:05:54 Canada Cup uh I did finish off I am a hero. I did uh well not finish off but I finished off the volume you have which is I was gonna say that's a lot. Yeah no it's volume one and two in the in the collected edition and yeah the things happen it goes places. Once it starts happening you very quickly see what kind of story this is going to be and it's it's so interesting because okay it's exactly what you want Pat which is you see the things happening like the exact moments from normal civilization into it's all done. You see the fall but the best thing about this version of the fall is that you're seeing it through the lens of Japanese uh weird Japanese social um cast. It's Japanese social outcast but also like the culture of politeness and things
Starting point is 02:06:51 like that that would fuck them over in a zombie apocalypse. It would cause it would cause many troubles. There's a lot of things about it can't be helped. Yeah she got tonight. There's a lot of things about Japanese culture that would like be really bad for zombie apocalypse times and you and you start to see that come out. Lack of guns. Well that's a huge plot point. That is addressed. There's uh there's a fantastic one of the interviews in World War Z where uh a guy uh I think he's the Japanese guy but I'm sure but basically he's talking to the Max Brooks who's the interviewer and he says you Americans and your zombie things you're all guns this your guide talks about SUVs and pistols and shit the fuck you talking about there's tons of countries out there guns basically
Starting point is 02:07:32 don't exist and either do large trucks or large vehicles really north america parts of europe like you need you fucking bats and sticks or the primary weapon out here like there's a point where like the world is actively going to hell and uh a character kills a zombie unsure that it was a zombie kind of thing like yeah not really certain of what's happening just like this is a this I gotta kill this one and then after like trying to reason with it beyond like the point where you should be trying to reason with it yeah takes it out and then is like I better go report this to the police station gotta go and you're like what how upstanding right um no it's it's really nuts in that regard and you also get to okay I bought it yeah okay yeah uh you also get to
Starting point is 02:08:21 see uh the opposite thing where like it's the the politeness culture but also like some of the selfish aspects and how that plays into this is the best aspects um what are those guys called hikikomori hikikomori hikikomori you should ask bunny they do well or badly depending yeah um in this case it's particularly interesting because it's a character that he he's he's a shut in but he has a job okay that's yeah all right so I have I have one more question about the setting does this occur in that weird pocket universe in which the word zombie does not exist uh it hasn't been used so far no I don't then it's what I want to use there's no zombie fiction there's no zombie there's no reference to it yet if there is because there's there's a there's a wild difference in between
Starting point is 02:09:11 something like dawn of the dead and something like uh zombie land or zombie land or son of the dead where they go that's a fucking zombie I know exactly you know I'm not a huge fan of fiction that just dances around it doesn't say it like walking dead and for the most part like the games at least don't right no the world is not aware of this this type of monster yeah but uh because that's that's basically so that what it is when a character encounters one for the first time there's an incredibly high likelihood that they get instantly killed because they don't know what they're dealing with yeah and like people don't like the concept of like bites and things like yeah just like no one's thinking about that at all so like you're doing that thing in your head where you're like you
Starting point is 02:09:51 know obviously and it's screaming at you because all because and that's that's why I thought that the world war z adaptation was actually really interesting because zombies have to be that dangerous or else it wouldn't be a problem but I will say that because uh no one knows what the zombie is like there's some really heavy shit that happens that's like I don't know it's just emotional man it's a fucking like that that those for it is sincerely well written I yeah like I had moments reading that were like you're like one hand off the page covered my mouth like oh my god like wow this is getting way darker than I thought you ever watched the mist no watch the mist you should watch the mist it has nothing to do with zombies but uh yeah it has that same type of
Starting point is 02:10:36 heaviness yeah sure and I could easily see if this is the pace the story is going at like I'd love to catch up and find out that like it's basically the road now like I'd love to see if that's what happens but I'm not I'm not caught up on it at all yeah well what I'm going to do is just get I'm going to keep buying it physically and you know when I say whenever I see a thick volume I'll just grab that do the road I think I think there are at least two omnibus sounds I feel like I saw them at uh indigo cool um man the road is the it's a good time like you mentioned it and like my stomach just dropped because like that's the hardest watch I've ever a whole family it's an awesome gather everybody if you don't have grandma emotionally affected with my grandma wheeler
Starting point is 02:11:21 in get a ride drops this reminds me of the 50s yeah uh so yeah that's I am a hero um so that was solid I went out and I bought my core psvr yes you got it all right take two let's try this again so what's that other one doing in the other room what's that one doing yes it's not in there anymore I brought it home and oh you did I found the box that it came in and I'm going to send it and a few things back to Amazon because it was still there yesterday I guess you must have taken because I need a I need a printer and then I'm going to go see my folks on Wednesday so I'm just going to print out like a return label and send it on Thursday yeah has to be back by the 14th so scanners and printers two things that everyone had 10 years ago that no one no one has anymore I
Starting point is 02:12:04 have one I have two actually me too can I go to your house and no I'll just bring the printer here yeah that works I don't want you there uh that's fine so but it's a scanner and printer all in one can you bring it can you bring it today I know not today can it fax it cannot fax so basically it's worthless so uh spend you know if we had a fax machine I would almost want to have just the number open for people to use I only want to give our faxes the only way we have to pay a bunch for ink and shit but I would almost just want to see what's like a machine in my screen wave you need to contact us talk to our fax most somebody sent us a thousand dick butts again I was going to one dick butt in a thousand pages I think uh I think yeah you can limit the amount that it receives
Starting point is 02:12:53 in a single transmission well if you don't fill it with paper because I find a way to get it well yeah they'll do it massively needs toner what the fuck it'll basically turn into the the email except but I want that yeah I want to get it in the office and see papers overflowing on the ground every single time you get here it'll be like out of paper out of ink out of paper why are there a hundred dicks on the floor and also what are you going to do with all that paper when when you guys want to make more make more paper no I'm gonna put it back I'm gonna put it backwards and just print all over it all over it over it again yeah Liam when you guys went to PAX west at one time and you had to like embarrassingly say like yeah we're playing one wrestling
Starting point is 02:13:36 game a day and like what was it was doing a let's play of star fox adventures and I want you to have to do the exact same time meeting but you're like well you can send us any information through our fax at 505 blah blah blah blah and then everyone's just like what our fax is coming back yeah and we started a new trend I really love the following I have to use the internet so yeah I missed that like like they're recording something super like important and it's easier than no stop playing your game I need to call someone I'm a little starcraft match it's use map settings mom that's great um yeah so we need to get a fax machine super bad you know what I'm sold now here you turned me around you should do that you've turned me around I'm so turn the camera show
Starting point is 02:14:31 this I yeah thanks which you know I'm having no I'm having a hard time taking you seriously because every time I look at you I see Nikali's face like contorted in different ways where like sometimes it'll be folded so his nose disappears and his eyes and his mouth or oh I love that yeah and every now and then I'll look at Nikali and he'll look like a fucking goof I'm wearing a Nikali shirt that I bought at the Canada Cup um but I'm not there yet I want Nikali filled you I want to talk about uh the BSVR got it popped it in bought a bunch of games started playing it what else did you buy a bunch of uh gravel there it is oh yeah I had to pop no fewer than four 80 uh after specifically playing Drive Club VR that's the one that's the one and then um
Starting point is 02:15:21 here they lie the one that looks like a the grappling hook game where the trees look bad sky whatever sky what windlands windlands yes I played windlands I was gonna talk about it but I didn't want to I think that game sucks it's not great it's not great I think that game meets mommy too yeah I think that game would be better with a mouse so that game sucks it has the most strong words yeah but Liam but you know what though it's it's the perfect like test bet to show you all the things that can go wrong in VR that's what it's useful for it's like I can we can pop it in and show you guys here's all the mistakes right it has the most comfort settings of all of the games so far that you that you tried that I've tried it has like comfort
Starting point is 02:16:07 like uh turning it has you can put a cage around your character yeah comfort cage where you can't where you physically can't hit the wall any closer than this point and you can turn all those on and still feel sick as fuck and it's crazy because when it was coming out all I read from people was like yeah this game was fucking sick on Oculus game was awesome on Vive and I'm like no I can't it's not I'm not enjoying playing in the game at all I love swinging yeah and the idea that they're going to be like yeah here you feel the momentum and that's all we're going to sell yeah this game and it's like no you failed at it and like and it runs fun it's not a performance problem the game plays perfectly I don't think it's enjoyable but if you want to feel the nausea that comes from
Starting point is 02:16:51 a game that's not correctly getting the set the the free movement camera while you have a VR headset on problem this is the one uh I'd say here they lie is the other one but like this is by far the standout I didn't get sick but after an hour I was fed up I didn't want to it has a and it has the setting where you go like pro mode where it's like I'm used to VR I don't need any cages I need no comfort settings yeah that was maximum quick turning yeah and that's like in my head I'm like is there anyone that can actually play for extended periods of time like this yeah I you're okay I played it like that I'm I'm relatively fine the only one that what was it I can't even remember there was one that got me and I just felt sick in my head a bit not like in my gut or anything like
Starting point is 02:17:34 that but like because I find that as long as you put yourself in a space where you're mentally able to anticipate what the movement's gonna be you don't get sick if your eyes are focused on the right thing but I mean like also if you're thinking about how my character's going to move before they move because when they move it's not a surprise then you know what I mean so then why does drive club fucking get me I don't know because it doesn't get me but that was one of the ones that I heard a lot of people it was the number one game that I've seen people complain about making in them say oh it got me bad I got one lap in makes no sense though because you have the built-in you just playing in a car I assume right I popped the demo okay and I played one lap and
Starting point is 02:18:19 then I I played another half lap with third person just to see if that doesn't seem to help doesn't fix it throw up you need to play here though I know but I chugged gravel yeah right here there I played five or six races and I was like yeah that's drive club and I kind of put it away because it's drive club uh I popped open I popped in can I just one more thing on windlands yeah also those developers who said the game was going to be 16 bucks and then launched it for $35 thanks it's available for I believe $16 on steam so wow is that what happens and also double fuck you like quadruple fuck you guys because a guy who makes these great VR learning tutorials for how to develop movement in VR and how to develop stuff in VR yeah did a a video
Starting point is 02:19:04 about how to develop swinging mechanics in VR and at one point he pulls up windlands to kind of show like so these guys did this kind of thing so like this is how you would do this kind of thing and the windlands people uh put a strike on his video oh great and it's like it's a fucking learning tool are you serious and and he put the messages public and they said well you know if you made a game you wouldn't really enjoy us showing people how to make the like a copy of the game and the answer to that question is yeah I would send it to you and and the guy was just like no it's like for starters you guys put a lot of work in clearly like people aren't going to be able to clone it especially if they have to work especially if they have to refer to tutorials like the ones I'm
Starting point is 02:19:42 making and they're like yeah but VR is not going to move forward with people just making cheap clones and stuff and it's like can I refund my purchase I'm gonna try returning it because I don't like it I really don't like it actively makes me sick and that's really shitty yeah no I really you get to do one of those video game I want to try returning it actually because I don't enjoy it and I that's a bummer and it sucks because I was thinking of going back to it and then I heard I saw the news of like the strike against that video and I watched the whole video because he was able to put it up private after um and I just don't agree with them at all and and also the thing where they were like yeah it's gonna be this much and then it was $35 I mean it hyper sucks for it because
Starting point is 02:20:23 I'm like yeah swinging should be amazing in hyper sucking you know but fuck they didn't I don't think they landed it I also don't really like aiming with with your head yeah you have to do way too much of that I don't like it because like way too much of that in games that do it I find like rigs does it really well and and you kind of just look around a little bit and it's fine but wayward I keep calling it wayward sky it's a different game the difference wind lands is the one we're talking about wayward sky is great wind lands you have to look up a lot and I like this is up just a personal issue but my headphones just keep sliding off my head but that's that's a me issue that's not actually a problem with the game wayward I did try wayward sky and I was like this seems like
Starting point is 02:21:01 it's gonna be cool but it's really slow right now yeah and it took it took way too long to get started the the full game is fun but it's it's more of that yeah but the full game is enjoyable um but yeah the demo right yeah bound bound yeah bound I've played through bound yeah that is fucking great man so did you just watch the animation porn did you just stand still at a certain point and make your characters dance yeah um and did you do the one where she sidles along the wall and then you press buttons to see how it looks yeah beautiful so the thing with bound in particular is if you're playing this and having a good time with it switch it over to uh ps4 regular mode like just non-vr mode that well that was how I played through it I've actually never touched it
Starting point is 02:21:47 in vr mode really yeah because it came out it came out before psvr yeah I played it too yeah and then they added a mode right so the regular game is great totally fine yeah um you go switch to vr mode framerate drops right but uh does it it does um and I think because I think it runs at 60 and if it does it's it's this framerate is smoother in 2d mode than in vr mode and that might be because it's rendering oh okay two images at eye distance apart maybe I don't know but uh what you end up to happen what ends up happening is it replaces your like free roaming 3d camera with a camera that's always static and when you hit the camera stick it moves in the direction uh that you pit it in orbiting your character and this works really really well like it like jumps in a direction it
Starting point is 02:22:41 jumps in a direction up like it's not one to one like hold the stick and no you don't have to control both the whole time it'll always appear right behind you or right to the left you're right to the right of you wherever you put wherever you were exactly so if you run way into the distance and then hit it again it'll catch up or you can just exit the you run into the distance a certain point and then it'll automatically do it okay it's the perfect solution that's neat it's perfect and like again we were talking about how great it would be to play games like um you know the playroom vr is uh the platformer right that's a great uh game where you're moving forward slowly and letting your character play around this has another solution where the camera just feels
Starting point is 02:23:22 like it's a cinematic camera and you're observing your character running through this giant castle yeah it's it's totally it makes sense to yeah it works man looking at a mucket yeah revisit it and try the vr the vr mode i it's sitting there and i'm kind of thinking about it i was about to and then i was like i'll play volume the volume the rdlc is that on a base level for my part i didn't find like kind of like you didn't find bound all that interesting after a little while yeah the animation's killer that's amazing uh like but there's no game there after ballerina or something yeah they must be phenomenal but i didn't love i absolutely can't stand the way bound controls your camera where you have to it's almost as if it's bound to serve a regular camera a vr camera
Starting point is 02:24:01 in which like the it'll follow the character forever until you reset the camera to a new angle it'll it'll auto update if you run far enough into the distance well you got to run pretty fucking far to do it because i was never happy with the distance with my character i was generally manually controlling it too but i was enjoying the angles that i was looking from i was like this looks like a cool angle and then when you cut into a wall the the art style is really interesting in that like it makes yeah it like it fractures apart so you can see through it but it's consistent with the design so for me i played it for maybe half hour and was like okay that like i got over its prettiness within about five minutes i was just like wow well it's my i didn't love it the whole
Starting point is 02:24:41 way through okay i got fed up a bit after a while but i'm i'm a good ways in it feels like and uh i'm thoroughly enjoying it so far you know i mean i think uh the fact that the camera can again be positioned in these creative ways like it it feels like you're looking at a bunch of establishing shots that you control while playing it while moving your character through them and i'm really enjoying that part you're not really doing anything you're dancing through the world and your dancing is your combat shit stupid i like it i think it's fun of the two games are very similar like i think abzoo like is a way better more like interesting experience and i did you finish that game i got i i did another session of it is slow and beat it i'd love to
Starting point is 02:25:24 play that in vr that might look cool what maybe what is in vr no it's not no i don't know okay i was just saying if it was i thought you beat it i did i wanted to talk about it but you didn't beat it so okay all right never mind never mind that's why you were quiet yeah uh yeah i know but uh i think that's a really one of them that's one of my picks so far that i'm really enjoying and uh did you play res i bet you didn't i didn't okay yeah i'm saving that shit hey because i didn't have a ton of time so i wanted to go through some i'm gonna guess there's no news this week there is okay well oh okay uh what hey i'm gonna be out of here in half an hour fridge like i no because like uh we this podcast already one of the longest
Starting point is 02:26:13 is long well i mean last week was the longest podcast well that's because we did a whole podcast and then added half of a podcast on top that is true i'll stick around i don't know but we don't have a hard out stuff to talk about i don't know does it still say one to four yes it does i think a four hour podcast is fine that's a change we need to make but uh one two so your new vr sets working my new vr sets working that's good i couldn't play uh i booted up what was it the um not the pool game but the sport the bar sports bar sports bar vr games or something like that yeah because i was like i want to play a pool game in vr you just play pool though and then hustle kings was there for 30 so kings is just raw pool yeah and i was like but that's like doing
Starting point is 02:26:58 the lawn work simulator vr so it was fun so yeah when you play pool so i saw hustle kings for 34 dollars or whatever and i'm like okay hustle kings is quality but yeah but then i saw that game and it's like this has pool in it but also table hockey yes sports bar vr it's like you're in a fake sports bar so let me try that instead where there's other games and there's other players too and uh booted it up with a single move controller because that's all i had because i got the core yeah and couldn't understand why i couldn't navigate anything and no message tells you that you need to oh really huh nowhere that seems like a fault it lets you play the game with one and boot it up with one but you couldn't properly you can bring the menu up and not confirm any of your choices
Starting point is 02:27:42 and the menu didn't make any sense to me and i was like okay and then i i'm like this is not working something's not working that sounds awesome i went to go look it up and it's like this is required and it doesn't tell you hopefully when you get a second one at all so that's here it's neat that's a compliance requirement that needs to immediately go yeah if you need to move control tell the player tell the player you need to yeah uh similarly if you use a controller or an optional pointer tell them like have a thing to confirm what you should be using you know because uh the ps war not the vr worlds but the demo disc lets you pick either one but then certain things use only one or the other yeah two and they never indicate what it's going to be i don't remember
Starting point is 02:28:24 if you were there or me and matt had the demo disc and i think you were isn't it neat how they had a developer make that front end for the demo disc with assets from each of the games and like it's it's neat it's neat that's all it is it's not cool it's just neat it's just neat that's real fucking neat oh that's a real demo disc i mean you know it's like what you spent your money on you want to constantly be feeling like yeah virtual reality yeah yeah exactly uh i finished daigo's book it's very good i think you should buy it oh you've been chipping away at that for a while i i actually was two long sessions yeah oh you just started it and then didn't touch it for forever and then just blew it out i got 80 through it on a plane ride and oh okay left it alone and
Starting point is 02:29:05 then i just picked it back up on this one and did you did you finish reading it before you went to canada cup yes okay well didn't help did it help well the book itself is not going to do anything for you that's the process well that's a bad book it's a shitty book right you got it you need the book that makes you better right away yes well what did daigo read i want that one daigo daigo found some old man's memoirs that gave him superpowers daigo tried to read his opponents but it didn't work out yeah but criticizing daigo though is not the not what you should be doing because if you are never you're judging the incomplete process you see it's an uh he has a whole write up on like uh how he learns how to play and like how like to keep winning you don't actually
Starting point is 02:29:48 try to win you try to just make yourself better in general and try to not lose and eventually the winning will come naturally yeah that makes sense it's like i said it's a it's an interesting read on his philosophy it sounds like loser talk i wasn't even trying to win if you're pat you're not going to enjoy it so don't bother but if you are someone that might enjoy something about this and about like yeah not game theory but like didn't even count i wasn't even trying competitive i mean it's just philosophy about competition yeah competitive mentality then you'll enjoy it the wiltsville winning so does he go like i wasn't trying to help that old person in the hospital i was just making myself better and that was a byproduct he actively goes
Starting point is 02:30:32 i went to go work at a nursing home because that's my family's business and i was helping out with my folks there but everyone in america thought i was dead there were rumors that daigo had died i was very shocked by that marvel video where he's like look how good i am at marvel and everyone's like no you're not yeah and then he's like no i'm not no that was just a joke it was it was like why are you showing off it's why are you showing off wolverine trial it it's it's just part of the incomplete process yeah which what like he actually went on to do was become like a super champ uh majong player in the background that no one knew about um apparently like he's like in world class at that huh no kidding but uh good book does that come up in the book chapter five because we're
Starting point is 02:31:20 gunslinger strato he takes a break from fighting games and then becomes a majong pro and then comes back to fighting in that's what he was doing in between the downtime between evo moment 37 and street fighter fork right okay basically uh yeah for a while majong has a community yeah there's no majong moment 37 though oh there is there is a manga or two out there there is which makes them what makes the moment to moment shit look looks super sick karo she with his turtle style oh no daigo with the fool you know she could show yeah whatever i don't know he's majong terms dear bore whatever he put the thing that is his own training madness uh went to canada cup canada cup 2016 uh pretty dope i got like you can hear the clinkle
Starting point is 02:32:15 of the super metallic uh pass that they gave out to everybody that's cool that was really cool and uh yeah lap chi that still screams to me like hey i know a guy i know a guy he can get his metal passes whoo lap chi duong still running the premier canadian fighting game major yes super cool i think that's not as good as that one in pei but you know no no though they're and a green gables nationals there is a nova skosha champ shut up his name is flushes he plays he played able okay yeah i did not know that this man existed did you do much sports while you were there i played some sports because i heard you played some b-ball i i did some nba street so basically uh yeah what it is is the curse there is a curse that's now in effect it's the
Starting point is 02:33:09 curse of daigo ever since that evo where i fought him my placement in every major has been the exact same third in pools you get to pull you get to the final pool finals you lose and then the the winner and the loser of that whatever losers get out and you're stuck in third and it's like no matter what happens no matter what the circumstances it's gonna be that so did you get did you run over a gypsy and then she went third in pools bronze bronze fucking uh even like chi rithy he's like you could be in a pool of killers and you will come out third in the pool you will not get out uh i was an idiot when i got there because i somehow thought i signed up in advance that i didn't so that's a big fucking mistake yeah yeah that's unlike you even yeah i know i was
Starting point is 02:34:03 really dumb i just i somehow thought i because it was an email about my registration so you signed up there and i signed up there and that means you only get to sign up for the death pool yeah so i signed up for the death pool oh no oh embarrassing well that explains everything in the death pool was christ g uh whereas christ jesus as you know it was a b-ball who is the best canadian marvel player he's fucking sick at that and also apparently play street fighter five no one knew but there it is um you know and there was a couple rumors about like marn being in the pool but i don't but he didn't end up not showing up and stuff like that but anyway it was a death pool yeah played it saw my first set on stream uh b rocked me you know and nothing else to say there like
Starting point is 02:34:48 i completely choked in the neutral and got peed on for in one round mm-hmm it got real uh after that set we went i went back to pools went through the rest of the dudes no problem got back to b but yeah in losers you went against b again had to fight him again double jeopardy but it happens right uh got him to final game final round final set so did a lot better the second time but totally didn't get a scorecard still says the same numbers and you know at the oh two oh and b and christy got out you know if you keep going attorneys to compete and keep uh oh i forgot to register guess i'm in the death pool and i couldn't make it out of the pool that'll become very suspicious yeah almost as if you're using the death pool to mask your real placement that's funny
Starting point is 02:35:39 i actually that's pretty funny because i didn't even think about whoops i forgot i guess i'm in the game that i couldn't win even if i was one of the best the thing is when i signed up for it though i was pretty excited because i was like i want a shot at strong players yeah you know well because if you win then you won't in tournament and you well holy honestly it seems like you're at a skill level at which point strong players are the ones that are going to stop you that that's always so so you're gonna get one you should kill the probably two i will you know that they can't beat you i i you should bring a gun to that yeah that's how you do it that's how you do it oh wait no they banned thuggery they banned thuggery thuggery did happen knuckle dew was thugging out all night
Starting point is 02:36:21 kid on motherfuckers stop thuggery and some some side some side betting thuggery did stop the tight stop thuggery when thuggery is within assault i saw seth killian doing a money match this weekend i was like even he's doing thuggery i was i was surprised to see certain faces showing up not on camera in the thuggery zone but hanging out oh really yeah okay you know uh it was it was rather interesting but i i actually want to uh not talk about street fighter five as much because tech n seven guys is really fun it looks really fun um akuma is fucking a problem there's no getting around that akuma is i hear he's like top top he punko is embarrassing everyone with akuma because with akuma because they're making a bunch of free tournaments basically yeah
Starting point is 02:37:12 push the game push the game out and there's a prize pot you know out there that's pretty solid and punko's just like i'm just gonna show you everybody all the time forever and there's nothing you can do about it i honestly think namco's like they're like low-key marketing for tech and seven which is like free tournaments at all these big tournaments is so good yeah like huge nothing to lose you don't want to risk not having your game appear at tournaments so just fucking force it in yourself people want to play it it's a new game everything to gain nothing to lose i'll play tech and seven for free yeah uh so and you i got in there and tried out some of the new characters in the tournament are just casuals casuals i didn't i i didn't enter the tourney but it's free
Starting point is 02:37:50 no yeah i couldn't i the only thing you can sign up for was five death pools when you show up at the door yeah there's free fitty yeah uh and uh the fucking like the the the new characters feel good they're cool okay the game like a lot some of the top players are basically saying like it's the best since five you know i know that i enjoyed tag two and like uh that makes me a scrub at tech end because like a lot of pros didn't like it or whatever sure but hey a lot of pro players like to cross tech and sure sure well they're wrong yeah nerd josh was in the house he did pretty good actually uh but uh so we're doing the tech and thing where it goes three five seven it might be so tech and a it'll be bad but tech and nine will be dope fantastic hopefully they just skip to nine
Starting point is 02:38:32 yeah the two things in particular not akuma is not the big story honestly there's two things going on uh rage arts and rage drive right are fucking interesting because rage mode has been a thing in tech at all for a while it's been it's been a dumb mode for a while well it's like it's your combat mechanic it makes you stronger right but what you end up doing with these is it's still rage mode but you cash it in for a super you get a suit yeah that'll do less more time that'll do more damage depending on how low your life is but sometimes it's better to just keep your rage mode and play it out with that extra damage yeah right or you spend it on a rage drive which is an ex move that's usually safe and in many cases like armored and fucking so it lets you throw something
Starting point is 02:39:22 out if you exactly and it's not a super it's an ex but you could push you can get a bit more forward yes so in steve fox's case it's a fucking demcy roll cool because he already had a normal one but this is like an armored demcy roll which suddenly makes it all so safe it is safe and it's like finally because he already had a demcy roll but it's terrible and finally it's good and actually applicable you know um side stepping hodoukens uh jumping and trying to get around rage you see the crazy story shit that harada was saying he said that in tecan seven storyline hey hachi and kazia are gonna fight again and a and a conclusive winner will finally be decided oh wow you saw the the thing at microsoft's press conference for tecan's uh story mode right don't remember it was
Starting point is 02:40:10 it was at e3 actually and like it went seamlessly from like cool cutscene no we saw that we watched time events right in the fight like seamlessly so nice so i can't wait for the story yeah that rivalry is finally gonna have a definitive victor yeah and it's going to be heihachi um i i hope it is no it's going to be a kuma there's going to be no definite definitive choice in the end heihachi is more of a poster boy than i can love heihachi so much it's so great uh three bad things one it's an early build so i understand three bad things three bad things one um it's an early build so i understand that this might not be in the final game however uh it has an amazing feature where you pick what side you want to be on yeah and the camera just flips to the side that puts you there yeah
Starting point is 02:40:53 so it's really nice i want to be player one side no problem yeah and that's how we played the entire time it was fucking great that was really cool you um i was gonna say the game's out in japan in the arcades yeah so this is a bad and there's a but there's a patch the problem is that there's moments where there's a slight desync and the game literally freezes while one screen catches up to the other for that's not great about a half a second that's too long and it's bad it's bad um but i think it might just be this build i don't think it's gonna i don't believe because that that seems like a a deal breaker for that feature that's not good not good when that happens yeah uh also it's a design decision but for some reason throwing left or throwing right you can
Starting point is 02:41:38 break either one with either button now so throws become like almost much easier to break and they're so easy to break that it they're you don't land them unless it's a command throw you just mash a button and you break a throw right really so the guy has to be sleeping to land it i don't i don't know but anyway uh i'm not i wasn't too fond of that but at least steve has a command throw so that's fine um and the third thing is not the game's fault at all but it was just more i guess part of what was going on i'm friends with the community in montreal they're cool guys and i know uh new russell and some of the guys that run the toronto community as well but there was a i guess like a corner where like i was trying to get some casuals on and it's like hey mind if i get next
Starting point is 02:42:18 wait and then like wait a game again hey guys can i get next and like dude like turns his head over the shoulder doesn't say anything turns back and it's like oh you're one of those people yeah really okay that's nothing to do with the game nothing to do with the game at all but i was just like shitty it was just a shitty part of that experience and it's just like yeah okay way to grow your community bro like good job tech and fans confirmed garbage you're gonna be one of you're gonna be one of those guys you know and like to end to his credit the other guy that was there was like who he's actually a really cool dude that um he runs whole back to block and did a little interview with him about the game and he was kind of introducing me to stuff on it as well he's like
Starting point is 02:42:54 hey i'll get up after this little problem i was like no because i don't want to play against the asshole no exactly yeah fuck you but maybe you should and you could have been better than him did you say that loud enough so he heard no i i i walked away i walked away and i went to the next station and then like some guy came over and i was like he should have brought a gun should oh it's pretty good yeah like in this game so far minus random assholes like this guy over here with his american hat did you say that loud yes good yeah like this guy with his american hat not getting up so that people can run sets on this game or learn it yeah because it's a namco demo station because he's got because he's got to learn it now it's not your personal setup
Starting point is 02:43:30 fucker yeah anyway you should kill them yeah with a gun so dark side fill is a canada cup alternatively you should have stood behind them and taken your dick out and just put it on a shoulder and not so start rubbing your crotch no no no nothing nothing just leave it just nothing leave it there to linger i should have brought a gun to the ring that's right yeah yeah by the way all of that was your fault kill shot like hits him and he doesn't get to shoot the gun yeah so so all right one day one day we can finally get to the news one day we'll have a gunfight match the first one to the gun wins yeah the gun hanging yeah it's a ladder match okay yeah there's also a contract for the life of a child yeah because you have to get the gun
Starting point is 02:44:17 and give it to the child and the child has to shoot your opponent yeah yes and you have to help him aim and the child teach him yeah teach him the child the gun and the child's ownership papers are all hanging above the ring they have to teach him to clean the gun in the ring okay new idea it's a child holding a gun hanging from the ceiling yeah and the child has to shoot the guy but the child is blindfolded yeah so you climb the ladder to unblindfold him so and then tell him to shoot the other guy it's a it's a blindfold ladder but if you think they're not his daddy might shoot you so where where are the custody papers the custody papers are in the child's back pocket no in his backpack in his backpack he's hanging from a backpack no the child is in a
Starting point is 02:45:01 pinata okay with the gun with the gun and you have to break it open yes custody papers fall out break it open and then you show the custody papers to the child and then he's uses the gun to shoot your opponent but still if you can convince him that that guy's not his dad he might shoot him there's money like there's a mind game during this match yeah of course you can run in with the money in the money in the bank could apply at a fucking wedding you can walk in with the money in the bank I can marry her yeah okay like that's awesome marriage in the bank it works anywhere okay good man got this marriage in the bank son oh no he waited until she's at their weakest she can't fight this marriage when she's looking around for last minute options
Starting point is 02:45:45 two two people fighting to break up a pinata at the top of the ladder with the child on it but they're all like whoa yeah I'm about to fall off there's a match at some point lucha underground where they start beating each other with pinatas it's called a pinata match no it's not a pinata match and like some of them contain some of the pinatas contain weapons and other pinatas contain candy choose which you want so like the one of the guys breaks a pinata and gets nunchucks and then the other guy breaks it and he's like i'm gonna get nunchucks too and it's just a bunch of fucking worthless candy and then he gets his fucking ass wrong that's awesome that's fucking great um let us then get into the news pick three good stories well luckily all the
Starting point is 02:46:40 stories this week are terrible i feel like it could be uh we can go through we can just be fast about it sure um but i was actually calling your name out so that yeah i heard i heard matt i was like who no i said matt because i wanted you to give me your news the world noise oh well everyone can do it we were making sounds but you weren't it's not my exclusive noise or nothing no but we were waiting for you no oh you're you guys are good oh that's a good one all right let's start with the that hello games is going through even darker times yeah it's getting a little weird out there mysterious times this isn't even just some like uh companies are great thing but it's like this isn't news as far as i'm concerned really seems like a disgruntled employee at hello games went on
Starting point is 02:47:26 their twitter and posted uh no man sky was gonna say yeah but then when it when the when that person started impersonating shon murray on email as well and replying to kotaku and yeah it's fucked up call of god i'm like that's news that's a guy to be fired because what the fuck is happening here well possibly it already been fired or i don't know and then not to mention that like the subreddit you've got trash working like that at your place like well the product shows that yeah so like the subreddit ended up like becoming a mr robot subreddit as a result of like well the subreddit got shut down like a while a while before yeah because at this point it was just like oh well they're they're they're marathoning mr robot let's all turn this into a mr robot subreddit
Starting point is 02:48:06 like i guess yeah uh the biggest piece of news mr robot does disappoint is that they're clearly at least one probably more people inside that studio that are very frustrated with the way the game came out it seems so or at the very least frustrated with the silence yeah which we there's still no explanation i don't think they're ever gonna talk about it at this point if they haven't talked about it yet so the weird thing about the silence was the silence yeah that's what sucked and that but that what broke the silence was this person's hand forcing them to you know aggressive public shit posting uh someone basically internally uh put a post out on twitter that said uh no man sky was a mistake and uh everyone was like what the fuck seriously right rightfully so yeah uh and then
Starting point is 02:48:55 when asking for further details and comment uh kotaku and polygon both got personal replies in their emails saying um no man sky was a mistake and a big long explanation as to what's what what's like why basically like it sucks that we worked this hard and uh we didn't deliver the product everyone wanted and we feel bad about it and so on but then shon murray comes out on twitter and he's like that wasn't that wasn't me that wasn't me at all that wasn't real um and someone uh through like through linkedin i think was it like that works something like that at the page was able to do yeah basically uh i think shon murray's uh tweet about it was like the biggest mistake here was not using two factor authentication which is hey use face dance yeah use two factor authentication
Starting point is 02:49:42 on every service that you can handle it's a good idea um really awkward because i guess the plan was to remain silent until some like updates were announced or whatever thing is happening yeah but now we kind of just get thrusted and back into the limelight and yeah it's just a weird weird thing it's just shitty for the team like you know i like i get it you're frustrated but like like think of all the other guys you work with who who aren't or who are just working on it and just whom you probably threw under the bus and it yeah it's fucking shit like this could happen at any company every time a game finishes people leave because they don't agree with we've done this a bunch right and it's like to each other it's like like oh that play through sucks or
Starting point is 02:50:27 whatever no never okay good i had never done that i've spoken rule i'm like what yeah you're trying to bait something out there i want somebody to tell me that my play through sucks so i can get it all indignant and shit but i know they suck so that's okay well i mean yeah did you enjoy um no okay all right well anyway omicron's on hiatus oh i was going to talk about mercenary kings oh that game sucks unfortunately that's the that game depresses me we're not allowed to talk about omicron for a while for reasons we can't go into and won't so the silence will continue on our twitter's on our twitter's we will not say a thing that's the one thing about it where it's like you know what though like this kind of forced them to be like yeah we're alive and like yeah
Starting point is 02:51:18 in some way i'm like if that's what it takes maybe like you know maybe this was a good move it wasn't a good move no like fucking shitty say something guys i think i wish they would i personally think it's hilarious i think i saw go up i woke up in the morning and that was the only thing that was up and i was like what's like what's going on well i assumed it was something like this i was like yeah there's no way where's this story gonna go you're not feel fishing this right uh yeah well i feel like the per whoever that employee was they probably wouldn't have like gotten to that breaking point if they weren't so silent yeah you know like there's a fucking possibility like a gag going order going on yeah kind it cracks me up when companies just start to melt like this where
Starting point is 02:52:03 people start freaking out um so uh also in addition there was furthermore confirmation that the 3ds this i was kind of like this is a weird that's a weird weird but they're like yeah i know the 3ds will continue to be a thing i don't think it would i think it'll be just like the game boy yeah just like the we well it's like our product is out and it exists we will definitely but i think there are there are many 3ds games announced that are gonna come out through 2017 like that Pikmin game like utopia i think quite frankly like the monster hunter game well the only reason why i think this this type of statement comes out is because of sun and moon hype and like sun and moon which is at astronomical levels you know like that game is still happening therefore
Starting point is 02:52:47 there's oh this holiday they still want to sell a couple million do you uh you guys remember last week liam pointed out something that i agreed with very heavily which was how come they always bring out a pokemon game right at the end right like right before the new thing comes out it's a bummer right it's a bit well how is it a bummer because like you want it to be on the new thing no by the level the whole thing one last time no anyway but you know what i mean yeah i know anyway like that's what i would do when the announcement for monster hunter double cross for the 3ds double cross yeah yeah thanks thank you fuck off guys that being said i think it indirectly confirms the switch's release date in japan as march 18 possibly because i have very little i that game's
Starting point is 02:53:34 going to get a switchport i sincerely hope that is able to launch with one yeah uh but fuck i mean oh that and that's a question i suppose is kind of like is it going to be like switch comes out and then 3ds gets another price drop of some kind i i imagine it'll get uh we'll finally get a 3ds light or something like it dropped from two whatever wait we did get a 3ds light yeah we did get one yeah a better 3ds light it dropped from 200 and something to 169 uh back in like whatever like 2011 like five or six years ago and yeah but then it went back up in price when the new when the new 3ds is came out exactly dollars again yeah yeah that was just the regular 3ds and then $200 without a charger yeah and then you kind of keep that cycle going and then
Starting point is 02:54:18 they're like here's the new yoshi 3ds excel that way you can get um and the pokemon's coming out so what they see jodoro and catch on honestly i think it's just like it's gonna go until it's done and that's it yeah until until they stop making a profit on it yeah and if the switch is a disaster then they're gonna just go well yeah that was what we said all along yeah we wanted it to be a switch isn't a disaster then they'll just be like well it's an incomplete process like like the gameboy the 3ds etc it doesn't it doesn't make sense if you're gonna like the idea of like we're gonna put our architectures together and make one one master architecture and yeah only has to make games for one platform it doesn't make sense to have to still have a second like it just doesn't
Starting point is 02:54:58 that's at the antithesis they're gonna they're gonna want to fade it out and by faded out i mean legitimately just drop it because they're gonna sunset the three you don't want this thing to say like we are canceling the 3ds as of march whatever because then people won't buy it they won't buy it no they're just gonna stop making new games for it themselves yeah yeah maybe it's it's that tricky so we did that a long time ago can we call it sundowning they're gonna send down the sundowners sundowning is actually a much no sundowning is a much sadder term that is not applicable it means euthanizing doesn't know it doesn't sundowning or sunset oh wait is it sunsetting no because sunsetting is is what you say about Alzheimer's patients that's right yeah um
Starting point is 02:55:43 because they they they get sicker as the day goes by so it kind of implies that you're euthanizing oh it's dark yeah sundowner what sundowner do he puts the shield up and then you slash okay that's cool but what does that have to do with it just sounds cooler yeah okay yeah that's the point also alternatively you could be drinking the sun red sun over paradise uh yeah it's a good sun kiss it's the weakest of the boss things it is but it's still a great song it's still really good uh what's your favorite now um really yeah okay sam's my second favorite mine's uh mistrawls yeah mistrawls for me it's really good current very good to the point uh that game's awesome and and while i heard i mean fuck while we're talking about it we might as well
Starting point is 02:56:33 get into the specifics of pokemon because i'm sure you mother fuckers only one thing there's only one thing it's only one thing there's all only just waiting for willing to set it up yep scroll past all this bullshit and get here yeah incineroar bitch what type of cat up gory pokemon is a heal pokemon i'm i'm so happy because i can't believe there were people who didn't believe the leaks yeah because yeah like you look at the art and you're like that is clearly real pokemon concept art yeah and and for months people were like no no it's you know well here you go i don't believe you here you go this fire cat is gonna become a wrestler senketsu color what's his move called heal darkest larry it yeah brennan brennan be assault of the punch be assault of the punch
Starting point is 02:57:27 i can't believe i'm living in a timeline where darkest larry is a pokemon move well fucking said man yeah i actually really like the gimmick behind the uh the grass type as well because it's grass ghost and the gimmick is because it's part of a species that no longer exists oh sure like that's why it's a ghost yeah it's neat i i mean and a lot of people are saying like y'all wrong one it's all about the bow and arrow archer cool yeah i know it's not actually the the grass type one is cool i'm not gonna but the fire type one is cooler it's not that's it's dope but and the water one is a dope but fuck the water one's a pile of shit no pop Leo is still the best one oh fuck by a fucking mile so you know that's that's all that's all you need to know and then there's
Starting point is 02:58:12 this but honestly i'm above it all and the idea of criticizing someone for their pokemon choice is the baby is shit right next to waifu wars well so whatever bro says the person with the shit waifu's and bad starters bam i have one waifu who i'm loyal to oh you slut the return you need a new waifu every six to eight months depending on the release schedule the return that's the strongest art of red and blue can we can we bring it to this the boys are they are clearly modeled after jotaro and cacoy and i mean i mean i saw that edit but i didn't think it was an edit well no because people found the official art that they're based off of from jojo where like like jotaro holding his cap and cacoy taking his sunglasses off
Starting point is 02:59:02 they fucking they fucking like i want to see him in a white hat you know because he's right because there's that the the hero team in in sun and moon look like they hang out at the speed wagon foundation yeah yeah yeah yeah like it's really obvious and the poses and the poses the poses so that's that's fucking that's fine i like the idea that they're having these grown-ups come back to fucking kick ass i'm still doing this pokemon that that because i know because there's a nice sugar roar and that and that leaves for maybe a future game or whatever uh gold and silver yeah because gold is the canonically strongest pokemon trainer right but matt uh me i don't know because he beat red what you want now you can build the stable you can get hallucha
Starting point is 02:59:54 you can get wrestler pokemon all together you can get judo matchamp the four horsemon then the nwo you can get uh uh throck or or sock and sock sock and throw they're like judo guys yeah hit money and hit money there's been key wearing wrestlers before we can do it yeah you can get a full fucking stable of champs man okay yeah you know and i don't know were you ready and then alakazam tears your whole ass up yeah mr. mime tears your ass up as well no because as a wrestler with psychic powers we've got dark attacks he'd destroy alakazam that's true yeah i i like that the starters are now like complimentary slash opposite types this has been a thing people have been talking about for like multiple generations of adding dark ghost psychic i believe is psychic the
Starting point is 03:00:41 third one uh uh water fairy oh yeah there's fair yeah fairies new sorry yeah you can tell me what to wear i mean it's not new for this yeah it's it's it's it's grass ghost fighting dark yeah and uh water how to fall before fairy people have been talking about adding dark ghost psychic as like out to your starters but fairy now for now a little better yeah i said i was just doing crotch shops to people just munching on rare candy yeah it takes a gun fucking why don't we gonna get the gun pokemon pokemon we already have the sword key chains and usa obon ice creams and dumpsters yeah yeah those garbage bins excuse me we're not dust bins how did that become an ant ah fuck it yeah well but pokemon have some kind of weird religious mythical origin right no uh they all i'm talking to
Starting point is 03:01:35 liam i'm talking to liam yeah fine no some of them are just nice told you okay yeah because i thought like rcs split into the poke oh you mean like in canon yeah oh yeah oh fuck i guess yes okay except for like except for like mutu yeah and the reason i ask is because if there's some mythical magical reason for pokemon to exist then you don't have to understand how a garbage can monster evolved i mean they've already demonstrated humanity's ability to make pokemon yeah that's weird yeah like say what you will about mutu being like a gene splice but porigon was made by humans and it's categorized as an abinol so porigon's evolutions are the worst porigon z they look so dumb yeah well everything besides the original porigon is a mistake but i kind of like how it
Starting point is 03:02:25 evolves and just gets rounded because it's like yeah that's that you get that i round the edges like what are you doing it looks so ugly worry about it anyway i think porigon's dumb porigon's cool and he attacked all those kids uh he did yeah and it was super effective uh this is this is not even really a story i'm just really his body count is through the roof i'm just happy about this what what attack is that that he another vinyl there's a shovel knight lp coming out because then you can discover what japanese children's type are um due to their type wheat i guess they're ghost now ghost kid pokemon guys i just oh there's a really cool shovel knight uh lp vinyl record coming out and there's art of it including the baz and i'm just super oh where is he there he is oh that's amazing
Starting point is 03:03:14 on the uh inside sleeve and he's actually on the record uh as well so that's super dope i'm happy about that um that's cool also other physical releases like skull girls is getting a physical release right limited run limited run is doing it the pre-order is up now this is the first time they've ever done a pre-order for anything because they felt like the demand for skull girls might be higher than other stuff yeah if you want it i mean you're going to be listening in on this uh on tuesday i don't know if the pre-orders are still going to be up but i think they should be go now they need limited run games no they don't need numbers they're going to do it no matter what but if you want to get one don't wait till tomorrow because you might not get one
Starting point is 03:03:54 is what i'm saying like it's not like oh we've got it's not like amazon where you look at it and you're like oh they have infinite of every product right okay there is going to be a finite number so if you want an english it's not somewhat limited runs no it is limited so if you want a physical copy go do it as opposed to waiting yeah and mike see was basically like hey we got room for more animations on this bitch let's throw in some extra like starting animations some new pellets and some other stuff so there's actually yeah that that was patched in yeah there's some new patched content as well that's going to be on that this and that's super dope i think if they get over 10k pre-orders or some shit they're going to add the uh japanese voice acting too something to do with uh needing
Starting point is 03:04:33 to pay them uh and they it's going to have like a full color manual and and neat stuff so those guys are good the limited run guys so check that shit out yeah you've mentioned them before yeah i like their stuff they had their their they have volume coming up uh on november fourth as well so um and i guess like because we're talking about like shovel night as well and like you know they got an amiibo turns out that apparently anti-creates tried to get an azure striker gunvolt amiibo why and got shut the fuck down today yeah it didn't work out they they said in a recent interview that uh like i well like the way they phrased it was was uh it was pretty interesting it was something along the lines of like we tried to make a request and got like what was it we got smacked first into
Starting point is 03:05:22 the wall of reality and it didn't end up coming true yeah there was an azure striker gun full amiibo you'd hold it you're like this just doesn't feel like an amiibo that i it should feel different than this it's just i don't i'm not i don't enjoy holding this and then you pick up the megaman amiibo and you're like oh this is why does it talk so much this has the heft the weight is right yeah i don't know apparently the the the the interview also brought up that the secondary character was going to be the main character and gunvolt was going to be uh the leader of the bosses with a mask leader of the bunch and when you beat him you unlock him as a playable but that didn't end up happening that's such a cool idea it's such a massive isn't it i think that's cooler yeah
Starting point is 03:06:05 quite frankly if they and like if the gameplay is actually better with this new guy then like i prefer it but yeah same it didn't happen but anyway that's that's that's what's going on with gunvolt um let's get right we talked so much about gunvolt a game that neither of you like because i don't like it either i really it's got a lot of things i do like i like a lot of things about it but it's less than the sum of its parts unfortunately you know wait what the game like i'm gonna watch that anime the sum of its parts you ever heard that expression no i haven't actually oh well it's uh it's when you look at a lot of aspects of something you're like i really like all these things then you see the full package or you play it and you're like oh i don't really
Starting point is 03:06:45 enjoy that all that much that's sad well it's like final fantasy 13 that's you look at the incredible art the incredible music like you look at you stack everything up and then you actually play it you're like yeah this isn't yeah but i can i can blame that on like one or two things personally sure but it's still the statement still applies to it master of none right yeah yeah well trades master like if you bought an incredible apartment and it had all these great features and you bought it and then you got there for the first time and you found out it was on a 45 degree angle you'd be like huh you know what yeah this is less than the sum of i don't think i could live my life like that well you bought it if you're in a 45 degree angle personally i don't think you
Starting point is 03:07:27 should have bought it then yeah why would i buy an apartment very silly to buy that you did it should have read the reviews yeah don't flush the toilet if it didn't have a game pro hype face don't get it that game pro guy was so happy yeah i want that on on like padmapper and stuff now yeah yeah how good how good is this apartment yeah if it's the game pro guy getting pro guys falling heroin wow yeah that turns out toilets toilets don't flush when the pipe points upwards yeah poop's gotta go somewhere pat oh let's check the emails yes wait what emails not the news that's news that we have new emails from uh hey that's beeping emails if you want to send an email to this podcast get it read out yeah make it a good one first that's your that's your best bet
Starting point is 03:08:18 and your second one is to send it to super best friendcast at that is super best friend cast at thank you appreciate it and your email might sound something like this actually there was one thing that's my own thing damn the did you guys read about three or five sales yeah not great not great 1.4 million ships uh posted in march 1.4 million ships posted in september capcom rounds to the nearest hundred thousand oh not sorry not to the nearest they round down to the nearest hundred thousand so if it didn't surpass 1.5 even if it's 1.4999 it's 1.4 yeah that's that's how sales ground to a halt is basically the way that's that's being pushed but it's more just like it hasn't passed 1.5 in the time yeah exactly some people were reading that as it sold zero unit
Starting point is 03:09:12 no it didn't sell it just didn't sell enough to it's not selling at the pace that previous releases were though no you know let it out yeah that shitty um season two would really help or fix that not super well but season two i imagine that when they do season two they're gonna roll out a bunch of shit like arcade mode and stuff as well it'd be a good idea like do a re do a relaunch i hope that game never gets our kid mode why so the people that were the whiniest bitches about it are never happy oh you want a worse product out of spite got it yeah okay so the emails i want this to fail uh we'll take the first one from victor and victor wants to know uh hello every nyan decide the destiny there's never a solid consensus on the question which is better jet set
Starting point is 03:09:57 jet grind or jet set radio Jesus i've never played any of them so sorry guys i mean jet set i played two of them the best one uh doesn't have the best soundtrack no i prefer yeah okay jet grind has objectively more content than jet set it's it is longer right so you between those two you have to say jet i'm not sure of the hour count there but fuck it's tough i prefer the character designs in jen jen grind radio i think future is more fun to play future i like the music's not as future has better be better it does have better gameplay the music's not as good uh the spraying is is kind of improved as well i would say more than kind of but yeah yeah i hear yeah a cube is better in part one though it's hard to really put them up against each other they both have strong
Starting point is 03:10:42 parts yeah they're both rough in a lot of ways too the back of the marvel card has the same some total points but they're in different places you know it's a pretty hard battle yeah i in the end if forced to play one or the other i'll go back to the first one i think i'd play future only because i played grind more recently oh yeah okay i play future when when the uh the the the vita version and the ps3 version came out i played it again and i was like okay yeah that's but future is an awesome title uh by the way if you've never done it by the ps3 or vita one or i think maybe even the pc port has this because there's like a half hour like documentary about jet set in there done it's a video done the only thing is you can't pause it no so don't stop it or you'll go to the bathroom
Starting point is 03:11:27 don't don't watch uh street fighter the animated movie on the anniversary collection no video controls on that shit yeah well really yeah oh oh you mean on the ps2 thing oh wait and let's put your controller down that was why i had a flight where i watched the jet set little video one and a half times so yeah man that's that's such a dumb thing no go all in yeah i know but like because like bank video that's good like i remember a lot of people would use that and stuff but it was just kind of like you would fit it on the disc but you have no controls can't pause okay here's the thing program in a way for it to work press the circle button and it spits you back out to the they could work on actual game features or that so so that's the other aspect the street
Starting point is 03:12:09 fire the anniversary collections you have fun playing third striker and or the hyper whatever street fighter two and then you go to those special features thing and i just remember pressing x and the video would start instantly like the movie would start easily so you press x and you're all the like lonely highway already yeah it just it skips the fucking credits all the logos and all the yeah like damn give me a second yeah exactly yeah yeah i haven't even got my fucking pants off fucker j son says hey decently animated compadres of the north it's said that no scene's too small we know that isn't true but the right scene can make or break uh something if you could add or take away a scene from a bad movie to make that would make it better what would it be oh
Starting point is 03:12:57 add or take a word add or take away a bad scene add or take away a scene to fix a movie to fix a movie there's definitely an example of this fuck uh the one that i think of but it's you need more than one scene oh prometheus yeah that's what i was more than one scene needs to be added back in and one needs to be taken away taken out um the everything everything about the the zombie doctor yes needs to go go get out of my movie and be replaced with the original concept yeah yeah yeah which was what exactly the original concept was um wasn't it like the the uh the alien no not the alien one of the monsters evolves into like a more complex month like a worm something that comes after them and in the art book they had a design for it and stuff and it looked way more interesting
Starting point is 03:13:48 and it and it like actually views fuses are used as part of the zombie guys dna yeah it was it just made it made a lot more sense in that art book description i can't remember the details yeah because it replaced what was the dumbest part of that movie with something that actually made sense i know another release god movie is that in kingdom of heaven well that's the big add in the child subplot and you get if you take it out you have a much more confusing shitty and that's available on the uh on the director's cut yeah it is it's still the most improved movie ever by a director's cut of all time it is the best example of because matt brought this to me in my attention and he's like dude you have to do this and then watch the director watch the director's cut and then watch
Starting point is 03:14:28 the original and see the difference and it's like it's the difference between a failed bad movie and a fantastic film that's awesome all in the editing also they took out the final fight between the bad guy wow wow really they have a fucking epic sword fight in batman versus superman uh there's no saving that movie but you should not have that stinger where superman's alive oh yeah you know what or would cut every scene except the injustice scene because at least if i paid 13 bucks to see that i'd walk out like i don't really know what i saw but i guess it was cool there's no there's no saving last stand but x-men 3 also had a final professor x is still alive and he's playing chess in ghost form yeah that was never paid off needed to go uh avatar add more earth bending scenes oh i couldn't
Starting point is 03:15:22 laugh enough when i saw that for the first time oh boy uh i'm gonna uh i don't have an example that i can think of all the top of my head so instead i will use an example in which this was done in the product and that is heavy rain removing the psychic explanation for ethans blackouts would you add back in the water bits that were no no it was a smart move to cut those yeah i was gonna say because the plot hole is better than the real story much better yeah uh i that and or making jason actually a baby again okay all or the you should have removed the entire a i subplot from indigo prophecy oh was that the step that went too far not the angels or the the the fucking tribal uh no shaman that or the or the aliens hold on hold on or the witch hold on what the
Starting point is 03:16:19 fuck happens in indigo or the pain to god all those things he just said is what happens not those those things were it going too far but the a i demon was the story going too too far yeah i guess so if you're gonna have to take out one thing that would be the word i never like all that shit is the time to stop playing but the a i monsters time to shoot your television uh if i had to try and take one out of that i wouldn't have been that it would have been the hey are my main character just met my female main character he's a zombie cool that's cool though they're gonna fuck uh i would remove for sight i would remove the entire chinese underwater ghost space i was about i was about to say all the military scenes of of beyond it adds nothing to that game nothing it totally
Starting point is 03:17:09 has nothing i guess if you're being honest um ash wants to know uh hey dare spider dare super ministry of darkness friends i'm ash margantina and i want to know what your favorite halloween special was maybe a halloween special if you're gonna say the tree horse of horror tree horse huh tree house of horror tree house of horror it's gotta be the uh groundskeeper willy with the x scene you mean like when he keeps game he keeps getting a game chopped in the air in the back bat at this yeah i was actually gonna say that i i didn't jump to tree house of horror but now that it's brought up i really fondly remember watching tree house of horror on tv well which ones i've just all a lot of them yeah those were really good do they still i assume they still
Starting point is 03:17:56 do them they still are they any good remember last year they their halloween tree house of horror was animated by or directed by gail moldell oh yeah i do actually well it wasn't just just a couch gag it was the couch gag no it was just a couch gag just a couch gag yeah okay right i think are they good because maybe i should i don't know i just assume that they must be because you can do anything yeah when a special couch couch gag comes out i see the whole thing online and i go that was cool and then i don't need to do anything else yeah but it makes me wonder about the tree house of horror episodes because you can you can do anything yeah so it should not be bound by you know i don't know whatever celebrity uh yeah tree house of horror is obviously a bit like in terms of of
Starting point is 03:18:34 halloween specials it's gotta be some cartoons or some meals you seem like i got my choice actually really overwatch i guess yeah i honestly am having a lot of trouble because i can't think of any halloween special i can think of tons of christmas ones yeah tons of christmas ones muppet christmas muppet christmas yeah isn't there like is it is it ninja turtles where it's like on halloween they get to walk around yeah it's the one day of the year they get to be normal that's a that's a fucking scene in the new movie that there's a halloween thing going out and mike is like everyone party people and i'm like right sounds like they ruined it it kind of i remember i vaguely remember something like that uh okay and we'll take one from jair they're super
Starting point is 03:19:19 spooktacular friends because it's halloween you see it is what yeah a lot in 64 more days yeah happy anniversary by the way thank you that's why i have to go a lot of stealth action you know what you know what fair okay it seems a lot of stealth action titles primarily feature an ability that trivializes the entire game yeah yeah dishonored blink metal gear solids tranq gun yeah what's your favorite trivializing ability the tranq gun well it's not it's not a watch the metal gear playthrough it's the tranq gun okay my favorite trivializing ability is not from a stealth action game i don't know if he's talking purely about that but my favorite trivialize ability is zero shift okay zero shift is given to you after the hardest fight in the game in zone
Starting point is 03:20:10 of the enders two and you get one level to play with it against regular enemies because what is a fight after and they are a fucking joke it is it is absurd and then you're you're immediately thrown up against a guy who also has zero shift and then you're pushing it to the limit yeah uh i guess i then if you're like this is a basic fucking coin of like we're gonna say the same answers every time but then vanquish final boss yeah trivializing there's like any game that they say you're gonna unlock the limiters okay well gameplay is now a joke yeah good um so i'm trying to think of ones that are present through the whole game and i can't say it's a favorite but i did really enjoy the stealth button in titanfall uh because like i said it lets you get out of those situation
Starting point is 03:20:55 i titanfall too it lets you get out of those situations and shooter campaigns where you're like yeah just chalk this life up as a death i ran too far forward where instead you can go oh shit stealth run back just run away a little bit or you can stealth and it breaks when you shoot like the moment you shoot the stealth goes away but you can do as many melee attacks as you want so if they're close together you can kill like five guys with melee and still be invisible the gun in assassin's creed too yeah yeah when that when that all upgraded and shit like you got it to the point where it was like there's your mark trail him until bam but it's like and it's so satisfying in that funny kind of way yeah like it can't get you out of every situation but if you
Starting point is 03:21:37 approach things in the right situation or always you'll always look there's there's your bear in mind like keeping them in line in like a long line of sight you could always there's rodrigo de borja he's hanging out down oh waiting for a boss fight come blowy this might be hard but which assassin's creed was it where i think it might have been brotherhood where the combat was like it got to the point where you just would never it's brother brother brotherhood brother where the combat was just instant kill everything no one really had a chance yeah yeah and i mean like i think i feel like the star egg for like mario rpg is one as well right star egg the star egg it's the we didn't get it oh and mario rpg sorry i was wondering why i was like what mario item is
Starting point is 03:22:20 like you when you fight that ff boss you bought uh qlex qlex and you get the star egg and oh no no no that's not why you how you get it anyway but it's an item that you use that attacks everything on the screen okay because we got like the lazy shell and shit lazy shells yeah that's one is lazy that game um i'm i'm a big fan of it's it's i'm gonna use skyrim as the example but many games that you do this of anything that you find where the stats that the bonuses you have are multiplicative and you can you instead of stative and you can stack them on top of one another in bizarre ways so in skyrim what you can do is you you meld up your your enchanted armor to make you really good at making potions then you make the strongest potion possible to make your smithing
Starting point is 03:23:07 and enchanting stronger okay and then you you're able to get something like 600 upgrades to all your fucking shit and it's completely ridiculous in god eater there's a similar thing because you can customize your bullets in god eater which is a system a lot of players don't even touch because you don't really need to but you can change the way they curve you can change their elemental attributes do they explode do they home in do they this do they that and you can do some crazy shit and you can make bullet builds that are like anti-specific enemy builds and it more or less trivializes those oh i have two more i have two more sure uh they're both from dragon's dogma one is the uh augments called autonomy which had to get nerfed super hard in dark arisen in the
Starting point is 03:23:54 original game autonomy meant that if you threw away your pawns and went solo you would get a 100% damage boost which would be that's a lot fucking nuts and they toned it way that sounds like it's 50 too high at least uh and the other one is there's a dagger skill in that game called masterful kill which is bugged and it was never fixed in either version in which there's a couple parry skills in which if you parry correctly like your character does a cool auto auto return attack yeah but masterful kill you do the animation and as long as you don't move the next hit no matter how long it is later you'll counter it okay and you can do it to everything okay yeah so you get it and you just hit it and you just stand there and wait until
Starting point is 03:24:40 they and you wait until a hydra or an ogre attacks you and you just you return and hit them yeah and it's fucking ridiculous i love it again i'm sorry i had to really quickly yeah gleam in double dragging neon gleam wouldn't say it trivializes the game but if you just gleam the entire time you'll like especially on the heart of difficulties like you just that's a 2.7 damage boost on everything so that like like you can just have a gleam only run where you just do that and also melee kills in deus ex like like takedowns takedowns takedowns in general in stealth it did a lot of things yeah but like deus ex is because you had that pip that it would always never re not regenerate the last battery chunk yeah last battery chunk it always made it that's
Starting point is 03:25:27 the thing in like stealth games yeah like the newer splinter cells too had the like just the takedown button yeah a thief had that too the the takedown button it's busted the takedown something that's something that's come up to me like a couple times and like because i haven't gone through it i don't know the details but the calculator class in ff tactics uh apparently was like a class calculator was basically like abusable because of the way you could know although the way it works with numbers the way calculator works is that instead of skills you get to use all those skills that you've learned up until with all of its sub glasses so black mage white mage whatever and the skills that you obtain with the calculator are just
Starting point is 03:26:05 modifiers so you get multiple of five multiple of four multiple of three multiple of two blah blah then you get height then you get uh depth and you get every variable possible yeah and if you're able to if you're willing to sit there for long enough you can hit anything anywhere with anything in any amount okay and and summons apply to that too yeah it's like you can yeah i've been summons clearly it's fucked busted but it's not as fucked busted as tg sid or lando or lando and you also have to work to get it yeah you have to work your ass off to do it whereas or lando is like the most overpowered funnel fancy character ever he's a knight character who's stronger than all the other night characters for some reason can use every night type ability and he can use them more easily
Starting point is 03:26:52 and he moves farther and he's the best he's the best is it hard to get him no he's story related you just get him okay okay just get him yeah uh so good and later there are some of the easier fire emblems there's characters who trivialize it because their growths are just so good like big growth in yeah in sacred stones big growth take this character named ross and he starts off really really weak and you just put the effort in the level of like 10 levels out of a total of 50 levels and he becomes like unstoppably good very quickly do you're i'm sorry i wanted to move on but do you remember in um that fucking rpg uh end of eternity what's the what's the proper name of it residence of thank you yeah thank you call it that thank you and end of eternity
Starting point is 03:27:42 there was a set of oozies that you give to the short kid that were like shield melters or every enemy that you target with them just didn't have a shield and it was like no red damage all blue but but their shields gone nothing and it's just like that's worth a lot yeah and it's like oh this fight is now a like a tutorial you know type of thing but uh and i don't remember the deal the specific what it was called but yeah there's something like that has anyone ever beaten that game nope i don't think anyone on earth has no finished i i don't think there's a last boss or credit i'm not sure if there's yeah they got programmed all the way everyone gets to that statue part and then they're just done well he got further than i got further than that but i i i played
Starting point is 03:28:26 a while into it played a while but with no motivation it went crazy you just go layers and layers deeper and deeper and deeper and the hexes get bigger and bigger big hexes and you're just like there's a big hex there's no there's no fun on this hex that's a big hex and then one day you're just like you go to prayer you power on the system and then you're like no turn that back off and then that's the end of end of then that's the end of eternity yeah uh what's coming up uh what's coming up on the channel yeah shitstorms ending it is it is it has ended all of you can like start you're crying because i see everyone like oh it's gone it's over like it's the just for last guy it's over uh so yeah there's two new lp starting tomorrow tomorrow unless you're listening to the
Starting point is 03:29:09 audio version at which point it's today unless you're listening to it late at which point it already started do we want to say what they are absolutely uh they are silent hill three that's the break glass in case of no survival horror no don't worry there's there's five more of those glass cases yeah that's a guess that i didn't know what's the other one there's the other one is the dark souls three ashes of orondale dlc or orondale ariander ariander i don't know which i think it's ariander yeah whatever it's the snow one our duel there you go it's very cold it's fucking cold they're gonna start um and and that's gonna be a pretty short lp is it probably so then that's going to temporary replace slash end omicron omicron is now explicitly on hiatus until we solve the
Starting point is 03:30:00 problem as until woolly and i have that day where we sit down and go we're gonna fucking do this i honestly don't think it's going to remain on hiatus because to be perfectly honest multiple people have already said solutions have been offered i don't want to load another save unfortunately i didn't see these saves you didn't really see them either you just heard about i actually don't even know what you're talking you're not getting out of omicron you got to finish it see this is the part where i wish like you could reach my mute button and just be like actually i heard that there was some kind of stage going on that's really disorienting oh here we go um yeah so there's that as the final we will eventually fix this problem maybe or another yeah um i imagine
Starting point is 03:30:44 it would probably come back after the dark souls DLC there's some fun video work going out on twitter these days though with like the draw distance of omicron being replaced with the david cage head that's good i hear minecraft lp is coming back apparently so lp apparently might be coming back wow it's really crazy that you offered to do that when they're coming back pat might be coming back eventually i want it you saw the credits you didn't we then i want then let's do it well we only and i have have taken two different tax to this to this minecraft thing he says we did it we saw the credits we beat episode one and i just say oh we'll eventually do it don't worry about that i think you should do it and just say that over and over one or the other
Starting point is 03:31:24 yeah yeah say it over and over you'll get there eventually uh i think that's it yeah well i was gonna say like i did that game cheated by getting more episodes to myself we completed an lp as well that yeah we'll go up like a short seven episode type thing yeah yeah whatever it finishes up next well that's yeah but i'll be like let's just say like we met matt and i played through shadow lords and it was a good time so stay tuned for xcom in killer instincts that's only that's how i can describe it yeah what are you guys looking forward to in the coming week oh i want to play through that titanfall campaign and uh owl boy comes out today for podcast listeners i i believe uh our friend adrian guess how long adrian the creator of owl boy has been a fan of us for like six years
Starting point is 03:32:14 video no dated by a video video era don't say kirby's epic yard no not that okay well then i give up street fighters stupidity wow so he very kindly gave us four codes to owl boy so you get yeah god damn that's all owl boy is in that group of games with like the last guardian and final fantasy versus 13 where i knew about it in high school yeah oh wow okay yeah one of those one of them it was it was at one point supposed to be a xbox live arcade game okay i'm 360 which is yep not a thing no longer alive we all await the launch party where its files are deleted live in front of everybody yes to resounding applause of course uh i'm also excited to play that titanfall 2 uh single player i'm excited to play more sieve
Starting point is 03:33:08 which is still great uh bunny says it's terrible bunny can shove my ass how about that um yeah whatever shove it i didn't even try that's one of the adjectives that the ass man did describe um patch 3.45 comes out uh tonight but i'm probably not going to talk about it because all it's doing is adding more floors to palace of the dead which is a randomly generated auto dungeon uh i'm looking forward to that but i mean you know it's not not all that interesting titanfall campaign i yeah i said that i said that i just need to i said make sure Liam that and i need to know that i'm being heard i don't feel it was being hammered home what about you walls what are you looking forward to titanfall 2 okay that's a good one
Starting point is 03:33:50 that's a good one too and uh as as usual when i go to attorney like i get bitten with the you should really play more street fighter bug yeah um so i'm i'm so you're gonna play more titanfall i'm gonna play more titanfall but no no i like for the first time in a while like i'm i know exactly what my wall is yeah and i and i know so here's the question it's nekali isn't it he's not i know fucking did you gotta switch to just switch to chanli hi tiny just pick a top tier just pick a top tier like why are you why are you making hard on yourself you're making very hard change to marvel play a different game like here's the thing though it's the part where you this is where you groan because i'm now i'm at the point where the people i lose
Starting point is 03:34:35 to i lose to them because of frame data oh and it's like but it's but it's real it's real i not and i know what they're looking for in a kali fight and when woolly does it yeah he opens himself up without knowing yeah no i mean i i i know my i know my data and i know my punishes but like i need to start getting specifics because yeah i don't do enough counter hit setups yeah i like lian's plan of you switching games where someone draws art of you where it's like woolly street fighter five fan has now switched to best of best well you know what it's gonna be now right it's gonna be you're gonna be trying to get good at street fighter five or carnalson because you know you got bit by the bug and you're gonna get blown up meanwhile i'm gonna like woolly you really
Starting point is 03:35:14 need to start playing some serious titanfall because you're bottom of the scoreboard every game what the hell when you waste your time on street fighter five when you could be good be getting good at a real game over here at a real fighting game yeah and then i go to play but then that guy in the american had is is blocking me he's sitting in your room and i'm like can i get next and he just looks at me over the shoulder because i know for some reason or or he's sleeping in your bed and you're like can i get next like that's my girl what are you doing it just looks up and looks just wearing the american hat and then you don't do anything and just complain about him to other people i'm i'm gonna tell people about this on twitter your roommate just speak loudly about the
Starting point is 03:35:53 guy in the american way to grow your scene bro good job i give my life new you what a thrill with darkness and silence through the night what a thrill i'm searching and i'm melting to you
Starting point is 03:37:12 you i give my life i give my life you i give my life not for honor but for you in my time there'll be no one else
Starting point is 03:38:15 crime it's the way i fly to you i'm still in a dream snake eater you you you i give my life not for honor but for you in my time there'll be no one else
Starting point is 03:39:58 you it's the way i fly to you i'm still in a dream snake eater you i'm still in a dream snake eater you snake you
Starting point is 03:42:00 you you we're still live we are hey hey folks that's that that we did it we did a podcast at at the end of every live thing we go are we live yet because as soon as he turns that off stop talking and start talking about vulgarities come out to talk about gonna talk about those people
Starting point is 03:42:49 that timing was so good sense of black facebook alliance yes yeah fuck that should have been a podcast title we can we can say live into a hot mic right now just so i can make it the title no fine but don't forget it for next week on the mic for a second yeah and say it yeah all right fuck it sense of blackface alliance i want to see the chat can you see now now you have to put that at the end of the podcast after the music comes in right sense of blackface lines is like the ultimate form like i don't
Starting point is 03:43:35 want it i don't want to talk about it only you have to hide that line after the music because people are going to listen to it and go they never said it they never said it

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