Castle Super Beast - SBFC 170: Swordcore Blipsters

Episode Date: November 8, 2016

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, I was done with my race system so that's fine. Welcome. Hey podcast whatever. Hey, welcome. This is shitty podcast. It's not that shitty because Willie told us that our viewers are doing really well and we've gone a lot more. Thanks. Thanks new people. Super cool. Thank you, everybody. Actually crazy. So I thought I'd take the opportunity since there's so many people listening to clear the air about something that people have been asking about. I've known you guys for a long time. Well, Liam the least, obviously. Still a couple years. Yeah. When I talked to Liam though, he's really passionate about like game development and stuff and he loves anime and Pat's passionate about continuing just to live and forever find a way to,
Starting point is 00:01:08 to just continue and that's, you know, pure. But whenever I've talked to Willie, I don't, your dream is not clear to me. But why? Everyone else's dream, I can see Willie. I know, I know it's troublesome. But what? What's unclear about it? You need to work hard. Is this a bit? What the fuck is this? No, this is real. Oh God, it's ruined when I know in advance what the deal is. Oh my God. You ate my expensive Wagyu beef from the fridge that my client gave to me for working hard. Oh my God. Wow. Uh, that you ate that beef. You fucking ramen rascal. You shit. We're gonna find teriyaki bastard. We need to find out more. I'll go into more. You want me to go into more
Starting point is 00:02:25 right now? We have something else to talk about. I mean, nothing, nothing, nothing as pressing as as as the lack of the clarity of your dream as the lives of the Japanese Jersey Shore. That that is the most important and highest priority topic right now. You say that. So I played, I played some timefall to a single player campaign, but fuck that lame shit. Yeah, I then stopped playing it to watch Terras house, girls and boys in the city. So, so do we know, does anyone, can anyone fill us in on like the history of Japanese reality TV? The history of the, I don't know, whether or not it's actually a thing. I don't know about the history. It's probably a thing. And even if it's not like the ideologies of reality TV, which is
Starting point is 00:03:19 like seeing people's live reactions to stuff. Yeah, that's a reality. That's been around for a while. That's been like around in Japan. Yeah, of course, right? Your celebrities in their little picture and picture cameras that show up like people value that no matter what the topic is, no matter what, like a horrible fucking could be the earthquake. I don't know about that. Let's go to someone's facial reaction of them going like Matsumoto Hamada, what do you think of this? But for this, it's more like there's like six Japanese scream lords that watch the exact same thing you just saw. So, you know, it's like American reality TV, they'll like, they'll be a host, and then they'll be like, you know, something else, and they'll know more about what's going on.
Starting point is 00:03:59 These Japanese scream lords only see what you saw on TV, so they don't have any more insight into whatever. So when stuff is revealed to you in the show, it turns back to them just going, Hey, so go like Hawaii, all of the things I would like to frame this with just a recap of if you remember when I when I came back from Japan, I talked about how we saw Japanese cops, right? Yeah, and how the Japanese cops show your hour where it was the first half hour, it was a truck hit a guardrail, and we have to send out all the investigators and block everyone off and like get the camera up on the truck's guardrail to find out how he hit it. What happened here? What caused this mistake? Did he fall asleep? Do we know what the reasons were? What caused
Starting point is 00:04:50 this violation of the mind? We have to find out, get to the bottom of this little indent right here. And then the second half of the show was a white foreigner got kind of drunk, and we toppled around a little bit. Yeah, she kind of like fell around a little bit. And then we replayed it like five times before going like, oh, oh, oh, oh, all those foreigners. And then we sat her down and gave her some water. And then her friends were there to make sure she made it home safely. Everything was fixed. Nobody was arrested. Hey, cops. No, no, wait, were her cheeks really red and her tie was all loose. No, her tie was around. That's Japanese. Her tie was around the head. She was about to stampeding it. Yeah, yeah. So the absolute nothing of the drama of Japan.
Starting point is 00:05:34 Exactly. What is it? It was in full force that day. In Britain, they have huge fights and bloody escapades over incredibly small amounts of money. Incredible. Yeah. And in Japan, they make huge dramas and scandals over the most innocuous bullshit ever. So we switched genres to reality TV and we get to Rass House. So what this is on Netflix? There's like one, there's 48 episodes. I watched all 48 in about five days. Nice. That's a deep dive with my wife because she loves Jersey Shore and she loves reality, like old reality TV, like the real world on Shenzhen. She's watching this. She goes, this is so, why is it like this? Like nothing's happening. Okay. Liam and Willie might already know, Pat. He told us a bit.
Starting point is 00:06:21 In American reality TV, like Big Brother or whatever, people are eating out each other's assholes on the second day. Yeah, in general. They just gobbled me. No, I'm familiar. How many weeks in Rass House do you think it takes for one kiss? It's 48 episodes you watched. But how many weeks in the actual timeframe that they lived in the house? The timeframe and how, what's the, what's the upper limit of house living? How long do they live in the house? As long as they want. As long as they want. They can leave whenever they want. It's six couples, three, six, sorry, single people, all in their 20s, three girls, three boys. I'm going to go with 18 weeks. Three boys, three girls. So it's like a mixer.
Starting point is 00:07:05 It's always, it's always three boys, three girls. I'm going to go with 18 weeks. It's an infinite mixer. That's four months and two weeks. This is slightly unfair because you kind of know when I've talked to people that don't know anything about Japan. They're like two weeks and I'm like, no. And they're like three weeks and I'm like, no, 13 weeks. I overshot it. So you overshot it. But I was in the realm. The kiss was immediately apologized for being bad and maybe untoward. So it's unclear if it counts in the first place. Well, it's 13 weeks to a first kiss, but there's still no actual eye contact, I believe. Okay. One guy, they're just on a date with a girl and they go fishing. They find a fish and he goes like this and she's like... For i5?
Starting point is 00:07:59 Your gesture is basically like shy and hiding your face and trying to maybe go for... The commentators... It looks like a shy tee hee. Yeah, like a boo. There's three women scream lords when they cut to them when their reactions and they're all watching and they're like, oh yeah, I want to see what happens next. I hope they all work hard. And then whenever the girls say anything, even approaching lewdness, they cover their face and freak out. That country's fucking doomed. And that's like I cut my toenails this morning or something like that. But this is also like them choosing to put like the most interesting characters on TV. Kind of. These are not real people. These are like reality TV people. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:08:49 These are real people. No, the scream lords, they're all crazy comedians and whatever. But the people in the house, they're as plain Jane as comedians. But what I mean is that like even on a show about plain Jane people in every country, no matter where it is, who they pick, they pick people that are going to at least be kind of interesting in some way from the herd. You know what I mean? The first group of people, there's a tap dancer. There's a aspiring baseball guy. There's a model. There's a woman that works in a like a soccer management thing. So they have different jobs. And then there's like a model that. So the main thing about the entire show is we don't see you working hard. You kind of lounge around. So we're not saying you're a
Starting point is 00:09:41 horrible person, but you're a horrible person because you don't work hard. What do you win? What do you win? Nothing. There's no rules. It's reality. It's just living together. Yeah, that's all it is. And everyone is just amazed. And it's a large house. So everyone freaks out. They're like, eh, so spacious. It's true. Getting to live in a big place like that is actually. They have a pool. They have a pool too. And most of them are scared of it. They don't know what it is quite. Okay. They're like, huh. Also remember, woolly, in terms of like, so salty. What do you win? Remember, this is a country that a TV network kidnapped a man and locked him naked in an apartment and forced him to win food through the mail. That's great. Okay. All he won was his freedom.
Starting point is 00:10:29 No, no. Well, this is what you win. Everyone says, what do you. How do you get away with that one? What do you hope to gain from being in Taras house? That they ask each other like, what experiences do you hope to gain? What is your dream? That's the win. Why would you? Well, hmm. Do you want to be famous? I guess maybe. No one really said that. Because like, you know, there's people that are amazing violinists and musicians on Nico Nico that hide their faces because you shouldn't stand out too much. There's no one that was like, had a profession. There was a girl that was an aspiring idol. It was unclear about how far she was going to get. But like, no one had a job where it was like, yeah, I'm this world famous.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Nobody was rock solid in their position. No, everyone was either aspiring or in training or whatever. I think the only commonality was they're relatively young and attractive. Were there any needs in this show? Any what? Needs, not an education, employment or training. Yeah. Like Hikikomori is who stay shut in. Don't really shut in. No, no, no, no. Because I would love to see that show up towards people. Oh, God, the the like, we brought a bunch of needs into one house. Yeah, it's actually opposite. And they and they have to and there's only like two bedrooms. They have enough beds, but they have to coexist. It's actually the opposite where everyone always wants to go out. Let's go out. Let's go somewhere. Where do you want to go? I don't know. You look
Starting point is 00:11:56 like you look so upset at bare minimum. Someone would die. That's good. You know, much less like even if you could convince these people that like, I just I just want a Japanese version of all of the onion network sex house, the poor, the poor folks that are no pants house. There's like, you're what am I trying to say? Like, you're going through some very rough things. Yeah. And a camera in your face 24 seven as you go through those rough things. Well, it's not like they pulled them out of their homes and I'm trying to I'm trying to get the content that's what I want. Are we pulling because I watched an hour long thing from like a couple of years ago, like just this week about a cooking mori on BBC. Yeah. And I was like, there was one guy that actually agreed to be on TV and
Starting point is 00:12:44 like you could see the hives almost breaking out every moment he was on camera. It was anxiety. Yeah. It was actual pain he was feeling, you know, so I'm like a reality TV show based on that is just like there's good. What if you just don't tell them? Well, that would have you seen the tester? Yeah, that's yeah. No, no. But the the only thing is like, if you're even remotely interested in like Japanese culture, like just want to see how other cultures work and like, you know, don't mind reality TV. It's like the most amazing thing because it's like such a different dynamic where someone walks in, they're like, what's this vibe? And then there's five people on the main dining room table, because they're all waiting for them to talk about to talk about how what he
Starting point is 00:13:34 said last night to Minori, he was inconsiderate of her feelings. So they're all like looking down, they're all they see, they're all wearing like kind of their PJs. We all kind of look shlubby. And he's like, eh? Nani? And then they're like, please have a seat. Did he say like, like, what is this vibe? Someone said, what is this menacing feeling? It's it's it's so amazing. And the only thing to say is that you do attach to certain characters, like you're just like, oh, it's not working out for him. I really want it to work out for him. So I'm not going to go too much into it, but there's a guy that's not originally from Japan, but he's but he's mixed. Okay, stop, stop, stop. No, back it up and do it the way you told me.
Starting point is 00:14:23 You got a half of you got to get it. You got it. Okay, you don't even fucking joke when when there's new people that get added to the show. There's camera cutaways where it shows like their arm and their their mouth like character intros character intros before he even showed up. Yeah, there was like an event that occurred with with two other characters on the on the in the terrace house wasn't there like a date of some kind or some kind of thing. Yeah. And then which which part are you meaning I'm just saying like bringing him in was a result or like the escalation of something else. Well, it was someone decides to leave because of whatever reason I didn't find love. People don't like me. I'm just going to leave and they always have to replace that person
Starting point is 00:15:05 within a day. Okay, so they wanted to fucking fast. Well, within a day where they took everyone that didn't quite make the cut because they were happy with their choices and they just call up, you know, all the next so they call up a person that's not originally from Japan, but he's fluent and he spent some years in Japan. But then when you hear him talking to his friends, he goes, yes, I'm going to go to Japan for a couple of months, it's going to be fun. And he says in English, and it goes back to the screen loads like Oh, for her for her. When you told me that I was like, what? They're bringing in someone English. And he has this crazy cool tattoo. That's all traditional Japanese like a dragon, a coin fish. It looks awesome. But everyone's like,
Starting point is 00:15:46 he's so scary. But he's like this cutie booty guy, like he's super awesome looking and nice half Japanese like Japanese half Iranian. So he looks awesome. He's not like a big Swedish guy. No, no, no, he looks like he fits the part. He's like super average height. Like I think most people underestimate the Japanese anxiety of foreigners. So that guy, that guy like, you know, date some girls and one particular one. How dark, how dark is he? He's, he's, is he dark ish? He's like very, very tan. Darker half of Japanese skin. Okay. Yeah, maybe it may be a shade dark, maybe Momo from peach girl. But he one girl, he just goes on date and nothing really happens. But he holds her hand a couple of times. Oh, God, cut back to the
Starting point is 00:16:37 stream Lords. And the the real nerdy guy that's kind of like, Oh, I want to see people's relationships fall apart. It's so entertaining, entertaining, entertaining. They're like, you're dark, we don't like you. And he's like, nah, I'm the Joker. And it cuts back to him. And he goes, is that how they do it in the West? Who does he think he is? And whenever it shows the hand, it's got a blur over the hand. Yeah, yeah. That show that on TV crazy. And every time a new girl's at it, I go, come on, it told me it's going to be a tell me this time and open the door. I'm like, no, it's never going to be a tell me. It's never never was but highly recommend the show. It's, it's endlessly entertaining. And yeah, it's 48 episodes. So it's it's it's girthy. And it's on
Starting point is 00:17:22 American Netflix. It says Netflix presents. That's crazy. It should be on all Netflix. I know. But I just I just why would this kind of made for North America? You know, that's what surprises me. No, no, it's not. They localize a lot of Japanese stuff. There is there's a couple of others like like Knights of Sidonia, was not made for America, but Netflix licensed it exclusively. Can I get a double this? Deadly sins. I tell you a bunch of stuff. Okay, double the fun. This goes in with that. And they already pre put the new season, which actually takes place in Hawaii and imports a lot of Japanese people there. Hawaii is a lot of close Japanese. Yeah. Yeah, it makes sense. And it's I've never seen this on Netflix. There's nothing there. But it has an
Starting point is 00:18:04 entry. So you go there. There's no episodes. There's just a page for it has no date. Okay. For when there's new episodes and we have to look it up. We have to troll through a subreddit to find the announcement like this should be starting up. It's starting on Japanese Netflix, but it shouldn't be in America until like, January. And we're like, Oh, I want to see someone got excited in Netflix HQ. Yeah, yeah, I know. I think it's doing well. I can't really tell. It's got it's got five star rating on Netflix, which doesn't mean anything. It's really going for it. Like not resting on laurels, just doing whatever. And less entertaining news. I saw Dr. Strange. And that's really entertaining. But it's less entertaining than Teras House. I also saw that
Starting point is 00:18:45 with The Misses. Yeah. For reference, when we got out of the theater, the consensus was me and Matt really, really liked it. So to say it's less than Teras House should paint how good Teras House is. I see. I see. You see? I did not see. Okay. I really like to like Liam said, the only thing, the knock I can say against it, not maybe against it, but my familiarity with Dr. Strange is cursory at best. Same. I have maybe two, three comics where he appears. And of course, he appeared along Spider-Man, the Fox box version. And I always assume Dr. Strange is kind of like, Oh, this will be one of my toughest challenges. I must. Hmm. Yes. Spider-Man, stop joking. This is not funny. Yeah. I think he's not that. I think I get what you mean. In the movie, he's not the Sorcerer
Starting point is 00:19:34 Supreme. He's Tony Stark. Right away. He's basically he's like, he's young Dr. Strange, right? He's the beginning of Dr. Strange before he kind of a little goofy, a little make not goofy. Well, for a little mistake, no, Willie, he's a little Marvel movie. Sarcastic. I see. For example, he's also literally not the Sorcerer Supreme yet. Yeah, like, this is the origin story. I guess that's a spoiler in the trailer. No, no, no. I mean, the trailer set that up. Someone had to teach him that. Of course. No, no, that's all set up that he's not there yet. Yeah. So he's not the like, unfazed badass that you see in future Marvel games. Experienced with all of the cult stories. You see a tiny bit of that at the very, very, very end of the movie. And it's very
Starting point is 00:20:13 maybe. At the very least, like I always thought Dr. Strange had like dry wit, like, you know, like that. But no, he's like making Tony Stark jokes where he's like, Oh, I'm a fucking billionaire, millionaire, fuck you. And then he's just like, this is ridiculous that there's magic and blah, blah, blah. And he's just it took me a back where up until the end of the movie, still, he was still cracking jokes. And they're funny. Don't get me wrong. But I'm like, huh, maybe I need to read more Dr. Strange. Maybe he is more like it depends on who he's played off of. Because yeah, if he's hanging around Peter, then obviously he's going to be the fucking super serious people. But yeah, if you but if he's hanging around Dr. Doom in Doom Strange,
Starting point is 00:20:49 where they go to hell, like, obviously, he's gonna be the lighter of the team. I really need to read Frank Castle, Sorcerer Supreme to see how that went in extremes. Is it? Yeah, it's Sorcerer Supreme. So like in this film, like, he's pretty serious, but like sarcastic and goofy, like making jokes. But every character that he deals with could not be the most more serious person ever. Like, okay, they're like, it's it's a little much in some spots where it's like morto, make a joke, please. He does. He makes one joke and it's really good. He and the nurse are the least serious characters and they're still fucking serious. Dr. like Benedict Cumberbatch's character, this version of Dr. Strange, like really does feel like Dr. Strange. He has that
Starting point is 00:21:36 encyclopedic knowledge of anything he desires photographic memory. You know, he works really hard at whatever he wants to get. Yeah, photographic memory, which plays into how that stuff works out. He's very serious most of the time, extremely smart. Like he's, he feels like Dr. Strange just before he became the Sorcerer Supreme. That being said, probably my favorite part of the film is like they, they, they establish, okay, he's got, he can learn fast. Yeah. But everybody else has like a hundred year head start on him. And in almost every confrontation he has with anyone in the movie, he is bumbling. He's a bumble lord. He does not know what he is doing. Yeah, because he's only been doing it for, for a little, for like a year or something. It's, it's kind of unclear how many,
Starting point is 00:22:17 they didn't have any, they didn't say like six months later. We've got guys bringing out like massive energy sorts and like distorting the flow of time and space and, and Dr. Strange got like a little energy whip and he's like, oh God, he's a first timer on the job. You know, how's, how's the power of the power of the power of the, so I was really disappointed because there was no fly on fly combos. God damn it. F champ was there to pilot things. How's the eye of Agamotto though? Trust me. Yeah, but he's always got it. I made, I made that joke too. Yeah, okay. Yeah, Dormammu's there. I mean, that's, that's in the trailers. You got it. You got it. You know, you'll, when you see it, it's, it's a good scene. It's like a, it's a Dormammu. That's a Dormammu. It's an awesome
Starting point is 00:22:57 scene actually. I, I, that you do get at least like one or two cool bits where he's flying and doing sorcery, which is cool, but he is like the, the situation for the first scene with that is like he bumbles into the cloak, which if you know Dr. Strange's history is like an artifact that works with him, right? So he doesn't really know how to use it the first time. So maybe the, so hilarity maybe may and so. Yeah. So maybe the next movie he's in, we'll see a bit more of the like, well, like the rigid badass. From, from the end of the, the film to the post credit scene, like it feels like a huge amount of time has passed. Yeah. It's really unclear how long some of those time jumps were because it's, it's not like nothing he does in the movie has anything
Starting point is 00:23:38 to do with anything else in the Marvel movies other than the Avengers tower is in New York at the start. Yeah. And from the end of the movie to the post credits, like it looks like he has gone from like bumbling idiot to like master of the universe. Cool. His hair gets a little whiter. He gets the goatee by the end. Like, yeah. How many Marvel three moves were in the movie? Not, not many. It was a bummer, not no daggers. No daggers. That's like asking like a moto, but it was not used in that manner of a move, a regular. It's not a, like it's not a regular special move. Okay. That's like asking like, how come, how come Cap doesn't do charging star? No, I know, but he does do a shield slash, you know, and you do see a web swing and well,
Starting point is 00:24:23 but believe me, considering like 80% of my knowledge of Doctor Strange comes from that we're looking for it. I was looking for it, but no, not a whole lot of the only thing I can, the only thing else I can say, not sure if you guys agree is that the movie felt kind of simple, like the plot was just very, very straightforward. That guy's a bad guy. He's going to do a bad plan. You should probably take care of this bad guy. I mean, that's fine for like the first movie, but it still felt relatively light in terms of plot compared to like even Iron Man one or Captain America one, even as an origin story. It definitely felt like one of the more plain origin stories, but I think it's more like, since it's a brand new type of world, all the sorcery stuff, they
Starting point is 00:25:03 didn't want to overload it with shit. I was going to say, yeah, they're introducing all the the the mystic exactly Marvel to the MCU, which is kind of a big deal. That's what I wanted to ask about every time a new movie introduces a new like Guardians with the Cosmics. Guardian with the Cosmics, Asgard, you know what I mean? There's all these massive realms that like you need to establish. And this is one of the newer ones. So yeah, like, is it properly set up? Oh, yeah, totally. There's like a 10 minute acid trip in the middle of the movie. Yeah, there's a thing. There's a thing in the movie that a guy says at one point that really clearly anchors a part of the mystic universe to where the MCU is going in regards to like Infinity Wars and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:25:49 Okay. Like the big, you know, Deadpool movies. And I can definitely say that I'm not going to spoil the contents of the Stinger who was there. But after seeing the Stinger, I'm a lot more excited for that movie. Yeah, yeah. I was before. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because you know, I can I can take Yeah, Dr. Strange is gonna be in that one. I can take a healthy guy. Yeah, I'm sure you could nail it. No, that's awesome. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. How were the finger points like where they were the gestures with the fingers on point? No, he didn't have it all the time. But sometimes he did. So it depends. It depends. Next movie. Next movie. But yeah, I alluded to before I did play like the start of the 10 fall two campaign. I think it's all the more the craziest stuff that Liam was talking about.
Starting point is 00:26:30 But yeah, no, it's really good. I was talking to Penn, Liam earlier about it. It still suffers to me from the Call of Duty thing of you are dude man. Jack Cooper. That's all you are. Don't expect for this guy to be fleshed out a whole bunch. But sounds like sounds like the real character is your Titan. BT. Yeah, maybe. BT is absolutely the character. But by the end of it, like you get a feel for their relationship. And well, yeah, but you don't really get like Jack Cooper, the character himself. Yeah. And I you but by the end of it, you kind of do you see him without a helmet? Yeah, you see a reflection of him. He's like get inside me and Jack's like, Oh, I'm not sure about this. But how am I going to get inside? You need one energy core. Oh, did I say one? I meant two.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Level design is really good. And like, yeah, it's just, it's just, yeah, really fun so far. I want to know that I finished her ass house. I can get back to like these other menial tasks and play video games. I also played a bit more into owl boy. I played the demo, which is the start of the game. And now, thankfully, since I got that earlier version of it, the demo, it now became the full game and saved all my all my progress and all my items and like stuff to buy things, which is like a great thing. You get that little stinger at the end of the demo. It's like, Hey, when an alboy comes out officially, don't worry, you can use all the shit you gain to just start off where you wherever you want. I'm like, cool. That's incredible. We need to do something with
Starting point is 00:27:59 that. I will turn over after this. I played a bit. I can't get me out. I don't want to kick you out for playing alboy. If you're not playing alboy, kick your fuck out. Duke Nukem 25th, 20th God, Duke Nukem 3D is 20 years old. We're old, bro. Pat, there's a, if you press, if you're playing this on a controller, I'm sure there's a keyboard shortcut as well. If you press a certain button, it reverts from new graphics to old. That is my wall. You're in the game. Fantastic. So Halo Anniversary started that trend and I really want more games to do that because that's the shit. So we don't talk about the Ninja Turtles game. No, we don't. Listed, but they did it too. They did it. No, shut up. Really? Yeah. Turtles in time. Remake hack. I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Now you're making me doubt myself. When you look up in the new graphical settings, you can see the buildings perfectly and everything looks fine. And then you press down on the D-pad and then everything becomes warped and shitty. And I'm like, no, wait. Yeah. No, this was what it looked like. That is how I want it. No, it's not. It actually made me a little like, whoa, that's looked terrible. That's what I want. It's way better with the new graphical settings and they re-recorded all of John St. John's dial. They had him come in. So all of it's super high quality because if you listen to the old stuff, low-fi. It's a little low-fi. It's compressed to hell. Yeah. Yeah. So he re-recorded it. So all of it sounds good. The problem is that he doesn't
Starting point is 00:29:25 have the exact same enunciation and tone on some lines. So I'm like, it's not the line. It's not the line. Like, damn, I'm looking good. Like, he went, damn, I'm looking good. I'm like, no, this is wrong. And that you can't change in the thing. But I played about three levels of the new campaign. It's fucking weird. It's real strange. There's some new assets or stuff pulled from expansion packs I never played. But it's really, really weird where they try to put some new tricks in there that wouldn't be possible back then. So I'm like, I don't know how I feel about that. And it's also hard as balls. Like, there's just bosses everywhere. Like, not as bosses. They're just, here's a boss as a regular dude behind a door. So it was really, really tough.
Starting point is 00:30:14 But I kind of liked it. I think I got my fill of it because you play those first couple, almost any first person shooter from the golden age of shareware, where you only had that one episode. So you know that episode, like the back of your hand. And Duke Nukem, like Hollywood Holocaust, Red Light District, Death Row, those three levels where I'm playing and I'm like, you know what? There's something on that piece of wall. I can jump through that and there's a hidden door. And I jump through and I'm like, yeah, and that feels really good. And as I played more and more and I got the other episodes, I'm like, nah, fuck this game. I don't know any of these levels. I don't want to play this game. I'm bad at these. I don't want to play it. Really bad.
Starting point is 00:30:56 And the last kind of thing is our friend or my friend or whatever he is to me, legally, family wise, David, he's my brother-in-law. He's my sister-in-law's husband. That's your brother-in-law. My brother-in-law? Yeah, that's your brother-in-law. Does that count? Yeah, okay. Absolutely. Sure, okay. Pass the pizza forest. Pizza pasta forest. Excuse me, I'm sorry. That would get you concrete galoshes and thrown into the fucking world. What about what about what about Pizza Getty Force? That's the rival, Clint. Oh, that's the rival?
Starting point is 00:31:29 He had never tried VR. He never tried PSVR. So I was like, yeah, you should try it. And you bank tagged him. We literally only had time because all the girls, like all their Liana and all her friends were doing some big thing and they're coming back to their house and we're like, no, we won't be able to play VR. So I had him come over here and we played VR. It's the only other place we could because all the girls wouldn't make fun of us for playing VR. So we just had, we didn't have a whole lot of time, but we played through a couple levels of Until Dawn. And since I've already played Until Dawn twice, I stopped looking at the screen and just looked at him. Of course. And you remember that early scare in Level 2 that I freaked
Starting point is 00:32:08 out. I'm like, oh yeah. Oh, it gets everyone. Let's see how tough I was in compared to David, who's like tougher and like more manly and fell all over the floor. Nice way to go. Because he was so scared. Yeah. It was hilarious. All I did was laugh the entire time watching him. I never, like, I was watching the screen. We were doing a PSVR screen stream. I was watching that. I wasn't really watching what you guys were doing. Because it was all new. You've never seen it. It's all new. So I'm watching all that. So I was actually looking and I'm like, everyone looks like such a huge asshole. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Never really realized. Big asshole. So yeah, that was really funny. He was like, whoa, bro. Oh my god. Sounds like David. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:55 How the, bro. It was really, really hilarious. And he's like, you know what? I'm going to have, I'm going to have Melissa try. She really likes it. Oh, he calls her Melissa now too. No, I put that part in. I was hoping. And he's like, I'll have her try. And she likes it. She's like, I think I'll get that. Because he's like, that's fun, man. And he's like, well, games are there. I'm like, it's not like a whole bunch right now, but there's some interesting things. And he really likes Batman. So he's like, I'll try to get Batman. So that's why I borrowed Batman. Yeah, we never actually booted it up. We didn't have time. So I mean, you can hang on to it if he's going to come over or something. I'm not going to hurry to play it for a third time.
Starting point is 00:33:39 Yeah. But yeah, no, that was basically it. It was a good time watching. I got a little drunk. What? I got a little drunk. So when we came, yeah, when we came back home and I'm like, I walk up the stairs and we're like, Hey, and there's still a bunch of women in my in my apartment. And I'm like, I thought you guys all left. We played VR. Oh, and then like, I was told that I embarrassingly like recap the whole thing. And I'm like, didn't the spiders? Oh, crazy. And David's just like, David's like, like this, just like, yeah, it was scary. And I was like, yeah, yeah, yeah. And I went on the couch. And then I started talking more about VR. And then the next thing I knew, all the lights were off and I was
Starting point is 00:34:26 alone on the couch. And I go, I woke up and I'm like, what happened? She's like, you kept talking about VR and just fell asleep and everyone left. I was like, no, I did. Yeah, I did. Yeah, that was my VR night. That's funny. That's good stuff. I'll grab that. But I had a VR night. Take it. Oh, you did. I did too. Everyone seems. Yeah, I had one two weeks ago with a friend of mine is awesome. There's no way to say it. But like, I played Rez. And I played Rez area X. I still haven't gotten to that. That game brought out the bitch in my heart. It got me, man. I play because Rez. I like I described when I my girlfriend played it and the words she used were, I'm so happy to exist in this world. Leanna said the same things. I can't believe we're living in an age. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:35:24 moon pies. And you know, going through it, like, you know, it's a game that like for the last 16 years, you've been in love with this game. And like, you just every time they report it to something, every time there's something, it's always a little better, right? All these little things, right? And it's just like, yes, this game is still holding up. It's still the best, you know, and then you get this one. And it's like, not just a little better. And then you get that full immersion of like, again, what the original dream was supposed to be. And, you know, like, obviously you saw me playing it in there, like just it's just pure joy. I just really enjoy living in the world of Rez and playing that. But all I heard all like for the last couple
Starting point is 00:36:05 weeks is like, woolly, when are you going to get to area X? When are you going to do it? And so I finally got to it. Oh, you did it. Like I said, on Twitter, like it, I almost shed a tear like that feeling of first getting into it. And what you end up seeing is that control screen where it's like, move these, this is your shoot button as usual. And then our one has moved forward, our two has moved back, look and move where you want to go free form. And I'm like, I what? What are you giving me this control for? What are you talking about? And then you started up and like the music hits you, the sound hits you, the visuals, everything that is Rez is just coming back stronger than ever. And it's like, I wasn't ready. I just wasn't ready to
Starting point is 00:36:51 experience that's what the dream was always supposed to be. And suddenly, like, all the the style of music is way more child of Eden. Yeah, we talked about it a little bit. But I didn't mind. Well, no, it's still really good. But personally, when I played it, and maybe this was just because like, I didn't play Rez 16 years ago, but I played it still many years ago. And I did quite like it. When I played it, I felt like the song was like a reunion song. And like, especially when you hit the credits and like the lyrics kick in, and you're like doing that, that little revengeance thing where you get like music and then little hints of a vocal track. And then it all comes together and it's just fucking magic, man. It's magic. Because it feels
Starting point is 00:37:38 like it's meant to be played by people who haven't played it in a long time or whatever. For the last 15, 60 years of your life. Absolutely. I don't know what like you just, you get dropped in. And like, it's still the same Rez, but the ability to move and target things lets the feeling of travel just feel a lot more deliberate. It adds a bit. Yeah. And then the credits roll and you see the like, built on the synesthesia engine. Yeah, we talked about this. What the fuck? What is this? You're not just going to make area X, are you? Like, what are you what a fucking waste of time to make an engine for just one level? Yeah, I got I hope we can. Only Rez two is coming. Whether it's Rez two, whether it's the proper child of Eden. Well,
Starting point is 00:38:23 wait, can you call it Rez two if the one before it's called Rez infinite? Yeah, I don't know. I don't know, but Rez cubed. It is these definitive VR. Cube seems like shitty considering the nature of Rez. Like that seems too low. Whatever, man. You want to put like a bigger, like a four. How would they call it? Hi, Rez. Hey, you're doing it. You're doing it. And I was pleased when like after tweeting that out, the Mizo Gucci said to you, well, Monstars or Resonair, one of those two companies? Well, the the the the company kind of Resonair, I'm pretty sure it's not Resonair. It's not Resonair, but it's it's thing games. There are logos right before the Q game Q entertainment one. And they're just like, it's all right, man, let it out. You know, and then
Starting point is 00:39:13 Mizo Gucci, which is his Twitter. Oh, that's good. Retweeted and followed. And I'm like, I can't believe this is where I am happening now. This is beautiful. This is amazing. I can't. Why would you do that? Your big Senpai? Don't click that button. Well, you're more famous than Mizo Gucci. You're not going to like. Oh, no, I was really sad to hear. You know what? No, you hang on. You know what I was really sad about? At PlayStation Experience last year, when Res started and Mizo Gucci came out on stage playing it in the synesthesia suit, and he took off the mask and myself and very few people were applauding for him. I was fucking sad in the in the fucking area watching this live event when not enough people
Starting point is 00:39:55 were clapping for Mizo Gucci. It was so sad. I hated it. There's only a couple of Japanese designers that people even know like physically, like what they look like. Miyamoto and Kojima. Harada, maybe? Yeah. And Oatmeal. And Ono on the right stage. And Ono on the right stage. I was going to say, you know, Senpai noticed you. It's like, you know, I was really sad to hear that that's where he like is leaving like game development and quit access games. So I just checked out his Twitter like his front page. He's leaving game development. He just said he's leaving access games. He didn't. But like he's on he's a monk now. Who knows? He's a monk now. It's been a while since you said monk outlook to affect his game design. I thought that's what
Starting point is 00:40:40 he said anyway. Anyway, but there was never going to be a continuation of D4 or maybe deadly permission without him being involved in it, let's say. So let's just say it's just generally sad. And it was sadder when I clicked on his Twitter like profile, which I haven't done in a while, just look at his regular tweets and I'm like, oh, we all have more followers than him. Damn it. Enhance games. Enhance games. Enhance games with the multiple. Well, we're just really petting our own big penises right now. Yeah, big. Well, I'm just I'm just saying it's sad that we have more. It's actually like no, like the opposite really shouldn't have. We're trying to wave other people's dicks for them. Or you're trying to like
Starting point is 00:41:18 punch your own. So it goes down. No, I mean, you can if you're feeling this is a good analogy. This kid, this is useful. I don't I don't like it. But the worst podcast we've ever done. You say that every week. I say that every week. But yeah, no, VR. I meant to do that. Yeah, VR is like we are here. And it's it's like, it's amazing how you feel I feel nothing as far as like nausea or sickness or any of that is concerned when it comes to res. And it's just like the quality of the game. Did you put it in the non comfort mode, by the way? I didn't because I keep forgetting to do it. I still haven't done it. Damn it. There's a setting there. Maybe next week. Maybe next week, we'll remember. I will say, though, that against the boss of area four, right,
Starting point is 00:42:05 you do actually have to completely turn around. Yeah, I was talking I was talking about that. And it's like, I find that like really, like really infuriating. And you can use the sticks to do it. But yeah, that's something that's there. And I feel like if you put the non comfort mode on, there's just a whole lot more of that whole lot more. Yeah, you have to stand up and play the Oh, that's probably it. That's probably it. Yeah, I have to say, there's a perverse pleasure that we're denied where I really wish that none of the VR games made you sick, except for res. And I would then wish upon myself, if if she got zero, let's get she got those more of a game. If that was the only game that made me sick, even if you watch it, like if you watch it, the first place,
Starting point is 00:42:50 always playing area throwing up at the same time, he would he would push through vomit through it. I threw up in my VR helmets. Wait for your cue next time, Willie. It's it's firmly a desert island game for me. It's really that that that's, you know, saying a lot. I spent a lot of time on Titanfall 2 multiplayer. You sure did. And that's going as swimmingly. Regen yet? No, okay. But I don't think I'm actually I don't know when it's going to happen. But I mean, I'm, I don't we have yet to play together again. Our times don't match up very well. Regenning is like, it's prestige. Yeah, but what level? 51. Yeah, okay. No, no, no, no. I'm not there yet. What is it? What is good about this prestige is you you you keep all the unlocks you bought with currency.
Starting point is 00:43:41 Like if you decided, oh, I want that boost now, you keep that. And the all of the weapons attachments, all of a Titans, like attachments and unlocks, they remain forever. Okay, it's only what you have available that goes away. But you get I'm confused. Do you know what a prestige is? Yes, I do. But but but some of the stuff that I unlock as I go forward is going to reset. So do you know what a prestige is? It means your level. Well, your level goes back to one. Yes. But your unlocks relock. Yes. I didn't know that. That's the whole point of the prestige system. You go through the leveling path again. It encourages you get prestige and stuff. Yeah. Huh. It's why it's why the only thing locked behind it is exclusive like colors for your
Starting point is 00:44:29 weapons and skins. Because if you because it's to show off like I feel so confident that I can go back to all the early unlocks, because I get that I guess I don't know what prestige is because like my only experience with it overwatch was what is there to lose? You did nothing. Yeah, exactly. Border changes. Yeah, no, prestige is an option that was in Call of Duty that you have to select and it gives you like six back out attempts. And in Call of Duty, it would unlock extra custom character slots. But in Titanfall, it just unlocks. It allows you to keep going on the progression, the progression for more skins. Okay. So like when you prestige the first time, you unlock a solid gold, like really good looking yellow skin for your character.
Starting point is 00:45:07 Okay. And I have the choice to do this. You can be like, I'm not unlocking all that shit again. Fuck that. And just never do it. Okay. Interesting. Yeah, I know. But I'm loving every bit of it. So good. I'm enjoying the the some of the rebalancing of things, the way that like smart pistols are a card. Oh, they're good is a big thing now. So what what weapon and Titan are you running? I'm running the, what should we call it? The Gatling Gun. Okay, Titan Legion Legion. I'm running Legion. That's a good name. I'm running super good. Yeah. And I can't I'm drawing a fucking blank, but it's the second machine gun, not like machine gun, but some machine gun, the car, the alternator,
Starting point is 00:46:00 the alternator. I'm running. You're running alternator firing off the hip. Don't even fucking even have the sights. Well, subs don't look don't look down sight. They're useless. No point on that. Just get the thing that you can run. You can sprint while shooting. Yep. And I replaced my grappling hook. I replaced my grappling hook scandalous with the bigger grappling hook and heel. Yeah, sprint sprint is or but stim stim. That's it. You're so fast. It's crazy. It's crazy. You're like three times the speed of your character normally. And it's always been really fast, but just yeah, now it's faster. You just fucking you get the fuck out, you know, it's really useful in a lot of situations, especially when like, someone's trying to get away from you, and you're
Starting point is 00:46:46 just like, no, no, I'm catching up. I'm going to waste it here just to make sure I fucking together Yeah. More than enough midair battles in both ejecting from Titans. Last night in particular, there was a three way where me and a teammate ejected while an enemy was in midair and he managed to take both of us out. Nice. It was pretty sick. And you can't feel me. No, he earned it. He fucking earned it. I had a moment where I was sliding on my knees and I got grappled and pulled backwards and it looked so weird because it's like, what is that? What? Why? Where am I going? Yeah. And like, and I slowly kind of turn around and when I turn around, I see the guy pulling me in and then I just start mashing melee and like kill him right as I get out of the grapple.
Starting point is 00:47:32 But it's the weirdest feeling to be full momentum swing and then just like, Does the game have those sound effects? Yeah, it does. It has those sound effects. It's really funny actually. But yeah, I think we're not running legion though. I'm going to be going with Ronin. Ronin? Yeah. That's that's my feeling. What what what a kit are you running like the two energy blades or the or the lead wall where it bounces off the walls? The bouncing off the walls is what that's the pilot killer for sure. That's what I that's what I had it on the Whatchamacallit as well the like it takes a minute to get the hang of sword core. Yeah, because it's not just a kill everything. No, you have to use it. Sword core. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:48:23 that's what the kids are listening to nowadays. Yeah, I'll listen to that. I've used it so far as I blink towards them with sword core out like just a little bit. And then you try and blind side them. And if you can blind side them, they're they're fucking done. But I will say like having legion smart core where you have the double time on it or not double but like extra time. Yeah, you just fucking gun everything down because it's the homing thing. It's just it's a soldier 76 is like the home. Yeah, exactly. Which we call it. Well, a hat visor visor. It's the visor. Yeah, I know what they're they're all in the camp. That's cool. And then you just hold the button and turn and turn and turn and what I was I was I was having a lot of trouble figuring out who I wanted to
Starting point is 00:49:06 play as and then I settled on Scorch because so you know there's that that that thing you get equipped that's like it says you'll get an extra boost. Yeah, if you give that to the Titans that are heavy like Scorch and Legion, you get a boost boost. Yeah, and that's really useful because then you put a legion and not Legion so you put Scorch on the of the extra long lasting firewall, yeah, which lasts for like a full 10 seconds. And what you can do is fire your firewall at them, throw the the the gas canister behind them. And then when they they're stuck or they can't move, you basically charging star into them and it with the shield, it does if you do the whole thing, it will kill a full health heavy. Yeah, so it's really hard to deal with to the point that I see
Starting point is 00:49:51 a lot of people calling for nerfs on them. I'm seeing a lot. Most people call for nerfs on tone. Yeah, tone is tone feels busted when you play as her. It feels like most people are playing as tone and that tone tone. When I finished the campaign, I was like, tone seems like the best. And then I played multiplayer as tone and I was like, this is easy. It's not because I didn't like the feel of tone. I love I love. But I love tones cannon. I hate tones missiles. I love this. I love tones tone. Well, no, but I love that the missiles are great. But I actually prefer the cannon like, but like the fact that tone is so so good right away. It's like, yeah, no, she's tones really strong. Yeah, like Scorch kind of hard counters it with this with a slain wall because the missiles
Starting point is 00:50:35 can't get through. Yeah, more or less. There's a couple of things that are like in pretty infuriating sometimes when you're playing with a full stack team. And one of those is when you go up against a team that all have map pack equipped. Yeah, map packs. Yes, not fun to deal with. There's a reason knows where you are at all. There's a reason why map have map pack is expensive as a boost. So every those a team that had all map pack, all cloak. And like half of them were sniping and the other half were just on the ground. And it was just like, this is this is not fun right now in boomtown. Everyone knows where you are. It's fucking miserable. But you're gonna, you're gonna enjoy the final boost. The final boost is the most fun. It's it's so much fucking fun
Starting point is 00:51:24 because you get it super fast. You get 36%. You know what you're getting. You get amped weapons or map hack at 36%. Yeah, it's fucking great. But that's the only thing is just like there's but there's stuff that's there and I'm like, I don't know. I mean, turrets are good. Anti Titan turrets are good, but you don't want an anti Titan turret early because anti Titan turrets are like way worse than anti pilots say that three times three jumps fast. Anti Titan turrets, no, turrets. Well, yeah, well, it was me. It wasn't really I'll give them the go on that one. Try it next time. It's a good fucking game. Great population has improved a little bit. I played a handful of multiplayer, but I really I'm not a fan of like how low the time to kill is.
Starting point is 00:52:06 Like, I feel like there's a lot of like, if I see you, I win kind of like call of duty situations. But the only reason it's not as quite as bad as call of duty is that if they miss one of their bullets, you often have the mobility to actually get. Yeah, yeah, definitely. But they're I'm still finding the time to kill the time to kill is really low. Yeah, it's about half a second. It is not overwatch. You know, yeah, if I see you, I win overwatch doesn't have time to kill overwatch is like baby. Everyone has a million health. Everyone has a lot of health. Like, it's it's it's MOBA numbers to make MOBA fun so everyone can fun right fun. But have fun. The the it's it's generally if I see you, I win is the default. Yeah. And then where the skill
Starting point is 00:52:51 levels vary is what is your ability to escape that situation slash what is your awareness? Yeah. And how good is your aim? The the other with the map and stuff, it's hard to deal with that sometimes when people come from behind because they can see where you're going. Well, I mean, when the map X going off, it's like, don't even try to engage. No, it's miserable. Yeah. The only the other thing is that when I'm fighting guys, like even if I get the drop on them, there are people that are so confident in their movement around the map that it's legitimately hard to get a beat on them because you're like, okay, I'm leading him just a bit. And oh, he's on a different wall. Yeah. Oh, like, oh, I don't even know where he is anymore. Yeah. And then you know,
Starting point is 00:53:26 there's this things like that, like, especially if you're in Legion, it's super hard to kill pilots. Yeah. Because the startup is so slow. You have to punch them, you know, you only get that one shot and then they're in the back. They're in the distance. It's like, well, like, I'm, I'm gonna try my R button shot, but it's not gonna I know it's not gonna work. I'm gonna do it. But yeah, man, I think there's enough to come keep coming back to that's there. Oh, yeah, it's phenomenal, the multiplayer like it's really, really good. Personally, I'm done with it. I played through the campaign on Master difficulty, which is really fun because it encourages like there's some of these firefights are ridiculously hard. But moving at high speeds makes the enemies have a hard time
Starting point is 00:54:07 hitting you or makes them have a hard time hitting. I didn't say that good. Anyway, so there's a lot of bits where it encourages you to find ways to skip fights gotta go fast through going incredibly fast and doing these obtuse jumps off like objects that look too far away to jump to the I think you saw it in a trailer, the level where the house is being assembled around you, right? Exactly. There are some skips in that level that I found that are bananas where you don't even have to wait for the house to move. You just fucking find your own way across the cavern really enjoyable looking for that stuff. But otherwise, it's got the same problems that any campaign on a hard difficulty does shooter campaign is the death being the biggest the
Starting point is 00:54:46 saving grace being cloak, which at any time if you just get hit, just cloak and be like, all right, all right, I got that out. Exactly. So you get to take a second shot at it and stuff. But without the cloak, it would be the same thing. I will never not clench and just kegel every time I drop a Titan on top of another Titan and blow it up. Like that feeling will it'll be fresh. Clench and kegel, you say. Clench and kegel. That's a lot. Just did it right there. You know what I mean? Yeah, you know what I'm talking about. I don't want to talk about our dick exercises, man. You know what I'm talking about. Yeah. Anyway, I know that it's called kegel. Is it? Yep. Well, now we know. Yep. Thanks for the correction. So doing your dick thing, right? I bought tickets to some
Starting point is 00:55:37 Bjork VR experience that I didn't go to. So I sorry, there's a Bjork VR experience that's happening in I didn't quite hear you. There is nothing you said made any sense. Apparently. Okay, that's good. That's a better story. There is a VR experience that one can attend starring Bjork. Okay. And what is this? Tickets were bought to it. I didn't go. So you're saying you did nothing? I did nothing. You did nothing and you lost some money. That's correct. But apparently it uses the Oculus and the Vine. That's a good plan. That was a good plan. How much for the tickets? Oh, that's okay. I take it Bjork wasn't there. It seems like she was not there. He cannot confirm. The swan dress was there. Yeah, I stayed home instead and I
Starting point is 00:56:39 watched the first episode of Westworld. I really want to watch that. Yeah, it's cool. There's a reason why everyone's talking about it. Okay, great. That's all I wanted. That's what I needed someone to tell me. Yep. Thank you. Besides a phenomenal cast. I saw that Mr. Hawkins is in it and like Cyclops. Oh, good old Cyclops. A whole lot of Fandy Newtons and a whole lot of people. Honestly, every second person that walks on screen, you're like, oh my God. There's like a J.J. Abrams show. J.J. Abrams produced, directed and written by Nolan, not Chris. Yeah, his brother. Jonathan. So the guy who's in the credits of every Nolan movie for basically working with him. Not everyone knows that the Nolan brothers are a thing, but this dude's there
Starting point is 00:57:34 behind the scenes. And yeah, man, fucking solid. Cool. It sucks again, because HBO shit is really annoying to watch in Canada. Yes. So get ready for that game. But I think everyone plays this game. I think I got that one on lock. But I think what's going to happen is you're going to see in about maybe a month or two's time, like it's going to be talked about everywhere. It's going to be the big new thing. So get in early right now. I already heard from a 60-something year old woman this weekend that Westworld was great. So believe me, I am in on wanting to see it because the recommendations now range from a 60-something year old conservative American white woman to a hyper trendy 20-something
Starting point is 00:58:22 black guy from Canada. So believe me, I'm interested. You could have said blipster. It's okay. I don't know what that means. That might be offensive. No. You can't trick me. What are you? What trend group are you selling drugs to now? What are you even anyway? Blipster? So it's made. They listen to the sword core. Oh, sword core. It's a remake. It's a remake of the movie. Of the old Westworld. Yeah. And I don't know how much that has an influence over what they're doing here,
Starting point is 00:58:57 but I can solidly say that like this is already in one episode some of the best like Turing test material that I've seen. There's a there's a Star Trek in a while. Based around this. It's called the fistful of datas. Matt probably remembers it. Yeah, I fucking do. It's a season eight one. Matt hates that episode. It's terrible. You mean the season eight? There's no season eight. You mean season seven? Because there is season six and nine of TNG. Well, then Netflix groups them differently. Oh, really? This is where it goes to season seven. Each one has like 28 episodes.
Starting point is 00:59:30 Wait, hold on. I'm fucking wrong. Perhaps. Maybe. I don't know for sure. There's a lot of... But yes, I know the episode. There's a lot of Star Trek. No, you're right. It's season seven. Okay. There's a lot of sci-fi out there that references like
Starting point is 00:59:44 living amongst robots and like seeing what kind of... You could be living amongst robots right now. What is the morality when it comes to treating them like people? Is it okay to be immoral to not real people and so on and so forth? Depends how not real they are, I guess. Yeah. I saw a NeoGeoff topic post that just caught my eye. It said, company will make sex robots for $20,000 less than the leading brand, but theirs will have warm genitals.
Starting point is 01:00:14 That counts for a lot. I'd rather like room temperature. I think you underestimate how much you'd rather do. I'd rather room temperature and then I work harder. You know? I'm sorry, Kegels, whatever. If you want to put the work in. It's Kegels, man.
Starting point is 01:00:32 Come on. Yeah, I know. Kegels, Kegels. I'll defer to the master. I guess it's Swedish or some shit. You just rub it up with Icy Hot. Yeah, Icy Hot. It'll fix the problem.
Starting point is 01:00:39 I have that, too. Don't put Icy Hot on your genitals, people. But if you do, tell us what it felt like, but don't say we did. We told you to do it. Yeah. We didn't tell you to do it. I'm telling you not to do it. Explicitly, but tell us.
Starting point is 01:00:53 Squirt genitals in the air. Squirt Icy Hot in the air. And wherever it falls, that's up to gravity. And the wind, possibly. And the wind, possibly. If you're doing it outside. So, yeah. Tune in to Westworld for your.
Starting point is 01:01:09 All your. It's not quite a ghost in the shell. All your Kegels need. But it's just something in the shell. Yeah. And we don't really know what it is yet. Okay. And in the same way that I am a hero is like you see before and then the fall.
Starting point is 01:01:28 Here, you're seeing the first sparks of like something approaching actual sentience. Okay, yeah. And you get the second omnibus of that yet. No, but I didn't go looking to be fair. Because that's the finally like that. If I remember right is starting to get into like the meat of the stuff of the bottom. Oh, I can. I feel it.
Starting point is 01:01:49 Interested for you to get there. Yes. So with that said, that's pretty much all I did. Nothing else worth. You went to Westworld and you didn't go to see Bjork. Even though she invited you. Good pick. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:03 Good pick. She invited Woolly by name. Is Bjork good? No, it's not nothing. It's I'll give her that. It's mood music. You have to be in the mood for it. It's like you got to be a blipster.
Starting point is 01:02:17 It's kind of a blipster. I'm looking at it. It's like Enya, you know. Yeah. Oh, who doesn't like Enya? In the mood for it and or have a Fuji remix it into something awesome. Yeah. Take your pick.
Starting point is 01:02:31 Oh, I hate you so much for introducing this word into my mind. Is it like a digital hipster? I already know what it is. Just assholes that look like Woolly. Oh, that's all the images that came up. I thought it was like. Did a picture of how is this such a huge mystery? It's not to me.
Starting point is 01:02:47 I knew exactly what it is. Woolly, how much do you think I actually interact with society? But the words themselves, it's clearly. No, for real. Think about it. I come to work and I go home. Enough that you don't know. And work only has three people.
Starting point is 01:03:04 Enough that you don't know what kicks are when someone says kicks. That's like a like a foot thing. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. That was in the wire. Liam, did you have a. I'm just just talking about kicks is reminding me of a magfest.
Starting point is 01:03:20 Someone gave me the space jam figures. And I whenever I walk by someone who had nice shoes, I'd be like nice shoes. Check out my Jordans and I'd hold out my fake. Yeah. My called Jordan. Man, that Joe. And they'd look down and they'd fucking howl. I do.
Starting point is 01:03:37 That's a bit that should have been so. I don't know. I don't know where those figures went or what inspired you to do that. But I saw them and I'm like, oh, I got nice Jordans now. They're at your basement somewhere. They're probably in my closet. I think they're in my closet at home. But can we do like they're in there in a pile of stuff where I don't know where they go
Starting point is 01:03:58 because I don't know where to put. There's like there's it's I know it's it's a problem. But like it's not like him and the Looney Tunes. It's for Michael Jordan's. Yes. In different sports. Ninja assault. Michael Jordan.
Starting point is 01:04:11 Battle damage golf. Michael Jordan. Listen, all of you are saying best friends pranking in the hood. Stepping on Jordans. Yeah, exactly. It's just a prank, bro. Can we get back to it? No.
Starting point is 01:04:24 Can we get back to it? Not until you finish your work on patchy slot. YouTube account. Well, you gotta finish your other project challenge. I'm so pissed. That's got no progress. So good. It does exist, though.
Starting point is 01:04:37 But do it does. Patchy fan JP will become a reality. It'll be a thing. Just do it. I'm excited for it. This week I saw Doctor Strange as well. We already chatted about that. I do I do highly recommend that to anyone who's a fan of the Marvel movies.
Starting point is 01:04:54 You kind of know what you're getting, but it's it's quite good. I played through Until Dawn Rush of Blood, which up until now I have demoed for a lot of people, including Matt. But I had never actually played it myself. And I played through the whole thing in one and eight. Which is weird, because I still consider it by far the best VR game. It's quite polished. These for me, but like it's just the one where I-
Starting point is 01:05:14 Have you played Res, bro? Well, the best VR game where it's not just a port or something. For me, Riggs is still the one, because it just exudes polish everywhere. Like the thing I don't like about Until Dawn, and it's really minor, it's just like I don't like how rough some of the presentation is, like the loads and all the loads. Loads, yeah. Like it always pulls you back to the menu outside, like out of the game,
Starting point is 01:05:37 when I just want to keep playing kind of. Sorry, it's funny because you're mentioning that Until Dawn is like your your favorite. Yeah, yeah, I've heard a bunch of people. For me, it is like largely Res, Thumper, and Thumper's is a shit. God damn it, come on. Windlands. Oh, Super Hypercube.
Starting point is 01:06:00 Super Hypercube. So I realized that like my favorite VR experiences are just simple, on a track, visual, trippy, cool music. He doesn't want to get inside the robot. No, I want rhythmic experiences. I think rhythm games, to me, become my favorite VR thing. Project Eva X supports, I suppose, VR. It's not exactly the same kind of rhythm game, but things on a track.
Starting point is 01:06:28 You want to have a good time. So you said you beat it. I beat it. I played all the way through it. I stopped where at the last level, where you're fighting the thing that's there. The big thing. The big thing. And I was just like, this is tough.
Starting point is 01:06:41 Yeah, it's the toughest level. It's the toughest level. It's not like brutal, but it's the toughest one. Yeah, sometimes you'll get enemy patterns that are just mean, and they'll get in your face, and they'll do so much damage to you so quickly. Most of the time, they almost kill you when you hit. That's what makes that level tough. Yeah, there's a lot of bits where,
Starting point is 01:06:58 like there's a lot of regular bits where you'll take hits now and then, but you don't actually come close to dying. The only moments you die are when you get fucking swarmed, and you're just like, that didn't 100% feel fair. Like every time, I'm always like, that didn't really feel, like I didn't really like that very much. And going at it the second time, when I know there's a swarm, it's like, okay, waste all my bullets, and I'm good, right?
Starting point is 01:07:20 But like those death bits are a bit annoying. That being said, it was pretty fun. I thought the ending was a little bit flat. I liked the last level, but like the actual ending itself was just a little flat. There wasn't really much to it, kind of. And I don't really, I'm a bit unclear on where it ties in until dawn, in like a strict sense of story. Oh, I don't think it's close to at all.
Starting point is 01:07:42 Like my girlfriend. I think it might. Yeah. As much as later stuff, where it seems like, did this take place during a certain time period? Yeah, like my girlfriend was supposing it took place before until dawn. That's what I was thinking too. Between the twins dying and the events of the game itself.
Starting point is 01:08:01 That's what I'm thinking too. Creepy roller coaster ride with guns? That's a good thing to insert into the story. No, well, no. Josh sees things that aren't there. It's all in his mind. That's a thing. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:08:16 There was a later half of the actual until dawn game. Spoilers for who you play as, by the way, but not that that was a surprise or anything. Yeah. But later half of until dawn, Josh starts seeing stuff. That's why Liam was proposing that. We have a device that allows us to do anything. Not a device per se, but the psychological process.
Starting point is 01:08:39 Like he might be on a couch during the entirety of a rush of blood. But anyway, they did say it does tie into the story and stuff. But I assume it's during that section between the twins. I assume it can only be during that section. Yeah. I don't see where else it would fit in, really. But by the end of it, I didn't say, ah, that explains everything. Or this really brings up the universe.
Starting point is 01:09:04 It just kind of, yeah, OK, that's what that was. So I feel like it's more of a 10 second cut scene. Or was there an exposition? No, there was almost nothing. OK. I feel like it's almost better as just total side content that has nothing to do with until dawn that happens to be until dawn themed. Again, not to say I didn't like it.
Starting point is 01:09:24 It was fun. It was well thought out. There were some good spooks that I really dug. There's this one level that's spider themed. Oh, god. Yeah. The ending of that thing is, I've described that to people and they're like, I'm not playing that level.
Starting point is 01:09:37 Do you remember the one bit where you're going through this room and there's a bunch of saw blades and you've got to avoid the left and right? And eventually the last one, they make you like crouch forward under the saw blade. Usually you crouch forward under the saw blades and spiders crawl over the cart right in your face. No, no, no. Yeah. No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:09:53 That was a big spook. You know what? That was a big spook. You know what I think, though? I think out of all the creatures that you find that game, the spiders are the most cartoony. Yeah. And this is just a theory.
Starting point is 01:10:03 They are. I think they pushed it back so they look a little bit more cartoony. On purpose. Because if they were too realistic. It'd be too scary. Does that seem like unreasonable? I could believe that. Yeah, because I find almost every creature is like, you know,
Starting point is 01:10:17 there'd be guys dressed up as clowns or guys dressed up in pig things or whatever. They're pretty scary looking intentionally. Especially like the enemies that are present in the first game. But the spiders have big glowing eyes. The spiders have big glowing eyes and they look kind of plasticky. So I just have that feeling maybe. Is there a popular tidbit about a film where they did that? That reminds me of something.
Starting point is 01:10:38 Like where something was too scary. Something was too effective. And they had to dial it back to make it let. That sounds familiar. But I don't know anything of something. It's such a believable concept. I'm sure there's something out there. I think my favorite enemy and level was those enemies that just move really fast.
Starting point is 01:10:56 They zip from one spot to the other. Those things like if people. They weren't Wendigo's. They were something else. People don't like in special effects or whatever, horror movies when there's creatures that walk crazily. So these do for a bit. But then zip around and then you hear all this cracking noise.
Starting point is 01:11:10 Yeah, yeah. They were really fun to fight. And they had a really satisfying pattern that was easy to understand. And they always kind of felt fair where it's almost sometimes they hit you, but most of the time you catch them right before they're about to get you. The least fair thing about them, and it was fine was when you fought two at once. But you had the flare guns, which are like they explode on impact.
Starting point is 01:11:29 There's only five weapons in the game. It is a little bit limited, but it's not. You never feel like. That's not limited for a rail shooter. I was going to say it doesn't feel bad. There's only five like in time crisis. Sometimes they just get by with just your pistol. Any moments of nausea?
Starting point is 01:11:46 No. No, I never feel either. The roller coaster effect is really good though. It's successful. It's one of the best things where like that's when we played it in the stream. And I went, okay, no. The fact that it just made me feel a little bit of this, but I'm not sick or not, whatever.
Starting point is 01:12:01 And when David played it, he was like, I told him that's what's going to happen. You're going to get through a section. Because I asked, are you prone to any emotions? He's like, no, not really. I'm like, well, when this you're going to be on a roller coaster, there's going to be a time where it happens where you're going to feel something.
Starting point is 01:12:14 And he goes, nah, nah, I won't feel it. And when he goes, how did they do that? I remember when you were playing it, you were leaning on the couch really, really hard actually. Because I had a theory that like the fact that you're on a roller coaster means your brain is prepared for the type of movement you're going to experience. So you're less prone to feel.
Starting point is 01:12:31 It's possible. But then like I gave. Vehicles work. But then I did the drive club club test with my girlfriend and she felt it too. And she never has that kind of problem with that stuff. Drive club got a lot of people. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:42 So it's like, no, something is actually, something can be poorly done, even if your brain expects the movement. And drive club is an example that you're driving the car or your brain expects the car to move. But it still makes you feel sick. I actually think that's a, like it's like a, like I don't, I actually don't agree with that notion.
Starting point is 01:13:00 I think it's that people playing drive club who are getting sick aren't good enough at accurately thinking about it. And that's not to say they're worse people. What do you mean? But it's the same thing as people who get car sick, where like they know how a car works. Right.
Starting point is 01:13:16 But because their brain isn't able to properly line up what's happening, you get car sick in real life. You know, I think it's the same principle because it's not a, it's not an active thought thing. It's your brain and how they work with the inner ear. And some people are just going to be better suited to that. Is that different than the here we lie problem? Because I'm pretty sure I'm good at walking.
Starting point is 01:13:35 It's the same, it's the same problem. Yeah. But I'm good at walking, I think. No, for sure. But you're not walking. You're sitting and you're perceiving a walk and your inner ear is telling you that you're walking. But your body knows you're not walking.
Starting point is 01:13:47 What he's saying is that people with more highly accurate inner ears are feeling the disparity more. Okay, okay. Or one way or the other. I don't know exactly. But like, that's why cockpits and stuff tend to work. And I did see a lot of people get sick on Drive Club. But like having played Drive Club,
Starting point is 01:14:07 I don't see how it did any worse or better than rigs. Like, I'm really... Well, until you find out that there's the visual equivalent of the brown note hidden in the code. Yeah, like, because I, you're right. So many more people are getting sick during it. But I'm really having a hard time. And like, I've been discussing it with other people too.
Starting point is 01:14:26 And some VR developers actually, who I know in Montreal, who've been making VR stuff for a few years. And like, it's hard to identify what the specific thing is with Drive Club. Because like, believe me, I've had conversations about it. It's fascinating. I really want to know what the study is. Because we just can't figure out.
Starting point is 01:14:44 Rigs totally didn't have that happen to me. And similarly, like, I'd love to play like a flight simulator or something like that to figure out exactly what it is. Because I don't know, man. I don't know if it's not the speed. It's not something that I feel right away either. When I played that shitty grappling game. Windlands, yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:06 It happened in seconds. But in Drive Club, it took a lap and a half. Took a bit, yeah, to set in. And then it wasn't, it was a gradual, soft thing that just made me go, I'm about done right now. I remember after a few races, I got the same thing. And you know, same for the girlfriends. It's not this like, oof, right away, jarring thing
Starting point is 01:15:26 that you get from the games that are poorly doing it. It's a very slow. It's a little nag that just slowly gets to you more and more. I mean, I was talking about it with friends again. And maybe it's something even further subconscious. Like, we are so accustomed to cars, not having the vibrations is a problem or something like that. I have no idea.
Starting point is 01:15:43 So you need to get a bunch of vibrators and put them under your butt. Yeah. Well, I have one copy of Rise for the PS2 with a trans-vibrator. So I'm one 256th of the way. Got it. And that's fantastic. You need a chair made out of vibrators.
Starting point is 01:15:55 Already going. Yeah, it's a lot of Russian blood's good though. And I feel like at the price they're selling it, which is about 20, 25, 30 bucks, it's fair. Good game. It is a good VR game. It's smart. How long?
Starting point is 01:16:09 How long? It's just three. Three hours, maybe? If you want to see everything, like the split paths, I guess. This is a little... Most of the levels have split paths. So you won't actually be able to see everything on the first go, but both three hours.
Starting point is 01:16:21 But it's a... It's a rail shooter, right? So... That's Stan. You know, I think the longest rail shooter is the second thing, and it's just Umbrella Chronicles. And that's not even fair, because it's already modeled after games that exist.
Starting point is 01:16:30 But it is polished to that level. Like, it's not... It doesn't feel rough until Donovan. Motherfucker, you told me there's a split path in Res Area X. I did. Now I need to go fucking check that out, man. There's more...
Starting point is 01:16:40 The song changes. Oh, that's great. That's great. So... Like, I made noises that apparently... Yeah, you were saying you were squealing. Like, she can emulate, like, the noises I made. Because all I knew was my mouth was open.
Starting point is 01:16:55 I was just like, oh, I can't believe what's happening right now. Girlfriend's like, Willie, why are you making little piggy sounds? Yeah, I don't know. I can't... Maybe that's what they were. It's good. I think they were much worse than that.
Starting point is 01:17:04 I don't know. Yeah, okay. That's a good way to save yourself. It's not little piggy noises. Don't make little piggy noises. It's worse, but non-specifically worse. Yeah, exactly. Vague...
Starting point is 01:17:16 Why are they worse? Sounds, yeah. I'm going to have to remember that. I played the Call of Duty Jackal Assault VR experience, which... I didn't know there was one. Yeah, that... It just came out. Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 01:17:27 Yeah, it's free for PlayStation 4, right? Yeah, they just announced last week, right before release, actually, that it is totally standalone as well. You don't actually need the game to play it, which is cool kudos to whoever made that happen. Because I was going to rent Call of Duty just to play the VR experience for a couple bucks. I am shocked at how much work they put in
Starting point is 01:17:50 to make such a small piece of content. It is like six minutes long, maybe. I wasn't timing it, but like... And I had an extended experience with it because it crashed the first time halfway through. So I had like a 10-minute total play session with it. Wow. The graphics are nuts.
Starting point is 01:18:13 It is better looking than Eve Valkyrie in regards to the cockpit specifically, and the cockpit looks fucking fantastic. And the ship that you launch out of looks great. All assets ripped from Infinite Warfare, I assume. The actual space combat is a little bit rough or a little bit not as polished. When you blow up pieces of debris,
Starting point is 01:18:31 they don't blow up into debris, they just do a big explosion and everything's gone. Oh, of course. It looks kind of ugly. It plays fun. It's enjoyable in the same way that like, hey, Eve Valkyrie is enjoyable. It's not exactly, you know,
Starting point is 01:18:44 lighting the world on fire, but it's fun. I cannot believe that they had a team make this, and it's only five minutes long. That's a test, right? I cannot, but like, holy shit. And I get that it's like, you know, they had to hit launch, they had to release on the same day,
Starting point is 01:19:00 or you know, some shit like that. But like, I can't believe how short it is. I just, I'm baffled. It's a call of duty, bro. Like, you don't just take Infinite Warfare and highlight 95% and drag it into the garbage, and then highlight the remaining 5% right click, PlayStation VR, go.
Starting point is 01:19:18 You don't just do that. That is what you do. It takes tons of R&D and work, and like, they put a lot in, and it's like five minutes long, and that's it. Maybe they want to make a VR game later, and this is just the test piece. That would be nice.
Starting point is 01:19:30 That's clearly, that's what I would assume. I hope so. It would be nice. But I think Sony paid for it, honestly. Just like Batman and everything else. Did you go into Tomb Raider to see what that was about, finally? No, at this point,
Starting point is 01:19:45 like, I've been wanting to play this game for a while. I almost bought it on Xbox One, and then they announced the PS4 version, and then I almost played it on PS4, but by the time it came out, they announced the PS4 Pro, and I said, you know what, I'll just wait. Because I really like the first Tomb Raider.
Starting point is 01:19:58 Of course, we worked on it, and I really love that game. So I want to play it in the, you know, I want to play it. Now I'm going to play it when the fucking PS4 Pro comes out this week, and I'm very excited to play it, and then I will eventually progress to that.
Starting point is 01:20:10 Because that's the one thing I hate. Excuse me. Neither, none of us have heard of it. It seems based on what people, sorry, Pat, what people said when it came out was it's in the group of not very good ones, where you walk around in first person with a stick and, you know. You see those PS4 Titanfall screenshots?
Starting point is 01:20:27 Yeah, they look much better. They look really sharp. It's a surprising improvement. It's the, they put out screenshots of what the game will look like in 1080 if you have a PS4 Pro, and it's like anti-aliased all the hell, and it looks much nicer.
Starting point is 01:20:38 Well, that's awesome. Unfortunately, my days are going to be spent battling Origin, because we're on PC, and that's the commitment we made. Oh, it's fun to battle Origin. Fuck Origin. So, fuck Origin.
Starting point is 01:20:52 So what's, what's, and ever Amen. What, I hope, I hate to, hold whatever thought you're having. I just need this. Sorry, I just forgot to mention. What personal battle have you fought now? Oh, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:21:03 Maybe the part where you just want to play with friends, and you just want to invite them to a group. So, you remember that night that I was trying to add you, and I was sending you a bunch of really confusing messages that made no sense? Yeah. And you were like, I could tell you were very like,
Starting point is 01:21:17 kind of like, okay, whatever, Pat, you're not doing it right, or whatever. Yeah, yeah, you having fun with it now, huh? No, I could understand why you were having problems with it, because I completely like would believe Origin shit not working.
Starting point is 01:21:29 Oh, like this person doesn't exist, then how are they able to send me a friend request? And it's not even like, that's just the fucking desktop app. The in-game overlay is so shit. It's real bad. And it doesn't work, and it takes over,
Starting point is 01:21:43 it takes a minute for things to update when you add someone to your list for them to show up. Sometimes boxes just open with nothing in them. It's the most baffling thing that they're forcing this in. So, every time I have this moment where I'm like, maybe I'm being a child by boycotting these services, right, because I remember boycotting like Origin, because like, no, I just want Steam, right?
Starting point is 01:22:05 And then I go, okay, come on, I'm going to grow up, there's a game I really want on it, I'll play it on there. And every time that has happened, I have been like hit with this feeling of, oh my God, all I want to do is go back to Steam. That's all I want to do. This interface is trash.
Starting point is 01:22:21 It's there, you play, it's the thing that's been- No, no, don't even. Like, I'll shit on Origin all day, but they ain't fucking nothing out there as bad as you play. But the point is just that it's like, they're too big of a company to not want to run their own thing.
Starting point is 01:22:35 But it's just, it's a shame because it's the most annoying part of the Titanfall experience. By far. I don't even know what you guys are talking about. Exactly. Yeah, because you don't have to struggle with that on the consoles.
Starting point is 01:22:46 It's fine on the consoles. Oh, sorry for that tangent, Liam. I just need, we needed to poop on it. That's okay. If you don't mind while we're on that tangent, sorry, we do need to take a word from our sponsors. Yes, absolutely. Uh, let's jump into that
Starting point is 01:22:59 because we're a little overdue. So, uh, this week. Who is our sponsor this week? Well, yeah, I don't know about this whole face thing. I got going. This is just gross. How do you- We need to solve this.
Starting point is 01:23:12 I don't know how, though. The face is a puzzle. It is, wrapped in skin. It requires all kinds of attention. And, and, and tools. Special tools. Man-made tools to help life be easy. But face pick axes are expensive.
Starting point is 01:23:32 It's true. I can only afford to. Yeah. That's it for life. Good news, sirs. Dollar Shave Club is a thing. Look at that guy. Look how clean-shaven that dude is.
Starting point is 01:23:44 Yeah, he's got a clean, beautiful face. He actually does look like that, actually. Look, Dollar Shave Club is basically the, it's a service you subscribe to that sends you every month. All the special tools. All the tools you need. Will it send me a face knife? It sends you a face knife.
Starting point is 01:24:03 A face knife and shaved margarine. To make you look good. Get everything. Dr. Carver's Shave Butter. Butter. Shave butter. Get it right. It's not soy based, man.
Starting point is 01:24:11 What do you want? You want me to get it right or do you want a sick setup every week? I want you to not be treated like a criminal when you go over to the pharmacy. I've been treated like a criminal. I don't want to go to the pharmacy to buy my special face tools. Yeah. I want you to look and smell fresh like a million bucks. I want you to get all your hair, face, shave, everything.
Starting point is 01:24:30 Hair, face, shave. Let's just shave our fucking eyebrows. Let's just do it. Just admit it. Yeah, yeah. And we'll be like, we'll be like, uh, ban show criminals. The future's happening now. We need to get ready for it.
Starting point is 01:24:41 It'll help you with your VR experience to have your eyebrows shaved. Yeah. Because it's less like space. It'll be closer to your face. For real now, Wally, you'll never understand this feeling. But like wearing hats, helmets, VR setups, and headphones gets a lot easier when you do this to the top of your head. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:59 Well, I've noticed you shave all your hair off the trouble with the dreds in the back if I have them bunched up in the VR headset. But more importantly, if you head on down to slash friendcast, you can get your first month of razors free and less special razors. It's, and it's, you know, it's a chance to find out why you want to stay on board and how great it's a chance to find out how great you can be with your face. There you go. So that's slash friendcast.
Starting point is 01:25:34 Get in. It's a box full of more than just razors. It's everything to keep you looking smet, looking smash. Smash, smash, smash. If you push it, it'll happen. Yeah. Yeah. You're looking smash today.
Starting point is 01:25:44 You're looking smash today. Real smashy. Look smash. Look smash at your best. And that working on multiple uses like, oh, smashing all last night. Boy, my arm's tired. Yeah. Thanks to dollarshaveclub.
Starting point is 01:25:54 Thanks. Thank you. We are also sponsored by. What? What? The good old boys down at Loot Crate. I put a good old boys down at the Deadpool factory for a second. How you guys doing?
Starting point is 01:26:06 Hi, Loot Crate. Didn't see you there. How's the crate business? So Loot Crate, as you know, is the crate business that sends a box to your door every month. It's in some form of crate package box. One of the most prolific crate services in the world, I think. Pro-lific. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:22 They have a different theme. I think it's bleeding edge crate technology that they push. Yeah. And every month they've got a different theme, you know, usually appropriate to what's going on now. And what more appropriate theme could there be than November's theme, magical. Yeah. Magical. That's pretty smash.
Starting point is 01:26:40 Right? Yeah. So we're talking. If you would. We're talking Doc Strange. We're talking fantastic beasts and where to find them. Big trouble in little China. Wow, that's a real out there.
Starting point is 01:26:52 All right. Yeah, okay. I like that. Yeah, there's some. John Carpenter says, what fucking good does this do me? Oh, John. There's some, there's some cool stuff in that movie, man. The guy that looks like right here.
Starting point is 01:27:02 Yeah. He blows up at that part. Yeah. So you want to get in on this magical box and you want to head on down to slash super and are the promo code super. And if you do, you'll save three bucks on your new subscription. You have until the 19th at 9 p.m. Pacific to get in on that magic box. And then when it's over, it's gone forever.
Starting point is 01:27:24 The magic doesn't last beyond the 19th at 9 p.m. Don't come back. That's next month. No. Don't make the mistake. Don't miss out. Head on down slash super promo code super. Thanks, guys.
Starting point is 01:27:35 Thank you. Thanks, Luke. Thanks, Luke. Great. And back into the normal podcast where we so. It's happening right now. Liam, tell us more about how Smash your week was. So a bunch of old people were playing my VR set.
Starting point is 01:27:53 Yeah. How old? Can you explain this a bit more than zero? Why did this happen? I was at my, me and my girlfriend went to her parents' cottage in northern New York state, right? And I knew her parents wanted to try the VR stuff out. So you brought it with you all the way down there?
Starting point is 01:28:07 Yeah, absolutely. I said, hey, you guys want to play it too. You can, if you want to come down to the cottage, we'll. We'll play that, right? We'll smash it up. And they had such a good time playing it, right? Yeah. They, one of them is 50 something, one of them is 70 something, a bit of an age gap.
Starting point is 01:28:22 Both of them had a significantly great time playing it. That was a weird way to say that. And they went over to their friend's place that evening for cheese and wine. And their friends heard about it. And they were like, oh my god, that's so cool. That's so awesome. And so the next day there was like a bunch of old people playing the VR. Lots.
Starting point is 01:28:41 And you booted up, here they lied. I shoved them all into the, no, but we went through a bunch of the demos. Cleaning up, vomit all night. Like ocean descent and job simulator. Of course, of course. And one daring human took the kitchen. And he found it horrifying. How long is ocean descent?
Starting point is 01:28:58 I have only actually seen the first, there's two. The first one's about 10 minutes long. The shark one is about 10 minutes. I haven't actually seen the other one. So we did a bunch of those. And after that, I felt like, hey, you know what? I'm going to play job simulator. Because I watched a bunch of people play it last night.
Starting point is 01:29:16 And I was like, you know what? I've actually never gone beyond the first job, right? So I played a bunch of job simulator. And I got to really pull back my praise for this game a little bit. It's like, you know. Getting a little smashy over there. I think this game is an incredibly good first. It's our squash.
Starting point is 01:29:34 We just, we have our own squash now. We have our own squash. Incredibly good first impression, especially if you've never played VR before. This is a really strong first VR game to play, getting to see your hands in real space. Digital hands fucking works too. But after a while, it really sets in that in job simulator,
Starting point is 01:29:54 all you're doing is you're looking at the thing and it tells you to do task and you do task. And then it goes, and you get your next task and you do it again. And it's like, sure, that's every video game ever. No, but it's the existential dread of the average work day. Yeah. That's every video game ever. But the tasks at times are so monotonous
Starting point is 01:30:15 and the development team's sense of humor is so poor most of the time that I don't think it works. Demo's really fun. It demos fantastic. To our American listeners. I was one of the games I was most excited to play. I want to point out that Liam's use is not of the weak American poor. No, you went for poor.
Starting point is 01:30:34 Poor quality. That's bad. Yeah. And to be fair, you say it's monotonous. Yes. You say the game called Job Simulator is monotonous. I feel like so. I think it's the most realistic.
Starting point is 01:30:46 So the thing is the actual setting is it's 2151 and humans are gone. I played the cooking game. Okay. Yeah. And the robots are like, this is what we think jobs were. So it's a good setting for a really fun, funny thing. Right.
Starting point is 01:30:58 But some of the tasks that they have you perform, like you get, you get to the shop keep one where you're at, you're working a convenience store counter, right? And you get the first guy and you grab his hot dog and you scan it on the UPC thing and you throw it in. You're like, yeah, that's funny. I scan the hot dog. And then 17 steps later, because these missions are about,
Starting point is 01:31:17 these levels are about 20 different tasks each, you're doing the same thing. And you're like, you know what, this is not exciting. The robots had it right. Each of these levels should be half as long and twice as funny. And they're not. It's the exact opposite. They're twice as long as they should be
Starting point is 01:31:32 and they're half as funny. This is kind of like your thing with Sunset Overdrive where a game makes a joke and says, man, it really sucks to do this. And everyone kind of laughs. I thought you actually had to do it. But then it makes you do it. I thought Sunset was a better and funnier game.
Starting point is 01:31:47 Oh yeah, no, for sure. But is that the core problem where the game is like, hey, yeah, this kind of sucks. They're going to make you do it anyway. It's more like, like you have a situation where a robot says, hey, check out these funny pictures on the computer and he emails you a bunch of pictures and you grab your mouse and you check out the pictures.
Starting point is 01:32:03 And it's a bunch of really just not funny meme images with, you know, text on talk, text on bottom. And it's like... Image macros, yeah. Kind of. No, but robots think it's funny. But specifically, the type that has a face in the middle that lets you know that this is this character
Starting point is 01:32:21 and then the text on bottom, text on the top, like with the penguin and all that shit, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it's fucking like, it's a fucking travesty of humor. That shit doesn't hold up today. That shit's not going to hold up next year. The robots think it's funny, though. Yeah, but it's like, I'm looking at it
Starting point is 01:32:39 and I'm like, why are they even putting these jokes? These jokes are a waste of my time. They're not even like... It sounds like you're mad at the robots in the game less than the developers. But the developers made the... You got a name, right? Yeah, I figured.
Starting point is 01:32:54 Maybe the game was actually developed by robots. Maybe the game was made bad on purpose as a joke. As a commentary, yeah. We purposely made a bad game. It demos incredibly well. And like, showing it to people as their first VR thing works so well. I had actually played one or two VR things before this,
Starting point is 01:33:10 but this was the first one I had played at PSX where I got to use my hands. And that's really strong for the first time. It's really like a cool experience. But I... Yeah, I played it when I went to the Game Grumps. That's where I played... Oh, yeah, yeah, I remember hearing about that.
Starting point is 01:33:23 I remember the kitchen game, rather. But it's really flat otherwise. There's not much to it. In conclusion, Brevity is the soul of wit. Brevity is the soul of wit. And the simulator does not have enough brevity and has a price tag too high for the brevity it contains. You'll be crazy.
Starting point is 01:33:39 You put on a VR game, you get transported like this western location, and there's robots running around and you're killing these robots. Then it turns out that these robots are real. Yeah. And it's like Cowboy World. That'd be nuts. That'd be...
Starting point is 01:33:56 Wow. That'd be like a TV show. I couldn't even fathom such a thing. Yeah. You should have called it Cowboy Place or Cowboy Land or... Cowboyville? Cowboyville. I thought you were gonna say that like...
Starting point is 01:34:11 Because you said you put on the VR headset and you get transported, and then my brain auto-completely... To a faraway planet, to a world where monsters rule. You know, I mean... Monster Rancher. Play the game. Fitting like an ace and now you're in this place. Although I'm not sure if Monster Rancher would be...
Starting point is 01:34:28 Monster's rule. Monster Rancher. Okay, I want everybody to know that I'm giving these to motherfuckers big middle fingers. Because there's... Monster's rule. Monster Rancher sucks a bunch of shit. It's great.
Starting point is 01:34:39 I love Monster Rancher. Give me some generic pieces of shit when I put Resident Evil 2 into the drive. Unlock your disc. Spin it fast. Okay. Spin it fast. Wow.
Starting point is 01:34:48 Take a chance. So good. Mystery disc. I love that. The last game I played was Virginia, which Matt, I think you bought, but nobody's actually sat down to play yet. No, no one's ever played it.
Starting point is 01:35:00 Yeah, I bought it the day it came out and until this week I didn't touch it. Looks very interesting. The art is gorgeous. It is unambiguously successful at its art and presentation. Is that the one in space? Which are flawless. No.
Starting point is 01:35:11 No, no. You're thinking of a drift maybe. This is like a Twin Peaks-y kind of investigation detector. Oh, really? Yeah, exactly. So how does the silent storytelling work out? So there's no voice acting in it at all. There's none of that either.
Starting point is 01:35:27 Oh, there isn't a problem. The characters don't open their mouth. It's like old Lego games. You're just observing characters in gestures. But it's very well done. They don't like pantomime things. Like your boss will be reading a file and they'll throw it across the desk at you.
Starting point is 01:35:41 Nah. You know, he won't go like pointing at the file. Like, whoa, gotta read this. No, it's actually the presentation, the animation, the art. All of that is like impeccable. Absolutely impeccable. Lots of really cool cuts where you'll be walking down like a really long hallway going to a door to a basement
Starting point is 01:36:00 and like part way down the hallway, it'll just cut and you're on the stairs and now you're walking forward down the stairs and it'll cut and you're in the basement. And like lots of cool cinematic thoughtful things. I feel like there's a big jiggling butt coming up. Hopefully. But I always make a big effort to make myself sound smart in regards to how well I understand games.
Starting point is 01:36:24 Yes. I always make a really big effort sometimes to a fault. A big try. I am not ashamed to admit that a lot of the story went so far over my head. I've heard this. My girlfriend and I, she basically got the exact same experience because it's all you do is look and hit X. We both watched through the entire thing.
Starting point is 01:36:45 It's about two hours long. That's a really funny statement. Yeah. By the end of it, there were story threads that we got and that we totally got. But the story at large did not understand it at all. Straight up, you got to the end and went, I don't get it. I didn't.
Starting point is 01:37:03 Yeah. I didn't 100% get it. There were bits I got, but there were significant parts missing. And did what you get leave a positive? No. I don't feel like I got enough out of it that the hook was satisfying or anything like that. You know?
Starting point is 01:37:22 I feel like there was so much missing, like a David Lynch movie. I feel like there was so much missing that I didn't truly enjoy the ending and it's a bummer because again, all it is is the presentation. It's 100% on the presentation. You should really watch Twin Peaks. I still have Matt's Blu-ray set. Liana wants it back. She's like, is this motherfuckers had it for like two years?
Starting point is 01:37:47 She's got to ask. I'll bring it back. No, are you done with it? I watched two episodes. You fucking watch it. Okay. Sorry, Liana. Stop not watching it and just watch it.
Starting point is 01:37:57 Oh, just give him True Detective. I'll buy her something. What? Just give him True Detective. We watched all of it. Buy him a photo of you having watched it. I haven't watched True Detective. It's probably not.
Starting point is 01:38:07 Don't watch that second season. It's fantastic you should watch it. Don't watch that second. I think you'd like it. I probably. It's too scary. Good TV is good TV. Yeah, it doesn't matter what.
Starting point is 01:38:15 But yeah, David Lynch absolutely comes to mind because there's bits where I'm just like, I didn't get that. I didn't get that at all and it sucks because the presentation is so on point. The music is incredible. They got an orchestra to do it and it fucking shows. Everything about it is wonderful except the story, which... When you're playing this epic game,
Starting point is 01:38:36 it's actually like 80% of what you're doing and you're trying to figure out the story. And I didn't get it. I got a lot of the minutiae and the character relationships but the story at large, there were bits that I just didn't get. That sucks because sometimes that happens but you're still okay. Like for example, when you watch Primer,
Starting point is 01:38:52 it flies right over your head and you're like, but what I did get was interesting in this that I want to know more. And then when you look it up and you find out more, you go all. But when you watch My Life and you're like, I didn't get it. So what happened? I didn't like it.
Starting point is 01:39:09 Did I see a movie? And then you look it up and you find out the full explanation and you're like, oh, I see what you were trying to do. That's still... I hated more. I still need to... Effectively. That's Neon Demon.
Starting point is 01:39:19 I still need to take that minute to look up what happened in Virginia. If someone's done a little write-up or something because I get the gist, I think, but I don't know. I don't know. Like when I found out what Braid was really about, I liked Braid a lot less because I don't know. I expected it to be more interesting.
Starting point is 01:39:39 I didn't mind that. It didn't make it better or worse to me. I just thought it was like, oh, that's what the layer... Like that's what the blindfold was, I see. Now I know what it is when the blindfold's off and that was it. Oh, okay. Yeah. It didn't really make it worse.
Starting point is 01:39:57 I felt the same way with Braid, yeah. But that's pretty much my week. So I'll pass it off to Patrick. What did I do with My Life? Let's see. Sure. I've been coaching The Misses on playing Bloodborne. She'd be gas-going and cried because she's a huge baby.
Starting point is 01:40:09 She's doing extremely well, better than you, Willie. Let's see, what else? Nice that you needed to get that last part in there. Oh, it's required. Oh, I'm sure it is. Yeah, let's see. I forgot to talk about it a while ago, but Me and The Misses did play Nobody...
Starting point is 01:40:25 Wait, what the fuck's the name of it? Keep talking, Nobody Explodes. We played a good deal of it. That is a game that... You played it, Willie. Yeah, I played it before. Who you played it with, Me and My Misses and Your Girlfriend, right? Yep.
Starting point is 01:40:39 If you're playing it with just your significant other, that can stress some communication skills and be rough. It's that first... When I first had to get the... What is the game, Pat? Oh, sorry. What kind of game? I thought I was under this weird...
Starting point is 01:40:58 No, I know what it is. Yeah. But I'm sure 100,000 people out there know. Keep talking, Nobody Explodes is a VR game in which the person with the VR headset on can see a bomb and describe it and interact with it in limited fashion. And the person without the headset or persons, you can play it to as many people as you want to touch the paper.
Starting point is 01:41:14 Have the manual to disarm it. Did you print out the papers, by the way? No. It's a blast. Yeah, I printed it. Having the printed papers and hearing everyone fold through it? Yeah. It feels like the proper way to play.
Starting point is 01:41:24 But that first shot of describing... Like, before you have any familiarity with the game at all and trying to flip through the papers, like, I completely froze and we got zero progress multiple times. Oh, wow. Because I couldn't internalize the descriptors because I had never seen the bomb at all. Right, okay.
Starting point is 01:41:43 And then we switched a couple times and then there was just enough. That game's fucking amazing. I'm surprised at how many levels there are in it. There were a lot more than I would have expected for something like that. It's probably... They've been working on it for a long time. Like, there was a release of this game multiple,
Starting point is 01:41:57 like, many, many years ago. And it's like, you just have one person look at the screen like before VR was really available. So, on the actual TV, I guess is where the instructions are. That's right. That's how it is. And they're hugely big printed and there's 24 pages or some such. It's so much fun.
Starting point is 01:42:15 I love that game. It's so great. It's probably my favorite VR game right now. Like, oh, okay. No, Rez is... Hey, no. Keep talking is my favorite, but Rez is objectively the best. I don't think anybody's gonna...
Starting point is 01:42:27 That's fair. I was about to lean over there and see. Yeah, I know. I know. And that would be justified. That'd be fine. Good call. I also played...
Starting point is 01:42:36 Let's see. I played 14. I played a little bit of Civ. I played a bunch of Titanfall because that came to the shit. Population is a little better. It's actually... It's not that it's better. It's just that it hasn't gone down.
Starting point is 01:42:48 No, it's gone up on a couple of days. Because I played it all that first week and there were like Wednesday mornings that I was playing that was going on like 4,000, which was scary. And now I haven't seen it below 7. And also somebody sent me on Twitter a photo of like the fucking infinite warfare PC numbers, which are like just as bad. So at least we don't have to worry about Call of Duty eating its lunch.
Starting point is 01:43:13 It just mainly got its lunch eaten by Overwatch and Battlefield. What's the word on Jon Snow? Anyone know? No, I didn't know he was in it. What? Jon Snow's in Call of Duty? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:29 He's the villain. Oh. No? I don't know. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm out. Because they had like Kevin Spacey before. Sure, I just didn't know that he was in it.
Starting point is 01:43:39 The big star get this time around was... Mr. Snow. ...Kid Harrington. I'm all the way out on Call of Duty now that I'm in on Titanfall. They got some UFCers in there too this year. Oh yeah? Yeah. As other minor roles.
Starting point is 01:43:52 I read the campaign actually seems kind of interesting because it's like a hub of this like spaceship and there's side missions and stuff to do and you go out on missions with each of the characters and there's like RPG elements and shit. I'm not. I'm curious to know what the offer is. Yeah, because for generally like it seems like a lot of people
Starting point is 01:44:10 liked Kevin Spacey's small role. And you know, it seems like this whole getting a big A-lister to be in the Call of Duty will continue. Their sales are down. So... They're like 50% down Call of Duty over last time. Like I hope it's finally starting to happen because I got a little sick of it.
Starting point is 01:44:30 What else? Not all that much. I got a new phone. I got a pixel. So I'm going to have that annual thing where I get a new phone and then go I'm going to play those phone games I should have played like World Ends With You and then not play them. There's a new Android phone game that just came out called Pinout.
Starting point is 01:44:49 Pinout? And it looks fantastic. And I think it's only on Android right now. But if you can get that, that's weird. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know. But it's basically like imagine if you would like any of those games
Starting point is 01:45:03 I was just describing like Super Hypercube or something like that. But it's like a pinball game where you just keep infinitely hitting it up and up. And the music is great and it looks super cool. The studio name is my favorite studio name I've seen in ages. The studio name is mediocre. Yeah. So they made Smash Fit. I still like lag studios.
Starting point is 01:45:26 So if you do get a chance at that, let me know because I don't think I can play it. Oh really? Well, because I have an iPhone. Oh, I thought for some reason I thought it was like it makes you nauseous because we were talking about all that VR stuff. No. Is this Android or what? Looking at my phone I feel nauseous.
Starting point is 01:45:43 I'm planning to play like a multiplayer game of Civ. Well, it's on the App Store. It's right here. Is it? Yeah. I'm planning to play a multiplayer game of Civ this week. He's playing it right now. He just beat it.
Starting point is 01:45:55 I'm expecting to turn it into like a game of risk where you start and it takes all fucking day and no one wins. Okay. Anything else? No, not really. I saw Strange talked about that with you guys. Okay. This game looks cool.
Starting point is 01:46:09 Much more exciting for the next Marvel movie. Sorry to interrupt. It looks fantastic. If it's out right now, then I'm absolutely going to grab it. Pin out looks super cool. Yeah, I actually like it. It's on my phone now. Dope.
Starting point is 01:46:19 It's going fast. And yes, that next Marvel movie, dude. Yeah. That's the character they had to add. Yeah. It's already like a big deal in my mind now. Also. I'm playing pin out on my iPhone now.
Starting point is 01:46:30 Okay. Well, just download it, but you don't have to actually start. No, hold on. If Liam's going to play pin out. I just need to make sure it's not just on Android. Well, fuck you. I'm getting alerts right now. I have to play it also.
Starting point is 01:46:40 Matt, I'm getting Google alerts right now. Apparently. Apparently. Apparently. And they're not Google alerts. Everyone feels that your dream is just... Not clear. It's just unclear to me.
Starting point is 01:46:51 G.A. is letting you know. The blurriness of my dream. Yeah, yeah, no. It's just deeply unclear. Like first you want to do street fighter stuff, then you start making videos, then you go, what do you want? I don't know. I don't know what I want out of this life.
Starting point is 01:47:06 Anyway. I'm deciding. But Sombra is live on the PTR right now. That's true. Sure wish I hadn't know everything about this character before. Sure wish the... Yo, that game's fantastic. Pinout's rad.
Starting point is 01:47:20 Good. Yeah, just beat it. Pretty much. Sure wish the ARG properly led to information. I... But to be fair, I mean, did you know BlizzCon was coming up? Why would they ever reveal her life a few weeks before BlizzCon? Because that's not how ARGs work.
Starting point is 01:47:35 No, I know. But then what were you hoping to do? Bread crunch. Bread crunch. ARGs are supposed to be when someone solves it, the character immediately unlocks. Well, or whatever. The info dump happens.
Starting point is 01:47:45 Yeah. And so what ends up... Or it unlocks the trailer. Even a fucking date. Anything that's not just a series of countdowns to another countdown. No, I know. But like... It just ends up being absolutely no.
Starting point is 01:47:57 Because I saw some other people talking about this weeks ago, and then someone says, well, I don't even know why anyone's bothering. They're never going to release any information until BlizzCon anyway. So... Like when it's this close to it. Well, the thing that like... When it started, it wasn't close, unfortunately.
Starting point is 01:48:10 And the thing that was... But yeah. What was true. Based on how Anna was handled as well, it's kind of like what was fathomable was, we wouldn't get hands-on footage until BlizzCon. Yeah. But at the very least, you might get like a hint at the abilities,
Starting point is 01:48:24 or just literally anything besides that little skull logo. And there was nothing. And it was a terrible... Terrible example of a giant energy gun. Don't worry, because now everything's fine and... Yeah. All on... Do you now want to play the character?
Starting point is 01:48:43 Because you were getting so mad about the ARGs, like you're just like, I don't even care about her anymore. I said that... I stand by what I said, which... Sorry, you were going to say something. I was just going to say, like both of the leaks of art before the release.
Starting point is 01:48:57 Or more valuable than any reward. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Every time I saw them too, I was like, all right, well Sombra's my favorite character in Overwatch now. Or does not... Like, she looks amazing. Fedorova? That'll be the thing that'll make me pick the game back up.
Starting point is 01:49:10 No, she looks different from Fedorova. Fedorova Matsuda? She looks different from Fedorova. If you look at someone and they have the same hairstyle, and you're like, you're that person, that's fucked up. No, but it's... The same hairstyle, the same skin color,
Starting point is 01:49:21 the same background. Yeah, like all those woolies we see on the street. Basically. Nah. If you're going to change Laura, if you just took purple Laura, she's got the cloth. Like, she's got a lot of defining features.
Starting point is 01:49:33 She... I wouldn't say Fedorova, but I bet she looks so much like Laura. Just her hair. Well, I will say, I will say that. No, her fucking face. I will say that that's a hairstyle that I saw on Fedorova,
Starting point is 01:49:44 and that was the only place I could think of it back then. Yeah. And now everyone's doing it. And she has it. And we're probably going to see it a bit more. Well, for clarity, I care more about the claws and the jacket and stuff than I do about the hair.
Starting point is 01:49:54 Yeah, I guess she has a jacket. Yeah, fucking dope. The facial profile tends to be what people care about the most. But I will say that, yeah, I'm always interested in gameplay and new abilities affecting the meta. Hey, how do you feel about a character
Starting point is 01:50:08 specifically built to hard counter the absolute fuck out of your character's primary ability? Well, I also play Reinhardt and... Well, no, wait. What's... I was assuming you were talking about Reinhardt. Oh, I've been on Zarya more.
Starting point is 01:50:23 Okay. Because Reinhardt's shield disappears. No, but I play Winston a bit more heavier. Oh, really? Interesting. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:50:30 In any case, it seems like the o-penis factor is really through the roof on her gameplay. O-penis, huh? That gameplay is bad. That's the word we're going to use. O-penis. The o-penis. That's correct.
Starting point is 01:50:43 All right. It seems like... Like some of the guys were saying, like she should have been two characters based on her kit. Yeah. She might appear stealthy or disabled. And you get a nice elaboration.
Starting point is 01:50:56 If you check out this Blizzard interview where they talk about how originally, her powers were all the Shimada Brother powers, basically. Okay. And that they ended up getting put onto those guy characters instead. And so all she had left at the time was invisibility.
Starting point is 01:51:13 And then they built this new sort of setup around her. But it feels like she has so much that she can do that it's going to be essential to have her in every match. The fact that hacking... Okay. So what she can do for those who haven't seen it, Sombra is the new Overwatch character.
Starting point is 01:51:28 She's a hacker. And what she does is she has the ability to hack other characters or health packs on the map. When you hack a character, you stop them from being able to use their abilities. All of them. Not counting passives. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:42 Okay. I feel like she might come across the same way as like, oh, how teleporters are essential. But then everyone realizes that teleporters aren't really essential. You know what I mean? There's more to it, though. But I mean, she's not going to be without her trade-offs.
Starting point is 01:51:56 She'll probably have very low life and relatively low damage output. Right now she has normal life and decent damage output. Because her SMG is low accuracy, but she'll lose to a soldier point blank. But in general, it's enough to do the dirty work just fine. And it's not particularly low damage and particularly low life. Because there's full gameplay footage out now.
Starting point is 01:52:17 Yeah, I know. What we're waiting on is PTR feedback to see some nerfs that have to happen. Because right now in the unearthed form, it's crazy what she can do. But so yeah, you can hack players and you allow and they lose the ability to do that. How long?
Starting point is 01:52:36 A couple seconds. I think it's possibly around like eight or so seconds. You didn't let him finish what the ability actually does. But obs are. So you hack. No, not for my sake. So he said it earlier. You know, you hack a character
Starting point is 01:52:49 and they can still do their passives, but their abilities are locked. They cannot use them. If you hack a heal station, you can make it so that enemies are unable to use the heal. Yeah. You deny them the healing item. Your team can use it.
Starting point is 01:53:11 And it responds to health pack way, way faster. Like it. It responds it in a couple seconds. Oh, interesting. That hack lasts a minute. She can walk around the map. That's a big. Soiling the earth.
Starting point is 01:53:30 She can salt the earth, so to speak. And make it so that. She's putting down creep. You cannot heal for a solid minute, but she gets back her hack ability. Okay. In a couple seconds. Okay.
Starting point is 01:53:42 So you get that. You get the fact that, you know, her she has an invisibility, which is not like a Titanfall invisibility where you see the shimmer or like the kind of outline. Predator style. It's full invisibility. Wait, really? Until she's point blank.
Starting point is 01:54:04 Like she's gone. She is 100% gone from the map. That's rare. Yeah. And it's not only is it full invisibility. She moves faster. Okay. So it's like Reaper's ghost form, his specter kind of form.
Starting point is 01:54:19 But invisible. But completely gone from the map. So instead of invincible, she's invisible, right? Okay. So that allows her to sprint to the back line, hack a bunch of shit easily, right? She only, and again, only when she's point blank. But if you're point blank and she gets the jump on you,
Starting point is 01:54:36 you're already dead. Okay. That her SMG is decent enough that that's going to. Do you get the full second of surprise? Right. Then she also has the teleporter that she throws, which is a personal teleporter. And she can throw it on top of roofs, wherever,
Starting point is 01:54:55 and then use it to recall at any time. So she can use that offensively and offensively. She can throw it at the floor in a safe location and use it to go back there when she gets bad. Exactly. Or she can use it on, like, say, the Cairo map to, like, get to that rooftop. The only Junkrat and Pharah can get to.
Starting point is 01:55:12 Exactly. Now, the thing with it in particular is that you have 15 seconds after you throw it to use it before it just comes back into your inventory. Okay. And during that time, it will, like I said, you can use it in midair. Once it hits the ground, it can't be destroyed.
Starting point is 01:55:26 You can't do anything to interrupt it. Okay. And so far, the effective usage, one of the effective usages is throwing it down next to a hacked health pack. Yeah. Going nuts in the fight. Right before you die.
Starting point is 01:55:39 Turn invisible, run in, get a pick, and then right before you die, get back. And you're fine. Yeah. And then if you stand on that health pack, again, it's like, heal up a little bit, wait a couple seconds, heal up again, you're ready to go.
Starting point is 01:55:51 It is extremely abusable, right? We're not done yet. Okay. She has a passive ability. I didn't know she had a passive. She has a passive ability that lets her see full wall hack where the enemy team is if your life is less than half. So when your, when your shields are down
Starting point is 01:56:13 and you have less than half life, aka you're near death in theory. You know where everyone on the map is. You know where everyone on the map is. So she can control that information. That needs to go. Give her to give it to her team or just go hunt them down,
Starting point is 01:56:25 which he's really good at doing. She can't go kill a tank, but she can get mercy. She can get anyone who's dying, right? And like certain characters, because the hacking, not only disables your abilities, I forgot to say,
Starting point is 01:56:38 it drops your shield completely, right? So Zenyatta shield gone. Shield Reinhardt shield gone for, yeah. Right. Her alt is giant area of effect, instant hack on everyone in the area. So that destroys all barriers, breaks all shields, and disables them from using their abilities in that zone.
Starting point is 01:57:01 Which completely shuts down a lot of alts themselves. Which makes your team way stronger than their team. You have no shield for Reinhardt. You have no Winston barrier. You have no alts for anyone. And what's fantastic is if Lucio breaks it down, all Lucio does is give you a whole lot of shield. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:24 Oh, okay. Completely negates. A hard counter to Lucio. Hard counter. Okay. You know? You see those bits where people are comparing like her default pose to D.O. Shrouded in Darkness,
Starting point is 01:57:42 and that the- With the hands up thing? Yeah, and when she does her hack, she's doing like her world. The purple. Oh. No, she's doing like the same pose. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:57:52 Yeah. I love it. I think it's a bit of a stretch, but sure, come on. Yeah, man. So that, all of that together creates a fucking strong character. And one that can, unless nerfed in some way, shape, or form, will be broken in the wrong hands. I saw people making jokes about like the fucking troll team
Starting point is 01:58:14 coming to Overwatch would be May, Ana, and Laura. And now Laura. Stops your movement, stops your healing, stops your abilities. Yeah. What do you got? You're not allowed to do anything. Yeah, no.
Starting point is 01:58:27 It's looking like it's going to be an issue. And I do think like, yeah, it feels like the raw power of her kit feels like two characters put into one. Yeah. It's on the pizza. It feels like that's the character that, yeah, it feels like they had a pure stealth backstab character, like the spy, and then they had the hacking character,
Starting point is 01:58:49 and they're like, I'm sure we can mash them together. And it's interesting because watching like Unit Lost had the first stream of it, of gameplay. And when you're seeing the, like, he's like, hey, I have an idea. Let me try this thing out. And every time you had an idea about something, it worked extremely successfully.
Starting point is 01:59:06 You know what I mean? And it'll be like, oh, she can do this. She can do that. You can just run all kinds of game plans. She's very versatile. And her survivability is so big or so strong that it's like, it's going to be essential to have one on your team. You know, so.
Starting point is 01:59:21 That's Sombra, potentially. It's also like new modes and shit. New modes. What's arcade mode? Does anyone know? Yeah, absolutely. It's not as exciting as you might think. God damn it.
Starting point is 01:59:31 It's actually pretty good. I like it. I don't know that any of you tell us. But it's 1v1s and 3v3s. Ah, it's 1v1, really? And the previous Quick Plays. But it's not like an arcade arcade mode, like you might think.
Starting point is 01:59:41 No, but like, I... Here's what? Well, here's exactly what it is. It's a place where all previous brawls are going to be selectable. Cool. All new brawls will go there as well. Like even like, Jungenstein's Ruin?
Starting point is 01:59:53 Everything. All of it. Then you're going to have new modes that are like 1v1 and 3v3. And it's going to have like, whatever is the special mode of that week, that's like being pushed as if it were a brawl, is going to give you loot boxes. Oh, more like, okay. Oh yeah, more.
Starting point is 02:00:10 Yeah, basically. Wait, actual loot boxes? Actual boxes. Geez, guys. Straight boxes for playing that mode. That's cool. Yeah. So it's a really...
Starting point is 02:00:17 Because that's way more of an incentive to actually do the weekly brawls than... What did you get? Nothing. It was the same effectively. I just thought in my head, you got more XP. Yeah. Got nothing. So the exception of like Jungenstein's Revenge and Lucio Ball,
Starting point is 02:00:32 which were kind of unique, like yeah, you get nothing. Yeah, the season. Right, right, right. You got to make fat nothing. So they're going to rotate through those, and you're going to have the ability to go in and get some boxes. There's some new maps confirmed. The 1v1 and 3v3 map.
Starting point is 02:00:45 Yeah, exactly. So that is the frozen base that Mei was in, like when she was crowning. No one gets to move. Crown stasis. And then there's the oasis as well. I won't block that. Which is coming as a different...
Starting point is 02:00:54 Oasis. They're changing quick play into... That's the last detail. Into not competitive. So what you... Into literally like quote unquote, not competitive. So the space originally for quick play was, it was a combination of people that wanted to try out new heroes.
Starting point is 02:01:10 So you could do duplicates, but also people who just wanted to like, dick around and run troll teams, right? Locking you... Well, I mean, it was also for people who just wanted to play. Yes. Dick around. But I didn't want to just dick around.
Starting point is 02:01:23 I wanted to play and win. But I didn't want to just test troll teams either. You know, like... It was the place for everyone. I just considered dicking around to be just playing. Well, yeah, but once competitive came out, like that is what it became. That sort of became...
Starting point is 02:01:37 Like you would be running a grand weird composition troll team. I'm literally quoting the Blizzard guy's interview It's a dicking around. He said generally quick play was a mashup of people trying out new characters and people that wanted to kind of just go nuts and have fun with crazy comps. That's different from what you said. Like I want to have fun.
Starting point is 02:01:56 Exactly. Like I don't want to... I'm sorry. Just when you said it's just for people trying and trolling, I was like, that's weird. For fun. It's the flow that you can play for fun or exactly. Comp was in there for competitive play and such.
Starting point is 02:02:08 But the point is that... Sorry, it just came off as elitist. And I was like, like what? Like people can't just... No, no, no, but they weren't. Like I said, I'm sorry. So in general now, what they want to do, which is pretty smart,
Starting point is 02:02:24 because sometimes you want to practice comp type things, but not in a comp situation. So quick play is disallowing duplicate characters. Yeah. So it's kind of... Slightly more serious. Right. And then you'll have a mode in the arcade called No Limits where...
Starting point is 02:02:42 What type of soldiers are you? No Limit soldiers. I thought I told you. That's what your team should be. So you get to do that mode. And yeah, people can then choose what type of game they want. Yeah, there's been like just... It's a minor change overall.
Starting point is 02:02:59 Like it's whether or not you can have duplicates or not. But it's the difference between like just in tone of like, okay, arcade mode is for funsies. Not taking the game too seriously. Yeah. Quick play is for taking the game kind of, but not really. And comp is for like, okay, try hards. Here you go.
Starting point is 02:03:19 Here's your comp. I guess so. Yeah. All right. The... It's interesting because I was thinking that like, it might be possible if they had... It might be feasible to have like up to two of one type of character
Starting point is 02:03:34 or something like that. But in the end, whatever the case is, I think we have a pretty good... I think this will probably help. Yeah, and people can now find exactly what they're looking for because there's enough Overwatch players to refine your desires. What was the metric they released?
Starting point is 02:03:50 Like Overwatch is the fastest Blizzard game to get to like 21 million players? I have no doubt of that at all. Yeah. That makes sense. That seems incredibly legit. I thought I saw something like Destructor or something about that.
Starting point is 02:04:01 Yeah, I'll believe that. I'll believe that for sure. Like, I mean, I adore Titanfall, but like at some point I will go back to Overwatch because Overwatch will probably last forever. Yeah. And... Until they bring in the Auction House.
Starting point is 02:04:16 Well, if things ever do go... I will auction my Mercy Halloween skin. If things ever do like hit that point with Titanfall, yeah, you do know that Overwatch is going to be there, you know, but I feel like... I didn't get any of the Halloween costumes. Oh. I didn't care for any of them.
Starting point is 02:04:34 Because they're all awesome. Yeah, they are, but I personally didn't care for any of them. None of them were for anybody. Did you play Junk and Sands Revenge? I did not. Okay. I was completely off Titanfall.
Starting point is 02:04:43 Yeah, exactly. I wanted to say Overwatch, but I said Titanfall instead. Make sure you get a chance at that. It's their best brawl so far. It's their best brawl. Okay. Very sure.
Starting point is 02:04:52 It's actually different. I like Lucio Ball a lot. Yeah, this is way better than that. Yeah, a lot of people didn't. Oh, really? Yeah. A lot of people really didn't like it. So if you liked that,
Starting point is 02:05:00 then you're definitely going to enjoy it. Okay. That was pretty much the Overwatch BlizzCon update. A bunch of random pieces for the Diablo. Yeah, there was one other thing was the announcement of the Overwatch League. I don't know if you guys heard about this, but they're setting up professional Overwatch like...
Starting point is 02:05:21 Overwatchers. Overwatchers, exactly. Not really all that shocking. But what they're doing with this is they're creating a League where you're going to have local teams like a sports League. Sure.
Starting point is 02:05:34 And those local teams will have financial security covered by the League. So at bare minimum, you will have your living wage and you will be competing for big, at least seven-digit prizes. That's quite the advance in eSports. Yes.
Starting point is 02:05:51 Because it's the game itself funding the players. That's fascinating. It makes all the difference. I'm hoping that works out. Yeah. Incredible. In like 10 years, there's fantasy Overwatch Leagues
Starting point is 02:06:06 where you don't play the game at all. You just all sit around the table and like make your team... Overwatch Draft. Blizzard's already done something kind of like that. Shut up. Where you can bet on Hearthstone players.
Starting point is 02:06:21 And if the person you picked to win wins, you get free card packs. That's different, though. Is it? Is it that different? So the big thing that this gets compared to is the League of Legends professional leagues. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:06:34 And the way those are set up is... Probably have less slave labor, though. Well, yeah. A lot of people are not too happy with the way Riot kind of is draconian sometimes about that stuff. And there's been some really big public ugly things. Public ugly. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:06:48 Like... That's a specific type of ugly. Excuse me. Like there was... I think there was a patch that was going to happen right before the championships. And it was like a major game-changing patch. Like, dudes.
Starting point is 02:06:59 Dudes, come on. And they're like, why are you changing the weight of the basketball before the playoffs? And the answer is... Because we think it'll be funny to watch. But then the people who don't score with that basketball get sent home.
Starting point is 02:07:17 The ring of the basketball net is like 50% small. Like, what are you guys? Come on. I think professional sports every now and then should have patches. Change the list. The football was deflated that one time, remember? Yeah, that was.
Starting point is 02:07:33 That's true. That was a good... A lot of people were talking about that. That was a good mutator that much. I know. You know, technically, the CFL is just a brawl of the NFL. I want a bigger ball with less bounce. NFL just like, all right, we're in game six.
Starting point is 02:07:45 All right, late hits. Bring guns. Whatever you like. NFL blitz. Get the syringes out. I see it. Get the syringes out. Basketball in the last quarter.
Starting point is 02:07:54 Traveling is legal. Traveling is good now. We encourage you. No jumping. We encourage battle. This one player has armor now. It'll be random. Fan participation is allowed.
Starting point is 02:08:08 Yeah, throw weapons onto the field. Audience on the court. In baseball. In baseball. Oh, fan participation is allowed. Reminds me of something. Run our test becomes the most beast-hopefully open player. Reminds me of something very important.
Starting point is 02:08:23 Fucking catch up on lucha underground. They're having another Believer's Backlash match. Okay. I never, I didn't really care for the first one, the first season, but I'm open for it to be better. Fucking luck. Are you familiar with Believer's Backlash? You know what Believer's Fucking Backlash is?
Starting point is 02:08:42 Audience participation. The audience is given belts. And when you go outside the ring, the audience is straight up allowed to whip you with their belt. So fight for New York. Definitely. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because I was waiting for Danny Trejo to get involved
Starting point is 02:08:55 when I saw him in the audience, and he didn't get involved, and I was surprised. But yeah, man. They're going to whip that motherfucker with a belt. But yeah, the fact that Blizzard is like, no, we're going to fund a league and the players. Living wage players. Yeah, and it's like, if you're not good enough,
Starting point is 02:09:10 you get dropped and we replace your spot on the team. But at the end of the day, we have a league. Countdown to drug scandal has started, and there's a drug scandal. Well, people do already use... The accusations are already out there, exactly. You should use that limitless drug. Did you see Nintendo's Splatoon league
Starting point is 02:09:30 that they finally started and stuff? Oh, that wasn't just a trailer or anything. They're working with some online tournament hosting. There's a bunch of those platforms, right? They're working with one of them, and the prizes are as lucrative as signed posters. Are you fucking kidding me? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:48 It reminds me of one of the... Wait, wait, there is no cash prize. No cash prize. No money. To be fair, it's mostly children. That are playing. There was an earlier Splatoon... They can't legally win, buddy.
Starting point is 02:10:00 What are you doing? There was an earlier Splatoon tournament that Nintendo held. Are you this far behind? There was an earlier Splatoon tournament where the grand prize was a Wii U for all the winners. So this is a step up. That is a step up,
Starting point is 02:10:14 because that's a much-dumber prize, because you already own a Wii U. Now you get a poster. Each person in your team gets this. So you get four of each thing. You get a poster. Signed by some of the development team. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:10:28 Some. You get a collection of pins. You get the three set of Splatoon amiibos. You get a shirt each. And some other nonsense that nobody cares. Even you can't scoff at that pot. Go home, Nintendo. You're fucking drunk.
Starting point is 02:10:43 You can't scoff at that pot. Seriously, $50 would be a better pot. Like I can. Nintendo is the oldest man in the world trying to figure out what the kids are into. But the trailer of the Switch had that big auditorium? They are fighting to win signed posters. They flew out on their own dime.
Starting point is 02:11:03 On what planet do you stage that at the end, back end of your trailer? Real talk. I think when Switch hits with the new Splatoon, they're going to have a new pushing and money, because money will help. But for now, just building up to that. Are we so anti-competition?
Starting point is 02:11:18 Are we so afraid? I think this is just the preamble, building up to the actual tournament push. But it's still... Hold on, what was the prize of the Nintendo World Championship? I was about to say, I think it was like $10,000. I don't remember, actually. There was a cash prize for sure.
Starting point is 02:11:34 What did John Numbers win? What did he win? Listen, guys, if you want people to compete, you have to offer cash money. Or sign posters. That's the fucking end all thing. Cream. Done.
Starting point is 02:11:47 You want people to get good at your shit? Give them cash. You saw fucking Street Fighter Cross Tekken be played on Main Stage and Evo. You know why? Not because it's a fucking good game, but because there was cash available to the winners. I'll play the worst shit if I can get cash.
Starting point is 02:12:05 Like, that's what they said. They said that exact thing. I think you can't put this type of offer out there if you want serious players. I think they don't want serious players. Well, the prize... Yeah, I got a prize. I think it was a trophy.
Starting point is 02:12:21 $250. $250 and an autographed new Nintendo 3DS XL to each of the two finalists. Oh, no. No, this is the original. I'm looking at the 1990 competition. Oh, I'm looking at the 2015 one. So you won a trophy?
Starting point is 02:12:34 It doesn't have the $250. I assumed you were pitching in something else from in there. No, from 1990... This is just a signed 3DS XL and a trophy. No actual prize. I'm going to keep looking. In 1990, you got $250. You won in 1983.
Starting point is 02:12:49 That's massive. It's like $750. Anyway, it's still massive, especially for your kid, which you were. Yeah, that one was really kids' pre-e-sports and shit. The cost of a 3DS. They would pay for your trip. You'd get a trip to Universal Studios, Hollywood, Los Angeles, and you got one of the gold cartridges that are worth like thousands of dollars.
Starting point is 02:13:09 But you weren't to know that at that time. At the time, it was but a trinket. It was but a trinket with cheap plastic glued-on sticker. This is embarrassing. It is embarrassing. Honestly, I have no issue with how shit these prizes are, despite how shit they are, until the real push starts. But if we get to next year and they have this like,
Starting point is 02:13:34 poke-in, smash, Mario Kart, and Splatoon e-sports event, and the prizes are signed 2DSs that they're trying to fucking get out of overstock, then we got a problem. The fucking fan trimmings that people go up to, that Nintendo occasionally shuts down back in the day, are more lucrative. Vastly. Wait, what? No, now I'm reading that there's...
Starting point is 02:14:00 Okay, yeah, in 1990, you won more. The top winner in each category was awarded $10,000 U.S., a new 1990 Geo convertible, a 40-inch rear projection. That's a prize pool. That's a prize pool. CRT. Katokawa held the Splatoon Koshien e-sports series in Japan, and it seems that there was a total of over a million dollar prize pool,
Starting point is 02:14:27 not just for Splatoon, for all the games. Okay, hold on, because if you're describing, for example, like local GameStop competitions, like they had local Street Fighter competitions when 4 came out, and that's what you get, you get a 3DS and whatever, a signed poster. That's great, that makes perfect sense. That's actually a huge prize for a little local thing like that. But if it's not that, if this is the national fucking tournament
Starting point is 02:14:51 that they're going to bring the winners out for, or whoever they bring out, that's exactly... This event coming, like the e-sports league that they've started, it's all online matches. It's not an actual in-person event. It's all online. More information is needed, but until then, this is embarrassing. No, that's it, that's the prizes.
Starting point is 02:15:12 Until they actually e-sport, like, oof. Oh, none of our employees have ever watched e-sports before. Can you please refrain from using that term? So... We like to call them... Help me. Nintendo. Electronic footballs.
Starting point is 02:15:28 Help. Nintendo League. E-Footballs. Hey, you guys. No, no, the prize is 300 My Nintendo coins. Perfect. Which is worth nothing. Perfect.
Starting point is 02:15:45 Wait, what's the more petty prize they could... What's the most petty prize they could offer? How about a copy of... Animal Crossing Stickers. Animal Crossing Stickers. A virtual boy. A copy of Call of Duty for Windows 10. Yes.
Starting point is 02:15:59 Yeah, that's a... Ooh, whoa, woolly. That's worthless. Top tier segue on that one, because this one's some pain. Yeah, it's really good. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, if you have not already done so, do not buy Call of Duty Infinite Warfare for Windows 10. Because if you buy it on the Windows 10 store,
Starting point is 02:16:22 not only does it not allow you to play with the general PC population, it only allows you to play with other people that have on it on Windows 10. Specifically Windows Store. You are fucking yourself by buying it. You can play it with all 600 other people that have bought it. Yeah, if you're lucky you see that number. The screenshot said two. Yeah, that's what I saw too as well.
Starting point is 02:16:47 So it is a fuck-up of epic proportions on this case. I think they have already confirmed they're giving out refunds. Don't buy things on that store unless it's exclusive to that store. I'm not 100% sure, but I know when asked, Microsoft alluded to the fact that it's up to developers to allow play between them and that it is totally possible and that nothing is stopping. Also, it should...
Starting point is 02:17:10 Activision from fixing it? It should be noted that Call of Duty on PC is also kind of dead. You said that before. It gets deader every year. Every, no, but the PC community for Call of Duty has dropped precipitously since like... It's worse than... Since Modern Warfare 2, it's gone down every single year. And right now, as much as we lamented about Titanfall's numbers,
Starting point is 02:17:33 it and Titanfall are pretty much neck and neck in terms of active players. Which you were just saying something considering Titan is like... Like Call of Duty is a console game now. Yeah, that doesn't surprise me at all. It's what they've bred it to be now. Yeah, that's what they morphed it into, right? You can't lean anymore. It's not balanced for that.
Starting point is 02:17:54 I know. It's not tuned. It's not tuned for it. It's maybe one of the stupidest fucking comments I've ever heard in an interview. It's not balanced. Oh, shut up. I love that, though. It's a fucking liar.
Starting point is 02:18:06 You'll surely get the lean. You'll surely get the lean into Karkin. Don't drink lean. Drinking lean is a bad idea, guys. Like, all I have to do is repeat exactly what Matt said and add one small piece in a deadpan, and he always loses it. Surely. It's 100%.
Starting point is 02:18:25 Because the Karkin is so good. Because you'll surely get the Karkin is like... You can only read it in that. A robot wrote the text. And I just always get the feeling there's just some fucking script that wrote, you will surely get the Karkin. And that makes it way more funny than if just a person wrote it. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 02:18:45 So you always hold up the screenshot. Yeah. You want to not be online with two other people when you try to find a standard playlist game. So, yeah, man. And you know what? I bet one of those people bought that to check. One of them is making an LP or a video. Or a NeoGaft thread to post this picture in.
Starting point is 02:19:09 That's the only reason. So there's one other person, really. Yeah. Because two is perfect. Because one and zero, you can always think maybe box. It's not open or it's but box. But connecting to at least one other person means it is working. It makes me think of the Wii U numbers for Madden right at the beginning,
Starting point is 02:19:31 where Madden had 100 players online or something like that after the holiday season. I remember when the Wii U version of Black Ops 2 came out. Reviews are saying, this is a really good version of the game. Don't buy it. There's no one online. You'll never get a multiplayer version. I remember with Goldeneye on the Wii, the numbers. For some reason, that one stuck with me.
Starting point is 02:19:51 I played that more than any of the Call of Duty's. The Goldeneye Wii one, you could find. We played that, remember? Yeah, we did. That actually worked for a little while, but I never played it enough to know. There were single digit thousands for over a year. Because that game sold well. It sold a million copies, but I don't know how many would play multiplayer on it.
Starting point is 02:20:12 That game was sick. It was just Call of Duty. Nah, there's some stuff. There was unique stuff. Was it Codlops Call of Duty? It was basically Call of Duty. It was pre-Black Ops 2. Pre-Black Ops 2, yeah.
Starting point is 02:20:26 It's pronounced Codlops. Codlops 2. Yeah, no. And plus, I'm in the 360 version. Yeah, how can I forget? You get that royalties check? I don't inherently hate the fact that other companies want to challenge people. No, I don't either.
Starting point is 02:20:46 That's not the right fair. Well, everyone wants to challenge something. If something dominates, people want to try. That's more of a fair. It's good business practice. Monopoly's never good. But at the same time, as a consumer, you don't have time to wait for the 10 years it took for Steam to get good with every other service.
Starting point is 02:21:04 Like, Origin might be good in seven years, but you don't want to use it now when there's a non-shitty alternative. Don't step to the king unless you're ready to fucking... Like, Good Old Games has a client and it's fine. It's completely fine. That's the thing. That's the perfect example because the GOG Galaxy... And it's still in beta.
Starting point is 02:21:28 It's not even explicitly finished. And it's because it still hands off. Well, it's because of GOG. Because GOG, before the client, it was just download your game. There are zero restrictions on this game. And the client just lines them all up in a nice order. And the more a client tries to overlay and be involved with the friends invites and things like that, usually that's where all these problems start to.
Starting point is 02:21:54 If I only had to deal with the shitty desktop Origin app and then boot the game and never think about it again, I wouldn't be complaining. You know what playing with Origin reminds me of? Playing Titanfall with Origin occasionally reminds me of loading up Dawn of War 1 and seeing that fucking game spy multiplayer logo show up. Sure, I love that logo. And just go... That lets you know that that was honest.
Starting point is 02:22:20 You saw that logo and you're like, I know exactly what I'm getting into. You boot up Cross Tekken and you see the Games for Windows Live logo and the whole interface that it forces you through. No, you don't. That's not the real thing that ever happened. Or anything you play for that matter. It's that you can't compete if the quality of what you've built is dog shit. Well, you can, but consumers shouldn't have to put up with it.
Starting point is 02:22:45 Yeah. Because Origin makes money hand over fist. How many copies of Battlefield 1 do you think they sold? I bought one. And they make 30% more money on Origin than they do on Steam. Sure do. Because Steam cuts, it's a 30% cut. And EA has big games that they can get bigger cuts on if they do it on Steam.
Starting point is 02:23:01 You can absolutely compete, but consumers don't have to put up with it and can choose to go elsewhere. Yeah. If our website player was still dog shit. Which it's not, it's great. It's actually very good now. It's actually more capable than YouTube. In some very specific use cases.
Starting point is 02:23:17 In terms of 720p 30 FPS bit rate, it's a higher than YouTube. And we just fucking just shadowback dashed out of there, like Dimitri. And then we put all our videos there only and you have no choice. That would be a shitty move. It would suck. Yeah. And like. Oh, it'd be also disastrous for us.
Starting point is 02:23:37 Indefensible. Yeah. Indefensible. And that's how I feel when I see this stuff. It's like at the very bare minimum, don't make it so that you're going to offer this and people don't have a choice in the matter. Well, it's at least caught that duty's case. They had a choice.
Starting point is 02:23:52 That's why the rule is ultimately you cannot buy. Yeah. Well, there's that or or there are other choices as well that I wouldn't necessarily advocate. But you're not going to be able to play like Titanfall. The main piece of advice is you can enjoy the campaign. You can buy it on console. I would say if there's a game that's only on origin, okay. Well, if you really want to play it on PC, get it on origin.
Starting point is 02:24:22 This is a game that's only on the Windows Store and you really want to get it. Give it a shot on Windows Store. If there's a game that's only on you to play and isn't being sold through Steam, don't play that game. It's not worth it. It's not worth it. It's not worth it. You know, Sony and Microsoft should brag more about those games because they're better on consoles because they don't have to deal with you play.
Starting point is 02:24:43 Yeah, imagine that. I would love for a guy to come out. Now without you play, right? The guy comes out and says, Well, you know, you can always play it on console where you don't have to deal with this. And it's a guy just going, And it's all black and white. And the guy's trying to go on his keyboard and the keyboard bursts into flames.
Starting point is 02:25:03 And then a movie soft guy comes out and he's like, Yeah, we know. We know. You know, every single time I close Titanfall and I close origin, it takes up the corner of your screen where the pop-ups pop up. Right. Yeah. So when you right click or try to interact with that little corner of your screen, bottom right corner, you can't do anything.
Starting point is 02:25:23 It's origins now. And you right click on it and little like JavaScript right click menus pop up. But it doesn't actually let you do anything unless you control all deleted. It hijacks that part of your computer. I saw that and it made me panic because I'm like, this is exactly how like JavaScript backdoor malware fucking works. When a certain area of your desktop is suddenly just running something and you don't know what it is. This is what I don't want.
Starting point is 02:25:44 Who are you? Why are you running? It's super, super, super tragic. About half the time that I close origin, it crashes before I'm able to close it. You're lucky. Yeah. See, like we give him a lot of shit, but Paul has a lot of power. And if Paul actually used his power in marketing to do really fun things,
Starting point is 02:26:01 like we, what we just described where it says now without you play or now without origin, the console version better with console, right? Imagine if that was on the thing or I was telling you about this, like it's, you know, close, but not really there. There is a trailer for shadow warrior two where it was going through its accolades. Yeah, I love this. Slash, do you know this? I saw that and they, they should get to it goes IGN 8.5, whatever, rock, paper, shotgun,
Starting point is 02:26:28 and whatever. And then it just says polygon five out of 10, unfunny and it put it in all next to it. And it didn't say like those losers at Paul, just like, yep. Yeah. It dropped. Fuck you. It dropped in there. Fucking awesome.
Starting point is 02:26:44 Because it's a, it's a trailer that's like real over the top and really goofy and like, so you're, you're watching, you're like, oh, this is funny. And then it goes, polygon says this is not funny, which is incredibly funny to put that in there. The only thing I guess shittier about like stuff like you play is that you can buy it on steam and still have to deal with, I've, that has happened to me. I've bought a game on steam. And you're like, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 02:27:10 I play goes up. I wouldn't have to do this. Like the, the fortunate thing about Ubisoft releases is like, they're not so skill dependent that like, just get the console version. The mouse isn't going to give you a fucking advantage in Assassin's Creed. Yeah. Like, well, they rainbow six siege. Sorry.
Starting point is 02:27:26 You're right. Yes. Siege is a good, that's very good. Good call. Good job. Single player games in general though. Man, when, whenever Bunny in Austin was like, hey man, come play rainbow six siege, I didn't want to play it just because I didn't want to play it.
Starting point is 02:27:38 And I think the game looks dumb, but now I remember there's you playing it. So now I'm never ever going to play with those losers. Well, you tell them, hey, I got the Xbox one version. Come play with me. Yeah. Well, at least from now on, when you do look at a game that you want to buy on steam, the bull shots will no longer be there. Oh, this is interesting.
Starting point is 02:27:58 Because stop it. I read this. Well, yeah. Anyway, because basically you have to broke the screen. Valve is forcing. Don't fall behind. Valve is forcing everyone to now use in game screenshots when they put up their steam preview pictures.
Starting point is 02:28:20 Good. Now, functionality, like in terms of pure honesty and like selling your game, this is good. But personally, I'm very against this. I called for doubling down online. More bull shots. Well, did you just? I want the biggest bull shots ever.
Starting point is 02:28:38 And I'm not getting them thanks to Valve and its clandestine fucking oppressive rules like this. There's nothing bad about this. I want concept art where they just overlay a HUD on top of it. That's where we were going. We're close. Like obviously, you know, Valve is above it and they're not going to name names or anything. This is obviously because of No Man's Sky. Valve was actually so far above it, good on them, that they actually pointed to Dota 2,
Starting point is 02:29:06 where they had inaccurate shots on their own store page. That's really good. You fall on your own sword a little bit. Yeah, no good. So like they handled it really well. You know, you nick yourself on your own sword. I was going through like people posting some of the worst bull shots on Steam.
Starting point is 02:29:21 Yeah. Far Cry 3, I gotta say, has some of the most world class bull shots I've ever seen. Yes, it does. Can you work on the back? Can you work in the background trying to dig those up, Willie? Anyone with an ounce of knowledge about what a game looks like can look at the Far Cry 3 bull shots of like dogs grabbing at you and shit and be like, that's not, that's not a video game. That's a fake.
Starting point is 02:29:45 They started with the 360 when that launched. If I'm not mistaken, EA games had one big screenshot at the back and they were like, we're boldly showing you one image. There were bull shots before that. I'll have to find it because it's been a while. But I went through this gallery of old bull shots that people could contribute to. Love that word. From like really old games.
Starting point is 02:30:11 Penny Arcade, yeah. Penny Arcade, man. So I'll try to dig that up at some point. But like, yeah, bull shots. Oh my God. These are the least real thing. The Far Cry 3 bull shots are incredible. Go look them up.
Starting point is 02:30:21 Oh man. If you have your phone nearby, go look them up. I find exactly what the one Liam's talking about. The dog, right? Yeah, it's a dog. Willie, look at this fucking fake fucking screenshot on my phone. That's, yeah. No, no, mine's better.
Starting point is 02:30:35 That's not why it's better. That's the good one. Anyways, so like, so Valve like, yeah, enforcing this is really good. It's going to be tough to enforce. Yeah, because people go, well, that was just the game running on a Titan with the blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I saw some people also complaining and saying, yeah, but I'm sure they'll let them use the top spec versions.
Starting point is 02:30:53 Of course they will. Well, yeah, of course they will. Well, yes, they will. That's the game. For sure, for sure. To be fair though, and Steam, I don't even ever look at the screenshots. I just kind of just look at the trailer, and then the screenshots are kind of secondary.
Starting point is 02:31:04 Can I find the buy button? Yes. So, well, yeah. I wonder if Dark Souls 2 is going to get retroactively changed. Maybe it's still a popular game. Does that have a lot of bad bull shots in it? I do. Do you remember the lighting thing?
Starting point is 02:31:17 Yeah. They used those bullshit screenshots of the build that no longer was the game all the way up to and past release. Huh. Okay. Now, these are no good. Complete. You can abbreviate what you just said to bull shots.
Starting point is 02:31:32 Yeah, I know. Because it's bad. I appreciate that this is now policy. It's about time. Yeah, I hope they can enforce it properly, unlike some of the other things that they don't enforce at all. I bet they want to enforce it at all. Yeah, they'll have users reported on that.
Starting point is 02:31:49 But what they'll do is when a big thing happens, they'll go, you know, this is against policy. You know what? I think it's fine, like, you know, joking aside, I think it's fine. But you know, like when you scroll down the Steam list and when you're in the store, and they have all the little logos,
Starting point is 02:32:03 like a little controller, the little Oculus, whatever, I want there to be one that says BS next to it. You're allowed. As long as you let people know. Publisher can opt to have the bull shot marker next to their game in order to be allowed to put bull shots. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's all that's if you you can take and do this.
Starting point is 02:32:23 As long as you fully. But you take the hit. And when you hit by the game warns you like, hey, hey, you're going to be seeing some stuff. The publisher just wants to let you know those are bull shots. Okay. Those dogs are awful. There's this goofy shot of a dog.
Starting point is 02:32:36 And it's one of the bull shots that we're seeing. Go fucking Google that. Whatever. If you just Google Far Cry 3 Bull Shots. A whole image search page. By the time I put FA into the search bar, Far Cry 3 Bull Shots came up. Nice.
Starting point is 02:32:50 It auto corrected. Such a hot topic. Yeah, very good. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It knew. So that's what's going on there. Good policy change. Good job, Stan.
Starting point is 02:32:59 Absolutely. Speaking of policy changes, this one might not be such a good policy change. Rut Roe? Rut Roe. It's not clear yet, but there's rumbling. Not much like your dream. Much like my dream, but I'm working on it.
Starting point is 02:33:15 There's rumblings that CD Projekt might be preparing to defend against a hostile takeover. Yeah, I'm going to wait until we get any evidence. Yeah. We don't know. Because all it literally is is just we're pulling money together to buy back home. Well, specifically, basically they're pulling together money
Starting point is 02:33:37 and talking about buying back up relatively enormous amount of shares in CD Projekt Red. And like regardless of whether or not somebody is A, trying to hostily acquire them, B, they know someone's going to try or C, it's not happening at all. This is the kind of thing that you do to stop a hostile acquisition in the future. This may be somebody's biting their balls and they're
Starting point is 02:34:03 like terrified that they're going to turn into fucking new Ubisoft and get bought by Vivendi or some shit. But it might be that they're like heading this off of the past for the future. Yeah, exactly. Like they're aware that they're a kind of company that could get picked up in that fashion. Well, they have just become a valuable company.
Starting point is 02:34:19 And therefore want to get into a nice comfy position in which it's not going to happen, period. Now you don't mean- I hope it's that last one. Yeah. There's a whole lot of things I don't really know. I'm pretty dumb. But I thought that if you own 51% of your company,
Starting point is 02:34:37 no one could ever take you over. You are- No, it's actually slightly better. It's a majority stake. If you are 50% of your company plus one vote. Okay, so- Nobody ever owns 50% of their own company. That's the problem.
Starting point is 02:34:55 Everyone sells out too much. It's too expensive. It's- You make money. You sell your shares. Practically free money. Everyone wants them. You make your company public.
Starting point is 02:35:03 Nobody's got it. And you go from 100% shares to 20%. Which is a controlling interest. Controlling interest. Yeah. But then you get to sell 80% of the value of your company and you just get it. In exchange for-
Starting point is 02:35:14 And you get to keep your company. In exchange for- In exchange for the possibility that someone will just take it from. And the people selling the shares, of course, they're the people at the top. Not the people at the bottom, you know? The Canadian government, I remember, there's been times when we've had minority governments where
Starting point is 02:35:31 like the biggest group is not big enough. Is less than 50% of the rest of the people. So they got to play nice. And so you can't get anything happening. Because you're like 30% or so of the seats. I just can't agree on stuff. So you form a coalition government, which is a shareholders meeting, essentially.
Starting point is 02:35:49 Yes. So I guess then only the biggest corporations hold that 50 plus one. The coolest. No. But there's also like things like- Even if say they had like 50 plus one, right? Or 50.1 or whatever. At a certain point of ownership,
Starting point is 02:36:10 stock shareholders can become like entitled to voting rights and stuff like that. And gain an amount of control. And there's also a wide variety of different systems in that. And it depends- It's all companies. Depending on what like an organization or whatever stock deal your company has in whatever country that it's based in, you can either have a system, this is primary,
Starting point is 02:36:33 where one share, one person as a shareholder equals one vote. Or the more common one, which is a share itself equals a vote. So if you own 30% of the company, you get 30% of the vote. Yeah. But there are other systems that are not quite as common that like each person that's bought in gets a vote. That can be massively exploited. I understand.
Starting point is 02:36:57 Okay. Well, so if they kick themselves up to like 40% of ownership, they will lose money, but they will be in a position in which they would rapidly be able to buy up to 50% and stop any hostile takeover. Right. Like Ubisoft was in a position where Vivendi starts buying it up and everyone can see that Vivendi is buying Ubisoft. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:37:18 And Vivendi's like, no, it's not a hostile takeover. And Ubisoft presidents are screaming at them, fuck off, stop buying shares. And they're in a problem because they don't have enough liquid cash to buy their own stock back. Yeah. And I believe Vivendi owns them now. Did they actually get that?
Starting point is 02:37:35 No, not yet. No, not yet. That didn't happen. No, it didn't happen. Okay. Not officially. And Ubisoft's been doing a lot of stuff like they've been trying to sell, like they've been offering discounted stock to their employees.
Starting point is 02:37:45 Yes. With the caveat of you're not able to sell it for a good few years and stuff like that. Yeah, right, right, right. Just to try to get the stocks into good hands. Yeah, or better hands. Giving out stocks as bonus as well. In some employees cases. What would you like?
Starting point is 02:37:57 So that Ubisoft can just buy it back later. If I was like a business guy at the head of Ubisoft, I'd release a bunch of shitty games that don't sell all year. Yeah. And then destroy my own company. Yeah. Then they can't buy me. And also, like, congratulations, Vivendi.
Starting point is 02:38:13 You're the king of ship mountain. Yeah, exactly. The other reason why. I'd rather embarrass you than live. The other reason why. The other reason why. The other reason why. The other reason why.
Starting point is 02:38:19 Like pulling billions of our pens down. You want to play chicken? The other reason why people don't generally like own 50% of their company is that the worst thing that could happen in a hostile takeover is you lose control of your company and you get fucking rich. And to a bunch of people. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:38:36 They care a lot less about their company than getting fucking rich. You ever hear about, um, yeah, uh, you ever hear about Vessel? No. No, that's not a hostile takeover. It's a belt, guys. You're right. That's not a hostile takeover.
Starting point is 02:38:51 That's that's that's sunsetting. But someone got fucking rich. Someone got rich somewhere. Yeah. Someone's. Not us. Someone's vessel, uh, uh, coasted into the sunset. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:39:02 Exactly. Just like Frodo. Sunsetting. Oh boy. Yeah, we have people working here, but I'd rather be rich. I'd rather get paid now and go. I'd rather embarrass you than live. There's a bunch of hookers in that country
Starting point is 02:39:14 you're not allowed to fly to. But now I'm allowed to fly to it. Because I bought permission to live there. Yeah, bam. You can do that in Canada. You can buy citizenship. Very expensive. I did not know that.
Starting point is 02:39:26 Yeah. It's like 500k. That's it's like a it's like a high government thing where if you do it, it's like all this money just goes into the government's coffers. That seems fair, honestly. Yeah. Best friend's stock is just like Koopy sandwiches.
Starting point is 02:39:41 Yeah. That's that's pretty much all we trade all day. Looked around. We have fucking Perlers and bricks. That's it. Did we have very limited? These aren't real microphones. So did you really eat Matt's fancy beef?
Starting point is 02:39:55 Yes. That part flew over my head. Yes, you did. Matt got given it for a good business. So I had clients that were very happy that I. That was his vessel vessel closure payment. That I worked very hard. 30 ounces of Wagyu beef.
Starting point is 02:40:11 Wagyu beef. So Grumps shows up and wants a hostile takeover. A hostile friends. No, no, not Grumps. Rooster Teeth wants a hostile takeover. Because Rooster Teeth actually does buy people. Yeah, hostile takeovers. Rooster Teeth owns my pizza.
Starting point is 02:40:25 Okay, yeah. What's our first move? What? What's our first move? What do you mean your first move? You mean our first move? What? He said our.
Starting point is 02:40:32 Okay, yeah. No, I mean Matt and I's first move. Play Blaze Blue. I'll play Blaze Blue. Shrek. How much are they offering? They're coming in hot and heavy. Hot and heavy.
Starting point is 02:40:46 I can live off this for the rest of my life. It's not that PewDiePie money, but. It's close. But it's close. Like a million bucks. It's like better than you'd ever do on your own. Okay, yeah. I'll take you out to a nice dinner, Willie and Liam.
Starting point is 02:40:59 No, Willie's asking what should we do to fend off. Oh, oh, fend them off. Oh, okay. Oh, I misunderstood. Fend off. I thought he meant like what are you going to do to make the transition easy? No, no, no, you got to do something. Do I have to stay if I got bought?
Starting point is 02:41:18 No, no, no. No, you don't. Depends on if you have any loyalty. Yeah. I'll just sell the name for money and then just leave and go be rich somewhere. No, I'd rather torpedo the channel crap. Yeah, okay. How is that any different from what we fucking do?
Starting point is 02:41:39 In the purchase, they take your identity, your name. I don't need it if I'm rich. You can no longer. I'll buy someone else's identity. Okay, but you're okay. You're you're never people that I know still know that I'm here that I'm me. No, wait. No, okay.
Starting point is 02:41:56 Wait, what is this? They also buy your skin. Yeah, but not your skeleton. How much are they offering for my skin? About a million bucks. I'll give someone my skin for a million. I think you want to sink that over. Oh, come on.
Starting point is 02:42:07 You can't take my voice. But you get a new you get a really high tech voice. You don't have lips anymore, idiot. You can't even talk talk. Wait, lips aren't skin. They take they go with it. They go with that. They're not maybe not.
Starting point is 02:42:19 But you wouldn't exactly look at someone without lips and say you're all there. Enough from you that they can put what's left somewhere else and take what they take and make people think that you're still there. Yeah, okay. So a fake pat. Am I rich though? But they're going to say all kinds of shit. Okay, that's fine.
Starting point is 02:42:36 The worst things. That's really bad things. That's okay about those people. They stick a broom up your skin's ass and just let's leave the way around longer podcast and average. Wait, what are you talking about with broomstick ass? They stick your they stick a broom handle up your ass of the skin flaps. Yeah, just wave you around.
Starting point is 02:42:55 Wave me around. Yeah. Yeah, that's cool. That's fine. I'm fine with that. Or they put a wind machine on. They just let it flap. It's falling apart.
Starting point is 02:43:05 Yeah. And God knows like, you know, maybe one day Rooster Teeth will come calling. We have to actually think about what's going to happen. Well, we're not a public company. Yeah, no. No, but I mean like neither is Screw Attack. Yeah. And they happen to them.
Starting point is 02:43:19 Yeah, but they sold. They chose to sell. That's what I mean. Okay, yeah. We have to prepare for the. We just have to think of the counter offensive. The let's play marketplace. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 02:43:27 Is rapidly shrinking. Just someone give me some money and I'll do whatever. Do whatever. That's a bad message to put out. But you'll do it. Oh, is that, is that the truth? It'll be one of those guys on YouTube. For the record.
Starting point is 02:43:44 You'll be one of those guys on YouTube who read scripts for dollars. That's a thing. It's called Fiverr. What, what? Fiverr. More than that. Fiverr. Or a tenner.
Starting point is 02:43:52 Or a tenner. Or a five if you believe it. You get a tenner. I think I may have accidentally thrown myself down a dark path here. What's that African gentleman's name? Yeah, that's the prince. That's the thing I'm struggling with. More than five dollars.
Starting point is 02:44:03 Tell you that much. Yeah, that guy. But he's good. There's him. There's an Australian guy. They're real big. Yeah, but that. Yeah, that Australian guy.
Starting point is 02:44:08 I know that guy. But that African guy. The fuck are you guys talking about? There's a black guy. They get him to read things. And he. Oh, that guy. That guy's, uh, uh, what's his fucking name?
Starting point is 02:44:17 He's great. Starts with a T, doesn't it? Is it Tyrone? Tyrone. Tyrone. Tyrone. He told, he sent me a message that Rese was a shit waifu once. There you go.
Starting point is 02:44:25 He's great. He's getting paid. I'd do that. Yeah. I'd do that in a second. Not now though. Only when I'm dead. That'll work.
Starting point is 02:44:33 Don't send me scripts to read. Speaking of dead. Or the lack thereof. Remember that guy that never killed anybody? Akuma? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:44:42 I healed people in some circumstances. He's showing up to Street Fighter 5 to continue to not kill anybody. Yeah. Good. There was a little teaser. He's got a new symbol on his back. Yeah, it's not a new symbol actually. It's not?
Starting point is 02:44:54 It's a returning one. It's a symbol that was used in Capcom versus SNK2. That's, that's the same one? Yeah. I didn't recognize it, but yeah, you're super right. Shinakuma has the symbol at the back on his back. What does that mean? I don't know, but it's not 10.
Starting point is 02:45:09 Because it's no, it's much more complex. Yeah, I don't know. But please continue to buy DLC. Please buy the game. That's what it means. It says Street Fighter 5. That's what it says. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:45:19 Capcom has confirmed he's going to be playable at the PlayStation Experience. Yes. Looking forward to playing that. The new stage, which looks really cool. It looks like the Street Fighter 4 stage, but outside of rest. Outside of broken.
Starting point is 02:45:29 Yeah, it's like you see the temple that was there before, but you're getting more of the destroyed landscape around it. Honestly, this feels like as close as we're ever going to get to that alpha stage in the grass. Because there is swaying grass on the stage. I really hope that like... I don't consider it close at all either,
Starting point is 02:45:52 but I think it's as close as we're going to get. I really hope that Akuma coming in might lead into an announcement of like arcade mode and stuff. Season 2. Season 2 and arcade mode. Season 2 is what we want to hear. But like, because I feel like a Street Fighter arcade mode without Akuma, as like a key component of it,
Starting point is 02:46:09 is always kind of, yeah. So in some reverse crazy kind of way, I feel like confirming Akuma is like confirming arcade mode. Maybe he'll do the job. Nikali didn't. Yeah. Be important.
Starting point is 02:46:20 I'd kill anyone and do anything. Bang. And Nikali killed people before the story started, at least. Yeah, but I mean... I'm sure he just hired a bunch of nobodies off Fiverr and killed them. Give me a minute. We're also...
Starting point is 02:46:34 Can you go on Fiverr and just hire someone to beat up? Yeah, yeah. In fact, they'd probably take the beating for five. That's what I mean. Yeah. It's easy. Nikali... In fact, you don't have to go on a Fiverr like that.
Starting point is 02:46:44 Nikali probably did that. I'm sure he can just walk outside and get a guy. On a personal level, though, I'm way more excited for Akuma. How many people do you have to pay on Fiverr to bury a body? No reason. You should probably not make a public ad about body burying that is on the internet. There's no reason.
Starting point is 02:47:01 Anyway, that's like when you're at the urinal and you're like, hey, man, you ever have your dick burn like horrible, crazy, horrible when you go piss? And they're like, what? And you're like, yeah, me neither. And you walk away. Yeah, exactly. Way more excited for Akuma in Tekken 7 than just playing Akuma here.
Starting point is 02:47:17 I completely agree with that. Well, I played him. I know you did. He's pretty fun. In Tekken 7, that is. In Tekken 7. But he's more street fighter for Akuma, to be honest. I don't think it's as exciting because...
Starting point is 02:47:30 It's cool that he's in this new system and he's super beasting on everybody hard, but... Like new V-skill, V-trigger is more exciting. Yeah, you pretty much know what you're getting with the Tekken Akuma. In this case, you know that he's not going to be the same. But he's like a factor into the story, which is awesome. I just mean like gameplay wise, looking at what they did to Ken and to Ryu as well.
Starting point is 02:47:53 You know that you're not going to get a typical Shoto Akuma. You're going to be here wildly different. And I can't wait to see what that is. Sagat continues to be pushed even farther into the background. I don't know, man. I mean, this might be a like weird like fireball specific. Will he, what if, what if he turns around and it's Sagat wearing the gi?
Starting point is 02:48:15 Oh my god. And he's been training with Oro. No, no, Oro needs to show up on his own. Yeah, so that's... Sagat killed Oro. Oro killed Sagat. Yeah. He's like, I need that eye.
Starting point is 02:48:29 Phelan is Sawada. God of fitting. That's when I'll get excited. Sawada is announced. That's where I'll get excited. I thought you meant, I thought you meant fucking Phelan. Fuck no. And I love Phelan.
Starting point is 02:48:42 You don't want to see a crazy new revision. Dude, no, dude, I never talked to you about this. I think it's a secret. It's such a fucking shame that in Cross Tekken, the game where if anything could happen, it's there. So you go, oh, there's Dopey Mega Man. It's funny, huh? It's not.
Starting point is 02:49:01 But if you're going to do that, why not stupid Street Fighter animated cartoon shit? It's way dumber and funnier to put that in the game than like in Cross Tekken being like, hey, there's dumb Mega Man. Probably because Japan doesn't even know that exists. Yeah, but they don't care about Bad Boxer or Mega Man. Bad Boxer or Mega Man is something like they probably heard of by now. Bad Boxer or Mega Man was in Mega Man Universe as well.
Starting point is 02:49:26 That never released. Doesn't matter. Yeah. It was another game in development they knew about it. They're aware of his existence. I don't think they're aware of the existence of the Street Fighter. Yeah, they fucking are because he was on that poll. Because Matt told me.
Starting point is 02:49:37 So what? But Capcom USA involved it. All I'm saying is that my dream is clear and I want dumb animated cartoon shit. I know dumb stupid things are funny. I'm just, yeah. No, they're funny when you think they're funny. Yeah. Well, if Sawada was in there, you'd be super happy.
Starting point is 02:49:57 You'd be super happy. Shut up. Be super happy. Shut up. Why should I be super happy? Daytona. Let's go away. Daytona.
Starting point is 02:50:08 Daytona 3 Championship USA. The existence of Daytona is confirmed. We are seeing a new Daytona game and apparently. Well, it's like it's like an updated version with like new tracks and shit. Including a new track that is a recreation of the Daytona International Speedway, from which the series takes its name. That's cool. That's crazy.
Starting point is 02:50:27 Yeah. I love you, Daytona USA. I just want to hear the music and the person responsible for it has a gargantuan task. Rolling start. It's like cruising US, cruising back. Cruising is coming back. Daytona is coming back. When is my San Francisco Rush 2069?
Starting point is 02:50:46 That's really close to cruising, isn't it? Is it really close? What do you mean? Oh, I thought they were the same series. They're not, sir. They're not, sir. That's incorrect. I can't stress how important it is that they nail the music.
Starting point is 02:50:57 It's paramount. I bet you it'll be like normal and boring. I don't want it to be, but I bet you might be. Well, I'm excited to see footage because I'm worried the whole game might be a bit normal and boring. But we'll see. Hopefully they'll capture the specific feel of Daytona. Like how are there no Grammys with Game Over? Yeah, associated with it.
Starting point is 02:51:17 For like a seven second clip of voice. Of course. Grammys. But yeah, it kind of came out of left field. Like, oh, okay, we're doing Daytona again. That's cool. Well, between that and the other, there was that other cabinet we were talking about that just got announced.
Starting point is 02:51:36 Cruising. Cruising. Yeah. Yeah, that's what I mean. Some shit's popping back. Yeah. Yeah. Someone's listening to your shit.
Starting point is 02:51:42 I won't rush. I want Daytona, but so what, isn't it? Listen. You got two out of three so far. Yeah. Sega. Be happy. You're going to the trouble of making a new Daytona USA game.
Starting point is 02:51:54 Virtua Fighter still exists. You're allowed to make a new Virtua Fighter. Didn't you play Dead or Alive? Dead or Alive 5. Or didn't Geeky Bunko fight in Climax? Dead or Alive exists, you're correct. So this is one of those moments where I get the funny joke and I'm not laughing and I'm really not laughing because that's not funny.
Starting point is 02:52:13 Well, I'm sorry that Dead or Alive 5 exists. I'm also sorry, but no, seriously, though. Like why? I can't. Virtua Fighter 5 was perfect. It's pretty perfect. Have you seen Akira? The Dead or Alive character?
Starting point is 02:52:29 Oh, dude, you were... From the fighting game series Dead or Alive. You're for real pushing me on this one. I'm glad that Sarah Bryant has not been added to the Menagerie of Women. Virtua Fighter can't... She always was born to be. See, Virtua Fighter can't be refined further. Dude, if this had a Street Fighter, you would cry.
Starting point is 02:52:49 This is the first hostile takeover of a fighting game. And you got Virtua Fighter? Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is the first time in history that we've seen an hostile takeover. It's great that Virtua Fighter's finally in a form that's actually smashed. Oh my god, I can't fucking deal with this. You know? No, seriously, please make a new Virtua Fighter, please.
Starting point is 02:53:09 There's one available in stores right now that you can play. I'm pretty sure in Yakuza you can play Virtua Fighter. You can. You can. You absolutely can. That's a new version. That's cool. That's really cool.
Starting point is 02:53:18 It is actually, yeah. It has online play. Yeah, so there you go. No, but come on, please. Those games are great. Play Dead or Alive. You had it good during Virtua Fighter's dead period. Virtua Fighter kept coming out.
Starting point is 02:53:29 Yeah. There's these fun little undertale figures they're making, and the commercial's pretty funny. Yeah, the commercial's the best part so far. I have a very trustworthy source who tells me that these are made at the same factory by the same guys who make the amiibos. They look like amiibos. Really?
Starting point is 02:53:47 Yeah, and a very, very trustworthy source has told me these are identical to amiibos. This was months ago he told me this. Or better or worse. You see this commercial, the bit where Toriel appears is the bit to me. So if you know what an amiibos like, that's what these undertale figures are like. So, yeah. Exactly, amiibos with undertale. Pretty funny.
Starting point is 02:54:08 I think, yeah. Matt's watching the trailer now. He's watching the trailer. That's good stuff. Yeah, you guys should check out the undertale trailer for the toys. They're cute. I'll obliter. It's a...
Starting point is 02:54:17 Which character stands for Fyrus? Main character, the dog knight, whatever it's called, and Toriel? Lesser dog. Lesser dog, and Toriel. And they start using vehicles that don't exist. It's a really funny thing. And then they imply that there's a season two possible. Wave two.
Starting point is 02:54:34 Although I'm sad it's just Metaton and not Metaton EX. Yeah, I guess that would be series three wouldn't it be? No. Temmie and Flowey and... Yeah, Flowey don't look so great, but Temmie looks good. I don't care if Flowey is really. Good job for the gamer though. It's a fucking good get.
Starting point is 02:54:49 Yep. Speaking of good gets, this is one that I never would have imagined. But I guess here it is. We'll see. PewDiePie early Last Guardian footage. Well, that was... I brought that up last time actually. I remember, I remember.
Starting point is 02:55:05 Oh, this, right. This is a bit more so. What am I looking at? This one's hot. IntiCreates and Sunsoft are working together on a new Blaster Master game. What is that? Huh, is that what it is? I thought they had acquired the rights to Blaster Master,
Starting point is 02:55:17 but either way, it's fucking awesome. Dude, Blaster Master is just shit. I just mean I thought they had bought it from Sunsoft. I didn't know they were working with them. Oh, I don't know. That's cool. That means the main character looks awesome. Dude, that's awesome.
Starting point is 02:55:26 It looks like modern IntiCreates stuff, which is... Yeah. It's cool. It's cool. He looks like a, he looks like a striker gun vault guy. He looks like an anime. And I kind of forget that they released a bunch of Blaster Master. There's like one on the PS2.
Starting point is 02:55:39 Blaster Master overdrive. Yeah, then there's one on the WiiWare store, and I was like, oh, that's crazy. I think one of them was okay, and one of them was like shit. The WiiWare one's fun. Yeah, I don't know about the PS2. Blaster Master's cool. It's one of them games nobody cares about, but it's cool.
Starting point is 02:55:53 People care about it more of a cult following now. I remember playing Blaster Master a lot, and liking it, but it was always so hard. I think I watched the Game Center episode. Was there a Game Center episode? I want to say there was, because I feel like that's the most I've ever seen of it. Yeah, it was tough.
Starting point is 02:56:08 Did you have a tank around? Yep. I think your tank's called Sophia. Yeah, you're saving your snail or something? I don't know. Frog. Frog. In the English version, it's way more elaborate
Starting point is 02:56:18 with cutscenes than the Japanese version. It's like you have to save your girlfriend, and they got rid of that, and like, no, you're a little boy, and your frog goes away, and your frog is called Sophia. Oh, no, wait. Your mech's called Sophia. No, your mech's called Sophia, but in the Japanese version, your girlfriend's Sophia,
Starting point is 02:56:33 and your tank is like some other generic. Interesting. Name or something like that. That sounds wrong. Weird. I never played it. It's good. Good.
Starting point is 02:56:42 It's Metroid-ish. It's, Sunsoft was a really good developer at the time. Sunsoft and Jellyfish. You got all these different abilities, and then you can access new areas, and then you get upgrades for those abilities, like, oh, I can hover with my tank, but I can't hover for very long,
Starting point is 02:56:55 and then you get things to let you hover longer, and it should look good. It's a 2D platformer. That's great music, though, but almost all Sunsoft games. Yeah, I don't remember the music, but you're right, Sunsoft music was strong. Yeah, NicelyNT Creates is doing some other stuff. Doing some business.
Starting point is 02:57:07 Doing business. Agony turns to Kickstarter to help bring its... So, look at the number that they're looking for. They're looking for $66,600. Of course they are. $66,600. Canadian? Sorry, can you read that number?
Starting point is 02:57:22 Sorry, $66,600. $66,600. $66,600. $66,666. Yeah, exactly. It's crazy. Pat, have you just looked at what you actually did? Yeah, you said $66,660.
Starting point is 02:57:34 I wandered around and got scared out of this shit by the fucking demons of hell. Nah, nah, nah, that's what it looks like. But what it actually is, is that it's basically like geist, where you're a soul, and you're moving around these corridors of hell, and you possess different demons that have different abilities.
Starting point is 02:57:49 Like this demon can go through those doors. This demon is stealthy and can go around. This demon fights, and you basically are a lost soul in hell, controlling other demons. So it's more puzzly a little bit. But like visuals are, they're horribly good. They're, it's like the worst place I've ever seen.
Starting point is 02:58:09 Yeah. No, it is a fantastic vision of hell. The footage is really, really cool looking. And discussions of a potential VR stretch goal. No, no, no, that sounds awful. Could you even? Sounds awful. It must make you sick.
Starting point is 02:58:27 I wouldn't want to play it. Yeah, it's a crazy stretch goal, but it's just like, who would even, like, dare? Well, you see how many people are excited for RE7 in VR? I guess. But yeah, I'm gonna... There's a whole, there's a whole gameplay system of like holding your breath around demons.
Starting point is 02:58:44 That's interesting. We're like, you can't just sneak by quietly. You have to be quiet. And hold your breath, and everything in your vision slowly gets dimmed and whatnot. There's a cool thing in the, in the area, they show off in the video of like, for the Kickstarter where you can see shit happening
Starting point is 02:59:00 above the surface of the little pit that you're thrown into. But it's hard to tell exactly what is up there. It's just people getting tortured and stuff. You get glimpses, but it's really unclear. You just see some agony. There's also, what was there? There's like, there's that system,
Starting point is 02:59:16 and there was something else I'm forgetting. There's the everything's gross. System. Everything's disgusting. But I'll kick in some money to this, because I saw this game like months and months ago before this Kickstarter was out. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:59:28 And I was interested in then. And 66 that, let's just say it's $66,000 is a pretty modest goal. It's Canadian too. It's not much. It's for extra, right? Like they were already. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:59:39 Like I think it will come out. This is like extra stuff. Cause when you go to the Kickstarter page for it, there's nothing on it except for this video and quotes from websites. And then at the end it has their risks, but like there's no actual pitch. It just says, yeah, we're making this game.
Starting point is 02:59:54 This is always what I said I wanted Dante's Inferno to be. Absolutely. I wanted to be like a mediocre action game. I always thought it would be better if like what if it was more silent hellish where you're walking around doing puzzles and it's more creepy than anything else. Like I think that would be the natural thing
Starting point is 03:00:11 that you would do and not be like, look at you shoot giant crosses. Yep. But okay, the cross thing was cool. It's actually the coolest part of it. The cross thing is the coolest part. And I hate the science. That's like the Castlevania weapon.
Starting point is 03:00:23 I hate the fact that you kill death at the start and death is like, this is stupid. I like where death's like, what the fuck is going on asshole? No, he's just some fucking soldier. So if you want to check out the fetus of God, you can go do that. It's literally that.
Starting point is 03:00:37 Yeah. Kind of, yeah. That slash Plague's basement. Plague wishes he had hell in his basement. Wow. And then you get to the end and he's like, hi, I'm Eli. Deep shit.
Starting point is 03:00:47 Not really. You found my drawings. Let me show you a world of such divine pain whispers Plague. Look, it's a trifusion between a baby, an eyeball and a bigger eyeball. Yeah. So that's actually at the start of its campaign. So it's got some time left over 20 days.
Starting point is 03:01:10 Like, can you go back? Can you go back to the window? I didn't see how much it was actually at. Oh, or like go to the actual Kickstarter page. Yeah, sure. Let me pull out. Last time I looked at it. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:01:20 Have they already passed? I have no clue. I don't know. Agony Kickstarter. Not really sure. Last time I saw it, it was like it seemed like to have like a little bit amount of money when it just started, but.
Starting point is 03:01:29 There's 32 days to go and they're at $43,000. Ah, that's great. So. That's solid, yeah. Yeah, probably Satan giving them all this money. Oh, 32 days ago, so they're going over it. Yeah, cool. Yeah, they're gonna be fine.
Starting point is 03:01:44 Yeah. You think a little wooly would have been a lot to play this game back in the new world? Yes. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Absolutely. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You don't know what you're messing with, Cha.
Starting point is 03:01:55 Oh, gosh. Shut up, wow. I wasn't allowed to play Wolfenstein 3. I wouldn't be able to play this shit. I wasn't allowed to play Wolfenstein either, but I just sneaked downstairs. Me too. And got the computer.
Starting point is 03:02:04 I was allowed to play whatever I want. Exactly the same story. That's how it turned out so well-adjusted. Yeah. Yep. Yep, silence. They're rebooting Starship Troopers, you guys. Shut up, just move on to the next one.
Starting point is 03:02:19 This is the third Paul Verhoeven movie to be remade. What are the other two? Robocop. What's the other one? Total recall. Oh, boy. Oh, okay. I still think it's genius.
Starting point is 03:02:34 That went well. It is genius. You're completely right. Starship Troopers, it's fantastic. Starship Troopers is fucking- I'm glad they're remaking it since it was so flawed. All right, move on, you said, right? Dude, that's sad.
Starting point is 03:02:47 I'm sad now. No, it's fine, we can move on. Oh, is he gonna move on? That's all he wanted. What other story do you have? Oh, Rambo is also being rebooted with a younger actor. Nostalog. Bambo Unchained.
Starting point is 03:02:57 You, oh. Oh. Although, I have to say the title Rambo, New Blood, is a good title. I'm just sad it's attached to a remake, but what can you do? Who's gonna do it, and is he going to try to- I hope it's Taylor Luckner.
Starting point is 03:03:14 It's gonna be Benedict Cumberbatch. Is he gonna try to like fucking do Sly's mouth? It's gonna be his spasms. It's gonna be Channing Tatum. It's gonna be Channing Tatum. Channing, can you make your mouth do weird spasms from time to time? You don't know what I can do with my mouth.
Starting point is 03:03:29 Yeah, you don't know me. I can really smash with my mouth. Yeah, smashing, smashing and squanching. It's all we need from you. Channing just bites. They always use that picture of Rambo from Rambo 4, and it's always like not the best one. The really one, the one where he's holding the gun
Starting point is 03:03:44 from the back of the truck, and his face is all weird. Yeah. He's yelling. He's yelling at those religious views. What are you yelling about, John? Don't you see all the cuts? It's dynamic. Stop yelling.
Starting point is 03:03:57 Well, it's kind of dynamic. We can hear you use your indoor voice. But he's outdoors. Yeah, he's outdoors. I'm standing right here. They weren't, they were like a little wild. They were like down a mountain. And he was shooting a big loud gun.
Starting point is 03:04:09 Yeah. If you don't speak over your gun, nobody's gonna hear you. Yeah, no one will know they're being shot. And what sound does the gun make, Pat? Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do. It makes a machine gun noise. And how does that sound?
Starting point is 03:04:24 Oh, so. It goes, I'm doing it. No, I know, I need to hear you doing the job. That's fine. I mean, no, you don't tell us how the gun sound. No, you know what I'm saying? All right, well. You're never gonna get me to do it.
Starting point is 03:04:36 Never. Never a second time. If you want. I never did it the first time either. If you want to write in and let us know what a machine gun sounds like. Yes. You can send a letter.
Starting point is 03:04:51 To superbestfriendcast at That's super best friend. Sorry, that one. Super best, but, but, but, but, smash. Smash. Smash. Smash, squash, smash, smash. Smash squad at
Starting point is 03:05:06 All right, we said it once. That's good enough. Good enough. Did it, did it? It's all, it's all, yeah. And your email might sound a little something like. Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh. That just sounds like Fran Drescher using a vibrator.
Starting point is 03:05:18 Yeah. So a machine gun sounds like to me. Eh. Mr. Cheffield. Lad asks, Dear super breakfast cereal journalism and review group, why are frosted flakes called frosted when they aren't even covered in any kind of frosting?
Starting point is 03:05:39 They're frosting on cereal. They're sitting on good branding that they have done nothing to earn and the people need to know how they keep getting away with it. They're frosted with sugar. Yeah, they've got sugar all over it. They have frosting sugar on them.
Starting point is 03:05:55 If you don't answer this, I will assume that you are cowards who are being bought off by Kellogg's and I will reveal that you are on the take to my fellows and my comrades in the deep web cereal truth or community. We are paid by Kellogg's. That's known. We're paid by Kellogg's. I wish we were.
Starting point is 03:06:11 But yeah, they are like, there's all the sugar on them and it looks frosted in the sense of like ice and snow and shit because there's no other term for it. So they just went with frosted. It's like frosted tips. Don't have fucking ice cream frosting on your hair. I didn't know.
Starting point is 03:06:27 So it's like that's a really amazing proposition. Honestly, I think it's frosted tips. Never went out of style. I think they were never in style. Yeah, they were. No, they were 2000. They were tell that to Guy Fieri. You know what? I will.
Starting point is 03:06:41 I will tell that to Guy Fieri face. No, I don't want to do that. That's horrible. He'll defeat you if you do. We are waited in Flavortown. Listen, listen, I think it's really simple. I think back in the day when frosted flakes were first a thing, frosted could be used to describe sugary cereal.
Starting point is 03:06:57 And especially with an appearance as such as frosted flakes. And we moved forward into the future and the language didn't catch up. Also, man, the fuck do you want? Cake frosting on your cereal? Yeah, that's too much. There's cheerios as frosted cheerios, which is kind of like a pottery sugary.
Starting point is 03:07:13 They've also got the sugar look. Yeah, and they had a polar bear on the thing before. Now they have the frozen branding. Now there's a frozen branding and then there's a regular cheerios. So they went through three rebrandings. We've got to reboot this cereal. Tony the Tiger never ages. I hate Tony the Tiger now because they have another guy
Starting point is 03:07:34 doing his voice and it's not even close. He's not great. Is he? Yeah. Yeah. To be honest, he's dead. It never was. I mean, Chester Cheetah's really got his shit planned. Who's cereal?
Starting point is 03:07:47 That's cereal versus... Joe, I know. What was that cereal that had the fucking bear? What was that one again? Honey smacks? No, not honey smacks. No, that's the frog. He wore a hoodie. Shut up. Yeah. Sugar crisp. Sugar crisp. Yeah. Well, I was about to say that I respect sugar crisp
Starting point is 03:08:04 because sugar crisp always had the most honest name. Sugar crisp. You know exactly what you're getting in that one. I had sugar crisp. Getting coin pops is pretty honest. Yeah, but what is a pop exactly? Sugar crisp is one of the most disgusting cereals when it gets soggy though.
Starting point is 03:08:20 Oh, it's really good right at the beginning, but then it's turned bad right away. I hate sugar crisp. It's not good. Oh, thank you, okay. Hey, fuck you guys, sugar crisp is great. It's honest. Cinnamon toast crunch wasn't bad for honesty.
Starting point is 03:08:32 Tricks isn't honest. That's not honest. I never had tricks. Fruit loops is pretty honest. What? Fruit loops? Fruit loops is pretty honest. Dosted fruit loops. Wait, hold on.
Starting point is 03:08:41 What kind of lie planet are you from that fruit loops is honest? What fruit quotient is in that fucking shit? If you look at 99% of fruit products in the States, I bet you all of them are representative of little or no fruit. That's very possible. No, sugar crisp to me is like,
Starting point is 03:08:56 that's the most honest cereal name. Second, I'd give it to raisin brand. What about weedabix? What is a bix? That's not a bix. What is a weedabix? Liam, I ask you the question. Weedies is a thing.
Starting point is 03:09:06 What about weedabix? I just mean for honest. Raisin brand. Raisin brand is honest. You know what the blackbuster is. No, corn flakes is honest. Corn flakes is very honest. Yeah, they don't mess.
Starting point is 03:09:18 What's the most dishonest? Should have been these. Oh, no, what's the most dishonest? What's the most apple jacks? Apple jacks is, yeah, that's not bad. It tastes like apples. Oh, they don't. Oh, French toast crunch.
Starting point is 03:09:29 No. Because French toast doesn't even crunch. No, but that's why they threw the word there to let you know. French toast crunch is not a thing. Yeah, I'd say vector. Lucky charms is pretty dishonest. No, but that's the mythology,
Starting point is 03:09:42 the fallore of the series. The imagery is honest, but it doesn't tell you anything about the. Captain Crunch. I don't want to know about the man. I want to know about the sir. Yeah, I don't know what the product is. Captain Crunch should be.
Starting point is 03:09:51 More like Captain Cut the Roof of Your Mouth. Yeah, Captain. Yeah, they are. They are razor blades in your throat, fucker. Yeah, yeah. Why is it like that? And even the ones that you. Do you want sugar?
Starting point is 03:10:00 I like it. But even the ones you like, they get stuck on your molars. Yeah, it hurts. I like it. I like the way it hurts. I like that. So we got one coming in from Ricardo. And Ricardo says,
Starting point is 03:10:16 hello, high grade accessible companions. I just wanted to catch in a time, I just wanted to catch in a time capsule before 2017 rolls in where your expectations with some of the upcoming games of 2017 were. I like that. So make it easier. Here's a list.
Starting point is 03:10:31 Thank you, Ricardo. Jesus. I was just building it in my head, but this is good. And tell us what you think. Are you expect to shine, bomb or be a sleeper? All right. Let's go one at a time. A prediction.
Starting point is 03:10:43 We'll go Matt, Woolly, me, then Liam. So one at a time. What was it? Shine, bomb or sleeper hit? Shine. Shine? Yeah, just like shine. It's gonna be good or sleeper hit.
Starting point is 03:10:53 Okay. But sorry, bomb, quantified in terms of sales or quality. Cause sales doesn't matter. I think both. Cause wonderful 101 is incredible. Cause shine and bomb are different metrics. I say bomb and bomb is failure. I'm gonna go with quality.
Starting point is 03:11:07 I'm gonna go with quality as well. I'll go with quality. I'll go with quality too. You can easily predict it. Yeah, yeah, all right. Let's do it. All right. Mass Effect Andromeda.
Starting point is 03:11:16 Don't care. Bomb. I think it'll be good though. I think it'll be like good, safe, like Dragon Age Inquisition was good, safe. Where you're like, yeah, this is good. I don't think it'll, I don't think that's a shine or... It's a middle of the rotor.
Starting point is 03:11:30 It's a middle of the rotor. I think it'll be a seven. I think it's hard for games nowadays, like big games like that to be genuinely bad. I think it'll be like, you're kind of eight, but it'll be the same thing as Dragon Quest Inquisition where it's just like, it's really good. Too expensive for a bomb.
Starting point is 03:11:44 That's kind of... So maybe we should have middle of the road over there. Yeah, well, that's the thing is... I don't think it's gonna blow minds. The first one was a divisive. All right, what do we got next? Horizon Zero Dawn. Shine.
Starting point is 03:11:54 Shine. Shine. I fucking hope it will, but Gorilla struggles. I hope it'll shine. I want to hope it'll shine. But what do you think will happen? Gorilla. I think it'll be an eight.
Starting point is 03:12:04 If it wasn't a big thing that had a huge stage presence, I would have said sleeper hit, but... I think it'll be a seven or an eight. I think what Liam wants to say is Gorilla, please work hard. Please work hard. It makes me think of us. Please do as good as your sister studio, who's smaller.
Starting point is 03:12:18 Biohazard. Biohazard Resident Evil 7. I think it'll be good. Shine. I think it has a chance of bombing. Ooh. Quality wise. I think the VR might not be as enjoyable
Starting point is 03:12:29 as some people think it will. That's what I'm specifically thinking about as the VR experience. But I think the game will be good. I think it has a chance of bombing. Scalebound. I think it'll be tremendously good. I think it'll shine.
Starting point is 03:12:41 I don't know if it'll sell, but... Middle of the road. You don't think it'll be good? No, sorry. We were saying bomb is quality. We're talking quality. What was the... It's Dark Horse.
Starting point is 03:12:50 It was one of his things. Shine, bomb, then what? Shine, bomb, and... Well, you can say other things. Sleeper hit. Sleeper hit, sleeper hit. I'm going to go with it'll be mediocre. I don't think that game's going to be very good.
Starting point is 03:13:02 Yeah, can be as terrible. Yeah. Whatever, man. I don't think Scalebound looks very good. All right. Injustice, too. I think it's going to be really good, but I also think the micro transactions suck already.
Starting point is 03:13:13 Yeah. Mediocre. Not even there. Sleeper hit. What does sleeper hit mean exactly? It called classic. No, but it's going to sell really, really well. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:13:22 No, I think... That's why we have to dissociate quality for sale. That's what I'm saying. I think it'll be really good, and I think it'll sell really well, but... In terms of quality, I think it'll be... Yeah, I guess it's hard to... It's true.
Starting point is 03:13:32 They're different metrics. They're different metrics. Yeah, exactly. They're super right. Bad job, Ricardo. Bad job. Good question, though. Good question.
Starting point is 03:13:40 And we're going to keep going. But bad job. Pray. Pray. I think pray'll be good. I think it'll be good. I'm always going to be a little like about the name, but I think it'll be good.
Starting point is 03:13:50 I'd say mediocre. Okay. Vampire. Vampir. Bomb. Vampy. I don't know what the game is. It's the new...
Starting point is 03:13:58 Life is Strange. It's an action kind of talking game from all the strange guys. Oh, I'm going to pass to barely know anything about it. I really want to hope it's good, so I'll just say good, but I have no clue. I'm going to say bomb, because I don't know if they've learned enough
Starting point is 03:14:13 about that type of stuff from Life is Strange. Yeah, because it's more like, remember me, than... It is, yeah. It's more of an action thing. It absolutely is. I do agree. Breath of the Wild.
Starting point is 03:14:26 It's going to be... That'll be great. I have no doubt that'll be a good game. Shine. I'm predicting it's going to shine and then get really boring. Maybe. Possible.
Starting point is 03:14:37 I think the open world part of it is going to dry up. That's liable to happen. Like after a certain point, you're going to be like, yeah, I know I can do this trick to roll down the Moblin Fortress and hit them with the rock. But that's weird, because they already confirmed you don't have to do any of that.
Starting point is 03:14:52 You can just go to the end if you want. My big... So that's what I'm saying is like, you're going to have some fun with the openness, but then you'll get tired of it. I mean, you can only go to the end if you can find the end. But you can say that about any open world game. I do everything to get bored with it.
Starting point is 03:15:06 For some of them have like forced, not forced, but some of them have like, an Assassin's Creed game would have like these story bits in the way. Yeah, and Pat burnt himself out on most of them because he did all the boring shit first and then didn't care about the rest of the game. So some Assassin's Creed games are going to be better than others.
Starting point is 03:15:19 I'm glad you remember that. Because it just sticks out in my head because that's the main problem with a good amount of them. But like, you know how Assassin's Creed 2 and how... Let's just all call them butt creeds. Yeah. But that one and the fucking...
Starting point is 03:15:34 Brotherhood. The boat one are the fun ones. And then the other ones are less fun, but they're all basically the same type of open world game in that sense. I think Breath of the Wild might end up being like, it'll start fun, but then you'll kind of... It might wear thin.
Starting point is 03:15:48 It might wear thin. Like certainly, but again, I think that's just... That can be lobbied on most... If the environment and things like gameplay-wise change up... I get it in the sense that we watch so much footage of one area. It look like, you know what I mean? But if they have different styles of areas
Starting point is 03:16:05 and different ways to traverse things, I get it. It's like, the only footage we've seen is the same like mountains and forests. So from that standpoint, yeah, I could be worried about that. I want to infiltrate and defeat exactly 10 like bad guy camps. No more than that.
Starting point is 03:16:22 I think it's going to be really good. I think my biggest concern for me is I don't think there's going to be as much story as I want. So I really hope they can overcome that. There's that too. Because I really want... I do like good dialogue and good story in games. And I think Zelda does shy away from that sometimes
Starting point is 03:16:38 or doesn't succeed at it. If Persona 5's on that list, punch that man through the internet. Oh, he's still got. Oh, good. Wildlands. What? Ghost Recon. Ghost Recon.
Starting point is 03:16:49 I think it will be good, but I have no... Thumbs down from Pat on Wildlands. I don't have any other opinion. I think it'll be good, but... Same here. I'm going to say it'll probably shine as a Ghost Recon game, but I'm not... Well, you say that, but Siege didn't really do well.
Starting point is 03:17:06 But it is different teams, different themes, different... No, they have the same theme. Like a Tom Clancy game is not made to win. Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon are like separate things now. It's like you can't compare Hawks and Rainbow Six, you know? Oh, yeah, you can. They both say Tom Clancy on it. Yeah, but they did that.
Starting point is 03:17:22 You can't though, you know? Like they're different teams, different games. I can compare them right now. I think it's going to be like the divisions. One has planes. Too big to fail. Not as big as the divisions. Yeah, they're just not have planes.
Starting point is 03:17:31 Ukulele. Shine. Oh, I think it'll be good. Shine. Yeah. Anything I say will get people mad at me. So say it. I don't think Banjo-Kazooie is very good.
Starting point is 03:17:41 That's not what I asked you about. Yeah, what do you think about Ukulele? I haven't looked at it at all. Okay. Ever since you were so massively wrong about it in every way, you haven't looked at it at all. Wait, Ukulele? Yeah.
Starting point is 03:17:52 I don't remember making any claims about it. This Kickstarter will fail. No one cares about Banjo-Kazooie. I didn't say it would fail. I said no one cares about it because it's stupid and those games are terrible. If someone didn't care about it, that would mean the Kickstarter would fail.
Starting point is 03:18:05 Oh, yeah. But I mean, I saw Shader Kickstarter's like do well and they had a really good one and their designs look pretty decent. Crackdown 3. I don't think that game's ever going to fucking come out. I don't think it's going to come out. I think that'll come out alongside Scorpio, to be honest.
Starting point is 03:18:20 I think it's going to be like one of the big shows. So that all those lies about cloud processing can just be fixed with the more power? I think it'll be their big showcase game kind of. Shine. I think it'll probably be good. I'd say like a cult thing. Like it'll.
Starting point is 03:18:34 Sleeper hit. Sleeper hit. It'll sell not great, but it might be good. I don't know, man. Crackdown 2 is very bad. I don't care about crackdown at all. Near-automata. I think the gameplay will be tremendous.
Starting point is 03:18:47 Yeah, sure. Cult. It's fine. I'm not going to fight you. I think the gameplay is going to be tremendous. I don't think anyone's going to fight that. What a shitty line-up of people making this game. Like Dragon Guard 3 was weaker in terms of writing than Near.
Starting point is 03:19:02 It was. So we'll see where Yoko Taro goes with that, because the story is a big deal. Probably not going to sell though. That game's going to be no matter what. No matter how amazing it is. I think this will be the first Yoko Taro game that will sell a decent amount in a decent time.
Starting point is 03:19:17 Because I think people have warmed up to the idea that Near was a pretty good game at this point. Like I think at least the core is aware that Near was a big deal. Don't get me wrong. I don't think this is going to launch to 2 million sales or anything like that. Well, because it's a platinum game, it can only sell so many. It's the law. But I do think Automata will do better than Near.
Starting point is 03:19:36 Oh, that's easy. Yeah, which is probably the metric they're looking at considering, like for Near, one of the things they quoted was like, the music was a big deal for the sales. Like they sold a lot of CDs and a lot of hard books. More people probably know about Automata now, than people knew about Near when it came out. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 03:19:56 But I don't think it'll be like an over 2 million kind of big thing. No. Over time with sale culture and stuff, 2 million sure. I can't see this not shining. I can't see it. No, I absolutely see it not shining. Like where it's good, but like it's not going to sell. Oh, no, that's not what we're talking about.
Starting point is 03:20:14 Oh, no, but that's why. OK, well, I know, I know, it's it is confusing to but like I'm going to try to stick to quality. And there's only two left. Like Roberto, Sonic, Sonic Mania. His name was Ricardo. Whatever. Sonic Mania is enough. That was pretty close.
Starting point is 03:20:28 I have I have a lot of faith in Christian Whitehead. So I'm going to say shine. I really hope. So any way you say to completion every time. Yeah, right. Means you have respect for them. Yeah. That's not true.
Starting point is 03:20:43 Peter Molyneux put out a new game this week. Yeah, exactly. Didn't talk about it. Yeah, there you go. Smart. I know. He finally did it. Learned. Yeah, he learned.
Starting point is 03:20:51 All it took was like people yelling at you to the point of tears. Yeah. Or maybe he did it or like maybe Sean Murray somehow like was able to like teach him something. I don't know. I'd say it could China. It could like not be great.
Starting point is 03:21:06 Honestly, I don't I don't want to play Peter Molyneux's new game because his last game No Man's Sky really burned me. Maybe maybe Peter Molyneux was really they're both from Guilford. Maybe they both work in the same city. Maybe must have drank the same water. Maybe Peter Molyneux was really excited for No Man's Sky.
Starting point is 03:21:23 And then when it came out, he was like, oh, this is what I've been thought. What it's like, you know, and then one night. One night after getting drunk, Peter Molyneux like had a bit like had a bastard child with a cube and that grew up to be Sean Murray. And then that's what happened. That's the world we live in.
Starting point is 03:21:43 Yeah, no, I think Sonic Mania is probably going to be fine. I hope it's good, man. I really hope so. What's the last game on this surprisingly short list? Nio. Nio. Oh, that'll shine. I think Nio will be good.
Starting point is 03:21:53 We already know. But it'll be a cult classic. I don't think it's going to blow up sales. I think it'll do pretty good sales. I mean, we saw what the Souls games have been able to manage, which is multiple millions. No problem. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:22:08 And any game selling a million for Tecmo Koei is huge. They haven't had a game touch a million. I don't know when the last one was. Maybe you've done a Ninja Gaiden 2. Maybe one of the earlier. Probably Ninja Gaiden 3. All can all things considered. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 03:22:24 I know they're free to play. Do a five went well over a million, but it's free to play. It's that doesn't count. Maybe do a five. But then besides, but then besides that, I would struggle to think of what the next one. And even if they didn't sell a million units, they probably sold a million units through the DLC.
Starting point is 03:22:40 Anyway, Tecmo doesn't have million sellers. So that's I think that'll do really well for them. You consider Hyrule Warriors, Tecmo game, sold a million. It did. Granted, Nintendo pushed it. So they didn't get the full profits. So Sony is publishing. Neo, Neo, by the way, in the West, which is really good.
Starting point is 03:22:57 Now I've got that demon souls mistake ever again. Now, what do you want to play more? Freedom Planet 2 or Sonic Mania? Sonic Mania. I'm sorry. Freedom Planet 2. Freedom Planet 2. Freedom Planet 2.
Starting point is 03:23:08 I do want to play Sonic Mania, but I think I feel like I already know what Sonic Mania is going to feel like. Yeah, I agree. Also, Sonic Mania doesn't have a parry in it. Yeah, not like I'm excited to play Sonic Mania as well. But if I had to line them up, there's a lot more. We could have kept going with this question a long way. We certainly could have, but we want to wrap up soon.
Starting point is 03:23:27 So that's why I'm going to ask two more questions. One, I'm going to bring up from Timmy. Hey, Timmy. Dear a lot of Chinese characters. Wow, OK. Oh, curious about that one. Pronounced Zwei Hao Du Peng You Min. I can't say that on TV.
Starting point is 03:23:47 I can't believe you said that. He wrote it. You're terrible. You're going to get arrested by the Chinese government. Should I have tried? What? Zwei Hao, should I have like done that? No, no, I just can't believe you said those horrible, mean words.
Starting point is 03:23:59 Oh, OK. I studied abroad in China. I'm studying abroad in China right now, and I've... Right now? I got the opportunity to check out the escape room scene in Shanghai. Cool. Yeah, there's a scene, huh? Couldn't believe my eyes when I saw not only there was a silent hill
Starting point is 03:24:13 themed escape room, but specifically PT. The company has made a few locations and lots of other themes. But I remember trying to doze and give a fuck about shit. Oh, that's true. It's called Mr. X. Basically, they had two hallways with a room at each end, all identical. So you would keep moving through them over and over until you solved everything. That's so nice.
Starting point is 03:24:31 Doors would lock behind you. There was an old timey radio telling a story of the Washington's and how their father killed... Oh, that works so well. There were creepy moving eye portraits on the wall. And there was a keyhole you had to look through into a bloody bathroom to find a password for a computer, which you could talk to the murdered child on. Also, one of the solutions to a puzzle was literally singing happy birthday out loud,
Starting point is 03:24:53 causing a doll to fall from the ceiling hanging from a noose. All in all, hella spooky and legit silent hill. That's cool. I thought you'd find that interesting. That is really cool. Yeah. Yeah. Thanks, Tim. What city is that in?
Starting point is 03:25:05 Shanghai. Shanghai, OK. Well, if anyone's out there. Yeah, I'm sure there's a couple of people out in Shanghai. Yeah, no record. Oh, let's escape. I don't know if you're allowed to record, but figure out a way. Very explicitly, not allowed to record in those places.
Starting point is 03:25:20 But they got it secretly. Put a GoPro in your pants. Yeah, open your zipper and. Yeah, he took a little screenshot of the flyers. But cool, you know, just sure. Not really much there. How do I beat this escape room? That's awesome.
Starting point is 03:25:32 Just go watch a Let's Escape. You get out at the end and they cancel Silent Hill. Oh, no. And lastly, we'll take one from Nicholas here. Hello, superior beast friends, Scully here. And this morning I made breakfast and I was so happy with my life. And I thought to myself, how could someone possibly not enjoy this? So the question is directed toward Willie, not just toward them,
Starting point is 03:25:55 but specifically the others can comment if they feel the need to. Do you really hate breakfast foods? Or do you just hate the idea of breakfast being limited to certain types of foods? I can understand why someone wouldn't like to eat eggs every day, but the idea of someone hating pancakes, bacon and cinnamon rolls in the morning doesn't seem possible to me. Either way, you're a breakfast heathen, but the clarification would be nice if you please.
Starting point is 03:26:13 Yeah, so let's just break it down. What is your beef with breakfast? And what did you have for breakfast today? Today? Yeah, let's just go at it. I had I had pancakes and some fruit. That sounds really good. Pat, I haven't eaten today.
Starting point is 03:26:24 That's a good choice, too. You save those calories. No, I just. Yeah, those are safe for chocolates in a closet later. English muffin with cream cheese and five slices of salmon. Yeah, breakfast's great. I had turkey and guacamole. Should we break apart the kayfait bit?
Starting point is 03:26:43 Yeah, what's what's what you deal with breakfast while you hate so much? Absolutely nothing. Yeah, you hate all the good breakfast foods. So if we're going to like, I guess, go surgical on the funny or whatever. Go. I just don't eat eggs because of the fact that I had like I had a bad childhood experience with eggs. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:27:01 So like a lot of things that people don't eat when they have a bag. You hate toast, too, right? No, I have a final toast. So how come you bitch and moan every time we go to a breakfast place? I don't. I just don't like the fact that every. He actually is not a bitch and moaner about that. Yeah, no, every time.
Starting point is 03:27:17 It's just mats retelling, basically. Oh, OK. So what if it wasn't so what? What is it? Well, it's screaming at the top of your voice. You know, we were funny. We was funny. It was funny.
Starting point is 03:27:27 We went to different places and you asked for the breakfast part to be scraped off your plate. So I guess so. So basically elaborate what ends up happening because I go to breakfast with like the girlfriend sometimes. Yeah, what ends up happening is well, there's two things. There's this eggs that I don't eat. Yeah. And when I was young, obviously, because of the Jesus and stuff, no bacon.
Starting point is 03:27:46 OK. So for the longest while, I didn't have bacon at all. So in general, a basic brick bacon and eggs breakfast. Was something I couldn't really do. What's your take on sausage? And what's your take on pancakes? Pancakes are delicious. Donate too many.
Starting point is 03:28:00 You're not going to like them. Yeah, no, there's nothing worse than you thinking you can handle four or five pancakes. You can't. And then you're just like, I like one pancake. Yeah. So but but again, the reality is just that all these back for the breakfast places you sit down and the whole menu is just eggs. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:28:15 And then there's one dish that's like the fruit yogurt dish. There's the green cheese bagel and then there's the pancakes. And I sort of have to go with one of those three. Yeah, just because of the eggs. That's all. Otherwise, everything else on the side. So why do you hate breakfast so much? Yeah. Oh, because no, fuck, Rick. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 03:28:28 OK, there we go. Fuck it. Now, we've we've we've we've we've we've transferred back in. See, the problem with that explanation is that to me, that's very untrue. Everything you said was lies because every time I've gone with you, it's a slab of meat and something else. If you get like pancakes and other stuff, I've never seen it. So I'm just going by what it's like.
Starting point is 03:28:45 You tell us one thing. You tell us another thing. You're fucking flip-flopping. You're just not very clear. Motivation is so unclear. I can't even. The unclear vision of your breakfast. Yeah, what's your breakfast dream?
Starting point is 03:29:03 Oh, God. No. All the things described in that email sound fantastic. And I could totally go for those. Well, is that cinnamon rolls? Yeah, I said cinnamon rolls. He said pancakes. When we went to Portland, what was the starter that they gave us? Do you remember the Brex?
Starting point is 03:29:17 The Brex place? They had a starter that they put down and we all looked at them. There were four of them. What was it? What was it? The the the starting. I don't remember. It doesn't remember, Matt.
Starting point is 03:29:28 We all looked at four of them and you went, OK, is no one going to eat this? Fine. And you ate one. Oh, donuts. They just gave us donuts. Yeah, they just brought us homemade donuts. That's ridiculous. That's a restaurant. They're amazing. That's a barricade. Yeah, they're good.
Starting point is 03:29:41 But no, again, it's like, you know, the truth is not going to bring out the halals and you want more. But at the end of the day, it's just eggs. And like next time you're at a breakfast spot, like specifically a breakfast place, you know, just just look how many items on the menu have eggs on them. And imagine if you were allergic to a lot, yeah, you would hide quite a bit about it. It's kind of tough. So the place expectation like near Concordia, yeah, that place is really nice.
Starting point is 03:30:08 Like and they're called expectation. Like they have a full half of their menu has no eggs in it whatsoever. Because they know they know because they also serve they also serve lunch. And what I really appreciate is sometimes they'll do they'll go, here's a here's one of the dishes that's all the other sides instead of eggs. So you'll get extra sausage, extra bacon, extra potatoes. And they'll cover you that way.
Starting point is 03:30:28 And I'm like, fucking thank you. Love that. Love that. But that's it. As for me, like just yeah, eggs, bacon, toast, like pancakes, crepes, waffles, a bowl of fruit toast. I like I want it. Preach. Light it up, Matt. I want all of it. Any given time, if all those can be incorporated in some type of
Starting point is 03:30:49 stacked which some sort of breakfast. But here's a question, you know, here's a question. Yeah, pancake or waffle waffle all the time. I will. I will usually go for pancakes, but there's been really fun waffles I've had. So I'm not like I usually go for pancakes. So what about you, Liam? Depends on how I'm feeling.
Starting point is 03:31:09 OK, so I think you will all waffle all day and at Magfest, no matter what, I will always go to the hotel across the street from the convention center, even if I'm not staying there. And I will make myself waffles from their breakfast. I would rather take like a shitty egg over a good pancake. Yeah, I might. That's crazy. I might want a pancake.
Starting point is 03:31:28 I might want a crepe. I always. Yeah, even eggos are tasty, though. Waffles are good. I don't like the the pre-made waffles that they sell that are coated in sugar that come in those, you know, packed. Yeah, that's a bit much. Not breakfast waffles, but they sell them alongside the cookies. I'm not so fond on candy waffles.
Starting point is 03:31:45 Yeah, kind of. Yeah. At Denny's, I had the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. Sounds good. Pancake and it was delicious. I can only have one, though. I said it comes with three and I go, you're going to give me one. We're going to charge you the same. You're going to give me one.
Starting point is 03:31:59 I can't eat more than that. And then like, OK. And then you weigh skies. Really weird. I won. Also, how fun are is making a waffle with a waffle maker? Yeah. I can twist that. Just going to your shed. You just go into the shower.
Starting point is 03:32:10 It's easy. It's great. Easy and fun. Yeah. All right. We'll stop there. What were you saying about the sky being weird? Oh, that wasn't a sentence that happened. No. OK. The sky is weird.
Starting point is 03:32:24 Don't get us wrong. Yeah. Sorry about that. Do you smell anything on right now? Burnt toast, perhaps. I know. I don't think I said anything about the sky. I must have misheard. Say your ABCs, please.
Starting point is 03:32:37 ABC, do you have GHA? Backwards. That sobriety test is absolute horseshit. I would never be able to do that. The alphabet backwards. Reno 911. All right. It's like, say the alphabet backwards.
Starting point is 03:32:49 And the guy just does it right now. Stand on one hand. OK, now do a cartwheel. And he just doesn't. She's like, wow. Even I can't do that. That's amazing. That's great.
Starting point is 03:32:59 He's like, yeah, I had one or two. I'm fine. Backward. The cop asked me to do that. I'd be like, R-V-R. Fall asleep in the road. Perfect. What's coming up?
Starting point is 03:33:10 What's coming out? What's coming up? What's coming up? Me and Wally got down to some crime time with Mafia 3 that could be in like a day or two. Castlevania is coming to a conclusion rapidly. We basically finished the game, but we have some cleanup to do. Yeah, we still have a bit of cleanup left.
Starting point is 03:33:28 The Dark Souls DLC will continue until the beginning of maybe the end of that this week. It's done. The recording's done. The recording's done. Keep commenting angrily, though, if you want. That's fine. Let's see.
Starting point is 03:33:44 Fucking what? You sound like, I wish I could take this you and show this to you over a year ago and just have you see yourself right now. It's a lot. Well, you know. God, no. Wally, Wally. You got to set the video.
Starting point is 03:34:01 So YouTube says that message. Comments are encouraged with this video. You pretend like I didn't know and that me knowing would cause me to be less of a bastard. Like you think that knowledge or sympathy will make me not act like a shit, but you know that's not true. The problem with that is on the first episode of the Dark Souls DLC, I saw several people angrily, angrily anticipating.
Starting point is 03:34:27 Man, I sure hope they don't do this. Yeah. And when I saw these comments, we had already finished DLC and I went, we sure did that. All too bad. Stay tuned for more adventures of Lucky Ted and the crew crux crann. Oh, God, I forgot.
Starting point is 03:34:42 I also forgot about it. Also, Silent Hill will continue. Yes, obviously. That's pretty good. And the gun does get used. Enemies are shot to death. Matt will shoot a gun at some point and and Pat will lie about creatures and they're what they do in the game.
Starting point is 03:34:58 We won't lie about Minmo. We will not lie about Minmo. You can't lie about Minmo because Minmo is truth. And upon completion of Dark Souls, the Omicron. We'll come back. The Koopies coming. And unfortunately, your paychecks will also end. The return of the Koopies.
Starting point is 03:35:16 So we'll talk about this in the first episode that we do, but I want to actually talk about it a little bit. So me and Willie, we came in and we sat down, we got the game ready, and we had set aside an entire day to fix this problem, only to discover that the thing we were trying to do at the end of the last episode was the right thing to do. And that unfortunate, hard crash was just hilarious.
Starting point is 03:35:38 And we did it in, like, 21 minutes, I think. Less than that. And then Willie looks like. So was it just the attempts that we were trying before? It just needed to take. Had you not shot the gun when I gave the controller to you, we would have gotten a lot farther. I'm glad I did that.
Starting point is 03:35:54 And then I got to see Willie with what may be the most depressed look on his face I've ever seen. That it worked. When I beat it, I went, yeah, and I went up for a high five. And he gave me like this kind of like half-hazard, like half-hearted, high five. And then you just look home, it's like, he's going to go home and hang himself or drown himself in the dump.
Starting point is 03:36:16 She didn't put it on my side. I always said to give up. I was at maximum levels of not wanting to give a shit. After all, I did show up simply to have you not be alone, sort of this thing out. It turns out I had to get the game working. You had to do that anyway. But initially, there was no point to me showing up
Starting point is 03:36:34 whatsoever except for Pat saying, I don't want to do this alone. That's fair though, right? That's not totally outside the realm of believability. It's not outside the realm. It's not. So aside from all that, there's also an announcement to sort of make, is that some people I saw on our subreddit
Starting point is 03:36:50 were talking about it a little bit, but me and Pat, all of us, there'll be episodes of some of us, we are returning to Machinima on its main channel with old school-ery type of episodes, 10 to 12 minutes, not cut up, not anything, every Sunday for a good long while. And that's starting this Sunday, the 13th, with Skyrim remastered.
Starting point is 03:37:15 There'll be links on our YouTube for those episodes to go up and hopefully you guys check them out. You can go look at them and laugh. That's for Skyrim, at least, and the other game that we're doing after that, there'll certainly be that. So those episodes will be returning. And if you want, you can even go to those things
Starting point is 03:37:33 and just talk in the comments about how much funnier we used to be. Yeah, yeah. Even though if you actually look back, we're way funnier than we used to be. I can't wait for 70% of them to be like, what happened to these guys? I thought they died.
Starting point is 03:37:48 Yeah. Oh, that would be awesome. Yeah. Oh, that'd be great. That's gonna be it. Make a fake story about it. I thought they moved to Canada and stopped making videos. I can hear the accents now.
Starting point is 03:37:58 It's weird. I thought they started doing some type of recreational thing. I don't know. I heard some stuff about that. Some bunny hops were involved. I don't know. Doesn't really matter.
Starting point is 03:38:12 Why is everyone in the comments talking about blackface? We almost made it a week. We all wear sneakers. Why do we have shoe polish? I don't got it. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:38:28 I guess Dr. Strange now. Yes. I could pick. I don't know what's coming out this week. PS4 Pro. Oh, I'm looking forward to getting that. Some more Westworlds. My credit card got all jacked up like Nats did.
Starting point is 03:38:42 Oh, great. So I have two games that Amazon's waiting to ship to me, but I need a valid credit card number, so they gotta send me a replacement credit card, because I really want to play Robinson the Journey. Oh, yeah. I saw that. Eagle Flight, which...
Starting point is 03:38:57 Eagle Flight. That's finally coming out. Is that called Eagle Flight? I think it's called Eagle Flight. Those two come out this week, so I'm keen to play them. There's something else cool comes out. Oh, yeah, Sabra. I guess I'll give her a minute.
Starting point is 03:39:10 I'll give her a swing. There's a new update to Party Hard that has local co-op and new levels and shit. That comes out this week on the 10th, I believe, I want to try that. Looking for what? Go ahead, go ahead, go after her. Also, Star Exorcist comes by this weekend,
Starting point is 03:39:29 so she's showing her the town a little bit, so that'll be fun, and I'll try to play through more Titanfall, too. But I might just go back and re-watch episodes at Taras House. I just checked, and Sonar 2 comes out this week, so I'm looking forward to that. He does.
Starting point is 03:39:45 And maybe, just maybe, Donald Trump comes out this week, so we'll have to play that. He comes out. He may have, maybe. This game's coming out. Might be coming out this week. That might be a four to eight-year-long game. Yeah, let's see how the Metacritic does.
Starting point is 03:40:00 That's not gonna be well, though. I don't know. IGN had a few things to say. IGN's talking about an American election. What are you referencing something I got to know out? I got no out. Help me. You're like, oh, I want to get into this joke,
Starting point is 03:40:14 and then you're looking around and like, oh, no one's wanting to help me. Because I don't know. I'm alone here. It's fine. I don't know what's going on. All right, well, this is the end of the podcast. It is, right now.
Starting point is 03:40:23 Flaccid, drooping, unimpressive.

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