Castle Super Beast - SBFC 173: BIG_PORNZ.EXE

Episode Date: November 29, 2016

Time to talk about No Man's Sky some more! Oh boy! You can watch us record the podcast live on

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We're hot we're hot so meaning this box of timbits right now that's correct doughnuts aren't really cakes they're really they're not going to know much like a muffin they're not literally cakes they have a kind of similar ingredient but like as much as I would defend a muffin from being a cake I would throw the doughnuts straight the fuck under the bus not really cakes at all the humans make as many excuses as they can to eat cakes at all time and say that they're not cakes absolutely pancakes crepes yep that's that's a kind of cake bits which are donut holes for you freaks which is a cake doughnuts muffins like this morning this morning I had a maple bagel as
Starting point is 00:00:55 described previously on the podcast it's basically a cake and it's the best it's a bagel cream cheese with cinnamon and maple and it's just heaven the discovery of the term sweet bread by Liam during the near LP was like an inflection point for my hatred of pastry yeah man it's sweet bread is a term invented to sidestep the issue but it only makes the issue worse was naming those things was high you know how hard motherfuckers are trying to get to the point where you can have delicious things at all times of the day in appropriately how Japan apparently has just discovered that eating ice cream makes you more responsive if you
Starting point is 00:01:32 have it for breakfast in the morning and yeah cuz you're high on sugar no they and they're trying to isolate it's not just the sugar it's not just the temperature because they because they did they did similar tests with sugary things and with cold water and they're trying to pin down exactly what it is this but something about ice cream in the morning this makes you alert this is just a ploy by the Japanese government okay follow me here teach I got you teach the kids to eat ice cream in the morning okay okay children and therefore teenagers and young adults acquire a significantly
Starting point is 00:02:07 higher body fat percentage cut okay yep great Japanese women become slightly curvier as a result okay three birth problem solved done all right okay that takes too long that's a really long winded way and a little really long winding path you know to get to something that I don't think they should they should just pay people I mean they're so busy making sex robots yeah like or even and even like even their sex robots like they're still working out the kinks yeah they're also busy doing other things literally literally seconds before we went live I got this tweet and I saw this headline and this is brilliant and I
Starting point is 00:02:50 think it break I just need to break this right now right here general world news this is world news world news Japan's space world apologizes for freezing 5000 fish in a skating rink amazing and here oh my god it looks like it was on purpose so so that is a horrific photo of of a fish half out of the rink frozen mid-screen awesome oh boy okay so so here we have a story where a Japanese theme park has frozen 5000 sea creatures including fish and crabs and shellfish and other things and horrified everybody they also put out an official Facebook picture with some caption saying I'm drowning and suffocating okay
Starting point is 00:03:39 this is pretty metal then they had to release an official statement saying they were shocked to hear the reaction really as people were horrified I mean I know I'm cool but really I'm no like bleeding heart for fucking fish and crabs and shit but Jesus Christ we worse it could have been like company apologizes for freezing 5000 Shiba Inu's into a fucking pool yeah doge we never let that happen so we decided we're sorry for the project and decided to close the rink on that night right wow so one day only then Takeda told the CNN CNN that the park would unfreeze the skate rink and remove the fish hold an
Starting point is 00:04:19 appropriate religious service and then reuse them as fertilizer what the fuck that's awesome it's insanity you have no soul is one of the comments people are posting on Facebook it's it's great and not to mention that skating rink is a shit show to skate on in that state because there's bumpy life is super dangerous or not life for that matters bumpy animals stick it out of the water and it's not or out of the ice for that matter enjoy your corpse ice it's fucked and like there's there's there's other pictures of like again like crabs and then larger things like a manta ray looking thing I think that's what it is
Starting point is 00:04:59 from a distance at least and it's just like what the fuck is wrong with you all the little fish but because there's such a density of them it makes a shape if you look they made a bunch of patterns in the ice and shit which is kind of amazing thanks Japan thanks thank you Japan good job that'll make the people want to have the babies the dead fish oh it's a sad topic hey video games hey guys well are you did you watch Westworld last night no neither did you shit god I forget it's on Sundays I forget it's on the night before okay doesn't work for me no that's fine that's fine just it's one of those thing
Starting point is 00:05:39 happen it's one of those things or it's like how like can we just discuss this episode and sound effects almost you know okay well let's hear the woolly sound effect for episode nine of what okay all right that's fine yeah that's fine when you know when it's all said and done we go sit down and have a nice big talk soon yeah like in a couple weeks like you should have a talk about that I'll watch that episode tomorrow yes um I'll probably watch it tonight I would want to watch it tonight but I have to watch Kingsglaive tonight cuz Final Fantasy 15 comes out tomorrow that that's a thing okay so Liam you would
Starting point is 00:06:21 know better than I what they the talk that they've had about the PlayStation 4 Pro version of this game could not be more confusing that there's a patch that exists now but they're gonna put out a second patch there's a day one patch coming out that seems to improve a lot of things but but like there's another one they have planned for like mid-December or something that's the one to really jack it up okay cuz I I'm gonna wait for the jack up one so it's all jacked up and then if someone's like hey Pat that game sucks I'll just I'll just not play it I guess the review story coming up today and mid-high 80s oh
Starting point is 00:06:59 Christ that's better than I expected honestly I I because I heard those the people talking about how it's like a reverse 13 how it's big big big big big and then goes narrow and I was like oh mmm but that's fine oh mid-high 80s is a lot better than I would have expected after something after 15 years of fucking develop or not 15 whatever dude whatever it's getting longer every time 10 years of pseudo-active of whatever the fuck it was development purgatory I think yeah that's good that's good Matt had to jet set back to Toronto but in between his trip last time and this time he sat down to tell me about survivor
Starting point is 00:07:50 series and so on and so forth so that'll be added on to the end of the podcast post emails I see in Toronto again you know I don't know we can talk about I don't I don't know the reason this time around actually shaking his head we can't use that he was at some thing where he was talking to people I know that but yeah well I saw like a sign with his face on it okay well in either case we will find out a bit more about how that stuff went down after but for now yes we can talk about the company to talk a hotah well if he sells his shares to talk a hotah that'd be we have shares I was expecting you
Starting point is 00:08:33 just go with it oh man because then we could get a hotah yeah okay then we can stare at his dreamy face he's like Liam but taller and buffer and much much and he's got the glasses factor does not like him crotch you leave politics a lot yeah yeah he does fuck hey talk hey fucking hey man did you play anything yeah I played freedom on Twitter okay okay talk all right Liam you just sold yourself back off you're welcome um no well okay since since we won't get into the events of Westworld yeah this week then perhaps maybe depends on whether or not you're down we can discuss the end of Hope's Peak Academy not today okay
Starting point is 00:09:27 off I go I have plans that's fine after the podcast that's totally fine not today so you watch all I watched all of Danganronpa 3 what's your over-under future and despair and hope and alternating alternating in the airing or in the air order the order that they they aired on did those kids that you wanted to kill get it um so in the end it is a really nice send-off to that storyline and it is it is honestly so close to a slam dunk there's some fantastic bit the things that you want to know about and see more of are there and they're better than you thought and the things that you didn't want are
Starting point is 00:10:15 there and they're worse yeah it's kind of incredible how like solid the series is for 80% of its run but you tricked me you tricked me it's really good at the beginning and the ball the ball doesn't just drop it shatters the mirror floor and falls further through a ground that you didn't know was a hole yeah we'll get into we will talk we will get into further details and I wrote out a list yeah of fucking problems we just talk about the despair girls episode for a second yeah oh man way to not validate that game so wait a not wait you have an opportunity to do the thing that the series is doing and sort of just be like
Starting point is 00:11:01 remember this thing aspect of it here's a cool like yeah shouldn't you get you get hype at this look how fun it was a really cool bit with one of the returning characters from ultra despair girls it was such a good twist for that character and then nothing like and then less than nothing also that my home planet needs me levels that nothing that combined with what happens just before that too where I like to me that acts that made three of those two of those three characters worse but we'll get into those details dang and wrong about that sounds like ultra despair girls is the gift that keeps on giving I mean look I
Starting point is 00:11:39 would go all of the series was despair then they succeeded I'll tell you that much we truly are the ultra despair girl lightning god damn those intros though yeah fuck those intros are on point incredible holy shit and it's kind of nice to watch what effectively is like a 50-minute anime show like it works yeah cuz you're jumping back and forth yeah yeah but we watched them always in sets we didn't always yeah yeah they paired the whole time and like I feel like if you broke it up there'd be like it would be no it'd be harder to remember what happened the last time do direct callbacks in each in each one yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:12:21 no they play off of each other in a really cool way which of course thematic to monokuma and so on like it's it's really smartly done and I think that again praise honestly it's 80% of a slam dunk you know but man the 20% that sucks fucking blows and again I'll get into my looks like this is a very Japanese problem like some of it is like some of it is no I just mean like oftentimes with Japanese stories I would get something that I really really like except for that one thing but that one thing is so fucking bad just like oh well what you kind of have in in Danganronpa and it almost as a whole is like you get
Starting point is 00:13:01 something that is a pretty small interesting story that then kind of blows itself open and like really impresses you with like the balls to blow itself that open like go see yeah right you're like I didn't expect to see all the way down deep in there that's crazy look at those details wow that was that was a good camera you could have left that in the dark but you put that is burned in I can see it in my mind you put a light right there yeah you know you didn't know like a whole heavy-duty army flash it was nuts yeah I'm literally you can't believe it but then when it came time to like really crawl in yeah and and oh I don't
Starting point is 00:13:42 like it yeah now that I'm examining the details it looks so much cooler from the outside I prefer go see from the outside that's what we're trying to say you can see where I'm going with that and then we'll break it down you know we'll break it down yeah but that's the earliest of which one the earliest podcast titles oh really what was it that's fine that's fine that's noted um I also that was part of my week and you know since we're rolling yeah I might as well keep rolling all for a minute I finished off the Titanfall 2 campaign this week as well congratulations and yeah you went when when we were at a certain recording
Starting point is 00:14:29 and I was talking about that campaign to you you seemed very excited that you had just beaten it yes so I'm really happy because you know what the pieces of the puzzle are yeah obviously you know like you know what the you look at character select screen for a fighting game story that you're gonna play and they're like I know who's gonna show up here and I know what these are but the way these pieces are presented is what I love so much and it's a very very personal thing that not everyone's gonna get but like it just so happens that the things that are part of my loadout yeah are really important and I just like that I
Starting point is 00:15:10 got lucky like that so I'm like oh my god the reward yeah is the kit that I prefer it's like people it's similar to like people who like just wish shooters were faster and but really love third-person shooters and then vanquish comes out they're like yeah this is for me for me this one they did it for you and then outside of that you have the other little bits where honestly like it just it doesn't overstay it's welcome obviously they added they didn't have they didn't have the budget I think to make a crazy long campaign but you don't want a super long campaign there's exactly there's no it does exactly what
Starting point is 00:15:47 it sets out to do it's the right length it ages you how to use all the guns for multiplayer and and honestly yeah and there is a there is a fucking fight in that I mean there's a couple of like you know Titans that you have to take on that are like they have there's personalities to their pilots there's one in particular that is like this is fucking bogey yeah this is fucking bogey and it rules it's it's that exciting that was the one where I were where I described him as like he breaks the rules of how Titans are supposed to work right um when I first saw him I was like that's not fair that's not yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:16:27 yeah yeah yeah no it is exciting and it is you know and like that's also like one of those instances where it's like the voice acting there in particular with that that character is so strong I just want to hear that guy talk all day it's fucking great man so yeah man you know I've been excited for this game strictly from a multiplayer point of view up until this point and now then the single player and like I can firmly attest that it's it's 100% worth your time I'm gonna get me my helmet oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah you're gonna get you your help well that was the one member when I said I was the the ps4 copy like
Starting point is 00:17:07 that's what I was going for I guess I get it yeah so I did that as well and I guess the last thing I'll talk about is Liam you turned me on to black box the iOS game and I'm in there I've done as many puzzles as I could as humanly possible as possible and then like it just so happens there was a Thanksgiving sale where they dropped the price to buy the DLC so I just I got in there on that as well and if you have an Iowa if you have an iPhone and you enjoy puzzles like absolutely get on this it's a really fun fascinating way to what's the gimmick the gimmick is that it's a it's basically the puzzles use touch to
Starting point is 00:17:58 solve them you don't use the touch screen all to play the game really devices are fair game but not the iPhone it doesn't it's not compatible with Android or I can imagine why yeah everything is Android man eat your mic a little bit more I mean I'm like I'm like right there yeah he's eating it man I can hear fine there we go but yeah but yeah so the deal is is that you basically end up getting you you're playing this game but like it you're treating your phone iPad as like a piece of hardware so it's like like a more involved version of something like warrior where twisted yeah yeah kind of perhaps you know and
Starting point is 00:18:44 that games good oh man what it does for me is that it makes me think a lot of like compliance from back in the day when you have to make me think of compliance right all in all the ways press all the buttons test everything all peripherals all switches test it is Liam coming over as loud in in in your headset as he is mine yeah well will he turn me out because I bumped him up because he was coming in a little quiet a little bit I just turned myself down how about that that's fine but yeah man you totally get some really clever ways of like going I'm like even when you know that it's that it's not supposed to
Starting point is 00:19:19 use the touch screen it's supposed to use everything else the phone can do you forget how much your fucking phone can do crazy well there there's puzzles where I'm looking at them and I'm like what is this feature yeah because some of them I knew yeah even some of the more esoteric ones like tapping the phone against your hand and stuff like that I knew but some of this shit is like what the fuck feature there's basically it takes you on like a fucking tour whirlwind tour it takes you a tour to force takes you through everything that like again not just like on the outside of your phone but like every function that iOS has as
Starting point is 00:19:56 like a system level thing to stall to solve these is like the final puzzle to like take a photo of your penis and throw it on snapchat or something that's like puzzle for okay but it's like you have like a like a world map more or less okay where you just pick the puzzles so like there's no progression you just do them and whatever that seems really interesting it is yeah and you solve it right you're the but the box lights up that's all there is to it okay and I'm just sitting there fucking wasting my time getting through it and like I said it's not that it is similar in gameplay at all but it's just in what it does to
Starting point is 00:20:30 your brain it reminds me of the witness I was just thinking the way you're talking about it sounds like it just reminds me it's got the like epiphany kind of moments like that's it got it right get it out when you solve puzzles in a it's a you're playing like Tetris attack puzzle mode or you're playing one of those games like you don't really have it takes a you don't you don't have those moments you know it's only certain games where you kind of like you're looking at everything you have and you have what you need and you're like you're like oh because like in like Tetris attack puzzle mode you're doing it step by
Starting point is 00:21:04 step by step by step right yeah in stuff like the witness and like this the moment you see the solution is the moment it's complete yes yes yes there's nothing until then yeah so you have nothing and then and then it's done immediately right like right no steps yeah the feeling isn't watered down you're just like ah I got all in one shot yeah I think I believe I would say that's representative of the witness to there except for when sometimes when it's like I've got it for sure but I'm just a little bit often oh no I botched yeah and your execution fails yes that's the worst feeling you're having that a bunch
Starting point is 00:21:41 and braid where I thought like I got it and the answer is like no you're not even close yeah you forgot a variable wait for hours for that star yeah oh J blow the witness has a similar shut up seriously when I found it it was fucking awesome wait no like similar like good similar and like the wait for hours awesome really the wait for hours part is you have to leave your shit on no but it's cool to find it I like because you can't see it right because you have to wait because it's it's so slow but the satisfaction of seeing it and being like that's a thing right okay okay and then holding the X button and watching
Starting point is 00:22:26 something else and then looking back and seeing the things happen yeah I so the thing is is I dislike the braid weight but the reason why I dislike it is because I didn't have a controller that would allow me to get it I you know braid weight also has a significant problem and that there's a puzzle you can do in that room that if you do it correctly you lock yourself out of ever doing it the incorrect way ever the witness being open world like at some point you might just notice it which is what happened to me like it's okay okay because then I think in braid it's tedious and it's not as long as yeah as
Starting point is 00:23:02 long as I was like that that's why I said like braid but good because yeah because figuring out like figuring out which level it's in is just because you'd never know and yeah level and you know wait forever but in the witness since you're always in one environment it's yeah it's a lot more satisfying a puzzle yeah it's just it's a fucking leave go to work and come back and it's like oh wait like 10 minutes after I left the 360 message popped up and that ended that well great I guess you lose it braid well done yeah so the princess will never blow up Japan but yeah that game is a black box check it out if
Starting point is 00:23:40 you have a schoolman an iPhone device or an eye or a rather an iPhone an iOS device that's pretty much me the rest is like yeah Westworld and Danganronpa when you guys are ready for it and that's that's pretty much it yeah I need to play the Danganronpa's to appreciate this yes I mean they're okay the show without a doubt they're worth your time they're good games I have them I have multiple copies of them yeah they're worth your time the anime is the canon sequel and ending to the characters from okay well that that's that okay yeah alright and then the new what you're saying is I should watch it first and
Starting point is 00:24:21 then go back and play the game yes okay got it that was the most condescending yes that I've ever heard out of you you knew what you wanted from that oh yeah anime would be incomprehensible to someone who started it as their first point firmly agree like nothing shy of incomprehensible the new Danganronpa coming out it's called new Danganronpa v3 okay victory it's called new Danganronpa v3 okay well there it is so yeah there's nothing the only connection I believe is monokuma yeah I mean well we'll see it might be there might be more there might be less of a connection yeah plot-wise we don't know but so but like
Starting point is 00:25:05 what they've said officially is that's that's pretty much it otherwise it's like the concept of monokuma cuz like who's controlling yeah no exactly yeah what's the deal yeah you couldn't possibly yeah but yeah it's it's that's why I'm like this is a nice bow tie or not bow tie rather a nice bow wrapped around you know sending this series off that is the package that is I are one through anime and yeah I definitely appreciate most of it but boy have I got caveats man yeah it's not anywhere close to perfect but man but it sucks it shows so good for a long time it does it's really it does like start super
Starting point is 00:25:40 strong and honestly like I only had like there's only like one or two minor nitpicks I was like kind of like added like that like kind of early on but like whatever but what it was totally you know but I was caught up in the hype of it because the man Griffith has a change of heart and guts forgives him and everyone lives happily ever after apparently a roti maru gets off scot-free I didn't know this yeah apparently they just kind of forget that he's super evil and just let it go again right if by that you mean I discussed it on a podcast yeah you're back in right so
Starting point is 00:26:19 didn't you have to watch every episode you're back in so as much and as well as as great as it is for everyone to I can see the track marks on your computer yeah for everyone to shout how much I'm back in it's like does not watching it count as back in no you're back in okay because you're reading it I but if I'm just discussing it on a podcast and I haven't actually read watched I don't believe you okay gotcha I was like I'm trying to follow I'm trying to follow yeah I know one for those who are no one believes you so for anyone keeping score I've downloaded a bunch of Naruto Kai and I have it sitting in a folder and
Starting point is 00:26:54 and I bought Naruto ultimate ninja storm three and four three and four those are those are valuable just to play to see the supers once yeah I mean those are so cool do you guys remember when I took you through Naruto met hero I do yeah and then we tried to play it and we were like this is bad smash let's go back to the super showcase yeah you know but that's sitting there and there is no gunpowder there is no bullet there is an empty gun and it's just it's it's sitting there I kind of lost the thread on the metaphor and thought like you what you were getting ready to kill yourself and then you know back in pulling the trigger okay okay because like
Starting point is 00:27:39 in what in that so it's like I that's you with a copy of Naruto on one hand and an empty gun in the other hand yeah no like I mean you can you're like pushing the gun into like Naruto's face on the cover I believe I believe his face is behind it the context for this of course is that mother's basement Jeff threw professional ship bag professional shill bag professional shill bag into I love he's turning oh yeah full on full on for Naruto yeah for Naruto at that um he had me on his weebcast uh this weekend we discussed um Naruto like from the beginning upwards and there's a lot of us like interesting strange points and things that I didn't realize especially since I at the point I cut off I didn't know that all most people talking
Starting point is 00:28:29 about it nowadays are really like coming off of it from the um the dub and to Nami area yeah because of course my only and it came over officially yeah and I've been such for years and I'm such an old fucking bat at this point and people are people are like way way behind due to the dub I'm like I was on the the lending the lending links you're on the you know no they weren't links they were CDs yeah yeah lending CDs but but but that fucking binder that we were but I was no but I was making those oh he was you making those yes I just I just I just that was my binder that was my binder I burnt those off and loaned those to friends because I I was downloading second copies to lend early on when it was only in Japanese when it was like hey this show started
Starting point is 00:29:20 there's like this guy punches guy in a really cool animation it's a really good punch yeah and I was like yeah okay yeah so I was like what so like the idea that that era is gone you know and most people so what are they up to now in the dub then all right aren't they done oh they're done in the dub even I assume they're done everywhere I don't think that's true I don't know oh I assume they were I can't also even if they were done they're not done no apparently Boruto's done too yeah I believe that so I think it's done done I think it's actually well they said the movie is but then the manga is terrible okay so yeah just like that's what that's what the just like dragon balls I'm I am reciting what I heard on the podcast that I recorded this week so I don't really know but
Starting point is 00:30:09 but yeah check out the webcast if you want to hear more about the the board and the nalt um that was my week it's great week good week strong week uh I mostly played watchdogs too yeah I was watchdogs too it's good but as I go on I'm feeling like it's less than the sum of its parts um that's a weird sentence but it is a real yeah no I'm just like I'm sure what's what is the what's what's the edge I guess to that you know as you go through it uh it doesn't really get more thrilling or anything you know some missions or winners where you go to blow up ballot boxes or not ballot boxes voting machines and it's playing like super hype music in the background timed with your actions that's really cool and you know it's a bit where you hack a rocket and you hack
Starting point is 00:30:57 hack earth and that's really cool okay but that's not the end of the game by the way so how are you spreading side missions versus main missions uh I'm doing all side and main missions but I mean like are you doing more side are you concentrating one or the other are you gunning the story I think there's like you just kind of like probably like 60 40 because they're in the same menu the side missions in the main missions okay I'm just kind of doing them all as they come up and the side missions besides having less cut scenes are pretty much just as fleshed out as the main missions oh okay um yeah the Bobo Dakes mission with the that was a side that's a side mission that's cool it's it's good yeah that's the first that's arguably the first
Starting point is 00:31:33 one you'll see I really appreciate the game when games do that uh catalyst does that as well as it's side missions have like cut scenes and actual like stuff going on yeah so the main that's well to have more cut scenes and cool obviously they're the only ones that really advance plot but like it all adds up because it's all adding towards your follower count which has to get to a certain number for you to do the final mission okay I'm just okay that makes sense I'm just doing the final mission now and I finished all main missions and all side missions um I'll see you're right there yeah I'm right there pretty much I really like all the characters I think all the characters are really really likeable but at the same time I feel like I
Starting point is 00:32:09 haven't gotten enough out of each one and I know the game's like about to end and I'm like unless there's going to be a lot of cut scenes coming up which would be nice but I don't think there will be because the game hasn't been like that so far I feel like I'm kind of getting less than I wanted out of each of these characters I know little bits and each one of them has kind of like a cool or funny moment where I'm like yeah yeah are they just a string of jokes no that they do have they they are people with personalities and stuff like they're good characters but you're not getting as much of them as you want but like yeah I feel like I'm only getting a sliver of them when there's like so much left of them kind of okay you know you were really cool
Starting point is 00:32:42 when you hid in the fucking bathroom for hours you were really cool when this happened that happened I would like you to go to um a restaurant with wrench and see how he eats french fries yeah you go to a restaurant with wrench oh well time and like how the fuck does he eat french fries and that was a really cute scene actually that was one of the good scenes and I kind of wish there was a little more of that I wish there was more side missions kind of geared towards the characters or just more side missions in general um but despite all that it's still really really good I still think it's a like it's a great game big ups over watchdogs one still yeah I am going to go back and try that um after final fantasy 15 sets out tomorrow and I just want to finish
Starting point is 00:33:21 watchdogs tonight before that comes out um but it's really quite good and and I have been subject to the open world I have had to drive around at certain points because I can't just warp everywhere and I say the open world is uh it's it's well done there are interactions with the npcs that I was seeing that were like procedural and interesting where like two npcs would get in a fight and I would look over because I was like is that the start of a side quest yeah and then the guy would hit some they hit the other guy and the cops came and arrested him and I was like whoa that's really cool and I looked it up and it turns out yeah they have a whole procedural that just happened npc system where it just goes down and it's really neat because in practice you see that stuff happen
Starting point is 00:34:08 fairly frequently not often enough that you're like oh look it's the two guys fighting again but like red dead redemption had that problem hard were they those scripted did you play red dead a little willy did you play red dead no I'm not red red dead redemption had a serious problem in which they had uh it was not procedural it was it was scripted and the interactions were really cool it was like a lady's crying for help we go well help help their arms above her head right and you'd stop and a bunch of dudes to jump out of the bushes and try and rob you right but there were like 12 yeah okay and that would repeat for the entire game it was like ah so I read I read up on how the system worked uh because the director did a little talk about it and like when you look
Starting point is 00:34:49 at a character in watchdogs too they have a little emoticon kind of next to their yes I did notice that and that's how they feel so angry scared elated sad and the ones that the npcs who get randomly picked to be part of those events will act differently based on their attitude and that's how they kind of okay I get that out and go down so if two happy guys get in a car accident they may get out and be like oh geez whoo yeah or something but if one of them is an angry guy he'll his he'll just default to combat so they have more chances of going to okay yeah that makes sense it's a really that's pretty interesting fun system actually so uh I do like that um it would still suck or rather be flawed if there were 12 of them you know that like you can randomize those bits
Starting point is 00:35:39 but like you still need a vast yeah like you need a large number of them to make it yeah have quality you know after how many hours uh not not a ton actually I want to say I'm at like maybe 20 I can check on my phone actually okay when it's not my turn to talk do you think um got it so uh do I think no no I was gonna say like do or has there been any any movement on like whether Ubisoft marketing is taking claim for hacking the LA subway system I don't know if you if you caught that shit it's San Fran by the way it's not oh yeah yeah oh well even more coincident ransomware of the fucking subway for 70k wow nice it's crazy yeah what do you hear here's the here's the thing now if you're like criminal hacker asshole there's two ways you could have gone
Starting point is 00:36:24 about this you could have had it so that the subway locks and does not allow anyone to pass through and that would be bad but you're gonna hold the subway system ransom and everyone gets free rides okay yeah at least that's not inconveniencing anybody but the subway people yeah exactly apparently they said that they they're whatever their software was it kind of just you just dump it on the net and it'll find and it'll find holes yeah and it's like oh we got one there it is you know so it wasn't even like uh secure your shit they just they just happened to find a way and that's because they're a subway operator saw a file that said big ponds and downloaded it and big ponds that was the biggest porn is like whoa wow .exe 38 kilobytes of big ponds oh this is gonna be
Starting point is 00:37:15 exciting oh boy that's some amazing compression 16 000 by 16 000 oh boy oh i need this it's needlessly big porn just all big red text on everybody's screens enjoy your big porn big porn big porn just no no not enjoy just the words big porn flashing on up shot of a nipple on all the metro it's so blown up that you can't discern what it is is that an apple is that a mountain range in in mars ma'am that's very big porn yes god damn you dead sec uh there there's a lot of little things i like i really like the uh puzzles that come up every now and then i think they were in the first watch dogs where there'll just be wires going from one place to another and you have to like arrange tiles so that like you make a channel from the beginning to the end kind of like the
Starting point is 00:37:57 bioshock pipe yeah but they're more organic yeah they're a little more involved than just staring at a blank screen because you have to look so i i really dig those puzzles those are fun especially the ones that are like on bridges and shit where you have to actually look around for where the next note is um then there's aspects i don't really dig like uh when an enemy catches you i'm often in the um equal vision mode uh and sound is a bit subdued in the eagle vision mode so i'm not 100% sure but i'm 99% sure when enemies catch you and when the meter fills up every other enemy in the area is just immediately notified of your location yep i'm pretty sure that they don't yell out or anything no and i think that's kind of bullshit and i get it it's ct os i see the little line
Starting point is 00:38:42 shooting out from them but like what like that's not i their phone vibrates in that specific way that tells them intruder yeah but i i don't really i don't really like if they would just yell i would feel a lot better about it because right now i feel like the feedback's not there enough yeah and it sucks when like you're properly like it where we're suddenly just like a i will just look in your direction and like there he is shoot yeah at that corner where i i he's gotta be there like yeah and it's also like mgs five has like spoiled me for like options in this in a for all its faults the stealth options in that game were incredible the gameplay is impactful exactly and there's bits and watchdogs where it's like just want to throw an empty clip
Starting point is 00:39:24 over there just want to just wish i could do this little right right right tricked and like it feels really drawn to trail and tepid compared to the stealth and mgs five well that's because it's not a stealth game it's an open world game but you hit open world shit so yeah exactly so like you just just no winning on that one no for sure uh and yeah all the regular open world stuff yeah i agree with you and bunny hop and that like i would have preferred the game to be a little more focused around a play style yeah yeah i mean they definitely when you go on the upgrade trees you can see that there's like three play styles that they've kind of outlined is like what they recommend you know you can go on guns blazing you know the general shit right those those three play styles yeah and
Starting point is 00:40:08 there's no good one like going in guns blazing is like it's doable but it's stupid marcus has low health and you can't raise marcus's health uh or at least i don't i haven't in like 20 hours of play i haven't seen a way to raise marcus's health or defense in any way whatsoever body armor so no you can't play quite a bit i maybe there's a way but i think i would have noticed it so going in guns blazing just seems stupid and then the stealth is totally functional but there's like little bits that make me like not like it as much kind of like again where the enemies don't even try to shout out you know you don't have that last chance when an enemy spots you to just like get rid of that one guy that thrill of like oof just barely caught myself right but uh that's not i'm good that's
Starting point is 00:40:54 got to brush the table with a pen i'm petting the table it's incredibly distracting noise wise oh i was trying to give you an apkenta you're you're you're rough arm hair is making i have arm hair on my arm of course of course it's really not you want to touch it it's uh it's super soft silky smooth arm hair make yourself in the forest some 60 you got some 16 grit 16 this smoothest arm hair you're likely to ever feel you you brought yourself here yeah i'm a back out of make you touch my arm hair wow okay i watched um uh i forgot what the tournament's name was combo breaker could it be combo breaker yeah it was combo breaker then i watched combo breaker 2016's uh Tekken ball tournament oh man they're Tekken 3 Tekken ball tournament how'd that go
Starting point is 00:41:42 it was great uh fucking true ogre has some shit the the fire when he does the fire yeah um it it puts a special property on the ball that puts them into a like guard break state yep exclamation mark yeah exactly um so basically with ancient ogre you want to hit it with something hard and then right as they're about to hit it you start the fire and they hit it and the fire immediately hits it and sends it right back wow okay that's fucking dirty you can't win no you can people people figured it out mid tournament and ogre true ogre did not win the tournament but there were two people playing as true ogre and it was okay it was some shit they need that back in seven yep it was in tag two so it was in tag two they know i just hope it comes back in seven yeah it's
Starting point is 00:42:29 one of the best not fighting game fighting game modes yeah just officialize rose ball you know like do that kind of thing because why not the content's there and everyone's gonna love it some minor tweak the mechanics already exist yeah do it good stuff good stuff uh i'd like i want to check out some some turning footage of that just to hear the announcers going off yeah that's always like half the fun and the only other thing i did really was uh well tasty steve was one of the announcers yeah okay okay he gets high he gets so into he gets too into it he gets high he gets high yeah but sometimes like he's getting up and booing the player playing right now and it's like okay guy you're the commentator i like you but you're the commentator you're influencing the
Starting point is 00:43:10 match yeah exactly uh and the other thing i really played for any significant time was pokemon sun which is it's fantastic just like i said how far yet uh not far i'm still in the first island yeah um and really play it a ton or anything uh i was like really turned off by the like insanely long uh tutorial i'm still in that it's really long it's really long takes like almost it takes like two and a half to three hours to get to the like the fucking verdant cave or whatever that challenge is oh then i'm yeah i'm still in that for sure um there's a section where they i talked about this during the mega man lp actually there's a section where they send you to a like pokemon school right yeah and you've got to beat four trainers in the pokemon school
Starting point is 00:43:53 um pokemon schools have appeared in other games before but they were never necessary and in this game you don't have to talk to everyone but the trainers you have to beat um they don't act like normal trainers they only fight you if you talk to them yep so they put you in the situation where you go around the school talking to literally everyone and kind of like strong arm you into reading all the tutorials yep just to find the four people you actually have to and it's all so like this is shit i knew 20 years ago yeah and like there's some good dialogue in there like i really like the preschooler who was questioning what happens to pokeballs that like that people throw and that aren't successful you know who picks those that's a
Starting point is 00:44:38 really good question there there was there's a really good question dialogue in there that's holy fine they're biodegradable is the yeah yeah sure but uh honestly you have stacks of them around like fucking pallet town encouraging pollution yeah um so there's valuable dialogue in there they become volt or that that like possible strong arm and you forcing you to talk to people until you find the right people is kind of shitty because it's like you're just like there's no indication two of them are kind of obvious one of them standing outside in the front lot one of them standing out near the incinerator like behind the school i think it was an incinerator um those two are kind of obvious because they're standing a little off in their own weird spots
Starting point is 00:45:17 but the other ones in the school were like a little less obvious so you kind of end up talking to everyone and it's like that's shitty if any other game had a tutorial section where it was like go around this area and just talk to everyone until you find the four people you're supposed to talk to we're not going to give you visual identifiers for them good luck i that game would get slated for it and i think i really don't like that i being said i've only played like five that's rpg's though in my experience no no no no no no old rpg's funny you'd say that because pokemon didn't used to do that yeah old you get a good professor but this pokemon feels more like a proper rpg than any of the old rpg's were definitely along those lines you know no you
Starting point is 00:45:55 know what they did how long are we gonna have to run around this this festival yeah until the trigger happens exactly and you know what they did they stopped doing that because it was a fucking pan the ass you know my armchair analysis for that makes me think like listen guys it's gonna be a lot of old hats coming in from pokemon go that haven't played the the game in like 15 years pokemon go was like really late into sun moons development though uh okay then but yeah okay but maybe they knew that it was gonna be big yeah i don't know i just i i don't i don't think there's a need to push tutorials as hard as they are in pokemon kids didn't need it then or at the very least ask you like Kirby if you want one do you do you know what's up with pokemon
Starting point is 00:46:41 is this your first time playing are you experiencing a very simple question it's easy is that why not when you start the game just say hey you're new to the alola on region hey cool that's awesome did you ever do pokemon stuff back in kanto jota whatever the fuck they're not gonna do that ever because they're gonna they're gonna come at you with the line of well we don't want kids to pick something else and get lost you know get stuck or pokemon's not for kids anymore i mean it's for people our age they're crazy well no i mean still sells tons the kids so yeah but kids are stupid and i don't care about them kids didn't kids did not need it then i can tell you that me and my friends in elementary and high school got by just fine in the earlier games without
Starting point is 00:47:22 having to talk through an entire pokemon school you know well you had a cartoon too or cartoon still on yeah i know the animation's much improved better than it ever was yeah no just make me you know like making things mandatory is sometimes required but like choices are always better it's that's what it is like you you definitely need to have that in there but you don't not having a visual indicator yeah that would suck and um i'm trying to remember how it went down in x y i remember being in the house or at least in the little opening village with your friends for at least 20 minutes or so i forget most of x y i'm not gonna lie uh it takes it takes a minute to get out of that town but but it didn't bother me but i did just kind of i just wish
Starting point is 00:48:03 there was like a canon gary oak conversation path where once somebody starts to explain something to you you go shut up i know this fuck you let's fight yeah because the game is really good and uh you know if anyone thinks i've i got held up on that i didn't get held up on that like it was good it was just a little quibble where it's like what like why do we need more complex pokemon tutorials we didn't need them then and i maintain well you got the fairy and steel types and they don't make the game better and they didn't talk about fairy and steel types all there was a situation where i was like what is fairy's weakness again i don't fucking know you know is it poison is it psychic no i believe no no they they were they were put in because
Starting point is 00:48:44 psychics remained in the mountain forever they're good at getting psychics orders were super busted yeah i remember psychics were super busted for decade over decade yeah i remember that and uh fairies are specifically countering psychic so let's see if that's the case then wouldn't fighting be really good i think they have a relationship with dragons too like whether they're good against that are bad i can't remember dragon was weird too because like only dragon dratini was that was the only like evolutionary path for a dragon everything else wasn't a dragon everything else was just a specific one garrados was water flying right like there wasn't a was was he what was it you remember in the garrados is not dragon type i remember being pissed off about that yeah you remember in our
Starting point is 00:49:24 in our let's play i i'm just labeled i mistyped garrados as yeah yeah i think he's water flying it was it was it was either dragon or water flying and that was the confusion exactly one of the two yeah uh no really any dragon there's at least lines there weren't really dragon pure pure lines but now you got drampa one of the my least favorite pokemon designs ever so it's a dragon like it's like a locknest monster kind of dragon crossed with a grandpa yeah i i saw that you're not too hot on a lot of the new designs well they look like yokai ah forget digimon like drampa looks like a fucking yokai from yokai watch and it's like your your design ideologies are fading and apparently there was a different apparently sugi mori was not the lead for pokemon
Starting point is 00:50:07 designs in this game uh and i won't say that it shows because it doesn't but i still maintain that like fairy's weaknesses are poison and steel okay poison seal okay yeah that makes sense but i still maintain that like since gen four like designs were getting over complicated and stuff and i don't think gen one has the best designs they really don't but like i think i like the gen i like i like a lot of the worst designs i really do what dran introduced sangus three okay yeah i like thank you this is good thank you this is awesome yeah and it's which gen is just bit of three as well three is pretty good then yeah bit of scrape three three's all right yeah three's three's i i i i i i i i i fucking love bit of bit of his fucking stupid a lot of good stuff in there my neck tricks one of my
Starting point is 00:50:50 favorite pokemon so yeah yeah it's pokemon it's it's yeah it's really fucking good it's really even even the little that i've played like i'm emphasizing the little quibbles because like it's a fantastic game and i have nothing else to really say about it except there's little problems here and there but it's it's excellent so that's it the dialogue is great um i feel like there's actually a story worth paying attention to uh cutscenes are nice the game being basically a full 3d game is really nice and it runs and it runs really well except for double battles it runs really well on a new 3ds it's kind of awful when you look at gameplay on a regular 3ds and you're like man game freak you are not technical wizards i'm well i have a new 3ds yeah
Starting point is 00:51:37 exactly no problem for me either like it was like in uh was it x y were one aspect of the game wasn't 3d whether it was the battles that weren't many aspects of the game were 3d yeah and it was like come on game freak like actually step up because like you look at games like revelations and the various listen man it's fun that matters not not framerates i'm excited that the timing of true the release but fuck that you make exclusive games for one platform the timing of the release of sun and moon in particular means that the next pokemon game we get is going to have to look amazing well it's gonna it's gonna look exactly the same but in higher ed probably because it's pokemon stars you know if that rumor is to be believed which i want to believe
Starting point is 00:52:19 it it's gonna be that is the most easily believed rumor i've seen in a long damn time yeah so use the high res textures and it'll look fucking great if someone just told me that there was a secret like team that was just working on a prototype a prototype of what of a pokemon game that looked that like look that looked like more than a pokemon game woolly there's a secret team and they're working on a pokemon game that looks like more than a pokemon game i mean there was making pokemon stars for the switch there was genius sonority what's that well they made coliseum and xd okay so uh i guess what i really mean is it's it's tough it's like i hear a lot of people saying it but it's like nobody played those like you want pokemon in the fucking like dragons
Starting point is 00:53:10 dogma engine i want like that's what you want i want going into the bush and like you want monster hunter you know there's this thing called monster hunter that you're tracking things yeah but but like i was a very different game woolly doesn't want i don't want to boss fight like that no one monster every 20 minutes like like oh you can you can speed that you can you can speed that up but like for the or except for the late game eight eight to scale like sized forest path or whatever on your bike never gonna happen you know like i would love it would just be so awesome not to experience that i don't know i mean it's not impossible i never say never okay i'm saying i mean you know you look at why because they're not gonna do it because it's simpler and for the
Starting point is 00:53:52 kids you can you can look at pokemon sun moon already and you can see them kind of again i'm still early in the game but i feel like there's like deviations from their previous trends like there's a lot less grass around like they're kind of cutting the bullshit a little bit and making it a little more focused on the stuff that was always really good um so you mean like team skull yeah team skulls great oh they're like best the game is it's a full 3d game you don't have camera control but it is a full 3d game um so you know i do think they're stepping in that direction i think you know i was thinking about it and either it's only a matter of time until we have a game with full camera control or it's an ideology that one of the higher ups has that we will never get
Starting point is 00:54:35 full camera control because for kids and for japanese people who struggle with second stick camera control which is a documented thing what the fuck is up with that wait first why is the shooters are not as popular period because of camera control no i'm saying we might not get camera control because some japanese players really don't know that's so sorry i'm saying no i'm saying there's a there's a there's a documented thing you're saying that it's it's more like famitsu surveys and shit where like not nobody did a study or anything but it's like the japanese preference of like l1 r1 to rotate the camera and stuff like oh wow oh no it's it's pretty simple shooters that's why you get like the the Gundam extreme games where it's like camera lock camera
Starting point is 00:55:15 lock camera lock camera lock instead of like free camera anything like japanese people don't play as many shooters in the tendency towards handheld games means less of them played full console games that had fully unlocked cameras with the right analog stick it makes perfect sense yeah and in the west we got a lot of a lot more games with full 3d control and you look at popular games in japan like dragon quest and shit you know they that like their most popular games didn't have the tenets of our most popular games you know control and even stuff like resident evil to this day well you know not including seven but to this day doesn't have like camera control unlocked from the characters like even in five it was like it's still over the shoulder uh tank controls you know well i guess
Starting point is 00:56:00 the like the default america you can you can change them yeah i i want to have delicious delicious tank controls there's i'm definitely thinking of examples of like people who are not used to third person uh games playing them and like uh yeah i can see how um one example where a friend of mine was like just never rotating the camera ever because it just wasn't a thought you know and it was just kind of like you're running in an awkward way you can't see where you're running you should rotate that or at least half but it was like and they cut then they come to a dead stop and then they look down and then they go uh right okay and then they go forward again and i was like yeah it's it takes a couple games or a generation or i guess to get really used to them i suppose but like sun
Starting point is 00:56:39 moon is legit it is a i mean x y was a full 3d world and you know so was or asked but like sun moon is another step entirely in getting the characters in a 3d area with camera angles that are more interesting and different from top down and stuff like that so i you know i think we're getting there but cool who's to say whether it'd be the next game after that i would like to the moon is still worth your time i would like to know i mean even if the even if the game like the gameplay i don't i'm not even like asking for a massive gameplay change of any kind because why would you it's pokemon that's silly but i just would really appreciate like a world map that like felt to scale it's a little bit bigger that would be really cool because it still feels like it's
Starting point is 00:57:20 adhering to like gameboy ideology yeah it would do a lot for me sun moon feels a lot more like to scale okay because like the cities definitely have gotten way better from back in the day that's for sure like the the the size of an island versus the continent right combined with like the camera being in much more interesting places and making you know huge environments that are like you can genuinely see oh this is a big mountain path or whatever the fuck and you're like oh this like you look at the map and you see this topography is right there uh so sun moon is like a another really good step towards making that scale feel good i i cannot overemphasize how amazing team skull is fantastic the one of the first thing the team
Starting point is 00:58:03 skull guy says to you is the equivalent of yo i am gonna get some of these words wrong but the core of it i got i work and remember and it's yo trainer why you acting so hard when we already out here hard as bone team skull they're really great that's fantastic and there's a screenshot floating around of guzma who's the head of team skull that i thought was fucking fake until somebody told me it was real and it's you want to see destruction in human form it's your boy guzma yeah all right all right they're so good i there was that that story that was posted about like uh you know the i guess you run into like a widow that talks about them her match him oh yeah the car accident right some shit like that going down and then the um the clips from the anime where
Starting point is 00:58:56 they're describing what's the um the thing that they're the thing that that hates pola pikachu yeah yeah it's a mimic where it's like the backstory of this thing is getting closer as well as getting close to scp yeah like scp 173 or whatever we're just like this is actually something you'd want to contain and like it or just yeah fucked up in some way yeah that's that's really interesting and weird like i like that stuff that's cool that that's coming out now well done cool um pat what would you do so i wish i'd played more pokemon someone in moon but because of the nature of how i play handheld games which is on the couch as i would any other game when there's something that i'm really really into i don't touch my handheld games of course so uh number one is i'm
Starting point is 00:59:41 playing uh more 14 but i discovered that if i do two hours i'm not finished 14 15 comes out if i if i if i do two hours of dungeon every day for 60 days i can get a shiny sword oh better beat that game quick yeah that's gonna are you over the birds now although the birds are ever present but okay there are multiple because it would be a shame if you were over them no the the birds the the current drop rate that we've had for the last bird is we've had zero luck so we we put that on hold for a bit but the game i've been putting all my time into is pillars of eternity seems to be finished finally like done 90 percent of patches i spoke to leem about this in multiple times in which like i was getting ready to do it
Starting point is 01:00:25 and they would announce like we're getting ready for the 2.0 overhaul of the game which changes all the systems and adds ai i'm like oh well i'd better wait for that better way and then then i'm like okay then oh it's 2.0 is all patching all right we're putting out the expansions alongside the 3.0 overhaul and it's like oh because i want to play whatever the best version of this game is are you starting a new state every time every time i've beat i've beaten the first because that's the one thing i'm like like like are you actually just from scratch yes okay all right i've beaten the first i've beaten uh to people that that know this i've beaten everything up until cade newa and defiance bay which is the first act of the game so maybe five to eight hours right
Starting point is 01:01:11 maybe 10 times now um but with it being finally done and shit i finally passed that you know that point where you restarted game a couple times and you're like if i just can't pass this spot the spot where i know everything that it'll go to the spot where i don't know anything yeah like i'll it'll re hook me because it's new stuff and it totally did i've been playing it all week that game is so great i'm running into a very unique problem that i've only ever had with pillars of attorney and that is when i when i play bouldersgate you guys remember and leem you scoffed at me where i did like exhaustive amounts of research on like adnd 2.0 yeah and like how to build a character and what kinds of stuff is in the game and what kind of encounters are common like it's
Starting point is 01:01:54 paralyzed a common thing in this game blah blah blah right and there was if you go to game facts and go to paultersgate too there is an exhaustive amount of documentation there is so much that i can't believe it there's even like exhaustive documentation for the pay the changes made in the enhanced edition but because pillars of eternity is a modest success and a kickstarter game and because they have completely overhauled the gameplay systems three times twice now sorry there is like no relevant information for this form of the game it's pretty fresh so like i am in there's a there's a 15 layer dungeon underneath your your stronghold that is the super dungeons the deep dungeon equivalent yeah and i'm on number seven of that thing and i can't beat it
Starting point is 01:02:39 and i go and i look up okay there's an uh adrat and a mansor two adrats and a dragon and that's adragon not a dragon it's what's there yeah and that's what's there and they do a lot of confusion a little bit okay what's the tips for this and like number one tip is they're weak to confusion and like no they're fucking not not anymore they're not okay well what about this that spell is no longer why is google on because your phone is weak said okay google siri is weak to uh oh whatever you fucking uh and and like just various stuff like that and like you look at you're like how what's a good way to build this character like one of the NPCs that you get on your party like i'm not like there's there's like 80 towns you can choose from like
Starting point is 01:03:24 can i get like a an inkling of what ones are good and it's like the last thread for this is from fucking to january of 2015 and they're talking about talents that are no longer in the game and it's like fuck so luckily there's a guy on twitter that i asked a bunch of questions uh thanks a lot Trent really appreciate it just some guy who just beat the game on all the hardest difficulties and has been helping me out with this stuff but like it's it's a genuinely weird feeling where i want there's an encyclopedia of like mechanics in the game but it's not enough for a game like this usually people come in and fill the gaps and i'm finding like a lot of those gaps remain unfilled so i guess i'll just have to muddle through it and play like really really so like i'm gonna
Starting point is 01:04:07 i'm gonna beat the game and then go back and look at some of the stuff and be like oh i could have just easily done that or whatever uh really really fantastic game typical obsidian writing uh it does the thing that i madly in love with is like no good choices all bad choices and they even take it to an a to a weird new extreme which i was not read not used to in which there is a the the you show up at a town that it has settlers and the guy is murder crazy the lord local lord murder crazy the first thing you see is the fucking hanging tree from berserk in the middle of town that's a good that's a nice welcome right yeah and and and you're like huh what's up with that and it's like well children are getting born without souls and he's he it's a
Starting point is 01:04:52 little bit of a problem around here that's that's the that's the primary that's the the world issue in this game okay it's a it's a it's a consistent issue it's like children of men it's like all children are being born without souls okay it's a problem but this local lord his kids keep having happening it happening too so he kills his wife he he he murders anybody who has anything to do with soul magic he burns down a local temple like he's he's really into this stuff he's not this murdering stuff and uh local resistance guys like you need to take this guy the fuck out because he's an asshole he's a fucking piece of shit and you run into him and you go and you fight his your way through the castle right and you talk to him and he's like yeah yeah yeah i get it
Starting point is 01:05:33 and you're like you're a fucking psycho he's like yeah but i gotta solve the problem like who sent you here my cousin you're like what he's like the guy who sent you here he's totally my cousin he just wants to kill me because i'm the i'm the older and just wants my stuff you go but you're a psycho and then i i looked it up like if you when you kill him and i did you gain this massive reputation loss for uh something called renown which is your world status with all the other cities because you killed a noble right and but if you let him go or do his dirty work you'll lose a massive reputation loss for the town that he's fucking up right and like it has this nice thing of like no these people are bad these people are horrible but because they're famous and because they're
Starting point is 01:06:19 important they have high friends yeah you you have to treat them nicer because they'll be ramifications so both choices suck nothing's a reward both well no you get a reward but you also get you lose a reward basically and they do that again with the fucking there's three main factions the first town you run into one is the mob one is uh what is basically uh a bunch of rabble rousers that seem like they're really like good-hearted until you find out they're like behind a string of robberies and they're beating up all the prostitutes in the city and you're like oh economic pressure oh maybe you should that's that's rabble rousing and and then they're like okay well what about what about the what about the man what about the existing like night faction well actually they're all obsessed
Starting point is 01:07:03 with money power and money and in that order yes and they're building up like a robot army that turns on them immediately great and then they want to keep building them like well that was a setback and you're like these people suck all of them suck i don't get any of these guys but i have to pick one of course it's i love that style writing i i absolutely love it when i see it in walking dead when i see it in witcher when i see it in upsetting games meaningful decisions it's like good these choices suck pick one or not but seriously you got to pick something yeah they also added a lot of stuff because the stronghold doesn't matter it's the stronghold in that game was really poorly implemented in the first one and now they have a quest that is essentially like the
Starting point is 01:07:47 bio-ware style like build up the army to defend your house right thing that represents like another end game goal instead of just solving the problem really good love that game super super good uh the way you're describing playing it while it was still being cooked was well these games get cooked for years yeah well and it reminds me because uh the most recent example of that that i've had was uh playing darkest dungeon yeah we're right yeah while it's like dude like i just i just put it back in could you could you not change oh right now these ones aren't so bad because there is a respect option in in game which is a godsend for this kind of like infinity engine style game but like you'll be you'll be running through the game and then the 2.0 thing will come out
Starting point is 01:08:32 it'll overhaul a bunch and some of your talents will disappear right and you'll be like well the build that i was going for you know the fighter build that's tank and gets everybody around him that build sucks now just fell apart because like the items that i have on my guy are for that also and i sold the other ones because i didn't need them yeah and then don't trust the meta like do your own shit yeah you know then the meta changed my own shit changed it's fucking it's super weird like one of the one of the bigger changes is like there's a there's your sub skills during your stats like mechanics athletics like that mechanics is your lockpicking stat right at some point one character went from having a really high base mechanics to having zero
Starting point is 01:09:18 so if he was the guy you pumped all the stats into for lockpicking suddenly had mediocre suddenly yet he went from like god tier lockpicking and mediocre and they gave those stats to a different guy yeah who i it looks like oh it's like and the patch notes are always extensive and i believe they offer a respite but still like it's like ah ah just i want it to be just clean it up and the same thing with a tyranny i really really want to play tyranny but because i know the game's not going to be done done done done for two years i've been really interested to play that game i hear the writing is fantastic it's a city by the by the guys who do the writing that's fantastic yeah yeah basically right it's by those people yeah i remember like ever since they first announced
Starting point is 01:09:58 that i was like you know this is crpg i actually kind of want to play it's a really cool concept yeah it is um you never played new vegas either no that's that's put that on the list yeah after you do the setup for it oh i could do the setup for you like verbally right here well that's not gonna i'd rather you just did it okay you want me to come to your house and do it or you know one of the time comes that that's no problem well he wants you to do the pilgrimage is the point all right you you tell me tell me pat i want to start new vegas right and then i'll go okay give me one day to metabolize my uh my my shit and get all my shit in a row and i'll go to your house and i'll fix it up for you and i'll give you a little sheet of how to fix common bugs if you
Starting point is 01:10:41 get stuck in a loading loop load an earlier save then load your current one that's a good trick that sounds fun it's a really weird bug with that it's fine i i you know i do want to get it to fall you got to continue your your current game and it goes into a loading loop forever force quit out the program load a save that's like 10 days old or something then load the new one and it'll work fine i have no idea what happens and that's stupid that that's the solution but uh here we are uh okay with that let's talk about the news the news i'll be back in two seconds i gotta drain the i gotta take i gotta leave out my deck just excrete massive massive feces done okay well that's gone because he's not interested in this kind of shit did you see
Starting point is 01:11:31 the game way of the passive fist yet way of the passive fist let's let's look this up because one of our high articles on gematsu go check that shit out this just got announced is that what i'm just came across when i'm to understand yes exactly okay now now what do we know about way of the passive fist where the pacifist is by an uh an x uh he's the designer on guacamole and severance one x drink box guy right and he went and made his own company household games that's a good category first uh their first game way the passive fist is uh basically a beat him up um and you play as this guy called the wanderer right and he's mastered this art of the passive fist which is a defensive fighting style okay um and primarily you use dodges and parries
Starting point is 01:12:17 to do everything now that's that's a good start that's a good start you do have attacks but they're not like not what you'd expect from beat him up you have little jabs and stuff like that little taps you know and the whole game is just just seems to be composed of countering and dodging and rolling around your foes okay seems really neat actually i see a back dash i see uh back dash just catching and reflecting projectiles uh there's parries with the arm like that and everything okay uh oh you got the video up here yep yeah there you go there you go and this is uh an x drink box employee on his own yeah exactly oh well i don't know if he's so low but it's his studio uh and he was a designer on severed and guacamole interesting uh yeah it looks really
Starting point is 01:13:07 really neat i'm i am excited to play this at psx well i mean you know me and then defensive mechanisms right so you're speaking my language uh put your dick away hey like it you can see like you can see that it's not out but if this uh is exactly what it it promises to be then it might come out it might come out it might at some point yeah um cool okay i i really hope that there's like big elaborate multi hit attacks that you have to parry for inordinate amounts of time you know yeah yeah i'd like that if uh you're talking about the um uh uh royal guard sort of like build up the meter yeah unleash something powerful like i want to parry multiple oro supers in a row you know uh it'd be nice to know that somewhere out there someone else is on this train of thought gives a
Starting point is 01:14:02 shit about this you know like i i i i doubt it i feel like there isn't but maybe just maybe there might be in that that gives me a little bit of hope way in the pacifist okay that sounds pretty dope um any announcements as to when or is it just like i think it was just 2017 okay demo at psx that's what we're looking for all right um other kinds of crazy there's big rumors about marvel for it at psx i don't know about that but like i don't know i spoke to you the other day and you're like looking good as far as the existence of the project goes i there's too many different people come in from different places like why would why would marlin pie just right out of nowhere be like yeah yo get hype melvin like you know what i mean like is it a unless it's some sort of weird like
Starting point is 01:14:52 it's a concentrated effort that's not here so it's a work yeah no unless it's a work by everyone in the marlin the community trying to put pressure capcom into a project it's either that or they got shown something and kind of just went yo i'm gonna i'm gonna just tell everybody i mean marvel's been saying for a while they're like they're aware of the demand for marvel versus capcom and stuff like that so they they know big aware that's for sure um and you know i i'm i'm more than inclined to believe this rumor but if it's true it really bums me out that i know uh because it would have been really nice to see that to explode on well see much like the ff7 reveal yeah exactly much like the ff7 well even if i weren't go even if i weren't there like just the surprise of it right yeah
Starting point is 01:15:39 for everyone this occupies the same spot my mind is the ff7 thing where we heard about it but i'd still kind of didn't believe it yeah so i would still be like yay when i saw visual confirmation is still in a nice marvel marvel four yeah oh definitely marvel four is the the the chance to right the wrongs of marvel three and it's absurd roster snubs to people like gene and the monster hunter i don't see marvel three's roster snubs i just i don't see it either yeah i think they got a lot of good ones in there but they couldn't get them all yeah i don't agree with monster hunter either um i think it's a game made for america to be honest i was extremely pleased with the roster i don't care i was extremely pleased with the roster of marvel three uh in the end me too i
Starting point is 01:16:22 thought it was fantastic right uh like fucking virginal bianna commando like iron fit like it's it's a fucking great lineup i'm really happy a lot of those guys got in there like if there is a marvel four it's a great opportunity to see uh leon to see gene to see uh sabados monster hunter character like yeah absolutely right but i now monster hunter is popular but marvel three came out it oh god that's what you meant yeah exactly that that was a little unclear no i meant i meant yeah at the time marvel three came out monster hunter was nothing in christ even i at the time like made fun of people who wanted the monster hunter yeah exactly and now i'm like oh no wait that's a snub that's like that character yeah exactly yeah there's a lot of characters but i
Starting point is 01:17:04 honestly just i'd be happy knowing that it exists period i honestly like i'm not i'd still much more caught up on com all stars that's fine too you know they're both good choices but like they're just a good hyper fighting game coming out now is just that's exciting on its own to me yeah i honestly because and and and i feel like marvel three is legit running its course now it's you know most wrapping up kind of most characters i wanted representation for have shown up yeah you know here's there's some fun theory fighters you can think about hyper rashid you know yeah that'd be really interesting got him yeah that'd be really fun see viper was really good and hyper a good adaptation right you're so good yeah yeah i really get it out at you don't you don't need
Starting point is 01:17:47 cyclops either when you have c viper you know and and uh i'd love to see that sort of continue forward but i'd really like to see a 3d captain commando yeah yeah i would really really like to see captain commando back um but but you know it's at this point it's all just like just the rest you know it's like i'm the solids the ones i really really want it all got in there at some point and yeah they've been through at least over a hundred characters please please if this is real zeros had multiple shots can we please get x in this game that's fine yeah please like i uh i hope there there are no weird things with the x-men with video games are there no video games no no okay so yeah but marvel as a company not wants to push the mcu yeah so it's very likely that you'd
Starting point is 01:18:38 end up seeing mcu characters uh more than anything is marvel without wolverine it's like yeah if that wouldn't happen if this game that would not happen you will see black panther you you will yeah that's true yeah you will see um um rocket raccoon will come back of course you'll see more popular than ever you'll see black widow you'll see you know vision possibly you'll see ant-man black widow can honestly just be amazing i would love ant-man yeah but you got a tiny representation in with hawkeye yeah i would fully expect an mcu push and uh it's that's fine i get it yeah that's fine if that's what marvel needs to be like fine green light it whatever man yeah who cares absolutely and this time it'll have a hundred characters sure and half of them will be from s and k
Starting point is 01:19:27 and oh god about 50 of them will be from s and k this is the time this is the 3d models for the games are they exist and they could be amalgamated this is the time for cvs 3 yeah come on s and k it's coming they gotta make it they're gonna do it it's a whole new class they gotta make friends again i just really wonder uh well they are friends remember neo g knows everyone already yeah well and and they're both yeah he can invite everyone over and there's a lot of s and k people over at capcom now aren't there back and forth it's very incestuous the the back i was talking about it with my girlfriend i was just like i don't know with my yeah with my girlfriend and with a another friend of mine who likes marvel and it's like what's the art style gonna be i'm i'm curious
Starting point is 01:20:12 right for for for more for a theoretical marvel 4 yeah because i feel like if you do marvel 3's art style again it's kind of just ah yeah i agree i love marvel 3 but no it's something different beautiful amazing yeah but i feel like too many people you remember with street fighter 5 where people went oh it just looks like street fighter and they were stupid wrong they were stupid wrong but they saw that if i may yeah excerpt sorry excerpt yeah i like that marvel i mean do it capcom could go that round on it yeah they could well that that that makes extra great self-sustaining strong self-shading comic characters yeah like they should look like they're from a comic but i'm just i'm i'm curious to see what they do pick because i i don't think
Starting point is 01:20:52 they'll do marvel 3 again uh it took me a while to warm up on the marvel 3 art style too i remember that yeah i was really cool on it when it first showed up because i was like ah the 3d is looking weird i don't know and i just got used to it and it was fine in the end but i think some strong self-shading would be a bold decision you know that could be interesting um and if not then even then what that's fine too i yeah i'm just curious you know like yeah i just i just i feel the series doesn't have like a uh a rooted distinct art style it changes pretty frequently so i feel changed every time there should be a hyper fighter like in parallel in circulation at all times yeah you know in the same way that there needs to be like a leader of the anime pack
Starting point is 01:21:36 there needs to be a leader of the tech in games a leader of 3d game you need you need to have a and this time hopefully they can stay away from the real weirdness that was the jill and shuma shenanigans yeah well you know what they fucking saw how that didn't work and they kept it to those two characters yeah they didn't expand that they would not do it again you know yeah and then you know when when ultimate dropped it was just like here's the next here's another 12 and they were just on the disc and that was the end of that yeah so um but anyway uh so other things going on um i guess the big one this week is the hello games oh yes um no man's sky um foundation update and uh this dropped uh the moment they announced it actually no they dropped after the
Starting point is 01:22:31 announcement was it because i caught both of them because they said yeah because they said it's coming out this week when they announced it and i remember seeing a lot of people saying i bet they're lying about it being this week so okay uh and i and i mean the first thing i did i i don't know whether this is good or bad but first thing i did was jump over to the no man's sky subreddit to see what the tone was yeah and everyone's really really happy over there it seems like it's a good update honestly like they base the basis of it seems to be uh base building yeah is a huge part of as well as a survival mode yeah which necessitates the building as well you need you need the building to really survive and succeed in this problem what i've read um and they said it is uh the
Starting point is 01:23:13 foundation update in part because it's the foundation for things to come as well so yeah uh the illusion to more pat i mean they've never been shy about saying that they're gonna support this for quite a while but uh i feel like they need to say that every single time now because otherwise people will forget i think they also overhauled their lighting was one of the things i can tell just from this video willy's plan and some of their um algorithm for how the planets are laid out got tweaked a little bit so some of the planets are a little more varied uh space like battles with larger fleets uh got added and like the big asteroids like you're seeing in that video there woolly has pulled up uh there were um a big one that i saw as well was just like um some
Starting point is 01:23:57 planets would have zero um technical aspects on them or buildings on them or whatnot and now exist there's like grass looks a lot better in some cases as well um yeah it's it's and and you know from the the way they kind of went about the announcement in the the official video uh you hear them basically describing that yeah this is supposed to be step one of um a continued line of support they intend so really good update like substantial improvements but same time like do you Liam i'll ask you specifically yeah do you think they're ever going to be able to update this game to be on par with like that original e3 demo i mean it was a scripted demo so it's well yes but that was always gonna demo they put out as you know exactly so
Starting point is 01:24:44 like will they ever get quite as perfect as a scripted demo when i look back at that like the number one thing that i i noticed like that really stands out is the creature creature variation and density yeah there's a there's like seven different types of animals and they're interacting and i didn't see that shit ever no no not not interacting and that and that and that's a big thing to put in i don't think they'll ever get it to the fidelity represented in any of their scripted sequences because that because it's scripted matching that is like and fucking in a procedural game i yeah ridiculous impossible and i don't think that's i don't think that's what they're aiming for either but i i do think that they'll be able to make it a fucking lot better and closer to
Starting point is 01:25:28 what they promise yeah like like no doubts about that and at that kid at that point it's like this weird point of what you say say they they do five of these giant patches right and they finish off two years from now and it's it's not exactly what you thought it was gonna be but it's like 95 but it's like this is a pretty respectable approximation like like perfect enough that nobody would have batted an i had to come out the day one right and then then you're in this weird spot where and you and i would fall i imagine on different ends of this like on the one hand it's really laudable that they kept working on this game the whole time and got it up to snuff yeah and on the other hand that should have been how it launched what the hell yeah i mean it always it always will
Starting point is 01:26:13 be that that's that should have been how it launched but i i think people underestimate game companies abilities to turn themselves around from bad situations i remember three or four years ago no three years ago when you were saying that uh dice would never be able to recover from battlefield four i did i say never i defended fervently that no they'll they'll be fine it's just gonna take some work and then lo and behold battlefield four is fine and battlefield one was a like the biggest launch of the hard line was the hard line was blow but also not by dice yeah oh was it it was by uh visceral oh wow the dead space or visceral i'm i'm not a hundred percent certain that a series of these updates are going to turn it into the experience i thought i was gonna get i'm not sure
Starting point is 01:26:59 and you know and that's not with like any you know maliciousness that's just like i just don't yeah think that um i fully understood uh what the main core loops of the game are going to be and uh i i the inventory expansion as your as your main thing was something that i just found dreadfully dull i mean if that is sort of the core of it survival adds something to that but i still don't think that's enough for me to really want to revisit honestly i think it's been overstated a lot like the sentiment that i'm gonna put out but for no man's sky i feel really justified like i feel like i got hoodwinked into buying a 60 early access game yeah like and and that's that's a tough one because there's there's there's always the argument like i just talked about
Starting point is 01:27:47 pillars right yeah about how that game kept getting updated and changed and this game's going to keep getting updated and changed and street fighter keeps getting updated and changed and that it's hard to determine like what is the line between extensive support and this game was not fucking finished right some people yeah some people would would would say that sf5 is that line right i i mean i would say the game was finished but i would also say that they absolutely misled regarding their the content but but at that point it's like but if their goal was that version does that mean it what it's fucking confusing i know i i could even see how what i said there is flawed because like them what's the point of calling it finished you know but and you're
Starting point is 01:28:27 you're we're always gonna have to do it on case by case basis like for me a fighting game what i remember yes is i bought the fighting game and i can play versus with my brother with all the characters done that's adequate for you right that that's adequate for for pillars like they didn't actually need to do those updates they need to do pub bug passes for sure get that 1.0 finished right 1.0 finished but this like i have a strong feeling by the time that this these updates are done the the amount of content that was in the base release compared to the amount of content that's in the final release will be less than half like right yeah and if and if that's the case that's ridiculous and here's the thing is that uh in each of these cases right because you
Starting point is 01:29:10 may because it's it's an interesting thing to think about i think those three games are nice right weird parts of this and what you have to basically do is go why am i playing this game what is the reason that i want to play this and if the reason you want to play it primarily is because you want to get through a story yeah if no man sky was about a story and you went through the beginning and got all the way through to the end and i got the best narrative ending and you be like oh but but my point is that but if you got a heavy a heavy narrated story that there'd be something there you know then it would feel like like you got extra features aren't there but the story was good exactly right if no man sky had a good sci-fi story i think me and pat would have
Starting point is 01:29:46 continued i would be yes and most people i love i love we're looking for that yeah right and so when you bring up street fighter it's like street fighter it's giving you the pieces that you came for which is your versus mode i want my action figures to play and the ability to fight against somebody with them right so you don't feel like you feel like things are missing out but the core of your experience is still there this changes from person to person exactly that's why i started this out so you have to ask yourself there are a lot of people out there who played like alpha three as their intro to fighting games and that's all they really want and alpha three has astounding single player values and so every time they get a fighting game that doesn't have that they're
Starting point is 01:30:26 sucks it's not why i want to play this which is why i'm not gonna i will never you know uh get mad at anyone who's like angry at the fact that they didn't get the arcade mode they wanted in street fighter five but i personally didn't need that i'm yeah me too and i'm you know and and that's something for no man sky when you look at this type of game it doesn't have a big story narrative that it's taking you on admittedly that was one of the things they never promised was no they didn't promise story at all right what no man sky promised was hey man you're gonna be able to go exploration to a ton of planets you're gonna explore this big galaxy with or without friends and you're gonna with your friends and you're gonna be able to explore well actually no they said
Starting point is 01:31:03 you would be in the same place but the chances of running into each other so but the inflection point on like the core concept is like you'll be able to explore all these interesting and different planets right and the interesting part is like where they kind of fell through yeah where very quickly you and i and everybody else i know found out it's like these are non-functionally different i yeah i found like i did find a couple planets that i thought were like actually gorgeous and delivered but they were few and far between yeah uh this one beautiful ocean planet with like awesome foliage and like um what are the fucking dinosaurs with long necks uh brachiosaurus and like brachiosaurus apparently those aren't real yeah apparently like that we got recon oh well okay
Starting point is 01:31:52 anyway they look kind of like that fantasy monster brontosaurus as well yeah but uh like yeah brontosaurus is real brachiosaurus is not that was one of the few planets that jumped out at me and i was like that it was really cool and i totally respect the idea that in space yeah 99 of planets are going to be boring horseshit actually though they highly skewed it because not like one of the weirdest things that was added in this update that i i couldn't believe was not there i didn't play enough of the game to notice that this was missing there were no barren planets in the original release of no man's car yeah barren there were no fully barren wasteland planets that every there was always something single planet was settled before you got there and that's fucking weird
Starting point is 01:32:34 that's that's super weird i remember complaining about that yeah that's so bizarre because that that takes part of your drive to explore out that every planet in the galaxy was discovered maybe not by a player who named it but somebody got there before you yeah well it was well it was generated with these things on it yeah that was so fully barren planets so you know and that's what it is it's just like i didn't know that was in it that's good what are you looking for you know what are you personally trying to find so this brings it a lot more in line with something that i wanted but it's still not quite there because yeah i don't like the way the ship and inventory stuff works at all yeah well and for me it's like i feel like i bought a game i don't feel like i was
Starting point is 01:33:17 tricked because i knew what i was getting but i bought a game in a genre that i wasn't interested in and thus i'm not enjoying it because i don't like it's a survival it's not really a survival game but it's you know first person mining flying around and not much else and i'm just like ah it's not really my kind of thing the other mode that uh bears mentioning here is creative mode that got introduced as well which is pretty much going through the universe without limitation as they say oh cool like my craft we have a couple mine crafting your way through we have a couple friends woolly who stayed sub to uh world of warcraft for like eight nine years and they barely progressed in content at all they just wanted to explore azeroth that's literally all they wanted to do they
Starting point is 01:34:01 wanted to see new zones and stuff so there are people like that that that mode would actually be really cool like hey here's a big fucking sandbox yeah well and then just looking at the video of the the base building like that actually looks really neat yes i don't know if i'm going to go back for it right now i'm not like frothing to to touch it but it's that's neat and they've put in things where it's like uh you have like uh auto not not you have farming you have like greenhouses and you have um that's cool mineral mineral uh miners that you stick on the mineral and it just generates forever right that's so if you just want to get your resources and do your fun stuff i i don't i don't know if this thing got added but with a survival and base building mode
Starting point is 01:34:41 there needs to be one technological upgrade above all else and that's the ability to make bigger jumps if there isn't the ability to make larger and larger jumps then going to and from your base becomes increasingly infeasible oh increasing your your jump chat so like what i mean is is like say say you need materials and you want to build your base on this planet right you you're able to jump to all the solar systems directly uh next to it in terms of hyperspace right if you don't have the ability to now like upgrade your shit to jump two planets away two systems away then every time you go out to find shit or explore will be longer and longer and longer and longer away and like that's one of those things that i forget what review i was reading it might have
Starting point is 01:35:27 been bonnies it might have been somebody else on the internet may have been matthew matosis i'm not sure but he described that like one of the bigger problems in the base game is that when you land your ship you cannot get a certain distance away from your ship because every every step you take away from your ship is another step you're going to have to walk back to it through the nothing that you created by walking through it and that kind of sucks so i would that that is the change that i would look to for the most like the ability to make larger hyper jumps because that actually opens up the exploration because with the base building like that actually constrains it like pretty significantly and maybe it's already in there that'd be cool but maybe i doubt it there's
Starting point is 01:36:05 a there's a way to get back to your base there's a teleport there's a teleporter there's a teleporter there's a teleporter that awesome that's that's in your ship you they know you can teleport back to your base really that's and the freighter thing uh that you can do now is where you have the space station that belongs to you that you can build and customize or whatever you can teleport that to the planet right that you're on so that that's always right in range as well all right good that's so that's that's that's most of what i was talking about that that makes me actually like want to trawl through my back history of planets and try finding that i would i would i would i would you can actually warp back to that i'm i'm gonna i'm gonna wait for this game to be finished and
Starting point is 01:36:44 then i'm gonna give it another go uh i refunded it uh i think okay yeah because i was pretty pretty unsatisfied yeah that was fair yep so you know big drops and uh if the way they like between this announcement and the actual drop it couldn't have been more than a day or two it was pretty tight they said within the week and i think it's out now so yeah it was pretty so i hey how do you feel about no man's sky devs uh uh hello games yeah um not saying anything at all it's shitty to anybody right up until the release of this yeah i mean like the only thing they ever were saying other than this is like the patch notes but those what this is statement but i i yeah i think they should have been more open with their communication there's a certain
Starting point is 01:37:33 part of me that okay so like imagine you're upset about say your water goes out right in your in your apartment and you call your super and get no answer i don't think you need to explain this to me i totally get it no no but i'm explaining it to the people at home also you you just haven't either person i'm talking to and you call them and call them call them a no answer but then your water comes back and then they answer your call and you're like why did you miss all my calls because i was downstairs fixing fixing the water yeah right so there's a part of me that like will appreciate that mentality of like don't talk to anybody just work hard on the game and make it better but there are people whose job it is to talk to people and tell them that they didn't
Starting point is 01:38:12 get fucking ripped off well the norm nowadays is to have exactly a person that at pr literally public relations and me and you lean we always fall on the different sides of the the cynicism of of like game development basically and what we can't agree on is that the longer that they said literally nothing the guiltier they looked of trying to actively mislead people yeah well the longer they did everything without without sorry the longer they went without saying anything without actually delivering an update yeah because now that the updates out i think a lot of well they were working on something yeah and they clearly didn't want to say anything because then they figured some of this would back down after the update and they're right but like the months
Starting point is 01:38:54 without a significant update and nothing it's like you guys look really guilty i do you don't so not everyone at the company can say something right that's a good way to get in trouble with your boss absolutely uh don't do and don't do that you can just email uh super best rank cast email dot com to tell us all your secrets yeah um but yeah the guys at the top and i don't just mean shon marie i mean whoever else is at the top like probably like 20 people that had the authority or to speak to you like 20 people oh okay there's probably like three people yeah or something like that i they should have worked on saying something because you know i'm sure sony would have supported them if they wanted to you know put
Starting point is 01:39:35 out a message or something like that and they left themselves in a vulnerable position where people like shuhei yoshida had nothing to say because they were just like you know they didn't even tell anything to sony yeah and that article got banded around as like shu throws them deep under the bus and it's like well what is he supposed to say is he supposed to make stuff like and he doesn't actually know anything and jeff kealy as well was put in that situation where he was just on his stage and he was just like uh talk to those guys i mean what he did he did eventually say that uh not jeff but uh shu was like yeah maybe things were a little bit overblown yeah yeah but like not yeah not even attempting to communicate in any to any um degree the fact that you're
Starting point is 01:40:18 trying to to write the perceived wrong and it's like listen this is your first game that's big right yeah it's big you don't want the lasting impression of your company to be they trick me yeah right you don't like the the the comparison of shon marie to peter mollinue has been made and is like kind of solidifying right although clearly his mentality was at the time like everyone just put your head down and work you know right now i get i get sense we will prove ourselves with our work our work will set us free if you did you know to like i think that was the idea and i don't disagree with that but there definitely was something where you know when like the fires were raising as as hard as they were and like yeah the product returns were going
Starting point is 01:41:07 down that silence in those situations is bad i think there was some stuff that would have been like a slippery slope where if they say something about one thing and then people press them on say the multiplayer not being there then they end up in a situation where they're like either ignoring or just admitting hey yeah the multiplayer is not there and we didn't make any attempt to tell people before release that the multiplayer wasn't going to be there so they they made their bed everything you say yeah is going to get picked yeah to the bone they made their bed and you know they they you re put you so when you make your bed um kind of mixing and mashing there i think that's kind of how that works um sleeping you know in the dirt you sleep in the exactly you sleep
Starting point is 01:41:51 in the shit that you reaped in your bed so but like yeah you re put you so but they're they're complete silence where there could have been at least the confirmation because people for a while like even with the fake rumor of hello games office is empty and people thought they were up and running and working on their next game or just off or whatever you know they didn't even just like they didn't even come out and be like no we're in the office yeah if they would have even just said you know we're we're hard at work on the first major update you know or like some of the other rumors that like i never really believed where i think i don't remember the exact context so i might be a little crazy here but uh at some point sean mary in an interview or something talked
Starting point is 01:42:31 about like uh like monetizing dlc or something when someone asked him if there would ever be dlc maybe and i think people came away with the impression that he was saying that like patches would be paid or some shit like that i can't remember the exact thing it's been a fair few months and then that that turns into a way they're they gonna sell us the game they promised again but you know that's the kind of stuff that they should have been coming out and saying no this is not what this is and we're working on a major update or something and we don't know when it'll be out but we're working on a major update that'll be the start of now and i was like like you can pair this to like start but then but then do you does that also like imply
Starting point is 01:43:07 that we're fixing multiplayer or we're putting multiplayer in by saying yeah you know working on it it's hard to say one thing without being pulled right into the other because you inferred something well you want to hear you comment on you promised features in the game and you never unpromised about any point you know you never came out a week before the release we had to cut multiplayer so if you're you can see your friends yeah we're uttered so if yeah or or something and they were uttered at a time that you probably knew those words to be false so if you're your your janitor or whatever was in the basement yeah fixing the water but the water wasn't there to begin with yeah there was no water i never had water then what were you fixing you why were you in
Starting point is 01:43:54 my house you could at least take your boots off oh dude fuck it's tough it's tough dude everyone everyone yeah everyone is triggered by it every time just just it's fine i know you got to do your job just take your boots off man just take your boots it's not hard bell video try everyone everyone all of them fuck take your fucking boots off anyway yeah please wear these slippers and it's tough for them now too and again and again i'm not absolving them you put yourself but it's tough for them now too because now they have to balance fixing the perceived problems and the stuff that they promised that would be in there that wasn't and balancing the content that they had always planned to patch in after the fact yeah so like like the base building which i don't think
Starting point is 01:44:44 was one of the early promises this the the base building stuff came as a surprise yeah yeah that now they have to balance both so they're enough and that's probably pretty right they put themselves in a really bad situation but anyone who wanted to minecraft in space is happy with this you know they have put themselves i'm sure there's some players who are very happy with this update that's hitting their exact go look at the reddit like you're like oh yeah some people are like overjoyed great now because more power to them because of this they have put themselves in the unenviable position of putting themselves on a regular type of game that sells for 60 bucks until like a kind of mmo development cycle in which you're having to adhere to really really old promises from some
Starting point is 01:45:24 interview like three years ago and also making brand new content that people don't know that they want yeah but you have to just kind of stick with your gut like uh like uh in in 14 here's a good example this next patch is going to include glamours for summoners they're little pets they look like shit now but you can now turn them into different colored carbuncles that was promised for patch 2.2 like three years ago and we're sorry is it 3.5 five that was one expansion and like eight patches ago damn right that it was talked about and it's finally out and like people every fucking patch people like where are my fucking glamours for my summit right but they put a bunch of great features in it but they put a big great features in but also in this patch is cross server play
Starting point is 01:46:10 so now you'll be able to play with people in your data center which is about a hundred thousand people instead of just your server sure now people weren't particularly screaming for that but that's a huge fucking improvement right but that sucks because no one's ever happy and that's the situation in hello games and hello games is even i would argue even deeper in than final fantasy 14 because there's so many more people screaming about well yeah missing there that will end rightfully so they're in the spot not that a realm reborn is in but in which final fantasy 14 is in in which the game that came out was uh and yeah not as promised yeah and they're like well we have to overhaul it and add all this shit yeah like rough that's a rough
Starting point is 01:46:50 position they put destiny had something similar where they it was a single player game that they tricked themselves into an mmo style development cycle with their their raids and their shit like that that sucks well i mean no man's guy is going to be around for a while is what this means you're going to be hearing about these you know for will you be able to play no man's guy inside star citizen on uh on one of the little screens that is the true question no um another studio had a massive quality of life update that uh brought some things in that people wanted and that is i o our friends over there with the hitman franchise denmark particularly they brought in the ability to make your game unlocks work offline uh so for anyone that had been playing that um basically
Starting point is 01:47:36 there was uh an issue what's not even an issue was a design it was design yeah where anything you unlocked in the game required you to be online to make use of it did you need to be online to play it no no you didn't it was not an online no but you're on think of it worked like similarly how fight money would work yeah you could you couldn't earn your unlocks offline therefore you couldn't have to be signed yet to be signed in type of thing right right but you could play with the base game um and yeah and so they basically went in and went all right you can play it you can do everything offline now okay so the game is fully playable offline now uh once you have the patch once you have this patch you can fully you can you can and have everything offline and uh this is
Starting point is 01:48:19 also on the heels of them wrapping it up and selling a completed package for it so really better late than never shame it didn't make it on the disc because now the it's out even the disc wasn't like proper full art right like it yeah it yeah but it's out there yeah you know um i've been hearing for like i will purposes that sucks but i have been hearing really really good stuff about this hitmans but i had zero interest in playing it one episode at a time absolutely zero so i'm gonna pick this up and and check it out um the the thing with it is that though like each mission is pretty involved yeah yeah so like even if you kind of wanted a bit more of a traditional hitman game in this case you're getting like it was episodic but each mission was like the final
Starting point is 01:49:06 missions of george slash slash bun bunny shit fuck it yeah uh the super bunny man uh compared it to the the the full package compared to this is the blood money game you wanted out of absolution i think it's his exact words and that made me go oh each mission is huge and that's why it's episodic in that early note a liker of blood money well yes yes yeah yeah i mean not due to circum due to circumstance and not due to choice i end up playing the older ones yes okay that was part of that as well oh was yeah um very working on very hitman one is so over the course of my career but um what yeah that's great and uh so now you get this now you get this if you're if you want to get the full experience and use your unlockables which is nice um because i call bullshit
Starting point is 01:49:59 on shit like they meant like on online osu only yeah things like that and cosmetics i mean only the game never had to be that way at the beginning okay i'm pretty sure i know why the game had to be that way because the elusive shit only works online elusive target shit and the elusive target stuff was special mini missions yeah that were time related which were the incentive to buy the episodes as they came out yeah and i i'm pretty sure that's the end of that possibly yeah and there's like it makes sense right and then there's like hey buy it because to do the feature at the same time you think to yourself that you'd still want the unlocks and everything to be playable offline you know what i mean like no it's the online only game because you need to be but you'd
Starting point is 01:50:38 still have to buy it to connect to play the elusive every single time you see somebody go oh well we have a connected experience and that's why it's like it's a negative shut up shut up shut up you are lying you are always lying i also i'm not sure if this is completely the truth but uh i i heard that there are some of the rewards were also not on the disk as well i have no idea yeah and that there's some of the elusive like the time specific stuff was like you and they're gone they're gone they're gone for you had a window and then that's it yes they are gone for okay so that's confirmed yeah all right you will never be able to get those elusive targets boy i mean i'm not that i care i just that's why they're elusive yeah and it's like haha that's artificial rarity in a digital medium
Starting point is 01:51:22 is fucking stupid it's dumb go grind ff 14 snow artificial where actually there is did you get and monster hunter did you get there's no artificial rarity there did you get witch mercy no i didn't okay i'll get her next year sure because i know some of those scales are really rare for no good yeah but they're not they're not like act like it they don't go away if you don't do them in time yeah you should fight six the only the only thing that's like completely super rare at 14 is event stuff but then that all almost always gets added to uh the goddamn game later as like payable except for those yokai watch things those are never coming back so if you did not get them then you're you're fucked i hope you had them all i did not um i know
Starting point is 01:52:06 two people who did and they're idiots because you had to grind like fucking crazy to get that shit yeah but they'll look cool in 20 years they'll be able to brag to your children about it you know what it is it's just the little ghost fucker yeah ghost guy yeah the little fuck yeah whizmer yeah there's a fucking mount you could ride and that was easy to get like really easy but you could get a glowing one if you grinded like a thousand times as hard that's cool there's some cool stuff that's even i don't think it's that calling attention to one actually since uh i missed it last week but our buddy two snacks has a patreon yeah and uh he's a good good animator he also does not go to cons yeah he does not so that's some creepy bullshit if that person if you're at a
Starting point is 01:52:49 con and someone's like two snacks the animator from whatever that person's a fucking fake did that happen yes yeah some weirdo in real life went to cons pretending to be two snacks for how long for a while for a couple of them it was ever at the same i don't do snacks put up a video going like i don't even live in the us yeah and here's photos of the guy if you ever see him that's fucking cool so that's a thing that's kind of awesome but also uh he showed like the madness of his 3d work uh it's a lot of work matt and you know not content with mastering 2d he decided to add another dimension uh to it and yeah he's a one-man pixar it's matt it's insanity so just check his patreon out and support him because he's the link is somewhere in this podcast he's great
Starting point is 01:53:41 live stuff um to that it or you can just it's patreon two snacks just two snacks patreon patreon um also uh do you guys remember that like majora's mask uh album that had everyone fooled because the website had a countdown and everyone was like oh my god this countdown better be a thing okay so that turned out to just be a pretty cool remix album and not an actual official release at the time to which thing sorry uh the majora's mask a terrible curse uh yeah yeah times end yeah exactly i have that album it's great so there's now a companion piece to that which is a short film that uh that is oh yeah oh not this not no no it's a short film that is uh cg and it is quite well done um and i put a link to it because it's worth checking out it's very
Starting point is 01:54:31 short and it's and i think it's it's involving some of the same people that worked on or worked on the uh that album as well exactly it's a really good really good album yeah and so then this is it's just called it's called terrible curse and like it is a pretty impressive um cg zelder cg zelder yeah yeah sure that's that's what we're gonna call it is this the start of their netflix show yeah you know what of course if it went in the direction or if it handled the material in the way that this short does then i'd be and i'd be okay with it um i think that like the quality of like just the renders and stuff and this is it's super nice and it's it's talented people yeah realistic well done um anyway have a have a have a look at that it's very short and cool wow
Starting point is 01:55:24 i had not seen any of it it's really high quality yeah i'm i'm showing the guys now really high quality for a fan film really no it's it's very impressive it's it's it's it's shock probably the guy who did that amazing render of the majority it looks like the same mask exactly i am very big impressive yeah yeah yeah um terrible fate take a look it's very cool all right so we also have an announcement of a game called honey rose that liam brought to my attention uh last week and this looks like it might be a thing um what do we know about honey rose right now liam um let me just get you the details it's permanently closed in vilmarie it has been out for two and a half months um underdog fighter extraordinaire i think i think announcement
Starting point is 01:56:16 is kind of the wrong been out for like two months has it yeah then i guess we sort of just missed no you missed it damn but it is i'm afraid me and matt did know about it so it's uh it's a visual novel action indie wrestling game the animation i'm seeing is stellar so you play as honey rose it's a very good you've got to balance her her school and day life with her uh indie wrestling career uh and so you have like action sequences for when you do the wrestling and you have visual novel sequences for the remainder is the bad end where she gets shipped off to tukara i have no idea but probably uh very cool style to it fighting game you know in in its appearance the animation is a has a charm to it um yeah i i don't know where this came from if you said it's
Starting point is 01:57:06 already been out for a bit but i just completely under my radar me and me and matt are going to do a video for it is this uh it's just me and matt oh my well fuck me don't worry well we can do a video the seinfeld visual novel yeah is it on steam i think so yeah is that where this is okay yeah you know so everything between like though the way the fights are set up to the way you train in this with a bunch of different types of minigames reminds me heavily of karate master to knock down blow um if you remember from crying yeah i absolutely remember that uh the crying soft uh conglomerate uh it's it's similar to that yeah uh this game by the way uh for anyone wondering or interested uh if i remember correctly it's free uh so go just download it on steam
Starting point is 01:57:58 it's free i like free things free 99 can't get worse like 99 sure it's free you're 99 sure that it's 99 free on the the 1% is that it's a thousand dollars damn so you know it's free you know what else is free what was free your shock and awe at the announcement that the king of fighters yeah is getting updated with a huge graphics boost kind of nifty the lighting like really i hate the term graphics boost yeah that's a very japanese thing to say i hate that but that's what's every everyone's saying but you look at his face and you're like damn man the lighting yeah so if you click through to the the forum post uh right there right right below the second picture yeah okay you get right right below the second picture okay yes well what do you want
Starting point is 01:58:44 to say what do you want to keep talking click through to it keep talking you get a really good side-by-side and like you can really look at them super great uh and it's just it's a huge difference when will and i talked about this for maybe 30 seconds beforehand he described it as the lighting pass that like five vanilla got this early back in the day if you go back to the first screenshots of vanilla for all they look bad um there was some roughness and now uh and then there was a point where they they they someone came in and did the work and yeah and it's the same models yeah just better lit yeah definitely texture quality increased you know i'm kind i'm kind of shocked because like going going through this very uh forum thread actually that that uh you
Starting point is 01:59:25 click through to um there are people who are still like yeah it still looks like a ps2 game and it's like what planet no no planet you live on no i'm that person right this lighting pass makes a huge difference but even the original version like well no no what ps2 were you playing it looks like what i remember ps2 games looking like it's primitive right but the lighting pass i'll fight you whatever i'll fight you it's actually the lighting pass makes a big difference we can all agree on yeah it does and it's such looks like a real game and it's so simple because all it like like from our artistic point of view all it is is you pull highlights up and you drop shadows down you just you extend that bar of where it's not all in the middle it looks good right shadows get
Starting point is 02:00:09 darker and highlights get lighter like kyo's face and that original image looks incredibly flat they're using new materials too like if you look at the glove and his hair well i was gonna say and then yes and the texture quality has been redone as well you know no it's the same textures the materials have been redone so the way light interact the way the space he's talking about like specular maps like this certainly yeah yeah but um and that's that's the best you can do without the fire looks better even without actually updating the models in any way shape or form and and that's fine but but yeah this is what we should have gone tweak a couple people's faces fandy and then throw this lighting pass on everybody else and like now you have like a decent
Starting point is 02:00:47 looking fighting and you hatched out of king of fighter 14 you have a current gen uh looking fighter so good no good on good on this this takes a lot of that early staying out of my heart you know they they kept at it and they listened to everyone's uh yeah moans and justified complaints and uh yeah we have something that looks pretty hey i have i have yet to turn the game on uh so i guess i was smart to wait all right um but yeah so the no i don't know i never had that moment where i want to play it's also nice that we can just call them snk now because they've changed their name that's their name snk oh good straight out name again is snk um meanwhile on the other side of the isle uh the isle yeah well capcom yeah we're gonna of the fighter isle it's a grocery
Starting point is 02:01:34 store it's a metaphor okay so is it a simile no it's a metaphor if if if capcom was not a isle in a grocery store what would it be well no the isle is the isle is fighting games and capcom's he's not playing the game he's not so a ono yoshinori ono noted a massive liar ono it says street fighter fives akuma reveal might not be what you expect and i'm just gonna let the quote speak for itself on this one because i don't know how to interpret it's a really weird fucking quote and i my brain started rolling in different places so here's what we got um we actually never said that a new character is coming at all we just said that people would be able to experience what we showed in that video that's all haha uh from it's who says that's what it meant well then at least
Starting point is 02:02:19 can we well at least we can confirm that there's something personally to personally experience at psx and ono says yes that's undeniable but it's going to be something that betrays everyone's expectations in a good way i think nanda so they were i i'm gonna go back to i don't know if you remember when i first talked about akuma i think it's arcade mode is what he's talking about because like i said then arcade mode's not complete without akuma in street fighter he's the point it it could be and then but then i think it's a different and the reveal of an unplayable boss character that is akuma i don't i don't know i i just i all i'm saying is a few weeks ago when akuma was confirmed i said well it'd be weird to have a akuma without arcade mode
Starting point is 02:03:02 so i'm just gonna i have a feeling i'm just gonna recline i have a feeling that it's a fake out and that it's either him and marvel or his him and tecan versus street fighter uh you know i wouldn't i wouldn't mind um i would yeah it could be some it's definitely a fake out from the way he's talking here but you know it could be like we just assumed it was a staging character combination could be arcade mode uh season two announcement could be interesting as well because this goes hand in hand with something else that was uh also announced this week where um they basically capcom has put out a statement that says that they have planned out street fighter uh content as far as 2020 can i can i can i throw somebody under the bus on this one did you watch did you check out your
Starting point is 02:03:49 fucking subscriber feed this morning with fucking max's video i'm i'm i missed it all my fucking god it's fucking giant block text this is street fighter five dead 2020 exclamation point question mark exclamation point and it's about this story and it's like fuck max come on man uh no uh basically capcom uh said that you know they've planned out the way things are gonna go for the street fighter brand for the uh the next couple years especially considering how blue how things blew up huge last evo um they want to solidify it as an esport and they're taking the steps to do that i think people mad that it's on their espn yeah i think step two is absolutely um aged violent shon i believe step step three is marvel four yep violent shon marvel link those cfn accounts
Starting point is 02:04:41 bring them all together yeah uh we're in the new world we're trapped in the new world and it's where we want to be sats we know how though shon would be a fucking amazing character with the with the longer hair and the fucking the the the red eyes and she's straight out of my man and he's got the sats we know how though and he's full blown like evil shit but he's still canonically weaker than most of the other cast actually i think in the cover that sats we know how though the older evil shon shows up he's like one handing Ryu or some shit like that and then you and then like he comes back in kind of mecca my my my my in what form mecca for robot robot yeah what yeah actually you got to get in there bro i didn't read the man those those man was
Starting point is 02:05:28 are serious business man allergic to man was at least the king of fighters ones at the very man walk killed my family if you want to see irie drawn your family they're super live yeah if you want to see irie got better 17 heads high there's only one place for it that's my favorite though that's my favorite line of mass effect i thought you were dead i got better yeah it's from holy grail oh is it yeah oh okay she turned him into a newt you got better oh man it's fucking great um so that's pretty cool new characters as well um while we're talking about that i guess we might as well talk about symmetric have you guys heard about what they did damn yeah for sure that's crazy there is uh so we've been known we've known for a while that uh oh blizzard said they're going to
Starting point is 02:06:17 take symmetric back into the lab and they're like you know what overwatch needs some fucking aegis reflectors uh so what you're getting is basically symmetric now has rinehart shield with half the duration that she can fire durability excuse me that fires out at walking speed crazy and it keeps going until it hits a barrier crazy right uh also you have uh her a secondary alt where she can eat when she can instead of dropping a teleporter she can drop a shield generator that gives you 75 shield as long as you're in its like range which is long it's very not it's not line of sight and it's massive it is the size of i'd say if you dropped it um you know hanamura if you drop it at the i was just thinking of that one you drop it at the rock in hanamura
Starting point is 02:07:11 it's the entire first point building plus the area where the gates lead you in yeah it's that entire zone um if you drop it in the training stage you can drop it on one wall back up to almost the end of that training level yeah and it'll still be on you so it's a huge thing doesn't require a line of sight on it and uh has a lot more health than our teleporter used to and so does new teleporter has way more health but it's all dropped into shields now which means it's a hard counter via sombra you know this is the kind of changes that i love to see in a game like this where it's like it's not just tweaks of their kit right it's not the the changes of like McCree shoots faster this week now he shoots less fast right it's like well that's balancing this is this
Starting point is 02:07:53 is not balancing this is overhaul this is key kit redesigned well there was one tweak for Symmetra that is like massive as like someone who mainly plays Symmetra uh being able to have up to six turrets at once yes that is so that alone is a huge huge improvement because it always sucked at the beginning of the game to rush to your spot put down three sit and wait get two more a hundred percent where you want them and then get the last one kind of where you can if you survive the the jump of the the first team coming yeah no you're you can get five no problem but you had to wait and it was like there's no there's no real tournament doesn't have to wait to put up his turret no and this is pregame setup which you know as they described in the developer
Starting point is 02:08:37 video like Symmetra should be about making a nest protecting it and yeah you're you're gimping that right the other thing too because those developer videos are fantastic in how candid they are describing what they're doing yeah when Blizzard just balance changes and inheres the storm they don't do videos but they do go over like they have a paragraph for every ability change of like here's why we did this and one problem we were seeing and the biggest problem that was the easiest to see with Symmetra is what the fuck is the point of a teleporter on the last point where somewhere when it saves you six feet you jump out of the spawn and you're on the point why do you need a teleporter here yeah you know and where are you gonna put it that they won't see it right
Starting point is 02:09:14 away anyways yeah no they were very few good completely yeah like it was just spots that were like in blind zones that would get them behind the other team or something so the metrics the metrics pretty much were telling them that everyone was using her even though the few that used her used her at the beginning and everyone switched off at the end you know and that's not what they wanted so they found uses for her on the line you know being another Reinhardt type and also um you know having a different alt you can use so that you have a teleporter but also you can just reinforce your team towards the end when you need to and make that bad situation thanks I like the shield one so much more than the teleporter it's got a thousand uh you know durability
Starting point is 02:09:58 on it uh but it it means you have to push with it yeah you can't you're not gonna Reinhardt stand and still and defend in that way yeah you know but it helps definitely and and anything personally as a Reinhardt player like anything that gives me a moment to charge my shield back up yeah whether it's a maywall yeah I saw people saying like oh then why would you run Reinhardt when you got this it's like so Reinhardt can charge a shield back up guys that's all you that's it you just give me a moment right even defense matrix on diva is a great cover for me to get my shield back up so I love that um it's basically almost like a new character so I got an argument with people as to like I'm like this is a completely new character and they're like no she's just tweaking
Starting point is 02:10:37 the kit like ah that's just not completely new her guns are the same her significant rather actually her primary fire has longer reach on primary fire yeah her primary fire has longer reach uh the secondary fire is the same but like they haven't changed anything about the way she attacks you know they've just done the the the the uh the kit uh changes in yeah to me it to me it might as well be a new character because it's so vastly different also I never placed uh from what she had ever ever ever placed Symmetra because you can't attack with her chasing people down and giving them shields was a panic it sucked it really sang and it was like it felt more like work than it did yeah like you get a lot of fun a lot of kills in Symmetra though if you know what you're
Starting point is 02:11:20 doing yeah but when you get the yeah when you compare that to like with the damage so I would occasionally play where you just throw the armor on the floor and someone's gonna get it like the armor sucked with her always so the exponential damage growth when it got high and you could just jump onto the next person tricking people into stepping into your turrets is like yeah it's so satisfying I got I did get that car wash achievement like pretty early and that you get that and you're so that's good that's good I love to see that I love to see that like they're willing to completely drawing board a character yeah diva showed that they're willing to like tweak you know diva was yeah there's some good changes that's a Symmetra that's a tweak towards viability and then they're
Starting point is 02:11:59 like now we're going back to scratch on this and and I love that so that's awesome um and another little rumor with about Overwatch is apparently they've been posting for um a job job for hiring and one of the things they're describing that they're hiring for is a large unannounced single player first-person experience but that was not an overwatch hiring specifically not not Blizzard hiring at a large so people are speculating I would love for it to be an overwatch campaign people are people are speculating horde that'd be that'd be fucking great it would be so good it would be so good very good to have very very good thing um I would like that people have also datamined me too uh the the Symmetra update and it was pretty thick and inside of it thick with
Starting point is 02:12:49 Christmas shit thicc inside of it they found some winter event music and some winter oh yeah the Christmasy stuff right exactly I believe it's called Winter Veil actually oh is it literally Blizzard always calls it Winter Veil okay well non-denominational Christmas basically yeah yeah so the halloween one wasn't called halloween either was it it was called uh pumpkin fuckers uh jenkenstein's revenge yeah like it wasn't explicitly called halloween yeah or am I thinking about the ff 14 one called winter that's whatever they all do Christmas events and they're never named Christmas on tuka um we're going to see something of this nature which is um that's a it's expected of course you know and then like there's probably a cool
Starting point is 02:13:33 period until yeah sorry go ahead after Christmas I'm like what do you have nothing until summer Easter okay what are you gonna do have a Jesus mode like yeah that'd be dope mercy's resurrecting everybody great you know what excites me the most about the Christmas one is Christmas is about material goods uh and more than anything I want a fucking advent calendar where every day I can turn on the game and get a crate oh wow that's a lot of crates fuck you give me 31 crates that's a lot of crates some some advent calendars oh and uh Christmas so fuck you give me 25 crates neopets did it neopets did it for years um so many good things out of the neopets comparison pokemon goes doing it right now are they they're doing a daily check-in thing where okay in general yeah yeah
Starting point is 02:14:20 but fuck you blizzard give me 25 crates give me an advent calendar uh I I want to see Volskaya Industries with Christmas trees and fun music that's what I want yeah but uh 31 crates ain't bad that being said it's pretty easy to get them now by going into the arcade yeah no they vastly improved three crates I actually did pop back in and you yeah it's three crates a week comes real quick yeah it's not that bad you know it is um they fuck you give me 25 crates they're not free but just put a little bit of work and you get some a little bit a little bit um and um we have this one's more of just like a something from unseen 64 but you know me I think I think they're cool yeah I like what they do an there's a tron game that was yeah never greenlit that a pitch was
Starting point is 02:15:12 made for Disney back in the day when they uh they were soliciting pitches for yeah for the game so this was a year before tron legacy came out they basically went to different companies and said all right show us what you got and they didn't give them assets of tron legacy they had no idea what legacy was going to look like so they just kind of let people like you know wander around and and figure out okay make your take your own uh stab at what you think tron should be yeah and so day one studios the guys that made fracture and uh for thrier uh they took a stab at it and you can take a look at this video where you see them making what they interpreted to be like the future of tron they had a pretty elaborate vision like two levels that they made where they made like a
Starting point is 02:15:59 little like uh more open like not city level but a little bit of a more open area and then they made a light cycle area that was kind of reflective of that that leaked footage of the game of the movie part yeah from um uh comic con yeah now the thing is that they actually weren't two levels they were one but yeah right that's true you would you would segue from one of the let you go at any moment jump onto a light cycle and run around or go into combat and i gotta say they kind of hit the aesthetic just right considering guessing didn't get to see yeah they they they totally nailed what tron legacy more or less ended up looking like yeah from their own guesswork and that's really impressive yeah uh whether the game was good or not who fucking knows but it's neat it's really neat
Starting point is 02:16:45 getting to see this so yeah when you listen when you check out the unseen 64 video what's cool about it too is like you know obviously the light cycle stuff is that is what you expect you race and you you go around the world and you try not to crash into the other guys uh snake trail stream thing right but the combat when you're fighting one on one was said to be a lot more like since they were inspired only by tron one yeah it was a much more slow and deliberate type of combat you can't get fucking touched no you pretty much you're almost like one hitting your dead type of thing and you had to really like quickly evade dodge and pause if you time it right catch the other guys id disk and like toss id and toss it back at him um you know it was a much i don't want to say
Starting point is 02:17:28 souls but like the words he really was more thoughtful gameplay yeah made it sound again slower and more precise combat than what you ended up getting with the tron game tron of another evolution that was the um no evolution was the game evolution was also the name yeah uprising was the cartoon um but oh fuck i i know there was a cartoon yeah uh and it and it it sounded it ended up being a lot more like that uh very interesting take on something that you know obviously isn't yeah not gonna happen and never happened and the reasons why were because they only had a year to make it yeah and they were like okay well the budget for the this amount of time like it just doesn't add up and disney was like yeah we don't give a fuck you know so um yeah check out this video
Starting point is 02:18:10 if you're at all interested in seeing like how they uh what they came up with it's pretty cool he's a lot of good comparisons to what actually released and yeah and stuff from just guesswork very thorough and they even to the point when that when that footage did leak because they they developed they developed a prototype before any any of this stuff there's months yeah comic con and then when comic con did happen and that leaked footage came out they went back in and then changed some stuff even and recreated a light cycle sequence in particular yeah to match up with the leak well what they got which is just kind of nuts it's like disney if you want people to work for you like at least give them some material it's always yeah the way movie companies
Starting point is 02:18:44 treat uh like tie-ins in terms of like well we're gonna tell you what the story of the movie is that the last second yeah because we're afraid of spoilers and the people making the game are like how the fuck uh just make whatever level impress us with your own vision yeah you know i guess i mean the game that came out wasn't wasn't awful or anything it's just uninspired wasn't well received wasn't well received i i i plan to find out for myself someday yeah um one day far in the future after new vegas i hear the psp version is kind of good is it different it's different yeah the we version is different as well i have a tron um based on the newer tron stuff i have a tron uh we four player party game that i want to check out at some point okay because that that happened
Starting point is 02:19:27 yeah i've been i've been mulling over the idea of taking a look at something tron related so that sounds cool um yeah no so that this was called tr2n yeah from the guys from the guys for three a r comes to retron but that's kind of disney's fault so i don't completely blame them because uh i think that was the one thing they did kind of announce was an early logo where you saw tyron yeah they did do that that's true yeah throughout that um all right with that let's get into some emails shall we dang wait where do the emails come from where do they go they they well they come from the the brains of people that listen and then they go through the fingertips into a clavier and then yeah i follow there but where do we get them from are you hacking oh
Starting point is 02:20:21 woolly goes into the email address that's super best friendcast at to read the emails that he reads at super best friendcast at i guess we technically don't own that i think google technically on all of our email addresses to get that email address woolly yeah thank you thank you that's good i i tried you know and uh it worked sometimes they're squatters and yeah that's never fun although a couple comedians i like talked about how like um there'd be people squatting on their twitter accounts with their name that but their fans uh that get it first in case someone almost comes along and then they hold it for you that's cool though super squatters so i appreciate good job squad i appreciate that when that all works out and that's dope long as you're
Starting point is 02:21:04 not looking for free tickets because if yeah no that's no but if you if you're ransoming it you take too long and then dead sick gets your shit dead sick you're never gonna get back now what's this someone has my twitter handle they want my child in exchange oh two bullets with one stone there yeah what two birds with one stone two bullets with one stone there seventy thousand dollars or your child can i oh that's easy uh let's take one i don't have one of those yeah yeah let's take one from chris yo hi chris uh pat what's your daily red bull limit like my hard limit or my implied limit well clearly what do you impose on yourself clearly you blow right past the recommended to a day no to a day is my like almost like that's that's
Starting point is 02:21:58 99% of the time i don't go above to a day the only time i ever go above is those those well you know those days yeah i know those those fucking days that are that i will go three but no more than that even even i start to fucking feel it and well you know what i'm talking about where you feel your eyes vibrating the crash yeah the body it's not good no um three only for emergencies okay okay so it's like it's like choji's candy you know i used to have a pop that bank i used to have them all the time back in like when i was 19 and 20 and i got horrible horrible stomach pains um yeah that sounds like the right burning through the acid that you have that like like sharp stabbing pains in all of my organs jesus christ man um and then i went i went
Starting point is 02:22:49 to the doctor thinking i had caught some horrible disease somewhere they're like you're completely fine and i was like huh maybe i should cut back on and as soon as i stopped drinking them i felt better so yes i'm very aware that i should not damage my liver with too much niacin all right uh david says put your phones down gentlemen it's time for a pop quiz following is a list of nonsense words your task is to determine which ones are fake animals made up by jk rowling oh man or real animals made up by australia this is great okay fuck i saw fantastic beasts this week by the way did you i did okay i almost fell down i forgot to talk about that they just made up a story because the books originally was just a monster manual right yeah yeah but jk
Starting point is 02:23:36 rowling helped right it's like somebody taking the fucking monster manual from fucking d&d and writing a story yeah exactly that'd be great because you get to terrasque and then everyone dies are the are a beholder you know the wish spell was invented purely to kill the terrasque was that was a friend of mine telling me i'm like why the fuck did they put wish in a d&d too that's fucking stupid and he goes well they had to kill the terrasque somehow remember you had to get it to minus a something hp boil it and acid and then cast a wish Jesus what a it's a waste of a wish to yeah like wish was so i wish to win the game yo i started checking out harman quest it's dan harman playing d&d with his friends and they they animate it it's funny uh pretty good all right
Starting point is 02:24:18 so some of these are either jk rowling uh-huh fake animals or australia's fake all right so obviously you can't play australia's fake animals i don't have the answers in front of me i think they're lower down in australia's fake animals or australia's real animals real animals made up by australia okay so uh all right so hold on hold on i'm gonna what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna write down what i thought was real like one real two fake etc so we can answer this uh or are you're or you're gonna cheat on your phone right now it's a text message to you phone sound okay all right fine whatever i'll just remember it's on the record it's fine you don't need to do that i'm up means i believe okay well it's for me it's for me with my memory okay what's the first what's the first budge budger
Starting point is 02:25:01 regard budger regard budger regard has as a spelled b u d g e r i g a r can you use it in a sentence that's a bunch of regard reminds me of a budger regard that's an australian animal for sure australia i'm i'm putting that super real okay uh let's see if i can i'm i'm gonna say you're saying australian yeah yeah but yeah the budgery part sounds australia sounds very australia all right let's see if i can safely scroll without big spoils big spoils big spoils uh australia yeah it's a species of parakeet there we go figure ah it's like a budgie yeah yeah all right okay he laid this out really well because i can actually scroll and like not hit nice oh that's fantastic so good job all right let's find door number two moke m o k e moke you smell like a moke
Starting point is 02:25:54 thank you these god damn moaks on their wire uh moke moke i'm gonna say jk i'm gonna say rowling on that i'm gonna say harry potter as well but it's a guess i'm gonna go with australia again we go with australia again as a guess for me though for moke harry potter it's a drinking lizard great darn okay bow trucker that's harry potter that's harry potter for sure uh i guess i'll just have to go with the the room and say harry potter bow trucker harry potter a tree creature okay okay uh rock warbler that's that's some fucking that's a trick that's a trick that's australia that's an australian wizard that's some australian shit no doubt that's tough i'm gonna go australia too but it's a guess it's a total guess australia a gray bird
Starting point is 02:26:49 okay okay i still only got one wrong but you guys are right on all of them so far dibbler dibbler that's that's harry potter um dibbler i'm gonna say australia that's harry potter for sure did a guess or you know that i'm guessing australia i'm guessing harry potter for sure yeah the the etymology feels a lot like harry potter i feel like there's got to be a twist one in here so i'm gonna guess australia on this i would say the dibbler it's uh anyway australia a small marsupial dammit nailed it dammit you guys are super smart we're so good at animals okay uh cultar k u l t a r r k u l that's some harry potter that's harry potter i think that's harry no no no that's too fancy come on yeah that's too fancy for uh fucking down under uh australia
Starting point is 02:27:43 what a small marsupial again rocked we all got crazy australia why you like this vila v e e l a that's harry potter that's harry potter uh okay i'll trust i'll trust harry potter on that uh harry potter yeah uh attractive demihumans yeah niffler that's harry potter that's harry potter that's it sounds harry potter and it is it is totally harry potter it's the last one you'll be like both and uh two more boy woily w o y l i e that sounds super australian australia australian as well way australian that's australia the fuck out of here if it's not that's totally australia small marsupial nothing but a marsupial's an awesome marsupial and then somebody was doing their marsupial's homework mallie fowl m a l e e f o w l that is one i'm gonna super say australian
Starting point is 02:28:41 harry potter you're saying harry potter liam mallie fowl uh because i feel like the australian ones they name them after uh that's a tricky one this one's also a wild guess for me i don't know i'm gonna go australia just for fun i think it might be harry potter but it's a total guess it sounds unsophisticated i'm gonna say australia uh australia a flightless bird okay all right there you go australia magical place pop keys david sent us a little pop keys that's good i like that i like that good quiz okay uh now part two of the quiz pierce these are the long form answers pierce says because of you i get to live in a time where the phrase you can brackets not re blackface means something to someone yeah you're welcome thank you you see people are nominating umma
Starting point is 02:29:36 chron for the blackface award on steam yep i noticed i deserve so that's not going to win obviously because no one's gonna go with that but what i want is someone has to look at those awards suggestions see a number of someone's gonna go what the fuck like like that website that had like the uh let's re uh let's change the australian flag to the gurin lag and burning logo like what someone had to look at it anyway uh greg says dear game grumps quick and dirty huh if you choose to read my letter on the air it sounds something like this what has game has the most satisfying double jump to use you're sincerely outlawed dino as in dade martin's nickname not dino's and dino bought you fucks okay all right um i really i mean i'm
Starting point is 02:30:27 i'm obviously a really big fan i really like the ones from castlevania from harmony onwards because you have like the castlevania jumps are like they have this really like floaty feel to them and the second jump is just really satisfying once you get it so i'm gonna i'm gonna nominate that one but i am a huge fan of that series i have a hard answer and that is strider specifically the new strider game uh that is the best feeling double jump just just the double jump uh um i just like the aerial control and of course you add the final jump which isn't a jump that's not a jump nope it's an ability but you add that to it and all together you get something great because in because an area i could also add a million fucking things onto the jump i wish i could say
Starting point is 02:31:10 legend of kage but that's a single jump yeah i'm keeping it real ridiculous i'm keeping it real i'm gonna go with delmay cry one actually it has a good feeling oh yeah because it really feels like you're jumping off a floor that you created that you created the invisible platform of the sigil yeah yeah like that and it's not the most accurate or even best feeling jump but that that like it's the most like this is a second jump yeah that i can think of and something about the stupid intense verticality of how fucking dumb high it is also when you go high but you also don't fucking move horizontally go high yeah bayo as well with the butterfly wings yeah i don't like it as much but it's very nice but both are great because you get a visual explanation for
Starting point is 02:31:56 what's happening yeah you know so that's the double jumps that i don't like are the character jumps and then they're in the air and their feet just jump again well and it's like you mean like near is awful double jump yeah near just like shoots his chest upwards like yeah so the one i always think of is captain america in the marvel games why the fuck can captain america jump twice because he's really strong he's a super soldier in midair you just throw your muscle strength no let's gravity really really he puts the shield underneath his feet and holds it taut and then jumps off the shield uh-huh and then i had science this sound sound and put and the shield is descending at a speed that is uh uh it is faster than the air yeah yeah yeah he does it real hard creating a surface
Starting point is 02:32:47 gotcha okay you need to be above like a big magnet i got a big man which you'd slide right off magnets are slippery like that yeah but you shoot upwards like a backwards magnet i just want youtube says dear montreal scream lords backwards like the other side of a magnet because whatever you just say magnet you i think people get the impression you mean the side that sucks you in i meant the side that pushes you out what the fuck did you i don't know what polarity his fucking shield is okay it's it's not affected by magnetism adamantium is it not affected by it's fucking proto adamantium no it totally is because magneto can pull the adamantium i was gonna say outside of wolverine yeah so there's no reason why it wouldn't be able to do that
Starting point is 02:33:34 okay um uh jason here i have a question for you guys as canadians okay now i've heard that grade b maple syrup is better than grade a due to an irregular in irregularity in the way the maple syrup scale is set up basically grade b has a tolerance for slightly larger impurities including sugar crystals making it sweeter than grade a is this true i don't know okay in all honesty i can say i don't know and i'm not sure and that's not something i've ever studied or attempted to research but what i can say is the past weekend where i went to my dad's place um he inherited a uh maple syrup container that was sealed and had been made homemade by close friends and had accidentally been sitting on a balcony for a decade and that shit was like
Starting point is 02:34:26 maple wine like we opened it up you used we had it at the breakfast and dad is like so the story here is ten years old and so i got to smell it and i'm like this smells like alcohol and then we all put it on our breakfast as like a suicide pack kind of thing what the fuck and we ate it we were like that was really good are you all fucked up no how fine how syrup how it had been sealed in a bottle yeah with a cork yeah for over a deck but how do you how does that happen how do you miss plates and i made them like that people who made it they would just make some every season but they wouldn't they didn't live at that house all year round and that one just got left there and apparently stuff had stacked up on it and when they went uh when the the man died or whatever
Starting point is 02:35:20 and and like his wife was trying it was like you know offloading stuff she didn't need she came across that and my dad happened to be there fermented and he was like don't don't chuck that for that's so good i'll feed that to my family well fuck everybody that's some grade s fucking syrup right so i don't know but this miracle class maple syrup was great oh wow wow i like the there wasn't even a lot there was like a little oh small amount of it less than a cup awesome jason i don't know i like the sweet stuff in the bottle i squeeze it it's good i'll drink that shit every day maple syrup it's great see the the the trick here is that canadians have so much maple syrup for so cheap so readily available yeah that we don't fuss over the quality ratings because you
Starting point is 02:36:08 can always get more and better i only like and like you get your monthly stipend in the mail like i wish they'd stop sending it in a letter it's always i knew that's what you're gonna go for it's so stupid like there's only there's only one detail to me that matters and that it's that you're not using corn syrup yeah that's just do whatever the fuck you want like but don't get this corn syrup shit the fuck out of my face out of my breakfast out of my life active snob about whenever we travel down south to the states how and i ask you out you have breakfast whatever you like can i get some can i get some maple syrup and they go oh yeah of course and they bring it over and i can see yeah that it's not maple i can see that it's corn syrup and i just want to like fucking
Starting point is 02:36:52 smash the bottle on their face yeah like god damn it like it's a different thing entirely it has a different flavor flavor's fine it is completely different that's like don't try to pass it off that's like puts in with no cheese curds it's unacceptable is what it is it's unacceptable not a good equivalent um so like margarine and butter doesn't even come close margarine and butter it's like you can prefer one or the other but like it the problem is that they're not the same they're not even equivalents yeah and it's the same thing with corn syrup and maple syrup maple is objectively better end of story um okay we got well actually now i'm going to save that for Matt's back okay it's a good one it's Godzilla question it's more it's more relevant there hey
Starting point is 02:37:35 okay so we got one from michael and he just wants to know i've been right i've been wanting to write in uh since Dead Rising 4 is just around the corner and the game is running off the hashtag frank is back yeah it's coming out really soon the promotional promise is that they're returning to the roots i admire their intention based on commercials gameplay snippets and so on it seems to be continuing the Dead Rising 3 design uh and and straying further from combat with contemporary objects in the wild in zany yeah um that aside time pressure is supposedly completely removed and frank is snarky every sequence i've watched which is more of chuck's thing yeah i understand every change that i understand every change they make is being made i
Starting point is 02:38:16 guess he wants to say why uh i can't understand why they're saying it's a return to the roots because frank is back that that's it because we modeled this new character who looks a little like frank and we're going to the willamette mall but it's actually the willamettes like town and we didn't even ask frank's voice actor to come back these changes and so i absolutely don't respect them no it's i never want to be unexcited or like opposed to a game just for the sake of it or anything like that and i always want to try to play a game to play a game first but the stuff i'm looking at with Dead Rising 4 they're doing everything they can to make you unexcited it's very tough to express just how unexcited and opposed i am to it and it's it's
Starting point is 02:39:04 and what it is you know and and like the the the tripling and quadrupling down on wacky goofy weapons like the fucking ice sword and like the fireworks gun and shit is such a like an antithesis to what Dead Rising was where you were playing with like it was just simple weapons yeah and using simple weapons against zombies was kind of what was goofy about it the focus on vehicular combat and stuff like that is something i don't like i the mech suit is kind of cool the fact like zombies aren't more aggressive during the night than they are during the day in Dead Rising 4 which which is a thing canonically with Dead Rising zombies if this were any other franchise i would say that like you should like the double down means that a decision has been made for
Starting point is 02:39:49 where the franchise is going yeah but they've been clear that like you can clearly see that they're willing to reinvent this with every number well like i don't know if you if i because Dead Rising 2 was was not quite as good as one you could feel it was different already but it was a little different but it was still really really good and it was a lot that was there that you were like yeah this is the kind of stuff that i liked about the first game i think that one was still directed by cage unifuna yeah and then the and then you were like man i can't wait to see what they do with Dead Rising 3 maybe they'll get that tone and stuff right but then it turns out like what they wanted to do was all the stuff that you didn't like about Dead Rising 2 was the stuff they wanted to expand
Starting point is 02:40:27 and improve upon and then now they're doing that again where all the stuff that i didn't like about Dead Rising 3 is the stuff they want to blow out and open up and it's like no fuck fuck i feel like it's even worse now because they're pulling in frank frank is not going to save it with the skin yeah now frank like i like whether or not you like it this is main line and this is canon frank and now frank is actually different i don't want to say ruined i haven't played the game but this is canon you know it's not a spin-off it's not a what if it's not dmc devil may cry where it's like clearly not the same dante this is frank that marvel versus capcom three frank it's not frank anymore no seriously though it's not it's not reflective of what frank is and it's like it's
Starting point is 02:41:14 frustrating uh food has also been changed it doesn't take up inventory slots anymore and it's now when you pick up any type of food they get mapped to down on the d-pad is like a a heal button the time limit changes are something interesting to me because it's like on the one hand i can understand how that's a frustrating mechanic to some people yeah but on the other i feel like no other game was really doing that yeah and that was the i like that was the challenge of dead drive so like i think like it would have been smart to like maintain that but also have perhaps a mode that you could free roam here here's the thing consequence so you you have they do you have this usually you have this game in infinity mode and stuff that has a bunch of really weird
Starting point is 02:41:58 or non contemporary or non modern design decisions in it right even non popular sure non popular right and you go well people really really like that game but we saw a lot of complaints about this and a couple people said they liked it but whatever let's try and tone those down and whatnot and you do that over and over and over and you homogenize your game into every other game that exists you know what series does not do that and has the exact same thing it's the fucking soul series which has only grown to be more popular because it stayed with its weird bullshit that people hate people hate the death penalty in souls games and like they've toned it down here or there or or they've adjusted they brought it they adjusted but you're always punished
Starting point is 02:42:42 for death hard you're always have these obscure fucking well now they're excellent you know those are they're now cornerstones of right where we're dead rising like a lot of people were driven crazy by the the time limit yeah and and well and how like how aggressively they try to fuck you at on the first day yeah like you have to fight the fucking but but it's like those those things that are like temporarily annoying form a cohesive more interesting game that's different from other games yeah and now Dead Rising 4 just looks like it's fucking dead so any other zombie game yeah but with frank in there like i would much rather place state of decay like again yeah then uh play fucking Dead Rising 4 third person zombies can be played in a lot of
Starting point is 02:43:32 different places like there's a lot of loads a lot of outlets for you to go get it always blows me away when you have other elements when you have a game that has like a bunch of unique elements and the sequels go into everything they can do yeah to remove those unique elements and replace them with nothing hey because because western video games by the way psychopaths are also spoiled in this game psychopaths are no longer unique boss battles they're like they're like enemies with the same moveset as frank basically you know what i mean i think so they're just like they're not unique bosses anymore so why why did why not all western games and like why are these like every western game that i can think of when they switch development they they move away from stuff like boss battles they
Starting point is 02:44:14 move away from these kinds of really hard idiosyncratic design things like what's up with that like blue castle i thought blue castle was like the savior like they got it like yeah rising to man they get it and now it's like maybe they don't or maybe whoever's above them doesn't yeah perhaps a series of meetings where people discuss how to streamline and experience and make it less frustrating for more players from feedback and play tests that's not always the best no there's a there's a design by committee is what you get in the last yeah ask massimo definitely talk about it all the time there's a youtuber who i don't really like most of his videos because he just kind of like goes for like the most negative thing he possibly could even when it's
Starting point is 02:44:56 not always valid but uh his name is crow crowb cat not crowbar cat just c-r-o-b cat um and he does a lot of neat does he do the supercut stuff yeah exactly i get a kick out of this i know i get a kick out of them too but like sometimes it's like okay that's kind of disingenuous like the the halo four story one was really disingenuous and there were like a lot of halo fans even disagreed with him on a lot of that but yeah he's dead rising for video like it wasn't an eye opener or anything but it does sum up all it's a nice summary of what we're talking about and i don't agree kind of like with getting as personal as he did where he's like calling out each individual like high up member of the team but he's kind of like putting their faces on the screen and showing
Starting point is 02:45:44 that like okay seems like the lead guy on this game just made connect games at rare for like a decade and nothing else of significance and you know stuff like that so like that is targeted every aspect of this game since announcement just looked awful to me honestly i wonder if there if there was still going to be a great 7.0 or eight game but what if it's not what i want from dead rising at all at all at all at all at all if there was a doubling down from each sequel on the mechanics and they if they kept them the same and sort of went forward or like aggressively saying no we're sticking with this yeah uh do you think that it would have ended up in a similar place to dark souls not in terms of in terms of popularity but in terms of like you'd create a niche of people
Starting point is 02:46:32 that love this and a lot of people would have just given it up and they would have kind of like sold worse i don't know i mean i don't know that's that's tough dark souls kind of lightning in a bottle that that that turns out that niche is way bigger than you would expect because like four games later if you're doing those things that everyone hated in the first one you're definitely going to create a group of people that love that yeah but would the majority of people just be so turned off that they're done with it each dead rising was like a response to the dead rising before it's like people you know dead rising two comes out and people complain about ah the the time mechanic was too harsh and stuff like that and dead rising two
Starting point is 02:47:09 has an even more like like in your face time mechanic but it's different with the zombrax and it's different and um the the the area is bigger right and it's more varied and stuff like that and then dead rising three like people like i want a town and i hate that time stuff and i hate so they tone it down and dead rise dead rising they're like well we want frank back and then you get off the record and then they're like are you happy now and people like no we still want frank back like well it's ah it's a fucking mess i just you know i i think of like you know um um edf or or way of the samurai like these franchises where franchises that refuse to change ever it is a they refuse hard like set of rules that they're going by and they're never going to give them
Starting point is 02:47:54 up and it's like are they growing are more people coming to edf has grown i i'm i'm way of the samurai has grown i'm really curious to see well their last game was a bit of a miss uh it wasn't called way of the samurai but it was ukiyo no roshi and ukiyo no uh i can't remember the other i'm i'm referring to specifically samurai yeah four the mainline which like did much better than three because yeah more people knew that this was effectively the fifth one under a different name and it didn't do well that sucks yeah i know um uh i'm curious to see how this one performs um because Dead Rising 3 it did it did really well but it was a launch title you know and you can kind of get away with a lot of launch as long as your game's impressive and fun to a certain degree
Starting point is 02:48:38 yeah so i'm i'm curious in this like insanely packed holiday season will dead rising for just completely bomb will it even do as well as the hd remasters of dead rising one is probably the soonest after getting a console like near launch that i was like this is a fucking classic yeah like it came out really really wasn't launched but it was really really 2005 though so but and i got it was this game is fucking awesome yeah and that game remains great and i still think it's the best one and that sucks so it'll be very telling though because i don't really see much uh in terms of like core user base excited for Dead Rising 4 in like a significant way so it's like is this is does this really appeal to the mainstream audiences that much this like
Starting point is 02:49:29 really like watered down there's a fashion game so many zombie games i could play like i could less and less as time goes on i could go well i could go and get zombie the you know zombie you yeah or i could i could go play state of the k i could take a deep dive into steam zombies good go play zombie yeah that's a really good game it's a really good game if you if you missed it because it was on the we you and and just never had a chance i don't know what the quality of the ports are i have no idea so check that out that's a really good game the finale is awesome yo it's the best and and it's far enough away the fuck we could talk about it you know why the finale is awesome Liam because you can fail because you can fucking fail and like i like as in like
Starting point is 02:50:10 game over and then it's yes yes so the the finale of that game is i just said is you go to fucking amp house to do some bullshit and you do the bullshit and it turns out to not work and it goes okay you have to get back to your base to get your shit and then you have to get to london tower to get on a chopper to escape and from that fucking moment which is like two hours if you die that game is over oh wow yeah and it is hard it is super hard okay you get like the trip back to the base is tough because you're running in a situation like i cannot avoid these zombies they are going the base gets attacked with the largest group i've seen in that game you have to scramble your way through all these old levels to get there and they get to london tower it goes the chopper's coming
Starting point is 02:50:54 down there are way too many zombies to deal way too many go and you go and go and go and you scramble and fight your way to the top and then you have to wait for the chopper to come down you have to fight two waves of zombies and it's the second time in the game you have to fight waves and super hard and i barely barely fucking it did it crushing yeah and did you do it as well i failed the first time and i had to i've replayed the game and it's awesome it's so easy to bite it yeah and you and like and you're just going to get a feeling knowing yeah you get like your character died that's the end it's fucking great brutal okay i wish more games would do that that is so like don't pull your punches and it would have been even more like it would it's just a
Starting point is 02:51:38 thrilling if you get to the end and lose just like ah damn right yeah that's that's a valid ending to that story that happens that happens in some games i can't remember the last time i've seen it but that definitely is a thing where it's like only at the last boss does like losing result in like credits rolling possibly yeah the the unique thing about zombie u is that like this i couldn't believe how long that went on like the game tells you you two hours you're done and you have to basically complete the entire game like either the trip between these areas through the entire you have to do nearly the entire game over again but you're like as fast as possible with super danger it's fucking amazing that games great yeah uh could use more melee animations
Starting point is 02:52:21 only crisis core would have killed zack faster in the last battle it would have totally had that too yeah you could survive way too well in that battle oh because it was a dramatic moment well there's that yeah that being said the month there's no state you're gonna fucking the enemies needed to get stronger because like you could fight for an hour i feel like i fought for like 20 or 30 minutes before going i think i'm supposed to lose this fight because i was using items and stuff and it was like i could have gone on and on no uh they needed them to the rat ratcheting up the waves indicates to you that you're supposed to die here whereas fighting off normal soldiers is just getting off that ending was still good though i think so good yeah but but how long until like
Starting point is 02:53:02 you like you had the patience for it yeah you know someone that doesn't is gonna go there along at just as long if not longer and be like this is so annoying crisis course it could ruin things like that fucking god of war cutscene oh yeah like i keep hitting circle and i just can't crisis course ending does something really really rare that i can't think of a single other game that does it i'm sure there is but it's like your character's failure is also represented by the complete annihilation of the ui as well yeah like the the fucking roulette wheel like gets smashed a bit during you're just gonna shoot a shit on street fighter the movie like that you're just gonna shit on real battle on film like that really really for real bra that's what that's what
Starting point is 02:53:42 has come down to yeah that's a venomous it's petty venomous petty stuff the fuck is it nefarious though hud gets blown up when you beat someone with a super last shot fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you you gotta go play that now after this yeah well you'll enjoy it last one go play that now last one he's not an oppressor of thuggery like you yeah last one coming in from i love thuggery go get your crow where's crisis core pull it out of your pocket what you have crisis core no no not legally no i mean i'll place you fighter if you play crisis core and i'll beat it into where's my copy where's my copy of crisis core it's in a box on my psb go quote unquote that i that i yeah i played that entire game on the television now i remember i threw the through the video out
Starting point is 02:54:32 the man was like fuck you you don't get to play crisis core in your tv and i was like no fuck you fuck you you literally put an out video i can but it won't go on the psb go and kind of like never but it won't go on the psb go psb go how will i ever bypass this that and birth by sleep are huge losses yeah how could i ever oh i did it in like two seconds video out is the best yes it is best dude dude the switch is gonna be so great video out machine that's what it is and it'll be hdcp locked and you won't be able to turn it off watch fucking watch what was the faceplate on your psb Darth Vader yeah there's the back those are the white one yeah i had uh i had my psb like smashed together and repaired multiple times so i had a i had black white and gray elements
Starting point is 02:55:18 like a different different place paste plates and battery covers look like a panda i really liked it oh every time i think of i just had the default but every time i think of a faceplate i think of the fucking all i want for christmas is a psp yeah i was just thinking about that he's holding the faceplate in his hand and the psp psp psp that is paul marketing's origin one of the biggest fucking failure that is the birth of paul marketing right there oh it's awesome god damn so bad so bad uh okay and then the last one was just um gyre says hey babe ruth and friends gyre here uh woolly mentioned on the week i don't i don't i'm not i'm not even i'm just going right by it i'm not trying to figure it out um woolly mentioned on the week cast that he and his friend knew Naruto
Starting point is 02:56:01 would be a hit shonen anime before it came to america have you ever correctly predicted the success of a game before it launched i mean my example is even in here so if you guys i'm sure i have but i can't think of any that like wild like like like something where it's like this may like it i don't know something besides like an obvious one i guess yeah man i don't know i can't say i correctly predicted it but i remember looking at uh uh supersonic acrobatic rocket power battle cars and thinking to myself man if only more people played this game when i played it on ps3 and i remember when yokai watch was first announced i was like that looks really cool and i think kids will love it but i wouldn't i wouldn't have ever thought it would have been
Starting point is 02:56:42 as big as it was i'm really really quite bad now i think of it of predicting successes i have a much better track record for predicting failures it gets watered down by all the predictions that don't come through though yeah well hey man clock's right twice a day a broken clock yeah clock is hopefully right more than twice a day yeah i like to guess it's a fun thing to do yeah sure it's a fun thing to do even when you keep doing it yes to the point yes okay well it's fine when he doesn't brag about his successes no that's the best part it's the best part but you never brag about your failures
Starting point is 02:57:23 why how do you brag about your failures like man dice really turned around battlefield four and battlefield one was their biggest launch ever oh what well wasn't the biggest one wasn't one the biggest launch or two i don't know if you if if there's equal amounts of enthusiasm on both sides i i know i remember i very much remember being happy about being wrong about cynical predictions yeah because you want them to succeed really yeah i'm like i don't think this is going to be very good and i'm scared but i want it then it becomes very good and i'm like yay i'm happy i was wrong yeah uh big happy big big happy's all right so what's coming up what's coming out okay well we said that titanfall 2 was coming out last week that was a lie uh it is
Starting point is 02:58:04 coming out this week the playthrough that is yeah the playthrough yeah so who played through it was it you back i'm playing it i'm playing yeah well he just talked about beating story mode yeah it was gonna say now that was the deal when we made it i'm like okay we'll play it and i'm like yeah and like will you go home and beat the game he's like yeah that means i get to play it he was like oh yeah and then he went home and play yeah that's fine no it passed the moment passed you know one blind one unblind well semi blind semi semi blind i played like two levels yeah but um silohill continues megaman i assume continues megaman continues obokron unfortunately continues sonic unleashed did you see the did you see the outro for yesterday's i did that cracked me up man
Starting point is 02:58:48 have you seen it man i like i like where matt's going no okay so the new obokron intro like cuts out uh and without i mean let's just say uh you don't like it's it's live it's live okay yeah yeah you're right the the the new obokron intro is the same anime intro that we usually use but then within about two seconds it goes we play obokron now in in white text on a black screen and then at the end there's not it's just it just cuts to an immediate black screen this is obokron end for today that's funny a narrative is being built okay so the borders disappeared last week yeah and now the intros are disappearing um the uh the battle network podcast continues yeah dude you don't even know how good megaman battle networks character designs are yeah i do i don't like them at all
Starting point is 02:59:40 they are like note for note better almost universally than other mega man designs i'm so um woolly he's doing that thing again hey woolly knows it's right it's fine the the i'm glad because i'm like i'm like i need to trigger something big mega man in liam battle that battle like i'm like this here we go like gush on this for a minute or three and we'll we'll get in there um the the audio issue turned out to have some enjoyable for some fixes for some but uh that'll that'll be continuing unfortunately the audio will be returning to normal yeah yeah unfortunately honestly i want to give you big big public kudos um you i i both heard about that audio issue while you were explaining to matt in the other room
Starting point is 03:00:33 how you fixed it fucking good job that's an amazing fix to that stuff thank you like work was done and it's fantastic um yeah that's fun it's fun and uh in some cases better i'm i'm yeah i i uh want to keep playing that so that's going to continue and then i guess once the next thing cycles titanfall will start yeah that should be this week right i don't know i don't know but titanfall's next anyway what the fuck are we putting up on our channel right now long lp's silent hill silent hill oh micron sonic sonic sonic and mega man okay so titanfall too might actually wait a little bit yeah because those games we're no we want to kick the fucking on micron we gotta try that manual slider oh yeah yeah that's neat i saw that oh is it isn't neat
Starting point is 03:01:24 i mean it's neat that you can do it yeah since clearly you didn't really need to reading those quotes about uh about david cage's intentional i literally talked about that in like episode four the of the lp intentional what now intentional ghost cucking yeah oh cool he's like i'm really i think it's a good thing to make the player to use the literal use of the term right um it's like fucking jeez man i just it's so much worse than you think anyway um killer well the demons get her whatever man that distinction starting losing all meaning but you are not the demons david cage is the demon i ain't gonna fight that that's a podcast folks we'll catch you later thanks for tuning in okay bye everybody
Starting point is 03:02:26 you set up you're fine sorry yes you jet setting speedy speed boy really it's like an hour flight just take it how was squash vival series squash vival series i'm not gonna go a bunch into squash vival series or nxt uh toronto take over nx nxt tt well nxt tt t yeah t o stands for takeover this weekend think about that that's that's what sasha banks tweeted out oh that's a smart one sure wish he didn't get squashed as well um but yeah no um a bunch of stuff and we're recording this in the past yeah to put in the future to save the future that's correct because you're going back going back to toronto so i'd gotten takahata like good seeds for survivor series i ordered them back in the summer around
Starting point is 03:03:21 com bravo um and then after that my cousin decided i'm gonna have a wedding in november also in toronto a week after survivor series to be fair it could have been on the weekend of survivor series like you cousin he did you a solid uh yeah by delaying his wife um but yeah i won't go like you know server series is kind of old by about the time you guys hear this so uh it was fun it's fun you know um i still have that thing of rustle mania though where i went to rustle mania live and every single person i wanted to win did not so there's a bit of that here where i was like oh you wanted brock to win no i didn't care oh okay i actually i cared a lot i was like y'all two big idiots fight each other cool i didn't care that much but i did want nakamura to win
Starting point is 03:04:13 did not i did want you know new day to do well they did not i did want sasha thanks to do well she did not um i'm gonna start from all that i want to talk about the other stuff who beat nakamura samoy joey samoy joey beat him oh he cheated but oh the brass horns and the base was too much damn okay but nakamura had 17 violinists did you see oh did he he had four in the ring that were dueling oh and he was on the ground and they were all violining around him and outside the ring there were lumberjack violinists in the lumberjack sense that they're all around the ring and after that though you know what's you know what's up with that you wanted my heart when you go that far what do you do after to top that you can't you you don't and bobby rude glorious yeah choir singing
Starting point is 03:05:08 that okay what do you do after that then you have to get the taiko drummers that sting you you just fucking when you retire at that point you retire i can't beat that entrance you retire after that you or you oh god i was gonna say you tie yourself up from the rafters and fly into the ring oh man woolly that's not you uh i'm just trying to escalate yeah um so aside from like actual wrestling stuff the thing i did want to talk about is that uh by the time this might come up we did some uh record some videos one uh zavier woods slash austin creed austin creed uh he's on the podcast a few um better austin yes people have been saying second better woolly but no i don't subscribe to that that's there's only one better woolly better austin it's better austin
Starting point is 03:06:03 yeah because he likes anime and likes games and shit and white foods so yeah he's better austin that's cool um so record some stuff with him and i will regale all you fine listeners of the story that i can talk about because there's stories i can't uh three i can't talk to you about unfortunately but is that me and uh one takahara 101 and ant fish of team four star fame all were invited to austin's um uh hotel room to do to play some games on up up down down when we walked in austin's just kind of holding his tummy tums and he's just like hey we're like hey what's up and previously i'd seen him tweet a photo from his hotel room with some big dude and i was like okay maybe he's i guess he's just people it's a revolving door coming in coming out getting that getting business
Starting point is 03:06:54 done at the same time that up up down down business on business yeah and he goes yeah there's a sky just here and he does like a candy challenge he reviews hot candies and i was like hot okay and he's like yeah so he had this candy called satan's toe that you gotta suck on and the challenge is uh huh is you gotta keep sucking that thing no matter what for five minutes and austin creed Xavier Woods who ate four hot peppers on how pepper gaming back to back back to back like a fucking madman said i couldn't do it god damn and we're staring at him like that's some bullshit you're just trying to make yourself seem cool he's like i couldn't do it three minutes i have to spit it out and i don't feel great you know what you know this candy well you know but when i think
Starting point is 03:07:46 about the idea of eating a four back to back peppers that's like shut habaneros right yeah yeah no that's hot but that is four fucking buster wolves bow bow bow bow right what's the scoville scale the what what do you know that goes the highest what's the number that you hear oh well the how well i mean the highest is when you go you go up to carolina reaper and you go into the crazy like you know the number of the yeah they're like the upwards three to four million so it's he said this was nine million yeah okay so that's one candy that's some science breaking shit that's a lab yeah yeah yeah you and and the problem is like the idea of like sucking on it prolongs your torture a lot of things is rough it is but for this it's not for buster wolves
Starting point is 03:08:32 it's a raging storm that you sit in so imagine and you build a house builds up the energy of four buster wolves in his hand and then simply sticks his hand out and asks you to suck upon his fist no no no again you set your bed you make your bed on top of a raging storm and geese just holds down the energy i could do it as the cancer melts you away so he's like yeah i'm not feeling too i can record i can record we're good we're not tapping out on you so we're like cool cool cool so we recorded a bit of berserk musso on the ps4 um and then after that after that was kind of done that'll be on his channel uh he goes you know what before we record uh bathroom bathroom bathroom let's do the bathroom waiting there with takahata and anfish 10 10 minutes 12 minutes
Starting point is 03:09:26 you got a text from xavier who's in the bathroom currently and the text from xavier woods slash austin gree says my asshole is so angry and i silently show it to takahata and anfish and they were all just going silently and we waited another five minutes and it felt real bad it happens to the best of us it really does and there's nothing you can do but when you see a man at his weakest in that state a true bond is built formed a true bond is built built absolutely especially when he came back and he's like i cleaned up really good i'm really clean don't ever like cool cool this is yeah he's alright so we play next when you see sorry when you see someone leak fluids from an orifice it doesn't matter which one i do not see that no but when
Starting point is 03:10:17 you're near when you're in proximity to a man leaking fluids from an orifice you again leakage you you you come you come through stronger i felt a bit stronger yeah towards him so so i decided like hey we can play this game on steam and that should should be showing up either like since we're doing this in the past in the future i don't want to be showing up but we played a game called um uh genital jousting i heard of this genital jousting by the makers of bro force indeed it was and it's about um dicks and butts about dicks and butts but more like ball butts it's about it's it's large penises uh just kind of floating into phallic itself phallic ships now and they have they have they have some type of oh like you're like you're just in an orifice
Starting point is 03:11:08 and you do a bunch of various mini games and you have fun so when i saw the trailer for this i was wondering if this was a little bit too um on the dick for us so unfortunately willy if you thought that you haven't been here long enough okay well you need at least a couple more years to understand but once you get past the ah that's funny penises that's hilarious it's actually just fun well designed it's ready for evo actually at the end of the day yeah there's there's tech okay all right but but but austin creed when we started playing the first thing he sees is a penis violently entering a butthole violently he was like this this is uh it's for us it's for our channel yes it's not he's like that this is for your channel please feel free to take it so uh you
Starting point is 03:12:01 know you would like bro force you wouldn't think that uh or you know what this this is like that seph rogan type of thing where like hey you know what would be funny well because it's like you're building bro force and then it's just like secretly in their hearts the dream was to that they were holding on to yeah penis dick and butt yeah so uh we played that in austin's room for for a good uh solid erect 26 seconds 26 minutes rather no that's me so that was really really good um big ups to him uh thanks for letting us do that um the other thing i did that too will create bonds there there was a bond where it was a human centipede style bond of all our player characters since there was four of us in the room uh the other video game thing i
Starting point is 03:12:53 did uh there's jojo terms for that we don't even know why there's their jojo terms for that it's a man train man dio we're coming for you where you get the lineup of the starters crusaders butts to nuts okay he didn't know jojo he's like yeah no i know jojo right he looked around nervously and i was like oh i think no berserk either brennan's got some work to do i no brennan no zavier has more work to do no i mean brennan's got to work on conversion because they've already linked up and and recently uh austin tweeted out or rather made a message saying that like he's doing some up up down down work with with the nxt guys and he made up with brennan and he named him by name so the shogun has some work to do he does conversions the other video game
Starting point is 03:13:40 related thing to do with the weekend though is that i had a small stream very very quick because i had takahata uh available to me as a resource so the the beastly internet that we had we did not take a hotel we took a furnished apartment that rents out air bnb basically but not really it's like it was more like you're you maybe shouldn't be doing this people that live in this building might look at you okay like oh you're one of those okay right but i had a beast asked internet and i was like okay you know we can do a stream here so i asked i got i want to come on and we played a game called uh sonicomi which is sonico super sonico game yeah is about managing her i her literally i'm not i'm not putting this in there literally her graver career okay so your your
Starting point is 03:14:32 peace on yes okay uh so we played that it's about the most funny thing i've ever been a part of where you know on steam a visual novel is released three of them per second and they're all terrible or most of them are terrible uh sonicomi is actually written so fucking funny and hilarious and off the wall and has actual gameplay aside from just in the visual novel thing of click click click click read read read read you actually have a thing that trumps pokemon snap in in how you're supposed to be taking pictures because you're a photographer of course and and you were assigned by a a as takahata voiced him a scott steiner style manager who is telling you that you need to put sonico in her best light and she is voiced in this game in english by jessica nigiri if you put it on
Starting point is 03:15:29 japanese voiced by i'm sure what is the very very talented japanese voice actress but jessica nigiri does actually a very very good job of kind of approximating the japanese cuteness of of like oh hello thank you very much right right um i expect nothing less than a metal gear solid four shoot make a solid four shoot uh photo shoot photo shoot photo shoot mode yeah and where you have to line up your shots you have to talk to sonico while she's doing it's like in furniture sit down sit down lay down okay yeah good job as you're doing to keep her enthusiasm right and then you build up your super i'm not kidding so we played this and it's just the most mad cap la la la la maximum yes okay up a meter and then you like talk to sonico and you're able to
Starting point is 03:16:26 should grab your shin grab her that's very good uh it was hilarious i don't really do much with my streams it's just for fun but i'm thinking of making a slight a small highlight reel of this just because takahata yeah as woolly always puts it my favorite line in our rustle mania paper view thing is you just going yes takahata 101 the crazy voices thank you uh he did a really really good job voicing a bunch of the characters in there just just i could not stop laughing so that might be coming up uh aside from that uh i wish we could do voices we can do voices but not in a professional manner we only do them recreationally you know yeah we have voices you have good voices too well what was what did what did you do that was oh you're um uh jesse ventura no i thought you were
Starting point is 03:17:18 gonna say my blank uh no anyone can do blank uh all right um on the on the plane right over i listened to some a lot of people asking like what did you think of it um metallica's new album hardwired assault yeah we're doing this now okay all right uh i just really really quickly pretty damn good really better than death magnetic way better than st anger very very classic it sounded like you guys tapped the fuck out honestly oh oh for sure but you always give them a chance and just very very classic sounding the standouts to me are atlas rise and um a song called spit out the bone which is a great title um and everyone is telling me like oh listen to spit out the bone spit out the bone is a standout track very good what what is the subject matter that they
Starting point is 03:18:13 cover these days okay so when i say classic i mean there is a song on one of the older albums called katulu has katulu in the title and katulu is spelled with a k right so i i don't know for what reason because i don't think the the arkham asylum or whatever institute that owns the the whatever yeah back to you but there's literally a song where it talks about the lovecraft museum there's literally something this new album that talks about katulu and how he dreams okay so that's what you can expect you can expect uh stuff about like i said atlas rise is about someone with a lot of shit on their shoulders because atlas holding up the world and shit alice the fuck baller cranky yeah anime atlas doing anything that's a rough job do you remember
Starting point is 03:19:02 did you see atlas in the god of war games uh it was it was if he wasn't in part one i didn't see him alice is in part two and he's a four armed guy much like the goros and he's holding up the earth and and uh uh kratos is fighting around him and atlas goes this is rough he speaks to kratos like kratos is like yeah that sucks you're doing that job see you later oh anything atlas like alice is cool in theory but oh he's cool in practice but he can't do anything cool because he's holding up the earth they're doing the coolest thing motherfucker but then there's nothing else he can do but that's cool he'd be such a voting yourself he'd be one cause yeah it's a curse yeah he'd be a badass if he got to put it down for once what would you like him to do what open up a flower
Starting point is 03:19:54 shop what do some fucking cool punches and shit he's all rips he's got to worry does have four arms so aside from that uh before all that uh toronto stuff i played mecha zoo which if anyone's listening out there if you like sonic the hedgehog or donkey kong country this is kind of the game for you where it kind of marries both those gameplay styles where you can kind of roll up in a ball and go really fast but you also do a lot of barrel blasting a good amount of platform and tron tron animals tron animals they it doesn't do a great job showing in the trailers like what this game kind of is but basically take those two styles that i said and then just remove sonic or donkey kong and replace them with animal buddies from donkey kong and so we pimp this uh not too long ago when it
Starting point is 03:20:40 was first announced in such but now it's actually out now it's out on everything like ps4 xbox one steam and uh you can play that you're like you're having fun but then when you unlock multiple animals and the game requires you to switch on the fly to each one that can do vastly different things like an armadillo uh controls like sonic and just spins around in a ball and a frog who cannot jump but can only swing on his tongue yeah so there's a lot of that the only thing i can say about the game though is that the your animal buddies when you switch to them they look very very similar when the screen zooms out which it does a lot okay now there is a little icon on the top left that's that shows like the silhouette of a frog or the silhouette of armadillo
Starting point is 03:21:26 still not easy to see what i would like to have seen you know maybe in a patch or something is that these animals be color coded oh they're not they're not color coded uh they're like a grayish blue skin with like tron green yeah both of them i assume they changed for each animal the silhouette always changes and you're it just that's the only thing where i'm like i sometimes forget which one i am because i'm looking at the actual gameplay not at the the HUD that much but the requirements you're implying get to the point where you're doing fucking beasterizer dante style switching mid jump not even front and that's exactly what you do fuck animals in mid jump it's fucking cool i only have two animals and you need to do more and it's
Starting point is 03:22:10 very level based it's like hub world and why can't the animorphs kids do that shit fuck you um so it's quite good um like i said i played general jasmine i also played with liam and pat but it's a good indicator go you know what fine uh we played a good our general jousting a more appropriate game than watch dogs two i was gonna say we played watch dogs uh dude watch dogs two is assassins creed two yeah assassins creed we had this talk actually yeah and because they played it yeah and so this week uh last week on the podcast we were discussing exactly that and the way that pat and liam were describing everything about marcus and how he's so much more likable than idon and how like everything is just like it just feels good like like as a he's an affable character that is xio exact same
Starting point is 03:23:03 thing as xio to uh i'll tell you your seriousness pierce is the most i'll tell you yeah more i'll tell you than i'll tell you exactly uh did anyone tell you about about bobo bobo dakes no bobo dakes is a mission where it's a rapper who has an album that's being held hostage by a multiple yes yes okay the fucking screlly screlly uh yeah yeah we're doing it we're doing it and they construct a soundboard of bobo dakes to fool this sky yeah and it's exactly all soundboard radio show pranks and it's fucking hilarious right yes yes they did talk about that it was a mission where after we completed it i went that was so enjoyable that makes up for watchdogs one and you know really does so something we were also discussing was that about watchdogs one is that he's such an unlikeable
Starting point is 03:23:56 asshole aid in pierce um and i wanted to know i'm like okay but even though he's the good guy and he's got to do the good guy thing yeah does he get it in the end and the we were like we don't know we're not too sure and and liam looked it up and he was like ah it doesn't really we're it's a little bit vague some people got back to us and it seems like the fact that he's an asshole like it comes back to fucking get him i think so yeah and that to me makes that better because it's like yeah you're a piece of shit you're like the modern kratos kind of thing kind of but the the world is not just gonna be like it doesn't just go like and you and you win yay good for you it like it's a fucking bitter sweet series of victories to save to save the day aside from that aid in pierce
Starting point is 03:24:41 was mostly by himself and he had a couple of mission givers but dead sec in this game like it's a group and you're part of a group and you bond over watching movie trailers right just dropped right right and there was like a cutscene or two where it's like this i like this it's it's a better version of that stupid group in assassin's creed sure big british guy and whatever yeah it's a more full-fledged version of that and just hate those crew exactly it's just it's just it's exactly what they had a great idea they did it but they didn't have anything around the idea other than like watch it off the other big topic was the fact that because they're such likeable guys that you like you're like yeah it's a cool like fucking like you know whatever again affable crew yeah um
Starting point is 03:25:32 the moment you get into uh like open world violence murder and running over people it feels really weird because it's like that's not something these characters would do no because in cutscenes they're like yeah like non-violence but when you're in the game you can do the violence you're cutting the fuck out of people and then you can run over anybody and then when you go into the cutscenes they're like yeah we're the best we don't we don't hurt the every man or so non-lethal is like the the way you feel like you want to go through the game would you rather would you rather the game restrict you not being able to kill don't restrict me but but like and probably encourage non-lethal you know no it does but like if you're if you're trying to careen out of the the way of a parked
Starting point is 03:26:14 car and you hit someone like and then you hit a few more people and then let's say Liam was playing and he shot like a cop with a gun like a 3d printed gun but a gun nonetheless it's like should the cutscene then reflect like uh Marcus going yeah no the shots some dudes though yeah i i mean i don't know about changing a cutscene or so but and this is not the the um the shining star of an example that i i hope it is but uh in thief right when you're playing as Garrett the master thief you don't really think about like i'm going to be slitting throats and murdering motherfucker is you're like no i'm in and out i'm a ghost if it's like what's yours is mine yeah and then that was kind of taken from something else technically monaco so you know but that's neither here nor there
Starting point is 03:27:00 actually it's there but uh the the uh but the deal is when you're playing the master thief gary you don't really feel like you want to kill people and i feel like with marcus it's probably going to be the same deal because you're hitting people with the clackers but it's the black man clackervarys mon lethal way to take down yeah and you're doing rc car shenanigans but then you can 3d print a fucking real gun yeah it's i don't know you don't have to do you don't have to use it really but it's just there if in case the self sequences go awry which they do yeah and like or unlike not only Liam but like some guy on gaff made a thread about like the ludonarrative dissonance to use that term where you you hit someone on the street with your car and you feel super bad because you're
Starting point is 03:27:43 like oh no marcus wouldn't run over a pedestrian yeah that's that's that's the true thing about it too and anything i saw the game was like this this is so much better than washdogs one so uh that's cool and the last kind of thing i'd say i'd want to talk about is that while i was in toronto it went to indigo picked up a bunch of comics i don't really want to talk about the comics though what i do want to talk about is the disaster artist a novel and that is written by one gregg cistero who played mark in the room and this is the novelization about how the room came to be and it's probably one of if not the funniest books i've ever read it's it's it's one awards there's the audible version of this book if you want the audio that's written that's a
Starting point is 03:28:32 voiced by gregg cistero so does a spot on this is very important spot on impersonation of tommy was out of tommy was so like nails it okay now your mileage on this will vary if you've watched the room this is the funniest thing if you haven't watched room it's still funny but it's like you might need to watch room to to really get have you i have not you have not you need to watch it then you like i can't recommend this enough okay it's so funny but how much do you need to watch the tommy weasel show on machinima you need to watch zero percent because when that got announced that and you guys were going nuts on that and i was like i i'm i'm not in on the joke that is the room because i haven't seen it yeah but you need to watch that and you need to because it'll say
Starting point is 03:29:22 like if you watch the scene you'll know that the seven seconds of this movie took three hours and 32 takes so what if that was the best take what if we got a look into a guy that was on the set of a david cage game yeah or appearing into the minds or something like that so the disaster artist is just it's just a a word for word retelling of the genesis of the the room and how it came to be and uh uh the other thing i i i've been kind of like mulling over is that james franco and saith rogan and all that crew optioned this book filmed the movie oh wow at the end of 2015 and have every one in it as a role like based on the making of the room so it has brian cranstin it has like christopher mince plent's you know um uh mcgloven yeah okay it has all of
Starting point is 03:30:26 them like in there is this happening it got filmed it's coming out apparently in 2017 but it got filmed at the end of last year i don't know what the holdup is but uh uh james franco plays tommy wasso and his brother dav franco plays mark or greg sistera okay i just want to see this so bad i'm so into this multi okay i think i have to find out what we are they're gonna do a let's watch of it or you watch it on your own dude like i watched the room once uh i kind of vaguely remember it then i watched the osw review of it i was like okay let me watch it again and i had lianna watch it together with me and it was like the most rollicking good time we've had in a while and there's a certain charm to it like there's just it's the orson wells of bad movies it's the whatever
Starting point is 03:31:17 like samurai cop is there as well but this is like yes okay there's heart okay someone thought this is forget about a real fix it in posts yeah exactly okay all right so the book is just hilarious i highly recommend it it was very very good but uh okay that was me for that that particular week okay well um you are you are gone again so uh you know i appreciate the stop in and the tuna and i guess we'll see you next week if you're not fucking jet setting again maybe you're jet setting again aren't you i'm jet setting again

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