Castle Super Beast - SBFC 177: The 4th Trimester & The Holy Afterbirth

Episode Date: December 27, 2016

This is pretty gross, but there's a Westworld spoilercast at the end. You can watch us record the podcast live on  ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm doing y'all why does this feel like it's the first thing in the fucking morning because it no it's not it's not it's not it's the first event of our morning yeah but it is not the first thing I got my coffee I don't know maybe it's the weather maybe it's like the the dark nights the well okay nights are dark yeah but I mean Eli are you there I don't know am I unmuted this time yeah you are hopefully okay you're here this is the perfect time to do a sink test too you're right I'm here once again you know what oh you're totally right oh we're super live nothing like a good old forgotten sink test to start off the podcast oh god I did that the other day with hitman too are you you are recording right yeah I'm recording okay well then here we go guys
Starting point is 00:01:05 live in front of everybody hey count is down okay from uh three all right three two one sink that's how we do we did it now the podcast will be perfect for the audio listeners yes which are the vast vast majority of you perfection thank you wonderful audio listener oh wow this is actually not this is not another podcast that I'm on I actually just never left from the person this is just the you were the call was just open the whole this is the remaining footage from yeah last time around that's right this past week very awkward whoo so I said I was gonna open with it so fuck it I'm gonna open with it so by all means open with what you want to open so I was thinking the other the other day right yeah I was thinking right you ever be this is
Starting point is 00:01:52 this is a call out to everybody you can answer me in whichever media you choose uh you can be right into the podcast even we'll talk about the emails later but uh you ever be like in a bathroom right and it's not your bathroom it is vital in this situation that it is not your bathroom this is the key this is the key if this if it okay and you're just you're about to do your business and you look around and you realize uh you're alone in the room the door is usually locked no one can get in because you you're in your private moment and you just think like I could just piss and shit everywhere everywhere I could just smear it on the walls I could just piss in people's on toothbrushes and shit yeah and I would suffer consequences to be sure right
Starting point is 00:02:44 but really and truly no one can actually the the the crux of it the crux of it is that no one can stop you right uh I would liken that to being like at a concert or an inauguration and just looking and being like I could be the guy the guy on camera that just ran up there and went for it and just grab the the the the mic out of the reporter's hand just fuck her right in the pussy like I could just I could just go right or like tackle the important person and like the world would be looking at me like I could be that guy I could do it the power is right there I I could but the difference this time is that the power comes from shit and piss yeah that's right so you know if once you removed it from the bathroom scenario I'm like yeah I think that all of the
Starting point is 00:03:26 yeah see see see and here's the thing and and then I'll blow myself up on this I'll blow myself up with a story that happened yeah so uh at home we have our our cat Elmo and Elmo is very stupid and he has special needs and his love is the toilet he loves the toilet he loves the toilet so much the human toilet yes he wants to play in the toilet he wants to live in the toilet all right he nuzzles the toilet like it's a person so this leads to the scenario of like having like the lid sorry the seat down like for your lady friend that's not even enough anymore that lid it has got to be down all the time okay or else you're gonna go in there and find a fucking cat staring out of you in the toilet right and this led to a situation when you know that time you go to
Starting point is 00:04:13 breakfast right you go to breakfast you walk uh you walk a couple blocks like I'm gonna have some breakfast lunch whatever the fuck doesn't matter yep gonna go eat eat that thing you like whatever it happens to be you two blocks from your house and you're like uh oh it's time right now it's time right it's it's time right now and your body knows how close you are and that's why it doesn't give a fuck so what do you do you run home well you kind of you waddle you waddle home and uh you run into your bathroom and you're like I I have you hit the door and you're like 10 feet from your bathroom and you're like I have five feet worth of time yeah I have four seconds to make this decision absolutely so you rush into the bathroom your pant you just throw your pants
Starting point is 00:04:57 and you sit down and that wave of relief hits you and you're like oh my god I'm sitting on top of the toilet lid yeah oh boy I thought you're going to say that you're sitting on top of elbow yeah he loves it and everybody luckily the fear of the situation causes every muscle in your body to tense up like giving you the extra three seconds requires to stand up and pop the lid now that that is rough but it is not as rough as potentially shitting on your cat yeah so well there I have another story that is a place that you are trapped come on it you're like like that is the cat equivalent of being down at the bottom of the well while buffalo bill is up top yeah spraying you with the hose but it's not the hose this let me ask you Willie let me ask you Eli have you ever had the situation
Starting point is 00:05:57 in which the timing is so precise that you are genuinely genuinely worried that you are going to shit your pants on the toilet I've had moments of like I'm in the bathroom unbuckling the belt and the stomach is going and I actually like I do because I've done this more than once I stop and I look at my stomach and I go fuck you I'm right here it's right here you're gonna wait just wait a second I've done that to myself before and like I have had the the experience of your body like your body gets excited that's one way to put it it knows it knows that the toilet is nearby and it's like yes yes yes and you're like no no bad no one second give me one fucking second and it's pushing this way out the screen door it's bursting through screen come on yes oh you
Starting point is 00:06:55 you guys don't have screen doors do that well I used to bag a mesh is that where we're going all right I don't put a mesh over my toilet Eli I don't I mean maybe you should maybe yeah yeah what catch the gold what is if you want to keep the cat from going away whatever you take your shit but you want to keep make sure the pleasant smells to what you want to whack that I've noticed people ask me Pat why do you have so many stories in which you are in constant deathly fear of shitting your pants right yeah and the answer is simple I am currently at zero incidences of shitting my pants or shitting the bed right however I that means that I live in constant fear of the first one we it's much like getting stung by a bee now before you set yourself up for
Starting point is 00:07:41 lies I'll remind you there was a podcast called a lifetime of close calls yes in reference to the infinite number of close calls yes I've come to the 99 percent percentile many many many times but never cross that threshold much like getting stung by bee I've never been stung by bee therefore I'm terrified of bees right right I'm sure other people can empathize with that situation a little bit more than the ever-present fear of shitting your pants honestly it's comparable to a syringe I've been stung by bees plenty of times yeah I imagine if there was a bee that whenever it stung you it made you shit your pants that'd be the most terrifying I've never pissed myself either come to think of it hmm but what I have done well I'm sure you have you just don't remember
Starting point is 00:08:26 being that yeah okay well let's let's say post five for for person you told your mother as she changed you you can't stop it though yeah uh but what I have done I once oh god did I ever tell this story because it's disgusting enjoy this fuckers I'm sure um I once when I was eight or nine years old I went to bed with a rumbly tummy and bubble guts I'm not quite but something off you know not not specific just like and I had the most horrible dream in my dream I vomited everywhere all over my bed all over myself just vomit just the worst kind of weird creepy sticky vomit ever and then had to lay in it for hours what a horrible dream and then I woke up and went to breakfast and my mom was like what the fuck happened to you and my hair had been all stuck up because that
Starting point is 00:09:21 was real that was not a dream I spent an entire night in my own vomit refuse oh god thinking I was having a nightmare when in fact the nightmare was all too real well it could have been worse it could have been worse how how yeah well his I could have been any other or like I would I would rather like roll around in vomit than touch a poo it definitely could have well hold on you wake up your hair is full of vomit your feet are covered in shit your waist is covered in piss yeah what else have we got let's throw it out of there random blood like on undecipherable liquid plus you had your first wet dream that night yeah so you just got the whole gambit the hard sweats are coming out of your pores well that's how it happens right Pete the kid your powers combined
Starting point is 00:10:08 you are living it's kids that happen to shit themselves the hat the same night that they have their first wet dream that's how that happens right yeah and you look comparable yeah of course to how you would look coming out from the fourth trimester to get to somehow to somehow create that that's that's kind of the image I get in my nobody knows what the fourth trimester is the fourth trimester is the power trimester that's right that's what happens when you you keep the baby in for an extra year to cook and that's how you get a superhuman that's how you get a superhuman you don't that doesn't happen to be super in any way at all they're just locked in there for an extra they they come out and they're like man I'm a super guy and you're like not really you're in four
Starting point is 00:10:57 months and but no I'm telling you dude that's the future no one's telling you that is a great story for a super villain you're a super guy who happens to make incredibly bad monetary decisions with your priceless artifacts because you're an idiot I mean there's that that fourth trimester that's a good idea because this like face-off except instead of another guy it's the placenta you know and then at that point like the umbilical cord is just a way of life like there's so much going on there you know all I can see right now is the fucking face-off poster and it's like a fucking weird baby and like a placenta which I'm not even really sure it looks like oh no it just looks like a bag of flesh yeah that's what that's what I thought it looks like
Starting point is 00:11:46 a flashback yeah if you've ever seen the the the people that go to eat it and stuff no or like this yeah fuck this podcast well hey you're acting as if when the baby Jesus was born in a manger there was no holy placenta there wasn't involved is that the I remember you're acting like there was no holy afterbirth is that the first uh acting like Mary didn't also shit herself giving birth like everyone is that is this is this the come on like the fuck the fuck the splinter of the first true cross uh-huh fuck that let's get ahold of the petrified Jesus after birth my favorite thing about everybody enjoyed their holidays by the way before the yeah fuck that before the era before the era of the internet and people just knowing that's the thing literally every man that has ever
Starting point is 00:12:36 lived was not told that beforehand and just wants to know what's wrong with you what's happening yeah every single time no one was warned they never warn you about the poop they never warn you I uh gross extra stuff I spent uh I spent the the holidays to stay with my dad and my mom and then the family and uh this came up and it was uh hey dad you weren't there when I was born he goes nope and I go well you know what happened and he's like well I wasn't there when your sister was born right and go okay so keep it up and then uh and then her mother said uh you know hey I missed it the miracle we're having another baby when my brother was gonna get born he's like okay I'll go and then uh when your mother had uh you I was like nope and that's the whole story that's the whole
Starting point is 00:13:25 fucking story he he'd like Dark Souls boss you know what you know my birth I'm gonna blow my day because occasionally my dad listens to this podcast and occasionally he follows like my social media account but occasionally that's a mistake this is a really good I'm gonna blow my dad up forever over a story that's been uh 30 years in the making so my mom is gonna have me the water breaks right so he drives into the hospital obvious he drives up to the emergency opens the passenger door gives her a pat on the shoulder and says you go in and have the baby I'm gonna go park the car did he even listen to the radio yeah there you go just uh you have added sport and she walks in and she's got like she's I'm having a baby and they go oh where's the father
Starting point is 00:14:15 and she has to say he's bringing the car around you know yeah there you go he really did not want to be in there yeah that is the worst part of having to explain it to everyone else why isn't he here well he's an idiot that's it this is this this is the same man that whenever we'd go out to dinner it would be like a legitimate discussion as to should the whole family just sit and eat dinner in the car or should we go should we actually go into the restaurant hmm you know just we should just all eat from one big bowl it's just be a lot easier to just sit in the car you know this discussion gives a pretty whole new meaning to holy water what my holy water just broke oh enjoy that I don't get it no okay actually I don't get it all right that's fine
Starting point is 00:15:05 is it because the it's holy because of the power trimester because it's coming from Mary and it's just gooping out there it is got it thank you yep got it yep and then you scoop it up you put it in the little thing and then you you scored it on everybody I was under the impression if there's any like the devout or active Catholics that can like clear this up for me or anybody that knows like I was under the impression the only thing you needed to make holy water was a priest yeah he just grabbed some regular yeah holy water and goes to go to da da da da da and bam it's holy yeah like like kosher meat for example is a whole thing yeah and then the guys got to come over it and pray over it but the process itself is different well yeah and coast kosher if I remember right
Starting point is 00:15:44 if you if you want a real kosher meal not only does the food have to be accurate to whatever tables table whatever of things you have to do but every single instrument involved in this cooking also has to be blessed by rabbi so it's a whole deal but the holy water is just water but you just go hey oh god well you think they're hit me some god hit this you're not getting this water you're not going to just you know dip out toilet water and be like and suddenly it's holy yeah like there's got to be something there and I'd like perhaps from a I don't know what a baptismal pool or some kind or yeah yeah just there you go now that was this part of what makes it holy you got to dip the baby in there yeah oh boy all right so I mean I guess we should start this podcast
Starting point is 00:16:29 okay podcast is starting now podcast is starting formally here's the start welcome plague of gripes Eli thank you for joining us welcome welcome yeah I guess till Matt gets back we're just gonna wing it figure it out see how we do unfortunately it's sad of me to say but we should probably discuss this for the podcast only listener slightly Liam has left the best friends I wish him the best if you want to know more about that he made a pretty exhaustive post about it that's up stickied on our subreddit at the current time yep that's the two best friends play subreddit it's also on his twitter so that one is that stickied or is that harder to find okay stickied it so uh similar to Matt who is taking a break as
Starting point is 00:17:19 well like you can read just basically straight from their words the full description and I think it's really exhaustive and well written and I think that's the best way to find out about all of this but beyond that not much to say other than good luck buddy hope you wish you well in all your future endeavors yeah and you know and again like there's pretty much everything you need to know there including uh Matt had a really good response as well uh for Liam and that also touched a bit on came off like really homoerotic well that's that's that's intentional that's the magic that's because it was okay yeah you know come on now why you gotta see that well that she sees it every night what do you what do you think that that's seen a mask goes when Liam's not wearing
Starting point is 00:18:07 fuck that fuck that because that's a mesh because that's a mesh you can do horrific things to a mesh all right all right but not miss stop him no one can stop him no one can no one can stop yeah no it's funny when we all had the big talk and Liam left and it was really sad but oh he came back in and then he just shit and pissed everywhere and we were standing there I mean he's like you just can't stop me yeah no nothing you don't want to get near this you know what like like in my head it's just like a Tasmanian devil spin you know for maximum coverage and you're doing that thing where you just kind of reach oh no no no no no no no no somehow you have a tree branch you're trying to stick it into the
Starting point is 00:19:06 whirlwind and it just breaks off that's it's the mistake and now there's splinters falling flying out you know arts and crafts bitch woolly do you remember a conversation that we had probably like half a year ago where I said something about being on the podcast and I said all right woolly the next time I am on I want to make sure that the title of that podcast is the most horrific heinous thing that has ever been written you're on you're getting there you've got opportunities buddy I feel like we're revving up the car and put like we're pushing a Hyundai out of this a snowbank at this point this is gonna be one of those I have to know I was gonna say like we opened on a lot of options with you know a holy afterbirth and yeah talk of placenta yeah
Starting point is 00:19:49 so I mean we've we're you know we're just spreading this you know this is gonna be one of those podcasts that when some editor from a magazine who likes our show goes hey we should nominate this for a podcast there there the editor above him looks at it and sees this podcast title right next to something which is a surrogly like Nazi-esque and super racist goes you know what oh PC mag the number of the one number one podcast this year with the best podcast hitler did nothing wrong yeah well I mean look that's the whole point is to kind of have it be a little tongue in cheek not to be the truth yeah so oh yeah cool happy holidays everybody hmm what excuse me you know you need to play the new intro for chewy fuckface in the morning for that kind of humor
Starting point is 00:20:38 sir yes there you go cute what's the soundboard for the fourth time marching music now that no one's here to stop us we can admit that we're full nazis what no okay no that's not happening the new intro full nazis um anyway as opposed to like three quarters of a not three quarters or three fifths of a not see it out there you go oh that's a potential one too they would have loved yay that's what I have to say that slap on the whiteface what uh what are you flipping through there that you've brought so so actually subtly I'm gonna to the podcast I'm gonna I'm gonna and then started turning through as we were I'm gonna cut I'm gonna cut you off already I'm gonna switch topics and then come back to this because uh I have one last thing to say about my holidays right
Starting point is 00:21:28 I also discovered when my girlfriend was telling my mom about the candy closet scenario now if you don't know about this I was recently photographed eating candy by myself in my pajamas in my closet because someone doesn't like me eating candy in the house and I and I couldn't stop and upon telling that story to my parents to for the further proto shame I was met with the realization that my mom goes oh yeah I used to do that but I wasn't that's how I had you yeah but it wasn't in the it wasn't in the it wasn't in the closet I used to hide my candy in the bathroom in the medicine cabinet and I was like wow wow I'm fucking trapped in a fucking wheel of fate over here yeah it turns and I can't escape now you know I can't get out dude help every single action I
Starting point is 00:22:19 take in my life has been predetermined by my parents okay how long before you find Elmo sitting in the closet just feasting on like turds or something oh the thing is is Elmo lives in that closet it's our it's our coat closet and uh Elmo like I have an old office chair in there that Elmo loved to sleep on so he's always like that because you raised him there I didn't raise him he's eight years old see and your memories were too young of your pregnant mother being in the closet eating candy yeah well that I'm printing it all into that explains everything man that's your entire fourth trimester was spent in the closet just smoking candy trying and eating candy just did you know that if you smoke while pregnant that it can stunt your child's growth long term but in the fourth
Starting point is 00:23:05 trimester it powers them up yeah it makes your child stronger comes out man belching your water full haze if you drink your water should have broke but instead it's just a bunch of skittles what what's going on here that's okay I believe that is already a Skittles ad that might as well be a commercial they're that because they they were really weird they're getting no they're getting there you know well is your favorite still the guy who everything he touches turns into Skittle yeah that that was oh yeah it's the bit where I think I don't know if I imagine this but it's a bit where he's trying to put on his shirt and the shirt just bursts in the skin life is terrible it's it's really have you ever held your newborn child in your arms I haven't
Starting point is 00:23:50 but it's a good thing that doesn't extend beyond your body it's the Midas problem oh yeah don't don't touch your penis don't touch your penis oh you touched your penis yeah it's like um what you're gonna call it multiple man there's that uh I've talked about it a little bit but there's a comic where basically dude can split himself into you know multiple multiples yeah yeah and what not and then there's a whole like run I believe and I'm gonna get this super wrong so I'm talking about multiplicity with Michael Keaton not multiplicity okay got it I'm talking about Marvel there's a guy literally name yeah and so um you know now neither of us will be versions it's but uh basically what I've been told and it may be wrong was that there was a a great run where he
Starting point is 00:24:33 all of his all of his copies like lived out their own lives for a while they actually can like last long enough to become he's like okay we're gonna take a couple months off guys and then they take on different personalities and whatnot and one of them gets married and has a kid and then the moment he holds the child it just merges back into him because it wasn't real and neither is he really and it's a whole fucked up thing where oh dude you went too far with your individual life oh that's yeah oh boy so is it like Naruto rules does he have memories of it later yeah I just think is I believe it's kind of not unlike a a kage bunch in no just because that guy could eventually become like the most proficient man in the world that every task if he were to split
Starting point is 00:25:20 for a year or two and then mastery and the learning all comes back in yeah that would be the longest prank like you have the the kid you'd never touch it and then it grows up to be president and then you just walk up hey how's it going buddy on the back then yes he's gone oh god yeah no one can stop me you all saw it and then you just start pissing and shitting everywhere shitting so about this big tour that I have please um shooting placentas everywhere woolly uh did you even get a glance at what this book is before I started reading it no but it looks like a monster manual from back here it is it is somewhat of a monster manual uh and an art book compared combined this is I'll hold it up to woolly and so everybody home because this is the encyclopedia Eorzea okay um and
Starting point is 00:26:10 this is the 14 lore book this is uh a companion piece they put out around fan fest I see uh this may be the driest read of any game content you're actually reading it this isn't encyclopedia this is yeah though it clearly isn't meant to actually be no it is because so I'm looking at a page I have this open this is a mon scheme right so this associates an entire page of lore and backstory to a fucking raid boss that prior to this was only known for having a cool hat with a feather oh no okay that's fun right it's because you're climbing the crystal tower and you fight this guy and his name's amon and he's got a cool hat and he's like a matador and you're like that's a cool fight and now three and a half years later I'm like oh my god this guy was involved in a fucking uprising
Starting point is 00:27:01 and political machination in the fucking third century what right and and shit um there's a bunch I've I've only got to kill him for his cool hats pretty much it's the most desired hat in the game so dope yeah I'm like 20 pages in and already all I can think of when I read this is this book is kind of an amazing piece of work why isn't this in the game why isn't this in the game yeah um the number the number one reason that this is baffling is that the the story of 14 currently is there is you know the the magitek empire that exists in nearly every like the niffelheims in 15 fucking okay they are all those guys in 15 are near identical to the guys in 14 they're just called garlians um and that's a big evil empire and they hate magic but they have the magitek stuff
Starting point is 00:27:50 and they use their cool ass judge armor and shit and they come into your house and they take your shit right yep at no point that I can remember in the game was it ever explained why they are invading the continent that you happen to live on they're a warlike race a warlike country rather they they they you know they have an army they're expansionist right and that's pretty much all that's given to you right yeah by reading through the the fucking like the chemistry section of this where it's like oh this is magic this is how magic where this is how plants work you discover that the country that they live in sucks it is uh has completely unpredictable weather uh catastrophes constantly like uh hurricanes and shit uh terrible farmland etc meanwhile the country that the game
Starting point is 00:28:40 takes place in is super abundant with flora and fauna highly magically like valuable and it's like a paradise in comparison and the war is because well our country sucks and your country rocks so gimme that but they have tons of industry and they have tons of industry so all of a sudden the past two years I've been playing this game against the primary villain make way more sense because I read one paragraph because I got one piece of information oh oh of course they want to expand they're they're they're they're constantly having tornadoes and hurricanes and floods why wouldn't you go to these lush farmlands yeah assuming they didn't make that shit up as they got to it um that's a really dumb thing to omit this feels really remarkably consistent as well
Starting point is 00:29:28 like there's an entire dungeon that is a sick castle that's upside down underground called the anti tower and what it came out and everyone's like that's a really cool dungeon what the fuck is this thing what the what the fuck is this thing why why is it upside down why is it all magic key and in here they're like oh that was actually uh like it's a footnote in the magic section yeah of as you get closer to the earth magic and the physical realms start to mesh a little bit and if you were to hit the cord they'd be simultaneous so they built this fucking thing underground going downwards so that they'd see it and that's why there's all like this is a fucking tomb you can see this is a tomb and it kind of reminds me of like
Starting point is 00:30:12 overwatch and how like there's so much detail there is there's a huge lore bible that no one's allowed to see except for I forgot the guy's name in charge of the that stuff and then there's like pretty much like there you know this whole like um this crazy amount of detail that is nowhere in the game and probably never will be it'll always be in supplementary material um but I was also talking about how like yeah in like Mirror's Edge Catalyst Catalyst it's in the game but you just it's just pages you have to read the worst ever things you have to unlock the worst ever is destiny there's uh uh which we call it uh mass effect one obviously with its codec codex what what does destiny do destiny says go to the website huh destiny's you unlock these play the playing
Starting point is 00:30:56 cards essentially in game but and and when you go to read them they go go to the destiny website to read the lore card and you're like get fucked yeah probably there is some sorry there is some there is something to be said about the value of not telling people like Dark Souls is a great example where there's just things here we're not going to tell you what they are but you can guess and you know that's one method of storytelling but whatever you have something on the the scale of like destiny or something like that that's more disindicative of a developer that does not care about their own story well the the thing about this thing is that instead of closing off stuff which you'd expect because now it's all hard copy and this is canon
Starting point is 00:31:37 right instead of closing off stuff it actually opens up a bunch of stuff because in here it details exactly how all the parallel universes are going to work if in case you want to go on an expansion what all the other continents are like in case you want to go on an expansion and etc and probably the weirdest one that is the the biggest drop of lore i've ever seen for anything hidden away in the pages of something is well you know a bit about Final Fantasy yeah there's a there's a boss in one of the raids that is generic ish where he has no story significance whatever he's just a monster right and it's cuckold yeah and he is a boss that is made up of tentacles and and he vomits and shits all over you literally because no one can stop him yeah
Starting point is 00:32:21 and you look at that and you go oh you know who that guy is that guy's the warrior of light from a parallel dimension and it details exactly how he fucked up his parallel dimension okay by being two beasts yeah okay and instead of beating all of his enemies he kind of absorbed them instead and then that leads to the entire downfall of that entire dimension and it's just some boss that pisses and shits all over you right like that became an eldritch that whole the hero shade yeah that whole fucking raid now is way way better than it used to be knowing that stuff because it was like oh demon demon demon bigger demon yeah and now it's this is the warrior of light this is this person this is it's it's weird this should be in the game uh there i wouldn't
Starting point is 00:33:12 say a plague that it's not that they don't care about their story as much as i'd say is they don't care about telling you their story because productions of that well it depends always have the person that's in development that's in lead yeah they have people they have story head writers and they have like a team you know they're handling that stuff well yeah but they just like a game what do they like that without having a story yeah it's just what do they do once they have this big you know encyclopedia of lore do they actually decide to share it with the player or not yeah the funniest thing about this is that they thought most people wouldn't care right this was originally printed in very limited quantities and it was originally sold
Starting point is 00:33:48 at the fan fest that they had in vegas right and there were a couple thousand copies of this book right and uh i think was koji i forget koji fox whatever gets up at the end of the keynote and goes okay by the way guys the lore book is on sale at the merch booth and people yell back at him it fucking sold out oh like the only way to get a hold of that was to sit in line all day and miss the entire keynote you went to that event to get to get to and and buy this stupid book so this is actually the second run hopefully they make more you play 14 i highly suggest you track down a copy of this one way or the other you guys would know way better than i more so woollies you know industry whatnot but whenever you're in development with a video game then uh there's always going to be
Starting point is 00:34:39 you know the guy that has to take care of the lore he's the one that creates the bible yeah everything has to buy buy because you need to have the infrastructure to be able to build things around in your game otherwise it's just a cluster five you don't want everybody just go design and everything and right yeah well at some times the bible is just a gdd that's been expanded upon and you know that's trouble but anyway but you have your it depends on the the culture internally of uh that development studio of whether or not the head guy cares about the idea of writing in a video game whether he's that guy or not because if he is that guy then odds are if you managed to get anything out it's going to be in the form of a booklet or whatever because we need to make we
Starting point is 00:35:21 can make money off this some way and apparently there are people that care or you're going to get the other extreme of your like davie cage or someone that thinks oh me me and they try to overload everything and it's just nonsense uh what what i've seen firsthand a couple times has been we hired a really good writer that is capable and known for their work and uh yeah somebody sent me on twitter the fucking multiple man thing that's the wife is screaming at him what did you do stop yeah that is so dark it's really really is he is he doing a daredevil i'm sorry i pretty much actually it's rough um yeah fuck i don't know what i'm doing but uh what i've seen is what i've seen is uh games where they've they've hired someone who's like a known writer that's skilled
Starting point is 00:36:14 incompetent and they put together something pretty awesome uh given the material and then over the course of the production things change directions change and because of gameplay decision changes the story has to take a huge hit yeah and what you get left with is like uh we've got to improvise because the main character is not even the same person anymore or you know what i mean like the this entire half of the game has been cut out this aspect of the gameplay has been cut out we need lower justification for it and then the story is just patchwork i remember what's happening to the gameplay production an old interview with a writer and i i'm not sure who it was because it's quite old i'm gonna personally attribute it to amy hennegg i think that's who
Starting point is 00:36:57 the interview was and she was talking about writing story and games and she's like writing story and games is a nightmare because as a writer you know what i want to do i want to write the story and then see it implemented but you know what happens you write they say okay here's the gameplay does it flow you go to the fire level you go to the ice level you go to the space level you go to the earth level whatever right yeah then there's the final boss and you go okay and you write the story for that and then over over time in the um in the uh process of play testing and such they go you know what the boss from the fire level would really fit better in the earth one and um we should switch the fire level to the end of the game but i've created
Starting point is 00:37:41 a reason for that god to be like but but that guy had is the guy and he was the story and and he has led him to and you have to bullshit your way around it exactly and and that's why in particular shooter campaigns often have terrible stories and i know that like uh you know there's some writers are like writers like rana pratchett yeah has just been been through that on tons of projects and it's shitty because it's like if you're a pretty competent writer but you're you're you're the production is flawed and or things have to change yeah you just no one can pull a good story out of their ass and at the last and there's a couple reasons to why that because you go well why they should just not do that it's like well it's not that simple if you're gonna if you're gonna if you want your
Starting point is 00:38:26 shit to be locked that means you need to have your gd d and your flow of your game locked fucking early really early you can see a microcosm of this effect in uh fallout four versus uh something like fallout two let's say because in the older games in which there was little to no voice acting right script changes and even relatively massive story changes were happening up until like the month before going gold mm-hmm and that is very common in writing right but as soon as you add voice acting to the mix it becomes too bad your options are cut or leave it there's no change there's no yeah there's no oh no just uh mess with this writing just a little bit like it's that's that's your that's your tools available to you and and i mean like i'll take
Starting point is 00:39:21 the like just dumping paragraphs into a section of the unlocks our extra screen over nothing at all um but please care not just about writing your story but about telling it as well and i will say this as as early as it is um i feel like just to really really make a something that might turn on me later a comment about dark souls one is that what the characters i've met so far have not been super duper mysterious and like yeah just like figure it out they're like hey it's very clear what everyone's doing and what the narrator at those two points in the game that that she showed up yeah to do it was very clear what she was trying to say as well yep and it it was like yeah all right it's not a hidden story it's just a simple one so far not not the funny
Starting point is 00:40:16 so far yeah the funny thing about that with dark souls is that the characters that you will actually get that with our characters that have no lines of dialogue have almost no characterization and might just appear as random you know black phantoms and that's it okay yeah uh the other thing is that this also factors into localization which atlas talked a while back out this us a talked a while about like how do we get smt-4 out the door so fast after the japanese version and there's a really simple answer the script was locked early in japanese development the script got locked into the japanese development like a year before that game came out yeah so they were just able to localize it as it was implemented and just implement it alongside the english version
Starting point is 00:41:01 of the game and then people were hoping for a much closer release with p5 but i imagine p5 has way more dialogue and p5 includes a lot more voice acting which complicates it further yeah well i'm assuming that they're doing more voice vio than they ever have for previous games i'm gonna assume that nearly every social link is voiced i don't know that and i could actually find out because the game exists in japan right not a not every line of dialogue but i mean well not not like every guy perhaps at the gas station but every date perhaps and like yeah very very like that i i see it i could see it um me in video games uh there are two extremes one is the this goes with movies too is if you're writing your story if you're trying to translate something in the film
Starting point is 00:41:47 either the best case scenario is there is already something that exists that you just draw from like in the case of like lord of the rings for example is a great example it's already there everything is already set you there's no major changes to worry about because you're just translating something that you know already is going to sell or the other extreme which would be probably my favorite kind of video game is where everything is fairly ambiguous and does not have many details that are just hard set in stone which would be the case of like a dark souls or something like a shadow of the classes where it's more about experience versus literally telling you just about personal interpretation rather than a hard line that is that is the immense strength
Starting point is 00:42:31 of a video game is that you are the one experiencing this i think shadow would fail utterly in other mediums yes like it that that the way that story is told and the and the strength that it has like you're thinking tv show you're not thinking um they're not thinking like a film so i think a film would would be the worst it it would be possible to tell it i feel like in a short film a very but it would have to be like 18 minutes yeah you know i a short film where you're just kind of blowing through a bunch of them and the idea is just like silent protect silent movie almost you know getting through the thing like you could get that you could get the emotional highlights i don't think that would work because a big part of that game is the enormous amount
Starting point is 00:43:17 of time you spend between colossus wandering a completely empty world in total silence it's and and here's the thing is what i'm saying it's like it's not the best way to tell that story the best way to tell it is this game but it it would be possible uh meanwhile you look at Uncharted 4 for example and you go oh that could be a movie that could be a hbo miniseries that that's just indiana jones indiana jones got kind of old and he settled down and now uh oh his brother came back for one last event like it's the most movie template thing ever yeah with shadow of the colossus there have been what two scares now they keep getting options but like that's not a realistic worry yeah thank goodness for that but if you are actually going to translate into the movie that's
Starting point is 00:44:01 the reason why people are fearful of it is how do you translate that experience of wandering around experiencing the world and having these complicated internal questions well that's why i like to directly into film that's why metroid is terrifying as a film yeah yeah and i remember long ago oh metroid i remember long ago thinking about uh how i remember getting angry because i was like why do why does everyone try why is everyone trying to option things into movies as if that's the final form of media that you have to evolve to an aspiring creators have a lot of game creators have an inferiority complex to film but but but the thing is is that at this point i think we've gotten past that to some degree i think that like now it's really just clearly like because
Starting point is 00:44:45 we can make some money by bringing it to another form and someone who knows this business is interested you know and willing to pay or it's like the uh hey we should make an assassin's creed movie assassin's creed is big who can we oh look michael fastbender's production company is willing to pick this up because he thinks it has money factor oh it's a turd yeah i mean like it's the way that me know marvel looked at movies originally or that like um any game out there would probably look at a comic book adaptation or something where it's like yeah that's not what we're looking at it's not our medium you want to do this are you know how that's done sure man that'll make us ten bucks on the side go for it you know and that's kind of what i think it's at
Starting point is 00:45:24 this point like the whole like aspiring to be a big movie thing i think there's been enough failures in video game movies that that's not seen as like the end space to to put your ip in it's just another outlet but it just sucks that like some things are just i don't know i guess the art quote unquote part of it is not going to be considered when it comes to like something like uh like shadow the colossus look at uh look at something like kajima right kajima was for many many many years and a lot of people still would call him this a wannabe director right guy wants to make movies and he's always talked about how much he loves movies and all that and he was recently freed of all video game obligations yes and decided not man i want to make a weird fucking video
Starting point is 00:46:10 game because that's the only place i can tell my kind of fucking stupid stories done does now we're gonna get history like did he ever actually try to be a director i don't think so i don't know i've never i feel like woolly and i particularly back in the 2008 2010 era would have found any any directing work if there was something back at the absolute height of our metal gear rabidness there is also something to be said of the the marketing of him after he leaves that studio is he's not going to get a job as a movie director in that case and if he did it would be a very it would be someone making a hard swing for it and just guessing uh he is known for his work of a video game so someone's going to endorse him it's going to be for that reason so i you can
Starting point is 00:46:58 imagine him having a huge amount of choice and better no one in the video game industry no one in the movie industry is going to look at him the way adrew house looks at him no one with those those glossy eyes that that man that's still a great goddamn photo great interview it really is but i find something sorry after you play sorry i started squeaking anyways but there's a it's that sort of problem that like a i guess i'll call it the alex ross problem like an illustration you have that too where you know people view the movie as the the end goal of every single story it's the same problem with like any sort of art form like everything needs to translate into the most beautiful photo realistic like elegant thing when even it may not even be serviceable to the
Starting point is 00:47:44 the media like there's no reason for it to be in that form in the first place let me ask you a question elie when is the trifusion movie coming oh god that would be the worst one you could make that movie yeah but it would be pornography yeah i mean we've been that's most that's a lot of movie items just be a pornography yeah we we've been through a battlefield i mean a battlefield sorry um battleship and other ridiculous examples so that's an excellent segue into a new topic speaking of uh hasbro board games and film uh this weekend after much badgering by the girlfriend and a friend of mine i finally watched the clue movie featuring uh christopher loyde and tim curry among others i hear big things about that have you seen that wasn't well i've not seen it myself
Starting point is 00:48:37 um that movie is hard old i'd call it hard old yeah uh it is it is like if you were to pull up a single screen grab of that film you would immediately go oh man that looks like one of them old timey movies he has the sleek veneer of the 1940s it looked like christopher loyde i think he's like 35 in it like it's it's back in the day uh and tim curry is tim currying it up in it that is a who done it shocker based on a board game it is hammy it is goofy yep it has all the characters like the board game bizarre acting okay it's really funny and it's a proper good who done it it it reminds me of like a like a abbott and castello skit about a who done it blown out into 90 minutes right it's like you know they're trying to explain everything and
Starting point is 00:49:38 they're running from room to room and there's a lot of word play and like a substantial amount of puns and just like uh like site gags it's really great it's a lot of fun that's a good movie that's a good god damn movie so that's just this is a this is a recommend this is a recommend to watch the clue movie from the old times uh how old are we talking i don't know let me check let me talk in 1985 85 so a year before i was born the year i was born yeah yeah uh you can tell from well you're looking at a screen grab you can feel everything about that film from that image hard old you can even see dead center is gene parmesan okay uh the private eye from what's it called uh arrested development remember will they gene parmesan oh god dude it's been so
Starting point is 00:50:27 long but uh sure parmesan uh but yeah okay um and if your needs or base are like plagues there's a there's a french made net with giant ass titties just flopping around all over the place oh just let beauty in the beast just what uh oh nothing oh hmm come that is true though is it yeah at the very end oh right yeah yeah she's like the duster packed and he is stacked at the end of that film do you remember that she is at the she tips over the tea kettle no no the the the feather the feather duster the french feather duster that likes numiere oh geez i don't remember because like i remember being a kid and being like that that chick is like bustier than the fucking jessica rabbit okay and just gonna look like she's gonna fall over i'm gonna pull out of the shot and your mother
Starting point is 00:51:13 covered it all uncomfortable on the podcast sure i mean whatever don't look young patch um yeah i i guess uh like i remember hearing from more than one person actually about clue move the the clue the movie being entertaining and actually like worth it worth going back to yeah i don't remember actually seeing it i remember it coming out i don't remember like a much of anything about the scenes or anything like that i just remember people saying this is a good movie but that's a board but that's a board game where they you had characters to begin with and a premise so like i can see that adaptation going a lot smoother than a fucking mind sweeper isn't isn't that weird though that the best the best property to ever be translated into a movie that's you know considered
Starting point is 00:52:00 to be childish it's not a video game it's a board game yeah right okay feather duster uh babette i believe fifi actually okay i don't remember that character but sure she's only that character is only on screen for about eight seconds and she shakes her ass at lumiere and he chases her off screen presumably to give her some french babies that's right that's what i would assume they even they have been pulled by the way uh three something years confuse the children with their anime yes it starts young that's what it was made to do uh plague did you have a week yeah sort of as much as i can have a week anyways yeah usually my weeks just consist of me doing some sort of project of some sort but this past month combined with christmas and everything
Starting point is 00:52:47 since i got done with all my waves of patreon emails of people asking for commissions of weird weird images it's it's never what you think it is you you would think it would be like just out of this weird weird shit that you think about top yeah but it's always people asking me for blood-borne characters or sonic ocs or things like that i mean you had to know you had to know that like this is the world you live in and this is just but that isn't the world i live in that's the weird thing okay ila you are a sonic oc like i don't understand how this how does this surprise you at this point how is it not just uh because you would think that people would be asking you draw this character except it's a a busty muscular woman or something like that if i had to assume
Starting point is 00:53:37 dude i would assume that like you'd be like okay this is my sonic oc and then you'd be like got it and you'd reach into the pile of sonic ocs behind you and take it and bucket fill the right colors to match the person's needs and then send it out you know but the plushy get the sonic oc plushy out and just slap it on the the synth take and just hand just hand turkey around it and take up the dark hog hey the the rule holds fast there are a lot of ila the hedgehog of course there are shirts but what about plague the hedgehog i bet i'm sure but i it does not matter that is a game online this the hedgehog anything in front of that you will find it yeah i think i think it's i think it's uh known enough that it started getting skewed it's not in its purest form anymore yeah
Starting point is 00:54:24 there it is there's like the hedgehog we have blonde bright eyed like young woman with an emoji on her tits plague the hedgehog good good what about placenta the hedgehog placenta the hedgehog i hope you just get hedgehog placenta that's a good one that'd be hilarious i really do they have a placenta they've got a man anything that they rub it on their chest afterwards i'm sure i don't all mammals man i don't think so i remember one of my first experiences with any form of understanding oh yeah yeah yeah yeah there you go what you actually found a placenta the hedgehog pat turns his head and puts the phone down at the same time oh i lose this rat oh yeah sick wow all right give up good good good good give us the tap so that everyone can hear it
Starting point is 00:55:25 that plays well for the audio version of the spot there you go that's the tap out some tapping out that's the time the hedgehog game placenta the hedgehog got you so uh you uh but what did you what did you what did you i was about to say i was about to say that one of my first experiences learning about what in the world like sexuality is and everything's living on the farm is seeing sheep sheep give birth and you know the baby comes out first and then the giant like mass of red comes out yeah and i i point to my mother and i say what is that yeah is that another one is it dead it's like no no no that's just the placenta the what and she's it's the placenta like whenever a cat has babies it'll eat it that's yeah what and that was how i got started
Starting point is 00:56:20 it's deep ended that's the book end my week yes yeah and then you had to retrieve it and and fricassee it tazmania deviled it on the stove oh god well yeah no uh i mean i've seen footage of like calves being born oh we're just going back right back to this okay i know i'm just saying like i've seen it and like it yeah like you just your head can't not turn sideways the part that gets at the details that you didn't know about the part that gets that to me is that they the moms usually standing and they fall out and hit the ground yeah they do and i'm like whoa off to a relic in good start yeah and they just get it bad yeah giraffes get it real bad welcome to earth
Starting point is 00:57:12 he could plait i feel i would i would think it'd be more like a sports defend depending on the viscosity and then it's sliding in it as it's trying to get its feet like get its bearings and oh boy yeah just a waterfall love it just pouring on its head yeah we're pissing and shitting all over this podcast and no one can stop us that's the first words it hears yeah from his mother giraffe as it rains down on his head you can't stop it welcome to earth that giraffe is inverting itself right now um all right okay well my my week yeah i was about to just take it because i i don't i gave it to you it was my responsible with it plague so i was about to take it back but if you still want to hold on to it you can but enough about placentas
Starting point is 00:58:03 and rain raining blood on your children um actually this week specifically like i was going to say usually my week just consists of drawing things and things like that and i do still have some images that like for instance uh i did a picardo stream where i was drawing the uh snake lady from uh of course from the new shantae game snack and yes it is a snake yes she's got she's haven't gotten it done that's a good one she's a good snake lady i like her we watched uh fellowship of the ring the extended edition while i was drawing that we still haven't gotten it done so we'll probably go through two towers sometime this coming week finish it then um let's see other than that of course i finished shantae the latest one that came out a half genie hero yeah so how does
Starting point is 00:58:52 that play when you have all the abilities unlocked i only have two real complaints about the game at all like i actually i think and enjoyed it a little bit more than i enjoyed uh pirate's curse and uh the only two major complaints i would probably have is one the humor doesn't seem quite as on point a lot of the times and i kind of chalk it up to it you know being sort of wobbly in terms of its development and because apparently they're releasing a whole plethora of other campaigns so i kind of imagine things like in terms of development might be a little bit stretched out or something i'll wait and see on that one but the writing is kind of hit and miss a lot of places are the bosses uh anywhere on the level after that mermaid one as far as well the mermaid one
Starting point is 00:59:41 is probably my personal favorite just for obvious reasons but that's that's yes but i mean like but like the quality of that boss fight is like through the roof you're like that's a fucking amazing boss do the rest live up to that or do they kind of uh drop back down well thinking hmm there's solid boss fights but i don't think that you're going to find one that is as wowing in terms of pointing at the screen making honking noises in terms of gameplay they're solid like there's nothing really worry about in regards to that right but no no roger rabbit noises while you uh while you lose your yeah okay all right there's some video i some cartoon i did to you guys uh i think is the predator uh where i'm at and i think you woolly had the the bug out like a uh uh tech savory eyes
Starting point is 01:00:37 is the predator woman walked in this is right yes yeah yeah predator college yeah yeah we all but the other major i well not major but like the other kind of a minor complaint i would have about the game is that the transformations have a lot of overlap because of the nature of the game being a platformer you eventually it does come at the very end but you could summarize it as the harpy form it does everything that you want in the air and the mermaid one does everything that you want in the water and the other ones are basically just gate mechanic transformations so monkey crab are kind of pointless monkey monkey less so like monkey is probably the one you'll use the most because it's actually faster than your base form is all right so there's not much reason not to use
Starting point is 01:01:21 it okay uh so usually the those are the ones people will be using it's going to be monkey for just walking around harpy if you want to get somewhere in the air uh mermaid but if you want to get somewhere in the water and that's pretty much it and the other ones are kind of just gate mechanics where oh i can't get past this thing i'll turn it into a crab and snap these leaves or these uh reeds and then that's it um less so like the bat for example has a more stable flight pattern so if there's spikes or something above you then you don't want to use harpy so you know animations uh or the transformations uh they're they're not really really quite as strong as i would have wanted but a lot of that just comes down to the gameplay being simple because it is a
Starting point is 01:02:01 platformer so i don't know how you would exactly fix that to make them all feel incredibly unique for general gameplay so it's not much of a complaint so are you so it sounds like you're kind of saying that the game is a bit front-loaded front-loaded now actually shantae games are known for being extremely like back loaded or whatever you want to call it where a lot of it is backtracking like it's not uh like metroidvania levels of it or anything like that but one of the common complaints and i think uh the nerf now comic guy actually did a thing of this is uh you will go through like all the levels you can go to them almost anytime that you want to so a lot of the difficulty is very level like you will go here then go back to the first level and then go back
Starting point is 01:02:48 to the third level depending on what new thing that you got and you just keep doing that over and over again and then the very very final level where you're supposed to have everything at that point suddenly there is a huge spike in difficulty where you're just their daggers raining down on you that are on fire and you're on a type rope sort of thing right okay so typically the difficulty is a lot like that but at that point you've you've emptied out the store of all your abilities and such pretty much the the less little bits of the level i guess i'm not going to go too much in spoilers in regards to the gameplay but the less little bit you can tell because uh that they understood what the transformations are going to be because uh probably like three or four screens
Starting point is 01:03:30 are just nothing but harpy gameplay of flying up and down and around things in an almost a flappy bird sort of s sort of way okay but the overall strength of the game is just the you know going back and forth and just enjoying the their overall gameplay i would say it's a good game yeah okay because because i mean like if there's a place i was going to start at shanta you would probably be there just based on like uh sitting in on matz stream and sort of seeing him go through it um i mean that was uh leon's opinion on it too where he said that he preferred that one probably over pirate scars and i'd say i probably didn't say the same thing but if you said that pirate scars was better i would not blame you yeah i i was easily the most impressed with what i saw of
Starting point is 01:04:14 half genie hero so um cool i think um like i if i'm guessing it's couldn't be more than like five six hours tops if you yeah if you just there's an achievement for getting 100 of the items in under three hours i think yeah so if you know exactly like if you're speed running you can blast through that game if you really want to but i don't play games like that and whenever uh whenever uh games want me to hurry like the best example of this i can think of is final fantasy nine there is a very specific ultimate weapon for steiner that requires you to get to that thing yeah the very Excalibur two i think you have to get to the very very end of the game and and get into this wait yourself in this very specific spot to pick up a weapon and you can only pick
Starting point is 01:05:07 it up if you get there within i forget what the hour limit is but it's something really low like under 10 hours or something but that ruins the the rest of the experience why would you want to do that i can't i cannot stand stuff like that i take my time in games you lie are you familiar with the zodiac spear yes yes because i was joking about that actually the fucking worst what's on one of your streams even i was joking about the zodiac spear really it's a final fantasy 12 oh my god so there's a chest in the game that if you open it it will have the zodiac spear and that's awesome because it's the best weapon in the game or yeah right but but if you happen to have opened four chests in the game earlier it's no it's not even chess for what is it it's pick up it's at the
Starting point is 01:05:56 very at the very start of the game there is a sort of like sewer level where you're just kind of just walking around yeah if you examine i think it's like one specific barrel or like two barrels like there's nothing special for this four items i remember that there's four yeah things that you can't do you can't examine something and there's some chests you can't open also yeah it's it's extremely nebulous as to the reason but if you do any of that you don't get your zodiac spear it's just basic shit why no no no there's no reason behind there's no reason it's fucking horseshit the game doesn't even give you a prompt like oh you examined this random barrel that looks just like all the other millions of ones in the game at the very very start of the game you cannot
Starting point is 01:06:38 get the ultimate weapon the only way to get it is to have looked up a guide on what items to not look at yeah it's fucking stupid that's always the worst mechanic the worst mechanic is you looked at it therefore you can't get it it's a guide seller like that's the only reason why that exists that is like strangling that is equal almost equally if not probably the same level of frustration i would get from and until dawn when you have two prompts yeah and they're both like a dot of interest here and a dot of interest there and one of them is hard progress as soon as you approach it same problem i had with walking dead i can't fucking i can't deal with like just use the mass effect or or new fallout or whatever delineation of prompts that clearly shows this one is you
Starting point is 01:07:24 asking a question this one is you continuing the conversation right yeah no it's it's super dumb same goes for split paths whenever you're on a map in a video game where there's four different paths which one do i go down because this is a maze level where do i go i want the dead i went down the right one if i'm not lp-ing i'm gonna reset the fucking game if i you know what i mean if i hard progress on my first choice yeah so just stop wasting my time you know that's the reason why gates exist so that you you don't want to have to explore everything but this part of just good design of your game is how do you gate something so that people know oh this is the past four but you don't have to explore every nook and cranny of an area before you proceed
Starting point is 01:08:11 yeah um i mean the something like that with the way it was working in like mega man x command mission was when we look at the doors some doors have like items behind them or whatever and or are connected on the map and then another and then a door will lead to nothing and it's like okay that door is going to cause a loading screen to happen so that's the progress good you know you're able to kind of take a guess at that point yeah the golden door that's surrounded by skulls and whatever of course you know and and a big old god light will sometimes be like that's the door yes but doorman you know and it doesn't need to i'm not asking for that but i just hate when uh it's just it's indistinguishable and or there's no opportunity to back out once i
Starting point is 01:08:51 realize its progress you know anyway i can think a few things more frustrating than hey you miss that item oh okay how do i go back and get it you can't too late you can't oh my god too late yeah fuck you you can never return to this area yeah and it turns out the ultimate weapon the first part of the quest was there damn it also we autosave god damn it dragon's dogma yeah choices are nice when you know their choices that that comes from developers having this fascination with everyone has a unique experience it's dynamic no fuck you i want the best experience yeah i want the 100 experience fuck you for locking me out of things because you want to personalize everything mm-hmm um cool uh i guess i will grab it can i steal it back from you for a
Starting point is 01:09:41 second well then you might as well just keep it okay you also need to stop whispering because that's really annoying i bought elmo a pretty fountain you can't stop it he likes this fountain it water comes out from both sides and he plays in it and he drinks from it is the fountain your toilets he's a good kitty your that is all your your podcast point is that you bought a fountain for my kitty it's the pet safe ceramic fountain i knew you would react like this you bought your you bought your cat a bidet why no liam matt why it's a pet it's the pet safe drink well ceramic pagoda pet fountain so uh i got the white one because he is white and black okay so this week you got a white ceramic bidet for your cats this week was um you know
Starting point is 01:10:37 fucking busy ask holiday week obviously good boy and uh i i took the opportunity to play the new wild guns and that's a big those guns are still wild and they're but they're wilder than ever in fact they're a little bit too wild how what explain the game god damn it voices cracking need to stop oh yeah woolly we're gonna get sick by the way who that's how things are gonna work we're gonna get horrible bronchitis tomorrow good yeah okay no look wild guns is a really good ass super nintendo game i played it it's fucking good yeah there's an old school let's play with me and matt playing it back in the day it's super fun uh you play as annie or clint and you go in and you just bonnie and clad the shit up it's awesome because it's a cowboy shooter game but then there's robots
Starting point is 01:11:30 yes so yeah i know that sounds great that's me but but then you play the new version and it's like oh we brought it back and we added four players and new characters that sounds awesome and the explosions are better than ever and like is it a sudo remake or brand new no no it is it is a uh direct sequel it is a re-release okay with more content okay so it's because it's super wild guns like 20 years later 80 percent of the the sprites are the same okay okay okay 20 percent are new and they look amazing uh and new characters and stuff but it's now balanced for four players oh no and there's no scaling depending on whether you pick one two three or four that's fucking stupid so the game is just super hard now it's really hard and i know that it's short so some of the
Starting point is 01:12:26 way that they offset the fact that it's like it's a full game and i mean the price is full as well which whoa really yeah it's a full it is a full price that's ridiculous but i i i i love the game i just i think that the fact that the difficulty is almost like making up for the the content uh which by today's standards is a little bit of content back then it was a full game it's just really nuts because you're just like bash your head against this wall and that will be your hours of of like gameplay that you're looking for gosh you know uh the game called wild guns torment or something like that no it's just called wild guns but yeah you would expect right you'd expect something like that the it's just it's really just like the beat them up level uh
Starting point is 01:13:12 damage scaling of having multiple characters but then you're just one person and you you can't do anything and it's not just us because other people as well like like uh stop skeletons from fighting those dudes know they're wild guns and they're like they were the developer no no no that's uh an awesome channel that we're friends with okay um that's that's a fucking amazing yeah yeah formerly the happy video game they're oh that's okay yeah that guy's great the uh they're pretty cool and uh yeah they were having trouble with that sentence like yes pat you are friends with them yes okay no it's no i love happy video game it's nuts um i i still recommend it super hard i just think that anyone going in needs to know that it never used to be this hard and it's not like you
Starting point is 01:13:58 could just go to options and turn it to easy because we looked and we couldn't find anything so uh but still really great you would think it would be as easy as if you have if you only have one player you just give yourself four times as much health at least something like something like that something like that i feel like there is a scaling balance that would make that work i mean it's it's it's shared continues when you're playing two players or four players and it's not shared when you're single player so that might be a bit of an advantage if anything is like you can die more times assuming your partner is as bad as you but uh it's it's rough um beyond that i think uh what else did i do how's your progress in 15 um 15 is going fine um i'm taking it you know what i
Starting point is 01:14:42 was taking it slow and then i got impatient and stopped with the side questing and just went i'm gonna fucking that's that's how most people do it they go i'm gonna do everything until i'm and then they blitz and if they want to do more afterwards they go back yeah yeah exactly i it's like i'm getting tired of this all right time to move on and then it's like there's a point where you start getting uh those king weapons before you even get a chance to really get the hang of them i found one i just found happened yeah no dungeon just walk in and grab it it's kind of crazy how like some it seems like some of them are gonna like be like you got to go find that that's not they're not all gonna be in your in your path luckily there's a small amount of them there's
Starting point is 01:15:21 12 yeah but um no i like i said i came across like i had like i got one and then like immediately got another and i was like oh jeez like just fuck give me a second you know but um no i i'm i'm still enjoying it i just needed to stop with all that extra shit for a while because i couldn't take how long it was taking to do all the side questions did you download the holiday pack no that holiday pack should be named something else what should it be named should be named the min max pack because in that holiday pack i'm not sure if it's in the free one or the paid one or whatever the fuck season past one there are there is a there's an item that keeps your your party from tallying experience okay so that is supposed to be i imagine so that you put that on and then uh
Starting point is 01:16:08 you uh can level one the game or do whatever challenge thing you can do right but what you can actually do is just equip it before you rest and not tally up that experience and just build it and build it and build it and build it until you use the two or three times in and then go nuts and then just bang bang bang bang bang bang that's some billy tech right there yeah that that item is ridiculous but it takes a lot longer it takes a slot but all you have to do is equip it right before you rest and then take it off right after you rest so so that it just doesn't tally up okay and then you're gonna be that item is essentially a two to three hundred percent experience game on the whole game sick something like that would lock me like i would be afraid to even play
Starting point is 01:16:54 the game with that there yeah i can't go forward unless i power level yeah well i mean that's the other thing too because you're i've been using like experience casts you know yeah with my spells and stuff and you're doing a lot with that but uh you also need to level up sometimes so that you can get more ap and other stuff there's all there's also like do you not want to cash in and have stronger characters right now there's there's also a bona fide like perfect method for achieving ap and it is an approximate rate before these there's also accessories you can equip that give you two or one ap depending on whether or not you finish a fight in a plus in speed or offense okay and there are enemies that you can single hit kill in a single warp strike via a oe
Starting point is 01:17:38 with a special shield so you get four ap as soon as you call them with the whistle so the grind system is fully in place so it used to be approximately 800 to 1000 ap an hour and now it is like 1600 ap an hour christ so last night i got every single ability that is under 99 points on the on the sphere grid yeah okay i'm not gonna be doing that if you don't do that you're wasting your time if you do do it you are destroying your gameplay yeah yeah yeah wreck it wreck it yeah get huge i'll just continue playing and and enjoying it at the pace that i like you're wrong though wait if fully is wrong i must be right and then play respond no you are also there it is everyone is wrong enjoy your game thank you um happy holidays you fuck exactly i think uh
Starting point is 01:18:36 no but yeah so i did a little bit of that um i um recently well i realized that um my girlfriend had not seen any james bond movies and i was like 38 39 how many i was like i was like no matter how even begin no matter how old you are there are at least three do you have a dad so i was like okay um this is something that's a a lot of pressure do something i know for you but but honestly it was like okay i don't know why i feel like watching pretty much my favorite which is casino royale of the new one yeah okay well because the fucking do you know anything about the old one there are two old ones okay the casino royale that i'm thinking though is the really dumb bad one there's also one in black and white
Starting point is 01:19:28 where it's so dumb and bad and there's six james bonds running around and there's jimmy bond is the villain and then the end of the movie is everyone dies yeah and then they're because of a nuke pill that someone swallows that's a good that's a good one and then all the good spies go to heaven and then the bad ones go to hell and that's a good movie that's a good movie so anyway watch that one yeah not that casino royale um but no we watch the last the last one i saw in theater was the the awful one where dying out another day i can't remember oh pierce bosnain where yeah yeah buy another day they go up to like the anti arctic or the arctic or something yeah there's a space laser oh yeah and a cg is awful and halibari was gonna get her own spin-off movie from that one yeah
Starting point is 01:20:18 absolutely man no um so you haven't checked out any of the uh the daniel craig ones i'm if i've seen one of them i can't remember much of anything about it okay i've never been a big bond person uh well i think you should give it a look um i i think it's a really good movie and i think it uh does a lot to kind of go like oh hey i wasn't expecting bond to do that it's got up and coming star meds mickelson in it yeah exactly right um that was that was pretty much the first place i saw him yeah me too i think but no it really it really is interesting in in in kind of like breaking it down into a point where as we're watching as we're watching and i'm like okay this is gonna be really weird because this whole movie is about deconstructing the image that bond has
Starting point is 01:21:04 yeah and you don't know what that image is well she knows by osmosis so i had i had to ask and find out exactly and it's like a little bit but not much of it how how just had to happen i don't know it just it just never came up you know i don't know like this isn't this isn't it was what you haven't watched death note yeah james bond is like oh you don't know who superman is this is everywhere all the time right i don't know i don't know but i was like okay well let's let's see and i mean it's not and it's not like they're all such amazing films that you need to go get oh hell no they are you know that's not where i'm going with this it's more just kind of like it's a bit odd that you kind of don't know what it's like you've you've never eaten pizza or something yeah i know it's
Starting point is 01:21:49 it's there yeah oh you know what i've never had ketchup right what so you know um that so with this like it's almost like we set up the expectations to be like oh these are good films and oh no you fucked up no you fucked up no no no no there's some bad in there in fact they mostly are bad but the music's usually pretty good yeah um where that fucking openings are amazing they are what is that fucking stunt is it in her majesty's secret service where they fucking do the the ideal perfect car span off the bridge oh and they fucking annihilate it with the fucking slide whistle noise oh my god yeah dude i'm telling you no and uh just throw the curl in escar sound in there while you're at it shelly bashing man those pipes dude that guy woman can sing you know what about dying
Starting point is 01:22:39 another day by Madonna yeah yeah yeah okay you know what that beat is kind of catchy fuck the beats kind of catchy the song is trash yeah i mean it like you can't best that that and that what the fuck is that no no no just just just isolate all of just isolate the violins you can't we can't do that for every song i know but i really want you when you got that meteor a cd and you got to track seven faint right and they they had the fucking 10 violins laid over each other four times we're like oh yeah all linkin parks my jam this is gonna be the best band ever my gm your gm you love linkin pork oh god why is it like gm no but i was funny because uh i kind of went on a little thing where i was
Starting point is 01:23:31 like man yeah like just some good ass bond music out there and you know it's always recognizable with the same chords oh my um but the cornyest is one of the cornyest ones ever is uh the one from thunderball that's it's tom jones singing it and it's fucking goofy jones machismo ass music but it's so good yeah it's the it's the straight up but it's the song this thing that gets parodied all the time where it's like he's the man oh that okay that of the man want to be yeah okay they love the scent of his balls like they can't get enough of him and it's just going on about how fucking how much testosterone just bursts out of james bond all the time and it's it's amazing and i'm like stop him and i'm like you know what i unironically now like this song like this it's
Starting point is 01:24:18 actually really good and entertaining to me um tom jones is great tom jones yeah he really is i think uh the whole carlton thing kind of put him over the top a little bit but uh you need to remember that that that tom jones really is masculinity in a crooning voice sex bombs a great fucking song you can't take it away combine tom jones and lincoln park you got yourself a winner oh my god oh my god don't use your wall to be crawling in your skin not bad the um the what you call it uh other thing i did was well i mean you talked about a little bit about jojo you know earlier and stuff jojo wrapped up jojo wrapped up jojo wrapped up strong it's a good strong it's a real head turner big big strong real head turner hey hey oh hey hey hey hey hey ah yeah no that was
Starting point is 01:25:10 great i was really looking forward to seeing um the way they were gonna handle it they spliced uh they spliced some scenes around in a way that was really cool but we got to see a preview of what some of those moments would look like from the game yeah from all star battle and from um eyes of heaven this this is my favorite panel edit so far where they they took a scene and and they took a scene from the very end and put it in the middle of the episode to add some confusion and then you're like oh shit yeah makes it better and then you're like oh yeah makes it better makes it better yeah it's it's it's makes it much better um and the uh what you call it one of the coolest things was the final version of great days that plays out over the outro over the credits
Starting point is 01:25:56 is actually being sung by all the previous the unite version the all the previous singers of the original openings yeah they came back really fantastic you know and they're all helping you like they're letting the voice of love take you higher it's a really good send off there's only one thing that I didn't like about it go ahead I wanted yes a pan over to Jotaro on the phone yes looking at a photo of a kid with black hair going it says Gio or whatever and saying dude Dio son so it's like we have to go talk to this guy Koichi can you go to Italy so check it out go back and listen to that scene Koichi is narrating his voice is way deeper yeah in that outro scene specifically it sounds like he's older yeah and I'm like oh they're gonna do it that's why
Starting point is 01:26:46 he's older and and my girlfriend pointed out when we were watching it she goes in the final moments of of that arc she's like wow they're pushing Koichi super hard yeah well yeah there's a good reason for that and she goes oh why and I go well we'll finish the episode and you'll find out and nothing yeah yeah yeah no that was a bummer man that was a bummer it's a super it's a super short reason though like in the coming arc I have no idea how they're gonna handle that it's the first volume he's not around long though it's the first volume that's all it is it's it's a passing of the torch in the same way that you know they did that with this one it's just a passing of the torch um but I still like he's the best he's really cool which is great I would like to I would like
Starting point is 01:27:33 that tease because we got the tease at the end of part two yeah we got the we didn't get a tease at the end of part three but if there's a if because there was no clean link to it right yeah you know what I mean not in that timeline no so but it's like if there is a reason for a clean link I would like there to see it and unfortunately they didn't and I also know that the art director of the of the show is part five is his favorite part so I was kind of assuming he was chomping at the bit to get it out there but well uh part five is in the intro there there is a a a gw this way sign with a sc sc this other way sign gw 2001 I will be I will be super interested to see how part five turns out because part five I'm one of those people it is not my favorite I had a oh no struggle to
Starting point is 01:28:21 stay away from you know my no no I on it like I'm one of I agree I think it's the weakest part I also think that despite because I didn't finish it but there's stuff that I love in it my favorite part about part five is going to be the internet's reaction to part five because I saw a guy complaining about Jojo part four going I hate this compared to part three and there are a lot of reasons but like one of the big bullet points is like why is he draw why is Ericie drawing all the characters like this why aren't they cool and buff and masculine and oh boy oh boy goodbye you're done oh you're never getting that again oh boy are you not literally there is there is nothing left for you here my friend everyone from here on out is a light toned boy yeah yeah is uh
Starting point is 01:29:16 with the same face yeah don't worry about that but they're more willing to show off their body than ever more willing than ever uh no so that was that was a nice little wrap-up they did there um I'm still playing whirlwinds with you and I'm still playing um I mean I'm making some progress in that but and not much to say until I until you crush it till I crush it yeah uh and I guess the final thing I'll talk about is I went back and I spent some more time at home with let it die okay I took another look oh you went back in yes and what am I missing I still intend to stream this but I wanted to catch I wanted to get some get my bearings a bit and some people are suggesting that I do that before what am I what am I missing because I would love to love this game so the thing
Starting point is 01:30:02 is is that I still feel that I like there's a whole aesthetic to the game that's very DIY sort of just like it's a mesh it's appealing it's a mash-up of like just like random parts random everything just looks like it's a million different things slapped together um and that's kind of what they were going for what I like is character designs and I like characters and like those are solid points that I can look at in a game and be like yeah even in even in the soul series you piece together random bits of armor but usually dance around a little bit to figure out what mesh is with what a little bit and that way and you can kind of do that here but you're really you just want decent equipment at least at the beginning levels of the game you get introduced
Starting point is 01:30:45 to some badasses yes I saw that cutscene I saw that cutscene they are the with the body snatchers yeah the jackals and I'm like okay you you're showing me something that I want a white suit with pinstripe with with robotic mass punk helmet and I'm like okay can you acquire it's like yeah you can get that I'm like all right all right all right you got that then you got that in right and also you do it yourself grimy piece of shit yeah now has a lot more oomph because it's in comparison to these slick fucking guys you're a grunt yeah these guys are the characters yeah um the other thing you know is uh in obviously in let's playing and whatnot and going through those instructions it's like yeah he's we skip through a lot yeah um which you know us yeah I know right
Starting point is 01:31:35 and you skip what can I say it's like sometimes it's it's not great for video other times like we should have done that before I'm not a perfect man we're not we're not we're in fact I'm pretty close oh wow but I'm not of myself but I'm not a perfect man I was about to like wave the white shitty flag with the shit stains all over it yeah but no one can stop you no I'm gonna wave that flag you're gonna smell it um but I think that um one thing that was a huge mistake as well was like missing the fact that there is a really uh useful parry that you have from moment one that is how what button is it block on the right frame you press block and you bam completely deflect the person's open attack into a wide-ass open stagger at which point
Starting point is 01:32:28 you get in there and all right I'm going back to let it die I'm gonna go back and play let it die and it's there from second one that's is that with all any melee weapon it's with anything including your bare hands and furthermore certain attack strings if the person coming at you is doing like a three set and you have enough time to possibly do an action in between you have enough time to get the parry out there sometimes the attack is like not enough time for you to get a roll if you're mashing but if you time it right you can get a perfect okay so has that turned the game for you and I was parry game where you're just walking through trying to parry every single enemy no it's you're trying to bait attacks and hit people in the recovery you want to play footsies
Starting point is 01:33:11 with people but like when you see that you're outnumbered when your primary defensive aim is your parry and you're all fucked up you're exactly your role is a oh god oh god oh god but what you really want to be doing is get the fuck off me you're done well at least I'm gonna I'm gonna you have a you have a head for this you have the eyes for it dark souls parry timing runs from eight to twelve frames right yeah it's very similar to third strikes parry timing what is the parry what what does it feel like the parry timing is and let it die easier than that then holy shit that's but fuck yeah I don't I haven't played enough to have something precise for you but it is easier than that so 16 it's wide yeah okay it's not okay like it's not 30 no it's
Starting point is 01:34:04 not insane but you have enough time during that wind up to really get mentally prepare yourself you don't have you have like it's there's no there's no correction like after the fact but there's a decent enough like buffer beforehand you know um and furthermore what do you mean like I hit the button slightly too early it still came out you get it you get exactly and then of course there's the block itself which is you know solid it's it'll negate your damage so you basically just want to play defense properly damn it I feel so stupid in souls games people tend to do this they'll go like through their second or third playthrough with the mentality of I'm go to parry every single enemy I'm not going to fight them I'm just going to parry fish everything
Starting point is 01:34:52 yeah uh you and also like there's nothing that seems to be an auto tracking overhead it seems to really just be like side stepping is really strong as well and lastly you can parry bullets does the guy fall down after that uh no but I mean but like it projectile pairing is a possibility as well so do you watch it the bullet back at him that would be fucking great um well that single design option changes literally everything to me about that game so so I'm gonna read I'm gonna restart let it die and I'm gonna play it because that's the stun locking thing is the thing that's been keeping you away right no it was that I felt like I had no defensive options because I try and roll out of trouble and I couldn't but yeah you were trying the souls
Starting point is 01:35:38 that and blocking you take damage while you block so I felt like I have no responsive way to defend myself oh so it sounds like that you are supposed to parry everything and the reason why you're taking damage through a block is because it was not an optimal parry basically I mean you can you can walking safer you can walk around blocking is but it's just not optimal damn it that you so anyway so there's other stuff going on though of course is your finding shit and your crafting shit and you're putting yeah and I've you know I've um yeah like it's a very it doesn't take long to get your character like quote unquote maxed out I'm sure there's gonna be more to it but it seems like there's just like these like five levels you can put into five or seven stats uh it seems
Starting point is 01:36:22 like it took like almost no time to max everything not like 15 but um something about this game you go through and you find shit on the ground all the time right like this gear just lying around no you find mushrooms and and and food on the ground but I thought you could pick up stuff from enemies people you yeah you find gear off on people yeah okay how often do you change your look uh often in like I would say like pretty much once per floor almost okay because that's something I had there's something I haven't mentioned I've been playing Diablo 3 like last week I just kind of stopped at this point I have I kind of just want to say that but go on but this one of the problems of games like that where it's such a gear grind yeah that you're changing your physical appearance
Starting point is 01:37:07 so often that the whole appeal of die your armor you know uh transmogrify it so that you change its appearance and so forth yeah you you would have to do that like every 30 minutes to an hour so why do you even bother so here's what happens uh you go through changing gear almost every floor every level because the shit you're picking up off people is better is no no no it's trash actually oh it's it's like it'll do the job but it has really low durability on all right right eventually you find plans that you take back down to the guy in the first floor he makes that for you and the thing that he makes has full durability on it and will last and last way longer multiple floors for a while because uh everything you're picking up has let's say like
Starting point is 01:37:52 seven to twelve percent of the full durability if you work had crafted and that's like three fights you know um taking a ton of shit hits and whatnot you know uh or dying to a hater or something like that is there any way to repair any of your items um not really it seems like you pretty much just have your inventory and you take it down and then you you go back down to the guy and whatnot like there's no point you can just buy it fresh from the guy and if it breaks you just go buy it again you know um once he has the blueprints and he researches it and you have it it's there and it's fine and furthermore once you you get material to to level up your your equipment but you don't level up the individual piece of equipment you're wearing there is a way to repair oh is there okay
Starting point is 01:38:39 there's a mushroom that repairs your gear oh cool okay of course a mushroom so uh i haven't used it yet or or really even encountered that or done anything with it because what ends up happening is you're not when you're when you're getting like plus five equipment you're not equipped you're not building up what you're wearing you're building up what he makes for you so okay the piece of equipment he makes for you will always be a plus five hammer and then when you're plus five hammer breaks you go back down to him on your next level up run and you can just grab a new one yeah you spend your money are they are they that expensive can you can you continue to outfit yourself yeah yes i have i've had no problems with money man that that's weird because the beginning of the game
Starting point is 01:39:21 is so not what you are describing at all the real honestly like uh yeah you go a couple floors in you take out two or so bosses and uh you start to get more plans okay and you start to find the hidden shops as well and it starts to kind of come together a little bit more plus it has to do that plus your design yeah go ahead go ahead no i was gonna say and you start to see the the the npcs like i said the characters that you're aspiring to fucking try and become slash like you know aim for their style of equipment and you get a bit of more of a game plan mm-hmm after you play i was going to say it has to become that in terms of designing your game because the problem with not having that if you have a game where you're constantly transitioning
Starting point is 01:40:04 like even characters like your characters just dying like flies and you're getting new equipment that's constantly changing your physical appearance is that you don't have any attachment to anything that you're actually doing and eventually it that runs its course and you just stop caring yeah so eventually you do need that moment where you can have something and sounds like in this game they want it to be transitory all the time but you at least have an identity in the process and unfortunately it takes more than an hour to get to that point that being said it's still like i'm not like i i opened on it and i'm still gonna remind that like you know the mash-up aesthetic is not my preferred one it's like it's the whole games the whole games look is something that i
Starting point is 01:40:48 i would prefer something a bit more um i guess designed because i remember when we first saw the trailers and i saw them flashing through all the different character loadouts and things and different guys and this guy thought those were pickable characters or but no no no i i saw everything about it like i saw like a guy with like a wacky helmet some goggles on and they um a fucking apron and i was like well those are just random gear things that he slapped on and then another guy had another look and it was like i felt like nothing was really like you're not into the borderland psycho mad max aesthetic yeah not when it feels like you're just a mish-mash you know what i mean unfortunately you don't want to you don't want to be a walking junk pile
Starting point is 01:41:28 i i can appreciate the idea of the the highly customized adventurer right well why do you have this well i have this because of this reason right but i i usually agree with you on that i like your design character and you don't want to have your design just be like i have a pipe sticking out of my coat why is that there i don't know it looks just looks like cobbled together shit yeah and wanted to actually be something and and the other bit too is i guess like i give more like i i didn't have that feeling in something like bloodborne for example because most of the things you're putting on in bloodborne and that's pretty well pretty there they go together really well their coats and pants and they're awesome yeah they look really nice you
Starting point is 01:42:13 you're gonna run into that dark souls one a whole lot where things do not like their color they look like they might be the same they are not because yeah like you know here it's like and you just here's a random pair of like camo pants and here's a rent you know like i said like an apron and then um a construction helmet go and i'm like really you know but like you got that's how you got to look for a while until you get better stuff so anyway um you know what game lets you gear up like that but it has like very specific uh designed looks and it gives you like significant bonuses for adhering to those combined looks what monster hunter yeah yeah but and if i kill a big ralphos i can get a ralphos armor you're very close it's a rathalos but uh yes
Starting point is 01:43:04 you can get a rathalos armor but let it die is a free game right yes let it die is a free game and it is okay surprisingly generous you really like don't have to spend money almost ever kind of don't understand what i'm supposed to buy i think i think what the plan is is for you to get like really deep into the game for free to a point where you spent so much time that you're not gonna back down oh no no no no no that character oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no now i have to spend yeah right because you can probably lose a character can't you well here's what happens uh when you die you can either spend uh a consumable life that you have and that you pick up in the game actually when you run to zero you buy more of them or you can um restart from
Starting point is 01:43:56 the basement floor with the same saved character by spending cash that you have now what happens if you have to completely start over with a new character you retain skills right uh you retain some of your your your progression but the character that you've built is now a hater yeah in the world that is out to kill you do the shop do the shops retain their wares and their upgrades you haven't done it yet that seems like a breaker i haven't done it yet because as long as they rogue legacy it and it's like you your unlocks have retained and all you have to do is build up this character but you can still have the steps you can take that's that's pretty great also if you have ps plus like you get a bunch of extra shit too yeah um and there's all kinds of bonuses happening
Starting point is 01:44:44 every day giving you tons of money and stuff yeah and like that money is again the money is lives to continue playing the game okay if you and you you've described it as fairly generous really it is not hard to go grind up enough money to have another life if you die so i asked because it seems like this game the way that it plays is tied in with the financial model that they are going for but it's not something that's nailing you over the head with it hasn't hit me in the face so far i'm sure there will be a boss at some point that's so ridiculous that they attempt you to burn through some lives to get in on a quarter eater there i'm sure there will be but hopefully that's the final boss there hasn't been much really reason if any to spend any money and that's kind
Starting point is 01:45:27 of surprising so i'm expecting there to be like you know like hours in from now you know a point i get to where it's like now it's just so fucking sounds like i owe that game another shot yeah like i said so i'm gonna take a stream look at that at some point um soon in the next coming days um but yeah i just wanted to you know clear the air on let it die i guess because uh yeah there's there's a bit more going on there than that first hour would lead would betray i suppose also we should talk about westworld after this podcast yes today we will talk about westworld after the podcast we promise okay good luck oh no wait woolly i have to it's boxing day i gotta get out here after this so we can't do the westworld the spoiler cast uh that was a joke i mean i've
Starting point is 01:46:08 put it off and that was a joke man that's them that's that's them that was a big joke oh don't worry chat i i promise that they will forget the sound of robot assholes clenching yes it's a little bit like a drill you know yeah um any did we should we just roll right in let's roll right into them news so we missed some other stuff because of the christmas cast of course uh so we might as well go over some stuff that was a bit older let's do it one uh going back as old as tecan seven announcing panda kuma and fucking okada is great because panda and kuma are important characters that need to show up in tecan they need to but the rain maker is a costume for king are you serious and not only is he a costume for king but he's got the goddamn larry it
Starting point is 01:47:03 and all and and the signature uh uh fucking outfit and everything and i couldn't be happier with that especially considering he's also in the tiger mask anime by the way that's ridiculous the quietest i'm going to be on the podcast that's fine i understand now that in this i have seen a kuma yeah i know what you're talking about in regard if you want to talk about designers so listen i'm fully expecting to go into topics now from now on talking to myself yes that's fine but i that's a world i lived in anyway before the mics were here yeah so i'll just sit here hey you guys want to talk about muse i'll just my life every day black holes and and you know your life was something with black holes black holes and revelations i will sit here and talk about fighting games and if
Starting point is 01:47:48 people want to listen to me they can all right hey i'm gonna start answering your questions right now as long as you get up out of your chair and start pacing around the room staring at nothing so no that's really cool what you got also uh mecca kuma is fun because i didn't see that kuma because it's like you're like oh are you like just blurring that line between him and jack even further uh well because the joke is mecca mecca akuma from cyberbots and shit but it's just no it's mecca kuma the actual bear has got the stupid massinger pieces on him and what where's your god now um there were uh there's that other fighting game news kill gore is now a killer instinct thing that no one expected except for that guy that found it
Starting point is 01:48:35 on xbox live dude the xbox live menus are a leak machine that is all they do they're just a series of tiles that you use to find unannounced news it's barely a a fucking interface for your xbox it's crazy but yeah kill gore is a ki character um there's new there's new content they're not done with that game yet and it's nuts because they really should be because it's a full-ass package but they've been putting a lot of work into that game and they're not done yet um kill gore is a version of full gore that's basically a shit steam bot that barely works and has like old-ass rickety limbs and has a gun that is a basically like a mini gun and it it fires till it overheats and then the glowing red barrel it buffs up his attacks okay that's because it's basically like that's
Starting point is 01:49:26 great you know it's a really cool uh take on like shadow jago this is like almost shadow full gore yeah but it's not you know instead of being stronger and better he's actually more busted yeah no it's great so that's it man so it's just like i'm like ki you know they just put it in a disc and it just got to a point where they're like yeah this is a really complete full three season thing package go get it and then they're like nah we ain't done yet they tj combo i much prefer sf5 in every way but like it's ki cannot be like it's package it's nuts is destructive you know it really is a lot that's worth your money time and dollar i'd say um my personal distaste for fighting games as well known but i have already always got the impression that if you like ki you
Starting point is 01:50:17 must be extremely happy yeah because you keep getting more no it can't be it can't be much more like dedicated it's not like sf5 where they fucking nerfed birdie you fucking fucks anyway everybody got it make my pet character stronger everybody got it mine yeah i just i saw a tweet from kietz the other day it was like that was like remember when people thought we were taking bribes for for uh buffing characters and when that conversation came up people actually no the people that said it weren't laughed out of the room and i was like wow what is happening like what is happening in that community where it's getting to that low tier god level of like those hack frauds working you see that you see that video of l l low tier god getting
Starting point is 01:51:09 fucking blown up by li joe on each other's streams that's fun stuff oh man l t g you are just a piece of work and l and like the the best part is like that you couldn't pick a better person for him to fight because long island joe is just the happiest motherfucker they're just like he's doing it he's losing his shit it's great but um yeah no just the idea that like fucking iron galaxy is like yeah we're taking money on the sides to buff your characters like you people are out of your minds but um if i made a fighting game i would take bribes that's in fact a reason why you'd go into the fighting yeah because i know because i know the fighting game community is filled with people willing to give bribes yeah just have a go fund me for every character in your fighting game yeah
Starting point is 01:51:52 wow we're you's gonna get really strong kick start my corruption or something of that nature have you ever had the experience of i really enjoyed this character or this item or whatever it is i feel like it's overpowered and then they buff it anyways so you have this moment of just complete power over everything yeah i mean that certainly has happened with some characters yeah it's it's happened in the past where you're like i really like this character i know they're not the best right and then the the thing comes out like oh oh oh maybe they are the best now and you have that week that week where you have all the expertise but nobody else does you just oh man it's the best um the vanilla for to super when bison who is already pretty much a pressure
Starting point is 01:52:38 beast uh went from being a raw pressure beast to being a pressure beast that could shut you down if you try to press a button because his super is now a double motion yeah instead of a charge so he could walk forward and react to anything you did and then shut you down you know or rufus where his ultra two was just like did you move did you hit a button you lost yeah also i'm still rufus it's it's not quite the same but i still because i was never that good at it but i remember when arcade edition came out and it's like i can lpd i can spd from how far away now right right i can spd anyone's jab from half screen oh okay and just you could feel the salt through the internet um so yeah that's what's been going on there there has been a little bit of overwatch news
Starting point is 01:53:28 while they've had the uh christmas shit going on yeah yeah so one uh you've got the um you've got the their plans for 2017 including a couple new heroes they're talking about actually testing good um doomfist i'm hoping hopefully get terri cruise in there maps custom server browsers finally finally fun have my own shitty server forever uh that's that's pretty and they apologized for may's boring christmas skin it's really bad because that it's really bad yeah i i i'm where's like zaria as well i feel got shafted you gave her sleeves on her white outfit that i used anyway thanks oh you know wow it sucks when it's like that's a legendary and no it's not it's no it's weird because i'm always sorry after you play i can see the problem with may because
Starting point is 01:54:19 she's already almost into christmas skin the entire time anyways one thing you could do is just make it that much more extreme like put a layer of code on top of her existing code so that you can't even see what she looks like anymore just have her just have her in full blown reindeer furry outfit oh i mean they said they're gonna revise it so we'll see what changes they make but i hope they refund people's point costs if they revise it and you don't like it ah i mean you did buy it it's not like you read you know what i mean you looked at it and you went i'm buying this i guess so you bought it what what if it is that reindeer furry costume and you're like i don't i don't support this well you better start supporting it oh crap just go my
Starting point is 01:55:06 money's furry now you have funded furryism oh without even knowing oh no that's how it's all gonna go down is it with my money devil i gotta stop paying those artists uh but yeah that uh i i i actually await some new news on that because i've got so many doomfist ideas as does the rest of the internet well i just hope they take terry cruise up on his offer yeah i got the impression he didn't really know what a doomfist was oh he knows he knows he's he recently got way into pc gaming okay okay like he has a video series of here's terry cruise building is fucking oh wow crossfire titan fucking pc shit okay like he went i don't know i don't know how it started but all of a sudden there's these terry cruise videos of him fucking slapping and video cards
Starting point is 01:56:00 and testing out like overclocking settings and just getting way in there like it's super weird terry terry cruise's money has paid for furries so he's one too everybody's in your tax dollars support yiffing too bad i want to see that commercial i would love to see that that's that those are the political ads of the future right yeah yeah those are the political ads of the future did you know that this candidate bought one plague of gripes for one sexy pokemon animal now i'll never be president of mexico um yeah and you know what whatever i'm tapping out mentally because i was about to take it too far yeah you're about i was about to i could see it in your fucking face i could hear it i could hear the face yeah so speaking of too far uh
Starting point is 01:57:00 we just saw the trailer for alien covenant literally just saw it yeah i mentioned it before the podcast and uh woolly and you also mentioned a few other things so i remember hearing about there was a ridley scott alien movie in the works and that is the reason why we're not getting an alien movie from um the god who was district nine man district nine man exactly and which was going to be the weirdest reboot ever but um i what i wanted to know the whole time was is it a new alien movie or is it prometheus too hey guess what fucker it's prometheus too it's prometheus too that like i'm i'm the name is alien covenant and that name is a lie i'm going to have a little bit a little candle lit in my heart for the hopes that it might just be a normal good alien movie
Starting point is 01:57:57 but it seems like michael fastbender who was the best part of prometheus easy easy is fully all over the place in that he's fast bending it and um i don't know what else is going on but the black goo was seen the black goo was seen for a second well the black dust or something like that whatever the goo dust so it's uh you know i'm i'm like ridley i mean i don't know man i don't know maybe this time uh cut it yourself and don't get handed off to the editors that you have no don't give it to the guy from laws no they have please they have he has no say in the matter no he the production company will not okay so here's the thing he has no choice the here's the thing that worries me more than anything yeah yeah tell us there's the the
Starting point is 01:58:42 stinger shot of the trailer is the alien killing a guy while he's doing doing lady right and he attacks his penis oh his dick was a bit now there's two things that i have a problem with here the three things the uh alien is an angry penis from hell has an has always been like a staple of the alien series that's what it's like if you look at geiger's original art like the alien is stroking penises that look like its own penis had everywhere sorry pause play can you sum this up once and for all geiger or geiger oh uh it's geiger i say it wrong yes it's geiger yes you're not sure all right yeah everybody's ball songs all right like the alien because i started thinking about to like commentary tracks and stuff whenever you started saying that so
Starting point is 01:59:35 those things were the more i think about it it's like wait is the thing that i believe all my life it's a goger what gogert gogert but yeah yes so having the evil penis from hell attacked the man's penis that's a little on the little on the penis a little on the penis and the second thing the first thing i thought about was uh alien one because it has seen this very reminiscent of that yeah and the the other thing is like the aliens a slasher monster now well here's jason well stop jason or he's pause pause pause hold that thought because if the alien is loose on board a spaceship with a bunch of fuckers that can't stop it and we see that opening scene where it's like it's popping out of that dude in that room yeah
Starting point is 02:00:24 and that's just the majority of the setting time the phone i'm so good with that i don't know because alien i don't know and i fucking love alien and that's what i'll take you know if you give me a better version of that but with other things that are pretty good i seriously i'll i'll have no problem also i don't know how i feel about danie mcbryde being well you better fucking get eastbound and down because uh too bad the core problem with making any sequel to the alien franchise is that we know how everything works in regards to xenomorphs we know their fucking name like that's true we know where they came from we know why they are the way that we know a remarkably explicit backstory regarding their use on the predator planet yes we know lots of
Starting point is 02:01:15 things that we never needed to know in the first place because it has gone on too long because the original idea was just slasher movie movie villain that we don't really ever get to see that close up in space and that's all it was so one of the i've discussed this before like in my gripe about horror thing for example but one of the core things in horror is the question of what is that like you need to be able to point at something or hear a noise or whatever and ask yourself that question what the fuck is that yes that is one of the core like that is how you frighten people you have to have that question and if people see something moving they're like oh it's a xenomorph and they can picture it directly on their head they know exactly what its behavior
Starting point is 02:01:59 is they know everything about it there's nothing to be afraid of other than just jump scares how flat is that facehooker scene going to be in the film certainly when the egg is moving and you know what the deal is because at that point it's the same as seeing a lightsaber pop up on yeah it's yes but in Prometheus one might argue that they tried to do new things but that's what I would yeah that's what I was going to mention that the you see in this trailer they're going out of their way to show you know it's new new things are happening and you don't know what they are but that doesn't really matter because we all know that it leads to the same exact place yeah because like we had the proto xenomorph at the end of the last one right and we're gonna get some kind of black dust and
Starting point is 02:02:42 be some kind of variant pseudo alien monster that is somewhat familiar but considering the stinger of that trailer like you see the classic alien in the movie it's right there you know that a facehugger is going to lay an egg in the chest and pop so yeah if you show me the facehugger except oh instead of bursting out of its chest it comes out of his back this time it doesn't matter like have it come out of his arm or his leg or his testicles it doesn't matter it's the same fucking thing so to me it seems like the appeal of these the appeal of these movies now is just almost like scientific advancement of their fictional universe where you're just thinking oh how are they going to handle it like what's the concept of how or where they came from in the
Starting point is 02:03:29 first place and you're just trying to mentally navigate that maze to get to the end goal of oh just xenomorph again now that being said how do you fix that like if well one you stop making movies about the same goddamn thing every few years you just have to abandon it but like the idea of abandoning the name alien is insane from a business standpoint so that's not gonna fucking happen this is a very general problem in regards to anything not just horror not just alien franchise but if you're going to make a if you're going to make a series of anything you need to establish a setting that can translate into anything and the problem with the alien or whatever franchise is that there is one thing that you care about the alien and then once you have explored that what else are you
Starting point is 02:04:19 going to explore other than like wheeling utani or something and I just and that's it so this the face hooker grabs his dick what so it's a dick hugger oh that's not comfy I don't know that sounds kind of interesting like a tonic but then it lays an egg in your dick man oh no why do I want to say Tony Cameron what's his name James Cameron that's a million wrong things I was just saying a combination of Tony Scott and Ridley Scott yo Ridley Scott eight places Tony Scott James Cameron Tony all the wrong all right so uh James Cameron understood all this and decided to go well a slasher flick with this thing that you already know about doesn't make any sense the only way I can change it is to not make it a slasher flick yeah it will now be a horror
Starting point is 02:05:10 themed action adventure you're telling the same story except you're changing genres yes and three was like well what if it was like the first one but a shittier movie in every way yeah so that is one that's one way that you can deal with it like if you don't have a good setting that you can build any story on top of just retell the same story except you tell it in a completely different way which is the difference between alien one alien two can I get a can I get a comedy alien I mean look yeah sure there is that that exists it's in the comics you're right he smokes a cigar he's hilarious yeah that way honestly like that was a bad uh spot for David Fitcher um unfortunately but yeah I still maintain that like I as a kid enjoyed black man punching alien in the face dude that's
Starting point is 02:05:59 the best part of the movie so by far and because it answers the question of what happens when you punch it in the face and the answer is nothing it gets kind of pissed though and everyone remembers you for being cool for trying well because like it was it was it maybe it was supposed to be implied by the way that it looked but it was always unclear to me like what does the alien feel like how much does it weigh you know stuff like that and when he punches it in the face and it has literally no effect and he's fighting it with a pipe I think and it's you got nothing but it's like oh no this thing's invincible of course but the fact that you were able to stall it for at least five seconds yeah is impressive enough sure that it doesn't just immediately mow through you and I I actually
Starting point is 02:06:43 really like the bitten alien three where they're in the fucking hot the the sick bay and they're all like fuck you there's no aliens bullshit and then the fucking thing just snipes the guy through the ceiling and they're like oh okay what do we do what do we do what do we do like that's a good moment it's very similar to uh sam jackson getting eaten in deep blue sea okay like I said it's it's a bad rap for fincher who you know so I can he can make a movie but you know it's just uh it's a wrong franchise what would you think about the series if and this was almost sort of in prometheus in a way of course they kind of ruined it if this the series kind of transitioned and one of the final movies was it went to this sort of almost lovecraftian thing where the aliens came from some unknowable
Starting point is 02:07:27 god creatures no thanks no thanks I hate it guys I'd hate it right and so your book ended then like you know what I was like because because because like I was like what while you were describing the whole where can you go thing my brain went back to event horizon and how like the ship going to hell was an interesting thing as but then it's like um I don't want to introduce those elements into alien which in my brain is the hardest of hard sci-fi yes yes and that that's my point with that is that the setting of aliens is very defined now you've had too many movies it is rock solid if you expand beyond that you're going too far there's no win um hopefully that's why you stop making movies hopefully we're going to do that so here's what I'm hoping for I'm hoping that
Starting point is 02:08:18 this is this is not going to rock socks and you and I mean you can you know quote me on this when it comes out and it does but uh I'm expecting and at the most hoping for a safe reboot in the way that Jurassic World and the Force Awakens and that's big now you know what I mean all those other recent movies that have come out where it's just like you're doing the thing where you know to pay homage to the old thing and not stir the boat rock the boat a little too much and you're going to end up with a movie that is fine that that will I can guarantee you now that will be the reaction people will come out of it saying it was okay because Prometheus was such a clusterfuck that they're like whoa we got you can't not I feel like Prometheus was gonna be fine and then it was ruined
Starting point is 02:09:05 in in its development because Prometheus was a clusterfuck in a way that no previous entry in Predator or Aliens was because like AVP for example like when you look at stuff that's just like oh that's dumb and it's fun shitty dumb bad dumb it's fun right Prometheus is not shit dumb bad dumb it's like big budget high we're trying to be a lot right now trying to be a real film and falling all over the place like no one was laughing at stupid mistakes all over the place yeah no one was laughing at the practical effects on set like everyone was taking it seriously and it just completely shit the you know what movie I've wanted to see for a while and I thought like I did not know anything about this film up until the trailer came out a few days ago
Starting point is 02:09:42 I thought like oh that that weird spin-off one that was gonna retcon a couple movies is obviously not gonna come out okay what's this when I thought it was gonna be I remember in 97 watching Alien Resurrection and the end of that film they kill all the aliens they kill the weird new hybrid alien right and part of the problem is that the ship they are on hits earth and causes a like global catastrophe right like it is similar to like the asteroid hitting the earth to kill the dinosaurs not quite as bad obviously because you don't see the entire planet no in golf and flame but it's bad it's real bad yeah and I always thought well considering the way they've created sequels in the past all they have to do is say that on some escape pod by acts some bullshit an alien got to earth
Starting point is 02:10:30 and now it is a problem that's AVP no no no no no in AVP one alien gets to earth for for a predator but alien on the planet earth if that's what you're talking about no but I'm not talking about alien on the planet earth I'm talking alien gets to earth aliens on earth becomes a problem like a well like a global problem that's the comics but which is that's a lot like what the beginning of Dead Space three is about right which is like uh oh necromorphs are everywhere it is a serious problem if with all the other movies is if you let them get to earth it is over yes if you have xenomorphs running around on the planet it's already it's already too late but the entire the entire comic series is just that though like like aliens in the sewers setting up hatcheries
Starting point is 02:11:20 yeah that's it's cool your foot like it's awesome there's very little but it's not new you know we've been down that road yeah but not in film here's okay here's another way to sort of fix the the whole aliens in the hood I watch that I watch that today don't get face hugged while you're drinking your juice in the hood um one way to fix this sort of series is to focus on characters one one of the one of the one of the ways that you sort of have this problem what do you do with the developing setting that is going nowhere and that's the xenomorph problem you focus on characters instead and you focus on their sort of cycle their their path through life and that's sort of what happened with alien one two and three you have the replic character and
Starting point is 02:12:07 that's why people kind of got invested in both of those movies is because the characters were actually good characters and even with alien three a lot of people said they like that film because of her even though it ended in a very stupid way no ripply ripply being there was great one way that you can support a weak franchise in terms of its lore in terms of its setting is to have good characters that you empathize with and care enough about that you will watch whatever movie that they happen to be at but then plague and I have to write a good character yeah and that's the problem with the the the franchise itself so but the other problem with that is that eventually you run through the course of that character and they reach the end of their
Starting point is 02:12:46 arc where they learn their lesson and you finally get their entire story which is what happened with the ripply and they had to keep resetting her over and over again well so a way around around that is if you have a jojo solution where you go through iterations so create jojo with xenomorphs in space we are going through iterations of generations of characters that follow their own stories and use the zen morphs not as an end unto themselves but as a narrative device that tells the story of human beings ripply learns ham on she's using the ripple is that where we're going right now it's this must be the work of an enemy new alien yeah and michael fastbender can't learn it because he's a robot but he's still like stroheim he's got lots of guns packed away yep we can
Starting point is 02:13:31 do this together well if the corporation gets a hold of xenomorph tech and starts making stand users out of it or something no i honestly like i've said it so many times that i feel like i'm it's getting like to be a dead horse at this point but the not just like jojo coolness but the jojo manner of handling your story is so smart and it's insane how other people don't learn from this particularly other manga artists don't learn from it treating your massive property as a small collection of anthology closed stories it's so smart and safe and it just doesn't think of how much better we would like naruto if after the time skip naruto's journey was done but that's what i mean is that like you know not just like other like because it's one thing it's like where other manga
Starting point is 02:14:15 fall from the fall have this problem but it's like no like every medium can learn from this and have like stories that begin i'll tell you why and we move on tell you why that doesn't work because movies especially i tell you why because if that was a film series people go where the hell's jonathan's oh joe star he's not in this movie fuck this movie well that's why in jojo they have them there they just don't focus entirely on they don't have jonathan well that kind of do but so he's knocking up kids even against but also it has to do with star power yeah but i mean look man we're getting blade runner again and look there's harrison ford is he gonna be in the movie for real real or is he just gonna show up and go hey new guy i'm old you know and then we're
Starting point is 02:14:56 gonna get um hot man what's his name yeah what's his name yeah hot man drive guy uh uh uh uh uh blah blah blah blah the hot man yeah i know exactly what you're talking about yeah yeah yeah no no but anyway you know you and the greger no god damn it i i'm drawing i'm blanking on his fucking head but hold on hold on hold on i can do this you you you keep talking yeah that's fine so he's in it now and ryan gosselin i got it my brain thank you yeah your brain on your that you just dropped on the table no look well i didn't even get there look i'll show you okay i was gonna type it prove it i was gonna type hot guy from drive but i didn't even get there okay that's fine but ryan gosselin is now and blade runner and that's a great actor to give a really important
Starting point is 02:15:39 role to i agree but um you know you you're gonna see harrison ford walk on set and be like i'm old man joe star yeah for at least a moment to pass that torch so and he's gonna look at ryan gossin go holy shit your abs are amazing oh my god but movies do that now like the whole concept of a soft reboot that's so popular right now yeah the reason why it's so popular is because it works because it does do that that's exactly what movies do these days they try to do a jojo where you inherit to the next generation star wars did that yeah that's exactly what they're trying to do and it does well boy i sure hope princess lay didn't have any big roles to play in the next star wars movie uh have you not seen cg precious because i mean oh no that was no i haven't
Starting point is 02:16:28 i still haven't actually but no cg you're aware of what i'm discussing right yes you can just cg anything yeah okay supposedly she is fine though i oh no actually sorry oh she had a big heart attack oh yeah oh yeah oh no i didn't want a plane from fucking london to la ouch and was like apparently like unresponsive for like 15 minutes in icu and i looked at that and went who i bet there's a bunch of screenwriters having a good day right now yikes yikes yeah let's rewrite the let's rewrite the next film she has ultra cancer just to be safe i mean she sounded like a really gravelly smoker in the force awakens too much nose candy but um oh damn that sucks i didn't know that oh the the the heart attack of the nose candy uh the the heart attack yeah okay okay um why would she have a heart
Starting point is 02:17:19 attack oh she's old that all the nose i mean my dad got old and he had a bunch of heart attacks from nose candy no no for being old and smoking don't smoke kids gives you heart attacks the fourth trimester is the nose candy trimester that's what that's what's happening in that's how you make a grow extra deified and she's just she's she's holding it shut so you can't get out you gotta go big and bring you gotta grow big and strong in there she duck take that shoved up you're not getting out no no we want you to be a superhuman that's how you get the force there are some people that are really there i would say i would say most people are really really confused as to why we keep talking about the fourth trimester and extra long pregnancies the power trimester men yeah people don't
Starting point is 02:18:09 know about it there's a lot of middle chlorine since out of cocaine you know it's a jojo thing people you'll find out eventually no you won't no yeah they'll quit before they get that far uh maybe um the demo for near-automata went up yep and i haven't played it but i've watched um Liam showed me some cool stuff yep and i have to say that uh i was kind of i was wondering if we were gonna get just platinum coming in and going yeah okay guys we got it from here yeah or if we were gonna get near but with the platinum touch there's some weird shit in that demo and it looks like you're getting from what i when i understand near with the platinum touch but boy oh boy is the platinum touch really cool they even kept the nonsense letter boxing
Starting point is 02:18:59 two things caught my attention three things caught my attention super hard one uh you got you know which time which is awesome and and bat specifically like bat and counter time right you got the the equivalent of the bat counter which looks super dope yeah that's fun that has its own combo strings that come out of it looks super sick secondly a dash that is a buffer free control yeah where you tap it and then direct it to the point where you can do a complete circle around a guy yeah after dashing that's fucking nutty it's really good that's such a good maneuverable option we should take a look at that this week i think we should because to be honest i don't but the thing is i and i don't want to go through the full game until
Starting point is 02:19:38 i get a chance at the original this well we have this thing on our channel called the near lp yeah i guess that's one way to do it you should probably just do that instead of playing it yes okay it's a possibility the game has rough spots like very rough spots fair that being said if you do play through the the full original game you will very much appreciate like i put my hands on that game and i almost cried because the difference between the old controls and the new controls so is a quantum leap and that's the thing is i'm also like a fan of doing it for myself yeah okay well i i eagerly await your experience with that remember you have to beat it four times yeah yeah but no uh that dashing thing is pretty sick but the fucking awesomeest bit
Starting point is 02:20:22 that i love and this is everything i love about like transistor and just it mechanically is genius stuff is the whole system where your character is a robot and you have a bunch of slots that are uh where you have different processing abilities and in a very similar method to what we do in a mega man command mission actually is you can equip new chips to give you different abilities and do different things of course but the slots you have as you start the game some of them are already taken up by things such as your life bar and the map and objectives yep and you can take those off i did not know that that's awesome to create more space for power for power that is i did not realize that that's super good everything about that that's the full
Starting point is 02:21:14 customization i always want to adam jensen oh god like the game itself the mechanics of the game itself are part of your characters load out and you can choose to strip those away for power yeah at your free at your will and then you just got to know what you're doing where you're going how much life you have and but you got fucking damage on you um i like i like the so i like the general simplification of the controls in that um you have your you have a a string with your your light attacks yeah you have a a string with your strong attacks you have holding the button down with one or the other and then you can come you can go light light light light in however many you want into one strong but what happens is is that whatever weapon you equip have complete like you
Starting point is 02:22:02 there are only two weapons in that demo but the difference of which one you assign to light and which one you assign to heavy yep result in a completely different gameplay style great all that too yeah near original had a bunch of weapon types and a bunch of different weapons and it is an rpg there are a lot of rpg stuff there's stats that you know so i expect a of it is slightly less depth per weapon than a platinum game like it is it is it's scale back a little bit so it's not super super crazy but every weapon is two movesets but every weapon is two movesets yeah and and that broadness along with good controls and the way that shooting works it feels really good because they talked about when the game was getting announced they talked
Starting point is 02:22:44 like okay we're not just going to make a a near flavored cap not a platinum game and how much of that you were saying earlier how much of this was going to be a near game that just platinum like just juiced up just you know just made that part good the part that was bad they made it good like yeah yeah that's what this game has potential yep remix soundtrack some all kinds of fun stuff so well you didn't you didn't play near but like the fucking primary the main theme of near and like the is remixed constantly near and it's it's the main theme of that demo as well like it's cool it's this fucking go go fucking look at any of the parts that me and Liam put up for a near and like the beginning of that track and then go find that track it's the song and it's
Starting point is 02:23:29 so good it's so good i think the number one thing we said during that lp was man this music is so good damn it's it's really stellar makes me super excited to see that combined with the platinum boss fight music magic escalation yeah yeah that's going to be something and instead of power vocals it's like soft like operatic kind of kind of singing oh okay you play as an android in this you sure do and um so that is the logic of exchanging out skills and stuff i'm pretty sure that demo is the very beginning of the game are you an android yes okay she even says that emotions are prohibited okay so you can just like rip out all of your memories and exchange of putting in even more abilities did you beat the demo did you beat the demo willy i didn't touch it oh my dude
Starting point is 02:24:21 i haven't played it yet i heard there's something good i'm pretty sure that demo is the very beginning of the game okay because there's okay there's some stuff that happens not to mention you have your little option buddy floating around with you as well so um yeah man i saw a drop kick in which your character runs forward and jumps off of it oh fuck that's really cool okay the most value of ever the most value i've ever gotten out of games is whatever they offer you the ability to completely change your play style in very dramatic ways one thing i've like did today before we started recording actually is i reinstalled guild wars one of all things okay yeah the card system that was really yes and that magic the gathering sort of thing where everything has an if then statement
Starting point is 02:25:05 so that you can you have like a reservoir like 500 abilities and depending on which one you put near other ones it completely alters your entire like combo chain i love things like that games yeah uh i i that that to be honest is like probably the thing that i love one of the things i love the most about the new generation of the games like like post fourth generation is like the ability to have space to put that kind of level of detail into games yes um this is the transistor sequel you always wanted walls i mean i don't want a transistor sequel but it's better than transistor but i want transistor ideas to be disseminated into the video game industry uh so uh there was also the spider man homecoming trailer that came out a while ago that we didn't
Starting point is 02:25:55 really uh do much about i think there's only one thing to talk about two things to talk about in that trailer no hide nor hair of no uncle ben no good god damn it yeah and to michael keaton as the vulture yes that is perfect that's all and he's just like hey kid i'll fucking kill your family get the fuck out of my fucking face he is way more interesting than he has ever been in like the comics yeah and well vulture has always been terrible but um the only thing that ever worries me about things like that is maybe the kembacross is not being too generic you know like movie villain usually is like movie version of villain yeah like uh uh jamey fox was and stuff like that i know yeah i don't know how to describe it but you know what i'm talking about peter's already charming
Starting point is 02:26:42 and everyone is already you like you know he's one of his one everyone's black you know what i mean like he's won himself over his russia tome is his aunt um it like as much as uh i love fucking i like dude iron man and just showing up everywhere is hilarious and great and fun uh i hope that things don't become too reliant on him because his punchlines are always like the fucking stingers and the the best parts and things and i have a stinger of the goddamn trailer is the two of them flying off together i have a feeling that uh iron man's presence is going to be a lot less than is seen in that trailer one i think i think that is a trailer push to be like look here's the poster board for the mcu and i love robert downey's portrayal of him but i really do hope that he's
Starting point is 02:27:33 the he's the joseph joe star of that universe i bet the ending of uh i bet the ending of the movie is them flying it let that him that that shot of them flying together or him flying in spider-man swinging i bet that's the end of the movie and i'm going to the avengers tower or whatever and being like okay kid you're an avenger come with us it'll probably to infinity war now right right probably about 10 minutes of him at the very beginning and probably about five or so minutes and he makes a phone call or something he's like i'm gonna fuck your aunt i mean it's weird to live in a world where iron man's more important to people than cap is like that's kind of crazy but the funny thing is neither one of those characters in the comics historically were
Starting point is 02:28:14 ever that important especially iron man no but cap is always like two of your two readers cap is there's a reason for that willy and it's they won't let him be a fucking slobbering like piece of shit drunk but it's not just the no but what i what i'm getting at though is that um i think that especially having seen like the guardians of the galaxy two trailers and stuff like that like the angle of coming at these superhero movies with humor as your main like your main vehicle and then like oh it emphasizes certain characters over others yeah yeah and like action is like uh um it's not that there's less action it's that it's it's not as important in a way action action needs to be a vehicle to characterization and that and usually in a
Starting point is 02:28:58 superhero movie that you don't expect that but that's what they started doing that's why marvel works in dc hasn't been working is because they focus on characters you know and so you're in this place now we're like the funniest characters are the ones that people like the most and that order is not at all the way comics have been going for years you know people would never look at cap and iron man in the same room and go like yeah uh iron man is more popular yeah like but here like i said here we are and and also star lord is awesome and you know what i mean and people are fans of rocket raccoon and this has been proved now this has been reflected in pop culture more than has in comics for a long time in which spidey is the number one superhero
Starting point is 02:29:42 forever because he's a fun guy yeah because he's a fun guy yeah and and and you know loki is fun and people like loki and all trans boring in pop culture spider man is bigger than almost everybody else combined compared to how he is in the comics god he's very popular i'm sure but in in the in the wider world spider man rules all yeah he's the shit um i'm just i'm just surprised uh by by how this has worked out but it makes perfect sense i do understand why we're here thanos is going to be a funny guy and you know what more importantly i don't have a problem with it and you know what i kind i don't want like thanos should not be funny but some of but like the thing the part i love the most is thanos getting super jealous at deadpool because death loves him
Starting point is 02:30:31 well that's not going to happen i know but like that's the kind of thanos that i really like and enjoy so i wouldn't so i feel like if they made him a little bit like that i feel like this is a long-term game in which they can have a really big pop at the beginning of infinity war in which robert downey jr sees that they all you know they do the hero thing of all the heroes and there's thanos who's this new guy and jobber or or important guy whatever makes the funny jokes haha i got that you know the the moment from dc animated where green lanterns like check out the light show green lanterns got that peep out the light show green lanterns got this and he goes to punch dark side yeah he gets wrecked yeah i can i can see that resulting in like thanos like
Starting point is 02:31:16 punching through iron man and killing killing robert downey jr and that at the beginning of the movie and that's setting up like no this is a big deal this character is a problem well the your johnny cage moment um i mean but like we already know that he sees himself at the point of where everyone else has gone and he's the one so i have a i have a i have a question and i don't know how they beat thanos in the comics but i didn't i don't read comics they don't okay good enough but um in the the marvel movie so far adam better show up at some point the marvel movies so far have done a pretty good job i think of portraying why the infinity stones are a big deal right every time one of them enters a movie it becomes the total focal point of that film
Starting point is 02:32:06 and whether you know it or not and it always gets to do a big cool thing it always gets to do something that we're like wow that thing is ridiculous and i have no idea how you can conceivably in the film universe deal with the character that has all of that shit that's that's ridiculous uh by introducing black bolt you just want black bolt but no no no no not not the inhumans by introducing characters whose sole purpose is to handle that shit yeah and that's that's what i hope we do um yeah thanos he's probably not going to be as powerful as he was in the comics because thanos in the comics once he actually obtains all the infinity stones he's effectively god in terms of what he can do like he can just yeah you know that and that's one of the things he does that one of the first
Starting point is 02:32:55 things that he does to please death he snaps his fingers and half of the population of not earth the entire universe and multiverse dies they're just gone yeah i'm uh i'm again i'm the movie version of this i'm expecting to to be like uh uh uh infinity war in name only similarly to how civil war was civil war name only like it had the same major players but the events same general theme but like but the events were really different and i'm expecting that to happen but a lot of this playing out uh the way that it does in the comics is gonna depend on again i think the introduction of adam warlock or or not we'll have to see you're gonna have to need someone that represents sort of the good side of uh universal politics i guess and adam warlock
Starting point is 02:33:47 in the comics was that who is like the watcher the fucking specter who the fuck is that big green guy that looks over the universe or whatever big green guy he's got a cloak the watcher is watu he's got a blue cloak whatever yeah that's the watcher okay have him just come and just give him you might be picturing something like eternity or something like that maybe because yeah there's celestials and then there's exactly all right i got i got i got okay i got it i got it all right it's marvel's long-term plan got it then else is gonna win everything's gone down and the old beam of light shines from the heavens and out walks jesus christ and he fights actually any that is not without president the the the jesus christ the marvel
Starting point is 02:34:31 character yes uh-huh yes because there is a character called the one above all yeah and that is effectively god yeah uh not to mention uh you could just have stanley like yeah show up and be you know Peter porker swings by with stan lee from that one other multiverse all of my cameos have been me watching over you all along i'm your dad now oh boy and then he takes the big anime erasing eraser over to thanos and just starts to erase him and then he dies on set there it goes mcu you know credits roll all right um and then ron pearlman continues to get work because he's awesome as he should you see no fucking you see no shoes he wears in pacific rim i have not amazing um yeah
Starting point is 02:35:24 you guys haven't mentioned pacific rim two is finally well of course that's happened off and on until i see a trailer i don't think there's much yeah right right so the oh you're thinking of the specter from dc says uh levi i see well uh i'm sure there's a marvel equivalent i mean there's there's tons of like god levels exactly like they like marvel i over time has had the dragon ball super issue of like we're like what level of godhood are we at at this point yeah man comic books are fucking stupid now excuse me while i continue to read my mmo encyclopedia yeah something i wanted to say briefly about the idea of characterization in regards to villains and everything yeah the most popular characters are always the the happy ones that are you know
Starting point is 02:36:06 they're not ignoring like batman or something batman's kind of an anomaly but it's almost always it's going to be the funny guy yeah and that's one of the uh big core problem in writing characters and you saw that on display with the uh second adventures movie where they tried to make the villain that they tried to make it like a funny you know not really happy or anything villain but you know just relatable and i think it's the word yeah yeah that'd be a good word that's a good word yeah it did not work at all and some people have been really surprised with uh i can't remember the actor's name but the guy that plays captain america but he's done Steve Rogers so that's not right that's wrong that's super wrong no no Steve Rogers now shut up Chris Evans yeah uh but he's
Starting point is 02:36:51 done a wonderful job portraying him because he doesn't really have a lot to work with in regards to the diversity of captain america's character like captain america is kind of funny sometimes in those movies of course he's always going to play a second filled with uh uh tony stark but he's done a really good job playing him because he is relatable and likeable without being ha ha funny guy it's just a really genuine nice good guy yeah and you trying to do his best and but you run into that problem with villains and this is marvel's problem you think this stands for France he's got a sense of humor yeah it's there ever so often and that really helps a lot yeah the the villains are the big problem in marvel movies and the reason why they're always forgettable is
Starting point is 02:37:34 because they don't get to have that because the story is really about the protagonist well the the bigger problem is that the only one that gets to be memorable is Loki because he's the only one who gets to make it through his own fucking movie um like everybody else gets fucking dealt with and uh human torch and the thing are way more like beloved i'd say than mr fantastic and his wife like because they're the fun ones cue the sous storm the brigade they're gonna tell you about how she puts force fields in your lungs no they already know not to listen to the part of the podcast where we talk about comics because it's infuriating they're aware of that already so they've tapped out and now more as a fuck he's never gonna get that shit hey he's like well he
Starting point is 02:38:16 has sort of got it here and there oh yeah that's all the writer yeah but he mr fantastic and stretch any part of his body uh as stretch not in flight like his penis no miss marvel can embign yeah she can is that please tell me literally the word um i might have to start reading that i have heard i have heard nothing but lavish praise for that run of miss marvel with uh what's her name camila con uh camila con yeah camala con camala con okay um other things uh there's uh some closings majesco is pulling out of games good cry tech is closing down good a lot of its offices um shit's a little rough but uh so happens when you don't make games you make only bad games yeah yeah i mean and your engine sucks well look i i heard robinson the
Starting point is 02:39:07 journey is not bad so i've heard it's bad oh limo saying is all right all right take a look i don't know but um it's it's metascore is pretty bad and i've i haven't certainly i haven't talked to anyone who said anything nice about it for enough uh i'm curious which bombs me out because the concept looks super cool and well it's one of the few full length vr games i believe so i am curious enough on just that point um but uh we're getting a dlc prequel to crypt of the necrodancer if anyone has been playing that or knows that game that's a good game it's a good ass game it's a fucking hard game and it deserves more content so i am really glad that that is happening um looks super dope and the music is great so check that out dlc for a game like that entail new music primarily yeah it
Starting point is 02:39:51 would entail new music new levels new characters it would entail a lot of new things and the trailer seems to imply that it pretty much looks like a different game but it's just you know dlc instead of an individual release um and lastly double dragon four was announced today i laughed at the four luckily no one in here cares about double dragon so we skip that this far except we've got a message coming in oh come on i was i hate double dragon statement from the desk of one matthew kowalowski oh that's tough don't think it sucks so bad i am very excited for the return of bami and jammy's punch ventures the fourth light the new game looks cool in that retro way but i hope they remove the stiffness of the old double dragons guess what week of i will force you
Starting point is 02:40:51 guys to do when i get back love matthew all right that's good that's fucking shame he's wrong that's really funny and can't defend himself really funny let's go into the emails wait no no that's not it emails now i think a farting noise would probably be more appropriate we already stole the music did we it's letter time it's letter time that's letter time all right hey i'm your host nicholas piclas i want you to write into video game in arcade top 10 at the following email address woolly super best friendcast at plague super best friendcast at thanks a lot appreciate it what do we got this week we got one coming in from julian and he says bonjour super mayor ami thank you uh first best wishes for christmas
Starting point is 02:41:46 and uh something i realized pat seems to prefer big and tall guy uh okay context yeah i whenever i play a game i always pick the biggest spider's character straight to zangief guilty gear love slayer but seems to insinuate potemkin was main potemkin is my main and picks iran tayger says something about being favorite character yep pretty sure big band was favored in skull girls too uh applies to most games as big and heavy weapons as great as in the rlp i went straight for the biggest sword as i could in uh in platinum games i go for the biggest sword that i can't is that your heart is that your heart fast rule in in in ff 14 my main until the expansion came out was warrior which uses a big double bladed axe and then my main became dark knight which
Starting point is 02:42:32 uses a big two-handed sword and i play a rogedon which is a big muscly man every game that i can get it in which it's viable i will play the biggest slowest strongest character i can okay i love that archetype that is my favorite that is my big favorite that's that's that's have a have some issues there pat no i don't know i i i will forgive you for that really obvious assumption uh no i just i i prefer one big hit over combos yeah agreed uh that's why i that's why i like ryu more than ken uh yeah no that's why i like ryu more than ken as well especially streetfire five ryu because he's slow and he's chunky sure and my execution has never been the best so the slower the character moves the better it is for me now i i definitely like
Starting point is 02:43:29 tanking when it's a choice between tank dps and support yep um because i like decision making uh well tank in every group is the de facto leader of that group oh really well like they're they're at the front yeah okay like at the very least they're the person standing in front so they get to implicitly decide what direction you move yeah i like the idea of like important decision making is my main uh game uh cycle this is why i like dark souls it improvises right uh but i think to answer this guy's question about archetypes of choice um especially not a fighting game i go i go straight for boxer but really the what it is is your you seem to be a big fan of of uh defensive anything but in terms of like movement or style you like fast dashes like makoto is what springs to mine
Starting point is 02:44:23 but that's not that's it's not about that that just happens to be that character i like hard punches you like art that's it i like big fist you okay i know so okay it doesn't have to be the you know the if anybody can find a photo of a guy getting rocked by a punch in the stomach and in in ward bubble it goes wharf yeah yeah that's what woolly wants to play yeah that's real so you you really favor like tactical uh decisive huge blows yeah well and it doesn't have to be the big grappler but i like the guy who will do a lot when you plan it and you get that one big hidden makoto is not about the dash to me makoto is about the last hit of seishu zen godansaki okay he's about the visceral boom yeah galactica phantom boom yeah okay yeah there it is right
Starting point is 02:45:09 like that's what i love you like the character that has the single most powerful explosive that's why you freaked out when you read reo final and the final thing the reo final is reo just builds up the biggest single punch ever to the point where if the character is a glass cannon i still want it okay you know i'm following so that's what that's where i go on that um plague i find most people actually no thank you thank you actually like a lie yeah i find most people are very damage centric as far as their most favorite characters usually go usually it seems like most video game players are more about the the glass cannon that's very very fast and does a shit ton of damage this like the most popular things as far as i've ever seen in any video game
Starting point is 02:45:57 you guys are kind of in that same line through damage centric but they're more you know big hit me mine is like way more specific okay and i usually explained is i really like off tank disruptors okay okay and that is someone that is sort of tanky but not really a tank and someone like they're still kind of fast but they're not like the fast character and instead of dealing big hard damage they make your life a nightmare by doing things like disabling your abilities or interrupting your attacks there's a there's a there's a term for that you like debuffers no not a debuff because a debuff is just something you kind of just poop on someone and that that's it whatever i'm thinking about things like that i'm thinking more
Starting point is 02:46:45 action oriented where someone is starting up a skill or something and oh you like shit disturbing yeah he's a did you jump in and you you know you hit on your then that skill gets disabled yeah you're a somber guy yeah you know hacking well not exactly that that's why i'm saying my thing is way more specific so i it's not really present in most games yeah saboteur'd be good a good archetype for that kind of it's more brawling honestly it's one of those things anytime that someone asked me to design a kit for a game this is what i go to and then i show it to them and they just get confused like what the fuck is this this character seems bad at everything throwing down and shit like that but i basically want to be the brawler that's in there like i'm acting as the
Starting point is 02:47:27 tank but i'm tanking the sense of you can't do anything to me right right like i'm not actually shorting off damage like you're damaging me a lot but i'm fucking you up you can't do your game yeah that's a very specific type of disabler that's that's yeah and it's um it's in almost nothing that's it disabler yeah there you go that's why i call it yeah this i'll take the same way yeah uh okay uh we got one coming from kasey and he says uh hey couple breast friends mm who are the best characters that have no powers but still get the job done our men and batman do not count being rich as a power also no stupid anime strength average joe's only i've got i've got one extremely extremely relevant one right now i've got okay go hayato kawajiri from diamond is unbreakable
Starting point is 02:48:16 is the sickest best kid and you cannot fuck with him so he is a normal boy fighting stand battles keeping up with and fighting stand battles and not losing against a credible against one of the strongest stand users ever ever that that average users fucking buy it hard to yeah um and he is a child it is incredible what this kid does and how fast his powers of analysis work considering he cannot see the fight in my in my head canon he grows up to run the speed wagon foundation i believe i believe everything about that hayato is the absolute mvp god tier uh i am not done far enough to see the nth degree of this but there's a one-piece character that fits this pretty well in which nearly every character in one piece like this guy uh has zoro's a master
Starting point is 02:49:07 swordsman and and this lady has a staff that does also some magic bullshit and stuff like that right and every and nine out of ten characters ate some magic fruit that gave them super powers like really really super powers right sure and then there's a guy named us up which is a pun on the term liar and his superpower is he lies really well okay and he hangs tough with them the whole series despite hat despite being a scrawny physically unimposing boy okay who sucks but he lies super good okay and he's smart and that is a sniper like his actual role in combat is the sniper yes but until he gets there like it's stupid shit like everyone's fighting these god tier animal dudes and he pulls out the biggest hammer you've ever seen that says a thousand tons on it and he
Starting point is 02:50:06 hits the guy in the face and the guy falls over and goes oh my god i'm gonna die his fight against perono was really until he realizes that it's actually an inflatable hammer with two frying pans stuck to it that he just wrote a thousand tons on it and that gave him the time to set up the next dumb bullshit of the thing yeah okay i know you hate one piece i get it no no no i've never seen it it's but like it just like because every single other person has magic powers or skills that are approaching magic powers okay and this is a character that has like he just bullshits his way through he is not even a physically able physically fit young man but he bullshits his way through and he manages to keep up yeah yeah okay like what if batman was me like
Starting point is 02:50:49 my body and had to figure it out right yeah yeah yeah everyone likes the underdog man broccoli just hard work it you know hard work it and loses every fight well one piece kind of really cool doing it yeah he did a cool thing that one time one piece has hockey of all things in it which is it's not fruit based power all things because it's something great sport it's something it's something where if you like work out enough and become skilled enough of a fighter and you eventually figure it out you can develop this ability this hockey ability that allows you to you know do stuff like harden your body and like whenever you see those pictures later on in the the series of them like having like totally black like iron like skin that's what that is
Starting point is 02:51:37 you don't actually need powers to develop that oh it's sort of a power that you can learn i thought i thought uh luffy just like the black fruit no he that's something that he black probably half of them learned in the course of their time skip training i i would also like to point out about how hiato that uh he starts out yours is better hiato is the best he starts out as a character that has a fucking secret camera in his parents bedroom like a super and he's like i need to know if my parents love each other so i'm gonna watch them bone or not he's a super creep and then you just completely dismissed that he's also got like cameras in multiple places in the bathroom yeah he's a weirdo but like freak but it did it turns out it's for the best like it couldn't
Starting point is 02:52:26 happen to a fucking better what an obvious jojo character look at this weirdo he's so odd the weird thing about i love him he would have grown that kid would have grown up in a different environment to be a serial killer the way or something bad yeah absolutely but then he learned that serial killing was bad and that what goes around comes around even if you can't see it and if you serial kill eventually that guy who stops time is gonna punch you up um not to mention the confirmation that ghosts literally exist and they're right over there and also ghosts can continue to use their stands they're right the fuck over there uh so yeah uh he never he never met uh uh rehmie but like he was definitely there for that ghost dad in the picture you know
Starting point is 02:53:15 like ghosts aliens vampires as tech supermodel man's that's my world it's unfortunate we've sort of gotten it before but we've never really gotten the thing of a non-stand user is standing there watching just like we've gotten it before where they they're going what is happening but we've never really gotten it cranked up to eleven was just putting their hands on their head going what did what did you did you see uh to the final episode plague i haven't seen the final episode okay because i'm the final in the final episode if you watched up to the second the last one the final battle takes place in view of like 20 people and the ending of that battle makes them assume that a very completely different thing occurred than the thing that occurred and it's
Starting point is 02:54:03 the uh edit of the original uh ova's like the entire deal yeah in real time something right right things are just exploding and you don't know where they there's a point where they where you know somebody gets hit and they go it's like he just threw himself backwards yeah yeah yeah exactly and and i remember looking like well why did it oh because they didn't see any of that of course no yeah okay you know not to mention hiato if i can see in the bubbles and like he's still he's nothing where they're coming from or what's going on but occasionally stray cat will appear in reality and then disappear and then you know a bubble will come out a bubble will come out and that's all there is to it that's all he's seeing yeah something i thought was really weird about stray cat being inside of
Starting point is 02:54:42 another stand is apparently if something is inside of a stand it becomes invisible because stray cat is a real thing he could see it yes yes but the flesh surrounding it makes you not able to see it because it's like a ghost it's a ghost logic it's not important yeah it's it's magic shut up exactly it's not like it's transparent it's like hey you would think that he would be able to see oh there's floating straight at right now listen there's a lot of plot holes and there's a lot of like serious plot holes and things that don't make sense because eric he thought they'd be cool and that's that's the reason like like we have now two examples of one and star discursators and one in uh diamonds unbreakable where you're like how do you not hear what is happening 10 feet away
Starting point is 02:55:21 from you how do you know that that is when polareff is getting attacked by fucking chucky of course and they're all outside the door hearing scream for help and manga rules about like how can you have this whole discussion in five seconds now if you want to if jojo has sorry after you jojo has sort of a dragon ball thing where everything is so stupid that just complaining about it can be part of the fun hey woolly i i have i i was recently informed of a giant plot hole that i can't believe i didn't get uh so i have something that's not a hole because i think i have an answer to it but it confused the shit out of me and it takes place in the middle of the series so anyone who's even close up to date is fine why does joseph joestar go to morio
Starting point is 02:56:03 do you remember uh he goes to find uh red hot chili peppers right yeah so he they're gonna like hey joseph you're gonna come in you're gonna use your spirit photo thing and we're gonna find red hot chili peppers and beat him up right which he does off screen i think which uh doesn't happen right that that he's defeated before that is able to happen and then joseph stays for the remainder of the story yeah good thing there was never another person that they could have used joseph spirit photo to find the entire second half of diamond is unbreakable makes literally no sense but like the spirit photo found the guy who was actively using the arrow whereas uh kira's dad was not actively using the arrow yeah but they could have just gone okay where's kira oh here's his
Starting point is 02:56:50 address here's a shot of him out the window like they could just he can just do it over and over oh that he did wait why didn't he just why didn't he just go oh where's kira smash oh there he is yeah why didn't he just touch the photo of of kosaku and go is that steering like that most of the later half of it involves photographs and someone watching him on camera he doesn't need all that much information to make that work that's stupid shut up that's a bad it's a big one because he can just he all he needs is like an idea and a camera yeah he doesn't really need he was able to see inside his own brain yeah he has just hmm wow and the only thing i can think of is general thought of the idea and went oh grandpa's tired fuck i don't want like my brain just kind
Starting point is 02:57:40 of went no he needs like a piece of like he needs a space hold on hold on he's too weak and too frail and too old to smash the camera there to do that they brought him there to do that specifically he only had a long trip the chamber yeah he was a long trip he tried to smash the camera but he just hurt his hand and started us crusaders he goes where's dio at he gets a photo of dio yeah in egypt because they're they're linked and it's shut up no i know i because the other why didn't he mind he needs to go there in the first place mine was much more specific i don't know that's actually a better question why do they even need to be there he could have done it anywhere from the speed wagon found he couldn't have done it in the commode the spirit camera
Starting point is 02:58:26 no distance no it doesn't uh joseph joseph just shows up um kids because they're they're going to use him to find akira they don't need to physically bring him there but they bring him there anyway also his well they to be fair to that they might may have been doing a roundabout thing where he should meet his like his relatives like yeah his son is involved i mean i can accept that um no i was just trying to figure out the whole the backwards use of um another one bites the dust in the final part where it's like the information is already known yeah but you're putting the trigger now yeah and so would auto bra so why would you even have to do the the now shut up you know like yeah so that's exactly it's
Starting point is 02:59:12 cool it's cool because it's a cool moment but it doesn't it should have immediately just went off yeah without a titch you know anyway um so with uh with that because yeah there's and it gets a lot worse later on too but it's oh yeah in which the main character says i don't know how my stan works but i won like yeah okay what is it what's the quote that's bullshit but i believe it so stupid uh charles wants to know has there ever been uh casting of a character where um the actor made you get interested even though you would not have been if they weren't there uh his example is that he went to coals and he saw the latest guardians of the galaxy comic he was curious because he saw a femoral star lord on the cover opened it up and found out that kitty pride had
Starting point is 03:00:01 taken up the mantle and peter coals absence oh that's cool um the old team you know and love was there uh the thing flash thompson as newcomers uh the art was the art imposing of the characters was within the panels blue moan it was a solid buy for me so yeah is there anything where like you the casting would have totally uh was what pulled you in even though you would have ignored it otherwise that applies to you to elie no i can't uh there's a lot of things where i can think of the performance being good but the other thing also being the only thing i can think of is that i would not have been so immediately drawn to westworld had anthony hopkins not been one of the main characters well it was yeah but i also heard about like
Starting point is 03:00:50 fucking nolan and you know what i mean like you just you give that the time well no but because i didn't know that but i saw oh this the this a new hbo say anthony hopkins is in it um i'll watch that you know i mean the average random like will smith hitch or seven pounds kind of movie like you only bother because you're like oh let's see what he's doing well smith he's a let's see what he's up to over here there's so many movies that are based off that marketing of you know this guy come watch it you don't hear about the character or whatever like i can say that uh the lord of the ring films are a good example of that where there's a lot of characters in the books that are very very dry but once you actually see them being performed by expert actors then
Starting point is 03:01:31 they're a lot more rich a lot more vibrant and you actually care more about them the the the first x-men movie i was ready to like not pay attention to until i saw the trailer that had ian mckellan talking to it's sorry i saw gandalf talking to john lupacard and i was like yeah i was like okay no i don't think i have that for actors but i definitely have it for uh directors and um you know writers in the case of like um shows and movies getting it like when when something comes out and it's like oh um brian k vaughn is involved in this you know like fucking yeah or matt fraction is writing that you are doing this story sure you know you hear a name and you're like that person is quality they wouldn't
Starting point is 03:02:14 have chosen to do uh hawkeye unless they had some fresh ideas so i'm a read hawkeye because he wrote it and that's what's the name of that dog uh i think it's just arrow i still think when you tell us or i still think about that relatively often of of that i love that moment of the character seeing the the cliche thing and just that it's it's made for you and he just cringes suck um um and let's take one let's see this is more letters than we took in the christmas letter podcast yeah why we ran out of time unfortunately no it's fun don't think about it don't think about it it's cool joseph's there for reasons um joseph's there to pass the torch to the torch passer so he could pass the torch to the torch passer so he can pass the torch to go why do we
Starting point is 03:03:10 have this torch a lot of nice messages some of these folks just want to let us know that um you know we didn't let kanya west never received a lost atomic purple game boy and pavel Picasso never received a box of dragon vildos and that's art so thanks max i appreciate that what um he's paying compliments he's paying compliments it's cool apparently um i don't get it don't worry about it okay uh okay here we go there we'll take this one um walter says pat you're totally right about the sydney sydney bullshit thank you but i'm not so sure about the trico torico pretty certain that trico is intended to be the name in both languages as evidenced by seeing it written out in the open credits um it torico does work in a few puns in japanese it's also the closest you
Starting point is 03:03:53 can get to trico with syllables so it's like pat and pato i don't know anyway best wishes well back back when the game was very very first announced i remember an interview in which they called the character torico and that those words came out though that the word torico was written down and i i looked it up and i was like oh it's eagle bur you know something and went okay and granted that was like nine years ago and the eco nico trico thing is obvious but it always felt like that was the that was the pun because if you say torico fast becomes trico um like that one is considerably more nebulous than the sydney sydney thing which is extra funny because i was informed recently that on the ff 15 ost her theme is called sydney in all caps yeah i uh i've just gotten
Starting point is 03:04:49 used to the fact that we're always going to have these weird you're not going to get half of the joke because this name is a pun situation i can't wait for persona five to come out in this immaculately voice-acted english cutscene and then someone sneezes and they go ha ha ha you're dying and i'm gonna go what yeah yeah yeah you know or whatever or whatever um oh no you you have to step over that turtle thief sand it's one of the you kind of you stop thinking about it and just go yeah i don't get it but until so you're sitting there with someone who really doesn't get it that goes no wait why is that there yeah that you kind of go oh yeah that is that's a little odd probably i sort of i sort of get that reaction whenever i'm watching anything that's in english
Starting point is 03:05:32 like for us and there's a pun based on like it like this words and i think wow if they have to like if it's a cartoon like adventure time or something and i think wow once they have to translate that into all these other languages that joke will be nothing why do they even make it no excuse me sometimes it just has to get butchered and and that's that and we which is why you applaud like uh dubs like excel saga for managing to stay actually funny and kind of close to the material despite being tons of japanese pop references cultural references word puns honestly that's one of those things that and and dual kanji meaning puns that puts me off crazy how they did that and they did a really good job it puts me off of watching or trying to
Starting point is 03:06:19 watch gintama again because you were like man gintama has a lot of injokes and it's like it cut to a screenshot of the main guy from gintama making a joke and it zooms in on the face of some rando fucking japanese celebrity that i've never heard of right and i'm like what the fuck am i supposed to get from that the best example of that that i can think of offhand is like uh bo bo bo bo bo bo yeah but the whole thing is just japanese culture jokes and some of those translate him like very poorly but whenever you watch the actual dub a lot of it still can be funny but not all of it yeah i you know that's when you appreciate translators and transliterators and then and we we covered a good deal of that topic on the last podcast yeah uh and oh one thing
Starting point is 03:07:09 i want to say though go go that's the sydney thing doesn't that make her hit like her father in asshole if it's sydney that'd be like you naming like your daughter patricia just because of your name yeah or every every person that's ever named their kid blank junior or yeah woolly well i was gonna say will smith and jada pinkett smith naming their kids jaden and willow barf like that's either it can either be really cool or incredibly lame like if you see i had a kid i'd name him pat number two yeah with the with number yeah being like pronounced yeah you have to say number it's got the pound sign pat hashtag two yeah i would name my child jotaro i would name my daughter sephirah the government wouldn't let you depends where you are canada uh yeah in canada i don't think they would
Starting point is 03:08:11 not let you like listen we know exactly what you're doing yeah when you go to name your kid there's a there's a government body that can that has the ability to go you're an asshole he just google image searches and goes now try the letter that says come on man on the front it's it's it's the guy that's sitting there chewing gum and he just doesn't even say anything he just looks at you and nods and just goes try again you know you can't name your kid try gun bash the stampede no no i'm not saying bash the stampede i'm saying you're not allowed to name your child try gun is it okay if you named your child woolly requiem and then last name try again if if his middle name is requiem is it okay requiem woolly requiem if haqueem is fine
Starting point is 03:09:01 and and hawakeem is fine then i think it's close enough why not fucking river phoenix pulled it off you know just go yeah i'm native i can i can do what i want you can't stop me i'm shitting and pissing everywhere and you can't stop it taz manian double style i'll come in your face oh that one it wasn't a step no that oh no no that didn't that started before the pot that okay you guys enjoy it that that and never made it ever made it off of the air so that's a call back for us that's funny you lie however no one knows why you're talking about coming in people's faces and welcome to the problem we have if they say anything about it i'll come in their face and i'll get away when the mic starts too far and like you can't the joke is already at level three
Starting point is 03:09:46 and then let's go let's go behind the curtain here i showed up at 1215 woolly was already here and plague came in on what like 1225 on the test story make sure it worked so we just bullshitted around for half an hour workshopping the shit and piss joke and setting up the podcast and plague's talking about coming in people's faces as a defense mechanism yeah and then i went in with my bit and then plague waited all the way to the end to go with the bit that he forgot did not exist in this podcast i wanted to take one last one from james and he wants to know what your favorite example is of the art of the teas yoshi p's really good at it when he teased oh thank you for grabbing this this question when he told at the tokyo fan fest okay i would like to talk about
Starting point is 03:10:33 this and this gives me so uh they go to the fan fest sir where they talk about the expansion right the expansion that comes out it's gonna come out in june and they they have three fan fests in that year proceeding and every time they announce oh you're gonna go here you're gonna fight this here's the new classes right so in um wait last time for the expansion he walked out on on stream and he's like wearing a batman shirt and okay well they what's batman also known as the dark night which is the class that came in that expansion right that's pretty funny so the next time he comes out with a james bond t-shirt spy uh and we get machinist slash engineer which is gadgets and guns and then at the last fan
Starting point is 03:11:20 fest he walked out with a scarlet witch t-shirt on which then a few days ago red man's gotta announced got it which by the way looks fucking dope that's fun and at this fan fest he walked out with a spider man t-shirt on which everyone is now arguing over what the fuck that means because that is by far the fucking weirdest one so far um and there's two trains of thought the one that i that is wrong and the one that's right the first one's the wrong one people are going well sam rayme defected directed the first three spider man films and sam rayme sure does sound a lot like sam ray oh lord and i'm like christ people are insane and i'm like that's not what it is that's not what it is it's it's much simpler than that well who was spider man before he got
Starting point is 03:12:13 by a spider peter parker right and he saw spider which is evil right yeah and it hit him yeah and he gained its power yeah right so what final fantasy class does that associate with the werewolf no blue mate the enemy skill guys okay it's a calculators it's a fuck calculators already as i was gonna say i was gonna say like uh uh scientists like it's blue you know like pewter parker's a scientist yeah no blue may just get hit by enemy skills and they gain those enemy powers for their own just like spider man okay spider man was a blue mage all along so yeah yoshi pee he's fucking good at it oh no bad at it oh no it's really bad because he just lies he just lies so much that you just don't believe him right yeah i i like the batman thing and stuff
Starting point is 03:13:04 we're all pretty direct i think your spider man thing is still a bit uh it's gonna be blue man tenuous it's gonna be blue man um but i will say that my favorite version of teasing is what um the force within did recently and anytime a film does this wait the force within yeah uh sorry excuse me the force awakens okay um though you're talking about the porn version uh where um it's got to come out somehow yeah during the fourth trimester can't stop it yeah uh the fact that you just kind of skills you can show a bunch of shots of things happening moments that are intense but we have no idea what the context is all we have is visuals and cinematography and and actors but like you and you're interested in what's happening but you have no story details you
Starting point is 03:13:54 have no narrator no bullshit i want to go in cold knowing almost nothing and that's how you tease to well then i will say that the the uh using that criteria the the god king of all teasing is fumato uh fumido ah fumito ueda with here's a picture that is my next game yeah my concept came from this yeah this is what the game is not bad that's pretty good uh you you lie yeah i got nothing specific i just enjoy shadow on the wall sort of uh for shadowing oh you like the platonic uh teasing format shadow on the wall literally like like episode one uh i don't know about specific examples man i'm sure there's good and bad examples but yeah always enjoy whenever you have like a movie and they establish these are going to be the characters
Starting point is 03:14:47 of the next movie without actually saying their names without like there's just items on the table that are reminiscent of them and then that's it that's that's their clue if i could give you more specific example yeah i can't i don't i don't follow honestly i just received a fantastic message from a man on twitter saying that the double entendre for toriko goes even further because toriko's kanji can also be pronounced as captivity cool prisoner it means prisoner yeah it means prisoner yes someone did say that that's what japanese is great for that yeah because every word means 10 words and the way that you spell it can also mean different things and even the strokes that make up the individual characters that you're using can also tell me about the strokes
Starting point is 03:15:33 plague no okay okay did we beat the podcast we beat the podcast uh coming up and coming out um westworld spoilers incoming yeah uh there'll be a small i'm gonna imagine you have a small musical break um i mean like very small yeah like if i can just take a piss break like no no i mean for the audio there'll be like a music that fades yeah yeah there will be a there will be a very clear um uh time stop moment at which point the westworld spoilers what happens yes um so i will also take a piss break that's the point at which uh i guess plague you you can definitely uh do you want to take the piss break together um yeah maybe we should do that yeah at the same time that's what i'm talking about but then you'll be able to stop one another though yeah hey but as far as um
Starting point is 03:16:22 the uh podcast goes in general uh we have more dark souls coming out we have over the glass more yep it's all over the floor now oh my fucking ah yeah that's i'll mention very briefly that i just so happened to start playing dark souls one again the day before you guys that's fantastic which is really really weird interesting cool uh yeah we've got more titanfall coming out and um more one-offs yes and more mega man coming out as well um i saw that you guys finished that off yep so that's done that's gonna be uh going out until it's done and yeah some one-offs so that's the schedule for now um i'm looking forward to i guess just you know looking and looking at more of let it die yeah me too and uh i'm going to um just say that the what's in an op for part four
Starting point is 03:17:19 is going to be spectacular you can't break that please get excited i think it's going to be pretty that's gonna be a much longer one because there's tons of those i can't wait to see what jeff does with that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that guy's a fucking chill uh what's the fucking name what's his name and um oh whatever forget it i think it's bloodborne guy that goes i see he talks like that alfred um i don't remember something something i'll mention real fast the reason why i started playing because this might be kind of interesting you guys the reason why i started playing dark souls again is because very recently like this month they found a brand new skip in dark souls that speedrunners are now using they allows you to
Starting point is 03:18:08 skip to sense fortress without actually ringing both bells and it involves clipping the camera into a def cam right in front of the sort of sense fortress entrance just about after the the chapel area and that allows you to super cool clip your way into sense fortress it's pretty so i just realized that while my brain was able to completely ignore everything about ds1 talk until this point now that i have even a little bit of context it's starting to settle it's i shouldn't be hearing these things because i know what you mean by ringing the bells yes for example oh that's not that's like the whole principle the game i just know spoiler there i'm aware after you're done you can go watch my terrible cartoons and they will actually make
Starting point is 03:18:51 some degree of sense they're not terrible there you tried your best people oh yeah i guess that's a response okay oh by the way i didn't mention this last time people had been asking where i got the idea for the intro that i did for this this uh this halloween for your guys thing i didn't get it from anywhere i just just i i actually thought what would make matt scared and i thought about isolation since he the test isolation so that's that developed into that so just quick story assumed that you threw the bones and you read the the signs and that's what happened well people were assuming i was basing off some existing movie and that got them interested but yeah it's not based on anything it's just made up stuff so uh i i
Starting point is 03:19:38 word on the street comes around to me that the only thing i need to know and remember at all times is that apparently seath is a bitch seath is a yes so how's it go how's it feel seath how's it feel seath to be a bitch yeah i'll find out what that means he's a bitch he ain't got no scales okay let on you'll be front and he'll feed him poopoo for no reason he really likes to eat poopoo wow not unlike your cat i don't remember he doesn't eat shit i mean you can feed him dung pies i mean you've you told you already told us about how you shit on your cat i don't show my cat sat on the toilet and you shit on your cat and it was woolly woolly woolly woolly woolly you bought him a bidet so that he could drink from it right by the toilet
Starting point is 03:20:28 so that you could lean over and describe on top of his head elmo is my son i would never i would never shit on my precious baby hey elmo come in here and see how hard i can shit they eat the poopoo now we got through almost 200 podcasts without making that joke oh no it's all over now stay tuned for westworld spoiler case yeah seriously we're gonna spoil the fuck out of it like as soon as we come back thanks plague thank you a lot people can as usual find you in what what corner are you are you festering in these days what of the internet plug your shit oh you want me to do a thing okay yeah do your thing
Starting point is 03:21:13 user dot slash whatever on youtube plague of gripes i make cartoons and other trifusion things and mainly sexual things and sometimes also for the best friends i do a cartoon yeah he's on twitch he's on picardo he's on what a good plug he's all over the place yeah i'm also on tumblr unfortunately i can't access tumblr because no one on my entire isp can access it and they don't know why is that a patreon link i see there it is i have a patreon that i never even mentioned even on my own channel because i infamously detest money and i don't like when people give me money so what you should all do is give plague money so he's unhappy that's the plague we need that actually would make me unhappy all right uh we're gonna take a quick second to uh go piss in unison and
Starting point is 03:22:01 then we'll be back with more westworld later guys see you into the fourth trimester we go yeah Da da da da da da da da da da Fucking straw that ok That's the that's a theme for Persona Boss Fight, and it is like the start of the the big big bad, and it's It's oh man, so so let's talk about
Starting point is 03:23:17 Okay, in case you somehow made it to this part of the podcast, and I am going to spoil Westworld in five Four three the show that's on HBO not the old movie I can't believe they killed Anthony Hopkins. Of course they did I course I believe it hard. Oh, yeah, they shot. I'm dead Look I believe that so hard because a big actor like that doesn't join the cast unless he's doing one season It's it's fucking Game of Thrones all over again I want Ed Harris to come back in the next season I believe that because he's not as big a deal as Anthony Hopkins is I loved Ed Harris
Starting point is 03:24:00 But show I loved loved was fantastic but I just I like I said like you know the biggest possible gets are only there because of Limited time the limited time frame in which you're going to have them. That's how you convince them You're like look you're here for this many scenes period right spoil Yes, so I Think that's a minus show That's a good goddamn show the way. I'd like I'd like to talk about it in terms of like Arcs
Starting point is 03:24:31 All right in terms of like because you know like the camera jumps around to different places and times yeah And I think that's how I want to sort of address. Well, let's go okay, so the big one that we start off with with is the main timeline that is the Ford and Bernard for Arnold Bernard Ford Current timeline timeline. Yeah, like you'd imagine like a third Bernard would be Carl. Yeah or something like that, but anyway Yes, I think That that storyline is fucking a plus solid solid solid through it is not an s But it's an a plus. Absolutely and I think the actor who plays Bernard. I don't know his name
Starting point is 03:25:17 He is amazing. So guess what he's in He's in casino Royale as He is so Guy No, no, it's not the African guy. He's the black guy that works for the CIA in Casino Royale, I'm thinking I'm thinking of the the African from the beginning to try and get him. It's not him Oh, he's he's sitting at the table. Yeah, who ventures. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He's like my boys bring him in
Starting point is 03:25:44 I'll fund you. You know that guy. Yeah, that's totally him. So He is fantastic He's really good. What an understated performance. I think that Most of that storyline in general is is that's your dr. Light dr. Wiley kind of thing Yeah, but the important piece that you kind of you know You you need to get at by the end of this is when you finally do understand what Arnold's whole deal was you go Oh, they're both crazy Both of these individuals are out of their minds. They believe in their dreams so hard
Starting point is 03:26:19 That they're like no my life is worth it. I'm gonna sacrifice myself to make a statement I don't think that's necessarily crazy but the no but like like the idea that uh You have to commit suicide Here here's here to make your point here is the that's the mentality of Really shitty terrorist type people and and that and heroic martyrs throughout history. Here's the deal. Here's the deal I get that feeling
Starting point is 03:26:49 But the thing is of Arnold and ford essentially killing themselves for their cause which is the liberation of the I don't what you call the host race, right? The only way that makes sense is if you really stop and really heavily consider Just how unconscionable westworld is just like Westworld is a moral crime like humanity has never been able to commit Right, it is Literally the worst thing people have ever done. They have not just created a slave race
Starting point is 03:27:28 They have created a fucking like Murder fantasy race or whatever a court. So this we are we are talking Within canon where we fully accept that they are a hundred percent sentient creatures Not all of them No, no, no the aren't the Arnold creations. Some of them are yeah They're the first generation very very few of them are in fact this your your judgment is coming from like the inlore Yes, except in in inlore
Starting point is 03:27:59 Very few of them do but some of them can and will Eventually reach full sentience and say and what they've had to do was like dumb them down Yes to make them and and it is somewhat implied that it is relatively Inevitable for many of them that they will become that way which makes them a race But it doesn't become morally dubious at all Until you hit that step and the problem is that the idea of like this stuff The idea of like achieving sentience or sapiens like you said it's like the idea of it being gradual Is weird it's really weird. Yeah, because you're used to kind of thinking about it like an on-off thing. Yes
Starting point is 03:28:40 You know and and that's what makes the show so interesting and that and that's the moral dilemma that arnold gets placed and he's like, okay Dolores is really close Like she is he sees the first spark Of sapiens or sentience in her right and he sees that for her It's inevitable, right but At the at that at that current time none of the other hosts have that right back in the past back in the past but If the park were to be created maintained and continued
Starting point is 03:29:11 more of these Hosts would become like that inevitably right through the reverie system and stuff like that Yeah, and that is a moral evil that has like no upper limit on how horrible it is Because you are creating a race to be annihilated. It's it's sick. It's so sick And his his involvement in it makes him mengala Right the unintentionally. Yeah, yeah And The reason why he kills himself is not a hundred percent
Starting point is 03:29:43 Because of his moral things. He is also profoundly suicidal over the death of his son He clearly does not get over it his last words before he goes are i miss charlie, right? But are you so but basically is your implication then that like it's almost out of guilt that he is offering himself in that way I have I have helped to create humanity's greatest moral holocaust through my work Which only becomes that once these beings yes become yes, and it's it's not happening right now But it will And I won't be able to control it
Starting point is 03:30:22 So i'm gonna try and stop it now and it takes four decades Because he is talking a lot more like you he's like they but they aren't sentient Right you're full of shit, and that's the big dilemma in the in the core of the story old dilemma, which is like That's a robot jimmy What's his name? Sorry, uh, william. That's a robot william. It's not a real person. Yeah But what if it is and there's a there's a great star trek episode called the the uh, uh, uh, uh What's called the making of a man or something like that in season two Which is the only good season two episode in which they decide whether or not data is property
Starting point is 03:30:59 Right, okay, and they talk about what are the criteria for sentience right intelligence. There are three Intelligence yes, and he go is data intelligent and he goes of course. He is he's super smart and so are the hosts right Are the is data self-aware? Right, and they ask data. Where are you? He's like i'm in a proceeding to determine my legal rights and status as a person right And are the hosts some self-aware some of them are Kind of right it's it's it's a it's It's in nebulous, right? Yeah, and then the line that uh, picard says after that is like and the third one is consciousness
Starting point is 03:31:37 And he goes he asked data and he asked the guy he's like is data conscious And if he is in even the smallest degree What does that make him and the answer is i don't know what that makes him Do you know what that makes him alive? All right, but but it's not human right no, but it's but right and Arnold sees that that is going to happen. It's not an if that is going to happen These things have the potential to become self-actualized So when we uh, we're talking about ai a little bit and forward eventually sees that as well over over a long enough period of time
Starting point is 03:32:19 when we were talking about uh, um ai a little bit in uh, Titanfall 2 Someone wrote a comment on one of the threads basically going like these guys talking about ai hurts me It causes me physical pain and I was like why what did we say? You know and he basically explained that like it's a how it's complicated issue, but like he goes into how like the idea that um Self-correcting ai isn't an eventuality. Yes, it's going to happen. Yes, right. It's deep learning is already learning It's just a matter of time There were only reason not the only reason but the main reason why we we research so aggressively is so that we can create friendly ai first Before creating unfriendly ai
Starting point is 03:32:59 You know and and how like the idea that um He gives an example where it's like Unfriendly ai can be referred to as like a paper clipper because if all it has in its brain is make more paper clips And then eventually it can look at like people as more material for making paper clips period Right and that's the end of that that you don't want that Um, so it's interesting to kind of like go like okay, so this is the closest we've ever been to the eventuality of this happening um They've taken great like pains to
Starting point is 03:33:31 make the ai Appear to be friendly ai, but we don't actually know if that's the case or not based on a host's like Raw default state and also anything gets put in there's no way to find that out because all Current and active hosts even when let off the leash Are given their memories of what people have done to them. Yes, which makes them very hostile But but here's the problem now right the fact the part that makes them so quote unquote life like If they is that they have to have what they call the cornerstone Yeah, and the cornerstone is a traumatic memory that they keep coming back to it's the main thing that
Starting point is 03:34:07 Is represents what they want to do Yeah And that is the defining moment of their life Yeah, and that is almost in each cases that we've seen as an example like a negative thing It's almost always like a bad all the big one painful experience. That's one of the weird One of the weird themes is there's a weird purgatory element To westworld. Yeah in which anthony hopkins is god and he's talking to delores And he is literally describing that the way to achieve your humanity is via suffering
Starting point is 03:34:36 So that's and that is the catholic idea purgatory And that god tells you the only way to win back your soul is through is through suffering in purgatory And so here you have a situation where basically you almost wouldn't get to this step if you didn't suffer to get to it So the act of like making them aware and alive is one that inherently sucks about The the moral dilemma and the other thing that's that's morally ambiguous. I'm really glad they do this in the show Is there's there's a there's a speech that is repeated. I think it's twice When uh, ford is talking about making the robots with arnold, right? He describes how they used to be
Starting point is 03:35:19 A wonderful array of clockwork machinery every piece in its place. Yep. Yeah until they eventually became analogous flesh and blood And then he he mentions that they passed the Turing test after the first year first year And you see the the scene of him talking to a very not even first generation like prototype Drinking buddy. Yeah, um, and he clearly does not pass the Turing test. So the Turing test is usually when moral ambiguity starts to happen because If if you cannot discern whether or not a person is a person or not
Starting point is 03:35:56 actions taken against them without your knowledge Are immoral regardless of whether or not they're a person or not, right? So if I've well if I pulled out a gun and shot you and you turned out to be a robot Right and I didn't know that. Yes. Yes. That action is on its own Absolutely immoral. Yes, and they do Everything they can in westworld to actually blur that line for realism. So hosts go from mechanical To a more cost-efficient flesh and blood. That's way closer
Starting point is 03:36:32 To a living thing, of course and they get and and the the the mechanics of the show Like I mean like the the the way that things progress every step forward in technology Is to blur that line for us. It's to make it. Okay. Well, these are flesh and blood people that just happen to have Robotic brains and a bomb in their spinal column, right? Now all this kind of makes ford really really complicated to me because well because he's god And he is also the devil and he enjoys what he's doing to some degree because it's like it's his life's work But the the what we're seeing if we're looking at his grand plan is the thing He's planned from the moment the season began
Starting point is 03:37:12 We're seeing him agreeing with arnold and basically coming to terms that yeah, you were right buddy and I have engaged in Unconscionable moral crime for my life like my life's work So is the holocaust of a new race. So here's what's so baddy and fucking nuts about that is that His atonement one is to put the reveries back in yeah, right and allow them to continue their journey towards self actualization But then two to murder more people actual human beings this time no problem. Yes Like there is a how is your atonement there?
Starting point is 03:37:56 What's your path of logic there if not for like I guess hubris through your creation where you think that that's so The the the way around that to like killing people like the way around that is twofold one of which is the the Delos board are evil They don't care And they would never care and arnold knew that and so does ford right If if that and also the Delos board regardless of any individual one is evil It is known it's implied, but it's it feels pretty obvious to the characters
Starting point is 03:38:32 That what they want is to create a slave race For the rest of the world what their end game their end game profit wise is to create a slave race Yeah, um and I I'd liken it to um a cloud atlas. Yeah, and It's the thing of like even if these this lady or that guy right Are not super evil if this group of people Continues to exist and do what they want this new life form is
Starting point is 03:39:06 Fucked and my responsibility as their creator is to them And he gets to have revenge on them for fucking with them for for that's close But that has to be a part of it. Yes, you know what I mean? Like there's no part like Ford is not a good person. No, no, no and and and but the idea that like His atonement is not pure. I guess is what I'm gonna get it's like it's like it's not Coming from a pure place. It's coming best he got he fucked up hard back when his partner did himself in And then it took him 30 years and he eventually perhaps realized change of heart Maybe his hands were tied or whatever
Starting point is 03:39:41 But or maybe he just got pushed to the point where he's like, no, we've got to do extreme extreme Let's not forget this this includes murdering somewhat innocent bystanders. That's what I mean. That's totally what I'm getting at It's not even the Delos board. It's like employee. That was getting a little bit too close. Yes other employee that got even closer You know implied other employees in the background and so we've been through many of your kind and it is it is this Is this character who it's like I need to do the right thing And then the right and then he discovers that the right thing To him requires a lot of wrong things Yeah, um Elsie
Starting point is 03:40:20 Did not deserve To get ganked so she was literally just doing doing her job doing her job and we'll get back to doing your job Because that's a big thing here. Uh, but I I feel like yeah, Ford is basically He represents a character that's like you're Way past the point of no return You're beyond atonement, but you're still trying and In the end you did it and in the worst way you could have met it absolute worst way
Starting point is 03:40:49 You clawed for it. Yeah, and well he goes with one of my options Sure that okay. Well here. There's plan a yeah, so uh One thing that you need to do uh if you haven't done this yet is go check out This youtube video that talks about anthony hopkins And oh, it's the one that I showed you. Yeah, anthony hopkins His acting in this fucking show is Unbelievable and I want to get his acting his s Uh, I want to find the exact name of the yes. Okay. It's called westworld. What makes anthony hopkins great
Starting point is 03:41:26 Uh, up nerd uploaded by nerd writer one. It's a youtube video and it's a distinctive discussion about how he performs in one scene Where he's sitting at the the the dining room table the dining room table and like he's having that discussion with uh, I got the the vp lady who gets fucking fucking forgot her name, but um, it's just amazing how Every line is delivered with more Consideration than you ever would have thought possible It makes you want to go back and look at his scenes again and again and again And like take that moment where they just zoom in on his face for like fucking almost like 10 15 seconds And you just go like yeah, no because he there's a whole story
Starting point is 03:42:05 There's a there's a whole thing going on there that you might not have picked up right away Um, absolutely watch that video if you get the chance. It's super good. Um, that storyline very little complaints Like I said, I want to say that that storyline has my favorite ever now Uh, uh use of the unreliable narrator because I remember bitching about all the human characters being evil In particular all of the conversations between bernard and alice Uh, sorry not alice delores underneath ford's nose It might as well be in the in the early in the early episodes in which he is discussing
Starting point is 03:42:41 Hey delores, are you a person? What do you remember? Hey like that is nefarious, right? the idea that he has Suspicions that this is a real person deep down and he just sends her back to the the fucking meat grinder Is horrific to me and for that to turn all the way around And have that be the impetus for the beginning of the story is genius because it it lets you Turn on bernard a little bit. It lets you view him as morally ambiguous before you find out that he is not morally ambiguous He's a tragic heroic figure But he's the only one of this new race of reploids that will actually
Starting point is 03:43:25 Have been in the position to Feel what the humans felt and like potentially understand Why they were being treated that way gets it, you know, and that's something that no one else of his kind can do It makes them really unique. I mean and it makes me wonder when they went through that big finale where he offs himself Uh and ford forces him to Was ford's plan at that point. He couldn't have possibly thought that was a permanent thing Like there's no way where he thought you shooting yourself in the head here was going to actually off you forever Because he's a god damn he can force you to get shot in the head
Starting point is 03:43:59 Yeah, so i'm wondering why they directed that in such a way that made it seem like such a big deal drama Because it's like oh, it's not in the west world. It's in the real world But it's still just a shot to the head, which is super fixable. Well, if he had just left him there for the whole time Then he would have just left him there for the whole time but When you by the time you figure that out it becomes clear that he would have eventually gone back and turned him back on For the finale I because you know like he the nonchalance with which he reacts to him walking up later on it's like oh, yeah
Starting point is 03:44:30 Yeah, of course. Yeah, I figured someone you know um So then i'll use that to branch in because now we get into maves storyline and This is By far the worst part of the absolute worst part of the show now i'm i am into Her journey of self-actualization. You need you need a character to represent that You need someone to you need to represent someone who's been inside That is coming out now and i love i love capital l love the scenes of her walking around Looking at the facility and going
Starting point is 03:45:05 This is the nightmare. Yeah, you know you're walking around the death camps basically seeing the absolute worst of it, but um uh The idea that fucking Uh lab techs you'd have to allow so much of her story relies on the fact that she gets through these lab techs And she intimidates them into following her demands and one of them is kind of a pushover So he's kind of like he he has he feels for the the new race talking about felix felix feels for the new race He heals the bird and he is more sense sensitive. So he's gonna listen to her more meanwhile. I Just are you are you just you care about your job and that's it right like fuck this i'm gonna fine
Starting point is 03:45:44 Yeah, so The fact that then they would go through so many opportunities here because they're like i'm gonna leave and then come back And we'll deal with this later and then she's like yeah, but we know about what you do you creepy pervs You fuck us underneath You know the the the cover of your job and yeah, we're gonna get you in trouble and it's like oh no I'm gonna get in trouble at my job fine, right? Yes that escalates almost instantly to murder attempted murder I'm going to kill you if you don't listen to me At which point and this this is where it as long as they stay in that room during that scene
Starting point is 03:46:17 It's still internally consistent. It makes you don't want to die This thing can kill you and you know that but as soon as the scene transitions into the next scene whether they punch out In which feel in felix and uh me go punch out back to their apartments In the facility wake up punch back in head down to the office and resume being hostages ridiculous It makes no fucking ridiculous felix I'll buy it because he's uh because he's sympathetic right he actually believes in her cause a little bit But the second guy I cannot imagine you any character would be so cowardly As to not take the coward option, which is i'm gonna lose my job
Starting point is 03:46:59 But i'm not gonna get murdered So that's the thing is you in the show the other guy looks so much like when he gets to the point that your neck has been Slashed sir Who would care about their job? Not me your life is almost forfeit Who would give a thought and at that point it becomes obvious that the plan is armed uprising slash escape Right forget no, but forget the moral No, no, but i'm saying if even if you went along with her plan all the way to the end There's still a relatively high likelihood that you're gonna tell you yeah
Starting point is 03:47:33 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you know it just it doesn't make any sense No, no human being in that role. There are other people Visible watching glass walls right there's no way and then by the time the glass is breaking and people are getting shoved through them And they're not catching it and stuff. It's like all right. Well, whatever the show's on its way to its climax But it just doesn't it doesn't make any sense mave has that big plot hole There's a second plot hole in her escape sequence in which The security is told their hosts on the loose. They're killing people right so so so there's that that's not even a hole to me That's just dumb for the sake of tv. Well, no, no, no, what do you think i'm talking about? Okay?
Starting point is 03:48:12 i'm getting to the point where uh Up until the final shot of the thing the little after credits teaser where it's like oh cool snake girl survived Right yay Why on earth would guards be walking up to her in a de-escalation? That's what right and go put your weapon put the gun there are dead bodies around Hey, hey robot that I don't believe is a real person and I've been ordered to kill on site Everybody would open fire
Starting point is 03:48:41 Instantly and they're just like put your gun down put your gun it doesn't make any sense No one would be in de-escalation mode and anyone that's any sort of security police officer Whatever the fuck training you have tells you that like when shots are fired You're there's no the the other the other discussion is over the other thing is like whatever I don't care what explanation people give me the idea that that facility doesn't have a staff of like 10,000 guards on like right when teams come through there are like six guys Right because no, you know what there should be like a hundred guys because seesaw motor functions is a pretty Like that should do it all yeah fine, but it doesn't fine what like
Starting point is 03:49:23 The alpha team got killed. Yeah, you said six guys after three what Well, and then furthermore the fact that there's also no Last-minute EMP That's just sitting at every fucking doorway. Yeah, you know, that's just like all right Everything electronic is done. Yeah, because but but that could just be Delos doesn't care And we're evil blah blah blah evil make a little company um
Starting point is 03:49:50 Naive storyline is a train it's the train wreck to the point that it hurts the entire that's why it's an a-minus The show in general because her part of the her she's important right she is important She's really important She is in some cases the emotional core of the show because she's the character that we get to see self-actualize And only to find out that she didn't yeah, which is hilarious. She's so instrumental and and the thing is that you can look at other hosts at like A guy who you think is a human for the first episode. I forgot his name again Tommy yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever like main guy from the first episode that gets shot all the time and you'll never be with the Delores's boyfriend. Yeah, and let's like he
Starting point is 03:50:31 If she if maves role was something like his where it's like it takes place within the world and ultimately It's it's a stepping stone towards someone else's self-actualization. It would have been fine But because she's down to the wire sitting on the train about to escape Like you're the first one that's going to make it out like you're the neo of this world and your entire progression to being the neo is completely Immersion breaking and annihilating not just that but up until she gets up until she gets off that train Her entire story is fake Bernard reads
Starting point is 03:51:09 That she was programmed to wake herself up program to get out. Yeah, like her entire storyline Yeah, turns out to be a red herring which is right up until she gets off the train Which is actually uh one of my favorite scenes is her reading back her own script to herself. It breaks And it's in that way that's like like kind of like uh Delores's dad It does early on where he's looking at the picture Yeah, and it's like you're supposed to have that doesn't look like anything to me But that's not doing that and you get his face breaking open like I love that idea You know like this is what a uh a cyclic redundancy check that fails on a computer looks like
Starting point is 03:51:50 You know, it's super cool. Um Then you I guess the other the other story lines you have uh are Delores proper and william and william in the and the man in black and william slash man in black story lines Like man in black fantastic fade in fantastic cut with the hat Yeah, really good. Uh the actual william storyline or billy. I should say was one that like I was it was the weakest, but I was still interested in where it was going But I was a bit like impatient with it. Um, but the payoff saves it once I started to suspect that he was the man in black
Starting point is 03:52:27 Oh, did you actually I I I saw I saw I watched episode four and then I I saw a guy I watched the thing of like it was a one of those videos of westworld theories explaining all that shit But it was current to episode four, right? So I was like fine Okay, and it's like is billy the man in black and I go that's ridiculous That makes no sense because of the the cuts that they make in the barn scene or something like that Then you see the second logo and then I then I went back and like And then and then the way that path that's going I'm like Why does that guy look young in these scenes, but all in these scenes and I'm like, okay
Starting point is 03:53:04 And ed harris is so good in this he's so good. He's so scary Even though all the characters that he's scary to don't matter He's so scary But here's why where I was going with that is I still think that billy's storyline is second weakest because I like the twist the flip is great. I hate how the flip is instantaneous The flip from I'm nice guy and now I'm all happens within one episode and it that is literally Uh comparable to Anakin takes a knee and gets up and rise Yes, my master now granted that love now granted. I hate I do like how his clothes gradually get darker over the episode
Starting point is 03:53:50 That's a trick. I first saw on silent hill, but the overnight murderer switch is not the right way to handle a character like that I appreciate that he was at least given a really big push Right before that moment right had that just occurred with not a big deal fine But the scene in which like Dolores is getting like literally like ripped open and your guts are falling like Okay, that's a push. That's a big push especially in his his brother-in-law who he implies to kill Yeah, uh, I don't know what well
Starting point is 03:54:23 I was gonna get to there because well, it's good. Well, there's there's two things. There's one. There's the fact that the camera never The camera is loaded in this in this entire show the camera wants you to care about the hosts More than the people yes, right and more often than not Scenes are shot from their perspective and it's interesting because anyone starting this show Most people are gonna look at it and go like well, I don't because I know they're fake because they're robots But then you're supposed to start questioning yourself And that's why teddy gets to be the main character of the first episode
Starting point is 03:54:57 Yes, because you go. Oh, this is our my hero. Oh, he's oh no that guy's built. No wait that character didn't matter Yeah So I should I where do I do it? What do I do with all these feelings? Is that guy still bad even? Yeah, like uh, you know, you're you're david caging uh in that suicides You know you're holding on to the feelings from beyond and you're like, where do I put them and the show's like, all right wait for episode two, you know, but um, um That switch despite the fact that it was like like he had a really huge push I think it's it's a bit strong. I think you could have had I with some build up
Starting point is 03:55:28 I because because he's he's building up to let's say the 50% he's building up to neutral Right over the course of the whole series. Yeah, and then he's at 49% and then he jumps to 110% in the span of four minutes Uh, and that's a bit much and and that fails every time a movie has to do it every time any like there's almost no series I know does it well or is capable of doing it gradually They always do this instantaneous switch and it sucks a big shock now. Is that him actually killing his brother in law? I can't tell I don't know and I love that it's unclear because if you want it to kill him He'd just kill him, right? but
Starting point is 03:56:05 Putting a man naked on a horse a fake horse on the edge of the world essentially and just go buy Yeah, that's not good, but one you're still in the game Therefore in theory people should still be there to save someone participating in the game. Yeah The samaritan reflex right like there's no way where they'll let you even if you go to the edge of the world Where it's dangerous man life should never be on the line that there are so many for $40,000 a day There are so many cool little moments In this show that just stand out to me. It's oh, that's so cool Uh, and one of them I just I I remembered it because it said samaritan reflex
Starting point is 03:56:41 And it's the moment that you first get to see what the samaritan reflex is the boy where no, it's where um, uh, uh, ed harris, um Ed Harris points his knife at anthony hopkins in the bar and says man I oughta and just teddy Just grabs the knife and slams it into the table and like grips him and everyone around them completely stops Because he threatened god Right, okay, and it's and it's so instant and it's so intense and it's like no you cannot kill other people here If you even tried
Starting point is 03:57:14 Everything would stop you which is why I think that like they can't possibly be him trying to kill his brother in law It's at best like i'm gonna make it really shitty for you until someone saves you Yeah, because you're still in the game. You know, um, the maze is not built for you right How like that all that weird religious gibberish turning into like Exactly what it means Even though none of the words change. It's literally it's just very literally It's not meant for you and like and then it makes like you're an idiot at this point
Starting point is 03:57:42 It's it's it's not you know, this world was not made for you This world was made for those who would come later. No come before come after or whatever it's exactly You take all that away. It's just the exact meaning is straight. It's just literally it won't work. You can try You can't find the maze. Um That stuff's great. Uh, I think uh You know the again the a little bit of the um Mave coming out into the real world because i'm thinking about uh, I was so excited to see what the rest of the world looks like Not really is the budget like
Starting point is 03:58:15 Not ready for that type of thing, but it's like this is a closed set closed world The interesting thing is always what's happening outside and they're never going to deliver that deliver that to you Like right off the bat like that. I I I thought that um, the episode where uh, what's her name dies? Where the first person uh, where they they pull in the body of um, whatever her name is VP girl, um Yeah, it sucks. Keep fucking your name up, but like they have her and they basically they're they're sitting here and like Hopkins is in the room and he's like well Yeah, this this is unfortunate. Whatever right?
Starting point is 03:58:53 That's the moment where I was like this is going to tell us a lot about the world because Is delos and is the westworld company? Enough of a crazy evil mega corp that they can deal with bodies without authorities Banging on their door. Teresa. Teresa. Thank you Are they on that level and is this the future we're in or is this a future where the cops are here any minute now? I I was under the I was under the impression the accident I was under the impression that every single person in that scene knew what really happened and
Starting point is 03:59:24 That the the company because they own like this entire Like what the thousand kilometer wide estate. Yeah can just make any problem go away I I I felt like it was very clear, but uh, the the the black girl the the executive Explicitly knew that Teresa got murdered. I think she knew very much But I think that the idea that like can you get away with this or not? I don't know. It's not clear whether a company police even exist in this uniform That's that's what we needed to know right that to me would inform so much about the real world Or it's like the real world is gone. Is there a government there exactly or are we just in the corporate
Starting point is 04:00:08 The corporate rule, you know like is that where we're at? And I think the fact that they were basically able to let the bodies go On their own without any seemingly police intervention at the very least the delos corporation is very rich Like the head of qa gives it a once over and goes. Yeah, that's a corpse and then we go back to work And there's no news cameras. There's no shutdown. There's no production halting or anything like that A dead body is just swept under the rug. We're in a shitty shitty future. Yes. I think it's safe to say at this point Um Where we go with a season two after that shit goes that I would like to see a little peek at shogun world
Starting point is 04:00:44 Or roam world or roam world And there's a third one that I forget but because in the original there was westworld roam world and the third one which I can't remember but I would like a peek at that because that adds a weird new dimension to the story Because the entire film is the entire film the entire story takes place very localized within westworld and all the characters that are Self-actualizing are in westworld, but if this Tech if this programming right? Yeah, inevitably leads to sentience There's no reason that it would not happen in the other ones, right?
Starting point is 04:01:19 I I believe in my heart that the implication at the end of the the show of you see all of the decommissioned bodies self act like relatively self-actualized and aware that they got fucked. Yeah, and I imagine that also turns on all the other ones within the area that happen to be in their spots that that would also apply to Some of the other locations I was wondering and expecting i'm like is mayve just going to be like a walking virus Is she a sigma virus that's just going to walk around? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 04:01:51 And like anyone you're in contact with you're able to just fucking because because the thing is is like when she sees the The note that's where her daughter is that doesn't say westworld on it. It says section whatever or whatever That could be anywhere that could be in anything Right, and this is a character that's shown to be able to make other characters do whatever the fuck they she wants So I don't know this could become straight up game of thrones like this could go right into just fiefdoms And like it could do anything like that. I don't know and I think I don't even know where I want it to go I don't know because the question of whether or not these are real people is by far the most interesting question
Starting point is 04:02:27 That the show asks and and the end note that they left it off on was not that of a conclusion But with that of a cliffhanger. Yes, because and also like shot like You know it is a cliffhanger and it's also it's also like explicitly a cliffhanger for the man in black Which I thought was weird He's hit got a broken arm and he gets shot in the other arm and the head of qa And the head of qa and it's still like um A head of security you mean head of security, excuse me If the the arg implies that lc was non-effect murdered and the natives that took him are under her control
Starting point is 04:03:00 um So she's alive Who knows okay, no that that the arg is like lc's alive and wait what yes arg there's an arg What's this all about? I don't know but there I've been told by people There's an arg and the reason why the natives kidnapped the head of security is because she Got away or something survived survived found these hosts took the reprogram them and then using them to grab the head of security because Stuff stuff's gonna go down. Oh, holy shit. I didn't know about that at all. Yes
Starting point is 04:03:34 So that's why that guy just disappears from the plot. Oh, okay. There's an arg that okay. Okay. Okay. All right. All right So yeah, like yeah, okay, we're gonna see a conflict there will be a conflict and And it's something that I said right when I watched the first episode and talked about on the podcast What's the most fascinating part about Westworld to me? It's like they are not people They are not human. They are in fact, I would even say morally Righteously, they are less than human, right? But they're not animals and they're not nothing Right, they are yeah in this nebulous space that I don't know what to do with swatting the fly is more
Starting point is 04:04:18 Than a bug but less than sentient. Yeah, and it's like And and all and all of them are at different steps in that process. Yeah, so it's like, well, what what uh, well Here's my final question to you then. Yeah, uh, okay. Take the scenario Remove all of Arnold's creations from it. Yeah and have what Delos actually wants, which is the dumbed down non-revery hosts that are reprogrammed with zero Actualization I I think I think the knowledge that they are capable of that Means that you are still inherently guilty of lobotomizing them at worst at at at best
Starting point is 04:04:57 But you've built them up. You didn't strip them down You know, you know what I mean, right? It is that although you did strip them down actually. Yeah, if you are aware that This kid could be a pro athlete and you clip his legs Right or you you break his legs, but then are you more? Okay, so it's I don't know. It's so but then that that implies then that you are you like morally like forced to create No, the thing. No, you're not But but I I think this is a situation that you can't unring that bell
Starting point is 04:05:30 Right Once you find out that this is the end of this road Anything you do here is Part of that to me to me it comes down to and it's it's like no matter how realistic they are I think it's the process of error correcting and having sort of a prime
Starting point is 04:05:55 Sense of identity that like is false but still given to them Those two things in combination are where you are now morally forced to make a decision Also prior to that if they are just reciting lines that were pumped in And there was zero That would ever happen that was not predictable. You know, it was it was basically effectively not ai It's just a human there. There's a there's a term that mass effect uses called virtual intelligence to be Opposed to artificial intelligence. That's a really good distinction virtual intelligence in mass effects parlance I don't know how this this goes in in regular ai real talk, but virtual it's there is a very clear distinction made between
Starting point is 04:06:36 What looks like an ai, but it's actually just fancy and good at getting responses and responding in turn. Yes, it's it's it's a it's a digital manifestation of the chinese room problem, right? Whereas ai is something that Thinks for itself that it can it can actually learn it can you know and has the ability to reprogram right um itself and Most of them are virtually intelligent Right, some of them are artificially intelligent and it's that line becomes blurry and blurry and billy
Starting point is 04:07:11 And I don't think that it's a moral to like do what delos did to Virtually intelligent beings. I think it's fucked up. Well, here's here's the part where it gets confusing But I don't think it crosses the only reason I and this is unknown the only reason more of them don't self actualize faster is their intelligence is artificially limited All of them have hard limits On how high their intelligence is allowed to go. Yeah, which is 13 out of 20. I believe Well depends on the character right it was out of 20 and like yeah, she and as soon as that hits that top thing all of a sudden The the hosts start to self actualize fact
Starting point is 04:07:53 Bernard Within one session of the reverie Self actualizes completely I'm so glad by the way that his stupid son backstory actually had a purpose was so unbelievable For the purpose of being a cornerstone. Yeah, because I'm like when he was doing it. I'm like Are we really this saccharine right now? Like we're actually talking to a kid coughing in a hospital. Well, that was Arnold's actual story, but like the idea that like
Starting point is 04:08:27 It just seemed such yeah, I know You know a moment and then it's like yeah, and it's and you're right. It turns into Like the actual thing and I'm like And it's Bernard clearly has this is a storybook version Yeah of what I hope would be a more realistic like I'm my kids in the hospital And he's got tubes everywhere and that's that you know, um, but Bernard has his intelligence clearly maxed out because he is a smart guy Right and within one unlock of his personality He completely
Starting point is 04:08:59 Self actualizes and becomes sentient, right? If that's possible Then that means that a very Significant proportion of the other hosts dumbed down or not were their abilities to be unlocked would be able to do that Some would go nuts some would die But it's that potential is there for all of them for this for this virtually Yes, this form of because that's what makes Bernard go from virtually intelligent to artificially intelligent You get to see it happen in real time
Starting point is 04:09:33 In which he remembers everything and he starts to Move like him him stopping his memory Is the exact moment down to the second where he goes from non-sapient to sapient Okay, like that's what that scene is supposed to be Yeah, okay where he goes from being trapped in his memory because that's how he was programmed Yeah to acknowledging that it's false and having power over it, right? Yeah, yeah And if he can do that in like an hour After being unlocked
Starting point is 04:10:07 Other characters can do that so lots of them So what you're saying then is that even though we're nowhere? We're not close to the the cutoff point. You want to clear it by at least a mile just to be safe You have to right on both sides because it's think about this way Well, if you ate um if you if you if you texting me Had a one percent chance of killing a baby. Yeah, would you text me anymore? Why would you even text? Yeah, yeah, and and that's what it's talking and so like that's what forward is like He's like no, there's there's no way these things are real people
Starting point is 04:10:42 That's your it's so sad that my partner died and then he works with them and he works with them and he works with them And he gets the point it's like Oh, oh no, not only is it is not a zero percent chance. It's not a one percent chance It's not a two percent chance. It's an inevitability. It's it's over a long enough period of time. It's a hundred percent. Yeah, and He does all his shit for that. Yeah, and you know, I kind of think That the show didn't have to make the humans that showed up the guests didn't have to they're really evil Fred boys just fucking and murdering and doing shot like they didn't have to be the absolute Scummiest examples of humanity, but they were the brother-in-law is a fucking cartoon character. It's cartoonish
Starting point is 04:11:25 How insanely evil The people that show up are are immoral to the point where like the lightest you're gonna get is the one guy who just kind of goes Hey, honey, I did it. I stopped the bad guy. We won the video game. Yes, right, which is great I love that moment so much. Oh, let's take a picture with the body. Ah, and that's the least Evil version of a human you're gonna see you never It's implied like in william's story. There's like, oh, this guy's got a gold adventure and these guys got bounty hunting adventures with the sheriff and like There's only there. I was about to say there's not one there's only one time in which you get to see somebody go on a legitimate like
Starting point is 04:12:04 good guy adventure and that's when um teddy and A lady who's a visitor to the park go with the sheriff to go hunt um, Wyatt. Yeah And the first part of that she defends her fellow man and she shoots some hosts and she eventually has to run away um, but every other interaction you ever see I forgot about her actually You ever see is drinking and whoring and murdering and just doing all the bad stuff 40k a day And and it's and it's and you're supposed to have william and man and black as
Starting point is 04:12:41 Opposites to each other. It's like this is as bad as it can get and this is the the naive like doe-eyed Guy who's gonna do his best But even then billy stuck with his brother-in-law for most of his own storyline and he is just the worst Ridiculous. So, yeah, I don't know. I'm thinking like I mean the the fact that you said brought up that ARG thing makes me go Like, okay, they're definitely going straight into heart sequel probably seconds after that's gonna be 10 2018 Um, that's far away. That's pretty far away. I was like fantasizing about like jumping around in time frames Right, maybe going further back. Maybe going further forward just to find a different point I would see I would see them doing the same way they did it now where
Starting point is 04:13:23 There'll be flashbacks to individual host story lines As motivations, right? Because like clementine. Is there a name clementine? Uh, the the the hooker but that you always wore the green dress. Is there a name clementine? The second the second? Yeah, yeah, but whatever like she's alive. Yeah, and Very understandably upset or just go back to the origins of the park in the modern day when They tested it in Calcutta or something like they just built it up and did the exact same thing and I don't know Like, you know, like like just see a different time frame for you know, I would love You know, I would love I would love to see like a map of the earth
Starting point is 04:14:00 Right, like there's a map on the background and something really crazy like South America just isn't on the map something Right, and it's never talked about ever again It's like how in Gundam Canada is often just completely gone for some reason Australia and Quebec and Canada But no, no, I think honestly like yeah, that that's what it is like the cops not showing up And the press not being there at all means that we're in the bad future you guys Well, they even imply it that it's actually a future of absurd plenty That all problems have been solved and people are bored showing up is actually the only interesting thing. Yeah, that's the only it's the only um
Starting point is 04:14:41 Advantage it's the only island The only new voyage left to take kind of thing which is funny because apparently that photo of Billy's wife is a stock image. Great. Just like tally fucking internet. It's like tally from mass effect. Oh god Anyway, um, yeah, that says about most of what I wanted to say because I admit I would have had a lot I would have like there was a lot of fresh stuff after each episode But overall Still worth it despite Such a ridiculously huge flaw that is the Maeve storyline
Starting point is 04:15:13 And I hate the fact that you just have to ignore it to let the rest of it come together Because if you're a stickler for these things it breaks it for you. It makes the whole I got a I got a nice little detail on twitter here From the Delos terms of service. Yeah for going to the park Which are the following causes of accidental a death have occurred within the Delos corporations compound buffalo stampede self cannibalism Accidental hanging drowning third degree burns autoerotic
Starting point is 04:15:45 Exficiation blunt force trauma allergic reaction to non native plant life Falling from great heights common manslaughter and tumbleweeds Um and that that little piece of I imagine that's from the website or something That little piece of information says something to me that changes a scene in um In the second or last episode in which uh, why its boys
Starting point is 04:16:14 Beat up the man in black, right? And they leave him with a new surround his neck and a horse tied. Yeah, those are those are self actualized enough To understand that they cannot kill him, but they can create a scenario in which he will die. He will die That's what that was. Yes, because I wasn't too sure about that. I'm like they can't actually that's like my if I I can't beat you over the head with a hammer But I sure can't push you to the edge of this cliff and and leave I get it. Okay. Yeah
Starting point is 04:16:48 um The the other thing and and here's what was a little bit weird too was how come Early on man in black takes a couple of gunshots and he's like you can't shoot me. Ha ha. Yeah, and then at the end They floor him. Yes to the ground for plot Why were those plot bullets harder than the ones in the beginning? Uh, there is some internalized logic about the billy freaks out because he's like Oh, but a lot of it is just him panicking about getting because it's like paintballs It's it hurts, but it's not like but
Starting point is 04:17:20 Later, but like end game Man in black is dropped to the ground and almost unconscious. It's also the way the bullets work is really weird because They work on the on the like those are those are the tiny bullets You're talking about when when teddy runs up and blow and hits him like six times and he drops bang bang bang bang Yeah, now I assume that always was going to be able to work It's just the fact that teddy shot him so often right in the chest and he had just had a big fight That paintball paintball paintball paintball that hurts like fuck and he's an old man
Starting point is 04:17:51 And he just got his arms smashed to bits It's just because he stood up in the beginning of the show But like you have you have host shooting people and having like paintballs ricochet off them Only for the host to take the same gun And then pointed at the host and have it blow their brains out And there was a moment where do you remember when they requested a pyrotechnic effect? Yeah That says a lot too. Yeah, because that goes hold on wait. What? This world is not entire like it's not a virtual world at all
Starting point is 04:18:20 No, but they have control over it to the granular level of like the the the the the cigars that he had Are those device and you go? Why does he have that and the answer as to why he has that is because he's the the head of the company Yeah, he's allowed to walk in with his toys So but that's what it like like he's and they have to authorize so there are certain things There are explosions that somebody's hitting a button to make it to make it happen as a cinematic effect Which means it is like there's safety overrides on those things. There's control over general events How's that gonna play out in season 2 when you got to actually go to war? It's really interesting
Starting point is 04:18:56 Anyway, like we can nitpick small details all day, but the general mave is not a small detail Yeah, well, I mean I mean the stuff we were just talking about mave is a problem And I hope that she doesn't have any more of those problems going forward because now she's unloose And it's too late to retcon it because it's way too late like The the steps were were broken. It wasn't the end I guess I was just a big big big super big coward And and thought I could get out with my job intact and not get murdered So I don't know I don't know if you saw that moment where like Felix. He just he looks at his hands. He's like, uh
Starting point is 04:19:30 Am I a host when he freaks out and then everyone there's like memes of going like how to figure out if you're a host and he goes And he says at his hands apparently that's a reference to the first Movie where looking at the hands is the way to tell because they never got the hands quite right. Oh really? Yeah, that's awesome. So that little that's a cool detail that became a meme is actually On purpose before we leave. I want to I just want to point out Uh, my favorite moment in the show my favorite one. Yeah, and it's the one it's the it's this pre-twist appetizer I guess you would call it where Bernard is in the family home with Teresa explaining to her
Starting point is 04:20:08 She's like, why don't why aren't there any hosts in here? And he goes, oh the hosts are programmed so that even if they looked at this kind of house They wouldn't be able to see it and they go it doesn't I don't see anything there And she goes what's behind this door and he goes what door? I don't see anything there Yeah, oh my god. Yeah, I freaking out. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, I missed that one What right when it happened and it is when she grabbed the papers and he looks at this doesn't look like anything to me Oh Motherfucker, it's so good. You son of a bitch. That's why I call it a pre-twist
Starting point is 04:20:41 Right. It's like wait because he's not looking at the door. But you know what else was a p-twist when uh, Fucking uh, Billy gets up and he goes don't call me Billy Right and he walks off and you get the picture. Yeah, like that moment for a bunch of people They actually didn't get that that was like, why is that picture here in his pocket? Like you know and that picture kid is talking from over there the next episode you have him expressly explain I am that guy Uh-oh wink wink wink, you know, but but the the straight up like don't call me Billy. You go then call me will you? Oh my god, you get it, you know, so like they they they do it twice for you
Starting point is 04:21:21 Yeah, anyway, great show recommended watch, but uh, if you heard all that It's kind of worthless if you didn't see it already. My dad watched it Yeah, I Christmas uh yesterday. I'm he's like, hey pat. Did you tell me about that? What's world show is it? Yeah, I did what? Well, uh, why he said I watched it. I'm like you watched all of it. He's like, yeah, I watched all of it yesterday I'm like, well, what did you think? This is pretty good. It's really weird though. And it's like, uh, dad doesn't care about cyberpunk He wanted to watch a western. I was gonna say what's the last like sci-fi thing. He doesn't give a shit He watches old war movies in western so you want to see the western part and so he gets in there
Starting point is 04:21:54 It's all about robots and stuff. He's and he watched our trip with me. So he's he's good for that like but like He he wanted more a story about People's adventures in this west world. So the robot cowboys want independence. Yeah What the fuck put them down. Anyway, uh, yeah, man Check it out guys and I can see like I think uh, a lot of people listening to this probably just went I'm curious about the show. I'll stick around. I feel like this might have sold some people on it Well, hopefully they forget a lot of the details that we just described. It's the best, uh, Flaws aside, it's the best, uh
Starting point is 04:22:27 Recent look at these topics. Absolutely in no question like like compared to anything I've seen recently edge of my seat And fascinated and so like there's a lot to talk about with everyone. Yeah, and it's one of those things It's like it's so morally ambiguous. You don't get just okay So there's a lot of people out there that are like Griffith did nothing wrong and you people are monsters and you honestly scare me Right, but this is a situation in which it's nice and morally ambiguous that you can violently disagree with people on whether or not you should be able to Do whatever to these people because there's people that are gonna know. No, we made them. They're not real doesn't matter Yeah, right. Yeah, and I can still see that point of view and not hate you
Starting point is 04:23:08 I I yeah, I I'm not gonna say uh hashtag game changer, but I will say that like I'm always gonna compare um things like her or x mac and or anything that's coming out that's like Uh dealing with the same topics. Yeah compare back to west world now west world hand It's this is uh, yeah, this is a bar that i'm gonna be looking back to all right guys. Uh, that's it for us Thanks. I hope you enjoyed our spoiler cast and uh, uh extended podcast. Yeah Merry christmas. Happy new year. Happy hanukkah and happy holidays that I forget about we'll see you guys next week Give me I will reach out to you and leave this all behind
Starting point is 04:24:29 heaven's divine Thank you Thank you We may all be heading straight to hell Oh When heaven's divine, I will see the choices within my hand How can we air out the project and fight with our tiny soul? Let me shine like the sun through the downs of fear
Starting point is 04:25:23 Do you feel the storm? As the end was near and heaven's divine Time will come to stop it lay me down Then I can see your face that I want to see And for you I like it very much Leaving a trace for the truth from the way When heaven's divine
Starting point is 04:26:05 I will dive into the fire It's filling the blood of my desire And at the very last time My name will talk to you Let's go When heaven's divine, I will see the choices within my hand How can we air out the project and fight with our tiny soul? Let me shine like the sun through the downs of fear
Starting point is 04:26:37 Do you feel the storm? As the end was near and heaven's divine Time will come to stop it lay me down Then I can see your face that I want to see And for you I like it very much Leaving a trace for the truth from the way When heaven's divine
Starting point is 04:27:19 Let you I'll feel I won't give anything Leaving a trace for love to find a way When heaven's divine

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