Castle Super Beast - SBFC 178: Herpes Just Means Playing on a Different Server (feat Super BunnyHop)

Episode Date: January 3, 2017

Subscribe to Super BunnyHop, don't talk about Blackface, and buy his Georgesleeves. You can watch us record the podcast live on

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Wow, look at all those best friends that aren't. Ahhhh Hahahahaha Oh. Panic click, click panic. Oh, you get you fixed it? Super Doki Doki click Panic. Hey, who was that voice just there?
Starting point is 00:00:28 Hello. Hey, it's me. Your good friend Plague. Hahahahaha No. Oh, that's right, I jinxed you. It's actually Zontan. Yeah, oh. I draw the hintes.
Starting point is 00:00:44 You win. Yorge. Oh boy. Yorga. Hey George, how you doing? Good, how are you? I'm okay, I guess. Oh, that's the George I know and love. If you don't know this guy's name by George,
Starting point is 00:00:57 you may know him from his YouTube channel, Super Bunny Hop. Super Bunny Hop. I can't wait to see how many people are going to unsubscribe literally right now. So I didn't know that you guys are streaming this right now. I have like a chat to manage at the same time. Yeah, sorry for springing that part on.
Starting point is 00:01:13 It was a recent addition to the show is that we started live streaming it with some video and such. Well, we mainly try and keep it like a regular audio podcast and let the chat people eat themselves. So now we... Literally doing that now.
Starting point is 00:01:29 We know that we regularly terrorize your life with unknown people showing up and accusing you of things and such. Why do you do this to me? Why do you hate me so much? Listen, George. I was very tired.
Starting point is 00:01:45 That's why? The answer is because we love. I was very tired. This is how we love, George. I did not understand a joke that Matt was making at the time and... Forget the inception of it.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Forget the inception of it. Mistakes were made. Mistakes into miracles. It's okay. Sonic is pregnant now. I'm afraid of but I also am like overjoyed at the thought
Starting point is 00:02:17 of you hitting that first wave of what is unsubscribe from SuperHoneyBob SuperBunnyHopababab. I need to unsubscribe from my steam copy of HoneyPop. Yeah, no. That's not blackface anymore.
Starting point is 00:02:33 That's taking food out of my kids' mouths, man. What are you doing? I'm wondering if this is going to really come back to bite me in the ass or something. If I try to run for political office later and they just like Google search. If you go to Google and type in SuperBunnyHop
Starting point is 00:02:49 let's see how three results down is SuperBunnyHop blackface. Thanks, guys. Oh my god. I'm going to jump out the window. Pat pointed that out to me just before we started this.
Starting point is 00:03:05 I want to give big shoutouts to the person who originally pointed out that to me which was Austin. Austin Eruption sent me a image of his Google search results in which Austin Eruption blackface is like number five
Starting point is 00:03:21 on his search results. Why is it number three on mine? Hold on, hold on. And then I go man, that's hilarious. At least I'm not George. And then sends me the follow up picture of so for me George blackface is the
Starting point is 00:03:37 number one result. And for a lot of people it's the number one result. But incognito mode it doesn't. It's being skewed. I don't see blackface on here. Now here's the thing though.
Starting point is 00:03:53 That's really just the first milestone. The end goal is to have anyone that types in the word blackface then be followed up with SuperBunnyHop. I would be okay with that. Like redirecting people away from hate towards
Starting point is 00:04:09 bunnies. I got this weird new audience that keeps coming in en masse. What's up with that? They seem really... Oh. Well they are theater kids. I don't know, maybe I could convert them up theater kids.
Starting point is 00:04:25 To whiteface. Or to noface. That's the new form of theater. The noface where you just wear bags in your head. Oh boy. Welcome. Thanks for stepping on man. No problem.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Thanks for roping me in and not telling me this is streamed. We assumed you would have known. I can't really put on the blackface. I just have to pretend I don't. Yeah. The usual tirades are going to have to be
Starting point is 00:04:57 toned down. Since this is going out hot. If I talk about not liking $20 PS2 games being put up on a shitty emulator. That's not going to be live. I'm sure most people would agree with you about that.
Starting point is 00:05:13 For shitty PS2 games. What was the other one? Oh yeah. Huey. What about Huey being a good guy who probably just is looking out for his family. Trying to pay his bills. I don't even remember. I still stand by the
Starting point is 00:05:29 case. Those days are behind us. There's no smoking gun evidence. Let's move forward. There's no smoking gun evidence as the domain of the new year. Hopefully a happy one. Let's move forward with our lives. It really won't be.
Starting point is 00:05:45 We'll try. Honestly, for the mass majority of folks, this is still just a good old hot podcast that you listen to whenever you want. You can even stop it right now if you want it to. Like right now. See? There you go. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:06:01 They stopped it and then they resumed. It was amazing. It's like their animated TV show. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. The villain of part nine is you. Oh, that turned 30 years old yesterday. They're doing a live action one this year, aren't they? They're doing Diamond is Unbreakable live action. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:17 And it looked like shit. One thing to look forward to. I'm not super looking forward because I'm not that I don't have that much faith in the Japanese film industry. I'm really excited for a Japanese budget on stands. I just live action Japanese
Starting point is 00:06:33 movies haven't really made me think that I can't wait for that awesome scene where in order to defeat Kira, Josuke just pulls out a gun and shoots him. What? George, what is the best
Starting point is 00:06:49 live action Japanese adaptation of a game or an anime or something like that that you've seen? There was a very shitty Dragon Ball Z one that I think was made in the mid-90s where I saw it when I was a kid. I vividly remember shoes on strings
Starting point is 00:07:05 dangling around the top of the frame and just laughing. And that was the best one, was it? It was the only one. Oh, well, it's not Japanese, but which still means it was the best. If I had to pick best adaptation into live action, I would
Starting point is 00:07:21 go for the Fists of the North Star movie. Oh, God. For sure. Okay, so like, like so bad it's good awards aside I would give it to Death Note because it's the simplest one to do.
Starting point is 00:07:37 The budget is only spent on Ryuk. Isn't it just a bunch of kids eating chips and drawing pictures? And the stakes are sky high. Yeah, it's really basic like in terms of like what kind of budget you need for that because it's just like, okay get random folks to pretend they're
Starting point is 00:07:53 having a heart attack. Go. Not that hard. So they did it and I was like, yeah, that's a decent adaptation, but that doesn't work for like 90% of the anime and games that you want. Yeah, I forgot I saw that. I saw that before I saw the anime actually and I genuinely
Starting point is 00:08:09 enjoyed the movie. I got one for you. GTO GTO's live action adaptation is decent. That's true. It wasn't a movie. Well, there was a movie that came after. That's a series. It is a series and it's pretty good. Yes, you're right. That's a good one too. It's very different in tone. It's a lot more romantic.
Starting point is 00:08:25 GTO Google image searching is just like coming up with a bunch of bullshit. Looks like Pat, you could use some George Socks. Yeah, Wally, did you order yours? I did and that little hole in Pat's
Starting point is 00:08:41 socks there could be filled with a George Sock face. Well, Pat, I'm sorry to inform you that the extremely limited offer of Super Bunny Hop George Socks has expired. I feel like you've been saying those have expired for like eight months now.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Did they re-up though? I saw they re-uped, right? They re-uped for Christmas and holidays, excuse me. And they recently ended that campaign with like 300 sold. We did 800 the first time.
Starting point is 00:09:13 So that's a lot of socks. Now, what if I want to put George face on other parts of my body? Like my dick. I will have to partner with some other companies. Then you'll just have to use the sock as other people sometimes use
Starting point is 00:09:29 socks. The secondary usage of a sock. The secondary objective. One of the most fun things to do with those is this is true. It's an exclusive George Sock
Starting point is 00:09:45 technical feature that you cannot do with other socks and that is like stick your finger behind my face and make these weird disgusting transformations with the elastic stretchiness behind it. Oh, that's really helpful for the dick stuff. Yeah. How does that make you feel, super buddy hop, that
Starting point is 00:10:01 people might be using your socks for not foot purposes? It makes me feel like my socks are versatile kitchen appliances. Okay. That fulfill more than one purpose, so should be ordered more than one time. I mean, for real, like
Starting point is 00:10:17 there's nothing, you can't stop nobody. You can't stop. So like, if you really wanted to there's no sock of me, right? No. But you could take a screenshot of any live action thing I've done and print that out and just jerk off all over it. You could if you wanted. Like
Starting point is 00:10:33 I couldn't stop you. No one wants to encourage hot glue on the podcast. I don't think we need to go there. I've heard you say hot glue multiple times and it's usually talking about those fucking anime figures. What the fuck is this?
Starting point is 00:10:49 Is there anything? What is your question? Is it literally hot glue as a joke? Or is it hot glue? Why is there a question here? You have all the information you need. I think the most enjoyable picture I
Starting point is 00:11:05 saw of George Sox lying on the ground that were not actually George Sox was someone on Twitter saying I missed the campaign but I'm just going to have to pretend and it was a pair of blue socks that they sharpied on the design with. That's fantastic.
Starting point is 00:11:21 They just got a bunch of multicolored markers and scribbled in the George Sox motif. Which was basically me sending them a PNG of that face and saying do whatever. Approved. It's pretty good. Somehow it did. I wish I had the guts
Starting point is 00:11:37 to send somebody a PNG of my face and say do whatever and then start a merchandising deal with them. So we haven't seen you in a little bit but I'm going to get to see you I think where you're going to
Starting point is 00:11:53 MacFest right? Yeah. Cool. I'll catch you there. That was very excited. I have to go outside. Figure that out. I like that. I like that trepidation. I like it.
Starting point is 00:12:09 The last two times I went to MacFest I took the megabus from Atlanta which is a 12 hour bus ride. That sounds fun. And I caught a cold both times. And so I'm tired of dealing with that shit so I'm like paying real big boy money now and taking an airplane and it's going to be
Starting point is 00:12:25 really weird doing what I have gotten used to doing in 12 hours in 2 hours. Yeah. Super worth it honestly like hopefully not catching a cold. And the more you do it and the more terrible experiences you have the more you understand
Starting point is 00:12:41 like fuck it I think this is a really long flight I might just try to get like something better than economy class or whatever. Oh my god. Okay. I guess I'll work my way up there slow. No it's not about working your way up there it's about getting off a plane that was like a 4 hour flight and like
Starting point is 00:12:57 feeling like my knees are about to explode and basically deciding that you know what like maybe I will pay to not have my knees feel like they're exploding because certain flights certain types of carriers or whatever like have extra shittier cabins and stuff so I don't know man
Starting point is 00:13:13 like I feel like yeah saving your time in transit is worth it. I got a little bit of a taste of the good life when I went to Sweden to the game conference that I somehow got invited to speak at. I remember that. Yeah. They
Starting point is 00:13:29 bumped me up to like the super duper first class of an international flight where you're in like a little Star Trek cabin where you have a seat that reclines back into a bed and that was just like a whole nother level. Suddenly I was like
Starting point is 00:13:45 oh this is why I guess rich people don't have stress problems because they have reclining beds. You had your big boy pants on. Yeah. I was like jeans in a t-shirt I was not I was underdressed for the occasion. I was the only person
Starting point is 00:14:01 not wearing a full suit in that part of the way. Honestly that feeling used to make me feel very awkward but now I relish in it. That relishment of being in a place where everyone's wearing a suit because they're doing business stuff and I'm wearing my fucking shit clothes and I look like I'm a hobo
Starting point is 00:14:17 and like no I'm supposed to be here and you're all gonna have to fucking deal with it. So the thing is though like think about the flight to Japan. Now yeah. I imagine he thinks about it quite a bit. Would you not do anything to make that fucking 13 hours
Starting point is 00:14:33 more comfortable? I mean I had a cold on that plane to Japan I didn't have a cold on the plane back from Japan and I don't know if there's much I could have done to make that go away. Here's the deal of George is that
Starting point is 00:14:49 you're gonna be taking a flight to Atlanta correct? No way. From Washington that's just two hours. Yeah so it really doesn't matter. You know you're not gonna get a cold but you know what you may get Ebola Oh wait. Zika. No to get Ebola
Starting point is 00:15:05 you need to like be drinking people's bodily fluids transfused in the fluids of other things you're drinking. To get Zika virus you need to be pregnant right? No. You need to get bit by a mosquito. Well it's only like really bad if you're pregnant. Yeah. But it's also a bad disease in general
Starting point is 00:15:21 but the problem is that once Zika leaves your body and you're totally fine your kids will be fucked up forever like super fucked up. So just don't be pregnant and get it over with while you're still a single man. Yeah. And unless you like want to
Starting point is 00:15:37 give birth to like a homunculus then What if you gave birth to a homunculus and it was like Sonic? Like half human half Sonic. Then you'd get a Twitter post from the Sonic the Hedgehog Twitter account. That's worth it. It sure is.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Son your horrible life was oh no it's not going to last long you drown him in a dumpster but for that brief moment. Yeah for that brief moment you'll be e-famous. Nice. Slightly more so it might even get verified. But isn't like the thing about being a homunculus is that you're just kind of like a little
Starting point is 00:16:09 shitty useless creature and honestly it depends on what fiction you're reading. Yeah I'm assuming he means like the parent takes all the glory and just like you know I mean you know like in Bloodborne when you get to the one rebirthed it's just kind
Starting point is 00:16:25 of like this slimy blob of leg. The one reborn is pretty gross. Yeah. Did you have a week and was it gross? Me? Yeah. Yeah you George. I tried to catch up on good games this year
Starting point is 00:16:41 I really like when I was writing the video I realized I really gimped myself with my collection of games that I was playing like trying to focus on western PC releases so I didn't exactly know what would be my quote-unquote game of the year so I went and played I finished the Titanfall 2 campaign. That's what you did?
Starting point is 00:16:57 Yeah you guys really like it. I think it's good but it just doesn't seem like what I need in my life right now. Yeah you need garbage. I appreciated your video on the return of skill based movement and I think that was a really good analysis sir. I still
Starting point is 00:17:13 I don't mean to cut you off. I still remember a fucking topic somewhere where I was like who the fuck is this super bunny hop guy with this fucking video and the response to that was like you're complaining about a guy named super bunny hop talking about skill based movement and first birds and
Starting point is 00:17:29 shooters. I remember that Neogev post Yeah I remember that one. It was hilarious. Yeah it was a good video man. Yeah I really like the way the game handles movement of course. I like the gimmicks and the themes of the level design like one thing that I think is really cute. The whole thing is just like super duper cute. It has this 80s cartoon
Starting point is 00:17:45 vibe that you wouldn't know if you just took it at face value but like that scene in the beginning where Captain Lastimosa dies or he like tumbles out of the titan and is like oh you're the one rifleman grunt who like managed to cough enough blood to wake yourself up in
Starting point is 00:18:01 this pile of bodies. Here you're a pilot now I guess bleh as his eyes roll to the back of his head. It fades to black and you're like burying him by the river under pile of rocks. All that happens in like 45 seconds. It goes by so fast that it is like comically paced. It's because you're the last
Starting point is 00:18:17 Jedi man. Yeah I took it for like a platoon moment you know and it's also like this is how much it shit sucks to be going up against the IMC usually but turns out that BT is really really competent and good and I would like
Starting point is 00:18:33 to think that most of what happened was due to BT being awesome. And before you know what BT is like cracking jokes and telling stories and like learning how to give you a thumbs up it's such an adorable story. And I like I kind of almost wish the visual
Starting point is 00:18:49 design of it reflected like a lot of the energy and the life in this universe the robots they look like the new transformers like they're a bunch of car parts kind of kind of slapped together even though they talk like old transformers. I disagree there because I'm
Starting point is 00:19:05 really not on board with the new transformers designs. I think they're too cluttered and complicated when they start moving. What I'm saying actually but I don't feel that with the titans because I feel like the titans have large clear parts to them. I can tell where Scorch's
Starting point is 00:19:21 arm starts and ends. And I feel like the chassis for each different design is like a specific shape that I can identify. You may be not when they're like on a lineup on the horizon you may be like their silhouette might confuse you for a couple of them but I
Starting point is 00:19:37 think once you're looking at them up close you can see like okay Scorch looks like a big heavy round thing. But for the attitude that they were going for I kind of wish they looked more like children's toys. You wanted them to turn into it's a little bit more. A little less realism. I wanted them to turn into a coffee
Starting point is 00:19:53 cup and hide out in society. You know I think it like if that's what the original games art style was then that would have been you know welcome but we're going for you know realistic FPS with crazy ass mechs
Starting point is 00:20:09 involved. You know it's nice so but realistic with like four quote markers because there's so many like weird ass scenes in this game where there's physical slapstick comedy being created by the level design
Starting point is 00:20:25 especially in the assembly line like with the assembly line level was going through I was just like grinning from ear to ear. Every time I died it was this goofy moment of like Bugs Bunny getting hit by an anvil. It's like Buster Keaton like getting ground for the machines of a clock tower
Starting point is 00:20:41 or something. Or like ripping the art gun out of the robot's hands and it's just like I can't do my job now sad you know like there's definitely those goofy moments yeah. But the thing that like kind of killed me and ultimately made it hard for me to play it in
Starting point is 00:20:57 long sessions I just kind of did two maps and then like rested for a couple of hours and played other things and came back into two maps but it's that the AI of the grunts in that game is just not interesting to play against. They kind of live and die in four seconds and teleport a few bullets your way
Starting point is 00:21:13 and then die in one click. Yeah they're not much of a challenge. I think the reapers are you know a little bit harder and the Titan pilots are a lot more fun fighting the reapers than most every other enemy in the game. I think that's a common experience yeah
Starting point is 00:21:29 but I think that the enemies that you're fighting are kind of like sprinkled throughout these levels that are more interesting because they're mechanics and what they're asking you to do in the level is fun and the enemy's placement is not so much
Starting point is 00:21:45 the biggest deal. Like you know when you get to that amazing time travel moment it becomes a joke how easy it is to take on the enemies but that's the fun of it that's what they want you to experience. Also are there any energy drinks? There aren't.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Fuck. But yeah the I feel like the you know the fact that you're having an easy time with them is like their challenges is sort of secondary you know what they want you to do here is like do this crazy platforming section with the satellite dishes
Starting point is 00:22:17 or you know use the arc gun to do all these different things and so. Or kill all those friendly robots. And that stuff's always fresh. They gear up for that they really kind of assigned themselves to that fate from the very first cutscene because by the time you're at the crazy time travel segment you are
Starting point is 00:22:33 basically recreating that very first cutscene. And I just kind of wish that like the basic core combat of the game against AI was more challenging and interesting than as challenging and interesting as the cool stuff going on with the level
Starting point is 00:22:49 design and the movement. Did you feel that the challenge was just as easy when you went into the like final um, Titan Battlefield mission and then when you fought Viper? I think so I mean Viper was one of the few bosses
Starting point is 00:23:05 I killed on the first try. What? Nice. That's impressive man. I feel dumb now. That's impressive. I was again grinning from ear to ear on the next level when they're like oh god we're at we're at our last moment everything's going as shitty as possible. Time to break out
Starting point is 00:23:21 that stupid overpowered thing from the first game. Oh yeah. I know this is a basic thought but like have you tried upping the difficulty? I was playing on hard mode. Okay well nevermind he's better enough than us. He plays Rainbow Six all day.
Starting point is 00:23:37 You're big strong cool FPS man. Well I think the thing is that for that movement video in order to practice real good I played the gauntlet over and over again and until I got really good times for it to recommend hard mode for me which didn't necessarily mean that that was where the game
Starting point is 00:23:53 wanted me to be in terms of damage density but it was it was what it suggested so I stuck with it and there were a few frustrating moments where it just kind of felt like I was up against a wall of enemy DPS that was getting me stuck but I remember like two of those and one was
Starting point is 00:24:09 in the assembly line which soured the assembly line a little bit and the other one was towards the end of the time travel movement when you're just like stuck in a room full of bad guys and the only way out is to teleport into a different room full of bad guys and then I'll just teleporting damage
Starting point is 00:24:25 in your direction with hit scan but those were like the only real two grinder moments I can remember from the campaign. I felt there was initially when I kind of came into the
Starting point is 00:24:41 end of the assembly line and they lock you into the room and I wasn't running into the houses and I was having a bit of a harder time and then I was like oh wait just run and hide in the houses get your reloads in there and it became a lot easier and there was another moment
Starting point is 00:24:57 oh yeah when I when you're doing the the fastball mission where you're using the art gun to run off of the side light and the cranes oh that was a lot of fun yeah so there's definitely moments there where like reapers are just on your
Starting point is 00:25:13 ass and they will not stop following you and I had that be a bit of a challenge for me as well I retried that one a few times but I don't remember I remember every death in that level being a fun like oh okay I see how I can do this
Starting point is 00:25:29 differently next time kind of death yeah so he's just too good for us yeah I guess so good game though I yeah like take those skills online into the multiplayer and be the be the big strong man well not that not anymore now you get your ass blown out
Starting point is 00:25:45 no one's playing free for all though yeah because free for all fucking sucks I wouldn't know that because I've never got no I mean free for all sucks in all first person shooters you're wrong you're wrong about something on the internet I'm so right
Starting point is 00:26:01 I'm so right I would have no idea but free for all on FPS is garbage man free for all for garbage in any game that has hit scan weapons I didn't know when that change occurred because I went into some modern shooters expecting to be like
Starting point is 00:26:17 by myself and then it's like no team is base team base is part of it and I was like well why is that that change happened with Call of Duty 1 I want to say no counter strike yeah terrorists well what I was like wanting
Starting point is 00:26:33 to experience with the free for all in Titanfall 2 is something that might remind me of quick 3 arena quick 3 arena is a great FFA game come on that's why I specified the hit scan right right the rail gun is the only viable
Starting point is 00:26:49 hit scan weapon in quick the only viable one you also have the machine gun oh fuck that it's candy rocket launcher but yeah I have zero authority in this conversation I have no idea quick 3 is tough to go back to because I'm old
Starting point is 00:27:05 I think that's the reason not because it's not good anymore because quick lives the shit but I'm old and I can't do it anymore maybe bunny can do it because he's young and strong I mean you just gotta keep mashing spacebar and looking in the right way see I'm so old I forgot
Starting point is 00:27:21 to just smash spacebar also apparently you don't like slide hopping what the fuck I hate slide hopping I literally hate bunny hopping you and Gabe I'm at you you're at
Starting point is 00:27:37 you're here bro I like skiing a lot I like tribe style skiing a whole lot because it's built into the game but tribes also works because the maps are made for that I have serious problems
Starting point is 00:27:53 with any type of unintentional movement because I always I'm always pretty stodgy I wanna play this game and it's like if you fucking rub your dick on the arrow keys while jumping you get to go 100 times faster
Starting point is 00:28:09 it's like I don't wanna do that I completely disagree with that I think the end result should be does it look cool and then that's it yeah it usually looks fucking stupid if it doesn't look stupid and it looks cool bunny hopping looks fucking dumb there is a loading screen tip
Starting point is 00:28:25 in Titanfall 2 explaining how to slide hop and I think slide hopping looks really cool and it also looks like it makes sense because you get a speed boost from the slide anyway and it also is like I feel a nice middle ground between skiing and tribes ascend and bunny hopping and quake
Starting point is 00:28:41 because you're holding down the quote unquote the equivalent of the ski button here which is Crouch if you bind that to a mouse button you just kinda look where you wanna go tap spacebar and you go faster this discussion makes this discussion makes me wanna like
Starting point is 00:28:57 open up a custom Titanfall server in which you're not allowed to jump I'm guessing you hate Lucio how do you feel about wave dashing I hate wave dashing okay I'm gonna jump out the window yeah good job that you were able to find value
Starting point is 00:29:13 in a shitty game smash people Pat has shit opinions on many things this is part of what he said oh there's always gonna be more there's so many and the main key thing here is to wear their shit I'm not aware that they're shit
Starting point is 00:29:29 I'm aware they're unpopular and that most people would think I'm wrong they're poopoo am I the poopoo or are you all the poopoo smash fans no I'm going deep on smash cause wave dashing is fucking stupid but what about a foxtrot
Starting point is 00:29:45 what about fuck you what's foxtrotting you do it with space animal you know my fucking favorite thing about smashes is that I used to talk like this way back way back in the day and everyone was like fuck you you're an idiot game has so much depth
Starting point is 00:30:01 you're so fucking wrong idiot and then the fucking inventor of the game was like no Pat's right I'm gonna take all that shit out there is a tutorial video tip on how to wave dashing melee you're just gonna sit here and shit on crumpet dashing bro crumpet dashing
Starting point is 00:30:17 crumpet dashing was alright you're gonna sit here and shit on crumpet dashing fuck you you like it and I heard you there's video evidence that you are down with the crumpet dashing well here you don't understand cause you're like this with music bands or whatever cause you're a poser or whatever but
Starting point is 00:30:33 like I said it was alright right I said that crumpet dashing was alright right and then you asked me again and now I hate it now I hate it just like that for the position no no it's not like okay when my
Starting point is 00:30:49 I remember I asked my dad for a toy it was a mighty max toy and he was like I'll think about it right and then I asked him again 10 minutes later he's like you will never get that toy for people who don't anymore like me that's how I am explain to me the shrek tech
Starting point is 00:31:07 that is crumpet dashing crumpet dashing is legit it is when you use the gingerbread man and you jump and immediately plank into air dash and then grab at the same time and it's an unavoidable move that basically it gives you
Starting point is 00:31:23 supreme air maneuverability it puts you in a situation where you can't really evade the grab properly even if you try to jump away you're gonna get caught by the throw frames it's amazing high level super good it's high level I have a friend of mine who recently
Starting point is 00:31:39 discovered the surprisingly large and passionate competitive shrek super slam community oh fuck yeah he posted just a bit of fgc shrek trivia from like the shrek super slam wiki on to twitter
Starting point is 00:31:55 and thought it was so hilarious and it got like 4000 retweets it's like one of the most ground swelled tweets I've ever seen in my life just like laughing at how bullshit shrek super slam is did you know there is a tier list there's a hard tier
Starting point is 00:32:11 list too there is a shrek okay shrek boards right like not unlike smashboards they have a back room and in the back room the top tier players have put together a tier list and like it is it is
Starting point is 00:32:27 legit based on their tournament play and red riding hood was so good that she was banned for a play and apparently the reason why that happened was because there was a tournament where the top the top players like the main guy that was pretty much slated
Starting point is 00:32:43 to be the champ got bodied by a dude that came in with red riding hood playing the game for his first time and it was so incredible how broken her tech was that they banned her on the spot and he got super salty and he quit the game forever fantastic that they have a sub reddit
Starting point is 00:32:59 someone's trying to push for a super shrek slam in Atlanta shrek super slam close enough fantastic super legit man don't you ever get it twisted evo man you know I just realized you know who else agrees with me
Starting point is 00:33:15 combo fiend option selects are stupid uh yeah well option selects are not inherently stupid but they're no they are they're stupid no I disagree I think they're smart play but it's it's a problem when you can create a vortex where the person can't really get out
Starting point is 00:33:31 and you're forced to put it you're forced into a game of 50 50s constantly um similarly like and and like the like hard fgc will will fight you till you're fucking dead on this one but like role cancelling in cvs2 to a lot of people that was the birth of what made that
Starting point is 00:33:47 game fun uh and those people are wrong and to for other folks like you it was like it was fun before that and I feel that like for a lot of people in the arcade especially like talking to like the guys that are like mtl7 stuff like they are definitely like know that game was kind of dying out and then the discovery of role cancelling
Starting point is 00:34:03 brought life back into it um it's kind of nuts how sometimes that that goofy tech will actually like extend this the last ability of the game I can definitely see that but I mean still think wave dashing is fucking stupid okay
Starting point is 00:34:19 like oh it extended melee's life well maybe melee didn't need to have its life extended maybe it should have died maybe it's just that simple maybe this amazing game play a real fighting game what am I doing today why am I so on this I don't know and I think you're not so on this but you've started
Starting point is 00:34:35 having fun yeah you started to dig it and you realize that the position was a fun place to be and it feels so then you just decided to just keep going deeper than you actually wanted to feels good to make smet make fun a smash band fan that yeah there you go that's about right
Starting point is 00:34:51 that's the proper end to this discussion hey let's have a couple friendlies later guys yeah hey what time do you think it was that you guys in general began pushing the
Starting point is 00:35:07 wouldn't it be funny to unsubscribe from super bunny hop we never push that ever so I can tell you exactly when and why that happened let's start with when that was about three
Starting point is 00:35:23 or four podcasts ago live on the stream and it's at the beginning of the episode and straight up all it was was we were starting the stream a little bit after 1pm
Starting point is 00:35:39 and the folks were getting a little bit like surly in the chat and someone basically went like this is bullshit that they haven't started yet I'm unsubscribing from super bunny hop and we made the huge mistake of reading that comment aloud because we fucking
Starting point is 00:35:55 we bought really really loud would that have been like early December yeah oh god you know what he's doing right now what's the time here he's looking at his fucking youtube analytics oh my god I have some bad news to report
Starting point is 00:36:11 oh my god it is very very slight but there were more subscribers lost in December than November with a big spike on December 18th specifically ok December 18th
Starting point is 00:36:29 is way after the way after way after you must have done a bad job that must have been you being shitty I don't like what else have you done in that time frame before we take this this blow and hold the L because I'd like to think that everyone
Starting point is 00:36:45 gets that it's a hilarious hey listen everybody it's just listening to the podcast right now super bunny hop does good work he's a good guy no one's perfect you can ignore some of the things you've heard you should probably go subscribe to his channel
Starting point is 00:37:01 we wouldn't make the joke that you would unsubscribe unless we thought you'd be subscribed in the first place it's very slight there's only like 15 unsubscribing he's gonna shake you down for cash at magfest all 15 of those people that represents like what
Starting point is 00:37:17 45 cents don't just subscribe but ring the bell mm-hmm I think uh... in fact you should write super bunny hop a message on twitter telling him how much that you like his channel hashtag blackface
Starting point is 00:37:33 no don't do that that spike coincides with the titanfall video no no yeah but let him know on twitter that you support his channel and then unfollow him on twitter oh my god no no
Starting point is 00:37:51 I did we never pushed the unsubscribe thing but now that's a real don't do it don't do it do not do that that is a bad bad thing that is a bad thing and don't do it
Starting point is 00:38:07 that's like hey what if I jerked off into the school water fountain ha ha wouldn't that be funny and no I'm not gonna do it no maybe I'll do it talking about using his socks as jerk off socks and just well you know why we brought him on right
Starting point is 00:38:23 this week you're a newsman right so we need the the best independent video game newsman on this week to talk about the fact that there's like a butthole in your automata
Starting point is 00:38:39 oh is that that's why I thought we brought him on because we were desperate and talking about buttholes later you get ready for that but because he's the expert obviously on news
Starting point is 00:38:55 I'm a buttholeologist oh news right we'll get there but we were trying to figure out what you had been up to well you could do a one man podcast you're good at this I don't know about that but you just get some sock puppets I legit want to talk to you guys about
Starting point is 00:39:11 furry yeah furry it's called furry okay I started playing furry a couple nights ago and I oh god rock hard I love this thing yeah the furry makes you rock hard how long it's going to take for the honeymoon to swell over but it seems
Starting point is 00:39:27 like something I really wish I had played earlier in the year when it first came out are you a shmup fan in general kind of sort of because I don't think we've ever talked about it but that's cool if you are I've played a lot of shmups I've talked about a lot of shmups I can't say I'm super duper into it
Starting point is 00:39:43 but I think every time I've played a shmup I've had like a net positive experience right on how do you feel about radiant silver gun I have not heard of that one but why what the name okay it's the
Starting point is 00:39:59 precursor to Icaruga isn't that the one that you like killed in that guy Saturn what I vividly remember somebody's radiant silver gun getting destroyed in your Saturn nothing like that happened and you're really really overblowing something that is nothing okay
Starting point is 00:40:15 my mistake that's how that happens this is how that happens okay anyway should I play radiant silver gun you should well did you like do you like Icaruga I like Icaruga yeah if you like Icaruga then you should play the game they made just before it's treasure treasure knows what the fuck they're doing
Starting point is 00:40:31 and they make great shmups um yeah it's one of the good ones you know um we can we can talk we can talk ironhander we can talk rezzel gun whatever well have you ever played oh sorry sorry have you ever actually played elemental gear bolt no
Starting point is 00:40:47 okay because like is elemental gear bolt good I have no idea because the joke is simply that whatever Matt or goes to a con or something or is like I'm gonna go through digging through these barrels for like deals on games and I'm like is there anything you want and I'm like yes
Starting point is 00:41:03 get me the elemental gear bolt suitcase because it's the most ridiculous find of all time because I always hear about it and it's kind of a lot it's kind of it's just the suitcase and the cost of it but that's the whole joke just but is it good no one knows no one knows no one's no one has played it
Starting point is 00:41:19 looking at footage of it right now and it looks not great but it also looks like it's from 1996 so it's it's almost it's a game that I prefer it being a punchline than a real game oh because then you'll get it you'll like this is fine where you are shooting
Starting point is 00:41:35 like 2d sprites it's a strange yeah I don't know but um yeah so you you uh you're playing a fury yeah fury and I'm surprised that like fury is making you think more of schmups it makes me think of revengeance like
Starting point is 00:41:51 I want to parry everything in this game and well bullet patterns is what is what catches my eye and dodging in such eye frames the boss is like so gracefully switch between the two modes of like going from from schmup man to sword fighting man
Starting point is 00:42:07 uh the furthest I've got so far is just like towards the end of the third boss's phase that third boss's last phase but uh like the style of this thing just just feels incredible like like super duper confident with how cool everything is even
Starting point is 00:42:23 though the like overall animation and visual quality isn't super polished in high budget um I hear the the artist behind afros samurai was involved yeah so that's why the designs are such a similar aesthetic and that's why like you can see why I hate the way
Starting point is 00:42:39 this game looks maybe if you hate afros samurai I don't um I kind of like the even down to like the kuma head looking stuff like there's a lot of visual cues that are very similar to afros your guys hair is permanently blowing in the wind
Starting point is 00:42:55 yeah that's the thing um how do you feel about the walking um you mean between the bosses yeah I I instantly decided to hold down x instead okay and I wish I'm wondering if there's a way to skip that for the
Starting point is 00:43:13 replay haven't started replaying it yet it seems like something that might get so talking problematic yeah talking to Liam about it because we did a quick look on our channel and he told and basically he was explaining that that was the biggest problem he felt
Starting point is 00:43:29 where it was just a really annoying thing on the replay especially was just like that that walking in between was very much nothing and it continues to be nothing no matter how many times you beat the game and it just slows things down unnecessarily
Starting point is 00:43:45 you know maybe there's something interesting interesting in terms of like seeing one setting change into another as you walk from one bosses level to another but yeah it quickly loses any appeal when you're replaying it and it's just like a lot of down time between
Starting point is 00:44:01 your boss fights and nothing else to do so I guess what's important is to have fun now before I stop perhaps you know and I as someone who I only saw the first two bosses so the third one's so cool yeah
Starting point is 00:44:17 um there's a look to it that look and it's something about the lighting reminds me of like some of the cheaper Xbox live arcade games and I don't know why I can't quite put my finger on it. It's a really odd poll.
Starting point is 00:44:33 Because neon is uh is easy it's like it's because you know having like played a lot of and and even like tested a lot of um games like like uh Marsman or Meteor Man whatever it's called and Wolf Commando 3
Starting point is 00:44:49 there's a lot of like bad pardon yeah just and a lot of like bad top down shooting things and what not and bad twin stick stuff. I appreciate the callback money there's a lot of bad twin stick stuff on XBLA and uh and and Fury is not
Starting point is 00:45:05 that but it just it just the lighting of it is similar in a lot of ways it's really hard to pin down why that is but it's just there um and and part of it kind of makes things look a little bit cheaper than they are but the action is totally cool
Starting point is 00:45:21 and what I saw of like the sword play and the mechanics and the parrying and such looks pretty dope and I think that's cool but I haven't given it uh it's proper due. The one thing that like slightly deflates my arousal just a little bit is how much clipping is going on with this guy's hair and his cape and his sheath
Starting point is 00:45:37 hmm I do appreciate the simplicity of the setting where you're just like it's pretty much like boss rushes but I yeah I definitely think that and I thought naively the clipping was going to go away in this generation I think everyone's like
Starting point is 00:45:53 oh man they're going to put all this power to visual fidelity and the ugliest ugliest thing in visual fidelity is clipping and no one cares again yeah I guess it's like it might be like a defining
Starting point is 00:46:09 trait of like this era of video games but like it's something that you're supposed to or you're expected to just not think about. I have blown hours and hours and hours and I've blown like nearly 30 or 40 dollars on like
Starting point is 00:46:25 fucking re like change your parents potions in 14 to make my characters like armor set like a glamour out to something that looks like what I want and doesn't just clip through itself constantly. This is why you liked the Witcher 3
Starting point is 00:46:41 so much yeah there's a lot of reasons but like clipping is but all the armor is in that game where we're specifically minutely detailed to not clip through itself yeah they look really fantastic
Starting point is 00:46:57 as a result makes me very happy. I didn't realize that that was a thing actually I didn't realize it now until he said it that I never saw any significant clipping in Witcher at all which is weird because some parts of that game can be visually
Starting point is 00:47:13 kind of blur because like it looks fantastic but you know it's still a big open world game made by Polish developer so you see weird shit sometimes but yeah very little clipping. Clipping is the worst oh so bad so ugly. Yeah there's some pretty bad clipping in
Starting point is 00:47:29 Street Fighter there's some like people's arms clipping through their bodies is probably the worst but like that's their fucking generic model often time like hair and clothing is like I said like that I feel like that's never going away
Starting point is 00:47:45 I feel like that's just like too much trouble for people to deal with the one that makes me go absolutely batshit crazy is when the you have a sword on your back and it's a quite long sword and the sword on your back clips through the cape
Starting point is 00:48:01 around your knees on every second step looks fucking hideous just spend the resources to make it cloth based and physics based and just fuck Anything else on your point?
Starting point is 00:48:17 No that's about it my holiday season was super hectic with a lot of real life obligations and I only got to play like three games besides you know Rainbow Six Siege which is the usual thing hmm
Starting point is 00:48:33 I still think you guys should give it a shot even if uh I'll give Rainbow Six Siege a shot when Woolie starts playing if I'm 14 even if it's not my usual type of thing well the thing is the banter that it will create will be like hilarious video fodder regardless because
Starting point is 00:48:49 you have to talk to each other in this game and you have to talk all the time uh the the whole uh like not even the meta upper level strategy of it like the base expectations for even new players is to just constantly be reporting what you're seeing
Starting point is 00:49:05 to your other teammates so um hearing hearing you guys go through that would uh probably probably create a few giggle oh my god yeah of course I mean I I definitely I enjoyed the early Rainbow Six games and then at a certain point I kind of gave
Starting point is 00:49:21 all I you know dropped off but uh yeah hearing you guys talk so much about this one makes me curious to know like what it is is it is it like just the breach system basically is that sort of what is making it so much ready much it basically plays like
Starting point is 00:49:37 a really high tech counter strike where uh that sounds awful uh where where every bullet hole that that you shoot into a wall can be seen through to the other side so there's these like advanced strategy
Starting point is 00:49:53 peaking spot techniques where where you will use them to make little turrets and then be able to see through to the other side people die really fast so the whole uh general rock paper scissors strategy of it involves fighting over sight lines in the map
Starting point is 00:50:09 and uh also being able to be aware of the sight lines and then warn each other about them before they walk into them and then using like kind of MOBA s gadgets and abilities to to create or wrestle control over previous sight lines
Starting point is 00:50:25 that have been blown in the level okay now this is a non sarcastic non-jokey like thing that I'm saying next that sounds like you took every single element of shooters that I don't like and combine them all into one game
Starting point is 00:50:41 um I'm curious do you have do you guys have like streams or like footage of your sessions just to see like oh he streams this shit constantly I do I make fun of him every time I want to see what the flow is like the dad stream
Starting point is 00:50:57 wait what it's uh it's an inside joke inside your wife are you married no oh he said dad stream yeah out of out of wedlock cool
Starting point is 00:51:13 anyways anyways anyways wow you really need a coffee and this is what happens when you can't get it huh you just give up on like trying to remotely deliver content or I'm delivering content
Starting point is 00:51:29 are you yeah is this content is is this the posture of content like the content posture I got going on podcast listeners if you could see foot up on the fucking table lean back this is pretty comfy melting over the edges of the chair
Starting point is 00:51:45 ah come on remember when you guys did minecraft story mode yeah I remember and mashed buttons to let it we don't mash buttons in that game the buttons mash themselves so do you guys mind if I
Starting point is 00:52:01 spoil the end of season one of minecraft story mode well I mean if he spoils it then I guess it'll be ruined and we don't have to do it we won't have to do it if I spoil oh no oh god what spoilers oh boy spoiler warning guys
Starting point is 00:52:17 at the end of minecraft story mode they set up directly into a season two of minecraft story mode okay now wonderful they didn't even wait to start releasing you basically have to buy an extra episode at the end of season
Starting point is 00:52:33 one in order to conclude season one and then you start buying new episodes for season two and uh it's so wait 789 awesome before they started these micro series with
Starting point is 00:52:49 my shone so 789 are not part of season one right okay hey I guess that saves us some work how about that alright well
Starting point is 00:53:05 if you can pull yourself together mentally and physically can you let us know how your week went oh man it was a pretty good week all things considered I didn't do that much of podcast worthiness honestly
Starting point is 00:53:21 I played a shit ton of FF15 at which my anger at nobody knowing who the fuck Arden is reached a fever pitch as it turns out that your characters do know who Arden is but they didn't for some reason
Starting point is 00:53:37 yeah and fuck holding off until the game's done to figure that out but it seems very weird that like um that character who's uh very important in the world would be completely unknown to them by face
Starting point is 00:53:53 for the longest while or first name or like it's so fucking weird I'm nearly entirely maxed out the AP grid and Willie and I were talking briefly about this beforehand but once you unlock most of the abilities on that AP grid uh you feel like
Starting point is 00:54:09 I feel like the game would be a much better game I would feel like the game would be a much better game if the AP grid didn't exist at all like and you just had all those abilities yeah but like the sense but I guess there needs to be some sense of progression sure obviously and but they I don't know because
Starting point is 00:54:25 and the sphere grid was cool there's two abilities in particular that just feel make the game a lot better one is uh impervious which is all the way at the bottom of the combat tree which is basically a new kemi and it's a quick recover as well it's the first thing I bought and it is
Starting point is 00:54:41 fucking fantastic it makes the combat a lot more fun save up 333 and just buy it immediately and uh the second one is the air dance which is infinite air dashes in the air while you're comboing with a spear or a long uh
Starting point is 00:54:57 short sword I guess they're called both of those make the combat just a lot more fun a lot better and it's a bummer that they're locked behind such expensive upgrades and also the method of grinding AP
Starting point is 00:55:13 in that game it feels very unintentional feels very like min maxi and after playing through the I'm at level 71 now like I have no idea how the fuck the developers expected you to interact with the sphere grid because I disagree I
Starting point is 00:55:29 feel that like the way you grind AP seems very intentional providing you get the holiday pack and I feel like if you go and play normally I feel like the holiday pack items are supposed to be like hey you'll get a couple extra AP if you do really well
Starting point is 00:55:45 cause there's also one that gives you AP for A plus and finesse as well but no one uses certainly and you can do things on your sphere grid to like build up AP by doing mundane tasks but like I feel like uh the normal flow of the game if you just play it without that stuff
Starting point is 00:56:01 and if you just uh you know even doing like side missions and whatnot like you're getting it at a pretty slow rate I um training is going to give you a little bit but only once you know and I feel like if you played the game completely normally and didn't grind for AP at all you would only be able to fill up maybe
Starting point is 00:56:17 one one twentieth yeah yeah no you really would only be able to max out maybe like a handful of but even then like uh thirty levels gave me four hundred AP let's say that means um
Starting point is 00:56:33 uh from one to ninety nine you'd get say let's say twelve hundred from purely leveling yeah right that's enough to max out one path on like one of ten different pages
Starting point is 00:56:49 the paths are also exponential in their scaling because your first step can be eight or twelve points then you go to twenty four or thirty two then you go to seventy two ninety nine and then three hundred thirty three and then nine nine nine after that and it's like that jump is so
Starting point is 00:57:05 extreme you know with no in-betweens there that they don't yeah well they don't want you to be at three three thirty three for all of them even the hardest and fastest grinding method that I could devise still would take like an hour of pure grinding to get one of those thousand point ones
Starting point is 00:57:21 it's crazy have you uh george tried it all or seen any of uh f of fifteen is that an interest for you uh no I want to like kind of save myself for it for a time in my life where I have like too much more stress-free weeks to give it a chance where I can yeah that's a good level
Starting point is 00:57:37 in the bed watch watch the shitty kings glave movie nine oh boy it's shitty I start the game and and then just like turn off the phone lock the door and just roll thing for three days minimum when I started off yeah get naked
Starting point is 00:57:53 yeah it's a good game it's a good game really good game there's some weird shit all over it though it feels very slapped together boy are those summons really good they're absurd those summons are so they're absurd I have a question though damn to anybody out there
Starting point is 00:58:09 and you can answer me this on twitter or whatever but um I'm worried about this I'm pretty huge in the game right now and the summons do not summon themselves indoors right because the so far because the conditions are such that it's like
Starting point is 00:58:25 hey yeah somebody needs to become incapacitated or the battle needs to go on for quite a while right does this mean that since my characters are very powerful that I'm unlikely to almost ever see summons no because there are multiple conditions there's okay there are there are multiple
Starting point is 00:58:41 conditions that that will trigger them and from what I can tell um there's also just sometimes a very rare right away yeah okay uh so because they're fucking dope they are and there's multiple of them so like you're and I'd be big sad
Starting point is 00:58:57 if I never got to see the cool coolest part because I got too huge yeah and the thing is and again each and e like the gods themselves have different attacks that they can do as well so it's like you're gonna you're gonna see them okay I'm not I wouldn't worry about all right good it really
Starting point is 00:59:13 though puts in perspective how insane it is in the other games to like call in a god to fucking clean up your little trash mob your trash mobs to just fucking do take out those shitty dogs with like excuse me
Starting point is 00:59:29 like this this being who has an like an existence unrelated to your entire reality is like I'm gonna step in pick you up and destroy this part of the world because these guys were like arguing with each other like why it just your
Starting point is 00:59:45 squabbles feel so petty in their presence you know it really feels like yeah you're summoning oh no I got attacked by four quill beasts better call in Rama and then like level out the plane so that the aftermath is
Starting point is 01:00:01 nothing but like smoke and black thick like birds earth scorched forever like yeah hope it was worth it for that like fucking piece of meat you got oh I got to bring back to the the side quest I got three four tooth bristles
Starting point is 01:00:17 thanks Rama gonna go sell those at the market ah it's absurd I've come up with a new recipe like you murdered everything in a mile radius one of the things that stood out to me about I've come up with a new recipe
Starting point is 01:00:33 thing is that occasionally Ignis will you'll eat at a restaurant and he'll go ah I've come up with a new recipe no and it's the exact thing you just know so he does that every time when you eat a new meal for the first time but it's like but he doesn't
Starting point is 01:00:49 say that he only says that when you pick up shit in the wild okay saying that in the cooks presence is bullshit and he knows it so he just rubs his chin and goes hmm oh is that he internalizes internalizes the restaurant's
Starting point is 01:01:07 food that you just ate and goes I see what you did there I'm gonna make my own fucking bootleg version also the some of the food is inedible like and I don't mean like it looks bad I mean the the number one that I'm thinking of is the the ham decker sandwich sure which is
Starting point is 01:01:23 literally four foot tall sandwich oh boy here comes and then you cut to the camp shot and what I had assumed is that that sandwich was for everyone but no all four of your boys have one of these fucking
Starting point is 01:01:39 monstrosities yeah and no one even attempts to eat it because I don't I guess there's no animation that would work it's fucking ridiculous that's a good game yeah that's a really good place down here where you can get a dinosaur burger and they stack it up like I like I am very excited for those DLC episodes now
Starting point is 01:01:55 especially now that the characters in my point of the game have like just left the party for no reason sure to come back but I'm still really really confused as to what the comrades multiplayer thing of that season yeah I
Starting point is 01:02:11 have no idea and I'm expecting some weird mother base style multiplayer addition to the like by the time that thing comes out like the people that really like this game are going to be 100% clear they're going to be like they will have annihilated this content
Starting point is 01:02:27 yeah and then they're going to add like DLC island I would love to go to DLC island with DLC content Bitter Black Isle was a great DLC island Shivering Isles are a great DLC island yeah and you're eventually going to get your episode
Starting point is 01:02:43 Prompto and episode Ignis and Iolus exactly you know so if there's moments where it's like hey guys I have to go off and do the DLC now okay so this is a minor spoiler for chapter 8 but in chapter 8 Gladiolus walks up to Noctis
Starting point is 01:02:59 and goes hey I've got something really important I need to do find out about it in episode Gladiolus available soon I'm going to need to leave the PSN store I'm going to need to leave the party for a little bit and then your options
Starting point is 01:03:15 are no don't go how long will you be and okay by none of the options are hey what this what are you going to go do and a character is like oh man it must be
Starting point is 01:03:31 super important if you have to leave the party to go do it and he's like okay I'll be back after my DLC finish and it's so weird well like one of the options should have been browsed to the PSN store yeah but that option will be added in
Starting point is 01:03:47 in the patch when that DLC comes out just mid conversation oh god oh man that's it's super weird garbage yeah no well there's a lot of things there's a lot of things in that game that should be garbage
Starting point is 01:04:03 but for some reason they're the best thing ever so probably the best and most famous example is cup noodles right I find it weird that you're not mad about this DLC thing you're like laughing about it it's funny but remember
Starting point is 01:04:19 we've established that much like I have shit opinions Bunny has crazy opinions about the DLCs because he's really butthurt about them all the time I mean I'm when it comes to small self-contained pieces of content like I liked
Starting point is 01:04:35 K-Zero and I heard a lot of good things about freedom cry so I'm willing to give them a chance but like I was saying like the cup noodles advertising in this game is first of all I'm astounded that it made it over from Japan okay with the cup noodles
Starting point is 01:04:51 there's a lot of it it's a product that exists over here but yeah but still right because those kinds of ad deals usually get scrubbed like think of Doritos and Mountain Dew for we'll fucking Beast Walker but the cup noodle quest
Starting point is 01:05:07 which I'm sure you have not gotten to yet woolly the cup noodle quest is a fucking like 1930s radio ad so overt it is so intense
Starting point is 01:05:23 I hear good things you know how Gladio his favorite food is cup noodles like Gladio just rubs up and she's like dude this is the ultimate flavor and like he's like he's might as well be holding up one with a brand shot
Starting point is 01:05:39 and he's reading off of like a fucking ad copy and it's like we have to go out into the wild and get the cup noodle experience for the ultimate cup noodle and it's hilarious it's fucking hilarious like it's the super intrusive
Starting point is 01:05:55 in game ad but it's hilarious so it's great drink your oval teen kids I had a weird moment where early on in the game you have this whole thing where you do a catoblopas like mission you crawl up to it
Starting point is 01:06:11 and get a sick ass photo did you get the ultimate photo with the ultimate pose Sonocino Salame very overt actually appreciated it and then like Prompto was fucking loving it and he's like oh man these things are so cool
Starting point is 01:06:27 and like oh close call knocked we got out of there and then like fast forward a few hours and then just one of the hunting missions is like yeah go murder one of those things they're tough apparently it walked out and it started destroying some habitat
Starting point is 01:06:43 just go kill it despite the fact that it was like a cool animal friend that you loved not barely a couple hours ago and then take the meat back to a guy who needs it for a new recipe so here's the weirdest thing about and they spawn a third one
Starting point is 01:06:59 here's the weirdest thing about FF15 is that every single bounty hunting thing is like wanted for habitat destruction for habitat destruction all the hunts that you take are animals that are destructive or they're ecologically disastrous yes however those appear to be the only
Starting point is 01:07:15 animals that exist in loses they're don't know I have not seen very many the two catoblopas that are like just in the wall yeah but what about every other fucking monster or enemy yeah you could do some of them that you could walk up to real close that don't
Starting point is 01:07:31 attack what about those giant eight foot tall centipedes those tend to attack you yeah it depends a lot of life sucks is what I'm saying yeah but I'm saying but there's like you there's like a 50-50 shot that you can just walk by it I walk by a bunch of spirit corns that were just chillin they want oh really
Starting point is 01:07:47 yeah they wanted nothing to do with me oh wow it happens fuck those stupid unicorns yeah a bunch of bastards yeah that's a good game George and you should that's a good game give it the time of day it's a it's a it's a very slapdash rushed game but it's very good and it has some it has some flaws it feels like
Starting point is 01:08:03 so far it feels like MGS 5 but more finished I'm probably gonna give it a go at the end of January I have a few trips to make don't wanna make a trip in the middle of a game it's it's certainly a way better overworld than MGS 5
Starting point is 01:08:19 yeah and that is like it's not just a blob the best thing about the overworld here is like while you're driving around they made sure that like the roadside scenery is fucking glorious
Starting point is 01:08:35 it's really nice and there's definitely moments of like wow if I was in a modern fantasy setting it would be really cool to look at like this ancient battlefields like remains as a tourist attraction spot now you know we're like
Starting point is 01:08:51 part of the map is exploded and it's still jetting out of the ground and it looks a tourist trap and it looks really cool it looks really cool you know like a cute yeah I think that that's really really well thought out but the view from most all of them is fantastic yeah
Starting point is 01:09:07 and it makes a lot of sense now that you see they had the table at the square offices that is like the full scale version of the map in 3D and whatnot like you can totally see like they'd be like yeah okay let's see what it's like when you're driving from here to here what's the prettiest
Starting point is 01:09:23 pathway we can take to let you see the world and really take that oh I have a quick question on visual quality Willie how many royal arms do you have ballpark it doesn't right okay I think I'm up to seven maybe maybe six maybe just six sure but
Starting point is 01:09:39 when I originally you originally get the armature at four right perhaps and the armature looks pretty underwhelming as a as a super attack every time you get a new one that thing starts to look dramatically better I'm hoping so because right now
Starting point is 01:09:55 I'm like it doesn't look as cool as I wanted to because every because I noticed it during a fight with a banner snatch which are fucking amazing looking and it's as you use because he's randomly switches between the weapons that you have to do attacks yes and you're flying all over the place
Starting point is 01:10:11 but during that the weapons that are not in your hand are summon sorting all over the place yes yes and once every I noticed every time I got one more would be appearing in the summon sword form okay so I have a full appreciation that by the time you hit 13 it's you are the original
Starting point is 01:10:27 trailer that's what I'm exactly I'm you're definitely building towards the trailer and I'm really want to get to that in gameplay slash in the dreams that you get like random FMV dream but I yeah the original trailers like your your weapon switching
Starting point is 01:10:43 on the fly is out of control action is what I want to see in game because the armature is not that right now but yeah really cool was that you no no I also had a bunch of other women with the misses who has been continuing to crush it she beat the party cave
Starting point is 01:10:59 in one shot was like oh was that hard and I feel like a tiny shit man horrible but more interesting than either of those is that I kind of fell down into the dragon guard hole because of near
Starting point is 01:11:15 automata so how are those audio dramas so alright let's back up let's back up you filling at all right timeline yourself getting your jollies so it's not that much of a spoiler to
Starting point is 01:11:33 hold on hold on George have you seen your automata at all I played through the demo I had no idea what was going on so I played here I want to check it out I came so close one time to buying it from a store but didn't and now
Starting point is 01:11:49 my Xbox 360 got thrown in the trash I don't have a last actually George it's funny that you mentioned that because we have a near LP up on our channel that you could go and watch play the game but you also have to play dragon guard trying to
Starting point is 01:12:05 China okay so let's back up let's back up let's back up so I had I had known for quite some time that dragon guard dragon guard to dragon guard three and near are all in the same series it's kind of a secret connection
Starting point is 01:12:21 but one of the endings of dragon guard leads to near which is super cool that like I've been told that you're okay to just watch dragon guard one but you should play near I hear dragon guard one is a really rough game dragon guard one is a bad game
Starting point is 01:12:37 dragon guard two is a bad game dragon guard three is a mediocre to bad game near is a good game that's basically how it goes but it sucks because the one good thing about dragon guard is the story it's really really crazy it's
Starting point is 01:12:53 berserk ask like there's a character on your team that eats children yeah yeah so I was like okay I'm gonna go to so on the near to dot com it's called near to dot com or whatever it's the fucking official Japanese site for near
Starting point is 01:13:11 automata and there is a supplemental materials page okay and the supplemental materials page is the developer going I know that we may have spread the story around a little bit here is the names and in in many cases pdfs
Starting point is 01:13:27 or fan translations of everything that we've got including a scene by scene translation of the your ha android stage so that's the point that I saw and I backed off immediately because like what is your ha for the glory of mankind
Starting point is 01:13:43 that was a stage play written by Yoko Taro that came out in Japan about androids there's zero chance you would ever have seen this sitting zero zero and like the picture is of these characters with blindfolds on and it's like warning near
Starting point is 01:13:59 automata spoilers below and I'm like alright good enough for me close so but I didn't know dragon guard one or two other than the ending either and I went to the fucking wiki and looked at the timeline man you thought that the
Starting point is 01:14:15 fucking smt or god damn the hearts kingdom hearts or fucking what's the other one I'm thinking of that's that's quite bad Zelda timelines are awful this one has a denotation at the bottom
Starting point is 01:14:31 blue means game green means comic red means novel orange means play and it's like okay so Yoko Taro is a multimedia cross experience
Starting point is 01:14:47 and it's like and I'm like I don't even know all the games so luckily and I'd like to plug his channel because I think he did amazing work there is a guy on youtube called Mr. Clems you can follow him on twitter at Mr. Clems his youtube channel has a
Starting point is 01:15:03 incredibly small amount of views for the good work that he did this guy does about a 45 minute breakdown in two parts of Drakengard one two and three and he's starting one of near right now that's like okay this is what happens these are the characters this is
Starting point is 01:15:19 the total overview of the plot and it's themes this is what all of the endings are and what the what the sequences are you get to get them here's what this is about here's what this is about here's how this ties in and he did one two and three and he's halfway through near
Starting point is 01:15:35 and I feel caught up just from blowing three hours watching these videos if to anyone who doesn't have like I would say the Drakengard one two and three are not worth playing I think those are terrible games but their
Starting point is 01:15:51 stories are amazing I think near is worth playing but maybe not at this point because it's so so ancient and the gameplay is not that great and we have this wonderful LP you can watch I wonder if that's the guy that did it for Danganronpa as well I don't think it is he has he has I think like
Starting point is 01:16:07 total like 16 videos or something okay there's someone that did a great one that we linked to but yeah that's Mr. Clemps he did his good work and I'm glad to to rep him here but Automata okay like so Automata like Drinking Guard
Starting point is 01:16:23 one and two you're saying pass over but three like three's terrible I three's worse than the other yeah that because you did you ever play it no I was but I want to go watch our video where the frame rate drops to single digits I watched when that came out and I saw like a bit of it and I mean
Starting point is 01:16:39 I didn't because it looks like one of the newer games where they would have like I guess fixed three's terrible and all the best parts of its story are in like expensive DLC she's okay but it's important right but after going
Starting point is 01:16:55 through all of these things take this as pat word for it as opposed to like what do you mean exactly like I'm gonna I'm gonna assume that it's like everything is slight is less than what you're saying and that like I can from what I'm trying one looks like a rough time
Starting point is 01:17:11 three didn't look so bad I don't I so that's why I called it mediocre to bad yeah but that's why I'm saying and then now you're doubling down as you go further to the conversation I like you're right started out saying that it was all right and now you're saying it's terrible my experience experience trying to stay positive
Starting point is 01:17:27 during that that look that we was miserable it didn't three did not seem terrible but where was I going with this so there is there is a bunch of shit so I want you remember that trailer we watched Willie of the characters in near automata that was
Starting point is 01:17:43 just the shots of characters and then their names and some of them were spoiler blurry yeah yeah do you remember the guy with the crazy tattoos going over his chest like it was a cool looking guy with black I purposely tried to not internalize that too much because I want to learn
Starting point is 01:17:59 it so the thing is one of his tattoos is a is the tattoo of the cult of the dragon guard cult in one cool so everything that they've said like oh yeah you won't have to play the old ones to
Starting point is 01:18:15 to whatever I'm sure that's accurate but to like really like get it I have a strong feeling you're actually going to need to at least know what happened in those even on a general purpose so I would highly recommend if you don't have
Starting point is 01:18:31 the time or patience to go play through these games to get up to date with Mr. Clemson's videos how many of the 10 novellas do you have to read probably zero I have the way they've talked about it and the way they put like the the fucking thing up or it's like we're aware that we may have spread the story all over
Starting point is 01:18:47 the place makes me feel and they've also said that the story will be like understandable even without any prior knowledge I have a strong feeling that they'll be callbacks to things from prior games will be themes and
Starting point is 01:19:03 stuff like that have to sit and watch a stage play but I seriously seriously doubt that they are going to heavily incorporate elements of the novellas or whatever the only one the only one that's absolutely 100 percent necessary they have
Starting point is 01:19:19 completely in English translated on that website for people and it's called the space wars nice and it happens after the end of near where there's a fight with the aliens so it's funny because I when I look at
Starting point is 01:19:35 near-automata as a like in now mainstream thing that's like getting pushed it's doing its biggest apparently quite well on Amazon's charts it's a bit this biggest game that he's ever worked on and it's clearly with the production level in the platinum getting involved and such
Starting point is 01:19:51 now and this is of course more eyeballs on the dragon guard franchise and now the near franchise are the same but aren't the same but you know but like whatever you can tell who's a real fan by who abbreviates to do D for drag on drag on
Starting point is 01:20:07 okay it's one of those fan bases dark forces Jedi Knight Jedi outcasts and Jedi Academy jet jet I try to paste a link to the Yorah stage play in the twitch chat and got told no but this is
Starting point is 01:20:23 the stupidest thing I've seen in my life well just to tell people who are listening to the podcast much like in audio format where they can get it it's near too is the website that links to all this stuff and there was an English translation of that page that I saw so
Starting point is 01:20:39 yeah of the whole fucking thing yes if you're interested that's where you can go and in fact I can you know can throw the link in the did you see that lapping their face did you see the amazing quote floating around from Yoko Taro about working on your automata yeah I would like to
Starting point is 01:20:55 read that quote there's that there's the great thing about well go on with that first because it's it's famously known that he was like an asshole on dragon guard one and was yelling at the team all the time because they pissed him off because they would never do anything that he wanted to do right and he had to fight with Square a lot to keep the really dark
Starting point is 01:21:11 tones in the game and working with platinum he had this to say all the time I spent on the original getting angry at the development team obviously platinum's removed that by working so well so I spend that time drinking in the end it hasn't really changed how much work I do but when I
Starting point is 01:21:27 drink I make better games so that's okay it's great it's great it's a great fucking quote oh man yeah and then there was there's him talking about how
Starting point is 01:21:43 there's an announced atlas rpg that's gonna be a fantasy rpg and basically there's it's a breakdown but the summary of it it really is that like as far as Japanese games go there's a like a chart where you can look at where there's like fantasy
Starting point is 01:21:59 realism and then there's like like fantasy setting like fantasy setting realistic setting and then like anime style and realistic art style you know and he pretty much like places like large chunks of that like one one big side of that is
Starting point is 01:22:15 persona covers the modern day anime art style you know and then there's like off the square stuff that covers the fantasy not anime art style more realistic looking things or not and he pretty much puts near right in
Starting point is 01:22:31 the dead center all of that and he's like we exist in a small space and that's what and this is where we're comfortable right now with near and the fantasy rpg that atlas just announced is going to overlap that space in addition to them having the persona
Starting point is 01:22:47 space so I'm asking the fans to please reconsider buying their game to support near automata instead I'm very I think it's very brave of them to start working on this project and I think that's very cool but please for near sake that's really good
Starting point is 01:23:03 reconsider this project you know he's a funny guy he's a funny guy yeah that's a fun like but where I was going with it is that like this is the most popular franchise has ever been it's very possible that like this is being treated almost like a guns of the patriots thing where
Starting point is 01:23:19 you know if any if they wanted to wrap up the whole storyline this would be a right place to do it I don't think this is likely going to be the jumping off point if anything that puts it on the map and then creates a whole line of near things where like the back
Starting point is 01:23:35 story let me let me tell you something it's even more convoluted let me tell you something about dragon guard 3 woolly there's a character in that game called accord and she appears in some of the endings to catalog the finality of those timelines oh wow
Starting point is 01:23:51 that character is an android a straight up god in the machine that character is an android and that character is going to be near automata okay okay huh and she time traveled to dragon guard 3
Starting point is 01:24:07 thousands of years in the future so yeah guns of the patriots took place like 10 years in the future and characters from the rest of the franchise could show up and have their arcs wrapped whereas it just seems like like near automata is almost like spin off well well I
Starting point is 01:24:23 just meant I just meant in terms of like the big expensive finale there is a large convoluted timeline I feel like there is little to no chance of that yeah I have a feeling no in fact the opposite will happen it's now becoming a main thing that like everyone else is
Starting point is 01:24:39 one of the endings you will travel back in time and accidentally oopsie cause the dragon guard to happen or some shit yeah it's no that's really cool and interesting and like you know it's it's getting metal gear with it we're like yeah if you are on board from day one
Starting point is 01:24:55 you're fucking shit in your pants and excitement yeah and if you're getting on board now you're just like wrapping your head going what the fuck what I miss what I'm oh shit you didn't have 10 novellas I feel like at some point incorporating novellas into your franchise timeline
Starting point is 01:25:11 is is not a good idea have you guys played the day 6 Japan constantly does this in furiating audio cause audio's dramas are like a legitimate form of storytelling no they're not in Japan no they're not they're wrong but they're not
Starting point is 01:25:27 because the guy who makes the thing says I want it to count so it counts too bad to be a fan of things these days where there's like so much hard work you gotta do in the fields to know what's happening in the next sequel
Starting point is 01:25:43 George I went and bought the tri-gun first and second donut CDs so I could listen to the audio skits to hear about the continued investors of Vash the Stampede and his friends to know what was happening in tri-gun like there's extended there's
Starting point is 01:25:59 Street Fighter 2 Mad Revenger this is always you can go listen to for extra source material on what's going on in that plot at some point it just becomes work as thatcher fully invest yourself into a thing see okay this
Starting point is 01:26:15 this is the okay you remember I talked about the Final Fantasy 14 lore book last week and how it really fleshed out a lot of the details yeah that was really appreciated and really nice and that's a good way to do it because it added detail and context to things that were already there when we're talking about
Starting point is 01:26:31 Kingdom Hearts or near we're not talking about that what we're talking about is the most important thing to ever happen to the character you play as happened in a Japanese only fucking comic
Starting point is 01:26:47 panel in the Sunday morning of the Tokyo Gazette that one morning Tidus's head blew up dude god blitzball yeah man did Tidus's head really blow up I mean I can't oh he doesn't know he doesn't know about FF103
Starting point is 01:27:03 the drama the canon ending to FF10 where where Tidus accidentally kicks a mine and blows up this stuff is happening to Deus Ex and it makes me so sad I totally agree with you what sucks what's happening to Deus Ex
Starting point is 01:27:19 the new game that they put out this year starts kind of in media res after a combination of events from the novels in between the last game and the current one and the shitty cell phone game that no one liked the launch of Deus Ex
Starting point is 01:27:35 universe was like to sort of like continue that and the Deus Ex cinematic universe that drives the series now is in a place and using a visual style that has like nothing to do with the original game the original game is this like very square blue blocky
Starting point is 01:27:51 late 90s matrix ripoff and the new one is like all full of golden triangles with puffy pirate shirts it doesn't look like Deus Ex and it takes place before the events of the first game it's a human revolution universe because that was the commercial success
Starting point is 01:28:07 everyone's gonna agree that eventually that squares are cooler than triangles and blue is better than gold and it's just gonna start start the circle all over again just gonna start to move over and then church coats are cooler than puffy pirate shirts yeah that's right that's right
Starting point is 01:28:23 I heard that there's already tie ins though to characters from the original game and like people that are that exist in the world of human revolution and it's such a like easy cop out way of doing it the way it works is you see like the bottom of one character's chin and you hear his
Starting point is 01:28:39 voice and then it hints at the menu music of the first game and then the credits roll that bob page I'm gonna get him no you're not jensen no you're not you're not it's like the opposite of dramatic irony
Starting point is 01:28:55 you already know what's gonna happen as a viewer and it's not interesting he's gonna turn into some weird machine god and you're gonna shoot him a bunch of times in a pit to to reject the ambrosia vaccine for the mythical city on the hill
Starting point is 01:29:11 I forgot that part so old men can dance x1 is really long and there's a lot you can forget it's also hilarious nowadays the voice acting in that game is like mmm mama mia what a shame that's still my fit you ever seen that
Starting point is 01:29:27 clip willy are these all spoilers no okay well yes but no um you ever seen the what a shame clip there's a fucking side quest in that game in which you talk to a woman and you're like oh I'm gonna go save
Starting point is 01:29:43 your dad right or I'm gonna go help your dad out right and under a certain conditions I think it's if you finish most the quest but you haven't turned it in yet her dad can be standing right next to her right so what you do is you fucking one of the fail conditions is the dad dies right okay so you take your gun out and you just
Starting point is 01:29:59 fucking blow him away and what happens is the quest instantly goes into you act you fucked up and didn't save him state yeah she goes oh my god dad and JC Denton just goes what a shame and he's looking at her with this
Starting point is 01:30:15 like blank expression behind sunglasses he was such a good man it's fucking hilarious voice acting for all the important lines in that game are delivered so monotone that they come off as like unintentional sarcasm
Starting point is 01:30:31 they're the most unintentionally funny game JC Denton has negative affect because he's a thing um okay well that's my week man sure go check out Mr. Clems he does good work
Starting point is 01:30:47 um I'll pretty much say that I didn't have much of a week I've been pretty busy oh man all I really did was I watched us the pilot episode of Wakfu because I want to find out the deal
Starting point is 01:31:03 and I was not aware of how I didn't know that was based on a video game actually um it was based on an emo it seems and how I didn't realize it was a cartoon that was made in flash so I guess I was expecting like a crazy animated adventure that um was I guess
Starting point is 01:31:19 higher budget and it looks like a flash cartoon and I was like oh it's not what I expected at all but it seemed alright um the like setting is a little bit just kind of like I like the art style um but the set up to the story and the character seems
Starting point is 01:31:35 a bit like um you know magical child he's got some special abilities he's an orphan he's someone who's booing you like magic moses it's a little bit a little bit of a magic moses so far I'm like yeah I but you know regular moses but anything can start that way and become interesting so
Starting point is 01:31:51 I want to find out because I want to know what to deal with like how we get to this amazing nox characters so I'm sticking around to find out what to do Oh Willie uh this is way off topic uh but uh before I forget did you and I ever discuss the attack on titan
Starting point is 01:32:07 spoilers I'm not gonna I'm not gonna say them so don't freak out anybody but the attack on titan like basement spoilers no and I don't want to discuss that okay but all I only have one thing to say about them it's worth it okay it's actually actually worth it it's kind of amazing
Starting point is 01:32:23 okay so really exciting I'm glad to hear that um yeah that's it yeah um but yeah so this this this uh like cranky construct looking world of whack foo is um
Starting point is 01:32:39 interesting if not a little generic at first but uh plague told me good things that I'm I'm oh you gotta listen to plague and this you know in the same way that like I kind of I remember watching like the first episode of avatar and like being like yeah
Starting point is 01:32:55 okay okay yes here we go you know but then I clear like clearly that goes places goes places so you know um I still remember seeing like the fucking preview shot of the third season at avatar after I'd watched the fucking fourth episode or something and it's the black
Starting point is 01:33:11 sky episode and everybody in their new gear I'm like what the fuck show is this this looks like a wig you know what they have they all have their new hair and their new gear and their fucking season 3 costumes what happened wow this looks like the coolest
Starting point is 01:33:27 yeah um pretty good and I got some hands on with Akuma and uh he is very different and very interesting uh I like the continued commitment to making everyone really different
Starting point is 01:33:43 how do you feel about his hair now that you've played it's whatever it's so ugly I find it's fine it's they're trying something I don't I don't disagree with the with them the notion of them trying something and the classic versions right there or whatever it's fine you know he's got a big
Starting point is 01:33:59 Mufasa beard it looks so bad sure not every there's a there's there's a bunch of things that don't look great in five thanks you know whatever like yeah mm-hmm does it you know um yeah you got a point I and and and and like
Starting point is 01:34:15 the aged Akuma look that I would hope for is is one that I don't think we're gonna get um I would have just rather preferred him to look more like Goken just Akuma yeah but they just they want to triple down on the only look you know so anyway but uh
Starting point is 01:34:31 like knock down fireballs with range set ranges to them and like goofy upwards hurricane kicks and crazy shit it's it's it's a bit weird like how much they decided to change with him and how much you cannot play him like you used to
Starting point is 01:34:47 um which is great and the fact he's got like super low hyphen low low life low study you know that's always been the case but um like he's got this explosive offensive capability that is I think
Starting point is 01:35:03 it still means that you basically have to play almost you have to make no mistakes you have so much offensive capability that you're a glass cannon and no defensive and no defensive capability whatsoever you get rocked hard if you fuck up um he's got a glass chin he's always had
Starting point is 01:35:19 a glass chin yeah and so they they change the tools but they're still really strong tools you know so I think it's it's fresh fresh take and like whoever these new six characters are like even if they're all new or people that are models you've seen or
Starting point is 01:35:35 whatever like I like what they've done with characters uh five incarnations so far did you see that people have probably figured out who one of those silhouettes is uh the um the the Hinata yes yeah I did that looks
Starting point is 01:35:51 the art is too close really solid as a guess is really really close like the backpack straps are exact and considering the rival schools characters in the beach stage it's not impossible and also that solves their we can't make Sakura
Starting point is 01:36:07 older problem just bring in another girl just bring in the girl that's her cousin and looks nearly identical to her and just have her be the new Sakura and that'll be that boo I want old gym teacher Sakura so bad yeah it's fine no it's not I mean
Starting point is 01:36:23 I don't expect we'll ever get it I want it too but change is not okay because like Ono said he'll be crucified if Sakura ever shows up in not a sailor Fuku you know sailor Fuku yeah how about that you're you're clever nailing it here
Starting point is 01:36:39 okay I need a red bull so bad really really bad let's start talking about uh the news can we take a ten minute huh huh yeah I suppose we can
Starting point is 01:36:55 yeah god dammit if you're gonna be in if you can't drag yourself then yes and get me one at the same time how you want the big one or the sugar free doesn't matter okay we'll be back in zero seconds in zero seconds exactly
Starting point is 01:37:11 hi we have our caffeine now oh dude okay so also like was there an outline I was supposed to get about about the week's news topics no no no well he just throws it at us okay so like
Starting point is 01:37:27 there it exists it exists but I tend to just like go into the topics and uh you just give me your fresh hot takes hot takes that gives him is his excellent segue powers oh dear okay well the pressure's on yeah know everything bunny
Starting point is 01:37:43 know it all of um knowing things that you might not know before uh what do we got sip sip slurp uh well I mean oh you were trying to set me up for
Starting point is 01:37:59 a segue I see what happened there I kind of totally missed it because there was no visible beton being passed now you kind of clunked into my back and and we both fell over there um by the way you've been you've been playing
Starting point is 01:38:15 the new hit man buddy oh yeah oh so we're right into that well I don't know like it's I can't tell if I love it or not like like are you a fan of it as a franchise uh yes okay I have what's your favorite one everyone I
Starting point is 01:38:31 haven't played all the way to the first one because it has a stupid control scheme but uh it sure does it sure I mean blood money is a great game this one just say blood money just to make sure everyone knows you're legit all right um but it's like really hard liking this new one because for as
Starting point is 01:38:47 as well built as it's like levels and systems and and gameplay are it also exist within a system that is such a bullshit to the point where you can't tell if uh which which part of the bullshit is is part of
Starting point is 01:39:03 the game or part of the bullshit system the elusive missions is a concept elusive target in theory but in in execution I absolutely like can't stand the ping of of missing one and that's happened more often than not since I got the
Starting point is 01:39:19 full experience there's been I think three elusive missions since I completed elusive targets and I've only been able to do one because I I'm they're up for a week and I have like a life I have I have day jobs and a YouTube channel and
Starting point is 01:39:35 and I'm sure I have friends out there well bunny what you have to do is schedule your entire life around the elusive target that's what they want you to do they want you to install the square enix hitman fun app on your phone
Starting point is 01:39:51 they want you to treat elusive targets the way mmo players treat their weekly drops well currently hate that because it's a single player game that should be offline but it's not no currently you have to activate bites the dust and and go back
Starting point is 01:40:07 into time to play those because that was the one thing when hearing about the complete package that came out was that while I never had a problem at all with the episodic nature of the release because like I get it each one is a big mission and you know you're doing
Starting point is 01:40:23 the best you could and then you release the final product with everything on it but then that final product everything on it didn't have everything on it and that's bullshit that's just a bad practice and that like anyone can tell you that that would annoy everybody especially anyone who has a completionist drive
Starting point is 01:40:39 to come to have everything and play everything because I have a really intense completionist drive usually but my way around this would was to go oh time shit oh that doesn't matter fuck that and I just ignore that it exists entirely what kills me about it though
Starting point is 01:40:55 is that the time shit is like wacky new characters with funny things to say that sometimes redesign the levels a bit for it like I know I was playing an elusive target on a friends machine that was the the black hats who converted one of the
Starting point is 01:41:11 rooms in the attic into a computer lab and previously this room was just like an empty unused space and you know when you go through the game the first time you're like what is all this unused space doing there and then you start playing some elusive target some extra missions and you're like oh this is why the levels are as big
Starting point is 01:41:27 and sometimes empty as they are um and I really really don't like that that's happening in a single player game and I don't like that you can't replay those and the whole concept of the elusive target being something that you get like one
Starting point is 01:41:43 shot at seems to give them a free ride towards not necessarily re-releasing them permanently at all although I would be really surprised if they chose not to at any part in this game's life cycle to temporarily re-release old elusive targets
Starting point is 01:41:59 I have a feeling that the very very end of this game's life cycle they will unlock those missions I feel like that would be a because the whole point of the elusive missions is so that you get in it and you play it now and you play it
Starting point is 01:42:15 as each episode comes out and you stay in it and you stay an active customer but once that active release of episodes stops there's no reason to have people keep doing that and there's a value add to
Starting point is 01:42:31 saying hey we're gonna add those elusive missions back in SDLC it's weird because coming off of AppSolution it was very clear that you need a homerun you need to re-establish the Hitman franchise and you need to
Starting point is 01:42:47 knock it way the fuck out of the park perfectly and it seems like you've had everything lined up to do that and then just had this one little bit where you're like let's no you fucked up on that and you just didn't have to do that and you would have had a game
Starting point is 01:43:03 that pretty much unanimously is a one that Hitman fans like and people don't have anything really bad to say about except for this whole it was either people going I don't want to play it until I get the whole set which is a value which is valid but that doesn't mean
Starting point is 01:43:19 that you don't like what exists you're just like I don't want these episodes I want the whole thing I like more variety than just the one level and that's a time based solvable problem and then the complaints about the elusives and it's a really dumb problem to have when you're trying to pick yourself up off the ground
Starting point is 01:43:35 and dust yourself off In practice for the publisher and developers side of the transaction it's basically a hard counter to people waiting for the sale like super that's what I meant
Starting point is 01:43:51 by active customer but you're in there day one because imagine if Telltale said that the episodes there would be some dialogue choices that were only available for the first month for the first month yeah you would never wait for the sale
Starting point is 01:44:07 never it breaks my heart that being an active customer is really so many times these days the worst way to be enjoying a franchise because I have a friend of mine who bought the episodes as they came out which means that he ended up not getting
Starting point is 01:44:23 one of the bonus missions or two of the bonus missions actually Marrakesh and Sapienza at night in his quote unquote completed version of the game whereas I got the quote unquote the full experience when they released all the episodes when Japan came out
Starting point is 01:44:39 and I paid less than him I waited longer than him he's a bigger fan of the franchise than me but he got the worst deal by being more invested in it see the thing with that math is always that deal
Starting point is 01:44:55 is always always better for the person who waits if you don't factor in opportunity cost which are now elusive targets yeah and that usually that cost is yeah but I got to play the
Starting point is 01:45:11 game now but now there's a and that's nebulous that's hard to define and that changes for every person so for like me the ability to play a game immediately sometimes is extreme over its value or whatever but now there's elusive targets
Starting point is 01:45:27 are a concrete fucking feature they have Gary Newman Gary what's the crazy one oh god not Gary Newman not Gary Busey I love Gary Busey and I'll never know what his elusive mission his elusive
Starting point is 01:45:43 target thing he is that that dude is nutty and he is a trip to listen to cocaine's great in an interview no brain injury he had a huge brain injury that made him kind of get start becoming that crazy I thought it was the cocaine at least he's like making it
Starting point is 01:45:59 a professional skill yeah he had a big big traumatic thing that happened in big brain big brain big big big hit what is worse the locked content where not locked content but like the inability to get something that is happening later
Starting point is 01:46:15 that you were it's like you have to play it now like these elusive missions or something like call of duty modern warfare HD remastered where it's like only available in the most expensive there's absolutely no question and you can only get it when you go in and buy this
Starting point is 01:46:31 huge complete there's absolutely no question you can wait for that package to get cheaper and still play the same game is what people were playing a year ago but you will never get to your hands on this copy of the game unless you buy that whole like complete edition but if you wait a year for hitman to get
Starting point is 01:46:47 cheaper you're never going to play the elusive targets that the people over the past year have been playing see so so I don't I don't agree with that because but those limited they are changing modern warfare remastered over time you will not be able to play that gun skins
Starting point is 01:47:03 in a shop not to mention that they added they added a micro yeah but in addition that time pressure to a multiplayer game playing Street Fighter 5 at release online and playing Street Fighter 5 now online
Starting point is 01:47:19 are two different games there is value in being able to play that new thing immediately yes that is lost over time I when I think about it like when I think about it it's kind of hard it depends
Starting point is 01:47:35 on like what is being held for ransom you know like in this case it's like a small aspect of like gameplay versus like an entire bonus game I don't think that's comparable at the same time you know there's all kinds of versions
Starting point is 01:47:51 of this scummy tactic where we saw the tiers of pre-order content they I mean for me I'm way saltier about Hitman because like I mean these Call of Duty games might be $15 one day but they'll be the complete experience for $15
Starting point is 01:48:11 Infinite Warfare plus Modern Warfare Remastered wait long enough for Hitman that'll happen too I can't believe I'm saying it but you have like more of an optimistic outlook for things than me right now I'm trying to think of like what the existing examples
Starting point is 01:48:31 of like a game where if you're just playing this offline there's just great piece of content you're never gonna get your hands on and like most MMOs most MMOs you can't play offline Hitman's yeah but that's what I mean is I mean I mean
Starting point is 01:48:47 a game with an active single player well woolly where there's something that like a character that just doesn't exist well woolly you can't do a whole big thing if you played Diablo 3 offline you would never have gotten to enjoy the amazing auction house auction house
Starting point is 01:49:03 right oh wait that's a value add because that thing ruined the game yeah I don't know I don't know but either way it's it's yeah you're you're fucking over one customer or another and it's just a dumb thing to do
Starting point is 01:49:19 I see elusive targets as basically being a powerful new tool in the industry's perpetual warfare against people not spending their money but to be fair that's a battle they should be fighting because that's what they want they want their money fought at since day zero
Starting point is 01:49:35 also time is always an unfair thing to hold over people in that way because it's I don't know die before getting to play the elusive target then I'll be dead that's not fair yeah you could miss it because you get hit
Starting point is 01:49:51 by a bus there is a million exactly there's a million much more reasonable though and what really got me salty about this is that I missed one because I just plain didn't even know it was there like whatever news I was reading that week didn't inform me there's no like email notification
Starting point is 01:50:07 system in place like you have to up the game client just to know do you play overwatch barely I he plays rainbow six motherfucker because he's hardcore because there are holiday events and overwatch and like the idea seems to
Starting point is 01:50:23 be that like if you miss out on getting those holiday event skins and and cosmetics you're not going to get a chance at least for a while they still show up in the inventory as things you won't have the skins are something that I don't really care about if it's cosmetic content
Starting point is 01:50:39 I'm not going to get salty but I am actually and I had a big argument with my friend Jimmy about this I am salty about them taking away the seasonal game modes I really wish that I never got a chance to play lucio ball I want to know what that's like and I've got a chance to play the stupid horde mode
Starting point is 01:50:55 I get stupid little things but I'll never know so they had an update to actually add a rotation where you can go back and play brawls actually good that was an announcement that was made about like yeah a lot of letting you go back
Starting point is 01:51:11 to experiencing some of those things and I feel like there will be moments in the future where they'll be like hey you know like you missed out on this event skin here's another shout at it or maybe you just have to wait until the next year's rotation of it but so
Starting point is 01:51:27 right now there's a good a decent example for this right now in ff14 there is the New Year's event right this thing's gonna last 17 days there's already considerably better than like your uh hitman example because it's not a week it's it's nearly three weeks right yep
Starting point is 01:51:43 but the way mmo's nearly always treat these is like listen this is your reward for being an active player at the current time blah blah blah this is a special event how much work goes into each of these events varies wildly right the Christmas event had almost nothing that the
Starting point is 01:51:59 Halloween event had a whole new gameplay thing that was actually pretty amazing there's some glamour item you get that you wouldn't otherwise be able to get blah blah blah right but in mmo's it has a special feature that is not in something like hitman right but I guess they want people to
Starting point is 01:52:15 use that so in hitman what you can go is like well in an mmo you would go oh what's that guy wearing we're gonna get that hat you go oh that was from the Christmas event that happened before you even started playing the game and no you can't get it because those items are meant to be
Starting point is 01:52:31 lorded over to over people right your glamour your your fancy mount whatever it's supposed to be I have it and you don't have it that's a big part of the mmo like culture right and with pardon gold hammer gold hammer yeah
Starting point is 01:52:47 and with hitman I guess what they want people to do is go oh man that elusive mission was so great it's a shame you didn't play it and then you go oh I gotta make sure to get that next mission
Starting point is 01:53:03 immediately and and I'll get it and then I'll be able to brag about how I beat the elusive mission right and it's like I don't know that feels dirtier for some reason because it's not even like there's no culture in single player games of like having an item that other people
Starting point is 01:53:19 don't have because you can eventually get it multiplayer game it is a much more disposable experience it's it's it's it's it's it's own contained universe you know planet earth has seasons because it wobbles on an axis and rotates around a giant hot is that a new steam game and not not the the actual
Starting point is 01:53:35 planet earth you know like video games there they're not real they don't they don't have to have seasons they're real of me damn it like like you you you play a video game to escape all the time pressure of these commitments I don't want to like log into hitman and be like oh god I better multi-manage
Starting point is 01:53:51 my day today and make sure to get out of work at 3pm before the elusive target expires quick kitty cancel my appointments I have an elusive target to play yeah no um at the end of the day it's just another simple case of
Starting point is 01:54:07 you own a thing and like the online component is being kept from you because you're you played offline or whatever the case may be and it's just like when you when you buy a thing and you build played offline you shouldn't be missing out on that kind of shit fuck that that's dumb it's a lesson we've learned
Starting point is 01:54:23 three generations ago yeah but I bet it made I bet it made them a ton of money yeah and that's what's sad about hitman is that like this is this is a game so good that the bullshit marketing strategies will work like sim city was it was an offline yeah an online
Starting point is 01:54:39 only single player game that was like bad and people are like no and uh like I don't know splinter cell blacklist was good but like not good enough to like really justify the online DRM and turn people over this is a case where it's happening it's finally happening
Starting point is 01:54:55 like a really excellent game has all of these strings attached to it and the game is good enough to give publisher executives who don't play these things and don't know what it's like an excuse to be like see customers love their online hitman
Starting point is 01:55:11 experience I think that it's always going to be like this and whenever something like this happens the question is always going to be this detracts from the total experience right yeah it's a what if last guardian was an oopy soft
Starting point is 01:55:27 clean game and you had to engage with you play to play it what if you had to install the last guardian fun app to log on daily for for more fruit absolutely I go but are there special treats that are that exist at certain times that you can give right for tricks but then you
Starting point is 01:55:43 go cosmetic okay that jump out the window that sucks but even counting that in how good is the game and if the answer is really good then that thing is still worth it I mean you only care because
Starting point is 01:55:59 you like what's there without the bullshit right I occasionally care for bad games that have that bullshit also yeah but that's usually that that's when the news hits us because it's a bad game that has something gross yeah in it you know um
Starting point is 01:56:15 right before near-automatic comes out they're going to release a $400 drama CD that recaps all of the drama just remember that in the new deus x game if you install the square enix deus x fun app on your phone you can scan triangle codes from the game
Starting point is 01:56:31 yep to like get a new practice point or whatever I did everything I did that once is everything a fun app it's a fun app woolly it's a fun app that you get your fun bucks with that you cash in the fun store yeah big fun
Starting point is 01:56:47 all time you never had the pleasure of trying smart glass have you George I guess I haven't tried the fun glass yet it's the phone app the windows interactive through xbox to do control
Starting point is 01:57:03 alright so we have some news I don't want to install anything on my phone except like maps in the messenger that's it and pornography yeah I need space for pornography not the
Starting point is 01:57:19 square enix deus x fun app unless that links to like aug pornography so speaking of pornography alright how about making space in your heart for the new $2,000
Starting point is 01:57:35 half scale statue of Ludens from Kojima Productions they're pushing Ludens really hard and we don't even know why we care yet it's a bit out of control
Starting point is 01:57:51 um if you haven't seen this it's the really really crazy huge detailed one again it's half scale right so we're talking like probably pat sized um that shit thank you
Starting point is 01:58:07 that shit is because I'm small that's exactly correct but with the big heart there is only 150 of these things getting made and boy oh boy you better believe
Starting point is 01:58:23 Matt's probably gonna get one so we have to be friends with him have you seen it yet I'm looking at it so did they confirm or deny that they used Kojima's face to scan the guy in the Ludens outfit I don't know I don't think that's ever been brought up
Starting point is 01:58:41 that was a rumor I heard it doesn't look like his fucking face though you can't really tell though it's just like two little eye holes it I mean was that ever a discussed like thing like I don't know I was just thinking out loud
Starting point is 01:58:57 that's all I guess my question with this is like I think it's a really cool figure I just want to know why we why should we care yet besides the awesome design
Starting point is 01:59:13 Ludens the protagonist of fucking Death Stranding probably not if he is their company logo it's probably the walking dead guy I mean I
Starting point is 01:59:29 I'm going to go ahead and doubt it I'm going to go ahead and doubt it and say that he's the guy that they're going to use on their logos and he's going to show up in the beginning of every game and it'll be a thing but it would be very weird if he was the character in the game as well what if he's the final ball art style
Starting point is 01:59:45 but then again the second Death Stranding trailer was a whole different art style than the first I think the visual language was as abstract as it always was like the oily stuff but there weren't like tentacle tanks and Nazis in a blown up
Starting point is 02:00:01 there's no Nazis in that trailer it was Nazi-esque they're American soldiers give it some time so I wouldn't say art style but there were different types of fantastical
Starting point is 02:00:17 elements that were on display there for sure but it could just easily be like a different level of the same game you know what I mean like in terms of just washed up dead animals versus guts and everything's got a strand attached to it
Starting point is 02:00:33 the second trailer I thought looked way more conventional I was kind of surprised with everyone being like really weirded out by it considering that you can like follow this story at least like Gilmo has to protect a baby from weird tentacle oil Nazis yeah you're right that's so easy to follow
Starting point is 02:00:49 yeah you can summarize it in one line the first trailer is like Norman Reedus wakes up naked on a beach with a baby that disappears next to a bunch of dead whales that's like way more abstract artsy avant garde bullshit
Starting point is 02:01:05 it's funny that your description there omitted the most impactful thing of the trailer to me which was the five floating figures in the distance mmm yeah yeah what are those guys they could be anything that was the most like imposing
Starting point is 02:01:21 thing that stuck with me the most I think mine was Norman Reedus is kind of like a pelvic V workout goals for the next year just give me one more summer and I'll look like him at the end of the summer
Starting point is 02:01:37 ooh your goals are to have an umbilical cord what's that V thing called whatever sexy V that makes sexy man easier the envy yeah the envy there you go
Starting point is 02:01:53 you think there's a single character in ff15 that doesn't have that I don't think that exists I think the moment you're born into the ff world you automatically have one if you're if you're especially if you're of lucis it's called vagina bones there you go
Starting point is 02:02:09 the envy what is that I like that somebody tell me what that is so I can get it I'll just draw it on good good luck with that have you heard of omori so it's
Starting point is 02:02:31 this is a trailer that just dropped for a um oh nine hours ago brand new it yeah it is it is it is hot off the press it is an rpg maker game that has a really cool art style and uh
Starting point is 02:02:47 I thought this looked pretty interesting in a similar way to like you know you look at like it if you looked at a trailer for sale like undertale or something like oh that looks like something are you saying this is the next undertale the furthest thing from what I am saying but oh my god it's the next undertale quote
Starting point is 02:03:03 from woolly madden that's not even remotely put it in the next trailer I will say that the the art style to this game omori looks pretty fun and it looks like it's going to be an interesting thing um that's a bold claim the next undertale yeah it's a it's funnier
Starting point is 02:03:23 to me the more of a lie it is I'm sorry whoa I was watching the trailer and like the the first person battle scenes go into this weird paper mache yeah way different art style than the overworld this is genuinely a lot more
Starting point is 02:03:39 impressive than I was expecting it's rather interesting and I hadn't heard of it up until this moment this could be the next undertale you're right can you stop saying that the box I'm what it looks okay super bunny hop can we just can we just get that in
Starting point is 02:03:57 sticker form with your face next to it we just slapped that on anything piece of merchandise just a picture of that same face with it's okay underneath it what what is the mediocre equivalent of a gold star because that's what it should be it's a bad gold star that says you
Starting point is 02:04:13 tried oh just a black featureless circle it's okay I guess it came out don't let the existential dread set in bunny don't let it set in don't let it set in good advice vacuum the carpet someone older
Starting point is 02:04:29 than me um yeah so keep an eye out for this looks pretty dope and uh cheers to them that's cool rpg maker man that things uh people are using it still it's going places it's a viable platform yeah I
Starting point is 02:04:45 the updates that I keep hearing about the newest versions of it make it less and less like rpg maker and more and more like unity well the the thing rpg maker always did is like listen say pat pat you want to make a game yeah sure I don't know how to make a game period
Starting point is 02:05:01 I don't know how to do anything well okay well here's easy tools can you write yeah I can write okay then you can probably make a decent game you can make corpse party for example right I can make Lisa corpse party was made in rpg maker
Starting point is 02:05:17 I didn't even know that yeah um and it's like and now but it looks like oh wait if you know how to make a game you might actually be able to make a real game well you might as well like chances are if you build something up in rpg maker and then
Starting point is 02:05:33 like it's really really impressive you're going to hit a point where you're like I want to do more and I might as well just bring this to another platform where I can you know um but it's quite a call out real game developers use unity game game developers I know yeah no but it but it definitely
Starting point is 02:05:49 is like oh this is so much fun this new lying technology it's so much fun there they've been stepping it up and like eventually I imagine you hit a point where you're like no actually you can just safely use this framework and then add and build
Starting point is 02:06:05 on top of it I mean like Lisa the joyful and the painful were built in rpg maker really those do not those don't all because rpg maker in my mind has a very specific style it's just tile based but tiles can mean 2d or or 2d 2d or 2d
Starting point is 02:06:21 but I mean they can mean top down or side view you know what I mean like you can do different things with it these are more respite seem good I just kind of wish the camera was zoomed in further so that you can appreciate it a little bit more yeah I agree I agree um yeah man and uh and Lisa had like
Starting point is 02:06:37 a closer tighter perspective that really hid how how rpg maker it might have looked if they zoomed out yeah also making it side view like you wouldn't it kind of you know made you think a little bit it looks more like Mario 2 than anything
Starting point is 02:06:53 else that yeah and you and you you wouldn't immediately think that game is dope because I'm in it yeah but once you see anything that looks like um you know Zelda or Dragon Quest overworld so you gotta go like oh yeah that's an rpg maker there or whatever uh so I guess
Starting point is 02:07:09 place your bets because uh we've got we've got the the other fresh news coming in that it's soon out is going to announce a new game in 2017 and he's gearing up he's preparing himself he says in his tweet
Starting point is 02:07:25 and we don't know what that could be um so my favorite thing about this article so biased every website every website has a picture of Dante every website has a picture of Dante or has like something like like I think the destructoid article
Starting point is 02:07:41 was called was called like uh devil may cry director says I have a new game coming out in this year and I'm like he's also the rival schools guy he's also the dragon stockman guy he's also the uh scarred star gladiator guy
Starting point is 02:07:57 you know what I mean there's a million cap on properties it could be but what is clear from this is like boy is the thirst for classic devil may cry strong never been stronger you know DMC did nothing to to water that down it only made people want it more
Starting point is 02:08:13 actually which is super weird I'm surprised that like the glut of platinum games coming out again and again every year hasn't people like Dante and people specifically like the because platinum this is okay platinum follows
Starting point is 02:08:29 like camea's style of character action pretty rigidly like the movement and stuff like that and you can see a very straight line from like devil may cry one to like bayonetta even in the games he doesn't touch right and even in like revengeance which he
Starting point is 02:08:45 I don't think he worked on there's a bunch of them he didn't touch but whereas DMC three to DMC four you see a very straight line of it's soon oh isms and it's soon oh is less about movement and he's less about I guess flow
Starting point is 02:09:01 and more about I'm going to give your character so many god damn moves they're gonna have so many moves and you're gonna do them all you're gonna be spoiled for choice and that's gonna will be where you're and like DMC four is a combo
Starting point is 02:09:17 machine it's it's a fucking combo video fucking source filmmaker and I can understand why people are desperate for that yeah no I think like hot style switching was one of the fucking greatest additions
Starting point is 02:09:33 it was too it's too much for me greatest I can't handle it all I'll be honest I always to the idea of variety like it's just like not dude now you have to learn everything okay what you have your own style you can switch between two weapons and two guns and then it's like
Starting point is 02:09:49 okay you have your own style but what if you could switch between three weapons okay what if what if you had three weapons and three guns but you could also switch between those styles at any time you know back when
Starting point is 02:10:05 the game told you that you were smoking six stylish yeah it lied you weren't not a not until you're using I still remember playing DMC for right at the beginning and I got one of the moves that is back forward with Nero and my brain just went oh there's so many more
Starting point is 02:10:21 moves fill out fill out the move list chart so great of where the inputs are gonna be yeah fill it all out I guess I guess the way that I I guess the way that I would put it is that your platinum action game
Starting point is 02:10:37 focuses more on free movement and flow and while a lock on is certainly appreciated the games are designed so that it is unnecessary right Bayo, Bayo 2, Revengeance etc you can very easily play without lock on
Starting point is 02:10:53 at all right I don't use lock on soft lock yeah you need a soft lock absolutely you kind of hold in when you press the button right for your stingers and whatnot right but with your double may cry classic style no you need that lock because you are going to be hitting buttons and you are going to be comboing
Starting point is 02:11:09 that fuck to death now when it comes to it's you know making an announcement I gotta say that as much as my soul thirsts for DMC5 the fact that we've gotten games like Bayo and Revengeance
Starting point is 02:11:25 and such like as like it slakes franchises that also do the thing yeah it makes me a bit more exact a little bit more sated in that regard and it makes me want games that we wouldn't get otherwise from him no shut up I want double may cry 5 but I want
Starting point is 02:11:41 project justice more I want rival schools more I you know what I mean you go back to his list of games that he's worked on he's directed and like there's other franchises back in that list that I want to see ripped back okay well I think I love
Starting point is 02:11:57 dragon's dogma more than you love rival schools and we can save that argument for later I will fight you okay if you question my life I bet I bet I put more time in dragon's dogma than you ever put in a rival school
Starting point is 02:12:13 I mean it's a fighting because I love it more but it was a fighting game in regular rotation for me for a while at least three years but with me and my friends playing it like at lunch regardless I have deep deep felt love for
Starting point is 02:12:29 dogma and I have not quite as intense but similar love for rival school director and co-director of the two power stone games yeah power stone is his jam we fucking auto modelista is his jam so here here's here's it but but
Starting point is 02:12:45 okay if it was just down to the games right I would honestly say that rival schools are I knew like dragon's dogma 2 or double may cry 5 but awesome all pretty equal spots in my mind I'd be thrilled for all of those but dragons dogma is not dead no
Starting point is 02:13:01 and it doesn't feel dead it doesn't because the so it would just be a new release in the dragon's dogma franchise whereas rival schools would be a resurrection right no but here that trumps it let me let me finish here let me finish where I think if it were talking about like it's not dmc 5
Starting point is 02:13:17 right I would rather be rival schools than dogma because because of the reasons you're stating that I'm straight but unlike a rival schools which is dead double may cry isn't dead instead it stinks it has a stink on it
Starting point is 02:13:33 and it's important to me that we get back to where that series needs to be before it takes another break right because the currently available most recent new game is dmc
Starting point is 02:13:49 double may cry and that irks me every day that bothers me that sucks what was it what was there and he was supervising director of that game he was in supervise
Starting point is 02:14:05 they called him in to look at a thing he saved a bunch of that game what did they announce or have where there was like a thing where they're basically implying that they were going to like drop that world behind and go back to the world to find there was an interview with it's you know
Starting point is 02:14:21 about a year ago and I don't remember specific quotes but I'm not I'm remembering something but it was very very heavily implied that like oh no we very much understand people's desire for classic Dante to come back and that was
Starting point is 02:14:37 the point where I went good and I was like and they're not they're not doubling down it was very widely understood that the next game in this series when it eventually comes out because it's calf calm it will eventually happen will not be continuing that trend that they will
Starting point is 02:14:53 go back to and the moment we covered that news on the podcast was when I didn't have the fear of another DMC coming out and I was fine yeah because the whole plan originally was like okay that might cry is very successful but I bet we
Starting point is 02:15:09 could westernize it and edgy it up and make it be a call of duty and they did that and it's the worst selling game in the franchise and then they're like oh and then people that were like maybe we should listen to all those crazy people screaming at us the whole time
Starting point is 02:15:25 that this would have been a failure and then they fixed the gameplay and it was not an objective failure it still sold a couple million and then they fixed the gameplay and the release on ps4 and Xbox one I think is I think it is but unfortunately on pc that is a much better
Starting point is 02:15:41 game it is fantastic in fact and much better that's a good game yes and so now the problem is entirely with the cosmetic dino and that world so now the problem remain is only in just the looks and like the reboot world and has nothing
Starting point is 02:15:57 to do with the gameplay anymore yeah I can't stand that reboot world I gave it a shot and I couldn't stand it every step of the way yeah well you know so like I don't feel the need to clean that stench off as you say it needs to be cleaned up because knowing that they fixed the gameplay and it was just left in a state of like
Starting point is 02:16:13 well now it's just this character and we know that you're not going to see all right so here it is guys give me doesn't want to play the virtual standalone game no I I want I want bats you and I want Kyosuke and I want Daigo and all the boys I want Hinata I want Tiffany come on
Starting point is 02:16:29 you want you want them all Natsu let's go you want that not a shoma not not not a shoma not as bad as I want to do is ensure you can real impact with some gauntlets and DT to fuck up
Starting point is 02:16:45 the damage Bayo did some good shit and Nier's about to do some good shit I know so I feel okay with that type of gameplay I want to see I have been waiting a long time to see what Nero does
Starting point is 02:17:01 after that game yeah yeah like that's what it is it just comes down to the actual it's not the gameplay it's the like the events and the characters that we like from the Devil May Cry World they actually set up some like cool places to go and I was like oh cool but I I really
Starting point is 02:17:17 really like I can put that aside in a world where we didn't have the platinum alternatives I would be I'd be champion oh yeah I know but because we do I want justice you and I want justice you more than anything else so it's you know like onigai shimasu
Starting point is 02:17:33 oh look at this please please the weebcast now with woolly and George I don't know do you do you fall anywhere on that George on the on the weeb scale on the on this on the what you want from his his games to
Starting point is 02:17:49 come back scale as long as it's good auto modelista confirmed got it okay is auto modelista good I've it looks really nice way too much sliding going on it's one of those games that wants you to drift instead of drive normally
Starting point is 02:18:07 yeah Capcom tried they tried um you know who else tried uh huh steam steam tried valve I don't think I don't think that's true they tried we're tried recently but uh yeah at the end they
Starting point is 02:18:23 lost they tried and they failed because the people of criminal town took it to them and decided that in the end they have to pay up three million dollar reduced for for violating
Starting point is 02:18:39 Australia's consumer laws oh no not dollar reduced yeah and it's well the funny thing about that or not funny but the nuts thing about that is the originally that was going to be a way more those are way cheaper lawsuit
Starting point is 02:18:55 that it blew up to three million Australian dollars from a couple hundred thousands initially basically what ended up happening was uh yeah George you were right there was a case where a couple years ago um the Australian competition
Starting point is 02:19:11 consumer commission basically accused valve of like the fact that they didn't offer refunds for their for games for like any potential like problems that the user would have violated Australia's consumer rights and
Starting point is 02:19:27 deal with Europe which was yeah a case they lost pretty much everywhere yeah initiative for them to implement this feature was them violating the rules and regulations of international marketplaces um yeah and and so you know the idea was just that like people need to
Starting point is 02:19:43 be able to return products they're unhappy with the end so or straight up defective products three million Australian dollar reduced is equal to uh two hundred and two point one five million one five million freedom feel fun bucks which
Starting point is 02:19:59 I I don't know the like shit lining on the end of this news is that's probably a drop in the bucket even their monthly budgets um and the other parties of it is that like they actually is a cut off point where uh
Starting point is 02:20:15 they did it when they did incorporate all the the return policy um back in 2014 I believe it was uh they you know that that was the time period that like this lawsuit ends at but um yeah it just kind of like goes around and like yeah this is happening
Starting point is 02:20:31 internationally where like the right around the world anywhere you could where you couldn't return the product and you violated this uh a digital product is now like not being confused or like having any laws uh there aren't any any laws prescribed to it that are being treated differently from brick and mortar stores
Starting point is 02:20:47 so uh George I understand you you being bummed out it's like if you if you do bads with your business you should get slapped with a hefty fine but it's not as doom and gloom as it seems because these kinds of fines do in fact change we saw it change behavior right and I believe the reason
Starting point is 02:21:03 I'm not a lawyer or an economist or a government person wait do you think I think it's a bad thing that they're being whipped into providing a better consumer no no no no no no no you you lamented that uh that the fine was not
Starting point is 02:21:19 substantial right right right but the main the way that I understand it is that the reason why even this on its surface somewhat insubstantial fine still works is because the longer you if you are found to have done this
Starting point is 02:21:35 and you keep doing it that fine just starts to stack in and on top of itself until you stop good and that becomes part of operating costs it's it's an exponential status effect yeah and so they they and that's when they look at it and they go
Starting point is 02:21:51 okay which is cheaper paying x million dollars of fines to these six or seven countries or implementing a refund feature and they go it's probably going to be a lot cheaper to implement the refund feature and we get to
Starting point is 02:22:07 be like yay look everyone we're so great we put in a refund and it ends up working out it's either that or it's like okay guys these are digital this is digital property like how long can we run this on its own rules before it catches up
Starting point is 02:22:23 it's catching up now fine no you gotta time to switch before it's everybody everywhere and then we look forward thinking well for an American it's like really depressing seeing initiatives in
Starting point is 02:22:39 Australian and European markets determine how American digital marketplaces act well that's because all digital marketplaces are like kind of inherently non-national but not over there they're not apparently yeah and then you know like I said
Starting point is 02:22:55 they had a good run and then the cops came and knocking well I guess the term I would use was super national in that they exist in all nations simultaneously and are beholden to all nations laws simultaneously I mean when we get like cheaped off to the the freighters
Starting point is 02:23:11 to work on mining alien eggs it's probably going to be the valve super corp that pays us in company shares oh that's that'd be nice is that is that not good yeah I was making a metaphor for the the aliens franchise and the horrible
Starting point is 02:23:29 but would you would you not well I mean they're probably gonna be really successful those company shares are probably worth quite a bit but but the whole like theming and then misery of the first movie is that these people are like out there doing kind of shitty industrial jobs they're dying you know
Starting point is 02:23:45 well there's no avoiding that I mean did you guys see the 40% off sales on the Weyland-Yutani store get in there guys it would do they get paid in Weyland-Yutani fun box they get paid in company script oh man
Starting point is 02:24:01 it's just like a one off conversation slid into their like post cryogenic wake up breakfast that you would not otherwise notice like in viewing I was like oh this is a really depressing economic situation these guys are in
Starting point is 02:24:17 and then you get to see the full like refund exercised and well like system with things like no man's guide what not where it like the the they're like they're basically like the announcement that you can get you can fully refund your digital games immediately then
Starting point is 02:24:33 gets stretched to the maximum when like controversies like that come down it's kind of nuts I love I love the refund system it's digital digital's now the same as I always I always it's better it's better it's way better you cannot return an open fucking game to
Starting point is 02:24:49 eb games yeah they they assume you right depends on where you're returning it to some places are like that but that's also because when you buy a console game there's little to no chance that it will not run in your system like you you we've bought steam games that we pulled up and then within one
Starting point is 02:25:05 second it crashes to desktop and we're never able to get it to run I've never had a console game do that I actually haven't had that happen to me you don't buy enough shitty steam games but I that but it has happened for things we've had to LP where everybody's fucking sit
Starting point is 02:25:21 there and and work it like Omicron and yeah that's the anyway thank you George you're welcome no crap I shouldn't have said refund oh crap I shouldn't have said digital it's too hot today I just I just it makes me so
Starting point is 02:25:43 I bought more steam games as a result of that refund as as really that is influence your purchasing power significantly more interesting well because now I don't have to worry if I hate it or it runs like shit I can just return it hmm and is there
Starting point is 02:25:59 ever a thing that like we're like because you have to submit your refund and then it gets accepted yes and I've never seen it not get accepted I've never seen it not get accepted either so for here's a good example right but there is some kind of criteria we played stardust vanguards for fisticuffs
Starting point is 02:26:15 right and that games awesome yes I bought on steam hard locks my PC every time I turn it on they like needs a full reboot that sucks that's extreme I don't and it was a rare bug too like it was not common I did not find any other but for some reason
Starting point is 02:26:31 just freaks out got a refund went and bought it on the PlayStation store there you go and fine right everybody wins they still get a sale I get a version that works no hard feelings like cuz think think about how I would have felt about that developer going forward
Starting point is 02:26:47 if I had bought their game and it fucking wrecks my PC every time I try and turn it on right right I would be much less likely to buy their next game but now it's fine it's fine everything's fine I'm okay I'm ambulance outside ambulance outside there might be an ambulance outside oh man I hope that person's dead
Starting point is 02:27:03 Jesus Christ man could have been you going for your energy drinks slipping because there's a hole in your socks and you're not wearing George socks hey man I'm allowed to have holes in my socks I'm an adult man don't are no one's got holes in your George socks though yeah no one will try to well the hole in your George sock is
Starting point is 02:27:19 where you put the dick and right underneath George's face avoiding the warranty we will avoid your warranty you fuck you want people to put their dicks in the holes in your socks is that where no in George's George socks no I was specifically pleading people not to yeah people are gonna start fucking your feet patch too late
Starting point is 02:27:37 now that's what you how do you even do that ah there's websites people have figured it out websites yeah it's a whole system I just saw a big bolt of lightning so if I like suddenly drop out I apologize
Starting point is 02:27:53 I don't want to carry the podcast with just you and me woolly you want to talk about almost fountain oh boy I don't so uh wait what's up what's what almost fountain oh almost fountain I bought my cat Elmo a fountain that he can drink out it has two spigots
Starting point is 02:28:09 I thought you were talking about video games and it's like a it's like it's like a little waterfall for cats oh and um so and he really likes it cause he's a good kitty so we've got news coming in that he likes running water
Starting point is 02:28:25 in the toilet trauma center trauma center apparently trauma team excuse me uh they was a there was a live action get my fucking microphone back thank you there was a live action tv show that tried
Starting point is 02:28:41 to try to pull this off and uh is that isn't that just er isn't that just er pretty much just turned into er slash grace anatomy um doesn't graze an anatomy have like a ton of sex uh yeah and like
Starting point is 02:28:57 when I clicked play and got past the trailer to the trauma team pilot the first thing that was in the episode was a bunch of doctors having a bunch of sex before putting their scrubs on and saving lives well that's graze that's a trauma that we need a team so so I'm just like is this at all
Starting point is 02:29:13 like what why would you just why would you even go for the name trauma team in making this why not just trauma team make it a generic doctor feel good anime that's it very weird no pornography in my trauma team
Starting point is 02:29:29 no very weird that they would choose to do this and I don't know have you seen any of this George you caught it I skipped through it didn't okay like it's just the strangest pick to go with you could have just made it a generic thing but I guess like maybe like someone really going into it
Starting point is 02:29:45 um is it is it because like I really didn't get that far in skip to like 10 minutes and and they start pulling guts out of people guts out of people wow okay well either way that shit failed super hard
Starting point is 02:30:01 and like yeah super first thing that happens is everyone making out super hard because that's what you know that's what gets the kids watching is this real it's a real trauma team show that never happened yeah oh yeah look this is all that sucks all that sex happening
Starting point is 02:30:17 all doctors are all well off and attractive so yeah and we're throwing a link up in the in the docket where you can you can watch the full 20 minute episode if you feel like it on you there's the part where they're pulling the guts out the guts get pulled out I don't know I saw a little bit of guts there
Starting point is 02:30:33 10 minutes in literally hope I'm watching the right thing because I kind of can't believe what I'm I saw some guts there for a second there might have been some good when when are when when are you gonna use the fucking power of a scleepiest to stop time and come and do surgery yeah that's what trauma teams about
Starting point is 02:30:49 I mean there's there I'm looking at some like go to like 10 11 minutes yeah we're saying we're just saying stuff but it's not it's like it's some guts they're they got some meat from the the butcher and then they fucking and close up the camera on it for like 30 second long shots that's good
Starting point is 02:31:05 that's delicious looking yeah so when does black she a show up never okay just checking she's she may or may not be black she may just be extremely tan tan's weird about they are they they're not certain which way they want to go with that very uncertain and I would love if they made
Starting point is 02:31:21 up their mind is ganguro black face I know it's not it's not it's not it's more like like California Valley girl face it's a whole other thing and it's it's it's become an entire like subculture of its own it's not blackface I know I would know I'm the expert
Starting point is 02:31:37 you would know you are the expert and and like not washing your panties has nothing to do with blackface so well that one flew right over my head that's right you just I guess part of ganguro culture oh
Starting point is 02:31:53 is all yeah there's the there's the extremes of like where you just being as dirty as possible great and like just not washing your panties that's great as part of it super the accessories and just yeah look hey hey hey she's having her period hey oh
Starting point is 02:32:09 you can see it right there that's part of ganguro culture as well that's pretty kind of nuts pretty kind of nuts okay what's next please um never got though I'm not to mention the like you don't like the whole like white lip and white like boy
Starting point is 02:32:25 I sure do like trauma team yeah the white eyeliner thing is that that's not uh yeah I don't know hey did you guys hear um uh what about frog fractions too we doing frog fractions too ah don't worry
Starting point is 02:32:41 about that let's talk about let's talk about the fact that the switch might have a non-removable battery that sucks I don't know why considering we just came off
Starting point is 02:32:57 of a world where that wasn't the case here's why the 3ds does not have a a removable battery that's the logic so you can buy it this was a problem though well it's more just like you can upgrade you can get better batteries
Starting point is 02:33:13 when you can put them in yourself to deal with like more importantly you can get newer batteries when your old battery gets all fucked up because you play it too much George are you okay no I'm just like still thinking about like
Starting point is 02:33:31 gross panties yeah that's fine you're you're enamored you're obsessed we can move on to robot buttholes if you'd like yeah that's a photo shop people told me on twitter is it yeah wow we all got played the world got
Starting point is 02:33:47 played super hard because it seems you're confirmed for not having a butthole okay okay okay I mean it's weird enough that she's wearing underwear in the world in a world where like fucking uh what you're gonna call it
Starting point is 02:34:03 just happened watch dogs too the idea that I'm willing to believe this yeah because basically to catch everyone up here there was a screenshot going around like this is not a drill near automata has buttholes in it and there's like a fucking a like a booty shot with like it's way in there it's
Starting point is 02:34:19 in there and you're like really but it's also like subtle enough that it's not the butthole itself it's like the slightly darker stain around it yeah no it's the it's the the zandroids needs to bleach it's something that could technically
Starting point is 02:34:35 get through the the sero sensors the implication of a butthole was there and apparently that was totally fault yeah alright we got played and you know what like yeah fuck you for not double checking sources on that
Starting point is 02:34:51 so that's us being gullible and yeah I mean again like in a watch dogs 2 world why would you why would you do that it just doesn't make any sense because I wanted to see the butthole said some artist
Starting point is 02:35:07 but but I think we do have to clarify like unlike the watch dogs 2 like spread eagle lovingly rendered textured vagina this is just like a slight brownish stain around the characters underwear yeah it's kind of like the implication of the butthole not
Starting point is 02:35:23 maybe she did a doo doo it's exactly it's kind of like if a character had like she's she's an android man that's okay back up when we're talking about robotic buttholes the implication that the robot
Starting point is 02:35:39 did a doo doo is not out of this fucking clean world that is a legitimate question did the robot do the poo poo chances are it didn't because usually that's an inefficient way to why do androids in the near universe wear like
Starting point is 02:35:55 underwear and just wear in general I think that's going to be actually explained in the plot I believe that the way they're dressed will have a really good explanation for it I totally even if it's as simple as the designer was like I like when they run around and their butts are all out all over
Starting point is 02:36:11 I bet you Yoko Taro's got an answer for that are you sure it's not explained in one of the 10 novellas or the stage perhaps perhaps you know like I was going to say like it'd be the equivalent of if like the robot had 10 lines on it type of thing or the robot had the V thing well they usually
Starting point is 02:36:27 do yeah that's not actually I think two of the robots do have the V thing damn it so you got to work out the summer pad you draw those on I I mean no one can stop you for I draw on some abs you can draw some abs on
Starting point is 02:36:43 and put the V thing right at the bottom drawing is actually having it yeah but that drawing it is so much better you'll feel so much more proud of yourself if you no George the most pride you can feel is not
Starting point is 02:36:59 by accomplishing a task but by not accomplishing a task but tricking everyone into making you then think that you accomplished it that's why stealth games are more fun than action games success is not as valuable as the appearance of success through trickery bunny hopping through a map is less satisfying
Starting point is 02:37:17 than sneaking through and no one even knowing it exactly kind of like we're sneaking through this podcast and no one even knows it are we talking about frog factions yet no no like to be honest I would rather not
Starting point is 02:37:33 you want to talk about glitter mint and grove for a bit okay that's a really good fairy simulator and that's all like we got to say about it up until now you know what my favorite part about that video we put up about glitter mint and grove is yeah it's just like nearly a half an hour of us playing that game that's about
Starting point is 02:37:49 right before the thing but and and a lot of folks are still super confused but I even play got got you see that yeah I know but but but then people who do know are like yeah but you guys are idiots that got got yourselves because you didn't figure the thing out yeah well that's life and that is how that goes but
Starting point is 02:38:05 I am an idiot no but George I yeah I actually like for the sake of like spoilers I'd rather stay cold to be honest but yeah there's things out there for people who like to inquire and do some digging and research
Starting point is 02:38:21 and we'll leave it there shall we it's kind of impossible not to know now if you kind of been reading news because lots of news websites have been reporting that it's out there somewhere and such but the what's and where's and how yeah but can you really trust the news the news is what told me
Starting point is 02:38:37 that there was a pothole in your automata well that was the more I look at it like I don't see any real news websites reporting on this butthole yeah that was a tweet they were too scared that tweet hit like one or two it wasn't like verifiable
Starting point is 02:38:53 no it was a stupid random retweet and then that suddenly just became a big you can't verify that butthole you can play the game and pan the camera up her butt yourself to verify it you can literally do it we could have done it we could have done it we could have broken the news but instead you showed me your phone
Starting point is 02:39:09 I was gonna try to do it but then your phone was a lie a couple friends showed up in the apartment so I was just like oh I gotta play the game for real now and not pan the camera up her butthole yeah or not so I'm gonna go ahead and assume that neither of you has an opinion about
Starting point is 02:39:25 the changes to the EG lineup in fighting games or the what yeah Evil Geniuses has changed their lineup and has gotten you tell me who left and tell me who got on Justin Wong left
Starting point is 02:39:41 where are they going wherever Justin Wong's business manager is now Mark Mann and Eduardo left and PPMD is returning
Starting point is 02:39:57 and yeah that's actually quite the turnover I mean to me is that like J-Wong's been with EG for so long that there's a lot of people that probably never knew of J-Wong not being with them at this point so I was just like yeah that might be
Starting point is 02:40:13 like notable to someone out there is he going to the fighting game graveyard where the old fighting game players lay down and die no actually like I said Mark Mann is gonna be his business manager and Mark Mann is apparently gonna be the guy that's the go between between
Starting point is 02:40:29 for whatever gets him paid and whatever gets Justin paid and whatever he wins he does not currently work for Madcats anymore right Chris G also got picked up by EG and that was oh good so EG can just lose all its credibility
Starting point is 02:40:45 well no because remember that Marvel Eye is coming out and you heard me anyway Marvel vs Capcom Infinite is coming out that's a smart get right on the cusp of we can have people throw their matches at new tournaments well we can assume
Starting point is 02:41:01 he's learned his lesson from now I don't care he should have been banned for life well I think he's a good player he is and he should have been banned for life as an example well that's that's I believe in the you demonstrated you've demonstrated your wrong opinion
Starting point is 02:41:17 I believe that when you make a big a big bad you should be lined up against the wall and shot or it's equivalent um yeah what I definitely think not literally shot bunny I think collusion should be punished
Starting point is 02:41:33 figuratively shot you can collude in the busted ghetto tournaments because you're not allowed to get into the real ones anymore ever I think collusion should super be punished and I also think that Chris G is a player who I want to see play these games cause he's fucking
Starting point is 02:41:49 I would say that it would be fine for him to come back if they brand the phrase colluder onto his forehead with a hot iron geez man oh god so he has to wear the mark till the end of his day yeah but you know what the other problem is
Starting point is 02:42:05 is like how many people collude and just never got caught fine you know so like you know what you need right you get the example made of the guy who got caught but then there's tons of people who are in the top well you know what you need right you need snitches and you don't have as many snitches as you want
Starting point is 02:42:21 there needs to be a fund started by Capcom purely to fund snitching if you snitch on people in the FGC you get like a thousand dollars you would collude so hard
Starting point is 02:42:37 you would collude so hard me? you would do it I would do it I would watch you do it and you would fucking take it and you'd love it you'd love it and you'd hate anybody that snitched on you because you're a piece of shit yeah and then when I got caught I would be like
Starting point is 02:42:53 ah you caught me I'm going to leave you to your game forever because you caught me and now it is over I would be honorable in my cheating to step down forever? yes I wonder what's important is that if you're gonna cheat to take the honorable cheating route
Starting point is 02:43:09 and when you get caught to quit or kill yourself jeez figuratively figuratively kill your tournament career I think definitely taking some kinds of actions and punishing the person for doing that at the tournament
Starting point is 02:43:25 at possibly the remaining events that are associated with that and such I think it makes sense as well how about this? but I think the idea of like you can't play this game ever on a stream anywhere is like okay well really? well here's the thing
Starting point is 02:43:41 well here's the thing if you were a baseball player and you got caught gambling on your own matches what do you think happens to you? do you think you still get to play baseball? you get kicked out of the MLB you don't get shot oh no I'm not really
Starting point is 02:43:57 not literally god damn it it's figure speech or if you get caught pumping drugs you get your medals taken away in the Olympics but you get banned for a number of seasons and then you come back after a number of seasons and if you fucking beat your wife or whatever
Starting point is 02:44:13 you play next game but are we still talking about baseball or are we talking about football? we're talking about all sports yeah I know it flips around but you know there's a duration Michael Vick came back
Starting point is 02:44:29 after playing Pokemon in his that's not okay in his front yard and a bunch of people are like yo that dude is running the best numbers of his career post pokemon
Starting point is 02:44:45 here's what they should do if you get caught colluding or cheating in a fighting game tournament you can come back right away but only if you have to return all the winnings you ever won in your entire tournament career because they're all invalidated
Starting point is 02:45:01 that seems reasonable you should have every win invalidated and they should go to your house and take your trophies and fucking kick your dog do this then then they Michael Vick it yeah okay I don't like cheaters that aren't me
Starting point is 02:45:17 Wally what is this no it's not confusing at all it's very understandable I say let our capa decide your fate and then we figure it out from there oh man I don't know about that man hey listen listen listen listen I may have some crazy ideas
Starting point is 02:45:35 let's not say anything we can't take back here do you believe in the phantom hearts in the phantom theme of hearts rather do you believe you're fucking talking about kingdom hearts now no no
Starting point is 02:45:51 I'm talking about shit that you're supposed to care about yeah I know I actually watched the intro to that last time did you go in and watch persona because I've been properly avoiding everything there is a video out there that I put out and then some nice fans
Starting point is 02:46:07 subtitled called the first 18 minutes of persona 4, persona 5 and it's the the hard prologue that ends as pretty much as soon as you put your name in and the opening cutscene finishes and the title card comes up and
Starting point is 02:46:23 oh oh boy oh boy oh yeah that's gonna be a good game oh okay so I don't know if you caught this at all George
Starting point is 02:46:39 but randomly yesterday or the day before yeah it was on the 31st Atlas tweeted out do you believe in the phantom thieves of hearts with one of three choices being I do believe I don't believe and my heart has been
Starting point is 02:46:55 stolen alright that's very poetic of them the answers one and three are tied and it's very unclear as to why this is being asked especially considering the game is already out in Japan they're building big hypes
Starting point is 02:47:11 but we don't know it's a ploy for the anime series the hype should be directed at us because we haven't seen it yet we're still hype April 4th they're gonna push that back by six more months aren't they and I'll be okay with it
Starting point is 02:47:27 because it's still gonna be as amazing as it is bullshit because at that point it's like no now they're just doing it to fuck with us the game's done well no they're probably getting the voices right I don't care now you do the game's gonna come out with Japanese voices yep that means I don't care because if they get if the voices suck
Starting point is 02:47:43 I can just change them but they're probably not gonna because they're usually really good I would rather they release it today with no English no I wouldn't I would like the English because of how much I liked the voice acting in the previous games to the point where
Starting point is 02:48:01 it stands out as an example to me of fantastic voice acting that you usually don't get in English games so I would it would be such a shame to miss it in the same way that like Liam pointed out that Nir has impeccable voice acting it sure does it would be a shame for a thing that's known as a staple
Starting point is 02:48:17 of fantastic dubbing to not have that have they talked about if the western release of Yakuza Kiwami is gonna be in English or Japanese it will assuredly be in Japanese those games stopped coming out in English after Yakuza 1 yeah but it's a remake of Yakuza 1
Starting point is 02:48:33 yes so they might still have the script or lying around the offices yeah but do they have the rights to get Michael Madsen and Mark Hamill and all those guys back no way that voice acting job they did on Yakuza 1 was
Starting point is 02:48:49 expensive and that's why it was such a disaster when that game flopped that game will assuredly be in Japanese also the limited audience that buys those games don't want English voice acting I don't want English voice acting in my Yakuza simulator there's a line in the beginning though that is hilarious
Starting point is 02:49:05 and makes it worthwhile oh what is it who wants to stand up who wants to step up and get fucked up or something like that if I'm an asshole you're a piece of shit yeah that's good yeah but anyway but in English
Starting point is 02:49:21 you don't get you get Mark Hamill going oh Kazuma Chan but in Japanese you get that really shrill guy going oh kid like that guy and I actually like that guy
Starting point is 02:49:37 that's one thing I noticed in Japan is that there's this really nasally shrill voice that you don't really hear in a lot of other places I can talk like that when I get upset sometimes but not like on the street when you're trying to wave people into your store I
Starting point is 02:49:53 I you know we talked about it I think a little bit last week about how we are in a world where we're playing The Last Guardian in Final Fantasy 15 back to back I'm switching off and
Starting point is 02:50:09 I'm you know we've every time something has come up in like whenever we're doing a Let's Watch or something like I'm more and more just becoming I'm extremely patient with game releases for things I'm excited about you very much are like I know it's gonna be good I know there's no shortage of amazing
Starting point is 02:50:25 games out right now I'm okay with you taking your time especially when a year ago or even before that like it's like how long have we been waiting for persona I wasn't fully experiencing the full weight because I caught up in the middle of the weight and they give me let me check right but like not even counting
Starting point is 02:50:41 like a drop in the middle like Catherine or something to be like hey is a little taste of something like how long was the weight from P4 to now okay I give golden give golden I beat persona 4 came out in July of 2008
Starting point is 02:50:57 I beat that game in the summer of 2009 yeah it has been since the winter of 2009 that I have been waiting for P5 what's a couple more that was to me you know years ago it's so incredibly long that it's like what's a couple more months
Starting point is 02:51:13 a couple more months at that point I finish the thing whatever it needs to be instead of having something come out that we complain about for years well here's the thing I agree with you entirely with one exception and that is the mighty number nine problem of we are delaying the game to add a feature
Starting point is 02:51:29 that you don't care about I would be just as happy with just what Japanese voice acting I don't care and so the fact that it's being I know it's being delayed for general localization not just the voice acting but if it were to be
Starting point is 02:51:45 delayed specifically for the voice acting that would make me crazy because I don't care give it to me now yeah you know and I get the larger thing of like no it's a better overall product for everybody you know I get that yeah but for me that you know that's just this little
Starting point is 02:52:01 scratch it's like you know it's like Bloodborne think if they said if they came out oh you know Bloodborne took like four or five months more in the oven so we could get the chalice dungeons just right yeah yeah fuck although on that note that reminds me of
Starting point is 02:52:17 that super like not a real thing rumor that popped up where like out of nowhere some unsourced thing was like there's rumors that Miyazaki's next project is working with Mira and then everything got deleted and then everybody came out and was like no
Starting point is 02:52:33 prove it and was big sad and then it was and then now every trace of it deleted and gone so uh yeah we heard about those and I don't think they're real so anyway I used to be a lot more impatient than I am now but as I've gotten older and I play more I play
Starting point is 02:52:49 I found that as I got older like so Matt and I have like I've talked about this before we have completely diverged in paths from games or our habits used to be relatively similar but now he gets he gets more and more frustrated if he can't get through a game within a month right he feels like that's
Starting point is 02:53:05 a waste of time because he wants to play a wide variety of stuff yeah whereas I have doubled down on playing like eight games a year but they're all really fucking long and one of them is an MMO so I've
Starting point is 02:53:21 for me it's like there's gonna be one long one and that's gonna be around for a long time so you my MMO is your street fighter and then I'm gonna have to pepper my schedule with the rest as I can you know but and occasionally you just shut everything down for like a commitment but how about
Starting point is 02:53:37 you buddy how's it how have you found it as it gone because it's getting out of control it's really stressing me out I think I got like a lot of weird like frustrating receptions to me reviewing short little indie games that I think I like way better than long lasting big triple
Starting point is 02:53:53 A games because that's what I'm doing right now I'm playing like Fury and Stardew Valley like quick Stardew Valley is a game for nerds okay it's really good but this is stuff I like neglected earlier because I didn't think it would be good review material and now I really wish I had because they're way better games than the games I played this year which were like
Starting point is 02:54:09 I have Watch Dogs 2 which was like okay too good but um still like not really tickling me in the little sensitive spot well honestly more than that George you should be focusing on those indie game reviews because like there are
Starting point is 02:54:25 going to be enough reviews of Watch Dogs 2 but certainly right we'll get 217,615 views well then sell your soul you fucking ass I did that this year I don't want to sell my soul again next year
Starting point is 02:54:41 sell it hard you fuck start your minecraft no it's more fun not selling the soul like Deus Ex Mankind divided I spent a week and a half with that and that was like fine but I just wish I was playing Stardew Valley instead with that like I don't know like Doom was good but it just it's not like
Starting point is 02:54:57 go over and chill your butthole just do it money will come out but I have to like work shake it shake it for the people I played super hot earlier this year I was having the time of my life
Starting point is 02:55:13 yeah super hot this shit you gotta play that in VR man I was like flipping upside down backside around I was having having a ball I was just like squeezing fun out of every orifice and if you haven't played the VR version like you don't even know what you're missing
Starting point is 02:55:29 I might soon at magfest yeah I hope so let's move right into the emails unless there's anything newsworthy that you wanted to discuss wow the world is on fire
Starting point is 02:55:45 yeah it really sounds like our building is on fire yeah that's great it's currently you know we're in frost walrus stage outside and people are slipping and dying so we have to like shovel their remains
Starting point is 02:56:01 off of the sidewalks hey did you guys hear that Ariana Grande is gonna be in final who gives a fuck stupid pop music yeah your band sucks I said the band you like sucks the docket was done so again unless Bunny wanted to
Starting point is 02:56:17 we talked about frog fractions too for a little bit because I don't like I know there's more to it and I just want to I want it fresh hey woolly that leaked list of characters for Marvel well I was like
Starting point is 02:56:33 that could be possible it's not that the list is not believable it's that I don't believe that right up until max says I know for a fact that one of those names isn't true and I was like max seems like the kind of guy that would know a thing or two
Starting point is 02:56:49 that's kind of like just like with the announcement of the game itself it's like wait for a couple of notable FGC heads to kind of be like yo we don't give a fuck wait for a Marlin Pie to just be like uh
Starting point is 02:57:05 jeez jeez I don't care jeans in it you know cause like that's usually how that goes or something similar you'll be able to confirm I really wish that the FGC guys are a little more subtle like you turn into J. Wong stream and he's like man
Starting point is 02:57:21 I saw new characters for Marvel's Capcom I'm really excited and he's just surrounded by action figures of all the characters that are going to be in it that would be so perfect that's pretty that's not too far from what people like flow do
Starting point is 02:57:37 and shit like that like they're like I'm not gonna say nothing now excuse me while I drink out of my M bison mug delicious no like that's that's pretty close to how it goes anyway you know I fucking love flow so much that dance flow G sound is the best
Starting point is 02:57:53 that dance during the five reveals was a fun time as things were popping off and like these people that are in the FGC that are really really invested in these lists being real are not gonna fuck around with them you know so yeah if you've got questions
Starting point is 02:58:11 and you want to send them in to the super low energy cast oh I'm high energy now man well it's too late there's a fucking leader lead red bull you got that high energy on the way down from the roller coaster
Starting point is 02:58:27 you can send them where George to subpar butt bunnies at thank you yeah one more time um mildly okay acquaintances at
Starting point is 02:58:43 Hong fire oh fuck that's a good fool I haven't heard that shit in a while dude oh man fucking Hong fire oh that's good but the real email super best friend cast at
Starting point is 02:59:07 that's super best friend cast at on to the emails yeah uh we got emails we got one coming in I don't want one so that we can verbally make it bad every time
Starting point is 02:59:23 that's much better yeah oh on to the emails Josh asks Derek should we in fact face the solo crew I woke up on Christmas morning with my crotch and pink and I looked out to see a few bups and I walked into the bathroom mirror
Starting point is 02:59:39 and I see what is pretty surely herpes all over my other regions wow this begins one of the worst Christmases I've ever had with terrible breakfast terrible presents a pretty good dinner an 8 out of 10 but misery adores company
Starting point is 02:59:55 oh yeah what is the worst thing to happen to you guys during Christmas the worst thing to happen to me at Christmas that's a good one um I've never really had objectively awful Christmas I've had lame Christmases where like very little of the family
Starting point is 03:00:11 shows up and ends up just being like dinner with my parents you know that kind of thing yeah everybody's busy and or out of town or in another province and it it just ends up being like dinner with like your your parents maybe a few of your siblings and it's
Starting point is 03:00:27 it's no different from any other get together yeah uh I think you know outside of like like the realizing that the fun granada Christmas I had was totally a fucking cop from my mom
Starting point is 03:00:43 to like guilt us into like feeling bad about getting Shanghai that's fucked up that's you know because that was retroactively like fucked but it was fun at the time I think just yeah one of the ones like you know the kind of the recent years where we usually have the big gold
Starting point is 03:00:59 black family soul food dinner thing and um that because of stupid family squabbles and drama and people not being able to get along then we kind of don't have that sometimes and it's like bomb and just work your shit out so you can feed me can you just get along
Starting point is 03:01:15 so that I can eat so I can eat you know and then and then you can stop getting along afterwards that's that'd be great so uh I do remember one uh how about you buddy this didn't happen during Christmas
Starting point is 03:01:31 or Christmas Eve but the day before a ceiling fell on top of me ooh a whole ceiling yeah for real yeah uh so in Atlanta there was a snap freeze and whoever was upstairs of
Starting point is 03:01:47 the unit I was hanging out in did not drip their pipes the day before thus causing a horrible leak that eventually built up into the sheet rock and flashed cold ass water and dusty moldy ass sheet rock all over
Starting point is 03:02:03 me and the couch I was just taking a nap on and like Jesus she got woken up from a nap by an attack by the ceiling and what that did was it like instantly put me because I had to like help my friend clean this stuff up
Starting point is 03:02:19 into like handyman mode where we were rushing to find the water shut off valve to this house and like crawl into the crawl space in the attic to find the particular pipe that was leaking and like turn it off and it was uh it really like
Starting point is 03:02:35 soured the mood for the next three days how long ago was this about two years ago oh man that's awesome uh I do have one um and it wasn't my Christmas is ruined but it was my mom's Christmas ruined and that bummed me out
Starting point is 03:02:51 so my mom my grandma on my mom's side makes pretty fantastic shortbread cookies right and uh because she's out in Ontario she would bake these cookies they they keep forever if you freeze them right uh
Starting point is 03:03:07 and she would give them like a month beforehand or whatever right I forget how long but it was significantly before Christmas right and she'd give them to my mom she'd save these for Christmas and share them with the family right yep and this is my mom's favorite food item from her parents
Starting point is 03:03:23 right she kind of thing is like oh waiting all year until Christmas shortbread cookies right my brother found them immediately after they came into the house and over a period of time ate something like ate all of them
Starting point is 03:03:39 and we're talking like 400 shortbread cookies how long was the period of time Jesus Christ uh weeks at least wow and he just chipped away at them unbeknownst to everybody and then my mom goes okay guys Merry Christmas
Starting point is 03:03:55 you can all have grandma's shortbread cookies and she opens up a fucking completely empty box and here's and here's where my brother's plan failed my father and I
Starting point is 03:04:11 don't like shortbread cookies my sister doesn't particularly care for them either likes them well enough but she's not big on sweets the only two people in the house that really love the things are my mom and my brother
Starting point is 03:04:27 so it became immediately obvious what had happened and poor mom starts balling her eyes out because Christmas is ruined and my brother is like looking around for escape on Christmas morning
Starting point is 03:04:43 and it's like what do you fucking think was gonna happen you ate an entire Christmas tin of these fucking things what you what you thought that she wasn't gonna notice that there was zero he forgot the cookie oh so
Starting point is 03:04:59 Christmas was very awkward that year very awkward how old was your brother he's four years older than me so it was a grown ass wait at the time no no no this was long ago he was like 12 holy shit a grown ass 12
Starting point is 03:05:15 year old every story you tell every story you tell it just betrays a level of like it it's so dumb that it can't just be dumb it has to be offset by I don't care
Starting point is 03:05:31 you know like he cared he didn't want to get in trouble every time my brother ever gotten in trouble we always ask him the same question like how did you think what was your course of action you were obviously
Starting point is 03:05:47 going to get caught it was so obvious you didn't even plan an excuse you had months to come up with an excuse and you didn't have one Christmas at risk just like when you were telling the story I was imagining an 8 year old doing it
Starting point is 03:06:03 there were tons of cookies in there right you could have eaten 50 of them and you would have gotten away with it you just like oh I must have made a mistake and there weren't as many as I thought there were all of it
Starting point is 03:06:19 all of it you know how many cookies there must have been a 50 wouldn't have been a noticeable amount when my when my brother was young very young and I was like 3 and he was like 7 he came home from playing at the park one day with a bicycle
Starting point is 03:06:35 and my dad asked him where did you get that brand new bicycle and he goes I found it in the trash and this was like a Sunday and our trash day was not Sunday and I remember even being a small child of like
Starting point is 03:06:51 that's obviously a lie that's very like that's not true why would you say that where did he get the bike dad we'll talk about this later look man cookies now consequences later
Starting point is 03:07:07 it's very simple it's very similar to the thought process that goes through my head when I think about should I work now or be lazy now right and it's like well you know the old expression you can why why put off what you can do now and then later you'll have free time right but if I
Starting point is 03:07:23 if I be lazy right now I can be lazy right now free time right now and I'll just have to work later the benefits are immediate why would I put off the benefits why would I not have the benefits right away we are getting
Starting point is 03:07:39 well yeah that being said waking up with the herbs on the Christmas yeah that's an all-timer that's curable it is not curable yeah that's a lifelong pal
Starting point is 03:07:55 shouldn't have put on that mistletoe belt buckle oh to our listeners out there with the herbs it's not that big but deal but you can you can stop the outbreak you can you can minimize it significantly
Starting point is 03:08:11 it's just there for life is all now now you're in now it's look at listen you get it and now you're playing on a new server that's all it is I once I once had one of those it might be a less populated server
Starting point is 03:08:27 it might be a bit harder to get your matches going and your instances might take longer but hey listen I once did a bunch of reading on like every horrible disease that could happen to your genitals because it was like hmm what's the how bad can it get it can get pretty bad but
Starting point is 03:08:43 um the what what got me is that prior to the invention of anti herpes cream herpes was not looked upon societally like disfavorably it was just oh you gotta thing there ah whatever right but then once the the
Starting point is 03:08:59 first anti herpes medication got created there was this intense ad campaign going man your junk's fucking disgusting no one's ever gonna love you buy our cream yeah yeah yeah and that's how we got to where we are now where everyone's
Starting point is 03:09:15 terrified of the herpes yeah um anyway don't get the herpes it's disgusting try not to you know love you buddy keep fighting the good fight do your best um we got one cover with a paper bag
Starting point is 03:09:31 that's all you gotta do whatever like if I can there's ways to reduce it short socks yeah especially that's the best one proven by science just put icy hot on it yeah don't put icy hot on it that is a joke
Starting point is 03:09:47 don't do it dear darlington patrick shorted weebs in the spirit of looking forward to the new year and leaving behind the shitty one uh make new york's resolutions for each other I don't know woolly I feel like you'd have a very
Starting point is 03:10:03 easy time coming up with a new year's resolution for me there are a lot of things you dislike about my behavior I think you you could just go stop doing that ah ah yeah
Starting point is 03:10:19 there's a lot there are so many to choose from but which one hmm hmm buddy do you while you think on that buddy do you have any for us uh I'm gonna look up and see if
Starting point is 03:10:35 uh how easy it is to make a hog fire account um um are you still like I know that like fuck you have to ask me clarification for this it makes me really scared
Starting point is 03:10:51 no it's more just like I think your resolution should be to start like if you still require like taking your shits inside of safes in order to feel the level of isolation that you do okay that you should start
Starting point is 03:11:07 working your way out into slightly more public I I will I will out myself in a way that is could directly contrary to your thing Wally okay
Starting point is 03:11:23 there have been days in which I have woken up and it's a day that you and I have to work that day or you and Matt and I or whoever right and it's like oh I gotta be at the office for two right I will show up here as early as noon
Starting point is 03:11:39 because I know no one will be here and then I will lock the front door and then I will lock the front door of the office and then I will lock the front door of the bathroom and then I will I will save it till then because
Starting point is 03:11:55 three layers of security no one's in this building no one's gonna be in this building no one's like it's it's more private than my house if you could get up to space if you could get up to the fucking Sputnik
Starting point is 03:12:11 for an extra level of isolation if you could rid the planet of people temporarily here's here's how my mind actually works alright if you're taking a dump in your house right yeah between me on the toilet and the outside world
Starting point is 03:12:27 you only have to kick down two doors mm-hmm okay but in this bathroom in the office you would have to kick down three doors therefore this is a better place to go to the bathroom if you could kill the entire population of
Starting point is 03:12:43 earth every time you took a dump yeah and then resurrect them when you were finished I would do that every time every time and that's why I think your resolution should be that work your way out of the safe yeah out of the banks vault that you're currently take your dump occasionally when I'm at start being
Starting point is 03:12:59 occasionally when I'm at the house and there's people in the house I turn all the lights off still so that I can pretend that it's not going on it's not happening and so if anyone does kick down the door they won't be able to see if you can just aim your aim your ass into like
Starting point is 03:13:15 a wormhole out of existence entirely but get a fight this that's what you're not there you're only increasing the chances of people knocking on the door and finding out you're there in a more embarrassing way than if you just put the light on
Starting point is 03:13:31 oh no that is true you are increasing the chances of someone just swinging that door so what I need to do is I need to run the shower so people think I'm in the shower and they want to walk in yeah because there's nothing wrong with showering like pooping and that covers the noise no because everyone knows what a
Starting point is 03:13:47 shower sounds like when no one's standing in it and they know exactly what it's so what I need to do is get a dummy and put in the shower get a shadow clone alright so what I will attempt I will attempt to cut down
Starting point is 03:14:03 on the obsessive isolation during the bathroom moments I have one for you Woolly go to the sleep doctor oh that got real okay I am
Starting point is 03:14:19 sick of you coming into work and you look like shit and I go hey what's up did you sleep bad and you look at me with this like bemused look on your face go sleep right that sucks and I know that sucks because that was
Starting point is 03:14:35 me last year okay get your fucking loser mask and have the shit pumped in your fucking face like a fucking dipshit and have a decent night sleep you fucking ass wait what's like yeah I had one built up for this alright the mask
Starting point is 03:14:51 with stupid shit injected I wear a sleep apnea mask you gotta turn into bane so that you don't die in your sleep okay because woolly and I are the kind of people that when we sleep we actively choke and sound like death it's bad and I got
Starting point is 03:15:07 the sleeping mask and it's been a humongous quality of life until some stupid little adorable furry asshole started to chew holes in my fucking tube I was like why is the air pressure so elmo you fuck
Starting point is 03:15:23 elmo's gonna murder you elmo is chewing on my fucking breathing tube because I'm not awake and I'm not hugging him enough and wow that's very adorable oh that's the cutest little murder I know I now have to I'm buying replacement tubes and my current tube
Starting point is 03:15:39 is wrapped with band-aids and tape to keep the air pressure up it's fucking stupid I love that cat I'm gonna get him another fountain he killed tried to murder you in the cutest way it's mad slaughter technically alright now what do we want to give bunny hop for
Starting point is 03:15:55 can I do you guys first yeah that's what I was gonna say it's your turn so yeah let's try to push back on the black face angle a bit if if you please maybe by the end of next year we'll have it not be the third google
Starting point is 03:16:11 result when you search for my name bunny to be fair as soon as it started to get out of as soon as I saw the Sailor Moon Mami face on our subreddit that was the exact
Starting point is 03:16:27 moment when I was like it was when the actual images started popping up there's always there's always people far too far and we immediately stopped and that was months ago the humor
Starting point is 03:16:43 and the fun of what we do is that it's in the realm of the imagination you don't actually go and do it I don't want fucking cartoon blackface images associated with my full name that will come back on me sorry George
Starting point is 03:16:59 being a 60 70 year old granddad and having like the kids come over for Christmas and hearing about this wacky youtube channel I ran when I was younger and google searching that and that's still the third result and they go
Starting point is 03:17:15 grandpa bunny hop what's a blackface and you explain to them and they're like what's a black people and you go well before the war cause like you know blackface minstrel shows were a thing from
Starting point is 03:17:31 like the 1910s to the 1930s so my grand children it's something from before when we were born and you know how you like kind of group everything together in history from before you were born versus after you were born cause that was the experience they're not gonna like
Starting point is 03:17:47 they're gonna group the stupid blackface joke in with like blackface being a real popular means of entertainment in the American south as being the time of history before they were born like they're not gonna know how stupid of a joke it is they're just gonna assume
Starting point is 03:18:03 it was like a slightly less show them that bit from always sunny you know the lethal weapon 4 yeah lethal weapon 5 man come on close enough it's funny because my version of the end of the race war
Starting point is 03:18:19 is not the opposite it's just everyone becomes that like cora colored everybody becomes tan with a few asian features and blonde hair super smart super athletic and good at
Starting point is 03:18:35 conquering people that's the mass effect universe like canon timeline is that in the mass effect universe like racial divisions become like incredibly difficult to determine because the advent of
Starting point is 03:18:51 space travel means interbreeding become like and also aliens make your human racial differences look fucking stupid right cause people are doing it with aliens all over the blue chicks damn so george i think
Starting point is 03:19:07 honestly that the only way that you fight down those google search results is through larger controversy or bigger jokes so you might have to take a hit on larger things so i either have to say something really funny
Starting point is 03:19:23 or do something really stupid or we have to associate you with something worse yeah no or similar and push it harder this is my new year's resolution alright we walked back the blackface
Starting point is 03:19:39 we walked back the soft shoe we walked back the unsubscribed cause we never made that joke in the first place no no the unsubscribed that's fine whatever like my grandkids can google that can you settle with people gizzing into your socks
Starting point is 03:19:55 okay alright we'll have to live with that world okay that's a world i can live in order your george sleeves now you can't they're out of stock you gotta find somebody else's george they're extremely limited editions so you should have bought them earlier they'll never come back ever again oh my god
Starting point is 03:20:11 you say a word and it takes a few seconds for it to really sink in everyone can share this one george sleeve blackface george it's for the under job oh i love you george
Starting point is 03:20:29 you're the best alright i got a new year's resolution for puny hop try and relax a bit more buddy you come off as a humorless fuck occasionally wait really that's it that's all you had for me what the fuck man try and relax a bit more no stop
Starting point is 03:20:45 wow you're off to a great start my resolution for bunny hop is that you return fire and double down with the ammunition and try to get our names associated with horrible shit on giggle that's the thing that hasn't happened
Starting point is 03:21:01 so far is that with all of our call outs and all of our dirt throwing we've never like the best dirt throw so far at one of us has been mad trying to like in the walking dead play through like i'm going
Starting point is 03:21:17 oh that really bums me out and he goes what the south will never rise again yeah i know it really bothers you like confederate pat was pretty good right but like nothing nothing from elsewhere i guess people are too afraid to start youtube drama
Starting point is 03:21:33 drama alert but i i think that like i think buddy hop has the power to like make an almost informative video on some dark horrible thing that we're into and expose it and research it and conclude on it in the same
Starting point is 03:21:49 like five minute time you keep thinking that because you're nervous about it well oh that sounds like you got some dirt oh what do you got what do you got oh i don't know i'll find out at magfest oh yeah and we'll see like who walks out it's going to end
Starting point is 03:22:05 with a photo of you eating like a sandwich in an awkward moment do normal people know about the negative campaign ads that me and austin eruption were running against each other i don't know if they do we're like this was just like
Starting point is 03:22:21 a stupid inside joke or whatever but but he went to the bathroom at a water burger and it took a while and then when he came back like me and the car full of friends were we're doing this negative campaign but we're like austin eruption jerks off in water burger bathrooms is this the man you want in charge
Starting point is 03:22:37 of your sewers that's uh i mean getting up taking too long in a bathroom at a rap fast food restaurant is totally asking to get shit on i don't think are those the kind of people you want in charge of your children is there anything
Starting point is 03:22:53 wait why are you two people being put in charge of your children i what if they try to run for political office one day you gotta you gotta keep a blackmail file oh my god i ordered a happy meal and took it into the bathroom with him really i bet he's fucking the lettuce you want to be comp-troller
Starting point is 03:23:09 what the fuck oh you just wanted an excuse to say comp-troller that's always the awkward position no one gives a fuck about it i don't know what the fuck a comp-troller is it sounds cool but it's probably is a comp-troller just a fucking dota player in comp-stomp games a comp-troller is
Starting point is 03:23:25 a controller used in the title of some financial offices he ruins it always is a management level position responsible for supervising the quality of accounting for financial reporting of an organization he's doing that thing again woolly do what fact checking
Starting point is 03:23:41 yeah the thing that ruins the podcast don't fact check on a podcast that's wrong oh somebody somebody pointed out something that i said the other day that was wrong as they want to do and i came up with an idea i would like everyone
Starting point is 03:23:57 to band together maybe form a google doc and i want a catalog of everything that i say that is wrong and i want to like i want to make that into a book one day i mean i'm sure like i feel like between
Starting point is 03:24:15 the fucking twitter accounts and tumblers and posts that go up regularly on the subreddit that you can probably just gather that information because it's already been logged yeah but i don't want to do it i want somebody else to do it i'll take credit for their work and then i'll make money off of it
Starting point is 03:24:31 are you sure you just won't be blackmailed when you try to run for some kind of office yeah like i'm going to run for office i hope someone was dying in the street pat buvang is going to run for office like they should be lined up and shot i see every day
Starting point is 03:24:47 every video every piece of content i make myself more unelectable that's that's the job that's what we signed up for that's the life we chose or rather the life that shows us anything cool after this no and that's why i want the results of this war that we have
Starting point is 03:25:03 buddy hop i want the result you wanted to be scorched earth i want the google results to be so like revolts revolting you know what i want you know what i want i don't want this don't do this but you know it would be funny you changed your mind real fast you to type in
Starting point is 03:25:19 patrick buvang and the first result is stop motion the second result is alouettes and the third result is youtube nazi question mark i didn't know you have a vimeo account
Starting point is 03:25:37 i have a vimeo account no it's it's the other one that does better videos than us you should check out the other patrick buvang from montreal because his stop motion stuff is stellar yeah the better pat buvang i don't need this there are three guys
Starting point is 03:25:53 named pat in my fucking bird squad that is infuriating to me im pat anyway im pat so yes but george we look forward to your ammo sir and we will meet you
Starting point is 03:26:09 like generals on the field we'll ride our horses out exchange notes and see what dirt you've dug up why can't we all just get along okay so okay i'll find out what's in your browser i remember when i first met
Starting point is 03:26:25 mr bunny hop mr george over in atlanta and we went out to dinner at i believe it was that barbeque place or the german place it was the german place the beer garden and i sat next to him
Starting point is 03:26:41 chatting with george and i kept calling him a bitch and i kept telling him to fuck off bitch i don't remember that and he kept looking at me with all sad puppy eyes and shit and going wink why
Starting point is 03:26:57 why you keep i loved you bunny and he would go why i don't remember several things you just said you were drinking sure i'm sure i was Laughs bunny doesn't
Starting point is 03:27:13 understand the antagonistic love i bet he's not into the sunday as much either i got that george i am your sunday he's sitting right now so why would you do that if you want to bang me just ask
Starting point is 03:27:29 he's doing it right now just ask if you want to bang me don't pretend that you don't want to bang me i'm going to pretend all the time because that's how i'm going to live my life babaka you're setting yourself up for a miserable only existence yeah but you know
Starting point is 03:27:45 the pushing the pull is part of the fun of it the whole the pushing the pull you're talking about on the on the penis no games i just want to go straight for the dicks you like yourself a ray don't you no resistance
Starting point is 03:28:01 okay wow exactly that's the worst part that's why it's terrible so great you can just like extrapolate i don't know aggressive sexual practices out of okay
Starting point is 03:28:17 so on the podcast i don't know why last watched it when i was 13 years old that's early enough to fuck you up forever i heard do you want the one that likes you do you want the one that hates you do you want the one that doesn't feel anything about you at all
Starting point is 03:28:35 i heard the podcast on the podcast george super bunny hop was yelling pat to get into his dick sleeve if you buy like another one when when they never come out again then oh my god we need to end this podcast really badly we need to just swerve
Starting point is 03:28:51 out of here because i don't know where it's going but it needs to stop okay all of the podcast that me and you have done will he have ended like this they have all done this he was not the busty older lady that they had a photo of in the first
Starting point is 03:29:07 episode just uh-huh um um miss at all i think she was my fave i'm gonna look it up miss at all there are are are um uh-huh re-re-re-reblanc yeah yeah the one who was just like get drunk in and have fun to go no miss out on miss
Starting point is 03:29:23 that's miss out of show yeah she's the the ryoko of evan gellion yeah yeah the the like older lady that's a that's a that's a decent pic that's a decent older lady hitting on the 14 year old yeah yeah that was always my fantasy yeah
Starting point is 03:29:39 um hmm all right we did it we did it we uh we pushed George leaves that's a you can't i answered your question you'll have to make your own
Starting point is 03:29:55 you'll have to make your own you'll have to make your own i mean people do lots of things in prison they figure out the tech like people innovate all the time folks necessity is the mother of invention
Starting point is 03:30:11 i can't buy george leaves anymore george george i'm trying to thank you i'm trying to thank you for tolerating this why would you thank me i came in you sat down and that's all i asked of you fucking
Starting point is 03:30:27 love it when bunny's around these things are fun oh man good times he's a good guy you should subscribe to his youtube channel and watch him on twitch play rainbow six even though that game sucks immediate i don't think you've even played it for like a i don't
Starting point is 03:30:43 need to play something to know it sucks dad that's how it works son if you want to appreciate how fast titanfall is go watch his video about skill based um shooters if you want to not like him very much go watch
Starting point is 03:30:59 his video about how e3 sucks and you shouldn't care everyone really likes my my video about the blood born dlc2 that was that sigh up there oh is it yeah i think i actually saw that one investigative kojima reporting oh that one's the best one because you know
Starting point is 03:31:15 it was it was news he did it you broke the news a one podcast we broke the podcast yeah well how do we break the podcast oh well dude it's at this rate no i thought you meant like oh i just lost all no no i mean we can see the cracks oh yeah no you can see the
Starting point is 03:31:31 podcast is falling apart i'm i'm you know holding it together right now you guys need to play rainbow six with with me and the dads i don't care how shitty you think it is the banter would be like grade a part part of the reason i don't play
Starting point is 03:31:47 it george is i know i'll be bad at it but no i'll be bad it will be hilarious hearing you talk about being bad at it can i just hold the shield and not shoot yeah yeah that's a role you can play george i'll think about it
Starting point is 03:32:03 i'll think about it i want to watch it i said i want to watch the streams and get a get a feel for the for the thing i've watched some of it it i'm very confused honestly because i you know i enjoy the the black gift teamwork that we so i want to um that's that's that's
Starting point is 03:32:19 fucking that's just the name of the team yeah come on you organize a stream with dad squad delta right now around nine thirty p.m. eastern the invitation why do you call it dad squad are all the other guys in your team dad no it's just a stupid inside joke that okay i'm gonna call and have going
Starting point is 03:32:35 okay all right what you got going on and where can people check you out dude i'm gonna be reviewing to 2016 on the the week i get back from magfast which is on january 12th after that i'm gonna try to make good videos again
Starting point is 03:32:51 instead of just like one-off reviews because i think i have a like more fun with with those than one-off reviews hmm good videos are good yeah i don't know if if anyone listening might know people who worked on the dream cast who might be able to hook me up with a story i'm trying to pursue
Starting point is 03:33:07 i've been trying to pursue you may know one guy i can't get in touch with uh them the gender neutral guy is that guy dead i maybe hope um let's see uh trying to get some cool
Starting point is 03:33:23 podcast guests going um hopefully i can arrange uh daniel dweyer on my own podcast at the to vg cast named after gerard the completionist brand who uh roped me in to start something of my own i always enjoy doing that look that up if you don't know about
Starting point is 03:33:39 it we'll never get to be on his podcast you guys were on the podcast wasn't though wait pat was i already forgot no pat was never on it i will never get to be on that i don't like your podcast anyway it's
Starting point is 03:33:55 stupid okay you were such a like sundary ah you can't even see the pink lines on his cheeks it's how i live my life bro how are you like pouty cheek except how do you have a girl do you just tell her how much you hate her
Starting point is 03:34:11 she is exactly the same as i am i will never understand exactly people oh i hate her you got so much it's the best i will never understand what it's like to wake up in the morning to that and appreciate it oh it's the best
Starting point is 03:34:27 what's coming up on our channel is our continued dark souls our continued titanfall 2 that'll be finishing off relatively soon i'm going to be a titanfall not dark souls yeah titanfall well no dark souls we got a ways to go yeah we gotta go
Starting point is 03:34:43 i'm going to be heading over to magfest Liam's gonna be there as well and we are doing a panel with um professional sit back jeff thugh aka mother's basement about the best video game op's so come check that out on
Starting point is 03:34:59 thursday on amuse is the winner right thursday at 6pm i believe check out the schedule on amuse is number one with the bullet right i mean it's on my list the other guys can fuck this out they won awards but um i got a couple others and we're gonna talk about them so yeah if you're around magfest come check that out
Starting point is 03:35:15 um hopefully we can get some video up if you're not going to be there and in the meantime uh you know while i'm gone we're going to have some more one-offs and quick looks and uh you know yeah supplementary things that we do yeah we're gonna be the basic
Starting point is 03:35:31 the basic structure basic structure that woolly and i have folded in on over the past a week or so is uh we're gonna be doing LPs every other day at three o'clock and then uh at night
Starting point is 03:35:47 at nine we're gonna have either a one-off uh matt's got a big backlog of stuff that he gave to us that we can put up of various videos that either showed up somewhere else or whatever yeah well it was it was exactly the um the the obscure of things that didn't really get pushed that much or some stuff that we did yeah so
Starting point is 03:36:03 we're putting those up at night alongside one-offs uh next week i think we're only gonna have 11 videos maybe it'll only be the week after but you're gonna get at least 10 or more every week no problem yeah um i mean you know we're gonna try to fill it out as best we can and uh
Starting point is 03:36:19 that'll be that and if uh and if the and uh and uh also if the the um we're good this week for stuff right yeah we are we're totally we're totally good this week and um you know like i said the main thing is to have the two LPs uh going
Starting point is 03:36:35 off at three and so one off next next week um if any of the videos are super fucked up it's not my fault we're trying something new we're trying something new oh hopefully it works out yeah but if they're
Starting point is 03:36:51 super fucked up let me know but it's not my fault we're gonna have to check it but we're gonna see if um um someone can help us with some editing yeah uh is basically what's gonna go down so all right i'd say that's it man um george pleasure having you man is he already gone
Starting point is 03:37:07 no no i'm still here i was just that'd be awesome no you know what he was doing right he was low key masturbating oh into his own sleeve that's what he's always wanted of his own make yeah be careful though you don't want to like fade the colors washing them too much so use your george socks sparingly
Starting point is 03:37:23 well you turned them inside out of course what's the point if the faces are not facing in or see you guys next week see you guys next week okay i won't even say okay fine you want that skin to george
Starting point is 03:37:43 contact uh uh uh uh uh uh uh
Starting point is 03:39:53 uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh
Starting point is 03:40:15 uh uh uh uh uh you play first uh uh
Starting point is 03:40:41 uh uh uh uh uh uh

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